rj»|74 •«'«''• i . ■ ,, » Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/dictionaryhindusOOforbrich D I C T I N AR Y OF THE HINDUSTANI LANGUAGE. ' A DICTIONARY, HINDUSTANI & ENGLISH:' ACCOMPANIED BY A REVERSED DICTIONARY, ENGLISH AND HINDUSTANI. ^fie Sbcconlr IBtritton, GREATLY ENLARGED, AND MUCH IMPROVED. By DUNCAN FORBES, LL.D. PROFESSOR OF ORIBNTAi LANGUAGES AND LITEBATURB IN KING's OOLLEGB, LONDON ; HBHBER OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. AND AUTHOR OF SEVERAL WORKS TENDING TO FACILITATE THE ACQUISITION OF THB HINDUSTANI AND PERSIAN LANGUAGES. Part I.— HINDUSTANI AND ENGLISH. V 6^ OF TO* ^iIFO^>^ LONDON: Wm. H. ALLEN & CO., 13, WATERLOO PLACE. 8.W. PUBLISHERS TO THE INDIA OFFICE. 18fl6. <^^7f? LONDON : PIIINTED BY W. n. ALUiN AND CO., 13 WATilEIiOO PI/ACE. F7 /vvw. .^ PREFACE. A Dictionary, Hindustani and English, accompanied by a reverse p^rt, English and HindustanT, has hitherto been a desideratum in this country. It must be obvious to every one that the student of a foreign language, desirous of speaking and writing, as well as reading it, should have not only the words of such foreign language explained in his own, but also the words of his own tongue rendered into that foreign language ; and that any Dictionary confined merely to one department is essentially defective. Thirty years' experience in teaching the HindiistanT language has convinced me that this deficiency, added to the exorbitant prices charged for HindiistanT Dictionaries, has greatly impeded learners. I have therefore endeavoured to remove this impediment by com- piling a Dictionary of the principal colloquial language of India at once copious, portable, and of a moderate price. These objects have been attained by using a small but clear and distinct letter-press ; by employing the Roman character wherever it answered the purpose better than the Oriental ; and by excluding every thing not practically useful. By these means I have been enabled in the following work to comprise in a single volume, of con- venient dimensions, both parts of a complete Hindustani and Hindi Dictionary, including, at the same time, not only more words, but more information really useful to the student, than will be found in any Dictionary of the language hitherto published. " It is proper that I should here give a brief account of the sources to which I am nidebted for the materials of this Dictionary, and of the mode in which I have compiled both its parts. The basis of the first part is the ^Dictionnry, Hindoostanee and E?u/lisk,' in 2 vols. 4to., published by William Hunter, M.D., Calcutta, 1S08. Upon this foundation I have superadded at least fifteen thousand words and phrases from the following sources : 1st. A vast number of useful words, both Urdii and Hindi, from the eccentric, but copiojis vocabulary appended to Dr. Gilchrist's 'Hindee Moral F-^eceptor,' 8vo. London, 1821. 2ndly, AM the useful words and phrases occurring in Glad-*fn's ^Dictionary of Mahomedan Law and Bengal Revenue Terms,' 4to., Calcutta, 1797. 3rdly, A great number of new words from * A Glossary of Indian Termf^' 8vo., Agra, 1845, by H. M. Elliot, Esq., Bengal Civi' Service. 4thly, Many Persian and Arabic words (which occur in Hindustani), from Professor Johnson's last edition of Richardson's '■Pavsian and Arabic Dirtionarjf,* othly. Several thousands of Hindi words from Dr. Adam's 'Hindi Dictionary ^^ 2nd edition, Bvo., Calcutta. 6thly, From the Vocabulary accompanying the 'Prem Sagar, 4to., Cal- onlth, 1825, I have extracted all such words as were not found in Hunter's Diciionarjr, fi PREFACE. 7thly, From ThompBon'B * Hindi and English Dictionary,' royal 8vo., Delhi, 1846, 1 have culled many pure Hindi or Sanskrit words not to be found in any of the sources above mentioned. 8thly, I have inserted in their proper places all the words occurring in the Appendix to the 'Dukhnee Unwari Soheilee,' printed at Madras, 1824 ; also many words from the ' Qjanoon e islam/ by Dr. Herklots, London, 1832. To the materials collected from all the foregoing sources I have added numerous words, phrases, and significations that I hare met with in the course of my experience in teaching the language."* In preparing this Second Edition, neither toil nor expense has been spared on the part of the author and publishers, in order to render it the most complete work of the kind ever offered to the public. The improvements and enlargements now effected are the following — First. All the words contained in the Hindi Dictionaries of Dr. Adam and Mr. Thomson have, in this edition, been incorporated each in its proper place. By this means the student is now enabled, for the first time, to read by the aid of one single Dictionary, any production that may fall in his way, whether Urdu or Hindi. Secondly. All Sanskrit and Hindi words are given both in the Persian and Devanagari characters; while words from the Arabic and Persian, together with those peculiar to the Dakhan, are given in the Persian character only. This enables the student at a glance to distinguish the words which are purely Indian or Hindu, from those which are Exotic or Musalman. Thirdly. I have inserted all the words contained in the Persian text of the Gulistan of Sa'di, so as to enable the learner, by the aid of my Persian Grammar and this Dictionary alone, to qualify himself for passing the requisite examination in Persian. Fourthly. To my friend and quondam pupil, Robert B. M. Binning, Esq., of the Madras Civil Service, I am indebted for numerous words and phrases peculiar to the corrupt dialect of the Dakhan, or South India j besides many interesting explanations and definitions of words purely Hindustani, that have never before appeared in any Dictionary of the language. These, when of some length, I have, in justice to Mr. Binning, marked with his name or initials ; and I feel both pride and pleasure in thus publicly acknowledging how much I have been benefited by that gentleman's kind and disinterested services. At his own request an interleaved copy of the first edition was, some years ago, forwarded to him in India ; and the result has been that the same was in due time returned to me, well filled with sound and valuable information. Fifthly. I have also to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Charles Rieu, of the British Museum, for his able and hearty co-operation throughout, both in preparing the work for the press, and also in correcting the proof sheets as they were issued in the course of printing. Dr. Rieu, with a view to improve, or, more correctly speaking, to complete, his knowledge of the language, has, within the last four or five years, read the following important works; viz. in Urdii— the " Akhldki Hindi," the ** Khirad-Afroz" the " Quit BakawaR" the " Ara,ishi Mahfil" and the " Ikhrvanu-s-Safa ; ^nd in Hindi — the " BaitcU Pachlsi," the " Singhasan Battin," and the " Prem Sagar." He used an interleaved copy of the first edition of this Dictionary ; and marked down in its proper place every word not already included in that work, by which means a multitude of words and phrases has been collected that had hitherto escaped the notice of lexicographers, myself among the number. * Preface to the First Edition, 1848. PHRFACB. Ul Lastly. I have to acknowledge my obligations to the valuable work recently published by Professor H. H. Wilson, Librarian to the East-India Company, &c. &c., entitled "A Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms, and of usefid words occurring in Official Docu- ments relating to the Administration of the Government of British India." From that work I have here inserted all such words as are Arabic, Persian, Hindiistani, Sanskrit, or Hindi. Many of them never before appeared in any Dictionary, and a vast number of others may be met with in Dictionaries that have not attached to them the significations they bear in official documents. All such significations I have carefully added where thev were wanted ; and when the explanations were too long for insertion in full, I have referred the student to Professor Wilson's work for further information. I have been enabled to save a vast deal of space by making a fi"ee and legitimate use of the Roman character, according to a fixed system — that of Sir William Jones. The economy of this plan will be seen at once by a reference to the words ,.^X)T ankh, " the eye;" J5 dilf " the heart ;" ^ gul, " a rose," or to the numerous compounds under the particles (3 be, u nn, and ^ 2a, &c. ; where I have, in one column, given as much matter as the great quarto Dictionaries furnish in four or five. This has been effected by rejecting the Oriental type, which has enabled me to use a much smaller Roman type after the first line of every article. The use of the Roman character in all phrases and compounds, &c. originating fi-om the leading word, as, for example, under /i^Sol ankh, &c., is just as unerring as if the Persian and Devanagarl characters accompanied it throughout. Every Roman letter has its cor- responding symbol in either of the Oriental characters ; hence there can be no difficulty or uncertainty in converting any word written in the former into either of the latter. If the reader has the least doubt on this score, he hag merely to cast his eye over the following tables. « 1st. A Table shewing the correspondence of the vrowels in the Persian, Roman, and Devanagari characters : — VOWELS. INITIAL NON -INITIAL. Persian. Roman. DevanagarL Persian. R«Nnan. [>evaiiAgarI Persian. Roman. Devaniigarl. \ a V -r'^ ab «9 iV bad W^ • ^ iji»« ^ U m jjjd din f^ f » » \ M ^ ;^» tu 911 C^ but W?T T a WT (.>»" a» mm Ob bat WTW y Wt C/,l ok ihm yti SO 9t f t » j^ u Ij ,,\ id ^ y « \ au ^ J aur iftr y nau (ft at t w aitu ^ t^ ka% t IV PREFACB. Let it be remembered, that in all Oriental words a is to be sounded short, as in " happy,** " America;" — t, short, as in "fit," "fin;" — w, short, as in " put," " push ;" — a, long, as in *' war," " water ;" — o, long, as in ** pole," " mole ;" — u, long, as in " rule ;" — au, like our ou in " sound," or the German au in " haus," a house ; — e, like our ea in " bear," or the French & in de, only longer in quantity ; — ^t, long, as in the words " police," " machine ;" and — ai, like our i in fire," " fine," or the German ai in " Kaiser," a Caesar or emperor. The anomalous Sanskrit vowel ^n is expressed in the Persian character merely by, (re with a kasra) and in the Roman character by ri, sounded as ri in ** rill," " rip," &c. 'fhe Arabic termination L is represented in the Roman character by a or «, according as its sound is short or long, ' 2ndly, A Table shewing the agreement of the consonants, Persian, Roman, and Deva- nagari — CONSONANTS. Persiaa. Roman. Devanaj^ari. I Persian. Boman. i>eTanagarI. \ ^ b W -^ ch >T V P T? 4^. ph ^ O t 11 4> th ^ t Z '^" th 3 CJ s ^ t W -^ jh »BL ^ ch n -^ chh ^ c h ? t kh T i d ^ ^i dh V 5 4 Y ^l dh ■e '^ s ^ J r K ; r f >; rh 7 J P ir zh ^ u- s ^ u^ sh 51 CK» s w c> z 1 \> t IT Penrian. Roman. DevanagarL ^ z W t » 'W Src. t gh T] <-i f I* J h ^ C/ k ^ ^ kh ^ ^ T 4 gh 1» J I ^ r m n e) n ^ J w 1 s h V hanstid 1?^ " to laugh." The terminations an, int un, denote the Arabic nunatiorij and the m denotes the Persian j which in some words is not sounded, as in MwaA, »^y»-. Lastly, the m indicates the short sound ofj in a few Persian words, as d^ khud. 3rd. A Table for converting the Devanagari characters into the corresponding Persian and Roman characters : — ^ ^ n < ^ r It kh 9 ^ IT ^ u Cj -^ n t 'k l8t.— INITIAL VOWELS \ % ■? J ^ ^ ^ ^. \ ^\ \ j^ J S^^ J^ y y % t U u ri e ai a24 2nA— CONSONANTS. '^ w ^ ^ IT *fil 5? Z 7 V « 4 u w -^ C 4^ U s^ 4? t: a ih n ck chh J JA n t «A (^ ffA ^ W ^ ^ 1» ^ Vt 1 t ^ p Jtd i;J V •U «--> 4? r */ J J d V dh n p P^ b 6A m y r i V. , ^ . '11 W « f :> or ^5 O- ib tv A 4 kh « A 3rd — VOWLLS FOLLOWING A CONSONANT, ^ f^ ^ 1^ ^ .ib '^V >v «^yr bad bid M<^ bud bud ^ M if^ ^ ^ ■^ «>y '•9- eo X bed baid bod baud »a baa '■^ brid It may be observed, that the Devanagari letter T has sometimes the sound of a cerebral r ; in which ,ase it is marked with a dot beneath, thus ?, and corresponds with V or J in the Persian character ; as, TST bara, " great," \v ; and in like manner ^ dh with a dot beneath becomes >)• /A, as in ^fTW " old age," blifc}^ burhapa. The various nasals of the Devanagari are represented in the Persian character by the letter ^^, which will be PREPACK. found sufficient for all useful purposes. The letter 1^ is generally represented by (ji ; but gometimes by ^^ ; and the letter ^ is more frequently ^ than {j^. The compound ^ is generally represented by ,^ chh or ^ kh, more rarely by ^JiS ksh, its proper sound. The compound ff is represented by j_^; as, '^I^ cigya (ajna), wl : its real sound is that of gn in the French words champagne, ligne, &c. It appears, then, that the Devanagari alphabet may be represented with tolerable exactness in the Persian character; but the converse does not hold, as the Persi- Arabic alphabet has fourteen letters which have no exact counterpart in the Devanagari. The plan adopted in this case is to represent the letters in question by such Nagarl letters as approxi- mate nearest to them in sound, which in printed books are generally distinguished with a dot underneath ; thus, ^ TJI JJ W&C. ^? ^ ^f^F^^f « In some printed books, for instance in Dr. Gilchrist's " Sindee Story-teller,** an attempt has been made to form distinct Devanagari letters for the various forms of the Persian and Arabic z, which, it will be observed, are all represented by if ; but in reality the object is not worth the labour. In the first place, the Hindus, who alone use the Devanagari character, are sparing in the use of Persian or Arabic words, to one or other of which the various forms of the letter z belong; and secondly, such words as they have in the course of centuries adopted have become naturalized, or rather corrupted, so as to suit the elements of the Nagarl ; thus, [jjto\»- is generally written and sounded flftixt hajiri. The letter c is generally represented in Nagari by employing the vowel with which it is connected, in the o c o > initial form, with a dot under it : as, tiao W^ hold ; J^ ^^ Wm ; j^ ^Tf *umr. This method is sufficient for practical use; but it is by no means satisfactory, as maybe seen in the monosyllable ^S^, which in Persian and Arabic is sounded ha^d (the a uttered from the bottom of the throat) ; but according to the rules of the Devanagari alphabet it makes liaad. In fact, the Hindiis seem to view the letter e as a vowel, and not as a consonant, which it really is. In the compilation of the Second Part, my principal authority is Dr. Gilchrist's " Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee," 2 vols. 4to. with Appendices, Calcutta, 1798, reprinted, &c. Edinburgh, 1810, in one volume, 4to. The merits of this work have been amply appreciated by Hindustani scholars for more than half a century. The first orientalist of the present day speaks of it as " a work of great merit and labour : the collection of HindiistanI synonyma for every word is singularly full, and peculiarly adapted to a language which, varying in the use of words though not in structure, in every province abounds with synonymous terms, each of local and restricted employment. The whole (edition 1810) is in the Roman character, a singularity in its compilation which alone is indicative of no ordinary industry and perseverance." Such being the case, I have, as a general rule, availed myself of all the words occurring in Dr. Gilchrist's Dictionary, subject, however, to a strict course of correction. In Dr. Gilchrist's early days, the HindiistanI language was in a manner unformed, and its orthography unsettled : hence, in a multitude of words he gives the long i (oo) instead of the short u, and vice versd. I have throughout endeavoured to follow as r REPACK. Vll my guides on this head the standard writers of the language, such as Mir Amman, in the '* Bagh oBahar;" Ikram 'Ali, in the "Ikhrvanu-s-safa/'kc.kc. To the very copious collection furnished by Dr. Gilchrist, I have added several thousands of Persian and Arabic words (known to be used in Urdii) from the "Dictionary, Englush, Persian, and Arabic," by Dr. Wilkins, London, 1810, 4to. From Adam's " Dictionary, English and Hinduicee," I have extracted many pure Hindi words which escaped the notice of Dr. Gilchrist. I have also found many useful words and phrases in the "Dictionary, English, Bangali, and Hin- dustani," of P. S. D'Rozario, Calcutta, 1837, 8vo. Lastly, I have added numerous synonymous and expressive words and phrases which my. own experience has supplied. It will probably be thought that the Second Part of this Dictionary errs on the side of excess ; but I have deemed it the safer course to run the risk of inserting a superfluous or even a vulgar word, rather than omit one that could by possibility occur in writing or conversation. It must be recollected that the Hindiistani is, in more senses than one, a vulgar tongue, and that it abounds in a class of words, for the eschewing of which the great Dr. Johnson is said to have been once complimented by some elderly lady, to whom the polite lexicographer replied, " Yes, Madam, I have omitted all such words, but I find that you have been looking for them." In Part First, compound words are generally to be found under the first or leading member of the compound ; at the same time, it is proper to observe that the Hindiistani language is capable of admitting or forming thousands of compounds not to be found in any dictionary : hence, the learner should bear in mind the more general rules of composition, as laid down in any good grammar of the language. The same remark applies with regard to the rules for derivation, particularly those relating to the formation of causal verbs and abstract nouns. The few contractions used throughout the work ai-e the following : The letters a, p, s, at the end of many definitions, denote that the word is from the Arabic, Persian, or Sanskrit respectively ; the letter h distinguishes such words as are aboriginal or purely Indian ; and d such as are peculiar to the Deccan (dakhan) : the few words marked t and g are of Tartarian and Greek origin respectively. The other contractions are, m. denoting the masculine gender ; f. feminine ; a. an active or transitive verb ; and n. a verb neuter. The letter v. imports vide, and pi. the plural number. In Part Second, and occasionally in Part First, the following contractions are used in the formation of compound verbs : k, for karna (or the Persian kardan), " to make ;" h, for hona, "to be, to become;" j, for jana, " to go, to bej" r, for raknna, " to keep, to have ;" d, for dena, " to give j" /, for lena, " to take ;" d, for dalnd, " to throw;" and 6, for handhna, " to bind." These, with the exception of the first two, are chiefly used in the formation of intensives, and consequently they have then laid aside their own primitive signification. As a general rule, compound words have their parts or members separated by a hyphen, thus, diUnishin, tan-durust, sar-gardan, &c. Such compounds, when transferred into the Oriental characters, are optionally written entire as one word, or distinct as two. The short i, denoting the Persian izafat, is indifierently written either as the last letter oi the governing word, or separately between the two words, as dardi sar or dard i sar, the sense being abundantly obvious either way, as no Persian word ends in the short i except it be in a state of construction with the substantive or adjective following. I have avoided cross references, which are very embarrassing to the learner, retaining only those in which tne word referred to is either close at hand, or is attended by a long explanation which it would be needless to repeat. Tiii PflBFACX. Some |£ooil*natured friends have occasionally expressed to me their regret that tha Second Part of the work had not been given in the Persian character. Had H been so, I must either, in the first place, have added the pronunciation in Roman characters to each word (otherwise the work would be utterly useless), and this would have increased its sixe to at least six times what it now is ; or, in the second place, omitting the Roman character, I must have given all the vowel marks and other orthographical symbols, which would have extended it to at least ten times its actual bulk, without possessing one single advantage over what it now has.* In conclusion, I have only to add, thai amidst sucu a mass of small letters, it will not seem surprising that an occasional error of the press should occur. I trust, however, that the number of such errors is small ; and I am confident that the generous, the learned, and the experienced (and it is only their good opinion I am ambitious to obtain) will not deny me their kind indulgence. * Two lines of even the smallest Oriental types in this country would occupy at least as much space as five lines of the Roman character used in Part II. of this work. If the vowel-pcints, &c. be used, the spaces between the lines must be nearly doubled : hence the truth of the above remark will be obvious to thos« at all conversant with Oriental typography. DUNCAN FOrtBSS 58, Burton Obbbci^t, Januarv, 1i*tii. u'liy ir r\ 6^ A DICTIONARY, HINDUSTANI AND ENGLISH. \ \ alif, the first letter of the Arabic alphabet ; in numeration it counts one. ^ a or a-kara, the first elementary sound in the Sanskrit alphabet; it is a name of God, or Vishnu. As an inseparable T>rtrticle prefixed to a word, it signifies negation or pri- vation; as, a-dharm, injustice, or irreligion, from dharm, justice, &c. It is akin to the alpha privativim of the Greek, the in of the Latin, or the un of the Ger- man and English. As in Greek, it becomes an before a vowel, as an-anta, endless, or without end. ^\ ysP^ ab, now, presently, just now, a lit- tle while ago ; by adding ka, ke, kt, it forms an ad- jective, as ab-ka zamand, the present time. h. V— 'i ^ ib, thus, as, in like manner, s. C->^ ab (contract, from ^\), a father. In Hindustani, the plural is of most frequent occur- rence, as in aha o ajdad, fathers and grandfathers, ancestors, a. <-.^l ab, m. water, splendour, elegance, dig- nity, lustre (in gems), temper (of steel, &c.), edge sharpness (of a sword, &c.). The word ab in Persian is used in a great many metaphoric and idiomatic expressions, p. \S\ ibd, m. denial ; iba-k, to refuse, deny. a. bl aba, fathers (pi. of l^\ or ^\, q. v.). a. Jjob\ ababtlf m, a swallow, a. d^s^yi) ibahatff. permitting, giving liberty, a. libt abdd, cultivated, peopled, pleasant; full of buildings and inhabitants; used in composition in the sense of city or ville, as akbar-abad, the city of Akbar, or (as the Americans would say) Akbar-ville, the city of Agra. p. ^^^libl abddan, synonymous with abad. p. jibbi dbdddiii, f. a habitation, a cultivated, " populous, pleasant place ; population, cultivation, abundance. In Hindustani it is seldom used except in poetry, ahadl being the common expression, p. j_gijJ «ibl abdd-beshi, f first assessment of " newly-settled or cultivated land. p. jO«ibt dbad-hm; the original or first settler on waste land. p. bji «ib1 dbdd karnd, a. to build, cultivate, make a place habitable and populous, p. Ufctibl ^I'^IIMI dbddhd, f. segment of the base of a triangle, s. j^iibl dbddi, synonymous with dbaddnt. p. b,b3 Tsrrm ubdmd, a. to set at liberty, s. bjbi l db-bdzl, f. play or sport in water; swimming, p. \ db-pdshl, f. sprinkling water on •• fields, &c. p. ^^\ db-tdb,f. splendour; alsoa^o^a^. p. t_-*^^ ab-tab, presently ; ab-tab h. to be in a dying state, to be all over with one. h. iobjt dbtdba, m. an ewer; generally written dftdba, and sometimes dftdwa. p. ^1^:0 ^ ibtidd, f. beginning, commencement, exordium, a. %\sjj\ ibtidd,an, in the beginning, at first, in the first place, a. Jl\^\ ibtizdl, m. vileness, meanness, servi- tude ; carelessness in preserving any thing, a. J)>>\ abtar, worthless, spoiled, wanton, dis- solute ; dbtarl, worthlessness. a. j»LJo\ ibtisdm, m. cheerfulness, a smile, a. uiiiD^ ab-tak, ^.,, , . , till now, hitherto, yet, up to the present time, as yet, still, notwithstand- h. uL)d::>\ ab-talak, v1^)q\ ab-talag, 4j?,yo\ db-tori, {jjyiS\ ab-tori, ^ *:k^\ ibtild, m. suffering, misfortune, a. mg. 4^ iol ( 2 ) j!^ _,LI>^ ibtihaj, m. gladness, alacrity, cheer- • fulness. , a. /jAJJ^ ^nw^ ab-ta,tn,ti\] now, till this time. h. jjO\ ^nnf ah-ten, from this time, hence. A. /jjb^ dq^H nbtan, m. a detergent substance for rubbing on the body ; a cosmetic : also ubaf, or ubfi, or ubfand, same as u/)ton, q: v. h. Ujb\ ubatna, a. to rub on the body the cos- metic ubfan or ujifan. h. ^\ ^Wf flfeja, m. the nymphaea or lotus; ^ the moon; a conch; a species of tree. «. ^c.l>- u^Ta&i-^'a?*i, m. running water, a stream, "rivulet! tears flowing, f. a. Jrfi\ a&;arf, m. the alphabet ; a mode of reck- oning numbers by the letters of the alphabet ; the first letter counting one, the second two, &c., according to their ancient arrangement. — Vide Persian Grammar, p. 23, or Hindustani Grammar, p. 20. a. ^^\^S:ii\ abjad-khrvan, m. one who is learn- ing his alphabet, a. p. yfl ab-jo, f. a rivulet or streamlet, p. (J^y>-L^\ ab-josh, m. gravy, soup. p. f^yf. u-^T dbijo,e, f.the water of a rivulet, p. ^\ W^ a-6acA, that which has not escaped, h. ,\jtfl ^sf'f^IR a-bichar, m. want of conside- i v ... ration, injustice, s. (jr,l^.\ a-bichart, m, a-bicharin, f. an unjust "man or woman, or a man or woman destitate of consi- deration or reflection, s. ab-charhana, a. to whet or polish p.h. [tears, p. Ji»>- L-^T abi chashm, m. water of the eye, ^i.»-L-->T ab-chasJn, f. giving drink to a child ••for the first time (generally about six months of age) preparatory to weaning him. p. J^\ 'WfT^ a-bichal, motionless, unmoved, unshaken, resolute, firm. s. )j^^ ^f^rW^ ahchhara, f. a female dancer in the court of Indra; also opcA/tara and apsara, q.v. s abi haram, forbidden water, i.e. 'wine ; insincere or hypocritical tears, p. a. Oj*«^ Uj^ I abi hasrat, m. water of desire, wish, appetite, longing, p. a. [immortality, p. a. OU*- (— .» T abi hayat, m. the water of life, ij^^^ U-' ' ohi haiwan, m. water of life ; a fabulous fountain so called, p. a. a3U»- «— *T ab-khana, m. a repository of water, a reservoir ; a cellar, p. [lations. a. ij^} abkhira (pi. of jU{), m. vapours, exha- ^Jl^—iii. j_^T db-khast, a water melon or cu- cumber, p. yos*- <— ->T dbi khizr, water of immortality ; inspired knowledge, p. m. jjjtf\ abMal, very or more avaricious, a. jj^ {,^] db-khur, ) m. victuals, food and dj^ u->T db-^urd,} drink ; fortune, p. one's sword, &c. f5^ g 4S.- u-^T db-hku'ra, ni. a narrow-mouthed vessel for drinking out of. a cup for drinking water, p. iij\ dbad, m. eternity, without end. a. \iij\ abadan, eternally, for ever ; never, a. j\iiu->T db-ddr, m. the person intrusted with the charge of water for drinking, adj. polished, of a good water (as gems), well tempered (as steel), p. i^\»-j\dL^\ db-ddr-khdnay m. a repository of drinking-water, p. ^J^^\db•ddr^, f. sharpness (of a sword, &c.); polish (of gems); oflBce of a6dar. p. c,^Si\ ibdd\ m. the production of something new. a. [one thing for another, a. ^}\^\ ibddl, m. change, exchange, substituting J\,V^ ahddl, m. a religious person, devotee, enthusiast, abdall, of or relating to a devotee; an epithet assumed by AJ^mad, the founder of the late Afghan dynasty, a. \ab o dana. p. ^b;— > 1 db-ddna, m. food and drink : also ciA**»«5L-.>T db-dast, m. washing the hands (particularly after any unclean action), p. (j^iiJ»it«->T dbi danddn, m. sharpness and po- lish of the teeth ; debility, p. fi>i^\ ^nro a-badh, sacred, inviolable, s. JbiiJ^ ^^V or^Rf^ a-budh or a-buddhi, stu- pid. Ignorant ; also s. t. ignorance. *. ^Si\ 'IWVT abdhd, f. a segment of the base of a triangle, s. [intelligent, a ^J^^>i\ Vl^r^m«T a-buddhimdn, stupid, un- C^^S>\ WW*^ abdhut, m. a kind offahlr or devotee. This class are worshippers of Shiva, fem. abdhutnu s. [not to be slain, inviolable, f. L^fciV^ ^R^ a-badhya, not deserving death, ^i^\ abadi, eternal, without end. a. \>,d^\ ^rf'TOT a-bidyd, f. ignorance, s. li«to iS>,i^ I db-dida hond, to shed tears, p.h. j>\ abr, m. a cloud, abri siydh, a black cloud. ' abri ^ilt^, a thick cloud, abri agur, a cloud without j\ ^RTT aba?', now, at present, h. '^'"'"°' ^" L)\ "fPTO abj'd, m. the outer fold of a double garment ; distinguished from ajtca; the lining. Writ- ten also abrS, q. v. h, j\j>\ abrdr (pi. of Jj), just men, holy, pious, dutiful (to parents), ibrar, victory superiority, a. \j\j>\ ubrdnd, a. to keep in reserve, (same as ubama). h. ^^J^ Ibrahim, the patriarch Abraham. ' Ibrahim Adham, name of a pious sovereign that for- merly reigned at BalJih- <>• dj^\ abrad, colder, most or very cold. a. {,joji\ abras, leprous, a. Jy\ abrak or iJJ>j>\ abrak, m. talc, mica. a. \^ji\ TRT*n ubarnd, n. to be kept in reserve, to remain over. h. J?l ( 8 ) j^y ,^j>y abranjan, )a bracelet, an ankle orna- {^!fj>\ ahranjin,) raent of gold or silver, p. ^j>\ ahru, f. the eye-brow, dbru par girih marnl, a. to frown, p. jj) I db7'u, f. honour, character, renown, ele- gance ; the name of a poet, abru-utarna, a. to disho- nour, disgrace, dbru-bar-hdd-dend, a. to lose one's own character, or destroy tliat of another, dhru-denl, a. to bestow honour or reputation on any one, or to surrender or lose one's own. dbru-rez, a calumniator. dbru-rezi, f. slander, calumny, dbru-karnl, a. to treat with respect. dbru-lenJ, a. to take away one's cha- racter or reputation, p. ^j^jJ! ab-raman, m. a very fine kind of mus- lin or gauze, which when spread out on the grass is said to have been scarcely visible. The art of manu- facturing this stuflF is now lost. p. Jbi^jji\a-birodh, m. quietness, tranquillity, s. j_^i5jo\ ^f^^f>|tf^ a-ftiroc^/imi,"! quiet, tran- i^i^jj>} ^TCt>rt a-birodhi, J quil. s. iji\ abra, m. the outside of a garment ; same as dbrd. p. [jewels, &c. s, j^J^t^t abarhan (vide /jy4?0> ™' ornaments, (j?»>3 cib?'!, clouded, -variegated, abri k agh az, "a kind of thick and shining paper clouded, (from Cashmir). p. y>j>\ ab-rez, a pot for sprinkling water, such as a gardener's ; used also in baths for pouring water over the body. p. [ing silk. p. jt^*ij>\ dbresham (also ahresham), m. sew- j^^-1j> j! abreshml, silken, made of silk. p. /i>V^ ibrik, m. an ewer, a water-pot. a. jXiidv\abar-dhabar, coarse,rough,common. h. jJ^-> abi-zar, water of gold; white wine. p. J^j U->1 ahi zuldl, m. pure limpid water, p.a. (j**^.^ "f^ a-bas, powerless, without choice, s. JL*ot idbsdl, m. a vineyard, a garden, p. euLjl dbista, pregnant (a woman), with young (an animal), new-bom (a chUd). The forms abist, abistan, and dbistan are given in Gilchrist, p. ^Jl«*^t dbista^, also dbistani, &c. f. preg- - nancy, p. , [clothes, s. i»Y>**>\ ^TTEHT a-basan, naked, without ^»r*^^^ ^lrf%^r»T a-bisan, without desire, in- different, s. \l^\ T^^RT ubasnd, n. to rot, putrefy, h. (^jj\y^\ '^tmi^m or ^f^^TO a-biswds, m. want of confidence, distrustfulness. s. [trustful, s. ..\,„\\ a-bmvdsi,abismdsin, abisivdsini,dia- uU*>\ ubsdnd, a. to cause to rot. A. ' >from this time. h. ur" ^ >\ ab-se, J \i^ (<^^ ab-se dur, is an expression of those whov after describing a past misfortune, pray to be preserved from a repetition of it ; q. d. Far be it from us ! h. p. XL^\ db-shdr, m. f. a waterfall, cascade, ca- taract, p. {^j*»\Xm l-^ I db-shinds, the lead-man, or per- son who takes the soundings in a ship, a pilot, p. j^{^\ a&is/ior,m. brackish or salt water, p, 8j^jS» c-^t db-shora or dbi-shora, m. water cooled artificially by means of a solution of salt- petre ; iced sherbet, p. y^Z^^l dbshold (Dakh.), same as dbshora. p. (JX)J1^\ a-bishek or ud^A^ij^ abikhel, m. sprinkUng-water, which the Hindus (after pronouncing certain prayers over it) use for cleansing their per- sons, and other utensils used in sacrifice, holy water ; accession to a throne, inauguration, v. abhishek, s. \jai\ absdr (pi. of^«aJ), views, looks; per- ception, understanding, a. jJUa^l ibtdl, m. abolition, act of drstroying or annihilating, refuting, a. [vain, &c. a. ^JJa^^ abtal, comp. more vain or fruitless, very «3Uo] ab'dd (pi. of i^), distances, divarica- tions, a. S3o\ ab'ad, more distant, very far. a. r^jje. p,^. Cj>j^ u-M dbi ""ashrat, wine, semen geni- \so\ ibhd, m. confirmation, establishment, pre- servation, rendering permanent, a. ^\ ab-kd, ab-ke, and ab-kl, of or belonging to the present time, from ab. h. j6^\ db'hdr, m. a distiller (particularly of spirituous liquors) ; a water-carrier, a sprinkler ; a wine-merchant, or seller of spirituous liquors ; a drinker of wine. p. (ffj\^! db-kdrif f. the business of a distiller; revenue derived from a duty levied on distilleries, also oil houses for the sale of spirituous liquors, eating-houses, houses of entertainment, &c. liojj 7'q'e|il«fi ubkdnd, a. to cause one to vomit, h. l}^g- A. j_^»j\ T'TolfT^ ubkdfh f. the act of vomit- CLk5o\ wfw?R a-bikt, hidden, unintelligible. «. lIaJI^ cI1.ax)\ ^fw^Prfisr?! a-bikt ganit, f. arithmetic of unknown quantities ; algebra. *. ^j«^ L^l db-hash, a drawer of water; 56- kasM, act of drawing or carrying water, p. U5o\ TfclPfn ubaknd, n. to vomit, h. jSy L-^t dbi-kausar, m. nectar, p. a, iJLjX}\ W^%^({ abkesht, without fruit, " barren (tree), s. j^^\ db-guzdr, a ford, a ferry; an express, p, jikOt db-guzar, acanal or channel for water, p, AS\mm>\ dbigarm, warm water, a hot-bath. p. CLJH^ lJ\ dbi gosht, soup, gravy, broth, p. Jb^ t-.>T dbi gohar, water of pearls, pure umpid water, p. jp u-^1 dh-y'ir, a receptacle for water, a pool, pond, ditch ; a weaver's brush, p. b2 vi/bT ( 4 ) ^^ lujJ^T abgtna, m. a mirror, looking-glass, a drinking-glasa ; wine ; a diamond, p. Jj>^ ^n^ a-hal, weak, without strength or power s, ^^ mt\ abila, m. a blister, p. [pox, a bubo. p. ti^y ^«i>T a&?7fl,'< farang, m. the French «bl a6/a/s foolish, silly, ignorant, bashful, a. ^.^^ ablahi, f. folly, silliness, a. A)J WTqS'^ a&an, f. a row, a range, a con- " tinuouB line. s. A^\ ^4qS1 a-bati, weak, powerless. «. ^j«jJo^ ibtis, the devil, Satan, a. ^^\ ibn, m. a son, a child; ibnu-s-sabll, a son of the road, a traveller ; ibnu-l-g^araz, a selfish per- son ; ibnu-l-gtaib, one of whom little is known, a parvenu, a. \li\ uhna, (pi. of ^\)son8; people; tribes, a. {^jt»Ci\ ^^^^\^ a-binds, m. safety, s. ^i*)lJL>3 a-bindsl, safe, entire, free from loss. s. t," ^'ijW ^\ ibn-ul-wakt, a time-server, a. /jmIs*. f\^\ abna,i jins, pi. companions, com- rades, equals; those of the same rank, quality, or species, n. abnd,e dahr, or ahna,e rozgar, sons of the time, contemporaries, a. p. •lijoj ^f^*z a-bindu, without point or dot. *. 8^ i_^1 dbi nuhrot m. quicksilver, p. a. (^jty->\ abnus, m. ebony, p, ^>*>yo.l abnusi, made of ebony, p. ^\ ^pn^ abnt, f. the earth, world, s. ^ L— > 1 db-nai, m. the straight tube of a " ^ukfa, on which the chillam is fixed, p. ^k>\ ^BrftR'l a-binai, m. wantonness, pert- ness. (. [tulant. «. CajJj^ ^flHllf (i-bmtt, wanton, pert, pe- ^\ abu, ra. father; the word is frequently used as the first member of a man's name or epithet, thus, abu-l-hashar, the father of the human race, Adam. abu-bakr, the father-in-law and first successor to Mu- hammad, abu-turdb, 'Ali, the son-in-law of Muham- mad, abu-l-fazl, the name of the secretary to the Emperor Akbar, abu-jaJtl, the name of an uncle of Muhammad, noted for his stubbornness, abu huraira, one of the companions of Muhammad, abu-'ali sind, a celebrated sage and physician, commonly known in Christendom as Avicenna. abu -fawdris, the ass, lit. the father of horsemen, abu-bakr, the name of an atdbak prince to whom Sa'di dedicated his Gulistan, abu-nasr, the name of the minister of the last men- tioned prince, a. ^^y>\ abwdb (pi. of <— -»^), doors, gates, chapters, sections ; in the revenue language of India the word means almost any kind of cesses, imposts, and charges levied by the officials of government, o. 0^^^ ^^^a^ o^-bujh, stupid, without under- standing, s. [comprehensible, h. \^^\ ^RVRJ a-bujkd, not understood, in- Jt>ii^\ ^s:^t^ a-bodh, m. ignorance, stupidity, adj. ignorant, stupid; puzzled, perplexed. *. &jL.*^(i^\ ^^V»JTW| a-bodh-gamyaAincom- Bjjjbii^] ^i(\\(^ftH a-bodhaniya, J pre- hensible, unintelligible, t. Jy^ ^srit^ a-bol, silent, h. [to silence. *. ^^^ W^t^ a-bold, disposed or accustomed eoU J L^T db ddna, water and grain, food and drink, p. [mate. p. a. \^j L^\ db o hawd, f. atmosphere, air, cli- ^\ ^iftr abhi, a particle denoting priority in time or place, prefixed to Sanskrit words, s. ^\ ^ ibh or ibha, m. an elephant, ibha- p&lak, the keeper of an elephant, t. l^^T ^rWT dbhd, f. light, splendour, beauty, s. \^\ ^MTt a-bhdr, light, of little weight, s. X^\ 7>?TT ubhdr, m. swelling, tumefaction, plumpness, h. \3.\^\ 3»TTT«TT ubhdmd, a. to raise up, to excite, to persuade, to plump up. h. [steal. A, UvIaj^ '3^>TTT^ ubhdrnd, a. to take away, to ^j*>l^T ^>TW dbhds, "1 m. a preface, a (^l^T ^THTT? dblidsh, J preamble, an in- troduction, &c. s. [misfortune, ill-luck. t. cL/Iaj\ ^>TT1 u-bhdg, also a-bhdgya, m. l^\4^\ ^MTTr a-bhdgd, also a-bhdgint and a-bhdgi, unfortunate, destitute, t. JV^\ ^WT^ abhdl, m. a cloud, h. jX^\ibhdm, m. the thumb; suspicion, am- biguity ; covered, concealed, unknown, a. \j[±>\ "^VfT^ ubhdnd, &. to alarm, disturb, h. .Iaj\ ^HT^ a-bhd,o, ni. absence, non-exist- ence, want ; as in this proverb, rdjd keghar men, kyi )t pearls in tn« motitfoA kd abha.o^. r^a's house? Is there a want of pearls ia < ^^ c ) ci^ «iU^^ 'HfMell^ abhibdd, vc. act of kissing the feet or of worshipping, an obeisance ; also an in- sult, s. [as abhibdd. s. j^tiU^^ 'SftrfT^, ahhihadan, m. the same ^j4.*4?^ ^jftriTiT abhibhuta, subdued, do- mineered over. s. (^j'Ua^i V|(hi|N abhipray, m. sentiment, in- "iention, opinion, design, wish, purpose ; the main pur- port of a book, &c. s. C^ssP. 'VfWf^nr abhijit, m. the 21st nak- shatra, or lunar asterism ; the 8th muhurt, or division of the day. s. [spell causing death or disease, s. ^Wa- wftr^R abhichar, ra. a charm or ^l>^3^\ ^i^iVHT abhidhan, m. a dictionary. Strictly speaking, it denotes a list of the substantives of the Sanskrit language, such as the " Amara Ko- sha," &c. s. j^\ Wi abhra, m. the sky, a cloud, s. ^j^^ ^>rCT ubkrd, unladen (as a cart or boat), h. [till it run over. A. ^\j^\ 7HI.HI ubhrana, a. to fill a vessel i.^Jj^\ ^HfW abhrak, m. talc, mica. s. iSa^^ (ibhraki, made of talc or mica. s. jtj^^ ^WTH a-bharam, without respect. «. ,^j^\ WWM abharan, m. jewels, orna- ments, decoration ; also abharan, with the initial vowel short, s. 0^\ gw^ ubharna, n. to ovei-flow. h. (j-^l ^n>re abhas, little, few. s. DjL<*^\ ^MWfichT abhisarika, also abhi- tarl and abhisarint, f. (a woman) going to an assigna- tion with her lover, a lewd woman, s. >\ ^?*4^mh abhishikta, installed, bap- tized, anointed to office, enthroned, t. {^kL^>\ Wfnw abhishek, ra. bathing, anointing, royal unction ; a religplous ceremony con- sisting in sprinkling a person with the water of the Ganges, s. dL\^}\ "^Vfm ubhak, m. a bear. h. fJl^^^i\ ^>?f^ a-bhakti, f. disregard, want of desire, indifference, unbelief. «. A^:;j;^\ a-bhaktiman, unbelieving, indiffe- rent to. I. {Jm*:^^\ ^fiH^m abhila..^ ^H»TW abhimat, consented to, ap- proved of, chosen, agreed, accepted, s. ViiL»^\ ^f^JTlTTIT abhimatata or abhimutta, f. desire, love. s. ^C^.>^ ^f>T5^ abhimukh, present, before, s. \'1^^^\ ^ftTTS^iTF abhimukhata, f. presence, proximity, s. _jjs^\ ^ftriiR abkinav, new, quite new. s. 4i\^^\ WfH^T^ abhivad, m. abusive lan- guage, s. [stration. s. ^^t5\^^\ vf4^Y WWWT dbhushan, m. ornaments, jewellery, finery, s. (Commonly written in the Per- sian characters as follows) : f^;^^\ a&AwMaw, m. jewels, ornaments, s. vi/^\ "WtT a-bhog, unfit for use, unpos- sessed, s. Uyi^^ W* ab'hun, hitherto, yet. h. ig^^ ^*^ ab-ht, even now, just now. h. jV^^ 'WHXI a-bhay, without fear, fearless, s. /e^^ '^^K^ ubhaya, both (used in Sanskrit " phrases.) [yeUow myrobalan. «. U^^ ^PKt([ abhayd, f. name of a flower, the q_j*>Ua>\ ^WTH abhyds, m. practice, medi- tation, study, the frequent repetition of a thing in order to fix it on the memory, s. ^*»U^\ 'Wwl'Rft abhydsi, studious, practis- " ing, repeating, s. C^\x^\ ^«rnT?r abhydgat, m. a guest, a visitor; arrived. *. jX-jt^l ^BM^I'ij^ a &Aaya-pa^\ 'STvni^T*? abhaya-ddn, V of safety or CiJ)^A^\ ^*TXRToF abhaya-vdh,) protection, an amnesty, s. [onalanned. & (JIaJ^^ '^^^ a-bhita, fearless, undaunted, c1aa^\ ^r>TtfiT a-bhtti, f. fearlessness. $. tJI.*...U(^;\ ^mlfmd abhtpsit, ^lovedf wish- cIaim.k^^I 5S)^t? abhlshta, j ed for. a. ^^\ abhich (dakh.), same as ahht, now, ^ just now tSo^^^ ^T^ a-&/iec?,1 united, fastened toge- ^x^\ ^K^ a-bhewj ther, known, cele- brated, s. jj^/t ^nWH dbhir, m. a cow-herd. «. j^T dbl, of or belonging to water, aquatic, " ■ watery, moist, humid, p. fj,\ f|% abe, an interjection of vocation ** 'ezpreasive of scorn, as Sirrah I k. fjf\ atny now (sometimes used for ab-ht). h. CiAx>\ ahyat (plur. of iJl*A>), houses, (and more usual) distichs, verses, a. jUjT ab-yar, m. a waterer, a sprinkler, p. ijj\x> \ ah-yari, f. irrigation ; a kind of thin " linen cloth ; a species of dove. p. j^\ y^^^ a-blj, grain that does not ger- ''^minate. s. [able. «. j(^\ ^W^ a-ber, f. delay; late, unseason- j<^\ '^srifix. abir, m. red powder used at the ""holt Sfiturnalia. s. [Bhining. i (_jojlJ^ abyaz, white, very splendid or C->^ Wi apu, a Sanskrit particle; prefixed to words it denotes inferiority, privation, separation. Tt is much used in compound words from the San- skrit, as apadd'n, m. taking away, the ablative case in grammar ; apang, m. the outer comer of the eye ; apahhdsha, f. the vulgar tongue ; also applied to the language of foreigners ; apabhansh, f. ungrammatical language ; apachay, m. loss, diminution ; apashabd, m. vulgarisms, slang; apakrisht, worthless, little, vile ; apakarma, m. a bad action, misconduct ; apamrityu, {. sudden death, dying without any disease ; apavdd, m. censure, blame ; apavddl, censorious ; apaharta, m. a robber, a thief; apaharan, m. seizing forcibly, carry- ing oflf; apahnav, m. concealment, s. i-J\ ^H upa, a Sanskrit particle, denoting vicinity, or resemblance in an inferior degree, as v^por- veda, the sub-^eda or minor veda. 6 ) ap, prori, self, yourself, used in- stead of the personal pronoun of the second person by an inferior when addressing his superior, h. 4— »l wm ap, m. water, s. bl ^Ttn apa, f. an elder sister; self. k. c_ >b3 ^T'T? a-pap, guiltless, without crime, s. c->1 <— »t ap-ap, m. selfishness, egotism, h. yb\ ^m^ a-patr, unfit, unworthy. «. ^^(ib^ ^^KH apadan, m. taking away ; the ablative case in granunar. «. ^^iib\ "Tm^Til upaddn, m. cause, motive, s. iJbtjb^ ^rm^ upadh, f. violence, injury, in- justice, g. Jtbd\i\ TJmftf upadhifTn.H virtuous reflection; deception, disguise ; a nickname, s. ^»3b\ T'n'Sft upadhl, violent, unjust, s. JjLfci^bj 7muini upadhyay, m. a spiritual " preceptor, s. bUfi>iib\ 7^b\ ^tJTWinft vpadhyayi, > tress, the jj,ljjfciib\ ?mu|| hI npadhyani,] wife of a " spiritual preceptor, s. \>\ ysWK a-par, boundless, excessive, s. jb^ ipar, thyme, wild marjoram, p. LlA»-,b\ vmHiilfT ?\i\ TTPfTT updsd, hungry, one who fasts, t. cii«»b\ ^^ITO^ updsak, a worshipper, u servant, s. liM»b^ 7m9«TT upasand, f. reverence, wor- ship, attendance ; v. to reverence, t. ^ii\j\'9W^updsl, nerving, worshipping, i. fuuirtb^ ^xn^ updsya, worthy of reverence, s. eo«M»b3 ^Ml*^^ apdshraya, helpless, desti- tute, without shelter. «. (JSJbj '^mich a-^a/<, raw, unripe, undressed. •:, j^U^b.\ 4MI4^M updkhydn, m. an old story, a legend, s. [layiEg. s. „^jc3b3 ^trr^Mf npdlambh, m. abuse; de- W^T*I apdn, ra. emission of wiiii (backwards). ». bb3 VMHl updnd, a. to create, produc-.', earn, adopt, contrive, h. v.L^bj ^Itn^ a pang, m. the outer corner of the eye, a sectarial mark on the forehead ; adj. maimei, crippled, apang-damhan, m. a side glance, a leer, a wink. s. •bj '^n^ upd,o, m. remedy, redress, s. ^j.b\ ^ffU'^ftfa-pdvan, defiling, polluting. «. Jbbl W^T^^ apdhaj, lazy, cripple ; a per- ^ son who never yisits any one. s. [preparation. «. j^b\ ^TTini upde, m. remedy, plan, scheme, t/bj W^T'I apdya, injurious, destructive, s. t^bj ^Xipft updyl, contriving, remedying, s. t^U)^ Wtpn^ apabdd, ra. complaint, accu- sation, s, [an accuser. «. t/«ilo3 VMcf^l apabddi, m. a complainant, j\ VMrV'4 a-pabitr or a-pavitr, impure, andean, s. [ness, impurity, s. 15/[JL>\ wrf^TffT a-pabitratn, f. unclean- (jt*^^ Wirra apabas, also Vl|i||4| apaba- thya, absolute, independent, t. flf iipaban, m. a grove, an arti- ficially planted wood or garden, s. la>\4f>^ WWrar apabhdska, f low, vulgar, or obscene language, s. (j£3y^3 'HWt?! apabhraA8h,\m. common M^j^^.^ ^rW5! apabhansh, J or vulgar language, ungrammatical speech. *. LdJ3L>\ TTmnU npapdtak, m. a great crime, such as the killing of a cow, atheism, &c. *. C^\ ^xcijfn upapati, in. a gallant, one who keeps a woman to whom he is not married. «. O^T ^^nr <>i ^Trcrf%) apat and dpatti, f. c-aTaniity, misfortune, ajtat-k&l. m. time of distress, i iol ( d.! ^nm ajof^a, f. quotient, an equation of a degree, s. t^^) ^mTTR upatap, m. sickness, pain, heat. s. [spring, childless, s. Jb) WI^ iilso ^tr^cF a-putr, without off- \5,yb3 "^^fffScTT a-pativrata, an unchaste woman, a courtesan. «. ,^Jo3 ^TT^I a-path, m. a wrong path, error, s. ^^P^\ ^rqsr a-pathya, indigestible, s. f^\ ^TTW a-patya, m. offspring, race. s. ujo3 ^^frfTn a-patiya, l faithless, trea- j^LJo\ ^qfrf^TO a-patiyara,) cherous. s. ciLo^ ^nrr a-patu, awkward, uncouth. 5. ti^3 '^^TT^ a-patak, one whose hands and feet are become useless, paralytic, h. (^P^.^ f' the burthen of a song, U^t^^ ^^in«n upjana, a. to produce, to make to grow. h. j^\ss^\ ^^^ ^Mfllif upajit, produced, propa- gated. «. [exertion, s. ijj^^ ^M^riH upajatan, m. preparation, (j-flBT^ ^^imr apajas, m. infamy, disgrace. 5. j<**fif;^ ^srcnuft apajasl, infamous, unfor- tunate. ». Uflf:^^ ^M^HHI upajna, n. to spring up, to grow, to proceed, h. %^xegr\ ^M^Ifcl^T upajtvika, also {JMl^Mrf upajlvan, f, livelihood, means of living. ». (C^Afl^^ ^^nf^ Mpa;m, dependent, living by or on. «. j^,^ ■^^J'n^ upachar, m. service, remedy, practice of physic, usage, s. -^^ '^HRa; a-puchh, without a tail. s. \a:^»^ ^I4'«dl a-puchha, f. name of a species of tree.^ s. [waste. «. fc^t^ ^"^^C^ apachaya, m. loss, detriment, joj WVJ^ apad, or \,\>\ wm^ apada, f. misfortune, calamity, apad-grasta, involved in ca- lamity, s. \i^:>) Tf^ upada, f. a meeting, a present made at an interview. «. • .LiJ.\ 4)M^«| upadrav, m. a portent; vio- lence, injury, s. [vour. s. (ji3iX>\ ^t;^ upadunsh, m relish, fla- ) j^.' C->\.fcv\)\ ?(( villi upadhatu, ra. a sort of inferior mineral, s. ;jM>,i\^3 ^^^^ upades, ra. advice, counsel, exhortation, admonition, s. [adviser. ». j^^i^^j- I'TI^'fiinT upadesin, advising, an ^-*^,;X>3 ■^'I^^ upadesl and upadesak, m. an adviser, s. .^j 'anrC apar, another, a second, opposite. «- j^3 "^R^ w^ar (also ^T^ft upari), over, above, s. [non-acquUition. a. CL/^\ji\ wmfft a-prapti, f. non-attainment, u"\^3 ^WITT uprata, m. the west, dl iJl.k»-\ji\ ^M3 ^m^TV^ aparadht, J a sinner, " an offender, s. (J^3 in^ upral, over, above. <^ ^U\ TWr^ uprald, m. aid, assistance. uprald kama, a. to take one's part, to protect, stickl* for. h. [wards, k. l1oU\ WStnit uprdnt, after which, or after* t^jUJ ^mra^ uprdwari, quarrelsome, "wrangling, h. ^^16^3 'nnijf apardhna, m. the third pahar; afternoon, s. W^3 ^RWT a-prabhd, f. darkness, dalness, want of splendour, s. ^'bv3 'WMri.M I\ ^niFTBI .a-pratyaksha, invisible, not obvious to the eye. « Jj' ( 8 ) iri^j^ WJTRn? a-prati/ay,m. distrust, unbe- "liefl ». [trastfuL t. ^*a3^^ ^RWnrt a-pratyayi, doubtful, mis- <3a»o3 WIY^^US Orprachand, without dig- nity, not strong, s. [trial or proof. «. \^j>) ' WMCk'dA I a-parickchha, f. want of ij^i^j>) MIllVT'vf Or-pradhdn, little, mean, [wwerless, subordinate, not chie£ «. (w»>\ ^ni^ apars, m. the state of a Hindu after bathing previous to worship or to eating, during which it is unlawful for him to touch any one. Le- prosy, from Arab, ahras. uparas, m. a kind of red chalk ; bitumen ; a subordinate flavour. (iU*>^3 ^TJWT^ a-prasad, ra. disapprobation, disfavour, s. (_f(iU»o\ ^TT^nft a-prasadi, that which is "not presented to the Deity. *. ^,^jmj\ ^ItT^S a-prasiddh, unknown, hid- den, not celebrated. «. [j^j>} ^ITO^ a-prasanna, disagreeable, dis- satisfied, s. [nate. s. {^J>} ^'T^^ a-purush, impotent, efFemi- (^Dj3 ^ir«I«TlI a-prakash, ra. that which is hidden or obscure, s. vii.*^.^ ^inBT a-prakat, unmanifested, not apparent, s. "^ji) ■3'tTr^T uparla, superficial, the outside of a cloth or raiment (opposed to the lining), h. jjU^3 ^ITHM a-praman, without proof, un- true, s. [tic, without authority, s. uiJjIoj ^U^nftHcir a-pramdnih, unauthen- &jpU^3 ^STRTIFT a-pramanya, want of proof or of authority, s. [finite. «. jbj»j^\ lenrtTR a-param-par, boundless, iii- di*/0^ ^BRftfinr a-parimit, unmeasured, unlimited. *. ^ji\ ^tiT;«n t<;>arna, m. a scarf, a covering, h. f^^jy L?\j/t^ ^^^'EfT^ HT^{\ uparnm,l tar- wa,i, f. surfeit, mort de chien, cholera morbus, h. ^jj>\ 'Sim^'y ajp-ru/j, m. self, self-formed, the Deity. Dakh. strange, wonderful, rare. h. >^i^jj>) TV^yf vparodh, ra. partiality, sup- port, favour, kindness. *. '^«i^,\ 4M<\*'\ ^wftm a-priy, bated, disliked, un- friendly, s. [dislike. «. Cl^,j!>\ ^nfftfw a-prtti, f. enmity, hatred, wSo O^ WMI.lv5f| a-pa?-tksha, f. want of trial or proof, an iusufflcient trial of any thing, s. ^j>\ 'W^ a-prem, m. want of love, enmity, ' hatred, s. cfOe^ 'jy\ TTSfTI uparna, n. to be rooted out, to be pulled out ; to be skinned, h. ^Ji\ vm^*i\ aparna, n. to come to hand. d. (j<*>l Wm^ apas, pron. recip. themselves, one another ; hence kindred, brotherhood, fellowship. Spas men rahna is applied to signify adultery, &a h. jj-o3 ^^ra upas, f. stink, staleness, putre- faction, rottenness, h. lSJ^^) '3'MW^ upastri, f. a concubine, s. .-^Jt*'}) ^ 7M<|fiT upasnd, n. to become musty, to rot. h. 0>.y*-^) ^TWif apasavya, m. the right side (or half) of the body ; adj. opposite, contrary. #. j3 4M^|lf1 upashdnta, calm, pacified, appeased, s. [or tranquil, s. jSJlijJ 4M^II*h1 upashdntt, one who is calm (3.x^.>3 ^TT^r^ apashdbd, m. wind broken backwards ; a disagreeable sound, s. C*xSJi.\ ^mPwih a-pushpit, without flowers (a tree or plant), that does not bear flowers, not in flower, s. [lean. s. <-^L*^\ ^W apaskt, hidden, secret ; a-pusht, /o^w»)3 ^y^r^a.s7tam,ra.patience,calmnes8. 5. uib\ ^tnir a-pah, or ^S^nS a-pakk, unripe, s. ^% C-jI ^njoiTTlf ap-kdj, 1^ attending to ^j^-^ L-j\ ^TlcHlfl dp-kdjtj one's own business, attending to one's own affairs. «. j6j>} 4iMc(iR apakdr, m. a hindrance, detri- ment, injury, s. }^\ TTKWr^ upakdr, m, favour, kindness, protection, s. D^V* '■ t?j\^\ T^nFTCt upakdri, beneficent, aid- i^j^\ ^MchKolii upakdrak, m. a friend, a protector. *. \::5o\ ^ra^Kin a-pahtd, f. immaturity, s. «JLui»i33 'W*?^? apakrishta, bad, inferior, deteriorated. «. jtXi\ TfV^^flU upahram, ni. deliberate com- ' mencemcnt of an undertaking ; a stratagem, t. jtSr^ ^^Ji^ apakarm, ra. a mean or un- ' worthy action. «. ^\ ( 9 ) yJ ^y^i «M«ii<.'«u upakaran, m. the insignia of royalty ; means, materials, t. (jt^.\ ^^Tl^f a-paksh, without wings, with- out assistance or protection, s. *-Lt^.^ '«iM««H^*i apakalang, m. an indelible disgrace, s. 1^^^} "^WW upagat, promised, agreed, s. ij^) T^Pl^ upagrahy m. a prisoner, a man or animal in confinement, t. jS^\ T^^^ upagam, m. agreement, promise, approach, s. [dous stone, a jewel, s. jjji TSf upal, m. a rock, a stone; a pre- ^^ '^5n iipla, m.acakeofdriedcowdung. h. j!yJl ^T^R aplav, m. bathing, ablution, s. C*-i^3 "Jtrf^TR upalipta, plastered, smeared over. s. «^lA)J WTO^fl o/jZm^, bathed, sprinkled (upon); m. an initiated householder, a. J^^ ^1c^-n( apalajj, ") impudent, immo- ij«{' 'CUTc^Till apalajjl,) dest, shameless. *. ^^r^ "^fm^SrvXl apalajjd, f. impudence, shame- lessness. j. [omen or bad sign. «. ^j;^sH\ ^M^VSf^U apalachchhan, m. a bad ^^^i^' 7^^^^ iipalachhan (properly upa- iakshan), m. a figure of speech, an elliptical expres- sion, a synecdoche. «. U^-sri' ^ti^^TflT apalachchhana, 'I of a bad ^k^.«H' ^n^^'^Tsft apalachchhant,) omen, or of suspicious appearance, unlucky, s. ^\ ^TSnr aplav, m. bathing, ablution, s. i^) "^^ upti, f. smaller kind of cakes of " cow-dung, h, c-*ib^ ^^I^ M;jaZep,ra.8mearing,plastering. s. ^J*i)^^} "m^TTT upalepan, m. act of smearing, plastering with cow-dung. i. \^\ } ^li^'i^ apamrityu, f. an unnatural or untimely death, t. fj^l VirMH dpan, pron. recip, self h. ^J^\ W^ dpanna, afflicted, gained or ac- quired ; one who comes to another for shelter, t. Uj3 "^Sin apnd, m. "I pron. of or belonging ^\ ^TRft apnl, f. J to self apnt ga,ona, to sing one's own praises, to egotixa. h. UU)\ ^MHI apndna, a. to make a thing one's* own, to convert to one's own use. h. [kindred. \. -i^3 T^f^'R^ upanishadf m. sacred texts or extracts from the Vedas. s. uiLb.l ^nrfVjflir apanik, m. an emerald. «. ^^J-^\ ^^I^ vpang, m. a kind of musical instrument. 5. [adj. wicked, void of merit. *. ^^\ ^TTTRj apunya, m. uncharitableness ; i^\ "STTflfl upanaya, \m. the initiation \^Xi\ ifmm uj)anayan,j of the three first classes of Hindus ; investiture with a peculiar thread or cord worn over the left shoulder. Vide Wilson. $, jouoj TT^ upanetra, m. spectacles, glasses for the eye. *. rJuO>3 ^RTEQ apunya, m. uncharitableness. s. S\y>\^9m^[^apavdd, m. complaint, reproach, accusation, s. [accuser, s. (Ctil^J ^il'«||^^ apavddt, m. a com plainer, (^_j*»l^J ^R^T^ vpavds, m. fasting, a fast. s. ij**^^) ?^^l^1 upavdsi, m. one who fasts. «. C->^.)^nT?Ta-pM<, childless; undutiful (child), s. y^} ^^f^^ a-pavitra, unclean, defiled, s. \5jo1 ^XTf^HT a-pavitratd, f. uncleanness, filth, s. ^y>} aput, pure, unadulterated, d. LiJli>-^3 ^nni«ir apujak, ungodly, irreligious. 5. aa>j^3 ^^l??' apvjya, that which is not worshipped, or not a proper object of worship. », btS^j ^rxrf^OT upavidyd, f. profane science, (opposed to sacred), s, ^->,^3 'STilTC? a-purb, new, unheard of, ad- mirable, uncommon, remarkable, s. [ardly. «. {J*»j^) ^(^t'^ a-paurush, unmanly, cow- ki/^.^ ^tl^ upuvarg, m. liberation, deli- verance, emancipation, t. ^jy>\ '^Ti^ a-purn, ni. a fraction; adj. not full, incomplete, apum-kal, premature, untimely. «. 1:6.^3 ^^'^in a-purnatd, t\ incompleteness, s. i^j^) ^^W^«T upavaman, m. a minute description, s. [ralleled, eminent, imheard of. «. »j.^\ ^1J# a-purva, unprecedented, unpa- (^y>} Tfflfw^ upavish, m. a narcotic, a. ^^y>\ im}^) ^r^ a-p/^ 'an^ apehh, invisible, unseen, s. ^5uk^3 "T^lfT 'Wfm upekhd, or upekska, f. trick, fraud, stratagem. «. jj|03 ^ftit*T a/;m, light, lean. ». /j«jjo3 ^Rtfhl^ apinas, m. dryness of the nose, want of smell, a cold. *. iS^y>) 7Mt(lJ|l upayogi, useful, suitable, s. /^yjoj ^T^ a-peya, unfit to drink, forbid- " den liquor, s. C^\ ^rfll ati, a particle denoting excess, used in compoundB, as ati-pan, m. a drunkard, or one who drinks to excess ; ali-purukram, very powerful. «. Ci^i JijK it, or ita, here, hither, ^ m<, ot uta, there, thither. 1^ i7e, a word usually written at the end of books, letters, &c., denoting that it is finished, like the Persian expressions, tamam shud, ziyada chi, &c. s. 01 %mi at, m. custard apple. Annona squamosa, h. o! WTKldtd, or ^sun aid, m. father; a custard apple. Annona squamosa, p. h. ^\ or Jlj\ fijn ltd, or ^TTT^ itdl, now, at present, d. ^^ 3(^ ittd, this much or many. h. ^1 3^ M<^a, that much or many. h. i-iou\ atdbah, m. (q. d. dtdheg, the lord father), a master, teacher, a title given to kings or prime-ministers ; name of a family who occupied the throne of Persia from A.D. 1148 to 1264; St^di d - dicates his Gulistan to a prince of this faniily. p. j^^ TiTR utdr, m. descent, utdr-dend, to bring down ; met. to disgrace, dishonour, h. ];v3l ;jnKi utdrd, m. answer; ransom, self- devotion ; cast-off or second-hand. h. M)^^ 7nli.«i utdran, f. a fragment descent, disgrace, h. Wj^l ■^'TTRTTT utdrnd, a. to bring down ; to tear off, cut off, or break off (a portion of any thing). utdre hue, pi. eiigagt-d with desperate resolution in any enterprise (metaphor taken from cavalry, who dismount to fight on foot, with a determination to conquer or die), h. [stances, d, }3'\ ^T^rftR dttdyin,\ m. a felon, thief, ^\!>\ WTWT^ dttdyl, J murderer, in- cendiary, s jU!)\ ^rfinfTt. otlbdr, very frequent, s. sU31 iithd' (i>l. of xfj or X^^) followers, dependants. itba' and ittibff, following, obeying, obedience, a. \:SSi\ ^AmfA atibakid, m. a great talker. a babbler. .;. jJjo\ ^wfirT^J atihcd, very powerful. *. .l^\ ^TilT»n^ atibhavy m. a very great or excessive burden, t. ,Jja>\ ^rfff^ atibel, frequently, very often. «. (.«ot Vnni dtap, m. sunshine, Hunbeamt. s. ^^\ ( 11 ) ^\ Cp>Ul>1 IMIri nfpat, m. violencCf injustice, fa^ury. s. tibLJ^^rfinTTjTeB atlpatah, m. a heinous sin. s. ^oL3\ ^ffTTHrrat atrpataki, one who com- ** mits a very great or heinous sin. s. j^"L5\ '3'r^T7«f utfatarit ra. plucking out» eradicating, s. jjj«iU>^ Trmr;«T utpadan, m. producing, s. j^U!>\ ^Tfwtrnr at'qmn, m. a drunkard; exces- cessive drinking, inebriety, s. ^JL^\'^rpff^ utpatti, utpatt, f. birth, origin, s. tll*^l 4'HV nttapta, anxious, excited, s. \JiS>j^\ 7H(8(T utpreksha, f. indifference, carelessness ; illustration (in poetry, &&). ». J^\ "37^^ utpal, m. a species of the lotus flower, s. ^J^^ 4rM^ utpann, produced, gained ; s, m. produce, s. [a guest «• ,^\ ^rdfl atitha or atithi, m. a stranger, \^\ ^fT^n a-tatha, powerless, without au- thority. «. &A^ I ^ifffsq atithya, \ hospitable, at- eua^l ^nffl^ atitheya,} tentive to a guest, s. [acrid ; very pungent. «. ^^^-ISopl 'Srfwrfhpr atitlkshna, sharp, hot, or /l:s^ ^THTPn. atijagaVf m. the black cur- lew; adj. very wakeful, restless, s. y^^\ ^rfwwtT atijogt very worthy. «. jj^jy^^ ^rffTifttr atijirna, very old, decayed, s. .l^\ ^fjT^R atichar, m. the rapid motion of a planet from one sign to another, s. jilac'^ ittihad, m. union, concord, intimate friendship, a. [berality. s. ^^\Si\ ^f7TTI«l atidan, m. munificence, li- iSSiS ^fflt^ Tf atiddh, m. great heat, violent inflammation, s. [culty or distress, s. ClJjS>\ ^srfiTS^W atidurgat, f. great diffi- jSCS»i>j\ '4i f tT ^ t g W. atidushkar, very difficult, s. jjS3\ Vt\ ^^^Tfv«fiR iittaradhikm', m. an inheritance, s. [an heir. s. f^jii>tii\J>\ "^Wjfv^W^ uttaradhikaru m. Jbi^ily] -^WTJ^ uttar-ardh, the second or last half (of a book, &c.) s. \St>j\^\y>\ ^ ^O^ T dl uttarasharha, f. the twenty -first lunar mansion, s. id}\j>\ AtrRk (plur. of t£J;'J), a Tartai- or Turcoman, a. UU\ TjmrfT utrana, a. to boil over; to take down, to pull down (by the hands of a third person : to do it one's self is utarnu). h. ^\Ji\ iAKM l itrana, a. to give one's self airs, to act with affectation ; to act in an unnatural or unusual manner, h. ^j\p\ ■g'7lU<=Cf uttarawan, m. a place where fish throng to. h. \i>\j>\ ^WTT^ uttaraha, of or belonging to the north, s. [wanton, h. L>L5\ 3 ^-^H TI itroya, affected, playful, K>^^J\3\ ■3'^rT^ ^t^ utra,i-hona, to be thankful or grateful, d. fj^y^^ "^^TRT uttarayan, m. northing; the six months from Magh, when the sun is north of the equator, s. S:>.C)\^S\ T5ncvn"5[t[^ nttar-hhMrapad, m. a mansion of the moon (the twenty-seventh). *. Jb J^ ^»IT.m^ atarpal, m. land that is left uncultivated s. C^jy^ ^nrf^iT a-iarpit, dissatisfied, s. lIa^ 3\ WR a-trip)ta, restless, uneasy, s. ,^^A^3\ ^r^uy^^^ uttar-phalguni, f. the "* twelfth lunar mansiou. s. ^_^y\ ^-^tT atran, m. name of a climbing plant used in medicine, (Cynanitum extensum). d. f^J)\ "^TJi utran, f. a fiagment, any thing taken off from the body ; cast clothes, rin se utranr hond, to be freed from debt. h. 133^ TiRVn utarnd, n. to come down from a height; to pass over; to go off; to become in- sipid; to fall in value or in dignity, nashd utra, hia intoxication is gone off. h. bV;3"^ ■^iTTTr«n utdrrvand, a. to cause to be brought down, or lowered, h. y>jj>\ T^r^tW^tittarottar, m. further and fur- ther ; a rejoinder to a reply in law. s. vl/jjj3^ ^PriO^I atir-og, m. consumption, s. J4^.u?r>^ ?Thfi55 itri-phal, m. an electuary composed of myrbbalan with coriander-seed and honey, d. [another, d. ^\ Ti^ uttar, placing one thing over .LJ\ ^iWR atisdr, m. dysentery, diar- I rhoea. atisdraki and atisdrl, dysenteric, afflicted with I dysentery, s {J^\ ( 12 ) J31 sLmJi iJ'WI^ utsah, m. joy, gladness, plea- sure; perseverance, s. \1Jj*j^\ "^WT?! utsarg, abandoning, conse- crating ; a rule or precept. $. «xs:uJl ^ffl4^ «jn«l atsiy f. flax (linum usitatis- jjiJ 1 a^wfA or atash, f. fire, flame, p. »jl^\ (jt->' atish-afraza, m. a rocket. ^. J4^^ (j^t atish-afroz, kindling fire, fuel. p. ^J^\ ^JiJ I atish-afgan, casting or throwing fire. I. j\i^\ (j£jl atish-andaz, casting out fire. p. JxCji {i^\ atish-angez, kindling, spreading or stirring fire ; an incendiary, a seditious man. p. Jo ^jL> \ atish-bar, flaming, fiery, raining fire ; a fire-lock, tinder-box. p. jb jjij| atish-haz, m. a maker of fireworks ; atish-bazi, f. a display of fireworks, p. 8.b(jij| atish-para, m. a spark, a lighted coal ; a beautiful person ; an exciter of quarrels, quarrelsome, p. t*>^. t^J*>\ atish-parast, m. a worshipper of fire, a guebre, of the sect of the magi ; atish-parastt, fire-worshipping, p. eo\i-jjii>t atish-kMna, m. a fire-temple; park of artillery, p. j\y- fji>^\ atish-khwdr, m. a fire-eater, a bird BO called (in Hind. Chakor). A variety of Tetrao rufus, Linn., a salamander, p. ^Jid yL) \ atish-dan, m. a hearth, a fire- place, a chafing-dish. p. y„j (j£j \ aiish-rez, pouring out fire ; an incendiary or exciter of quarrels, p. ^»3j (j£->! atish-zadagi, f afire (i.e. houses, ~ &c. on fire, accidentally or by design), p. j^ (jtJl aiish-zan, or »3j ^J^\ atish-zana, m. tinder, touchwood, any thing combustible ; a tin- der-box, with flint and steel; atish-zani, or Stish- xanagt, the act of striking fire. p. ^JC^tJLi] atishistan, f. the region of fire, a place where fire abounds (hence applied to a hot flre of cannon or small-arms in battle) ; a large fire ; a fu- neral pile. p. Xfls ^JLi I atish'iah', of a fierce or fiery dis- position, p. a. [cauo. p. ^JJLiiL>\ atish-Jishan, scattering fire, a vol- ^J^ iJLi \ atisk-Jigan, fire-dispersing, p. LJXLi I alishah, f. the venereal disease, p. tJL>^^\ ^flT^rai aiiskakta, very powerful. atishakti, f. great power. atishaktalS, £ heroic valour, prowess. < »4W (j£j\ atish-kada, m. a furnace, grate, chimney; the temple of fire-worshippers; name otm recent biographical work in the Persian language, p K')/^ U^^ atish-mizaj, fiery-tempered, p.a^ L^\> (jio 1 atish-nah, fiery, hot. p. j_^^ ^flT^ a\ vHll^nH atishtt, excessively cold. s. (_^lo!>i ittisaf, m. description, qualification, excellence, praise, a. {j\jeL>\ ittisal, m. conjunction, adhesion, union, attachment, neighbourhood, contiguity, a. Jjlij\ ittifak, m. equality; friendship, union, concord, similarity of disposition; chance, fortune, accident, lot, success, incident, opportunity; proba- bility, ittifai-k, to unite. itt{faJc-h, to happen, to be agreed. ittifaTf-se, accidentally, jointly, conjunctly, a. \Slfl3\ iitifakan, accidentally, by chance, o. Ol*U5^ ittifahat (pi. of jVi3^), accidents; successes, occurrences, events a. sx,^*>- ^^^\ ittifahi hasana, m. unexpected good fortune ; agreeable accidents, a. jJUJi ittifahi, accidental, concurring, a. vHJ>^ iitika, m. avoiding, shunning, abstain- ing (from vice) ; piety, abstinence, a. u-9UL>\ ittikdf, restraining one*s senses ; pray- ing and fasting, as in the month of RamazSn. a. \j^\ atkiyd (pi. of ^i^), religious men, de- votees ; the abstemious ; those who fear God. a. L^^ ^TTV itak, so much, this much. h. Oj\ Vf7«KT atikd, much, excessively, h. (_ \ dtkdrt, a caste of silkweavers in the Dakhan. d. [time. «. jKi>\ nfinn^ ati-kdl, m. delay, a long iJL>MiyJi\ 4ichV utkrishtay good, excellent. utkrishia-bhum, m. a good soiL t. jj^^ 9v^ uthal, a name of the province of Urisa, vulgarly called Orissa. $. {^Lj,fsi>\ jJiaMfdl utkantha, f. regretting, longing for any thing. «. [gnat. <; (JlJC>\ vfiTTfTr atigati, very much, very ^)5\ Vrl^ a-tul, unweighed ; that cannot be weighed. ». ^\i\ Wf^ a-tal, the name of one of the seven patalas or infernal regions ; literally, bottom less. s. ^^ T?rg5T utld (v. utdwald), swift, quick, h. (^ ( 13 ) 4^^ J>^ "W^n uttam, great, principal, first chief, the best, tittam-purush, an excellent man. *. 3\ WTTT atvia, 11). self, soul, life, body; much used in the composition of Hindui words, as atma-naml, self-evident; atma-palak, self-cherishing, selfish ; atma-ghat, self-murder, s. J>\ atamm, more or most perfect (from tamm, ' perfect, complete), a. W? \ 'WTiTT atma, f. the soul ; the body ; the heart ; the understanding. «. aW>\ itmam, perfection, accomplishment, ' completion, a. [ledge, s. ^iia^>l wnwsrf^ atma-huddhi, f. self-know- ^cjjj^j 1 ^ri*rr?H atma-handhu, m. one's own kinsman, s. struction. ». »iijf»3l ^lrM«hv atma-hodh, m. spiritual in- CiiJL^l or/?ia-j!jaZaA, self-cherisher, selfish, s. >pl ^T^TSf atmaj, springing from one's V-- self; m. a son. s. \^ \ ^Ti*nn atma-jci, f. a daughter, s. ^.tiJu<-v>^ ^nWH^ atma-sandeh, m. inter- nal doubt, s. [restTMnt. t. ^juu—^T ^nura^W atmasanyam, m. self- (JIaC^)! ^I W ^l f l i atma-shakii, f. inherent power, s. [praise. «. lA^ ^f* »>! ^IW^I^I^ atma-shlagha, f. self- Lil»3T ^ifpraff atmik, belonging to self, own. s. [neas. «. bC>T "ai rtilahH T atmikata, f. identity, same- C->V^-C*i>T ^nunniT atma-ghat, m. self- murder, atmaghatak and atmaghatt, one who commits suicide. *. [ledge. *. j^LC»31 ^TTrSr^TR at ma- gy an, ni. self-know- ^o\l»!>l '^IrMHIif^ af/na-wa/Ati, sfilf-evident. «, \J«>«.^T ^1 W^'^\ ^mni a\y\^rfinTO ativa^, m. a rigid fast observed on certain occasions. ». [poison. *. (^y^ vfriOt? ativish, m. an antidote to lji>y\ vrifOlQI ativishd, f. a tree whose bark is used in dyeing, s. Jy\ fliHc^ a-tol, unweighed. h. f^y I wr^ al^^ TVIIMH uthdpan, m. act of raising a ^_j*i^3\ ^fiTfTH itihds, m. a story, fable ; history, tradition, atihas, m. excessive laughter. *. j,\^\ ittihdm, m. suspicion, censure ; in law, a charge, an imputation, a. -^l^\ TrVIIH utthdn, m. rising up, awaking from sleep ; efibrt, exertion, utthan ekddashi, or de- vothan, the 1 1th of the shukl-paksln of kartik, when Vishnu awakes from sleep ; during the months that he sleeps it is unlawful to marry, s. [able. *. l\^\ ^TTT? a-thdh, m. an abyss, unfathom- ^Ia!)^ "W^n^* athdftn, f. a place where peo- ple meet to converse and amuse themselves, s. C1aa3\ ^iftnT a-thit, unstable, unsteady, s. j^j^'l Wrc^^ (properly 'flVl^TIl), atharban, name of one of the Vedas. *, ^.^T 53n^I^ atharvvan, m. a Brahman versed in the Atharvan Veda, s, ijJ<^\ ^r«ra a-thak, unwearied, insensible of fatigue, h. A^\ WJJ55 a-thal, unstable, unsteady, wa- vering ; land farmed or rented, s, ^)^\ q ' Vjffl uthld, shallow, shelving, s. \3^)^\ (TTf^SRT) uthldnd, a. to cause to turn over, or to be overset. *. J4J^ ^y^^ ^S*"^ 1^^ uthal-puthal, over- tamed, upset, topsy-turvy, ft. U^\ JiV|\ iti), a word usually written at the end of a letter, book, &c., signifying tliat it is finished ; as the Latin Finis, &c. s. ^J^ Wfft att, much, very. s. d\^\ ^wrf^ ityadi, et cjetera, and so forth, s. \jSS\ ("flrt1«(l'^) artfear, frequently, very often, s. ^C^i3\ ^W^W' afibakta, a great talker, a babbler, s. [of game. h. ^Jb (3 1 'aTH^mift atlpafi, f. name of a kind «Jli*x>\ ^riHcf atit, m. an ascetic, or devotee among Hindus, s. Ci»oo\ 'Wrfhr atit, gone by, elapsed, expired. atlt-kdl, m. (in gram.) the past or preterite tense. ». CL)Sj^\ WilWcH atirihta, much, excessive, s. j»)jO\ 9n)<*i ufiran, woi-n, cast off (clothes, jewels, &c.). s. jjj^^ J^n<& utfirna, arrived, rescued, s. (j««ju\ Vii*t'\ ^StZVii atfathi,\ thoughtless, incon- jJUj'l \ ^JTT atam, m. a heap, pile, or mass. h. ji-^^ W^^ atambar, a crowd of people, a tribe, d. (pfcr, of <^). ft. ^^\ WZ^ atan, a balcony, an upper room; lJo1 ^I3»n atnd, n. to be contained, to be filled ; as, km at-gaya, the well is filled up; also to fill up (actively), h. /o^-Jo^ \y^^\^\ Vy\ WZZ a-tut, not liable to be broken, iJ^J>^ ijy>^ athmati-khatwdtx, f. being bed- ridden, (v. atwat, &c). ^yi\ Wt^ a-tok, unrestrained, uninter- rupted, without hindrance, unquestioned, h. Jy^ ^irt^S a-tol, unpolished (stones or jewels), and hence when applied to persons it d«« notes rude, unmannerly, " A rough diamond." h. <^yl WT^^ft atvi, f. forost, wilderness. <- ^"T ( IS ) y ,4^1 WB nth, eighty dth dth ansu rond, to shed floods of tears, to weep exceedingly, ath pahar, perpetually ; lit. during the whole eight watches of day and night, ath-pahari, one who is constantly on duty, an eight- watch man. ath- khamba, a canopy sup- ported by eight posts, h, \^\ atthd, the eii;lit at cards, d. 61^-) \^\ \^\ 4'i\k^ uthd-baitht, f. act of "frequently rising and sitting down, inconstancy, rest- lessness, h. tX^\ ^ZT^ atharah, eighteen, atharahrvdn, also athdrwdn, the eighteenth, h. ^J^\^\ ^rjnft athdsl, eighty-eight, h. jjl^1 '3TT«f uthdn, m. an area, or court; f. act of appearing, arising, ft. ^V^^ ^4Hf itthdnd, a. to lift or raise up; to contract debts or purchase on credit, to drive away, to exhibit, vtha-d, to abolish, to do away with. ft. ^^\^\ ^rjT«T% athdnaivwe, or athdnwe, ninety-eight, h. ^jl^1 ^I3T^iT athdwan, fifty-eight, h. (j«J»l^"^ 'SrjT^H athd,is, (also athdwis) twenty-eight, ft. aS(_^I^1 a"L»^'\ ^JT'TT'H athinds, m. land constantly plouglied (for sugar-cane) from the month of as&rh to the month indgfi, both inclusive. *. \x»^" \ ■^liHH\ dthmana, the west, in op- position to agmand the east. «■ \i^^ ■3T»TT uthnd, n. to rise up; to go away. /*. ,JJa^3'\ 4iHt$ uthangal, out of order, with- out manner, dull, heavy, stupid, d. (2^Jok^'\ \ isnd-ashar, the twelve, in reference to the twelve Imams, a. joS aslr, m. aether; adj. marked, chosen, a. j»i^\ asim, m. a liar, sinner, criminal, a. jf,\ ^m aj, m. a goat ; (also the same ud uj) to-day, now «. .) ( 16 ) r — I xrVfl aj, to-daj. aj-kal, to-day or to- morrow, soon, in a few days. &j kal-k^ or ^ kal hatana, to procrastinate, h. U- 1 Wr»n aja, m. a paternal grandfather, h. j>-\ ^mr aJa, f. a she-goat. s. l-pjU-^ vjab, m. (in law) the first proposal made in a contraet fcc. bj one of the oontractiiig parties, a. CL^\s>-\ ijabaU f. consent, approbation, a. C0AOA minr a-jat, expelled from one's caste. $. [bia caste. «. ^V^ ^niTlA a^adt m. a man who has lost ij\s>-\ ijara, (also.l*-^ ijar), m. a farm; a pri- vilege, or income of variable amount sold or let for a fixed sum. ijara-dar, m. a farmer of land or of reve- nue, one that has purchased the labour of another ; the holder of a monopoly, ijara-ddrl, farminsr or contract- ing for rent or revenue, ijardari-patta, ijar-pattd and ijar-nama, a lease, any document under which a lease or farm is held. a. Piemp. k. VW\ VifT? «7ar, m. canvas, cloth made of VW^ "91fff ujdr, deserted, desolate, aban- doned. ujSf-k, a. to raze to the ground, k. UyV^ "^^TTTfT ujarna, a. to lay waste, to desolate ; to injure, to expose to loss, as maiA tie tera kya ujara, in what respect have 1 injured you? h. •VW^ "JWr^ujarii, m. a spoiler, destroyer, k. ul»>jl>-i ijazat, f. commands, orders, permis- sion, leave, dispensation, sanction, ijazaf-bhwah, a petitioner, one who asks leave or permission, ijazat- nama, m. any written order or permission, a. S^^ ^^U\K ujagar, splendid, gaudy; cele- brated, h. ^U-^ ^rsn^ ujala, m. light, splendour. ujale Jca tard, the planet Venus, h. UU-^ ^nn^5»n ujalna, a. to cleanse, to po- lish (metals or jewels), h. [brightness, h. jJU-\ TJinsrt ujali, f. light, splendour, glare, ^Ji«V^ ^nnft^ ajamil, the name of a great sinner and penitent 1. [cent, h, ^,W\ tnfT«T a-jdn, ignorant, simple, inno- ^jV»-^ ^nifPI ujan, m. the direction, or part, of a river which is opposite to the course of the stream ( up the river, ft. 'JU-I iHI^IHI a-jdna, n. to come sudd"* ' to befall, to happen, to come. h. [.\ ijfimd', m. act of assembling or ga- tneriog together ; conjunction (in astronomy), a, [^\Sx»-\ ijtindh,m. abstinence, continence a. iiy^Js»-\ ijtihdd, m. care, effort, diligence ; car- rying on war against infidels, o. [a d\i3»'\ ajddd,{]A. of J«^) ancestors, forefathers. ^Ss^\ wr^ djudk (properly ayudh), m. a weapon t, [rant, clownish, h. S>'\ '3^B ujadd, inconsiderate, rash, igno- ff-\ ajr, m. retribution, reward of good or bad actions, Ure, fiu«. a. j>-\ ^niK. a-jar, ever young, not liable to decay or old age. t. *>-\ ^rf^ tyiff ™- &n &rea or court, g. \j>'\ ijrd, m. performance, execution. ijra4t, to perform, to pnt in practioe. a. aL*.) ajrdm, (pi. of Mff) bodies, a. O^^ ujratf f. reward, wages, hire. a. ^y^^ '9W€9[[ ujarna, n. to become desolate, n. \Jljj»-\ ISI|^<(MI ujarwdnd, a. to cause to be laid waste (by the hands of a third person), k. y^-] 07^5 (pi. of J?- q. v.), parts, portions sections of the ^ran, of which there are thirty, a. tj>*»-\ ^tWS a-jas, infamous, disreputable, s. «iL<»^^ ajsdd (pi. of ciy-»»-1 X , „ f bodies, a. l»w^i ajsdm (^pl. of j^**^J C/^\ ^K% a- Juki \ f. violence, oppres- l1aX»-1 ^«'\ ^ipTiT ajgut, surprising, wonderful. 8. j^\ WSTK ojg<^'>', ni. a dragon, a kind of large snake, the boa-constrictor ; lit, the goat-eater, t^ ^y>'\ ajal, f. death, delay, a stated tim^ respite, period for the payment of a debt, aial-rastda or ajal-sirifta, seized by fate, on the point of death, in a situation that leaves no hopes of life, ajil, (In law) procrastination, or sufTering such an interval to elapse as to render complaint inadmissible, like our statute of limitations, a. Jj>-^ ajall, comp. more glorious, a. Jj>-\ THI^ Wcih clean, pure, shining ; blown, expanded. 1. *^\ ^tf^ST ujldf clear, bright, white, light, s, {^jti'!^\ ijlds, f. act of sitting, especially of a court of justice like our word sessions, ijlasi kamil, a full court, a, [mean people, a. c-i^^^ ajlaf, (pi. of v...iL>-) wretches, tyrants, J^U-^ ijldl, m. the bestowing or acknowledg- ing of greatness, respect a. [to brighten. «. U^l?-\ -\ "^wf^ ujjalit, pure, clean, clear, s. \A»'\ TsT^JTT vjalnd, n. to become clean, . to shine, to be bright «. B^\ ajilla,{p\. of Jjiy»-)glorious,ilIustriou8. a. ftV*>-\ ijmd', m. act of assembling, an as- sembly, senate, council, court of justice, a crowd, a collection, amount, the wliole. ijmd'-i wnvuit, m. gene- ral assembly of the people, unanimous consent, ijma't fohiabat, the unanimous authority of the companions of the prophet on a point of law.' a. r ( 17 ) ,U1 Jlv>-\ ijmal, m. an abstract, abridgement, compendious account, synopsis, summary; also applied to joint occupancy or possession. ^Iv?"^ ij malt, abridged, compendious; in law ■ it denotes what is held in common (as an estate) imdi- vided, unpartitioned. ymali mdfyall, an undivided estate, a. i^j^jt^S ajmain, (pi. of J*?-^) the whole, a. ^y^\ ajmal, comp. more beautiful, perfect, a. iy%s>'\ "^[WH^ ajmud, 1 m.parsley. (-<^^iM7n U^v^^ "^ivHlr^l ajmoda,} involucratum, Roxb.), common carraway {Carum Carui), a kind of lovage {Ligusticum Ajowan). p. s, f^\ (^«nT) ajin, m. the hide of an ante- lope, lion, tiger, &c, on which the religious students sit or sleep. «. [tels, kinds, sorts, species, a. ^j*>Us»-^ ajnas, (pi. of (j«i?-) goods and chat- Uja>-\ ajnab, "I foreign, strange, unknown ^ja»-\ ajnabifj person, a. Cajujc*-^ ajndbiyat, f. strangeness, the cir- cumstance or state of being a foreigner, a. [s. j^\ ^1T»*f a-janma, unborn, and unbegotten. ifJs^S.ajinna or ajinnat, (pi. of ^jfu>-), em- bryos, a. [guBticum &c. (v. ajwayan). h. i»^y>-^ ^ni^T«T ajwcin, seed of the Ajowan li- \3^»»-^ damMI ujmana, a. to order a person to pour from one vessel into another, h. j^\»»-\ ^nT^TTH aj TV ay an, f. the seed of a plant of the dill kind {Ligusticum Ajowan). A kind of aniseed, ajwdtjani khurasdni, henbane. A. ^\ks^\ '3I*I^iS^H^ ajrva,mi,i. a kind of caudle. ^\ '^TS^ a-jutha, untouched, untasted (victuals), h. tj^\ ajuroy m. hire, wages, fare, ajura-dar, m. a labourer for hire (whether paid by the day, or for completing a given work), a, ^JJ^\ ajauii, f. advances, particularly to 'agricultural labourers, h, [rare. h. S'yr^ ^Tift^ a-jor, without joining, matchless, J^^ ^Ti^^ ujjrval, clean, bright; blown, expanded, s. CJ ys-^ 7133%W ujjmalit, pure, clean, clear, s. Ujj?-^ jcjiri T itjjwalta, f. splendour, ra- diance, s. ^^\ ajauli, f. perquisite of the lower castes "from the threshing-floor, h. ^^yr^ ^HfYajon, hithertho, as yet,to this day. h. ^\^\ 7«vSl^'«n ujhaha, a. to pour from one vessel into another. A. j4s-\ (^»*K.^ or "^WS) ujjhar$ ignorant, illi- terate, clownish. /«. [apy- *• Va5^>-\ "^ifJSRT ujhakna, a. to observe, to ^y^^ ajhal, more ignorant, very ignorant, a. ^JJ^\ ^»*Ri^«n vjhalna, n. to flow, or be poured from one vessel into another. It is also used in a transitive sense, like ujhalna, q. v. h. ^4>-\ ^il? ajliu, to-day even, presently, h. Jj^\ ^r*^r^ a-jAoZ, of steady pace (epithet of an elephant), h, jj^^\ ^i|^ aj-hun, yet, hitherto, even yet, this very day. h. jej»-\ 'sni'^ ajt, an interjection to call, or "bespeak attention. In Bengal it is always addressed to an inferior, or in cases of great intimacy ; but in the western provinces, often to a superior as a term of respect, h. ^\ ^TaTT a-jai or ajaya, unsuccessful, sub- "dued, not victorious, m. defeat. «. Kaajs-T 'SrrwHVcirr ajlbika, f. livelihood, sub- sistence, means or mode of living, s. Cl^!>-\ ^flftli a-jlt, invincible, unsubdued, s. ^^c1aa»- \ ^rflim^ a-jit-barria, m. leprosy (of a bad kind), s. [adjutant. (^;AJL5»\ ajitan, m. a corruption of our word (M>\ ajyad, very best, good, excellent, a. . .Jis>-\ aJjh', m. a slave, ajlt'-i-mushtarik, a general or common hireling, a. jo;A?-l 'Slsft'^ a-jlnia, m. indigestion, sur- feit, flatulence, adj. undeeayed, unimpaired. ». i^x»'\ '-\ ^irl^ a;;MW, lifeless, deprived of life. s. •A^T '^m1^ ajiTV, m. livelihood, profession, subsistence, s. \^*jo-T ^rnfH^^ djlvika, f. subsistence, means of supporting life (v. ajibika). s. -.\ T?sr uchcha, high, lofty, (for uncha). s. \s--\ W^ acha (for achchha), good, excellent, h. cLo W^ "^^nnr uchapat, m. taking up goods on credit ; also, the goods so taken up ; money bor- rowed, h. Ci^l*-^ d'^ T -\ ^nrrr: uckchar, m. pronunciation, utter- ance, s. jU-T 'Sn'^R achar or ^P^TT: achar, m. man- ner of life, common practice, rule of conduct, reli- gious observance, achar-varjit, irregular, out of rule, out of caste, s. [pickles. A. Xs^\ W^R, SMMK achar, also acha?; m. w\ ( 18 ) 4r^ 0|l>-^ Wrter uchcharit, pronounced, ut- tered. ». ^jl>>\ acharaj (for ^flT^ acharya), m. an in- atroctor in matters of religion ; a learned pandit, t. ^jjl^T '«iHi<,4!f acharan, ra. manner of life, religious observance, s. [utterance, t. ^jjjV».\ <3^K*T uchcharan, m. pronunciation, U,\;».\ T^rrmT uchcharna, a. to pronounce, to utter, s. i/jl*-! ^TTTCt achari, a strict observer of religious ceremonies, s. [ceptress. s. u.l>-I ^1-MI^T acharya, f. a spiritual pre- (3l>jl:*-l wrar^TJft acharyajii, f. the wife of an acharya or religious instructor. $. dO.\i»-l ^ST^T^ acharya, m. an instructor (especially in matters of religion), the founder of a rebgious sect, s, ^^l.»-l -^ T^rjT uchana, a. to lift up a burden, to raise, elevate, exalt, hoist up. h, LiX:fy:>'\ ^r^T*r?oF achanchak,\ suddenly, <.dbl5»'\ 'W^TtfcF achanak, J unawares, unexpectedly, h. IjI>-^ T^Tl ucharvd, m. raving or talking incoherently, as in one's sleep ; the night mare. h. ,J.A&-\ ^ra^i^ achpal, com.l restless, playful, ^U*-l NH^Mc^'l achpald, m. > inconstant,wan- ,_^-»-l ^^T?^ achpali, f. J ton, brisk ; ob- "stinate, unruly, h. «iL»j&^L*-\ ^aRXign^ achpaldhat,'\t. restless- j_^-^l ^BPfTT^ achpali, J ness, play- fulness, vivacity, inconstancy, h. cHa^ \ TpTiC uchit, proper, becoming, s. -\ ^"9Tf a-chchut, m. a name of Vishnu or of God, (q. d. which breaketh not) ; incorraptible, immortal. 5. \jj^\ iniTfT uchchta, f. height, s. \3VJL».\ ^^i!1«TT achtdnd or achtand-pachtana, (▼. achhtana), to regret, to repent h. s. jJu>'\ ^SWH^ a-chatur, stupid, inactive, s. \lie»"^ T^T'H uchatnd, n. to separate, or be aeparatcd (as plaster from a -wall) ; to slip, slide, re- bound (as a sword striking obliquely a hard body), to be broken or interrupted (sleep), h. jO>~\ V^^ a-char, immoveable, inanimate, s. r'j>-'^ oj* "Tj^^ 'W'H.M or 'W^t'^I acharj or acharch, m. wonder, admiration, aatouishmeut a^j. aatonishing. h. ^^j^T ^Jf^'BI acharan, m. manner of life, conduct, custom* practice, institute, rcli^^ous observ- ance. *, U^) 7^T!!!n or 7^n>Tr uchama or uchcharna. n. to separate (as the skin from the flesh, txa.) \ Is speak, to pronounce ; to be uttered, pronounced. A. \LSoy>-\ T^i^T uchrang, m. a moth. h. ^6>»A T^^ uchahhd, m. a thief, a pick-pocket, a swindler; (in Western India)swindllng,theft. uchakki- pana, m, robbery, theft, h. [up. h, \3o^^ T'^oifTfTT uchhdnd, a. to lift, or raise (.5;^^^ '^^oiiO' achkari, f. wantonness, lasci- viousness, wickedness, h. iJiS^] ^S(^r^ a-chakshu,h\ind. f. spectacles, s. U^^^ '^ Pm ^H a-chihkan, rough, unpolished. «. ^j»-^ -^ ^S^C^ a-chal, immoveable (either from strength or weakness) ; an aged person ; m. a moun- tain. nU-achal, the blue mountain near Balasore. «. ^Jo-^ ^^oSr a-chald, f. the earth, supposed to be immoveable as the centre of the universe. *. 13 ^k*-^ ^^^rr»TT uchldnd, a. to order a person to separate (one thing from another), h. Ui>-\ -\ ^H^HT achambhd, also achambd, m. a wonderful thing, astonishment, cause of astonish- ment, adj. rare, wonderful, h. /^^♦J>-1 WPTO»T dchaman, m. act of rincing the mouth, sipping a little water out of the hand and spitting it out again ; a ceremony performed before eating. *. [quence. *. i^j^ VNr<(«( a-chin, without note or conse- lAjJk.>-\ ^"^Jn achambhd, or achambd, in. a •wonder, marvel ; adj. strange, wonderful, h. ijjj^ vhPMiI a-chint, thoughtless, rash. s. ljjL>-\ '^tp^'iil a-chintd, f. disregard, absence of thought. A^l»-\ ^^-Mc^' a-chanchal, fixed, unmoved, firm, inactive, s. <\1>-^ ^T^ a-chand, gentle, not passionate, s. jJ,Ur»-\ 'W^mn't achndnx, f. caudle (v. achh- " want), h. [marksman, a dead shot h. Ld) 5*-^ "Vf^TSS a-chukf unerring ; hence, a good ,4*-\ ^[^ achh, m. a die, cubic or oblong; the spots on dice, achii, m. the eye. t. "^T^ ^ ^^^^^'^> ^' sugar-cane. s. \a»'\ ^«atT achchhd, good, excellent, righteous, healthy, achchha hona, to recover, achchhd-k, to cun. achchha-lagva, to become, beseem, to be pleasing. achchlie se achchha, best of all. 4. \^\ "^^ khchhd,\'. will, wisli, desire, ichchhd- bhojan, food agreeable and abundant to the utmoit desire, s. [ments ; a covering, cloak, Ike. a. ^^.til^j^l "Sil^dKH dchchddan, ui. cloth, gar- 4>-^ ( 19 ) jj\^>.^ T^fT^STTT uchhalna, a. to throw up a thing (as a ball, Stc.) and catch it in the hand. h. •jl^j>-\ ^;4lrl achhan, not strained, impure, h. iiiL>l^r»"\ ^'^t^T achhansh, m. a degree of latitude or longitude, s. i\^^\ T«a[I^ uchchhah, m. joy, gladness, h. lS^^x^sA ^T^vrPT achh-bhag, m. a degree of latitude, s. \L*^^\ ^Ra[«T or ^^"cT achhat, or akshat, f. infallible, indelible; m. whole or unbroken rice used in oblations, achhat tilak, f. the ceremony of putting a few grains of rice on the forehead of an image when aidressed, gr of a Brahman when invited to an enter- tainment, s. iJL-i^^A ^^W achhat, remaining, existing, h. ^IjL^\ iMpHlriRT achhi'tara, f. the pupil of the eye. s. ^^%^,. ^'^^4-?-^ ^rann^ ^l^rfn^ achhtana pachhiana, m. to repent, regret, s. h. j4*-^ ^jf?rC achhir, ra. the thrush, a complaint to which children are liable, h. jA>-\ H^i. or ^'B^ achchhar or akskar, m. a letter of the alphabet *. [sugar-cane. ». (^^^.>.\ ^4C9 ichhu-ras, m. the juice of the l3y^j>-\ T2[^»n uchharna, to leap or bound, to spring (a fountain), to fly up. h. ^,jAd-\ ^Rpd^ achhraufi, f. orthography} "a mode of playing on a stringed instrument so as to express the words of a song, h, ^^J^£>A ^HfO or V'odK^ achchhari, scientific ; writing an elegant hand ; lettered, s [up. d. \jj^zi~\ uchharna, same as ^j^\ to be rooted \^j.^~>.\ ;«^1^ ichhu'Sar, m. molasses, raw sugar, s. [of victuals; leavings, t. tLoiAr*-^ jfvS? uchchhisht, m. the remainder liilA^-l ^rjgf i, ^^ <^ ichchhak or ichchuk, wish- ing, desirous, s. [sugar-cane {Saccharum munja). s. ^\1^\ ^^cklltj ichhu-kand, m. a species of ^■t^.(J4^=^^ uchhal-parna, n. to become en- raged, d. [ther to throw up any thing, h. \j*^^±»~\ 7'^c^MT uchhlana, a. to order ano- Ijd^r-^ sj^cjS ' ^ l uchhalna, n. to leap or bound, to spring up (as water in a fountain), h. V^l>^\ ^ViiHift ichhu-matl, f the name of a **river in Bengal, the Issamutty. ,>t 4"«-^ ?H|H^^ ichhumehi, adj. diabetic, s. J,^\ ^55»T ichchhan, m. seeing, sight, s. (^y^[=>A ■3'f^a[^ uchchhinn, ruined, laid waste, destroyed, h. \ 'A-^\ ^«s«TT achhna, also achhna, n. to be, to remain, d. ijti\j±»-^ "^^aTO uchchhrvas, m. breath, breath- ing ; hope, expectation ; division of a book. c. ji\»A».^ ^r3R1-^ ' ^-^ rT a-chet, out of mind or senses, senseless, thoughtless, s. CU»s».\ '^xllri a-chyut, firm, fixed, steady ; im- perishable, eternal ; m. a name of Vishnu or God. «. ljurs.\ 'gT -cjIri T a-chita, unwished for j not painted (paper, &c.) h. lJJu«»-\ ^-^^tfr uchelna, a. to separate one thijag from another, h. (j^*-l ^%iT«-cAfl«^>"'^68'Sy> uncomfortable, t. _.\ uh, an exclamation expressing pain ; it is often reiterated, u^.u^. a. [«Ja.\ ahabh, adj. comp. more beloved, a friend, most lovely, amiable, a. i_^L».\ ahhdh (pi. of c-ajJc^), friends, a. j]^\ ihtirdz, m. abstinence, regimen ; ab- staining from improper actions of any kind ; for- bearance, controlling the passions, a. ;\ju».\ ihtirak, m. strong desire, burning, a. J^\ ihtiram, m. act of honouring, paying ' attention, treating with respect, a. u->L«jtf»-^ ihtisab, m. making up accounts; superintendence of police, censorship ; superintendence of weights and measures in a city or market, a. j^Li-jk*-^ ihtisabi, m. the superintendant or ~ clerk of the market, a. J,^Jl>-\ ihtisham, m. having many followers, &c ; pomp, retinue, magnificence, a. .003-^ ihtikar, in its literal sense signifies the laying up of any thing ; and in the language of the law, the purchasing of grain, or other necesraries of life, and keeping them up, with a view of enh.incing the price, a. A^Lk^-l iktildm, m. nocturnal pollution, a. ■A-% ^ ihtimat, m. act of bearing or support- ing ; doubt, uncertainty ; probability, i^tim&l-h, to be ^ probable, ilftimal-k, to doubt, to impute, a. ^l*jk>.\ ihtimalan, probably, very likely, a. ^\.^io-\ ihfimati, probable, conjectural, a. p,Lj[>-\ ihtiyaj, m. necessity, want, occasion, need; plur. «Js»-\ ihdas, m. act of making or producing any thing new ; a novelty, a rare invention, a. f^Ss^\ ahadi, a species of military corps (in "India), a. iJ2x>ji^e>'\ahadiyat,f.\xx\'\iY, concord, alliance, a. j[f^ ahrar (pi. of ^), the noble, the free bom. a. [fire. a. A)j>'^ ihrak, m. act of burning, or setting on j^j>'^ ihram, m. act of forbidding or inter- dicting; determination or resolution. At a certain distance from Mecca the pilgrims interdict themselves from all worldly enjoyments, &c. : here their resolution is fixed to complete the pilgrimage, and hence the word means the resolution or intention then formed. It also signifies a mean dress, worn by pilgrims on visiting Mecca or Medina ; also, the act of putting on such a dress; also the period of the pilgrimage, ih^ram bandhna, to make one's vows as a pilgrim, a. j»jU».\ ahzan (pi. of m>-)) grievances, sor- rows, a. jjU«»-\ ihsan, m. benevolence, benevolent ac- tions, beneficence, benefits, favour, courtesy, kindness. i^san-k, to oblige, a. \mandi, gratitude, a. ti.i^L->.^ ihsan-mand, obliged, grateful, ihsan- fj'*>»-\ ahsan, better, more beautiful, more ex- cellent, more agreeable, df^an-allahu, may God be gracious, ajpanta, bravo, well done. a. Lls»-\ ahsha (pi. of LS.*-), the contents of the thorax or chest, a. j»l-^ iJjm, numbering, reckoning, la-ihsa, innumerable, beyond calcalation. a. ^jtLa>'l ihsdn, restraining, circumscribing, a. Xtai>-\ ihzar, m. act of making to appear, or of calling, a summoiu. a. [serving, a. ^J^-] ahahh, comp. more proper, more de- jliLs-^ ihhdh, m. act of proving or establish- ing the truth of a doctrine, restoring to rights, adnd- nistration of Justice, a. Rs*.^ ohhar, more or most contemptible (a self- huinllintoryexpreMion}. a. J6s>'\ ahkam (pi. of J>>»-), orders, commands, decrees or decisions (of the government or of a judge). a^kdm-nama, written orders, a. ^o^\ ahkdmi, one who is ordered or ap "pointed by the ruling powers: such is the d^anu zamindar a. ^x»-\ ahkam, stronger, firmer, more stable, a. L^\ ahmad, comp. more or most commend- able, or praiseworthy ; the name of Muhammad and others, a^mad-mal^mud, a term applied in law to two persons who have combined to defraud a third, a. (^t^\ ahmadi, of or belonging to Ahmad; name of a gold coin. a. ;ib^i^.?'\ ahmaddbdd, name of a city in Gujrat, and of another in the Dakkhan ; the latter called alto dfymad-nagar. a. p. J^\ ahmar, red, gold, barbarous, a. /^\ ahmali, a blockhead, most foolish, dhinah ki dum (d.), a fool. a. ^ji^Su^S ahnahapan, m. folly, stupidity, a.h. !0^^3j^\ ahmakdna, foolishly, stupidly; figu- ratively, it is applied to money which an 'amil ia obliged to pay, to make good the deficiency of the revenue, a. p. ^.J^\ ahmak-pan, folly, stupidity (same as a^mdkapan), a. k. iJL?*\ ahmalii, f. folly, stupidity, a. Jl^\ ahwal, m. condition, circumstances, events, occurrences, state, account ; a report of the particulars of an affair, or of the condition of a thing or person. al).wdl batlana, to state one's condition. afywal-purs or -pursan, one who inquires after ano- ther's health. a},iwdl-pursi, inqtxiry after health, cir- cumstances, &C. a. [double, a. Jk>-\ ahwal, squinting, one who sees objects L»-l ahyd (pi. o{ ^j-), living things, ihyd, m. act of giving life, saving, preserving, iliyd-l-mawdt, lit. reviving of the dead, applied to the process of bringing waste land into cultivation, a. UL:>'\ ahydnan, sometimes, now and then, from time to time ; in the event, in case, should, a. ^\ ahh, a brother ; uhh, inter, sound of cough- ing; a^-rtM, an exclamation of joy. a. \oA akhhhd, fin exclamation of surprise, a. jUj»-^ ahhhdr (pi. ofjcf), news, a newspaper. aMihar-nawla, a writer of news, an appointed intelli- gencer, such as " our own correspondent." ijdihdr, m. act of giving intelligence or information, a, lIaa*-^ akhhas,very impure or contemptible, a. '^jf\ ahlvpaih. m. understanding, wisdom, in- ^telligence. p. f^jifSukht, f. a sister; adj. similar, congenial, a. Jcja>-\ ikhtUanif m. completion, fulfilment, ' finishing, a. \ akhtar, m. a star, constellation ; good fortune, good omen, horoscope. akjUar-shumdr, an astrologer, a^ar-shumdri, the calculation of one's horoscope, p. ( 21 ) h] el/L^i ikhtird', m. invention, inventing, dis- covering, £uic}diig. a. \jo^\ ihhtisar. m. abridgment, act of con- tracting, reducing, curtailing, a. [tion. a. i^jo^.jiCs>'\ ikhiisas, m. peculiarity, appropria- \sCs>-\ ikhtifa, m. act of hiding, concealing, covering, a. ioy::s-\ ikhtilai, m. friendship, intercourse, conversation; act of mixing; mixture, confusion, a. i_-3>i;»-i ikhtilaf, in. ditference of opinion, opposition, discord, disagreement, misunderstanding between friends, coolness ; pi. ikhtilafat. a. O^-^y ikhtilai, in. interruption, obstacle, a. &li-l akhta, also akhta, (literally, castrated) a gelding, akhta-murgh. a capon, p. jJC^\ iJihtiyar, m. authority, power, will, choice, option, election. ik}itiyar men hona, to be in the power of, or dependant on. ikhtiydr-k, to approve of, to adopt, to choose. i]c^tiydr-nama. m. a power of at- torney, a. L^^-*"' iMktiyari, f. approbation, choice, au- thority, power ; adj. in one's power ; subject to elec- tion, at one's disposal, ikhtiyari sulJjt, in law, an op- tional compromise, ikhtiydri-zfihl}, the killing of an animal for food by cutting its throat, as is done by Jews and Moslems, a. i^\ akhz, f. objection, cavil, hostility ; taking, seizing, intercepting, akhz-k. to seize, assume, accept, a. j5»-l aJthir, the last; m. the end, issue; adv. at last, finally, akhir-ul-amr or akhlri kar, at the end, finally, at last. alf- \ ahhirash. at last, finally, after all. a. p. -\ ikhfd, concealmetjt Hlmi ikhfa. the art of rendering one's self invlmlle, like Jack the giant- killer, or iEneas it Cartilage a. {jtfl>-\ akkfash, one whc has weak eyes, one who sees better by aigbt thai) by day. a. J^i akhyar, m. live asbet-; a spark of fire. p. ^^^Xs*"! ikhla.^, m. affection, friendsiiip, love. ikhlds-k or rakhna, to esteem, &c. ikhld^-mand, afifeo- tionate, friendly, a friend, ikhldsma/ndi, friendliness, aflfection, sincerity, a. ia'y^) akJildt (pi. of lal*'), the humours of the body of man and animals, akjljfaii arba'a, the four temperaments, a. ^J>»-i akhlah, m. (pi. of |^is»-), disposition, the good properties of mankind ; ethics, morals, a. J^-t^' o-Jf^iii-puldo, a kind of stew. d. ^»ji^i ikhwdn, \ (plur. of ^\), brothers, C^ys'S ikhwat, J friends, companions. ikhwdni zamdn, cotemporaries. a. j^ I dkhor or dkJiur, f. refuse, offals ; a stable ; waste grass of the stable, p. f*^^ t dkhon, master, lord, preceptor, d. {^•p-l dkjmn, "1 . «- ,, , >• ra. tutor, preceptor, p. ^y^\ akhindj ^ f f i (^^\ akhawif brotherly, fraternal, a. ur»-I akhyd (for i^\), m. a little brother, a. J^\ akhydr (pi. of jjs^), the good, the ex- cellent, a. j^Us*-! akhyafi, a brother or sister, by ihe "same mother but different fathers, a. j(f'\ akJnr, last; m. the cud, accomplishment, completion, akhyar, better, best. o. i^5»-i akhiran, at last, in the end. a. (ii ir^ ud (same as ^Tf ui), above, over. s. tSi ^^ ad (same as ddh or adK), half. s. «il "Wt^dd, or '^ei^ddif m. beginning; the first, originally : as a termination to a Sanskrit word it denotes " et cetera." *. Itil add, f. blandishments, coquetry; dischai'j^e, paymeat, performance; voice, ada-k, to liquidate, to pay. add'bandi, the fixing a period for the per- formance of a contract, or payment by instalments. add-fahm, one who understands by signs, a. p. bl ^T^«t7a, m. ginger in the undried state, s. L_^Ul dddh, m. (pi. of <—i^«3^) etiquette, de- voirs, ceremonies.politeness, forms of address in writing and speaking, salutation, respects, a. Olti\ addt, f. a particle, in grammar; a tool or utensil, a. Obl Y^l^ uddtta, m. the acute accent, a nigh sharp tone ; gift, donation, a kind of musical instru- ment, a large drum. s. (^beloved, s. liittil 7^WF uddttd, liberal, generous, dearly ^^1 ^T^nn a-ddtd, also a-ddnt, avaricious, stingy, s. jitil "^^^uddr, liberal, generous, munificent, s. ^jh\ ■g'^CrfT uddrtd, f. liberality, generosity, munificence, s. (.^^iiil ^^TO udds, dejected, indifferent, sor- rowful ; m. loneliness •, (in agriculture) a sickly crop. s. b) ( 22 ) J*' lajbl <3(;i«T ttc?asa,ro. a cord worn as a shoulder belt. d. j_^Ul '3^1^ udasi, f. solitude, loneliness; m. a class atfatir$ or devotees; adj. lonely, retired, dejected, f. dejection, sorrow, 1 atfatir$ or devotees f. ^^;A*»»U\ T^lfhf udasin, m. one who is com- pletely detached from the world, whose family is unknown, and who has neither friend nor foe ; a class of mendicants of the Panjab, an hermit, a misan- thrope, a stoical, indifferent person, an umpire, s, «ij\ J\) low, mean, or contemptible people, a. cLj6\ti\ '3^T5T udahat, "j f. brown colour^ t^lii^ "3^1^ uda,i J brownness. s. ^^ji>\d>\ "^^"^TM ndaharan, m. an example, a simile, a comparison, an opposite argument ; one of the five modes of logical reasoning, s. ^^.i^i^\iS\ ada,e dain m. payment of debt. a. i^i>\ adah, m. act of preserving the boun- daries of every thing ; good-breeding, politeness, respect, urbanity, polite literature, adab-k, to respect, to behave politely, a. [ruin. a. ^biil idhar, f. misfortune, ill-luck, adversity, jSiJ^iil T^t^ udbodh, m. recollection the re- cognising of any thing. ». MffS\ adbich, among, in the midst, d. l1*4>i^^ ^ffri adhhut, wonderful, admirable ; m. surprise, astonishment. $. y^i^^ d\ adit (for 'Wf^ adityd), m. a deity in feneral ; a deity of a particular class. The udityas are 2 in number, and are forms of the sun as distinct in each mouth ; the sun. aditya-bar, Sunday, adit is also met with in the same sense as adik, et cictcra. s. Oiil "Vf^cT ndit, risen (as the sun), dis- tinguished, sliining (as valour, &c.). s. yZ0>C)\ ^7^ a-datta, woi \(\\en. In lliiuhi law it is applied to an illegal donation, consequently void and resumablft. s. \5«3\ ^V^niT a-datta, not given in marriage (a female), t. M {jy^\ adatri, hanging ; infirm, d. ^«j4iJJjii\ ^yn^rrtHftlff aditi-nandan, m. a deity, i. e. a son of aditi. s. j!>*il 'fllH^rl aditwa, m. priority, prec^ dence. s. [same as SdityMtr. a, j\^(il ^rrf^WWR aditya-war, m. Sunday, euL> J I NHlfc^iif aditya, m the sun, etc. See adit. «. Jl>-ti) idkjml, m. entering, introducing, a. ^Ciii>\ "3^fv udadhi, m. the ocean, s. jiil ^^''C adar, m. respect, regard, act of treating with attention and deference, politeness. adar-mdn, reverence and honour, s. j(i\ "gr^ udar, m. the belly. '3^ udrUf m. an offer, (dakh) udar, that way ; adar, this way. ];til Wljj^l ddi-a, f. the name of the sixth lunar mansion (probably a Ononis) ; the beginning of the rainy season. *. [in another, a _\j4i\ idraj, m. act of inserting one thing idrar, m. involuntary discharge of urine ; hard rain, liberality, a. t/jjjiS) idi-ari, a pension, allowance, a. uiJ^jii^ idrah, ni. understanding comprehen- sion, a. ^Vii\ ^i^LIHTI udaramay, m. diarrhoea, dy- "sentery. s. [worm. « ^ilA.io,j\jib^ "^^TT^F ndaravesht, m. the tape- -.Ljjii^ ■^^jTf^'^n"'^ udar-pisach, glutton, voracious, one wlio devours every thing, one who has the devil for his belly, s. (^ji^^ a-dris for W^TSpT a-drishya, 1 invi- ^^lil '?T^^«T a-darsan or a-darshan,j sible, unseen, s. \t*»jd\ -^f^lMX adarsa, m. a kind of very fine muslin ; a kind of sweetmeat, h. {j^j^\ '^^ a-darsh, \ invisible, unseen; cLAji>jii\ W?F a-drisht, J ra. unforeseen danger, fortune, fate. *. (^;5l ^BT^^ m. a mirror; a commentary, original manuscript; a copy, a sign. s. ^j^^tii ^l^«T a-darshan, m. disappearance J adj. invisible, s. LiJjii\ ^S^cir admit, m. ginger in an undried state {Amomum-zinziber). s. tfj^^ ^i*) adraki, f. a kind of sweetmeat. A. Jjii^ T^55 ndar'd ^jjiS^ "l^fT^ udarin ^JJli)\ "Tcf^ udari J [honour. ». ^j;U,»iT Vr^nrnr adar-man, m, respect and jiiiil ^^fi^lfl udarim, f a pregnant woman. s, ijjS\ W^[^ a-droh, m. mildness, moderation, the absence of tyrannjr* *■ pot-bellied, fat, cor- pulent, s. .i>\ C 23 ) jj&j .ii\ ^^^1' a-droht, innocuous, mild. 5. (jfjiil "^^C^ udari, f. enlargement of tlie ab- domen from dropsy or flatulency, adj. abdominal, s. (j*o .il idris, the Arabian name for the prophet Enoch. a cLo5*4i\ ^rf^lP a-disht, m. misfortune, fate. s. \fi'i^\ iddi'a, m. the act of demanding one's right or just claims, a. iuC'«i\ ad'iya (pi. of l^ii), salutations, con- gratulations, compliments, prayers, blessings, a. j^iS idghavi, m. duplication of a letter by ' tashdid; coalescence of letters (in Arabic construc- tion), a. [difficult, a. ^Ci\ adahk, more or very subtle, abstruse or B^i^\ adahcha, m. a cover, a wrapper, p. i^ii\ "5^ udak, m. water, s. tdJiil adik, (for ^Bjfviofc' adhik), more, much. d. ui3til TNiG^ed adikf relating to the beginning ; (in comp.) and all the rest, et cstera. s. [cause, s. ^ojOiil S&lin^c|i|<4|| adikaran, m. a primary \^li^ \ "3^ff udgat, vomited, cast up. s. \j,^i:)\ adgadra, m. fruit fully formed, but unripe, d. [stake), h. Ubj^iil V^'IS^I ad-garha, half driven (as a iJi*3\^li^ ^llHsri udghatit, done with effort, exerted ; opened, s. ^'l^^iil 4^\iA udghdtan, m. the rope and bucket of a well, a leathern bucket for drawing wa- ter ; an instrument for opening, a key, etc. *. JiVj«5^ ^T^^TT^ adl-hadl, ") exchange, ^i\>^ti\ ^^^T^^T adlab-adld, > alteration. ^JtiJjJti\ Hir^tJbn«l?^Aiil ddam-gar, humane, benevolent. />. t^ji^iil ddam-gari, f. humanity, becavo* lence. p. \yc,ii\ ^(^'*j;5^ ^l"irh? a-dwitlya, peerless, matchless, ' unequalled ; only, without a second. * ijfjjii^ "5?^^ aduuri, f. a kind of food eft^Ja by Hindus, h. [Unm. «. j3^j45\ ^?^^ uduhhal, m. a gum resin, bdel- f^^^^ y fd ' •{ udvigna, perplexed, dejected, anxious, troubled, s. jjjii^ adman, very mean, or wretched, a. tj3j;i\ WST^ a-dmand, quiet, tranquil, free from strife, s. [equalled. «. (Jl^.jti^ "W^ a-dmaitf peerless, matchless, un- (jS-ijii^ ^I^ a-dwesh, \ harmless, not ma- ,^j45^ 'Wgxft a-dive&hij licious. «. 3>» ( i£X>»6\ 9%U udveg, m. perturbation (espe- tAaSij^ from pain), consternation, anxiety, perplexity. exertion, care ; the fruit of the Areca catechu, betel- nut t. ,_^j(i1 *i(lVR adhar,^^ m. food, aliment, vic- j\lb(i\ 'SIVR adhar, J tuals, nourishment, h. j^t^\ "^^X. or T*rR tiddhar or udhar, m. debt (especially not bearing interest), loan, trust; deduc- tion, discharge, deliverance, raising up from any place or state. «. J^i^ I ^\X(\tiadhar, m. a patron, supporter, one on whom dependence is placed for assistance; com- prehension, location ; a dike, a canal ; a basin lound the foot of a tree. s. 24 ) ;^i) •.il«jljfcii\ ^^f^oJT adharmik, 1 unjust, \in- ijiXoj\it>d\ ^T^i^(^ adhdrmik,) righteous, wicked. *. [rate, to discharge. ». UjljbtS^ ^VTT»nor ySK«fT udharnS, a. to libe- (^j\^ii\ ^miO adhari (in compos.), an eater; as, dudh-ddhdrt, one who lives on milk. h. ^^ ^ MXt.u\it>iii\ WTfl1^ adha-sisi, 1 f. pain af- ^_^j>*ju*»ybiil "CI I VI ^^ adha-sisi, J fecting the "half of the head, /iewitcranja, t. ^jjUfttJi ^nrnr adhan, m. oils, unguents, h. ^^Ij&iil 'vti^in adhan, m. pregnancy, concep- tion ; a ceremony performed previous to conception as conducive to it ; a pledge, a deposit, a surety. *. Viiijljfcijl ^IVlftfcfi adhdnik, m. a ceremony performed after cohabitation to procure or favour conception, s. [duce in equal shares, s. (^\xJc>d\ vymi\^adh-batd,t, f. division of pro- jjfcfci) WTIT adh-bar, in the middle, h. ^^xJbiil ddh-bagra, half cleaned (as rice from the husks), d. [pared, h. \xJciii\ ^nr«nn adk-band, half-made, half-pre- jflKf Jbii^ ^>IH^ adk-bich, in the middle, h. K^,^ti^ ^rfv^ adhipa, m. king, master, or ruler «. jb JfciJ^ V^niTSr adh-pd,o, half a quarter, h. tlOJbii^ ^(y(^t{adhpat,proTper\y ^tfi^mfjt adhi- pati, m. prince, commander, rijo. t, «-Jufc*i I Wlf^MW ddhipati/a, ra.80vereignty,go-. vernment; lordship, t. O^J&ii\ NNilMslil adh-pakka, half ripe. «. ClAfcjil TlfH tiddhat, rude, arrogant, ill-be- haved ; m. a king's wrestler. ». (Cpfc«i^ adhatri (v. adatrt), pendulous, &c. j^i^\'^rft.adhar, low, inferior, vile, m. the lip, the lower lip ; pudendum muliebre. t, Jbdl\ W>ni ndhar, m. empty space, the space between heaven and earth ; adj. suspended, separate, at a distance ; in the middle, h. JSii)\ ^V^ idhar, here, hither, this way. idhar udhar, about, around, up and down, here and there. A. ye>d\T^t.ndhar, there, thither, that way. k. \jSt>ii\ ^vn udhrd, opened, undone, unrolled (as the seam in a garment, or thread which was rolled up in a clue), h. tg^j^dy mflliM adhi-rdj, supreme ruler. «. &Ji>-jfcjiT ^ifvf 4.(341 ddhirdjya, m. empire, su- preme sway. *. ji>4i\ J6«i\ ^trCSV^ idhar-udkar, this way and that, on all sides, all around, h. C^jfc\jt>i^\ vd|i|4^|Mri' adhardmrit, m. the mois- ture or nectar of the lips. *. bjy&ii^ adharpandfXn. (for adher-pand) middle age, manhood, d. [a sort of doth, h, \tM^Ci\^raiKj^adharsd,m. a half-pieceof cloth, *;fc«3^ ^V^ a-dharm, m. injustice, impiety; sin, crime; adj. unjust, impious, adharm-ch&rt, un^ righteous, wicked, s. [crime. A* ll^(^;i\ ^av^«n adharm-pand, m. injustice, lli«Jbii\ >NvAhT arf/tarmaia,f.unrighteoU8ness.^. ,^JL>CjibS\^'V(f^ adharmiskth, very wicked. «, ^o^J^ ^IV*ff a-dharmt, unjust, sinful, cri- "minal. t. jfcii^^cJbii^ adhare-adhar, separate, aside, d. 0)'fcti\ udharnd (see udherna), to undo, un- ravel, d. t.dJj6ii^ ^rftrcF adhik, more, greater, abundant, excessive, additional, augmented, adhak, a half, a part (less in use than adha or adh). s. till&ii^ g'S'* uddhak, m. asthma; act of gasp- ing or panting ; plethora in the vessels of the head ; headache, indigestion, s. jOJfrii\ ^rM«hK adhikdr, ra. possession, extent of dominion, a kingdom ; the bearing of royal insignia, authority, rule, privilege, inheritance, s. jC,OJ6iilwfVo|iT^arf/iiAari,m.aproprietor,sove- reign ruler, autocrat, an o\raer, one possessing autho- rity (absolute or derived), right, title, or privilege | one empowered, s. [increase, t, Xi^^2>\ ^fVnirT«n adhikdnd, a. to augment, to i^oJbti^ ^rftnirT^ adhikd,t, f. increase, aug- mentation, abundance, supremacy. *, jjLxfcti^ ^M^m<^ adh-kapdU, f. a pain af- "fecting half the head; a nut of Areca, shaped like a hemisphere (probably from two kernels being con- tained in one shell) t to such a nut the virtue is as- cribed oi' curing the disease of the same name, i. uiifcisl ( 25 ; c/^^ U^il ^IVcFHT adhihta, f. excess, addition, s. \a^ii\ ^ VoU^ T adh-hachcha, m. adh-kachchi, f. half ripe ; a kind of soil in Saharanpur. A. Usi^i>\ ^ro«>f^^^ adh-kackra, m. adh-kachri, f. half dressed (victuals). A. J^S\ "^rins^ adh-har, m. half the tax, or duty of any kind, the other half being remitted, adh-kart, f. an instalment of eight anas in the rupee, s. CJ^Jbii\'^ff'J!^ adhikrit,m. asuperintendant, an inspector of receipts and disbursements, an auditor of public accounts, s. j^J^S\ ^ffftr^ adhikarma, m. superinten- ' dence, supervision, government, adhikarma-krit, m. a supervisor, s, [title, right, s. ^jj^il ^rtIefi.T!I adhikaran, m. superiority, (JjSj&^I '^nicn^ adh-kart, f. an instalment of eight anas in the rupee, or half the ^vemraent im- post, h. [pronounced, h. \.^d\ "^TJlZfUft adh-haha, half spoken, half AAWbtsT ^arrfv^ Mhihya, m. excess, an over- plus, abundance, s, ^jJi>4i\ adh-gadra, half ripe (fruit, &c.). d. jfiiiS adham, a dark or dusky liorse. a. ^^\ W^ adham, mean, vile, wretched, con- ' temptible. ». Jb»il^4i^ ^SI VH I VH adhamadham, extremely mean or base, t, (^jj^ii\ ^ff^^(Pim adhimas, m. an intercalary month, vyhich happens once in three years, when two lunations occur within one solar month, s. — Hind. Gram. i«*i\^iil ^ftpTT^ adhimam, m. fleshy ex- crescence of the eye, cancer of the eye. ». \j^^\ ^Jtnro adh-mara, 1 jvjj^iil 'STTmTT adh-maran, > half dead. s. \y^^\ ^IVT^IT adh-mu,a, J i^i^\ ^?«T adhan, m. water set to boil for the dressing of victuals, h. ^^fcii^ '^WtT a-dhan, poor, destitute, s. cdliifctiT '3T|Vir«1ii) ^ifrft a-dhant, poor, indigent, s. j\jJ&ii\ W^^ adh-war, half (generally ap- plied to pieces of doth); a half-web. A. j>^d\ ^nitKK. adhotar, f. a fine kind of cloth, h. \j^^\ ^R^ adhura, half ready, unfinished, half dressed ; immature (a foetus). adhSra-jana, to miscarry (a female), h. (jfj'ybibl ^rotft adhaufi, f. half a hide (of a thick strong kind), h. ^^xojfrii) ^Wl'i^ adho-mukh, with the head downwards (a posture used in the tapeisyd or austere devotion of the Hindus) ; drooping the head (from grief or shame), headlong, inverted, turned upside down. «. ^jjy&ti) ^nWT adhrvan, half of any thing, h. U*J&ti1 ^?f^f^^ adhivinna, f. a superseded wife. s. 3lSy&«3l adhonad, half and half, nisfa-nisfi. d. tiJJlt^oybiil ^fv^^fqolj adhivedanik, m. dowry or alimony given to a wife who is superseded by a second marriage. ». ^ii) ^I^ addhl, f. half of a damri (a small coin) ; half a piece of cloth, h. IjJ&iil ^nWI adhya, division of produce be- tween two parties in equal shares, one furnishing the seed and the other the labour, h. uiIji.Ui6ti] ^«nn«F or ^«rme|f adhyapak or adhyapalc, m. a teacher, one who instructs in the sacred Looks., s. j^ljjfciil ^inm«T adhyapan, m. instructing, * teacliing the sacred books, s. jljj&ti! ^f^jmt. adhiyar, m. a man who passes half his time in one village and half in another: of such a one it is said, adidydr karta hat, " he acts as adhiyar." h, (j-.Ufc jl 'ssfVTI^ adhiyan, f. a half-share, h, Uljjfcti! ^UflHT or '?rf>niT«n adhyana or adhir ydna, a. to halve, to divide, h. j_^Ufciil ^liirra adhyaya, m. section, chapter. «, „^^4il adhyachh, for ^BWTII adhyaksh, m, a master, supcrintendant, &c. ; a man of rank. s. j(^i^\ ^V^^ a-dhtr, confused, perplexed, hasty, precipitate, irresolute, impatient, unsteady, s. 13^ i I "Sl^ft^irr a-dhirata, f. impatience, per- plexity, haste, precipitation, fickleness, unsteadiness, confusion. «. ^^i)\ ^tfhc»T a-dhlraj, m. perplexity, dis- traction, unsteadiness ; adj. perplexed, distracted, un- steady, impatient, feeble, irresolute ; also a-dhairj. s. \>-fibd\ ^Ttftr^n a-dhhja, 'I perplexed, dis- LS'^Jt^'^^ ^>ftT5ft a-dhtrji,) tracted. "^I^*^! a-dhairjd, m. instability, want of firmness, s. U^«il "3^T«nwc?Aerna, toundo. Seeudherna. JfJLfciil ^^ adher, middle-aged ; just past the prime of life (applied most frequently to women). A. jAfctil "gr^ udher, m. unravelling, unweav- ing, udher-bun, perplexity, h. U>Jjkfctil ^J^^xnn adher-pand, m. the middle period of life, manhood, mature age. h. G]^iil '^VTJTT, udherna, "1 to undo, un- C^J"*'^' ^ii^%T, udhernaun,) ravel, h. .^-iJJ6(ii ^nfh^r; adhishrvar, m. an emperor, a king paramount, s. ^ji.JoJ&i)I •snflTBJ adhyahsh m. a master, lord, governor, supcrintendant. s. ^;XjJfc4il '^imfM adhyagni, property or settle- ment given to a wife when superseded by a new marriage on tlie part of the husband ; it is given during the marriage ceremony, over the nuptial fire. s. ^Lj&J "^rifoST o(^//e/a, m. half apaisa (a small coin), amounting to 12J dams or 4 damris. h. ^JjJbtil ^x^*^ adJ/eU, f. half a rvpi ; also a kind of measure used for corn ; also half a gold mohur. h. [half-share, h. ^J^til ^Jvfi^lT adheliya, a proprietor of a jj^ii) or ^^Aifctit ^I^Nt or ^T^«T adhln or adhin, submissive, obedient, obsequious, humble, do- cile, dependent. *. {jrJb:>\ ^PXR adhi/an(foT adhyayan) m. study, application, especially of the sacred books. 3. IJijuJfc^il wfttTTTT or ^ivtcfjll adhinatajX^. sub- j^^ljajLfctil ^\flffdl^ adhinata,i, J mis- sion, obedience, obsequiousness, servility, dependence, . slavery, s. ^_^JJ^lil ^nft«ft adhini, f. obsequiousness, ser- "vility, submission; petition. «. ijd\ ^^ uday or udaya, m. dawn, sunrise, ascent ; the east, in opposition to asta, the west, the eastern mountain from behind which the sun is supposed to rise ; light, splendour ; prosperity, uday-h. to rise (as the sun), uday-ada tak tumhura raj ho, may your sway extend from the east to the west. s. (_?iil ^nj adya, first initial. 5. -[pity. «. biit ^^xrr a-daya, unfeeling, destitute of C.**rtb^l '^Tn^ ndaydsta, from sun-rise to 8un-set, from east to west. s. ^^bijl adyan, (pi. of ^^.«i), religions, religious rites or ceremonies, a. ^jjbii) "^lETR udydn, m. a royal pleasure- gp-ound. t. i^d\ adib, m. a. te&cher; adj. courteous, a. C*A^.«il TJgtft uddlpta, illuminated, .t. ^^-»)sil '9|()Mtf uddipan, adj. exciting, inflam- ing, as passion ; m. blazing, glowing, of a Imninoua body, s, iJl/^,1^1 'Tinr udyat, m. a section, a chapter; adj. raised, held up; active, persevering, labouring di- ligently and incessantly, t. [trace. «. ^jl>iil '^!^ uddesh, m. a scope, a vestige, a ^jiJ.iil ^^ ddesh, m. an order, a command j a salutation of Jogis ; in grammar, a mbstitute. s. tjJo^iil adik, (same as adik or adhik),more. d, ^^^C)\ "WWfudyam, m. strenuous exertion, per- severance, labour ; calling, trade. «. 20 U>l Viil adim, goats' leather perfumed, which they bring from Arabia. Pers. the face. a. CL*'y\>^\ 'SmERf ddyant, first and last, begin- ning and end ; adj. from first to last, from beginning to end. s. euoi^t adina, Friday, p. C>yiii\ ^raftW a-dyot, without splendour. udyot, m. light, lustre. (_5tl>j ^ji^) ade-wade, m. procrastination, ade- wade-k, to put off, to evade, to shuffle, d. tjjy>,d\ "l^ftT udyog, ra. exertion, perseve- rance, continued endeavour, s. [severing, t, ji^j^il Tsft'ft udyogif active, laborious, per- ^p\ "3^7Tt udayi, prosperous, flourishing, s. liil 4|||1 dddd,m. a stand or station where porters &c. wait to be hired ; a stall, booth, shop. &c. ddda-ddr, a palki bearer or dak runner, v. Wilson. A, iiiKJil ''sm^S^ adar-udar, ra. a ditch and the mound of earth thrown up from it, forming th« boundary of a field, h. Jf>'6 1 ^|j%K adamhar, m, charge sounded by musical instruments ; commencement ; pride, ar- rogance ; anger, passion ; happiness, pleasure. «. c_J>j(i I ^Ideh ddhak, m. a measure of capa- city (for dry measure), about 750 of our cubic inches, h. lil iz or lil izd, when, lo, behold, azd, vexa- tion, injury, a. jlil azd}' or dzdr, name of one of the Chal- dean months, nearly corresponding to oar March ; dsdri, vernal, o. ^^f^]azdn,f. the summons to prayers,generaUy proclaimed from the minars or towers of a mosque, a. tibil uzhak (fem. uzbakm), an Uzbek, or one of the Tartar tribe so called, p. jCi\ dzur, m. fire ; the name of Abraham's father (Terah) ; the ninth solar month, p. j^ .il dzarin m. camomile flower, ox-eye. p. ^U-iil iz^duj xn, obedience, submission ; con- fidence, belief, a. W(il azuha, or dzitka, m. food, nourishment, jo. j^'i^\ azkdr, (pi. of j>i) praises of God. iz^dr, remembering, prairing (Ck>d). a. \^b^ azkiyd, (pi. of ^^'6) people of pene- tration and understanding ;"the acute, the ingenious, a. J(il azaU, base, most vile, abject, a. jjil izn or azn, m. permission ; dismission. as^n, chanting the J^r,dn ; hearing, a. Mjil azuka or azuka, m. food. p. jj^Ubil aZfhdn (pi. of ^^fci), geniuses, intel- lects, capacities, a. (Jd\ ( 27 ) Oj dO^l aziyat, f. wanton injury, oppression, distress, vexation, a. j\ d?; (r. of atvardan) bring thou ; used in comp. ; as, bar-ar, fruit-bringing, fertile, p. j! ^IR ar, f, a goad, a kind of ladle; the ar- tificial spur of a game cock. h. ji ar, if; (contraction for jf) agar), p. j\ T^ ur, m. the breast, ur-l. to embrace, to caress. '^^ uru, f. the upper part of the thigh; adj. large, great, ample. ^rPC'"''' ^ ^oe. s. j\ ^7^fl/'M, (sameasjjl), and, more, again, h. \j\ "WXiard, m. a saw; a shoemaker's knife or ^wl ; the name of a district, Arrah in Shahabad. h. ij\ drd, or drd,e, in composition, denotes adorning; as, joAoTJ-ara, world-adorning, p. iOij\ ardha, m. a wheeled carriage, gun-car- riage, &c., a cart. p. CJ\j\ ^Kifir drdti, m. an enemy, s. w^^ ^^TTT arrdtd, m. a loud and prolonged sound (as from the discharge of artillery, or the fall of a building), h. j^W-^l drd-jdri, f. (for dnd-jdnd), coming and going, d, [(a country), s. Cii»-y 'WTT'nf a-rdjak, destitute of a king, ^(iM imJaijI m.desire,inclination,wish,pur- lil\j\ irdda, J pose, de8ign,plan,intention. a. jofc«iM ^TT1V«T drddhan, m. worship, ado- ration, supplication ; accomplishment, g^ratifying. *. ljj&4i\jl «f(^i>\j\ WKHfl drddhya, worshipful, vene- rable; name of a class of brahmans. s. [base. a. iJiU arazi7(pl.of Jii,^),lowest, meanest, most ];U Vb,l arbdb (pi. of <— ^), possessors, lords, masters, arbabijdh, possessed of dignity, arbdbi- sukhan, eloquent persons, poets, arbdbi-nishdt, dancers and musicians, arbdbi-himmat, men of high spirit. arbdbi-mdl, officers of the treasury, arbdbi shar', law- officers, arbdbi ma'ni, spiritual persons, h. ui)b,\ ^^T«h arhdk, low, vile; adv. at first, formerly. *. ^S ^W^ arbud, one hundred millions, s. \jij\ TK^TH urbard, f. fertile land or soil. s. V3]^l ^n^T^ arbardnd, n. to hurry, to be confused, perplexed, agitated, h. ig*^j^ Tt^ tirbasi, name of an apsard, or "female dancer in the court of Indra ; an ornament worn on the breast, s. xij] arba*, four, (also arba'a). a. ^^.1 arbaun and f^»>j\ arba,in, forty, a. ^y^J\ ^^TRqS drbal, f. age, duration of life. s. tiJojl ^tf^'^ arbind, m. the lotus {nymphoia nelumho). s. tdi^J,^ '^'Sflarbhak, m. a 8on,a child,a pupil, s. (^ ,1 ^^TJT arpaii, m. an offering, the making an offering ; delivering, entrusting, arpan-k, to pre- sent an offering, to deliver, entrust, arpari-tidma, m. a deed of gift, especially to a temple or idol. s. [«. U^ji ^IT?l*n aropnd, a. to present an offering. C^l arat, (corruption for arth, q. v.). d. Oj! ^TKcT or '^^ drat tiiid drta, grieved, afflicted, disturbed, confounded, drti, f. pain, dis- tress, s. I5jl 'STTOH drid, m. a ceremony attending marriage. When the bridegroom first comes to the house of the bride he is received by her relations, who present to him, and move circularly round his head, a platter, painted and divided into several compart- ments : in the middle of it is a lamp made of flour, till- ed with ghi, and having several wicks lighted, h. joljo.) irtihdt, m. friendship, connection, a. Jl^l irtihdl, m. death; act of marching or travelling, a. c^l ( 28 ) >Af\ d)i^Ji irtidadfta. apostasy, recantation; refus- ing, opposing, a, [a distingoislung mark. a. j.L-5,1 irtisam, m. plan, painting, writing; liijl irtisha, accepting a bribe, (a judge) j bribery, corruption, a. {j*t\jOj\ irti'ds, 1 m. tremor, trembling, tre- (^U5jl irttash,) pidation. a. f^J irtifa, m. elevation, exaltation, ascent, height, grandeur prosperity, a. (— ->^j) irtikah, m. perpetration or commis- sion (of a crime) ; commencement or undertalcing of an enterprise, a. i^l V^t^l artala, m. a patron, protector, h. ^y "STTf urlUf m. crimpling, plaits (as of clothes), urtu-gar, a crinipler or plaiter. h. *i43.l^H^arj\ irs, heritage, inheritance, a. —j\ arj, worth, respect, honour, p. ^\ WRSforiBT^ o,raj, or;, respectable, reve rential, honourable. (. [tuting. a. cV>-.l irja\ changing, returning, or substi- Jj»-^^ arjaly a horse with one white fore foot ; a large or tall man. a. [py, blessed, p. S^i,.^j\ arj-mand, beloved, dear, noble; hap-. /o*-j^ ^^»I arjan, m. act of gathering toge- ther ; acquisition, t, ^j!>-S 'W'^ arjun, m. the name of a hero in the Mahabharal, the third son of Panda ; the name of a tree {Termiiialia alata glcbray t. ti»jt V^«il arjana, to gain, gather, to ac- quire. «. U^j\ H<<.H>.*i l arajhna, n. to be ravelled or entangled (as thread or hdr ; met. the heart) } to be bound (as in fetters) ; a. to quarrel without a e»aa», or unreasonably, h. ^j\ W^f^ aruchi, f. sickness at stomach} nausea; aversion, dislike, want of appetite, disgust ^f*^ archi, m. flame, light, splendour. «. \j>.\ 'gj^ archa, ") f. devotion, adoration } W. I ^TtIt archa,) an image. #. C^} 'Srf'^ archit, worshipped, adored, s. iJX^J^-^^C^ archak, adj. worshipping; m. a worshipper, an adorer. *. lis^l ^»n archana, a. to worship, to adore, to honour, to treat with ceremony; £ worship, homage. $. J^j] arham (pi. of ^j), wombs, matrices ; relations by the mother's side, uterine kindred, a. ^\ arham, more or very merciful, arhavi- ' -ur-ra1}imin, the most merciful of the merciful, an at- tribute of God. a. M^ t/ ^J i'>'Ma,e Hnan^ m. act of loosen?."^ the reins ; uoruliness. a. jijl "3^ urd, "I m. a kind of vetsh (dolichos ^(^\ "3^ urdh,) pilosus). h. i^J] ard, m. flour, meal, ard, anger, rage. p. ^Ju^lii,! "g ^R Htt^ urdabeyni, f. an armed fe- " male for attending the ladies of a royal harem. A. (^^lii,! ^sfr^ ardas, f. representation, offer- ing to a deity, h. [meal. h. ijltSjl ,l ir|[ urdra, m. an otter, s. jiy\ ^T^ a?-fZra, wet, moist, damp. ». )j-Jbd^^%^f:^ardha-chandra,m.^ crescent, a lialf-mooii, a semi-circle, s. Ji^J^ ( 29 ) V %lfi\i>i^j\ ^tIt^ ardhang, m. half the body, palsy affecting one side, or half the body, upper or lower, hemiplegia, s. ^_(X-3U&ii.l ^^1^0 ardhangi, a person afflicted ■■■with the above disease ; f. a wife. s. jiXijs?«i.I ^J-«i^ arddha-chandr a, ■m.&creBcent, a half moon. s. j3l.>(y) ^J^K ardha-ratra, f. midnight, s. cL^tijI "3^3T urdhang (also urdhag), m. a disease occasioned by the mounting of wind upwards ; flatulency, s. t/ii,! urdl, f. the first month in autumn, p. J^ii^i ar«aZ (pi. of (Jij), little, mean (people); the vulgar (properly the refuse of any thing), a. Jiiji arzal, most mean, vile, ignoble, a. Ulvjl ararana, n. to scream out. d. jy arz, m. price, value; quantity; esteem, veneration ; honour, arz-i-bazar, price current, mar- ket price, arz-i-irsal, invoice, particulars of the des- patch of treasure, &c. p. J .1 arvz or aruzz, also «r2, m. rice. a. shjl arzah (pi. of ^jj j), riches, possessions, a. ^^\S arzan, cheap, abundant, p, ,j,ljjl arzani, f. cheapness ; abundance of pro- ** visions, arzam-rakhna, or (p.) arzani dashtan, to pre- sent, give gratuitously, p. V,\ arzah (corruptly for azrak), blue, azure, cerulean; having cat's eyes. arxaJ-cAoiAm, blue- eyed, cat-eyed. a. jjjj\ arzan, m. millet-seed ; (Hind, china), p. jj.\ arzu, f. wish, desire; hope, want, dis- tress, p. [longing, p. tiJ^.Jjl arzu-mand, also arzu-kask, desirou."*, (_/tXx«jJj 1 arzumandi or arzti-AasAi, f. eager desire, wishing, anxiety, p. ^li^jjj] arzidan, to be worth ; to suit. p. j>\j\ arztz, f. tin, base or light money, p. i^^^jYarzhang, m. the house and gallery of Mdni, a celebrated painter, p. (j*»jl ^1.^ a-ras, without juice, sapless, taste- less, dull, flat (as a composition). *. {^t\ 'W^^ arus, m. name of a medicinal plant or tree {justicia adhatoda and gandarussa). s. (j*»jT W!T^ aras] m. weakness, laziness, in- activity, t. (_j**.\ iris or irs (v. irsi), an axletree. d. Jl*«>jl ir«af, ra. mission ; act of sending, espe- cially a writing, letter, &c. : in revenue language it denotes monthly collections of rents, 5cc., forwarded to head- quarters by the subordinate revenue autho- rities, irsdl-nama, m. an invoice of goods or rents, &c., forwarded as above, a. L>^Ad**j^ "^^C^t^ ars-pars, m. partial bathing (throwing a very little water on the head with one's hand, instead of bathiug), sprinkling or aspersion ; act ol luocUiug. 6. u*«,i m.ti9i arsattd, m. guess, conjecture, valuation, appraisement; a mediator, a broker; a monthly treasury account of receipts and disburse- ments made up from the daDy entries, arsattd-navls, the clerk who keeps the montnly accounts, h. ,4xa»jl arsath, m. a monthly account (of re- venue), h. (j-AJUalxfcrtj) aristatalis,'] the Grecian philo- yofco,^ arisfu, J sopher Aristotle, g. j^>*>»jl arslan, a lion; a man's surname; name or epithet of several Persian kings, t, j_^l Irsi, f. the axle of a wheel, d. j_^l «H.«1 arasiy weak, lazy, indolent, in- " active, s. j_^l ^i^TTor ^1^ arsi, f. a mirror (but -particularly applied to a mirror on the thumb), h, Uu> ^_^i*^l ^W^^J^tfT arsile-naina, with weak eyes; with eyes as if just awake, h. *Ji^l ^TRW arasya, m. insipidity, want of flavour or spirit, t. ^\^} irshady m. command, order. It is fre- quently used by an inferior as a respectful interroga- tion, in the sense of " What is your will or pleasure ?" a, O^-O^' ^l^"^ arsh-parshym. partial bath- ing (throwing a little water on the head vnth one't hand), sprinkling, aspersion ; act of touching, s, cLu^l ^fci? arisht, ra. garlick, the nimb tree (melia azad-diraclita) ; a crow; good fortune; ini»- . fortune, sign of death. *. tXi>ji arshud, more or most upright, most tena- cious of the right way ; a person who explains orders, commands, &c., particularly of the deity, a. ijkij) ai'z, f. the earth ; a portion of land ; '<^T. arazl, lands, a. j_^l arziy terrestrial, earthly, mundane, a. JUsjl artal (pi. of ^yoj rati), m. a measure of weight so called (about a pound), a, jj^iffjl arghanun (Op'yai'ov)^ m. an organ, g. u!^' ^^i7^Q^^^? ^- ^ plant whose flowers and fruit are of a beautiful red {arbor Judaw) ; a red colour, p. (j)j^j^ arghanam, of a red colour, p. 8^1 irfahy m. enjoyment of peace and the pleasures of tranquillity ; bestowing a£Buence, comfort- ing, cherishing, a. (_>aij\ arfaz, an obstinate heretic, particu- larly a bigoted SliVa. a. xijl arfa% more or most high, sublime, a. t^j\ irham, m. act of writing, a. ^^^\ arhan, m. jaundice ; mildew, a. i^S ^^ ark, m. the sun ; name of a plant {calatropus gigantea) swallow-wort. «. ti)j1 ^T^cir aruk, m. a drug brought from the hills, of cooling properties, s. Ci^^^ ^ToinT arhat, name of a city in tlie Dakkhan ; Arcot. A. ^j\ ( 80 ) 3J^ (_5>>>;' Wnirnft arkafi, m. a pilot. It is sup- "posed they got this name from the only pilots for- merly, in this part of the world, being in the service of the Nawwab of Arkat, which seems very probable (Gilchrist's Naval Vocabulary) ; adj. belonging to Ar- kat. arkdfi rupiya, an Arcot rupee, h. ^^f^^j] ^"^u^ifwf arkdsfiman, m. a crystal lens, a ruby. s. ^J^J' arhan, (pi. of f^J), pillars, arkani daulat, nobles, grandees ; lit. pillars of state, a. (j**>oj' ^'^T^ arkans, m. a digit or twelfth of the sun's disc. m. djSj\ SNK<^ di'akta, red, blood-red. s. ^JLSy "^TWZ arkatf f. vigilance, activity, cle- verness, ingenuity, h. {^^j^ ^^ftfrf ark-din, m. a solar day. s. CLx^j^ ^^f^d a-rakshit, unprotected, unde- fended, s. [of the sun. s. JiiXo dl)j\ ^^1Hf§i ark-mandal, m. the disc [}iyj^ ^BRPR^ arkopal, m. the sun-stone, a ruby ; a crystal lens. s. {jl»*jj (^ )i V<%^^ arh-varshfTa. a solar year. 5. cl^l "SJTT urag, m. a snake, urag-sthan, m. the infernal regions. ». w)' ^njU argd, separate, apart, on one side. s. ^^j\ WT7TRT argdna, a. to separate, to put on one side ; n. to be separated, s. ij^jf ^Tjr\ a7-gd,i, f. being silent, s. 1/ •ji ^HT?T«n argajd, m. the name of a per- fume, of a yellowish colour, compounded of several Wedients. h. [garments. &c.) h. fjjFj^ ^l^Tift argaji, dyed with argajd, (as jji^i ^^«ft argam, ra. a rope stretched for "drying clothes or similar purposes ; a wooden rod, or bamboo, stretched horizontally, has the same name. h. f^J W^ argha, m. libation, an oblation of eight ingredients offered to a god or a brahman ; act of pouring out water in honour of a deity, the Baa, moon, &c., while performing their worship. ^Tjl V^ arghd, m. a vessel shaped like a boat, used by the Hindus in their devotiona, for per- forming libation. «. ^^^ "T!^ urld, adj. hithermost, of this side. h. *;l irajH, m. name of a fabulous garden. in Araliia, paradise, a. [inclination, p. j^l^l armdn, m. desire, wish, longing, hope, jjUjI armdni, desirous, hopeful, p. »^f«i \ 'WWt drambh, m. beginning, prologue, s. 2lu.\ aramzdd, desirous, without resource, d. ^^U*)' armaghdn, m. rarity, curiosity, pre- sent ; a piece of money, ft. ^j\ arvian or irman, Armenia, armani, also irmant or armaniya, an Armenian, h. fj^\y^j\ aramtdagan, (pi.) those at rest j the dead. p. ^j^i^x«jj draniidan, to be at rest, to repose, p, Si^jl dramida, quiet, at ease. p. ^^j) ^r^arun, m. the sun ; the dawn of day j a dark red colour, s. ^t 'STTnr arnd, or arnd hhainsd, m. a wild buffalo ; cow-dung found spontaneously dried in the forests (used as fuel by the native apothecaries in the preparation of medicines), h. w^' M<.*i\ arnd ^j\ HKWI dr rnd, ") arna,} to stop, hesitate, h. (cU^i ^lUlll^ arundfi, f. the dawn, colour of the dawn, a dark red colour, a. \m^j\ amah, m. a hare, a rabbit, a. Stii^l drinda or dranda, m. a porter, carrier, p. HlCirMH dropit, deposited, intrusted; transformed, changed into, feigned, s. (j>,jj\ ViOm^U dropan, m. planting, s. \jjj\ '^^'K\ urward, f. fertile soil, yielding every kind of crop ; land in general, t. ^i^ jt Vl^'d' drurh, mounted on a horse or any thing else, elevated. megh-drHrh, seated on a doud. s. cjjl arogh, m. belch, eructation, p. ^j^ ^O'l a-rog, 1 healthy, free from sick- j^^jj! ^StWt a-rogi,} ness. s. sjpjj\ ^T^PTf drogya, m. health, freedom from sickness; adj. healthy,(prop.a-ro^i/a ora-rogita). t. i2)jj\ flMH arrvan, m. the first cuttings of corn, presented to the household gods. fi. [^nelumbo). s. t^jj\ ^€rcf^»^ nnvind, m. lotus (nymphcBa llfctij. .1 ^I^UHI drundhnd, a. to strangle. kanth-arundhan, m. strangulation, h. (J^^j^ ^Srd^ drohan,.m' rising, the grow- ■ ing of new shoots ; ascent, staircase, ladder, s. V ( 81 ) 5Jf» t^jji -^IM i arm, f. a species of arum, the root of which is used in food (called also ghoyaA OTghuyan, and in Bengal, kachu. Arum colocasia). h. jcjyl ^^t «''">^> ^- (corruptly for aruchi), sickness at stomach, arising from pregnancy, h. lj\ arra, f. a saw. arra-hash, a sawyer. arra sir par clialana, to oppress any one, to commit violence, sir par arre dial gaye tau bhl madar maddr, he has incurred punishment and disgrace, yet has not reformed his manners, p. ij\ ^TR: a7-a (for ara), m. a saw, &c. h. iJiji>j\ ^tl? arhat, m. an engine for raising water ; the same as rahat, h, j^j\ ^t:^ arhar,f. a species of pulse (^Cytisus cajan) ; called also tU,ar. h. \:Sbj\ Tftf ^ urihna, m. reproach, reproof, h. Oofc \ ^^Vff arhant, m. a sugat, or follower of the doctrines of Buddh. s. ^jj\ ^R^ ara^%, f. the root oi Arum colocasia ; a goad at the end of a whip. h. [an awl. h. jC.T WI^ an, f. a small saw, a hand saw, ^f .\ ^ are, a disrespectful mode of calling "or address ; fem. art. s. ^JJ^ art, yes, yea verily, p. [kind. h. b iT ^TTt^T ariya, m. a plant of the gourd u-O i) "a"^ or ^^ ureb or areb, f. compli- cation, deception, m. guilt, h. Ax^.j\ arebale, stratagem, deception, d. uilOjl H Ki T u a-r'iti, f. ill-manneis, impolite- ness, incivility, ill-breeding, s. (jj^jj\ are-re, alas, woe*s me. d. loA wnS arya, of a good family, respectable, venerable. *. JM ^n? ar, f- a screen, shelter; a kind of ladle used in sugar manufactories; protection; a protector ; an horizontal line drawn across the fore- head ; prevention, stop, hindrance, h. 'j\ ar, m. stop, hindrance; hence the boun- dary of a field kc. af-gir, a strip of sward encom- passing a field, h. H\ ar, f. contention, objection, fault, contra- riety, obstinacy, ar-lc, to stop, to be obstinate (as a horse, h. fi ^ift ari, m. a bird, the Sarali (turdus ginginianus), s. \'j\ ara, oblique, crooked, across, transverse; m. a prop, a shelter ; a large saw, a shoemaker's knife, h. \3j»i\j*^ ara-dena, to abandon, give up. d. VU-^ arar, (also urar) m. outhouses for cattle, harvest floor for the blossoms of the mahwa ; also the steep bank of a pond or river, h. !v\y^ ^T^ (^T^T^) ™' ^ig^ steep banks, of a rivar or tank, h. (^'V,'i ararl, f. the measure of a field ori- ginally established in a lease or grant to which the occupant appeals in preference to an actual measure- ment or adj ustment. h, (^\j\ T5To|r wraA, capable of flying, fledged. /i. OjUi|jM ura-marna, to rob, to steal, d. (jij") 3iH uran, f. act of flying. /*. ^)j\ 4dHi urana, a. to cause to fly ; to spend extravagantly, dissipate, blow away, disperse, filch, entice, urand purand, to squander, h. bU'i ^sir|i arana, a. to make to stop ; to fasten one thing to another ; m. the name of a tune. h. ^^*^'l '^di^d uranchhu, m. flying away, dis- appearing ; fraud, deceit, a deceitful stratagem ; en- gine, h. [rasol. A. ^^lP ^RTrft arant, f. a large fan or pa- j \j\ j\) two and a half. d. Jl^'l arbal, a very distant relative, a pre- tended relative, d. j^j\ ^iMi arbar, m. words without mean- ing; adj. uneven, rugged, afbaf haknd, a. to speak inconsiderately, or without meaning ; to rave, to talk absurdly, h. [tions. A. {,L^jyj\ •^i'ii'l arbarang, m. foolish ac- (Joj^Jji'l ^r^pft arbarangi, inconsiderate, h. tioJj\ ^W*5 arband, m. a cloth worn by Hindus, passing from the waist, between the thighs, and fastened behind, h. VCj^'1 WjM'JIT arbanga, crooked, uneven, h. i-~>j\ T?^ urap, m. a raft, a float, s. ^j^ L--^=\ ^J^ >iK^ ar'ap-jharap, need, necessity, arap-jharap men hand, to be hard up. ii. jj«jk5ll>j-l artalis, forty-eight (for athtalis). h. clbjl urtak, m. housing of a saddle, d. '^j\ '^iA^} artala, m. protection, shelter, h. ^^3 ariSA, m. hindrance; adj. erring, astray, d. jjMJOj'i artis, (for atk-tls) thirty-eight, h. fC^J^ ^f^ O'Tt^i'i' I ra. a broker, agent, \j^j^ ^jd^< | arthya J or salesman ; one who conducts business on commission for a principal at a distance ; a banker who grants and accepts bilk on other bankers or correspondents, h. (jii^l urchak, a thief, robber, d. Uls»-3'^ "^T^riT ur-chalna, n. to walk with a stately or affected gait. h. {j^j^ archa7i or archin, light, uneasy. aj-cham, f. lightness, d. :>j\ urud, black grain, a kind of pulse, d. \J\ ( 32 ) !i' j_^^*(i}M urdabegant (for urdaheganl), f. an "armed female, d. Ijbjl ardawa, mashed grain mixed with a little oil and water given to horses, d. iji^i ardandd, m. stop, impediment; a bolt, a bar (of a door &c.) ; a yoke for oxen ; adj. athwart, awry. d. ^orses. d. iL^iij] ardang, m. the rheumatism in •iyl urdu, (for urdic) a camp, &c. d. C0>\yj\ arzat, a yillain ; base-born. d. \>\j^\ arardna, m. to lament aloud, to shriek, d. (^j' "W^ uraa, m. the common bug. h. \l*Mj\ arsatd, and ^jLajl, arsatagi f. laziness, sloth, d. ~ ,^*t»j\ arsath (for ath-sath) sixty-eight, d. ^j'\9j\ ur-fdkhta, a fool, a simpleton, d. C^'i arak, a surname, epithet, title, d. ^j\ arka, a small brass coin, the eight part of a Madras fanam. d. Uij'l ar-karnd, n. to stop, to hinder, h. \. ■— ^'^ ar-kasb, m. following a trade (a HindQ) different from that of one's ancestors, d. a. Lf^ji LTtJ C'TO^S'bcirgas, ra. lumber, worth- less things, d. [firmament. «. ij^'j^ "9T»TO urgartj pi. the stars; the stary ijji 15^^ arUfd, obstinate, perverse, mulish. A. j^jfj} ^I^^T?ar-7yor, f.a prop; obstacle; shel- ter, adj. stopping. A. 2>jjj-\ urud, m. a kind of vetch, black grain, d, l»*»jV\ 'HS?' arusd, m. a medibinal plant (jusHcia adhenatoda and ganderusta). (^jji(^jfj^ ^frtmft^ aros-paroSf m. neigh- bourhood, h. JbjM W:S arh, f. a kind of fish, h, ^j\ drh, in the dakhani dialect this word denotes alternate, or an interval of a unit between two measures of time or space ; as yak roz arh, every alternate day. yak kos drh, every alternate kos. d. UU&j'i 4d\H\ urhdnd, a. to put on clothes, to cause to clothe, s. ij \i>j\ Hidi\ arha,t, two and a half; when \ised with a noun of number, twice and a half the agf« gregate number ; f. a fuU gallop, h, CL>St>j\ ^TTcTor 'sreTI drhat, arkat, f. agency. conmuBsion, sale by commission, brokerage, h, j^3 ^4*^< iirhak-j)arf a broach, a tilt, h ^JiL^}i>j\ TSyH'BfiTm urhak-k, n. to seek, Of cry for an absent person (applied only to a dlOd). A» USsifcji TS^tJI urhaknd, n. to be overset. nfhak-par, overset, a tilt. A. ^^j\ 7<^HT urhnd, n. to put on clothes, to be clad or covered, t. {^'^j\ '4i*\'i{ urhangan, m. any thing placed under a vessel to prevent it firom upsetting; a prop^ support, h. u->Uyi armdp, m. measure more than the j ^j^j\ ^r^^ arhwal, m. a day-labourer. A. 0JJ^j•1 il^ltll urhaund, m. clothing, h. jj&j,'^ ^fl drhya, wealthy, rich, opulent. <. Ujbj'l "^^TTT vrhaiydf a wearer or putter on of any drees. A. Ul&j-^ ^^^T arhaiyd, m. a weight of two and a half sers ; also a measure of the same capacity. %, {j'j\ 91 i) an, m. a protector, supporter, a small saw or knife, h, [mode. A. (jj\ 9T3l ari, f. a tune, a kind of musical ^It/j't ^T or "^^SFn dre-dnd, or are-dna, to screen or shelter ; to be protected. A. [iah. A. ^y^ji 9^^ o-Tyo^^i obstinate, perverse, mul- A^j\ ^k^ armch ov ^t^ arainchfi[wi arainskf f. enmity. A. Ji az, from, by, than, with, out of. p. j\ dz, f. avarice, p. iu\ dzdd, free, solitary ; a kind of fahir, who shaves his board, eyelashes, and eyebrows, and TOWS chastity, but considers himself exempt from all the ceremonial observances of his religion. dzdd Arama, a. to maiuunit ; sot at liberty. /). standard, d. i^X^\ arindii, m. deposit, pledge, security, d. ^JlJuU^•\ armattydl, silly, indiscreet, foolish, d. jojl '^Tf adj. flying, on the wing. s. \^j\ Vdltfl urnd, n. to fly ; to soar. h. j>j\ urnd, (same as urhna), to cover one's self; to be clad. d. Xi^ 'WTsn (irnd, n. to stop, to hesitate, to be restive (a horse). A. UvT ^ITT«n drnd, to afford shelter, to prop, to support. A. ^'^j\ TTtTfR ur-naganj f. a flying serpent '*'■ dragon, s. ii^'1 "WiT arang, f. a manufacturing town ; a warehouse where goods are sold wholesale; the place or d6pflt where goods of any kind are manu- fikctured. whether a town or not nil kl arang, an in- digo factory. \Sj>^ ^fTT urangd, m. a mode of wrestling with feet ; an obstacle. A. ^\ ^sm^druf m. a peach, uru, much given to vcncry (a male animal), as a stallion &c kept far procreation, d. !;' { ^J^i^j\ azadagan (pi. of azadd), those free from worldly cares, religious men. p. j^ijT azadagi, 1 f. independence, release, (^^\\\ azadi, J manumission, freedom. j». i^\j I dzada, free, &c. v. azad, p. jljl azar, m. sickness, disorder, disease; trouble, aflBiction, outrage, injury ; used in composi- tion as dil-azar, injuring or outraging the heart, p. jV.S izar, f. drawers, trousers, izar-band, m. the string with which drawers are tied, izar-bandi rishta, connection through a wife ; petticoat interest, jo. iiM\ azar-dih, one who gives trouble or injury, azar-dihi, f. the act of troubling, p. OTj^l azari, a sick person, a patient, p. sS\^ Izala, m. removal, abolition; (in gram- mar) the elision of a letter or vowel-point from a word. a. i^\ji az-an, thence, therefore, az-dni, belong- ing to. az-an-ja ki, for as much as. p. j>\\ az-har, by rote, by heart, by memory, p. {j\y,^ az-hard,e\on account of, for the sake j^^ az-bahri J of. p. 0'.\ az-pd, lit. from on one's feet, az-pd dar amadan, to fall into distress or trouble, p. *l»-Jj^ izdihdm, m. a crowd, a concourse, a. jij\ azdar, worthy, proper, suitable; some- times improperly used for azhdar, a dragon, q. v. p. ijs^j^ azdari, f. worthiness, fitness, p. (jbt^j^ izdiydd, m. increase, addition, a. ^ijjT dzurdagi, f. vexation, affliction, dis- " pleasure, sorrow, grief, p. jjiJT dzurdan (r. dzdr), to vex, to grieve, p. »>.:T avurda, afflicted, sad, dispirited, sor- rowful, vexed, displeased, weary. azurda-Jchatir, or izurda-dil, grieved in heart; vexed, offended, dis- gusted, p. [beryl, a. Jjjj\ azrak, blue, blue-eyed ; pure, limpid ; ^jT azarm, modesty, mildness, p. ijjjji az-rti,e, by reason of, in conse- qnence of. p. eS\\ azula or dzuhaf m. food, nourishment, p. ti):yuih\ uzak-tuzak, m. pomp, splendour; the habits or fashions of a king ; the king's seal. t. Jj\ azal, f. eternity without beginning, a. S^j\ azallat, f. injustice, injury (suffered without power of redress), oppression ; straits, famine, scarcity. — Hunter. N.B. This word not in any Persian or Arabic Dictionary to which we have had access, a. ^j\ azaVi, eternal without beginning, or from -•11 eternity, a [nity. o. u1aj3j\ azaUyaty f. existence from all eter- 38 ) U^ wojT dzmdj trying, trial (used in <;omp.). p. f^\i^\ azmdn (pi. of ^^U^), times, seasons, o. UUjT dzmdnd, a. to try, to prove, to examinb to touch gold, &c. on the touchstone, h, jJ-^.Ujl dzmdyish, 'If. trial, proof, exami (^^y^j^ dzmudagt,) nation ; in revenue "language, it denotes an estimate of the crop while in the field by an ofiScer of government, azmd^ish- gumashta or -mutasaddt, the ofiScer who estimates the crop. p. B^j^ azmina (pi. of ^^Uj), times, seasons, a. {ji^y^\ dzmudan (r. dzvid), to try, test. p. »^^! dzmuda, tried, proved, examined; azmuda-kdr, experienced in business, p. ^^j\ azmdj (pi. of ^jj or «?-j)j), spouses, wives, a, jj- 3j^ a2;ii-&a«M (for ds-pds), all around, on all four sides, d. ^jy azuha or dzuka, m. food. p. ^J^J^^ a2;-Aar-c?are,of all sorts and kinds, p. jij\ azhdar, 1 \j^jij\ azhdarhd, "' ^ ^^'^^ ^^^P'"*' " ^'•*- U^J\ azhdahd, J S«"- P' CJ\i>ij\ azhdhdt, m. bell-metal. azhdhdtt,o{ or relating to bell-metal. *. y^\ is and us, inflections ofyih and wuh,q.v.h. (^\ WpR asi, m. a sword, a scimitar, s. (^\ ^^ a^i, m. life, breath ; the five vital breaths or airs of the body ; reflection, thou^t, or the heart as the seat of it ; affection, s. ^^ 1 ^W a-s or Lj I ^WT dsd, f. hope, depen- dence, confidence, trust, reliance, as, added to words, signifies inclination, and dsa, possessed of that Incli- nation, as from the root pi, dnnk, piyas, thirst, and piydsa, thirsty, s. \m\ dsd (in composition), like, resembling; soothing, tranquillizing, p. a^XMSasdht (pi. ofcjJuj»\), weeks, a 8(i3l«*>\ asdtiza (pi. of iU**>\), teachers, a ^\**>\ SHfllvi a-sdth, addicted to evil com- pany, s. [an unknown person. <, ^j^L»*\ W^nf^ a-sdthl, an upstart, a stranger, J&3L*»\ WHTV or ^m^ a-sddh, evil-minded, thievish ; lazy, without desire or energy. «. ,j&iLrt^ ^WTO a-sddhu, uni'ighteous, immoral, wicked, s. ljJ&ilA*>\ ^WlVin a-sddhutd, f. wickedness, s. «jj63U*»\ ^T^rn>q a-sddhya, weak, powerless ; impossible, incurable. *. u ( 34 ) ImaI j^i ITOR a-sar, sapless, pithless ; vain, un- profitable ; hollow (like a reed) ; foolish, weak of nndergtanding. s. [style, vestibule, h. \j\jj»\ TVRI usara, m. a porch, portico, peri- \J>j\jm\ 9flK«11 ttsdmd, a. to remove, put out of place, h. Jbj\jji\ wms asdrh, m. the name of a Hindu solar month, during which the 8un is in Gemini ; the first month of the rainy season, and consequently of cultivation, s. ^_^=\jjj\ 'HWF^ asdrht, f. the full moon in "asarh, also the harvest of asafh. $. ^_j.>L*»\ asds, f. foundation ; a pedestal, a. i^\tj>i\ 7UIM usaSf m. breath, breathing, h. ^^^\*A 9 41 1 41*1 1 usasnd, n. to breathe, h. CL*^U«»\ a-sd'at, f. an unlucky moment, h. a. 0^^\ ^rar^ tt'Sakh, without credit or re- pntation. h. Ol4^Li»^ "^ 1 a-sdkkat, 1 in the ab- Ol-lA**»U ^j a-sdkshdt,} sence of. s. j*^U»j\ ^'RT^ or ^TffT?^ a-saA/tt, m. a false •witness, one whose evidence or testimony is inadmis- sible, s. asdkhya, m. a want of testimony ; adj. with- ont credit or reputation, s. JjJin dsdm, name of a province, Assam, h. ,^>w«VmJ\ ^nrrt^ a-sdmarth, weak, power- less. «. ^J^^^ asdmt (pi. of ^^), names; (for j_^l^^) a defendant (in a lawsuit) ; a tenant, renter, client ; a person, or individual; f. office, place, appointment, substitution of one person to do the duty of another ; ex. ham apnl asdml parfulane ko rakhjdte hain, I leave such a one in charge of my duty. a. .L^Vmj\ asaml-wa?', including all the names applied to revenue settlements made with the pro- prietors in detail, a. ^ImJ I dsdn, easy, convenient, commodious, p \J\jiA\ "^mm usdndy a. to winnow, h. \j\m\ TBT^ uidnrMf a. to boil, to cause to boU. h. . 31m»T dsdnx. }f. facility, dsdnt, eat bo- easmess ii*lAJoU4t dsdniyatf) dsdnt, easily, p. \jbijU»>^ «44mVI«1 a-sdvadhdn, careless, in- adyertent. «. ^jUi»\ V4IN0 or WRH^rft asdivari, dsdwari, f.name of a raginl or musical mode ; a kind of pigeon ; a kind of cotton cloth. «. (JjImJ^ isdmal, m. a pursuivant, t. c1a3jU»T VIVIMHI dsdnantj expectant, de- pendent, t. [pitiful, h. C^^\*ii\ Wr(^:*i( a-sdmant, fearful, unquiet, fAjUjal dsdyish, f. rest, ease, tranquillity, re- pose, quiet, indulgence, enjoyment, p. ' ashf m. a horse (properly u^u«»t,q.y.).j^ t-..»ui asbdbf m. (pi. ofc-.«iu>) causes ; goods and chattels, furniture, tools, apparatus, baggage. «. l9U**>\ asbdt (pi. of laf*<>),the tribes of Israel, a, J^f*<>i asbah, past times, days of yore j most excellent, surpassing, a. cjA*j\ usbu' , m. a week (from *f*>» seven), a. OJL^fM)^ fTEHiiT a-sabhya, rude, unfit for society, unpolite. *. t-.****^ asp, a horse, p. C>L*j\ ispdt, m. steel of a tough kind. h. 0**^L>**' 'OTrnrre ds-pds, m. vicinity, cir- cumference ; adv. all around, on all sides, h. tX***>I VHIHli^ dspad, m. place, footing, rank. s. 0^_y>l is-par, upon this, hereupon. us-poTf thereupon, h. ^^J*^^ 'WW^ asparsi, palpable, tangible. " The word is properly sparsi, to which the alif (a) is prefixed, to avoid the meeting of two quiescent consO' nants in the beginning of a word, which cannot be pronounced by the Persians and Arabs ; a-sparsl, in- tangible (by prefixing the priv. a to sparst). s. sjfil^ijXtji] iS{<4{^|*f)^ d-sparshaniya,\impure, ikx^tj^] ^W^Tl a-sj)rishya, J not to be touched. *. Jy«^^l ispat^mul, m. name of a plant said to be an antidote to the bite of a snake {AristoloehiM Indica). h. ^j****] ^jR^ isprihd, f. inclination, desire. $, >^*tji\ ^nER? a-spashta, indistinct, s. JyL**»1 ispaffhul, m. seed of fleawort or p\aa- taih (Plantago psyllium?), p. ulL***) aspak, f. bridge of a musical instru- ment; a little horse, p. i^JJumI isipand, m. a seed of the henna plant, burnt at marriages, to drive away evil spirits. In like manner it is burnt some days after a child is bom, particularly at the door, to prevent demons, &c., from entering. It is often mixed on these occasions with mustard-seed, and hence has been confoimded with it. p. ^^L^l ispahdn, or ^^l^i***) isfahdriy the capi- tal of Persia (till very recently), p. ^Jl*JO^_J*>^ ds-pts (v. ds-pds), all aronnd. d. (J1am>| ^nnr a-sat (for asatya,(\.y.), unholy, ungodly, non-existent, untrue, fJEdse. t. l1a*»I W^ ast or asta, setting (as the Bun, &c.). ) istada, standing, set up, erected ; hence, a pole, ensign-staff, &e., particularly a prop for supporting the door of a tent, not the tent-pole. p. ^JiMi*»\ usiadi, f. teaching ; adj. masterly (as "workmanship, &c.). p. C)\LJ\ ustdz (the same as ustad), master, &c. p. jMmS istar, a weight of 4j miskals or 6| drams, a. J^A/olxa»i istamhol, also istanbol and islam' bol, the city of Constantinople, p. ^IL*»T astan, 1 m. a threshold ; a fakir's «Ju«>l astana,) residence, astan-hos, one who pays a visit to a superior, asian-hosi, f. paying a respectful visit, p. ^iiJjuk**»\ istibdad, m. absolute dominion, des- potism ; insisting upon a thing being done. a. J^jjuMi istibra, m. cleansing ; washing one's hands of a business, or desiring to be freed from it ; a woman after being divorced from her husband, waiting a certain time (three months according to Muham- madan law), to ascertain whether she is pregnant or not, before she can contract another marriage, a. ^^ jx Lm>\ istalrah,m. green colour; silk, cloth, or Satin, whose colour seems to change agreeably to the light it is seen in (particularly green silk), a. df. Mj i iWrt l ^^cTRTH astabyast, dispersed, scat- tered, confused, perplexed, s. dXxt*»\ ^Mff astvt (for stuti), f. praise ; an anthem, a hymn, s, j\jlL*>\ istitar, m. act of concealing, a. jjUjju«»I istiskal, m. heaviness, trouble, im- portunity, a. ujuLm)) istisna, m. exception, distinction, a. CL^\^'^ istijahat, f. accepting, consenting; hearing or receiving a petition, a. [menses, a. «wol^***' istihaza, m. immoderate flux of the «5l^^ istihala, undergoing a change ; being impossible or absurd, a. C-..>\jk^*** ixtihhab, m. contracting friendship ; an action, the performance of which is meritorious, but the omission of which is not criminal ; work of supererogation, a. OjU^ istijazat, f. asking leave, begging permission, a. ^^L«^***' istihsan, m. approving, praising, taking or considering as a favour, a. jL^^*** istihzar, m. calling, citing to appear, summoning before, a. .Vfl^*^' istihhar, m. despising, vilifying, scorn- ing, treating with contempt, a. rVS^*** istihkah, m. demanding justice ; merit ; ability in law it denotes a claim of right pre- ferred by others, to the subject of a sale, a, Jb>^^ istiJihaniy m. confirmation, firmness, ' strength, a. [an oath. a. ««ji)^^^ istihlaff causing to swear, exacting I »j\i5***' istikhara, m. judging from omens j augury, a. J^^J^*** istikhddm. m. employing, making use of the labour of another ; asking or getting em- ployment, a. [extracting, a. jg-y^'^ istikkraj, m. expulsion ; drawingforth, i_Jli^ istikhfdf, m. despising, holding in contempt or in small esteem, a. (_^^)c£*" istikhlas, m. desiring to liberate; liberty; freedom, a. )y5**»' ustukhrpan, m. a bone, kernel of the date fruit, &c. ustukhwan-band, a splint or fillet for tying up a broken bone. p. istiddmat, f. assiduity; wishing to be quiet, permanent, steady, eternal, perpetual, everlasting, a. «Jl*31i^Ju»»] istiddnat, desiring to borrow : in its common acceptation, it signifies contracting debt in behalf either of one's self or of another, a. uiJl.;ijL»*») istidrdh, m. comprehending, under- standing ; reaching, overtaking, obtaining, a. \pj.JL») istid'df f. request, desire, invitation, supplication, petition, a. J^tiou»il istidldl, m. asking proofs, arguments, or reasons ; demonstration, a. jit*»\^l^astra,m. a missile weapon, a weapon in general, astra-vidya or astra-ved, the military science, astrohin, unarmed. ». JLn) astar, m. a mule, istar, a harrow, p. Jwil astar, m. lining, astar-kdri, plastering, p. \jUn\ usturd, m. a razor (for 8;v**») q. v.). p. I/CujI 9MVI ustard, m. a barber, h. C.o-l/u*») istirdhat, f. ease, rest j sleep ; re- pose; tranquillity, a. ^^V^i ■9^cro«sJuJ istirddd, m. demanding restitution of any thing, whether given, deposited in trust, or taken without consent; repelling, driving, forcing back, istirdadi nilam, reversal of a public sale. a. Io/Lm*! istirzd, f. desire to please, willing- ness, alacrity, a. k^JIm*] astarak, m. storax. g. »ju*») ustura, m. a razor. This is one of the numerous old Persian words still preserved in Hindu- stani, although they have become obsolete in the ori- ginal. The modern name in Persian for a razor is " tl^i dallakt" (note by Binning), p. [man. s. ijJiM»\ J^ istri or istirt (for str't), f. a wo- t^<^l ^^ istrt, m. smoothing-iron, istr^- karna, a. to iron ; to smooth with an iron, istri-wdla one who irons linen, h. U 2 ImmY ( 86 ) i5\jum1w>1 istis^ad, m. desirino^ happiness; being fortunate ; considering any thing as a happy presage ; oonceiving well of any thing, a. vAmLmI istisha, m. the dropsy ; istiska,i- ziii:*, the anasarca ; istisM.i-tabli, tympany, a. «^l^jk«*»l istishhad, m. taking evidence ; sum- moning witnesses; bringing testimony or proof; falling a martyr to religion, a. cUI isttara, m. borrowing ; using a word metaphorically ; a metaphor, isti'ara-kama, a. to be- seech, to beg earnestly, a. cl/->l«ju*>l isti'dnat, f. asking assistance, im- ploring help ; assistance, protection, a. j\js?^^**l istijdl, m. hastening, accelerating, ordering one to make haste, despatching any business soon ; wishing to make haste, o. 2)iXxjuu>) isti'dad, f. ability, means, capacity, merit, readiness, a. lft«Ju*»l istifa, m. asking forgiveness ; de- precating, a. [siring promotion, a. ^LoLjil isti'ld, m. superiority, exaltation ; de- Jl*xju»»l isti'mdl, m. custom, daily practice, use. isti'mal-k., to use. a. ^\,»j»iM»l isti'malt, fit for practical use, "used ; m. fine rice. a. eS[jiXui] istighjdsa, m. asking for help; de- manding justice, complaining, a. \^\jiun\ htighrdh, m. great admiration, amazement, wonder, a. SytJL*>l istighrdk, being drowned, immerged in thought, drowned in sleep, engrossed, wholly em- ployed, &c. o. jloitJLol isiighfdr, m. begging mercy, craving grace, deprecating, a. idiLaAjLuj) aataglifirulldh, I entreat forgive- ness of God (or God forgive me ! an expression signi- fying negation), a. liiju*»l ht hjh nd, independent (in point of fortune), contented ; m. content, independence, a, SilaJUttl istifdda, m. seeking for gain ; profit, advantage, a. [learned man. a. bijurti istifta, m. consulting (a lawyer or cUflJu*»l ist^rdgh, ra. vomiting, belching, a, .Uwfljuol istifsdr, ra. asking an explanjition ; eciirching for information, inquiry, interrogation. inli/sar-karna, a. to inquire, to iaterrogate, to demand an explanation, a. ^_j.l**»aL*>i istifsdi'i,f. the statement of a pros- ecutor suhiect to investigation, a. ^l^iL*»l ittifhdm, m. inquiring, inquisitive ness; asking for explanation, desiring information. ^tfi istifhdm, an interrogative particle, a, ^\.^siL*»] iMifhdnii, "1 interrogative(a term euM^ijuM) tj?I^Tf^cr«iras<77f,abeliever,pious,faithful.«. jbiouM) istikbdr, m. pride, presumption, a. »UxJUk»l istikrdh, f. aversion, reluctance, a, ( ?\^XjkM>l istihshaf, wishing any thing to be made manifest or laid open. a. Jl^xJLal istihmdl, completion, bringing to perfection ; wishing any thing finished, or completed. «. *UJuk*«»l istilzdm, m. necessity, rendering ne- cessary, a. tUL*»^ istimd', m. hearing, listening (to mu- sic, &c., particularly) ; tidings, report, rumour, that which is heard ; in law it denotes hearsay evidence, or indirect testimony, receivable only in particular cases and under certain restrictions, a. i-1-JUju*»\ istimdlat, f. encouragement ; com- fort, consolation, a. .^fX^L*i\ ^H*4 01- ^^cTWf astambh or istambh, m. the trunk of a tree ; column, pile, post, pillar. *. &U,*ju*>\ istimta, m. enjoying, reaping the fruits of, being delighted ; celebrating the solemni- ties of the festival of Mecca ; enjoyment of a woman, a. 5^iXJLm»\ istimddd, f. begging assistance, a. jL»JL*)\ istimrdr, perseverance, continuation ; in law it signifies a rent not liable to alteration. istimrar-dar, the holder of a perpetual lease, a. ^c^J^LJ>^ utimrdri, perpetual, permanent. istimrari jam', fixed or perpetual assessment of rent. istimrarijot, a fixed or permanent tenure, istivirari mal-gusarJ, permanent or perpetual revenue, istim- rari patta, a perpetual lease of a farm, istimrdrt pattd ■ dar, the holder of a lease of lands at a permanent rent. a. -.\\,^Lt»\ isiirnzdj, asking an opinion ; search ing out one's purpose or intentions, a. :>UJLm\ istindd, leaning or resting upon. «. ( 37 ) ^1 JsUjukM*^ utimbatf m. deducting, extracting, inference, a. \ss^L*i\ istinjd, m. pissing j purification after a natural evacuation, a, ^LiJuk**»l istinsliak, m. throwing water into the nostrils, when performing the Wazu ; snuffing up the air or odours, ^^^ fixed. <. jjV^ju**! ^I^n^ a-sthdwar, moveable, mov- j^ju*»^ '«{fw<. a-sthir, restless, unsteady, un- stable, uncertain. «. ♦^Ji^i ^W^ isthir (for sthir), steady, firm. s. \ij^^\ '^ifieOTWT a-sthiratd, f. unsteadiness, in- stability, fickleness, s. [steadinesa. a, ^j^^io^S i^i^lAX hthiratd, f. rest, tranquillity, U^jL*»^ istihzd, in. derision, laughing at, a joke, jest, scorn.' a. J^i***^ ^IW^ asfhal (for sthal), m. place,home, fixed residence, dry or firm ground, isthal, a place or stand of a/a^tr. s. Ci3^^i**»^ istihldk, m. ruining, destroying, consuming ; wishiug death or ruin to any one. a. J^)^^ju*»\ istihldl, m. appearing of the new moon ; the noise made by a child at its birth, a. C^j^itjA vfw<4ff asthiwat, bony, osseous, s. UjfcCA*«»^os<-Aona,n.t08et(a8thesun,&c.).a. te^^\ asthl, m. a bone. (See asthi). s. --j*4l«.\ ^^1^ a-sthairj, m. instability, un- eteadmess. s. 1**»\ ^SITTT^ a-satyi, untrue, a liar. s. ,jj\ date, (for &JLJt>T) easy, gently, softly, p. ^u*»\ ^(mH a-saii, a bad or unchaste woman. " a-salya, untrue, false ; m. untrath. *. ^Ji\xxiut\ ^inq^^ a-satya-bddi, a teller of lies, a liar. s. JLaJuu»\ isthal, m. destroying, eradicating, pulling up by the roots, extirpating. «. u-^\jtAL*il istVab, m. asking in a present, tak- ing (the whole), a. lfljuk*»>\ isiifd, m. salisfying completely; pay- ing or receiving the whole of what is due; reuouiv cing, relinquishing ; retiring from business or official duties, vacating or resigning a situation, a. ^Ajuu*»l isi'ila, m. predominance, conquest, a 5^Jjuu*»l istildd, in law, signifies a claim made by a man having a child born to him of a female slave, which child he acknowledges, as of his own be- getting, a. i^jxiMi\ dsiln, f. a sleeve ; dsttn kd sdmpf a domestic enemy, an enemy who wears the mask of friendship, p. [sympathy, a. (^ljaJL*»\ istinds, m. familiarity, intimacy, ^UJu*>l ^^rw a-satya, false ; a-satya-bddiy one who speaks falsehood, s. (^js^\ 'W^rssnf a-sqjjan, unfit, untrue, im- proper ; not respectable, or of good family. «. iJws^l 'g fa iftn usijnd, n. to boil, to simmer. A. AfMt\ ^[W^ a-such, foul, impure, astichif f. impurity, pollution, s. jjU^l iSfhdk, m. (a man's name) Isaac, a. Jm»\ asad, ra. a lion, the sign or constellation Leo (in astronomy), a. Mii>t*>\ is-dam, directly, this moment, h. p. Jbi^^\ Vfffi^ a-siddha, not eflFected, invalid, ; fialse, unripe, incomplete, s. ^ii-*\ ^RTSr a-suddha, wrong, impure, inaecu- ' rate, mistaken. $. ' j*m\ ^nrn asur, and ^IH^ dsur, a demon ; \ the asurs reside at the south pole: they are considered ^ demons of the first order, and in constant hostility with the Gods, asur, a form of marriage in which the bridegroom gives to the bride, her father, and paternal kinsmen, as much as he can afibrd. *. y**\ ^F asra, m. a corner; hair; blood; a tear, asri, f. ten millions, s. ]j^\ ^rrerr dsrd, m. hope, dependence, defence, reliance, retreat, shelter, abode, house ; ambush, con- cealment, shade, hiding-place, i. j\jJ\ asrdr, (pi. of Jf**>), secrets, confidential concerns. ' isrdr, act of concealing ; also, divulgiug or communicating a secret, a. ^\y*»\ isrdf, \n. prodigality, dissipation, abuse of wealth ; ruin, extravagance, a. ^yyi^JU»^ isrdfil, m. the name of an angel who will sound the last triunpet at the resurrectkm i a seraph, a. Jja]^\ isrd,il, Israel, bant isrd,tl, the Israel I ites, or children of IsraeL a. [diction. sb^T mftl^ l ^ dsirbdd, m. blessing, bene- C^T ^nfHff dsrit,') one who relies on an- ^j*m\ ^Sfn^dsartu, J other; a protege- ». \Si:>jM\ 'V^rST a-sraddhd, f. want of faith or oonfldence, unbelief. «. .s ( Mj»*»\ WrSHf asram, m. abode, residence ; class ' of mankind, or religious order, whereof the Hindus reckon four, viz. the Brahmacharl, who devotCH his life to religious exercises, austerity, and celibacy. 2nd. Grihi, who lives in the world, and rears a family. 3rd. Vdnaprastha, who retires from the world with his family, and passes his life in devotion in the forest ■Uh Bhikshu, or Bhichchhu, who lives on alms. 3. ^yJJCJtM\ asarmel, \ m. the Aristolachia In- Jj'^l^l asarvel, J dica, a plant supposed to be of great efficacy in curing snake bites, v. isparmul. d. [protected. «. ^oT**»^ ^TBTJff or ^S^ITTir a-sararif helpless, un- ^j**»^ "^HKm usama, n. to retreat, shrink from, recede, h. ^jt**\ isrinj, m. minium, cinnabar, p. ^jt*i\ ^f^asru (or asru), m. a tear. s. iSj^^ Wrerft asuri, belonging to the asurs, demoniacal, diabolical ; a division of medicine, surgery ; earing by cutting with instruments, applying the cautery, &c. s. [of demons, s. \,^jjjt\ ^\'^K\H\m cumri-maya, f. deception do wi*»T ^n^ dsrait, hopeful, trusting, con- fident fO,jt*i\ WT^R asraya, m. a refuge, asylum, s. k^LmS ^srf^ a-sishta, rude, indecent, ill-be- haved ; profligate, irregular, t. Jj^OM)! istabal, m. a stable, a. ^J^ijm\ is-tarah or is-tarah-se, in this man- ner, thus, us-tara^, in that manner, h. a. U.'^lxa*^ usturlab, m. an astrolabe, g. i,'j,A...o]^^^ ustuhusat, (pi. of ustukus) ele- ments, principles, ustukusdti uilidus, Euclid's Ele- ments of Geometry, g. (_)»>ji^^la**»^ itstukhuduSfTrench lavender, g. «i***tt^ as'ad, more happy, most happy, a. jUu>l asfdr (pi. ofjfl**>) books, volumes; (pi. of safar) voyages or travels, adventures, a. — \.i\A**»1 isfanaj, m. spinach, p. ^ysiul\ asfal, inferior, the lowest, a. AAm>1 isfanj, m. a sponge; a yeast dumpling.^. jhsJsutA ufandiyar, the son of Oishtashy of the first dynasty of Persian kings, p. j^\.^i**»l isfahdn, Ispahan, the capital of Persian 'Irak (the ancient Parthia). a. ^\sum\ ishdt, m. causing one to fall ; miscarry- ing ; taking away ; dying (cattle) ; procuring an ab- ortion, a, ji3£*«>1 is-kadar, th'iB much, to this extent, h.a. Axiu»\ ishU, m. a squill, a wild onion, g, 0\^^ ifhdt, f. pacifying, soothing, si- lencing, a. UKmiI T^KPTT uskdnd, a. to light a fire or Mndle ; to excit«, to instigate, h. 38 ) j-»^ *m\ ^HTSai or VIMmT) ashat or askat, f. drowsiness, laziness, tardiness, s. Ci*5L«T ^TRT^ dsakta, addicted, devoted to : intent upon; fascinated, enamoured, diligent, zea- lously active ; trusting to, confiding in ; eternal, s. OiC-uT wrafjR dsakti, f. attachment to one object or pursuit, diligence, application, s. UU3C*»T ^l^riMI dskatdnd, or askatdnd, n to be lazy. h. j_^J^T < ixCui\ ishandari, of or relating to Alex- ander, a. &^^;3jiwg»l is^anfZanya, Alexandria in Egypt, a. ^Si^i**»\ iskandh (for skandh, q.v.), a sec- tion or portion of a poem, a division of a book. s. ^4^^ ^TTH a-sukh, m. sorrow, pain, rest- lessness, uneasiness, affliction, t, ,i(^\jjJ ^ftn dsikh, m. benediction, admo- nition, instruction, s. [flicted, unhappy, t. X^^'^ ^msf\ a-sukhi, restless, uneasy, af- f^X*^^ ^TTTHT a-sugan, m. bad omen. h. 8JJlC*»I ^'ffJim asgandh or isgandh, m. the name of a plant used medicinally (p/ty sail jjfejuoia). *. ^y^M\ t asmar (pi. ofjv*»)> stories, evening en- tertainments, a, ^y^\^tj»\ ismall, the name of a prophet j Ishmael, son of Abraham, a. i^^-^*t*\ ^HHT»T a-samdn, different, unlike, un- equal, s. ^^\-»*«*) ^W*RT!T a-sammdn, m. disrespect, dis- grace. «. ^lv>*>l dsmdn, m. the sky, the firmament, heaven, the celestial orb. asman par Jcadam raklina, to five one's self airs, to aspire, to be vain, asman par hainchna, to be proud, to affect greatness, asman se girna, to fall from the clouds, is applied, particularly by women, to signify an acquisition that has been made suddenly and unexpectedly, without labour or care, and the value of which is inconsiderable, p. (_^;<_Cj\.,-M»t dsmdn-glrl, f. a canopy or awning, p. ^Um»! dsmarii, heavenly, celestial; azure, cerulean, sky-coloured, asmani ttr, &c., an arrow, &c shot in the air. dsmdni farmani, provision against in- juries arising from calamitous seasons, &c.on the part of a zamin-dar. p. jc'*-** V f*»**^ *^^ ^" musammd, worthy of the name (it bears), whose name is expressive of its qua- lities, a. p. Jbtij ^ ui] ^nNrST a-sambaddh, not joined, un- connected. $. ^4f^»*»l ^ra>T^ a-sambhav, uncommon, incon- ■istent, unlikely, s. [[perfect. *. t^yj^^-****^ ^rat^ a-5am/?M77m, incomplete, im_ 1^^ f'^ WSWK a-sammat, dissentient, averse, contrary, a-sammati, f. dissent, dislike, m. C.>mm>\ ismriti {f^ee nmriii^, f. the Hindil law. *. SN^fiT a-smriti, f. want of memory, forget- fulness. s. .^j^u»\ ^;rit^ a-samarth, weak, powerless, unable, incompetent, s. ^»fJ'¥**»\ "^miM a-smarafif m. forgetful n ess, oblivion, s. ^yy*%^J»\ isma'll, Ishmael, from whom the Arabs claim descent. (Same as Isma'il.) a. C^bokv**! ^T^H«tl1if dsamantdt, adv. all round, on every side, wholly, altogether. «. (jws*^***^ •*m*<^fl a-samanjas, m. doubt, su.s- pense, suspicion ; unconformity, disparity, difference, s. yjM»**^ ism-war, entry in statements according to the order of persons' names, a. p. ,_5***»i ^RRXf a-samay, unseasonable, out of "time ; m. a time of misfortune, distress, an improper tune. «. j^^l ^^»T dsan, m. the inside or under part of the thigh ; a stool, a seat ; a small ftarpet on which the Hindus sit at prayer ; seat, posture, attitude, sit- ting (particularly the attitudes used by Jogis in theii devotional exercises, of which they enumerate eighty- four) ; the withers of an elephant, the part where the driver sits, asan tale and, to come under subjection. dsanjornd, to sit on the hams, dsan dobid, spoken of a holy man, who, perceiving by supernatural intelli- gence that some one in distress has called on him, in - terposes in his behalf, asaw se dsan jofud, to sit close in contact with another person, dsan lagdna, to sit obstinately in a given posture, till one's request be obtained, dsan mdrnd, to sit (particularly in an atti- tude practised by the Jogis); to retain one's seat firmly on horseback, s. (jj*>\ ^Tftnr dsin, m. the sixth Hindii month, in which the moon is full near the stars in the head of Aries (September — October), s, ^2j***\ "^W^ dsan, also asan, m. the name of a tree on which the tasar sUkworm feeds. (Terminalia alata tormentosa). s, [named tree. t. i^t*^i ^^«T asan, m. eating : also the last- U*k>\ 'g^fTT i{snd, boiled (from usannd, q.v.). h, iU***\ a.mdd (pi. of liJu**), grants, and law- papers in general, documents, isndd, an allegation ou the authority of another, o. (_»iU*i*l isndf, m. a snipe, apparently a cor- ruption of the English word. d. ^jU**»l asndn, m. bathing (see ashndn). s. OUw»\ <1MI*{T usndnd, a. to cause to boil, h, ci*.M.'ik'»»<.>\ '^VTfS a-santushta, discontented, dis- ss *' * pleased, dissatisfied, s. ,^juujj\ ^^ift^ a-santokh, or ^WN a-san» tosh, m. discontent, displeasure, s, ci/ys**** ^^B^n a-sanjog (or a-sanyog), m. want of opportunity, s. ^.iJuAj' ^^H^R a-sanshaya, undoubted, s. aji^Xi ^JT^^fiT asTva-pati, m. master of horses, a title used by some of the Hindu rajas, s, ^^M»i '"Sfjii^ aswatth, m. the sacred fig-tree ; (Ficus religiosa). s. ^y^\ ^Wt»T cisoj, m. the sixth solar month, s. f^yji] ^sm^a-sujh, invisible, incorporeal, h. ^^M>' ^ifft^ a-soch, not contrivable, that which cannot be effected by reflection or study ; not to be regretted, h. &»-^'**\ ^%V^l a-saucha, m. social or legal uncleanness, as from the death of a relation, &c. s. ^_y9-^A»»^ ^^^1 a-sochi, careless, indifferent, "unconcerned, h. ^yM\ aswad, black, or blackest, powerful, a. ^i^yM\ dsudagt, f. quiet, peace, content, p. ^liyMt asudan, (r. asa), to be at rest. p. t^yj»\ asMcZa, full, glutted, satiated, saturated J quiet, satisfied, tranquil, at ease, contented, asuda- khatir, or Ssuda dil, or asuda-l^dl, full, replete ; con- tented, in easy circumstances, asuda, in a figurative sense means dead and buried, hence plur. asudagan, the tranquil ones, t. e. the dead. p. ,SbiiyM\ WTwKn asaudha, m. legal arrest, s. *^\uiyM\ WQiyicjII asma-salay f. a stable, s. Ca9^* is-wakt, now, at present, us'waktf then, at that time. h.a. «^ j ** ) \ ^reh?ir a-8ok, (for askoka), m. ease, tranquillity, cherfiilness; a kind of trea( Jone«ta asoca), s. viJy*»\ ^ifll a-sog, m. ease, tranquillity j a tree called also DetNi-ddm(I7'0aria/on^t/<'^ta). «. Ub Jo^^jimI Vmi*Vf asma-gandhd, m. the name of a plant (jahysalU jletuota). i. fjy*»\ 1Blh*ft a-sogi, at ease, unmolested, s. (jy*A WWff ason, this year. h. f}y»\ Vlf^Jt^ aswmi, f. the name of the first "lunar mansion, of the form of a horse's head (the three stars in the head of Aries), s. [der. s. \^,y*t\ ^En^ asi^a, f. detraction, malice, slan- J\yy»*l isyhal, m. loosening, opening, purging, flux. a. [inUderable. «. ^^^ WU^m a-sahajj or a-sahij, insuiFerable, ^..**»^ uSfhal, more or most easy. a. *, ^ a. to boil (food, hna,j Sec), h. ^^y^***^ ymi^'i a-sahnn, impatient, not bearing with, unable to endure. «. &a1^«mi vei'^^'ril^ «-AaA«ni^a,'| intolerable,un- iu^l SH*J^ asahya, J bearable. $. j__5-«*i »im/) assi, eighty, k. ^^\ ^"% use, him, that, &c. ^ ise, this, t« "this, or him, &c. A. j_^l asl (for^Ha5i),m.a8word, scimetar. i. j__^1 ^nrni dsai, m. meaning, intention, aim; scope, theme, subject ; an asylum, abode, or retreat. $. U**»1 dsiyd, f. a mill, asiya-sang, a mill- stone, p. eoljUtfl dsiydna, m. a whetstone, p. c^AJUut dseb, (or asiJ), m. a misfortune (ge- nerally means such misfortunes as are the consequence of the shadow of a demon having fallen on one, sad so forth), trouble, calamity, damage, p. ^:*t*** '3^ft»nn nsijnd, ^^C** a-«c/ia,unirrigated {sa.me aaa-iUnchS). «. ^ju*»i asir, m. a prisoner, a captive. Mnr i ab gil, attached to one's native loiL a. j(<*^\ T^rtl tisir, f. a grass, the root whereof is sweet-scented, and used for making faf^ {andropogom muricatum). s, Sb^jUrt) VHUTtlc^ or SHI Wl 9 14 asirbdd or dsirbddp m. blessing, benediction, salutation, t. i^jMi\ asiri, f. imprisonment, captivity, a. (j»*Ju»»1 ^rwt^ or %|^1u dsis or asis, f. bless- ing ; return of compliment from a (HindQ) mperior. «. LmJum! T^fhRT iisisd, m. a pillow, a cushion, head of a bed. h. ;j«Ju*>^ ^^a-ses/i,without remainder,entire. ». 1»jum1 ^^m a-simd, unbounded, unlimited. 5. &«ju*) I diiima, amazed, astonished. Mir-a«ima, bewildered in the head, astounded, p. (jpu**i 'SiralfT dsin, seated, sitting. ». Uft^ ^nffl^T a-sinchd, not watered, not irri- gated (a field, &c.). a. I^juo^ ^^ a-sevd, 1m. disobedience, inat- ^^^XlM\w^(^;^a-sevan,J tention. s. \3^ju*»^ ^■iRtn wsewna, a. to throw out the water from boiled rice. A. iJitS ush, interj. fie, &c. (vide uf). d. {Ja\ ash, f. meat, victuals, viands, soup, broth, gruel, pottage, ashi-jau, barloy-water or water-gruel ash-4)akana, a. to combine in nny design ; to couspir^ or contrive any thing against another, ash-tnal, a por- ridge-stick, a pestle, p. U»T ( 41 ) jlja tJil WT^ asha, f. hope, desire; dependence, reliance, trust, ashd^rdpta, successful, possessing the desired object, ashd-bandh, m. confidence, trust, ex- pectation, dshd-bhang, disappointment, ashd^tvant, expectant, hopeful, dslid-hin, desponding, despair- ing, s. ti»i "^T^ ushu, m. early morning, dawn, day- break (also ushd-kdl), f. the wife of Anirudha. s. OjLS** isharat,'\i. a sign, command, signal, »jIm»* ishara, J hint, ism-i-ishara, a de- monstrative pronoim. a. JiM\^\'^^;V^ a-shastra, unlawful, illegal, irre- gular, a-shattriya, contrary to law, inconsistent with the roles of science, s. JS'jVw*! ysmj^ or vmid, asharh or asharh, m. the third solar month, (see ^JbyUtfi). S. f^j^ ^BWrtt asharhl, f. day of the full "moon in Asharh. s. j^\ asham, drink, (in comp.) drinking, as sharab-dsham, wine-drinker, p. ^^(iJL*Li>l asharmdan, to drink, to quaff, p. CL/J\^\ ^sr^ljfita-shant, restless, anxious, unre- signed. a-shdnti, f. anxiety, restlessness, s. (Cjjl^l V^fN^ ashawart, f. a raginl or mu- sical mode ; a kind of pigeon ; a sort of cotton cloth. <. C*3jU»i VM^M'^'tl asharcant, fearful, unquiet, pitiful, s. -,\jui»^ ashhahf (pi. of jui>) bodies, objects, a. ^^J^l ^SfMa-s/mM, unfavourable, unpleasant, inauspicious, evil ; m. misfortune, distress, t. \j\xZi\ oslitawaAvn. an ewer &c., same as JjUilsl ashtawa,) of taba or abtaba, q.x. p. t\xi^\ ishtibah, m. doubt, ambiguity, scruple, a. ^JbUjuSil ishtihahi, suspicious, doubtful, a. i\il)3J^\ ishtidad, m. confirming, strengthen- ing, increasing in violence, a. J\ ishtirak, m. partnership, a. Jl«jL2*\ ishttal, m. burning, inflaming, light- ing a fire or candle ; fomenting,instigating a quarrel, a. (_iiyUjL«2*\ ishtialak, (dimin. of last word). ishtVdlak dend, to foment (quarrels), to encourage to bad actions, to abet. a. [study, a. ^li'lZ»\ ishtighal,m. occupation, employment, ^■?j1j?>\ ishtikak, m. derivation of one name from another, a, [firm. p. JjJm\ ushtulum, celerity, violence, injustice ; J\Jul»\ ishtimal, m. comprehension, contain- iOg. «. LjLm»^ ishtihaf f. hunger, appetite, a. J^^iM»\ ishtiharf m. publication, divulging, fame, rumour, report, renown, ishtihdr-ndma, a writ- ten or printed proclamation or public notice, a. ^L2»l asha, f. peace, concord, reconciliation, "agreement, convention, confederacy ; amour, intrigue, p. ^\jjJm\ ishtiycik, m. wish, desire, strong in- clination, a. tilAii*^ ^ ishta, desired, wished, approved ; worshipped, reverenced; cherished, beloved ; m. a god, a deity, whatever is worshipped ; an object, the thing wished for ; a beloved person, t. «JLoS»\ ^re asht or ashta, eight, askta-prakar, incessant, the whole day and night, ashta-mangal, m. a horse with a white face, tail, breast, and hoofs ; a collection of eight lucky things to be assembled on certain occasions, as a lion, a bull, an elephant, a water- jar, a fan, a flag, a trumpet, and a lamp. s. /^LiljLi*^ ^rer^ cishia-dash, eighteen, s. >CL^\ ^sm^rtflt ashtashlti, eighty-eight, s. id^VlZA^CWT^asktang, m. eight parts of man; adj. of, or with eight members, ashtdng prandm, pro- stration in salutation or adoration, so as to touch the ground with the eight principal parts of man, viz. with the hands, feet, thighs, breast, eyes, head, words, and mind. s. tl^uiJjUjS*^ ^retN^lfif ashta-vinshati, twenty- eight, s. [fifty-eight s. Cl.Aji)l^- clAji»\ ^If^^l^lif ashta-panchasJiat, UISjI ^FrTT /."f/z/a/a, f. desirableness,reverence. s. JJJ*»\ ^T?TTT uhtatar, dearer, more desired, s. ^..*. 'u».J^\ ^'Sfi;m[ti a shta-trinskat, thirty- eight, s, *juo2j^ ^gflH ishtatam, best beloved, dearest, most desired, s. [rinshat, forty-eight, s. OU.\iji>l 'SIF^ITiT as'htadhatu, m. the eight metals, said to be gold, silver, copper, brass, tin, bell- metal, lead, and iron, asht-dhalij, f a mixed metal, a compound of eight metals, s, J/2»l Tg ushtra, m. a camel, s. ^uu**»j>*«i.S») Mjgfflfs ashta-siddhi, m. the eight siddlils, the name of a superior order of beings, a per- sonification of the powers and laws of nature ; when i they are subjected to the will by holiness and auste- | rlties, whatever the fancy desires, may, it is said, be I obtained ; universal sovereignty may be acquired, and I implicit obedience to any command enforced; the ' magnitude, weight, or levity of the body may be in- creased or diminished at will, and the body be trans- ported in an instant to any part of the universe, s. ' <.^UL^i.lLJ*i\ ^y^fu ashta-shashthi, sixty- ' eight. ». jjij^^ ^S^ ashtam, the eighth. 5. ^-♦jui*i ^fW^a ashtaml, f the eighth day of the "moon. Janmashpami, the eighth of Bh&dra Krishna paksh, the birthday of Krishna, s. C-Jyuu*) ^Fti^fiT ashia-7Uiwati,n\neiy' eight.* <>^ ( 42 ) >1^ JtM\ j\^ ashjar (pi. ofjdi^), trees, a. J^ ^^r^l a-shuchi, impure, unclean (cere- ^ moniaUy) ; f. impurity, t. —j^\ wns^ ashcharj (for ashcharya), m. amazement, astonishment, surprise ; adj. astonishing, wonderful, dshcharjyata, f. wonderfulness, astonish- ment, s. [people, a. (.^la. ' ashJihas (pi. of (^jas^), persons, Sm) ashadd, more or most vehement, severe, strong, violent, excessive, a. ,JbiJgi»l W^^ a-shuddh, impure, inaccurate, wrong, a-shuddhata, f. inaccuracy, impurity. ». ^t^«*l ViuCgiji a-shuddhiya, one who speaks or reads vrrong. s. jm\ asharr, vicious, malignant, atrocious (or . more vicious, &c.). a. jui\ ^rer ashra, m. a tear. s. ^j^\ Wrar ashra, ") m. cheating, fraud, cir- ijj^\ ^rr^T( ashray,) cumvention ; proxi- mity; a retreat, abode, a house; a means of defence; haying recourse to protection or refuge; trust, re- liance, hope ; a patron, a protector, s. ObLi)) ashrabat, drinks prohibited by the Muhamraadan law, such as wines, &c. a. jLS>l ashra?- (pi. ofy w2*), wicked, wretched, criminal, seditious (people), a. (_jLi>) ashraf (pi. of i_A?wSl>), nobles, gran- dees, gentlemen, men of high extraction. In Rohil- kund,Oude, and Benares, the term is applied to a class of cultivators who claim certain privileges, a. /vf*** ishrak, m. splendour, beauty, lustre, lit. the rising of the sun. a. ^*Lii>^ ishrdhl, eastern, oriental, ishrdhi- "-namaz, morning prayer, a. [partnership, a, ci3Li»\ ishrak, m. participating, entering into 0*M» I ^if^nr ashrit (see dsrit), a person pro- tected, &c. a, JiijUtS V^Sjyi a-shraddha, f. aversion, con- tempt, disgust, loathing, distrust, disbelief, a. ^^Jm\ ashraf, more noble ; m. a gentleman, a person of noble or genteel birth, a nobleman, ashraf- ulmahhliiiot, the most excellent of created beings, man- kind, ashraf-ul bilad, the finest of regions, a. jiji ashrafi, f. a gold coin so called. The ' Calcutta ashrqfi, is about \L lis. 8d., and the gold of it is better than English standard gold, by live shil- lings in the ounce, or about one-sixteenth. By the Regulations of May 1793, It should weigh iyO'894 grains troy weight, generally called by Europeans, " a gold more " (vide muhr). 1 ho g^ld more of Bengal is worth IG rupees, that of Madras and Bombay 15 rupees, p. ^-ii>l ^n^R ashram, m. (same as asram), abode, &c;. &c. (v. asram). t. [less. s. ^_i»l »H5KKr a-sharan, without shelter, help- (^J>i\ -flinm dshray, m. same as ashra, q. v. Cl^ljLA ^5T^ ashrait, hopeful, trusting, con- Gdent. i. (J>ji.j^\ 'W^rClO a-shariri, incorporeal, a. (j<***»1 Wrf^TR dshis, f. blessing, benediction, s. CU.i-*»l^f^IFa-5/twAfa,unpolite,undisciplined^ ungovemed; under the dominion of evil habits arisliig from a neglected education ; rude, barbarous. «. jU*«>l ash'dr (pi. ofo»jS>), verses, poems, a. (J\*A«»I ashghdl (pi. of jj*^), employments, occupations, cares, ish^^l, being employed, a. ^jlii»l ashfak (pi. of ^Jfi^), kindnesses, fa- vours. ishfaJc, compassion, tenderness, a. ajkft**»l asA?//if«, wretched, miserable, distressed, distracted, uneasy, disturbed, ashufta-^l, distressed in condition, dshufta-jshatir or dshufta-dil, afflicted in mind, ashufta-mu, with dishevelled hair, askufta-sar, or, -dlm&gji, or, -tab', distracted in head or brain, p. ^^^JS^Zi\ ashuftagt, f. misery, distraction, un "easiness, p. ^^^iSLZt^ ashuftan,io disturb,to be confounded.p. Jj^l ashuk, gum-ammoniac, p. U fl^l ashhiyd (pi. of (3^), thieves, male- factors, a, (^-Im»I ashk, m. a tear, tears, ashk-hdr, mourn* ing, shedding tears, ashk-bart, f. weeping, p. .\xm>I dshkdr, 1 it/*T- ,T- - I apparent, clear, public, I.\Xm»i ashkara, r i/'aT known, revealed, p. 8j\jsM*1 ashkara,} J\iwi>l ashkdl (pi. of (J^), appearances, figures, shapes, semblances, forms, a. Jlxi»l ishkdl, m. difficulty, ambiguity, sus- picion, p^nfulness. a. [lude, to wheedle, d. IjJ^^I ishkdlnd, to deceive, to tempt, to de- ^Km»I ishkdli, one who excites doubts or diffi- •• culties. a. a^iJ^ I 'sn^r3i«s/l ^9|J|ff a-shugun,] or a-shuguMf portentous, boding evil luck. *. s.^Jm\ ^VJ^ a-shakyu, impossible, s. Jj2»I ashall, having a disjointed, withered, or paralytic hand. a. [distich. «. ij)yL^\ ^r^cF ashlok or ishlok, m. verse, lAiulii*) '^ra'RT (ishlchhd or ashleshd, m. the name of the ninth lunar mansion (five stars near the southern claw of Cancer), s. \^\ "W^tn nshind, i'. warmtli ; wrath, s, ^W«»^ ishrndm, m. diffusing odour, shedding perfume; giving to a quiescent consonant a slight sound of zamma or kasra, but so as not to lengthen the syUable, or make one syllable more. a. Jm\ ( 43 ) ^^s tI«M)! T^r?n ushmata, f. heat, warmth, s. i^j-*^\ ^^hO ashmari, f. the stone or gravel (the disease); strangury, s. jj-»ji»\ ashmalf more or most perfect, complete, surpassing, transcendant. a. ^^^ Tan ushna, hot, warm, pungent, acrid j m. heat, warmth, s, ^J^^ ^^T ashan, m. eating food ; also ^n^HT ashan, the asan tree, on which the tasar silk-worm feeds (^Terminalia alata tomentosa). s. \JJm\ ashnd, an acquaintance, lover, friend; aslma-parast, friendly, p. \lu»\ "^Hm ushanna, n. to boil. h. ^J^jJM\ *«1^4|jlIH ashnan, m. bathing, s. (j\jj*»\ ashna,i, f. friendship, acquaintance. &ihna,i-k, a. to unite, to associate. dshna,t lagnd. n. to become intimate, to be united in friendship. j>. 9>>\>}jj*>\ ashnayana, in a friendly manner, p. uum»1 TOOnn ushnata, f. heat, warmth, s. j^XamS 'V^FIJ a-shanka, fearless, undaunted, secure, s. IxJkMiT Vl^l^l ashanka, f. fear, apprehension, awe, danger ; doubt, uncertainty, t. [dem. s. (jmJUwm^ TOrfHl ushntsfi, m. a turban, a dia- «M>\ W^ ashwa, m. a horse, s. J^jjfj^y^^ VffT^ ashmarurh, mounted on a horse; m. a horseman, s. {^^iSA ^Himill dshwds, m. completion, ces- ■atioii, comfort. «. immfyi>\ dshob or dshub, m. tumult, clamour ; infbmmation of the eyes ; terror ; misfortune ; storm, tempest ; an impostor ; in comp. exciting, p. l^^l Vl^^ a-shohhd, f.ugliness ; adj. shape- lees, ugly. (. C-Oyi>^ VHmfd askrva-pati, m. a person of rank, attended by horsemen ; a horseman. «. ,^y^\ Wfigf^ ashwatthay m. the holy fig-tree (Fiau religiosa). s. •yii^^I^ft^ a-shock, m. content, tranquillity, absence of care, a-shauch, m. impurity ; mourning, s. ^\Jm^\ vm^ll^T ashwa-shdld, f. a stable, s. s^J*»\ W^t^a'shok, at ease, unmolested ; m. ease, tranquillity ; a plant {Jonesia asoka). s. \^,yj^^\ '«H1'I*W ashrva-gandhd, f. a plant (Physalis flexuosa). s. ^i^j^yi^) W^S^ ashwa-medh, m. the actual or emblematic sacrifice of a horse, an ancient religious ceremony among the Hindus. This sacrifice is one of the highest order, and, when performed a hundred times, entitles the sacrificerto the dominion of swaiga or paradise. It appears to have been originally typical ; the horse and other animals being simply bound during the performance of certain ceremonies : the actual sacrifice is an introduction of a later period, s. jjjyi»l Wlfnivf dshwin, m. the sixth Hindu month (September — October). «. j_3jjS»\ ^ftgrft ashwint, f. the name of the first ~ lunar mansion (see aswini). s. j\}yM^ ^TO^fR ashrva-vdr, m. a 4iorseman. s, ^^\ ^>^^3I ashwa-yuj, f. the first lunar mansion, s. [proof, a. 4i\^\ ishhdd, m. taking to witness, bringing (^1^1 ashhdd (pi. of i^Jblw*), witnesses (such as have been present) ; eye-witnesses, a. L-*^^ ashhab, white, ash-coloured, a. i^^\ ashhadu, I testify, I declare, a. j^^ ashhar, more or most celebrated; known, a. ijt>\ WI^ dshaya, m. meaning, intention, "aim; an object of desire; theme, subject; shelter; the mind. s. lxi>\ ashyd (pi. of ^J^*), things, effects, a. ,,jIju*»I dshiydn, 1 , . ,, .,***T , _ > m. a birds nest. p. ^Ouu*>l asliiyana,) CL*xu>\ y{\\i\{^ dshiti, eighty, s. ♦x«i»\'3^[fh!^<5A^r,f.a fragrant root of gras8,called in Persian ]chas {Andropogon muricatuin). t. libjuiil '/ol isddr, m. producing, appearing, issu- jLol isrdr, persevering, obstinacy, a. i^\yo\ isrdf, m. expenditure, waste, prodi- gality, israf-k, a. to squander, &c. a. »Ulxol istibdgh, ra. dipping, baptism, a. j^Uia^^ istihdght, one who baptizes. Yahyii Istibdg^i, John the Baptist, a. ^yf^x^o\ tf(a&^7 (vulgarly as1abal),m.a stable.a. jsi^^ istakhar, the ancient name of Per- sepolis. p. U->^jliO^ usturldb, f. an astrolabe, g. -^Ux^^ istildh, f. a phrase, idiom, general ^ acceptation ; a figiue in rhetorie. *• k*^ ( Ol^-^Us^l istilahat (pi.)) idioms, phrases, forms of ftpeech. a ^^>i*oi istildkl, technical, ihelaphorical, conventional, a, j^\ asgi^r, less, least, smallest j the minor tenn in a logical proposition, a. [tpinosa). a. *i 8
    o\ asaf, the name of a man, considered to have been Solomon's waxir. &faf-rafi, prudent as ajq/l Ofof-ud-dauUi, the Sttaf oi the state ; a title generally applied to a vaazxr, a. jla#o\ a«/5r (pi. ofjAitf), ciphers, a. j^uy\ asfar^ yellow, saffron-coloured, a, jjjl^io) isfahdn, m. Ispahan, till recently the capital of Persia, p. (J-oi asl, f. lineage ; origin, root ; foun- dation ; a capital, principal sum, stock in trade, ofl-tu- sut, m. liquorice, a, V»^i aslan or asld, by no means, never, not at all. aflau mufic^an, absolutely never, by no manner of means, a. -.^L^l isldhf f. amendment, care, correction, a. J^\ aslah, best, most correct, a. j_^) asR, pure, of a noble family, noble, "essential, radical, original} a registered village, a. j,*a\ nsavim, deafj a surd number in arith- ' metic, opposite of mimiik. JatT-i ofmua, the square root of a surd, a, I — jIa<«1 asnaf (pi. of (— OAitf), sorts, kinds, varieties, a. [repntationa. a, C^\y,o\ aswat, (pi. of C^yo) voices, sounds, ^^yo\ usul, (pi. of (J«^^) causes, roots ; a mood or tone. a. jl^\ as,har (pi. of^), near relations, agene- ral term for all relations by marriage witliin the degree ill which marriage is prohibited, a. Jjufil afil, well-born, noble, genuine; f. a maid-servant who is free, in opposition to kmndi, a female purchased slave, a, Oiloi izafat, f. addition, an adjunct, an epithet ; it is in granmiar applied to the short vowel kasra, between two Persian nouns in the formation of the genitive case, or on the addition of an adjective. }^lati iif^fat, the genitive case. a. ^\*6\ izafa, ra. addition, junction, augmen- tation, attribute, a. L-^\^ia/fil iztirab, m. agitation, perturbation, restlessness, anguish, trouble, chagrin, a. ^AlxiO] iztirabi, f. haste, impatience, a. jUlxiil iztirar, m. 1 violence, constraint, agi- ^5jlAx.oi iztirari, f. J tation. a. ^Uo\ az'afy double, i^'o/", act of doubling, duplication, a. (impotent, a. _i*o\ azaf, very helj)less or weak, most 44 ) CAfi e.*^\ azla, (pi. of ^^) districts; sides {ct a square, &C.) ; ribs; convexities; arches, a, \^L*^^\ ita'at, f. subjection, obsequiousness, reverence, worshipping, obedience, mbmissioo. a. j^li^l atalik, m. preceptor, a guardian or governor, atalt^, instroction. p. \j^\ atibba, (pi. of u^»»>V>), physicians, a. (_-iU>1 atraf (pi. of i^Jb), sides, environs, confines, skirts, districta; all around, a. J4) (j^\ itri-pJial, 1 m. a kind of electuary ; jji^jis^ itn-fal, ] vide itti-phal. \si^\ Ufa, extinction, putting out (a fire), a. Jlflls! atfal, (pi. of Jiis), children, family, a. c^lObl ittila, f. manifesting, informing, de- claring, investigating, knowledge, information. iQii la'-k., to acquaint, inform, iitila'-nama, & written da^ claration, or notice in writing ; a summons or citatioi^ ittild'-maTid, informed, acquainted, a. J^\ itldk, m. setting at liberty; divorcing; freedom, disengagedness ; in law, the office acd r*- CMds of summonses, also fees thereon, a. jjioy S^Ui»1 itldk-navisj m. the officer who keeps the regiaterof anuunonaea aoict the fiMa there upon. a. p. (jJii»i atlas, m. satin, atiad, of or resembling satin, mJade of satin, a. elj?^ itmd, strong desire, longing for. a. ^Jox^\ itmtndn, m. tranquillity, content, security, repose, rest, quiet tlmindm tififir, peace of mind. a. C-.»Uj9l atnab (pi. of c-^ii?) tent ropeg. a. ^^\ atwdr, (pi. ofjji*) manners, behaviour, devdrs. litiuh-aitvar, well bred. a. Jji?) atwal, very long or tall, prolix, a. j\^\ athdr (pi. of ^\1>), the pure. Wiar, purifying, purification, a. Jib^ aplam, more or most oppressive, a. X^\ izhdr, m. demonstration; revealing, publication, evincing, a. j^\ azhar, very clear, more apparent, ag- haru min ash-shamsi, clearer than the sun. a. OSU^ i'ddat, (also idda), f. repetition, re- vising ; visiting the sick. a. jlIP-\ ituh, liberation, manumission, a. l1oI^\ i'dmt, f. help, aid, succour, favour, assistance, a. jLjkPl i'iibar, m. belief, faith, confidence ; respect, esteem, veneration, reliance. Vtibar rakhnS. or i'tibar-k., to give credit to, to believe, a. ^JJ\^Ss^ i'iibdrty trusty, confidential, a, J\iJukp\ ttiddl, m. evenness, equilibrium ; temperatcness ; rectitude, temperatiire, moderation. & CL^\ ( 45 ) «I j\(iSfi] itizar, m. an excuse, apology, i'timr- n&wia, m. 8 letter of apology, a. (C,'tia5'i ttizdri, one who apologizes, a. ^^\J)S■] ttiraz, f. refusing assent, objecting, discussion ; critidsm, animadversion, displeasure, op- position, s. [who objects, a, tjr\j*^^ ttirazi, f. displeasure, anger; one (— .suXp-i ttiraf, m. confession, acknowledg- ment, avowal, a. jUjkP^ i'tizaz, excelling, overcoming, a. jjUjkff-i ttizal, secession, dissent j abdicating or withdrawing from office, a. [sin. o. ^uflOff'i i'tisdm, preserving one's self from i5liuff^\ Vtihadj m. confidence, faith, trust, belief, a. j^iilajkff-' itikadi, one who has faith &c., or in whom faith is placed, a. u-sojiff-i itihaf, ui. restraining, curbing one's passion from religious motives, as in Lent ; continuing in the mosque (particularly at Mecca), a, tiUj^i ttimdd, m. faith, confidence; hope, dependence, reliance, a. (Ciil*:ip\ i'timadiy one in whom confidence is placed, a trustworthy person, a. Ul^i itind, taking pains, anxiety, care. a. j\jSi zjaz, m. flisappointraent; a miracle; ■wonder, amazement, astonbhment, surprise, i'jazi mast]fa,i, miraculous cure, equalling the wonderful cures of the Messiah, a, j*s^^ (i\jain, a barbarian, a rustic : the term ' is strictly employed to one who does not speak pure Arabic, but it generally denotes a Persian, a. \,^\ add (pi. of J Jk^), foes, enemies, a. \^\S'\ trdb, m. a vowel, the using of the Towel-points. A'rah, the wandering Arabs of the desert, a. (3i^\ araht, an Arab of the desert, a. — U&\ irdj, crippling, or making lame. a. {je^S-y irdz, flying from, aversion, i'rdz-k., to turn away from any thing with abhorrence, a. u->M^i ardf,m. purtralory : according to the Musalmans it is a kind of neutral space between heaven and hell. The poet Sa'dl says that " to those in heaven A'raf would seem hell, but the hellites would call A'raf paradise." •^1 a raj, cripple from birth, a. jI^-^ izdz, ra. respect, attention, a. l^\ aizza (pi. ofj-JjC-), very excellent,worthy, or dear (persons or people), a. [sinews, a. «— «>V*ap' a sab, (pi. of u-**a^) nerves, tendons, \..aPi a'za, (pi. oiyo^) merabera of the body. t^za,,e fanasul, organs of generation. (fza,e ra,isa, the vital parts, as the heart, brain. Sec. a. JiasA a'f:am, greatest, or very great, a. ^)^) ala, 1 \ lc\ '/- I ^"P''^"^^» ^'g^> the Most High. a. Mys] ildm, m. proclaiming, indicating, an- nouncing ; a warrant, notification, a. ^^y^\ ildn, m. publishing, divulging, a. j^\ alam, most knowing or wise. a. \^\ a*md, for Sa^\, blind, ignorant, a. Jl»^' imdl, applying, amdl, (pi. of ^3-•*) action, conduct, a. J^l a'lna, blind, ignorant; a desert, a. ^Uff-i o^ydn (pi. of u^ff-), eyes; grandees, nobles, a'yani Jfoxrat, courtiers, a. \pT dffh df a master, lord; an aga. t. [agaria g. (j^.jIpI aghdrlkun (^a^fapiKov) common jlff'1 dghdz, m. beginning, commencement. ag^z-k., to begin, p. ^]j^\ ighrdli, submersion : in rhetoric it signi- fies excessive praise or censure, a. ftjuLPt dghishta, mixed, macerated,polluted.j). jjff-! dghil (also aghil) a sheep-cote in a mountain, an enclosure for sheep &c. in a plain. a^^fd, a bar or bolt. p. ^^^ ighldh, m. difficult to be understood, abstruse ; an obstacle, a. J^\ aghldl (pi. of J^), yokes or chains for the neck. a. J^\ ighldm, m. inflaming with desire, pro- yoking to venery; sodomy, o. u-*i^^ aghlab, superior, stronger; adv. most likely, for the most part, a^lab hai, it is most likely, it generally happens, a. (jlJS'l ughalmish, a king of Turkestan, de- scended of the great Jing!8 EhSn. *. ^^\ aghU, f. the bolt of a door; same as "ardanda. d. {^\^\ ighmdz, m. dissimulation, supercili- ousness ; Ogling, coquetry, a. ^\^\ ighmdzi, one who is supercilious, "proud. 8ec. a. \s^\ aghniyd (pi. of f^), the rich. a. \^\ ?^wa,m. seduction, temptation, ighrvd-k.f a. to seduce, to lead astray, a. (^^\ dghosh, f. an embrace ; the bosom, p. jKxS'S aghydr, (pi. of^), strangers, foreigners, unknown persons, rivals, a. iji\yp'\ agkydri, f. strangeness, rivalry, a. ( j^ uf, fye! pooh! for shame! alas!M/-A., to disapprove of, to lament, uf ho-jana, to become ruined, a. u_iT df, the sun ; the musk-deer. p. O^T dfdt, (pi. of Cji\) calamities, evik, miafortimes dangers, o. ^\ ( 40 ) .Oiil 9ji'^\ afaghina (pi. of ^U5l), the people of Afghanisthn, the A%h£n race. a. VwT o/aA (pi. of ^^1), horizons, quarters of the heaven, the world or universe, regions, a. ClJi^\ ifahat, f. 1 convalescence, recovery ei^\ ifaka, m. J from a swoon, &c. a. (^^^s! afariin (pi. of ^^^\), branches, a. \ afat, f. misfortune, wretchedness, cala- mity, dfat-rasida or qfat-zada, involved in mis- fortune, a. U-^UiT aftab, m. the sun, sunshine, qftab- parast, a worshipper of the sun. qftab-parastt, f. the VForship of the sun. dftab-gir, a parasol, p. ioUii aftaba, m. an ewer, a water-pot. p. ^Uil aftabi, f. a parasol of a particular "form ; a target studded with gold, p' ^SCii\ uftadagi, f. a fall, the act of falling, p. ^^tiUJl uftadan, to fall, to happen. JSlIi! uftada, fallen, prostrated, pi. uftaOa' gan, the fallen, the unfortunate, p. jjjljkj^ uftdn, falling, uftan o kJiezan, falling and getting up, met., with great difficulty, p. ^jllil aftdwd, m. an ewer (v. aftaba). p. jlj^' iftikhdr, m. glory, honour, elegance, gracefulness, a. [tation. a, \jiS\ iftira, f. calumny, slander, false impu- ^^\ji\ afrdkhtan (r. afrdz), to raise aloft, to extol, a. [numbers, single ones. a. i^J\ qfrdd (pi. oi dS), individuals, singular C)\J)\ ifrdd, m. withdrawing from society, a. '^j\ afrdz, exalting (used in composition), p. i^\jm»\J\ afrdsiydbf nsime of an ancient princ6 of Turan, one of the heroes of the Shahndma, ulti- mately slain by RuEtam. p. )o\j\ ifrdt, m. excess, superfluity, ifrdti- aWildt and ifra^i iMn, plethora, o. ij^M afranjt, a Frank, or native of Europe, a "crusader, a. [mined, p. &jk>'jji! afrokhta, set on fire, kindled, illu- (iH^JJ*' ofrohhtan (r.afroz), to set on fire, to burn, to kindle, p. [composition.) p. ]jJ! afroz, inflaming, enlightening (used in ,\^i>^ i 1 dfrida-gdr, m. the Creator, p. ^liJ jit dfridan (r. o/'/'ira), to create, p. SJjyl dfi-ida, created, a created being, p. i»j>,j>\ dfnn, bravo! well done! (in corap.) creating, m jahdn-dfrin, creator of the world ; m. the Creator. 5/»i»-/c., a. to praise, to applaud, p. ^ijj Jl dfrinish, f. the creation, p. Si^JkbJ \ qfrluandaf creating ; the Creator, p. \ja\ afza or afzd,e, (r. of qfzudan), incr\ afzdyish, f. act of increasing or add- »*(iJo^\ afzayanda, that which increases, p, t>jji» afzud, m. increase, addition, abun- dance; adj. more. p. j^tJjJJl afzudagi, f. increase, addition, p. ^jtijjji* afzudan (r. afzd), \o increase, p. (j*iy>\ afzun, more, manifold, greater, much, increasing, p. f^y^S afzuni, f. increase, enlargement, p. »3\-«i\ afsdna, m. a tale, fiction, story, ro- mance, afsdna-go, m. a romance-teller. afsdna-go,i, £ the profession of a story-teller, p. -*\ afhar (pi. of^), thoughts, meditations, opinions, counsels, a. SXi\ afgaVf wounded ; m. a sore (on the back of a horse, &c.) p. [position, p. ^^\ afgan, overthrowing, (used in com- ^^tilGl afgandan, to throw down, to cast. p. %,ijXi\ afganda, overthrown, cast forth, af- gandagi, f act of overthrowing, p. ^jii'^\ iflas,va.. bankruptcy, penury, poverty, want ; sometimes written iflasi. a. [Arabs), a. ^^^'^\ ajlatun, Plato, (so called by the uiJ^^ ajldk (pi. of tiJJi), the heavens, hea- venly spheres, a. [or heavenly spheres, a. tj"^^ q^a/ii, celestial, relating to the heavens "1y\ rt/wq7(pl.of-p.y),armies,crowds. afwdji- kahira, a victorious army, afwdji-shaiyatin, a host of devils, met. a multitude of children, a. l\J\ af>vdh(p\. of 8y),m. mouths; f. doubt- ful news ; fame, report o. ^1 J\ qfrvdhl, famed,reported,noised about, a. ^! afim, f. opium, h. , e^A^^ afimchi, jn.\ „ . " " -V o I ^" ^^^^^ o* opium ; ,.-»jj 1 afiman, f- f //» n ^-^M %- - (fig-) a sot. h. ^J^\ aftmt, m. J ^^\ afgun, f. opium. The inspissated juice of the Papaver somniferum. a. f}^\ afyunl, an opium-eater, a. \i\ aifea, m. master } owner, p. [dred. a. i-J>j^\ akdrib (pi. of t-jkjv), relatives, kin- \-5^^ akakiyd, the acacia ; also the expressed juice of its firuit. g. &5^\ ikdla, the cancelling of a sale, on con- dition of furnishing an equivalent for the original price of the article ; breaking a contract, a. ^\51 akdllm, (pi. of (•^i), climes, regions, a. Ci^w' ikdmat, f. resting, staying, abode, resi- dence, dwelling, a. JUU^ ikbdl, m. prosperity, good fortune^ fell- city ; acceptance of a bond or bill. iljcbal-da'w4, con- fession of judgment a. JJiJUiJl ikbdl-mand, prosperous, of good for- tune, ikbal-mandl, f prosperity, good fortune, o. p. (^\yjS\ iktihds, m. borrowing (fire from another) ; acquiring, procuring, gaining ; asking, beg- ging ; quotation, a. [to imitate, a, li^oLil iktidd, imitating, following, iktidd-h., j^ JjLSI iktiddr, m. power, authority ; excel- lence, dignity, a. J^mXj\ iktisdm, m. division, partition, a. .\jaxj\ ihtisdr, m. abbreviation, abridgment, restriction; determining or fixing the bounds of any thing ; failing, wasting, a. \tajA iktizd, claim, requisition, demand, a. JiiJ*\ ikddm, m. intrepidity, resolution, firm- ness, spirit; endeavour, effort, diligence, attention, care, ikddm-namudan, to approach, a. (^i>j»\ akdas, very holy, or most sacred, a. S^ ikrdr, m. promise, agreement, assurance, attestation ; confession, confirmation ; in the language of the law it means the notification or avowal of the right of another upon one's self, ikrdr-k., a. to pro- mise, ikrdr-ndma, m. written agreement, indenture, bond, contract, a deed of assent or acknowledgment in general. iJcrdri 'dmm, a public acknowledgment, declaration, or confession ; a will or testament. iJcrdr- ddnapatra, a conditional deed of gift, a, (CjlJl ikrdri, one who assents, acknowledges or confesses, a. j
      l(_^ .y>1 ikrdri-asdnii, m. a prisoner who "pleads guilty, a. ^J^y] akrdn (pi. of ^>.^), equals (in age, rank, &c.). a. ^J>\ akrah, most near, more near. a. \iy\ akribd (pi. of *--*?jJ')> kindred, friends, allies, a. [raents. a. IjUJI ahdt (pi. of la— i'), portions, instal- ^LJJl ahsdm (pi. of *«**), various kinds, of every sort. a. UaJsl aksd, I extreme, very or most distant, J^^oJi aksdj extremely, a. [of land. a. cUail iA^a', cutting, dividing, an assignment Ji\ akall, less or least, very little, a. jbjjt akhal-bar, the Indian shot-plant {Carina Indica), a beautiful flower. The word seemi to be a corruption of some Arabic term, (Binning) d. u^^ ahlaf, m. aMuhammadan whoforsome adequate cause has omitted circumcision, but is not thereby disqualified from giving evidence in court, a. jtAi\ iklim, m. climate, country; according to Moslem geographers, there are seven dkdlttn "climates or countries" which occupy a fourth part of the world, called the ruh'i maskun " inhabited fourth part." The other three quarters of the globe are supposed to be utterly uninhabitable. (Binning), g. J1y\ akmal, (pi. of Jy), words, sayings, agreements, promises, a, J^il aliwam (pi. of f>^), tribes, nations, a. uiJT ^cfi" a^ (Dakliam, 5^), m. curled flow- ered gigantic swallowort {Asdepias gigantea), cele- brated among native practitioners for its many me- dicinal qualities ; a sprout of sugar-cane. s. ud3\ ifi (for uiJj\) one (chiefly used in com- pound expressions as) (A; lauta, single, s. o\ i/j/ia, sino^le, incomparable, superexcellcnt; m. an earring of a single pearl ; an ornament worn on the wrist, often hollow, containing perfume; a champion, who serves alone, without heing attached to any corps, t. o\ a?ika, m. a father ; a dear or intimate friend ; f. an elder sister, d. ji%\ akabir (pi. of jjot or ^Juo) the great or grandees ; people of rank, akabir o af'ghir, high and low, rich and poor, a, mJ^\ ^UoRTaT a-kqj, rn. loss, detriment; hurt, injury, prejudice; uselessness. *. f^^\ ^nrrift a-kaji, useless (animal, thing, "or person) ; a retarder, s. J6\ ^UWl^akar (corruptly akar),m. appear- ance, aspect, shape, statue, likeness ; hint, sign, token; the letter ^SU. S. ,^\ ^o\ "^^kiXKSl a-karathf unprofitable, fruitless, yielding no return, vain. A. jj.\S\ ^o|i'K?n a-havan, m. absence of cause; adv. causelessly, groundlessly. t. (^j*X \ "Sii<**^r ahas or ahas, m. the sky, the firmament, the heavens; space; air; the fifth element of the Hindus, more subtle than air, sther. akas-hani, f revelation^ a voice from heaven, a. C^(.>>^T ^n'^l^f^ akas-britti, f. subsis- tence not derived from any certain funds, or depend- . ing on any particular person; living from hand to mouth. «. tiy 0*^° 1 wrarr^^^ akas-britti, one whose subsistence is fortuitous, s. Jjo (^_yJ6\ ^141^1^9 a/m5-6eZ,f.the air-creeper Cuscuta reflexa ?) : it has no root or leaves, but giowi on the tops of trees, t. ij^Xj^^ t ^rran^nr^ okas-pawan, m. a vege- table growing on other trees; air-plant or dodder. {Cuscuta reflexa). s. bi> {^jJ^ \ ^I«*l5f<1^l akas-diya, m. a lamp which the Hindus hang aloft on a bamboo in the month of Kfutik, a beacon (in Dakh., Akat-diwa). g. ^^x* (_Vjo^ '^lohmrj^yl ahax-muhht, ip. a "devotee of tho Saiva soct : liis devotion consists in hold- ing his face up to the sun, so that, after some time, it is difBcult for him to hohl it in the natural position, i JjJ^;_>**ol wran^^^ ahas-mandal, m the atmo.sphere, the celestial sphere. *. *A'0*»^' ^TTcfiT^I*rt*T rihnx-ntm, m. a plant growing on the nhn trees (a kind of Epidendron) $, 48 ) i^J\ \>\ a-har, \ useless, of no avail (pro- 1.9 jo\ a-harat,) perly a-karath), d. ti'l?0*»^' ^1«FI 51*1 Mil akas-nam, f. a voice from heaven, revelation, t. ^^^^ ^oBj«l ikasi, eighty-one. h. ^^o I '3If chilli ahasi, aerial, celestial, atmo- •• spJieric. aicasi-barna, cerulean, azure, t. [akSi). (^o i ^TTcFni ahnsh, m. the sky (same as J Is) ^oirr^ or ^rroFToS a-hal (or ahal), m. a famine, a general scarcity ; unseasonableness, extre- mity, pinch; adj. unseasonable, untimely, premature. a-kfil-brishti, untimely rain, akal-phal, a fruit pro- duced out of season, s. Jo\ akkal, a glutton, an enormous eater, a. ^ol T3ST^r{Tukdlna, a. to boil water. Ju m6\ ^snsm a-kam, unprofitable, fraitlese. s. V-lx)l^l ^TRirt^ akcinhsha, f. wish desire, ex- pectation; purpose, intention, t. CjJ^^ \ ysuwif^a akankshit, desirous ; de- sired, expected, s. f^J^^ \ ^i«*i«j'^ dkankshtf desirous, full of " hope, expecting ; asking, inquiring. «. [one. h 4_^y 01 5oifT»T^ ikdnawwe or ikanrve, ninety- ^j w^ :^fliiH H ikdrvan, fifty-one. h. jKS\ ik-bdr (for ek bar), one time. h. p. jj^\ akbar, very great ; a man's name. a. (j!wup^ fl/i&ar-aZ-r'a,i,1 presumptive evidence ^s\jP^ akbari-ra,i, J sufficiently strong to convict, a. « („fji^\ akbari, of or relating to the Emperor Akbar; name of a sweetmeat; also of a gold coin worth a guinea and a half of our money, a. Ij^v * ikpechd, head-ornament, h.p. i^^\ iJ4i(f or Tf^ ukat or uhti, f, speech, what is spoken, language ; contrivance, invention, uiat ba- nana, to make up a story, to invent, contrive, ukat L, to discover, to find out «. (Jl>i 1 "3^ ukta, spoken, used in law documents for " aforesaid, above named." *. \jj^\ WWJn^ uktarnOt a. to promote, to forward, h. • j\S$\ 94HI% uktaru, an instigator, promoter. A. ^j«jl512^I ^IFT^Sln iktalis, forty-one. h. U\i^\ V^iAIHI uktana, n. to fret, to be me- lancholy or d^ected ; to be ont of humour with, to be tired of, to tire. h. U>>L«*A^) iktisab, m. gain, acquisition, a. \OjS\ iktifd, f. sufficiency, contentment, tfc- Hfll-k., to content one's self; to stop short, m. {ii}jS\ 3[W?nR ik-takfituing with a fixed look. «. ^\ VW9 a-kath, 1 not to be spoken, »j.^\ WWni a-hathyay J unfit to be men "tioned ; unnttenble. obMOM * \jirvmi^ora^ ^3S\ akti, f. the agati tree {JEtchynomrm ij^'^ WirrfNr ihtxsy thirty-one. 4. CiJ\ ( i id^ TWZ ukat, contrivance, invention, h. ^\j^\ "^^BTT^ uktana, a. to dig up slowly a thing which is buried in the ground; to extracts secret gradually and artfully ; to pump. h. \j^\ TSRZ^ ukatna, to be dug up, &c. (neut. form of uktana ; a. to dig up). A. ^^\ Jj3SZ\ i hatha, 1 together, in one ^j^l^^\ J^iZm ihthan, r and the same \j^^\ -^jSSZiTJihthaurd,} place, united, s. jxA ahsar, most, many, much; adv. often, usually, for the most part, generally, aksar-aukat, often, frequently, generally, a. s->^\ aksariya, for the most part, chiefly, a. C^\ Touf^ ik-chit, of one mind, unani- mous, without wavering, s. lj^_.\j C.*^< ?flB €{riT;T»T* oR ih-ckhat raj-k., to rule everywhere. $. j^\'^HcR.a'kar, duty-free, exempt from duty. s. S\ ^BTRST akar, f. aborigines; mine, quarry, source ; multitude, s. S\ y[fVBfiT.dhar, f. the den of a lion or tiger; (conjunct, part, from ana), having come. h. \S\ ^rWU ak7'd, dear, oostly ; f. a kind of g^ass 60 called, a kind of vetch, h. J\S\ ahrdm, (pi. of a^)) favours, kindnesses, obligations ; honour, respect, a. J;>1 ihrdm, m. honouring, complimenting, treating with attention and ceremony, a. %\J>\ ikrah, f. horror, aversion, abhorrence, detestation, a. ft)\^\ '■Mjfci i m ahardyd, f. ground not pro- perly cleaned for receiving the seed. c. Ot^T ^fVffn ahriii, f. shape, figure ; like- ness, image ; the body ; species, t. 3 i\^oFf=pRa-Ar«7nm,inartificial,notmade.«. {^S\ ^TT5|ft dkarsh, m. attraction, fascina- tion ; a magnet, a loadstone ; spasm. «. CL^^l ^«Ff^ akarshit, ^ attracted, cL)i»j^T ^TToir? akrishta, J drawn, s. uiiii>iT ^«ir^ dkarshak, m. a magnet, a loadstone, any thing which attracU ; a^J. attractive, magnetic (also akarshik). tJ^S'\ 'srrarlTiT dkarshan, m drawing, at- traction. «, ^i»^T ^«ir^ aharsht, attractive, s. ^JSf\ was^ a-karkat, soft, not hard. s. 0^\ akram, very kind, merciful, a. jtS\ ^okA a-harm or a-ftarwa, m. bad action, sin, vice, wickedness, s. ^SJ 'WrgW akram, m. ascending, superiority ; lurpassing, surmounting ; invasion, a seizing, x. ) J^ \icS\ WW^ a-karmd, idle, unoccupied, p (.^XicS\ ^cd^cK a-karmak, intransitive (in gram.), s. ,ja/«;^\ VcF^lV a-karmanya, useless, anpro- fitable, good for nothing, m. j\ akar-pakar, jSoj^\ akar-takar, ^^j>3 Jp\akram-takram, m. stateliness, af- fected airs, pride, haughtiness, h. \jrp\ ^o|f'?*n akarna, n. to writhe, to ache, to cramp, to be cramped, to become stiff or distorted, as one's limbs ; to strut affectedly, h. • •^^ U*«.^^ ^oFWnr a-kasmdt (lit. without a wherefore), immediately, accidentally, extempore, un- expectedly, unawares, abruptly, s. Uu.»n ■? oF^nn wAaswa, n. to be excited, moved, to try to move. h. ^y»^\ aksi, f. a tree, the leaves and pods ri "which are eaten as vegetables ; probably the same as aktt. q. V. ju«^\ ihiir, alchemy, chemistry ; the philo- sopher's stone (or rather a calx of quicksilver used in transmuting metals to gold), an elixir, dust, filings a. ^JiS\ 'SITSf ahsha, m. a die, cubic or oblong ; the spots on dice, aksha-hhag, m. a degree of latitude. / (ji^l '3?fgj ahshi, m. the eye. akshi-tard. f. the pupil of the eye. » F. L^ ( 50 ) (^Ji>\ fW ikshu, f. sugar-cane, ikghu-ras, m. the juice of the sugar-cane, ikshu-sar, m. molasses, raw sugar, ikshtt-kand, m. a species of sugar-cane (saccharum munja). iksfM-mehi, diabetic, s. fJL>\JlS\ "W^np akshansh, va. a degree of la- titude or longitude, s. iS.AtS\ ^f^iT a-kshat, infallible, indelible; remaining, continuing, m. whole grains of rice used in religious ceremonies, fried grain, dkshat-tilak, f. the ceremony of putting a few grains of rice on the forehead of an idol when addressed, or of a Brahman when invited to an entertainment, s. jtS\ ^rs(K. aksha?; m. a letter of the alphabet. akshari, lettered, writing a good hand. « jj-i^) ^TcF^^nSS '2-^"*'^*^^»u'^l'icky,inauspici()us.«. j_^*^^ ^"^ ikshumatl, f. name of a river " in Bengal, the Issamuttj. s. ^y>^ytS\ ^'BlTfj^ilfl akshauhinl, f. an anny "(see achchhauhini). ». iJ^\ '^(^^ a-kshay, imperishable, undecay- "able. akshayata, f. imperishableness. akshay-hriksh, m. an undecayable tree, akshay-lok, m. the imperish- able world, s. [abuse, t. •,_ ^j^--^ \ ^rr%^ akshep, m. reproof, sarcasm, ^^\ ahly m. food ; eating, akl-o-shurb, meat and drink, eating and drinking, a. (J^ 1 'Srrangf akul, confounded, perplexed, confused, distressed, chiefly used in compound words, t. ^1 ^IT«S^T a/^/a, fleet, swift; peevish, h. ^^ !^4i<^ ^A/a, alone, single, (j.ihlauta). h. t^^ 3[o(i^T^ i/fZa,?', f. loneliness ; name of an "article of dress, h. U^m ^?irQ5T*n akulana, n. to be agitated, to be distracted, to be confused, to be out of order, to tire, to weary, to be astonished, h. [made, s, lIaaKI ^oRf^KTil a kalpit, not artificial, not CL^ I ^oFf^iT ahulit, agitated, distracted, s. UiS I ^ersir^nn akulula, f. agitation, distress, s. UjSI T3|«Q5«n ukalna, n. the intransitive of ukalna, to boil, be boiling, h. A\^^ ^TcBf^Jtft a-liulml, f. a woman of a "low caste or family ; adj. bad, base (woman), h. \3y)i\ \fktf^A\ ihlauta, "1 single, solitary, U3^i ^li^'in iklaunta, J alone, s. i^\ WnF^ ahU, f. motion, agitation (par- • ticularly of a carriage), h. j^UKl 1l4k«im4U a-kalyan, ominous, unpropi- tious ; disconaolate, uncomfortable. ». iSj*'*^\ 94I941O uhlasari, of or relating to the town of Uklesar, famed for its paper manufacture, h. tVf*?^ jjJS^ iktilu-l-jabal, m. (the crown of ^e mountain), an herb smelling like frankincense, roeemary. o. (i»3JJl JjJ^^ ikBu-l-malik, m. (the king's erown), meliloC «. 1 aP OuJSj VMch^lni a-kutina, of no family, \\\^ beian, of low extraction ; ignoble, f. akuliiu. s. ij V I ikmal, m. perfection, accomplishing, a. J-^1 akmal, perfect, very complete, entire, fiiU. a. (Jl.«A»a\ SHohrMlri a-kampit, firm, unshaken. «. dAX»5l'WtoFf*'cnTa-^a7npi<,shaken,trembling.». ij^ \ '^ I <*♦*(*{ akampan, m. shaking, trem- bling, s. ik.^\ akmah, born blind, a. f^\ SHI^M akan, grass and weeds collected from a ploughed field, h. [confines, sides, a. ujlj^^ a/fwo/" (pi. of u-AJO), environs, borders, udUui^ ^eS4!do(i a-kantak, free from thorns, s. ^j^ ^cingR a-hinchan, poor, needy, desti- tute, akinchan, m. poverty. *. i^yi^\ aknun, now, at present, p. j^\ ^[^^ akor, f. a bribe; coaxing (a cow that has lost her calf, that she may be tractable), h. (Cjy \ ^oiTiO akori, one who receives a bribe, h. J^\ akul (same as Jl^^), a glutton, &c. a. J^l ^npt^S ahol, m. a plant, the oil of which is used in enchantments (Alangium hexapetalum). t. Si^\ ^r^F^ «^w«nc?,m.swallowwort(.4sc/epm« gigantea). h. ^5 I ^ITBT ahha, m. a riddle, a sieve; a bag filled with grain, of which two are carried by a bul- lock ; a pair of grain-bags used as a pannier, h. J'l^\ "^^rsu/'hnr, f. rooting up, extirpation. A. \*'l^i\ ^^ITT ahhara, m. a palaestra, or plaea for wrestling, a scene ; any place of assembly; cooii. circus. Indr kd akhdra, Indra's court, h. K>j\^\ g"?gTf«n uhharna, a. to root up, to eradi- cate, dislocate, h. [eradicates, h. jij*l^$\ W^TS^ufiharu, m. one who digs up or Jl^\ g'^lQ? nhhal, m. act of vomiting; an emetic, ukhal-pukhdl (also ukhdl wakhal), va. cholera- morbus, vomiting violently, h. \j!i\^\ 915(1 9 *f I iikhalna, a. to vomit, h. ^j^Li)U^\ viKcmiHKd akiiu-pashan, m. a kind of rainerjil, a loadstone. ». Ca^I 'WK'Irt or 'w^sfrt akhat, akhat,m. (same as akshat), whole or unbroken rice, employed in obla- tions, s. J^^ ^|T iiJiharna, n. (intr. of ukharna), to be rooted up, plucked up, raised up ; to slip out (aa a bone, &c.). ukhapia pukhapia, to be plucked or rooted up. h. [whole, all, every. *. (J4^^ ^^c5 o'" 'Wf^^ a-khal or a-khil, the jj-^i ^T^ lihhal, I m. & f. a wooden mor- jj4^\ -^5^^ uhhh "or other grain, s. tar for pounding rice ^, 4\4jo I ^I4^lif akhyat, said, spoken ; deno- miuated, named, s. C^U^\ ^SiPTTiT a-khyat, unknown, obscure, s. cLo^ I WraT akhet, m. (v. aher), the chase, bunting, pursuing ; terror, fright. «. ^ tiJuu^^ I ^^fTcIi dkhetik, m. a hound, s. ^jX^\ ^f»n ukherna, a. to eradicate, to pluck up, root up. h. [pluck up. h. 6\jv^^\ T^^WITf ukherroSnay a. to cause to \jf\ ^#Tn akaiya, m. one of the sacks or baskets of a pannier, h. 0^\ ^^f^ a-klrti, f. infamy, disgrace, s. {jtt^^ ^^^ ikkis, twenty-one. h. '^\ ^ ^ T akela, alone, single, solitary, h. IjAa/\ ^^^»rr ukehia, a." to turn up. h. Li) I WIT arj, f. fire; ag uthana, a. to raise disturbance, to enrage, to provoke, ag bag-h, to be hotly enraged, ag bujhana, a. to extinguish ; to ap- pease a tumult, to pacify a quarrel, to still resentment. ag barasnd, n. to rain fire (applied to the extreme heat of the sun. or to a hot fire of cannon or musketry in battle), ag bania, n. to be enraged ; to be very angry. ag bharkana, a. to inflame, ag bliakna and ag phankna. a. to speak idle wordu, to boast, dg papia, n. to be enraged ; as meri baton se us-par Sgpafti hat, he !• en- raged at my words, ag dena, a. to apply the fixe, vo bum a Hindu corpse, ag sulgana, a. to inflame, to excite sedition, to foment a quarrel clandestinely, ag- karna, a. to make any thing exceedingly warm ; to excite envy or anger (used among women), ag lagana, to set fire to, to inflame ; to enrage, to raise disturb- ance, dg lagdke pant le danrnd, a. to play tricks, to deceive ; to pretend to appease a quarrel which one has purposely excited, dg lagnd, n. to take fire, to be enraged, to be very hungry, dg lage par billi kd mut dhundhnd or mdngnd, a. to put off", to delay, or excuse one's self on vain pretences (the literal translation, though highly expressive, would sound somewhat musty), dg lene ko dnd, n. to come to get fire, is spoken of a friend who goes to visit another, and leaves him quickly, ag men pdni dalnd, a. see dg bujhdvd. dg men kisi kl jabid, or lotna, or ghair kl ag men jalnd, a. to bring reproach upon, to accuse, to suffer for another, dg men lotnd, n. to be afflicted with grief or melancholy, dg horid, n. to be enraged; or, as the Vulgate hath it, " to flare up." s. ag, m. Dakhanl, for ak, q.v. IT I WRT aga, m. the front, the space in front of a house ; the fore part of a turban, dgd lend, to take the lead, or precede, s. ISjA^-vlT I WFTT ^'^ oFT;tTT agapichha-h. n. to hesitate, to waver, boggle.demur, to prevaricate h. Jfciil^l ^TTV nrwmva-<7«f//t or a^ac?/i, bottom- less, unfathomable, agddhatd, f. extreme depth, un- fathomability. «. .lil WPTK a<7ar, m. a house, s. jl^\ WTR agar, avarice, covetousness. d. »io\ ^1T<^ igarah, eleven, igarahwan, the eleventh, s. [advance, m. jCjO I Wlinft agart, f. money, &o., paid in U'lit 'WTTTI agara, m. the name of a plant said to cure the bite of venomous reptiles (Achyra»it,e$ aspera). Same as chirchira. h. j^*\^\ Wn^ (igdri, before, forward, further on ; f. the ropes with which a horse's feet are tied ; the front, the fore-part, agdfi mama, to attack in front, to defeat a hostile army in pitched battle. agSfi pickhdri lagdnd, to confine (particular)y a horse), h. {^jJ^\ agds (v. dkds), the sky, &c, d. ijj»^\ W7T?ft agdsl, m. f. a turban; a terrace "in front of an upper room ; the cry of a kite. h. ^y^\ ^TTqS ugdl, m. that which is spit out after chewing any thing (particularly betel leaf), dp kd ugdl merd adhdr, your worship's leavings are my nourishment, i.e. you are my support and benefactor, n. ^j^i^Jli 1 JJIli^i^I*? ugdl-ddn, m. a spit-box. h. t^\ "WPTTO^ agdmt, coming, about to come; •• future, s. \S\>\ U'JIHI ugand, a. to raise, cause to grow. s. j\^ WITH agd,u, adv. before, in front, agdtu- jana, to advance in order to meet a person coming on a visit; m. an advance of money, s. »\iT dgdh, informed of, acquainted with, in- telligent, p. [to aceumtt.ate. /. iJJbl^l T»n?«n ugdhnd, a. to collect, to gather, dgdhi, f. intelligence, wariness, p, e2 j.\^T \S] ( 62 ) r^ ^\f 1 "^m^ ugahi, f. usury ; the trade of "lending money on interest of one fourth, the payment of which is received by instalments, h, tlL^^ I ag-bot,a. steamboat. The latter part of this term is English, the former signifies "fire." h. (A word like this can hardly with propriety be in- serted in a Dictionary ; but it is now so commonly used, that it may be considered a naturalized Uindu- Btanl term.) Binning. Oo^I 'SHTH a-gupta, unhidden, unconcealed, s. «-1a^I TnK ufjat, growing, springing up; production, h. i^ , X \ ^irfcT a-gaiiy dishonoured, disfrraced, without character; one whose funeral ceremonies are not performed; f. distress, disgrace, inconvenience, damnation, condemnation, s. C^i\ wmif agat, come, arrived, s. J^\ ^^^T. agattar, coming, arriving, s. ^^\ "STiTirt agtl (for ^^^), the agati tree. s. iiLi.^1 'WTJ agat, m. a butcher's stall, h. Iju^^ ^ n.J>\ agarehi, although, though, p. jMjii ^nnrc agra-sar, m. he who goes first, a leader, a chief. ». -_y*i.^\ ^rtnit^ agra-soch, m. providence, foresight, precaution, forethought. «. ,_g>-y*»S^ 'WXr^^ agra-tochi, provident, en- " dued with foresight, t. jjj\ agru, a species of bird, the thrush, d. '!^\jS\ ^ ni,m ij^j3\ agrUft, f. fire-cotton, i. e. tinder, d. lj>\ agra, m. the city of Agra ; also called Akbar-abad. h. t>J>\ ^rnr? agrah, m. favour; seizing, sur- passing, surmounting ; power, ability, t. l^\itj I ^rrar^pm agrakayan, m. the first month of the Hindu year (November — ^December), t, ij>\^4 1 ^I'J^I'MU/t agrahayant, f. the day of ** full moon in tlie month Agrahayan ; a constellation of three stars, the first of which is Orionis, figured by an antelope's head ; hence also mrig-shirat. s. i^J^^ ^n^ agari, If. the colour of the \^_^\^TifjTn[j agariya,) wood of aloes. «. ijS 1 ^TCt dgari, m. a manufacturerof salt./t. jl'l agar (for akar, q.v.), strut, pride, d. Hll'li] dgrd, m. an ear of corn or rice which has been blighted, h. J^^\ 'Wnr^Tf agar-bagar, m. trifling em- ploj'ment, or talk ; trifles, trash; adj. promiscuous, composed of odds and ends. h. [lamp, d, UL*^\ unsdnd, to snufF a candle, to trim a CLj^\ ^mftcT agasti (for agastya), m. a sage celebrated in Hindu mythology: he is represented of short stature, and to have been born in a water-jar; he is famed for having swallowed the ocean when it had given him offence. At his command the Vindhja mountain prostrated itself, and so remains. Name of a tree {JEichynomene grandiflora) ; name of a star (Ca. nopus). s. [tribe of rdj-puts. h. j\S^\ wrem^ agastrvdr, name of a small J,^T dgal, before, in front, agal, m. a bar or bolt. d. ^^ 'WT55T ugld, prior, preceding, former, the foremost, the first, the chief, the best ; ancestor, an- cient ; other, second, next, h, ClA^^T ^TSST'iT dgaldnt, up to the neck. s. Ul^^ '^n^»TT ugalnd, a. to spit out, to vomit; met. to refund property surreptitiously obtained, s. S\ ^rTTT dgam, m. futurity ; a Hindu scrip- ture dictated by Mahadeva; a shastra containing spells and incantations ; a shastra or work on sacred science ; (in law) a voucher or document, agam-bandh- nd, to determine the future, to foretell, a^am-jani or dgam-gnijdnl, having the skill of foreknowing, pro- gnosticator. dgam-bidya, f. the art or science of fore- telling. a>faOT-6a<:'«, foreteller, predictor ; Shiva, one who tells tlie doctrines of dgam. $. J\ WTH a-gam, for ^^^f^ a-gamya, impas- sable, impervious, bottomless, deep, unfordable, onae- complishable, incomprehensible, unattainable t. A\ "SrnH ugum, m. growing becoming, d. j^T ^HTT dgaman, ra. coming, arriving, proceeding. ». \l^ WTiT»T*TT dgmand, m. the advanced guard ; adj. adventurous, venturesome ; forward, early (as fruit). *. r^ t^S\ ^fpft aganiif m one who foretells the •• future. «. «JL^\ '4il|M| a-gamya, deep ; impassable, inac- cessible, impenetrable, impervious, a. ^^'^[f^^agni (vulg. agin), m. fire; the south- east ; (in Hindu mythology) god of fire, and regent of the south-east quarter ; iso the name of one of the Puranas; the fire of the stomach, the digestive fa- culty, appetite, agni-bdn, m. arrow of fire, a rocket. agni-prastar, m. fire-stone, flint, agni-pariksha, f. the fiery ordeal, by a lieated iron or boiling oil, or passing through fire, agni-sanskdr, m. funeral ceremonies, as burning a dead body, or any ceremony performed with consecrated fire, agni-garbha or agni-mani, m. the sun- stone, a fabulous gem, supposed to contain solar heat. 8. ^^\ HiOh aginf m. the name of a bird ; sort of lark. h. f^\ 'WHUr a-gun, unskilful, ineffectual, void of good qualities ; m. a defect, a fSault. «. w\ 4 'Ml ugna, n. to grow, to spring (as plants) ; to rise (as the moon), ugte hi jaljdna, to be withered as soon as it springs up, is applied to a hope or expectation which is blasted in the bod. k. ^^lxli\ VStfJviMiT!! agni-bdn, m. a kind of fiery missile, a rocket, s. 3 ^tiT^ ^OhMI'4 agin-hd,o (or agni-ba,o),f. the farcy, in horses ; an eruptive disease in men ; ery- sipelas, s. [counted, s. <_r^ - ^^ ^^f^tinr a-ganit, innumerable, not jjiXo 1 dgnndan, to fill, to cram. p. ulli^i ^f'VTcB agnik, m. an insect of a scarlet colour, the lady-bird, t, ^J3y^\ "WpfH'^rt agni-hotri, m. a Brahman who maintidns a perpetual fire in his hoose. «. ^\ agrii, f. (see ^fJH agni), fire, &c. s. S\ wnr dgu, forward, before ; heretofore, h. \«i\ ^'T«(l agwd, foremost ; m., also agittO, a g^oide, a forerunner, harbinger ; one who acyosts a marriage, h. \S\ WPnn dgwd, also dgu,d, m. a pommel, h. ^JS\ VNIi. agwar, a portion of corn set apart Car village servants, like the customary "sharpiog com" in England. A. !?^ji^ Vl^lfl agwdra, m. the front, the fore- part; the space in front of a hoose. A. f_t*>^y^ '^'IMI4l1 agwasi, the body of the "pknighsbare. h. [binger (see agtoa). h. ^^^^ ^irTT»ft agwdnt, m. a guide, har- ^\^\^ErfmVI^ agwdht,\f. burning, confla- /\ ^'I^T^ agwdyh J gration (of a city, forest, &c.). h. [ship. s. (j:\S\ 'WT^T^ agwdft, f. guidance, leader- j»-«i^ wft^H. a-gochar, imperceptible, unseen, invisible ; m. the Invisible, Supreme, t. ( S8 ) ^ jjM wifttagaur, m. an advance of rent. h. j^\ ^^T^ ttffor, Ym. one who watches bj^l wflfim agoriydj over the crops, &c. agor-batd,i, a division of the crop after reaping, h. ^jy^ ^pfftT'TT agorna, a. to watch, to guard, h. ^jy^ 'S'fin.lT agoriyd, m. watchman, or guard, (v. agor). h, ijy\ ^1f a-gurh, easy, manifest, evident. agurh-bha.o, open, honest, candid- t. {Jjy^ wttjtagofi or'^iftlHagori/m advance, beforehand, h. [no. k, \^^\ ^i[\r§'il agolnd, a. to watch (v. agor- ,^y\ W'ui5[ agaund, the top of the sugar-cane cut up for seed. s. j_^^\ '^rift'Tl agaunl, f. the going or sending "forward to meet and receive a visitant with honour. agaunt-k., to advance to meet the bridegroom at a wedding, or a visitant on the road. h. ^\ WQ agh, m. sin, guilt, wickedness, s. r^\ dgah (for dgdh), informed, wary. p. LL>y^\ WffTS a-ghdt, m. land held in perpe- tuity and not alienable. $. j^\ ^\mi. aghdr (v. agar), avarice, d. jl^S I 'ar^TTC dghdr, m. sacred food, which Hindus place before an idol ; ghl, or clarified batter, k. jjpjl^\ ^TTIlft aghdj'ly affected with avarice, k. ' \j\^\ WW5I aghdrd, m. name of a plant said to cure the bite of venomous reptiles, h. ^j^^ 9MI^*{I ughdrnd, a. to discover, to un- veil, to pull off. h. [or unveils, k. jjj^i^ "V^T]^ ughdrut m. one who discover, >U^MI aghdnd, a. to surfeit, to satiaie ; n. to surfeit, to be satiated; a4j- satiated; riob, a£9uent. h. (^145^ tW!^ aghd,if f. satiety, surfeit, k. \Jv^\ TMffll ugharnd, n. to be uncovered, opened, pulled off. h. ^c^^ VBPni aghmajff sinful. ». ^j^\ VJI^H aghan, m. the name of the eighth HindQ month (during which the swi is in Scorpio, and the moon is full near Orion's head (November — De- cember), s. [grass. A. L)^^ (j^^ ^rf«R Tfl^ aghin-ghdSf m, lemon tdLj»U^\ ^njTTT^nF agh-ndshak, adj. puri- fying, freeing from sin. «. ^J^^ Ht'ljg^l aghanl, relating to aghan; the ** produce of that month, aghanifafl, the cdd harvest weather, t. [terrible, g, j^\ ^tflx aghor, m. a name of Shiva ; adj. ,^^^jy^\ ^C^^:k^ aghor-fan h, ra. a prifti- cular religious order amon^ HiodOs. « ^\ ( 54 ^ 'i^ Lji^j^A ^rtftT^^fl^Aorpa^ifAijI usedsub- (^j^\ ^?Tft^ aghori, J stantive- ly, professing aghorpanth, an order of religious men- mcants, who eat every thing, however filthy, even human carcasses ; hence, a gross or filthy feeder. *. (Cjj^l vf^'lO aghorl, covetous, greedy, d. leif^ dgaht, f. (v. agahi), information, &c. p. j_iT wxh age, before, beyond, more, ago, al- *• ready, in future, formerly, forwards, onwards ; hence, or henceforth, rather, sooner, age dhar-lena, to get before, to outstrip, to surpass, to pass (as a horse in a race), dge-and, to come forward ; to return, to revert ; a. to hasten, to accelerate, age-ldna, to bring forward, to advance, s. j/1 age ! O thou ! (applied to a female), d. Us I W^ or ■^r^TT agi/u, agya (or agnya), f com- mand, order, agya-patr, m. an edict, a written order. agyd-bhang, m. disobedience, insubordination, dgyd- kdr, or dgyd-kdrl, obedient, executing orders, s. ljp\ ^^TIT agaiya, a disease which affects the rice plant, which thereby is parched up. h. VjoI ^rfrnn aglya, m. the name of a bird {Alauda Aggia, Buck.), s. J\jujIj61 ^i^l^ril^ agya-haital, m. a demon who rules over fire. h. OUil W^TTTT a-gyat or a-gnyata, unknown, inexperienced, ignorant, simple, agnydta-jauband or •yauwand, f. a full-grown girl, arrived at maturity, and surprised at the symptoms which then appear, not knowing to what to attribute her sensations. «. j^jUi 1 VlMlO agyari, f. kindling the fire at the time of devotion (by HindQs). h. {^jt*\^\^\ agyd-ghas, m. lemon grass, d. jjUsl V^lvf a-gyan or a-gnyan, witless, igno- rant ; m. ignorance, s. ISlwl VRMT agyand, a. to burn vessels of metal for the purpose of cleaning them. h. ti>i(j>^^ ^^»IT«T a-gydn-pan, state of igno- rance, s. [pidity. s. UoUsl ^?^«Tirr a-gydnatd, f. ignorance, stu- ^j\}f\ ^^Jr(\ a-gyant, ignorant, unwise, s. jjuil agetl, f. a chafing-dish, or brazier; also "a flower-pot. d. *;JoT IBT^^: dgaira, m. the first sheaf of the crop, presented to the zamlndSr. A. ^j^JpT dgtn, full (used in comp.). p. «U3 1 ^J?r a-gya, idiot, stupid, ignorant, s. ^}\ alf the, the Arabic definite article (vide Hind. Gram, page 18). a. J\ ^f^ ali, m. a large black bee, a scorpion, an Indian cuckoo {cuculus indictts), a crow, spirituoua liquor, t. Jl Wl^ dl, f. the name of a tree', fiom the root of which a red colour is extracted for staining leather, dyeing silk, &c. {Morinda citrtfolia) ; m. yeC low orpinicnt. /(. Jl dl, f. children, progeny, descendants, off- spring, race, dynasty. N.B. al is commonly used to express a race or family by the mother's side ; in con- tradistinction to auldd, a race &c. by the father's side. (Binning), a. (J \ Wff^ dli, f. a female friend, a damsel, s. ^1 ^Tq5T did, m. a small recess in a pillar or wall, for holding a lamp, &c. ; adj. wet ; running (as a sore) ; land saturated with (rain) water ; a basin or hole dug at the root of a tree. A. ^^ ^WT ilia, m. a wart. h. y\ illd, Iipsides, except, otherwise, unless, if not ; sometimes a superfluous negative na is added to this particle, a. C-*^ I ^!n^^ or ^^m dldp, (corruptly aldp), f. prelude to singing; m. intercourse, conversation, association ; enumeration of the questions in an arith- metical or algebraic sum. s. ^b^l dld-pdld, m. the leaves of trees, d. (jf,^<— *^l "^l^imilft dldp-chdri, f. the act of tuning the voice previous to singing. ». Uoa^ ^^TTl»n aldpnd or ^^Aji\ iltifdt, f. friendship, kindness, obli- gation, cAurtesy, respect ; (in rhetoric) an apostrophe.a. ;^^\.«j3\ iltimas, m. f. beseeching, petitioiAing, ■upplicating, prayer, request a. \k^\ altamgha or alta mgh a,,m. aTurkish word, signifying the red patent, the impression of the impe- rial seal affixed to grants &C. being in red ink. It is a grant of land under the royal seal, conveying the property to the first proprietor and his heirs, in per- petuity, and escheating to government only in default of issue, or forfeited by delinquency. It also denotes a kind of tax levied on travellers. Among the Turks it signifies a stamp on gold or silver plate, to certify its being of standard purity. See further, Wilson's Glossary, t. j_^^ ^Qsiml alt am, f. the rope round tlie **neck of an elephant, in which the driver puts his feet, as in stirrups, h. \jjJi iltiwa, hanging back, procrastinatinjr, deferring, a. [ment, &a h. y^\ ^CiS'Mi t/Ma, m. translation (of a docu- (--.>^j3\ iltihab, ra. burning, heat. a. ^^4^^ ^(«5'\ ilzam, m. blame, reproach ; conviction, a. ^jj\ WcjSill or 'srr^STC alas, alas m. laziness, drowsiness, sloth; adj. lazy, slothful, drowsy. «. \!>\.*J1 ^(fi'^HI alsana, n. to be drowsy, to dose, to slacken, «. jJ«J\ al-ghaih, that which is hidden, secret, or mysterious, al-ghfli^ '*nd alldhi, God knows what is hidden, a. >,_'o\\ alf, a thousand, alif, the first letter of the Arabic or Persian alphabet, a. Ift3\ alfd, m. a kind of dress worn by fahirs, like a shirt without sleeves, and open at the sides. %, )£>\a}\ alfdz m. (pi. of iai)), words, articulaia sounds, terms, a. j3v— ft)l alif-be or alif-hd-td, f. the alphabet. />. d>g^\ ulfat, f. friendship, aflTection, attacli- ment, kindness, familiarity, intimacy, a. s.'isS\ dlufta, astonished, frantic, insane, p. StiJj ,eJ^^ ulfatl-banda, attached from friez>(t- ship (a slave or servant), a. p. ^Ji\ alfl, f. see IftJl alfd (cloth, &c.) covered with marks like the letter alif. a. i^\ aJfl, f. a pin, (so called in Dak- C^\^\ aljindt,\ hani): the word is appa- ll aljinm, J rently Portuguese. IB\ illid, m. throwing down, flinging. ilkd,e ttajar, throwing a stone, an offence prohibited by t.ie Muhammadan law, whereby the person throwing a stone at any article was compelled to purchase it. a. i^^\sd\ nllnh ([)]. of t_-»H5), m. titles, honorary names ; forms of address, &c., in letters, a. «.oifl3i (d-liimi, in short, in one word. a. Ci3J^ «I-^)I algoja, m. (see a lgh uzd) a pipe, &c. p. ^^ TgJ^TTT ulalnd, n. to be overset, or laid over to one side. k. d^\ alldh, m. God ; the Supreme Being. alldhu akbar, God is great ! an exclamation of sur- prise, resignation, &c. alldh, alldh ! Oh wonderful ! excellent ! alldh-billah-talldh, 1 swear most solemnly, &c. a. Jt>\ ^l^^ (darn, sticks set up for the support of creeping plants (like our vines, &c.). A. A \ alam, m. pain, grief, affliction, a. J) V<^H alam, enough, abundance; able, adequate, or equal to. i. jtfjlj) almdri, f. a chest of drawers, a bookcase } (the word is of European origin : for example, the old English terra is " almarie ;" and the Scotch word "awmrie," or "autnrie," is in common use to this day), h. (^^IJl almas, m. a diamond, almas-taiash, m. diamond-dust ; adj. cut into angles (as glass), p. ^y*VJ) ahndsi, cut into facets (like a diamond). " almasi-rang, of a diamond colour; m. a bright clear white colour, p, ^^;J0I ^l(j&4l«1 dlamban, m. dependence; a sup- port, protector, s. J^^l allam-ghallam, m. trifling talk or busi- ness ; toying ; vanity, idle excuse, p. uil»51 T5Rc|i ulmuk, m. a firebrand, burning wood, charcoal, s. (.illij) alam-ndk, full of pain or sorrrow. a. p. ft)3ftljl al-minnatu lilldhi (God be praised!), an ejaculation expressive of surprise, fear, denial, &c. a. ijX^\ alviaira, m. (v. almdri), a press, &c. aJ 1 dlunj, a sort of wild plum, a sloe. p. \jjjj\ ulandnd, a. (v. ulendnd), to pour out a liquid, h. .\^' H^^IC alankdr, m. ornament or jewel ; rhetoric ornate composition in prose, s. Oio3^ ^l^r*Woirt«Art\ "^^ulu, 'I f.akindofgrass(iSfacc/jarttw y^^i^w^wa,/ cylindricum, Willden). h. -tjJ I alwdk (pi. of _jJ), tablets, planks, &c. a. JI^JT ^ l -^i alucha, a kind of small plum. p. tijJl dlud (v. dluda), soiled, &c. p. {^^yi\ uUu-dds, } stupid as an owl, a fool ijjuih^\ ullu-ddsrt,) or simpleton, s. cijijJi al-widd', adieu ! fare thee well ! a. j_^»i^T dludagi, f. contamination, stain, foul- "ness, defilement, p, ^i^T dludan, to stain, defile, pollute, p. »>i^T dluda, soiled, stained, smeared or de- filed ; overwhebned, immerged, loaded with. p. ^^1 ulush, m. (see ulash), leavings, t. i_J^i uluf, thousands (pi. of <— ftJi). a- uiJ^l T^^ uliik, m. an owl (same as ullti). t jJT ( 58 ) w ciJ^T ^ | a«^m alhaiyd, f. name of a ragnl or OU^^ ildhii/at, divine things or studies ; metaphysics, theology, a. CLaa^I ildliiyat, f. divinity, the godhead, a. ^T ^TT^ dU, a land measure, equivalent to "four bislt ; adj. of or belonging to the al tree. h. [J I 'W^dti, f. damsel, female friend ; m. a "scorpion. «. [of the lotus, s. jjl W^ alt, m. a large black bee, enamoured /Jl ila, up to, until, ila-al-dn, up to the pre- sent time. a. ^! WIqS^ dial, m. a house, an abode. .«. U51 ^ifc^^T dliyd, name of a tribe of banjd- ras. h. UbU5\ "W^TTHT^^ alaiyd-halaiyd, f. sacrifice, victim ; liglited wisps, with which the Hindus divert themselves at the season of the Dewi'ili. h. J— aaJI vhiUt ^TJnfinrrr dmdtisdr, m. dysentery, s. «JL)1«1 ^enrn? amdtya, m. a minister, coun- sellor, t. farrows at. p. — UT dmaj, m. a mark or butt to shoot fS(i\i«\ dmddagi, f. readiness, alertness, p. »\<\ imdmbdrd, m. (also imdmbaru f.) « kind of temple in which the festival of the Mnharram is celebrated : it is generally a square building with • cupola on the top h. (J1a/«U\ imdmat, f. the office of an imdm. a. ^^\joAi«\ imdm-zdmin (or-zdmint), m. the protecting Imam, or one's guardian saint, imam-zu- tnin ka rupiya, a piece of coin dedicated to Iinfuu Za~ min : it is fastened on the arm of a persctii about to leave home as a charm for averting evil: if iu want he may spend it, not otherwise, a. u ( 5V ) •* imamt. ^v*i imamt, l of or relating to an hnam, wy«U\ imamiya J an epithet assumed by the followers of 'Ali. a. ^\^ aman, f. grace, mercy, security, safety, protection; as an inter], it denotes, " quarter ! spare me ! " and is generally sounded aman, a. jjUT ^n»nW amanna, m. raw rice or grain ; provisions undressed, s. jjU\ ^rwrl amma/i(same asamma),a mother, s. \3U\ ^RT«n amana, n. to be contained, to go into. s. tl;oU amanaU f. deposit, charge, any thing given in trust ; faith, religion, amanat-dar, a trustee, or depositary; adj. faithful, honest, amdnat-dart, f. guardianship, agency, trust, charge; faithfulness. amanat-rakhna, a. to consign or deposit, amunat-daftar, a registry-office, amanat-jart, assignments of revenue. amanat-mdh,al, an estate, atnanat-nama, a deed of trust br deposit, a. j3\/oWmanaa, that which is farmed), a. &jJU\ ^XHT^ a-manya (see amananiya). in- "credible, not worthy of being believed, s. iJLf^\^\^m^Z amarvat, m. the inspissated juice of the mango (v. amot). h. f. the conjunc- tion of sun and moon, the day ^^wjU^ ^Wra^ amawas, &ju«»jU^ ^»n^^ amavasya, ^^jUl ^WT^Tl't amavast, **of new moon. s. c^>*^ ^re amb, m. a mango, a mango tree. ambu, m. water. «. \jJt is^ amba, f. a mother, (same as ammo), s. Ob J ^rremr dm-bat, m. a swelling, which comes without pain and goes oflf as easUy, even without medicine, a windy tumour, s, ^.U*^ ^^k1 ambarl, f. a canopy, a litter "used oo an -elephant or cameL p. uIaax^ ^raiT ambat, sour, acid or acrid, s. Ulja<\ ^^riHI ambatand, n. to grow sour, to "be acidulated, s. [nelumbo). *. ^\ ^re^ ambuj, m. the lotus (Nymphcsa j*^\ ^renc ambar, m. clothes, apparel; the sky or atmosphere ; a perfume {ambergris), t. jAyc\ '^TTiK dmbar,f. ambergris (v. ^anbar). a. ^J\jX<\'V^Xl\ambard,i, f. a mango grove, s. V]>.j<*) ^■^ ambarchd, m. an ornamental drawing. ,^jLij-o\ ^TBir ambashth, m. a man the off- ering of a Brahman and a Vaisya woman, by occupa- tfon a phyaician. «. \if«\ >a n gein anibikd,f. a name of the goddess Parvati. s. ^^^\ambott, f. a species of sorrel {Oxalu cormculata'). d. [lesB. *. JfcX/ol ^rwt^ am,bol (for an-bol), silent, speech - ^j^y^\ ^Wt*r ambhoj, m. the lotus, s. Uf«^ ^f%^ am6«?/a,f.asmall unripe mango. «. C^ ummat, f. people, a religious sect, peo- ple of the same belief, o. C1^a\ ssfinf a-mit, unmeasured, undefined, a. **T dmmat, one of the ten kinds of wounds compensated by a fine. a. i^\^ imtihdn, m. examination, proof, trial, experiment; temptation, a. li^ Ja*l imtiddd, m. protraction, prolongation, prorogation, extension ; adj. protracted, a. ^)0U\ imtild, m. repletion, indigestion, a. c.\JSa\ imtina, m. restraint, prohibition, a. ^\ ummattf m. a believer in, or follower of, - any particular sect, a, :UL)\ imtiyaz, m. discrimination, separation, distinction; pre-eminence ; good breeding, imtiyaz-k., a. to discriminate ; to treat with distinction, a. (_c)IjlU\ imtlydzi, having the quality of dis- criminating, worthy of distinction, a. iJl^\^f^a-mit, indelible, undefaced. s. Jb«^ amsctl (pi. of Jaa.), examples, similes, equals, fables, parables, a. S^^ amjad, very or most glorious, a. ^ir amji, f. compulsory service, d. ,,^^ ^TR^T amchur, m. parings of the mango, dried in the sun. s. Sa\ dmad, f. arrival, income, dmad-dmad or amad o raft, f. access and egress, dmad-shud or amad o shud, intercourse, thoroughfare, p. d)^\ imddd, f. act of assisting, aiding, or abetting; succour, help ; extending, a. ^^T dmadan, (r. a or dy) to com*', /i. ^;i^T dmdani, f. the season in which any "merchandise generally arrives; perquisites; any thing gained over and above ; ways and means ; in- come, revenue ; import, p. Ki\iL^), nobles, grandees; a noble (generally), but more especially applied to those of a Muhammadan court, a. [eases, a. {^\j«\ amrdz {\)\. of (ji^), sicknesses, dis- ijyj<\ '^Hl.l^ift a-mardnati, f. the celestial "city of Indra. s. [mangoes. *. i^U*) '^TRTT^ amra,i, f. a tope or grove of jJjo-^j<\ -isHH^Mf^ amar-pad, ni. tlie state of an im- mortal; immortality, s. C^j>c\ ^TRW a-mrit, m. the water of life, nectar; an antidote; any thing sweet; water; wine; a guava ; immortality, final emancipation, t. ..if "^ITTrTT aniaria 1 . . ,. Uw«l i f u immortality. », ^ L 'WHUTTT ainnttd J e ^jIj3j/o^ ^HTITR amrit-bdn, m. a variety of tae kela, or plantain, s, .^j^^ 'SWirt 01- ?^inft amriti or imrith f. a "small vessel for drinking out of; a kind of sweet- meat ; a kind of cloth ; a^j. nectarious. h. d\i>-jK\ ^m?§T^ a-marjdd, If. indignity.dis- ^jl>.^^ ^T^tOl^ a-marjddd, J honour, s. ^j«\ amrad, beardless, handsome (a youth), a. Jw«l dmnrz, act of pardoning or forgiving; amurK-gdr, he who pardons ; an epithet of God. p. {jf^jj^ dmurzish, f. pardon, grace, forgive- ness of sins (by the Deity), p. (^jtiyc\ dm-ras, inspissated juice of the mango (see amot). s. i^j«\ VKIHM dmarsh, m. anger; wrath ; envy, impatience of another's success ; peevishness, s. <^yiy^ ^m:^'W amar-lofe, m. heaven, the region of the immortals, s. Ojij-«\ ^HiCT amrut, m. a guava. {Psy- dium pyrifcrum), s, «3jj*\ amrud, m. a pear ; also a guava. p. Jjij/o^ imroz (for in-raz^, to-day. imroz-fardd, to-day or to-morrow, t. e. soon, imroz fardd-k,, a. to put off, to procrastinate, p. ^-^ jj/«\ amr o nahi, m. commands and pro- "hibitions, orders and counter-orders, commanding and countermanding ; hence, sovereignty, authority, a. \i^\ij«\ ^H^T^ a-marydddy f. disrespect, indig- nity. (Same as a-marjadd.) t. dL)<>\i^\ VT^lf^ «-waryadt7/,di8re9pected. s. (j<-ci ummast resolution, fimmess, strength, d. (,^L*««i imsdk, m. parsimony; abstinence ; a medicine taken to prolong pleasure { scarcitj, want. a. JL«/«\ imsdl (for th-sdl), this year. p. U*.*^i 4*i«tlT umasnd, n. to rot, to putrefy, k, (j^l ^SfrftR amM, m. flesh, food, enjoyment; object of enjoyment, a pleasing object a. \^^jJLa\ imshab (for In-shab), to-night, p. Jj^l ^H^^ drn-shul, m. the cholic, pain arising from indigestion. *. j\>cj«\ amsdr (pi. of^^-o*), cities, large cities, a. ij^Ui/«\ inizdfl, despatching, transmitting, a. Jai ^^^ im'dni nazx, looking attentively, contemplating, o. [son. t. cil«\ ^m«ir amuli, such a one, a certain per- (-iUfciiK*^ wrannr^T amkd-dhamkd, l^m.tri- tt-»^(i'\x-«\ ^Hohre'HcIiT amkd-dhamka, J fles, trifling ; a person of little estimatioQ. h. (j»
        l ^?nrf^5«T a-malin, clean, pure. $. ^\ ^*^1 or ^»gj imti or imli, m. the taauip " rind-tree {Tamarindu* Indiea) and its firuit. s. r s,xLxc\ "I ^^ f a-manushya, \ &jL^^jk/«\ J ^ I n-manukhya, J j^ umam (pi. of (J1aJ«^), nations, sects, tribes, herds, a. [diflference, stoicism s. ^C-^\ iHHMffI a-mamta, f. disinterestedness, in- /^t ^WT aman, m. winter rice-crop. h. ^^\ artifi, m. security, safety, amn-aman, m. quarter, crying out for quarter, amn o dmdn, in safety and security, a. lx«l amanna, yea, verily; lit. we believe, a. \jLcla»U), billows, &c. a. iyi\y>\ ^H<(I9 amavds, the new moon. s. y^iyc^ am7i-dl{p\. of JU), riches, wealth, goods and chattels, personal property, o. [learn, p. ^J^yc\ dmokhtan, (r. dmoz) to teach; to euk>'»*', dmohhta, learnt, taught, trained, p. (iycT ^awt^ dmod, m. fragrance ; pleasure, s, .y«\ UTrntr (pi. ofj#o^), business, things, affairs, actions; commanding, ordering, a. Ojyc^ vn[% a-murti, formless, unembodied. «. ( 61 ) f^\ jyc] dmoz, taught; used in comp., as dait- amoz, taught by the hand, tamed (bird), p, ^y>\ ^Ht^ a-mogh, productive, fruitful, effectual, infallible, s. J[^\ '^^t^^ a-mol, invaluable, above price, s. (J^-«\ '^nr^ a-mul, destitute of root or origin, s. C^ycS umumat, f. the condition of being a mother, maternity, a. ^\ "^nft ami, f. the water of life ; nectar, s. jrinces to their ministers, &c. amir-wdr or amlrdnd, ike a noble, amtr-zada or amtr-zddt, nobly bom ; amtru-l-bdfyr, a commander by sea (hence admiral). amlrtd-muminln, commander of the (true) believers, a title assumed by the Caliphs, a. (_^^\ aviirt, f. a principality, an earldom, the dignity or office of an amir. a. Ljlj«1 dmez, mixture; (in compos.) mixed, mixing, fraught with, as mihr-amez, fraught with friendship, p. (^\i^\ awe^j^A, mingling, mixing ; f. mirth- fulness, sociability, bonhomie, p. ^^^ amln, a commissioner, a trustee, an um- pire, an investigator, an arbitrator; a supervisor or officer employed by government to examine and regu- late the state of the revenues of a district, amin- daftar, an office for auditing the arnins. a. ^jj/cl dmtn, amen, so be it. a. j_^x«i aminl, f. the office of amtn ; trust, " guardianship ; security, secure, a. f^\ ^»T an, a negative prefix of the same effect as our un or in, as an-dekhd, unseen. In words purely Sanskrit it is prefixed only to those beginning with a vowel, as an-ania, endless ; but in Hindi it is used indiscriminately before words beginning with vowels or consonants, as an-adar, disrespect, an-parhd. unread, &c. ». [weapon, s. jj)\ ^ifty ani, m. the edge or point of a sharp ^^ Wt^anu, after (in time, place, and rank), according to, in imitation of. •. ^j) • 5n, that ; he, she, or it. p. ip\ an, f. time, hour, minute, a. ^^ W«T an (for Wl^), otlier (for Wlsfl), or- der, command, s. /jl 'WR aw, f. a graceful attitude, an affected gait; afTectation, pride, p. (jT ^TH an, f. dignity, honour; modesty, bash- fulness ; adv. on oath, an-mau se, respectfully, ho- nourably, h. [applied to boiled rice), s ^^ ^(^ ann, m. food, victuals, (particularly f^\ ^ in and '3'»T un (pronouns in the oblique case), these, those, them. h. \3\ ^f^ anna, m. the husband of a nurse, h. IJl ^T*nana, n. to come, to be, to become, h. ^I ^Jmjana, m. the sixteenth part of a rupl; a measure of land equal to sixteen rusts. In most In- dian dialects the term ana is conventionally Used to denote the fraction ■^•, thus a man is said to have a four ana share in a mercantile house, which means that he is entitled to one-fourth of the profits, ana- kara, m. a fee of one a7ia in the rupi. h. 131 ana, delay, opportunity ; a seasonable hour. inna, as to us, verily we (used only in Arabic phrases).o. lIIajUI inabat, f. penitence, repentance, con- version, return to the true faith, a. .*il!)\ ^SHTTWr an-atur, healthy, vigorous, s. ^13\ ^^TT'^I (i-nath, without a husband, witli- out a protector, without chief or sovereign; helpless, an orphan, andthl-banjar, m unclaimed land, lands without an owner, s. [pronounced ndj). s. _\3\ ^»n»T anaj, m. corn, grain (incorrectly \»X>\ ^fTPTPti an-achar, m. improper con- duct, neglect of religious observance ; adj. immoral, ill-behaved, an-acharl, immoral, indecorous. «. dAj>-l3\ ^fflf^ anachit, suddenly, unex- pectedly, andchiti or andcMtt, f. ignorance, thought- lessness, d. ^\j\an-ad (or ^ni{lf^an-adi,yvithoiitheginn\ng, eternal, andd-banjar, land that has been waste from time immemorial, anad-bhumi, land transferred by mortgage, anddi-twa, m. eternity, s, j«5b\ ^fiT^T;an-arfar,ni. affront, disrespect, s. j\3\ anar, m. a pomegranate; it also denotes a kind of firework, p. j^ ,\i\ ^HIC^«T anarpan, m. silliness, clum- siness, inexpertness, igpaorance. h. eJ\dX>\ anar-dana, m. a species of millet, so called from its resemblance to the seed of the pome- granate, p. [nate. p. {jSi\ anain, of or resembling the.pomegra- (^X>\ ^•Trft rtwan,1 unskilful, clumsy, inex- j,-j'U\ ^^Tt awa/-i,J pert; s. a novice, a bungler, h. j*>\3\ T^rrrft unasi, seventy-nine. s. ,xZ»Xi\ ^r*n^^ an-ctshya, indestructible, t. 62 ) ^S UI5 13T ananfa-dnan, constantly, every minute, incessantly, a. joUl ^»TT«inT an-akdr, shapeless, s. ^^3\^l3 1 ^rRToPWt ana-hant, f. turning a deaf ■■ ear, overlooking, winking at, purposely neg.ecting. dnd-lcdnd-d., to pretend ignorance, to ignore, h. Kxi\£\j\ ^flT^liTI anakrdnta, f. a sort of prickly nightshade {Solanum jacquini). t. &x^l31 '^Hl'mi an-dgamya, unapproachable, inaccessible, s. J3\ andm, mortals, the world, demon8,genii. a. l1a«13\ andmat (per metathesin for amdnai), deposit, trust, &c. a. [fingers, a. (J^13\ andmil (pi. of e^\), fingers, tips of the ^^V3l dndn, those, dndn-ki, those who. p. (j*»liUl ananas, m. (v. anannds), the pine- apple. Port. dAjol3\ andniyat, f. egotism, boasting, arro- gance, a. jlj&Ul ^RT^R an-dhdr, m. abstinence, starva- I tion. an-dhdri, adj. fasting, t, [eaay. $. I (j*»bl3\ ^fTTn^ an-dyds, m. ease, facility ; adj. 'i\ anah or inah, a kind of grape, the egg- plant, a. ! ^n^ dnh or dmh, m. a mango (v. dm), t. \ ^ra ambu, m. water, s. USl HBren ambd, f. a mother (same as amnm). $. Xi^\ ambdr, m. magazines, heaps, a stock, p. t/jljol anibdri, f. a canopy ; a litter or how- ' dah used on an elephant or camel, p. U'bjl ^^m ambdrd, m. "1 the esculent plant ^jj'Ui' >2i'\ ambdz, m. a partner, an associate, p. i_^\^\ ambdzi, partnership, association, p. ^\j61 amban, a kind of soft goat-skin leather j a purse, a clothes-bag, wallet, p. ^^^'^J\ VHVI'T a«-?mn,f. spirit, properpride. h CL^x>\ ^eranr ambat, sour, acid. h. \JUjj\ 'wyflHla??i&a\ ^^ ambar (v. j*a\), sky; clothes, h. jX>\ ambar, m. (corruption o( jXsS'), am- ber, &c. a. t<)jj^ ^r¥n^ ambardft, f. a mango grove, i. iaU-jJl imbisdtff. gladness, joy, delightjcheer- fulness, recreation, mirth, a. KjkJl ^feniiT (see ^^^), the goddess Parvati s. ^\ ( 63 ; Jjjl ambil, a kind of pottage, d. •ljjj\ ^H^HI«I an-hana,o, in. discord, dis- senEiou, misunderstanding, h, ^;>Jjjl w*{W*^ anubandhl, connected with, "attached. *. J^^ ^R^^ or ^ift^ an-hol or am-bol, speechless, h. [course, p. »»jo\ amboh, a crowd, multitude, mob, con- BJ^\ amha, m. a mango (see arri). p. tl^\ anbha,o,\m. cultivating or taking pos- aii property, d. i,0,\ j^\ anbhau, J session of land, enjoying ^»^^)kAjj^ 'STrrfH^TTR an-abhilash, ra. indiffe- rence, absence of desire, an-abhildslii, indiflferent. s jAX>\ ^snT>?^ anubhav or anubhau, m. com- prehension in the mind, judgment, conjecture, ex- perience, result, consequence, s. [guessed, s. C^»Aa>1 ^'JpTil anubhut, experienced, felt, j ^m \ ^rwt*T ambJioj, m. the \ot\x^{Nymph(Ba 'Aelumbo). s. cLA^I anbhog (v. anbhciyO), possession &c. s. ^jjT ambl, that which grows spontane- "onaly. d Ujj\ ambiya (pi. of ^^), prophets, a. UjJ\ ^f(^\ ^Rf^TTT^ an-biyaha, unmarried, s. UiioOjj^ ^R%VF an-bedha, unbored, unper- forated. s. ^xo^ ambik, m. a still, an alembic, a. .Kjui^ ambihar, a sailor, pilot, c?. Li\5l-J\ ^*TUIri«K amipatak, m. a heinous of- fence short of a capital crime. ». , ,b,.,^ "STrPJTiT flww-7?a«, m. a vehicle; (in medicine) any thing in which a medicine is mixed, to facilitate the taking of it ; or which is swallowed after the medicine, s. [drink, s. ^b^^ ^'^TiTrft ann-paiii, m. victuals and Kjujoi ^5r»mw an-apatya, childless, without progeny, s. J&jUjJ^ ^y{tUJfH an-aparadh, m. innocence j adj. innocent, sinless, anaparadhi, innocent, a. ij***\;>.i^^ >M^UI^I«{ anna-prasan, m. a kind of ceremony, the first feeding of children ^th food made of grain. <. ^jx>\ amparna, n. to come to hand. d. ljbj-!>\vnT?Tflw-pflr^a,illiterate,uninformed.s. vjl -(^" .^'>^ ^ni^rfiWiT an-upasthit, not ready, not present. «. jjjol ^^^q5 anupal, m. a second (of time), s. f^jXi\ ^f^nn!! a-nipun, unskilled, s. b,y^5j\ ^^^T, f. satiety ; name of a god- dess, the Ceres of the Hindus, i. U,^.t^T VHUJiiSl, n. to happen. A. jjy^ I ^TH^ll anupurv, f. order, method, a rank, a row. s, Li,^jUL>\ ^f?iT8J an-apehsha, f. disregard, care- lessness, indifference, s. [ing. s, ^nr^'C^ an-apekh, disregarding,unheed- ^»fT ant, f. entrails, gut, tripe, ant a,ond, n. to be aflflicted with the coming down of the rectum, ant girnd, n. to void white glutinous stools, s. CL^i\ ^If a)it, m. end, completion; perdition, destruction; mind, heart, boundary, limit; adj. final, ultimate ; adv. after all, at last ; (for antar) in, within. ant-ko, in the end, at the last. s. cLo\ ^S1Ttt^^^ m. intelligence, news, account, h. (Jlo^ '?fl»rtr anat, elsewhere, somewhere else. ». lI1o\ ^^ tinnat, high, tall, unnati, f. in- crease, prosperity, rising, a. t^lj3\ vsiHfim anutap, m. repentance, regret, remorse, anutdpl, penitent, a. \,\jj\ SHHriITT anutara, m. a satellite, s. (j«Jk3lj3\ TJtTWT^jNf untalis, thirty-nine. h. £^\ ^»?nT antaj, ra. a Shiidra, or man of low ^aste. 3. L-.>\i^ intikhabf m. selection, picking; mak- ing extracts from books ; election, choice, a, ji>\ '^'HT. antar, within, between, amongst; without, except ; on one side, out of the way ; m. in- terval, intermission ; period, term; hole, rent; a cor- ner, side, quarter of the heavens; distance, space; heart; a pause, a stop; difference; opportune time; the midst; the heart, the supreme soul; adj. other, similar, antar-bhao, internal or inherent nature, an- tar-bhut, in the midst. antar-jdm'i, pervading the inward parts, acquainted with the heart (the Deity). antar-jdt, inborn, innate, antar dusht, internally bad, wicked, antar-dwdr, a private door within a house. antar-gati, f. emotions of the heart, inward sensations; adj. forgotten, antar-manns, sad, perplexed, antar- vatni, a pregnant woman, s. Jb\^7iS antar, f. the entrails, bowels, viscera, s, j6\ ^tj'^anuttar, unable to answer, without reply. «. [out. a. ]ji>\ ^T'aTT aw ^ara, central ; near; adv. with- ]/->\ ■»il»i1^ VHi1^< antarbed, 1 f. the region of ^j^>^ji>\ ''ini^t^ antarbedifj Kanauj be- tween the rivers Ganga and Jamuna, commonly called the Du,ab. s. [screen, a. tiiOjJo^ ^H^M3 antar-pat, m. a curtain, a C^Jio\ ^^friT antarit, inward, internal. «. z^\ ( 64 ) i} Rumari aniarip, v/ape v^umuiiu. «. ,A^.y3] ^'iTO'? antarichh, \m. the ij£iS,j3\ ^^i^ antarihsh, J adv. JU.jjo\ aM\ ^?aft^ antarihsh, j air, the firma- ment, s. ^^\i>;3po\ ^HiT^TtT antardhan, "1 m. disap- ^Ujfci5jjk3\ ^THflTR antardhyan,) pearance, concealment, antardhyan-hona, to disappear, t. \ inti'ash, recovering one's self after f\sl>\ intifa'f m. profit, advantage, a. JUiJo^ intihal, m. transporting, travelling; transferring, circulation (of currency) ; departure, de- cease, dying, a. jt\sLX>\ intiham, m revenge, retaliation, inti- Mf»-?., to retaliate, a. [hour of death, t. ^y^CL^>\ ^*Adk\(f ant-hal, m. dying moments, j^ioJ^ ^nT:<*<<[j antaharan, or antah-haran, or antasknran, m. heart, mind, understanding, t. Jki^ 'wf^T nntim, final, ultimate, s. b3^\ ^»fft (in comp. same as antar). antah- patt, included, antah-tharir, m. the internal and spi- ritunl part of man, conscience, soul, antah-karan, m. the understanding, heart, will, conscience, soul. (. \Jx>\ iniiha, f. ond, termination, summit; adj. finished, completed, prohibited. «. [meats, t. o&Jo\ fPiT.^ antah'pur, m. the inner apart- a Shndra, man of the ^Si\ VJ«KI^ anlyaj, J m. /^^^ W'rtH'H antya-janma, J a i lowest cast, antya-janmanl, f. a woman of the MTDe cast. «. ,j-jp\ iJHdl^l units, twenty-nine. s. i^w»»\^juL>\ VNWfMKfl antevasl, m. a disciple^ a pupil residing with liis teacher, t ^^J^x)J\ ^fiilM^ antya-varna, m. f. a man or woman of the Shudra cast. s. ajuol ^rffTW a-nitya, not permanent, fleeting, perishable, anityatd, f. frailness, transient existence. a-nityadatta or a-nitya-dattdka, that which is tempo- rarily granted ; a son adopted for a certain term. i. ^^1*^ I 'HTTP ant, f. a knot ; envy, h, U3\ WfS[ anta, m. a ball, marble, anta-ghar, m. a billiard-room. h. iS^\jj>\ ^mprfTfT anta-chit, unlucky, whose fortune is exhausted (a term of abase), h. ^JJ^\jk>\ ^nPTcFt^ antahori, f. a cord with which cattle are tied neck and heels, h. \jL^\mhJ1J>\ ^JT^^[^ ant-sant, f. pai tnership ; intrigue. /(. Ujo\ WddHI antna, n. to be contained, to be filled up (a well or tank, &c.). h. UjO I ^1^«!HI antna, a. to fill (a well or tank), to come or go into, to reach, h. \i\yj\ ^^^<4Tfn antrcdna, a. to make contain, to cram into, to cause to be filled, h. 13^^-6^ 'SJTJJ^TRT anthlana, a. to twist, to writhe ; n. to swagger, to strut, to give one's self tdta* to walk affectedly, h. [lation. A jj^T ■ WH!n anjdmd, barren (land) in whick nothing will grow. h. [oondnde. ^ ^,ijk/«lai^ anjdmldan, to terminate, to finish* ^J^\ 'innrR an-jdn, unwitting, imintentional, unknowing, ignorant; m. a stranger, anj&n-h., tc assume the stranger, to pretend ignorance of a person or thing, s. Ki\:d\ ^^mriTT an-jdnd, unknown, a stranger igcnorant. an jane, ignorantly, unwittingly, k. ^\jf\ an-jdni, f. ignorance, negligence, h. (^u^\ anja,t, a mongrel or hybrid animal, d. jUjfi anjabar or injibar, name of a plant from which a drink is prepared for obstinate colds, spitting of blood, &c. p. [honey, s. (ji:i^\ artjahin (Arabic form of angahm), \j:d\ anjara or injara, vo. a nettle, p. (jmsS\ ^HM^f or ^Rira an-jas, m. infamy, s. (J.^^ anjal, m. (v. ^)^^), two handfuls, &c. ^J■ail W!T3T^ or ^?^3I^ ann-jal, m. victuals and drink ; Pers. db o ddna or db-ddna. t. '^^ '^^(JJI anjla, m. two handfuls, as much as can be held in both hands open ; the junction of the two hands to form the shape of a boat ; Scottice, a goupen. s. ^^1 ^«T»lQn an-jala, unburnt, unscorched. s. jA^\ 'ST^f^ anjU f. (same as anjla), it also "denotes a mode of salutation by carrying the two hands joined (as above) to the forehead, s. jt:d\ anjum (pi. of ^). stars, constellations, a. (il»if\ injimad, m. state of congealing or congelation, a. ^^y^^ anjuman, f. an assembly* meeting, company, banquet, p. ^J:^ \ ^r^*f a.njan,\ m. a collyrium, an oint- ;^d\ ^^tf anjafif J nient applied to the eye- lashes with a view to blacken and improve them. s. i^\ 'SSIPT anjan, m. a kind of grass, much used (in the upper provinces) as food for cattle. A. U^\ ^cnrinn an-jana, unborn ; m. an inferior kind of rice. h. 'U*i 1 'WTWTT dnjna, a. to tinge the eyes with anjan. s. \jjti\ 'STSRT anjna, n. to be tinged with anjan; £ the mother of Hanuman ; a lizard, s. XM^j:d\ vy^fi^IK anjan-sdr, m. coUyriuui. s. liojff^ Ml^PHcfcl anjanika, f. a kind of newt or lizard, s. 4_^\^l*i*\ V(^«1^lO anjanhdri, f. a stye (or ■tithe) on the eyelids, h. ^^\ 'srg ftO anjani, f. a woman perfumed " with sandal, &c. a medicinal plant used as a sedative and laxative. ^s^l ^"^ anju \m. a tear j (see y>*>>\ •A^'1 WVfh. dnjhu, J dnsu). h. jXii\ "^t^fiX. anjlr, m. a fig. p. ^yjjA\ inj'tl, m.the New Testament, Gospel, g. J\ ■m^ anch, f. heat, flame of a fire (not of a candle), glare, blaze ; (in Dakh,) ashes of cow-dung.ft. \^\ ir^ unchdf high, lofty (for wicha). h. [^\ nncha, to. the post for letters, a stage or station on the road. d. elevation, height. *. { 65 ) 0^1 (^^US^ "g^^TO unchds, forty-nine, s, Q_j*»l^\ ^^«n^ nuchas, f. height, elevation, h, j^lail unchdn, height, elevation, d. bl^\ T^T«TT unchdna, a. to raise, to take up. s. J \^\ 'g^^ unchdtu, m. iJL>jb[^\ ^T?7 unchdhat, f. jJU^l "gr^T^ unchd,i, f. «Jl/i&l^\ ^H-^ll^d an-chdhat, not desired, s. lIa^i ^fff^iT an-chit, unaware, suddenj adv. suddenly, h. png s dA|2^ ^TtTf^TT an-uchit, imprope., unbecom- j^\ ^Tf-qi. anuchar, m. a companion, a fol- lower, an attendant, anuchari, f. a female companion, s. j^\ ^^hrtdnchar, 1 m. the hem of a cloak \j^^ ^'^(TJ anchrd, J or veil ; a border at the end of a veil, shawl, &c. s, ^y^\ ^^^ anchal, 1 m. breast (of a woman iJ^l ''^fj^^ dnchal, J or lactescent animal); the hem of a cloak or veil ; a border of a veil or shawl, s. y'^\ ^I^q5T cinchld, ra. the hem of a cloak, &c., a sheet, used among Jogis s. ^jUa4l an-cAw»-aw, even as, just as. p. J0j^\ ^xjhI^ nnrh-ntch, ups and downs of life, vicissitude, high and low, particulars, s. %^\ ^r^ dnchu, m. the raspberry, kdld dnchu, the hill bramble, h. s^\ dn-chi, that which, whatsoever, p. \^^\ ^sf^^ar an-ichchhd, f. indifi^erence, ab- sense of desire. «. ^Lj^ \ ^HtSlc^l an-chhtld, unlicked, rude ; impared (as fruit, &c.). h. ^J-^ ^J*** lJ>^^ unchi sirhi charhnd, to to mount a high ladder, i.e. to obtain a high rank, d, Iju^l anchend, m. valuation or estimate of growing crops : it is also called kan-kut, q. v. d. ( i\j^\ inhirdf (in Dakh. also inhirdfi), de- flection, inversion, change ; met. to prove a turncoat ; recantation, deviation from* the meridian, chiefly ap- plied to the bearing of the temple of Mecca ; declina- tion of a heavenly body ; a disease, defect, distemper, a. jLio^^ inhisdr, m. surrounding, encircling, a. I j\ii^\ inkkifdf, m. levity, lightness, a, ^Jji»-\,^\ anddkhtan (r. anddz), to cast, to throw down. p. Ijk>-\j3\ anddkhta, cast away, thrown, p. J^^\ anddr, a narrative, story, tale, fiction, p. \j^^\ ^»^RT inddrd, ra. a large well built of lolid masonry. F OJt 66 j\s>\ andaz, \ m. valuation, guess ; weigh- 1ij\s>\ anddzaj ing, measurement; time in music; mode, manner; (in comp.) throwing, as bark-andaz, a thrower of lightning, a matchlockman. anddz-pattl, f. an estimate of the value of a growing crop. p. JtiJ\ andam, m. body, stature, figure, an- ^ dami-nihani, pudendum mulieris. p. j^\ andar, within, inside, inwardly, p. ji^\ ^ indra, m. the king of the Devatas, the regent of the visible heaven; the thunderer. indra-awadashi, the )2th day of the month Bhadra, a festival in honour of Indra. t. jjjl ^f«T5r a-nidr, awake, sleepless, s. \,S>\ indira, f. the goddess of wealth, s. -.\jii3\ indiraj, m. becoming extinct(a family) ; being folded together, insertion, a. ^^ys>\ ^^lfl«l indrasan, m. the throne of Indra. s. |i\jii3^ ^•^liUl or i^^'Ml indrarii, f. the wife " of Indra; the name of a medicine or plant (Vitex ne- gundo). s. IDjIj'^ iwrfrawaw (v. indrayan). d. ^V^iJl ^^NIO indrayan^ f. colocynth, wild gourd ; a fruit of beautiful appearance, but bitter taste {Cucumls colocynihis) : hence a beautiful but worthless person is called indrayan ka phal, the fruit of in- drayan. s. •JbiVjujJl ^I'^Hv ii^dra-hadhu, f. name of an insect (a species of acarus, of a scarlet colour like vel- vet) ; the wife of Indra. s. ^Lt*j>,S^\ i^l^m^ indra-prastha, one of the names of ancient Dihii. a. ^jj>,,^\ ^f^liir^m indra-prohita, f. the asterism Pustiya. s. [dra. t, cf^J*^^ f'^ISO indra-puri, f. the city of In- Jl>-jiio\ ^•^»fI55 indra-jal, m. deception, cheating, juggling : trick or stratagem in war. in- drajali, m. a conjuror, juggler; adj. deceptive, \m- resd. s. y>jiiO^ ^»^*|'<4 or •^•^iTt indra-jau, m. name of a medicinal seed that grows on the plant kara,ijd. q. v. ; {Sparrow's tongue, Nerium antidysentericum). s. J.iiJl andaraz, m. last will ; last advice, pre- cepts, or admonitions, p. U*>,ii31 VH^^I an-darsa, m, a kind of fried ■weetmeats, a kind of clotk (see adarsd). h. ^_3>J^;^il ^•^•iTcjJ indra-nil, m. a sapphire, s. cilLJ,jj\ ^'^r'ft^^ ^ndra-ntlak, m. an emerald. $. .\j jijj^ andarwdr (for andarun) within, d. ^^j .lijl andarun, within, inner apartments, interior, p. jfja.^l andaruna, internal, relating to the in- side, p. j3ji.ii3\ andaruni, internal, intrinsic, p. 031 i^j*^^ ^^ indrtf \ f. the senses (internal t/;iio^ ^f^ indriya, J and external), organs of action and perception (those of action are the hand, the foot, the voice, the organ of generation and the organ of excretion; those of perception, the mind, the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, and the skin) ; the privities, membrum virile, veretrum animalium. indrl julldb, a diuretic medicine, indriya-gyan, m. the faculty of perception, sense, consciousness, s. \^,dJ\ ^^^ indu-rekha, f. a digit of the moon. s. e}is>\ indifd', m. warding off, repelling, a. Qi}s>\ andak, little, small, few. andakl, f. a small portion or number, p. j\^iV\ andakar, m. "1 darkness, obscurity ; (^ji^\ andakdrl, f. J adj. dark. d. ^JJ\ undid (for andhld q. v.), blind, dark. d. JUiiJl indimdl, m. recovering, getting well of a wound, a. ^j^ JJ\ ^gf^»T anudin, every day, daily, s. jS>\ -Wr^ dndu, m. the chain or rope with which the feet of elephants are tied up. «. jljciJi ^^^TT: induwdr, m. the day of the moon, Monday, s. iu»-jiijl andokhta, acquired, gained; m. gain, acquisition, p. [crusted, p. iijiiJ\ andud (in comp.), besmeared, en- jjiij) ^»^«l indur, m. a rat, mouse, s. Jjjjl andoz, in comp. gaining, acquiring, p. \^^dJ>\ M|'«f\ andhdrd, dark, obscure, d. ^JJ\^^\ andhdi'i, f. darkness, obscurity, cloudiness ; a blind over a horse's eyes. d. \jji^j\ ^Ann andhatd, f. blindness. «. LiitojJ\ ^r^^W andhak, m. a blind man ; a man's name ; adj. blind, s. Mjt>Si\ 'cKnUR andhahdr, m. darkness, s. ^\ifcjjl andhakdrd, m.1 darkness, obscurity, ^jJist>Si\ andhakdri, f.J cloudiness, s. '^>y>\ ^mcj H andhld (see U^xil andhd), blind, s. ^.^I^iijl ^^(^lUH andhldpan, m. blind- ness ; intellectual blindntis ; acting as if one were blind, h. ^\ ( ^iiJ^ ^VT indhan, m. fire-wood. s. jSi^^\ 'gr^V^ an-dhan, m. wealth, both in grain and coin, properly anna-dhan. s. >,^Si\ ^^Vf^an-f/Aoya,unwashed,unclean. s. >jj| andhi, f. storm, hurricane, tempest; a darkening or louring of the sky. andhi-h., to en- gage keenly in a had action, li. [darkness. *. i^ljijfc^^ ^f^^rmn andhiyara, blind, dark; m. ^tXi^ ^T andher, m. darkness, misfortune, calamity, injustice, tumult, andher-k., to tyrannize, oppress, h. \jiJbSi\ ^>rCT andhera, dark; ra. darkness. (See andhiyara). andheri-kofhrt, f. dark room ; the belly ; the womb. h. /jJbiiJ\ K'^^ andheri, f. darkness, a blind for a horse, s, ■j^<^\ ^»TVl«f an-adhm, independent, s. ^j£j,;iJl andesh, thinking, contriving; used in corap. as bad-andesh q. v. p. .±}\ ;^^vs.M andesh-nak or andesh-mandj thoughtful, anxious, p. [anxiety, p. ^\S^^Si\ andeshnaki or andesh-mandl, f. A-iJiiJl andesha, m. thought, meditation, sus- picion, care, concern, afidesha-k., to reflect, to hesi- tate, to fear. p. ,^sJL}^S^\ aiidesha-mandf full of anxiety, p. (_^Jai«&^j^\ andesha-mandi, anxiousness, " concern, p. ^i^jl1ji,jJ\ andeshidaii, to consider to reflect, p. l4So,<^3l Wtf^^T an-dekha, not yet seen, undis- covered, invisible, h. AJl ^TP and (vulgarly <53| and or anr), m. Pal ma Christi {Ricinus vulgaris), h. 3j\ 'snp and, m. an egg ; a testicle, and-kos or aitd-kosh, a hernia or rupture, t. (!Jj I ^np or wni? and or anff in. a testicle, the scrotum ; semen genitale. s. \\ ^StJ^ anda (also anda), m. an egg. s. -.43J\ ^?PEl| andaj (lit. egg-born), oviparous, a bird. ». I?rt(_^3o\an(Ze-se^w5, to bring forth young; to keep one's own house, ande men ki zardi, applied to one who is raw and inexperienced, d. J^,3ol ^H^^ andely oviparous; pregnant (bird), h. Ub\ ^r*T^ an-arth, unmeaning, fruitless, ab- surd, improper, s. [restrained s, > Jjj\ ^'T^ a-niruddha, unobstructed, un- (j**p\ ^»TT!'ff an-ras, m. want of flavour or enjoyment ; disgust, nauseousness ; coolnesa distaste, misunderstanding between friends, s. ^j*i;^ji '«J^<^ ann-ras, m. chyle, s. jj-ol ^f«T^^ a-ninnal, dirty, foul. s. j_^\ ^tT'§^ a-nirnay, m. uncertainty. «. ^iy^ ^H^ift an-rini, unindebted, s. cL;>i)yl ^»r^tf aw«?*7/^, like, conformable; m. conformity, s. ,il»-jj\ ^ff^^xitO^i a-nirvachaniya,^ not fit ,jL».j il 'Srf^rt^ a-nirvachya, J to be spoken, indefinable, s. [ness. «. „ft>4ijiJ] ^»rctV anurodh, m. service, obliging- C^.y\ ^«tOh an-rlt, f. unmannerliness, ill- behaviour, s. J>\ ^(U^ dnr, m. a testicle (v. and), J\p\ inzdl, m. emission, sending down; emissio seminis. a. C0>jj\i\ anzarut, m. sarcocoUa; (gum-resin, said to be from Penaa mucronata). a. p. \jjil inziwd, retiring into a corner or cell (a reclnse). a. [thing. A. jj«3 1 miJt dns, f. the fibrous part of any ^Ju^\ ins, men, mankind, the human race, a, i^juj\ uns, m. friendship, love, affection, so- ciety, companionship, a. (j«o\ ^ra am or W^l ansh, m. a part, division, share, right, possession ; a degree of a circle ; a frac- tion, the immerator of a fraction ; essence. ansa- patra, a deed setting forth the shares of a property between the members of a Hindu family. ansa-Aari, m. one who takes a share of an estate ; a co-heir or joint sharer, &c. *. f2 lH' ( t-^LJ^ ansdb (pi. of c_>m3), generations, families, a. X»3\ ^«TUR unusar, alike, according to ; m. conformity to usage, anusari, adj. following, ac- cording with or to. «. j^L«3\ insan, m. man, mankind, a. #t«jU<*>l ^^^ ansans or anshansha, m. a sub- division, a share of a share, s, ^l--ol imam, of or belonging to humanity, " peculiar to man, human, a. iJlAjjL-j\ msariiyat, f. humanity, human kindness; affability, a. e^u*<3\ ansah, advisable, most proper, a. ^_r^ M anasat, f. intimacy, use, cheerfulness. a. ,^jLm3I 4HU7 unsath, fifty-nine. «. 4c,lfc(>(j«3\ '^^(MIlH ansdhari, successful ; (in theology) incarnating. «. U;— j\ ^^^^tTT anusarna, n. to follow a per- son, to follow on some previous circumstance, s. i^M.A ^pRcti aiisik, a partner ; a proprietor, s. •^x-J) ^nrftra fln-siM,unlearned,un taught, s. A^ss?***^ '?r^T?R«fiJ an-sa»y7^J^\ ^^W^'^x:*nanmnl-k., a. to pretend not to hear what is spoken ; to disregard. A. yu^\ wf^ arixu, m. a tear, arisu bhar-land, to have the eyes filled with tears. *. j\y^] SB^yK nnuswara, m. the nasal dot or character in Devanagari. s. 6^\y^\ ^TRTO: anxwama, m. a measure of land, twenty of which make a pilwaAsa. h. (i^JLH' *^ ojinn, m. men and spirits, a. j_^»*>\ "^^ or ^T^ flwsl or anshi, a partner, " sharer, co-heir, s, [taught, s. \^ \\ . M . '> \ ^"if^iwt an-sikha, uninstructed, un- ljpu«Oi unsiyain (for unsiyaini), the two testicles, a. \J^\ insha, writing, composition, elegance of style, the belles lettres. insha-parddzi, f. writing, let- ter-writing, a. ^\jC^\ \^\ in-sha aUahu tadla, if God the " most High willeth ; Deo volente. a. dL«-2o\^ftT¥'7n-?sA/,undesired,evil,omiiiou8.s.. 1^jI^\ ^ffffOT an-ishthd, f. unstedfastness, un- fteadiness. s. [forbidden. *. JbiXiL)^ 'srftTf'Tir an-ishiddha, unprohibited, un- j\toJ>\ ansar (pi. of^^U), assistants, friends (of Muhammad), applied to the inhabitants of Medina who \ in dm, m. a present, a gift, indm-i- ikrdm, an honourable gfift. in'am-ka-paisd, prize money. in'dml altamghja, a grant under the royal seal, in'dmi Jcdnungo, an assignment of rent-free land to a village* accountant, an'dm, gifts, a. iJ!^kk\j6\ indmat, f. a gift, a benefaction; an assignment of rent-free land. a. (^_j*» Ouol inikds, m. being turned upside down ; reflexion (from a mirror),repercu8sion,reverberation.a. j\s6\ anfdr (pi. of Jo), individuals, persons, soldiers, servants, a. [rits. a. (^j*)\s6\ anfds (pi. of (j«i>), breathings, spi- aac^ anfkha, m. rennet, leaven; a substance tending to produce fermentation ; a term in medicine. (The word is apparently a corruption of tlie Arable in/a^). d. ^}\,taSo\ infisdl, m. decision, termination (of a cause) ; division, separation, settling, infifal-lc., to settle, to decide (corruptly infisdll). a. lJUa>^ injidl, m. shame,confusion, modesty, a. {^\jstj\ inkibdz,m. detention, constipation, a. (•L-S31 inkisdm, m. division, dividing, a. IdoiDI inkizd, m. the expiration of any term; adj. elapsed, ended, fulfilled, accomplished, finished, completed, a. eUaflS^ inhita', m. being broken, cut off, cessa- tion, failure, separation, adjustment, a. i^'^^\ inhildb, m. revolution, vicissitude, alteration, change, inversion, transposition, a. iilxa>\ inkiydd, in. fidelity, submission, obe- dience, compliance a. i-dijl ^tsF dnh, 1 m.aletterofthealpha- ^.ib\ W^ or '^izir ank,) hex; a figure, a num- ber (in contradistinction to sun or sunna, a dot or cypher) ; the stamp on coins, plate, &c. ank-kdr, m. an assayer ; a mark (on cloth, pointing out the price) ; the flank or part above the hip ; embrace, the bosom ; (for ang) a share, portion, dnk-ddr, a sharer. ». dJbl dnak, m. a kettle-drum, a kind of large drum beaten only at one end. s. j^\ inkdr, denial, refusal, disavowal, a. ^^\ ^HWRT ankdnd, a. to cause to value, to prize, to examine (as cloth), to approve of. t. jK>^^o|iT^r//(/,a,o,m.valuation,appi*aisement/t. ^iiJuio I ^i#J^ ^Taw anukram, m. order, method, suc- cession, series, s. iSj>^^ ^^^ ank?'i, f. a kind of vetch {Vicia sativa) ; wet grain ; a young sprout, s. i^J*^^ W^rrJt ankrt,^ f, (also ankfi), the (^*j| NHicnsI dnkrij barb, of an arrow; a circle, a hook, tenter, catch ; a tendril, a dxrhus ; a fishing-hook, h. ciiST (^j«X>t an-kas, that person, whosoever, &c. p. jjmXjI ^VoR^, VM4HI, ^cs^ dnkas, ankas, or aiikus, m. the iron with which elephants are driven, a goad, ankus mama, to bring to obedience, to reduce to submission. Some European writers (probably the King of Oude's cockney barber) have corrupted the word into "hawkuss" or "horkuss," vid. Lib. of Enter- taining Knowledge, vol. The Elephant, p. 15. a .L»*>j\ inkisdr (corruptly inkiadrt), ra. being routed, humility, want of courage, despondency, a. (_il— X)^ inkisqf, m . being eclipsed (the sun), a. (_iViA;\ inkishaf, detection, disclosure, a. ^^«-x)\ ^^*i\ or '^«|i rtedfastly. dnkh minch jana, to die, to perish, ankh morni (see dnkh pherni). ankh mundke ek chlz ka ikh- tiyar-k., to choose or accept precipitately or inconsis- tently, dnkh mundnl (see ankh band kar lent), ankh mundaura, m. biindman s buff, ankh na rakhni (not to have eyes, not to look) to have no hope or expectation ; to be mentally blind, ankh nam karnd (see dnkh bhar land), to have the eyes full of tears. dnkhoA par baithna (to sit on eyes), to be beloved, to sit or cause to sit on a very elevated place ; to become dignified. dnkhoA ka euldbl karnd (to have the redness of the eyes), is applied to a look of intoxication or wantonness. dnkhoA meA and, to intoxicate (applied especially to wine). dnkhon men phirnd, to be always present in one's eyes, to be ever in one's mind, dnkhon men pen lend, to be at ease, secure, &c. dnkhoA men charbi chhdnd, to be wilfully blind, to pretend from pride not to know one's old acquaintance. dnkhoA rmA kbak ddlnd (lit. to throw dust in one's eyes) ; to commend or puff wares of an inferior quality ; to pilfer or snatch away any thing quickly and privately. dnkhoA meA khuraknd, to be seen with envy and dislike. dnkhoA meA ghar karnd, to be beloved or esteemed ; to persist in one's own erroneous opinions. dnkhoA meA rat kdtnd or lejdnd, to pass the night awake, dnkhen-wdld, m. (lit. " a man with eyes "), a spy, an inspector, one of the secret po- lice, dnkhen dekhnd, to study one's temper or inclina- tion ; to behave respectfully towards another. dnkheA mil pili karni, to change the colour of the face from excess of anger, s. >\^\ d. )\ an-khdi, m. dislike, aversion JV^) ^fj4?ii(j» anukhal, m. a creek, s. \i\^\ ^^nOTfTT or vsiljin i ankhana, n. to be angry or displeased, to be peevish or fretful, h. Jv^x>l ^i<l ^r45im ankhiya, j^^x)\ anhhan, m. the space between two pil- ^^u^x>^ viOs^'llf ankhiyan, f. the eyes, amo- rous glances, s. KtJ^\ ^T aiig, a demand on each head of cattle for pasture, an agistment, h. i±Xj| 'Snu ang,\ai. the body, a limb, ang *L^\ "^^ anga,} ho lagna, to be firm or confirmed ; to have effect ; a member, portion, anga- nydsa, act of touching different parts of the body as a religious exercise, a. i.L>^\ ^«5'l anug or anuga, m. a follower, a servant ; adj. following, succeeding, s. tC^ ^npT angd, m. a coat or upper-garment, a long tunic worn alike by the Hindus and Musal- mans : the former tie it on the left, the latter on the right breast. $. S'i\ ^5pT angd, f. a nurse, a maid whose busi- ness it is to hold, watch, and amuse a child, h. ra. embers, sparks ; wrath, rage; a fire- brand, fire, a spark, a bit of fire, angdr or angdroA par lotnd, to be highly enraged, particularly from jea- lousy, angdr kd klfd, m. a salamander, h. jLCl ^'^rfc angdri, f. a small fire-pan. s. ^fj\ ^]fR angdr, 1 \}X!>\ ^S^TTT angdr'a, j ^^i^JXi\ angdridan,'] to reckon, compute ^^L*>lwi angdshtan, J suppose, imagine, p ^lul ^T^JTT'ft anugdml, following, conse- "quent upon, devoted to, imitating, s. (^X!>1 angabin, m. honey (Arab. anjahtn).p. «JUx31 ^RTTf anugat, m. a follower, adj. gone after, dependent on, attached to. a. C^\ i^r^if ingitf m. hint, sign, gesture; motion ; inquiry, research. *. iOJXi\ angaddiya, m. a man who carries money or jewels concealed in his quilted clothes, h. L/j^>-i\ ^^O^ angra,i, f. yawning (v. a»- gra.t). h. ^4^;^^ ^*i««IT angarkhd, m. a coat, gown, jacket, doublet, an upper garment, a. ij^\ ^«Jil^ anugrah, m. favour, kindness, indulgence, a. {Jj^>^ ^T^ anguri (same as anguU), f. a finger, a finger's breadth, a. [England, j^i)' angrez or ingrez (vulg. angrej, &c.), c^^^t angrezl, English, the English lan- guage (the term is of Portuguese origin). ^^j^^^ -^ulisd ang7'ikhd, m. a vest, coat, &c. (v. angarkhd. s. \3\j^] W^^'Sl'^ a7igrdnd, n. to yawn, to stretch the limbs), to oscitate. h. iJiy^'A 41Jg>j|^ or "^^TJ^angrdft or angrd,t, f. stretching the limbs, yawning, &c. A. ij^\ W^PTS an-garh, \ unwrought, rhd,} ^*TJfdI an-gai un- formed ; anedu« cated, unlicked, unfinished, unset (as a ring or jewel). angafhi bdt, inconsistent or ill-arranged speech, h. iJL*J ^ i\ angiishf, f. a finger, angushti-hairat ddntoA meA rdkhnd, to bite the finger, or place it be- tween the teeth to express surprise, p. jj\jLiLC3\ angushidn, 'I m. a ring (particu- aJlJiuLw^ angushtdna,) larly the one worn on the thumb) ; a thimble, p. ^JJxL^)i\ angushtart, f. a ring, particularly one worn on the finger, not applied to that on the thumb, p. v»)iJl*M.Gi angusht-numd, one who is pointed at, famous (in a good or bad sense, but in India most frequently in a bad one), notorious. ttttgusht-numd,i, act of pointing out with the finger, p. ,^xlL. ^ \ ^iT^ angmhtha, m. the thumb, s. ^y^>^ ^5P^ or ^Wq5 ungal or angul, m. the thumb, a finger, a. ^jlJLJXSl inglisfdn or anglistdn, England, p. ,^J-C3\ iMQsl, ^W^f ^^^ ungll, angli, or an- full, f a finger, a finger's breadth, pair kl itngli, a toe. . alarn ktungli, fore-finger, btch kl ungll, middle-finger. kan uiigll, little finger, ungll kd nok, tip of the finger. ungll kdtnd, to be astonished. *. ^ykA ^T^JT aw/r/e^,f. appearance, jjerson. h. JC1 ( 71 ,j.^i\ W^tZ angot, f. appearance, person (same as anget). h. \^^i\ W13T angutha, m. thumb, angutha dikhana, an attitude used by women in blandishment, as a token of prohibition, to brave, defy, &c. angutha chumna, to flatter, s. [the finger. $. ^.^'»X3\ ■^ni^ angutht, f. a ring worn on \.^=^^\ W\\^\ angochha, m. a cloth which Hindus fasten round their waists when bathing, and afterwards wipe themselves with; a towel, a hand- kerchief, h. .^i\ angur, m. a grape; granulations in a healing sore, angur bannd or hond, to become sotmd and healthy (applied to a wound), p. \f^\ ^^O angora, m. a midge, a gnat. h. (jj^^ angurl, of or belonging to the grape. J9. e^K^^ ^irfCTl angauriya, m. a ploughman ; also, allowing the use of a plough instead of paying wages in money or kind. h. JJJ^3\ anguza, m. assafoetida. p. \C>^\ W^^ angaungd, perquisites from the threshing-floor to the Brahman, GurQ, &c. b. aJoT dn-gah (for dh-gdh) then, at that time. p. ^'i\ ^Rtr an-agh, blameless, free from guilt. «. ''Ufi>\ anghar, stupid, ignorant, emghar^pan, m. stupidity, d. ^5* W3^ angt, corporeal, bodily. 8. ) ^^ UCl wf^tn angiyciy f. m. bodice, stays, h* U£>\ ^TtT^rr anugya, f. order, command, s. cLaGi ^^ anget, f. appearance, person. A. jJutGl angeti, f. (v. ageti) a flower-pot. d. je^JU^3t ^^"3^ or ^jfld^ angethi or angltht, "t. a chafing-dish. h. ^JSi^^\ angekhtan (r. angez,) to excite* stir up. p. iJiOl angez, exciting ; (used in comp.) as fitnorongez, strife-exciting, p. UjxOl angezna, a. to suffer, to experience, to bear, to excite, p. h. jOJt^M SSjJllcM*^ angikar, m. agreement, pro- mise, acquiescence, avowal, reception, accepting, agreeing to. angtkar-k., to accept, agree to. s. O^CM 'Sl^oBH' angikrit, agreed, promised. «. JJl 'flfHoS anil, f. wind, breath, air. s. ^yi\ ^R^ anal, f. fire, a flame, a plant (^Plum- bago zeylaniea and rosed), s. U5l inna-md, for, surely not, only. a. l»31 ^ftpTT animd, m. a superhuman faculty; the subtle and invisible state, assumable by austere devotion, s. C^\ ^^*n^ww»mc?,m.madness, extravagance.*. \iK^\ ^«»n?[T unmddd, mad, insane, s. ^J^^ ^r»WT»T anumdn, m. inference, logical conclusion, reasoning, s. ^jjW>^ '\ ^TSri anna, a kind of male nurse, the nurse's husband, h. ^j*t\^\ ^»l^re anannas, m. a pine-apple, h. j>*»UJ\ awannasi, made like a pine-apple, h. d.*JL>\ ^*l^ an-ant, adj. boundless, endless, eternal, infinite ; m. a name of the serpent that sup- ports the earth ; a name of the god Vishnu ; name of several plants ; a cord with fourteen knots, which the Hindus tie on their arm on the fourteenth day of Bhddon, Shuklpaksh, which is sacred to Vishnu, and called Anant Chaudas or Chaturdashl. anantata, f. eternity, anant-rdshi, f infinite quantity, anant-rup, multiform, anant-vdt, m. rigidity or paralysis of the muscles of the face and neck. t. euukJii) Wf^*^ nn-antyay infinite, endless ; m. in- finity, eternity, s. S^ 1 ^T»n5 anand (or anand), m. pleasure, delight ; ease, tranquillity, content { God, Supreme Spirit, anand-may, blissful, s, OtiJJl ^^f73[iT dnandit, overjoyed, de- lighted, s. lLjs^] ^fifft^ a-nindit, unreproachable. t. l^i^-^l ^TtT'^rfT anandatd, f. joy, delight, s. ^6S>\ Ki\f{t^m*^ dnand-kand, source of joy; an epithet of Krishna, t. j_5'4iJ3| ^T^^f^ dnandi, delighted, rejoiced, s. {j^^ ^A^l an-ansa, m. one who has no share ; excluded from a share (of an inheritance) on account of some legal flaw. t. jiXi>l ^!SiPpian-ang, m. (literally, bodiless), the god Kama, the HindQ Cupid. $. fji\ ^nft annl, a female nurse, h. yl ^Wdnrv, m. the glutinous whitish matter or mucus voided by people afflicted with a tenesmus, s. y I ira[ anu or am, m. an atom ; adj. atomic, minute. *. )y \ 01 ^^1 nnuwd, m. the place where men stand ■when throwing the boM, or water-bucket A. •^l^u' ^tJ^'^ anuvdd, m. repetition; answer, s. i^tily^ ^Hm<{l anuvddt, a defendant, oppo- nent, s. [splendour, a. j\^\ avn'dr (pi. ofjy ), lights, rays of light, Ojly^ ^f«T^ftff a-nivdrit, unchecked, un- opposed, s. Lw^yl 'd^T^ anrvdsd, old, stale, seasoned ; m. a handful of com or grass cut In reaping, h. U**»ly^ SH«ira*1T anwdsnd, a. to season (a new earthen vessel, by letting water remain in it some time), to rinse, k. ely^ anrvd' (pi. of *y)/ sorts, kinds, varie- ties ; adj. various, diverse, anwa^ o ahsSm, all sorts and kinds, a. t-ijy\ ^^ anup, incomparable, best, rare; m. a watery or moist soiL i. ^^by) ^t^Mivf anupdn, m. a fluid vehicle wherewith to swallow medicine, t. Oy\ ^7^ anvit, connected with, possessed of, fraught with, t, iJL>^\ NHfjcfS anmat, m. a ring furnished with little balls, worn on the great toe. h. l^yl HiH^r anuthd, rare, wonderful, un- common, n. ^\j&^y| "srtf^rVTvT an-avadhdUf careless, inat- tentive ; also an-ovadhanata, i. carelessness, inadver- tence, indifference, t, iy\ anrvar, splendid, shining, resplendent, a. (C,y\ anwari, name of a Persian poet. p. l^L*»y\ Wrfor^qt an-avasthd, unstable, un- steady; incontinent; f. instability, absence of fixed state; uncertainty; incontinence, t. yM^\ SNH^fll. a-navasar, busy, having no leisure ; inopportune ; m. want of leisure, unseaaon- ableness. s. ^5 y ^ ^q^^, '^^fft^s^T anokhd or anaukhd, rare, wonderful, uncommon (generally applied to man), h, ^}^'i\^^<^anwal,m. the after-birth,secundines. aAwal-ndl, the navel-string of a new-bom infant, h. ^yT WWr^ dnwald, vn. a fruit so called, a kind of myrobalans {Phylianthus emblica). h. jl**»^y\ anoldsdr, m. a sort of brimstone so called, s. [new-bom infant. *. JlJjyT dnroal-ndl, m. the navel-string of a ^jl«y\ anumdn (v. anumdix), inference, logi- cal conclusion, s. 13yl ^rrftrTT- a-nond, without salt. *. aJl ana (v. and), the 16th part of a rupee, h, ^\ '^*5 unh and ^J^ inh, oblique plural forms of the pronouns vmh and yih, (Vide Gram.) A. ^J^\ ^^^ anvai, or anvaya, m. race, lineage ; interpretation; making out the natural order or con nexion of poetical style. $. ,jLi,^\ ^P^^RSr anveshan, m. inquiry, re- search, investigation, s. [tive. c. jj;j,yl ^H^ anvesht, searching, inquisi- j\^\ unhdr (pi. ofj^), rivers, streamlets, a. X^\ TrfTC unhdr, f. mode, appearance; adj. like, similar. *. fj^\ "SlSfTtT anhdn, m. bathing, washing. A- \j\^\ ^^T»TT anhdndf a. to bathe, to wash, /u C^\ ^"Tfi^ an hit, unfriendly, hostile ; ho«- tility. u ^^ ( 73 ) VT jv^^ 5^T^1T unhattar, sixfy-nine. h. j}<^^ inhiddm, m. perdition, act of abolish- ing, extermination, demolition, a. .\ClJ\ ^»n^R an-ahankar, m. absence of pride, humility, an-ahankari, humble. «. UL^\ '^v^'<(l«n anhwand, a. to wash, to bathe, to cause to be bathed or washed, s, i^^\ ^frf^f anihaun, aor. first pers. sing, of anna, to bring (obsolete form), h. .1^^^ ^?^t*?Tt an-honhar, hopeless, unpro- mising, improbable, h. 13^\ -4i;^fil an-hond, impossible, not to be. h. ^\ ^sftlT, ^nftff a7ii, dni, m. f., or^5#ani, f. the "point of a spear, or of an arrow, the stem or prow of a boat, &c. s. ^\ ^S[^ anm, f. a nurse or female attendant " on a child, h. ^^\x>\ ^rmma-ni/d,e or a-nydya,m. injustice, "outrage; a complaint of injustice, s. [lawless.*. t/ljo\ ^nm^ a-nydyi, unjust, unequitable, \jjwoJl ^ti|ii||T anya-purvd, f. a woman who has been previously married, a. tl*Jo\ ^S^H a-niti, f. injustice, impropriety, rudeness, impolicy, unmannerliness. i. Juol ^T^T^ anyatra, elsewhere. ». \4JuJ\ ^S^^ anyatha, otherwise, in a different manner ; inaccurately ; a4j. contrary, t. liijjl dffi<^ i untda, unshut (eye), sleepless; expanded (as a flower). ». jj\ anyar, very bright, most luminous, a. iy^\ '3'«0) ants or anxs-jtiRs, m. a companion, a. ^^mJo) anlmn, m. aniseed, g, tiJjo\ 'gl Vf cB a/i-eA, much, many, abundant. aneJc-dkar, multiform. a»cAr-rfip, multiform, of various kinds, of variable mind, anek-kdl, adv. a long time. anek gotra, one who is a member of more than one gotra, or family, anek-vidh, various, of many kinds, m different ways. s. jiSool VfT)foii«0 anlkint, f. an army ; a cer- tain force, one tenth of an akshauhinh t. yyojl ^.4|jft-4 anya-gotra, of another race or lineage, s. BJ^\ war anya, other, different, anya-janam, ra. another birth, regeneration, anya-manas, fickle, versatile, s. auj^l 'V>tn>^ anyonya, reciprocal, mutual, s. jUjoT ^HMK. dneydr, m. the time allotted for agricultural labour in the hot season, from sua- rise till noon. «. j\ au, conj. and (more com. aur). k. •\ (in Pers. and Dakh.) third pron. he, she, it; the vocative inteij. O I J ^T^ ava, a Sanskrit prefix denoting nega- tion, disrespect, or dispersion ; from, down from, oflf. #. Ij 1 ^'RT ciwd, m. a potter's kiln ; a furnace, h. ij\j\ ^"RTlft drvdtt, f. the coming of an army, "the approach of a friend ; the season in which mer- chandize is expected to arrive ; advance ; rumour, ti- dings, h. (_fU.!jI ^3n^l»n^ divd-jd,t, f. coming and going, intercourse, dancing attendance upon one. h. s^^j\ "STTR? a-vdchya, dumb, speechless, s. y>-)j\ awdkhir (pi. of ji-T), extremes, ends; the last ten days of a lunar month, a. ^jblj\ awdddn (see dhdddn), dwelling, &c. d. j_^\ii\j^ mvdddni (v. j_^^«i^^) d. [crop. a. j^jl T^TC uwdr, ploughing up a standing j\j\ ^^R arvdrf f delay ; injustice,tyranny. s.p. efi»-.^j\ awdrija, &>-,^jT dwdrija, aij»-j\jl dwdrcha, fSj^j\ dwdragl, f. vagrancy, profligacy, p. ij\j[ drvdra, vagabond, wanderer, dwdra-h., n. to wander, to be distressed, to be oppressed, to be miserable, awdra-k., a. to harass, to expel, p. J^jT dwdz, f. sound, voice, report, fame, echo, a whisper, sentence, awdz-uthana, to raise the voice, to spread a report, dwdz' par kdn raklina, to hear, to listen, dwdz paj-nd, to be reported, dwdz baithnd, to be suppressed (the voice) from hoarseness or otherwise, dwdz-baithd, hoarse, p. \j\jT dwdzd, \ m. report, fame, rumour; con- m. a diary, a rough note- book or account-book. p. dzd, \ mza,) jjljT dwaza,) versation, loud talking, p. Ly>\\ ^FTRt dwds, m. a house, a habitation, s. \xm\^\ awdsit (pi. of ia*iO^)) middles, the pe- riod of a lunar month between the tenth and twentietU. days, a, [ley (v. supl. Gloss), h. ^>*>L\ ^Hl^^ awdsi, unripe corn, chiefly bar- ^A^UT ^^iWT awa-l^j\ wf^iTTiir a-vibhajya (in law lan- guage), indivisible (as property, etc.). s. cL*^j\ ^»T7 aubhat, steep, impassable, s. CIaX^jT ^wf^ drvbhakt, 1 f. a civil re- or drvbhakti, I ception or C*.^jT WRJntW or ^Tf^WJlfif J salutation, arvbhagat or dwbhagati, J welcome, courteousness, h. vi^j* '3IH«n ubhnd, n. to be agitated or op- pressed with heat ; to be angry or dissatisfied, h. u-»j\ ^ft'? op, f. ornament, beauty, elegance, grace, brightness, polish, h, [upafna). d. ujbj\ upatnd, n. to exceed, &c. (same as UubJ Ijdtfj^ upajna, n. to grow, &c. (v. ^JJ9»v^ upajna). d. ,c^J^ ^'Nt opcht, m. an armed man, armed "with weapons; a man armed in mail. opchi-Midna, a guardhouse or post of armed men. h. jly '95^T upar, above, on, up, upon, upwards, over, outside, past, top. Sparse, from above. ii{fan upar se chala gaya, the storm has passed over. s. yjij^ uparld, upper, superficial ; m. the sur- face or outside, s. [strange. ». ij^j\ 3Rlft upari, upper or external; foreign, C->ji ^«n a,ut or '5JJI tit, m. one who dies without leaving issue; an unmarried man; (in Hindfl phraseology) a stupid person, a blockhead, h. Oj\ ^ftlT ot, overplus, surplus ; abatement; convalesence, recovering from sickness, h. ^j\ "^nn "I ^tm utd or otd, so much, that much. h. «il5j\ awtad (pi. of »\>j), pegs, props; met. chiefs, nobles (being the props of the state), a jlijj^ utdr, m. (for utdi") descent, reduction in price ; ebb tide, or low water. .Uji ^'qnii. or WriK avatar or autar, m. birth, descent; incarnation of the deity (the Hindus reckon the following ten of the god Vishnu: — ist. matsya, a fish ; 2nd. kachchhapa, a tortoise ; 3rd. varaha, a boar; Ith. nri-singha, a man-lion; 5th. vdmana, a dwarf; Gth. parashurdma ; 7th. rdma ; 8th. balardma ; 9th. buddha; 10th. kalkl): a pious or distinguished person in the language of flattery is also called au avatar, or incarnation of the deity ; a ttrth, or sacred place ; translation ; crossing. ;. ^Oji utdran, m. stripping off, act of dis- mounting, d. \3j\5jl utdrnd, a. same as Xi}o\ utarna. d. (Jj\3j\ utdrval, m. same as ^j\3\ q. v. d. \ja)jl5j\ utdwal-pana, ra. haste, urgency, d. jjj\ uta?', m. an answer (v. uttar). d. Uj3j^ ififcKKfti or «lri4.ff avatarnd or autarna, n. to descend, especially as an incarnation of the deity, s. l3Jj\ utarna, n. same as I3j3\ utamd. d. (3jl '«Jiqffl await, f. approach, advance, the season in which merchandise is expected, h. LdL<*>ji '^Hr^oh otsuk, \ m. anxiety, per- &aXmJj) ^7W^ autsukya, J turbation, re- gret ; eagerness, impatience, s. [or many. k. »-di>j^ ^ftfolf oiNjrfrfoii otik or utik, that much, (jyi»^^\ '«f}i«|iR autkarsh, m. excellence, s. U5j\ ^^ Wt3 ot, f. protection, shade, shelter, partition, screen, op-k., to conceal, to screen, op-h., to be concealed. «. ^^\ ^ihziotd, m. a partition-wall, or screen, h. Uuj\ atitdnd, a. to make hot, cause to boil. d. tf^VjbtiL>j! j\ 4Kmft ut-fatang, m. absurdity, nonsense, what is without meaning or foundation ; adj. poor, helpless, destitute, in disorder, uf-pafangi, the same as ut-patdngl. h. j^j\ NnI^H autan, boiling, evaporation by boiling ; m. a knife used for cutting tobacco. A. UjjI vTi^vil otnd, a. to defend, screen, shelter; to thrumb, to separate the seed from cotton ; to catcb as a ball. h. \j^j\ Wlj«!1 autnd, n. to boil (as milk), to evaporate over fire ; to consume with rage or vexa- tion ; a. to burn, to parch, or dry. h. ^j\ ^(Z 0th, m. the lip. s. UV^'j^ uthdnd, a. same as Ol^'l vthdnd. d, Ul^jo V^", "TOli^TRT uthd-bithand, a. to ex- cite, to stir up, to urge, h. )jlfiy^J^ ^3J3T^»fkT utha,J-glra, m. a kind of robber, who plunders by day; they are commonly followers of an army (same as ufhd,i-gira, q. v.). A. ut-patd7igt, one who A. e,J li^jl utkna, m. same as U^\ uthna. d. —j^ aujj m. height, summit, the top ; dignity, preferment, promotion, auj ifalak, the zenith of the ekj. a. p. \3y\j>-j\ ujdrna, same as ^'W^ ujarna. d. JU-jl ujal, 1 (for JW\ t(/aZ, &c.) bright, ^Wjl ujala,} luminous, d, I3js>-j\ ujarna, n. (v. ^js>\ ujarna), to be desolated, d. {j^^\ ^tW^T q/'as, ni. light, splendour; mani- festation ; strength, vitality (especially in the foetus), s. ^3*-j\ ojal (v. ojhal), privacy, shelter, &c. h. ,Jj>j\ ujal,\ (for ujjal and ujla), clear, bright, ^Jj»-j\ «i^o,J pure, &G. d, ULj-j^ vjalna (for ujalna), to shine, &c. -j^ ^^^TT oMcAa.i, 1 suddenly, unexpect- i.iXs>~^\ ^^oF auchak,) edly. A. ^3^j^ ^rf^^^ a-vichal, motionless, unmoved, firm. «. ^^^•"jl ^^ auchh, m. name of a root from which an orange colour ia extracted {Morinda citri' folia), h. ^■^f-j^ Wt5T ochhd, adj. light, of little conse- quence; mean, base or low-born; absurd, trifling; fruitless, ochha hona, n. to want, h, \jJ\^*-j^ uchhdlnd, a. same as U5l^\ uch- hdlnd, q. v. d. cLa^j^ uchhat, retirement, retreat, d. Ul^^-ji uchhalnd, n. (for Ul^*-^ uchhdlnd, q.v.). d. j_y^^»'j' ^R?5Tq5»1^ uchhalniff. the multiplica- "tion table, h. liy ^ ud, m. an otter, s. ( 75 ) jj\ \iij\ Wt^ oc?5, wet, moist, damp. h. bjl'gi^ wrfa, m. brown, of a brown colour, h. C^hj\ ^t^ auddt, white, white colour, s. iOjbjl ^^m auddrya, m. munificence, li- berality, s. [liness. s. «-***bj\ ^!^T^ auddsya, m. solitude, lone- ^Ji^\ ^T^T auddn, m. gratis, what is given over and above, or without purchase ; to boot. s. tilJbliijl -aRfT^? MJ6jj] udhernd (same as udherna q. v.). d. &jJfc«5jl^T^t?[a-va^%a,not fitto beslaughtered.5. (_jt>)l ^rra^ dyodt, name of a tribe of jdts. h, biji ^fcO a-vidyd, f. ignorance, s. j^45j\ ^I^^^ avadich, the name of a tribe of Gujerati Brabmans. *. jj-j'tijl audes,^ m. a strange or foieign l**»ti«^ audesd, [• country, audesi, a stranger, juoiijl audesa,) a foreigner, s. \X^dj\ aud/iangd, improper, out of place, d. j^\ ^tn.or, f. origin, boundary, limit; way, side (ward), us or, that way. or nibdhnS, to be oo». itaut to, to protect (for ever), h. JJ ( 76 ) J^y jy ^ttK^aur, conj. and, also, but; adj. more, other; aur ek, another, separate, dbtinct, else, cair nahlA to, and (if) not then, and in that case then. aur hi, quite different, extraordinary, h. jjl arvar, in compos, bearing, having; as, zor-awar, powerful, having force, p. 5^j\ aurad (pi. of ^jj), daily lessons (of the Kur.an), commemorations, devotional exercises, a, yj\)^^ aurdk (pi. of ^jj), leaves of a tree or book, a, j-^jy 'SnfWR avirbha,o, ra. a developing, manifestation, becoming visible. ». C->^jj| ^ftpMW avirhhut, unfolded, mani- fested, appeared, s. Oj J 1 ^T|TT avrit, enclosed, surrounded, s. 0;jl ^rr|f^ avWi^e, f. order, method; a re- petition of the same thing, a resolution, t. a^jl arvarja, v. &?-jijT a day-book. Sec. p. \iijj\ "^^T^ urdh-sdnSfin. a gasp, deep inspiration, s. O^jl ^Tfl aurasy a legitimate child, i.e. by a wife of the same tribe. $. 0*i)^?" Ly*j3^ ^^^^^ chauras, all around; breadth and length ; m. neighbourhood, d. v«j j^ ^S^TJRT ormd, m. the name of a particular kind of sewing, stitching together two breadths, h. ^ J I "^y^iKMidvaran, m. a shield, a covering, s. tL^jl aurang, m. a throne; places where 'goods are manufactured for sale. p. C--OJ ti^jl Aur ang-zeh, name of one of the Mogul emperors, who died A.D. 1707. p. LS^-j'"~^Jj (iurang-zebi, m. a kind of cloth "so called, p. ^Li>LlX>jj\ aurang-shdhi, m. a kind of silk ~80 called, p. [fire. «. ijjijjjl ^T§T«T^ aUfj'vdnalf m. submarine -fciijjj^ ^^'dv avarodh, m. the seraglio of a palace, the queen's apartment; a place, a covering; hindrance, obstruction, t. ^fciijjj \ ^r^ijq a-virodh, absence of contention, quietness, avirodht, m. avirodhini, t quiet, tranqofl. *. t^jy ^^tcl' ori, a protector, partial ; f. the eaves of a house ; bank of a pond or rivulet to the water's edge. k. ]jj\ ^sh^ ord, m. a basket, pannier, h. {^j^^ >H^i»i oran, m. a shield, target. A. v3j*jl ornd, a to ward off a blow : it is also used for orhna, to put on dress, &c. d. IJj'jl urnd, n. (sameasUj'l urnd) to fly, Scc.d. (3j[jl ornt f. (v. orhni), a veil, &c. d. Ujbj'jl ^^*(l orhnd, a. to put on (dress) ; m. sheet, cloak, or mantle, h. ^_yjJ63i^l ^ftpf^ orhni, f. a smaller sheet; a veil or woman's cloak, h. ijj^^ ^W^ a,ort, f. a kind of basket (used in a sugar-mill. h. UjVoj_jj'j\ ufi-mdrnd, to dive, to plunge, d. j'jji auzdr (pi. of .J j), m. the rigging and implements of a ship or boat ; asylums ; loads ; weapons, tools, apparatus, a. (jlj J I auzdn (pi. of ^^j j )> weigh ts,measures.a. (j*ij I 'Wrtr OS, f. dew. OS par jdnt, to fall in value, to be less ih demand than formerly. fi<, 6U form of the oblique pron. us, him, her, &c. h. »jU*)j\ «5ara,m. gamboge. The name seems to be a corruption of the Arabic or Persian name *ufara,i rawand (Extract of rhubarb), which this gum, from its yellow colour, was supposed to be. — (Binning.) h. ^l**»j\ ^^T«T ausdn, m. sensation, sense ; courage ; presence of mind. h. ^^la»j\ ^R¥nT avasdn, m. the end; conclu* sion ; completion ; death ; boundary, limit, t, ^— O^L>**j' ^ft^^ os-harg, m. the name of a medicine, h. «3\ju*>j\ ustdd, preceptor, master (v. ustdd). p. \liuwjl ^qrenn a-vastutd,i. insubstantiality, unreality, s. \4ju*>.1 '3R^«n ava-sthd, f. state, condition (frequently used in an unfavourable sense) ; any par^ ticular state varying with the progress of time, aa youth, age, 4c. a'. ie^y*nj^ 'Vt^l^ amasthi, one of the subdi "vision of Kanaujiya BrShmans. ». [heedless. A. ^-otj^ ^^T^ ausuch, without consideration, jutj\ xm'^rc. or ^Hl. avasar or ausar, m. time, leisure, occasion, vacation, opportunity, a. j**>j' ■•Kt'Hl. osar, f. a heifer, h. J-» ( 77 ) ^,\ j*«»j^ usar (same as ushar, q. v.), barren (land), s. j**»j' '^?n^ oKra, m. turn, vicissitude, osra- osrl, by turns, alternately, h. i^j***y usar alii, f. a chameleon, d. laji*»ji ausat, middle, intervening; m. the middle, medium, interval ; mediocrity, moderation, a. (Aa*»)j I flM5a(i, midmostjiniddling, moderate.a. lx**»jl '3fra*TT ausna, n. to become musty, to rot, to putrify. h. [him, her, &c. d, ^-»j^ use (old form of the ace. pron. use), ju*>j\ ^^ auser, m. anxiety, solicitude, h. U«juj»j\ ^fNrN?T osisa, m. the head of a bed ; a pillow, a cushion, h. (^j\ ^Jt^ osh, f. dow (same as os). h. (^j^^^^a-ufl5A,subjecttoanother,helpless.s. (^j) ^rf^'^ a-vish, anti-venomous, not poi- sonous, s. [the son of Kama-deva. s. wi>ji graTMsAa,nameof the wifeof Aniruddha, iJLJtij 1 SHlfc^l^ avisht, possessed (by a demon &c.), engrossed (by a feeling), s. ,^ju*j) ^TS oshth, ra. the lip, especially the upper, oshth-rog, m. a morbid aflfection of the lips. s. je^JbS*.! ^t^ oshthi, f. a creeper bearing a "red flower, to which the lip is compared (bryonia gran- dis, or momordica monodelpha). $. ^tX«i»jl wW aushadh (also aukkadh), f. me- dicine, drug, herb, mineral, curet remedy, physic, an- tidote, s. ^^SM»J\ ^t^fisf, ^t^f9, or ^ft^^ oshadhi, "aushadhi, or misJiadht (also auk^adhl), f. an annual plant or deciduous herb, aushadhiya, medicinal, an ingre- dient of a medicine ; materia medlca. s. jM»jl gRTC ushar, Darren (land), a spot with saline soil. iiLw-*»j^ ^T%? avasAisA^, left, remaining, s. #jjji>j\ jl 15'^^ avashesh, m. residue, remnant, surplus, a-vishesh, ra. a want of distinction; adj. in- discriminate, s. j 1 -aiN^4l<* dvasIiT/ak,^ necessary, indis- ajui»j1 ^T^^ a-vashya, • pensable, inevi- i^XxZ»j\ ^Si:^[^[U^ a-vashyah,] table, actual ; certainly, necessarily, absolutely, positively, really. avasfyyaktd or dvashyaktd, necefesity. *. I Jl/flijl aumf (pi. of I B*9j), praises, com- mendations, endowments, ausdf-i Jfumlda, noble pro- perties, praiseworthy qualifications, a. Jk^j\ ausiya (pi. of ^^^), preceptors, guar- dians, executors, administrators, a. clxjjl auza' (pi. of «-Oj), breeding, behaviour, politeness, address, manners, &c. a. UPjl oghra, ra. a kind of dish, flummery, a kind of sick-man's gruel, vulgarly called "conji". p. C>'Sjl aickat (pi. of CLaJj), times, circum- stances. auJfdt-ba-sari, f. pastime, amusement, employ- ment. auJcdt-ba-sar or -ha-sarl,k., to spend one's time. o. uIaK»j1 uhiyat, f. an ounce of silver, or a silver coin of that weight, value between six and seven shillings, a, uiJj \ ^n^oFawflA, m . insurance or assurance. A. ^y ^ftoir oky m. a house, a dwelling; an asylum, a refuge ; sickness at the stomach, inclination to vomit ; a draught of water from the hollow of the hand. h. uiJjl graf uli, f error, slip, mistake, h. (^Ojl ^qeiii^r ava-kash, m. leisure, opportu- nity, interval, space, s. Jojl ^suoniQj aukal, 'I untimely, out of sea- Joj\ S!{t"<*|(iil auhali,) son; a child born "before its time (properly ava-kdl, &c). s. ij6j I ^T'42|;t«T a,,okdn or avakdnt straw and grain heaped up. h, C1jSj\ ukat (same as ukt or MAi^^j\ aukhadh, f. (for aws/tarf/i), medicine. «. J\j^^\ «I<«M ukh-rdj, the day on which the planting of the sugar-cane commences, generally at- tended with some festive ceremonies, h. ^34^jl ^TT^^qS (ifOkhal or dvakhal, land re- claimed from waste, h. ,_^^ji 'WI^qT^ okhCi, f. a wooden mortar, s. ^^^m\ ^^o|f^ avakesht, barren, s. »l>jl ^ttT^ augdh, deep, unfathomable. «. 5\ij\ ''Sr^nr? avagdh, \m. bathing, ab- /o*l^jt ^J^TT^*! avagdhan,) lution. s. CLi«)\ ^RHW avagat, known, understood. avagati, f. knowledge, s. ^j\ ogar, \m. a kind of pottage or gruel (cor- \^j\ogrd,} ruption of o^ra, q. v.). d. ^y ( 78 ) m. J. ^j^j\ fUcl'Ku avagun or ^^^nn avgun blemisli, vice, defect, demerit, worthlessness. s. Ijojl iigna, n. (for ugna), to grow, sprout up, &c. d. [position, s. j^Sjl 'ilcjjuijl auguriiy vicious, of a bad dis- ,^j\ ^fhl ogh, m. multitude, aggregate, col- lection, s, lILa^Sj^ W^7 aughat, steep, inaccessible, /t. y^jl aughar, awkward, unpleasant, in- discreet, d. j\ "SI'A aw^I, f. a whip like a waggoner's, *in length about seven cubits, used in training horses ; an ornamental edging of superior country shoes (pe- culiar to Delhi), h. [regard, s. Usjl ^"^i^ avagya, f. contempt, despite, dis- C>jOj\ ^^yftiT avag'ii, detested, reproached, wicked, vile ; m. reproach, blame, s. Jj! awwal, first, best, principal; (for mdq) proper, Ht ; m. beginning ; adv. at first, a. Jj) ^TIqS ol, m. name of a vegetable, of which the root is ea.teQ{Arum campanulatum, Roxb.); a host- age or personal security for a debt, k. ^j\ ^^I ola, m. hail; the name of a sweet- meat, ola hojana, to become cold, joft sir mundaya tofy ole pare, I had no sooner got my head shaved, than a shower of hail came on (spoken of one who has just engaged in an enterprise which turns out unfortu- nate), h. ^jl flM/a (for aw/a) better, preferable, awwa- Ian, in the first place, firstly, a. 4i^j\ aulad, f (pi. of ijJj), children, descen- dants, progeny, offspring, a. \ja^j' a,olaniya, a tribe ofjats so called, h. jj)jl ^t^nft oltt, f. (v. ort), the eaves of a " house, h. \jjij\ ulatna "l for nlatna, 1 U^iJj^ ulathna J and ulathva,) ij^^y W**j\ umas, m. (for umas), resolution, &c. d. I3iiju«j\ iimandnd, m. (for utnandna), to be proud, &C. d. f^j\ "gsift umt, f. an ear of corn (half ripe), h. Jijl '^Jff or "gUf un, f. wool, gadar dm un hoh baithi chare kapat, " I bought the sheep for (furnish- ing) wool, and she is eating up the cotton" (spoken of any thing done by way of economy which turns out in the end very expensive). *. ^o^ v-n (for jjl un), oblique pi. of wu/t, he,&c. d. ^^^ ^R una, less, defective, minus ; prefixed to a Sanskrit numeral it denotes "one less:" thus. Una-trinshat, one less thirty, twenty-nine. So una- trinshatatn, the twenty-ninth ; hence the modern forms in HindQstanl, untia, twenty-nine; unchalis, thirty- nine, &c. s. ^^jT 5,07?, m. faeculent matter, mucus, d. ^jjl WWtT dwan, m. coming, approach, ar- livaL s. ^'\ ( 79 UJ' ciJj' ^n^T ^l<4«f awan-awan, f. tidings of arrival, s. [come. VijT ^rR*rr awana (old form of ana), n. to I3jl ^FfT una, m. a kind of sword, a scimitar, a knife, &c., •worn down by grinding, h. l^X>m\ ^fc|«il^| a-vinash, exception from loss, safety, a-vinashi, safe, entire, free from loss, ever- lasting, s. \^j^ 'W^finiiT avantika,^^. the name of a city, ^Ji^\ ^Rirt avanti, J Ujjain, anciently Ujjayini. s. /imJuOjI units, Dakhanifor MW tILOjl "^ cFTTTT unt-hatara, m. name of a thistle of which camels are fond {Eschinops echina- tus, Roxb.). h. Ijjbji auntnd, n. (same as autna), to boil. k. (Xjbjl *ifil untnt, f. a female camel. ^. ,^jl ^ft^ on^A, m. the lip (com. hontK). s. 4cj2i,\ 3j\ ^TtrfTT aundhnd, n. to lower (as the sky. h. \dJj) »ifipil aundd, or ^fhfT ondd, deep. h. UkbjOjl M«f?eZna,a.(for undelnd),to pour out.c?. ^\^j\ unsdth,\ . ,. . , , riior unsath), tifty-nme. d. ^^juOjl unsath, J ^ • /' j y*>i^\ unsau, one less a hundred, ninety-nine. d. jOOj I 'sft^fR onhdr, m. the mysterious syllable om. s. [son.) jJJ5jI amingilR, a mode of torture, (v. Wil- UJLjjI ungnd, n. (for unghnd)j to do2e. Oj\ ^Mll^ unghd,l, j ding, sleepiness, drooping (especially from opium), h. Ij^jj i ^tjtTT unghnd, n. to nod from sleepi- ness, to doze, to droop, h. jJojl ^t'ft aungif f. silence, dumbness. A. ^j^ ^^T aunld, d,onld, or d,onla, m. (same as dmla), the emblic myrobalan (phyllanthiu emblica). aunla-sar, m. a sort of brimstone. ^»^^«i aunld-j aunld, a twin, twins, a. ^^jl «wan (same as ^j^^ unhon), those, them (also unu and unort). <^. ^j^yjT ^m^r^ dfvanaun, n. (Braj.) to come. h. J^j\ unhattar (for unhattar), sixty-nine. d. ^^j) M«A«ra, an interjection, denoting re- fusal or negation, d. (jj^j\ ■^^* unhin (for wonhtn), exactly in that manner, even 8o. A. ^.1 .^\ arvez or awe^ara (in comp.) suspending, adhering, awez-k., a. to hang, to suspend, p. 8U jT dmeza, m. an ear-ring, drops or pendants worn in tlie ears as ornaments, p. JjJSjJijT aroeza-band, an ear-ring. p. C^,^\ ^FJTU a-vyakta, adj. indistinct, un- apparent, invisible ; m. the Supreme Being, or Uni- versal Spirit ; the soul, nature, temperament, s. l^Lwy «1 ^ei(<4^l a-vyavastha, irregular, s. C^^'i*t»^^j\ ^r^fj^fwft a-vyavasthit, not regu- lated, undisciplined, not put in order, s. i^*\ ^(Wf a-vyaya, m. an indeclinable word, "a particle ; a name of Vishnu ; adj. economical, parsi- monious, s. » 1 a/i, f. sigh ; interj. alas ! ah bhama, a. to sigh. a/jjjan-Hft, a heartrending sigh, aki jigar- soz, a heartburning sigh, ahi-tard, a cold or sorrow- ful sigh, ah-khainchni, f. heaving a sigh. p. i\ uh, interj. Oh ! ah ! hah ! p. ^1 ^?f^ ahi, ra. a serpent, a snake, s. M ^ ih (for yih), this, ih-kal, m. this life. ih-lok, the present world, ihi, this very, ihi-than, here, in this very place, h, ^T ^f^ ahi (Braj.), is, exists, h. Ifcl ^n?T aha, alas! woe's me! bravo! well done ! d. j\ib\ "^^TC nliar, m. a covering, a cover of a litter or palk! for women, h j\i>\ ^r^R ahar, m. starch, glue, paste, h. j\Sb\ ^fT^K ahar (vulg. ahar), m. aliment, food, victuals. <. JjUi ^^K«fl aharna,^. to paste, to starch, h. ^U^ ahati (pi. of Jjfc\), inhabitants, common people. ahalVmawali, the people at large, rich and poor. o. 80 ) cdiiftl ^^\ W^ ahan, interj. do not, no, nay. h. LLoljb' ihanat, f. contempt, disdain, enmity, afiVont, insult, a. Ublfclfcl ^igl^T^T ahahaha, interj. used in praise ; also expressive of surprise, pain, or plea- sure, s. (^IjJb I ^rr?T«T dhbdn, m. a call, imitation, sum- mons. s. [venom of a snake, a. (jj^-fc\ ^f^^*T ahi-phen, m. the saliva or (-1aJ&\ "Slf^rf a-hit, an un-friend, enemy ; en- mity, want of affection; adj. hostile, prejudicial. ahit-kdrt, inimical, acting unkindly, c^it-manii, ini- mical, hating, s. C^ 1 ^T?iT dhut and ^T^flT dhuti, m. offering, oblations with fire to the deities ; a bumt-offering. «. ItiJl^l ihtidd, being directed in the right way (spiritually), a. i»L*jj&i ihtimdm, f. diligence, solicitude, anxiety, care ; inspection, superintendence ; a sab- division of a province, a. •j\iiJ>^\ ihtimdm- ddr, m. a superintendant of the revenues. Sec. of an ihtimdm or district, a. p. *\.Jj&l ihtimdmi, m. a curator or manager, a, cLJbl ^T^\ '^T^flcl a-harshit, unhappy, sorrow- ^^^Jb\ ahrimdn, m. the spirit or principle of evil (among the fire worshippers), p. Ojfc) 4l^<.til uharnd, n. to subside (a swelling or inundation, h. {J^y^^ ^^f^f?? ahar-nishi, day and night, s. iJb\ ^(%ti ahra, m. a reservoir for collecting rain-water to water the fields ; fuel made of cow- dung, s. {j^\ ^^^ ahri, f. a small pond (v. dhar). h, t^,n^\ dhistagi (or dhastagt), f. slowness, ** delay ; gentleness, softness, p. aJLJbl dhista (or dhasta), gently, slowly; softly, tenderly, ahitta^aw, slow paced, p. ^x^t>\ dhiste (vulg. dste), gently, slowly, easily, p. ud*T dhak, m. quicklime, cement, plaster: it also denotes an abwab, or cess upon lime, ahakt tqfta, quicklime, p. J^\ ( 81 ) b\ J>i>\ aJd, m. people, master; (in comp.) at- tached to, possessed of, Sic, as ahl ullah, people of God, dervises, falirs. alili ijtihad, qualified jurists, ahli khirad, people of wisdom, ahli bait, family (i.e. wife and children), but generally means the family- of the Prophet, ahli hikuk, possessed of rights, or of just claims, aldi-dil, dervises, liberal, brave, generous. ahli-zauk, addicted to pleasure, a voluptuary, ahli rozgar, skilful, knowing the world, ahli zamdn, time- servers, ahli zamln, an inhabitant of the earth, ahli zuhd, pious, devout, ahli sunnat, the followers of the traditional as well as the written law : the Sunni sect in opposition to that of the Shi'as. ahli shar', a legis- lator, a lawyer, one who obeys and observes the law of the Prophet, ahli safd, possessor of purity ; a sufi; a voluptuary, ahli shinakht, men of intelligence, ahli td'at, faithful, obedient to God. ahli tabJca, one who does not observe the precepts of Muh.ammad. ahli tar'tk, an observer of the laws of Mulj-ammad. ahli aarf, noble, ahli 'irfdn, learned, ahli 'aJcl, wise, ahli 'iltn, scientific, ahli fazl, virtuous, ahli kdr, a work- man, a clerk, ahli kitdh, a learned man ; a person of any religion revealed and contained in books (the Musulmiins allow that the Jews and Christians are ahli kitdb, whereas the Hindus are considered as ido- laters), ahli karam, liberal, generous, ahli majlis, an assistant, a member of (genteel) society, a courtier. ahli-masSrif, a proprietor, ahli-ma'dsh, the holder of a rent-free tenure, ahli ma'rifat, possessed of the knowledge of God. ahli mansab, a minister, a person in office, ahli nasrat, colleagues, coadjutors, ahli nifdk, infidels, enemies. There is no limit to com- pounds of this sort : two more I may here add — ahli saif, a military man ; ahli Jcalavi, a civilian, a. (J^fi*! ^Tf^ ahal, m. freshness of soil. h. ^ifcT ^ST^qST ahld or ihla, m. inundation, de- luge, flood, overflow, h. [festivity, s. ji^T HIlgT^ ahlad, m. joy, gladness, mirth, C->i^T ^n^^ ahladit, joyful, glad, merry. cdJ^\ ihlak, m. destroying, ruining, a. ^1 ^n^^ ahlo, inundation, flood, &c. h. uL)JJ^\ ^'^^4 ihalokyVa. this present world, s. Uiifc^ ahliycij f. a wife. 8ara,e ahliya, the wo- men's apartments, hence " seraglio." UUl <«{^(^| ahalya, wife of Gotam, and daughter of Brahma : one of the Apsaras, h. C.*jdi6\ ahttyat, f. worth, worthiness, excel- lence ; possession, a. [tant business, a. jJBi\ ahamm, important, ahammi kar, impor- Jfc\ ^^ aham, pron. I. aham-mati, spiritual ' ignorance ; conceit, self-love. t. Jl»ib\ ihmal, m. 1 negligence, indolence, in- ^J\it>\ ihmati, f.J attention, delay, care- " lessness. a. ^jtb\ ^S[^ ahan, don't, not, no, nay. h. ^\ ahan, m. iron, ahan-ruha, m. a load- stone, ahan-gar, an ironsmith or blacksmith, ahan- garl, the trade of an ironsmith. p. l*Jj&\ ^f^^ a-hinsa, i. harmlessness. s. JSX-Jjsl ^rf^rra a-hirisaky harmless, inno- cuous, s. LiXii>\ ^f^oF ahnik, m. the constant or daily ceremonies of religion, daily work ; adj. daily, diurnal. Shnikt, adj. of or l>elonging to a day. *. ySSib] ^i^'^^t^ahanka?', m. egotism, arrogance, haughtiness, pride, s. t^o>ii>l W^flT^ aha7ikari,'\ haughty, arro- CJ>j>JJt>\ W^Wtf akankrit, J gant, proud, an egotist, s. \^jSSi\ ahang, m. design, purpose; sound, melody ; one of the Persian tunes or modulations in music, p. ^^\ ahanl, "1 made of iron, ahamn-panja, /j^JuJ&l ahamn,} iron-handed or iron-fisted, strong, powerful, p. y^l ahu, m. a deer; a vice, defect, fault, ahu- bara, m. a fawn, ahu-chashm, having eyes like those of a deer, ahu-gir, a deer catcher. SAS-^iri, the act of catching deer. p. y&l 'Sf^ aho, interj. O! holla! sign of the vocative, wonderful I h. 3)Jy^l W^hr? aho-ratra, adv.day and night, s. ^^y& I '5n3|T«f ahwan, m. summons, respectful invitation, s. ^\ ^ ahe, interj. O ! sign of the vocative, s. ^J^^ ^^/Az (for ?/?'At), this very, uhi (forrvuh't), "that very. h. [tive. s ciJ.jafcl ^^iToB a-hetnJi, careless, without mo- IjuJ&t '^r^trr aluia or uhita, a person appointed to watch the grain when ripe, and see that the dues are paid ere it be removed, h. *it\ ^^h. ahlr, m. a particular caste in India, whose business is to attend on cows ; a cowherd. For a full account of this tribe v. Wilson's Glossary, t. j^Jbl 'SI^ alter, f. prey, game, hunting, ahem* f. a plant (Asparagus racemosus)- h. ^jfjb\ ^sr^irm ahtrarij^f. a woman of the ^^jjb\ '^(^Xi^ ahtrni, ■ caste of ahirs; a j_j^l 'BT^ift ahiri, J cowherd's wife. h. (^j^\ ^^/Ci aheri, "1 m. a sportsman, a bjO&l ^^0^44 1 aheriya,) hunter, a fowler, h. ij\ ai, interj. O ! the vocative particle, p. (_yl Jl e, interj. 01 a respectful particle of address, s. t/ 1 ^rr^ a,i, f. coming, arrival, s. l/I 'SITO ayu, f age. hin-a,e mama is a phrase apparently connected with ayu : it signifies, " to die before one's allotted time," or " in spite of fate." «, bj aya, an interrogative particle^ whether or not ? interj. ho ! hark you ! p. bT^?TOTa!/a,f. female attendant on children, h. ObT ayat (pi. of CljS})t signs, marks; sentences of the kur,an, a. jbj aiyaz, name of a favourite slave in the household of Ma^mUd of Ghazni. t. G ( 82 ) >' Qj**^! VII14IH ay as, m. fatigue, weariness, s. cbl ayagh, m. a cup, a drinking vessel, p. jb) ayal (for yal), f. a horse's mane, the lock between a horse's ears. p. h CL*)\j\ iyalat, f. dominion, government, a. ^bl aiyam (pi. of -•y.), days, times ; season, weather, a. j_^bl aiyavii, durable, for a length of time. a. bbl ^nrnn a-yana, ignorant; m. a fool. a. uoj iha, making a sign with the finger for any one to approach (ma denotes a similar sign to signify departure.) a. c— uC-bj^ ihaghaih, "j ■ -i *," .,- , .,_ suddenly, unexpect- jaJ^Loi aiba-ghaibt, r , , -•". "\ .,_ , .,_ edly, all at once. d. ^jUkPjjJi atbu-ghaihu, } Ll*^.l ^nrST ayut, ten thousand, a myriad, s. C^i\ Wnrs ayat, long, large, wide ; m. the sunshine, sunbeam, s. CloT ^iraW ayatta, docile, tractable, ayat- tata, f. docility, tractableness. s. LLajJ ayat,i. a sign, mark; a sentence of the yu,r,an, contained between (signs) semicolons, or stops nearly equivalent thereto, ayat-t mutldk, a stop (in gram.), only used in the Tpu,r,an, nearly equal to a comma, a. 1*>I ^in eia or firr %ta, so much, this much (Dakh. now, at present), a. s^^\ Ital (for ital), now, at present, d. wj^j 5Hl^in eta,ota, on this account, for this reason. *. [only this. *. y\^j\l>\ inn^wfrf^ etdrvan-viat7'a, thus much, ^jSl>\ lid<^ etad-arth, therefore, on that account. ». [acting afiectedly. h. jS^.i ^W^ Itar (v. itrana), affectation ; adj. (^)^.^ ^frtcif eIJl itilaf, m. familiarity, friendship, so- ciety, connection, company, correspondence, a, jJJj} etavi, m. a large lever for raising water, commonly called a pasotta. d. w^J ^ if til etna or itna, so much. h. j^yy^] mumx. etwar (v. itwar), m. Sunday, s. (CjiyoJ etrcart, m. a man confined for debt, who avails himself of the Christian sabbath for ap- pearing abroad, s. i-S*" ^L*^* ' a,eti-pa,eti, low down. d. cLoi it, f. (same as int), a brick, s. \jji>\ aitna, n. to be pulled, dragged, d, ,^\ ^i//i,reverenced,de3ired,&c.(v.ts^JT idhar (v. idhar), here, hither, s. 'iiS\ izd, f. pain, trouble, vexation, distress,- affliction. iza-dih or iza-rasdn, one who gives annoj- ance, &c. ; a regular bore. a. t-->l;j\ ei-dby m. the keel of a ship or boat. d. jh^yj^} *!) trad, f. citing, adducing, bringing (a charge), irad-k. to impute blame, a. {^^} Iran, Persia, h'dn wa iurdn, Persia and Tartary, or Persia and Transoxiana. a. jjj^J Irani, of or relating to Persia; a Per- sian ; a man of the Shi'a sect. p. C0>j\j>\ ^iNiT av'dvat, the name of Indra's chief elephant, a. i3jj/?.' ^^IMiO airdvati, f. the Ravi river in the Panjab. *. (J^T SH I ^^cjS dyurbal,\ , T "t , I f« affe» lifetime, s. \ij^\ ^raf T dyurda, J " l^i^3 ^^T Irkhd, 'I f. emulation, envy, spite. 1.^1 ^^ trshd, j trshdlu, envious, s. JOJi <;4..4{j erand, ra. or erandt, f. the castor- oil plant (Palma Christi or Ricinus communis), t. (C^J ^xt eri, interj. O I a vocative particie for females, h. (C^-^fcCyJ ert-pheri, f.exchange,barter,&c.A. jA WS er or ed, f. striking with the heel, spurring, a sort of spur, &c. for urging on a horse. efmdma, to spur. h. ovJiJ ^T«BT erhd, a large he-goat trained for fighting ; a kind of fireworks, h. J'^y ^^JWf ergaj, m. a medicinal plant used for the cure of ring- worms. «. f^ji] Ff^ eri, f. the heel, eri dekho (look at your heel) look at home, a phrase used to obviate the efifbct of an evil eye. h. i\i\ Izid, God. izidi, divine, any thing be- stowed for the love of God. p. lHl ( 83 ) ULJLi bl (j«jj ^TET w, ] God, a lord, master, su- ^jSji\ ^ tshj preme ; a name of Shiva, s. i^\ ^\Tm ayasu, m. command, order, h. (j*4l '^U^'^ ay us, f. age, lifetime, s. \.^\ ^"m aisa, like this, after this manner, sometimes joined to other ■words, as mard-aisa, like a man ; aisa taisa or aisa waisa, bo so, indifferent, in- differently. It, .jl-ajj ^WT Isan or tshdn, a name of Shiva. Isdn-lcon, the north-east. h. Ix«j3 ^W isita, f. lordship, supremacy. $. ^_|5ULo3 tstadagi, f. erection, stability, p. ^i\j^\ Istadan (r. ist), to stand, to be erect ; to stay. p. [raise up. p. SiSIjLj'.I Istada, erected, set up. tstada-k., to i^y^y isal, m. a winged white ant. d. y*^,.\ ^T} ¥^ aisen,) ner. h. \Jl^\ ^^ isha, f. the beam or pole of a plough, s. ^J^\ eshan (pi. of o), they, those, p. ^J^\ ^^"T tshan, m. a name of Shiva ^ light, splendour. Ishari kon, m. north-east. a. CL--' A ^^ M/ta<, adv. a little, somewhat, s. ljLiJ;\ ^f^Trtl tshita, f. ^ S^xCLJiJ ^f^W Ishitwa, m.) tributes of God. *. ^^.ljjfTBrCts/iwar,m. ruler, lord; God; a name of Shiva, of Kam-dev, of Darga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, or any other of the Saklis or female energies of the deities, ishwar-ddhhi, euhject to God. tshwaradhlnatd, subjection to God. tshwar-drddhna, f. worship of God. ishwar-bhdo, m. the divine nature, s. ^j^tS\ l^vyCril ishwaraia, f divine nature ; divinity, the godhead, s. iO,yL>\ ^>9^ ahhwarya, m. grandeur, pomp, state, supremacy, sway ; the divine faculties of omni- presence, omnipotence, invisibility, &c. s. \>a>\ aizan, even, also; again; the same; likewise, moreover, a. la>\ ifd, m. performing a promise, paying, satisfying, tfd-k., to make good. a. (>ibj eky one; frequently used like the article a or an, with us, as ek mard, a man, &c. ; it is also used in forming compound adjectives in imitation of the Persian, as ek-dil or ek-chit, of one mind, deter- mined, resolute, ek-zabdn, of one speech, or of the same mind or sentiments, ek-se din na rahne, is ap- plied to a change of condition, most commonly from good to evil, but sometimes the reverse, ek kl das sundni, to reply ten (words) for one (spoken of one who replica in many words, especially in giving abuse), ek supremacy, one of the eight at- muth, (Dakh.) agreeing, unanimous, ek is frequently united with the following vyord in writing, as ekdin or ekroz, one day. ekdam, in one instant, ek dd, or ek- ddh, one half, some few. ek bdr, once upon a time. ek-bdrgi, ekd ek, or ekd ekl, all at once, suddenly, ek da-it or ek Tcalam or ek-lakht, altogether, entirely, ut- terly, ek na ek, either, one or other, ek digar, one another. «. (^iOJ.l FoRT^ ehddash, eleven, s. ^^y^\ 5^iT^^ ekddasht, f. the eleventh day " of the lunar fortnight, s, j_^l^tiooj ^^^rrfturfTT ekadhipati, m. sole and "absolute monarch, aikddhipatya, m. absolute sove- reignty, s. j9^\ ^oFToFR ekdkdr, alike, uniform, s. f^JiS^} ^ofiT"^ ekaksh, one-eyed, blind of one eye ; m. a crow. *. (S^} fsfclflfcT ekdkl, solitary, alone, s. jS 001 ^flBTTT ekagra, intent, fixed on one ob- ject, undisturbed, ekagrata, f. close attention, s. lIIaJOJ'J ^«BT'B' ekdnt, aside, apart, alone, so litary, uninhabited, s. yoj\ ekdnaro or ekdnauwe (for ikdnarve), ninety-one. d. jjjOjJ ekdwan (for ikdwan), fifty-one. d. liiifcoo.^ $a|iTf^cfi aikdhik, quotidian, s. t/K^J ?<*i^ ehd,i, f. unanimity, unity; so- litude, loneliness, s. jio, fi^\ ifoFT^cii^ ekd-ekz, all at once. s. ^-^Ijioj i'oh-\JiS^>\ ^oBiTO^T. ekatrd-jwdr, m. a tertian ague or fever, t. g2 c^.\ ( l^ISoj Udk^il ehatha or ektha, \ together, V^i5oJ^o|r3T,^r«BJT c/n/Zm ovakattha,} collected ; m. a small boat, rowed bj one oar. ekflia-k., a. to gather, to collect, s. |J^JSo} TJoFTflB ck-tak, m. a fixed look, stare, s. C^sf^- ^^f^W ek-chitt, intent on, absorbed in one thing; of one mind, agreeing, s, IkiioJ ^o|R[T ekada, once, once upon a time. s. (_^.t>Jo3 ^oIT^ eh-drish, one-eyed. 5. ,^^ ^i CiJjJ ^;^^'^'W^ ek-dukh-sv.hh, sym- pathizing, sharing joy and sorrow, s. ^i]S3\ T^WUf^ ek-rdshi, f. a heap, a crowd, s. i^tSj\ W^h^ ek-rup, like, similar, s. l*Jo3 ^etiOT eksa, "I jLJoI ^ciiUR efear, r similar, identical, h. ^U-So3 r«mR eksdn,} ^j^iioj JE^ch^K^ ek-sharan, one only refuge, applied to a deity. «. ji^ilioj ^eii^iiOi, ek-sharlr, of one body or blood, s. [eye. ^^wiioj ^VS|4I| tkshan, m. sight, seeing; the -^fl5o3 ek-fardl, ") land producing only one iioflioj ek-fasli, J crop annually, jt?. tilSoJ ^oir^ ekak,'\ , ,.^ . ^ ; , f alone, solitary, s. JliSol ^4<|iicjS ek-kal, m. one or the same time, ek-kdltn, coeval, simultaneous, contemporary, s. ^^£^0(.i)i>3 ^4 '11^ ek-gdchlii, f. a canoe hollowed out of one single trunk of a tree. s. ^J^\^^ii^S\ ^flh'irml^II ek-graniin, of the same town or village. *. [preceptor, s. jl^JLibj ^oRJT^ ek-guru, a pupil of the same l!>^\5oj ^^^ineft-ZflMia, only-begotten (son)..s. \j Joj l!*1^1 ekotrd, a sum total. A, ^o^y^,^ Vc«^$ ek-varva, of one caste, of one colour ; m. an unknown quantity (in algebraV ». ^jji^} '^:^i^^ f- ek-vnrm, beatinu; time by " clapping the hands, an instrument which beats time, a Castanet, s. (ji3^J ^oirf^ ekavinsha, the twenty-first, s. C^L'i^A «!c|itr<^^iriT e/iar/?i.sAa?.' ^^ aikya, m. oneness, sameness; an »6S''egate, a total, s, (i^Q.^ ^jP'fi aigun, ni. unskilful ness, stiipidity. s. ^Jj^i iyy^ii, uyyal and ayyul, a deer, hart, wild goat of the mountains, a. ^yA el, f. a gold or silver bracelet worn by males only. d. ^.1 ^^ eld, f. small cardamums, the seeds of Electeria cardamomum or Alpinia cardatnomum. s. yS\ lid (lit.) swearing; in law, a vow to abstain from having carnal knowledge of a wife for four months, the fulfilment of which is equivalent to a divorce, a. j^J aildr or J'>J;\ aildr, on this side. d. j-*r?'i elcht, ra. an ambassador, agent, at- "tomey, envoy, elc^i-pana, m. or elchl garl, f. office or dignity of ambassador, ambassadorship, agency. elchi-gari-lc, a. to act the ambassador, &c. ; to act for another, t. .Ubj t lgh dr or elghdr (for ilghdr q.v.), the forced march of an army through a country, t. (Jjkftb^ «»'//« ?7,m. abusive language,obscenity.\ elam or ilarti, m. an auction or public sale. elam-dalna, to sell by auction, d, \^\ ^.^m elrvd, m. aloes, h. Lbl llyd, Elias or Eli ; Jerusalem, a. 8^'^}^} eli-eldlldk (for Id ildha illd-alldh)^ there is but one God. d. .\^jkb\ aileivdr or ailewar, on this side. d. \^\ hnd, m. sign, nod, wink (indicating de- parture); emblem, sjnmptom. a. ^l^_\ Imdn, m. fiith, belief, conscience, reli- gion, iman-dar, faithful, true, iman-dari, f. fidelity, truth, tman-lana, to believe, imdn-h., to be on oath, a, ,j\^\ imdnt, faithful, of the (Musalman) " faith, a. i^} ^H^ aimli, name of a tribe or caste, h. {j^} ^"T eman, m. a musical mode. s. ^^♦>j aiman, more or most happy, fortunate, a. ^^.\ em/w (for awtn),secure,8afe,void of care. jt?. ^j^\ aimanl or eminl, f. security, protection, a. r' ( 9^} aima (for a,imma, pi. of jX«\, Imams, Saints), m. land given as a reward or^ favour by the king, at a very low rent, a fief (when no rent is paid, it is called Id-hharaj); a grant of land, 8tc., to the people who attend at the tomb of a saint, aima-dar, one who holds aima land, a feofifee. aima mauza', a village given as a charitable endowment to learned or religious persons, a. f^\ In (Pers.), this, these, ain (Arab.), where ? in (Dakh.), shewing, or exhibiting the teeth. tiLoJ.^ f*3 Int, f. a brick. Int-gari, brickwork. int-wald, a brickmaker ». ^-J^^.l 'TZT fiinta^ m. a snail, h. ulibl ^rrm Intdyd, m. a kind of dove. h. {j^jS-XkA ^'^edlO mt-kdri, f. brickwork, h. f^f^} uintan, m. the strings or bands of a spinning wheel, d. ^>^-^3 *^'iHt aintnd, n. to twist, to writhe, to be racked with spasms ; to walk or move stiffly, h. (_^ju>l ainpii, f. pride, peevishness, d. yfjol aintu, proud, peevish ; stately, aintu' pana, stateliness. d. ;.^aJl>J ^ ainth, f. a coil, twist, convolution, tightening ; strut, tnih (Dakh.) for mt, q. v. UI^juj3 ainthand, a. to twist, &c. (in a tran- sitive sense), h. U^AJJi '^^;w^ainthnd,2i.io tighten ; n. to writhe, to cramp, to twist ; to strut, to stalk, to walk ailectedly.A. Ajj ^ uinch (also inch and ainchu), m. re- ^ serve, security, attraction. a\ y^m dyu, also dyu, f. age, lifetime, s. 8.\yj ^'<4I<.: aiwdra, m. a cow-shed (in a jungle), h. jj\y3 airvdn, m. a hall, a gallery, a portico, applied generally to a royal palace, p. Uj&iiy.\ WJftaiT ayodhyd, f. the name of the country and city of which Rama was sovereign ; the prewnt kingdom of Oude. a 85 ) ^ i^\5t/ia/-wa,t,1 interj. alas! alas! woe ia 8\j(_^l ai-rcdh, J me ! p. L->^\ aiyub, m. the patriarch Job. a. JjjyJ ^5%^ dyurbalAf. age, lifetime, du C)\j^\ »Hm| dyhi'ddn, m. one skilled in the law; but it generally signifies a man who practises on the simplicity of people by his knowledge of law, hence, a pettifogger, a rogue, p. aujol d,ina, m. a mirror, looking-glass; the kneepan. d,tna,e iskandart, a celebrated mirror said to have been made by Aristotle, and placed on the sum- mit of a tower built by Alexander the Great at his newly-built city of Alexandria, p. j^iiedjol d,ina-ddr, m. the mirror-holder, an officer at eastern courts ; met. a mendicant a.ina-daii, f. the office of holding the mirror, p. ^j^ii&jjo 1 d,ina-ddn, m. the case of a mirror, p. jl**>&Juo 1 d,ma-sdz, m. a mirror-maker. d,tna- sdzi, the trade of mirror-making, p. J jjajkjol d,'ina-faroz, or d,ina-afroz, or a,ina- zidd.e, m. an instrument for polishing mirrors, p. ^y^sj^b bdhat, f. account, head, article, item ; business, affair, matter ; on account of. This term, with its compounds, is much employed in revenue ac counts ; as, bdbat-wdr, according to entry, bdbat-wdri, f. any thing which is registered or entered in a general statement of accounts, bdbat-ydft, the particular items of any charge, bdbati, any cess or item of re- venue: the Persian pi. bdbatdn is also used in the sense of "sundries," miscellaneous items, a. j>^ *iN«. bdbar, m. a kind of sweetmeat j a species of grass (y. beb). h. ,_5^yb «ii^W bdbuna, m. camomile; wild ivy (Richards), p. 4^b ^T^ bap, m. father. bap-k.,a. to consider as a father, bap-re or bap-merS (my father !), inter), an exclamation expressive of surprise, grief, &c. k. U-Job ^tlfinin bapti.smd, m. baptisJm (this word has been recently introduced into the Indian dialects by the Christian Missionaries, g. jjb ^^ baprau,\ , . , ,::, ,_ _ f helpless, poor, destitute. A. \pb m^bapra,) ^}j ^Tfi bdph, f. steam, vapour, s. f^}-> ^TPft bdpl, f. a large oblong pond or "pool, commonly called a tank. s. C->b ^fnr bat, f. speech, language, word ; ac- count, subject, question, cause, bdt bdndhnd, a. to so- phisticate, to prevaricate, bdt barhdnd, a. to prolong a contest, bdt bigdpid, a. to mar a plot, to spoil, bat banana, a. to make up a story, to make excuses, bat pdnd, a. to accomplish one's wishes, to effect one's pur- pose, bdt phernd, a. to equivocate, bdt phenkna, a. to jeer, to mock, to speak at (but not to), hat tdlnd, a. to put off, to excuse one's self, bdt chaldnd, a. to con- verse, to start a subject, bdt chit, f conversation, chit- chat, hdt-dhardnd, a. to persist in making excuses, to pat off, to evade, bdt ddlnd, a. to throw away one's words, to ask in vain, bdt rakhnd, a. to assist, to agree, to com- ply, bdt rahnd, n. to make good one's words, to be ful- filled or accomplished (declarations), to succeed, to overcome, to get the better in arguments, to be ac cepted, to preserve perfect, bdt ka batakkaf-k., to mul tipl^' words, talk much on little, bdt kdtnd, a. to inter rupt. bdt kdjdn, in short, bdt kdn ko lend, a. to accept, agree to. bdt kursi-nishin-h., to be approved of (an affair or proposal), bdt ko pina, a. to ha ve patience, bdt-k., a. to converse, to talk, to speak, bdt ki bdt, unmeaning orders, commands not expected to be obeyed, bdt ki bdt men, in an instant, bdt garhnd, n. to speak to the purpose, to (speak so that one's words) have effect or make impression, bdt ghat-k., to determine, settle. bdt lagdnd, to calumniate, bdt mdrnd, to turn off, to evade, to divert (a discourse, &c.). bdt inati men hasnd, n. to recollect, remember, bdt men kuchh-k., to perform a business in a word, i. e. in a short time, to lose no time in doing any thing, bdt men girdnd, a. to floor (the opponent) in argument, hdten simdnd, a. to abuse, to speak harshly, bdten sunnd, a. to receive abuse or harsh reproof, s. [tism. * Ob ^rnr bdt, m. pain in the joints, rheuma- ^^l»-(jbb bdtdn khdnif talkative, d. ^V£>b ba-ittifak or bi-ittifak, with one con- sent, harmoniously, a, [Etawah. k. f^\> ^rfrfrf bdtin, name of a tract of land in ^>yb ^H»!^ bdtunt, "I conversable, enter- U3j3b ^rifw^lT bdtuniyd,) taining, talkative, chatty ; a talkative, entertaining, conversable person, h, ^_^b ^TrTt bad, f. a candle, a wick ; a tent or "bougie put into a wound to keep it open. t. ciijb ^T7 bdt, f. a road, highway, bat sdru, a traveller, a wayfarer ; m. a weight, or measure of weight, whether of stone or metal, bdt-chhap, the stamp on weights and measures to guarantee their being ge nuine. hdt-chhdpi, fee for stamping weights, &c. «. b'b iim bdtd, m. a share, portion, d. oob ^TfT«in' bdtikd, m. a villa, s. bob ^TTTF bdtnd (also bdthnd), a. to share, to portion out or divide ; to spin, to twist d. jjb ^T3^ bdti, f. a habitation, dwelling-house, "home; a garden-house. «. [other. A. ^^l^Sj^'b ?rTT*n^ bdte-ghdte, somewhere or jj\ b bd-asar, with effect, effective, p. a. € bdj, without, in the absence of. d. — .b ba), m. a tax, duty, toll, import, &c. ; tri- bute, originally, that taken by one king from another. bdj-dar or bdj-gir, a tax-gatherer, or collector of tri- bute or revenue, bdj-guf^r, one who pays taxe% duties, &c p. c^ ( ^b V1«!I fcaja, m. a musical instrument j music, hdja-bajantar, or -bajattar, a band of music s. ls»-\il>.b ^Mlill^fl haja-(jaja, m. the sound oi- clangor of various musical instruments, s. \f>'^^ TI»I<1 bajra, m. a kind of grain so called; Indian com {Holcus spicatus). h. {Jj>-^ ^TW^ haJ7'i, f. same as hajra only of a smaller kind. A. [instruments, s. •r^'r^. ?TinTT»r bdj-gaj, m. sound of musical jiS^\^ baj-gir, one who receives or collects taxes, &c. p. (^;s»-b ^T*nT ?^q;a»,m. pl.musical instruments. ^. U>-b qi3ifii hajna, n. to sound (as a musical instrument) ; to be published ; a. to play, strike up or perform on an instrument, h. ^\>^j:>\i '<7IM*1?r«fT bdjan-bdja, m. pi. musi- cal instruments, h. ijjyi>s*'\i ^T^Rn^ bdjantari, f. a tax formerly exacted from musicians and dancing-girls, h. y»-\j ^"^bdju, m. a kind of ornament for the arm. h. ft>-b bqia,m. (v. bdja),a. musical instruraent.s. j_5j>-u mn\ baji, m. a horse, s. y»-b ^TI*^! bdchd or vdchd, f speech, aflBrma- tion, agreement, promise or pledge. «. (^I>.b ^^T^fllf bdchak or vdchak, speaker ; (in grammar) an explanatory particle, a. ^4*"^ ^T5 hachh, f. selection; the corner of the lip; adj. useless; in revenue language, it denotes the proportionate rate or division either of lands or lia- bilities attached to them, bdchh-bardr, an adjustment of liabilities, &.c. s. [animal), i. ■■^^'^ '^rarr backhd, a calf (or young of any J^^b ■^■gioS bdchhul, a tribe of rdj-puts about 'Aligafh, &c. /* [lect. h, Ijk^^-b ^^ffT bachhna, a. to choose, to se- jsX>-b -b q. v.) a tortoise, p. ff>-^ bd-khabar, careful, intelligent, p. ^^ytf»-b bdkhtan (r. bdz) to play, to sport withj to endanger, p. aJ>-b bdkhia, played, lost (by play), p. *>-b bdkha, m. a tortoise or turtle, p. ^b bud, f. wind, bdd-se bdt-k., to go very quickly, to be very swift, bddi Umd,f. a stormy wind. bdd-paimd or bdd-raftdr, swift as the wind (generally applied to a horse), bddi sumum, f. a hot pestilential wind, hdd-sanj, idly spccuhitive, vain ; one who builds castles in the air. bddi shiirta, f. a fair wind, a favour- able wind, bddi faratig, St. Anthony's fire (the pox?). bdd-farosh, a musician or minstrel, literally a seller of wind, bddi muhf^ilif, f. a contrary wind, bddi sabd,t. the morning breeze, a zephyr, bddi murdd, f. a fair wind ; in revenue language it denotes a remission on account of deficient produce, p. 87 ) ^b t>b had (for burvdd, precative form of budan, to be ;) may it be, or may it continue or be perpe tual. (also badd). p. jib "^T^ had or vdd, m. accusation ; assertion, asseveration, affirmation ; a claim or plea ; rheuma- tism, bdd-k., a. to argue, s. j^iib ^T^T^ bdddr, a large house, granary raised on piles, h, J\ii\i bdddm, m. an almond, also an Indian fruit resembling the almond, the catapang of the Ma- lays, p. &x>\.ib bdddma, the aurelia or silkworm in its nymphean state ; a kind of silk ; a dress made of rags sewn together, worn by JaJcirs. p. ^\tib bdddmi, almond-coloured ; almond- " shaped ; a kind of eunuch ; a kind of dish of which almonds form a main ingredient, p. 5b3\5b ^^T*nT^ bdddnuhdd, m. altercation, dispute, &c. s. [tic), p. a. ^Jlbib bdd-bdkt, f. subtraction (in arithme- ^^b^b bdd-bdn, m. a sail ; a vessel in which a lamp is placed for protection from the wind. p. bib hdd-pd, having feet like the wind, fleet, swift (horse), p. iO,li-iib hdd-khaya, m. the rupture, p. j^Sb hdd-khor, m. a disease in horses, from which the hair falls off. p. [pitis). p. [,^5b hdd-khord, a scald head {Tinea ca- jib ^T^ bddar, a cloud, (v. hddal). h. j«ib TRT hddur, m. a flying fox ; a bat. ». an orange, a kind of citron, a species of large cucumber, bdd- ranj buya or bddrang hoya, Arabian balm, mountain balm. p. sJL^.iiiO hdd-resha, m. a whirl, a circular piece of wood at the end of a spindle ; the round piece of wood at the upper end of a tent-pole, p. iO .j>b bddriya, m. a ventilator suspended to the roof of a house, to increase the circulation of air, and drive away flies, p. »U»5b hddshdh, m. a king, a sovereign : this is an Arab corruption of the Persian word padi- shah, q. v. p. [of a king. p. ajljbbi>5b bddshdhdna, kingly, in the manner d>4>b2»ib hddshdhat, f. a kingdom, govern- ment, p. SSljsbijjb bddshdh-zdda, a king's son, a prince, bddshdh-zddl, a princess, p. ^b^ib bddshdhi, f. royalty, sovereignty; "adj. royal, belonging to a king, bddshdhi sanad, a royal tenure, or grailt of land rent-free, p. &/^ib bddshah (same as hadshdh),^'k\ng,&cc.p. ^jib hddranj, (.L^^V bddrang, ,^yjX.'iji\i bddrangtn, db ( 88 ) jji^Ibb bad-hash, m. a fan, a ventilator; a punkah; bellows, p. tJj^Sb had-gird, a whirlwind, p. Jiib ^gs badal, m. a cloud. A. ^ib TT^^ fcarf/a,T m. gold or silver thread, «J«5b ^n^: bddlaj brocade, &c. h. ^Jb ^V 6a^badhah, one who interrupts,&c.s. (0*"*^^ ^T*R6ac?/ia», m. pain, act of obstruct- ing or opposing, s. ^j ^jjfciib bad-hawa,t, f. fruitlessness, useless- ness; waste, p. djjbdhvnstbddhyafwhsit ought to bestopped.s. (_j(ib &a^i, flatulent, troubled with wind. p. (^jb ^T^ bddt (for tjofii), an accuser, a pl^ntiff, an enemy, badi chor, an inveterate thief, s. (Cib bddt, beginner, an author, a. ^bjib bddiydn (also hadiydnd), sweet fennel; anise seed. *. wib bddiya, m. a bowl, cup, glass (but ge- nerally made of brass or bell-metal), p. joib bddijfa, m. a desert, a wilderness, a. »tib ^rW &arfA, f. stubble, h. Uibi^b in?^ bddhna, a. to cut, to shear. A. ^ib fcaxiA, the juice of grapes, slightly boiled, a. jb bar, m. load ; time, once ; a court, a tri- bunal, sitting of a sovereign to give audience ; repeti- tion ; fruit ; leave, permission, admission ; pregnancy. bar-ddr, loaded, full of fruit ; pregnant, bar-dena, to load ; to give charge ; to impose, to give trouble, to encumber; to give admission, to give leave. ka,i bdr karke, after several times or turns, p. jb ^TC bar, f. time, occasion, delay ; verge, edge; a girl not exceeding sixteen; m. day of the week; door; water; child; hair; prohibition, ob- stacle, bdr lagdnd, to delay, to hesitate, s. jb ^t; bar, 1 m. perquisite of the ahtr or Kb ^TTT bard, J cow-herd in milk, generally the milk of every eighth day. h. hb bard, m. wind, air, atmosphere, d. t^iiljb X> bdrbar, burden-bearing (ox or ass), p. ,lt>^b bdr-barddr, m. a porter, a burden- bearer, p. ^ .^5 Jjb bdr-barddri, f. expenses of travel- ling, coolie-hi re, carriage-hire, means of conveyance, p. — jb ^ft»I bdrij (for vdrija), m. the lotus. barija nayan, having eyes like the flower of the lotus. $. OW jb bdrjdt, an oppressive custom, forcing the natives to buy goods above the market price, p. i< \>-Xi bdrjd,e, a custom of forcing people to buy goods at an exorbitant price ; likewise, a free grant of a spot of ground made by the zamlndars and landholders to any of their relatives, the rents of which, to prevent a loss to the donor, are assessed upon the rest of his possessions, p. u»>l>.jb bdr-chdp, a kind of cloth, d. {^^X> bdri-khass, m. private hall of au- dience, p. [mind. p. a. isU-.b baj'i'khdtir, load or distress of i6ls»-.b bdr-khdna, m. a warehouse, p. t(i>»-.b bdri-khtcdd. Great God. p. CiX} ^ift^ bdrid m. (for vdrid), a cloud, s. tSjb bdrid, cold, frigid ; established, a. Jjb bdriz, a term in arithmetic, the sum total or gross amount, p. (jiojb bdrish, f. rain ; a shower of rain. p. *lpjb bdr-i-'dm, m. public hallof audience./>.a ^ ( 89 ) tiJj'j WlPi^ barik, m. rain (for varik or vSrid), h. edi^tiljb harah-allah (God prosper you), a phrase expressive of admiration, a, (jt^b bar-hash, lit. "burden-bearing," ap- plied to elephants, carts, porters, &c. p. sl^b bargah or &^b bargah, f. a court, pa- lace, place of audience. har-gah-i-]chas, private court, privy-council chamber. bdrgah-i-'dm, public court, where every body is admitted, p. ^J^ baragi or bargt (used in comp.), time, "or turn. p. tAiib bargtr, m, a horseman (soldier) who does not &id his own horse ; a beast of burthen, p. ^^jV ^KW baran (for va7'an), m. forbidding, prohibiting, preventing ; an elephant, t. Ojb ^^JK!^ bdrna, n. to leave off, to sepa- rate, to quit ; a. to forbid, to prohibit, s. I3jb int«n bdrna, a. to light, to kindle, h. ^bojb ^TttWTt bdrambdr (for bdr-bdr), often, repeatedly, h. &Ai;b WTt«K bdramba, m. fruit of mangoes, revenue derived from mango groves, h. ^J|^J^> bdrandagt, f. rain, raining, p. »jj,b bdranda, that which rains or showers, p. iij^ ^^?tft barunt, f. spirituous liquors. 5. jjV '"T^ *«'*"» ^' 8*"^ (^^^® *^^^) ; ^n- a child. «. •jb Jaru (for &ar«<),f. gunpowder, saltpetre, p. j^^jjb fearn'ow (for barahmdn), the twelfth. A. Oj ,b ftar«<,'] „ , , ■^ ' >t. saltpetre ; gunpowder, p. tSjjb barud, j ijo fTJ^ barak, land next to or surrounding a village, h. 8jb ^Ti:^ bdrah, twelve, bdrah-dart, f. a summerhouse (q.d. with twelve doors), bdrah bat hona, n. to become a vagabond, to be ruined or harassed, h. Sjb bdra, for the sake of, in behalf of, as in the phrase dar bara,e man, in my behalf ; (in comp.) turn, time ; as, du-bdra, twice, over again, p. U&jb hdr-hd, often, repeatedly, j). lCju*»8,b ^K^Or^ bdrah-singd, m. lit. a twelve-tiner ;" a stag with horns of twelve branches {Cervus elaphus). h. (_c,b bare, once, one time ; it is used by some authors in the sense of at last, at length, lastly, p. jCjb bdri, m. a name of the Deity, the Creator, bdri ta'dld, the most high God. o. (^jb ^[^bari,^. a garden, an orchard, a house; a window ; an ornament worn in the ear and nose ; a young girl not exceeding sixteen, a. (^jb ^rd bdri, m. the name of a caste of Hindus whose business it is to sell torches and leaves which are used as platters : the same c? ste occasionally act as barbers, h. jCjb bdri, tour, turn, bdri-ddr, an attendant who waits in turn with others, bdri ki tap, an inter- mittent fever, p. v_^bjb Jar-i^aJ, admitted at court or into com- pany ; one who has the entree, p. ^b ,b bdrydln, f. admittance at court or into " company ; having the entree, p. ^jiiJ .b bdridan, to rain, to sliower. p. liibjb bdrih, fine, slender, minute, subtile. bdrtk-bln, intelligent, penetrating, quick of apprehen- sion, hartk-jniydn, slender-waisted. p. jio jb l>drlhi, f. subtilty ; minuteness, p. jb ^TC bar, f. edge ; nnme of a place near Munglr; a fence, a hedge ; a line (of soldiers) ; a mar- gin, bdr-pakrdnd, to urge on, to instruct, bdrjhdrnd and bar iifdnd, a. to fire a volley, bar-bdndhnd, a. to inclose a field with thorns, bdr-rakhnd, -chtriid, or -chirwdnd, a. to sharpen bdr-dend, or -dilwdnd, a. to sharpen, to grind, excite, to instigate, h. ^'b ifT^ &ara,m. an inclosure; alms, charity, h. jjb ^^[i^^ bdrav, ^ m. submarine ^J,31«Vb ^ijclMc^' bdravdnal,) fire. s. ^fcj'b UTS' bdrh, f. a flood; promotion, in- crease, h. Ufcjb ^^»fT bdrhnd, 'In. to increase, go on, ♦JJb^'b '^T^^ bdrhnauj advance, rise, swell; to be promoted, to amount, lengthen, h, (J&j'b ^T^^ bdrhi, f. usurious profit or inte- "rest taken on grain ; interest in kind paid upon seed grain, h. jc^'b ^T^ bdri, a kitchen-garden ; a house with the garden, orchard, &c., attached to it; also cotton (see bdri). s. [knives, &c.). A. bjb ^i PsM T bdriyd, m. a whetter (of swords, jb bdz, m. a female falcon, a hawk, bdz-ddr, m. a falconer, bdz-ddri, f. the charge of hawks, keep- ing falcons, a. :b bdz, adv. again, once more, bdz-dnd, n. to decline, to leave off; to refuse, to reject, to desist. bdz raklind, a. to hold back, to prevent, to forbid, bdz- rdhnd, n. to decline, to reject, to leave off"; to refuse; (in comp.) it denotes a player; as, shatranj-bdz, a chess-player; JwMa-fcaa, a juggler, p. j\jb bdzdr, m. a market : according to Glad- win it denotes a constant and established market, in contradistinction to hat, an occasional one. p. (_^]jb bdzdr'i, bcdoiiging to a market ; market people, common people, bdzdri bdt, low or vulgar language ; patois ; Billingsgate, p. ;,_W :b bdz-purx, 1 n\ . reiterated inquiry j C.^y>''}obdz-h]rwdst,) minute investiga- tion, p. ^^Ju*Ojb bdz-pasin, last, hindmost, p. ^^ir,jb bdzargdn (for bdzdrgdji), m. a mei chant, a dealer in the market, p. (j}Sjj\>, hazargant, f. merchandise, traffic, " trade commerce, p. ^jii/jb baz-kardan, to throw open (a door), p. Cj^jb haz-gasht or bdz-gashta, returned, retreated, p. ^jjjl) baz-gun, preposterous, upside down. p. jj^\\j baz-gir, a falconer; a chronologist, or historian ; (for hdj-glr), a collector of revenue, p. S^iJjlj bazanda, playing, a player ; a kind of pigeon (vide yhirad-afroz). p. «jb bazu, ni. the arm (plur. bazUjOn) ; the fold of a door ; the side of a bedstead ; a friend, a com- panion ; one who repeats the chorus of the marsiya ; an accompanier in a song, hazu dena, a. to assist, to help, to support, p. iXJJIjijb bazu-band, m. an ornament worn on the arm, a bracelet or an armlet, p. t^b bazi, f. play, sport ; a game, a stake at play, bazi klidna, to lose, to be cast ; to be cheated. bdzipana, to be victorious, prosperous, bazi-lagana, to vrager. bazi lejdnS, to win, to exceL p. Cl^ibjb baz-yaft, resumption of any thing, the act of resuming alienated lands or property of any kind. p. [a toy, plaything, p. &i|5jb bazicha, f. fun, play, sport ; wagering; jjcWjb baztdan, to sport, to play ; to gamble. j3. 80v^l) bazi-gah, f. a place for exhibiting feats of activity ; a theatre, p. ^jb bazigar, m. a tumbler, one who exhi- bits feats of activity, p. JJJ.G jb bazigar an, \i. a tumbling-woman, ^ijX) ;b bazigarnt, J an actress, p. »^j^.\b bazigari, f. the art of juggling, tumbling, &c. p. [banyd, a perfiuner. s. (^b '^^^ bas, f. smell, scent, odour, bds- (^jt*b ^m bds, 1m. abode, residence, lodg- U«»b ^JWbasa,j ing, temporary residence. 5. j_^b*»b ba-dsdni, with facility, easily, p. jjljLMjb bdstdn (in Persian), ancient, past: in the south of India it is used corruptly for h(fd az an, after, afterwards, p. d. Jx»j»\j '^J^ bdstu,s\ie or foundation of a house.s. ,^XM*b mWS bdsath, sixty-two. h. y>,^-**»b mT[^^ bdsudev (j)roperly vdsudeva), name of Krishna, the son of Vasudeva. ». j**»b ^H< bdsar (for vdsar), m. a day. s. i^j***b hds7i or bdsuri, f. (v. hdnsri), a flute, pipe, &c. t. /iM*b bdsik, tall, lofty (palm-tree), a. 90 ) ^b cdLwb ^i^cfr bdmk, "1 m. the name of the ;,}■ tS**»*b TRToB^ bdsukt,} serpent which sup- " ports the universe, and which was used as a string to whirl the mountain Mandar in churning the ocean for the amrit, &c. ». [(^Vena basilica), g. ^jAah\j basaRk, f. the great vein in the arm (_^***»b inWift bdsmati, f. a fragrant kind of " rice, also of millet, h. [plate, dish, &c. h. (jmA} ^TH«T bdsan, m. a basin, goblet, pot, U**>b ^rRnn bdsnd or vasand, f. desire, incli- nation, s. lju*»b TWfTT bdsnd or ^RRT vdsand, a. to scent, to perfume, s. ,<*>b mv^i bdsi, stale, fusty, perfumed, bdsi-k., "to make stale ; to vomit, h, ,^>*»V>. TI^I bdsi or vast, an inhabitant ; (used "in comp.), as ban-bast, or vana-vdsi, inhabitant of the woods, s. [^ahirs. h. i^\xijj>\j '^ftrTjT*T bdsiydn, name of a tribe of {j^\> bash, stay, stop, be patient; (in comp.) it denotes being, staying, as shab-bash, stayuig for a night, p. Iwjb bdshdf m. a kind of falcon, a hawk, p* i^*a\i bdshad, it may be, perhaps, p. U^b TTUcfjTTTlT bdshgiyd, crops being choked and destroyed by weeds, h, 8(XXM»b bdshanda,an inhabitant,a dweller, p, au*>b bdsha, m. a hawk (same as bdsha). p, ^xi»b bdshln, a female falcon, p 8-ob bdsira, sight, the sense of seeing, a. ,Ji>b bdtil, false, vain; absurd, futile, igno- rant; abolished, a. i^\> bdtili, f. vanity, folly, absurdity, a. ^^b batiriy m. the inward part, the heart; adj. internal, hidden, concealed, a. i^\i bdtint, intrinsic, internal, a. fjL^\> bd'is, cause, account, occasion, induce> ment ; author, producer ; prep, by means or by rea- son of. a. cb bd^, m. a garden, orchard, grove, bd^ sabz dikhdnd or -dikhland, to excite desire and ex- pectation by deceitful promises, bdglt-ba^-hona, oe hojdna, n. to be delighted, to rejoice greatly, p. Cj\s\> bdghdt, pI.gardens,grove8,orchardg. p. ^jji^lp-b bdghdyati, fit for garden cultivation ; " f. fruit raised in a garden ; tax levied on gardens, k, ^Uc-b bagh-bdn, m. a gardener, p. ^Uc-b bagh-bdntf f. gardening, p. &^b bdgfjfiha, m. a small garden, orchard, &c. p. [tumour, a wen. p. SjP-b bdghira, m. an indolent swelling or (cXjLfi'b bdghshm, f. a walk in a garden, d tv ( 91 ) ^ fjj6i\i b agh -kari, f. garden cultivation, bu- "siness of a gardener, p. y\^\i bdffh-ivala,'\m.. a gardener, the owner ^^^^b haghwan, J of a garden, p.h. l^b haghha, pi. gardens, orchards, p. j_^b haght, a mutineer, traitor, rebel, a. ei3^b haghtcha, a little garden (v. haghcha). p. u-ib haf, (in comp.) weaving or woven, ki- nari-haf, a weaver of lace, zari-haf, a gold-lace weaver ; a kind of cloth interwoven with gold. p. C^\> baft, web, weaving, tissue, texture, p. ilJb bafta, woven ; m. a kind of cloth ; a colour in pigeons; buttons woven like mohair; (in comp.) it denotes woven, wrought, as zar-iq/i^a, wrought in gold, embroidered, p. ia^b ba-ifrat, in abundance, copiously, p. a. SJJib bafanda or hafinda, a weaver, p. j5b bakir, abounding in wealth and know- ledge, one who is deeply learned, a. j_^U>-Jib bahir-khanl, f. a kind of bread or " cake mixed with butter and milk. Dr. Gilchrist sug- gests, in his Vocabulary, that this kind of cake took its name from some nobleman called Bakir-Jchdn, as our word sandwich is said to be so named after Lord Sandwich, a. :^\jbakm,\ ,..,',, y m. a bean, a pea, a potherb, a. *wb bakila,) ^b bdht, remnant, remainder, balance, ar- " rears; adj. permanent, durable, eternal, hakhddr, owing a balance ; a revenue defaulter, baii-rahnd, n. to remain, to be left, to be saved, a. [rears, a. Ob5b bakiyatj remainders, balances, ar- ciJb bakf m. fear, apprehension, p. ti)b ifTO bak or vah, m. language, dialect, speech ; in the language of revenue officers it is used to denote a verbal estimate of the produce without measuring the field. «. »j^b baliira, an unblemished virgin, a. jCjib «r|d|iO bahri, f. a cow advanced about five months in pregnancy (also a small buffalo), h. {jS^ Wrara bakas, m. a bush of which charcoal is made for the mannfactore of gunpowder {Justicia adhatoda). s. [bai:Ud). h. ^b ^Fir^ bakla, m. a bean, a potherb (v. iijk^b "TRF^ bakand, a portion of the crop, about two-fifths, paid aa rent by the cultivators to the zaraindars. h. ♦4^b ^TWl. bdkhar, \m. name of a drug J4^b ^^^ bakhal,) used as a ferment; a house, an inclosure } several houses contained withiu one inclosure ; an area or court-yard. A. sj^\j'^j^ bdky a {for vdky a), m. (in gram.) a sentence ; speech, a word. *. d/b ^TTT bag, f. a rein, a bridle, bdg-mornd, to turn the reins : it is applied to the drying up of the small-pox : when the pustules begin to blacken and dry up, they say iltla or mata ne hag moji. bag hath $e chhifna, the power of choice to be lost to any one. h. liA) bag (Dakh. for ^b), a tiger, bu^ ha pattha, a tiger's cub. [dress, h. ob ^sTTTT bdgd, m. a vestment} honorary jj-^b bi-l-ijmal, in the whole, in the lump iJJW^lb "^rr^n^t^ bala-chand, the new moon. «. ^jli-^)b bald-Mflna, m. an upper room, an upper story, a balcony, p. C.AA«>ii^b bdla-dast, superior, high-handed, p. ^il^^b bdla-gashti, an inspector of police, p. ^!i)b bdUm, hairs of the head, the hair col- lectively, halait bhara, full of hair, bristly, d. ^^jbSJ^b bdla-nishin, seated aloft, superior, p. C-«-0«^b bald past, above and below, i.e. the heavens above and the earth beneath, p. (_|^b bdld,t, 8. a horse led for show ; any extra tax ; adj. external, superficial, p. (-?>*(-?^V bdldyl maze (pi.), m. superficial or hollow pleasures, p. C*ib,^*^b bdld,t-ydft, f. perquisites, p. ^-aijb bdl-bachcke, pi. children, s. p. -ijljjJb bi-l-bandn, with the tips of the fingers; "monstrari digitis." a. cL/»4J Jb ^55>ftiT bdl-bhog, m. an oflfering to Krishna, presented early in the morning, s. o Jb bdl-par, m. adoption of better habits ; hal par nikdlna, to turn over a new leaf; to flourish or prosper; to betray one's evil disposition, to begin wicked pranks, to show the cloven hoof. p. ^^b bdl-pan,m. (v. &aZaptt«),childhood,&c. s. ^yojii\i bi't-iasrihf distinctly, explicitly, a. JS^JV Wli^friS bdl-tor,in. a pimple, a sore. h. au^ • bi-l-jumla, in short, to conclude, a. JA>-Jb ^TT^TSfT bdl-chhar, f. the name of a inedicine or perfume, h. [happily, a. jdc'^ bil-hhair, in a good manner, well, C^\^b bi-z-zdt or hi-z-zdti, naturally, ori- ginally, bi-zatihi, in its nature or essence, a. —Mb ^TTigSTTiT bi ft^^b ^T55^^ rm. \ bahiirya,) lapis lazuli, s. jjl. Jb ^ncJTT? bdl-rnud, f. a very young widow, or one who lost her husband when she was very yoiuig. s. jjSjb bdlish, m. a pillow, a cushion, p. ) J^ i^b bi-l-farz, granted that, on the sup- position or condition that. a. Jj^fllb bi-l-Jil, in fact, actually; now, for the present moment ; in short ; in the mean time. a. lioflElb bi-l-kasd, on purpose, a. C-'yiJb bi-l'huwat, by the strength, or power of. a. [name of a drug (v. balu). s. uiDb ' boyhood; in- Syk^b ^Ic^chrf bdlakatwa, J fancy, child- ishness, s. together. •. ^Ji5b bi-l-Jmll (or bi-l-kulUya), totally, al- *i*Jb ^^clH^ bdlahiya, childish, infantine, a. Jb^Jb ^^'Jrtm<^ bdlgopdl, offspring, s. ad)b bi-lldh (or bi-lldhi), by God. bi-llahi- Pa^im, by the High God ! a. b ^\^ hdUim, m. a lover, or beloved per- son; a husband; a kind of cloth, balam khird, m. a sort of cucumber, in season in the raius (a variety of Cucumis sativus). h, [son), a. &*iai*5b bi-J-mukiaa, a kind of tenure, (v. Wil- bJb T^ToTin hdlnd, a. to light, to kindle (v. bartid). h. iXxJb ^T^»^ bdland, name of a tribe inha- biting the southern parts of MirxapBr, h. jXjJb hdlangu, a species of citron, p. ;_^b ^if^jStO bdlint, f. the constellation as- " winl. s. ^b Tl® bdlu, f. sand, gravel, s. JJjJb bdlu-burd, land covered with a depo- sit of sand after an inundation ; also, a remission of revenue on that account, s, p. Cli0^.^b ^T^H^'tlT hulopavtt, m. a child's sacrificial thread ; a cloth covering the privitiea (of children), v. i^j>-y>^> ^<3"«lO hdluchari, a kind of silk oloth manufactured in Baluchar, uear Murshidiibad. h. ? ,> ( ^SP'o hi-l-wafa, in truth, in reality, a. (^yl> ^^oF haluh, ui. a sort of poison. 5. jjl^ oflcjil 65^, f. a female-child; ear-ring worn in the ear, passing through the centre of it : it also signifies an ear of com. «. (jb TIqS^ haVi, m. name of a monkey, the "son of Indra, killed by Rama. s. ^JdJb bdlidagl, f. vegetation, p. I!)y&»t>wx5b balida hond, n. to vegetate, p. h. jjtj3b ^i^l^l bdlish, m. pain in making wa- ter, from gravel, &c. t. ^j^jJuJb bi-l-yaktn, assuredly, certainly, a. ^^b bdlin, f. a pillow, a cushion, p. jjkJb H\v*\ bdlya, m. childhood, infancy, s. euuJb cl'Tc^ll bdleya, \ m. name Ci)Li>&ja)b ^c^^^lleh bdleyashdk,} of a plant Siphomanthus Indica). s. Jo ^fm bam, f. an eel {Ophidium simack, Btich.); m. the left (side); an enemy, t. Jo bam, m. an upper story, a terrace ; the morning dawn. p. Jo bam, m. a fathom, a measure of six feet, or three and a half cubits, d. »iX>yb ^IH^I bdm-ang, m. the left side. s. j^y^b -^Jtva bdmbht, '\^^ j^^^x«b Y|U4«il bambhnt, a\sJ^ bdmddd or bdmddddn, f. morning, dawn, Aurora ; adv. in the morning, p. j^b ^H'ff bdman (for vdmana), a dwarf, one of the incarnations of Vishnu, t. ..yob bdman, "1 ^. ! ,_ , rm. a Brahman, a. ,^A/ob bamanh,) (_W^e/*V ^T»?H^^ bdman-hatti, f. name of a "plant {Ovieda verticellata, Roxb.). h. ^^^b '<4li^«f bdmhan, m. a Brahraan. «. jM*b ^1*5^ bdmhnl, f. a stye on the eye- " lids ; a species of lizard. A. j^^^b "STT^rft bdmhrii f. (for bdhmanV), the " wife of a Brahman ; name of a medicinal herb. s. jjb TPT ftan, f. temper, quality, manners; m. a rocket used in battle ; the boar or swell of the tide; a kind of rope made of munj. h. ^Jo ^T»T bdn or vdn, ra. an arrow; the name of an asur, son of Raja Bali. «. ^Jo bdn, m. name of a tree (Guilandina moringa), whose seeds are called '^hb-ul-hdn, bennut, or according to some, Bakain (Melia sempervirens) ; that which yields benjamin or benzoin (Styrax ben- xoe) ; a tree the leaves and flowers of which are sweet- scented, called by the Persians bed-mashk. p. 9d ) ,ob f f a snake's hole. s. >f. a snake^s hole. h. ^Jo bdn, keeper or guardian ; (used in comp.) as dar-bdn, a door-keeper, ba^-han, a gardener, p. bb TI*n band, m. habit, profession ; a kind of weapon ; fashion in dress, peculiar to individuals, or bodies taken individually (so regimentals may be called band); uniformity; the woof (in weaving); a veil, band bdndhnd, to be ready, to be determined. In the Dakhani dialect it denotes the basin or metal bucket of a pacotta, or lever for raising water, h. bb ^T«TT band, a. to open or spread out. h. Obb V^iT bdndU f. broad-cloth, h. (^ob W7«TTfrt bdndtt, woollen, made of broad-cloth, h. ^^bb bdndn (v. bdydn), the left hand or side. s. c-A)b ^rt^ bdmb, m. (also bdmb-andhu,d), an eel, snake (see bam), h. bjj^jb ^jb ^^tcF bdn bdn-k., to prate idly, to tattle foolishly, h. ^^^b "^jVTtft bdmbhntf" ^ji^b '^iw^ bd7nbha,t, ^Ij^^ i^rt»rt bdmbht, ^ ,4A*<»^.^b ^rTHW bdna-prasth, m. the state of an anchorite or hermit (see asram). «. ciLob ^z bant, m. share, distribution ; a weight (i. e. the standard by which things are weighed) ; food given to a cow while milking her. s, bob ^TCT bdntd, m. portion, share, s. cLOj>-tiLob "^Z^^tzbdnt-chont, share, distri- bution, s. bubb irtT«n bdntnd, la.to share, to distribute, U^b ^tZ^^Hththnd,) to divide, participate, dispose of. Also bdAt-lend, the same, s, j^b ^IIT bdhjar, (land) lying waste or fallow, h. »4f^b ^t*^ bdnjh (Dakh. bdnj), barren (ap- plicable to females, also to land or soil, s, s^o ^TftSTiT bdnijya, m. trade, commerce, merchandise. *. b;^'b ^^«n bd/ichnd, a. to read ; m. Dakh. bdnchnd (for bachnd) ; n. to escape, to be saved. *. l^*b ^\'^\ bdnchhd, f. wish, desire, s. (Jl^^.-tf'b Wlf^ bdnckhit, desired, longed for. 8. \d^)\^ Vfn^l bdnddf the name of a place in Bandel-khand. A. ^iS^b "^jt^bdndd (forba7idd),xn. kind of plant which grows on trees {epidendrum, particularly testel- latum, Roxb.). «. j\i^iJ^ ?T*T^ TC bdn-ddr, a rocket-thrower, h.p. j^b ^T^ bandar, ") m. (for bandar), an d,) ape, ^t>3b VThSJJ bandrd, a monkey, s. t^tiJb ^rT^Trit bdndarnif'yf. a female ape or t^iiJb ^If^lii bdndri, J monkey. y\ biijb bandnd (for handhna), a. to tie, to stop, &c. s. [finement, imprisonment, s. /Jfciiob ^tv bandh, m. an embankment ; con- j^^yOiJbjJb ^V^pftlft feattf^Aa/^o^i, name of a tribe inhabiting part of Bandel-khand. h. ■UfciiJb ^hnn handhna, a. to tie ; to shut ; to stop water, to embank ; to bind, to fasten ; to invent, to contrive, to stop, to pack, to aim, to build, to put, to settle .V. ySbS>\> '^fr3p{l)andhnu, m. a mode of dyeing, in which the cloth is tied in different places to pre- vent the parts tied from receiving the dye ; slander, plot, plan ; a kind of silk cloth ; a kind of parrot h. ybtiJb Wtv^ handhav, m. a relative, a kins- man, a friend, s. (^j3L» ^ift^ handl, f. a female slave, bdndi ka beta, obedient, submissive. In the Dakhani dia- lect, iandi-ftarfaw, " slave girls and utensils," the im- pediments, appropriately so called, of an army on march ; the families, baggage, &c. of the Sipabis. /*. \3Jb ^TT bdndd, m. a bird without tail ; a serpent which has lost its tail ; adj. tail-less, docked, s, j^job "^TSi bdndi, f. a cudgel; a kind of dress; misfortune, calamity, h. j>b "Wmt bdnar (for vdnar), m. a monkey, s. (j**>b '^^ bdns, m. a bamboo; a measure of about ten feet, used to measure tanks, ditches, or excavations in general (a cube of one bans is called a chaiika). bans par charhna, n. to be branded with infamy, s. L«3b ^t^ bdnsd, m. the bridge of the nose; the channel through which the seeds descend in a drilling-machine, h. y^^^j<*>b ^TOXrIr bdns-phor, m. the name of a caste who work or deal in bamboos, t. fife, pipe J of noxious M^eed in arable land ; a purse; adj. made "of bamboo. ijiJbb '^X^ bdnk, f. an ornament (half-circle) worn on the arms ; a kind of dagger having a curved blade ; an exercise with the dagger ; a settee, h. liljb ^oF bdnfi, m. a crook, curvature, bend- ing ; a reach or turning of a river ; fault, offence, wickedness, s. K3b ^^T bdnkd, m. a fop, a beau, a coxcomb; a buck, a bravo, a bully ; a bent trumpet or bugle ; t. name of a river ; adj. crooked, foppish. /*. jj»-\^b ^fsRT^^ bdnkd-chur, m. a fop, cox- comb, &c. h. \jL)(jibb ^loFTjp bdnk-pattd, m. a kind of fencing with (wootlen) dagger and cutlass. A. ^j^.uLbb "^toK^»T bank-pan, m. foppishness j debauchery ; disorderly conduct, h. 94 ) 5V t/^*«Jb ^'mi!t bdnsri, 1 f . a flute, t«j*«jb "TTTT^ bdnsuri, I a kind ,J-*^b ^TO^Jt bdnsti, j]^b ^^ bdnsi, li^b bang, f. sound, voice, cry ; the voice of the viu,azzin calling Muh^ammadans to prayer; the crowing of a cock, bang-mamd, a. to cry out, to calL bans-dena (or in Pers. -barddshtan, or -dddan), a. to call Mu^ammadans to prayer, bangi fublf, the call to morn- ing prayer, bdngi namdx, the call to prayers in ge- neral, p. ^3b '^^^U bdngd, m. raw cotton (v. bdngd). h, »^b ^JR bdngar, m. high ground or up- lands, h. &xJb bdnga, rii. a species of cotton produced exclusively in the Dacca district, and indispensably ne- cessary, though not otherwise of superior quality, to form the stripes of some of the finest kinds of mus- lin, p. ij^^ ^Tsprt bdngif f. a pattern, muster, h. yb bdnu, f. a lady, a woman of rank. p. lyb ^TrTOT bdnuyd, m. the name of a water- bird, h. (jlyb TTRT bdnmdn, the left hand or side. s. kind of cloth, k. Lwyb ^TtTHT bdnusd, m."l Ij4»»yb ^"rfft bdnusi, f.J c/y b ^TRa bdnawme or bdnaroe, ninety-two. k, ^b ^^ hdhh, f. the arm from the shoulder to the elbow; guarantee, protector, or security (as when a person trusts himself in the power of an ene- my, a third person being his bdnh, who engages to return him to his house or fort in security), bank- ball, strong in the arm. bdnh pakapid or eaknd, a. to protect. bdAh dend, a. to assist (see bdzu dena). 6aiiA mna, to be destitute of friends or protectors. 1. eob bdna (for bdnd), m. dress, uniform, &c. 9. ^\jL^b ^if^ilf bdnhiydn, m. a patron, s. j^b bdni, a builder, an architect, a composer, " author, founder, a. fj\> ^}ift bdnl, f. the price paid for a work; a fabric or manufacture ; ashes ; the name of a yellow earth with which potters sometimes ornament their vessels ; the thread with which cloth is woven ; a weight equal to 80 rupees, h. ij\> ^Tsft bdnl, f. speech, language; name ** of the goddess of eloquence, i^arotwo/t. a. ^3y^b in^fW^ bdnlbotii, f. the price of " weaving, h. J9^j\> bdnt-kdr, an architect ; a composer, an author, beginner t an Instigator, p. itfjDj^b bdni-kdrt, f. architecture ; compo- sition ; commencing a business ; instigation, p, jb ^TWt bd,o, f. wind. bd,o sarnd, n. to be discharged backwards (wind). bd,o bdndhnd, to prevail over an adversary by flattery or invective without ar- gument. ha,o-khdm, to live in pleasure and enjoyment ; to court one's inspirations; to protract a miserable existence, s. •b ^TO^ bd,o or ^T^ bdv, f. the pox, a bubo. h. Ijb Wnr bdmd (v. haba)y father, bdma-jdnf dcai latiier. d. J^ ( ^Ijb ^m\ barvan, the left hand or side. *. 0*»^jV <4l«n<4rim ba,o-batas, f. calamity, misfortune, particularly such as is believed to result from the evil influence of a demon (see astb). h. u^^ lJj^j^ ba,o bhari-khal, of no intrinsic value ; lit. a skin full of wind, d, tii^jb Toi! ba.o-bhahj ^a prattler, tri- I" til^^-jb ^^"tvRoir ba,o-jhak,J fling talker, h. bjb ^RHT ba,otd,^ m. a fkg or banner j a ujb ^T^T ba,ota,j sail ; a sort of armlet worn by women, s, tJ^jb ba-wujud, notwithstanding, ba-wu- judi-anki, notwithstanding that. p. jjb barvar,Tn. belief, faith, confidence, truth, credit ; adj. true, credible, bdwar-k., to credit, ba- war-li., to be credible, p. jjb «rRTl bawar, m. a kind of sweetmeats, k. |.jb ^"tlU bdjOra or bdroard, mad, crazy, s. t^j^ bdwarchin, If. a cookmaid or female jX>-j .b bdwarchim,) cook. ^ /t. ^.>-j.b bdmarchi, m. a cook, bawarchi- "Jchana, m. a kitchen, cook-house. " This word seems to be one of those old Persian or Turkish terms, of which several are now preserved in the Hindustani, which are no longer used by or known to the Turks and Persians. The term implies " confidential person," as a cook unquestionably should be, particularly in the East, where life is so frequently attempted by poison." (Binning), t. [art. t, p. jtfjTxs-jjb bdwarcKigari, f. the culinary ^c.jb mvsTlO bd,07-t, name of a tribe of va- grants to the west of Delhi, h. ijr.jb ^T^ ba,ori, \ ^^-', . ft. a well, pit. d. 4^-jb 41^141 ba,ori,J jLfcrt.b ^rr^ff^S bd,o-sul, m. the cholic. s. i_aTRT bdhu-bhushd, f. an armlet, an ornament worn round the upper arm. s. Jfcb Tr^»r bdhuj, m. sesamum growing wild or spontaneously, s. ItJJfcb WTfT^T bdhudd, f. the name of a river said to rise in the Himalaya mountains : probably the modern Behut, the classical Hydaspes. s. jSb\j ofl^C bdha?' or ^if^ bdhir, without^ foreign, s. ^b bdhir, superior, excellent; open, public, a. U&b ini^ bdhard or bdhara, the man who stands at the well to upset the water from the leathern bucket or charas, q. v. h. oysb bdhir-hd, from without, strange, bdhir- ka salf.ib ay a, Jchabardijo; "a strange gentleman is arrived, give notice ;" an exclamation used by the darwans or gatekeepers in Calcutta on the arrival of a stranger, to give notice to the family within. In my time the above sentence was pronounced (by the non- reading gentry), " Barker sawb aya, cover the Jew !" *. 8yJ&b ^iP^v^ bdhirah, m. the left side (in sword exercise, &c.). s. (jTjJ&b WT^rt bdharl, a foreigner, a stranger j outward, s. bij&b TTT^ bdhulyd, m. 'I plenty, abun- buAjbb ^reyiiff bahulyatd, f.J dance, quan- tity, s. [one with another, p. ^b ia/fa?n,together,mutually. bd-ham-dlgar, (M*i^b ^T1I"»I bdhman, a Brahman. «. '^x.»Jtib ^I^'tT'^j^l bdhman-hatii, f. name of "a plant {Ovieda verticellata). s. ^J^^. ^T?r«(t bdhviarii, wife of a Brahman ; "a Brahmaness; adj. of or relating to a Brahman. hdhmani badakh, the chakwa or Brahmany duck. bdhmani cliil, the Brahmany kite, v. garuf. s. bju^b ^rr^RTT bdhmanetd, son of a Brah- man ; a young Brahman, s. J^fcb ^T?H155 bdhu-mul, m. the armpit. s» ^b "^TfTT hdhan, m. a carriage, s. ^b ^^*T bdhan, m. fallow land (root of bdhn&y h. bfcb Tr?«n bdhnd, a. to plough, to till ; to shoot or discharge a weapon ; to comb the hair. h. JfciiJsb ^?^ bdhu-yuddh, m. close fight, personal struggle ; boxing, wrestling, s. f_j b ^T^ bd,l, f. mistress, lady (among Mah- rattas) ; a dancing-girl. bd,i-ji, the mother bawd ; the old abbess ; " la bonne." h. i^jb «n^ bd,e or "^T^ bd,t, f. flatulency ; rheu- matism. ba,i paclml, to be mortified, to be depressed, to die away, bd.i men bharakna, to prate foolishlj- ba,i $ttr7M (see ba,o tarnd). t. «^b ( 96 ) 4*^ j»jl>b ^rof bayan, left (not right) ; m. the bass part in music, the bass sound (particularly of the tabla, dholak, and palchdwaj, which are played upon by the left hand), bat/dn pdnw pujna, to acknowledge the cunning of an artful person, s. t_>ob ^Tiim hayah, apurt, separate, strange, distinct, yih hat hdyab hai, this is another thing ; this is a horse of another colour, h. [quarter, h. v^b "^TTT^ bayah or fea,?i, m. the north-west ^^■^j>.{j^, ^TT^ffVtT ba,e-birang, ra. name of a medicinal seed. s. i^\> bayad, it is fit, or necessary, hayad- shayad, as it should be. p. (j-^.^ WT^^ bUfis, twenty-two. h. «wi*«J'b bdyista, that which is becoming or re- quisite, necessary, p. ^M-j>b sH^U*) baftsl, f. the royal army, be- " cause composed of the troops of the twenty-two snbas or provinces then constituting the Mogul empire ; a command of 22,000 men. ba,tsi tutna, to attack with one's whole lorce. h, «^b ba,i' or bdyi\ a seller, a merchant, a. Kjib bd,lkd, ^ ^;b ba-lku,} ^^(_^b Tr^'ftc5T&a,e-^o?a,m. (see &a,o-^oZa). A ^b ?Tir«T bdyan, in. sweetmeat, &o., which is distributed to friends in marriage feasts, or in com- memoration of a success, s, ^^.b bd,in (v. ba,oli), a large well. d. jj^b bd-in, along with this, although, p. jxnj ^^«l^ bd,ini, f. a basket in which *(inakes are carried about for show. h. V^,b ^rf^T bd,1hd, m. rheumatism, h. iU^ f^^^ bibdd (for vivdd), m. quarrel, contest, h. 5\jJ ba-bdd, lit. to the wind, cast away. p. (^ii\^ f^rm^ bibddi (for vivddV), a disputant, plaintiff, s. [marriage. *. i\x> Pt(<4l^ bibdh (for vivdh), m. matrimony, jX> "^^X babar, m. one who crops the manes of horses, h. jk> babar, m. n lion, a tiger, bi-bar (imper. of burdan), bear or carry thou. p. tyTji^ bdbarji, ^m. {^or bdmarcht), a cook; a woman, a wife. d. chtj tj^ji^ babarchty) so babarji-khanaf a cook- " house or kitchen, p. [dlBseneion. h, gf^jL^\jX> Mm.\^(\ babrd-kheri, f. quarrelling, ^ JO r«<«(*. f'B[^^ bibnrn (for vivamd), faded in 'o_j .JO ^^T^ITT babrutd, m. a clown, lout, bumpkin, a clumsy youug man. h. {jj*^ V^O babri, f. cropped hair, tresses; the act of cropping (particularly the manes of hones).^. (jji^ babari, leonine or tigerish j caniue, savage, p. iSj*^ 'hmk] baburi,') f. the name of a tree of j^xi ^^ babui; >the mimosa kind. (There Jy-J ^^i^' babul, J are several species : the commonest is the Arabica, Rox.) ; the acacia tree. The habul produces also a valuable gum, and its bark, being a powerful astringent, is used in tanning by chamdrs, q. v. s. [of fondness, h. \^ ^R^ babuwd, m. a child, ti boy (a term j^JO "^ii babhrv, large, great, tawny, &c. j bald-headed through disease; m. a large ichneumon: the name of a sage ; a tawny or brown colour. ». \^S^) '^>^'^^ bubhukshd, f. hunger, s. C^M.V(^x? W^rf^ bubhukshitf hungry, s. i^ "^vfift babhrii, f. (see bdmhnt), a stye " on the eyelids, a lizard, h. ^^ f^^[^ bibharv (for vibhav), m. substance, wealth ; power, grandeur, s, ^.jO ^ babai, m. the seed of a sweet-scented "herb {Ocymum pilosum, Roxb.) ; name of a bird. ». cf? ^3^ babbif f. a kiss. k. ^«-jJ0 ej^fft babesi, f. the piles. A. buwjuo ^^ftl^ babesiyd or bawesiyd, talking nonsense ; m. a catamite, h. udujo 04 ^'c|! bibek, m. 1 discrimination,di9- Uiouo f%^'aF!?ITfti!6eAfl^\x> ^Tn^t«n fta^m /jona, to be raised, esta- blished, pitched, h. Cl.',:^ btipf or bapat, hidden, secret, d. C>-^ f^^nt bipat, ] . ^' _ . If. calamity, misfortune, CL^ f^-qrw bipattt, y • ,• n *•• danger, mischief, s. \j^> fkVin bipia, J JO f^ &//W (for vipra), a man of the sacer- dotal caste, a Brahman, s. Lo W^tl bapurd, helpless, distressed, k. bjo ftr'l^'TT biparnd, a. to attack, to assault. A. L1a> o^ HmOri bi-pnrtt, contrary, opposite ; f. mischief, ruin. s. ^y*> fwn<^' A/poZ, m. a measure of time, a se- cond, or (as some say) one-sixth of a second, t. ^jJuJ> 1^^ bapans, m. patrimony, a father's share. .». ,j^y^ W^ftlrt bapautx or bapotl, f. paternal " estate, patrimony, heritage, h. [bath. s. tjl^ inRIx:! baphdrd, m. vapour, vapour- bj^ r«T^C«TT biphai'vd, n. to be perversa refractory, cross, irritated, obstinate, pert. $. '"»♦ ( »7 ) . / ^iml ^_g.^ ■«> f^ hiphai (for vrikaspati), m. ■■ Thursday. A. (XJlO ^^fl^ bapaid, f. paternal estate. " «. do fmtbit orf%W Jei< (for vitt), m. wealth, substance, ability, power, means, s. CLo ^nr but, m. a hazard table : a blow with the fist. h. do but, m. an idol (hence, figuratively, a beloved woman; a darling), but-parast, an idolater but-parasti, idolatry, but-tardsh, a maker of idols, p- d^ bat, m. a line drawn to distinguish se- parate names in a catalogue, or articles in an account, p. d*^ "^bat, m. the worm which is so destruc- tive to shipping (Teredo) ; contraction of bat, a word (used in composition), as bat-bdhari, external, foreign. bat-bafhafi, m. prolixity, talkativeness, chicanery, wranp;le. bat-band, an orator, a sophist, bat-kahdo, m. talk, conversation. Contraction of bdt, wind, used in composition, as bat-sonhd-k,, a. to ventilate, h. Kx> fWT bitta, m. a span, a hand's breadth, h. Ij^ '^^ butta, m. overreaching, fraud, trick, take in. buttd-dend, to overreach, h. \Jo Wi(T bata, m. a bamboo lath ; a thin slip of bamboo ; an obloi^ stone on which powders are levigated, h. i>jVlO ^( ' ^Am baton, place of assemblage of cattle at night in an open field, h. \j\jj ^nitlT batdna, a. to point, to shew, to explain, to teach ; to appear ; m. an upper turban ; a small bracelet of metal, h. ^\jj f^fn*{\hitdnd,a.to pass (time), to spend, s. \j\l> TefT«TT butdnd, 1 \J,ljL> ^(n^»n buta,ond,j ' ^xx>^j\jj hatawl mmftw, m. the shaddock, h. ajli^ but-khana, an idol temple, p. Si WfR batar, land in a state fit for the plough, h. Jo batar or battar, worse, very bad (con- tracted from bad-tar), p Jx> batar, curtailed (animal) ; destitute of good qualities (see abtar). a. ^^\Jb fw^^^ bilrd-bandi (v. bila-bandi), a kind of settlement, h. {^\Jy> but-tardsh, an idol-maker, a statuary .|?. liljj^ TcTTRT batrdnd, a. to converse, talk. s. a. to extinsfuish. h. j^jjo fViKiU bitaran (for vitarari), m. giving charity, alms, a donation, s. IJJo ftnrnn bUamd, a. to bestow, to grant, s. L«JO Hfifll batsd, ra. a kind of rice. k. J--J^ ^ bati, f. a word, speech. «. ^ f(^ hattt, f. a candle; a wick; a match ; ' a tent or bougie ; a stick (of sealing-wax). »• ^ butti, f. provision for a journey, buttl lekar chaudhtr dhundna, to go in earnest search (of any thing), d. ' [high. h. ,juu fwfwn bittiya, m. a dwarf, i.e. a span liL::^ ^rnrnrr batiyana, a. to speak, to talk, to say, to converse, h. JL>>x)^ fWrrtff hitlt, passed, gone, elapsed, s. j»AjJ ^T^Nr battls, thirty-two. h. l«*AJo ^i^^^ battisa, m. a medicine composed of thirty-two ingredients, usually given to mares after foaling, h, ,<-*xJO W^^ hatthl, f. any aggregate, con- "sistingof thirty -two parts, hence, a set of teeth, hattisi, dikhana, a. to shew the teeth, to laugh ; to scoff or make faces at any one. h. \JLk> "^Z bat, m. name of a tree (Ficuslndica) ; a single caufi, s. vilo '^Z bat, m. tripe; twist; a wrinkle or fold of the abdomen ; (in comp.) contracted for &a.<, a road, as hai-paf, a highwayman. In Dakh. a weight made of metal or hard stone to weigh with (v. haf- khara). h. dLJ ^rz bat, m. \a. partition, division : in ^J^JJ'^ZT%bata,^,f.i revenue language, di- "^ision of the crop between the cultivator and zamln- dar. batd,l-ddr, a cultivator who shares his crop with tne zamlndar. h. Jj Wf^ batta, m. deficiency ; exchange or dis- count ; defect,blemi8h, injury, offence ; a ball (of wood or stone) ; a box in which gems are kept, bafte-baz, a juggler, a trickster. haUe-haxi, f. juggling, trickery, Rsbterfuge. haf,ta dhdr and batta dhal, level, even, h, \h "^ZTK batar, name of a tribe of Gujars, q, V. h. [lusion, &c. (v. satta-batta). k. \1m\jJ batia-satta, m. a kind of armour, col- our ?mjw{[ bitana, a. to scatter, to sprinkle, h. \j\jj batana,\m. a pea, called in \J rdu, matar sj\jb batana,) (q. v.). d. 5\i^ "^ZT^batdjU, m. a traveller ; (in Dakh.) a highwayman. *. [ropes, &c. (v. bat), h, ^^\h mT^ bata,i, f. hire paid for twisting ^ .'i< fsfZ^ bitap, a tree, a twig. s. jOcLo ^iMK batpdr,'\m. highwayman, vil- j\jJLi> 'WZ^n^ batpar,) lain, footpad, h. jCjbiJLo 'TimO batparl, "1 f. highway rob- j^-bcL*^ ^"TT^T^ bat-pan,) bing. h. d> battakh, m. a duck (v. tildi^). h. Vipb ITTTT batuma, to be collected together, h. 4-0 ^Tf»nn bataniyd, m. proprietor of a bat, a shareholder, h. \jjj 'WZ^ batUfd or batrvd, m. a purse, a small bag, generally used for holding betel-nut, &c. ; a braas vessel in wich Hindus dress their food, h, \jjb iV{ ^mxt. batwdr (also batrval), a tax ga- therer who collects a tax levied in kind ; a customs or police officer stationed on the road for collecting transit duties, h. tjl^ ^TT^KT batrvdi'd, m. a share, the parti- tion or division of lands, division of a crop in shares, h, \3l^ if^^THl batwdnd, a. to cause to twist, fcc. h. [resort, h. j^ 'H^K bator, m. a gathering, a crowd, a \j^ f^^TT bitaurd, m. a heap of the cakes of dried cow-dung. h. {^jy*^ ^7li.«T batoran, gathering or heaping grain in one place at the time of harvest, h. 13,^ ^Trt^ batornd, a. to gather up, to col- lect, to purse, to accumulate (in Dakh. bafobia). h. ijjyy^, f^^T^ bitanri, f. a tax on shopkeepers &c. in a village, h. [&c. d. ^Jjjb batolan (v. batoran), gathering grain, Xiyh f^7t*TT hitond, a. to scatter, to sprinkle ; ra. a son (see bitwd). h. ^y^ "^Zt^hatohtfin. a traveller, wayfarer, x. *i>. ^ batta, an extraordinary allowance paid the military when on field duty. Also, the agio allowance, or rate of expenditure, between rupees of different species, h. ^A^ ^f3T«l bathdn, pasture grounds, h. UIajO f iT J i q T bithdnd, n. to cause to sit down, to set, settle, h. tiUjb f^T^ bithak, m. an ant hill. h. U^La5j f^7^«n bithldnd, to cause to be seat- ed, to make one sit down. h. \r^h wfr'TT bithnd, n. (for baithnd), to sit. h. -4^ ( 99 ) ^ ^>4j^ ^3«II bathna, n. to enter: (in Dakh.) to be twisted, plaited, or woven together, as ropes, h. ^j^jU WSW[ bathu,a or bathuwa, a kind of herb, h ^A^ ^T^ batha,t, f. the art of making gold 'thread, also bata.i. h, [spirits, h. cJ^ "W^ batti, f. a candle; a still for distilling XAJ i^f?^ bitiya, f. a daughter, .f. yb "^3X11 batya, f, a silken cord adorned with three fringes, which women use to tie their hair be- hind, h. [alley ; a small measure of weight, h. JuO ■^fym bathja, f. a narrow passage, an .b|__jb ^^nr batte-bdz, m. a juggler, batte- hazi, f. performance of a juggler, slight of hand. h.p. .V^ 'WTT better, m. f. a kind of quail (^Perdix olivacea, Buch). s. vuxjO "^rznt bates, m. a passage, pathway, h. AJijjub "^f^^ batenih, m. the proprietor or holder of a share J^same as bafaniyd). h. ,^ ba-ja, in place, all right, proper, true, ac- curate, becoming, fit. p. .^^ fq jf R bijar, m. a bull, a stallion, h. jJUj T5n«l« bajak, m. a kind of serpent, k. ^\j*: f%»TT55T bijald, seedy, turned to seed, abounding in seed. $, IS^li? ? »tltj^R T ba-jd-ldnd (in Pers. ba-jd awar'dan,), a. to perform, to obey, to execute, to ac- complish, p. h. ^Jjfi ba-jdn, to the heart, soul, or life, ba-jdn amadan, to be in imminent danger or disti«8S. ba-jdn ranjldan, to be vexed to the soul. p. \JUi ^WRT bajdnd, a. to sound, to play upon an instrument of music ; to perform, to execute, h. \Jl5i bujdnd (for bujfidnd q. v.), to extin- guish, &c. h. ^^\^ ba-jd,e, in place of, by way of. p. ^\^. fW»n^ bijd^t, f. a portion of seed corn which the poorer classes are allowed to take from the field. /(. [ment for the arm j a bracelet, h, ,^.1;^ fT3rni7 bijayath, m. a kind of orna- Ul*:^. 49|<4>1l\^\j^, ^iSntn^ bajr-dghdt, (lightning- struck , any sudden calamity, especially if viewed as a judgment from heaven, s, yXijA '^^^X^ bajar-battu,m. name of a fruit; a large kind of seed, of which necklaces are made. h. uL^W^*: W^SWtn bajar-bhdng, m. tobacco, h " This appears to have been the first name given to the weed, which was introduced into India, as is supposed, in the time of Jehaughire. It has now been superseded by the European name— see tambdku." (Binning.^ ciAA^jSi ^ijojr^T bajr kit, m. (lit. "lightning- insect"), a species of the armadillo, called by natu- ralists Pangolin or Manis ; and sometimes " the scaly ant-eater". — It is termed in the Dakhni dialect khaula- manjd. (Binning). *. LL^>ji; ^WW hajrnng, in. a title of Hanu- man. «. £3^ '^^^ bajrangt, f. a kind of tilak, or "mark, made on a Hindu's forehead with red lead. h. ^j¥: bajra, m. a pleasure-boat (v. bajrd). h. ^j^, f^^ bijrt, f (v. bijU), lightning, s. Is2 ba-jiiz, besides, except, p. (J^ fw^'^'\ bijli,t Wghtn'mg; a thunder-bolt. A li*: ^SI'TT bajnd, n. to be sounded (a bell or gong &c.) ; das baje, ten have sounded, i.e. it is ten o'clock ; to be famous ; m. a rupee (used among brokers), h. U*i ^ir»n bujnd, m. a cloth used by men- struous women, a pessary, h. Usi f^lT«n bijtid, m. a fan, a punkah, s. JijjA bajantar, m. (v. bajantri), d. i^Sx^ 4» | »ct^ bajantri, m. one who plaj's upon musical instruments ; f. a tax on musicians and female dancers. bajantri-maliaU, m. the quarter inha- bited by musicians ; a brothel, h. lyJ^, ba-jins, in kind, in some sort. p. a. ^JJA ^JflTfTt bajani or bajnt, f. quarrel, fight ; "uproar, a row. h. yti biju (also biju bd,ord), m. (v. beju), an animal that feeds on dead carcases, the Indian badger ; (some say the ichneumon), Ursus Indicus. h. \j\yi!- W«fmj=»s2 ^»ftf«TT bajornd, a. to strike, smite, a. lL^ fw»ftn bijog {for vijog), m. separation, absence (especially of lovers); adj. parted, separate, c. ^*s4 frift'ft bijogi, wretched, one who is se- ■■ parated (from his beloved, &c.). s. l^«: ^*KJ bajhd, m. marshy soil. h. C^j\^< ^s^JTJt bujhdrat, adjustment of ac- counts, h, \3\4*J ^iR5J»n bujhdnd, a. to extinguish, to put out ; to damp or depress one's courage, to quench one's thirst, as piyds bujhdnd. k. h2 ^f? ( 100 ) Ci^ *^^?t VBJ«TT bujhand a. (caus. of bujhnd), to explain, to infuse into the mind, to demonstrate, to push as with argument, to persuade, to cause to believe, to take to. h. ^^?t TSBJTT hajhand, a. (also hajhdwand or bajha.ond), to entangle, to ensnare (as game), to entrap, h. [again, h. J.A.^A¥t bujhbujhawal, m. a riddle, guess \n^. 3»iSn.'ii5 hijhgdh, a scarecrow, h. U^ ^^R'n bujhna, n.lo be extinguished, to be put out (as fire, a lamp), to be quenched (thirst), to be dejected (the spirits), h. li^ 'TSR'TT hajhnd, to be ensnared, to be caught (as game) ; to stick, h. Ci.*^^ 'W^S^ hajhrvat, a» sfalk with enr. h. iJO^^ ^%Tirr hvjhontd, an abstract account of a village proprietary, h, U^^^ f^*!df*T'TT hijhoniyd, name of a tribe of raj-puts in Jaunpur. h. [burthen, h. {^i:^. ^^%S5 bujhail, laden j beast, &c., of le^. f^^bija^(Jo\'vijaya),m.ir'n\xx\])\\. bijai- "dasanii, the victorious tenth; the tenth of asin Shuld Paksh ; the anniversary of Rama's victory over Ravana.s. Uatf f^ftnn hijiyd or bijai/d, m. hemp, bhang {Cannabis saliva), s. •IJoLsi 'rcak one's pro- mise, to slip, to infringe, to turn, to bend. s. lji»^ f«T"*CH »TT bichamndj a. to tease or torment one witli questions, h. j^rfi 4fx(tf bac/ian, m. speech, talk, disconrsct word ; promise, agreement, bachan band kar lena or bandh k., to bind by promise, bachan band, or bandh, liona, to promise, to be agreed upon, bachan piilnd, to abide by a promise, bachan topid, a. to bieak one's word, bachan chhornd, to break one's promise, bachan dfiid, a. to jirtunise, to agree, bachan dulnu, a. to (juestion, to ask, to inquire, bachan lend, to receive a promise, bachan indrud, to conclude an agreement. bachan vidnnd, to obey, bachan nihhdnd, to abide by a promise, bachan hdr'na, to promise, to agree, to give one's word. ». i:;f- C 101 ) J« Ixjil "^r^fTT bachna, n. to be saved or spared, to escape, to remain unexpended, bach-rahna, to avoid, to take care against. //. lL/U^ sr-l^ f^'STHTT bichchatd, m. a stinging- nettle {Urtica mterrupta). h. uj;5 l^ r«(^| ^»n bichhd-dena, a. to spread ; met. to knock down, to drub, to floor, h. ^^^ iVi^l t^T bichhana, a. to spread ; m. a bed, bedding, carpet (Dakh. bichhanaA). h, j^b&^ bachcha-ddn, ra. the womb. p. \j^. ^ dV-:^ ftri[TT7 bichhardtff.j paration, part- ing asunder, s. l3^vA^ r<4^d|r(1 bichhardnn, a. to cause to be separated ; to part or divide (actively). *. ^k^ iV^TT^ bichhurdfO, ra. act of parting or separating, separation, s. [away. *. cL*i>lj^ bichhrdhat, fem. separation, turning \3v4^ fT2FT»n bichhurnd or faTddHI bichhar- na, n. to be separated, to turn away. ». 3j^- ^^? bachhru, m. a colt, a calf. s. ^4^ fTB[^«n bichhalnd, n. to be separated ; to slip, to slide ; to slip out of place, to sprain; to turn away the face. h. •J^^ r^a^T bichhnd, n. to he spread, h. ■JJ'yx^:^^ ^Tri^HI'T bachchh-ndg, xn. name of a vegetable poison. 5. »^ 1V«3 bichchhu, 1m. a scorpion, the sign L^^ f^W^bichhu,d,) Scorpio, s. h. '^^ 'f^'^WT bichhu,a, m. a sort of dagger ; a small stiletto with a curved or serpentine blade ; an ornament worn on the toes. h. U)^^^ fsi ;^<4 1 1 i bichhwdnd, a. to cause to spread, k. ^■^^ frsftr^ bichhornd, a. to separate, h. I3_j^ f^'3t«n bichhaund or fVift'TT bichhond, m. bedding, carpeting. A. ^3^, Tsff^T bachhontdf m. distribution of an aggregate sum on several individuals, h. 8^^ f^'i^^ bichhoh, '\m. separation, ab- Ifc^^ f^tft^T bichhohd,) sence. h. ^fj^ bichhujt, f. a ring or ornament worn on women's toes. d. ^J^. ^^ bachhl, a female young animal, jd, U^^ ^fgt^ bachhiyd (diminutive of bachht), f. a female calf. //. 1;<4^ ▼^^T bachherd,\ t" '^ , . -N . T 7, - rro* a colt. VjA^ ^^jTT bachhera,) cijSl^ ^r%^ bachho-t,'] ' ^^ , M - r- a foal, filly, h. ui-^W; bahhds, a great disputer, controvertist, arguer. a. jU; &i7iar (pi. of^), seas, gulfs, &c. a. J^ ba-hdl, happy, flourishing, prosperous ; reinstated (as in service) ; restoration to a former con- dition, or continuing in the present state, p. a. i^^. ba-hdli adj. of or relating to a former state; f. restoration to a former state or con- dition, ha-liali sanad, a grant restoring a person to the possession of something that he has been deprived of, or confirming to him what he at present enjoys, p. v^Aii bahs, f. argument, discussion, alterca- tion, controversy, discussion. ba}!,s-k., to dispute, a. ^i^u^ bahsd-bahsi, f. controversy, discus- "sion, argumentation, a, \ju*i bnhasndfii. to argue, to dispute; to talk. a. ii>5i ba-hadd, or »^_^t>^ ba-hadde hi, to such a degree that ; so that. p. .^ bahr, m. a sea, a gulf, a bay j f. metre in prosody ; a fleet, a. ^j^^ bukrdn, m. the crisis of any disease (as fever, &c.). a. i^j^. bahrl, maritime, naval ; (for hahri), a kind of falcon, a. f^j^. bahrain, lit. the two seas, generally applied to the Mediterranean and the Euxine : it also applies to the two waters, viz. the fresh and the salt. a. L_>*«3; ba-hasb or ba-hasbe ki, according to, in accordance, in such a way that. p. a. /i^, bn-haJik or ba-hakki, on account of j in the case of. p. a. c!Jl«2 ( 102 ) •>> ^•Xrfj ba-kukm or ba-hukmi, under the com- mand of; by dint of. p. a. [lutioo. p. ,J^i/A?7,(for&i-A?7/*letalone,") pardon, abso- 4Jl\ti>^ ha-Jiamd Illaht, by the grace of God, God be praised that, a, Vj42 bukhl, m. parsimony, stinginess, ava- rice, sparingness. a. [sition. p. a. (— i^)j6; ba-khilqf, on the contrary, in oppo- f^y^. ba-khubl, in perfection, thoroughly, p. 5^ ba-khud, lit. to or into self, ba-khud atia, to come to one's self or one's senses, p. jytf bakkur, m.perfume,odour,frankincense. a. i^**j^. ba-Mushif with pleasure ; joyfully, p. jiJi- ba-khair, in welfare, well, good. p. a. jjJii bakhir, m. report, news, intelligence, d. ^JJki(; bahhil, a miser, a niggard, a. ^JjiiJ bakhxU, f. stinginess, niggardliness, a. iUatf baJthiya. m. a kind of stitching ; quilt- ing, sewing very thick and strong, p. tiJ bad, evil, bad; much used in the formation of compounds ; as, bad-a]chtar, of an unlucky star, unfortunate, bad-akhldk, of bad habits, bad-uslub, ill-shaped, ill-made ; of evil conduct, bad-asl or bad- tiful, low-bom. bad-atwar, ill-mannered. bad-af,alf of evil deeds, bad-i'tikad, mistrustful, bad-andesh, inimical, evil-minded. bad-d,in, of ill manners, ob» gerving no religious precepts. bad-l)fltin, internally evil, bad-bakht, unlucky, unfortunate, bad-bar, evil- minded or disposed. 6ad-6u, foetid; f. stink, bad-parhez not controlling one's inclinations and passions; in temperate, bad-chdli, of bad conduct, bad-chashm, malignant, envious, coveting other men's goods, par- ticularly wives, bad-hidl, in bad circumstances, ill- conditioned, bad-hawass, senseless, stupified. bad- Mtlsdl or bad-](haslat, of a bad disposition. bad-]chatt, writing ill. bad-khulk, of evil nature, ill-disposed. bad-kho, of bad habits, bad-lchtvah, wishing evil, bad- du'd, f. curse, bad-dil, sOspicious. bad-dimdghi dis- satisfied, displeased with every thing, bad-daul, ill- shaped, ungraceful, bad-sdt, low-born, of bad breed, wicked, vicious, bad-sihn, stupid, slow of apprehen- ' sion. bad-rah, wicked, sinful. bad-rikdb, ill-paced (a horse), also difficult to moimt bad-rag, of a bad vein, ill-natured, malevolent bad-rang, bad colour, bad kind, bad-rau, ill-paced (a horse), bad-zaban, indecent speaker, abuser ; f. indecent language, abuse. bdd-zabam, f. abuse, bad-xeb, ungracefiS. bad-sffat, f. an unlucky moment, bad-saj, ungraceful, ill-looking. bad-sirisht, of a bad composition, ill natured. bcul- saranjam, of a bad end. bad-slgdl, malevolent, bad- suluk, unfavourably inclined, maltreating, bad-strat, ill-tempered, of bad disposition, bad-shakl, ill-shaped, ill-looking, bad-shugun, of evil omen, inauspicious. bad-swat, ugly, ill-conditioned, bad-farik, m. bad habit (in a religious sense), bad-tlnat, miiilevoleut, iniquitous, bad-tlnati, f. malevolence, iniquity, bad- gann, suspicious. bad-'ahd, faithless, treacherous. bad-fi'l, m. evil deeds ; of bad habits (particu- larly in a religious sense). bad-farjam, of evil end or issue, malignant, bad-kar or bad-kirdar, sin- ful ; a malefactor, bad-guman, suspicious, bad-go, slanderous, bad-guhar, of bad origin, bad-lagdm, hard-mouthed (a horse), not obedient to the reins'. bad-mast, dead drunk, bad-waza, of bad taste, un- savory, bad-mazagl, unsavoriness, tastelessness; cool- ness between friends, bad-miziij, of evil temper. bad-muzanna, suspicious, bad-ma' ash, of a bad pro- fession, of an infamous trade, bad-mu'dmala, oi unfair <30 ( 103 ) Jjo dealing, roguish, bad-mihri, f. disobligingness, un- klndness. bad-nam, infamous, calumnious. bad-7idmt, f. infamy, had-nasal, of a bad race or breed ; a bas- tard, bad-naslb, unfortunate, bad-nazar, ill-looking. bad-na'l, tripping (a horse), bad-numa or bad-namud, ungraceful, inelegant, bad-nihdd, ill-disposed, of bad intention, bad-waz', ill-disposed or ill-behaved, bad- hazm, of bad digestion. bad-hai,at, ill-formed, mis- shapen.' bad-yumn, evU-omened, unpropitious. N.B. — All the preceding adjectives may form abstract sub- stantives by the addition of », as bad-akhlaki, depravity of morals, bad-uslubi, malformation, &c. p. cV ^ bad, f. a bubo,or swelling of the gland. /*. Si f^^bid, f. a little pit into which children in play endeavour to throv? balls or marbles, h. tV erf^ badi, f. the wane of the moon ; the dark half of the lunar mouth, from full moon to neve moon. s. \si f^^ bida, f. dismission ; taking leave, farewell, adieu, bidd-k, to bid farewell, to dismiss, s. \s> bida, f. beginning, commencement, a. \si ??[T bada, predestined, fated, h. ^Si\s:> ^T^T^r^ bada-badi, with emulation or rivalship, contentiously. h. (jj^c^ fN^TTrf bklaran (for vidaran), m. act of tearing, breaking, severing, rending, or dividing, s. O.liV f%^T^ bidarna, a. to tear, to rend. s. t^^Si ^^\f K \ baddmt, f. a species of rice. h. ^\d^ bad-an (for ba-an), lit. by that; thereby, thence, p. [congratulation, &c. \io\s> badaha, m. (v. badhawa), a song of LliAibltJJ baddhat,f.an unexpected accident, a, \j>i>\s^ f^Tl|»n biddhna, a. to turn the plough over a field, after the seed is come up, and also to plough immediately after sowing, for the purpose of covering the seed ; to harrow, h. iJ^^Si or 'h)Si badayat, commencement, a. jojjj baddjt (pi. of ajO^),wonders, rarities. a. U-b<3J '^Tf^^T bad-bdchd, m. a false or frau- dulent bdch or division, h. S>Si ^^^ budbud, m. a bubble, h. U^ciJtiJ '^^T«n budbuddna, a. to mutter, to grumble. Ii. O JJ r^ r^ H bidii, known, famed, renowned, s. 3^ badtar, worse, inferior, very bad. p. ^Si badakh, ni- a duck (for bataM). d. i^\^^d.i badaJthshdn, name of a region near the source of the Oxus, famous for its rubies, &c. p. .JJ badr, m. the full moon. a. jiiJ ba-dar (to the door, or at the door), with- out, out. ba-dar-nawtst, writing off objectional items of an account ; auditing or taxing an overcharged bUl.^. ViW "^^^ badrd, m. a cloud, cloudiness, s. ^jSi ba-darj, by insertion, per invoice, p. a. »»-j(\> ba-daraja, in, or to a degree, p. a. . j.tjj badar-rau, f. a drain, a sewer, p. sJijSi badarha or badraha, m. a fellow-tra- veller ; a convoy, or guard on the road ; any thing ordered to be taken with a certain medicine (as water gruel with salts); a vehicle (in medicine — see unupdn); also a charge (of one per cent.) formerly levied as the expense for keeping the highways and rivers free from robbers. 6arfraA:a ^wa6, an invoice of goods sent ; also transit duty. p. [ten thousand dirhams. p. 8jjJ badra, m. a bag of money ; a weight of i^jSi ^^r badrt, a place of pilgrimage in the north of India, s. (^jS> 1%^^ bidrl, f. a mixture of metals so "called; a kind of tutenag inlaid with silver, (so called from Bldar, the name of a city and province), used for JmJckas, &c. /;. i^Jil^jS> W^'hl^cF6a'^jS> W^^^t^^ badrl-chhadd, f. a kind of perfume, apparently a dried shell-fish ; a tree, a species of the Zizyphus, s, ,Jjui>^^,L)o ^^l^tt^S badri-shail, m. a part of the Himalaya range, and a celebrated place of pilgrim- age, the Badrinath of modern travellers ; or a town and temple on the west bank of the Alaknanda river in the province of Shrinagar. s. kZ***tSi ba-dast, in hand, or into hand. p. .y^uiS^ ba-dastur, according to custom ; as usual, in the usual manner, p. ^L*»tiJ W^^n badsald, m. a hog-sty. h. CL^^S> bid' at, f. violence, oppression, wrong ; schism, heresy, blasphemy, a. iSp-Si bid'ait, a tyrant, oppressor, a. jiV badak (same as bat), a duck. d. CLot^J ba-dikkat, with toil or difficulty, p. a. Vj^tV "^^W^Tbadaknd, n. to move, be moved, h. JiiJ. badal, m. exchange, substitution ; reta- liation ; prep, for, on account of. badal lend, a. to exchange, to take in exchange, baduli indl, m. price, barter, badal-muskdhara, m. stipend given in money or kind to public or private servants, a. Ji^^ '^'^^ baddal, or '^^ badal, m. cloud, h. JiiJ ba-dil, with the heart, heartily, sincerely. ba dil jdn, with heart and soul. p. "ili^^ «tr;cpi badld, m. exchange, lieu, stead, a substitute, recompense, revenge, requital. badld lend, a. to alter, to revenge, badle, in exchange, in return for. a. [of the English word. d. jS> budld, m. a bottle, probably a corruption ^^tiJ bad-ldm (for bad-ndm), infamous, of bad repute, d. li^ci>^ '^^TRT badldnd, a. to cause to alter ; to change, to put one thing for another, a. {j'^Si ^^55T^feac?/a,t, f. price of exchange, a. \JJcW ^55»n badalnd, a. to change, to alter, a. cj'^ «r ba-daulat,hy means of, through, p. a. ^^jjJ bidun, without, deprived of. a. JbS> T9 badh,m. killing, slaying, badh'dand, m. capital punishment, hadh-kamyd, f. desire to kill. hadh-kankshl, wishing death, badh-sthdn, ra. or hadh- sthali, f. a place of slaughter or execution. ». ^^ ^IT baddha, bound, tied; checked, sup- pressed; fixed, withheld, baddha-shikh, young, & Tpnpil whose hair has not been shaved, haddha-shikha, f. a pungent root, a kind of garlic, baddha-kop, one who governs or suppresses wrath, baddha-mul, fast or firmly rooted, s. ^iW fr^ bidh (for vidhi), f. a sacred pre- cept, rule, common practice, precept, direction ; name of Brahma ; manner, bidhi-bat, (for vidhi-vat), accord- ing to rule, law, or precept. «. JbS> ^V budh, m. name of a Hindu deity corresponding to the Odin or "Woden of the Saxons, and regent of the planet Mercury ; the planet Mer- cury ; Wednesday ; a wise man, a sage. *. ^S^ WS buddha, m. a wise or learned man, a sage ; a deified teacher, especially of the Bauddha sect ; the ninth avatar or incarnation of Vishnu, and the apparent founder of Buddhism. «. JbiiJ ^f^ buddhi, f. sense, knowledge, under- standing, buddhi-htn, senseless, t. ^S> fw^ hidhu (for vidhu), m. the moon. s. vUiiJ f^Vlril bidhata (for vidhata), m. he who has predestined, t. e. the deity Brahma, provi- dence, s [precept, direction. «. j^lfciiJ f««*ii»i bidhan, m. common practice, (J^VfctiJ 'TST^fcS baddhanjuli', putting the hands joined to the forehead, saluting respectfully. «. ijU6(V 4^ W«F badhak, m. a slaughterer, a killer, s. udiibi^ ^fVcfc" badhik, a huntsman, sportsman, fowler, killer, slayer, t. ^J^Si'^^^J^buddhiman ,m. lL««^^ '^r^*1ri' buddhimat, m. ,J^<^ ^r^Hril buddhimafi, f. wise, sensi- ble, learn- ed, famed known, s. UfctiJ TV«n badhna (also bidhna), a. to smite, to kill ; n. to be wounded. $, uibtiJ '^vn badhna, m. a kind of pot, with a spout to it, a vessel for drinking water from. «. UjbJJ f«|W«1l bidhna, n. to be pierced; m. a name of Brahma (see bidhata). a. t^Si bi-dihand ("let them grant"), a su- perscription of assent by the emperor on a petition for an assignment oi revenue, p. ^ii-> "W^i badhu, f. a daughter-in-law, son's wife ; a woman, wife, lady (same as bahS). t. lyfctio firV<4l bidhava or bidhwa (for vidhava), f. widow, bidliawd, m. the Deity. *. jiybijj T^V^R budh-war, m. Wednesday, s. wise, know- ing, intelli- gent, s. (j^y»JJ ^f^r^TtT buddhiman, jj^fc^iJ ^^^rfl buddhimatt, lljyfcjj ■^^S^RH buddhiwanta,, i JJ badl, rare, strange, wonderful, curious. a. j^jj badin (for &a-m), to, for, or in this. p. iOJJ badiha,m. an extempore, an impromptu, impetuosity, any thing done inconsiderately, an unex- pected event ; an axiom, a. ^g^.<^, badiht, unpremeditated ; apparent, a. \li ^?T badd (see bara), great, large, s. Yii buddd, old, aged ; an old man. d. \j\sj budddpd, \ ,, .,.. , " :. •• ^ ' Vjjj. old age, senility, a. jOlJO budddpan,) b,\jj r^jlH I biddrnd, a. to drive away, to turn away ; to efface, s. ^>h budpan, also budpandy m. old age. d. "ISjo "grr buddhd, aged, old ; an old man. / buddhd Ichablsa, an old sinner (a term of ridicule or ;. reproach), buddha-khank. an old fellow, s. h\ibdJ buddhdpd, ^ , , ... •■ ;. •• ■• s-m. old age, senility, s. ^.Ub3j buddhdpanj io^^J T budh-fjangd,i\ie old bed of the Ganges, where it has shifted its stream, h. ljJ63>^ ^fdHI badhiyd, m. a disease affecting sugar-cane, Indian corn, Ac, which prevents the head from shooting, h. ■f. an old woman, »• ( 105 ) \j> UfcJJ ^^fs^^ budhiydf'X tJJO ^Rrt budi, J " * \» s^Vsi bi-zdti-hi, of itself, independently, by its own essence, personally, a. j3j bazr, m. seed, bazr-gar, a sower, a. p. Jjj bazl, m. expense, gift, a portion, a. aijo bizla, m. a garment for daily use of which no care is taken, a. eis> bazla, m. a jest, raillery, pleasantry, a. j> ^ bur, f. Pudenda fcemince, vulva, h. j> "^bar or var, excellent ; m. bridegroom, a son in law ; a boon, a blessing, a choice, a good ; the Indian fig-tree; f. Asparagus racemosus; conj. but, moreover, even, bar-dal, giver of a choice or bless- ing, i. ji ^ bar, m. breadth (of cloth), h. ji bar, f. bosom, bar-mdrnd and bar-hdnknd, to boast; fruit, produce, result; prep, on or upon. bar-dnd, IPers. bar-dmadan, to succeed, bar-ldnd, Pers. bar-dwardan, to accomplish, to bring to a successlul issue. bar-anddkJitan, to overthrow, to vanquish, p. ^ ^^ ba7'r, f. a wasp. h. ji barr, m. land, barran ma bdhran, by land and sea. birr, a fox-cub. a. t^ ^TO ft/7ra, m. cakes made of pulse-meal, and fried in butter or ghl ; adj. large, great (for bara). s. ^P ^tl bu7'd, bad, worse, burd mdnnd, a. to ->• ^ take amiss or ill, as an affront, to be affronted or dis- pleased, burd lagnd, n. to be unpleasant, h. \j ^I:t barrd, m. a kind of rope used in a village game on the 14th of the light half of Ku,ar. V. Wilson, h. \o fTT^T hirrd, m. gram and barley sown in the same field, h. ^,i ^^ burrd, m. the interior cavity of any thing, the belly of a drum. d. J\ji bardbar, al)reast, even, level, like, plain, uniform, smooth, up to, opposite, equal, exact, accu. rate, alike, straight, bardbar dnd, to overtake, bard, bar-k., to smooth, to compose, bardbar-hond, to ter- minate, to allow, to suit. p. [kind. /^. .IjU f^trfXR birrd bardr, m. collection in ^jU barabarl, equality ; competition, ri- "valry. bardbari-k., to vie with, to compete with. p. C^\j ^TJTT bardt, f. the company and atten- dants at a marriage-feast ; the marriage procession, s. C^\j> bardt, f. a commission, a warrant, as- signment, a letter, a draught, a. C^\ji bardt, f. the 14th day of the month Sha'bdn, which is appropriated to the commemoration of ancestors ; this is generally called shabi-barat.qy. p.a. fj\j) 'smif\ bardti, m. an attendant at a mar^^ riage procession. (. K^^^ )ji ( 106 ) ^J? i*ii-»^ f^TTR hirat, m. the embodied spirit, name of a king. «. "-^y ^??J3T haratha, m. a washerman. «. U»-\^ pifCJHHI birajna, n. to be conspicuous or splendid, to enjoy one's self, to live in healtli, ease, content, and independence, s. jiii\j> haradar or birddar, m. brother, bird- dar-parwar, kind to friends and relations, barddar- Mmdndagl, profession of fraternal affection, p. ^h'^^ji barddardna, like a brother, becoming a brother, p. StiVjjiiM barddar-zdda, a nephew, p. c^ii^jiil J harddar-zddif a niece, p. t3jt5|jj barddari, f. relationship, brotherhood; adj. brotherly, fraternal, p. 5til^ burdda, m. filings, saw-dust. p. j\ji bardr, lit. that which brings up, or to pass, barar-i-kar, successful accomplishment of an affair ; taxation in general, p. ij)f> '^rrd' bardri, m. a shareholder paying his proportion of the bardr taxation, p. '\j> bardz, m. stool, motion, excrement; fight- ing (especially in single combat), a. D**]j^ ^TW burds, anger, rage ; adj. angry, vexed, displeased, d. j<-»L) 'Pto^ birdsi, eighty-two. s. aukii»Tp bar-dshufia, excited, distracted, p. i!i)\jS\ji har-uftdd, fallen off, dwindled away. p. e3^^.i\j> bar-afroJthta, set on fire, inflamed.^. ^j> burdh, the horse or Pega.8us on which Muhammad went one night from Jerusalem to heaven, and thence returned to Mecca. N.B. Our lexicogra- phers, Richardson, and after him Hunter and sundry others, will have it that this spirited quadruped was an ass ; on what authority I know not. a. /i\j> barrdk, flashing, shining, brilliant, a. ^\ji barrdlii, f. brilliancy, splendour, a, J\S f^TirH birdm, uneasy, unquiet, agitated, s. '^\j> bar-dmad, f. lit. up coming: issue, ex- penditure ; informing (more particularly of bribery), accusation, bar-dmad hond, to ascend, appear, come forth, p. iS<^ji bar-dmada, m. a verandah, balcony ; issue, expenditure, disbursement, p. 4_^.^*1 J bar-dmadi, an accuser, p. ^^\j> bardn, time, turn, vicissitude, d. jj]^> burrdn, sharp, cutting, cleaving, p. 13 \^ ^mm barrdna, a. to talk in one's sleep, or in a delirium, h. ^]j> ftRRT birdnd, strange, foreign ; belcmg. ing to another, of or relating to another, h. >^|^ f^fTI«TT birdnd, a. to mock, to jeer or jibe, to taunt, h. ^\j^ ^T^ST*TT bar-dnd, n. to succeed, to re- main at a distance, to keep aloof, to abstain, p. h. j'tij|^ bar-anddZf destroying, upsetting, p. t^y\}^ frCR^ birdnarve, ninety-two. s. i^y. WTJTff burans, m. the Rhododendron, h, J \j^ msHm or ^TJ^ bar-d,o, abstinence, p. h. «>jj V bardward, f. 1 calculating, estima- »«>jj\j bardwarda, m.J ting, considering be- fore hand what may be necessary for a feast, &c. ba- rdward-k., a. to strike out (of a muster-rollj; to calcu- late, to estimate, to carry to account, p. y^j^ f^^»n bird,ond, a. to vex, to mock, h, i\j> '^TJ15 bardh (for vardh), m. a boar; the third avatar or incarnation of the deity (among the Hindus). *. <"ii*fc M W^I^'i barrdhat, f. chattering, prating, ranting, talking incoherently in one's sleep, h. ij^\}^ "HT^nj brahman, a Brahman, a man of the priest caste among the Hindus, s. f^^^^J} "STSPH't brdhmanl, f. wife of a Brah- **man, a female of the Brahman caste. *. uuJL^fcj^ "^?I^[7T brdhmanetd, m. a young Brahman, s. &JUN»Jt)l^ 9(I4(|U1 brdhvianya, m. the Brahman sect, Brahmanism ; the state or quality of a Brahman.!. ,i^\ji "31?^ brdhinya, m. the worship or ve- neration of Brahmans; astonishment, brdhmya-mu- hurt, the dawn of day, from two to four gkaris before sun rise. s. [cane. h. (_^^ ^^T^ bardki, a small species of sugar- iJ ]j^ ^TJ^ burd,t, f. mischief, badness, evil. burd.i par ulhna, or kamar bdndhna, to resolve on mischief h. fc^y bard,e, for the sake of, on account of. bard,e khur o posh, "for the purpose of food and cloth- ing" — a kind of settlement of property on a person for life, not transferable, p. (^ J^ bard,t, f. name of a species of grain, d. l^ bardyd (pi. of io^), creatures, people, nobles, a. iibo bar-bad, thrown away, given to the wind, destroyed, laid waste, ruined, bar-bdd-k., or bar. bdd-d., to cast away, to misapply, to lavisli or squander. bar-bad-h., to be squandered, p. (3oJ barbat, m. a sort of bean. d. \j>J burburd ni. (for bulbuld), a bubble. A. i^j>j> ''^TW^ barbart, f. a large kind of goat (from Barbarv). h. {j^ji '"f^^ barbae m. strength, vigour, prowess, bravery. «. ^j> ( 107 ) JaJ^ harfmtt a species of lute or harp. g. (j^ji "^T^m barban, a north wind. h. ^)^^ ^^^TT bur-bold, scurrilous, abusive, h. ■x^^^ji '4K*1\kl'^^ barbhasiya, or '5T>Tftnn bur- hhasiya, aflfected, an old person wLo affects the man- ners of youth, h. ^j} bar-pa, on foot, erected, established 5 har-pa-lc, Pers. har-pa-dashtan, a. to pitch, to raise, to set on foot, excite ; bar-pd hona or rahna, to be or re- main established, h. C^j> war bi-at, "mjt barat, or ^ bart, m. a fast, a vow, a meritorious act, rite, or penance ; use ; part, flaming, blazing, s. O^ f^% birt, a right, custom, privilege, h. '^y>. '^(^ barat, a disease which affects rice crops ; a leathern girth or large cable ; the rope at- tached to the bucket of a well. h. O^ ^fffbriti, m. a proxy in the performance of religious duty. ». C^ji Tf% britti (corruptly bart), f. a stipend, a pension, income, estate, means of livelihood. (. Oj) ^TOTT bartd, that which has been used. h. Oj> f^njnbirtd^m. purpose, substance, power.*. 00 fWifT brita, m. a grant generally of land to a religious person, or to a tenant on certain stipu- lations, h. IJlUy. M4jiHI bartdna, a. to distribute, to cause to be used ; m. old clothes, h. CiOliiy ^"^1^ brittdnt or britdnt, m. account, narration, story; intelligence or news; circumstance, mode, s, JoLllo\i>\> ^^TRItlWC britant-pattarf the re- cord of a decision given by a panchayet. t. y*i bartar, higher; exellent, superior, p. \^^j> bartarl, f. eminence, superiority, p. iwSj mi<.i\ \l bartush, land sown with sugar- cane after a rice crop. A. i^^j> T&TR bartamdn, the present tense in grammar ; existent, present ; commenced or set in. s. ^ J ^•T o>' ^iri«i bartan, m. a dish, plate, &c., utensils, vessel, bason, h. [fleet, h. U5 J ^nnn baratnd, a. to consider, to re- \SSj> 4f^til bartnd, a. to use. h. ^j> ^Tjnft baratnt or bdrtam, f. ortho- "graphy. h. [of jungles, h. ^ji ^t;^ baratk, land situated in the midst «3j brita, m. (v. britd), a grant of land,&c. h. \^iv TTI brithd, or "3^ brathd (for vritha), abortive, vain, in vain. ». jIj "^?ft brati, m. one who fasts ; adj. en- gaged in the performance of a vow or penance. «. ^J,ji f^ift birtt,m. name of a plant (a spe- * cies of Panicum). h. ^j^ f^^friTT birtiyd, a tenant who holds his lands on a fixed unalterable annual assessment, h. j^j^ barr-tttar, m. the Indian grouse, com- monly called rock partridge, h. -,j> "3^ bruj (or burj), m. a cable, a large track rope, (a small one being called gun), h. ^j> burj, m. a bastion, a tower 5 a sign of the zodiac, a constellation, a. —.J "3»T braj, m. a name of a district, con- taining the several villages of Mathura, Gokul, Brin- davan, 8tc., about 1 68 miles in circumference, celebrated as the land where Krishna passed his youthful days. braj-bdst, an inhabitant of Braj, an armed attendant. braj-bhasha or bhdkha, the dialect of Hindi spoken in the district of Braj, s. \»'j> bar-ja, in place, true, accurate, right, p. Iju?^ Mi^Rf^jl barjatiyd, m. an innocent kind of snake, h. Kjfrrt ^^^ burjari, f. a term of abuse ap- plied to a woman, such as brimstone, strumpet, &c. h. s1m*»-j> harjasta, right, proper, opportune, exact, A propos, prompt, p. [hibit. h. li>o ^'5T«n barajnd, a. to forbid, to pro- ^lJy>j^ ^T^ftT &ar-;;o burjt, f. a small tower or turret (the "cutwater to the pier of a bridge), a. U»-p C^^Ph^ii birjiyd, one of the subdivisiona of ahirs, q. v. h, /«i*ji»o birjis, the planet Jupiter, p. jg>-j) barchahh, m. (v.&arcMa,&c.),a spear, p. i*f^y> P^i«H birchan, m. a kind of flour made from the fruit of the ber tree {Rhamnus jujuba). h. ,^»o -^^ brichchh (for V^ vriksha), m. a tree in general, a plant, s. Us».o ^T barchhd, m, "la (long, slender) ij^j> T^PF barchhl, f. J spear, a javelin. "barchha, barchhe, or barchhi-barddr, a spearman, h. uiJ^^jJ f^*.r«4<# birchhik, m. (for vrischik), a scorpion ; the sign of the zodiac bo called. ». dj^x^s-j^ ^nr barchait, m. a spearman, h. ij>-j> barchi, f. a spear, (v. barchhi). h. ,J»-j> bar-hakk, for a certainty, rightful, p. a. ^J> barhh or birlkhi little, few, some. p. C^i^^y. barkMst, f. recalling or removing from oflice, going away ; a breaking up of a court of justice, p. iJLa\»'j> bar-khdstan, lit. to rise up ; met. to go away, to cease, p. i^'^ji bar-khildf, on the contrary, p. a. ^j^ji har-hhurdj success, enjoyment, p. y'^j!^ji ^^'''khu' clar, h^ppy, enjoying long O^ life, prosperity (male children are so called, q. d. en- jojing the fruits of life), p. ^^ji harkhe, a little, few, somewhat, p. us-^ barJihiya, the father of Asaf, q.v. a. liji ^R^ harad, m. a bullock, a bull. s. i^ji ^1 hurd, m. lit. carrying off, a term used at chess when only the king (on one side) remains on the board : it is a species of victory, but not so credi- table as checkmate, p. [gyric. h. ^ f^^ hirad, m. fame, reputation, pane- liji bard, m. cold, frigidity, frosty weather. burd, a kind of striped cloth, burd i yamant, striped cloth of Yaman, or Arabia Felix, a. y<^ji "^t^R hardar, wide broadcloth, h. p. jiii^ bardoLr, hearer (in comp.); as sonte-bar- dar, stick bearer, &c. Ij.uklce-barddr (or more com- monly hukka-bardar), the servant who takes care of the hookah, or the luxurious qui hy pipe. p. \j^^y> ftar-<^a/-I, act of bearing, means of car- riage or conveyance, p. C^\i>ji bar-ddxht, f. endurance, patience ; stores, supplies, barddsht Jchana. a temporary store- house, p. \'S,***\t^j> bar-dashta, raised up, elevated, p. i^\^j> ^S(;<1*1 bar-dan (for vara-dan), m. a wedding-gift to a bride from her betrothed ; the answer to a prayer addressed to God, or to a saint. ». jbj^ burdbdr, forbearing, mild, patient, p. ^Cjbiij^ burdbari, patience, forbearance, p. .S>/oii^ burdmand, productive, fruitful, p. f^'^ji bur dan (r. bar), to bear, to carry, p. tjjj^ji birdang,']^. a missile weapon shaped J!ii^ birdangl,) like a sword-blade, and ■"made of ivory, horn, or other hard substance. It ia thrown with the hand, and much resembles the " boomerang " of New South Wales. (Binning.) d. ekjk>-j(i^ bar-dokhta, sewed j fixed or nailed upon. p. i jji barda, m. and f. a slave, barda-faroith, a slave-merchant, burda (in comp.) denotes bearing or possessing, as ndm-burda, named or having a name, the gentleman aforesaid, h. ^:bji '^TM haradh, m. a bullock, s. Jbdj^ WS briddha, old, aged. s. fi>^J ^^ briddhi, f. vegetation, increase, s. ^>ij> f^^li biruddha, opposite, opposed to ; against, contrary, a. [to be bulled. /*. Ubfcii^ '^tvnn bardhdna, a. to cause the cow Uj&ii^ ^T>nTT baradhna, a. to cover or bull a cow. h. (C«3^ iRi^ bardi, f. a drove of cattle loaded. «. i^^ji bardi (for hardly), the papyrus, a. *--*^.'^^ ^'^'f bardait, a panegyrist, a bard. h. (.54?.'ir? ^^^^ bardaihi, f. compensation for " pasture-ground, h. ifi;^ "^JJl bardd, m.1 any kind of sandy, light, ^j'Sji ^Tst bardi, f. J or stony soil. h. ]jj> ^ barrd, m. a rope, a cable, h. jji barz, ni. a sown field, agriculture, p. ^jj^ barzukh, m. interval, bar, partition ; in- terval between death and resurrection, purgatory, a. {jjj^ barzan, m. a mansion ; a street, espe- cially a large and spacious one, a quarter of a town. p. (^j*»j^ f^ hris (for vrisha), m. a bull ; the sign or constellation Taurus, s. (^j»»j> ^TS baras, m. a year; rain, raining. «. {,jt*j> T^CTI baras, m. an intoxicating drug made of opium, h. [hcasJia). m. ^'>**j> "^T^ barsd, m. the rainy season (see C^\*Mj> '^^^^^i[ or "^MIH barsdt, rain in gene- ral ; f. the rainy season, the rains. <. ij\Mj3 ^^TWi or ^liO barsdti, f. the name of a disorder in horses ; the farcy ; adj. relating to rain. barsdti fasl, the rain crop, or what is sown during th« rains, h. \x\t^j> '^X^fW^ barsdliyd, a servant en- gaged in cultivation who contracts for one year*! service, h. *u*»^ barsdm, m. the pleurisy ; an inflam* mation of the diaphragm, p. \>^u*tji "^^rfn barsdnd, a. to shower down ; to cause to rain ; to winnow g^ain. s. jlw»^'^^T^ harsd,u, raining, rainy season, h, (j-j***j brispatl (for brihaspati), m. Jupiter j " Tuursday. s. (-ii^J^ «[f?8r«ir brischik (or vrishchik), m. a scorpion ; the sign Scorpio, s. ^\Lj»j> <4<4 ^^PT barsan, m. rain, or raining, s. Uu**-) '^l.<|fTI barasnd, n. to rain, to be wet. «. \Ju«»J f^T^tTT birasnd, n. to stay, to remain, h. f^\y**j^ ^T^T^TT baraswdn, anniversary, an- nual, s. \iPyiiji ^ wt barsh (v. baras), m. rain ; a year. s. (^ji ^ brisk (for vrisha), m. a bull ; the sign or constellatioa Taurus. *. [ness. p. (J^j^ hurrish, f. cutting, cleaving ; sharp- \^ji ^v;\ barsha, or ^f^T barkka (for varsha), f. the rains, the third season (of the six), from the 15th of Asharh to the 15th of Bhadu, rain. s. OjLi*^ ?%r^TT barsha-, barkha-, or varsha- ritu, f. the rainy season, s. j^^U>^ ^"t^R barshashan, m. yearly pay or subsistence, s. Ji^lJjJ <7^|c|iTci& barsha-, barhha-, or varsha- kdl, m. the rainy season, s. I3lji»y ^^«TT barshana, a. to cause to rain, to shower down ; to rain. s. part, raining, s. ^\*>»ji '^^(y^ barsha,u, ^ jl^S^ '^rs barkha,u,J '■^i^j^ "^^H brUhabh (for vrishabha'), a bull. s. w^o hirishta, fried, broiled, p. (JK^j^ '^^oRT^ barsh-kal or varsh-kal, m. the rainy season, the rains. «. [aaiy. t. ^'•jSj J TfQc^lfj barshrvan, annual, anniver- ^jy^ji ^k\^ barshaufi, f. an annual tax "or rent. h. f^joj> baras, m. the leprosy, more especially the white-spotted or scaly leprosy, a. \^^j> bar-iaraf, aside, apart ; dismissed (as a plaint) ; also as a subst., discharge ; dismissal from office, bar-taraf-k., a. to dismiss, to discharge, to turn oflf. bar-taraf-liona, n. to be dismissed, discharged, or turned off. p. a. [ijiaJ bar-tarfl, f. dismission, discharge. j)m. itSs'j)^ bar-ahs, on the contrary , in spiteof.jo.a. (JL^-iso ba-raghbat, with avidity, eagerly, p. a. O^kff- J barghalanna (for warghalanna), a. to deceive, to wheedle, &c. h. i^ji barf, m. f. ice, snow, barf-parimard, sherbet, &c. cooled in ice. p. (2 J barft, f. a kind of sweetmeat; adj. iced, "or cooled by means of ice. p. J^ barh, f. lightning. bark-andaz (lit. *^hrowing lightning), a matchlockman ; also a watch- man, guard, or escort, a. p. .\jj> bar-harar, firm, fixed, established, p. a. *3-> burha, m. a dress, or kind of veil cover- ing the whole body from head to foot, with eye-holes to it. burka'-posh, one who wears a hurka'. a. tiJp «r«f brik, m. a wolf (properly vrika). s. CJijt barakat (pi. of C^j>), f. blessings, auspiciousness. hd-barakat, fortunate, prosperous ; fortunate in every undertaking, and communicating good fortune to every thing one is concerned in ; pro- ductive of advantage and success, a. k1^j> barakat, f. a blessing, abundance, pro- sperity, auspiciousness ; an inherent prosperity which produces success or abundance, a. 109 ; ^J C^ji r«|i.<*H birkat, m. a kind of ascetics who have relinquished the world; adj. wearied, dis gusted with the world, ascetic, s. {J^j^ W^ briksh or vriksha, m. a tree. s. ^^SxZJ~.j> bar-kashidan, to pull up, extract.^. '^j> W^cR^ barkala, an inferior clan of rdj-puts. h. ,^<^j> bar-kandan, to root up, to eradicate, p. iSj> birka, m. a pond, a small well, the basin of a fountain, a. ^j> "^^ brikh, m. a tree (same as briksh). $. ^ J ^ barkh (for varsha), m. rain. s. ^j>, ^^ '^^T barkha, f. (see barsha), painy season, &c. s. ^**»l4 Wff bargi, the Markatas are so called, s. jj^O ?^n^fc«/v/eZ,m.an ortolan (Alauda). h. ^ ^T^ burla, m. a wasp. h. ^o f^ToST birla, scarce, uncommon, rar^ wonderful ; delicate, fine, thin. s. U»> birma, m. name of a plant (Trickosan- thes incisa). d. [worked with a string, h Lo ^^ barma, m. a kind of gimlet or borer, UlcJ <4A l«TT barmand, a. to bore. h. UUo ■NfT*n«n birmdnd, a. to stop; to tamo, to reduce to obedience ; to allure, s. jlo f^THr3i 6 jrma,M, taming, tamed,allured. *•. iJL>\^Mji f%RW7 birm-bhdt, a subdivision of the bhdt (or bard) tribe, h. i^^ji bar-mahal, one who is appointed tc the charge of a district, p. a. ':^j> ^T?T^ barmaid, public, conspicuous, h. ^j> f^T?»»n biramnd, n. to stop, to remain. «. ( no ) 3J> 9^j> birma, ni. (v. birmd) name of a plant, d. v^j ^i^T harmha, the people of Ava are so called, vulgarly the Burmese, h. ^^j> W^\TlT.barmhotar(i'or'srv^t^braIima' hotra), a free grant ^ven to Brahmans for religious purposes, s. jj^ T^TIT barun (for varuna), m, the p;od of water; name of a tree {CrateBva tapia, or Capparis trifoliata). s. [even, but even, rather, s. (J J ^ or WCT baran, conj. moreover, and ^JJ> ^^ barna, or ^T^ baran, m. colour ; a class or caste ; one of the four tribes among Hindus, «'iz. 1. brahmana, 2. chhatriya, of kshatriya, 3. vaishya, A.shudra; a letter of an alphabet; praise, description ; fresh earth carried into hollows by means of water. baran-k., to hire a priest for the performance of a sacri- fice or of any religious ceremony, s. Iv W4.HI barand, a small river near Be- nares. *. [^Cratesva tapia). s. U^; WUJJ barnd, m. name of a fruit-tree U- TC«n barnd, n. to burn, to be burnt, h. \jj> m,^\ barnd, a. to marry, s. Oj barnd, m. a youth ; adj. young, barnd v)a ptr, the young and the aged. p. ^ biranj (or birinj), m. rice ; brass, p. t^\^j> birinjdrl, a grain-merchant, a camp- follower (with gram, &c.), a suttler. p. jj.^^ J birivj-phal, ^m. name of a species (^•A^ji birinj-phul,) of rice. h. ig^-i birinjt, made of brass, brazen, p. ^ ji f^ftf^ birinchi, or f^f'g biranchi (for virinchi or virancha — see hidhata), Brahma, the Deity, s, ijjy ^ brind (for vrinda), m. a heap, a mul- titude, a quantity, an aggregation, s. \iiiji 't^ brjndd, f. a sacred plant, commonly callpd tnlsi {Ocymum sanctum.OT sacred basil : this shrub is said to be a female metamorphosed), s. ■^^jjy ^^TSR brindd-ban, the forest of Brindd in the vicinity of Mathura, celebrated as the scene of young Krishna's sports with the Gopls ; a forest of tulsl trees, s. lSij> baranda, bearing, a bearer, p. Sl**»,,\j> W$^'«rc barn-sanhar, m. a person of a tribe originating in the intercourse of a man of one tribe with a woman of another, t. eiJ6J ba-rang, in kind, in the mode or manner, p. ^U^^ W^mi^n harn-mdld, f. an alphabet. *. ^j} ir^ or TC^»T barnan (for vaman), m. description, recital, explanation ; praise, barnan-k.. to extol, to praise ; to describe, to explain, s. Uiy H^H\ barnand or barannd^ a. to describe, praise, s. (3^ ^C^ifl oi Vi|'<*iT bar am, f an eye-lash, barn'i, an advance made for cultivation or manufacture. «. (J^ f^<.»i1 birnl, f. a wasp ; a small grain, h. iji ^T^ baro, name of a high jungle-grass. baru, the kalam or reed used in writing; a tube, con- duit, or canal, h. \jj r^rm\ birwd, m. a plant, a tree ; the labourer employed at the basket used in raising water for the purpose of irrigation, h. '^y. ^"C"*ii barwd, f. name of a ragini in mu- sic, by which deer and serpents are said to be tamed. baru.d, a soil consisting of sand and clay. h. j'Sji "J^^l^ barwdr, name of a class of people engaged in cleansing and selling rice. h. if^^v! r«r<,«li?1 birrcdlu, f. an orchard. Mr- wahi-k., a. to make an orchard ; to inclose with s hedge, h. cibjjjy ^<.«flT«*" barn)d,ek, name of a class of hereditary chaukt-dars, or watchmen, near the Se- walik hills, h. [barabar.) p j>^j> barobar, even, breast to breast. (See t-^j j^ f^^^ bi-rup, disfigured, ugly, birup-h, to be disgraced, s. U^jJ barut, f. whiskers, moustaches, p. O jiy ^T^cf barwat, f. a kind of snake, h. f^^^^j^ '*lO''jfl barothi, name of a tribe of "ahlrs, in the Mynpur districts, (v. ahlr). h, ^jlj> ^T^ barwat, m. a tumour in the belly, h. [washerman ; a vestibule, b, ^»lj> ^^T barothd or «f0il baratitha, m. a _.j^ buruj (pi. ot -^j^), bastions, towers, celestial signs, more particularly those of the zodiac. O. OtJjj^ burudat, f. coldness, chilliness, a. Jbiij^ f«|^V birodh (for virodh), m. quarrel, enmity, contrariety, opposition, s. ^J^it^ji f^^^^ birodhi, quarrelsome, s. LLaSjj^ bar-Tvakt, in time, d la bonne heure, seasonably, opportunely, p. a. [absence. «, ^iJj »^ fw^ birog (for virog), m. separation, (^jj^ fw^fjm birogan, m. sickness from the absence of a beloved object; adj. f. separated, dis- tressed from separation, s. tj^ji ffd'ft birogt, a separated or distressed "lover; a^^jj^ barumand, fortunate, happy ; fertile ^jjjj biriin (for berun), also burun, without, outside, external, p. Ijbjjjj^ ^jO-MT baraundhd, m. cotton-land. A, 3J^ ( in ) -V l^ijj^ ^i^^T baronkha, m. a species of sugar- cane with long thin joints. /*, SjjJ Trf^ barroh, a name given to the uplands on the right banks of the Jumna, barwa, m. the name of a bird that feeds on fish. h. ij^ji ^T3 harwe, a kind of measure or ca- dence in language, h. ij> f^Tj^ birah, m. separation, absertte (espe- cially that of lovers), s. ij> f^Xl birra, m. grain and barley sown to- gether in the same field, h. ij} bara, also barra, a lamb, a kid or fawn ; the sign Aries, ba-rah, on the road; provisions for a journey, p. ^ji ^TJ|T barha, m. a channel for the passage of water from a well to a field, or from one field to another ; a field where cows feed ; a rope or string, s. h, ^ji '^^ burha, wicked, bad. h. Usj r<4j> bar-ham, confused, entangled, spoiled; angry, vexed, sullen, bar-ham darham, entangled, con- fused, topsy-turvy, barham-zan, an exciter of quarrels, an embroiler. bar-ham-zanl, embroiling, putting a stop to, interfering, preventing. bar-ham-zadan,to QvabtdLi lit. to strike together, p. Ufct^ Win brahma, m. (see vidhata), the Deity in the character of Creator, or matter personi- fied, s. ^Ji)\^Ji 'a^^tl brahmadaya, m. any grant or perquisite bestowed on a Brahman, s. jjl^j "W^?^ brahmand, m. the top of the head ; the mundane egg (of the HindOs) ; the globe, the world. s. JLtA^ji 's(^\hA hrahmaxtra, m. a fabulous weapon, said to be the gift of Brahma, s. ,^tji\^j W31TH«T brahmdsan, m. a posture suited to devout meditation, s. Cm>jm\^j l?Sir«1^ bralim.dwartta, m. the coun- try to the north-west of Delhi, lying between the rivers Saraswati and Drishadwati. s. [tiidstra), «. ^^ljL*j6p "W51TR brahma-bdn (same as brah- j3j1^^j WtSi-MlfJclij) brahma-chdrini, f. a wo- man leading a life of continence, s. (^X^*^j^ "a^'^I^ brahma-charl, a religious ■tudent, a Brahman, from the time of his investiture by the sacerdotal thread till he becomes a house- holder; a person who continues with his spiritual teacher studying the Veda, a pandit, an ascetic. By the tantras, this name is assigned to persons wiiose ehief virtue is the observance of continence, and it i» assumed by many religious vagabonds; the life led by a young Brahman before he becomes a house- holder, s. lOj^^ji '9[Vt^% brahma-charya or brahvia- charj, the profession or way of life of a Brethma- chart, s. Jt)S>j^j> {4^I.«V brahma-randhra, m. the aperture at the crown of the head. s. L^^^ji W41c!^tch brahma-lok, m. the world of Brahma, the regions above, s. c^y*^j^ WSPT brahman, ra. a Hindu priest, a Brahman, or one of the sacerdotal caste, s. \Jk9-^^Ju*iby ss(9^*7t«T*fT brahmana-bhojana, f. distribution of food to Brahmans. s. ^c^j^ «r?n!ft brahmam, wife of a Brahman ; adj. of or relating to a Brahman, s. [maa. a. ljul»J&J "SIRTT brahmanetd, son of a Brah- xiS^^jj i4^^?T brahma-hatya, m. the murder of a Brahman, s. fe^ji barhamt, confusion, sullenness. p. {^rt fV<.5»f birhan or birahan, (a woman) suffering the pangs of love from the absence of her lover, a female lover whose beloved one is absent. .?. iS^ji barahnagt, f. nakedness, p. '^J ( 112 ) 'J^ &JJ6^ harhana or barahna, naked, barahna- pa, barefooted, p. [separation, &c. ». fji>j^ hirahni, f. (v. birhan), sickness from i^j^ fw^ birhl (for virahl), m. suffering the pangs of love, separate from one's love. t. i^j> "W^ barhi, m. a peacock, s. ^Afcy f^f^TT hirhiya, amorous, sensual; suf- fering the pangs of love. y^^ri "i^^^l barheld, \ i" «v fin. i^JJftjJ ^rS^QST barhela,) a wild hog. s. (^ji "W^ bari, f. quicklime; a dish made of "pulse; a wedding garment, or wedding g^fts in gene- ral, carried in procession ; it also denotes the marriage ceremony and wedding day; adj. strong, powerful, s. ijiji 6fl7'i,acquitted, free, clear, hari-dashtariy "to exempt ; (in law) a defendant released by the plain- tiflf from the demand against him. harrt, connectec' with land in opposition to water, a. {jj> Z»are (for 6are), at last ; however, p. tjrJ ^nff burri, f. sowing by dropping seed from the hand into the furrow, instead of sowing broad- cast or with the drill, h. (^j> ^T^ bara.iyOv ^ &ara?*,m. a seller of betel leaf, a cultivator of betel, h. .bv ^T^n^ baryar or '^PctTPC bariyar, strong, violent ; hence, rich or fertile (soil), s. \\>j> ^rmrr baryara or ^funiU bariyara, strong, violent ; m. a medicinal herb so called, s. i2\^*> birydn, fried, roasted, broiled, parched, grilled, biryan sdklitan, to fry. p. j^b J fVft'lt biriydn, f. time, space of time. h. j_^bv birydni, f. name of a dish made of flesh " and rice. p. \J\>.j> "^ftJl^ bariyd,t, f. boast, exultation, s. \Ajb J ^fZ\ barethd, m. a washerman, h. ^^y>.j> "^T7«T barethan, f. a washerwoman, h ^j> wtsi barej, \^ji ^^»n barejd, »^ji ^^t bareja, \^j> frrft^n birijd, m. Oalbanum. s. {Jy>-{jji ^rtJNrt burl-churl, f. the screech "owl. "ft. j^iX) J burtdan, to cut, clip, cleave, p. »iV J burlda, cut, clipped; a field cut by stealth by a cultivator, p. Ij V 'T^n barerd, m. a wasp. h. }>.*> y>.j> birez-bireZf overcome by, and yield- ing to misfortune, or to an enemy, p. yj^j> ^^ barix, m. a year (v. baras). s. ^^j^j^ ^ftl^ bnresirl, a tribe of inferior raj-puts. h. m. garden for the cul- tivation of the be- tel, h. fJ^.j^ bareshim (for jL>,ji\)y silk, p, i^.j> ^ft*T barain, f. a (female) seller of betel leaf, or rather cultivator of beteL A. ^,ji barln, on high, higher, sublime, p. ^t^TT barehtd, land of the third qua- lity ; also a plot of land on which sugar-cane has been lately g^own. h. j> ^ns bar, m. the large Bengal fig-tree (Firus Bengalensts), also called the baniyan tree. s. y> ^ bar (contraction of bard), great, large, (used in comp.) as baf-bola, a noisy talkative person. bar-bhaku,a, a blockhead, baf-peta, big-bellied ; a great eater; greedy, avaricious, h. J> ^ bur, f. Vulva foeminea. h. yji ^fj\ bard, large, great, old, senior, prin- cipal; it is often used adverbially in the sense of " very, exceedingly." bard bha,o, money borrowed at a very high interest, bard miydn.a. form of address to an elderly person — venerable or honoured Sir. bara-k., a. to enlarge, to exnlt or promote; to extinguish, to put out (a lamp, &c. — to use the direct phrase is esteemed unlucky), bard rasta pakarnd. to enter on the long journey, to die. bare pep wdld hond, to be patient, s. [ment. h. jl^ \j^ "^'?T>?T^&ara-&Aa,o,a kindofappraise- bV^ ^s(m bardpd, 'I m. grandeur,dignity, (ji^j^ ^si"**T bardpan,) elevation, great- ness, ft. [with grain or merchandise. *. j\j> Orili birdr, f. a drove of bullocks laden bV^y ^^T»n burdnd, a. to cause to sink. h. blj^ ^TRT bardnd, a. to speak in a dream or in delirium, to talk incoherently in one's sleep, h, j\'j^ bardo (for barhd,o), m. increase, &c. h. J&\jj bardht,\m. a carpenter : this is a Dak- ^\ji bardji, J hani corruption o{barha,t. h. ^\j^ "WSI^ bard,l, f. greatness; boasting, ba- ra,l.k., to extol; to boast, to vaimt; to magnify, ha- fa,i-dend, to honour, s. jiji <|S«rf barbar, f. muttering; the light- headed talk of a person in a delirium. « y^J-^ ^TJJ?T burburd (v. bulbuld), m. a bubble, d. bU^JJ ^d^yiSfT barbardnd, a. to mutter, to chatter nonsense, to talk light-headedly, h, \^\ji^ barbardt, ") f. muttering in one's liLJ&V^jjV barbardhat, r sleep, as in a fit of i^l^j^ barbard,l, J delirium, s. ^/^ «Ti^ff^ barbar iyd, m. a chatterer, a rautterer. h. ^^J^ TTtPT Ixirpan, 1 m. greatness, gran- bov^ ^<7^T barpanaj deur, superiority, adult state, h. cL>j^ ( 3j^ f^in birta, m.l purpose or object; t3jV r^ftfl birti, f. J power, ability. Ms birte par tattd pant ? for what purpose do you call for hot water ? a proverbial expression applied to a man who has not done his matrimonial duty over night, h. ^V barit, f. (for barhil), increase, advance- ment, success, promotion. «• [cal. h. <^y>-ji '«fdHl y(T^ barwa, f. a mare; the nymph As- wini or the asterism designated by a horse's head, s, t^\^ ''^ TS'"^lf'«1 bartvagni,m. submarinefire. s. ,Ax«Uv.> ^MIM^ barwamnhh, m. submarine fire ; the infernal regions. *. S^\j> ^ Jm'«Tc$ barwanal,m. submarinefire; in mythology, a being consisting of flame, but with the head of a mare who sprang from the thighs of Urwa, and vras received by the Ocean, s. ^lt '•':> ^rix^ baroti, f. progression,advancing. d. 'v^^.jj ^fW\ barunJiha, m. a kind of sugar- cane with long joints, h. bUftJ^ ^^(SVU burhapa, m. old age. h. j^'jbjo «rdl(^IH1 barhd-ldna,a. to bring for- ward, to lead on (an army), h. 'J^Jfr^ 4dMI barhdnd, a. to increase ; to lengthen ;* to make advance ; to raise, to promote ; to extinguish ; to shut up (a shop) ; to remove the table- cloth and eatables, &c. «. J [ibji Tf^T^ barhd,o, m. advancement, pro- longation, increase, promotion. ». lj\jbj^ ^rei^^ barhdwa, m. population ; excite- ment, flattery, s. ^^.Ijbjj barhdwan,Si round cake of cow-dung used as a charm against the effect of the evil eye. h. i^ \krb barhRyif f. advancement, increase, &c, (v. baj-ha.o). s. ■ yifc^v^yj ^l^>nT burh-bhas, one who aflPects in old age the manners of youth, h. Ulfcj^ y}'W^^ barhiyd, high-priced, costly; name ol a small clan of raj-puts. h. Ia^V^ ^§5^? harhaiyd, name of a species of pulse ; also a grain measure of about one sir. bafhea, a species of sugar-millstone from the quarries of Chunar. h. b jjbj^ ^fcn barheriyd, one of the sub- divisions of the cliamar caste, h. [swine, h. q ^ ^ g T oi- ^^^ barheld, m. a wild (jj^ burfi, sbwinf? seed by dropping it by "the hand into the furrow, d. \bcart). s. ij'ji ?T^ ban, f. a dish made of pulse (see i^ji bari, f, a fireball made of charcoal for the JttJ/ca (also called the gul). d. ^♦4J b/b 'q fgm >TH bariyd bhum, a rich and fertUe soil. h. ii)^ ijy. VjhI^I bare miydn, m. an old man ; great sir, addressed to an old man. h. IU« ^^ (^yji ^Tqt*H f'T^RT baryaun men milna, to associate with elders, to be grown up. d. j> buz, ra. a he-goat, buz-dil, a coward, p. ji bazz, m. fine linen, a. \y, bazd, name of a species of bird. h. jO bazar, m. (for bdzdr, q. v.) a market, p. j\y bazzdz, a cloth-merchant, mercer, a. \j\j> bazzdzd (also bazzdza and bazzdzistdn), the cloth market, a. p. iJ\]}> bazzdzi, f. trade of mercer, haber- dashery, the business of a draper, a. p. Yji ( 114 ; ^»^J> bazan (for bad az-an), afterwards, after. cU J^y> hazbaz, a kind of spice, mace, nutmeg, p. jX^jjt buzurjmihr, the famous minister of Naushirwan, king of Persia, who lived in the sixth century of our aera. p. '^^Jjy. huziirg, a grandee, a great man ; a saint; an elder, an ancestor; adj. great, venerable, p. i^jji buzurgdn (pi-), grandees; doctors, saints, sages, p. lO^jJ buzurgana, like a grandee,&c., nobly, j?. iCASjji buzurg-zada, of a noble race. p. JU*>i.f-fiV? 6M2;wr^-saZ,aged,stricken in years.^. jjJ*U ^j\> buzurg-manish, noble-minded, p. j^yjji buzurgwar, ancestor, saint, sage. p. {Jj^^jji buzurgwari, f. grandeur, reverence, highness, nobility, p. tjjji buzurgt, f. grandeur, exaltation, great- "ness; reverence, respectability, p. aJlpJ^ buzghala, m. a kid, a young goat. p. i^ji bazla, m. a jest, a bon mot. a. m\> bazm, f. assembly, company, especially at a feast or entertainment, p. jm\> ba-zor, by main force, on compulsion, p, i\> bazttf m. a sin, a crime, baza-hdr, a cri- minal, a sinner, p. lUAi^Ttbas, m. opportunity, advantage, power, authority, bas-ana, to be obtained, to come into one's bas-k., a. to overpower, to bring to submis- power. sion. i (j<0 f^ bis (for visK), m. venom, poison of reptiles {aconitum ferox), &c. ; met. it is sometimes applied to bitter things, bis-dhar, a snake, s. ijM^ bas, enough ; plenty ; very, a great many. bas-k., a. to stop, to seize, to put an end to. az bos ki, inasmuch as, whereas, p. L^ basa, much, very, basa-buzurg, very great, very noble, basa aukdt, generally, mostly, fre- quently, p. [estate, a. OL-O bisat (for bisdt), f. means, capital stock, I^Lm^ bisatl (for bisdti), one who sells every ** kind of thing, a pedlar, a haberdasher, a. A**0 ft'flR bisdr, loan of seed upon the stipu- lation of ample repayment after harvest, h. OjU-^ fq^HKHT bisdrnd, a. to forget. 5. )o\m*^ bisdt, f. bedding, carpeting, bisdti sha- tranj, a chess-board, bisati bdzl, a play-board in ge- neral ; means, capital, stock, &c. a. ^L*^ &?.sa(t,a dealer,pedlar,a haberdasher, a. l^^L-J f^mWJbisdkhd, f. the name of the 16th mansion of the moon. 3. JL-^ finni^S bisnl, great, lofty, extensive, s. j^L-^ nV4j|«i bisdn, f. an offensive smell (as ai fish, onions, &&). h, ^jjL-j ba-sdn, like, resembling, p. oL*J «itii*ti basdnd, a. to people, to colonise, to bring into cultivation, to settle (a coantry), ta build (a city, &c). s. Ul-.^ f^«HT bisdnd (for bisdhna), a. to pur- chase ; (for bisrdnd) to cause to forget, to mislead, h, ^Si[*^ f^^tv hisdndh, f. evil odour,a stink, h, i^jL*j '<4flNl.1 basdwarl, f. ground-rent, rent paid by villagers who do not occupy any of tbe village lands, h. i\^ f^^f bi^dh, f. purchase, buying, k. UtoL-J f^'JHTi$*TT bisdhnd, a. to buy, to pur- chase, h. ^^\^ Pn^l^H buidhan, "1 f. stink, fetid- iiJJfcU*j f^Tdf^f^bisdhindfj ness. h. \i^^\^ fslflir^ri^l bisdhindd, fetid, stinking, h. ^Sx>\^ C^^^J'^^ bisdyandh or bisa,endh, f. a stink, h. [dwelling, h. U**Vl/*^ ^'tr^TO bas-bds, m. a house, a aurtbu-j basbdsa, m. mace, the envelope of the nutmeg, a. i_\^--.^ ha-sdbab, by reason of, on account of. p. a, [our " Puss, Puss." h. i^jui f^juJ> bis-bis, the call made to a cat, like \3L»Jk,M<) f?^f^W»n bisbisdnd, n. to yield a sound as in the fermentation of putrefying vegetable or of vinous liquors. A. Cj^ bast (in comp. — for basta), bound, shut, frozen, bist (for bist), twenty, p. l1*^ ^^ bast or bastu (for vasta), f. thing, matter, substance; chattels, things, baggage, basat, inhabited, cultivated (land), s. UL-J bastd, VOL. the cloth in which a bundle is tied up ; a bundle, a parcel, p. j.IjL-j bustdkh, impudent, rash, audacious, p. jlJL-^ f^^JTR bisidvy m. abundance, prolixity, diiTusion. s. XiXL^ f^WT.'^ bistdrnd, a. to spread out, to extend, to diiTuse. s. ijXLMi f^WIlJ) bistdri, ample, diffuse, s. j^IjumJ btistdn (for bustdn), m. a flower- garden, p. j^lJL-J bustdtii, relating to a flower-garden, p. JL^ bistar, m. bedding, carpeting ; a bed, &c. p. jJL-J ^TTEJI bastar (for uas i,iya,) f. a lizard, h. ^»^^ hastan (r. band), to bind, shut. p. jjJL*) hastanl, f. a cloth for binding together " bundles of paper, books, ink-stands, &c. p. 6Mj iZ/^ bast-0-band, an agreement, set- tlement, p. ij^L^ f^"^^ bistUft, b^L-J rmr^^<4 l bistv ejuM^ basta, m. cloth in which any thing is folded up, a parcel, a bundle (see ha$ta). p. (5-«J ^Wt basti, f. an abode, a village, a ' peopled place, population, s. jX***^ bussad or busadd, coral and its root. p. c>w-J ^T^ bisad, white, pure, clean, s. \i>,y^ W^niT basudha, f. the world, the earth, s. -wJ ba-sar, at, or to, an end. ba-sar ana, io come to an end ; to succeed, to get away from, ha-sar jana, to be finished, to pass away, ba-sar-k., to bring to an end, to execute ; to pass (one's days), ba-sar le-jana, to finish, to execute, to acquit one's self of; to outstrip, basar-hona, to be finished, to vie with or rival, ba-sar amadan, to excel, to be pre-eminent, ba- sar burdan, to finish, ba-sar-shudan, to be finished, p. y**i f^HJC bisar, m. ^forgetfulness, obli- «iiL»U*«J frorrf bisrat, f.J vion. s. ft^j**^. ft'^STW bisram (for viskram), m. pause, a stop, a point in writing ; rest, bisram lena, to rest, to pass the night (particularly used by wandering fakirs), s. [to forget, to mislead. *. ULw,^ f^^nrnn bisrana, a. to forget, to cause l^«j; fr^TTnT bisrant (for vishrant'), re^Xedi, reposed, bisranti, f. rest, repose, cessation from toil or occupation, s. [finish, to pass, p. h. [>\^j^ ba-sar-lejana, a. to outstrip ; to Jij^ f^rn bisarna, n. to forget, to be for- gotten, «, 13w«*) "ftrmin bisurna, n. to sob. h. j^»-^jtt*i ba-sar-o-chashm, with head and eye, i. e. most carefully, heartily, p. \x^ bast, diffusiveness, distension, a. Jli*«j bisfdtaj, 1 m. a medicinal root, poly- ^\i— J bisfa,tj, J pody. a. La^^j*J f^'^t^MO bis-khapra, m. the name of a medicinal plant {Trianthema pentandra) : it spreads over the ground, and forms a circle of nearly a yard in diameter. /*. 1 ,'^5^(j"J f^W^sHlU bis-khopra, m. the name of an animal of the lizard kind, about a yard long, and said to be venomous {Lacerta iguana), h. •Ji-^—^ ifrrfnTT hasgit or basgat, f. residence, homestead, site of a village residence, h. 1.»mJ basma, m. staining (particularly men's beards) ; staining the legs (by the women) so as to have the appearance of having light drawers on, where- as they are in fact naked, p. j\»»-*o f^rairre bkmar, m. the name of a bush. h. ,J-»— J bismil, sacrificed (any animal), bismil- k., to sacrifice an animal, a. , 4Ji^^*«J bismillah, in the name of God : this phrase is generally used by good Musalmans in the beginning of all actions, written works, &c. ; hence bismilldh-k., to begin, to commence, a. \^ 4l3ij»A«^ bismillah-hu,a, said of a child who has just commenced learning to read. a. h. &*«^ basma, m. a collyrium, or tincture for dyeing, p. ^^g****^ r^ W9\ basna, m, cloth, a wrapper, pack- {JU>,^^ fvWi{X(Z bisan-patf^m. a habit of ijl(^j***^ Or^HIH bisan-pan,j indulging de- sire, h. [nu. «. i^.i^y**> ^^^^f{^^ Msan-pad, a hymn to Vish- CL^'y^^} ^TO'ff hasant, f. the spring ; one of the rags or musical modes of the Hindus; the name of the first of the six seasons, including from the ISthPhagun to the 15th Baisakh ; the small-pox (phrase peculiar to the Bengalis), basant-phulna, n. to put forth the blos- soms of mustard plants, ankhon men-hasant-phulni, to dazzle, basant ki }(habar. knowledge of or care about futurity, basant panchaml, a Hindu festival on the 5th of Magh, formerly observed as the beginning of spring, s. ,5W) "^Wifi basanti, of yellow colour (this " was Krislma's favourite colour), h. (^-*> f^^nft bisnt, m. a rake, a debauchee, a "lecher; adj. delicate, nice, showy in dress, h. (J-*:? '^'^rd basni, f. a purse, h, y^ iV"? bisma (for vishwa), m. the universe, the world. *. \y^ f^^^ biswa, m. the twentieth part (par- ticularly of a fiigfts of ground), f. j\y>^ biswar, a mixture of spices, &c., for making curry, d. ^J^y^ ^^rd baswari, f. a bamboo-garden, A. (^jj\y^ r«|»yr^ bisn-as (for vishwas), m. con- fidence, faith, sincerity, dependence. *• s^\y^ ftRRTlSt biswansa, m.l a fraction of ^^Ji\y^^ PflM^lMn biswansi, f Ja biswa. a. L>**^J U^ ^T'fftTra bos bas, m. home, coun- try, dwelling-place, residence, s, j\j\y*j ?msl\mjii biswd-barar, collecting hy the htswa, or twentieth of a bighd, q. v, h, jy^ 'n^T basaur, a hamboo-garden. A. I 2 y^ ( 116 \3^^*mJ ni «l.«i I hisurna, a . to cry slowly, to sob.^. 'jCj^y^ ftl ly oh^l bisrva-karma, the artificer ofthe gods ; tne Indian Vulcan. «. ^^**<^ ^^^ basula, m. a kind of axe used by carpenters, an adze. A. ^^y>^ '^W^^ hasuli, f. an instrument for cut- "ting bricks, p. 8^*<*> f^^ biswa, m. the twentieth part, par- ticularly of a 6?^7(a of ground, biswa barar, assessment by the biswa. biswa-dar, the holder of a share or shares in a coparcenary village, h. (Cji458^-*o Oryt^lO bisrva-darl, a tenure of independent villages, h, t^^^J f^'Sft bisTvi (for uwAn)t),worldIy, belong- ing to the universe. s. i^y*^ fV^ bisrvl, f. alienation of land, on the payment of fines in advance, h. ^^— »^ r^M^T bis,ha, venomous (as reptiles), s. jji^ fWF^ bisahru, 1 a buyer ; a pur- \jji^ ftrc^^^ bisahru,a,) chaser, h. ijji(*^ f%«^^ f. a phlegmon or boil on the hand ; a purchaser, h. ^«0 base, abundantly, much, many. p. \ju*J bhyar, many, much, very, abundant; hisyart, abundance, superfluity, p. CL^Jft^i tp^filf basit, the head man of a vil- lage, also called mukaddam, or patil. h. .ju*) foffm^^ bisiyar, venomous, poisonous, .s. Iju-^ ^^TT basera, m. a time before evening when birds return to their nest ; a night's lodging ; a bird's roost, a bird remaining on its roost, basera-k., to roost. /*. [dance, s. KL^^x^i f^'^'^^b^sesta {^ovvisheshat a), f.^hwn- Viiff> basit, simple, uncompounded, ele- mentary, a. CLSs^ W#«inf &asUa<, inhabited, peopled. A. I^\i...> f^:^ bisehh (for vishesh), m. a parti- cular circumstance ; adj. peculiar, special, particular; abundant ; adv. particularly, specially, s. ^)uu-^ f%^^ bisela, venomous, poisonous, s. ^ju-^ basim., affable, courteous, a. ^pats. h. ^ju«J ftr^«T bisen, a powerful tribe of ra;- IfciiJlf—.) ^>n basendha, fetid, stinking. ?i. i3sjjuO ^^ basend, an edible root found in ponds, &c. h. i^Ji^ ftn bish (for visha), m. venom, poison. ». C^j\Jl^ bashdrat, f. glad tidings, a. tj\^ bashara, m. a dream, a vision, a. (jJjIJLj bashshdsh, m good spirits, pleased, delighted, cheerful, a. ) \JL^ J>ashdshat,f. cheerfulness, alacrity, a. CULi fw^TI bishi,'\m. a kind of ta'alluh-ddr KJL*.Li f^ bisht, J or landholder whose of- fice is in the gift of government, k V^iiL^ f^OT bishthd, f. ordure, u j_^i;*> f?ft bishtt, f. rain. «. OcX^ ba-shiddat, violently, forcibly, p. a. jt^ bashar, m. man, mankind, mortals, a, *iJl^ HfiillH bishram, m. rest, ease, pause, bish- ram /., to rest, to pass the night (particularly used bj wandering fakirs). ». dA^Lij r«|ii||*fl bishrant, rested, reposed. hishrdnti, f. rest, repose. *. bS^J:j ba-sharte-ki, on the agreement that, so that, on condition that. p. a. ij^ bashara (also bushara'), m. countenance, the outer skin or cuticle, a. ijjt*i bashari, human, relating to man. a. CL^jtJ &a.s7i?-iy6r^,f.humanity,human naturca. ShAXi^ f^^oFir: bish-hapra, m. a species of grass used in medicine (Trianthema pentandra). ». ULx^, f^^oF^m bhhkanyd, f. literally, "Poison-damsel." A female who has been fed on poisons from her infancy. Such damsels, it is said, were sent by former Indian princes as presents to those whom they wished to destroy, as the poisonouis constitution of the young lady could immediately in- fect and kill an unwary lover. Ladies of this des'crip tion are said to have existed before the days of Co- lumbus, and the importation of anew disease from the \ new world ; otherwise the nature of their poisonou!^ . quality might be guessed at. (Binning), s. JLi f^^^ bisham, unequalled (in a bad sense), difficult, bad, excessive, difficult of cure. «. j^j^ fsf^M^pC bisham-jwar, m. a violent inflammatory fever, t. ^jLi ff(W bishan (for Vishnu), m. (in Hindu mythology) the Deity in the character of preserver, s. iy>.fj^ f^M^ bishan-pad, m. a particular song in the name of Vishnu, h. iJ^ji^^iL> f^WtftH bishn-prU, land held rent- free by religious persons, especially followers of Vishnu; the term Bishnottar has the same signifi- cation, s. j\.Xo^.^-^ r^imil/lri^l^ bishn-prit-ddr, a class of Brahmans to whom has been assigned grants of land in the name of Vishnu, h. {jy^, f^W^ bislinOft or bishnaivi, a wor- shipper of Vishnu, name of a Hindu sect. $. (Jui>J fV^»ft bishnt, m. a rake, a lecher ; adj. "delicate, nice, showy in dress. *. l^^ f^'nn bishhd, venomous (as reptiles). $. fj^ rvM*l1 bisha'i or bishayl, sensual, worldly, s. ^^JL^ f^W^ hishaya, m. any object of sense ; "any thing perceptible by the senses, as colour, sruell, flavour, and contrast ; an affair, matter, s. jxij bashir, a messenger of glad tidings, a. jJ^ f«( ik'ffi. bishiyar, venomous, s. (ji--^ f^^^hishesh,\si particular circum- »^^OL^ fw^l^bishekkj stance,8cc.(Y.bisekh).s. "^^^ f^^^ bisheld, venomous, s. \xZ*xL.> i^^mHJ bisheshata, f. abundance, s. OjUa^ basarat, f. sight, seeing, perceiving, a. li-oJ ba-sad, by a hundred, used only in Persian phrases, as ba-fod mi^nat, with a hundred toils or exertions, p. jto^ basar, m. seeing, discerning, vision, sight, understanding, knowledge, o. 1>yAi basra, the city commonly called Bas- sorab, on the Persian Gulf. a. jJ-«aO basal, f. an onion, a. C^jyai ba-surat, in the way or manner, p.a. jAjoJ basir, seeing (met. blind), a. OjJuoJ basirat, f. sight, perception, circum- spection, prudence, a. eJo^ ba-s igh a, in the degree or mode. p.a. CL^\ta> biza'at, f. stock (in trade), capital ; agency, commission, a. ai bat, m. a goose, a duck. a. J\Ja^ battal, very foolish or vain ; false, a. CLJUa^ batalat, folly, vanity, falsehood, a. ilx) batakh, •) m. or f. (dimin. of bat), a duck LJiK) batak,) or duckling ; a vessel formed in imitation of a duck. a. jia^ ba-tarz, in the mode or manner, p. a. u_i>laJ ba-taraf, aside, apart, p. a. /yij^ ba-tarik, by way of. p. a. ^jtla.> batsh, power, severity, sternness, a. jjiaj batl, m. rendering vain, abortive, of no effect, a. ^^^)^ butlan, abortive J m. falseness, vanity. a. f^\±> batn, m. the belly, womb, inside, bat- noQ ba'd bainin, generation after generation, a. jJa^ ba-taur, by way of, in manner of. p.a. j^^la^ batun, m. interior part j heart, mind ; adj. concealed, a. ^a^ bait, slow, dilatory; tedious, a. ^/^ bittikk, a melon, a musk melon, a. jfcUa^ ba-zjahir, \ in appearance, exter- j^^jio ha-mhur, J nally, ostensibly, p. a. ba'tf m. exciting motive, cause, a f 117 ) J«> SfO bad, after, afterwards, subsequent, a. JjO bu'd, f. distance, remoteness, a. iSfti ba'dahu, after which, then, however, a. {,jmO bdz, 1 UijO ba'zd, > some, certain ones. a. i^ojO ba'ze, J i^ojO ba'zi, some, certain, sundry, bd'zi "tab, various or miscellaneous items, sundries, ba'zi March, miscellaneous expenses, ba'zljam', aggregate of revenue derived from other sources than the Cus- toms and Excise, ba'zi zamin, in official language, denotes land exempted from the payment of reve- nue under various denominations, as altam^a, a%- ma, &c. a. dJuJtfO ba'^lbak, the city Balbeck in Syria, formerly Heliopolis. a. [of. p. o. f_!!-'^-\ ba-illat, by reason, or on account v--.>jJjLo ba'alzabub, m. Beelzebub, a. {^yt^ ba-iwaz, in lieu, or instead of. p. a. ^^yO ba-aun, through the aid of. p. c^JLxJ baid, far, distant, absent, remote, ba'td 'dkl se, foolish, absurd, far from wisdom, a. eJjjO bi-ainihi, himself or itself, in person, exactly, clearly, a. Xio bughdr, ^m. a breach in a wall j a iSjo bughdra,) gash, a deep wound, p. CjU^ baghdmat, f. rebellion, opposition to, and defection from, the rightful Imam ; violence, plun- der, breach of law. a. iJUjuO baghbaghdnd, a. to boast ; to bill or coo as doves ; to low as a camel, d. B.s^ baghcha, m. a little garden, p. \^ htghdd, m. a cleaver used by cooks or butchers, a knife, p. C>\^ baghddd, the city of Bagdad, a. (jCyio bughd'i, m. a kind of camel (of high "cost), p. {sewa.m). p. \j-ii-i bughrd, m. macaroni (also called ^^J«.J bughz, m. malice, spite, revenge, hatred, h. Jj«^ baghal, f. the armpit ; embrace, baghal jdnd or ho-jand, to go out of the way. baphal-men lend, to take in one's arms, to embrace, bagtaibajdnd, to be highly pleased, to be in triumph ; to jeer, to jest. baghal sungnd, to be penitent, to regret, baghal gann-k., a. to embrace a woman, baghal mcii dabdria, a. to get possession of another's goods by fraud, bughfil gandli, stinking armpits, baghal-gir, an embracer in the Hin- dustani mode, baghal-glri, f embracing. baghal-men-_ mdrnd, to conceal (under one's arms) baghal men mundi ddlnd, to be ashamed, p. \J^)jo baghldndf to make way, to get out of the way. p. under the armpits, f. liJo Jio bnghal-hantl, m. a kind of robe tie >^ ( 118 ) >^ ^^O laghli, f. a disorder in camels, rubbing the thigh against the belly; a purse ; a kind of dumb- bell used in exercise, p. ^^jjyti haghprda, m. a slap with the fists j a kind of short dagger, d. [ron. d. ^y*^ haghpla (same as hagla), a crane, a he- ^ii^ hagln, tyranny, oppression; rebellion, "insurrection ; infraction of the laws, adj. rebellious, refractory, a. Ijub haghiya, 'I m. a small garden, an or- s^^ hagtncka,} chard, a flower-garden, p. jiJo ha-ghair, without, except, besides, inde- pendent of. p. a. [formed on the head. p. IflJ hafa, f. a kind of scales or dandruff j^so hafler, fat, gross, bloated, d. ^ halia, f. eternity, duration, remaining, a. (j\_ft_J baJiJ.al, a grain-merchant, a shop- keeper. baJcJcdlnt, a shopkeeper's wife. a. bVflJ hakaya (pi. of &Aib), remains, old ba- lances of revenue, arrears, dues. bd^aya,e ba^, ar- rears on arrears, o. 3^\3^ &a;fe-6ai^, foolish prattle, talkative, a. &^^ buJtcha, m. a small bundle of cloth, f V j4>A^ ba-kadri, to the extent of. p. a. jSj hakar, m. a bull, bahar-ld, a festival held in commemoration of Abraham's offering to sa- crifice his son. According to the Mu^mmadans of the Sunni sect, it was Isma'tl that Abraham was about to sacrifice ; those of Shi'a persuasion hold that it was Isaac. It may be stated, however, that the name of this son is not mentioned in the Kur,an. a. g.jL»AMfl. > ba-kasamlya, being on oath. p. a. sjijh buh^a, m. a house, a place, a. "iiib hahlat or bdkla, a potherb, baklat-ul- humaJcd, m. (the fool's herb) purslain. a. Jb baham, f. sappan wood {CcGsalpinia sap- pan), a. Jyb bukul (pi. of jj^), plants, potherbs, a. J^ ba-kaul, according to the word of. p. a. iuib bahiyat, remainder, balance, residue. haktyatu-s saif, the remnant left by the sword, a. tib fww bik (for vrika), ra. a wolf. .■?. (.^ "WV bak, m. name of a bird that feeds on fish {Ardea torra and putea, Buck.), hdk-chal, a slow walk or strut like that of the bird called bak. bak- dhydn-lagana, to act with dissimulation, s. L^Jb ^!Mbak, f. prattle, foolish talk, bak-jhak the same, bak-jhak k., to prattle, to ( bak-lagni, talkativeness, garrulity. . \x} Vnr bukha, m handful, h. the same, bak-jhak k., to prattle, to chatter, to gabble bak-lagni, talkativeness, garrulity, t. OJ bakd or bukut f. crying, a complaint, la- mentation, a. (Oo^ buhat, a kind of sweetmeat, d. jOO f'T<*K bikar, m. the change of any thing from its original state ; disease. «. jOO ^oITTT; hakar, amount or value of a crop fixed by an appraiser by word of mouth, h. jOJ ha-kdr, of use, serviceable, hakar' amadan or -ana, to be of use. p. \j^ ?«irPCT bakdrd, m. a forerunner, a har- binger ; traveller ; intelligence forwarded by word of mouth, h. 0.00 hakarat, f. virginity, maidenhood, a. (_^Kj f^oRTO bikds, shining, blooming; ex- pansion, display ; pleased, happy, delighted, t, f^oFTtTT bikdnd (same as bikivana.)t to sell, or to cause to be sold. h. jK^ f^cjTR bikdtO, m. sale, f^iirra bikd,u, sale- able, for sale. li. J|.\^ bakdrval, m. a cupbearer, a steward; a head cook ; superintendant of the kitchen, p. i}j^ bakdroall, relating to a bakdmal, q. v. f. cooking materials, p. ^K^ ifcFnnT bakdyan, f. the name of a tree (Melia sempervirens). h. t-dbtdb ' j|ch<< ^ bak-bak, f. prattle, foolish talk, bak-bak-k., to prattle, to chatter, to gabble. <. UKjio «|ch<4c|iHT bakbakdnd, n. to prattle, to chatter, h. U^ ^^ baktd, m. a speaker in general; adj. eloquent, loquacious, s. (^Iji^ baktdsh, name of a famous athlete, p. Sx^ baktar, m. iron armour, a coat of mail a cuirass, baktar-posh, a man clad in armour, p. {jji^ baktari, m. an armourer, one who makes coats of mail. p. cL^So f^WZ bikat, difficult, terrible, s. iJLSj "WWZ bukatA ,../ • ^ rm. Uio "^m^ buktd, J C>jiw&a-Aasra<,plentifully,inabundance.j5.a. IsrT bukchd,')ra. a bundle, a wrapper, (v. &^ bukchaj bukcha). t. LilL^iib "fiFWffaBfi bak-jhak, f. prattle, foolish talk. h. j-jfc^ ^"^i^ bakchl, f. the name of a plant, "the seed of which is used to cure itch {Conyza or Sena- tula anthelmintica). s. Jy> bikr, f. virginity, bikr-torndy or bih^ phofna, a. to deflower, a. a claw. h. ^ ( "9 ) J? \S>> "i^KX bakra, a be-goat. (in Dakh. the •word is often, but erroneously, applied to a ram), s, j]j^ n^ciKK. hikrar, | terrific, ugly, hi- J)^ ftfRTT^F bikral,j deous. s. *j5o f-UyXJ r<4^Mlff bikramdjlt, the name of a celebrated sovereign of Ujjain (for vihram5dltyd).s. {jS^. iciiO bakri, f. a she-goat ; m. or f. a goat (generally) ; (in Dakh. improperly applied to a sheep), s. iS^ ^mni bikri, f. a sale, a demand, s. V--X) «rati<(r hahsa, astringent, hahsahat, astringency. h. l1*.» \ > f\i^ '^'^f^^T^ bakwddt, m. one who talks foolishly, an idle talker, s. (^jt»\jy^ "W^f^HS bakwds, f. talkativeness ; m. an incessant prattler. ». ^\^ fV«F^T^ bikwdn, a subdivision of the Gaurtagas (v. Wilson's Gloss.), h. \i\j5o f^^^T*n bikrvdnd, to cause to be sold. s. Ut^jio ^cdcfi^ 6rt^7ya/ta,m. [chatterer, an idle ^J^^ Aj fakirs, h. ^^x) Tsfit^ bakoli, name of a green cater- pillar destructive of rice crops, k. „^ ^fS bikh (for vish), m, poison, venom. bikh-dhar, a snake (lit. poison-holder). *. ,i^io ^^ bakh, the world, the universe, h. l^X^ ^^ bakhd, m. grass for pasturage, h. .l^5o ^^TC bahhdr, m. 'I a storehouse, a (C,\^io '^^T^ bakhdri, f.J granary, h. ^^\.^5o "^^rnr bakkdn, m. explanation, praise, description, account s. UJl^So ^441^1 bakhdnnd or bakhdn-k., a. to praise, to commend ; to explain, to define, relate, s. t4^ "^^HT bakhar (v. bdkhar), a kind of plough ; also, a house ; an inclosure ; a cattle shed, h Uj^So Pf^MI bikharnd, n. to be scattered, dis- persed, or dishevelled ; to become angry, to be amazed or confounded, h. (g.^x> ^^a^ft bahhri, f. a cottage, a house, a round granary of grass, reeds, and mud, raised on piles, h. bj^ TfiNfC^T bakhriyd, m. a householder, h. ]jX^ ,^ r«i 144<(M<| bikh-khaprd, m. a medicinal plant {Trianthema petandra). s. \j>^^ 4^ r«fM<^^M<| bikh-khoprd, m. a kind of lizard about a yard long, and said to be venomous {Lacerta iguana), s. jg^ fr^H bikham, odd (number) j difficult, s. ^^V*^ f^^jfTT bikhmdn, m. the name of a medicine or poison, s. ^4^V f^**^' bikhhd, venomous (as reptiles), s. f^f^ ^TSft &aMi,f.the side under the armpit, h. le^. f'T^ bikhai, m. any thing perceivable "by the five senses; affair, matter, &c. (v, bishaya). -. U^V ^f^nn bahhiyd, m. a kind of stitch, strong quilting, h. [quilt, h. XAx^i ^f^RTfTT hakhiydnd, a. to stitch, to ^ji^f^ ^^T!5n bakhernd, a. to scatter, h. )jii^ ^^fT bakherd, m. wrangling, a tumult, contention, dispute, uproar, h. b^jA^So '4'^nf^l bakheriyd, quarrelsome, a wrangler, h. (cJ^4^ fr^nft bikhayi, sensual, worldly, s. ^^^ WSSt bukki, f. a cloth brought over the shoulders under the armpits and tied behind ; a hand- ful, bukki mama, to pass a doth under the armpits and tie it behind, h. j_^ ^^ bakkt, talkative, a prater, s. ^_f^ ftr^ bikki, m. a partner (at play, &c.). h. Jo ( 120 ) \jx> ftrsnn bakii/a,f.a. clasp-knife, a penknife. A. tk^ ^n*^ bakel, twine made from the root of the dhdk tree. h. ^JoSo ^^i?5 hakelu, m. the root of a grass of which rope is made. h. Llfj ^IT hag, m. namft of a hird, a crane (same as bak). bag-chal, f. walking slowly (like a crane )_; (contracted for bagh) a tiger, hence bag chhandd lagna, n. to be stupified or petrified with fear, as one feels at the sight of a tiger, s. \^ bugga, a fountain, jet d'eau. d. .16 ^JJK bagar, m. pasture-ground: it also denotes forced labour for which no reward is given, h, \j\^ bugard, m. a large hole or breach, p. Vi;l6 MJlRtfl bagarna, a. to throw away ; to spread over. h. jV6 ftrnr^ blgdr, m. injury, violation, diffe- rence, h'lgdr-k., a. to quarrel, to forfeit friendship. bigdr par ana, n. to be ready to quarrel, h. Ujl6 OvJII^HI bigarna, a. to spoil, to mar, to damage ; to cause misunderBtanding between friends, h. jj'l6 fifiTrS^bigaru, m. a spoiler, violator, h. \J16 bi-gdna or bi-gdna, strange, foreign, un- known (for be-gana, q. v.). p. ^^il6 hi-gdnagt, strangeness, &c. p. J^U^ ^^xmft bag-pdtt, f. the side under the " armpit, h. fcranes. h. jjJLG ^fJ^TRlt bag-pdntt, f. a row or line of iZ^ r«l'lfrf bigati, f. badness, misdemeanor, s. Ci,ja^^ I'TBT bag-chhut, f. galloping, bag- chut-daurnd, to set off at full gallop, h. \j\s^ ' ' ^ J T t^ l tff bagddnd, a. to cause to return, to put to the rout. h. [spoiled, k. OiiJ^ '<5f JI^ «TT bagadnd, n. to return, to be \X> f^JJ^ bigrah (for vigrahd), m. quarrel, strife, s. \^J^. T'lO bagart, a species of rice, cultivated chiefly in the province of Benares, h. i^iXkiXi VIT^ hagrendi, f. the name of a plant {Jatropha curcas, Lin.), h. v^ '^T^s bagar, m. a kind of rice. k. \j^ fTTT bagrd, m. trouble; cheat, deceit. bagra-k., to evade the payment of one's debts, or the performance of a promise, h. \3]f6 Ot'IIH! bigarna, n. to be spoiled, da- maged, or marred, to fail, to miscarry ; to quarrel, to disagree, to be enraged, h. f^j^ f^TTft bigr'i, f. spoil, damage, war, battle* misunderstanding, h. \>j^ ^Tlfrm bagriyd, m. a deceitful person, h. ^^.6 ^JT^fT;trr bagxariyd, a small clan of r^-f)Hts in the Muradabad districts ; also of a branch of Kanauj Brahmans. h. Mo Uui-x^ f^i|H«fT bigasnd, n. to blow, to expand (a flower), &c. (v. bikasnd). s. y^ ^TcJJ'l bagld, ^II "^f^hali, an ot)laiion, a religious offering ; presentation of food to all created beings ; one of the five great sacraments of Hindu religion : it consists in throwing a small parcel of the offering, ghi, rice, or the like, into the open air at the back of the house ; an animal fit for an oblation ; a king and Daitya ; also Mahd-bdli, the virtuous sovereign of Mahdbalipur, tricked out of the dominions he had obtained over earth and heaven by Vishnu, in the Vdinan or dwarf Avatar, and left, in consideration of his merits, the sovereignty of Patala, or the infernal regions, s, ^y> "^ bid, f. vulva foeininea. h. ^f^bil, \ ^ ( 121 ) »-*b y^ ^^ bala, TO. an aquatic and medicinal plant {Sida rhomUfolia, rhomboidea, and cordlfolia). s. y^ hala, f. misfortune, calamity, accident, vengeance, evil, or mischief, bala-zada, one who is struck with misfortune, bula-kash, one who suffers under affliction, &c. bala-garddn, that which averts evil, bala-nastb, one of evil destiny, a. y^ hila, without; hila taraddud, without he- sitation, bila tawdk^f, hastily, speedily, bila-nagha, unhesitatingly, without delay, a. y^ '^^ halla, m. a pole or boat-hook. h. y^ f^WT hilla, m. a male cat. s. y^, hilla, m. a breast-plate or badge as worn by peons, policemen, &c. : a tablet or flat piece of me- tal ; also a string confining the hilt of a sword or dag- ger to the sheath, d. '^ ^TOT bulla, m. a bubble, h. ^^ halahar, a kind of jacket, p. jjj^ ^qSTT^ halabal, strong and weak. s. ^^t^^^ '^*:^i n^oSIn^ bildnd, f. a span. h. Uai^ ^(jlPyHT baldnchitd, f. a sort of viud or lute, called also Rainess lute. s. C^y^ '^^Tf^TT &aZawm<,strong, powerful, s. j^ f^R bild,o, m. a tom-cat. s. j'ah ^r^n^ bald,o, any thing very cheaply pur- chased ; adj. dog cheap. A. ^5^ ^^T^ biddwd, m. act of calling, h. 'jyh ftr^HTf bildwar (v. bild,o), a he-cat. s. Jj^ fw^^^ bildtval, f. the name of a ra- gini in music, h. [mens, h, iJl^'ah ' Mf^[i Z buldhat, f. calling, call, sum- jl*^ qf ^T ^ T: baldhar, a low-caste servant, a village guide or messenger, h. t^*^ M<^\{\ baldhif m. a worker in hides and "leather (v. chamdr). h, ^J^ fW^S\% bild'i, f. a she-cat; a grater for scraping pompions, &c. bila,t-kand, m. name of a me- dicine. $, t^ib bald,e (same as bald), f. accident, mis- "fortune. bala,e bo^ma, trash, stuff, filth, matter, a. iS*^ ^rart baUd,i, m. a kind of village ser- " vant, for cutting wood and preserving the village boun- daries, h. [of a medicine, h. iSJ^tJ^ r^tjl^"* ' ^ bild,i hand, m. the name iO^ ^^T^ baldya, m. a plant (Capparis trifoliata). s. ^(ij*^ ? C!iH^<^ ' *T T bald,en lend, OY^TRT halhhana, a. to allure. *. ,ti.^jkb ^^JH^ hal-hhadra, ra. a strong robust man ; the nameofBalarama, Krishna's elder brother. «. ^L/^^^y^ T5J>Tt^ bal-bhog, taking possession by force of another's right, h. le^ ?cj5^ bal-be, bravo ! well done ! k, .LJj '^<^<^< bal-bir, the brave, the heroic ; an epithet applied to the brothers Krishna and Balarama (m the Prem-sdgar). s. jOf^ ^^TiTTT bal-tar, m. the male palm or toddy tree (Borasstts flabelliformis). h. jKib <4($i«hR balat-har, any act of violence, as robbery, rape, &c. s. .yOj WcJScf)^ bal-tor, 1 m. a pimple, a sore, a j>j3a g|{^ ba-lihaz, with regard to. p. a. ib balkh, a famous city in Bactriana. halkhi, l)elonging to, or made in BalkJi. p. liJj balad, a city, town ; a country, a. 1^ ^^ balad, a bullock that carries a bur- den ; a drove of cattle, bullocks, horned beasts, h. j\i^ bal-dar, crooked, twisted, coiled; m. a species of wheaten cake, h, [tries, a. j^^iiJj buldan (pi. of »i>b), cities, towns, coun- j^liiJj v^f^t^itf bali-dan, m. act of sacrificing or offering a sacrifice to a deity, s. «j\;ib baladana, m. a tax on laden oxen. h. j\ti*b ^^5^31 baldajUf m. a bullock-driver ; a name of Balarama. s. [exaction, p, (J*Mii\^ bal-dastt, f. unauthorised or oppressive ii^ balda, m. a city, a town. a. ^\toi^ baldihUft, compensation for pasture- ' ground, h. ij^ W^^ baldi, "i a bullock-driver, or ^.'^ ^T^sftpTT baldiya,) one who loads bul- locks, s. [Bo/arfima, ISLrishna's elder brother. «. y_t\b ^5J^^ baldev, a cow-herd ; the name of ^y,ii>b iftJJ^m bal-deva, f. a medicinal plant commonly called Trayuman. t. \X> r^«j5U bilrd, m.'d. he-cat; a kind of cloth, s. ft}X> ^T^TTW bala-rama, the elder brother of Krishna. «. (^ '^)ji^ T55'0?S bal-rand, f. a widow who lost her husband while very young, s. '4{/^ ^^TC^ bal-rakh, m. a person put in charge of property imder distraint for arrears of reve- nue, g. [ofGilead. a. ^LJj balasan, the balsam-tree, balsam, balm d^— b f^T^S^ bilast, f. a span (v. bilisht). p. buJj ftr^^nn bilasna, n. to be pleased, to be satisfied, to be delighted, s, j6J^A> H^ii^K balsundar, name of a kind of (sandy) soU In 'Azim-gafh ; clay much mixed with sand. h. (^M bilisk, If. a span, the extent from the ulA-ib bilisht, J tip of the thumb to that of the little finger when stretched, p. jUb bu lgh ar, Bulgaria; Russia-leather, p. j»«b balgham, ra. phlegm ; a running at the nose from cold. o. j^»ib balgharni, phlegmatic, a. jfiX> balfam m. or balfam kt takhii, a school- boy's slate for writing or cyphering, d. jjwjiib balkls, the name of the queen of Sheba, according to the Musalmans. o. oM^fcaZAawa, a. to bring under one's own pos- session or charge, d. i^MJ bilk, a spark, balki, but, moreover. bilak, a gift, bilik, adhesiveness, buluk, a large pro- minent eye. p. ^■^b "^^mz balkat, rent taken in advance. /*. (_^>b ^^TSfr^balkafi, f. name of a tax formerly "exacted at the commencement of reaping, h. bXjj 'Mc6«li<11 balahna, a. to open ; to speak indistinctly from excessive joy or intoxication. *. ^-i*^ fVc$«li*1I bilahna, n. to sob, to cry vio- lently, as a child ; to long for, to desire eagerly, A. &xb balki, moreover, on the other hand ; but, nay. p. ^j^f^ f^r^slfmi bilkhariya, name of a tribe of RajpQts, so called from Bilkhar in Oode. A. ^4^ f^^S^RT hilakhna, a. to see, to look at, perceive, behold ; n. to be displeased. «. cL^ f^T bilag, separate; m. separation, difference, bilag manna, n. to be displeased, angiy, offended, t. bub r«lc:j&JH«n bilgana, a. to separate, to part. s. jUb fw^SJJJ^ bilgd,o,m. separation, parting. «. bcCb W^TTT bilagnd, n. to separate, to be se- parated, to curdle, to turn (as milk). A. bj3j sfci&'HI balgand, m. a sob; sobbing, s. >b f^oTSTT bilalld, foolish, simple, silly, h. b^ r<(cj&Q&IHl bilaldnd, n. to lament, h. ^b fr^R bilam, m, delay, long stay. a. ^ ( 123 ^ ^i^n hallum, m. a spear, hallam-hardar, ) M? a spearman; adj. having a very lai^e and broad head, h. W, 1 ia,j m. a lover, a husband. «. *V ^"^ balam, '^■J^ ^c^^l balmi ^IJj f%cJ*TT«n hilmana, a. to allure, to tan- talise, h. c-jkjj fw^Jlf hllamh, m. delay, long stay. 5. ^JUL^ r<4c<&^HT bilambna, n. to stay, to tarry, to delay, s. Qong stay. *. ,-.^f%b ft|^y»T bilambh (for vilambk), m. delay, \jk^x»b f^55»7*n bilambhna, n. to stay, to tarry, delay. #. ^j^ f<>l($H«1l bilamncij to delay, tarry ; to stop, remain, s. [flaccid, t. (^b f%^y*T balin, shrivelled, wrinkled, flabby, ^ ?Q5«Tr balna, n. to burn, to be burnt, h. lijjo bulancl, high, elevated, exalted, sublime, tall, buland-paya, of high rank, buland-hausila, am- bitious, aspiring, buland-nazar, of exalted views, aspi- ring, huland-himmat, ambitious, of lofty intention, p, t^AJjj 6z-poweriui, strong, s. jjj'yj T55^T»T balwan, J ^^Jj 4^<4|til bulwana, a. to cause to be called or sent for. h. \3^ ly^q^T balwatta, f. strength, power, s. J jb billaur, m. a kind of stone, crystal ; cut glass, a. [ing, ennobling, t. ^jj.«b^. f^yA) r^9l1cj&^{«1 billi-lotan, m. valerian', so named from its effect on cats, which are said to be so delighted with its fragrance, as to roll about in their ecstasies. }i. sIaJj halela, rn. the belleric myrobalan. p. iJoJkb i^TT balenda, m. a whirlwind ; a ridge- pole (of a cottage), ft. [cottage), h. (_jiijjib ^^'i\ balendi, f. a ridge-pole (of a *-^ T^ ball/a, strong, vigorous ; m. semen virile, s. V '^^ bam, f. a spring (of water) ; a fathom ; a measuring-rod of 3^ cubits, h. ^ ^^ bam, an interjection addressed to Shiva; ' much used by pilgrims to the temple of Baijnath or Vaidyanath. s. j^ bam, f. a bass part in music; a bass or lowest string or drum ; having the deepest tone ; deep sound (as that of the large pipes of an organ, a drum), a, p. ^J^ f^TTR biman, m. the chariot or vehicle of the gods (sometimes serving as a throne, and at others carrying them through the skies self-moving and self-directed), s. I— >») f^ir bimb, m. the name of a tree bearing a red fruit {Momordlca monadelpha or Byronia grandii).s. i—*^ '^il bamb, m. a revenue defaulter, one who owes a balance to the state, h. \x^ bumba,m. a pump (from the English), d. jx^ bambu, m. a bamboo, the species of cane so called. (This has not been borrowed from the English, as some have supposed, but the English word itself has been derived from the Hindu dialects of Southern India), d. (^^x«J bambud, a disease in elephants, a kind of ulceration of their lower extremities, d. f^>^ bumbt, f. the navel, d. ,_^^j^ 'SW^^ bamiele, name of a raj-put tribe "in the Du.ab: they are of low repute, h. ^y^ ba-misl, like, resembling, p. a. 4J;s:*^&a-mi{;arr'a\), a son. a. ^ bun, m. coffee before it is ground (for then it takes a new name, Tcdhw(i). a. an allowance of grain fpyen to a day labourer, h, ^o bun, f. basis, root, stem. p. ^^> f^ bin, "I withoutjUnless. bin jane, w'nh- \jj f^w\Jbma,j out knowing, unwittingly. bin mare or bin tegti shahld hona, to be slain without a wound (applied to lovers), bin mare tauba-k., to fear without cause, s. Uo ^RT bona, m. bridegroom ; (part.of 6a«wa), made, prepared, &c. ; land dressed and ready for the seed. h. \jj bina, f. foundation, basis, a. \jj "Sf^ banna, n. to be made, to be prepared, to be mended or adjusted ; to chime, to agree, to fall in with, to do, to answer, to serve, to be, to become, to avail, to counterfeit, to succeed ; m. a bridegroom. bana-banaya, ready, finished, complete, entire, perfect. hand-thannd, to be fully adorned, decked out. bona- chuna, dressed, decked out. band-rahnS, to remain waiting, h, \\i banna, m. a mason, a builder, a. Uj ^^ bunna, a. to weave, intertwine, h. lb f^[^ binna, a. to knit; to weave; n. to be picked, h. jU^ bina-bar, on account of, owing to. p. ,.j jlii bina-bar-in, therefore, with this view or intent, p. [tribe of raj-pSti. k. j^.U^ ^^iPMit binnaphir, m. the name of a C->lJo ^»niT banat, f. woollen cloth, broad- cloth, h. 11) Oli> hanat(^p\. of CL/jj), daughters, banati nabat, the tender herbage, a, ^jiijtl): iJ-Jlb banatu-n-na'sh, m. the constel- lation of the Great Bear. a. ^J,\^> ^'•Tnrt banati, woollen, h. jiiljj banadir (pi. of .tiJo), ports, harbours, a. (j*»lJo r<4*1IU binas, m. death, annihilation. ."?. ^jXtj*\l> "W^yvmfi banaspattt or banas-patthi, " f. forest leaves. *. Jib banafar, name of a tribe of Yadu-hansi raj-puts in Oude. h. {^^\JJ bind-goch, the cavity at the lower part of the ear. p. [bring, h. U^ljj '^IHIc^MI band-ldna, n. to make and ^Uj ba-ndmi, in the name of. p. liljj ^Hlffl banana, a. to do, to make, to fa- bricate, to prepare, to build, to compose, to perform, to adjust, to adorn, to pluck (a fowl), to mend, to in- vent, to rectify, to dress (victuals), to mock, to feign, h. ^^^^ ^»T^T»n ban-dnd, n. to succeed (in life), to be fortunate, to prosper. A. J lb ^t||c( JanOjO, m. dressing, preparing, deck- ing one's self; concord, understanding, reconciliation ; making up. bana,o-k., to adorn, bedeck : in the Indian Englisn the word is pronounced and written bunnow, and means a " cram," or " tough yam," a purely made- up story, h. C->jlJo, fw fT*TR3 bindwat, f. weaving, h. ijjj^ W«TnO bandwari or bana,ori, f. the act of getting ready, preparation, h. [pare. h. lijlb WHNHI band,ond, a. to make, to pre- jjlb f%«n^ bind,t, f. weaving, h, \j\»-\j\x> ?HI^I«il<1l bandyd-jdnd, n. to be making, to be in hand. h. i-iJb.lb f^HT*<«fc bindyak (for vindyaka), a name of Ganesha. s. c^b fV'ff bimb or vimba, m. the name of a tree bearing a red fruit {Bryonia grandis, Lin., Momor- dica monadelpha, Roxb.). s. l*b W¥T bambd, m. a well; a jet d'eau, the spout of a fountain, h. (^^^Ixb TfTTW ban-bds, m. onfe who dwells in the forest, a hermit. *. ^*»\juJ ^Hefiu! ban-bdsl, adj. dwelling in the "forest ; f. life of a hermit. ». i^i**?'Prec|i&iw&MA,red,fiery,flame-coloured.«. j^Jjjo T*Tf%^^ ban-bild,o, m. a wild cat. s. y*l> bambu, the cane called bamboo, d. ( 125 ) ^ l^l^(j^^^fT>?!7T ban-bhdntd, m. wild bain- gan or egg-plant {Solanuu melongena). s, jcJ^ bumbi, f. the navel, d. ^^job bambi, f. harvest crop ; a stack or heap of grain ; (same as ]chirman, q. v.). d. ^^Lnj^ ^nnr^ ban-prasth, m. a Hindu who has reached the hermit ataga of his existence. (▼. a«- ram). s. jii:^^ ^^T^TTTT ban-parnd, n. to succeed, to answer, to suit, to come to a conclusion. *. 4-^^ ^^T% banat, m. lace ; a riband studded with spangles, h. d* b bint or binat, a daughter, bintu-l- 'inab, wine, daughter of the grape, a. lib ^r*irti banitd (for vanitd), f. a wife, a woman, s. L^l/iz^ *f'"'*-'^ ban-tard,t, f. wild ^ara,i, a "kind of plant (Luffa). h. b JLo '^Hriti^l bantariyd, m. a class of peo- ple who formerly acted as wood-rangers in Gorak- pur. h. [solicitation, s. j_5^ r<»i(1 Jinii, f. an apology, submission, UUb ii;si*1l bantdnd, a. to share, distribute, to participate, h. [shared, to distribute, h, li\jAb «i^'c|If1T bantwdnd, a. to cause to be byLO <4 ( 126 m. sauce, condiments ; ) c^J^ ti^sf^ PTyH hinjan particularly vegetables dresaed ■with butter, &c. and added to flesh or fish ; (in grammar) a consonant, s. ^^^ ^*^tT^ banjhott, f. a medicine taken "to produce barrenness, h. &J^ ^^TiJair banijya, m. trade, traffic, s. ^^ 'NfTtTT banchana, a. to make or hear one read. s. 01^ banchana (for bachana), a. to save or protect, d. [tection. d. j\^ bancha,o (for bacha,o), m. safety, pro- j^ W^CfK ban-char, m. literally, " wood- goer"; any wild animal, such as a monkey, &c. : it also denotes a forester or woodman. «. ijj^ T'T^rt banchari, a kind of high jungle- grass, of which wild elephants are very fond. «. \^^ ^^RT banchna, n. to be read or perused. /t. liJo band, m. a fastening, a knot, a bandage ; binding, literally or figuratively, as a tie, a cord ; fetters, imprisonment; an agreement, pledge, or pro- mise; a contract; a regulation; a dyke, mound, dam, or embankment ; a verse of a song consisting of two or three couplets ; belt, roll, string, joint, knuckle. band-khana, m. a prison, hand-handhnd, to restrain an inundation with dykes, band-men-dna, to become a captive, band-rahna, to be engaged in a business. band-baithna, to succeed in an affair, band pakaj-na, to object to the arguments of an opponent, band- tneA pafna, to become a captive, band-band-pakarnd, to seize (as rheumatism, &c.) all one's joints, band-k. or band-kar dend,. a. to make fast, to shut or bar (a door). In composition it denotes fastening, enchain- ing, or fixing, as na'l-band, a blacksmith, one who fastens on horses* shoes, dev-band (epithet of an an- cient hero), the enchainer of demons. In Persian, band denotes hope or wish ; also " a trick of fence," a stratagem, band-farmudan, to imprison, p. t>>l> band, the limbs, members, d. «3a^ r«|'f$' bind, f. a spot, dot, mark ; the na- sal dot annswara. s. \Sxi 'W*^ banda or ^TT banda, m. mis- tletoe, a kind of epidendron {Epidendron tesselloides, Roxb.). s. \t^ ^p«JT bunda, m. a drop, point, a dot. s. ^liJo binda, m. a bundle, a sheaf, a faggot, d. \i^ ^n^ banda, a grain-magazine above ground, h. UtiJo banddra, m. a shore, or coast, d. J^jjo r^nJT^f binddl, f. a medicinal herb. h. \J\tiJo bandana (for bandhdnd), a. to cause to be fastened, &c. d. ^J^SiJ> "ofil'ofJT^ band-batd,l, f. account of each share of assessment in grain, h. l!*'"'^\.'^ i^j^ band-bar ddsht, an account of the share of an instalment to be paid by each vil- lager, p. iSj^ •^ ^'^^*^ band-behrl, f. statement of the amount of each money instalment of a vil- lage, p. h. ftjol^^yjo band-phdnta, an account of %k9 shares of the liabilities of a village, p. h. J'jtijj M^ril^ band-tdl or -tdl, damming np a water-course for the purpose of irrigation. A. L^L<*»- (^ hand-hisdb, an abstract ac- count, p. a. Xv>i3Jo bandi jam, the act of allotting to each cultivator an equal portion of good and bad lands, p. a. jtija *|»^l, bandar, m. a monkey, an ape. s. jdXi bandar, m. a city, an emporium ; a port, harbour, a trading town to which numbers of foreign merchants resort, a mart or market, p. \.tX>J ^?^n bandrd, m. mistletoe (v. banda). s. iJL0K^jSli 'W*^KW(f bandarkhai, m. a sore that does not heal ; a running sore, an issue. #, {?,iiJo ^*^K\ bandari, f. a sort of chintz from Machhli-bandar ; a sword from Raj bandari ; name of a grass used as fodder for cattle, h. (jjiX^ ofnfO bandrl, If. a female mon- ^^'^ "^^^fcn bandariyd,} key. «. jjju«ijjk^ bandi sel, a contract of sale. p. e. ^jtfjjo bandish, f. lit. tying, binding, or making up ; preparing a false story, making up a false account of a transaction, invention, contrivance ; ele- gancy (of style). form a plot, p. bandish-bdndhnd, a. to contrive ; to ii)\Ji^iiXi bind-kushdd, m. semen cito emittens, morbo affectus, h. p. [slaves, p, ^^\^4iJo bandagan (pi. of banda), servants, ^Jjo bandagi, f. slavery ; devotion ; ser- "vice, compliment, handagi meit yj^udd.uk., to affect authority while in servitude, p. [rice. h. i\<^ '«f»<5^^ bandit, a species of Rohilcund 0(Xo (\j^ bandi muddat, a stated period for the settlement of an account p. a. [bind, &c. d. \3tiJo bandnd (for bandhnd, q. v.), a. to j^jSiiJj W*(l"HMIi. bandanwdr, f. a wreath or garland of leaves and flowers suspended across gate- ways on marriages or public festivals. (. ,j»^.y tiJo band-nawis,2i clerk,an accountant.©. 1 jiXo bandu,d, m. a prisoner, a captive, p. cIa-hOj JJo band-o-bast, m. literally, " binding and fastening" ; settlement, regulation, disposition, arrangement; economy, management, government. band-obasti dawamt, permanent settlement. band- jj'^ ^»<0i bandor, f. a female slave, h. jjiXb handuk, f. a musket. (Whence comes the word banduJc ? It is not known either to the Turks or Persians. The nearest approach to it I have ever heard is the African -Arabic term hundtikiyya, li- terally signifying " Venetian," and formerly applied to a cross-bow, but in recent times to a gun, as the de- scendants of the Arabs in Egypt, Morocco, and Bar- bary obtained these weapons chiefly from Venice. — Binning.) a, ^.js^ji^JJ handukchi, m. a musketeer, a. t. Jjtij^ SJ^ W^ handh, m. a pledge, a deposit; m. f. binding, tying, bandage, a tie, or fetter; a bank, a dyke, a mound for confining water ; a village boundary ; bondage, imprisonment, bandh men papia or and, to become a captive, s. J&iiJJ "W^ bandhu, m. a kinsman, a friend. (v. bandhu). bandhuta, f. a multitude of relations and friends ; relationship, friendship, bandhutwa, m. re- lationship, friendship, bandhu-jan, a relation, a friend. bandhu-datta, given by a kinsman ; m. the property given to a bride by her relatives, bandhu-hin, friend- less, relationless. s. iSJ-^ banda, a slave, servant, handa-parwar, cherisher of servants (a respectful expression used in addressing a superior, i.e. your honour). banda,e- dargah, the slave of (your) threshold, banda-zdda, son of (your) slave, i.e. thine humble servant, banda- nawaz, cherisher of servants or dependants, p. \lbtiJJ bandaha (pi.), servants, slaves, p. ^^^Sxi Ts^rnr bandhan, m. pension, a fixed allowance to any one ; raised earthen embankments for flooding lands; purchase of grain in advance of harvest, s. [shut, &c. .«. lib&iiJkJ 4f«».> ^^e|i bandhah,m. a pledge, a pawn; binding, confinement, s. ^JbiiJo ^ >H I <*1 hondhaki, f. an unchaste "woman, a harlot ; a barren woman. ». jjJ&ib(\x> W^ bandhu, ^^ bandhu, or ^"^^r^ ban- dhava, a friend, kinsman, but especially a distant cog- nate, subsequent in right of inheritance to the gentile Sugotra: the bandhu is of three kinds, the kinsman of the person himself, of his father, and of his mother ; a flower (Pentapetes phoenicea). ». \jitSx> "W^^J bandhu,a, m. friend. ^»M'^ bandhuwa, a prisoner, s, li\y^tijo T'V^T'IT bandhwana, to cause to be bound ; to accuse. 5. (j*>1^4iJo W^jqfTO bandhwas, land embanked all around so as to retain the water, h. j^S^ bandhur, m. purchase of grain in advance of harvest, h. tiyysjjj ^T^Ieii bandhuk, m. a shrub bearing a red flower {Pentapetes phoenicea) ; also applied to the Ixora bandhu ; a tree {Pentaptera tomentosa), ban- dhuk-pushp, m. the blossom of the same tree. s. Ijifctij^ ^f'Vn bandhiya, an embankment (v. bandhan). s. lifctijk^ ^run bandhya, f. a childless woman ; a barren cow ; a perfume called hdla. s. ^tiJJ ^^»f bandhej, m. parsimony j sta- bility, steadiness, persistence, h. le^j'o ij'"^ H^fl^ bandhl muthi, f. an undisclosed intention, h. wJ&tX;^ "^Tonbandhya, barren, unfruitful; de- tained, confined, s. ^^•jjj bandif f. a female slave or servant ; m. a prisoner, captive, bandt-khdna or bandi-griha, a prison-house. In law and revenue language bandi denotes agreement, arrangement; distribution, allow- ance ; deduction or charge : it is also the name of a cer- tain dry measure, p. s. i^i^ ^y^ bandt, f. the name of an ornament worn on the forehead ; a dress shorter than the Jama ; m. name of a tribe called Bhdt, a bard. s. ij6J>> f^'^ bindt, f. a spot, dot, mark ; the nasal dot anuswara. s, l>(iJj '^f»^^T bundiya, f. a kind of sweetmeats (like drops), s. j^j^tiJj '^r^'HT'I bandi-jan, m. a kind of orna- ment ; a bard. h. [captives. ». jbX:>Sxi ■if-TjI'Tl? handl-griha, m. a house for ^,i>Jo ^t^^T bundela, a spurious tribe of rdj- puts, who give name to the province of Bundle cund {Bundel-khand). h. [soner. s j^\^ jj^ ^'^^HTfT bandlwan, a captive, a pri- SSi \ljj ^ handa, m. mistletoe, a kind of epi- dendron. h. [sticks, or straw, Sic. s. \jjO hinda, m. a faggot, a bundle of firewood, !jjj ^HBT hunda, m. a kind of ornament worn on the ears. A. [devil. A. \it,^'^^ ^T^T handoha, m. a whirlwind; a ^f jJo ^^ &aw(^i, f. short robe, a short full jama. h. t^lb Janc?i, f. a cart or carriage of any kind, 'called by Europeans in the Carnatic "a bandy." d. i^j>,iyJJ iik^ handeri, f. a ridge-pole, the ridge of a house, h. \^ ^TiTTT hanra, ra. a bridegroom, h. [jjyi '^(^ hanri, f. a bride, h. lytXi ^^ bans (for vansha), m. a descendant, offspring ; race, lineage, family ; a bamboo, s. LJo ^W bansa, a species of grass which grows in rice-fields : it is used as fodder for cattle. A. ^.L*x> *i^(N-J (»**>>> ^^T<^'«IH bans-lochan, m. the manna or sugar of the bamboo (it has been found by analysis to contain much siliceous earth), s. jwJj f^tT^fnn binasna, n. to perish, to be- come spoiled, s. ,c--Jo ^^ or '^r{iX\ bansi, f. (for vansht) a "flute; a fishing-hook; a kind of wheat with blackish ears ; in comp. of the race or lineage, banst-bat, m. the fig-tree under which Krishna was accustomed to play the lute. *. *.i*ajj banafsha, f. a violet, p. uiil) ^ bank, m. a bending, a curvature; reach of a river. «. jJKjo ^HT^ banka,l, f. a bending, a curva- ture, the reach or bend of a river, s. ^(_iJjj ^rfliJc^M^ banik-putra, m. the son of a merchant, a young merchant, banik-putri, a young woman of the Baniya tribe, s. [merce. s. ^JOwJuo '^fJ!J:w^^bani^i-path, m. traffic, com- U5Cl> itcFTT bankta, the crop on the field ir- recoverably spoiled, h. \^'x> W ti4ii^ han-kati or ban-Jtattl, f.a fee paid ■for cutting timber; the right obtained by clearing a jungle and bringing it under cultivation. /(. IjuiSoJ ? <*^ ^n ban-hatah/d, m. name of a prickly plant (v. bang-kafiya). h. ia> ^^T^T: banhar, spontaneous produce of jungle or forest land, such as gums, honey, &c. ; also revenue from woods and forests, h. [ropes, h. iju^ 'T«niW bankaSf grass used in making ( 12« ; ^ JJ TToli^JJT ban-kandd, cow-dung found in a jungle or forest, and used for fuel. h. U^Joo ^^T^TT ban/thai d, lands on which cotton has grown during the past season, h. sj^^J^ TPRT^ ban-khand, m. a forest. $. ^J3^j^^^^ 7«TI bang, f. hemp (Canabis sativa)'^ an in- toxicating potion made from the leaves of hemp. p. ijjjj^^ bang, f. calx of tin, given internally as an aphrodisiac ; name of Bangala (Bengal). «. iCo bingd, crooked, awry, distorted, d, ICjj^r^ bangd, m. a joint of bamboo root; a kind of soil ; well-water slightly brackish, h. ii\f.xirc^l^bangdld, the province of Bengal. bangali, m. bangalin, f. an inhabitant of Bengal. ». i\^ bungdh, f. baggage, luggage ; the tents, stores, furniture, &c., of an army. p. j\^^L^ ^ftin>nW banig-bhdo, ra. traffic, trade. 5 j^cjXi^ ^^iji bangfi, f. an ornament worn on the wrist (properly of glass), a bangle or bracelet made of glass or lac. h. %Xjj W^^ banghd, an aquatic beetle that eats rice-plants, h. \jj^ cL^ ^l^fzm bang-katiyd, a species of solanum resembling a thistle (not of any use), h. iCCjj ^^^rsift banghi, a species of rice culti- vated in Benares, h. ^kCjj ^^^ bangld, m. kind of thatched house, comm.only called by Europeans a "bungalow"; a sort of betel-leaf so called, h. VACjj ^^^^HT bangliyd, name of a species of rice. h. [>" forests, h. \^^^'^W^tW^ban-gaunthd,cow-(\\xx\gio\xnA X.'xi ^^ bang'i, f. a humming-top. h. /^jj bangi, m. one who intoxicates himself "with b«ng. p. JUJ^. ^r]HT(^' ban-mdl, f. a garland of va- rious flowers (usually those of the tSln) reaching to the feet. s. ^l»jj WHTf^ ban-vidli, one who wears a '* ban-mdl ; an epithet of Krishna, s. ^«jl^ Y«1*4IH^ ban-mdnus, m. a man of the woods, a wild man ; an oran-utang. «. UJl> bannd, binnd, bu7ina. v. IJJ. (j^j^Jo ^RTPd bann-arl, m. one of the names of Krishia. s. (__)»»^JJ TfHTO ban-vds, m. separated from one's family, living in a wood ; met. disinherited (a son). «. [made or formed. A. \3\»i^ ^^'^T*n banwdnd, a. to cause to be I y^ ( 129 ) ci i_^ 'ifHm\bamvd,l, f. price paid for making any thing, h. [weaving. A. (^ I^-lJ f^tT^T^ Mnwa,t, f. price paid for cL/^yiJ «i*flw'^ hanotsarg, m. a ceremony performed in honour of a newly-planted orchard : it T'^ somewhat resembles a marriage ceremony, (v. Wil- son's Glossary). «. jj^ ^^ hanwar, m. f. a creeper, vine. s. ^y^ fT^mTTT hinauriya, m. name of an herb used as fodder for cattle, h. tsl^ij P4' W^ bannl, a portion of grain given to a ' labourer as a remuneration for his services, h, . UJO ^rftnn oi"9[frP^ baniyd (also banyd), m. a shopkeeper, a merchant ^usually a corn-chandler), a Hindu money-changer : m Calcutta this term is ap- plied to the Hindu partner or cash-keeper of a Euro- pean firm. s. tiUjL^ bunydd, f. foundation, base, origin. bunyad ddlna, to lay the foundation, to found (a city, 8ic.). p. l3J5\juo <|^^I44HI banaiyd-kandd, m. cow- dung dried for fuel (not made up), h, ^U>J "^f^^IT haniydn or banyan, m. a trader, a merchant (v. haniya), p. j^bJj bunydn, f. foundation, basis, a. (^}^ "^f«TTni»I baniydyan or baniyd,in, f. wife of a baniyd (a trader), h. ^y^ W^ banetl or "^tt banaiti, f. a torch lighted at both ends and whirled round so as to form a double circle of fire. h. j^^ ^iln banij, m. trade, traffic, s. li^>>A^ "W^ft^ banlk, m. a merchant, a trader, s. ^^^ ^%55T baneld or ^^^ banaild, wild, of the forest. *. t^^^ ^r»T«T^ banainl, f. wife of a baniyd. h. Jl^A^ ^»i1'4ily hawwdb, a janitor or porter, a. \t^\y 4r«ll fW^T^ biwdh, m. marriage, s. li>ly WII^I bamdhd, pocky, affected with lues venerea, h. iJ )y 'W^T^ ban)d,i, f. a kibe, or chap on the foot, a chilblain. ». [seedtime. A. (_j \^ ^^^ bod,i, f. sowing, the act of sowing; L-^y ^t^ioJ, the sowing of grain by the drill. A. by ^Trtrr bobd, m. goods and chattels, pro- perty ; a bundle. A. '■J^^i bubak, ra. an old simpleton, d, yy ^[^ bubu, a sister; (in the west of In- dia) a lady (for hibi) ; a favourite concubine, or one of superior rank. A. K ^^ ( 130 ) J^ 0^ ^irr buta, m. strength, power, ability, h. U^ botd, m. a young camel, p. O^y butat (for buyutai), m. account of household expense, a. j^liy hutatt, relating to household expense, a. yy ^fhr &o<«, m. a he-goat, h, ejyi buta, m. a crucible, melting-pot; a bush, a shrub, p. {jy>\ jjy bautt-zaniin (corruptly -jarntn), land held by the owner of a village in his own posses- sion to give out to the peasants for cultivation, h.p. .l»x>y butlmar, a heron, p. cL>y ^ ^".^> ™' ^ '^^"'^ °^ pulse, chick-pea (Cicer arietinum). h. ^ ^^ bot, the finger, finger's breadth, h. uy W ^n^ bufi, f. drugs ; flowers or sprigs (on "muslin), sprigs of a plant, h. ^^ ^^ botx, f. a morsel (or lump) of meat, h, &>.y ba-wajh or ba-wajhe-ki, in a wayj in such a way that. p. a. ^^ ^^ bujh, f. understanding, comprehen- sion, b'ujh-ke, wittingly, s. 4?-y ^^ bojh, 1m. a load, weight, ballast l^y ¥t*BJ bojhd,) of a boat or ship, bojh pakarna, to affect a new delicacy or consequence, to five one's self airs (it is generally spoken in raillery). ot/j sir par bona, applied to a task, the performance of which is become indispensable : in agricultural lan- guage the bojh or load comprises about five dhokds of com (v. dhokd). h, ^^4?"^ ^y bujhd-bujhl, f. a game among "children : one of them is blindfolded, and must guess which of the others touches him. *. [tion. *. i^^y ^T^ bujhd,t, f. teaching, instruc- c^^y ^"^*RTt ^oJf^oL,%, f. lading (a cargo), h. (J\jj^j^ ThfH^^ bojh-bata,t, f. a mode of division by stacks or bundles of mowed corn. h. ^4?"^ Vt«Ki^ bojhal, loaded, laden, heavy, h. J^y bu-jahl (v. abu-jahl), adj. foolish, a. ^J4»-y. 'JilR^n bujhnd, a. to understand, to make out or comprehend; to think, bujh-lend (at cards), to settle the account of gain and loss. s. ^^4?-^ ▼t*K?TJ bojhnd, a. to load; to scald or parch rice. h. Ji^ry 'T^^JSy bojhel, loaded, burdened. A. — y ^t^ boch, m. an alligator, h. U-y ^^ bochd, m. a kind of sedan, a chai^ palkl. h. [out ears, k v^ "prr buchd, m. buchi, f. ear-cropt, with- l^y ioc/tra, chipped or notched on the edge. A. v"y ^r^TT buchnd, n. to sit in a confined posture, to crouch. A. j^^^y ^n^fTC iawcMar,1 f.drivingrain,wind j^^j^ ^ ^IjS bauchhaVy) and rain, h Oy bud, f. existence, being ; a dwelling, bud bash, residence, dwelling, p. liiy "^t^ hdda, weak, faint-hearted, low- spirited ; m. a buffalo ; (in Dakh.) boda-kd^hfl^ blot- ting paper, h. 'i5y boda, m. the nave of a wheel, d. .ijy bo-ddr or 6ii-c?ar, fragrant, scented ; m. a kind of leather so called, p, (^b(iy bud-bash, f. existence, subsistence; residence, abode, p. jii^ ^t^ bodar, a place to stand on for those who raise water from a well. h. jJiiy ^t^^ bodli,f. a simple woman, trollop; "a woman who lives with a be-natoa fakir, and dresses like a m^n. A. ^^tiy budan (root bum or bash), to be. p. Jbd^ ^V bodh, m. understanding, know- ledge, s. Jbi^ ^^ bodh, m. a security, h. Jb<>y ;^^ bauddha, m. a Buddhist, s. lJ^^^y sft^ boddhd, ingenious, intelligent, sensible, s. uilfciSy ^Vv^ir bodhak, m. a teacher, g. ^tiy ^rhnr bodhan, m.1 knowledge, teach- ^_^iiy ifhi'Tt ftodAani, f.J ing; awakening, arousing, s. li«>i>y ^V«{j bodhnd, a. to wheedle. «. VS^i budd, old, aged; m. an old man. hudi, f. an old woman, d, ^^ budhd, m. an old man; adj. aged. h. iCkXfcjJy ^iTTT budh-gangd, the old bed of the Gauges below Hastlnapur. &c. h. jy> y^ bor, deep; m. studs of gold or silver, h, •y w: bur, barren (land); f. chafl', husk, bur- kd-la44&> a sort of sweetmeat made with the husk ol grain. The confectioners avow the imposition, and cry out to piassengers, "You'll repent if you eat it, or regret your tasting it." Hence great men are some- times called hur-ka-laddu, when they make a practice of encouraging their dependants to hope, but do no- thing for them at last. The term also meani any per- son or thing which is fair without and foul within, or that promises well but turns out bad; a well-looking, but stupid fellow, h. J^ ( J^ ^^ JSra, m. a coarse kind of sugar; sawdust ; powder ; redeemable mortgage, h. \)^ Wl ^TT haura, m. mad, insane, h. ^}ji^. ^TTmT ftawm-joa, "Im. madness, state i:^)j^. ^^TT^»T haura-pan,) of insanity, h. I3j^^ ^^Hi baurana, n. to be mad, to mad- den, h. (jX)^ buranl, f. a kind of food, consisting of the fruit of the egg-plant {Baingan) fried in sour milk. p. Ufc^j^ ^TI^ baurdka, mad, insane, h. ^^.Jy> hor-bachcha, m. a leopard, d. ijjj^ burak or baurah, m. borax, a. ^j^ burna, a. to shew, to scatter about, d. jijy> ^tt boro, m. rainbow; marsh rice(Elliol Gloss.) ; the name of a kind of rice which is cut in March (Hunter), boro fasl, the season of cutting this rice. h. [Jkalam for writing, p. jfj^ buru or horn, a tube, pipe ; a reed or tij^> tM?-fl, borax; nitre for soldering, p, ijy> bora, m. redeemable mortgage; a sack for holding rice. h. ^j^ ntr^ baurha, mad, insane, h. lSj^. wt<1 bauri, f. mad, an insane woman, h. b,y boriyd or buriyd, m. a kind of mat. bu- riya-haf, a mat maker, p. [catsang). h. ^•y ^1^ bora, m. a kind of bean {Dolichos \yy> bora, deaf, dull of hearing, d. ^J*j^ ^»TT»n bur-marna,n. to be drownod, to die by drowning, k. ^j^ Wl^HI bornd, a. to cause to dive. h. ISj'y ^T*n burna, n. to dive; to drown, to be immerged, to dip. k ^J^ ^TT burhd, m. an old man ; adj. old, aged, buj-ha-arha, aged, of mature years, h. bljbj^ ^!^^ burhdpd, also burhd-pan, m. old age. h. W[jV 1[^ burl, f. a point of a spear ; a spike in the end of a staff, h, l^^ "^fiHT buriyd, m. a diver, h. jyi boz, m. cream-coloured (a horse), p. hy buzd (vulgarly bozd), m. beer, buze- Jchana. a beer-shop, a *' boozing-ken ;" the latter term is probably a corruption of buze-MlSna, introduced into Europe by the gypsies, p. ^\y> buzdgar, m. a brewer, a maker of or dealer in the stuff called buza. p. 131 ) uiJ^ i^J'^j^ buzdga7% f. brewing (of buzd) p. eo^y buzna, also bozna and bozntna, m. a monkey, an ape. p. 8jy boza, m. the name of a bird (Ibis denu- data ? Buck.) ; a kind of beer (v, buza). p. e^A^ buzma, an ape, monkey, p. {„jt*y> bos (in compos.) kissing, saluting, p. d.»V>Luy ba-wasdtat, by means of. p. a, jjl:L»«»y bostdn or bustdn, m. a pleasure-gar- den ; name of a celebrated work by the Persian poet and moralist Sa'di. p. juj J o**j^ bos kindr, m. kissing and toy- ing; dalliance, p. eu*>y bosa, m. a kiss, bosa-bdzi, f. kissing and toying, bosa-dena or lena, to kiss, p, ij*>^ bosi, kissing, used in com p. as hadant- host, kissing the feet, i.e. obeisance, p. jji^^y bosklan, to kiss, embrace, p. »iiJu*>y bosida, stale, rotten, bosidagl, f. rot- tenness ; also part, having kissed, p. c,y> bogh, a wrapper, a pouch, bogh-band, m. the cloth in which any thing (particularly a saddle) !• wrapped up. p. \fiyl boghrd, m. a dish made of boiled meat, flour, &c. bo^rd nikalna, to be well beaten ; some what akin to our phrase " having his grueL" p. l^O boffhmd, m. trumpery, trifles, scraps, rags, &c., the stores of a wallet; ugly and fat (woman), p. /iy> buk, m. a trumpet, clarion, a. Cj3j> ba-waht, at the time, in the time. p.a. j^«Ji3y 6ii-AaZa7n.M?», m. a chameleon, (hence) any thing of various hues ; adj. various, wonderful, a &)J»^ boMa or buUa, m. potherb, a. ii)y TO buk, land recovered by the reces- sion of a river, h. ti)y ift«ir bok, m. a he-goat, a ram, a tup. s. ^y ^^ feSAa, m. powder ; small pearls, h. %^ ^tsRT bolid, m. a basket, pail, or leather bag for throwing water to a higher elevation, h. Ki^y ^^FTTI bUkdrd, land (previously reco- . vered as buk, q. v.\ but rendered useless by a deposit of sand. h. I^y ^ftoFTT bokrd, m. a he-goat, s, (jyy ^«iiO bokri, f. a she-goat, s, j/y bokar, m. a he-goat (big-bearded), d. \j^^ "T^RT buknd, a. to powder, to grind, to reduce to powder, h, »fy> boka, m. a basket or leather bag used for raising water, fi. cUy ( 132 ) Jy ^f^ bol, m. myrrh. «. Jy ^Ttc5 Jo?, m. speech, talk, conversation ; worda of a song. h. J^ haul, m. urine. hauUdJan, a chamber- pot, baul-gah, the urethra, o. ^y ^^T ftawZa, toothless. A. ^y ^Tt^ 6oZa, m. a verbal agreement be- tween two parties, ft. [tion- *• ^W^y ^(ji l^ r^ hola-chaU, f. conversa- li^ »^ hanlana (v. haurana), n. to be mad. 6o/ana (Dakh. for hulana, q. v.). A. ^b Jy ^^^'WT^T bol-bala, m. a kind of bene- diction, bol-bala hona, to prosper, h. [men. rf. 11^ J^ bol'bhejnch a. to send for, to sum- U)y TTtonn bolta, m. the faculty of speech ; soul, life. h. JU. Jy ift cji ' M I^ bol-chal, f. conversation, h. Uy 'Tt^RT feoZwa, n. to speak ; to sound, to emit sound ; to tell, to say. bol uthna, to speak out, to exclaim, bol chdlna, to converse, speak together. bole so bolnd, to speak repeatedly, ft. («jjy i^t^^ bolans, making ovei one's own share to another, ft. .-•-U> ^^^ bolansi, the holder of another's "share or inheritance ; an adopted heir. ft. 5y ^^55t baull, f settlement direct with the "peasant ; also a kind of assessment, ft. Jy ^^ boU, f. speech, dialect, language; "conversation, talk. 6oI7-*., to jeer, to jest. ft. i^^ ^y ^5^3^^^ boli-tholi, f. jeering, "speaking at but not to a person, bolt fholi sunana or mama, to reproach, to blame. A. M^ bum, m. an owl ; land, ground, soil. p. *y bom, m. 'I weeping, wailing, lamenta- ijyo^ bomrt, f. J tion ; interj. alas ! d. 13 y 'frsn bona, a. to sow, to plant, s. ^O^tt^bauna, m. a dwarf; the fifth avatai^, or incarnation of Vishnu. ». (JLoy ^T^ bont, m. a stalk. ^. cLoy 'TO! JuMf, m. a kind of pulse when green {Cicer arieiinum); the plant of bunt; adj. little compact and firm (epithet applied to a pony : some- times used substantively), ft. {bunt, q. v. A, •^ci^iy bunt puldrv, m. a puldm made of tiloy ^iftrp bont, a finger (same as angul). d. ^O bunj, mould, mustiness. bunj-bkara,yery musty, d, d^y} ^^ bund, f. drop, bund kt bund (sharab, understood), very strong wine ; doubly-distilled spi- rits, &c. «. ti Siy} '^f^ bund, good, well, excellent ; high soaring (generally applied to kites), ft. ji^iijy bundahi, f. a spot, bundakt-dar, "spotted, d. ^iiJy ^7^ bunda, m. a large drop, burtdd- bdndl, small and interrupted dropping of rain. i_ffi\>^ M*^ bundt, f. drops of rain ; name of a place ; a kind of sweetmeat in the form of drops, t. ^.tiJy i|*^C^I bundela, name of a tribe of raj-puts, who give name to the province of Bundlecund (i.e. Bundel-khand). A. »j ■4Y^T^ baiihd,i, f. afflicted with vene- real disease (a woman). A. ijfc»^ ^n^U bohra, m. a class of bankers or money-lenders so called. A. ^y ^^«l1 bohni, f the money received for " the first sale in the morning by shopkeepers and huck- sters : no credit is allowed, nothing but ready money being received on such occasions. A. bii^y ^^r<*-\^^^y^ ^\^y^ bo,'i-bachh, assessment to be realized on cultivation. A. [lie fallow, h. J^i ^^tVJ. boyar, land that is never allowed \v L)y ^^TT baiverd, sowing, seedtime, h. U«oy H'A^^i'mbavesiyd, a catamite, sodomite: one who talks nonsense, a babbler, ft. Ijoy 'ft^ bo,iyd, m. a small basket, h. fjSiJy} bUfidan, to diffuse fragrance, p. ^ Vtbha,the aspirate form of the letter i > ^.x.h. eJ ba, prep, by, with, in; generally joined to the word it govenu, and then- the imperceptible A ii dropped, as ba-wajh or ba-wajhe, in such a manner f ^ ^ bahu, much, many, large, great. «. -^ ( 133 ) ^ ^ hih, good, better, hik or hihi, a quince, jt?. ^J haha,vQ.. price, value. haha,e khun, blood- money (paid to the relations of a person slain), baha^ Mil'at, a tax raised in order to defray the expense of honorary dresses. baha,e kagj^az, an allowance for office paper, red tape, &c. h. j^^ HT^ hhabar, name of a large forest at the foot of the Sevalic hills. A. j_^l4J >n»Tt hhabhi, f. a brother's wife. h. tjl^j Hnrt hhabi, future, about to be, pre- destined, «. ^.l^ »?nR bfiapk, f. steam, vapour, s. *?Tm5Tr bhaphna, a. to conceive, to guess, to comprehend, h, CJ^^ >TnT Ma«, advances to, ploughmen without any interest, h. C->1^ mjt hhat, ra. boiled rice, food. s. \3\4j >nin bhata, ra. an extra allowance to troops on service, commonly called batta. h. Ci^l^ mZ bhai, m. a bard, a minstrel ; a ge- nealogist or family bard ; name of a tribe. A. jjPl^ >?TTtT bhatan, the wife of a bard, a female minstrel. A. [the ebb tide. A. l^'l^j >n7T bhatha, ra. a current or stream, ^_54J'l^ >nTt bhathi, f. bellows, a. ^^^'l^^ HTZft bhathi, f. down the river, with "the current. It. JU^I^ HTftTr^ bhathiyal, m. down, below, down the river, with the stream. A. j^\^ ^V^bhhjarA . „ 1 ,,_. rr. flight, runnmg off. h. y>-\^ vim-^bhajar,) ^ " ^j^l^ HTipT bhajan, m. a plate, a dish, &c.j (in arithmetic) division, s. U>-\^ HIHHI bhajnd, n. to flee, run away. h. u»-\^ m3T«1T bhajna, a. to fry. «. (^^^ HT»I^ &Aq;t, f. greens. «. j_y=-^^ HT»rt i/iq;i,f.portion orshareof food. h. H?"^ *Trai bhdjya, divisible, to be portioned ; m. a portion, a share, an inheritance ; (in arithmetic) the dividend, s. j^^ bhdchar, a large earthen pot or jar. d. jiSl^ bahadufy brave, bold, valiant, courage- ous, invincible ; m. a hero, a champion, knight ; a title bestowed on military officers. "It is often accom- panied with the word jang, war ; thus, hahadtir jang. Invincible in war. The English (that is to say, Indian- English) language hiis adopted this word : a '• bahau- der" indicates a martinet, or proud and haughty mortal dressed in a little brief authority " (Binniug.)p. jC)\^ >Tr; bhddra, 1m. the fifth .solar iVjiSl^ 41 ^(T< bhddra-pad, J mouth (see bhd- 3o*). '« \s>,d\^^r^^fj^bhadra-padd,f. a.namecommon to the 26th and 27th lunar asterisms, distinguished by the epithets prior and subsequent, or purva and uttar. s. {jTiiSl^ bahdduri, f. bravery, gallantry, p. jjjJI^j HT?[lf bhddon, m. name of the fifth solar month, August — September (in which the full moon is near Purvabhadrapada), s. j^yjii^j HT^tW bhadonwi, of or relating to the month bhddon ; the autumnal crop. s. u^,(i\.^ ^^^"TT bahd-dend, a. (lit. to set afloat), to demolish, to destroy, to ruin, to impoverish, to de prive of felicity or fortune, s. 13^,1^ 4f^|fW.«f| bahd-phirnd or lahd-bahd jV ^^^ bihdr, in. diversion, spoit, arause- phirnd, n. to wander ; to be in a distresaed condition ; I ment ; name of a province, bihara-sthal, place of to be intoxicated, s. amusement, s. j^J bahdr, f. spring; beauty, elegiince, de- light, bahdristdn, m. a place adorned with the blos- soms of spring ; name of a Persian book by Jam!, p. j\^ VflX bhdr, m. a load, weight, fagot, gra- vity, a weight of gold equal to 2000 palas. t. j^ ^nr; bhdr, out, without (v. bdhar)'^ adj. external, outside, d, \j[^ HTTT bhdrd, m. a load, burthen. *. u])^ ^^^^^^^> the spring season, p. {J^jiJ^ >?RY^ bhdr-briksh, ra. a fragrant substance, commonly called kdkihi considered vari- ously as a vegetable or mineral product. (. C^l^ >?TOT bhdrat or bhdrata, m. the heroic poem which contains the account of Yudhislpthir's war ; m. name of one of the nine divisions of the world : India proper, so called from Bharata, the son of Dushyanta, whose patrimony it was. s. WjV^ m^l bhdrjd, f. a wife; wives of the Rags, or deities presiding over the Hindu musical modes, bhdrjdtwa, the condition of a wife, bhdrjapik, m. a henpecked husbnud. s. ^\^dj<^ V([TS\^ hkaradwdj, m. a skylark. 5, ^lliMjjl^ bukdristdn, abode of spring, or of beauty ; name of a Persian work by the poet Jami. p. (Oi^^ ^^KH buhdran, f. sweepings, h. D.l^ ^CnCffT buhdrnd, a. to sweep, to ga- ther, h. ^j,X<^ sT^KhI buhdrni, f. a broom, a besom. A. jjl^ ^^l<& buhdru, m. a sweeper, h. sl. .1^ H[KTnft ///iorijheavy ; of importance(raet.); big, weighty, fat, large ; valuable ; patient, steady, grave ; strong, thick, troublesome ; m. a porter, car- rier of burthens, bhdri-bharkam, grave, sedate, bhari patthar chumkar chhofnd, to withdraw from a difficult or impracticable undertaking, s. i^X^ bahdn, vernal, relating to spring, p. ' L$j^ fwirtf bihdri, sportive ; a name of Krishna ; name of a Hindi poet s b^l4> >TT^ hharya, f. lit. a wife or married woman ; a musical mode ; the wife of a Rag or deity presiding over a musical mode. $ f^ HT? bhdr, m. a furnace, kiln (particu- larly for frying grain). «. jW *^ bhar, in. the price of fornication. bhar-hhand, a. to live on the wages of prostitution (applied not to the vroman but to her dependants), h. \f^ HTfT Ihara, m. hire, settled fare, rent ; recompense, h. ju>\^ HHTt bhasur, m. a husband s elder brother ; a species of costus {Costut speciotfu). s. j^^ HI4«h4. bhaskar, resplendent, shining ; m. the sun ; name of a Hindu astronomer, author of the Siddhanta Shiromani and other works. $■ U**»l^ >mnTT hhasnd, n. to be known, to appear, s. .^**>l^ HT^T bhaswar, shining, radiant ; m. the sun, a day ; Costus speciosus. s. [hhahJta). s. Li»l^ HTW bhasha, f. a dialect, &c. (same as (Jl>t*)l^ ^f^ bhashit, spoken, said. s. a^^ >n^ bhakta, 1 rn. a follower, a de- u^Jc^l^ Hlfflicli bhaktikj pendant,a retainer. «. ig^^ HT«R^ bhakst, f. a kiln. «. ^l^ ^^ bhdkha, f. speech, dialect, Ian guage. s. ^-*^^ > MI'FH^. bhdgnar, name of a rich allu- vial Roil on the banks of the Jumna, h, i^^ HTfhWt bhdgint, fem. of bhagi, partner, co-heiress, a sister, s. *-iJ^^ >nf»T«^'? bhdgineya, m. a sister's son. a. y^ iTTT bhdgu, a deserter, a runaway. A. j'jSl^ HT'nR. bhdgwdr, held upon a joint tenure or share (land), h. [speroas. *. ij^y^ >niMH bhagawdn, fortunate, pro- CJjSI^^ HTTWiT bhdgavat, m. name of one of the purSnas. s. \jy l^ HTif^TT bhdgord, a runaway, a coward.A. ^\^ iTpft 6/ta^i, m. a partner, sharer, par- ticipator, a co-heir ; also a share or portion. bhSgi- dar, a sharer," a partner, adj. prosperous. ». r^jj^{^vnTfUyt bhdglrath,m. name of a pious king whose austerities brought the river Ganges from heaven, s. ij^j4^ vrr'fh:^ bhdglratht, f. the river "Ganges (so called from the pious monarch aforesaid). ». jjjp^ HT?^ bhdgel, a deserter, a runaway ; desertion, flight, h, t:)'^W HN'M<|I«T bhdgyawdn, \ fortunate, CjOi^y^ VPT^'I^H bhdgyawant, J rich. $. ao^l^ >?Tn| bhdgya, m. fortune, destiny. «. (^;J^^ HUM^ltl bhdgya-hin, poor,wretched, unfortunate, s. Jl^jt HT^y bhdl, f. the point of an arrow, h, Jl^j HT^y 6^a/, m. a tribe of rdj-puU. k. Jl^ *n^ 6Aa/, f. the forehead j fortune, s. Jl^j *rr^ &^aZ, m. a bear. #. ^l^ HT^ &Aate, m. a spear (about seven cubits long). <. cib^l^i *n^5T^ bhdldnk, m. a sort of fish, commonly called the rohi {Cyprittut rohita) ; a sort of potherb, s. liWl^ >IT^'5F bhdluk," ^\^ HTc? bhdluy U)l^ >TT^5«TT bhdlna, a. to see, to perceive, to look, to contemplate, h. *^^y\^ bhdlu-kold, m. a hyena, or, as some say, a hybrid anirn<^l between a wolf and a jackal, d. CIaaJI^ HT^ bhdlait, m. a pikeman, a spear- man, s. ^^\^ Hlfmi bhdmin, angry, passionate. ». ^j|0^ HlfHfdbhdmini, f. a passionate woman. «. ^J^ >rR bhdnu, m. the sun. s. 'h a bear. s. ^ i 135 ) ^ ^^[^ bhan, f. (for bahin, q.v.), a sister, d. ^^'^i ftrfTT bihan, m. morrow, morning, h. UI4J »TT»TT bhana, a. to please, to suit, to fit, to be approved of. h. ISl^ <4^MI hahand, a. to make flow, to set afloat, to launch. *. [time), h. Ul^. f^^T«TT bihdnd, n. to spend or pass (the \j\^ bahdnd (for bahana), m. pretence, &c. p. C^'^ >Tnr bhdnt or Htfif bhanti, f. manner, mode, method, kind, sort, h. [sorts, h. «Jlol^ '-^^^^ bhdnt-bhdnt, \dir\on8, of many tiL^il^ vrir bhdnt, m. a medicinal plant (CZe- rodendron infortunatum, Lin. ; Folkameria infortunata, Roxb.). s. [melongena. s. U3l^ >?t^ bhdntdy m.the egg-plant (^Solanum ^'^. ^TtiT ft/iawj, f. twist, s. |.^^ ^ lail^ >TT»r bhdnjd, m. a nephew, a sister's UaSl^ hI«(HT bhd?ijnd,a. to put into circular motion, to twist, to turn on a lathe, to wave, to bran- dish, s. [daughter, s. ig^^ HTaft bhdnji, f. a niece, a sister's ^-^l^ vn"^ bhdnji, f. interruption, hinder- "ance ; tale-bearing, hhayiji-khor, m. an interrupter, a tale-bearer, bhdnji khdnd, a. to give a malicious piece of intelligence, bhdnji-dena or -marnd, a. to interrupt, to put a stop to, to break in upon, h, I.U-^l^ HT«1^TT1 bhdn-chdrd, sisterhood, state or relationship of sister, d. iol^ vrn3 bhdnd, m. a mimic, an actor; a small earthen pot : stock, isapital. *. \3Jl4) >Tn^ bhdndd, m. a large earthen pot; estate, equipage. bhdTi^d-phufnd, n. to lose one's cha- racter, s. ^1 joIaj irnpK bhdnddr, '\m. also bhdnddr- MjoIa.) >Tr?!Jrn bhdnddrd,} khdna, a store, a place where household goods are kept, a storehouse. *. (_5.\jol^ >TT^5T^ bhdnddrt, m. a house-stew- ard, a treasurer, purveyor. *. [mimic. 3. (j3ol^ ^nf?S«T bhdndin, f. an actress, or female \3 JoW *TT;i3*n or vriTwTT bhdndnd, a. to abuse, to calumniate, s. (_5^3J\.AJ Hittrt bhdndaiti, f. mimickry, buf- " foonery ; a female mimic, an actress. *. ^.JoV^j -^v^^bhandh^va. the Indian fig-tree. 5. ^j-Jl^J bhdns (for bans q. v.), m. a bamboo, d. ^j^\^ bhdnsi (for bdnsl q. v.), f. a flute, ••&c. d. [shrub. A. ^^jl^j MMcdO bhdnhart, f. name of a k-Gl^ ^iehSI bhdnkrd, m. a fop, a parasite, h. ti^'^-> *Tfn hhdng, f. hemp ( Cannabis sati- vtu), of which au intoxicating potion is made. s. i^Xil^j ft/ta«^?'a,1 m. one who is addicted to i^^ bhdngi, J the use of bhdng. s. \jX.'i^ H'NICI bhdnyerd, m. a seller of bhdng. s. fj^i^^^ HTHHrft bhdn-matt, m. a female jug- " gler, an actress. «. [handsome, a, ^J^^J^ >n^'(ift bhdnumati, adj. f. beautiful. U)l^ HT«T5TT bhdnnd, a. to turn (on a lathe), to put into circular motion, to twist, wave, brandish ; to break, destroy, h. ^l^ WtT bhdnu, m. the sun. s. jlyl^ )7TH<1I4: bhdnuwdr, m. Sunday, s. jjjl^ Hnr, bhdnwar, 'If. revolution, circu- ^yl^ >n^T!t bhdnrvri,} lation. hhdnmrl phirna, to circle; to be sacrificed. *. ^_^yl^ bkdnoli, f. a sort of bread, (f. ajl^ bahana, m. pretence, evasion, contriv- ance, excuse, pretext, p. jj,l^_ f^?T% bihdne, early, soon. A. jl^j HR &/ta,o, m. price, value, rate, friend- ship, h. jl^ HT^ bhdrv, m. state or condition of being; natural state, disposition, nature ; meaning, purpose ; sentiment, passion; will, notion, idea; living, being, existence, thing; choice, liking; blandishment; ges- ticulaation, acting, pantomime, expressing a meaning by signs ; a sudden idea or emotion of mind, bhdto- batand, to gesticulate. 3. jl^ ^r^^ bahdyO, m. flowing, a flood, s. CJjI^ >nf%ll bhdvit, animated, inspired; thoughtful, anxious, apprehensive, alarmed. ». \3j\^ *n^]n bhdyOtd, amiable, dear, beloved, h. — jl^ >TITS| bhdmaj, f. a brothers wife, also the wife of a wife's brother. 3. L^Jjl^ M\4Sfi bhdwak, m. the external expres- sion of amatory sentiments ; a friend, a lover. 3. tdJjl^ Hlfcleh' bhdmik, natural, innate, senti- mental, relating to feeling, s. i^y^ ^J^^ bhd,oli or bhdwaU, f rent paid "in kind to a zamtnddr, distribution of crop between the zaminddr and cultivator. bha,oli-khil, land recently brought into cultivation. bha,oll-pa, land long culti- vated, h. [cerning, in respect to. A. ^l^ *TRfT bhdwn or Ma,o«, regarding, con- \3jl^ )|Tn^ bhdwak, f. a younger brother's wife. s. ijj\^ HT^ bhdwi, ^future, what is about ^}^^ >Tr^ bhdma,t,) to be, predestined. 8 ^ ( 136 ) ^^^ i^.j^^ HTcf bharven, postpos. inasc. in the sen- timent, perception, mind, notion; in one's eyes, in Bight, near, before, &c. h. [to be. s, Wjl^ HT"? b/tdvya, what must, will, or ought jS^ bahd,im (pi. of &-*J^), beasts, animals, wild beasts, baha.imi, beastly, brutal, a. (C^'t^ ftr^T^6t7ta,t,f.a spirit supposed to tease "infants, whispering alternately sad and pleasing things in their ears, which is the cause of their laughing and crying in their sleep or waking, h. iS^> HT^ bhd,t, m. brother, also a friend or 'comrade. bha,i-aiis,also bha.i-pafisi and bha,i-iiffa,the share or portion of a brother, s. '^^^lJ^ ^1^1^ bhd,i-bdnt, m. fraternal commiinity ; a term applied to a village owned by brothers, or descendants from one common stock. «. Oo^l^. Htf^ bhdfi-bat (^or bhd,l-vat), like a brother, fraternal «. f^J^fS^ >n|;^f5 6Aa,t-&awc?,m. brotherhood, brothers, friends, relations ; also bha,i-bandi. s. IjVi^^ HT^^TO bhd,i-chdrd, ni.'l brother- i^jW\J^ >TT|;T^r«irr*TT bhabkdnd, a. to kindle, to light ; to provoke, to exasperate, to enrage ; to spur a horse, h. UxA^ H4'o(if{l bhabaknd, n. to be enraged, to rush on with rage ; to catch fire ; to run with great rapidity (a horse), to bubble (as boiling water), to roar, to grumble, h. ^^J^ H^^ bhabki, f. threat, h, (Jfv^ ftf^^ bihbal, agitated, alarmed, over- come with fear or agitation, unable to restrain one's ■elf. t. CJyX^ bhabut^^f. ashes of cow dung (vide i3^f^ bhabuit,) bhabhut. s. i>^jL^ bih-bud, m. "1 health, vigour, goodness, ^jd^x^ bih-budt,f.) welfare, p. ^-ff^ ^t5^T^ bahbahd, flowing, gliding along; brave, bold ; public, notorious, h, [fortunate, s, jukil^x^ ^T^HTni hahu-bhdgya, f. bahu-bhdgyd, j^i^ >W^ or ^T^iTt bhabbhar, m. solicitude, alarm, bhabhar bhabhar parna, n. to be alarmed, to be frightened, s. \j\j^x^ ^^TJ^ IjJiabhrdnd, a. to swell (par- ticularly the face), to entertain doubts, h. 'J^^jL^ >WT?TT bhabharnd, n. to be solicitous, to be alarmoil, lo Lo fViglitoned. h. '~^4^ WW hlmhhak, f. sudden bunting forth of flame ; forcible expulsion of water from a fountain or pipe; smell arising suddenly. A. '^^^^M^ *WoPRT bhabhaknd, n. to simmer, to bubble ; to emit steam, to boil. h. (J4f4^ H^HqJ bhubbhal, fat, corpulent, h. ^^^4^^ HiJTr bhabhut, f. ashes of cow-dung, which ascetics or jogis rub over their bodies. #. ^.f^ri^ >Wo|fT bhabhukd, m. blaze, flame, ex- plosion ; adj. red (as a coal): this is sometimes applied to the splendour of a beloved person's countenance; adj. splendid, beautiful. A. jrb^ H^IKT bhapdrd, ^m. steam,vapour, L v4^ *^**««nT^ bhtittdf m. Indian corn or maize, see bhulta. h. \1^ bhattd, m. a pair of bellows, d* CipjU^ ^?TTT?r bahutdtj f. excess, abundance, s. jljk^ HiTK bhatdr, m. a husband, s. ^IX^ buhtdn, m. calumny, aspersion, false accusation, buhtdn bdndhnd, to calumniate, a. Ubl::^kifii^i/>//w/a/ ( 137 ) & ji^ hihtar, good, excellent, well, better, p. J<^ Mtm. hahattar, serenty-two. h. jLi •^^^ bahutra, in many ways or places, s. ijj^ bihtart, f. superior excellence, welfare./?. {J^J^ ftzA^arm, best, superior, p. U*>d*^ «|^fl'9T bahut-sa, a great deal, very much, h, [a demon, t. Ul^t vfK*^ bhutna, m. a small devil, an imp, j^IJ^J vnnft bhutni, f. wife of an imp ; a fe- " male demon, s, ti)y^j W?r7IS bahu-twakk, ta. the Bhoj or birch-tree. s. iy^ ^J?W bahutwa, m. plurality, multitude, abundance. «. iC^ »|?n bhatta, m. an extra allowance for troops when marching; batta. h. V^^ vrn^bhutaha, devilish, peevish, fierce. ». OIjC^^ Mfri^HI bhutiyana, n. to be like a devil, s. \:jii^^>?fft*n JAa'yajni. nephew, brother's son.«. f^.^^ HfOiO bhattjt, f. niece, brother's •• daughter. ». \x^ y^riC T bahutera, very much. a. cLa^ >?3 &/*«<, f. misfortune, curse ; an oven, a furnace, a kiln, bhat papia, n. to be cursed, to be unfortunate, to be lost (lit. to fall into the kiln), h. cLaA; >T7 bhat, m. a warrior, hero, soldier; a barbarian or outcaat of a particular tribe. «. 4^1*4) Vf^ bhatt, m. a learned man, a philo- sopher ; a title of MahSrattba Brahmans. i. U^ HJT bhatta, a ploughman's wages in kind, h, \1^ V[^ bhutta, m. Indian com {Zea mays); any large bunch, the head or ear of com ripened, h, \JxAi bhatta, m. a pair of bellows, d. — jU-U^ VfJT^T^ bhattackarj m. (for bhaU fdcharya), the most learned of the learned; a title given to the Kanaujiya Brahmans : it is also applied to one who teaches any branch of Sanskrit literature. «. Ki^ vrrcW bhatkd, astray, wandering, h. GKjI^ vr^ekHl bhatkana, a. to baulk, to mis- lead, to deceive, to scare, to caose to grander, to lead astray. /;. jJIKcIa^J iirz^SSST%_bhat-hatd,i, If. the name Ijjk^kiiA^ v(Z^%xn bhat-kataiydj of a prickly plant {Solanum Jacquini, Willd.). h, \iji^j^ ^idh^iMl bhat-kariyd, a class of infe- rior rajputs. h. ^j^ HdT3'ftT bhat-gdur, a subdivision of the Gaur raj-puts, q.T. k. ^Jo^ M7^ bhatula, m. a kind of bread made from the flour of the arher and other sorts of pulse. A. ^Uo^ vtz*(UKbhatndgar, a tribe oi Kdyaths.h. (jjk^ fJTT'ft bhitni, f. a nipple, h. y^ WS bhatu, interj. O sister ! h. J»iAJ JT^t^ST bhatolar, lands allotted to bhdts or bards ; also lands given to Brahmans. h. sj^ bhutta, m. Indiancorn, any large bunch. A. l^j(^ VfZl bhatthd, m. a furnace, kiln, oven. h. -^i^ Vlf[ bhattht, or W^ bhatkl, f. a small "fire-place, a kind of furnace; a liquor-shop, distillery, bhatthi-ddr, one who keeps a spirit-shop. h. .bj^^i^^ vr^t^ bhatthi-ddr, a person who manufactures and sells spirituous liquors, h. UU^jk^ ^rfjTTUI bhathiydrd, m. (or bhathi- yarl, f.) a sutler, an innkeeper; one who prepares victuals for travellers in a sara. h. ^ iVaAji^ >Tf7xrR^ bhathiydrpan, m. the business of a bhalhiyard. h. dJls^jU^A^ >lf7^I<^R bhathiydr-kMna, an inn, a caravanserai, p. ^^jU^]i^ ^rirT?^ bhata,t, f. praise from a poet "(bhat). h. [(in Bondlecund. A. ba^J Mdm bhatiyd, the poorest kind of land Uj^t Hfinnn bhatlydrd, m. (same as bhathi- ydra), a sutler, an innkeeper. A. ti^v jW^ ^rfturnif bhatiydrpan (see bhathi- yarpan). h. jjjLa^j xHsi^lflW bhatiydrin,\^ f. a female («,\ja^. xf^m^ bhatiydri, J sutler, h. Ulju^ )Tf|prRT bhattiydnd, the country of the bhatii rajputs. A. -^ >nf bhuj, m. the arm above the elbow ; one of the shorter sides of a right-angled triangle (i.e. the perpendicular or the base.) t. Vrs^ Win bhujd, f. the arm above the elbow, s. Uld-^ if^VlMI bah-jdnd or THlWnTT bahi- jdnd, n. to flow, to go or swim with the stream; to be ruined, to be destroyed. A. 01*^ MSflfiT bhajdnd, a. to cause to flee. h. UUrd^ fMHI»lT bhijdnd, a. to cause to be wet, to wet, to moisten ; to cause to send. A. '^ ( i'3s ; ^ iJL* < ~^ bahjat, f. joy, pleasure, gladness, cheerfulness, alacrity, beauty, grace, excellence, a. d^sf^ >fWff bhajat, serving, waiting uponj enjoying carnally. «. [away. t. ^W"-*^ ^rftnrnn bhaji-jdna, n. to flee, to run ijssr^ >nr*T bhajan, m. adoration, worship- ping, a hymn; enjoying carnally, hluyan-k., a. to sing; to say prayers, to worship. *. Ujstwt trarrr bhajnd, a. to worship, to count one's beads, to adore, s. UcF^ H^HT bkajnd, n. to flee, to run away. k. \Xsf^ vfSf'ifX bhujnd, m. parched or scorched grain, s. i^JS^r^ vrWff bhujang, \ ^. *A J Jf , , . f m. a serpent, s. j^iJ,strr: vfK^ bhujangam,) Ika*^ Marl^l bhiijangd, m. a kind of shrike, commonly called "the king crow" (Lanius caru- lescens). bhujange ufana, to be in great distress and poverty ; to spread false reports, h. LdlAlaryr >?if?fhv bhajmk, m. a singer j an adorer, s. [sent. h. \j\^atr^ f>T3f^T»n bhijwdnd, a. to cause to be L;c4^ >Tftnn bhujiyd (same as bhdjt), f. greens, h. ^^ >r^ bhuch, barbarous, ignorant, h. CiLc^' vnnii bhachak, alarmed, aghast, start- ing, bhachak rahnd, to be amazed or astonished at a sudden and unexpected event, s. \3ows:A^ >T'?cirT*TT bhachkdnd, a. to amaze, to strike with astonishment, h. \j^sr^^ WB(W*{\ bhachaknd, n. to be asto- nished or amazed, h. [eating, s. ^j^' >?^fT bhachan (for bhakshan), m. food, ^-s=«^ ^^ bhuchampd, m. a kind of tree (Kcempferia rotunda) ; also a species of fireworks re- sembling the flower of that tree. s. *-fJ^>^^- *T^^ bhuchang, m. name of a bird {Lanius cartilescens). h. '^f^^- >T3 bhachh (for bhahsh), eatable, s. vii^^^ H^[dK bhackchhak (for bhakshak), a gormandizer, a devourer. «. Cii>4^^'^ ft^^fcR bhichchhuk, m. a beggar, s. U^a^- H^RT bhachhnd, a. to eat, to take food. s. i^-4^^''- *T^ bhachchhi or bhakshi, m. an eater. «. >^^ *f^ ?;/ia^, f. a slap ; a crash, h, \s^ H^ bhaddd, stupid, senseless, dull. h. ui)\iX^ ^T^'SR bhaddk, m. a crash, the noise made by any thing falling ; as, bhad or bhadak te gir para, it fell with a crash, h. o!o^ "if^^vsn bhaddkd, m. a sound or noise, h. sj\s^ bih-ddna, m. quince seeds, used as a demulcent in certain complaints, p. J>>\s^ *T^n[^ bhaddhar, grain cut when only half ripe. h. *i>^t>^ *T^^ bhad-bhad, m. sound made by the fall of a fruit, or walking of a person, &c. h, Ulti^j^ yH^^J^ bhad-bhaddnd, m. cutting grain when only half ripe ; shaking fruit from a tree, h, o\(^^iX^ >T^>T^TtTT bhad-bkaddnd, a. to make a sound by striking two bodies together; to strike repeatedly ; to shake fruit from a tree. h. i,lji>\s^S^ >T^H^T57 bhad-bhaddhat,f. somid made by the fall of fruits, h. j<^ >T5 bhadra, happy, prosperous, lucky; m. prosperity, happiness ; a fragrant grass {Cypertu) ; a wagtail, s. ^j'^i ^T^ bhadrd, m. name of a bird, a lark. s. \jS^ iTJT bhadrd, f. an unlucky moment; the 2nd, 7th, and 12th days of the lunar month, s. <^,\jj^ >?jJH.ofc bhadrdrak, m. one of the 18 minor dwlpas, or divisions of the world, s. ^>y**^JS^ H'JT'fnT bhadrdsan, m. a throne, a peculiar posture of meditation used by devotees ; the legs bent and crossed underneath, and turned so as to bring the ancles in contact with the perineum, whilst the soles of the feet are held close to the sides, s. ^Kii^ H^"^ bhadrdshva, m. one of the four maha-dwipas into which the known world is divided, or one of the nine khandas or smaller divisions of the continent : in either case it is the east division, a. {jS\)<^^ H^oRTTiy bhad7'd-kara7i,m.shay'mg.s. \i^ji\^ *^''^ bhadra-padd, f. name of the 26th and 27th lunar asterisms. i. ^jh'^^ vrjtnSl bhadra-parnd, f. a shrub (Pcederia fcetida). s. ji^ .J^,>T"5XIT!ff ftAacZra-parni, f. a tree {Ome- " Una arborea) ; a shrub {Poederia faetida). t. y^J'^^ vr^i^ bhadra-jau, m. the seed of the Echites or Wrightea antidysenterica, i. J^J*^ *nr^ bhadra-chur, m. a sort of euphorbia (Euphorbia tirucalli). $. j^iijiS^ W^iJ^T^ bhadra-ddru, m. a sort of pine {Pinus devadaru). s, iJLJ^jS^ WS^ bahu-drishta,\ » *» , T J T- r experienced. «. f^j>^, ^^^ bahu-darsht,) ^jS^ *^^i^ bhadrak, beautiful, pleasing ; re- spectable ,worthy ; lucky, fortunate ; m. or f. advantage, produce ; nature, genius, reason ; beauty, goodness, pleasantness; m. a sort oi grass {Cyperus pertenuis) ; a sort of pine {Pinus devadaru). s. i^^j'^ ><$<*lc^1 bhadr-kdli, f. one of the "names of a Hindu goddess ; a fragrant grass {Cypenu pertenuis or rotuiidus). s. OJbi^iSjiis^ >r5fiTf^V5in bhadra-gandhikd, f. a creeping plant {Asclepias pseudosarsa, the narrow leaved variety), s. «H^ ( 139 ) 1^ I dLiXw^.c^^ >T^HU ^ bhadra-mustah, m. a fragrant grass {Cyperus per tenuis), s. [^cordifolia. s. jjtijjiis^ >15l<«in hhadrodnt, f. a plant {Sida " w ^jjii^ H^?"?«^*(IT. bhadwar, land prepared for b .ji^^ >T^^ft?n hhadawriyoLy name of a tribe o{ raj-puts. h. [bad- «. ;j2.jci^ '^fl^ bahu-dosk, fiill of faults, very 1*4X4.^ ^?VT bahudha, in many ways, sorts, &c.; usually, often. ». U^\.^ ^^VT bahdha, f. pain, distress, obstruc- tion, hindrance, prevention. ». C^^lftiii.^ WfVPnf bahudhagat, dispersed, scattered, s, 11;^ "^^ "»mR bahu-dhan, wealthy, rich. s. (Ji^i »T^ bhada,t, the produce of the month BhddoA. s. J-*-»^ >T^TJ^ bhadesal, 1 ill-shaped, ugly, ^*«^<34>> *I^^^ bhadesala,) awkward, h. \1^ WS\ bhada or Wfl bhara, a kind of grass used for fodder, h. [{yr. 4akatU). h, bj3s^ )T?ft?n bhadariya, m. name of a tribe j^ bahar, f. a fleet, bahri, on account of ba-har, in every (this is used only in phrases from the Persian), a. p. j^ vttbhar, full ; as much as, as far as ; all, every, size, bulk, whole, up to. bhar makdur or mak- dur-mar, to the best of one's power, 'umr-bhar, all lifetime. It is sometimes used in composition, without expressing any meaning, unless it is " a," as ser-bhar, a ser ; bans bhar, (the height or length of) a bamboo ; kos bhar, a kos, whereas bhar kos would mean a full kos, &0. s. j^ bhir (also bhir), m. a species of insect, a wasp, a bee, (perhaps from the Sanskrit bhring, q. v.) (?) N. B. — This word occurs repeatedly in the IMtoanu-t- fqfd, pages 113 to 116. h. j^ ^^ bahur or W^fc bahuri, again, h. j^i ^m. bhar, name of one of the aboriginal races of India, h. j^ ^(^bahir, out, without, bahir ana, n. to issue, to come out. bahir-desh, remote or foreign country, bahir-mukh, the neglect of any moral or re- ligious duty; adj. impiotu. ». brother. \j^ vfty bharra, m. a panic, fauj men bharra para, the army was seized with a panic, k. U^ Vtn bhara, full, overflowing, s. \j^ 1^ bahra, or wOji.! bahira, deaf. h. ^]j^ HTUT bhrata,^ j\j^ Wnj bhratri, f 'JJJi\j^ HTff^ bhratrikj 1 fraternal, bro- ioJ\j^ ijrrgfhr bkratnya, J therly. $. 3yj^ ^^rng bahraru, ra. an upstart, a stranger, h. t,\j^ bahrdm, the planet Mars ; name of several kings of Persia; Varanes. p. j^'j^ WRT bhramar, m. epilepsy, s. i^j^j^. 'H\*\^ bhramart, epileptic, ». i^^Xa\j^^ HTH«F bhramak, ra. a cheat, a rogue, s. \3L^ >|tT»n bhurand, a. to wheedle, h. bL^ ^'^,\.^ HTT^ bhardrvat, f. act of filling; any thing in which they fill any substance, t. 33\^j^ »R>TnB bharbhdnd, m. name of a prickly poppy {Argemone Mexicana). h. \j^j^ VR>n:T bhurbhurd, dry and in a state of powder, h. ^)A^J^ ^J^^'TT bhurbhurdnd, a. to throw or sprinkle sugar or salt upon meat. h. b)^ ,^ W>nT»n bharbhardnd, a. to swell and be glossy (particularly the face, as in fever), s. {Jj^j^, VRHf^ bharbharl, f. a swelling, a sore. bhurbhurt, a light sandy soil. h. bb^ >?TTTRT bhar-pdnd, a. to be paid, to receive the full amount; met. is expressed when a person is disappointed ; as, main ne bhar paya, I am paid ; or still more idiomatic. "I am paid with a wit- ness." h. L? bj^ HTm^ bhar-pd,i, f. a receipt in full. h. \yij^ HTTTiRI bharpatwd, a subdivision of tb« bhar tribe, k. J^ J^ij^ >n^ bhar-pur, \ overflowing, brimful. J chokeful, {^^j^ ^^M^ bhar-peti, pot-bellied, h. CJ>j^, WTif bharat, name of Rama's brother; the son of Dushyanta, and first monarch of all India. bharat khand, m. one of the nine divisions of the world, between Lanka and Sumeru, i. e. India from Ceylon to Tartary ; also the amount of revenue paid by an individual or party, s. C^j^ *T# hhart, or Vfiyt bharat, m. a mixed metal composed of copper and lead ; the name of a bird (a species of lark) ; the full amount of rent paid by a person, h. [bourer. «. Oj^ >pT bhrit, m. a servant, a hired la- C->^J ^itfn bhritiff. wage8,hire, maintenance.s. ^j^. *T#T bharta, m. a cherisher, supporter, a husband, s. Xij^ >THT bharta, or >jtT bhurta, m. vege- tables boiled or fried and broken or pressed in the hand. «. [f reproach, abuse, s, Uu-'ij^^ >Tr§^ bhartsna, m. threat, menace ; J^Oj^ bharat-kul, a tribe of Brahmans so called, h. (^..Oj^. HT?nf bharat-varsh, m. India (so called from Bharata, son of Dushyanta, Hs first monarch), s. [a slave, s. i^j^i >??T bhritya, m. an attendant, servant, ^J,j^> Wl^bhartt,f. completion; filling; load- ing, cargo ; vulgarly used for promotion, bhartt-k., to recruit. «. [in the metal called hhart. h. ^j^ ^rfSlT bhartiya, ra. a brazier, a worker Ijo^ HTTT bhritya, f. hire, wages, s. AJOjA^ iTW bhritya,m.. a dependant, a servant. s. ^U»-jAJ villvlMI bhar-jana, n. to be filled ; to be lined (a bitch) ; to be broken-winded (a horse from severe exercise), h. i^j^ *r^ hharjan, m. frying, boiling, s. jsilSj^^ &/m7'-rfanrf, 'I galloping at full speed. (!Jj1(ij4^ bhar-dand,} bhar-dand phenkna, to go at full speed, d. _,^j J^J >nSTW bharadrvaj, m. a skylark, s. jil»-j.^ ba-har-hal, by every means, somehow or other, a. p, Ijo,^^ >l*.^»f! bhar-dena, a. to pay j to darn ; to fill ; to reimburse, h. cL\<2j,4^ WS hhrasht, fallen, lost, depraved, debased, polluted, abominable, vicious, dissolute. bhra,i]it-k; a. to pollute, to seduce, bhras^t-hona, n. to be polluted ; to calcine, bhrashfa-rajya, deposed, de- prived of a kingdom. 5*^ vr? bhrishta, fried, s. [^case. p. a. C^.yOj^ ba-har surat, in every aspect, or j^j^ ba-har taur, by every means, by any means, somehow or other, p. a. ( 140 ) j^ w;4^ >?^"*! hharha, m. slaked lime. h. ^ V^ >TT:3RV7T hharhana, a. to slake (lime). bhirkdnd, a. to cast, tlirow, dart, p, („y^j^ VTBF^ hhrihutl, f. the eyebrow, a " frown, a contraction of the brows. *. V— ajo^^ ba-har half, by any means, any- how, p. a J^^- ^ ^f^T.ig'^f the name of a celebrated Muni. s. [Bhrigu, a tribe of raj-puts. h. i^^^'^j^ ^M«i«l bhrigu-bansi, descended of [V^- *'*' bhram, or ilTGR bharam, m. error, mistake, doubt, suspicion, apprehension, perplexity ; blunder, slip. s. i*j^ WI bhrami, f. error, blunder, mistake. 5. -•j4^ HT^fc/7T«n bhirna, to be open or ajar (a Xij^ n^^i;*!! biharna, n. to rejoice, to take pleasure ; a. to enjoy, to delight, i. IJj^ HTHIT bharna, a. to fill, load, satisfy, perform, discharge (a debt) ; to undergo, to suffer, to daub; n. to abound, to be filled, to he^ (a wound), h. ^j^. ^4.H1 bharna, acl of filling or complet- ing ; to give property in repayment of a debt : it also denotes the vessel that receives the expressed juice of the sugar cane. h. [back. h. ^j^ iT^<«1l bahuma, n. to return, to come (jiJ;^ V^ bhransh, m. falling, declining, s. lL^3^ W^ bhring,vn. a large bee, enamoured of the lotus, the humble bee. *. ^^jul^^t^ ^^U^f bhring-raj, m. name of a ^nd of shrike {Lanitis Malabarietis) ; name of a medi- cinal herb or spreading shrub {Eclipta prostrata, Lin. Verbesitia prostrata, or Verbesina scandvia, Rojcb.), s, '—\^ \^.' H^3|i hhrimjak, m. a bird, a sort of shrike {Lanius Malabaricus). «. je ( iX-^A\ >T^ hhringt, f. a kind of wasp (^sjc»a "lolitaiia), a large black bee, a humble bee. hhringi- phal, m. the hog phim. s. ^X-ij^ ^ipi^l bahii-rangt, of many colours, "met. fickle, unsteady, s. fjfjA> MK*(\ bharrii, f. weft, woof. s. jij^J MUt^ hharanl, f. the name of the second " lunar mansion (three stars in Mused), figured by the pudendum muliebre. s. [or load. s. \3)j^.) >1^1r|l bharwdna, a. to cause to fill li^^j^ ^a^^ hhru-hhang, m. a frown, s. i^jj^ '^^ki^ hahu-rup, adj. multiform ; m- mimicry, i. b jj^J ^^.vm bahu-rupa, m. a chamelion. s. t3jJt^ ^rf^nl bahu-rupi, Im. an actor, a IjO jj^ ^^^Pm^I bahu-rufiyd,^ mimic, a per- son assuming various characters and disguises. «. ^UL>«^ q^«^wi bahu-rupya, m. mimicry. *. {X^j^ *?'OiiI bharauna, m. a load of wood. h. ij^ bahra, m. property, fortune ; quota, share, portion ; profit, gain, advantage, hdhra-tnand or bahra-war, or bahra-andoz, fortunate, prosperous, pro- fitable, bahra-mandi, f. prosperity, p. L$j^ >rft bhari, f. the weight of one sicca rupi, or one tola. t. (^j^> >T^ bhare, a grass which grows in tli(! jungles, used for thatching and making tatties, h. jc,^ f^^Ct bihri, f. a subscription to raise a certain sum, an assessment, quota, share, h. fJj^ %^^ fewAri, f. fried or parched barley, h. ^JJ^^ ^^rlt bahri, f. a falcon, female hawk {Falco calidus, Lath.), bahrl-hacha, the male of the same species, h. i^j^ *TT^ bhara,t, f. a kind of cess or tax. h. \l^ Wifun bahriya, a stranger, s. b^ ^^T*n bahuriya, f. a daughter-in-law. s. bj^ ^rfiCiT bhariyd, land watered by irri- gation, h. Wl ) ^, b^ bharya (for bhara), full, filled, d. j^ bhir, m. a species of insect, a wasp. A. . . -,-,g>A 7 7 ..- fm. a tenant, a lessee. A. ^J^^ HTnT bharattt,} ^ -^T^ ^^^T bahu-rekha, m. pi. wrinkles, furrows, s. j^ WI bhar, m. a large boat, a lighter. A. j^ W? bhur, f. a hole through which water runs out, Ti. \'j^^ >T7T bhara, a kind of grass, v. bhadd. A. blj^jfildHT bhirnjid, a. to join, to place close to, to close in battle (armies) ; to cause to fight, h, (^K*^ f>T?r^ bhird,t, f. the closing of two armies in battle, h. ^^}^j^ H^»T?T^ bhar-bhardna, to flutter. A. ^^j^ *^^fi*<' bharbhariya, simple, can- did, -without guUe. h. ^i^j4^ >Tf4»n bharbhunjd, m. a man who parches grain ; name of a caste of Hindus whose occu- pation is to parch grain, s. ^2y^y^J^ >T^4iI«T bharbhunjan, f. a woman -vrho parches grain, a. bj *^ >TffCiH bharariyd, m. a conjuror. A. \jtAj bharard, m. the beleric myrobalan. d, (j^l*»*^ >T25IF^ bharasdfin, m. v. bhar. A. <-i)j^ >T?«ir bharah, f. splendour, blaze, flash, shovr ; perturbation, agitation, alarm, starting (in animals), h. bo^ ^fToFTfTI bharkdnd, a. to frighten, to scare ; to blow up into flame, h. i^j'^. bhnrhal, a large door or gate. d. Uiv^ >T^«TT bharaknd, a. to start, to shrink, to be scared, to be alarmed, to be blown up into a flame, h. ■ [coy. h. A-ifj^, H^^ bharhel, wild, untamed, shy, ^/j4^ >Tfc|ft^ bharhtlaf splendid, glitter- ing, h. \J''jA>^^>tTm bhirnd, n. to close (as two ar- mies), to come together, to be joined, to shoulder, to join, to be placed together, touching each other; to be continuous, h. uiXJv^ HT^ bkardng, simple, undesigning, silly, artless, having the quality of telling secrets without reserve, h. I^jj^ ^T^TT bharu,d, m. a pimp, one who lives on what a prostitute earns, h. ^_|\JV^ >TJ^rT^ bharu,d,l or bharwdfl, f. pan- 'ierism, pimping; the wages of prostitution, h. U&j4> fir^ bhirha, m. a wolf. s. ( 142 ) ^^ ^•J^- ^ ^^"^''«*'^» \m. a tenant, lessee. A. ^J>.j^^ ^ift bharaiii, J jj«^ iJH hhus, m. bran, husk, chaff, hhus par harat (lit. an assignment on chafF), i. e. an assign- ment from whence nothing can be obtained. ». ^J«^^ >rR hhas, m. ashes, cinders, s. ^j^^i fnVi hhis, the edible root of the lotus, k. GL*^.) *Wnfn bhasana, a. to launch, to set afloat, s. [carrying grain. A. , V„„A^ )T^rTW^ bhasarvan, a tax on boats l-^> jj«^ tnnnn bhas-bhasa, weak, soft, flabby (as meat). *. [ragus). *. '.jL-T^TT bhusra, m. a kind of inferior wheat. 7». [snake), rf. .\C-4^ ^TRIRTMI bhuskarna, n. to hiss (as a ij^*^ ^TToFTT bhuskdra, m. the breathing or hissing of a snake, d. [down, ft iJiC^ >nninn bhasakna, n. to fall, to drop J.^1*^^. VTTI^ bhusul (same as bhusera). «. UL^ fWrr^RT bhisalna, m. to be dazzled (the sight), ft. ^^^i WfR bhasma or >TOIT bhasam, f. ashes. hlmsmn-snan, art of smearing the body with the ashes of cow-dung. a. C^«*A.) >TW«ir bhasmah, ra. a disease of the eyes, thickening of the membranes and indistinctness of vision ; morbid appetite, s. Ia^X»*«^ vt^^THT bhasma-garbhd, f. the sisu tree, or a variety of it (Dalbergia sisu). s. ^.i^...A \ vr^TnT bhasmant, m. ashes, s. Oj\c-»— A^ vrpftWiT bhasmi-krit, reduced to ashes" calcined, s. [dning. «. ^^y^^^^ 'HV(\*K*ii bhasmi-karan, m. cal- lJu«A^ >V9«n bhamd, n. to float, s. U*-^ "W^^RT bahasna, for USitf, q. v. a. »*--j ^TW bahu-su, f. the mother of many children. ». (^.j»M^ W5BtO bhusaurt, f.^j the place in a ^«*«^ >f^c^T bhusaula, m.) dwelling-house for keeping straw, &c. *. 1jo**«^.> >?^T!5T bhusaunddf m. a hole, a ca- vity, a place to put chafT in. t i^JU-^ iJ^TTT bhusera, ^Uw«*4J «^c5T bhuseld, I^^Ju**^ *J^^n bhusehra, ^\JL^^ ^^M bahu-shdkh, having many m. a place where corn or chaff is kept. branches k.iL^ bihisht, f. Paradise, bihishtt, of or belonging to Paradise ; m. a water-carrier, p. jSL^j W^^nr bahu'shatru, having many ene- mies, s. [woman, h, (Jlis^ fire^S bhishtal, f. a foolish or stupid 1/-^^ *Tf^rn bkashirdf f. a sort of beet {Beta Bengalensis). s. Lil^ if?^ bahuk, m. a plant (^Asclepias gi- gantea). s. lsJ^^ bhikart, m. a beggar, a mendicant, d. J\^j ^^eiilc^ bahu-kdl, m. a long time. s. 13 0^ Vl^chHI bahkdndj a. to baulk, to disap- point, to mislead, to deceive, h, Tf^ bliakti, f. persuasion, religion, faith, attachment, desire, f. cX^ >T^ bhvkta, eaten, eating, s. ^lix^ *T^JI^ bhaktdft, f. faith, devotedness. s. ^l»Ix^ >Tf^WT«T bhaktimdn, m Cl«**J^x^ >Tfl»»nr bhaktimat, m. ^♦:,3^ >?f^i!^ bhaktimatt, f. ul*Jyix^ ^rf^'iT J/iaA<«wan<,m. L-5^ >TcRTHT bhuksd, name of a forest tribe of raj-puts. h. ^-J^J >T3F^ bhakslf f. a dungeon, a dark "room in which revenue defaulters (in native states) are confined, h. \JlS^> ivfW bhikskd, f. begging ; alms. s. JbV.lS^ f>T^m^ bhiksha-pdtra, m a beg- gar's bowl, a wallet for collecting alms. «. l1^.*.v ^> Xfvsfil bhnkshit, eaten. «. tiiLlS^ >T^fl|i bhakshak, gluttonous, vora- cious ; a feeder, an eater. «. CiXiiC^ ftrHi^r bikshuk, m. a beggar. «. ^^.15^ HTIfnr bhakshan, m. eating. 5. &jLxl5<^ H^prhl bhakshariii/a, eatable, to be eaten. «. faithful, devoted, I ious. ^ii^j >l^ bhakshi, m. an eater, s. ej^LS^ H^ hhakshya, eatable, s. JkSC^j ^T^oImTT hahakna, n. to be baulked^ to be disappointed, to be deceived, to stray, to be in- toxicated, h. udiiisC^^ ^SeFTpToF hahu-kantak, m. a prickly plant (Hedysarum alhagi) ; the marshy date tree. ». \^y^, >T^^T bhaku,a, foolish, stupid, h. ISU^^ )T<^^HI bhaku,ana, n. to be stupi- fied. h. [stuff, to eat. A. Glm»j^ Hclfrtnn bhakosna, a. to devour, to ^c>l^i^ fWislTO bhikhari, m. a beggar, s. lSj^^^ f^W^ bhikhri, f. an unfilled grain; a shrivelled grain, h. U^Ss^ H^tTT bhakhna, a. to eat, to devour, s. i^J^ *rrT bhaff, f. vulva; prosperity, su- preme power, s. \X^ >?J7rr hhugga, simple, foolish, h. UIX^ >?'IHI bhagana, a. to drive off, to put to flight, h. IJl^ fW^rnn bhigdna, a. to wet, moisten, h. CL^t^ >TmT bhagat, m. (for bhakty q. v.), a religious mendicant, bhagat-k,, to disguise, bhagat- khelna, n. to be disguised, to act (a play), to mimic. hhagat-hona, n. to be initiated as a devotee ; to be affiliated to a religious order. This is peculiar to the low tribes. The initiation consists in putting a neck- lace of beads round the neck and marking a circle on the forehead ; after which the initiated person is bound to refrMn from the use of spirituous liquors and flesh, &c. s. IjLC^ ^niHt bhagta, name of a tribe of ahlrs, q. V. h. [requite, to cause to enjoy. *. 13\jLC^ VTilrlMI bhugtdna, a. to distribute, to jcblC^^ >TTnrT^ bhagatdji, f. sanctity, life of a devotee, s. ^J^^^i ^JIifHIW bhiigaimdn,fit to enjoy, de- serving punishment. ». ^^:lC^ >4i|ri«f bhagfan, f. wife of a Bhagat ; (ironically) a lewd woman, a prostitute, a whore, h. Iju^^ ^'I'fl«11 bhugatnd, a. to enjoy, to suffer, to receive the reward of virtue or punishment of a crime, s. LX^ >^vfKm bhagtiyd, m. a dancing boy. h. (JJs^ H^T^ bhagal, m. affectation, hypo- crisy, trick, deception, bhagal-nikalna, a. to play a • trick, to pretend poverty, h. Ix^^X^, >TTc^1'l^«il bhagU-gahnd, ra. false jewels, trinkets. /(. U\^^ >TJTf^Tr bhagliyd, m. trick, cheat, im- imposture ; impostor, h. i^Xi(^ '^'i^^ 6a/m-^M»,m.1 many times; hav- Ix^ ^4*\^\bahu-gund, f. J ing many good qualities, s. 143 ) ^ I i>f^ HTiT bhagna, torn, broken ; defeated. «. 11^ iTT^iTr bhagna (also bhagina), m. a brother, s. (^_j*jU.C^^ ^TTrTr^l bhagnds, disappointed, s. ji^jX^i my*^ bhagandar or bhugandar, m. a fistula (in ano). s. jbSJ^C^ ^^Tl^ bahu-gandh, m. olibanum. s. IjbJJLO ^"fTW bahu-gandhd, f. Arabian jasmine, s, [sister, t. (_Ai^ M^flH^ bhagim, or W^ bhagni, f a J^ vtTTt bhaggu, m. a deserter, a runaway, h. ^j\j^j WTWTfT bhagmdn, adorable, divine; m. the Deity, the Supreme Being. «. ^J^^^ Wnt bhagrvdn, m. cloth dyed with geru, a kind of red colour or ochre, h, 13\^X^ iPRRT bhagwdnd, a. to cause to flee or run away. h. C^^^ )?J|4f| bhagawat, divine, glorious; the Deity, the Most High. h. [serter. h. \j^^ ^*f \ i\ bhagord, ra, a runaway, a de- U*^ fWif^ bhigond, a. to wet, to steep, h. CLo^a^ >fn«f»H' bhagarvant, divine, glorious, illustrious ; the Deity, the Most High. t. l^^s^. Hjfjf^l bhagonhd, m. the reddish co- lour extracted from geru ; a kind of ochre, h. ^j(^i^ >TJft^ bhaglrath, m. a king whose austerities brought the river Ganga from heaven, s. Jj^%^ >T^ bhagel, f. overthrow, defeat; ni. a runaway, a deserter, h. J^ W?^ bahal, f. a two-wheeled car (for riding in, not for baggage), coach, carriage, h. A^ >T^ bhal, good, well, bhal-ghoriyd, well-mounted; m. a cavalier. •. Ja> iT^ bhalj m. side, direction. «tr he hhal, head-foremost, h. Jt^ ^1^ ^^^^'"■^^ much, many. «. ^)iA) >T^ &/m/a, good, excellent, benevolent, kind, healthy, virtuous, righteous, aonnd; strange, wonderful, admirable, comical, droll, bhdia adml, m, a person of respectability, a gentleman; (iron.) a silly fellow, bhala changa, in good order, perfect, in health, hhala manna, to take well. s. %ci ^?^ bahild, f. barren (generally ap- plied to cattle), bahtda (in S. India), the dark fort- night of the lunar mouth, h. (Jl)':).^ wgSTT bhuldt, f. forgetfulness. d. U^^J Xejbi ^ l T bhuldnd, a. to cause to forget ; to inveigle, to mislead, to deceive, to fascinate, to . coax. h. U^li^ 4^c^I<11 bahldndtdi. to divert, to amuse.//. 1,^)^ ij^rrar bhuldmd, m. deception, fraud, a cheat, deceit, bhuldwa dena, a. to deceive, to play » trick, h. ^ ( cjI^^^ ^*T55T^ bhilarvan,\m. a nut used for (JJ^^'? f*'55T^*T^/«^a«"aw,i marking clothes, &c., commonly called Malacca bean (Semiearpus ana- cardium). s. ;_y^k^ *T5JT^ bhala,t, f. goodness, welfare, h. ^J.^^ W^^^ bhal-pan, m. goodness, ex- cellence, h. ^W-^ J4?l}4^ ^9^<^<«iHI bhal-bhal ujald, broad day-light, d. ,_g^^y^ H^nraft bhal-puchchht, f. a plant "(Jfedysarum lagopodioides). i. »»d*J ' "I ^ ^W bahulatwa, m. abundance, s. UuJ^ >T5r8*n bhulasna, n. to be singed, scorched, h. bear. a. dlll^^ HW3B bhallak or WW^ bhalluh, m. a \^3iA^ >T^5c5T bhalkd, m. a gold patch fixed on the nose-ring ; a kind of bamboo ; dawn of day. h, Ki^ Hf^ohl bhallikd, f. marking nut. s. lH^i34^ >T^l?TfIfl bhal-mdnus courteous, polite, humane. «. Ol—i/oA^ >J<$H«lVlrf bhal-mansdt, f. hu- manity. ». [ture, benevolence, t. {,j^S^ H^Sinrrft bhal-mansi, f. good-na- Ul^-? ^^»It bahalna, n. to be divertefl, to be amused, h. uiJ^i^ ^'l^* bhalluh, m. a bear. «. J^)l^ &a/t?S/ or bahloU a virtuous prince ; a joker, one who smiles ; a man's name famed in Orien- tal anecdotes, like our Joe Miller, a. j-ss Juj fWoffn^ bhilaunjt, f. the seed of the "hldldwaA- s. [glove, p. &)l^. bahla, m. a privy purse, a falconer's ^^ '^^j^ bahli, f. a two-wheeled car (for ' riding in, not for baggage), a coach, a cari-iage. h. ^jJ^ M^fcJ'n bahaliyd, m. a huntsman, a kind of retainer armed with bow and arrows. A. ^A^ ■^^'^fl bahlim, name of a small tribe of Muhammadans near Mlrat and Dasna. h. ^ baliam, together, one with another, one against another, haham ana, to be procured, acquired. baham palinnchand, a. to get, to acquire, to procure. haliam pahunchna, to be procured, p. [rence. s, ^v^ ^T^TH bahu-mdn, m. respect, reve- (_£;v^f»^ WWfl' bhambherl, f. a butterfly, h. ll»^ >nr*Tr Ihamnd, a. to revolve, s. \jjuL»Y> W^HTI bahmaneta, a young Brah- man, h. Oj»^. ifl^f^ bahu-murti, multiform. «. \^y^ W?*'c5 ba/iu-mvl, many-rooted, s. 144 ) t^ &a5^^ ^7ij<«[| bahu-mulya, costly, precious. «. ^_5*4^ *T»ft bhanii, f. revolution, whirling ; " wandering. *. ii>^*4' ^^'T^ bhumydn, m. landholder. «• ;;;^ ^?»T ba/iin,'W^ or bahan f. a sister. «. (j^. 'f*T^ />/ti/m or bhinna, separate, different, other, apart, (in arithm.) a fraction, hhinn bhtTtn, n^ rious, severally, t. t^ f^^ bihan or bihin, m. a seed. h. ^ ^?»IT bahnd, n. to flow, to glide ; to float; to blow. s. [broiled, h, \^ >T^ bhunnd, n. to be fried, dried, parched; ^Ij^ fn^Hi bhinndnd, n. to have a singing in the ears, to be giddy ; to sound (as shot, and brass pots, &c.). h. \3ljk^j >T^«TT bhunndnd, a. to fry, parch, &c. h. j^y^xj^ fHvPnn^ bhinn-bhdg-har, m. di- vision of fractions s. liU^fi^ f^Trff^tTRT bhinbhindnd or bham- bhanand, n. to buzz (as a fly), to hum (aa a bee), h. ciLjsli^Ai^j fW^r^HI^^ bhinbhindhat, f. buzz, hum (of bees), h. ' j4. ^^ ? ^W^T bhambkuyd, an ascetic or ^Kr who is pressed by hunger to rob. k. ^i)3^i^ Wt^»rr bhambomt, la. to bite (and v3j>^^J4^. >WldHI bhambhornd,} mumble as a dog), to worry, h. (Cj^AAiAj vnnft bhambherd,^ ^ Tn*^v*,7 ^ - K- a butterfly. A. iSJ:i^ >r^ bhambert, ) ^ «.1^4^ ^rfrinT bhanit, sounded, uttered, s. Ui^ >niST bhantd, a ploughman's wages in kind ; the egg-plant (Solatium melongena). h. {^j*t\yj^ f»np^TO bhintrvds, m. a sort of pulse, h. ^^j^\yl^ HT^l^ bhantwds, m. the name of a grain, the fruit of the /ro,i, or water-lily. A. l^' >T»n bhunjd, m. parched grain. A. U\:M^ H^RI bhanjdnd, a. to change (mo- ney), s. [ing. «. CL*i^^ H^iT bhanjat, adj. breaking, destroy- iiisj^- ^l^cfc bhanjak, adj. who or what breaks, severs, s. (^;ij^ *^f^^ bhanjan, destroying, breaking, demolishing, separating, afflicting; m. breaking, &c «. Jjk^ Wp hhand, m. a mimic, jester, bufibon, actor ; confusion, spoiling, hhan^-hona, n. to be de- stroyed, spoiled, h. n^tt hhandart, m. a house-steward, one who has charge of the storehouse, a treasurer, s. .U*»3Jk^ ^T?!5^nT bhandsdr, "If. the provision JLoJJy^ »ns^^ bhand-sdl,} which is pre- viously reserved for years, s. ^{jjiSS^ *TT^Wf5^ bhandsatt, m. one who "reserves provision for years, s. ul)n^^ fcAawrfawwa, m.satire,ribaldry. s. ^i.3a^ >n!?t^ bhandoU, f. two or more jars "borne one over the other, d. j_j- (_j3viAJ fW?^^T^J bhinde-kMna, m. the room appropriated to the apparatus of the tiuJcJca. h. O JjJkA^ vr^sfcuT bhanderiyd,'] '■:. -s. Vm. an actor, s. ^,3J^ ^T^ifoH bhandeld, J ^,3si^ >T?^^«T bhandelan, f. an actress, s. .LJs^ fir^m: bkinsdr, m. dawn of day. h. LJ-^ >hT7:T bhansard, a subdivision of the aliir tribe, h. \ >nj/> ^> >TO«n bhansnd, n. to float. A. O)^^ ^^ fWg5H<*rn[r«irManfl/iorf»?fr«lf bhinak, f. a low sound ; a rumour, report ; hum of insects. «. LdiJ4^ f>T^^ bhinnak, m. a heterodox sec- tary, a seceder, a Bauddha or Buddhist, s. Uil^ fWvroFrrr bhinaknd, n. to buzz as a fly ; to be covered with flies, to swarm, h. il/i^^ >T^ bhang, f. hemp (v. bhdng). s. ^i^^ >T^ bhang, m. breaking, destruction, defeat, sporting; adj. broken, torn, defeated, s. \t'>^ VT^ hhangd, f. hem|), name of a species of bird ; also name of a species of insect, h. rJ-^J^ ^"W^ bhangdn, m. a sort of fish (Cj/- prinus banggana). h. [bird. t. —^julA^ W^i.!*! bhang-rdj, m. name of a Iv^A^ H^f^ bhangra, m. the name of an herb (BcHpta or Verbesina prostrata). t ( 145 ) ^ ^jX.1^ >T^p»T bhangan, f. the wife of a i|ia?aZ- ^or, q.v. h. [bhang, «. ^.Cl^ H^fJ bhangan, f. a female drinker of U^iA^ >f^HT bhangndf f. a kind of fish. A. ^JxCx^ I^T^TTsnT bhinna-gunan, m. multipli- cation of fractions, 4. Ji^x^ fW^ift^ bhinna-gotra, m. one not be- longing to the same family, s. ^,^'x^ M'^^KMl bhangoriyd, name of a tribe of tagas, q. v. h. [tion. s. j^^^xi^ fW^^fT bhinna-ghan,m. cube ofafrac- ^jk^. >?^ bhangl, m. a caste of sweepers, or "IjMlal-lchprs. h. tS^*^ >T^ bhangi, m. a drinker of bhang ; "f. fraction, division ; fraud, trick. *. iS^. "^A^ bahangi, f. a bamboo stick with "ropes hanging from each end, for slinging baggage toi which is carried on the shoulder, hahangi-bardar or bahanglwala, m. the man who carries the bahangL «. ]j<'^^ "^^^TX bhangerd, m. one who sells bhang, s. [sells bhang, t. i^j'^^^ ^^i'T bhangeran, f. a woman who ^JJk0^ ^W^T bhangeld, m. coarse hempen cloth ; also a sack or pannier made from the fibres of the bhang-plant, s. C^yy^ fHi^elB fe/a*«wa-wa<,di vided,8cattered. s. ji^^^ f^ift^X. bhinnodar, m. a half-brother, a brother not by the same mother, t. j^y^ f^»^ bihnaur, f. a seed-plot, nurse- ry (for plants), A. •y^ >Ht bhanwar, m. a whirlpool, eddy ; a large black bee, a creeper. », Kyk^ >NtT bhanwrd, m. a large bee j a climbing plant, creeper, s. ^^y^ >Tm.*cJi1 bhanwar-kali, f. a kind of " halter (for horses or dogs, &c.). h. " In South India this word denotes a swivel." (Binning.) lL/ J^ f>T^»! bhinna-varg, m. square of a fraction. «. lL/^I^ «RT bhanmag, a small class of ?'q;- jow^s. /j. [m. substraction of fractions. *. LlJi^j CiJ4^ f>T^'*T^«irf^W binna-vyavahalit, i^^y-i^ "^^*ft^ bahiiOyi, m. a brother-in-la\¥ a sister's husband, f. [sister's husband, t. ^jo^ ^^^ bahnCyU (same as bahno,i), a (^^ ^^t buhni, f. handsel, first sale, earnest- " money, h. ^Jjjj^ ^^^ baharceti, f. an adopted sister, s L ^ ( 146 ) ^ y^ W? haku, f. daugbter-in-law, son's wife ; a wife. «. y^i ^ bhau, m. fear, dread, terror, s. ^i ^ hhu, f. the earth, the world j place, site, land or soil. s. ^^J v^^ hhav, m. beinj?, existence ; the world; name of Mahadeva. bhava-sagar, the ocean or world of existence, s. [sphere, s. y^ vr^ hhuva, m. heaven, ether, sky, atmo- \y^ W^ bhu,a, f. father's sister ; a worm, caterpillar, h. .\y^ "Vf^nt bahu,ar, "j ra. name of a fruit j\^ "q^^^K. bahuvdrf J (Cordia myxd). s. ^j,^^ Mm ^^ bhawani, f. Parvatt or Durga, " Mahadeva's wife, name of a HindQ goddess, the pa- troness of those miscreants called fhags. t. ^y^^ >W^ bhubhal, m. hot ashes, h. t->^ >T^ bhuf, m. a king, a sovereign, s. b^ vftin bhopa, m. a kind of fakir, a ma- gician, s. [raja. «. Jbj^ vmn^ bhu-pdl, m. a landlord, a king, ^b^^ Hqil^jl bhu-pali, f. name of a raginl. s. CL^.^ vrxrfiT bhu-pati,m. a king, sovereign, s. 0*4^ VTtJ &/iM<, been, become ; existing; past ; m. a demon, a goblin ; a malignant spirit haunting cemeteries, lurking in trees, animating carcases, and deluding or devouring human beings ; the preterite tense in grammar; one of the elements, which among the Hindus are five in number: viz. Ist, the earth; 2nd, the water ; 3rd, the fire ; 4th, the air ; 5th, space or ether, bhut hona, to be distracted with rage. In law it denotes the real fact or state of the case. s. O^ ^^TfTT bahut, much, many (same as bahut). d. b^^ iftTTT bhotd, blunt, obtuse, h. \^\i^ ^TSrnWT bhutdtma, m. body, vital prin- ciple, cause of life. s. [dance, d, (iXi^i bhufdd, much, many; excess, abun- .b»^ >?'iTlfC bhutdri, m. assafoetida. s. cLwS»jb^^ >ITnf^ bhutdvishta, possessed by a devil. *. [a devil. *. (jiJljb^^ 'i^p:^bhutdvesh, m. possession by li>-0^^* VfTiTTT bhut-jata, f. Indian spike- nard {Valeriana jalamatui), b. A^^C^^ Wi(W3TK bhut-sanchdr, m. pos- session by evil spirits. *. LJX)^^ Htfriafi i/iaMT1T»T»W bhut-gandhd, f. Mura, a sort of perfume, s. [trial globe. *. ^_)5j^ >Tcf^ bhu-tal, m. the earth, the terres- f^f***\^C^^ ^flHI^H bhut-ndshariy m. mark- ing-nut plant {Semicarpus anacardium); the Eleocarptu seed. 6. [ogress. «. L^^^ ^,"1^ bhuint, f. a she-demon, an 0**Ij*— -'^4^ *Tfnre bhut-vds, m. beleric my- robalan (Terminalia belerica). t. LT-jj'— -'j4^ *|H^VS( bhut-vriksha, m. a tree (Trophis asperd) ; Bignonia Indica. ». V^*"^.?^ ^[iTf^f^iTr bhut-vikriyd, f. epi- lepsy, possession by evil spirits. *. ^.yj>4-*. *Tf%?r^nn bhavUavyata, f. futurity, destiny, s. L^-J^--^^^ »JH^ but-vesht, f. a species of "Nebari {Nyctatithes tristis). s. [become. /. Hy.^ >lf^?RT bhavitavya, what is to be, or (3^ vftirt bhofi, f. labour, work. h. j^3^ >Ttrft?TT bhotthdr, a labourer, h. C->^^ *i? ft/iM^, land irretentive of water. K ^3^ *T^ bhot, 1m. a country, pro- lL^13^ >ftTr^ bhotdngj bably Bootan. «. Wj4^ Htfrm bhotiya, m. an inhabitant of Bootan. .?. ^.^ ^ftrT bhoj, m. eating/ feast ; name of a raja celebrated in the Singhdsan baltsi, a sovereign of Ujjaiii, who is supposed to have flourished about the end of the tenth century : he was a celebrated patron of learned men, and the nine gems or poets are often ascribed to his era ; a country, Patna and Bhagalpore. s. l/V^? >^»nt bhau-jd,i, f. a brother's wife, x Ji^.-'TJ^^ *ThTiJT bhoj-pur, name of a country near Clihapra. s. Jk>—^ H^^m'^r bhoj-patra or bhojpattar, m. the bark of a tree, said to be a kind of birch, used in making long tubes or pipes for the l^ukjca. s. eLo_^^ tl^qfoh; bhoj-hat, m. the country of Bhoj, the present Bhoj pore, or the vicinity of Patna and Bhagalpore. s. fj>'y^> >fliT»T bhojan, m. eating, food, victuals. bhojan-k., to eat. bhojan-Jcharch, table expenses, s. yijc*-^ >TJr^ bitu-javibv, f. wheat; the fruit of the Vaikunta {Flacourtia sapida). $. d*i>-^^ >nrff bhu-jantu,m.an earth-worm. s. auJo-^^ >fl »i «ilt( bhojanlya, "1 tobeeaten,edi- »JL»-^ >^t^bhojya, J ble; m.food.*. i^^, *n^ bhaujiy f. a brother's wife. s. (Jjk*-^^ *T»f^ bhujel, m. a species of bird. s. ciU^^ >lt^nir bhauchak (inelegant),agha8t. *. M^ >J^ bJiuddr, m. a hog. s. ^jb^ *|?^ ^hu-dan, m. a grant of land or of the revenue thereof, bhu-dana-pnira, a de«d of grant of land, &c. «. ^ ( J^^^ Wtr^ hhu-dhar, m. a mountain, s. y.ti^, >7^ bku-dev, m. a Brahman, s. jSo-j^ >T^^ bhu-chakra, m. the equinoctial line. «. [number (in grammar). *. r^f^ W?W^n^ hahu-vachan, m. the plural jbJ>^ M'^fifV bahu-vidh, various, multiform, of many kinds, t. »ij4^ H^ bhuda, a light or sandy soil. h. jy^ >ft^ &Aor, f. dawn of day. bhor-hona, n. to be finished, to be terminated, h. .^ >TT bhur, f. charity given to poor people, alms, bhur-banfna, a. to g^ve alms to a numerous assembly of the poor ; a spring, fountain, h. j^ vrft bhuri or bhur, much, many. s. \)i^ Wn bhura, fair, auburn, or brownish (as hair), h. [ing. h. \j^ "HtTJ bhora, simple, artless, undesign- J^ »4TT himra, land belonging to a village furthest from the inhabitants, h. \,^ "W^tm bahora, m. a shopkeeper or monied man in a village, who makes advances to or on account of the cultivators, h. Jii^—.m^ wi(iT^bhurj-patra,m. the Bhoj-patr, a tree growing in the snowy mountains, a kind of birch ; the bark is used for writing on, and for making hukka snakes, s. [illustrious. *. j^ljfci..A^ >ffl.MIH*{ bhuri- dhaman, splendid, 'A^^J54^ vrf3C;55TH bhuri-labh, very profitable, m. great gain. s. tii) JLfc^j vrgs f el? hkur-lok, m. the earth, s. ^j3o.^4^ H^Jljl bhu-rundi, f. a sort of sun- flower (Heliotropiunt Indicum). s. 3j5^ ^"^ ?>fl/4^ »J^ bhunii or vft?^ bhoral, m. talc, mica, h. i^j^y^^bhus, |m. husk of corn, chaff, U»)j^ >nn bhusaj straw, s. U*,^ Ht^ bhosa, m. (also bhosn f.), Fulva valde magna, t. [carrying grain, h. ^.V**»5^ *ra^»T bhusarvan, a tax on boats 1-^7 ) ^ . ir***^ ^^^ bhusra, an inferior kind ttf wheat, h. (_^y^^ HMIfl*^ bhu-swarni, m. a landlord, "a landholder, s. [^SuTneru. $. i^jy**^ *e^'^ bhu-iwarg, m. the mountain ijjyM^ bhusauri, &3^jM^ bhusaula, ]n'A**'j4-^ bhusehra, an apartment in a house where straw, &c.; is kept, h. (^^ >|5Eft 6Ati«, f. chaff, bran. ». cl*»« > j4^ ^^ bhushit, adorned, arrayed. #. ij***^ ^fl^bhushaji, m. ornament, embellish- ment, jewel, t. B^iiMy^ >Tf^ bhavishyay 1 future, about CiAXii*^^ M^A'viitbhavishyat,) to be. 5. UijCl^uoijj^ >TfTBnT^TW bhavishyat-vakta,m. one who foretells the future, a prophet. ». tiJ^^ >T«ir J/mA, hunger, desire, d. D^ >|en bhuka, 1 hungry, destitute, de- j^a^ HoF? bhukar,} sirous of. d. t-jJiii^^J JJofci^y, bhu-kadamb, m. a plant (Ligusticum ajwaen). t. i^j^y^ Ht«*rOT bhukha, hungry, starving, s. (m4^94? H^tf bhukhan,m.. ornaments, jewels, s. U^»^ >ft^«n bhokhnd, a. to bark (see bhaunknd). s. (^J«AJ >T^ Mo*/, m. enjoyment; the food offered to an idol ; pleasure, satisfaction ; possession ; eating, victuals ; (in arithm.) the numerator of a frac- tion, bhog-bandhak , a bond granting the use of a pledged article, bhog-dar, one in the possession or enjoyment of any property, bhog-ldbit, usufruct in lieu of interest, bhog-k., to enjoy, to suffer. *. ^^^A^ vf^ bhog, m. abuse, rudeness, h. l^fcAJ >ft^T bhoga, m. fraud, trick, deceit, il- lusion, deception, imposition, treachery, roguery, cheat, h. ySjti\^yA> HtTlfVoJiK bhogadhikar, m. the possessor of the usufruct of mortgaged or pledged property, s. [igage. v. hhog. h. Cii.JbtiJa^«,^ »Tlrn^''V«B bhog-bandhak, a mort- J,^5^ WT^ bhugal,m. ashes, embers of afire, h. U^^4^ ^ f t H tTf bhogna, n. to enjoy, to suffer, to live stoically, to take pain and pleasure as they come. i. J^^^ vnft^ bhu-gol, m. the terrestrial globe, the earth, s. _ o ^ ( 148 ) ^ 3^y^ ^flTT^Tf bhogotra, a grant of revenue for the use or enjoyment of an individual, especially a Brahman or religiou person, t. tjy^^ ^n^ft hhogi, jovial, jolly; the person "who enjoys or iwssesses any thing; one who pursues pleasure, man bhof^i karm daridri, by nature fond of pleasure, but condemned by fate to poverty, s. \x^^ vftftnn hhoyhiyuy a small basket in which the sower carries his seed. A. &jk^j^ iftni hhofiya, that which may be en- joyed or possessed, t J^ >7^ hhul, i forgetfulness, an error, mistake, blunder, h. ^»A> vft^?)/'o/a,simple,artless,undpsigning. h. L^-j)^ ^t Pn^U bhula-bisra, \ missing ^ihj^^ >7^>T3oI>T bhiila bhatkdj the road, generally a person who calls on another in consequence of some accident.&c., not intentionally, to pay a visit./*. li^.^ bhulaaa (for bhulmia), to mislead,&c. h. ^IJ^.AJ vftoSTtTTO bhola-nath, m. a name of Mahddeva. h, U^ WqJ^ bhulna, n. to forget, to err, to mistake, to blunder; to miss, to omit, to stray, to be forgotten, h. [ofmankmd. *. ti) JL^ >Tq5^W bhu-lok, m. the earth, region JL^. ^^ bhoB, f. innocent, artless, bhol't- ~ baten, innocent prattle, h. 1*^^ ^rfir bhumi or bhum, f. land, soil : the ^ earth, place, scite ; the base of any figure in geometry. «. M^ >^ bhaum, m. the planet Mars, bhaum- bdr, m. Tuesday, s. e.A*»^ •^^;a(bhomp, m.2^\orn,&cc. {y.bhonp).h. y«j^. Vfffm bhumij, (lit. earth-born) a caste ^ of low Hindus, s. [{Premna herbacea). s. ^_Jia»'J^^ >Tfjr3T^ bhumi-jambu, f. a tree Li)ux>-*»^ vrf^R^wniJ bhumi-champak, m. a plant {Koempferia rotunda) s. [chief, s. uil*^; HfiRoF bhumik, m. a landholder; a ._/iC ,.AJ )lfYT4;»T bhumi-kamp, m. an earth- quake, s. i^^, Wt bhunii, f. the earth ; ground, land, "soil, bhumii-dar, a landholder, a headman or chief. bhumt-ddha, being burnt or reduced to earth (a corpse). «. [trial, s. ^jA> >^?T^ bhaumif adj. f. earthly, terres- \jyo^^ >Tf*nn bhumiya, a landlord, proprietor of the soil h. JU(«»^ >rm]19 bhumyal, a resident, native of a place, also one's native country, d. J\jL*»^. vrftnTToS ftAumiya^, proficient, accom- plished, d. [plundering. A. C^m^Mt^ >TfiTirRlf bhumiyawat, f. a general (3j^j«^ Hftr^mft bhumiyawatt, an insur- gent chief. *. Vjvo^ >T^jfkT bhomlra, f. coral, h. (J^ ^ I'haun, or >Tif bJion, f. the eyebrow. bhaun-ferhi-karni, a. to browbeat, to look angrily, rais - ing the eyebrows, to frown, to scowl. bhau,eik tanni, to knit the eyebrows. *. j^^ H«R bhawan, m. a house, a habitation, scite, spot, a temple, s. (J^ H^»T hhuwan, m. a world ; water; hea- ven ; man, mankind, s. O^^ *^^ bhaiina, n. to revolve, s. uj^ *J^ ^li-^nna, to parch, &c., see U3<^ , ^_^\3^ M^'iW^bhannaSfTa. a large andstrong post to which tiiey fasten elephants, h. ^Ji»l3^^ >T^^Tf^ni^ bhavanashint, f. the Sarju " river, which flows from the Himalaya into the Gog- gra. s. ij^\j^^ iTfTTI bhu-ndg,m. an earth-worm. s. (_^li»^ bhaundyi, ra. brother-in-law, sister's husband, d. lS^{:33^ 4^*^ ft/«Mn-?>A5,i, a man invested by a proprietor with a portion of land, which he must not dispose of to others, h, c^^4^ >?T^I i/i07n^,^m.ahorn,a windinstru- yj^^ 'iVhtJ)hompu,j ment. h. ;*^^'^*''""'";.|blu„,,obtu,e. A. \j^^ »TnjTT bhonthraj ti>^ H<4*tf) bhavanti, a house surrounded " by a dead wall, h, [an earthquake. *. Jl^ »^ vft"«-^^^^ >i-«luiT bhun-champd, m. the name of a plant {Kampferia rotunda), t. (CjiiJfc^ >t^lft bhvndart, land given rent-free to village servants. A. [pose upon. Tt»^«n bhondnd, a. to deceive, to im- jiiJ^^i Wfnbhondu, silly, quiet, mild, artless, simple. A. (In Dakh.) deceitful, artfiiL [ngly. h. |jj»^ >fNrT bhondd, ill-shaped, useless, bad, l3J*o at^^j T bahondd or bahaunda, land given rent-free to the village chaukldar or watchman. A^ tji^JO^ WpiciTT bhund-paird, unlucky, ill- omened, h. (Cjjj»^> MHJlft bhundari, f. a small patch of cultivation alloted rent-free to village servants. A. b3J»4>. iTftpTT hhundiydy m. one who culti- vates with a borrowed plough or hand instrument A. J»Ai >ftn bhaunr (v. bhanwar), m. a whirl- pool. *. j4? ( 149 ) ]j^y^ HTn hhaunra, m. a large beo, or rather beetle, enamoured of the lotus. In Dakh. a whirlpool, an abyss, s. [lar. s. ]j>^ HTU hhaunra, m. a cavern, vault, cel- (^^^^ *U<««icjJ^ hhaunr-kalij f. a kind of "halter (for horses or dogs). In Dakh. a swivel, h. iffy 3^ ^f^ bhaunrl, f. feathered hair ; name of a defect in horses, s. [bhaunrd). s. Lfy^. ^^t^ hhaunrtf f. a female bee (vide ^ V*.^ ^mt'TRT hhaunriyana, a. to whirl, to turn. $. w^ >raT bhunsd, m. chaff, bran, bhunsa- jim, all kinds of grain in husk. h. [n. to bark. h. ^^*-^^4^ *lT^»tT bhaunsna, or tHnn bhumnd, i^g^^^ hhunsi, f. damp, mouldiness. d. '— ^^ *T^ bhorik, m. a stab, a thrust, h. c^j4^ ^3^ ^tNtPtM bhonka-bhonht, f. "stabbing and thrusting, h. l^^3^ >rNrfT bhonkrd, very fat. A. (j«*<*j4^ HT^f^ bhonkas, m. a wizard who preys upon children (or men or women), till he brings them to the grave, h. [to talk foolishly, h. \JSj^ >Tt«liHI bhaunkndf n. to bark ; (met.) U^^ HTtfcHI bhonkna, a. to thrust, to drive (aoanail). A. [pent. t. ilf^^ ^^ bhuwang, m. a snake, a ser- j^lO^^ ^'^ 6AMW<7a,?,^ f. a kind of tax on ^e^X^^ ^p\bhungd,t,J forest produce: "(in Bijpur, &c.). k. [vem, a cellar, t. Vf^^ wlfVCI bhon-ghard, m. a vault, a ca- U3^ H^ hhunnd, a. to parch, to grill, to broil, to toast, to roast, to inflame, to fry. h. \_ ''■'^^^) xfriy bhu-nimb, m. a species of gen- tian, commonly called cheraita (Gentiana cherayta). t. j^y^) MtMi.<*f$\ hltaunicar-kaU, f. a kind of halter (for horses or dogs). A. ,^^J >?T^ bhonh, f. the eyebrow, g. j^^ 4^rC bhunhar, name of a tribe of Hindus, h. [raneous dwelling, h. \j^^ JTifTTT bhunhdrd, m. a kind of subter- Ij6^^ >jf«rTr bhuniyd, m. the headman of a village, h. Ijljo^^ Hmkt bhunydra, m. a cellar, cavern, d, dji^y^ W^ bhun,in, f. the earth, a kind of caterpillar (see hhu.tn). h. lS^ >Tt^ Wo,i or JJ^WtMji, m. a chair-porter, a palki bearer (generally pronounced " boy " by Euro- pean ladies) ; a white cat. h. [teller, s. b»^ *T%^ bhawaiyd, m. a dancer, a story- ^ ^ qe^l^ hahn-vij, having many or much seed ; m. the custard-apple {Annona squamosa). *. ii^j>y^ 1^^^):^ bahu-virjyaj m. belleric mjTobalan {Terminalia bellerica). s. ^^■>.^^'> *J?^ bhuyanAm. a chief, holding by L^-3^ >|Tqft bhuyl J military service; head- "man of a village, h. U^-3'^^ H^* bhu,tn, f. the earth, ground ; a kind of caterpillar covered with hair and destructive to plants, flowers and trees, s. ^Is^^/j^ >T^^^wn bhuM-champd, m. a kind of fireworks, like a flower-pot (i%sembling that com- monly called anar). s. \i>,^<})^Jifi^^ ^'Hir bhu,in-dagdhd, gifts at marriages and funerals, t. [quake. «. Mj'^c;^.-*^^ ^^i^C? bhu,t,n-dol, m. an earth- <_^^.-^^4^ H^RT^ &AS,tw-mafi,aIow caste of "Hindus engaged in the vilest ofSces. h. j^^./*^. *|^^l< bhu,tn-hdr, a tribe of Hindus settled in Gorackpur, &c. h. i^j^.^*^ bhu,in-hdrl, land let at a low rent to military retainers. A. [again, repeatedly. <. H^^t^^ *|5^W|: bhuyobhuya, again and lO,^^ tfm bhavya, prosperous, fit, happy, bhuya, again, afterwards, s. \ . . ■i ^j^ *<5<'»tl bhahrdnd, n. to shiver, to ' tremble, to totter, to stagger. A. | j_j^ bihl, a quince, biln-ddna, m. quince- ' "seed ; (from the adj. bih, good), goodness, welfare, p. (j-i^ *^ bhai, m. fear, terror, s. jj^ H^ bh'i, conj. also, too, even, and. h. ^^^ *t|, feni. of bhayd, was, became, s. j_^ ^^ bahi, f. a book, not stitched at the "sides, but at the ends; a register, book of accounts, a ledger, bahl-khala or bahl-khasra, a day-book. b(M- patwari, the village accountant's register, bahi-maha- jan, a merchant's or banker's book. A. U^ ^TT bhaiyd, m. brother, comrade. *. U^ 'HVH bhnyd, was, became ; past tense of an obsolete verb " to be, to become." t. cLobUj^ ^MTTUP bhaiyd-bdnt, brotherhood, fraternity. A. U^4^ ^tmm bhaiydpd, Ym. brotherhood, iJL^\x^ ^ITRTT bhaiydpat,) friendship (also bhayapa, bhaydpat), t. j3U^^ ^^^3^ bhaydtur, terrified, astounded, distracted with fear, t, \j^\y^> ^in'<*RT hhaiyd-chdrd, also bkaiyd- charl, a community of brethren; or of people fron one stock. A. C5t^ VJL^ t| UgMH hahiyar, lands at a distance from the village, h. O.U^ >nn^ bhayarta, frightened, afraid, s. (j«olje4^ ^^51 i/iai-a7M, division of property or interests among brothers, s. tdJbU^ H^IH^i bhaydnak,^ terrific, frigbt- lijL^ ^Mi«i«1i bhaydwand,) ful. a. jU^ bhiyd,o, m. marriage, espousals, d. cLaA^> ^^ bhaibat, 1 paying and receiving (^^^x^ Stm^ bhaiwdd,) on the footing of one of a fraternity, h. [rifled, t. 0>j^^xv^j H^H^if bhay-bhita, frightened, ter- ■ ^xJqfc^? ^^ 6Aaipan«i,1 the8ha^e8ofabro- /V'>a^5^ nfijwt bhaihissi,) therhood, espc- 'cially in the lands of a village or township, h. C-'^K^) vftiT bhlt, f. a wall (or breadth of a wall), mound, embankment, the vestige of an old house, ochhe kl prll, jon balu hi bhlt, the friendship of the mean is like a wall of sand (t. e. unstable), t. CiA>(^) >?^ bhlt or bfata, terrified, afraid, alarmed, bhtti, f. fear, alarm, s. (JIaa^ vftfif bhiti, f. fear, apprehension, s. llA^ ^in bhaitd, m. a stunted crop. h. jju^ >ftfR bhltar, within, inside, s. Lfiji^i:^ *rhnrt bhltarl, inward, inside, in- ternal, s. ^^x^ ^rtirfWT bhitariyd, m. an inmate, the people who live in a house, not strangers, domestic ; men who preside at a temple ; those among the guests at a wedding-feast who eat in company with the rela- tives of the bride: those who partake of the feast without are called bahariyd. s, y^ 1%W bahetu, m. a vagabond, vagrant, a wanderer, t. ^j^kx^ M\^C\ bhitaurt, ground-rent paid for the site of a house by a stranger, s. f^AX^y >TT bhet, f. meeting, interview ; a pre- sent (to a superior), bhet-bakrd, a present made to a newly-appointed governor by the villagers, bhet-patra, a deed of gift on the above occasion, bhlt, the mound of a tank or artificial pond ; the vestige of an old house. A. Ua^ >f(\z\ bhttd, m. an old house, a former residence (provided some vestige remain), h. (^PU^ ^Z^ bhetan, to meet, act of meeting, k. VJkJU^ *T7^ bhetnd, n. to meet, to join ; to arrive ; to make a present (to a superior), h. ^L^v[^bhetu, m.1 a stalk, stem. &Attt, same iJu^ ^tH bheti, f.J as bhit, q.v. h. ^^> )^ bhejj rent, an instalment, bhej-ba- rar, name of a kind of complex tenar« (▼. Wilson's Gloss.), h. \it^ ^in hhejdf m. the brain, h. ( 150 ) jy^ \^*!y • >Ttin bhijd, wet, moist. h. U^^ >fiT»n bhejiw,, a. to send, to transmit, to utter, ejaculate, h, ^j^:^ HlilHI bhijnd, n. to be wet. h. CiiJ^^ ^^«B or >ni^cf bhaichaky alarmed« aghast, starting. ». vA^?^ ^rb^fTT bhichnd, a. to squeeze, to com- press, to crush, h. lio^ ^ bhed, m. secrecy, mystery; diffe- rence, kind, sort ; disimion, disagreement, bhed-lend, a. to spy, to pry into, to work one's self into confi- dence, to sound, s. [fuL ». ^_^l^^_54^ H^li^^ff bhai-darshxy fearful* fright- ui}i3Ji^^ V(^ bhedak, a breaker, one who breaks or divides, a mischief-maker, t. j5 jo^j if(^4|ii bhedrkar, separating, causing disunion, s. \jiSx^ ^l^fwtlt bhedakiyd, m. ascont, a spy. s. jb^ji^ H^ bhedu, m. one who possesses an- other's secret, a confidant, s. (/*M4^ ^^ bhedi, "I intelligent; m. a biiJk^ >H«r^T bhediya, J scout, a confidant. «. (^Ajk^ )f^ bhedit m. the ratan. A. 20(^0^ ^ bhedya, whatever ought to be kept secret, worthy of secret^, a, jj^, ^ bfier, f. a kind of pipe, a musical in- strument, a kettle-drum, s, j(^ H^ hhini, f. a timid woman ; a plant {Asparagus racemosus) ; a sort of prickly nightshade, a. Jl^ "^^T bahir, If. the baggage accompany- jX^ ^1^ bahir,} ing an army ; also the lines near a camp where the wives and families of the soldiers live. h. \j^ «rf^T bahei'd, the beleric myrobalan. h. i^j]j(^ ^ntt bhairdri, f. the name of a Raginl. s, jyj^ ^T:^ bhairav or bhairava, formidable horrible ; m. hatred, abhorrence, a name of Shiva, but more especially an inferior manifestation of the deity eight of which are reckoned, and severally termed Asitanga, Ruru, Chanda, Krodh, Unmatta, Kupati Bi- shan, and Sanghar, all alluding to terrific properties of mind or body ; the name of a river ; a kind of rag in music, s. \^jj(^ i|^1Cl^«1l bahiro-bund, the baggage accompanying an army, h i^jtf^ ^^ bhairon, m. the name of a rag, or musical mode, sung at dawn in autumn, represented by Mahddeva with the Ganges flowing from the hair of his bead, and this rag or musical deity issues from Mahddeva' s mouth (vide Gilchrist's Gram. 4to. p. 276) | a name of Mafiddeva, t. ^cj^j^ ^13^ bhairavi, f. the name of a rdgint^ the wife of BhairoA rag. $. (jfA> ^^ bherif m. a piper, bhairi, a spe- 'oM of falcon. «. ji^e ( 151 ) c^ 2fXJ0V. ^iH^ ^^ JaAeri/a, name of a clan of raj- puti in Jaunpur and Chunar. h. 'jx^ "njf^ hliir, f, multitude, crowd, mob ; a press of work, trouble, difficulty, h. ^x^ H? hher, m. a ram ; f. a sheep, ewe. s. jX^ W^ts bafiir, m. baggage, &c. of an array a camp-follower of any kind. h. )j^ S^3T hahera, m. the name of a fruit (the heleric myrobalan ; Terminalia belerica, Roxb.). s- (^TT ra. a ram, Dakh. a wolf, bhlra, crowded, throng, h. jjx^ bhir-banga, m. the rabble of camp followers, the " impedimenta" of an army on march, d- y\^jx^ >1^?>?T? bhir-bhar, f. a crowd, multi- tude, h, ^jii^ ^T«n bherna, a. to shut, to close, h. t^j^ ^f^ bhefi, f. a sheep, an ewe. s. bjjL^ tifim bheriya, m. a wolf, bheriya. dhasan, m. a multitude crowded together like sheep in a pen, the act of following the example of another, s. {j>*x^ >H bhes m. (for bhesh), appearance, assumed likeness, counterfeit dress, semblance, bhis (for bhisha), the edible root of the lotus plant, s. j^l^jurtjc-^ mi^ltf bhaya-sthan, m. seat or part exposed to peril or hart. t. jjij^ ^ bhesh, m. (same as bhes), appear- ance, &c. s. [kind of fennel {Nigella Indica). s. JL)^ V[^^ bheshaj, m. a remedy, drug; a ^.M.A^,) vft^T bhishma, horrible, fearful; m. horror, s. f.y^*^ Wt^W bhishan, horrible, formidable; in. horror; the olibanum tree {Boswellia thurifera). s. uii*^ ihB bhek, m. a toad, a frog. s. tiJu^ hhih, m. (for bhikh), begging, &c. d. dlJjKj^ ^qc(iK4i bhaya-harakf terrifying, frightening, s. ^Sj^}^ bhthari, m. a mendicant, d. ,^ia^ ^ hhekh, m. (for bhesh) disguise, as- sumed appearance, dress, &c. , semblance, bheki-dhari, adj. putting on a disguise, assuming an appearance, s. ,^f^ >^ bhihh, f. begging, charity, alms. 5. ^1^ WoR^ bhekt, f. the female of the frog, "or a small frog ; a kind of creeper {Hydrocotyle Asia- tica). s. llC^ >rtTT»n bhigna, or >T^»n hhingna, n. to be wet. rat-bhtgna, applied to the night passing in mirth and musical entertainment. /*. f\yA> ^rfoS bhil, m. the name of a wild race ol mountaineers dwelling especially along the course of the Narmada or Nerbudda, and subsisting chiefly by plunder. *. ^^.A^ VToST bhela, m. a kind of nut, used for marking clothes (Semicarpus anacardium). s. (J^***l)^4^ h^H^ bhel-sel, m. alloy of metal (in coinage, &c.)- h. ^^}'}^ H^ bheli, f. a lump of coarse sugar (or "gw)> generally consisting of five or six sirs. h. ^J^J^ ^t^fcftql baheliyd, m. a, fowler; the name of a tribe of Hindus, h, [terror. ». ^»J^ W\l^ bhim, fearful, terrible ; m. horror, j^y^^ >rtiT bhun, or 6/«ma,1 the name of one of f^xm^^i^vi\pi^bhim-sen,] the five Pandu princes, the second brother of Judhishfhir or Yudhish- thira. s. [ed. s. ^jl»A^ >TinrR bhayamdn, frightened, alarm- (.^^1*^ *ftH?!'«ft bhim-senl,f. akindofcam- phire. h. jc*jk^ ^jft bhaiml, f. the eleventh day of the " bright half of the month of Magh. s. (j^ bihln, best, most excellent, s. (j^^">T bhen, the earth, the ground; the bleat- ing of sheep. bhen-bheA-k., to bleat as sheep h. Uo^ Wf[\ bhend, f. a sister, h. Uo^ >Thn bhlnd, wet ; m. sister's husband, brother-in law. b cIaJui^ >irhi bhtntf f. a wall (v. bhtt). s. cLokA^> ^tr bhent, f. interview ; visit ; present. bhenf-muldkat, f. a meeting. A. [sit, A. Uuu^> ^i7«n bhentnd, n. to meet with; to vi- nn bhainsd, m. a male buffalo, s. (i^ jL«Jjk^ *>raT^ bhainsd-ddd, 'l m. a iibU-Ja^ "^rftixn^ bhainsiyd-ddd,) kind of ringworm, s. \tiOj-Ja^ bhainsondd, a tax or cess for the privilege of grazing buffaloes, h. Sli^ >TTr|g^ bhayanhar, terrible, terrific, s. Ujo^ "iTTT bhengd, squint-eyed. h. UXxx^ bhingnd, n. (v. bhigna), to be wet. h. »A^ iH bhev, m. a state, condition; innate property, nature. ». [was or became, h yi^ *nfl bhayau or bhayo (Braj. for bhayd), •it^-^ bhairvdd (v. bhaibat), paying, &c. h. ar4^ ( 132 ) (^ ^^JL^ Wt^ bh'ihar, name of a tribe, supposed to be the aborigines of Rohilcund, Upper Du,&b. h. y^x^ H7 or mr? hhaihu, f. sister-in-law, younger brother's wife. «. j_^ >T^fe/m,t, fern, of hhaya, was, became, h. ^3 ^ 6i, a vocative particle used in speaking ' to women ; contraction of bl-hl, a lady, mistress ; conj. (for bhl) also, even. A. j3 ^ fte, a vocative particle, used contemptu- ously, as "you rascal," "you sirrah." h. ^ be, a privative particle or preposition, de- " noting in the Persian Language " without," " void of." When prefixed to nouns, it forms compound adjec- tives, correspoudinf? with our words of the same kind beginning with i7i, im, im, ir, &c., or such as end with less. All these compound adjectives may again be- come abstract nouns by the addition of t, as be-adab, unmannerly, rude, be-adab-i, uamannerliness, rude- ness. It is impossible to give a complete list of these, as the employing of them has no limit but the taste or caprice of the writer. The following list will be found useful in the meantime ; — be-db, without water (lustre, temper, dignity, Stc). be-abru, dishonourable. be-ittifah, discordant, without union, be-asar, without effect, be-ajal, lit. without or in spite of fate, untimely (death), be-iliitiyat, incautious, improvident, impru- dent, be-ilchtiyar, without choice, in spite of one's self. be-aJab, rude, presumptuous, impudent, be-adahi, rude- ness, presumptuousness. be-drdm (vulg. blrdm). rest- less, siclc. be-asbdb, having no effects, bc-i'tibdr, not trustworthy, be-i'tiddl, uneven, be-i'tilcdd, incredulous. be-iltifdt, regardless, be-u/fat, unsocial, averse to at- tachment or friendship, he-imtiydz, undistinguishlng, ill-bred, rude, unmannerly, be-intihd, endless, bound- less, infinite, be-anddza, immoderate, be-lnadf, un- just, be-anldd, childless, be-imdn, without conscience, without religion, be-ba'is, without reason, be-bdjc, complete, without arrears, paid up in full. be-bah:l, f. completion, be-bdk, fearless, be-hdl o par, without power, be-had, without blemisli. be-badal, incompa- rable, inestimable, be-bar, fruitless, barren, be-barg o bar, fruitless, barren, poor, be-bas, without power, without authority or command ; helpless, be-basar, without sight (generally applied to the mind,) sense- less, undiscerning. be-bakd, frail, perishable, not eter- nal, be-bal, without power, weak ; wretched, poor. be-band o bast, unarranged, without order, unsettled (as a country), be-hunydd, groundless, unfounded, be- bahd, beyond price, invaluable, be-bahdr, out of seasou. be-bahra, portionless, unfortunate, be-paydn, bound- less, be-parda, unveiled, immodest, be-parwa, fearless, without reflection, careless. be-parwd,i, f. thought- lessness, carelessness, independence, tranquillity, iu- difference. be-par o bal, weak, utterly helpless, be- varhez, incontinent, be-parhezi, f. incontinence, be- phab, shapeless, be-pir, having no spiritual guide, vi- cious, be-ptr, cruel, pitiless, unfeeling, be-tab, faint, restless, be-idsir, of no effect. be-ta,ammul, rash, be- tal, out of time (in music) ; ill-timed, he-tan, out of tune. be-ta]f.dshd, inconsiderate, be-ta'alluk, without connections, independent, be-talcslr, imiocent, blame- less, not guilty, acquitted, be-takalluf, without cere- mony, bc-tamannd, content, be-tamlz, silly, indiscreet. he-tatvnjjuh, inattentive, unkind, be-tosha, unprovided, destitute (a traveller), be-tawakht', hopeless, without expectation, bt-tah, bottomless. be-thaur-thikdne, groundless, be-sabdt, unstable, be-gamar, fruitless, of no result, bc-tadbtr, incautious, unwitting, inconsi- derate. 6e-^a, ill-placed, ill-timed, inaccurate, be-jdda, variegated coral, be-jdn, lifeless, faint ; valiant, brave. ugliness. Imperfection, be-jawdb, unable to answer. be-charagl, f. necessity, helplessness, be-chdra. without choice, without remedy, helpless, poor, bechdl tmA be-chdli, unprincipled ; f. misdemeanour, ill-behaviour. be-chirdg}f. lampless, desolated, childless, be chashm, eyeless, be-chun, unparalleled, incomparable, be- chain, restless, uneasy, be-^dsil, fruitless, without re- sult. ie-AaZ, ill-circumstanced, be-hijdb or be-hijdhdna, unveiled, openly, immodest, be-lyadd, boundless, be- Jfurmat, disgraced. be-Tyurmati, t disgrace, be-^iss, in- sensible, senseless, be-^isdb, countless, immoderate, inconsistent. be-Jfikmat, unskilful, be-hawdss, beside one's self, out of one's senses, be-hayd, shameless, immodest, impudent, be-khdr, without thorns ; with- out anxiety, without fear or solicitude, be-khdn o man, without house or hall, destitute, he-khdya, m. ^it. without a testicle) a eunuch. be-]chabar, incautious, imprudent; unwitting, unintentional. be-k]iabri, f. imprudence, heedlessness, be-khnrch, without (money for) expenditure, be-khirad, without understanding, stupid, be-khar o khawind, without a master, without an O'svner. be-khatar and be-kjuitra, free from danger, safe, be-khwdb, sleepless, be-khipdbi, f. sleeplessness. be-khpdhish, without inclination or spirit; without pursuit, object, or hobby-horse. he-kJmd, beside one's self, enraptured. be-Wiudl f. ecstasy, rapture, be- yhi/.r Jthwdb, without inclination to eat or sleep, rest- less, be-khwesh, friendless, be ddkhll, dismissed, set aside, not admitted (a claim), be-ddd, unjust, not doing justice, lawless, be-ddd-gar, m. au oppressor. be-dddt, f. injustice, lawlessness, be-ddslit, careless, inattentive, negligent, be-ddshtl, f. carelessness, in- attention (particularly not taking care of cattle), be- ddgh, spotless, be-ddna. seedless (fruit). be-dakhl, ejected, he-dakhl-karnd, a. to exclude, be-dard, piti- less, unfeeling, be-dirang, without delay, be-daregh, undeniable, incontestable, readily acknowledged ; un- sparing, ungrudging, liberal, not refusing, be-dast pa, (having neither hands nor feet) helpless, without power or authority, be-dastur, ill-bred, unusual, be- da'wa, free from claims; (in law) one who relinquishes his claim or suit, be-da'wd patra, a deed acknow- ledging the abandonment of a claim or suit, be-dil, heartless, dispirited, melancholy, dejected, sad. be- dili, f. dejection, heartlessness. be-dam, breathless. be-damdgh. ill-tempered, impatient, irritable, easily provoked. be-damd£kt, f. bad temper, irritability, be- dawd, incurable. Se-daidat, destitute, unfortunate. be-dharnk or be-dharkd, without fear or hesitation, be- dos, innocent, faultless (little used), be-dahshat, fear- less, be-daya, unfeeling, be-diydnat, irreligious, un- just, be-dln, without religion, be-daul, shapeless ; un- educated, ill-bred, be-dhab, ill-shaped, be-dliatig, un- educated, ill-mannered, ill-bred, be-xauk, having no relish or desire for. be-rdh, unprincipled, dissolute. be-rabf, contrary to rule, be-ra^m, merciless, be-razd, without leave, be-ru, shameless, inhuman, be-roz, unfortunate, be-rozi, destitute of daily bread, unfor- tunate, be-rok-tok, without let or hindrance, be-riyd, without guile, be-raib o riyd, without guile or deceit. be-rish, beardless (a youth), be-resha, without fibre. be-xaban, dumb, speechless (applied to the brute creation), be-zar, without money or the means of get- ting it, helpless, be-zar kharid, (taking or getting) without purchase, be-zan o farzand, without wife or children, be-zawdl, unchangeable, imperishable, be- zor, weak, impotent, he-zahra, without bile, patient, forbearing ; indefatigable ; shameless, be-zeb o ztnat, ugly and awkward, inelegant in dress and person, be- zln, unsaddled. be-sd]chta, plain, undisguised, artless. be-sd](htagi, artlessness. be-sdz, unaccoutred, without apparatus, tools, &c. be-sdz o sdmdit, without appa- ratus, be-sabab, without reason, be-satrl, impudence, barefacedness. be-saj, shapeless, ill-made, besukhan, taciturn, be-sudh, senseless, beside one's self; enrap- tured ; entranced ; in a faint, be-sar, unequalled, peerless be-surt, stupid, be-tnr o pd, without head or foot, utterly helpless, be-sar o so»i«h, without apparatus, helpless, be-sal'ika, inexpert, without method, be-sil, shameless, fcc-s/za^iirf, without evidence. fte-iAarq/", with- out honour or dignity, be-shann, shameless, impudent, immodest, be-shu'ur, ignorant, a blockhead, be-shqf^at, L5^ ( 153 ) u> aarsh.uukind, unmerciful, be-shakk o shubh or be-shakk oralh, certain, doubtless, indubitable, he-shumar, count- less, numberless, much. 6e-sa6r, impatient, restless, be- faldfi, ill-advised,headstrong. ie-«:ai«,wanton,irregular, unrestrained, be-zabt-rabt, without order or connection. be-tuiat, beyond the power of endurance, be-takatt, non-endurance, weakness. be-taW, destitute of good fortune, unlucky, be-faraljt, ill-mannered, uncivil, be- ialab, uncalled for, unsought, be-tam', free from greedi- ness, disinterested, be-taur, ill-mannered, be-'ibrat, unwarned by example, unawed. be-'izzat, without ho- nour or dignity, disgraced, be-'akl, stupid, senseless. be-'adl, unjust, lawless. be-'aib, faultless, without blemish, fce-^aj/a^, boundless, be-ghil o ghash. without trouble or anxiety, be pharaz, independent, disin- terested, indifferent, be-^im, without anxiety, be- gbanr, without consideration, be-ghairat, wanton, im- pudent, infamous, rude, be-ghairafi, f disgrace, &c. be-fd,ida, profitless, useless, vain, be-fikr, contented, thoughtless, tranquil, be-fahmid, stupid, slow in com- prehending, be-faiz, unprofitable, possessing but not bestowing (as a learned man who does not communi- cate his knowledge, or a rich man from whose wealth no person receives advantage). be-Tcubu, without re straint, out of one's power, secure against surprise oi attack, be-ka'ida, unarranged, irregular, without orde or rule, be-kadr, of no importance, worthless, h karar, restless, unsettled, variable, inconstant. i„ kararl, f. restlessness, fluctuation, variableness, insta- bility, be-kitsur, faultless, innocent, without fail, com- pletely, entirely. 6e-i?irt/a't,untinned(apot,&c ). be-kmd, faithless, perfidious, be-kit/as, inconceivable.contrary to the common order of things, incomprehensible, im- mense, be-kaid, unrestrained ; irregular, be-kaj, or be-kar, useless, unemployed, be-kdm, frustrated, dis- appointed, be-karan, immense, infinite, boundless. be-kas, friendless, be-kasl, destitution, be-kafan, un- slirouded. be-kal, restless, out of order, be-kalt, un- easiness, be-kam o kdst, without decrease or diminu- tion, all right, accurate, be-gdh, untimely, unseason- able, be-gitmdn, without suspicion, doubtless, be-gundh, innocent, faultless. be-ghdt, inaccessible, (a river) without steps or a quay to it. be-ldj, impudent, shame- less. be-liljta)s, inattentive, undistinguishing, ill-bred, unmannerly, be-lutf, unkind, ungracious, be-lagdm, unbridled, licentious. be-lagd,o, unconnected, inac- cessible, candid, categorical, without reserve, be-mdn, disgraced, dishonourable, dishonoured, be-mdnand, incomparable, unparalleled, be-mdya, without means of subsistence, poor, indigent, be-misdl, incomparable, unequalled, be-muhdsaba, without calculation, at a venture, be-muhdbd, without respect, unceremonious. be-mah^all, out of place, improper, be-muruwwat, un- kind, cruel. be-maza, tasteless, insipid. Ite-ma'nJ, foolish, idle, vain, utimeaning, absurd, be-makdur, without authority ; without resource, miserable, poor. be-man, spiritless, be-mitmat, independent, unwilling to incur obligation, be-mujib, without cause, without reason, be-mauki' out of place, unapt, unseasonable, inopportune, inconvenient, be-mihr, unfriendly, un- kind, be-ndm, without character or reputation, be- ndm nishdn, without name or character, be-nafib, unfortunate, be-nazir, incomparable, be-namak, in- Bipid ; saltless ; ugly, ordinary, be-nang o ndmus, with- out name or character, be-nawd, indigent ; m. a kind of darwesh yvho shaves his eyebrows and beard, be- nawd.l begging, mendicancy. be-mhdyat, endless, without bound or limit, be-niydz, without want, an epithet of God, the Almighty. be-wdris, without heirs, be-waris-mal, property that escheats to the government in default of heirs, be-wdli, without pro- tector, be-wajh, without cause or reason, be-watan, i^without home or native country, an exile, be wafd, r&ithless, ungrateful. be-tvafd,i, f. infidelity, faithless- Iness. 6e-«;aJ!:<, out of season, untimely, ill-timed, be- Iwakr, or be-wakdr, without fame or character, dis- rhonourable. be-wukSf, ignorant, inexpert, stupid, be- hamdl, without compeer, unequalled, unrivalled, be himmat, unambitious, humble, miserly, vile, slothful, lazy, indolent, be-hunar, unskilled, he-hangdm, un- timely, be-lwsh, stupified, senseless, be-hech, without reaisou, purpose, or motive, p. Ix) "^m baya, a person appointed in bazars to measure gr^n. h. IjO ^^n haya, or %m baiya, m. the name ot the little bird that learns to fetch and carry, &c., and that the Hindus teach to snatch the ornamental patch or wafer from the foreheads of their mistresses {Lexta Indica) ; an assizer, biyd, m. seed. jjbU^ baydbdn, or biyctbun, m. a desert, a wilderness, bayabdn-gard or -naward, one who tra- verses the desert, a wanderer, baydbdni huts, the wilderness of Jerusalem, p. ^^blo baydbdni, of or belonging to the wil- derness or desert, p. Ijt^\-J biyd biyd, come, come ; a mode of calling pigeons, falcons, &c. p. jbljo WT^^ ftyay^ar, business, affair, s. ,_5.b\jo w(.TMtO bydpdrl, a man of business in general, a dealer, a trader, s. UoUj* ^ti»n bydpnd, n. to provide, occupy, to effect, to operate, to work, to act, to affect or in- fluence, s. \^U> bydthd (v. bydhd), married, d. _U> v^^ bydj, m. interest ; delay, bydj' khor, one who takes interest, a usurer, h. — \jL> ^»J J>y^), "!• pretence, pretext, s. ^U) TR bydjic, m. the principal, or ca^ pital sum put out to interest, h. Ji>tiU> ^JTTM byddh, m. a hunter, fowler, s. >iilo ^fv byddhi, m. sickness, ailment, pain, anguish, disease, s. Utiljo ^qiVT byddhd, m. a fowler, hunter, s, C^i>^\x^yj;[^byddhit, sick, grie7ed,pained.«. ^biilo. «Jn>f^ byddht, ill, sick ; m. a fowler, "htmter. s. j\jO. ^TTR baydr, f. wind, air. h. \x> biydr (imper, of awa/dan), bring thou. p. j\j, Wt^^ bt,ar, m. a hole (of a make, rat, &c.). s. ^.L> 'in^ bydrth, vain, of no effect, s, ^jXk> fqmO biydri,f^m^bi,dri, f. supper. A. J\^ ^t^ bl,ar, seed-bed ; evening, h. j\jo, bijdzm. (for bydj, q.v.) interest, &c. d. ^j*»U.). ^Vbyd.% the name of a muni or sage, who is said to have compiled the Vedas, the Bhdgavat Purdna and the Mahdbhdrata (properly vydsa), also the founder of the Vedanta philosophy. *. {,jt»\^, fw^ biyds, land cultivated and pre- pared for being sown in the following year. h. ^_^IjO '^^['^ baydst, hydiii or be,dsi, eighty- **two. s, ^jjU) baydz, f. whiteness; a common-place book, a blank book. a. w ( 1«4 ) y^/uo «m ^^gjTW baiydkaran, "] • j'l _a 7 -, Iro- gramma- l3^iU>. ^Tcd^.tnt hijakarant, or r , ^Mi<*TI^^ baiyaharanl, J (J»^. ^rj*c# bydkul, restless, agitated (in mind), perplexed, s. jjU^ljo oilK^^R bydkhydn, m. explanation. «. ^U> ^TIT^T baydld, ov %i\\^\ baiydld, flatu- lent; also heavy or indigestible (esculents), s. y^. "^^JnjdJu or fVmc5 biydlu, m. supper, h. (j-Ji5U) ^T^'^^ be,dlh, or '«nn^^ baydlis, forty-two. h. ^Jj^ baydn, m. explanation, relation, haydn- k., a to explain, to unfold, to relate, bayan-war, ex- plicitly; adj. clear, evident, a. ^^IjO "Sl^mbydn, or'^'*||tf, baiydn, m. birth, act of parturition. char-bydn-ga,e, a covr that has calved four times, ek-bydn jdmak, having produced two calves at a birth. «. \JU>^ ^HI bydnd, or ^^TTtTT baiydna, to be de- livered of young (applied •nly to brute animals). «. cloVx) ^n^T bydnt (see bydn), birth, &c. s. sbo ^n?, bydh or 'ftRT^ biydh, in. marriage. bydh-rachdnd, to celebrate a marriage. ftyoA A., to marry, bydh-ldnd, a. to take in marriage, to bring home a wife, to marry, s. Ubljo «MI?i bydhd, f«J^!^f biyaka, m.1 mar- iJkfcLj '*i|I^riT %aAia, fsJMI^rflJiii/aA^ajf.J ried. bydhd jdnd, u. to be married (a man), bydhi-jdnd, to be married (a woman), j, lL)^ jIx) ^i^tTtii bydh-jog, marriageable. «. Ufcljo ^^*n, bydlmd f^'TTf «n, biydhnd, n. to be delivered of young (animal) ; a. to marry (». e. to give or take in marriage), s. {^^. «Hi5*i bydhan, f^T^nf«T biydhan, ra. marrying, marriage, a. ^^.^^^Ijo ^l^H^til bydhan-jog, fit for marriage, marriageable. *. [quisite. A. t^U.) ^T^ baiyd,i, f. a weigh man's per- (•^.l^. '"T^'^'TH hydydm, m. labour, exertion, ex- ercising, practising, s. <»^A) 'l^r 6e&, f. name of a grass from which a twine is made : it is also used in thatching, t. c^A>. %^ baib, afar off", at a distance, h. titi ^1^ ?^t6», f. a lady (vulgarly a wife), h. .lxjo_ w'TR baipdr, m. traffic, merchandise, s. t^Ujo %XJR^ baipdrl, m. a merchant, a trader. s. iJL*x> bait, f. a couplet (in poetry) ; an edifice, house, temple, bait-bandl, f. poetry, verse-making, a. cI1aa> ^ bet, f. a cane, ratan {Calamus ro- tangy t. (JIjjO wKT^ betdl or wT^ baitdl, name of a demon supposed to occupy dead bodies. «. Aj^ iJl^, bait-ul-hardm, m. (sacred house), the temple of Mecca, a. ^jfc (Jl^o bait-ul-khald, m. a necessary office, a privy, a. Q...\i^-..>iL< bait-us-sakar, m. bell. a. (_«5^^(JI>oJ|, bait-uxh-sharqf, the mansion of eminence, the highest mansion of a heavenly body (in astrology), a. ^i*a5^C»x> baitu-s-sanam, an idol temple, a. x\U^j;^t> bait-ulldh, m. (the house of God), the temple of Mecca, a, jJl»J\(JI^. bait-ul-mdl, m. lit. the treasure- house ; the public treasury or exchequer, into which payments on various accounts are made, and according to the sources from which they are derived, applicable to the support of different, classes of persons; an escheat, property that falls to the crown in failure of heirs ; met. an unfortunate fellow, (v. Wilson's Glos- sary.) o. [or city of Jerusalem, a. (_)*>iiAjlci*jt> bait-ul-mukaddas, the temple Jui> %iH. betra or betar, a cane or willow. betra-bandi, an allowance for mats or wicker worki for packing goods, s.p. ]j^ ^"(^ baitard, f. dry ginger, s, j3j?j0. ^TTOfft baitarnt, f. a river, according to the Hindus, which is to be crossed by the dead on their way into the world of spirits, like the Styx of the ancients ; a river in Orissa. s. (Jl*>(^Vliiu. lf)rt^rf bit-khet, land cultivated by forced labour. /*. ^^lx> builal, unlucky; yicious (an abbrevi- ation of baii-ul-md[). a. 4J\JL> be-tan, impersonal, be-tan mdl, an escheat ; property devolving on the state from want of legal claimants, p. Ujuo Thnrr bitnd, n. to pass, elapse (as time); to occur, come to pass. t. [elapsed. <. C*AJk^^ v|i(lii byatlt (for vyat'it), passed «JL*JO_ 'sfts bit, f. dung of any animal ; a fac- titious salt containing sulphnr. $. iJl*^^ ^ftZ bit, a kind of agistment, an allow- ance per head of cattle, paid to the cowherd, h. Ujj ^TT betd, m. a son, a child, a boy. betd kar-lend, to adopt a son. h. 11ax> ifliJHI b'ltnd, a. to spill, to scatter, h. ,i^AjO %J beth, sandy unproductive soil. Inthf f. the dung of birds, baith, value of the government share of produce, the amount settled on land. h. V^JU^ ^rtrr bithd, m. an annular cushion put on the head for carrying a pot of water. A. -l^io %Tr baithd, m. a paddle, h. \31aSx) %7T5n baithdnd, 1 , . , -.I" s^ , . , - - a- to cause to sit \>j\^^ ^ZTl^ banharna, ' U)^4^ ^4I(^«1I baithdlna,} i^X^. ( 155 ) i34> .l^juo ^mbaitha,o, m. position, allocation, situation, h, jjl^ijo haithdft, f. seating, allaying, d. tiil^juo %73gbaithak, f. "la seat, a place where K^AJO, %Ton ia«?^^a, m. J people meet to sit and converse, a bench ; also, the act or state of sitting, sitting ; a kind of exercise, h. 0^)^.^Lt^ ^T^JRT baithldnd, a. to cause to sit. h. j^^jUL) '^T*T hethan, m. the envelope in which cloth purchased is folded up, to which the purchaser is entitled ; pack-cloth, s. U^-uJ '^(JHT haithnd, to sit, to be idle; to ride (on a horse) ; to visit a person in grief for the purpose of condolence ; to sit in dharna, q. v. ; to sub- side or abate ; to perch (as a bird), h. j^^^juo %T«rT«T haithwdn, flat. h. ^X:> ^^ beti, f. a daughter, a damsel, h. jsJ> ^Nf b}j, ra. seed ; Sperma genitale {yiri out mulieris). s. [rest. *. 3J4^y W^ 4)«jj» ^^Hftr^TT btch-bichd,o, m. mediation, interposition, arbitration. bich-bicha,o-k., to mediate, to interpose, h. \j^' ^tNt bichrd, m. a bed for growing plants to De transplanted, h. \j^' ^^tfT bechnd, a. to sell, to dispose of. h. ij}^- ^"M'^l^ bichwdntf'Ua. an umpire, an 1^^''^tvvi(\^bichrvd,t J arbitrator, amid - "die-man. h. [tent pitched without a pole. p. lOy^- be-choba m. (lit. poleless), a kind of \^' ^t^ b'ichhd,\m. a scorpion ; the sign y^' ifrw btchhuj Scorpio, s. ^ bekh, f root; origin, foundation, bekh- kan, an extirpator, a judge (as extirpating thieves) ; also, a thief (as destroying the subjects), p. liJO %^ baidy m. a physician, a man of the medical caste, s. (JjL> '^ bed (for veda), m. the name of the Hindu scriptures (namely, 1st, rig, 2nd, soma, 3rd, yajush, 4th, atharva), which are believed to have been revealed by Brahma, and arranged in the present order by a sage called Vyasa or Veda-vyasa; met. certainty, faith, s. i^jo bed, a willow ; ratan. bed-bdf, one who works on ratans, a basket-maker, bed-baft, weaving with ratans (as the bottoms of chairs and the panels of doors or wmdows). hed-rmiishk, musk-willow, cele- brated for its fragrance, p. Sx> bid, a street or lane. d. j^Sxi beddr, awake, beddr-ba'khf , fortunate. bedar-dil. alert, watchful, quick of apprehension, be- dar-dili, t. alertness, quickness of apprehension, p. i*^^ Jjo beddrl, f. wakefulness, state of being awake, p. C^tjjJ ^^ | *ri beddnt (for veddnta), m. the name of a particular Hindu philosophical system. ». <^ ( 156 ) J^ j_^ii5ja ^R[T!ift bedanil, m. one who is con- " versant in the beddnt school of philosophy. «. ci^UjJ W^^f bedan(j, a class of studies or sciences, subservient to the Vedaa. s. L^'*^ ^^ baida,l, f. practice of physic. 5. jSx) ^"^ hidar, a sort of rake or harrow worked by oxen. h. J<***Sx> bedastar, the castor beaver, p. Jji^A^ baidah, the pawn at chess, a. ulJtioo %f^"?R baidik, m. a reader of the Veda, a Brahman well versed in the Vedas. t. ulJi^JO %^^ baidak, m. the practice or science of physic, s. OtiJO '^G^eiiT bedika, f. an altar, platform, s. CL^Sxi be-dalat (for be-daulat), unlucky, d. ^^tijo ^^ bedan, 1 ,. * _;s ff. pain, sickness, ache. s. U(3jo ^^«Tr bedna,j \jSx>M^m bedma, m. a reader of the Vedas. s. Jbjjo %9 bedht m. bore, crack, hole. s. bfc Jsju ^^T bldha, settlement, arrangement, h. L^'jibsx} ^"ScF 6e-(iAa.ra A, [fearless, without ojtbSxi ^v^oirr be-dharka, J doubt, p. h. Ufctijo ^tirfT bedhna, a. to pierce, to per- forate, s. j_^tiJO ^>ft bedht, I m. a borer, one who Ijkfctijo ^fv^TT bedhiydfj perforates pearls gems, &c. s. ij/O'JO ^^ bedi, f. an altar, a platform. $. lii>j;^ ^fh»T htda, m. a mound, a cluster of mounds, h. jJO ^ft^&i?', m. a hero; a brother; adj. brave. «. ^ ^ftr btr, f. a sister J a tusk; pasturage, grass laud. A. jX> ^t^ btr, m. a jewel worn in the ear ; in the Delhi and Sagar territory it denotes pasturage, h. jXi ^X. hair, m. enmity, revenge. bair-L, a. to revenge, s. jiJ W^ be?', m. the name of a fruit (Zizyphus jtijuba), also the name of the tree ; jujubes ; time, vi- cissitude ; delay, while ; the lotus of the ancients. *. \jJ ^fkT btra, m. a betel-leaf made up, &c. (see bird), a qtiid of tobacco, a cheroot or cigar. *. IjO ifkT blia, m. (same as blran) a brother, h. j'J^ berar, a village registrar or accountant, d, ^j\jX> bairak (for bairak), a banner, a stan- dard, p. ^J^ J^ ^*-'^*^ bairakheri,f. quarrelling./t. ^\i^ ^TFT baircuj or hnh'agya,m. penance, devotion, the act of leaving the pleasures of the world.*. ^1^ HK\^'\baii-a(ja, m. a small crooked stick, which a Bairagl places under his armpit to lean upon as he sits. s. [also the same as bairdga. i, tirLl^ ^TTTrf bairagan, f. a female bairagl', (_/|^ ^TTift hairagt, austere, recluse; m. "the religious ascetic who abandons terrestrial objects, thoughts, passions ; a kind of wandering fakir, who practises certain austerities. *. [X^S)- '• Wki^ "myrti bairagya, m. penance (v. bai- U|^ «i %T^ berl, f. a betel leaf made up with spices, &c. ; the colour which adheres to the lipa from chewing beteL ». (Cjjo Tft^ biri, f. a betel-leaf made up with "spices, &c. ; the colour which adheres to the lips from chewing betel; a composition, which being rubbed on the teeth, stains their interstices of a reddish colour, h. t,Jj>^ %^bairl, m. an enemy, an adversary, s. iOjX> ^fh§ blrya (for virya), m. valour, &c, s. J^ JO ber'iz, ni. sum total, the entire revenue of a farm ; also a government tax. A. ''jx^ %T ber, m. an inclosure. hfif bandl-k.f to inclose a Aeld. A. \jx> %^ berd, m. a raft, a float; the raft which is floated by the Muhammadans in honour of jchwajo- ](hizr. Besides the anniversary befd oflTered to propi- tiate him, hundreds of smaller ones with lamps may be seen on Thursdays of the month Bliddon particu- larly, which are offered by the Muhammadans to this saint, berd hdndhnd, a. to collect a crowd, berd pdr-k. or lagdnd, to relieve from distress, to remove difficul- ties, to help one through a business (lit. to ferry over 8 raft), berd khi kd par houa, to be propitious, to succeed : in Dakb. it denotes a feuce or inclosure. * > ( 157 ) i \jx> ^^ blra, m. a betel-leaf made up with a preparation of the areca nut, spices, and chanam. bira uthana, a. to undertake a business, blj-d dahid, a. to propose a premium for the performance of a task (the expressions originate in a custom that prevailed of throwing a b'lru of betel into the midst of an assem- bly, in token of proposal to any person to undertake some difficult affair then requisite to be performed, and the person who took up the betel bound himself to perform the business in question), h, IvJO '^trr hira, m. a thong tied to the hilt of a sword by which it is retained in the scabbard, a sword-knot, h. 'jfcjfjo ^^lerha, m. paling, railing, inclosure; adj. bent, crooked. A. UfcjjO ^ hist, twenty, a score, p. j^*JL*jo be-sutun, of no foundation, insigni- ficant, besitun or bUtun, name of a celebrated moun- tain in Persia, p. .-«*J0 '^tm. btsar, gleanings left in the field for the lower orders to gather, h. [nose, h, .fft> ^TR hesa?', f. the small ring worn in the \ y,r\^ ^VUJ besard, f. a kind of falcon, the female or hen bird of the species called dhoti, q. v. (Falco 7iii.us). h. \jMjJJ ^vn be-surdf out of tune. h. c1Jl»wA> ^oU baisak, a spot in a jungle to which cattle are sent out to graze : the term is also applied to an old and worn-out animal, h. t;Ll*«jJ baisak (for baithak), a seat, sitting, d. Vi^L*ja baisldnd, a. to cause to sit, to set. d. f^j**^ ^"T besan, m. the flour or meal of pulse, particularly of chuna [Cicer arietinum): the same is used as a substitute /or soap, h, \Ju ^W^,^Wt baislmau,re\?Ltwgto\hhmu m. a kind of mendicant, a follower of Vishnu, s. ^AJLki %mi'^ baishnavl or bishnavi, a fol- lower of Vishnu, baishnavottar, lands granted rent free to the worshippers of Vishnu, especially those of the mendicant order, s. (^LT^ ^^*'* ^ Aa??i, more or less; not much, a moderate quantity, p. tsJL^ besha, m. a forest, a jungle ; a desert, p. ij^ bcsht, f. excess, surplus, increase, in- " creased assessment, besht jam', increase of revenue on that of last year, beshi zamin, increase in the lands under cultivation, p. (^j^ baiz, in. a mark fixed to public writings by the magistrate or any principal officer, a. Lcjo baizd, m. the sun ; whiteness, yadi baizd dikhdnd, a. to distinguish one's self in any work (an allusion taken from the luminous hand of Moses), a. eoUox) baizdna, m. the perquisite of the ma- gistrate, &c. for marking public papers, a. ^AjojJ baizdrvi, f. the author of a book, con- taining a commentary on the hir,dn. a. ^eya^ baizaml, fashioned in the shape of an egg. KMttl-baizawi, m. a form of the Persian Nastu'lii character, in which the curved tails of the letters are segments of an oval; opposed to kjiatt i dftdbi, in which they are portions of a circle, a. u**? ( 158 ) J4> 2ij>AJ0 haiza, m. an egg, a testicle, a. jUaJO baitdr, a horse-doctor, a. «ja Jai' or bV, f. buying and selling ; corn. merce, sellinfif. bap-k., to sell, baf bi-l-wqfa, a con- ditional sale, depending on the final decision of the seller ; also a pawn or pledge, bai' bi-l wafd-ddr, a person having the use of an article conditionally sold to him in acquittance of a debt, bai^-ndma, a deed of sale bai' pattd, a lease or sub-lease obtained by pur- chase. baV sultdnl, a sale by order of government. baP taljlh, a temporary sale, bai'-ddr, a purchaser, a possessor by purchase, a. wl*JU hai'ana, m. earnest-money, a. jliili^bxjkJ haihil-wafd-dar, a person having the possession and usufruct of a property on its condi- tional sale to him. p. K>S l!!.'«i|> haiat-k., a. to become a disciple of some saint, a. h. j\Sttx> hai'dar, a proprietor by purchase, a.p. udijo '^Nr hik, m. (same as hik), a wolf. s. Kjo ^Icfii hika, crooked, awry ; injured, da- maged, (v. bdl.) h. J\^ %^^ baikal, m. afternoon, s. JSSjo bekattar, ruffianly, brutal, cruel, d. jMfcXjJ bekax, a kind of grass used for fodder; adj. helpless, destitute, h. p. ig*Sj^ be-kasi, f. destitution, forlornness. p. ..^juSCj ^oFT!? baikunth, m. a name ofF'ishnu; the heaven or paradise of Fislfnu. This name was also applied in the time of Ja'fir Khan to a kind of pit, in which revenue defaulters were confined until they paid the demands against them ; in this sense it was evidently used ironically on the part of the Musal- mans in ridicule of the Hindus, s. ,^SCo "^ bekh, m. a habit, dress, garb. s. cu^xjj ^l> beg, a M ugha l title corresponding with lord, master, &c. t. UjJ biga (v. bika), awry, crooked, d. jICjJ %i\\X, baigdVf a name of the Khanvar tribe, h. jlCjJ %TTH. begdr, m. a person forced to work with or without pay. begar pakapia, to pren one into service, p. ^>J\XJJ ^»TR't begdri, f. the act of pressing or forcing to work, begdri lend, a. to take forcibly or press, with or without paying for. begdri-pakrela, m. a pressed man ; one compelled to work. p. ^ClGa hegdnagi, f. strangeness, shyness, p. ajUoL) begnna, strange, not domestic, foreign, unknown ; m. a stranger, a foreigner, p. '•jCk> begar, m. gold-tinsel ; tinfoil ; varnish, d. j^xi begam, f. a lady, a queen : wome^. of rank are called begams (pL begamd.). t. WwL^ begmd, f. (dimin. of begam) a young lady of rank. t. (^/^. %T^ baigan, m. the egg-plant {Sola- tium tnelongena). h. (_^^A? ^'Iitl baiganti, f. a sort of wood. $. ij^ begnl, f. the wife of a beg. t. ^tA^ Thrr bujha, m. a measure of land con- sisting in Bengal of 20 katVids or 120 feet square, or 1600 square yards, which Is nearly j of an English acre; in the tipper Provinces it is nearly g of an acre. blghd dam, settlement of revenue at so much per bi- ghd. btghd-ddm, rate levied per bighd. blghd-daftari, a record of the measurement of lands in a district. «. ^^ ^ift begi, quick, swift, speedily, s. Jjo %^ bail, m. a bull, an ox ; met. a block- head (in which last sense the Scotch say, " a stot "). *. J^ ^ bel, m. the name of a fruit (Cra- tava or ^gle marmelos). bel or belt. f. a creeper, climber, tendril (of a vine) ; descendants, oflfspring. s. JJ^ H^ bel, m. the name of a flower (Jas- minum zambac). bel-phalne, to attain one's precise or utmost wish, h Jjo bel, a spade, hoe, mattock ; a spot in which the receiving-pans are placed, where sugar is manufactured ; a creeper, a tendril, a pole for direct- ing a boat ; a well. p. ^ %^ beld, f. a while, a time. $. y^ ^q5T beld, f. name of a shrub (Jasminum zambac) ; a cup; an instrument of music resemblioir a fiddle, h. ^ y^,> beld, ra. a bag of money carried in the hand of a person of rank for distribution among the poor, beld-barddr, one of the retinue of a great man, who scatters money among the populace. beld-]s^rcfi, expenditure in alms-giving, p. *y^ ^q5T baild, m. a species of bird. k. H^ J^ ^^y^ bel-butd, m. a shrub, bush, or creeper ; flowers (on cloth), h. V*^ belcha, ^ \\ W\ m. a small spade, a hoe, LiArS^ belchak, • „ ■ ** a small mattock, p. &s^ belcha, J jitiAjo belddr, m. a pioneer ; a class of Hin- dOs employed in digging, p. ^laba bailhdn, name of a city in Armenia near the Caspian, p. L^lLo belak, f. a small mattock ; the iron point of an arrow, p. [zier. h. jioLJO ^c^ihl belkt, m. a cattle-breeder, a gra- /Juo %55*T belan, m. a rolling-pin. s. UJjkJ ^c5»TT belnd, m. a rolling-pin ; a. to spread out, to laminate. $. Lk? ( ^^^ %55^ helant, m. a branch ; a small rolling-pin. h. ^i "k^ helu, m. act of rolling, h. ^bJ M(^ be-lau, dispirited, heartless, p. h. t^ ^q5^ belt, f. a creeper, climber j tendril (of a vine), s. j^ b'lm, m. fear, terror, dread, danger, p. Uj^ '^IhT hima, m. insurance; also the rate of insurance, or the per-centage paid for that pur- pose, h. OUjO ^Hlff bemat, f. a stepmother, bemat- bha,i, a brother born of a different mother by the same father (a half-brother by the father's side). *. jJUaJ %H\'^ baimatra, m. a brother born of a different mother by the same father, t. X^ bimar, sick, indisposed. btmar-kMna, m. an hospital, p. j^tij^jo biniar-dar, an attenjilant on a sick person, a nurse, p. [sick. p. i^^^j^. blmar-ddrl, attendance on the |tf.l^ btmart, f. sickness, illness, p. ^^\^ ^W btman (v. blmd), m. insurance, k. j^jJ ^^^ ^in, f. a kind of stringed musical in- strument, having a long narrow body, and a large dried calabash at either end to concentrate the sound. It is strung with steel wires, s. ^^ WfS ben, %W benu, or ^H bain, f. a flute, pipe, fife. s. ^JX> %fT bain, m. f. a word, speech, s. f^x> baiyan, m. explanation, interpretation. baiyin, clear, evident, manifest, a. ^jjj bin, see thou (r. g? didan) ; in comp. see- ing, as 'alam-htn, world-seeing, an epithet applied to the sun. p. -^JL>, bain, among, between, interval, a. Uaj ^«TT baina, m. sweetmeats, cakes, &c. dis- tributed at marriages. «. [forehead, h. Iju^ %5n baind, m. an ornament worn on the Uua bind, clear-sighted, discerning, p. Uuo ^^ bend, m. a fan ; the name of a grass, lilSfls-M^ {Andropogon muricatum). t. v^lxJ be-ndp, unmeasured, unsurveyed. be- nap ka pattd, a lease guaranteeing that the average rates of land remain as before, p. h. i^ljjj b~ind,i, f. sight, vision, p. ^^^J^ bain-bain, betwixt and between, so so, passable, tolerable, middling, a. Uu) btntndy a. to cut (clothes), d. 159 ) ^ cLaXO '^Z bent, 1 m. a handle of an axe, hoe. lii-^^'^tTT baintdfj &c. h. J^ binj (for bij), m. seed, grain, d. i^J^ -^I'O hainjni, purple (the colour of "the Solarium melongena). h. ^ btnch (for bich), in the midst, d. Vxsdx) ^^RT benchnd, a. to sell, bench-ddlnd, to sell off. h. Sx^i ^h^ bind, m. a reed, a rush. h. Itijjo %T^ baindd, m. a mark on the fore- head, as a preparative of devotion among the Hindus. blnda, a kind of rope made of grass or fibres of the arhar plant, h. Ufctijjo ^^h^*n bindhnd, a. to bore. s. Ui&i>Xj> ^^«TT bendhnd,a. to plait, to braid, h 4^;XJa^ %T^ baindt, f. an ornamental circlet made with a coloured earth or unguent on the fore- head and between the eyebrows ; an ornament worn by women on the forehead, h, ^Jki-J '^W>\ bindd, m. a roll of paper ; a kind of rope made of grass, or the fibres of the arhar plant, h. ijjjo 4t %^ or ^bl beng, m. (for vyanga), a frog, puddock, toad. *. [casm. «. dX.xo ^fJT byang, ra. (for vyangya), sar- ClAxi-o ^^'ff bengat, seed given to an indigent peasant at the time of sowing, to be repaid with in- terest in harvest, h. [lanum melongena). h. j^^xJlj '^JH baingan, m. the egg-plant (jXJ %«nVT benaudhd, the country between Allahabad and Sarwar. A. jju^ ^ift bent, f. the hair twisted behind, s. j-juj bint, f. the nose, bini-burida, one "whose nose is cut off (a common mode of punishment in the East), p. \^ bewdy f. a widow, p. o'^ bewd-pd, (^^ bewd-pan, \^ bewdr, accoimt, explanafi state or situation of widow- hood, p. h. d. ^ ( 160 ; *\> Cy^ ^'"l bewan, m. the vehicle or self- moving car of a Hindu deity; a (Hindu) bier. ». .b^ "^VT^byopai'^m. trade,traffic,businesp. s. i^Jo^ «14^mk1 hyopari, or ^W^Jirft be,opdrl (same as baipari), a merchant. ». O^ [/M?/tt^ (pi. of tlL*-^), houses, a. O^ 6iwa^, fit (of a suit of clothes, &c.). d. Oo^ buyutat (additional plural of buyut, pi. of bait, a house) : the term is used in several senses as outhouse, house- expense, house-tax, &c. a. Uy*> ^Ki byora, or %^TT beora also by, aura, m. difference, distinction ; account, explanation, his- tory, detail of circumstances, an account of particulars, or detailed account (in book-keeping), h. yyij^ ^^WTT beore-rvar, explicitly, dis- tinctly, h. [of lovers. *. tiJ^ r«j4\'i biyog, m. separation (generally j/^ f^'frtt biyogi, ra. a lover suffering the "pain of absence, s. [ting out clothes, h. Ca>^ ^jfiT byont, m. shape, the act of cut- Jjo^ ^I'T!*!! byontrid, a. to cut or shape clothes, h. \y^^i 'aifJTi byonga, m. the instrument with vrhich leather is scraped and cleaned, byonga phira nahin, his bide has not been curried yet f said of a spoilt cliild, &c.). n. ^_^^jO ^prt byongt, f. (see byonga). h. i^ bewa, f. a widow, p. jljfc^O vTl^Ii byohar, or W^'^R be,ohar, m. profession, calling, negociation, transaction, money- lending, custom, s. j^^y^} oH\t^<.hi/ohar, or %^^&e,oAar,m. a loan. s. \j^yi^ ^jft^TT hyohara, or iN^TT be,ohara, a trader, a mo- b Jb^ «i(t^rwT byohariya, or ney-lender. s. ^<4^r ^ fceA, m. a hole, a perforation, s. 8J^ behuda (for be-huda), foolish, stupid, silly, p. \j^ ^^TT Z»eAra,1 m. grass kept for pas- 8,.^^1|T:: behraj turage. h, ijji^>. ^^ behri, f. a subscription, instal- ment, behri-barar, collection on shares of the revenue in kind, behrl-bandt, an allowance for repairing roads, &c. behrl-dar, tlje holder of a behrl. h. j^x) %fT behar or bihar, uneven, abrupt, rugged, waste land, land full of ravines, h. jji^, behuah (for be-hosh), senseless, p. ^l^jo behla, m. a bag of money carried by ereat men to be distributed in charity when travelling, &a behld-bardar, the carrier of the behla (v. beta), h. i^irh^ "^^ behan, a nursery for rice plants; blhan seed. h. [(of cotton). *. U^ qO^fTi behinna, m. a comber, a carder • Ji*^s^ ^•uT behnaur, m. a nursery for rice plants. A. I ^ I {^^^^-^ be-hudagi, f. absurdity, frivolity p. ^'^ydri be-huda, absurd, idle, vain, fruitless, unprofitable, be-huda-go, a babbler, p. 0^.54i-^ be-hosh, senseless, insane, p. j_^_j^xj be-hoshi, f. senselessness, insanity, p. (jit^iri bihin, better, best, swift-paced, p. j_jXJ «ni byai, m. expense, expenditure, s. IjoJ ^pn baiya (v. \jJ baya), the name of a little bird. «. [diture. «. jl^juo 'JPI^K byayhar, m. expense, expen- t-i> pe, the third letter of the Persian and Hindustani alphabets. It does not occur in the lan- guage or alphabet of the Arabs, and the letter/ or b is substituted for it in such Persian words as are adopted into the Arabic language : thus, first for parst, and badshdh for pddshdh. In reckoning by abjad, pe la the same as be, viz. two. C— > Tfpa, m. the corresponding Sanskrit letter in that language denotes the wind ; .Solus, the god of the wind; a nourisher or protector; act of drinking: as a termination (in Sanskrit words) it denotes support ing, lerishing, holding, also drinking ; as from bhi, the earth, bhupa, a king ; lit. the earth-protector, s. b VJ pa, a masculine termination added to HindQstani substantives or adjectives to denote abstract quality ; as, bufhdpa, old age, from bufhd, old. h. b pa, m. the leg, the feet ; j)d ba-zanjir, having the foot in chains, fettered, pa dar rikdb, foot in stirrup, ready, alert, pd-shikasta, broken-footed, infirm, reduced ; in comp. (as the root of pa.tdan) it denotes permanency, continuation ; as, kam-pd, of short duration, transitory ; der-pa, permanent, p. j\s>\[>_ pd-anddz, m. a carpet spread at the en- trance of a room, on which the feet are cieansed. p. ,^\> pd-band, m. a rope with which the fore- feet of a horse are tied, pd-band hond, n. met. to be married, p. L>*»y^ pd-bos, kissing the feet, i.e. adoring, worshipping, revering, pd-bos hond, n. to worship, to reverence, to adore, to pay respect, p. ^y»yb pd-bosi, f. worship, reverence, adora- "tion. pd-bosi-k., a. to worship, to reverence, p. L-^b '^J'^ pap, m. a crime, a sin, a fault, s. bb m^ pdpd, m. a weevil, an insect bred in rice I also a father (v. babS). h. u->b ( 161 ) Ob IJbb qiMliWI papatma, m. a sinner, a repro- bate, h. .J&JJC-jb tnTIT% pap-buddhi, evil-minded, wicked, s. [gallant, s, lL*^.<— .>b THXiTTflT pap-pati, m. a paramour, a ij^ji^i^h Mfqi^^^ pap-purush, m. a personi- fication of all Bin. s. ^Jusj-ob m'l^^ pap-ckeli, f. a plant com- "monly called Aknidhi {Cissampelos hexandrd). s. ^S>^iiob MIMt^^Or pap-darsht, malevolent, "looking at faults, s. ^^y^j^ ob THTT5TB«Tpap-^.fis'iwan, conscious of guilt, knowing an act to be wicked, t. rj.^ ^m^ 2Japar, a fertile soil. h. i.^jij.L-.>b '^TfK^[^pap-rog^ m. a disease consi- dered as the punishment of sin in a former life ; small- pox, leprosy, s. '■p\>^ mq|' papar or papar, m. a thin crisp cake made of any grain, papaf belna, to undergo great labour or pain, s, [laiifolia Roxb.). s. )^.b. mMil pdpra,tn.Q. kind of plant (Carrfen/a jl^K'jib ^mdlU
      1. b inMoh^ pap-kar, wicked, abandoned, s. CJ'Si^^\i,mV[^ pap-krit, "1 sinful, wicked; bJ^ob TfiJ^^f!^ pap-kar ta,j a sinner, s. 8jfc-»b TjT^^ pap-grah, m. any ill-omened aspect *of the stars, as the conjunction of the sun or Budh with the moon in its last quarter. Ralm; Saturn; Mars. s. j^^L-jb "THTO pap-ghna, removing sin. s. C*«u->b. MmMfff pap-maii, of a corrupt mind, depraved, s. [sin. *. C1aX»ol- >b irnrmi pap-mukta, freed from ^" ■' _ ' I a female delinquent, sin- , pb vm*fl papnl, > ..10 S?' * ^ ^ .r ^ 7 jjgj,^ criminal, &c. 5. or TnftnTl papint,) [destroying. *. j^\3ob m^fTIIlf) pap-nashl, purifying, sin- lAhU po--posh, f. a slipper, p. ^^b tn^ papi, m. a sinner, criminal, s. b^b mfMi^l papiya, the castor-oil tree. A. »^b)b pa-piyada, on foot, walking, p, C->b tmr j»a<, m. falling; sin, wickedness; a leaf; an ornament worn in the upper part of the ear ; a draft or cheque on a banker, pdton d-lagnd, applied to trees, indicates the fall of their leaves in autumn ; met. it signifies that one's power or ability is exhausted : it is often applied to patience exhausted by the scorn of a beloved person, or to a destitute cod dition from adverse fortune. ». lOV? TnfiT pati, m. a master, lord, husband, s. bbTTRrr ^ab tnfini patit, lowered, depressed, hum- bled* t. Jb ^^J^ patr or patra, m. a vessel in general, a plate, a cup, a jar. &c.; a leaf; a receptacle of any kind ; what holds or supports ; adj. worthy, able, eligible, fit, capable, t. [rishes. *. y b im pairi, who or what protects or nou- yb tjT^ pattra, m. a preservative from sin, a preserver, a saviour, t. j3b TnHT patar or IHHT. patur, f. a prostitute, a dancing-girl; adj. weak, lean, pdtur-bdz, a whore- monger, h. j!>b pdtaVf m. a moth, a butterfly, d. bp b Tirsnn pdtratd, f. capacity, fitness. V(npn pdtrita, m. a plant {Oeymum pilosum), », \5j5b tn^m pdttratd, f. the quality of a pre- servative from sin. «. j^b pdtarnt, f. (of pdtar), a butterfly, d. bj5b ^Trrfr^n pdturiyd, a whoremonger, h. (.ilob mrieir pdtak, m. sin, crime, vice. s. Ci)3b Tfjw^ pdtuk, m. an aquatic animal of a large size ; figuratively the water-elephant, h. dtXi\> tirfimr pdtik, m. the Gangetic porpoise, s. \^k3b tmr^BF^ pdtakwd, m. a messenger, s. ^^i3byiTir^ pdtaki, criminal, wicked, s. ^'b mPricjil pdtili, f. a small earthen pot "used by religious mendicants. «. Jsj^b "TTT!^^ pdtanjal, m. the Yog system of philosophy, s. [^thar). s, ^b TTTTt, pdthar, m. a stone (same as pat- U^b '^W^ pdthnd, a. to make up cow-dung into cakes for fuel. h. iuu^b mvf'H pdtheya, m. provender, provi- sions for a journey, t. [leaf. « j_^b TjTift pdily f. a letter, note, epistle j a ftlob pdtlla (also pdtila), a kind of wide- mouthad saucepan use! by confectioners, p. V ( 162 ) i^l^ tll^b xnz pat, m, breadth (of cloth or of a river) ; tow ; it also signifies a note or obligation to pay a sum of money for one's own account on an ap- pointed day. It is often usual to accept these pats irom creditable persons, in payment of the arrears of the zamlndars or renters, h, c!I.>b VTZ pat, m. silk; a millstone; a throne, a seat; a board, shutter, plank, flap; a plank on which washermen beat clothes, the leaf of a door. «. C.>b fat, m. a bed or plot in a garden or field, s. [men beat clothes, s. ub xnTT pata, m. a plank on which washer- ^|iCL>b TjTTU'ft pat-rant, f. the queen, the principal wife of a raja. *. ^c!->b iJTirafiR pat-hrim or pat-hiram, m. a silkworm, s, (JJV. '"Tnr^ patal, m. rose-colour or pink. s. ^*b TTTTcST patala, f. the trumpet flower {Bignonia suaveolens). s. j|0 Jj'b xn^f^ni^ patali-putra, m. the name of a city, supposed to be the ancient Palibothra and the modern Patna. s. jjj ^'b tnr^t^^ patalopal, m. a ruby. s. J^^. MIS^l. patambar, m. silk cloth, silk garment, s. /V^. *Il^»i patan, f. a roof; ra. name of a city, commonly called Patna ; old inflect, plur. of paf, a mill- stone (ior paton). h. ^'b Tnfjtf pdiin, ni. a sort offish described as having many teeth, s, Uib "m^fll -patna, a. to roof, to cover, to shut ; to fill, to irrigate, to water, to pay ; to overstock ; to accumulate, to pile, to fill up. //. y b VIJft pdth-shalint, f. a email " bird {Gracula religiosa). s, Lii^'b "mzsfi pathak, m, he that gives lessons, a teacher, a professor; a lecturer, a public reader of tiio sacred virilings, or a Pandit who declares what ia tlie law ; a spiritual preceptor ; a title of Brahnians. i. ^^^ Tnrf^cFT pdthika,f.a. small shrub (^Abrut precatorius). s. jU^b Ml JHI( path-mdr, a courier or mes- senger, sent from place to place, h. ^£^^^'b xiUH^iO pdth-manchari, f. a small bird (Gracula religiosa). s. {j^^^ ^TTTJT pdthan, m. lecturing, teaching. «. (_54^^. "^n^ pdthi, TO., a teacher (the same as "pathak) ; a plant {Plumbago zelanica) ; f. a young goat ; a kind of fish. s. ^^_^"b TTT^ pdthin, m. a sort of fish (Silu- rus boalisy, a public reader or lecturer on the Puranas. s, *A^'b X(i^ pdthi/a, adj. to be read or studied. «. j^b "m^ pdti, f. the side pieces of a bedstea'l ; "a kind of mat ; a board on which children learn to write ; divisions of the hair which is combed towards the two sides and parted by a line in the middle ; a kind of sweetmeat ; ra. a sort of fish, described as having many teeth, s. [radish ; sandal, h. ^b TTtitl. pdtlr, m. a pungent root, a sort of «/cls»-b pd-jdma, ni. trousers, long drawers, p. j-»-b pdji, mean, base, pdji-parast, a patro- "niser of mean upstarts, pajt-mizaj, of a mean dis- position, p. [of the base. p. eoL&-b pdjiyand, meanly, in the manner li>j4>-b pdji-pdnd, m. meanness, baseness, p. pdji-mizdj , mean-spirited, base- p. a. _b "qr^ pdch, a sort of gem, emerald, h. ciis-b fJl^Bi^ pdchak, digestive, tonic; m. a cook; the bile which assists in digestion ; a digestive, a stomachic, a solvent, s. li*i>-b pdchak, m. cow-dung dried for fuel. p. J«»"b m-fit^ pdchal, whatever promotes di- gestion, s. ^^b xn^«T pdchan, digestive, suppurative; m. a medicinal preparation an infusion of various drugs, chiefly carminatives or gentle stimuli, given to bring the vitiated humours to maturity, a diet-drink, a digestive (v. pdchak). s. LiUs»-b tn^«ToF pdchanak, m. borax, s. ^>.b qi%(fTl pdchani, f. a sort of myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), s. «.&.b pacha, ni. (sheep's foot), foot. p. '^^-b ^TSJ pdchh, m. the act of inoculating, inoculation, h. U^js-b xn?RT pdchhnd, a. to inoculate, h, ^^.^:»^b Tn% pdchhe, Rafter, afterwards, be- ^jk^^b xn^ pdchhen,) bind, in the absence of (v. pichhe). s. i>b m^ pdd, m. the foot ; a foot, a quarter ; the foot or line of a stanza ; emission of wind down- wards, pad-viarnd, to emit wind backwards. <. J&tijbb tn^T^ pdddrddha, m. half a line of • stanza. «. souled. .i\i ( 163 ) >• fjjj»\S[>^ m^l^H padasan, m. a foot-stool, s. ^^^tib padash, ~1 m. revenge, retaliation ; d*^\iib paddsht,) recompense, retribution, reward, p. ftoe. s, ,^'vM.CJbb xjTf^^'ia pdddngushthy m. the great \^jL2XJbb m'^^r^-fVefcl pdddngushthika, f. an ornament or ring worn on the great toe. s. ^^ybb m^T«ft«T pddd-non, m. black salt, pre- pared by melting common salt with a small proportioii of myrohalans : it contains sulphur, h. d^bb Mlc^l^ri paddhat, kicked, trodden, touched by the foot. s. [for the feet. *. u->ib. m^^ pddap, ra. a footstool, a cushion b;ib xn^rn pdd-pd, f. a shoe, a slipper, s. j^li^.^b m(^nUjlT pdd-prakskdlan, m. washing the feet. i. *b^.4ib T^T^HHim pdd-prandm, m. bowing to the feet, prostration. «. l^^.t-i^^ib VIb mii*"aib tn^**hl\^:>\^^, mt^M I «|< l 2^dd-ghdbra, frightened out of one's wits. h. J^iib m^JJ^ pdd-miil, m. the heel. s. biib/qr^ />ac?na, to emit wind (backwards).*. jib 'mz^pddu, f. a shoe. s. diiijib xfTift^ pddodak, m. water for the feet, especially that in which the feet of a Brahman have been washed, s. [farer. s. i^jib TJT^^'m pddvik, m. a traveller, a way- tiL^jiib tn^^^frtoF pdd-valmtk, m. morbid enlargement of the legs and feet. t. \j&ib HTVT pddhd, m. a schoolmaster. ». i^bftiib m^^TTC«F pdd-hdrak, m. one who takes or steals with his feet. t. (Jl*J&5b Tri<^H pad-hat, trodden on, kicked, struck with the feet. h. (^jljj&ib tfi^^ pdd-harsh, m. tingling of the feet, caused by pressure upon the crural nerves. «, j_jib m^ pddi, footed, having feet ; m. a footed aquatic animal, an amphibious animal. «. t^ib xn^ pddif rice in the husks, k. aJib Tirar pddya, m. water for washing the feet. *. [vessel for washing the feet. «. Jbeoib mcim^ pddya-pdtra, m. a metal \^'6\i,'^T^ pddhd, m. a hog-deer (v. pdrhd). s. ^5b xrra't pddhi, f. the act of crossing "a river. A. jb xnr pdr, m. the opposite bank or shore ; adv. over, across, on the other side, through, par-k., to ferry over, to cross ; to finish ; to perforate ; to re- lieve; to carry off. par-ho-jana, to escape; to at- tain refuge, s. [man. d. \jb pdrd, m. a sentinel or sentry ; a watch- T,b TTRT pdrd, m. quicksilver, mercury j f. a river, said to flow from the Pariyatr mountains, a por- tion of the Vindhya chain. pare-Aa Aa/ur, calomel. *. .l)lb Tn CfmC pdrdpdr, m. the two banks of a river, s. m2 >. ( 164 ) jH fM*Vb WTJJpipardshar, m. a name of the poet Vyaea; the rules of Vyasa for the conduct of the mendicant orders, t. (j;j^\jb MKI^kI parashari, m. the religious mendicant, who, having passed through the three stages of student, householder, and ascetic, leads a vagrant life, and subsists upon alms. «. j^jljb yRNIi. parawar, on both sides (of a river) ; m. limit (of sea) ; sea, ocean. *. C^j^jb TniT^ parawat, m. a sort of ebony \Diospyros glutinosa), s. ^JjLb jb TnftjqfJgTqK pdrij^onthik,m.a robber, a thief, a highwayman, s. U^JUjb mf^fiiujl pdritathydf f. a trinket worn on the forehead where the hair is parted. ». viLSiJjb tnftfftftoir pdritoshik, gratifying, giving satisfaction ; m. a reward, gratuity. *. ft^k^jb 11T'§^ pdrthakya, m. severalty, in- dividuality, difference, s. ^jO. Mlf^vj pdrthiv, earthen, terrestrial ; ruling the earth ; m. a king ; an earthen vessel. «. OWjb trrft'TnT pdrijdt, m. a tree that grows in paradise: the coral tree (JSryZ/jrina/uZgen*). t. (-iljWjb VfR'^lfifilfi pdr-jdyik, m. an adul- terer, t. i>j»-jb pdrcha, m. fragment, piece, scrap ; cloth, web, a piece of cloth, p. ^b MH^ parnd, m. quicksilver, s. &A»-jlijb MKc||x^ pdr-ddrjya, m. adultery, s. uiJjIi^b TUT^lfiCcif 'pdr-ddrik,m.Q.n adulterer.s. ^^j2»^«yb MICE'S iT joar-dnsAwan,long-8ighted, far-seeing, wise, «. [a country, part of Orissa. s. ui)3J;>jb tnr^^S^ j)dr-dandak, m. name of iJiXJLidjO VR^f^r^i ;5ar-rfes/MA,foreign,abroad ; m. a traveller, a foreigner, t. ^<£o.«3,b MK^^n pdr-deshi, f. | belonging *J^.^^ MK^^M pdr-dexhya, m. J to another country ; m. a traveller, one gone to another country ; a foreign or. t. (j*»)b tnr^T paras, m. the philosopher*!. stone ; a touchstone for gems ; adj. Persian, t. (j*».b parts or pars, m. Persia, p. lM*.b pdrsd, abstemious, chaste, watchful ; a holy man, a devotee, p. jJLwjb pdr-sdl, the year before; last year. p. (_5l(j»jb pdrsdfl, f. chastity, purity, abstinence, holiness, p. j^,L^M ^^«4r«j<. pdras-patthar, 'i w. the J^,U*'j^ ^\lM^Ty\^ pdras-patthal,) philo- sopher's stone. The paras patthar, according to HindQ legends, was a stone which, on touching any metal, immediately converted it into gold. It was found in ancient times by a grasscutter, who, accidentally touching it with his scythe, was astonished to find that implement turned into gold. It then found its way into the hands of the raja of that part of the country, who one day, in a fit of generosity', presented this in- valuable stone to a Brahman. The Brahman, not know- ing the virtue of the gift, and being displeased at receiv- ing a present apparently so worthless, threw the stone into the Nerbudda. When he was informed of what he had done, struck with shame and remorse, he plunged into the river in order to recover it if possible, but the water was so deep, that he could not reach the bottom. That part of the Nerbudda is said to be unfathomable, hence, unfortunately, no man has, ever since, found the stone aforesaid (Binning). *. J^.(_^b MKfmlMc:^ pdras-pipal, m. the name of a tree (Hibiscus populneoides, Roxb.) ; also the tulip tree. *. l:LLmX>^ MkOh«F pdrsik, m. Persian, s. jjua^b pdrst, m. a Persian, the Persian lan- guage ; a follower of Zoroaster ; a fire-worshipper, p. tibuyijb MK«1jb Tn)§9^ parshwa-shul, m. spasm of the chest, stitch, s. i^yt*j\j tnfi^cF pdrshmik, lateral ; m. a par- tisan, a sidesman, a companion. «. [ride. A. C^^^jO '^T^!f^f pdrshroa-gat, close to, be- ciLoiijb MK^n^k pdrshtk, same as pdrsik, Persian, &c. ». «Ji^b tii^'Ki pdrushya, m. aloe wood or agallochum: in law, this term denotes harshness or violence, danda-parushya, assault and battery, vak- parushya, slander, calumny, libel, b. ciljb TJTTIS pdrah, what purifies, protects, cherishes ; what enables one to cross (a river) or go through the world, t. J^. ( 165 ) (j*»v ,^^^^j^, MlH^ohl^l parikanksKi, m. an "ascetic, one who lives in devout contemplation, t. j_y^b ^Rlsft pai'khi, m. an examiner, s. i^J^b T|KiT parag, crossing, going over or beyond the world, t. cILojb "TKIir par-gat, crossed, gone overj pure, holy ; a Jin, or Jain, deified teacher, s. (Jjb TIR^ parol, m. name of a plant (^Sig- nonia chelonoides or Bignonia suaveolens, Roxb.). s. uiJ.^j3jb T^ir-^^b t||<.u(^ijirq^^ paramparj opa- desh, m. traditional instruction, s. {^j^, Vl<b pds-bdn, m. a watchman, guard, sen- j3bu*»b pdsbdni, f. watch, guard, protection, keeping, p. ^^bu*>b pdstdn, former, of yore. p. (_Cj^ j>**»b jaa5-c?ari, f.watching,guardianship. /?. {,^Jjuj»[>^ pa-sang, m. a weight or make-weight, an equipoise, a balance, p. ^^b Tirot past, f. a net ; a rope with which "the legs of a horse are bound, s. j<»»b qml past, m. a fowler; one whose "business is to make tadi or tSfl (so named from the rope round his leg when he climbs the taf tree). *. ^i*»b past (from ;pas), a watchman ; (ours were "called " watchy," &om " watch," in my young days), p. (_jrtb pdsh,{\n comp.) scattering,sprinkling.^. (^b TffVf pdsh, m. a fetter, chain, tie; the string for fastening tame animals, the net or noose for catching birds, deer, &c. ; a noose, a weapon of com- bat, s. Li>b W^n pdshd, m. a die, a throw of dice. $, ^^bj»b tlTRTO pdshdn, m. a stone, s. c^'H^LO^'^v MIMI^c^l pdshdn-bhedt, m. a plant {Plectanthus scutellaroides). s. ^tiO(_jiib mv{4|.j pdsh-baddha,noosed, snared, caught, bound. ». [vered. d, O^^.L>^^ pdsh-pdsh, broken to pieces, shi- ,jbi>Jo^_)ib m^nr^ pdsh-bandh, m. a noose, a snare, a halter, a net. *. «Jl*^b xnf^ pdshit, tied, fettered, bound, s. &^W^_)ib tn^JTW pdsh-chdtya, adj. behind, being behind, subsequent ; western, s. tdibS^b myoK pdshak, m. a die, particularly the oblong die used to play chaupaf. s. [feet. h. uiLSib ^ \ ^4 S pdshak, m. an ornament for the 3vli»b TiTR^ jsasAancZ, l^m. a heretic, an ,_5Joui>b T^ RJit^ pdshandi, J impoBtor, a secta- rian, a Juoa, a Bauddha or Buddlust. s. cjsve ( 166 ) J^ «l«»b pashna or pashina, m. the heel. p. w^b pa-shoya, m. feet-washing, p. ^_^b pastil, f. diffusion, scattering, p. (_^b. ^n^ pashi, m. one armed with a net or noose, s. jjJ>-wS»b pashtdan, to sprinkle, to scatter. /?. cdJb paA, pure, clean, upright, pak-burdan, to carry clean off. pdk-soi^an, to bum or be burnt utterly, p. [confection, s. uiJb Tn^ pak, m. an electuary medicine, a jU^b pak-baz, undefiled (generally applied to the mind), p. [mind, h- (jpjlfib pak-bazi, f. purity (generally of j4>.CiJb qiciiifi^' pah-phal, m. the Caronda (Car ma carondus). s. ^bti)b pak-daman, chaste, pure. p. jA/«i;y^b pak-ddmant, f. chastity, purity, p. jj;tf(jci)b Tn^F^^*T pdk-ranjan, m, the leaf of the Laurus cassia, s. jLJuiJb pdk-rau, upright in conduct, p. j^b mvf pakar, "| the citron-leaved b^ib TUchf^'lll pdkariya,) Indian fig-tree (/"»«<« venosa). A. 8«i^ui3b pdk-zdda, a washerman, rf. ^^l^ju*>L:l.)b m6kW\^pdh-sthdn,ni. a kitchen. 5. j^^*Ju#»uiJb mch<}|^ pdk-sanrsi, f. a table- vice, a bench-vice (this is a modem name for the in etrument which was introduced by Europeans), h. ^lVedas.i. j^<5j;^b VJ^n^pdkhmidi or W^J^ pdshu'^dl, deceitful, hypocriti:»l, heretical, wicked, s. j_^b pdJii, f. purity, cleansing, pdkt-lend, a. to ■have or pluck hair from parts concealed, p. j_^^b pdktzagl, f. cleanliness, purity, neat- ness, p. [innocent, of pure conduct, f. »}Aib pdkiza, clean, pure, neat, pdklza-rau, *ijb xn^ poky a, m. Bitlaban, a medicinal salt, impregnated with iron ; nitre, saltpetre. «. vl/b UTT pdg, f. a turban ; syrup ; a poll-tax formerly levied on all males over twelve years of age. s. [^Marhattas) a stud. h. «b Tipn pdgd, m. a troop of horse j (among jsb m«i< pdgur, m. act of chewing the cud; rumination, h. [to mminate. h. ^];5b WjtTHT pdgurdnd, a. to chew the cud, tP^ ^Wl^J pdgal, m. a fool, idiot, madman (a word peculiar to Bengal, and vulgarly sonnded pogle). h. J^ W^pdl, m.f. shelter ; a sail ; a small tent ; layers of straw, leaves, &c., between which unripe mangoes are ripened ; a dyke or dam ; crown landi kept in the hands of government, h. jb xn'c^l paid, m. frost, hoar frost, snow ; trust, charge ; cherishing, protecting, fostering ; a heap of earth made by children to separate the two parties in a game called kahaddi ; leaves of a tree named jhafberi (a species of Zizyphus) pald-pajma, n. to snow. pdle-papia, to fall within the power of another. *. Cjw^b m^l^r pdldskt green ; belonging to the palas tree, made of its wood ; m. green colour, t. <3a^^^b m^ST^I^^ pdldsh-hhand, m. a country in India, the western part of Behar. s. (^^b tn^jPT'f pd-ldgan, m. obeisance per- formed by embracing the feet ; reverence, respect, ve- neration, s. ^^^b pdldn, m. pack-saddles, dorsers. p. «Jl.*Jb Tiif^ff pdlit, cherished, nourished, s. f^jL>^\i^pdldyish, f. filtration, percolation, p. jJb pd-laghz, a slip of the foot, a stumble ; met. error, ruin, p, LdJJb Tn^joif pdlak, one who protects, nou- rishes, &c. m. a kind of green (a species of spinach) ; a bedstead, s. (-ii3b qif^'dR pdlik or pdlak, m. a cherisher, a protector, a guardian, a watchman, a preserver. pS- lak-putr, adopted son. palak-beta, a boy who has been bought of his parents, hence a slave, s. J&^LdJlJb VT^'VW^ pdlak-juhi, f. name of a medicinal tree {Justicia nasuta, also Ixora undulata Roxb.) h. iCjiJb mfi>nC\ pd-lakrt, f. blocks of wood placed under the feet of a bed to raise it (it is the cus- tom to have two such blocks ready to raise the head of a bed, to give it a sloping >>osition). h, |j^b XTI^4i3l pdhikrd, m. a f^hild adopted as a son. fHilakfi, an adopted daughter. ^ JU ( 167 ) ^^b TiTci&ahl /jaZH, f. a litter, a sedan, com- "monly called by Europeans palankeen, pdlki-sawar, one who rides in a pnlkt. pdlkl-nishln, entitled to be carried in a pdlkt (formerly this privilege was granted to individuals by a king or viceroy), h. t^r^^ 'TTc^tT palan, m. bringing up, rearing, breeding, s. ^^. ^IciSHI palnd, a. to bring up, to breed, to educate ; to guard, to protect ; m. a cradle. *. «^^ "TTPcjinl palind, m. a sort of jasmine {Jasminum pubescens). s. ^tjoib mf^f^pdlindht, f. a plant commonly "called teori {Convolvulus turpethum) the black sort. «. '—^^ ^n^y^ pdlank, m. olibanum tree (^Bos- wellia tlmrifera) ; a sort of beet-root {Beta Bengalensis) ; a hawk. s. i^J^\ W^^ palanM, ^f. incense, the gum UxjJb ^Icj&^l pdlankyd,) or resin of the olibanum. s. «il-NA^b pa-lahang, m. a tether, a halter, p. ijx- ^TI^7^5S> who or what nourishes or pro- ""tects ; m. a cowherd ; f. a battle between birds ; a place where birds fight ; a covering of a pot. h. iJb pdlez, f. a melon-field. ^. ^b THTT pamd, f. cutaneous eruption, herpes, scab. s. i^b Tn?nft pdmdri, m. sulphur, s. JUb pd-mdl, ^trodden under foot,ruined, jUj^b pd,e-mdl,) devastated, p. ^Ub jjd-mdU, 1 ^ . , "., ' , _ -^ r f' ri»n» devastation, p. ^U(_^0 fate-mall,) j*b ■qT*R:^a»mr, adj. wicked,vile, base; stu. pid, idiot, fool. J. [lour. p. {jij'o\i. pd-mardi, f. strength ; resolution, va- ^-cbTITTCtjya7»flrt,f. silken clothes, silk dress; the wife of a man of inferior caste, h. j^b mH'*T pdman, diseased with herpes, s. ^b xn«T jsan, m. act of drinking ; drink in general ; betel leaf (leaves of Piper betel) ; (in Dakh.) a leaf (of any plant in general), pan ufhand or pan lend {to accept or take the betel leaf), to consent, to agree, s. ^J^^ "Trftn pdni, m. the hand. s. bb TJTtn pdnd, a. to get, to acquire, to find, to enjoy, to suffer, to overtake, to reach, to accept, to obtain ; m. a plant growing in stagnant water, s. ^^^jb mflUH^I pdni-bhuj, m. theglomerous fig-tree. {Ficus glomerata). s. {.^bv^jpdmp, sin,crime (y.pdp); also agony, anguish, torture, h. yb^b MltiMN p&n-pdtra, m. a glass, a drink- ing vessel, s. ^.ob Mi If) pdmpl, wicked, criminal, sinful, h Ll*>b TJ\lt pdnt, f. a line (of writing); a tKnti of soldiers, a row. «. j^b MTiTT pdntar, m. a desert field. *. ,^jbb MTWi pdnth, m. a traveller, s. (_^b tnirt pdnil, f. a row. s. j?^^. ^n^T^^a";'"^, m. the ribs, the side ; aside or quarter (synon. with taraf). s. ^-b xjrqjoawcA.five ; (in Dakh.) an emerald, s. Jls^b tJT^n^ pdnchdl, belonging to the coun- try of Panchal ; m. the sovereign of Panchal ; the com- pany or association of five trades, viz. carpenter, weaver, barber, washerman, and shoemaker, s. uiiiU^ji-^'b M'H;i\^, inTPW? pdndu-bhum, m. a country with a light-coloured soil. s. ^«jjb xnj^Xf^ pdndu-putra,m. son of Pandu, either of the Pandava princes, s. [ing. «■ ^^Jkib qi Pj IJ ri t pdnditi, f. scholarship, learn- .3>ib TTRP^ pdndar or "mi^pdiidur, pale or yellowish white ; m. pale or yellowish white colour. pdndar, the many flowered jasmine, pdndur, the white leprosy ; vitiligo, s. [cane. ». ^jX>b mU<1 pdndrd, m. a species of sugar- K;J^.jb ^||i<|^. ^ifVuftf pdnini, m. a muni and inspired grammarian, s. [the grammarian, s. «-J3'b M\Uilff\Hpdnintya, belonging toPanini y^ ^t\^ pdnrVy m. leg, foot, pdnw utarnd, to be dislocated (the foot). jmHw ufhana or chalana, to go quickly. pa>iu> ufand, to interfere unprolitably in any one's affairs, paiitu bafhand, to take the lead among one's equals; to desist from one's former courses. pdAw bhar-jana, numbness of the feet, sleeping of the feet. paAw-pdnu) or pdAon-pdnoA, on foot, pdnw par pdAw rakhnd, to imitate or adopt the conduct of another; to walk in the steps of another ; to sit at case, to sit cross-legged, pdfuv-pajrnd, to entreat submissively. piAw pakapid, to beseech submissively; to prevent oue from going, pdnw pujiid, to honour anotner; to avoid another. pdAw pkaildkar sond, (lit. to sleep with legs extended) is applied to signify that a person is in perfect content and security. pdAw phaildnd, to vasisX, be obstinate. pdAw phuk phuk rakhnd, to do any thing Carefully. pdAw pilnd, to stamp with impatience. pdAw tale malnd, to give one pain, to annoy. pdAw- tofnd, to desist from visiting any person ; also to visit one very often ; to be tired. pdAw idbit rakhnd, to per- severe firmly in a resolution, panwjamana.to stand firm- ly. ponu» c/ia/-^'ona, to totter, to become unstable, pdnw aho dho pind (lit. to drink the water with which one's feet are washed) expresses perfect confidence, pdnw ddlnd, to prepare for and commence an undertaking. pdAw dignd, to slip. pdAw ragarnd, to go about foolishly and unprofltably ; to be in the agonies of death. pdAw zamin par na thaharnd is used to indicate excessive joy. pdnw- sond, to be numbed, to sleep (the foot). pdAwse pdAw bdndhnd to watch one close. pdAw se pdAw bhirdnd, to be near, pdnw Tcd.im-k., to occupy a fixed habitation ; to adopt a new resolution. pdAw ka anguthd, m. the great toe. pdAw kdmpnd or tharlhardnd, to fear to attempt any thing. pdAw kisi kd ukhdfnd, to move any person from his place, from his intention or resolution, pdnw kini kdgale meA ddlnd, to convict one by his own arguments. pdAw ki ungli, f or pdAw kd anguthd, m. a toe. pdnw gdpid, to plant one's feet, to stand immoveable. pdAw lagnd, to make obeisance. pdAw nikdlnd, to exceed one's proper limits ; to with- draw from an undertaking ; to be a ringleader in a criminal action, dabe pdAw and, to come gently and unperceived as a spy. ». jjVj^y b ^ <^ Ci zipdnw-roti, f. a kind of loaf. h. jjyb xix^Tl pdnrvrd, m. a cloth or carpet spread for great personages to walk on. h. ^y>b '^t^ pdnon (for pdmoon, pi. of pdnw), the feet ; the first nun, being nasal, is generally omitted in writing, and a hamza substituted, as pa,oA. h. .^)b VT^^pdnhar, m. a kind of reed. h. ^^b JfTTt pdm, m. water; lustre, &c. ; sperm ; pdnl bharnd, to confess inferiority. pdn% parnd, n. to rain, pdnl pi pi kosnd, to curse excessively (i.e. till the throat being dry must be moistened by drinking), pdnl jdnd, n. to be afflicted with the ^«or albus ; to be dis- graced ; to shed tears, pdnl chalnd, n.to be afflicted with the fluor albus. pdnl d„ to offer a libation of water to satisfy the manes of a deceased person after the corpse has been burnt, pdnl se patld-k., to abash, put to shame pdni kd bulbuld (a bubble of water) indicates instability ; pdnt-k., a. to abash ; to facilitate, pdni- ■marnd, n to dry up, to be evaporated ; to exhibit signs confirming a suspicion, pdtil tndrnd, or pdnl topid, to draw, in nautical phrase ; as, yih jahdz kitnd pdnl mdrtd (or toftd) hai ? " What is the draught of this ship ? How much does she draw i" pdnl meA dg lagdnd, to revive a contention which had subsided ; pdnl na- mdngnd, to be slain with a single stroke (of the sword &c.), and die instantly, s. ciDucLib ^mImiHc^'cIi' pdntydmalah, m. a fruit {Flacourtia cataphracta). s, j^b ^TPiiT^ pdnyaii, f. the foot of a bed. s. &jjb THrft'T ;?^a«iya, drinkable, to be drunk, s. ^^Jmj>, «Job in5 ^J^->, '^HAfA^A pawan-dhwani, a conch wj^ "Tra«TT pawna, a. to get, to obtain, &c. (see pdiid) ; m. a plant growing in stagnant water, g. t^jb 'm^ pawlf who or what purifies, s. Olfcb Tn^Tif pahat, m. the mulberry tree {Monu Indicd). h. ^jwU 'm^TO pahan,\m. a stone j the head- {J^^.. Mi5bb payab, fordable, within man's depth ; m. a ford. p. ^bb payahi, f. quality of being fordable. p. ^bb payan, m. 1 end, extremity; comple- ^bb payarii, f. J tion. p. lAj^.c^^, pa,e-posh, a shoe, a slipper, p. ft^bj^j-^b pa,e-tdba, m. a sock, a sandal, p. ^jo.b Tiinz pdyath, m. a scaffold, h. ewW b pa, e jama, ra. drawers, trousers, p. iol^ \j'^pd,e-kha,na.m. a necessary, a privy, p, j\ii^, b pd,e-ddr, firm, steady, durable, per- manent, p. *^ W. ^ pd,e-ddri, permanency, stability, p. jjf^. b pa,ert, f. foundation, basis, d. (j-^.b tnxf^ pdyas, made of milk or water ; m. an oblation of milk, rice, and sugar. «. )J;,b pdyiz, the autumnal season, p. JO. b pd,e-zahr, the bezoar stone, p. tibb xnftrsir pdyik, m. a messenger, harbin- ger ; a foot-soldier. *. jO(_j b pd,e-kdr, a person who purchases goods from the manufacturer to sell to the merchant ; a non-resident labourer hired to cultivate land. p. a^Mt^f^ b pd,e-kdsht, (land) let out to non- resident tenants ; pd,e-kdsht zamtn, land cultivated by peasants not residing upon the spot. p. i[^Popd,e-(jdh, m. rank, dignity ; a stable, p. jjjb TTR^ pdyal or ^nftr^ pdyil, firm of foot, steady, easy paced (elephant) ; f. an ornament for the feet ; a bamboo ladder, p. Jlo(_j b pd,e-mdl, subdued, trampled under foot. p. [tion. p. ^U (J b pd,e-mdUf devastation, destruc- \y the side towards the t^. I-^. "T^rft 7?a,mii, J feet. s. (J^' H P^iifi-h f- inferiority, lowness. J5. 8iU>b payanda, firm, permanent. 2^. &^.y j9a«/a, m. a step, degree ; rank, dignity ; the foot of a table, chair, &c. ; the foundations of a building, p. , J*>b payiz, autumn ; met. old age. p. J^ ^ 9w^ pabitr, undefiled, nice, clean ; m. the firahmanical cord, pabitra-ta, f. purity, holiness, s. tjOL> Tjf^niT pahitra, m. a Brahmanical thread ; a string of silken beads; a knotted piece oi Kusha grass used in religious ceremonies of the Hindus, f. holy basil {Ocymum sanctum); a river a little to the north-west of Hard war, the Pabar ; the l'2th of the light fortnight of Sbrawan, a festival in honour of Vishnu, p. ^Jf"^., ^fV"'i1 Jt?ait7ri, f. a ring of Kusha grass {Poa cynosuroides), or of gold, silver, or copper, worn on the ring-finger and fore-finger by Hindus during religious worship, *. ^^■^,f^l^'^pipasa,i. thirst. pipdsit,pipdsan, or pipdsu, thirsty, s. Vju> f^uij^^ '^'^f^^\W^ papriyd-kat ^^jki b/j:-j_ 'T^fr^olT'I papriyd-kath coloured kath (ex. of Mimosa catechu), h. '^jiii "MMSli^T papfild, scurfy, scabby, s. tJ^. f^^^ pippal, m. the holy fig-tree {JFicus religiosa). s, •-iJ^. fMm^Jjoir pippalak, m. a nipple, s. A-i f^:(^x(^ pippali, f. long pepper (in Dakh. pipit)- pippali-mul, m. the root of long pepper, s. ^jx> 'tnnft papnl, f. the eyelash. A. O^. y^^JI papotd, f. the eyelid. «. l^ ^fxT^ papihd, "1 m. a sparrow-hawk l^juJ "irrt^T papihd, J {Falco nisus). h. j_x> pippi, the dregs or lees of any thing "when poured out or drained, d. \ju> TJ^IT papaiyd, m. a kind of child's whistle ; name of a tree and of its fruit (the Papaw tree; Carica papaya), h. i^^^oju) fTTPftiTort pipltaki, f. the 12th of the "mouth Vaisakh, when giving away water is an act of merit. *. [ant. s. ciUuai fVMl, "TiT pat or Xff^ paii, m. a lord, master, husband, pati, va. a leaf. t. e^. ^trfw ^^ai*/!?, m. a company, a platoon, con- sisting of one chariot, one elephant, three horse, and five foot. $. CL>^, fmf pit or f^nr pitt, m. bile, gall. *. (-10 ^cT put, m. a hell to which the childless are said to be condemned, t. ^. fmn pita, m. a father, s. Ijb. fx(^ pitta, m. bile, the gall-bladder; met. anger, emotion, of mind, pitta mamS, to subside (anger), pitta nikalna, to chastise, t. U) xnn patd, m. a sign, mark, symptom, hint, direction, address (or place where one is directed), a label ; a book of instructions and regulations for rent collectors, patd-rakhnd or -lagdna, to seek for, to endeavour to find out. h. \JO T?^ pattd, m. a leaf; a trinket, patta hand, to run away, to flee. s. [ner. «. o\J0 Mffl«hl patdkd, f. a standard, flag, ban- j_^l^. "TrTT*^ patdki, m. an ensign, a standard- ** bearer, s. JU) VidcJS patdl ov xrar^ pattdl, m. (in Hindu mythology) the infernal regions, or a place under the earth (v. pdtdl). s. 0^\jJ>. fMrilH^ piid-maha, a paternal grand- father ; a name of Brahma, the great father of alL *. j-.A.'O^JO. frnrw^ jntdmahi, a father's mother, s. ^IjO ftiifiyji: pitdmbar, m. a silk cloth of a yellow colour, a dress worn by Krishna, t. (_y>lJO Hdlt putd,i, the act of plastering, price paid for plastering, p. C-^jjO "TfiTWTT patibrat, m.chastity, modesty .s. ^jXjJ'^fiTfnn patibratd, f. chaste (woman), s. lj^b.C.*^. fMifm^ljl pit-pdprd, m. name of a medicinal plant {Oldmlandia biflora). s, ij^, '^UffmH patpitl, the grass warbler, a ** small bird. h. [vial deposits, h. Vjo, ^A^i patpar, land susceptible of allu- (_^vJj. "TTnTTf patpafi, surface of soft land caked by sunshine after rain. A. b\^.d.O TrfHTniirr pati-prdnd, f. a faithful wife. s. [infantry. «. cXjOlI*^. "Tfwifli patti-pankti, f. a line of C^jb "Tfini patit, abject, fallen, guilty, aban- doned, s. ^^jbc^oO. MfririMN*! patit-pdwan, purifying the guilty (an epithet of the Deity). «. C^ ( 171 ) SjlJO mPiIH patitwa, m. the conjugal state, s. j^ l1*^. fwwr pitt-jwar, m. bilious fever, .s. 3^cll0. "Tfl^R^ pat-jhar, without leaves; f. the fall of the leaf, autumn, pat-jhar hona, to lose its leaves in autumn (a tree); met. to decay (a person from age), h. 4.f^^dO TTiTVK^ pat-jharl, f. autumn, h. (j^CIa) i(ri((^«T pat-din or pati-din, daily, always, constantly, s. j^. "^^ patra or Tj^ pattar, m. a leaf; the leaf of the Laurtis cassia ; the leaf of a book, gold leaf, &c. ; a sheet or plate of metal, a letter, epistle ; a deed. s. yi>. TPf putr or putra, m. a son, a child, s. Si, ffJUX. pitar, m. (pi.) fathers, ancestors, s. jjo ^rflT />?7W (same as pita), a father (this form is used in compound words). «. \J)J>,'^W\ p(itra,m. a.na\mandici an ephemeris. s. uiLUjkJ 'T^T^ jmtranh, m. page, paging, s. •-2-^]^^. MVII^ patrang, m.red Sanders (Ptero- carpus santalinus) ; red or sappan wood (Casalpinia sap- pan) ; the Bhojpatr, a tree so called ; a kind of birch, s. ^j \ Jo f M d ilf^ pitra'x, m. a kinsman, a pater- nal relation from three generations, t. ^ ^. fm(TJ%pitra,i, f. verdigris, sub-acetate of copper. .1. jb^jjjb^ ^^^r»^ pi^K^-bandhu, m. a remote or cognate kinsman by the father's side. ». iZS^Jh. f'^'dHf* pitri-hhahti, f. filial duty to a father. *. [fared to the manes, s. CiT^^jH "f^^rtiTT pitri-bhojan, m. food of- yb Jo fM rffM K pitri-pitri, m. a paternal grand- father, s. [a &ther, patrimonial. *. Cl>0.1o Jo. fi^nnnw 7?z7ri-prapifa, received from y*»^jJO fHrfl|« pitri-prasu, f. a father's mother, s. u-«-l>pi>. "T^TTBT patra-pushp, m. a red sort of basil {Ocymum pilosum). ». uilxi^ji:) M-^^bMeh patra-pushpak, m. a kind of birch from the bark of which hokka snakes are made. *. (jftio Jo. f^^\\^ pitri-pakshaA m. the first or ,^x^ Jo "ftnnTW pitar-pakh, J dark fortnight of the lunar month ^ftn. t. [from son to son. t. ^3^ Jo q-:) if^t^^U putra-pauti^n, descended j^. 3Jo. fWil^ pitri'tarpan, m. the part of the hand between the middle finger and the thumb, sacred to the manes ; gifts in honour of deceased rela- tives, distributed at the shraddhas or funeral ceremo- nies ; the act of throwing water out of the right hand at seasons of ablution, by way of offering to the manes, s. 0^y^. f^fwftj pitri-iithi, m. day of new moon on which she rises invisible. «. ^j^j::>, ftlflirt^ pitri-tirth, m.Gaya, the city so called, where the performance of funeral sacrifices is thought to be peculiarly efficacious ; tli? part be- tween the middle finger and the thumb, sacred to the manes, s. tL^2«-^. fm^TX^ pitri-jag, m. obsequial rites. ,-j^,. ^^nr't^ putra-jlv, m. a tree, from the fruit of which necklaces are made, of supposed pro- lific efficacy (Nigella putrangiva). s. ^lii>po. fiTW^T*T pitri-ddn, m. gift in honour of deceased ancestors, s. (^:^jjh M-:n.^r| patra-runjan, m. embellish- ing a page, illuminating, gilding, s. ^^\^L*iJh fiTfTWR pitri-.'ithan, m. a guardian, a protector ; the abode of the manes, t. {ui^Mijh f^W^^ pitri-srvasa, f. an aunt, father's sister. *. ]j*^l^^ ^"^r^KI patra-shird, f. the vein or fibre of a leaf. s. J&iij^j2>p[^. fMri^r^ pitri-shrdddha, m. the ob- sequial ceremony of a father. <. ^_^jSjjJO tt^^^ putra-skreni, f. a plant (Salvinia cucullata), s. [sequial. «. uiJ^. fxjHoF pitrik, paternal, ancestral, ob- ll^^JO ^r^oRT putrikd, f. a daughter; a doll. putrikd-putra, m. the son of a daughter, appointed to raise issue for the father, s. [a letter, s D^. X(f^^asj patrikd, f. a leaf, a page, a writing, rrj\JH ^^^'*T'§ /'«Vr?"-/fa?;;,m.obseq,uialrites. s. U*opL>. M'^eniMiT putra-kdmyd, f. wish, or affection for, progeny. *. j^jJkJO fi^rtohSl piiri-karm, m. 1 obsequial bji^. fxrjf^OT pitri-kriyd, f. J rites, s, CL^Jy>. t^JVft patra-gupta, m. a species of euphorbia. *. »j>po. f^Tinpl pi^TA-gT.ihi n). burial-ground, s. ^_p.,. ftrFTTWff pitri-gan, m. a class of pro- genitors, the sons of the Bishis or Prajapatis. ». •— ^^tPk- ^^"^rnnir pitri-ghdtak, a son who is hostile to his father ; a parricide. ». (-i) J^O Pm a ^ <^pitri-lok,m . the world or sphere of the manes : it is variously situated, but principally in the Bhuvar region, or mid-heaven, s. ji^Jxi, f'TiTHf'^T pitri-mandir, m. the pater nal mansion ; a cemetery. «. ^j(>Jh_ TT^tTTf^cirr patra-ndrikd, f. the fibre or vein of a leaf. s. ijjjjb Tj-4^5 pairang, m. red sanders {Ptero- carpus santilanus). ». lioJo. iHTf^CWT patringd, m. name of a bird, the flycatcher {Merops viridis). h. jjo f^nr^ pitarau, m. (dual), the two pa- rents, s. y>. ( 172 ; «A> j^^.jjr*'-.- ^"^^MMK patropaskar, m. a tree (Ccusia esculenta). s. {:)j3j^, ''l^^ patrorna, m. a plant {Bignonia indica). s. f^ij^, TMrtcj^T pitri-van, m. a cemetery j a place wliere dead bodies are burot. ». ^•jj^. ^^^^[^ pii?:ivi/a, m. a paternal uncle, s. C^^J^v ^^'J^ pitri-han, m. a parricide, s. S^jH T^ putri, f. a daughter, patri, a note, an epistle. ». cIa-^^. tnrf^ piitreshti, f. a sacrifice per- formed for obtaining children. *. Jji:), xnrftirT patai-iya or T?riFc4|T paturiya, f. a prostitute, pi/arii/d-baz, a whoremonger. A. f AX>^. f'TH'T?fy?^Vn-^/a<7^/a,m.obsequial rites. a\ Cl^^(i>.MCL».l'^fww^flfpatti-sanghati,f. a body of troops, s. [[band. *. i^JuJo, tjfri^^ pati-seva, f. devotion to a hus- ouU TfffchI patka, m. a girdle, a sash, zari- patka, a gold sash granted by the Peshwa as a badge of honour to his officers, h. p. j_^Jo "mr^ patuht, f. a small pot, a pan. h. (j^Xjo ftf^ pitta- ghna, antibilious s. (^4^. f''^(^j(^ pitta-ghnl, f. a plant {Meni- spermum glabrum). t. tj^^. '^finf^ pftti-ghfii, f. the murderess of "her husband; a line on the hand indicating that a woman will be treacherous to her husband. *. jjjik^. ^"^^ pattal, f. a plate or trencher formed of leaves. *. (Jj'A f^fJ'cjS pittal, bilious; m. brass; the bhojpatr, or birch tree, of which the bark is used for writing upon. t. [lean, meagre, delicate, h, 'a^'.^.'mv^ patla, fine, thin (cloth or liquids); '^i VAkHI putla, m. an image, effigy, idol. s. !i^^. fn»(c?l pitiala, f. a plant {Jussieua rcpens). s. O^kJO f^55T«fT pitland or ftr^Qn*n pittldna, n. to be contaminated with verdigris (as food, espe- cially of an acid quality, kept in copper vessels), t. ^^*^kjo. ini^ST^ patldft, f. thinness, fineness, meagreness. h. [m, an image, an idol. s. KlJO. TT(r%o|rr putUkd or iIwf^«irT puttalikd, ^li>. ^rtcjS^ pailo, m. the dead leaves fallen from ft tree; the leaves cut from the culm of a reed {Saccharum spontaneum), and used for thatching, s. ik^. ViK^putll, f. the pupil of the eye; an ' image, puppet, idol, doll ; the frog of a horse-hoof. putli-kd-tara-h., to honour or esteem aa the apple of the eye. *. y^.. fm^nsfi pittati, brazen, made of brass, s. \jxJjJ>. ■^HiTTT patimbard, f. a bride choosing her husband ; a pungent seed {Nigella tHdica). s. (^J^ Mnn^patma,t, sowing fresh sugar cane ' after cutting the old. h. (J^, "^nr^ patan, m. the act of falling, t. (iH^ "TWr pattan, m. act of ordering goods from a manufacturer. A. (^y^. M^n pattan, m. a city, town ; chiefly used in comp., as srirang-pattan Seringapatam. «. ^^^^^Ji^.patanjam'i kharch, a monthly treasury account, specifying the receipts and disburse- ments arranged under the different heads for each month, h. p. »^-^. "TiTW patang, m. sappan wood. h. i-^^. Tir^ patang,\m. a moth; a (child's) l^^. "^nnTT patangd, J paper kite; the sun. s. *-^-J^. MfiB*' patangd, m. a spark, patanga hond, to go rapidly about a business, h. f^^. 'Tisft patnl, f. a wife, patnl-bhdg, divi- sion of property among a man's widows. «. (_^j^. "TW^ pattant, commissioned, manufac- tured by order, h. [jjo xnn^ patauwd, m. a leaf. «. j^^. ^t\^\X. patmdr, \ \\ ". n. . -7 fi* a rudder or helm. k. JlyJ TTiT^^y patwal,) <^^y^. ^frislH' pati-vrat, m. chastity. $. ^jyk>.'^fifWin pativratd, f. a chaste and faith- ful wife. *. •jyH- ^^'^'n paturiyd, f. a prostitute, h. ^j3^. Mrc(*rll patwantl, f. a wife devoted to her husband. *. 8yL> tnft^ patoh, ^f. daughter-in-law, son's ^_jJL> ^(^[Spatohu,} wife. s. ,^^ xf^path, m. a road, path, highway, s. (^J^^jo TjOilgtH pathi-drum, m. a sort of khyar (Mimosa alba), s. f^Jo McVfi. patthar, m. a stone ; pattkar-bdzi, f. throwing stones, playing virith stones, patthar pant hojdnd, the melting of a stony heart ; a difficult task to be facilitated, patthar pasljnd, to be softened or melted (a stony heart), patthar chhdti par rakhnd, to be patient by compulsion, or from being without remedy, patthar sd phenk mama, to reply rashly, without understanding the meaning of one's question. patthar se sir phopid or mdrnd, to teach or instruct a fooL patthar hund, to be heavy ; to be stable, to stand still ; to be unmerciful, s. UljAJo. tim}^\ pathrdnd, n. to become hard (a boil) ; to be petrified, t. • ^j^. "TWrr^ pathara,o, act of stoning, s. j3^v}^v "^'^^"^^ patthar-phor, m. a wood- pecker (Picus). h. if>y> ( 179 ) \j>-j^^ "TWC^TT paithar-chata, m. name of a kind of greens; a skin-flint; name of a serpent; name of a fish; adj. one attached to his own house, •who remains there even in distress, h. .y^j^^ "gT^TT^ patthar-chur, m. name of a plant {Pleetranthus aromaticus, Roxb,). t. '^^SjA^^ "TJIToIi^T pathar-kala, m. a firelock, s. lySj^, Vi^ pothri, f. the flint of a musket ; a gizzard ; grit, gravel ; stone in the bladder, s. ^j^jo ri^^;^ pathrila, stony (as soil), s. til^Jo nrvfoK pathik, m. a passenger, a tra- veller, s. ij^, ^ f gT«T pathin, m. a division of hell. s. C^JO TTSzn pathya, f yellow myrobalan {Terminalia chehuld). t, esjL^ T^XI pathya, proper, fit, suitable, agree- ing with (chiefly with respect to diet). ». J{. TT^ pattl, f. a leaf; hemp, of which an "intoxicating potion is made; the hem of cloth; (for pati, q.v.), a husband, lord, or master, s. fji. '^ patai, straw or grass thrown over a " field to protect the fresh planted roots from the sun. «. Ijp. JffiHJj paUyd, f. a written opinion given by Pandits on a point of HindQ law ; a letter, a small note. «. , [brother. *. Vo fMPri '- tn pitiya, a paternal uncle, father's ].\jO M Pri ^ll,! patiyara, m. belief, confidence, dependence. «. \3Up ^^ friVW l patiyana, a. to confide in, to trust, to depend on, believe. ». [land. h. CL^jp xnffir jt?a«t<, m. uncultivated, waste ^»^C/jO pafit-hami, f. a decrease, occa- "eioned by lands being left uncultivated, h.p. ijX^l ^TjWt patiri, f. a kind of mat. s. Jlo rnft^ pattl, thin, fine. A. J.JU) j9«^i/, m. a match for a lamp, a link- stock, a candle-wick, pattl sox, f. the stand or support of a lamp. p. ^^. T|?fic^'l patlla, m. a pan, a pot. A. «JjO j9a^X(^ patta, m. a lock of hair; a dog-collar j name of harness; f. an ornament for the forehead. patta turdna, to flee, to run away. A. Ijb TJJT patta, m. a deed, particularly a title- deed to land ; a grant or lease, specifying the quantity of land possessed by each tenant, and the amount of rent with which it is charged, pattd-ddr, one who holds his lands by a written engagement, paltd dah- sdla, a lease for ten years, patta jnndjdt, leases granted to tenants individually, patta ta'alluTc, a dependent lease, patta thtkd, a deed assigning land for farming on certain conditions, s, U> putta, m. an ant-hill, a snake's hole. (Snakes are usually to be found in old ant-hills, where the ground is burrowed in every direction to a con- siderable extent. — B.) d. cLoVx) m\m patapat, m. the sound of beat- ing, or of the falling of drops of rain. ». jIL M^IM< patapar, m. name of a fruit, h. \3\^ljb xj^T ITTrJn patta turand, n. to run away, h, [cracker, a squib, h. L&-Q-^ pataMd, m. (properly pataha) a Ui) f^ITTO pitara, m. a large basket, a port- manteau, square boxes much used by persons tra- velling. A couple of them are slung by ropes to either end of a bamboo, called a bahangi, and thus carried by a man who runs alongside of the i)alau- quin.— (B). d. {{\. aghorV). s. jj\l>. f^ZV^pitdru, m. an order of mendicants (_ff,lJO fxmT:t pitart, f. a small basket, a port- "manteau, a hamper, a pannier, s. [in rice, &c. *. (Cjlji) ftiZVCt pitart, f. a weevil, an insect br6d v^U?. rjZVSC patak, m. a crash, explosion, report of artillery ; a kind of bird. h. \^Ub "qrran patakd, \ m. a squib, cracker, l^li). rfz\W patdkhd,! fireworks; f. a flag, a banner, h. ^Ib patdlan, m. a regiment, a battalion. (The Urdu version of the English word is paltan). d \j\h XJTT'HT patand, a. to irrigate, to water ; to place the beams on the roof of a house ; to pay money ; to prepare a chaukd with cow-dung dissolved in water, h. jljb '^ZT^ patdw, irrigating, flooding a field ; roofing a house with tiles, &c. *. [ing- *• iJL^iJl*>, in^Z patpat, f. the sound of beat- IjuLjO. fq7fnfidL>^J^^^patt-devt,f.di principal queen.s h ( 174 ) 9h ^ji\. M^CI patra, m. a plank to sit on, a plank on which a washerman beats clothes; unripe grain (Cicer arietinum). patra /car dena, a. to deprive one of his power or strength, to convict an adversary and leave him without reply, h. (3jjCLo 1|. Vi^*( pat-san, m. a plant, h. tiJLia). M^^(l4i patt-shak, m. a sort of pot- herb {Corchorus capsularis). i. [of the teeth, t. <^^. f^^ pittakt m. the tartar or excretion oij^ "TT^irr patka, m. a cloth worn round the waist, a girdle, zari pafka, the golden girdle, an en- sign conferred by the Peshwa on generals who are in- vested with authority immediately by him. paiha bandhna, to determine on, or prepare for anj' act. patkd-pakarnd, a. to hinder, to obstruct, s. UU-Ki). M. '^ZW^^^ patkani-dend, a. to dash on the ground, to throw against any thing with vio- lence, h. [the ground. &c. (same as last), h. 'u^,i5jXi> k^fioftl^fti patki-dena, a. to dash on Jj^ '(fgc^ pattil, m. a plant (^Cessalpinia bonditccella). s. JfciijijL) Trf^^stW pattilodhra, m. a tree, the bark of which is used as an astringent ; the red species of the lodh {Symplocos racemosa). $. ^^. "VZ^ patan, m. roofing. A. ^Jb,V^ pattan, m. the name of a city. h. ^jo, xijpT pattan, act of ordering goods from a manufacturer, h. ui) ViZ^\ pntna, n. to be paid, to be pro- cured, to fill, to be watered, to be covered, to be roofed, &c. ; m. name of a city in Behar. h. Ujb f^ITSn pitna, n. to be beaten, h. (_>^Kljb fTnr^fT^I pitankash, m. a species of pike (Esor scolopax). $. (_/^-^. f^TT^cift pitankaki, f. colocynth. $. ,_^, "TT^rt ^a/wi, m. a ferryman, h. (_^. 'Mg*T') pattani, commissioned goods, or ■* goods made to order, h. [purpet *. ji) TiZ pattu, m. a kind of woollen cloth, 1^. VZ^ patu,d or patrvd, m. a man who strings pearls, a braider, a maker of fringe and tape. *. lyo mny patmd, irrigation, patmd-zaminf land artificially watered, h.p. l^jb VZ^ p(itu,d, m. tow made from the Hibiscus cannabiniu. h j\^^'^Z^JT.patwdr, \m. one who keeps ijj\jh'^Z^T^ patTvdri,} accounts of lands, a land- steward: he keeps the accounts of the rents realized in his village or department, and accounts for them to his superior. The pafwdri is also employed on the part of the husbandman, to keep an account of his receipts and disbursements, and no village is with- out one of these, h. [to water, k, 0^^. "TZTTrrr putmand, a. to provide money j •"^J^v ^'^ patut, m. 1 vigour, virility, acti- I3y6. t|^Hl patutd, f. J yity, skill, s. ^J>^^. "TS^inj patotan, m. roofing with planks or boards, transom, h. o^, "TToftT patuka, m. a cloth worn round the waist, a girdle, patukd bandhna, a. to determine on or prepare for any act. patHka pakapid, to hinder, to obstruct, s. (3^. "f^^^ pataum, m. a ferryman, h. Ui&^jb TTTtff^ patohiyd, m. an owl. h. y^..y^j)atrvtgar,m.(\.patu,d),Si\)ra.\dier,&iC. h. ^Jb. '^Z path, '\xn. a young full-grown ani- l^. VZ\ patthd, J mal, a youth, a wrestler; a sinew, a tendon ; a plant with long leaves, a. «i). TIJ pO'tta, a lease, &c. {pattd). h. l^. "qZT putthd, m. the buttock, the hip (of an animal), h. 1^1^. M41lff pathdn, name of a race or dynasty that reigned in Delhi ; also an jlf^n race settled in Rohilcund. h. \jl^. VZn{J pathdnd or pit hdnd,^&. to send, '6«^i> "TJ^^ paiAawna, J to des- patch, h. O^i?. "^fzft pathit, read, studied ; recited, h. jli&i). Mgt^K patta-ddr, a leaseholder, h. i^A^. "T^f pathan, m. reading, reciting, h. ^^*^. 'ift^'l pathingd, shelter, refuge, d. U^. yr<} ( 175 ) ^ vA^^. "^^^ pathaiya, part, sent, despatched, h. (_^- ^^1^ P^tt^f ^- plaster; a bandage, a fillet ; "a quarter of a place ; the side pieces of the frame of a bedstead ; a written order, charter, or patent, a list, statement, or invoice ; documents of any kind ; laths of split bamboo ; spokes of a wheel ; a row ; a kind of sweet- meat ; divisions of the hair which is combed towards the two sides, and divided by a line in the middle. paiti pakarke kilte rahnd, expresses excessive weakness and laziness. patU topta, to be bedrid, pattt se pattl mildnd, expresses the most intimate proximity, s. " ^_^. puttt, a basket for catchyig fish. d. 4j^. "^rfinn paUya, f. a slate or slab of stone, s. «-l*JUO "'^H patait, m. a cudgel-player, h. j\i^^, patti-dar, a patentee; a person who holds a tenure by patti ; one who has a share in a co- parcenary village or estate, pattl-ddn, a coparcenary tenure, h. p. [grass eaten by elephants, h. I;JU> Mfiu patera, ra. papyrus ; a kind of long (J^. "T^ patel, m. cudgelling ; sovereignty; a title among the Kunhi tribe ; a title of Marhattas, the headman of a village, patel ddlnd, a. to interrupt, to throw obstacles in the way of a business ; to beat. h. ^IjuC^. "^t^ pritela or ^iK^\ pataila, m. a kind of large and flat-bottomed boat used for merchandise on the Ganges ; a log or beam used to roll or harrow ground. /*. [to beat. h. \-^J^. 'Milc^'fl pafilna, a. to exact, to subdue, ^J^. "TToift pateR, f. a flat-bottomed boat. h. l.^jub vi-^ "ri^pajeb,^. an ornament for thefeet.j^. J*? fq^ pichu, m. a sort of leprosy, s. UJ^JJW TI^TTT^yTT pachd ddlnd, n. to digest, to rot. s. \\ii VI'^UJ puchdrd, m. a thin coat of clay for laying on a wall ; the sponge of a gun. puehara phernd, to sponge a gun. puchdrd dend, to lay a thin coat of clay on the walls of a house ; to whitewash a wall. h. L>*»^^ ^T^ra pachds, fifty, pachdswan, tte fiftieth, s. (^^ "T^nrt pachdsi, eighty-five. s. ^'■^ 'T^TrTT pachdnd, a. to digest ; to cause to rot ; to rot, to ferment, s. ("five. *. L?y ^ "T^TTrT^ pacfidnawwe,pachdnTve,nmety- J ^^ '^I^^ pachd,o, m. digestion, s. ^^^rWTT^ pach-pach,ra. the noise made by walking in damp places ; adj. soft or plashy, as soil, or rotten vegetable matter and mud, h. Isr^^ fH-qps-qi pichpichd, soft, flaccid, moist, flabby, watery, h. [to be wet ; to sweat, h. ul^vv '^'^^-^Yf^ pachpachdnd,n. to be damp, L^J^ M-«<"4«f pachpan, fifty-five. h. ^■'^^ ^T^HT^ pachtdnd, n. to regret, repent j to grudge, to grieve, h, j^ "^RiTR pachtd,o, Vm. penitence, re- 'j^ "T^nrnr pachtdmd,) pentance, concern, grief h. [cloth, h. ^y^ M-^^f^f^fll pachtoUyd, m. a kind of •»^i^ f^nr? pichchat, m. inflammation of the eyes, ophthalmia, s. j^. "^WK, pachchar, f. a wedge, pachchar- mdrnd, a. to tease, to harass, to distress, h, tiij^ f«T^o|i pichuk, m. a plant {Vangueria spinosa). ». [large nail. d. ^j^ pachrd, m. a kind of wedge, a spike or L>*j^ puchras, m. a kind of bronze, a com- position of iron and other metals, d. »^ "Pt^^ pichukkd, m. a squirt, h. ]j9^ Xf^WKJ puchkdrd, m. (same as puchdi-di) a thin coat of clay, sponge of a gun. puchkdra phernd, to whitewash a wall. h. [syringe, h. ^_^0w3C fTT^onx^ pichkdri, f. a squirt, a Dowj^ fTr^on«n pichkdnd, a. to squeeze, to press together, to shrivel, to wrinkle, to burst, h. Uxa^ r^-MoRHi pichaknd, n. to be squeezed; to be shrivelled, h. l^i^ V!^i^pachkhd,Lsix days from shi'dvana to revatl, on which days several kinds of work are unlawful, s. [or divisions (a house). /*. U^Xjai M-(|l!ft{T pachhhand, having five parts (J^ ft[^55' pichul, the tamarisk tree ; a plant (Barringtonia acutanguld) ; the diver or water-crow. *. ]j^ Vr^'^STt pachlard, consisting of five rows or strings, as a necklace, &c. (v. pdAch laj-d). pach- lafi, f. a necklace consisting of five strings, h, b^i^ ^"Mc^'HI pachlond, m. a medicine com- posed of five kinds of salt. «. \j^'v*^ M-clMi^l pachampachd, f. a species of curcuma {Curcuma xanthorhizon). h ^♦J5 ( 1^ ) (.5^ y-ji^ TfWr^^ pachmahallat consisting of five stories, rooms, or apartments (a house), h. i^ f^^^ pichu-mard, ^m. the nimb tree ii>s^ ivwir^ pichu-mandj {Melia azad- dirakhta). s. JvA^ ^^^ pachmel, mixed, confused, s. ^^ TI^iTj^acAan, what cooks or niatures,&c. s. U^ TrERT pachna, n. to be digested j to rot; to take pains, to labour, to be consumed, s. Tf^ pad, m. the foot ; footstep ; rank, cha- racter ; (in g^am.) a word ; place, station ; a foot or a line in a stanza; (in law) a head, title, or topic of legal or judicial proceedings. «. \si fm^ pidda, m. a species o^ small bird. h. CLSJl^^S>^ ^(^ifWfM^ padahhishikta, anoint- ed or installed in rank or office, s. C^\^. H^^lif padat or padati, m. a footman, a foot-soldier, a pedestrian ; a pawn (in chess), t. (-db\iV ^t^lPirl*!! padatik, a peon, a footman or foot-soldier ; a pawn (in chess), t. ^j^^.. >J^0 padarth, m. a thing, substance, a good, a blessing ; a rarity ; a delicacy, or exquisite food; the meaning of a word; a category or predica- ment in logic, of which seven are maintained, viz. substance, quality, action, identity, variety, relation, and nonentity, s. ^.liX?. V!^;X^ padargh (for padarghya), an offering of curds, honey, &c. to a guest or Brahman, s. (_>**lt3w?. tf^nr padas, f. inclination to break wind backwards, flatulency, s. \m»\s>, Hi}H\ padasa, m. one who is inclined to break wind ; adj. flatulent, s. t^f**^'^^ ^^T5«f padasan, m. a footstool, s. K>\d>^, Tjf^im paddna, a. to cause to break wind, (met.) to frighten, or to put to flight. ». \^Xi^Si "^^T|; paddnk, m. footmark, vestige, s. iiS>. M^^t padbi, f. title, titular name, sur- name, patronymic ; rank, character ; a path. t. iij4^'i^ m^H^*! pad-hhanjan, m. explanation ( 177 ) J..H lIaAs-jj. "T^^rT pad-chyut, fallen from dig nity, disgraced, s. jC^l padar (in Hind, pidar), a father, pidar- mizaji, a representative father, or one who has adopt- ed a son. p. [bottom, beneath, d. jtW. padar (same as tah, q. v.), fold, &c. ; io|^t>J padardna, paternally, like a father, p. '^JJ'H 'po.drud, leave, dismissal, farewell ; padrud-k., to bid adieu, p. i_$jiXi,padarl, paternal, fatherly, p. (^j>i'^,ffl^^ pidrt, f. a tomtit, h. dLJSiXf^ padak, m. an ornament of the neck ; (in Dakh.) a flat plate of gold or other metal ; badge, s. Af'^, '^l^^ff pad-kram, m. step, pace. s. *i\> "l«j^. mm padmdt, m. a sort of cassia (Cassia tor a), s. ^^U^. M^l^cf padmdsan, m. a posture in religious meditation, sitting with the thighs crossed, one hand resting on the left thigh, the other held up with the thumb upon the heart, the eyes directed to thetipofthenose; a seat made in the shape of a lotus. *. S^<^. M^l<4i< padmdkar, m. a large deep pond, in which the lotus does or may grow. *. Ojl/ctX) xnTNTT padmdrvat, name of a cele- brated princess, whose adventures are related in a ro- mance entitled Padtvdwatl. s. iJfj^Si, mt\MA^ padmdwatt, f. the wife of the sage Jaratkdru ; the main stream of the Ganges be- tween the Kasimbazar river and the sea. s. Jbai^^Tf^rV^ padma-patra, m. a sort oicostus {Costus speciosus). s. [(JVebera corymhosa). t. v_ , ...^.> ,\> tr^rn^ padma-piishp, m. a shrub jijW*iV TRT^nfc^ padma-chdrim, f. a small tree (Hibiscus mutabilis). s. ^Jm.i^mS:}. Tr!T^«T padma-darshan, m. the resin of the Pinus longifolia. s. i^\, *iiO, THRTT padma-rag, m. a ruby. ». uiJu»c^ 'mrmpadinak, m. a kind of leprosy. «. 4iS»\^^i>j T jilcua padma-kdshth, m. a fra- grant wood, used as a cooling and tonic medicine, t. ^^, "TSnift padmaki, m. the Bhojpatra or "birch tree. The bark is used for writing upon, vrrap- ping shawls, &c. s. j«^^^J>> tRIg^ padma^mukht, f. a sort of k<^?. ( 178 ) y. jXctV. Qfi'f) padmani or "Tftrfft padmim, f. a " description of women, the most excellent of the four classes into which womankind is divided by the Hindus (the names of the other three are chitrinl, sankhint, and hastini). s. y^^. X(^t^ix. padmottar, m. safflower. s. tdiSj J j,(i>) M^4iimpadma-varnak, m.a species of cos tus (Costus speciosus). *. O^iJ ti?[tTT padna, 1 having a propensity for ji^.V:Wpoddu, I- breaking wind back- \jjS>. "T^^ padora,) wards; met.acoward.s. ciJiijii^. tT <{1 ^ e B padodak, m. water in which the feet of a Brahman have been washed, and which it is a meritorious deed for inferiors to drink, s. (^jii^. Ti^^ padrvl, f. rank, character, title, road, path (v. padbi). s. ^X^S>. '^trr'C'n padhdma, n. to take leave, to go away, to depart ; to arrive. ». ^UtV. f^«T pidhan, m. a covering, a cover or concealment ; a lid ; a wrapper or cloak, s. C^s:>. "T^ftr paddhat,\f. a road, line, row; ^Si/TSKi paddhaii,) manner, custom; a " treatise on a particular science ; ritual ; a title or titu- lar name. «. t^iH ^^ paddi, f. an alley, a way. h. ,^^,iiJ. padid, open, public, clear, evident, manifest, conspicuous, visible, p. i^Al "*" padya, m. metre, verse. 10k> ^iSj. pazlr or pizir, (in conip.) denotes taking, receiving, admitting, being possessed of or endowed with ; as, zinat-paztr, adorned, possessed of ornament; safapazlr, endowed with integrity, pure, sincere, p. ^JjijSi, paziraftan (r. pazlr), to receive, to accept ; to admit, to sustain, p. iJCK>, piztra, acceptable, agreeable, p. jl "^X. par, other, strange, foreign, distant. par-des, abroad : conj. but, over, through, after, at, by, for, of; post-position, on, upon, notwithstanding, s. y> Upra, prep, (in comp.) forth, for, forward, off, away. «. J. par, m. a feather, a quill, wing, par-jalnd or futna, to be without power or ability, par-jhapia or girand, to prepare to fly ; to get new feathers after moulting, par nikdlna, to display on acquiring power those qualities which remained concealed in poverty or a low station ; to shew the cloven foot, p. J ir5 paru, m. a knot or joint in a reed. s. jlpur, full, complete, loaded, charged; used (in comp.) as pur-nur, illustrious, lit. full of light, p. J xre pur, m. f. a city, town, pur-bdsl or pura-vaisi, a dweller in a city, a citizen, s, \j Tjn para, prep (in comp.) back, back- ward, reverse, over, i. \ji. VTJ piira, m, a large village, town ; (in comp.) apartment ; as, ran-pura, the women's apart- ment. «, [troops) ; a rank, file, or row. «. )j{. ""^T para, m, a company; a body (of &A>];^. IIITdV prdhalya, m. power, vigour, predominance, t. [eminence, t. 3^\r':- W*^'^ prdbhava, m. superiority, pre- ^4^0. ^TTW^ parabhav, m. discomfiting, over- coming. », [come. s. Oj4^^. TTTTiJK parabhut, defeated, over- CLi^Uj. inw prdpta or parapat, m. income, produce, gain ; advantage, benefit ; acquired, attained ; proper, right. *, Lloj J Vnfv jyrapti, f. gain, income, advantage, acquiring, obtaining, success, s. CU>1j nrf^ prdpit, procured, obtained, s. ^j\Si)A WStT^ prdptdrtha, successful, having gained an object, s. ju»j\l>\jl WSfJ^m. prdptdvasar, opportune, seasonable, finding an occasion, t. ^S>tJLo\ji, niH^fs prdpta-buddhi, enlight- ened, instructed ; recovering, becoming conscious. *. J\^l1*^.)»> ITTHcfilcjS prdpta-kdl, fated, one whose fated time has come ; opportune, s. v:ib.U. Uni* prdpak, adj. procuring, obtain- ing, s. ^j^.1j. nnrir prdpan, m. obtaining, s. *A)1*> HTO prdpya, attainable, obtainable, s. C>U UTW prat or TfW, prdtah, m. morning, dawn of day. prata-samai, prdta-kal, the same. *, Cj\j>. tTOH 2>a^'at, 1 f. a large plate (of ^J,\J>, i T Urit pardti, J brass), h. uiJiiJoU urfinrf^ prdUpadik, m. the crude form of a noun, without affixes, «. eO^Ol;) m^ l Pf W pardt-priya, m. a kind of reed {Saccharum spontaneum). s. ^\jT(nfXprdtar,B.dy. morning, dawn, prdtar- bhojan, m. the morning meal, ». ^]A. 5^Trm pvrdtam, | ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ (J^Itv 5^^'' purdtan,) ciU4Jiy, TTI >nrH« li prdthamik, first, initial. «. au^l J jf|V(H| prdthamya, m. firstness, pri- ority, s. [dential ; m. a surety, «. tdJuai]^. Uli«. M-l^. M4.|3(^MI^ pardjaiman, adj. over- coming, conquering, sturpassing. s. jl*-|j. ITTTR prdchdr, contrary to rectitude, deviating from the ordinary inetitutions and obser- vances, s. [pupil, s. —jV^U^. iris's prdchdrj, m. a scholar, a CLa»-\j>, mx^MA pardchit, m. a fine or penance imposed on religious occasions as the price of abso- lution, atonement, expiation, s. ^ed'U HT^ prdchi, east, eastern ; f. the "east. s. [fence, a wall, a rampart. «. J|^-]^. Vn^ftt prdchlr, m. a bound hedge, a ^jpv^-U>. "TTT^rhr pardchm or W^lft«T prdchtn, old, of former times, ancient; t a broad hedge, a fence, a wall. s. \Jjifi*-^V. in'- ^l qi prdchind, f. a plant {Cissam- pelos hexandra). t, ullUlJjLis-0. in^ft»TnT^r8F prdckinamalak, m. a fruit {Flacourtia cataphracta). s. U^Lt^bi in^«!"MH^ prdchln-panas, m. a tree {^gle marmelos). t. \Zxx>-\j>. WHIHAI prdchtnatd, f. antiquity. .«. au>-0 Uray prdchya, eastern ; m. the eastern country, Boatb and east of the Saraswatl. s. ^y^A^^Tf^Z^ prddur-bhdo, m. appearance, manifestation, s. [ambulation. *. wo-So t>U. in ^Hf TEH prddakshinya, m. circum- ^^, •qix^'^^ parddhtnatd,{. subjection, (J^.i]j>, HT^TH prddesh, m. place, country, s. tiJijjJ>5^. infl^rar prdd-vivdk, m. a judge, a magistrate. *. [mordica charantia). s. b XTO^ pardru, m. a kind of gourd {Mo- J^^.b V[U:» prdrabdh, f. fortune, lot, fate, predestination, chance ; adj. beg:un. *. ^j\j^. "M^ lIT^«ir prdrihak, asking, an asker, a \^j\jl WVi^n prdrthnd, f. asking, petition, prayer, s. eua^l^ HT^^I prdrthriiya, to be asked or begged ; m. the third or Dwapar age of the world, i sy&iijl^, Mk\^ pardrdhwa, m. a lack of lacks of crores, or a number equal to half the term of Brah- ma's life. s. [mencement. t. 0^Ju^, HRW prdrambk, m. beginning, com- 0**lrv ^^1*^ pards, m. the name of a tree {Buteafrondosa); oakum, made of the bark of that tree. s. {jt*\j(. W9prds, m. a bearded dart. s. (^_)»»M mxvi prdsu, dead, expired, s. 5U*»\j URTF? prdsdd, m. a temple, a palace. $. C1a**»L> M4.IV( pardst, defeated, s. b**»U> MO^ril pardsutd, f. death, extinction j drowsiness, s. [piation. s. CL^^\j>, MUfHIri prdschit, m. atonement, ex- ti)LM»U> xnWSf! prdsak, m. a die, dice. s. i^^^\jT(rf[f^^prdsangik,mnate,\nherent.8. jj2*1 J. M4, i v|< pardshar, the father of the poet Vyasa. s. [dent, s, CJju»]j>, ^TTTfsnr pardshrit, subject, depen* ijj^\r>, lil^C* ^ pardshart, m. a beggar, a wan- dering mendicant, t. (C-^^J Tif^T^ p^i't'dshrai, dependent, relying upon another ; m. dependence. ». b >iSl>^ J m,\^ ' m pardshrayd,(.Si parasite plant.*. ci31 J m.|4i pardk, m. a religious obligation of an expiatory kind, fasting for twelve days and nights, and keeping the mind attentive and organs subdued ; a sacrificial sword, s. cdJ|^. W^prdk, before, prior, preceding; east, eastern ; at dawn, early. ». j\^U> ni chR prdkdr, m. an inclosure, a fence, a rampart, particularly a surrounding wall elevated on a mound of earth, s. jD^j^\ji. v n *^>mM{ \ prdk-phalgum,f. the eleventh lunar asterism. i. ^J:^\y>^.W^f!Hprdktan, old,prior,former. prdh- tan-karma, m. any act formerly done ; &te. destiny. $. O/U W^ prdkrit, low, common, vulgar; natural ; belonging to the Pra^trifi. illusory, material m. a dialect derived from the Sanskrit, s. n2 ]A \Z»\^CJjf\ji, TtlfA^im prakrit hhasha, f. a popular dialect formed from the Sanskrit lanp;uage. In the Sanskrit plays, the illiterate, and generally the females, speak Prakrit. The Prakrit and Pall are very clearly Sanskrit corrupted, smoothed down, and simplified. Some have maintained that, on the con- trary, Sanskrit is merely a refinement on the former. This is aboiit as rational as saying that Latin was de- rived from the present Italian or Spanish, s. ^rt,}^y^j>., HT<^ifU<^M prakrit-pralai, m. the "total dissolution of the world, i. jy>-CJ>J\ji, W ^A^i. prahrit-jwar, m. com- mon or usual fever. *. j:aC^J\j>^ UT^nrf^'f prakrit-mUra, rn. a na- tural friend or ally. t. [valour, s. jS\j>. Tnjgw parakram, m. ability, power, iffy]/!, "TCnSFft parakramt, bold, powerful, rtout. s. [or time, s, J^uiJy. Trn«ir«liT^ prak-kal, m. former age i^\,\VT}^ parag, m. the pollen or farina of a flower; fragrant powder used after bathing; the name of a mountain. «. ylS\y>. inT frag, m. the ancient name of Ilahdbad, vulg. Allahabad, s. J^lL/|»>. WWn prag-bha,o, m. prior exis- tence ; superiority, excellence, i. •l^jk^L) UTTHI^ prag-abha,o, m. antecedent ( 180 ) ]j^ <.^y*\jl 111*1 iflU 4 pramaniky adj. poseessing privation, non-existence of a thing which may yet be ; the non-possession of property which may yet be eessed. s. (ji3^A9-d/)^) UI'Is^^OlM prag-jyotish, m. a country, Kdmrup, part of Assam, the scene of Brah- ma's penance. *. [precursor, s. -o\^l1/L). ITPTnft prag-gami, going before, a «jk^jJi'L). iniQ'i'I pragaJbhya, m. confidence, boldness, arrogance, t. ^6JS\ji paragandagi, f. dispersion, defeat, p. i,^ji)j^paraganda, dispersed, scattered, p. Ia^U in^ pragya, f. knowledge, understand- ing ; a clever woman. «. [dom, «. ^yij>^j>. niVR pragyatwa, m. learning, wis- ^V^L). in'9H1«T pragya-man, m. respect for learned men. pragya-mant, adj. respecting learned men. ». 81TV pramadya, m. a tree {Justicia adhenatoda) ; madness, frenzy, intoxication, t. authority ; a presidept, the chief of a trade; a learned man, one able to quote his authorities. «. &x>l«\^. Tn g^UlT- purdnd, old, ancient, s. ^\jl M\Ji»J. m^lftleh prdndntik, fatal, desti'uc- tiveoflife; m. murder, s. UTOTTR prdndydm, m. breathing in a peculiar way through the nostrils during the mental recitation of the names or attributes of some deity : the Vaidyas close the right nostril with the thumb, and inhale through the left ; then they close both nostrils, and finally open the right for exhalation. «. ,J6(ib(jV. TIX^'^V^ prdn-hddh, m. extreme peril, fear of life. s. [another's cost. *. l3^.^(j1H ***-''T**^'fl pcrdnna-bhojifWy'mg at '--^^•(jlrv W'inTftT prdn-pati, m. soul's lord, a husband, s. \^jLi3^.^^^> UTOlrfireT prdn-praiishthd, m. the ceremony of imparting life to an idol. ». ^'^'cjVv HI^R^I prdn-pradd, f. a medicinal plant, commonly called riddhi. s, [end. «. CL^\j>. VJ*it prdnt, m. edge, margin, border, vi/lj5^1j^. U\liiff\}TT prdn-tydg, m. abandoning life, dying, suicide, s. l^U> irniTT pardnthd, m. a kind of cake, ' paste, h. J^U. ITT^r^ prdnjali, f. putting the hands together to the forehead, a mark of respect, a. CJ^'^uIH- 'nUTVHUJ prdn-dhdran, m. sus- tenance, supporting life. «. LJ]^. q^lH^I paransa, f. the practice of me- dicine, administering remedies, s, '****i^\j>, HT^VHI pran-sama^ f. a wife, con- sidered as equal to life. s. -•JU**»^U>. irroraTW pran-sanyam, m. a pecu- liar religious exercise, suspending breath. «. i^J^U> TTTOcir prdnak, m. an animal or sentient being; a plant (Celtis orientalis). s. i<^\j^. WW^ pran-mai, endowed with breath or life, pran-mai-kosh, m. one of the cases or recep- tacles of the soul, the vital or organic case. t. *^^u\}^-- V^*fl^ prdn-ndth, m. a husband, s. CL^\j>, M\*ii*H pranant, m. a sort of colly- rium. s. (^i^U>. M 1*11 ml prananti, f. sneezing, hiccup, s. <3julr^/ Trnsrapi prdn-vyai, m. loss of life, death, s. ^J^iJbl Hl*y^'0 /?raw-/ia?i,1 deadly, mor- />^^\j._.\rm^pran-har, J tal. «. (3y. irnsfl' pram, endowed with life, an ani- maL 3. ];3b^jy. in^^l-fl prdn-ydtrd, f. support, of life, subsistence, t. [animals. <. llfeviJlrv 'ntfflMlJl prdnt-pird, f. cruelty to {„J^]f>, ITT^^ prdnesh, m. a husband, as so- vereign of life. s. l-iJoUi lITO^n j>rdneshd, f. a wife. $. ^^(j>lr^- WllftiTnn pm/ii-maf 5, f. a mother. «. d^jj,^. WKuir^rt prdni-hit, favourable or good for living beings, s. \*J!^^\j'i Hmnn^4ij prdrii-hinsd, f. doing harm to a living creature. *. Ci->_5U. in^ prdvat, m. barley. «. Ojj^> "TCI^^ pardvart, ra. reversal of a sentence, paravart-byavahar, m. appeal (in law). «. Ojj^. "TTT^ pardvritt, reversed (as a judgment). [cloak, s. C^j^\j\, TIWrT prdvrit, m. veil, a wrapper, a Ojj^. HnP^ prdvritti, f. an inclosure, a fence, a hedge. *. [about July and August, s. iji^yj>, Hil** prdvrish, f. the rainy season, ^^.^-Sl»jj^>. in«t«4iM*Uil prdvriskdyani, f. cowach " {Carpopogon pruriens). s. K .jk.. *> jj|^> nir^M^RI prdvrishenya, m. the -ffa- dam& tree {Nauclea cadamba). i. [fulness. «• joi^j^ TTn^rni prdvinya, m. cleverness, skil- *)j|. "TTT^ pardh, f. flight, a general emi- gxation ; m. the next day. ». i^\\- ^^^^ pardhna, m. the afternoon, the latter part of the day. t. ( 181 ) ^j^ ^•l/v ^^^ pardyd, strange, foreign", belong- ing to another. *. tJLo3j>. y^Xi^ pardyatt, dependant, subject, s. AafiU pard,icha (pi. of pdrcha, Gilch.) scraps, bits, &c. p. jJlA^**^-tj^. IH'lf'Sra' prdyashchitt, m. expia- tion, penance, prdyashchitt-vidhi, f. rules for pe- nance, s. i^}r>, ^<\^^ pardyan, m. adherence to a pur- suit, attachment to, dependence on; adj. adhering or attached to, depending upon. s. [death, s. ^VJj^ parh, m. gem, a flat diamond, h. (—-V. "'I^ parab, m. a holiday, anniversa^ry feast, a sacred day. *. [travelling, journey. «. (j**bj iraro prabds, m. residing abroad, ,_^b J \m\if\ prabdsi, one who resides "abroad, a foreigner, stranger, traveller. «. i^\ij>, V:J:qT^ pur-bdsl, the inhabitants of a "city or town. ». J^. U^ll^ prabil, m. coral. «. ciW^- p(^^bdm, f. a species of tax assessed on " the cultivators of the loil. a. iX^ji UVI^ prabdh, m. tide, stream. «. C1aJ> J Trfw parbat, m. a mountain, s. fjijl '^^Ci(i parbatl, m. a mountaineer, a high- lander, s. ^j\.V^l(\ parbatt, f. la production of ul>.) H^ffftlT parbatiyd, m. J the hills j a kind of pumpkin, t. Jfc^iOj^. T(^ prabuddka, wise, learned. «. j&,^> TR'g?r par-brahm, m. the supreme being, s. iT^jl VJ:!^ par-bas, dependent, precarious, depending on the will of another. *. f^j!. MV, Tf^^Td prabalatd, f. predominance, su- ^tiJJ>.5 TfW^ prabandhf m. a kind of song; style, composition (of a discourse) ; continuous appli- cation, uninterruptedness ; a connected discussion or narrative ; prabandh-kalpna, f. a fiction, a work of imagi- nation, s. ii^j>. Tf^tH prabodh, m. vigilance, wakeful- ness ; understanding, wisdom ; consciousness, awaking; demonstration consolation, persuasion. #. r^^- ( UfctJ^) ir^^f>nn prdbodhita, f. a species of the Atijagati melre. s. [j^i^^jl inrtiR prabodhan, m. awakening, arousing ; instructing ; persuasion, prejudice. *. ^jl WT7?ra6/ta, f. splendour; light, s. Cm>\^j^, WTTT prahhat, m. dawn, morning, s. \J)^j>. TWnft prahhatt, sung in a tune (or raglnl), peculiar to morning. *. L>*»^4ir^- 1'*TTO prabhas, m. a place of pil- grimage in til e west of India, t. \Ji»\^j>^ "^fxvnm paribhdshd, f. a technical term ; the interpretation of a grammatical rule of Pauini ; (in medicine) prognosis ; abuse, ridicule, s. r^jl 'MT«R; prabha-kar, m. the sun ; the moon ; lit. the light maker. *. iS^y^jl TfmwtZ prabha-kit, f. the fire-fly. s. cL/l^J^. TRHPT par-bhag, m. excellence, su- periority ; good fortune ; residue, remainder, s. {;)^j\ JMT»T prabhan, m. light, radiance, s. (^^l^ »> IHIM'H prabhanjan, m. a tree {Hy- peranthera morunga). s, jl^^. HHT? prabhaw, m. power, strength, influence.prosperity, felicity; m^esty, dignity; spirit. «. 3^ A- ^f*;»?r Tii)|fH par-bhumi, f. a foreign or an SS:^jyi^prabhed,m. kind, sort, difference, s. [j^ji V[^ prabes, m. admittance, access, s. ^^^^y., M^\\\ prabesi, penetrating, entering. 5. UiJ^^. i^«il*!J prabln, knowing, intelligent, ac- complished, skilful, t. 182 ) ^j> ^^*^fl Vft^mn prabinata^ f. knowledge, skill. .1. <— -^^ ^/>ar/?, m. a wheel chair. $. ij^^^j!.. '^ftCTT^ paripafi, f. order, method, "arrangement, arithmetic. «. ^^Ij^., ^r^. IffMfllHi^l prapitdmaht, f. a pater* "nal great grand-mother. ». tiLo^) T?§37Ja/'7>a/, m.a medicinal plant with bitter leay es{Oldenlandia b\flora or Gardenia latifoiia), i, Ajii'JL>:>jl'fltlZ'^Mpai-pat-dru7H, m. bdellium. $. (^,jl^^Z\ parpati, f. a thin crisp cake made "of any pulse, i. i^..j>, MiM<^ par-pac/, m.eminence, high station ; final felicity, s. ^l/v/J- Mmi.!*!! parpardnd, n. to smart, k. '*^^\;l.jl. M^.Mi.1^^ parpardkat, f. acrimony, smarting, h. [or dependants of another. «. 8p;N^. ^^MPcil^ par-parigrahf m. the family cLw> .> VJS(2 par-puskt, m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo. $. [a parasite plant, i. ^-J^. t^. 'TnreT par-pushtd, f. a harlot, a whore ; yCl)^. qf^qtohM paripushkard, f. a sort of cucumber {Cucumis madraspataxuu). s. S^x^.j^. MPmSli paripakn-a, cooked, mature ; shrewd ; digested. paripakwatS, f. maturity ; perfec- tion ; shrewdness ; digestion, t, Cl^^ja^.j), ITT^SlftnT prapaldyit, routed, de- feated, s. \joixig away, s, i^'^j^:- UMcjSilMH prapaldyan, m. flight, run- uT^-^cJv MM(j&l^ prapaldyi, m. a fugitive, "one who deserts his cause, s, CLA>j>Xfft^j( pariplut, immersed, inundated, bathed, s. [inandation. t. ^jl'mfi:Sf^pariplav,m. bathing, immersing, ^,jl Tnm prapunnd,f. a sort of grass (.flerfy- sarum alhaji). s. {Cassia tora). $. 'f^,.j\. UM«lIf prapundr, m. a sort of caseia ,_y4ii>^>. Mrms^jl paripantht, m. an enemy, "a robber, a bandit, s. ^lj\ inn^r prapanch or MiMM parpanch, m. fraud, cheat, imposition, deceit, treachery, art, artifice | opposition ; prolixity, copiousness in style ; error, lusion. *. y_V. UMt ■* prapautra, m. a great-grandson. prapautri, f. a great-granddaughter. *. Ci*?-^^. irfr^ftnT paripujit, served, wor- shipped, adored, s. [adoring, s. Ci^^i^v ^ ^*-1'* '^ paripujan, m. worshipping, v-H-'v W^f^-'hl prapurika, f. a prickly night- Bhade (Solanum jacquini). s. [fuL t. cy^Jv '^*-'J^ prapurna or parpuran, brim- Mj^ v. ^ifiCJ^ paripurna, full, complete, content. paripurnatS, f completion, satiety. ». tibjii^) ,> irft^S^^Nlf prapaundarik, m. a email herbaceous plant, used in medicine, and as a per- fume, commonly called punderya. s. ^y^vjl ira^ praphull, blown, as a flower; smiling, glad; shining, praphull-nayan, having full or sparkling eyes. praphuU-vadan, having a cheerful smiling countenance, t. d'»^.T^. DMif^ri praphullit, blossoming, in blossom ; gay, lively, cheerful, s. 0^i^.j>. m.^3 parpaith, m. a duplicate (of a bill of exchange), h. J>*> ->, T^f^q^ paripel, m. a fragrant grass {Cyperus rotundus). s. [a stratum, h. Oj> TTOT parat, m. a fold, ply, layer, crust, Oy.TlfiT prati, Sansk. prep, (used in connp.) it generally denotes repetition, continuity, retaliation, or retribution. *. I5j> TTnnjsar^a.ra.areel (for windingthread).A. \ij>. Miill parta, agreeable to, conformable •with, purta, fully, completely, s. «_^\5jJ partah, m. the range of a musket, arrow, &c. p. u->\3^. inrnT P'«\5p. Mfirl ra paritap, m. pain, anguish ; a division of hell, s, i«*>l5j.>. inrnrH pratapas, m. the gigantic as- clepias with white flowers. *. j^>l5 J nrilMH pratapan, m. a hell. s. jj^jU->\5j^. QrilV^M pratap-wan, 'I glorious, i^j!. Uriml prat apt, J potent.*. ••V Ojliv. innfTlT pratarit, cheated, deceived, s. (^.\j\> ||HK«li pratarak, m. a cheat. «• 183 ) ^j^ ijj^j!, Mn \im pra-taran, m. 1 fraud, cheating, ^j^J>, HMmi pra-tarna, f. J deceit. «. {jOji^ 'm:"ffTQ5 partal, also partdl-jarib, re- measurement of a field. «.J>. jj\3^. 3nn*T pratan, m. a disease, fainting, epilepsy, s. ii_jujj^. uTri r«f H pra tibimb, also pratibimbh,m. an image or picture, the reflection of an image or figure from a mirror, s. [prohibition, obstacle, s. Sjjoij. Hfri^'»V pratibandh, m. interruption, uiJj&iiJjJ^. I?rd's|*yoh" pratibandhak, one who forbids, impedes, or interrupts ; m. an impediment, ». y^j!. lrfVr>Tr pratibha, f. understanding, in- tellect; sharpness; light, splendour, s, jl^jJJ nfriMIcf pratibha,o, m. corresponding character or disposition. *. [vided. s. (^>^A Tlfirfil^ pratibkinn, separated, di- j^Cv. nfTlvr pratibhu, m. a surety, s. (^i'v, TjfiliTO pratibhai, formidable, fear- "ful; m. fear. s. ^^■^j^^J nfriHt^H pj'atibhedan, m. piercing, penetratmg; dividing, t. ^(JLJj irfrnn^*T pratipadan, m. gift ; ascer- taining, determining. *. JI.OJ Trfinn^ pratipal, m. patronising, tui- tion, fostering, rearing, breeding, cherishing, s. {jtX)y^jl llfinn^J«li pratipalak, m. cherisher, patron, s. [rishing, &c. (v. pratipal). «. ^lx)J. uffTTToSfT pratipalan, m. act of che- IjJlOjJ TlfinnQ5«n pratipalna, a. to foster, cherish, rear. s. el/t'v. TrfinnT pratipat, f. the first day of a lunar fortnight ; rank, consequence. ». el't'v . JrfinjfW pratipatti, f.fame, reputation; knowledge, ascertainment. «. liwO^. nfrPT^ pratipad, f. the first day of a lunar fortnight ; adv. step by step, continually, s. yMj3j>, Tlfinra^ pratiprasav, m. precept for an act which, under other circumstances, ia forbidden. *. (^ jj\^. nfri U^q pratipurush, adv. every man, man by man. ». ^^J>^ g friMsC pratipann, known, certain, s. clLs-^^. irfir^[W«F pratipujak, m. a reverer, one who does homage. ». ^^^^. ITfiTT2»nT ptitripujan, m. exchange of civUities, mutual reverence; oflfering homage. ». ^y^j(,T(fjftf^ pratiphal, m. return, requital, retaliation, s. [melody. «. JljOj^. Hfinn^ pratital, m. a kind of air or \y^j>^. Ilf?rftT|T pratijihva, f. the uvula, or soft palate. * ■V. ( 184 ) -yv i^y^Ji^ HrimT^tT pratijtvan, m. resuscita- tion. (. [repeatedly, meditating, s. ^JjJ>^J Trfwf^»?nT pratichintan, m. thinking ,^* J MiHtJ partachh, obvious, present, ap- parent, public ; adv. before, in the presence. *. bl^5?^ irffl^mi pratichhaya, f. an image, a statue, a pictur& ». f^^A Hrrtt^H pratidan, m. the return of a deposit ; barter ; giving back, or in return for. i. \mSSj>, irffin^^n pratidisha, adv. every where* all around, s. ^liJo irfflRw pratidin, day after day, daily, s. ^^^(VV TTftrtsnTT pratidhwan, m. 1 echo,reso- iii^'^Jv TrffrSorf»T pratidhwani, f. J nance, s. j3l^. HfilTni pratiratra, m. every night, s. ^j\j5 J "ilft^TO pa}'itran, no. preserving, pro- tecting, s. [ing. s. ^^^-l^jiv WfiTtTgiU pratirakshan, m. preserv- L-^.jjJ Tffk^xi pratirup, m. a picture, an image, s. [impediment, s. Jb^i. yj irflT^ pratirodh, ni. opposition, udJlfc>j.i J TlfHTt^J op prahVoiAa A, Ini. a thief, ^fciij .'V, "HfcTTtvt pratirodhi, J a robber. 5. \jBii jl-Jj TlfiTFIST praiuparddha, f. emula- tion, rivalry, s. [emulous; refractory, s, JbiiJk*-J^. HfrfWS^ praiisparddhl, envious, l3j>,THfKm.prutimr, m. cicatrizing; a form of incantation; a string worn round the hand at nuptials, s. \lSj^j>^ "irfinff^ pratisarg, ra. the portion of a Puran, which treats of the destruction and renova- tion of the world ; secondary creation by agents of one Supreme Being, s. ioU^'jy. irfw^I^ pratisyaya, ra. catarrh, s. '.^jJiSji^'^ft^ paritusht, pleased, delighted, s. f^*t*-^> llfHS pratishth, famous, s. V^jLii) J irfifSI pratisktha, f. consecration of a monument erected in honour of a deity, or of the image of a deity ; celebrity, renown ; endowment of a temple; portioning a daughter; a form of metre, consisting of a stanza of four lines of four syllables each. «. jjV^jLi!)^. Tlfi(5T«T pratishthan, m. site, situa- tion ; the capital of the early kings of the lunar dy- nasty, opposite to Allahabad ; the capital of Salivahan in the Dakhin. «. C^l.':3j>^ irfrifVif pratuhthit, famous, cele- brated; consecrated; endowed; situated, established. «. ,j6tiJL)y. J^fllf^^ pratis}dddha,iorh\Men, pro- hibited, s. [or doubt, s. D>A.^.V nffT^njT pratishanka, f. constant fear -io^ Hfinnn pvatisUya, f. catarrh, s. .^iidi-iJ^. UfiTq^f pratishedh, prohibition, ex- ception, contradiction, s. y^Jif TrfircirR. pratihar, m. revenge, reta- liation; remedying, counteracting, s. yif^J), irfffoE^T pratiharma, m. retaliation, requital ; remedy, redress. *. ^.J^J>, Ufiff^TT pratikriya, f. return, re- quital ; remedying, counteracting. 1. ^jtSSji^ RfrtHfl!! pratiJtshan, adv. momen- tarily, every moment, t. uy^j^. HfrlolK^' pratikul, contrary, adverse, inverted ; contradictory, perverae. t, bJ^^y. Hfrio^f^fn pratiktilata, f. opposition, hostility, s. [verberating. t, ^^jC3j TrfirT^ff pratigarjan, echoing, re- ^j^j^,. ftfiT^ pratigrah, m. proper dona- tion to Brahmans ; the acceptance of such a gii^ t. Ol^jy. HfffTiTTT pratighat, m. a return blow, rebound ; warding off a blow; preventing, t. ^Ji\^ij>^ irfifUfffrf pratighatan, m. killing, sl.aughter. s. [tile, opposed to. «. jjl^'iy, Ufifindrt pratighdti, repelling, hos- ^-ii^^j!, irftrSTT pratigya or pratignya, f. an agreement, compact, stipulation, engagement, promise ; (in logic) the proposition, the assertion to be proved. pratigya-patrak, m. a bond, a written contract, s. Cm>\if^j^ Tffir^jjt pratigyat, promised, agreed, admitted, asserted, s. (J^. 'm>riQ5 partal, ra. f. the baggage of a horseman, carried all on one bullock or fattu (a pony). partal ha tatifi, a pack-horse, a bat-horse, h. ^yiJl'^l^^ pf^atal, m. one of the seven divi- sions of the lower regions, s. '^j^. "^RfTon partala, m. a sword-belt. h. ^^Joiiy. Trfffi^rw pratilamhh, m. censure, re- viling, abuse, s. M^^ji, TrfffoftT prntilom, left, not right ; re- verse, inverted ; low, vile, base. ». ^Jif pirtam, the earth, the world, d. ^ji, m.AH partam, greatest, supreme. «. U^ IlfriHI pratirria, f. likeness, image, sta- tue, picture, p. [monthly. •. i^j»»\^j>^^ HffRT^ pratimds, every month, ^J^J>. TTfrnri'T praiiman, m. resemblance, image, picture, s. [of rot. <. oJj^^. TrfK**f^«l«T pratimushika, f. a kind UiV. ^J^TrfT pritna, f. an army; a division consisting of 243 elephants, as many chariots. 729 horses, and 1215 foot. s. (jlijj; J(fT(t{[^pra tinad, m. echo, resonance, g. ( 185 ) ^A ^i^j>, Mfrtfrlfv pratinidhi, m. a resem- blance, image ; a suretj ; a substitute. »-. {^J-^A Hffffrf^ jvatinish, by night, every night, s. ^j>, partau or partav, m. light, the sun- beams, rays of light, enlightenment, p. CP^J- *• _^ J^, TTfiRl^ prativdck, f. an answer, a re- ^_5•4i^yJ llfTT^T^t prativadi, xa.. a defendant, a respondent, s. [neighbouring, s. ^**»\y^, ufHTT^ prativast, a neighbour, ejf\^j>^ Hfir^^ns? prativakya, in. a reply, an answer, s. [echo, s [^^Jtf Tff^^^m prativachan, m. a reply, an (jij3^, xjfi^iftit paritosh, m. pleasure, de- light, s. KBetula). s. ^yjl Ufrffefm prativisha, f. a plant t-*«y»> Tlf?ff^^ra, ITTF pratha, f. fame, celebrity ; imme- ^jwlJj llfrl^lH praiihds, m. a shrub. {Ne- rium odorum). s. [declared, t d'(^[jl Uftnf prathit, famous, celebrated ; Cl.>>^^^Ttl^^Jlfi(prathiti,t celebrity, notoriety, s. l!^;M irftT^TT pratihat, disappointed, op- posed, obstructed ; overthrown, t. d^j>^ Hfrt^fjl pratihati, f. disappointment, s, vii^'j; innii prathuk, m. the young of any animal, s. LiX^J innir prathak or ^vjoR prithak, sepa- rate, apart, prithak-parni, f. a plant (Hemiunites cor- d\folia). prithak-twa, m. individuality, separateness. prithafc-twachd, f. a plant, commonly called Marva (Sanseviera zeylaiiicd). prithakkrit, separated, sun- dered, prithak-karan, m. separating, distinguishing, s. U5T»-L^»? ^y\i\\^\ jrrithog-atvia, individual- ised spirit, or that of an individual as detached from the universal spirit, prithag-gun, having distinct pro- perties, prithag-vidh, various, diversified, s. ^a5-> H^m pratham, first, in the first place. pratham-sahas, the first or lowest degree of punish- ment. «. ic*^jl IffVlMl, 041.V4*fl, T^^^ffi prathmi,pirtharm, "or pritham, f the world, earth, ground. «. \j*^J nfiir^^n pratihinsd, f. retaliation, re- venge. * jiSj^^^. "iVf^l. prithudar, large-bellied, corpu- lent; ra. a ram. s. i^^J>.'V^ prithwl or f^^iprithivif f. the earth, prithivl-tal, m. the surface of the ground. prithwi, f. a pungent seed {Nigella Indica) ; a medi- cinal substance and condiment, Hingupatri. s. J^^_f^Ji^ TT^^n, prifh'Wi-bhar, m. a species of the attjasti metre, s. {^^.-iJi^j!, ■'jftn^Tr^y prithivi-pdl, l m. a <-Lo.(_^^i^. ^f^cfhrfif prithivi-pati, fking, a ^\j^j^ji^_ ^^'^fti^V^ prithivi-ndth,) sove- reign ; lit. cherisher or lord of the earth, s, {^^A ^^ prithi or pirthi, the earth, s. u^.i_^jl MmThT^ 2}rithl-2Jdl, ^ king, sove- '^^cf^in Y'T^'IT^ prithi-ndtk,} reign ; lit. cherisher or lord of the earth. ». [ground, h. f^Xj> "^TCrft parti, f. waste or uncultivated cL«jS>iljJj inmf^ pratyddisht, removed, set aside ; informed, warned ; declared, s. jj«Ji,;iljJ^. H ii| 1^ ^f pratyadesh, m. information, apprising, warning, declaration, s. Ij2»U!L> Kim ^11 pratydshd, f. hope, expecta- tion, desire, pratydsht, hoping. *. 4i/U3^. "qfcWTT paritydg, m. abandonment, quitting, parity agi, adj. abandoning, s. jUbUJj. TlJUl^XJ^pratydhdr, m. (in gram.) com- bination of two or more letters of the alphabet to form a class of letters, s, .oojJj TfTnrWKpratyupakdr, m. a return ot kindness or assistance, pratyupakdri, adj. returning a kindness, s. CLoo^. Hlfhr pratit or TTOf'hT partlt, famous, renowned ; f. faith, confidence, partit-k., to examine, to believe, to trust, s. CL>SSj!>^ TTirtfw pratiti, f. knowledge, under- standing; fame, notoriety, s. ^iliSji^ ITTTFT^ pratyutpanna, reproduced, regenerated ; multiplied ; m. the product of a multi- plication, s. ^j>.. TCTlWt.pratyuttar, m. a retort, or return of answer for answer. «. ^^l^juo^. ITrcrrvn«T pratyutthdn, m. rising from a seat as a mark of respect s. ^-^^) l|il1'<4l praticht, f. the west quarter. " pratlchln or pratlchya, western, t, ^J^^^^J^'. H'^^TtT pratyudgaman, m. rising from a seat, going forth to meet any one. ». jrO^. flrt1i.^raiir, ra. a shore or bank. s. (^y-^t*^y>^V(7i(l^f{^pratyashman,va. red chalk.*. tiJuo^. Hi^oIi pratlkt contrary, adverse, re- Tened ; ra. a limb, a part. * ^/, ( ^•^^ji fliM«^ p'atyah, subsequent, uniform. pratyak-parni or liratydk-pushpi, f. a plant {jichyranthet aspera). piatyak-shrent, f. a plant, commonly called Dantl ; a plant {Salvinia cucullata). s. j'*^^. Mr^<^\K prattkar, m. revenge, retalia- tion; obviating, remedying, s. ClAAi^. TJ r. HW^t pratyaha or I1|(|^H pratyaham, every day, from day to day. *. lIaJjlV. 1|iM*H pratyant, bordering, conti- guous, m. the country of Mlechhas or savages, s. ilX!'X>j>. JfTTff praiyang, m. an organ of per- ception ; adv. on the body, or the limbs severally, s. Jijj^jl UiM villi, pratyanantar, adv. next in succession, s. \mJ'\^j\ 1|An«tl^ pratlvap, m. calcining or fluxing metals; throvtdng one substance into another, adding any thing to a medicine during or after decoc- tion ; a public calamity, a plague, s. ^}^j>. Tn*mT pratyavdya, m. disappear- ance, non-production. «. {^^ji^Tf^pratyush,m.themorn\Tig,daiwn.s. iLfy}3y>^^ Hfrnftn pratiyog, m. opposition, contradiction ; co-operation, association, prati-yogita, f. mutual co-operation ; opposition, pratiyugi, m. an opponent ; a partner, an associate, s. [one. ». tiijuo^^ ITTqV pratyek, each, every, one by i_^j^, Wnr pratyay or pratyaya,m.he\iei, £aith, trust, confidence, pratyayit, trusted, confidential. pratyayl, trusting, believing, s. [J^^h^j^^ TTcrt^HTR pratiyamdn, adj. being believed or trusted. «. -y> "Ti^ parj, f. name of a musical mode or ragint ; a handle of a shield, parj-dar, basket-hilted (scimitar), s. [>-jl t?^T pa7'jd or H^ prajd, f. a subject, a tenant, a renter ; people ; progeny, praja-dharm, m. the duty of children or subjects, prajd-hit, good for children or subjects ; kind to them. *. 188 ) 5je C**;^. 'Trftnr parjit, conquered, subdued, t. dr^j' ^<»T?I»T parjatan,\ * <..*.^.._ • f m- travelling. «. ij^A?^. 'IWTT parjatan,} ° (i??2/^. ^ r< 1 •! parijan, m . attendants, followers, C-«>)»»;;^ H»il^fiT prajd-pat or prajd-pati, m. a name of Brahma ; the epithet common to ten divine personages, who were first created by Brahma: a grince,lord of subjects; father; soa-in-law, daughter's usband; potter, s. [room. s. s^^^ji pa^jo-i^f f- custom, manner j place, jjL* "-^^^/v ^^^ pf^rjdnk, m. a bedstead, s. (j^j\ ^^*{\ parjanl, f. a sort of curcuma {Curcuma zanthorhizon). s. '"^y^j!, M<^m parjamat, m. quit-rent, tax. «. CL^^>j>, H »dl TqU nprajwalit, blazing, radiant. «. iO^?^. '^^1 parjyuya, m. order, arrange- ment, series ; manner, kind; opportunity ; a series of of synonyms for one term. «. (jXoOTix&7ri^a?^'?/a. fJ^^ parjyant, m. limit, term, boun- n§^ parjyank, m. a bedstead, s. TJ*5M^1iT parjyavasdn, m. end, con- clusion, s. Insistence, j, {*)ii^j\. 1|ilf)4«1 prajivan, m. livelihood, sub- f^ji f^TfiC^ pirich, a saucer. A. ^->^. 'T^joarc/m, f. (v. parichhd) trial,exami- nation ; m. demonstration, proof, t. VaO "tm^Jt^parchdrov Xn^prachdr, m. pub- lication, disclosure ; appearance ; custom, wiage ; con- duct ; currency, s. [an attendant *. ci)j\.s»- J Tifi.i'dii^cli parichdrak, m. a servant, Ul»--) IJ^fTT parchdnd, a. to introduce to a person, to engage in conversation, t, CocwJ par chat, mark, trace, effect, d. ClA-^y), Jifmt prachit,m. a species of metre. *- O. MPlf^rf parichit, known, acquaintea with. j>-j>. W^prachur, much, many. *. L:j>j!>ji/a:^UjX pracharit, pursued, practised (as an art), s. Ua-^sO ttPc^T^ paricharjyd, f. service, de- pendence ; veneration, worship, s. <.i)L>-.) xr%3ii purchak, f.deceit,trick,coaxing.A. lIaIsO. U^^Ti^ prachalat, prevailing, circu- lating, customary, prachalit, current, recf^nised (ai a law), prachalan, m. being customary or current, t. (^j>. parcham, a flag, streamer, vane, tassel, pennant, ensign, p. \1>^) Tni^tTT parachnd, n. to be tried, intro- duced, to be made acquainted, &c. a. Ja»-^. U^^ /^/-ac/tflnf^jexcessively hot or burn- ing; intolerable; wrathful, passionate, raging, mighty, predominant, prachand-murti. m. a tree (Tapia era- Una), t. ^A 187 ) ^A ^j\ "T^ parchau, m. examination, &c. (v. parcha). a. C^iijs-j) U^f^vr pra-chodU, prescribed, di- rected ; sent, pra-chodan, m. saying, enjoining, pre- scribing ; a rule, a law ; sending, directing. j35^^. U^f^ti'J pra-chodim, f. a prickly ** night-shade {Solanum jacquini). *. i^y>'j>. ^Tf^'Tt parchunl, f. the act of selling flour, meal, &c. A. \^y>-jl Tj^ffRT parchuniya, m. a meal-mer- diant, a seller of flour, h. [cloth, -web. p. «>^jl parcha, m. fragment, scrap, bit, rag, ^^jl ^f^ parchha, m. self-grown paddy ; a •pindle for winding thread on ; adj. cleared up (as the sky after rain), h. l^*-^. ^..) MfiTdLI parichchha, f. examination, s. ^jl^^|0 1(^1 parchhdn, 1 f. image ^^^y 1^.9-0 rj^}^ parchhdnrvdn, r (from ^^/l^*-..). TT^T^* parchhdfln, J shade or ruction), shadow, shade. parchha.iA apnt se bhdgna, to be frightened at one's own shadow, s, C:^^^ J nfiS^K parichchhit, examined; pro- per name, grandson of Arjuna. t. tW^j!. M ^ ^ t parchhatti ov ^l^iift parchhatt, " f. a small thatch thrown over mud wallB. s. ^1^:>~J> parchhafi, same as the last. d. S^s-^j!. ir55^ parchchhad, m. a wrapper, a cover, s. [defect in another, s. ji\^.»-.> xpcfar^f par-chhidra, m. a fault or uLl^>o TT^r^R prichchhak, m. an inquirer, an investigator. *, i^j^!>-AV^t:^prachchhann, covered, clothed; disguised, private, secret, concealed ; partial, not uni- versal ; ni. a private door, a lattice, a loop-hole, s, ^^^^-f-;^. ^xd^^ prichchhan, m. asking, in- quiring. S^ U^^O Vli.t5HT parachhnd, a. to move a lamp or candle over the heads of a bride and bridegroom, to drive away evil spirits, propitiate good ones, &c ; to kindle (a fire), h. [dressing, inviting, s, U^.&0. IIqd.4ljl prachchhand, f. asking, ad- ■^ii^^i ^f^^^ pari-chhed, m. segment, divi- sion ; section, chapter, s. jc-^y "'Ifftr^'T pari-chai, m. acquaintance, "intimacy, pari-cheya, adj. to be known as an ac- quaintance, s. [viated from. s. 0->0 Htllri pra-chyutf fallen from, de- J-»>-.> xik^ prachel, m. a yellow, fragrant wood. s. [ful. p. a. .tSj»0 pur-kazar, full of caution, very care- ^ji\i»-.> parkhdsk, m. war, battle, conflict; commotion, disturbance, tumult ; violence, ii\jury, op- praasion ; severe inquisition, p. ^liJ pardd (for parda'), m. a veil, a screen, &c. ; adv. to-morrow, the day after to-morrow, p. C.^\i^j>. pardakkti f- patronising, p. i^fS'^'^^jt, parddkhtan (r. parddz), to finish, to accomplish ; (hence) to leave off", to have done. p. b\iV. ^^I^i pardddd, m. a great-grandfather by the father's side. A. ^/(il^. TJ^T^ pardddi, a great-grandmother by the father's side- A. j^*V. M4s(^R par-ddr, f. another s wife, par- dar-gaman, m. adultery. ». j\(^j>,parddz, performing, finishing, &c.; (used in comp,) as kar-pardaz, efibcting the business, p. jj^tSy. H^TT praddn, m. gift, donation, s. \3\«>J parddnd, a. to conceal, to keep behind a screen (inelegant), p. \j^:ij>^ pradachhin^.,^ ^^^ ff- going \xiSjji^ pradakshina, j I round an object to which respect is intended, with the right hand always towards it (a religioiis or superstitious ceremony); circuit, circumambulation. This is pre- cisely the ceremony called deasail, practised formerly among the Highlanders, and alluded to by Scott in the " Chonicles of the Canongate." s. J JO. T^ pradar, m. a disease of women (menorrhagia). s. [another. (. ^jjlO MV^^*^ par-droht, tyrannizing over i^ji^jl 11^^^ pradarshan, m. shewing; ex- plaining ; prophesying, pradarshak, m. a teacher, an expounder, a prophet. pradanHt, mentioned; ex- plained, prophesied, s. [perty. «. «Jijj:>J 1H.^*U par-dravya, m. another's pro- {^i^j>^. lH^^ prudish,'] f. intermediate point of Ci)«i;^. irf^ pradik, J the compass, or half quarter. $. U-ii (30 pradakshind v. pradachhind. ^iij>^'VlK!SSmpar-dukhyra.i\\e pain of another.*. iSi!>j> pardagt, f. a modest, chaste woman, **one who confines herself to home. p. Lir*'^v pa7'dnman, (for V^S pradyumna) Kama (or Cupid), son oi Krishna, was married to Rati. t. fjdjl "fj^ jjarc?c?aw, m. wind downwards, letting wind. s. j^j^jl U^ril-C pnr-dwdr, m. a city gate. s. LpJ-b^.- "^^^ pradosh, m. evening, the fii-st part of the night ; fault, offence, defect. ». 0**J-trv '^'^ par-dosh, m. another's fault, par-dosh-ktrthan, m. scandal, slander. ». «_$^v? '^ V ^ ^ ^par- dweshl, hostile, inimical.*. It^jl parda, m. a curtain, a screen ; the sail of a ship ; a musical tone or melody, a key or mode (in music) ; modesty, parda parda dekhnd, to pry or in- quire secretly into any matter, parda parda-k., to do a thing secretly or privately. parda,e bint, the cartilage that separates the nostrils, parda-poshi, the act ot -yv ( 188 ) U^A concealing a blemish, parda chhopiS, to let fall a cur- tain ; to lay aside concealment, parda-dar, confiden- tla.. parda-dar, a betrayer of secrets, parda-dari, betraying of secrets, parda-rakhna, to give obscure hints, or relate a matter in such terms as only to be understood by part of the hearers, parda-fash, be- traying secrets, parda-k., to conceal, parda kisi ka phdpia or kkolna, to reveal the faults of another, parda- nishin, remaining behind the curtain, modest, parde mensurukh-k., spoken of a woman who secretly indulges in licentious practices. parda,e haft-rang, lit. the veil of seven colours, the world, worldly vicissitudes and vanities, p. [disc of the sun. s. i^iijl llftT^ paridhi, m. circumference; the i^y^'^j\. ITVrfT pardhan, or pradhan, m. na- ture, the natural state of any thing, or the cause of the material world ; the Supreme God ; chief, prin- cipal ; the first companion of a king, his minister, liis eunuch, or confidant; a courtier, a minister of state, a president, leader, chief pradlidn-ta, f. excellence, supremacy, pradhdn-dhdtu, ra. semen virile, pradhan- mantri, m. prime-minister, pradhanottam, eminent, illustrious, s. [clothes, s. j^U&I^. ■Rf_ TT^'Trf pradlpan, m. a mineral poison of a red colour and caustic nature, t. (j»0.;V. "TT:^^ pardes, m. a foreign country j adj. of another country, abroad, s. t^,^J^j V[^i^ par-desi, m. foreigner, a "stranger. *. (jfij'.ii.) H^^ pradesh, m. a place in gene- ral, a district ; a foreign country, abroad, i. \jy.iJ^. q^^ciril pui-devtd, f. the tutelary deity of a town. s. eO(>|) H^ pradeh, m. unguent, unction. ». jj J tTO5 par-ru, m. a potherb (Eclipta prostrata). s. ijj>, ]nirza, m. a scrap (generally applied to paper), piece, bit, rag, frippery, purxe hon&, to be severely wounded in battle, p. [dividual, t. (wj>. ''^^purus or purush, m. a man, an in- (^j*»y>. "^US paras, m. act of touching, a touch, s. ;wJ purs, (in comp.) asking, inquiring, p. {wj>, '^^^ff parus, m. the knot or joint of a cane or reed. s. \jmj> pursa, ni. condolence, inquiring kindly into one's condition, p. L*>»>. TI^T pursa, of a man's height, the ex- tent of a man's rcich ythea extending the arms and fiugers (u fathom). «. ^y^*t»ji^Tfm^prasad, m. favour, kindness, bless- ing, propitiousncss ; viand, victuals, food that has been offered to the deities ; leaving^ of a great man or spi- ritual guide, s. (jtoiiU**^, innV«T prasadhan, m. accomplish- ing, effecting, prasadhak, one who accomplishes. prasddhit, accomplished, completed, s. ^^li>\**iJ> ilfT:?nv«Tj9ar««a(//tara,m. accomplish- ing; determining, s. [monly called «uic2At. i. j^iiL^J innv»1^ prasadhani, f. a diug com- j_^«il KWl. prasdr, I m. spreading, ex- Uy^l irErn?!I^.'»'asa^'aw,J panding. prasaritf stretched, expanded, prasari, adj. spreading, expand- ing *. jL*0 par-sdl, last year (pdr-sdl)» p. aJLaO, pur-sdla, aged, full of years, p. ^J'Miji^ pursdn {y. purs), asking, inquiring; (used in comp.) as aiwal-purtSa, inquiring after one's condition, p. j*f**j>., VnFft.pciraspar, mutually, reciprocally. parasparanumati, f. mutual concurrence or iiiisoilli parasparopakdri, an ally, an associate, i. iJLji^Xtjiji^ TfPSS prasphut, blown, expanded. «. iJL^t*»y> parast, (in comp.) adorer, worshippir; as, khudd-parast, a worshipper of God; but-paratt, aa idolater, worshipper of idols ; dtash-parast, a worship- per of fire, a guebre of the sect of Abraham, Zoroaster, or the Magi ; M^d-parast, a worshipper or admirer of himself, selfish or self-oonoeited. p. u->lL**^. T(^[P(prastab, m. mention, occasion, opportunity. ». uil^llui^, mii I r?T<* prastdbik, "1 su ggested by cd)jlJUM^ "Wk^y^r^i^prastdvik,) previous men- tion, well-timed, a-propoo, opportune, seasonable, t. j^'t^A parastdr, m. an adorer ; a slave, p, J\lJJiJi^^l^S^^ prastd,o, m. opportunity, season; eulo^um. s. [ment, introduction. $. \3jlju»0 KWnHI prasta,ond, f. comraence- CL/liMji, n^if prastut, celebrated, praised ; said, declared ; accomplished, done. i. y-***Jii 'WW. prastar, m. a stone ; a jewel. $. (jiX-O parastish, f. devotion, act of wor- shipping, p. »3\^ (jtlLw* J parastish-hhuna. m."l a place of »\^(ji,ju^. parastish-gdh, f. J worship, church, temple, mosque, p. SiXJuutO parastanda, a worshipper, p. ,^ju»i J W^ prasth, expanding, spread ; m. a measure of quantity, 48 double handfiils ; table-land on the top of a mountain, prasth-pushp, m. a sort of tulsl, or basil, with small leaves, f. ^l^JLo KVfiJRH prasthdpan, m. sending away, mission, prasthapit, sent, despatched. < u>*A ( 189 m. going forth, O^ji ^^l^Ju«J. JU^M prasthan setting out, departure, s: j^,iJuL*0 parastidan, to worship, to adore, p. ^iX*** J jff^prasiddfi a,ee\ehTa.ted,renowned ; adorned, ornamented, prasiddhi, f. fame, celebrity, s. jLyO Tmm prasraVi m. urine, s. Ay** A Mfl ' HH parisram or parishram, m. fa- tigue, weariness. «. t^j***r>. ^('i.V^*(\ parisrantl, active, laborious, s. (J:>*nji. pursish, f. inquiry, asking (generally means asking after health, &c). p. [shipping, s. .\C*»;> xn:SiR puraskar, m. honouring, wor- CLaWJ THIU prasakta, eternal, constant; obtained, attained ; attached to, devoted to ; adv. con- tinually, prasakti, f. adherence, attachment to. », ^.3Jil«0 H'b*ir<<*l praskandika, f.'l purging, ^ijjilu,^. H^^fTjprasAanrfan, m. J diar- rhoea, s, C^\-»*o.> trftjwnr parisamaptay finished, completed, parisamapti f. & parimmapan, m. entire, completion, s. [forgetting, s. Oy**>j TT^fiT prasmriti, f. forgetfulness, i)wjLv>*»t^. M<,*^"'?<5 parasmaipad, m. the transi- tive or active form of a verb (in Gram.). *. i^r*M]>. imsi prasan7i or prasanna or parsan, rejoiced, pleased ; gracious, kind, prasann hona, n. to acquiesce; to like, prasann-karna, to please, ;)ra- sannatd, f. favour, kindness, prasann-mukh or prasami- mukhi, smiling, agreeable looking. «. \ju*0 parasna, a. to worship, to adore, jt?. Uu*0 Mi^HI parasna, a. to touch, s. jrtyjjJs f^' .?. M<4 > U^T^ prasav, m. the act of bearing a child, prasav-bandlian, m. the foot-stalk of a leaf or flower. «. .j*^. V:^prasu, f. a mother, .s. {^yjtJ TfWS prasut or m<«o parsut, m. a flower, fruit; the disease called fluor alhus or the whites; part, bom, produced, prasavat, bearing. prasuti, f. bringing forth, birth ; offspring. «. a woman who >- has borne a \iy*»ji^ HMdl prasutd, j3^*ttj> T^cnfi prasauti, l^yMjl inr^Fift prasavaniif J child ; a puer- peral woman. «. aIj^^. j3ar5i,. M^Pfl^l parsiya, m. a reaping-hook, a sickle, h. ^JJl»^\xMij>^ parsiyawshdn or parsiydmishdnj m. maiden-hair {Pteris lunulata). p. ^ii>jj**o, pw'sidan, to ask, to inquire, p. ^^J^XMJ trft^rtHrT paristman, m. boundary, extreme limit, a. lAa '"n:^ parash, ra. a kind of gem. «. cAri ^^^ purush, m. a man, a male human being ; God, the Supreme Being, punishd, ancestors. purushdrth, m. a human object, as the gratification of desire, discharge of duty, &c. ; adv. on account of man. purushddhikdr, m. manly office or duty, purushd- dham, m. an outcast. purushdsJn, m. a rakshas, a can- nibal, purushdyu, m. life of man. purttshtd, f. pu- rushtwa, m. manhood, manliness, valour, purush- dtveshl, m. purush-dweshint, f. misanthropic, purush- kdr, m. manly act, virility ; exertion, purush-matr, of the height of a man. purushottam, m. an excellent or superior man. purush-varjit, depopulated. *. i^j^.'^^^ parush, m. harsh and contumelious speech, abuse ; yellow Barleria ; a sort of tree (Xylo- earpus granatum). panish-bachan, m. parush-vdch, f. parushokti, f. harsh language, abuse, parushoktik, m. an abuser, s. [resembling a hatchet. *. lA;^. ^^'^ parashu, m." an offensive weapon l-^. tl^^J purushd, people of old, predeces- sors, ancients, s. [viling. s, (_->l/^. Tlft^nH parishap, m. cursing, re- tiLi»J 'TT^n^ parshdd or prashad, m. favour, kindness, food, &c. (y. prasSd). s. ^j\J^j>^ U^'M'I^ purushdrth, m. that which is becoming a man, as valour, generosity, &c. t. i^**»l)jy**A' *• iJL*A>j>, "Wg prisht, asked, inquired, s. U^> inn prashta, adj. asking, demanding ; a questioner. «. .^joio W prishth, m. the back, the rear. prishfh-drishii, m, a bear (from looking behind him), s. p^'^^IjI TTS prashth, a leader; prior, prece- ding ; chief, best, prashtht, the wife of a leader. *. I. ly^s^A mj^iA.'^ purashchhad, ra. a sort of grass {Saccharum cylindricum). s. CL^\jJ^j>. "tPc^tPH parishrant, wearied, ex- hausted, parishranti, f. fatigue, labour, t. fij^j!, ^T^IT parishraviy m. labour, toil, fa- tigue, parishramt, laborious, i. Cl>.*^M>y>, Jk\\\^ prashast, happy, well, right, good, excellent, prashasti, f. excellence, eminence, eulogy, s, jyMj>_ pur-shu'ur, wise ; most sagacious, p. a. .\i.iio. T|rc*3liR parishhar, m. splendour, de- coration , initiation, purification. ». CJ>jiJ^, TqifXTE^ parishkrit, adorned, em- bellished; purified by initiatory rites. parishkrit- bhumi, f. a ground prepared for a sacrifice, s. {^X**^.- ^$l*4*f prashaman, m. killing, slaugh- ter; pacifying, s. (^}*^A. 'TO prashn, m. a question, prashn- dull, f. a riddle, an enigma, s. ij>J'-i>:)^A- '^^'W^^ pruhniparnt, f. a plant {Hemionites cordifoUa ; Hedysarum lagopodioides). a. V-«JjSj^. ininBT prashama, f. praise, applause, flattery, s. ^«mXmjJ iniT^'T prashaman, m. praising, eulo- gizing. prashaAsantya, to be praised, pr^seworthy, prashaAsit, praised, s. \_{Pistia stratioites). $. wJ^'**;^. yPSf^il prishnikOf f. an aquatic plant Aju^Jjio. tjficjrH^ft'I parishankantya, adj. to be doubted, to be apprehended, s. [stratioites). #. ^jMijlTH^prashm, f. an aquatic plant {Pistia Jbi^y^J Xi Pi^h V parishodh, m. cleansing, pu- rifying ; discharging (a debt), s. [morrow, t. {^jM^J TTTTEn? par-shwas, the day after to- {^y**y>. ^fefftR parishosh, m. drying, evapo- ration, s. [pletion, s. ^J!i.iJ!}iJ>'^fK^l^pari8hesh, m. remainder, cora- \^fOj>. pur-zarur, very necessary, most es- sential p. a. ^j>_ xrsff prihha, f. a gramineous plant {Tri- t^onella comiculata). t. ( 190 ) ^J>^ T^ji '"T^WT^par-hdj, ra. the business or afiaira of another, s. j_^o^ tri^ofiiwi^ par-kdji, attentive to the busi- "ness or interest of others, serving others, beneficent. $. jSj>^pur-hdr, thick, coarse, fat ; efficient, well executed, p. [compasses (v. pargdr). p. JzA pctrkdr, compasses, parhdri, done with jo^. M<^\\. prakdr, manner, method, kind, sort. (. <-?; Vv P^^^^'f'h f- thickness, coarseness, p. tj^'vi U'^lfT^ prakas or parkas, m. light, daylight ; adj. clear, apparent, t. j^^o^. prakdsi, m. a discoverer, s. O^o^. 1T«FT^ prakdsh, m. light, daylight, sunshine; expansion, diffusion, manifestation; adj. open, manifest, blovcn, expanded; famous, celebrated clear, apparent, prakdsahtd, f. manifestation, lumi- nousness. prakdshit, evident, manifest, promulgatea. prakashak, what irradiates, manifests ; an illuminatoi; prakaahmdn, splendid, radiant, prakdshan, m. illumi- nating, making manifest. ^raAoiAi, m. a discoverer. ». wo^ parkdla, m. a spark ; pane of glass, p. (j'*^. ^*.«in»i parhan, m. a trunnion, h, w\S^^ ^<<«i*ii parkdnd, a. to accustom, to habituate, h. [excellence, happiness. *. JOB^ HehKis prahdnd, m. the stem of a tree , ^ vVv ^^^^ prakupit, enraged, incensed, s. ^J^. ^r<.c|ivn parihathd, f. a tale, a story, t. tiio^. Uofi? prakat, displayed, manifest, pra- katit or prakatl-krit, manifested, made visible, t. t-iLo^. V^RZ parkat, m. a heron.' *. (^A ^'f^^ pfif'kkati, f. the waved-leaf fig tree " {Ficus infectiosd). t. Sj>. T(^fiK.prakar, m.aloe wood (agallochum).s. Oi»> H^Cri prahrit or prakriti, f. property, quality, nature ; the passive or material cause of the world ; a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme Being in the creation, identified with Maya ; a stanza of four lines, each line containing twenty-one sylla- bles ; temperament, predominance of one of the hu- mours, prakriti-taral, volatile, fickle, prakriti-stha, natural, innate, s. O/^. Tnpf prakrit, made, accomplished, s. {^$j>, iniR praharshf m. (in gram.) the effect of the prefix pra upon roota. «. cii*M»i-J IT^ prakrisht, chief, principal. prakristtfatwa, m. eminence. ». A^A VfdR prafo'am, m. proceeding, going, leisure, opportunity, s. l/c^O. "^ft!3^'^ parikramd, f. act of going round to the right, by way of adoration, circumambulalion, a superstitious ceremony (v. pradac^hina). s. (J jO. Hi|i<^ praharan, m. topic, subject ; paragraph, section; prologue, prelude) a book. «. '■^A- ( 191 ) ^A [jSj^., ^ftspci jKirikray, m. redeeming, pur- chasing back. s. [signia. s. b jO. uf^PTT prakripa, f. bearing royal in- (^LlO. liVijIci&m prakshalan, m. cleaning, washing, prahshalit, washed, t. Ll>xi*^.ITft^7)raA«/iip^thrown,cast,hurled.s. 3^^A m^^NH' t/>a?A^awawi,f. examination; assaying of coin, &c. «. ^_j*l^O TR5aT^par/i/io,i, f. the price paid for examination, trial, proof, inspection ; the act of exa- mining i. j^^jl TrST.p7'akhar, very hot or acrid, s. Uk^j^. M4.l<4fil parahhna, a. to inspect, to exa- mine, to prove. ». le^^A ^^ purukhe or "^pitrkke, m. (pi. "of purkha), ancestry, ancestors. ». ^ J Ti ^ ig ft parkhi, m, a banker who exa- " mines and proves money. ». OU4O U^TTiT prakhyat or MCt^^Min jtjan- ;^/^I/5^ famous, celebrated, prakhyati or parikhyati, fame.n otoriety. ». m. an inspector, examiner, prover, especially of coins. O^ J gcfc^rS praklrti, f. fame, celebrity. prakirtit, declared, explained ; celebrated, s. r:?jfA- ^'rft^'^^P?^'*^*^"^^* ™* telling, talk- ing of, boasting, f- lame.n oioneiy. ». ^^j>, VT^Vl parkhaiya,']^} Vjv^^. m.«^T parhhera, J {^^jfj!, lNt5§ prakirn, promulgated, pub- lished ; expanded ; m. a chauri, a cow-tail usea as a fan ; a chapter. . MC<*1^ parklya, belonging to another. parkiya, f. another's wife or mistress, s. '^^^Ji.. "^^W-S. pargachh, m. epidendron. h. jSj), pargar, f. a pair of compasses, p. ^Sj^Jt. pargari, f. work done with compasses. p. ,!&j-l^. UTT^ pragarh, much, excessive ; hard, difficult ; hard, firm ; m. pain, privation, penance, s. »\0. pargah, straw, rubbish, any thing worthless, p. t!L*0. T(^Z pragat or pargat, obvious, noto- rious, public, manifest, s. Qicity. «. TPTZin pragatata, f. visibility, pub- l WTZ^ pragatna, n. to appear, be made public, s. [assuming. *. i^j^j^, Hil^^ pragrahan, m. taking, seizing, ,4flO. inr3T pragalbh, bold, ready, resolute, strong, pragalbhata, f. energy, boldness ; power, s. f^rSjlJPlPm pragaman, m.progress,advance. s. (OUO pargandt, j pi. of joar^awa (the last Ol:*^. parganajdtjj form may be called the pedantic or barbarous plural), iised in revenue documents, p. ^\mA pargandtt, of or relating to baronies. parganafi-jam', the amount of the revenue received at the head office of the pargana from the several subdi- visions composing such pargana, after deducting the charges of collecting in each, parganati-kharch, charges of a district to be deducted from the gross revenue. parganatJ-nirkh, rates of valuation, &c. p. &i$J. pargana, m. an inferior division of a country (less than a ziC), nearly equalling a barony ; the largest division of land in a zaminddri. pargana ddr, m. the superior officer of a pargana; lord of the barony, pargana-war, according to district (settle- ment, &c.). •iJ. pur-go, talkative, loquacious, p. ^.^^. inftTT pragopan, m. protection, pre- servation, s. [tongue. 4. ^jf-^j)^, jmr-gOjt, f. loquacity, volubility of ■.ii^^O. "RXR praghat or parghat, apparent, clear. *. i^^ji TntZ\ praghati or ^TTSR^ parghati, f. "a mould in which silver or gold is cast, previous to working it ; apparency, clearness, s. i-j^j>, V^ praghan, m. a sort of bean {Phaseolus mungo). s. U^. TTgi pragyd, f. a clever woman ; under standing, wisdom, pragydwdn, wise. *. OU^. ll^rni pragydt, known, understood, aotoriovM. « ^. ( 102 ) oA j^ljOj> IT^TSjt^ pa)-gti't, f. an ortolan (a species of Alauda). p. &-0. "JRf fragya, wise, learned. $. ^. "T^ pfirld, of the other side. h. U-->^. H^snr pralap, m. unmeaning prattle ; discourse, s. ^jj5 J TT^>T pralobh, m. desire, cupidity. pralobhan, m. allurement, attraction. «. ^^^' Jo. TT^t7«T pralothan, m. rolling on the ground, tossing, pralofhit, adj. rolling, tossing. «. tiljJ^. tjTj^ytoif par-lok, heaven, paradise. par-lok-gam, m. death. *. ^Jp. H^nr parlai (for pralaya), a general "destruction, such as at the flood or resurrection ; death, dissolution, fainting, syncope ; (met.) vexation, fatigue, oppression, languor, disgust, s. [besmears. *. i^^X^ji^T(^vi;Wpralepak, who or what anoints, 1^ '^KJH param, best, first, supreme ; used in comp. as, pqramatma, m. the Supreme Being,the soul of the universe, paramadwait, m. pure unitananism. pa- ramarth, m. superior aim.the best end ; virtue ; spiritual knowledge; the best sense, paramarthl, seeking the best end, religious, paramagati, translation to heaven, beatitude, paramdnu, m. an atom, the lowest measure of weight, or time, paramann, m. an oblation of rice to progenitors, param-anand. supreme pleasure, chief object of refuge, param-gati, f. eternal felicity, para- mdyn, m. the longest period of life, param-raj, m. a supreme monarch, param-hans, an ascetic, a religious man who has subdued all his senses, s. t>j>,purum or prum, a lead and sounding-line used on board ship (the word is borrowed from the Portuguese ■prumo, plummet). pi-um-dalna, to heave the lead, h, \AJ^TXm prama, f. true knowledge; conscious- ness, perception, s. ik.^131/0 inrnrTTfi pramata-maha, m. a great- grandfather on the mother's side ; f. pramatamaht. s. iSl*^. WHT^praviad, m. inadvertence, careless- ness, error, pramadt, heedless, inconsiderate, a, r^\. "Vi^J^ paramarth, m. the first pur- suit, tlie chief end, virtue, merit, s. rtnoiia. «. ij^J^ljl- ^^i^^^ paramarthl, religious, vir- ^jU^> Hin^ praman or parman, m. cause, motive; limit; proof, attestation, verification, autho- rity, instance, example ; adj. actual, authentic, sub- stantial, real, parman-cliafhna, to rise to a high rank (the word is used sometimes as a man's name), pramd- ndhhdo, xn. absence of proof, pramdn-purush, m. an umpire, an arbitrator, pramdnt-karan, establishing or admitting as authority or proof, s. [proportion, i. ^jU^. TiftiTTO pariman, m. dose, quantity j LdJlil*^. um^JSHmipramanik, proper, creditable ; reverend; m. chairman of an assembly; (in Bengal) a chief of a tribe among the inferior castes, pramd- nikd, f. a species of the anushfubh metre. *. J«^> ""TOR^ or 'mH'^^param j?arf,m.eminence, high station, heaven, beatitude, t. j^j>, ^nPf^parampar, traditionary, heredi- tary ; m. a great-great-grandson, s. }j^j^. "^TCWITT parampara, f. tradition ; com« munication from one to another in succession ; seriea succession ; race, lineage, paramparln, hereditary traditional, s. ^J>^ "mMJt par-mat, m. a different opinion.*. ^. ■^ftf'TiT parimit, measured, .egulated. parimitdhdr or parimit-bhuj, eatmg moderately, tern- perate. s. <.IlA*;^.'ITftni^rami<,known,understood, proved; measured, pramitdkshara, f. a species of the jagati metre, s. ^4J»*;^. im^ pramatha, f. yellow myrobalan (Terminalia chebula). t. [abode of pain. $, j_Jl.^ju«^> ITT^n^ pramathalay, m. hell, or S/Oji^ Tp{^ pramad, mad, intoxicated, impas- sioned; m. joy, delight, praffuu/a, f. a woman, a band- some woman, s. li-iO Tfp[^pram,udorpramudit, pleased, glad, $. ^Ijb^^*^^. t;' Vf^t^pramoh, m. fascination ; fainting, insensibility, s. (^y«j>. '^ft]^t^ parimohan, m. fascinating, beguiling, parimohi, m. parimohini, f. adj. fascinating; bewitching, t. jyLx. UW^ prameh, J a gleet, any urinary affection, t. ^jj) rixy^ paran,f.a.\erj quick time in music. A. ii>H ^^ pran, m. promise, resolution, vow. $. j^liy parndnt, great-granSmother. h. ci;^- ( 193 ) -ire ^A ^^ parn or parna, m. a leaf, betel leaf j the paliis tree (Biifea frondosa). parn-walU, f. the same tree, pam-sliald, f. a hut of leaves, a hermitage. pam-lata. f. the betel plant, parn-nar, m. a man of leaves, an effigy stuffed with leaves, made to represent a person deceased whose body cannot be found, s, tjU^. TRTT^ pranad, m. a disease of the ear, a buzzing in the ear. s. (,^13;-. '^^\f^ pnrnasi , m. a sort of basil ( Oey- mum sanctum) witn small leaves. », (^^y>.. TJUn^I pranash, m. loss, destruction. praiiashl, destroying. JO^. TTlfTToS 01' THTT^ pranal, m.1 a conduit, «J^. ^?:»TT^ ^?c/rna/a, m. |- a gutter, jJ^^.TTOT^or UtTT^^ranaZi, f. J a drain, s. ^\jj Xlf^HITH parinam, m. maturity, fulness, end, last stage ; sequel, result, parinam-darshi, who looks forward or to the end. *. JJA niUIH or inrn? prandm, aslo j?flr»aw,ni. salutation, bow, adoration. «. ^^»^. "TC*TRT par-ndna, a great-grandfather (by the mother's side). «. [sance. ». OIj3.) TrftinTni pranipat, m. salutation, obei- ^IlA^^. TTfliJVri<1 pranipatan, m. saluting, bowing. «. [obeisance. ». «-l*^. TRlfH" jsrawaf/, f. salutation, reverence, CL^iji, trCTST parantu, but, however, on the other hand ; afterwards, also. *. jJ^. Vj:^ parantra, subservient, dependent, s. tiJ^. parand, m. a bird, parand-ko-jdnd, to move with great rapidity, p. j<^J>, ^n^?r^ purandar, m. a sort of pepper '(Piper chavya). s. li^A paranda, flying ; a bird, parande kd par na mama kisijagah meA, is used to express a place quite inaccessible, p. ^J^'^J>. UfilNIH pranidhdn, m. great effort, stress ; profound meditation ; access, entrance. *. JU-l/o^ J. M4§HI'<1I<$ parn-mdchdl, dq. the kamranga, an acid fruit {Averrhoa caramhola). ». ^y>,TP!m pranav \m. the mystical ci)y^. ITdJcfcii' pranavak,) name of the deity, s. [a hermitage, s. J?^j{. "'HirfeiT parnotaj, m. a hut of leaves, . J^. pur-nur, illustrious, enlightened, p. flj Tfnpi pranai/, m. affection, regard ; ask- " ing, solicitation ; final emancipation ; trust, confidence ; reverence, obeisance, pranuyl, affectionate, kind, in- timate ; m. a husband or lover, s. jiy jp^prani, resolute, bold, determined. 5. jio purni, f. a ferule, a tube, a thimble; the " ramrod-pipes of a musket ; a bugle or oblong bead. d. (J^^. ^'nsff parnt, m. a tree (Butea frondosa) ; f. an aquajic plant {Pistia stratiotes) ; the leaf of the assafcetida(?). j. [patron, t. \i>j>. J^f^^ puraniyd, m. an old man ; a ^JO^. ■JTlftrin, ^T^RT, xftftTUT puraniyd, pura- naiya, or purainiyd, m. name of a district and town in Bengal (vulg. Poorneah). h. j^bo^. parniydn, m. a kind of fine painted silk (from China) ; also garments made of the same. p. ^j>. "^ parv, m. a festival, a holiday ; parv- kart, a Brahman who performs ceremonies for hire out of season, parv-gaml, a man who associates with his wife on festival daya. «. j^, 5^ pwrtf, m. name of the bixih monarch of the lunar line ; the farina of a flower ; f. the name of a river to the north-west of the Saraswati. «. ij^. parwd, f. care, concern, anxiety, vexa- tion ; inclination, affection, concupiscence, desire rest, quiet, kuchh parwd nahin, (vulg. kuch-parwd-nV , »o matter, it is of no consequence, p. .jji,X(^ purwd, f. an easterly wind. s. ij^. "TIt^ parirvd, f. the first day of the moon's increase or wane. s. •^IjJv ^"f^^ parivdd, m. abuse, reproach, accusation, parivddak orparivadi, an accuser, a plain tiff, a calumniator, s. j\jA "^fr^lt pariwdr, m. family, dependants. partM;or- fly'"g> fligbt. parrvdz-karnd, n. to fly. parwdz-kunan, flying, on the wing. p. (^^^jJ. Hft^ni parivds, m. abiding, abode, s. O**!^^- U^l^ pravds, m. a foreign country or residence, dwelling away from home, pravasat, a^j. absent, dwelling abroad, pravdsan, m. sojourning abroad, exile, s L^l? Jv P^^^^si, a foreigner, one from abroad; "one living away from home. *. [city. «. i^^jji JJMH:l1 pur-vdsl, adj. inhabiting a Jlj J tikr^ parrvdl, in. a disease of the eye- lids, in which the eyelashes fall, a stye or stithe. A. ^\jji XTC^jt^ parrvdn, m. the yard (of a sail); parwan chharhna, to grow up (a phrase peculiar to women), h. lilj J TI^RT purwdnd (caus. of purdnd)^ to cause to be filled, h, »A->\j2lj J parrcdnajdt, m. (pi. of parrvdna), orders ; passes, licenses, p. [mission, p. c-^bji P<^f^^^^^> f" command, order, per- 6J\mji_parwdna, m. a grant, or letter, under a great seal, from any man of power to a dependant ; aa order, a pass, a licence, leave, command, a precept, warrant ; a butterfly, a moth, parwana kisl kd honi, to be desperately in love with any one (an allusion to the moth and the candle), p, O Jji ( 194 ; i^ *bjv P^'f'^^^t f" (t^e same as parrva, q. v.), care, concern, &c. p. [overflowing. *. i^jjl ^fc^l^ parivahy m. an inundation, an i\jj>. inr^ pramhj m, stream, current of a river, s. Kjb\j J I|«(ir^c|iT pravahika, f. diarrhoea. 5. «-^^^Jj^- j'^^^^'*; o"6 w^o stands in need of, necessitated, wanting, having occasion for. p. \Lf\^^^j). TiftRTT pravihhag, m. division, a part. «. [titioned, shared. $. CjSi^^ji, uf^^ pravihhaht, divided, par- ^Ji^j}>^^,^ji,V;t(^^ paropadesh, m. giving ad- vice, admonishing, s. [of others, beneficence. «. .K>jy. "n OlaliR paropahar, m. the helping ^.K'jj^. t j^Ho Rt^ paropakdrl aiding others, beneficent, hospitable. «. Oj .?. "^^H par vat, m. a mountain, a hill. parvat-dshrmj or parvat-vasi, living in the mountains. parvat-kdk, m. a raven, parvath/a, mountainous ; m. a mountaineer, s. [of fish (Sllurus pahda). s. C^jjl ^f^lf parvit or '^^ panwt, m. a kind i\JSjjl'sftWT%protsah,m. effort, exertion ; sti- mulus, protsahit, instigated, stimulated, protsahak, m. instigator, protsahan, m. inciting, stimulating, s. jjj .i X(;^t(\ parautt, land which is kept out of cultivation for a short time, in order that the soil may recover its strength, h. VjJ. •> Xilrfrfm parvatiya, m. a kind of pump- kin. * [gence. 5. i^jy mO«I«1 parojan, m. purpose, use, exi- Ufciij ,5TJ^VTjt?Mro6?/m, m. the family priest, s. J jy. parwar, (in com p.) a patron, protector, nourisher, cherisher; educated, cherished, as gharlh parwar, clierisher of the poor, saya-parwar, educated in the sliade or at home ; soft, delicate, knowing little of the world, p. J • .) 'R^t; parmar, m. the name of a kind of gourd ( Trichosantiies dioica, Roxb,). «. j^j), tnr. pi^avar, m. offspring, race. s. . , .) Iff^ pravir, m. a yellow fragrant wood. 5. ^.^^J»J\J^Ji'^fKW^^i^parivrajak,m. a religious mendicant. $. CL>>.mj>,Tm'W pravartta, engaged in, under- taking ; m. excitement, stimulus. ». C^j^JTm^pravHtta,^xe(\, determined; en- gaged in, occupied, prarriiti, f activity, occupation, active life ; perseverance ; addiction to ; tidings, in- telligence ; continuous flow, stream ; Ujjain, or any holy place ; (in arith.) the multiplier. «. ^JiA ^'^^^^ parivritia, gone round, re- volved; exchanged, s. Ojj .^"Tft^^paHuflH^a, m. going or turning back, revolving ; exchange, requital ; the end of a period of four ages, destruction of the world, s. ^^^Jjjl ^^^^ pravarttak, inciting, stimala- ting; m. an instigator, s. ^J^jjji, fjfr.'^im parivrajya, f. the life of a religious mendicant. «. joJjjj^_ parmardagar, m. the cherisher; an epithet of the Deity, p. (^i^j^j>^parwardav,io cherish, rear, foster, p. ^^jjj^, parwarda, bred, reared, brought up (used substantively) a slave, a proteg^. p. Ly*jjji parwarish, f. breeding, fostering, rearing, patronising, education, protection, p. f-^^jjj^, Tff^T^%W pravar-lalit, m. a spe- cies of the aiA^j metre. *. [riiher. p. StiJjjl^. parwaranda, cherishing, the che- (j*»jjj)y.M«^<^ vfOvHI parosna, a. to take up dinner, to distribute, serve up, to divide, s. JbJa**>jj3 "ql^P-W parv-sandhi, ra. the full and change of the moon. *. Ly**Jjv ''^^'^ pa7'osi, m. a neighbour, h. buttj^. V,itVS proshth,m. a sort of carp {Cypri- nus prausitis). proshth-pada, f the 26th and 27th asterisms, containing the stars in the wing of Pegasus. praushtfi-pad, m. the month Bhadr (August — 5iept.). praushth-padl, f. full moon in Bhadr. s, ic**»jj^,. mOhIII paroshm, f. a cockroach, t. CJ^^A ift^ prokt, said, declared. *. {ji^jU>, Vi^^pa7'oksh, invisible; absent, past; m. an ascetic, a hermit; invisibility, absence t cin gram.) past time or tense. «. tr?. ( 195 ) s&i {;j^^j>., iTlHjIIT prohshan, m. killing animals in sacrifice, immolation, 8laup:hter; sprinkling, with water, &c. ; a text to be recited when animals are oflRered. prokskit, sprinkled ; killed, offered in sacrifice. Cj\x^jj} 14 Pn ^I Ot pravikhyati, f. celebrity, renown, s. [dioica). s. Jj ♦> m.'i'^ parwal, m. a plant (Tricosanthes ^Jjv ^^T^f^*n pirond or parond, a. to thread (as a needle), to string (as pearls), to spit. h. oOj o trlftroFT parvanikd, f. specks attended with pain on the edge of the cornea of the eye. «. ijjl Tf^ pravah, m. one of the seven Vayus or winds, s. [of leather, h. Ufcj J vO^T parohd, m. a water-bucket made «^^j^. yillHcH' purohit (also lfrf%?r prohit), m. a priest who presides at the performance of reli- gious ceremonies ; family priest, s. jjliftj^. TTtf^TTRft purohitdnt, f. the wife of a purohit, or priest, q. v, s, i^^^j!. *<.jA Tf^CtK. pravir, best, excellent ; m. a hero, ir*?.j r^. n^^ proves or pravesh, m. entering, arriving, s. ^^piSo.j J. ^ftMV«T pariveshtan, m. surround- ing ; circumference, pariveshfit, enclosed, surrounded, covered. «. [serving up food. s. ijJL>*ji. '^flM'^^ parivesha7i, m. surrounding; liT*^. 1 T^. U^^IW praveshan, m. the entrance ; entering, praveshak, who enters ; m. an entry, s. *Xx jj> H^VSjIIJ pravekshan, m. foreseeing. praveksftit, foreseen, pravekshyat, adj. foreseeing. «. ^Jji j^. ir^9 pravely m. the yellow variety of the kidney bean. s. ^ , >>. parvln, m. the Pleiades. J3. j^ . J If^iTSpravln, intelligent, skilful, wise.5. \^>:^m jiJ(i(\iSAl pravinata, f. wisdom, intelli- gence, skill, t. j^. • J a^ T O^ pravent or l^^ftff praveni, f. the ** hair twisted and undecorated, as worn by women in the absence of their husbands, t. j\Sbj>, Tf^R prahdr, m. the act of beating, a stroke s. S^j> ufl^^R parihdr, m. disrespect. ». (^Ub^, U^T^ prahdri, m. one who beats or strikes, s. {^^j{. ir?TO prahds, m. loud laughter, jtwa- 7/asi, laughing aloud, causing laughter, s. (^^lib^. "^ft^ra parihds, m. jest, joke, jeer; mirth, pastime, parihds-vedi, m. a jester, a wag. s, i-^^^ji '^RftfW par-hit, friendly, benevolent , good for another, s. jt>ji, ir?^ prahar, m. a watch of the day or night ; a division of time, consisting of 8 gharls or about 3 hours, s. iZ^JSiy>,TC^kfi praharshit or Jt^ prahriskt, delighted, very happy, t. (J^j^A- Wft^lft praharshinl, f. a species of " the atijagati metre, a. i^J^Ji, "^ft^ns pariharan, ra. seizing, taking; leaving, abandoning, s. oJb^^ J6^. M^ 1.411 c|if(^5«FT praharan-kalika, f. a species of the sarkari metre. ». l3y^^. '^ft^^«Tr pariharnd, a. to leave, to for- sake, to abandon, to desert, to take away, clear off. *. imSj^A. M^O prahari or M^fi-MI pahriyd, m, a watchman, a sentinel. <. jMiS^. Vn'Pfl. pura-sar, one who goes first, a leader, a preceder. ». {^y^ji H^HH prahasan, m. loud laughter, mirth ; sarcasm, ridicule, irony, prahasat, adj. laugh- ing heartily. «. [mine. *. jJiu**J6^. U^^Rrt prahasantl, f. Arabian jas- ti^ J Tf^T^ prahldd, m. pleasure, joy ; the name of Hiranyaksha's pious son, and regent of one division of Patal. prahladit, rejoiced, delighted. *, Ufci^. parhez, m. abstinence, forbearance, con- tinence, control of the passions, hadi-parhez, abstain- ing from evil, parhez-k., a. to control one's passions ; to abstain from ; to observe a regimen, p. j\^\iJt>j parhez-gdr, one who controls his passions, abstinent, temperate, p. i_sS^\ySby>^_ parhez-garl, f. abstinence, oontrol of the passions, p. ijS\>SbJ), parhezi, fit for a person under a regi- men (also the same as parhez-gar, q. v.). p. ^^^jl IT^figrsliT prahelikd, f. an enigma, a riddle. *. [prived of, deserted by. • {j^j>. Xff^^hn parihtn, waned, faded ; de- ijA""^ pare, beyond, yonder, pare rahna, to remain at a distance, t. iJrC V^fh ^" ^ fairy, pari-paikar or pari- chihra, angelical, fairy-faced, p. cSApuri, f. fulness, completion, p. ^jj>, T|^ purx, f. ( same as pur, &c. ), a city town. ». o2 s^^. ( 196 ) S^. {jj>. ftnr jiriya, m. beloved, dear; m. a bus- band, a lover ; a sort of drug cominoaly called Riddhi, s. \iji^fipj\ prit/d,m. beloved, dear, ar sweetheart, he priye, mj dear I ». (j*>b^> inn^ prayas, m. trouble, labour, de- sire or pursuit of any object, s. [tidings, s. &jk^b J ri|i||4^ priyakhya, announcing good *^b J TnnJl prayaff, m. the modern Allaha- bad, a celebrated place of pilgrimage at the confluence of the Ganges and Jamuna, together with the supposed subterraneous addition of the Saraswati, according to the Hindu creed : in comp. it applies to several places of reputed sanctity, as, Deva-prayag, Rudra-praydg, Karna-prayag &c. s. {J)\>.jl fiTTT^ priyal, m. a tree commonly called piydl (Buchanania latifolia). s. ^^b ,^. Tpfmpraya7i,m. going forth, departure; death, march, invasion, prayan-kal, time of departure, death, s. [ing kindly. «. ^^l^^V ■ftnnTT'TO priya-bhashan, m. speak- O^ »^. iftTT pritt kind, affectionate, beloved, dear. m. delight, s. Cl^.A Jftfn prlt or priti, f. love, friendship ; the second of the 27 astronomical yogs. priH-purvak, adv. through kindness ; prtti-dan, m. a friendly present. priti-daya, m. a gift of affection, prtti-man, kind, affec- tionate, s. » '^IjK ^T^^i or T(^paret adj. dead; m. a spirit of the dead, a ghost, pret-paksh, m. the dark half of the month, pret-karm, m. funeral rites, jpret- grih, m. a cemetery, pret-lok, m. the region ot dis- embodied spirits, in which they remain one year, or until the obsequies are completed, pret-nadi, f. the river of hell. s. [yarn), h. ^j^.. 'ron pareta, m. a reel (for winding U^ J finfilT priyata, f. love, affection, s. j^^ J. fUTiJTTC priyatar, dearer, more beloved, s. f^.j{. Tf!'"T pritam or fTffXTiTJJ priyatam, dear- est, most beloved ; m. a lover, a husband, s. j^jo^. IT^R prayatna, m. continued effort, exertion ; act, action ; caution, care, prayatna-wan, active, zealous, persevering, s. [yam ). h. ^:/v ''T^^*n paretna, a. to reel ( thread or j_^jov. l?rr«Tt pretniy a female pret or ghost, a ghostess. s. [testing (gold or silver), s. 14^. (tItVg[T for tt^T) parlchhd, f. trying, iJl^^jl (tJ^^CcR for "R^^?^) parichhah, m. one who tests or examines, s. i^^^ji- /"2^*"Mwa», m. a magician, one who " calls spirits from the vasty deep." p. .^lijcO par'i-ddr, one who controls fairies ; also one who is spell-bound by fairies, p, ij^j'^-jl flR^^ priya-darshan, handsome, good-looking, m. a tree {Mimusops kauki) t. ii>'H/» p(i'>^dan, to fly, to soar on the wing, p. i^y\i>S^^j)^ nOvi^ paridhdwi, m. the forty- first year of the Indian cycle. ». '^J'.J'., *< ^'J^_fJ.> pari-rukhsdr, angelic, fairy- cheeked, p, (^^. in?!I preran,\m. the act of sending; ^yfji hCTI prerndy J command, s. ijKSj>,pci'ri-ru, fairy-faced, a beautiful woman, plur. parl-ruyan. p. i^\}ljy. pari-zdd, fairy-born, i.e. beautiful, p. (J^^(Jjt. pari-stdn, m. the region of the fairies, p. -4^-^^. ftnnW priya-sakh, m. a tree {Mi- mosa catechu.) s. [friend, a confidante, s. (_54^***?^. ftrtnET^ priya-sakhi, f. a female (jl>t\x*.^^. frnra*^ priya-sandesh, ra. a tree bearing a fragrant flower {Micheliachampaca). s. uHH 5^^ parish, m. faeces, excrement, s. ^^liL)^. pareshdn, distressed, wretched, dis- persed perplexed, dishevelled, ruined, pareshau-hal, distressed in condition, parefhan-kahna, to talk fool- ishly, p. [dispersion, destruction, p. ■^j\L.>_ji, pareshdnl, f. distress; perplexity; ,^^i^,j> VWpreshtk, mostor very dear. preshthd, f. a wife, s, tib^. fj(T^ p7'iyak, m. a tree (Nauclea ca- damba) ; another tree (Pentaptera tomentosa). s. , . ^S>:>jlfWOiWyX.pviya-kdr, w fsnf^gjt p7-iya- krit, kindly, doing good, a benefactor, s, CLo^.i.Tf'H^prayukta, endowed with, possess- ing ; connected with ; compact. <. [proof. «• Liio, J '^^^ parlkshd, f. examination, trial, bSio .> ^^ prekshd, f. seeing, viewing, ob- serving, s. C-wx; ..>. m.lf5Sfri pariksMt, the name of the grandson of Arjuna ; adj. examiaed, tried, proved. «. d>w»5o ,.) nft^lT prekshit, seen, belield, looked at. s. [mines, &c. $. cdii'^xj^) TH^Tipir parihshak, one who exa- ^^jZSj>ji_ '^^^^^ parikshan, m. trial, experi- ment, examination, s. [spectacle, sight. $. ^jt^j>_ XH^fS prekshaUf m. a public show, ^^^. ""TwT parekka, m. repentance, regret, concern. /*. l^io J "m^SI parehhd, f. (corrupted for pari- ks^a or paric^ha, &c.), trial, examination, search, ji, VV. '^^ prem, m. love, friendship ; prerU' sSgar, name of a well-known Hind! work bo anlled, which details the history of Krisiua. s. ^^^,j{. fH^Him priyamdn, beloved, affectio- nate <, ^y. ( 197 ) je fciJj^^f^JO. ftnr**nTsir priyam-bhawk, be- come dear to. priyam-bhdvukta, f, amiability, be- coming beloved, s. j^,j>.TPVTl.prem-par, affectionate, loving, s. ^\)'^-^j^.jf, ^TT^TTTTT prem-rang-rata, co- loured with the dye of love; strongly in love, ena- moured, s. \_{Datura). s. tyO(_fj>. ^Cnlt purl-moh, m. the thorn apple i^ji ^^ premt, affectionate ; a lover, s. L^Jv ^^ puren, f. the placenta ; the plant of the lotus, h. *^-^.ji ftrPf^ priyangu, m. a medicinal plant and perfume, or fragrant aeed ; panick seed {Panicum italicum). s. [moon. *. V-Jv ^^^'^1 pariwa, f. the first day of the Ij^Jv "T^^ 7'«''««^«> ni. a pigeon, h. •^Vjv "^O*!!^ parimd, m. reproof, censure, abuse. *. [flatterer, s. L/i^V- ri ^^^nr^T^ priya-vadi, sweet spoken, a jV'-^Tv WO'TTi pariwar, m. dependants, family, retinue, s. [flow. *. If^yi.A'^^^^^^T^.pariwahy m. inundation, over- eiJL:>-yV. initinP prayojaJi, who or what causes or induces any act ; who or what deputes or appoints ; m. a founder or instituter of any ceremony ; a legislator, s. i^j^.j>, W^tW^ prayojan, m. cause, motive, need, occasion ; intention, design ; use, exigence. prayojan-wdn, designing, purposing, prayojant, neces- sary, requisite. ». eu>.y J TnTlm prayqiya, m. capital, princi- pal ; a servant, a slave. *. [barter, s. C^j^J T|0«J^ parivartta, m. exchange, ,i.y ►> (im^V^ priya-varnlff. a creepingplant ~ (Echites frutescens). s. ^^J^J; J, pari-nash, fairy-like, angelic, p. 1^ j%>. r> infrt prayog, ra. occasion, cause, motive, object, result ; device, contrivance ; example, comparison ; act, action, prayogi, having some object in view, calculated for a particular purpose, s. ^ J •q^ pareh, m. soup made of rice (v. palew). h. ,A^.j>. "'TT? pareh, ^m. land watered after Uj J Tf^-^pareha, J ploughing, or flooded before the final ploughing and levelling of the ground. A. W Ji. flR priya, dear, beloved (see c^.)- (v»l^ .) Titl^ra parthaSf m. mirth, sport, amusement, t. Vb xrri pura, m. a large parcel (of physic, &c.). para, m. the boundary of a field, h. Ob\j> M jR I tf T para-pand, a. to find, to get easily, h. ^\v ^ZT^^pardpar, with reiterated strokes, s. \3^. ^TT^ pardnd, a. to put to sleep, to lay down, to cause to repose ; to cull, to gather, pluck, h. jVv> (|il«| pardw, m. halting, resting, sleep- ing; halting-place; camp, encampment; an army; s crowd, assembly, h. UV^''% (f^MJlffl parpardnd, n. to prattle, to chatter ; to throb with pain (as the tongue from an acid substance). paTpaf-rahna, to chat, prattle. A. l3U-v; 1|jt{|V|| par-jdnd, n. to lie down; to cease, as the wind ; to repose ; to abate. 7*. iJ^'jl ^i^i\ parchhafi, f. a small thatch " thrown over mud walls, d. ^jj!, M^I^^HI par-rahndf n. to be utterly helpless, to be in a regular fix. d. *j>_ param, m. a coarse kind of cotton cloth used for tents, &c. d. [immodesty, d, iSj^j^. "MiHJiT par-margt, f. shamelessness, \jj^. xj^TJi parnd, ii. to repose, to lie down ; to fall; to befall, to happen; to encamp; to drop; to be confined to bed by sickness, h, IjJv P^T^'^) ™' 3- large boat ; a ferry boat. d. ^^y':l r^i«(MI pirwdna, a. to cause to press, squeeze, h. (,j*>}f>. ^tm paros, m. neighbourhood, s. ti^J/v ^ f* ^^ ^parosin,f. a female neighbour. *•. (j***jjr?- ^^J^arost, m. a male neighbour, s. Cfjjfv ""n^ J9flrwi, a sort of sugar-cane sown in autumn, h. ■ ^ji ^WT jjar^a, read, learned, of much read- ing, pafha-guna, a .earned, experienced man. ». I3\j&j^. MdlHI parhdnd, a. to teach to read, to instruct, to teach to speak (or sing) as birds, t. {j^V, "'l^ parhan, f. reading, the act or reading, s. (s^ji- ^^?'' pafhin, f. a mullet, h. Ufc^ i|^r|| parhnd, a. to read, to repeat, to say, to speak, to quote or recite, pafhne-wala, m. reader, s. C:^UJ6«). M^^ MdciMI parhwand, a. to cause to be taught reading (v. parhana), h. [made, h, ^jji, Xff\ purl, f. a skin with which a drum is ^JV '^^ pari, f. a measure (v. paimdna.) d. bj^^ (jf?^! puriyd, f. a parcel (of physic, &c.), a dose of medicine in powder, s, b -.0 Tlf^T pariyd, f. a female buffalo calf. h. \ji>j^jV, Tli^^*!! pare-rahnd, n. to be in a hopeless or desperate state, d. Jj v^ Tl^^ paryal, f. sweepings, h, ;> ^M2 or paz, (in comp.) cooking, baking ; framing or contriving (in the mind), p. '■'f'''"T"'|f.abriok.kn„. p. tj'^j^y>, pazhmurdagi, f. rottenness, faded ■ state, p. U'i'^v po.zhmurdan, to wither, fade, decay, p. 8^^.;?a«A?ri?frc?a,withered,raded,drooping.7?. (j«^. jyas, after, behind ; at length, then, there- fore, finally, pas-anddz, Bavinga, something laid up to provide for old age or want of employment ; labourers, &c. call it maya i tawakkul. p. t-Ji. tj^ pasa, m. two handfuls, as much as can be held in both hands open (same as anjla, q. v.). «. L_->L*J. pisdb or pishab (for peshab), m. the act of pissing, urine, p. —L-J ftnn^ pi.tach (for fTT^^fT^ pishach, q. v.) m. a spectre, apparition, vision, a demon, s. j...»-^v-0. fxniT^ pi.sachl or PmM I'M h1 pisachm, "f. a female spectre, an ogress, s. \\'>^l "^Wm pasara, m. expansion, the act of spreading out. pasara-k., to procrastinate and find obstacles to an easy matter. ». \>X^Tm}Tj[\ pasdrna,'a. to spread ; to dis- tend ; to stretch out, to expand, to open. x. (?jl*«J "n'OT^ pasarl, m. one who sells spices (v. paAsarl). h. ^^L*> frorvf pisan, m. meal, flour, s. liL*.^ f^nrRT pisdna, a. to reduce to meal, flour, or powder ; to grind, t. ol«»^ Ti^HT pasand, a. to skim ; to pour off superfluous water. *. ^jA*^>, V^w\ pasd,t, f. a kind of rice. h. ^^L-^. fir?fT^/?wa,i,f price paid forgrinding.s. ^Lri P^^s-P^ "'" po,s-pd,e, sitting cross-legged (like the Asiatics), p. J^,U^,'^r^'fl^pasu-pdl " or pashu-pd], ^^,U^, M3IM 1 «T pasu-palan, the rearing and tending of cattle, one of the duties of the Faisua caste, s. " ^y'^LT?- P(^'<-P^ fiond, n. to decline ; to fall in the rear, to slink behind ; to retreat, to flee, to de- sist from an attempt, p. h. ^^3iu"i 5^^ pus put (for ■JBTJ^ pushya- putra), adopted son. pus-put k., to adopt as a son. », cl*-0 past, below, low. past-Jitrat, of in- ferior understanding, of a mean disposition, past- himmat, unambitious, past o buland dekhna, to con- side- and take precautions against the vicissitudes of fortune, pasat, behind thee. p. ^,ll«-> pistdn, m. the breasts, bubbies. p. 13\::*M^ ^mm\ pastdndf n. to regret, repent. $. ( 198 ) ^, pista, m. a pistachio nut. ;^>. ^^^^pasti, f. inferiority, lowness. p, ^^Jsij^'lj^)^ pista ^ ravg, m. pea-green, jp. 8iS.u»-(j*o pas-khurda, m. leavings (of food)^ dregs, offal, p. ♦«0 tra^ pasar, f, grazing cattle at night, h. j*^^pisar, m. a boy, a son, a child, pisar- ra. lit. beast-feeder; a cowherd, a cow- feeder, s. zada, a grandchild, pisar i khwanda. an adopted son. pisri akhijafi, a step-son, son of a wife by a former husband, pisri-mutahannd, an adopted son. pisar- Jchwdndagi. adoption of a son. p, ^j^. "^WiyjJ pasarnd, n. to be spread, stretched out, expanded. *, jji^j,^, pas-rau, or pas-raw, m. a follower; dependants ; train, equipage, p. ^^j5~—^.^a.<-rawi, f. following; equipage, p. (_fyO. pisari, f. boyhood, infancy, p. (Jya*.J pistol or piatulj a pistol, e. *— ■*H^U**i P^^ ghaibat, in one^s absence, p, '^L.ri po^s-kad or -hadd, a dwarf (properly past-Tcadd). p. a. (j^U**v P<^s-kash, m. recoil, retraction, p. \J^L-^. ^*^*i(pir\ipisldnd,a. to cause to grind, h. \^*^. "T^^T^ pasli, f. a rib, the praecordia. " pasll pharahnt, a thrilling over the ribs, is applied to a perception of the condition of an absent person, h. 8(\^Ui^j,gj pas-mdnda, left behind, a sur- vivor, p. ^-^. "PhRT pisnd, n. to be reduced to meal, to be ground ; to be ruined, distressed ; (met.) to be desperately in love. h. 4X-L-.J pa.sand, f. choice, approbation ; (in comp.) agreeable to, pleasing, as dil-pasand, pleasing the heart, pasand-h, to please, p. ^^S>S1^ pasandldan, to approve of, io be agreeable, p. 8t^,i\l*«j pasandida, chosen, approved of, agreed to. p. [weight, ttc p. IC*nJ. pasangd, m. (the same as pdsang), a y^, "T^^asM or pashu, (see ^JiS) m. a beast ; an animal, t. ^-O. fVM pisu or pissu, m. a flea. h. lA^JlH-^"-'' ^ P<^^fh "1- 'it- behind and be- fore; evasion, prevarication, pas o pesh-k., &. to pre varicate. p. '^T^{^ pasHjnd, a. to stitch. A. (__54-*0 "q^l^t pas,ln, f. a kind of wild rice, "growing in shallow ponds. A. ^^ { 199 ) JiJLi ^- m. perspiration, sweat. 8. J pastj, provision for a journey; adj. "ready, prepared, p. Ljs^mil ^ H I pasijna, n. to perspire, to sweat, to melt ; to compassionate, t. {»jl^^, pasin, last, posterior, modern, p. i^*^, pasinl, modern, recent; pi. pasiniyan, " the moderns, p. Ux*.j M^HI paslna, ^JU*-^. ■'TO^ paserv, Ub^x-*^. xm^-^pasewhdfj uH ^^ pashu, m. an animal, a beast ; cattle. pashu-pdl, m. a herdsman, pashu-pdlan, m. tending or rearing cattle, pashuta, f. pashutwa, m. nature of an animal, bestiality, pashu-dharm, m. action or pro- perty of animals ; promiscuous cohabitation, the marry- ing of widows, pashu-raj, m. a lion, pashu-rajju, m. a string for fastening cattle, pashu-roman, m. the hair of an animal, pashu-kriya, f. copulation, pashu- gayatrl, f. a verse whispered into the ear of an animal about to be sacrificed, s. L-->LiJ. ftl^fTWpishdb (for peshdb),m, urine. ^. _.Li.> f^T^ir? pishdch, m. a sprite, a fiend, a spectre ; an infernal imp or ghost, described as fierce and malignant, pishdch-dru, m. a tree supposed to be haunted by goblins ( Tropins aspera). pisbach-grasta, possessed of a demon, a demoniac pishachnl, f. a female sprite. *. ^J^^. V:mf{ pashdn, m. a stone, a rock. s. «_«A^) TOT pushp or pushpa, m. a flower, the menses ; the car of Kuvera ; specks on the eye, albugo. /wi/i/jan/aZi.f presenting flowers held in both hands hol- lowed, pushpa-path, m. the vulva, pushpa-pur, the city of Pataliputra or Palibothra. pushpa-phal, m. elephant or wood-apple, pushpa-chamar, m. a plant {Artemisia) ; a fragrant plant {Pandanus odoratissimus) having a large bushy flower, pushpa-dant, m. the elephant of the north-west quarter, pushpa-ras, m. the honey of flowers, pushpa-rakta.m. a shrub {Hibiscus phocniceus). pushpa-renu, m. the farina of flowers, pushpa-rochan, m. a plant {Mesua ferrea). ptishpa-sdr, m. the honey of flowers, pushpa-samay, m. spring, pushpa-shunya, flowerless. pushpa- karandak, m. Avanti or Ujjain, or the grove in its vicinity, sacred to Mahadeva. pushpa- ketu, m. calx of brass, pushpa- klf, m. any in- sect affecting flowers, pushpa-mds, m. spring, pushpa- vdtl, f. a flower-garden, pushpa-wat, flowery, pushpa- htn, flowerless. pushpa-hind, f. the glomerous fig-tree ; a woman whose menstruation has ceased, pushpi, flowering, s. j^L^. yujIVitf pushpdnjan, m. the calx of brass, s. v^,^--*-> vifuqif pitshpit, flowered, in flower. puthpitd, f. a woman during menstmation. ptuhpitagra, f. a form of metre, s. tj*\^l qBqcii pushpak, m. calx of brass, the car of Kuvera, god of riches ; specks on the eye ; a bracelet of jewels ; green vitrioL pushpakatish, m. the green sulphate of iron. t. K--io. MfuHtfc l pushpika, f. the tartar of the teeth ; the mucus of the glans penis or urethra, s. J^ixS.?. T|9|X4(^^ pashu-palval, m. a fragrant grass {Cypetus rotundut). t pusht, f. ancestry, a generation of pro- genitors ; the back ; a second, an assistant, pusht ba pusht, generation by generation, pusht-pdnw, m. an inflammation or phlegmon on the upper surface of the foot, pusht par kisi ke rahnd, (lit. to be at the back of one, or to back one) to support steadily, pusht pandh, an ally, a support, pusht-kham, hump-backed, pushtl dost kisl par mama or pushti pd mdrnd, to reject, to abandon, pu^ht dend (in Pers. pusht-dddan), to flee, run away (lit. turn one's back, " terga dare "). p. vl^. f^r^jrti pishitd, f. spikenard, s, IjllLio. pushtdrd, m. a load, burden for carry- ing on the back. p. b\lij pashtdnd, to regret, repent, d. IjULSj pashidwdf m. regret, remorse, d. jliPv pusht-khdr, m. an artificial hand of ivory, &c., set in a long handle to scratch the back with. p. (^ ? . ' . w .. > pushiak, a vice in horses, plunging and kicking up behind, p. ^1^. pushtu, the Afghan language, p. edL? pushta, m. a buttress, a prop ; a bank, a quay ; a hill, an eminence ; heap, load, a bundle, p. jC'i^lJaJ-io pushta-bandi, embankments of a river, p. ^^^, pushtl, m. backing, alliance, aid; a prop; "the cover of a book, pushti-bdn, an ally, a supporter} pushtl-bdnl, f. alliance, aid ; support, pmhtl-k^ to assist, to support, to second, to back. p. cL>-^. '^W pusht, nourished, fat ; restorative, provocative, pusfftdnga, fat. *, cJa ^ .) '^iv pushtiyf.noiir'ish'mg. pushti-da,ndj. nourishing, pushti-dd, f. a plant {Physalis flexuosa). pushti-kar, m. any nutritive substance, a provocative food. JjLi f^W^ pishtap, m. a world, a division of the universe. *. [restorative power, s. llti»> Msril pushtatd, f. fatness; invigoration, CilxiL) ffiw^ pishtah, m. a disease of the eyes, opacity of the cornea, s. [cative. *. i/^^,. ""IW^pushtajt, f. adj. restorative, provo- Ci.>l^v "il^aTir pashchdt, after, afterwards, behind ; westward, pashchdt-tdp, m. repentance, t, j,:i^i'mf^Sf{pashchim, west, western ; behind, after, s. 0^. '^3Jc|iT pashukd, f, any small animal, s. »io tiboh^ pushkar, m. the sky, heaven ; a lotus {Nelumbium speciosum or Nymphaa nelumbo) ; a drug {Costus speciosus) ; a place of pilgrimage called Pokar in the province of Ajmir; one of the seven g^eat dwipas or divisions of the world ; a mountain in the same dwlpa ; a pond or lake, pushkar-mulak, m. the root of the costus speciosus. s. ^SJLi^ yufcf<.*!rl pushkarini, f. a large pond, a lake. s. ^\LLi/m^'^ pushkal, excellent, best ; much, many ; full, complete ; m. the mountain Meru ; tb> holy place, Puxlikar. t. ( 200 jjiCt^ pish-kash (for pesh-hash), a present, a A tribute, p. ,Ji-li> pishkil, dung of sheep, deer, &c. p. 1*^. pashm, f. wool, hair (pubes tuvi maris ' turn foemineB). pashm par mama, to be perfectly con- tented and independent, to despise, disregard, pashm samajhna. to despise, pashm na ukhaj~na, to suffer no- thing from the enmity of another, not a hair of the head to be touched (spoken in great contempt of an adversary), p. d^ ^\ pashmak, a kind of sweetmeat, p. j_5»-£;*>. pashmt, 1 ^j^*^. pashmln, ^ woollen, made of wool. p. A AA» ^ < I pashmtna,} U'^H ^^'T pishun, wicked, relentless, cruel ; vile, low ; stupid, a fool ; m. a spy, an informer, plshun- vakya or pishun-vachan, m. evil speech, slander, s. U^. Pm^HI pishuna, f. a gramineous plant (Trigonella corniculata). s. il.t^»>l f^^igr pis^hang or pishangi, tawny, brovra. pishtangata, f. tawniness. s. k^S^>. pashang, a mattock, spade, hoe; also a man's name, the father of Afrdsiyah. p. j^j^ pishrvaz, f. a gown, a female dress, p. eJL^, pasha or pashsha, a gnat, a fly, a mos- quito, p. [hog-plum. s. i ^SI^OKoJiI pashu-haritaki, f. the U-M*) pash'iz, a small piece of money, p. jjUxiJ pasheman, ashamed, abashed, dis- graced, penitent, p. [morse, p. jJ,Ux2j jmshemam, f. regret, penitence, re- &x^, "V^pushya, m. the eighth lunar asterism, comprising three stars, of which one is Cancer ; the monthPatw (Dec— Jan.). pushy a-putr, an adopted son. s. cilj fJTgr pih, f. name of a bird (Cuculus Indicus) ; the kokila. pik-bayam, having a voice like the pik. s, 4^. frSk pifik, m. a young elephant, s. (^ TSk pakk, ^ripe ; boiled, >^. ^rai, ^T^ paka or pakkd,j dressed (op- posite to raw) ; baked (as bricks), made of brick ; cun- ning, knowing, pakkd-k., to establish a claim, or an agreement, or a proposition, so that no doubt or sub- ject of dispute can remain; to build with bricks. pakd-pakdya, ready cooked, pakkd-ghar, a house built of baked bricks or stone, pakkd-chitthd, an authenti- cated, revised, or accredited account, pakka-ser, a ser of full and standard weight, s. j\w U4|iKp?/7ti,o^. MchK^«n pukar-dena, a. to proclaim publicly, to call. h. UjOJ ^^TTTT puharna, a. to call aloud, to bawl out, to cry ; to call or summon, h. (jti\^ fViWy"^ pikahsha, m. a vegetable and perfume, commonly called rochani. t. ^0>^. M«W»iI pahana, a. to ripen; to drc-ja victuals, to cook, to bake. s. «.LX>K^. f^lSfiJl pikdng, m. a small bird, called also chdtaklya. s. [t, t^i>o.> fn OKI ri r^piltdnand, m. the spring season. j\x> V^J^ pahdw, m. suppuration. pakd,u, suppurative, s. j^V 'T^rr^ pakd,l, f. dressing, ripeness, s. ^i^^AX^. ftlenc}^ pik-bandhu, m. the mango tree. s. (Shi^. rMofc«jin1 pih-hayanl or rM«»^«il pihr- " baini, f. possessing a voice like the kokila. $. ijj*^. M«iiM«i pakpan, m. ripeness ; canning, cleverness, expertness. s. Oy^\JLSi.V:f^f!S^pahti-shult m. inflammation of the bowels, cholic. s. (c3Jti>x) pahdandi, f. a footpath, d. j>^. H TjoRfn pflAwa, n. to be dressed or cooked ; to ripen ; to suppurate (as an inflammation, boil. &c.) ; to turn g^ey (hairs). ». ^. "*rgi;?a/cwa, ripe, cooked, mature, perfect ; able, shrewd ; grey (the hair) ; digested, pakwdshay, m. the abdomen, the stomach, pakwa-krit, m. the nimb tree, the leaves of which are used to induce suppu- ration, s. f^^>. "T^i^TfT pukwdn or t|ghl^ pakrvdnna, m. sweetmeats, victuals fried in melted butter or oil, cookery of any kind. *. \3\jX^ V <* «< V^pakndndyJi. to cause to be dressed or cooked ; to cause to ripen. *. [cooking, h. ij^\^. M«*m^ pahrvdyl, f. price paid for X) qctTisT pafiord, m.l a kind L)^ {jjy^^. ^«l?l^ pnkofi or ''rs^'ii pa kauri, {. . a kind of dish made of peameal ^ ( 201 ) -h ,^,'^^pokh {i:oryr^paksha,q.y.)fm. a pe- riod of fifteen days, fortnight, half a lunation ; two ; assistance, protection, s. [of a bow. d, O'l^.TT^^T pakliatu, m. the horn or corner V>.l^. TTSTCfTT pakhama, a. to wash. s. J^^.'frm^ pakhal, f. la large leather ^l^^ TT^TigT pakhala, m. J bag for carrying water usually double, and thrown over the back of a bullock ; also a leathern bag for raising water from a well. s. iJ^x> V:WJ^ pahhali, m. a water-carrier, s. i^X^f-:), V!WJ^ pahhan (Jor paJihan),\ ra. a \j l^^. TT^T»n pakhana, J stone, s. ^j{^/^WT^^ pakharvaj, f. a kind of drum, a timbrel, h. j-s-jl^. MIslNaf) pakhdrvaji, m. one who " beats the pakhdwaj ; a drummer, h. S "'I^HT paghaiyd, m. a trader in cloth, iron, &c. /*. Ux^. "TfiRT pagiyd, f. a turban, h. {y>.'^^pal, ni. a moment; the sixtieth part of a ghari or dand (2 J pals are equal to one minute). pal mdrte, immediately, instantly, in the twinkling of an eye. pal mama, to wink, to move the eyelid, p. ^y^^.pul, m. a bridire, an embankment, a cause- way, pul-guxar, a bridge toll, pul handhna, a. (to make a bridge) to limit ; to abound, p. ^. TT^ paid, m. a spoon, ladle for taking out oil, &c. ptild, m. a small bundle of plants or sticks, h. \l),ar ami pilla, a. hastaxd, h. ^. Pm^I pilld, m. a pup, a whelp, cub ; ^ 'T37/?a^/a, m. space, distance ; assistance ; a border of cloths ; a sheet (generally applied to chintz or shawl) ; a bag ; labium vulva ; one shutter of a door, &c. ; border, margin, h. ^ palld, m. one scale (or side of a pair of scales), palld-bdndhnd, to enter the lists against an enemy, palld-kash, partial, palld-kasln, partiality. palle par klst ke and, to assist, 'to favour, to side with any one. palle-ddr, a porter who has bags to carry burdens, palle-ddrl, f. the business of a porter, p. ti^. ""I^T^ paldd, m. f. a Rdkshas or demon, male or female, s. [humojir. «. iJ>^.. "T^STf^T paldgni, m. the bile, the bilious /j>>^. pulds, m. very coarse cloth, p. O**^- ^C^T^f palds or paldsh, m. a tree so called, on which the lac insect feeds {^Butea frondosa). palds piiprd, m. the seeds of the Butea frondosa, used in medicine, s. j^^^. Vc^l^ll paldsi, m. name of a village "(vulg. Plassey), famous for one of our earlier Tictoriett in India, s. tj^^. M^l^l paldsh, m. a tree (see palds). Bj^^y^':^^ TI^T^d*^ paldshdkhya, m. assa- foetida. s. [clinata ; the palds tree. t. cii««»^. Mc6I^Ie|i paldshak, m. curcuma re- i^'^,. "TcST^'t paldshl, f. lac ; m. a goblin j a sort of mimusops (m. kauki). t. (ji*^^. JTT'^ pldksha, m. the fruit of the hi- biscus populneoides. s. (^"^l ''l^'T paldn, a space of ground between two occupied lots, left for future disposal. &. -h ( 202 ) ^^ ^j)>^ patan, ^ m. (corruption of palan), a \jy^. palanUf J packsaddle. p. ^^J ^Q5T»n palana, a. to run away, to flee, to escape. «. [ply with drink, h. ^^. f^T5n»n pilana, a. to cause to drink j to ^^l ^d&l^T palanna, a. to saddle a horse or bullock, p. fcVJ^. ",pilpil, m. pepper, p. ^Jj^b fiTcJf^Tc^ pilpild oi- Mc^Mc^l pulpuld, soft, flabby, flaccid, h. U^ljjb. fXlQ&rMc^MI pilpildnd, a. to soften, h. IJ^Jal.^. '3^''Iq5T«TT pulpuland, n. to fear, to dread ; to take a morsel into the mouth, and from the want of teeth being unable to chew, to turn it about, h. " ■ ■% ^bki.) fVj^sfTI^l^ p Up ildha t , f. softness, h. s^k^b. Mi^\i^\'^Z pulpuldhat, f. fear; the act of turning about a morsel in the mouth, h. Cl*i> snr plut, m. the protracted utterance of a vowel, being three times the length of a short vowel, s. U^U>\^)tr^r'ninT«n(also "q5S31Hll.*TT) palthd (OT palfhd)marnd, n. to sit down on the ground resting on the buttocks, h. [the buttocks, h. ifi^F^ ^^"ll palthi, f. a mode of sitting on ub ^I^TT paltu, m. turn, stead, exchange, recompense, revenge, retaliation, h. IJIaI) ""fT^TT*!! paltdnd, a. to cause to turn, to convert, h. \3l^Ui> XC^ZT 1«rT«il paltu khdna, a. to turn over head and heels ; to overturn, to be tilted, to re- bound. /{. \l^\^paitd-lend(\ , palat-L)fto reyenge,8i.c.h. ,^ . J ub '^onn^ paltdw or paltd,o. m. contradic- tion, reaction, rebound, h. ujuciLJ-) "^^SZ^Sm palat-lend or paltd-lend, a. to take in return, to revenge, to exact retribution, h (^P^. V^^Z^paltan, f. a battalion, a regiment, h ^-kJ^, T[^ZA\ palatnd,j\.io return, to turn back ; to retreat ; to overturn, to rebound ; to change, h. OiUl^jib ^(§Z\ mxin palthd-mdmd, n. to sit down on the ground resting on the buttocks, h. J'^.'^f^^mpulijythatland which is cultivated for every harvest, being never allowed to lie fallow, h. ^^'- f^T^r^«TT pilachnd, n. to adhere, h. V^b '^l^S^ palrd, m. a scale, i.e. one side of a pair of scales, h. ijtj^.f^lW^P^h^) ^- ^ '^'"^ of forced meat h. C->L*b pllsdt, f. yellowness, yellow hue. d, ]o]JJJ»^y> pul sirdt or puli sirdt, m. the bridge, over which Musalmans pass into paradise. — N. B. the wicked are sure to fall thence into the bottomless pit. p. a. C*..tA> pilisht, polluted impure, unclean ; (met.) f. an adulteress, a strumpet, p. ^-^^f "*Iq5«B palak, f. the eyelid ; a moment ; palak daryd, m. clouds ; pdlak mama or -mafiearM, a. to wink. p. <-1AI) tf^jfoRTT pulkit, joyful, rejoiced, s. (jiiid) JTBJ plaksha, m. waved-leaf fig-tree (Ficus infectoria) \ another tree {Hibiscus populneoides); the holy fig-tree {Ficus religiosa); one of the seven Dwlpas or divisions of the world. «. i<^l ^Oi^dl pulki, m. a sort of Kadamb {Nauclea cadamba), s. (iAi trf^S^ pulin, m. an island of alluvial formation, a small island or bank left in a river upon the falling of waters. «. ^?. f^lQ5«n pilnd, a. to attack, to assault ; n. to be bruised, thrashed, trodden, pressed, ground, t, ^l '^l^'^palndf n. to be reared j to be fatten- ed, to thrive, s. jJJib. ^rf^j^ pulind, ra. a barbarian, an outcast, one inhabiting mountains and forests, t. ^tXib V^^ir^pulhidd, m. a bundle, a parcel, h, i.fXib "ToS^ palang, m. a bed (without cur- tains), a bedstead, palang-posh, m. a coverlet, a coun- terpane : this last compound is commonly called a " palampore " by Europeans, palang tin chor, " the bed and three thieves," the constellation called " Charles's wain " (B.) p. tL^) palang, m. a tiger, a panther, a leopard, palang-afgan, tiger killer, a fierce warrior, p. tjjjil iHq5^, puling or Mft^^ pullinga, the masculine gender, s. jS'jCil) Tj'^^^ palangrl, f a small bedstead, k ^. C 203 ) \m a worm. s. jjClb. palangt, of or relating to a tiger, tiger- "like, fierce, ferocious, p. j^_. 5R plav, m. a diver, a bird so called (.Pe- licanus fusicollis) : waved-leaf fig-tree (Ficus infectoria) ; a sort of grass {Cypertts rotundus) ; fragrant g^aaa in general, s. ^ Mi^cf pallav, m. a sprout, a shoot, a branch with the leaves attached, s. ^'^^^pallu, m. the hem of a garment, the border of a garment. p Ti^m^ palwar, m. a kind of boat of 15 to 20 tons burden for carrying goods ; applied chiefly to the slow heavy craft in the Sunderbuns : it is consi- dered to have come originally from Dacca, h. t>j\j^ "^T^^nft palwari, m. a boatman, people belonging to a boat or palwar. h, O^^. "*T^5^«n palmana, a. to cause to be reared or nourished, s, l^y^ Tf^Zl pallauiha or palautha, first-born (q. d. pahila utha or pahld ufha). h. li)^, ij^^eii pallavak, m. a kind of fish {Cyprinus denticulatus). t. (J^ Ti^s^gf palrval, m. the name of a plant (Trichosanihes dioica, Roxb,). palwal-lati, the plant of palwal). s. [tion. s. ^j^^j 3R«f plavan, m. a deluge, an inunda- «b palla, m. a side (as of scales), (v. palla). p. «l> pula, soft, tender ; hollow, d. Vji) fjTfT pliha, f. the spleen (v. pliha). s. \Jl^> ir55^*n pulhana, a. to persuade, s. ^j;^ f5I^ plihan, m. the spleen. «. \jvx^^ "Tf^fl^ pathinda or palihndd, m. \ (_f jJk^. Mftj^Uil palhindi or palihndi, f.J a shelf upon which water-pots are placed, a place where water is kept. h. j_^ f^^% pilaff f. the spleen ; a disease "from enlargement or inflammation of the spleen. «. ^l ""T^^ p«^i> f- a ladle used to take out oil "with. h. jjj. Tj^ palli, f. a small village j a house "lizard, h. [of a tree. A. ^^^. "^^X pala,i, f. a young branch or spray OkAb paUt (for palld), polluted, unclean, p. Ookb M<:jj1rf paht, m. a ghost* spirit of the deadl h. ^JuJj Tl^rhrr paUta, m. a match (of a gun) ; a candle, palita chap-jana, to flash in the pan. p. (^^jub MqSVIW palethan, m. dry flour laid under and over bread when it is rolled, palethan pakdna, to contrive the ruin of any one. palethan nikalna, a. to beat severely, k. tiob piUd or palid, unclean, polluted, p. (^tijd) palidi, f. uncleanness, excrement, p. ^aX) tj^SW pale,o, m. soup , pounded rice or flour put into soup to thicken it. palev or p xniT pana, a termination added to words to denote trade, state, or condition (also the same an pan), iLajauhart-pana, the trade of a jeweller, h. U> Tj^ punna, a. to abuse, revile, h. U? xn^ pannd, m. a beverage; the upper part of a shoe ; a termination answering to pan, q.v. h. Ix). "T^ pannd, m. an emerald ; a leaf. s. U> fxi^l pinna, m. a cake of mustard-seed remaining after the expression of the oil, which is given to cows, &c., for food. s. IjU). TJHKT pandrd, m.\a. drain or pipe by (CjUj. TTrTT^ pandrl, f.J which water runs oflf from the roof of a house, a spout. «. ti)Uo. frnrrcS pindk, m. the bow of Shiva, a musical instrument of one string shaped like a bow, the trident of Shiva, s. iU.)^ filHicfil pindkif f. a sort of viol. s. cl/lb. V!^(PJpun7idg, m. a tree from the flowers of which a yellowish dye is prepared (Rotleria line toria). s. ^Uo "TrfT^ /jawa/a, m . | (seepandt'i) ; a spout. jJU> micjil pundl'i, f, J joawafi pama, to be "very fat (a horse), s. Ui ( lili^, iTrTRT panana, a. to cause the milk to come into the udder of animals, h. slj^. panah, f. shade, shelter ; protection ; asylum, refuge, pandh-dih, a protector, panah kisi se mangna.to seek protection, to avoid; used in comp. as jahdn-})aiidli , ii8y]am of the world, your Majesty, 'ada- lat-pandh, refuge of justice, your Worship, p. ^CiT?. "^piPf^ pan-batta, m. a betel-box. h. jjui). pumha, m. cotton, pumba ba-gosh, deaf (lit. having cotton in the ear), pumba-dahan, silent in company, taciturn ; mealy-mouthed, pumba-doz, a carder of cotton, p. ll^juO. "T^T^T^ pnn-hhatia, m. a mixture of water and boiled rice (for drinking), h. ^j^^fj*^. "^^H^T^ panbhatta, m. a betel-box. h. ^^jUjj pumba,l, made of cotton, p. liljii^. Tnn«n pnmpana or II^^IMI panpana, a. to cause to flourish, to promote the prosperity of ano- ther; to refresh (little used), h. Ijul) TfflTjtTF fanapna, a. to commence in- creasing in bulk (a man, tree, &c.) ; to prosper, to flourish, to thrive, to shoot, to be refreshed, restored, li. ^Uajo fTT«Tf^*n»n pinpinana, n. to twang, to whiz. h. ci^jfclijuo iTnrftnn^ pipinahat or ^nnm^ panpandhat, f. the whizzing of an arrow or shot. A. '^j^. "T^H^ pantawa, m. a kind of sweet- 204 ) ^, j4^- "T^T panjar, m. or panjri, f. a rib. *. j4^-- f^V^U. pinjar, 'I m. a cage ; a trap, pinjrd meat. //. .F^J^. "^^^ panth, ^m. a road ; a sect, a reli- \^ix>^ ^^7^ panthd,} gious order, s. j^^j^ib Mriql panthl, m. a traveller ; a sec- "tary, afollower of any peculiar sect or master; generally used in comp., as kablr-pantht, a follower of Kabir. s. ^. "'J^jown;, m. an aggregate, the whole, a heap. ». jjp. panj, five, naye panj, of five years old. male panj, of ten years old (these applied to horses only), panj 'aibi shar'l, very vicious (possessed of five vices, i.e. robbery, adultery, gaming, drunkenness, falsehood), pa/ij-aya^, the five chapters of the htr,dji, which are read during the mourning of aMusalman. panj tani pdk, the five holy persons, i.e. Muhammad, AH, Fdtima, Hasan, omA. Husain. p. i^lrpv panjab, m. the country inhabited by the Sikhs, so called from its being watered by five rivers, p. j^l^- panjabt, of or belonging to the Punjab ; " the language of the Sikhs, p. \j\:^y> panjara, m. a cotton-carder, d. CJw*W^ JJ panj angushtj m. einq-foil. p. l\^.- panj ah, fifty, panj ahum, fiftieth, p. f,^^.- f^f^Z pinjat, m. the concrete rheum of the eyes. s. j^y (^y< pinjar, yellow, tawny, reddish yellow; m. a bay orchesnut horse ; yellow orpiment t. jar, j jra,} ^jT' fs^^i pinjra, J hona, n. to be or grow lean. s. t//*^- ^yO panjari, f. a rib. $. ijl»*» A^ panj sal, m. five years ; a five-year old (horse), p. &)Uttj^^^an;-5a^a,offiveyear8,quinqueniiial.j». &Axl#v panj-shamba, Thursday, p. ^-'^^ S^.panj-*aib,\ery vicious (v.^a/y). p.a. »>^- '^^r^ panjika, f. the register or journal of Yama, the record of human actions. «. *>^v Pt| r^ cftT pinjiha, f. a roll of cotton from which the thread is spun. t. 8^i\S<^.' panj-gana,^\e^o\di. p. s^^^^t ^anj-^os/ta,1 five-cornered, pentan- U^- panj-guna, J gular, quintuple, five- fold, p. AXj^ panj-ganj, the five senses, the five stated daily prayers enjoined on all good Musulmdns ; the name of a collection of five treatises on Arabic Grammar, p. [grass, used as a vessel. *. ^J^v f^T^^t pitijH, f. two blades of kusa ^.- panjnm, the fifth, p. (j^-- fMyff pinjan, m. a bow used for clean- ing cotton, s, O**.^" ^^^pinjush, m. the wax of the ear. ». O^'- f^T^S pinjul, m. the wick of a lamp. s. ii.M- panja, m. a claw, the bunch of fives ; a sort of link or torch resembling the five fingers, which is also called ;)an;-s/iaMa. a hand made of ivory, &c., to scratch the back, panja-phernd, to overcome, to overpower, panja-k., a kind of wrestling wherein the antagonists lock their fingers together, panja-kash, m. an iron instrument resembling a hand, with which wrestlers exercise themselves by locking their fingers into those of the instrument ; a kind of bread bearing the marks of five fingers, p. I;^^^- i^f^*ll'aici*f panchawan, fifty-five. h. Oo.UH Tj^niir panchdyat, f. a meeting of any particular society, generally as a court of inquiry ; a jury, an inquest, originally consisting of five mem- bers, panchdyati-jati, an arbitration by persons of the same caste as the litigant parties, panchayati' khdngl, a domestic settlement of family quarrels, Sec panchdxjati-sarkdr , a court held by public authority. panchdyat-ndma, the written award of a court of arbi- tration, s. fj-;}-^^" ^'4\^A\ panchdyatt, f (same as paii- " chdyat, q. v.); also relationship, afSnity: the sentence or award of a panchdyat court, s. lils^- "T^nn panchata,, f. death, dissolution of the five elements of the body. s. yi^^'' "T^iTi^ pancha-tatwa, m. the five ele ments or principles according to the Hindus, viz. fire, earth, air, water, and ether or space ; the five essentials of certain rites, s. trg'f panchatra, a fee or duty of five per cent, levied from a successful litigant. «. X(^;fS( panchatwa,m. death,dissolution. s. i^i^^' W^!^ panchadas or panchadash, the fifteenth, s. [fold. *. Ubtij^- "'TiVT panchadhd, in five ways, five- dlsfH TiM«K panchak, f. a bowstring ; adj. five, relating to five, made of five, &c. ; m. an aggre- gate of five. s. i^^.-Tj^r^ panchak, taxes levied by the za^ minddrs, over and above the fixed revenue, h. i^^^>sf*ixi^W^punchakhan,a\sopanchakhand, consisting of five floors or stories (a house, &c.). «. iS^- "T*!'^^ pan-chahkif f. a water-mill. s. eJ^yX^.-r(^^U[^ pancha-gavya, m. five things derived from the cow, as, milk, curds, &C. ». ki:cH T^y^'ST panch-lard, consisting of five rows or strings (a necklace, &c.). h, t/\LfH 'T^^S^ panchlari, f. .a necklace of five rows. *. ^jsrH ^^H pancham or panchama, the fifth ; m. name of a rag ; also of a sur, or musical note. «. ig^^- "Ti'ft jhinchaml, also panchamtn,f. the "fifth day of the moon. *. l3ys^.- Tf^itliX. panchotara, m. a transit duty of five per cent. ; a deduction from rent, &c., of fivo per cent. ; a custom-house, a toll-house, s. \jtj^,'tl^XJor'^W^tJ^ punchord, m.an earthen vessel with a narrow neck, and having a hole in the bottom. When filled with water and the mouth stopped, no water flows from the hole below till the hand, or whatever stopped the mouth, be removed (it is used as an experiment to illustrate the doctrioe of the hon-m- vacui by the followers of Aristotle), k. ^.js^- X(^panchon, m. associates, friends, s (Jl^wJ.jsr^- Tj^rf^fw pancha vinshati, five' and-twenty. s. [the twenty-fifth. * JkLl3jjs;H xraN^lfinnT panchamnshatUam^ ^l^.srH q»di^l panchhdld, m. the tail of a paper kite, s . i^'S^- "^^ panchht, m. a bird. «. 1^, pand, m. advice, admonition, moral maxim, p. ^. ( 2m ) ltH *s3aj pinda, young fruit just formed, d. Si^^pindar (root of pindashtan), m. thought, imagination ; pride, self-opinion ; (in comp.) imagin- ing, &c. pandar, one who takes or listens to advice, p. jijj^iJk) pandrav.ara, m. a fortnight, d. jjiiJ^. T?f^^ pandrah, fifteen, pandrahrvan and pandrahwin, the fifteenth. ». [wheedle. A. U^i3J0 ^Vq5T«TT pandhlana, a. to coax, to 3Jj, ^niJ pand, rn. a catamite, a eunuch. «. 6^„ TTOS pandu, m. the name of a sovereign of ancient Delhi, and nominal father of Yudhis^thira and the other four Pdn4ava princes. «. tXI> f^ns /)/nc?, m. body, person; balls made of flour or rice, and offered to the manes, at a religious ceremony of Hindus : they are afterwards thrown into the river or given to cows, pind pafna, to follow, to pursue, to be intent on. pind chlmj-and, to avoid, to escape, pind-pushp, m. the flower of the asoka tree (Jonesia asoca); the China rose; a lotus; a flower {Tabernamontana coronaria). pind-pushpah, m. a pot- herb {Chenopodium album), pind-phald, f. a bitter gourd, pind-tailak, m. incense, olibanum. pind-ddn, m. presentation of the obsequial cakes, pind-gos, m. gum myrrh, pivdmusta, f. a sort of grass {Cyperus pertenuis). pind-mul, m. the carrot {Daucus carota). pind-vlj, m. a flowering shrub {Oleander odorum). s. \jjj. pinda, m. body, person ; a lump of clay ; a bundle or ball of string ; balls of flour or rice (vide pind). s. \i!JJo tniJT panda, ni. a minister or priest who presides at the temple of an idol ; f. wisdom, science, t, (_ffj0^iljJj, ftri^f>|oFn!t pindddhikarl, m. the superintendant of a funeral, usually the nearest relation, to whom belongs the right of presenting the funeral cake. s. {_flora). s. j^^. f'niJ'R pindar, m. a *ree (Trewia nudi- UXL). ftRKKT pinddra, m. a plunderer, pil- lager (among Marhattds). h. ^\Sx>. r^4|3Tc5 pinddlu, ra. name of a fruit {Trewia nudiflora, Lin. ; Rottlera indica, Willd.) ; an esculent root, described as sweet, cooling, and diuretic; (in Dakh.) yam. s. [coot, the diver, h, j^jjo '^7!3^ pandubi, f. a waterfowl, the ij:^ jjj. xrf5[R7T pandit, m. a learned Brahman ; adj. learned ; an honorary title signifying doctor or philosopher. Tlie pandits are the only men who un- derstand the Sanskrit, the language in which the an- cient writings of the Hindus are composed, s. ^\5 JJJ TlfjpiTT*!^ panditam, f. the wife of a " pandit, s. [larship. s. ^JfXi^j:>^ TrftpTTI^ pandita^t, f learning, scho- «3l»-Oiia>. pandit-khana, m. (a corruption of handt-litflna) a prison, lock-up house, h.p, ijX>,SX>,Ti;j^'^Mpu7ida7-ik, m. the elephant of the south-east quarter ; a sort of snake {amphishana) ; a sort of leprosy ; a white lotus, s. cibjjijo. ij4K '7?^^ pinduh, m. a turtle-dove. s. {jj'^^. phidri also (..jji^ pinfi, the leg, shin ; calf of the leg. h. d. ^jjj. f^i!2c«5l pindila, f. a sort of cucumber {Cucumis madraspatanus). s, (J^, fMllJdil pindti, f. the calf of the leg. h. jSJJ>, pandu, fruit in general, d. ^jj^Sl^^TUa:^ pandurt, f. the name of a bird . {Falco). h.^ Jj r(|4{^(jS pindol, f. a kind of white earth (used for whitewashing walls), pindoli, f. orts, leavings of a meal. s. ij^. fm^pindiff. the upper part of a Shiva- ling ; a lump of any thing that may be contained in the fist ; a small clue or ball of string ; a small altar of sand a cubit square, on which oblations are offered to the manes of deceased persons ; the same as pind, balle made of rice, &c., offered to the manes ; a long gourd {Cucurbita lagenaria) ; a sort of palm {Phaeuix dactyli- fera); a flowering shrub {Tabernamontana coronaria, flor. plen.) s. tiijo.jJo fq qti^lc^l pansald, > water is provided ^LJo, Hififl^ pansalld, J for passengers. $. 8»jLJo ^E^ism punstwa, ™' semen virile; viri- lity, t^ ^2\y■^. ^*"l«T ptimavan, m. a festival held on the mother's perceiving the first signs of a cocoeption. s. 4^p^«jj xjif^tf pansOyi, f. a small boat so called, vulg. panchway, h. ijjj;,*^, VhO panserit f. a weight or measure of five sers. h. ^J1(^^ vf^ panshchihna, m. the ppms. c ;^Ju> ( 207 ) *jj (.iU^. "TU pank, m. mud, mire, clay, patik- prahha, f. the hell of mire, pank-dhum, m. a division, of hell, pank-shukti, f. a cockle, pank-kir, m. a lap- wing, pank-grdh, m. the makar, a marine monster. pavk-garak, m. a small fish {Macrognathus pancahis). pank-vds, ra. a crab. s. ;OoJ truT^^awAar, m. an aquatic plant (^Val- lisneria, also Trapa bispinosa), s. Vf-J (^. tjrfSinnT pankaprd, m. soft cloth wetted and applied to a wound or sore." *. h. (-5^^- ^'^ panktl, f. a line, a row ; a stanza of four lines of ten syllables each. s. ff^.- M^M pankaj, m. a lotus, s. j^jr^.- '^S'***: pankrickar, m. an osprey. «. j?C^ x l > q^Vif? punnakshatra, m. an asterism under which males are procreated, s. <_^^XjJ pankukri, f.1 t-^.. I. - fa water hen. rf. \jx*). pankawwa, m. J '^v^ ^^ ;'««M, m. a feather, wing. s. ^4^. ''T^ ponkha, m. a fan. s. ^^-J^x^TT^Tt/^awA/in, f. a petal, flower-leaf.A. c.54^. ^'f^ pankht, f. a small fan ; a bird. s. i,S^rH- ^^^ pankht, f. a kind of woollen cloth, " which comes from the hillj countries, h. U^^. "Qf^TT pankhiya, f. a small fan ; m. a kind oi fakir who fens every body ; a wicked man. s. ^^^l f^Ttcnl pinAi (for pinak), f. intoxica- "tion from eating opium ; drowsiness, nodding, h. TijiM^^^p^pankeruhym. the Indian crane, s. tfXo. fil^f ;?m^, tawny, ping-chakshu, m. a crab, ping-kapisha, t. a cockroach. ». lLXx^. 'TW pangu, lame, a cripple. «. tf-^. q^T pannag, m. a serpent. ». lC;j T?^ panga, lean, soft, delicate. «. U-l^. m'll^l pangacha, m. a field covered and saturated with water. A. ^^_)*»Ull^. TT^TO pangas or f^^T^ pfngash, m. name of a fish (^Silurus sagittatus Buck or Pimelodius pangasius). h. •— *^;. ^W^ pangat, f. a row, or line. s. \;iCjj. x;-^rf(j panguta, f. deformity, lameness, s. ^JXJJ fiI^'5f/)/«<7M/, m. art of measuring verses; name of a fabulous being in the form of a serpent, to whom a treatise on prosody is ascribed ; adj. tawny, pale ; the fifty-first year of the Hindu cycle. *. ^jXx), ij^q5 pangul, m. a horse of a glossy or silvery white colour, t. ^^j^. M^Q5! pangla, bandy-legged, lame. s. DJLkjj, fq^fc^'cM pingalika, f. a sort of crane, s. j^H '^ pangu, {for pangu, q. v.), a cripple, lame, &c. t. ^^y^., ^T'lt^ft pan-goU, f. chicken-pox. ^ Sj^f^K^ pingura\ ^\ f'^ r..- .. • -7- f "^- ^ cradle. A. iiy^iiJ. Ttra?Qn pingvla,) ^Cx> tJtT«r7 panghat, m. a passage to a river, a stair, a quay for drawing water. «. I^^^Xb iij^i:Tpa??<7/mra,1 m. a cradle, same tJJ^^JO. ^t^Tpa»<7/t?//a,J as jom^Mm, &c. A. i-L^J^. ^qJ^ pun-ling, m. the male organ ; the masculine gender, t. j^, punam, i-eligious merit, the reward of merit in futurity, d. i*Jo punim (v. hadr), the full moon. d. jU^. ^HHIt: panmar, a soil submerged so as to be incapable of cultivation. ». iv»JO panmalla, m. a betel garden, d. jl^^ x(^JXpanwar or punwar, m. the name of a plant {Cassia obtusifolia) ; name of a raj-put tribe « ^lyj. q«CKl panwara, m. a story, tale, fable. A. ^\y*^. TTJmtT panwara, m. a plate or dish made of leaves, s. {jj^yi^. 4=fn!t panwari or M«i4lH ^^rft^n panwariya, m. a bard, a lj^y>^. TJiSTTTF 7^a«wa.ra, m. a story, fable, tale. h. i^j\<^^ ^^ddl paranjori, f. a betel-garden, s. bj^y^. wff^n panwariya, m. a bard, a story-teller, h. Oly^. q«fc(|«{T punwana, a. to cause to be abused or reproached by another, h. ^yj. q«f)<$1 panola, land watered after ploughing, h. [repeatedly. $. sj^, vm puna, again (see pun), puna-puna, Vf^, panha, wide, broad, spacious, p. \jl^. qtffKT panhara, ra. a man who carries water in pots on his head. s. ^JJl^. ttrf^TPCfT panharm, \f. a woman who (_^l^. qn^lTCt panhdrl, J carries water on her head ; a faithless person, promise-breaker, s. ^l^. pinhdn, secret, hidden, concealed, p. b^-b VHi^'MT jp«n/mwa, a. to cause the milk to come into the udder of animals, h. IS\^, fm^HI pinhdna, a. to dress, to put on (clothes), h. j^l.^. pinhanl, f. concealment, secrecy, p. ' \j^^ auo TTtf: ijiTT puna-puna, f. the Punipun river in Behar. «. VtH *^*i^L^. Vff n^MT^ panhit/a,i, afflicted with the fluor albus. s. [slipper. «. (JA^ panhtn, f. (the same as panhi), a ^. TnpT punya, m. virtue, a good action ; ** fame ; adj. pure, holy, righteous, punya-bhu, or punya- hhumi, f. the holy land of the Hindus, bounded on the north by the Himalaya, on the south by the Vindhya, and on the east and west by the sea ; the mother of a male child, punya-phal, m. the reward of good actions. punya-trin, m. white kusa grass, pimya-ttrtha, m. a holy shrine. ^anya-dari/«aw, m. the blue jay. punya- sthan, m. a sacred place, punya-shil, virtuous, punya- karma, pious, virtuous, punya-gandh, m. the champak flower (Michelia champaca). punya-lok, m. paradise. punya-wan, virtuous, pious, s. [of Pathans. h. ^^. "T^ pannl, f. tinfoil ; m. name of a tribe ^ji. fvi^ pinnl, f. a kind of sweetmeat, h. \jX> xjfinn paniya, ra. water ; a water-snake, or any thing living in water, t. Ui) ^ipn punya (v. «^.), f. the commence- ment of collection for the new year. «. l*3Lb M4HilWI punyatmd, charitable, vir- tuous, s. \,l-JO ^ftniRT paniyara, inundated, s. ciJUl). frnprrar pinyak, m. assafostida. s. ^Ijkl) tif^ziT'SJT paniyala, m. the name of a fruit {Flacourtia catafracta). s. [water, s. \3LJo. tjf;TTn*n paniyana, a. to irrigate, to ^^Ijib tnnn^ punya,l, f. a virtuous action, performed (according to those who hold the doctrine of metempsychosis) in one state of existence, the re- ward of which is received in a future ti-ausmigration; merit of an ancestor rewarded in the person of bis descendants, s. Cl-Aja.) titflTT punlt, pure, clean, s. jjuo panlr, ra. cheese, panir-mdya, rennet, p. (CjjJo pantri, cheesy, or made of cheese, p. uiJ^JoO m1^* panirakAf. a young flower- i^j^. "TrlW panirt, J tree. h. fCi^i^ JTpft^ punyoday, m. good fortune, as reward of the meritorious acts of a former life. *. &Jo m^ punya, virtue, &c. (v. ^.); the first day of the collections, when the head officer of govern- ment in this department sits in state at the kachahri or office, and adjusts the amount of the revenue to be collected in the ensuing year. s. euJJ THW panya, m. any saleable article ; adj. saleable, vendible, panya-sala, a market, s. ^jjj ^i(t^ pamhd, m. a water-snake j any thing living in water, an aquatic animal, t. ^ po (same as j)ar), on, upon, at. d. ^l"^ pauy f. the one or ace on dice; a stand where water is provided for passengers ; an overflood- ing of low lands in the rainy season, pan pliatna, to dawn (the morning), h. 'yl Mtm pauwd, m. a quarter ; a weight or measure of a quarter of a ser. i. \y>^ iTt^ po,d, m. a very young serpent; a nursling of any animal ; a plant, s. IH ^^ pu,d, m. a pancake, s. ?r'^ P^''^^J} mean people (pi. of pdji). p. ]j"i^. pawdrd, m. narration or explanation of a story, d. ■ U'^. ^^y<9 puwdl, f. straw (also pojdr). s. Ui^_ Tft^T»TT po,dnd, a. to warm by the sun or the steam of water, to bask. ». i/^^^. ^*=ll|, pawd,i, f. a chain fastened to horses' legs to prt-vent their being stolen; chains with which the legs of a criminal are fastened; the leg of a boot or stocking, s. ^y>. "Vl pup, m. a cake. s. ^b^, inn^sft pupdU, f. a cake made of meal "or barley, half-baked or fried. *. ^.^. ^^^1 pupld, f. a sort of sweet cake, fried. », [out, toothless. A. '^.yif ^''cjl popld, one whose teeth are fallen L$v^.- ^^"l^ popnt, f. a wind instrument (of ** music) made by children of the seeds of mango and the leaves of the Borassus ; any wind instrument, h. l-ji.^.^ '^^^•TT po-phatnd, also pauphatnd, to break forth as the daylight, to dawn, po-phafi, t. daybreak, s. O^. TThT pot, f. a boat. 5. Oy. ^tlT pot, m. nature, disposition, quality; glass beads ; an assessment on cultivated fields, h. O^ tlTf put, m. a son ; the young of any animal, put-zamhura, m. a young monkey. *. C-J^^, T^fff puti, f. purity, purification, s. C^y>, tff^r! pavit, purified, cleansed, s. Oy^ fv^mt pivat, adj. drinking, s. \j^. xflTn potd, m. grandson, son's son. s. by, potd, m. the scrotum, the testicles, p. l.v>by, TTirnWT putdtmd, m. a saint, an ascetic ; a man of a cleauly person, or purified, t. J.^^ iTiT'qiQ^ put-phal, m. the jack-fruit, t. ^^xJy. iTfrnR^T puii-phald, f. a plant (Pso- ralea coy i I if olid), s. A^y "TfinficSt puti-phali, f. a medicinal "plant {Serratula anthelmintica). s, j^y. TTtinf potaj, m. an animal that produces young at once without the intervention of any medium; elephants and some other animals being supposed to carry the young without the aid of an ovarium or uterus, s. [son. «. Jy. "^t^ pautra, (v. potd), a grandson, son's J ») ^f^ pavitr or pavitra, pure, clean, free from sin, m. the brahmauical cord. t. ^H ( 209 ; (.y. |5^ Trfrrr pavitra, ra. a knotted piece of kusha grass used in purification, the brahmanical thread ; a string of silken beads, f. holy Basil (Ocy- mum sanctum); a river north-west of Haridwar, the Pabar ; the twelfth of the light fortnight of Shrawan, a festival in honour of Vishnu, s, )j»^ ift'rf'U potra, m. baby-cloths, clouts, h. \!> j^. xrf^^in pavitrata, f. purity, sanctity, s. ti)j^. TflpTl'Sir pautrik, belonging to a son, or a grandson, s. jcp^. ^Ti^ putn, f. a puppet, an image, s. jc y^, tjfVgf) paviti'i, f. a ring of Aws/ta grass {Poa cynosuroides), or of gold, silver, or copper, worn on the ring-finger and fore-finger by Hindus during reli- gious worship, (v. pavitra). s. ijy^. ^^h^ pautri, a grand-daughter, son's daughter, s. ^ *> Mtriil potra, m. baby-cloths, clouts, h. (_5^«> Tj^if^t potri, f. the after-birth /t. U-.ti!)^. ^fiT^nftSIT puti-shdrijd, f. the pole or civet cat. ». tiJoo "QfTToir puit'A, m. grey bonduc iCcesal- pinia boriducella). s. ,AjL2*K3y xrfiTojrr? puti-kdshth, m. a sort of pine {Pinus devadaru). *. [shell, t. ^^v^\^l o x^TranT^'a pTitikd-mukhf ra. a bivalve tii3io»^ Tjftroir^cir puti-karnak, m. fetid ul- ceration of the ear. s. ^)oy. q riy. pota (v. potd also /o^a), the scrotum, p. ^y ift^ poth, m. glass beads, nature, &c. (v. pot), h. VA5y 'it'n pothd, m. a large book especially a manuscript book written on long separate leaves of paper or palmyra connected by a string through the centre. ». [eyelids. «. ^^5y. '^i^vfwi pothki, f. red pimples on the ^)^y. Tft pot-gal, m. a reed {A9 undo tibialis) ; a sort of grass (Saccharum spontaneum). k. ^y H\^.'^^:zf^'W\potlikd,l small packet, h. ^y ^Z puth, m. the buttock, the hip. h. l^y tjTT puthd, m. the paper or pasteboard cover of a book ; (in Dakh.) pofha, m. the stomach ; the crop of a bird. *. U-y XjTiJjVijd, f. devotion, worshipping, Ve- neration, homage to superiors ; idolatry or idol wor> shipping (by Hindus). * j^fjU-y ^^\C\ pujdj'l, 'I a worshipper, an ij*X>-y>,'^^^pujak, J adorer, an idolater, a priest having the charge of an idol temple, t, CA?-y "'jf^/'wi'^ adored, worshipped, pujat, adj. adoring, worshipping, s. [of adoration. «. j^U>-y ^MHR pujamdn, venerable, worthy j^y THf^ pujan, m. act of adoration, &c. s. Uis-y «|»fHI pujnd, a. to adore, to venerate, (but being a Hindu word it generally means) to idola- trize ; to elapse, as time ; to be accomplished. $. &jui>-y T^nrN pujantya, worthy of adora- tion ; right worshipful, t. ^jjl»-»»-y qjfifHM pujyamdn, being reve- renced or respected, s. [father-in-law. t. dL^y TOf PMJyO't venerable, adorable ; m. a — y puck, absurd, obscene, inordinate, puch- go or puch-baf, an obscene babbler, pitch pa dar hawa, nonsensical, p. '^^yt- ^? puchh, f. inquiry, investigation, s. jlafi^^s-y puchh-pichdr, investigation disco- very, d. l^ft-bl^y M^IMI^I puchha^dchhd, m. in- vestigation, inquiry. » [terrogatlon. •. ,43$^^y '»^Mi4 puchh-pachh, f. inquiry, in U^^-y 1?[*n puchhnd, a. to ask, to inquire ; (in Dakh.) pochhna, to wipe, to dean. ». ^y, ( 210 ltA^^ T^ jtJMcAAi, f. the tail of a fish, «. LsT^.- P^^^>'h ^" insect, d. OU».^. puchiyat, foolish prattle, p. i5^. jjiirf, warp, web, cloth in the loom. p. jiiiii^. pod-dar (for fota-dar), m. a person ■whose business it is to assay coin, or examine whether it is sterling or not ; an examiner of coin ; also a cash- keeper, a clerk whose business is to reckon and exa- mine money, p. 0»i^. "iiTt^T podna, m.'l the name of a bird ^^, podina, m. mint (Mentha sativa). p. j3i ^^ P^'''* ^- *^^ space or interval between two joints or articulations (in the body, or of a bam- boo, sugar-cane, &c.). por-por, every joint s, J J^- 2^"^ (^" Dakh. por), m. a son. p. j^. ^ pur, a city, town, village; much used in comp., as Sultan-pur, Sultan's town, Kingston, s. J3^.- ^^ paur, f. a gate, door; m. a fragrant grass, h. \jyl Tj^ pura, entire, complete, exact, full^ perfect, total, ripe. pRrd-k., a. to fill, to reimburse, to fulfil, accomplish ; (in Dakh.) pora, m. a complete set or assortment of any thing, s. ciblj^. ", "^^ purht, f. the name of a ragint, sung before evening; adj. eastern, from the east; a kind of rice from the east of Bengal, s. [tion. d. ^jijyi p^i'>'-poTna, to discharge an obliga- C^j^ "^ftiT purit, filled complete, s. O,^. ^^ purtt or purtti, f. fulness, s. *J>J^l- ^^ purtti, adj. filling, completing, s. dL>^ C ^ ) j^. q) 1.^491 paurasahhya, m. fellow- citizenship, s. iS*jy>, ^'"' purush, m. man (see purush). s. {J^ji\ '^tW^ paurush, m. the height of a man idth both arms elevated ; virility ; semen virile, pau- rushta, f. manhood, manliness, s. *~il^ ^R purak, adj. filling, completing. $ Ujyt- ^ p^rna or ^n?!I puran, complete, per- fect, purn-patr, m. a full cup or vessel ; a vessel filled •with clothes or ornaments which are scrambled for by the guests at a festival ; a vessel filled -with 256 hand- fuls of rice given to the superintending priest at a re- ligious ceremony, puran poll, f. a kind of bread puma-kdm, satished, satiated, purna-kumbh, m. a ves- sel filled with holy water, used at the consecration of a king ; a full cup or jar. «. (i»J^ m?!I puran, adj. filling, completing ; m act of filling, making up; multiplication; a fragrant grass (Cyperus rotundiu). s, 13.^. TI^T puma, a. to weave (as a spider) j n. to be filled, chauk purTia, to make chequers or squares, s. a^\}ij^_ xfTBi^frT purnahuti or purnahut, f. the oblation presented at the conclusion of a religious sacrifice ; the final oblation, the consummation, s. ^ji{- ^X'5* q^T^ITT purvasharka, f. the first Ashafha, or ?"th lunar asterism, containing two stars, one of which is Alpha Sagittarii. s. J\5j^. ""1^1:^105 porwal, name of a mercantile caste of Hindus in Malwa. A. {^^jj}i ^^^ purvahna, m. the first portion of the day. s. j9. ( 211 ) ^9. Ij^Jj^l^j.y M^HI^Mt^l pwva bhadrapada, f. the first of two lunar asterisms called bhadrapada, the 26th of the whole, s. jxCi^J j.y. ■qfTBriT'ft furva-phalgum, f. the " first phalguni, or eleventh lunar asterism, figured by a conch, containing two stars, one of which is Leonis. s. fl-jjj-5. "tIiT purvaj, born before, elder, born in the east, purva-ja, m.pl. ancestors, the deified pro- genitors of mankind. *. c^^.O^.^. T^f ^f^cF paurva-dehik, belong- ing to a former body or existence, s. (jiJjj^^^H^^purvak, ■prior, before, preceding. 5. ciJjj^. vtf^oF paurvik, prior, primary, for- mer, s. yjjjj^. ^^fwCpurvottar, m. the north-east. s. d^xiSbjj^ T^Ttffm paurohitya, m. the office of family priest, s. i^jjy^. ^T^ purvi, of or belonging to the eastern region, oriental ; f. name of a rdgim in music ; a kind of rice from the east or Bengal, s. ( ^^^'Sl paurha, wide, broad, extensive, h. Ubjl^. x^TI paurha or tft7r porha, strong, firm. s. <-^*^'^- '^'^'t. pci^T^o,,i or lj^dl\ porha,t, f. strength, firmness ; breadth, s. [sleep, h. UjbyO . pozish, f. excuse, palliation, apology, pretence, pretext, t. sy^W.puzmal, m. a cord twisted tight round a horse's lip or ear to enable the farrier to manage him. p. t\y>_puza,ra. the lip (of a horse particularly), p. sSW., puzt, f. part of the ornamental accou- trements of a horse, p. ^j*>*) xm pus, m. the name of the ninth solar month, the full moon of which is near pus^ya, the eighth lunar asterism. s. a^M*^ post, m. crust, skin, rind ; poppy plant ; an infusion of the poppy formerly much used as a slow poison, post bar post, crust upon crust, or ■kin upcn skin. p. ,P*»yi^ postt, m. one who intoxicates himselt " with infusion of poppy-heada ; (met) a lazy indolent person, p. (J^jL.j^. posttn, leathern (garment) ; a fault, blemish, postln-doz, a furrier, or maker of leathern garments, p. U**»^ Ml 1^*1 1 posna, a. to breed, to rear, to educate, to nourish, to tame. t. Ly*ji pos^f (i" comp.) covering, wearing, as pa-posh, (covering the feet) shoes, slippers ; sabz-posh, clothed in green ; kulah-posh, wearing a bat or cap. p. O^^- ''^ push, m. the eighth mansion of the moon, containing three stars in Cancer ; the mulbenrj {Moms Indica). s. O^^- ^'^ posh, m. nourishing, cherishing, s. O^^. ■'^ paush, m. the ninth Hindii solar month (see pus), t. (.^Im>^. poshak, f. vestments, dress> habit, garments, especially costly ones. p. [(cloth), p. j/LS*^. poshaki, fit for making garments L— »j£»^. lit'*! paushpa, flowery, floral, s. ciLjS*^. T^WeF paushpak, m. the oxide of brass, used as a collyrium. a. ^^^^ "^xtxi paushpi, f. a name of the city **of Pataliputra or Falibothra. «. tilLi*^. t^^cF paushtik, preservative, pro- tective; nutritive. ». jjSji*^ poshish, f. dress, garments, vestment, concealing, covering, p. ciLi>^. xft^oF/?o.?AaA, m.a nourisher,cherisher.«, ji^SoS*^. qtMifcun paushharint, f. a large pond ** or reservoir, s. [fostering, cherishing, s. \j^9, "^1^^ poshan, m. bringing up, rearing, ^j^^. Ml mill poshna, a. to breed, rear, foster, cherish, tame. s. ij**y^ T^^ paushl, day of full moon in the "month paush or pus, s. ^^Jjt^^ poshidagi, f. concealment, p, ^jiia^j^. poshidan, to conceal, to hide, to cover or veil over. p. ld^j>, poshida, concealed, covered, p. ^Ubi»») xfttq poshya, adj. to be cherished. poshija-putra, m. an adopted son. poshya^arga, m. a class of persons or objects to be cherished, as parenta, children, guests, and the sacred fire, s, \^y^. pokrl, m. a blackguard, a low fellow. pokri-log, low, vile people (quere. Is not this word otf French or English origin ?). d. ^%>. ". "^t^MU pokhara,) a lake. s. ^'1^^^'^t^i^ pohhna (v.poshna), to breed, &c. p2 ^A ( 212 ) O^ i2J^. VT pug, m. the betel-nut tree {Areca faufel or catechu); a heap, a quantity; the fruit of the fsufel, the betel nut. pug-phal, m. the areca-nut. ». t!L>j^^ qil^jr pug-rot, m. the marshy date- tree {Phoenix or eZate paludosa). t. 5a^. "^t^np pogand, m. a boy from five to fifteen years old. *. Jo poZ, family, offspring ; a litter of cubs or young of beast or bird. d. J^. Tft^S pol, a court-yard ; a gate ; a ward or quarter of a tovra, having its own gateway, h. ^^- "'^ pula, m. a bundle of grass or straw. pule tale guzrdn kama (lit- to li'e under a bundle of straw), implies a very destitute condition, s. ^^. ""^t^ pola, m. soft, hollow, h. ^^t? polad or pulad, m. steel in general; the finest Damascus steel, which, with that of Kum, is esteemed the best in the East. p. J^. Tjt^^ polach (also policK)f land con- stantly under cultivation, h. tdJily^ xft^eR polak, m. strawbands at the end of a staS*, used with a charkhl to frighten and restrain a furious elephant, a. [ton. h. i^yii Mt<^1 poU, f. a term of abuse, simple- ily^^ poll, f. a honeycomb, d. ^fc) n^ putt, f. a small bundle of any grass "or straw, Sic. ; a small quantity of corn given at har- vest to village officers and servants, s. ij^yt ^St^ pault, f. a gate, a door. h. y^. ^"ftf^nn poliya or ^f^ill paidiya, a gate- keeper, a janitor, h, \Jo puliya, the poolias are persons who pro- fess a species of Muhammadanism, extremely corrupted by the Indian superstitions. The Muhammadan Arabs in India propagated their religion by buying slaves, to whom, after they had been circumcised, and in- structed in their doctrine, they gave their freedom ; the latter in time became a distinct people, inhabiting •the coast of India from Goa, round the peninsula to Madras : they go by the above name in Malabar, and by that of Coolies on the Coromandcl. d. tg^y!,. pulichi, m. a degraded race of men "who inhabit the forests of Malabar, where they are not permitted to build huts, but are obliged to make a kind of nest upon the trees : when they are pressed by hunger they howl, to excite compassion from those passing: the charitable deposit some rice or other food at the foot of a tree, and retire with all possible haste, to give the famished wretch an opportunity of taking it without meeting with his benefactor, d. Va^O Tft*^ ;?omc/ta, m. a shady kind of cloth, a dress from Jayanagar, h. ^»> "6 pun, m. a sound of the emission of wind backwards, h. ^y> ifhl paun or Tj^ pawan, f air, wind. pawan-byadhi, m. wind, as aflfected morbidly, or rheu- matism, &c. pawan chakki, f. a windmill, pawan, m. re- gent of the winds, and of the north-west quarter, pa- igan ha put, m. the son of Pawan, i.e the ape HanumSn. ». ^y "qT«Tp«MW, one quarter less (than any given number) ; three quarters, paun tin, two and three- quarters, s. iD^ f^T^^ pivan, adj. drinking, s. f^ylpun, m. a ferule or cap of metal ; mount- ing of a sword-hilt, walking-cane, &c. d. U^. xftTF pona, a. to make bread; to string (pearls), to tiiread (as a needle), h. U^^iJT^ pauna or pona, m. a spoon with holes in it like a colander, for skimming, &c. k. Jl3j^. ^ifHIoJ pavanal, m. a kind of grain {Andropodon saccharatus). s. U3 *> xJYjt ponta, m. snot, &c. (v. pota). h. jc-^y xifzi ponthl, f. a kind of small fish "(Cyprinus chyrsopareius, Buch.). s, ^f O. vsft punji, f. a capital in trade, stock, "principal sum. «. [riving, d. ,£y>^ paunch (for pahunch), f. arrival, ar- Ij^^. paunchna, n. to arrive, to come. d. ,^^0 tT5 punchh, f. a tail. s. jIaj^ »^. rf^Jl.punchhar, tailed, having a tail. s. ^)^A^y. xc^"^ punchhla, a tail. s. t^)^y!^. M7tik«i ponchhan, m. any thing thrown away after wiping ; a rag, &c. with which any thing is wiped, h. U^^ MY^tTT ponchhna or 'JSRT punchhnd, a. to wipe, to clean, to expunge, h. 1 J^O "^Hhn paunda, m. a kind of sugar-cane. s. ti)ii3y '^'^W paundrak, m. the pale straw- coloured species of sug^r-cane ; a man of a mixed caste, from the Vaisya and female of the distiller caste, whose business it is to boil sugar, s, ^iJ. . .33^. '(f!?!3<4^. y^. ■'J'n punau, \f. the day of the new UJ^^i ^*^ punoh, J moon. s. (jjyj^. ^'^^powanaun ( Braj. forpoiia, q.v.), to thread a needle, to make bread, &c A. *^y. ^T»T^ paunah, m. a spoon with holes in it like a colander, for skimming, &c. (see paund). h. (j,yl ^fpfi or Vnfi purii, f. rolls of cotton pre- pared for spinning, h. i^^."^"^ p fame, pre^xedi to a number denotes a quarter less, as paune tin, a quarter less three, or two and three-fourths, h. t3^H ^'^ pnuni, a collective name for the lower castes, such as barbers, shoemakers, &:c. h. ^y. '^J^puni/0, f the day of the new moon. s. JJ}i ^n^ pauTva, m. a quarter j a quarter of a ser. h. »y. ^^t^poh, f. dawn of day. h. >y. ''IT^ pauh, m. a stand where water is kept ready for travellers, h. ^Jv ^^^ poha, the cattle of a village, per- mitted to graze on waste land. h. \i^y>^ tf^^^ polidd, m. a young tree &c. h. \jj&y. xJI^^TT pohna, a. to make bread, h. f^y>_ Tj^ pavi, a dyke cut either to let water in or out. h. (^^y. "jft^ 7?o,e, f. la kind of vegetable (Ba- b^ xftTTT poya, m. J seZ/a aZfta veZ rubra), k. (jJb^. Tjilf(Jj5 puyalas, m. suppuration at the joints, white swelling, s. [der. h. ^ji\>/y. 79M,iiare or po,ldan, to run, to wan- Ijy tj^TT pavera, act of sowing seed by the hand. h. ^.^. ^Tr«T/?M^aw,\m. pus, matter, discharge, iOy. rmjpuya, J from an ulcer. 5. «jiO;?o?/aor|?y?/a,ra.acanterorhand-gallop.j9. (j«*)^_ TJ^^ ^o,is, inter, ho .' hallo! (calling to people in the road to get out of the way), have a care. p. ^. t^pha, the aspirate of the letter "^pa. iO TTt pa, (for par), on, in, at ; conj. but, yet, used chiefly in verse, h. [to grow luminous, h. iO x^ pah, f dawn ; pah-phatna, n. to dawn, cIjI^. W? phat, division of revenue, assess- ment among the sharers in joint tenantry, h. i^X>\^,WZ^pha(ak, m. a gate; a large shut- ter ; an obstruction, impediment, a check ; the bar of a court of justice, where the plaintiff and defendant take their station ; a watchman in charge of a gate, phapak- bandl, imprisoimient, safe custody, under lock and key. h. oJl^^ TRT7»n phatna, n. to be torn j to be broken, split, rent &c. «. jVv '^^'^^ pahar, m. a mountain, pahdr « rdten, long and tedious nights (especially of sorrow) *. ]j'^4v ^T^ phard, torn, broken, split, rent. s. U^.- ^^'^' pahard, m. (in arithmetic) the multiplication table ; a story or fable, ft. b^^=l^ TRR^T'TT phdr khdnd, a. to worry ; to bite and gnaw. s. [ravenous beast, s, 3^^^j^.- ■''RT^^T'ai phdr khd,u or 'kha,Of m. a ^*^. "W^'TT phdrnd, a. to tear, to rend ; to split ; to break ; to cleave (as wood). *. {^j^^ ^eisl pahdrt, f. a hill, a small moun- tain ; adj. of or relating to the hills. paMfl bhang, henbane, h. l^'l^, tT^lfd^T pahdriyd, m. a mountaineer} adj. belonging to the mountains, h. cL/l^J'. TSTT phdg, m. red powder thrown over one in the time of the Holi ; the act of throwing co- loured fwwders in the Holl, the gambols of the Holi (in Dakh.) the forms p/1^. Xfjn phdnt, m. a village register, h. Ijo\^. phdntd, m. a branch of a tree, a neck of land. d. ^\^^phdnj,a. noose, snare, &c. (y.phdndd). d. Uc^l^ phdnjnd, a. to chop, to score, d. 1^^.'^'^ phdnd, \m. a noose, a net; met, liVl^. TRT^ phdndd,) perplexity, difficulty, h. UiVl^. 'qit?[«fr phdndnd, to leap, jump, or spring over ; to imprison, to tie, to ensnare or entrap. *. ^j>:>^\^,x^i^ phdndi, f. a bundle ofSOorlOO sugar-canes, s. C^''^)* ^ (j»^^. ""RT^ phdhs, m. a splinter (of bamboo, a noose ; an impedi- ment; (in Dakh.) a ^^^v {j^^, W^ pJians, L-jl^^. TfiTTEn fhansa die for playing, s. U«ol^ ifiiffffl phansna, n. to noose ; to throttle, to choke ; to be perplexed ; to be impeded ; to stick (as in mud), s. ^_^^f "RiNrt phansi, f. a noose, a loop. "pkdnsl parna, n. to be banged, pkaiisi dena, a. to Htrangle, to hang, phansi lagana, a. to kill one's self by strangling. «. jUouol^. vsiM\i\\l.phanst-gar,\ a strangler, j-^i— ^^. "JRRrtTC phan^-gar, J a sneaking sort of highwaymen, of recent notoriety under the name of thags (vulg. thugs), who first strangle the un- wary traveller, then take possession of his money, &c. h. cilJl^. Xf!(mp]iank, f. a slice, or piece of fruit, h. "^^.W^ phankar, 1 m. a fop, a vain \jiS^_ iSi«|i3T phankra,) silly fellow, h. Uio'^, x^i:^:^ phankna, a. to chuck into the mouth from the palm of the hand (grain, meal, &c) ; to squander ; (in Dakh.) to elapse (as time) ; to vanish (as clouds, &c ). h. [fruit, h. ^ol^ W^ phdnki, f. a slice, or piece of J^l^ TfiToS^ pkankt, f. (in logic) an objec- "tion. 8. ^^\ "W^ phaw, m. a small quantity given above the quantity purchased, to boot. h. 'j3^i '^"^^^^ phawara or pha,ora, m. a mat- tock, a spade, a hoe. h. ijij^^^f M^i( phdfOfi, f. a crutch on which ajogt leans ; a piece of wood, or staff, with a support at each end, which is held in both hands and laid hori- zontally, in performing the exercise oidand; an in- strument like a small rake or hoe for removing a horse's dung, h, ^^ 'BI^ phdhd, m. a flock of cotton, wet with 'atar, or scented water ; a plaster, a pledget, h. "^•' ^ ^ * >-m. a plaster, a blister. idya, J ,™.-r , ^• iOX^^fmiphaya,) [dress, h. «— *^, 'HR' phab, f. embellishment, ornament, Ijio^. Wnn phabtd, pertinent, fitting, h. (SJ^. Uiid^ phabil, f. ornament, conjecturing " what a person is by his dress, phabti kahna, a. to say or conjecture by one's dress what sort of person, or of what caste, he is. h. UxjlA). 1^^*^ phabaknd. n. to shoot forth (as branches) ; to grow, sprout, h. [ment. h. ,.jM> TWI phuban, f. embellishment, orna- Vaa4> Mi^H T phabnd, n. to become, to fit. h. ^)uaA;i ihi|1^1 phablld, becoming, fit, proper, h. L_ /| ^^ TSij phup, V:^ pahup, or J^ puhap, a flower (v. pwftp). <. \}\ \ phupd, \ m. the husband of a paternal yxAi phupu, J aunt (v. phupphd). h. jO-^ ifiijciiii. phupkdr, f. bubbling, blowing or breathing into any liquid, h. ^r?^. Wfil phupphd, m. the husband of a pa- ternal aunt. h. ^ " ' 6 - .i 4 v ^"^^1 phaphsd, swelled; insipid, h. jK^^> MiifichK phuphkdr, f. the hissingr of a snake, h. [snake), h. 13,^^*4^. 4i4ictiiHI phuphhdmd, n. to hiss (a (_yt\A^^) ifi^h^l phaphuncti or i|ii*»<^*l pha- phundi, f. mould (on fruit, bread, &c., from damp- ness), h. [temal aunt. h. j ^^^l ■RiPI phuphu, m. the husband of a pa- i[j^J^. lAHilc^l phaphold, m. a blister, pha- phole phutne, n. to be blistered ; (it is figuratively ap- plied to the mind) ; hence it signifies to be afflicted. phaphole dilke phoftie, to satisfy a revenge that hat long been rankling in one's breast. «. ijS^^^jX^\_Xf!Cf^ phaphundi, f. mouldiness. h, ^e^f^i. i^Ufft phupphi, f. a paternal aunt ; "father's sister, h. (^^1«jL^-^> Tlftsmrrra phuphiyd-sds, f. the sister of a father-in-law. h, j**-»*»ljk^^^. Xf^Xfmjj^Tr^phuphri/d-suKur or -««< -sasur, m. the husband of a father-in-law's sister. *. uJk^A^ W^J phtipherd, ni.1 descended from or i.Jri:^^.''^!^!^ phuphe7't,i.} related through a paternal aunt, phuphera bha,i, the son of a patema. aunt, phuphert bahin, daughter of the same. A. d*^) XKffphut, interj. expressive of contempt, s. J<^, phattar, m. a stone, phattar ka, phul, lichen, rackraoss. phattar bandi, stone work, maamuj, paving, d. {jj^. phattari or phattrl, f. a flint, d. jKi^. Tfirichl^ phutkdr, arrogant, disdainful. «. cL*^' f^ phit, m. curse, malediction ; adv. fye ! phif-phif, curse on it ! fye upon it ! h, cL*^. xgs phut, separated, odd, unpaired, h. U^. T^ phatd, m. a crack, phate men pd,on dena, to interfere in any thing, h. liU^> fTfi2T»TT phitdnd, a. to beat up and mix, to froth, phutdnd (tr. oiphutna), to increase, &c. A. U'Oci*^. TRZTTpn phat parnd, n. to be pro- duced plentifully ; to become fat suddenly ; to be con- founded with too much business, asman phat papia, n. to rain hard. h. \JU^ju^. HiJMi^M T phatphatdnd, a. to shake or flap the wings, as birds just going to fly ; to give a sound, as the shoes of a person walking, h. uii^^. tSZW phatah or ififScd phatik, m. crystal. /(. tdU^. fififZflS phitik, a snare, net, cage. a. jKa^. fTBJsRK phitkdr, f. curse, malediction, removing something to a distance, h. (.li^. ( '215 0,Ka^. fifiJ<*R«Tr phitkarnd, a. to curse, h y^^. Mi<2ctiT phutkar, odd, unpaired ; sepa rate, disppr'^ phirtd-hdrd, m, a whirlwind, d. Ulb.15^. "ftfiCin ^^TT phirtd rahnd, n. to wan- der, to perambulate, to walk about. A. (it4^. fMi^ril phirtt, returning, homeward- " bound, phirtt ka bhafa, the hire of a return boat, carriage, &c. A. (S;^- ^^ phurti, f. activity, quickness, s. *^4f>.. W^T^T 7?/iwr^) IH4'I. Vii4i*fl pharakna, n. to flutter, vibrate, to throb, to writhe, &c. (v. pharakna), h, ^_^J^l.fw:^ pliirkl, f. a whirligig ; any thing turning as on an axis ; a reel for thread, h. ^j^, fWW phirna, a. to turn, to return, to walk about, to whirl, to wheel, to wander, to change> to revolt, h. u^) '^^. fmm*!! phirrvdna, to cause to be returned, h. uiJjj^. TR^^oir pharuvak, m. a betel-box. s. Vjbj .^> iR^fT pharuha, m. an instrument for raking together, h. »^>joa/tra, m. a watchman, sentinel, v.jsa^ra. s. fj\Sbj^_ TIFCf TTt phurhari, f. horripilation, s. \,j&.^; iKT^TT pharahra, 1m. a vane, a pen- (_5y&^. Tfii:^Tf^ pharahri,) dant; adj. half- dried, s. u/ 4-^ TJHC) phart, f. a shield, a target, s. (C^ "IR?:^ phart, f. one of several fishes, h. i_f^. "m?^^ pahari, 1 m. a watdhman, a sen- 'o w^ Tg^TTTT pahriya,) tinel ; a village ser- vant and messenger, also employed to keep watch. «. b^;> Tfificm phariya, f. a kind of bordered vestment, worn by Hindus ; a contractor for reaping. A. }4^. "^F? phar, f. a gaming-house where dice are played ; a place where goods are exposed for sale; the shafts or pole of a carriage, phar-baz, m. a player at dice, a gamester; a prater, a talkative fellow, phaf- bazl, f. gambling, playing at dice. h. ) {J^^ (Jj^}j^\. phard-ph&ri, f. war, battle, fight, d. 13U'4> ^fl'fl phardna, a. to cause to be torn, split, or cleaved, h. (^Vj'^J^J pharphardt, 1 agitation, flutter, \Ji^]j^^'j^>^pharphardhat,J disquietude, h. ^)j^,j^j "'KTRffT^ pharphardnd, n. to flatter, to wave, to twinkle, to move with convulsive motion. A. ^'j^Vj^.- 'fifV'^^l pharphariyd, m. flutterer ; adj. swift, quick, h. C^°6> ^'^ *• <^Jj^> TRfoF pharak (v. pharak), f. flutter- IJo*^ Tfi?flirT*n pharkdnd, a. to cause to flutter, to cause convulsive motion in the muscles, &a ; (met.) to shew. h. U^) ifii:<4i«il pharakna, n. to flutter, to vibrate with convulsive, involuntary motion, as the eyelids and other muscles ; to throb, to palpitate, to writhe (the shoulders), h. c5J^- ^'•P''^ pharki, f. a coarse screen, h. ^ji(\. "TF^'TT pahurnd, n. to lie down, rest, sleep, h. ^■^-^■^. MiHi^l pharingd, f. a cricket. ». ^j^\. Tfiff ^ phariya, m. a pedlar, a retailer ; the keeper of a gaming-house or dice table, h. •■J^\ ^^4^1 phuriyd, f. a sore, a pimple, a boil. h. (j<-4> phus, a voice, sound, noise, d. y L-^ ifi^loh' phasdku, bad tobacco (inele- gant), h. UU«^> t(|4(|t|| phasdnd, a. to cause to stick (as in mud, <^c.) ; to catch, to entangle ; to cause to be imprisoned, to squash, h. 4^(5oL*^. phusdndi, f. mouldiness j scum, d, jL«^. tKHI^t phasdv or phasd,o, m. sticking, entanglement. A. [ing. stinking. A. iiXitoL*^, "qrerrf^*^ phusdhindd, adj. disgust- ^— 4v***^- ^"^V^l phasphasd, flabby, loose, not rigid, h. [per. i. b\ ... ^. j M ^^ ^ . MimtiH HI phus-phusdnd, n. to whis- ^^--*4^Lr4i rilfiUfifitlHT phis-phisdna, n. to be terrified. A. phusdwat, f. j-*^)^^**.^. MiU4.^^C phtisar- phusar, m. K*w^.> in^T phuskd, weak, without strength ; slack (as a knot), h. l3o«->-^> ifi^ohlrii phaskd'id, a. to burst, to split, to break ; to loosen or slacken, h. tJi*x...^,> phaskat, squatting in the oriental fashion (vide char-zanu), d. JV>«.^^ ififlili? phaskar, m. sitting on the ground with legs extended, h, Uiw^. ifi4s|i*1l phasaknd, n. to split, to burst, to break. /(. {slide, err. * O^LiM^rMiflcj&lfn phisldnd, a. to cause to slip, buzzing in the ear. h. u^.- C ^'17 J du 13^L».^> ifiV(^T«TI phualana, a. to coax, to wheedle, to instigate, to entice, h. yfi'a^.^i tm^-ni phmla,u, m. a wheedler, in- stigator. phiisld,o, wbeedling, coaxing, flattery, h. ci-N>^L«^^. ftlWoTT^ phisldhat, i'. slipperiness ; a slip, an error, phusldhat, cajolery, seduction, s, ItiiAL-^. phisal-banda, m. sliding down a smooth bank, a favourite sport with children, h. d. ^^P^— 4>. fWi^^H phislan, m. act of slipping or sliding ; error, h. [to err ; adj. slippery, a. ^-^4^. rifiUc^rfi pkisalna, n. to slip, to slide, Vjo^L^ MiUc^rnm phuslauniyd, m. a wheedler, a coaxer. h, [slippery. A. ^^4i ftjF^I^T phisalhd, m. slipping; adj. A*-^. phasli (v. pasli), f. a rib, &c. d. ^ju-^ "i53H»rr ;?/ia«wa, n. to be stuck (as in mud or in a narrow passage) ; to be caught, to be impri- Boned, ensnared, entangled, involved ; to be impeded, h. \j\x^>. TfiCwmU phasiyard, m. a strangler, a fhag (v. phansl-gar). h. {J*^l ftfi^I phish, inter), pish ! pshaw I h. ^^. phak, a sound, voice, noise, d. K^. TR5T phahkd, m. a small quantity of parched grain to be chucked into the mouth. A. \x^. phikkd (v. phtkd), vapid, tasteless, &c. d. ^j^^^ HfidhlMI phikdrnd, a. to uncover the head, to unplait the hair of the head. h. U K^. fTR«Fl*n phikdnd, a. to cause or teach to throw, h. j^^. Mrilii phakkar, m. wrangling, mutual abuse, raillery, phakkaf-baz, an abuser, an indecent chatterer. //. [with rudeness. A. LSy-^.. ifiah^l phakfi, f. the act of treating o^i^. ifif^clil phakkikd, f. a sophism ; a trick, illusion, fraud, s. [b^own into a flame. A. Ux^. ifiohHI phukndy to be inflated, to be ^Jk^^. "Ifi oIHTI phuknd, m. a bladder, h. iJ^. ViHce, a piece of fruit. A. [&c.). A. {JL^^^fv^i:j( phikait, m. a thrower (of a spear, U^i^^ iftn^Jl phagufd, m. the same as hoti ; presenta made daring the holi holidays, s. \j^^phugna, m. to swell, puff out, enlarge, d. J4^. Tfi^S pJtal, m. fruit ; effect, result, ad- vantage, reward, equivalent; the iron head of a spea' or arrow, &c. ; children, progeny ; a blade (of a sword &c.); a sort of fragrant berry and drug commonly called /ca^o^i ; a nutmeg; a ploughshare ; the quotien of a sum. phal-apeksha, f regard to, or expectation of, consequences, phal-dsbi, living on fruits, phal- akankshi, f. hope or expectation of good consequences. phal-bhog, m. enjoyment of reward or consequences; usufruct, phal-bhogt, who receives the profits, phal- pak, m. the ripening of fruit ; the fulness of conse- quences ; the Coronda. pbal-pdk-dnta, f. an annua, plant, dying after bearing fruit, phal-pdnd, a. to reap the reward of (good or bad actions), phal-prdpti, f. ob- taining the fruit or desired result, phal-trik or phal- tray, ra. three sorts of fruits collectively; the three myrobalans collectively, phal-janak, producing fniit. phal-chamas, m. the bark of the Indian fig, ground and eaten with curds by way of penance, phal-siddhi, f. attaining an object, reaping the fruit of an act. phaU sampad, or phal-sampat, f. prosperity, success, phal- shreshtha, m. (best of fruits) the mango, phaUkdmnd, f. desire of reward or consequences, phal-khandan, m. disappointing, phal-grahi, adj. bearing fruit, phal- nirvritti, f. final consequence or result, phal-nishpatti, f. producing fruits, or desired results, phal-niv.'itti, £ cessation of consequences, phal-hdni, f. loss of fruit or profit, s. (J4i "^ phal, form, shape, figure, d. J4^. "^Rl" phxdla, m. blown, opened, expanded (as a flower), s. (J^^. M^cjS pahal, m. a flock of cotton ; begin- ning, aggression ; the side of a rectangular figure, h, *^., ^"ts^ pahld (also 'qfi^cjSI pahild), first, the first; before, rather; soon, pahle pahal, at first, in the fii^t instance. A. [ract. d. '^)^. phvlld, m. a disease of the eye, a cata* (^j»*':^^'P^5T9 phalds, f. a leap, spring, bound; m. a step, a stride. A. ]/**^^?.. Mici&lfKI phuldsara, m. flattery. A. U^^, tf^T^ phaldnd, a. to cause to produce, s, ^^^. TR^ST^ phuldnd, a. to cause to swell ; to fatten ; (met.) to make proud by flattery. «. »«2A>^^i Mici&rjl phaldng, f. a stride, leap, bound. A. J.^J4?. WKJigt^Mc^ pkal-bujhauwal, m. the name of a game (also called mankeld), " think of a number, double it, add ten to it, take five from it, kc, how much remains i" " twenty-one :" " the number was eight." h. vi^^jA^. iAc^mIjI phal-bhog, m. usufruct, re- ceiving the produce or profits of any thing, s. jjaI^. ific«5MjP phuljharl, f. a kind of fire- work like a fountain, s. d^^, TB^^ phalad, l>bj4> "qf^TfTr phal-data '^. ""B^^ phalad, 1 adj. yielding ?a. fificj S^^T philasna, n. (per metathesin, for phisalna), to slip. A. »-i^'?. TJ^^ phalak, m. a shield; a bone; the OS frontis ; a plant {Metua ferrea). ». ^^X^i^tf!^!^! phulkd, inflated, puffed up; light; m. a blister ; an area or arena for wrestlers ; a kind of cake or small loaf. (. OjK)^. tfi^oliKrn phulkarna, n. to inflate, to swell out, as a snake does his hood, to expand, t. (_fj%l^_ Tfi(^WCi phulkari, m. flowered cloth, s. S^. 'm^'°fl. phal-kar, a branch of revenue arising from the rent of orchards ; profits of an estate arising from fruit-trees thereon, s. i^J^SX^_ ifi(^ edUil phal-krishna, m. a small fruit of a black colour [Carissa carandas). s. Ldi-^^J.^. "Jfi^cift^oF j)hal-koshak, m. the scrotum or testicles, s. [nut tree. s. r^^i}^, ^c?*5K phal-keshar, m. the cocoa- f^^^. 'm^Wt phalhi or^^^^J Xff^'^^ phallakt, armed with a shield ; m. a sort of fish caught in ponds, commonly called Phala.si {Mystus capirat). s. (_/J^?; IJcSS <*1 phulkt, f. a cake or raised bread, " fritters. *. lL^^^. "ifiOT phalgu, f. the Ficus oppositifoUa ; a river which is said to run underneath Gya ; a red powder, usually of the root of wild ginger, coloured with sappan-wood, and thrown over one another by the Hindus at the Hol'i festival, s. ij^^^.W^'^ phalgun, m. the month Phalgun. phalguni, same as phdlgunt. s. [fruit. *. (j^i '*fi55«T phalan, m. fructifying, bearing ^i^^. tf^tU phalna, n. to bear fruit ; to pro- duce ; to be fortunate, s. Ijci^^ ThcjS'dl phalantd, fruitful, bearing fruit, s. \^SA^^ phalang, f. a stride, leap, bound, d. ^IjJ. pahlu, m. the side; the wing of an array. pahlu tihr-lc, a. to refuse, to decline, to evade, p. \>ji^. iRc^^T phalufd, m. a knotted fringe, h. ijj^*^, "^^f^^ phulwart,'\{'. a flower-gar- i^j^^^'^fi^^^^ P^tulfvdnJ den. s. (M^j^^. Mk^«1I*^ phalwdn, fruitful, fruit-bear- ing. *. [ing. «. {J^^^, Mi^«CI<^ phuUormdn, blossoming, blow- ^\jJi^ pahalrvdn or pahlawan, m. a hero, a champion, a stout fellow, a wrestler, p. j_^\j\.^. pahalwdni or pahlarvdriif f. heroism, p. C^^^ MK^«^^. "^BSrtWRT phalottamd, f. the highest re- ward, arising from sacred study. «. b'jl.^. xif^^TT pahilauta, first-born. h. i^i^^>. ^f^i*i phaloday, m. profit, result j happiness, s. [results. «. (ji^iiJi^) Mic^^^^ phaloddesh, m. regard to ^.A^tf;^ti^phulauri,f. bread or cake made of fruit and pulse, and fried in ghi or oiL *. t^^. pahlavt, of or relating to a hero ; the language of Persia in its transition from the Zand to that now spoken, p. [beating, h. ^J^l)4?- '^fi^S^^^ phul-hatthdf m. cudgelling, iW^. ^^ palile or ^ff^ pahile, at first, in the first place, soou, rather pahk pSr, on the other side. h. A^) Tfi^ phali, m. a sort of fish, commonly "called P/iaia,J. (Mystus kapirat); f. a shield; a medi- cinal plant, commonly called Priyangu. s. ^^]. fwt pMlli, f. the leg. h. (k^ TR^^ phullt, f. a disorder in the eye, the "albugo ; (in Dakh.) an ornament worn in the nose; the tumbler nail of the cock of a musket, phitlli Itun, the star pagoda, a gold coin worth three and a half rupees, or seven shillings sterling. ^J.^. xfi^ phal'i, "If. a cod, a pod (or the ^jj^^. "^^Tl^ phaliyn,) seed) of any legumi- nous plant, but particularly of peas ; a loop. phalUkash, m. a liook for drawing the strings through the boles by which the walls of a tent are laced to the top; adj. fruitful, prolific, s. \3Ul^. Tfif^nn^ phaliydnd, n. to bear fruit, s. ^j^\. Mi^^^T phaleruhd, f. the trumpet- flower, {Bignonia suaveolens). i. (jP^i^> phuleri, f. romping, playing, d. {yi^^l'^fi^S^ phulely m. oil impregnated with the essence of flowers by steeping them in it. a. i^J^J-^. tfl^ phalya, m. a bud, a flower, s. ^^>, WS or XSUpkan, m. the hood of a snake ; his expanded neck, phan uthana, a. to spread the hood, as a snake, phan-dhar, phan-kar, phan-wan, a snake, phan-mani, m. a jewel supposed to be in the head of a snake, s. j^^. pahan, m. width, breadth, ampleness ; adj. wide, widely, extensive, p. U^; x^^ phand, a snakes hood; the fore- castle of a ship. (. c:«r?/ \j>^, phunyia, ra. the silk lash of a whip. d. V^J pahna, broad, wide, extensive, p. U^. X(^^ pahaiina or "Tf^^ pahinna, a. to wear, to dress, to put on ; m. dress, clothing, s. U'a^. xr5»n*TT j5a/t«awo, a. to clothe, cause to be dressed, s. [raiment. «. IjIjl^. M^riHl pahnawa, m. dress, clothes, j\jll^. j?a/mawa?-,l ample, wide, broad, spa- jjli^ pahnarcar, J cious. p. (^f-^ll^. pah7ia,i, width, spaciousness, p. l3U^ju^> TfifTSTRT phanphanana, n. to hiss (as a snake) ; to spring up suddenly (as a fast-growing plant) ; to move about briskly (as a playful child). « '^■^i ijjiR 2)hamph, land that requires to be left fallow for some time. h. ^Ji^^i tjif^rffsTEFT phanji-putrika, f. a plant {Salvinia cucullata). s. K^i^i lHfW«liT phanjika, f. a plant, (Sipho- nanthus indica) ; a species of Hedysarum {B. alhagi). »■ til^jfiAv vivjilS^ phanijjhak, m. a plant, called also marua. s. o^s^v tfifrrr^Hicli I phamjjhaka, f. a plant, commonly called Ram Duti, apparently a tOlt of basil with small leaves, s. A^. TjfM pahunch. m. arrival ; access, ad- mittance ; sagacity, penetration ; a receipt, b, Uitv 'V^'^ pahuncha, m. the wrist, h. Ul^Tv t\^'^\t\ipahunchana) a . to send, to carry, convey ; to cause, to occasion, to bring about. A. U^iH M^'qvfi pahunchna, n. to arrive, to reach, to come, to amount, to befall, h. U^^^Hi il4'^4H1 pahunchmana (caus. of pa- hunchana), to canae to be carried, conveyed. &C. h. ^^^^vXi;^fipahuvcKiy f. an ornament worn "on the wrist, a kind of bracelet, h. Ul^. TfiS^T phanda, m. a noose, a net ; per- plexity, difficulty, h. [to leap. k. \j' S.y^V!*^T*{\ phandana, a. to cause to jump, Vi"i)j.>^ Mff^^^Sim phandlana. a. to catch in a snare, to entrap, h. I3ti,>^^ i{if^r|| phandna, n. to be imprisoned, h. \Jt^^> ifjW'^1 phundnd, m. a tassel, h. Lr^4^- ph^^''^^^} ™' tl*® j^ck fruit, also the tree bearing the same. d. OL-i^J;^ lfif{|«j|1 phansaria, a. to ensnare, to involve, h. >f\^\^i^XfiW^ phansaw or phansa,o, m. en- tanglement, h. [stick (v. pJuunS). h. iJw-x^^, Xf^:^ phansna, n. to be entangled, to o^^-J.^. Mi^^1«|| plinnswava (cau«. ofphan- $a»5) to cause to be ensnared, strangled &c. A. ( 219 ) ^, c^^^v ^''^''^ phunsi, f. a pimple. A. K^w«**A^^. ■ifif?nrnTf'/C^> ififiJiciii^K. pham-keshar, m. a plant {Mesua ferrea.) $, ^-^^.'*?l^or"tR»TnT;?Aan^a,m. a grasshopper, s. i^iJ^-^-^. n*g'«» phingak. m. the fork-tailed shrike. «. j^^I^. phungm, f. a pimple or pustule, d. tS*^, ^JiS^ phungt, f. a sprout, bud, the point "of an ear of corn. &c. h. i.tXsJ^lVi{^ phunang, f. top, summit, h. y^wsh phunno, f. penis puerilis. h. Ao ""Jj^^ pahnav, m. the name of one of the degraded Kshatriya races sentenced by Sagar to wear beards, s. [rain. h. jUi^ ^Ri^ phunhar, f. the small drops of Ijl^jk^. ik^lU phunhdra, m. a fountain, a jet d'eau. A. t^- ^^K^ pahuna,t, f. hospitality, s. ^j^,VX^ phani, m. a serpent ; a wedge, s. ^j^_Tf!^ phunnl, If. a tassel, a knot; \xi^lTffiipj\ phuniyd,) penis puerilis. h. .^JLx^l ihiii\^X.phanishwar,^ra. the great J c^jjj^^. lfiJlR»^ phanindra , J "erpent Jtumta. t. U.^ tt^p//i/,a, m. the husband of a fathers sister ; a lizard, h. l^»^^. TJTOT phuphd, va. an uncle, the hus- 3^-^i "''>*'" pf>'^pfi'^) -J band of a father's sister, h. ^^y^,x^phuphu, |f. an aunt, applied cr^-3^ W^ pA«p/ti, i only to a father's "lister. *. JVw ( 220 ) .Svi J^.-3^i ^fiT^fTT phuphera, of or relating to a paternal aunt, phupherd-bhd.i, a cousin, son of a pater- nal aunt. h. C.^^^ XftZ phvt, f. a kind of melon (Cucumis momordica, Roxb. ); a ripe cucumber bursting elasti. cally (as the Cucumis utilalissimus, Roxb. and Momor- dica mixta. Roxb.); odd, unpaired ; difference of opinion; separation ; a flaw, phut paj-na, to have disagreement, to arise (dissension), ph&f phut, or phut kar rona, n. to weep excessively, phuf. rahnd, n. to be broken ; to be dispersed ; to be unpaired, phup hona, n. to be divided in opinion, s. [m. whey. s. ^3^.- "^^ppftuta, broken, cracked, phula dudh, ];J^iiL>^^ IM r«| ^ ^- ^^*iT phorna, a. to break, to burst ; to disclose, to divulge, phof-k., to be wounded. *, ijjj^i Tfitftft phorni, f. explaining, &c. (v. taujih). h, 0**j4v ^^ phus, m. old, dry grass or straw. phus men chingarl ddlna, to excite contention or strife, h. ]^j^. "^n phusrd, 1 m. a rag, or bundle of 'jr***j4v ^'^V phusra,) rags. s. C^-?4v ^^ phusi, f. chaff, rubbish, s. *--^j4v '^toF phok, m. dregs, sediment; adj. hollow. A. ^Ji^^.T^rmZ phokat, m.an indigent person. /*. .^j4v ^""^ phukar, m. a fine sensible young fellow, h. J^y^.- ''^I^ phohar, ra. dross, refuse, trash. /*. l)^.54» ;>/ioAa7, empty, void. d. ^^4i TB«ir»n phuknd, to blow. s. Jj4^. TRgj phul, in. a flower, a blossom ; boss, stud, bunch of ribands, cockade ; a kind of bell metal ; an attack or assault ; the menses, of which children are the fruit ; bones of a dead person, after the fleshy parts are burned; lights or fire (seen at night); a swell infi;; a ceremony performed among Musal- miins in honour of a deceased person on the third day after his death, on which occasion a portion of the kur.dn is recited and flowers are placed on trays in the midst of the assembly, phul uthna, to be performed (the funeral ceremony above mentioned), to complete the forty days of mourning, phul parna, n. to break out (a fire), phul baithnd, a. to be glad, phuljdnd, n. to swell, to be delighted ; to become fat phul-patll, a cockade ; a knot of ribands, phul jharnd, n. to speak eloquently; to fall from a lamp (drops of burning oil). 8. ^^^. TRt^ phola, w. a blister, h. ^^4i "*S^ phula, swelled, blossomed, phuld na samdnd, not to be able to contain one's self from delight, to be overjoyed. phOld-phald, flourishing. », Jr^4v ^c?i«J phulav or phula,o, m. swelling, g. jl^i-^. "^SlU? phitl-jhar, ( (also phiU- iSj^j^.. ""S^^B^ phul-jharly I chart), f. a species of fireworks, h. i^y^j^, ^c^ 41*11 phul-kobi, f. cauliflower. A. ^^4v fK^'tl phulnd, n. to blossom, to blow ; to be pleased, to be in health and spirits, i. e. to bloom ; to swell, to be inflated, phul-jdnd, n. to swell ; to be delighted, to be pleased ; to become fat. phul-uthnd, n. to be performed (a ceremony in honour of the dead), a. c^ j4v 1^ ^/iw/t, f. a disorder in the eye, the albugo; adj. flowered, having a flower, t. Uy^f '"B phun, m. a fop, an affected person, a rake, a swaggerer, d. ^^^^3^,. "^KlNft phonphi, f. a pipe, a tube ; any thing perforated or hollow, h. \(v.pahunchna). UaS^ pahunchnd or pahonchnd, n.to arrive, h. UtiOj^. phundnd, m. (for phundnd), a tassel, d. uLbj^. TRfcir phonk, f. the notch of an arrow; adj. hollow, not solid (particularly jewels). A. uIJd^^. iSSS phunh, f. act of blowing, a puff^, a blast. phunk-phUnlc-ke pdnw dharnd, a, to act or walk carefully and cautiously, phunk-dend, to set on fire, s. jOJj^. i^SfnX. phunkdr, f. hissing (as a snake), snorting, s. [snake), to snort. <. UjKi^^. "PioBTTtn phunkdrnd, n. to hiss (as a Ijio^, i^oht^r phunknd, a. to blow, to inflame, set on fire. s. J^^^i ^^^ phunwdr, I f. small drizzling jV*j4v "^^^ phonhdr, > rain, Scotch ^_^^4^. "IR^ jt?/iM«/ti, J mist h. \j\x>^^ phunit/ard, m. a jet d*eau.' h. \jtj^ TOT phuhd, m. an artificial pap or nip- ple made of cotton, &c., by means of which milk it given to an infant when in want of its mother, h, jUj^, "^^^ phuhdr (the same as phonhdr), mist, &c. J^3^v ^^P'***^^.^* undisciplined, uneducated; stupid; obscene, foolish, rude (applied to women); f. a bad housewife, a slut or slattern, h. ^jfcj^ th^fl phuhrd, talking obscenely, h. ^. ( 221 ) (J^J^^- ^^f^H phuharpan, "Ira. stupidity, Uoi. ■•>^^^. Tji^TTTT phvharpana,} obscenity, folly, silliness, aflfectation. h. iPy^.. Vi^ phu/n, f. small rain. h. (^^,^^1 phuyan (also phu,in), small rain. d. iV^- '' ft^ T ^ phuhdr, f. drizzling showers, k. \jlw^. ifi^TTtTT phahrana, a. to make fly (a banner), h. C&c-)- *• ^ «4^. *fi^t*iT7?AaAarna, n. to fly (as a banner, \x^^ Jlf^xn pahii/a, m. a wheel (of a carriage, &c.). h. (H»-J^?. phipaSf flabby, flaccid, d. ^..xy^^, phipsa, \ the lights or lungs, d. ^vA^^i WS^ phephafi, f. inability to move; adv. again, afterwards, h. (-ILoA^, ^ ^;/iei, f. the waist when bound with a belt. h. [band without a &inge. h. \jL^. XHZJ pheta, m. a small turban ; a waist- Uojk^^ TfZ^phetna, a. to mix by trituration, h. j(-^.J^pher,m. turning, turn, return, change; meander, maze, curvature, twisting, coil, fold ; diffi- culty, distance ; circumference ; equivocation, am- biguity ; adv. again, back, pher parna, n. to differ. pher-phar, alternate, pher phar-k., a to alternate, pher dena, a. to restore, give back, pher meii ddlna, a. to throw obstacles in the way of another, pher-khdna, a. to wind (as a river) j to go round about ; to meet with perplexities, h. Jt^. ^^ pheru, m. a jackal, h. ij<4^ ^iU phera, m. turning, circuit ; a roll ; a wooden frame with which lime, sand, &c. is measured./t. Va^ phera, m, a set or assortment (as a set of chessmen, a dinner service, &c.). d. ijj^)j^, ^iCTO^ pherd-phert, f. walking backwards and forwards, going and coming; returning, alternating, h. [men. d. LJ^Jk^t j9Aer-&o^jv^. "ifi^t^TC pheri-dar, m. a vagabond, a vagrant. A. p. ^bs^^v ^T**'^' pheri ivdld, m. a pedlar, h. I3vjk^. phernd, a. to accomplish, perform j to pay or liquidate a debt, d. udu^. TfiN? phik, f. the point of a scourge, h, \^a^. TJihRT phlkd, weak, vapid, tasteless, in- sipid ; pale, sallow, light (in colour), h. IJ^Lk^. iJi<«j'I^I phaildnd, a. to spread, to ex- pand, to diffuse, to widen, to publish, to proclaim, to branch out. pdnw phaildnd, to insist, to be obstinate. hath phaildnd, a. to beg. h, j^Jo^. Tf^j^ phai law, m. spread, expansion, diffusion, extent ; plenty, profusion (also phaila,o). A. 1j!i)a^. Tfi^'^;j phaildrvd, ra. prolixity, h. ^>Jji4^. Vk^*il phailnd, n. to be spread ; to be expanded ; to be diff'used ; to become public, to spread abroad (as news, &c). h. \^i:^.. ^^J^ paheli, f, a riddle, an enigma, s. lj<4i W\ phen, "I m. foam, froth. ^Acn,cuttle- ^Jui^. WU phend,} fish bone, supposed to be the indurated foam of the sea s. \3Uu^>. %»TT«n phaindnd or ^f||«1I phendnd, n. to foam. t. [frothing, t. j^l»j;lja^ iRf\\iW\*\ phendi/amdn,B.dj.foa.mmgf t,:'^ii^i> "v^phentov "^Zphaint, f. waist-band, belt, fob. phenf-bandhna, to get ready, to resolve. A. UiA^."TfiJT phenta or ifiTT phaintd f. a small turban ; a waist-band ; a fob. h. ^jj'^x^.,'^!^ phentnd, a to mix, to beat (as eggs, &c.), to triturate, ft. ^^j^i^ySS^phentl, f a skein (of thread,&c.). h. IxsT^^v "jfNfn phinchnd or phinch-ddlnd, a. to wash cloth, to rinse, to squeeze. A. ijuSi.^, Wf^ phenus, m. beestings; the first milk of a cow, &c. after calving, s. ijXJj.^.'TiiSfipkenk, f. throw, cast. phenk-dend, a. to throw away, to fly a hawk after game ; to rush off on horseback at full speed, ft. ^6oj.^^'ti\i'^phtnhd,(\. phlkd) pale, dim,&c. h. j\^^. ^ReST^ phenkdw, ' requiring to be thrown, ft. \jioa.^/THo(rtTT phenknd, a. to throw, lo fling, to let fly (a hawk), to setofr(a horse) at full speed. A. Vj'Xja^), phenr/rd, lame, club-footed, d, (Jj^4^. "flrf^T^ M«««'> frothy, foamy; m. the soap-plant ( Sapindus deter gens) ; the fruit of the jujabe ; tlie fruit of the vangueria spinosa. *. (J^.4'i T^S^ pheni, f. a kind of sweetmeat, s. f^"^ pi or f^^piya, beloved ; m. a lover, a sweetheart a husband. 5. 3 pi f. fat, grease, tallow, p. 3 pai, m. the foot, the heel ; a nerve, tendon, ''sinew, pai ana, n. to have a splint (a horse), pai-k., a. to pursue, to seize, to be importunate, pai-a-pai, step by step, successively, p. fj, % orrm pai, m. milk, any thing to drink; "(postposition) on, upon, over, nevertheless, yet; bat. s. (J, TpT pat, f. a fault, vice, blemish, k. VjO ffirnpiya, beloved ; in. a husband, a lover, sweetheart, h, iii\x>_ pii/ada, m. a footman, a foot soldier; a pawn at chess ; a species of foot soldiers employed as servants or attendants : they are armed with swords and targets, and sometimes carry matchloks. piydda- pa, on foot. p. jlx)_ "urrc pi/ar or f^mT phjar, m. f. love, affection ; name of a tree and its fruit, pyar-k., a. to fondle, s. jlx) i|«||< payar, a species of grass, h. Klo "OTRT pyara or fipiRT pyam, m. beloved ; pyarajdnna, a. to esteem. «. j_^\jj tintt j93/art or frnTPtft piyai'l, f. beloved, pleasant, a sweetheart, h. jlx> piyaz, f. an onion, piyazi, of or resem- bling an onion, piyazi rang, m. a reddish colour, crimson, p. ^_j»>ljO xqro p^aa or ftpTW p^yas, f thirst. /jj/as bujhana, a. to quench thirst, pyas lagna, n. to be thirsty, pya* marna, a. to suffer thirst, pyds mama, n. applied to thirst which vanishes without drinking, s, l**»ljO Vjl^ pyasa or fxpHW piyam, m. thirst ; adj. thirsty ; pydse mama, n. to be very thirsty. *. ^j^IjO "UTT^ or fV|*imlj(??/a5i, f. a kind offish, s. Jljo ftniT^ piydl or tqi^ P2/°^» ^* "^"^^ of a fruit {Chironjia sapida, Roxb., Buchanania latifolia). s. J'jj 'qxf]'^ pa,yal, ^T^^a/?/aZ, or Vlt^ pyal, f straw, dried grass. «. aJIjO. piya/a or pyala, m. a glass, a cup ; a priming pan (of a musket, &c.). piydla niwala, food and drink (in the slang of debauchees), piydla bharnd, to be proud, conceited, piydla hona (in the language of fakirs), to die. p. j_Jlo piyali, f. a small cup or goblet, p. l»dJ payam, m. a message, news, advice, in- telligence, p. [phet. p. ^o) payamhar, a message-bearer, a pro- ULjV*^ pi'Vo^mhari, f. ofliice of prophet, jo. ^^U) Tnn»f paydn or ^tjTtT paiydrt, m. depar- ture. 4. bljofTniT*n jojyana or WTT />^ana, a. to give drink, to cause to drink ; to water or irrigate. $. •— -»J^. ^^ P~il>i f- pus, matter, purulent run- ning, s, OUjkXJ ^f%Tn«n ^IfttJ/awa, n. to suppurate, s. jJUfcljox) vir^l^J pihiydhat, f. suppura- tion, s. cajO ^ip (same as pib), pus, matter, &c. d. Ua> /)ipa, m. a pipe, barrel, cask. e. jjju) ^Mc? pipal, m. a species of fig-tree (FieiM r«^t>ftosa) ; f. long pepper {Piper longum). a. JH ^^A" Tjf^tjSJ p'lpld, m. the point of a sword j (in Dakh.) long pepper, h. jyi'y^ki^^^ ''Pft^^THT pipld-mur, 1 m. the root of ^Jyey^^ xffq-^-m^ pjpld-mul,) the long pep- per-tree. *. lIaJ^^. "frtif pit or ''ififTlpiti^f. love, aflTection. pit ki pit rake aur viit kd mit hdth lage, let friendship con- tinue, and the sweets of it will be obtained; as an ad- jective, pit denotes yellow. $. ^^oX>^,xc\;fn pita, m. a father (for^iVa). d. ^Ijuo H^nWiK pltdmhar, m. a silk cloth of a yellow colour, a kind of dress (generally worn by young Krishna) ; vulg. a silk cloth, s. bLJuo '^Tf'm^J plt-pddd, f. a small bird, the myna {Tardus salica). ». ^^wdjj^ xrfiftnrff plt-parnl, f. a plant called bichhaii ; a kind of nettle {Tragia involucrata). t. \__^^-/^l\ Tftcnrai plt-pushp, m. a species of karnikdrd ; a sort of Taberna montana. t. ^-LLJj^, MiriUuO plt-pushpl, f. yellow Bar- leria. s. J4-JJO "tftirtS^ ptt-phaly m. Trophis aspera. $. Ijuuo tilrffll p'datd, f. yellowness, s. 3JJUU0 xfhTfnB plt-tnnd, m. the taylor-bird {Sylvia sutoria). s. i^Sxsf*^.- iT^KM^tT pit-chandan, m. a yellow species of sandal wood. s. .\j.jjO xftff^T^ pit-ddru, m. a sort of pine {Pinus devadaru; also P/«i« longifolia). I. UjO. ^rTTIT jmitard, m. flourishing about be- fore cudgelling, &c. h. ^^Jxx>, ""Ttw^^ pit-ras, m. turmeric. *. C^JLi^ ■'Ttimi plt-rakt, m. a yellow-coloured gem. «. uiJpuO ^TTcir or ^ffoB pailrik, paternal, ances- tral, hereditary; inherited from a father, paitrik- bhumi, f fatherland, a paternal estate. $. jLJu.?. TftcT;HTl. pii-sdr, m. sandal ; a yellow gem, topaz, a tree {Alangium hexapetalum) 1. uiJu^A.-^. ''fhl^iRfT'lf p'lt-sphatik, m. a yellow gem, topaz, s. [tera). *. Jl.i*jL^. TfllTTnT^ plt-shdl, m. a tree (Pentap- (^Ju^. %F^oF paittik, bilious, s. ^.^Kju) ■q'^riofii? plt-kdshth, m. yellow San- ders, s. liJXJ.), iftfleiiVr^ plt-kand, m. the carrot. «. UIjj^^^. tftlTtft^ plt-ghosha, f. a sort of creeper with yellow flowers. *. (JCJJ. TJtiTcS j[ni^>. ■'rtlT^ p?r/a, brazen, made of brass, s, ilCJO ^T!^ paitald, shallow. *. ( 223 ) ^ i^Zi^^rftir^t^pit.loh,m. yellow brass, queen's metal, s. [a sweetheart, a husband, s. j»ju0 Xf^im pitam, most beloved ; m. a lover, _/^jLo. Tfhrat pitambar, m. (v. pitdmbar), a silk cloth of a yellow colour ; vulg. a silk cloth, s. (j)jk.M.,»'io "^tcR^cTW ptt-mastak, m. a small bird {Loxia philippensis). s. [topaz, s. (j;^> TTtrlflfilT pit-vianif m. a yellow gem, a U^JuO tfhrti^ pit-mtind, m. a gallinule. s. (JU^. "'rhr»! piian, m. the hog-plum (Spondias magnifera) ; a tree {Pentaptera tomentosa) ; the waved- leaf fig-tree, s. [mine. *. j«4)^jju^. tfhf^TJi^ pit-yutht, f. yellow jas- ciLuO ^ ^e<, m. the belly ; pregnancy, the womb ; the bore (of a gun, &c.) ; cavity, capacity, pet ana, n. to be purged, pet bandhnd, a. to eat less than one's appetite demands, pet barhdna, a. to eat vora- ciously, to encroach on the share or rights of another. pet bhar, bellyful, pet hharna, a. to fill one's belly ; to be satisfied, pet palnd, a. to be able to live decently ; to be selfish, pet pani hona, n. to be violently purged, have watery stools, pet paknii, n. to burst with laughter. pet-posu or pet-posu,a, glutton, pet ponchan, the last child of a woman, pet phulna, n. to burst with laughter. pet ptth ek hona. n. to be greatly emaciated, pet pith hatand, to evince extreme weakness, to act submis- •ively. petjdri hona, n. to be fluxed, to be purged, pet jclnd, n. to be very hungry, pet chalnd or cithutnd, n. to be purged, have a diarrhoea, pet dikhdnd, a. to com- plain of poverty and hunger, pet ddlnd, a. to procure abortion, pet rakhdnd, a. to get with child, pet rahna, n. to be pregnant, pet se, pregnant, pet se hand, n. to be pregnant, pel ka pdnl na hilnd, n. is applied to the steady motion of ahorse, &c. which does not agitate the rider, pet kd parda, m. the omentum, pet kdtnd, a. to pinch one's belly, to starve one's self; (in Bengal) to be griped, pet kd dukh dend, a. to starve, pet ke pdAw bahir nikdlnd, to perpetr.ite villainy ; to shew the cloven foot, pet ki dg, f. maternal affection ; hunger. pet ki dg bujhdnd, to eat something, pet ki bdten, f. bosom secrets, pet girdnd, a. to cause an abortion. pet girnd, n. to nnscarry (a female), pet gafgardnd, n. to have borborygmi. pet lag jdnd, n. to be starving with hunger, pet lag rahnd, n. to be very hungry, pet mdrnd, a, to commit suicide, to stab one's self, pet men paithnd, n. to worm one's self into the secrets of another, to become intimate, pet men lend, to bear or put up with, to endure, pet wdli, f. pregnant, pet harliafdnd, n. to have a griping or inclination to stool. *. Ua). TfZ^ petd, f. a large basket, s. IjVJuo. ^zm petard, m. a large basket, a port- manteau, h. uttonous, epicu- ean. s. ^J\j^>^V:ZT^petdrihu, Igk ^^'ijUjO ^■^ff petdrthl,} ri Lil-uO ^ToF petak, m. a basket for holding clothes, &C. s. Uao « fl 3 W T pitnd, a. to beat, to thrash, to dash, to strike, to knock, comminute, chhdti pitnd, to lament, repent, munh pitnd, to wrinkle one's mouth in anger, s. Ay> ^ petu, gluttonous, epicurean, s. UlS^juo <)/)4?|| petaukhd, m. a looseness, porgingt flux* h. .4JUO tf\z ptth, f. the back, pith kd bans, the spine, pith par hath phernd a. to encourage, to pat on the back, pith phervd, a. to turn one's back, to depart, to flee, to leave, to withdraw, pith thaknd, to encou- rage, pith dend, n. (terga dare) to run away, to flee ; to turn, to shrink from, to veer; to turn away in dis- pleasure. p'Uh Ice pichhe parnd, to seek shelter of any one. pith ke pichhe ddl lend, to afford an asylum, to protect, pith lagdnd, a. to throw down in wrestling, pith lagnd, n. to have a sore on the back (a horse) ; to mount a horse. *. ,^AJO, Trt3 pith, m. a stool, a seat, a chair, s. ^ju^, ^ paith, m. a duplicate (of a bill of exchange) ; entrance, admission, access, s, ,^aO peth, a village or small town ; used in comp. like the words pur, pattan, abdd, &c. d. l^juo. VtZ\ pethd, m. a kind of gourd, s. l^juo Tj^T pitkd, m. a kind of food made of rice and flour. «. UJl^ju^, ^1^«TT paithdlnd, a, to force in, to make penetrate, to thrust, to push In, to introduce, to insinuate, s, ^J^^JU?. ^'TT paithnd, n. to rush in, to pene- trate, to enter, to pervade, h. l3j^ijo. Tftift^i pithautd, m. page of a book. s. ^J^^JUi^, ^fz^n pethiyd, a market, a bazar, h. tilJ^^LjL^JuO ifrf^'Ililffll pithiyd thonk, closely. *. or JL jjjo VfZ^peti, f. a belly-band ; a portmanteau ; "a large basket, a box, a tumbril; the thorax, chest. peti lafnd or mdrnd, a. to copulate, peti sharik, a co- parcener in land. s. buL>. ^ftm j)etiyd, m. a pension, daily food. s. ^.. ^^ P^Vi ^' ^ vow, a promise, paij-k., a. to make a vow. h. 13 U- ^j, ql^THI pi-jdnd, a. to drink to the point of intoxication, to absorb ; to stifle one's passions ; to refrain from answering, h. ^. peck, m. twist, revolution, coil ; a screw ; perplexity, difficulty; deceit; complication, peek uthdnd, a. to suffer loss or distress, pech ukhuj~nd, n. to loose (the twist of any tiling), pech bdndhnd, a. to grapple in wrestling, pech parnd,n. to become difficult or intricate, to occur as an obstacle, to be entangled, pech chalnd, n. to prevail by stratagem, pech chunnd, a. to bind the tvrists of a turban with care, pech-ddr, twisted, coiled. pech-dar-pech, coil within coil, entangled. pe, tft'^joic/t, f. rice-water, rice-gruel (see ptchh). [^colocasia. s. ^ ^^ pechu, m. an esculent root (^Arunt \^' V[^ pechd, m. an owl. a. ^^ ( 224 ) Ji^> izy^ P^chan, twisted, coiled, p. ^jiijpWv" pechanldan, to cause to be coiled or twisted, p. imJ>\i^\,pecJi-tab, or pech o tab, m. restless- ness, alarm, suspense, perplexity; folds, twisting, knots. peek tab khana, a. to suffer distress or anxiety, to be vexed, p. fji^^ peckish, f. inflection, contortion, writh- ing ; trouble, perplexity ; pain in the bowels, tenetmzts, gripes ; circumvention, contention, p, tdl^^'^cF pechak, m. an owl. s. (,^}0t pechak, f. a ball or clue of thread j the bottom on which thread is wound, p. Ij^i xflMIWI pichna, a. to tread under foot. h. j^y xi't^ plcku, m. the fruit of the capparis. h. ^J^^f pechman, twisted (generally applied to IjiuMa snakes), p. u-^15jaJ pech-o-tab, m. restlessness, alarm, suspense, perplexity (v. pech-tab). p. ,^^- '^\^plchh, f. rice-water, or that in which rice has been boiled, rice-gruel, slip-slop. h. ^rfjv tfhgr pichha, (also pichhal and pichhu)} m. the hinder part, the rear; pursuit, persecution, absence. p/cA/m-p/ierno, a. to leave.withdraw. pichha-k., to pursue, to chase ; to recoil (a gun, fisc.). pichha lend, to pursue, to importune. «. t^4^- tfl^^T p'lchhrca, m. the hinder part (of a saddle particularly), s. [wards. ift^TT pichhut, rearwards, after- ir^^ "^"^pichhe or ptchhen, after, behind. "pichhe papia, n. to dance attendance, to importune, to dun, to persecute ; to be outstripped, pichhe ddlnd, a to leave behind, to outstrip, pichhe lagnd, to pursue, to set after, s. i$i^>^t pechtdagi, being twisted, p. ly^' piche (for pichhe, q. v.) behind, &c. d, ^^i5«^^ pechldan, to twist or coil (as a worm &c.) in a reflective or neuter sense, p. tSx^' perMda, twisted, coiled, p. Jlj*^'^fliM«^ n^' j'^iJ> V^^ ^^''' P^^f successively, repeatedly, one after another, p. (Jj'^i "^^^rt ptdrt, f. a tomtit, h. J0«x>. q^oS paidal, on foot ; ra. infantry, a. jitl "'J^ ptr, f. pain, sickness; feeling, pity, compassion, s. jf^. ptr, m. Monday ; an old man ; a saint, spiritual guide, ptri {ariiat, a spiritual leader (among the Sufis), p. jhl- VXpair, m. the foot, h. UJ^. "Ttrr ptra, yellow (v. ptla). h. \jX>,paira, (in comp.) adorning, from, ^^^LJ»\JXl pairastan, to adorn, decorate, p. (^^> q<|«K pairdk, m. a swimmer, h. ^/^. ^TTsft pairdkt, f. swimming, the art of swimming, a female swimmer, h. i:)*\ji?..- pifdman, ") m. a circuit, circumference, My*')jiil piramun,} environs, adjacent places j the skirt, lappet, or flap of a garment ; adv. about, around, p. ^Ijk) pirdn, ni. charity lands (bestowed on the poor in honour of a saint); also land granted f<» the erection and preservation of a tomb over a Musal- md?i saint or man of piety ; Pers. pi. old men, sainti, sages, p. UUjO/qTCT«TTp««Vana,a.to make float or swim. h. i^^ji^^. pirdnn, elderly, like an old man; growing old ; belonging to, or connected with, or worthy of, a saint, p. ^)J>>lVJJ^ pairdrv or paird,o, deep, or beyond man's depth, where it is necessary to swim. h. \j\jiJ^pairdrvd, tillage, cultivation ; a garment, clothing, (a corrupt form of pairdhan). d. ^^\jL>. pairdhan, m. a long robe, a kind of loose vest ; a shirt or shift, p. ij^\j^^ ^l\\ pird,t, m. name of a tribe or caste who beat a kind of drum called dhol, q. v. h, i^^\ji^. ^JJ% pairdyi, f. place of swimming, or distance over which it is necessary to swim ; art of swimming ; wages for teaching to swim, h, joUjLi pirdya, m. an ornament, p. b JO. perpd, m. a large earthen vessel, d. Jb jk> ptr-pdl (v. pirdn), a grant of land to a ptr, &c. p. s. j<\\i> Jt) ptr-pattdrt, f. an agate, d. O;J0. pirt (for pr'it, q. v.), love, friendship, d, i>\\]^ pir-zdda, m. the son or disciple of a piri a mendicant, also a priest attached to a mosque, p. *JTj ja plr-zdla, ran aged woman, p. je. ( ^y*^ pir-mard, an old man. p. 13^. ^TJ^pairna, n. to swim, to float, h. ^J^JO perria^ a. to sow, to plant, d. jjjjo iqfiS peru, m, a kind of bird, a turkey- fowL h. jjX>^pai-rau orj9ai-ra»,following, a follower, jt?, rrXJ^f joerq;, m. the turquoise (Beefiroza). p. j3ji^f P^^oz, victory ; adj. victorious, p. i^Sji^v P^^'^'^^i f- following, pursuit, hunting after, p. (jr JL> ptri, f. old age, decrepitude, p. iCjJ ^^ pairi, f. an ornament worn on the legs. h. jjk^ ^ per, f. a tree, a plant ; trunk or stem of a tree, per lagSni, a. to plant trees, h, jjL^. "iiftf ptr, f. pain, labour (in childbirth), g. 7*3 pair, noise of a blow, or knock, d. !jjo ^^ pern, m. a kind of sweetmeat made with cards ; a globular mass of leaven prepared for baking, t. K'jO yftrt pira, f. pain, sickness, anguish. pira-kar, giving pain, afflicting, a. Ovjo Infill plrit, sick, afflicted, pained, s. di}jU> ^\i^ pirak, what causes pain. s. lijjo. ^fT»n perna, a. to press (oil by means of a mill), to squeeze, to rack. s. 5VJ0 ^ peT^h ni- the belly, below the navel ; the pubes ; (for peru) a turkey- fowl. h. \jb^^. tftyf pirha, m. a stool, a seat. s. ^^ ^j:t^. ''frfTW^ ptrha-bandh, m. a pre- face or preliminary discourse to a book. *. i^j->> ^^3^ ptrht, f. a small stool ; a race or "series of generations, progenitors, or descendants. pirlii ha p'lfhl, for successive generations, s. ij'ji^,. ^^ p^T^, f' a kind of sweetmeat made with curds ; a kind of betel leaves ; the indigo plant after being once cut ; the trunk of a tree. h. ^jy^. %it pain, f. a ladder, a staircase, a flight of steps ; the inclined plane leading to a reservoir of water, on which the oxen travel for the purpose of drinking, or drawing water for irrigation, h. jU^^ paizar, f. a slipper, a shoe, paii^^ra paizari, f. fighting, or mutual beating with slippers. paixar-pattl or -kart, act of beating with slippers. paizdr-](hqr, abject, mean, base (q.d. fit or deserving to be beaten with slippers), paizar te, an expression of contempt signifying It concerns not or affects not me, I care not. paizar khana, a. to be beaten with slippers, h. *)>)jO pezna, m. a sieve ; a riddle, p. peSf the leprosy p. 225 ) jtJLi ^-*4^ H^ paisOf m. the name of a copper coin nearly equal to our halfpenny; the sixty -fourth part of a rupi : in common parlance it is used for money in general (as we say "the dibs "or "the browns"). paisa ufSna, a. to spend extravagantly ; to take the money of another by theft or deceit, paisd pherpkar-k., a. to turn the penny, paisd dnhond, a. to sink money, to lay out money without return, paisd duhna, n. to be sunk (money), paise soA darb&r handnd (Dakli.), to bribe, paisa khdnd, a. to spend extravagantly, to waste; to subsist by wages or the produce of labour; to take bribes ; to embezzle, pdise lagana, a. to lay out or expend money, paise wdla, monied; wortn one paisa. h. -yL«-) '^fNrf pisach, m. an evil spirit that haunts the places where dead bodies are burnt or buried, s. .LmJO M^TTf paisach, demoniac, diabolical ; applied to a kind of unfair Hindu marriage, such as the violation of a girl when asleep or unconscious, t, jU*jO ^^R paisar, m. access, ability, admis- ^J paisandazi, rich, wealthy, d. Vxy-x) lildHI pisna, a. to grind, to triturate, to bruise, to powder; to gnash (the teeth); m. the com or grain for grinding, pis pdt-k,, to grind down, to triturate. «. Ijujo paisnd, n. to enter, to plunge in. d, ^^yt*^ M^r^^l payaswini, f. milch-cow. ». j<-JO pesi, affected with leprosy, p. ^JUm^O MMA^ill payasya, f. a shrub (Asclepias rosea) ; a medicinal kind of moon-plant «. (J^ pesh, promoted, advanced, respected, confided in, possessing influence ; m. before, front ; the vowel point ', called zamma by the Arabs, is named pesh by the Persians and people of India ; (as a prep.) before, in front of. pesh dmad, f. access, admittance. pesh-dnd, to come to pass, to happen, to await ; to treat, to behave, to negotiate, pesh band, m. the belt that passes over a horse's breast to prevent the saddle's slipping back, pesh handt, f. foresight, timely prepa- ration, pesh- bin, prudent, wise. pesh-Muiima, m. a tent or other baggage sent on before, pesh-dast, sur- passing, one who excels, pesh-dastl, f. excelling, sur- passing, pre-eminence, pre-excellence. pesh-ras, early (fruit, grain, &c.). pesh-raft, making impression, suc- cessful, efficient, effectual (generally applied to words that art attended to), pesh-rav, a precursor; the ad- vanced guard, pesk-ravi, f. act of preceding, pesh- labz, m. a kind of dagger. pesh-Jcadami, f. alacrity, alertness, activity, pesh-namdz, m. he that precedes in saying prayer, pesh-nihdd, m. custom, regulation, habit, example, model, profession, pesh-giriftan, to adopt, select, p. [strangury, p. L^\^>.> peshah, m. urine, peshab-band, m. — \^.A> ^^^ paishach, demoniacal, belonging to a pisach or goblin ; m. a mode of marriage, the ravishment of a girl by her lover (v. paisach). s. (j\^^^. pesham, f. the forehead, the brow. p. y.l;> pesh-tar, before, prior, formerly, here- tofore, peshtar ax In, before now, heretofore , pesh az an ki or peshtar az an ki, before that, " antea quam." p. j\C^, pesh-kdr, m. a deputy, agent, iiBsistant, a minister, a manager, p. J^.. ( 226 ) ^c,oLl.x> pesh-harl, f. dopiity^lii)). p. ^ji^A) pesh-hashy m. a j)reserif, a tiihiitp ; a fine, tribute, or quit-rent, paid to povernment as an acknowledgment for any tenure, pesh-kushi bazar, a tax upon stalls in a public market, peihkashl, of or relating to land held under a quit-rent. p. sICIa^. pesh-gah, f. a portico, p. ^S^LJ>_ peshgi, f. an advance; earnest-money "given on confirming an agreement, &c. Scotticfe, " arles penny." peshgi-dar, a lender of money to enable a person to pay in advance, p. jj^-1j^. ^^Tff peshan, m. reducing to powder; a hand-mill, muller, any apparatus for grinding or pounding ; a plant, a sort ofettphorbia with three lobes, commonly called tekdnta-sij, t. ^JL>JV!^T!fi peshanl, f. a stone slab on which " condiments are ground with a muller. «. [ness. ». sjXLx>^ ^7{^paishunya, in. depravity, wicked- \y^>. peshwa, m. a leader, a guide ; a title of the Marhatta minister, p. :\^i;jL). peshwaz, f. a gown, a female dress, p. ^jAy^^ peshwafi, f. office of peshwot the honourable meeting and reception of a visitor, p. jyJLi^^ peshaur (properly peskamar), m. name of a country and city between the Indus and Kabul, h. (^jyi*x>^ peshauri, f. a kind of slipper, made in Peshaur ; a kind of rice. p. &^Jk) pesha, m. trade, profession ; custom, habit, practice ; in comp. it denotes an agent or doer, asjaur-pesha, an oppressor, p. j\jik^*^, pesha-ivarj\m. an artisan, craftsman .j*,ijo pesha-war,) or artificer, p. JJO. pesht, f. an advance ; precedency, su- " perior rank. p. \mansi), t. i^*t>. V:^ pesht, f. spikenard {Valeriana ata- ^jj^jO. peshln, anterior, ancient, prior, former ; m. the afternoon, p. ^JjJjJLx>, peshiniydn, (pi.) the ancients, p. .IjcJ. paighar, m. a ditch, a furrow, p. ^Ua>. paigham, m. a message, p. ^liAiUliL). paighama-paighnmi, f. mutual "messages, mediation, correspondence, p. jk/«ljLo. paigham-bar, m. a prophet, a messen- ger, an apostle, p. [prophet, p. ^_$JXM^J^X>, paigham-baft, f. mission, office of a y^^ipaigham-bar, m. the same as (jaaigkam- bar), a prophet, &C. p. t^jkjisi,paighambar%, mission of a prophet. J9. LdXo. xft* pik, f. the juice of the betel-leaf ohewed and spit out. pVc-dan, m. a vessel for holding bdel spittle ; (in Dakh.) m. ripened produce of a field ; crop, harvest, p. eiXx) pnih, m. a messpnjjer, a runner; a watch- man emploj'ed as a guard at night ; likewise a foot- man or runner employed on the business of the lands, p. j^^, ViW\X.pnikar, m. a dealer,agent,or broker; one who goes about with goods for sale, a pedlar or hawker, h. j*^. paikar, war, battle, contest, p. (jt^AJ paihan, f. the head of an arrow or javeljne ; also any pointed missile ; (plur. of paik) armed militia or watchmen; also revenues of lands for their maintenance, p. jW^. paikar, m. face, countenance, visage, form, appearance; a portrait, allkeness: used in comp. it denotes similitude, as koh-paikar, like a mountain, " instar mentis." p. |j^>. MoRST paikara, m. 1 iron chains on a «^^^. A'^\ pai-harha, m. r culprit'sleg8;or- {J^f^-, HefTi*^ paikafi, f. J namental rings worn on the ankles. «. U^. plkna, n. to be produced, to ripen, to grow. d. [ocooedf. h. ll^ijL^. ^3?nn pekhna, m. play, farce, sham, ^i^XA) ^^^tTT pekhna, a. to see, to behold. ». ^^4^. ^?lftnn pekhnii/d, m. a player, an actor, h. ifi^ ^^[^ paiki, ra. one who carries about a "^ul^ia for hire at a fair or in a camp. A. jA,2Joi> paigashtt, a collector of market dues; " a policeman who patrols at night ; a guard who goes about from station to station, d. ^^, ^TT pa iff u, m. a sort of green-coloured stone (imported from Pegu), h. ^y^_ pil, ra. an elephant ; the name of the bishop at chess, pil-band, m. a term used at chess to express that a bishop and two pawns mutually sup- port each other, h. jjj^. ^ pel, a shove, push, thrust, s. ^yx\ "^i^ pilu, m. a tree ; see pilu. s. Jjo ^^ pail, n. prop, a sage, the promul- gator of the Rig- Veda. *. J.JO ^ pel, 1 m. a testicle; fault, oppres- ^U?. ^55T peld,) sion ; a prop, a support, h. *^, '^Ic^l p'ild, yellow, s. *^. ^55T paild, m. a vessel for measuring grain, h. j^)ut> paildr, removed in time by a whole unit, pailar ka haras, the year before last, or the ye«r after next. d. A^luo tft^JW pi/aw, m. satin. Chin. jc^^luo ■q't^STt 2>i^a>*> ^- yellowness, s. j^U)jJ pil-hdn, ni. an elephant driver or keeper ; one who has charge of elephants, p. J:ti ( 227 ) J,ljJu> ptl-ham, f. the business of taking " care of elephants, p. \jLo. pllpa, aflaicted with elephantiasis, p. J^J^. ^(^^HT^ pel-pal, poshing, shoving, s. aJ^lJuo jnl-paya,xa. (an elephant's foot, hence) a pillar, a column, p. \Pilpay. p. t^>U)uo pil-pae, name of a sagej vulg. ijfj^. Ml rf miTT pilu-panii, f. a plant (Bryo- nia grandis). t. ^Ji^, pil-tan, having a body like that of an elephant, gigantic, p. [Ivory, p. jjljj^jjo pil-dandan, elephant's tooth Jf*i> V^^pe ar,^ 1 ^ testicle, h. ciUx>. xft^T* j?i/a^, m. the large black ant ; it is also the name of a pretty little bird called the oriole or mango-bird. [push. «. \3.l/cja^ M<^<4li.«1l pel mama, z. to shove, to cj* JjO fil-murghj a turkey-fowl. p. ^J^^ pailan^ m. the first-bom (child, &c.). adv. first, foremost, in the first place, d. ^jAjO M<^<1I pelna, to shove, to push ; to stuflF, to cram (particularly in coitu) ; to express, to squeeze out. t. ^jruSJ JjL) ptl-nishtn, an elephant rider, p. 3^. ^^^ V^^"f ™' *^® name of a tree (Salva- dorapersica ; alsointheDalchin, Careyaarborea, Roxb.), also applied to all exotic trees; the blossom of the Saccharum sara ; an insect. ». ^Lj ^^ peluy a wrestler, an athlete, s. .^Lj paUwar, yonder, on that side (y.pare). d. .^L> pilawar, a pedlar, a druggist, p. aJjO pila, m. a silkworm, the silkworm's cone or envelope, p. 54^- ^^''*"^L)m. a testicle, i. 'jr^wo. M«^^l pelhra,) tko ift^ ^K, f. a gold mohur. s. A*), paile, (for pahile), first, at first, d. C^*a^Ajl> "^ftgfNtir piti-hhtt, the name of a town in Bohilkhand. h. .^jJjL> pailewar, yonder, on that side. d. ^. ^ pem, m. love, friendship, s. •l^. pairria, (in comp.) measuring, travers- ing, p. j^l^> paiman, m. a promise, agreement, treaty, confirmation, security, an oath, asseveration, convention, compact, p. «j^v^. paimana, m. a goblet ; a certain mea- sure for goods, dry or liquid, paimana *umr ka MamS, a. to fill up the measure of one's age, Le. to die or kiU. p. ij^^^j paima,i, \f. ',ima,ish,j measurinor ; the mea» {J^^lpai7na,ish,J sure or survey of a country; measurement and allotment of lands. paimaAsh-ddr, a surveyor, paima.ishi kampas, a trigo- nometrical survey (by theodolite and compass), p, jy^. payambar, m. (the same as paigham bar), a prophet, &c. p. {jji-^. payamhari, f. the mission or office of a prophet, prophecy, p, pover. «. ^^^^,. ^nft perni (for premt), affectionate, a ^^^.'^ pain, or ^J|JA) "q^ pafW, m. a reservoir of water, a riU. t, ^JO ifrtT pin, heavy, fat, corpulent, s. Q^. TJ pen, m. an imitative sound, h, Uu> ^*fT paina, m. a goad ; adj. sharp, k. liJL> " ihrr^^ paint dl is, forty-five. h. I3ljuj0 '^rlMI pentdnd or ^jTrTTf paintdndy m the foot of d bed, the side towards the feet, t, ^j«jCJjO*^t?ft^ paintis, thirty-five. s. ,4jL1x) "M? penth, f. a market, a mart, paintkf a duplicate bill of exchange (v. pefh). h. \Mr^ |/)%1HI pinjnd, a. to clean cotton from the seeds, h. ^^4^'- ^tlR^ penjnt or thnft painjni, f. little " bells fastened round the feet of pigeons and nf chil- dren, s. Jjk> pench (for peck), twisting, &c. d.p. \^^v'S^ painchd, m. return, retribution* a loan, repayment of a loan, h, lidc*^ M'qTT painchnd, a. to winnow, k, \ Jjj^^ ^7^ pendd, m. the bottom (of a vessel, box, pot, &c.), breach of a cannon, h, «iJA> "^ft^B pind, m. a roller, h. "^^ pend or ^?p paind, f. pace, step ; a rising ground, eminence, h. ^<\i*> Tfl^ paindd, m. a road, highway, path. paiTi^a mama, a. to stop a road, to rob in the road, t, imJjc) tj)«f9 pinas, m. a disease in the nose, cold, catarrh. «. (jmJJO tfhnr pinas, f. a kind of sedan or pdlkif a kind of boat or barge, a pinnace. A. ^^'uwjljo q^7 painsath, sixty-five. *. j--*ix> xfhTjft ptnast, adj. having a cold. <* " ' q2 ( 228 ) c-*\5 cdllA.> Trt^ni pinak, f. intoxication and drow- siness from opium ; stupefaction, h. ii^jjo. "^ pM»^, paiwastan, (r. paiwand), to join, unite, tie. p. gltj»yi^_ paiwasta, joined ; adv. always, con- tinually; m. the year before last, paiwasta-abru, whose eyebrows join above the nose. p. ijt*yi^, Mc|^ pewsi, f. the milk of a cow some "days after calving, s. fj***yii!. MtAusO payoshnt, f. a river that flows " from the Vindhya mountains. ». y^, ""ft^^ pirvakkar or pervakkaff m. a tippler, a toper, h, t)J^A> paiwand, m. junction, conjunction, connection ; a relative or kindred ; a patch ; a graft or bud. paiwand karl, f. patching, cobbling, p. Jbi)3^^ inftf»Tfv payo-nidhi, m. the ocean, s. t^jjjjo. paiwandi, engrafted, paiwandi her, m. an engrafted ber (Zixyphus jujuba). paiwandi much- hen, f. the mustachios joining the beard, paiwandi gudfi, patched garments, p. C0>jj^l, T^ltVfH payo-vrat, m. living upon milk for a month as an expiation ; offering of milk to Yiahnu. «. ^. pth, f. grease, tallow, p. «J^. f^T piytt) dear, beloved. See piya. ^jO ift^ pihar, m. kindred, relationship, mother's family. A. ^j3 pai hantf thickly, close together, p. j^ ''^ pthu, m. a flea. h. \xi ijin paiya, m. a wheel ; an allowance of half an ana on each rupl of revenue set apart for the pafwdri, or village accountant, h. ^^jk> %5 paihai (Braj), aorist of pdma- "naufk, to get, acquire. A. Qover. *. ^jut) Tftn ptyu, beloved, dear, m. husband, (j*»^ju^^ M'Tff peyus or pitfris, ^ m. the food {j^^iX>_ M ^ peya, m. water, milk, drink, g. ^yJ^^ ^pe,i or ^iftjogyt, f. a small basket, "a portmanteau, h. O to. or te, the third letter of the Arabic and the fourth of the Persian alphabet In numeration by abjad it stands for 400. O H tdhistdn, m. the hot weather, sum- ( 229 ) 5\3 J,ljLo\3 tabistant, resembling or appertaining to summer, pleasant as the summer, p. Ij£j\5 tabish, f. heat ; brilliancy, splendour, p. C-aSUsl-^IS tab-tahat, f. power, ability, p. a. x>3 ^afci', dependent, subject, t abi' -dar (mneh used in Hindustan, though ungrammatical), depen- dant, follower. tabC-darl, allegiance, obedience, fide- lity. tabV-k., a. to control, to subject, a. ^^yo\i tdbi'unAm. (pi. of x^) followers, (j^jo15 . iJ Trnr tdt, m, father; hot, warm, heated. tdta, venerable, respectable, t. I3\j TTlin tdtd, m. hot, heating (food), s. XiK> tdtdr, m. a Tartar, the Tartars. p> _.)Oll> TTfrT'T ^a^7?ar;, \ra.object,purpose; iO^\5 inF?^ tdtparya I, J m meaning, pur- port, explanation; the apprehension of an implied wish or thought ; need, occasion, s. [time. «. tii)\^\j 7Tlr4iir^«h tdtkdlik, of that very l)3\!> TTTTToS tdtal,\ ^,.. a. - I hot, warm s. jiU ilTift tatt, J yo\5 TTTTTifV tdtnau,\ of this, that, him, her, fj>^ WTrnft tatnl, J it. k, (3^3 in^ fate or td-teih from that, thence, ** thereby, h. cL>li> tdt, m. hemp ; tow or flax ; sackcloth ; a very coarse kind of cloth made of hemp, commonly called " gunny." d. [in the ear. *. ti)lJ6"\5 A\iAi ta,assur, m. penetration, passing through, impression, a. jol!) tdsir, f. penetration, passing through ; an effect or impression (pi. tastrat, effects, &c.). a, —li) taj, m. a crown, a diadem ; a cap ; a \ crest, the comb of a bird ; name of a suit in cards ; the pack {ganjifa) consists of eight suits {rang), each con- taining twelve circular cards, viz. a king or rriir, a viaztr, and spots from one to ten : in every suit the viir is the highest card, and the wazir the second : tlie suits are divided into two classes, I. Beshbar, in which, alter the mtr and wazir, the highest numbers, from 10 to 1, are most powerful ; these are, 1. taj (a cap), 2. zar-i-sufaid (a silver coin, or the moon), 3. shamsher (s scimitar), i.ghulam (a slave or boy). II. Kambar, in which the lowest numbers from 1 to 10 are most powerful : these are, 1. Tcimash (representing a loaf of bread), 2. harat (an oblong inscribed with characters representing a warrant or assignment), 3. chang (a harp), 4. 2ar-i-sMriS (gold coin, or the sun) ; the mir of every suit is seated on a throne under a canopy, and the wazir on horseback ; except that, of zar-i-turkJi, the mir represents the sun, mounted on a tiger, and the wazir also rides a tiger ; of gbulam, the mir rides on an elephant and the wazir on a bullock; and of | ehang, the wazir is mounted on a camel, p. jjj*a!i— \j tdj-bakhsh, a great king, an emperor, one who gives away crowns, p. [crown, p. j^ii>>'\3 tdj-ddr, m. a king, one who wears a jffj^Jo-U tdj-ddri, f. royalty, sovereignty, p. ;^jji-_,l3- tdj-i-kharo8, m. the cockVcomb flower {Amaranthus, or Celotia). p. j>-\5 tdjir, a merchant, a trader, a jy>X> tdj-waVf m. a prince, a king, p, (jjy>-^ tdj-mari, f. royalty, sovereignty, p. ^KS tdkh, m. a veil j firewood ; darkness, p, <_ ^^ V'i tdkht, f. assault, attack, incursion, in- vasion. t&Mit-k., a. to assault, p. — .^j\i> dA>-li> tdkht-tdrdj or tdkht o tdrdj, m. assault and plunder, depredation, devastation. taMit taraj-k., a. to ruin, depopulate, p. ^^jtf«-l!> tdkhtan, to assault, to rush upon; to invade, to plunder ; to gallop or run fast. p. j»-.^\j tafa khkh uVf m. delay; retarded, post- poned, following, a. JLs».\3 tdkhtr, f. delay, procrastination, impe- diment, takhir-k., a. to delay, to postpone, a. «UL»!>)4i\3 m^iWI tdddtmi/a, m. likeness, simi- larity, i. [orit. &c. * iJbi*jii'o K}"^^ tddrishya, such like, like him <3\5 ( 230 ) (j-b (5l3 tadib, f. correction, chastisement, amendment, erudition ; (in law) a notice or summons. tadth-k., a. to instruct, to correct, a, Jo tar, m. a thread ; a wire, the string of a musical instrument ; a note in music ; dark, obscure , also darkness, obscurity, tar-handhna, to continue or repeat an action without interruption, tar futna, n. to be disjointed, to be separated, tari 'ankabut, spi- der's web, cobweb, tdr-kash, m. a wire-drawer, tar- kashi-k,, a. to draw wires, p. jO infc tariy f. a key, clasping of the hands, s. \j^ WTTT tard, f. and m. a star ; the apple of the eye ; n. pr. the name of the wife of Raja Bali. tara-path or tara-mandal, m, the firmament, the starry sphere. tare-ginnS, a. to ooont the stars, i.e. to get no Bleep. «. -.ljli> tdraj, m. plunder, devastation, tdrdj, k,, to devastate, lay waste, spoil, p. j^j3 AMMAll. tdr-patar, dispersed, &c. h. \^^JoJo tdr-tar holna, to speak in detail, or circumstantially, d. [crimination, s. «J^^ Hl^ilUf tdrtamya, m. distinction, dis- j^j^ riKiOf m. a kind of sewing, or needle- work, open work, pulling out some threads, &c. h, ^J3 tarakh, the root of the tongue, the pa- late, tarajcli ko jib naiA lagana, to pr&ttle mwii. d. ^Jo WnST tdrak, m. a protector, a preserver, s. ciJjlS tdrik, a deserter, tdriku-d-dunyd, abandoning the world, abstinent, sober, chaste j m. aa anchorite, a hermit, a. dLJjKi tdrak, m. the crown of the head ; a hill, heap, head, top, summit, p. [star. t. vXi infX'4il tdrikd, f. the apple of the eye, a y-^jO irrf^«F tdrkik, m. a philosopher, a lo- gician, a sophist, tarkika, belonging to the science of reasoning, logical, s. jjjj\j injM tdran, m. a raft, a float ; the act of freeing ; salvation, deliverance ; one that exempts, sets free, or delivers, taran-taran, the saviour and the saved (v. taran). s. ^Jo mnun or AIMI tdmd, a. to free, to rid, to exempt from further transmigration, to absolve, to save. s. (3j0' TnlV^urt tdrinl, f. a goddess peculiar to the Jains ; a name of Durgft ; m. a deliverer, t. J Jo in^ tdru, m. the palate, s. f^Jo tdri, f. darkness, obscurity, p, t^Jo in6' tdri, f. the clapping of hands; a key; abstraction, absence of mind, absorption in thought or devotion, s. Uj'y ^Jo tare tornd, to act deceitfully, d. j£j3 tdrthhy f. date, eraj annals, history. tarith-ul-hijrat, the era of the hyra. tarthji-war, periodically, according to dates; at stated times or dates, a. [blhid, dim-siglited. p. (.^]bj\3 tdrik, dark; obflcure. tdilk-chashm, f^J^ tdrikl, f. darknesB, obscuritjr. p. Jo HTf tdr,m. the palmyra, or "toddy -tree,** tar ban, a grove or " tope " of palmyra trees. The In- dian-English word "tope" is originally Tamul. Dr. Gilchrist errs in stating that it does not belong to any Indian language. — f Binning), taf-patra (also taUt- patra), the palm-leaf prepared for writing on ; a docu- ment so written. [Borassus Jiabell\formis). tar-phai the gelatinous pulp of the palmyra, s. Jo ilTf tdr, f. understanding, tdr-bdz, intelli- gent, quick of apprehension. tSf-bazi, quickness of apprehension, h. p. \j\3* tdrd, m. a wink, &c. (v. ghamzd). d. ti)jl5 irrpK tdrak, m. a reprover, punisher. «. f^^ nis WTf^rNf tdrniya, reprovable, worthy ijj^ in^ tdri, f. the juice of the palmyra- tree, vulg. toddy. tSfl-toSld, a man who climba pal- myra-trees, and extracts the juice there&om. «. ^^J'\5 linft tdri, f. hilt of a dagger, h. Jo taz (r. of tdkhtan), running, race, assault. tax tag, toil and labour, p. ^^J^ tdzagz, f. freshness, plumpness, fatness, "tenderness, greenness ; pleasure, p. tjo tdza, fresh ; fat ; young, green, tender, raw ; happy, pleased, tdza-k., a. to renew, to refresh, to re-create, taxa-kar, one who renews, taxa-kari, act of renewal, tdza-hona, n. to be in good case, to in crease, to flourish, tdza-ba-tdza, fresh and blooming. tdza-dam, m. good spirits, hilarity, cheerfulness tdza- wdrid, new-comer, or, as nicknamed in TnHin, "a griflSn." p. ^JJo tdzi, Arabian ; the Arabic language ; Arabian (horse). ^astAru^^a, a greyhound. tSztJ^jpiuu dog-kennel, p. bo\>Jo tdziydna, m. a whip, a scourge ; tdziydna-japid, -lagdna, or -mama, a. to apply the whip, to scourge, p. ^^|^>Jo tdzidan, to run, to rush upon. p. tdbjl!) tdzik, one who is ignorant of Persian, or one who speaks it with an Arabian accent and idiom ; a colt of a mixed breed, or an Arabian colt reared in another country, p. 0*»^ •H'R tds, m. the cards, a game at cards j (for task, q.v.), brocade, -cloth of gold. h. " The word tat y (Persian tdj) is applied to the Indian playing-cards, in contradistinction io ganjtfa, the European pack. The Indian pack contains eight suits, each suit consisting, of a king, a waxir or mluister, and ten cards having various ligures represented on them, from one to ton in number." — (Binning.) [he h. ^Jo ira tdsu (Braj.), him, her, it, or of him, u- \5 ( 231 ) •\J ,B.^>r> ta,assuf, m. brooding over affliction, ^ pining, lamenting, grief, regret, a. lfl**»\5 ta,assufan, with grief, or regret, a. ^>M*\i KW^ tasu-kau, of him, her, it. h. {^jJ^i^jttO tas-nas,^esir\kci\or\,{y.satyanas). d. QjS»^ irnj #asA, m. cloth of gold, brocade, tinsel, gold foil. h. ili> tagh, m. the poplar ; the elm ; tamarisk ; a pomegranate ; an enBign-staflP. h. ^fiXS taglii, (properly i^^) rebellious, a. (^^15 taftan, to shine ; to twist or spin j to turn away the face. p. *SJli) tafta, m. a kind of silk, taffeta ; a colour in pigeons and horses, glossy cream-colour, p. jiliJ takt, defective (horse), having the eyes of two diflferent colours ; f. a kind of hat. t. ci3\!> J(XW tak, f. a look, a glance ; an aim, the act of aiming, point (of a dog), tdk bandhna, a. to ooret, to point as a dog. tdk-rahnd, n. to aspire, a, iiJ\3 tak, f. a vine, a creeper; grasses, p. j_^\!>l^l5 vranUT^ tdka-takl, f. mutual star- ing, t. c£jbuiJ\5 H I cliW I * tak-bah, f. nick of time. h. U^\i> ril^iHI takna, a. to stare at, to aim, to peep, to see, to spy, to view, to look for. t. 4>jk^l3 talfid, f. confirmation ; superintendence ; ascertaining, injunction. takld-k„Si. to enjoin strictly, to urge, to press, t. ^^S^Ki tdhidi, emphatic (in grammar), a. tfJ^^ inn tag, \m. a thread, tag-tor, m. o^i TTPTT tdgd,) lace. h. o^li> ifl'MI tdgnd, a. to thread, h. J13 KV^ tdl, m. a pond ; chime, time in mu- sic ; slapping the hands together or against the arms previous to fighting; the name of a musical instru- ment of bell-metal or brass (a kind of cymbal), played with a stick ; name of a fruit and tree, the palm-tree (Borassusfiabelli/ormis). tal-be-tal, out oftxine. taldend, to chime, to slap the hands before fighting, tdl mdrnd or -thoknd, a. to strike the hand against the arms pre- paratory to wrestling, t. ^^ HI9I tald, m. a lock of a door ; a lid of a vessel &c. a. t--*^\5 tdldb, |m. an artificial pond, a reservoir •^\3 tdldw, J of water, a tank. p. L^i^lii ITT^rr^m tdldkhyd, f. a perfume, s. Jiti^ ITT'^nnC tdl-patra, m. a hollow cylinder of gold worn in the ear. t. (iyJ*^ ril^miff tdl-parni, f. a sort of anise {Anethum panmorium). s. tiUlJlj in^S^wni tdl-pushpak, m. a medi- cinal application to the eyes. s. ^^J ta,aUum, m. melancholy, grief, torment, a. Ul^SCc J13 if|(j&H iTRT tdmd, U*\3 TTTm idmbd, \.x Trre^rrr'T tdmbul-rdg, m. a kind of ^. JLx*l3 ffT^c$<4tfl tdmbul-walli, f. a small "plant bearing a pungent leaf {Piper betel), which, with the areca nut, caustic lime, or chunam, catechu, &c. form the jidn or betel of the Asiatics, s. jj|^\j illti<^ tdmbuR, f. betel (Piper betel) "or its leaf ; m. the pdn bearer ; a servant who prepares and furnishes the pdn. s. [copper, s. »15 'rt1*4'<^«l1 tdm chini, f. enamelled J- copper. 8. .*b' irra idmra, m. copper ; a coppery red ; a dark red kind of sandal wood, tdmra-pall, m. a copper- plate, such as Hindu f^rants of laud See. are frequently engraved upon, tdmra-parnl, f. a river iu Dekhan, and the district in its viiinity. tdmra-pushp, m. a kind of ehouy {Bauhinia variegata) ; a plant( A'em;/eria rotunda), tdmra-pushpd, f. a trumpet Rover {Bignmiiasttaveolens). tdmra-pushpl, f. Ly thrum fruticosuvi. idmra-phal, m. Alaiigtum liexapetalum. tdmra-sdr, m. a red kind of sandal {Plerospermum santolinum). tdmra-lcdr, m. a cop- persmith, tdmra-karni, i. the female elephant of the western quarter, tdmra-garbha, m. blue vitriol, or sul- phate of copper, tdmra-vrikslia, m. a sort of sandal wood, tuiiira-varm, f the bhissom of sesamum. tdmra- wain, f Bengal madder {liubia manjith). tdmra-vij, m. a kind of vetch. 4. (jJL«\j TTl^ToF tdinrdhu, m. one of the eighteen divisions of the known continent, s. (.^^Vi KmiM /an.V'is, m. a \olus {Ngmphtea nelumbo) ; copper ; gold. $. j»13 ( 232 (J^jcXi rt l ftl^ l tamrik, ra. a coppersmith, a brazier. $. ^jc^ «nf^cin ^awnAa,"! f. a copper vessel for C?/*^ Wra^ !!am7i, J marking time, a ) ^'li copper cup of prescribed capacity and perforated by a small hole at the bottom, answeriug the purpose of an hour glass: it is put into a vessel of water, the •water gradually filling it, and the sinking of the cup marks the time that has elapsed. «. 1^1!) 'HTHTr idmra, m. a gem of inferior value, of a copper colour, s. jj«^\i> KVm tdmas, m. darkness, illusion, irascibility ; adj. partaking of or influenced by the Erinciple of inertness, ignorance, or mental darkness ; lert, stupid, ignorant, s. [dark. s. ig*^^ inHVl tdmsi, irascible, vindictive, yy in*r%II tdm-Upty f. a district in the south of Bengal, Tamluk. <. ,^X«\J* iUHci&cift tdmalki, f. a plant {Flacour- tia eataphracta). t. [of copper, t. jy^^Xi jn^i'igx.tdmesivar, m. calx or scoriae (j^cTR'i'art, w.f. a note in music, tone ; stretch- ing, tension, knitting (the eye-brows), tan topia, a. to crack a joke ; to drop a word which shall excite quar- relling or induce conversation, to animadvert; to strike up a tune. «. ^jl!> tan, m. a species of vervain, d. ^^ in«n tdnd, m. the warp, the threads that are extended lengthwise upon a loom, tand-hand-k., a. to fidget, to dance attendance, tdne idnna, to wan- der here and there without profit, s. u^ HTTT tdnd (for tdwmL), a. to heat, assay, twist «. [nate. a. ji3Ki\i tdnd tarez (for 1> jO^j^kIs), unfortu- USlSiriin tdmhd (in Dakb. fawJai) m. copper. tdmbaf-gar, a worker in copper, brass, &c., a plumb- er. «. d. [the chase, d. U3l!> tdmbd, food for a falcon or bird of )^\5 TTf^TT tdmhrd, m. a copper-colour (in pigeons) ; a false stone resembling a ruby. i. JjuJU tdmbel, a tortoise, turtle, d. ^Z^^ TrtlT tdnt, m. f. catgut, sinew, the string of a musical instrument, tdnt bdji aur rag hujhd, be understood from the first word, tdnt hdndhna, to put to silence an idle talker, s. «Jlo\J wtil tdnt, m. a loom, a weaving appara- tus; also thread, fibre, &c. h, ^15 friTTT tdntd, m. a string (of camels, horses, &c.), a drove ; train, series, s. iJi^Jb^ inf'^V*' tdntrik, m. a scholar ; a fol- lower of the doctrine taught by the Tantras. t, ^^ irtlft tdntt, m. a weaver. «. 13J\!> tdndd, m. a caravan of merchandise carried on bullocks, mules, camels, &c. ; a large body of travellers or traders travelling together for mutual security, d. jJo\!> iiHtfM tandav, m. dancing, especially with violent gesticulation, and particularly applied to the frantic dancing of the god Shiva and bis votaries, t. ijnJ^ ta,annus, m. acquaintance, a, \X^Xi inm tdngd, m. a small two-wheeled car (without covering, and cn which one person only can sit) : (in Dakh.) it means the rostrum or forepart of a Hindu car, to which the bullocks are yoked. tangd-sawdr, one who rides on a tdngd. h. JJC313 tdnyaly m. a small tank or pond. d. Uol3* ITRI tdnnd, a. to extend, to stretch, to . expand, to pull; to knit (the eye-brows), tambft- tdnnd, to pitch tents, s. [elder brother, h. *3\i> wt^ tdn,u,in. a paternal uncle, father's fj}^ Tn»ft tdnt, f. the warp of cloth (v. tdnd) " the price paid for weaving. ». ^\3 ta,anni, f. delay, procrastination, a. tl*jj\!> idnis, f. the feminine gender, a. j\5 iirT tdWfVa.. heat; passion, rage; strength, powep; splendour, dignity; twist, coil, contortion. tdw dend, a. to twist ; to stroke the whiskers ; to heat (as iron), tdw-khdnd or tdw peek khdnd, n. to be heated, to be angry, p. or s. [assay ; speed, h. j^ im tdw, m. a sheet of paper: proof, trial, j^\j '?n"3l td,ti., m. a paternal uncle, father's elder brother. A. 1^^ tdnmn, m. retaliation, recompense ; debt ; fine, mulct ; loan, tdiodn is used in opposition to Tcisds, and means the price paid for blood, tdwan bdndhiid or lend, a. to fine, to mulct, tdwdn lagdna, a to amerce, p. [loan. p. ^)j\!> tdwdnl, f. compensation ; debt; fine; Ojli) mWtt tdwat, so much, so far, so many, until, the correlative to ydwat. t. Ujli) jrR*n tdwnd, a. to heat, to raise beat by blowing with a bellows ; to prove, to assay ; to twist. «. Jjjl5 tdmil, f. explanation, elucidation, in- terpretation, paraphrase, a. [plexity. p, »\5 tdh, f. a plait, fold, ply, multiplicity, per- ^\3 Wlf? tdhi, pron. to him, her, it, or that. h. (Cjfcli) Wrf^^ tdhiri, f. a kind of dish, viz. rice boiled with hafi, which consists of pulse (P/ia«eo/ta radiatus) ground in a wet state and mixed with ginger, pepper, &c., and dried in small lumps, h. ^jb\!> ta,ahhul, m. marrying, establishing a family, a. ;c-p\3 in^ td,i, f. an aunt, paternal uncle's wife, father's elder bi'other's wife ; an earthen frying- pot. h, V>\5 TTnn tdyd, m. a father's eldest brother, h, (..^U ta,tb, repentmg, penitent, a. ** '13 71^ tdfitf m. an amulet* a charm, h. i^jJo tOfldf f. aid, assistance ; corroboration ; a written voucher In corroboration of a daim. iS^d- nauns, an assistant clerk, a. [&C. a, U->)iXol!> ta,ldat (pi. of iiJo\5), helps, aids, Vjol5 ta,era, born of a father's elder brother. ta,era b?ia,t, m. or ta,eri bahin, f. a cousin, d. 7W fab, then, at that time; afterwards. tab-tak, tab-tofi, tab-ta,iii, or tab-lag, till tlien, np to that time. t. jU5 tabar, m. people, nation ; a tribe, family. thahriyari 'all tabar, a monarch of an iUustrioos house, p. ]J^ fWin tibara, thrice, or three times; m. a hall or room with tlu*ee doon. t. ciJjlx) taharuky blessing, being blessed, iaba- raka, used in Arabic phrases, as allahu tdbaraka wa ttlala, God, be is, or may he be, blessed and exalted, a. *jlo tibara, thrice, three times (v. tibara). s. »lji5 tdbah, bad, wicked, depraved, abject, ■poQed, ruined, wretched. tabah-}^l, ruined, p- tP^ tahaht, f. wickedness, depravity^ ruin, "wreck, perdition. /a6aAtXrAan>,a.tobeafiUcted. tabahl- xada, ruined, afiOicted, distressed, p. ^j^lx> tabayun, difference, contradiction, in- consistency ; (in arithm.) incommensnrabOity. a. j^ tabahhuTf m. profound learning, a. jJ^ tabakhtur, walking very stately, a. Jjj3 tabaddul, m.1 change, alteration, sub- jjj|,t3jj tabdil, f. J stitution ; difference, transposition, tabdili makan, migration, a. jJ tabar, m. a hatchet, an axe. tabar-bardar, an axe-bearer, a woodcutter, tabar-zan, a woodcutter, a hatchet-man. tabar zin, m. a horseman's battle-axe. p, fcj.«!> tabarrv', doing any thing voluntarily ; giving gratuitously, a. ti)jj tabarruh, m. benediction, congratula- tion ; a portion of presents (or what is left of food pre- sented to great men, &c.), given to their dependants, sacred relics, tabarrukan, by way of blessing. The word is employed idioraafically in the sense of making use of, or tasting any thing (used in a respectful sense) ; for example : after the arrival of a visitor, the Jtuklfa is introduced: the host offers it to his guest, who will probably say, awuial ap tabarruk farmaiyo, " Do you, Sir, first make use of it." (Binning.) a. ij4j>^ tabar-gun, hollow-backed (a horae). p. liJ jj tabrid, f. act of cooling, refreshing, a. j>j3 tabriz, the city of Tabriz or Tauriz, in Persia, p. i^jf.jJ^ tabrtzl, belonging to Tabriz. Shams tabrizi, name of a distinguished saint or §^ft. p. ^mJO tabassum, m. a smile, a. j*eo^ tabassur, m. sight, distinct perception, attentive consideration, a. [subjection, a. taViyat, f. obedience, dependence. ( 238 ) ^j4 ^^SS tahldk, a bundle or file of papers, a, jj«*jAf> tablis, playing the devil, a. «^*^ tabancha, m. a pistol, tabancha marndf 8. to shoot with or fire a pistol, t. fjxi tabannt, f. adoption (of a son, &c.). a. 6j3 tabak (for tabah, q. v.), bad, wicked, &c. p. iK^ «^W^ tab-ht, at that very time, tabhi- "to, then, indeed, tab-hise, thence, thenceforth, t. iJ>l(^tabai(inDaikh. i/mm tapas, f. sunshine, the sun- beams ; toil, labour, s. tiJLj tapak, m. affection, esteem, regard, lore, zeal, ardour ; consternation, affliction, p. ^oU5 tapan, palpitating, growing hot. p. UU5 f|t||f|| tapana, a. to pour a libation. A, 13L5 riMlHI tapana, a. to heat, to warm, to make another person warm himself at the fire, or in the sun. s. oVo inn«n tupana or topana, a. to have buried, to cause to cover, h. CLa3 HW tapta or TTfH tapat, hot, warm, fer- vent, burning with heat, pain, or sorrow; tapti or tapat, f. heat, tapta-krichehhra, m. a sort of penance, dnnking hot water, milk, or ghl, for three days. t. si^jf-* tap-khala, m. breaking out on the lips after a fever, the thmsh. p. jAtbj^ ITfftj^n tapariha,u, land cultivated in small patches among the uncultivated portions of an estate, h. [an acclivity, h. t iImO taprt, f a mound, a small height, jj«*j3 irPS tapas, m. religious austerity, pe- nance, self-denial ; the region inhabited by devotees after death ; virtue, duty : thus the tapas of a Brah- man u sacred learning, of a Kshatriya, the protection of subjects, &c. «. ^^y*^ rt^fytf tapasTvin,^ m. a devotee, a {jy*^ Hm^ tapaswi, J jogi. s. jj»*«j5 fapasmintf f. a female devotee. *'. (j-^ ( 284 ) j_^^«-x> WfpSi tapasior int^fi fapassifVa. devotee, "performer of austere devotion; adj. devout, ascetio - tapaslmachhll, f. the mango-fish (JPolynemus paraditea).!- ^*":0 lTM4 tapshi (v. tapast), devotee, &c. s. ^A^i»- > tapashya (v. tapasya), austerity, &c. s. i-iL) tapak, m. favour, friendship ; a sledge- hammer, p. [musket, t. «-iAJ inra tupak, f. (for J^ ir'M«h«!T tapahia, n. to throb, to pal- pitate, tapakna phofe M, the throbbing of a phlegmon or boil when coming to suppuration, h. ^jX> nsn tapan, f. heat, glow, fervour, warmth ; m.the sun; a division of hell ; the hot sea- son ; mental distress, grief, s. Ua.) rtMrii fapna, n. to be glorified ; to glow, to frisk about ; to burn with pain or grief. «. ^J^ TTTtft taprii, f. the Godavari river, s. f^iijsS WRt^TfT tapodhan, m. a devotee, an ascetic. 5. [India, or holy land. s. cLsj^ inft^ tapoivai, m. a part of central aJi TfTT: tapa,m. a division of land smaller than a pargana. h. ^^^ inft tapi, m. a devotee, a worshipper- s. jjiiJu) tapidan, to palpitate, tremble, &c. ; (as a sub.) a^tation, Sec tapidan-war, in a troubled condition, p. [at that time. s. HIT tat, that, used in comp. as tat-kal, TTiT tat or WW tatt, m. an element, prin- ciple (see tatwa). i. CJi firiT tit, there, thither, that way. s. IjLj ITWT tatta, hot, warm, zealous, wrathful, s. XL> tatar, m. (the same as tatar) a Tartar, p. jVJu) ITKTt tatar, f. embrocation, pouring of warm water on a diseased part. k. ^Xii TnrKtfT tatarna, a. to embrocate, h. (jlli> tittal, artful, deceitful; a knave or cheat tittali, deceitfoluess. d. oil) ilrtlWI tatana, a. to warm, heat. s. x^ tatabbu', m. imitation ; continuation. talabbu'-k., to search diligently, to explore, to examine | to follow, to imitate, a. [g^^^ adept. «. jip 10^ tatpar, engaged, addicted to, dili- «S> ^;4^(J1a> 1(7^^ tat-chhan (for tat-kshan), at that time, then. $. JL> inf fatra, there, therein, in that case. s. Ji^ firfwfr tittiri or tittir, m. the francoline partridge; the name of a Muni, one of the early teachers of the black Yajur-veda ; the Yajur-veda. *. \>)^i ITTOtTT tuirana, n. to lisp, to speak im- perfectly as a child, h. [bittar, dispersed, h. jiOjO fWiTTf^HT titar-bitar or fif^cfM^C tittar- C^^jii inrH^iT tatra-hhawat, venerable, reverend, s. {jjf^ 'iTrt^ tntri, f. a playful or wanton girl. h. i^^ tatart (for tdtari), of or relating to Tartary. p. (-ilGki tutak, the deck of a ship. d. J^ if3iTc5 tat-kal, at that time, then ; m. present, time being, tat-kala-dhi, m. a man wise for the time being, having presence of mind. «. (jSXL) frrfcT^ titikshu, "1 patient, re- d^^^ "firfiTftTK titikskit, J signed, s. l-ixiJ fwfcf^ titiksha, f. patience, resignation, endurance, s. (^j^^S:^ Kt^fH tat-hshan,Vii that time, instantly ; m. time being, s. ^y^ firfiT^ f/til, m. one of the seven harans or astronomical periods ; a sweetmeat made of eesa- mum ground and baked with sugar <. ^*:kf> rlri(3&l«1T tutldnd, n. to lisp, to speak im- perfectly as a child, h. (^^ titlt, f. (for tttri) a butterfly. A. Vx^ ffTfirar titimhd, m. obstacle, impediment, stratagem, h. 8^ tatimma, m. an appendix, supplement, continuation, remainder, balance, a. ^x»X> tatmim,f. consummation, completion, a. Uo f»nnn titnd, m.^so many, that much or much time. ^J^ finna titn Una, m.1 f itnt, f. J many, fifne men, in so ^ iTrf tattva or iTB •-•> im tiitth, m. a collyrium extracted from the amomumzanthorhizai blue vitriol, sulphate ot cop- per, applied to the eyes. «. l^ inn tathd, f. power, ability, might, k. I eO ( 235 ) U" u l^ inn tatha, so, thus, and, thence, in that manner. *. Pess. s, C-J^I) innfVr tathapi, then even, neverthe- CL^**>\6p riVjUH tathastu, be it so, yes. *. dA^l^li) rfVj | i|if tathagat, m. a yarn or Barf^/Aa, a divine teacher. «. [applied to the eyei. «. ^^^X> iT f^f i ^ff tutthanjan, m. blue vitriol ]jip AAt< \ tutahra, m.1 a vessel for warm- i^jip Mrfi^il tatahri, fjing water, a kettle. A. ^_^M.^^i> f^f^T^ titki-kshay, m. day of new "moon. ». ,_^ Hll^ tutapa, m. helplessness, inability, d. j(^^ - «"> W7^ tatastha, m. an indifferent per- son, one neither a Mend nor a Cm. «. OUlx) tat-tatand,SL. to pain or vex greatly, d. \J>JiXj titkama, a. to urge on a horse by uttering any sound, dt \jj3 tutna (for tutna), to be broken, to burst, d. y3 tattu, 1 m. a pony, a sorry horse of a \y3 tattUyOt) small kind. d. ^^^SJ tatwanty f. a female or mare pony. d. jjyj tatolnSf m. to feel (with the hand), to grope, touch, d. ,^15 tath or tuthf the crash made by the breaking of wood. d. cIaJo taslis, f. trinity ; dividing into three parts ; trine (the aspect of the planets), a. &jJL> tamiya, m. dual (number), a. 2 HH taj, f. the bay tree, or its bark {Lau- rus castia) i (as a verbal root), abandoning, forsaking, s. jlaJ tujja?; m. a merchant, (pi. of^l5 pro- perly, "merchants," but generally used as a singular noun in Hindilstanl). a. 0.\jf tijdrat, f. trade, commerce, a. ijj^ f(rilTTft renovation, renewal, a. Aliiji iajdid, f. J 4-aJ^ ^ j^ tajribat,\m. experiment, trial, proof, W jtf tajriha, J experience, assay, proba- tion, tajrlha-kar, expert, conversant in. tajriha-k&rh f. experience, a. [in solitude, a- ^jd tajarrud, m. solitude ; celibacy j living ijj^ fri at O tijarlj f. a tertian fever or ague. s. CyijS' tajrid, f. solitude, celibacy, separation ; (properly, rendering solitary), a, i_Sj4' tajazzi, f. separating into small pieces, analysis, a. fj.*^ tajassus, m. spying, exploring, search, inquiry, curiosity, inquisitiveness, espionage, taja*- sus-k., a. to pry into, to search diligently, a. Jjb??^ tajaljul, commotion, sinking into the earth, a. ^ tajalU, f. splendour, brilliancy, lustre, clearness ; pi, tajaUiyat, lustres, illuminations, a. J,^ tajammulf m. dignity, retinue, a. Ijtf^ inRT tajnd, a. to abandon, to desert, to quit, to leave, taj-d., to give up. s. M^ tajannub, withdrawing, ceasing, tajan- imb-k., to refrain, or desist, or withdraw from. a. itwju^ tajnts, f. resemblance, analogy ; equi- vocation; punning to the eye instead of the ear. taj- nisi Muiith writing words alike to the eye which are pronounced differently, according to the short vowel employed ; a sort of equivoque in writing, as ^al, pil, and put, in the following line from Sauda, inauji chash- m'l 'dshikan de tor pal men pil ke put, " the waves from the eyes of lovers would instantly demolish a bridge by their shock." In the original manuscript, the three words pal, pil, and pul, present to the eye the same appearance, yiz.pl, or pe and lam only. a. Jj^ tajrv'iz, f. approbation; inquiring into, examining ; considering, contrivance, sentence, judg- ment, triaf, plan, permission, tajwlz-nama, a written decree, judgment, or 'resolution, a. {j\>.^ tajwlzi, tried, determined, a. t^Jo^j^ taJTVif) f- hollowing, making con- cave, a. jj^ tajhlz, f. burial ; arranging, adorning. tajhtzi lashkar-k., a. to rdse an army. o. 131^ ■?T'^»n tachdnd. a. to parch, to scorch, h. Ij^ ri-^^ l tachnd, n. to be heated, to parch, h. r^ iTBf tuchh, contemptible, despicable worthless, void, empty, s. jii.^ TTBi?; tuchcha-dru, m. the castor-oil tree (as having no sap), a. uil^^ ir^^ tachhak (for takshah), m. one of the principal nagas or serpents of Patala ; a snake of a middle size and of a red colour. *. ^^J^ firarsT tichchhan, (for tikshnd) sharp, virulent, bitter, severe. ». ^_^Wr iahdshi, excepting against (any mea- "•ore), by saying ^sha. "God forbid." by " no meana." a J^ ( 236 ) tlAiJ v_jJl^ tdhaluf, conspiring, leaguing; (in law) the swearing of both the plaintififand the defendaat. a. c_ftjl^ taha,if (pi. of esJi), rarities, curiosi- ties ; presents, choice articles, a. a^ taht, m. below, the inferior part; possession, tafyt-us-sara or sara, m. under the earth. taTf.t-ush-sh.u,a* , m. change of the moon, conjunction with the sun. ta^ti-iasarruf or -farman or -Ifukumat subjection, dominion, j urisdiction. taht-lafgt, verbally, literal translation, interlinear translation, ta^t men Idna, a, to conquer, to subjugate, a, ^UsS tahtani, (applied to letters or points in dictionaries) small, short, under, a. j>j^ iahzir, threatening, cautioning, a. ci3^ iaharruk, m. motion, movement, a. j>.j^ tahrir,f. writingcorrectly ; manumission ; adj. written, dated. teHriri uklidas, Euclid's Ele- ments, a. i^jai,j£- tahris, f. stimulation, tahris karna, a. to stimulate, to entice, to allure, a. i—SOjd tahr'if, f. changing, inverting, trans- posing letters, forming an anagram, cutting the point ofaifcaJam obliquely; pi. ^,j^ tahrlma, m. the commencement of prayer, when all worldly thoughts are forbidden, assumption of a pilgrim's garb. a. [dolence. a. y*^ tnhassur, m. grieving, regretting ; con- t^ju^t^ju^ tahs-nahs, spoilt, broken, dispersed, overthrown, destroyed, unfortunate (the last part is significant, the first redundant), a. ;jj*^ tahsin, f. approbation, applause, accla- mation. taTjMti-k., to applaud, praise, a. J.jua^ tahsil, f. collection (particularly re- venues), it also denotes the district allotted to a collec- tor ; gain, acquisition, profit, attainment ; pi. taljMlat, collections, acquisitions ; districts, (vide Wilson.) a. jl4i,J-»jaa2 tahsil-dar , m. a collector, a tax- gatherer; an officer employed for a fixed salary to collect the revenues of a district, a. (CjliiJ-MO^ tahsil-ddrt, f. ofl5ce or rank of collector; collectorship, tax-gathering, a. VJJiXia^ tahfilnd, a. to collect, to gather a tax ; hence, to oppress, to afflict, a. d/h^tuhfat (v. tuhfa), a rare gift or present. tutufat-ulmuminin, " Rare gift of the orthodox "; a well- known book on medicine, written in Persian, but com- piled from a great variety of other works in Sanskrit, Arabic, &c. — (Binning.) a. Ola^ tuhfajdt (bnrbaric pi. of sJi^), rari- ties, curiosities, presents, a. ^XaJi tuhfagi, f. excellence, rarity, beauty, "neatness, elegance, a. iisj2 tuhfa, a curiosity ; a present ; adj. rare, uncommon, excellent, admirable, nice, choice, beauti- ful, wonderful, odd, singular, tuf^fa ma'jun, a wag. o. jjfa^ tahakkuk, m. ascertainment, certain knowledge, verification, o. j^L^ tahkir, f. despising, scorn, neglect, dis- dain, tah^r-k., to despise, a. J yA a . < tahkik, f. ascertaining, investigation, trial, verification, exactness, precision; truth, cer- tainty; adj. authentic, actual, real, indubitable, appa- rent ; indeed ; pi. tal),kll:at. a, eolftAftaJ tahlakana, according to truth, a. ■ J i j JL^ tahMki, sure, certain, confirmatory, a. S^ taliahkum, m. commanding, ruling, do- minion, power, authority; usurping authority; con- demning, passing sentence, a. ■^Js.-^ tahkim, f. arbitration, authority, a. K ajJ,^ tahlif, exacting an oath. a. J.jA^ tahtil, m. digestion, concoction, solu- bility; making lawful. taJ^Hl hona, n. to waste, to consume. tal},ltl-kamewala, digestive, a. ^y^ tahammul, m. patience, endurance, long- suffering, resignation, forbearance, truce, peace, meek- ness, humility, tdfyammul-k., to endure, a. tX^«j^ tahmcl, f. the utterance of the Arabic phrase, " al ^amdu lillahi," praise be to God. p. ^J.x»^ tahmil, f. burthening, imposing a load on ; importiming, asking more than one's right, a. j^ tahawmur, m. haste, celerity j anger, a. Jj^^ tahmil, f. trusts, charges, cash ; return, renovation; change, transfer; passing of the son. moon,or a planet from one sign to another; pi. ta^wilat, revolutions, &c tafjiwUi tasarruf, embezzlement a. jljjji^^ tahnil-ddr, m. a cash-keeper, a trea- surer, a. p. [of cash-keeper, a. p. j^.\ tib*^ tahrvil-ddrl, the office or situation lIaJ^ taJnyat, f. a salutation, congratulation, prayer, benediction, a. [nishmeni. u* O^ tahaiyur, m. amazement, wonder, asto- _ .li? takhdrt^, lit. mutual disbursement ; (in the language of the law) a composition entered into by some heirs for their share of the inheritance, in consideration of some specific thing, which for the time being exdudes them from such inheritance, a. ^jiaJlii? takhdlus, liberation, manumission, a. i^\jd tahMlnff ni. opposition, enmity, a. (JIaAS takht, m. a throne, takkt bakht or taMll bakht, throne and fortune ; used as a form of benediction, particularly by women, to signify wedlock and wealth, takht par baithalnd. a. to enthrone, tak^t par baithnd, n. to reign, takhi chhorna, a. to abdicate a throne ^aM'-'^"''. m. a king. /aM'rf«'''. sovereignty. taMiti-rawdn, m. a travelling throne, a throne on which the king is carried ; also a kind of sedan carried on mules or camels, in which women commonly travel. taW *« utarna, a. to dethrone, takht nishdu, seating on or bestowing thrones, takbt nishht, m. a king, a prince. 4* v. a. (jiali^ takhalluSf m. the titular name assumed by poets, as Sauda was the tafibfUluf of Mlrza Mul}am- madRafV. a. [maining behind, a. v_i)j2 takhalluf, m. retiring, deferring, re- jAi^ taMicdlul, m. disturbance, discord, dis- aension, interruption, a. (^jaAlS takhViBy release, freedom, a. &a)j2 tahhliya, m. evacuating; privacy; manumission (of a slave) ; divorce (of a wife), a. j2. tukkm, m. seed; an egg; a testicle; ' sperm, tukhmi balangu, m. a seed of a cooling qua- lUy. tuMmi bad, low bred, tukhmi raiJian, m. the seed of Ocymum pilosum. tukhm-rez, a sower, iukhm- rezt, t. scattering seed, sowing, tukhm-snlcht, land in which seed has not germinated, tukhmi kdhu, m. seed of lettuce (I/ach«ro «rfi»a). tu}c}mikatan,m.M.n6e&d. p. B^ tukhma, m. indigestion, a. Ay^ takkf^'''* f* fermentation, leavening, a. IIa^ takkmtnan, by guess, hypothetically, by appraisement ; adv. nearly, aboat. o. &XL^ taMmiina, m. guess, appraisement, conjecture, valuation, a. ejj2 takhna, m. the ankle or ankle-joint, h. i_A>.yJ takhmf, f- terrifying ; threatening, a. JjLi2" takhaiyul, m. fancying, imagining, supposing; suspicion; pL /oMat'yu^at, suspicions, &c. a. j^ takMiyum, the pitching of a tent. a. ^ iT^ fad, then, at that time, afterwards, in that case, therefore, so soon, tad-antar, after that, after which, tad-bhl, still, nevertheless, however, not- withstanding, tad to, then, in that case, tad se, thence, since that time, tad-hl, at that very time, in that case only. s. ( 2S7 ) jj5 \Si m^ tada, then, at that time. «. jj\Si tadablr(\)\. ofjijSS), deliberations, &c. a. ^^\s> taddkkul. mutual insertion or en- trance, a. (-dJ.ltV) taddruh, m. chastisement, retaliation ; provision, preparation (particularly to obtain justice) ; the instruments and means used to procure justice, as writing, lawyers, witnesses, &c. ; remedy, precaution, reparation, taddruk-k., a. to provide against, to pre- pare, to oppose, to chastise, a. xJ^Jj tadafu\ repelling, resisting, a. f^Si taddn, then, at that time, d, {^j^si taddwul, m. tradition, a. ^j^JJ taddwi, f. cure, remedying, a. jX>SS tadbir, f. deliberation, counsel, opinion, advice ; government, regulation, order ; in the lan- guage of the law, it means a declaration of freedom made to a slave, to be established after the master's death ; pi. tadblrat, counsels, deliberations ; regula- tions, tadhtri saltanat or tadblri mamlukat, f. politics, administration of government, tadblri ^iza, f. regi- men, a. jjii3 tadarrv, m. a pheasant (to whose gait that of a mistress is compared), p. i^jSi fri<5'0 ti-dari, three-doored. s, ^jiW tadrij, f. gradation, scale, a. fjii>>,jSS tadrls, f. giving lectures, a. (jOiiS tadfin, m. burial, sepulture, a, Jo3ji5 ift^tftf^ tadanantar, thereafter. #. \\i>Si frifinci tidhdrd, m. the name of a plant {Euphorbia antiquorum) ; the meeting of three streams (in Dakh. tidharl). s, jfctii) finrc tidhaVf thither, in that direction, h. (^S> ITS*? taddhan, miserly, niggardly, s. jJ&tP insft or A^4i tadhi, at that very time, in that case. s. ^jrvfciiJ tadfhin, f. anointing, a. ^,i>j tadaiyun, m. religiousness, sanctity, a. \Sj 7^ tadd, m. an island, h. )33 tiddd (for tiddd), a grasshopper,a locust, d. ci)l3o Tm"aF taddk, splendid, gaudy, h. ^\sS fCStWl taddkd, m. noise of beating, h. il/\S3 irffPT taddg, m. a tank, pond. h. \j\d3 insmj taddwd, m. a crash, crack, h. \^\si AiW taddyd, m. report, rumour (v. huha). h. t^ii!) tiddi, a troop of men. d. {^SiHS tazabzub, agitation, commotion, a. jjtiS tazarw (v. tadarrv), a pheasant. ». e)^ ( 238 ) ^y CJ'Sc^ tazMraU\vci. memory, remembrance ; tfi^tazhira, J amemoir, billet, schedule, obligation, handwriting; biographical memoirs, espe- cially of poets, ta^iratan, by way of mention, memoir or memorial, a. jiSsi tazktr, f. masculine gender ; commemo- "ration, bringing to memory, mentioning, recording, admonishing, a. JjJ jj taztil, f. abasement, depression, a. L^JJbSi tazhtb, art of gilding, illumination of mannscripts. a. 3 tar, moist, wet, fresh, green, young, juicy; a particle, by the adding of which, Persian adjectives form their comparative degree; oB M^b, good,{aiei Jsh&b-tar, better, fairer, p. 3 TTC tar (for tale), underneath, below, k. 3 TT^ taru, m. a tree in general, s. 3 fsi tri, three (used only in composition), s. \3 ftiTT tira (for tera), they, thine, of thee. s. \3 TTO tara, the bottom of any thing, h. \3 tura (for tura), to thee, or thee. p. \mJ\3 turab, m. earth, ground, dust. a. t^3 turahi, earthen or earthly, a. t^i\3 taraduf, m. succession ; adj. unmter- rupted, carrying double (a horse), a. S3 intJR tarar, rapid, quick, h. \^3 Trtro tarrara, m. rapidity, tarrara bharna, to gallop, to rush on at full speed, h. j\\3 tarazu, f. a scale, a balance, tarazu ho- jana, to hit right through (an arrow), p. h. {,jt»\3 frrTTTJ tiras or '^TO tras, f. thirst, tiros ana or lagna, a. to be thirsty. *. {ju\3 TTO tras, m. alarm, fear, dread, tras- dayt, terrifying, occasioning dread or alarm, s. \m\3 ^^rm tj^asa, \ o -3 . -n 1 ■^ _ . )• afraid, terrined. s. frdsit,) ^j*»)y fiTTT^ tira^, eighty-three, s. Cy>\3 tarash, f. cutting, paring, shape, form. tarash dalna, a. to pare off or away ; (in corap.) cutting or trimming; as, Jcalam-tarash, a penknife, p. fjJ>i^ O^lr* to^r^^^ hbflfash, f. form, shape, (particularly good) ; neatness of form. p. K)Jj»\3 tarashna (in Pers. tarashidan), a. to cut, to chip; to shave; to shape, to cut out. apne taM tarashna, to be vain, to value or esteem one's self above others, p. »Mi>\3 tarasha, m. shaving, splinter, clip. p. j! J or Li3)3 tarak &c., a crack, the noise of any thing splitting or breaking, p. [lance, h. i-fij^\3 KUWi^ tarakri, f. the beam of a ba- jS\3 tar ahum, accumulation, heaping up. a. ^^\3 unR taran, m. revenue, income, k. ^J^ TITO tran, m. safety ; protection deh verance ; a coat of mall, tran-k., a. to free, to protect. trdn-kartd, a deliverer. <. UU> iTtT»n tarrana, n. to grudge, grumble, murmur, h. ^)3 fwtRT tirana or tTTTTT tarana, a. to cause to pass over or swim, to save. «. f cold water, d. \i\3 turaua, rice boiled and kept overnight in \if3\3 frrri^T^^ tirbdchak, m. an agreement {j^^yji tirhdnttn, turpentine, g. C^3 turbat, f. a tomb, a sepulchre, a. fj^Ji turhati, sepulchral, a. h3 tar-ba-iar, completely wet. tar-ba-tar hona, n. to drip with wet, (but generally) to be covered with blood, p. tJjy tarbad or turbud, m. a purgative Indian root ; turbith {Convolvulus iurpethum). p. ^ 3 tarbuj\ (also tarbuza, tarbuz,Sc tarbuza)^ 'j}3 tarbuz, J m. a water-melon (^Curcurbita citrullus). p- \ X;A y f^^^g ' T tribhangd or firtH^ tir- Wa«ga, standing awry, or bending (properly with legs, loins, and neck bent). *. XlL>3 f^f^Tfft tribhangi or fi(X>f^ti7bhangi, "an epithet of XmJ?a; name of a species of poetical measure, s. ^y ^»f^3 f^p>r^t{t7'i-bhuwan,m.the three worlds, i.e. heaven, earth, and hell, the universe, tri-hhuwan- tuagar, splendour of three worlds, tri-bhuwan-sundarl, the beauty of the three worlds, a lady's name. s. CLkX^j tarbiyat, f. education, instruction, tuition, breeding, correction, tarbiyat-pizir, docile, tractable, tarbiyat-k., a. to educate, to instruct, s. «A^ tarhV, f. dividing into four, making a quadrangular or square figure ; (in astrology) a quad- rangular aspect of the stars, quadrature, a. i^y r=r^y f^'TT^ tri-pad, m. fever, or the demon of fever .described as having three feet and three heads.s. Uby i!.j> f-ttM^O tri'padi, f. a creeper {Cissus "pedata) ; the girth of an elephant. ». y.jiJ f-A^ X . iri-pur, f. a district of Bengal, the modern Tippera. s. f^^.J'K^PStarpanfm. a libation of water to the manes of deceased ancestors ; satisfaction, gratifi- cation, satiety, s. jjJJ fiR^nr tirpan, fifty-three, s. i^.f> iTj!) ifT.mT taraphnd, n. to flutter, to trem- ble, to palpitate, toverithe, wriggle, toss, jump, spring; to be very desirous, h. C^Ji itR turt or KTJf turat, ^ instantly, j\5y ^St^ turtdw, ' quickly, di- O-^Oji) IT^trS turt phurt, J rectly, pre- sently, immediately, s. Viy firon tlrtd, treble, threefold, h. ( 239 ) ^y ^JtA^Xi3 tirtdUs (for tetdlis), forty-three, d, |yy TTwrT ^M/'y tartibi, orderly, methodical, a. AjiJy tartll, reciting with a clear voice, a. [«. ijj^{j>? "'f'fPqnflF -y tarjumdn, m. a translator ; (vulg. called in the Levant), dragoman or drogaman. a. j_^l»s»-y tarjumdnl, f. oflice of interpreter, a. &-^y tarjama or tarjuma, m. translation, interpretation, tarjama-navis, m. a translator, a. (^y rT^«T tarjan, m. wrath, anger, s. ^i^y iT^«ft tarjanl, f. the fore-finger, s. ^>.y tarjlJi, f. gaining a superiority, prefe- rence, excellence, pre-eminence, tarjihii bila murajja^ unreasonable preference, tarjijf rakhna, a. to excel, to surpass, a. SJJxy»-J> tarji-band, a kind of stanza, in which one line recurs at stated intervals, a. p. i^^i^ji lT^5fl^«T taru-jiwan, m. the root of a tree. s. lAsj-y filial tirchhdy crooked, across, cross- wise, bent, awry ; perverse ; affected, foolish, tirchha dekhna, a. to squint, tirchha lagna, n. to strike obliquely, tirchhl dAkh-k., a. to look angrily, to cast unkind looks, tirchhl na^ar, leer, ogle. «. \3lAs».y frt*>^l»n tirchhdnd, a. to crook, to place in a transverse position ; to be perverse ; to be affected, s. cL»4>y WT^ tarchhat, f. dregs, sediments, h. \JU^»-y finf^nrrfn tirchhiydnd, n. to edge, to go obliquely (little used, the proper expression being katrdna). s. [ness, mercy, lenity, h, jf>-yi tarahhum, m. pity, compassion, kind- Us»-y tarakhndf to warp, crack, split, d. ( ( 240 ) iP i*j^-y tarkhtnif f. abbreviation, contraction, apocope (in grammar), a. idji taraddud, m. irresolution ; contrivance, debating ; rejecting, hesitation, fluctuating, suspension of judgment, anxious consideration. pL taraddudat, as taradduddti dunyavi, attention to, or anxiety about, worldly affairs, a. CJAutCiJi tar-dast, expert, active, adroit, p. jS*<*^j!> tardasti, f. activity, handine88,adroit- " ness, expertnegg. p. ;jwii;!)f%^ tridash, m. a god, a deity, tri- dashahar, m. god's food, amrlt, or ambrosia, s. ^dy f^RJ^JT tridald, f. a creeping plant (^Cis- Mus pedata). s. ijii3:>y f^(^4lil tri-dandl, a Shiva mendicant, BO called from his carrying as his eymbol three slen- der staves, typical of his command over thoughts, words, and actions, s, ^Jitjiiji fsi^ tri-dosh, m. effervescence of the three humours, viz. phlegm, bile, and atrabilis. ». >i3y tardld, f. opposing, harfi tardid, the disjunctive conjunction yS, or. a. c-W.(ij5 ia7'dtf, f. following, subjoining, a. J>\)^ f^rnr trl-ratra^ m. three nights coUec tively. «. (_>»jy "ff^ tars, m. compassion, mercy, tart khana, to compassionate, to feel pity. b. {^J> fUT^tiras, indirectly, covertly ; crooked- ly, awry ; a particle of abuse or depreciation. *. (^j*»j!> tars, m. fear, tenor. p. \**»J} tarsa, m. one who is not a Musalman ; a Christian ; an infidel, a pagan, a worshipper of fire, a guebre. p. ^^Vw4^ tarsan, fearful, timid, afraid, p. \J\jMji A^lHl tarsana, a. to cause to long, to tantalize, teaze. s. i^j^^ f%5^$ tri-suparna, m. a portion of the Rig and Tajur Vedas. «, ^JL^**>Ji ^rtJ irasta, timid, fearful, s, ^XimJS Tai^Z tirsathf sixty-three, s* jK**y frtCWiK tirashar, m. ^disrespect, \>jLj»y fiflfVA^ tiraskriya, f. J abuse, re- proach, s. C^J^Ji fAX.^Jt tiraskrity reviled, abused. ». J-M»j!> tarassul, m. doing (any thing) softly, or easily, a. Okj^Ji Ttx.wm tarasna, n. to long, to desire anxiously; to beg, to entreat, to supplicate, to pi^. *. Li)\Ja*»j3 iars-nak, timid, cowardly, p. jL^iijuMuy f^iTflWll tri-sandhyay the three pe- riod* of the day, dawn, noon, and ere. a. [jy»j> ^V^W trhul, m. a trident or three- pronged lance (the weapon borne by Mahadeva). «. (j^«*ji> TreR tarson, the third day past or to come (not including the present, i.e. two days inter vening). h. f^Sxt**j> tarsidan, to fear, to dread, p. Jju«*^ tarsil, f. sending, transmitting, a. ;j^ l(k tarsh, m. thirst, wish, desire. 8. {^y iMnsA, sour, harsh; ill-tempered, crabbed. tursh-ru, cynical, morose, surly, stem, hard-favoured^ ugly, tursh-falf or -mizdj, sour-tempered, harsh, p. w*;5 '^WI trisha, f. thirst, desire ; a plant {Commelina salic^folia). tris^a-ioant, thirsty, t. (_f^lw»^ tursha,t, f. sourness, harshness, aci- "dity. p. [late. p. \JLi>j iurshana, to become sour, to acidu- uIawO rrftw tarshit or itfMii trishit, thirsty, s. „^fc.V.»t>j5 f^TBH trishtuhh, f. a sort of metre or stanza consisting of three lines. ». Jj»3 tarashshuh,m. sweating, exuding; drip- ^ping, dlstillingi a small rain. a. ^jmO f^^TCHT tri-sharan, m. a sanctified teacher of the Jaina sect, the refiige of the three worlds. «. viXXoO f%^^ tri-shring, m. a hill with three peaks ; a triangle, c iJ^j^ f%^^ tri-shringi, m. a kind offish "(Cyprittus dmliculatus). t. L^yjii^ fl^'Mi turushka, m. incense ; name of a country (perhaps Turin, now called Torkistin), turushka, m. pi. its inhabitants. «. (j^ 1(^ tarshan, m. thirst, thirsting; it is also used metaphorically, t. Um)J tarashna, n. to be cut or pared, p. UmO 'RWT trishna,f, thirst; ambition, desire, avarice, trishna-kshay, m. content, resignation, pa. tience. t. ji-***/ TBHH trishnaj, thirsty, longing for. t. O^^mO tarashrvand, to cause to be cut. p. jJySo fT(*25iJ trishul, m. a trident (the weapon borne by Mahadeva). «. 9Jm3 tarsha, a species of fruit, tursha, a kind of sorrel, wild sorrel, p. ^io tursht, f. sourness, acidity, harshness. " iurshl-badi, acid (or) flatulent (a medical term), p, ,^je3 tarassud, m. expectation, hope. a. Xf^y tarsi , adorning with jewels or gold ; an ornate style in prose or verse, a. \_-^)^y> targhtb, f. exciting desire, temptation, stimulation, targ^tb denS, a. to set a-gog, to tampti to excite or induce, a. jy ( 241 ) dp >-9j> tarakkub, m. contemplating, expecting, hopiog. a. a5j5 tarahna(for taraknd,q.y.),u.to split,&c.rf. ^Jy tarakki, f. promotion, preferment; in- " crease ; making progress in learning, proficiencj; pi. taraJcinySt. preferments, advances, a. ^j^y tarklk, f. softening, thinning, dilution, rarefaction, a. j^y tarkinit f. writing, noting, marking, a. <-iJ^ turkt m. properly a Turk, which in Per- sian takes many other meanings ; a soldier ; a Musal- mdn, turk-sawar, m. a horseman, cavalier, turk- mizaj, savage or of a Tartwrly disposition; wicked. Ay, depraved, a. p. ^^y.iark, m. abandoning, leaving, deserting. tark i adah, disrespect, rudeness ; tark i dunya, aban- donment of the world and its vanities, a. cl3y iriM tarak, f. a beam, a rafter, h. iji)J> ir^ tark, m. doubt, discussion ; logic ; a proposition (in logic), tarka-vidya, f. the science of reasoning, logic. «. uiJy IT^ tarku, f. a spindle or distaff, an iron pin upon which the cotton is first drawn out. t. oy ffWT trika, f. a triangular frame or bar across the mouth of a well to support the rope of the bucket. «. sS%? ri^lO tarkari, f. esculent vegetables, h. (^)'^u^j^ fTTSRTcS^f^ trikal-darsht, m. one "who sees the past, present, and future ; a rishi or di- vine sage ; a name of Buddha, m. *i3 Jo;^ f^cin^Jir trikala-gya, m. one who knows the past, present, and future; a name of Buddha. «. «ij^-^ TT^ftfTB iarku-pind, m. "la ball of ^^ J >jkA.(^ iT^q^yt tarku-pithi, f. J clay upon "the lower end of the spindle to assist in giving it a rotatory motion, t. (JLa^ flf^iT tarkit, doubtful, disputed, s. jl3t-i)j turk-iaz, "1 depredation, attack; /ci)y turk-tazi, J feigned anger, p. (JLa^ 7(^ tarhut, m. drawing out the cotton upon the distaff or upon the wheel. *. [Jolia). $. CLS3 frcFT trikat, m. a plant {Ruellia longi- iJLSJi f7«C? trikatu, Ym. a mixture of dry ^Ji finCSRTT tirkutaj ginger, long pepper, and black pepper, t. ij^y TT'iiTt tarkutt, f. a spindle or a distaff, s. ij>Sy tirkas, bent, crooked, cornerwise, dia- gonally, d. [Turks, Transoxiana. p. ^JCL*Sy /Mrftisian, the country of the (eastern) jjS*^ tarkash, m. a quiver, tarhash-band, wearing a quiver, p. yj^y rtji^ll^ tarku-shan, in. a small whet •tone for sharpening spindles. $. (J>j3 ?rli^ tarkul, m. the fruit of the tar tree (Borassus flabelltformis). t. (J3;J fffi«^ tarkil, m. Cassia tor a, g. QiX^'^Ji irii^rnen tarkuldsak, m. a concave shell or saucer in which the lower end of the spindle is placed and whirled round, s. ^J>y wf%«T tarkin, m.a logician, a disputant, a follower of the Tarka-shastra. t. uLUu^ fjfoiRpw tri-kantak, m. a sort of fish (Silurus), a plant (Ruella longifolia). t, ^iji turkani, (lit.) a female Turk, a Turco- man woman. In India the term denotes any Musalmftn female, p. ^yy f%^ f^TcK^ tri-kon, m. a triangle; the sS)3 tarika or tarikat, m. the estate of a de- ceased person, a bequest, a legacy, a. y^Ji ir$n tarkha, rapid (a stream), h. l^^ rri<4^,^ ,. , ,- • - \t a trivet, h. L^JvJ^ T?R^37 tirkhuntt, J /e^ Ulff iarkt, f. an ornament for the ear "made of the leaves of the taf tree ; m. a logician, a dis- putant ; same as tarkin, q.v. s. ic^J> turkt, m. a kind of horse; adj. of or "belonging to a Turcoman or Tartar; the language spoken by the Turcomans, turki tamam hu,i, spoilt, destroyed, p. t-^oiy/ar^Ii, f. composition, mixture, cemenr, make, form, mechanism, tarklb-k., a. to organise ; pi. tarkibat, mixtures, compositions, a. j_^ja^ tarktbt, composed, mixed, artful, "artificial, a. cL/^ urn turag, m. a horse, turag-brah' macharyak, m. enforced celibacy, continence arising merely from the absence of women, t. C^;iP fVT^ tri-garlta, m. a country in the north-west division of India, apparently part of Lahore, t. [a wanton, t. ^Sy f^jn^ tri-gartta, f. a lascivious, woman, ^^y fVci^U tri-gun, thrice, triple ; possessing the three gunas or properties of beings ; m. the aggre- gate of those three properties «. ^Sy TfUfi turagty f. a ^hmi (jPhysalisflexuO' "ta) ; m. a horseman. «. Jp ITC^ taral, capricious, changeable, fickle, inconstant, ticklish, volatile, unsteady, libidinous, wanton, t. [nethermost, ik. *^y TIT^TT tarla, m. a kind of bamboo ; lower, {j>-^y r^t^^'^H trirlochanf a name of Maha- deva or Shiva. $. iJJ< ( 242 ) XP the universe, the world as consist- li) J^ fv^ftV tri-lok, m.1 ^J^y f%^"^fl|i^ tri-loki, f. J "ing of three distinct departments, i.e. heaven, earth, and the regions under the earth, triloki-nath. Lord of the universe, s. [three roads, s, tjj^y f^TPff iri-margit f. the meeting of jX<0 iTT*nft iurmatt, f. the name of a hawk " {Falco cyanellus, B. •,fasciatusB. ; Tinnunculus dubitis).h. ^6m3 "hnrif tri-madhu, m. a portion of the Rig-Veda ; a student of that portion, t. \jtcji frffA^T tirmira, m. a spot of oih &c. swimming on water ; an ocular spectrum, or spark ap- pearing before the eye, from the internal state of that organ. h._ Xi\y«3 friPAuHT tirmirand, n. to vibrate, to dazzle, to thrill, to shake ; to sparkle as grease or oil swimming on water, h. viLJ6U/«y firfnTT^T tirmirahat, f. vibration, h. {Jj^j> firf^ tirmirl, f. darkness j vertigo, s. (j'*^ turmis, a kind of millet, lupine, Turkey com. p. [three peaks, a. uilXy f-JJ*? tri-mukut, m. a mountain with ^^3 turamnif f. an instrument for rasping " cocoa-nuts. d. Oj^/O fiilflf"^ tri-murti, f. trinity ; the three principal Hindu deities, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva ; m. a Jaina saint s. ^^y KnO tar an, m. a raft, a float; Swarga or paradise ; crossing over, passing ; escape, deliverance ; one who is delivered. *. f^Ji T^trin or trina, m. grass. trinata,{. the state or property of grass, tfm-jdti, m. the vegetable kingdom, trin-jambh, graminivorous, trln-raj, m. a palmyra-tree, trin-wat, like grass ; worthless, s. ^oP IC^S^tarun, young, juvenile, adult; m. a young man ; a kind of plant {Achyranthes aspera ?). s, j^ J rf^filj tarani, m. the sun, a ray of light; a float or raft ; f. a ship, a boat ; the succotrine aloe (A, perfoliata) ; a plant (Hibiscus mutabilis). a. liy injn tarnd, n. to pass over, to be ferried ; to be saved, a. Oj3 fiT4.«il tirna, n. to swim, to float, h. (j^Uy iI^UiraH tarund-pan, m. adolescence, youth, puberty, a. i,^jjiy\jy f^mrfw^ trindtriket, m. a portion of the Yajur Veda; a follower of that branch of the Veda. s. i*S^j> riimOl trindgni, m. conflagration of chaff; burning of a criminal wrapped up in straw. *. jc-pUj5 ri^'Hlll, tarund,t, f. adolescence, youth, puberty. «. [rectly. «. C1^J> inCiT turant, instantly, quickly, di- iZ^y Td.^ tarant, m. a fog; a torrent of rala ; the ocean. «. j^^ KVlf\ tarantif f. a boat. s. ^Ji turunj, m. a citron, an orange, a. {^j^Mdj taranjabtn, m. manna (produced from the Hedysarum alhagi) : (by this name some call) honey mixed with lime-juice, &c. p. i^y liVS^ tarand or tarancli, f. a raft, a float made of bamboos ; the float of a fishing-line. a. (j<*^ AiSM trinas, grassy, made with grass, s. t^J^y fw^ trinsha, the thirtieth, s. CL* "»> j> fr^Tif trinshat, thirty, s. tiX-^ TTT^ tarang, f. wave, emotion ; be- coming state and dignity; whim, conceit, caprice. «. ^— ^-V 3^ turang, m. a horse, s. ».f-Oj!> ^f^ trang, m. f. the city of Haris- chandra, suspended, it is supposed, in the air. a, i^j^fXJJi tarangabln, m. manna (v. taran- jabin). a. {J^j^ rltn»0 turangnt, f. a dragon-fly. h. 1^^-^^ fH.nff*!jn tarangini, f. a river, s. j_^3j!) WT^ tarangi, braggart, fantastical, "whimsical. *. {^flexttosa). a. iJ*-^J^ "f^W^ turangt, f. a plant {Physalii j^Ji tarannum, m. a song, modulation, a. O^iy WnRIT trina-vatf grass-like, good for nothing, s. [(see tarani). a. fj,j> AXJSi tarani, f. a ship, a vessel, a boat Jj,y rf'^pufl tarunl, a young female, a young *" wife. a. jy (TW tarav, m. (v. taru) a tree. s. j\jy irfr^ tarwdr, f. a sword, scimitar (com. talwar). s. [and frisky, p. »j\3jj!J tar tdza, new, fresh ; cheerful, fresh jjjiJ TIT^ tarmar, m. a large tree; also a shrub, a small species of cassia, a. tf-^jy ^ftTcst trotakt, f. a RaginI, one of the "female personifications of music, a, tj^y ^f^ trott, f. the beak of a bird; a kind "of pike {Esox scolopax). a. ,i^O. 5j5 ftRFHSff trivrit-pami, f. a pot- herb {Hiiancha repens). a. \lSjj^ fjR^ tri-varga, m. three human ob- jects, as, love, duty, and wealth ; three conditions of a state, prosperity, evenness, and decay; the three qualities of nature, purity, blindness, and depravity, a. (.ilSjjji!) fjI^^olT tri-varnak, m. a plant {RueU lia longifolia). s. [swordsman, fencer, a. bj.y TrtftTt tarwariyd, m. a sword; a ^JJ.J flT^^I tiraundd, m. buoy, beacon, h. CLf^jJi ftnctfflT tirohit, covered, concealed. hidden, s. t/'H^y ^''^^ tri-vedi, a Brahman who pr* fesses to have read three of the Vedw. «. V ( 243 ) S^ ^J>.JJ^ f=r^^ tnverii, f. the confluence of three rivers, more especially applied to that of the Ganges, the Jamuna, and (as supposed) the Saraswati (under- ground) at Ilahabad, which last city is so called by the Hindus, s. iJS tara, m. garden herbs, pottage, greens, p. C^i^Ji firtiT tirhut, f. name of a district (vulg. Tirhoot).^ s. [grown in Tirhut. s. Ulifcy frilfri in Hrhutiya, belonging to Tirhut, ijJsy taratez, \m. garden cresses (ie- L^y3l3 taratezakfj pidium sativum), p. , > J wrrt turhiA „ , . T Sr' -:: J* > f. a trumpet, a clarion, h. (j;j> TTCt turi, J (_f ^ iIT^ tara,l, f. a star. s. 4_fy TT^ tare (for tale), under, beneath, s. ijji firrl' tin, also "m^ ^'"oy, three, s. • (_Cji> Tn!t ta/-t, f. a boat. s. ijS ITT^ turi, f. a brush or fibrous stick used by weavers to clean the woof; a painter's brush ; a trumpet (see turht). h. i^^Ji TfT^ turn,!, f. the name of a kind of cu- cumber (Cucumis acutangulis, Roib.). s. (^3 ta7l, f. moisture ; water, in opposition to ](hushki, dry land ; wet lands applied to the cultivation of rice and other vegetables requiring much moisture ; sugar, tart se, by water, p. bjJ firfttn tiriya or f^m triya, f. a woman, maid, female wife, tiriya bed, the science of women, knowledge of woman, tiriya charitr, xa. female wiles. tiriya raj, amazon country, petticoat government. *. by nt.'m taraiya, f. a star. s. ^by tiryak, m. in Persian denotes treacle of Baghdad, esteemed an antidote against poison; (but in Hindustani always means) opium; an antidote in general, a. ^. .\s jbj!> tiryak faruk, m. the name of a medicine, an antidote to poison, a. Ub J fsnrnn tri-ydma, f. the Yamuna or Jumna river. *. Lii«by f^'nTW tri-ydmah, m. sin, as the impeder of the three objects of life. s. ^*b J <)trt^aifetor3 %TJT trai-pur, m. the city of Tipperah in Bengal, s. iJL^>Ji HTjf taret, m. a buoy. h. \Jo ,j %Trr tretd, f. the name of the second Hindu yug or sera, the silver age (v. yug). s. ^^§\1)3 ^"if^^ tretdgni, the three sacred fires of the Hindus. *. \ji3 TTt3T tarera, m. the falling of water from ■ apont. or from any height, h. y>,^ tar'iz, the pieces in a vestment that are cut transversely or diagonally, p. tiLwJO fTTfe tri-yashti, m. a medicinal plant {Mollugo pentaphylla). a. «^j5 tarika (v. tariha), property left by a deceased person, s, ^^3 ta?in, sign of the superlative degree in Persian ; as khub, fair, khUb-tarin, fairest, most fair. p. tJoJ|3 fift»^ tirend, ") m. the float of a fish- \i^3f^^y^tirendd,) ing-line, a float or floater (a buoy), h. (^d^Ji -iMir^^l trayodash, m.'l the thirteenth ^Z»^^3'^'^\;^^trayodasht,^.) (used only in dates),as the 13th of the half lunation or lunar month, s. eOiiOj!) %f^^ traividya, m. a man versed in the three Yedas, or possessing three sciences. ». io3 (IOm turlya, m. the Divine Being, or Universal Spirit, s. j_^y ■^tft trayt, f. the three Vedas ; a plant (Conyza serratula). trayt-dharma, ra. duties or lites enjoined by the three Vedas. s. jS WS tar, m. party, division, faction ; an imi- tative sound, h. \ji WSl tara, m. an island, h. \j^y )j^ Ai\<^i\ tardkfi, f. the beam of a ba- cL/Ii> WSm tardg, m. a pond, a tank deep enough for the growth of the lotus ; a trap for catch- ing deer. h. bVj5 ri^MI iurdnd, a. to break, to cause to be broken or changed (as money), h, |jV/i rifHI tardwd, m. show, ostentation, vanity, h, b|vi ITTnn tardyd, m. foppishness, wearing smart clothes, tafdya-dar, m. one who dresses well, and is particular in having fine and well-made cIothes.A. L-^' WS^ tarap, f. haste, hurry ; outrageoiis- ness, explosion, fury ; leap, jump. h. bbj!> ri^MMI tarpdnd, a. to put in great agi- tation ; to cause to flutter, stumble. A. \jyi> If^^^l tarpard, m. the noise of falling water, h. iSji/P riJVjl tarpafi, f. flutter, agitation, h. nsV»ii tarapnd, In. to flutter, to pal- Iji ridMiHI taraphnd,) pitate ; to be very desirous about any thing, to be agitated, to jump, to spring, to bound, to wriggle, to toss. h. r2 e^ ( 244 ) Vnjr* ^'^ IRTR taraph, f. perplexity, timidity, agi- tation, h. ^\^V rifMi1«il tarphana,a. (same as tarpana), to cause to flutter or agitate, h. OV^j!) fljifijMI tarpharana, n. to flutter, to palpitate. /«. [fluttering, palpitation, h. CL*ii\j^,ji TRUjfT^ tarpharahat, f. act of U4^.J5 riJiliHI taraphnd, m. (see tarapna). h. *^,ji iffMlcji l tarpila, hasty, hurrying. A. ^[}"jji> TtTTTTRT tartar ana, n. to trickle, to drop, to patter, to bluster, to welter ; to warp or crack vdth noise (as a plank exposed to the sun), h. CL*ii\jyji TfTfTTTf? tartardhat, f. the act of dropping, h J,^ taraM,\^ cleft, fissure, crevice, split, or ^Jj^ tarak, J crack, d. {^y taras, m. a hyena, d, US^ taraknd (also taraMna), n. to be cracked, to be split (see taraknd). p. ^ji iffeM tnrkd, m. dawn of day. tarke, in the morning, early, h. ' flf^MI turwdnd, a. to cause to break, to cause to be devoured, h. V«^ tarnar, name of a shrub {Cassia auricu- lata), the bark of which is used in tanning, d. iSVfJj^ tirt-bifi, mishmash, medley, d. S>}j> tazdyud, m. increase, augmentation, a. Cih3 tuzuh, m. retinue, pomp ; regulation, ordinance, institutes, t, oMJi tazkiya, m. purifying; in law it signi- fies a case in which a certain number of special wit- nesses bear testimony to the competency of other wit- nesses who are giving evidence in any cause ; the for- mer being denominated the Muzakkis, or purgators. a, Jpi) tazalzul^ m. commotion, agitation, tre- pidation ; an earthquake, a. ^_ jj3 tazwij, taking unto one's self a wife. a. j>,jj> tazwir, f. imposture, fraud, deceit, stra- tagem ; deception, lie. a. >^j3 tazeld, m. a tdzt, or Arabian colt. p. jjrUp iazyln, f. dressing one*s self, decora- tion, ornament, honour, jewel, a. ifttS finr tis, inflect, pron. that, which, &c. tis-uparant, moreover, tis-par or tis-pe, besides, over and above, whereupon, moreover, yet, nevertheless, then, after that, thereon, whereat, tis-par-hhi, thereon, nevertheless, h. (jJS Ari tis (for trish), f. thirst, s. {ji*^ W^l tus, m. the husk of corn or rice. «. y-*^ ntin. tusdr, m. ice, frost, or snow (gee tushar). t. ^w> tasdmuh, m. reciprocal indulgence, mutual kindness and forgiveness ; double meaning, a, tj W^m.taskar, m. a stealer, a thief, a robber, a kind of potherb (il/erftcaffo esculenta); a tree (Fan- gueria spinosa). taskaraia, ?. thievishness, thieving. *. iJj*'*^ linnet taskar'i, f. theft, robbery ; a pas- sionate woman, s. ^J^x«j tashin, f. consolation, comfort, paci- fying, taskin dena, a. to appease, to pacify, to soothe, to calm, to assuage, tasktn-balsj^h, assuasive, mitiga- ting, consolatory, an anodyne, a. ^**j H'fT^'l tadd, m. a vessel used by the Hindus wherein to dress their victuals, h. f^y^X^ tasalsul, m. connecting like a chain, association of ideas, infinite series, succession ; flowing as water, a. [rule. a. \AaJS iasallut, m. command, sway, absolute, A— !> tasalii, f. consolation, comfort, solace. "tasalli dena, a. to assure, to secure, to animate, to exhilarate, a. ^jlLJ tasllm, f. delivery, consignment ; re- commending to the care or protection of another ; a respectful mode of salutation which consists in lower- ing the right hand until the knuckles nearly touch the ground, then gradually raising the body and lifting the hand to the crown of the head. This salutation is more respectful than the kornish, q.v. ; health, security taslim-li., to give up with resignation; to resign, sur- render, cede ; to do homage ; pi. tasUmat. tatllmat- b(ya Idna, to make obeisances, a. |»M*> ( 245 ) i^<**^ tasma, m. a thong, a strap of leather. tasma khainchna, a. to strangle, tasma-kash, a strangler, a mute, tasma-bazi, a game played by the lower orders : it consists in coiling up a leather strap and then inserting a pin, &c. This game may be seen in our own country fairs, p. &x»«J> tasmiya, m. nomination, giving a name to, pronouncing the formula " hism Illdh." &c. a. (jX^ tasannuTif m. the becoming a sunni (t. sunni), a. j»JuuO tasntm, name of afountain in paradise, a. C^y^ f«nnr Usutf m, name of a medicine, h. y*^ Trar tassUf m. a measure of nearly one inch. h. ^^^\yJ.i frrai^ iiswanst, the twentieth of a biswaiisi, q.v. h, >^,yJi taswid, f. making black ; the draft of a letter, &c., a rough copy, sketch, plan, delineation, a. (JJ^^— -> taSfhtl, rendering easy, facilitating, a. (jl> fm tisk, f. thirst ; wish, desire, s. (j£j ^r^ tusk, m. the husk or chaff of rice, &c. (Beleria myrobalan), s. [likeness a. f^\^ tashabuh, m. similitude, resemblance, jUl> lr^K iushar, m. frost, cold; thin rain, mist ; ice or snow. «. \j\^ rimu tushara, cold, frosty, s. [&c. a. ».^.Vi!> tasharif (pi. of {^JiiJ^), honours. ij^LSJ iashakul, m. mutual resemblance, a. ^yi\^ 7r^'«T^ tushanal, m. a conflagration of chaff; a capital punishment ; twisting dry straw round the limbs of a criminal, and setting it on fire. t. r^iJ^ tashaitut, m. dispersion, dissipation, a. (jj^ ri^lriC tashtari, \f. a salver, a small i^y^ cniTinft tashtari,} plate, a saucer, h, (JL^M..) ITS tushta, pleased, satisfied, tushti, f. pleasure, content, tushfata, f. delight, satisfaction. $• {^jaU^ tashakhkhus, m. identifying, parti- cularizing, appropriation, a. t_>ajJ^ tashkhis, f. distinguishing perfectly (a word much used by physicians, to denote their having ascertained the disorder of a patient, diagnosis) ; valuation; assessment, a. «>i3«ij tashaddvdf m. seizing and holding firmly; adj. strong, robust; corroborated, confirmed, a. ^_S^ tashdid, f. consolidating, corroborating* name of an orthographical mark placed over letters, which denotes that they should be doubled, a. e, JL) tasharru', ra. the ordinances of a pro- phet, particularly the laws of Mul^ammad; acting agreeably to those ordinances, a. ^»^ tashrih, f. anatomy; a skeleton or anatomical preparation ; act of dissecting a body ; ex- planation or declaration. 'ilm-ut-tashrlJ^, the science of anatomy, a. t^j^ iashriht, of or relating to anatomy, a. y^JOj^ tashrif, f. honouring, exalting; in- vesting with a splendid robe, tashrtfi JfahuU, sublime admiration, tashrif arzanl farmdna, and tashrlf far- mdna, mean only to go, or to come, tashrlf lejdnd, to go, and tashrif land, to come, i.e. to honour with one's presence (never said of one's self, except by a king), a. tibwiJ tashrik, becoming an associate or partner, a. qj ;,') tashaffi, f. consolation ; becoming calm (after anger), calmness, a. (JSx^ tashakkuk, m. doubting, a. UbiJ fri uyi tishna, f. thirst ; temptation, s.p, aJ^ tashannuj, m. the cramp, convulsion, spasm, a. [piercing walls, p. ^ji,lV*/^ tashank, m. an iron instrument for ^JXJ^ iishnagdn (pi. of tishna), the thirsty ones. p. iS*^ iishnagi, f. thirst; temptation, p. tishna, thirsty. tishna,e khun, blood- thirsty, tishna-k., a. to make thirsty ; (met.) to create desire, to tempt, tishna lab, of dry lips, thirsty, tishiia- labl, thirstiness. p. xjlL^ tashnV, f. disparaging, slandering ; taunting, reproaching, a. jly^ tashwir, anguish, distress of mind. a. p. li^^J^ tashwtsh, confusion ; distraction ; anxiety, grief, disquietude, alarm, apprehension, a. SJ^ tashahhud, m. making a profession of religious sentiments ; avowing belief in the unity of the Deity and the mission oi Mul^ammad : this is done by declaring (in Arabic), " I profess that there is no god but God ; and I acknowledge that Muhammad is the apostle of God." a. j(^i(^ tashhir, f. proclaiming, publishing; marking a criminal, public exposure such as carrying a criminal through a city mounted on an ass, &c. a. Vxio firm tishya, f. 1 emblio u.*««.u.'m) fincpjini tishyapushpfVa.) myro- balan {Phyllanthtis emblica), or auspicious flower. «. ^J:^ tashaiyukh, m. ostentatious pretence to, or display of, rank or dignity, a. f^J**^ ( 246 ) e^ XxL> tashaiyu, m. professing to be of the , Muhammadan sect called Slii.a, or a follower of 'Alt. ' tashaiyu'-mazhab, heresy : the sect of ShVa, followers of 'All. The Turks, Arabs, and Tartars are generally /SuRRis.and consider themselves orthodox ; the Persians again are mostljr ShVas, and are viewed by the ortho- dox as little better than bo many of the wicked (v. ShVa). a. [dignity, a. (jrtl^ tashaiyun, m. displaying of «tate, &xi!> ffTBI tishya, m. the eighth lunar man- sion, figured by an arrow, and containing three stars, of which one is Cancri; adj. auspicious, fortunate, s. liS^joy tasaud, m. ascending, becoming dif- ficnlt. a. [books, literary works, a. u.fl*>V»fl3 ^a^ant/'(pl.of ii_JUMi&>),compoBitions, Jj\^ tasarvir (pi. ofAyto^), pictures, a. AJ^"^ tasjith, f. rectification, correction, ve- rifying, illustratiug, attestation, a. ei;^! tasyhiha, m. muster (especially of ca- valry horses). daJi i ias^ijfa, the office in which the horses employed in service are marked, a. t^JLi^^^ tas,hif, f. making an error in writing ; changing the diacritical points so as to alter the pronunciation and meaning of a word. a. ^iXooi) tasadduh, m. alms ; giving alms (par- ticularly with a religious view) ; sacrificing, devoting. lettadduk hona, to become a sacrifice, to become devo- ted heart and soul to a beloved object a. ^A^^ tdsdi, f. the headache; trouble, per- plexity ; pi. ta^dVdt, troubles. tafdV-dih, troublesome, giving trouble, a. ijiJwiA) tasdik,f. verifying, attesting, acknow- ledging as true, appeal, tasdi^-bila tasawumr, pre- supposition, a. ^yoi tasarrvf, m. possession, use ; expendi- ture, disposal,embezzlement, extravagance, tasarruf- :fdmin or -zdmini, security for possesion (of a property). tasarruf-k. or -men lana, a. to take or get possession of; pi. tasarrufat, (in general acceptation for) the sum total of expenses, supernatural powers (of holy men), a. ijj^ tasarrufl, f. common provisions given to dependants, &c. (in opposition to Ehjafja, being what the master and his company eat), a. ^„yoi tasrih, f. evidence, manifestation, a. L-A>; tasntf, f. invention, composition» autltorsliip ; pi. tafn\/it, compositions, a. .^4A> tasawwur, m. contemplation, meditation, reflection, fancy, conception, preconception, apprehen- sion, tofawwur-k., to imagine, a. t_->^-A> tasawwufy m. the theology of the sufts or mystics of the east ; mysticism, contemplation, a. j>.ytcti tastvir, f. a picture, an image, taswlr banana or khainchnS, s. to draw, &C. to paint, a. (^Ua!) tazddd, m. contradiction, contrariety, absurdity, inconsistency, a. [cnle. •• uiLif^ tazhlk, f, mocking, derision, ridi- fj*OLi tazarru', m. supplication ; lamenting, humbling one's self, submission, a. <—fl>woft) taz'if, doubling, duplication, a. (jrivOi^ tazmin, f. giving satisfaction for an injury ; comprehending or including one thing in another ; inserting the verses of another in one's own poem ; giving security ; intrusting with another ; lend- ing on interest; putting in a purse or strong box. tazmin-k., to insert the verses of another in one s own poem, making the one correspond with the other, a. X>xo^ tazyt, f. spoiling, wasting, idling (away time). taxyT aukat, idling away time ; ennui, weariness, a. Jj^Ua!) tatabuh, m. similarity, congruity, ana- logy, coherence, cohesion, a. JjUaJ iatawul, m. usurpation, oppression, tyranny, conquest, rudeness, insolence, a. ^Juox) tatbtk, f. comparing, likening ; con- fronting (as two armies), a. xUaJ iatallu', arising, tatalluu-sh -skamSf the rising of the sun. t, c.y^ tatawwu, doing a good action which one is not obliged to do, an act of supererogation, a. ^y>.^^ tatwtl, f. extending, lengthening, pro- longing, stretching out, prorogation, a. jA^li) tathir, f. purification, purgation, sano- tification. a. [injustice, injury, a. J^la!> tazallum, m. groaning under oppression, (_j.ljO ia'drufy m. mutual acquaintance ; rule, fashion, custom ; handing or ofiering any thing to another person (used in a respectful or polite sense), a. ^^9\fO taati, mutual giving or surrender ; a "silent kind of bargain, when the vendor hands over an article to the buyer, and the latter gives him the price without speaking, a. ^>jIjO ta'.akub, m. pursuit; persecuting; alternate succession, following, a. jUo ta'dl (lit. be exalted), ta'dl allahu, or ta'al-ta'al! interj. Good God! bravo! well done! «. }^\j6 ta'dlq (used adjectively), the Most "High. a. \f3 taanmn, m. assistance, conspiring, a tab, m. labour, lassitude, weariness, a. tXJjO taabbud, being pious ; devotion, a. i^y u.^ ( 247 ; i |Ok*) ta bir, f. explanation, interpretation (par- ticularly of dreams); attribute, quality; pi. ta'b'irdt. tifblr go, m. an interpreter of dreams, a. «-wjO ta'hifO, 1m. arranging (household fur- aofjO tahiya,) niture) ; drawing up (an army), training, exercising, a. c->t^ ta'ajjuh, m. wondering, admiration, astonishment, amaze, surprise. O. [pedition. a. ^y^^s^ ta'jil, f. agility, haste, despatch, ex- i\SiO tVdad or ta'dad, m. number; compu- tation, enumeration, a list or invoice, a. 5i^*> taaddudf plurality, numbering, multi- plying, a. iJiy*^ td'addif f. extortion, exorbitancy, op- pression, wrong, injury, tyranny, violence, cruelty, a. jiijO ta'azzur, m. apology (pi. taazzurai). a. t^.Jj6 ta'zlb, torture, punishment, a. j>ji^ taziry f. apologizing, subterfuge, ex- cuse (little used), a. {^jO ta'arruz, m. resisting, preventing, hin- drance, obstacle, opposition, impediment, a. (^ja>jfti ta'riz, t". enlarging; making conspi- cuous ; rendering obnoxious ; being ambiguous in speech, or hinting at a subject obscurely ; rendering in- tricate ; making writing illegible ; not dressing meat sufficiently ; opposing, objecting ; barter, exchange of one commodity for another ; statement of particulars of landed property, deposited in a collector's office, a. ^^ioyti ta'rif, f. praising; asserting; exphiin- ing, description ; a table of rates of export and import duties, hence the European term "tarif." ta'rlful- majhul bil-majhul, explaining iu terms as little under- stood as the thing intended to be explained, a. fj^.j*^ ta'rifi, commendable ; notable, a. CL^iyo taziyat, f. condolence, lamentation ; ta'ziyat-ndma, m. letter of condolence, a. 01*0 ta'zir, f. punishment of a discretionary kind, such as the law does not precisely specify, cor- rection, reproof, censure, reprimand, a. ^Jj IjO ta'zU, f. removing or deposing from office, dismissal, a, )0^\tO tCLziya, m. condolence, comforting; a representation or model of the tomb of Hasan and Husaiv.which is thrown into the river at the anniversary of the muhairam. ta'ziya khana, m. the place of the Ta'ziya. ta'ziya-dar or -glr, m. one who observes the mourning in the muharram. ta'ziya lend, a. to observe the mourning during the muljLarram. a. ^.i.*) tu'ashshuh, m. falling in love, making love, b^/ing in love. a. ^4ia«0 ta'assub, m. prejudice for or against, i.e. prejudice or partiality, bigotry, superstition, a. ^JMJO ta'attul, m. idleness ; having no brace- lets or other omament& a. ^yyJfi^'S ia'tlly f. rendering useless; abandon- ing, neglecting ; laying waste ; vacation from school or from office, ta'ttl karoz, a holiday, a sabbath (that of the Muhammadans is Friday), a. jjajo taazzumy m. magnificence, grandeur, pride, arrogance, a. jri^!:^^ ia^ztm, f. reverence, respect, honour ; treating with ceremony and respect, honouring, gen- tility, politeness, a. ^^^!> taaffun, m. stink, foetor. a. tHj^-io ta'jiyat, effacing ; adjusting, a. l-aAjO ta'ahliuby m. pursuing, punishing, trao ing (intelligence), a. SiSLfO taktd, causing to unite, joining, a, jkAO to'liir, f. wounding desperately, a. Jibo ia'akkul, m. understanding, perceiving; informing, a. /^jO ta'alluh, m. relationship, connection, de- pendence; consideration, reflection; commerce, cor- respondence; property, possession, appertaining; a manor, lordship, a lease in perpetuity, a subdivision of a xilc^ or county, the latter consisting of several ta'alluJcs. a, OlaLo taallukat, pi. connections, concerns. U^alluMti dunyawt, worldly concerns, a. [&C. a, OW^^*' ta'allukajdt (pi. of siiJjO), lordships, .^tivHLo taalluk-dar, m. a landholder, the holder or proprietor of a ta'alluk. ta'alluk-ddri, the tenure, office, or estate of a ta'alluJc-ddr. ia'allui-ddri ^a^k, the dues or rights of a ta'allulf-ddr. a. p. &al*) taalluha, m. connection, relationship ; lordship, possession of land, fee, manor ; possessor of an estate, a lord of a manor, landlord, feoffee. t(fal- luka.e jadid, new dependencies, ta'alluka.e kadtm, o\i possessions, ta'alluka.e zabar-dasti, an estate seized by main force, h. JJjo taallul, m. an excuse, pretext, refusal. ta'alluli 'alil, a weak excuse, a. [study, a. Jj3 ta'allum, m. learning, being taught; jJjO ta'alli, f. exalting one's self, appearing "conspicuous, a. ^jAtti talik, f. a kind of writing used by the Persians; suspension; delaying, a. sSlAx) tatiha, m. an inventory, a list. a. J.AU"i ta'l'd, f. causing one to make an excuse occasioning; changing one of the weak letters for another (in Arabic grammar) ; pi. ta'llldt. a. j,AjO ta'llm, f. teaching, instruction, tuition ; copying fine writing accurately ; pi. ta'llmdt. a. ^j^ taammukf m. deepness; penetrating, going deep into. a. l^x»xj tamid, propping up ; baptizing, a. jjyO tamlr, f. rebuilding, repairing ; making a place habitable, productive, ana populous ; pi. tc^mi rat, repairs, &c. a. jjyo tarnil, causing to act, putting in force (a decree, &&> m. 31S2 ( 248 ) UaO) iu%w> tamiya, m. act of rendering blind ; an enigma ; concealing the meaning of a sentence or dis- course (generally applied to a chronogram after the manner of abjad, q.v., when the clause which should rive the date fails in accuracy, and the excess or de- fect is obscurely indicated by another word ; ex. g^. az l^uzi latifab hardar, draw water from the pellucid cistern. The letters in l!,auzi laflf make 943, from which, subtracting those of aft (1 + 2 = 3), we have the date required, viz. 940. a, S>,yO ta'wtz, m. having recourse to the Deity; asking protection; a charm, an amulet; a structure of brick or stone- work over a grave, a. J^,^ ta'rvtk, f. suspending, preventing, de- laying, averting, a. tJyO taahhud, m. agreement, a promise or pledge; rent; a lease, a contract tdahhud-dar, the nolder of an agreement or lease, a. jjSjijO taaiyush, m. rejoicing ; procuring a livelihood by labour and industry, a. iJjuO taaiyuly land held by a member of a royal family, more especiallv applied to the Delhi fa- mily, a royal appanage, taaiyul thahi, the royal do- mains (around Delhi), a. {jyo taaiyun, m. manifesting, establishing, appointing, assigning, deputing ; tefaiyunat, appoint- ments, a. [tion. a. (jruio tayln ot to'in, f. appointing, deputa- OUaJjO ta^ylnat, m. appointments, com- mand, a garrison ; business, a, j3Ujujo ta'ytnad, the object or business of an ** appointment. Sec.; duty, service; a detachment of troops, a guard ; any number of individuals nominated for some special duty, a, [one another, a. ^^\jo taghabun, mutual deception, cheating jU!> t agh ar, m. a tub, bucket, trough, pail, platter, p. [bucket, p, {Sj^ taghari, f. a small tub, trough, or ^litJ taghaful, (sometimes taghafult), m. negligence, inadvertency, being absorbed, as in deep, &c. ta^ijSiful-shi'ar, careless, a. j>\jo taghayur, m. differing from each other, discrepancy, a. taghanvii, f. singing, cooing, celebrating " • mistress in verse, contentment, a. jXjO taglitr, f. alteration, change; adj. changed, discharged, dismissed, ta^tr-k., a. to remove (from an office), to dismiss, to alter, a. [movtu. a* jsJo ta^aiyur, m. change, alteration, re- (_5^Jl> taghirt, f. the state of alteratioG or change, revolution, discharge, dlsmissioa. a. jjoij taghylr (v. taghtr), alteration &c. a. ( io tuf, m. spittle, saliva , a curse, p. t-«A> iqf, m. vapour, steam, mist. p. j>-\a> tafakhur, m. boasting, vaunt, a. j.Va3 tafaruk, m. division, separation, a, ^jl£> tafarik (pi. of sijo), intervals, divi- sions, instalments, a. OjVflJ tafawut, m. distance ; difference, dis- tinction, disparity ; distant, separate, far away, remote, absent, tufawut bolnd, a. to prevaricate, a. ^JjVfli) tafdwul, m. (v. tqftf heat, warmth ; adj. hot, warm. p. j.^ifl5 taftaglff. heat, ardour; anxiety, p &jkflj tafta, hot, burning ; quick-lime. p. Jjftjkfij tafta-dil, grieved at heart, p. (j&jufli) taftlshff. examination, inquiry, search, investigation, research, a. js^ tafajjur, m. suppuration, a. {^ja^ tafahkus, m. investigation, inquiry, search, disquisition, a. [gance. a. ja^ tafakhkhur, m. pride, boasting, arro- ^\}SO tafrdhhf a blow, a slap. d. -^Jo tafarruj, m. recreation, amusement, relaxation of mind, contemplation of natural scenery* tafarruj-gah, a place of recreation, a. [ment. a- ^jfli) tafarruh, m. leisure, ease, refresh- ^j>>^ tafarrus, m. intelligence, understand- ing ; j udging from physiognomy, a. &5A> taffiha, m. division, separation, disper- sion ; distress, divorce, tafrika-k,, to separate, to dis- tribute ; pi. tafarik. a. ijo tafra, affected magnificence, pride, t. ^„Jo tafrth, f. rejoicing, exhilarating; amusement, fq^t^i |a&', ease of mind, cheerfulneaa, hilarity, a. S>Jo tafrid, f. retiring, leading a solitary Ufe (especially for the purpose of devotion), a. (jt*>Jo tafriSyi. breaking, tearing in pieces, a. /y>,J^ tafrth, f. separation, division ; parti- tion, participation; jealousy, misunderstanding; de- partment, tafrlk-k., a. to analyze, tajrik-nama, a deed settling the shares claimed by diSerent parties, a. »tyx.w6> tafsida, burnt, warmed, heated, chapped or cracked through heat. p. JU>*&) taf»tr, f. explaniition, commentary, paraphrase, an interpretation of the kurfin. a. ^y^^aSO tafsil, f. explanation, analysis ; sepa- ration, division ; detail or particulars of an account, and the like, taffil-k. , to explain at full length. ( 249 ) J^ J-ioflS tafazzul, m. excelling ; deserving, a. 2yafll> tafzth,i. disgrace, disrepute, a. Jjuafl!) f.C;;Q) tufang, f. a musket (properly any tube through which any thing is blown), tufangchi, a mus- keteer, tufangi, musketry, firing of muskets, p. ^^Js3 tafannun, m. amusement, pastime, a. j^ tqfamwuk, ra. pretending to a supe- riority over others ; doing any tiling by degrees, a. J^ tafawrvul, m. presaging happily, taking a good omen from ftr jme, kc a. i^ja>,^ tafwiz, f. resigning, committing to another, recommending, confiding to another ; marry- ing a wife without a fortune, a. [>»?• o« ^^ tafahhum, m. understanding, conceiv- ^x^ tafhtmj f. teaching, instructing, a. JjUiS takdbul, m. encountering, being drawn np in mutual opposition, a. (wiVHJ takddum, m. being ancient ; in law, it rignifies such a distance of time as suffices to prevent punishment. It operates in a way similar to our statutory limitations, a. ■j^jUL) tdkaruhy m. approaching one another; (in versification) name of a measnre. a. .rfolftj) takaza, m. dunning, exacting, ur- gency, importunity ; exacting by means of a suit at Yaw. tak:aza,e sinn, the customs or habits of different ages, as of childhood, youth, manhood, &c. to^ofd,* thadid, inexorable dunning, a. jc>l»olfl_!> takaza,t, importunate, solicitous, a. jLlHJ takaturf m. distilling drop by drop ; ndning. a. dS^JLi takaudf backwardness, dilatoriness. a. O^lftJ tah.awat, f. piety, abstinence, conti- nence, a. (CjVaJ tdkam, f. strengthening, assisting (particularly tenants) ; vying, contending with ; money advanced to cultivators at the time of sowing, a, {^jAxi3 takabhuz, mutual surrender, or silent exchange of an article and its cost. a. (jh6Sl3 tahaddasa, lit. He is pure, or holy." tdkaddasa wa tcfala, an epithet of the Deity, "He is Holy and Most High." takaddus, holiness, sanctity, a. Jtds3 tahadduniy m. priority, pre-eminence, a. f^i^AJ takaddama, final adjustment or audit of an account, a. J 'Afl-> tahdir, f. fate, predestination, the Di- vine decree, the ordination of Providence, a. ^j<*>;jiL> takdis, f. sanctity, purity, sancti- fication, sanctifying; magnifying, a. l»>(^EJ takdim, f. giving precedence, priority, precedence, performance, ta^dlm-k., a. to perform, to put before, to give precedence to. a. ^^^ takarrub, propinquity, nearness, ap- proximation; access; assodatluo. a. jjSJ takarrur, m. being established; confir- mfltion, ratification, approbation, a, L-.*J»;ttJ tahrlb, m. recommendation, mention, occasion, conjunction, cause, pretence, motive, ap- proaching, proximity, probability, tdkrib-k., a. to commend, to prepare a person for the reception of another, a. Uj*yAJ> takribariy near to, about, nearly, a. •JAJ to Jrir, f. confession ; relation, oration, recital, detail, narration, tafprtr-k., to relate, a. ^jAjtjS-) takrisj f. congealing, cooling, a. ■ jSr-Q "^ tahgim, f. division (in arithmetic) ; di- viding, distributing, taksim-k., a. to distribute, to/b- lim-dar, the divisor. taJpsim-hone ki rahn, the dividend. tdksimijam', assessment upon the lands of a country, a. '_o- Q ^ tahashshuf, m. living poorly, being scantily fed and coarsely clothed, a. jXiasi3 taksir, f. (lit. deficiency) fault, error, crime, taiur-tnand, guilty, criminal, taktir^toar, blameable, criminal ; pi. takflrat, crimes, a. jdaoJ takfir, f. distilling, dropping (particles of urine), strangury, a. «tj;,V>'°_'^ tahtVy f; the caesura or pause in read- ing poetry ; scanning of verse ; dissection, a. i^j^'j tdkallub, m. conversion, change, trans- mutation, a. i_,'j;^^Q > taktibf TEL. conversion, change, a. tioiflJ taklld, f. imitation, counterfeiting, forgery, taftid-k., to ape, to imitate, a. ^gtSjJiflJ' takUdi, imitated, forged, false (as stone, &C.), counterfeit (as a coin), a. JjdaJ tahlil, f. diminishing, causing to look less, reduction, diminution, a. J^jSJ takwa, m. piety, abstinence, the fear of God. dhli-talwq, pious people, men of piety, a. i^^J takawwi, f. assisting (particularly tenants by advances, remitting rents, &c.). a. cI-oyLJ takwiyat, f. corroboration, strength- ening, establishing, confirming, confidence, strength, assurance, comfort, reliance, trust, aid. a. (•>^flJ> toAn>im,f.makingstraight,adjusting; an almanack, ephemeris, calendar, a. j^-> tahx, pious, devout ; name of a cele- "brated Hindustani poet. takdsul, m. indolence, negligence, care- lessness, a. [of bamboos, s. f^jxL^^ rT' takdhul, m. negligence, remissness, a. jio takabbur, ra. arrogance, haughtiness, pride, insolence of office, a. ijji^ takabburi, f. haughtiness, a. juio takbir, f. repeating the (Musulman) creed, or only saying "Allahu akbar," " God is great," upon particular occasions, a, CAJ fK% tihta, bitter; fragrant; m. bitter- ness ; fragrance, tikta-bhadrak, m. a kind of cucum- ber {Trichosanthes diceca). tlkta-patra, m. a cucurbi- taceous plant (Momordica mixta). tikta-parwan, f. a potherb (Hilancha repens), a plant (Menispermum gla- brum). tikta-tumbi, f. a bitter gourd, tikta-dugdha, f. a medicinal kind of moon-plant, tikta-rohinika, f. a medicinal plant, tikta-sar, m. mimosa catechu, tikta- «aft, m. aplant {Capparis trifoliata). tikta-gandha, f. a plant {Lycopodium imbricatum). tikta-walli, f. a plant {Aletris hyacinthoides). s. udJcx3 flT^oir tiktak, m. a kind of gourd {Trichosantlies diceca) ; a sort of Gentian (G. cherayta), s. (JlJCJ^iJo fT'jR'fl'^ tak-tak, m. the sound of feet. h. LiiJudij firififeTcif tik-tik, f. a sound used in driving a cart. h. K^ fTrfffiefil tiktikd, f. a bitter gourd, k. fSSj takstTf f. augmenting, enlarging, increas- ing, multiplying, a. < ^ j £\ . y taknf, rendering thick,conden8ation. a. iiiio takaddud, toil, labour; hardship, a. jiiXi takaddur, m. dregs, dulness, morose- ness. a. ^>^.i^X> takzlb, f. accusing of falsehood, giv- ing the lie. taksib-d,, to give the lie. a. jX> Tn* takra, m. buttermilk with a fourth part water. *. CL>y*^ KTdlZ takrdty m. a churning stick. 8. ji^ takrdr, f. repetition, tautology; alterca- tion, contention, dispute ; the chorus or burden of a song. a. [troublesome, argumentative, a. 4^'jX> takrdrl, adj. importuning, seizing, jj>j takarrur, m. repeating, reiterating, per- severing, repetition, a, d^.S^ takrlm, f. honour, reverence* respect; treating with respect, hononring. a. t^j^ tukri, f. a flight or swarm (of birds or insects), d. w>*X> takassur, m. being broken or shattered, spent or debilitated ; carrying (figures in arithmetic); folding up the wings, as a bird when about to cease from flight, a. J-»*C takassul, m. sickness, indolence, a. j*f*S^ taksiTy f. breaking to pieces; carrying (figures in arithmetic); dividing so a* to produce a fraction, a. ^^^1^ tukkash (cor. of tarkash), ra. a quiver, p, ^k.^Lyl5o HV^n^fc^l tahsha-shild, f. the name of a city in Panjab (the Taxila of Ptolemy), t. ul)i;l'A!> ingfoS takshak, m. one of the Ndgas or serpents of the lower regions ; a snake of a middle size and of a red colour. *. ^J^^ fiTVSflSr tikshan, pungent, hot; angry, passionate ; sharp, acute, ardent, bitter, severe. *. ^J^S3 in^ takshan, m. a carpenter, s. tk*^ iniport taksham, f. a carpenter's adze. s. Ji5o takafful, m. taking security; becoming security for another ; bail. a. jiS^ tahftr, f. covering, expiating a crime, doing penance or paying a mulct as atonement ; guil- tiness; humbling one's self before another (putting the hand upon the breast, and inclining the head) ; shewing distant respect; accusing one of impiety calling him infidel, making one an unbeliever, a. tjjaSo tahfin, f. putting on the winding-sheet, laying in the coffin, &c., shrouding, sepulture, a. J3irmtuhkalJ. Lki„dofpaperkite.A. Vio 7^^T tukld, m. J ^l^ ii4<$T takld, m. a spindle, h. J^ ( 251 ) i_«^" tahalluf, m. inconvenience, ceremony ; extravagance, profusion; preparation, takalluf bar taraf, waving ceremony, takalluf-mizaj, ceremonious ; pi. takallufat. takallufati darbar, lit. extravagances of a court, expending much, takallufati rasmi, ceremo- nious attention, empty compliments, takallufati maj- lis, the ceremonies of society, etiquette, a. Jx) takallum, m. conversation, a. (ix> riohcj&l tukli f. a paper kite (child's), k. jtix) irm^ takU, f. a weaver's reel. h. (-_ftjJx> tahlif, f. ceremony, imposition of a burthen ; trouble, difficulty, molestation, distress, in- convenience, ailment, affliction, annoyance, takltfdend, a. to annoy, takllf-k., to take the trouble ; pi. taklifat, ceremonies, Szc. a. «i«5o takmilUf m. perfection, completion, a. &«5o tukma, m. a button, a loop, an eye loop. tukma,e jaib kholnS, a. to open the purse, to loosen the purse-strings, p. [fection, excellence, a. ,J-*5o takmtl, f. completing, finishing, per- U^ fl«li«1l takna, a. to observe, to aim at, to watch ; n. to be looked at, or stared at. h. 1^X> iToh^diY tahu,a, or takwa, m. a spindle, h. tP^y^i ri«h^T^l takwaht, f. watching, over- "seeing, superintending, looking sharp after (as after a silversmith), h. jiijuii!) tak o dau, fatigue, running about, p. {jj^ tahore, a small kettle-drum. d. ^y^ ffToFtf^in tikoniya, three-cornered^ triangular, s. &x3 tuhka, m. (see tukka), a blunt arrow, p. iS^i tahka, a goat, tahha-rish, beard on the chin only, like a goat tikka, a slice, a bit. p. jl^xi ITTRTTl tukhar, m. (see tusar) ice, &c. s. \3.'^^So flT^R*n tikhdrna, a. to confirm, to prove, to establish by argument ; to trifallow, or plough three times ; to inquire earnestly, h, ^^^x!> ifi^ltT tahhdn, m. a carpenter, s. b^U^So fw^iloF^m tikhrd-karnd, a. to tri- fallow, to plough three times. A. {J jA^ rilsf^ tuhharl, f. scales of a balance. /*. j^AX> f|'c0H^ takmi, f. a small pillow, h. sjxi tahja, m. a pillow, nfahlr's stand ; the reserve of an armj'. takya-dar, & fakir, dervise. takya dend, a.to receive respectfully, taliya-k., v.a. to support, to encourage, takya kisi par-k., a. to depend upon. takya kaldm or snkhan-takua, m. a cant word intro- duced into one's conversation without any meaning. takya lagdnd, a. to lean, takya-nishin, a /aJcir, a der- vise. p. tag, running, toiling, a gallop, p. 1.^X3 TP\ tag (same as tak, postpos.) up to, till, &c. h. [twist *. lO ?F7n taggd, f. a strand or thread of a IXj inn tugd, f. the manna of bamboos, k. ^ tagapu, f. bustle, toil, labour j also tag pu, p. jiilCJ tagddau (v. tag-dau), fatigue, &c. p. UlCJ 'if/lHI tagdna, a. to cause to be quilted, to get stitched together, h. t^^l^ 'Ai\\\ tagd,t, f. the price paid for quilt- ing, &c. ; act of quilting, h. cLXj tagat, gold or silver tinsel, d. jiitfXj tag-dau (also tag o dau), f. fatigue, running about on business, or in search of employ- ment, p. [coronari^. s. jCj (HR tagar, m. a tree (Taherncemontana i^L/jCS tagarg, m. hail, a hail storm, p. 'jLi tagar, a plate of metal ; any thin flat piece of metal, d. S3 fjTXJ? tigmay hot, pungent ; sharp ; m. heat, pungency. $. [threefold, s. ^^^ PriHiV tignn, m. a tone in music ; adj. IJlO iPRT^a^fwaja. to quilt, to stitch together.A. UXJ finrfn tigund, threefold, triple, s. ^.^£3 tag-o-pu, search, inquiry, bustle, p. j\5j.£j tag-O'tdz, gallop, running, p. ^^j^Cj inr^ taghfi, f. a girdle, a zone. A. ^Cj Htji\ taggt, f. a strand or thread of a "twist, fi-tog^i, a thread of three strands, chau-taggi, of four strands ; a kind of fishing-line not used wiui • rod. h. UU£3 tagydnd, a. to cause to run or gallop, p.h. O^jlC) tagernd, to pursue closely, to chase, d. ^ iT^ tal, m. depth, bottom ; the place un- derneath; the sole of the foot. Dakh. (for ^aZe), under, beneath. *. f^ "cT^ tul, alike, like j m. the breadth of a field, tul baithnd, n. to be weighed against valuable things which are to be given in alms ; to sit straight and compact (as in a boat, which might be overset by sitting uneven or carelessly), tul rahnd, n. to stand front to front, or opposed, s, ^yi fK^ til, a plant bearing an oily seed {Sesamum orientale); the seed of thesesamum; a mole on the face ; a moment, an instant, tilon meA tel nahlH kahnd (lit. to say there is no oil in the seeds of sesa- mum), to say snow is black, to deny the most evident truth, to swear black is white, s. (J3 tall, a hillock, a hill, a heap. a. ^ TfoTT tald, m. the sole of a shoe; the bot- tom of any thing ; protection ; a leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm. s. ^ 7T^ tuld, f. a balauco, a pair of scales j the seventh sign, Libra ; a measure or weight of gold and silver, 1 00 palas, or about 1 45 ounces troy ; the act of being weighed against gold or any kind of valuable substance, which is afterwards given to the priests. U ^ tilld, m. (for lili?) the golden border of « turban. a.p. carriage, which rests on the axle-tree arm, and sup- ports the body of the carriage, s. jij^i^ TT^ns'TT tal-upar, upside down, con- fused, s, C->j>!> talawat or talawat, f. meditation, reading (particularly the ^r.an.as an act of religion), a, i^jy^ fiT^1«(ft tilawri or tild,ort, f, the name of a plain in the vicinity of Sirhind, abounding in robbers: hence it la applied to any situation uf danger, h. j^^ TT^TV^ tala,on, low grounds, s. ^ ( 232 ^^ ric^Nlal tula-bij, m. the berry of the abrus precatorius, from which the jeweller's weight is taken, s. \J^j>J^ Hr^mO^I tula-pariksha, an ordeal by balance ; the accused is accurately weighed, then removed, and certain prayers, &c. said ; then he is weighed again, and if lighter than before it is an in- fallible sign of his innocence : if equal or heavier, he is deemed guilty. ». (j^ii^ ric^lt^H tula-dan, n. a gift of gold to Brahmans equal in weight to the person of the donor, t. jju^ tilla-dani, f. a housewife or small bag ~ for holding needles, thread, &c a. p, (Jj^ H^mr^ talatal, m. the region under the earth; one of the seven divisions of hell. i. u^ talata, m. the east, downwards, d. j^ talar (v. tale), underneath, below, d. u**»^ taiasna, la. to rub the palms of the Ulm>^ taldshna,) hands, or the soles of the feet. d. (^^ talash, f. search, study, inquiry. talSsht, one who searches goods, &c. p. tJ^y>> taldshi, f. annihilation ; dispersion, a. ^^ talatum, m. buffeting, dashing ; (par- ticularly with reference to the waves of the ocean), a. (3^ taldft, f. compensation, recompense, a. ^^'^ talaki, f. meeting, interview, reunion, a. iJLiif':^ iT^STS^tf? tuld-koti, f. an ornament of the feet or toes ; a hundred millions. «. (j^yyo W^THFtl^ tuld'kosk, m. a sort of or- deal by weighing the accused (v. tula-pariksha). a. *^' iildm (pi. of Jl>), servants, &c. a. 3-«^ ),students, scholars.a. u^ tiland, m. a kind of song. p. \>yo ncpmi taldnd, a. to cause to fry. h. ^y^ iTq5T«TT tuldnd, a. to cause to be weighed, s. j^ W^TR taldw (for taldh), m. a tank, a pond, reservoir of water, p. 'j^ tuldwd, m. an advanced guard, forlorn hope, a patrol or reconnoitering party, t. ij>i> iT^^ tuldwd, m. part of a Hindustani ; ^ i/ y^ frr^ST^ tildfl, f. a small frying-pan. h. j^ TK^^X. tilbar, m. a species of bird, h, j_^^«*^Ab talhls, f. cheating, fraud, fallacy, im- posture ; mixture, confusion ; misrepresentation ; con- cealing (the truth, the faults of goods on sale) ; failing in proving one's allegations ; a knave j covering, a, *-ii-*wJ rio&Mc talpat, ruined, destroyed, more especially crops by the trampling of cattle. A. ^j^ ricj^qni talapnd, la. to flutter to pal- ^-»4^ ncjSHiii talaphnd, J pitate, to be rest- less, h. fdicjjr^^i til-picchat, m. a sweetmeat made of ground sesamum. $. ij>j^ Olc^Mlrff tilpar-nt, f. red sanders {Pte- rocarpus santolinus). t. -jS-^ fn'^f^^ til-pinj,\m. barren sesamum, or yielding no oil. jtfh-b flT^^ til-pej, J bearing no blossom. >4v^ jf^HR^ST tuli'phald, f. the Simul, or silk-cotton tree. s. ^iJj^ ilQ5if^5T«n tultuldnd, n. to become soft (from moisture), as a mud wall in the rains, as a sore or boil when suppurating, or a fruit getting ripe. k. b^jkb Kf^n^i^il taltaldnd, n. to shake, h. (Jjiib frlcS^^y til-tail, m. sesamum oil. «. Xjls-"^ taVjiyat, a forced or wrong interpreta^ tion of the words of a contract, a. j^yJjls^J^i CricJ^Nciil til-chdwR, f. mixture composed of rice and sesamum seeds ; a mixture of black and grey hairs in the head. *. h. ^•^^{ji^ riic?"^gi til-chattd, m. a cockroach, {Blatta). s.h. [kind of sweetmeat. *. (C,*£>-(Jj fffnT^fTT^ til-churl, f, the name of a i^^jr^'^falchu,a, a light soil above clay. h. eU^^ H^TifTT talchhat, f. dregs, refuse, scum, sediment, oiTals, leavings, h. U^;s^* flT^S'iRT tilachhnd, a. to flutter, pal- pitate, be restless, h, jW talkh) bitter, acrimonious, rancid; mali- cious, sorrowful. taZ4S-r«, morose. ^o/M-t^ana, darnel, tares, tnlkh-kam, bitter to the palate, talkh k , to embitter, to aggravate. talM^go, plain-spoken, harsh. talkh-mizdj, ill-tempered, p. lat"^ talkhd, m. grain parched and pounded, and then mixed up into a paste with water ; the gall- bladder, p. ^J£^ talhln, f. bitterness, malice, rancour, p. (jjfctiij fi!55^«T til-dhenUf f. sesamum made up in the shape of a cow for the purpose of being pre- sented to the Brahmans. s. t)iSi> talazzuz, m. delight, pleasure, charms, a. fi ( 253 ) ^ \jiSfif^ tilara, in."! a neckkce or any or- t^j^ fricji^l tilafi, f. J nament of tliroe strings, h. -Jo ri^ul hilsi or tulasii, f, the name of a "plant worshipped by the Hindus, holy basil {Ocymum sanctum). Tulsi or Tulasi, was a nymph beloved by Krishna, but by him turned into this plant, tulsl-dds, name of a gosa,in and a celebrated Hindu poet, tulst dana, a gold ornament, tulst kd fiird beads made of the wood of the tulst plant, s. U>/^iS^ f^55l<*0 tU-shakari, f. a kind of sweetmeat made of sesame and sugar. *. t_ik)o talattuf, m. kindness, obligingness, blandishment, favour, talatpif-k., to shew kindness, o. v_fll 'i tilka, m. reprehension ; arriving at, meet- ing ■with, falling upon, encountering in battle, a. ^^^^Sl}o talhin, f. instructing, informing; the admitting of a person into any order in society, and initiating him in its laws, &c. ; religious instruction, funeral service, taliln-k., a. to instruct, to inform, to t^ach. a, {j ^y^ frT^eir tilak, m. the mark which Hindus make on their forehead with coloured earths or un- guents ; a freckle, a mole, a natural mark on the body j a title (especially in comp.) implying pre-eminence ; a commentary, a. cilJj tilak, f. a gown, a sleeveless robe. p. tiDiJ 1(^!W talak (v. tah), (postpos.) up to, as far as, until, h. \^ fHcSflFT tilaka, spotted, freckled; chief, principal ; f. a kind of necklace. *. \^ HfoSoFT tuliha, f. a small bird, said to re- semble the wagtail, t. %io W%WT tallika, f. a key. s, ciUKi!) fTTc^^lc^ed tilkalah, m. a mole on the body ; a man so marked. ». [mum. s. ■iJi-^l'^ f^C^WZ tilkat, m. the farina of sesa- ULo (JJ fir^cFT til-hut, m. the name of a sweet- meat composed of pounded sesamum and sugar, t. h. \±^ U^n talag (v. talak), up to, until, h. U^OJ Hc^Hc^MI talmaldna, n. to be tanta- lized, to grieve, to be agitated, h. ,xji) fritJJH*Wl til-mayur, m. a kind of pea- cock, marked with apots resembling the seed of sesa- miini. s. ^J^ TTcTtT talan, m. frying, fried meat, h, Ul!> ilQj*n talna, a. to fry, or n. to be fried, h, UJi) fr^»n tulna, n. to be weighed in a ba- lance ; to be drawn up in array (as one army agamst another^, h. ['^ng jdnd, to amble, d. i^Jj)3 tuliing, a kind of pace in a horse, tu- LCJj fffoJ^T tilawja or tilinga, m. an inhabitant of Tailang, in which the soldiers were first clothed and disciplined in the European manner ; hence, a soldier. « \xj1) fllQ5^T tilanga, m.1 a kind of (child's) i^^ ^WW^ tilangi, f.j paper kite; the "Tininga or Telugu language, h. \A'i flToS^n titii,a or tilrra, m. a kind of sweet- meat (eaten particulariy by the Hindus when the sun enters Capricorn), s. \Si H^^I talu,d or If^Wl talrvd, m. the sole of the foot, the heel, talwd chdtnd or talwe tale hdth dharnd, a. to flatter, talwe sahldne (lit. to stroke the soles of the feet), signifies excessive flattery, adulation. talwon se dg lagni (lit. burning in the soles of the feet) implies excessive anger, s. j)^ H^nm talrvdr, f. (same as tarrvar), a sword, s, U**»\j)l> fT^^rRRT talrvdsna, a. to wear out, spoken in reference to the feet of an animal, which are worn by treading on hard rocky ground, h, 8>ui\^ talwasa, m. commotion* astonishment./?. ^\^ talwdna, \n. to have blistered \y\s»-fjA^ talwa,e-jana,j feet from the heat of the sun. d. W>^ fiT^rtTrTT tilottama, f. name of an apsara or dancing-girl in the court of Indra. «. iJL>^ tilrvat, a kind of sweetmeat, d. fji^^ flTc^»T tilaudan, m. a dish of milk, rice, and sesamum. s. bj^ H^^Tf talwariyd, f. a scimitar; m. a swordsman ; one armed with a scimitar, a svrord- player, s. ^J3 talawwun, m. changing colours like a chameleon ; fidgeting, restlessness, capriciousnees. tU' lawwun-tab' or -mizdj, capricious, whimsical, fretful. talawtvun-mizdji, f. capriciousness, fickleness of dis- position, a. l^^ f?r5rh|T tilonha, (spoken of a lamp) sloped so that the oil may reach the wick. t. l^ flT^^T tilhd, oily. tilha,i, oiliness. s. jj^ wf^^ talihru, inferior, next, below, one who acts at the command of another, t. tki> TT^ tail, f. the sole of a shoe ; the bottom of any thing ; beneath, under ; impalpable powder, a. ik3 fiTS^ tllB, f. the spleen or milt, tap tilR, f. disorder of the spleen, t. ip iT^ tale, below, down, underneath, tale "upar, upside down ; confused, tale tale dekhna, a. to see clandestinely, tale kl zamin upar honi, is used to express great disturbance and confusion, i. ^ ( '2r>i ) ^^ 5^ tuli, f. a steelyard ; a fibrous stick or brush used by -weavers for cleansing the wool ; a painter's brush, s. «-i^ ?r%tn talaiya, f. a small pond. s. ^jl^ Wtt^^R tulya-pan, m. drinking toge- ther, s. j^^jjj iTolltfl tallnt, f. a kind of beetle, the " wings of which are used for blistering, as a substitute for cantharides. This insect makes its appearance ciiiefly during the rainy season. A. ^{. TT"5IT tulyot like, equal, s. Ijjkb' fr%l|T talaiha or tilaihd, m. a turtle- dove, h. J) iTH tarn or KHl tama, m. darkness, gloom ; the third of the qualities incident to the state of hu- manity ; the tama-gun.oT property of darkness, whence proceed folly, ignorance, mental blindness, worldly delusion, passion, anger, &c. ; sorrow, grief, s. J> tamm (for tamnia), it is complete, tamma- l-kitab, the book is finished ; finis, a. ^ imtum (2d pers. pron. pL), you. tum-ap, you yourself, tum-ko, to you. tum-tanau, ^en. pi. your, of you. s. [one himdred Yojans long, s, j^ fwfk timi, m. a fabulous fish, said to be ,J.>U^ tamasul, equal division of an estate, a. x>-W> tamacha, \m. a slap, a box, a blow, a &»-W> tamacha,} thump, a cuff. p. \j>j\jc\^\^ tamakhra. mama, a. (inelegant) to reproach in jest ; to put on airs of consequence in poverty, h. \amer. ^WJ tamakku (Dakh. for tamaku), tobacco. t/^il*!) tamadi, f. perseverance ; a long time ; (in law) a limitation as to time which bars a civil prosecution, a. \X^ tumara ( for tumhara), your. d. [^X^ tamaruz, m. feigning a disease, tama- niT^k., to feign sickness, to " sham Abram." a. v*>W> tamdsukh, m. effacing, transforming, metamorphosing, transmigration (of souls), a. Vm>W> tamdsha, m. an entertainment, show, a spectacle ; sight, tamashd-k., a. to see ; to take a walk ; to jeer, to jest, tamdsha-htn, a sight-seer, rake, epicure, tamasha-blnt, i. luxury, libertinism ; some- times contracted into tamdsh, as tamdsh-bin, a rake, an epicure, a whoremaster. tamdsh-blni, f. raking, whoring, a. [for holding a show. a. p. »oU*l^ tamasha-gah, f. a spectacle, a place i^j\^\^tamdshd,'i, m. a spectator, looker on j a rake, an epicure, a. ^\3 tamdhu, 1 , , ,»,«v , ■^ . . _ >• tobacco (v. tambaku), h. k^l^ tamdkhu, J ^JW> iWI^ tamdl,m. the name of a tree, noted for the dark hue of its blossoms {Xanthocymut picto- rius) ; the sectarial mark made with sandal, &c. t. cliJW> Wn<5nii tamdlak, m. a potherb {Mai'- silea dentata). s. o»)l»J Tnrrf^^ tamalikd, f. a district in Ren- gal, the modern Tamluk. *. [emollient t. jiW> 1T»TTcy^ taindti, f. a plant used as an *W> te/naw, entire, perfect, complete, tamdm- tar, wholly, completely, tamdm shitd, it is finished. tamdm-k., to perfect, to complete, to finish, tamdm hand, n. to be finished, to die. a, jxW> tamdmt, f. completion, totality, the whole ; brocade, cloth of gold, tissue, a. U V ffTRT tumdnd, a. to cause to be carded, h. (_5-^W> n*\\^tumd,l, f. the price of carding, k. lx»i irer tumhd, m. a hollowed gourd ; the rind of a gourd in which beggars carry water, &c. <. W> tamhd, 1 , , • >Ta. trousers, drawers, p. ^jUL»J tambdn,) ^'o^ TreToE tambdku, m. tobacco : the word, though of foreign origin, is now quite oaturalized in the language, h. ^ljL»i> TTHT^ tambdlu, a brass vessel in which Hindus dress their food ; a small round brass pot for water, d. jjfj 71^ tambUfVa. a tent ; (in Dakh.) an eel. h. J »A^!> ri%h<^ tambol, m. the betel leaf, tamhol anS, to bleed from the bridle (a horse's mouth), h. ^J^f»!) Trehf^«T tambolin, a woman who sells betel leaf; a kind of tree. h. tj^i>*^ HlftQ^ tamboli, m. a caste whose busi- "ness is to sell betel leaf. h. [p^^- ^• ic^i^^^ tambu-machht, a species of 1am- fci^ "T^ tumbl, f. a long gourd {Cucurbita " lagenaria) ; a small hollow gourd ; the rind of a gourd in which beggars carry water, &c. ; e kind of pipe, t, Uf^ irf%^ tambiyd or irfs^ tumbiya, m. 8 pot. h. CL^ TtWK tamat, desirous, longing, s. cl.»»') firftriT timit, wet, moist ; steady, fixed, s. xl^ tamaitu', m. enjoyment, delight, plea- sure ; using, gaining, a. 01JL»!> flHriHHI tamtamdnd, m. to grow red (in the face) ; to glow, to Sparkle, to twinkle, to flash, t. \jV»jLt!) fimimajja, to dance in time to music, d. iiLj&\.JL»!) TTTiWr^T taintamdhaty f. the state of growing red (in the face), s. [yours, h. yX»5 TT»TH«^ tumtanau (for tumJ^rd), your Jli»5 timsdl, resemblance, picture, a. Al^ tamasml, m. imitating, resembling; applying allegories. ». \-*,'> tamnl, f. comparison, similitude; al- legory, parable, prologue, an example; pi. tamfilat, parables, 8tc. tamsll land, a. to allegoriie, to speak i» parables, tamjiilau, allegorically. a. ^ ( 255 ) \j3 iSJL!^ tavijid, f. the glorification of God ; hence, the hymn or prayer that is pronounced from the minarets an hour and a half before dawn. a. j^ ffrfinc timir, m. darkness, obscurity, s. J^ tamar, m. a date, tamari-hind or tama- ri-hindi, f. a tamarind, a. dj^ tamarrud, m. refractoriness, stubborn- ness, disobedience, insolence, rebellion, a. yjS^j^ tamarrudi, refractoriness, &c. d. if*»^ iITff tamas, m. (v. tarn) darkness, s. \jm:%^ Trftret tamisra, f. a dark night, one during the wane of the moon ; m. the dark half of the month from the full to the change, s. ^^ tamaslihur, m. buffoonery, a. l1\^^') taviassuk, m. a note of hand, bond, obligation, receipt ; pi. tamassukat. a. f^yj^ ifHfy «il tamasminl, f. night. «. (ji-»3 fiiftra timishf m. a kind of pumpkin gourd, a water meion* s. \jt»!) tamgha (v. al-tamgha), stamp, mark, brand ; a species of tax ; royal charter, seal, t, «-iU!> iTHoF tamak, f. vanity, arrogance, pride ; f. growing red in the face. s. K^ rlMohl tamha, m. a stroke of the sun. h. fj^ taynahlam, possessing authority, a. UO ritldiHI tamahna, n. to grow red in the face ; to be enraged without cause, or to break out into violence at a temperate and reasonable speech, h. cl«Vv»^ tamkanat, f. dignity, authority, a. (jryx^ tanikin, f. majesty, dignity, authority, power, a. [beleric mjnrobalan. », j3^ "iW^ tumul, m. tumult, combat, uproar; /A^ tamalluh, m. cajoling, flattery, adulation,. ceremony, a. L^l.\»'i tamlik, possessorship, property, tam- Itk-nama, a deed of transfer, a. ^^ tuman, m. brotherhood, connection, caste, &c. ; btvy, crowd, troop, squadron (properly, ten thou- sand) (see toman), tuman bandhna, a. to collect a body of troops, tuman-ddr, the commander of a tuman. tuman-ddri, f. the command of a tuman. p. Ck*!> tamanna, f. request, wish, prayer, sup- plication, petition, a. U^ riHHT tum-na (for tum-ko), to you, you. d. a^!*^ tamancha, m. a pistol, p. J-Cl»j firftrf^^ timingil, m. (v. timi) a fabu- lous colossal fish, the father of the sea serpent, s. jJ-CJXl^ fcffM^^n^ timingilgil, m. a fabu- lous fish, larger than the preceding. ». ^J^ tamannt, f. request, &c. (see tamanna). a. jy^ tamuz, name of a Syrian month (July), a. (j^y^ fl4i'l4!| tamo-gun (v. jjy^ W^tWfi tamo-vrit, overcome with rage, ,^ Tfr^ tumh (for turn), you. h. ^l^ (T*5TTT tumhara (2d pers. pron. gen. pi.), your, yours, of you. h. ^^y^ If^^tumJion (inflect, pi. of it^m),you.^. l^Jl^ tamhid, f. disposition, arrangement, set- tlement, management, confirmation, preliminary, pre- amble, preface, preparation, introduction, tamhld-k., a. to dispose, &c. (pi. tamhlddt). a. ^jj4^) fl^ tumhen, you, or to you. h. lx»5 tartiiz, f. judgment, discernment, discre- tion, sense. Jfarfi-tamiz, an adverb, a. [guished. a. Uv> tamaiyuz, m. being discerned, or distin- (j3 tan (TR for "Jirr tanu) m; f. the body, per- son, tan-asani, f. bodily ease, tan-parwari, f. luxury, voluptuousness, tani-tanha, alone, solitary, tan-du- rust, sound in body, healthy, vigorous, tan-durusti, f. health, vigour. tan-dih, a person of application. tan-dihl, f. application, exertion, attention, tan-dend, a. to pay attention, tan o man mdrnd, to restrain one's desires and be silent, p. s. [them, these, h (^ fifT tin (infl. pi. of thecorrel. pr.so),whom, ^ if^ tunn, m. name of a tree, of which the wood, resembling mahogany, is used for furniture; f. the flower of the tree (used for dyeing a yellow colour) {Cedrela toona, JRoxb.); adj. tormented, vexed, injured, cut, broken. ». [sit upright, s. UJ TTWI tanna, a. to stretch, to pull tight ; n. to i^.y>Xyi tana'khori (for tanhd-hhori), solitary living or enjoyment, d. iU> tanadd, being dispersed, flight, a. ejU!> tanazu', m. wrangling, strife, a. J.U5 tanazul, m. descent, decline (falling of price, losing rank, &c.) ; leaping from a horse in order to fight, a. i_juM»U3 tanasub, m. resembling, relation, pro- portion, o. [psychosis. «, VioUJ tandsukh, m. transmigration, metem- JjjiUo tanasul, m. generation; uninterrupted descent through a series of generations, a. Jli) tanafur, flying from each other, retiring, contending for pre-eminence (before a judge.) a. (jU5 tanafi, f. expelling, pursuing, perse- "cuting ; denial (that another has performed any thing as that he has paid a debt), a. \jS ( 266 ) ifc>o5Vij tannkuz, contradiction ; (in law) the advancing of two incompatible claims to the same ppcipcrty. a. (JSui tanahul, mutual communication, a. vliJ riqMi tannana, n. to twang 5 to have a sharp pricking pain from inflammation, h. ljUJ tan-awar, corpulent, stout, p. jjjlx) tanawul, m. eating, tanarvul-k., a. to eat a. j>\j5 tanaht, f. finishing, completing, ar- " riving at tlie end, or place of destination, a. ux) tamha, m. a kind of drawers, very wide, almost like pettico&ts. p. ^Ujj Treioir tambaku, m. tobacco : the word, though of European or American origin, is now nata- ralized in the Indian tongues, h. ^'ojj irera tambalu, m. an earthen pot (for cooking), a pipkin, a small metal pot (of brass or tinned iron), h. jjUjj tambdn, m. drawers, trousers, p. ^jj3 ITS tavibu, m. a tent, pavilion, h. j^jjo tambur, \m. a kind of Turkish guitar; ^^jJo tambura,) also a drum. a. (J^jjj K^it^ tambol, m. the betel leaf. tambo< ana, n. to bleed from the bridle (a horse's mouth). «. jjP^AJ'^ 7rehf^5«T tambolin, f. a woman whose business is to sell betel leaf; name of a tree. t. ^^>1) HVhcjf) tambotiy m. name of a caste "whose business is to sell betel leaf. «. dJjJ tanabbuk, m. bashfulness, modesty ; ad- monition, advice ; animadversion, reproof, o. ^-jjo tanabbi, f. a beam, a rafter, d, Vjjjo riPum tambiya, m. a pot. h. jLjjj tambxh, f. admonition, correction, beat- ing, punishment. tamJnh-k. or -^ fHf'fl^ tintiri, m. the tamarind tree. s. iiL> Kxli'o riWiclitz tantu-kit, m. a silk-worm. s. JULj FWHIHI tantanand, n. to twang, to tingle, h. oUjkJj if»rfH'l«TT tuntundna, n. to sound, h. viUlbUJL) "B^tTI^ tantandhat, f. sharp prick- ing pain, from inflammation, h. yJ>> tantu (same as «J1.*j3), a tnread, %c. s. Ui) tantd, 1m. wrangling, altercation ; aJj j_)jkl> tantal,) heinous, tantalmdri, quarrel- some, d. [teori. » ^_^ friUil tinti, f. a plant commonly called -•Arp tanjim, f. astrology ; act of predicting anything from the aspect of the stars, a. jJjP^ tanakhnukk, m. clearing the throat, hemming, hawking, a. 8iy^ tankhwdhf f. wages, an assignment (on the revenues) ; an order or draft for money. tdii]c^ah- dar, one who receives salary, a holder of an order for wages. tan]c]iwdh-dart, f. receiving pay, service, p. cXx> IIT^ tund, m. the belly; f. the navel. tund-parimarj or -parimrij, m. a lazy man, passing his time in stroking his belly. $, »JJ3 fin^ thulu, m. a species of ebony from the fruit of which a resin is obtained that is used for caulking vessels {Diospyroi glutinosa). e, tJJL> tund, active, hot, spirited, fierce, sharp, severe, acrid. tund-]il^, warm, passionate, fretfal. htwd-ra/iar, fast-going, tund-zabdn, eloquent, talkine rapidly, tund-mizdj, hot-headed, passionate. tutS hand, n. to be angry, to be displeased, p. .jjjj tandar or tundar (also tundur), m. thunder ; the nightingale, p. ^iiJ3 J(9gJ tandrd, f. lassitude, weariness, syn- cope, tandrdlu, slothful, overcome with deep or fatigue, s. CLAui.dj3 tan-durust, sound in body, healthy.p. ^juijdJ3 tan-durusti, f. bodily health, p. (CjjJa fl;^l tandrl, f. sleepiness; lassitude, exhaustion. ». ^^^^^ g*<""^"qt tund-kupt, f. the navel, s. /S>y>^ f7f»i5«l«l tinduki, f. the resinous fruit of "the ebony called tindu, t. Jiijo Ifft^tundil, having a prominent navel.*. j^iiJj tanaddum, m. penitence, bashfulness, modesty, a. j^i^ tandur, m. (see taniir) an oven, a* f^i^ tundi, f. fierceness, acrimony, &c. ,0. iyjj tund, 1 , . AJJ ^/■.^..^ > a large piece of wood. d. \S4XO tundkd,) J JJJ AfH^ tandul, in. rice (cleaned from the husk); any grain after threshing and winnowing; • vermifuge plant, s. Jjjo "inp^ tandulu, f. a plant of which the seeds are used as a vermifuge, s. cjjS tanazzu, m. quarrelling, wrangling, a. Jp^ tanazzul, m. descent, declining slowly* diminution; condescending, a. Slx> tanazzuh, m. being pure, modest, free from vice or stain, a. >" ( 257 ) ^ (3^jb tanzil, £. revelation ; the h{r,an ; caus- ing (a traveller) to alight, receiving him hospitably, a. eojjj fanzih, f. purifying, cleansing, keeping at a distance from every thing unclean, tanziya, m. inspiring with desire, a. (J—Jo tanassul, m. pedigree, genealogy, a. 2^mJ3 tansikhf abrogation, quashing (of a de- cision), a. [Christianity, a. jjaj3 tanassur, mutual help; conversion to I g*5 tanzim, f. ordering, arranging ; com- posing verses ; threading pearls, a. j^ tana"um, happiness, enjoyment, a. ^*juj tan'im, m. bestowing abundance ; say- ^ ing. ncfm, yes, in confirmation (of a debt, &c.). a. jOjS tanaffur, m. aversion, disgust, a. ^juSUO tanqffurS, m. respiration, breathing, a. ^jil> tanklh, f. cleaning, polishing; deciding disputes, investigation, search, ascertaining, verifica- tion of accounts, &c. a. isjsuS tankiya, m. cleaning (the bowels), purging ; winnowing grain, a. uLU!> tunak or tunuk, slight, weak, delicate, effeminate ; a thin cake or fritter, iunak-^awass, sen- sible, sensitive, tunak-l^wdssi, f. sense, sensibility. tunak-narf, (lit. a weak vessel), talebearer, tatler. lunak- mizaj, whimsical, captious, peevish, fretful, p. tiljo inJW tanuk or "jHT* tanak, little, small ; adv. slightly, in a small degree, s. »jk> fifH«hl tinkd, m. a straw, a bit of the stalk of grass, tijika dantoii mefi lena, to make sub- mission, confess inferiority or ask for quarter, tinke chtinne, (lit.) to pick straws, applied to one who is intoxicated. /(. }ijo tinkar, m. borax (in Dakh. tankdj'). p. iJxiJ f(ff«T«ir«TT tinakna, n. to flutter, palpitate, to throb, h. [skin, s, < i^\ji "iTHePT ianu-kup, m. a pore of the ,^3 rf*1<4i^ iunki, f. a fine kind of bread or "wafers, thin as muslin. *, idJj3 W^ tung, high, elevated; m. a tree [Rottleria tinctoria) ; top, vertex, height. «. i^JX> tung,vc\. a vessel with a long and narrow neck ; a body of troops, p. cL^ tang, strait, tight, narrow ; wanting, scarce, barren ; m. a horse-belt, girth ; a bag, a sack, half a horse's, bullock's, or camel's load, a bell, tang- diii, n. to be distressed, to be exhausted, to be dejected. tang-chashm, miserly, niggard tang-h^al, poor, dis- tressed, straitened in circumstances, tang-halt, f. poverty, distress.narrow circumstances, tang-dast, poor, distressed ; miserly, tang-dasti, f. parsimony, poverty, want, tang-dil, miserly, niggard, tang-dill, f. niggard- iiness, stingines-s, parsimony, tang-dahan, small- mouthed ; an epithet of a sweetheart, tang-k,, a. to distress ; to contract, tang-l., a. to tighten, to take in (a knot or buckle), p. *^ H^ tanga, m. a denomination of money, equal to two paisa. it. jd^i^JJi TT^^TJ tung-bhadra, m. arestiveele- phant, or one in rut ; £ a river in Mysore, the Tvm bhadj^. s. fit y »* w . ^J \>-\^J^ tang-cha.,1, f. tightness, closeness^ scarcity, distress, difficulty ; stinginess, parsimony, p. (^'•^ "^^ ^ungi, f. a kind of basil (^Ocymum " gratissimum). s. j_^ tangt, f. want ; a bag, a sack, tangt-k., "a. to be parsimonious, to act the ixiser. p. i UUxi) tangiydnd, to tighten ; to make a j horse gallop, h. JL^ Tfwn^ tanmatra, that merely, s. yo WtT tanu, m. (v. tan) the body. #. A^J^ TRTTTTt tunna-vdya, m. a tailor, s. .yj tanur or tannur, m. an oven, a stove, a. (^yo tanu-mand or tano-mand, robust, corpulent, p. j>.^ tanrvlr, f. illumination, enlightening, a. ^,yt> tanwln, f. niination, i.e. marking the final letters with double vowel points, which gives them the additional syllable of an, in, or, un (vide Hind. Gram. pp. 19, 20). a. sj3 tana, m. a stalk, stock, trunk, stem. p. Iji5 tanhd, alone, solitary, singular, unique ; private, apart ; only, single, p. (jf\^ tanhd,i, f. loneliness, solitude, p. {ji> inft tant, f. a string with which garments " are tied. h. ^ f«T^ tinni, f. a kind of rice. h. ip lT«nT tanay, m. a son ; a male descendant, s. (_p lT«ft tani, If. a daughter or female ^Ju"^ an^T tanayd,) descendent. 5. UJo 7rf«T^ taniyd, m. a kind of covering for the waist, h, ^j|0 tinmn, a large serpent, a dragon ; the constellation Draco, a, y ?ft to, a correlative particle ; introducing the second clause of a conditional proposition, as^o tS awega, to pawega. If thou wilt tome, then shalt thou receive ; an expletive, ornamental, or strengthening the expression, as main to dtd tha, par usne ane «« diya, I was in fact coming, but he prevented me. ». y ilfr iau, then, in that case, moroever, that, also, for, yes, well, tau bhi, even then, still, neverthe- less, tau-lon or tau-lag, then, in that case, till then. » y W tu, pron. thou, tu-tu, sound of calling a dog. h. )y tawd, m. the iron plate on which bread is baked ; the part of a hukka to which tobacco is flxtd, or the tobacco itself; an iron miiror. p. ^y ( 258 ) J!)" y tawTi'a, vn. (v. taba) a frying-pan. iawwe po ki khillt hona, to be restless, uneasy, d. ^ly tarcabi' (pi. of x^), followers, depen- dants, a. j>\^ tawatur, m. continuation, succession, a. •i>-^y tawajud, mutual extacies, rapture, a. jly H^ tu,ary f. a kind of pulse (Cytisus cajan). s. My Pn^Ki /?-wara,m.aliall with three doors.«. «5j'y tarvarud, m. unintentionally inserting the sense of another in one's own poems ; correspond- ing by letter, a. [annals, chronicles, a. gg'j^y tawariKh (pi. of i?,\!>), dates; histories, ,_^'y fri«ir«l tindsi, stale, three days old. s. j_^iy tiivasi, a small embroidered carpet, p. ^»oly tawazu', f. humility, attention, pre- tended kindness, empty compliments, tawdzu'i-samar- Tkandi, false politeness, pretended kindness, empty com pliment, "Punica fides." tawazu'k.to offer as a present, a. Jpiy tarvafuk, m. concord, agreement ; (in arithmetic) the relation between two numbers which have a common divisor ; as 6 and 8, both divisible by 2. a. 4i3iy tawalud, successive generations, a. j_Jiy tawati, f. continuation, succession, a. I»iy tau,am or taw,am, m. a twin. a. j^uiy tau,aman or tawamdn (dual), twins, a. jy'y tarvan, power, strength, ability ; strong, able, powerful : (as an impers. verb) it is possible, p. Oiy tamana, powerful, able ; strong, p. ^Jp^\^ tawana,t, f. power, ability, p. f^pLiMy tarvdnistan (r. tawan),tohe able,&c./?. jO^y tawdngar, rich, powerful, p. ^JJ^\^ tawdngari, f. opulence, power, p. \j|y T^^ tuwdwd, m. the name of a bird. h. (tf^ly tawdfl, f. distress, misfortune, p. >by taubdh, f. penitence, &c. (v. tauba). a. )^y fn<4Jr tohrd (also iobra or tobra), m. the bag out of which horses eat their com. h. t>Jjy toband, a kind of petticoat, d. «jy tauba, m. penitence, conversion ; pro- mising to sin no more, tauba-dhajr, f. the sound of punishing, &c. a, Mjjy taublkh, f. reproach, speaking harshly, a. (_-.Jy top, f. a cannon, a gun. iop-anddz, a cannonier. top-chalana, -chojrna, -ddgfina, -lagana, or -mama, a. to cannonade. top-]cisana, ni. a park of ar- tillery, the p^ace where cannon and artilLiy stores are kept, an arsenal (naval or military). {. u-'y ift^ top, a wood, an orchard of palmet- totk, or of cocoa-nut trees ; a tuft of trees, h. \i>by Tf^TTPTT topnnd or TTIHI tupdnd, a. to have buried, to cause to cover, h. j_^y top-chl, XT), a conductor of artillery, a "commissary of ordnance, a bombardier, t. ljf>y ift^TT topra, m. a fly, a kind of pigeon, h. (-iJlJ.y topuh or tupak, f. a musket, t. Vl>.y iftT'n topnd, to bury, to cover. A. ^3y topt (Port. 'topo")f a hat such as Eu- ropeans wear. topi-w(ild, a " topi-man," an European in general, port. C->y tut, m. the mulberry tree. a. I5y TrtiTT totd, m. a male parrot ; the cock of a matchlock. A. I5y TTiTT tutd, \m. blue vitriol, tutty, sul- uLlJy TTWoF itw^a/«,J phate of copper, s. ^y iftrT^ ioy tawajjuh, f. turning towards, regarding, attending to; kindness, favour, obligingness; pi. to- wajjuhdt, favours, &c. a. iiJ^<^ taujih, f. calling one's attention ; ex- plaining, accounting for; adjustment of accounts; assessment; a description- roll. tau;t/i-nawt£, a keeper of description-rolls, a. [cassia. $. Wy 1^^ twachd, f. skin ; bark, rind j woody 4^^y tauhid, f. unity, believing in the unity of the Deity, a. 4j^5y todri, f. the seed of mallows, p. Siy tuda or toda, m. the butt, or mark, at which arrows are shot ; a mound, a heap, a stack { toda.e tuj'an, accusing, charging with crime ; a calum- niator, p. x^iiy j^ Hr iftlj tor, m. the breach made by a gun, &c ; the strength of a current ; whey, tor-phor, m. breaking, plain speaking, tor-tar, m. breaking and destroying, plain speaking, tor-jor, cutting out (as doth by a tailor) ; arranging a speech, &c. tor-dena, a. to break to pieces, to spoil, tor-dalna, a. to break and destroy, to pull down, tor-k., to make a breach (as a ball), tor-kasr, fractions (in arithmetic). tor-L, a. to gather, to pluck (fruit) ; (for tor, q. v.) a net, &c. t. ^j-y iftTT tord, m. scarcity, want; a purse, a bag containing one thousand rupis ; the match of a gun ; a bank, an island : a bar ; a ploughshare ; a piece of rope; an ornament like a chain, tore-ddr, a match- lock, h. [be broken or changed, as money. «. UU'y TftTT«n tordnd or turdnd, a. to cause to \5\>> "iftf cTI tortd or tortd, m. a dried pod of tori (q.v.) kept for seed. h. [on the wrist, h. A\'^ tfljcj S toral, m. a large thick ring worn i_V« Jj>> ift^c^Hc^ toral-mal, a man's name, a statesman who flourished in Akbar's reign, h. \3jy Tft^fTT tornd, a. to break, tear, rend, de- molish ; to grind (as grain) ; to change (as coin) ; to pluck or gather (fruit, flowers) ; to reduce (in arith.). dam tornd, a. to be at the point of death, roti topna, a. to eat the bread of idleness, topia jorna expresses absolute power over any thing, t. ^ivy tornt, f. a claim (for debt, &c. ), dun- " ning. topu denS m topn lagana, to tighten, to dis- tresi. d. U),-,>i Wt^^ '^_}j^ MTiMIHl torwana or tumanOf a. to cause to be broken or changed, as coin. «. (^^Ijj'y iftr^T^ torrvdfl or turwd,i, f. price paid for breaking or changing coin, discount. «. ijy tora, the match of a gun. tora-ddr, a matchlock, h, [up to. t. kjjy fftrt tort, f. mustard seed; adv. till, jy tuz, ornaments, trappings of a bow, saddle, &c. ; the under bark of a tree used in Cashndr for writing upon in lieu of paper ; name of a town in Khuzistan in Persia, toz (Dakh.), powder in medi- cine ; dust. p. [at Tuz. t. t«jy tuzl, a kind of shawl-stuff manufactured ^^liiguuy tos'ddn, a cartridge-box. d. IxMjy tawassut, m. mediation; introduction; also a mediator or introducer, a. ,J,M)y taruassul, m. conjunction, copulation; introduction (to another person), a. j^;«*>y tausan, ra. a horse; a young imbroken horse ; a high-blooded noble steed, a war-horse ; a plump horse ; a horse with a hard mouth, or un- manageable, p. U**»y tusnd, n. to fade, wither (a flower), d, (j^y ih:^ tosh, m. pleasure, joy. s. ^J\sJMy tosh-ddn, m. a pouch, a cartridge- box, p. dJiwujy toskah, f. a quilt, a mattress, toshak- ]chflna, (same as tosha-fcl^na), m. a wardrobe, a place where furniture is kept. p. jfy^y tosha, m. provision, particularly of a traveller, or those which are carried with the funeral of a deceased person, to support him during his jour- ney to the other world ; viaticum. tosha-Mdna, m. a wardrobe, a place where furniture is kept, a store- room, p. ^-^ji taushth, f. a kind of acrostic, a. t_ijioy taufif, f. description, commenda- tion, a. •,»oy tarvazzu, f. performing the ablution before praying ; arriving at the age of puberty, when ablution must be performed, a. A*o^ tauzVi, f. publisliing, illustrating, state- ment of collections, &c. a. ^l^y tarvattun, m. fixing one's residence iu a foreign country ; taking up one's abode, a. .Iii^y toghddr, m. the bustard, {otis). d. jjiy tavftr, f. increase ; perfecting, augmen- tation of revenue, a. Jjiy tauftk, f. the completion of one's wishes, the favour, grace, or guidance of God. a, Jy tawakkur, m. respect, honour, modesty, mildness, a. ^y taroakku, f. request; hope, de«ire, expectation ; wish, trust, reliance, a. jy ( 260 ) tt)y u^y taivahhuf, m. patience; delay; pro- cnstioAtioa ; hecitatioa, tedioomssL & ~5y taukir, f. hooouring, respecting, treating with ceranooj, rawrenoe. a. ij^y PTV frraA, f. the bark of the bamboo ; bark in (reneral. Aln. todKJbJUrd. t the mmnna of the b&mboo. twml kmm^i . m. a nre or wxKind. «. Oj^y ^«Tr«n tiAanw, a. to thou (French tmttfftr, ttom tM^ «. J^ tarvahhul, m. trust in God, reliance on, £uth in, or resignstioQ to, the diTine will or destiny, a. ^y*^ tavkU, keeping in custody, imprison- ment. 0. [taml-til, weighing and measuring, s. Jy ift^gj fauZ or lAgj tol,m. weight, weighing. Jy ir^ til, m. (for «. which varies in diflferent parts of India, ttli-dir, a wdgfaman. one who wdgfaa coins or The standard toU, or sioea B inamar- ket" The standard toU,~or sioea wdght of Calcutta, b IH wmdms, agxeeablj to the following table :— Grains troj. 4 pmmks s 1 AJM or grain.. -44916 4 dkim szilrmm 179666 8 rmUi = 1 «is*a 14-37SS3 m midtas =i \ Mi 179-66666 «. ^y flT(#1 tauJd, an intoxicating liquor made from the flower* of the Mahwa tree. K ^y tan-ulla, m. hope ; attachment, a. U^y lOcj&IHI taulana, a. to cause to be weighed, s. j/*^y ■ift5n^'att^5,t,f. the price of weighing.*. tJlJy ftifpVy l^gs^ tauln:a,t, f. the price of *Jy tiiirlh/at, f. appointing one as gorer- jJy toKlid, f. procreating, generation, birth ; aawisting at a birth, a. j,y timf a dry measure of twelve Arcot Mr»; a conduit or channel, d, j^Uy tomoH, m. a myriad, 10,000; a sum of money equal to 10.000 Aralnc sil\«r drachmas (which are about one-third less than thoae of the Gredu ; also, a sum equal to fifteen dollars and a half) ; dia- tricts into which a kiMdoBS is dhrided. ench beii« supposed to fnmidi lO.MO %htii« men; ^Aoi. for example, a province is pot down lor seven leeiiBs. it impliea that such provmce must bold 70.000 moi ready for the field on the requisition of the sovereigB. It also denotes a Persian gM coin, at preaent wosA about ten shillings. It was fonncHy worth froaa twenty to twenty-fire shUHngs. ^ S^y l|H5ft tumrx, f. the snout of a crocodile, alligatcH-. Sec h. ]^y iftfTT iomraf m.l a hollowed gourd (CW- (^i«y ^Hii tomrifT.J curbita lageiunriay «. U««y Ij^nn tiauui, a. to card or arrange (wool or cotton) with the finger, preparatory to cooiIk ing. *. U«y vfiVin ^t^flrya, m. thread made of carded cotton, in opposition to that made of that whidi liae only be» beatoi (caDed iiri rij). k. c^y ^ ^^ ^^ *""* ™* * y itwt Umbo, m. a hollowed gourd, the rind <^ a gourd in whidi b^gars carry thttr water, &c. t. ^y ^Vt t%mbtf f. a small (iaiia, q. v. ; the snoot of a crocodile, alligator. &e. «. ^y v^^ timbi, f. a kind of pipe (chiefly used by tho'o who exhibit naakea). s. \3,>^jl5^^y ^l«i«|l ti»-taM kama, a. to di»- pute. to wrangle, to aboae. i. jjy iT^ tond, f. a large belly, a pot-belly. «. j^ jjy iff ^R tondar, 'I ■or, depotr, or supecinteodant ; liiisitfalilp taali Mtf ttiwm, oaed of tivilMahijpw a. j^ jjy iff^ tondi, f. the navd. h. JjJJy ?ft ^ g tomdailj 'I pot-bellied, gor-bel< !ib jjy wf tgST tOMdaSOfj lied, ooqwlent. «. U^Jy iHfiiiil tautumOf n. to be healed in the ■— i^nai, to bt u'lMBBMB with heat, k Uljy tUnga, m. a reed, a flag or rush, d, yljy tafcanffor, rich, wealthy ; powerful, p. ijji^^ iawanyan, f. rkhea, wealth, optf knee ; power, f. [even, a oyAJy if^ tonkin, at that instant, thee tt)^ ( 261 ) W ^y ij^jftr turiir, m. a quiver, s. j^y ^?^ tuwar, m. a tribe of Rajputs ; a bull without horos ; a beardless man, a eunuch, h, 8j5 Wtt^ tohi, to or for thee, thee. h. j^^ tawahhum, m. suspicion, imagination, a. ^^y nft^Vf tuhin, m. snow, ice, or frost, s. y&y "^t^^tauhu, 1 then even, nevertheless, t/>^> "Kf^tauht,) still, in that case only, at that very time. «. (_^y ^^ H ta. s. h. b3 tail, f. fold, plait; the bottom, beneath. tah bazarl, ground-rent of a stall in the market, tah bu-tah, plait by plait, every fold, tah ba-tah-k., a. to pile one upon another, tah-band, m. a cloth worn round the waist, and passing between th(» legs, tah- pech, m. a cap or cloth worn under the turban, tah- £^7ia, ra. a cavern, a cellar, a room under ground, a lower story, a vault, tah darz, new. tah-degi, f. the scrapings of a pot, the burnt part of victuals that sticks to the bottom of a pot. tah-dend, a. to tinge - slightly, tah-kar rakko, (lit. fold and lay it by, i. e, keep it to yourself) is used to express the speaker's independence, or not wanting the thing spoken of. tah mama, a disease of a horse from excessive thirst, affecting the flanks, tah-nishln hand, n. to subside, to settle, tah o bdla-k., a. to subvert, to overthrow, p. e3 tih, bottom, void, empty, p. Ia!) yn tha (auxil. v. past t.), was. h, u-'l^ Vim thap, f. a tap, a pat, a slap, paw ; the sound of a small drum. h. bl^ Vf\xn thapa, m. a mark of the paw ; gleanings of com, &c. left on the field after harvest, h. UoV^ vnMfil thapnd, a. to patch (as a wall with cow-dung) ; to tap ; f. a religious ceremony per- formed at a certain season at Agra and in its vi- cinity, s. (3^ mijft thapl, f. the noise of tapping ; the instrument with which potters beat their earth, or with which terraces are beaten, h. given i, If. a trust, what is hdthifj in charge, s. i^l^j VfTffi thdfi (^^ "TWi thath C.>^i thdtj state, dignity ; abundance, d. X^ WX thdr, m. a large dish, a tray. h. jj^ frT^T^ tihdraUf m."j your, of you (in t/j^^ flfWJ^ tihdre, m. > the old Braj. i^J^ fffflT^ tihdri, f. J dialect), h. Lsl^ "qTcirtn tkdknd, n. to fatigue, to be tired, h. Jl^ '^IV^ thai, m. a tray, a large dish, A. ^l^ ^|<^T thdld, m the place at the root of a tree for holding water; the excavation in which a tree is to be planted ; a large flat dish. t. i^^^ Vfl^thdli, f. a salver, a platter, a flat dish, a tray, a hole about the root of a tree for holding water, t. ji^3 fic^l^ tihdti, a species of cotton pod. h, (t^^ Vfl^ thdm, \m. a post, a pillar, ,i^x«l^ yf[V^ thdmhh, J support, an obstacle, s. U/el^3 ^nT'TT thdmnd, "la. to support j ljk^f«l^ ^iHtTT thdvibhndj to shield, to protect, to shelter ; to prevent, to withhold ; to stop, to pull up (a horse), to bear, to assist, to resist, s. ^\sC*l^ thdmjdn, (probably from thdmnd, " to support " and jdngh, " the thigh ;" m. a kind of sedan-chair commonly called a " Tonjohn ". h. ^l^i "«n«T than, m. a piece of cloth ; a stall for cattle, a manger; a piece (of coin), as ek thdn ashrafl, one gold mohur. tinon thdn, the private parts of a male (lit. the three bits or parts), h. ^\^ ir?t tahdh, there, thither, tahdn tahdn, in each place, h. 01^ ^TTJfl thdnd, m. a station, a ^uard ; the inside of the lines of an army thand ddr (or thdne- ddr) the oflicer in charge of a thdnd. s. ISl^i ^fTT thdnd, m. a heap of bamboos, h. bV^ TT^TTT <«/iawa, a. to fold, to ply, to wrap. p. U^\^!J -vn^nn thdmbhnd, a. (v. thdmnd) to support, &c. s. i/j1*i\3V^ thdnd-ddn, f. the oflice of a sta- tion-master; adj. of or relating to such office, thdnd' dart abwdb, a cess for defraying the expense of station- master, h, p. kL^J>\^ yjVfS thdng, f. a den of thieves, h. jXJl^J vji^n thdngl or thdngi-ddr, m. a re- "ceiver of stolen goods, thdngt-ddri, the receiving of stolen goods, h. ^yl^!) X(i^-^ thdonld, m. the mound about the root of a tree for holding water, h. ajl^ ■^TR thdna, m. (see thdnd) a station, guard; Tpl thdnajdt or thdnahdt. *fca«a-tfV|H i thutkdnd, n. to frown, to scowl, or pout. TOwnA thuthand, to make a wry face. h. iJ^i^ vw*i7 thuthm, f. the mouth of a horse, camel, &c. «. U43 thatd, ({or thathd), m. fun, jest, joking, d. Uia^ thataknd, n. to stop, stagnate, d. \j\se^ ihijdnd, a. to astonish, to congeal, d. Ul»y^' thaj-jdnd,n. to be fixed (the eyes), fi. »3ujcl:'* tahajjud, m. a form of prayer said during the night ; wakefulness ; sleeping sound, a. llac^^ thijnd, n. to be astonished ; to become senseless and motionless, to be congealed, d. ijf^ tahajjt, f. spelling, hurufi-tahajji, the "letters of the alphabet a. *il»-&5 tah-khdna, m. a cave, grotto, cellar, vault, an apartment under ground, p. JJ'.tX^ tahdid, f. terrifying, threatening, menace, threat, a. j^J^ thuddt, f. the chin; parched grain. thaddl, the guard of a sword hilt. d. (,^,3^ iahzibyi. purifying, adjusting, adorn- ing, edification, tahf^bi aJi^dk, civilization, good breeding, a, j^ ^ thar, ra. a lion's or tiger's den. s. j^ fVl^ thir, fixed, stable, settled, s. \j^ fff^U tihrdf triple, threefold, h. UL^ frl^lsHI tihrdnd, a. to tertiate, to do (any thing for) the third time, to triple, h. ^\;^ ^tlfU tliarrdnd, n. to tremble, to shake, h. IJj^ f«rrr«n tkirdnd, n. to settle (as liquor), t iJL>j\Ji frt ^l.mz tihrdwat, f. triplication, h. ^j^ fvKrtl thiratd, f. firmness, stability. $. j^j^ ^I^Xl tharthaVf adj. trembling, h. ^\;^j^ ^^"jy^T tharthardnd, n. to tremble, to quiver, to shiver, to shake ; a. to make tremble. A. ''^^\)^j^ ^^^^\AZthartlMrdhat,'\i.treT[iOT, Lfj^j^ "J^.viO iharthari, J shaking, trembling, quivering, h. ^j^j^ Vi.^H-H I thartharnd, n. to tremble, to shake, to quiver, to shiver, h. U^j^ ftrCWHT thiraknd, n. to set one's feet off well in dancing, to dance with expressive action and gesture ; (in Dakh.) to hover (a bird, &c.). h. jje3 tah-ru, m. the stuffing of a saddle, p. \>\jbJ^ v|l,i^<;H! tharhardnd,\n. to tremble, ^J>j^ "TTfT^ tharharnd, J shake, h. c/;^ ffT^^ tihare, thy, of thine, your. h. ^4iv^ vjjH^c^l thur-dild, adj. miserly, nar- rowly, h. p. [destroyed, dispersed, h. f^j^f^j*^ Tf^^T?^ tahas-nahas, ruined, t^iJi^ "Vf^ thak, 1m. clot, lump (congealed). \^ "T^T thakkd,} thakke ke thakke, con- gealed, thick, conglomerated, h. K^ ■'STeirT ^TO thamb, lju»^ "^JTST thamba, 4x»^ ^!I»T thambh, J U\^ V{HT«11 tkamdnaf a. to stop, to restrain, to quiet, s. Vx^x^^i ^MfffT thambhna, n. (see thamna). (J1a«^ tukmat, f. suspicion of guilt ; accusa- tion, charging one with a crime, tuhmat-lagana or -dena, or -karna, a. to belie, &c., to accuse one falsely, a. jS^ ttihmatl, suspicious; ignominious (in " Dakh.) a calumniator, a slanderer, a. ]v.»^i ■vpTTT thamra, thick, corpulent, h. H»^ V^H^I thamnd, ^ n. to stand still, to \ja^^.> ^re»Tl thambndj > stop, to cease, to jk^ji^ iziiiHtTT thambhna,) be restrained, to be supported. 5. ^^'i ^nr //iow. m. udder, than-ddr, an animal with a large udder, or having an udder, s. ^^ firf^ tihin, pron. plur. those very, them, themselves, h. ^^ Trf^ tuhin, m. frost, snow ; ice. s. JlJaJ tah-ndl, m. the mounting at the upper end of a scabbard, p. A/olx^ tahndma, a treaty of peace; a bill of articles or items agreed upon by two parties, p. U^ja^ V|Ml*j| thambhna, n. to stop, &c., V. thamna. t. JOk^ thand, "l coldness, coolness (met.) ui3jJ^ thandak,} a refreshing sensation. thand-kdla or thand-kala, cold weather, cold season, d, ^J^ tah-nishdn, inlaid, particularly iron with gold. p. ^6^ '^nft tham, f. the name of a blemish in " horses, thuni (Dakh.) a column, a pillar, h. Cl^i^t^ tahniyat, f. congratulation, a. f^j^xx^i ym"^ thanesart, 1 m. Biah- ^J,^JLxx^ "T^'Trt thaneshrvari, J man of Thaneshwar, a famous shrine in Kuru-kshetra, near Kamal. «. ^J«iJ^ "^PT^ST thaneld, m. inflamed breast (of a woman) name of an animal, s. <— >5^ "'ift^ thop, m. an ornament at the end of the bambop of a palki, &c., head, topping, h, ^j\-^ thoprd,m. the jaw (same as JafcAra). d. Ib^^ ^q»TT thopnd, a. to support, to prop ; to plaster ; to pile, to heap. h. i^j^ ^^ thopt, f. box, thump, h. liU>^'i ^jftftnTRT thopiydnd, n. to trickle, h. Ki)^ ^flXT thoti'd, bruised and spoiled, as the head of a mallet ; toothless, h. \ji^ '^pr^thutrd{{or thuthrd), the mouth, h. ^^ ^K^T thotld, blunt, toothless, h. ^j^' "^ft^ thoth, m. the mouth. «. ^^ ^it^ thothd, m. the name of a medi- cine; an arrow without a point; adj. hollow, empty; toothless, thothi bat, f. word without meaning, h. \i^^ uvisr thuthrd, m. mouth, h. ^^3j4> vftvjt^l thothld, blunt, not sharp, h. \ji^^ Tfyf^l thuthnd, m.\ihe mouth of a li^^ ^T'nft thuthni, f. J horse,camel,&c.*. J^ tahawwur, m. intrepidity, daring ; plung- ing inconsiderately into any business ; fury ; oppres- sion, a. .•^ ^^T: thor, 1 a little, small, scarce, sel- \j^'^\TMhord, ■ dom, some, less, thord \j^ MitTI thord,] bahut, more or less. thora, a little, thord thord, a little, by degrees, thora thord hond, n. to be ashamed, to shrink with shame. thore se thord, very little, h. j^ ^-^ thor, m. the spathe of a plantain tree before it shoots from the stem. s. e,^ tahawwu, m. sickness at the stomach, a. d^^ "vftsir thok, m. amount, heap, ready money ; share, portion, thok-ddr, m. a wholesale dealer, h, uiJ^^j '^n»r thuh, m. spittle; the gossamer. thuk chdtnd, to break one's promise, thuk de.nd, a. to leave, to give up. thuk lagdkar chhornd, a. to treat with sovereign contempt, thfik lagdnd, a. to apply spittle ( a term of abuse and of most indecent mean- ing), h. Us j^'i Vfehfji thuhnd, a. to spit. h. jjj^ thull, a kind of sweet dish. d. ^^^ fut tihun, three, all three, h. Ijjj^'i -^(m thumbd, a lump of earth put on the end of a lever as a balance, h. jjj^ '5TO'^ or "Vw^t thuni, f. 1 a post, pillar, co- ajo^^i ^nni thunya, m. J lumn. A, J=>;^ ^rfT: thohar or ^n?t thuhar, m. the name of a plant {Euphorbia iieriifolia, Roxb.). k. 1^^^ ^T^ thaica,i, m. a mason, a brick- layer, an architect. «. ^ ( 2G4 ) J^ f^j^ V\ tka,t, f. a heap of clothes, &c. h. j_^ tiht (in modern Persian tuhV), empty, vain, pahlu tiJu-k,, a. to abstain, tihi-dast, empty- handed, poor, tihl-dasti, poverty, lihi-dimdg^, igno- rant, empty-headed, p. j-^ Wf^ iuhl, thee, or to thee. h. jX^ yiffl. thir, tranquil, calm, smooth, s. fCi^'i^ftoR fhikar, \m. the duty of keeping \j!yj>^'^ff^iXJthikra,) the village watch, taken by the villagers in tarn. h. ^^^*^ WT^theglt,f.SL Tpditch (on a garment). A. ^J^ ^^T thaila, m. 1 a purse tied round A-^J xt^ thaiti, f. y the waist j a bag j tJu^ ^f^'IT thailiya, f.J the scrotum, h. ^j^ ir^' tahln, thither, there, in that same place, in that very direction, h. UCIj^ ^ttt thenga, m. a club, a stick, h. \^^ ^^ thewa, m. a stone set in a ring. h. ftA^ tahtya, m. preparation, provision, put- ting in order, a. (J^ (J^ ^^K '^^'* *'*^>*' or ^^^'ft ' theyi-theyi, f. merry-making. the,i the.i k., to make merry. A. [with, than. f. ^^ ^ pron. they, those; postpos. from, by, ^3 ff tai, so many, tai-ber, so often. ^ U!> finn ihn teta, so much, that much. s. ^J,*J^\1^ ihn^H tetaUs, forty-three, h. I, J bitter, pungent, hot, acrid, s. J^ nlin. inc\M iefis, thirty-three. 8. Af3 ff»f tej, m. ardour, splendour, glory, strength, energy; sharpness, pungency, tejman or tejwant, glorious, s. [night. $, ^ ffNr ttj, f. the third day of the lunar fort- l^ fThfT ftja, m. the third day after the death of a relation, on which oblations are oSered (used among Musalmans), also the o£fering8 so made, s, C^Ai,^ fi«lMifT tej-pat, m. cassia ; the leaf of the laurus cassia, t. {j^ itW^ tejas, ra. splendour, lustre ; dig- nitjr, strength, power ; semen virile, tejas-kar, resto- rative, invigorating, tonic, s. imfy^^ %»T^ tejaswl, glorious, splendid, s. ^jjUftT n»THTtT tejman, \ glorious, illus- '^j^ rf'I'C'ir tejwant, J trious. s. vj^ WafTlT tyajnd, a. to quit, to abandon, to resign, s. [charum sara). s. i-iij^ ^»T«Tir tejnak, m. a kind of reed (^Sac- ^J^ n»fW^ tejnt, f. a plant (Aletris hyacin- " thoides). s. [{Pothos officinalis), t. 1^^ ffiRirt tejwati, f. an aromatic plant •^fi^i^ ^^^H»-v| tejo-manth, m. a tree {Previna spinosa). s. 1^3^ ^'ft'i^ ^e;o-may, luminous, glorious. 8, (Jj^ WWl«iHl tejo-nati, f. a plant bearing a fruit resembling pepper, s. U^^ TT^SR tichhan, ardent, sharp. *. j^ ?ft^ tir, m. the bank of a river, the shore of the sea ; near, close at hand. s. j^ tir, m. an arrow; the planet Mercury; the fourth solar month of the Persian year (correspond- ing to the Hindu Shravai/ or Sanwati) ; a beam, tir- tttiddz, an archer, tir-aiiduzi, f archer^', tir-bdrait, a punishment, in which the culprit is shot with arrows. tir-partab, the range of an arrow, bow-shot distance. tir chalana, a. to shoot an arrow. tlr-kMki, f. a kind of arrow (light and with a small head), tir-khurda, wounded by an arrow, tir-ras, a bow-shot, the range of an arrow. rilotr^ ttr-hhukti, m. Tirhut, a province in the east of central Hindustan, on the north of Behar (now famed for its indigo), s. ^Sjj3 jf\-^ firth or tlrath, m. pilgrimage (a Hindu term), especially holy places along the course of sacred streams, tlrth-kar, a holy personage, s. ^j ^j3 ifl^ilw l tirth-rdjy the city of Ilaha- bad (vulg. Allahabad). «. ^_ff^^J^J^ irttoift ttrth-raji, f. the city "of Benares, s. p,jja if^ni tiraj, an abstract of a long list of accounts, &c. (v. Wilson). A. [moon. «. (,j**j^ ltn9 teras, f. the thirteenth day of the \^j^ rf^H terus, the third year past or to come, year before last, or year after next h. ^JJ^ firagi, f. darkness, obscurity, p. j^ji^ tlr-mdr, a viper, a viper*8 teeth, p. {»}jO ii^ tirna, crossed, passed over; spread. ttma-padi, f. a plant {Cweuligo orehioide$), «. nCHl taimd or (ima, a. to swim, to cross over. «. \f^ T^ terah, thirteen. terah-tesAt the first thirteen days of the month fafar, which are considered to be unlucky, h.p. K>j^ tj3 ttra, dark, obscure, tira ahr, m. black clouds. tlra-hatS^, or -roxgar, unfortunate. ttra-ro»i, misfortune, adversity. tha-dil, blackhearted, ma- licious; m. an apostate, an outcast, tiro-ran^, black, p. ^jljfcJL) terahdn, itK^ 'I x'C t ^ , -. -s ♦ fthe thirteenth, h. ^jiy&^ terakrvan, ItUf^) IjbjjJ terhd, crooked, bent, awry, uneven, d. Jjo tez, sharp, pungent, acute, hot, strong, impetuous, violent, swift, tez-ab, m. nitrous acid, aqua- fortis. /ez-pa<, m. the name of an aromatic leaf (Zaw- rus cassia), tez-par, high-flying, swift-flying, tez- raflar or -raw, fast-going. tez-taV, quicK of appre- hension, tez-'akl, or- fahm, intelligent, quick of appre- hension. tez-Jcadam, or -gam, swift, active, quick, fast- going. tez-ttaMynn, shan^-nailed. tez-nigdh, keen- sighted, p. [yum), p. tezak, m. cress, cresses (^Lepidium sati- i^jf^ text, f. sharpness, pungency, swiftness, p. fj^ iftS tis (for trinthat), thirty, s. jj«jL> tais, a he-goat (especially one that is old and rank) ; also a stag. a. I— j6 ^W taisd, like that, so, in that manner; in like manner ; at the same moment. A. 'j-M-jJ wNrCT tttrd, the third, tisre, thirdly, h. 263 ) JjS ^\y^ riH^^T tiswan, the thirtieth, h. f^^ ril^ ttsi, f. flax {Linum iisitatttsu "mum. s. [ter's, an tdre. p. sJLxi tesha, f. a kind of axe used by carpen- i-!) tegh, m. a scimitar, a sword, t e^h ha dost, sword in hand, teg^-zan, a swordsman, teg^i dallakt, barber's sword, a cant term (in Persia) ior ustura, a razor, p. Ux> teghd, \m. a short, broad scimitar, teghd- eJu3 tegha,} numd, a sword like a scimitar. tegha-baz, a sword-player, a hero. p. ]a.QjL) tayakkuz, watchfulness, vigilance, a. f^^L^ tayakkun, knowing for certain, prying into, ascertaining, a. <.l*^j>.WU tyakfa, left, resigned, abandoned, s. «4j^5u3 IFtwZ ttkath, m. posteriors, k. ^^*^ lfi9^ ttkshna or tikshan, hot, warm, pungent, ardent ; zealous, active ; keen, intelligent ; angry, passionate ; sharp, penetrating, tikshna-patia or tlkshna-phal, m. coriander, tlkshna-pushpa, ra. cloves. tikshna-tail, m. resin ; the milky juice of the eupJior- bia; spirituous liquor. tikshn»-ras,m. saltpetre, tlkshna- shSk, m. barley, tlkskna-karman, active, zealous. Okshna-kanfak, m. thorn-apple {Datura vwtel). ttkshna- hand, m. onion, ttkshwt-gandh, m. Morunga hijperan- thera ; the gum olibanum tree ; small cardumons. tikshtia-gandha, f. mustard-seed ; orris root ; Pandanus odoratissimus, s. j^Xx> iffwt. tikur, f. a starchy substance ob- tained from the root of the curcuma artgustifolia. h. .I^XJ if^ ttkhd, pungent, hotj angry, pas- sionate ; sharp, penetrating, s. j^xjo rfrw^ tlkhur, f. a starchy substance ob- tained from the root of the cucurma angust\folia, Roxb, h. ic^t? '^(^^ ttkht, f. a sharp tone in music, s. JjL> ^ tel or %^ tail, m. oil. tail, storax, gum benzoin, incense, tel charhana, a. to anoint the head, shoulders, hands, and feet of the bride and bride- groom with oil mixed with turmeric, s. tJ>J^ A\m§ iiyal, f. a suit of females' clothes, h. Oj^ JjO ff^-^lrc^il tail-chaurikd, f. a cock- roach (an oil-stealer). *. ^l*<«Lo ^f^SW^T taili-sdld, f. an oil-mill. s. ^^i^^^^}x) t^S^ifecir tail-sphatik, m. a sort of gum (amber ?). s, «^^*xL^ li^rofcg' tail-kitt, m. the oil cake, made of the oily seed after expression. «. j^ljj^ n^HTcjl tail-mdli, f. a wick, the "cotton of a lamp. s. (j^ wf^T telin, f. wife of an oil-seller, s. idX^hj^t^;^tailan(j, m. the modern Carna- tic. taUanga, an inhabitant of Tailang, a sepoy, s. (jJ^ fff^nft tailim, f. the wick of a lamp. s. jLo W^ tell or H^ taiU, m. name of a caste whose business is to sell oil, an oilman, an oil griuder| adj. oilv. «. ^ ( 266 ) cSJb" ^^ fft^ ttU, f. a bar j leg, calf of the leg. h. ^J^ wf^niT teliya, m. name of a colour, dark bay. teliya-surang, light bay coloured, h. j^ tern, freshness, verdure, d. X^ timar, m. care, attention, regimen of the sick ; infirmity, sickness, indisposition, affliction, p. Jt^ tayammum, m. purifying before prayer with sand or dust, when water cannot be had. a. (^j^ rni»T TT^* /a,5ra (postpos.), up to, to ; it is gene- rally used with the possessive apne, in the sense of "self," as apne ta,m, own self. h. (jrp ciTtT tin, three ; {in rahml kdnun, the rule of three (in arithmetic), tin than, m. the private parts ; also the penis (only), tin terah, dispersed, scattered, s. f^juJ^CJjJ WiTT^hs tentaEs, forty-three, h. (j«*Ji->J^ n ^^ taintls or IfifNl tentis, thirty- three, h. [jpyros ebenum or glutinosa). s. jiiJxJ "^Z^fendu, m. the name of a fruit (Dios- \jjajo Wj;ySn tendu,a, m. a leopard (Felis leopardus). h. j^lffm[.t/iwar, m. a hunter, one who lives by killing and selling game ; a fisherman, s. jyi^ H^ tewar, m. vertigo, giddiness ; coun- tenance, physiognomy, h. j^ jff^ tlvra, much, excessive; hot, pun- gent, ttvra-vedana, f. excessive pain, the torments of damnation, s. [Bengal, s, yjy^ H^^T tivra, f. a river in the east of J^ T!^T!nrr te,orana, n. to have a swim- ming in the head, to be faint, to stagger, to fall down senseless from a blow. h. (^jtj^ TT^^ te,ora. rin ti/on, or ihfi^ teoii, so, in like manner, at the same time. h. ^jj^ W^tf tewan, m. a garden, a . pleasure- ground ; play, sport, t. ^J>j^ iT^^ teorht, K^j^ H^ teori, ^^j^jo H^tI teort, UfciW^ wt^ tyondhd or TnTMT teondhd,d^m- sighted, purblind, h. [tivaL h. y^^ A''i'i\K. te,ohdr, m. a holyday, a fes- *jO finj tiya or iftmiya,^. a woman, a wife.* >4i^ W^ teh, m. wrath, rage, vehemence, h. \i^ K^ tehd, m. stedfastness, firmness^ speaking with warmth, vehemence, peremptorineBS, perseverance, h. [the ankles, h. j4^ ff^tehaVff.B, female ornament worn round ^.^ taihH, m. a small partridge ; adj. empty, p. f^y^ ^^ tehi, exactly then, instantly, imme- "diately. h. jj<*jux> IT^ ie,is, twenty-three, h jj^ n\H<$iiyal, f. a suit of female's clothes, h. &JUt> lih? tiya, f. a woman, wife. «. cL> T pa, the fifth letter in the Hindiistani alphabet: its sound does not occur in the Arabic or Persian alphabets ; and it differs from that of te in being formed by the forcible application of the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, instead of the roots of the teeth, h. j^u zmK tabar, f. a small lake. h. \ji\S tdhra, m. a water-pot. d. <--.*u Zmtdp, f. a stroke with the fore-foot of a horse ; the sound of a horse's hoof in travelling ; a frame made of bamboo, for catching fish. k. ^S> }j tdpar, a sheet, a wrapper, &c. d. U^.u TTtPTT tdpnd, n. to paw with the fore-feet (as a horse expecting his com) ; to whore (low phra8e)Jk. y>)3 zn t"P^} 01. an island, h. iJLf\jZlZ tdt,m. canvas, sackcloth; hemp or tow. tat baf, m. a weaver of canvas, fat-bafl, f. em- broidery, h. [j'Jggling. h. td3aO' u ZTZttdtl, f. a screen, a matted shutter, h. ju" ZIT. tdr (v. tdl), evasion, &c. h. 0.0* 7TT«n tdrnd, n. to evade, prevaricate, put off, postpone ; a. to drive out of the way, to move, to prevent, h. ^JJ^ Z\X\ tdri, f. distance, remoteness, h. jcj'O" ZVp tdri, f. a small axe. h. Z^ tdnda, m. a venture (of goods) ; a caravan or a large company of travelling merchants ; name of a place in Oude ; the goods of a banjafa, q.v. h. c^J3b' ZJM tank, m. a weight equal to four mdshas (see tola), t. uiX)U tNt tank, f. an iron pin ; a stitch; sol- der for uniting metals, h. \wU TTcFT tdnkd, m. a stitch ; a tub made of stones ; solder, tdnke lagSnS, a. to stitch, to solder, h. xilj' TfolPC tdnkar, m. a blackguard, a lecher, a libertine, s. Ux;b' 7tflir»n tdnknd, a. to stitch, to cobble, h. #^x>b' TT^ tdnkh,a. reservoir for water,a tank.L jiob sienH tdnht, f. a venereal chancre; a "square piece cut out of a melon to examine its quality. A. jiob t\^ tdnki, f. a chisel, s. vi^b* 3tT tang, f. the leg. tang uthdnd, a. to oopulatel fdng-dena, a. to hang up, to hang; (lit. to give the leg) to be a catamite. A. fCjiLj\j tdngfi, f. the foot, the leg. d. jjjlib' 7i*H tdngan, m. (see tdnghan). h. U£j'o TTTtTT tdngnd, a. to hang up, to dangle, to hang by a string, &c, not on a peg. A. (^^^^Olj zr^m tdnghan, m. a kind of horse, a ponj^ tdnghan-nmnd, like a 0nghan. A. p. ^Cj\j 7T1^ tdngi, f. a hatchet. A. IjiU' 7TtT^ tdnnd, a. to stretch, to pull. h» j3 TIT tahhar, m. family (v. tabdr). h. wJ i/Jia, m. a rising ground, a height; a sand-bank or shoal (in the sea), d. U^JkV f7>?T*n tibhdnd, a. to give a small daily allowance, such as merely to save from starving. A. jl^jJ fzw^ tibhdw, m. a small daily allow- ance. A. cil^x)' T>Toir tubhak, f. the sound of water drop- ping ; sound of gurgling. A. [a sound. A. .p-J Z^ tap, m. spring, leap, bound; a drop; \x> T^Rl tappd, m. the post-office; a raft, a catamaran ; a relay of palanquin bearers ; the name of a mode in music; the bound of a ball, &c. ; a sort of hook ; a jump, a bound, fappa mdrnd, a. to sew or stitch with intervals ; to read in a desultory manner. tappd khdnd, a. to bound or ricochet (a shot). A. Uy Z^ tapd, an island in a river, h. (JljJ tappdl, m. the post for letters; a mail or packet ; relays of runners or carriers, for the convey- ance of letters or other things ; the post-office, fappdlt or tappdlwdld, the postman, a runner or carrier of letters, d. I3\jj 7^T»n tapdnd, a. to cause to jump over, to cause to leap, to make bound. A. [to cover, h. lilw 7m*n tvpdnd, a. to have buried, to cause \3^t_^y T«nT»n tap-parnd, a. to thrust one's self into other people's concerns, to intermeddle, to interfere. A. UU" ^>3' ^M^MI tap-jdnd, n. to jump over, h, (Cjw tipfi, f. stocks (for the legs) ; a book- binder's press (v. shikanja). d. (jt*xi fsum tippas, f. pride, arrogance, h. cdiAJ' ZVSfi tapak, f. pain, throbbing ; sound made by dropping, fapdkpapia, a. to drip, fapak-navis, m. one who reports erroneously what he pretends to have overheard. A. \Co TToRT tapkd, m. a drop of rain ; fruit fall- ing when ripe (particularly mangoes), a windfall. A. o-j' i^UcfiT tipkd, m. a stain of any colour applied by the finger ; the focus of a burning lens. A. Uok^y ^MchlffT tapkdnd, a. to cause to drip, to distil. A. jK-J " Z^ ttttta, m. a screen, h. UUu 37RT .^a^awa, n. to be dried (vulgar), h. »4fJW frflpr tittibh, m. a bird (Pat-rajacana or goensis). s. Usf^j 77i|ftnn tatpunjiya or tutpunjiya, a man of broken fortune, a bankrupt. A. Ju ?^ f attar, m. a matted shutter. A. jcJu' 3^^ tattart, f. a lie, a falsehood; a ket- tle-drum, s. {Tringa goensis), h. (jiJiS zfz^ tatiri,f. name of a bird, sandpiper ijjJ^ 37^ tatfi (also tattain), f. the crown of the head ; a fence, a hedge, h. 1^ 37oFl tatka, fresh, new, recent. A. ^^ 7T«FT .' ItTWITTT titharna, a. to urge an ani- mal by making the noise fiikari, q. v. h. jffjKju f37«nTft tithari, f. the noise made by drawing the tongue from the roof of the mouth, to make horses, Stc. proceed, h. jjL>' 77 tattu, m. a pony, a small horse, h. ijf^y^ TT^Tfft tatmani, f. a pony mare. h. vJjjG TTt^fH tatolna, a. to feel foi-, to grope, to search for by feeling with the hand, to touch, to handle, h. [dua. h. U^' TfTtT tathiya, f. a flat dish used by Hin- ^X> 7^ tat I, f. a screen, a matted shutter; "a necessary office; a frame for illumination, fattt bandliiia, n. to draw up (men in a close rank), shikar Jci fattt kt ot baithna, a. to do secretly ; to form an am- buscade, h. \>j3 zftm tatty a,f. a screen, a matted shutter.^. ^^.^XAJ fjTif T.I tatihra, m."1 a sandpiper (Tnn- (C^^Jb fiiT^^ tatVirt, f.J ga goensis); a kind uf rattle, fafihri se asman thama ja,ega, will the sky be supported by the sandpiper ? applied to a per- son who undertakes an enterprise far above his strength ; (this bird is said to sleep with its legs ex- tended upwards, as if to prop the firmament), s. :: \jc? 7^ tuchcha, m. a rake, a blackguard, h. Jjd takhna, Im. (prop, takna), the ankle B-Jj^ takhna,) joint, h, \S3 ftjT tidda. m."l , ^ , , .:..«• ■ ■ >-a locust; a grasshopper. /t. ^jS^ ftji ttddi, f.J 3 71. tar, infoxicated ; inattentive, regard- less, like one intoxicated, h. [a horse) ; stout, h. \j> zkx tarra, wicked, vicious (particularly liU T^nn tai'rmia, a. to chatter, s. JLS TCSt tartar^ f. chattering, s. 268 ) tt u JS ^yj> iKil\AJ tartardna, a. to chatter. ». (^Jif> 3C70 tartari, f. chattering, s. [}»-Ji tarhhalf m. a contemptuooa epithet for a woman, a low-prioed tmlL A. ^y^y turm turm, noise made by frogs, d. ^y TTTT tarnd, n. to flinch, retire (v. talna). h. j*^Z^Ktosar, m. (v. tasar), a kind of silk, s ^—\. »3 TOTf tasak, f. shooting pain, stitch, throb, h. [(actively) ; n. to shoot with pain, k, lioww — 3 7Fflir»n tasahnd, n. to move, to shake ; to have pain ; to decline in quality, h. Uxm«.V 7?nir«n tusaknd, n. to cry, to weep. h. ^-^^ m^l tama, n. to burst (as tight clothes, or a pillow stuflfed too full), to split, to crack, k {^y^ Z^^ taswe, m. tears, h. <-^' 7«K tak, f. temper, nature, disposition, a look, a stare, tak bdndhnd, a. to stare, fak lagana, a to expect, to long for. h, ciJj 7oir tuk, a little, tuk-ek, a little way. A« oo ZWl takd, m. a copper coin equal (in northern India) to two paise ; money in generaL h, 0^' f7«hr*1l tikdnd, a. to retain, to fix in any place, to stop, to billet, to lodge, to station, h. J > oo' fif ell I '31 tikdfU, durable, stationary, h. jK3 fToST^ tikdm, m. stability, residence, h. t^^oo" Zftt\\ takd,i, f. a tax, duty, collection, imposition ; a cheap trull, h. ji^^5o' fTclfftfcli^ tiktiki, f. a lizard, h. jioXJ" 7oir7fl|ft taktaJa, f. staring, fixed look. " taktaki- lagana or -bandhna, a. to fix one's looks on an object, h. [footed stool, h, .^aXJ f74i/l tikthl, f. a teapoy or three- "^J^t^jJi 7^^1 takka-deshl, m. a potherb " (Chenopodium album), i. y-j) ZW- takkar, f. shoving, pushing, shoul- dering, knocking against, striking a blow, the knodc- ing of head to head, equality, fakkar pah&r se lent, to enter the lists against an antagonist of greatly superior force, takkar kliand, n. to stumble ; to be dashed against any thing ; to meet with a loss or misfortune. takkar mama, a. to knock against ; met. to pray, from their striking their heads on the ground ; to curse, h. J^Z^S^tukar, 1m. a piece, a bit. tukrd- \jLj T^FH tuJtrdJ purza, m. scraps, clip- pings, shavings, tukar-gadS, one who begs for bits of bread, &c. h.p. U^io" g^iM T tahrdnd, a. to knock together the heads of two people ; to dash on something ; to grope in a dark place or passage, h. ij^ f 7 <*^ tikai% a kind of soil which is irretentive of moisture. A. JC ( 269 ) 3u.^ tikhar, f. a thick loaf of bread. takkar, resemblauce, comparison, h. VjSo" ZW5\ tiikra, m. la bit, a portion, mor- ijjxJ ZW^tukriffJ sel. h. ijj^ tukrl, f. a band, company, party. tukfi-dar, a commander of a company, fikfi, the spreading hog-weed {Boerhavia diffusa), d. (_^j£j fzw^ tikrt, f. a wafer, &c. (v. tikli). h. LJ^J 7491 tuksa, a little. ^. jL*xJ ^ch'fl1(j5 taksal, f. a mint, tahsal charhna, ii. to be educated, tefrso/ fta/jar, uneducated, unpolished, rude, unclassical. faksal ka khofa, spoilt in education, s. \\.,\^" ZW^"^ tahsaUf ^m. an officer, a QLio' g oh H lf g^n taksaliya,) master of the mint. h. jJ^' fi^S^ tikli (also tikkali), f. a wafer, a "small round cake ; an ornament worn on the forehead, a spangle, h, [fix one's look. d. U^xji^uil^xJ tukviuk dehhna, a. to stare, to Uxj' i%f\\ takna, a. to stare at (v. tdkna) ; n. to be stitched, to be studded with gems or embroidery. A. UxJ f^fTT tikna, n. to stop, to remain in any place, to be detained, h. ,.p^xJ" Z'^K^ taku,a, m. a spindle, s. j»0 r Z^itn tahora, m. a fillip, a tapj a very small unripe mango ; the sound of a drum. h. \^jS^ Z^K.A\ takorna, a. to foment, h. U »5o TeK^tfl takatmd, m. (see takd) a copper coin. h. UaxJ't^^ tahhnd, m. the ankle-joint, h. ^•3 Toif^ takt, f. staring, fixed look; aim. h. i>J> fz^ tikkt or tiki, f. a small loaf of bread, tikkt lagdna, a. to form a connection, to make interest ; to earn a scanty livelihood, h, UO frf^RT tikiya, f. a small cake, a little cake of charcoal for the }ujcj» ; a wafer, a bolus, h, lI1«*V "> ZWf( taket or Z%H takaitArich, pos- UaO Z^tlZt taketd, J sessed of ready money, a monied man. h. JiJ 7TC tagar, m. borax ; wanton play or sport; wandering of the mind, confusion, perplexity, h^ uC3 TJRT tagrd, squint-eyed. h. Xi\Jij T'lUHl tagrdnd, 1 a. to roll or make Ul^^^j 7TnT»n taghrdnd, > roll (in a transi- b^l,^£j>" T^^STSTT taghldnd,} tive sense), h. n. to roll or be rolled (intransi- tively), h. ^XJ TTfTT tagarnd, ^ij^^ 3^«TT tagharnd, \^^CJ 7tjQ5«TT tagkalnd,^ l%0' fT«rc5»!T tighalnd or TU^JHl taghalna, n. to be melted, to rarefy, /i. ^' 7WT /«^^a, m. impetus sive succussus in coitu. talle-navlsi, f. unprofitable employment, wast- ing of time, h, O^lj" 2Qn«n taldnd, a. to cause to disappear, to cause to give way. h. I— *i-> Z^^ talap, a bit, a piece, morsel, h. Ul>.jj' ?:Q5in«TT tal-jdnd, n. to get out of the way; to disappear, to vanish, h. ^'!^^y> 75S*(5(T«n tal-maldnd, to totter ; to tantalize, h. ^ 3^nTT talnd, n. to give way, to shrink from, to withdraw or retire from ; to disappear. A. \^^ rj tamki, f. a small drum, a gong, tamhi- "ptfna, a. to issue a proclamation, d. jj-«j tamil, the language of the Hindus of a considerable part of Southern India, extending from Madras to Cape Comorin. It has been erroneously called by Europeans " Malabars," although it is not spoken or understood in Malabar, d. — (Binning). U*3" tumnd, a. to vex, irritate (v. chhernd). d. ^Ji 7«T tan, m. twang ; pride, conceit, vanity. fan-tan, an imitative sound, like our " ding-dong," &c. A. Ui 7«TT tand, m. pudendum muliebre, clitoris, h. UUi' ^rfHI tandnd, a. to extend, stretch, s. VjCL3' 7TPT tantd, m. wrangling, altercation squabble. A. ISUxO' TTjmTTf tuntundnd, a. to tune slowly, h. t'> Z^ tanch, miserly, hard, untractable. h, i\y^ tan-khwdhf (in law) an assignment, p, i3JL>' ZJB tund, m. a hand or branch that has been cut off. h, \3j3 TTRT tundd, handless, whose hands have been cut off, or one bora without hands ; the knob in the back part of a turban, tun^e-ddr, a turban which has k knob in the hinder part. A. (_^i!JJJ ZJ^ Hindi, f. the navel ; adj. handless. fundiyan bandhna or chafhana, or kasna, a. to tie the hands behind the back. A. i^ ( 270 ) M VAIj TJipST tandera (see tirenda), a float, h. tdllJ' T^oF tanah, f. a harsh sound. A. tdUJ TfJ fow^, m. a weight of four maskas ; a sword, a sacrificial knife ; a hatchet or stone cutter's chisel ; a spade, a hoe ; borax ; a kind of elephant or wood apple, fank-pati, m. the master of the mint. fank shald, f. a mint. s. »^ 3^ or 7*1 cCT tanha, m. thejingle (of plates, dishes, &c. h. joO* TlfTC tanhar, f. the twang (of a bow- string) ; surprise, wonder ; fame, notoriety. *. tiboJi TTT tanga, a large reedy kind of grass growing on high ground {Saccharum procerum). h. .\-Cli* Z^K. tungar, f. pecking, nibbling fruit, &c., more for amusement than from appetite, h. o\S1jXj3 tingtingana, a. to twang or sound a single string of a musical instrument, d. jWtL^ 7^»IT»n tang-jana, n. to hang, to be hung or suspended (also fangna). h. ^p^ ZW^ tangri;\^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^•xJL> T^fr tangfi,) ^^^ 3^HT fangna, n. to hang (v. tang-jana). h. 1$^ Tf^pft tangini, f. a plant (^Cissampelos " hexandra). s. [parrot, h. \^ Z^TT tuniya, tiny, tuniya tota, a kind of \fiy ;j^^ to,a, f. act of feeling or groping, h. {S^y\^y Tt'?n7t| to,a-to,i, f. searching, feel- ing for, feeling (with the hand), h. ^y tohna, a. to hang, suspend, d. L»>y 7t*I io^, m. a hat, a cap, a head, a cover, a thimble ; bait ; a stitch, h. by Tl^ topa, m. a covering for the head, a helmet, a cap (v. fop), h. \i>.y topna, a. to hang, suspend, d. f^y tW topi, f. a hat. topt-wala, one who wears a hat, or an animal with a comb, crest, &c. The term was once used to express the Persian or Maghul troops, but it is now generally applied to Europeans. A. CL>yi ^ tvt, f. fracture, breaking ; misunder- standing or coolness between friends, harm, loss, defi- ciency; a passage omitted in the writing of a book, which is afterwards written in the margin, tut-parna, n. to break in upon, to rush in, to be collected in crowds. t&f-jana, n. to be broken ; to become ill, pine, tui- rahna, n. to be distressed, to be weary, to be reduced to poverty, to pine away ; to be separated, s. b«J» WT tuta, broken; m. want, deficiency, Ums, failure, ^u/a-js/iu^a, fragments, broken to pieces. *. uy ztZT tota, m. loss, deficiency ; a cartridge; a candle's end. h. jj^y> ^c*t totrii, m. a kind of turtle-dove. A. ooy Tt?^ totka, m. a charm, an amulet, a philter, h. U3y' ^T»n tutna, n. to break, to be broken ; to break forth, to rush upon, to assault, s. t^y Ttn tora, m. a ledge extending out from a . wall, to keep off the weather, without pillars, eaves, h. i^j'y Zfh tusl, f. a bud, a young flower, h. tiJy ZtW tok, f. hindrance, prevention; the influence of an evil eye. h. cdJy* Z^ tuk, 'I m. a piece, a little, a particle, oy ZWJ tuka,j an atom, a bit; a single beat of a drum. h. [or paffa. k, y> ZtWV^ toka-patta, a permanent lease 'toki,\i 'Ok, J _ \^y Tt^R^ tokra, m. a large basket (without a lid) ; (in Dakh.) a broad shallow basket, a wicker boat covered with leather, for crossing a river, 8tc fokra-denS, to beat another person at a game. h. (?py Tt'^v't tokrl, f. a small basket without a lid. h. [perience. d. Uy^ciJy tok kar bolnd, a. to speak from ex- wy TtaRTT toknd, a. to interrogate, to pre- vent, to challenge, to accost, to envy; to look atvrith an evil eye. h. Jy Zt^ tol, m. a company, a society ; a ham- let, tol niarna, a. to dash one top against another while in motion, h. [a town, h, ^y Z\^\ toldfXa. a quarter or particular part of ^y i\^\ told, m.") a set of any thing, such as 'plete assortment, h. (Sy>^y '^tW\Z\'^ tokd'toki, \f.hmdrance and «2J0cd)y Hifcj l ih tok-tdk, I prevention, h. of chessmen, &c. ; a com- ^J^ Zt^ toll, "plete assortmen ^Jy tulght, f. fun, jesting, joking. d» ^y Tt^lft toU, f. a company, society, crowd, h. ^y Z^ turn, m. trifles ; an ornament ; a frame for pigeons to perch on. tum-fatn, m. a few tri- fles ; an ornament, fum-dena, a. to push gently, h. U/«y ZH*1I tumnd, a. to push or jog gently, to strike softly, so as to draw a person's notice, h. ^^y Z tun, ra. ventris crepitus, tuh-k., a. cre- pitum ventris edere. h» liy Ztm tend, m. enchantment, fascination ; a wedding song. h. j^uUy y ^TTT tonta, m. a ciackeri a serpent in fireworks; a joint of bamboo, &c.; a cartridge ; hand- less, h. i^y iiijl tonti, f. a spout. A. (^/LJJy JTi fundi, f. the navel ; a pniall branch or stump of a tree, broken at the end and leaf- less. /(. »-Ls-)j3 71 tun (J, f. (v. tungar) peck in of, &c. h. j_^UlOy jiTTTFit tunga-tangi, f. pecking "and nibbling. A, U^^y d^MT tungna, a. to peck, to nibble, to chew straws, &c. for amusement ; to pick ; to piddle, h. lyy TtiT^ tonma, m. a kind of hawk (see fond), h. l^y Tt^T fora/ia or ^^ taunhd, m. a jug- gling man, a conjuror. A. j_j-pl^y Tt^fT^ tonha,i, f. a juggling woman, a female conjuror, h. 5y 7t^ /oA, watching secretly, espionage, h. ^ Z tka, the aspirated form of «JL> Z pa. s. h. \^ TT tka, m. a sound made by striking one thing on another, h. CL^^J' ZTZ that, m. the frame of thatch on which the straw is laid ; arrangement, adjustment, h. ^'^3 717 thath, ra. state, dignity, equipage, pomp ; conveniency, plenty. A. j^7T^//mr,m. determination; snow, frost, h. \jl^' TTTT thara, erect, straight, h, Jbj\^ ZTS thdrh, steep, lofty, h. UyW 'TTT thdrka, m-l . , ^>^'^.(AarM,f. )'""'' ='™^'"- *' ^j\^ZT^^ thdrknd,n. to be erect, to stand.'A. ^j^ 4I^ 7I«irig"l^ thdkur-dwdrd, m. / idol temple, s. JI43 TI^ thai, m. 1 ^l^' TT^ thdld, m.W branch of a tree, &c. A. J^Z\^thart,f.] *y^ TT^T thdld, disengaged, at leisure, h, (^^■^ 3T than, m. a place, station, residence, k, ^^*^ than, a place for tying up an animal, d, ul^' fhdnd, m. place, station, thdnd-ddr, station-master or keeper. A. ^a31^ Zm^thdnihii, worthy of belief, trusty (vulgar; ; m. the report of a musket. A. i^j^y^ thdns, coughing, a cough, d. Iwjl^j' 71^ thdhsd, m. stuffing, wadding of a gun, &c. A. U— -j'^i 7rPr*n thdnsnd, a. to stuff, to cram. A. Uil^* ZT^ thannd, a. to resolve, to determine, to be intent on, to set one's heart on ; to settle. A. yl^' 71^ thdnn (also thd,on), f. a residence, place, s. \x^ Z^ thappd, m. an instrument for stamp- ing leather with, a die, a stamp, a printing type ; printing. A. U-4^ T^nTT thapnd, a. to strike, to beat. A. cii*^ V 77 /Aa/, m. bank, shore, margin, s. ^■^ 77 thath, m. throng, crowd. A. l^ji^ 77T thattkd, m. fun, sport, joking, jest; name of a place, thatthe-bdz or thathd-mizdj , a jester, a humorous person, a funny fellow; adj. jocular. piatthe-bdzi, f. jesting, sporting, joking, fun. fhattlia-k. or -mdrnd, to jest, to deride. A. ^^jCP' TfT^ tahtah, Ira. beauty, freshness, or ''jJi^ TfT^l tahtahd,) splendour, conspi- cuous at a distance. A. ul^i^" TTTTT thathdnd, a. to strike, to beat ; to beat one's own head, &c., in token of vexation ; to harass one's self. A. j4a4-> 77^ thatthar, m. the frame made of bamboo for thatching, shell of a house. A. j4%i f77T thithur (also thithir), f. numbness, torpor. A. \j^m> fTTTT tkithrd or fTJTT thithurd, numbed, benumbed, torpid. A. U^i^ 77TT thathrd, m. a fence. A. I3|;^i^' f77Cm thithurdnd, a. to benumb, to chill, h. [torpor. A. iJLJb\j^^ f77rT^ thithrdhat, f. numbness, ^j^^ fTfTTTT, f77T«TT or fTTTrTT, thithimd, fhitharnd or fhiphumd, n. to be numbed, benumbed, to be chill. A. ijj^l^ 77^ thathri, f. the frame of a matted screen, the frame (bamboo-work) of a thatched roof, shell of a house ; a bier ; a skeleton, a very thin per sou. A. <-iX^i^' Cii4i thithak, f. the state of standing amazed, fhithak-rahna or -jdna, n. to stop short, h. Id^ 77«F»rr thathaknd or fzZW^ thithak- nd, n. to stop, to stagnate, to stand amazed, to dr*;'^ back in surprise, to shrink, h. ( 272 ) Jt? « «t j^^J^ ztlK thathor, la banterer, a wag, a J^i^' zft^ that hoi, J jester J adj. jocose, h. j_^^j^j" zft^ thatholi, f. fun, humour, sport, "Joking. //. ]Xi^^ ^^ thathera, m. a brazier, a tinker. fhathere fhatliere hi badla,t, a bargain between two people equally acute or knowing; diamond cut dia- mond; the stalk oi the jo,ar (Holcus sorgum). h. LSJt:^*^ 7^rt thatheri, f. a brazier's wife, a female brazier, or tinker, h. )j^^ H^tX^ thachra, m. wrangling, quarrel- ling, h. [tering, a chatterer, d. ^^ thakh-thaJth also thakh-thakhi. chat- i«!^3i* TST thadda, m.the beak of a paper kite. h. (^S^ Z^ thuddi, f. the chin ; parched grain; fhuddi pakapid, a. to flatter, to curr^' favour, h. j^ fix thir, f. frost, coldness, h. \^. 7^T fharra or3TT thara, f. a kind of wine or spirituous liquor ; a kind of shoe worn by villagers. /*• UjJ fir^T tihrd, m. a small village, h. V>\.^* f7TT*n thirana, a. to cause to congeal, h. %Aj^i ZIX^ thardfO, settlement, determina- tion (properly //(fl/jrao). h. jj^ TTXtharar, 1m. snoring, tharakpdr- t^i^j^ ZT^ tharak,) wa, n. to snore, h. \3^" fztijlthirnd, n. to freeze, to be chilled h. {Sj^ 7^ tharrl, f. (see tharra) wine. h. t>j^ zfl.^ thariyd, m. a kind of earthen h. {j^ T^ thus, this, or thus, an imitative sound, as of a musket ill charged, or flashing in the pan. h. Um^ 3WT thassd, m. a mould or form into which plates of metal, &c. are beaten to take the form of pastes of ornaments, &c. ; a type in printing ; a stamp or impression on coins, &c. ; pride, vanity, h. ^ju^\,*»^TP!TZ^ thasd-thas,^\\e(}i', crowded.^. oLm^' S^ffT thusdnd, a. to cause to stuff, h. ctLw^ '> TR^ thasakf f. state, dignity, h. UXd>w^ V SdCh'tfl thusaknd, a. peditum ciere, sup- pedere ,■ to weep (but not aloud), h. Ux«^" 7IRir«n thasaknd, a. to break a piece off any vessel of earthenware, by knocking two vesael i together, without completely destroying it. h. iS**^ 8 H dii^thuski,{.venti-is crepitus surdus k. U*..^ TTr»n?/tMsna,n.to be stuffed, crammed, h, ,J*^> ZW^ thasrii, f. a rammer, h. •* '^ (i Z^ tahak, f. pain in the joints, h. ^o-^ fZ^Ur^l thihdna, m. residence, place, sta- tion,abode, dwelling ; boundary ,'limit. fhikana dh&n^h- na, a. to seek a residence, or employment, fhikana-k., a. to account, to search or trace an affair to its com- mencement. fkikSne lagana, a. to put to death, to kill, to waylay, to make away, to assassinate ; to establish, to settle, to prove ; to find out one's residence. fhUcane lagnd, n. to be killed, to die, to be put an end to. fhi- kana lasdna, a. to establish, to settle, to prove; to find out one^ residence, h. ijl^ijX^ ZWSV thak thah, m. f. hard work, harassing labour, difllculties ; a sound, h. \i>K^K^' ei«l^-^*4^ ^V f 3W4HT thanakna, n. to throb, to shoot (as a pain) ; to jingle, tinkle, h, ^^J^^ iZ^W^il thi7iakna or T«Tcir»n thumikndf n. to sob. h. UC<^V fj^«iT thingna, short, dwarfish. piingnd.i, f. lowness of stature, h. ti^ Z^W\ tahm, f. a branch, h. .^^"^^T//t««?',f. place, residence; adv. upon the spot, thaur rahnd, n. to be murdered, to be knocked down lifeless upon the spot. A. j^ Ttr thor, f. beak, bill. h. iSj^> Tra^ thofi, f. the chin. h. ;_>*>^3 ZtlX thou, solid, firm, compact, h. Lm^'3^ thosd, m. the thumb presented in token of denial (a mode peculiar to women), k. j^W>^^ "itm^ thosa,t, f. solidity, firmness, h. U»*»j^' Tt^nrr tkosna, a. to stuflT, cram in ; to stab. h. 0^ ?^^^| tahokd, m. a blow, a thump, h. D^^ thoha, m. reproof, chiding, scolding, d, jj^ TtclTC thohar, f a blow, a stroke, a thump; tripping or striking the foot against any thing, a kick, stumble ; a stumbling-block, thokar hhana, n. to trip, to stumble ; to meet with a loss or misfortune; to encounter obstacles or difficulties. thokar lagnd, n. to strike the foot against (a stumbling- block or obstacle), h. [(as bad bread), h, ]/ ^ TtSRTT thohrd, m. a fillip; adj. hard ^i^^' «\«ft»T thokan, m. act ofbeating, &c. h. US^^ TtciTfTT thoknd, a. to beat, to strike ; to drive (as a stake), h. ^^^' Tt^ST thold, m. a cup for the food and drink of a bird in a cage ; the knuckles, fhola mdrtiS a. to strike vrith the knuckles, h.- ^J^ Z^ tahon, rn. the voice of a new-born child, h \>^ Hs^HI thirvnci, m. the knee (see thewna).s. ,^j^' tZ thunth, m. a stump, a branch of a tree broken off at the end and leafless ; an amputated hand. h. [bird. h. f^^ zfz thonth, f. the beak or bill of a l^^ ZZX thunthd, having the hand ampu- tated ; having its branches lopped and leafless (a tree).A. i_^j^ *^ ZT\ tkunthi, {. stubble, h. llJO^^' Tftin thuntiyd, mutilated, lopped oflP; m. a eunuch, h. U**o^^' thonsnd, a. to stuff (see thosna). d. liSo^^ ^4J zfT\ thong, f. the act of striking with a finger or beak, pecking, h. ICJ^^ 7^^ i/ton^a, in. striking with the beak.A. 'JlX_>^ ifi\\mthongdnd,\Q..Xo peck,to strike U£j^^' 7TfT«n thonynd, J with the beak. /i. ol^" 3^l4iT thahdka, m. a peal, a succession of loud sounds, explosion, tlidhdke ki muldkdt.f. meet- ing with great demonstrations of friendship, h. \31.^^" '-^ ZW\ theka, m. a plug, a stopper, h. »-43 ^x^ ^^fH thewnd or ^Ttfl the,um, m. the kn«e, the pastern (of a bone), t. uUuS' (c-i^ 7m fhaye, past tense of thanna, to fix, resolve, &c. h. 4— AjJ ^^tf iip, f. a note of hand, a clieque; drawing a card ; raising the voice in singing, the noting of any thing ; f. the act of pressing, compressing. fip-fap, {. ornament; the act of pressing or compress- ing, ftp lend, a. to draw a card. h. (^j^ ^^ii tipn, f wooden stocks or thumb- screws used for torture; an instrument in which the prepuce of a boy is fixed when undergoing the opera- tion of circumcision. A. uxjp ^lMr|i fipnd, a. to press, to compress, to grope, to feel, to squeeze, h. Iax3 ^fter tltd, f. lingula vuIvcb mulierum. h. j_^^ ilicjl titli, f. the name of a medicine, h, \yyi3 ZZ^'[ tetwd, m. the head of a snake, h. lii^ fikhnd, n. to cry, as a partridge, d. (_fSx> z\^ ttdi, f. a locust, h. j3 tI\x. fir, f. a transverse piece in cloths, or a breadth cut diagonally, h. jO 7^ ter, f. tune ; voice, h. Vjo" 7n iei'd, m. a curtain ; squint-eyed, cock- eyed, h. ^j(3^xy{[ ternd, n. to bawl, to roar to, to call loudly, to shout, to halloo ; to tune, h, \j^ T5T terd, m. the trunk of a tree ; an in- strument for twisting coarse thread or twine, feri hu- land, a. to be afflicted with the venereal diwase. a. lib^' T2T terhd, crooked, bent, terhd-bera, crooked, tefhd-k., a. tw bend, to crook, h. f^AsbjJ 72T^ "i^ firl, f. a locust (same as (idt). h. (j«Jo' Zt^ its, f. a throb, throbbing, a shoot- ing pain, its mdrnd, n. to throb, h. Uu«jJ ^NhTT tisnd, n. to palpitate, to throb, h. y^ij z^ tesu, m. the blossoms of the palas tree {Butea frondosa) ; a kind of play. K L*~jlV tesrvd, m. a tear (also tasrvd, q.v.). A. (-dJuu" 7t«li tlk, f. an ornament for the bead and neck. h. ijXtJ ZW teh, f. a prop, pillar; a promise, vow. fek rahnd, n. to lean upon. h. \^ Z'Nrr tikd, m. inoculation ; a mark made on the forehead by Hindus ; a badge of sovereignty ; an ornament worn on the forehead ; the nuptial gifts. tlkd bhejnu, a. to send the nuptial gifts, which are pre- sented by the relations of the bride to the bridegroom, h, Kju>" ^l^iii tlkd, f. a commentary or gloss, h. KjJ tekd, m. trust, reliance, confidence, sup- port, d. ^\^' tekdn, m. a height, etavation. d. uLlju' ( 275 ) M * SSL> j\j3 ToRT tehar, 1m. (also tlkar, &c.) a 1;^ ToFn tehra,] height, a rising ground ; high lands of indifferent qxtality. h, {jj^ i^flVO ttkari, a small field of inferior land. h. KJou tekra, m. a height, rising ground, d. ^Go" T^FT tekan, ra. a prop, support. A. ^j^ - ^^ ^u\»j6" S'H^IH tem-tam or fim-tamf m. dress- UjJ 7^ tend (mas. of ,ie«i), a parijcular breed of fowls A. cLay ^^ fenf or ^^!*? tint, m. the ripe fruit of Aar;/; a speck on the eye. h. VjojJ "\feT ?«w/a, m. a large ripe fruit ofkartl; a fizgig ; speaking inconsiderately, h. Jujo 37T; tentar, m. name of a fruit. A. !^^jujj"3^ai tmtu,a, m. the windpipe, the throat, h. [ing inconsiderately. A. ^^jjo *^2f^ ?ew?i, f. name of a fruit ; speak- ^V^\jo^Z^ ten-ten, an imitative sound, in- articulate sound, h. [niaing. h. tiJLjjJ "tzf jfenA, f. shelter, support ; recog- \X-*^ ^TCT tengra, m. 1 the name of a fish ijjLxxi "^»n!t .fen^rri, i.) (Stiurus). $. ^X-xij^tfft fengi, f. teazing. h. ^Ji^ ^^ tent, m. a particular breed of fowls; " adj. tiny, smalL k, ^ ^ tew or te,-o, f. habit, custom, h. \^ Z^ teroa, m. calculation of nativity ; habit, custom. A. ijj^ te,ori (v. te,ori), a frown, &c. A. ^jjJ 7^^ /ewAi, f. a prop, a pillar, k, \3^' 74*il tewnd, a. to sharpen. A. \j^ ^fT!! .^e/ira, m. a village, h. ^LjJ ^^T fe^Za, ra. the customs of marriage. A. (^ se or sd, 4th letter of the Arabic alphabet. It does not occur, strictly speaking, in words of Persian or Indian origin. Its sound, among the Arabs, is that of th in the English word thin, but the Persians and Indians give it the sound of s. It is one of the radical letters, never being employed in the formation of deri- vatives ; and in the reckoning by ahjad it stands for 500. "When Persian words are introduced into Arabic writings, this letter is Bometimes used instead of te or tin, as Kay&mars for Kayumart, and Talinturoi for Tah- tinirat, s. (JIa^u sdbit, firm, constant, dtirable, stable, proved, confirmed, established, fixed, sabit rahna, n. to adhere to a person, sabit -kadam, immoveable, stable, resolute, permanent, constant. $abtt-k., to confirm, to establish, to render durable, to prove by witness, a, ^li-LlA^b sabit-kkdntf an armed retainer or " sentinel, a. [high- o. i.^l> sakih, shining, splendid; sublime, sl^"^ salts, the thirdj an umpire, arbitrator mediator, salis salasa, m. trinity. gUU bil-]^ir, an unprejudiced arbitrator, a. xA\t^\\\ salis-ndma, m. a deed of award, p. «i)b salisa, f. an arbitress, mediatrix, a. ^^IS salist, f. arbitration, mediation, a. {Ij^Xi sains, the Trinity, salusi akdas, the most holy Trinity, a. f^\> sdmin, the eighth, a. j^b sani, m. "1 second ; the second, sdnt ul- auol) saniya, f.J hdl, another time, sani mu- lahtaxa, re-inspection, revisal. saniyas, secondly, in the second place, a. C->bo sabdt, m. permanency, stability, firm- ness, resolution, constancy, a. CL*xi sabt, f. stability, permanency, firmness , tabt-k., a. to inscribe, to subscribe, to write, a. O^ sahut or suhut, m. firmness, stability, permanency, confirmation by evidence, a. U> sardy opu^lent, rich ; m. the earth, a. C^^j> sarmatf f. wealth, multitude, a. [>j> suraiyd, m. the Pleiades, a. i.«JU> Mi'lab, m. a fox (pi. sadlib). a. gf-a«c-A*> sa'labi misri, m. salep (the root of a species of orchis, considered, particularly in the East, to be a strong restorative and aphrodisiac), a. Ja^ S110, dregs, sediment, refuse, a. OlaS sikat (pi. of ailS), trusty friends, a. (Jl^VftO sahalat, f. weight, heaviness, a. J5J si^, m. gravity, weight; indigestion, heavy load. a. [fiiond. a. &AO sika, m. confidence ; a confidant, a trusty t2 jJj£-> saifei/, heavy ; lazy, phlegmatic; indi- gestible, a. \U*^ salas, three, sulas, by three, a. tj*^ svlasi, triangular, any thing made up "of three parts, triple ; (in gram.) triliteral. a. (.1^ suls, m. the third part. a. Ji samar, m. fruit; produce, advantage, pro- fit ; offspring. samar-ba]shsh, productive of fruit, a. ij^ samra or samara, m. fruit; profit, re- ward, recompense ; offspring, a. ^^ saman, m. price, value, a. ^J^ sumun or sumn, m. the eighth part. a. ^^jX^ samln, costly, precious, a. \j3 Sana, f. praise, applause, eulogy, sand- ilnvan, one who praises, ^and-gxistar, one who scatters praises, a. C-^iy sawdb,m. the future reward of virtue; a virtuous action, reward, premium, a. [stars, a. CL*o\^ sawdbit (pi. of <-l*^b), m. the fixed L-.'y saub, m. a robe, a vestment, a. .y saur, m. a bull ; the sign Taurus ; twilight, crepuscuie ; the dame of a mountain near Mecca, a, L^\^ siydb (pi. of u-'y), m. clothes, robes, a. *JUO saiyiha, f. a young woman who has con- summated her marriage ; femina cujus periit virginitas. a. '27Q ) tl>W — jlm or jim-i-tdzi, the fifth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the sixtli in the Persian, and the seventh in the Hindustani. It has the sound of j in judge. In Arabic it is a radicalletter. In enumera- tion by ahjad it stands for the number three. It is sometimes used: 1st, for sh, as kcij for /cash, would that ! 2nd, for g (particularly in conformity to Arabic pronunciation), &Bfaranj for farang, Europe ; 3rd, for the final imperceptible )^e, asfirozaj for firoza, a tur- quoise. Again, for j' are used, 1 st, t, as tarat, for tdrdj, plunder ; 2nd, zh, as kazhdum for kajdum, a scorpion ; 3rd,g, as akhshig for ak^shij, contrary. In some rare instances it is redundant, as debaj for debd, brocade. JT ^ ja, is the corresponding letter in the DevanagarT alphabet. It is used for z, in such Arabic and Persian words as have found their way into the Hindi dialect, thus, hujirt for lidziri, breakfast. In many words borrowed from the Sanskrit, j is substi- tuted for ;/, particularly in the dialects of Bengal, Tir- lioot, &c. AYhen added to a pure Sanskrit substantive it denotes born, si^rung, or produced from such sub- stantive, as andaj.a. bird, the egg-born, from anda; vdrij, the lotus, lit. sprung from water. U- jd, f. a place, jd-ba-jd or hama-jd, every- where, jd-nlshtn, m. a locum tenens, a deputy, a successor, vicegerent, p. jf- HT jd, the old inflected form of the rel. pron. jo or jaun, whom, which, h. t---*V W^jdb, m. muzzle for large cattle ; b net foi fruit ; a sort of grass, h. j^W" jdbir, a despot, a tyrant, a. (jLy-jW jdb-sdl and jdb-sdli (forjawdb-sarvd', &c.), conversation, reply, rejoinder, a, fj,\»- Ifl^ jaht, f. muzzle for small cattle, h. u-^W ^fm jdp, m. repeating inaudibly pas- sages from tlie Shdstras, charms, names of a deity ; silent meditation ; counting one's beads (a Uiudfi term not applicable to Musalmans). s. '.ii^.W »TT'5RiJa/>a7i,^m. one who counts his to himself. jjU- ^fV^japt, beads, or who recites ^^y^:>\j>- jdplusi, f. flattery, adulation (more "commonly chdplusi). p. ^W Ttjrrfl jdpan, m. spending or passing away time. s. jj4iV jdphal (y.jd,e-phal), nutmeg, d. C^\j>- Iditjdt, born, produced; a child, off- spring, jdt or j at I, f. kind, sort, cast, sect, tribe, class, birth, production, lineage, race, jdt-pdnt or jdt-pdnti, f. pedigree. jdt-bhd,t, a brother by caste, jdti-swor hhdw, m. specific or generic character or nature. ,71?//- lakshan, m. generic distinction or characteristic ; mark of tribe or caste, jdti-hln, outcaste. s. Ujbj 13W WTHT <^'ffl jdtd-rahnd, to go away entirely, to \ auish. h. J>W TTl'^ jdfru, ni. a pilgrim, wayfarer, t. \j!)U- in^ (f«! ^rn(T7a[»'lfT\^jdtru, j (^J>^ W^jdtrt, J (-ili>W wiwssjdiah, m. a mendicant ; astrolo- gical calculation of a nativity, s. ^^C^\>- ^XAikA jdt-karma, m. a sacrificial ceremony directed to be performed at the birth of a child, s. y U. ^nrj^ jdtu, a rdjput tribe in Karnal, of whom many have now become Mutalm&ns. h. J^W '^r^jdti, f. kind, tribe (same as ;aV WTT^jdtyandh, born blind. .«. eu)W Wrwia/^«, well-born, of good family. .> CjU- UTTjai, m. the name of a tribe among the rdjputs (for a full account of this celebrated clan, vide Wilson's Glossary), h. J3V l{rzf^ jdtli, ra. f a plant (Bignonia suaveolens). a. [tribe A. ^^W mz^jdtll, a subdivision of the g^ar m. a pilgrim, a travel- ler, s. t«,w ( 277 ) cLfV yU- "^U^jatu, name of a rajput tribe, h. I^j V i»jIT«ll jatuwd or af I |>HT^* a/M,a, a branch of the chamar tribe, q. v. h. ^V "^[njath, m. the axis of an oil or sugar mill which presses the grain or the canes ; a post placed by Hindus in the centre of a tank to mark that its water has been dedicated to a deity, s. 43l>- JasI, one who is kneeling, a. C1a»-1»- ja-jat, f. the series of binary combi- nations of letters beginning v/ith jim, the first being jim al^oija, the second jim ie or jat, &c. a. cdJb-U- ^[m^(forTfXjf^)jajak,n\. a Brahman who presides at the performance of a religious cere- mony, s. [or on the tabor, h. i^X>-\»- W[^^jajak, m. a player on cymbals A^-la* ^fJW^jdjam, f. a cloth thrown over the carpet to sit on. h. j^^-U. "JnWT j5Jan, m. the act of conducting a sacrifice or causing its performance, s. dJj»-U- "miPCf jajya, m. property or presents earned by officiating at sacrifices, s. uLas-W tnf^ jachit, asked, begged, s. tdU-V 'H'^'ir (for xtj^TSS) jachak, m. a solici- ter ; a bcp^gar ; a person who goes about singing for charity, s. Ijk5j.l». in^*n (for xiN*il) jachna, a. to want, to need, to require, to implore, to solicit; f. asking, begging, s. li^tiW ja-dad, f. a place, station, service, em- ployment, consignment, p. [jada, q. v.). p. _.^W jadaj, m. a pathway, road (same as j:>'*. »n^ jadam (for W'^H yadava), m. a descendant of Yadu ; the lineage of Krishna as de- scended from Yadu ; a name of Krishna, i. jiW jadu, m. enchantment, conjuring, jug- gling. jddu-chalSna, a. to practise incantations, jddu- ^ar, m. an enchanter, conjuror, juggler, magician. jddu-garnl, f. a sorceress, jddu-garl, f. magic, necro- mancy, p. jCi\»^ lU^jado, m. one of the low castes in a village, employed in menial offices, h. (jjs^V "^(r^jadon, name of a tribe of rajputs. h. »iU- jada, m. a pathway, a road, manner, practice, the right road. a. [stupidity, s. iO,iiW lfl^ jadya, m. coldness, apathy ; folly, L-^(il». jazib, alluring, attractive ; drawing (as a plaster), jazib kagljaz. blotting-paper, a. CL>>i i^\>- jdzibat,\ attract'mg 'y charm, grace, joiW jciziba, J loveliness, a, jW jar, m. neighbour, jari muldsik, a near neighbour, jarr, giving Itasra to the last letter of a word, liarfi-jdrr, a particle which gives to the noun a termination in kasra, or the short t. a. X>- IflXjar, m. a gallant, a paramour, s. .\>. mxjdr, ra. virulence, violence. h» —jU- »|K5r jdraj, m. f. an adulterine, the child of a woman by her paramour, t. AU- 'Sfjj;^ jural, m. a kind of wood (Lager- stroemiaflos regina). k. ^oiV "^n^jdran, m. fire- wood, fuel. s. \jjU- nmmjdrnd, \a. to burn, to kindle, -jjy.U- 'mia^jdrnaun,} to inflame, to light. *. jmW *n^ ja?"M, burning, inflaming, s. (— ->jjld. jdrub, m. a broom, or the sweeper who uses it jdrub-kash, m. sweeper, jdrub-kashi, f. the act or office of sweeping, p. {j\»-jdri, running, flowing, proceeding, cur- rent, customary, in force (a law), jdri-k., a. to begin, to set on foot, jdri hond, n. to pass current, to be in force, to proceed ; (as business) to flow, jdrl rupaiya, a current rupi, current coin in general, a. (_^l». jdri, Indian millet (y.jo,dr). d. ioX>- jdriya, f. a maid-servant, a. j\»- ifl^ jdr, m. the gums (of the teeth), h, \jW IfTTr .;ara, m. cold, coldness; the win- ter, s. i^'U- ifRt jdfiy f. a row of teeth, h. bJ^\s>- 1(1^ jdrya, coldness, apathy, indiffe- rence, s. ^W jdzam, f. a cloth thrown over a carpet to sit on (same aajajam), h. i*jl». jdzim, having the property of render- ing the last letter of a word inert or not followed by a short vowel, a. (j*jU. in^ jd-su, \(old form of pron.) from ^**>W ^fTff jd-su, J whom or from which, whereby, h. ^Jiij^**i\:>' jdsundi (v.jdsun) the shoe-flower, d. ^j**^*»>W jdsiis, m. a spy, emissary, a. j>*»^**»U- jdsusl, f. spying, espionage, jdstl- "si-k., a. to play the spy. o. ^Jy**^ jdsun, "la species of China rose 5 jj^«oU. jd,esun,j the ahoe-^o-wer (Hibiscus Syricus, or Hibiscus sinensis). In Urdu it is called garkal, and in Hindi ja«^a or japd, q. v. (Binning.) d. J^Uv-HleFfjaAar, a pledge,&c. (y.jdnkar). h. j^^U- in^K jdkhar, a subdivision of the jdp . tribe, h. ,^\>' «ili4«f jdkhan, the wooden founda- tion of the brickwork of a well. h. ■dS\>- »nn jdg, m. a religious sacrifice, vigils, s. cL/W iTPT jdgu, m. one who watches, s. ol?* ^^ jdg^i wi- the name of a caste of Hindils (same as hMit, q. v.). A. l^U- jdgd (for jagah), a place, situation, d. ^^ ci/v ( 278 ) r^ t^ijj^lsl*- ?rmrw*^ jaga-handi, f. drowsi- ness, Bleepiness. *. tLoU- afT'IiT jagat, f. waking, vigilance. «. C^^i^\s>- jagti-jot (for Ifpnrtilftfff Ja^'^i- _;'i/o<«), "possessed of or exerting miraculous power, s. O^U- "^vfit jagarti, f. waking, vigilance, s. jjj^U- ^I'K^llJa^flJ/'aw, in. vigil, wakefulness, sitting up at night (in a religiona ceremony or prayer); vespers, s, {jS'^ ^nzri' jcigri, f. coarse sugar, molasses, refuse of sugar ; sugar of the palmyra tree. h. Ij^U- "mTyp^ljagnd, n. to be awake, to awake. 8. ^U- ifTT jagu, wakeful, watchful, s. j^l&- ^m jagu, If. place, situation (v. ja- ^U- H\7[^jagah,J gah). h. joW jagir, f. land given by government as a reward for services, or as a fee ; a pension (in land). jdglr-dar, m. tlie holder of a fee or jagir (v. Wilson), p. uiJ^jk^U- ^firar jagyik, m. a sacrificer, the institutor pf a sacrifice, s. &j/l»- irrf^ jcigW"-) ^^ ^^^ sacrifice. /*. JU- jal, forged, counterfeited (cor. for jal, q.v.). a. jU- ITIqJ .;«/, m. a net, a sasb ; a window, a lattice, an eyelet or loophole ; magic, conjuring, su- pernatural deception, jdl-ddr, reticulated. jal-silal}t, f. a coat of mail, jal-lakft, f. valerian, s. ^U- ITT^T jald, m. cobweb ; a net, a pellicle; a jar ; a specie on the eye, a cataract, s. ,^\»-jalis, one who sitsj one of a company, a. tiUU- sTlfoS^ jalik, m. a spider ; a fisher- man ; a hunter using nets. s. ^JU- silP^ehl jdlikif m. a cheat, a rogue, "a conjuror or juggler; one who employs nets for a livelihood, s. jJV W^jdlm, m. a low man, one of a de- > graded tribe ; adj. cruel, hanh; rash, inconsiderate, s. UJU- jdlnd, a. to burn, set on fire. d. jfciiJjW lf[^f^[t jdlandhar, m. a country in the north-west of India, perhaps the modern Jallin- dhar. jdlandhara, an inhabitant of Jalandhar. s. j_^U. W^"^ jdlim, f. a painting-room. s. (JV ^^ j^K illusory, deceptive ; f. net- "work ; the integimient in which a foetus is enveloped ; a coil, caul ; lattice, grate ; an ox-muzzle, jalt papid expresses the hardening of the stone of a mango, s. U5U- iirf^nn jdliyd, m. a cheat, a rogue, a conjuror, s. [physician, s. (^jtty^\»- jdlinus, Galen, the celebrated Greek J^ jam, m. a goblot, cup, glass, any vessel for drinking out of, a bowl ; a mirror, juml-javi or jami-jamshtd, the mirror of jamshld, in which he saw whatever he wished. jdmijahdH-numd,a.^hsiVOs. jdmi l«b-rei, a bumper, p. -V WW jam, m. the rose-apple (Eugeni jambos, Sfc.) ; a watch of the day or night (▼. pakr aph-jdm, ever, perpetually, s. I*U- Jam,m.the guava (Psidiumpyriferumy d \it\»- jama, m. garments, clothes, p. \jIoW irmrwr jawaia,m.son-in-law, daughter's husband, s. yUl*- ijnniT jawa- Sira^Tr jdmbu-wat, m. a fabulous bear, father-in-law to Krishna, s. iVcW jdmid, styptic, ismi jdmid, concrete, a noun not derived from any root, and from which no word is derived, a. .\i^\j>- jama-dar (v. jama), the keeper of a wardrobe. ^amadar-MaMa, the house where wardrobei are kept. p. t/.^ii**^ jama-ddrl, f. ofiice of keeping the wardrobes ; the guards or keepers (collectively), p, ji^ii/cU- jdmddjii, f. a kind of cloth in which " the flowers are wove in, and not worked (generally muslin) ; a kind of leather basket ; (applied to utensiu of metal, &c.) flowered, sculptured, or embossed, p. (Jjj^W- ^TTHE^ jdmrul, m. the Malay or star- apple {Eugenia malaccensis). h. «/«l>- jdmi, completing, comprehending collecting, jdmi' ul kamdlat, most learned, skilled in all sciences, containing the essence of all perfection; all, whole, universal, collective ; f. a great mosques tem- ple, or cathedral, where the prayer called Ichttba is repeated on Fridays. " The mosque, and all its attached buildings, generally comprising a caravansary.an alms- house, a school, &:c., is termed the jdmi', while the sanctuary or place of worship is called the masjid."— (Binning.) a. XeU- jdmgi, f. a salary j a match of a gun. p. ^W *n'T»T.;awiaw, f. m. a fruit and tree so called {Calyptranthes caryophyllifolia; also Eugenim jambolana). s. [gulate fresh milk, rennet, b, ^U> "W^jdman, m. sour milk used to coa- j^l*- K\^f^ jdminx, f. (ior yamini), night, s* jA/«U- "^Ijtf^jdmm, Grecian, Mahometan, or " their language, s. ^^jtt^<\>- jdmus, m. a buffalo (Arab, form of the Persian gawmesh or gamesh, q. v.). a. l1*3*/«1>- 1(\^^*H jdmawant, m. a fabulous bear ; father-in-law to Krisjfita. s. d^\»-jdma, m. a garment, robe, vest, a flow- ered sheet or shawl, a kind of chintz, jdma-lshana, a wardrobe, jdma-ddni, f. portmanteau, jdma-zeb, becoming one's clothes, jdma-war, lit to make clothes of, suflicieut lor a jama. p. - jdnihain, (du. of ^>^l»-), mutual, on both sides, janibain se, reciprocally, alternately, a. to^'^'cj^ iTrfr'T?^T»T jdn-pahchdn, m. an acquaintance, an intimate friend, t. «Jlo\j>' HfWjawi, f. a wooden trough for rais- ing water, s. [standing. A. tJlA^W S|r- Ulinjantd, m. f. a stone mill for grind- ing corn, a handmill of two stones one over the other ; a bellows, jdntd-kal, f. (same as jdnt) a wooden trough, s. [assay, proof, h, 4^U- ni^ jdnchy m. trial, examination, test, ^liU- jdndn, 1 1 bJK>\>- jdndna,) Uk^W ^fj^nri jdnchndy a. to examine, to in. quire into, to ascertain, to try, to prove, to assay, h. jj^^»- afjchi jdnkar, m. money (or other pledge) left for a thing purchased, while it is carried away to be finally approved, h. y3*.=» '^(iJltjdnffar, m. the thigh and leg. s. ^JX.il>- tTT^^ jdngal, ra. the francoline partridge, s. JJi>l»- Wl^"^ jd7igul, m. poison, venom, s. ^^yL>\s- Wl'W^'^ j^'^9^^^* 1 m. a snake- Lili£JU- "^V^T^m jdngulik, J catcher, a dealer in antidotes, a man who pretends chiefly oy charms to cure the bite of snakes, &c. s, AOW m^x^^jdnguU, f. knowledge of poi- "sons, of charms and antidotes; a potherb (L»^a acu- tangula). s. ,.^.C>U- "^({^jdngh, f. the thigh, s. J>^£jU- »rt*r^ jdnghal, m. a kind of heron {Ardea Indica). s. Ia^^I>- '5ftftrm jdnghiyd, m. a kind of breeches that do not cover the thigh. *. UjW 9f'|fir|| jdnnd, a. to know ; to under- stand, to comprehend ; to suppose, to trust, to believe. /(, jj^JkiU- ll{\r{'^ jdnnaun (old form), (v. jdii- «a) ; to know, understand, &c. h. yW ati*t^ ;a/?o, that is to say ; videlicet, un- derstand, suppose ; to wit, namely, h. \yl>- jdnwd. a belt, brahminical thread, .1 Hindu rosary, d. [ture. p. ji^\»- jdnwa?-, m. an animal, any living crea (jyl>- Wl"^ jdnaun (old form ofjdnd), to go, move, &c. ; it is also used in the sense oijdno, q.v., that is, suppose, &c. /*. [away. /;. .l^l>- Wnr^'R jdnhdr, adj. going, passing j_^ls.- TfT'Ti' (for ■^TTtft) ;ani, m. an astrologer, a fortune-teller, s, ij^jdni, m. a lover, a friend; adj. of or re- lating to the life or soul, jam dusliman, an enemy de- sirous of one's life. p. ij^^ij^ 'TR ^"^in^.iawe anjdne, wittingly or unwittingly, h. ^.'^ij'W' 'f^ ^^liljdne dend, a. to liberate, to let go ; to excuse, to pass over (as a fault), jane do, never mind, let alone, don't, h. LW jdwd, a kind of gruel or potage. d. ^LU- Itl^J jdwdn, a twin, twins, s. O5W "qmjfjdmat, as much as, as many as, as long as, until, s, i^Jj^ W^ jdwatri or "SUf^^ jdrvitri, f. mace, a kind of spice. .«. [long as life. *. ^^y^s-j^j- TTRWt'^^ jdvajjivan, for life, as lijl*- jawid, jjiijW jarvidan, &3\(ij W jdwidana, jV (280 ) eternal, perpetual, ever- lasting, p. fj^\^j\>- jamiddnl, eternity, the next world, p. ci)«W W|N«fi or Tim'SS jdwak, m. the red co- lour procured from the lac insect (v. altd). s. ^JJj^^^jW «||c|*|^4TM1 jdvant bhdshd, the language of the Javans (t. e. Greeks or Muhammadans), q. V. s. ftA>> iV.jW jdwld, eternal, everlast- i, "1 always, ( ^j\,^,j\>' jdn'iddn,} ing. p. fj,\,^.j^ jdrvldam, f. eternity, p. »W jdh, f. dignity, rank, grandeur, jdh o jalal, dignity, grandeur, splendour, magnificence, p. l\>- Jflf^ jdhi (pron. in the dative case), to whom, to whomsoever {Bhasid). h. ^JjftW jdhil ignorant, barbarous, brutal, a. AfcW jdhiR, ignorance ; paganism (vide 'next word), a. C^j\Sb\s>' jdhiliyyat, f. ignorance, folly, Mu- hammadans use the term ayyami jahiliyyat {daja of ignorance) to denote the times previous to the mani- festation of Islam, or what they consider the true faith. St. Paul uses a similar phrase with reference to the days before the diffusion of Christianity (Acts xvii. 30). — (Binning), a. jJciW if 1^1 jdhi, f. the name of a flower " Jasminum grandijlorum); a fire-work resembling that flower, s. ti'-^W" i^/'> f' ^ plfice (see ja). jd,e bash place of residence. ja,e i'tirdz, the time or place of opposition. ja,e zarur, f. the necessary. jd,e.gham, the place or time of grief. jd,e nishm, a successor, " locum tenens." fd,e namdz, a carpet for praying on. p. (_y-p\&-»n^;a,i,f.? daughter; particip.f. born. s. bU- ifHElT jaya, particip. m. born ; m. a son; f. a wife, one wedded according to the perfect ritual, s. j^bW in^rmil^ jayd-patl, m. du. husband " and wife. s. [of spice, s. ^JJyx>\»■ in^T-ift jdyapatn, f. mace, a kind ij4^.t/^V 'HmWicjS jn,e ju/iflZ or jdya-phal, m. nutmeg {Myristica moschata). s. i>\iiy>_f\s>- jd,e-ddd, f. an assignment on land for the maintenance of any establishment, such as troops, &c. ; assets, funds ; employment, p. JjW jdfiz, lawful, permitted, right, proper, warrantable, authorized ; m. a joist, a beam. j5,iz hi, possibly, it may be that. a. i>y>\s^ jd,iza, m. examination, reviewing, confronting ; benignity, o. [rdjputs. h. (j*o/V Mi*i*i jiS,,es, a tribe of suraj-batist jjj*«^W jd,esun, the shoe-flower, v.jasun. d. &fl.)l». jdyifa, a wound or stab, such as is punishable by a fine. a. 5Vu_>U- jd,e gdh, place, situation, p. j(^..^^ ja,,e-gir, lit. holding a place, pernoa- nent ; pension. ja,e-gtr-ddr, a possessor of jagtr land« jd.e-gtri, employed by holding a pension or consign ment. p. ^3^/U- l(\^jd,tl, land twice ploughed, k. «—.»?- "Sf^jabf when, at the time when, jab' tab, now and then, jah-tdk, or -taldk, or -toft, till when, as long as. jab-jab, whenever, jab se, since. jab-ki, at the time when, when, jab-kd tab, at the time when, at the proper moment, jab-kabhi, or jab- kabhu, whenever, jab-lag, till, when, jab-na-tab, now and then, perpetually, jab-hl, at the very time when. s. T?" "^^jubd (for yuva), young, s. u^-JiJa, tribute, revenue, juba, Saturday, p. jUj>" jabbdr, omnipotent ; m. a conqueror ; a revenger ; a tall palm-tree ; the constellation Orion, a. [j^xs»- jibdl (pi. of^3j^)> mountains, a. f^^^ jabdn, timid, abject; m. a coward, a. l\^ jibdh (pi. of *^>»-), foreheads, a. fj^ WTiT^ jubati (for yuvati), f. a young " woman, a damsel, s. ^liJ^ ^tW^jabaddd, rigid, stiff*, awkward, h. Utiju>- IT^tn jabadnd, n. to be filled, to be folded, h. [vated in Rohilkhand. h. ijt3a>- im^jabdi, f. a species of rice culti- ^.'i«f>' ^M^i^mjabaddiyd, ill-shaped, h. ysf jabr, m. oppression, violence, strength, force, power; the reduction of fractions to integrals. jabr se, by violence, violently, jabr uuksayi, making good a deficiency (as if two horses are to be given to two persons, one to each; if they are not equally good, saddle and bridle are given with the worst), al-jabr wal-mujfdbala, algebra, a. ^jf>- jabran, oppressively, by violence, a. Jjkff-Lk*. jabrd'il, ^y>.^]j>^ jab)-d,tly m. the archangel Ga- tj^.j^ jabril, I briel. a. jabrin, C->j->-,;a&rM^, omnipotence, dominion, hea- ven, the unity of God. 'alami jabrut, the highest or empyreal heaven, a. ijjX9' jabat-l, f. oppression, injury, a. yjx>' 3f^!?r.;«im, m. {x.jabha) the jaw. h. tijjJ"A>'Ja&n-fcanrf, the lock-jaw. d. jja>- jabal, m. a mountain, a hill. a. {.IAj^ jibillat, f. essence, quality, disposition, temperament, constitution, creation, form. a. *yiijk».ja&a^Hw,m. an amethyst, a. [rai. o. f\y>- jibilli, natural, innate, essential, in gene- (ji^s^ jubun, m. pusillanimity, cowardice, a. eu>- jubba, m. a kind of long vest, resembling a shirt ; a coat of mail. a. I^JL»- ^pTT jabha, m. the jaw. k,, \.l^jk». frPIKTjtMam, abusive, talkative, h. V^jo- iH"3T j^^'ir^j m- the j^w- '*• e,.^^ jabha, m. the forehead, a. (_f^U>,.^-9- jabha-sa.,t, beseeching, begging "earnestly (lit.rubbmg one's forehead on the ground) a.p. U^A»- "^n^ jabhiya, ugly, uncouth, h. ijrujv jabin, f. the forehead. jabin-sa,e or farsd.e, rubbing the forehead on the ground (in prayer or supplication), p. u-M>- Wljaf, I"- silent repetition of the name of God, muttering prayers, charms, &c., adoration, repeating the bead-roll (to speak in the mind), jap- pardyan, m. a man devoted to religious meditation. jap-iap, m. devotion, adoration, jap-mdl or -maid, f. a rosary, a. \hwr {Cleame viscoio). s. U»- Ifmjapa, f. the flower of the plant hur- C1aa»- l(m[japat (old form ofpres. part, from japnd), repeating internally or mentally the name of God. s. U-^ aTT^JT j(^pn^) 3- to count one's beads, to repeat the name of God internally, to recite the bead roll ; (in Dakh.) to vyait for, to expect, s. l^^xif*- KJr^japnaun{Brai f or japna,q.\.). s. ^e^itrfr!' wf\K^ jcipi-t<^P^) m* an adorer, s. a^y Wti orTJiT jut, joined ; (in comp.) with, possessed of; as dharm-jut, virtuous, s. CL^y ftn jit, where, wheresoever (Braj). s. C.*j>- »nf jat, f. manner, fashion, kind. 5. C*:>- »ffcT jati or jat, f. a kind of musical rhythm (generally sung at the holi). s. CL^ xrfw jati (for yatt), m. a sage whose passions are under subjection ; a religious mendicant, especially one of the Jaina sect. s. d^y "^{[tt jattt, m. lac, a red dye analogous to cochineal, s. \Ss>- »nn jutd, m. the rope connecting the irrigating basket with its handle. A. 11*- fmn jita or (Vvil jittd, whatever much, as much as, or (in the pi.) as many as. jittd-ki, for all that, notwithstanding, h. W>U»- fifillrHI jitdtmd, self-subdued, void of passion, s. \\'xy "snnTT ja^am, 1 m. lineage, family, ge- |3'U>. ^ril^T jatdrd,) nealogy, a dynasty, h. vSlll*- aTTTTtTT jatdnd, a. to caution, to remind, to wain, to admonish, to inform of, to proclaim. *. \j\js>' fsflTTTn jitand, a. to cause to win or conquer, h, Uli>- 'mfJP^ jutdnd, to conglutinate J n. to be joined, to yoke ; to be tilled, s. ^-^\I»- '^fUJ^jutdfi, arable; f. tillage, s. ( 281 ) JOS- jitbar, means of living; housewifery, d l^JLjc>- aTH^^oR jatu-puirak, m. a man o. piece, at chess or backgammon, s. Jjc>- IfHTijatar, cultivated land. h. [de. t Jx>- *f^ jatru, m. the collar-bone, the clavi- {^^y»- "^^iV^ jatrdrii, a tribe of Ja^s in Ro- hilkund. h. cjllf l^H"^ jatuk, m. lac, assafcetida. s. Ki:>- aTTToirT Ja^M^a, f. a plant commonly called chakwat ; a bat. s. [subdued anger, a. ,J&iijjXjo- f»nT"^t>l jit-kroclh, one who has ^Jf^ »ni*T, ^W^jatan or TffSfjatna, m. striv- ing, exertion, perseverance, energy, carefulness, re- medy, care s. Uu>- fmft{} jitnd, m.'lhow much soever, so (^^J^?- f^nt^ jitrii, f. J much, as mu " as many, jitne meA, in as much (time) as. h. much, as much as. ^Ji,*Ujk»- jatnd,egt, also jatndgl and jatnd,- "engl, f. care, caution, d, f^\^xis>' in!nT»Tja\yi»' 5|r5tlifT jutmdna, a. to cause to be joined or yoked, x. jc,^:^*- f^^fi^jitwari, victorious, triumphant; f. the city of Benares, s. \^1>- '^^\ jathti, m. a company, band, party, class. jathdhdndJind, a. to form a party, s, lAli!>- "^^ jathd {for yatJid), as, so, like, ac- cording to. jathd-jog, or jatha-jogya, in a proper manner, a. [truly. «. ^.V^is- if^^ jathdrth, in fact, exactly, jj»- inrt orX(^ jat I, fiiithful to the marriage " bed (a man) ; a sage with subdued passions ; religious person, devotee ; a particular order of devotees, a. \jZs»- fWtPiT jityd, conquerable, vincible, s. liUJks- "^fjtxfmi jutiydiio, a. to beat one with a shoe or slipper (deemed an act of great degradation), h, Ldi-Jcs- fi\}t^jiieJ{, iis luiicli iii^, as many as. //. i_jj^j.xis>- fWfir^, f^^f^or•^^f;■f'^,j^tendrl, jitendrii/a, or jatendriija. m. one who has completely subdued his passions, a sage, an ascetic, jitendrhjd, adj. having subdued the senses, jitendriyatd, f. con- tinence, subjugation of the senses, a. cLcs- l{iz jati, f. waved-leaf fig-ti (' ( Fieus venosa). s. [rdjputs. A. viLs;*- ^Zjat, ni. (the same as jdt), a class of ( 282 'jat, y. jataj matted hair, as worn by Shiva and by ascetics ; the lonp;* hairs occasionally clotted tofjether and brought over the head so as to project like a horn from the forehead, at other times allowed to fall carelessly over the shoulders ; the root of a tree, a fibrous root ; spikenard, jafa dhart, one whose hair is matted ; f. the cock's-corab flower {Celosia cristata). s. U?- ^PS\ jata, m. (v. jat or jat) a tribe of rajputs. h. \j(s>- jutta, m. a span; the space from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the forefinger when stretched, d. 0»>-U>" fl^Mif jata-jut, f. the matted hair of Shiva, rolled on his head. t. JIa»- im^ja/aZ, adj. wearing clotted hair. $. ^U>- IfiSlc^T jatala, f. spikenard, s. jjij»l«U>- inTOT^Eft jata-masi, 1 f. Indian /^yJUlX*- ^TfUn^ jata-mansi, J spikenard " ( Valeriana jatamansi). t, ^\X>- IRT'lT jutana, a. to conglutinate. s. y^U*. mm jatayu, the name of a fabulous bird mentioned in the story of Rdmachandra and Hava- na ; bdellium, a. CL^iy ^fftlljatit, clotted, matted; set or studded with jewels ; f. set work of jewels. «. ciijU- "^W jutak, m. f. the matted hair of Shiva or of ascetics ; any knot or fillet of hair, t, (J-J^ "^f^S^jatil, having matted or entangled hair ; m. a lion ; f. Indian spikenard ; long pepper ; orris-root. s. ^}^ ^R^ japid, m. a freckle, a mark. s. f^Jc>- Iffimjatin, m. waved-leaf fig-tree. s. Uai>- HfTitljatnd, a. to pilfer, steal, snatch, s. UkjU- aTT«TT jupid, n. to close with, to engage in close fight, to unite, to close, to join (as the edges of a wound), to stay, to wait. s. (^JC>- "^fz^^jatim, adj. having clotted hair. s. jjjl^is- fWfZVl(\ jithdm, f. the wife of a jeth, " q. v., t. e. the wife of a husband's elder brother, s. j^'is>- WSX jafhar, m. the belly, jathai'-nud, ra. Cassia fistula, s. U^J^ IfZTJjathard, hard, firm ; bound, tied. s. aU^jU- ifzim jathardm, m. dropsy, s JiU^A>- HZVff^jathardnal m. the pangs of hunger, s. (j^^ j^tf>^) 1 m. a wrestler, a servant who ■ -.^1a > - jethi,) shampoos or kneads the limbs "after bathing, d. «!>■ jussa m. the body, the figure of the hu- man body. a. ^Ua?" in|iTnT(fbr T\W^m)ja)mdn,m.. an em- ployer of priests at a sacrilice ; the person who insti- tutes its performance and pays the expenses of it; a customer, a person to whose custom Brahinaiis, bar- bers, and some others, have a legal claim (the heredi- tary Brahman or barber, &c., of a village must be paid his fees, whether you choose to employ him or another person), s. ^jU^c*" 9f<4HI*(l jajmant, f. the stipend paid by a.jajmun, q.v. ; the wife of ajajmdn. $. "^"^ ^*5L^w;A, ra. an engagement, a battle, s. U>-bjl^s?' U^iUjr^ W^wnn jujkd,u bajnd, n. to sound or strike up (as warlike instrument* in battle.) s, vju'^i^rs?" ^i^jftm jijhotiyd, a low caste of Kanaujiya Brdhmans. h. fS^ r^f^fl jijl or jijjt, a foster-mother ; a "wet-nurse ; also a maid that takes care of children, b, Us:^ fsff^pjjjijiyd, f. a sister; a dug, breast, h. \^ jachd or jachchd, f. a woman in child- birth and for forty days after ; a lying-in woman, p. cL>jW^ ^^ N rl jacharvat, f. test, trial, exa- mination, proof, h. [proved, h. U«^ ^^fifl jachnd, n. to be examined, tried, ^^x^jaklm^o. large hotfire,hell ; the damned.a. iX*- "^t^jad, as, while, whilst, when, so soon, at the time when, jad-tak, -talak, or -lag, till, until, yet, whilst, as long as, while, jad na tad, constantly, s. i^>- jadd, m. a grandfather; an ancestor; dignity, glory (of God), happiness, prosperity; pi. ajddd. a. S>- jidd, m. trial, endeavour, effort, study. jidd ojahd-k., a. to endeavour, to strive, jidd o kadd, ra. expostulation, endeavour, exertion, a. i^ XfZJadu, m. (v. yadu) name of a cele- brated family of which sprung Krish^na. jadu-rtalh, chief of the Yadus, an epitliet of Krisl^na. s. ' 'J.>- jiidd (in Pers. jidd), separate, away, absent, different, jiidd judd, various, one by one, severally, judd judd kahnd, a. to particularize, p, JlJo>- jiddl, m. altercation, contest, jang o jiddl, m. fighting and quarrelling, a. Jj''^ jciddrvil (pi. of Jji^>-), lines, rivu- lets ; columns in a book, &c. a. f^Aiic^- juddyi, f. separation, absence. \j(\>btX>- H^m A^m jadbd-tadbd, m. unmean- ing expression ; so so. s. ji'^ jidbar, means of subsistence ; furnish- ing, &c., of a house ; stock in trade, and pleuishlag or fixings, d. ^_j»JjJc>- aT(J'4^ll jadu-hamt, of or belojiging to the family of Jadu or Yadu, s. t-*^ jiidapi (for V^f^ jadyapi or yadyapi'u though, although, notwithstanding, a, (S)'^ jud?'if f. the small-pox. a. J<^ ( «88 ) r-^ J;i^ jadal, m. fighting, battle, encounter, altercation, a. [^doar). a. ^JSi>■ jadwar, m. zedoary (Koempferia ze- Jjjss- jadroal, f. lines drawn in a book, as ruling, or to separate the margin ; a rivulet ; a table, an astronomical table, jadwal-patt'i or jadwal-Jcash, a rule, consisting of a card of pasteboard and threads on which the paper is pressed, and thus becomes ruled, a, ^Jy<^ jadrvali, lined, ruled, a. Jbiis>- »I5, Tj^jtfddh, m. battle, war, contest, s. ^^s*- ^Pftjidhar, where, wherever, whither, there, jidhar tidhar, whither, thither, whithersoever, everywhere, jidhar niwan udhar pant dhaltd hai, where is a declivity, thither flows the water, appUed in the sense of "evil unites with evil," or "misfortunes never come single." s, j^JLib^ TifvffTgJijudhishthir (prop, yudhish- fhira), m. the elder of the five Pandava princes, s. fj[^iis»- ireilTff jiidhman, adj. fiohting, warring. «. [constellation Capricorn, a. (Ctij>- jtnUf m. a kid, a he-goat; the sign or (^jj>- judait m. the polar star. a. iS'^ jaddi, ancestral, belonging to ances- tors, paternal (estate. Sec.), a. *— A?.*^ ^nS^j(idyapi (for yadyapi), though, although, s. <^,i^ jadid, new, modern, fresh, a. ^jit>ii»-jadkan (v.jarhan), a species of rice. h. ^\^ juzam, m. leprosy, more especially the black or eating leprosj', the worst form of the disease (v. kofh). jus^m-^hana, m. a lazaretto, a. , u^t^>- jasb, m. allurement, attraction, ab- sorption, drawing (as a plaster), jaigft hofim, n. to be absorbed, ja^-k., to attract or absorb, a. «^ jj>- jazha, m. passion, rage, fury ; violent desire, a. .(Sj>- jazr, m. origin, root ; the square root (hi arithmetic); {for Jazr) the ebb-tide a. j>- in Jar, f. a root; m. a fever, s. y>- jarr, m. drawing, dragging; the base, foundation, foot of a mountain ; the vowel kasra at the end of words ; (in law) dragging forth an offender for public punishment, a. ^j^- WCXjara, f. decrepitude, old age; a tree {Mimusops kauki) ; a female demon, s. L>- jurra, m. a kind of hawk. a. >\^ jurrab, m. a sock, stocking, a. jur,at, f. courage, audacity, boldness, bravery, temerity, valoar. a. j3L»- ^fW(X.jardtur, infirm from old age. s. r" V?" j'^'f"''^^) ™- a surgeon, an anatomist, a. CL^»'\j>- jarahat, f. a wound, a sore. a. fP'lfi' jarrahl, f. surgery ; adj. of or le- lating to surgery, chirurgical. a d\j»- jarad, m. a locust, a. IbiiUs- ^T ^«n jura dena, a. to procure, h. j\fT jarrar, warlike, valiant ; numerous, a. J^;^1»*>L>. IfTJW^ jarasandh, name of a ksha- triya raja, sovereign of Magadha, father-in-law to Kansa, and foe to Krishna, who was slain in single combat by Bhima. Jardsandha-jit, Bhima, the third of the Pandu princes, s. IJi-!*- WTRT./w^'awa, n. to be comforted, paci- fied ; a. to procure, h, 131^»- »RT«n jarana, a. to burn ; to kindle ; to make jealous, s. \^>\j>' TjTTip J araw5,m. paroxysm of a fever, x. jU>- 51 CH' jura,o, m. procurement, h. (^^\fr W^y^f^ jurawan, procurable, h. {j\j>- l{TT'fjarra/i/,Ta. the womb, the uterus.*, jji^^ HTX^J^jarayuj, viviparous, born from the womb. s. y^)L>. jara,im (pi. of &*^), sins, crimes, offences. jara,im Maflfa, light or petty offences. jara,imi sangin, heinous offences, a. Ow>- '^(K:^ jurat, old, ancient; infirm, de- cayed, s. fi^ IfXjhjarati, f. an old woman, s. jJSyf- Iffjf^ jartil, m. sesamum growing iHld. ». [vrith old age. s. ^y^Wf^jaruth, m. skinniness, flesh flaccid l^^ iiryi jartha, hard, solid ; cruel, harsh ; old, decayed-; m. decrepitude. «. j>-j>' ^iftjarjar, m. Indra's banner or em- blem; an aquatic plant {Vallisneria) ; adj. old, infirm, s. ^.frjr *1^<^<*T jarjarika, rugged, full of holes, old, decayed. *. py». jarh, a wound ; (in law) an offence against the person, a, {,jt*f^ jaras, m. a bell (on a horse's neck), a. jX**/^' jirsam, m. the pleurisy, a. bS'J>- jura, m. a drop, one draught, a. ^J^y>' jarkul, the whole extent, &c. h. \^j>- WCTT jarga, the name of a grass given as fodder to horses, &c. k. Mff jirm, m. the body of any thing inani- mate; a globe; a flaw or crack, jirmi Ifomar, the body of the moon; pi. (^rdm. a. Mf>- jurm, m. a crime, fault, sin. a. io\aj»- jurmana or jaramdna, (.properly jari- mdna), m. a fine, a penalty, a. \^- '^^urijrimhha, f. gaping, yawning. J. tj^jr l^lm^ jrimbhim, f. a kind of itti- ** mosa (Mimosa octandra), s. c;^ ( 284 ) JT jjy*- ^ror or "Wrmjaran, f. the act of burninp; ; m. cumin-seed ; a plant yielding a pungent seed (^Ni- gella liidica) ; 0I4 age, becoming old and infirm. «. ^j^^ '3T^;«/n<3, old, decayed, s. "^j^r "m^AJ jarna, n. to burn, to be on fire. s. \ij>' jirna, to dry up, to wither, d. ^3j>- "aJLHI jama, n. to be procured, or ob- tained, to come to hand ; to be joined. «. {^»^j>- sT^'ft jumaun (old form), n. to unite, to be joined, h. [female, h. \^jj>- »f^^T juru,d or juruwd, f. a woman, a iff jurra, m. a hawk, a falcon (also applied to any male bird), p. [ewer. p. tff jarra, m. a jar, an earthen vessel, an ^g^ ;>/7, valiant, intrepid, a." ^>.j>- f^fftm jirii/a, name of a species of rice cultivated in Benares, h. ^i)^/?' jrn/an, m. flowing, running ; flux (of blood, urine, &c.). jiryani ah or jirydni mazt, fluor albus. jirydni shikm, dysentery, jirydni matii, go- norrhea simplex, gleet, a, •"r^j?- »f 0^ jarib, f. a sort of wooden dart with an iron point, jarib chalana, to throw the jarib. h. im^,js>' jnrlh, f. a measuring-chain or rope ; a land measure of 60 gaz square, or 3600 square gaz ', a corn measure (of 384 madds, or about 768 lb.). jaribamin or jarib- kash, m. a land-surveyor, jarib- kashi, f. mensuration (of land), the office of a land- surveyor, a. ^^.j>- jarita, m. brushwood, brambles, h. "^^Ij^- jarifla, a register, an account-book ; adj. alone, separate, solitary, imattended (when tra- velling), unencumbered, a. ^j^ "WtJ^ jureld (a.hojarela), m. a species of rice grown in Rohilkhtind. h. ^^,J>- jarimdna, m. penalty, forfeit, fine. a. '^.yr jarlma, m. a crime, a fault ; also a fine, mulct, or pecuniary punishment, o. 'j>- ^t^jciT) f- a root, origin, foundation ; m. an inanimate body, a blockhead, jar kd bhed, the na- ture, quality, or essence (of a thing); adj. cold, chilly, stolid, s. 'jr»- ^fTT jam, m. cold, frost, winter j stupi- dity, dulness, sluggishness ; f. cowach. t, i3lj>- gsi- W^t jarnd. a. to strike, to shake off; to join, to make adhere ; to stud, to set jewels, to fix. A. uj>- W^*UJurnd, n. to unite, to be joined, s. lL>\j'j»- jurrvdt, If. the state of being joined, t^^V^ jurwd,!,} adhesion, d. \31j_y>- '^jcllHI jarwdnd, a. to cause to be set or studded with jewels. *. (JL>jj>' "^fJ^jarrvat, f. the trunk of a tree. h. i^nj^- «R^,;a/'Wi, f. the name given to the small shoots of the rice plant when it first springs from the ground, h. \i>j»- ^PSJJurhd, m. twins, a pair. h. {^y- "^fT^ jaV^on, m. a large species of rice cropped at the end of the rainy season, h. {jy^ W^jfiJ'h f- f^'t-' 'oot of a medicinal herb, jar* hufi, f. medicinal herbs, drugs, t. bj^ irfrm./aW^a, m. a jeweller, one who sets jewels ; a striker, s. ^les. h. ^y- "^ttZl jafitd, m. brushwood, bram- !>• juz, besides, except, p. y*- juz, m. a part, portion ; foot of a verse ; a section of the kur.dn ; (pi. ajzd). The holy book of the Moslems consists of 111 chapters called siira, (pi. suwar),\he aggregate of which is divided into 30 soi-tions, as above mentioned. Each of these sections is also sub- divided into two portions, called ^izb (pi. ahzdb)." — Binning. A division of a book consisting of eight leaves ; ingredient, juz-bandl, f. binding of a book, juz-ras, penitent, sagacious ; frugal, economical, jiiz- rast, f. frugality, economy, &c. juz kiill, total!\ , en- tirely, great and small, jiiz-daii, m. a cloth in which books are wrapped up, a portfolio juz-gir, ni. an in- strument used for keeping a book open when reading or writing; a portfolio, jtizi /«-(/«<«/(«««, au indivisible atom, any thing too small to be divided, a. ^ U» jaza, f. retaliation, requital, return, retri- bution ; compensation, reward, a. 4ii^\i^\\»' jazdk-allah, mavGod reward thee ! a. ji\y>- jaza,ir, m. (pi. of t'Ji.yr ), islands, a. JjL>- jaza,il, m. a large musket, a wall- piece, swivel. jaza,il-anddz or jaza.ilchi {i/ulg.jazail- chT), one who fires a wall-piece, a. VJ»- jizbiz, offended, displeased, p. 'ff-jazr, m. the ebb-tide, the reflux of the sea; a term in arithmetic signifying 3uplification. jazr o madd, the ebb and flow of the sea. a. ^\>' jazm, in. decidinof, determining, resolv- ing ; amputation ; the orthographical character^/azm, which is placed over a letter to shew that it is inert or has no vowel following it. a. • ^•Jazw, subduing. jm2;w, a particle. jazu,a, a part or portion, a. ^5J 1>- juznn, a little, in part, a few ; pi. juz- wiyat, parts, portions, particulars, a. K2^\iy>- juz,iyat or juziyat (pi. of wj*-), tri- fles, minutiae, a. ij>,\>- jazira, m. an island, a peninsula, a. iO^\s>- jizya or jazya, m. a tribute, capitation tax levied by the Musalmans on their subjects of another faith ; a poll-tax. a. iws»- If^ jas (for 15^), m. name, character, celebritj, reputation, fame, splendour, praise, luck. jas-apajas, m. good or bad, fame or infamy. *. jj«*>- fw^jis, infl. pron. (of ;o), that, what, who, whom, jis-tis, that which, whatever, some or other, jis-jis, whichever, each of which, jis jagah, where, wherever, jis-taralf, in what manner, accord- ing to, as. jis-taraf, wherever, jis-dam, when, while, whilst, jis-kadr, to what degree, as, as much as, what- ever, whatsoever, jis-ka, wliose, of whom, jis-kd kha.e uske dardn meA dena_ (Dakli.) explained by namak-l),arami-k., to evince ingratitude, jis-kisl-ka, of whomever, jis-kisi-ko or jis-kn, whom, to whom. s. (j«*:>- jas (Dakh. for^^'a*-^), pewter, d. O.L«*>. jasarat, f. boldness, presumption, temerity, daring, intrepidity, a. j^-y jisam or jusam, large-bodied, a. «J1a*V-*>- jasamat, \ f. corpulency, bulki- ^{^.tt^" jusanii, J ness. a. j^Lm*. 9IUN4. jasawar, a small tribe of raj- puts in Mathura. h. CL-^^-y annrff jns'pat, "1 reputable, re- f&y'^^ "SHnrfiT jaspati, J nowned. s. C1am->- jatf, m. a leap, jump ; leaping, spring, jast-k. or marna, a. to jump, &c. just, seek- ing, searching, p. lL*—?- 'TOrJa.s^, 1 m. pewter, prince's me- VJL-:?- ^{Wtjasta, J tal. h. tu***' justa, m. power, strength (from^*Mssa). a. ^^S*tt»^ jastan (r. jah), to spring, to leap. p. ( 285 ) ^^ (^pL»»- justan (r. ju or ju,e), to seek or searching, seck- &jLm>- justa, sought for, searched, p «jw>- ^"asicf, m. tin, pewter ; (^part. of jastati), having sprang or leaped, p. h. ($-*>^ »reft jastl, made of tin or pewter, h. d'M^ jasad, the body ; pi. ajsad. a. \s**>»- "WS^ jasuda, f. (v. jasodd). s. Olfciiuk-^- jis-dhdt, as, in the manner in which, d. [(camel), a. y*^ jiar, a bridge, jai-i', a large strong ^Ow-uy»»- ^^l^shlT jasas-hdm, desirous of glory, ambitious, s. ■^-^--s* M^T^< jasas-har, conferring glory. ->■ jis-tarah, in which way, in whatever manner, h. a. [soever, k. a, ^^jom^ jis-taraf , in which direction,whither- j»*«>- jis7n, m. body of any animated being. jismi jamadi, mineral body, jismi jauhari, constitu- tional parts, jismi hiaiwdm, animal body, jismi nabati, vegetable body. a. j^l^*«j>- jismdnl, belonging to a body, cor- poreal, material, carnal, a. (J1,ax> U *m. 7 - jisvidniyat,\f. materiality, corpo- Cl*^*^>- jismiyat, J roality. a. ^«v-*»- 'imHift jasumatl, If. the fostci-mo- ^y^s*- sif^Hdl jasomali, > ther of Kruhna, \>^y*^ »nrt^T .;asoc?a, J and the wife of Nanda. s. CJ^iy.^^ jis-tvakt, at the time wlien. h. CL^^i^^s- "SfW^Tif jaswant,'] ' J. . _ famous, illustrious, (jy*^ 'WX^ jaswt, y a. • - renowned, s. j_^«:9- ir^jast, j ^jU(-:> jasim, corpulent, large-bodied, a. iJU.^.j- K2 jushta, m. the crumbs or remnanle of a meal. *. [shipped. «. \iLs^ ^TT jushtd, served, obliged, wor- Jfc(\Jll>- VI^WP^ jashti-madhu, m. liquorice, or the root of the abrus precatorius, which is use"' for it. «. [boUed pulse, pease soup. (ji^Si^^ ^UficK jushkak, m. the water <■'■ i^j^ jashn, m. a feast, a festival (cl)icfly applied to royalty), jashni tvazn, the ceremony oJ weighing the royal personage, p. ii^*»- joahm, voluptuous, luxurious, p. ( 286 ) ^ «*«>■ ja*ha (also jabat), m. a quiver, a. (juo- jad, f. a ringlet, a lock of hair. a. jOx*' ja'far, a man's name ; a river (large or email), a. (C^ft«>- ja'fari, f. a kind of cupola ; a sort of screen (the interstices of the frame being lozenged) ; lattice-work ; the purest kind of gold ; the name of a yellow flower (called also gul i ashrqfi, Linum trigy- nutn). a. i^*>-jaly l^base, forged or counterfeit (a 7, 11 ik«»- ja'li,} coin, &c.). ja'l-saz, a forger, "a cheat, ja'l-saxi, forgery. jdl-M^jax, a forged do- cument, a. '^'^^"T jctl^yo.t, forging, counterfeiting, a. ioiLi*. jughrafiya, m. geography (vew- 'ypacpia). g. '__ oy jaff or juff, a troop or body of men ; an old man; any thing hollow, a. lfc>- jqfa, f. oppression, violence, injury, in- justice, jqfa-kdr, or -pesha, or -ju, or -shi'ar, an op- pressor, jafd-karl, Sfc, the act or habit of oppressing, p. CL>.o-y juft, m. evenness, parity, a pair, a couple, a match, juft giriftan, to marry, p. iCa.>- Jufta, bent, wrinkled; running to- gether (the threads in cloth), p. \j\^^jas>' juft'i khana, a. to copulate, to pair (as birds), p. h. y^ jafar, m. the art of making amulets or charms, h. *^ J^ff^ ^^'j^ff^> ^ lioop ; a crowd, a. /^S^ jalijaJ;, nonsensical talk, twaddle, p. Lil>- W^jch, m. when treasure, &c. is buried, an animal (sometimes a man) is killed and buried with it as a guard. This animal is called ja/c, and receives orders to allow no one else to take up the treasure, &c. ; (met.) a miser, called also jak ka gumashta. *. jJjJ^A>- ^4ti4^ jakar-band, tight, h. 'JjX»- ^[^fiT^ jaharna, a. to tighten, to draw tight, as a knot ; to bind, to fasten, to tie, to pinion, ft. ,4^ »TO j^hh (for 1/aksha), m. a fairy, an at- tendant of Kuvera, the Indian Plutus {see jak). s. (J^^ »I3^tTl' Ja/Jmi (for yakshanV), f. a fairy, the fem. oijakh. s. s.L^ ^p\ju(j (for W\ yuga), ni. a period, one of the four great Hindu periods or ages, the Sat or Krit, Treta, Dwapar, and Kali ; a term used in the game of chausar (the opposite of a blot, two or more men standing on the same square) ; a pair, jug p/iornd or phutnd, a. to cause a difTei ence between two friends, to fall out. jug-jug, constantly, eternally, s. ilSsr ^nT.;a^, m. the world, the universe. jag-handhu, m. friend of the world, jag-jagat, m. the universe ; a feast, entertainment ; sacrifice, a religious ceremony; jag-adhar, support of the universe, God. s. \^ jaga (v.jagak), a pliice; name of a" di- vision of the bhaf tribe, h. C^^\X»- jagajot (for M'lli^ftf? jcigdjyott)^ f. splendour, much light. «. I3ji lC>- jagd-kama, to stand, to settle, d. Jl^ SPTT^S j^gdl, two, a pair. s. U5l.^ WU^'fnjugdlnd, a. to chew the cud. h, jJlx>- ^rn^ jugdli, f. the cud. h. \jy^ ''XiMtiJ jugdnd, a. to be careful of, to keep with care ; to lend labour, t. e. to assist another in his work, in expectation of similar assistance hcre- «tfter. h. [from sleep. 1; l3Ui>- 1TITT«TT jagdnd, a. to awaken, to arouse Clo\-C>- Mtwif jugdntf m. the end of an :ige, destruction of the world, jugant-bandhu, m. a real friend, s. \.t^\^ ^PTR»PT or 4J|M1|J| huqdnumq, ages of ages, from age to age ; during successive ages. «, CLaX^ VTftnf jug-pat y at one time, at once; together, conjointly, s. ^J^,<^>■ »PTWt jag-pati, m. a king ; q. d. " lord of the universe, d, U^Xi>- tgJJHfl jugupsd, f. 1 censure, abnsa^ (^«*-^ Wl^^ jugupsan, m.J reviling, s, CLaa-jlCJs- "^Tlf^ jugupsit, censured, abused, g, C*.^ Wltfjogat, m. the world ; a buttress. jagat-prdn, m. air, wind, jagat-dukhi, a tyrant, jagat- kartd, m. the creator of the world, Brahma, jagat- kshay, m. destruction of the world. *. •— '*^ ^rfjw^a^, f. address, dexterity, con- trivance, wit, a pun, art. jugat bolna, a. to pun. jugat' haz, a punster, jugat-bdzi, f. quibble, pun, witticism, economy, s. p. WO- sfrniT jagtd, not sleeping, awake. *. Ji\4^ ^rnf ■4J'5i T'l Kjagat- ujdgar, enlightening the world. ». jXSo- jaggatar (v. jag), the world, universe, d. j_|X>- "Wnjfi jugati, artful, clever, cunning; economical, facetious, punning, s. ^J^!>■ ^nnft jagatt, f. the earth, the world j " mankind ; a sort of metre ; adj. moveable, transitory. #. fjltS^ ^i| Sn"^ jogati-tal, m. the world, the earth, sublunary things, s. \j>^ jigata, clammy. jigata,t, clamminess, d. \^jf^ ^m^mjogjagd, m. brass tinsel, very thin plates of brass used in decoration, ft. K>\^jf^ j'lgjigdnd, n. to shine, to glitter, d. iJLib^Xsf^ ^t\'im\i;ijagjagdhat, f. splendour, much light, glitter, ft. i^J^'^ ftnfiprft jigjigt, f. an exclamation "expressive of surprise and pleasure. jigjig*-k., a. to fawn or wheedle, ft. wheedling ft. j^gjigiya, fa^n'/nj^ tsX>- ( 287 ) jlfcii^t^io- ^i\^m\ljagad-adhar, m. air, wind; flapport of the universe, i. VaJiJJo. ^J|f<'til jagadamba, f. mother oF the world ; an epithet of a Hindu goddess, wife of Maha- deva. s. (^\3jjJi>- vfJin^HI^I jagad-vinash, m. de- stnictlon of the world, the expiration of a Ralpa. «. ^^„S*^'^l(tV^^jagad-ish, m. lord of the uni- ▼erse, Vishnu or Shiva, s. JSia^ ^SfTIXjagar, m. armour, coat of mail. s. yct- jigar, m. the life, vif;il.', heart, mind. Jigar-band, the bowels or entrails ; met. a son. jigar- *oa, tormenting, jigar-jigar digar-digar, mine is mine, and yours is yours, or every one knows where his own shoe pinches, jigtr-afgdv or -chak or -figar, heart- broken, jigar-tqffa, heart-burnt (as in love or fever). jigar-khardsh, heart-rending, jigar Jfhur or jigar Ichwdr, a mischievous enchanter, supposed to be able to steal the liver of any person bj' incantations, jigar-doz, heart-piercing, jigar- xoJchta, burnt in the heart (from love or sorrow), jigar kadi, anxiety or uneasiness and trouble of mind, jigar-gosha, (lit.) lobe of the liver; met. a child or beloved object, p. i^j^ jigfirl, belonginfr to the liver or heart ; liver-couloured. ' aklTc ijigarl, ca.rne\\on. jigartdd^ m. indelible stain or mark ; natural spot ; inconsolable grief, p. (J~^ ^'fc^ or '^'Vi^ jugal,\ two, a pair, jX^ ^TH or '^T^jugam, J brace, s. VA^ "^^f^mjagmaga, glittering, brilliant, h. XAk^X^- '^i[Ht\]^\ jagmagandf n. to glitter, h. cLJblC^ «TT»TTT^ jagmagahat, f. glitter splendour, much light, great brilliancy, h. JkXsv inT«n.;V//7»a, n. to be awake, to awake. «. .^11^ iPRrnr jagan-nath, m. lord of the universe; a form of Vishnu, known to Europeans as Juggernaut: "the great temple of this deity is situated on the coast of Orissa, and the great annual feast, called rath jatrd, is there held in the month of July, when the huge car of the idol is brought forth from the temple. Formerly pilgrims were wont to cast themselves under the wheels of the car in order to be crushed to death as a meritorious exit from this world, ensuring happiness in the next, but this horrible practice has been prohibited by the British Government." — Binning, s. V**»U.^ ^if^Umjigiiasa, f. a wish to be inform- ed, an inquiry, investigation, s. *ju*jU^ ^^^H1J( jignasya , fit to be known or inquired into. s. j_j-Juu^ "STTfrT^^ jagan-bansi, a tribe of " Brahman zamindars in FatiJ^pur. h, jiyJiS^ ^'^i\-i jagna-sutra, ^ m. (v.upa- C,/^„y>.y^^ iV^^ <1 1! jagn opavit, j nayan) the sacrificial cord or thread worn by the three first classes of Hindus. ». yX>- fftl^jvgnu, m. the fire-fly (Lampi/ris). ^^y^ 1fJT*Tjw^nMW, a jewel worn about the neck. h. ^_^^ "^tfTS^jugnt, f. glow-worm , an ornament " worn round the neck ; also a small grain from which oil is extracted, h. jyt^jjX>- '^'^ivg'^jagneshwarKv.jageshmar'). g. «JuX>- ?r5r jag?iya, m. a sacrifice or religious ceremony in which oblations are presented. #. a^i^^^ ^il\rm^ jagopdbity m. seejagyo- pavit. ^yv>- iPT^ jf^g^^h, f. place, station, quarter, room, vacancy, stead, jagah ehhoftia, a to leave a blank, h. j^^ WT^ jaghar, m. wakefulness (occa- sioned by apprehension of disease); coughing at night, vigils, vespers, s. [hips and loins, s. i^^<>- «nr»T jaghan, m. mons veneris) the lja^x>- W^^joghanya, m. a sudra or man of the fourth caste, s. [vile, base. s. Ssxy^^i-'^^^jaghanya, last; hindmost, low; jyLifs- 5f n *y lijageshivar (^alsoj agneshwar or jaggisar), m. god of the universe, a name of Fis^nu and Shiva, s. aiiu iiiiiva. s, lw»Uxi>- fs{[^[^jigyasa, f. asking, inquiring, s. j_|>!>-j_^ fiT'fl Hiffl jigt-jigi, f. an exolama- "tion expressive of surprise and pleasure, h. l-SJkS^ fifflm jigisha, f. emulation, wish to overcome, s. C^,y>.yS»- tH^^^^K jagyopavlt, m. the sacri- ficial cord worn by the first castes of Hindus, jagyo- pavltt, m. a man invested with the sacred cord, s, &>f^ T^ jagya, m. a sacrifice, jagya-hhumi, f. place prepared for sacrifice, jagya-pdtra, m. a sa crificial vessel, jagya-purush, m. a name of Fis^nu. jagya-pasu, m. a horse ; any animal offered in sacrifice. jagya-stlidn. m. a place of sacrifice, jagya siddhi, f. performance of a sacrifice; obtaining the objects of a sacrifice, jagya-sutra, m. the sacrificial cord worn by the three first classes of Hindus, jngya-shald, f. a place of sacrifice, jagya-karma, m. a sacrificial act or ceremony, s. *J^ V^^^ jogiya, proper for or suitable to a sacrifice, jagiya-des, f. the country of the Hindus that in which their rites are in force : properly, the country in which the black deer or antelope is native. .1, ^y>- jull, f. a housing or covering for an elephant, bullock, &c. a. (J^ '^^ Jul, m. deceit, cheating, a trick, jul- baz, a knave, a cheat, jul-bdzi, f. knavery, h.p. l)^ 'T^ j^'^f ™* '"'ater ; frigidity (physical or moral); also name of a jungle shrub; adj. cold, stupid, apathetic, jal-pachchlil, f. water-fowl, jal-jal, full of water, wet. jal-thal, ground half covered with water, marshy ground. jal-Jcrtfd, sporting or playing in the water, jal-chw, any creature that moves ic water, an aquatic animal, s, jjj>- jail, great, gloriou'^, eminent, jalla (3rd pers. sing.), is eminent, jalla jaldlu-hu, eminent is His glory ; jalla shunu-hu, eminent is His miyesty — phrases applied only to God. a. u ( 288 ) 5^>' jila, f. splendour, lustre, brightness ; ena- mel; scourinp, polishlnp; emigration, jila-lar, 0.^)0- lisher, scourer, jild watan-k., a. to abandon one's country, to exile one's self, jild watant, banishment, expulsion, jila watan hond, to become an exile, a. Vj?" «!^L>- juUdb, m. a purge; q. d. dmwing (from jalaha, be drew), and in this sense it is gene- rally used in India. Freytag, on the authority of Go- lius, gives it, in his Arabic Lexicon, as unconnected vith jalaba, and describes it as a mixture of water and syrup (perfumed with rose-water), as if derived from the Pers. gul, a rose, and ab, water, julldb-ka tel, castor-oil. a. ^^L>- H^SIW^ jala-bala, ^heated, scorch- U^^Jo- "S^^tmi^ jald-bhuna,J ed, burnt up; fretful, passionate, hot-tempered, h. ^^W" jdldpd, envy, anger, rage, spite, ja- Idpa-ykur, an envious person, d, dly^ jalidd, m. an executioner; (and hence, as an adj.) cruel, hard-nearted (q. d. one who exco- riates; from ^'e'W, the eldn). jallddi/alak, the planet Mars. a. C^^*:^ jalddat, f. activity, agility, strength. jalddat-dsdr, or -sJn'cr, brave, valorous, a. jU&ii^L>- Mf^ \M\KJalddhdr, m. a pond, a lake, a reservoir, s. [cruelty, villainy, a. t^ii>*- jalladi, f. the office of an executioner; Vdj*:^ 9{1^J'^ jaldrdrd, wet, charged with moisture. *. ^j*^ «rc5T§^ jaldrnav, m. a deluge, a great flood ; the rainy season ; the sea of fresh water, s. l**»^J^ 'Sf^^jalasd, a. pool of water, a tank. s. j^^L»- '^['^'^ jaldshap, m. a pond, a lake, "a reservoir ; the ocean ; a fragrant grass {Andropogon muricatum) ; adj. stupid, dull, cold. s. jO^)»»- aT^JToRR jaldkdr, m. appearance of water, s. [cat. *. >^y^ ^cj5i« jaldkhu, m. an otter or water- U^?" jaldl, m. dignity, state, majesty, gran- deur, splendour, power, a. [Idl). a. a^*:^ jaldlat, f. dignity, &c. (same as ja^ \sll*i)^ "^^Jt^J jaldlukd, "1 D^^L>- »!c?T<35^<*T jaldlokdj ^J'^ jaldU, glorious, illustrious ; it also de- "notes an aera reckoned from the time of Jaldl-ud-din, Malik Shah, son of Alp Arslan, of the Saljuk dy- nasty of Persia, commencing at the vernal equinox A. D. 1079. a. [reddish ears. a. U)iL>- jaldliya, a fine species of wheat with s^":^ jaldiiya, m. a person who worships the more terrible attributes of the Deity j the followers of Saiy'td Jaldl BujcJidri ; a kind of pigeon, a. 0Jl>«^1»- ^55Tf%cirr jaldmbikd, f. a well. s. ^^%*^ ^^mvjaldmay, full of water, wet. s. leech, s. ^'^ MciJUT jaldna, a. to burn, to kindle, to inflame, to light ; to make one jealous. *. 13^^ Hf^rm jildnd, a. to give life to, to re- cover any thing almost dead ; to foster, to patronise. jild-dend, to revive or bring to life (the dead), t. (Jj^>»- ^T^TRT^S jaldnchal, m. a natural water-course or channel ; a plant ( Valhsneria). «. _) * >»■ MK$\^jald,u, act of burning, a burner, s. tJj^^ jaldwatl (a corruption o? jild-watan, q. v.), emigration, h, {^yy^ ^V^m'^ jaldwan, f. firewood, s. iyj>- juldh, 1 m. a weaver, of the Muham w6^)^ juldhd, > madan religion ; met. a' »i>- julah, J fool, a blockhead, juldh- darht, f. a short round beard, such as juldhs usually wear. h. ^S^'!^^ jtild'i (Dakh. {or juldh, q. v.). juld,i- wdrt, the ward inhabited by weavers, d. fji%>- jtdd,inl, a weavers's wife, or a female "weaver, d. [water. <, >^S^ «T^r^^^ jal-budbud, m. a bubble of i^^ji^ »IcJpl8ri jal-hrahmi, f. a potherb "{Hilancha repens). s. [fire. «. jj-^^ ^'ffi^^jal-bal, burnt up, consumed with ^t^lA»- sfcjif^ jal-bandhu, m. a fish. s. «.il4ii\jjJ:>- 9((- '^'^ivas jalpdkfta. a chatterer, talking ^lji>- H^SVT^jalpdn, m. drinking (of water), eating, taking light food between meals a luncheon, t. j^^U\»- sToStJI^ jalpd,l, f. the Eleocarpus serratus ; an olive, h. J^^^ »Ic^rMU(^Jil jal-pippali, f. an aquatic "plant {Commelina salicifolia, &c.). s. C«^W ^^rqfiT jal-pati, m. F'aruna, the lord of waters, s. \jf^-^***j^ 5r5i'J8»ll jal-prishthaja, f. an aquatic plant {Pistia stratiotes). s. i^j^ ^- aicJl f1 1 Oq 4|i' jal-tdpik, ) m. the hika J^j1>- '^i^lij'^jal-tdl, J or sable fish (Clupea alosa). t. •> ( 289 ) r*^ i jc^*(p(j»- ^ToJBWt jal-taranji, f. name of "a musical instrument (v. next word). *. fjJJ>'if^>- if^STR.'^jal-tarang, m. the musical glasses or liarraonicon; playing on glasses or china bowls by rubbing the edges ; a brass vessel in which water is put, and the edges are beaten with two sticks, s. (^/iyjs- sicjJdi^l jaUtarangt (v. jal- " tarang). s. J^id^ 'ii(^vj(^ jal-thal, m. ground half co- vered with water, marshy ground. *. ^^ '^(^^jalaj, m. a fish; a lotus; a shell, s. l*^ ^c^afl jaljd, f. a plant, a sort of Bassia growing in or near the water; adj. water-bom, aquatic. «. ^J^^s-^ H c^ »1 c^ \jaljald, indignant,outrageous. h. li^Ltf?" »r^51T^5T*n jaljaldndy n. to be indig- nant, h. cLv^^)s:f?' 9| c^ «{ c^ I ^i\\lH jal-dashan, m. the sal tree {Shorea robusta). s. ^til>- ^IC^f\l jala-dhi, m. the ocean. «. \.\j&- ^T^Snif jal-rank, m. a kind of crane, feeding on small fish and haunting swamps, s. <^^j^ W^T:^ jctl-ranku, m. a gallinule. 8. ^u^^jils, m. a companion, a. ^,Js»' julasd (pi. of ^j-JiU-), companions, a. ^Ajjla5>-LJi>- jalsd khatibi, f. the sitting " down of the Jchatlb or reader of the hir.an, between the reading of the first and bccond Jshuiba, q. v. a. (_^^UJ^ »T^5^n^ jalsa,t (lit. sleeping on the water), an epithet of Vishnu, when, after the destruc- tion of the universe, he alone of all beings remaiiu floating on the water, on a leaf of the haf, or Ficus In- dica, or on the great snake, s. lL^^J^ "^{^S^mjcdsut, f. a guinea-worm (i^t- laria medinensis). s. _,y*i:>- 'i- jo-lof, m. a miser; mean, base, despi- cable ; pi. ajlaf, mean wretches, a. M>. Iffi^Wljnlikd or If^TdRJjalukd, f. a leech, s. uiJKl*. lI^JoFToir jal-kdk, m. the diver or water-crow. s. [phant. i. ^JiS^^i\»■ W^^FV^ jal-kdnhsha, m. an ele- (— A^l>- ^sr^rsfsffljal-kapi, m. the water-ape or Gangetic porpoise. *. SX^- lf;^SWl. jalkar, the produce of the fiske- ries, or the revenue thereon assessed. #. ci> \j*^ ^r^f^snz jal-kirdt, m. a shark ; a large alligator. «. [boling in the water, bathing. «. \j:>SSs>- ^^T^\^ jal-krlrd, f. sporting or gam- ^^o- If^W^ jal-kuJikutt, f. the black- "headed gull. s. [a diver. *. J^^^ if^dR^ijal kukkar, m. a waterfowl ; JjLiiJ?- If^ofHir^ jal-kuntal, m. an aquatic plant {Fallisneria). s. cdJCuid?- 5I<^ «lill- ^rC^'3K^ jal-kupl, f. a whirlpool; a pond, a spring, a well. t. Ms^^ 155^ jal-hurma, m. the Gangetic porpoise, s. [(faKMwerio). $, {Ji>->^^ ^Ic^eK^f jal-kesh, m. an aquatic plant ijj^jahic/ (for jab-lag or jab-talak), until, d, JjOu>- aTtiJn«?H jal-gulm, m. a whirlpool ; a > turtle, a tortoise ; a pond, a lake. s. Vl^ Jj> "^{^^^in jal-latd, f. a wave, a billow. «. Ju>- jalam (for janam), birth, birthright, s, .Wjlc Jj>- l{'^m^\tjal-md7Jdr, m. an otter, s. v.L^\Jj>- IT^nn^ jal-mdrg, m. a drain or issue from a pond. s. («*3lji>- »T^rTR jal-mdnus, m. a waterman, a mermaid, the water-kelpie, a small species of mon- key, s. [insect. «. ^i^S^ If^PRf^^l jal-makshikd, f. a water u (J(>a^A>- Ip^P^T^ jalmaridal, m. a kind of tarantula or large spider, the bite of which is said to be fatal, s. Oj^U*- ^ffii^^jal-murti, m. Shiva, of whom one foriii is water, implying his omnipresence, t. ^^fi^ *lcp*i*< jalmai, watery j m. flood, inun- "dation. s. [vexation, t. ij^ ^^njalan, m. burning, heat ; passion, '-^ »l cjj'tf I ^'a^na, n. to burn, to be kindled; met. to be enraged, jal-uthna, n. to break out (as fire). jal-bujhna, n. to brand, to burn to ashes, jal-paknd, n. to be iu a passion, to rage, jale par non lagana (to throw salt on a burn), to triumph over, to insult. ». Ul». ^'^^julna, to meet, to be united, h. jljl>- jv lnar( A.rB.h. form ofgulnar), the pome- granate flower, a. p. jdJ^ a^ c^ n^i: jalandar, 1m. the dropsy, jfci^iU- '^V^^VKJalandhar,) ascites; lit. that which has water ; hence it is applied to flat alluvial land, as the Jalandar du,db. s. ^t5jl>- "STojfrifv jal-nidhi, m. the ocean, s. J'j^ *T^»PW jal-nirgam, m. a drain, a watercourse; a pipe along a wall for carrjing off water ; a waterfall. ». jJajJ^ H^tJiH^ jal-nakul, m. an otter, s. f\i>^ ^r^pift^jal-niti, f. vallisneria. s. j»i^^ ^IfiifiM jalmm, m. thenameof a drug; lit. the umter-nim (Herpestes monniera), a bitter herb which grows on the banks of tanks, &c. s. ysf jilau, f. a rein (of a horse's bridle) ; re- \ tinue, court, equipage, jilau-ddr, attendant, jilau- hb&na, an area, vestibule, porch, antechamber, a. tj^ jabvat or jihvatf f. splendour, lustre, a. \lfjj^i^ !>lc^'^rV'l jalotsm-g, a kind of cere- mony (v. banotsarg). s. L>**\>4^.^ »Tc5^^|TO jalochchhwds, m. a drain or channel carrying off an excess of water, s. jj>j)j>- ^f^^ jalodar, m. dropsy, s. <-i)^*j^Jj>- »f^5^f?iflir jal-vrishchikf m. a prawn or shrimp (water-scorpion). «. iSj^ aT^JWf jalorgt, f. a leech, s. ^)j3 lJ?" '^{[^f^'^ jdl-viral, m. an otter, s. (j*>^)j>- julus, m. accession (to a throne) ; the reign or aera of a monarch, a. ^^^c^- julust, of or dur'wcr the reign (of a "king, &c.). julusi fonfa, m. a light cartridge, a. >**J J^ 'SH^r*! M^ jal-vishuv, m. the autumnal equinox, close of the annual rains. *. ( 290 ) ^ O^U- K^t^ jnloka or jalauka, ij^j^ "^^"^^ jalaukas, V a leecL. *3^ jolrca or jilwa, m. splendour, lustre ; the bridal bed or ornaments, jalwa-gar, splendid, conspicuous, jalwa-garl, f. conspicuity, splendour ; blandishments, affectation, a. V.^V ^cjl^^l jalwaiya, m. a burner, jr. '^'^■3\^ "^W^ft^j^i-vj/adh, m. a kind offish, a sort of pike. ». -t^ ^K^^jalah, ^' a small piece of water, a lake or pond ; a summer-house, s. iu- julah, m. (y.juldh) a weaver, &c. p. (^V^i^ M<$i\^jal-has, m. cuttle-fish bone, considered as the indurated foam of the sea. s. ^_^^'afi, plain, apparent; large, plain (hand- writing), fasli jali, a season before the commence- ment of the rains, in which a crop of rice is cut a. ^*- "^f^Xd jalii/a, m. a fisherman, s. l—aaLj- jaleb, m. attendants, equipage, suit (cor. frorajilau). a, (^j*»U?L--o^ jaleb-tas, m. the goglet in which water is cooled with nitre, a. f_pXM>- jalebi, f. belonging to the retinue, a. (j-*i*>- ^i^^jaleh'i, f.a kind of sweetmeats, h. ^^(i>y^L^ '5T%iI^ »ft«T ^THTT jale par non iagand, to "triumph over, to insult (lit. to throw salt on one who is burned), h. ^-4^^ l(^SW^jalechchhaya,f. a plant (JTe- liotropum indicum) s. j«»A>- jiilix, m. a companion, a. j^tAs-- «r^'^re jaleshwar, m. Varuna, the god of water ; the ocean, s. ,JjJ:>- jalil, great, glorious, illustrious, jalilu- l-Jcadr, august, illustrious, a. jJUuU- ^f^V^i^ jol-yantra, m. a water-work, a machine for raising water, jal-yantra-grih, m. a house erected in the midst of water, or subterraneous apartments constructed on the bank of a river, for re- tiring to in the hot season ; a summer-house, a. ^iiJjJi>. «r$»V«T jalendkan, m. submarine fire. s. ^xL>" jalew, m. attendants, equipage, suit. a. j^ jam, name of an ancient king of Persia, famed for his pomp and magnificence, p. j^ ^mjam (for IJJT yama), adj. twin, fellow, one of a pair ; m. the Pluto of the Hindus ; he is re- gent of the world below, or of the realms of death, and judge of departed souls, jam-dut, the messenger of death, of the same import as the Arabic term mu' laku-l-maut. jam diyd, m. a candle or illumination sacred to Pluto, lighted on the 1 3th of Kdrtik, krisj^n paksff, i.e. three days before the Dewdli. $. ^ finT^'im, like, as, in suc!i manner as. h. ( 291 ) (»i^^a»im, a multitude, jammi ghafir, a vast multitude, including the high and the low. a. C>\^s»- jamad, m. a stone or fossil, jamadat, minerals, fossils, a, f^iiX^s^ jamadq or jumada, name of the fifth and sixth Muhammadan lunar months, a. fjj'^\i^i\^jamada-l-ajvrval,\ the first ^'ama i-l-ula, J da, •yes tains thirty days, s, JJj^^(_^5lv>' jamadq-l-ula, J da, the fifth month of the lunar year of the Musalmans: it con- ,j^\(^i^^^^ jamada-s-sanif^.ihe second or *>" ^jif^U?" jamdda-l-akhii'yj latter jamada, the sixth lunar month of the Musalmans, consisting of twenty-nine days. a. fX^ jima, f. coitus, concubitus. a. LlAtf-U?- jama at, f. a crowd, a party, an as- sembly, a troop, meeting, society, senate, congrega- tion, a. JU>- jamal, m. beauty, elegance, a. UjSjl^ 9|*1lQ5Jf) jl jamal-gota, m. the name of a purgative nut (Jatropha curcas : croton triglium). h. ^{^ jamali, m. a kind of musk melon (red- ' fleshed) ; adj. amiable (the Deity). «. OW?- ftpTRT Jma«a, a. to feed, to entertain, s. UU>- ^HHT jamana, a. to collect ; to sum up ; to coagulate, to freeze or make ice ; to congeal ; to pace in the manege, h. •^\-»>' iprra jamd,o, m. a crowd or multi- tude, collection, accumulation; coagulation, h. vILjjW?' «nrR7 jamdwat, f. coagulation, ag- glutination, congelation, a. U*j^l»»- jamd,ord, m. an assembly, a crowd, a collection ; place of assembling, d. Jjbl»>- UHl^Hljamdhnd, to gape, to yawn. s. ^U?- '^Hl^l jamdht, gaping or yawning, s. jjt)\^ jamdhir (pi. of j^^*:^), nations, king- doms ; States, republics, a. 4<^l^ ^THT^ jamd,l, m. a son>in-law. s. •l_ '\y W9 jambu, f. a fruit-tree, the rose- apple {Eugenia jambu). $, J\jL»:>- ITBT^ jambal, m. an aquatic plant (Fallisneria). s. [I^Pandanus odoratissimus). $. ^U^ irer^ jambdld, m. a fragrant plant u^.j<3l-.**?- "fy^M jambu'dwip, m. one of the puranic divisions of the earth, the central one, in- cluding Hindustan, or the known world, s. cdlx» > - ^ti^ jambukf m. a jackal ; a low man ; the rose-apple, t, ^x^ jambu (v. jambu). d. JjA^ T|^ jambul, m. a fragrant plant (Pandanus odoraiissimut) ; the rose-apple, s. i^Ji^t*^ »n»rW jambhirtf^m. the lime or jjf»»- sKtl*. jamblr, J citron; a kind of basil with small leaves, s. [a dagger, p, \jx^ jambiyd (for^'awHya), a kind of weapon, jj-v?- !^*M rtl jampatl, (m. dual) husband and " wife. s. [perpetually, ft. ^^ 'MH^H jam-jam, always, constantly, 4X»>- jamd, m. congelation, connection, a. f^S%>- ^iH6^ '^^f{^jamdhar,^ra.. a dagger (lit. jjbj>v»- imx[Z jamdhar,] death-bearer); "a large dagger resembling a kafar, but having a kind of basket hilt protecting the hand."— (Binning.) «. J^j^ 9iHiN jamardj, the king of death, the Hin u Pluto {v. jam), s. Ou-v?- jamast, f. a kind of blue stone or mineral substance, supposed to be a specific ag^nat fainting and palpitation of the heart, d. ^jiL»»- jammash, a species of bird of chase, d. tyjJL^y jamshid (v. jam), name of a cele- brated Persian king, the founder of Persepolis. a. x^ jam , f. a congregation, conjunction, col- lection, accumulation, assembly, amount, sum total, whole revenue generally, amount assessed, plural number, jam'-dna, or -dmadan, to assemble, jam'- bandl, f. accounts of the revenues, settlement of the revenues, jam'-jhartt, a periodical account, jam'- March, debit and credit, cash account, jam'-ddr, m. a native officer of the army so called ; the head of any body, as guides, harkaras, &c. jam'-k., to collect. Jam- hond or -shudan, to be collected or assembled, jam'' dart, the business or rank of a j'aw'ddr. jam' o-]c^ch, m. account of receipt and disbursement, account cur- rent, jam' IcJuirch-k., a. to make up or balance an account, jam' wdsil-bakl, an account stating payment* periodically due, with the amotmt received and the arrears, a. CJ\jt^ javfidt (pi. of *♦>■), additions, col- lections, a. [Thursday, a. h. CJ\jK^jum*a-rdt{v.jum'a), Friday eve, i.e, ^J't^ jum'gi, f. the weekly allowance to "schoolboys, paid on a Friday; also presents given on a Friday by schoolboys to their preceptor, a. eu(«> juma, m. Friday (on which day Musal- mans assemble to pray at the great mosque), a. CJ\j»*^ jum*a-rdt, f. Thursday (q. d. eve of Friday), a. h, <_!'.- *-t7- jamaiyat or jam'tyat, f. collection j wealth; recollection, reflection, jarn'oiyat-i-ibfltir, peace of mind. a. JtP^f^ j'amwi ghaftr, m. a great multitude, a. l^Jl^ ^i^WSfi jamak, f. the state of succeeding or going on welL h. tii^ ipni or Xi^ijamakf twin, fellow, oc* a 2 ( 292 ) ii». of a pair; m. repeating of a •word in dififerent signifi- cations (in rlietoric). «. \3Kv?- 'SnTolfTtn jamkand, a. to adjust, to go on well, to settle ; to assemble, to crowd together, h. U5^ ^ H oh ' ff T jumakna, n. to succeed, to go on well, to fit. dukan jamid, buyers and sellers are collected in the shop, lafaj jawki, the fight was joined. majlis jamki, the assembly is full, mukaddama jamka, the cause is begun to be debated, h. \j^C^ jamhurd, m. a kind of covering for the head and shoulders, worn during rainy weather : it is made of reeds or palm leaves plaited, d. dL^^f.^ lft(X(Zjomghat,m.cro'wd,mult\t\ide.s. l3.«>- '^^'^jamal, m. a pair, a brace, s. ^J.^ jamal, a camel ; a kind of fish. a. f^^ jumal, (pi. of &U>-, q. v.) the whole sum ; ^isdbijumal, the reckoning by abjad. a. jiX»- jumlagi, f. the totality, the whole, p. e^.^ jumla, m. the whole sum, aggregate, to- tal ; a sentence, fi-l-jumla, upon the whole, minjumla or ax dnjumla, from or out of the whole, a. ^^j^ jamun, coagulation, congelation ; curds, jelly ; rennet or acid employed for curdling milk. d. M'*<'H! jamuna, f. (for yamuna) name of a well-known river, the Jumna; (in mythology) twin sister of Yama. s. \x^ ^nnnjamna, n.to germinate, to grow. s. U*>- 9fM*il jamnd, n. to be coagulated or frozen ; to be collected, to adhere, to stick ; to pace in the manage, h. uJkv?- 5i*<»ilTr jamnautd, 'I m. a certain ljj»iv>- "^{W^fz^l j(imnautit/d,j considera- tion given to one who becomes security for another, generally five per cent, on the amount. /*. \^y^ *nft^ jamo,d, indigo planted before the rains, and irrigated by artificial means, h, fJL>yt>- "^ii^Z jamuwat or jamu,at, the foun- dation of a well, or the festive ceremony held on the occasion of laying the foundation of a well. h. iL/y^ ^^\T[jclmog, transfer of liabilities by mutual consent, a conditional mortgage, h. j\^^^ »nftT^R jainog-ddr, a person who xends a landed proprietor a sum of money, and re- covers that money from the cultivators, h. lis^v?" *TH1'1«I1 jamogna, a. to ascertain, h. \j\^ '^fW^l'^jamhdnd, n. to gape, to yawn. s. f^^\^ sfH^I^ jamhd,i, f. gaping, yawning. jamha.i lend, a. to gape, to yawn. t. jyg^ jumhur, universal, all; m. high heaps of sand ; a republic, populace, community, a, ^r*" '»<*h1 jammt, a species of tree or plant "bo called, h. 'jL^ ^Tfl jamaiyd, a kind of grass (in the province of Delhi) ; Thursday. A. C^\j^.^ WtJClrt jume-rdt, f. (for jum*e-rdt Oi jum'a^rdt), Thursday, a. h. *f»>. jamV, the whole, all ; universal, ja- mrag, altogether; universally, o. d.^'l^-^ jamVat, f. a concourse, an assembly, a multitude, a. 53-v>-_;«/ni/, beautiful, elegant (fem.Jamite). a. /o>- ^r^ jan, ra. a person, individual, man* kind : in comp. it denotes plurality, as strt-jan, women, u i^y>- ^•T janu, m. birth, engenderment. s. ^^ W«T jun, m. time. h. ^^ ftnr ,??w, (infl. pi. ofrel. pron.) whom, what ; (a negative particle) no, not ; (a prohibitive par- ticle) don't, h. f^ fsm j^n, m. a deified saint, according to the heretical sect of Jin and Budlt. s. fj>' jinn, m. a genius, spirit, demon, a. Vi»- ?nn jand, a person, individual ; (part, pass, oijannd) born, a son. t. U>- "^PSfX janndj n. to produce young, to be delivered of a child ; to be bom. s. f^\ss^ jandh, f. side, f>rink, margin ; majesty, highness, excellency; vestibule, threshold, jauabi'alt, your majesty, your or his excellency, a. i^^\j^ jandhat, f. pollution, loss of sperma. a, Ldb.U*- fTTTJ^ jndpak (or gydpak), m. an instructor, s. ^.Vl»- '^T(;<1{ jndpan (or gydpan), m. act of causing to know, instruction. ». Oll>- FTiT jndta (or gydta), known, under- stood, jniiti, a father, a kinsman. «. C->u>- jannat, (pi. of Lj>-), gardens, jinndt (pl. of jinn), genii, demons, a. OWU>- lT*TT3Tnr jnnd-jdt, man by man, one by one (person). /*. —U*- jindh or jandh, f. a pinion, wing. a. 5j\i>' jandza, m. a bier, a hearse, a funeral. jandza rawdn, (met ) a horse, a. [halL t. ^/^U>- '^^{[^[Vijandshray, m. a temporary c\a»- jandght a contract, a bargain, jund^, a stirrup-leather, saddle-cloth, surcingle, p. ^Uj>- jindn, (pl. of iiJS-) gardens (planted with trees), the regions of paradise, a. ^li>- l^J*{jndn (v. gydri), m. knowledge. $. 0U>- ^nTnTT,;awawa, a. to deliver, to bring to bed ; to inform, to remind, to tell, to warn (little iued< jatana being substituted for it) ; m. midwifery, a. Liijoli>- «rf1ir*d4i jandntik, m. secret com- munication, whispering, speaking aside. I4 jU>- '%{f{VSi jandw or jandfi, m. a signal, h. vw C 293 ) cL^ jyj^ janawar, m. an animal, d. i^»U». I|fil| jana,t, f. a midwife. jand,t fadJca, alms given at the birth of a child, s. X^,U»- ov C^yyar jinayat, f. any prohibited act committed upon the person or property, such as mur- der, maiming, &c. a. \_'y jamb, a side, apart, a tract of country, a. <._ja»- junub, defiled, polluted, a. \xs>- janiba, m. support, seconding; counte- nancing, assistance, partiality, a. ^ljd»- juvihan, trembling, stirring, moving, (root oi jumhdriidan) in comp. causing to move or stir, shaking (actively.) p. [spring, d. te^,fj>- jan-bachche (dl-aulad), family, ofF- jjijjj>- jumbish,f. agitation,motion, gesture, p. tiija>- mmt jambukA . , , .* • ^. _ >-m. ajackal. s. yyj^ ire jambu, J v_^V >.i\^ l[^;^\jf jambudip for 91 « sis jam- bt^-dwtp, m. one of the seven parts of the world, a. 4^r- !t| **f\ jambhiri, f. a fruit of the lime kind. s. j__yjJu»- jambl (properly jambiy), lateral, a. ^^Jkjjoft- jumbidan,to be moved or agitated, p. f^^ jambir, the lime tree and fruit (Citrus medico), t. jfjujc>- jambiya, a kind of side weapon, a large dagger worn at the side. a. '^('^jantu, m. an animal, a beast, s. Iflfffjtjanit, produced, born. s. jannat, f. paradise, heaven, jannatu-l- bildd, the paradise of regions, an epithet applied (very questionably) to Bengal, jannat i 'adan, f. the garden of Eden, jannati mawd, the paradise of rest, jannati ni'm or na'tin, the garden of pleasure: jannat-makdnoT -nasib or -ardmgdh, one whose abode or portion is pa- radise, a, CLAJj>-Jona<, birth, being born. d. \jjs>- 'Sf'jnjantd, m. an instrument for draw- ing wire. t. \jjc>- lffi{in janitd, m. a father, a parent, s. ^jjs>- l(w{j(\ Janata, f. mankind a number of men. t. .\jki»- IpiTRjawiar, m. an amulet, a charm, s. Uljki*- VfnIIHI jantdnd, n. to be squeezed, pressed, h Aajjjc»- Vfflilic^ jantu-phal, m. glomerous flg-tree {Ficus glomerata). s. jijs*' »n^ or ^n^ jantr, m. an instrument, an engine ; a musical instrument ; an amulet ; juggling ; sn observatory ; a dial ; an astrological or magic dia- gram, jantr-mantr, m. juggling, conjuring, enchant- Uig by ngures and incantations, s. l^i?- T^nin jantrand, m. pain, anguishy affliction, s, ,_5JCi:>- Ip^or in^;a??^n, m. an instrument for drawing wire ; a conjuror, a juggler, a wizard ; f. an almanack, a register, more especially the Indian Army and Civil List, commonly called " the Gentry- book." s. i^^i^ »Tf«T^ janitri, f. a mother, s. ^^^J!:ii£>■ lf*irs jantu-ghna, m. a vermifuge, s. ^Ju:>- ^*i1cjS l jantuld, f. a grass (^Saccharum spontaneum). s. ^ia- jannati,, relating to paradise, heavenly, a. Jl:^ af ^j igs jonjal, m. trouble, difficulty, plague, embarrassment, misfortune, s. (JlsJ^ WWr^S janjdl, m. a swivel, a large musket, h. i^^4^ «T^^ janjdli, m. one who molests j "a gun mounted on a camel or elephant. «. j^\ii^ 3i*l«1H'<4i jan-janrvdr, m. man and beast, s, p. [castor beaver, d. SJ^ jund, a medicinal substance found in the Ijixi*- 9fr^ jandrd, m. a pitchfork, a kind of rake used in the north-west provinces, h. IjJ.^I*. li^^t^STU jandauliyd, name of a small clan of rdjputs in Banda. h. jJk»- "^iM^jan-rav, m. noise, clamour, sound of human voices, s. ^j«i». jtnsi, f. genus, kind, species, sort, fa- mily, race ; goods, merchandise, moveables, grain, commodities, produce, jinsi bashar, mankind, gemia humanum. jinsl kdmil, first-rate crops, jhisi-adnq, an inferior article, jinsi a'lq or 'alt, any article of the best quality, a. C^jj>*^js>' jansruti (v. jan-shruti), news, &c. s. yyJxsf- jinswdr, a distinct statement relative to crops, jinswdr jam'handl, a detailed statement of the rents levied upon each kind of crop, p. ^JJ\y,Jx»■ jinswdri, separately, distinctly, p. i^'i^ jinsi, in kind, in goods (paid, &c.). a. C.\*- ■■'»»• jinsiyat, homogeneousness, same- ness, or similarity of kind. o. 0^-iJk»- IprafcT jan-shruti, f. news, tidings, report, s. lilxlai*- jantiydnd, m. the herb gentian, a. ^{^r^mjanukfto wit, though, although, k. vfrl'cR janak, m. a father ; name of a king, sovereign of MitbilS, and father of Sitd. t. ^ij>=r ^ fJioh l janikd, m. a pun, double en- tendre." h. .J.LdJu*- 'f\^ {Cwi volvulus argenteus). h. ^1^ ( 294 J^ i£fj>- Jang, m. battle, war, combat, fight. jang-azmuda, a veteran ; warlike, brave, jang-dwar, a champion, a hero, jang-awardan, to fight, to stand the brunt of battle, jang-jo, contentious, litigious. jan^ ojadal, m. battle, conflict, brawl, squabble, alter- cation, jangi xargari, a goldsmith's quarrel » the term is applied to a collusive dispute between two parties in order to defraud a third, p. \J^^ jangdl, m. verdigris (v. zangar). p. ^^^^JL»\>j»- janga-mushti, f. boxing, p. h. t\Sjs>- jangah, f. the field of battle (q. d. jang gaKy p. Dured. t. C»^«>- Hn^rf jungit, outcast, deserted, in- i/j^ •TTTT jangra^ m. the haulm or stalk of autumnal crops. A. "^fn^ jangal, adj. desert, waste ; m. a forest, a wood, a jungle, jangal-huri, f. act of clear- ing woodlands, jangcd phima or -jana, n. (lit. to walk in, or go to, the wood) ; to ease one's self, s, yS^ ^fjf^ jangla, wild, untamed ; m. name of a ragint, or musical mode ; woody country, forest. ». ftJXi*- jangla, a coppice or thicket ; a kind of flowered cloth ; a medley of tunes, s. 1^^ »fg"- vT^T jangam, m. a kind of fakir, who has matted hair, and rings a bell. h. J^ *nf jangam, removeable, moveable, in motion ; a mendicant. $. f^^ ftrf^ jinghi, Bengal madder (jRubia manjith). s. \^Ci». ^ff^ jangha, f. the thigh, the leg. s. \j\^^^ »nfTTT janghdra, the name bf a large and turbulent tribe of rajpUta. h. ^^>^ ^ilc$T janghald, name of a rate or clause in a lease, h. ij>^ jongi, in. a combatant, a warrior ; adj. "of or relating to war, warlike, martial, military, quar- relsome, p. ^\^\if^ jaiigiz khan, n. the name of one of those atrocious scourges of the human race, vulgarly called " renowned conquerors." He was of Tartar or Moghul origin, and bom in A.D. 1154. p. uiJ^)u>- ^T«7^«ir janlok, m. one of the seven /oAroi or divisions of the world; the region inhabited by pious men after their decease, s. Jis^ ^plT janam or janma, m. birth ; me- ' tem psychosis of the Hindus ; life, existence, jan- mashfami, the eighth day of the dark half of Bhiidra, being the anniversary of the birthday of Kris^tja. janam-bhutn or janma-bhumi, also janam bhum, f. birth- place, janma- or janam-pairi, f. lioroscope, nativity. janmoikitri kt bidhi mitna, to meet one's fate, to re- ceive one's destined award, janam-jald, burned or spoiled from its birth, originally bad. janmaa janma-data, a father, janam-din, m. birthday. ja*« rogi, valetu-dinarian. janma-sthan, birthplace, native land, janma-kll, m. Fisiriu, the bolt or stay of life, janam-lagan, f. the moment of birth, horoscope. «. ul»JJ>' ^fH\^\janmdnd, a. to beget j to make vegetate, s. jDI»a>- V|«4^|»fll. janmdntar, m. regeneration, another birth, another state of existence, janm&n- tariya, acquired in a former birth. #. J»S>\.^x>- ^^\^ janmdndha, born blind, s. ^^.J^ »|«41H janman, m. birth, janmin, an animal, a living being. $, wl>- ^*{H^J janamnd, n. to be born. s. yttiy^^ 5P*ftW^ janmotsav, m. a festival held on the anniversary of Krisjpufs birthday. •. ^^ ^4^*>' IffHWl janmejai, the son of raja Partksf^it. s. 1^^ ^«i. «nT^ janangam, m. a Chanddl, a a man of a degraded tribe, t. (JJ^ ^r|'»0 janam, f. a mother, the actual " mother of a child, in contradistinction to a stepmother; tenderness, compassion, s. ysf- ^nft jano, m. the brahmanical thread (v.^'aTtew); adv. like as, as. «. [port, t, «i^^j«>. »nnT^ jaw-vai, m. news, rumour, re- Im>1 Jl>' %|ff{c||44T janwdsd, m. the place at the bride's house where the bridegroom and his train ar« received. *. i^A^ic^ janmd,l, a son-in-law. d^ («-^y^ janub, m. the south, a. ,^yy»- janubi (f. janubiya), southern, a. ^jiJ&byk*- ^Ifflt^i^^cj janoddharan, m. fame, glory. ;. [a demoniac, a, fjjj^ janun, m. madness, insanity, phrensy \ (j^i>- janon, probably, perhaps, d. (J,yk»- janunl, mad, insane; passionate, a. jl^i*" lf7ipT.junhdr, m. a kind of grain (com- prising many species, of which Indian com is one), h. jV^Jk*. ifr^R /anAar, I man by man, every ij^\^^ ^»^t| jan-hd,t, J one. s. f}^^3un-hd,l, y ti,,^,,„ii t,.^, U^jL>- U«^441 junhaiyd, j jY^ janhar, a branch of the Gujar tribe, h. lSj^^ ^^f^^ junhri, f. a kind of grain, s. ^u>-jinni or jinniy, a jinn, a demon or spirit, a. I**" ^^ jam, f. a maid-servant; daughter- " in-law ; a woman in general; a mother; birth, pro- duction; (in Dakh.) a fainting fit to which lying-io women are subject. ( 295 ) '^ Vjju> '^ptn janya, f. the friend of a mother; the relation or companion of a bride, a bridesmaid, s. cH^juis^ janlbat, a she camel entrusted to a person to bring provisions on. a, iJL^y\y '^[^ Janet, f. the company and atten- dants at a wedding. *. ]x^ »r^TT Jawem, a tall species of millet, h. ^Jja>- janela, a window, d. {jy^ janln, fostus, embryo, a. ^jL>»- '^^^^jane,o, janew or iPT^i jane,u, m. the brahmanical thread ; a flaw in a jewel, h. t>A>»- '^^^[^javewa, f. the name of a fragrant grass (dub-grBLBS, Agrostis linearis), h. BJJc*' "W^janya, m. a father; the friend or companion of a bridegroom. «. AJUk^ jinnii/a, a female jinrii, q. v. a. •»• "^ttjo, if, that, as, when ; rel. pron. who, which, what, jo-jo, wnoever. jo-chlx, what, whatever, or -soever, jo kuchh, whatever or whatsoever, jo ho,!, whoever, jo ki, though, although, whichever, k. yfi^ jau/if, that, vfhen. jau-lon, as long as. h. ¥^ jo or ju, a river, a brook, a rivulet ; in corap. seeking, as jang-jo, one who seeks battle or strife, p. •»- »^. »T^ or "^ i«w, m. barley {Hordeum hexastichon) ; the measure of a barley-. ^ju (v. _;i), lord! master.' sir! h. \y>- ?r^ jawa, m. a clove of garlic ; a kind of stitch in needlework, jawe-dar, sewed in a parti- cular manner ; (in Dakh.) a kind of grub or worm. h. \y>- l[m jawa, m. mark in the joints of the fingers ; name of a flower {Hibisctts rosa sinensis), t. \ f-y>- »nTT ju,a or l^T juwa, m. a yoke of a carriage or plough ; a die, dice ; a game, gambling. ju,d khelna, a. to play dice, to gamble. ju,e fshana, a gambling house. ju,e-bdz, a gambler. ». \y>' Ifmjuva (for'5^7/Mt?a), young, a young man, or one of the virile age. «. ^^^ jaivah, m. an answer, any thing an- swering to another, jawdbi bd sau)db,m. a proper an- swer; an answer full of sound sense, jattdb bdla, a, kind of benediction (». e. may your advice prevail^. jawdb-ddr or jawdb-dih, a respondent or surety; adj. responsible, accountable, amenable, jawdb dend, a. to be accountable for, to be amenable or responsible, to rcpl}' ; to discharge, to dismiss one from his oflice (in Bengal the English language has been enriched with an additional verb from this source ; hence, when a lady rejects a gentleman's matrimonial overtures, the inconsolable swain is said to have heenjawdbed), ja- wdb sawdl, (corruptedly jdb-sal), m. altercation, con- versation, jawdb satvdli, m. reply, rejoinder, jawdbi l^afi, m. a definitive answer, jawdb ndma, m. a writ- ing fixed to the winding-sheet, on the breast of a good Musalmiln deceased, which it is intended that Munkir and Nakir (q. v.) should read, in case the poor soul should be too much flurried to answer their questions. raddijawab or jawabu-l-jawdb, m. reply, rejoinder, a. ^^ jawabi, m. a respondent; a kind of bill of exchange the price of which is not paid till no tice is received of the bills having been paid ; the cho- rus, especially in repeating a marsiya or elegy, jawdbi sawdlt, m. a mediator, an ambassador, an agent, an attorney, a. ^- ^"-^\j?' jama-pushp, m. the China-rose. s. Cl>1v>- WWIi iu,at, 1 , ..-'' ^ . >• m. a yoke. s. ^]^y>- ^l^nZ ju,ath, J d\^ jarvwdd, liberal, beneficent, a. d\y>- jamad, m. civet ; probably a corruption of the Arabic ««6ad. d. \y>- jaimr,xn. neighbourhood, propinquity, a. J^^y^ ^■- ^^snxt ju,art, ^mfiju,arl or ^RTTft juwdrt,m. a gambler ; a thread stretched over the bridge of a musical instrument, beneath the cords, whereby the sound is said to be improved, h. t^j^y^ W^n^ ja7vdrl, f. great millet (v. jawar and jdrt). h. \\y*'jawdz, a wooden mortar; a sugar-mill; an oil-mill. p. Qpriety. a. j\y>' jawaz, m. permission, lawfulness, pro- Oojl^ jawdziyat, legality, allowability, a. <^j»*^yr "^^ni^ jciwds, \m. a prickly bush on \jM^y>- '^T^TW^ jawasd,) which cattle and ca- mels browse, and of which faffis are made {Hedysarvm alhagi). s. j^^y^ imWR jawakhdry name of a medi- cine ; an impure species of saltpetre, i. ij\y>- jawTvdl, one who travels about much. jiwdl (pi. of Jul), walls or parapets (of wells), a. \j\^ jurcdl, a bag, sack ; the half of a (horse) load ; the human body ; deceit, fraud, p. ii^y»- ^{^X jwdld, f. flame, fire, jrodld-jihvd, flame-tongued, a name of Agni, or fire. i. *S\^ »|"«1Iq5I jarvdld, m. grain mixed with barley, as food for cattle, s. ,^f^'^\y>- ifl^l^^ jrvdld-mukh, 'If. a vol- ^^^^f^'^^y>- '^^^^jwdld-mnhhi,} cano, a place where inflammable gases break forth from the soil ; especially one near Balkh, to which pilgrimagN are made firom Hindustan, t. I ( 296 ) ^yr (^^ ^r^T^ jarvali, f. mixed wheat; gram "mixed with barley as food for cattle, h. {^^ Jawan, young:, youthful; m. a youth, lad, man, adult, jawan-bajcht, of bloominjT prospects. jawan-pan or -pana, m. youth, jawani salih, m. a fine youth. — N. B. The term jaw&n agrees more nearly •with theLatin " juvenis " than with our word "youth." p. ul^ ftrrPTT jiwand, a. (v. jimana) to cause to live, to vivify, to feed, to foster. ». c^J\y>- jawana-marg, f. death in the bloom of youth, jawdna-marg mama, a. to die prematurely, p. ^^lii^ jawandn, (Pars, pi.) youths, young men, heroes, p. [cally. p. {oK>\y»- jarvanana, bravely, gallantly, heroi- L#j)^ jawdnsd, m. (v. jarvasa). s. j*^'^ 'SHV I ^i^jarvdnkur, m. the young shoots of barley presented by Brahmans to their disciples at the feast of Nauratr. *. ij^\y>' jawdn-mard, brave, generous, manly; m. a fine young fellow, a brave fellow, a hero. p. ^^l!iJ^]y^■ Jarvdn-mardi, f. generosity, manli- ness, heroism, p. j^^j>. jarvdnt, f. youth, adolescence ; season of youth : the term is nearly equivalent to what we call, "coming of age", p. \ajwaen). 3. {^\y>- ^[tfl'tft jawdni, f. a plant (^Ligusticum {j,^yf jarvdnt, f. a daughter's husband, d. jli\y>- jawdhir, m. a jewel, essence, gem: it !b, strictly spealdng, the plural oijauhar, but in the Hindustani it is used singularly; hence the extra pi. form jatoahirSt, jewels, gems, &c. a. ej\»-jtt)\y>' jawdhir-khdna, the jewel office, a storehouse for jewels. a.p. jewels, a. p. j^S3jb\^ Jawdhir-nigdr, ornamented with fCJtAy^jawdhirt, a jeweller,dealer in jewels, a. iS^^^>- ^fm^jawdfl, m. a son-in-law. s. f^y^ ^^^[^^ joban or li^^'^ijauban, m. youth, puberty; (met.) breast, bubby. johan-watt or -matt, adj. f. at the age of puberty, fit to be married, s. \mm>y>- ^TT jvp, m. a sacrificial post to which the victim is bound ; a trophy ; a column erected in honour of a victory. *. J.^>j». Tf^vs^ jau-phal, m. a medicinal plant {Wrightea antidysenterica). t. C^fr ^^jot, f. cultivation, cultivated land ; tenure of a cultivator, also rent paid by the culti- vator, jot-dar, a husbandman, one who has a tenure, h. C^y^ ^^ jot oT'^^^fvjoti (for jyoti), f. bril- liancy, lustre; the sunbeams; the flame of a candle or lamp ; vision, jot-man, luminous, bright, joti-sarup, luminous (an epithet of God), a. Oj>. ^fVin jotd, the point of the beam of the plough on which the drag rests, h. 0«>- ^pu jutd, m. a shoe, a slipper: collec- tively, it means the " pair of shoes ** or slippers : it also denotes the rope connecting the irrigating basket with the handle. A. u^lf^ffT jotd, }3. )m. a ploughman, a hus- bandman, a cultivator of land, tilling his own ground, s. *jy»'0^ '^[H^lTt jut-khora, 1 one who \)^{^yr ^Tr»T?ftT3 jutan-khora,) has been beaten with slippers ; adj. infamous, degraded, k, iSyy^ IfW^ jarvatri, f. mace; the nutmeg, s {J*^y>- ^ftffT^ jotish, m. astrology, astro- nomy. «. i^^y*- ^^tfir^ jotishl, relating to astrology; "an astrologer, an astronomer. «. uib^ mTHK jautuk (v. yautuK), a nup- tial present, dower. $. cdl3^ "^tfirw jotik, 'Im. astrology, astro- -^yr sftfira jotikh,) nomy. jotik-hidya, the astronomical (or rather astrologplcal) science. $. \j^^fjy»- ^ri^U jut-khord, beaten with slip- pers; infamous (v. jfi^-ijora). 5. i^^^^yr '^^fff^ jotikhi,\m. an astrologer, ij^y^ »frfTTcIi^ jotiki, J an astronomer, s. {»)^y^ M\AHJ^ jotmdn, splendid, bright, s. (Jiy^ "^tfn^ jotan, m. ploughing; a plough- man, t. [tUL $. ^y>- ^riHI jotnd, a. to yoke ; to plough, '^y^ W5I or "Wttjuth, m. a flock, herd ; a mul- titude of birds ; a company (v. jatha). s. jJl^^ iifVJl^n juthdll, also juthdi, land "bearing two harvests annually, h. J*3^y^ ^[VRR JM- "^ jutt, f. a shoe, a slippor. jiithkhor, " beaten with slippers ; mean, abject. Jutt-paizdr, f. a scuffle, jutt-kari or juti-mdr, act of beating with slippers, h. (^y^ M^rtH joti, f. the string which suspends " the scale of a balance ; the string which goes round the neck of a bullock to fasten the yoke. h. J>y^ ^«nrtor "^idjuvatlff. a young woman, one from sixteen to thirty ; a damsel. ». VjJj»- ^tfi(V[\ jotiyd, a ploughman (seejota).h. ^y^y>■ ^ffl UT^ jutiydl, a class of hereditary watchmen located in the tract under the Siwalik hills, h. [in the course of one year. A. i^^y^ "S^ifVi jutiydtl, land bearing two crops {^jjyM^y yfl frt « k,'^joti-s7vai'up,\nmmo\i8, self-resplendent, an epithet of the Deity, a, ^yf ^fhr jot, m. a fellow, peer, one of a pair, a match ; equal, even, not odd. jof hSndhUf), •>. to pair. h. ^yr ( 297 ) cS3- t!L>^ W7 juf, m. the matted hair of Shiva ; the clotted hair of an ascetic. ». JljL>^ "^^ZVJ^ jutiyal (v. barn'a,ek), a kind of ■watchman, h. i^yr H^^H or lfhTTiq7«" (^'»'" y^jan), m. a measure of four ftos ; joining, union ; the Supreme Being, the soul of the world, s. U^s-^ ^ri1Sy{\jujh7ia, n. to fight; to be killed in battle, jujh-marna, to die fighting. S, ^^r^^ "^^t^Ttf^ jau-chanl, f. a mixed crop of " barley and ckafia. h. [beneficence, a. i>5»- jud,m. a present, liberality, munificence, 0(i^jawf?a^,f.ingenuity,intelligence,quick- ness of apprehension, benignity, a. U&ibj^- ?fV^ or x^ joddha, ra. a warrior, a hero, a brave fellow, s. [T- »• jj;>\j&ii^ ^^tiJrxi7{jodhapan,m. heroism, brave- ^^iy>■ lft>R or tft>R jodhan, m. fighting, battle. 5. f^iy>- Tttuhjodhl, m. a warrior, s. jyf jaur, m. violence, oppression, jaur-pesha, an oppressor, a tyrant, a. jyf ^Xjff'nr, vn. a fever, jwar-nashak, anti- febrile, febrifuge. *. [cago esculenta). s. \^}jy>' W^:(^^j)varapaha, f. a plant {Medi- ^j^ ^T^TST or 5^TTiri?' W^jn-'fi^'i) febrile, feverish, s. j*sf- iftl jor, m. junction, connexion ; joints, joining, a patch, a seam, society, jor-dend, a. to cast up, to add the sum. jor-tor, m. contrivance, mecha- nism, joining, jof-jdr, m. savings, collecting by small (fuantities, scraping together, h. ]y>- ^ jSr, cold ; m. coldness, the cold. h. \yy>. 'W^jura, m. cold ; the hair done up in a knot behind ; the hinder part of a turban ; a rope of grass {v.jfina). h, Vyy*- »ftTr.;o.m,m. joining, connexion; a pair, - a couple ; a pair of shoes ; a suit (of clothes) ; alchymy ; a rope of twisted grass made to support a round-bot- tomed jar. h. Vv^ fWTSl jivra, m. life, soul; sweetheart, beloved ; annual wages to washermen, &c. h. ^^Vv**- IT^Tl^ jord,t, f. the act or profession of joining, &c.; price of joining, h. (ij^ "^^rSffijortl, f. calculation, reckoning. h. \^j>jfr jor-^arii, f. a companion, consort ; wife. d. ^>u^ '^ftr^joran, m. solder ; rennet, joraiv- hara, a joiner, h. ^Jyr ^^«H T jorna, a. to join, to mend, to patch ; to add together ; to reckon, to add up ; to get or rather to save and scrape a fortune, &c., to fabricate, to cement, to solder, to unite, to tie, to invent, to contrive, h. U^Jj'y^ jorwan, f.a companion,helpmate,con- sort, -wife. d. [pond. s. ijjy>- Wtft joTh f- a pair, a couple; a small (jjy^ '^ juri, f, an ague ; a small bundle of sugar-cane (v. Wilson's Glossary), h. ijj^^yr ' 'H jIh lO junmari, f. land in actual possession, h. \y>' jauz, m. a nut; nutmeg, jauzu-l-masal, the thorn-apple, a. [Orion, a. \^y>- jauza, m. the sign Gemini; also <^_y»y>- inr or "^JMSjm. broth (Lat.JMs),pease- soup, pease-porridge ; the water in which pulse ha« been boiled. /y*»^ jausah, a palace ; a lofty edifice, a. ^_^^ »ft^.;osi or '^t^josht, m. an astrologer, "an astronomer. *. [Hindus, h. i^y>- »ft^ josl, m. the name of a tribe of Cj^yr josh, m. heat ; ebullition ; passion ; lust. josh-Tcharosh, m. anger, passion, rage. Joshilciiun, m. ebullition of the blood (the name of a disease), p. (^y>- l^jush, broth (see jws). s. ^U»^ joshdn, boiling, foaming (as waves). J3. iS>\Jl»y>- joshdnda, m. a decoction, p. C^Ziy>- ''^tf^joskit, f. a woman, s. iwJ^yr joshish, f. heat, ebullition ; violent desire, fervour, emotion, p. [mail. p. f^js^ jaushan, m. a cuirass, armour, coat of tj^yr whrtjos/u, m. an astrologer, a low "caste of Brahmans employed in casting nativities, t. ^^Sx^y>- joshidan, to boil, to foam ; met. to be enraged, p. e,y>- ju', f. hunger, appetite, juu-l-hakar or ju'u-l-kalb, voracious, gluttonous, a. (_»i«»- j'^'^if- ™' t^i6 interior cavity (of any thing ; hence a drimi called mujawwqf). a. lyfjanh, m. a troop or body of men. jauk jauf:, in troops, a. LiJjs- fft^ jok, f. a leech, y.jonk. s. ^y*- TRIfT jukd, f a louse, s. \jSy>- johid (for jokhnd), to weigh, d. {^^y>- jau-kob, half-pounded, coarsely ground (q. d. reduced to particles like barleycorns), p. r^^y>- Wt^jo/iA, f. weight, weighing, h. j^yr V:^:^^^ javakhdr, m. saltpetre, D?tre, nitrate of potash, s. uD ( 208 ; c,J^ 4^^l^j»- ifrerr^ jokha,t, f. a weighman's perquisite. A. j^y>''^WHJokkim,f. a risk, venture, peril, achievement, enterprise, jokhim unhand, n. to run the hazard, to venture, h. ^^^^y*- "^fwft jokhimi, m. one who risks, h. U^^ "^Iwmjokhna, a. to weigh, k. ^^)^yt>■ »ri- T^tnjog, the name of the person upon whom a draft or bill of exchange is drawn, h. \iy>- l^tTiJJoga (for yogya), fit, proper, able, capable, adequate, advisable, apposite, s. (^^U^o»>- »ftJ I !♦*( m jogabhyas, m. life and practice of a devotee, penance, austerity. $. j»^lSj»- x([t\}M^ jogasan, m. the position in which the devotee sits to perform the jog or religious meditation, s. cEuS^g- "^(Pm^ jog-'patt, m. a cloth drawn round the lower extremities of a squatting ascetic, s, dAd^ ^rn[fi jugaty f. manner, mode ; skill, cleverness ; a pun. or double meaning, jilgat-baz, a punster, or rather one who is fond of uttering double meanings, jugat-hazl, punning, s. p. w^ ^tTfn jogta (for yo<7ya' tftn^^ jog-seva, f. practising reli- gious abstraction, s. \i\^^ WtTTWT or ^J|M|i- xftTCriTfsrsfijogndvikfm. a fish (^Silu- ^liJcL/^ Ttftnf «T5T jo^r-mWra, f. light sleep, wakefulness, s. ^y^ "^Tt^pft jogni oi- WtfiT'fl', x(\fri:^ jogini, " f . a class of female deities attendant on the goddess Debt, a female fiend or sprite ; in astrology, spirits governing periods of good and ill luck. «. ij>^yy>- 'it'TM!^ jog-vahi, ra. a menstruum "or medium for mixing medicines; f. alkali; quick- silver. «. ^^y>■ flftJ'fl or ''^t^jogt, m. a Hindu ascetic; "a magician, a conjuror; a caste of Hindus who are commonly weavers. (The people of this caste do not bum, but bury their dead, and the women are some- timea buried alive with their husband's corpse), a. Ui *js^ ^tf^^^ jogiya, u:. name of a colour; f. the name of a rdgini or musical mode; a kind jC pigeon, h. \jj^,^ X()Tmn jogyata, f. fitness, ability, s. ^^ j*^y»- ^'^f^^ jogesar,\in. a devotee, an ^JtJSy>■ '^Tf^ jogesh, J adorer, s. jy^^Syp- ^n^tBR jogeshrvar, m. a name of Shiva , a devotee, an adorer ; a magician, f. »aS^ M\i^ or "^pTljogya, accomplished, fit, capable, s. uyr ^^ JTval, m. flame, blaze, light, s. ijyr "^^ j^h Im- guile, fraud, deceit, jold '^y>- M\^\ jold,) dena, a. to deceive. wJa or juld, a land measure of sixteen butt. A. (*yiy>- jauldn, moving, springing, wandering. jauldn-gah, f. a place for (military) exercise, a play- ground, jauldn-gari, f. galloping fast, fleetness. p. ^Jyy>^ jawaldn, walking round j motion, agitation, a. iS^ff joldni, f. strength of mind (or body), quickness of apprehension ; fleetness. p. 8^j>- joldh, also juldha, juldhl, and julafi, a weaver (v. julah). [fire. <• C.*5^ ^f^nr jrvalit, burnt, consumed by w^j*" ^:^W1 jrvalka, f. flame, s. «-L^^ ifi^Sn jau-lag (for jab-lag), until, as long as. h. [or fire. «. {J^fr f^'f jwalan, burning, blazing ; Agni e^yr ifl^T jola or jula, a tract of land con- taining sixteen bUU. A. f^y^ ^ft^joll, m.a companion,a playfellow, h. »tidJ^ jolida, scattered, confused, p. lOJbd^y*- imnm jau-madhya, m. a form of pe- nance, diminishing the food daily during the dark fort- night,fasting on the new moon, and gradually augment- ing the food till the full moon. s. f^y>' ^t jon, as, when, jon-ton, as before, " in statu quo ;" in some way. joA toU karke, in any way, by any means, as it could be done, joa kd toU, unaltered, "in statu quo." A. jj»>. IT jwi, f. a louse, jun-munhdf smooth- faced, hypocritical (lit. with a small mouth). A. ^jj>- "^^t^jaun, (rel.pro.) he who,that which, h. ^^y>- "9^ jun or "^t^jaun, m. time. h. f^yr »T^«T or V^^^javan (for yavana), m. a Greek, or a Musalman ; the country Ionia or Greece ; a courser, a fleet horse, s. ^yp- 5ft«T jon or ^ftj, '^^^ joni, m. f. pu- dendum mulieris. Jaun, m. jaunt, f. belongiiif; to the womb or place of origin, uteriue ; connected by it male alliance, s. uyr ( 299 ) ^ l>^ ^tfT juna, m. a rope of grass ; a ring of twisted grass laid under a round-bottomed jar to pre- ■vent it from oversetting, h. j^y>- '^^fJJJ.jaund?', f. a feast, entertainment; land ready for the seed. s. jjU^ »ft"«nc5 .7«wwa/, land in constant cul- tivation, or cultivated alternately for spring and autumn crops, h, ijjxiy>- jauntari, mace (spice so called), d. ic^^ ^^1 jauhcKi, a kind of disease in " barley or wheat, the ears producing no grain, h, tjfjjj^ mljiO jaundri^ f. the name of a <_y3Jj>- "^T^ jaundi, }• grain {ju,ar or (jr^^ ^ft\Xt junri, J jo,ar, Holcus sorgum). h. [vants in kind. h. V^^ ^n'rr jaunra, payment of village ser- 1A?4^ V-5^ ifi^rt ^rtu Jawnra-ftAawwra, m. re- tirement, privacy. %. (.ib^ "Sffsf! jonk, f. a leech.- jonk lagana, a. to apply leeches, s. [means, h. S^^ 5TT"<*i jonkar, in any way, by any U5o .»- "^^tw^jauhkna, a. to rail, to scold, h. til^i^ 5ifl^«II jongah, ra. aloe wood or agallochum. h. uL^^^ T^f^'^^joni-Ung, m. the clitoris, s. L*li^^^ ^nffTtfrar jowi-wasa, f. the upper part of the vulva, or the union of the labia, s. f^^y*" Ift^* jonhln, as soon as, the moment when. h. \jMjJy»- xff^X(^ jonyarsa, m. an affection of the vulva, menorrhagia or prolapsus uteri, s. \j^ »nT_7wr?-a, m. a yoke. s. C^j^s- '^^t^'Hjorvat, looking,seeing(pres.part. of jotvanaun). h, i^j^ '^tW'f jattvan,m. youth, manhood, jau- van-darp, m. pride of youth, rashness, conceit, jauvan- dasd, f the period of youth, jauvan-wdn, ra., jauvan- vath f. youthful. *. [see. h. iii^S^^ '^tm^jowanaun (Braj.), to look, to »»». '^r^ juh, m. a yoke. s. \j6»>. ^f^jivha, f. tongue (seejihva). s. Jb^ jauhar, m. a gem, jewel, pearl ; bright, glittering ; skill, knowledge ; matter, stibstance, essence (distinguished from accident) ; virtue, worth, merit ; blackish marks in the steel of well-tempered scimitars. jauhar-ddr, a scimitar marked with ^'auAar. a, Jb»»- johar or juhar, name given to an act of desperation peculiar to the Hindus. When in a siege the men find themselves unable to resist their assailants, as a last resource they destroy all their wives and children within the place ; then, sword in hand, they desperately meet the foe, and fight to the last, johar-k., a. to kill one's self, to commit suicide, p, t>^ J^t^ johar, a large pond or lake; in- undated land. h. CLAjHy)- jauharat (pi. of jauhar), gems, jewels, &C. a. i^y^y>- jauharifard, m. an indivisible atom ; (met.) a person unrivalled or nnequalled. a. ^j^y>- jauhari, m. a jeweller, a lapidary ; adj. essential, a, jj&^»- ^^^w^ar or Ml^f johar, ra. pits filled with water at the bottom of mountains ; a large pond or lake, h, [for. h. UJ6j>- iftf»n johna, a. to expect, to look out t^y^ W^ jtihl, f. jasmine (Jasminum auri- " culatum) ; a kind of fireworks. *. [pfi'». h. Ufc^ sftf^rn johiya, name of a tribe of raj' {j^y>- »ft^ jo,e or joya, f. a wife. s. (J^y>- jofi ovju,e, f. a rivulet, a brook, p. i^^y^ wt;«,i, an insect destructive to certain crops, h. b^ joya, 1 one who searches for ; an jjb^*- joy an, t inquirer ; a seeker, joyanda ii^y>.joyanda,) yabanda, lit. the seeker (is a) finder, i.e. search and you shall find. p. [jUfi). t.p. j^y^ ju,e-baz, a dice player, a gambler (v. ^^Osiy>' jo,idan, to seek, to search, p. (^.y>- jauwtn, made of barley (bread), p. '4*' *Hj/m, the aspirate form of tT "^j^^- s»h. V?" ^r5li«/ia, f. a plant, the flowers of which resemble those of the kadamb. s. bV^ *B[R7 jAafta, m. a leathern pot for mea- suring oil, ght, &c. h, y^^&- WPrajhabnr, f. marshy land on which water lies, and which produces rice. h. L^\^ jhap (for jhdnp), a matted shutter, h. bl^*- VRXm jhdpd, m. a narrow-mouthed basket, h. \1>\^ jhdpnd {f or jhanpna), to cover, &c. h. C^\^ jihdt, duties on manufactures, a. *-^^?- *KT7 jhdt, m. an arbour, a bower, a place overgrown with creepers, a thicket. «. ul^ )fB[I7T^' /m/a, f. jasmine, s. KjJ'^^*" Wl^ZtW^jhd-ikd, f.a plant {Flacourtia catafractd). s. ^\^ jahdj (for jahdz), a ship. a. ^*"^^ VRJVK]r;7ia;7ia, ni. an intoxicating mix- ture, made with bhang or hemp. h. t4?-^?" ^iJiJWKjhdjhar, m. cymbals or bells for the ankles, s. [grow, h "i^?- WJ^jhdd, land on which jungly bushes lil^ jihdd, m. war (especially that which is waged by Musalmans against infidels or idolaters). • '6\^ jhdd, (in Dakh.) a tree in general, d. ^ ( 300 ) ^ \S\^ ^^jhada, land wliich remains under water during the rains; a swamp, h. y^ '^^Xl.juhar, f. Hindu salutation, obei- sance, h. ^Sj'-^ WS^ jhart, m. a pitcher with a long necl woo j^?- ^fUJ^ jfiar, m neck and a spout to it, an .ewer ; (for jhaft) forest, wood, underwood. A. bushes, brnmbles, bush, shrub, underwood ; a kind of fireworks ; a lustre or chandelier, the same as pan-shdkha. q. v. ; a purge ; continued rain, jha^ bandhna, to rain without ceasing. jhar-patiaf, digression, jhdr-pliunk, f. juggling, con- juring, hocus-pocus (particularly to cure the bite of a snake or a disease), jhaf-jliatak, i. sweeping, jhdf-jhan- khdr, m. brambles a purge. jhaf-jhuT, f. sweepings ; perquisites; a thicket, jhdf-ka-namak, potass, impure carbonate of potass, jhdr-khant}, full of brambles, &c. busliy ; tlie forest of Baijndth. " In southern India jhd}- denotes a tree in general ; as the words darajslu, per, gdchh, &c. do in the north" — (Binning), h. VjX^WTfUjhara, m. a stool, purge, jhara- jhapte-jdnd, n. to go to the necessary, jhafd-jhaptd lend, a. to search, dukdn-jhdfd, m. sweeping of a (druggist's) shop, compound medicine, jhdrd phirnd or jlidrd jhutkd phirnd, a. to walk among the bushes, which means to go to the necessary, jhdfd dend, n. to submit to search, h. \s>!^j\^ TfftXS^'m jhar-dena, la. to sweep \j^\iS Vl^ V^J^:zi'^'mjhar-ddlna, J out or away, to brush, to clear away. h. iyX^j^^ ^itslHi jhar-kkand, adj. bushy ; m. a forest, the forest of Baijndth. s. joj'^?" W^ jharan, f. sweepings ; a coarse cloth for wiping furniture, a dishclout. A. l^'l^*- ^mys^ jhdrna, a. to sweep, to brush, to shift, to clean ; to strain, knock off, dash, flap ; to strike fire (as with a flint), to beat (bushes &c.). jhdf-pachhor- kar dekhnd, to test, try, examine, jhdpid phunknd, to exorcise, to repeat spells, jhdf dend, a. to brush, to clear away, jhar ddlnd, to sweep out or away. A. CLoj\.^ W!iT*H jhdranty entirely, h. jj'\^>- *KT? jharii, m. f. a broom, a sweeper by caste and occupation ; a comet, jhafu-kash or -barddr, m. a sweeper ; the caste of Ijalal jchpr, q. v. A, jjyj'^>- *RJ^ jhdri, f. forest, wood, under- wood, brushwood, bush, brake, shrub. A, jU>. jahdz, m. a ship, the tree of a camel's saddle ; a portion in the disposal of the wife ; funersil apparatus ; vidva, pudenda mulieris. jahdz par, aboard. jahdx-shikani, f. shipwreck, a. (Cj^>- jahdzi, m. a sailor ; f. a kind of sci- mitar; adj. naval, nautical, a. ^<^l^ WJtW^jhdkari, \f. a kind of milk- ijj^^!>- ^wi\jhdkart,J pail. h. vi/l^ WPt jhaQf m. foam, froth (of the ocean), scum. A. JI4?- fRI^^'AaZ, m. sharpness, heat, fiery ness (as of pepper) ; acrimony ; a large basket ; joining or soldering of metals. A. J\^ juhhdl (pi. of Ji^V)* ignorant (peo- ple), fools, simpletoiMk a. lHa^I^ johdlat, f. brutality, barbarism, igno ranee, a. J^^4r^ ^ffij^t. jhdlar, f. a fringe, jhdlar-dar, having a fringe, mounted with a fringe A. y ^^^ *KJc5TT jhdlrd, m. a spring (of water). A. i_^'4»- *RjQrT^.;Vt5Zri, f. cymbals, k. ^^^ W^TfTyVia/na, a. to season (pickles); to polish, to clean (plate) ; to solder. A. ^l^ »^nT jkdm, a large instrument in the shape of a hoe used for excavating earth in well-sink- ing. h. [burnt to cinder. *. l/c^». v^JHT jhdmd, m. pumice-stone, bricks j/ol^>. vg^TRT jhdmar, m. a small whetstone, used chiefly by housewifes for sharpening their spin- dles, needles, &c. s. [fled brick. «. tdLel^ KRTRcR jAama^, m. a burnt or vitri- f^^^ jahdn, m. the world, jahdn jahduj much, many, jahdn-dfirln, the creator of the world, jahan-bdn, a sovereign, jahdn-bln, world-seeing, the Almighty ; a traveller, jahdn-panah, asylum of the world, (addressed to kings) your majesty, sire. jahSn- tdb, warming the world (the sun), jahdn-soz, world- inflaming, jakdn-gir, world-grasping; name of a Great Mogul, the contemporary of James the First. jahdn-ddr, ruler of the world, world-possessor, a king. jahdn-ddrt, f. sovereign power, jahdn-dida, one who has seen the world, experienced, jahdn-gard, m. a traveller, jahdn-numd, world-exhibiting (a lofty tower, &c.). p. j^l^ *|^ jahdn, where, wheresoever, in the place which, jahdn tahdA, wherever, where, there, here and there, jahdn tahdA phirnd, n. to straggle, to wander. jahdA-jdkaA, wherever, jahdn kd tahak, everywhere, in the same place as before, jahdn kahiA, wherever, jahdn tak, as far as. jahdA se, whence. A. e-jol^ VRJt? jhdmp, m. a matted shutter ; (in Dakh.) a large cage or inclosure of wicker-work for keeping fowls, &c. s. U-^l^ il^i^lr^jhdmpndya.. to cover, to shut. h. cL61^ *KJ7 jhdnt, f. the hair of the private parts ; puhes. h. r^l^*- ifij^jhdnjh, f. anger, passion, pet, rage; stillness, dreariness; impatience (in a horse expecting his com). A. ,Asil^ Tf^tfl jhdnjh, f. cymbals, s. ^4^^?" ^f^ jhdnjhd, m. the name of an in- sect, caterpillar, cabbage-worm. A. iJLk^\.^ ^RJNR? jhdnjhat, m. wrangling, squabbling, quarrelling. *. _A;^\a»- «KT*!^ jhdnjhi, f. a kind of play "(children in the month of a.5in go about at night, danc- ing, begging, and carrying on their heads earthen pots perforated on all sides, within which lamps are kept burning), h. [rious. A. \jkAaJlA»- *Ktf*R?Tt jhdnjfni/d, passionate, fu- ^^;3JV^ jahdndan, to cause to leap ; to urge on (ahorse), p. [eagerueit. k. LmSI^ »bj41 jhdnsd, m. love, lust, desire} ^ ( 301 ) ^J^^^?" "SJNrt ^'Aawswa, a. to debauch, to seduce, to wheedle, to coax ; to be inclined, to be agog, to be intent or set on, to covet, s, ^**0^>- ^ff^j/idnsUfTn. a flatterer, a seducer, h. ***^^?" >ft.(«i_7Aansa or jhansa, m. an assess- ment formed by general estimate without regular data. h. [deer, flock of birds, &c. h, lib'v^^ ^f^ jhank, f. a peep ; m. a herd of Ld)J-^»- H^ff^ jahanak, m. the period of the total destruction of the world, s. ^yJ^^K'A^ >KJc|il*fOf<*1 jhanka-jhonkl, "f. peeping, h. [underwood, h. ^^\^:>-^'W^ jhanhar, m. bushes, brambles, UOI4?- 'i^^W^jhankna, a. to peep, to spy. h. ^JA^s-- JfRJ^ jkdnkh, m. a kind of deer, h, XJl^ *RtW^ jhdhgl, a kind of bramble "and brushwood. A. j(X-J)\^ jahan-gir, (lit.) the seizer of the world; (met.) a sovereign; also the name of one of the Great Moguls, the son and successor of Akbar. p. (^•*ioL». jahan-gh't, f. the name of a sort of bracelet; adj. of or relating to JahangTr; royal, princely, p. ^y '^^ *RT^T jhdnwd, '\m. pumice-stone ; ^^\yl^ 'i^[^\ jhdnwan,) bricks burnt to cinders, s. Kyl^ ^Sfi^;^[n jhafiwrd, black, dusky, h. ^yl^d- liRJ^^S^ jhdnrvli, f. a wink, coquetry ; "hot wind, jhanwli-baz, a coquette. jhdAwli lena, a. to ogle, h, j_^l^ jahdnl, worldly, a human being, p. ^U3l^ jahdniyan, pi. mortals, creatures, worldly people, p. ^tijol^ jahdmdan, to impel, to cause toleap, to put to the gallop (a horse), p. j-^^?" W3«.;7'a,u or WJ^jfidwu, m. name of the tamarisk-tree, called also in Persian shora-gaz, from its growing in marshy ground {Tamai'ix Indica or Divica), (in Arabic) asl. s. j.^». WX^jfiawar, flat or low land flooded by the rains, same aajhabar. h. tir?.'^^^ *^lR' ihd,l/i, f. shadow ; a freckle or black mark on the face (not a mole), h. ^f^ *K3^ jhabhd, ni. a tassel, h. \^^ W^n3 jhabrd, covered with long hair (the ears of animals), h. oKx^ 'H^<4o|t1«11 jhabkdnd, a. to astonish, h. \^j*^ W^!^ jii'O.huyd or J /ta&6M,a, long-haired (cattle or dogs) ; bent, curved, beuding as the bough of a tree. h. , 1$^ WW^jhahhi, f. trappings, h. Ums- < R f^^ jhahiyd, m. the name of an or- uamept. h. c— A^?- 'ICTi^fl/'j a trice, quick; quickly.jAop- se, quickly, jhap-khana, n. to be overset (a paper kit* in flying), h. (JL>\x^g^ WjnZ jhapdt, f. quickness, h. ^A^L^ *E?n*K?ft jhapd-jhapi, f. haste, " hurry, h. (^^L^ >K;MM jhapds, f. a shower, h. lju*»U^ >iJtTiTf^mjhapdsit/d, deceitful, frau- dulent, h. UU^ vsjnmjhapdnd, n. to take a nap. h. cLo^fv WPZJIiopat, f. a snatch, a spring (as of a tiger), jhapat-lend, a. to snatch, to seize, h. lu^ WPt^ jhapattd, m. assault, sudden attack ; the spring of a tiger ; a snatch, jhapatta mama, a. to snatch, h. Ixu^?- >fc.V^H1 jhapatnd, n. to snatch, to spring, to attack suddenly, to pounce upon, to fly at. h. L^^->- WP^jhapaky f. act of fanning, wink ing, &c. h. Kx4»- WPiW\ jhapkd, m. a snatch, spring (v. jhapkl), a pufi" or gust of wind. a. 13Ka4»- VRxnirRT JAa^Hwo, a. to wink, to twinkle, h. ljiC>^-». TifiJf3f!t{\ jhapakna, n. to fan, to move to and fro (a fan) ; to spring (aa a tiger) ; to snatch ; to wink. h. i_» \:4 ?" W^J^'-^P^h ^' ^ snatch, a spring (as "of a tiger), drowsiness, wink, tvdnkle. h. U^ljkA:*. «B[tI^«n jhapldna, a. to wash, to rinse, h. cLju^T- jhapet, 1 Dakhani forms ofjhapatf \xLx^jhapetnd,) &c. q. v. d. CL^i^y jihat, f. account, cause, reason j side, surface, form, manner, mode. a. cL*^ WS jhat, quick, quickness, jhat-se or jhat-pat, quickly, hastily. *. [bush. ». cll*^ WfZjhati, m. a small tree, a shrub, a (j»>U^ W^JTtjhatds,m. flap, clap, a shower of rain blown with a strong wind, h, UIaA>- ^RTT^TTT jhutdlnd, a. to assert falsely, to pretend ; to prove to be false, to prove one in the wrong; to pollute victuals by touching them, &c. muAh jhufdlnd, a. to eat something, munhd-munh jhu- fdlnd, a. to give a man the lie before his face. h. liLvJcL*^ W^piJZ jhat-pat, quickly, hastily, s. (-Iaji^!*- ^(fiftfif jhatiti, quickly, instantly, s. i-L^%>- W^ jhatak, f. twitch, stitch, toss, throw, jerk, shake. A. Kj^»- W^^Wl jhatkdy that which is beheaded or torn to pieces ; torn by a sudden jerk ; (in Dakh.) a shake, a sudden jerk or knock, jhafkd karnd, a. t«) steal, to pilfer ; to mf ke haste, h. UKa^*- ^RJcRflT jhatkdnd, a. to shake, h. ( 302 ) 5^ KRyWrTT jhatahna, a. to touse, to ■hake, pull, jerk ; n. to shake, to become lean, jhafak lena, a. to snatch, h. [to belie, to falsify, h. VKjQjT»n jhutldna, also jhuthlana, a. UI^ jhatna, n. to become thin, to diminish ; to argue, to dispute. *. HiiloSHT jhnthalna, "jto falsify, &c. >f)iiJ<^MT jhuthlana,) (same as jhu- fdliia, q. V.) [rajputs in the upper Duab. h. blju^»- KRfT^TRT jhatiyanay a small clan of u:F^^ j^"j^^> "• to become lean, to pine. d. ,4^^ W^jficjh, m. a long beard, k. l^"^?" W^jhajha, a violent wind with rain. h. j^^"^ *K?»Rj: jhajjhar, m. a goglet. h. Oj^sf^'^ Tl^lvjiTC!Wt jhajharka, 1m. early dawn Ki^asrA?" SRVhiJcST jhajhalka,} before it is easy to distinguish objects, s. {Jj^>^f^^ W^^i^jhajhri, a window, alattice. h. (— I^jg:^'^ fifiVRoii jhijhak, f. start, h. li^^r^?" f(f^»Ro|rRT.?A«;7iAa?ia, n. to start, h. 0.\C^.-«:4?" v^^chi K_i{[ jhajhharna, a. to brow- beat, to speak snappishly, h, ^^Ms^^^ ftfiffi^f^jhijhahna, also jhiijhakna, n. to start, to feel the sensation of the limbs being asleep, or as if pins and needles were striking into them. h. [meat, h. ^rf:^?' v^iS- t^jhar, f. heavy rain, the heat from a fire, jhar-harna, to bum furiously, to be all in flames, h, iJji^j^J^^'''^^^'^ (y-jharber), the jujube, h. L^^7«arm,m.a8pring,afountain,ajetd'eau.fi. \j^,j^ WjCW^^ jkaraphna, n. to spar, to fight (as cocks, 8tc.), to contend. A. j^j^ ^i^tjiy^ jharjhar, m. a goglet. h. j^j^ f*K;cf*KT: jhir-jhir, running in a slen- der stream (water, &c.). h. )j^j^ fm^cfrnX jhir-jhira, yerj thin. s. ^lr^;4^ f*B(?tfVR?T^ jhirjhirand, n. to trickle, to rill, to flow in a small stream, t, tJLMCj^ VhjiHZ jhurmat, m. a multitude, crowd, assembly, ball; a battle, conflict; a shawl twisted round the head, h, \^\jUj^ jhui'mvtdnd, n. to fade, decay, d. ^j^ W^'{\jhamd, m. a skimmer ; a spring, a cascade ; n. to spring, to flow ; to fall off (as fruit •aves, &c., from the treej. Ii. ^j^ 'RJCn jhumd n. to wither, to fade (from grief), to pine. A. ^3j^ ♦fc.^'*' jJiaruwd or «^5^ jharu,d, m. a nutritious kind of grass resembling jTontit. A. ^^jj4?- >ft,Ci<5ri.;7iaro^Aa, m. a lattice, a win- dow, (in Dakh.) jharuka, the same. A. ijj^ W^jhuri, f. a wrinkle (of the body), h, ijj^ f*K^ j/tm, f. a cricket ; withered wheat, "blight, h. ^^j^ |^3ftm»n jhuriydnd, a. to weed ; to wipe clean, and plaster a house, &c. A. J4»- W^Jhar, f. heavy rain ; the heat from a fire ; m. a kind of lock. A. 3*4?- ^j^i-W, ni. a bush, a bramble, h. ^)j^ *H;fT?TT jhardtd, m. the close of the fruit season. A. [hurry, a. j^]j^ ^V^f jhard-jhar, hastily, in a uiJl^?- W^^ jharah, 'Via. speed, haste, ^)j^ ^I'^jjhardkdj hurry, jhardk-jha- fdk, in great haste. A. ^I/A?" *5i?T^Tj/ta.raA/ia, m. a skylight, h. \3|j4»- *R?T«TT jhardnd, a. to get swept ; to cause to be exorcised. A. U!yj4»- W^^umjliarbardndf n. to burn, to be all in flames. A. jA^'M?" ^i'i^jftar-ber, m, 1 .,,, ^ -J^-J^' 'i^ I a wild ber-tree, ^JJy^'^W^jhar-ber%,i.\ ^VjuJes {Zizy Lfej4^ W^jhar-bel, f. J Pkusjnjuba). A. L^J^»- X^stj jharap, f. heat, fieryness (as of pepper), acrimony, contention. A. L-^-^ jhurup, brushwood, bushes, under- wood, d. iJfj^^J^ H».imHj;iMl jharpd-jharpt, f. fighting (particularly birds), sparring. A. I3bj^ >h.i m«i I jharpdnd, a. to fight (cocks or other birds) ; to make to spar or contend, h. \j^j^ ^fR^TRT jharapnd, a. to spar, fight, contend. A. C^j^ jharat, falling off,&c. (y.jharan). d, UaJ J^j^^ jharti-lend, to take an account, to ■earch, to rummage ; to examine, d. l!L>]^^j^ jhirjhirdt, chiding, scolding. jharjhafal, flapping, shaking. A. VSI^^j^ fs^W^'^ jhirjhirdndy n. to be enraged, to rail, to storm. A. ^^j^j^ ♦fc.^*fc.i I H I jharjhardnd, a. to flap, to shake, to jerk. A. <^%»' fWT^jhira?i, threat, augury, jerk. A. jcj'^0;4?- H».i*IH».i*fc1 jharkd-jharki also jhirkajhirki, f. mutual wrangling. A. jf^ ( 308 \jyj^ ^lH^Tfrijharakna or UhiJJk^i jkirakna tiso jhifkana, a. to browbeat, to speak snappishly, to threaten, to jerk. h. tij^ W^^ jharM or fi^^3i\jhirM,f. rebuff, "snappishness, frowning, jerk, repercussion, h. ^\j^^^jhurmutd7ia, n. to wither, to fade. d. 1^}^ VR.'pT jharan, f. the act of falling oflF (as fruit from the tree) ; snuff, h. U54>- W^^J jkarnUf n. to fall off (as fruit from the tree) ; to emit, to drop, to fall, to pour, to shake, to strain, to be sounded (the naubat), to be dis- charged (a volley), h. Uljv^ >fc.^«il«fF jkarrvdna, to cause to be swept, h. \3jj^ m^tinjharota, m. the end of the sea- son (of fruit, &c.); adj. going out of season, h. iSj^ W^jhari, f. continued rain, showers, wet weather ; perquisites ; procession in honour of a saint, &c. h. til^ *KcF jhak, f. passion, emotion, jhah- marnd, a. to act fruitlessly, or absurdly, to talk non- sense, jhak margi, f. the acting fruitlessly or absurdly, talking nonsense, prattling, h. iii^K^*- «Ij«lfT^'R3« jhaka-jhak, shining, glittering with gold and silver, &c., brocade. A. 13 ^^4?- WWl^ jfi^tft(ina, a. to cause to stoop, to tilt, to bend downwards ; to nod, or make nod. h. •ix^ W]Sfim jhukaw or jhukd,o, m. the state of being bent downwards, h. [ding. h. (iljijK^^- >l»;«li1«(T jhukdwat, f. stooping, nod- (ffj^^i-il^ ♦fc«Wf»!tO jhak-jhorl, f. scram- bling and vrrangling, snatching, h. j*i^»- W^^ jhakri, f. a milkpail (or ▼essel). h. y^ W^ jhakkar, m. a squall, a storm, a tempest, a " Nor-wester." «. Vlx^ HuchHI jkaknd, a. to rave, to chatter, to reflect, to lament, h. Ux^ ftSasfTi^ jhuknd, n. to nod, to bow, to stoop, to be bent downwards as the bough of a tree, to be tilted ; to be angry, to be perplexed, h. jjx^ ^ifijSSf(ijhuhnl, f. aflBiction, suffering, h. J A^ *R3flT jhakor, f. loss, misfortune, is he-drami se bahut jhakor pa,t, this illness has reduced him much. h. [squall, a gust. h. Ij^x^ Vfi^oKtnjVta^ora, m. raining, a shower, a \3.^\^ *R3ft^«n jhakornd, a. to drive, as wind and rain in a squall, to shake, h. ^J^J^^ W^^tJ^ jhakornaun (Braj), v. jhakornu. h. [the water, h. i}y^ ^fRJsit^ jhakol, f. the act of shaking in U)j^^ »!i.^9fil jhakolnd, a. to shake, h. ) J4^ U^x^ YK^^ffT jhakkna, n. to rave, to chattel , to weep. h. ^_f^ W^ jhakl, passionate, wrathful, h. (_f^ VB^jhakki, m. one who talks to him- "self ; a prater, an idle talker, h. ^^ WTt jhaga, m. cloth j an upper gar- ment or vest, a coat, a gown. h. j^^ WTnjhagar, m. a kind of hawk. h. J^X^ W?T^ jhagrd, m. wrangling, quarrel- ling, squabble, strife, jhagfa pakapia, a. to engage in another's quarrel, jhagj-d-ragfa, m. squabbling and wrangling, h. [gling. h. ^llrH?" WT^nfl jhagrdna, a. to set a-wran- (j^)j^^ VRTnifoS*! j/.^4>- WT^l jhaguld, m. a child's frock or (34?" ^'JSS jhal, f. passion, anger, jealousy ; the heat from a fire. ^Ai/ (v.^AtQ. amorass, &c b. i^y^jahl, ra. ignorance,irreligion, stupidity, a. ^k^s?- ^"^ jhulld, m. a shirt, or vest that covers the body from the shoulder downwards, h. "^k^ juhald, (pi. of Jj&W) ignorant people, a, .y^lk^*- VK^SfTtT; jhaldbor, splendid, shining, glittering with jewels ; f. splendour, s. (J^*"^?" ^'^STi'K!^ jhaldjhal, luminous, re- splendent ; f. splendour, glitter. 5. .^^». W^nJ. jhaldr, m. a thicket, a copse, underwood, h. 13 ^X^*- TlfiJ^fJ} jhuld7id, a. to swing, to shove a swing in which others are, to rock (a cradle); to dangle, to hang ; to make another (as a dun) danoe after one. h. \j'^»' VK(55T»Tt;7m/awa,a.torepair,tosolder.A. J^jt^^ Vfij^^i^jhaljhal, m. glare, glitter, h, U^4:si{^ W^p(fis^f{\ jhaljhaldna, n. to glit- ter ; to be in a passion ; to throb, to ache, to smart. A. cLJb^^ire?' *R(55*R55T^7.7/i«/;7ta/aAa.i (contr. jhaljhalaf), f. glitter, splendour ; smarting. A. e6lic4^ jhU-khJdna, jail-house, d. (J^^^ Jf^uldi,\ ^ . f f. a fold, wrinkle, d. UI^-Jl^*- V|j;5;RT«n jhulsdnd, a. to cause to singe. A. [to singe. A. lJ0tJ^j«i4»- «R55^r^«n jhulas-dend, a. to sear_, U*«i4>- 1B]^^"«1T jhulasnd or W^W^fjm J killed jand, n. to be singed, scorched. A. (-dl)^ WS><*i jhalak, f. brightness, glitter, glare, refulgence ; reflection of light, jhuluk, drow siness, slumber, h. J4^ ( 304 '*^»- fhs^^tl jhalka, 1 .i'.\^\A ^ ' . ., ,,- fin. a blister, h. j»^ fhxi><*iKJhalkar, m. bripjhtness, light, Bplendour. h. [to make bright, to burnish. A. o\ii4>- W^'^TPnjhalkdnd, a. to cause to shine, xilii^ S^"grT*TT jhulkdnd, a. to scorch, to ■inge (as the small feathers of a plucked fowl), h. *i^^4?' •fi.^<*i»n jhalahna, n. to shine, to glare, h. ,_P4?- *K55^ jhalkl, f. a glance, h. IO49- fm^mjhilgd, m. the netted bottom of ) U^ a bed or couch when worn out and separated ; adj. a couch or bed is said to be jhilga when the bottom is worn out or broken, h. A^ f*KS5T jhilam, f. armour, a coat of mail ; the vizor of a helmet, jhilam ka top, an iron helmet. //. [crowd, &c. (v. jkurmaf). h. >JU^^ ^ I jhilmild, thin, sparkling, h. *^^M4^ f*ltg5fiT^yT*n jhilmildnd, n. to undu- late, as the flame of a candle or as water, to twinkle, to scintillate, h. \^A^ jhilmiU, a kind of cloth so called, d. w^*" mx^rii jhalnd, a. to fan, to move to and fro (as a fan) ; n. to be soldered or repaired, h. ^-^4?" ^ffi'i^ jhulnd, n. to swing, to dangle, h. ijJA^ jhilang, of first rate quality, applied to cloth, &c. d. ^^^^^4?" ^'C?^'' jhilangd, m. a kind of soldier, also same as jhilga, q. v, h. (^^^ jfialnlyf. a sieve {^irhdl). d. ^j^ji^i*- ^«H*i jhulrvdn, m. a wreath or gar- land of flowers, h. rna, q.v. ^1)^?" ^f^^ ' «n jhalwdnd, a. causal of jhal- •i^^*'*^?Tmi^«^'*«3/a,su8picious,jealou8.A. 1^4?" ^*^^ jhilli, f. a cricket, s. ^^ fiW^jhilti, f. a thin skin, a pellicle j the membrane in which the foetus is enveloped («ec«»- dines) ; the caul {omentum), h. \^ jhulR, a fold or wrinkle, plaits in cloth, d. f^^^ jahli, lazy ; passionate, a. ^4»-l»4>- Mi*\ \*xi*\jhamd-jham,Ta\n\ng heavily, and during the whole day. h. dU4>- ^Sfi^irwJjhamdkd, m. a heavy shower; quickness, haste, h. .•4>'(*4»- *KWi*T.Maw-j/tam, heavy continued ' rain (v. jhama-jham). h. Jl^^f*^^ >ivH»n,HT*TT jhamjhamdnd, n. to shine, to glitter, to sparkle ; (in Dakh.) jhumjhumana, to smart or feel (pain as after a blow), Sw. h. j*^ jhammar, a flight of birds, a swarm of flies, &c. d. j*^j*^ *^*rc*K?R jhamar-jhamar, drop by drop (a kind of small rain) h. (JLi*4>- Wff^jhamak, f. glitter, splendour, h, w-*^?' *•».*< *^ jhamkd, m. splendour, reful- gence ; the clash or clatter of metallic substances, h, oi^^i?- WWSSlj hum/id, m. the boll-shaped pen- dant of an ear-ring ; the wain, Ursa Major ; a bunch of flowers or fruit ; name of a flower {Gloriosa superba). h, uOk*^ WPiWltf\jhamkdnd,a.to cause to shine, to make glitter, to cause to dance, h. \j><^^ VRiRoFTT jhamakra, m. splendour, beauty, h. [dance. A. ljkX*4*- V|).*- W^jhun, f. a slight resemblance, h. {j^ WJijhan, m. the sound of platters, or any vessel of metal, striking against one another, clash of arms, as swords, &c. h. [whom. h. {^Xi'^ f'ffil jihin, inflect, pron. what, who, (jic!" fF .7^'*^"> ™* ^^^^ name of a king or saint, jahnu-tanya, f. (Jahnu's daughter) a name of the Ganges : Jahnu having drunk up its waters, and then released them at the intercession of the god, ia considered the parent of the stream, s. LiLo^-T- Wf^jhiint, m. a shrub, a bush. 5. tj^^'^ fw^ jhinfi, f. a shrub (^Barleria "cristata). s. [tribe, q.v. h, jsj^?" jhinjar, a subdivision of the gujar ^^^^ jftinjoti, name of a musical mode. d. \^^^ jhinjur (also jhinjur), the morning twilight, or dawn of day. d, \jjy^^ jhinjornd, to gnaw, to pull asunder with the teeth, as a dog &c. does flesh, d. l^ai^^ W?!ff!Jjl(anJhd, f. wind, wind and rain, a gale; raining in large drops; a sharp clanging sound, jangling, s. Jjl^ji^^ ifi^^f^^ jhanjhdnil aho jhanjha' wdl, m. wind with rain, a high wnd in the rainy sea- son, a typlioon or tempest frequent in the south-west monsoon, s. [perplexity, incumbrance, h. lii-A^^^^ *R*H7 jkanjhat, m. wrangling; f^J^r^^ vfej'Rjft jhanjhatl, perplexing, h. ijj^rT^'^ WFf^ Jfianjhri, f a lattice. A. j^.^Mr!' T^^fi^RKj/ianjhkdj', f. clinking, tink- ling, ringing. «. O^k^j^^?" *H?HvciJMI jhunjhidnd, n. to be peevish or fretful, to be petulant or irritable, to rage, to storm, h. [ness, rage, fury, k ^>^4^^ W^ffi^TW^jli wnj/i/a/ia<,f.pee vish u^ 805 ) .^4^ ^^^■^ ^ffUfffiJil jhan-jhan, m. an indistinct noise like the jangliag of metal ornaments, a ringing, a rattling, s. ^^^'^ *K«T*^«n jhunjkuna, m. a child's rattle, h. ^i^sj^o^ ^^t^^K^ jhanjhana, peevish, fretful, h. bli^jst^ ^^I^^TTRT jhanjhanand (also jhun- jhundna), n. to tinkle, to clink, to tingle, to ring, to rattle, s. dLJ&U^^^ «K*K*n^ jhanjhanahat, f. peevishness ; clinking, tinkling, h. fj^^'^ WTflnf^ jhunjhunt, f. little bells " worn on the feet, h, i^^i^r^ fi^f*R»ft jhinjhint, f. the tingling " sensation felt when a limb is asleep, h, \j>j^^^^^ jhinjhorna, a. to break with the teeth, as a dog does a bone, &c. (v. jhinjofnS). d. u^?" ^fejfinn jhanjiya, a species of ser in the lower Duab. h, Jo^^ *R?P jhund, m. crowd, swarm, flock ; the buzzing noise of a crowd ; a clump of trees, jhun^ ke jhund, dense crowds, h. \iij>^ VS^l^ jhandd t)r fRJPT jhundd, m. a banner, a flag, an ensign, a streamer, h. ^iXa^ ;fKSS jhandu, petals or foliage of a tree, 8ec. ; a lock of hair. h. ^jjj^s- Wl^^ jhanduld, with thick, hand- some foliage (a tree); with a fine head of hair (a child), h. ^jXy^ WM\ jhundi, f. a bush, thicket, jungle, a tuft of grass. jAau^i, a banner, a flag- staff. A. t-iU^ft- )H»:*!J<* or «fi^fT5|l jhanak, 1 f. ringing, jK%> mj{'W\T.jhankd7', J tinkling^ clinking ; clank, tingle, rattle, s. \^j^j^ W*{W\xy{T jhankdrnd, a. to ring, to make sound, h. joo^ T^S^'Sjhankdr, a tree without leaves, h. )X\:^ *ft/Ud|iHI or Hi.«i4i*1l jhanaknd, a. to tinkle, to olink, to tingle, to ring. s. ^_$A^yl^ jhanakwdfi, acute rheumatism, d. tree without Vj^^yj^ t%T^rTS\jha7ihhdrd,\m. an elk ; also Vj^j^ »^nT jhankhard, J a leaves, h. b^Xx^.'w vsu^r!{\ jhankh7id, \n ^yi^ij^ T^SW^ jhankhnaun,} to be hor- ror-struck, to have the hair stand on end, to shudder, to rave, to chatter, to lament, h. l^%>- T^S^ jha7igdf m. an upper garment o-r ▼est ; a coat, a gown. k. jS^^ jhingur, m. a cockroach, d. (•■^t*" jahan7iam, m. hell ; geheTtna, according to the Musalmans Jahannam, is divided into seven portions, appropriated severally to wicked Moslems, Christians, Jews, Sabaeans, Gebrs, idolaters, and hypocrites, a. [infernal, a. t^gi^i^ jahaTinaTni, hellish, belonging to hell ; {J^^?- ^ifv^jkan7vdn, m. a kind of rice. h. ^^y^^ ^^^ jhoTirodnd, n. to tan (in the sun) ; a. to wash the feet by rubbing ^'/loAtcojl, q.v. /(. iA^i>- fiJ^ia^Wl jhi7i-haddd, raw-boned, s. '.^^ f'td^i jihvd, f. the tongue. jihvd-STvdd, m. licking, lapping, jihva-mal, m. the fur of the tongue, s. l^?" *^NT;7taw/ya,ra. a tree( Tamarix Indica) with the tender branches of which baskets are made (same as jhd.u) ; a large basket (without a cover), made from the twigs of the tree so called, a. ■.y^ fl5?TT jhupd, m. a pile of mangoes or other fruit. A. C->^^ ^ jhut, 1 false, untrue; m. a lie, a ^^»- ^l^jhuth,) falsehood, jhut-sach, mis- representation. jhGf-sach lagdna, to misrepresent, to calumniate, jhutk-muth, false, untrue, falsely, s. >^?' ^^!JT .?7jMia, 'I m. liar, false; leavings ^^^^Sfi^ jhuthdyj of food, offal, refuse; (among HindQs) that which has touched food and i^ thereby defiled, jhufha chatna, a. to eat leavings, to be very wretched, jhufhi na piicbhna, a. to refuse even common civility. 5. I \ji\J^^ jhutdlnd, to prove false, d. (J^y^ jhutha7iy \ land yielding a jJj,\jL^'^^ jhuthiydyilf J double crop. h. '4^>^ ^^jhojk, m. a nest; the stomach ; a pendulous belly, h. l4>-^=»- ^H^l^jhojhd, m. the stomach ; name of an inferior class of Musalmans in the Du,ab, Sk., chiefly converts from Hinduism. 7*. Jj^3^ ^^f^j^tojhnru, a kind of grass on which camels and horned beasts feed. h. d^:>'juhnd or jahud (Jovyahud), a jew. a.p 2j^^ JR^jAwra, withered, h. ]j^^ *s!f^ jho7'd, the stalk of a leguminous plant (such as moVi, q. v.), used as fodder, h, Oj^?- l^C«Tf jhurna, a. to pound, to grind ; to shake fruit from the tree; n. to pine. h. 'jy^>- ^s^'SJhaur, f. squabbling ; sounding all the strings of a musical instrument at once. h. j^^ W^jhur, m. a bush, a bramble, jhur- jhdf, a thicket, h. L*»^^ Wj^jhusd, m. mizzling rain. {S^3^ *R^ jhusl, f. name of a town near Ilahabad. h. i.dJ^^ «l$rai j/- Tf^jim'f^ jhokand, the spot on which the jhonkiyd (q. v.) stands, h. ^•^s- *l^f^ .7/'o/, m. puckering or wrinkling (as ill-made clothes) ; a litter, brood, farrow, hatch, a birth, h. J»4»- *R3r jhul, f. body-clothes of cattle, housings ; a bag, a wallet, a knapsack ; a swing, h. f^y^jahTd, extremely ignorant, a. ^•A5»- t^'^jhola, rn. a stroke of the sun ; the palsy; a knapsack, a wallet ; a bleak cold wind which aflfects the wheat crop. h. ^j^ Vfc.c$'l jhuld, m. a swing, the rope on which people swing ; (in Dakh.) a cradle, h. \j3^^ t^^mj/iulnd, n. to swing (for exercise) ; to swing, to dangle, to hang, to oscillate ; m. a kind of poem h. jjW^^^4»- >^cji H 5i NI jhulan-jatra, a Hindu festival kept about new moon in August, in honour of Krishna and his mistress Badha. Idols representing these personages are placed in a chair suspended from the roof of the temple or house, and swung to and fro, while offerings of fruits, &c., are presented. The br&hmins are feasted, and love songs of the most inde- licate description chanted all night. This festival is usually celebrated for five days and nights. — (Binning.) .?. «J*4?- Hd^« jhola, a cold wind which affects wheat by drying up the ears. h. LS^i^ l^^^'Aw/i, f. a cloth or sheet made "into a fan for winnowing grain when there is no wind ; a hammock or swinging cot h. f^j^ ^fi!^jholi, f, a wallet, a sack. h. 1%^ IWT jhum, m. abundance of foliage ; waving, undulating. jhUm-jhum, m. gathering of the clouds, jhuma-jhum, repeated attack, h, t)4^.j4?' ^f^^f^jhumjhal, nnger,fury, storm- ing, h. [(met.) a battle, an engagement, h. (-iJui»^ Wt(^jhumak, f. an assembly, a ball ; K/«^^ *^H^J jhnmka, m. the bell-shaped pendant of an ear-ring; the constellation of the Bear, also {Wke jliumka, q. v.), the Gloriosa superba, a beau- tiful flower growing wild in India, h, ^Co^^ »fe.Hch^ jhumkt, f. a kind of ear-ring "(see jhumkS). h. a/c^4»- Hft*^^ ^^S^ jhuntar, )f. ground that pro- j^j^ ^eSSX. jhunthar,) duces two crops yearly, h, [fhan, f leaTings. h c;^^ Ci>^.?4^ ♦^ H*fci- ^f^TJjhonrd, m. a bunch, a cluster (of ]y^4?- «0n jhaunrd, tawny, h. L*Oj^ V^m jhaunsd, greatly burnt or scorched. Ii. udb^^ tf^SR jhonk, f. a shove or push in swinging ; the impulse of a squall or sudden blast of wind, jhonk dend, a. to set fire to (particularly straw, &c.) ; to throw dust, inc.; to throw away (tiie lives of men uselessly), jhonk khana, n. to roll. h. i^Xi^^ jhonk (Jor jo7ik), a leech, d. Uio^^ >fclfc|itiT jhonknd, a. to cast, to push, to throw, to toss, to cast fuel (into an oven), h. U^^^ '9^f3fj];[ jhonkiyd, the man who keeps up the fire when sugar is boiling, h. \^^^ T^TUJhungd, m. bramble, brushwood, //. \x^^^ jhunmnd (v. jhumnd), to wave, &c. h. Ijjj^ jhonaiyd, a division of the KurmI tribe, h. \.te»^ KR^T jhuhd, a large stack of bdjra or Holms sorghum, amounting to from ten to twenty bojh or loads. A. \x^ jahez, m. a portion, whatever a wifecarries with her to her husband's house, paraphernalia, a, ^,.^^ Tlf^r^ jhht, m. a shower, h. n. to grieve, to be vexed, to la- ment, to think of any thing with sorrow, to recommend any thing seriously, s. iSi^ *R^j//tiZ,f. a shallow lake or morass, h. ULk^ jhelnd, to brush off; to waft awfty • to fan ; to swing gently, jhel-lena, to graap ; to fiMd in the arms. d. *lO*k*TI jhiknd, U^Sok^ >Td^«1l jhlkhnd, \^SJJ^^ yi^^KwU jhinknd, «.5t^ ( 907 ) /**:i^ jahtm (also jahtm), hell, or rather that subdivision of it which is allotted to idolaters, a, ^j<^ "3T^* jahln, in whatever place, where- ever. h. 7. _- f fine, subtile, thm. h, W4». ifCcm jhina,) ^J^^^^J^ ^^m^ jhinkna, same SiS jkiknd, q. v. w^J;^ VB^hl jhinga, f. shrimp, a prawn ; m. {Cucumis acutanguliis, Lin.; Luffa acutangula, Roxb.). h. cLa^-Ia^ ti^tXZ jhtngat, ni. a steersman. A. S^*x^ *K)'T^ jhingur, m. the name of an in- sect, a cricket. A. ^»- '5ft ji, m. life, soul, spirit, ji uthdna, a. "to withdraw one's friendship or desire, jt a-jdna, to have the mind suddenly fixed (on any thing), jt bura-k., a. to vomit, to have a nausea ; to be displeased. jl baThana, n. to be moderately desirous, ji bikharna, n. to faint, ji bhar-jdnd, n. to be at ease and con- tented, ji bhar-and, n. to be touched with compassion or seized with grief, ji bahland, a. to amuse one's self; to dissipate reflection, ji pdnd, a. to understand one's temper ; n. to be highly pleased, to escape from misfortune, ji pdni-k., a. to harass, to tease, to plague, to perplex, ji par kisi ke chalnii, a. to obey one. ji par khelnd, to run the hazard (see jdn par khelnd). ji pasijnd, -pighalnd, or -pighal-jdnd, n. to be compas- ■ionate, to feel affection, ji pakfd jdnd, n. to be sorry. Jt pJiaf-jdnd, n. to be broken-hearted, ji phir-jdna, n. to be contented ; to be satiated or disgusted, ji jaldnd, a. to befriend; to plague, to perplex, jijalna, to be vexed or troubled in mind, ji chdhnd, a. to de- sire, ji chhipdnd or -churdnd, a. to do a work care- lessly or lazily, to neglect, ji chaldna, a. to act bravely. ji chalna, to desire, ji ddn-k., a. to grant life, to par- don a capital crime, ji dhafakna, n. to have a palpi- tation of the heart, ji dub jdnd, n. to faint, jl rakhnd, n. to be easily pleased ; to please, ji se utarjdnd, n. to sink in the o;>inion of another ; to be broken-hearted. fi te mama, to kill, ji karnd and hona, a. to desire, •o wish for. ^'t kholke kuchh-k., a. to do with pleasure, cheerfully, ji ki amdn mdngni, a. to preface a dis- course with excuses, ji ke badal jl dend, a. to take up the cause of another, ji ghat jdnd, n. to detest, ji lagana, a. to excite desire or love ; to fix or apply the mind, ji lagnd, a. to contract affection for any person or thing, to hanker after, ji lend, a. to penetrate one's thoughts ; to excite one's desire ; to kill, jl mdrnd, a. to mortify one's desire, to displease, ji matldnd, to be sick at the stomach, to feel nausea, ji mildna, a. to contract friendship, ji meA una, n. to come into the mind, to occur to the recollection, ji men jal- jand, n. to be tormented with envy or jealousy, ji tnthji and, n. to be comforted, ji meA ghar-k., n. to be pleasant, agreeable, or acceptable, ji nikalnd, n. to die ; to desire or love excessively; to fear exceed- ingly, ji hdrnd, n. to be discouraged, depressed ; to be deterred by cowardice, to lose heart, ji hat-jdnd, n. to detest, s. jj^ ^ jl, yes ; sir, master, you sir. h. lS^ n je, pron. who, which, what. h. tj^ njai, as much as, as many as. fi. jj>- ^ jai or ^JTi jai/a, m. f. triumph, pro- emotion, advancement, preferment, victory, bravo! huzza ! all hail, jai-jai-kdr, m. rejoicings, cheers, triumph, exultation, jai-jai-kdr k., to huzza, to shout. jai-mal, f. garland of victory, t, ^k>- iT^_;a,i, oats j the grain was introduced ^into India bj the British. *. U>- 3?n j^d, f. a mother ; the earth ; a bow- string, s. UU>. fsrmm jiydnd, la. to vivify, to restore ^^y\j»- imr^jydnaun,) to life, to foster, s. <^.^>- jaih, f. the breast, the heart ; the breast or collar of a garment, a. L-*x»- ^f^jeb (also jaib),f. a pocket, jeb-katra, m. a pickpocket, jaibi Mass, a privy purse, p. c^Ji^ jib (v. jlbJi), the tongue, jlb-idatna, to express clearly, jll-chhilni, a tongue-scraper, d. OkfA>- ^f^f^W{ jlbikd, f. pension, livelihood, . - lf\^ jibh, f. the tongue, jlbh barhdnd, n. to be loquacious and abusive ; to pursue pleasures beyond one's reach, jibh pakarna, a. to silence, to interrupt one's discourse ; to criticise minutely, j'lbh- jhukund, to pretend to wealth falsely, jibh chdind, a. to long after or covet unattainable enjoyment, jibh chaldnd, n. to boast beyond one's ability, jlbh ddbke bdt kahnd, a. to speak with reserve, jibh kdtnd, a. to forbid b}' signs ; (from the Persian) to grant the re- quest of a petitioner ; to be struck with terror or asto- nishment, jibh nikalnd, to put out the tongue (met.) to be extremely fatigued, thirsty, s. Kl^JL^ ifhrm jlbhdrd, plain-spoken, loqua- cious, s. ^^U'>- Wtw\ jlbhl, f. an instrument for cleaning the tongue ; a bit of a bridle, jibhi-machhi, a sole fish. s. [_;e2i{, of the pocket, h.p. (Sir^ fi^h of or relating to the tongue, lingual. J;i-ir^ ^tk^jai-ber, as many times,a8 often as. s, Jl;Ou>- ^«mr<^ or ^MT<5 jaipdl, m. a king, a sovereign (name of several celebrated Hindu princes), a plant or tree {Crolon triglium). s. jLis>- wm jai-patra, m. record of victory ; in law, the written and sealed award of the judge in favour of either party. ». C^y>- iflH jit, f. winning, victory, success. jlt-patra, a favourable decree, s. CU*>- »nnT, ^jait or iTTTi^^ni.naraeofaplant {Mschynomene sesban) ; name of a musical mode. t. ^Ja>- lf\jn jltd, alive, jitejl, when alive, in one's lifetime; {ioTJeta), over, more, above, jita hona, n. to be over. s. U^ ifhn ji^a, m. mutual assistance in tillage, also allowing the use of a plough and bullocks instead of paying wages in money or kind. h. Uu>- »Tin jetd, as much as, so much, jetd kij though, although, s. [decision, k. JC>\:a»- SlIriTTif jltd-patr, m. a favourable ^ I d^^ ^ffWVcS jlt-dlu, arrowroot, h, "^(ill^ jitab, m. life, existence, s. ^;^jaitra, m. a conqueror, a victor, s. ^jji^ %^<.V( jaitra-rathf m. a hero, i victor, s. [jj^ %^ jaitrl, victorious, triumphant. «. x2 ( 308 ) cri^ iiJbiA?- itfl/[m jetik, as many, as much. s. Ujj^ ^(finn jttna, a. to win, to conquer, to overcome, for jitna, as much as, or, as many as. a. ^s- iftiT jitu, 1 y^ ^_a— _ • I m. a conqueror, a ^"^j^" • ^ ^ -^ wmner at play, s, jti»- ^i^jaitt, a kind of weed (v.jaichl). uCIjl^ vfifirm jitii/a, f. name of a Hindii fast, with sacrifice to and worship of Devi (Jiliya bart), ob- served by women who have lost several children, to preserve the remainder, t. Vivju^ jitei-a, \m. mutual assistance in tillage Ij^i^ Jltera, J (y.jita). h. cLa»- iiz jet, f. heap, accumulation, h. #4ju>- ^ jeth, adj. best, eldest (brother where there are several) ; m. husband's elder brother ; name of the second Hindu month (the full moon of which is near jyeshtha) (May — June), jeth-ra'iyat, the head of the "ryots" or cultivators in a village {v.jeshtha).s, \4Ax> itZl jetha, m. elder, first-born ; the first and strongest tint obtained from kuaum (Cartha- mus tinctorius). t. j^l^ju*- ^71«ft jethanl, f. the wife of a hus- " band's elder brother. *. U^jus- QlilX jethra, elder, .first-bora j hus- band's elder brother, s. C^if'j *^JUi?" jeth-ratyat, m. the head villager who conducts the ordinary business thereof, h. a, ^liiJ^ju*- %3^T jethunda, the share or right of the eldest son. h. Oj^a-T- ^ilfl jethaut, m. the son of a hus- band's elder brother, a. Jbt^i^y^Ls- '^T\J^jethl-madhu, m. liquorice {Glycirrhiza glabra), a. {^i^^ ^nnnRnft or ^»r^nft jaijaiwantl, " i'. name of a ragitii, or musical mode, h, j^j^v" ^"^ jaichi, a kind of weed which "grows up with the spring crops, and yields a kind of oil. h, iUs- jaiyid, excellent, elegant, arable ; pure money of standard weight, jld, a slender and beauti- ful neck, jayad, slendcrness of the neck, a, ^Jos- ^VT jldhar, whithersoever (v. jid- har). h. i^Xi^'^r'r^^or^t^^jaidhak(ahojamak), m. a kind of drum. «. ftory. a. {j^*^ 'W^'^jai-d/mani, m. shout of vic- ji^ iiXjer, m. the membrane in which the foetus is enveloped, the after-birth, secundines, h. \jjj>' ftnrCT jii/ara, m. life, soul ; (met.) be- loved. «. \ji»- Tfl^ jtra, 1 .1 .s' .. , rm. cummm-secd. s. iJUyXs- WtJUS prokj J (j)ji^ jiran (pi. of .W), neighbours, a. i>)tifr ^'^*-*T jiran or ^^ jirna, old ; di- gested; withered, decaj'ed; m. an old man. jirni, t old age, decay; digestion, ^/rna/d, f. old afre, infirmity, decay, jlnia-vaslra, m. old, worn or tattered raiment, s. Li)JJ6tijj^^^A:>- ^i^i'dlleh jlma-vradhnak, m. a fragrant grass {Cyperus rotundus). a. wi>- WPUjoisa, as, such as, like ; jaisa cha- hiye, as occasion may require, as it ought, sufficiently. jaisa-taisa, as well as. jaisa ka taisa, precisely the same, jaisa ki, as though, as when. <. )»-*.->>• jaiswar, 1 name of certain low-caste jaiswara,) tribes, h. jj£jk>- jaish, an army, troops; enjoyment, pleasure, a. (ijJLjL»- »r'*l 51"'^ jai-sha Ida, m. a shout or song of victory, the exclamation yatjat. a. LiLwA>- '^fW jesht, 1 eldest, chief, &c. (same r^'xLx:)' "^ jeshth,) &BJeth,q.v.). s. \^^xL^ iiyi jeshtha, f. one of the mansions of the moon (the eighteenth, Antares and two other stars in Scorpio), a. *%?■ j^S^ci or j egh a, an ornament of gold and jewels worn in the turban, p. u-QJ^>- jdif ov jiyaf, (pi. of eSL^), carcases, dead bodies, a. [a corpse; adj. unclean. «. »SUs>- jya,m. a dead and putrefying carcase; oaj>- iftwijika (for jivika or jtbika), f. pen- sion, livelihood, means of living, a. ,Jju>- ^"^ jel, m. a string or line of captives chained together ; a string of buckets passed over the Persian wheel ; a jail or prison ; also jel-JcjMna, the same. h. [the treble, p, (J«A»- ifi^jll, f. a high note or tone in music, ^^jLs«- ^[1^ jeFi, a kind of pitchfork or rake "for collecting and adjusting the ears of com on a threshing-ground, h. jl.»ju>- ^»l"R ji-mdr, capital, deserving death (as a crime) ; mortifying one's desires. «. jl»jk>- Wi^V^ jai-mal or jay a-mal, f. necK- lace or garland of victory, a. (jl.»ji>. ^wntTor^JTRjaman, victorious. «. j^j.»J^ ■^ftrffT^'amtn?', m. a celebrated saint and philosopher, founder of the Uttara-Mimatisa school, s. [self. a. U*>>- ^IhHI jlmna, a. to eat, to feed one's (J-^**J^ ^^HS*ci5 jai-mavgal, m. the royal elephant, a. jjrj*. ^«TJiw, m. an old man (y.jima). ». {^y^ ft^ jain, m. a Jaina, a follower of the heterodox sect so called from worshipping a numher of Jins, or divine teachers, as incarnations o? the Deity : they deny the authority of the Vedas, and disregard the distinction of castes, s. U>>- ^ftf^JjhWy n. to live ; m. living, life. ^. - ^f\\ f*i\ jivatma, m. the vital princi- ple or spirit, s. jUtii^A*- "^^V^IIXjivadhar, m. (the recepta- cle of life) the earth, s. [a village, h. j^yirT ^^TT jairvdr, the head inhabitants of j^^i>- iimtjewdr, a clan of rajputs. k. ^j\^A». lfX(^V^jai-wan, victorious, s. uiAl>I^A:>- 3Tl<4ifi«ii jivantak, m. a fowler, a bird-catcher, *. uiJ/b.^A&- aft^ M -kssjlv-putrak, m. a plant bear- ing seeds which are used in rosaries, t. 0^->- »0f^ j'lrvit, m. life existence, jiwit, kal, m. duration of life. s. 0^>- aflTfT jtrvat, living, alive ; spirited, bold ; victorious, jtwat-pati, f. a wife whose husband is alive, j'lwat-toka, f. a woman whose children are living, s. 0^x>- l^^tfit jyoti, f. light, splendour, s. \3^^ Wif^Tnjlwitd, living, alive, s. U**).^*- l^tr^ jyotsnd, f. moonlight. ^*yo<5«a- priya, m. the chakor or Greek partridge, jyotsna- vriksha, m. the tripod or tree of a lainpstand, a candle- stick, s. [a night of full moon. s. ^j**^^is>' 'Ji^fj^ jyotsnt, f. a moonlight night, lJLiytj>- l^ffT^jyotish, w. astronomy, astro- logy, jyotish-mcin, luminous, radiant, s. til^i^A*- a^^friMi jyotishk, m. a heavenly body, a planet, a star. s. [ger. s. clXLi^st' 'fili frt Pm oil' jyotishik, m. an astrolo- ^^jLiy^ lfj\finf\ jyotishi, f. a star, a planet ; m. an astronomer an astrologer, s, Jij^jk*- yft^fi[^\j'ivt7yd, f. (same nsjttiyd,q.y.) ^ijjjyx^- Wj^ifl<«r jyoti-rath, m. the pole- star. ». yijO^>>- aftfw^T jiwitesh, m. (lord of life) a name of Yama ; a husband, a lord ; a drug to revive the dead. s. JLkij^ *ftf^W^ jmitesha, adj. ruling life (applicable to objects of reverence or affection), t. ^\^ZJiwat, lively, spirited, bold. s. 0^^^ fw^jiyauth, brave, courageous. «. ^x>-^-»- ifl^Tflw j^v-jtv, m. a kind of bird, supposed to be a pheasant {y.jtvanjtv). t. ^^^x>- lf\^y^iJj^v-dhan,m. live stock ; wealth in flocks and herds, s. [sure of land, h, iSj^i^ ^^'^ jewrl, f a cord, a string, a raea- ^j>^ ^' i{\m^\^ jtvasthdn, m. a joint, an y*y;»- »ft^H jw-su, f. the mother of living children, s. ui)^ji>- aflqofi jivak, m. a tree {Pentaptera tomentosa)t a medicinal plant; an animal, a living being. ;. D^A&- M\t^'fti\ jivikd, f. pension, livelihood. >•, j_^4^*y^Jk!>- jtva-kotht, a house or hospital for "vermin, Kic. such as may be seen at Surat t. Js^i^ ^M'K jim-gar, resolute, bold. s. jU^x>. wNtR jlv-mar, capital (same as j'i- mar, q. v.) [the body. $, jdJ^yi^" ^'^^fT^jlv-mandir, (temple of life) jj^A>- »ft«r*T j'twaw, m. life, existence, liveli- hood ; water ; a son. jlwan-birt, a stipend allowed to the family of an old deceased servant, s. ^jj^A>- ^ jyun or rfff jyon, how much, the more so, when, as, as if. jyiin ka tyun, precisely the same. h. ^3ir^ »ft^»TT Jiwna, n. to live, be alive, s. \3^x»- ii^'t^ jewnd, a. to eat. s. j^3^ %T«TR jewndr or je,ondr, f. a treat, feast, entertainment ; (for jaunal, q. v.) land in con- stant cultivation, s. CL^^i^ aiqqfi jai-want, victorious, s. iJL^yi»- li\sni{ji7vant, living, alive, s. uiO^A&- lf\^f!irsR jlwantik, m, a fowler, a bird-catcher, s. oJb^As^ »i1 q ?ii(^jiwantikd, f. a parasite plant (Epidendron tesseloides, &c.); a plant {Meuispermum glabrum). t, ^J^J^ ^H*n^ jlrvantt, f. a tree (Celtis " orientalis) ; a plant {Menispermum glabrum) ; the Sam Of Saen tree {Mimosa albida) ; yellow myrobalan {Termi' nalia chebula). s. ^^_}irr "Tt^WN jivanjtv, ra. a kind of bird, supposed to be a pheasant; the chakor or Greek partridge. *. [subsistence. 5. *^' v^.^^ "lT ^ '!i\^T'^ jlvanopdya, m. means of •^iX^y^A^. »iTcf*^^^>j jivanavfhadhf m. a drug to revive the dead. ». ^ ( 310 ) ^^A>. ^fi;W!f\ jtvani, f. jasmin, s. (_^^^ lift^^ifi, living, alive; alivingbeing. s. \3.\jb^!>- '*fl ^I4^*i \ jt-harna, to be discouragedf depressed from fear. t. [ment, A. j.f^ ^T^ jehar, f. m. the name of an orna- j^^ iT^^ jehar, f. a pile of pots filled with water and placed one over the cther.in order to be carried on the head ; a ceremony preparative to marriage, in which pots filled with water are piled over one ano- ther, the whole crowned with a bowl of sharbat, and the friends watch by it during the night. A. y^jj?- ^^ jai-hau (Braj), you may or will go*, h. [will go, will be. h. (^(^ ^jai-/mi (Braj), he, &c. may or ^J^ ^xdjai/i, victorious, triumphant. «. lja». %in jeya, conquerable, fit to be con- quered, s. »4xijULi>- ^^ jyeshtha, best, pre-eminent j oldest, older, jyeshfhaiisa, the eldest son's share, the right of primogeniture ; m. the second Hindu month ^May — June), jyeshthata, f. seniority, pre-eminence. jyeshfha-tdl, m. a father's elder brother, jyeshfha- varna, m. a Brahman, s. \^iL*yfy tIIOT jyestha, f. the eighteenth lunar mansion comprising three stars, of which one is Scor- pionis ; the middle finger, t. ^ che or chtm ; called also jim-i farsi or jim-i'ajamt (».c. the Persian jm, the Arabs not having it in their language), the seventh letter of the Persian alphabet and the eighth of the Hindustani. It sounds like ch in the English words " cherry, cheek ". It is sometimes permuted, 1st, into zh, as kdzh for Mch, glass ; a pine-tree ; 2nd, into z, as ptzishk for plchishk, a physician or apothecary. 3rd, into sh, as kdshl for kdchi, made of glass : lastly, by the Arabs it is changed into J, and sometimes into » or sh, as kdj for kdch, and #in, China, for chin, shatranj for chaturang, chess. In reckoning by the abjad it represents three, the same aajim. h.p. ^ '^ cha, is the corresponding letter in the Devanagari alphabet. In Sanskrit it is a symbol for the God Shiva, a thief, a tortoise, &c. s. \^ cha, f. tea. cha-dan, ra. a teapot, p. uibU- chabtik, m. active, alert; a horsewhip (in this sense it is only found in the works of hljusru, and it is probably Hindi), chdbuk-bdzl, f. whipping, lash, chabuk-dast, nimble, active, alert, quick, beau- tiful, chdbuk phatkdrnd, a. to crack a whip, chdbuk- sawdr. m. a horse-breaker, a jockey ; a good rider ; a horse-broker, chabuk-sawart, Ujockejaidp,iu. chdbuk fndmd, a. to whip, to lash. p. j^^W chabuki, f. activity, alertness, despatch, "patch, celerity, p. U^W ^"R*!! chabna, a. to chew, to masticate. ch&b chdb bdteA karnt, a. to mince one's words, to speak little aud haughtily. & J^l>- chabna, a. to thrust in (a pin, nail, ttc), to prick, d. \jU- chahu, (in comp.), chewing, a cfcewer. I, I3j*b cLa^^U- ^M3mdHT chabhat pdrna, a. to craunch, to crush, h, jj,U. ^T^t chabi, f. a key. The word is in- * elegant, and chiefly used in Bengal : it is apparent^ of Portuguese origin. A. c-jW ^x( chap, m. a bow ; also the refuse of the jhaf beri, after the leaves are beaten from it ehSp' jarlb, gross measurement of the lands on an estate. A. j3bl>- chapafi, f. a thin cake of fine bread, d. ciLoL-^U- ^TtrH7 chap-pat, m. a tree (Bucha- nania latifolia). s. j_^.U- ^ty^ c/«a;?re,cakes of cow-dung,which, when dry, are used as fuel. A. jJjW «v(IT1^ chapal, m. unsteadiness, s* ^_^^W chdplus, m. a flatterer, a wheedler. p. j^^.U- chdplusi, m. flattery, wheedling, p. lbl»- chdpnd (v. chdnpna), to join ; to cram, &c. A. [ing-net h. •^j^^.W '^IIMi'Tlt chaphand, m. a kind of fish- 3\^ ^/(TttX chdiur, clever, able, cunning, wise; in comp.(from cAa- ^TW^ chdturya, m.J terity, cunning.*. tiJbU. ^Tri^ir chdtakf m. name of a bird (Ctf- eulus melanoleucos). $. Jl.'JU- V1IH(I<^ chdtwdl, m. a hollow made in the ground to receive a burnt-offering ; any hole in the ground, s. ^\s^ ^TZchdt, f. longing, wish, relish, taste ; habit, custom, "boione bouche". chdf lend, a. to lick up. A. uW ^TTT chdtd, the vessel that receives the juice of the sugar cane as it drops from the milL A. Ui'W ^T7*IT chdtnd, to lick, to lap. h. i^^ "^lit chdtt, f. a churn, h. Vi>.W '^Ml chdchdt m. a father's brother- paternal uncle (Lat. patruus). A. j!>\»- ^T^C chdchar, m. the pole round which they play at the festival of the koli ; a fair or assemblage of people collected after the holh A. ^>-U- '^T^ chdcki, f. father's sister, or father's "brother's wife, aunt. A. jtiW chddar, f. a sheet, tablecloth, mantle, veil ; a cascade, chddar bichhdnd, a. to lay the cloth. A« jU. ^T^ chdru, beautiful, pleasing, elegant, s. jW ^n; char, four, char abru, m. a kind of dervise who shaves his eyebrows and whiskers. cAar^ dnkh or chdr-dnkheA (v. chdr-chashm). char-ungal, ra. palm (four inches), char-ungli, f. band's breadth. cAdr- S.ina, ra. iron armour, chdr-bdlith, m. a throD*i eoach, or sofa. eh3r-bang, sensible, quick, intelligent, alert, char-blst, ni. fourscore, rhdr-para, divided into four, four-pieced, char-tuk, broken (into four pieces). char-tak, ambling, pace of a horse, char-tak chalna, to amble, char-jdma, m. a kind of saddle (without a tree), char-chaskm, f. meeting, interview, the eyes of two people meeting, chdr-kj^na, chequered ; m. a kind of cloth, chdr-diwdri or -dtwdli, f. a court-yard, incloaure, area, chdr-zdnu, a mode of sitting, as tai- lors sit at work, chdr-zdnu haithnd, n. to squat, to sit oriental fashion, with the legs crossed in front, chdr- tal, a horse of four years old. chdr-su, a cross-road, two roads crossing each other, chdr-shdna, tough, hardy, chdr-zarb, sensible, intelligent, generally applied to slaves, chdr-khuntd, quadrangular, chdr- magkz, m. a walnut ; an earthen ball with which chil- dren play, chdr-nagaren-k., an interview to take place (v. chdr-chashm). chdroA taraf and chdron or, the four Hides or quarters, t. e. all around, on all sides, p. lU- char (v. chard), remedy, help, &c. char- na-chdr, nolens volens. p. jU- cha?', pepper soup, commonly called by Europeans " muUigataumy " which is a corruption of its name in the Tamul language, d. \j\»- chara (for 8.1>- q v.), remedy, aid, &c. p. \.W ^m chard, m. forage, fodder ; bait for flsh ; a young plant, chard ddlnd, to bait. h. ajb .W chdi'-pdya, m. a quadruped, p. jtf A>jl>. chdr-pd,i, f. a bedstead, a bed. chdr- pd,i par pajtid, n. to get sick ; a litter for carrying the the sick. p. [roads, quadrivium. s. ^u .W ^TRtro chdr-pathf m. a meeting of liJjU- chdr-td (for chdr-tdr), a lute with four strings, p. dJ^Jj>- chdr-chand, fourfold, quadruple, p. »«yU- chdr-dah, fourteen, the full moon. p. jJ&iiiW- chdr-dahum, the fourteenth, the full moon, p, C^l^iijW chdr-dihdt, an estate formed of the land belonging to four villages, p. iuJuiijV^ chdr-shamba, Wednesday, p. i_-J,W chdr-kab, an article of dress so called ; a kind of vest ; also a kind of mirror, p. \jS,\j>- M\i.*l*ii\ chdr-gund, fourfold, quadru- ple, p.s. [fourth, p. *jW chdrum, chdruml or chdrumln, the ^^jW ^TTW chdran, m. a dancer or mimic, a kind of bard, a panegyrist, f. jU.\ijl>- chdr-nd-chdr, certainly, inevitably, by force, right or wrong, nolens volens. p. \«.W charred, m. a pony, quadruped, chdr- wd-ddr, m. a groom, one who lets horses, p. ui3L .U- <«(Kc|l«h chdrvdh, the head of a tribe of atheists ; a sophist, a sceptic, an atheist «. ^^j.U- chdrrwdn^mAihe fourth ; more usually ^ « jW chdrwin, f. J chauthd, &c. h. lJjj V cAaro/i, f. kernel of a nut. d. jWbjjIi*' char-o-na char, nolens volens,&c.|7. ( 311 ) (^U t/jjV ^^^ chdrvl, f. a beautiful woman , understanding, intellect; moonlight; light, splen- dour, s. 8.W chara, m. remedy, cure, help, aid ; ex- pedient, chdra-sdz or -gar, one who remedies, chara- sdzi or -gari, remedying, curing, &c. p. SjW- ^rre: chara, m. forage, fodder, food for cattle ; truss, sheaf, grass ; a young plant ; a bait for fish, chara ddlnd, a. to bait, h, (^bjW chdrydrl, m. a sect of Musalmans who venerate equally the four successors of Muham- mad. The Shi'as apply this term to the Sunnis. p. LibjW char-yak, one of four, a fourth, j). j\j>. ^'5 chdr, f. turf; a hurt, a wound, a knock ; a lever, chdf-papid, to be necessary, h. ijf^'W chart, slander, calumny, backbiting. chart khdnd, to delight in calumny, &c. d. j^j**W ^tlTO chds, f. ploughing, cultivation. chds-k., a. to plough, h, ^^ '«rnn cfidsd, m. a cultivator, a plough- man, a husbandman. />. [medicine, d, ^x**>W chdsku (for chdksu, q. v.), a kind of U**>U- 'cTT^'TT chdsnd, a. to plough, to till. h. j^^ls- ^^tl't chdsni, a pan in which the juice " of the sugar-cane is boiled, h. ^^U- ^TBft chdsi, m. (v. chdsa) a plough- "man ; f. cultivation, tillage. /*. cLaj2»W chdsht or chdsht-gdh, f. the middle hour between sunrise and the meridian ; also what is eaten at that time, breakfast, a collation, chasht- namdz, morning prayer, p. j_^W chdshni, f. flavour, relish, a mixture " of sweet and sour ; a specimen ; syrup, p. jSjJJm\»- chdshmgir, a taster, a servant whose duty it is to watch over the kitchen of princes, and to taste every dish brought to table as a security against poison — (Binning), p. ^W chdh, active, alert ; well, iu good health j erect, a horse ready to cover j in spirits, elui^ chaw band, healthy and vigorous, t. yl>. chdku, ni. a clasp-knife, a penknife, p. ii)W chdh, m. a narrow opening intentionally left in clothes ; a rent, a slit, a fissure, chak-k,, a. to. rend, to slit, to tear, to split, chdk-girebdn, with collar torn, afiiicted. s. uilU- ^m^ chdh, m. a potter's wheel; a wheel of any kind ; rings of earth for forming a well; a mill- stone, mill. s. liLuW chdkat, a kind of bracelet, d. jiW chdhur, m. a servant, attendant, p. (jUils^ chdhardn (pi.), servants, chdkardn- xamln, lands exempted from revenue dues, and appro- priated to the maintenance of public ofiicers and servants, p. (Sj^^ chdkart, f. service, attendance ; a grant In a village for personal services, servirc land. p. ui3W ( 312 ) U' ^^W chaksu, m. the name of a medicine (a ^mall black seed) for diseatci of the eyea. p. ^W chaku, m. a claspknife, a penknife, p. U^U- ^T^rfT chdkhna, a. to enjoy, to re- lish, to taste, t. [stone, h. ^J\»- ^r*ft chakt, f. (v. chakkV), a mill- JU- ^^ chdl, f. habit, custom ; gait, pace. chal pakapia, n. to prevail, chal-chalna, n. to behave. ehaUdhal, f. manners, behaviour, breeding, politeness. chal-milnd, n. to smell a rat. s. JU- ^rr^ chdl, f. a colour in horses, roan ; m. the thatch or roof of a house, h. ^V ^'^'^ chdldyva.. motion, departure; (met.) a lucky moment. ». ^W chuld, \ laborious, active, hard- ci)^U- chdldk, J working, alert, fleet, nimble, ingenious, clever, chalak-dast, expert of hand. ehalak-dasti, expertness. p. j^^W chdldkl, f. activity, alertness, nimble- ness, celerity ; boldnera. j>. [portation. p. j^^U- chdldn, invoice, bill of lading; trans- {^\»' chdlish, f. exertion in battle ; manner, conduct ; a graceful gait. p. tiJJU- 'sn^^ chdlak, laxative, s. ^W ^TfQ5«T chdlan, m. a sieve, a strainer, s. UJU- - ^T^^ chdlisd, m. a dimness of sight which is supposed to come on at forty years of age, and often to be removed on approaching the forty- eighth or fiftieth year ; the fortieth year of any era, or of the century ; an aggregate of forty, a period of forty days ; a quarantine, s. ^J\y^\»' ^(St\im\ chdRsrvdn, the fortieth; hence a festival or ceremony held on the fortieth day after child-birth, death of a relation, &c. s. ^•aJU- ^T^htft chdlisif f. quarantine ; a pe- "riod of forty days' abstinence kept after the death of a relation, child-birth, &c. «. W ^TR chdm, m. hide, skin, leather, chdm * ke dam chalane, a. to stretch to the utmost a temporary authority (lit. to give currency to coins of leather). cham-chort, adulterous connection with another man's wife. 4. w^vsN- '^ITH^ chdmarf m. the tail of the Bos grnnniens, used to whisk off flics. &c. chamar-pushpa, m, the betol-nut tree i^Areca faujtl or cn/ecAu). ». ^^SCv«W "Hwl^ii. chdtmkar, m. gold. s. j_^W ^TTJ champ, f. the lock of a gun ; the stocks, the rack, champ chafMna, a. to cock a gun ; to puni-sh or torment by squeezing the ear with the lock of a gun. h. \JaiU- ^\^m chdmpnd, a. to join ; to stuff, to cram, to thrust in, to press, k. ^ajO^- ^TT^ chdntnd, a. to press, to squeeze, h, ^JL3 W ^^trtc/mratijCesses levied or squeezed " "from artisans and others, h. "*lN- '^\r^\*1i*ii chdndrdyan, m. an expia- tory fast ; diminishing one's food by a mouthful every day during the dark half of the mouth, and increasing it in like manner during the light half, t. PjiiJU- '•liv^HITT chdndra-bhagdf f. a river in the Panjab, the Chiuab. i. (jMCjd^\s»- "cllr^Mff chdndramaSf m. the con- stellation Mrlga shira ; stars in Orion. <. j»4SJ W "fd^ chdndam, name of a clan of rdj- puts. h. OiiJW "*l^«fi chdndndf m. light, chdndna paki, m. the light fortnight of the moon. s. j^J^U- hi^hI chdndni, f. the moonbeams; ** name of a flower ; a white cloth spread over a carpet ; any thing white and shining, chdndni chauk, m. a wide and public street or market, that of Delhi being celebrated in its way. chdndni-rdt, f. a raconlight night, chdndnl-karan, the practice of Brahmaus, Jaa, of wounding themselves in order to extort alms or pavment ot a debt, chdndni ka mdrd-jdnd, n. to be afi^cted with a disease, supposed to proceed from • stroke of the moon (a horse), s. iiiJ\j>'Chdnda (v. c/tan^f 5), a revenue station. A. ij^J^U- ^t^^ chdndif f. silver (pure), plate ; the crown of the head. «. ^Jfort. k, iS3 W '^t? chdnd or ^tf chdnr, f. a prop, sup (J\3o\>- '^mpT^ chnnddl, m. an impure or de- graded caste, a Pariah, an outcaste. ehdn^dli, £ a woman of the same tribe, s. c^l»- ^9T«ii chdnk,\Tn. a stam^ fixed on a ooU- ^^chdnka,} stack or heap of grain, or a piece of cow-dung placed on the same to protect it from the evil eye. h. i.iW ( 313 ) iJj^^ llg-^JM changla,m.ac6[o\xr in horses, h. ll3W channd (v. chdndna), light, d. JyW ^srt^ chdnrval, m. rice (v. chawal). k. jW ^T^ cham or c/ia,o, ra. eagerness, plea- sure, taste ; a measure equal to four fingers ; a kind of bamboo, cha.o-chochla or chd,o-choz, fondness, endear- ment, fondling, tenderness, love. A. i^jj^ H|<<31 chdrvri, f. name of a place in Dehli ; a caravansary, a building for the accommodation of wayfarers, commonly called a " choultry." A. iJjW- ^T^qJ chawal, m. rice (cleared of the husk, and not dressed), h. l\»- ^n? chdh, f. desire, wish, love, liking, affection, choice, want, appetite, chah-chit or chah o choz, love, affection, dalliance, k. i\>- chah, m. a pit, a well, chdhi zanaJth, f. the dimple of the chin, chah-kan, m. a well-digger, p. IjbW ^T^ chaha, in. love, affection, will. h. ^^y^UbU. HI^W^I chdha-chaht, f. the love " of one's country, h. ClAfcU. ^^T^ chdhat, f. desire, will, love. k. UtoW chahirdy^a. tribe of rdjputs, in Hi- j_).lbW chdhil, J sar. A. tiljbU. '^T^c/mAaA, affectionate, friendly, h. Uj&U- ^|^«il chdhnd, a. to love, to like, to desire, to wish for, to demand, to choose, to need, to require, to pray, to approve, to ask, to attempt, to try, to look, see, watch, observe, ehdh-rahnaun, to keep on the alert, to continue watching, h. •toW ^IT^tc/taAo, either, choose, or, whether, h. ^W chdhi, of or relating tea well, chdhi, f. or chShl-zamin, land irrigated from wells, p. ^U- ^r^ chdhi or (C-^*- ^I^ chahi, f. a "snipe {Scolopax gallinago). " h. VixJbU- vji^lrtj chdhitd, agreeable, desirable ; m. a sweetheart, a beloved one. h. jSJjbW ""tH^ldl chdhiti, f. a mistress, a sweet- " heart, h. [it behoves, it is necessary, h. ^-jkfcW ^lTfi5^cArt/ii^e(impers.v.),itis proper, ^J\>. ^rnj chdya or ^TT^ chd,e, ra. eagerness, pleasure, taste, cha.e choz, affection, h. t^.-**^ ''f^ chd,m, \ f. scald ^Ji^^y>^^^A»■'^:^^^W^chd,^nju^n,) head. h. ij^./^ ^n^ chdyln, m. name of a low class of Hindus ; the seed of tamarind ; scald head. h. Ulji*- ^TRT chabdnd, a. to chew, to gnaw, to masticate, chaba-chaba-ke bat karnt, a. to speak with study or preparation ; also without reserve ; or haugh- tily and scornfully. $. ^jU>- f-Hoiiqc^i chibd,old or ^^Nc^l chahd- ola, also chibdwald, childish, puerile, h. ^C'^U>- ^fW^chabdflff. raa8tication,chewing.5. i.^jjc" r«f^o|if chthuh, f. the chin. h. (^>a&. chuhukni, f. a puncture or wound vriih " any sharp-pointed instrument, d. ^yx>- f^f^^ chibil, lunpolite, boyish, chi- ^Joij- f«lf«l^l chibilld,) billd-pan, boyishness. h. IJ^lfj. '^. ^rWtft^ chabnt-haddi, f. cartilage, grissel. h. [chew, &a *. \3|^JL^ M«(<^HT chabwdna, a. to cause to \j!)^A»- ^TTWI chabutrd, I m. a terrace or 5j!)^A>- *«*«lriToF chabhak, f. sting. A. ij^*^ ^«l!^ chubhki, a dip, a dive, a plunge "in water, h. U^f*- '^VT»n chubhnd, n. to prick, to be stuck or thrust into, to pierce, to penetrate ; to be pierced, pricked, stabbed, s. \3»j,^jL». '^>Tt»TT chubhond, a. (v. chvbhdnd) to stick into, to stab, sting, Stc h. \j>xx>- ^HW*{T chabend, m.1 parched grain, to fjys»- ^k^ chabenl, f. J exercise the teeth ** with when more substantial food is not at hand. s. •^^y- chap, left, the left hand, chap o rdst, to the left and to the right, p. e»- ^^ chup, silent; gratis, for nothing; inter), silence! (the word rah or raho being under- stood), chup-chdp, quite still; silently, stealthily chup-lagnt or chupki lagni, n. to be struck dumb. h. U>. ^rm chappd, m. a hand-breadth, a span. A. OLsj- chapdt, a slipper having a heel piece ; an English shoe or slipper, in contradistinction to th« Oriental shoe, &c., which wants the heel piece, d. \3lx>. 'TTTWr chapdtd, m.1 a thin cake of un- j^Uj*- '^XHrft chapdtl, f. J leavened bread, h. t_A»-U>- ^TJT^^ chupd'Chup, silent ; fur- tively, h. UU»- ^m*TT chapand, a. to abash, to place one thing on another, to pile. h. [nona. A. Uxs- n*rq7T chiptd, clammy, viscous, gluti- Uj»»- ^Ttnrr chaptd, flattened, compressed, shallow ; level or even (as ground, &c). ». lil!u». r«(M IMiVfl chapatna, n. to be flattened, also to stick, &c. h. [here. h. \JjU>- f'|i|<5*il chipatna, n. to stick, to ad- ^^»- ^mPt^ chaptihl, f. the name of an "insect, h. ^u>- ^R^ chapti, f. congre^sus muUerum. "chappi lajrnd or khelna, n. libidini sapphicte indulgere. h. u->U-«»*o- 'siM-mM chup-chap, silent, perfectly still, furtively, by stealth, h. [glutinous, t. L^v" r^mP^m chip-chipa, clammy, viscid, jjL»-(^^ '^T^'tfTjiTT chup-chupdte, silently, ~ secretly, h. UU».u-*>- ^trsTTTRT chup-chupanaf n. to keep silence, to move quietly and secretly, h. UL^^i?' f%Trf%m*n cMpchipdna, n. to adhere, to cohere, h. - chippakh, m. a sparrowhawk. ^. \j->- fTTTT chiprd, m. gum (of the eyes), h. (^jj[j^ ^mm chaprds, f. a buckle, a breast- plate, clasp, badge, h. ^j**\r^ ^m\V\ chaprdsi, m. a messenger, or "other servant, so called from his wearing a ehaprda. h. fj^j^ ^m.»(t' chuparnaun, a. (Braj) to var- nish, cover, smooth, anoint, h. [small pulse. A- ^jjXs^ ^MMO chaprl, a puddle, also a kind of ijss*- ^qsi chuprd, plausible though false, h. hjtf* ^TRT chaprd, m. a kind of lac; clear land. h. [brazen, h. ^TR1»n chaprdnd, a. to fsilsify, to "^mfCSi chaprdfU, brazenfaced ; m. slippers, h. [eyes), h. IjsVj-As- fsTTST^ chiprdhd, bleared (as the j^j-^ ■M^i'^'^i chapar-chapar, f. the noise that a person's mouth makes when eating, h, OjA*- tlMiHI chaparnd, n. to flee, to run away ; to desist, to deny. A. ^j^ ^i|i*il chuparnd, a. to varnish, to anoint, to cover, to smooth, to palliate, h. tjj^ ''^Clii chaprl or ChMsI chiprl, f. cakes of cow-dung. h. i^j-^ ^M«1 chupfi, f. oiled, greasy; smooth, plausible. cAu/)f«-6a<, flattery, soft words, chupfi rofi, cakes rich with clarified butter, chupj-l alu, the yam. h. chapkalkhf f. crowding, want of v» room. t. ciL>- fTnT^K chippak, shallow ; m. f. name of a bird, the goat-sucker, h. \^a>- '^^9^ chavkd m. the goat-sucker; Jcaprimnlfu). K ( 814 ) ^^ Ka»- '«JV<*T ckupka, quiet, silent, mtite. chupke, quietly, silently, with little noise, ckmf k* - kahnd, so speak in a whisper, or in a very low voice, k. ViK-s»- •«m<*TflT chapkdnd, a. to make adhere, to stick on ; to compress ; to threaten, h. ^^if>- "^McB^ chapkan, f. a kind of vest, a sort of coat, chapkan-ddr, m. a vest like a chapkaiu h. lixjc*. r-<(L|e|ir|l rli'qxthnd, n. to stick, to ad- here; to spread or sink (as ink on damp paper); to be compressed, chipak idna, a, to be sold on account of its sweetness ; to fall in love at first sight, h. Ux->. M^ehHi chapaknd (also chipaknd), n. to collapse, h. ^Xx>- chupko, gratis, for nothing, d, ^yj-y f^^^l^ chippakh, m. a sparrowhawk. pt ia». •^^<^ chupki (fem. of chupkd), silent, "also silence ; (in Dakh.) ckupke, gratia, h. J-»>. chapalf filthy, brutal, beastly, p. Jjl>. ^xq^ chappal, f. a slipper, chapped mama, to beat with a slipper, h. ^J>A>. '4M<^ chapal, trembling, tremulous, wavering, unsteady ; swift, expeditious ; wanton, rest- less, volatile ; adv. swiftly. *. ^)j^ ^"^^ chapald, f. the goddess Lakshmi or fortune ; lightning ; a whore, s. (^»>^L>> ^nT^5TrR«ir chapaldtmak, of a fickle or inconstant nature, s. i»j^^ chapal'pan, volatileness, agility, d, UUikd- '^Mc^fll chapalatd, f. fickleness, incon- stancy. 4. t>Ju*«L>- chappal- send, the prickly pear (call- ed in the north nag-phani). d. i^j^^^-^ chapalgiri, a kind of lizard, d, ^J^ ^rnnr ckappan, m. a lid or cover of a pot (large), h. li^ ^^fTHT chapnd, n. to be abashed, to be bashful in company, to blush, to submit, to stoop, to be crushed or squeezed, h. Ua»- f*«fq*il chipnd, n. to be concealed, h. ^j^ ^[^rft chapnt, f. a lid,a cover.top (small) • ■* the knee-pan. chapni bhar pant meli (or leke) dub mar- na, (lit. to drown one's self in a saucerful of water) to be greatly abashed, chapni chatni, (to lick the pot- lid) to be contented with a little, h, yx>- ^HBT chappu, m. a paddle, an oar. chappu mama, a. to row. h. [ban. k. ^y^ ^niW chapoti, f. an old worn-out tur- ^'"'1)J'- ^T ^'^"P ^ fdst, m. (lit. left and right) unsteadiness, want of principle, carelessness, p. Jl^jks»- i^Milc^ chaphdl, f. a place surrounded with marshes and mire. h. ^c^ ^^ chippl, f. a patch on paper, h. ^e^ ^™ft chappi, f. kneading the limt>8. h. /^jk>. ^nft chuppi, f. silence, h. CTvv ( 315 ) JV <£*>-*-> 9(V[Z chapet, m. the palm of the band with the fingers extended j f. a sudden misfortune, risk ; a slap, a blow. s. ^J4tj>- ''^^ZJ chapeta, m. a slap, a blow. s. ^t??" ^^^ chapeta, illegitimate ; m. a bas- tard, or as we say in the vernacular " a bye blow ". h. f^fT chit, f. look, glance, sense; adj. supine, Ij'ing flat on the hack, chit-h., to throw (one's adversary) on his back (a term in wrestling), to dis- comfit, overcome in battle, h. l^s-- f^TT chit or f^W chitt, m. f. intellect, mind, life, soul, heart, memory. chit-cha,e, pleasing to the mind, what the heart desires, chit-chor, heart- stealing or -alluring, chit dena, to pay attention. chit-karna, to make up one's mind, chit-lana, to be attentive, to apply to. chit-lagan, amusing, pleasant, s. chit, (in Dakh.) blotted, foul, stained. chit-k. or chit-pit-k., to blot paper when ■writing ; to spoil a copy. d. llis- P^ril chita, a fnneral pile, a heap of dried wood on which dead bodies are burned. *. lis- Cmtl chitta, m. name of a medicinal plant {Plumbago zeylanica). s. \I». f%WT chitta, m. application of a blister; white; adj. lying down, reclining, h. iLfy^\Ss^ f*«*yiH^3rT chitta-bhog, m. conscious- ness of pain or pleasure, attention of the mind to its own sensation:-, s. jjjli*. f^Klf^^ chita-pind, offerings of cakes to the manes at the time of burning the corpse, s. tiJv^*-^ NfiMdeS chitd-churak, m. a mark where a funeral pile has been, a mausoleum, a monu- ment, s. \3jU». fwit*n chitarna, m. to paint, s. ^2^^J- r^rilM'i^ chitd,ont or chitdrvm, f, a " token ; admonition, warning. ». chit-pit, stained, defiled, d. chit- pat, a game at wrestling, d. \:;JumjS»- (-^Him^tn chitta-prasannatd, f. happiness, gaiety, s. Jic. fgr^ chitra, m. a picture ; painting, de- jneation; writing, &c.; a circular ornament, a sectarial mark on the forehead ; the mirage, or fallacious ap- pearance of water on a sandy plain wlien heated by t^ nun. chitr-sald or -sari, a gallery of pictures. *. Ji^ ^TTT; chatur, cunning, sly, sbrewd, vrise, knowing, expert; four. s. Jx»- chatr or chatra, m. an umbrella. ]>. Ua>. ^iITT chatrd or '^AIX chaturd, wise, in- telligent, cunning, s. \Jx>- r^-ai chitra, f. name of the fourteenth mansion of the moon {Spica virginis); adj. varie* gated, speckled, s. chitrdng, ra. a kind of snake ; a plant {Plumbago zeylanica) ; yellow orpiment ; ver- milion, s. [(v. chaturta). 3. j_j-«^ljk»- ^iro^ chaturd,!, f. cunningness, &c. Ji^Jy»- fT^f^f'^^ chitr-bichitr, of various colours, s. [an epithet of FU^nu. t. ^^Jx>- ^mi^lf chatur-bhuj, having four arras; i^^y*^ ^HH^fl chatur-bhujt, having four "arms ; an epithet of Z)ei;». s, jS^J^ '^^fT^ chatur-bhadra, ra. the four objects of human pursuit (v. chaiur-varga). t. (^s-^^J^ f^^>f*HT«T chitr-bhojan, m. change of diet, eating of unusual food. ». \S[^.'L>- f^^r^T^ chitra-pddd, f. the maind, a small bird so called, s. !tiO J»- f^^^^T chitra-padd,f.a. creeper ( Cisstis pedata) ; a kind of metre, s. K3JjJ^ fg^TifiSoFT chitra-parmkd,'\f. » plant f-kj-Jh" f^ ■=• M^ chilra-parnt, } {Hemio- " nites cordifolia) ; Bengal bladder {Rubia manjeth) $. v^Ji- "^"^ chatarth, the fourth, s. [day. «. ir^Ji^ ^TT^ chaturthi, f. the fourth lunar (^iHiJi^ ^^t^ chaturdash, fourteen, s. iJ^iiJy->- '^ri^^ft chaturdashi, the fourteenth "day of the moon's age. *. (-dJtiJk^- TfTftcir chaturdik, the four sides, all around (v. charon ifara/and charoA or, under char). $, j**»J<>- "^IdM chatui'-asra, four-cornered, quad- rangular. 5. i)\Jl»y>- f^^n^n^ chitra-skdld, f. a gallery of pictures, a picture-room. s. [painter, s. j^Ji^ f^RToirR chitra-kdr, ra. a portrait- ^^ pvt-^elirO chitra-hdri, f portrait- ^Jis- painting, s. CL>tfS». ^-^-Adk Z chitra-kut, m. a mountain in Bandelkhand, the modern Compteh, and first habi- tation of Hama in his exile, s. CL^Jj^ ftf^J T W chitra-gupta, m. a name of Yama ; Yama'a registrar, said to record the good and evil deeds of men : the recording angel. * ^-^ f^ntm. chitra-gar, m.si portrait-painter. ». A 816 ) ^^j*^ f^HRft^ chitr-grtv or ckitra-griva, spotted neck ; the name of the king of the pigeons in the yikhlaJci Hindi. », [(the colour). *. iJj>- f^^ chitral, m. variegated or spotted .Up[>. chatav'Tnar, m. toadstool, mushroom, p. 0^yjcjx»- vjri^ijf chatur-muhh, having four faces ; an epithet of Brahma. «. J_yey^ chiitar-mul, ra. name of a plant {Plumbago xeylanica), called in Urdu chitta, q. v. d. W-**- r«^fl<«ii chitarna, a. to paint, s. ^^Jy»- chitrangi (explained by haft-rangi), "versatile, unsteady, deceitfoL d, iXp>- "Nf^tEft chitrini, f. the second division of women (the first being called padtnini, q. v.). s. \jly>S»- f%^^^ chita-netrd, f. a small bird, the maina. s. [coloiin. 8. J!x»-jjk>- f-q^f^f^^ chitra-vichitra, of various \fj\yji»- ^H^i| chatur-varga, m. the four objects of human pursuit, viz. dharma, artha, kama, and moksha (virtue, wealth, lust, and final beatitude), q. v. s. [or castes of Hindiie. s. {^jjji^ ^TI%^ chaturvarna, m.the four classes {J^jJ^ ^^nrf^ chaturvinsha, the twenty- fourth. *. [four. s. iZ^>jJx»- ^TTf^^rfir chaturvinshati, twenty- i^<^.^J^ ^A^^ chatur-vedt, a Brahman who has read (or professes to have read) the four Yedas. *. [a tent, pavilion, p. (J>J^ "^K^ chatrl, f. a canopy, veil, a parasol; iJ^C^ ■«4ri^J| chatur-yu(j, m. the aggregate of the four yugs or ages of the world. *. y»- chittar, tlie buttocks, hips, thighs, d. ^^lijlpv" f'fi^^i^T^^ bajand, to rejoice, to evince pleasure, d. >^K.».W ^rWHT^I chatush-path, m. a place where four roads meet. *. tiy^'/J^ V4ritq^^ chatush-pad, m. or chatush- padi, f. a metre or stanza consisting of four pads or lines. «. [ruped. s. ^«VxlX»- ^iToq^ chatush-padd, m. a quad- jOo^ P<4i4l< chit-kdr, m. a cry, a scream, s. \js!>Ci^>- f^m'^W^ chit-kabrdA piebald, spec- iJjk>- pilHc^T chitld, J kled .spotted.*. Jj^ f- f*rW^T»T chittawdn, kind-hearted, amiable, s. [derangement. «. jtj^^^j^ f'^'^^H^mchitia-vibhram^m. madness, ^,,^ f^nr^n rhitwanf f. a sight, a look. h. see, to look at, to 0*. O^jk*. f^rlT*TT chitaund, ") a. to ^j^y^I*. C'MAif^ chitaunauh, J looi behold, h. lij^l^is- r^ig|j«{l chithdrnd, a. to tear tf pieces; to fill a paper with vrriting; to abuse, revile, treat with indignity, h. [nance. A. ^^^ "^ f%W^ ckithatf f. reluctance, repug- ]j^i>^ r««Msi chithrd, m. a rag, tatter. A. bj^i;*- fq^lfTJn chithariyd, tattered, ragged, clothed in rags. h. fj»- f'M'al chittl, f. a scar, a spot, freckle, &c. ; " a kind of serpent ; a Icauj-t worn smooth with rubbing. chitlt-ddr, speckled, chitli Idna, a. to scar. h. ^j>- chitfi, f. mildew or rot in cloth, chittl khdnd, to become mildewed or rotten, as damp cloth, d. ^J^ f^TIT chityd, f. a funeral pile. s. )ji^ f"«lfi- '^ZW chatdk, f. a crash, an explosion ; adj. intelligent, h. \>U>. *Cil8fiT chatdkd, "1 m. a crash, &c. (v. l4$\j^ M^I4^I chatdhhd,} ckaidkhd). h. IjJU^ ^n^«n chn'dlnd, a. to wound, h. /^U^ ^^H chatdtt or chattdn, f. rocky ground, a block of stone. A. UU>. *liHT chatdnd, a. to make lick, or lap up; m. the ceremony of feeding a child for the fir* I time, k. \3c. • ( 13U»- ^7RT chutana, a. to wound, h. (_?^Ia». ^^71^ chata,i, f. a mat. chata,i bi- chhana, a. to mat, to spread a mat. h. cL*)uL*>- ^7TJ7 chat-pat, hastily, in a hurry, instantly, h. Ijb ciLoj. H3^2T chat-pata, active, hasty j stout ; meat dressed with little sauce or gravy, ft. OU^.tiLAij. ^rz^JZXm chat-patana, n. to be agi- tated, to flatter, to palpitate, to wince, h. cLJ&Ub.dlAs^ ^7^7r?7 chat-patahat, f. agita- tion, flurry, flutter, palpitation, h. ^_Jb(iLo- xi^q/l chat-patt, f. haste, hurry, quickness, agility, restlessness, h. oub.elo. '■«<({ mHhiT chat-patiya, active, quick, alert ; hot with spice ; restless, fidgety. A. j>-^^ ^TTBft^T chnt-jlra, m. name of a tree. h. U*v* chatakhna, n. (v. ckatakna) to cracky split, &c. h. {jy^ ^T^ chatri, name of an herb used as fodder for cattle, h. [tree (v. chaf-jira). h. syjtiLo- ^^3»ftTt chat-zira, m. the name of a ,U»»ci*>- ^Tl^nrft c/ta.i-sari,1 f. a school, ^}\*MJLAS>■ "^Z^P^ chat-sal, J academy, s. it-sal, J ciJuU- H^cli chatah, m. a sparrow ; f. a hen- sparrow ; a crash, a crack, a smack ; intelligence, gau- diuess ; glitter, splendour, prime of life; adj. intelli- gent, quick, chatak se, deceiving, chaiak sejana, to pay with the fore top-sail, chafak-wa.l, f, quickness, h. oar> fNrr^ chitka, m. a kind of grass or grain ; mucus, slime, a place where dead bodies are inirnt. /(. \^a»- ^ZW^ chatha, m. scarcity, chatkalagand, a. to thirst, to wish. h. \.oar». fsfT^rnCT chithara, m. a speck, a scar. chifkaid lagdna, a. to brand ; a clack with the tongue, occasioned by an acrid taste, ft. O.Kji»- "W^^iKHI chatharna, a. to urge cattle by the clacking noise made by drawing the tongue from the palate, ft. [from last), ft. j_Cj\Ca»- ^iohlO chathari, f. (verbal noun i^A*- ^^TclTRT chathand, a. to crack (as a whip) ; to snap the fingers (in rejoicing), to s'llit ; to fire off a musket ; to irritate, ft. ^kO>- <4{c))<^| chutkuld, m. pleasantry, face- tiousness, wit, humour ; (seefofka) conundrum, ft. lM>^kxj(>- -<4- ^^^oF'n chathand, m. a slap, a tox, a blow. ft. ra. an epicure. h. 317 ) j^ ^_^A>. 'eifjohl chutki, f. a pinch, snapping of "the fingers ; the hammer of a gun ; a mode of print- ing cloth, ot gulbadan ; name of an ornament worn on the toes, chutlcl hharna, or lena, a. to nip, to pinch ; to throw out provoking insinuations, chufkiyoA meA vrdtif'., to put one off" with a joke, ft, fS-^rr r^ijoh^ chithi, f. sunshine, h. ^Uxiss- ^(ZW\^}chathl,ld, splendid,glittering.A. ^U;?- ^Z^ chufld, f. a lock of hair, a queue, &c. (v. chati). s. llX*. viy,^i chatnd, m. voracious (man), h. fjj^ ^7«ft chapii, f. a kind of acid sauce (or " marmalade) ; a voracious woman, ft. \^y»- ^T^T chatu,d, rn. a kind of plaything; a sort of hawk. ft. [up. A, b\^j(>. ^T^T*n chatwdnd, a. to cause to lick ls>-^A>- ^TTt^T chatokhd, m. a kind of dove. h. jj^r ^TT^^ chator, \)^J^ ^TTrtn chatord, \^^j:>-'^(Z\^J chatohhd, m. (v. chatokhd). eJc>' ftjg: chitta, an account of all the lands of a village, ft. &j(s»- chutta, m. a cheroot or cigar, d. l^A>- "^Ti chatthd, m. a tit-bit, dainties, h. ^i»- iNrTI chitthd, ni. a memorandum of monej- paid, or the pay of servants of the state ; a rough pole or account, journal or day book, chitha- 'amaldur't, a deed convej'ing a proprietary right, ft. ^c-^Jk>- C-MZi chitthl, f. a noto, a letter; an "order or demand, chithi-talab or talab-clulthl, f. a summons, chitthi-pdtl or -pattar, f epistolary corre- spondence, ft. ^A>- r«(g1 chittl, f. the hen of the little birds "called araaduvades {Fringilla amandava). h. fJ^ ^^ chattl, f. scarcity, want. h. buU- ^frm chutiyd, m. a spy to thieves, the head of a gang of thieves; f. a lock of hair left on the head when the rest is shaved, ft. Vjuis- ^tjfiHI chatiyd, m. a pupil, a scholar, s. GLa>- '^fTTTIl chutiydnd, a. to wound, h. jOJkjU. chattehdr, m. a Portuguese or half- caste ; an Anglo-Indian or Eurasian, d. ^^^ ^fZ^SST chutlld, wounded, bruised, h. ■>. ^f^chuchi, f. the female breast or bosom, s, ^^ chachd or chachchd, m. paternal uncle, father's brother, ft. 131^ ^xfRT chuchdnd, n. to drop, to be drenched with water, to be dripping wet with sweaty water, &c. //. [wife, d, (j,l^ chichdnt, f. aunt, father's brother's j^ "^^^ chachar, (land) that after having lain fallow has been cultivated (or ploughed) for on« year. A. \y^ ^WTT chachra, m. the name of a tree. h. j^ '^mz chuchchar, m. large breasts* s. U^ .. i^yf^ f%^^%'^^ chichrhi khainch- na, n. to scrawl, to score, h. i^y^^ f%^^ chichrt, f. a tick or louse (of dogs and sheep), h. 13, \i^^ ^PTfl5rr*TT chuchkarna, a. to fondle, to chirp to, to cheer by making the noise occasioned by drawing in the breath with lips protruded, h. ^jL^^ "*<■«* ofclO chuchkdj'lff, blandishment.^. Jjcr?" ^^^ chachchal, m. large breasts, h. j.^i*:'?' r*J"^»<^ll chichundar, m. a musk-rat. h. \Sj^v' f'lWs] chichm^d, m. the name of a vegetable {Beta vulgaris), h, [wfi). h, \i\^^r? ^^^^*n chuchrvdnd, n. (v. chuchd- Uj.*r?' ^^^«TTc//ot7/oma,1 a. to suck (a \ij^afT H(-«fli»iJ chachornd, J dry substance from which nothing can be obtained), h. VSi^s^ f^^TT chichondd (same as chichin- 4a). chichondd hona, to be still, motionless, d. KiK^^T chuchuhdnd, to sing, to whistle, to warble as birds, p. U**:?" V-^r^ilT chachahiyd, m. a whistler, h. f^^T chichi, f. a woman's bosom, nipple, or "teat. d. [brother's ■wife, aunt A. ^jtrf ^^ chachchi or^fsft c/tacAt, f. father's UU^v" f'tl r*i *l M [ chichiydnd, n. to squeak, to shriek, to bleat, h. jiisfv' *|"«|T< chachir, m. a line, stripe, score, h. )jii^ ^^fn chacherd, descended from or re- lated through a paternal uncle, as chachera hha,t, m. a cousin, son of paternal uncle ; chacheri bahin, daugh- ter of paternal uncle, h. vi>- chakh, f. (scattering, dispersing) in Hind, variance, rupture, quarrel, p. ^r?" ViCv" chakhd-chakhi, f. wrangling, p. u.l^v' chahhmdJih (v. cha\mak), f. a flint, p. jJt" v" chahhe, begone, away, avaunt. p. i^jt^ii^ ^f^ra chuddSff. lu6t,lasciviousnes8. A. Lm1i>»- "^ir^im} chuddsd, m.") desirous of copu- jjjIi^s- '^^T^ c/twrfo Ai, f. J lating. h. Ulj>s«- ^<^»n chuddnd, a. tjm amplexibus se tubmittere {mulier). h. icAs* chaddnr, f. a sheet.a table-cloth, a cloth of more than one breadth. chaddar-anddzi,a marriage cere- mony among the Sikhs : when a man marries a widow a sheet is thrown over the parties, chaddar bichJMtia, a. to lay fhe cloth, p. 318 ) . )j^ j^'^ ^TH? chudahkar, m, a salacious person qui coitu frequenti fruitur. h. ^^S^- '^7{j chudnd n.feminam subigere. h. \>\jS>- ^^sjF^T chudrvdnd (v. chuddnd). h. {jA^'^ '^Tlt chudwdjh f. the bireofpro< stitutioii. h. ' bj J«»- ^^[^^cAwrfwafya, m. (v, ehudakkar)h. Ufci!x»- ^TT chaddhd, m. the groin, a bubo; (in Dakh.) chadda, the same. h. j>- ^R c/m?', m. a ford, shoal ; an island in the current of a river, a sand-bank ; sound made bj tearing cloth. See. ; a wag-taiL h, j>' "^CKchur, an imitative sound, h. j>-. "^K, char, m. forage, pasture ; food ; adj. going, removable; used in comp. as jal-char, that which moves in the water, aquatic- *. j>- f^T. chir, adj. long (time), a long time. s. \j>' chird, why ? how ? chird-ki, because that. charS, pasturing, grazing, p. \j». ^^ charrd, m. thunder, h. y>'^j>' MI.MC chardchar, moveable, locomo- tive ; shaking, unsteady ; sky, atmosphere, heaven. «. c.U»- chirdgh, m. a lamp, light, chirdgh- bafhana or -phandd-k., a. to put out, to extinguish (a lamp), chirdg^-ddn, m. a stand for a lamp, chird^ men baftt papid, an expression to denote that evening sets in, that it grows dark, and that it is time to light the lamp. p. i^^]j>- chirdghdn, pi. lamps, a display of lamps, a general illumination, p. Lc-U*- chirdgh-pd, rearing (a horse), p. i§'\>- chirdgjii, f. a present made to the mulld for offering up oblations at the tomb of a saint; a grant of land bestowed for the same purpose ; alms given to beggars who walk the streets at night, as the class called ndksh-bandl ; a present to soothsayers, p. ^\f>- ^UX^chardkfVa.zn animal that grazes.*. slSK*. chard-gdh, f. a pasture, a meadow, p, ^J^J>^ chardn, VU«f m. lea fallow, a meadow, a salt marsh or meadow by the sea-shore. <. f^j>- chardn (v. charand), grazing, &c. p. 13 U»- ^rnTTf/mrawa, a. to graze, to pasture. «. X>\^ ^TT»n churdnd, a. to steal, to filch. «. UU>- f*^ 1,7*1! chirdnd, a. to cause to tear, to split, h. [to smart A. \3U>- ^^«TT charrdnd, n. to burst; to ache, <^\i>' 0*1 0. chirdndi, f. an alley, a bye-lane. d. jAj>' chird,o, m. a rent, a fissure, d. 1. ( 819 ) yj^ ^TW charaw or chara,o, m. pasture- ground, s. [a divinity, s. i^)j^ 'ram chirayu, long-lived ; m. a deity, »tJJJ.l^ chara,mda or charayanda, grazing j m. a grazier, p. ^y^ ^TT^ chara,i, f. the price paid for pas- turage, or rent thereof, p. h. w]^ f^TTFHT chira,eta, m. a species of gen- tian Eo called {Oentiana chirayita), s. Wj^ f'si.iMi chirayu, of long existence, s. ^J>- charh, fat, thick, gross, viscous, oily ; also charah, an overmatch, charb-dast, active, inge- nious; (met.) a thief, charb-zaban, agreeable, con- versable, entertaining, charb-^isa, dainties, viands, p. ^^J^ ^j>- charhara, active, alert, expert, d. J^J?" <^/'«''^«^««a, to practise plausibility, to speak smoothly, d. {^- jif^ ^T^TT5»rt charbard,egl, f. expert- 'ness, dexterity, activity, h. U^^ charahna, to overcome, prevail, d. (3^ chai-bi, f. fat, suet, grease, charhi-dary fat, not lean, charbi-kljhilli, f. caul of fat covering the bowels, p. U^^ charapta, a small or slight wound, d. JvjT ^^^^ charpar, m. (see charphar). h. ijlj^ '^<^<\ charpard, acrid, hot (as pepper) ; ■mart (in conversation), h. ^)ji>,f>- "iVHi.i'iT charpardnd, n. to smart, h. >^0»i>\j)j>. mm\\Z charpardkat, f. smarting, pungency, h. [nious. h. ^•Jvjv ^^^^^ charpariyd, active, inge- ')j^j>- charpuz (in Hindi char-puj), useless, stupid, miserly, wicked, mean. p. J^vjv" "^^^^ charphar, m. activitjs clever- ness, quickness, h. [quick, h. \j^j>' ^iMA\ charphard, active, clever, Oj^ ^tS' churt or ^^ chart, f. nap, drowsi- ness, nodding, h, O^ ^flM charitf^Tci. instituted or peculiar Jj>. ^Pc^ charitr, J observance or conduct ; story, adventures ; nature, temper, behaviour, dispo- sition, conduct, carriage, quality, humour, use, cus- tom, talent, s Cj^j>- f^Tcftr^ chir-iihta, m. a kind of gentian (Gentiana cherayta). s. ij^j>- ^^TCW chiratna, old, ancient, anti- quated, long-lasting. «. ji^ '^kA chartl, m. one who does not fast, s, cL^*- "WCS charat, ra. a wagtail, s. Xi^ie»'j>- r*t|l.'l1«<»il chir-jirvnd, n.to live long, to be of a great age. <. t^ ^Jt|^J>^ f^nfN^ chir-jtvl, long-lived. i» U-^ ^^ charchd, m. f. talking over paut events, recapitulating former occurrences; inquiry, investigation ; argument, report, discourse, considera< tion, careful perusal, attention to business, discussing, mentioning, prevalence ; practising or cultivating (science, &c.) ; adoration ; perfuming by smearing the body with sandal-wood, &c. s. ^^^j>- f^tN^ chirchittd or chirchitta, m. name of a species of grass, h. J>y>- ""K"*!*. charchar, m. prating, chattering; an imitative sound, h. [i^g. h ]f^J>- ^t^J charchardj talkative, chatter- J^Jv" ^■^*-''"^<' chirchird, m. name of a medi- cinal plant, said to be of sovereign virtue to one bitten by a venomous reptile, or stung by a scorpion, &c (Achyranllies aspera); a child, h. jTjv' ^<'^*^' churchurd, crisp, acrid, h. Ky\^j>- ^^f^TRT charchardnd or f^i^l^RT chirchirdna, n. to crackle (as wood in the fire), to sput- ter, to chew with a crackling noise, to chide, h, {JLtii\j>j>- fqrf^nil^ chirchirdhat, f. peevish- ness, h. iJ'j>-j>- '^<"^0 churchurt, f. dregs, sediment, h. Lil>-pj. ^#5ir charchak, m. an arguer, s, U»-^ ^?#»n charchnd, a. to consider, to re- flect, to apprehend, to conceive, s. ^^jf- ^rt^TF charachnd, to smear or plaster the body with sandal-wood. s. uy^Jv" ^^ char-chun, m. an imitative soand, as of a carriage-wheel, &c. ; idle prattle, h. vljtfvy&. ^t.Mil' charchait, m. a reasoner, a mentioner. s. [prater. «, ^Jo^s-;*. ^rr%^ charcheld, m. a chatterer, a ^j>- charkh, m. a wheel (particularly a potter's) ; the sky, the heavens ; the celestial globe, the sphere ; fortune, chance, circular motion ; a cross- bow, a bow in a very tense state ; a hyena, citarlsli charhnd, n. to dress or adorn one's self ; to turn, as in a lathe, charkh-pujd, a penitential ceremony observed by the lower orders of Hindus on the day when the sun enters Aries, for the expiation of their own sins, or of those of other people who can afford to pay well for it. They are suspended, by an iron hook passed through the skin of the back, to one end of a lever, which is raised on the top of a high pole, and whirled round by means of a rope fixed to the other end. This' penance is, of course, of great virtue, but rather disagreeable to the flesh ; hence rich people prefer having it done by deputy. char]- charkhd. \m. a spinning-wheel, a reel j 9^j>' charkhaj adj. thin, weak, nag, jade, garran. p. i^j^ charkhalf aged and decrepit. i% G^ ( 320 ) uir?" ^j'j>- charkjviy f. a spinning-wheel ; a pulley j "the instrument with which the seed is separated from cotton ; a globe ; a kind of fireworks, catherine-wheels ; a dumb waiter ; the pulley b_v which water is raised from a well ; a round piece of wood fixed over the top of a tent pole upon which the fly of the tent rests. charhjii fdnus, a kind of magic lantern, a revolving lan- tern made of some transparent substance with pictures all round, p. jj>- charz, m, a small species of bustard (0/m Bengalensis). p. (^j>' ^(^ charas or ^^ chars, m. the exu- dation of the flowers of hemp collected with the dew and prepared for use as an intoxicating drug ; a lea- thern bucket, an urn. h. I^j>- churs or churns, spite, envy» jealousy, d. \*tij>- ^T'BfT charsa, m. a hide, a skin. h. ^3\^L*>p. fwil^qTift chira-sthayiy long-endur- ing, long-lasting, i. i^j>' chursl, spiteful, envious, d. fjv" ^^^'"'dh^y ""• ^ ^'"^ °^ hawk, p, ^j>- char^iady m. a cricket, p. U&^ churaghna, n. (properly churugna) to prate, to prattle, k. »j^j>- charfffnna, wicked, villainous, p. ^j>- chirk, m. dirt, filth, ordure ; matter. chirk-Slud, filthy, &c p. tiJ^ ^T'iir charak, m. leprosy; name of a treatise on medicine ; applied also to the author. «. LiK». churuh, the chirping of little birds, d. ^j>- "^XMl charkd,m. white-spotted (as from a leprosy) ; a small wound, a scratch, p, (J>j^J>- r*n;*llj chir-hari, dilatory, tedious, slow. ». J^^ fTCcITT^ chir-kal, m. a long period j always, eternally, chir-kal-se, long ago. ». CL*Sj>- chirhat, dirt, filth, ordure, p. tiLk^ f*R^ chirhut, m. a bit, piece, a rag. 5. tS!^ ^^ churkut, m. powder, h. Ui^ ^TCMZT charhata,m. the person who cuts forage for cattle, elephant-keeper's mate, t, lju)\»- f^^irfj^ ckirkutiya, a tatterdema- lion, ragged, s. [slow. *. ^j^j>- f^rfwrr cMr-hriya, dilatory, tediousi {^j>- chirhan (v. chirk), filth, &c. p. ^j>- f'*I^«F'1T chiraknd, n. to have a scanty stool, h. [wheel. &c. p. ^j^- SiM\ charhhd, m. (v. charkha) a i^^^J* (^/^^'''fifi'^i^t ^ heast, quadruped, d. iK^J^ ^TT^ charhht, f. (v. charM^), p. ^j>. ^^'cfft charki, m. a leper. $. lSj>- '^t'lft churkl, f. lock of hair. h. ij^j^ chirkin, filthy, dirty, slovenly; ta, dung. p. Ui^ ^^«n churugna or "^Ult^T churagna, n. to gabble, to prattle, to chirp, h. /•^>- ^ charm, m. leather, a skin, a hide ; a shield, charm-tarang, m. a wrinkle, a fold of the skin. cliarm-kar or charmar, m. a shoemaker, a currier, or worker in leather. c//ar»»-may, made of leather, t.p. Aj^- ^TM cha7'a7n,\ast, ultimate; west, western. charamdchal or charama-kshmahhrit, m. the western mountain behind which the sun is supposed to set. «, j^j'>- '^^\K. charmar (same as charm-kdr), m. a worker in leather, t. »jU-^^ ^H^ToJiT charm-chathd i^f^j>- '^^^rt charm-chatty a bat. s. !,*»>• '^sfkn churmurd, an imitative sound, h. {^j>- ^^«T charman, m. skin, hide, bark, &c. ; a shield; the hide upon which a student idti^ usually that of an antelope, tt jJ^k/^^.M^^Hrtl charmanrvatl (also charma- vat'i), f. a river that runs across Bandelkhand into the Ganges, the modern CLambal. *. i^j>- ^Pff charmt, made of leather. «. «Jji«^ charmina, made of leather, chamiina- doz, m. a shoemaker. charmiTia-fafosh, m. one vho sells shoes, p. i>)j^ ^TJU or ^T?I charan, m. the foot; the feet of a verse ; shoes ; feeding, grazing, charano' bharan, m. an ornament on the feet, charan-patit, prostrate, fallen at the feet, charan-patan, m. prostra- tion, charan-seva, f. service, devotion, charanodak (v. charanamrita). s. [ewes, 8m:,). «. Ik*. ^^«n chamd, n. to graze, to feed (ag \jj>. ^^T«TT charnd, m. half-trousers, chamd chaj-hana, a. to put on half-trousers, h. ^j>- f^T«n chirnd, n. to be torn, to split, h, C^yc^jsi' "«(i,*!jIH7T charanamrita, m. the wa- ter with which an idol's or Brahman's feet have been washed, charanamrita lend, to wash the feet of a goeet and sip the water. [lasting a, {:jr^j>- f^n^inT chirantan, old, ancient, long- jJLip. r^Uldl chiranti or chirintt, f. a woman, " married or single, who continues to reside after ma- turity in her father's house, a young woman, f. ^js>-f^W\chiranjt, 1 long-lived, a kind ^^j^" f^''*!^^ chiraivjw,] of benediction, " May you live a long time 1 " t. ^^^j^ff^ f'^^.y'ir^'! chiran-jivtn, m. a crowj Vishnu; adj. long-lived. «. ^j>- charand, \ m. a beast, quadruped. »ii3^ charanda, J charand o parand, m. beasts and birds, p. Jjjjjfr. chirandul, a species of lark. d. (jJtV;*. ^^Wt^ charanodak, m. (same ai eharanamrit, q. v.) t. ^k^ ^rtrft charm, f. a feeding-trough, k. fj^ MlMi charanni, f. a quarter of a rupl (ehar ane). h. \^jfj>- '^r^^T chaj'Ufa, m. a large pot. h. U^j^ y|4^c(|fil charmana, a. (see charana). «. Oiji^ fNrr^fTJTT chirwana, a. to cause to tear or to be torn, h, [shepherd. ». IfcUj*- -«(MI^I charwaha, m. a grazier, a ^U»>- '«ll.t|l^^ charwdht, f. wages of a shepherd paid in grain. «. [turage. s. iJ^^JlJ>- ^T^T^cAa?'wa,t, f. price paid for pas- J^Jjv" ^^f^ charotar, a life-rent grant, h. {jj^y>- f^T^^ chirauri, f. beseeching, beg- ging, requesting, h. [ting. s. ^2^j>- ^^JS charvan, m, chewing, mastica- f^^jjf- n^lOfifi chironji, f. nut of the Chi- " ronjia sapida (v. piyal), and the tree. h. bjij>- chawaiyUf 1m. a grazier, a shepherd, eOjjj». c/m7'wa/ya, J a herdsman in general, rf. J>^jj>- chirwel, m. the chay-root or Indian madder, d. (^j>' '^ cha7-i, f. unripe corn cut for the food of cattle ; adj. moveable, locomotive; trembling, unsteady, s. i^j>- "^^ churl, f. bangles or rings made of glass, &c., and worn on the wrist ; a kind of bracelet ; a small well. s. (^js-- ^tf churri, f. dregs, refuse, h. b^ ^5r^ charya, f. perseverance in religious austerities, due observance of all rites. «. y*- ^ char, m. sound made by breaking a branch. /<. y>- ^T chur, f. vulva ; an imitative sound, h. j>- f^ chir, f. vexation, irritation ; aversion, antipathy, chif nikalna, a. to banter, h, H»- f^Tl chira, m. a sparrow, g. ^Iv>. chiralu, peevish, fretful, d. UV^ f^TRT chirana, a. to vex, irritate, mock, provoke, offend, jeer. h. \3V^ c/tarana (Dakh. forUlib^),to rai8e,&c. • -^1^ chara,o, m. ascent, flood-tide, rf. \j^^ charawa, m. an offering (to an idol) ; jewels, &c. presented by a betrothed damsel to her intended, d. 0^ b U)^ J^J v" ^f^ ^qHTT or - ?Enn chafbar-bolna or -Aramo, a. to chatter, to prattle, h. "ijVjV ^^^r^m charhartya, m. chatterer, /i. V^*j»- f'^lifMil chirpira, fiery, hot (as pep- per), acrid, h. 321 -^JV U|)^^ '^TTfT^T charparana, to smart, to palpitate, to flutter, to throb, h. ^.^L^\jly>-f^^W['^chirpirahat,i.diCnmony,h. yry>- "^JWS charchar, m.an imitative sound.A. )j^y>- f^i^MiJ chirchira, m. the name of a plant {Achyranthes aspera); cross, peevish, crabbed fretful, h. ^l/vljr?' '^*"*<^HI charcharana, n. to crack, h. *~^!/vl/v' ^"^'3^'^'f' ^^ chir chir ahat, f. pee- vishness, fretfulness. h, jjsr ^rsr; charar,\ .,.' • ■ rm. an imitative sound, h. jy-r ^rs^chao'ar,) Ujr*- f^"3«n chirnd, n. to be vexed irritated, provoked, to fret. h. Jj'H;?' chirandol, m. a species of lark. d. i^jJyV ■qs'wi churujd or churrod, m. a dish prepared ffora parched rice. «. ,J6j»- ^^ charh, lit. rise ; increase or augmen- tation of rent. h. ^j»- f^ chirh, f. abhorrence, abomination, dislike, vexation, provocation (v. chif). h. blJ^^ ■•q3T«TI charhdnd, a. to make ascend. &c. ; to offer up (oblations) ; to string a bow, or to brace a drum ; to raise, lift, advance, apply, put, spread, bend, dye (with colour), pull, to draw on, cock, fix (a bayonet), run. h. blj&j^ fxCdHI chirhdnd, a. (v. chirdna). h. ^|\stly^^^t^[^charhdw or c/tar/ia,o,m. ascent,rise, Jcclivity, attack, rank, dignity ; flood-tide ; offerings made to idols ; raising in price or rent. A. {J^^J>- ^dl|^ charhdjl, f (from charhdnd) ascent, acclivitj', attack, assault, rank, dignity, price paid for ascending, riding, embarking, &c. h. UjJ&j*. '^'^^(^charhba7md, a. to find an oppor- tunity, h. Ufcj^ ^(fWl charhtd, increase of prico, mak- ing of additional profit, settlement of revenue at a progressively increasing price, chafhta pattd, a lease for a term of years the rent progressively increasing. charhta hona, to be excelling, rising, &c. h. f^y>- Hddn charht'h f advantage, gain, rise. h. ^_f^y>■ ^'d4i charhke, avowedly, designedly, "excellently, h. Uibj&- ■MC«i* charhnd, n. to ascend, to mount, to advance, to attack, to embark, to board, to rise, to climb, soar, spread, swell, ride ; to elapse, or pass over (as time) ; to be strung (a bow) ; to be braced (a drum) ; to be offered up (a sacrifice), charhnd utarna, n, to hire, and dismiss ; congressus. h. Ujfcj*. f'MdHT chirhnd, n. to be vexed, fret, take offence, h. [supercargo, h. j^i^i^y>- "^d ^\K. charhan-ddr, m. a passenger, ^j^j>- ■•IdHl charhnt, f. preparations for •• battle, h. ' lybj»- -"Idi^ll charhauwd, m. a shoe rising up over the heel of the wearer, h. -*> ( ^Ufc^ ^'TO'lf charhman, rising high. h. Ii1yfcj>- ^^. ^nf^charrvi, f. raising (rent, &c.). h. QaJ&7_»- ^If^TT charrvaiyd, m. one who aicends, mounts, &c., a rider, k. ^i>j>- ^n^charhi,f. preparations for battle, h. CLoJt^ ^iltlt charhait, m. (v. charhaiya) one who ascends, &c., also the same as charhaita. h. CIJJ^5»■ ^I^n charhaita, m. a trooper who does not ride his own horse, a rider, h. ^j^- f*T^ chirl or churl, a birdi a hen-spar- row, s. * ^jT ^''^^ chiriya, f. a bird; a kind of sewing. chiriya-]H^na, m. aviary, h. \>}j>' f^finn chiriya, f. a hen-sparrow, s. ^'JT ^^ churail, f. the ghost of a woman who died while pregnant ; a hag, fury ; a dirty woman, slut, slattern, b. [a fowler, h. j^J^- r*(*lHt^ chifi-mar, m. a birdcatcher, UL^ <^^itn chusand, a. to give or cause to sock. h. jjjLm*>. chaspdn, viscous, slimy, coherent, p. ^tiju*«>. chaspidagi, f. love, affection, at- "tachment, coherence, p. S«3jJum>- chaspida, joined to, stuck, adhered } addicted to, liking, fond of, attached, p. «J1a,>««j». chust, active, fleet, ingenious ; narrow, •trdght, tight, cliust chalak, active, alert, fleet, p. \S— ft- chastd, m. tripe, the straight gut, the rectum, p. lU*M>- chusta, tight, fitting well (as clothes), p. ^j\l«*». chistdn, m. an enigma ; lit. chtst an, " what is that i" p. 2CLu*>- chusta, m. runnet. p. ^iAMft- chust'i, f. activity, alertness, fleetness. p. LiL«r»-^^ro|rc/m.9aA, f. pain, aching, throbbing paini a stitch (sharp lancinating pain), h. \^-«*s>- *^Ua|il chashd, m. love, ardent desire, a relish, habit, custom, h. X-^ ^^r^ chusakkar, m. one in the habit of sucking, (met.) a tippler, t. UCm»- ^TOoir*n chasahnd or '^U^d'^ chusakna, n. to throb, to ache. h. if^?r ^"^ chuski,f. a mouthful of drink, s, lju**»- ^^»n chasnd, n. to burst or split (ns tight clothes), h. ^J'*^ ^^^ chusni, f. a child's coral, a stick " for a child to suck. «. ij^ ^**ft chassl, f. a species of itch peculiar "to the palms of the hand and soles of the feet, said to be occasioned by insects. A. 322 ) J^ j_^-*- ^^ chussi, f. the juice of fruits, Jb. ^>- chash, (in comp.) tasting, having the flavour of, as namdk-chath, having the flavour of salt, p, ^Rftr chashati, m. decay, infirmity, t. chashak, f. a tasting, p. iH*- ^^^ chashak, m. a vessel for drink- ing spirits, a wine-glass, &c., any drinking veuel; spirituous liquour. t. J^ cha^hm, m. f. the eye ; hope, expecta- tion. Shu-chashm, fawn-eyed, soft-eyed (an epithet expressive of beauty), chashmi bad dur, avaunt mali- cious glances, chashm ba rah hona, n. to wait for, to expect, chashmi-bimdr, m. an eye that looks half- closed (from modesty, an epithet applied to beauty). chashm poshi, f. turning away the eyes, affecting not to see or hear a petitioner, &c., connivance, chashmi tar, m. a moist eye, i.e. a weeper, chashm-tarl, f. moist eves, full eyes, weeping, chashm-khatia, the socket of e eye. chashmi ]clmnalud, fiery eyes, eyes filled eve tne eye. with blood, murderous looks, chashm-ddshi, f. hope, ooniSdence. chashm-xajclan, m. viewing with an evil eye ; a misfortune, chashm-numa.l, f. reproof, chashm o ehirci^ dearly beloved, p. (^»- chashniak, f. winking, cliashmah (called also chahsu and ^hmixaj), the seed of Cassia dbsus, used as a remedy in diseases of the eyes. p. &.Ji^s>- chashma, m. spectacles; a fountain. ehashma,e l^aiwSn, the fountain of life or immortality. chashmate hur, the fountain of light, the sun. p. ^(ixlft- chashldan, to taste, to experience, p. iSxt^ chashtda (in comp.), having tasted, encountered, or experienced, p. b*>' chaghattd, m. the name of a M ugh nl tribe, of which is descended the house of Timwr. t. 6ia»- chughd, m. the small screech-owl. p. jii»- chaghar, m. a wall-eyed horse, p. bjt>. chagharhd, m. revelry, p. jjj»>- chughhal or chughal-khpr, m. a tell-tale, a talebearer, backbiter, informer. chughal-Jshpri, f. the act of backbiting, p. Ai»- chughll, f. talebearing. chugKti-hhdna, "a. to backbite, to tell tales, to inform, p. ^"T* * *' ' > ra. a prop, an arbour, p. iCk^- chafta,) ^^ chih, f. a kind of screen used to keep out the glare ; large blinds in front of a house, t. ;U.lfti^ chukdchdh, f. (v. chakdchak). t. lA^r^ chahchakt, f. a kind of musical in- "strument made of wood, used by the Murals, t. SL»- chuhhar, m. outlet of a fountain, t. jUS>- chahmahf^f. the steel for striking fire /L^i^ chahmak,) from a flint j the lock of a gun. /. , J'LiU. chahmakt, f. a firelock, i. .;^jji»- chukandar, m. beet-root (fitta viil- garit). p. ( 323 A ulU- 'q^ chak, m. landed property, an estate, a farm ; also a portion of land divided off. chak- handl, f. defining or marking the boundaries of an estate, chak-harar, collecting the rent of a chak. chak- nama, a register of a chak, also a grant for holding the same. c^aA--.<«A:ra, a plot or parcel of a landed estate, s. tils- ^?ir chak, m. a shepherd, a goatherd, h. eii>. f^oF chik, f. a pain in the loins; a screen made of split bamboos, h. tiU- fwsi chikk, m. a musk-rat. h. 0^ ptt^T chikha, f. a mouse, h. 0^ ^^ chakha, m. coagulated milk ; a car- riage-wheel, a cirde. a circular lump of earth, around sod of turf; adj. thick (as dahi, &c.)l ». \3li>.|J»K»- M4il^9ll«n chakate jana, n. to be in astonishment or perplexity, d. tills*. \^ 'ofcbl'^lch chakachak, f. the sound of the stroke of a dagger, clashing of swords, p. Jb j3ys.K»- '^<*|-4tv chakdchaundh, f. the state of being dazzled ; radiance, h. y^ ^W^ chukkar, m. the roaring of a lion, KOo- r^chKl chikara or chikara, m. a kind }f antelope found on the banks of the Janma ; a kind of fiddle, chukara, customs duty. h. bj\x>. r'4<%KHf chikarna, n. to squeak. «. 8,0^ chikara, m. a kind of antelope, the four-homed antelope (v. chikdrS). h, 8,K»- chikara, useless, worthless ; lit. of what use ? " cui bono ?" p. {Jj^ f^^STCt chikari, f. an insect like a musquito ; smut (obscenity). A. [ble. p. iJjy^ chikari, useless, worthless, contempti- i>)Sj>- chakan, dropping, distilling, p. fo»s*- VllfcM chakkdn, thick {bhang, &c.); blot, blotted, smeared, h. U\i>- ■44iHI chukdnd, a. to finish, complete, to settle ; to fix the price of. h. LiL>jK»-f^<* I tfic/«7mwa.f, black clayey soli. h. J .K>- ^ikltK chakdwar, ra. the name of a disease in horses, h. t^j\i>. chakdmak, m. a lark. p. j_jj\^ ^^T^ chakawt, f. a ring- worm. s. ^Jfi^6>l>■ ^cFT^ chukdft, f. (v. chukautd), a task, agreement, adjustment, decision. chukd,t dena, to escape one's notice, to give one the slip. A, cl^io- 'gfjjnT c/ifl/^iV, timid, fearful, astonished.*. Ct^ '<^ld chakkat, the loss of a chak, or whole plot of ground, by diluvion or inundation, k. Ca^^oRTT c/iw/ia^ a settlement, a contract, h. \£C» chakattd, m. (v. chaghatta) name of a Mugjifd family, t. \sC»- -4 ok AT chaktd, ra. a scraping of the skin, a scrape, a scar; a slice, &c. chakta dena or ^en4, to ■car. A. \3l::x». -cTifiiTTtTI chakfdnd, a. to sod, to turf. k. t— iix*. f^foR'Rn chikitsa, f. attendance of a physician on a patient ; application of remedies, heal- ing, curing, s. •* ^ "Cs- f^ftRHrar chikitsak, m. a physician, s. VfcFrf^ chakti, f. the hide of a rhino- "ceros (of which shields are made) ; a patch of leather, a slice, compressed, flattened, a patch ; the round of a cheese ; a round plate of metal, &c. A. ij^ ^^^iri^ chuktl, f. settlement, decree or " sentence (of a court, 8ec.). A. ciLic» chikat, sticky, adhesive, gummy, d. cLi^ f^^ chikkat, filthy, covered with grease and dirt. A. u^ P«i«B«i chiktd,va. a kind of ^asar cloth, h. ^4^^^ f^c|!nc/iiA//ia,filthy, greasy ; m. an oil- merchant. A. ^_^^ r^lik^l chihfi, a sticky or clayey soil. A. o^s^v" H4''<(4il chakchakd, shining, resplen- dent. A. i^oRxToift chakchaki, f. a kind of dag- ger worn on the waist : " it also denotes a smaL. knife, one or two of which are often worn in the same sheath with a dagger, similar to the appendages to a High- landman's dirk." — (Binning.) adj. resplendent, A. (^liJ^^sr?" ^^■^^ chakchhundt, f. a musk- rat (,Sorej; carulescens, Shaw; S. earuleut, Turton). h. j>^ ^^W^ chakkar or ^U chakra, m. a wheel; a circle, or any thing revolving in a circle ; a whirl- wind or whirlpool ; a weapon used principally by the Sikhs, an iron ring which they throw with great dex- terity. It was with this instrument (called sudarshana chakra) that Ndrdyana cut off the head of the Asur Rdhu, when, after churning the ocean, the Surs (or gods) and Asurs fought for the amrita or nectar ; a circular course, the lounge (in manege) ; (met.) a mis- fortune, scrape, perplexity, chakkar hardesht, com- pound interest, ghojre ko chakkar dena, to lounge a horse, chahon chakkar 7neA, on the four sides, on all sides, chakkar mdrnd, to wheel or whirl round. chakra ddrt, m. a peacock; VisJjnu. chakra-vdn, circu- lar, ring-shaped, chakra-vat, in rotation, revolving like awheel, chakra-varit, m. an emperor, a sovereign of the world ; twelve princes beginning with Bharat are especially considered Cliakra-vartis ; a title of Brahmans in Bengal, s. y^ fNr^R chikur, m. hair; lock of hair. s. Jy»-^fpit chukr, m. sorrel; sourness; acid sea- soning, s. [ofpulse. A. ]jX»' Hcn- *MNi|ehK chakrdkdr, circular. «. (j}j>>>- ^oFTT«ft chakrdnt, f. woman servant. p, b;^ "^"iliT^T chakarbd, m. revelry, chakarbd wiachand, a. to reveL A. y2 A c Jt>«3^j^ ^TojiTWT^TSfft chakar-bardeshl, com- pound interest (Gladwin), h. C0>Jy>- ^rftStT chakrii, astonished, amazed, timid, fearful. ». ^J^ ^fff^iT chukriJta, f. wood sorrel ( Oxci- Us monodelpha) or {Rumex vesicarius). t. jy*j^ chahar'Viakar, m. evasion, trick, sub- terfuge, p. dJUio- <4'tt^l4i chakrvak, m. name of a bird, the ruddy goose (Anus casarca). $. ij>jjj^ '^^^^ chakravarti, a prince, a " ruler : in Bengal the word is corrupted into " chucker- butty," or, still worse, " chokerhotty ." *. lJ^'^JJJv '^^^(^ chakra-vriddhi, compound "interest, s, \tbj^ chakariha, m. a good servant, a person fit for (in want of) service ; one habituated to service./). i^f^ ^nft chukrt, a fractional division of land. h'. {jy>»- ^Ult chakri, f. a round plate on which bread is rolled ; a whirligig or plaything ; (v. ehakla) an assembly of singers, s, \^j\»' ^^^tlSXchiikt'etha, having large eyes. h. ^ io- ^^1 chahrela, round, circular, s. VX>. chikkar, m. mud, mire, a swamp, clay, compost, d. ^o- ^1B5 chuhhar, m. a small tank or pit. h. ly^ '^TIR chahhas, m. a perch for birds (particularly falcons), roost, h. iju!ysf f^r^g^ chikkas, m. barley meal. s. ^y^ikSf ^^tV^ chaksunt, f. the name of ** a grass, h. LJ^ chiksa, 'I m. a kind of pulville or per- &^uA> chiksa,) fumed powder of many in- gredients, d. [m. ophthalmia, s. 824 ) ^ ^^*- r^^ic^HI chikalnot a. to masticate, to chew (slowly), h. Ulx&- chakalna, to squeeze, to press upon. d. V»x>. 'qoRHi chakma, m. a game at cards; a boot, a Btocking. h, (Jty^^i^ chakmak, 1 the steel for striking fire i.^X>cLi^ » - chakmak,) with, chakmak ka pat- thar, a flint t. &«^ chakma^ m. a boot, a Btocking (v. eluiJcmS). h. fj>^ chikan, m. a particular mode of work- ing flowers on muslin or other cloth, chikan-doz or -gar, m. one who performs chikan work, chikan-kdri, the making of chikan. p. ,Jy»- frfoFfT chikin, flat-nosed. *. liSs^ ^^ ckakshu, m. the eye. chakshu-rog, i\L>- f^foF^ chikil, m. mud, mire. s. ^)^^ 'tfih^l ehakla, m. a brothel ; a kind of cloth made of silk and cotton, h. ^k^ <«(4h'ciSI ehakla, adj. wide, broad, round ; m. a division of a country, containing several parga- nas ; a round plate on which bread is rolled, chakle- dar, m. the governor of a province or county, chakle- ddrt.f, thegoverntnent of a province or county, chakla- 4ifl!rc7j, expenses of a ehakla. chakld-iMwls, the accoun- tant of the revenues and charges of & ehakla. s. "^^^ ehakla, m. a log of wood ; trunk of a tree ; a block or mass. d. o^kS^ ^flfr^5T«n chaklana, a. to extend in breadth, to widen, h. t^^^li^ ^rw^j;%^chakld,i, f. breadth, width, h. ij*^ r^Sk^lF chikkan, ' Ui^ f'^'ssm ehikna, Uio- ftirfgpin chikkim clean, polished ; beau- tiful (persons) ; bland, soft, mild; unctuous, greasy ; incontinent, lewd, wanton, chikhna-basan or -ghafa banna, n. to be incontinent, incorrigible, deaf to admonition, chikna chanda, beautiful, chiknl joru, f, a slippery wife, chiknl supdrl, f. a kind of betel-nut, prepared by boiling, chiknl sural, prosperous, affluent, flourishing, chiknl mitfi, f. clay, potters' earth, s. Uxd' f^RlifTT chikna, m. oil, grease, s. U^ *«l4r|| ehukna, n. to have finished or completed, to be fixed ; to be agreed upon, adjusted, h. «iL>Uis>. 044^14 chiknat, oiliness, fatness. //. j^Ui^ ^^IRT^ ehahna-chur, m. scraps, small pieces, atoms, filings, chaknd-chur-h., to be dashed to pieces, chakna-chur-k., to shatter to pieces, h. &/cU^ ehahiama, m. a statement shewing the boundaries of u chak, q, v. h. p. Ijli^ f^oiif|T*n chikndna, a. to clean, to po- lish, to smooth, s. C^jKiSa^ f-«l<. -cdsfHI chakhdndf a. to cause to taste, to give a specimen o£ «. (^j^^ N^M chikhuran, m. a weed. h. ^j^^ f^WKyU chikhurna, a. to weed. h. ^^C>\^ ^ERTT?^ chakhachakkt, f. dis- "cord. h. [q.v. ft, ^4%" f'^*!»< chikhavy the husk of the ckana, ^^4^ ^T^^ chakhnd, a. to relish, taste, a. ;_5^\^4Xs- f^^ar^T^ chikhurmd,lf f. wages for weeding, h. (j5j^4^ P^icH.') chikhuri, f. a squirrel. A. (__5^%- ^■'li^ chaka,i, f. the name of a play- "thing.awhirligig; a duck, the female of cAaA:tca, q. v. s. (_^>- Tgft chahhi, f. a millstone, grinder ; a "handmill; the timber of a gunlock ; the kneepan; a thunderbolt, chakki-nama, a kind of song sung by women at weddings while grinding a perfumed pow- der, chakki-ndwart, presentation of said powder to the bride and bridegroom, s. ^J^ ^"g(t chukki, f. deceit, fraud, ckukhi "dena, a. to deceive, to play tricks, h. j_^»- PsjrI chihki, f. a rotten betel nut; adj. "flat-nosed. ». [gle-eyed. s. ^^^^^ ^«luJI chakethd, with large eyes, gog- iJ'^^^ chakidagif f. a drop, distillation, p, j^;>^^ ckakldan, to drop, to trickle, p. *<^^^ chakidu, dropped, distilled, y. blx»- -qjiiTti chugmid, a. to cause to peck. /*. (^J»^X>- chugdft, f. pasturage. A. ^JJ^ ^RT^*n chagalnd, a. to eat without ap- petite. A. [ment h, ^Xs- ^Ttf chugan, f. a plait or fold in a gar- ^>^ '. chigunagi, f. circumstance, manner.jt?. *3^^ chiguna, how? of what kind? ^. jS»- "^Pix. chager,f. a flower-pot (also change?-, q.v.) A. J^ ^^ chal, f. going, dispersion; variation, departure from truth, failure in the performance of a promise, or accomplishment of a prediction, chal-dend, a. to march as an army ; to begiule. s. yj"*" ^^ chul, f. itch, scratching, h. (_)^ chil (contraction of J^), forty, p. ^^»■ ^^ cJmll, m. a blear eye. (J>>- ffSI cAe7/, m. the Bengal kite (^Falco cheela). s. (J^ '^r^y cAa/w, m. water taken up in the palm of the hand for rinsing the mouth. «. ^A^ chilld, m. the forty days of Lent, duj-ing which the religious fraternities in the east shut them- selves up in their cells, or remain at home ; also tho holy place where/aArZrs abide ; quarantine ; the perioil of forty days after child-bed, during which a woman remains unclean. cAiWa khainchna, to keep quaran- tine, p. >»- P*iyf chilld, m. the string of a bow ; gold threads put in the border of a turban, chilla khainch- na, to bend a bow ; to prepare for battle, chilld chaf- hana, a. to bend a bow. A. y^ ^WT chuUd, blear-eyed. 8, (J^^ ^^V^ chaldchal, 1 f. the bustle of (^^^^ ^^^^r^ clwldchalij setting out on a journey, &c., setting about anything; adj. tremu- lous, unsteady ; moveable and stationary, t. (i)^^- "««ci>i*l chaldn, f. clearance ; remittance ; an invoice, an announcement of despatch a pass or passport, chaldn-ddr, one who has charge of an in- voice or despatch. «. ^^^- ^^fT«n chuldndfA. (v. chuland)to distil, to cause to drip. A. ^"^ f^WTTT chilldrui,n. to 8cream,to shriek.A. ^*y^ ^(^\m chaldnd, a. to impel, to set a- going, to drive ; to fire a musket, to shoot at, to do, to hasten, to forward, to send, to accustom, to act, to ad- vance, to throw, to thrust, to use, to walk, s, j-^^^- ^^5T3I cAa/a,M, going; frail, inconstant, fickle ; on the point of death, f. J ^^-^T^ST^ cAaZaw or cAa/a,o,m . habit, c ustom .». J >>. '^^5T^ chuldm, m. a kind of dish consist- ing of plain boiled rice. p. ij^^- ^<^im chaldnd, m. motion, custom ; going, a. ci'^'lij^^^' chaldman-dmdani, invoice or statement of re venue sent. A. p. 'U ( 32G ) ^ ^ij-^^W cAa/a,om, passinfr,cnrrent(acoin). d. ClLJf^ r-«(yi^- "^^jfifVTT chalbidhrd, restive, k. liLjb^J&tJjJtf*- Hc^fofMili^Z chalhidhrahat, f. restiveness. a. ^)uA>. ^q5^^ chulbuld, restless, fidgetting ; airy, gay. chulbula-pan, m. gaiety, h. ^^)jJ^ chulhuldgt, f. liveliness, airiness, d. IS^LkU- ^rW^rSTRT chulbuldnd, n. to be rest- less, to fidget (little used), h. cLJ6^U)is«- 'clc^<|<^|fi chulbuldhat, gaiety, airiness, h. [ting ; airy, gay. ft. Ulfl»- "^^S^^^T chulbuUyd, restless, fidget- «u*»UU. ^^IT?i: chalpdsa or f^^TO: chilpasa, m. a lizard, ft. ^jj4-^- ^^^^chal-pher, ra. motion. A. iJlJ^ ^CJSil chalat, current, saleable, vendi- ble. >. dJ^ Hf^ri chalit, current, usual ; shaking, trembling, gone, departed ; m. moveable or personal property, s. UU- ^I^SiTf chaltd, m. the name of a tree (Dillenia Indica), producing an acid fruit ; going, mov- ing, passable, chalti chiz, f. a saleable commodity, passable coin, &c. ft. j}»- ^f^^ chalitr, m. (v. charitr), conduct, nature, &c. «. tjj^ chalitri, gay, sportive, changeable, in- constant, affected. ». •lis*. ^«T chaltu, land in cultivation, h. aj3j>. chilta, m. the lining of iron armour, p. ^J^ ^r^lfi chalti, cultivated lands j adj. mov- " ing, passing, ft. C^aCv" "Mcft^l'iH chal-chitt, fickle, inconstant j m fickleness. chal-chittatS,(. fickleness, inconstancy.;. ^y^^ ^^^<^ chulchul, m. wantonness, in- constancy, s. [to titillate, s \j^k»-jj>- V^'^^lin chulchuldnd, n. to itch, U^U- J^ f^ ^ r«l t^xm chilchildnd, n . to shriek, to scream, to screech, ft. j^J^r?" ^^y^^rra ckalchaldw, m. preparation for journey or departure, s. A*^ ^3^^^ chulchuU, f. (v. chulchul), ». Jii)>" ^<«J"4^ chal-dal, m. the holy fig-tree, s, \^ chilrd, m. Sunday ; adj. a few, some. d. jfW f^:w^ chillar,{. (v. chilhdr)si louse. cA»/- /rt/- mdrna, a. to louse, ft. "*^/V ^"^qS*!^ chilrdha, lousy. A. Sjytls- chalghozUf m. a kind of nut, like the pistachio, p. uili»- f%5r^ chilak, f. refulgence, glitter. A. dlJll*. r^cfcjiqfc chilih, f. twitch, stitch. A, tdU»- ^?5^ chaluh, m. the hand hollowed. as for holding a little water; a small pot, a gallipot; a handful of water, s, [shine, ft. ^J^C)i». f^ tg^tjl chilaknd, n. to glitter, to J»- f%^ ckilam, ra. f the part of a hukha which contains the tobacco and the charcoal ball, k, j_y**» f^^T^ chilamcht, f. a wash-hand "basin of metal, with a cover to it) part of a iu^fa fixed under the chilam. ft. ^2^|^>J*^}^ chil-marddn, ra. the leather fixed to the vacant part of the tree of a saddle, p. (*X^ f^f^STif chilman, f. (v. chilwan) a screen, &c. ft. ^J^ ^9*1 chalan, m. habit, custom, process, course, conduct, behaviour; ceremony; current; adj. current chalan chalnd, n. to behave, f. iJJ^ ^55'«TT chalnd, n. to go, to proceed, to walk ; to go off, to pass (as coin), to blow, to flow, to behave, to sail, to work, to answer, to succeed, to lastt to serve, to stand, chal nikalnd, n. to turn out vicious, to exceed bounds, chale-jdnd or chale-chalnd, n. to go along, s. [vendible, saleable. (. ^^iJJ^ "^^RWr chalantd, passing, moveable; bjiijji*. chalandari, f. a place where water is supplied gratis to travellers as an act of charity or religious merit (called in Urdu pansdld, q. v.). d. iA»- ^W^ chalm, f. a sieve; adj. current, circulating (as coin); usual. *. ^ ^f^ chullu, m. a handful, the palm of the hand contracted so as to hold water, chullu bhar pant meA dub mama, to perish from drowning in a handful of water, to be greatly abashed (v. chapni bliar pdnl meA dub marnd). chullu chullu sddhnd, a. to get a habit of drinking by gradual increase, chullu men ullii hand, to be intoxicated with a mouthiuL «. ji>- ^^^ chalo, interj. away, begone; come away. chalS, m. the ceremony described under dehct- man. s. |^1»> ^^S^ chaltva, f. a kind of fish ; the an- chovy (Clupea eultrata). $. ^^^j)i*- f^^STR chiltvdnf m. a shutter, h. i^^lyus-fNf^T^ chilrod,t, f. (yxhik) mud,&c. h. m).jV ^^cS^'T chilroarif f, a screen for keeping out the glare, a Yenetian blind, lattice, h. 13^U- ^^^«n chalaund, m. a small stick with which the spinning-wheel is turned. $. b^i>- chulmaiydf m. one who moves about u grent deal, d, «i»- chilla, m. (v. chilld) a bow-Btring; a period of forty days, (to. p. A. \J^^ ^vs^MJ chulhdrd, lascivious, lewd, h- ^ ( 327 ) ^ff^l^ '^ta^l^ chulha,t, f. lewd, libidinous (woman), h. i^ia*. f-^'^^f^Jchilahla, splashy, muddy, slimy. ^j*jl^i»- f^^^f^ chilhreans, m. the flesh of a kite (the eating of which ia said to produce mad- ness) ; screaming like a kite. s. ^jy^ r^cjilCHT ohilkorna, a. to peck. h. iW- ^^ chilli, f. a kind of dish made of "eggs ; m. a blockhead, one who plays mischievous pranks, h, A*- ^Wt chulli, f. the support placed below a stack of straw, &c. ; a fire-place, a chimney ; staddles. h. Ujkl»- chalipa, m. a cross, p. aUKiiJud*. '<4^r*$i| chalenih'iya, sensitive, sen- sual, not having subdued the senses or passions, s. j^ cham, an easy air (in walking) ; prepared, arranged, p. j^ f^r^ ehimi, m. a parrot; a plant from the fibres of which coarse cloth and rope are made. t. Us*- ^WT chumd, m. (v. chuma) a kiss ; also chumma. chuma-chati, f. dalliance, h. X^ *^HM. chamar, m. a worker in leather, a shoe-maker, a tanner, a currier, chumar-kar, a maa of low caste who works in hides and leather, s. fj,^^ ^Rt«lft c/mwar«i1 f. the wife of a (5jl*>- "^(^V^ chamari, J chamar, q. v. s. cU»- chumag}i\Q. mace, a clubj a baton ^J^ chumak, J with an iron knob at the end. p. jjl»»- chaman, walking haughtily or grace fully ; giving one's self airs. p. \j\^»- ^HT*TT ehumana, a. to cause to kiss. «. jjj-fl**. 'xffligi chama,un or chamciyU, f. slip- pers or shoes fixed to pattens, h. icA^>- ^*IT^ chamaji, copper-coloured, h. ^U*. ^ni'nnT chamdyan, a small clan of the gujar tribe in Panipat Bargar. h. If^ ^ITf chamhd, m. a tribe of beggars who cut or scarify their skin. s. jX^ chamhar, sphere, an orb, a wheel, globe, circle, disk. p. jX^ fitjTHi chimbur, a kind of grass, h. 'c<^«K chumbak, m. a kisser, a lecher ; a rogue, a cheat; a loadstone; an extract (from a book, &c.) ; a general scholar, one who knows parts in a variety of books ; the upper part or middle of a ba- lance, s jjjk«s»- ^rar^J chamhal, f the name of a river in Bandelkhand ; a log of wood with grooves, fixed on the banks of canals, and used in drawing water for irri- gation, h. i^jX^!>- "^t^r^chamhanfVa.. kissing,embracing. s. •x»s»- "^ rhambu, m. a narrow-necked vessel for holding water. *. c^Af*?" ^if^ chambeU, f. a flower {Jasmi- "mtm grandiflorum). s. i_jA^ ^wf ckam/p, mountain ebony (Bauki- nia variegata). s. ^♦>- ^*MT champd, m. the name of a tree bearing a fragrant yellow flower (Michelia ekampaca). champd kali, f. a necklace each piece of which resem- bles the unblown flowers of the champa, champa-keld, m. a small kind of plantain or banana, champd-watt f. the district of Champa or Bhagalpore (abounding in ebony trees), s. by&clLa^>- ^^^ajZ'^t^ champat-hond or koja- nd, n. to vanish, to disappear, to scamper ofi', to run away, h, iJX.^^ ^ ^^wIcU champak, m. a kind of tree bearing a yellow fragrant flower [Michelia champaca) a division of the jack-fruit, s. ^vqafi'^li/r aha mpa h-b arm, 1 of t li e i^"^*^ ^*m\ champa,!, J co- "lour of the champd flower, i. e. gold-coloured, s. ^ji^i*. ^WT chanipu, f. a work in which the same subject is continued through alternatioiu of prose and verse, s, tyXt a* - ^wft champi, orange-coloured, s, jO^» > - ^H(e|iK chamatkdr, m. amazement, splendour, astonishment, surprise. *. jKl^ ^JTrFR chamatkdr, f. name of a grass ; haste, h. (Cj\xil«»- "^Hr+lvJ chamatkdri, astonishing, surprising ; sagacious, acute, a, OjJu«>- 'tfHriiri chamatkrit, surprised, asto- nished, s. U*»- f^TRTT chimtd or chumtd, m. tongs, h. ^U^ r-«IH^'l«1l chimtdnd, a. to make adhere or cling to. h. [cleave to. h lJj6.LiL«-^ r«CHi 4.^ HI ckimat-rahnd, n. to \il^s- n«• ^TC chamar, m. a flapper made of a cow's tail to drive away flies ; tlie tail of the bos grun- niins. s. C^^\j^ -^nf^mti chamramat (also chamra- wat,) the perquisites of a chamar, q.v. h. \^^j^ ^^ <^^^ ckamar-baglif f. a bittern, h. i^j^ N»<<« chamrakh, f. the apparatus of a spinning-wheel ; (met.) a lean woman, s. (Sj^ '«i*«0 ckamrl, f. the yak or bos grun- niens, of whose tail-hairs the cftaurt is usually made, s, *J^ "«msi chamra, m. leather, a hide, a skin. chamra-Mdherna, -chhurana, -khainchna, or nikalna, a. to flay. s. [hardy, h. I]^*»- Pqtiai chinira, tough, ductile, flexible, Or,'**. f^J^lT^n chimrana, n. to toughen, to grow tough, h, [flexibility. A- LlUi>\j^ f*4q^l^3 chimrahat, f. toughness, L^^|j*>- f^WTT^ chimra,t, f. power, rigour, flexibility, h. [aa ehintafnS). h. ^j,*?- f^^T?*!! chimarna, n. to adhere (same L^J*»- f^TS^ chimri, infrangible (a quill for instance), hard, h, ;j-*»- ''^J^ chamas, m. a vessel used at sacri- fices for (hiiiking the juice of the acid asclepias, a kind of liidle or spoon; a plant commonly called hhetvap/d (Mollugo pentaphylla). s. ^■"^'^ f^?TOl chimsa, glutinous (as oil by long keej)ing). //. '-^■ft»- '^cR chamak, f. glitter, splendour, glare, chaniak-tamalc, f. splendour, refulgence, h, ^♦v" ^["^ cliummuh (also chammak), m. a loadstone. $. j^-*->' •^H<^\i. chvmhar, m. (also chumhari), f. a sound with the lips by which dogs and horses are called. /(. ^i;'*^*?- '5''^^^'^ chumkarna, a. to coax, to speak kindly to, to sooth (by drawing in the breath witli protruded lips), h. ^»**- "«i»i«i«T«TT chamhana, a. to cause to glit- ter ; to provoke, make to start ; to wave, to brandish, to brighten ; to display, k. y^'>- 'W^T^ chamkarv, m. 1 glitter, ciAJfcK^ ^Hcfcii^;; chamkahat, f.J splendour, much light ; flourish, h. ^^^^♦>- ^•i<*(iT chamahta, bright, brilliant, h. ^-J>-^ ^»T^«TT chamakna, n. to glitter, to shine, to flash, to glare, to startle ; to prosper ; to be angry. A, ^^f^ ^H*l chamkx, f. glitter ; a spangle, d. jiilC*- "THTTT^ chamgadar, m." fj/jsSi^ 'MH^'^^ chamgudfiy f. Vi^xC*- ^H'fft^T chtmgtdar, ni._ Dakhani the form used is chamgadal. a Iar- '^H^T chamla, m, A*»- ''TO^ chamti, f. J^ chummal, m.1 a ring made of grass or j_^^ chumli, f. i twigs, placed under wa- "ter-pots to keep them in an upright positiou (called in Urdu bifhd and jum, q. v.). d. ^J^ chaman, m. a bed in a garden, a par- terre, chaman-hand, m. a gardener, chaman-bandi, art of gardening, chaman- bandi-k., a. to lay out a garden, chamani-dahr, terrestrial abode, chaman- zar, a meadow, p, j^ll«*x»>- chamanistan, m. a flower-bed. p. jX^sj- chamani, of or belonging to a flower " bed. p. [vision of an army, h, y^>- ^R chamu, f. an army j a squadron, a di- o^*»- ^H^Jl chamota, m. ijy^ ^^'^ chamottf f. {>Sy^ ^*44i«1 chamukan, m. a tick or lotue infesting cattle. />. Ux»>. 'BR3T chameta, m. box, thump, blow. $, ^^ ^R chan or chin, m. a kind of sugar- cane, h. [miliaceum. k. ^^ f^Rtchinn, m. a kind of grain (Punicum U»- ^Tjrr or ^fTT chana, m. gram, a kind of pulse, chick pea {Cicer arietinum), fitches, vetches : on this pulse horses are chiefly fed in India. It is alto much used by people, and is grown in all parts of the East. Its Persian name is muMud. s. U>. channa, m. (v. chandna) light, d. lx>- ^r^ chunnd, a. to gather, to pick, to choose; to pick up food (as birds); to place in order, to arrange ; to plait ; m. ascarides. danudxa chunnd, a. to close a door with bricks, h. jU>. china?' or chandr, m. a poplar-tree, a plane-tree. p. oU*. ^in*! chandka, m. (v. chanak). h. JU>- chindl, m. a kind of high-heeled slip- per, d. -^U». chundn, like that, such as that, p, bUs^ -vlt^ltfT chundnd, a. to cause to pick, to choose ; to array or dress one's self, &c. chuna lend, a. to plait (cloth) ; to kill by building a person into a wall. h. [shadow), d, UU». chandna, a. to reflect or cast back (a (^;^i»-^J;U»- chundn-chunin, in this and that manner ; (met) evasion, subterfuge, p. ^U>. chundnchi or chundn-ki, so that, in such manner that, accordingly, p. . champat (v. Uy&d*^<>-), to run ^Ax*. ^^ champuy m. (v. chappu) a paddle, an oar. A. ^^Hc/iMwa<,f. plaiting (cloths),plaits. h. <»■ f^nf cAin^,l f. reflection, consideration, U^f^»inc/tm- r<4t|ffi chintan, m. stody, reflection, s. vJCJtf* r-«<«if«{l chintana, a. to study, to think. 5. \i3Jj>- f^^ftKxn chintiya, f. reflection, considera- tion, thinking. «. cLsJ^ ^TQicAan^, m. a miser, k, S>- ^^ chanchu, f. the beak of a bird. *•• <^ chincha, m. tamarind stones, used by children for playing with. d. j^ '^[^'C chanchar, land left untilled for one, two, or three years, h. ( 329 ) ^ iJ^^ ^^^ chanchal, unsteady, shaking, playful; fickle, inconstant; restless, wanton; perishap ble ; m. a lecher, a libertine, chanchal-hriday, capri- cious, fickle, false-liearted. s. '^^■^^'^n^r^chafichala, f. lightning, s. u^^t?" '^iJc^HT chanchaldnd, n. to be playful, wanton, or restless, s. cILkfc^J,^?' ^PiT^ST^T chanclialahat, f. restless- ness, unsteadiness, wantonness, s. fefi*^^:^ '^[^^■\% chanchaldyl, f. 1 gaiety, U>iJ.^^ ^^^'TTI chanchal-pand, in.) wan- tonness, s, ^^^^»^ ^^^m chanchalatd, f. perishableness ; restlessness, fickleness, s. u^?" ^»fq^ chunchund, m. Ascarides. h. uU^^ ^^^T«n chanchandnd, n. to throb or shoot (as a boil, &c.) ; to make the noise that butter does in a frying-pan. h. Ulo^v" f'qRfqfTT*n chinchindnd,n. to scream, to squeak, to squall, h. jo^v" chancht, a cloth wrapper or cover for "a book. d. CL^Sb\J:^ x|4jf{|^7 ckanchandhut, f. a throb, throbbing, a shooting paiu. h. ^ff^»f^ chunc/mm, f. Ascarides. h. liJk*. chand, some, few (interrogatively), how much l how often ? when ? chand dar chand, several, various. cha7)d roza, of few days, transitory, har-chand, or har-chand-ki, although, nevertheless, notwithstand- ing, however, with all that, so much tlie more. p. Sxs^ "^^ chand (also chandd, m. the mooiK chand-mukh, -mukhi or -badant, moon-faced, j. e. beau- tiful as the moon. s. 'tiJcj. "^P^ chand a, m. assessment, contribution, subscription, chandd uthana, to subscribe or contri- bute, to get up a subscription, p. [ers. s. UJ^JJ^ M f^\ r?JS^ dinnddliyd, a caste ofsweep- j^li^i*- chuiiddh, many, numbers, more, as many as, how many soever, so much, so greatly, p. sS3\i^Jj>- chanddnki, as many, as much, what- ever, so greatly ; how much soever, p. &i^JJk>- chanddna, sundry, or miscellaneous ; a variety of petty taxes formerly levied by the Mogul Government, such as those on musicians, showmen, &c. p. nios* ^^ chandar or chandra, m. the moon, chandra-relchd or chaudra-lekhd, f. a digit of the moon. chandra-gol or chandra-mandal, m, the orb or sphere of the moon, chandra-mani, m. the moon gem. chaudra- t)aniA»,m.a descendant of the moon (v. chandra- ha nsl). s. \j>^>-'^^chandrd,hHk]'y wise, intelligent, h, c-*3Vi^x>- ■«<''^lrf''? c/to», m.moonlight.*. Oljtio*- 'qs^Tin chandrdndf n. to be wilherel or dried up (a tree) ; to cease to grow. *. ( 330 ) JJU^ "^y ^^_^*Jj,Jotfj. ^v^^^fl chandra-bansi (for chan- "dra vaAshT), lit. descendants of the moon, name of a race or dynasty of the KsJ^atriyas. s. ol^jtiJcj. tlvjJiTT'TT chandra-bhaga, f. the name of a river, the Chenab, one of the five streams of the Panjab. chandra-bhdg, a mountain, part of the Himalaya range, from which the river above men- tioned is said to flow. s. (^ .jt\x>. ^r^^:?!J chandra-renu, m. a pla- giarist, a poetical thief, s. O^ji^Jc*. ^r^vf^il cliandra-jot, f. moonshine; a blue light, s. [small cardamums. s. ^jJkA*».t>Jtfj. ^»'555bT^ chandra-sambhava, f. <^ji^j^ -tiv^^i chandrak, m. the eye in a peacock's tail ; a finger-nail, s, fr^ZftJ chandri/idt f. moonlight, moon- beams ; a small fish (Zeus oblongtts), s. io.j.is>- ^*^cii|jfT Chandra- kdnta or chan- dra-kanta, m. a species of gem, supposed to be formed of the congelation of the rays of the moon, s, *^j<^^ '^'•!^^<^\ chandra-kala, f. a digit or one-sixteenth part of the moon's orb or diameter ; » lunar crescent, s. CL^jfjS^ 'N'-J'IW chandra-gupta, m. the re- gistrar of Yama's court, s. li^J^j'^^ ^TJTT^ Chandra- grahan, m. a lunar eclipse, s. [podium album), Jjiiwls- ^r;5^>>- '^•ji^^l chandra-lehhd, f. a digit of the moon ; a plant {Serratula anthelmintica), s, UjiiJk>- fJTT chandramd, m. the moon. s. ^«4Co.jJl>> tlv^'HI!^ chandra-muhht, moon- faced, i.e. having a face beautiful as the moon, s, l5,tJsl»- '*I»<^iHlcAawrfarwa,n.(v. chandrdna).h. ^)jjj;ijk». ^»^m^| chandra'-wdld, f. large car- damums. s. ,Jj .J Sx»- 'M^mii chand?'opa I, m. moon-gem. s. ^^djijiiJ>»- ^r^t^ chandroday, m. an awning, a cloth or sheet spread over the open courts of Hindu houses, &c. upon festival occasions; moon-rise; a kind of collyriura. *. ^jjjL^Jks- ^TJ^lff?^ chandra-vallarl, f. a kind of asclepias (a. acida); rue. s. j\jbj^j.»' ^v^^ll. chandra-hdr, m. a sort of necklace composed of circular pieces of gold, silver, Sec*. ^iioa- "^f^tgn chandld, bald (v. chandrd), m. baldness, h. ^jjiiJk*. ^11^ ehandan, m. sandal wood or tree {Syrium myrtifolium or Sanlalwn album), s. Oja»- chandnd, m. (y.chdndna) light, &c. d, i\^i^I»> chandan-hdr, an ornament worn on the head by women i it is shaped like a half-moon. d. ljiXl>- ^*?J?n[ chandwd, m. a small canopy, an Awning; (iu Dakh.) chandwd machhi, the pomflet fish. h. U(3a»- '^T'MT chundhd, dim-sighted, blinkard ; bad and crabbed (as a handwriting), h, ^i3wis»- ^snilQn chundhld, m. a blinkard. A> li^tXift- xp^I^fTT chundhldnd, n. to be pur- blind, to see dimly, h, (_^i3J^ chrtnde, a few, some ; sometime, p. /CtiJjj- ^tA chnndl, f. a procuress, a bawd. (^;iyi». chindt, f a small piece, a fragment j rags, a scrap of cloth, a tatter, chindi-chindi-k., to break or reduce into small pieces, d. bi^i»- ^fnl^i^l chandiyd, f. the crown of tho head. s. biXisj. ^^m chandaiyd, deep places. ^. j,^,i^j>- T^f^'O chunden, \ f. name of a Jj tiJo- 'M »^' tribe of rdjpTds ibiio*. ^ ^ ^T chandela,} who claim descent from the moon (v. Elliott). J. jij;i\A»- xj^^'t chandeti, f. a fine species of * cotton fabric (made at Chandel). *. ^»f>,Sx>■ chandln, so much, so many. p. »A^.(\1>. chandina, a variety of petty taxes (v. ehanddna). p. ^.<^j»' ^*^i|1 chandihd, silvery, white, h. lij^ ^np chand, fierce, violent, passionate , hot, warm ; pungent, acrid, s. 1 Jsjcj. ^?prf chandd, f. a name of the goddess Durga, applied especially to her incarnation for the purpose of destroying the demon Mahes Asur ; a pas- sionate or furious womMi. s, J- •4iii\^timJ chanddliyd, a tribe of the Jjl- T45^ chandi, f. a name of Durga (v. nlKMda), cltanifi-kusuttt, m. red oleander fc y^ ( 331 ) ^ \jj*»- ^^Tt5 chnnri, f. a mode of dyeing cloths, in which they are tied in different places pre- vious to dipping them in the dye, so as to prevent the parts tied from receiving the colour ; also the cloths dyed in this manner, h. j**^ ^"Wi chansur, m. cress, cresses (^Lepi- dium satiimm). h, cdi-^ ^^Tflf chanakf f. the bursting of the husk of a seed by exposnre to the sun. h. (i^lJL ^ ^UnV chanak, m. a kind of pulse (v. chana). chunk (v. shank), a oonch shell, a. Uk*i>- '<4H^HI chanahna, n. to burst and fall out (as a seed from the hoak). h. J^^^ijT chun-khciyUf m. a bird; a beggar, d. *^-^^ f^n^ chinag, f. ardor urince. h. viXl>- chang, f. a claw; the hand expanded; a kind of guitar, a harp ; fame, report ; a paper-kite which they fly at night ; the name of a suit at cards (v. taj). p. vC>- ''^^ changa, healthy, cured, sound. ekanga bananS, a. to correct, to punish, to put to right, to chastise, bfiala changa, in health and vigour ; per- fect, good. h. Vxio» f^^ chinga, m. a chicken, h. t^jlC;*- fVr| J|lO chingari, f. a spark (of fire)./i. JIC1&- changal, m. (v. changal). p. ^\i^.^JZ:>- -tf^^iq chang-ba,o, m. the name of a disorder, h. CLJJj>- f^JfZ chingatf m. a shrimp or prawn, s. J^ '^fSf^ changar, m. a tray, a trough, h. ]^Xi>. f^r^fl chingra, *^jfj^^*^ fN'^rt ching] jXu^ changul, m. a claw* a talon, p. JjCi». ^[^f^ chungal, a handful of any thing dry, as ehullU denotes a handful of liquid, h. Uk^i^ r«H'l«il chinagna, n. to throb, to shoot (as a boil, &C.); to cry, to screech, h. {J^*^ f^g-^l chingnt, f. a chicken, h •^Xl>. ^W^ changur, excellent, h, jV^^JJa. ^'^W^ chinghar, If. scream, cla- \j{^Cls»^ f^f|fT3T chinghara,) mour. cliin- ghar-marnd or chinghafen mamd, n. to scream, h. bj'l^X^ r^^l jr|| chingharna, n. to scream, to screech (applied properly to the elephant), h. iS^ ^^ chungl, f. a tax gathered daily "from grain merchants, being as much grain as can be taken up in a man's fist; illegal abstraction of hand- fuls of market produce, chunghpenth, a market held on condition of giving a small portion of each sale- able article to the zamindar. h. 1$^ ^^^ or f^tfTrt chingl, f. a spark of "fire (t. ekangart\\ a wicked dwarf, ehingi-jharnd, ia, or -nikalna, n. to sparkle, h. jra, m.\ ngrit i.J awn, shrimp, s. i^J^ changl, m. one who plays on the chang "or harp, a harpei. p. Jtr^^- '^Sf^ changer, f. a flower-pot, a tray. A. Vj^XJL>. ^f^TT changer a, m. a large basket ; a trough or tray. A. (jjSz»' "^^fd changerl, f. a small basket, h. changel, name of an herb which grows amidst old buildings, the seed of which is used in medicine, and termed khahdjt. h. j_^^^Jj^ chunti-mittt or-mafi,potter8* earth.A. 4*>j»- '*H (h *4 f chanamiya, a tribe of rajputs. h. (j^ "^HH chunan, m. rumple, crease, h. Ui*''^^ chunna, a to gather (v. U>-). ^^^^i>- ^tT^TT chanivan, a small species of millet, h. I31jl^ ^*TWRT chunwana, a. to cause to pick, choose, arrange, &c. (v. chunana). h. u^l>. x|,O^T chanauta, m. (the same as chu- nauti, q. v.) the folding of the cloth called sSrl worn by the women, h. i^y^ -*f*(V^ chunautt, f. a box for holding ' the lime used to chew along with betel ; a small spoon used to take out the lime. s. t^y>>»- '^^tZ\ chunautt, f. encouraging troops **in tlie time of battle, for which purpose there is an officer in Indian armies ; selecting from an army the fittest men for a desperate enterprise. A practice which formerly prevailed at Benares: on the 1 1th of Jaith Shuklpaksf^ the inhabitants were wont to swim across the river, and, forming themselves into two parties, to fight with swords, clubs, &c. h, jyiJ>- ^C^K. chanmar, m. a kind of flapper to drive away flies, s. i^f^ r«l»^ chinh, m. (for f%^ chinha) a scar, a mark, spot, stain; symbol, token, feature; signa ture. chinh chafhand, to stigmatize. $. jl^ija. f-Mi^R chinhar, m. l an acquaint- (_C,l,^l>. p^^^TTft chinhdrt, f.J ance ; ac- quaintanceship, s. lIa^I^ f^ftfTT chinhit, marked, known, s. U\j^l»- c/tm/iwawa,tocau8etobe recognised, h. ^». ^tjt chant, a small species of chana, or " gram. h. ^js^ ^^ chunni, f. a small ruby ; ascarides. h. blxi>- '^tTTT^ chaniyada, also chane,add, land under a crop of chana or gram. h. ,^^^^^Zchaneth, f. spices given to cattle, drugs for oxen. A. SJja»- chinida, selected, chosen, p. (jrvl»- chunln, like this, such as this. p. ^ ^chaii, m. a back tooth ; ploughshare, h. ^ ^ chau, same as char, four, but used only tn comp. as chan-baghld, m. a kind of jacket, not open under the arms, chmi-bandi, f. giving a horse new shoes (v. khol-handl); the fastenings of baggage. chau-bhir, on all sides, all round, chau-para, made of four pieces, chau-pas, all around, on all sides, cliau- pas, all round, around, chau-pahal, four sides or four- sided, a square bottle, chau-pahlu or chau-pahra, during four pahars, i.e. half the natural day, or twelve hours, chau-pahra-dend, to break in a horse, by giving a twelve hours' spell of it. chmi-tah or chau-tahd, of four folds, chau-dkir, -dhir, -ras, -kudhan, -kudan, or -khut, on all four sides, all around, chau-jugt, belong- ing to the four jugs or ages of the world : tne term is used to denote " of vast antiquity." chau-gosht, f. an animal whose ears are slit (particularly a horse: these are generally taught to amble). chau-ma1j,aUa, of four stories (a house), chau-mukhi, four-faced. chau-meMa, tying the elbows behind, h. y>- chu, such as, like, when; how? p. ^ ^f^ chavi, f. the pepper plant which yields long pepper, s. i^»- "^m chauwa, m. quadruped (particu- larly oxen), a handbreadth. A. '*^ ""ii^r cho,a or '^(V[ chu,a, m. the name of a perfume ; the pod, or skin of any kind of pulse ; a windfall (fruit); name of a plant used as a potherb {Amaranthiis oleaceus). h. i-**^»- chu,d (for chuha), a rat, a mouse. chii,e- ddn, a mouse-trap. d. j^^y^ ^^t^T, cho,ar, \m. a mountain robber, J '^^^ "^^TTT cho,arJ an outlaw moun- taineer, a brigand, h. ^'^ "*»<«ici>i chawala, m. a chair, sedan (cor. of chaupdld). h. U^^'^r^ ^^I^^^ chau,alis or chamatis, for- ty-four, s, (j^^^ -^^ain chu,dn or '^^«T chu,dn, f. a reservoir, a cistern, chu.dn khd.t, f. a deep ditch with water springing at the bottom, s. ^jl^jj»- •«^, '^^TT chuu-hdr, 1 1 ra. a summer- ■'«M'*fITT chau-hdrd,} house; an assem- bly, oourt ; town-hall ; a shed, a police-station, h. (jb^ chubdn (v. chupdn), a shepherd, p. &s2^:>- chaubachcha, m. (cor. of chah-bnch- cha, q. v.) a vat, a cistern, a reservoir attached to a tank or well. p. fj^.^.^sf- chob-chtni, f. the name of a medicine, China root {China smilax). p. (j*adL^y>- chob-dasti, f. a staff, stick, p. j^dL^^ chob-ddr, m. a servant whose busi- ness is to announce the arrival of company, a mace- bearer, p. ji^ ^T^ chaubar, stout, robust, bold. h. uil^ji**- chobak, f. a drumstick, p. «^y^ ^^chubh, m. pricking, puncture, h. l^^a» ^tHT chobhd, m. a nail ; a kind of vic- tuals g^ven upon great occasions, marriages, &c.; prey | puncture, h. ijuL) ,-k. "^iTTn chubhnd, n. to be stuck, or thrust into ; to pierce, to be goaded or stabbed, to penetrate, h. ^^ ^^ chaube (corrup. of chatur-vedif q. v.), m. a Brahman acquainted with the fonr Fedat inow applied to the descendants of such, though not earned), s. j_^«r*- chobt, wooden ; made of wood. p. fjtjjj^ ^INft^ chaubis, t\^enty-four. $. Ljo^ ^^PNncAaMftwa,'|a track of land s>Mi^^'^s^!^W,chaubiia,) containing twen- ty-four villages, occupied by one tribe, t. (jO jrj- chobin, wooden, made of wood. j>. f^^ ^ftT ckopf f. desire, wish, hope. h. Xi^'^fm chaupd, .b^j^ ^mH chaupdr, ^J^>,y^ ^TTT^ chaupdl, , j=b 4-». T^m ^ chaupdr (also chaupdr & chau- pdl), m. a kind of summer-house or pavilion (gene- rally built jointly by several people, as a resting- place common to them all) ; a quadruped, an animu a beast, s. ^Ib^^^TH^ chaupdld, m. a litter, sedan, s. ^Jo_^ chaupdn or chupdn, m. a cowherd, or shepherd, chupdm, the office of shepherd, p. ij^^.^»- '■^^\\ chanpdfi, f. a sort of metre, a verse consisting of four long feet or short line*, chiefly used in Braj compositions, s, eob jjs- '^'Mm chaupdya, m. an animal, a beast, quadruped, p. ^JJx'y!-. ^Tnft chaupatri,'\{. a small tract, j^^ ^My*^ chaupattl, J an essay, a pam- " phlet, a pocket-book. $. CU>^ ^f^Z chaupat, ruined, destroyed, levelled, plain, chaupaf-k., to level, to destroy, h. m. four-footed, quadruped. «. ( 333 ) •^^ 3b ^TT? rhaupar, f. the name of a game played with long dice, also the cloth on which it is played ; also a summer-house (v. chaupar). s. j>.^ '^n?? chupar, m. grease, h. L^'l^^ ^nrrt ckuprl, adj. f. oiled, greasy, unctuous, cliuprl bat, f. flattery, soft words, chupft rati, f. cakes rich with clarified butter, h. Ib^*- <«rti|t{r chopna, a. to throw water from a dauri, o. v. h. ^^.y^ *«Dm^<^T chau-pahldf m. a kind of sedan (v. chau-pala). h, O**- ^il chut, f. vulva, ckut-saldmi, fees paid by a bridegroom to the Ja?! on the morning after his nuptials, chut-marani, a strumpet, a harlot, s. \.^^•^- -^IrfRT chautard, m. a four-stringed masical instrument, a guitar. A. al instrum Jli>^»- -^^Hft^ chautal or chautala, m. a mode in music, s. \J»». ^[TTTT chautard (v. chautara). h. y^y.*. %ft(I^W chautarkdf m. a mitre; a kind of tent. A. 8 j»:>- ^riC! chautara, m. (v. chahutard) a terrace or mound to sit and converse on, a tribunal, h. jiy^ ^fHT chutar, m. the backside, buttock, hip. chutar hajana, n. to be overjoyed, chutar sakor- itd, a. to loiter, to haug back, chutar se lean ganthna, to speak in parables, to use far-fetched expressions, h. J\1a5 ^o»r>- -^ich^^'^l^^ chautkt-khaifdn, a sum paid to the zamhiddr for the privilege of weigh- ing the grain of the cultivators, h. ,^y>- '^ chauth, f. the fourth lunar day; the fourth part; a species of tribute, consisting of one fourth the regular government assessment, demanded by the J^arhattas from the neighbouring princes, Hindu and Musalman alike, as the price of forbearing to ravage their countries. This is the same as the "blackmail" formerly levied by the Highland Scot- tish chiefs on their more wealthy and less warlike neighbours of the lowlandf s. ^*»- '^^ choth, m. co- '^^ chauthi, f. the fourth day ; a "ceremony performed on the fourth day after mar- riage, s. .JjA!>»:>- 'xdfi^tll chauthiyd, m. one who re- ceives the chauth ; a quartan ague ; name of a mea- sure for grain nearly equal to a ser (q. v.). «. LjJ**- ^finn chutiyd, m. a blockhead, chu- tiyd shahtd, m. a cully, a dupe. <, oJy>- ^tffhn chaut~iya,i. a quartan (ague) s. ^J>^^>- '^'W\'9 chauth, thirty-four. s. tIL>^ ^^ chot, f. a hurt, a blow, damage j fall ; spite, effort, attempt, assiduity, desire, wish, aim tip of the toe, folding a blanket, &c., as a covering for the head and shoulders, chot par chot, one misfortune follows another, misfortunes come not single, chot hdndhnd, a. to defend ; to bind up the edge of a sword &c. ; to restrain by magic, chof khdna, to receive a blow, to be hurt ; to sufier loss. h. '•^y^ ^f7 chut, m. a crack, a noise, a pecu- liar mode of folding a blanket or sheet, h. ^^^ ''^tZI chotd, m. discount or premmm in- dependent of interest j treacle, h. u^^ ■«f)g| chottd, m. a thief, h. (^y>- Hi 71 chofi, f. a lock of hair left on the "top of the head, the plait or tie of hair behind, a queue ; top, summit ; a petticoat, chofi kd hond, to excel, be pre-eminent, or unrivalled, h. \j\jjy>- '4in!i|T«n chotiydna, a. to seize by the hair, also to wound, to hurt, h, 9r3f' ^^ ^^^^Jy ™* subtleness, beauty, h. —^ chuj, chujd, and chuja(\. chuz, &c.).^. ^^y>■ ^^ chojt, subtle, fine. h. ':^^s-y>- 'tft'^55! chochld, m. playfulness, blan- dishments, endearing arts and expressions, coquetry, ft. t^i!>- ^^chuchi,f. (v. c/twwcAi) the breast, "pap, &c. h. \,i^^^ chau-haddd, 'I the neighbourhood, ^^li«s^y^- chau-haddi,) environs ; surround- "ing country, d. b»*- chaudd (for chaudah), fourteen, p. ij,\i^^ ^^«ft chauddnl, f. 'j an orna- \J6U»r»- ^^f«?1T chauddniyd, m. j men, (formed of four pearls) worn in the ears. h. ^c.i^ chaudrt (for chaudhart q. v.), head man, &c. d. [of the moon. «. (v*ti»i>- ^^ chaudas, f. the fourteenth day liii *^- ^^"?n chodnd, a. to copulate, k. Cl^^^ ^ri *H chau-dant, crossmg their teeth in fight (elephants) ; sturdy, robust, stoat, s. J^ii^ ^^»ift chaudanti, f. boldness, s. j^\.(i»r>- ^^ chaudrvdn, the fourteenth, s. {^\»iy>- ^^^^HT cAoc?waw5a, whorish, libidi- nous, addicted to fornication, h. j^lfciiys- M i <^^i chaudahdn, the fourteenth, s. id^ ^^ chaudah, fourteen. «. jjbii^d- ^V^ chaudhar, robust, active, vigo- rous, corpulent, h. f^Ajibi^y>' ^V^T^ chaudhard,i, f. the busi- "ness, office, or dignity of a chaudhart, q.v. h. C^)\jt>,iy>- ^ViUmt chaudhardyat, a chau- dhart's fees of office, h. f^Jbiy>- '^vrt chaudhart, m. the head man of a trade; a village chief or headman; in Bengal, a title of lamlholders superior to a ta'alhil-ddr, q. v. h ^^ ( 334 ) y^ lybiij^. ij^ti^q^ ckaudahwan, the four- teenth, s. ^fc5»i»- chaudher, all around, d. J|j(ij5«- sft^gy chaudol,m, a kind of sedan with two poles, h. j^ ^^1t chor, m. a thief, robber ; adj, e\y, hidden, false, treacherous, chor-hdlu, f. a quicksand. chor-pahra or -pahra, the scouts of an army, chor-ja- haz, a pirate ship, a privateer, chor-chakdr, m. a thief. chor-]chflna, m. bye-room, concealed drawer, chor- darwaza, m. trapdoor, ckor-dhor, m. plaintiff and de- fendant ; all the parties of a law suit ; a thief and what he has stolen, clwr-rah or -rasta, a secret path. chor-zamln, a quagmire, bog. chor-slfhl, f. back-stairs. chor-khirkl, f. a back-door, a bye-door, chor-gali, f. a bye-road, back-lune. chor lagna, n. to be injured, to damage, clior lagna sham' ko, n. to waste a candle by a thief being attached to it. chor-mahal, m. the apart- ments of the concubines of great men. chor-mandura, m. a game played by children, chor-mahichni, f. hide and seek, chor-nimak, contraband salt (chiefly used in Cuttack). jj>- ^ chii.r, m. powder, filings, atoms ; bruised, chur-chur, broken to atoms, chur rahna, n. to sot. chur-k., a. to break into small pieces, chur honu, n, to be broken into small pieces ; to be ena- moured of, to be in love ; to be tired, tiashe men chur hona, n. to be helplessly intoxicated, s. j^ ^X. chaur, a large open space in a forest ; an extensive tract of low land. h. \jy>- ^^TT chaur a, m. a terrace or mound to Bit and converse on ; the place where Hindu widows are burnt ; also a kind of bean (v. chaula), h. 1)3^ ^RT chura, m. filings; saw-dust ; grain reduced to coarse particles to be chucked into the mouth, s. [road. h.p. »1m\j^ chau-rasta (v. chau-raha), a cross- i^**ijy>' '^^iJX^ chaurasi, eighty-four; a sub- "division of a pargana, amounting to eighty-four vil- lages, s. bells j_^^ji>- "«»Ki^1 chaurasi, f. morris "worn on the ankles by dancing girls, h. ^]j^^^T»TT chorana, a. to steal, s. ^j^\j^ "^OHi cJiauranawwe or ^^TT^ chaurdfiwe, ninety-four, s. ^\j^ chau-raha,'\^^ fm. a cross-road; *^1»^ cfiaurahaj \ the junction of four roads ; the meeting of the boundaries of four vil- h. p. j_5-^^ ^flT^wft chor-pushpi, f. a kind of "grass {Andropogon aclculatum). s. ^i;^vj3^ f^^tor-phara or -pahra, the vanguard of an army ; (lit.) " the sly sentry." d, (^jt»j^ ^RTO chauras, level, even. h. {^jttjy^- chauraSj^W around, on the four sides.c?. iJ^^j^ ^RW^ chaurasdfi, f. equality of surface, evenness, h. oIm*,^ ^^W«n chaurasana, a. to level, h. i^Ji'^ ^T^ chaurasi, a granary above "ground. // Ujj^ ^(k\ churma, m. a kind of sweetmeat made of sugar and crumbled bread, h, ^^^^'^(Ty\ churan or ^^ churna, m. powder, dust ; a powder composed of tnedicines for promotiag digestion, aromatic powder, poimded sandal, &c.| fossil alkali, efflorescent salt, churna-kuntal, m. a lock of hair, a curl, chunia-khand, m. pebble, gravel, hardened fragments of earth or brick; limestone nodule, commonly called kankar. a. J3^ ^n§T churna, a. to reduce to very small peices, or to atoms, a. ijj:'ijj»^ "41 i^ chaurang, m. a practice of the sword exercise ; cutting the four legs of an animal off at one blow, chauravg katna, a. to cut off the four legs of an animal at one blow, chaurang-marna, a. to lose the use of the limbs by illness ; to hamstring a quadruped, s. ^j^ (^fi^^f<^) a small bit, a fragment, d. Lf)^ '^W chort, f. a theft, robbery, stealth. chort-chorl, by stealth, clandestinely, a. {Jij^ ^T& chu7'i, f. a species of bread rich with ghi ; a kind of bracelet, h. ijj^ ^^t^ chauri, f. a summer-house, h. j3^ ^ chur, m. a silver or gold ornament worn by the Hindu widows ; the ring fastened to ele- phant's teeth, h. J^£*" ^17 chor, m. a boddice, a jacket. j^ ^ chur (also chura and churt), a crest, a top-knot, a ring, an amulet, the bracelet put on a bride at the time of marriage, chura-bhandara, an allowance for the maintenance of the junior members of a zamindar's family, a. J'^>- ^^Tfc/ta2- '^^ chura, f. a single lock of hair left on the crown of the head at the ceremony of tonsure i a peacock's crest ; any crest, plume, diadem ; head, top, summit ; a kind of bracelet ; m. the rings fastened to elephants' teeth ; a kind of ornament ; a kind of food made of parched rice, chura-mani , m. a jewel worn in a crest, or a diadem ; the Gunja {Abrus precatorius), chura-wat, crested, having a lock of hair on the top of the head. *. ^U^*-*- "x^jl^l churala, f. a kind of grass {Kyl- linga monocephala) ; adj. crested, having a lock of haii on the crown of the head. •. U^Jy^ ^^T«T chauran, m. f. breadth, width, extension, h. Ohy^ "uilHI chaurana, a., to increase in breadth, to expand, to widen, h. (^■^)j^ MTSlI^ chaura,i, f. breadth, width, extension ; boasting. c)uiura,t-mdmS or -karttS, a. to boast, to give one's self airs. h. iJL^,y>-jy>- "iii^im chaur-chaupat, aban- doned, vicious, damaged, h. Lfj^ ^^ chur'i, f. bangles or rings made of glass, &c.. and worn on the \»Tist (v. churfy chift ddr, drawers, or sleeves, made too long, so as to b« crumpled into plaits, h. js9^ j^ ehuz, m. a young hawk, a hawk that has atot hanted. p. hy^ chuza, a kite, (also v. chuza). p. 9j^ chuza, m. a chicken, a young bii-,1. eh&za-haz, an old woman who keeps a young gallant, an old woman fond of striplings, p. (^jt»y»- ^Tff chaus, m. flour, powder ; land four times tilled, h, ,^Li»y>- '^^ chausath, sixty-four. s. jMy>- ^^^ chausar, m. (v. chaupar) a kind of game played with oblong dice ; also the cloth, &c. on which it is played, s. ijy*»y>- chausart, a female ornament worn round the neck. d. \*i*i*,s>- T^fit^T chusna. a. to suck. s. KaCim^ ■4 1F< <^ chausingha, a. raised mound indicating where the boundaries of four villages meet.A. ^*»>^^'^^r»ftc^Mm,f.achild s coral,a8ucking- " stick for children, a. «*«»*>- ^'Ttoy choshyuy suckable, any thing (especially fruit) capable of being sucked, as a mango, &c. i. &Py>- cliogha (v. UJ»), a kind of garment, d. {^^ "Bf^ chuk, f. an error, inadvertency, blunder, mistake, h. uiJys- ^o|r chuk, adj. sour, acid; m. a medi- cine made of boiled lemon-juice and pomegranates, s. ^ks>~ ^^ chauk, m. a square, an open place in a dty where the market is held, and where also the chief of the police-office is stationed ; a market ; (accord- ing to Gladwin it denotes) " a constant daily market, or place of sale in towns, for all articles of wearing apparel and other second-hand goods, the commodi- ties here sold being, for the most part, not new ; or if new, coarse of their kind ;" a court-yard ; a custom at the marriage of Hindus and Musalmaus of making a square space of coloured meal, in which the bride and bridegroom are seated on chairs, &c. chauk-bharnd or -puma, a. to form a square space of coloured meal, in which at marriages the bride and bridegroom are seat- ed on chairs, &c. chauk-patta, a seat on which the people sit and eat in the ceremony above mentioned. chauk-nikds, a tax on all goods sold in the chauk. chauk- mara, smuggling ; evading the market tax. h. ^^£>- ToET chukd or chakd, m. a kind of sorrel {Rumex vesicarius) ; also rice. t. \^v*- ^«n chulid., ra. a kind of earthen pot. h. %^s>- ^oFI chauka, m. the space in which Hindus dress their victuals ; a square slate of marble, &c. ; the four front teeth ; the cube of a measure called baAs. h. cL/b\^»d- '*f|o|!T^IiI chokabag, seeds sown im- mediately after a fall of rain. h. iSl^^^(WZchaukat, f. (v. chauhhat) frame of a door, &c. i. ^S'i^^' chau-kiidhan, on all four sides, d. • sf»s>- ^oiiCt chauhari, a measure of grain, a quarter of a chautiya, q. v. h. ( 335 ) s£f^ j>^ -'^^K chokar, 1m. husk of wheat, r, |i ir,} Jp>=*" ^oir? chokar,} bran, h, '^y>- '^«#i chaukafy good, well, fine, ex- nt. /*. - ■'Ilohai chaukara, m. a ring of two pearls worn in each ear ; also a division of crop, the cultivator giving a fourth part to the zamindar. s, {^y^:>- -"iioiisl chauhari, f. a bound, a spring; a ring of pearls worn by men in the ears, chaukafi bharna, a. to leap, to bound, chaukafi hhulnd, n. to forget one's bound, i. e. to be fascinated, to have one's senses benumbed, chaukafi mar baithnd, n. to squat, h. l^juS^£>- -«iich4j chaukas, cautious, watchful, alert, diligent, active, clever, intelligent ; full weight, h. j_^«*J^5>- ^I«I»F^ chaukasi, f. diligence; four "people employed together, or eating out of the same dish or plate ; ra. an assayer, an examiner, h . ijA*J^y>- ^T«FTTT^ chaukasa,t, f attention, circumspection, watchfulness, caution, h. ifM^»- ^o|r^: chauklttf an assemblage of the smaller divisions of a province, the jurisdiction of a faiij-ddr, q. v. h. U$^i>- ^oUfTT chukna, n. to blunder, to mis- take, depart from, err, miss, fail. h. \Mys^ ^"^^ chaukanna, cautious, alert, circumspect, sly, wary. h. jy^ ^oFtr chaukor, 1 four-cornered, ^yy>- ^*1«n chau-kona, J square, or quadrangular, s. f^^ '^^ chokh, adj. sharp, pungent; also chukh, m. the name of a medicine, orris-root, orrioe or iris root. h. \A^y>- -4)4sl1 chokha, pure, unadulterated, ge- nuine, good, fine, sharp, pungent, keen ; clever, dex- trous ; pleasing, delightful, beautiful ; m. a station where four boundaries meet. h. Ui»r*- ^^T chaukhaj a station where four boundaries meet. h. [ness. h. 'lA^r»- '^^T^ chokha,t, f. purity, sharp- «^- -^ X i^S chauhhat, m. f. frame of a door; the upper and lower piece of the frame of a door. s. Ui^A^^ ^^7T chaukhunta, square, h. aS.s^ <4l4!- -Mpctehl chaviki, f. Piper chavya. s. \ty>- ''^^ choga, m. food of birds brought up from the crop ; food of birds in general. chogS-ba- ^ni^;; o frv Kill fn parpsa ns doves hv ioininsf bills, h dalnd, a, to bill, to caress as doves by joining bills. / ^y^ ( M^^ ^rtTTPI chaugan, nr. a plain, a desert, h. i»^^=>- chaugan, in. a game resembling what in Scotland they call "shinty," and in some parts of England, " shinney," or " hockey," or " bandy," but played on horseback ; also the crooked stick or club used in playing the game, chaugan-gdh, shinty- ground, chaugdn-bdz, a shinty plaj'er. chaugdn-bdzi, the playing of shinty. This game has been improperly described as "cricket," "golf," &c., to which it bears no resemblance whatever It is simjjly the good old game of " shinty," played by mounted horsemen, each armed with a long stick like a shepherd's crook. The players are divided into two ))arties, the object of each being either to carry off the ball from the ad- verse party, or to force it over a certain boundary- line, p. «3li^.>- ^TTnUJ chaugana, fourfold, quad- ruple. I. (30^ '^m*!^ chaugam, f. a straight (hukha pipe or) tube for smoking through, h. \i!i.^^^ '^^'^ chaugadda, a place where the boundaries of four villages meet. h. ^yyf- chaugird, on all four sides, all around ; m. environs, vicinity, p. V,5^ '4'1'Tfl chaugara, m. a rabbit, a hare. h. US^ ^^^nin ckauguna, fourfold, four times, s, iJtt^^^ chau-gosha, a kind of oblong tray. p. iJii^y>- ^"ntf^i^ chau-goshiya, m. a turkt hone ; a horse with slit ears. h. \j^y>~ ^^ITT chau-ghara, m. a small box with four partitions for holding betel leaf, nut, chu- oam, and spices, which are chewed together, or for perfumes, &c. ; also a wooden frame for holding four chatties or pots. s. ^}^ ^qT chul, f. a tenon, the part of joiners' work which fits into another (as a dove-tail) j a pivot upon which a door turns as on a hinge ; an axle-tree arm. chulen-ukhafnd or -dhlli liond, n. to be tired, worn out with labour, h. J^ ^^ chaul, the ceremony of tonsure. *. y^s^- ^r^ chuld f. a crest (also chulat), name of a tribe of Tagas. h, ^^^- ^*1q5T ckola, m. (v. cholt) ; a bodice, a waistcoat, a jacket ; a garment worn by a bride at her marriage ; a small betel-basket ; a country, the mo- dern Tanjore : the name is supposed to apply to a part of Birbhum in Bengal, s. ^y>- ^I- chuld, also chula & chulyd (for chulha), ^j^*^^ ^^n^ chauld,tf f. a kind of vegeta- ble {Amaranthus polygamus). h. \j>y*' '^^JTT chaulard, m."! a necklace of four (^'"p^s*- ^q57^ chaulart, i'.J strings, h. \y>' ^^5«lf^ chaul- harma , m. the cere- mony of tonsure, cutting off* all the hair from the head of a child three years old, except one lock on th« crown. I. r>J ) ttJJT : *: a ,_„. „U fire-place. «. {^iT ^^5^ chulhi, fj ^^ '•Tic?) choli, f. a bodice, a waistcoat, "the body of a gown, a jacket ; a small betel basket «. lc^*>. ^fJTT chtima, m. a kiss ; chumd-chdtt, f. dalliance, kissing and toying, t. (^jtXo^s>- ■^*i\*i chau-mds, lands tilled during the chau-masd, q. v. *. \,<*>U^^ ^TTRTT chau-mdsd,\in. the space of &<*»U^ ^HTO: chau-mdsa,} four months, applied particularly to the rainy season (firom June to September), s. U-^^.»- ^TTWI chau-masya, la ploughman &ju**j£»- ^^l^J chaU'masya,) hired for a term or season of four months, s, j^.^*y>- '^H<*»lr'yC chumak patthar, m. a magnet (v. chumbak). s. «.^x«jc»- ^»T^ chau-muhh, m. a lamp-stand with four partitions ; a name of Brahma. ». l^Ccj^s- <^M<<(I chau-mukhd, adj. having four burners (a lamp) ; m. a lamp-stand with four parti- tions ; a kind ofpatd, q. v. s. f_^^^^ '^^*^ chau-mukht, f. a name of a "Hindu goddess; the seed of a tree called in Sanskrit rudrdkslpa {Sccevola lobelia or Eleocarpus ganitrus). s, ^y>.^nr;^ chuman, m. act of kissing, s. U<«ys. HHHI chumna, a. to kiss. a. f^yf^ chun, such as, like; interrog. how when ? conj. because, inasmuch as. chvA-kl, whereas, since, p. ^-fc '^fT or ^rar chun, m. flour, pulse coarse- ly ground ; lime. ». U^?" ^^^ chauwan, fifty-four. h. \3^£»- ^n^ chund, n. to leak, to drop, to ooze, to be distilled, to be filtered ; to drop from the tree when ripe (fruit). *. \3».&- ^nn chund, m. lime; chunam. chund- pazni, f. a dancing girl, china lagana, a to defame. «. ^«n^ chundru, \m. a lime-burner or - ^n{T^chundrt,j worker in lime. «. ^jlijj>- chundn, like that, just as if, such aa.p, fj)}^^~i^i^^ chuni he chigun, witliout like- ness, incomparable, an epithet of the Deity, p, > , _ -i'u "^ 'ij^ chomp or ^N chaump, f. wish^ desire, fondness, alacrity, avidity; a gold or n a ment worn on the front teeth, h. Jlj0.r>- "^riltjl chnuntdli, cotton pods in "which the fibre is equal to one-fourth of the whole produce. /(. ^J^^s" ''^firr^ chauntard (v. chahutara), a ter- race or mound to sit and converse on ; acastom-house ; a police-oflice. h. [trict. A. jjli>y>- ^C^chuntru, the head man ot a di»- u;^ ( 887 ^ Jt_^ Jl^^ ^f^pTT ckonthna, a. to scratch, to c^j»- ^^Nt ehaunk, f. the act of starting, h UoOj^- ^'ehMI chaunkana, a. to waken, to daw. h jj<*Jp>>- '*?trflTf chauiiiis, thirty-four. h. 'kSj^ ^7T chunta, m. a large ant. A. iU^j^ ^TfeoTT chontla,m. the ribbon with vhich hair is tied or braided at the end ; fialse hair mixed with the real. A. \JLo^»- ^TTTT chuntna, \&. to gather (a flow- U^^5»- vjjtil chunthncifj er) ; to claw, to pinch, h, fJ^jJ>' ^^t^ chonti, f. the hair braided be- "hind ; a tuft of hair left at the top of the head when all the rest is shaved off; queue, top, apex, summit, pinnacle ; an ornament worn on the head by women. choAti asman par ghisnd, n. to be very vain or aspiring. ehotifi-kat, a slave, chonti katwana, to be a slave, to be obedient, chofifi hist ki hdth meh ana, a. to have a power over one, to subdue, h. , Ji •^" ^^ chunti, f. a small ant. h. ^^ ^f^ chonch, f. beak, bill j a point, s. \j^^»- chun chira, wrangling, altercation (lit. when or how, and wherefore), p, ^l^j^ '^fi^^^ chonchld, m. playfulness (v. tJueiUa), h, ^»>-jjj^*- chun-chun, the noise of birds, d. R^j^- chauncha, the fourth reservoir to which water by the dauri (q. v.), for irrigation is raised. *. Clj\^y>- ^^?[^T3 chunchahat, f. singing of tods. h. [nipple. «. CS^>?" ''t^ cAiiwcAi, f. breast, bubby, dug, ^^^ ^h^ chundhd, ^(also chundhla), 'iyi>,:i^y>-^Erfxr^chondhld,j dim, purblind, dim-sighted, h. \j'^d^y>- *^^f^ r«1T chonhhdlna, n. to be pur- blind, to see dimly, h. iP<^^ ^f^ chondhi, f. dimness, dulness "of sight, k. K>\^i^y>~ ^fim i m chaundhiyand, n. to be confused, to be frightened out of one's senses, to be amazed, to be dazzled, h. ,J<^j^ chondi, f. fraud, deceit, trick, d. My>- ^in chondd, m. the head; hair braid- ed on the of top the head; a kind of well where the water is near the surface of the ground, h. •3j^ ^^t\^chaundu, m. a blockhead, h. Jj4>j^^ chaundol(\. chaudol), a sedan, s. j>^ «^^ chawanr or chaunr, a flapper, s. U^ '^fn chaunrd, m. an apartment under ground for grain, h. ^c^y>.•^t6 chaunri,f. an instrument for driv- ing away flies, a fly-flapper j a police-station, where the kotwal or petty luagistrate resides, s. '■>,>>>■ - ^oFTtTf chaunhia, n. to start, to bog- gle, to start up from sleep, chaunk-uthna, n. to start up, to wince, cliaunk-parna or -ana, n. to bounce up. h, Ux->^r>- '^Y'Hl chonknd,a. to prick, to goad. A. &So^,>- chunhL when that, whereas, since, p. ^y^Ji^ ^^^^chaunkelyQn untamed animal, a boggier, a horse that starts. A. 1.^3^.^- ^^ chaungd, m wheedling. rJumga^ k., a. to wheedle one out of monqr. A. lOys- "xiYjit chorigd, m. a funnel ; (in Dakh.) a sort of bread, h. 'a^X^^s^- mYi^T c/iongld, m. a joint of bam- boos, used to send letters in. h. ,XJy>- ^Wt chuvgz, f. toll, tax, duty, a small ** pipe or tube. h. ^^3y>- ■^T'ft chaungi, f. wheedling, chuun- "gi-baz, m. a wheedler. chaungt-bazt, f. sharping, &c. h. Lf^^y^ chaunld,l, a species of plant (^Per- tulaca quadrifica), d. jO>^»- chuna (for chund), lime, chunam. h. l»3*>- ^*n chunmd (for chumd), kissed. h» i^y>- ^^ chunl, f pulse split or ground very ** coarsely ; a spark, or small ruby, or other gem. h, ^ *>- **i\4\ choTvd, m. a perfume ; the pod or skin of any kind of pulse ; a wind-fall (fruit), h. \jy>- ^q^T chaurvd, m. a quadruped (parti cularly oxen) ; a handbreath. h. tj^^y>- ^ ' ^ i t, chau-ivd,h f. a tempest, a hur- "ricane (vnnd blowing from the four quarters), s. j^ .ys- ^fN«f chaurcan, fifty-four. h. U,»c»- ^^«ncAM«na,1 n. to drop, to leak, to US^J^ churvanaunj ooze, to exude, s. Ufcss- ^^ chuhd, m. a rat, a mouse, chokd, a small well, chuhe-dan, m. a mouse-trap. cMhe-mar or chuh-mar.m. a sparrow-hawk,cormorant,a moiiser. A. ^^ ^^R chauhan, m. a caste of rdj- puts. jjjby>- '^t^^T chauhattar, seventy-four, h, \jiby>- '^^^ T chauhattd, m. a market where four roads meet. t. yjb«x>- ^^ chuhar, m. the act of hunting by deceiving game with a stalking horse, h. USbts*- ^^i l chuhrd, ra. a Hindu sweeper (v. ^aldl-Mipr), the lowest caste of village servants, h. "^^'jSb^ ■ 4>^i«- ^ft^^ chohla, m. alarge peg or pin. h, Ijjfc .^. - ^^tm choya, m. husk of grain, the scale of a fish ; a hole dug in the sandy bed of a river which has dried up, in which water is found, a rivulet, h. i^i^ ''^\^ cho,ll, land lying low and always moist Wjd- ^PBJ chavya, pepper {Piper chavt/a). s. ,^>' Iff chha, the aspirate form of ^^. s.h. &>- chahy m. (for chah) a well, a pit. p. ej>- chi, pron. inter, what? when joined to another word the mute h is dropped, as chi-gima,m wbat manner, how i p. efN>" cha, a termination annexed to Persian nouns (chiefly names of lifeless things) to form dimi- nutives, as ku-cha, a small street, form kit. p. f^^- W* chha, six. chha-ddm, a very small denomination of money, hence any thing of little value, chha-sat, trick, cheat, juggle, chha-kur, a di- vision of crops in which the zamlndargetsonlya sixth part. s. r^ ^^ chah, a platform, a pier head. h. u->l4>- WI chhap, f. stamp, print, copy, a seal ; impression of a stamp or seal ; the government stamp on coins, papers, &c. ; an o£Scial stamp in ge- neral, h. bl^d- "5Tm chhapa, sectarial marks repre- senting a lotus, trident, &c., delineated on the body by the Vaishnavas or worshippers of Vishnu ; m. edi- tion, print, seal, &c. chhapa-vidyd, f. the art of print- ing, chhape-wala, a printer. chhape-Miana, a printing- office, h. clv^'?' "^^nft chhapti, a coarse seal of cow- " dung and mud affixed to a pile of grain on the thresh- ing-floor to prevent its removal, k. Uj^^«im«ii chhapna, a. to print, to stamp, h, iOl^^ chhapa (j. chhapa), a mark,8tamp,&c.^. Ol^s^ "Srnr chhat, f. roof; adj. thin, feeble, emaciated, t. li>l^*- "SnUT chhata, m. a large umbrella, s, j3l^.&- "BtT^ chhatra, a scholar, disciple, a pupil, s. [parasol, t. jJV^r*- "SfTlft chhati, m. f. a small umbrella, a ^^l^^- "^"ift chhati, f. breast ; dug. chhati- " bhar, breast high, chhati hhar-ana, n. to weep, chhati bhar-jana, n. to be chest-foundered, chhati par patthar rakhna, a. to liave patience, chh&ti par mung dalna (lit. to grind pulse on the breast), to do any thing in presence of anothor person by which he is vexed. chhati phapii, one's heart to be broken with grief or sorrow; to sympatliise. chhati pjfna, a. to regret, to repent, to lament, chhafi fhoknd, a. to encourage ; to assure, chhati fhandi hona, to be pleased, overjoyed. ehh&ti jalna, to have the lieartburn ; to lament. ehh&fi k& patthar, nniflance, pest ehh&ti ki jam (Bl the destroyer of the heart), applied to a person ot thing the presence ofwhicu is unpleasant, a pest, • nuisance. chhati kholke tnilna, to meet frankly. chhati gadranl, the swelling of the breast in young women, chhati lagana, a. to lament, to grieve. chhati (se) lagana, a. to iondle. chhati nikalke cftalna, n. to stalk, to strut, h. •jA^^ ^TW chhaj, m. a basket or fan (for winnowing com), h. U:>-\^^ WPTT chhajna, n. to thatch; to befit, to become, s. »4^^^ WST chhachh (in Dakh. chhach), butter-milk,al80 (same as chhaj) a winnowing basket, h ^^liil^*- cti(;i«l chhadan, m. a water-bag. C^d^^s>- "^ifcjfl chhadit, covered, concealed, s. ^^;il^r»" "Srr^ chhadan, m. the act of covering; a covering, a screen, &c. t. j^4*- ^rrc chhar, f. ashes ; a large clod of earth; (for chhaf, q.v.) the bank of a river, henoe chhdr-chifthi, a permit or pass over a river, h, jl^->- chihar or chahar, four, chahar-paya, a quadruped, chahar-chand, fourfold, chahar-balish, m. throne (Indian) with four cushions, chahar-su, square, market-place, chahar shamba, Wednesday. The con- tracted form char, q. v., is more usual in componud words, p. (.ibjl^^ chahar-tak or -tag, m. a gallop, p. ^Lf^^l^d- "S^KSR^ chhar-chhahtla, m. a fragrant moss. »5jl^ chahar-dah, fourteen, p. j^^\^ chahar-dahum, the fourteenth, p. i^lj.>- chaharum, the fourth, p. jX^ "WOS chkaru, m. the thrush (disease sc called), a blister, h. J^\^»- "ITT? chhar, f. a bank of a river ; allu- vium, land gained from a river, chhar chifthi, f. per- mit, pass ; (in Dakh.) for jhdf, a tree. h. ^j^js-^'l^.^- ^ld;^^c$I chhar chharela, m. name of a medicinal herb. h. (^14*- "Srrar chhak, ni. ready prepared food carried out by labourers and husbandmen when they proceed to their daily work, a luncheon ; (in Dakh.) a cup, an ewer. h. [of a well, &c. s. Us l^5>- "5T«nn chhakna, a. to clear the water vl/l^.>- '?rnT chhag, m. a he-goat. «. \^W>- d^lDlckl chhagika, f. a she-goat. ». ^Ji^d- "SJTT^ chhagal, f. a leathern bottle with a spout to it, a goat-skin; m. a goat «l i$\a^ "Sffft chhagi, f. a she-goat. s. J^*- "W^ chhal, f. peel, skin, rind, bark. chhal-utama, to peel, to decorticate. *. ^^4^~ ^l<^l chhala, m. a blister, a pustule, pimple, h. [nut. a. \jJIa.»- ^iP^'IJI chhaliya, f. a kind of betel ^ ( m. search,in- vestiga- tion. h. (i)U*- "2[nT chhan, f. a roof, a frame of bamboo for tbatching. h. (ij'^f" "^ c/t-^a«, f, shade, shadow; reflection, image. chhaA bdnli, f. auspices, *. Ul^=- "^Tvn chhdnd, a. to thatch, to shade, to roof, to spread, chha-jdna, n. to spread, to lie, to overshadow, chhd-lena, a. to cloud, to overspread, to darken, s. [decorate, h. Ul^ f^T»n chihdnd, a. to embellish, to U^?^(j^4^ ^^ftr'^R chhdn-' bichhdn, CJ^U^^^ 'iMP^^n^ chhdn bindn, Uol^ W^n chhdntd, additional sowing of seed among a growing crop of rice. h. tiLol^ "517 chhdnt, f. refuse, parings, &c. ; selection, fashion of clothes, chhant-k., a. to vomit, to disgorge, c/j/jan/ fena, a. to select, to choose, chhant- chhatdw, m. retrenchment, h. ^"^Z^chhdntan, f. cutting, slip, chip. h. '4i~ t^l^lf chhdfOn,^ pices. ». f. shadow ; the re- flection of any ob- ject in a mirror, &c. chhdnh-bdnh,f. aus- [aix. *. i^yV^js- ^*I^ chhdnwe or chhdnarve, ninety- 1)^ Ci)^4^ W5TO chhdn-hdrd, umbrageous, h. ^lp>- f-M'^nl chihdni,\f. a place for the burn- uf^y^ f^T^ chihdfi, J ing of the dead. h. ljl^£>- chhdwd, m. an elephant aged from ten to twenty years, d. Ujl^*^ cVNHI chhdmnd, a. (v. chhdna)f to thatch, &c. A. j^jl^i- 'i^l - "SnrnTT chhapdnd, a to cause to print. A. jL^ fc[Mi<* chhipdw or chhipd,o, m. con- cealment. A. jJjL^ fi[m«(*fl chhipdrvanl, f. clandestine cultivation of land. A. (_j-pL^ «nTI^ chhapd,l, f. edition ; the price of printing, the act of printing. A. j^^s* W^chhappar,m. thatched roof, chhap- par-hand, m. a thatcher. chhappar-bandi, f. thatching or the price of thatching. A. iJlj\^jX^ "^[ixfr^nzchhapar-khdtf^ m.B. bed- - "Snni ehhopni or 'dM^ chhapa,i, m. {i.e. consisting of six feet) a kind of measure in Hindi verse. A. cJl*^^ 'Wii chhat, f. a roof, a cloth stretched across the roof of a room ; a platform, chhat-hanana, -patna, or -lagdna, a. to ceil, to cover the inner roof of a building, s. uL*4»- ftrfff chhiti, f. (for kskiti), the earth. «. U^ "5[WT chhatta, m. a honeycomb. A. Jk^ "i^^i: chhattur, a covering placed on a heap of winnowed corn. A. J>^ "W^ chhattar or '^chhatr, m. an um- brella, chhatr-bhang, m. widowhood ; subversion of dominion, loss of empire, deposition, &c. chhatr-pati or -dharl, one entitled to carry an umbrella, «. e. a raja, prince, &c. ; a house set apart for the charitable enter- tainment of strangers or guests ; a shed, an open build- ing ; a choultry or resting-place for travellers, &c. A. Jy^ "iRT chhatra, f. a kind of fennel {Ane- thum sowa), a pungent seed, coriander ; a mushroom ; anise, s. [spread. A. \3UjI^ ft[HT.T»n chhitrana, a. to scatter, to 0^A4»- Pd^fKrll chhitama, n. to be scattered, to be spread about. A. (3jl^ "SfTHlft chhatrim, a female of the chhatri or military caste ; adj. bearing a parasol, a. i^Jx^ "if^ chhatri, f. a tester, or covering of a bed, a small umbrella ; a small ornamented pa- vilion generally built over a place of interment; a frame made of bamboos for pigeons to settle upon ; the poop of a ship ; (for kshatriya) the second of the four Hindu castes. «. tfjl^s- ft[(TT^ chhitrt, f. a kind of small bas- ket vnthout lid or handle (generally applied to an old ■worn-out basket). A. jU::^ "'BnnTK chhatnar, bunchy, flat. h. j_^i^ n4rf*i^ chhitnl, f. a basket (without a cover, like a tray). j^I^ iir<< chhaiwar, m. a house, a dwellingj a bower, an arbour, i. \yi^ '^^K. chhattur, an article placed upon a heap of grain, such as a cake of cow-dung, &c., to protect it from the evil eye. A. Ujl^X^ chhitorna, a. to asperse, to sprinkle, d. ]r^^^ '^rl^^l chhutahra, defiled by touching, foul« corrupt, polluted (applied to vessels, dishes, &c.). A. ^&^ ftnft chhitt, f. the earth, chhitl-chhanf covering the earth, prostrate on the ground, ch^ili- ehhSn-hona, to be dispersed or scattered, s. ^jmaX^ 'QVHsr chhattis, thirty-six. s. it— juik^*- <5^1w^ rhhrjttlsi, f. an excessively "lewd wcini.in (q..d. one who knows thirty-six postoret in the way of copulation, and who pretends modesty), a prude ; adj. prudish. A. d*^ > - JSZ (hlnit, biit, excppt, savf? ; (cont. of chota, little, small : used in comp. as) chhut-bhaiyi, m. middling class ot people. cA/ju<-/>a»a, in. childhood, k, U'4»- mZJ chhiilu, ; Splendour, brilliancy, lustre, refulgence, a glory; assemblage, number; • straight or continuous mark or line, chhaipa, the sixth, chhitpd, the riud or husk of a hard seed or of fruit stones, s. ^f>- "SfTmi chhatahha, f. lightning, s. bu^ "371^ chhutapa, m. littleness, small ness. A. ^^■' ^ • ' }-f. leisure, time, k, >• "^TTTi chkutani,) tiblji^ "gjToif chhatdnh, f. the sixteenth part of a ser, about two ounces avoirdupois. <. jU^ d- i|^<4iKI chhuthara,) liberty, libera- jKji^*- '^[Z^WCK.chhutkar, 1 m. exemption, ithara,) lil tion,diBengagement ; (in Dakh.)cAAu/A:art,f.the same. A. li>oa4>- f^Z^HI chhithana, a. to dissipate, to disperse, to squirt, to scatter, to desert A. "SfT^FTTI chhutkana, a. to release, to set at liberty. A. IXa^ "SfTcirn chhuthara, m. deliverance, h. li^'4»- f^fToFtfT chhitakna, n. to be scattered, dissipated, to spread, chliifakna chandnl ka, the diffu- sion of moonlight. A. (jioi',^ ff^^chfiH chhitkant, f. a bolt. h. ^kjk^Ci^ "2FTS^ chhuthhela, dissolute, s. ^\x^fjc- "gr^^rt chhuthheU, f. dissoluteness.A. ,ia»- fSFT^ chhitkiy f. smiill spot, speck. "chhifktdahia, a. to splash, chhifkt-dena, a. to flecker, to spot, to mark with strokes or touches, chhipkl-k. or •lagana, a. to spot, to speck, &c. A. Ui^ ^2*11 chhatna, m. a kind of sieve j n. to decay, to separate, to be pruned, to be picked out. A. Ua4». chhatna, n. to be cut to a point and obliquely (a Jfolam) ; to be cut aslant ; to be reduced d. ^^^ ( 341 ) j6» Ux^ "STTT cAAwfna, n. to beadfift,discharged, got rid of, to be let go ; to be let off or g;o off (a gun, Stc); to be left orabandoned ; to.slip (from),toescape, to be liberated, to be loose, dishevelled (the hair); to cease, to get loose, to leave, to remain, to slip away, to be dismissed, h. [cast. h. V^^v" ^^^^^ chhituwd, m. sowing broad- jj^iyi^>- tl- idi.^\H chha-ddm, m. a denomination of money equal to six duTiu or two damrls, being the fourth part of a paisa. h. \j\s^ f^R(l«TT ckkiddna, a. to cause to pierce, to perforate. *. 1*^4*" ^f5 chhudra, mean, low, little, trifling, s, jii<^^ f^[^ chhidra, m. a hole, a vacuity, a perforation ; fault, defect, flaw. t. C^iis^»- f^lfjrT chhidrit, perforated, pierced, having holes or openings, s. Aiis^ "ST?! chhadma, 1m. disguise, mas» (^wi^a- "STR chhadman, J querade ; trick, deceit, fraud, chhadma- tapas, m. a religious hypocrite, a false brother, s. \Js^f^l^^chhidnd,n. to be pierced, bored. ». lj&;i.^ "ST^IT chhudhd, f. hunger, s. j^ "^ chhar, f. spikenard; shaft, pole, pike, staff, flagstaff, flag, h, \A»- "^^T chharrd, ui. a small shot. h. U^sj. "gfU chhurd, ra. a large knife, an ampu- tating knife; a razor, chhurd-chhurt, f. snickasnee, fighting with knives ; at daggers drawn. «. ti.J^J^?' "^^^^^f^ ckkar-chhohl, f. jakes, a privy, h. ^4i>- "St^ chhard or "Stft ckkardi, f. vomit- ing, sickness, retching, s. <^j%d,^ "Sff^Tft^ chhar dikd-ripu, m. small cardamums (an anti-emetic). *. \jj^r>- "^f^^ chharindd, alone, single, free, not burdened (as a traveller). 8-^r»- chihra, m. face, visage, countenance, air, description-roll, chihra I'lkhna, a. to write a de- scription-roll (soldier's). chihra-Uklidnu, a. to enlist; to take service and horses, chihra-paffi, a descriptive roll. p. Ujf. ij^»- chahra-junnd, to calumniate. d» ( 849 ) •hr iSj^ "f^ chhuri, f. a knife, a scalpel. ehhuri tale dam lend, a. to be patient in difficulties. ehhuri kafdrt, i. Bnickasnee, a fight trith knives; quarrel. $. ^4»- ^ chhar, f. the pole of a Bpear ; spike- nard ; straw, stubble, pedule, stalk. A. |^4»- "537 chhara, m. an ornament made of pearls worn in the ears. A. Vr^*-"?!! chhara, apart, alone, solitary, s. ^]/4^ "STIfn chhurana, a. to set free, to free, to liberate, to extricate, to get rid of, to discharge, to remove, to dismiss, to cause to be freed ; to separate, to except, h. S1j4^ "Srrar chhurawa, m. a liberator, de- liverer, h. [charge, h. (^>|j^»- ^i\\ chhura,t, f. dismissal, dis- ^ V^ f^[foliT«n chhirkdnd, a. to cause to sprinkle, h. [sprinkling, h- J^!r45" ^«^4'*''' chhirkam or chhirkd,o, m. yj^j^»- rs^soDTii chhiraknd, a. to sprinkle. chhirak-kar-hechna, to sprinkle water on stale or faded vegetables or fruits to make them appear fresh ; to puff off goods, h. ^l>{;4^ ft[f«R^T«TT chhirakwdna, a. to cause another to sprinkle, h. ^j^ "2rf«TT chharnd, a. to beat rice to sepa- rate the husk from it. h. ^j^ fWpU chhirnd, n. to be vexed, touched, excited, plagued, to fret, to take offence, h. 13 j^ Wi'^MT chhurivdnd,a.. to cause to be set free, let off, or released, h, tJjjj^v' "^^l^"! chhurauii, f. ransom, h. iSj^ "^S^ chhart, f. a switch, wand, cane, "rod; a procession of the followers of Shah Madar. chhari-dar, a mace-bearer, usher of the rod. A. p. cL>l^bj^ chhar yd-chhdt, solitary, alone, d, ^.j4v" ^^T^ chhafild, f. a kind of fragrant moss, potters' earth, h. 9-^ '^^qji chahkd, m. a kind of fire-works ; the smarting of a wound by the application of medi- cine, chahkd lagana, a. to bum the skin slightlj by fomenting. A. ^S^ 'W^ chhakhd,m. thesixth (at cards,&c.) ; a cage with a net attached to it. chhakka-pakka rona, to weep very violently, chhakka-panjd-k., a. to deceive, to play tricks. *. 0^til».\i4». chkakd-chak-k., to satiate, to gratify, to satisfy, d. J^^ ^5««iT; chahkdr, f. singing or chirping of birds, h. ^j^^ *l^*fcK»II chahkdmd (v. chahahnd), to whistle or sing as birds. A. UK^ 't^^Iffl chhakdna or chhikdna, a. to pamper, to cloy, to satiate ; to chastise. A. t/^^^4*- f^'9i\\ chhikdfi, f. (v. fdrij^-Mat- idna) a deed of release. A. L?-^'»4v' ^^^t chhakdfi, f. satiety, satisfac- tion, h. j^^?" ^'S^ chhahur, a division of crops, when the zamin-dar gets one-sixth. A. J^4»- A^i chhakhar, f. a slap, blow, cuff. h. Vj^^ ^<*|7 chhakra, m. a cart or car. h. \3\^^ "ifoir^T«TT chhahrdnd, a. to slap, cuff. h. ^j;^4?' fWsRn chhtkkan, m. sneezing, h. U*^ r^ffiJciiHT chihiknd, a. warbling of the nightingale, &c. ; the sound of fire- works. A. ^-i^^ ^^cImTT chahakndyXi.to whi8tle(bird8). A. li^4»- 'V^ciiHI chhahndyXi.io be content, satiated; to be afflicted, harassed ; to be astonished, ehhak-j., to be satisfied or satiated. A. (_^^4?' f^^^ chhikunl, f. a wand, a stick, h. cLc^C^ H^^<*7 chahkait or chahkaith,hrB.wny, stout, h. (-L^4»- "SfT chhag, m. a he-goat. s. (CjX^ 'SPT^ chhagrt, f. a small she-goat. s. J-C^ chhagal(y.chhdgal),&\etithern bottle.rf. jj^^^ "SPI^ chhagli, f. a she-goat ; a kind of ••convolvulus {C. argenteus, or, more probably, C.pet- caprce). s. (J^^ "Spirft chhagunl, f. a child's coral, h. (J4>- "S^^ chhal, m. fraud, trick, deception^ knavery, artifice, evasion, excuse, subterfuge, pre- tence; (in law) a misdemeanor; a legal quibble or deceit, chhal-bal, chhal-chhidr, or chhal-chhidram, m. plot, stratagem, chhal chhidri, deceitful, fraudulent. «. iJt^ '^(^^ chuhal or chahalff. mention ; cheer, jollity, mirth, festivity, chuhal-puhal or chdhal-pahal, merriment, festivity, good cheer, chuhal-k., a. to carol, &c. A, (J.^ chihal or chihil, forty, chihal-tah, f. coatof mail, chihal-manar or sutun (the forty towers or pillars), a name given to the ruined city of Persepolis : the term chihal sutun is now applied to any pavilion or palace supported by forty, i. e. a g^eat number of pillars, chihal kadami, f. walk, ramble ; a custom at the funerals of Musalmans of stepping back forty paces from the grave, and again advancing to it before reading the service over. p. ^y^ H^^ chaJial, name of a strong kind ot soil ranking between ratuli and dankar, q. v. A. ^^j»- Hf ciST chahld or P^^^l chihld, m. mud, ooze, slime ; a splinter of wood, chihld nikalna, n. to fatigue, to be tired, chihld-k., a. to split to pieces. A. i^a». *c('^^| ckuhld, m. a large wooden peg, a tent-pin. A. ^^^»> "5JWT chhalld, m. a ring of gold or sil- ver worn for ornament on the finger and toest in Dakh. it means a blister ; a pock or pustule, chhalle- ddr, annular, h. U^)^»- ti^c^MI chhuldndjZ. to cause to touch, h. ciXo^V^ "2^551^ chhaldng, f. skipping, jump- ing; a spring, skip, leap, chhaldngetf mdmd, m, t* spring, to jump. A. ^ Ij^k^ i^<^HT chhaldrvd, m. ignis fatuus. chhalawd-d., to mislead, to lead one a wild-goose chase. chhaldwd-ho-jana, to elude one's search or pursuit, h. uK^- (Jt?" '^^'5^''^^ chahal-pahal,a.\so chuhal- puhal, f. jollity, merriment, cheer. A. j»M?'(J4*- ^c!jr<45. chhal-chhidra, in. plot, stratagem, chhal-chhidrt, deceitful, fraudulent, s. U^^^^ "S[^5^[^«n chhalchhaldnd, a. to murmur, h. U^^rsMv" tJ- fs^HT chhimd or "SJJTT chhamd, f. pardon, quarter, forgiveness, absolution, chhimd-k., to par- don, to excuse. *. [donable. s. '•^ 'jT"^*dTr ftr^nrf^ chhimd-jog, venial, par- l3\-»^^f*^ "SprS^TTJTT chkamchhamdnd, n. to shine, to glitter; to sound, h. ll»^ ^HH\ chhamnd, a. to pardon, to for- give, s. [therless son. s. 3J*^ ^A,HHi chhamand, m. an orphan, a fa- 1^*^ fsja, 'f^T'T chhin or "SflBr, "SfiT chhan, in, a moment or instant c/i7«'n hhar men, in a moment. chftin-bidhans, m. fading, frail, passing away quickly, s. f^j^ '3«T chhan, m. a sound made by the ialllng of a drop of water upon a warm plate. A. t^i^ ^^T^ chhinna, cut, divided, ckhinna- saksJtaya, free from doubt, confident. 1. 12*^ ^^ chahun, four, chahun-or, on all rides. «. [eAtnA). «. C:«f ^'^ chihna, m. mark, spot, sign (v. ^ '^-^ "5^ chhannd, n. to be strained ; m. a sieve, a cloth through which any thing is sifted ; the cells formed by bees in their hives. A. Ua*. C^'^l chhinna, f. a whore, a harlot j a tree (Menispermum glabrum). s, ui3U^ "SnTToF chhandk, m. the sound of a dt-op of water falling on a hot plate, hissing; the sound of the breaking of earthenware. A. JU^»- f^^T^ chhindl, f. a harlot, prostitute. chhindl-pan or -pana, m. harlotry, prostitution. A. ^IaAsj. f^nn^T chhindld, m. fornication, chhi- ndld-lc, a. to whore. A. [pluck. A. l3lxA»- r^HHI chindnd, a. to seize, snatch, .Ua>- f^TfT^ chhindiv or chhind,o, m. seizure.^. ijujjbt\>f^^ fsfjrf^y^ chhin-bidhans, fading, frail, passing away quickly, s. LiJ^iiJ^ fs[^f>T^ chhinna-hhinna, cut up, destroyed, scattered, s. tlAjk.^ f^^%^ chihnit, marked, known or distinguished ; measured, identified, chihnit-ndma, a specification of land witli its boundaries, s. p. •Vxl^ "Sf^PT^ chhantdw, m. detachment on forage ; beating rice to clear it from the husk. h. ij-^\^l^ ^i[i[\ chhnntd,i, f. cleaning or se- "parating (grain, &c.); the price paid for cleaning. A. UjC^ ^lldHT chhantnd, n. to grow thin; to diminish ; to be extracted or separated A. Ulyu^ 'SRPTnn chhantwana, a. to cause to clean rice ; to cause to select, prune, lop, clip. A. uii>-j^^^ ^^-^cl' chahun-chakf circumjacent, all around, s. \3U4^^ t!t»g^HMl or -SR^RRT chhanchha- nana, m. to simmer; to sound; to smart, to pain. h. liJ^ ?[»?[ chhand, m. measure of verses (particularly applied to the metre of the Vedas) ; a measure (in music) ; meaning, intention, purport, opi- nion ; wish, desire ; adj. solitarj, secret, private, t. IjJ^ "SJ*^ chhanda, m. (v, chhanda) a share, h. C^S> deceiving, i. jJJ jj;^ "SnTf*^ chhand-hand, m. trick, cheat- ^btXl^ iiS^ iA}^H chhandogy m. a reciter or chanter of the Sama Veda. i. 4_^JJ^ tT^tf^ chhanda, deceitful, a. ^Jje;^ ftj^'^fT chhinna-ruha, f. name of a tree (Menispertnum glabrum). $. ^i^ ' 4 > - «ir "^^^n or ^«14il«il chhankand, a. to concentrate, to cause to strain, h. boJ;^ f^cfiHI or fgR^lTRT chhinkana, a. to cause to stop, to cause to seize, to cancel, to strike out. A. vilJbKj^ '^cirr^ or ^vfchi^,: chhankahat, f. concentration, causing to strain, h. ^-J^^^v" ^^nT«IRT chhinakna, a. to winnow, to lift ; n. to go away offended ; to blow the noae. h. bi^xjs^ f^ieiRT*n chhinkwdnd (v. chhinka- na), to cause to be stopped, &c. h. {\^*^ fgR^ chhinguU, If. the little 'Ji^^^^^ '^f^nn chhungliyd, j finger, h. VsJ^ f^^JT chhinalUf m. a fornicator, a whoremonger, h. [snatch. A. ul^A^ r^H^IrlT chhinwand, a. to cause to ^ly^?" ^HMIHT chhanmdnd, a. to cause to sift or strain, h. ^^•Ji:;^ fg[^^i^nST chhinna-veshikd, f. a plant, also called Uknidhi {Cusampelos hexandrdy s. j^o^i^ "5fT^ chhahhdyi, f. shadiness. s, '^iXiJ ^ f^^M or r^^jl chhinek, a little while, s. ^4»- '^lf^ chhavi, f. beauty, splendour, h. ^^ chhu, the act of blowing or exorcising on uttering a prayer or incantatioo. d. ( 344 ) j^ -?^ WI^ chho,d, ra. treacle, h. ^^^^4?" '^'Sl^ chhu,dnd (v. chhulana), to cause to touch. A. ci'-^.j^v' ^'*' '^^ chhUfdm, f, caudle given to a lying-in woman. A. [nets. h. jI^A?" "5^^ chhuwdrv, m. resemblance, like- V'^v' ^^ f^hhop, m. a coat of paint, &c. chhop-chhap-k., a. to shuffle np ; to plaister or repair a wall, &c. h. [paint, dye. A. ^.j^?" ^^^^ chhopnd, a. to fill up, to shut, ^-■^3^ 1^ chhut or "^trT chhot, f. defilement ; contamination, touch, chhut-lagnd or paptd, to be in- fectious (a disease) ; to infect a person by touch, h. cIj^^ '^chhutyf. remission, leaving ; remis- sion of revenue ; striking off hand or playing loose in fencing; radiance or splendour of jewels; reflectioD of a mirror, &c. ; giving money off hand or at will to jugglers, &c. at entertainments. A. b^4v" ^f^ chhota, little, small, less, younger, &C. chhota-baj-d, varied, variegated, various, great and small, high and low. A. 4X>U-\J^^ chhota chdnd, m. name of a climb- ing plant (Ophioxylon serpent inum) the root of which is said to be an excellent remedy for snake bites. This root, dried and powdered, is applied externally to the bitten part, and a decoction of it is given to the wounded person to drink, to the extent of a pint in twenty-four hours — (Binning), d. [ness. A, ^^^b^^ "SftTT^ chhotd,i, f. smallness, little- U3^^ ti^^rjl chhutnd, n. to escape, cease, get loose, leave, remain, slip away, to be discharged, dia- missed, h. iJ>y^3^ "^Tflft chhutautl, f. (v. chhut) re- mission of rent or revenue. A. ^6?"^4?" ^^ chhuchhdf empty, hollow; m. conjuration. A. [empty. A. >4?'.?4?' ^"^qSI chhuchhld, m. foolish, silly, ^^^^ n}^ chhochho, f. a nurse; bosom. chhochho-k., a. to fondle. A. (.^4?"^4?' ^[^ chhuchht, contemptible, des-' picable, mean ; f. a pipe, tube. A. jy^ ^UT chhaur, m. shaving of the head or beard, the office of barber, t, ji^ ^f^ chhor, m. border ; edge ; end ; » towboat. chhaur, a large stack of juwar or bajra, q.T^ collected for fodder ; walking a boundarr, A. \)y^ ^^CT chahord, a fine sort of rice. A. If^^ "^tn chhord (for chhokrd), a boy. chhora-chhori, boy and g^l, children. A. (^y^ «^V*u chhoratif m. abandoning, leav- ing. A. ^j^i^ "^5^*.*n chahomd, a. to transplant. *. i£j.y^ "^f^ cfihori, f. a girl. h. ?a,J m. release, deli- verance, setting free, omission, leaving, spar- Ij^A?" ^^ chhora, 3^j3^ ^?T^ chhoram, 1j!j,?4?" ^?T«IT chhorarva. ing. s. UjU-*^ ^^HffT chhoraona, a. to set free, deliver, dismiss, separate, except, h. ^_ajU.j»a>. "^trNrrt chhor-chitthi, f. a deed "of release, a pass, a permit ; a deed of divorce or aban- donment of a betrothed girl. h. ^J^Av" '?ftT5TT chhorna, a. to let go, to emit &re, forgive, forsake, desert, loose, omit, pardon, re- lease, shoot, fire (a gun), spare, abandon, abstain, breathe ; resign, discharge, lay aside, h, lJ3j5^ "Sft^irt chhorauti, f. ransom, h. y^4». tjtoincr chhokra, m. a boy. h. i^Jy^ t4i<«0 chhokrif f. a girl. h. lijfy^v' ^'**T chhuukan, m. a scrambler, h. U^^^ tO^H I chhaukna, a. to scramble, h. iS^^ "^S^ chhukt, f. a gnat. A. J^^ chhaul, joy, merriment, d. V^A?" ^gS T chhola, m. gram ; also one who cuts the standing sugar-cane. A. U)^4»- ^9«TT chholnd, a. to peel, skin, exco- riate ; to pare, to scrape. A. (^j4»- ^<^«0 chhoM, f. a scraper, h. ft5j4»- chhola (V. chhola), gram, &c. h. ^^4»- ^r<^^ | chhauliya, cheerful, happy, d. ^Jyf^ ^ chahun, four, chahun-or, on all sides. cAa/»«*-cAaAr or -dii, circumjacent, all around. «. U^^ ^gtH chhuna, a. to touch, to meddle with, to feel, h, [mal. A. ^.j4*- ^^ T chhauna, m. young of any ani- \j>j'^^^ "SfiN^ «BTfn chhonchla-k., a. to fondle. A. 4<^.^^ ^^1 chhonchhif f. bodkin, case "for needles ; a small cup for children, h, tdJo^^ "alfaF chhonk or "tiffcB chhaunk, f. sea- soning, relish. A. ^^^4*1- ^cfiff chhonkan or "Sf?R chhaunkan, m. spices with which food is seasoned. A. U^.^ *A>' vt cAAit,t, f. chalk. h» ( 345 ) ^4^ b j4^ "iJ^Tf chhawaiyd, m. a thatcher. A. Kl.^.^ "^^TTT chhuhdrd, m. date, date fruit (Phoenix dactyliferd). h. Ul^^ ■gfT'TT chhuhdnd, a. to whitewash, h. C.>jl^^ ■5[^T^ cAAwAawai, f. touch. A, yi^4»- f%[^^^ chhihattar, seventy-six. A. ^_j-4»- ^^^ f AaAi, f. warbling ; a snipe. A. (^^4*- "if^ chha,t, pulmonary consumption, s. jJ^a- "Sf^ chha,t, abolished ; f. a thatched ■'roof on a boat ; a stuffed pad to prevent bullocks being hurt when loaded, s. ^e^ "SPT cAAai, f. mortality, frailty, destruc- tion. chJiai-rog (vul.) chia.i rog, consumption. «. " 4^ "igft cAAt, interj. tush ! tut ! fye I A. li^*- "Srm chhayd, 1 m. victim; shade,shadow} ^i^ %xrr chhaiyd,) a boy. «. U^ ^^m chuhiyd, m. a little mouse. A. L^ f^gprniT chhiydsatk or "iHTRfJ cAa- yasath, sixty-six. *, ^*>U^ f^RTTft chhiydsi, eighty-six. s. /\«jj'w»^ f%m^^ chhiydUs, forty-six. A. {_jyU^ f^RTiT^ chhiydnarvrve, ninety-six (in Dakli. chhiyanaw). s. J— AfAs* "SfHr chhlp, f. discoloration or spot on the skin ; fishing-rod ; the act of a buffalo's pushing with his horn ft. ILjk^ ^Im t chhlpna, a. to print cloths ; to push with the horn as a buffalo ; to draw up the rod in fishing, h. jc-iAA*. "Srt^ chipi, m. cotton printer or "stamper ; a flapper or whisk to drive away flies. A JL^ %^ chhetr, m. a geometrical figure; field, land, plantation ; a sacred or holy place, as Bana- ras, &c. chhetr-phal, m. the measurement (or super- ficial contents) of a field, or of a triangle, or other geo- metrical figure, s. Jo^ "SflTR chhttar, in. brogue, shoe. A. ^c/jk^ "%T^ chhetri (v. chhatrt), a man of the military caste. A. (JLo^*- ^gfte cAAi?, f. spot, chintz (v. chhtnt). A. UuaAs- '^7t{\ chhitnd,a. io scatter,t0 8prinkle.A. U^A?" "gitiT«n chhijnd, n. to decrease, to pine away, delcha-dekhl Ictje jog, chlilje kdya harhe rog, they who merely imitate others in austerity, waste away, and their diseases increase. A, \}^J^ WtWS} chhichhard, ni. flesh tough as leather, and uneatable, the skinny part of meat. cAAI- chhard-k., to tear to pieces, to flay. A. Sy^ ^chhed, m. a hole, a mouth, an open- ing ; the denominator of a fraction, the diviaor. # c54^ c 340 ; Lf^ \sx^ '^[^chheda, m. a little insect destruc- tive to corn : the disease occasioned by it. s. ^JJL^ iff^ chhida, thin, not close (said of a person or animal whose legs are much separated), also applied to trees, crops of com, &&, which are scattered or straggling, h. ti)jsjk^>- %^ chhedak, m. that which pene- trates, any thing to bore a hole with, t, j^tjji^>- "it^ chhedan, m. act of piercing, bor- ing, a hole, an orifice ; (in criminal law) mutilation, the cutting off* of a limb, &C. t. \^Sx^ i&.^Hl chhedna, a. to pierce, to bore. $. ♦A4>- ''^tt.chhtr, ra. milk ; (for sir) the lessee's own cultivation of a farm, Sec. $. ^ji^ ^•TT chhernd, a. to have a bad di- gestion, h. i^jjX^ "^fCtT chhai-rog, m. pulmonary consumption, s iJjh^ "^^ chheri, f. a she-goat. k. ^A^ %;^ chher, f. the act of irritating, vex- ing, &c. (v. chherna). chher-chhaf or chhef-khani, f. stricture, animadversion ; the act of vexing, &c h, t^x^ %Tr chhera, m. touch, provocation, ex- citement, h. ^j^T %?*n chherna, a. to irritate, to vex, to fret, to trouble, to abuse, to aggress, to atir up, to in- terrupt ; to play on a musical instrument, h. t-^J^a- "^eS chhek, domesticated, tame (as a bird or beast), h. Oo^s- "2[NrT chhlka, m. a sling for carrying baskets, &c. (v. chhlnka). a. cL>^AXj^>. chhlktut, m. a wanderer, a vaga- bond, d. [vent, restrain, h. \JS,x^ "SrsfTfTT chhekna, a. to stop, detain, pre- vJIaS^xx^ "SJflluf^ chhekoktiff. indirect speech, insinuation, double-entente, hint. t. J-^v?" ^^ chahel or f^%^ chikel, wet oozy land. h. l)^?" "^ chhail, \m. fop, beau. chhaiU \ila, ) ^^=r %^ chhaild,) pan or chhaild-pan, m. spruceness, foppishness, h. J^^?" ^5^ chhelu, m. a medicinal plant (^Cony- za anthelmintica). $. >A^ chheld, m. a he-goat. d. uaxac^?" l^grfToFf^pn chhail-chihniyd, m. a coxcomb, fop, an exquisite, h. !>Jji>4*r^^ cA/ieZcMa6e?a,free,unrestrained. d. i:}^^ Wlcjsn chhilan, f. parings, scrapings, h. 0^*4?" «OdS»H chhibid, a. to peel, to skin, to excoriate, to pare, to erase, to scrape, ehktlna ehhalna or chhtl-chhal-k., a. to pare, to peel, &c. h, Aa^ chhetif f. a she-goat. d. MfJ^ -^ chhem, f. welfare, chhem-hushal, f. welfare, happiness. $. 'i'A^A^ «i*i4is chhemand, m. a fatherless son. s. c^;Xl*i4?" ^P'lf'^ chkemankarif f. a sort of kite {Falco ponticerianus). a. j_j*-4^ «0h1 chhtmiff. apod, legume, husk. A. Iijj4»- ^fhr or ■^fhir cAAln, wasted, emaciated, decayed ; slight, slender, a, V-ii^?" ^f^ chhend, m. cnrd j a small kind of cymbal, h. ujk^ chhina, to bite, sting ; also game as chhuna, to touch, q. v. (f. vJo^ cOm chhinnd, a. to pull, to tear, to pluck, to rob, to snatch, chhina chhant-k., a. to scram- ble ; chhin-lena, a. to snatch up, to seize, to take posses- sion of, to bereave, h. iJLtSx^ "^rt? chhint, f. chintz, spotted cotton cloth, h. Ui-^ ifftl chhtntd, m. shot, spot, splash ; a field in which peas and linseed have been sown broad cast, chhinfd mama, a. to sprinkle, h. Ul^jk^^ "aftV«n chhlntnd, a. to sprinkle, irri- gate. /{. >-.A ( il>( ^^ «OV«i chhlntdb, sowing broad cast. k. Ij^^o?" liT^HJ chhtnchna, a. to throw out water. «. Uk^i^v" ^■'(H! chhenchndy a. to mince, to hack, to pound, h, <-iiJJi4*- "Sf^oR chhmk, f. sneezing, sneeze. chhlnk-ldnewdld, a sternutatory (mediciiie). A. uLUa^ "5«lf c/i^ewA, f. sequestration of goods. chhenk-lend, a. to confiscate. A. OOA^ 'Sft'irT chinkd, m. a network of strings to hang any thing in (as a burthen at either end of • pole), the cords of a bahangi, an ox muzzle. «. jOajk^ ^cRT^ chhenkdw, m. sequestration of goods, h. UxJi^r*- ^<**fT chhenknd, a. to detain, to pre- vent, to stop, to retain, to bar, to restrain, arrest, h, USou^ "3^*oir»TT chhihknd, n. to sneeze. «. b^xL*^ ^ch^m chhenhwaiyd, m. a con* fiscator. A. ^jjL^ chhinu, (in comp.) snatching, rf. ^jk^ "^fsft ckheiii, f. (v. chhewnt) a chisel, " pimch, piercer. A *A^ %^ chhew, m. a mark, a piece of wood cut ofi*. chhew mama, a. to line out, to mark. A. I^jl^ '^[^ chhewd, m. spaces, comma, &l-. ^ jjx^ "3^ chhetvur, m. cuticle, skin. k. ^^A^ "PSPJ^ chhiyul or chhi,Hl, a kind of jungle tree (called also dkdk, lyrj^ A. (.S^Tv" { 347 ) 'jj-^ '^»TT chhewna, a. to pierce, or to bleed a tdf tree, to extract tart ; to mark. ». ^3^A^ "^^rft chhemnt, f. a chisel, punch, piercer, h. [expedient, h. j^jJ^ ^f^ chahiye, becoming, necessary, jc^ ^W c^ay, ni. an assemblage, a raulti- "tude ; a heap, a moimd of earth, s. j^JUks*. ^'bnc chibhar, land which remains long moist, h. 5^As>- xilqj cKipar, f. rheum of the eyes. h. \JLarj. 'grnn chepna, a. to stick together, h. CL«Ji>- ^rT chait, m. the Hindii name of the twelfth month, the full moon of which is near chitra (March — April). «. Clos*. ^n chet, m. memory, remembrance, thought, perception, consciousness, circumspection, s. CLoj>- x^^T chyut, fallen, dropped j fallen off deviated strayed. *. IjLs^ V(1h! chlta, m. a leopard or panther {Felis juhata, Schreb. ; hunting-leopard, Pennant) ; name of a medicinal plant {Plumbago zeylaniea). s. V^ ^ftflT chlta, m. wish, desire, thought ; understanding, wisdom; painting. «. CkXs*- ^ifT cheta, ra. an adviser, a monitor, s. Jo^ ^^ chaitra, the twelfth Hindu month (v. chait). s. 5J4^ ^f fg chitar, m. hips, buttocks, chltar tekna, to sit down, to get rest h. - ^hnn chttna, a. to draw ; to paint ; to wish, think, or imagine, h. - chikh, f. a scream, screech, &c. chiJth ^^"mdrnd, a. to scream, to screech, to cry. s. Us^ chlkhnd, a. to roar, to scream, s. (jiio*. chidan (r. chin), to gather, to glean, p. 5tU»- chida, selected, culled, gathered, p. jS>- "^X chir, m. rent, slit, strip ; attire ; the act of tearing, rending, &c. chir nikalna, n. to break through troops. ». j^ ^\t. chir, f. cloth ; a sort of cloth for women ; the pine tree {Pinus longifolia). t. Vj\>- ^TT chera, m. (v. chela) a slave, &c. s. Vji>- ^t^T chira, m. incision, cut, wound, slit; maidenhead ; turban, chtra utarna, to deflower, chi ra-btmd or chlrd-wdli, a virgin, s. ^^^)J<>^ ^u\ cherdfi, f. slavery, servitude, s. lliVj^ ^tnnrr cherayatd, f. Oentiana che- rayta. s. l^^ ^^«n chirnd, a. to rend, to tear, to s-^ it, to cleave, to harrow, h. 3jf^ ^^ ^heru, name of a wild tribe in MTr- zapur, &c. h. JTjj*. chira, powerful; rude, uncivil, p. ij^ chira, m. a turban; maidenhead (v. clura). s. [mcnt ^J[^ ''^W chh't, f. the ends or hem of a gar- t^j.^- ^^ chert, \f a slave-girl, a girl ser- t^j^ ^^^ chert, ^ vant. s. Uo^s- 'tfl^rfl chiraitd, m. the gentian plant {Gentiana cherayta). h, |vA>. ^TT cherd, m. a servant, a slave, s. {jj^ ^^ cherx, f. a female servant (v. chert), chiz, f. thing, commodity, p. J. chtz-hast, f. chattels, baggage, p. s. (jji^ chlze, something, a little, p. {j^,,,,*-^ chist (for chi-ast), what is it ? p. \>. ^ , ^.> . chist-an, (lit. 'what is that?") m. an enigma, a riddle, p. UiLjtfj- ^(W[ cheshtd, f. application, endeavour, motion, exercise, search, appearance; bodily act or function, s. uiL»- ^oR chik, f. mud, slime (v. chikar). h, ei rf<^t~. ^oFJ chikat, f. a mixture of oil and dust; adj. greasy or dusty (as cloth); a sort of clayey soil. h. i^J^^ "^W^ chtkti, f. a clayey soil. h. j^5- -Mlchi. chikarf^f. mud, slime, land that Ixiks- 'Wloh ' ig chikar J has been recently irri- gated. A, »-^ ( M8 ) ,^C»- ^ftwtchthh, f. (v. cktkh) a scream, Ac. «. j^XAsj. ^Wi cfnkhur, m. a squirrel. A. UaSo*- ^I^jIHI chikhna, a. to taste ; (v. chtkh- nd). *. l)"^ ^^^ '^^"^' ^* ^ ^'^^ (Falco cheela, Lath.), chll-jhapaffa mamS, to snatch. «. j_y>»- ^^ chail, land twice tilled. A. >A>. ^^ chaild, m. a billet of wood cut for burning, &c. h, iJj^ ^^T (held, m. a slave brought up in the house, a pupil, a disciple, a servant. «. ^?" ^"i^ii. chllar, f. a large louse. A. oi-^ chelkd, m. a slave disciple. A. «iA>. c/ti/a, m. a thin cake made of rice-flour and cocoa-nut milk. d. *4^J^ ^ft^ ckilh, f. (v. cAiZ) a kite. «. J.^'*^'^'''"'"'-'|f. a large louse. A. j4W "^fl^S chtlhar, J A-»- ^^^ c^eZi (f. of chela), a female slave. «. 4ijj»- ^»I chain, m. ease, relief, repose, tran- quillity ; a calm at sea ; denying a bet in gaming, im- posture ; cultivated land ; a low caste of Hindus, h. {jy>- chtn, f. fold, plait, wrinkle, chin-ahru-h. or chin ha jahtnhona, n. to frown, chin par chtn hona, n. to become wrinkled from fat. chin ddlnd, a. to crease, chin lend. n. to crumple, chin mdnni, a. to acquiesce or submit to blame or loss; root of chidan, used in com p. denoting to collect, gather; as gul- chin, one who culls flowers, sulsisan-chtn, one who gathers tales, an eaves-dropper, p, {jy>- chin, m. China, p. {j^ ^f^ chtn, m. a sort of grass {Panicum miliaceum) ; a sort of cloth. «. Ua&. china, n. to ooze, to leak. d. UJk». %tn chend, cKind, or chaind, m. millet {Panicum Italtcnm). h. [and trees, h. «— *i-»- ^ chenp, m. the acrid resin of fruits •A^^U^V?" ^^^rftni chtn-pishtha, m. minium or red-lead (brought in cakes or lumps from the hills on the north-west of Bengal), t. \^^^ ^'^rff chtnthnd, n. to be bruised by being trod upon. h. Ujo*. ^7T (haintd, vn. a black ant h» ^_^jL». ^IVI chtntt, f. small ant. h. Ajk^ ^^ chench, n kind of herb which springs up in uncultivated places during the rains, t f^*:i^i^ ^^ ^^ che/ich-peuch, m. brats, young ones. h. ^J^^^X^^J^T '*i'^**^»?' chen-chen harnd, n. to chatter, to chirp, to murmur, to grumble, to squeak, h. j^y^^v" ^''rt chenchlf f. a needle-case. h. tSJu^ chend, m. a lock of hair left on the top of the head. d. JjtJJjL*. chendul, m. a ball to play with. d. Ij^^ ^TT chenrd, young, little, h. j^i^jy>-'^^h{WVK.chin-hapur, m. camphor. «. &xx»- chfiina, an inferior kind of millet, h. '•V ' ,^JjLs. '^71^ vhinh, m. a mark, a token by which any thing is known. «. V^Joi*- "cjl*^! chinhd, m. an acquaintance, t. \j^xi^ ^^*n chlnhnd, a. to know, to re- cognise, i. ^J^^fSlx>^ ^^^ cAinnAa«n (v. cAtnAna). «. j_jA». vtflff'^ chinl,f. sugar of a coarse kind (per- haps from chtn, China), in opposition to tnifri, sogar- candy, from misr, Egypt), h. f^^x>. chini, belonging to or produced in China, " Chinese ; f. the face of a watch, p. jyj^ ^oR chlvar, m. the tattered dresg of a mendicant, especially that of a Bauddha. s. fjjyi^ MV»il(V«l chtvarin, m. a Bauddha or Jaina mendicant. «. h|^A>. "iiT^il chlfUrd or chyurd, m. rice parched in a certain mode and eatea dry. <. J^A». ^^q5^ chewali or che,oli, f. a kind of "silk (cloth), h. [black ant h. \j0^as«- "iOJkST chtyuntd or chyuhtd, m. large ^J»jc». ^l- hdjdt (pi. of W), wants, neces- ■itiea. a. t" ( 349 ) <>U» hajib, m. a porter, a door-keeper ; a chamberlain, a privy-counsellor ; a curtain, a screen ; the eyebrow, a, C1a?-C hqjat, f. necessity ; poverty ; hope, wish, need, want, hajat-barar or -rawa, producing or supplying what is needed, hajat raf karna, a. to re- lieve one's necessities ; to go to the necessary, ^djat- mand, necessitous, indigent ; hoping, depending. Ja- jat-mandt, f. indigence, destitution, a. J:>-U. i^q;i2;, that which hinders or intervenes, a. ^>-W haji, m. a Musalman vpho has made "the pilgrimage to Mecca. T^ajl ul ^aramain, a pilgrim to both the sacred places, i. e. Mecca and Medina, a. ^^sA^^-^s" haji-ahmah, Itwomockpil- ^y»i>^>.W haji bervuhuf, J grims who perform a conspicuous part in the Muharram festival. Their tricks, antics, and conversation are very similar to those of " Symmie and his brither," the two mock friars who generally appeared in the burlesque pa- geants, ridiculing the Pope and priesthood of Rome, performed in Scotland about the time of the Reforma- tion — (Binning). N.B. The church of Rome herselfhad for ages countenanced and encouraged these saturna- lia before the Reformation was thought of. In the palmy days of Popery such mummeries were re- garded as utterly harmless ; but in the hands of the reformers they of course became highly offensive, a. iSW hadd, acrid, eharp, bitter, sour, ardent, fiery, poignant, caustia a. d^tSW kadis, new, just appearing, hddis hona, n. to appear, to emerge, to happen, a. eOSW kadisa, m. a novelty, an event, an oc- currence ; a misfortone, calamity, a, ^(>V». A5c?tA,1 ingenious, industrious, skilful, celling. jW hdrr, hot, ardent ; difficult, laborious, a. «^jW hdrim, a slight wound or scratch, a. •3yM\»- hasid, envious ; m. an enemy, a. Lm>\s>- hasha, besides, hashalillah, interj. God forbid, by no means, ^asha-ka and ^asha-la-ka, far be it from thee. Jfosha-ha-llah, God preserve thee firom it. a., iUilAs- haxhii/a, m. a margin, hem, border; a marginal note ; people of inferior rank, attendants, retinue, troops ; facings of a military uniform, ^ashi- yagawah, a witness to the execution of a deed (he writing his name on the ^shiya or margin), a. ^y,o\»- hasilfin. produce; acquiring; profit. com ; a tax, duty, custom, revenue ; hatili bazar, m. collections or duties of a market. ^d$il zamin, land under cultivation and paying revenue, ^dsili-zarb, the product of multiplication, ^dfil-k., a. to acquire, to get ; to gain ; to produce ; to collect ; to learn. ^asili-kaldm, in short, briefly, ^afil hona, to be got or attained, a. ed^W hasila, cultivated or cropped land. a. woW hazir, present, ready, willing, content. I^dzir-hash, (be ready) a constant attendant. (o^tV- bashi, f. constant attendance. Itidzir-jawab, pert, an- swering wittily. 1}dxir-jawdbi, t. repartee ; readiness of reply, l^dzir-rahnd, n. to attend, to wait on. }^dzir- ;famin, m. bail, security for the appearance of another. ^jiW hazikf J penetrating, intelligent, ex- a bondsman. li.axir-xamint, f. the act of gMng bail for another ; a bail-bond, l^dzir o nnzir, present and seeing (an epithet of God), ^dzir-hond, n. to be at hand, to be ready, to consent, h. C^^jjo\s>- hazirat, f. commanding or impri- soning demons, &c. ; raising the devil, a. ii\jt6\sf hazirati, f. the commanding of evil spirits, &c. ; m. a conjuror, a necromancer, a. ^jtoKs^ haziran,^{^\. ofj/oU*-) people pre- ^^ yo\>- hazirm,} sent, or those who are or were present, a. ^yo\»- hazirl, f. breakfast, desert ; levee, presence, audience, muster-roll ; an offering made to a saint, '^dzirl khana, a. to breakfast, a. eoaW hata, premises, an inclosure ; a court- yard (in Anglo-Indian phraseology) a compound, a. laiW hajiz, m. a guardian, governor, pre- server ; having a good memory ; one who has the whole "kur.dn, by heart ; the poetical name of a celebrated poet of Persia {Mulfammad Shamsu-d-din of Shiraz). l^qfigi-daftar, keeper of the records in an office, a. s)ai\s- hajiza, m. a retentive memory, a, ji\>- hakim, m. a ruler, a governor, a com- mander, a master ; pL ^toAtman. a. ft>U^l>> hakimanaj judicially, magisterially, with authority, a. ^^W hdkimt, of or belonging to a ruler ; f. "office of ruler, a magistracy, a. jJW kdl, m. state, condition ; business, affair; present time, present tense (in gram.); in revenue language, the actual state of the collections ; extasy ; (pi. aliwdl}. hMl-abadi, land under present cultivation (having formerly been waste), ^dl-dkdr, present reve- nue. kdl-bdJct, current balance. I}dl-chala7ii, present currency. l),dl-dnd, n. to be inspired, to be thrown into extasies. Jj^al-dn-ki, whereas, though, yet.however, even, although, notwithstanding. }fal ^dl chalnd, n. to go, or walk quickly, idl-sdl, this present year. a. ^l>" hald, an instalment of revenue, hdla or Indian, now, at present, a. C>^U- hdldi, f. (pi. L— aJW-) present states or conditions ; circumstances, cases, a. (JLioW hdlat, f. condition, circumstance, pos- ture of one's affairs ; case. a. ^ytoSiiA^ hdl-hdsil, the actual produce or re- venue of a tract of land, ^dl-^dfill, actually pro ducing. a. jiiiJW hdl-dar, a village officer ne.xt to the patwdrt, q. v. ^al-dari, a tax formerly levied (in Ben- gal) on marriages, a. p. («_flJW hdlif, one who makes oath or affida- vit, a. [vum). a. I JW hdlim, m. cress, cresses {Lepidium sati- ^Jl>- hdli, modern, new ; present, now, soon; "current (coin); government assessment, a. aW hdm, the second son of Noah, from whom (according to the Musalmans) the Indians are de- scended, a. r^ ( iS^W hamid, m. one who praises (God), a. (j^,«U- hamiz, sour, bitter, salt. a. JxW hamil, m. a carrier, porter, bearer ; f. pregnant (a woman). l).amili matan, a commentary rehearsing, or annexed to the text, ^amili zamtn, the bearer of the earth ; the personage among the Greeks and Romans who held a similiar office was Atlas; among the Hindus it is Shesbndg, a great serpent, a. «LW kamila, f. pregnant, fruitful (a tree), a. ^W kanii, m. a protector, a defender, a guar- "dian. ^ami bharna, a. to cooBent, to confirm, a, iUb«U- hamiya, a protectress ; a protective body. a. tLoW hanis, m. a perjurer, a. (C«W hawi, containing, collecting, compre- hending; a collector, a. la.)U. lia,it, a wall, an inclosure. a. til^W ha,ih, m. a weaver, a. J-jU- ha,il, restraining, intervening; m. (used substantively) a shelter, defence, protection, a. c_»-/^wZ'&,f.love,affection; friendship, hubbu- l-watan, love of one's country, a. L^». habb, f. a pill; a grain ; a berry, a. C— 'l->- huhab, m. a bubble, hvbah uthnd, n. to bubble, huhahl, of or resembling a bubble ; full of bubbles, a. Jc,ljL>- huharq, a species of bustard, a. ^iisA». habbaza, excellent ! bravo ! a. (j«Ar»- habs,m. retention, imprisonment; pri- son ; a prisoner ; a bank, mound, dam ; a tank, pond, reservoir, hahsu-l-baul, m. a retention of urine; a strangury, habsu-n-nafas. suffocation. Ifahsi dam, m. retaining the breath, which some fakirs do as a reli- gious act for a very long time (this is esteemed a means of prolonging life, on the very philosophic principle, that every man has a predestined number of inspirations to make, and the more slowly these are performed, the longer will be the period of his existence) ; an asthma, a. (jijL». hahash (pi. hubshan), an Abyssinian or Ethiopian, a. ^»J^i'^ habshin, 1 an Abyssinian woman, a ^^w1a»' hdbshini,) negress, a slave, a. »JLs>- habanha or habashat, Ethiopia, people of Ethiopia ; also people of Southern Arabia, a. j-ijk>- habslil, Abyssinian or Ethiopian, a "Caflfire, a negro, a slave, a. ^J.JL>. Jiabl, m. rope, cord, tendon ; a leqigue, alliance, compact, ^ablu-l-warid, the jugular vein. a. (^^A»' hubub (pi. of ».—*»■), pills, grains, a. Ob^f»- hububat, vegetables, potherbs; ar- ticles formerly furnished gratis to men in authorityi consisting of sheep, milk, eggs, blankets, hides, &c. a. *A»- habba, m. one berry, one grain, one seed ; a jarticle, part ; a measure equal to two barleycorns i a pill. a. 850 ) ^ habib, a lover, sweetheart, a friend, a mistress, a. J^k*' hatia, until, so that, in such a manner, " and thus, ^attq-l-mdkdur, or -imkati, or -tmu', to tb* best of one's ability, a. ff^ hvjf m« act of moving round, or going to a place ; pilgrimage to Mecca, ^ajju-l-farsf, the en- joined pilgrimage to Mecca, which should be per- formed once in his lifetime by every good Musalmin. amiru-l-^jj, the officer in charge of a caravan of pil- grims, generally a man of high rank and dignity, a. '-r'^r^ ^yab, m. modesty, bashfulness, shame; a veil, curtain ; night, ^ijdb uihna, n. to be lost (the sense of shame) ; to be removed (a screen). Ifijab- chashml, sheep's-eyed. l^ijdb-k., a. to cover, hide, con- ceal ; to shame. Ifijdb khdnd, n. to blush, a. u-»IjC^ hujjdb (pi. of t— «».\».), porters, door- keepers, chamberlains, a, {j\^ hijabt, modest, veiled ; f. secrecy, a. -.l**" kujjaj (pi. of ^U-),pilgrim8 to Mecca.a. —l:?*' hajjdj, a tyrant, oppressor, hajjaj bin yusuf, name of a notorious petty tyrant who wai go- vernor of 'Irdh 'Arab, under 'Abdu-1-Malik, about the year of our sera 685. a. jl^s?" hijdz, m. lit. prohibiting or separating; Mecca, and the adjacent country, Arabia Petraea. Ac- cording to some authorities Arabia is divided into five parts, Tihdma, Najd, Hijdz, ' Uruz, and Yaman : Hijdz is tlie chain of mountains extending from Yaman to Syria, and has this name as separating the territories of Najd and Tihdma. a. (•Is*" hajjam, m. a cupper, phlebotomist, sca- rifier; a barber, a shaver, a. (JIjk\js*' hajdmat, f. cupping, scarifying, shaving, h.ajdmat-k,, to shave, " faire la barbe." a. i^\s^ hajjdmim, a barber's wife. a. jxUff^ hajjdml, f. the profession of a cupper * or barber, shaving, a. u-*s^ hajab, m. interposing, secluding, ex- cluding, fencing round, a. CL*s^ hvjjat, an argument, proof, reason j altercation, disputation, controversy, a. j^js?" hiijjatt, a sound reasoner; a disputatious person, a sophist ; a wrangler, a caviller, a. j^ hajar, m. a stone; hindrance, prohi- bition : in law, annulment, l^ajaru-l-aswad, m. the black stone in the temple of Mecca, hajaru-t-tis, the bezoar-stone. I^ajaru-d-dam, the blood-stoae. l^ajaru- l-kamar, the moonstone (Selenites), l}ajaru-l-yahud, m. a calcareous stone used in medicine; jeVs-stone. resembling an olive or acorn, found in Palestine {Hel- tnintholithus Judaicus). a. ^2)^j^ hajratdn, du. gold and silver, a. ij3^ hujra,m. a cell, closet, chamber. hujra,e Hbflft, a private closet a. ftArj?" hajla, m. (vulg. hujla) the female par- tridge ; the ornamented chamber where the bride sits, the curtain which hangs before her, the marriage bed.a. ^ ( *51 ) cD. j«a^ -liojm, thickness, bigness ; cupping, sca- rifying, a. ti«!»- hadd, f. a boundary, limit ; an impedi- ment; a definition; a starting-post; punishment agree able to the laws of Muliammad, which fix the exact number of lashes, &c., to be inflicted for certain crimes, ^add ba/idhnd, a. to bound, to terminate. l^add-hast or hadd-handi, the settlement and demarca- tion of boundaries, hadd-bhar-k., a. to do one's best. ^addi shar", the extremity of the law, legal punish- ment, kadd-se-afzun, or -ziyad, or -ziyida, beyond bounds, excessively. Ifodd-k., a. to push any thing to extremity; to go beyond bounds, ftadd mama, a. to punish, a. i\^»- haddad, m. a blacksmith ; a jailer, a. hiddat, f. the edge of a sword ; passion, vehemence, impetuosity, poignancy, virulence, a. (^fc^^ hadas or kads, m. any thing existing for the first time, recently happening, novelty, contin- gency, event, accident ; an accidental cause of impu- rity, according to Musalman traditions, whereby it be- comes unlawful to commence or finish a prayer with- out previously undergoing ablution, a. \^jt^c^ kudus, m. novelty, invention, a. dji^»- kudud (pi. of tis>-), limits, confines, boundaries, iiududi shar'tya, penal laws. Ifududi arba', boundaries of the four sides of an estate, a. uIaJ^.i^^ kadis, m. a history, a tradition ; the traditional sayings of MuhMtnmad, which now bear the force of laws, ^adls-k., a. to forswear, to abjure, to renounce, a. liJ.iio- kadid, m. iron ; a helmet, a. 8^,S^ kadika, an inclosed garden, a palm plantation ; name of a Persian poetical and mystical work by Hakim Sanayi. a. .3^ kazar, m. caution, prudence ; fear. a. u-iiS«>- kazf, m. taking away, ejecting, cut- ting off a letter or syllable of a word, apocope, iagf-k., a. to omit, contract, reject a. j»- kurr, free, well-born, genteelly born. Isarr, being hot, warmth, boiling, a. \jL>\j>- hurras (pi. of t^U-), husbandmen, a. _L». hiraj (pi. of «p-j>"), troops of camels; tliickets, brakes, a, — ^ karraj (for ff)j^)) an auction, a sale. a. ""^jL*" ^^'''"f^*} ^' heat} a burning fever; warmth, zeal. JjtarSrati - kirasat, f. care, watching, guarding. ^irasat-lc., a. to take care of) to govern, a, {^\^ karraz, one who prepares ashes of al- kali ; a lime-burner, a maker of plaster or cement, a. \^\^ karraf, ingenious, clever j pleasant, facetious, talkative, chatty, a, Jt\^ hardm, unlawful, forbidden, sacred, wrong, haram rakhna, a. to prohibit, to deem a thing eacred or forbidden, haram-khor, m. one who lives on the wages of iniquity, l^aram-zdda, unlawfully b^otten, a bastard; generally used as a term of abuse, such as rogue, scoundrel, &c. hm dm-zddt, f. a wicked woman, a strumpet, haram zddagt, f. rascal- ity, roguery, hafdm-zddagi-k., a. to abuse, to ill treat. ^.aram-ma^z, spinal marrow, ^ardm-kdr, m. a forni- cator, ^ardm-kdri, f. forbidden acts (but particularly adultery and fornication), ^ardm kd mdl, good for nothing, ^ardm hhdnd, a. to receive the wages of ini- quity, a. ^^\f^ karawii, m. a robber, an assassin, a *■ rogue. li.ardm% pilla, a bastard, a. [na. a. ^jy>\f>' haramain, (dual) Mecca and Medi- (--.>p- karb, f. war, battle, harb-gak, f. field of battle, a. bp. kirha, m. a chameleon, a. eo^ karha, m. arms, warlike apparatus, a. jA^ harhi, relating to war, bellicose ; (in law) an infidel, as being considered by the " true be- lievers" a fair subject of hostility, a, ^j>- hars, m. ploughing, sowing, cultiva- ting; a ploughshare, a. &»-,»• haraja or harajat, a troop of camels j a thicket, shrubbery, a. Jj>- hirz, m. an amulet, a charm; a fortifi- cation, an asylum, a place of refuge, custody, safe keeping of goods or valuables, a. (wj^- hirs, m. (v. hardsat) care, &c. a. (jo^ kirs, f. desiring eagerly; greediness, avidity ; ambition, avarice, a. \J^lop- Airsa^a,"! greedy, avaricious, cove^ i^j^ kirsi, J ous ; ambitious, a. C^j>- harf, ra. a letter of the alphabet; a particle (in grammar) ; inverting, changing, turning (as a coat) ; a crooked pen ; writing diagonally ; a margin, side; a word; the summit of a mountain. i^ar^asAna, being just able to read, knowing the let- ters, htarf-dnd, n. the approach of infamy, to be in- curred (infamy), harf-anddz, cunning, artful. Jarf- anddzi, f. ciuining, artifice, art. I^arf-baithdlnd at -ja- mand, a. to compose for printing, ^arf par ungli rakhna, a. to criticise, ^arf pakajmd, a. to censure, to criticise. t:.arfi tardid, disjunctive conjunction, ^arfi tashbih, the adverb of similitude, i^or^ i^ kirfat, f.1 trade, art, profession ; skill, &ij>- hirfa, m. J ingenuity, cleverness, cun- ning, ahli l^irfa, men of skill, artists, a. Cm>^j>- karakdi, (pi. of CLSj^), movements, proceedings ; the vowel-points, a. ^J. ( 882 ) \Z^j>- TiarnJiat, motion, action, conduct, pro- cedure ; prevention, hindrance ; a short vowel. J^ara- kat-k., a. lit. to move ; generally it/means to commit an Improper action, a. ,i ^^ harakati, vn. an interrupter, a. j^j>. ha mm., pacred, forbidden ; m. the sacred inclosure of the temple of Mecca ; f. a concubine, a wife, 8 daughter, the women's apartments, a seraglio (vulg. harem), a. ^^J>' hirman, m. repulse, disappointment, a. %Z.^j>- Imi-maty f. dignity, character ; chasti- ty, honour ; reverence, \urinat topid, a. to disgrace. ^iirntal denii, a. to bestow honour, to exalt; to lose one's character, to incur disgrace, hurmat-k., a. to treat honourably and respectfully, ^urmat Una, a. to violate, to ravish ; to disgrace, a. .«.>• hiirur, hfiit, warmth, a. I J^ J*, hvruf, (pi. of *_J;s^) letters, &c. hu- ri'iji liijfi or hiinlfi tahajji, the letters of the alphabet- an alphabet, a. j>j>- hurlr, m. silk, silken cloth, a, jPj>- harira, m. a kind of pap of milk and flour, caudle, a. (_Oj»- harirt, f. a very thin kind of paper, a. {^jo:>,j>- harts, covetous, greedy, gluttonous, a. ■l_o^ T*- harjf, clever, cunning ; pleasant, fa- cetious ; m. a rival, an enemy ; an associate, a partner or opponent at play, a friend, a. ij'-^.j^- harlfl, cleverness; rivalry, enmity, a. j»j>^>. harim, m. a sacred place, a sanctuary,* the enclosure of the temple of Mecca; a house or dwelling, a. t-^s.- hizh, a portion of the hur,an, being a sixtieth part of the whole volume, a. Aj>- hnzm or hazam, vigilance, industry, stea- dlnesF, caution, resolution, a. ^^'^ huzn, m. grief, sadness, affliction, a. ^^J>. haztn, sad, afflicted, melancholy, grieved, doleful, a. ^J^,j» haz'inl, f. grief, sadness, affliction, a, jj-*" hiss, m. sense, sentiment, feeling, imagi- nation ; sympathy, liissi batini, internal sense. Jw« ^ahiri, external sense. ^Usi mushtarik, common sense, a. c-->V-«.»- huab, m. computation, calculation, arithmetic, accounts. J»*a6 pak-k., to clear accounts ^isab-dati, m. an arithmetician, jfisab rakhna, a. to keep accounts of, to register, ^isab rqf-k., a. to settle accounts, hisab kitdb, m. accounts. }^isab-k., a. to calculate, l^isab Una, a. to take accounts, ^isdb-na- vls, m. an accountant, a. ^L*^ hisabt, proper, accountable, accurate, just ; f. calculation ; m. an accountant, a. (_j«>L..»' hassas, possessed of the five senses ; m. (used substantively) an animal, a. husam, f. a Bhe\rp sword, a. ^j^u-*" hussan or hassan, very good or very beautiful, a. ^»«...-»- hasabf m. pedigree, nobility ; com- putation ; measure, proportion ; value ; way, mode or manner ; religion. (/.asab-Tiasab, m. pedigree, a. <.»*...•>■ hasbf agreeably, conforniabiy, accord- ing to, in conformity with ; m. computing, reflecting upon, considering ; quantity, measure, proportion, value ; sufiiciency ; number, ^asbu-l-imkdn, as far u possible. Ifasbu-lffukm, agreeably to orders, ^atbu- l-ma'mul, agreeabiy to custom. }i.asbi htdl or hasbi wdki'a, agreeably to circumstances, as exigency maj require, (/.asbi dil-jiipfdh, agreeably to one's desire, a. (}m»»- hasad, f. envy, malice, emulation, am- bition. Jfosad-pesha, envious, ambitious, a. C^jM*^' hasrat, f. regret, grief, desire, has- rat-zada, struck with regret, woe-begone, afiSlcted. a, (^^>- hasan, good, beautiful, elegant; (often nsed as a man's name) the eldest of 'All's two sons. Hasan Maimandi, name of the vizir of Sultan Mahm&d of Gh azni. a. fj*'*^- husn, m. beauty, elegance, goodness. }f.usni i]c]itiydr, free-will, ^usni tadbir, excellent ma- nagement, sound policy, fyimi hhitdh. elegance of address, husni ]c]iulk, a good disposition, htisni rd,e, prudent counsel, sound judgment, li^usni 'ahd, good faith, trustworthiness. I^iisni ^ann, m. a good opinion, a favourable judgment, a. iiy^*>- hasud, envious, spiteful, malignant. l}usud, envy, malice, spite, a. i^^*->- hasin, beautiful, elegant, a. tjjw>- husain, good, beautiful ; a man's name, the second of the two sons of'AlI, who both suffered martyrdom, a. fjx»t.>- husairii, of or relating to husain; a " species of grape, l^usaini-bulbul (t. bulbul), a species of bird of melody, ^usatni A:a&a/>, a kind of stew, cp, (jili.*- hushdsh, "1 m. the remains of life, sJ^yL>- hushasha,) last breathings of a dying man. o. {j^\Z.sf hashshash, a forager, a grasscutter. ^ashshdsh-bashshdsh (for hashstuish), merry, hilarous. a. jt*^' hashar or hash?', m. a meeting, congre- gation, >oncourse ; the general resurrection of tht dead. ^4iifRu4-^uuAar, day of resurrection, a. C^\jJ^ hasharat (pi. of 5;-S»>-), the buzzing noise of a ciowd; reptiles, insects, animalcules. ^• shardtu-l-ar^, reptiles, a. [sect. a. iji*^ hashara .or hasharat, a reptile, an in- i^j^^ hashrt, violent and impetuous (a stal- lion), a. iiSiL>- hashfa, m. glans penis, a. jjL*- hasham, m. pomp, equipage, suite, a. - hashmat, f. state, dignity ; equipage, retinue, train, parade, a. ^.1^ hashu or hasho, m. stuffing a pillow, cushion, bed, &c. ; also whatever Uieyare stuffed with; people of the meanest condition ; sin.^ll camels, l^ashto tninhd or ^asho minhd,i, subtraction, deduction ; the quantity deducted; (in revenue language) rent-free. a. ( 853 ) ^J^ .La»> Msar, m. an enclosure, a fence; a for- tified place, a castle ; besieging, a. (jXtosf Msari, those who are besieged, a. C^\->a>- hasanat, f. firmness, stability, dura- bility, steadiness ; chastity, continence, a. \s^as^ hasha, gravel, pebbles, a, yo^- hasr, m. a siege, blockade ; reckoning, counting, number, a. [tiom. a. {^jAto^- hisas (pi. of »rfa»-), shares, lots, por- ^^^los* /lisn, m. a castle, fortification, kisni iasin, an impregnable fortress ; the title of a book of Musalman traditions, a. J^,*as»- htisul, m. acquisition ; profit, advan- tage, produce, getting or attaining, a. ».«a»- hissa, m. share, lot, portion, division. iissa i ^dkimi, the share of produce to which the king or ruler is entitled. Ijiissa-ddr, a sharer, ^issa-dart, f. sharing, being entitled to a share; copartnership. ^issa-iasad, an equal share, a proportional part, ^itsa- kaslil, distribution of shares, iifsa i halt, a plough- man's share or wages in kind. a. ^Zj<*fO»- hissait, a shareholder, a. joa^ hasir, m. a mat for sitting on. a. jjruia>- hafin, strong ; fortified, a. jlio*- hnzzar (pi. of j^lr*-), those present, spectators, auditors, assistants, a. CJ>\ta>' hazanat or hizanat, the bringing up of children in the Musalman faith, a. jto>' hazar, m. residence, resting, remaining in a place, presence ; rest or repose (in opposition to tqfar, journeying, moving about), o. Owa»- hazral, f. presence; dignity; ma- jesty, highness, &c. (a title addressed to the great, such as our words Excellency, Eminence, Holiness.&c). %azrat gilli stib^ani, m. his majesty, the shadow of God, the king, fuizrat 'isa, Jesus Christ, a. yyo^" huzur, m. presence, appearance, atten- dance ; court, government ; the town or station at which the chief authority is resident (the other towns and places subject to the same authority are termed f^ibat) : used also in the sense of " your honour," " your highness." Jwzfirt jmr-nur, his illustrious ma- jesty. }f,uzur-talab, being called to the presence, sum- moning attendance, ^uzur-navis, a private secretary, a. ^.yto>' huzuri, m. an attendant ; f. pre- sence ; adj. of or belonging to the court, royal, a. {^jaXta>' haziz, low; (substantively) the lower extremity or surface of any thing ; the foot of a mountain ; (in astronomy) the lower apsis in an eccen- tric orbit (opposed to auj, the zenith), a. j^^as- hutam, any thing brittle or dry, minute * or paltry ; worldly goods, a. u-*las»- H^ab, firewood, hatib, very lean, thin, lank (like a stick), a. ^9- hazz, m. pleasure, delight; flavour, taste ; good fortune, felicity, iaf^i nafsani, sensual pleasures, a. jia*. hazr, m. prohibition, seclusion, forbid- ding ; harshness, rudeness, a. )i9yhs>' hu2iuz (pi. of ia»-), pleasures, &c. a cl^lfl»- hifazat, f. memory; custody, guardianship, protection, ^ifazat-k., a. to preserve, to defend ; to repeat from memory; to keep in memory, a. euofl*- kafsa, one of the wives of Muhammad, a. laA»- hifz, m. memory ; custody, guardian- ship, protection, ^ifzi maratib, observing etiquette, attention to the rank, &c., of persons addressed, a. Ji». hajl, m. an assembly, council, congre. gation. a. J». hakh, just, right, true; m. the Deity; justice, rectitude ; lot, portion ; equity. JaM ada-k., a. to render every one his due. Ifokhi-s-sa't, m. the wages of labour, recompense for trouble, JfaJcJnt-llah, the rights of God, punishment inflicted for religious offences, l^akku-n-nas, the rights of man, punishment of crimes against society. J^akku-n-nd^ir^n, something left after a banquet for the servants or spectators. Ifakh ta'dlq, God is great, the Almighty, ^dkkjallo jaldl, the Deitj' in all his splendour. l}akki l^atoala- dar, the allowance of grain given to shdh,nas (q. v.), generally at the rate of a seer {ser) and a-half to every maund {man). l}dkk-ddr, proprietor. J^dklf }).dkTc-k., n. to be very hungry, hakki-zamtnddrl, a zamindar's proprietary right, liiakk-shinds, knowing and perform- ing one's duty ; rendering to every one his due ; grate- ful. Jiakk-shindsi, gratitude, l^akki-kamhichdrt, -saydn- chari OT -thokddrt, dues and fees to kamtns or village servants, generally amounting to 3 per cent. Ifakk meA, with respect to. h,akk-nd-l!,akk, right or wrong. ^tJcjc-nd-sUnds, ungrateful, undutiful. Jo?:J hand, n. to die. a. ui». AflifeAan, really, truly. hakhB.,hy Godi. a. C«>.Vae^ hikarat, f. contempt, scorn, affront, disgrace, vileness, baseness, a. ^j,\sLs^' hakkani, true, perfect, divine, a. j^lSs*. haka,ik (pi. of C^sijsi^), truths, a. cLJjL^^ft- hakk-bhent, presents made to na- tive officers in authority, a. k. «afls«- kukna, m. a syringe, a squirt, a clyster- pipe, a clyster, a glister, a. J^fts- hukuk (pi. of Jf»-), rights, duties, a &Ss»- hukha, m. the pipe, &c., in which to- bacco is smoked ; a grenade or bomb ; a box for hold- ing jewels or drugs, ^ukka-barddr, the servant who prepares the ^ukka. J^ukke bdz, a juggler ; a grenadier. '•^ukka, although an Arabic word, signifies a pipe only in India : uo Arab would use it in this sense. The word signifies, in Arabia, Egypt, and Syria, a small round box or casket" — Binning, a. hahhu/at, f. right, share, proprietor- ship, claim, property, o. >fl>- hakir, contemptible; thin, lean; vile. ^akir-jdnnd, a. to contemn, to despise, a. j^tJis* Aa/(trt, contemptibleness; leanness, a. tIL*a-&>- hakihat, f. account, narration, rela- tion, explanation ; truth, sincerity. J^il^at-ndtna, a written statement of particulars, a. \jAjkfls»- hakthatan, really, truly, a. ^Juft*. hakiki, real, true, certain, accurate, "just, ovra. ^a^i^i bhd,i, a full brother, a. 2 A ( 364 ) dLi^- hahk, m.erasure^ratching out. hakh-h.f a. to erase. JaArAr-/*., to be erased, a. J%s>' hakhak, m. a cutter and polisher of preciouB stones ; a lapidary, a. ^\i»- hukkam (pi. of j^U-), governors, rulers, commanders, magistrates, a. ^\^ Jiuhkami, a terra applied to grants of ■ land made by the officers of government. «. Ob\^ hihayat (pi. of tl-O^^), tales, &c. a. »JUoK»- hihayat, f. a history, romance, story, tftle, narration. J^ikayat-lc., to relate, a. Jt.»- hukm, m. order, command, decree, per- uiission. l^ukm-ufhana or -^likalna, a. to draw at cards. hulm-anddz, obedient to directions; an archer, one wlio hits the mark (with an arrow, bullet, &c.). ^ukm- ndma, m. a written order, a. jSs" haham, m. an umpire, a mediator, an arbitrator. Jiftain, knowledge, science, wisdom, fiic. a. U^ huhama (pi. of m^^), philosophers, sages ; physicians ; wise men in general, a. I^S^- hihmat, f. wisdom, knowledge ; skill, cleverness ; philosophy, mystery ; principle, a. iJ>S»- hikmati, clever, philosophic, a. ic^^ huhmi, obedient to directions (gene- ■' rally applied to medicine), a. Cj>\a^» huhumat (pl.irreg.), order8,rules. a. C^S»- hukumat, f. dominion, sovereignty, government, jurisdiction, authority. ^uMma^t *adl, a just award, a decision by just arbitrament, a. jiv». hahhi, m. an erasing-knife. a. j»^^ hakim, a sage, philosopher ; a physi- cian, a doctor, in the general sense of the term. a. «3Uax»- haktmana, like a sage, wisely, a. ^>ix^ hdhlmi, f. the practice of medicine ; " adj. of or relating to men of wisdom, a. jjfl* hall, m. solution, loosening, untying. ^all-kari, f. gilding, hail-k., a. to loosen, to solve, to dissolve, discuss, to dilute, ^all-hona, to be solved, overcome (as difficulties), a. — ,^k>- hallaj, m. a comber,acarder of cotton, a. J^k»- halal, legal, legitimate, lawful, right ; (a woman) laying aside mourning for the death of her husband at the expiration of a hundred days (during which time she is not bylaw allowed to marry), halal- Jslur, m. a person of the lowest caste, generally a sweeper, or employed in the meanest and dirtiest occu- pations, so called because every thing is lawful food to him. Ifalal-Jchorl, f. the business or state of a sweeper, &c. ; a female sweeper, &c. ^alal-k., a. to slay accord- ing to the forms prescribed by the Mvjymimadan reli- gion ; to murder ; to marry, a. AJ^k*" halala, f. a woman married again with ner first divorcer, after she had been divorced by her second husband, a. Oj^W halnwat,^. sweetness; deliciousness. a. u-A»- halah, the city of Aleppo in Syria, a. «jiW hulha, fenugreek, tragacanth. a. ^aW halahl, of or belonging to Aleppo, made in Aleppo (a mirror), a. ^'^*^«- hilttt (also hiltli), assafoetida. a. c-AW half, an oath, a vow. half-nama, an affidavit, a declaration upon oath, ^(fi duru^ per- jury, false-swearing, a. Jjl*- halk, \Ta.. the wind-pipe, the throat. ^^His»- hull (explained by kawish hona), to be menaced. ilk, ^} hulkum,} halk par chhurl achhna &ftW hatha, m. a ring, a circle ; a loop, a bat- ton-hole ; a kind of fireworks ; a knocker (of a door)/ a village circuit or boundary-line, l^alka-ba-gosh, & slave, a servant, »'. e. one who wears a ring in his ear as a l)adge of servitude, halka-ba-goshi, f. servitude, slavery. I^lka-zan, one who knocks, o. jiii»- halki, guttural letters, (c p ■** * y^ ^)' «• Jls»- hilm, m. coolness, temperateness ; mild- ness, affability, gravity. he-\ilm, merciless, severe, a. \A>' halwa, m. a kind of sweetmeat made of flour, ghi, and sugar. Ijtalwa-sohan, m. name of a sweetmeat. Jf.alwd-machhi, the pomflet fish, ^alwa nikdlna, a. to beat severely, a. ^Ui>- halwan, m. a kid, a lamb. a. ^cAAs^ halrva,i, m. a confectioner ; a maker or vendor oilyaltoa, q. v. ; name of a caste or tribe in the lower Du,ab. a. -^J^)j>- halmayan, f. a confectioner's wife ; the appellation of a caste or tribe in the lower Du,Sb. «. (JJ;»' hulul, m. descent; stopping or sojourn- ing; entering or penetrating ; transmigration, m. iA^ halrva (v. halwa), sweetmeat, a. Ob^l>- halwiyat (pi.), sweetmeats, a, zd*. hulla, m. a robe, a garment, a. &W halla (for hamla), assault, attack. A, A*- hull, f. jewels, ornaments, a. mA»- haUm., mild, affable, unassuming, tract- able ; a kind of food dressed in the Mu^arram, a. jl»»- himar, m. a male ass; the wild ass. iammar, an ass-driver, a. ^c.\-»». himdri, asinine, stupid ; f. stupidity, a. di*JJU>. himakat, f. folly, stupidity, a. Jl»s»- hammal, a porter, a carrier of burthens. a palkl-bearer. a. «Jl»»- hamala or hamalat, bearing, becomivg pregnant, l^ammdla, fem. (of ^mm&l), a woman who bears burdens, &c. a. l»»- hammam, m. a warm-bath, a bagnio, o. \a\^- hamama, stone parsley, Jamaica pep- per, a. j4cl»». hammami, a bath or bagnio-keeper, a. r ( 355 ) J^ CIa^.W*" himayat, f. protection, defence, guar- dianship, patronage, countenance. T^imayat-k., a. to defend, to patronise, o. j_^l,»2^ himayatl, deliverer, protector, a. t^jUs*- hamd,id (pi. of jJJji,».), praiseworthy qualities ; laudable deeds or conduct, a. ^JjUs»- Jiamafil, f. a sword-belt hung from the shoulders ; a necklace of flowers ; a small hir^an sus- pended to the neck as an amulet. ^ama,il-k., to sling across the shoulders (a gun or sword), a. J«»>' hamd, f. praise (of God), a. j^^ hamr, 1 red, of a red colour ; m. bitu- L*s»- hamra,) men, naphtha, a. J^*>' hnmk or humuh, m. foolishness, stu- pidity, inadvertency, a. li*s»- humaka (pi.), fools, stupid fellows, a. ,J^»- hamlj m. a burden, a load, haml-h., a. to load, to impute, to accuse, to ascribe ; the fruit (ofthe womb), pregnancy; fruit (of any kind). Ij.amal, the first sign of the zodiac, called Aries or the ram. a. 9^^' hamla, m. an attack, onset, storming, an assault ; (fig.) concubitus. a. Jy.»s>- humma, a fever (pi. hummayat). a. v Il*A» r> hamtyat, f. ardour, impetuosity, zeal; a nice sense of honoor. a. JkA«s>- harriid, \ praised ; laudable, glorious. Xtio^*- hamida,) akhlaki hamtda, praise- worthy disposition, aus^fi-^amlda, laudable quali- fications, a. J>-»*>- hamll, m. a son of a whore, a bastard ; a surety; herbs, sticks, &c., carried down by the stream, a. U*- hinna, f. the tree with which the Indians stain their hands and feet (Lawtonia inermis). a. '^■f\i»- hmna,l, of the colour of hinna. a. JS^^ Jt(17ll(X7* jrr \^_ m. the throat, the gullet, the 1,^^ hanjara, • . , . -^ '^^ . wmdpipe. a. i/r hanjara,) jJaAs»- hanzal, wild gourd, colocynth. a. ]^ hawwa, Eve, the mother of mankind, a. C^i\^ hamadis (pi. of eO«il»-), accidents, occurrences ; misfortunes, calamities, a, OlSsI**- harvddisdt, occurrences, misfor- tunes, a. ij}^ harvdri, m. having a white skin ; a washerman, fuller ; a friend, a companion ; an apostle, a disciple or apostle (of Jesus Christ); a friend, asso- ciate, companion (of Muhammad), a. iyi\^ hawdss (pi. of »JiW), the senses, ^awdss-bakJita, out of one's senses, ^awassi JshaTiua, the five senses, a. i^^^ hawdshi (pi. of bjJ^^s^), followers, "attendants ; margins, borders, a. ^yjo\y>- hawdsil, m. (pi. of &]Lo^ q. v.), stomachs, &c. ; an animal of whose skin they make garments ; a pelican, a. C^*!^\^ hawaldt, If. (pLofaJt^) things C^\i^y- hanalajdt,) given in charge, trusts, deposits, a. j\,i^\^ hawdl-ddr (for hawdla-ddr), m. a military ofiicer of inferior rank, vulg. havildar. a. p iu\j»- harcdla, m. chargo, custody, care, ha- toale, in the charge or care of any one, &c. a. jiiiaJl^ hawdla-ddr, one employed to pro- tect the grain before it is stored ; a steward or agent employed for the management of a village, a. t^'^ haivdU, f. environs, outskirts, suburbs. "^awdlt.e shahr, environs of a city. a. C->_55»- hut, f. fish ; the sign Pisces, a. j^ hur, \f. a virgin of paradise; a celes- \JSj^ hurt,] tial bride promised by Mu- hammad to all good Musalmans in the next world ; a black-eyed nymph, a. Sjj*' hauza, m. a track, side, part, middle, a, d\^^ hausila or hausala, m. the stomach, maw, crop ; (met.) resolution, desire, ambition, capa- city, spirit, ^aufila-mand, ambitious, aspiring, a. ^jtfj>- hauz, m. a i-eservoir, a pond, the basin of a fountain, a tank, vat. a. J^ haul, changing, returning ; passing by or over ; detaining ; power, strength ; deceit ; a year. ^wal, squinting, blind of an eye. a. j'liJ^ hawalddj' (for hawdl-ddr, q.y.y a. p, i^.j>' haweli, house, dwelling, habitation j ' lands in the vicinity of towns, the revenues of which were devoted to the support ofthe military garrison, a. i^ huiy, alive; a family, a tribe, haiy "kaiyurn, eternal, immortal. Jjxiiy Id-yamMt, eternal imperishable, a, U*- hayd, f. modesty, shame, hayd-ddrj modest, possessed of modesty, a. 0'U»- haydt, f. life, haydti tdza, new life, regeneration {used to express recovery from severe illness), the pleasure derived from meeting with a friend, a. ^U». haydti, existence, life. a. C-JjU*- hiydzat, lit. accumulation ; (in law) joint acquisition of an article (having no owner) by two or more persons, a. iJL>jj>j^ haisiyaU f. ubiquity, universality ; capacity, ability, merit ; conditional proposition, a. (3Jk>' haidar, a lion, a man's name, haidar- abad, Hyderabad, name of a city in the Deccan, and of another in Giuerat. ^idari, of or belonging to Hai- dar. a. (j]ji^ hairdn, perplexed, astonished, con- founded, disturbed, fatigued, a. jj,^-*. hairdnt, f. astonishment, perturbation, confusion or distraction of mind. a. 2a2 CJ*^ hairat, f. stupor, perturbation, asto- nishment. ^airat-qfzS, increasing one's amazement ; astonishing, ^airat-zada, struck with astonishment, a. ilji^ hairati, astonished, bewildered, a. U>. haiyizy m. a place, part, a tract of ground; a court -yard, an area. a. l^jaxi{^ja^ huishais, f. perplexity, hesitation, suspense, a perplexed business, a dilemma, a. \^jA^ haizt f. the menses, waladu-l-haiz, a term of reproach, a. ^^CJ^ haizt, a wicked brat. a. [mm. a, ftJa-*- hlta, m. a court, a place, an enclo- i^ji^haif, m. iniquity, violence, oppression; inteij. ah I alas I ^aif bashad ki, 'twere a pity that. a. ^JL^ haifi, grief, sorrow, regret, a. jjk*- hiyal (pi. of iJu*-), tricks, stratagems, a. iJjL>' hlla, m. stratagem, deceit, pretence, trick, ^ila-b&z, artful, a cheat, ^ila-bazi, knaver; artfulness, ^lla-saz or ^tla-gar, a knave, "an artful dodger;" ^llasazt,^tla-gari,lin&yery. a. jjj*- kin, m. time, interval or period of time. (tnl ^ayat, life-time. a. ^I^JL*- haiwan, m. a brute or irrational ani- mal, in contradistinction to insan, a human being, m. 0\3\^A»- haimanat, animals, living crea- tures, a. ij^yi»' haiwant, brutal, beastly, a. i£,^\yj^ haimaniyat, brutality ; in contra- difltinction to insanlyat, humanity, a. C«UJk»- hay at or hai,at, life, existence, a* 356 ) ^Je\»' ^^yl>- kkatnn, f. a lady, a matron, khafiini jannat, the queen of heaven (the title given to Fatinm the daughter of Muhammad), p. 5l>- hkdd, a kite ; a falcon ; an eagle, p, ^5l»- khadim, m. a servant, kJiadimu-Utula ha, a public teacher, a professor (of a college). IsJiadimi dargdh, a servant virho takes care of a tomb (mosque, SiC)' a- [tombs, mosques, &c. d. ^^Un5l>- khadiman, pi. servants in charge of ft-eiV*" khadima, a female servant, a. ^til*- jkkddiml, f. service, serving, a. jU- Mar, m. a thorn, spine, thistle, bramble; a spur, a cock's spur, hhar ankhon ka, an eye-sore, disagreeable. M^r-bunan, roots of thorns or brambles, kb&r-bast or }s]iar-bandi, a fence or hedge ; a stockade. Miar-pusht, m. a porcupine (Hystrix). kh&r-khar, dis> quietude. Mar-ddr, troublesome, arduous, barbed, thorny, lihar-kash, a woodcutter. ]char-kan, one who digs or plucks up thorns, iljar o Jij^as, m. sweepings, any thing vile. p. \j^ khard, a stone of extreme hardness ; a species of waved silk ; adj. flinty or hard, as a stone. U&ra-sang, a kind of marble, p. ^j^ khdrij, external, without, beyond, out- cast, iltarij-k., a. to exclude. ](Mrij-h-j\^ khdrij a, m. the word at the bottom of J, Mg, called Jtha.emankuta or khd,e mu'jama, the seventh letter of the Arabic, the ninth of the Per- sian, and tenth of the Hindustani alphabets, has the sound of the Greek ^i it is a guttural letter, formed by compression of the top of the throat near the mouth, and contains a mixture of the sounds of A; and h : it has no corresponding sound in the English language, but is expressed by the Scottish pronunciation of ch in the word Auchtermuchty. la abjad it stands for 600. a. p. Is* kh d (v. hhdfidan), in comp. chewing or gnawing; as, |fi|>,« thakar-Mifl, the sugar-chewing parrot, p. Jjli- khdtim, a ring worn on the fingers ; a seal. yi^atitnu-l-ambiyS, the seal of prophets, i. e. Mu- hammad, a. ft^li" khdtima, m. conclusion, epilogue, finis, end. Muitima bandt, f. a kind of workmanship, of which they make bows ; the ceiling of a roof. a. a page, which is repeated at the beginning of the next, an asterisk, a catch word. a. ,j>'j^ kkdriji, m. a seceder, a schismatic, "a rebel ; a sect of Alu^ammadans who do not reckon 'All among the legal successors of the prophet : they are the mortal enemies of the Rafizls or ShVas, who reject Abu-bakr, ' Umar, and ' Ugman, while Sunnis consider the tour as legal successors. Tet the ShVas apply the term Msflriji to the Sunnis . a. Jjls»- khdraz, a dish prepared of eggs, d, ^jrtj\»- khdrishj "If. the itch, the scab, the iJLkt a ^ khdrishtfj mange, p. fJ**»J^ Marishtt, mangy, itchy, scabby, p. {jj^ M.ant f- (for khrpart) meanness, ig- nominy, p. ^^j^ khdzin, a treasurer, custodier, a. ^JWl*- khdstan (r. khez), to rise up, to go away. p. &JkM»l»- khdsta, (in comp.) risen, sprung up. p. fciJ\ji»li»- khdshak, m. sweepings, chips, leaves, shavings, rubbish, p. {jo\^ khdss^ excellent, noble, pure, unmixed; particular, private, what is kept for the king's (or master's) private use, own, proper, peculiar, single, gentle : in revenue language the term is applied to lands the rents of which are not leased out, but col- lected immediately by the officers of government, ap- pointed for that sole purpose. kbSss-ajir, private or domestic servants or slaves, hhofs-le.o, land under the management of the sovereign, khaffchela, the {JO^ C 357 ) JU- bead disciple in a monastery. Tchasi-lial. a rent-free tenure. Jchats-mahal, districts under the jnanagement of government, khdss-navh, a private secretary ; a gfovernment clerk or accountant, khdss-navisi. of or relating to government clerks or accountants, khdss- zaniin, land of whicii the revenue is collected directly by government, khflss-bardar, m. a servant who in a great man's retinue carries a firelock. Ichass-ta'alltik. lands exclusively belonging to government, from the original proprietors having died without heirs, khdsi }chawass, attendants, domestics, ministers, properties, qualities. khass-viahal. m. private apartment, the apartments of married women (in opposition to khurd ma^ai, or apartments of the concubines) ; (met.) first- married wife. Ichasf o 'am, noble and plebeian, a. ^J^jo\»- khassan, pi. the noble ; persons of high rank. a. [especially, in particular, a. »
          - khassat, special, private, khassatan, ^^lirfcU- khdss-dan, m. a wallet, a port- manteau, p. [culiarity. p. ^Xtf\s»- khassagi. f. excellence, nobility; pe- »^l»- khassa, excellent, pure, noble, elegant, good, charming, delightful, pretty, fine, virtuous; m. dinner, more particularly a king's meal ; a kind of fine cotton cloth, a. ijo^ khassi, excellent, noble, a. Cl*>^lg- khassiyat, f. quality, peculiarity, in- nate property, natural disposition, a. c^ls*- khatih, a preacher, a public speaker, a. Matir, f. the heart, soul, inclination, Jb\i^ Ml memory, propensity, account, sake, will, choice. Matir-dzurda, melancholy, dejected, sad. jchdtir- dshiifta, distressed, dispirited, agitated. }(hdtir-jqm', collected, comforted, contented, tranquil, at ease; f, satisfaction, assurance, encouragement. ](hdtir-jam'i, f. comfort, confidence. ftjidtir-Miwdh, agreeable to one's wishes. }cjid1ir-ddri, encouragement, comfort, gr.itification, satisfactii n. khdtir-dd.^ltl, f. complaisance, regard. }l^ khatif, seizing, snatching, removing. a. j^l»- khdfif occult, concealed, a. fj^^ hhakdn, m. a king, emperor (the tenn is generally applied to the sovereign of China and Chinese Tartary). a. jj\5li- hhakdrii, royal, imperial j name of a most celebrated poet of Persia, a. uill*- khdk, f. dust, earth, khdk-hdzi, f. play- ing with dust. Jchak-phdnknd, a. to wander, to stray. khdk-Uida, m. a butt or mark of earth, for shooting arrows at. }chdk chhdimd, (lit. to sift the dust) ex- presses excessive labour and exertion in fruitless search, hhdk ddlnt, is used to express the concealing of those things from the disclosure of which disgrace may be expected. Ichdk-rob, m, a sweeper, a menial ser- vant of the lowest caste. iia/f-ri'6a. m. sweepings, khdk- zdd, earth-born, made of dust, khdk-sdr, base, mean, lowborn, a humble suppliant. Jchdk-sdrl, f. meanness, humility. HMk sir par ufdnd, a. to lament, hhflk siydh-k., a. to plunder and lay waste a country, to de- predate, jchdk-sho, m. a person in the mint who washes the ashes to recover any particles of bullion which may have fallen ; the man who prepares earth for brick-making or pottery, khdk-k., a. to waste, to ruin, to demolish, khdk vten mildnd, a. to destroy, to spoil, to demolish, khdk men milnd, n. to die, to perish ; to be ruined, demolished, khdk ho jdna, u. to moulder or pine away. a. dI>- khakd, ni. a plan, sketch, draft, outline, delineation, p. Stiykili- hhdk-tuda, a mark or butt of earth for shooting at. p. jjltijl>' khdk-ddnf m. a place where rubbish is placed; also a sack, &c. in whkh it is carried; (met.) the world, p. JLtS\»- khdkistar, f. ashes ; calx of metals. ]c]idkistar-ho7ia,n. to be calcined or reduced to ashes. j>. i.j^L*6\>- kJidhistarlj ash-coloured, p. ^Jjl>- khdkshi, f. a small weight used -by "goldsmiths ; a kind of red bramble ; a small red seed used in medicine, chiefly as an eye-salve, p. iS^ khdkl, dusty, terrestrial, earthen; a Hindu mendicant who smears his body with the ashes of cow-dung ; the name of a kind of arrow. ]cMki an^d, m. an addled egg, wind egg ; a term of re- proach, p. [^ammadanfailrs. p. jjU> l^- hhakiydn, pi. a denomination of Mu- ,cL/l^ khag, an egg. khugina. m. fried eggs, i a kind of dish made of eggs, an omelet, pancake, &c.|7. Jl>- khdl, m. a mole on the face (black and ornamental) ; an artificial spot made for ornament ; a maternal uncle, mother's brother. Mtdl-lchdl, thick, close, thickly spread ; little, scarce ; adv. occasionally, now and then, a ^l»- khdld, f. maternal aunt, mother's sister. J{hdld kd ghar or ]chdld mdmd kd ghar, (lit. the house of one's aunt) signifies a place of rest and security, a. ^3^ls»- Mdldtt, descended from or related to the maternal aunt. Htdlati bha,i, a cousin, son of maternal aunt. a. ^p'^\^ Mdla.t, m. the husband of a mother's sister, (same as i^u). a. (jo)l»- khdlis, pure, sincere ; m. a friend, a. ifyioJl*' Mdlisa, pure, sincere; m. the exche- quer, or royal office for the collection and receipt of the revenues, and for the determination of causes re- lating thereto; land held immediately from govern- ment. Jchdlisa kachaliri, the exchequer office. ]shalita shar\fa, the royal exchequer, a. ^\»- khdlih, the Creator, the Deity, a. ^l»- kJidlu, maternal uncle, husband of a mother's sister, a, 6.y^ hhdla, (v. Mala), f. a mother's sister, a. ^ls»- Mali, empty, v.'icant ; pure, mere, only, unmixed; unoccupied, unemploj'ed. ]shdli-hdth, empty- handed, pennyless, unarmed. Jchdlt-mahhia, the month Shawal ; lit. the vacant month, so called from being the only month in which no festival takes place, p. ^l»- kham, raw, unripe, immature, kham-am- ' dam, gross receipts of revenue in rupees of sort, iiam- pdra, a t^rm of abuse, applied to a woman who has been cohabited with before the aj^e of maturity. lHjam- thurwd, m. half boiled soup, kham-shob, half-washed, rinsed kjuim-tab', foolish, dull, k^m-tab'i, stupidity, perversity, khdm-tama', entertaining vain desires. Jcjmm-tamn't, a depraved or vain desire, ^bflm-'akli, m. foily, weak understanding. hH^m-kart, awkwardness, unskilfulness. p. (jL«l>- khamushf silent, 1 same as khd- j-i««\»- khamusht, f. silence, J mosh, kha- "moshi. p. [horses, p. ^^y<\>^ khdmosh, silent; m. a disease in ^^y«\»^ khamosht, f. silence, taciturnity, p. SM^^ kkama, m. a pen, a writing-reed. M^ma-dan, m. a pen-case. p. j_^l>- hhamif f. rawness, unripeness; loss. p. ^^l»- khan, m. lord, prince, a title principally used by pathans : in Persia this title is applied to a prince or governor of a province, but in Hindustan it signifies the lowest order of Mug^ nobility, p. <^^l>- khanqjat (pi. of &3U-), houses,dwell- ings, mansions, &c. p. [prime-minister. «. ^j)'-^^j_^^ khan-khdnan, lord of lords, a ySi^ kj^an-ddr, 1 properly khdna-ddrf i^j\i^^ k^dn-ddri,) q. v. under khana. p, ^J\S>\^ khdnddn,m.. family, household. kJian- dan kl 'alamat, f. armorial bearings, p. jjUL«JU>. khdnsdmdn, m. a house-steward, p. j^uL^jli- khdnsdmdnt, f. the household de- partment, including all expenditures on that score, p. sliuls"- khdnkdh, 1 f. a monastery, a religious f»il>lj»- khdnakahy Y establishment for holy Svxjli' khdnagdh, 1 men. p. f^-i^ khdngt, domestic; f. a prostitute, p. j*ili- khdnam, a lady, a woman of rank, a ' princess, p. ^^\^\»■ khdnmdn, also khdn-o-mdn, m. house- hold furniture, domestic, every thing belonging to the house. lsbanman-}c]sardb, ruined, desolated, p. »ii!yl»- khdnawdda, a family household ; the mistreMof a family; adj. noble, of an ancient family, p. io\»' khdna, m. house, place, dwellinfr; a drawer, a partition, compartment ; department. Jsj^atia- abSd, a benediction, meaning, may your house flourish. ibdna-ba-dosh, (used substantively) a traveller, a pil- grim, a gypsey, rover, sojourner. Msfina-bar-anddz, a prodigal, a spendthrift, kl^na-parddzi, domestic ma- nagement, economy. Midna-jang, quarrelsome, a brawler. Ishdnn-jan^'i, f. domestic strife, civil war, skirmish, duel.bickenng. ihann-jc^ana, cellular. jcJidna- hisardb, ruined, jctdna-khardbi, {. ruination, klidna- khudd, master of a house. Jihdna-ddr, m. family man. Afiawrt ddrl, f the state of the master of a family. }£dna- ddmdd, a son in-law, who lives in the house of his father-in-law. Jdidna-doul, fond of staying at home (a term of abuse). l(hdua-zdd, the child of a slave. A.8 the last member of a compound jcjidiia denotes place or residence, as kutub-}iiidna, a book-house, library, p. 358 ) 4^baj\>- khana-bdrif a family house, p. jjl*" kkdwar, m. the west, but often used by poets for the east, also for the son. p. {Jjjj^ khdwardTif the east and west ; the name of a district in ^Ipirdsdn, the birthplace of the poet Anwart p. i^j\^khdmarif solar, western ; also eastern, p. *5J>jV»" khdwind or khdwand. m. lord, master, husband. ]sbawind-k. , to marry (a woman), p. ft^^iiOjl*- khdminddna, in the manner of a lord or master, p. (e^j\»- khdwindi, f. dominion, mastership.^. «— flj\»- khdfifj timid, pusillanimous, afraid, a, ^J>^ khdjin, a deceiver, a traitor, a. iO\>- khdya. m. a testicle ; an egg. KKdyO' 6arrfar,acringlngfellow. khdya- barddri-k, . a. to cringe. khdya chumdnd, a. to disregard, to be disobedient, to be stubborn, not to submit to obedience, khdya sah- land, a. to curry favour, khdya-kashida. m. an eunuch. p. ^^(^jol^ khdfldan, to gnaw, to chew. p. (JLoU^- khahdsat, f. wickedness, depravity. Tth/ahdsati jibilli. innate depravity, a. j\jL»- khahhdz, m. a baker. Mabbdzi, f. bak- ing, the business of a baker, a. cIaJl^- khubs. m. malice, malignity, spiteful- ness, perfidy, impurity, a. j^ hhahar, f. news, advices, rumours, report, fame, account. Hiabar basant hi puchhni, to ask after the basant, q.v., expresses extreme ignorance or n^li- gence. jchabari ]> kkutak or khuttak, m. a club, a stick, p. oa>- khutkdf m. a club; the penis, p. r- ( 359 ) u Jic- khatm, m. conclusion, seal, end ; (used adjectively) done, finished, hhatmu-'l-amblyd or -mur- saltri, the last of the prophets or apostles, Muhammad. M«. jJjC^ khajal, modest, bashful, ashamed, a. (JIaaS^ kkijlat, f. shame (v. khijalat). khij- lat ufhani, or -khani, n. to blush, i^jlat-zada, struck wltii shame, utterly abashed, a. ^l^ khachakhach, the sound of a spear or battle-axe, or of treading in clay or mire. h. j*^ khachchar, m. a mule, khachchar-baitf a mule driver, a muleteer. A. khachar-kkachar, 1 m. an imitative ia7'-khachar,'\^ lar-khackar,} h. m. an khachar-khackar,) sound. 1^ kkadd, the cheek, the face. a. iii*- kkuda, m. God. khuda-parasi, worship- ping God. Jchuda-tars, fearing God, virtuous, hhtida- dad, (Deodatus) given or bestowed by God ; an epithet applied to part of the Mysore territory under Tippu- Sultan. }chudd-}chuda karke, with difficulty, by hook or by crook. JAw^a Aa/?J6, adieu, farewell, yhuda-kare, would to God. khuda kyd kare, what will fate pro- duce ? or what is the will of God I (an expression used in doubtful circumstances), khuda ke mare hond, to be unfortunate, to suffer by the decrees of fate. ^«- dd na karda or -na khwdsta, God forbid, p. ^\;ii»- khudddm (pi. of ^^^), domestics, ser- vants, ministers, a. ii>>j\>^ khuda-wand, m. possessor, master, husband, yhtiddwandi ni'mat, (lit. beneficent master) a form of address to superiors, a patron ; rich, opulent.p. ySsiyS»- khtidawandiga7'f God, the creator of the universe, p. tf j3jltii»- khudatvandiff. lordship, sovereignty, divinity, providence, p. ijAi^^- khuda.l. f. the Godhead, divinity ; the world. ]c}iudd,t rat, singing hymns and watching all night, a religious feast kept by women. Jchudd.i, ra^m, a kind of food given to the poor in completion of a vow. Ichudd.t ghar men and, used to express pride from the accession of fortune, p. bt Ji- khudaya, O God ! O Lord ! p. \^\j3^A^ khuda, e-taala, God the bu- "preme, the Almighty, p. a. j^lJolj.*- khudayagan, a great king ; a lord paramount, p. BM>6i>- khadsha, m. fear, alarm, danger, doubt, question, apprehension, solicitude, a. ^M- khadam (pi. of ^tili-), servants, domes- tics, retinue, attendants, p. lOUiki- khidmat (pi. of Cj>a,^), services, situations, appointments, p. «J1a<«J*- khidmat f f. service, employment, office, appointment, duty, use; the roj'al presence. Ishidmat-k., a. to serve, to attend, to wait on ; (met.) to satirize, to beat, khidmaf-gdr, m. a male domestic who waits at table, a servant, khidmat-gdrnt, a female do- mestic. Miidmat-gdrt, f. attendance, ministry, a. j^;X^c3>i- khidmat-guzar, an attendant ; adj. forward, obliging, ready to serve, p. (^ii\xii«i^ khidmat-gitzari, f. service, de- Totedness, readiness to oblige or serve, p. f^i^ khidmati, of or belonging to service, one who is employed; an official, p. cf-Ojii- khidang, m. an arrow, the white poplar tree ; a wood of which arrows are made. p. ^.1^ khadiv or khadev, a king, a mighty monarch or ruler, a great prince, a sovereign. ]shadtv i Hind, the sovereign of India, p. J^ Mar, m. an ass. khar bd tashdld, very atapid. ihari dashtl, m. a wild ass, onager, hhari ^^jj^^, the ass of Dajjal (the latter was a notorious lia ■■ ft. C^IjI^ khardb, bad, depraved ; ruined, de- popnlated, deserted, lost, miserable; spoiled, waste, worthless (as land unfit for cultivation). }chardb-lf.dl or 1Qiflrdb-a}f.wdl, ruined as to circumstances, kharab- ]cha$t», ruined, desolated. Miardb-karke kahnd, a. to misc^'l. a. (Obj^ khardhdt, f. a tavern, a brothel, a. t3^j^ khardbdtlf m. a haunter of taveins and brothels ; a rake, a debauchee, a. ^]j-^ kharaba, ra. devastation, ruin ; adj. de- praved, bad, ruined, desolated, a. tj>\^ hhardbl, f. badness, depravity ; ruin, desolation, mischief; misery, affliction, a. ^ l/T hharrdtd, m. snoring, kharrdtd mdrnd, to snore, to snort, h, 9r)j^ tkjrdj or khardj, m. tax, duty, rent, revenue, tribute. ]shirdj-gu^r, a tributary. Uurdj laginm, a. to impose a tax, to assess, a. isT]^ hhoraji or khirdjl, (lands) paying rent, "taxable, subject to taxation, a. <^\f^ h^ ardd, f. a latlie. khardd charhnd, n. to be polished (as a clown by intercourse with the so- ciety of a city), a. 0^1^ ^urddndfdi, to turn in a lathe; (met.) to worry, to torment, a. L$^)j^ kharddi, m. a turner, a carpenter, a. j^Im*)^ khurdsdn, name of an extensive and rich coantrv to the north-east of Persia, p. \, ( 300 ) (AT ^\jji\^ fihurasant, of or relating to Khura- Ban. IcJ^rasani ajwan, black henbane, p. (^If- hharash, m. excoriation, scraping, scratching; (used In comp. as) it/-j|iard«A, wounding or irritating the heart, p. lli*]^ kharashna, to scratch, excoriate, d. bJm\^ kJiarasha, m. scales or filings of iron, small debt. p. ^^SsJ^\J>^ kharashldan, to scratch , excoriate. p. ^\^ kharat, f. a turner's lathe, kharrat, a turner, a. f^\^ Mflratt, m. a turner; adj. turned, a. (lj^\^ kkarafin, m. an earth-worm. a. C^^\^ khurafat (pi. of CLas]^), fables, tales, romances, ludicrous sayings, smitt. a. iJ1jS\J»' khurafat, a fable, tale, romance, a. Jf" Khiram, f. pace, gait, stately gait. Mi- ram-k., n. to march, to paoe. ^ff$h-i^rim, walking elegantly, p. jjUl^ khiraman, walking in a stately man- ner, moving gracefully, p. [gracefully, p. ijSx<>\^ khiramidan, to walk proudly or m. a mask-melon, a ca- cmnber. p. ^jlf^ hharhuza, 8j^Jj>> kharbuza *j3i^ ^karpuzttf , *r/»" Marj (v. Mi^ Ttharchx. f. price of stupration j pro- "dig«l ; provision for a Joom^. a. ^jjjs-j^- kJmrchln, a wallet, bag. p. •Hj^*!;*" hho^r-khawindym. master, owner, pos- sessor (spoken contemptuously, like our vnlgate, "a man as keeps a donkey of his own ") p. ^^ khur-hJmr or khar-khar, purring (of a cat). }[har-i]iar-k., a. to purr (like poor puss), p. U>-^ kharhhara, m. snoring, a. XA^^ kharkharana, to snore loudly, h. dwlff^ kharkhasha, m. a tumult, crowd ; quar- rtlling ( plea, litigation, p. Ci^ khirad, f. intellect, sense,wigdom. khirad- afroz, illumining the intellect, name of a Hindflstanl book. Isliirad-mand or -war, wise, sagacious . jcj^irad- mondi, or -wart, wisdom, sagacity, p, d^ khurd, minute, small, little, khurd-salf of tender age. p. [smalL p, M^i^ khurd-kJiMm, braised, broken, ground jj^^ hhardal, mustard ; mustard-seed. a. i\A«J^ khit'admandf wise, intelligent, p. t^^khurda, a fragment, scrap, particle ; small ooins, small change {oi money); pedlars small or trifling wares, p. >JS^^ hhurdi, f. childhood, infancy, p. \j^jj>' hhar-zahra, m. rhododaphne or rose bay (Nerium oleander), p, i^^j>- khirs. m. a bear, khirs-bazif f. rude- ness, romping, bear's play. Hiirs-bachcha, a young bear. a. i^ljM^ khirsak, a kind of child's game, leap- firog, blindman's buff. p. iyju«»j»-MMrsanJ>' khar$ang, m. a rival ; a large stone, a. iXjlw*|»- khurshld or khurshaid, the sun. p. ftyO'^ Kharlum, m. the proboscis of an ele- phant, a. «_«9^ kJiarif, an old dotard, a. 93^ khurfa, m. that which is plucked from a tree ; autumnal fruit, a. [racem). p, sSj^ khurfa, ra. purslain (^Portulaca ole- C^5l^^j>' kharki'adatff. contrary to nature; of unusual occurrence, a miracle; pi. Hjarfd'ddat, miracles, marvels, a. ^J>- khirha, m. a religious mendicant's habit, made up of patches. JsJ^irJca-posh, a mendicant, a dar- wesh. a. 80^ khargdh, f. a tent, pavilion, tabernacle; the royal tent, court, or palace, p. (jijs^ khqrgosh, m. a hare, a rabbit, p. M^ khurram, pleasant, delightful; cheerful, pleased, ^[gurrom-dt/, of a cheerful disposition, p. \mJ>- khurma, m. a date (the fruit of the Phoe- nix dactylifera). p. ^ hJiar-mush, a large species of rat. p, K^x^ khar-muhra,m. the small shells called kaufi {Cypraa moneta). p. i^J^ hhurramtf f. cheerfulness, p. iftSti^ kJiar-nafSf magnum penem habetu. a. i ^^J>- Khav'Tvar, an ass-load, a measure vary- ing from 700 to 850 lb weight, p. _ j^ khurujf m. sally, egress ; exodus, a. O**?^ hhurus, m. a dunghill cock. p. {J^_i^ M.ffOsh, m. a crash, a loud noise, a tumult, a Bhoat, clamour, p. -j\Jj»jjs»- hharoshan, making a loud noise, p. jj^Xx^jj^ kharoshidan, to shout, make a noise, p. CjOi^ khariyat, asininity, stupidity, p. 6iJ>' kharid, i. purchase, kharid-farokkt or ihartd ofarokbt, buying and selling, t^rid ka tnol, ra. prime cost. p. j^i^.^ kJiartdar, m. a purchaser, buyer, p. jCj1iiJi_js»- kharidari, f. buying, purchasing, traffic, commerce ; demand, p. ^jiiJ •»■ kharidanj to buy, purchase, p. UtSJ'j*' khai'idna, a. to purchase, to buy. p. h. li^,^ kharida, purchased, bought, p. jCiiJij*- khartdlf purchasing ; of or relating to buying, p. &laJ)j»' khaiita, m. a purse, packet, bag, mail ; (letters are sent in India enclosed in small oblong bags, diversified according to the quality of the person to whom sent, being more or less rich or embroidered agreeably to their rank) ; (met) a letter, a. v_,Q\j^ kharif, f. autumn, the autumnal har- vest ; the first crop in the year, consisting chiefly of rice, which is sown in baisakh and gathered in bha- don. a. ijo^^ kha7-lft,f.^Tovfn in harve8t,autumnal.a. i»- khnzz, f. a coarse kind of eilk cloth, a. ^^'f^ khizan or khazan, f. autumn, the falling of the leaves, p. [keeper, a. ^^U*- khazanchi, m. a treasurer, a cash- ej\^ khazana, m. a treasury, magazine, gra- nary, repository ; treasure ; the chamber of a gun. Mo- zana-dar, a musket with a chamber, ihazana^ 'amira, m. the royal treasury, a. ij>]^ bhi'i'om, autumnal ; fading, p. j^h»- khaza,in (pi. of W^), treasuries, a. u-JJ*- kJuizaf, earthenware, crockery, a. iuojs^ khazina, m. (v. khazana) a treasury, a. iut»- khas, f. the name of a grass, of the roots of which tattis are made {Andropogon muricatum) ; a thistle, a weed in general; a lettuce, fchas-posh, co- vered with thorns. jjrAo* o ]chdr or ](has o JsJidshdk, m. litter of things, rubbish, stuffs, p. lyt^ khass, lettuce, khassu-l-himar, wild lettuce, a. O* jUi^ khisaraU f. loss, damage ; perfidy, fraud ; plunder, devastation, a. 361 ) ^^ iL«^ hJiasasat {y.khissaC),simg\x\e%sficii,a. JiiiL-s*- khisanda, m. an infusion (in medi- cine), p. ^jjL***.»- Muspidan, to sleep, stumber. p. CL^^'s*- khissat, f. stinginess, parsimony ; vile- uess, baseness, meanness, a. ^l^-u'" khast, wounded, sick (v. khastd). p. t.i)CLJ»- kMstak (for kkishtak), f. codpiece, p. ^•- rr^ khastagl, f. a wound, a sore ; sickness; fatigue, exhaustion, p. &JL*s*- khasta, wounded ; sick, infirm, khasta- Ja/, or -jan, or -jigar, or wli/, grieved, afflicted, li^ta- IjMl, &c., grief, affliction, p. IjtJs:'*^ khas-khas (v. khas), grass, &c. p. hhusar, m. a fathe -in-law. p. khasar or khasr, m. damages, loss, in- jury, fraud : depreciation in value, a. jj-*»- khusrau or khusru, m. name of a cele- brated king, Cyrus or Chosroes ; a king in general j name of a celebrated poet of Dihli. p. io\jj**^ hhusrawana, kingly, princely, p. ^c^J*^ khusrardiy belonging to a king, royal, imperial, p. <^s^h- khasak, rubbish, a species of trian- gular thorns, caltrops, p. 1 'lyr^'v khusufy m. an eclipse of tlie moon. a. (u.ju«»- khasts, penurious, sordid ; ignoble, a. cIa^Isx khisht, f. a brick or tile, kh^sht-paz or -zan, a brickmaker. ihishti-plriiza or -firuza, tur- quoise-coloured bricks, p. [piece, p. khishtah, a small brick, an arm-hole khishtl, made of brick, p. ^\jj^ khashhMahAm. the poppy-seed or titf*^ khashMash, J plant, p. khushk, dry, withered, khus' . -da- mdgh, grieved. ]chushk-dama^, f. grief. Mmshk-sal, a general dearth, a dry year, a drought. Mmshk-sdlt, f. drought, sterility, ihushk-ma^z, dry-brained, a fool or simpleton, p. dSjLs^ Mushka, m. boiled rice. p. ii^i»- khushki, f. dryness, dearth occasioned by drought ; dry land ; high lands not flooded with water, and upon which millet and other grains not requiring much moisture are cultivated ; adv. by land (in opposition to iarJ, by water), p. r, kha.shm, m. anger, passion, rage, fury. khashm-dlud, deformed with rage, yjiashm-ndk or }chasltm-gln, passionate, angry, p. fj^^s" khashin, rough, severe, rude. a. i^yjJLs*' khushnvd, contented, satisfied, p. ^i^yJ^ hhushnudi, f. satisfaction, pleasure, content, p. y^ ( c«wl»> khushu', humiliation, humility, a. tZ^ft^ khushunat, f. asperity, rigidness, disdain, fierceness, indignation, a. JLa»- kh^?(il, l(pl. of Ll*LaJ»-) habits, ^^Las^ hhasa,il,) good qualities, talents?, virtues, a, jJIaLaso khadat, f. habit, custom ; quality, property, mode, talent, virtue, disposition, nature, a. jttQ»- khasm, m. an enemy, antagonist, khejsmi jam, a mortal foe. ]cJ}asam, a husband. Isiiaiam-mu.i, a widow, a woman whose husband is ''ead. Ishasam- wali, f. a woman whose husband is alive, or as the law hath it, a woman under cover* ure. a. i6l**a5»- hJmmmana, likti a husband ; taking care of, husbanding, housewifery, a. ie^*as^ khasmi, C. enmity, hatred. kkasmt,e jam, enmity i3to death, mortal enmity, a. {^yoJ>' kJiusus, m. an affair, business, thing, pari.i/;ular ; doing any thing particular ; adv. parti- ciijarly. a. ^^Oyos- khumsan, particularly, especially, a. (J>a.o^«a»- khususiyat, m. peculiarity, singu- larity, attachment, friendship, a, CL^yosf khusumat, f. enmity, strife, litiga- tion, contention, quarrelling, a. ^^ai^' khasl, m. a castrated animal (particu- larly a goat) ; an eunuch, a. kJiaslb. the palm-tree. a. hhusiya, m. a testicle, a. L.-'Ua*' khizab, m. tincturo ; tinging the nails and hair, but particularly the beard. Jsliizdbi Shini-k., a. to shave the beard, a. yc»- Khizar or khizr, name of a prophet, commonly called Jitipaja JiMzr, see the word Mfpoja. a. fy^ khtizu'f humility, humiliation, a. ja»- khatt, m. a letter, epistle ; a line, stripe, lineament ; writing, handwriting, chlrography ; mous- taches, beard; name of a place in Arabia where apears are manufactured. Mkafti istiwa, the equator. khatt and or iiikalna, n. to appear (the beard), khatt banana or hanwana, a. to shave the beard, khattijadi, the tropic of Capricorn. Wiatt-Jchutut, correspondence ^v letter, hfuitti sahz, the first appearance of a beard. ^atti-shanf, a ro^al order or firman, \ u'.garly called »he "Haty sherif." Maiti sartan, the tropic of Cancer. ibaU.i 'amud, a perpendicular line, ihati kiidbat, correspondence, hhatti muinwdzi, a parallel li-i?. Matti mustadlr, a circular line. ]' khitab, m. a title ; conversation, ■paecli, atidrcaH. ihHab-k.. to address, accost, a. 362 > jJlrOUa*- khitabatf f. p'''»ac'l^ g , eicqueaotv rhetoric, a. laUa*- khattat, f %'^A writer or penman* a. ^jpUai- khatUyC (v. khata), Cathay, khatcifi, of or belonging to Cathay or China, a. u-*J(a.> khotb or khatab, m. marrying, be- trothing, contracting a marriage; a thing, cause, work, a. uias»- khutabd (pi. of L^jala^*), preachers, a. eulas»- hhutba, m. a sermon or oration de- livered after Divine service every Friday, in which the preacher blesses Muhammad, his successors, and the reigning sovereign, o. j*^ khutar, ni. recollection, coming into the mind, thought, remembrance ; danger, risk, fortoae. khatar-nak. frightful, dangerous, a. Sya^- khatrd, 1 m. danger, fear, risk, 8jla>- khatra,) kkatra-raf'-h., a. to venture. if'-k., a. to ease na- ture. Jchatra na-k., a. to make no bones of. khatrt men dalnd, a. to endanger, to risk, to venture, a. |cU3>- khatrni or khitmtf marshmallows. a. j^la>- khutur, m. coming, passing, entering; occurring, recollection, remembrance, dignity, a. J9ya9- kkutut (pi. of khati)f epistles, letters. kbatt-thufMi letters, epistolary correspondence, a. jjayai- khvtutt, linear (demonstration, or measurement), a. aJas^ khittaf m. a boundary line ; a region, country, territory, o. jja^ khatti, lineal, literal; a spear made at the place called M«.?l in Arabia, a. (».««n>- khatlb, m. a preacher, a. j_jJula»- khatibi, f. the office of preacher, a, ala>- Math; great, honourable, dignified, a, i_i>- Miff"! light (of weight or morals), UB- dignified, iiuff, m. a boot. a. li>- hhafa, f. a secret, a concealment, o, lfl>- hhafd, angry, vexed, enraged, p. a^-U*- khaffdcha, a band of plundering Arabs, p C*a>- khuft, sleep, tbe act of sleeping, p. Ofl.V khiffaty f. lightness of weight, levity of conduct, want of dignity, affront, disgrace, hb^ffat i ra,i, weakness of intellect, a. ISfl^ khafta or khafia, mad, lunatic, d. ^J^^S»- Jjhaftdn, a vest worn under a coat of mail. p. ^^p^ khuftan (r. khtisp) to sleep, p. auas»- khtifta, asleep, sleeping ; pi. ^v/tagdn, those asleep ; met. the dead, jk J^ ( 363 ) d^ jjlaa>' Khafahan, m. palpitation, hysterics : " it is described by native physicians as convulsions attended with fainting fits, weepinp^, deafness, palpita- tion of the heart, and slight delirium." — Binning, a. ^Vai>- kliafakanlf subject to palpitation, a. ^_^ft^ khafagi, f. displeasure, anger, p. »Si^ khafUf angry, enraged, vexed, p. i^Jisi- khafl, a fine hand-writing (opposed to "jdT) ; adj. secret, concealed, a. u-flJ^fl^ khafif, light, of no weight or conse- quence, of light character, immoral, undignified, ija- fifi da,ira, the centre of a circle, kba/lf-h, to feel affronted, h. ftiAAs.- khafifa, trivial, petty, khafifaja ra,im . petty offences. Ithafifa duzdt, petty larceny or theft. iha/i/a mukaddama, a trivial suit or case. a. aofli- hhvfya or khufyat, disguised, conceal- ed. Jchufyatan, secretly, ijiufya-navis, m. one whose business is to write intelligence secretly, Hufya-na- vist, the office of secret intelligencer, a. Ji»- khctll, m. vinegar, khill, a friend, a. >i»- khala, m. vacancy, vacuity. hhala-m,ala, unfeigned friendship, a. L-->^)i»- khildbf m. mire, clay, filth, p. ^^l*- khalatl (v. khalera), descended from a maternal aunt, && a. {,joj^ kkalas, m. freedom, release ; adj. free, liberated, redeemed, done, out. 1c]iala$-patra, a deed of release. Jcjuxlat-k., a. to release, khalai hona, n. to be freed, to emit ; to calve, to be brought to bed ; emis- sio seminii, semen emiltere. a, s^>oys>- khulasa, also khidasat, m. essence, the best part of any thing ; abstract, abridgment, conclu- sion, inference, moral ; spacious, roomy : in Dakh. it is vulgarly used for i^lat, freedom, free, &c. a. jvoiU»- khalasu f. freedom, liberation, dis- "charge; m. a native sailor or artilleryman, a tent- pitcher ; vulgarly called by Europeans Clashee. a. i_j>i» hhiluf, m. opposition, contradiction ; falsehood, Mulafi r&fi, against one's opinion or will. ](^ilafi that' against law and justice, ibjildfi 'aJcl, con- trary to reason, a. cInA^^ki- hhilafat, f. the office of caliph, deputy- ship, lieutenancy, &c. ; imperial dignity, monarchy ; more especially the succession of princes who ruled at Damascus and Bagdad from the time of Muham- mad to that of HtUagQ Kh&n. a. ^>s»- khalldk, (super, of Tthalk, used sub- stantively) the Creator, the Almighty, a. J>s»- khildl, m. a toothpick ; middle; ruin, damage, defect, a. *Jl*j>»- khaldlat, f. sincere friendship; bits of meat sticking between the teeth, a. ^^^ks^ khulldn (pi. of JjJl>-), intimate friends, a. jiy^ khaldfik (pi. of ^^^i*-), men, people, the creation, created beings, a. 0>)t>- kkullat, f. friendship, a. jJ^ hJialhJidl, m. a ring of gold or silver worn round the ankle with bells attached to it. a. liAs^ khuld, m. eternity, paradise, khallad (used benedictively) may (God) extend or prolong.^. (_^ls» kkalish, m. and f. putting a stop to, interruption, solicitude, suspicion. Jchalish ufhana, a. to reconcile ; to excite enmity, p, {^ja^ hJialas. m. a sincere friend, a. la)*- khilt, m. one of the four humours of the human body, hhalt, confusion, mixture. Ishilti fasid, canker of a sore ; cacochymia. a. aJaJi* khilt Of m. conversation, company. Hutlta, partnership, association, a, ^jjJal»- khalfin or khulfin. water in which dates have been steeped, mixed with that of raisins, and boiled together until they ferment and become spirituous : it is not a prohibited liquor, a. ^^ Mar, stripping, removing (from office). i^r, in its primitive sense, means to draw off or dig up. In law it signifies agreement entered into for the purpose of dissolving connubial connection, in lieu of a compensation paid by the wife to her hus- band out of her property, a. CL^fu^" khiCat, m. and f. dress; a robe of honour, with which princes confer dignity on subjects. It is given to a person invested with a new office, or as a token of confirmation in that he holds. This dress of honour is likewise presented by men of rank to visitors of distinction, but it is generally in pieces, and not made up : the number of pieces and their quality are in proportion to the rank of the persons. to whom they are presented : sometimes it is sent as a present. "The ](hil'at is not necessarily a dress. Sometimes arms, jewels, or other valuables are pre- sented, without any articles of attire, although in most cases a turban and shawl form part of the gift." — Bin- ning, hhil'at pahrdna or -dena, a. to invest with a robe of honour, a. c-ai*" khalaf, m. a successor, an lieir, a fa- vourite son, posterity, descendants ; (adjectively) de- praved, corrupted. Mmlf, breach of promise, a. \s^ kkidafd (pi. of AijJi>-), successors, princes, caliphs, yijeilafan, successively, uinterruptedly. a. Jjii»- khulh, ra. nature, quality, good dispo- sition ; custom, manner, a. Jjii- Malk, f. creation, people, mankind. ibalicu'lldh, God's creatures, a. ^^UUi- khidkmi, worn-out garments, a. ^ZX'i^^ khdkat, f. the creation, people, popu- lace, the world, a. ^Jiis»- khalkl, natural, innate ; relating to the "world or to mankind, a, C*Aflis»- hJudklyat, f. the creation, the uni- verse, the human race. a. lx«». khalijd (for kalgd, q. v.), name of a flower, cockscomb, h. [&c. p. (^J^ khalgi (for hidgin^ q. v.), an aigrette, ^y»■ khalai, m. interruption, disturbance, confusion, prejudice, damage, injury, ruin. Js^lali damdgh, m. (lit. injury of the brain) madness, melan- choly. k]Ml(Udamd^, mad, hare-brained, liot-faeaded. confused, a. <> ( 304 ; jT Aii- kJialali, a disturber, mischief-maker, a. ^Jdf^ khulanjan, the root galangale. a. li^jjii*. khulanff (for kulang, q. v.), a crane or heron, p. ^ khulu, m. vacuity, empty space, a. O J*" hhalwat, also khilwat, f. retirement, solitude, privacy ; a closet, private apartment, private conference. Ishalwat-lshana, m. a retirement, private apartnaent. ishilwat i salf'i^, complete and lawful re- tirement, as that of married folks, where there is no legal or natural impediment to the carnal act in mar- riage, ybfilfoat-gah , f. a retirement, khalwat-ffuztn or ilialwal-nishin, retired ; (met.) a hermit. Mialwat o jalwat meA, in private and in public, a. f^^ Mtalwad, a hermit ; a familiar friend, ** intimate. J^lwati rSg, m. soft plaintive music, a. (^ja^ khulvs, m. purity, sincerity, candour, integrity, friendship, affection, a. &ls>- khala, a rudder, helm ; trifles, idle talk ; Ericker, goad ; a decree or written document signed y a judge, p. »»>jJi5»' khatida, punctured, pricked, stung, p. ^jt^ hJmlera, descended from or related to a maternal aunt; aa, J^alera bhS,t, m. the son of a ma- ternal aunt; ihaleri bahin, f. the daughter of the same. a. «lajjtf»- khaUta, m. (cor. of khanta, q- v.) Uuilita.e tufan, an exciter of disturbance, calumniator, a mischief-making wicked person, a. &fljAi>- khaRfa, m. a sovereign, (vulg.) the caliph ; a successor, particularly applied to the suc- cessors of Mu]f.ammad ; (in Hind.) cooks, tailors, &c. are called Ishalt/a; a fencing -master ; a monitor (as the elder boys at school become), a. /ij}»- hhaliky kind, of good disposition, a. jjjd*- khalil, a sincere and intimate friend. hhfililu-l-lah, the friend of God, the patriarch Abrs ham, also styled al-]chalil, the friend, a. jfi^ kham, twisted, crooked, coiled; m. a coil, fold, ply, curl, ringlet ; that part of a noose which en- circles the neck. Jcham andar Isham, twist within twist, curling locks, hham fhonknd, bajdna, or -mama, a. to strike the arms previous to wrestling, &c. ^hf^m-dar, twisted, curled, bent, crooked, p. J>' Hhum, ra. a jar, an alembic, a still. Mmm charhana, a. to boil cloths preparatory to washing, p. X^ khumcir. m. sickness, headache, &c., the effects of drink ; intoxicating ; languishing ap- pearance of the eyes, the efTect of love, or of drowsi- ness, or drinking &c. ]- khunidrt, one who is drunk, a, ^yk»l»>- khmnnKt, consisting of or relating to "the number five; a word of five letters; a sort of magic pentagon, a. UU»- khamdna. a. '<> twist, to curl, to coil. p. j_y«^ Mamchi, a kind of lash or whip. d. !o[30^ khum-khdna, a wine-vault, a tavern, p. khamr, m. wine in particular, and all strong liquors in general ; covering, hiding ; ferment- ing, leavening, a. ^j-^ hhamrah (for kamrakh), name of a fruit {Averrhoa caratnbola). A. Jl^^^ khamr-mahdll, a branch of levenue arising from the sale of arrack and other spiiitnoui liquors, p. ij^ khumra, m. a small mat of palm leaves for kneeling on at prayers ; a small drum carried by beggars ; a small earthen pot in which leaven is pre- pared and kept. a. {ju^ khains, five (used only in Arabic phrases). fei«»n*. the one-fifth ; (in law) a double tithe, or 20 per cent, levied on the owners of land in which there are valuable mines of metals, &c. a. eL«*»s» khamsa, five; an aggregate of five poetical pieces, a. ti^S<^ khum-kada, a tavern, p. \lt^ Mamna,a.(fromM«*'»)tobend,tobow. d. <*^j^ Mam o cham, m. coquetry, the blan- dishments of a mistress ; elegant, graceful, p. (^^♦^ khamosh, silent, dumb ; pi. khanuh shdn, the mute ones, the dead. p. tj**y^ hhamoshtj f. silence, muteness, p. JjU^i- Kharniydza, m. gaping, yawning, stretching. ]x«»- khaniidagl, f. crookedness, p. f^d-x^ khamidam, fit to be bent. p. isx^ Tthamtda, awry, crooked, bent. Ma- mtda-Jfadd, bent in form or stature, p. j^ khamir, \m. leaven, whatever is used »_j<-»s»- khamiraj to ferment, a. i^j^ khamlrt, plain steel, i.e. steel devoid ofjauhar or " water," which the Orientals consider an indispensible qualification to good steel; adj. lea- vened, d. ^^> khinn, m. the hold of a ship, a, i (^_j>jU»- hhannds, m. the devil ; (met.) a wicked person, a. [ishnesa. a ^»*>Us>- khanndstf devilish, satanic ; f. devil- JjUs»- khunak, m. the quinsy, sufiTocation ; strangulation, a. li^^jus»- kJnnnbi karnd, to bleach clothe*, d. ijLkJJf khumAm. a hermaphrodite; a»- J_jlLs»- khunsa,) phodel. a, j^ khanjar, m. a dagger, a poniard, (Scottic^ *' whinger "). a. y \Sj^ hhanjari, f. a mode of printing or staining silk (gulbadan, q. v.) ; a small tambourine, a. ^^^sia>' khandan, smiling, laughing, p. ji\i5«- ^andak, m. a ditc'a, fosse, moat. a. »jai- khanda, m. laughter; a laughing- stock. Tchanda-rii, of a smiling countenance. Hhanda ru,i, mirth, cheerfulness, kj^nda-zan or -zaiian, one who sets up a laugh, p. jjtiOJJi*- hMndidan, to smile, to laugh, p. jfji^ khinzir, a wild boar, a hog, a swine, a. Lg/?JJ^ hMnziri, hoggish ; f. a hog-sty. a. u^lii.- khunukf cold, temperate, cool ; for tunate. p. i^ khunukl, f. coldness, temperateness; "prosperity. |j. [ateed. p. ».tXi>- kki^^df ro- cream-coloured horse, a \^ khinga, m. an athletic clown ; able- bodied, p. \jlJ£^ khunya, m. melody, singing, khunya- gar, m. musician, minstrel, singer, jsbunya-garl. £ minstrelsy, p. »!*- Mo, f- habit, custom, disposition, nature. Jsio-bo, f. habits, manners. W^-gar, -pi&r or -girifta, accustomed, kho dalnd, a. to habituate, to adopt a habit, to introduce a custom, p. \^\^ Mrvab, m. sleep ; a dream, khwah- 'aluda or khvpah-nak, sleepy. Wmah-awar, sleep pro- ducing, soporific (in medicine). jckwab-Jihiyal, m. spectre, phantom, delusion, khtpabdekhnii, A.to dream, khwdb-gah, sleeping-apartments, bed-room. p. tsx>\y- khwabida, sleeping, asleep, drowsy.;?. ^jO^^ M.arvatln (Arab, pl.of ^^yli-) ladies.^. e>»'\y- Mw«;^> ^' master ; a man of dis- tinction, a rich merchant, a gentleman, a governor. hhwdja-tash, a fellow-servant, companion. ihwaja iJiizar, the name of a prophet skilled in divination, and who is said to have discovered the water of life ; hence he is considered as the saint of waters: the Mu- kammadans offer oblations to him of lamps, flowers, Sec., placed on little rafts, and launched on the river, par- ticularly on Thursday evening in the month of bhddon ; and it is in his honour that the feast of Befd, q.v. is held. ]^dja-zdda, m, young master. hbfP&ja-sara, m. an eunuch, p. ,^»i- hhrvar, poor, distressed ; deserted, aban- doned, friendless; wretched, contemptible, ruined. Miwdr ddshtan, to hold in contempt; (m comp.) de- vouring, &c., as Mun-lshipar, bloodthirsty, a tyrant, p. -,\^ kharvarij (pi. of ,j^}^)i heretics, BchiBmatics. a. A\}^ hkrparazm, a country to the east of 'the Caspian Sea, near the mouth of the Oxua, Cho- raamia. p. •ij\^ khawdrik (pi. of JjW), contrary to nature, unusual things, miracle*, a. ^ \ J,- khndri, f. baseness, distress, p. C.^y>' khrpast, f. desire, wish, request. ^pf>dst-gdr, m. candidate, competitor, bidder. lsiM>ust- gdri, request, petition, p. ( 365 ) c-»y- .lL*>i^ khwastar, a petitioner, a wisher, p. ^^^ku»\^ khrvdstan (r. khwdh),to wish, desirejo. &jLu>ly»- khwdsta, desired, wished, kkudd na Mitpdsta, God forbid, p. f^jo\y>' khawdss (pi. of^^l»•), domestics; grandees, ministers of state ; properties, qualities ; a page ; a favourite. Jchawdtf o 'atvdmm, m. nobles and plebeians, khfltodss-purd, the apartments allotted to domestics, &c. a. fdO^^ kharvdst, m. the place where one sits 'behind a great man upon an elephant a. ^^^y»- khrvdn, m. a tray, khrvdn-posh. m. a cloth for covering a tray, a tray lid ; (root of]c]ffpan- dan in com p.) reading, reciting, p. fta^^y»- khwdncha, ra. a small tray. p. liJl^ khrvdnd, (in com p.) reading, reciting. ]stffpdnd-kdr, a schoolmaster, one who teaches reading./). ^^tiJly»- khwdndan, to read, to recite, to de- clare, p. 8(i3ly>- khwdnda, read ; (adjectively) having the knowledge of reading and writing. na-iJupdnda, ignoramus, one who cannot read. p. j^LnJI^ khrpdn-sdldr, Ira. a house-steward ^UU-S^.*- lihwdn-sdmdn,) (v.khdn-sdmdnXp. S(Xl3|^ khwdnanda, a reader, repeater, p. ^\^ khrvdni, f. (in corap.) reading, recita- tion, p. ^JrO^J»- khawdntn (pi. of jjl»-), lords, nobles.j3. »!»»■ khrodh, conj. either, or, whether ; (in comp.) wishing, desiring, as taraJcJcl-khivdh. wishing in- crease. daulat-]ckwdh, wishing prosperity. ]chdtir- Jchwdh, the desire of one's heart, klmdh ma khivdh or khwdh na khwdh. willing or not, nolens volens ; certain- ly, positively, at all events, p. ^Vfc^ji- khwdhdn, wishing, desirous, p. J^^s»- khwdhir or khivdhar, f. a sister, p. ^6U^\•»• khrpdhardnaf sisterly, like a sister, p. ^i^\^ khrvdhish, desire, wish, inclination; request. Jchipdhish-rakhnd, or -kamd, a. to wish, to desire. ]s!updhish-mand, desirous, solicitous, p. 8jjjbi«»- khrvdhanda, he who asks or wishes; a petitioner, asker. p. ^^ hhuh, good, excellent, well, beautiful, pleasing, amiable. Jslmb-ru, or -surat, beautiful, well- uvoured ; pi. }s}iubdn, the fair ones, the fair sex. p. jibj^ khvbdni, f. the name of a fruit, species of the apricot; an apricot with the kernel of an almond inserted, p. jiiy^ khubtar, more beautiful, khubtarln, moet excellent or most beautiful, p. Cf^}j>^ ^ub-ru,t, 'If. beauty, comeliness ^jya^y*' MlMb-piratt,} of face or form. p. ^jry?-.^ khurjm. 1 1 ^J^J^ khurchln,} j^^)lx> a»- khubkaldn, m. name of a seed of a cooling quality, p. [virtue, p. iX^ hMl'h beauty, goodness, excellence, i^"^ kkoja, m. an eunuch, p. ju*. khod, m. a helmet, a steel headpiece, p. J)J». khud, pron. self, own. khud-ara, adorn- ing one's self, proud. Mmd ba-khud, of one's own accord. iljMd badaulat, you, your worship, sir. Ichud-bin, self- conceited, proud, arrogant, presumptuous. }(hytd-bint, f. pride, jdmd-parast, self-conceited, -/jara«Ot^^ khud-kasht, cultivating one's own field. Umdkdsht xamln, land cultivated by ryots re- dding on the spot. p. \jb«3^ khudha, selves, themselves, p. kJ^^ khudi, f. selfishness, pride, vanity, p. j^ khur, adj. worthy, fit, proper ; m. food ; the sun ; (in comp.) devouring, as, mardum-Jihi/ir, man- devouring, i.e. a fierce warrior. Wmr o posh, food and raiment, p. [ciously. p. \j^ khuray worthy, suitable; eating vora- \mm>\j^ khurab, dirty water, a floodgate, p. till.y*- hJmrak, f. food, victuals, provisions, daily food, eatables ; one meal, one dose (of medicine). Ij^rdki afydl, food of elephants ; a tax formerly levied by the Mogul princes for that purpose, p. tS\)^ khurakif f. daily allowance of food, "or money to purchase it, subsistence money, p. m. a wallet, a portman- teau, p, i>jf>- khurd, small, khurd-sal, young. Jthurd- ma^all, m. the apartments of the concubines of great men. p. iS'^j^ Miurdagi, f. smal I change of money, p. ij^j^ khurdan, to eat; to drink; (met.) to suffer ; act of eating or drinking, p. jitS.**' khurdant, f. provisions, eatables, p. »ii.^ Tihurda (from khurdan, q. v.), eaten ; afflicted ; having experienced, p. i^j^ hliurda (from khurd), small, minute ; m. crumb, scrap ; a blemish ; small change of money, small coins or wares. ]i]yirda beclmd, to sell by retail, or in small quantities. ji]itirda,e ainbdii, crumbs in a wallet. IJmrda bin, m. a caviller, a criticiser. iJmida pukujni, a. to criticise ; to buzz and cavil at minute errors. ]ihvrda faiosh. m. a retailer, a huckster. /C^u/'(/a-A'.,a. to change coin, ^gfrda-glr a criticiser. p. USt3.y^ hhurda-gata, m. "I changing of money i td'^j^ khurdagi, f. J giving pieces of smaller value for one of a larger valne. p. h. (^^j^ hhurdl, f. childhood, infancy, p. \ipj^ khurdiya, m. a money-changer, p. <^^\^ khursand, happy, contented ; adv. with alacrity, swiftly, quickly. iHmrsandt, content- ment, &c. p. O^y*" khurish, f. eating and drinking, p. 6sJmj^ hhurshaid or khurshld, m, the sun. p. Mj^ khurram, pleasant, joyful, p. i^)^. hhurrami, joy, mirth, pleasure, p. i^j^ khuranda, an eater; a gormandizer; (met.) children. ]slj3f,randa,e bisyar a nTuneroofl family, p. C^j^ hhnmarnak^\}a& palace of king Bah- ajj^ hhriwarna, J ram Gor in Babylonia, celebrated for its magnificence, p. ».y»- khura, m. the leprosy j that which eats or devours ; that which suffers or endures, p. i^jf^ khurl (in comp.), eating, devour- ing, &c. p. Siil;^ khuzada or khuzada, m. 1 naturally ^^ijlj »5»- khuzadi or khuzadi, f. J beautiful, unadorned ; or, as the poet hath it, " when unadorned adorned the most." p, 0^9*" hhush, pleased, delighted, excellent, delicious, cheerful, amiable, healthy, elegant, good, willing, glad, happy, content, merry, pleasant, sweet. "ag in good water, moist, fresh. cky stars, fortunate. ](husk-iiilub. iJmsh-db, abounding ]s]msh-a]^ar, of luck well-proportioned, neat, elegant in form. lcfiu''li-attvdr, well-bred. khy,sh-ikrdr, abounding in promises. hb.^sh-ilh,dn or }ckush-dwdz, tuneful , melodious, jcjmsli- illidnl or khush-dwazi, tunefulness, melody, fchiuh' dmad, f. flattery. ](]iu.ih-dmadi, a flatterer, kfiush- dhang, with a- sweet voice. Jcjiusli-ayand or -ayaiida, flattering (caresses); grateful, wholesome, amiable, agreeable, pleasing, charming, kin/ish-bash, free to stay or depart. 'Qiush-bo or lc]m.i/i-bo-dar, fragrant, odoriferous. ]c]itfsh-bayd7i, eloquent. khush-prakdr, well-proportioned, well-shaped, jchusli-ponhiil:, well- dressed, khush-lardsh, well-made, kjj^sh-tarklb, elegant inform. jcJmsli-tafcrir.elofiuent. Munh-jauhar,o{Rne water (steel, jewels). 4Stti/i-c//n.s/i»i, sweet-eyed, jt^sh- chhab, graceful, well-sliaped or proportioned, jfiiiish- i.dl, happy, fortunate, in pleasant circumstances. Miftsh-fihal (lit. having a good mole), a mistress, a sweetheart. khush-khSfia, m. an aviary, ^uj/i-^afrori, f. glad tidings. khuslikhirdm. of a graceful gait. khusli-khar'id, f. paying ready money, purchasing in private sale. M«'''''-M«.(.(. elegant writing. Mu^A- Miisdl, -khaslat, -kfyilk, or -M". affable, of good dispo- sition, well-bred. ](hush-k]npdr, a good liver, one who lives well. Ichusk-jfhwdii, one who reads or sing^ sweetly. ](lmsh-lc}iuidk, one who lives well. i]^h- ddman, f. mother-in-law, wife'^ or husband's mother. Muislt-dil, happy, pleased, h^ush-dhndgh, cheerful, gay. khush dahan or -dalian, having a beautiful or pleading mouth. ^^jwA-say/'A-a, high-flavoured, grate- ful to the taste. }s}msh-rai)g, pleasant in colour. JtJmsh-raftdr, graceful (in walking). }i]^h-rau or -roe pleasant-paced. JiJmshru, beautiful. Ishtuh-tabdi^ eloquent, plausible. JiJmslt-zamzama, swi'ui or in«l» d}«/js in s:ngin)3; Ii^ush-sa}sh''f, » pleasant, hmnornns fel/ow. iCBft^'>-^iea8antne88 of method, jc^ush-sawad, of pleasant environs (a '^.ty). Jchush-tali', of good des- tiny, fortunate. khush-tah\ ^oca^ar, merry, khush ifail, jocularity, pleasantness. knush-zdhJ". handsome. ]c}^h-'inan, tractable (a horse). kJ^sliJTl. of proper conduct, khush-kadd, well-shaped, of elegaut stature (a mistress). kJfush-Jcaf , well-shaped, nicely cut ou'.. khush-Jcumdsh, of good texture or quality', khush-k., to make glad, to please, to gratify, k^iish-gap, conversa- ble, pleasant, chatty, khush-girisian, to >.veep co- piousl}'. khush-go, eloquent, khush-guzrdn, one who enjoys life, khush-gaiodr, sweet to the taste, easy of digestion, khush-maza, delicious, klmsh-ina'dsh, well- fed, khush-nishtn, pleasantly seated, khush-jiasib, fortunate, khush-naghma. of sweet melody, khush- nigdh, of pleasant aspect, khush-nawd. having a sweet voice, khush-numa, beautiful, neat, pretty, khush-navls, writing an elegant hand, khush-nlyat, well-disposed, amiable, khush-wdkt, happy, pleased, delighted, hfiush o-khurram, cheerful, gay. klfush-haxm, of easy diges- tion, khush-hond, to be pleased, to be satisfied, to rejoice, p. i»^ hhmha, interj. hail fortunate ! p. joy happy! how [of voice, p. ^j^(^i^ khush-ilhant, f. melody, sweetness ^jIm\x^^ khush-hdsk, persons who enjoy lands rent-free, upon condition of serving the govern- ment in a military capacity when called upon: the term is also extended to people of middling circum- stances, who do not cultivate their lands themselves, but hire servants to do it, while they hold other em ployments. p. ^juSji^ khush-ho, f. perfume, odonr ; adj. odori- ferous, i^h-bo-ddr, aromatic, p. ^^^JU**y»' khusk-boji, f. sweet fragrance, p. t^^ khusktar, more pleasant, &c. p. ^,'jj^i^ khushtrarin, most pleasant, &c. p. S>,J^^ khush-kkaridf an ofF-hand purchase, without advance or dispute, a very rare thing in India, p. ',jJi*y>' khush-roz, a day of festivity or di- verricn ; a festival, p. ij^j^i^^ hhush-guzran, happy, merry, p. Ayt^^ khush-gamar, pleasant, delicious, p. dyJ^^ khushnud, pleased, contented, de- lighted, p. ^J;i^}J*»^ khushnudi, f. pleasure, delight, p. oJm^ khqsha, m. an ear of corn ; a bunch (of grapes, &c.) ; an ear-ring, a spike. MiPsha-cAin, a gleaner, p. ij**^ fihushi, f. delight, pleasure, cheerful- "ness, gaiety. ](hushi U^shi or Jil^shl se, happily, with pleasure, cheerfully, p. ^Sx^^ khpshldan, to grow dry, to fade, wither, p. ijo^ khauz, confederating ; purposing, re- solving, intending, considering, consulting, a. (— j^ kkauf, m. fear, khauf-raja, m. (fear and hope) suspense. ]sha»f-ndk, frightful, terrifying, a. 387 ) ^ cdJ^ khuk (also t^-f^ hhug), m. a hog, a wild boar, p, iijiy- khu-karda, habitual or habituated, p. Jtf^ Jihogir, m. the stuffing of a saddle, a pad, a packsaddle. khogir-doz, m. a saddle-maker, p. Uy^ MqI, m. a case, sheath, hollow (Hind. khol). h. fj^y^ kholanjan, m. the herb galangal. p^ ^^»- khun,m. blood; murder, kkun-ab or -aba f tears of blood, ktun-dshdm, ferocious, cruel, ktpin- afshdiii, bloodshed, murder, k^un-dluda, stained w>t>. blood. kJiun-bdr (raining blood), weeping blood (gene rally spoken of the eyes of a lover), khun-baha, m, the price of blood, fine or mulct of retaliation for murder. kJiuni jigar-pind or khdnd, a. to work one's self to death, khun chdtnd, to be stained with blood (a weapon), khun-chakan, dropping blood, khun-khardha, . m. bloody work, deeds of death, murder on either side. khun-kJiwdr, an animal that feeds on blood, a murderer. Isimn-khipdragl or khun-khwdri, ferocity, bloodshed, cruelty, khun-k^wdh, thirsting or wishing for blood. Jchun-ddr, bloody, sanguine. k]iun-rez, a murderer (lit. shedding blood). M"» **'' chapia, n. to be dis- tracted by assassinating a person. Js^un sufaid-k., to be unkind, to be displeased, khuni siydvashdn, dra- gons' blood, a kind of gum extracted from the Calamus draco. Jc^un-fishdn, one who sheds blood, a murderer. Islfin-k., a. to assassinate, to kill. ](hun-girifta, doomed to be slain. IsJifln-nab or -ndba, (same as Mliin-db) tears of blood, p, L^\j^ khunab,\h\ood, bloody water, tears a>lj>^ khunaba,) mixed with blood, p. «^j»- khuncha, m. a small tray, p, ti^ Mkuni, m. a murderer, p. {j^^ MSram, bloody, blood-coloured, p. d>l^ khaved (also khavld and khavaid), m. a green field, a sown field ; green grass cut for cattle, jk lyD^ khrpesh, pron. own ; self; m. a kinsman j a son in-law, a family, yj^esh-'karabat, kinsmen, re- lations, p. [tive. p tSijlij^ kfmesharvand, a kinsman, a rela- t_fiijjl.ij»»^ khmeshdmandi, f. consanguinity, relationship, p. f^xLl^ hhweshtan, self, own ; a relation, p, i^.f^ khrvesht, f. relationship, affinity, p. J-^ khahe, interj. bravo, well done. p. j^bUi- hhaydbdnf m. a flower-bed. p, •Us*, khiydr, m. choice, election ; % cucumber; a second rate land of two species, a. j^!k>-\ia- khiydr-chambar (v. amaltds), thi/ cassia fistula, p. (ffjUi- Mmydriy f. a kind of violet, a. j^j|,Us»- khiydrain, m, du. cucumbers (of two kinds), the cucumber and musk melon, a. is»Ui- Maiydt, m. a tailor. Miiydi, f. a needle, a ^ ( 868 ) CJ^A JU^ khii/al, m. imagination, fancy, thought, ooniideration ; phantom, delusion, vision ; a kind of •onir. l[hiy' khiyaldt,(p\. of JU*-) imaginations. l^iyalSti ld-ii,il, ill-grounded expectation, a. «JU»- ^iyala, a phantom, an illusion, a. iU». khiyalt, fanciful, capricious, fantas- ^cal. a. joi- khaibar, m. name of town of Hijaz in Arabia Petraea, near which there is a pass between two ranges of mountains, and hence the name of several similar places in various parts of the East, the famous Khyber pass at Peshawur among others. — (Binning.) a. ft^ khtcha, poor land, and which produces only calldi, and of this but one crop per annum, a. LlAiU>- khiyanat, f. perfidy, treachery, em- bezzlement, a. O^ khair, good, best, well ; f. goodness, health, happiness. JsJiairu-l-bashar, the best of men, the prophet Muhtammad. ]s^iru-n-nisd, the best of women, Fdtima. Jslyiir-andesh, a well-wisher, a friend. H^ir-bdd, may he prosper. ihair-Muibar, news, intel- ligence. l^air-MiWdh, a friend, a well-wisher. Ma«V- l^waht, goodwill, friendship. Myair o'afiyat, f. health, welfare, a. ^}/ih hhairat, alms, deeds of charity; land given in charity, principally to Musalmans: it is by custom hereditary and alienable. Mjfiiidl-xamin, land fiven for charitable endowments (to Musalra^n fa- irs). o.p. U^ri^ kMi^'^i'h intended for charitable pur- poses, given (or to be given) or received in charity, a. ijjih khiragi, f. darkness, wickedness, ma- "lignity. p. ijj^ khlra, dark; wicked, malignant, vain. illi*fo^d,i, of dark or wicked intentioiu. p. ^^^.jih kJiairiyat. f. welfare, happiness, s. J-»- khez, (in comp.) rising, leaping, bound- ing, galloping, capering ; springing up (vegetation), p. t^^ji^ Jihezan, 1 rising, springing up (as ^U*- khezif J flowers, &c.). p. ^jk^iU*- khezldan, to rise, spring up. p. fty^^ khaishum, m. the nose, the cartilaginous part of it ; nasal letters ; the ridge or summit of a mountain, a. ,Jjk»- khail, m. horsemen, cavalry; a body of men, a troop of horse, an army. a. ^JjL>- khaild, a woman having many moles (a great beauty among the Arabs), a. ^loi- kheldf a playful, foolish (girl), kheld pd.enchd, unsteady, foolish, inconsistent, unchaste (wo- man), h. (^u1a>- khail-tdshf a fellow-soldier, a oom< rade ; name of a famous athlete p. Aa»- hJuiile, many, much, very. p. &«A>- khima or khqima, m. a tent, pavilion. Jlhima-doz, a tent-maker. Hiaima-zadan, to pitch • tent. Icjutima-zan, a pitcher of tents, a, to&«J>- khtma-gdh, f. a camp, an encamp* ment o. p. () dal, called ddl i muhmala, is the eighth letter in the Arabic, the tenth in the Persian, and the eleventh in the Hindustani alphabets : its sound is much softer and more dental than that of our d : in reckoning by abjad it stands for four : in Persian it is sometimes permuted into /, as bat-tar for bad-tar, worse ; in the classic period of the Persian language ddl seems to have been pronounced ga/, whenever a vowel preceded, as gumbaz, a dome, for gumbad ; ustdg, a precentor, for ustdd ; and in good Persian M88. written tour hundred years ago or upwards the dal, thus permuted, is generally marked with a dot, gdl. The letter ddl (denoting ddda, " granted ") used formerly to be affixed to zamtnddri and other grants by the head native revenue officer under the British government in Bengal, a. p. <3 ^ da, in Sanskrit added as a termination to a substantive, denotes giving, bestowing; as, from sukh or sukha, pleasure, comes sukh-da or sukha da, giving or bestowing pleasure (similar to the Persian dih or ba}(^h, q.v. as Srdm-dih from dram), t. t-->i«> dab, m. custom, manner, institution ; situation, condition ; vehement, or forcible propulsion. ddbi fti^bat, m. good manners, civilization, a. L^\b ?[Tir ddtr or ddira, m. a kind of sickle, a large koite. k. * ( 3G9 ) •b 3\^ 1^ dairi, m. a donor, a giver, giving, t. ^^^i ^nnr datan, f. a toothbrush, or rather a piece of wood for cleansing the teeth (Dakh. dalun). t. ^oyl5 ^Til^ datavya, to be given, what may or onght to be giren. <. ^b c^q;', m. darkness, a dark night a. ^^^^ dakhil, entering, penetratinsr, arriv- ing : taking posseaaion ; entry in a book ; fadjectivelj) -ntcred, produced, dakkil jc£arij-k., a. to transfer pro- CTty fbj taking out the name of the former pro- ji .-1 Ms from the deed or register, and inserting that of l.ie new), da^l-k., a. to cause to enter or arriTe, to place or fix in ; to produce, to include, to insert.i!/a^7 fmnd, n. to enter, to arrive, to penetrate, to bf long, to appertain, to be inserted, daji^l-da/lar, entered upon the record, dal^l-dar, an occnpant. ddt^U-nama, a warrant or deed of posaeasion ; a convejance. dakfiil l^arij, erasure of an entry, a. ik^-U dakhila,\m. a receipt for money; a list, 6^\iidakhila,j or entry; a master-roll ; a concern or bosiness ; a connexion, a. M^\j\9'\ii dakhil-ndma, m. a warrant of pos- ^_^l43 dakhllt, contained, belonging to, in- " herent, included in. a. O'J ^T^ dad, m. a ringworm, herpes, dad- mardau, m. a plant naed to core the ringworm {Cauia alata). s. S^i dad, f. a gift, giving; law, equity, justice ; revenge; (in comp.) it denotes given, bestowed, as l^udd-ddd, given by God. dad bedad-k., a. to demand justice, dad-iifpah, m. a plaintiff, a petitioner of joatice. ddd-lstsipdht, i. demanding justice, instituting a suit. dSd-dihhh, f. liberalttj; a present, dad dent, a. to praise oae'a actions properljr. dad-rat, » re- dresser of grievances, dad-ratl, redress of grievances, justice, dad ko pahuncktta, n. to arrive at justice ; to obtain justice, dad-gar, m. administrator of justice. did-guttari, diffusion or admini. ^T^ dada, m. a paternal grandfather ; elder brother, h. J'S^ii dad-ar or dad-arcar, m. the distributor of justice, an ejdthet of the Det^. p. j«ib ^T^^C dadur, m. a frog. s. \ji\ii ^1^1.1 dadra, m. a kind of song. k. Uijijlj ^reT^ dadurma, m. a frog (same as dadttr). $. ^j*Sii i,\^H^'\ dad-mardan, m. the name of « plant applied to cure the ring:worm {Catria alata). $. jj«i\«i dddan (r. dih), to give, to bestow, p. f^ii^ii dddrii, f. advances ; money advanced ** for the provision of goods or mei'^diaodlae of any kind. p. j»>lsi iJT^dadu, name of a famous fakir, born in the state of Jaipur, and founder of a sect, dadti- panthl, followers of dadu. k. I5i dadi, a plaintiff, a complainant, dadi^ faryadi, a complainant, one suing for justice, p. j'«5 ddr, m. a dwelling, a mansion, seat, coun- try habitation ; according to Gladwin, a single-roofed fafoose, surrounded with walla, with a door or entry, ia termed a bait or room : a maaz'l or tenement, on the contrary, is a place compoaed of different rooms, sndi as a man may reside in with his family : a rfar ,or mansion, on the other band, is a place consisting of varioua rooms or tenements, with an open court, ddru-l- amdn, m. the house of safety, a co n ntry with which there ia peace. daru-l-haJ^a, the bouse of eternity, i. e. the next world, dant-l-hatear, m. the dwellibg of per- dition, hell. daru-l-lciUa/at or ddru-s-talta'al, ddru- l-tmdrat or daru^l-^ukimat, f -tije royal residence, the •eat of empire; Cmet.) capital, metropolis, ddru-l-^h (lit. the mansion of war), a conntry where the Mnaal- man religion does not prevaiL daru-s-talam, boose of ^vation, heaven, daru-th-ihar', a court of law or re- ligion, ddru-th-tha/a or ddru-l-marz, m. an hospital dam f-pvb, t the mint, dant-l-'addlat, a court of joa- tice. daru-l-'ilm, a school or college. ddru-l-'iuMef, hoose of retribution, ddm-l-fand, the frail house, (met.) the world, ddru-l-kardr, bouse of rest, the grave, ddru-l-mukdjdt, house of retaliation, dor t datta, house and family, a. j'li dar, m. a gallows, a gibbet, an impaling stake, dor par kh/iinekna, a. to impale. dir-ka$h, the hangman ; (in comp.) it means pnssf isiiig. n posse isor. a lord, a master ; as, ^itfo-ddr, a partaker, ah-dar, adj. watery, resplendent ; m. a person intrusted with tb» -rbarge of water for drinking, 'amal-ddr, a tax gatherer, ddr-gir, m. seizing (particularly thief- taking) ; tumult, conflict ddr maddr, m. agreement, stipulation, adjustment of a dispote. p. Jii ^R ddr, f. (v. ddl), pulse, vetches, s. jb ^T55 ddru, m. wood, timber; a gort of pine (Phuu devadaru). $. jb^fter, |f. a wife; (in Dakh.) for y,i ^TTT ddrd,j dark, jaw tooth, grinder. «. |jb ddrd, possessor, sovereign; Darius, p. fj^iilyO <;i4.i«fln ddrddhin, dependent on a wife, subject to her. p. u-Jyi5 ddrdb, name of a Persian king, the faxher of Darioa. p. (jf\j\i ddrdfi, f. (vulg. daryd,i) red silk cloth ; sovereignty ; adj. cf or belonging to Danos. p. _jb ^J^^ ddruj, made of wood, wooden. *. ,_^A»-jIii ddr-chini, f. cinnamon, s. p. «>^b ^rC^ ddrad, m. a sort of poison brought bom the country called Darad. a, jj5,b ^rftj ddridr or ^TftSJ ddridrya, m. wretchedness, poverty, indigency, ddridr kJudnd (lit, to drive out poverty), a saperstitioas or reli^oas cere- mony. They take a sieve or winaowing-Suket, and beatmgit in every eomer of the booae, exciaim, Uhwar paifko, ddridr ntklo ! " Enter, O God ! dt-part, O Po Terty ! " i. ^fortunate, indigent. *. j^*5^b cifc^ ddridrif wretched, poor, un- «jjb(j>jb 7IJ^ dd 'dhya,m. bardnes*, firmnci*, t»>A\iy. a. 2 b M ( 870 ) Jb jtfju*>.1«3 ^^(sft daru'strt, f. a doll. t. j^iJ^jU dar-maddr, settlement of a quarrel, p. ^j\(i l^i^Pm darumay, made of wood, "wooden, s. K\)ii l^fftWl darika, f. a daughter, darika- dan, m. giving a daughter in marriage. «. ^jjb !JTO!r daran, m. the clearing nut plant (Strychnos potatorum), s. ^^^^ J^T^TS damn, austere, unfeeling, horrible, fearful, shocking ; m. horror, horriblenew ; lead wort (Plumbago zeylanica). s. l-ijjb (■l^fH^fT ddru-nisha, f. a plant ( Cur- cuma zanthorrhizon). s. jjb ?[T5 daru, f. spirituous liquors ; gunpow- der, daru-sisa, (lit) powder and lead, ammunition, military stores, h. • .!<> daru, f. medicine, daru darman, appli- cation of medicine, daru lagnt, to take efifect (medi- cine), p. t3V)b ^T^ darura, m.lwine, spirituous li- (^jjj\i^'^r^ darurt,f.} quor. A. wl^j .b daroghana, pay of a darogha. p. ^Pj.lii daroghagi, f. superintendence; the "station of daro^Jja, q. v. p. ^^S'. .b darogha,m. the head man of an oflBce, the prefect of a town or village; a superintendant of the police, Sic. ; an overseer, p. i^jjb ^rffwr darvika,'\i- a so''t o^ coUyrium i^jjb ^T^ <;arw, J from an infusion of the Curcuma zanthorrhizon ; a sort of potherb. ». jlj-cjjb dar o maddr, reconciliatiop, settle- ment of a dispute or quarrel, p. \.iijbj\^ t^H ^' ^fcy ddru-haridrd, f. a kind of curcuma (C. zanthorrhizon). i. fwar. s. i*3b ^flif ddrimb,} the tree or its fruit. (Punica granatum). darim-priya, m. the parrot, as being fond of the pomegranate, ddrim-pushpak, m. a medf cinal plant {Andersonia rohitaka). «. Jbj'b ^TT (/o.r/t, f. a jaw-tooth, a grinder. darh mama, to gnash or grind the teeth in wrath, an- guish, &c. h. U&j'b ?5TTT ddrhd, m. a large tooth, a tusk. h. Kjfcj'lc) ;»TfT5|iT ddrhikd,\ f. beard ; tendril, jj&jb J^T^ ddrht, J rfarAi handnd or "mundna, a. to shave (in Dakh. rfofi). «. ^j**b TJT^ or ISfTJI rfas, m. a male slave, a ser- vant ; a SQdra, or man of the fourth caste. dSsatS, £ or ddtatwa, m. slavery, dasdast, the female slave of a slave ; male and female slaves, s. (_>rtb das, m. a sickle, a scythe, p. '-^b ^prST ddsd, m. a piece of wood sticking out from a wall to support the thatch (ot chhajppar, q.v.); a reaping-hook. h. j^-**»b ^TOtjt: dds-pur or ^T^nTT ddsh-pur, m a -fragrant grass (Cy;7ert(« rotumfiM). * jjUu*»b ddstdn, f. a story, fable, tale. p. &**»b cZa^a, m. a reaping-hook (v. ddsd). h. ,_^b ^nft Jasi, f a maid-servant, ddsl- putra, m. the son of a slave-girl. A. &XM>b ?fl^ ddsya, ra. slavery, servitude. «. (^b ^T^ rfasA, m. a servant (v. rfa»). s. Ll*» t) b ddsktyf. bringing up, breeding, taking care of, patronage ; service, p. ^^pLi>b ddshtan (r. dar), to keep, to possess, to have, to place, to deposit, p. [province, t. <-i)^juS»b ^T^Nw ddsherak, m. Malwa, the ffi'w dal, m. a well-wisher, one who prays for the welfare of another ; a plaintiff; one who insti- gates another to any thing, instigator, author, cause, a. sjifrb dd'iya, m. petition, plaint, desire, wish ; cause, source, a. cb d dffh , m. spot, stain, mark, scar, a freckle, a mark made by burning with a hot iron brand, stigma, cautery; (adjectively) wounded, cauter ized, having many scars, da^ bar b&la,e dag^ one misfortune following another, da^ charhana or la- gana, a. to vilify, to defame. Sdgh-dar, spotted, marked, dd^ dena, a. to mark by burning with a hot iron, cauterize ; to blemish, da^ lana, a. to vilify. dagh lagnd, n. to be damaged, dd^ hond, to be cauterized or scarred, p. U^b ddffhnd, a. to cauterize, to mark by burning with a hot iron ; to fire (a gun, &c.). p. h, j^b ddghl, spotted, stained, daghi-k., a. to "stain, to blemish, p. ciJb ^TcR ddkf m. a donor, one who makes presents, especially to Brahmans; a sacrificer, one who pays the expenses of the ceremony and employs the officiating priests, s, fj^}^\i^ dall, significant, expressive, typical, a. ^U ^T55T ddla, f. colocynth. s. (j^b dalan, m. a hall, dar-dalan, m. an outer hall. p. [mon. h. ^^i^|^ dal-chini (for dar-chtnt), f. cinna- jii«5^t5 ^rf^y^ (/aZ^c?r, m. (v. daridr) poverty, s. (^j'jtXJb ^ir ^TTT dama, m. a rope, a string, a cord. s. ilc^J damad, m. a son-in-law. p. fjCi\i^ii ddmddi, f. relationship of son-in- law, p. »U*>U^»> ^WWT^ damdsdh, name of a mer- chant, who, dying insolvent, his effects were divided among his creditors in proportion to their claims, h. jJbUrtUb ^IHIfll^l dajnasdhi, f. proportion- ing, equal assessment, dividend (of a bankrupt's pro- perty) ; composition of a debt. h. jjU\i> daman (v. daman), a skirt, &c. p. udi^f^b ^ft^icjT dambhik, hypocritical; ra. a hypocrite ; a kind of crane {Ardea nivea). s. ft^lti ^[TTTt ddmcha, m. the platform on which a person is posted to protect crops, h. 4^j^i\*\ii ddmdari, a branch of revenue arising from birdcatchen, players, and musicians, p. AjM^t) dami'atf a wound causing the blood to flow. a. iZ^j,\i ^♦if^H ddm-lipta, m. a country, the modem district of Tamluk. s. ^j^^i> daman, m. a skirt of a garment; sheet (of a sail on ship-board) ; the foot or declivity of a mountain, daman pakarvd, a. to prevent, to oppose ; to take protection, to take refuge, ddman phaildnd, a. to beg. to petition, to desire, daman tale chhipavd, to protect ; to commit crimes secretly, ddman jhdrhar ufhna, to rise quickly in displeasure, ddinan jhatak lena, a. to refuse, to decline clownishly. daman chhu- rdnd, a. to escape, to get rid of, to come off. ddman- ddr, wide (as cloth), ddman dabd baithna, to intrude upon, daman se lagnd, to depend upon, to claim pro- tection, ddman-glr, attached to, depending on; de- manding justice, an accuser, daman-girt, f. attach- ment, friendship, applying for justice, arraignment, p. f^\^ ^fjiffT ddmini,\ lightning, s. ^^(^ ^Tf*T*ft ddmini, (_^«U ^TTtft ddmnt, relating to the artemisia " flower ; f. a string, a rope, especially for tying cattle. «. sj^\ii ddmana, m. a skirt, &c. (v. daman), p, j_^U ddmam, f scrap of the shroud kept by relations of the deceased; a saddle-cloth, furniture, housings ; an ornament worn on the forehead, p. ddm-0-dad beasts, quadrupeds in general wild (v. dad-0-ddm), P- j4iy«U ^^Rt^ddmodar, m.B. nameo{K7'ishna ; Yasoda, his foster-mother, having in vain passed the folds of a rope round his body, whilst a child, to keep him in confinement, s. j dan, m. an affixment ; a place, a stand ; generally used in comp. as Jcalam-ddn, a pen-case. sham'-ddn, a candle-stick, chd-ddn, a tea-pot. p. litii ddnd, wise, learned. ddnd,e dahr, wise, the learned of the age. p. I3b ^TtfT ddnd, m. grain, corn, berry (for ddna. p.). h. ^^fiXi\^ ddnd,i, f wisdom, knowledge, p. CL>^\ib ^Jf ddnt, m. a tooth, ddnt ungti katnd, a. to bite the finger, is a term expressive of being surprised, amazed, or perplexed, ddnt bdjnd, chattering of the teeth, squabbling, sparring, wran- gling. dd7tt patthar po ghamd (Dakh., explained by hawas-kX to aim at, to desire, ddnt par charhdnd, to detract from the virtues or praise of another, ddnl pisnd, a. to gnash the teeth, to grin, ddnt tale ungU- dahdnd or -kdind, to stand in amaze, to be amazed, to wonder, ddnt-rakhnd or -hond kisl par, to desire any thing exceedingly ; to hate, ddntsalsaland (Dakh.) 2b2 ...^ ( 372 ) to acbe (the teeth). dSnt kS dard, tooth-ache. dStU kt4i rofi khana, to be united in intimate friendship. dant katkatdna, a. to gnash the teeth dant kachkach- ana, to grin, to shew the teeth, dant khafte-k., to dis- hearten, to displease, dant kholne, to disclose the teeth, to grin, ddnt-lana or -nikalna, to teeth, to grow (as teeth), dant lagnd, m. trismus or locked-jaw. ddntnikahta, to laugh, to grin ; to express or confess inability and helplessness. dantoA xarnin pakapii (lit. to bite the ground), to be reduced to extremities, to suffer great pain. ddntoA mama, a. to gnash the teeth (with anger), s, i)ii^l:5b ^nnf^^fcir^ dantakUkU, f. quarrel.*. KjL>(JlA31ii ^fTrifcfil dant-tinka, the act of taking a straw or a piece of grass in the teeth to depre- cate wrath, or as a token of complete submission, h. /j;l6\i5 ^frnr dantan, m. a tooth-brush (v ddtan). a. ^b ^hft danfi, f. the tooth of a saw or other " instrument, cog of a wheel; a rake; a harrow; a kind of sickle, ddnti-papia, n. to be notched or indented (as the edge of a tiword). danti dend, a. to insist upon, ddnti lagna, to have a locked jaw. s. 3ob ^ dandfVa. oppression, injustice, injury; fine, yunishment. s, \i3Jx«\job ^?1^H danda mendd, m. the fron- tier, or boundary between the lands of two pro- prietors, h. j^j\d dandu, a ball for playing with j also a bat for striking the same. d. (Sjji^^i^ dandorgi, f. mischief, wickedness, d. i^6J\ii film dandi, f. a balance ; m. a rower, a waterman. $. (JU-ob danist, f. knowledge, opinion, p. ^jPLJb danistan (r. d^n), to know, to con- sider, p. «l--3b danista, having known, knowingly, p. j_^i«ob danistagi, 1 f. knowledge, science, (jSJb danish, J learning, p. jio^SJ^ti danish-mandAv/'iaef learned ; danish- j:^i^\i^ danish-rvar j mandi or -wart, learning, wisdom, science, p. /^\ii ddnak, "j f . a small denomination of mo- ulJob dank, rney, the sixth part ofacHnar; a ti.C3U dang,} weight, the fourth part of a drachm ; the sixth part of a city i it is used conven- tionally as a sixth part in generaL tt,p. liXob !^ dang, a hill or precipice; the summit of a mountain, h. XJb dangar, a superannuated horned beast, (met.) a fool, idiot, k. [dela r^p&tt. h. |jC3b ^Mt ddngif a name given to the bun »jj3\i> dinatida, he that knows ; skilled, p. •ib ?[N ddnm, m. ambuscade, ambush, snare; power, oppor&inltj ; time, turn, vicissitude ; twisting of one another in wrestling. ddAw-baitlmd, n. to lie in ambush. a^i a. to wrestle. d&Aw chaldnd, a. to take advantage <>f. dSiiw chalnd, n. to have the advantage, k. y i«i ddnw, m. a stake, a wager ; a throw, or cast of the dice (properly, dd,o or date), p. yi«i l^iiq dunaw of ddnava, m. (see i»«* •'- demon, a giant, a Titan, t. ^j^y b ^t^T5f ddnwdn, m. br.rning stubl V> &c. ; a conflagration in a forest. «. ^!(> ddna, m. a grain, seed, speck, pimple, corn. _ ddna-badalnd, a. to caress as birds do by join- ing bills, ddna badlawwal, billing, caressing as birds do by joining bills, ddna-bandt, a cursory survey or partial measurement or weighment to ascertain tiie produce of each field, ddna pant, m. food, victuals. ddna-ddr, granulated ; having the appearance of being granulated ; containing grain, ddna ddn-k., to mingle, confound, or destroy, ddna-kesh, m. a kind of em- broidered neckcloth, worn in cold weather over the cloak, p. (3^ ^Jifiddnt, charitable, liberal, bountiful.*. ^3^ ddni, f. place, pot; used in comp. as tel-ddnt, f. an oil-pot (abstract form from dan, knowing) in comp., aa,,g!iciib-ddni, knowledge of the mysterious, p. t^jjj^b ddne-zdd, m. a miser, avaricious, d. ijjab ddniza (also ddntzha), a lentil, p, «^b ^njhl ddniya, worthy of having any thing given, worthy or fit to be giTCn. t. jb |[TO daw, m. a bill, or kind of hatchet with a hooked point ; vicissitude, turn, opportunity ; 8take,wager, a stroke at a game ; a throw of the dice.&c. ddte-bandhnd or -badna, a. to bet, wager, p. h. jb f^ ddv or ddva, m. a forest, a forest on fire (Pen. daw, v. daiiw, a wager, &c.). s. J Ad ^"^ddfU, m. an appellation of a father or of an elder brother ; used by contraction for Baladeva, the foster brother of Krisffna. h. jAii dd,u, fraud, deceit, cheating. dd,o-gha,o, feint or stratagem in war, &c. ^ ^jb ll^ddwd, m. a male nurse ; the husband of a da,i, q. v. h. ^\j\^^jmfrsiddvdgni,^m. the conflagra- Jj^jb '^mifi^ ddvdnal,) tion of a forest kindled by a tempest or some other cause, t. djAiiddfUd, the name of the prophet David, a. jcJjb dd,udi, f. a shrub that bears a flower like camomile (Chrysanthemum Indicum); a kind of aiinour; coat ot mail, so named from its being sup- posed to have been originally made by Da,ud, just as we employ the terms JFerrara and Joe Manton. a. jjb ddwar, ni. a sovereign, a judge, God. p. tj^^b ddwari, f. sovereignty, royalty, p. jj.b ddwan (v. daman), m. a skirt, &c. d, -jjb ^T^R ddwan, m. the process of threshing by means of bullocks, &c. (v. ddumd). h, G.b ^M«1I ddwnd, a. to thresh, to tread ; m. the act of treading out the grain (v. dajHk), k. ib ( 373 ) L^ J i\d ^T^ ^TTni^ff«T dayapavartan, m. priva- tion, forfeiture of property, s. (iMii ^m\^ day ad, m. son j kinsman, near or remote; an heir. s. jsibb ^rm^^ dayadav, m. heir, kinsman, s. j^Sbb ^PJT^ dayadi, f. a daughter, an heiress, s. [awarded, adjudged, t. cliOJii ^ftnr dayit, condemned, sentenced ; Vj^b ^T'fsn ddyajd or ^li"if| dd,e}d, m. a dowry, portion, nuptial present *. ji\(i dd,ir, encircling. dd,ir o sd,ir, going the circuit (judges, &c.); absolute, invested with autho- rity, a. jyb dd,ira, m. a circle, a ring, circumference, orbit; a tambourine; a monastery, dd.ira-dur, the head of a monastery, the lord abbot, prior, &c. a. <.ibb ^T^qpSR dayak or cfT^V dd,ik, m. a giver (v. dd,t). s. ^b ddfim, always, perpetual, permanent. dd,imu-l-^abs, perpetually imprisoned. da,imu-l-lilifimr, a sot, drunkard. dd,iTrM-l-mara:f, always sick, a, Ob dd,iman, perpetually, everlastingly, a. j_j*jb dd,imt, If. perpetuity, eternity. dd,i- &A^b dd,imtyat,j wi, adj. perpetual, ever- lasting, a. ^.-^b ^[P? dd,en, the tying of a number of bullocks together for the purpose of treading out the grain from the ear. h. [and left, h, ^j;^/b^/b T^'/\^ dd,tn, hill estates (v. dun), a. &^b ddya, a female attendant, a nurse, p. L-.>ti dubb, m. state, constitution, condition, custom, manner, property, quality; a bear, dubbi asghar, the lesser bear, dtibbi akbar, the greater bear; (met.) a fool. a. biJ ^^ dahd, m. ambush, dahd mdrndf to lie in wait. h. bii f^^ dihd, m. (for diva) day, daylight, s. Ijbii duhdrd (for do-bdra), la second time, »jbi dubdra (for do-bdra^, J over again, p. jjjibii dubdsi (same as dobhdshiyd, q-v.), "an interpreter, a manager or factotum, d. cb(i dabbdgh, m. a currier, a tanner, a, ^biJ f^^TcRT dibdkar (for divakar), m. (lit. the day- maker) the sun. «. bbii (J'MT*!! dabdnd, a. to press down ; to snub, to chide, to keep under, to check, curb, restrain, awe, depress, suppress, dahd-lend, a. to encroach upon. daba-mdrna, a. to overcome, to get the better of; to crush to death, h. blL-.'.S i^^TtTT dab-dnd, n. to advance, h. jbt5 ^^^ dahdw, m. strength, power, autho- rity; pressure, crush, resignation, submissiveness. dabdw mdnnd, a. to stand in awe. h. U)b{_^bt> ^^Tl??T5J»n dabd,e ddlnd, a to keej) concealed, to hide (generally furtively). /*. iO^«i dabdada, ra. dignity, state, pomp. a. UbiiJii S^TVT dubdhdff. doubt, suspense, uncer- tainty, a dilemma, m. jid dubur, f. the backside, posteriors ; podex ; end, conclusion, a. [field, h. )t^«i ^^VT dabrd, a marsh, a puddle ; a small JJ«i dapz, thick, coarse (as cloth), p. ^Jc^(^ dahistdn,- m. a school, dabistani vias/dhib, " School of religious sects ;" the title of a cele brated work in the Persian language ; the author of this singular and very interesting work is unknown, but it has generally been attributed to Muhsin Fani.a native of Kashmir, who lived in the 17th century. From its ludiaiiized style and idiom it is evidently not the production of a Persian. — Binning, a. Lr?«* ( 374 ) u:i3<> thinness, leanness, s. il\l*M>(^ dabistant, m. a student or scholar; " adj. of or belonging to a school. • p. ■^>,> m ^ duhsi, the per-centage allowed to "government farmeni on the revenue paid to govem- taent, being two in twenty, or ten per cent. h. UK^ti <^HflM« TT dahkana, a. to snub, to check, to chide, to threaten, to awe, to daunt ; to conceal, to hide. h. io J ^T<*T dahknr, f. a trap, a snare, h. lA5o»^ii dabuSy m. a club, a mace. a. p, {,j'»y>^ ^^ dabos, m. a flint, h, ViMy lb dabusd, m. the cabin of a ship, stem. a. UuMy«3 ^ijl^fll dabosna, to tope, to tipple, h. w«i dabba, m. a leathern yessel for holding oU. A. \jJl»\^i^ ^^rrf^TIT dubdskij/a, m. (lit. the "bi- lingual ") an interpreter ; also an agent in general, like the continental " commissaire." «. tii^ii ?>nif diibhuk, m. a famine, a scarcity, s. ^3«J ?^ du-be (for dwi-veda), a Brahman " learned in two of the four Vedaa. t. \x>d ^f%Tn dabiyd, m. a measure of about ten handfuls (of corn, &&). k. jXiii dablr, m. a writer, a secretary, a notary, p, Jjo«5 !f#55 dabel, m. subject, person under dominion, k. J, 1 ill-bred, gdf) brutish. ^)aJ43 ^^55T ddbtld, m. the name of a medidn«; a paddle, h. [onpollated. divine, t. e^ii f^9^ m. (for divya) an oath j adj. pore, L^^JOiS ^^^4.1 dabehrd, a large ploughshare, h. fjj^^^/w^dabehri, a kind of light plough.^. liLOii ^TTJ dapat, f. a course, a gallop, k. ^.ii 5^ du-pattd, 1 m. a kind of veil or a »^.(i^TJ71»nc^a;^/awa,a. to put to the gallop.A. \ij04> <* qg H I dapatnd, n. to gallop, to rush ; a. to rebuke, to reprimand. A. U'OiV.ti ^q<;MMI dnpdapdna, "I a. or bSi^^^i^ «^H<^Moh*L»tT dap-dap-harmy) n. to shine, h. [splendour. A. ciL>>bj04> ^^T^ dapdapdhaty f. shining, iJiu-^tJ ^V:mn dupastd, pregnant, h. ^.j5 ^ dapu, f. the anug (vulgar term), h. b^.4> CTffiM I dwpahriyd, m. a kind of flower {Pentapeles Phaenieea); a4). meridian. A. Oti JTT dut, interj. away, begone, avaunt. dut-dabak, reproof, reprimand, s. C^ii VK dut or ?fil duii, f. light, splendour, t)eanty ; spite, maUoe. «. Oii ^flT \i>;i S^^tfT duttd dend, a. to drive away scornfully ; to deceive, to baulk, to dieat A. tj^i SfTTO dU'tara, m. a kind of shawl (v. dotSra). $. 13\3 JCTRl dutaiM, a. to press down ; to snub, to chide, to keep under. A. ^^/cili\5ii ^V1H(V4i9<1^ dattdnapakarman, m, non-resumption of gifts, t. tib^;>JC^43 ^^aH^lfsn datta-pradaniky ra. resumption of a gift. «. \j5«i ^TTCT datard, 1m. a large rake used for 8y«i 1^: dataraj gathering high grass to- gether Into a oocklet : kilwS.i, q. v. is a small implement of the same kind. A. j\C)jJ JWWTt duthttTf m. reproof. «, cilJj ( 375 ) ^ii<^ wjOJti ?Hc(iK«ir dutkama, a. to reprove, s. ^i^;'X>^^ tlriohlO diitkart, f. a reproof, repri- mand, s. ^;J^.(-ib(i ^"WWl^ dattak-piifra, m. a son given away by his natural to adoptive parents ; one of the twelve heirs acknowledged by the old Hindu law. s. wt5 ^•IT datnd, n. to oppose, to confute, to fight, h. (j^i^ ^H^'H datwan or ^riltf dataun, m. a tooth-brush (made of a twig), s. c/'-*'yii (|ri^$ dato,t, f. land which has been lately cropped with the grain called bajra or jtudr, q. v. A. uOii f^firm ditiya, f. the second lunar day (▼. rf«/). S. ajpdff^ditya, m. a Titan, ademon (v. diti). s. u«i datta, m. a cork, a stopper, a plug. d. o\jd datana, a. (v. dabkana) to snub, &c. d. U3;3 <^{«|| datna, a. to oppose, &c. (same as datnd, q. v.). A. (j^t^ f^T^ dithwan, the ekadashi or ele- venth day of the bright half of the month kartik, on which there is a festival dedicated to Vishnu, h. u^^ti U{"-ii dijla or dajla, also dajlat, m. a lake ; ^li ^ rfflc^, a homestead (East Oude). h. j^i^ du-char, a meeting, an interview, p. CL^ii ^^TTT duchit, 1 of two minds, waver- llo-ti cSp^l^I duchitta,) ing, doubtful, one whose mind is bent on two different courses, absent in mind. t. (_^^li>.4i ^f%^T^ duchitta,!., f. suspense, ab- sence of mind, unsteadiness, s. [ways. h. &\».4i -i^ dukhdnt, abounding in smoke, a, d.As»-ii dukht, \f. a daughter, a girl, a virgin. jls»-4i duJiJitar,) dukhtar-ak, a little girl or daughter, p. ^5^i> dahhlf m. entrance ; access ; possibility or practicability ; produce, income, receipt ; intrusion, interference, disturbance, molestation, dajchl pdnd, a. to have access, dajthl-k., a. to meddle, to interrupt, to take possession, a. j\6^(^ dakkl-dar,a partner,an accomplice.a./?. &^4> dahhvia, a coffin, a tomb, a receptacle for the dead. p. [nue. a. J^4> duJthul, entrance, access ; income, reve- ,Ja>-f> dakhllf intimate, familiar; admitted, allowed entrance ; m. a friend, a confidant a proteg^, one who claims protection or mercy ; (in law) an occu- pant, or the party in possession, a. titi dad, a rapacious animal, beast of prey, forest full of game. p. i«>ii dadd, f. a maid-servant, a nurse, p. t. j^iiii dadachhar, evil omen, misfortune, d. jiiii ^^dadru or ^^dadru, m. cutaneous and herpetic eruption, dadru-rogin, diseased by herpes, t, jCjfiii dadri, unripe corn, chiefly barley, h. &J«iti du-dila, wavering, doubtful, p. ^^»>*3 ^^55IViT dadldnd, a. to chide, to snub. h. (•iiijtSi^ dad dam, a fierce rapacious animal (as a lion, tiger, &c.) ; a wild beast in general ; also a harmless animal, as a goat, sheep, &c. p. Ij'jiiii ^^ItT dadord, m. a bump (occasioned by the bite of an insect), h. Jfciiii ^[ftr dadhi, m. sour, thick milk, coagu- lated milk, dadhi kado, coagulated milk and clay thrown by people at each other in sport on a holiday held in honour of Krishna on his birth-day. ». ^i^d f^fv didhi, f. firmness, stability, s. tHii ^f^ duddki, f. a kind of medicinal root (v. duddht). s. j\lbiid}'.W^dudhdr, giving milk, a milch cow. s. Vjbdi^ du-dhdrd, two edged (sword), h. 0><,M.,>^tSi^ ^Tiqfujcli'l dadhi-pushpikd, f. a flower {Clitorea ternata). s. j3^,fcii4i ^fVBcS dadhi-phal, m. the elephant or wood- apple, s. jjbii;5 «J5^ duddht, f. name of a medicinal "herb {Euphorbia hirta and thymifolia). t, jj'aJfciiti ^l*ft dadhydni, f. a medicinal plant, s. Jt^i {^ 376 of a Muni or ) Ajbi^t^ ^rfNr dadhtch, the name saint, who devoted himself to death, that the gods miglit be armed with hia bones in lieu of thunderbolts, to destroy the demon Tarak. *. JjJb«34> ^^ dudhail, f. milch, giving milk. s. JbtJ«3 ^f^^n^ dadiyal, m. descent, pedigree, ancestors, paternal grandfather's family, h. jff«5J diddi, f. a wicket, a small door. d. «i3 dar, m. a door, a gate, dar-ba-dar, from tjooi to door, dar o diwar dekhni, expresses solitude and anxious expectation ; prep, in, at, on, into, dar ina, n. to come in. tc arrive, to penetrate, dar pat e jan kona, n. to be desirous of the death of another, to persecute to the uttermost, dar pai hona, n. to follow, to prosecute, to persecute, dar furat, in case, pro- vided, should, suppose that. p. jii dar from darldan, (in comp.) tearing, rending, as mardum-dar, man-destroying, p. j^ 7^ dar, ra. price, rate, a number or quan* tity fixed as a standard, h. d ^ dur, as the first member of a compound (like the Greek 8uf) denotes bad, evil, ill, unfortunate, difficult; as dur-bachya or dur-bachan, m. scurrility, abuse, dur-bal, weak, nerveless, faint, dur-balata, f. faintness, weakness, dur-jan, m. a bad man, an enemy, dur-din, day of adversity, dur-nam, ra. in- famy, dur, (in Dakb.) an ornament worn in the ear. t. j^ durr, m. a pearl, durr-afshan (scattering pearls), eloquent, durr-re*, eloquent, durri yatim, a priceless pearL a. [gone. p. t, jii dur (contr. of dur), avaunt ! away ! be- \jd ^ dara, m. (cor. from dara) the high- way ; f. a cave, a grotto ; a valley, p. \jd dara or dira, a bell. p. \^Sj^ <^|i44| dur-atma, vile, wicked, bad j m. a rascal, a villain. «. ip\jd durraj, m. the black partridge, a. ^\jd darraj, a hedgehog; a malignant whisperer, a. »jWij(i dar-ijara, a sublease of a farm. p. a, ^U-^iJ g^nrre dur-achar, 1^ wicked, immo- (jj^ W\jii ^U'*nO dur-achart,) ral, irreligious, profligate, one of infamons conduct. «. (^ji>d\jd ^CvA dur-adharsh, m. white mus- tard. «. [rent h. j\j(i ^XK darar, m. a crack, a fissure, rift, *3jl''^ gnft? dur-aroh, of difficult ascent j m. the palm-tree, the date-tree. t. [tree. «. Ujj\jk> igJClCt^ dur-aroha, f. the silk cotton- J.ijii dnraz, loner, tall, extended, daraz-dast, long-handed {longi-ma'hu), (met) oppressive, daraz- go.ih. luiig-cared, an em or a hnre. dardz-dasti, f, op- pressiun, tyranny, p. (_^^jii darazi, f. extension, length. darazt,e, 'umr, length of life. />< l-i.i^4i f}^\ draksha, f. a grape, s. U4^|;ii ^ifilHI draghima, m. length. ». <«-i>^^t> ^rn^rnr dur-alap, m. abusive or scur- rilous language, abuse. ». [ment, «. '^\)'^ ^TTT^H dur-alahh, difficult of attain- ^^2;])ii dardhim also dardhxm (pi. of Jbi(3). a. {^^\)^ dard,i, f. contradiction, harza dardfy f. chattering, idle talk, daraa: (v. darS), a belL p. clLo\^(^ dirdyat, knowledge, sense, science; manner, mode ; quality, a. *^^^Ji\Jlidar%n rvila, at this time; in this case ; by these presenta. fKo. L-^ti ^ darif (cor. of dravya), m. prospe- rity, wealth ; metal, rabatanoe, matter. «. jbjii darbdr, m. house, dwelling, court, hall of audience, darbar bandni, (Pakh.) to fix or sctnire the court ; to give a bribe, fk Lfj^ji^ darhdri, of or belonging to the court ; a courtier ; the elegant and polished laotjuage of tha court, in contradistinction to bazari, q. v. p. ^J^J^ dar-bun, m. a doorkeeper, porter, p. j^bjii darhdnl, f. the office of doorkeeper, p. jJJjji dar-ba-dar f from door to door, a wan- dering mendicant, a vagrant, p. ^j<^ ( 377 ) J^i^j^ j^ darbar, war, battle, contest, d. &,St »^ji^ dar-hast (for dar o hast, q. v.), all, entire, p. -J.«i dar-hasta, bound, tied, fastened, p. Jjj*5 rf^^ dtir-hal, infirm, powerless, weak ; thin, emaciated; poor. s. ^iJjj<3 ^k^lfjdur'halata, f. infirmity, poverty, s. iSJ^jtJ dar-band, a bar, bolt (of a door), p. {jiij>>ji^ dar-bandi, f. a statement of the dif- ferent rates of a village ; alao assessing the prices of produce, p. 0^j(^ ^ darbh, ni. kusa, or sacrificial grass {Poacynosur aides); a kind of reed (JSoeeharum tponta- ueum or cylindricum). s. [lacky. *. »j6l^j45 ?^Tn| dur-bhagya, unfortunate, un- jl4>jt> 'S^m dur-bhao, m. bad disposition, ill- temper ; bad behaviour, ill mannert. «. t^^r^jd durhhichh for dur-bhikshof m. a scar- city, a famine, s. ]^^*^ <||^ dur-bhaksha, hard to eat. «. ^ji>X^ , 4>^fi^^ dur-bhiksha, m. scarcity, fa- mine, s. '^4^ti 5^^? dur-bhaga, f. a wife disliked by her husband ; an ill-tempered woman. <. ^^^^j^ «rmi^ dur-abhigrahy m. a tree {Achyranthes aspera). t. ^j^ji^^^WV^ dur-abhigraha, f cowach. «. u-^ii !^ c?arp, m. pride, arrogance, boast- ing, s. [glass. «. j^jii ^^ darpariy m. a mirror, a looking- ji.«i dar-pai, following, in pursuit of, intent upon. p. \J^,j^ dar-pesh, lit. in front, dar-pesh-hona, to await (one), to como to pass. p. 0^;i "5TT rfrwi, quick, swift ; flown, escaped, run away, drut-pad, m. a quick pace ; adv. quickly, a. OjtJ j»>), steps, de- giees, &c. a. C->W .tJ d^in dur-jdt, inauspiciously born ; improper; ra. misfortune, calamity; disparity, im- propriety. 5. [outcast. *. C>U-jii ^Affil dttr-Jart, vile, wicked, low. ^j^ V^ dur-jar, iitdigestibic. e. f^j^ 2"^«T dur-jan, bad, wicked, malicious ; m. a bad man, an enemy, s. ^^^V:i^J> 5^Vf!n^ dur-janatd,t, f. or dm- janaiwa, ra. enmity, malignity, wickedness, villainy, s. &>-^ti da7ya (properly darajd), m. step, stair, gradation, degree, rank, station ; act (of a play) ; a degree of a circle, darja ba darja, step by step, gradually, a. [invincible, s. j_^j>-j*> ?^ dur-jay, difficult to be overcome, j__y>-j4> darji (for rfam), a tailor, p. h. «iXjCil»j4i dai'-hdle-hi, J supposition that.j^.a- »J\^>^t3 dar-harvdla, a sublease or tenure. j3. «, CJj»-j^ darhot, advance (Wilson's Gl.). o-.«i du'rukhdf that which is the same on both sides, not having a wrong side. p. CL*s-j>^ darakht or dirakht, m. a tree. jt?. ^Li.>jt3 darakkshdn, shining, brilliant. ^. fj\Li>-jd dorakhshdnl, 1 f. brilliancy. ^Ssi>^h>■J^ dara khshandagt, J splendour, p. Jjo-SlSjti darakhskanda, bright, shining; a shiner, p. dA«*>^^i-.«i dar-khwdst, f. application, requesf, entreaty, proposal, desire, wish, demand, petition, ap- peal, or petition of appeal, p. lijii dard, m. pain, affliction; pity, sympathy. dard-alud, overwhelmed in grief, dard-dmez, piteoi/\ feelingly, dard-dna, to be aflfected with pity, &c. dard-angez, pitiable, exciting compassion, dard-ras, grieved, afflicted, dardi zih, m. the pangs of labour, throe, dardi-sar, m. or dard-sarl, f. the head-aci'*; trouble, vexation, dard-shar'tk, sympathetica!, dardi shikam, m. colic, dardi farxandi, m. paternal affec- tion, dard-khdna, to feel pity ; to suffer the pangs of childbirth, dard-mand or dard-ndk, afflicted; com- passionate, sympathizing. dard-iHandl, f. affliction, p, iijih durd, f. sediment, dregs, lees. p. )djd darddj interj. alas! woe's me! p. \(^j^ ^^^T dardd, f. a country bordering on Kashmir , m. name of a tribe of barbarians. «. ^^(^(3 dar-ddman, a skirt, ornament of a govni or robe. p. ji^ii ^T3f^ dardar, m. cinnabar, h. jiijd^fi::^daridrf poor, needy, wretched ; m. poverty, indigence. *. [ground, k. );43.i> ^l.^il dardard, half pounded, coarsely \5j(i,«i ^fJLJHT daridratd, f. poverty, indi- gence, want, wretchedness. $. [or met with. 5. (j^jC>ji^ ^^ dur-darsh, difficult to be seen iiLui»ji>jii 7^^S dur-driskta, ill-seen, ill-exa- mined ; looked at with an evil eye ; ra. bad luck, mis fortune, s. ^j' ( 378 ) ciJ^d jj(i^«i ^ dardru, m. cutaneous eruption, herpes, '^dardru-rogt, afflicted with herpes, s. jCj4>.i5 i^frjlft daridri, poor, destitute, needy. «. lM»»i,ti ^^^11 dur-dasha, f. calamity, misfor- tone. «. [unconquerable. «. I«t3,i5 ^t»T dur-dam, difficult to be subdued, ^Ji^Jli 5ff«T dur-din, m. a dark or cloudy day, rainy weather. ». 9^,iijii5^^(/M/--<:Za?u,m. bad luck, misfortune, s. 8j^ii "^ drirh, firm, strong, immoveable; bulk)', massive, drirh-hhakti, faithful, devoted, drifh- sauhrid, firm in friendship, constant, drif A-Aan, "per- severinjT, determined, drifh-mushti, close-fisted, mi- serly. drirh-nis,chay, certain, confirmed, undoubted. $. CL^i^\i»jjd "I^Rfli drirha-bhakti. f. a faith- ful mistress or wife, s [prove, g. ulj&jjii ^\k>jji^ ^'«ijf drirkang, firm-bodied, hard ; m. a diamond. «. [firm in battle. ». J& jjlibvjii ^dl^U drirhayudh, m. a hero, one j_^tiJoj&jjj '^dWr^Tft drirh-handhini, f. a " creeper [Echites frutescens). s. [nut. «. l)4^''^Jjj'^ '?^^ drirh-phal, m. the cocoa- ^^^jii "S'dHI drirhata, f. strength, firmness, s. Jt>i^ix*A>,toyjii "H^g^^ drirha-skandh, m. a sort of Mimusops. s. O^^Jbj-jii ^d^Psiclil drirh-.sutrika, f. a plant from the fibres of which bowstrings are made, s, ^JJjt5 dii-rasta, a double row or avenue (of trees, &c.), one on each side of the way. p. ^J**»J'^ durustt, f. reformation, amendment; ** truth, rectitude, soundness, p. uiA**>j45 f^^cft darsak, who or what shews, dis- plays, explains ; an exhibitor. «. «-iJiM*j4i '^[ti^^ dru-saUak, m. a tree {Chi- ron jia sap i da), t. j^**iji> <^^*f daisan, m. sight, seeing, looking* aspect, interview, appearance ; a shastra, one of the six philosophical systems ; visiting a sacred shrine, dar- san-pratibhu, m. a surety for appearance, darttm dhdri, beautiful, t. ij***j<^ <^*il darsanl, f. a bill of exchange payable at sight; offering, present; adj. handsome, sightly, darsanl jawan, a beautiful youth, t. t^Ssi) ^j*j»j^ darsam-hvndi, f. a bill of ex- change, or money order, payable at sight h. *ii**j;'i <;|i«(lM darsaniya, beautiful, hand- some ; visible, to be seen, darsamya-manl, vain, con- ceited, thinking one's self handsome. ». \Mjii i;^ drishd, f. the eye (also drishi). g C*^4J durusht, rough, hard, stiff, rigid; stem, morose, oppressive, fierce, p. fj***j<^ durushti, f. severity, fierceness. «. cLk^tJ "^ drishta, seen, visible, drishta- wdii or drishfa-wat, seeing, having seen. ». S iJL»M»jd ^r«^Lnjii ^ftw dui'ishtha, very bad, most wicked ; m. great crime, extreme wickedness. «. ^^Jli ^^ darshan, m. sight, interview, s. fj^ji^ ^ft^^ darshani, at sight (v. darsanl). s. li^^Zijd ^^f^MH drishopam, m. the white lotus {Nelumhium speciosum). s. tj^j'^ T^ drishi, f. the eye (also drishd). s. ajuljjii "5^ drishya, visible, to be seen, beau- tiful ; m. (in aritlim.) a given quantity or number. drishya-twa, m. vision, sight. *. C^jyOjii dar-suratf in case that ; suppose t£at. p. ^^{JLSjii darafshdn, shining, splendid, p. e^jii dui'tifsha, a sword, p. cdJ,(> darh, m. understanding, knowledge, comprehending, (in law) a contingency, a possible event, a. ciJj«J "^ drik or drig, m. the eye. drih-ham m. a snake (lit. whose eyes are his ears; thf> snake having no external ear). *. Ojti ^^oFT darhd, m. crack, crevice, cranny, h. CLJ^j,^ darakdt (pi. of ul^ij), steps for de- scending, descents, a. • Otii dar-hdr, necessary, wanting, p. c4^ ( ^^«i ^T«IT«n darkdna, a. to cause to crack, split, h. J^^Jli ^^T^nro durgashrayan, m. taking refuge in a fortress, s. if^'^j'^ ^T'T^'ft durga-navamt, f. the ninth **of the light half of Kartik, sacred to Durga aa Jagad- dbatrL s, »\^«i dargah, f. a place, court ; threshold, door ; a mosqae. p, %zAji^ 7^ dur- gat, poor, indigent, afflicted, s. tJlA^ti ?TtfH dur-gaii, f. hell ; poverty, mean- nesa, abjectness. t. ^JjMji^ durag-hanst, a tribe of rdjpiits. h. jii^ti dar-guzar, passing over, excusing, dar- gu^ar-k., to excuse, overlook, to pass by. p. \jji^jii dar-guzarnttf n. to decline, to leave off, to refrain from, to pass by, to excuse, p. JSiZ^Sjii dar-girift kamd, a. to catchy seize, to captivate, p. jSji^ 5^^ dwi^gaTn, difficult of access, unattain- able ; deep, profound (t. durga). t. ^:i^ji'^{P^dwganiatd,i. depth, profundity s. 879 ) ^ Jii^jd ^ihv dur-gandhy foetid; f. stint, stench, dur-gandh ana, to stink, dur-gandhi. ill-smell- ing. «. ^ji^ dar-gah (same as dar-gdh), a court, p. kJL*^ji^ ^tZ durghatj difficult of accomplish- ment, arduous, s. jffji dar-gt7', effective ; inflaming, p. '^j^ Z%^ diir-lahh, difficult to be procured, scarce, rare ; excellent, eminent ; dear, beloved ; m. a plant, a sort of hedysarum. s. l^AiS ?^>TT dtr-labhd, f. a sort of prickly nightshade. *. ^^jZSy(^ ?^'?pr dur-lakshan, m. an unlucky mark, a mark or sign of evil omen. «. U^(i dar-ldnd, a. to comprise, p. h. ^d "5?T drum or druma, m. a tree ; a tree of Swarga or paradise, drum-nakh, m. a thorn or claw of trees, s. Mj(i diram, money, specie; a small coin so named (v. dirham). p. Ujti f^iM\ darmd, ni. a kind of mat. k. j<«l^s> '<^m*m di-uvi-dmay f m. lac, the animal "dye, or disease of trees. ». (jl«.ii darman, m. medicine, cure. p. j^JoUjii dar-mdndagi, f. misery, distress, "penury, misfortune, p. ^liJU.ii dar-mdndan, to be in distress, p. »«3Jl«.;i dar-mdnda, helpless, destitute, with- out remedy, p. U&l*,4i dar-muhd, m.1 monthly wages, salary. jJbV<.43 dar-mdhi, f. J dar-mdhd-ddry one " who receives monthly wages, p. Ow«.ii ^^rfw dur-mati, silly, ignorant, simple, a blockhead ; also dur-mati, f. folly, foolishness, m. (j«*.ti ^^ durmus, ni. a pounder, an instru- ment for pounding pavements with, a rammer. Ti. f^f^j^ 7^^ dur-mukh, foul-mouthed, scurri- lous ; Ugly, hideous, s, ^jj/Cji> darman, m. drug, remedy, p. U/«jj5 iiA»iI dur-mand, sad, distressed, sor- rowful, s. iuJ^ti c[5"^ dur-mulya, dear, of an exorbi- tant price ; m. deamess, any thing of high price, a, Jbiibj^t^ "giPinfVl drtim-vyddhi, m. lac (v. drumamay). s. ,.^(i darmah (for dar-makd), pay, wages, d. ^^U/«,4i darmiyaii, m. interval, middle j postpos. during, in the course of, before, in view, dar- miyan dend, a. to employ as a mediator, p. fj,\MOjiidarmiydni, midmost ; m. a mediator.^. \*ti-*^c> ^Nt dur-viedhd, dull, stupid, igno- rant s. p' ( 380 ) >^ j^i>Xi»jd "^k^tt. drumeshwar, m. (the lord of trees) the palm tree. ». ^.(3 JilAX dui-na, n. to be hidden, concealed or absent ; to lurk, disappear, h. aUj«3 5'Tr'I dur-ndnif m. infamy, bad name, obloquy, slander, dur-nami, infamous. «. UbjjJ a^im dur'Tiama, m, piles or hsemor- rhoides. a, [end. a, cl-0;«i 5?C5ir dur-ant, ending ill, having a bad i^jii darind or darand, 1 tearing j rapa- 8i>Jj«3 darinda or daranda,} cious, fierce, ravenous (animal), p. itf^jti dirang, m. delay, hesitation j late. p. ICjj«> du-ranga, of two colours, capricious, fickle, p. j_^_>^«> dirangt, f. lateness, tardiness, p. j^^*3 ^f^'^K dur-niwarf difficult to be stopped, irresistible, a. dA>)jtS cSli/Tii dvr-ntt, ill-behaved, ill-go- verned, impolitic, m. (or dur-mti, £) misconduct, im- policy, s. jij«> dirau, w. reaping, cutting corn at har- vest, dirau-k., a. to reap. p. J j«3 ?ft darv or darrv, m. prosperity, wealth, substance, metal, matter. «. ej^\^jii stlx^ dur-vdchya, m. abuse, ill- omened speech. «. »J*jj«i darwaza, m. door, darwaza thokna, a. to knock at a door. danoSza mc^mur-k., a. to close a door. p. [the city. p. i^j^jj^ darrvazi, m. a warden, a keeper of ^jjijj<3 darwan, m. a doorkeeper, p. d*— J'jjci dardbast, all, entire ; the whole of an estate, as opposed to a Tfiamat, or share of it p. i^jD^ §^^R dur-vachan, m. abuse j ill- omened speech, a. i>jji3 darud, f. congratulation, benediction, salutation, blessing, ji. ,oi^* ,i5 darud-kar,\ -^^ -^ . fm. a carpenter, p. jSiSjjtb darud-gar,) j^\^J>jj«i darud-kari, \ f. carpentry, the usS^^j^ darud-gari, J trade or art of a carpenter, p. [mow. p. ^jiijjii dirudan (r. £?t'rtt or dirau), to reap, to u->;jMii ^^ dur-vritt, vile, wicked, leading a low or infamous life; a cheat, rogue, juggler, a blackguard, dur-vritti, f. disreputable life, degrading business, juggling, a. j[«j«3 "yPT dravir, m. a man of an out-cast tribe, descended from a degraded Kskatri. a. i^jjji^ "5^^^ rZ/'auin» f* one of the raginis or female personifications of music. «. (ji*>jji^ <;0^i darosh, m. an awl ; a lancet, s. cjjji darogh, m. a lie, falsehood ; false, da- fogh-Jfolfi, perjury, false-swearing, daro^-go, m. a liar. darogli-go,l, f. the telling of Ties. p. (^jji^ daroghl, false, lying ; a liar. p. ^JJJl*5^i> j^^l^ drohat, m. a sort of metre, the dohd, or stanza of Hind! poetry. «. {^3j^ ^^ 6?roAi, 1 spiteful, malicious, ufcjjii ^n^^lf drohiya,) inimical, mischiev- ous, rebellious, a. t/jj"^ ^^ darvi, f. a ladle or spoon. «. i^J^.ij'^ ^^I^H dravyarjan, m. gain, ac- quisition of wealth. «. »^jj«3 darrveza, m. beggary, mendicancy. ^. i^J^.jj'^ darwesK, m. a dervise, beggar, a re- ligious mendicant, p w\-£ji,jjji darweshana, like a darwesh, q. v. p. ij^.^j^ darrvesht, f. life or state of a dar- "toesh. p. iO^^j^ "^JH dravya, m. wealth, substance; an object in general ; elementary things, as earth, water, fire, air, aether, time, space, soul and intellect ; a drug, a medicament, dravya-sanchaya, m. accumulation of wealth, dravya-wat or dravya-wdn, rich, wealthy *. aJj^jJ du-ruya, double, two-faced, p. Ij^ dara, also darra, m. a \jilley or glen between hills, with a stream flowing or winding through it ; a depth, a pass. p. "ijii) diva (properly durra), m. a scourge, a. ^jiJ^ti 2»t^ dur-hriday, bad-hearted, evil- minded, s. M,^ ( 881 ) ^jd dar-ham, angry, higgledy-piggledy, con- founded. dcBr-ham bar-ham, confused, p. jtiijd darham or dirkam, m. money ; a silver coin, of which from twenty to twenty-five have at different times passed current for a dinar, and the latter being nearly equal to a ducat or sequin, about nine shillings of our money, it follows that the darham is about five pence sterling. " The dirham is said to have originally been an unstamped piece of silver, shaped like a date stone. About fifty years after the death of the prophet Muhammad it was altered into a round form and stamped. Its value in these days is uncertain," — (Binning.; a. j-Jb.i5 dar-haml, f. confusion, disorder, p. ^j^ < daryaft, f. conceiving, understand- ing, daryaft-k., to understand, to perceive, p. ff^b .«i darya^ty of or belonging to the sea or river, marine. daryS.i ddrni, a mer-man. darpd,i tota (lit. the sea parrot), the flamingo, also called rdj-haihs.p. U^jii ^(\^^ dai'tbd or darebd, m. a stall (in a market) where betel is sold. h. *3C.«3 darlcha, m. a window, p. i^iX>,j^ darldan, to tear, to rend. p. SiiJ t^ darida, torn, dartda-dahan, plain- spoken, saying whatever comes uppermost, p. Lj^..\^ ^^ dares, a road, margin, any line very straight, h, k>.jii daregh. or diregh, m. a sigh, sorrow, repugnance, disinclination ; interj. alas ! dareeh-k., a. to vrithhold. dare^]cl^rdan, to grieve, to be afflicted, p. \»>.«5 daregha or direghd, interj. alas ! p. ^J^.J^ ^iWU drekkdn, m. the regent of one- third of a planetary sign, the Decanus of European astrology, t. ^o*^«iOi«i "rtT^ duryodhan, the elder of the Kuru princes, one of the heroes of the Mahdbhardta. s. tj^j^ daryuza, beggary, begging, p, lx»-j*45 darachndy n. to fit tight, d. ^ji ^d«li«1l daraknd, n. to split, to be rent or torn, to crack, h. ^^jii durki, f. (v. dulkt) a trot. d. [able. ». Jbjd f^ dirh (for drirh, q. v.), firm, immove- ^fcj*«3 f^TtTI dirhatd, f. firmness, strength, s. I3b&j'«> fi*4 1 m dirkdnd, a. to prove (the strength of a thing), to strengthen. «. [less. h. \SJjcjbjd «{gHiT dark-mundd, shaven, beard- ,J«Afcj*<3 ^ riiH^darhiyal,ha.ying a long beard, h. \jiji^ <|[3"il darerd, m. hard, impetuous rain, /u ^Jii dareldfVa. a rush of water, a water-fall. d» dji^ duzd, m. a thief, robber, p. ^jt^ii duzdi, f. the act of stealing, theft, rob- bery; stealth, p. 5tiJ45J fcJ^llv^O disdwari, f. a kind of betel leaf; a kind of dove, foreign (goods), s. {j^j^ii ^:9T^ du-sparsh, difficult or unplea- sant to be touched ; m. a plant (Hedysarum alhagi), du-sparshd, f. a prickly sort of nightshade. «. «JlA*»>tb dast, m. hand, cubit ; stool, purge^ evacuation ; (in Dakh.) a shoulder of mutton, the fore- quarter of an animal, dast-qfshdn, one who dances, or moves the hands in dancing, &c. dast-dmox, tame, fami- liarized, tractable ; skilful, dexterous. dast-Mndaz, he wno commences a business ; an oppressor, dast-divar, purgative, effective (as medicine), dast-dwez, f. sig nature, a note of hand, bond, title-deed, &c. dast ba dast, from hand to hand, quick, expeditious : ready- money purchase, dast-burd, m. superiority, advan- tage, victory, dast barddr hond, n. to leave busiaese. c1am»i9 ( ) _ 1 mi^ to desert, to decline, dast-hardarl, f. cessation, relin- riuishment. dast bar sar hona, n. to be unable to exe- cute one's intention, to be distressed, weak, poor, or wretched. da<;t hasta, with close hands (a token of respect;, dast ba sar hona, a. to salute in the eastern manner by putting the hand to the head, dast ba Tcahza, sword in hand, ready for battle, dast-btilkcha, in. cloth in which a small bundle is wrapped up. dast-hand, a string of pearls or precious stones used as ornaments by women, dast-bos hona, dast-bost-k., to kiss hands, to salute, dast baV hona, n. to become a disciple, dast panah, m. tongs, dast-chdlak, nimble- fingered, a thief, dast-chalalct, f. a civil war, duel ; stealth, dast-khatt, m. signature ; a manuscript, chiro- graphy. dast-dardz, m. an oppressor, dast-darazi, f. oppression, dast-ras, able, affording protection or aid. dast-ras hona, n. to be able, to afford, dast-rasi, f. abi- lity, assistance, dast-shifd, successful in curing diseases (a physician), dast-talah, a beggar, dast- farosh, m. a pedlar, dastfaroshl, f. peddling, dast- Jftidrat, power, ability, strength, dast-kdr, m. a handi- craftsman ; dexterous, dast-kdri, f. handicraft ; dex- terity, dast-kash, a led horse ; a guide (of the blind) ; a captive, a beggar, dast-girifta, one who is taken by the hand ; a prot^!g6. dast-gir, a patron, protector, a saint, dast-girt, i. aid, help, assistance, support, pro- tection, dast-ldf, the first money received in the morn- ing by dealers, dast-mdl, m. a handkerchief, dast- nigar or -nigardn, needy, one in want, dast-o baghal, caressing, embracing, dast o girebdn hona, to be en- gaged in combat ; " to be at it tooth and nail." dast- ydb, attainable, procurable, p. IXm>(> ^^37 dasta, m. zinc, tutanag ; lapis calaminaris. h, ,llwi»;i dustar, m. a turban, dastar-band, m. a servittrt whose business it is to make up the turban. dastar hkufian, a tableeloth, p. ^jlla>4> dastan (for dastan), a tale or romance ; (pl. of dast) the bands, p. ^6lx^*»l> dastana, m. a glove, a gauntlet, p. ^\^JiMii dastar- khwan, m. (properly dastd?'- }(}iivdn) a tablecloth ; strictly speaking, it is a round piece of cloth or leather, &c., spread on the ground, on which the food is laid out, and around which the guests squat and fall to. There is no table in the case. p. tjiJcLuxi dastak, f. clapping of the hands, rap- ping at a door; s pass, passport, BnmmonB; com- mission, p. [ture. p. (i> dastahana, a fee for serving a writ or summons, or for a passport, &c. p. j_^xL*>ii dastakt, f. a pocket-book, a tweezer- case ; a falconer's glove, p. jlxX**>(3 dastgah, 'I f. power, ability, ,^^La»(> dast-gahy j strength, p. .y:**»4> dastur, m. custom, fashion, mode, manner ; a minister, senator ; model, regulation. a.p. ^y^\j^^^ dasturu-l- amal, m. a rule, regu- lation, model ; a body of instructions and tables for the use of revenue officers under the native govern- ments, a. p. ^jjy^oj*^ dasturi, f. perquisites paid to servants by one who sells to their master, a gratuity varying in amount in different places from one to three per cent. ; leave, licence, cong6. p. eULM>«> dasta, m. a handle ; a pestle ; a quiie of paper ; a bundle consisting of twenty-four arrows ; a handful ; a skein of thread ; a division of an army, a brigade, dasta-ddr, m. commander of a dasta. p. j^**>4> dasti, f. a torch or link that is carried "in the hands; a kind of present or handsel given to native officials ; adj. of or relating to the hand, dastl muhar, the sign manual, p. [nister. p. jUlM*ii dastyar, an assistant, coadjutor, mi- ^sLi*»i3 ?Tiinf dus-tyaj, difficult to be relin- quished or parted with. s. laitf**ti daxkkatt, m. (for dast-khatt) a signa- ture. daskJjatti k^sf, the royal signature, p. a. ^^^ajsi**ii daskhatti, of or relating to a signa- ture, p. a. jMi^ ?WT dussar, m. double stakes at dice, &c., playing double or quits, h. ijtMii dusra (for dusra), the second, h. ^J^J^M(i dasran, a kind of trick in wrestling, d. ^j**»d <;^i<.xi dasaraih (for daskarath), name of an ancient raja of Ayodhya or Oude, father ol Rama, the latter being called ddsharath. ». j»M»ii ^rm da.4i f^'W du-sam, improper, unseasonable, s. ^_^>^*>i^ *^*i*\\ dasaml or i^^lHt dashami, f. the ■■ tenth day of a lunar month, s. ^^J^*>*^ ^iwnf du-samay, m. time of affliction, ■"distress. *. ^^ti ?[?r«T dasan or ^^pf dashan, m. a tooth, s. U**>ii f^^RT disna, n. to be seen, to appear j a. to see. s. ^^'y*il^ ^?Rt dasTvan, the tenth, daswana, a tenth part (added to the revenue, fcc). », \J^yM!^ ti^^\t\X\ dasotara, 1 ten per cent.; a ijiyjtii ^ihnXi dasotaraj tenth part. h. \^yMii ^ii\m dasohha, m. moulting (of birds), dasohha jhdfna, to moult, h. \JMli^^y^tli ^TRrf^^TT dasoh-disa, the ten re- gions or quarters of the world. «. j^j^fjy**!^ ^^ITTTTR dason-dwdr (see das), s. \JbMynd t^WfVT dasavndha, 1m. a panegy- ^^y*»ii ^wlvi dasaundht,} rist, a bard. h. &a>4i 5*'^ rfw-sfl/i. intolerable, difficult to be borne, s. L^(^ ^TT^TT dasahra or das,hara, the tenth of Jaith sliukl paks^, which is the birthday of GangS. "Whoever bathes in the Ganga on that day is purified from ten sorts of sins ; the tenth of dsin shukl paks^ on which, after the worship and religious ceremonies performed during nine nights (navaratri) they throw the images of Devi into the river. On this day Rama marched against Rdvana, on wliich account it is called Vijai Dasami. The day is celebrated with great pomp by Hindu princes, the weapons and in!>truments of war are hallowed, and, if war lie intended, the cam- paign is then opened. «. ^ ,^* ( 383 ) ^ ^A*>4i ^Tf\dasi, f. thread ; the unwoven threads at the end of a piece of cloth, s, j^^;i ^^ da.tyu, m. an enemy, a thief, an op- ■ jiressor, a violator, &c. dasyu-vritti, f. theft, dishonest mode of subsistence, s. 8^jw»i5 du-sera, a weight of two ser^. ^. ^^J^iS ^^ft^ST dasila, in good circumstances, s. \j^i^ ^ (fasA, ten (v. das), s. (^^f^dish, If. region, quarter, point (of litS f^'^lT disha,} the compass). «. \*ttd ^^ dasha, f. state, condition, circum- stance ; period or time of life, age. dashd-phal, m- result of circumstances or of condition of life, dasha- vishesh, m. peculiar circumstances or condition, s. ^^j\J*»d ^"^n^ dasharn, m. a country in cen- tral Hindustan, south-east of the Vindhya mountain. & KiJiMi^ ^^rnSl dasharna, f. a river rising in the Yindhja mountain, the Dosarene of the ancients, s. ^Xuid ^^nf dasharh, m. a country in the south of India, the kingdom of Yadu, or its people, s. ^^jjjt\Z»i^ ^^rnfnr du-shasan, ungovernable, in- tractable. *. J^ii>l^t> (^ ^1 1 S^lc^ disha-shul, m. a sign in the heavens, consulted on commencing a journey; the quarters towards vrhich it is considered unlucky to travel on particular days. s. ^Ujt> ^T^ du-shald, m. a pair of shawls, h. (jiJ^ti ^^in[f dashansh, m. the tenth part. s. LdiiU*^ (^^|ir«i4i dashdnik, m. a plant (Cro- ton polyandrum), s. Xij\J^ii (^^INill^ dashdvaidr, (he of the ten incarnations) a name of Fis^nu, s. jXZui^^jmi. dash-pur, m. a fragrant grass ( Cy- perus rotundus) ; a district, part of Malwa in Baudel- khand. s. {^SjiJ^i "^vglTj dvsh-praj) (also dush-prdpya), diflScult of attainment, remote, unattainable, s. {^.x^i^ iy\^ du-thparsh (f. dushparshd), not to be touched, unpleasant to the touch ; m. a plant {Hedysarum alhagi). «. CJ»i^,JuIjii <^vye|ifiT dvsh-prakriti, of a bad na- ture or disposition, s. Cl^J^ii dasht, m. a desert, forest ; a plain, p. ]/^ii (^^f-41 dashatrd, ten per cent. ; a tenth, s. ^j^ii dashtt, wild, savage ; uncouth, p. iJl^i^ "^ dusht, bad, wicked, depraved, low, vile ; enemy. dusht-bhd,o, innately bad. dushf-bha,ota, f. innate depravity, dushta-ta, f. wickedness, badness. dushf-chdri (f. dusht-chdrini), wicked, dushp-chetd, Daalevolent ; stupid, dusht-matl, wicked, depraved, s. vJiv^t> f^ disht, f. (for drisht, q. v.) sight, view. ». t^}j»,iJ,xi^(if^^Tg^r^3^dishtbandhak,the. pledge of real property, such as land, houses, &c. «. u«Mi^ ^UT duskta, f. a depraved woman, a harlot. 5. [^ty. •• llixwxi ^?dl dushtatd, f. wickedness, depra- U^^ti fJHJ^T dush'Chara, acting ill, behaving wickedly. «. C^j^^ ^^jfnr dush-charit, misbehaving, doing or designing ill ; m. evil purpose or action, mis conduct, s. 0^ju»d ^'5K^ dasharath (see dasarath). s. «Jl ffbafc^i dush-hd, m. a low family or race, dush-kulin, of a low family, s. ,^5<^ J ^«^ dushkh, m . pain in general, s. Jj^d c^^lUIH dash-gram, m. a district of ten villages, s. ro-^ii ?f5Pn5r dash-gun, ten times, tenfold. *. ^^iLiJLa»t> ?(^l9^in dash-lakshan, m. an aggre- gate of ten marks or attributes, s, ^^ ^^ dasham, tenth (v. dasarri), s. JUjS»;> ^in'n(5 dash-mal, m. a collection of ten garlands, s, ^»^(> duskman, m. an enemy, dushmani jam, a deadly foe. dushman-kdm, a calamity (q- d. the wish of an enemy) ; adj. wretched, ruined, p. li^i^ dushmani, f. hatred, detestation, en- " mity. p. y^yjli^ m^K^ dash-mul, m. a tonic prepared from the roots of ten plants, s, i^Jmi^ <^\IH\ dashami, f. the tenth day of a "lunar fortnight ; the tenth and last stage of human life; the last ten years of a century; adj. very old. «. ioM)(> ^^T dashan, m. a tooth, s. ^\jui>t5 dushndm, m. abuse, scurrility, p. ftjUM>(> dashna, m. a poignard. p. Sy**^ dushwdr, difficult, arduous, p. ^J^y!^»^ dushwdri, f. difficulty, p. \jJjtii ^mJU dashahra, m. (see dasahrd'). s. ur*^ ( 384 ) ^Ji»d ^ift dashi, f. thread (v. dasl). s. ^xi»ii ^l^^du-shll, ill-behaved, reprobate., s. i)uu*»iS t(5rt<35T dashila, same as £?o«i'a, q.v. «, jO> , jjjk^t) (^5ir*^*1 dashendriya, the ten organs of sense and action, vi«. skin, eye, tongue, nose, ear, organ of speech, hand, foot, aaus, and pudendum, s. Ipii du'a, f. benediction, salutation, congratu- lation, prajer, 'wish, imprecation. du'd,e Jchair. a prayer for one's welfare. du'a,e daulat, praying for one's prosperity, benediction, du'a-k., or -mungnl, a. to wish for, to pray for. du'd-go, one who is uttering a benediction, a well-wisher. du'd-go,t, f. the act of blehsing. a. a»j vP-J dua,iya, benediction, prayer, &c. a. \^^ dawa, m. (v. cf3^^) claim, &c. a. O^^iJ daroat (pi. of 0^> ( 409 l^xJi ^^ dekha, seen ; m. a sijjht. dekhd dekhl, f. emulation, competitiou, the looking at each other, or being within sight (of objects), s. Gl^5o5 ^^T'TT dekhand,a. to shew, exhibit, s. (^^1^5 ^Isfl^ dekha,t, f. appearance, shew- ing. ». Ll^^ioi ^J^P deg, f. a caldron, a pot. p. ^^\s^i deg-ddtif m. a fireplace, a trivet, p. }r. poverty, indi- gence; humility, s. a pot, a small caldron, p. e«r?-5 degcha, m.l • ^^-1^ degcht, f. J Jjjii digar, other, another ; again, p. ^^<2Jo(3 deg-sho, m. a scullion. ^. jv»ii>5 digambar or ^TB^ degambar (v. rft- gambar), naked, &c. <. Ujl^,5 ^«{|5 ^tH dend (also ^'Nn dind), a. to give, to grant, to yield ; to allow, to permit ; to emit, let, resign ; to cause, to produce, to lay (eggs) ; m. giving, dend pdnd, profit and loss ; settling of one's affairs. de7ia- lend (v. den-len), traffic, &c. s, j\JJ5 dinar, m. the name of a coin, a ducat. dinar i sur^, gold coin ; according to Gladwin, the dinar is a silver coin, estimated at ten dams, or six- pence sterling of our money, reckoning the dam at one-fortieth of a rupi. " The actual value of the dinar is not known. It is at present merely a nominal or imaginary coin. The Persian iuman, a gold coin worth about ten shillings, is said to contain l'',000 dinars, which would make the dinar somewliat less than one- twentieth of a farthing." — (Binning.) p. ) y.'i UA^.t> ^^TTTT clinatd, i^^Ki^i ^?T(TT^ dinntd,t,j gence; humility. ^•^J^y ^f^ duinik, diurnal, daily, s. ^^joi^fftoul (/amj7«,f.aday*s hireorwages. s. ,S^..^ dengi, f. bounty, liberality, d. / \^i^„^ ^^ den-len, m. pecuniary transactions upon interest, debts and credits, gambling, t. yy>P "^t^ dinau (Braj), third pers. sing, past tense of denyu^, to give. t. &Jo^ ^;*J dainya, m. poverty, humbleness, meanness, covetousness. s. ^i dew, m. a demon, a sprite, a devil, p. y>P ^ dew, m. a god ; a husband's brother; a term applicable to a Brahman, also to a man of the Kayath class, dew-thdn, f. a temple, place of idols ; (met.) the rain. s. y>j^ \'^ daiv, divine, celestial ; m. destiny, fate. daiV'Chinta, f. fatalism, reliance on fate, daiv- chintak, m. a fatalist, daiva-gya, prophetic, acquainted witli fate ; m. an astrologer, daiva-gyd, a female for- tune-teller, daiv-lekhak, an astrologer, dalv-vdni, f. a voice from heaven, daiv-yug, m. an age of the gods. s. ^J^ 7^ dayau or "^tJt daiyau (Braj), gave, given, past of deiiaun. s, ^p ^f^ divi, m. the blue jay. s. lyi ^^ dewd, m. a god, a deity ; a giver, a liberal man ; f a flower {Hibiscus mutabilis) ; a plant {Marsilea quadrifolia). s. \^P ^^ diwd, m. (v. diyd) a lamp. s. C^\y>p ^^cf daivdt, by chance, fatally, un- avoidably ; at length, t. ji^5 dlwdVf f. a wall^ the bridge of the nose. p. \\^P diwdr, the genius loci," or god under whose special care a village is placed (supposed to be a corruption of dih-wdr). p. [on a wall, p, f^ySj\^i dimdr-gtri, f. tapestry or hangings Oo^y,^ '^^TTTT dewdgat or daivdgat, f. sudden misfortune, accident, s. J\y i ^WT^ dewdl, m. a giver, s. J^^tJ dirndl, f. a wall (same as ^^if^^l detmliya, a b inkrupt, q. d. ; one who has been fleeced or cleaned out at dewdli, q. V. s. [deA) t. ^uJloi ^'^IcJ^ dervale,l, f. traffic (v. len- (jloi diiran, m. a tribunal ; a steward ; the collector-general of a province on the part of liis ma- jesty (next in rank to the nazim), whose business it is to superintend the lands and collections, and the remittances of them to court, to grant sanads under his seal (witli the approbation of the nazim), to zarnin- dars, jaglrddrs, &c. The steward of any man of rank, as the title is now adopted by the principal ser- vants of the zammdar, and those of English gentle- men, are also called d'lwdn. The term is sometimes used to express the bags in which the records and other papers are kept: it is also applied to a book or collection of poetical pieces of the species called ^a«a/ and Tcastda, q. v., the rhymes of the different poems end- ing successively with every letter in the alphabet, di- want a'la, m. a prime minister, wazlr. dlwdni hhass. m. privy-council chamber. dlwdn-M^na, a tribunal, an oflice ; a court, hall, hall of audience, dlwdni 'dm, public hall of audience, p. ^j^\^ji dlwana-pan, madness, insanity, p. h. iS^^^A dtwanagi, f. insanity, madness, p. io\^ii diwana, mad, insane, inspired, p. (jf^yij^ diwam, the office of the king's diwan, and superintendence of the administration of civil jus- tice, p. [heaven, firmament. $. ,^.y,;i q^^^ dev-path, m. the celestial path, U-^.^ii ^ennn dev-puja, f. the worship of the gods, idolatry, s. ^.^fJjy.ii ^^WH dev-ballabh, m. a tree used in dyeing {Rottleria tinctoria). t. ^J^^.C) ^"W^«T dev-bhavan, m. the holy fig- tree; paradise; a temple, t. cll»-y^y,(i ^^rnpoir dev-pvjak, a worshipper of the Deity, s. O^.ii flK dyut, m. gaming, playing with dice, &e. dyutddhikdrt, the keeper of a gaming-house. dyut-purnima, f. the day of full moon in Kdrtik, the night of which is spent in games of chance, in honour of Laksffmi. dyut-sabhd, f, a gaming-house or assem- bly, dyut-kdr, m. a gaming-house keeper, a gambler, s. O^.ii ^«nn dewid, f. a Hindi! god, a deity, divinity ; a respectful address used towards Brah- mans, such as " your holiness," " your godship." s. foyip ^«IHIf dev-tdr, m. a kind of grass {Andropogon serratus). $. yy>j^ ^Mcl^ dev-taru, m. the holy fig-tree j a tree of paradise, the tree of plenty ; any venerable and ancient tree, generally the place of assembling in a village, s. [nature, i. »yyi ^^T^ devatwa, m. divinity, divine ^j3y},i ^MiO^ dev-tirih, m. the tips of the fingers, sacred to the gods. $, ^y>P ^"^Z diroat, f. a lamp-stand, s. (jl^yy^i ^^7T^ detv-t/idn, f. the second day of the moon of Karlik sbukl paks^.on which Fitlffu awakes from his sleep of four months. (S^J^ ^^5^ devattt, f. a sort of gull (Larut " ridibundiu). s, ^^^/<^ de,oti, a torch, a lamp. d. jj\iiy}^(i ^'^^^ dev-ddru, m. a species of pine {Pinus devadaru) : in Bengal it is usually applied to a medicinal tree ( Uvaria longifolia) ; and in the penin- sula to anotlicr tree {ErytUruxylon ilderoxyloides). s. ^^by.ii ^^^»ft dev-ddnt, f. a creeper, com- monly called Hdtighosh. s. 05y*i ^^^ deva-datta, given by a deity : this is frequently a man's name among Hindus, and it is curious to observe how names of the same or simi- lar import are found in various languages, such as AUdh-bakhsh, Khudd-ddd, Theodore, Diodati, Gott- sched, &c. s. AJoUbti^iS ^^VT!^ dev-dhdnya, m. a sort of grain (^Andropogon saccharatus). s. t— >yb5y.4i ^^VT dev-dhup, m, a fragrant resin (bdellium) used in incense, t. [ther. ». jyld ^^X dewar, m. husband's younger bro- ij}j^,i^ ^m.\*ii\ dervidrii, diwrdnt, or «l*.i«i1 dyordnl, f. husband's younger brother's wife. f. cijjy.'^ ^'*Crt dev-rupt, godlike, of divine form. s. {Jjyi.^ de,ori (for de,orht), a gate, &c. d. (j*»y.43 daiyus, m. a contented cuckold, or one who winks at the fornication of his female relatives from interested motives (also daiyus). a. ^JUAj^.ii ^^WTT dev-sabhd, f. an assembly of the gods. s. [mons. p, j^H-i^ii derv-stdn, f. the habitation of de- j^^ju»»y,i ^^^H deva-sthdn, f. temple, place of idols, s. iyM^ii ^^^ deva-sTva, m. the property appli- cable to religious purposes, endowments, s, uiJy.ti ^^Tclf devak, divine, godlike, daivak, an astrologer, an almanac maker. 5. ti)y 3 d'lwak, a \veevil,a moth, the white ant. p. ,^i.l\^y,4i ^oiiTff dev-kdshtha, m. a kind of pine {Pinus devadaru). «. [cresses, h. ji!jji^y«> ^^flFTlT dev-fidndar, m. water- f>^Sy>.^ \^ ^ \^ dev-ftardam, m. a fragrant paste of sandal, agallochum, camphor, and saffron- flower, s. ijS^j^ <'=»^,p ^fiTXlt dev-girt (also dev-girl), f. name of a musical note or ragiiii. s. j,dJ^y>i dev-gandum (lit. devil's wheat), rye. p. s-^^P ^^ daimgya, an astrologer, an al- manac maker, s. Jy.ii ^^^ dewal, m. a temple where idols are worshipped, a temple, a pagoda, s. U3^.4> ^^^flT dev-lata, f. double jasmine, s. ciJ^y i ^«f^ofc dev-lok, m. heaven, paradise, any of the celestial worlds. *. jj^43 ^N^ divlt, f. a small lamp. s. /J^.ii t^^ c?en?/i, f. a fish scale ; the scale "or scab of small pox ; a small lamp. h. (^jijUy li ^^JTRI dev-mas, m. the eighth month of pregnancy, s. fj^^^i ^TTPTT^ deva-nagari, f. the cha- racter used by the Hindus in their sacred writings, s. \jjqK>^P ^^^\mA\ dewna-viarwa^ m. the name of a shrub {Ocymum). s. 0*/«;3y.»i ^f»!fR?r dev-nhinit, created (by God), natural, «. JJ^.;i ^T»Tq5 dev-nal, di,unal, or de,onal, a kind of reed (Ancndo Bengalensis), the stem of which is used for writing. *. [the gods, atheism, s. \SjJy>Ji ^^«T»^ dev-nindd, f. contempt of (J}^jj^i ^Tf»T»^ dev-nindak, a reviler of the gods, an unbeliever, s. ^3^jy.4> ^M'M mil dev-vam, f. the language of the gods, Sanskrit, s. yj^ii devotar, land held rent-free in the name of Hindu deities, ostensibly for the provision of all the necessaries of divine worship. — Gladwin, h. j^l^jj^J ^<4)r^H devotthan, f. a place of idols, a temple, s. ^Jop^^p ^TllTR devodyan, m. a sacred grove. ' *. [blessing, s. j^^P ^'<|«IC dev-var, m. a divine boon or C^jj^^i ^TSnt dev-vrat, m. vow to a deity, s. Lr^Jjy*^ ^^T'^TJI dev-vrikshf m. a tree (Echites scholaris)^ a tree of heaven or paradise; s plant yielding a fragrant resin {Bdellium), s. Sy.ji f^: rfaii'a, divine, relating to a divinity, s. I^y 5 ^(f'^4.1 dervhra, m. a temple where idols are worshipped, s. (_f^y %^ daivi (v. daibi), fate, destiny ; adv. accidentally, fatally. «. ^yi ^^ devi, f. (v. dehi) a goddess ; the goddess Durga; a queen; a plant {Trigonella corni- eulata). a. {jL>y->,^P ^«ft«Sl^ devi-koft, m. a town, the city of Van, probably Davicotta on the Coromandel coast, s. s^^^i^ ^"af daivya, m. fate, fortune, s. ^05 ^ deh, f. the body, deh durana, to con- ceal or cover one's nakedness, deh sambhdbia, to keep one's spirits, to be firm, to recover one's self, deh- tyag, m. voluntary death, death in general, deh-cliyut, detached from the body (as excrements or the spirit). deh-kshay, m. disease, sickness, deh-wat or deh -wan, corporeal, embodied, deh-yatra, f. death, s. &:>j^^ dehu, (Braj) 2d pers. sing, imper. of denaun, to give. i. sM dlh, 1 .„ ' >• a town or village, p. s^j^ diha,) C^l^P d'lhat (pi. Arab.), villages; the country, as opposed to cities, p. j_53lj Jl^i ^TW^T^ dehdtma-vadi, m. a charvak, a materialist. *. ^J^P dihati, of or relating to a village <^' " villages, dihatl-jam', the amount of revenue receiv able at the efi/i, from the several villages composing such division, after deducting the charges ofcoUectioa in each. p. j^S^i dih-dar, a person appomted to attach the harvest of villagers, that the revenue may be se- cured, dih-ddr kharch, expenses of a dih-dar, p. ijJiS^P dth-ddn, office of a village keeper; adj. of or relating to a village keeper, dlhddri- salami, a tax of one rupi annually, collected from every dih or village of a district, to defray the expenses of a dih-dar or person deputed on the part of him who has the charge of the collection, to hinder the cultivators from carrying off their crops till they have paid up their revenues, p. \jf^i ^^TT dehra, m. a temple where idols ai'e worshipped by ja»w«; a Hindii temple. ». ^^5 ^^^ dehn, f. the threshold of a door, "the lower part of the wooden frame of a door, or a raised terrace in front of it. h, ^J^P ^f^ dehin, ^ corporeal, embodied, ^^i ^"i dehi, ) living, s. ^p f^ daihau, (Braj) second plur. aor. of denaun. t. [peasant, p. 1-4^5 dTihi, of or belonging to the village, a wo5 ^ deya, fit or proper to be given, s. ^ T da, is the twelfth letter in the Hindu- stani alphabet. Its sound is very nearly that of our own din did, done; and it differs from that oidal from its being uttered by applying the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth or palate. It is sometimes used instead of ddl, dand for dand, a staff, and when not at the beginning of a word, it is frequently converted into r, as tada or tafa, an island, ft. »\j U->^t5 TPT dab, f. the name of a grass (^Poa cynosuroides). s. [cocoa-nut. h. <— -j'fi TR' dab, in. a sword-belt ; an unripe jiVd TT^ dabar, m. a vessel for washing hands in ; a small round tank ; low pjround where water settles, dabar-vaint. having large eyes (epithet applied to women ; dabafha PanjabI signifies great), h. ij^AiS j|<4ch ddbak, m. fresh water drawn from a well. h. ^13 TM ddbh, m. name of a sacrificial grass (v. kusha) ; a forest, h. iJLfMi "STZ ddt, f. threatening, snubbing, brow- beating, checking, h. ^\'6 TI7»n ddtna, a. to snub, to check, to threaten, to browbeat (also daAtna, q. v.) h. j\ii ?TT ddr, f. a branch, a bough ; a rank, row. ddr kl dar, a succesion of ranks ; a band, troop, h. ^ij> Tffm darim, m. (v. ddrim) a pome- granate, h. ^^ Tff^rJT ddkin, f. same as dakim, q. v. ^>«i Trar«n ddknd, a. to vomit. A. ^jji Iii Jilfonttl ddkini, f. a female imp, a witch, whose evil eye causes children to pine and die : she is said to consume their liver ; (met.) a termagant, s. ^Sd ^W ddku, m. a robber, pirate, h. j^iti siqil ddkt, gluttonous, voracious, h. ^'ti TffonMt ddkiyd,m. a robber ; a postman, h. \Z^S]'d Tt%Tr ddkait, m. one of a gang of rob- bers, commonly called a " dacoit." h. ^J^^r'^ii Tranrt ddkaiti, f. robbery by gangs, h. U^S TI^ dal, f. a branch, a bough ; a basket for raising water, efc ^ai, of one piece, without join- ing, h. >^ Tl^t ddld, m. a litter, a large branch, h. jjlii Trf(gW ddlim, m. a pomegranate (v. dafim). ( 412 ) ^\6 \-*jlti Tl^'^f/a/wa, a. to throw down, to fling, to cast, to pour, to lay, to push, to set, to shake, to submir, to throw, to thrust, to destroy, to throw away, to cause, to occasion, to produce, to excite, ddl-dend,tL to throw away, to cast, to occasion, h. j^^'si TTon ddti, f. a tray, or rather a couple of trays fastened by slings for carrying presents ; hence a present o< fruit, &c. ; a basket of fruit, &c. ; a branch a bough, h. jo^ti TTRT ddmar, ra. pitch, resin j a torch, h. cLo<3ciAi\j> iUmi ddnt-dapat, f. gallop, swiftness, h. UjL>! TTT55 ddnthal, m. pedicle, petiole, footstalk, h. [dicle. stalk, h. j^j^^'"^ ^TT^ ddntht. f. a straw, stubble, pe- sAii ?tT ddnd, high ground (opposed to ddhar, low ground), h. d^VST^ ddnd^ta. retaliation, penalty, revenge, fine, forfeit ; an oar ; the back-bone ; a stick ; a line. ddnd bharnd, a. to pay a fine, or undergo a penalty. ddnd lend, to fine, to amerce, t. \Si\6 TTTT ddndd, m. landmarks ; road, ddndd^ mendd, ra. the frontier boundary between the lands of two proprietors, s. bJO^ j" JFfHT ddndnd, a. to retaliate, to take revenge, to fine, to punish, s. i^SJ\3 'Srit ddndi, m. a rower, a waterman, s, tjt^^ii 1T9 dans, m. the sting of a reptile; a large mosquito, s. <.iI3lii' ^cF dank, m. foil (under precious stones) ; the sting of a scorpion, s. j_^)(i ddnki, voracious, gluttonous; m. a glutton, d. tfjjlii ^tn dang, f. a stick, a club; the great- est height or summit of a mountain. K jCJMS'SVtTTi ddngar, Ithin, lean; m. a lean \Ji^\3 ^TTRJ ddngrd,) beast, a starveling, superannuated horned cattle; the flowering stem of radishes or mustard, h. ^^»S\^\6 'si^TTtoS ddnwddol, or ddnivdiidol, m. wandering without house or home, ruined, desti- tute, ^dnwddoli, f. state of destitution, wandering without a home h. [whelp, h. j^y^ii jiM^ ddnwru, m. a tiger's cub or ^o^j^iii ddwdn, left, left hand. d. J[jJolj\(i> ddrvdndol (v. ddnwddol). d. t\ii TT? ddk, f. malice, spite, rancour, envy, jealousy, s. i^\s>\ii 31^^ ddhuk, m. a gallinule. s. Jjfc^JI 31^9 ddhal, m. the name of a country, also Tripura. s. Ji\S ( 413 ) ul32 Ujfcti TT^fTT dahna, n. to be malicious, to burn with spite; to be fuzed (as metal); to heat metal, s. ^!(i' TT^t daht, malicious, spiteful, envious. 5. ^^b 3I^R dai/an (also dd,en or dayin), f. a witch. *. (_-^(i T^ dah, m. strength, power, authority ; a kind (rf pocket ; the leather with which oil-pots are made, ^b-gar, m. a currier, h. \>'6 ^njT dahha, m. a leathern vessel for hold- ing oil. h. bi frST dibba, m. a small box. ^. Ub(i* g^TtTT dubana, a. to cause to sink, to immerse, to dip ; to demolish, ruin, destroy, h. .bj> '^ 4\ ^^ dubarv, out of man's depth, deep (enough to drown in) ; m. drowning, h. I3b'6 «RT; dabra,) a small pond (Scottice, " a dub "). dabra-dahra, m. a puddle, h. lOii T^ dab7-i, division of profits among the village community according to their respective shares, h. [handed, h. b^Ji f!i*i> imx i dubsi, inundated land, or land "liable to be flooded, h. KjJ ?T«n dabkd, m. fresh water drawn from a well ; adj. fat, corpulent, h. U^^ jMchH T dabaknd, n. to glitter, h. joS T^ dubki, f. a dip, a dive. h. ojH T^^ dubnd, n. to sink, be immersed, h, ',. ^ ^3 Ta dabbu, m. an iron spoon, h. b^yi" j«|<n dubwdna, a. (v. dubana) to cause to be sunk, drowned, or destroyed, h. b«.>^ T^t«n dabond or ^^\'i^ dubond, a. (same ^dubana). tiam ^«6o»a, to vUify, to disgrace. A. Ijjt^*.)^ !E ft. boi Pjfiim dibiyd, f. a small box (for medi- bubi* jM2«il dapatnd, n. to call out, to shout; to gallop ; to rebuke. A. |j^ daprd, a sort of musical instrument, d. ^Ji ZVR daph, m. (for daf) a k'-nd of musical instrument, a small drum, h. bjt^i TIHITTH daphdrnd, n. to cry bitterly, to blubber, to roar. h. (Jl^i.i* ?tRIq5^ daphdll (for dafdli), ra. a kind "of /a>^ir, who plays upon a musical instrument called daf; (met.) a chatterer, p. u'li ?^ (^«.^/a, m. a plug, spigot, a cork. h. bJ j> ftZ^ ditnd, a. to see j to take aim, to look at. s. bJ j ?7«n datnd, n. to stop, to stand still, h, l^'t^i ?7T dathd, m. a stalk. A. b^'ii fjHI dardnd, a. to frighten, to terrify; adj. frightful, terrible. *. .>|i(i> TTra dard,u, terrible, terrific, h. bjl.i' ? U ' ^ *TT dardwnd, a. to frighten, to terrify, darawana, frightful, terrifying, tremendous, ft* u-'jfi TT^T darap, adj. afraid, h. bo .(i TTTRT darapnd, n. to be afraid, h. \JS^^6 74.Ml4|i<1l darpoknd, a coward. A. \^ K^H T darmaiyd, fearful ; (met.) a coward, ft. bb.jii Tg^lRT darhmundd, having the beard cropped, shaved, deprived of beard. «. Jjtfcj-jj Tfe^ darhiyal, having a long beard, s. i^jn6 ^m das, m. the string by which scales are suspended (or held in the hand) ; the threads of the warp at the end of a piece of cloth which are left unwoven ; the end of a piece of cloth, s, UumJI TQtTT dasnd, a. to bite or sting (as a venomous animal). «. KiyMiS H^wi\ dasaund, m. bedding, h. t_-i j> daf, a kind of tambourine (v. daf)' d, jj^i dafdli (for dafdli), one who plays on "the daf. d. J6 dafar, sail of a ship. d. Li^ii TUT duk, m. a b w with the fist. h. ^S ( 414 ) X ffJlHT digdnd, a. to cause to shake, move. h. Ul^Js^j 3'15'IMI dugdugand, n. to sound a kettle drum, to twinkle, h. y^d^'6 TTS'IRI dagdaydnd, n. to shake; to bum brightly, to burn clear (charcoal). 4''g4cg^f('ir patii plna, to drink greedily, or a large quantity at a draught, h, S'6 TJR da gar, f. a road, a path, a highway, h. ^ jj T^n dagrd, a kind of vessel, h. \)\^6> ^iTOfTT dagrdnd, a. to propel, to roll. h. JWjCii f?rTTT5fr»n digar-jdnd, n. to go away. fi. \f'6 jJIHI dagarndt n. to travel, to walk on the road, to roll. h. t^^'S UXPJ{ dagmag, adj. unsteady, totter- ing ; f. the act of shivering, tottering. A. OlC^tJ TTRTTitn dagmagdnd, n. to shiver, to totter, to stagger, h. U^JJ ijTtm dignd, n. to shrink, to go back, to relapse, to slide from the right j)ath ; to shake, to vi- brate, to tremble, to quaver, to move, to slip to stumble. }i. [tie. s. J J) ?fc5 dvli, f. a small turtle ; a female tur- .. ^ ^(i "S^dald, m. a large lump, a clod, a large basket, h. [swing. A. '3^(3 4cJJT«n duldnd, a. to move, to shake, to wJJii jQ&W dalah, m. a sling, a basket, a dalt, carried on men's shoulders by means of a stick and ropes, like the beam and strings of a balance : presents of fruit, sweetmeats, &c, are generally sent in this manner ; glitter, h. oJ'i ircpqji dulikd, f. a small bird resembling a wagtail. *. {£ana). d. ^y^tS dQ&H<^HT dalmaldnd,, n. (v. dagma- v^Jti sQj»n dulnd, n. to walk with a peculiar twisting of the body; (a gait much affected by women), h. [a lid), h, 'y f^ dimh, ra. an egg; a chrysalis; the bladder ; the spleen ; the uterus ; any young animaL t. i>x« ff»T dimbh, m. pride, vanity ; any young animal ; a fool, an idiot, a blockhead, t. \^xa'6 f3»TT dimbhd, f. an infant, s. j)*iS "SJ^ dandd, m. a staff, an ensign-staff; the beam of a pair of scales, s. \do'S T^pr dandd, a collector of market dues. h. ^^'X^^'6 dandd-zanl, name of a mode of tor- " ture (v. Ell. Gl.). h,p. [{Amphisboena). i. ^33S sTlB*? dundubh, m. a kind of snake J JO j> fe fi lg^ dindir, m. cuttle-fish bone, con- sidered to be congealed foam of the sea. t. *<30(i ftfj^ dindim, m. a musical instrument; a kind of small drum or tabor ; a plant bearing a small fruit {Carissa carandas). s. \\iy>i^ JJ^mrcj dandwdrd, a south wind. h. Oj3Ji ^l^^iT dandmat or jIH^ri dandaut, also dandawat, a Hindu salutation, obeisance, h. ^SiS Z^ dandl, f. a handle ; the beam of a pair of scales ; m. any one who bearg a staff, a weigh- man ; a mendicant who carries a staff in his hand, pag' ^andi, f. a footpath, s, i^d^d 71^ dandi, f. the tube of the corolla of the Nyctanthes arbortrittis, which is used for dye ing. h. bjjii jfjI^MI (Jandiyd, m. a kind of garment for women ; a collector of market duties, h. JJi) ( 435 ) UJ' j>Siii ?l|i1< dandir, f. a line, stripe, score, lineament, h. ijXi^ Tf dank, m. the sting of a reptile or insect, particularly a scorpion, dank mama, to sting, h. Kij TfT danka, m. a double drum, a kettle- drum ; the sound of the kettle-drum. h. U •\^J> danharna, n. (v. dakarna) to bellow, gjg ^ [the kettle-drum. s. ^Jf^>i^ 3|fT^ danka,i, f. wages of a beater of ^lioS jP^'H^ dankini, f. a witch (v. dakinl). s. Uliio^ Tf^tilMI dankiyana, a. to sting (as a reptile), h. ^U^JJ g^lcj^ T danklld, armed with a sting. ^. J^jI fs^ dingar, m. a fat man ; a servant, a slave, a rogue, a cheat, a low or depraved maa. ». \j\j3'i^ 7gf^qTO(?«w5'w;a?'a,1 reciprocal assist- J JjoO g g'cin:; dangwara,j ance in tillage. A. \.^ 7^ f?awa, ra. a large wooden spoon, h. w>j^ ft? ^oft, m. a dip, a dive, a plunge; a dip (in dye or colouring), dob-dena, a. to dip in dye. h. ^ji ^ dvb, m. a dip, a dive, immersion, k. bjJ> tr^ doba, m. a reservoir; fainting, h. js>-bj^ SWl^T. dubdcharf^m. an island or \\ijd rwm dubdra, J bank left in the channetof ariver; any low ground liable to be flooded.^. Ub,^ 'S^J^T dubdtid,\a. to sink or cause to li^,(i «nft«nc?wtona,J sink, to immerse, h. jc^b.^ ^HT^£ZM&a,t,an unconditional bribe, h. iL.i* ^?«n dubnd, n. to dive ; to be drowned ; to be immersed ; to set, to sink ; to be absorbed bi business or study ; to be destroyed, ruined, dil-duhna, a. to faint, h. byj gcHf TT dubond, a. to sink (v. dvhdnd). j^'6 ftt.dor, f. string, cord, thread, rope; m. a fillet of thread or cord tied round the arm or wrist, h. \jjii ?tn dord, ra. thread, line; edge of a sword, &c. ; a ladle ; a capsule (of poppy, &c.). ankh kd dord, a blood-shot eye, vessels distended with blood on tlie tunica conjunctiva of the eye (from intoxication or other cause), dore ddlnd, a. to stitch a quilt ; to utter a long-continued sound like the amaduvade {Fringilla Ainandava), kis chitli ne dore dale i tukfe ho ho Idl lard hai. What female amaduvade uttered this prolonged strain? (at hearing which) the male has fouglit 80 desperately, gardan kd dord, a graceful motion of the neck in dancing, h. ulJjjii Ttr^ dorak, ra. a string, a fillet of thread, &c. (v. dor). ijfj^i^ Ttrft dori, f. a string, cord, thread, h. -)jj J) Ttft^n doriyd, m. striped muslin ; lace; a dog-keeper, h, ^^^jj(i> i\<\^\i doi'i-wdld, m. a ropemaker.A. jl^.jj Ttr't^n; dorthdr, m. a pedlar who goes about selling laces, thread, &c h. if^.j^iS iftftTJ doriya, ra. a kind of lace. h. 'jjiS Ttf dor, name of a race o{ rdjputs, said to be now extinct, h. ^^j^'S'if^ daurhi, f. a threshold, &c. (v. "dewrhi); adj. one and a half, or half as much as (any quantity); raised one half higher (a tone in music), fl. «-i)j(i 7t^ dok, f. voraiting. h. \p» '6 "ilWW dokrdy old, ancient, an old man. h. KS$y^ Tt^SFXft dokrxy f. old (woman), h. \mj3 ftWV doknd, n. to vomit, h. j/jj> Tt«h1 doki, f. vomiting, h. d5 J* Sji^ dogar (for dongar), a mountain, d. Jji Tf35 dol, m. a leathern bucket for draw- ing water ; a rich black soil. h. Jj ^^ dauljXa. manner, method, mode; shape, fashion, form ; estimate of assets for the pur- pose of assessments, daul-pafpa, the rent-roll of a farm. h. '^jS Tt^T dold, m. a swing; a kind of sedan • bier on which a corpse is carried £ a wife from as inferior family, married by a person of rank who gives a present to her parents, she ranks below wives of equal family, but above concubines, dold dend, a, to give a daughter to a superior by way of tribute, manner, coition, s. ^j(i ^^T daidd, a limit, boundary, h. &^j(i "ix^r^, dolcha,m.'\jaL small bucket for iJ^^'6'i\:^^ dolcht,L) drawing water, h. Jj ji JjiJ Tt^STt^y dol dol, m. roving, peram- bulating, h. UJjii fl^5«TT dolnd, to move, to shake, or be shaken; to roam, ramble, rove; to swing, s. ei*ii "tt^l dola, m. manner; coition (a phrase), h. ^j3 i\^ doti, f. a kind of sedan, an in- ferior sort of palanquin commonly called " a dooly." s. low caste of Hin- a caste of Mu- salmans, the men of which are musicians, and the fe- males sing and dance in the company of females only (v. domni). h. li)^j(3 i^HHMvll doman-pand, m. the art practised by the Dom caste, h. [called Dom. h. ^j>t|J^i "^tfifft domtiif f. a female of the caste Uijii ^fin daunjd, m. a scaffold, h. l(3jj f. a kind of snake. ijj>j«j Tr^T dofird, ) h. Cl3« Ul3J^^ tMi donga, m. a spoon; a canoe, a trough, dunga, deep. A. jOjii T^TT dongar, a mountain, a hill. A. (jSJ>j'^ dongrl, a hill, a mountain, d. jj^ji^ if*^ dongt, f. (v. donga) a spoon, &c., " a small boat. k. j^.ii f/owi, f. a boat or ship, a canoe, a coast- " ing vessel. " The word is commonly applied to all vessels manned and commanded by natives, as jakaz is to all commanded by Europeans." — (Binning), d. ^ji^ ^t duhl, alluvial formations, a mark "of village boundaries, h, [oar, a paddle. A. ij^jii "tt^ do,i, f. a wooden spoon, ladle; an blftxi* TRT dhaba, m. a net ; the eaves of a house, extending three or four cubits beyond the vrall. so that people may sit under them. h. bU&«i "STZl dhata, m. a handkerchief tied over the head and over the ears. h. j_^4jAi6«> Tra't dhathi, f. rack, torment, tor- "tare ; a noose or gin fastened on a horse's nose. h. jUbiS TSTC dhdr, m. a declivity, shield, target j a heap of corn. h. (j*»j'ljb3 ZJS^ dhdrhas, m. (v. dharas.) k. ,.Jbvlj&(i! Tlfe^ dharhin, f- 1 i • •• /< ^ -* i: ' j a kmd of musi- tejlj&tj grrai dhdrht, m. ijj^'d "^jil dhdfi, m. LiJU^li STcir dhdk, m. name of a tree (^Butea frondosa). h. oli&3 3T^^ dhdlwan, sloping, declivitous; cast (metal), li. jJUfc j THW^ dhdU, m. a warrior armed with "a shield, a shield-bearer; f, a bough or branch, h. d. jjUiii ^T*T ifhdn, m. hedge, inclosure. h. Ulj&i ^tH dhdiid, a. to break, to knock down or raze a bjiilding, &c. h. ( 416 ) ^l Ijjjltoti Tt^r»n dhanpnd, a. to cover, to con- cian, a singer, h. ceal. h. Wlfcii ST^ dhdnchd, m. a frame, a plan. h. (j«jlA>6 ^irn dhdma, m. calumny, undeserved abuse, defamation, h. Uu-3lj6 j' ^HtTTc?/ia«*'wa,a.to blame,to accuse.A, U^lii j '^i:B!i7{\dhdnhnd, a. to cover, to shut. h. tiXJlixi 2"i7T dhdng, f. a precipice, cliff, h. \ti\io3 Tt^ dhdhd, m. the precipitous or high bank of a river, h. ij fail's Sl^ dhd,t, two and a-half. h. e-*ib(i ^^ dhahy m. shape, form, manners, breeding, behaviour, mode, method, knack, knowledge fashion, style, way, address, dexterity, art, position, h |;ffct> "S^TJ dhabrd, turbid, h. KjJfc(i ftrfWl dhibkd, m. protuberance, h. \^ii ^^^ dhabUfd, m. a copper coin equal to a paisa. h. ^j>>^^ dhabus, fat, corpulent, d. ^)uoJ6i rfcjTtj t dhabild, well-made, graceful, h. l3Lfc(i\_^(i ^^^"'n«n dhap-dhapdnd, a. to thump a drum (as children do), a. \JjJt>iS ^WHJ dhapnd, n. to be covered, con- cealed, hidden ; m. a cover, covering, h. V^ti 3ZT dhatthd, m. a plug, a cork, h, ^c^Ujkfcii ^di\% dhithd,l, f. forwardness, im- pudence, audacity, presumption, pertness. «. Kx^^^izv^dhathiya,-^^^ a cord used IJUxil "sfzm dhatiydf jjtoii' ^^ dhatti, \^3 dhichckd, m. a blow of the head (from a fighting ram, he), d. \Sstii "S^ dhaddd (v. dhaddi). h, ^JJfc J^ST dharkhdA j*-^.. >m. a scarecrow. A. !^4i 2"T55T dharla, J ^yj^iS ii*i\ dhapvd, m. the name of a bird, « kind of niaind, q. v. h. stead of a bridle. A. )»(3 ( 417 jtbii J Jb^«3 deiil. dhirhor, name of an inferior tribe at ahlra in Benares, h. [pitfall, h. «.dU<> T^cir dahaff, m. f. a cavern, abyss, a ciifcij ^ZK dhak, m. a weio;ht. k. ufAfcii ^^ dhakk, m. the city or district of Dhacca or Pacca ; covering or disappearance, h, ^3 ^^ dhakka, m. f. a large or a double dram. s. j^a 74K dhahar^ f. (cor. for dakdr, q. v.). 4hakar lena, n. to belch. A. U\^^ d^chlffl dahkana, a. to deceive, to disappoint, to baulk, to tantalize ; to spoil, to throw away uselessly, h. U>i,J5^\\ dhula,\, f. act of carrying ; price paid for carrying, or for transporting, h. ■•.Ijfci fe^T dhilldr, lazy, indolent, h. tiUjbii "S"^^ dhalak, f rolling, lilting, h. oJifc (i ^qToFT dhalka, m. blear-eyed ; spilling, h. 0\^(i> 3c«&'oliMT dhalkdna, a. to tilt, to over- turn, to spill, to pour, to roll. h. Uiofcii* Sy^cfiHi dhalakna, n. to roll, to be tilted, to be spilt ; to become loose (a girdle), h. \3>)^Jkfci (^qSM^IHT dhalmaland, n. to move from side to side, to totter, h. UJjfc ji 3c&'<11 dhalnOf n. to be cast (a metal) ; to be poured out, to spill; to roll; to be inclined. din dhalna, to dt.'cline (the day towards evening). ^haltt Tplnrtl chkdnw, (lit. rolling and turning shade) is applieu to the changeable state of worldly concerns ; 'met ) to a peison of a capricious or unsteady temper, h. Ulfci dic^HI dhuind, n. to be poured out, to be spilt, to roll. h. U^^i^(i d(^^MI cihulwdnd, a. (v. dhuldnS). h. diAjJjfti' ^^TT dhalait, ra. a person in the equipage of great men armed with sword and buckler ; a constable, a targeteer ; " a peon who waits on the person of a European in authority : he wears a silver badge.but his target has been laid aside." — (Binning. )A. j^^jJifcii ?^TT^ dholaiti, of or relating to a dhalait ; f. situation of dhalait. A. i^J^S TdH^^tfi dhimdhimtf f. a tana- "bourine. h. l3!iUi&J> d^c;&MI dhamldnd, n. to roll. A. ufc(i ?^ dhand, n. to be demolished, razed, destroyed (v. dhahna). h. Uj6 jjj&(i ^SrfT dhundhnd, a. to seek, search for. ^hundhna dhandhna, to search for. h, U|y&Jj3& ^^ dhol, m. a kettle-dnim. h. ^yb J) Ti^ dhola, name of a famous lover in Hindustfm ; a boy. h, L^^tbiS Zt^^ dholak,'] .-^ :; ^ ^ ' >f. a small drum. h. jiJybti 2lQ5oirT dholhl,) lii3^(i" ^^fojiin dkolkiya, m. a person that plays on the dJiolak. h. ^^y&«i i\<^H dholan, m. a friend, a sweet- heart h. [shape of a drum. h. U)^4i «ft(35*n dholna, m. a little amulet in the jjy&(5 ^i^st dhuli or g^l^l dhoU, f. a bundle "of one hundred betel leaves; m. a drummer, h. \j^y«>(i ^tf^5^ dholiya, m. a drummer, h. Oybjl gtsiT dhond, a. to take up, take away, to carry, h. [and a half A. vd^j^jj (i^^l dhoncha or ^f^ dhaunchd, four lioy&ii' 3^ dhond (also dhondk), m. a capsule or seed-vessel, especially of the poppy. A. Jb3J^(i 87 dhundh, m. f. 1 seeking, a ^^^^yi)3 i^yj dhundhan, m.j search, s, j\jb j3yb(i ?|;gT dhundhar,') m. strict search, ,JbJsJbcioy»«i ^^rai^ l- inquiry, quest, dhwidh-dhdndh, J investigation, s. Ufc jjyfcSji^6 ^jdid dhunr-dhdnr, m. search, s. Ujb^y6«i Mt{1 dkunrhnd, a. (v. dhundhna), to search. <. clX3y&ii dhong, fraud, trickery, deceit, c?. jXJ^«i dhonyiud, fraudulent, deceitful, rf. »^«> 2^ £?AoA (also dhuh), elevated grounds in the midst of ravines, h. Jb»fc 1^3 ^ ^fTT dha.,1 dend, a. to force an n. to fall, to be de- molished. invitation, by fixing one's self in a house till dinner comes on table, h. ^ "^^ dhirh, m. pregnancy; a large belly, h. [the ear. h. ^j^ii «^ dherht, f. an ornament worn in (j'j^ti eT^ dhert, f. (v. dher), a heap, &c. h. i^JJJbS dhlg, a heap, a store, d. Jj^^ "^t^dh'il, f. looseness, remissness; lazi- ness, inattention, delay, caution, foresight, ^il Una, to give way, to yield, h. ^Jj^(i gHcjil dhtla, loose, not tight; remiss; lazy, inattentive, dilatory. A. *!^>^S ?^ dhela, ni a lump of earth, a clod • a pellet made of clay for shooting at birds. fkelS- chauth, f. the fourth day of the bright fortnight in BfiadoU, a festival on which the Hindus pelt each other with clods, h. [ness. //. ^^s'^^ii ^^yr^ dhlld,i, f. remissness, loose- W.'^Lijj'^i^i^'^ dheli dort dend, to act re- missly, d!' (J^4»0 Z^dhen, f. a milch cow (for dhenu). h. {^jt»SXfi>6\^m dhehdas, ra. a kir.c' of gourd, h. l><5Ja^ J ^^ dhendhd, m. pregnancy, a large belly. A. (_>*»jpjJ6(i ^T^ dhenrds, m. a kind of gourd, h. ^JJjJi>iS If^ dhenfi, f. the capsule of the poppy (or of the cotton tree), a poppy head ; an orna- ment worn in the ear. A. [ing with. A. \^jjJb,tS "STJ derttf^m. a dwelling, a tent ; adj. 8^.ji T^ deld,j ^^.4i IfT dain, m. wings of birds, s. ^^,6 Tffff dayan, m. a car or litter carried on men's shoulders ; a palkl, a dooly ; flying, flight. ». O j> ^tn dena, m. a log tied to the neck of a vicions ox. h. U>(i %in daind, m. a branch, a bough, h. i^J^.ii ^^ ding, m. boasting, gasconading, ding-marna, a. to make a boast h. ^X^S ft'fi dingi, f. a boat, a ferry-boat. "4itigt-u)ald, a boatman, a ferryman, h. U&y^i ^c|AI deorhd, half as much again ; a mode of reckoning used to denote interest in kind or grain at the rate of fifty per cent. h. XiWjy>'6 TWnn deorhdnd, a. to take once and a half more ; to receive back the sum lent with fifty per cent, interest, h. Jbj-Oti ^c(^^ de,orhi, f. a threshold, a door, "antechamber, deofhl-dar, a doorkeeper, h. '^*>6 ^^^1 dewald, 'I also ^e,o/a,&c., mounds, a5y,«i i^^I dewala,) high ground, h. ^6 ^t^ dih, m. a haunt, a place, a dwell- ing, village ; also the site of a deserted village, p. L^iJ ^t^ dihd, m. a small bank or mound, h. j^3 ^^ dehur, f. a volley, several muskets discharged at once. h. [tfeofht). h. (^j^<^ ^f^ 4^hurx, f. threshold, &c. (v. ^ ^U called ddli mu^jama, is the ninth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the eleventh Pers., and thir- teenth Hind. Its existence in Persian, except as a substitute for dal, q. v., appears very doubtful, nor does it exist in the Sanskrit and Indian dialects thence derived : it is pronounced by the Arabs like th in the English word tJiou; but in Hindustani its sound is not to be distinguished from that of xe, which is exactly our own letter z. In reckoning by ahjad it stands for 700. h. ^\^ zdbih, a sacriticer, a butcher. sa*du-z- ^dbil),, two bright stars in the left horn of Capricorn, a. Olii zdt, f. a mistress, possessor; the soul, essence, substance, nature; the person viewed as the body and soul, in opposition to hadan, the material body ; caste, zat-jdnd, n to be outcast, zdt-deria. a. to give up one's caste or relinquish the benefits of one's religion by eating, &c. with a person of another sect ; also to give caste, or receive into any sect as a member. «at Tee gun nikdlnd, to act wickedly, to stiew the nature of the beast, to exhibit the cloven foot. zdt-lend or -mama, a. to deprive another of caste, by touching his food, &c. h. ^\h zdfi, 1 essential, natural, innate (op- ^Loii zdfild,) posed to sifatt, acquired or artificial), a. (_-ib zdf, m. sudden death, a. J^\i zdkir, remembering, grateful, one who remembers or praises God. a. Jj&lj zdhil, careless, forgetful, a. Jj51(i zd,ik, tasting, one who tastes, a. dJojA'ii zd,iita, m. the sense of tasting, the palate, relish, taste, a. ^.i zabh, f. a sacrifice, slaughter, zabh-k., n. to sacrifice ; to kill (animals for food agreeably to the Mu^ammadan law), to slaughter, a. ^'^ zabth, sacrificed ; m. a sacrifice, za- btttu-l-ldh, the sacrifice of (rod; a name of Ism&ll (not of Isaac), the son of Ibrahim (Abraham), a. ji\j>'i zakhdjr (pi. of Ij^i), victuals, pro- vision, treasures, store*, a. ^d zuhhr, 'I m. treasure, provisions, vic- zahJurdfj 8^J tuals, stores, a. -{ .~ * >ra. an atom, a little (v. zarra). a. \jCi zarrd,) C0>\ji zarrdt (pi. of »ji), atoms, particles, a. iSji zardra, m. particles scattered from any thing pounding, a, 2e2 ii ( 420 ) Vi / c^ji zira*, m. a yard ; a cubit ; two bright Btan in the bead of Gemini, a. OSjfi zirrvat and zurwat, f. the summit, pinnacle; majesty, pomp. a. 8ji zarra, m. an atom, a particle, a little. Virra^war, humble, lowly, a mere atom. a. fjj^ zarri, an atom, a small particle, a. ajo/d zan^a, m. medium, means, zar^e (se), by means of, &c. a. C^J* .i zurrtyat, f. race, lineage, oflFspring. a. u-il^(i z'u'af, m- deadly venom, a. i»_fl^i «u^uf (pi. of u-^'^3), poisons, a. ^i zakan, m. the chin, the beard, chahi ^"^an, m. a dimple in the chin. a. oj 2a Aa, m. vivacity, acuteness of genius, penetration, fjfika, m. the sun. a. C^jOib zakawat, f. brightness of genius, acnteness. a, ji zimma, m. trust, charge, obligation, sub- jection, duty, service, fidelity, lineage, afiwima leva, a. to take charge, to take care of, to take upon one's self. a. j_^J zimmi, an infidel (i.e. a person who is "not a Mtualman) subject to a Mu^ammadan govern- ment, a. j^i zamim, blameable, culpable, a. «^«5 zanah, a tail ; (in astronomy) the tail of the dragon, the descending node. a. (_.o3 zanib, m. a crime, sin, fault, a. <-^(^ zunub (pi. of L^^), crimes, a. j^ zu, a lord, a master ; (in comp.) implies possessed of or endowed with, as sSr-1-jalal, glorious, splendid, su-l-janah, "the winged one," name of the horse of Husain, the son of 'Alt. gu-l-h/da, and s« l- hijja (see ^l-ka'da and zt-h'jj")- Su-ma'/ii (()robably intended for su-l-ma'nain), a pun, a joke, a double en- tendre. zu-l-faTcar, name oi'AlVs sword, zfi-l-kiirbq, a kinsman. «u-l-nun, name of a celebrated saint and Bufy. zu-l-karnain, lord of the two horns (». e. of the East and West), an epithet of Alexander the Great. Zu-sanab, tailed (a comet), a. ijlji zanwak, m. a taster, a. V_>olju> zawanib (pi. of e-oi), tails, a. ^jb zauh, ni. taste, delight, joy, pleasure, voluptuousness. ^uJc se, with pleasnre, wUliogly, with all my heart, a. t^ji zawt (ob. pi. of j'o), lords, masters, possessors. ^wu>i-ikram, held in veneration, a. U-i^lfci zahdb, departure, failure (of one's senses, &c.). a, L_^(^ zahab, gold, the yolk of an egg. a. ^J zahl, m. forgetting, leaving, carelessly abandoning, a. ^J zifinyTn. understanding, memory, genius, ability, gikni dd^tJc, a subtle genius, a. JLfci zahul, m. oblivion, forgetting, a. jj^Jbj zahin, sagacious, ingenious, a, fj'^ zi (obi. case of 'zu), a lord, a master ; (in comp.) possessed of, endowed with, as jp-hosh, senBible, Si-ruh, rational, spiritual, a. SJ^^J'^ zi-hijja, m. the name of the last mon'th of the MtHfummadan year, on the 10th day of which month is the festival of bahar 'id. a. »,i^[j^ zi-ha'da, the eleventh month of the Mu^mmadan lunar year, consisting of thirty days, a, ^,i zail, m. the skirt of a garment, the train of a robe, the last, hinder, or supplementary part of any thing, the sequel, that which follows or ic an- nexsd, as a list of particulars mentioned in a letter, a. . Z. re or rd, called rde muhmala, and roe gMair manTcuta, is the tenth letter in f lie Arabic, twelfth in the Persian, and fourteenth in the Hindustani alpha- bets. In reckoning by abjad it stands for 200. Its sound is that of r as pronounced by the Scotch and Irish ; that is, it is much more marked than the En- flish r. It is interchangeable with lam ; as dajra for ajla, the river Tigris ; tarwdr for ialwdr, a sword. In Hindi, besides lam it is also interchanged- with jrf : as darakna for ilaraknd, to split. In almanacks it is the astronomical character for the moon, and in dates it denotes the month rabVu-l-awwal. a. h. p. i^\ I ^nW rdb, f. syruji. h. i^'j^l) Tjmfi rdbrl, f. a kind of food like pap. h. VL ( 421 ) uajlj rahita, conjunction, bond, connection, a. (^J; \\^*S raban or ravan (for ravana) : it is said that Fis^nu having an inclination for war, occa- sioned a Brahman to curse his two doorkeepers, Jai/a and Vijaya, wishing that they might be born on earth three times, after each time returning to their original forms of porters to the deity. By this means Vishnu contrived to be nearly matched on earth, so as to have a good battle. They first appeared as Hiranydksha and Hhariyalcashipu, then as Ravana and Kumbhakania, and lastly as Shishupal and Dantavaktra, in each of which characters they oppose! the deity in different avatars, s. Iblj rabnd, n, to toil, to labour, d. fj,\j rapt, a currier's knife, d. d^jj ^^ ^'°^> ^- "ig'Jjt- fdl thofl aur sang bahut is applied to express a hurry of business with iittle time to perform it in, or as our vernacular hath it, " the devil to pay and no pitch hot ;" also great expense with a small income, banjo kuchh ban sakeja- watii men; rat thorl hai aur bahut hai sang, acquire whatever you can in the season of youth, the task is arduous and the time short (ars longa, vita brevis: Hippoc.). ruton-rdt, in the middle of the night, adht- rdt, midnight, s. ^)j TTiTT rata, red ; dyed ; coloured, s. «— .^ij ratih, m. daily nllowfince of food (to animals, particularly dogs and elephants); allowance, portion, provision, a, a>Jjj ratiba, m. salary, stipend, pay. ratiba tkur, a stipendiary, a pensionary, a. J)\j TTf% )-atri, a goblin, a fiend ; a thief, a robber ; a guard, a patrol, s. 'jLJlj TTTTfTT ratna, a. to dye (with colour), to stain ; to be strongly attached or in love (lit. stained with the dye of love), s. U>JJy^ TTrn^ rataundha, m. night bliud- ness, nyctalopia, t. j^l) rathor, stronsr, firm, d, XX^ raj, ni. government, sovereignty. /•/, \f. the night (v. rat), ratri- 'atri,] c/iar, moving at night; m. 6 kingdom, reign, sway ; (in com p.) king, prince, rdj- fcnn«7, descendant of a king; a. rdj put tnhe. rdj-bhuban or rdj-bhavan, m. a royal residence, a palace, rdj- bhog, m. victuals placed before idols at noon, rdj-pat or -pati, m. a Hindu title, prince, rdj-patnl, t a queen. rdj-pdtf, a king's cushion, throne, ruj-tilak, the royal mark on the forehead, the ceremony of coronation. raj-tejas, m. majesty, kingly dignity, rdjjudhwd, m. a rebel, one making war against a king, rdj-jogya, suitable for a king, princely, rdj-darshan, m. a levee, an audience, rdj-droh, m, oppression ; rebellion, rdj- drolii, a rebel, a traitor, rdj-dand, m. punishment ordered by the king ; sceptre, rdj-dwdr, the gate of a palace or royal residence, rdj-dhurd, f. royal state or function, government, rdj-dharm, m. royal duty; the duties of the military caste, rdj-dhan, m. royal revenue or rigiit to property, rdj-rdj, in. kings of kings, an eiTiperor. rdj-rogj^a rnortal disease; consumption. raj-sahhd, f. a "royal assembly, the royal court, rdj- salld, f. majesty, royal dignity rdj-sarp, m. the king- serpent, a boa. rdja-nva, m. royal revenue or tax. rdj-sevak, a courtier, a royal attendant, rdj-shdsan, m. a royal edict, rdj-kdrj, m. royal duties, sta/e affairs, rdj-kul, m. a royal race; a prince, rdj-kumdr or rdj-hinwar, m. a king's son, a prince, rdj-kaiiyd, f. a princess, rdj-gddi, f. a king's cushion a throne. raj-guru, m. the king's spiritual preceptor, raj-lakthan, m. royal insignia, any natural mark indicating royalty.' raj-lek/i, m. a royal letter or order, rdj-mdrg, m. a royal road, one passable for horses and elephants, and 40 cubits broad, rdj-mandir, a palace, a royal resi- dence, raj-nlti, f the art of government, the duties of a prince, both in peace and war ; name of a work on the art of government, rdj-wat, royal, kingly, rdj- va'^l or rdj-vansya, of royal descent, a rdjput. raj- vljl, springing from a royal race. s. 7r]j V^ raj, m. a mason, bricklayer, p. «?-]; ''I^n raja, m. a king, a prince, s. ^y^i^\»-\j ^T»nfvrn?T rajadhiraj, no. supreme ruler of princes, king of kings, a. ^^l) kingly, royal, s. ^^JJ^]) ^lli'=iS rajavart, m. a kind of dia- mond, v. rdj-patt. s. cJjW-^ n*n^^ rajawaU, f. a line of kings, " a dynasty or royal genealogy, s. lS^^J V'l'J^n raj-bansi, m. descendant of a rdjd ; the name of a rdj-put tribe. «. ^^]; TTtRT^ raj-baha, the main channel, the principal or common branch of a canal, s. J^]j ^il^-^ raj-piitr, a prince j a hshatri or man of the military caste. «. ijj^\) K\n^^ rdj-putrt, a princess, s. *"^'rj ^I'^'^i ^"j-p^th "!• a gem, said to l)e an inferior kind of diamond brought from Firdt Des, a country in the north-west of India ; a tiara or royal fillet ; f, a king's cuihion, a throne, s. C^^^U TTSnnT raj put, m. a descf^tidant of a rdjd ; the name of a celebrated military caste, s. b\JjA»-^ TTW^jTRT raj'putdna, the country of the rdj-put s. 1. [in war. s, (3>^j; *li»t'}ift raj-putl, f. courage, prowess jy^r^\) TT5nrt^ raj-pkora, m. a carbuncle or large boil generally rising on the back of the neck, and which commonly proves fatal. The famous Hyder Ali died of'this carbuncle; and in 17 ISDr.IIamilton obtained for the East-India Company a considerable grant from the Emperor Fiirrokhseir as a reward for having cured that prince of this dangerous malady." — (Binning.) h. ^y^\) TJ'^n^ rdjatwa, m. sovereignty, king* craft, s. [p{&rSja. s. j^-^rrj ^WVT raj-dhar, m. the prime minister (3 ini^ tlSTVtH'T' rdj-dhdnl, f. the metropolis, seat of empire or of government, s, [sort. s. (-il/?"l) TT'TTrart raj-rdnl, a queen, royal con- i.j'^l) T(W^ rajas, m. lust, sensuality; adj. relating to the quality of passion. *. ^jl^ls-s-^^ TTaTWR" rajastkdn, the country of the raj-pull, .".Iso called raj putdnd. h. ^.y-^]j TT"3nnT raj-suya or THHT rajsu, m. ^^ a sacrifice performed only by an universal monarch, attended by his tributary princes, as in the case of Yudhishthira and others, s. ci ( *22 ) usa, fj>-\ TTlTiT rq;-^(!ar, m. the royal tribute, king** taxes. «. [grass (Cypertw). ». ' — J tTWoJi^^ raj-kasheru, m. a fragrant ftJk^l^ TT«l^l4 rajaklya, royal, kingly. «. y^—l. ^nncft^ rq;-5rri», m. a flat fresh- water fish. $. Ia»-\i mrn rdjnd, n.to shine, to be adorned, s. J>A3_.t. ^nnf^ rdj-nil, m. the emerald, s. |j'l'j-.)i TnnTlT raj-wdra, m. the country of rajas ; the rojal domains, s. a^-K mfJ raja, m. (v. raja) a king. s. tiLiUb-lj '^ TTHrTf^^BK rdjyddhikar, m. go- vernment of a kingdom ; right or title to a sove- reignty, s. jy,**fs»'\j rdjeswar, 1 -s fm. a sovereign j^jLx>-\j rdjeshmar,} ^ I prince* a lord, a governor. «. ji3JJi>-lj TT^»5 rdjendrUf m. an emperor, s. ^i»-]j Wlf^ rdjiv, m. a large fish ( Cyprinus niloHctu). s. [prince, s. ~ .^i^]^ *-'^*^'** rdj-yogya, befitting a B^\j JJWf rdjya, m. government, kingdom, sovereignty, rajya-hhrashfa or rajya-chyut, deposed, fallen from royalty, rajya-hhrans, m. or rajya-chyuti, f. deposal or loss of a kingdom, rajya-bhang, m. sub- version of sovereignty, rdjya-rakshd, f. protection or defence of a kingdom, s. U>.^ il^HI rdchnd, n. to be affected or im- bued vrith love, to be strongly attached, s. '^)j TT5 rdchh, m. apparatus, s. (j«4>-]j TTBR rdchhas, m. (for rdkshas) a demon, the name of the evil spirits of the HindOa. a. *'^W^\) nSJ^Rn^ rachhas-bydh, a sort of devil's marriage, which consists in the violent seiaore and rape of a girl after the destruction of all her relatives, a. [demon, t. iJ-^ ^t I) 'TSfft rdchhasnt, f. a female jj-4»-]^ ^IWt rdchhast, (fem. of rdchhas) a "she-devil; adj. devilish, demoniacaL *. J\j rah, wine; enjoying satisfaction, a. C.A»-ij rahat, f. quiet, repose, ease, tran- quillity, a. aJb-jj rdhila, a company travelling together for mutual security, a caravan. «. jfi^u rahim, compassionate, merciftil. a. ^\j rdkh. ashes (same as rdhh, q. v.). d. «i]j ^ rdd (also rddh), f. pus, matter, h. \tbi\j TTVT rddhd, the name of Krishna mistress, who is also called radhtkS. a. iCjC^\Sb ii\j um^I'lO rddhdnagari, m. • kind of silk doth made at BSdhioagar. s. j\j TJt rdr,\f. wrangling, quarrel, fray, con- j\ XXWrdr,) tention. h. CfjK ^nft rari,1 f. a 0031*86 kiud of grass ; adj. {j'j\) Tl^t rdri,} quarrelsome, contentious. A. Jbj]j XT^ rdrh, m. name of that portion of Bengal which lies west of the Ganges, h. iJ>J^j TT^ rdrhl, a native of Rdrh, a Brah- "man from that place, h, [pen. d, (CjK rdrl, the sharp pomt of an arrow, or j\j rdz, m. a secret, a mystery, rdz-posh, one who conceals a secret, raz-poshi, the concealing of a secret. ra«-dar, trusty, faithful, confident; a mason, a bricklayer, rdzi nihufta, a hidden secret, raz-niyaz, secrets of lovers, loving prattle, p. 3j\) '''^^^^h ™' sustainer, cherisher, affording sustenance, a title of the Deity. $. fj^j rdzi, of or relating to a secret, p. i^j*^i TT^rn«, m.the name of a Hindu festival including songs and dances, celebrated in the month of Kartik, in commemoration of the dances performed by Krishna and the Gopis, ras-dharl, a danciiig-boy who imitates the ras of Krishna, rds-ydtrd, f the rds festival, jm, f. heap; a sign of the zodiac ras-cliakr, or rdsa-chakra, m. the zodiac (v. rdshi). s. i,j**\) TW rds, f. reins of a bridle; usury ; corn separated from the chaff; adoption, ras-dna, to be agreeable, rds-bifhuna or -lena, a. to adopt a son. rat- nishin, an adopted son. h. i^[) rds, in. the head ; a head of cattle (i, e. one ox or one horse), rasu-s-saratan, the summer sol- stice, rasu-l-jadi, the winter solstice, rds faiaf, a horse of middling breed, rds Jcaldti, a horse of high caste, rdsu-l-mdl, the principal or capital stock, s. CLmm). rdst, light, true, good, just, sincere ; right (opposite of left); straight, even, level; actually, certainly, rdst and, n. to regain one's temper, to be set to rights, rdst-bdz, faithful, to be depended on (lit. one who plays or acts fair), rdst-bdzi, f. fidelity. rast-nu^afnala, proper, just, of good actions, of upright conduct p. UMtli rasta, 1 aSMiU rastaf) road, a street, p. ig»*»\ rdsti, f. truth, sincerity, fidelity, jus- tice, loyalty, rectitude, p. *»*»lj rdsikh, firm, durable, constant, roofed y sincere, learned, a. \iM»\j IcrWT rdsndff. a plant (3/imosa octandra) ; another plant (the serpent Ophioxylont); a sort of perfume, s. yj»\j rdsu, m. a mongoose ( Vwerramungo).p. (^]j ^T^ »'a«> of middling breed (a horse); " indifferent, so so. h. l^]j nfjjl rashi, m. a heap, a quantity ; a sign of the zodiac ; a part and its divisor, or numerator and denominator, rashi-bhag, m. a fraction, rashi-bhog, m. passage of a planet through a sign of the zodiac. rashi-chdkra, m. the zodiac, rashi-hrit, heaped, piled. rashi-karan, m. heaping, piling, s. ♦Ju»2j ^TH rashtra, m. a realm, a country, s. ^JyZi^j U Pit of) I rashtrikd, f. a prickly night- shade {Solanum jacquini). s. 6*n\j rashid, pious, faithful, orthodox, follow- ing the right path. a. iJ**\\ rashi, m. one who bribes, a. iJo\j razl, satisfied, contented, agreed, pleased , willing. ra:fi ba riza, God willing, a. «*lS|>oV rdzt-nama, m. an acknowledgment of a cause being finally settled, given by the plaintiff: the defendant gives a safindma, a general release, a. if'\\ rd'i, a shepherd, a manager, a. k\j r agh , m. a declivity, the lower part of a mountain ; the top of a hill ; a pleasant verdant mea- dow ; a villa, a sommer-boufie. p. U— »^]; ra^iJ, willing, wishing; adj. desirous, curious, a. \_Sh7a, q. v. a. ijoi\ r^fi?h m. a heretic, particularly a »i\. rdji\ elevating, exalting; repelling; carrying off. a. j_^)j rakihf m. a rival, an observer, a. J}\. rdkivh m. one who writes, a writer, rd- Mmu-l-huruf, the writer of these letters, i. e. of this epistle, of this book, &c. a. ol^ T;Tc|rF rdkd, f. full moon, the day of full moon ; (in Dakh.) a cup made of the palmyra, s. *^\ rdkhaSf same as jj**4»'V, q^ v. s. ' M rdkhas-f^addaydeviVs root,a species of air-plant {Bryonia epigaa). d. ^JjOj^M-^l) TT^^^^ rdkhasi-beld, twilight, time when evil spirits are abroad, h. U^K Tram rdkhnd, a. to keep, put. s. i^ff^]j "^^ rdkhl, f. an amulet, or string which Hindus tie round their arms on a certain fes tival, held in the full moon of Srdvana or Sduian, in honour o{ Krishna, s. ^^\j ^IT raff, in. a mode in music (six in number, viz. Bhairav, Mdlav, Sarang, Hindol, Vasant, Dlpak, and Megh), music, song, tune ; anger, passion ; love, rag chhdnd, n. to be in concert, rag-rang, m. music, rdg-sagar, m. a song composed of many rags or musical modes, rdg-mdld, f. the name of a treatise on music (nothing more than a collection of pictures, exhibiting the traditional history of the primary and subordinate modes and the subjects appropriated to each). A'. U^^\j TJJT^ rdg-chun, m. a tree yielding an astringent resin, the wood of which is used in dye- ing {Mimosa catechu), s. U^lj i),f. a shoemaker's (J'^J^]j ^T»iHT^ ramtura,i, f. the name of a vegetable, ochra (Hibiscus esculentus), h. i<*^/»]j "^WAk^^ rdm-tulast, f. a plant {Ocy- "tttum gratissimum). s. {k^\) TTTinft ramjani, f. a Hindu dancing- girl, a prostitute (vulg, Bum Johney). s. ji^A^j. 5LIHxirj rhmachandra, was son of Datharatha, and conqueror of Lanka or Ceylon, He was the seventh avatar, when the deity descended for the purpose of destroying Havana, who having (for his devotion) a promise from Brahma thftt he should not suffer death by any of the usual means, was become the tyrant and pest of mankind. The Devatas came in the shape of monkeys, as Ravana had gained no promise of safety from them ; hence Hanuman was Rama's general. Ramachandra's mother's name was Kaushalya, his younger brother Bharata was son of Kaikeyi, who was the cause of Rama's going to the desert to perform derotions, on the banks of the Pam- pa-nadt, insisting that her son should reign the four- teen years that Rama employed in the devotion. It was while performing his devotion (or during his stay in the forests) in company with Ldks^mana (his brother by Sumitra) that Ravana appeared as a beggar, while he was absent hunting, and enticed away S/ilta, which gave rise to the war detailed in the Ramayana. Shita was daughter of Janaka Raja, who had promised to give her to any person who could break a certain bow, which was done by Rdmachandra. When in the forest, he drew a circle round Shita, and forbade her to go beyond it, and left Laksimaria to take care of her ; but Lakshmana hearing some noise which alarmed bim for his brother, left her to seek him : then it was that Ravana appeared and enticed her out of the cir- cle (gandi), and carried her off in his flying chariot : in the air he was opposed by the bird Jatdyu, whose wings he cut and escaped. Rdmachandra reigned in Oudh {Ayodhya) before Christ 1600. *. f^fM}f^j Wi\Ml\\ ra,mbata,i, f. division of the crop between the landlord and tenant, h. ^eA^^^)J 0«iMi$ ram-dhayi, an asseveration on oath by Rama (also ram-duha,\), h, \i^]^ KW^<\ ramcherd, m. (lit. slave of Rama) a man's name, particularly that of a slave, t. j—*]j l.W^X rdmsar, m. the name of a wood; the name of a kind of reed. «. yle^j rdmish, harmony, modulation ; hilarity, mirth ; rest, ease, rdmish-gar, a musician, p, (Sj^]j '.IH^O rdmkarlA f. name of a rd- ij*^]j ^IH^^jl ramkaU, \ gint or musical i\i^]i VIH^'^JSl rdmkelifj mode. s. $(S\ '\j rdndd, a carpenter's plane. ^\j Trrnn rdnddpd, m. widowhood. $. ,lJJ>\jjynrdng,t Inewter tin s 1^.4 rUcWW^ij till* 9» U->K ^fn I'dngd, m. J ly^xCJlj ^JHCI rdnghhard, m. a toyman, h. jj,^ TTUft or trrt rdm, f. a (Hindu) queen or princess, s, ,1. tr^ rdm or r5,o, a prince, a Hindi! title. ra,o krishdk, the headman of a village. O A JJ^ rdwat, m. a hero ; a sweeper (of a particular caste), h. ijj^j TT^ rawti, f. a kind of tent. h. ,l»-,\j TT^^Tf rdwchdm, f. gaiety, amuse* ment, merriment, mirth ; affection, endearment. A. \..\. THTT rdrvard or rd,ord, 1 (pron. in JjJ J ^l**^ rdwarau or rd,ordUfJ Braj- Bh&kh&) youra, of yon. h. Jj\. rdrval, a soldier, military, d. ( 425 ) Vj (jjj l-NUI rawa7i, son of Vishrava and KaiTcasl, was king otLanJca ; he carried away Slilta, and lost his kingdom to her husband Ramachandra, q. v. s. iVjK rawand, rhubarb, p. {J^j rami, m. an historian, the author of a fable, romance, fiction, &c., a narrator, a. lo^j'i rawiyan,'] , , . , . ^ ^r . >pl.historians,narrators. j?.a. ■* ill rawiyin, J *1) '^ ^oAm, m, Typhon, or the dragon that is supposed to devour the sim or moon during an eclipse; the ascending node, rahu-gras or rdhu-grah, m. an eclipse, s. iu rah, f. road ; manner, rah-arvard, a pre- sent brought by one who has been on a journey, rah bandhna, to refuse admittance, to stop one's progress. rah batdnd, to discharge, dismiss; to guide, rah-har, m. a guide, conductor, rah-hart, f. guidance, rah par ana, to find the road which had been lost ; to mend one's manners, rdh-parnd, to establish mutual confi- dence, rah chhornd, to give way. rdh-kharch, charges of the road, travelling expenses, rdh-ddr, m. a col- lector of duties (on the road), rah- dart, f. collection of duties (on roads), rdh diJchdnd, a. to make one wait for. rah dekhnd or iahid, to expect, to wait for, rdh dena, to give one access, rdh ddlnd, to establish a custom, rdh rdh chalnd, to continue in one's usual practice or mode of conduct, rdh raTchna, to keep up an intercourse, rdh-rav or -rau, a traveller, a way- farer, rdh rawish, f. manners, habits, customs, rdh- zan, vn, a highwayman, rdh-zani, f. highway robbery. rdh-sir, just, right, rdh Jcdtnd, to travel a road ; to quit a path or take a short cut. rdh Tcarnd, to contract friendship, rdh khofi Jcarnt, to linger on the road, rah guzar, m. road, way ; a traveller, rdh-gir, m. a travel- ler, wayfarer, rdh lagnd, to follow one's own devices. rdh lend, n. to go, to depart, rdh-mdr, a highway robber, rdh-mdrnd, a. to waylay, to rob ; to lay one under restraint, to ruin one's prospects in life, rdh mama, the trace of a path being effaced, rdh ndpnd, to walk about idly, to employ one's self unprofitably. rdh-ndma, a road-book, rdh nikdlnd, to devise a new mode of conduct, rdh-numd, m. a conductor, guide, leader. rdh-numd,i, f. leading, rdh-wdr, ambling, a pace (in horsemanship), a gait generally taught to fdn- gan*. rahwdrl, f. ambling (a horse), p. C-^]j rahib, a monk, a Christian priest, p. jlJJbK rah-dar, an officer employed in collect- ing land duties, also a road patrol p. {jy>^\j rah-ddri, an authorized branch of revenue, arising from duties collected from travellers by the officers of government stationed on the high roads for the protection of passengers. It was formerly levied on goods passing and repassing the public roads. In Bahar there were, in mauy districts, chaukis or stationary guards, for the protection of the roads, known by the name of chauki rdhddri, on account of which revenue was collected and paid into the nigdmat ; in Dakhani, the term rdh-ddri denotes a g^ide; a passport, a warrant, a permit, rdh-ddri kl chitthl, a passport, a permit p. [demon, s. ^J ^^ rahuy m. (v. rahu) name of a ^»JB>^J rahin, m. a mortgager, one who borrows on a pledge or pawn. a. ^1; TT^TI rahna, a. to roughen a millstone (by digging little pita in ita surface with a smaL pick- axe), h. ^p\j rahlf m. a traveller, wayfarer, p. {j)j TW or TTH ra,e, m. a (Hindu) prince, a "chief rd,e rdydn, m. a Hindu title (lit. the chief ol princes) ; the diwdn of the khdlisa or chief treasurer : according to Gladwin the rd,e rdydn is the principal officer under the dlwdn of the provinces, who has the immediate charge of the crown lands, and is the super- intendant of the klidlisa. s. ij^]) TT^ ra,l, f. a species of (sarson) mus- tard ; a kind of mustard-seed with very small grains {Sinapis ramosa). rai-kd,t, broken to atoms, h. ^^^J ra,e or ra,i, f. wisdom, opinion, thought, counsel. rd,t buland, exalted understanding, ra,i zadan, to broach or express an opinion, a. p. ^.^\) TJ^^J ra,rya, m. chaff of wheat, bran. h. V.-^J ^i^mT ra,iya, m. species of mustard witli large seeds, s. C^\>\jraya.t (pl.ofCjoU), standards, banners, especially of an army in motion ; (met.) a camp. a. U**^Vti?'j ^^^^ ra,e-bans, m. a kind of spear, h. t3^s/i> ^l*i«(^ rd,e-bel, f. a kind of flower. /*. d^^}j rayat, f. a standard, a banner, a. w/\, TWinrd,etd, m. pumpkins, Ac, pickled in sour milk. h. J\j rdfij, customary, current, usual, common. rd,iju-l-waTft, the fashion or custom of the time. a. s>^\j m,ii^a,m.fragrance,perfume; an odour, a. ^J^>/^J rd,egdn, gratis, gratuitous ; in vain. p. iJ^/\) 'j rubb or rub, m. juice, rob, syrup, rubbu- s-sus, extract of liquorice, p. a. \>j rubd, (in comp.) ravishing, stealing; as dil-rubd, heart-ravishing, p. L-^bj rabdb, a kind of violin, a rebeck, ribdb, (At. pi, of mbb) inspissated juices, p. fjbj rabab'i, \ c- .^ >-m. a player on the rabab. p. \x)\jj rabdbiyd,) ■ Job. ribdt, an hotel, an inn, a caravanserai ; a rope, a ligament (pi. ribdtdt). a. (j^^j ribdti, an innkeeper, a. j_^bj rubd'i, f. a quatrain, a stanza of four "lines, a. Ul^Uc-b . rubd'iydt, quatrains (pl.of rwiyi). «• \ibt rabdnd, to cause to toil or labo»r. d. libj rabbdni, divine, godly, a. ^^/b. ruhayulan, to seize, to carry off. p. .jjj xf9[^JK.rabi-bar (for ravi-har), m. Sun- day. A. IjJj T!^n rabda, fatigued, wearied, h. 'l>j j^ rabar, f. fatigue, fruitless labour, trudging, h. 'jh ^W^l rabra, fatigued, worn down. h. olj^j ^^dl»i! rabrana, a. to fatigue, to cause to run about uselessly, h. 13^ T^T«TT rabarnd, n. to fatigue one's self, to run about fruitlessly, h. j rub', m. fourth part, a quarter. rub' maskun, the fourth part of the world, which is believed to be peopled, while the remaining three quarters are supposed to be uuinhabitable." — (ISinning.) a. ■■^j rabba-na, interj. Oh! Our Lord! a. ^^y>j rubub (pi. of rubb), syrups, a. ^jj Jj^ rubudan (r. ruba), to rob, to carry off. p. ^J,J rabt, m. (v. rabi or ravi) the sun. s. u^jo. rab'ib, m. a step-son, son by a former husband, a. ^Ijjo. iVlwr< rabi-bar, m. Sunday, s. f-i^j rabiba, f. step-daughter, daughter by a former husband, a. *^j rabV, f. the spring ; the spring harvest, or grain sown in October and November and cut in the spring months (March- April), as peas, wheat, &c. rabVu-l-awwal, the third month, and rab?u-l-a]c^ir or rabt'u-^-sdnl, the fourth month of the Muh.ammadan year. The ninth and twelfth days of the former are lestivals. o. [ing to the spring, vernal, a. j^^JOj rabVi, produced in the spring, belong- \m^j ft^ ripu, m. an enemy, ripu-ta, f. en- mity, s. [slipperiuesB ; chase, h. liLO^ X^ rapat, f. fatigue, hard labour ; UjOj TTRTfT rapatna, n. to slip, to slide, k. ^\j{j <.M>j ^^^ rupa,e (pl.for rupaye,&c.), rupees.*. '^j ^^TOfT rupaya or ^^^^I rMjoaeya,') m.aru- w^^j ^^nrr rupiya or ^rfhlT rupiya,} pee, a well-known coin, nearly equal to two shillings, h. C^ ^ rat, f. (contr. of ra<, q. v.). rat-jaga, watching all night on religious occasions (a female ceremony), vigil. rat-aundha, blindness at night. Nyctalopia, rat-aundhhja or -andhla, blind at night. rut men hand, n. to be in fault, i. 426 ) yj Oj ^tt or fr«T ritu (vuJg. I'ut), f. season, weather : the Hindus divide the year into *ix seasons, viz. basant, grts1}wa, varsJfd, sharad, hima, and shishira , the menstrual evacuation, ritu-prapta, fruitful, pro- ductive in due season, ritu-snan, m. batliing after menstruation, ritu-matl, f. a woman during the menstruation. ». Oj XJ( rat, occupied or engaged in, intent on; m. coition, copulation, s. Oj xfn rati, f. love; venery, coition; Venus (wife of Cupid, v. ratJ). rali-Tcriya, f. copulatioa ». ij^J^j T«TTf§»!^ ratarthini, f. a libidinous woman, a harlot, s. [^^J^j VXT^ ratartht, libidinous, lewd. a. ^^j m.vigils,night-watchings, \jt^iM»C^j T.fri'Hivd.t rati-satwara, f. a plant {Trigonella corniculata), perhaps considered as an aphrodisiac, s. (Jj^ ^oR^ rat-kel, m. venery, coition, s. cLv^Oj rat-ghat, toil and trouble, d, fj^j T7T«f ratan or TSRratna, ra. a jewel, gem, a precious stone; the pupil of the eye. ratna-jafit or -jatit. set with jewels, ratna-may, genuved, mads of gems. ra<«a-M)a<, having gems. s. jUij TiHTTT ratnar, m. red colour. /*. ji V-Oj TSTToIR rutnakar, m. the ocean ; a jewel mine. s. [gems. $. ^jljj TFn^55^ ratndwali, f. a necklace of L^^ ^ji, ^Miln ratan-jot, name of a plant ; name of a medicine, said to be good for the eyes. f. Jbi^C^j TjTfJlfv rat-nidhi, m. a wagtail, s. ^^l^£i*«»j^ TjctW ^ m tf ratna-singhdsan, m. a throne studded with jewels, s. f^^y^ i^j TRsR'^r^ ratna-kandalf m. coral, s. ^U^j5j TC^nrr^T ratan-mdld, f. a necklace of precious stones ; name of a book in astronomy ; a flower, s. (./kS^/j5j i.W[H5rO ratna-manjari, f. name of a flower, also the name of one of the thirty-two imagM supporting the throne of king Bikram. «. Lr~JJli^i) ^P'^^ rat7ia-vrikshf m, coral, s. j^Vjui. HrfiTlt ratniyah, m. a kind of rice. h. ^Jtiyi <,rf«nt^ rat/vdkt, f. an attack in the " night ; a concubine who comes at nighC t. -J ^H riju, straight; also applied to moral rectitude. *. —J t;h rajju, m. a rope, a cord, a tie, a string, s. \tf-, raja, f. hope, prayer, supplication, in- tercessioa. a. JVi rijal, ra. (pi. of ^y>■J) '"^"' rijalu-l- g^ib.m. (by the Hindus called yogihi) an invisible being which moves in a circular orbit round the world : on the Ist, 9th. 16th, and 24th days of a lunar month his station is in the east.; on the 3rd, Uth, 18th, and 25th, in the south-east ; on the 5th, 13th, 2Uth, and 28th, in the south-east ; on the 4th, 12th, 19th, and 27th. in the yj ( 427 ; »^jjy. jytfyn rataundha, m. blindness at night, nyctalopia, s. \jJb^^.Ti^'^nnrataundhiyd,h\ind at night. s. ^j X^ rath, m. a car, a war-chariot, a four- wheeled carriage (not used for baggage), a coach. rath-ban or rath-wan, m. a coachman, rath-banl or rath-wdm, f. coachmanship, rath-kdr, m. a coachmaker. rath-ydtrd, f. a procession of chariots, applied to the procession of the car of Krisfjna as Jaganndth on the secoud of the light fortnight of Ashdfh. s. tlXJl^^ jytl"^ rat hang, m. a wheel; the ruddy goose {Anas casarca). s. i^^^j Xyf^T<^rat.h'>va7i, ra. a carriage-driver, s. (3^j4^j T.vmH^ rathwdnl, f. the office of car- riage-driving, s. le^j jyft rathi, m. the owner of a chariot, " a man riding in a carriage, a charioteer, s. jii trrt rati, the Venus of the Hindus, wife " of Kamadeva (or Cupid), who was son of VisJpnu and Ruimini : he was consumed by the fiery rage of Mahd- deva, for interrupting him in his devotions, and Rati, disconsolate for the loss of her husband, implored Mahddeva's mercy, who promised that she should meet him again in the house of Shambara rdjd, whither she repaired and took service under the name of Mdyd- vati : here, as she was one day cleaning a large flsh, she discovered a child in its belly, which she imme- diately knew to be her husband Cupid, or Kamadeva, whom (under the name of Pradyumna) the tyrant had thrown into the ocean : he at first took Rati for his mother, but remembering the promise of Mahddeva, he knew his wife, and the god of love was again united to the goddess of pleasure : hence, however. Rati is considered as both mother and wife of Kdmadeva. s. jlj TH^ rati or i:^ rattt, f. a weight equal to eight barleycorns ; fortune, rati chamakni, to begin to prosper, to flourish, s, Cj^j Tjfiwn ratiwat, 1 fortunate, prosper- cJiy^j <»ft^'ff ratiwantfj ous. s. C,). T7 rat, f. repetition, iteration, s. • 1 T^TiT rajat, m. silver, s. Ci»^»^ T.f»nT rajit, affected, moved, attracted, excited, s. K>\>--,j M'jfltil raj-jdnd, n. to be satisfied. A. l»-j rajaz, a species of metre or verse, a. (v*?-j T»W rajas, m. the second condition of humanity (v. rajo-gun); dust, pollen; menstruation. rajas-tuald, f. a woman during menstruation, s. CIa^^^ J raj'at or rij'at, f. n return ; returning to earth after death : the word in its primitive sense means restitution ; in law, it signifies a husband re- turning to or receiving back his wife after divorce, and restoring her to her former situation, a. (.iJ^ J '<(L«Tah rajak, m. a washerman, s. if^-j T^nift rajaki, f. a washerman's wife, or "a washerwoman, s. ^Jsft-. rajul, m. a man (pi. rijal). a. j^j rajm, m. detestation, repulse, dejection; stoning to death ; the punishment for adultery, ac- cording to the Mufyimmadan law (founded on the Jewish law), a. ' fj^") ^W!^ rajnl, f. night, rajnl-char, a rak- " shas or goblin; a thief; a watchman, rajni-har, m. the moon, rajnl-gandh, m. the tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa). rqjni-mukh, m. beginning of night, evening. rajni-hdsd, i. a flower {Nyctanthes arhor trislis) which blossoms at night and diffuses a powerful scent after sunset, s. [string. *, ^^51 rajju, m. f. rope, cord, thread, J i«!^^j V^tW^ rajo-handh, m. suppression of menstruation, t. f.^j ruju, m. return, turning towards, ap- pearing; reference. riyu'-A:., to appeal or have recourse to a higher authority, ruju' Idnd, a. to turn towards, to side with, to submit, to yield, a. {^^\ <'f^y*!l rajo-gun, m. one of the three characters or dispositions assigned by the Hindus to the human mind : they are, 1. satwa, benevolence ; 2. raja love of sensual enjoyment, or of pleasure; 3. tama irascibility^ or promptitude to the vindictive passions these are all exhibited in the Hindu Trinity : in Brahma, raja prevails; in Vishnu, sattoa i and va. Shiva tama. s. »Jl>jJ«:>. . rnjvliyat, f. virility, a. JVa»-j ftwn rijhana, a. to please; (met.) to plague, to tease, to perplex. «• ^i^J ^"^^'^ rijhwar, 1 having the qua- j!^^ ft*fik^ rijhwar, V lity of being b^4?^ fbfi^T rijhwaiya,) pleased, easily gratified, s, _j ^^ ruch or ^f% ruchi, f. desire, wish, avidity, desire of, or pleasure from, eating; light, lustre, s. Wj "s^jxH or fJL.'^ll richa, f. a peculiar sort of prayer firom the Veda, a magical invocation, s, ^^j ■<'*fl'«f! rachand, a. to set to work, to set a-going ; to make, to do ; to make merry ; to stain the hands, feet, &c- with ^inna or mendht ; to cele- brate, s, [1}.innu,, q. v. s. cL>jU-j <'**|c|i rachdwat, staining with C>i»-j Xfmt rachit or rachita, done, made, or written by, generally used in comp., as Vydsa-rachita, composed by Vydsa. s. i^i^j V^rm rachak, m. a maker, a composer, a. ^j^ T^r*n rachnd, n. to be made, to be pre- pared, to be set to work ; to be employed, to be about (a business) ; to stain, to colour ; to love, to like ; to keep time in music ; to penetrate ; to predestinate ; a. to make, to form, to compose; f. creation, invention ; created thing, work, workmanship, s. Ia»-j ^^«n ruchnd, a. to excite d«sire ; n. to be agreeable, to gratify, s. ['•>&• *• Wj ^"**"=" rachwd, m. act of making or form- ^^j T^ST rachchhd, f. protection, assistance, patronage ; shadowing, safety, s. cii^>-j T^Sojf rachchhak, m. a protector, a keeper, a guard, a watchman, a redeemer. ». tj^j T.xsdH rachchhan, m. (v. rachchha) act of protecting, &c. s. {^j rahl, m. departing, travelling ; a man- sion, a resting-place. rJjZ, f. a support for a book. a. jU»j rihdl, a kind of desk or stool on which the Jfur.dn is placed, a, KlAf^j riklat, f. marching (particularly to the other world) ; death, ri^lat-h, n. to die. a, ,»»-. rahm, m. mercy, kindness, pity, rahm- athnd, a friend to mercy, ra^m-a., pity or mercy (to affect one), ra^m khdna, to feel pity ralym-dil, ten- der-hearted, merciful, kind, a, j^j rihm or riham, the womb. a. jjU>j rahmdn, merciful, forgiving (an epi- thet of God), a. ^J,\.■t>^J rahmdnt, divine, a. CLa%'>j rahviat, f. pity, mercy, kindness, rah' wtatu-l-ldh 'alai-hi, the mercy of God be upon him { a. ^J^'J rahman (for rahmdn), merciful, gra- «ioua. a. ( 428 ) Jb Jjjk»-^ rahth, the best wine, pure wine ; the real stuff, a. i^i^j rahil, a journey, departure, a. Mr^j fahim, merciful (an epithet of God, also applied to the prophet Mv3yammad). a. i.j rukh, m. the cheek ; the castle at chess ; face, point, side, quarter. ru](h phernd or badaltia, a. to be inattentive; to reject; to turn away from; to be angry, lo be displeased. ru]-j ruhhsdraj mien, complexion, p. {^J^j J'flM'^/'^jlightning, splendour, effulgence; the name of Rustam's famous horse, q. v. p, f^Z^j )-akhshdn, shining, resplendent, p. ^^SxiLs". rakhshandagi, f. refulgence, bright- "ness. p. Si^xi.*'. rakhshanda, flashing, shining, p. ^^SxL»■J rakhshidarij to flash, to shine, to glitter, p, ; CL^*a. ^ j rukhsat, f. leave, license, cong^, dis- mission, discharge, permission, indulgence. ruHfsat lend, to take one s leave, to depart, ruklisat-d. or i., to dismiss. ru}chsai-h., to be dismissed, to depart, a. iolLop-j rakhsatdna, m. a parting present, a.p. ij^^^j rWjMsaose (in arguing) ; to vomit, radd-h., to be rejected or re- futed ; to be abrogated (a law), a. \iiij ridd, f. a cloak or inantli! (worn by der- vises); an upper garment of fine linen unsewed (<>r sewed, if made of other cloth), reaching to the middle of the leg ; any kind of cloak put on when g^ing out. a. \dj XJ^ raddd, m. a layer of a wall, the work of a day. h. [or Shiva, $. .(>. ^^ rudr, m. name or form of Mahdd4i»a JtJ ( 429 ) U^J'J ^i'"Sf rudraksha, m. a tree {Eleo- carpus ganitrua), t, [(v. durgd). s. ti|;-t) '^"ft"'^ rtidrariif the wife ofMahadeva (jti, T^ radan, m. a tooth. 5. (ji^j ^^ rudan, m. (v. rodari) weeping, crying ; a tear, tears. *. 8:>j rwc?o, m. a row, a layer or line. d. •fctJj ^5^ riddha, prosperous, thriving, s. '^'^j ^% or ft% riddki, f. name of a medi- cinal plant ; increase, growth, prosperity ; a name of Parvati, s. ^Cij ^ rwi<;?Aa, obstructed, Stopped, impeded. ji>dj ^ftlT rudhir, m. the blood, s. ij^j raddi, rejected ; m. rejected things, a. i_A>«>j 7'adif, f. a man riding behind another on the same horse; the rhyming word of a^^za^ or iasida, a. BJ^iij radiya, m. rejection, refutation; a doc- trine directly opposing another. raddlya,i dim mu- salmdni, " Refutation of Mahomedanism." a. Jj raz, f. a vineyard ; a battle ; a castle, p. J)\jj razzak, an epithet of the Deity, the great provider of daily bread, a. jjiljj razzdki, f. an attribute of the Deity, "providing daily bread, a. Jljj rizal (properly rM2aZ),mean,worthless. a. ^^^ J rizal-pan, 1m. meanness, baseness, U-i^j rizal-pana,} worthlessness. a. h. 9^\jj rizala (properly ruzala), worst, after the best has been picked out, mean, vile. a. ^\j 1-izk, m. food, wealth, a pension, allow- ance, support, subsistence, daily bread, a. m\j razm, m. war, battle, combat, razm-gah, ^ f the field of battle, p. {^jtij T^ ras, m. juice, humour, essence; flavour, taste ; mercury or quicksilver ; a kind of grass that overspreads fallow fields ; (in rhetoric) expresses tljp passions which a composition describes or is cal- culated to excite. These are stated to be nine, viz. '. . Sringdr-ras, expressing love, or the intercourse be- tween and mutual feeling of lovers ; 2. Hasya-ras, the ludicrous style ; 3, Karund-ras, the pathetic ; 4. Bir- ras, the heroic or epic, describing deeds of courage and martial prowess ; 5. Raudr-ras, describing or ex- citing rage or indignation ; 6. BJiaydnak-ras, the terri- ble, describing the fear and terrible apprehension of the writer ; 7. Vihhatsa-ras, expressing aversion ; 8. Shdnt-ras, expressing confidence and security ; 9. Adbhut-ras, the marvellous, expressing astonish- ment; taste, of which are reckoned six, viz. sweet, sour, salt, bitter, acrid, astringent, ras-gholnd, to be- come friendly (Dakh.) ; perhaps it should be ris- gholna, which would signify to dissolve one's wrath. ras-nivritti, f. loss of taste, flavour, &c. *. ^^J ras, (in nomp.) arriving, happening, touching at. farydd-fas, one whom lamentation reaches, i. e. a protector, a preserver, p. i^j fra riSf f. anger, passion, vexation, s. \mj rasa, arriving ; quick of apprehension, skilful, capable, clever, p. >-»*>) ^SETT rossa, m. rope, cable, h. jJ->^ <^lflc$ rasdtal, m. the regions below, pdtdla. s. JLjj T.'HT^ vasal, m. the sugar-cane, the mango tree {Mangifera Indicd). s. CL^\u»j risalat, f. mission, apostleship. a. ^l**>; <.«ti^«i rasdlsa, f. a tubular vessel of the body, a nerve, a tendon, &c. s. »Ju*>j risala, m. mission, sending a letter, &c.; a book, an essay, a small tract ; a troop of horse. risala-ddr, the commandei of a troop of horse, rtai/a dart, f. the command of a troop of horse, the rank or ofiSce of a risdla-ddr. a. ^Urtj rassdm, m. a delineator, a. ^U*>j rasdn, (in comp.) conveying, bearing ; as muzhdarasdn, conveying glad tidings, p. ol**»j T^rnn rasdnd, a. to solder, h. ^\m»j r^tt I *i I risdnd or rusdnd, n. to be dis- pleased, to be angry, to be vexed, t. j^L*j j rasd,t, f. access, entrance ; wisdom, quickness, apprehension, cleverness, skill, p. i^\***j T^rtR rasayan, m. chemistry ; a medi- cine composed of mercury, or other metala. *. ^J>\*|»J lM\*m rasayan, m. slowness, mild- ness h. (J^S^j XMm*(\ rasdyani, m. a chemist, s. ^ji***j ras-hati, a port-fire (v. rasaut). s. ^ J ^JM^yMJ vt«*i<*i«i ras-bhasman, ra. calx or oxide of mercury, *. c_.*^A*Oj «iqcq ras-pushp, m. a muriate of mercury formed by subliming in close vessels a mix- ture of sulphur, mercury, and common salt. s. (J1am>j rast, free, secure, firm, steady, p. Cm**j rust, growth, increase ; adj. courageous, hearty, bold. p. \JUM^ rasid, m. road, a path (v. rasta). p. j^^j rastakhlz, m. the last day, the day of judgment or resurrection. rustaJsHifiK, newly sprung up. p. SS.'Sm»j rasta-gdr, free, safe, liberated ; vir- tuous, generous, p. ^«.liw*. rastagdri, f. salvation, liberation, s. ( «o ) r*j ^jlr^i rustnm, name of a celebrated warrior ; ' nence this term U applied to a hero in general : he vas one of tlie twelve champions of Persia. His combat with Asfandiyar is famous in the East : it lasted two days, and as the brazen body of his enemy was proof agamst his arrows, he at last killed him with his mace. He was son of Zal, who was son of Sam, tmn of Narlmaii. He was general of Kaika.us, and con- ■idered by the Persians descended from Mamun, son of Benjamin, son of Jacob. He overcame Afrasiyab, king of Turkistan, who was joined by the Indians and Tartars; nevertheless he fell into disgrace with his master, principally on account of his rejecting the reli- gion of Zorooiter, and it was upon this occasion he killed Kafka,ui*s son Asfandiyar, above mentioned. Rustam himself is said to have been killed by the wound of an arrow in an engagement with Bahman (or Artaxerxes Longimanus), son of Asfandiyar ; but according to the Shdhnama, he was treacherously mur- dered by his own bastard brother, p. lOt^j rustaml, f. valour, heroism; adj. of ** or resembling Rustam. p. ^^JUMi rustanl, f. a vegetable, p. Q^Mij rastan (v. rah), to escape, to be saved, p. ^Ji>t**j rusian (r. ru), to grow, to flourish, p. ». rusta, m. a road, path, street, a row or line of warehouses ; partic. saved, escaped, p. oj rasta, m.a market-town; partic. grown, sprung up (vegetation), p. At*>j rasadfi. store of grain laid in for an army, &c., grain, provision, rasad-heshi, an increase of re venue, p. [creasing, p. (^JgM. rasadi, progressively increasing or de- C-»UiW, T:'HVTH ras-dhatu, m. quicksilver, s. \j**ij mi\ rasra, m. rope, a cable, h. w\)U^ T^ncrSf ras-raj, m. quicksilver. ». iSj***j (w. (.vPH'^ ras-sindur, m. a sort of artificial cinnabar, made with zinc, mercury, blue vitriol, and nitre, fused together, and used as an escba- rotic s. uilu**. Tf^RK rasik, flavoured, tasteful; witty, facetious ; m. a libertine, s. j_j>K*», l.fXl«HI^ rasika,l, f. cunningness, 'shrewdness, amourousness. *• J •^jXm*. '<.^4i^1. ras-karpur or -kapur, m. corrosive white sublimate, or a muriate of mercury similar to it, but perhaps milder ; at least if we may trust to the dose assigned by eastern physicians, as stated in the Mdk}^anu-l-Adwiya, i. e. from one and three-quarters to three and a-half grains. To prepare it, quicksilver is triturated with red boie (v. geru), marine salt, and a substance containing vitriolic acid. The Bhdva Prakasha orders alum ; the Makhzanu-l- Adwiya vitriol of zinc or copper ; but the Sukhabodha directs sulphur ; and in the last case the mass is to be moistened with the juice of the bark of the Ainrd tree {Spondiat inangifera). It is then sublimed in close earthen vessels, s. 'jlC»>. T^r^ 7'asa-gya,i.i\ie tongue,the palate.s. &A^M». t^ rasa-gya, acquainted with tastes, or with the sentiments expressed in poetry i a poet, an alchymist, a physician, rasa-gya-ta, f. poetical skill ; knowledge of flavours, alchymy. «. u ^3"^ rasal, m. sending news, ruml, (pi. of ratul) prophets, messengers, angels, ratal ratiil epistolary cvrrsspoo^'^ace. a. A**». rusuii, a wen, an excrescence, d. mMj rasm, f. custom ; law ; model, plan ; a game among cliUdrec. the laws of which are, that oue puts a question to another, who is obliged to reply in words which do not contain either of the three letters re, shi, or mlm, which compose the word rasm. If one of tliese should be found in his answer, he is condemned, as a penalty, to imitate the voice of any animal which may be directed by the questioner, a. l<«*»«*>j T^'nn ras-masa, wet with perfumed essences or perspiration. ». ») T^nrarffT rasmasana, n. to be wet with perfumed essences or perspiration. $. ^.**.»*<*j iVH^^I rasmaslldf wet (little used) (v. rasmasana). s. i^t***) rasml, customary; middling, second " sort ; usage, custom, a, C->Uvi<»j rasmiyat (pi. of ie^***j), usages, customs, &c. u. [a ropedancer. a. fju»j rasan, m. string, cord, rope, rasan-bdz^ j^A*». T:F«T rasun, m. garlick. s. U*tfj T^r*n or l^l^J rasana, f. the tongue, a woman's girdle. «. \xm>j fr'^RT risna, n. to drop slowly, to.be angry, to be vexed, h. U**»j "^^RT rusna, n. to be angry, displeased, to have a misunderstanding with a friend, h. \yMj ruswa, disgrace, infamy ; adj. infamous, ignominious, dishonoured, p, i^y*»j m'iX^ rasmad, exciting quarrels, s. ^J^y^J TjRTR ras-wan, well-flavoured, taste- ful, applied to a composition, && i. i^^^y»*»j ruswa,i, f. ignominy, infamy, p. C^yM. U^H rasaut,^L (also ra«-7wa<), a kind ,^yt>j T?*^ rasuth, J of collyrium, extracted {torn the root of the Amonium anthorrhizum, Roxb. h. (laM*. i.JHMri^ ras-wati, tasteful, luscious, g, ^y*>\ rusukh, m. 1 firmness, constancy, i^^jj^yiMj rusukhiyat, f. J steadiness, steady friendship, a, Jytf. rasul, m. a messenger, an apostle ; the prophet Mu^mmad (pi. rtufitfx). m. i»**>. rasuli, f. mission, apostleship; (in *Dakh. same as rusull). a. d. (»yt*»j rusum (pi. of j^j), a fee, duties, taxes, postage of letters, customs, rusum-dar, one who holds particular perquisites, rusumi cbaudhari, fees and perquisites of the headman of a village or of a trade. rusumi Mo^^no, fees charged at the public treasury on all receipts and payments, rus&mi MozdncAi, fees paid to the treasurer. rusUmi kanutigo, a small fee to the fanGngo levied on the revenue collections, a. r*j ( 481 ) ^J Sm0*^y»j rusumat (barbarous pi. of rusum), cuatomB. &c. a. [^- ^- viOyrt, t^f^ir ratont (v. rasaut), collyriuni, t^^jMj \^\^ raso,i, f. victuals; cook-room, kitchen, s. [of food. s. \^/yj»j 'iMiifll rasOfiya, m. a cook, a dresser l^j»*>j f*. TTfJ rasendra, m. quicksilver; the philosopher's stone, s. ^kJu*», T^ rasya, juicy ; m. blood, s. {^j '^f^ or ftf^f ?:i!ih^, ni. (also rikhi) a sage, saint There are several orders of rwjw, as the Ma- harthi, Devarshi, Rdjarshi : the uncompounded name ' is especially applied to seven ancient sages, beginning with Vashishtha, and in astronomy to the seventh as- lerism of the Greater Bear. The rishi of a mantra or prayer in the Vedas is the sage by whom it was com- posed or recited, s. sjJmj rjshta, m. a string, line; series; rela- tionship, connection, kin. rishta-dar, m. a relation, a kinsman, rishtaddri, f. relationship, affinit}'. p. ^xZij <^|ri1 rashti, a bonus paid by the culti- " vator in consideration of being allowed to reclaim waste lands, h. Mj ^ rusht, angry, displeased, s. ujl . f"^ ft^tj? risht-pvsht (for hrishta- pusht), fat, corpulent, stout. ». idXL^j flV^' rishtak, m. the soap-berry plant (Sapindus). t. *^j rashfha, dripping, drop, sweat, juice, a. i^j rashad or rushd, m. rectitude, being in the right way (spiritually), a. iji*j rashf, a drop ; sipping, a. Mj rashk, m. malice, spite, envy, emula- tion, jealousy, p. if^j rashkl, envious, spiteful, p. ^^j tItR rashrni, m. a ray of light, s. ^^^ T^RT rashnd, f. the tongue, a woman's girdle, s. C^^Mj rishroat, f. a bribe, rishwat khttV' dan, to take a bribe, rishwat hh^r, one who takes bribes, rishwat IsJmri, f. the taking of « bribe, rith- wat-dend, to bribe, rishwat-khdna, to oe bribed, lit. to swallow the bribe, a. i^^j rishwutl, one who takes bribes, a. iJmj ^^^ P^h^j f- the wife of a rishi. s. {J^^-^j ^^^ rishisht m. chief of the rishis. s. JaM). rashtd, sagacious, intelligent, wise ; m. a guide, a conductor, hdruna-r-rashtd, the name of a celebrated Caliph of Bagdad, known to readers of the Arabian Nights as Haroun al raschid. a. (,jioLoj rasas, m. tin, lead, rassds, a tinman, a worker in tin or lead. a. Uj. razd or rizd, f. consent, acquiescence; per- mission, leave, razd-pattt, list of holydays, feasts, &c., in the course of the year, on which days public offices are closed, razd-jo, one who seeks the gratification of another. razd-jo,i, the gratifying of another, ra:^- mand, acquiescing, consenting, permitting, willing. raxa-mandi, f. consent, acquiescence ; permission, a. cLaP'I^ razd,at, f. act of sucking, a. lS^^ l^^j ''«?5'i bhd,tf a foster-brother.a. A. ij^^j razdft, f. a quilt, a headgear, a com- forter, a. p. ^\y4C^ ru'finat, f. pride, haughtiness, a. OoPj ratyat or ra'aiyat, f. a subject, tenant ; (vulg. ryot.) ra'iyatSzar, an oppressor, ralyat-parwar or ra'tyat-nawaz, a cherisher of subjects. a protector. rCj r agh h, m. "i strong desire, avidity ; CIaJiP. raghhat, f.j wish, curiosity ; esteem, affection, pleasure, a. j^j raghm, ra. looking down, shame, re- proach ; repugnance, abhorrence ; contempt, a. { Jj rajf, m. shining, glittering; eating much ; kissing (a woman) with the tips of the lips : sucking (the lips) when kissing ; sucking milk (a colt) ; defending, preserving; favouring, serving; honour- ing; swelling with moisture (herbage; winking or tvrinkling with the eye ; moving tremulously ; sewing any garment in order to lengthen it. a, ^j rnfuy m. mending (a garment), cementing broken friendship, quieting, pacifying, peace, tran- quillity, a. tJLolJ. rafahat (vulg. rifakuty f. society, companionship, friendship, a. content, affluence, en- 8^ rafah, 'If. »Jli*Ato\9. rafahiyat,) joyment of life, repose, quiet, tranquillity. C^j raft, (in comp.) going, motion* as amad-raft, coming and going, ruft, sweeping, ruft' rub, a clean sweep ; a broom, p. jljkij raftar, f. gait, pace, walk. p. C^^CLiij raft-guzasht or raft o guzashty past and gone, p, ^J^j raftagi, f. departure, p. {>X^j raftan (r. rav), to depart, to go away, to depart this life. p. (J^i, ruftan (r. i-vh), to sweep, to brush, p. ^^j raftant, fit to go, transient, p, ^JDS'^^J ^'^fi" ^ '""*> clean sweeping; a broom, p, sjij rafta, gone, past, defunct, p. «jki,&li, rafta-rafta, going, in the act of go- ing, by degrees, gradually, in process of time. p. {joij rifz or rafz, m. schism, heresy ; aban- doning (particularly one's religion), a. ^^^j rafzif ni. a lieretic (v. rajizt). a. *9j raf, m. elevation, promotion, ascending; finishing, completing, settling, deciding; repelling. raf' daf', deciding, settling, finishing, raf i sharr, settling a dispute, deciding a difference; getting r of a dispute raf'-nama, a deed of compromise, raf^-k to remove, to decide a lawsuit. moved, to be decided (a suit). rid -*■ raf-h., to bie .e i5j raf'at, f. elevation, promotion, ^i;?- nity, eminence, nobility, a. ^jSj rifh, benevolence, kindness, courtesy ^. laij rxfaha (pi. of ^J^), companions irarvc^i especially in travelling), a, ^j rafu, m. darning, a darn, rafu-chakkar, making one's escape, stealing off. rafu chakkar met a-jana, to be lost in astonishment, rafu-gar, va. a darner, rafu-gari, f. the employment of darning, rafu-hona, to run away, to retire, a. ^j rafV, high, sublime, elevated, exalted. rafPu-sh-thdn, a person of dignity, a nobleman of high rank, rafVu-l-^adar, of high estimation, a. *— *i^ ^«yV» the Daurian lily (^Lilium dauri- cum). a. ^jjjj rafik, m. a friend, ally, associate, com- panion (especially in a journey), a, Jjj rahh, ra. parchment, vellum, a. ^^j rikdb (pi. of aj5^), necks; slaves, a. (jiol^ rai^Aas, a dancer, a jumper; the balance- wheel of a watch, a, el5j rika (pi. of a*5^), notes, &c.; also a species of handwriting, a. WU5. rahha, m. inclosure ; esplanade ; en- virons, ralcba-bandt, an account of all the lands, cnlti vated and otherwise, pertaining to a village, raikaba, the neck ; a slave purchased with money, a. d/^ rihhat, f. thinness, minuteness, sub tileness ; affection ; pity, sympathy, tenderness ; weep* ing. a. {„jc^j rahs, m. a dance, a ball ; dancing, a. {,jaSj rahas, 1 ambling, capering, skipping r^^'^j rakasan,} about, dancing, a. C^\t3j ruk'at (pi. of *«5j), notes; a collec- tion of epistles, a. &fSj ruk'a, m. a bit, a piece ; a note, epistle, card. ru(c'a-ivar, paper fit for writing letters on. «. ^j 7-aham, f. writing ; handwriting, charac- ter; a mode of arithmetical notation, chiefly taken from the initials of the Arabic words denoting the numbers ; one character in the notation above de- scribed ; arithmetic ; manner, kind, method, sort ; a royal edict. rdkam-sitoa,e, that which is in excess of a stipulated sum. rakam-k., to write, ra^am-h., to be written, a. ^^j rakami, written, committed or reduced "to writing, marked, a. y. raku, a styptic, any thing applied to stanch a bleeding, a, u-^j5j rukub, m. expecting, watching, con- templating the stars, waiting, c UipAjkJj 1-akib, m. a rival, an enemy ; one who watches, a guardian, a. Jfjjj rahihf subtile, minute, thin, fine. a. aL»jj. rayima, m. an epistle, note, letter a •4 t£3* rak, rage, indignation ; a row, a line ; (for ro^,) a vein, a nerve, p. i^j ^W ruk, m. stoppage, hindrance, rik (v. rig), one of the four Vedas. «. (_^\>. rihab, f. a stirrup, rikab-ddr, an atten- dant \rhen riding, a companion, rikab-dawal, a stirrup leather, a. p, i_-*D. rikab, f. a dish, a plate, rikab-ddr, keeper of the dishes, p. j30. rikabl, f. a dish, a plate ; a kind of rupi current in Lakhnau. rikabi maxhab, parasitical, p. Jo. rikdz, valuable fossils or mines, treasures buried in the earth. According to Gladwin, there are three legal terms which particularly belong to mines and buried treasures, and which are employed for the use of distinction : ma'dan^ the place in which the ore or liietal is naturally produced ; frawz, treasure, or the property buried in the ground; and rikdz, applied equally to either — to m^dan literally, and to kanz metaphorically. In all parts of Asia it is a common practice to bury treasure : treasures are hidden in the ground on the commencement of a war or other trou- bles, and it frequently happens that, the depositors perishing, the treasure remains concealed, perhaps f«" many years, till it be discovered by accident, and at a time when no legal claimants are to be found, a. ^j t^enitti rukdnd, a. to cause to inclose, to surround, to stop, to hinder, s. jO; ^oFI'f rukdjv, m. hindrance, prevention, s. cLjjOj ^Wr«f7 rukdmat, f. prevention, stop- page, hindrance, delay, g. y^j rakdfiz (pi. ofjvj, q.v.), treasures, &c. a. <^j ff^rikta, empty, void, deprived of; m. 'also riktatd, f ) vanity, rikta-hasta, empty-banded, s. ujij xmK rakat or t;^ rakt or rakta, m. the blood ; adj . red. rakta-pa, f. a leech, rakta-pat, m. spilling of blood, rakta-chandan, m. red sandal-wood. rakta-churn, m. red lead, rakta-dhdtu, m. red chalk or red orpiment; copper, rakta-lochan, red-eyed. rakta-may, bloody, consisting of blood, rakta-varn, of red colour, rakta-hln, bloodless, s. JlJo. t;'^^' raktdlu, m. a sort of yam {Dios- corea purpurea), s. ^U^ V^grSt^raktambar, dressed in red. rak- tambard, m. any vagrant devotee wearing red gar- msnts. s. d^.OOt I^^Pm^ rakta-piit, m.1 a painful jS^^CL*^ II^Pm^I raht-fittt, f. J and itchy " eruption supposed to arise from excess of blood and bile ; haemorrhages from the mouth, nose, rectum, and cuticle ; a plant used for the cure of this disease : in Dakh. it denotes the black or eating leprosy, s. •^jy^-^j di«Kl^ rakt-horh, m. a kind of leprosy in which the part affected is red. s. J^^j <# 'I riding, mounted on ; perpetra- tion (of a crime), rakub, any one mounted ; any beast, &c. on which people ride. a. e,i^j ruku', bowing the head in humility and reverence, as in prayer, or towards one of old age. a. ^,yj ^'SkAm rukrvaiyd, m. a preventer, s. ^j frf^ T^^\'i or rikh, m. a sage, a saint, s. \^j ^^ ruhhd (for rukhd), plain, dry, stale (bread), s. U^jTj il^HI rakhdnd, a. to give in charge, to cause to keep, put, place, rakhd-lend, a. to take in charge, s. Lf^^j ^^^% I'uhhdftf f. plainness, dryness (of bread, &c.) ; unkind looks, indifference, s, (-i^Tj lM4i rakhak (for rakshak), a keeper, . protector, &c. s. (^^ XW^rakhan (for rakskan), m. keeping, charge, protection, preservation, s. Uk^^ IM^\ rakhnd, a. to keep, to put, to place, to have, to hold, to possess (o lay, to set, to station, to leave, to own, to stop, tc save, to reserve. rakh-chhopid, a. to place ; to keep ; to have ; to give in charge, rakh-dena, a. to put down, to place ; to keep, to put by. rakh-lend, a. to take in charge, to take into keeping or service. «. j^-4^ Ti^T^^R rakhan-hdr, m. a watchman, a guard, h. )j\^ iM4\l\ rakhwdrd,' J\^^j T^TT^y rakhwdl, ii^'i^j *J^<\^\ rakhrvdld, or goatherd. » 2 F m. a keeper, a guard ; a sbei-- herd, cowherd, ^J ■4^ ^J^j U , rikhis, j ., f m. the chief of the LT^J •• • \^^\ l^-^j rikkish,) [ rikhis or saints, an arch-saint. *. I / 7 1^^ assault, attack, a. y^j rakhela,] .Jji^ij rahhelna, a. to assault, attack, d. '-^i^Mj j'aklk, fine, minute, subtile, thin, o, A*^jrigistdn(for registdn),Q. sandy region.ja. rj/i ^5^ rugna, bent, crooked, curbed ; dis- eased, sick. •. [love with. «. U6. TTHTT ragnd, to be attached to, to be in iWjt^-^ V^ T^g-'^^d} ni. the first of the four Vedas (v. ved or veda), t. ^j xyt raghu, a sovereign of Oude,the great- grai}4father of Ram&-chandra. ragku-bans (for raghu- vaAsa, m. the race of Raghu; a poem by Kalldas. i. <^j tn^ *'agedf f. pursuit, chase, h. ( 434 ) ^^j OtioS^ yj <5t, agreeable; a beautiful or excellent woman. ramanlyatd, f. pleasantness, s. *-^^^^j ^*<n ramhha, f. a courtesan, a harlot ; a plantain or banana, s. ^j ranj, m. grief, affliction, anguish of mind, offence, disgust, p. cHa*^ ifVijif ranjit, moved, affected, s. ij^j ranjish, f. grief, affliction, p, dLl,^ T^9V ranjak, what excites or affects; what colours, &c. ; m. a colourist, a painter, a dyer ; a stimulus, an inciter of affection, &c. ; biliary humour on which vision depends; f priming-powder; the touch-hole of a gun. ranjak ufand, a. to burn priming, to flash in the pan. ranjak piland, a. to prime, ran- jak'ddn, m. priming-pan. s. (^^ "KMH ranjan, m. colouring, dyeing ; af- fec^tog, exciting passion ; red sandal or sapan wood ; (in Dakh.) a large jar. «. [firm. p. \^j ranjur or ranjmar, sick, afflicted, in- {jjy^i ranjurl, f. sickness, grief, p. sji , ranja, sorrow, trouble, pain. p. iSd^j ranjidagi, f. affliction, p. U'^^ ranjldan, to be grieved or vexed, p. »Ja^ ranjlda, afflicted, vexed, ranjida- kh^tir, afiBicted in mind. p. (^^ rind, m. a reprobate, a drunkard, a de- bauchee, a vagabond p. [brasure. $. U^ T?^ randa, m. a hole, a loophole, an em- \sSj randa, 1m. a plane (for smoothing »«33j randa,) wood), p. &>\d^j rindana, licentious, disorderly, p. O jjj ^^tii rundna, n. to be trod or trampled on. h. StiS, randa, m. a hole, &c. (v. randa.) s. j^<^j TtH randhra, m. a hole, a fissure, a chasm ; a fault, a defect, s. U^iSJ, ^V«TT rundhna or rundh-jand, n. to be constrained, afilicted, surrounded, h. [tuals). s. ^S>j <»^«ii randhna, n. to be boiled (vic- {Jii^j rindl, f. trick, fraud, debauchery, p. 3J, ^^?p rund, m. the trunk, the headless body. s. <^j T3^ rand, m. the name of a tree, the castor-oil plant, Palma Christi {Ricinus vulgaris), s. \3J>j TWl randa, f. a plant (Salvinia cucul- lata) ; a widow, s. bj3J, 7:?PT'm randdpa, jj^jjj, ^^I^T^TTt I'anddparo, (j^)i^^j ^^T'T'T randdpan, ^.^3Jj mrrtnTT randdpand,^ ^U*>3J, Tl^lSfTToiT randsdld, m. widows' weeds tiJ3Jj T?^^ randak, m. a barren tree. s. l^jtijj T^VT randu,d, m. a widower, s. {J<^j T3Bf^ randl, f. a woman, a wench ; (in Dakh.) a prostitute, ran^i-baz, a wencher, a whore- monger. ra7i^-bdzi, f. whoredom, fornication. *. bti^ j ranz or runz, m. rice. a. jjO, t^ rans, f. a ray, a sunbeam, s. Ldljj t«ir rank, m. a poor man, a miser ; adj. niggardly, avaricious. A. (.fXi, rang, m. colour; manner, method, hue, paint, rang utarnd, to become pale ; to be grieved. rang ur-jdna, to change colour, to be afraid, rang-amez, painted, gaudy ; variable, rang-dmezi, f. being varie- gated, rang-ba-rang, of various hues or sorts, rang bigarnd, changing the state or condition of any thing. rang-hhang, spoiling of sport, rang-bhum, a place of amusement, theatre, palaestra, rang-chafhnd, to be elated with liquor, rang dekhnd, to look at or examine the state, condition, result, conclusion, or consequence of any thing, rang-dhang, a brilliant or pleasing sight. rang rdtnd, to become attached to any one. rang- raliydn, merriment, pleasure, mirth, pleasant society of a lover, ran^-ru/j, m. colour, form, appearance, rartg- rez, m. a dyer, one whose business ia to dye. rang- 2f2 ra. widow- hood, p. [or dress. cLO, f 436 ) esl, f. dyeing, rang fak hojdnO, to grow pale (from fear, ■Btonishment). rang kama. to enjoy, to lead a life of pleasure, rang lagana, to colour ; to excite a quarreL rang mama, to wm (in gaming, an expression taken from tlie game of chaupaf). rang-ma^al or -ma^l, an apartment dedicated to voluptuous enjoyment, p. ilXX Tff ranff, m. dancing, acting, singing, amusement, merriment, pleasure; suit (at cards), ramg- bhuti, {. the day of full moon in the month Aswin, the night of which is devoted to Lakshmt, and spent in playing ancient chess, dancing, &c. rang-bhumi, f. a field of battle ; a stage, a theatre, a place where dancing is exhibited (also rang-shdld, f.). t. ^.IG, rangard, a colourer, a dyer. d. tiX3jUl3jraw5'aran5f,various,many-coloured, of various kinds, p. UUCJj Tgrm rangdnd, a. to colour, to tinge, p. C.>«\Xi. T3FRT rangdwatf f. colour, colour- ing, p. h. i^^^j TfP^ rangdft, f. the price paid for dyeing ; a certain space of time, during which a cloth is dyed. p. h. CJtJj rangaty f. colour, dye, tint. p. \jf^j rangtara, m. a kind of orange (this name was given by Muhammad Shah instead of sang- tara, q. v.). p. [pleasure. », (^mJiij K^KVi rangraSf m. delight, melody, VfcjCJj <.4UJ|dl 7'an-garhd, m. lines of intrenoh- acnt 5. uCJ. Tyn rangnd, a. to colour, to dye. p, ^jA^^j K.^'i\\ iangivd,i, f. the price paid for colouring (particularly for dyeing), p. oyCij 4.^^141 rangTvaiyd, m. a dyer. p. iS^j rangi, m. a dyer; f. chintz, the colour "of which will not stand washing ; a kind of cloth pe- culiar to the city of Khairabdd. p. iS-^j T^ rangi, impassioned, having pro- ** pensity or passion, s. CajXJj ranglt, a vulture having a white body and yellow neck, commonly called "Pharaoh's chicken." d. ^U^->) <>S^?JT rangild, gaudy, fine, showy, airy, buxom ; m. a rake, a man of pleasure, p. h. jjjio. rangln, coloured, gaudy, p. lii^j ranglni, f. the state of being coloured, p. jU^^j ^jJUJHK. rin-mdr, m. one who does not pay his debts, s. [ro/a. s. (,jt*^^j ^H«IIfr 7'anwa$f m. the seraglio of a I VmJ^ 1.11^1^1^ ra»io«^ tw^ ranhat, m. a wheel for raising water (same as rahaf). h. y-^ r. " ".'. _ Mndebtad; m. a debtor. «. ^j ^MlTRT rimy a, J jj ra, m. face, surface; sake; cause, reaw>n r&-posh, hiding one's face, concealed. r&-dir, ra. a man of rank and digpaity. ru-dari, f. rank, dignity ; flattery, complaisance, ru-dend (Pers. ru-dadan), to occur, to appear or present itself, to happen, ru-te, according to, by way of. ru-thinas, an acquaintance, one whose face is known, a cap acquaintance, ru- shindsi, f. intimacy, acquaintance, ru-garddn, turning away the face, deserting, abandoning, ru-gardan-k., a. to turn away the face, to abandon ; to beat. p. jj raw, (in comp.) going; as pesh-rarv, pre- ceding, going, or singing before another, ratp-deni, to copulate (used among women), p. Jj ^^f 0^ comp.) growing, as khud-ro, grow- ing of itself, p. jj T!'?' 7'an) or rava, m. a voice, sound. ». jj Tf%^ 7'avi, m. the sun. ravi-kdnt, m. the sun-stone, a sort of crystal, ravi-mdrg, m. the sun's path, rdvi-mandal, m. the disc of the sun. t. Uj rawa, right, proper, accurate, rarvd-ddr, an approver, chooser, consenter, one who judges or deems (a thing) right, rawd-ddshtan, to deem proper, to allow or countenance, p. Vj T^ rawd, m. gold or silver filings ; a grain or particle of sand, dust, gunpowder, &c h. c^Uj rawdtih (pi. of <-«o\i, q-v.), neces- saries of life, &c. h. — Vj riwdj, f. usage, custom, fashion ; adj. customary, current, vendible, ritvdju-l-mulk, custom of the country, a. 2U, 1^ dravl,} going, travelling, p. j^jjUj rawaravi i^I-^'jj TtWW ro,ds, f. inclination to weep. 3. L»»\^jj ^^T91 rOydsd, inclined to cry, vexed, displeased, afflicted, s. {^jo3\^j rarvajiz (pi. of {^^\j), heretics, par- ticularly Shi,as. a. l31jj '''^^^^> ^ portico, a gallery, a balcony, a. i^3j *'^^^^> ^i^^^j soul ; running, flowing ; text ; reading, rawdn-dsd, soul-refreshing, rawdn-k., a. to set a-going; to despatch, to forward, to send ; to make current, rawdn-h. (Pers. rawan shudan) to de- part, to set forth, p. [down. *. jjUjj T^f rOfdn, m. hair of the body, wool, UUjj OVMI 7'0,dnd, a. to make cry, to vex, to displease, s. [_lichos littensis). h, (j<<31jj ^^\^ 7'a'wdns, m. a kind of bean (^Df- ^_>\jj 7'anmnagi, f. running, flowing ; pass- " ing, travelling, going, p. ftS^jj ratvdna, m. a pass, passport ; adj. des- patched, departed, rawdna hand, n. to flow; to be despatched, to be in motion, to go, to pass. p. fj}jj 7a7vdni, f. a course, proceeding, p. (_yl«j ^tWl^ro,o,i, f. lamentation. $. Objjj 7'iTvdydt (pi. of d*i|ij), histories, narrations, a. 2; cV?.'jj riwayat, f. a higtory, narrative, tale, fiction, fable, riwdyati sa'l),!^,, indubitable report ; a title bestowed upon two different treatises on the sun- nat or traditions of Mul^ammad. riwdyati mash,hur, cele- brated reports ; a work of considerable authority, a. <—->•. rob or rub, (in comp.) sweeping, p. sb jjj robah, f. a fox. robah-baz or robah-mash, one who acts slily or deceitfully, robah-bazi, f. strata- gem, wile, trick, deceit, evasion, subterfuge; spying; endeavouring to find out a secret ; pumping a person for that same purpose, p. ^]j^jj ru-ba-rah, fit for business, adjusted, pre- pared; reformed,retarned from an erroneous course, p. jl^j J ru-ba-ru, m. presence ; face to face, before, p. J o^«j ru-ba-kar, ready for business, intent on ; pi. ru-ba-kdrat, causes, &c. brought to court, p. (^jOJ jj rM-&a-Aan,f.proceeding (of a cause).jt?. ^3 J "^'obah (for robah), a fox, q. v. p. u-^jj ^^^ rup, m. beauty ; shape, appear- ance, face, picture, manner, mode, method ; silver, rup- ras, killed or calcined silver, rup-sdgar, ocean of beauty, rup-nidhdn, receptacle or abode of beauty, s. t-i.'jM ro2), m. the stalk of grass or corn when growing, d. bjj ^^T rupa, m. silver, s. do J J "^afmf ropit, planted, raised, s. CLa-^jj ^mrer rUp-jast, m. pewter, h. X'-.-iJ ^^ ropar, transplanted rice ; a rate in a lease for crops of rice raised by transplanting, h. tibjj ^'''K^ropak, who or what plants, raises, &c. s. [raising. ». ^^ «j Tt'^TOr ropan, m. the act of planting or ^.j J t^^r«!T ropnd, a. to transplant, s, b^.j J CtlfTT ropnd, a. to defend, to obstruct, h. ul>vjj ^M. .. ;ct*B^ '>'ojh, m. the nil gd,o, or white- footed antelope {Anlilope picta). s. ^^j J ^SW rujhd, (an animal or bird more particularly) much teased by the insect ruj, q. v. h. (JU^-jj 0'<<«h rochak, a stomachic, something taken to excite appetite, a. Ij^jj TN^ rochand, m. a yellow pigment, supposed to be the concrete bile of the cow, used as a medicine, a dye, and perfume, s. 4»-jj ^^ ruchh. Stern; m. a violator, s. _ «. ruh, f. soul, spirit, ruhu-l-kuds, the holy spirit, the angel Gabriel, ru^.u-l-ldh, the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ, riihi a'zam, sulphuric acid (pi. arwd^). a j^Wj . rukdm, spiritual, a. lij . rod or ?'ud, m. a river ; the string of \ musical instrument, p. \(^jj rodd, m. a gut or sinew used as a bow- string ; the branch of a creeper, p. «i^4>5j ruddd, m. account of circumstances, narrative, rudddi tajtviz or rti,edadi tqjwtx, statement of the investigation of a complaint or suit at law. p. iO^djj rud'khdna, ra. the bed or channel of a river, p. jjijj T^^ raudra, fearful, terrific, wrathful , m. wrath, rage, heat, raudrata, f. fierceness, s. U'^Jj ^^ roddn, m.weeping, crying, tears, s. 8i5jj ruda, a gut, an intestine, string of a bow or of a musical instrument, p. J6jijj TCtV rodht m. a bank, a shore, s. ^^«5.j Tt^RrorfAaw, adj. impeding, obstruct- ing ; m. an obstacle, the act of impeding. «- jjjj ^ ror or ^^ raur, f. noise, clamour, s, Kjj rord, m. a blackguard, a proiligate. d. ^t ( ^ ) ^ 'V 3JJJ ^^^ vawravy formidable, terrific; m. one of the divisions of hell. «. ij.j). tVO^^ rorokar (lit. with repeated weeping), with difficulty, with labour and pain. $. \jjs TtTf rora, m. name of a caste of the kshatri or militarj class, h. \jjL. flrr 7-ord (or rora), m. a stone, a fragment of stone or brick, baf-ka rofi, a stambling^block (in one's path). $. Jbjjj •^rurh, hard, stiff, rough,grim,croB8. s. j*j roz, m. a day. roz ba'-aish, a good day (to you), roz-ba-roz, daily, constantly, roz-bih, for- tunate days, happy times, prosperity, rox o shab, day and night, always, constantly, rozi dad, day of retri- bution, the last day. rozi shumdr, day of reckoning. rozi maidan, day of battle ; (lit.) of the field, p. e6\jj . rozana, daily, daily pay, a pension, p. J^J3} '>'oz-gar, m. service ; earning ; the world, time, age. rozgar-Jc., a. to serve ; to earn. p. (CjOj.j roz-gart, one who earns his daily bread, roz-gare, for or daring some time. p. S-cjjij roz-marra, m. daily conversation, common discourse ; always, daily, p. ^jj). rauzan, m. a hole, a window, p. ik^Utjj. roz-namckaAm. a daily account- a/oUjj . roz-nama, J book. p. sjjj roza, m. fast. Lent, roza-dar, m. one who fasts or keeps Lent, p, icjj . rozi, f. daily food or portion, rozl-dih, one who bestows daily food. p. eujjjj rozlna, m. daily pay. rozina-ddr, m. one who receives daily wages, p. i,jt»jj ^tW ?'0s, ra. anger, rage, ros-k., to be angry, to be displeased, s. {,j*ijlj raus,f .{for ravishtq.y.) an avenue,&c.p. iv^jj ruspi, a courtesan, a harlot, p. \jiu»j t rosta or rusta,\ra. a village ; a peasant, ^j^\jMtjj rosta,t, J a villager, p. J>**>jj 5j ^^T^rt rosati, J quality, h. Uutfjj '0««{l rosnd or kMH\ rusnd, n. to be angry, to be displeased, to have a misunderstanding with a friend, to quarrel, s. ^Sj L>**JJ OhII^H ro«-»aAan,angry, display- ing wrath, s. ij**jj ^^ 1'^h f- scurf. ». sIjuwj. ru-siydh, black in the face ; (met.) disgraced, unfortunate, criminaL p. ^U**»ji. ru-siydht, f. disgrace, criminality, jp, {j^jfj ravish, f. custom, fashion, institution, law, rule ■ an avenue, walk, passage, way. p. {*^3) roshan, bright, splendid, manifest, con- spicuous, roshan chauki, f. a kind of serenade, with pipes and small tabors, round the apartment of a great man when he retires to rest : the same kind of music used on other occasions, rothan-ddn, m. a small hole for admitting light, roshan-dil, of an enlightened mind, roshan-damd^, anuff. rofAan-ra,e, of enlightened understanding, roshan-zamir, enlightened (in mind). roshan-tab', oi a bright genius, roshan 'dkl, of enlight- ened mind. ro*han-k., to illumine, roshan-gar, an il- luminator, p. i*}***_ii Omu roshan, m.1 , . A "^ V >-angry, passionate, s. \-k**»jjj TTTWrr roshana, f. J vLiijjj roshana, light, splendour; the name of one of Alexander's queens, called by the Greeks Roxana. p. (j^^11m*jj roshndjt, f. light, splendour; ink. p. (j***jj roshnt, f. light, splendour, p. iJl^'t O jj rauzat or &^jj rauza, m. a garden, a mausoleum, a shrine or tomb of a reputed saint, a. li^^iJ rciughan, m. grease, oil, boiled butter, varnish, raugiani-balsan, balsam, raughani-talkf^. m. oil of mustardT raugj^n-josh, a kind of dish, rauzan' dag^ m. a vessel for boiling butter in. raug^ani-zard, m. boiled butter, raughan-farosh, m. an oil- merchant. raug^n-ka-tel, varnish, oil. p. ^Jp'^ raugham, greasy, oily ; buttery, p. »— Jjj ra,uf, forgiving, merciful, a. X) ^^ ^''^^ ™' ^^^^7 money, cash. s. Jj '^ ^^^* ^' prevention, prohibition, hin- drance. «. *^jj ^^ ruk, f. to boot, over and above, h. ci3y (-i)j . 0<*^3h roh-tok, challenge, obstruc- tion, be-rok-fok, without let or hindrance. «. J^JJ ^^? rohar, f. 1 ready money, cash; {Jiy^j TtflFs rokre, m.J prompt payment in cash. roJcaf-bahi, a cash-book. «. [treasurer. *. bjSjj Cl^Hf^l rokariyd, m, a cash-keeper, a (*f3) C^ ruhan, f. to boot (v. rw^). A. (j;fjj 0^*1 rokan, f. an obstacle. *. Ujjj 0^*11 rohnd, a. to inclose, to surround,to stop, to prevent, to detain, to interrupt, to prohibit, t. ^^j TCt^ rohu, m. a preventer. 5. #4^j ^^ rukh, m. a tree, rvkh charha, m. a monkev (q-d. a climber of trees) ; adj. plain, unsea- soned (bread or food). «. l^^ J T|r!n rukhd, dry, plain ; rough, harsh, unkind: simple, unseasoned, rikha sukhS, plain, blunt, harsh (words), s. [chisel, h. iJf^JD ^'^hI rukhdni, f. a carpenter's c^'^vJD ^^'1, 1'uhhcif'i, f. plainness, staleness, roughness, dryness, unfriendliness, s J^3J ^'^^ ruhhar, m. a kind of small tree ; name of a class of jogts or ascetics, h. ^ 'V i^Jl) ^^TT rukhra, m. a small tree, h, {i;^3j ^'^•f rv,khan,io boot, over and above, h. j_54fjt) ^^ ruhht, f. a squirrel, s. w^ TtT rog, m. sickness, disease, rog-bhu, f. (the seat of disease) the body, rog-rdj, m. (the king of diseases) consumption, rog-shanti, f. cure or alle- viation of disease, rog-shdntak, m. an alleviator of sickness, a physician, rog-grasta, sick, diseased, rog- lakshan, m. symptom of disease, rog-har or rog-hdri, curative ; m. a physician. ». (JjlJ ^^ ''Ofh 4ijj rffW'n rogiya (Jj^jjj Civile* ro^i^, ^^jj O^HciJl roglldf sick, ailing; lazy; an invalid (fem. roginl and rogtU). s. [alarm, h. ^jjj Ocjif raula, m. noise, tumult, sedition, li^jj Cl'^T«11 rolana, a. to cause to cry. s. j^i) ,j I Ujj Tt^ rona, m. (v. ramS) gold-fiIing8,ftc. h* Ojj^ jj rawanna, m. a pass, a permit, p. CL*i'>jj ^f^H rohit, m. a species of fish (C_y- prinus rohita). s. ciLJfcj. TCtf 7 rokat, f. weeping, crying, tears, h. ^j-J&jj. jj "O^'I rohag, m. the name of a moun- tain, Adam's peak in Ceylon. «. (j^jj ^l^roAara,m.name of an ancient ra;a. *. {^jj tH^ rauhin, m. sandal wood. s. i^Jj "^^"^ rohim, f. the name of the fourth " mansion of the moon, figured by a wheeled carriage, comprising Aldebaran and four other stars in Taurus, s, »Jj}i>jj 'tH^^ rauhineya, m. an emerald. «. y&jj ^Ct^ rohu, m. f. the name of a fish (Cy- prinus denticttlatus, Buck,). «. «/'J>> ( 440 ^ 3»J J^ ^^3J ^ ''"'*» ^- cotton. ru,t-dar, quilted with cotton, stuffed with cotton, h. i^^jj ru,e (v. r«), face, surface, p. f^fijj ro,i, (in comp.) growing (v. ro). p. bjjj ravtya,m. (for rartya,q.v.),cu8tom,&c. |7. Ootj. roya<, f. shape, appearance \ seeing j aspect of the planets, a. [plant, p. >tiJ/*. rufldayi, f. vegetation, growth of a ^^liJ/jj ru,idan or ro,tdant to grow, to vege- tate (a plant), p. ^J>,^^^ rOfin, m. brass, bell-metal. ro,i»-ian, a hero, an epithet of hfandiyar, whose body was im- penetrable to weapons, p. i^i/jj "^[^ ro^en, f. the hair on the arms, &c., bristle, pile, nap, down. ro,eA badalna, n. to become sleek and fat (a horse), to change his coat. s. Ojj ravli/a, m. custom, fashion, institution, law, rule, mode of procedure, p. l^/j. ^C^T riiylhd, m. a seller of cotton, h, ij rah, f. a road, path ; time or turn (t. e. twice, three times, &c.). p. \it>j raha, release,escape. raha-k., to release, p. jjUfrj rihdn (pi. of ^2^J), pawns, pledges, a. jKSij T^TcT rahaw, m. stay, halt, delay, abode, residence, continuance, h. (jAjbj rahdfty f. liberation, escape, relief, ac- quittal, discharge, freedom, release, p. {j^^j T^\^ rahd,is, If. stay, delay, halt, (J».>'*i T^T^ I'ahdfish, J abode, residence, h. jjUlfcj rah-hdn, one who guards the way. p, {J^j rukbdn (pi. of l-a*^), monks, &c. a. j^Ujbj raA-6am,f. guardianship of the way. p. jXStij rah-bar, m. a guide, a conductor, p. {Jjiifj rah-bari, f. guidance, direction, shew- ing the road. p. C*fcj J T^ rahte, in the presence of, during the " existence of, notwithstanding, h. C^^i^j ^^fl'flB rahte-jdte, before and be- hindrin tlie presence or absence of. d. ^^L^j T^ rahat, f. a wheel for drawing water with. " This wheel has a long string of pots, fast- ened together, laid over it, which pots continually descend empty into the well or river and come up full. The wheel itself is acted upon by another horizontal wheel, which is turned by a bullock." — (Binning), h. UJbj ^^ rahtd, m. a spinning-wheel, h, JU- ij <^«ii ^" ^ highwayman, a robber, p jijifr; rahzani, f. act of plundering, highway " robbery, p. [under foot. h. (j«'<^Wy giving water to drink, a. bj riyd, m. hypocrisy, dissimulation, subter- fuge, evasion, afTectation. a. C>b. ri,dt (pi. of ib,), f. the lungs, a. l^jl^b, riydhln (pi. of ^^^), odoriferous herbs, a. [dominion, a. Cl***»b . riydsat, f. government, command, (^bj riydz (pi. of *^ij), gardens. This word (both in the pi. and sing.) is a favourite title of numerous books on various subjects ; such as rauxatu- s-safa, the garden of " purity," name of a universal history, a. ClA^bj riydzat, f. abstinence, austerity, a. ^xob , riydzatt, m. a devotee, an ascetic, a. tjo\>j riydzt, m. mathematics, the abstract "sciences, a. ^b , raiydn, juicy, sappy, flourishing, a. v^-^b. Wyo,i, m. a hypocrite, sophist, a. ■ v_iJ. raib, m. doubt, suspicion, scandal ; ne- cessity ; bad fortune, be raib o riyS, without dissimu- lation, gnileleas, undisguised, a. i^\x>j rebds, name of a sour plant, sorrd. p. ,^j xm reph, m. the letter r with the in- herent short voweL t. CLOj TiT ret, f. sand ; filings. $. vJl*^ , ^W rtt or l^fil rift, f. custom, usage, rite, habit, regulation, rule, observance, s. C^. TW ret or ^ill reta, m. sperma genitale (viri out mulieru), seed in general, t. Cv^. ret (v. rent), snivel, snot. d. \jj, tnr retd, m. sand ; filings. §. Ij^j llhlT ritd, empty, void, deprived of. $. {^*^J^j Tftv^ 7njh, f. choice, approbation, love, desire, wish ; pleasing, satisfying, rijh pachdna, a. to conceal one's gratification, rljh pachdfi, m. a person who conceals his inclination, s. b^j Tfb!»«TT 7'ljhnd, n. to be pleased, to be gratified, to be delighted, s. J^i^j rejhwdr, m. (v. rijhwdr) pleased, s. •4^j t^St richh, ra. a bear (f. richhnt). s. ^j rVi, f. wind, odour, exhalation, a. ^bg. rihdn, m. an odoriferous plant, sweet basil, tuihmi riian, m. the seed of Ocymum pilosum. raihian, favour, support ; a blade of corn, a, ^3bg. rihdni, of or relating to, or smelling of " rllj^dn: m. a species of Arabic handwriting so called, a. ^/tj rthi, windy, flatulent, a. if J raikh, loose, relaxed ; straddling wide with the thighs ; having a prolapsus ani ; m. a pro- lapsus ani. a. if. rikh, m. thin excrement in diarrhoea, rikh nikalna, a term of abuse, p. [ter. p. {j^isj rekhtan (r. rez), to pour out, to scat- ftjiigj rekhta. scattered ; m. the Hindustani language is called rejclita, being a mixed dialect; a Hindustan! ode ; mortar, plaster, p. {jti^i^j ^^TTT raidds, m. name of a fakir, the leader of a HindQ sect. «. Jj ^T rir, m. noise, clamour, outcry. «. bb J» . Or*.VRI rlriydnd, n. to cry (as a child)'; to murmur; a. to importune, to beg earnestly, i. 8j^ . t^ rirh, f. the backbone, h. i^jij O3I rirhl, f. a young mango. A. J>, rez, (in eomp.) pouring, scattering, drop- ping, shedding, &c. ; as athk-rez, shedding tears ; M*'"- rex, shedding blood, a murderer; durr-rez, scatter- ing pearls, m-k., a. to begin to speak or talk (m young birda). jtw . hji .r«ra«,8cattering,ponring,u8ed in comp.p. ;_>i*y>j r6zuh, f. a running at the nose; a run- ning, flowing in small quantities, pouring, scattering..?. .$y>.j rezgi, a scrap, a bit, piece; small coin ■■(as quarter-rupi pieces, &c.). N.B. I liave ventured to make an alteration here, for whicli I have to apolo- gize if wrong. In Hunter, reza and rezgi are said to denote " four-rupi pieces," which most assuredly would be no small coin. I believe the author meant " a fourth, or quarter-rupi piece," or, which is the same thing, a four-awa piece : finally, I never heard of a /our-rupi piece in my life. — (D. F.) p. i\>A reza, m. a scrap, piece, bit ; small coin (as quarter-rupi pieces, &c.) ; a kind of cock; children employed in mason-work, &c., who receive half, one- third, &c., of a man's pay, reza Ichatt, fine-striped, thin-lined, reza-reza, m. scraps, pieces; adj. in pieces, broken. " reza and rezgi are, as far as I can learn, used to signify small coin of any description, equiva- lent to our word ' change.' " — (Binning.) p. Jj>.j rezt, f. mercy , clemency; (in comp.) scattering, shedding, p. •^j*^j ris, f. equality, h. j^^j ^^ ris, f. anger, wrath, vexation, s. ^U«*x resman, f. string, cord, thread, rope. p. ij^.j resh, m. a wound, a sore, pus, matter; (in comp.) wounding, ttc, aa dil-reth, wounding the heart, p. i^J^j rtsh, f. beard, rish banana, to shave. rtsh-](har)d, laughing, risible, ridiculous. rlsh-Jchandi, f. risibility; a laughing-stock, a proverbial saying when a man does any thing unworthy of his beard, p. ij.i-^wJj rlsha,tl, having a long beard, p. ^j t^ rend, f. ^ Palma Christi (Rici- tJti.JJ'. t^ rendi, m. > nun vulgaris), rend'i j1>,'t;S renr, m. J Aa . T;«ir renk, f. braying (as an ass), h. ^j^^.)\«ir«n renknd or 3Co|r»n rainknd, n. to bray (as an ass). h. [creep, to plod. s. ringna or ""iiHI rengnd, n. to (k^.) ^"T^ rengni, f. name of a medicinal " herb (v. bhap-kataiya). h. [a ford. p. y>. rev, fraud, deceit, stratagem; (in Dakh.) \^. ^^ rewa, f. the Nerbudda or Narmada river, which rises in the mountain Amrkiit in the province of Goudwana, and falls into the sea below Baroach. s. Oy^ ^^ ?*ew;a<, name of an ancient rdjd, who was the father-in-law of BalarSma. «. jj(*) . C«|d1 rewdti, f. the twenty-seventh man- sion of the moon, consisting of C Piscium and thirty- one other stars, and figured by a tabor; the name of Balarama's wife, daughter of Jietoal. s. i^j^.j T^^ rewri, f. a kind of sweetmeat. rewf* ke pher meA parnd, n. to be involved in difficul- ties (this alludes to a game on the principle of geo- metrical priigression, wherein one party bets that he- will eat one of these sweet cakes so many times doubled, and is confounded at finding the same amount to a quantity far beyond his expectation) : the same term also applies to a similar game founded on arithmetical progression, such as the well-known feat of gathering up a hundred stones, &c. (placed at the distance of one yard asunder) in the space of an hour. h. '^irJ f"^^^^^ or rewandi chhu, f. rhubarb, p. 4. ( «8 ) VJ »J, ri,a, m. the lungs. mtu-r-ri,a, m. an inflanunation in the longs, the peripneumony. a, m^.j T^ reh, f. {mittt) fossil alkali, used for washing and making soap, h, j^.j T?T rehar^ barren (soil or land), h. jfj^.j T^^^rehru, m. a sled, a sledge, h. *^^0 ^t^^ rehla, m. a vetch, h. y^f^j \?^?W reAw-joeAw, f. abundance, h. (^yiti) ^^ rehl, f. fossil alkali, s. ij^j ra,is, m. a prince, a chief, head, prin- cipal, president, commander, captain, pilot ; citizen, a. J J ^ ra, the fifteenth letter of the HindGstani alphabet. Its sound difTers from that of re by being uttered with the tip of the tongue turned up towards the roof of the mouth. It differs very little in sound from the letter da, with which it is often interchanged, and in tlie Devanagari alphabet the same character re- presents both. In reckoning by abjad it counts to 200, the same as re. It is very rarely used as the first letter of a word, there being, so far as we have been able to discover, only one solitary vocable under this class, viz.: ^'h'j ^^T^y ^' ^ Stone, a fragment of stone or brink (v. rof d). «. J ze, called za,e mu'jama or za,e manhuta, the eleventh letter of the Arabic, the thirteenth Persian, and sixteenth in the Hindustani alphabets : its sound is that of the English 2. In reckoning by«6;rt\\ zdhiddna, devoutly, like a zdhid. p. ^J,^\j zdhidi, f. continence, devotion, leading the life of a zdhid or recluse, p. [ble. a. 6.^\\ zd,iQha, m. horoscope, astronomical ta- lioh zd,id, redundant, superfluous. zd,idu-l- wasf, beyond description, a. ^2)<^]} zd,tdan, to bring forth young, p. ji\\ zd,ir, visiting, a visitor, one who visits holy places, a. [iig. a. ^}j\j zd,il, deficient, failing, perishing, vanish- SiiJJijj zdyanda, one who brings forth, p. i>\^\ zabdd or zubdd, civet (perfume so called), p. a. jjbj zabdn or zubdh, f. the tongue ; language dialect, speech, zabdit-dtjfffr, eloquent, voluble, zahdn* dvoari, eloquence, za^ait-harhdnd, n. to chatter, to prattle, zabdn-handi, a written deposition, zabdn par charhnd, n. to be public ; a. to learn by heart, zabdn par land, a. to speak, to say. zabdn pakapid, a. to pre- vent one from speaking, to criticize, zabdn palatnd, a. to equivocate, to retract, to eat one's words, zabdn chaldnt, to give abuse, zabdn ddbnd, a. to hold one's tongfue. zabdn ddbke kahnd, to detract in whispers. zabdn-ddn, a poet, zabdn dardz, abuse, znbdn-dardzl- k., a. to give abuse, zabun-dend, a. to promise- zabdn ddlnd, a. to ask, to put a question. »abdn-zad hand, n to be public, zabdn kdtnd, to grieve, to lament ; to in- terrupt one's speech, zabdn karni, to speak foolishly, or inconsiderately, zabdyi kholnd, to let the tong»ift loose, to speak out. zabdn men papid, n. to be blamsd. zabdn hdrnd, a. to promise, zabdn hiland, a. to speak. /». &Jljj zabdna, m. flame (particularly of a candle), p. j.\>j zahdnl, traditional, verbal; by wordj from the tongue or statement of (any one), p. A^J ( 444 ) S^j rubd, 1 m. (from zabad, to churn) the 8t3J*j zuhda, > best of any thing; cream, but- SiiJ: zuhdat,] ter. zubdatu-n-no,inan, the cream or essence of princes, a ji\ zahar, above, superior; the vowel-point fatl^a or short a. zahar-dast, vigorous, violent, oppres- sive, zabar-dastl, f. violence, oppression ; violently, forcibly. zabar-dasti-Tc., a. to oppress, to force, zabar-k., a. to oppress, zabar hona, n. to have the upper hand. p. ii^j>j zabarjad, m. a kind of emerald, a chrysolite, a topaz, a beryl, jasper, p. a. ij>j^\ zabari, violence, oppression, p. t^j>\ zabarln, upper, superior, p. {j^J zi-bas (for az-bas), in abundance, plen- tifully, zi-baski, inasmuch as. p. .yj zabur, f. the psalms of David, a. ^^\ zabun, bad, ill, unlucky, wicked ; a dupe, a capture, p. (J,^ zabuni, f. vileness, infirmity, &c. p. c^jiJt zabib, currants ; adj. sweet, a. bbt zapata, noise of a bird's wing. d. ^yi\ zatal (for jatal), f. chattering, talking much and foolishly, quibbling, tattle, zapal hanhia, to quibble, h, _1>J zujdj, m. a glass, a cup. a. j^-J zijr, m. threatening; an impediment; opposition, violence, a. —J zich (forjich), m. teazing. h. \»-j zacha (Jlot jacha), a lying-in woman, d. jjj>j zuhal, the planet Saturn, a. (JU*»J zahmat, f. disquietude, pain, trouble, injury, sickness, affliction, a. j^^*>.J zahmatt, one who is afflicted or ** troubled, a. m.j zahh (for zakhm), a sore, an ulcer, p. jls»-j za khkh ar, raging, overflowing, full and swelling (the ocean), a. jt^J zakham (for zukam), a cold, a catarrh, d. j^j zakhnty m. a wound, sore, scar, cut. zaj(^m-rasa, a deep wound, zajcjim khana, n. to be wounded. zakJimi kdii, a mortal wound, p. B^j zakhma, the bow or plectrum of a mu- sical instrument, p. ,_j>i-j zahhmt, wounded ; killed by a wound, p. 2tj zad, beating, striking, smiting, p. (^«3J zadagi, percussion, a blow; used in comp., as dahshat-zadagl, beiug panic-struck, p. j^iij zadan (r. zan), to strike, to beat ; to laise a noise, p. ;3iij zadant, worthy of being beatei p. L^yji^J zad hob, m. beating, assault and battery p. 5^ zada, struck, affected by; arrayied, drawn up; used in comp., as dahshat-xada, panic-struck. saff-zada, drawn up in a row. p. jj zar, in. gold, riches, wealth, money, zar- parast, venal, selfish, zarija'farl, gold of the purest kind. 2ar-4Afl;f, cloth of gold. p. {j^jj zarbafi, brocaJ ,A, embroidered, p. Ci^jj zarbaft, m. brocade, cloth of gold. p. ^^jj zar-bafti, made of cloth of gold. p. ijj zard, yellow, pale, livid, zard pUak, m. the name of abird(v.p»;oA:). zard-rang, j'ellow; (met.) bashful. zaid-ru,t, f. bashfulness. zard-gosh, hypo- critical, malignant, p. ^I«3jj zard-alu, m. an apricot, p. ^^y>-^jj zard-choh, f. yellow wood, turmeric {Curcuma longa). p. CmMiijj zardusht (y.zaratusht), Zoroaster. p. ci)«SjJ zardak, f. a carrot ; adj. yellowish, p. d.*«*>j4>jj zar-dost, fond of gold, venal, p. tijj zarda, m. a kind of pulaw, dressed with safiFh>n. p. , iji^jj zardi, f. yellownessi paleness (from fear or sorrow) ; the yolk of an egg ; the jaundice, p. ... . JTV-' corrupted from a/oorei'tKw). p. '^jjzarntkh, j 8.J zirah or zirih, f. iron armour made with rings, zirah-poth, a man clad in iron •rmour. p. kbJ i^jj zarx, f. any thing woven with gold thread, zari-baf, a manufacturer in gold threads. zari-bafi, the trade of gold-lace working, p. ^^jj zanhy f. a railing or lattice-work sur- rounding a temple or tomb. a. U^-JJ ^^'''^"j golden, zarrin-murgh, no. the name of a bird ; (met.) the sun. p. »^.j\ zarlna, golden, made of gold. p. CJJmj zisht, deformed, ugly, inhuman, hideous, zisht-kho, of unseemly habits, of a wicked disposition, zisht-ru, ugly, ill-favoured, zisht-go, an obscene speaker, p. f^^j zishti, f. Ugliness, deformity ; (met.) "evil, wickedness, p. t«ilPj zu^af, m. sudden death (by poison), a. ^\jAS^ za'farany f. saffron (hence Ital. zaffernno). a. j^UaPj zd'farani, f. a yellow colour, a. j^j za'm or zu'm, f. thinking, presuming, speaking from belief; vanity, arrogance, a. Jlpj zughal, charcoal, live coal. p. ^^\ zaghan, f. a kite ; a black sparrow, p. i3Jk^ zaghandf f. sally, flight, levity, p. I jlij zifafi m. leading the bride home to her husband's house, a. ^yj zakkum, a kind of thorny tree ; an in- fernal tree (mentioned in the Kur,an), the fruit of which is said to be the heads of devils whereof the damned shall eat. a. uLh zak or zik, f. injuring, deceiving, dis- appointing, zak ufhana, n. to be ashamed, zak dena, a. to put to shame, a. s^j zahat, f. alms, a portion of a Musal- man's property given in charity agreeably to the rules laid down in the Kur,an, a. ft^\ zuham, ra. rheum, defluxion, a cold. a. CJ^j^ zakdwatjf. probity, purity, ingenuity. a. CJ\^\ zakwdt or zakawdt, pi. alms. a. iSj (pronounced) zakdt, alms (v. zakdt). a. ^\ zaht, pure, pious ; continent ; m. one who regularly pays the zakat, q. ▼. o. J:^ zaldzil (pi. of »5jJ)), earthquakes, com- motions ; (met.) misfortunes, afflictions, a. J^J zuldl, adj. pure, limpid, wholesome j m. water which is pure, Su:. a. ftj^ zalzala, m. an earthquake, a. v_fl5j zulf, f. a curling lock, a ringlet, whis- ker, zulfi pareshan, dishevelled locks, zulfi tabdar, curling locks, zulfi dardz, long locks, zulfi 'ambarin, perfumed (with ambergris) locks, p. ^j zulfi, f. a sword-knot ; the chain by "frtiich a door is fisstened. p. ( 445 ) ^J JJj zalal, m. erring, blundering; stumbliugi falling ; deficiency, loss. a. jlj zaluf f. a leech, p. ekJj zalla, m. victuals carried home by the guests from an entertainment, p. a. \^j 2;flnM« (generally pronounced zulaiMa), the name of Potiphar's wife: the loves of FtisM/ (Jo- seph) and Zulaikhd form the subject of several Per- sian poems, p. ^Uj zamdm, f. a rein, a bridle, a. , \m. time, an age; the world ; a,) fortune; the heavens; tense. sS^a] zamana zamana-saz, a turncoat, zamana-sazi-k., to practise flattery or olisequiousneas, to turn with the tide, xa- mdna muwdfih, fortunate, h. jyi^ zambur, m. a vice, nippers, forceps, h. djto^ zumurrud, m. an emerald, p. iji.'^j^j zumurrudin, of the colour of an eme- rald, p. [titude. a. ijicj zumra, m. a troop, a group, crowd, mul- l»}*) zamzam, m. the name of a well at Mecca, called also Hagar's well. a. My>j zamzama, m. singing ; a concert, a. ^^ls*«^ zamistdn, m. winter ; wisdom, p. j_^llL»M*J zamistdnt, wintry, winterly, p. ^^j zamari, m. (y.zamdn) time, fortune,&c. p. j>.ji*j zamharir, m. cold, intense cold, zam- hariri, intensely cold. a. j\iijo«: zaml-ddr (for zaniin-ddr, q.v.). p. f^f^ zarriin, f. the earth, ground, soil ; a re- gion, country; the ground of a picture, zamin-bos hona, n. to make a profound bow. zamlnpar se huchh pafd pand, to be overjoyed at finding unexpectedly the object of one's wishes, zamin pakajnl, to persevere obstinately in any design, to insist, zamin men gar- jdnd, to be greatly ashamed, p. .\iiJa«j zamin-ddr, a landlord, a landholder (in reality a revenue farmer, or what, in Ireland, is called a middleman). As the term zamin-ddr differs widely in its signification from our ideas of a land- lord, it may be proper to add, on the authority of Gladwin, that under the Moghal government the term was applied to a person who held a tract of land im- mediately of government, on condition of paying the rent of it. He was first in rank among the land- holders. If a zamlnddr was unable to pay up the amount of his engagements with government at the end of the year, such a part of his zamtnddri was sold as would discharge the balance. If he was dispos sessed of the management of his zamtnddri, he was nevertheless exclusively responsible for all debts in- curred by him during his possession, unless a mortgage was given on the zamtnddri, or the money borrowed applied to the payment of the revenue. Zamlnddrs, by the nature of their tenures, had no longer a right to their lands than whilst they paid their revenues; and in case of failure, the sale of their land was a more just and useful recompense to government than sub- jecting them to corporeal punishment. Should they, however, at any time have been prevented fulfilling their engagements by unavoidable accidents rather than by their own mismanagement, equity would point out what indulgence they might be entitled to on that account, p. c#^ ( 446 ) jA aiMiJUL*j tarnin-darana, the allowance to a xamindSr when set aside, p. ^.tjJu«j zamtn-ddrnl, the wife of a zamindar. ^.tt3Ju«: zamtn-dari, f. the office of a zamin- dar; the land or estates held hy him as above de- scribed, p. ^x«t zamlnt, of or relating to the earth, p. ^^\ zaii, f. a woman, a wife, zan-k. or -lena, to marry, zan-murld, hen-pecked, zaii, from zadan, in comp. denotes smiting, striking ; as rah-zan, a high wayman. j). Uj 2;iwa, f. adultery, fornication, zina-zada, a bastard. ai«a-Hr, m. an adulterer, a fornicator. xinakdrt, f. adultery, fornication, harlotry, o. ^Uj zanabir (pi. ofj^J^J), hornets, bees. a. JjoGj zanabil (pi. of Jju>;), baskets, wal- lets, a. 1»-I5j zanaKha, a serpent ; also explained as &a7u2 1 leaf an, the fastening of a winding-sheet, d. Xi\ zunndr or zandr, f. a belt, the Brah- raanical thread, a Hindu rosary(from Gr. ^(ovapiov).gM. jliijljj zandr-ddr, a Brahman, one who wears the thread, p. fj\jj zandn{i>\. otzan), wives, women ; part. (of zadan, in comp.) striking, p. *3\jj zandna, female, feminine, effeminate, womanly ; m. female apartments, a seraglio, h. ij,\>j zandm, of or relating to women, female, effeminate, p. ^jxij zamhak, a flower, the jasmine, lily, iris.a. j^jjj zamhur) m. a hornet, a bee. a. Li3j^jjj zamburak, f. a small gun. p. Sj^jjj zamhura, m. a hornet, large bee; the point of a musical stringed instrument called in Hindi kengrt ; a small gun. xamhur-chl, a fusileer. a. Jju^ zamhil, f a basket ; a purse, a wallet, -p. J-xj^ zanjahtl, f. dry ginger, a. ^^j zinjif, f. fringe, border, edging, &c. p. <-^^\ zan-jalabf a cuckold ; also a man who is a pimp or pander to his own wife. p. ,J^\ zan-jalabt, cuckoidom, &c. p. ^_yjij zanjl, of or relating to Zanj or Zangue- " bar, a country in Africa from which they import slaves into Arabia and Persia, a. ^jzanjiv,i. a chain, fetters, zanjxr-zdmmx, chain security, n number of persons binding them- selves severally and jointly as security, p. {^Jt^j zanjiri, one hound in chains j (espe- cially) one who is mad or insane, p. {J^-Jt^j ^anjhiydny pi. mad people, maniacs, those In chains, p. ^j zanahh, "l m. the chin, the pit in . \sii\ zanahhddn,] the chin, p. jj^tWJ zinddn, m. a prison, a jail or gaol. j». ^_^liijj zindant, a prisoner, captive, p. ftjj.^ zanddka, impiety, heresy, atheism, a. (^Lajij zindagdni, f. life, living, existence. /». ^^<^\ zindagi, f. life, living, p. ii^ij zinda, alive, living, zinda-dil, alive h\ heart, cheerful, zinda-k., to bring to life. p. ^yt.'^j zandik or zindik, an in6del, a fire- worshipper, an atheist, one of a bad religion, a. a little woman, p. <-ibj zanak,\ s^j zanka, J uiX^ zang, m. rust ; the country of Zan- guebar, in Africa, xang lagna, n. to become rusty, p. jVOj zangdr, m. verdigris, rust. p. t^ jijLOj zangd-zorl, f. strife, quarrelling, d. tJjJlCjj zangdlud, rusty, covered with rust. p. (_tfjlOj zangdri, rusty, covered with verdi- gris, p. *)^£jj zangula, m. a bell, cymbal, p. j_^13j zangi, m. an Ethiop, negro, p. \^\ zinhdr (v. zinhdr), care, caution, &c. p. sJ^j zanya or zanyat, fornication, ibnu-z- zanyati, a bastard, a. j^-^jj zawdjir (pi. of X^U), prohibition, for- bidden things, zawajiri sfiar'i, tilings prohibited by the divine law. p. jl_jj zawwdr, a visitor, a pilgrim, a. J\jJ zawdl, m. decline, misei'y, wretchedness. zawdl-piz'ir, transitory, fading, a. corners, angles.a. jib\jj zawdhir (pi. of lje>\j), flowers, orna- ments, a. b)^ zawdyd (pi. of eOjlj), angles, comers, a. lijljj zawdfid (pi. of tiij\j), additions, aug» mentations, a. [a husband, a, »jjj zauj, m. couple, a pair, alike, a spouse, &»-jj zauja or &»"jj zavjaty f. a wife. a. (JjJ zKcZ, quick, swift, soon, suddenly, zud'tar, more speedily, very soon, zud-tarin, with all speed. ^ jjj zor, m. force, strength, power, vigour; violence, cfTort, weight, zor-azma, a tried athlete. zor-awar, powerful, strong, zor-dena, a. to aid, to suf^ port, to assist. zor-Tc. , a. to compel ; to exercise, tor- mama, a. to endeavour, p. jjjj zur, ni. a lie, a falsehood, adulteration ; a false deity, an idol, zaur, m, g^ing on a pilgrimage. «i iJjjiJ ^uit, f. a lie ; m. a liar. a. JjjjjJ zaurah, a small ship, a skiff, a. liJ^J a-or-zw^nrf, robust, powerful. zor^rrtOK-- di, strength, p. ji} lSjjj ^ofi, f. force, strength (in comp.). p. UJjJ s'^wzflw or zuzarif name of an ancient city in Khuzistan. p. &9jj zufa (from vaaaytrog), hyssop, a. g. ^j jj zun, a fop, a beau ; adj. base. d. »J zih, f. a bowstring; offspring, childbirth. fc^), religious men. a. jUsj zihar, m. a bladder ; the lower part of the belly ; mons veneris. mu,e zihar, m. pubes, pecten. p. JJ6j zuhd, m. continence, devotion, abstinence. zuhd-kesh, devout, a. p. (j^tiJfcj zih-dan, m. the womb, matrix, p. y>\ zahr or zahar, m. poison, zahr-alud, poisoned, xahr-dar, poisonous, zahri Tcdtil or ^ahri halahal, ra. deadly poison, zahar khdna Msi par, to imitate an act unsuitable to one's state or condition, to ape the condition of one's superiors, p. ijSbJ zaftra, m. bile, gall-bladder ; spirit, boldness, pluck, zahra ab hona, n. to be much dis- tressed, to be terrified, p. ijibj zuhra, f. the planet Venus, a. i^jloj zahri, venomous, poisonous, p, jJ&j ziht, zahe, or zahl, bravo ! well done ! admirable! there! lo! behold! p. j^j zahlr, reduced (by sickness), thin ; sad, melancholy, low-spirited, a. ( 447 ) ^J tWj n'oid, m. increasing, adding, augmenta- tion ; a fictitious name employed in exemplifying the rules of Arabic grammar, or cases in law, like lib J ziyad, Otibj ziyadat J ziya 5J zebanda, adorning, decorating, p. jjjisju^J zebidan, to adorn, to decorate, p. jjyoj zaitun, m. an olive-tree. a. ^\ zij, m. astronomical tables, of which there are wveral in the Persian language ; a mason's rule. u. cacewfU-known personages, John Nokes and Thomas Stiles, recently defunct, a. j>^ zer, under, below; th:( 'owel-point called by the Arabians kasra, corresponding to i, in fit. zer- anddz, ra. the cloth, or carpet, which is spread n r a hiukka. zer-bdr hand, to be indebted, to undctgo f. great expense, zer band, a martingal. zer-dast, m. a subject, a vassal; adj. powerless, under commanci. zer-k., a. to overpower, to subdue, p. j>j zlr, f. a fine soft sound, the smallest string of a lute, &c., the treble, p. \j>.j zha, m. cummin-seed {Cuminum cy- minum). $. ^j>,j zira, 'I because, because that, since, «->]^J zirakij on account of. p, U^J^J^'j ^^'' biryan, ra. name of a kind of dish. p. A^j>.j zer-bam, a pair of small kettle-drums, d. c^^J^J 2!er-2'ami«i,a chamber under ground.jo. j zira, m. (v. zira) cummin, s. uhiA zerin, inferior, lower, lowermost, p. cl^.M^J ztst, f. life, living, existence, p. c-fi^ J zaif, light or dipt money, current, but not receivable at the public treasuries, a. (J^-4j zistan (r. zV), to live, to exist, p. (bj zil (v. 2!ir), the treble in music, p. ^^\ zail, removing, leaving off. a. jjJJ zin, m. a saddle, zin bandhna, a. to saddle, zm-posh, m. a cloth fastened over the saddle, housing, zin-gar, m. a saddler, p. ^^\ zain, ornament, honour, a. t«>A^J zainab, name of one of Muhammad's wives, a. \\ ziiiatf f. ornament, beauty, elegance dress, decoration, a. aJoj zina, m. a ladder, stairs, steps, p. j\^J zlnhdr, m. care, caution, protection, defence, patronage ; interj. take care ! beware i on no account ! p. jy>\ zeroar, m. jewels, ornaments (of gold, silver, &c.) ; (pi. tewarat). p. ( 448 ) C>U J ghSj called zae farn or *ajamt, the four- teenth letter of the Persian alphabet, and seventeenth Hlndastanl, has no corresponding character in the Arabic or Sanskrit alphabets : its sound is that of » in the English word pleasure, or of x in azure, or of the French J in j'our; it is sometimes changed into/ as pajmurda for pazhmurda. p. th zhazh, m. idle, trifling or indecent speech ; a kind of thistle. 8%azA-Ma.e. a trifler, one vrho speaks obscenely, p. «Jk zhala, ra. dew, hoar-frost, hail. p. i^j zhinda, m. a patched garment, p. »,ia)jij zhoUda, intricate, entangled. zhoUda- mH, entangled hair. p. j^bj zhiyan, formidable, rapacious, terrible. theri zhiyan, a fierce Uon. a ferocious tiger, p. (j»» sin, usually named stni muhmala or tini ^nxir manJcuUi, the twelfth letter in the Arabic, the fifteenth in the Persian, and eighteenth in the HindQstani alphabets : its sound is that of the En- glish «, or of the Sanskrit sa : in itxjkoning by ahjad its value is sixty : in almanacks it represents the sun, and a eextile aspect of the planets. It is also used as an abbreviation for the word salam, saluta- tion, a. p. h. (^jt» ^ sa, prefixed to Sanskrit substantives, denotes " with," «' possessed of," or "related to," as sa-jiva, alive, sa-bal, powerful, sa-gotra, related to one family, su, as a prefix, corresponds to the ev of the Greek (in opposition to dur, 8vs, bad), and denotes " goodness, facility, excellency, or excess ;" as su-panth, the good or right way. su-labh, easy of attainment, in opposition to dur-labh, difficult in the attainment: again, su-dur-labh denotes excessively difficult to attain. «. i^jt* '^ su, in the Braj dialect, is used as a postposition, denoting from, by, with, of, &c., abja-su, from or of whom; it is also uset some times for the correl. so, he, she, it, they, &c. h. \**»m sa, added to a substantive denotes similitude, as kutta, a dog. hitta-sa, dog-like : as an adjective adjunct it appears sometimes superfluous, but generally intensive, as bard, large, bafd-sa, largish, or very large (v. Hind. Gram. p. 108, c). MId-sd, blackish, p. h. ^J^^o\*^* Itl^Mln sdbadhan (v. savadhan), attentive, cautious, t. j>\m ^TRt sabar, m. an elk, or, more properly speaking, a large snecies of stag ; a leather of elks' or any kind of deers* hide for bedding, sdbar mantr, m. a spell composed in colloquial language, t. jf '-»*> ^T^T sabar, m. a small anvil, h. ?oU*> sabi', the seventh, sabi'an, seventhly, in the Beventh place, c J^\j^ sabik, former, preceding, formerly, of yore, time past. sabiJFu-l-an*am, former bonnOes. tabikaa, as formerly, agreeably to former practices, a. s3l>\**> sabika, preceding, past, ancient ; m former friendship, previous intimacjr. a. jJjL* ^nw^ sabalj m. an iron crow or lever, h. /.yl*«» sabun, 1 , _,_ . ^ _ _ rni. (v. sabun) soap. a. ^^^U*» sabun,) O^U* "m^Ri sabut, whole, entire. «. JlJi^U** sabun-gar, m. a soap-boiler or soap- manufacturer, p. u-'Im* ^^[^ sap, m. imprecation, curse, s. Jbt5\jU*» HI'MUV saparadh, faulty, offending.a. ^J^\*^» Tti^^ sapan, m. the name of a disorder in which the hair gradually falls off. h. ^^Urt ^fxifT sapin, f. a female snake, t. \sA*n 7En^«n sapna, a. to curse. $. &jJi^.l**> ^n^jraT saphalya, m. productiveness, fruitfulness. s. Ol»*» WK sat, seven, saih panch-k., to be in doubt, to be unable to decide what to do. sat tarmm- dar, the name of a game. *. j^fcj .iJLo ^TRTRt^ satarohan, m. a dog who associates with (six) wolves, t. (_^>^jjL») sat-hha,l, (lit. the seven brothers) a species of thrush so called from the birds being gre- garious, and frequently seven of them are found to- gether. — (Binning), d. .L*5L*» ^il^^ satisar, dysenteric, afflicted with dysentery, s. yLo sato (for saton), the seven, sato mun sardhna, to praise or extol very much. d. ^^^yiU> wn{^ satwan, m. the seventh, s. .yU*> ^mn: satur, a knife, a butchers' chop- ping knife, p. ui)y\.M> iRifriT^ satroik, spontaneous, sincere, relating to or proceeding from the tatwa quality; sin- cere, good, true, gentle, amiable, &c s, ^^ JUm 9Tri«fl* satTvln, f. the seventh, s. ^\m> wrt sath, with, together, along with , m. a troop, company, society, sath is-Jce, along with this, besides, moreover, sath us-ke, along with that, although, notwithstanding, sdth dend, to join, to asso- ciate with, sdlh-wald, a comrade, a companion, sdthon sdth, together with, along with. *. ^j^Lw> Trrf^nr sathln, f. a female companion, s. ^j^Urt m^ sathl, m. a companion, comrade, 'ally, associate, sdthi sath, together, in one company, s. jjIm* sdtt, the sixth (in Dakh.), {or sdtht. a.d ci.>b(JL>U»> ^7^T7 sdt-bdtf f. combining, leaguing, confederating. A. »^Im> "^JZ sdth, sixty (in Dakh. mt). $. iJlAtt ^^*L*» wftsathi, m. a kind of rice produced "in the rains (so called because it ripens in sixty days from the time of sowing), s. »jk^'U» TSn^ sathya, m. vice, villainy, s. _Ui» frrif sdj, m. preparation, harness, ac- oontremeats. s. _U» saj, m. the teak-tree {Tectona grandis). p. ^\jji sajid, m. one who is prostrate in ado- ration ; an adorer, a worshipper, o. ^^U» ^ M«f sajan, m. a sweetheart, a lover, s. U»-U*» m^r\\ sajna, a. to prepare, to dress, to decorate, to regulate ; n. to become, to fit, to suit. *. v^Urt ^rT*BiJ sajha, m. partnership, associa- tion, h. [date. h. ,_^4s"U» mf^ sajhi, m. a partner, an asso- _L» ^rr^ sack, true, real, correct, s. ^y>■^ sachah, m. hinna presented to the bride the day of marriage ; wedding gifts of varioos kinds, t. jJ1as»-1»*> sahai, an area or inclosed space, court, quadrangle ; shore or coast ; tract of comitry. a. ^L» sahi7', m. an enchanter, a magician, a necromancer (fem. saiira). a. [mancy. o. j^cp-U* sahiri, f. enchantment, magic, necro- J-oUrt sahil, m. the sea-shore, a. 0»-Li» sakhtf f- make, construction, manu- facture; pretence, p. j_|iS-\**» sahhto-gh f- make, effort; art. p. ^jS»-l»*» sakhtan (r. saz), to make or form j to counterfeit, p. «Ci-U» sakhta, made, formed ; counterfeited, false, surreptitious, p, «bU*» sad, f. desire, wish ; adj. (v. sadh). s. ObU*> sadat, lords (pi. of .iJu*», q. v.). a. _«iU» sadaj, Indian spikenard, p. j«iU» IBT^ sadar, with respect, respectfully, s. ^cilw* 5T?[TT sadra, m. a kind of song. h. BjJl»ji>\M TJT|TR sadrishya, m. likeness, re- semblance, t. ty>i\**» sadis, the sixth (f. sadisa). a, U*»iU»> sadisa or sadisan, sixthly, in the sixth place, a. ^4i\*»» sadagi, f. plainness, want of ornament, ** artlessness, simplicity, openness, p. Si^Urt sada, plain, white, unadorned, simple ; HTtless, open, sincere, sada-dil, artless, simple, stupid. sada-iauri, f. gentleness, affability; simplicity, stu- pidity, sdda-kar, m. a (kind of) goldsmith, a plain worker in gold or silver, who makes articles which ai« after ornamented by other hands, sada-laul}, art- less, simple, stupid (q. d. tahula rasa), sada-waz'i, f. artlessness, simplicity, stupidity, p. ( 449 ) Jbd\jj> TSr9 sadk or ^TT^ sadhu, adj. virtuous, good, holy ; m. a religious person, a saint, a mendi cant, sadhu, a merchant; f. desire, wish, inclination. sadku-sll, virtuous, righteous, s. j»j ,lib(iL*» HIVIKQI sadharan, in common, com- mon, sadhdran-dharm, m. universal duty, law common to all castes. «. ^^^>^;3^u*> fllVUUI sadhu-piishp, m. a flower {Hibiscus mutabilis). s. CP^®*?' *• \I»4iL*» WVWT sadhuta, f. goodness, honesty, uilfc4ilju» 'ffWl sadhaky completing, perfect- ing, finishing ; who or what effects ; holy ; m. a de- votee ; a practiser. s. ^^4iL*> WBR sadhan, m. the act or means of accomplishing, effecting; practice, t. UfcjL*» WV<11 sadhna, a. to familiarize gra- dually to any habit ; to teach, to learn, to rectify, to use, to practise, to regulate, to pacify ; to settle, to determine, to accomplish. «. UjbtiUu ^nVtTT sadhana, f. the act of fami- liarizing by habitude ; solicitation, contrivance, devo- tion ; practice, accomplishment, s. ytiil*** WN sadhu, pious, honest; m. a mer- chant ; a kind of mendicant, s. (ji3jjjbiil*« 9TVcf8f sadhu-vriksh, m. the Ka- damb tree {Nauclea Cadamba). », !fjJii^[*j» WUl sadhya, practicable, easy ; m. the twenty-second astronomical yug. «. jU*> THR sar, best, excellent ; m. the pith or sap of trees, &c. ; strength, vigour; the essence or vital part of any thing, quintessence ; value, worth ; manure ; iron ; the piece used in playing at chaupar. sar-varjit, pithless, sapless, s. jUtt sar, a particle denoting plenty, magnitude, or similitude; as koh-sar, a mountainous country; 'ambar-sar, full of ambergris; shah-sar, like a king; sometimes used for sar, the head, as nigun-sar, inverted, with the head undermost; a camel; the name of a black bird of a musical note. p. Xm ^n^ sar, ra. a cowhouse, s. jU*» sar (v. so), like, resembling, d. \\*M ITRT sara, all, the whole; m. wife's brother, brother-in-law (v. m^). *. IjIm* sara, pure, excellent, sweet-smelling, un- defiled; as 'ambari sara, the most odoriferous amber- gris, p. ^j\Xu» ^R1^ sardrth, m. abridgment, s, ^b.l»*» sdr-bdn, m. a camel-driver, p. jj,jU*» '^^sdrpt, f. the ninth lunar asterism. s. ••V CJjUo WJj(\ sdrtd, f. strength, substance, es- sence, s. [tial. *. i^iX^Xui m^eh sdrthak, profitable, substan- ^_^jl**» THIT!^ sdrathl, m. a charioteer. *. bjU«» mia^ J sdradd, f. a name of the goddess Saraswati; also a name of Durgd. «. 2g ( 450 ) cilU 0-;V j\**> WITIfl saras, m. "la species of heron, ^*>,\jj» mij^ sarasl, f.J the Indian crane, "male and female {Ardea antigone). t. C^ynX*** Tnr^riT saraswat, the people of the Saraswat country, or the north-west part of the pro- vince of Delhi. ». ^ .U*» sariht a thief, a plunderer (pi. sarilttn), from which, perhaps, the word " Saracen j" as " CoB- sack," from fazxak. a. %^\jM TBTftflFT sarika, f. a kind of bird {Turdus salica), but the name is applied alBO to the maina ((Tro- cula religiosa). s. 8 J.U) ^^n^rtl sar-loh, m. steel. «. \ij^ TnTTT sarna, a. to mend, to perforin, to complete, to make, to manure, s. iS^Xm sarinda (v. saratfgt), a fiddle, d. ijJ.S>j\*o Vrng sarang, m. name of a musical mode or rag ; a peacock ; a snake, a serpent ; a cloud ; the voice of a peacock ; a deer ; a woman ; water ; the name of a country ; a lamp ; the nymptuea lotus, sa- rang ne sarang gahyo, sarang bolyo a,e ; jau sarang sa- rang kahe, sarang munh taiA Ja,e, a peacock seized a snake ; a cloud thundered ; if the peacock utter his cry, the snake will escape from his mouth (it is said to be a peculiarity of the peacock, that on hearing thunder he utters a cry of pleasure, and dances for joy). «. ^^^j{tjt «\<^ sarangt, f. a musical instru- "ment like a fiddle, h. U£j,U> fiKPgrMI sarangiya, m. a fiddler, h. jjlw* ;btT5 saru, f. a kind of bird, a species of blackbird or starling, h. C^^J^^M ViiiStf sar-vat, substantial, having pith, substance, &c. s. ul?J^ sa?"-waw, a camel-driver; name of a mountain south of Samarfemd. p. f^JD^ ^«lmT sdrva-bhaum, m. a universal monarch, s. iJjSyijj\**i ^^oTtrcfitiff sarva-laukik, prevail- ing throughout the universe, universally knovm. s. (-dJj,jjjl«> ^Hqfi^cii sdrv-varnik, of every kind, belonging to every tribe, s. ij)^ ^K^ sdrl, f. cream ; a dress consisting of one piece of cloth worn by Hindu women round the body and passing over the head. s. iJ)^ sdri, passing, penetrating, pervading, flowing ; infecting, contagious, a ^j^ ^HT-far/tM, m. a wife's sister's husband, s. ^^J^ 'ETTS^ sdrhi, ni. the spring harvest, or "grain cut in the spring, h. ^j'-*** ^TO sdrheAone half more; this word i_f3'l*M VTS sure, J prefixed to any common numeral denotes that the half of a unity is to be added to such numeral, as saflie char, four and a half; when added to an aggregate number, it signifies that half the aggregate is to be added, as sdfhe sou, 150, t. e, a hundred with half a hundred added. *. (_^Aa*» ^T^ safi, f. (the same as sari) cream, &c. ; it also denotes the single garment worn by females in Bengal. «. jIm* sdz, m. arms, apparatus, accoutrements, harness, furniture; a musical instrument; concord. aax-hdz, trim, dressy; ra. ornament, apparatus. <&s- kar proper, consonant, concordant, saz-yarak, m. war- like instruments, furniture, baggage, saz, in comp. denotes making, effecting, as zindorsdz, making alive, resuscitating, p. \)Im) sdzd, partnership, companionship, d. t^\M sdzish, combination, collusion, con- federacy, p. ^^Jmj\jm sdzishi, collusive, fraudulent, p. »iiJtL*> sdzinda or sdzanda, m. a maker, a mosical performer, p. .|jjl»*» sdzwdi-f agreeing, well-arranged, p. j9j^»*» sdzwar, accoutred, armed, p. ^cjL«» sdzi, f. abstiact form of sdz, in compo* sition, as zinda-sazi, resiiscitation. p. (_^U*» fJTO sds or sdsu, a mother-in-law. *. ^j*»l«*> sds, m. a bug, a flea, a louse, p. C^**>\m ^IT^ sdsti, f. (for shdsti) command, correction, s. ^j;**»\*<* "^mrf sdsan, m. (for shdsan) order, command ; a patent, a grant ; act of punishing. «. \ju*>Im> «i«fti sdsnd, a. to chastise, to admo- j^ah (v. sansna). s. C!jS\t*i sd'at, f. a moment, minute, hour; a watch or clock, sa'at-saz, a watchmaker, a. (3PU«» sd'id, f. the arm from the wrist to the elbow, the fore-arm. a. ^•U» sd t, m. one who attempts or endea- "vourfl; a recommender ; adj. earnest, eager, a. jC-Uw sdghar, m. a bowl, cup, goblet, sdghar- kash, one who drains his cup ; a regular toi>er. p. ^J^\M sdghari, f. the space between the tail and anus of a horse, p. ^l**» sd\, f. the leg, the trunk of a tree, the stalk of an herb. a. )ai\M sdkit, falling, sdkit hond, n. to be de graded, a. ^u*» sdktf m. a cupbearer, a page, sdkit/d " (poetic vocative), O cupbearer ! a. ^Ajj\*i> sdkiydn, (pi. of sdki), cupbearers, p. oU*» 9r«|il sdkd, m. an era. sdJid-k., a. to estJi- blish an era ; (met.) to distinguish one's self by heroic actions, sdke-banah, m. a king who has established an era in consequence of his fame and worth, t. j01m» FRTTT mhdr, having form or shape. « C^^Im* sdhit, silent, quiet, at rest. a. OU^l**» ^TTJJTTT sdkshdt, before, in pre«iei:je, in sight ; as, like ; evidently, manifestly, a. liJU ( 451 seeing ) iJiSKjM W8^ sakshi, witnessing "ditesting; an eyewitness, an evidence, s, eJ^\**i m^ sahshya, m. testimony, evi- dence, i ^jSUtt sakin, m. an inhabitant; adj. quiet, peaceable ; a quiescent letter, t*. e. a consonant not followed by a vowel, a. OyL«> sahutf silent, quiescent, a. ,^y**» ^rra sakh, f. trust, credit, reputation, s. ^\*** HT^ sakhf f. season, time. h. ^i U*» irrar sakha (for shdkha), f. a branch of a tree. s. ^-^l**» '^TSft «aMi,m.an evidence,a witness, s. C^U^U*> ^T^qT7 sahhyat, (for sahshat) evi- dent, conspicuous ; adv. before, in the presence of. ». t^Jv*** ^HPI sag, m. greens, edible vegetables, culinary herbs, sag-pat, m. greens ; petty dues paid in kind to village officials, sag-pat hona, n. to become soft. «. tA**» miK sagar, m. the sea, the ocean. «. jCJ^Im* sagmafi, rice fields, cultivated ground, lands in full crop. U#». TIPT sa<7M, sago, a tree of the palm species : a flour is made from this tree, which, formed into bread, when fresh from the oven, eats like hot rolls : when hard, it requires being soaked in water before it is used. Three of these trees are sufficient to maintain a man a year,and an acre properly planted will afford subsistence for one hundred for fhat time. h. i^y>^ sagwan (v. sagun), teak. h. jJ^U*» ^rpfrirt sagaufi, f. meat, flesh, h. j^y U*» ^^niT^ sagun or sagaun, f. teak wood, or tree {Tectona grandis'). h. JL*» ^T^ sal, m. name of a common timber tree {Shorea rohusta, Rox. PL Cor.), a thorn, spine; perforation, bore, mortice, a hole made by driving a pin into the ground, &c. ; a jackal ; f. a house, place ; a school, s. JIm» sal, m. a year, sali ayanda, next year. salt ^dl, the present year, sal-^asil, yearly produce. sdt-khurda, old. sal-girah, f. birthday, on every anni- versary of which an additional knot is tied on a string kept for this purpose; sal gasht, old, in years, salt guzashta, last year, sal-ha-sal, annually, p. ^L*» ^V^^ sola, m. a wife's brother, brother- in-law (the term is used also in a grossly abusive sense) ; (in comp. for shala) it denotes house, place, as pafh-sdld, a place for reading, a school, s. j^U*» salar, m. a chief, head, leader, prince, captain, sdldri Jfafila, the chief of a caravan, leader of a troop, p. i6^U*> salana, yearly, annual ; annually, p. ftj3U> saliha, (in logic) a negative sentence, a. joJUm salbiya, sage (^Salvia), p. ^i^.jLj fTT^nraff sal-parnt, f. a shrub (He- dysarum gangeticum). s. ^.Jlii*> 'ffl^^ sal-pushpy m. a shrab {Hibiscus mutabilis). s. (^jt»j{J\*t* ^n^TM sal-ras, m. the resinous juice of the Sal tree. s. LJIm* lillcj&^l salsa, m. sarsaparilla. h. (^ji^\jM salistri, m. a farrier, d. i^lw» salik, going ; m. a traveller ; (met.) a devotee ; a class of Mu^mmadans who observe the law and lead a domestic life ; (pi. salikdn). a. (•LOU*» ^^STTT salagrdm, m. a schistous stone, containing the impression of one or more ammonites, conceived by the Hindus to represent Fis^u. s. jJL*» TJT^nr salam, good fertile land. h. JL*» salim, safe, free, perfect, a. 1^^ Vl sdlust, f. J fuge, fraud, p. s3lw> sola, in comp. with any numeral denotes so many years old ; as si-sala, three years old. p. \^\u> sdlhd, (Pers. pi. of sal) years, p. ^Um(^I^Im> sdlhd,e sal, a course or series of years, several years, p. ^U«» Wi^ sdli, f. sister-in-law, wife's sis- "ter, especially younger sister, s. ^U*> sail, annual, relating to the year; f. "land taken by the year. p. ^^U5U*» saliydn (irreg. pi.), years, p. ajb3l**» sdliydna, annual ; m. a yearly salary, an annuity. sdliySna-dar, an annuitant. >. «JjJU*» sdUna, annually, year by year. p. jXm W^ sdm, f. a ferule (same as sanii). $. Jjji "WfR sdm or sdma-veda, m. the third ' Veda, the text of which is sung. ». At*i sdm, a celebrated hero in old Persian ro- mance, father to Zal, and grandfather to Rustam. p. i^joji\AM samm-abras, a large and venomous kind of lizard, a. 2q2 ( 452 ) (O^ Ii«Im> Wn sama, f. provisions, eatables of variouB sorts (also same as samagri, q. v.). m. cii^-UUtf TTT^nftnir samajik, m. an assistant or spectator at an assembly, t. ^UU*> saman, w. furniture, apparatus, in- struments, tools; measure, quantity; understanding, reason, intellect ; custom, habit, mode, order, propor- tion ; opulence, power ; probity ; a landmark, sa- manijangi, m. warlike apparatus, be sar o soman, destitute, indigent, helpless; stupified, brainless; im- mense, boundless, endless (applied to affairs), p. \jjUl»*» ?||H|fi|| samanya, f. a prostitute, a girl common to all. a. »j6Uil«*» 9iHT' ^rwff samarthi, powerful, mighty, "able, capable. «. Kjy^ samiri, name of a magician, said to have been contemporary with Moses ; adj. Samaritan, a. JuL*» sami', m. a hearer, a listener, a. ejtAu* sami'a, hearing, the ear. a. ffjCc^M MWifi samagri, f. furniture, tools, apparatus, articles, materials ; scenery, s. a/eL«> VIM«(T samna, m. front, facing, con- fronting, samna-k,, to confront, to encounter, i. |X«Um 9THn samne, opposite,, before, con- " fit)nting. «. U^-«la» 4J|i^«1l samhna, m. the front, facing, confronting, samhna-k., to confront, to encounter, t. before, in front, op- posite, confront- ing, s. jA^Uw tii«^^ samhne, je-^^ Vl^^ samhl, j_^l**> ^Tft saml, ^Urt samt, sublime, exalted, a. ^ji\jj» TRT*ft sami, f. a ferule j arable land. s. ka^Lm IHhIui samtpya, m. proximity, s. ^^\**i £an, like; m. likeness; sign ; similitude. tan guman, m. understanding and imagination, p. ^^\m» W^san,f. a whetstone, a grindstone, p. s. ^Iw* ^n^ sanu, m. table-land, level ground on the top of a mountain. «. VSl^at^j^Utt IIH^»fcJ«1T san bujhana, a. to make •■« Msdarstand by hints, k. y^L*) '^WK.mmhhar, m. name of a town near Ajmere ; also a kind of salt extracted from a lake in the vicinity, s. u-*^l»A* wmsamp, m. a snake, serpent. «. ^^\tM ^ErnnT sampan, f. a female snake. «. cIU>L*» ^rtef sant (v. shdnt), calm, tranquil, s', IjoL* ^nwi sahtd, ra. the sugar-cane. h. ^^yi>\^M 4in<(H sdntrvan, m. conciliation, re- concilement s. ip\**» ^ifft sdnfi, f. instead, stead, h. cLoUtt Trir sdnt, f. joining, sticking; con- federacy, collusion ; a stick for threshing com with, a flail, h. UL>U« ^rtn sdnta, m. a stick or whip with which elephants are beaten at the time of fight ; a spur. h. ,^oL» frtr sdnth, f. (v. sant) joining, &c. h. U^jL>U*> ^nTTT santhnd, a. (v. satdna) to apply; to join (thread), to splice, to stick together &c. h. ,.^l*»» 'm^sdnjh, f. evening (Dakh. sdfij). s. l^siUrt ^«SJ sdnjhd, m.1 images of cow-dung ^-^U*» Tgn^ sdnjhi, f.j made by children "in the month asin, krislttia paks^, to represent idols, s. 2:\*M Ifft^ sdiich, ^ true, proper, real. sRnch liiU*» "^n^ sdnchdyj ko dnch kyd(J), pure gold fears not the flame, t, \dd\jM ^Hn sdnchd, m. a mould, a matrice. h. OWIm* sdnihdi (pi. of Wtf*L»), events, oc- currences, a. eu^lwi sdniha, an event, occurrence, a. \<^\*n sdndd, a limb, members of the body. d. iufeJJU*> Vlf^lbM sdnnidhya, m. proximity, vicinity, s. ^?^ sdndni or sdhrnif f. a female camel, a dromedary, san^riisawar, one who rides on a camel, h. ^\**i TSTS sdnr (v. sand), a bull, &c. s- (J,j3\ja» ^nrsft sdnrnl (v. sdndni). h. ^jJ>\m 'W(^ sdns, f. breath, sigh, mns ulti lent, to gasp in agony. saHs bhama, to sigh, to regret sans rukna, to be smothered or throttled. saHi rokni or saAs rukna, a. to smother, to throttle. *. L 'BT'Hlfl* sdnsdrikf worldly, of thif world. <. t.J^ ( 153 ) r-*L* ULJIm* fltlRT sdnsna, a. to snub, to distress, to threaten, s. tiULj ^oF sank, f. fear; the asthma, s. ci)o\j-j TTToF sank, f. a lump of sweetmeat, particularly of jalebi. h. ioL» '^\W^'l>^ 'RT^ sankhya, m. a system of philosophy so called, ascribed to Muni Kapila. s. cLOl*** ^HT sang, f. a spear or javelin all of iron ; adj. having all the members, s. cLOL*> 'JlriJT sang, m. disguise, mimickry, acting; a scene, sang-k., a. to act foolishly, sang Idna, to imitate, to mimic, h. f^ju^KjM "WJm sangus, ^ f. a kind of fish. "} ^^^\**»^Tm sangus,} skate. «. j^SoIm* ^HIVV sanghar, m. a wife's son by a former husband. A. ^Jij\*M TETpft sang'i, f. a support on which '*the pole of a cart is propped, h. [jT^)* *• L1ajlC>Im> ^T'ftd sanglt, m. song. &c. (y. Mtn- UoIm) 'mwr sanna, a. to knead, to mix up flour, dough, earth. &C. A. \JjL*» ^TRl sanna, a. to whet, to impregnate, to stain, to soil. s. \\u» wm\ sanwa, m. the name of a very small grain {Panicum frumentaeeum, Eoxb.). t. ^j»yl«*» ^i^T sanwan, ra. (v. sanwa). s. tJI>x>.yl**» sann-chit, tranquil,without care or anxiety, d. *^^\m» fli«|<^| sanwla or sa,onZa, of a dark or sallow (complexion), s. ^l**» ^Ifft sani, f. chaff or straw mixed with " grain (particularly that from which oil has been ex- pressed), as food for cattle, h. j^\rf*> TTT'^I sa,u, tractable ; m. a relative, s. _.jl*« ^T^ST sawaj, savage, wild ; m. sport, game (t. e. wild animals for the chase), t. ^^bbii.L** W^VH savadhan, careful, attentive, cautious, s. ^j,\jbi^j\*M 'HT^vnft savadham, f. care, cau- tion, t. [animals, s, (lIJjIm) ^T^SIT sawak, m. a child, the young of ^j**!>jl**» HTToFTSfT sdvakas or suvakdsh, m. leisure, opportunity. «. ^^jl**» Tim^ saman, m. the name of the fourth Hindu month, the full moon of which is near Sravana or a Aquilee. sdwan hare na bhadoA sukhe (flourish- ing in summer and not fading in autumn) is applied to express continuance in the same state or situation, s. C1a3*jU*> ^^»iT sdwant, brave, valiant ; a hero, a warrior, s. ^J>Jf\*^> W«r»»ft sdwanfi, f. bravery, heroism. 9. |Xj>j^L*» ^i^jfi sd,ungi (v. sdngt). h. ^jl»*» ^ft^^ST sdfOnld, dark, sallotr (v. sdnwla). [an innocent person. «. 8U*> ^n^ sdh, m. a merchant, a shopkeeper ; eoljbU** ^fTT| sdhdya, m. friendship, fellow- ship, alliance, succour, s. ^up&U*> ^f^m sdhitya, m. society, associa- tion, connexion, s. (j«i&l**» m^Vl sdhas, m. violence; courage, spirit, valour, resolution, s. ^<-fcl*** ' ^n^«T sdhan, fem. of sdh, q. v. s. joysL** fti^cMT. sdkukdr, m. a great mer- chant; a banker, s, jj^oybLo fll^ch'lO sdhukdri, f. traffic, trade, commerce, exchange of money, s. (J»fcU*> W?9 sdhul, m. a plummet, k. j^^Im* ^TTl^ sa/ii, f. a porcupine, s. i^^AjM fid,e or sd,i, (in -comp.) rubbing, po- lishing; dififusing; resembling, p. bit** sdyd, m. shade (v. say a), p. f^[x>\jM sdyabdn, a canopy, the roof or fly of a tent ; a parasol, an umbrella, p. &f>u*» sd,ibat, f. a female slave manumitted; also a she-camel set at liberty under a vow. a. ^iiJoL*» sd,idan, to rub, grind, polish, f. ji[jM sd,ir, m. the whole ; the remainder ; going, walking, wandering ; tax, duty levied on per- sonal property, in opposition to that levied on land, which is denominated ma^; " land customs : duty levied on transit of goods: this tax has lately been abo- lished."— (B.) a. Ol^-yU** $d,irjdt (barbarous pi. of jU*»), taxes on personal property, transit duties, s. {j^\tj* sd,ts, m. a groom, a horsekeeper. a. ^^^\Mi sd,tsi, f. the business of a groom, a, ^l**> sd,il, ra. one who asks, an interrogator, questioner ; a beggar, a mendicant. A. s^\m» sdfima, a term applied to camels, goats, &c. (v. pi. sawd.im), a, j^/lw* ^^* sd,m, m. lord, master, your wor- ship ; (met.) a fakir ; the Deity ; an imitative aouad (as of wind). *. ^ C 464 ) 4V« jKi^.lw* ^flJViW}'^ nayankal, m. eventide, even- ing, s. sAjm saya, m. shadow, shade, protection ; an apparition; a petticoat, saya-parwarda, brought up in the shade, delicately reared, saya tale and, a. to take protection, saya kist kd pajrnd, to imitate the manner of another, sdya-ddr, shady ; a protector. saya hond kisl ko, a demon appearing to or poseess- ing any one. p, s. t_ "' W^sab, all, every, the whole, total (in- flected plural sabhoA). sab misri kl hain daliydn (all are pieces of" sugar), is applied to the equality of state, form, 8m;. sab kuchh, every thing, all. sab ko,l, every- body, every one, all. sab-khawwa, omnivorous, one who eats all kind of food without exception. «. U**» sabd, a country in Arabia Felix, where they suppose Batkts, the queen who visited Solomon, to have reigned, a. ioVjbM sahbaba, the forefinger, a. {jttKxjji ^TTRT subas, f. perfume, fragrance, odour. <. «Um> siba (pi. of ^fM>), lions, wild beasts, a, \Zj>9^^>**> sabakat, excelling, &c. (v. sabhat). a. ^\fM> saban (v. sabdn), to morrow, d. sabab, m. cause, reason, motive; re- ihin, affinity, instromenti on aoootmt ci, by or. a. C1^»>>>M) sababtyat, f. cause, motive* a. d^ > «*> subbat, f. reproach, slander, disgrace, injury, villainy ; the podex. a, ^J^C** subhdn, m. praising, glorifying (God) ; a title of the Deity. subT^dna^lldh, interj. O God ! O holy God ! l}aTcTc subtidna-hu, God the most holy 1 th ^l^*** subhani, divine, relating to God. a. «^*** subha or sabha, m. a rosary ; a chaplet for repeating prayers. subljxi-garddn, one who is lationshir reason i counting the beads, ing tlie beads. sub'^x^-garddrii, the act of ooont- tJJu** W«?^ sabd or shabd, m. sound, voice ; a song (among Ndnak-panihU, q.v.); a word, a noon. «, Sxm sabud, m. a basket, p. i;i^f»*» *i«i<;<.i sdbdara, m. the bowsprit of a vessel, h, (jgent *. ,Jb(^fM» W^% subuddhi, wise, clever, intelli- 0;j**> sabart, m. a hare, a rabbit h. {^jtf** W^l§[ subarn, m. (v. suvarna) gold. s. U«*» sabz, green, fresh'; grey-coloured (a horse), sabz bdgfi dikkdnd, a. to deceive, xabx dh&mS, m. a kind of pigeon, sabx-rang, of black complexion. sabz-roshati, m. a kind of pigeon. sabz-Jcadatn, unfor^ tunate, unlucky, ill-omened, sabz hond, n. to flourish./).' ti)jju*» sabzak, m. the jay bird (^Coracias). p. jIj j^*** sabzawdr, name of several districts and U.wna in I'ersia. p. 5|f»*> sabza, m. verdure ; incipient beard, bloom ; a green stone worn in the ear as an ornament; the jay bird; the sweet basil {Ocymum basilicum). p. {S'ji^ gabzi, f. greenness; greens, culinary vegetables; an intoxicating potion made ot hhung. sabzi mandl, f. a place where vegetables are sold. p. UIju-ju** V i ^ t X ^\ ^ \sabsabdnd,i\. (v. sursurdnd) to creep as a snake, &a h. [family. «. lax-* sibt, m. a grandchild ; progeny ; a tribe, *f**» sab', seven ; sab'' saiydra, the seven planets, sub', the seventh part, a seventh, a. ^JfM» sabah, m. a lesson, lecture, reading, a. CJsLfMi sabkat, f. excelling, surpassing, pre- ceding, aggression, a. dLlfa> subuk, light (either in weight or cha- racter), debased, unsteady, subuk-bdr, lightly bur dened, expeditus. subuk-pde, light of foot, a courier. subuk-khez, vigilant, alert, subuk-dastt, expedition. subuk-dosh, light-hearted, subuk-raw, light of step, travelling quickly. subuk-ruJf, of a cheerful spirit, jovial, subuksar, light-headed, contemptible, subuk- ser, soon satisfied, subuk-mizdj, of a fickle temper, irresolute, p. ^^pKju*> subkd,*,'] f. lightness, levity, frivo- ^^ suhkt, > lousness; rashness, folly; ^J^Lm subka,i, J affront, indignity, dis- ** honour, p. Jju-» irT35 sahalf powerful, forcible, sabbal, a crow, an iron lever. «. fstitntiooa. c Jijuo iubul (pi. of JjLA*«»), ways, means, in- fSfi^kftn Wr^J% sabaldft, f. power, force, strength, s. [ened. «. «^ JJJUM ?WV surbandh. well secured or fast- • >» ^ju*> «a&t(, m. a cup, a glass, an ewer, a jar, a pitdier. p. J>^f**) ^nrtilT sabotar, everywhere, s. jk»^Jw** sabucha, m. a pitcher, jar, ewer, p, ])^Xjm W^ saburdf m. instrumentum in mem" bri virilis forma, e corio amcitmatuiH, quo mulieres libi- dinota utuntur. h. (^jnyi-*** sabus, m. bran, chaff, sawdust, p. .^t"> ^ subh, goodt pleasant, agreeable, happy, anspicions. s. 1^xm> WUl sabhd, f. an assembly, meeting, company, sabhaiiati or sabhd-ndyak, m. the president of an assembly, sabhd-sad, m. one of a company, an assistant, an assessor, t. .^juM^fM* ^^n^ subhdsubh, m. good and evil, lucky and unlucky, s. ,yu»\^fXMt W^V^ sabhd-sad, one who sits or deliberates in an assembly. $. .l^Xhu W^T^ subhdv or subha,Of m. nature, natural state, property, disposition ; good disposition | a^j. well-disposed, of good disposition, t. \^y**» ^f*TTn subhitd, f, welfare, security, s. ■j!^.^!^ ^nfZ subhat, m. a champion, a hero. s. jj.^fM» Ttvr^subkadra, auspicious, fortunate. «. '^f^ ( 455 ) K^JUM ^ifWzF mhhik, one who presides at an assembly or feast, s. UI!^-**» TtHTTT suhhaga, f. well-favoured ; a woman who is loved by her husband, and is the mo- ther of a thriving family, t. [the whole, s. ^j(^t'" ^W^ sahhon (inflect, pi. of sab), 'all, j_j4Ju*) ^nnr sahkay, fearful J timidly, s. Ua^**» ^ni^ siihhtta, m. time, leisure, op- portunity, convenience, s. ^Ia^ju^ ^Syqin sahhyata, f. politeness, refine- ment in manners. *. euk^JuM ^vq sabhya, trusted, confidential, faith- fnl ; m. an assistant at an assembly, an assessor, s. ^jvf**» 'H^ saber, early, soon, in good time. s. Jaju*» 1I%T1 mbera, m. morning, the dawn of day. s. iJjM"*** 'T^ sabere, in the morning, early, soon (more commonly sawere, q. v.). s. Jjbgjj sabil, f. a road, way, path ; mode, manner ; water distributed to thirsty travellers during the first ten days of the muj^arram. iobil-k., to obtain money by borrowing or begging, a. C-»L**> sapdt, pure, clean, d. yLw» ^PTR supatr, good, worthy ; a good or able man ; a vessel of earthenware, &c. «. O'Lmj sapatd, a leap, bound, spring, d. ^U*«» ^rrrn supdrd, m. glans penis, h. (^ji,lju*> sipdrish or supdrish, f. a recom- mendation, intercession, introduction, p. iX***» sipdra (for si-pdra), lit. thirty sec- tions, a portion of the Jmr.an. p. 4 wqrd supdrt, f. betel-nut {Areca ca- techu) ; g/ans penis, h, (^j»»Ljm sipds, f. praise, thanksgiving, p. i\xu» sipdh, f. (used in the pi.) soldiers, an army, sipdh phir jdnl, implies a revolt or treachery in an army, sipdh-gari, f. the military profession, p. ^\xu* sipdhi, m. a soldier, military, p. ^jAxt*> sipdjt, f. a tripod, trivet, a three- legged stool or table, a trench, p. Tni sapt or sapta, seven, sapt-rikh It (for saptarslfi), m. the seven principal stars in the con- stellation of the Bear, Charles's Wain. s. iJL^xui ^nr supt, m. sleeping, asleep, numbed ; m. sleep. «■ Qtt*) ^r^ saput, a good son (v. saputra). jlju*** "WiTT^ saptdh, 1 m. a week, the 'vfcljL*** TFTSTTfT saptdhdj eighth day after any other day. s. C^xut* ^^f(T saptaii, seventy, s. /yJi^JLu* UHt^^f saptadas or saptadash, WTenteen. *. LT^ j*^i**> "5^ suputra and TEHT^ saputra, m. a good and dutiful sun. s. [cassia, s. jIxmj TJtpar supatra, m. the leaf of the Laurus Wix**> THTTT saptamd, the seventh, s. ^.tlK ^ITlR^lfTTcn? saptavinshatitam, ,^'{;«A» ^nr^ sapath, f. an oath, an asseveration. supath, m. a good road ; good conduct, f. /4*^ W\^ siipachchh (fur aupaksh), m. the party which has justice on its side ; the fortunate haJf of the month, i. e. from the new to the full moon. s. ig^^** ^TTHBCt supachchhi (for supakshV), "m. an advocate of the just cause, s. 4i>s**> ^nrt^ sapadi, this instant, immediately, s. jA**» sipar, f. a shield^ target, sipar-ddrl f, protecting, shielding, p. \j^ ftnn aiprd, f. a river near Ujjain. s. lAjLiOjjMjj ^n F iTgT supratishthd, f. consecra- tion, erection of a temple, &c. s. i^j^ sujnird or sipurd, f. charge, keeping, care, trust; delivering or giving over (property). tupurd-ndma, a deed of delivery, sttpurd-k., a. to give in charge, to recommend to one's care, to consign, p. tt>^ ?ni^T sapardd, m. a musician attending on singing-women, s. f^f\iij^ Vi^ \ \ \ sapardd,!, f. the corps of musicians attending a dancing-girl. s. ^JciJ^ sipurdagi, charging, consigning, p. ^i^j^ Wlff spardhi, envious, emulous, s. j"Um» siipnrz, m. the spleen, the milt. p. ^^MijXM mm<4 suprasanna, well-pleased, fa- vourable. «. (,jw;A**» ^W^ sparsh, m. touch, contact, s. (^\^Ju*»^ Mc RT^AMj3ra^«sA, manifest, publico. l*;A**> 5PTfT sprihd, f. desire, wish, spriki, desirous, s. {jj^ sipari, completed, concluded, p. ^\jxm saprdnd, a. to catch, to arrest, d. \3jxm» saparnd, n. to be caught, to be in- volved, d. iJUL^jMi^C(W spasht, evident, manifest, clear, c. ciJLiu** ( 456 ) ^J!iCxu* inn? sapaksh, m. a partisan, one of the^same party, supakah, m. the party which has justice on its side; the fortunate half of the month, ». e. from the new to the full moon, supakshi, an ad- vocate of the just cause. ». ^_fU.^ siplak, m. a small lizard, commonly to be found in houses, and which lives by catching flies and insects, d. Jloj* ^ ^g^<^ sapallav, possessed of sprouts, shoots, twigs (v. pallav). s. ..yf*n Wf sapn, \m. a dream, sapn-dosh, Uu**> ^ MH T sapnd,) va. pollutio nocturna. sapna-bichdri, m. an interpreter of dreams. *. ^rt j'^ sipand, m. a kind of seed (v. ispand); ■wild rue. p. (CiiJjUtf sipandi, f. fumigation by wild rue. p. O **»*» ^'W suput or 7B^ saput, m. a tractable or dutiful son. s. [(a 8on> #. ^cf■^^u^» ^R^TTT^ sopwf 5,1, f. being good, &c. ^.yu** sapuran, full, the full moon. d. ^^Xa» W^t^ sapola, ^m. a young snake, U)«-k*o T Htir sipah-gari, f. the military profession ^3.^A**» im^ saphal, bearing fruit, productive; aiterally or flgurativeM profitable, useful, suphal, earing good fruit, fruitful. «. i^^XM^cJiZVsphotak, m. a boil, a tumor, s, C^j j^ XtM J^f^ sphurtiy f. throbbing, palpi- tating. «. (^^^^^ *IMiH supkeity m. cuttle-fish bone. «. (CjVjuam IjAimO «tjum> £apec7 (v. safed), white, p. SJjum) supaida (for sufaida), dawn of day. p. (_^(>jaM> supaidi, f. whiteness, light (of th« advancing dawn), p. CIam* Wft sat, m. power, strength, essence; soul ; the principle of goodness.the true God,the all-per- vading Spirit; touch; juice, sap; virtue, truth, sense; adj. true, right, actual, good, virtuous; adv. actually, t. ftnr sit, white ; the planet Venus, s. VK sut, m. a son, a male child; used in / comp. as swdtl-sut, a pear! (q. d., the issue of Arctu- rus ; from a popular belief that in October, when the sun's longitude corresponds to that of Arcturus, drops of rain falling into shells are converted into pearls), t. Vju*> ■JfRTT sattd, m. power, strength; seven (in cards) ; f. being, existence ; goodness, excellence. «. Hm* Win sutd, f. a daughter, a female child, s. \ia*» sitd, 1 taking, receiving, satdd, many, iiljuw sitdd,} numerous, p. JJtilJu** sitdda, taken, carried away ; (for istddat q. v.) set up, erected, placed, deposited, p. .l:U*» sitdr, m. a kind of guitar with three strings, sitar-bdz, m. one who plays on the guitar, p. XLm sattdr, m. one who covers. sattdrU'l- 'uyuh. He who hideth sins (with the veil of forgiveneas and mercy) ; God. a. XLm VITK sutdr, m. a carpenter, a wheel- wright ; time, opportunity. «. [a son. « ^y^SjljLMJ JCffT^ sutdrtht, desirous of having ^JSj'Ci*** sitdragdn (pi. of sitdr a), stars, p. Ij^Sm* sitdra, m. a star ; a kind of firework ; name of a musical instrument with three strings, a guitar, sitara-peshdni, having a star in the forehead (reckoned a fault in a horse), sitdr a-shinas, sitara-ddn, or sitdra-shumur, m. an astrologer or astronomer. «i- tara-shindsi, the astrological art. p. t^Uiw* ^fflO sutdri, f. an awl, a bodkin, s. ^jjlJL*» sitdrl, f. a rope, twisted with three strings, p. • [guitar, p. b jUuw sitdriyd, f. m. one who plays on the jJj»\JL*> ^9IH1 sattdsi, eighty-seven. ». f^Xx**> sitdn, in comp. seizing, taking, as kish- tvar-sitdn, one who seizes a country, p. ^^\jk**» sidn, a termination denoting place, situation ; added to words ending in a vowel, as hindi- stdn, the place or country of the Hindus ; if the word end with a consonant, istdn is employed, as gul-Utan, a rose-garden, p. \J\liM iMdHI satdnd, a. to tease, to vex, to fret, to trouble, to afflict, to interrupt. «. ^(^ljLM> sitdndan, to seize, to take away, p, ciiilLrt HHrilf sitdnk, m. a kind of fish (Xa- certa tcmau). a. [seven. «. (_yy\L*> ^m\^ sattdnwe or sattdnanieynmeiy- ^^^Lm sitdnl, f. (abstract form of titan) " seizing, p. j>lL*» WTTS satd,u, m. f. teaser, tormentor. »■ lXu>> ( 457 ) aJVfi/f ciJjljL* ^^cR stavak, m. a praiser, a pane- gyrist, s. ^jjMo* ^WTT«T sattawan, fifty-seven, s. ^j«JolJu*» ^^||^9 satta,ls, twenty-seven, s. jj£j\ju»» sita,ish, f. praise, returning thanks, p. ^i>jj[m> H3V stdbdha, stopped, blocked, shut up. *. \^5^l1*a*» TRcrfW^ sathhihhd, the twenty- fifth mansion of the moon, containing 100 stars, the chief of which is X Aquarii. s. Ji\xL*t ^TPTR sat-patra, m. a virtuous person, s. ^T^ sat-putra, ra. a virtuous son. s. W^r^sat-path, m. a good road j correct conduct or doctrine, s. {j/SijSu* mq^ mt-purush, m. a worthy or •pirited man. s. ^y^fXLj i W^S^ sat-phal,m. the pomegranate. «. d*V«*> ^fff stuti, f. m. praise, eulogy, s. ,^i^^*** ftlrtP<*t^ sit-chinh, m. a sort offish {JJa- certa scincus). s. ^^lil^M sitadan (for sitandan), to seize, &c. p. Ji>*** HW^ sattur, m. an enemy (for shatru). s. jA**» ^niT sattar, seventy, s. jjLm* sat?; ra. concealing, covering, veiling, suppressing ; privities, a. [tifol. d. kLm sutra, adorned, ornamented, neat, beau- \jl^\jL*» ^[WUWW^Vf sattara-bahattara, old, decrepit, doting ; lit. seventy to seventy-two, which in India is reckoned a very advanced age. «. h. \3Uju*» ^ri.y^*** m^ strain, female, feminine j m. the .^Vi-"^ "--^ ¥AW sat-sathf sixty-seven. $. ijJS.^Su* infTlP sat'sang, m. association with the good. $. ^IjmCLmm W(^\satsa,i, If. the name of a UmjlI**** ^gjT^^n satsaiya,) book written by Bih&rV-lal (ian inhabitant of Oo,a]iyar), containing 700 disHcbs or dohas, in braj-hhak^ or •bJM^i. Br<^ hhdkTid barni Jcahin hahu bidh btiddhi bilas, sab koti bhukhan Satsaiya /cart Bihdrl Das, the poets, each ac- cording to his capacity, have displayed the beauties of the Braj-bhasha, but Bihari Das composed the Satsai- ya, which is the jewel of the whole, s. jOJ**» TFpliR! satkdr, m. reverence, respect; hospitable treatment ; doing good, a pious action ; act of regarding, rewarding, disting^shing ; (Beng.) burning the dead. s. [dead. s. t^o^ '^[^'^ satkdrl, m. one who burns the aS^*^ ^TrS^ sat-karma, m. a good act, piety, virtue ; hospitality ; funeral obsequies, s. bjXLw* flfrfh'^T sathriyd, f. funeral obsequies, virtue, charity; salutation, welcome, courtesy; hos- pitality, s. ^^X^ ^jT^tf satkhan, of seven divisions or stories (a house, &c.). *. p. \j)Sjm Wf^l^ satlara, sevenfold, of seven strings or rows (a necklace, &c.). h. ^j^jpju** fliltjS^^ satlari, f. a necklace of seven strings, h, LdJjiju** fiff<^4i satlok (for satyaloka), the abode of Brahma, called also brahma-loka, to which living beings once translated are exempted from fur- ther birth, s. Ju*> sitam, m. tyranny, oppression, injury, violence, sitam-dtda, or -rasida, or -zada, or -kask, oppressed, injured, subjected to tyranny, sitam-kushta, a martyr to tyranny, p. (*!**» TWH sattam, best, excellent; most vene- rable, most virtuous, s. LmV«Im> 41 ri hi 41 1 satmasd, m. a feast given in the seventh month of pregnancy, a .\.C»juo sitam-gdr,^ m. a tyrant, an oppressor; jiCjkM) sitam-gar, - adj. tyrannical, oppres- ^j».L«> sitam-mar,} sive. p. isXC^Mt sitam-gdrx,' fcX^iu» sitam-gari, (S)^>*** sitam-nari, ^♦Ju«» ^nwftsflimi, f. the seventh lunar day. s. ejw» ^pR sutan (pi. of sut), sons. h. {J^^*» W^ Stan, m. the female bosom, breast. ttan-mukh, m. a nipple. $. ^^fjuutf Wf^ stambh, m. a post, a pillar; hin- drance, obstruction. *. ^j^sXLm ^cPnivT stambhan, m. stopping, ob- struction ; a styptic, s. ijJ.^M ftni^ sitang, m. palsy, numbness, being chilled with cold. «. jXiu*> ftnryt sitangi, palsied, numbed, s. yL*> ^^ sattwa or satwa, m. the principle of goodness or truth ; one of the three gunas or proper- ties of beings ; substance, thing ; vigour, pow«r, e«- sence ; a substantive noun. s. yuM ioR stav, m. praise^ panegyric, s. f. tyranny, oppression, injury, violence, p. yLj* ( 468 ; ^tf*** •jUk> "W^ sattu, m. parched grain, reduced to meal and made into a paste. sattu-}c^ora, peederastes, padicator, prcepostera veneri addictus. s. \S**i wr^ satu,a or satuma, m. same as sattu; adj. (applied to a kind of ginger), pulverable, free from threads or fibres. satu,a sankrdnt, the entering of the Bun into Aries, on which day the meal of parched grain is distributed to the Brahmajis. h, L«31yu*> TH^WT satwansa, m. a child born in the seventh month ; also an entertainment given to a woman by her parents in the seventh month of her pregnancy, s. [mineral; crystal, s. ^^JLw* fwihjl^ sitopal, m. challc or a similar \3yM*» fl>2(f(| sattwata, f. purity, goodness, s. jJyuM igfhl stotra, m. praise, eulogium. s. jj(>yu*> situdan (r. sita,e), to praise, p. 8t3jju*> situda, praised, laudable, situda-sifat, possessed of laudable qualities, p. jyM sator or sutur, m. an animal, quadruped, beast of burden, cattle, p. j^iM^W^tsatrvar, quick, expeditious; quickly. satwarta, f. quickness, speed, t. yj^L*» satora, annihilated, d. dSjILj* W^* satuka, base coin (Gladw.). h. iJS^Lm W^PpO sattwagun, ra. the quality of truth, s. ^^yy*** satin or sutujif also situn, m. a pillar, a column, a prop. chihal-titSn, of forty pillr. c (a pa- lace, &c.). p. UoyL* tiim«ni sa ^Icjsl sthaU, f. (v. thaR) a tray, &c. s. ^^l^jk*** WR sthan, m. place, situation, abode ; a section, a chapter ; office, station. «. (jl^JUrt t?qi«i1 sthani, having place, abiding, permanent, s. [moveable. ». jjI^Laj WR^ sthawar, firm, stationary, ira- «^.^4^ *W'S* sthayuk, stationary, firm, steady, s. j_^\4Ju*» ^nxft sthayl, steady, firm, unchange- able, sthayi-hha.o, m. permanent condition, t. *i^4^ ^^^ sthit, steady, firm ; resolved, decreed, established, sthiti, f. stay, being fixed or stationary, s. j *^^ Mn^m. sathattaVf seventy-seven. «. j^i^ fipn; sihir, firm, fixed, permanent j hard, solid; cool, collected, constant, calm, tranq^jil, mild, settled ; peace, sthir-cheta, firm, resolute, con- stant, sthir-mati, steady, deliberate. ». )j^i*-»** 5'Tn suthra, good, well, excellent, beautiful, elegant, neat, adorned, h. W>l^^Li«» fwn7*n sthiratma, firm, resolute, steady, s. ^^\M»\j^lLt» «v|^Ifll^ suthrdsahi, m. a fol- lower of Suthrdsah, a religious mendicant A. j2;^Jlui ^nrCT«f sathram, m. a heap of slain (in battle), h. [neatness, elegance, h, (g-^2 ; ^L*> ^PI^T^ suthrdft, f. goodness, beauty ; V j ^'utt ■fipKiTT sthirtd, f. stability, firmness ; fortitude, s. jj^jiu*** ftnioS sithal (v. shltal), cooled, cold, benumbed with fear. s. ^J^JuA* FI^ sj(^>it> v ^MMI^I satydnds, m. (a term of imprecation, signifying) depravation, destruction. satyaims-jdnd or -hond, kist kd, n. to be depraved, destroj-ed, ruined, &c. salyunds karnd kisi kd, a. to do mischief to another, to make ruin, to be destroyed or ruined, s. ^j,*»\JljuLwi ^TTTRT^ satydndsi, depraved, bad, "destroyed, damaged; name of a thorny plant, a kind of thistle, the juice of which is of a yellow colour and very acrid. It is used as a caustic, i. J-» ( 459 ) ^1^ O^IjCm* WfirnjfT satyanrit, m. commerce, Jrsde, traffic (being a mixed practice of truth andliea).s. '^^*^-*** ^nmn satyata, f. truth, integrity, virtue. ,s. f^ji^ *(h1Q satirth, m. a fellow student, the pupil of the same spiritual preceptor, s. j ^> * » sitez, contention, battle, combat, p. 5^Jp-* siteza, m. controversy, altercation, quarrelling, contention, battle. siteza-Mio, quarrel- some, p. [cious witness, s. ^JlSLmjCLo* THT^TTEJ^ satya-sahshi, m. a vera- i^A^«*> ^ril<$l satild, powerful, strong, s. ^ ' *«> ^ii|H satyam, indeed, verily, a particle of interrogation and asseveration, s. ciljJjLlyj ^TTT^S^ satyalok, m. (v. satlok). s. i^ju*u ^nT^IT^ satya-vad, m. truth, speaking truly, s. [the truth, s. (^k>)^'M> ''M(q<4l(^1 satya-vadi, one who speaks ^I j jCm) '^rilciic saitwar, If. a tomb, grave, ^^jCm> ^rtliflj satlwar,} burning-ground ; the place where a widow has been burned, s. ^J>^^^L*t ^TWT^ satya-vachan, m. a true statement. «. ^?m satya, true, sincere, honest; m. truth ; an oath. «afya or satya-yug, the first Tug or golden age, comprising 1,728,000 years; the upper- most of the seven worlds, the abode of Brahma, or world of truth, s. ^J^ ^i)^T saieha, m. (v. sathiya). h, i^juua> ^nq^TT satya-yug, m. the first of the four yugas or ages (v. yug or yuga) *. ou»» f^^ sitta, f. (v. hhutta) Indian corn, h, \jbljL» T[^(^^ sattd-batta, m. an amour, com- bination; collusion, plot, cabal, intrigue, s. cLutfUutf "^IZT^rZsatdsatff. adhering together, ft. OUm» fISHI satdna, a. to unite, to stick, to make to adhere, h. UUJL) ^JV^MI satpatdnd, n. to be con- founded, to be surprised. «. Uj|(^c1am> sat-dend, to throw away, to deem a thing of no value, d. udLjU> WSW satak, f. an elastic rod, thick at one end and thin at the other, h. fcJ^XM ftTT^Snf^ sithdri, fusiform, tapering, h. U\iju*» f{' ^nr^ sutal, f. foolish prattle, falsehood, h. j_^iw» ^Tff^t sataU, f. chattering nonsense, falsehood, h. ^-^^-^ ^rj*n satnd, n. to join, to adhere, to stick, to unite ; (in Dakh.) to cast away. h. ^ ^^ ■u* "^Z sath, cunning ; ignorant, s. ^j\^^Mt fHTI^ sithdft, f. insipidity, tasteless- "ness. s. \j^^1m» ^ttI^ sathord, m. a sweetmeat, con- sisting of meal, sugar, ginger, spices, &c. (particularly given medicinally to childbed women, and distributed, as caudle is to gossips), h. j_5^JCa> ?MZi sitthi, f. dross, lees. h. Ulx^juo ^rfTTTtfT satkiydnd, n. to be turned of sixty years, to be decrepit, or in one's dotage, s. (^u» wfi sail, f. zedoary ( Curcuma zerumhei " or Ctcrcuma amada). s. i^**» ftl^ ^Hth ^' whistling, h. Uju» flGsxiT satiyd, f. a stick, s. Uxm> TrfTm satiyd, f. a daughter, h. iJjM^Jjjt H'^Hii sati satt, joined, glued, "staclc* together, crowded, h, [nexed. ». Ldijuuo ^^Icn satlk, having a commentary an- ^fco ^nr saj, m. f. shape, ornament, appear- ance, preparation, saj-dar, well-shaped, handsome. saj-dhaj, f. preparation and appearance, s. V^** H^\ sajjd, armed, accoutred, decorated; f. dress, decoration, armour. 5. OljtfJ** ^nnfw sajdti, of or belonging to the same caste or kind, sujati, of a good tribe or species. «. i\^!** sajjdd, adoring, bowing the head and body in adoration, a. iii\si^ sajjdda, m. a carpet or mat on which Mujfammadans kneel at prayers; an altar; a mosque. a. jjl^ '^([^ sujdn, well-informed, wise, in- telligent, s. XAsif* 9«THI sujdnd, a. to cause to swell, s. Ul^ff** '44 3f I til sajdnd, a. to cause to prepare, s. jV^ ^nrRsajaw, m. preparation, ornament, s. CjijI^ ^BfafT^T so; awai, f. preparation; con- trivance, s. [ties, nature, a. ^.W*** sajdyd (pi. oVixai^), dispositions, quali {j^^^si^ ^nrr^ sajd,i, f. the price paid for making belts or scabbards ; preparation. ». jIii-**» t<3i(;i< saj-ddr, well-shaped, hand- some. 5. p. 8(^s^" sijda, m. touching the ground with the forehead as an act of adoration or worship to Uod. sijda gall f. the place of performing the $yda. a. St^ ( 460 ^Ripni saj-dhaj, f. preparation and ) d-Jtf* appearance, s. ig**^ ^H^t su-jast, renowned, illustrious, s. tai^ soj', m. rhyme, metre, cadence, poesy. saj'-go, an eloquent speaker, a. jj.^ sijill, m. a register, the decree of a judge, written attestation of a notary, seal of a judge (tigillum). tijil, the recording angel; adj. right, pro- per, good, well-arranged, a. y^^ ^^9 sajal, watery, filled with or con- taining water, s, [more. h. *:^ji^ fr«|(^l sajla, m. third brother of four or ^:s^** ^'^'^ snjan or 9W^ sajjan, well-born, respectable, good, virtuous ; ni. £ a sweetheart, a mis- tress, a respectable person. «. [kind. s. ^^s^ ?r'«T«1 sujun, virtuous, good, respectable, \jj£** ^npTT sajna, n. to be prepared ; to fit, to become, to beseem; a. to dress, to ornament, to adjust, to rectify, sajana, m. f. (same as sajan) a sweet- heart, &c. s. UsT^ sujnay n. to appear, to be manifest, d. Ijoj^ 'HH ^ rt I sujantd, f. goodness, kindness, s. y^^^ sajanjal, spectacles, a mirror; adj. pure, clear, a. U\^^ ^^JHI sajrvana, a. (caus. of sajana) to get prepared, to have rectified, t. i^^s^ sujud, an act of prostration with the forehead touching the ground ; adoration, a. \j\^i^ r^HiJ<1T sijhana, a. to tan, to boil, to melt. s. [understand, h. \jl^js?** TTWTT sujhana, a. to shew, to make L^i^ sujhna, n. to appear (v. sujnd), d. ij^ ipraft sajjt, ' f. a kind of mine- (_j.*a4^^ fl-nOHril sajjimati, • ral alkali, na- ^^yx^ fr'nOw^ sajjmun, J trum ; impure carbonate of soda. s. Jjk:^ sajjUov sijjilfin. hard stones, or bricks made from them, and hardened in hellfire, on which are Inscribed the names of men, with a catalogue of their sins. a. ^^^i^ Wlft^ sajtla, well-shaped, beautiful, handsome, a. yOf^ THrNr safiv, alive, endowed with life. s. dJ^ sajit/a, disposition, temper, nature, a. >*» ^r^ sack, true; m. truth ; adv. indeed ; in earnest, actually, tach-much, true, truly. *. ^ ^ifT sachi, m. friendship, intimacy, con- ^nexion. *. >*» ^[^ such, pure, undefiled, clear, s. \si^ TS^ sarhcha, true, genuine, real, honest, sincere ; m. a trutii-teller. i. ^^■^^ rti-«n»ii sichana, a. to irrigate, h cLsfcl^^" ^"cll^? sachdhatf^f. also sachckdtif c^^V^ TfT^jj^ sachd,i, J truth, veracity, probity, authenticity, t. lil.*^*** *ir^rf suchit, attentive, cautious ; easy in mind ; free from anxiety, at leisure. «. ^^ sachich, really, verily, in fact. d. >^\S:^ TRf^(^p{*^ sachiddnand, \m. Brah- 4^^J>^*** ^f^<^H*< sachchiddTiand,) ma, or the supreme Spirit. *. j>'\jsii** M^i^i-m. sachardcharf all, whether animate or inanimate, i. tii^** ^T^^ suchak, cautious, reflective, s. ^M^si^ H^cKffi suchahna, n. to be astonished or startled, s. [lity to move. «. J>^** MHt^ sachal, moveable, having the abi- wk^ WpT^in suchintd, f. due reflection, s. j_y^^*^ ^I"«fli1 sachautl, f. veracity, sincerity ; "the habit of speaking the tmth. «. ^4^** fw^J sic hchhd(f or sikshd), f. a sermon, tuition ; learning, s. [teacher, t. tdl^s^ PHWtS^ sichchkak, m. a preacher, a jJIam^ lll^** sahdb, a cloud; quicksilver, a. u-J\^** sahdf or suhdf, m. consumption, a. ^jjU^** sahhdn, name of an Arabian orator whose eloquence is said to have been unrivalled, a. j^** sihr, m. enchantment, magic, sihr-hdz, a magician, sil^r-hdzt, enchantment s^j^ «aAar-^aAi,1 early, relating to the {Jj^ sahart, J dawn. p. \^^ sahur, the meal which Musalmans make a little before dawn, during the month of Ramaxan, to enable them to fast till night, a. Lie*** sakhd, 1 f. liberality, genero- C-Jj^itf** sxt'hhdrvat,) eity. a. CLas^ sakht, hard, strong ; difiicult ; obdu- rate ; stingy ; wretched, troublesome, violent, \ery cruel, painful, austere, rigid, severe ; adv. very, ex- ceedingly, violently, saj^-andaz, an archer. sa]shi MUtt kahtia, to speak sharply or severely, to rebuk*. suUit-gir, holding fast (an animal of chase), o.^ ( ^61 ; Jbi^ui ^atf* sakhtt, f. hardness ; obduracy ; stingi- \ 'ijS*a sidrat, a species of the lote tree, sidra- ""'""'■ tu-l-rmmtahq, a. tree in Paradise, the mansion of the angel Gabriel, a. Je>j,S**>W^'J^ sxikhriya,] culous person ; a drudge, or one who is pressed to labour without any remu- neration, a. ^j^ai** mhhmi, saMun, or suJihun, m. speech, language ; thing, business, affair, siikhan-parddz, eloquent, siijchan-iakt/a, m. a prop word, an expletive (as the wise men call it), sukhan-jdn, eloquent. sukhan-chin, an eavesdropper, a spy, an informer. tu]chan-ddn, intelligent, eloquent ; m. a poet, sukhan- 4dlnd, a. to ask, to question, to interrogate, sukhan- saz, an orator, a speechifier. siifchan-sanj, a weigher of words ; a poet, a wise man ; adj. prudent, sukhan i ghaibt, f. second sight, inspiration, sukhan-fahm, in- telligent, quick of apprehension. suMuin-fahmi, f. intelligence, understanding, apprehension, sukhan- go, an orator, sukhan-war, eloquent, sukhan-wari. eloquence, p. ^J^ sakhu liberal, munificent, a. «>**> sadd, f. a wall, barrier, impediment, ditch, rampart, an obstruction of any kind, an obstacle. saddijawdh, a rejoinder, saddi da'wl, a bar to a claim. saddi ramak, m. the last remains of life, the agonies of death, saddi Sikandar, Alexander's waD. saddi rah, a bulwark, a barrier, a. Jotf ^ sad, fresh, flourishing, s. Sjm "8^ sad, an ode or poem. h. \,\u» ^r^ sada, always, perpetually, sada- phal, m. a fabled fruit, eating of which confers long life, &c. ; a kind of lemon ; adj. constantly bearing fruit (epithet of a tree), the cocoa-nut tree ; the glomerous fig-tree; the jack {Artocarpus integrifolia); the Bel (^g/e marmelos). sadd suhdgan, f. the name of a bird (Trogon dilectus, Buch. MSS.); name of a flower (Hibiscus Phceniceus, the white variety) ; a kind oi fakir dressed like a woman. *. U-^1js«m sudah, m. the herb rue. a. p. Op1(,W> ^f^TWW sada-brat or sada-hart (for tadavrat), m. alms, or food distributed daily to the poor, to travellers, &c. *. V^^ii-*** ^ ftc^l'lfif sadagati, m. final happiness or emancipatioD ; the Supreme Spirit, i. ^^l^M» suddan, with, along with. d. Oy^J--* 4l<^l«f^ sadanart, m. a wagtail, s. d^^tXttf flt^Mnl sadanand, always happy, s. C0fjj\t^*n M'^nn sadavrat, m. alms (v. sa- da bro^). jl^tW> ^nST? sad-hha,o, m. a pure or holy nature ; good temper, amiability, goodness, t. ji^ui WaWX sad-uttar, m. proper or good f«l>ly. s. [profligate. ». •V>'^iiii**» ^T^^n^lT su'dur-achdr, very wicked. Ci?'*^) i\«*> ^^«T i^u-darsan or sM-rfarsA«n, hand- some, good-looking ; m. the discus or missile weapon of Krishna or Vishnu, s. {j^jSu* WT^ sadrish, alike, resembling, sa- drishatd, f. likeness, s. [attained. *. ,4>3,iX*«» ^H^^sM-rfwr-Za&A, very difficult to be Sjiigjj sidra (v. sidrat), a tree in Paradise. sidra-nishhidfi, the angels, a. nxM^tM W^ sadasya, any person present at an assembly, spectator, &c. «. jXm>iW> Uf^bohi. su-dush-kar, very difficult, s. iJLSiijji ^(jfri sad-gati, f. felicity or fortune j good conduct ; salvation, s. j^ J»*« ^^UT sad-gun, good, virtuous, eminent.*. ^(Xmi sud-mud (explained hu-ba-hu, q. v.), quite, perfectly, exactly, d. ^^li<**» ^R^ sadan, m. a place, house, mansion.^. 1^1^*^ ^^^n su-danti, f. the female elephant " of the south-west quarter, s. Si\w> sudda, m. (in medicine) an obstruction ; acybala ; stoppage of the nose,coryza ; a threshhold. a. ^S**» 'ftl^ sidh or siddha, accomplished, efiected; celebrated, famous; valid (in law); demon- strated, proved (in logic) ; finished ; ni. a class of demigods inhabiting Indra's heaven ; a saint, a holy man, ne who has subjected to liiswill the eight sialrf/j/* (v. ashta-siddhi), an adept, a magician ; the '2l8t of the astronomical yo/j-i ; adj. successful ; ready; completed, accomplished, siddha-dhdtu or siddha-ras, m. quick- silver, siddha-ras, adj. mineral, metallic, siddha- sadhan, the performance of magical rites, the materials employed in alchymical processes. *. f^d'Mi ftrf^ sidh 01" siddki, f. success, accom- plishment of an object; the entire completion of any undertaking, or attainment of any object; prosperity, success ; the result or fruit of the adoration of the gods, or of ascetic severities; the supposed acquire- ments of supernatural powers by the completion of magical, mystical, or alchymical rites and processes ; accuracy, correctness, indisputable conclusion or position ; validity (in law) ; one of the astronomical yogi. s. ^Stt* WJ sudh or sudht, f. memory, remem- brance, sensation, consciousness ; notice, care, intelli- gence ; adj. accurate, correct ; pure, unpolluted, ie sudh, beside one's self, sudh-budh, f. sense, sensation, perception, care, sudh-lend, to take care of, to accom- modate, to look after, to inquire into. s. Ub(i-*» wn sudha, m. nectar, ambrosia, the honey of flowers. «. li.ljfciia** ^(VKHI sudhamot a. to adorn, to adjust, to arrange, to mend. s. lJ.\jb(\M» fVlMliHI sidharna, n. to go, to de- part, to set oflP. M. J^l^t** i\ftcW WXT^fit sudhakarAm. moonlight, the ^^\j»,yMif(^l^ sudhdnsu,) moon, being the supposed repository of Sudha, the beverage of the Gods. *. [with. s. sudhan or suddhan, together, 131^iXm» ^IIHT sadhana, a. to train animals ; to perform, s. [cause to remember, s. U\>iia*» lHvn«n sudhana, a. to put in mind, to «Jl*3lj&Jw»*» lirffHT siddhant or siddhanta, m. result, consequence, truth established by demonstra- tion ; a system of science, particularly of geometry, astronomy, &c., of which there are several in Sanskrit of great antiquity, as the Surya-siddhanta, the Brah- mchsiddhdnta, &c. «. jj3lfi>i3-M» ffl^l*f<1 siddhantl, m. one ac- quainted with the truths which are founded on de monstration, a follower of the Mimansa philosophy, s. {Jlfj\liSM ftnirnf sidhdwat, f. candour, sim- plicity, s. j wn9f sadharml, observing the same costoms or laws. s. \JJbSu» W^^n sudharnd, n. to be correct, to be mended, to be or seem right or good, to avail, to succeed, s. \Jk«JbtW» sudh-munnd, well-shaped, hand- some, d. [or disciplined, s. UfciXw* TEni*n sadhnd, n. to be fully instructed |y&i^**» ^W^ sadhwdf f. a wife whose husband is living, s. [wise man. s. ^i>dsM W^ sudhl, m. a pandit, a learned or /j&i\m» siddlii, f. a species of hemp, the leaves of which cause intoxication, d. (^i^Mii^r^saddy, benevolent, compassionate. s. ^J6>ui "W^ sudt, f. the light half of the lunar month, ». e. from new to full moon. s. b «\m> TR!^!^ sadyd or ^rf^^n sad/yd, f the female of the little bird called ^jnadat>a<; m. a kind of/aHr. A. ,jiJ.iW> ^^ sadesh, in front, before, near, proximate ; of the same country or place. ». &>iX»*» ^W sadya, that instant, then. s. ^.J:>**» "Pi^ sadeh, bodily, in the body. s. \'s*n iRTF .f«rfa (v. sara), rotten &c. h. Jj3«j»*» ^ST(? su-daulA well-shaped, pretty, J\j& handsome, elegant, ^.,^SJ^>^^J^ su-dhah,] graceful. sudauU dehi, f. gracefulness of shape, handsomeness, s. jtM f^X. sir, m. the head, top. sir uthdte hi pdmal hojana, to be crushed in the commencement of one's undertaking, sir ufhana, a. to rebel, to rise up against one. sir papolna blirjd khana, a. to shew kind- ness extornnlly and harbour enmity in one's breast, sir par charlidna, a to spoil (a child, &c.) ; to raise :.u in- ferior above one's self; to shew respect sir par Hbfik ( 462 ) j^ ddlna, to throw ashes on the head ; n. to lament, sir parastt-k., a. to protect, to aid. sir phirdnd, a. to labour in vain, sir pherna, n. to revolt from obedience, sir pltnd, n. to lament, sir topia, a. to subdue. sir-chayhA proud, haughty, sir charhdnd, to exalt, to assume, to be arrogant ; to shew respect, sir cJiafhke mama, to lay the guilt of one's blood at the door of another, sir dharnd, to be obedient, sir duldnd or sir dhunna, to shake the head from afHiction. sir-de-de-mdrnd, to be desperate, sir-dub, perfectly wet. sir se sirwdhe or nr se sirwdh, the turban is for the head, or turbans are like tlie head ; to express that without a chief the people fall into ruin and confusion, sir sekafan hdndh- nd, to engage in a desperate undertaking, giving up all regard to one's own safety, sir kdrhnd, n. to be- come conspicuous, sir-katd, beheaded, sir kama, to begin, sir ko kadam-k., to go quickly but with re- spect, sir khujdnd, to court punishment sir ke bhal, headlong, sir ke zor, with all one's might, tir-giri, the comb of a cock, crest of a bird, sir lagnd, to en- dure hardship, sir mdrnd, to be at great pains, to search diligently, sir munddnd, to quit one's con- nexions and adopt a life of mendicity, sir-maild hona, to have the menses, sir niwdnd, n. to be humble, to be obedient, s. j**» ^ ."SMr, m. an angel, one of the gods or inhabitants of the celestial world ; tone, melody, ac- cent, song, note ; a vowel, sur mildnd, a. to sing in tune. s. jM TR sar, m. an arrow ; a reed of which arrows are made (Saccharum sara, Roxb.) ; (for saras) a pond, a tank, a lake, s jMt sar, m. the head, top, pinnacle, origin, point, beginning, chief, principle ; intention, end, aim, will, love, desire, sar-afrdz, exalted, tar-afganda, cast down, abashed, sar-anddz, warlike, intrepid ; a kind of veil worn by women when they go abroad. sar-hdz, intrepid, risking one's life or head, sar-bdxt, intrepidity, recklessness of life, sar-basta, closed, shut, hidden ; inextricable ; wenring a turban, sar-ba-sar, all, the whole, entirely, sar-huland, eminent, glorious, exalted, sar-bulandi, f. exaltation, sar-ba-muhr, sealed. sari-pd baithnd, to sit backwards on the heels with the knees upwards, to squat, sar-pech or sar-pesh, m. an ornament of gold, silver, or jewels, worn in front of the turban, sar-tdj, a chief, sar-tez, sharp pointed. sar-khud, independent, being one's own master, sar- lektfsh, cheerful, gay, merry ; tipsy, sar-khushl, gaiety, &c. sar-darakhti, a tax on trees, orchards, &c. sar- dard, m. headaclie. trouble, perplexity, sar-dardi, vexation, sari-rdh, m. the high road, the higher part of the road, sar-zada, depraved, ill-bred, sar-zamin, f. the earth; country, region; limits, confines, tar- zor, mutinous, rebellious, disobedient, sar-zori, f, mutiny, rebellion, disobedience, sar-zer, humbled. aari-sdl, the commencement of the year, sari sham, evening, early in the evening, sar-kob, m. superin- tending, looking after ; beating the head ; overlooking, overtopping, sar-guzdr, desperate, sar-gu^asht, f. an event, accident, transaction, account of circumstances. sar-gardn, tipsy, drunk ; proud, sar-garddn, distressed, humbled ; confounded, stupefied ; wandering, stray- ing, sar-garddnl, f. distress, confusion, amazement, stupefaction, sar-garm, intent on; attentive; inflamed with love, sar-garmi, f. application, attention ; love, or being in love, sar-garoh or -guroh, m. the chief of the troops, &c., leader, commander; a chief ot\/«A:rr*, a provincial, sar-mast, intoxicated (with wine, lust, power, &c.), sar-masti, f. intoxication. sar-masliK, a copy (for writing), sar-nigdn, hanging the head, abashed; vile; backward, topsy-turvy, upside down. sari nau, anew, afresh, over again ; commencement, sar-navisht, f. destiny, fortune, fate, sar o pd, all, the whole ; m. a vest with which princes honour their sub- jects (v. ii«/'a<). sar-k., a. to make head, to accoK plish, to perform, to execute ; to obtain victorv. p. -M* strr, m. a secret, a mysterv. n. u !*•» tara, f. a caravanserai ; a house, a man- sion, sira or sara, (in comp.) singing, warbling, as hulbuli dastan-sird, the warbling nightingale, p. !»**» ^ro mra, m. an earthen cover of a pot. s. L**» sara, m. a tree from which bows are made. a. ]j**» ftrtT sira, m. head, end, extremity, s. ]j*** ^ITT sura, f. spirituous liquor, g, \jM> surra, m. the sword-fish. d. u^l^ sarab or surah, m. a vapour resem- bling the sea at a distance, formed bj the rays of the son or moon on a sandy plain, glare (Fr. mirage), a. ^\f^ « sarapa, ra. the whole body, figure ; adv. totally, from end to end. sardpd tak, from head to foot. p. ii^\jui saraparda, m. a royal tent, pavi- lion (vide also sar-parda). p. ll>j-»*> wrnrrr sarapna, a. to curse, sarap- dend, to imprecate or invoke curses. *. OLw* ftlTT?T sirat, cold, becoming cold. s. — Luj siraj, m. a candle, a lamp; the sun. sirdju-d-daiila, the lamp or sun of the state ; a man's name ; the nawwdh or viceroy of Bengal, who in 1756 took Calcutta, and caused the death of !31 English- men, by confining them in a close dungeon, bore this high-sounding title. In some of the newspapers and chronicles of the day, at home, he figures under the more Christian appellation of Sir Roger Dowler. a. ^Lho sarraj, ra. a saddler; a groom, a. Jl»-Ljj ftrrnn^ sirajal, m. enlargement of the vessels of the eye. «. \J^U»*> ftnunn sirajna, a. to create, produce, form (Gilc). s, e^sj-Lw* saracha, m. a tent, surrounded with an inolosure ; an inner apartment, p. j^iil-M* sard-dar, one who has charge of a ca- ravanserai, p. [of Hindus, h. iji^\j*** 5T^^ sradki, m. the name of a tribe Jb,i]j*M ^THB srddh, m. ftmeral obsequies, con- sisting in offering rice and fruits, &c. to the manes of ancestors. «. j>.j^j»*» sai'azir, sloping (little used), p. jt*»\jM sardsar, all, the whole, entirely, p. ^J:J*^t\JJJ> sardsari, f. the name of an orna- ment worn on the head, going all round the head ; ■nmmary. p. ^Ji^f*t»\jM sardstmagi, f. amazement, per- "tnrbation, perplexity, p. &^XMi\ju» sardsima, amazed, confounded, dis- turbed ; distressed, p. cUm> surdgh, m. search, inquiry j sign, mark, trace ; spying, surdgh lend, a. to search, to seek, to inquire for, to spy. p. ( 463 ) t-^ S<'\jij> sardmad, perfect, complete, accom- plished ; master of any art, 8fc. ; chief (q d. arrived at the summit), p. \iL»*> ftrO'TT sirdnd, n. to cool ; a. to make cold ; to set afloat, to set off, to despatch. ». J^\jM sar-anjdm, m. apparatus, utensils, furniture, goods and chattels, materials, ingredients ; conclusion, end, accomplishment, saranjdm-k., to con- clude, finish, prepare, saranjdm-h., to be concluded, p. (^jiOiiJL*** sarawc?ip, the island of Ceylon, a.s. iJlA-iXjLj» sar-angusht, the tip of the finger, p. ^\jiM f|\jui ^il'^ffl sardhnd, a. to praise, to com- mend, to approve, to applaud, h. jffU*** sard,e, f. (v. sard) a mansion, an inn.^ sara,e digar, the next inn, t. e. the world to come. p. fCfUiJi mil\ sardyt, f. a small cover, s. CL*l\ji*i sirdyat, f. contagion, pestilence, a. s^jt** sard,e-cha, m. (v. sardcha) a tent, &cc.p. ^JjL>L«M sardyldan, to sing, to play on an instrunfent. p. [singer, p. SiXbLo* sard,inda or sardyanda, singing, a ^j»*> surb or surub, m. lead. p. ^^jt*> ^frt sarb (for sarva), all, the whole, s. \iiOjM a^i^l sarbadd (for sarvadd), always, perpetually, at all times, s. jiy** ^<*l<. sarbar, m. (v. sarobar or sat'ovar") a pond, an artificial tank. s. stj^ savba-rdh, f. supply ; travelling ex- penses, or cash to pay them, sarbardh-kdr, a com- missary of supplies, p. tj>\j>j^ sar-ba-rdht, f. the act of providing supplies for a journey, &c. ; direction, arrangement. j> (j ^^J|^K| sarb-gahan, m. a total eclipse, s. [m. nutmeg, t, 0^j**» ^f^ surabhi, fragrant, sweet-smellingi ^fii- ( 464 ) JLr 4^y^ ^ «arp, sarpa, or ^TCT sarap, m. a serpent, sarpa-phatuij or sarpa-mani, m. the snake- Btone, a gem said to be found in the head of a snake. tarpa-chhatra, m. a mushroom, sarpa-gandha, f. a plant, perhaps the same as Ophioxylon. sarpa-lian, m. (the snake-killer) an ichneumon, a mungoose. s. C^,jtM ^ftVlfif sur-pati, m. a name of Indra, ruler of the gods. s. %;^ jui ^ {.Tli T sarpat,\m. a kind of reed, or ^.f*» q i^Mrf T sarpa ta,i rccd grass {Saccha- rum procerum, Rox.). s, iJU>^ TRTT^ sarpat, f. galloping, sarpat- daufna or -phenkna, to gallop off. sarpaf-daurana, to put one's horse to a gallop, h. J «M» ^!TTC sur-pur, m. the city of the immor- tals, Indra's capital, s. ttiJjiM sarparda, m. name of a Persian mu- sical mode, supposed to have been published by Jmir Khusraw, of Dihli. p. Jj^y*> sar-panjagi, strength of fist. p. {^y(.y*» sarposh, m. a cover, a lid. p. j^.,jM ftrTTRrNr sir-phatauwar, wrangling; affectation of civility with internal hatred, s. t^y^.ji** sir-phorl, f. a headache, sai'-phofi, labour in vain, d, ^ ju» sar-pechf a diadem ; a turban, an or- nament in front of a turban p. Oj**» ^JTiT surat or surt, f. consideration, re- flection, memory, attention, caution, accuracy ; copu lation, coition, s. Ot**» ^TW sarat, the name of one of the six seasons ; comprising asin and hartik. s. CJ'jjj* ^tiT sarit,']f. a river in general, a ^jM ^rlTin saritd,) stream, s. ^yj» TTOTT surta, considerate, mindful, pru- dent, intelligent ; accurate. «. yj}^j*** sar-tabt, f. disobedience, p. Jyj**» sartol, equal, a compeer, consort, d. \^j**» sar-tez, headstrong, obstinate, p, ^)ujjM> Tit (0^1 surtlld, considerate, prudent, s. iJLfjtM WtZ sarat, m. a kind of lizard, a cha- melion. h. jj^i^j^ ftroOTRT sir-thathauwar f\m. sa- Jj^ji^^ ftroj^^^ sir-thathaurval, J luta- tion (with displeasure), t. h. _. uj* 5 fill sai'jji, f. natron, alkali. ». tp-y** sarj, m. a saddle, a, ^j>-j'*> ^t^R surjan, m. (v. sajan), a re-. spectable person. *. \i^j*** ftfT^nfT sirajna or ^^RT *rijnd, a. to create, to produce, to form, t, \^c^yM l^lTtl?TT«» yan-Aar, m. the Creator.*. y^J*** "^^ sarju, f. name of a river, f. 9.^jL»j*ji sar-chashma, m. a spring, a foaii> tain, a source or fountain-head. p. i^L^J^jM sar-chang, repulse, rout ; labour, fatigue ; a kick, p, iJL>^j*** sir-chot, disgust, aversion, d. 6»'jM sar-hadd, f. boundary, extremity, frontier, limit, confines, p. z.jM surkh, red. surkh-bddd,.m. the name of a disorder, St. Anthony's fire. surMi-bed, f a kind of cane; name of a medicinal plant, surkh-posh. dressed in red. sur](^-ru, honourable, "nulla culpa peUlescens." sur]c]i-ru,i, f. honour, character, fame. sur]ch sufaid, (red and white) fair. p. \»yM surkhd, m. grey colour in horses, p. c-.>U-jj* surkhdbf m. name of a bird (Atias casarca) ; also a species of lark. sur]cljab ka par lagna, to do any thing expeditiously, sir par sur]s£ab ka par hand n. to be proud, p. x^jM sarkhatt, m. an agreement to hire ser- vice ; bill of sale, certificate of service performed, pji. e^jt*» surkha, red tincture; a kind of pigeon; name of the son of Afrasiyab. p. ^y** surHhi, f. redness ; blood ; brick-dust. p. ^Jjp-j**» sar-khaily a general or commander of an army or division, p. a, \x^jM sar-hhaili, office of general, p. djui sard, cold, damp, sard-k., a. to cool, to pacify, sard-ser, cool (place). $ard-mihr, a cool or lukewarm friend, sard-mihrl, coolness in friendship, ft, ^j*** ?0T^ sarad, f. name of one of the six seasons (v. sarat). ». [melon. A \iijM> ^n^ sardd, m. a kind of musk or water sj\i^jtj> sardaba, m. the cold-bath. p. j^iij**» sar-ddr, ra. a chief, a head man. p. k^j^i^j*** sar-ddrt, f. chiefship. p. CLuMiijtM sar-dast, the hand from the wrist to the finger ends. p. J\jtb-»*» sar-dawdl or sir-darvdl, f. reins of a bridle, headstall, p. [tine. t. {^^CtjM 15RV^ sur-dhup, m. resin, turpen- ijCij*** sardi, f. a cold, coldness, dampness ; the cold weather, p. ^j*»V,j*<» sarirds, alike, the same. d. BjjMjjt** sar-rishta, m. an office, employment; connexion, affinity ; a rope, thread, cord ; desire, p. j\^9^jj**t sar-7'ishta-ddr, ^chief native reve- j\SiM»j*u sa7'ishtaddr, j nue officer in a district ; supervisor of revenue matters, p. jjj*** sari 7u, f. the cephalic vein in the arm. p, iijj**» sar-zad, hiipponing. sar-zad hoJid, to occur, to take place ; to be perpetrated, p. ^^]J^^* sar-zan, (lit.) striking the head, rebel- lious, disobedient, p. vjt^\j»*> sai'-zanish, f. reproof, rebuke, p. (JAj**» sar-zani, act of striking the head, dis- " obedience, p. (jj-jM* ftrft^ siris, m. the name of a species of acacia {Mimosa seris). t. (juicy. « (w;*** ^TOT suraSf sweet, well-flavoured, (w;**» ^TWsaras,'! best, excellent, prime j L*)-*» mj^\ sarsd, J more, abundant, plenty, s. aLu-h** sarsam, m. delirium, frenzy, a tumor, or inflammation of the brain ; adj. stupefied, p. ^^AtMjM ^JTTRT^sarsa,t, f. increase, abundance, " excellence. ». [fortunate, happy, p. ji*t*f*» sar-sahZy fresh, verdant; prosperous, f^j>*nju> sar-sabzi, f. verdure, greenness ; prosperity, happiness, p. y**j**» ^<*i< sar-sar, 1 noise of a snake <^]jjMjut mMUiZ sarsardtj when creeping./i. \J\jjjtjjM TSmijm 3a?5amna,1n.tocreep along, b LmJjmj ^ <,I< T . I M T sursurdnd, J to make the noise a snake does when creeping, h. ^JL*Se>\J*HJ*Ji vmUfZ sursurahat or sarsardhatt f. creeping (sensation), titillation ; the noise of » snak* in creeping, h. jC-oj-M* sai'sari, easy, facile, careless, p. ^juijM ^rnrrjt surmrij f. titillation j an in- sect bred in grain, h. CL^yMjui mMd sarasTvat, elegant, s. ^^j,*»jA*>^RT;^lft5araswart,f.thewifeof Brahma, " the goddess of speech and eloquence, the patroness of music and the arts, and the inventress of the Sanskrit language, and of the Devanagari characters ; the river commonly called Sarsuti. s. ^ytijui "PiK!^ sarson, f. a kind of mustard seed or plant {Sinapis dichotoma, Roxb.). s, i^JjJoMjut ffl^^Tn sirsing, rebellious, muti- nous. ». (^j**» sirish (v. siris), the acacia. », jXLjM sarshdr, full, brimful, redundant, glutted; intoxicated, p. ^J^J^yM sarshdri, f. fulness, intoxication, p. ^^.^Jmjjjj ^r^ sarshap, m. a sort of mustard {Sinapis dichotoma) ; a kind of poison, s. L '">,"> sarisht, f. nature, temperament, con- stitution, disposition, complexion ; intellect, p. t^jM sirishta, mixed, created, p. K2L^M»jt*i Tl? srisht, created, made ; f. also ^fi? trishfi, the creation, the world, the universe, nature, natural property, srisitikartd, the creator of the universe. «. ■L o*'j"^ sarshaf, m. mustard seed. p. ( 465 ) ^j^ L^X^jui sarashk or siriskk, ra. a tear, j , (jll?^ sara^n, m. a crab ; the sign Ca73?,et • \ a cancer ; a disease incident to the feet of cattle. «. CLiS'jM siif'at, haste, suratan, quickly, a. dJSyM sarghana, m. a chief; a great per- sonage; adj. abovementioned, aforesaid, p. y^^jM sarf or saraf, m. extravagance, a. j]J^ sar-faraz, exalted, eminent, distin- guished (same as sar-afrax). p, t_jji J-«» sar-fardzl, f. exaltation, distinction, promotion (also sar-afrazt). p. »J>j**> surf a, a moth, caterpillar ; a cough, p. sjjjji sarika, m. plagiarism, theft, a. ^jM sarak, a noose, a snare, d. ^jM sirkd (for sirka), vinegar, p. Xj**» sar-hdr,{. the king's court; government; estate, property; a district comprehending several parganas; m. a superintendant ; a title by way of respect given to a person present or absent, such as your highness, your honour, p. j_^ jO-M* sar-kdri, f. superintendence ; adj. belonging to the state, or to the government, p. Xi^jui ^rToFT»IT sarkdnd, a. to remove, to put on one side, to remove out of the way. h. Wj*^ TrniTI sarkard, m. a reed (Saccharum procerum, Roxb.). s. [tinous. p. iJiSyM sar-kash, disobedient, rebellious, mu- f^^j**» sar-kashl, f. disobedience, mutiny, "rebellion, revolt, p. \J^jM ^IT^«n saraknd, n. to be moved, to move, to stir, to be set aside, to get out of the way. A. ljk$jj*> ^r^cF»n suruknd, a. (v. suruknd) to swallow by gulps, to sip. h. \sxijjM ^rr«JiW sarkandd, m. (v. sarkard) a kind of reed, of which mats are made. s. eSjM sirka, m. vinegar, sirka-fishdnl, (lit. scattering vinegar) reproach, sarcasm, p. lA^y*» "mMK surkhd, a tall plant running up without a due proportion of leaves, h. c-*4^/*» ftrC'^nr sir-kkap, resolute (soldier), adventurous, s. h. ^^X^jui fmM^\ sir-khapi, f. resolution, "perseverance, enterprise, s. h. i^f** ftrr«lft sirlii, f. a kind of reed of which "mats are made, reed-grass (the upper joint of Saccha- rum procerum, Roxb.) ; a sort of mat to keep oflP rain. k. K.Lfj*j» ^ sarg or sarga, "1 m. the heaven; td)jJi^-C-» ^rrt^ftcF sarg-lok, J the firma- ment ; the sky (properly suiarga, q. v.). ». i^^y** ^h^MtS^ sarcj-patdti, squint-eyed ; "(an ox or cow) having one horn pointing upwards, wai. the other d iwnwards. s. 2h ^£J^ ( 463 ) Jir ^^Ll^jM> sar-gashtagif f. astonishment, af* st^y» samama, m. title, address, supcrsorip* 'fliction. p. tioo of a letter, p. &ll^^ sar-gashta, afflicted, astonished, at I 4^\3j**»«j^rna,t,m. (v.«Mma-cAi)apiper,&c.i», 8 loBP, wandering, perplexed, p. J>j»*» vXiJW sari-gam, the gamut j sol-fa-ing, Bol-mization. «. /^/»«*» m.'IUI sargun, filled with or possessed of all good qualities, an epithet of the Dei^. t. (^Sjjji sari-gosh, m. the ear. p. ^yj**» sargosktf f. whispering, delibera- "tion. p. i»j^j»*» sargm,m. dung, especially cow-dung.;?. iJ;**» ^ITSy sural, m. name of a fragrant wood (Plnus longifolla, Roxb.); a bird (Pavo bicalcarala) ; adj perpendicular, straight; plain, artless, honest, simple, upright, s. '^j**» *mx^\ sarala, upriglit, tall, straight ; f. a variety of the plant called TeorL «. Mju> ^W sram, m. f. fatigue, toil, pains. «. MjM saram, the ridge-pole of a house, d, w«jM> sarmd, m. winter ; the cold season, p. fjA^jM sarma,t, m. winter clothing ; adj. wintry, of or relating to the cold season, p. ej\iejM sarmaya, m. stock in trade, capital, p. t^iOjM* sarmad, eternal everlasting, sarma- doji, eternally, for ever. a. 4^i\«^ sarmadi, eternal, perpetual, divine, u. «J1a— 0^ sar-mast, dead drunk, p. ^^ji«^ sarmaghzan, m. trouble, vexation, labour, perplexity, fatigue, p, \.piex). a. ^/««*> sarmak, m. (v. surma) orach {Atri- i^xo^ ?IT»T^ sarmukh, (cor. of sammukh or sanmukh, q. v.) before, in front. *. J<3sl«jM> sarmandal, name of a musical in- strument d. MjM surma, m. a collyrium (generally con- sidered to be antimony, but what is used in India is an ore of lead), surma-aluda, whose eyes are stained with surma, surma-dan or surma-dam, a box, &c., for holding surma, surma hona, n. to be reduced to an impalpable powder, p. [ish. p. t^y** surma, I, of the colour of surma, grey- jjj-M* Tlt!'^ saran,\i. an asylum, shelter, pro- \>jui TUy^l sama,) tection. $. ^ju» WKy{{ sarna, n. to be performed, to be carried on, to issue, to be ended, h. ^jut surna, m. a kind of pipe, a clarion, p, ie>-^j*** sur^a-cht, m. a clarion (or a haut- boy) player, p. 'S^^y** flMHTiI saranagat, one who comes for shelter, a refugee, saranagata-vatsal, merciful to those who come for saiiotuary.an epithet of the Deity. *. ^U^ suma,e, ra. (v. surna). p. j^jMsar-anjam (v. ^WLi*»), apparatusy&c.|». (Jf^y** saranjamt, means of support, p. K^J^Jy** MKff surang, f. a mine, a hole cut in a wall to break into a house, a gallery, subterraneouji passage; m. red colour; adj. red coloured, bay op chesuut (horse), surang-dliatu, m. red chalk. $. f>^J-ijt** ^^[^ sring, m. a precipice ; a horn. «. {.J^J*** 'T^ ^VMdh horned, crested ; name of a saint, s. jjM TI^ sarv or sarva, all, the whole, sarva- bhd.o, m. whole disposition, all one's thoughts and pur- poses, sarva-bhakslia, omnivorous, all-devourhig. sarva-hhut, m. all the elements, all created things. sarva-priya, universally beloved ; loving all. sarva- purnata, f. entire completion, complete preparation. sarva-tejas, ra. all-splendour, omnipotence, sarva- tejomay, comprising or consisting of all splendour or power, sarva-jit, all-subduiiig, incomparable ; m. the twenty-first year of the cycle, sarva-jagat, f. the uni- verse, sarva-darshi, all-seeing, sarva-dukh-kshay, m. end of all pain, final emancipation, sarva-daman, all- Bubduing. saiva-dhdri, f. the 2'2nd year of the cycle. sarva-dlian, m. whole property; (iu arith.) total of a sum in progression, sarva-rdtra, m. the whole night. sarva-samta, f. sameness or identity with all things ; equanimity, equal regard for all. sarva-swdm'i, m. master of all, universal monarch. sarva-sah, al,- enduring; m. bdellium, sarva-kart, m. the maker of all things, sarva-kdl, m. all seasons or times, saiva- kdtin, of all times or seasons, sarvaga or sarva-gat, all-pervading, omnipresent, sarva-gandh, m. a class of four aromatics, or kakkol, cloves, agallochum, and fum benjamin, sarva-gya, omniscient, sarva-gyatd, omniscience, sarva- luk, m. the universe, sarva- tnay, universal, comprehensive, sarva-ndsh, m. uni- versal destruction, sarva-ndm, m. a pronoun, sarva- vid or sarva-vedi, omniscient, all- wise, sarva-hdr, m. total confiscation, s. •j*j> sarv, m. the cypress tree, sarv-hadd, or sarv-aiiddm, or sarv-kamat, of cypress stature; graceful and majestic, sarvi rawdn, moving majestically, p. L-M* ^^^I sarwa, m. a cup; wife's brother; brother-in-law; adj. excelling. *. \jjj*tt ^"C^I surma, m. a ladle in form of a hand with which clarified butter is thrown into the fire for a burnt offering, s. \^\jjM ^rfiwr sarvatma, m. the universal spirit, all beings collectively. <. jOJ&iiUj*** ^rfrfv^FR sarvadhikar, m. general control or superintendence, swrvddhikari, m. a geaenu superintendant. s. j^S^jui ^^iQq sarvartham, for all ; on account of all. «. [to all. «. cO***U/** '^^"*''' sarvasray, giving shelter J\. -»*> sarwal, m. trousers, breeches, a. tiXilj »**» ^T^T3psan>an^,m.the whole body. » Jir \^^y*i TT^ sarup, like, resembling ; with form, •with appearance ; m. (for swarup) appearance, a spectacle ; own or natural shape or form ; appear- ance, identity. 5uru/), beautiful, handsome, sarupald, f. likeness, resemblance, s. i^jj*** ■'H^'rt sarupi, in its own shape, as it really appears, t. Ujj**> ^0 rfT sarota, ") m. a kind of scissors \p»_5 -»*» ^^ct^T sarotra,) for cutting betel-nut. A. CL^\^jjjM ftrctr^mr sirotpat, m. redness and inflammation of the eyes. «. yjj^t* ^^ sarvatra, everywhere, in all places, at all times, s, jd^^jjM V^d\^ sarvato-bhadra, every- where auspicious ; m. a temple or palace of a square form, with an entrance opposed to each point of the compass, s. [meanSj assuredly, s. 's^jj*»* ^^Vil sarvatha, in all ways, by all r-Jj*** 'hO'T saroj, m. the lotus ; lit. " the lake-bom." s. •Sjj*** sarodf m. a song, modulation, melody, p. ^^jj*** ^5*^1 sarvada, always, at all times, s. kJi^jj*^ sarodi, m. a singer, p. JJJ^ swrwr, m. pleasure, joy, cheerfulness, a. jjj**» sarirar, m. a chief, principal, leader j name of a Mu1j.ammadan saint, sarwari kd.inat (chief of the world or of creatures) Mu^mmad. p. J . J*** tiiM< sarvar, m. a pond, a tank, a lake. sarwar, adj. equal. *. ^J3j*** ^"'''^'^f'^} f* chiefship, leadership, p. (^jj**» ^t^ sarvas, sarvasu,\m. the whole, ^^ sarvaswa, J ( 467 ) gj^ ^jj**> ^il^l sarohi, f. a kind of scimitar. A. \iU^ Ak^T^T sirhanOf m. a pillow ; the place wheie the head rests, wiien a person is aslwp or dead ; the head of a bed or tomb. s. y^^ ^♦n sarhna, m. the scale of a fish. h. i^JSSbjjM sarhawj, m. a general, commander, captain, chief, overseer, a foot-soldier; adj. dis- obedient, violent, rebellious, strong, p. (^j*** ^i^l siirkl, a kind of grass growing "on neglected or uncultivated lands, h. {J>j^ W^ sari, f the shaft of an arrow j a reed of which arrows are made. $. (j5y*» ftiO sin (v. .w"), the head. s. i^y** ^ sri or shri, a name of Lakshrrii the wife of Vishnu and goddess of prosperity ; beauty ; it is written as a mark of respect, something like our Master or Sir at the beginning of Hindu proper names of persons, as Sri Lallu Ldl, the author of the Prem Sagar. s, ij>j*** sari, f. chiefship ; adj. good, p, iJj*** sare, a term equivalent to our a or peVf in such phrases as " how many rupees oyard,* or "per yard?" sare gaz kai rupaei h. iSy^ ftnff sirri, mad, insane, h. (j,^jM suryani, Syriac (tongue), a Syrian, a. UJ» -u» sare-pa, 1 all, the whole ; from top r**ju* every thing. all substance or property, sarvaswa-dand, fined in all one's property ; m. (also sarvaswa-haran) confiscation of a whole property, s. i^jf** sarosh, m. an angel ; a voice from heaven ; the seventeenth day of the solar mouth, p. .\>jj**» sarokdr, m. business, p. \dJjjM ^nCtT sarog, sick, diseased, sarvag, all-pervading, s. ^, -M» ^TCt^T saroluf m. a kind of sweetmeat, h. ^j^j^ ^RT!I srawan, m. the ear ; the act of hearing ; the twenty-third mansion of the moon, composed of the three principal stars in Aquila. s. ^jjM) 9091 saraunj, f. a kind of seed. s. j^^j*** TTCl^ sarovar, m. a lake or large pond. s. jw.J6ii^jjj**» ^T^fvm sarvaushadi-ras, m. the juice or infusion of a number of plants as used at a royal inauguration. *. ^Ji^j^jjjiji ^^^fvnnDf sarvuushadhi-gan, m. a class of certain principal drugs, consisting of MQra, Valeriana, Jatamansi, Orris root, &c. *, »j**» sara, current^as coin); good, worthy, p. j^\^j**> sare-pa , 1 all, the whole; pa,o,J to toe. p. Z^,,^jM ^XTfVr srt-pati, Vishnu, the hus- band of Lakslftni. s. ^y^JM» sriphal (for shrl-phal), a cocoa-nut.x. C^>,j***'^njf surait or sarait, "If. a para- fJ^ljMt T^fim suraitin or saraitiny J mour* a mistress, a concubine. $. ^s!:j**i Tl^wft sarejo or sar^av, m. shelter, pro- tection, patronage, s. j*j**) sartr, m. a throne ; a cot or bedstead, a. j>.jt*» T^^ sartr, m. (for sharnr) body, con- stitution, sarlri, corporeal, t. \^]j^jtji ys^TUX sri-rag, m. name of a musi- cal mode or rag, appropriated to the afternoon in winter. It proceeds from the womb of the earth. $. \^iju» saresh, m. glue, starch, p. ^jJl>ju» ^fff sreshth (for sreshthd), best, most excellent, pre-eminent. «. x^ -M» sari, quick, nimble, ready. sarXu-t- tdsir, ready, penetrating. sarVu-z-zawal, soon passing away ; fading, frail, a, 9^.j**» sareha, like, as, that, so (also much used as an expletive without any meaning, but con- veying some slight emphasis), d. V^xJt vw» irci^s«ri/(/ta, like, resembling, so. h. 2h2 ^jT ( 468 ) C^{jy» ^ftiTil srl-mat, prosperous, fortunate, weafthy, opulent. ». [sperity. «. S TTfT sar«> rotten, musty, stinking, h. Ur^ ^TTRT sarana, a. to cause to rotj to make ferment, to steep, h. ii^^jMiT[Z\[^sarand, f. a disagreeable smell, h. i,lL^\'JM» '^[^T^ sarahat, f. rottenness, h. i^Si>\''j*M TfSlf^^ sarahind, £. a disagreeable smell, smell of putrid meat. h. ^kbj**» ffldOrn^^l sir-bililla, mad, insane, h. u->)'**> ^Rtf surap, f. sipping or sucking up (as broth), or the noise made thereby, h. ^^jf**» fwpm sir-pan,m. madness, insanity. /t. U^j^ Vj^HI surapna, n. to sip. h. ciJv**> ^RcF sarak, f. the high road, a path. saj-akphdAsi, f. a noose, h. tih*** sarak, a game bag (v. shikar band) ; adj. drunk, intoxicated, d. U^V* TT^^FTT surukna, n. to gulp at, to swallow. ^ A- (Sj*^ '^i^ surakkt or ^i4l «t '^(^:m sarna, n. to rot; to ferment, h. f^ju* fwH sift, mad, insane (v. sirrt). h. 4jj**» ^Hl^l^' sariyal, rotten, stinking, h. \\m saza, f. (literally) one's desert ; (generally means) correction, punishment, retribution, sazd-dena or -karnd, lit. to give one his desert, generally used in the sense of " to punish, to castigate." p. j\}]j*** saza-wdr, worthy, excellent, able, applicable, meritorious, p. i<,\y\*M saza-Tvari, f. worthiness, excellence, j?. jj)j*** saza-Tvar (v. saza-war), worthy, &c.j7. J[jha> sazanal, m. a tax-gatherer, a land steward, an officer employed at a monthly salary, to collect the revenues of a district, the lamlndar of which has fallen in arrear. t. ^^J^j**» sazawall, f. the business ofvksamrval ; "adj. relating to a $az&Wttl. t. jj«A» ^^ sas (for shashi), m. the moon ; the sky, the beareni. t. L«M» ^ren aa»a, m. a hare (Dakh. sassa). s. jL*»*» ^^^ susar, m. a cook, a dresser &nd seller of provisions, h. CL>-*^M sust, relaxed, lazy, negligent, slow, dilatory, languid, feeble, indolent, susl-i'tikad, inoe- dulous, fickle, tust-paimdn, unsteady to one's engage* raent. p. u«-<*» ^tWT sastd, cheap, easy to procure. A. j^u« WRi^ susar or sasur,\m. a father-in-law, ];*«**» ««<( susrd, J the father of either husband or wife. s. j)ju*M WSiUTC. susrdr, "If. father-in-law's house J|^*<*fc»» ^H"^T55 susrdl,} or family. Tn Cal- cutta, &c., the term is jocosely applied to a jail or prison, just as we call the pawnbroker's shop " the mansion of mine uncle." s. U, »»«»**> TnroFK«n suskdmd, n. to sibilate, to hiss (as a snake), h. VJ>5w*m) r ^^W1 susamay, m. a good season, jJLl*M*/» ^ra^n? sasanshay, dooblful, nnoer- "tain. s. [able smell, h. ,^/\x»**t*i ftrftnn^ sisiyd,md, a disagree- jg^*'**** Vr^m. sasiyar, m. the moon (v. sast). s. jkJUwM> ^TW sasya, m. fruit ; corn, grass. *. -\ x L * *i r^iei-snt^ sishtdchdrl, obliging, humble ; f. a treat, a feast, a. udij>.w>M* fi^l^i sashank, fearful, doubtful, s. ii)^i-M» ^9T(ftc|i sashok, sorrowful, sad, sadly. «, iij J Lm f^HVf sishya or shishya, m. a disciple, a scholar, a pupiL «. i_fit» ( 469 \SUn (3 ■ * ■> * ** > ^^Hc?' su-shil, tvell-disposed, good-na- tured, of good manners, polite, s, CXx^Mi ti^tlc^iiT su-shllatd, f. goodness of dis- poaition, good nature, aflability. t. Jom* sath, f. a platform, a terrace, a flat roof j surface, superficies, area. a. ^^^^*** sathif superficial, flat. a. jJOtM satar, f. a line, row, rank, series, linea- ment; delineating, describing. ja|ar-ianrf», f. ruling, lines for writing on. a, Cm> yr t M satwat, dominion, majesty, power, authority, awfulness ; force, violence, a. C-^iiUjyo saadat, f. felicity, happiness, good fortune, sa'adat-mand, fortunate, prosperous, happy. sdadat-mandi, f. prosperity, a. "iS^jiM* sl'aijat, labour expected from a half- free servant; calumny, accusation: according to Glad- win, by si'dyat is meant work or labour of any kind. It is a principle of the Muhammadan law that no per- son can remain partially a slave, but that any circum- stance, which in its nature establishes tlie emancipa- tion of a part, provides for, and necessarily induces, the eventful emancipation of the whole : and hence the rule, that a slave, partially emancipated, works out the remainder of his value at an ascertained rate. a. Jituji sa'tar, f. origanum ; a woman that loves a woman ; instrumentum in modum virgee virilis, confectutn ex serico vel simili materia, quo, ad medium corporis sibi alligato meretrices utuntur. a. 6juti sad, m. felicity, prosperity, propitioUs- ness. a, ^^JJurt sadt, the celebrated poet and moralist of Shiraz, author of the Gulistaa, &>. a, d>o,t3ju*» sadly at, state of felicity, a. ^tiju** sa'dain (du.), two fortunate planets, such as Jupiter and Venus, a. jcw* sa'i, f. endeavour, attempt, effort, en- "terprise, purpose, a. (ijLjLM* sa'id, fortunate, happy, august, a. ro«Art sa'h', that portion of hell which is des- tined for idolaters, a. C^Xiua sifarat, f. making peace (between others) ; writing, collecting, or binding a book. a. (^Xsun sifarish, f. recommendation, intro- duction, p. [troduction. t, ext6(^}SLu* sifarish-nama, m. a letter of in- cdJliw* saffah, m. a shedder of blood, a. ^la**» sajfcikz, the act of bloodshed, a. ^yjut* safdl, m. meanness* of rank, depres- sion; descent, fall, a, ^j\sun sij'dl, m. earthenware ; (in Hindi) ghized earthenware, p. ^lfl**» sifdti, earthen, made of earthenware, p. LIa>\Am> sifdnat, f. the art of ship-building, a. C»tol£M» safdhat, f. stupidity, folly, bufibon- ery; insolence, a. iZJua soft, firm J thick, close (a cloth), p. «JL*a«» soft, f. drinking a great deal without quenching thirst, sift, soft pitch, a. Oi^r^** siftajat or siftaja, the act of giving a bill of exchange or letter of credit, the amount to ba payable, with interest, at a distant time and place! it also denotes tlie delivery of property to another by way of loan, and not by way of trust, in order that the other may deliver it to some friend of his, and the object of it is to avoid the dangers of the road. a. ;J^i**» suftan (r. sumb), to bore (a pearl,&c.)./?. »SsuM sufta, bored, pierced (a pearl), p. jSjm safar, m. journey, voyage, travel, sa- far-k., a. to travel; (met.) to go, to depart, to retire, to die. as-safar wasllatu-z-zafar, travel produces ad- vantage, a. ^^^^M> safarjal or safarjil, a quince, a. ijSUu sufra, m. a tablecloth, napkin ; a large leathern bag for holding food, so formed as to serve also for a table when spread out on the ground ; the anus. p. (jijt**» safari, f. travelling provisions, safari dm, m. a guava {Psidium j)yriferum). p. u!Ai.*** saf/i, shedding, off'usion (of blood), a. ^J.a**» siifl or si/l, m. meanness (of origin), ignoble, inferior, a. j^iiurt sijiagt, meanness, stinginess, p. «iiA*** sajia (vulg. sjfla), ignoble, mean, con- temptible ; stingy, miserly ; envious, safla-dan, m. a cup or plate to throw scraps, bones, &c. on. a. ^_^A**» sufti, infernal, lower, inferior, a. t_>9^fl*o sxifnf, m. a medicine taken dry and unmixed, a powder (in opposition to an electuary), a. i^^iSun svfaid, safed, or svfid, white, safed- tulst, the white basil, safed muj^ammad, a kind of esculent root {Fluggea leucopyrus), p, \sJun safedd, m. white lead. p. j\jjifl**» safeddr, m. the name of a wood, the white poplar, p. iSiSUa sufaida, the dawn of day ; whiteness j white lead ; hair powder, p. (_^ii-fl*»» sufaidi, f. whiteness ; leprosy, p, jjA**» saflr, m. an envoy, ambassador, a. aJatLuj saflna, m. a ship, a vessel, boatj a blank book, common-place book. a. n^^sua safih, foolish, stupid, ignorant, a. laa> sakhd, w. a water-carrier; a cup-bearer; the pelican, " so called from a tradition, which de- poses that when on one occasion there befel a severe drought at Mecca, a number of these sagacious birrla brought water in their large beaks for the relief of the inhabitants of that sacred city." — (Binning), a. ijlifctf sahdrvd, a cold bath; a washing room. <*. IAam ( 470 ) Ji*» eola*«» sahaya, m. a Itath ; a drinking vessel, a. ,Am> naliar, m. hell, or rather that portion of it which is allotted to the Magi or fire-worshippers y. jaJiannam). a. \aA*a sahat, m. abuse, abusive language ; an error, blunder, mistake, defect ; any thing of a base or useless feature, merchandise of a perishable quality, either spoiled or spoiling. saJct, fire; sparks struck from a steel, sakat hond, n. to die (applied to brute animals) ; to miscarry, a. bJ6\\Siu» sahti-nama, m. a casualty list of horses which have died in the cavalry, a. p. wAJUu salif, f. roof, ceiling, canopy j the sky; a platform, a. ^^SLtj* sahfi, f. a beam, a rafter, a. C->^)Ju*» suhalat. sikalat,\ , , , . ... , , 7-scarlet cloth, p. hy^Mt suhlat, J {sJ^JxMi salimvniya, m. scammony (Hippoc. and Diosc. crKafifiavia, dried juice exuding from the root of Convolvulus scammonea). g. [c")- <*• j^Ej^Am) sakankur, m. a skink (^Lacerta tdri' j»xiu» sakim, sick, infirm, weak. a. i^M ^ suk (for shuk), m. a parrot. $. i^Ltf suk (for sukh), m. repose, comfort. sakh (for sankh), m. a kind of ccmcb, a ahelL dL KLm> suhka (for suka), dry (v. gukha), d, 0\^ sakat, f. silence ; adj. silent, a. .Km> ^mT.sakar, ra. dawn of day, morning. $. ^*^J^ f(4iK4U sakaran, haying a cause, ori- ginating from a cause. $. I^Km* ^ sakkak, m. a cutler, one who makes knives, a. j^\xm» sakkdki, f. the business of a cutler, a. jJou«» ^?nin^ sa^aZ or sukdl, adv. betimes, early in the morning ; dawn of day, morning, sukal, m. goodness of seasons, plenty, cheapness, abun- dance, f. ^\xw> sukkan, m. a rudder, helmj (pi. of taktn) inhabitants, a. [tired, h. UKm» '?r«RT«n sakdnd, n. to be grieved, to feel j30b**» sukkdni, m. a steersman (in Indian- ** English orthography, "seaconny"). a. ^AX«A> sikhinaj, m. sagapenum, a kind of gum-resin (Gr. a-ayanrjpov, Hippoc. and Dioscor.). g. C^Xam WSfUf suhat or saktif f. ability, strength, power ; the enerpv of a deity ; the female organ as the counterpart of the phallic personification of 5/(jra, and worshipped by a sect of Hindus, hence called Siiktas. .V. [disease). «. Uxm» r«fliini sihtd, f. gravel or stone (the ^Xil« ^^Mic^T saktu-phald, f. a tree (Mi- mosa suma). s. LiyjXjM ^Tfich saktuk, m. a species of poison, $. ftlCxjyo sakta, ra. a trance, an apoplexy, a pause, vacancy, a. cL*5s>*> ^nii? sakat, bad, vile ; m. a small tree (Trophis aspera) ; a cart ; the name of a HindQ holiday. «. Uxm> ^rSRT suktd, lean, thin, dry, emaciated. tikta, m. a fragment of an earthen vessel, a shard. «. ^_^X**» THliTt siiAfi, lean, thin, emaciated, dry ; "f. dried fish. t. [shame. «. Sjm ^SJ^ sakuch, f. shrinking, awe, fear, UlsT*** ?nir^T«Tr sukckdnd or 4<^^H1 sa^M- ehana, a. to abash ; also n. to be abashed, to be afraid. *. y^x:^"^ VSR^tll sukuchnd or '^raWTT sahuchnd, n. to fear, to be afraid of, to be in awe of, to be abashed, to apprehend, to be apprehensive, s. ^,(^x«M ^nii^ sukdev, m. the name of the son of Vyasadeva : he was famed for his sanctity, and he is the narrator of the Bhdgavat jmrana, composed by his father Vyasa. s. S-t** Wfl! sukr or sukra, m. the planet Venus (the Freya of the Saxons : hence sukr-bdr, Friday, i.e. Freva's day); {Sperma genitale). sukar, easy, practi cablB. «. jC*» sukr, m. any intoxicating drink, wine ; intoxication, sukkar, m. stigar. a. Uu«» HHiO sakrd, small (not having room enough), narrow, straight. *. OKXm> sakardt, f. agony, fainting, sakarati maut, senselessness, the point of death, a. l!>|^x«*» fl44^MI sakrdnd, a. to straiten, to deprive of necessary room ; to cause to accept (a bill. Sic), s. [sun into a new sign, s. i!l^\XM mk\*A sakrdni, f. entering of the fp\\jM sakrdnti (v. sakrdnt or sankrdntt). s. ^jAf^i ^ 9I^1c<^ sukli-karm, m. soap (q. d. •whitening, making white). «. ftjJ^ WSS'^ sakiih/a, m. a kinsman, one of the same family, s, ,lX** TToSirn: mkumar (v. swAwor), youthful, tender, soft, delicate, feeble, s. j^;^ y^H sa^?3>Xha sakunat, f. dwelling, habitation, residence, tranquillity, a. ifXu* sikka, m. a coining die ; an impression on money; stening, current; stamped coin; name of a weight equal (in Bengal) to 7 dwt. ana 11-5511 grains, p. a. curastances, content, happiness, pleasure, delight. m\h pd'id, a. to get ease, leisure, rest, &c. sukh-purvak, easily, without difficulty, sukh-bhag, m. happinoM, good fortune, sukh-bhugi, happy, delighted, sukh chain, m. ease, rest, leisure, tranquillity, sukh-ddn, m. the act of giving ease or comfort, suklidd.l or sukh- ddyak, a giver of ease, a comforter, sukh-dham or stikh-hds, abode of happiness, sukh-sddhya, easy of accomplishment, siikhi-swablid.o, m. a happ)' or con- tented disposition, sukh-may, full of happiness, de- lightful, s. ^Co ftr^ sihh, m. a disciple, scholar, pupil j a follower of Ndnak ; the people of the Punjab, t. l^XfcO '^^.sY/////a,m. a friend, a companion, s. l^^ f^^T sihha, f. a lock of hair on the crowr of the head : a queue (v. chotl) ; flame of a lamp. «. j3XaXim ^TOT^ suliharth, for the sake of ease happiness, &c. siikhdrthi, seeking happiness, s. i\yji\^\*ji TEHsIT^TrJ snkhasmad, m. well-fla- voured, delightful ; m. enjoyment, flavour. *. ^IaCjj ^rai^ suhliala, easy, facile, s. \31ax**> ^!raT«TT sukhana, a. to dry ; to cause to evaporate, to emaciate, to cause to pine away. *, UIaSLo fui«IHI sihltana, la. to teueh ; IJ.IaSLi* fnSH»!T sikhawana,) (met.) to ad- monish, to chastise. *. [tion. a. <_^^l^W ftn^T^ sikha,i, f. teaching, instruc- JU^x«» Tff^'^l^ sukhpdl, m. a kind ofpalki. s. CIa^xmj ^17 ff sukhii, tranquil, happy, s. ^,^Xw» ^4«iric!&l suhh-tala, m. a piece of lea- ther placed on the sole within a shoe. *. 8 .::^5Li4 ^^1^ sakhitwa, m. friendship, s. (3^^ ^T^ sukhad, salubrious, pleasant, conferring pleasure, s. (^j^\s^f*^ ^5S^re sukh-das, m. a very supe- rior and delicious kind of rice. *. ^^**).^AX*»» ft^'^r\ suhh-darsan,m. a shrub, the juice of which is given for the ear-ache {Crinum Asiaticwn and Zeylaniaim). s, jAS^ ftrar sikhai; m. three or more strings tied together forming a support to hang any thing on I the corda of a bahavgt, in which the baskets rest ; top, summit, peak, pinnacle. *. A^.,.> ftr^nr slkharan, m. a kind of dish made of coagulated milk and sugar. «. ...•U*>HiX*** sakh-sawanA , , , W^ z' - l^ palanqum. d. ^!fcMj.^x«» sukh-saivan,) li^k^Sla ^I^rsrnn sukklana, a. (v. sukhdna to dry, &c. s. [instruct. #. O^ik^^ P- H ^ i^g M*! ! sihhldnd, a. (v. sikhdnd) to ij\:^Cjj fai^HHt^ sikhndwad, m. tuition, instnicy on. s. ^ ( 472 #oU^ "mW^skhalan, m. stumbling, slipping ) !U tripping. tci^^^ J(^t^ suhhodai/, m. realization or "ocurrence of pleasure. *. -1^ ^ra^ sohlil, f. a friend, companion "(female confidant, &c., to a woman); a kind of fakir who dresses like a woman. *. je4^ Wt smAAj, \at ease, happy, tran- C^W Trf^^n siikhiya,) quil, contenled, com- fortable, pleasant, t. OUa^ ^r^mrf sukhyat, celebrated, famous. tttkhySti, f. fame, celebrity, s. iif^ lS^^ Whnr sakht-jan, f. a female friend or confidante, t. Uaf^*** ^^-dA I sukhechchha, f. hope or desire of happiness, s. &a4^ TTO? saJihya, m. friendship. «. UU=1^C*> sw/f/iC urdna, a. to render hopeless, to reduce to despair, d. [distress. *. C^S*** ^W saket, narrow, strait ; f. want, Uli«*> ^raTfRT saketnd, a. to tighten, to straiten, s. ^)0k^ ^4g T sakeld,m. a kind of iron. A. UloSLtt ^ra^fTT sakelnd, n. to shrink, to shri- vel, to gather up (the limbs, as a tortoise), h. i^S-ui sag, m. a dog. sagi-hdzdri, a common cur. sag-bacha, m. a pup, a whelp, sag-davi, f. run- ning about fruitlessly, sag-zada, son of a bitch. «a^»- thikdri or -fo^», a hunting dog. sag-lagi, f. flattery, eervitude. /). ICu Tfnn sa^ra, m. kin, relative, related (of the same parents),full, own.as saga bha,i, own brother. «. Jlxfctt S7/7a/, thought, suspicion, word ; enmity, calumny, had-sigal, of evil thoughts, malevolent, p. OjVCa> ^ilTMd sagdwat,'\i. relationship, by ^Afoj* Mi\\\ sagdft, J the same parents, consanguinity ; betrothing for marriage ; second mar- riage of a woman of low tribe. sagd,i-k., a. to contract a marriage, to ai&ance, to betroth, s, tJL>tv»«> ^nw sugupt, secret, well hidden ; adv. secretly, privily, tugupti, f. closeness, secrecy, s. U^clX**» ^nnnjTfT sag-pahtd, m. greens dress- ed with pulse. B. lILXj* sagat, the same, dlike; similar, d. ]f^*» ^TTTT sagrd or sigrd, every, the whole, s. ^J^ fU'lO sigi'tiu (Braj.) for sigrd, all, every, h. f^fijitj* ^Xr^ svgra,i, f. name of a musical mode or ragini, sung in the afternoon, h. 'jy^a WVS sagar or saggar, m. a cart. s. Xj^JLm sag-sdr, name of an imaginary monster, with the bead of a dog, the yellow face of a dragon, the hair of a goat, the ears of an elephant, and blue •jres ; (met.) an avaricious man. p. i^xui sagal, all, every, the whole, d. jX*^ wm sugam, that which goes well, good, easy, easily accomplished, practicable, accessible; plam, intelligible. «. [omen. «. ij^ Wm sagun, sugun, or sugan, augury, an ^.C**» ^TTTTBT sagun, endowed with properties, qualities, &c. t. i^S-jm WTf^ sugand, "If. odour, fragrance; Jb,^J> ^ni«T saghan, thick (as a head of hair).», ^^IjkXhrt Tn?1tT sugydUy m. sound knowledge, wisdom, sagacity, s. ^UX*o ^^ritf sagydn, 1 possessed of know- \31xCj» ^^ItfT sagydnd, \ ledge, sagacious, jjU^ iH'gTtT^ M<7?/ani, J wise, intelligent. ». j_)j»*> s^7Z, m. a consumption, a hectic fever, a. Juu> sal, m. a kind of grasshopper ; the mantis or leaf insect, d. (_)>**> ftr^ s«7, 'If. a stone on which spices, ^^ ftl«J51 A?7a,J &c. are ground, or knives sharpened ; a stone (in general), a rock. s. y^^ ffl^T s«7a (for shild), gleanings of a corn- field, sild-hdr, m. a gleaner, h. isLo-^L-* ftr^STftrfT sildjit, m. storax. s. — >-»*» s<7a/i, f. arms, weapons, implements of war, armour, sildk-posh, one wlio is armed, sildl^ Midna, an armoury or arsenal, sildh-ddr, a sword- or armour-bearer, an esquire. sUdh-shor, a fencing- master, a champion, a gladiator; a breaker or trainer of horses, a. ^^L*> salldkh, m. a skinner (in Dakh.) sald^, an iron chisel used for breaking throcgb walls, &c. a. ^j*jj>-»**ftic?i<«s?7aras,m.(v. sildjit) storax. s. Ca**>>**> saldsat, f. facility, ductility, easiness, gentleness ; perspicuity, clearness, a, ,_)-»*» ^*«» saldsil, lightning darting to u great distance; (pi. of «i7sj7a) chains, o. ^j;d>^Lrt .w/a/i/i (pi. of ^UaL*»), kings, rulere.a. oi)^»*> ^J^ran saldkdf f. a rule, a ruler j a probe. «. %J» ^^y*ti salam, m. salutation ; peace, safety. salam-k., to salute ; to give up, to desist, to refrain, bid adieu, saldm-'alek (for saldmun 'alaika), peace be upon thee, saldm-'alaikum (for saldviun 'alalkum), peace be upon you: these are forms of salutation used by one Musalman towards another, s^ldm-lend, a. to return the salutation, a. CLM)'^'-**»salamat, f. safety, salvation, recovery, tranquillity, health, saldmat-raw, an economist, saldmat-rawl, f. economy, good management ; the word is often used adverbially, as "wuh Hindustan men saldmat pahunchd," he arrived safe or safely {i.e. in safety) in India, a. j^i«^L*» saldmati, f. a kind of coarse cloth, h. j^^L*» salami, f. salute; a present given to a "landlord for granting a lease, or a present given on receiving an office ; a pavement of stones across the bed of a watercourse ; an Irish bridge, a. o*:^ f99T«n siland, a. to cause to sew, to stitch, s. b^Li» fIcATHI sulana, a. to cause to sleep ; to kill, to murder, suld-dena, a. to kill, to murder, s. (_f-^^L*» ftr^n^ sild,t, f. the price of sewing j seam, sewing, s. jc>^L*» «c!)i^ sald,t, f. a needle, or piece of wire for tingeing the eyelids with a collyrium ; also used for depriving people of sight, which is effected by drawing it while hot close over the eyes of the BufTerer; a lead pencil, (in Dakh.) suld,t-ddr, striped (as cloth) with narrow stripes, s. c-i*^«*> salb, ra. a negative argument in logic; plunder, salhi kulli, general negation, talbi jut^ special negation, a. ^(J**» f^cSWgT sil-batta, m. two stones with which spices, paint, &c. are gronnd. «. -■^A^ ^H^PT sulabh, easy, easily attained ; salabh (for thalabh, q.v.) a locust, a grasshopper. «. <— ^V»» f^T^ silpa (for shilpa, q.v.), art, &c. s. iiLo J««» fa^nnf sU-pat, smooth, even, level, s. ^J^i ftf^TWt silapchi, f. a wash-hand basin, ewer (v. chilamcht). h. uIm* ^qSHT salitd, f. a river, a stream, s. lu* TT^T^ m-lajj, affected with shame, bash- ful, s. [disentangle, h, Ol^s^ "5qJ*W*TT mljhdna, a. to unravel, to u^jst** ^;^H)HT sulajhna, n. to be unravelled or disentangled, h. ;^*^ ^T^^R su-lachhan, m. (for su-lak- skatia) an auspicious mark ; beauty, excellence ; adj. auspicious. «. [club, and bow), a. -Lm silah (v. sildh), arms, weapons (as sword, ^_^^. Ju*» silah-poshf one who is armed, a. p. ftJLi- Jb**» silah- khdna, an armoury, an ar- •enal.^a. p. j!5 Ju*> silah-ddr, m. an armour-bearer, an esquire, an armed attendant, a. ( 473 ) ^.A*** i^-i,^r** silah-shor, a champion, gladiator; horse-breaker, a. Ju*» salakJb f" the end of the month, or the day of the new moon. a. ijAm sals (properly salis), easy,docile, gentle, mild, ductile, a. [ch^n. a. Jl«Ju«) salsdl, limpid water; waving like a Jja*Ju*» salsabil, s. pure running water; name of a fountain in Paradise ; adj. flowing, limpid, a. CL>^L**L«» salsaldt, piercing, rankling, d. li^LJi*** ^(^^qSMI salsaldndt n. (v. tarsardna) to creep as a snake, h. U^LJ-M* salsaldnd, n. (v. khatakna) to pieice (a thorn) ; to rankle ; to offend ; to doubt, d. cLAJb^LiMiM) silsildhat, f. concatenation, salsu' Idhat, crawling, tickling, a. h. J^ J.*«L*» silsili haul, m. a diabetes, a mor- bid copiousness of urine, a. AjAjm sUsila, m. a chain, series, concatena- tion, succession, a, ,^^-*Xu» stilsali (v. jhaft), continued rains, d, jjllaJu** sultan, m. a prince, a sovereign, a king, an absolute monarch, an emperor, a.' ^Ua)u*> stdtaiii, belonging to a prince, sove- ** reign, princely, sulidni bulbul, the royal bulbul, a species of that bird (v. bulbul) ; f. dignity or office of sultan ; a kind of broad cloth, o. [reignty. a. d^lVi)i««» saltanat, power, dominion, sove- u»ftL*> salaf, past,. preceding, former (times); m. ancestors ; money advanced for merchandize, &c. ; a purse, a bag ; the past, former times, silf, brother- in-law, husband of a wife's sister, a. v_iL»» T^vhif or sulf, a small ship, a bark, (evidently a corruption of " sloop "). d, IflL** sulfa, m. little balls of tobacco smoked in a JjAikka, without the intervention of a tile. h. i^^^ silafchi (v. silapchi), an ewer. h. ^iJJ*»» silk, m. a thread, string; order, series, train ; a road, a path. a. (_jiiJjuiJJu*i silk-bandl, an account of the daily receipts of revenue made out at the end of the month, when the whole is added together, and formed into one total, a. p. ^zS\*M '^'^IS sulakshan, '\(Y.su-lachkan), ^^^^\A^»^^^^fWfSsu-lakkhan,j an auspicious mark; adj. of good omen, auspicious, clearly distin- guished by marks, &c. s. * (^^x)u*» sulakkhan, clever, expert, d, ^_^Xi*> ^T^ScR't salkl, f. the root of the Nym- "phcea lotus, s. ^J^ H^<*\ sallahi, f. the gum olibanum tree {BosweUia thur\fera). i. i,^JXn> salag, intimacy, friendship. «- (Ji.>uJlM> sulgat, the place where the Hindus bum tbeir dead. d. [to kindle. *. UlC**» ^f^MlfTT suhjana, a. to light, to inflame, UA»*> Vc«&'T*TT sulagna, u. to light, to be kin- dled ; to burn lyithout smoke or flame. *. ^l**» salgl, sociable, attached, tame, doraesti- "cated (as an animal), d. (V)u*> ^a fg ^ salil, m. water; liquid in general, s. Am* salam, m. peace, safety ; saluting, sub- mitting, cultivating, peace, friendship; adj. free from feult or flaw, sallama, may he protect or preserve ; as, sallama hu Allah ta'alq, may God the Most High pre- serve him (used in Arabic forms of prayer), sullam, in. a staircase, a ladder, a. Ju*» ^T^ sallam, m. a kind of coarse cloth, h. Aut silim, (in the language of the law) a contract of sale, causing an immediate payment of the price, and admitting a delay in the delivery of the wares, a. ^_Ju*» salnia, name of a woman ; also the " name of a tribe and mountain in Arabia, a. Uy*** ^^Hl salna, n. to pierce, prick, per- forate ; m. a rivulet, h. Ju*> ?ra sallu, m. a thong, narrow slips of leather with which shoes are stitched, h. Jl»*» ^r?ft mllo, foolish (a woman), h. \j\^La ftr^STRT silwana, a. (caus. of silana) to cause to be sewn, a, lSlji**> X^ctMl sulrvdna, a. (caus. form of 8uldnd) to cause to be put to sleep, s. L-^^Lrt "^Xf salup, m. a little, very little, s. 0^1*«» salwat, f. contentment, cheerfulness, felicity, a. iJ)^M» suluk, m. road, way ; manner, mode ; intercourse; usage, treatment. suZuA;- A:., a. to treat, to proceed with. a. ui3jL*> ig^ slok (for shloka, q. v.), a cou- plet, or stanza of two lines, s. (j^L*> «cJJ^ salol, playful, wanton, s. ^^y*^ t< saRs, easy, not abstruse, simple, fo^*' navis, writing a plain or easy hand. " Pray wiience comes this word salts ? It is used in Hindi and also in the corrupt Persian of India, but I do not think it is to be found in any real Persian compoeitica; and I never yet fnet with any native of Persia who under- stood it or liad ever heard of it. I do not think it a legitimate Arabic or Persian word : perhaps it ie a corruption of sahiy — (Binning). The forms sails and salisi, though not used in the Arabic language, are undoubtedly from the root salisa, one of whose meanings is, "he was easy to manage," or "obedient." Moreover, the forms sails and saldsat are given by Golius as genuine Arabic words, in the sense of "easy, &c.," "facility, &c." Finally, the Indians and Persians have coined many Arabic words unknown to the Arabs themselves. — (D. F.) a. i-*jJ»»*» salisi, f. facility, clearness, a. / jlAwj V^ slesh, m. a pun, a double mean- mg, an equivoque in writmg or speaking, as m the following lines, kikar pdkar far, jaman phalsa dmila / sew kadam kachndr, pipal rattl t&na taj, (this seems to be a catalogue of trees ; it also means) God has been kind to you; that which you desired is obtained; adore his footsteps ; silly woman I leave not yonr lover for a moment, s. &iuL*> saliha, m. nature, genius, good dispo- sition, knack, knowledge, dexterity, address, taliht shi'ar, of good disposition. saliia,e guft o gu, m. po- lite conversation. salika,e majlis, m. good breedina sa^ib-saltka, a man of taste and discernment, a vreU- informed person, a. l»jd*»> salim, pacific, mild, affable ; perfect, healthy, salimu-t-tah' , affable, mild, pacific a, ^jV^Awj sulaiman, Solomon, \\\c son of David, a. J^L»jJu*> sulaimdni, of or belonging to Solo- mon; m. an onyx; f. the state or dignity of Solo- mon, a, ^g^A*ti salimt, name of a species of cloth, a. MM* samm, m. poison, venom, a. ^ sum, m. a hoof, foot (of a horse, &c.). p. ^W{sam, all, whole, entire; similar, alike; used as a prefix (in comp.) like the Latin con and the Greek cru/x or aw, as sam-bandh, con-nection, avfi' ttXokt] or (Tvv-8e(ris- s. ^tui Wi sam, a tone, note (in music), h. \^Mt ISPJ samd, m. time, season ; plenty, abun- dance ; state, condition ; concord, harmony, union. sama-bandhiid, to be in concert. *. l»AM samii, m. the heavens, the sky, the firma- ment ; a canopy ; altitude, a. \S^i\.^i*t '^nnw samdpt or samapta, also sama- pit, accomplished ; finished, perfected, samapti, f, accomplishment, the whole, conclusion, end, finis. *. 1^}^*^ TWT^nr samapa7i, m. conclusion, com- pletion, samdpanna, finished, completed, t. Ol»**» snmdt or simdt, f. a sign, mark, simat, (pi. of simat) signs, marks (made by burning), a. _Vv>*» ^^^V^ samdj, m. multitude, number, assembly ; apparatus ; society, t. Cli*>.lv-* snindjatff. deformity, shamefulneac turpitude ; adulteration ; entreaty, htmiiliation (nied adjectively) deformed, filthy, base. a. u» ( 475 ) i«i>U**» UHIVD samajtf f. musicians that "stteod to dancers, s. jWU**» V^MK samachar, m. information, tradition, news, account of circumstances or health, &C. ; adj. equal in virtuous conduct, s. i!l,j»-\^utsa7nahat,f. beneficence, liberality, a. ji\^jj» Wn^samadar, m. respect, reverence, s. ^i\^Mt TFTlftf samadhi or samadh, f. the tomb ^ITVH samadhan, m. religious meditation ; promising, declaring ; ease, comfort, con- solation, reconciliation, adjustment, pacification, settle- ment, the act of satisfying, s. jlvM ^Hl< samar, crop-ploughing, h. C^S^^tM wrS smart, a follower of the law- books, s. [ber or call to mind. s. cdJjlvuj WKoh smarak, what causes to remera- c,jjl»**» samarugh, m. a white mushroom resembling an egg. p. (^jn\^ui '^9[[^ samas, m. contraction, abridg- ment ; composition of words. «• i»^-»*** simat, an order, a series, sumat, a table covered with victuals, a. el»**» sayna, m. hearing, listening ; singing, a song ; extasy occasioned by hearing ringing, parti- cularly among darweshea when hearing hymns; the sense of hearing, a. CLaP-Iv^ samaat, f. hearing, a. ^U*»» samal, what has been heard, tradi- "tional ; (in gram.) irregular, h. 3l»**» sumdk, m. sumach {Rhus coriaria) ; porphyry, the hardest species of marble, a. D^^iJ^"**** sumak-pdldn, a vessel for boiling rice: it consists of two pots, one fitting into the other, the inner pot being perforated full ot small holes i when the rice is boUed, this inner vessel is lifted out, leaving the water strained off in the exterior pot. p. a^l«M* ?nPPIT tamdkhyd, f. fame, reputa- tion, a. [brated, notorioos. «. OU^l»M> ^Ml^ld samakhydt, famed, cele- d.«>U*** ^EUnflfl' samdgat, arrived ; met, en- countered, united, samagati, f. arrival; meeting, union ; similar condition or progress, t. J>\^**» T(^XflR sunidgamf m. union, association, intercourse, meeting. «. XjL}\jtt*t sammu-l-fdrt 1 m. arsenic ; (lit.) X^\^ sammn-l-khdr,} poison for mice or rats, ratsbane, a. •Jlv*> f ^TWTFT samvidnya, respectable, ho- nourable. 5. jU**> ^Hl^ samdm, m. room, space. ». jcjlv** samawi, heavenly, celestial, a. (j£jijlvi*» flHN^f samdvesh, m. entrance, s. (_^^l»**» ''HTT^ samd,t, f. endurance, patience, firmness ; power, capability. ». If'**** ^^ surnbd, m. a sponge stafT, a ramrod, h, th\x^ui ^^T^ samhdd, m. conversation, intelli- gence, news of the day. t. cl*>»fc» ^^H samhat, m. a year, an era. sam- bat bandhiia, to establish an era, to distinguish one's self by illustrious actions, s. Jb,^j,^**i i^r^lfiS sambiiddhi,^. the vocative case.*, 84^JJk«M> ^#^ itambandk, m. affinity, relation, relationship ; rhyme, metre ; the genitive or possesslTe caee in grammar, s. ^(X*x»M> W^!^ sambandhi, in. relation ; son **or daughter's father-m-law ; adj. related to, connected with, belonging, s. ^^li^x.^JM ^^NtV! sambodkan, comfort, sooth* ing, encouragement ; calling, addressing ; vocative. «• ,^K»**» TSl^srwibhu, m. a parent, a progenitor, s, U,l^f»*o ^K^ sambhdrnd,^ H. to support, \Jl\^x.^jM T^ftTT^itfj sambhdlnd, J to prop, to sustain, to assist, to help ; to shield, to protect, to (top, to retain, to check, s. ^^l^x»*i» ^mtgr sambhdshan, m. conversa- tion, discourse, s, ^\^f«M> ^UPTFT sam-bhd,o, of like nature or property ; equability, sameness. «. Oj\4f%**» ^wf^if sambhdvit, possible, s. Uj^*»**> ^1^«n sambhdwnd, f. probability ; fitness, competency; considering, reflecting; the sense of the potential mood. s. Mj^f^tM Wm sambhravi, m. esteem, respect, awe, value * Ui^f**** WqS^! y^-mbhalnd, m. to be sup- ported, to be propped or erected ; to stand, to stop, to - be firm, to recover one's self from a fall, &c. *. ^Jkvwj ^^^ sambhav, possible ; fit, right, proper; m. capacity, appropriateness; possibility, compatibility. «. ( 476 ) ^^^^JL«**> ^H^TT sambhojan, ra. a meal taken together, a convivial party. « ci^^Av** iMtn samhhog, m. enjoyment, coition, s. [ist. t. ^S^^jLvi*» ^>TWt samhhogi, sensual; a sensual- jt^^gX^M '^iwffl sam-bhumi, f. even ground, s. 05L»*k» ^Tiri^ sampadit, attained, accom- plished, gotten, s. ti)5lx»**> ^Mlt^eii sampadak, m. one who attains or accomplishes, s. ^^liX^^ut ^Mlf'ri sampadan, m. gaining, attain- ing, accomplishing, f. JHXnr sampat or ?}tjfyr sampatti, f. affluence, wealth, prosperity, success ; a sort of medi- cinal root. s. ^157 samput, m. the closely shutting of any cavity ; a box with its lid shut ; a casket a. (X^«M> 'Wf^^ sampad, 1 f. wealth, pro- ^iXXvM> '^«|y^T sampadd, J sperity ; advance- ment, excellence ; a necklace of pearls, s. «Jlo\^x»**> TddJf samprdpta, attained, obtained. samprdpti f. obtaining, acquisition, s. C^jX^jj* ifftrnr samprati, now, at this present time. s. ^^iJX^u» ^U^T'JT sampraddn, m. gift, donation ; the dative case in grammar, s. ^^)i>j^^iM ^^(^[^ sampraday or sampraddya, m. traditional doctrine handed down from one teacher to another, s. [ing. accomplishing, s, ^^i\u»J^^tM ^inn>l*T samprasddhan, m. effect- j^l^JkM*^^**** ^nWR samprasthdn, m. setting out on a journey, s. *-iJ/****» M**ih samparkfTa. mixture, contact, union, copulation. *. a^jX^M inftlt samprit, well pleased, de- lighted, sampriti, f. affection, delight. *. ^J^y*» ^Vi^sampann or sampanna,perfect,com- plete, endowed with; accomplished, obtained: pro- sperous, thriving. 3. UJ^v*^ ^^ st^mpurn or sampurna, perfect, full, finished, all, the whole. sampurnaiS, f. fulness, oompletion. «. W{T[ sumat, friendly, well or kindly disposed, sumaii, f. friendship, benevolence; Rood conscience, s. '^^vtf samiti, f. sameness, likeness, s. samt, f. a way, path, a part, side, quarter, towards, samtu-r-ras, the point of the heavens direcMy over head, called in astronomy the zenith, iimat, a mark (made especially by burning), a. ^*Hff sammat, assented or agreed to, concurred in; conformable to; m. opinion, sentiment. tammali, f. wish, desire; agreement, assent, appro- bation; opinion, sentiment, t. ^fimVf sammit, like, similar j of eq'^.d measure ; measured, s. ^j^**» ^nnn samtd or samata, f. equality, simi- larity, similitude, parallelism, resemblance, compv rison, parity, s. [duction, birth, s. iZ^xy^ui ^Hl^^a samutpatti, f. origin, pro- ^aI«m> ^Wr^T^ samutpanna, born, produced, s. ^mw^ samutsav, m. festivity, s. ftniT Simat, f. act of collecting, con- densing or constringing ; tone, elasticity, h, Ua»*** r^H3HI simatnd, n. to be concentrated, to shrink, simaf-jdna, n. to shrivel, to shrink. A. f^s^*^ Wf^ samajh, f. comprehension, under^ standing, knowledge, opinion, thought, a. \A^^e^^ 7rR^T*** ^iihD ri^ samjhautiyi. act of explaia- ing, convincing or giving confidence. J. ^^:***' ^W^ samuchd, full, complete, s. dwf**** ^nrfxTIT samuchit, quite right, fit, in a proper manner. *. jc^**** ^3^^ samuchchay, m. assemblage "collection ; conjunction of words or sentences, t. (jA,^.^t*» '^^'i\'^ samudd,e or samuddya, ag- gregate, quantity, number; adj. together, collected, s, jiX^jj* '-HH'J samudr or samudra, m. the sea, ocean, samudr a-phen or samudra-kaph, m. (lit. the froth of the ocean) the dorsal scale or bone of the cuttle-fish {Sepia officinalis), samudra-taf or samudra- tir, m. the sea-coast, samudra-lavan, m. sea-^alt. sa- mudra-vahni, m. submarine fire. s. .^jiX»**> ^H^lfv' samudrd.ru, m. a shark ; a fabulous large fish, perhaps intended for the whale, s. \JL^i\jS^^ ^J^C^ff samudrdnt, m.the sea-shore; adv. as far as the sea. t. UiljIXv** U^riMI samudrdntd, f. a shrub (JSe- dysarum alhagi) ; the cotton plant ; a gramineona plant {Trigonella corniculata). *. ^)ydtjS^**i M^^^*^ samudr-sohh, m. name of a medicine {Convolvus argenteus). », ^Jl»j<\^*j» ^R?f^5am-c?a7's/«, impartial, equally " viewing both sides, s. ulJ.j.v^ TTjf^l^ mmudrik, f. palmistry, for- tune-telling; the art of physiognomy, tammdrik^ bidya, f. the art of palmistry. «. ( 477 ; ^«M» ^SjS^**i fluPtJ^cfcl samudriki, m. a fortune- "teller (by means of palmistry) ; a physiognomist. «. eo ,<\»M> ^f^ samudriya, marine, oceanic, s. ^^.^ui '^[p;^.'^ sam-dukh, sympathizing, shar- ing another's pain (Pers. ham-dard). s. Aii^^**> sum-dum, very corpulent, p. jj(X«M> sam-dur, the sea, a large river, d. id^^iji 'jj***» samrut (v. samarih), strength, &c.c?. jL*^M» sawsar, a family; household; tribe. samsdr karna, to live, to domesticate one's self; to pro- vide for self and family, d. [whole. $. l!!' t"> HMifi samast or samasta, all, the ^LSj***-**** ^mh samsarg, m. association, rela- tion, s, jt***^**» W^¥m sumsum, f. the noise of moist wood when burning, sinnueriu^;. h. samsam, m. a fox. simsim, the grain sesame, a. L*Mv«*» samsiya, m. an exercise among Asiatic poets, wherein one writes or speaks an imperfect verse or stanza, which is to be filled up by another, s. jjw»**» ^5IT»T smashdn, or samshdn m. a cemetery, a place where dead bodies are burned, a burning ground, samshan-basi, (living in the samshan) an epithet of Mahadeva. s. x^tMi sum , m. hearing; the ear. a. uil»-*» samk, m. height, depth, profundity. samaJc, a fish on which the earth is supposed to rest ; a fish in general ; the sign Pisces, az samak fa samdk, from the bottom of the abyss to the pinnacle of heaven, a. ,4^^ ^nsj^ sammukh, facing, in front, sam- mukhin, before, in front of. «. Jfc*^v»**» ^HT^TV samniugdha, fascinated, be- wildered, stuplfied. *. (Jv*> ^^W^ samal, dirty, muddy, filthy, s. y^^iM tf*i ^^»^T samundar, m. (also samandar) (v. samudra) the ocean, s. ji^^y^tJi samandar, m. a salamander, a. p. ^y^JSX^u» ^i^^lMk^samundar-phal, m. name of a medicine, s. [foam of the sea. *. (jp^.;iJv>*» ^»J«<<«SK'T samundar-pherij m. dtJyt»ji^J..^tMsamundar-so1i (v. samudr-sokK) s. X^j^S^tM samundar-hhdr (corrup. of sam^ nm-l-far), arsenic; ratsbane, a. 8(^x»M> sammandh, m. (v. sambandK) con- nection, .s. [auspicious. ». jj.xx»*»» ^W^q5 sumangal, very fortunate or Jb^x»M> ^»ft^ Siimanohar, very agreeable, pleasing, charming, s, y^ui ^nrt samo, m. season, time. s. CJ\ytM samrvdt (pi. of Wm>), the heavens; skies (properly samdwdt). s. tiW**> 'ff^T^ samvddf m. communication of in- telligence, information, news. «. C^y^jM ir^ samvat, 1m. a year, gene- j-*>jv»*» f<4rV< samvatsar,) nerally used in Hindu chronological dates. 1. y^i**» ( 478 ) (C^mJ^«m> (t(|rUO samvatsari, f. annual cere- mony, t. [plete. ». 1»->«*A> WP^n samucha, entire, whole, com- i2uv*> ^ECTt^ sammod, m. pleasure, delight. 8. ,ytui samur, m. a weasel, a marten, a sable ; fur, Bable skin. a. a«tffc»a» samosa, m. a kind of small pastry of minced meat of a triangular form; a shawl or band- kerchief, &c., doubled diagonally to throw over the shoalders. samosa-warakt, a apecies of tart p. jth^t** samum, f. a hot pestilential wind (com- monly called the simoom), a. i^sy**** samun, fat; (pi. of ^J^^*i) butter, a. b»»*«> flHtHT samona, a. to cool warm water by mixing cold water with it. t. [ber. *, i^^*j» W^ samuh, m. assemblage, heap, num- »•♦*»» ^n»fr5 sammoh, m. ignorance, folly, be- guilement, stupefaction, s. [tured. s. tH/fc^v** 'fl**l^fi$if sammohit, beguiled, enrap- U)\^»«*> samhalna, a. (v. samhhalna) to sup- port, &c. s. ^«M> $aml, m. a namesake, a. /m^ ^W^ samma,t, the pipe of a drill "plough, generally made of a hollow bamboo. A. ^♦AM W(^ same or w samaiAm. time, sea- lIv-» ^T^^ samaiya, J son, fit or proper time, leisure, opportunity, s, 1 "Wtft^isaniip, proximate, near, at hand. s. w(\mn samlpata, f. proximity, conti- guity, s. ^-»x^ut TPi(i^samipi,f. proximity, nearness, s. »^^t^..> •^^Jf samet, with, along with, to- gether with. s. ^'\hxf^-' ^1^ samet, f. an astringent, a medi- cine used by women ad comtringendam vulvam. t, Uju»m* wTTT sametna, a. to constringe, to compress, to cause to shrivel or shrink ; to collect to- gether, to amass ; to fold up (a carpet), h. ^**» ^H^C saniir, m. wind, air. s. _jjc»**> 'flH^* suweru, m. the sacred mountain Sumeru, allegorically represented as composed of g^Id and gems. It is supposed by the Hindus to be the residence of the gods, as Olympus was with the Greeks. In astronomical works it denotes the north pole. t. iifA-v*> irR?"Jir samyah, all, wholly ; properly, fitly, s. [an equation, t. ^ ioy^** ^nfhRT'BJ samiharan, m. (in algebra) (Jjkv-* '^^'^ sumel, suitable, affable, of pleasing manners, s. [leisure, opportunity, a, (jrvv^ wi somen or samain, m. time, season, ij^i^*** samtn, fat, plump, well-fed. a. jj*«» WIT SU71, insensible, without sensation, palsied, sun-karnewala, a narcotic medicine. *. ^^ THT san, rn. name of a plant. (^Crotolaria juncea) ; a. kind of flax or hemp ; a tree (PetUapterm tomentosa). t. ^^ ^ san (v. sum), a prefix like the Latin con, or the Greek avv. (J*** sinn, m. an age, period of life; a tooth; the nib of a pen. tan, a year, tinn e tdl, age, period of life. a. uuM Sana, m. the plant senna, a. Uu** suna. (for sond), gold. d. U**> ^g^ stcnnd, a. to hear, to listen ; m. a cypher. *. li**» ^T^ sannd, n. to be impregnated, stained, soiled, to be kneaded, mixed up (as dough, earth, &c.).&. ^Um» ^nrw sunahh, m. a mountain, part of the ranges of Southern India, s. (JLoUm* 9*11 qrf sundpat, f. stillness, dreari- ness, s. [ning or end. t, (^l-u»*> Wffnni sandtan, eternal, without begin- ,^U^ flfjivj sandth, having a master or hus- band : accompanied by a master or husband, mndtht, f. a woman whose husband is living. <■ u'IIm* fi^l^l sanndtd or sunndtd, m. the roar- ing of the waves ; rumbling noise made by wind and rain at a distance, h. Xutt ^HK sundr, m. a goldsmith. «. j^ .l_ju*>i F^fC«Ts?/«an*w,1 f. a goldsmith's ^1XJ,..^M W^Tiyft sundrnl,) wife. *. (jSJjm ^JtIiO sundrl (or sundrt), clever, gkil- 'ful. h. [goldsmith. $. (C)ljua> n«iKl siindri, f. the business of a (C,U*»» ig*lKl su-ndi'l, a good, handsome woman ; adj. clever, s. (_^jUu»» ^«iun su7idrt, clever, alert, skilful, h. j>*»lju*» TS^U^ sa7indst, m. (v. sanydsi) name " of a class of devotees, t. ^Uljurt sand-makki, m. senna of Mecca, a. ^Jo■*^* sindn, f. the sharp point (of a spear, arrow, needle, &c.). a. ^lj;**> i^rnr sndn, m. bathing, ablution, s. 131JUM 9«il«|T sundnd, a. to cause to hear, to inform, to advise, to tell, to bid, to warn, t, 2fjj^Ju*> W!^ sndftiya, ablutionary. s. jjjli**) ^WNhI sund,oni, f. tidings of any one having died abroad. *. ^J\j>u» sandy, f. the senna plant, h. ,JjJk**» sumhul, m. spikenard (to which the locks of a mistress are compared), sunibuli hindi. m. the spikenard {Valeriana jalamansi, Roxl.). *mnMi JshatS.t, Angelica, p. ^JJju*> siimbul, m. a flower (especially of an odoriferous plant), a. ( 479 jl^^JjjuM sMmiuZ-Mar,in.arsenic,orpiment. d. ftijJuM sumbula, m. the sign Virgo, a. sutf^jjuyi* samhosa, m. (v. saviosd). p. Ull^jJutJ WTcr«n sambhalna, a. to support, to npbc-;d, to stop, to restraiu. s. j„5;^Ja**» ^Vi«|^i.l sunhahri, f. name of a dis- ease (elephantiasis), s. Ol-x»*» 'Wri'mii sanpat or «r?imn sannipat, m. the name of a disease in wliich the body is seized with universal chilliness, deliquium (it is explained by the Hindu })h3sicians to be that in which the three hu- mours, bile, phlegm, and atrabilis, are corrupted), s. IjLi*** sampard, m. one who charms and catches snakes, d. ViIl«jV**j i[^t(sampat,f.(\. d*v>«*>) prosperity .s. uvJk**> saniparnd, n. to become captive, d. ^ja1»*» ^TTtoST mmpola, 'I m. a young IJjjJgj* ^Tftf^xnfsflj/j^oZ/ya, J snake, s, )/J^-I**» ^^TT satnpe7'a, w. a snake-keeper, one who charms and catches snakes, s. d*'tt*» sunnat, f. (lit. a religious ceremony necessary to be performed ; q. d. that which is con- stantly repeated or performed) : it denotes, first, cir- cumcision, hence sunnat-Jc, a. to circumcise : it is also applied to denote the traditions of Mul^ammad, ordi- nance, siumati mu'a'klad, a rule or command which must be obeyed literally and immediately, sanat, f. the repetition of the same course of the sun, with its concomitant changes ; a year. a. Oi**» 'fl^fTT sannati,f. reverence, obeisance. v«. CL^'xM ^J^ sant, m. a kind of ascetic, a saint; adj. pious, virtuous, devout, s, llik*»» ?r»fn santd, depraved ; miserly, h. tmJc'y*** ^♦jrni santdp, m. heat, burning heat; sorrow, pain, afBiction, misery, repentance, s. jj,\li**> ^»iIT^sawi,sad,8orrowful,afflicted. s. ^^,l:j>i>*> ^•in«! nantan, m. race, lineage ; pro- geny, offspring, children, s. vJL*JCJu»* ^nlT? santapta, distressed, afflicted:*',^. CL^'JjuM ^tiffK santati or santat, f. race, &c (v. santan). s. [content, delighted, s. cL'-SJxm* WRTW santuskt, satisfied, gratified, \j.'jl**> 'Wifm •'^.t>««) ^ santh, depraved ; miserly. $. A^jm sanj, in comp. denotes one who weighg or examines ; as, naghma-sanj or tarana-sanj, a mea- surer of sounds, i.e. a musician ; sukhan-sanj, a weighei of words, i.e. an orator, siyij, adj. elected, chosea; m. a choice. sm?i;, m. the red (ter) jujube tree. p. (--^l^^ sanjdb, m. ermine, the grey squirrel (v. next word), p. ( i^ir sanjaf, f. border (tacked to the outer part of a garment), flouncing, p. ^\j^ sanjdfl, adorned with a border (cloths), p. CL>^^}^ ^U'9* sanjuht, joined, compounded, connected ; endowed with, possessed of. a. ^M» ^^ gfifjjdffi^ j^_ restraint, forbearance; soberness, abstinence from particular food on certain days. s. j_^*ss^ '^M*{\ sanjanii, sober, temperate, ab- stemious ; a saint, a sage, one who subdues his pas- sions, s. [of tree. «. ^-^Is^ ^^nn sanj and, m. (v. sahajnd) a species ^Lf^d^ ^^ftT sanjog, m. junction, adherence, association ; accident, event, chance, s. {^^^ ^*i1'IH sanjogan, f. wife of a san- jogi, q. V. *. j_^^*** «*\\f{\ sanjogi, m. an ascetic who does not observe a vow of continence, but has a family. «. '">_5^^*** ^»n^»n sarijowand, a. to prepare, s. ^^f*" ^W sa7ijhd, f. evening; a particular prayer said in the forenoon, at noon, and in the evca- ing. s. U^if*** ^RVRvfT sanjhnd, m. (v. sahajnd) a species of tree. s. [new. p. j^i^jtfji*** sanjidagt, f. gravity, considerate^ ^^S{^r sanjidan, to weigh (lit. or fig.), p. »A:p*** sanjida, weighty, grave, considerate, weighed, p. [ing to life. «. ^^^juii*** ^90 sanad, f. signature, a deed, the seal of a magistrate ; a patent grant or charter, from a man in authority ; a prop, any thing on which one leans or is supported; relation, connexion, sanad-war, in con- formity with the charter (v. Wilson), a. (XJLu> sund, insensibility; stupidity; a swoon; adj. insensible, stupid; lifeless, d. ^ijJLm> sindan, f. an anvil ; the iron on which the knocker of a door strikes, p. f^yip^<^ sanad- diwam, a grant, or writing for holding land, being that by which all xamtndaris 8re held. p. jc^xm) f^^K^sindur, m. (also sindur) red lead. s. jii^ ^P^ sundar, beautiful, fair, handsome, good, virtuous. *. ^(3a*M « f»i jT sunidrd, f. sound sleep, s. ^Sx**i ^•tli.rfl sundarata, 1 f. beauty, f^f^ji^JoM "^n^Tjn^ sundart a, t, J goodness, s. ^^^iXxm> fi?^5(tf sandarskan, m. locking, pre- senting, s, i^jtijjSXM* simdaros, m. sandarak or sanda racha ; a resin supposed to be produced by the Juni- perus communis, but now proved to exude from a species of thuia {Thuia articulata, Vahl.). a. p. tjfjiXx*** ^»?[Tft sundai'i, f. a fair or handsome woman, beauty, goodness, virtue, a small timber tree {Heritiera minor), s. (^jti^xui sundus, brocade, silk wrought with gold or silver, a. ^^d^ui sundusi, made of brocade, brocaded.a. jbt^i^lo) ^f^m sandigdh, doubted, questioned, doubtful, s. jj*Ua*j ftn^ sindur, ra. red-lead, minium, s. ^jiia*»» fflnji^T sindura, m. a box for rouge or paint, h. [allny, a lane. d. ^JJ^^^y^M aandorl, f. a narrow passage ; an J^S^jm ftr^V sindfm or sindh, ra. sea, ocean ; the Indus ; the name of a district, the country along the Indus or Sindh ; name of a musical mode or ragini. sindhn-pushp, m. a conch, sindhu-lavan, m. rock-salt. s. ^iXkm> ^rf^ sandhi, m. union, junction j peace, pacification ; a crack ; a hole. s. ^iyy*M ^Jaftl mnnidhi, f. proximity, s. ^^i^JoM ^T^UTfT sandhan, ra. spying, prying into secrets, sandhan pana, a. to trace, to discover. «. ^^!* Ji**» ^r«iMijUaxm» '^mH'j sundhamat, m. smell, per- fume, odour, scent, an earthy smell. <. «-— Afci^Xw* W^VW . TH^^ft sandesi or sandeshi, m. a ,.^,(Xlw> ?T»3[^ sandeh, m. suspicion, doubt, apprehension, hesitation, anxiety, a. ^^^^Sxui ^n^^ sandeht, doubtful, scrupulous, "suspicious, s. iXi*** ^nu sa7id, m. a eunuch, sund, the tmnk or proboscis of an elephant, s. \sl>*» inj.il sandd, strong, fat, stout; hardened excrement, scyhala, h. {^jtMyy*** ^RUnr sandas, m. a necessary, a water-closet (opening into the streets), a sink. h. u*»i4ia**» ^n!2T^ sanddsd, m. large pincers, s. j^i Ai*o Hiijitfl) sanddsl, m. (cor. o^sanydsi) ; "a caste ot Hindu ascetics, s. ^_^\i3Ju*> i?ni3T¥) sanddsl,' f^^^yx*Ji fmi*/[i sandst, ^^'j^Mi ic^^ sanrst, OtikXM) sundkd, m. the hump on the back of a camel, bullock, &c. d. [don. «. L»ju*» 5ff^ sansd, m. dread, doubt, apprehen- .LJu*» ^^TR sansdr, m. the world, the uni- f. tongs, small pincers, s. verse. *. J ww*»*M ^W^K sunsdr, m. a kind of ornament, h. udJjLJuu* ^Tllf^'Sli sflwsanA,! worldly, of this Vauwi i(V(^ sansdri, J world, s. ^nnntT sunsdn, void, still, silent, dreary, lonely, desolate. *. * (^_jw^.«Ji*»»'^W^ sansparsh, m. touching, con- tact, laying hold of, perception. *. jjl^ju-juj* 'HWTtT sansthdn, m. shape, form, make, fabrication ; a place where fonr road* meet ; n vicinity, a neighbourhood. (. yJxM W*RIT suiisar, m. the name of an orna- ment. /«. iptXn* ( 481 ; k£j^J>*M it^A sansarg, m. union, proximity, contact, familiarity, meeting, interview ; sexual attach- ment, s. ^^j< J x**» ^ifwfT sansargl, familiar, acquainted, "friendly, sociable, an acquaintance, s. .OgMjuM W^S^sanskar, m. completing,accom- plishing, perfecting ; an essential and purificatory rite among the Hindus ; purification, consecration, s. CLf^^'xjM ^^TiT Sanskrit, wrought, made, arti- ficially produced ; excellent, best ; decorated, orna- mented ; the Sanskrit language, the language of the gods, being supposed a perfect tongue, formed by in- fallible rules, s. ij\jJ\3S^ ^ 'xM» K^nrr^Trnft samkritanvyayl, following or imitating the SaAskrit, or language of the gods. s. jkut^un ^rnrc sansgar, productive, fertile, s. UlJuJu*> VW^HMI or ^QtiMI sansanana, n, to jingle, to ring ; to faint ; to simmer, h. sansau, m. apprehension (v. sansai). s. J>y*S*M mum or ^RTT^ san-sutr, m. pack- thread, s. j<-i**> ^^(Wf sansai, 1m. apprehension, fear, t ^ .ljk**> ??^ sanshai,} doubt, uncertainty. " sail shay apanna, affected with doubt, hesitating; doabt- ful, uncertain, sanshaydtma, m. a sceptic, tanihayalu, doubting; scepticaL iaruhayan, dubious, cncertain. «. (.:iJuuM f^rfPF^iTia^, m. blowing thenose, snot* ft. tiL*** vm sank, Ifear, terror, doubt, siw- oou*» #oFT sanha, f.) picion. «. j!)OJu*> l^^dk\AT.sunhatar,ixi. a kind of snake, h. j\^du*» ^^^\^, sankar, f. a sign, nod, wink, beckoning, s. \J>MSjm irsRJjy{\ sunkama, a. to beckon, to nod, to wink, or make a signaL a. {JLS.'xui "^[WZ sankat, narrow, contracted ; m. vexation, misfortune, pang, agony, pain, anguish, san- kat chauth, name of a Hindu holyday in the month of Magh, saa-ed to Ganesha. ». ^j^^XjAm* ^^^^^ sankuchttf unblown, un- opened ; abashed. «. , 4-*^-^*^ ^7R^ sankcht, f. a skate. «. Sj*tt TT^t sanhar, m. mixing, blending; a mixed or degraded caste proceeding from the promis- cuous intercourse of the four castes. $. OijXJa«> irwif sanhrat, If. the sun's en- doUxLi** '4i$iiir*d sankrantifj tering into a new sig^. t. C.o|^xI*a ^^|«|T sankrant, past, gone, trans- ferred from one to another; entered (into a new sign of the %odiac). «. ^kxmm sankrantif f. (v. sankrdt.^ s. {j^iJyJjM ^ftf^^ sayimkarsh, m. proximity. $. ^ ^ **»j>lu» ^oh^4!ir sankarshan, m. attracting, drawing ; a name of Balarama, the elder biother of Krishna, s. Mf^^^ ^"gW sankram, m. going, moving, tra- velling; the passage of a planet through the zodiac, a i^ x L\lM ««ifX| sankshep, m. abridgement, abbreviation, conciseness, compression, s. jJxLj* sanhal, m. a chain, d. (JXl**> ^cn^^ sanhal, m. collection, quantity ; addition (in arithm.). s. (J.xi**» WBS^ sankul, crowded, confiised, filled so as to be impervious. «. t-.*K>;a) ^41 (^ sankalp, ra. volition, resolve; the act of promising, or vowing religiously. toM- kalp-k. (v. sankalpna.) s. ^iAJoou*> ^cF^TTT sankalpna, a. to give alms (by making a religious vow), to vow. «. C« K; i o ^^KfcjSif sankalit, heaped, piled ; added ; m. addition. «. [addition. « jj^Kju** ^^(cl&vT sankalan, m. contact, junction ; UxjLm* f^^9n{\ sinahna, a. to blow the nose. h. j.^XLm) ^^[^^(^ sankoch, m. shame, bashfulness, reierre, difSdence ; shutting, closing, contraction ; a skate {Raia sancura). a. f^^>liM H4i)^«i sankochan, m» the act of shrinking, astringing, causing to shrink. «. ^j>-^ylu» itWt^ sankochi, bashful, reserved, diffident, s. ,^'tt*^ ^9 sankh, m. a conch which the Hin- dus blow ; a kind of ornament, a shelL <. ,^V.V) ^^ sankh, simple, artless, dapol sankh, promising much and performing nothing, h. Aibl^xi*** ^<4I^^ sankhahuli, name of a me- dicinal plant {Andropogon aciculatum f). «. ^ ^ i Jjjt ^fwnf^ sankhint, f. a description of woman (the worst of all, verj devils in look and nature), s. \x^^lu» T^tWn sankhya, f. a number, a nu- meral ; counting the numbers, one. two, tliree, &c. tankhiya. ra. a kind of poison, arsenic. <. Ua ^ J^m* ^'iMflT sankhyata, f. number, nume- ration, counting, t. l1**VJ1m.> ^ck'ff sanket, m. engagement, agree- ment; sign, gesture, sanket-tthan, m. a place of assignation, s. ^JijSja** ¥«lft#tT ssankhttatit m, celebrating, praising, honour, glorification. «. ^otAxiw* ^cR^^^ sankh-na, crowded, confused, s. 2i ( v*Xm> ^ savg, m. a stone ; weight, sangi atiyA, a millstone, sangi-basrl, zinc, sang-larash, m. a stoni-cutter. sa«^-iara, m. a kind of orange. sa»^- taul, equal in weisht. sangi-jirahiat, a species of stea- tites. san^'J Ich&ri, flint, sang-dana, m. the gizzard. sang-dil, liard-hearted. sangrexa and sang-rezi, m. gravel, mtigi-sulaimdnl, m. agate, onyx, sangi-sumalf, porphyry, sang-laki, stony, rocky. suMgi masana, m. the gravel, the stone. Mn^i marmar, m. marble, sangi mikuatis, the loadstone, sangi-musq, a black stone 80 called, tangi-yashatn, m. a kind of jasper or agate, s. \^JJm» wen sang, in the company of, along with; m. association, company, union, meeting, joining, i. i^^JIm* sing (for slng^, a horn. d. lCuu» ftnfT siw//a, m. tmmpet (of horn), s. j\XSjm ffl^-K singar, ornament, dress, em- bellishment, decoration. nngar-roM, m. one of the nine rasas (v. ras). s. l3.lXi**> fH^Kdf singarndy a. to dress, to decorate, to embellish, t. jlibjlC*** fH^lC?K singar-har, m. the weep- ing nyctanthes {Nyctanthes arbor tristis). a. \>j\fSu> ftr^Tft^n singdriyd, m. one whose business is to dress an idoL «. (j!i-xj:**» sang-push, JlL^Im* sang-pusht, nyiJiltjt sang-post, CIaXIam ^llTnr sangat or ^Infir sangati, f. meet- ing, union, association, intercoune, coition ; collection, congregation, company, society ; a place where the Sikhs celebrate their religious ceremonies, tangat, m. friendship, acquaintance ; union, meeting ; a^j. right, proper, welL i. m. a tortoise, a turtle, p. sangtara , |m. a kind of orange* the S/I/CUm sangtara,) name of which was changed by Muhammad Shah into rangtari, on soooimt of its beautiful colour, h. ^J^^^*** wnf\ sangati, m. f. companion, com- " rade. *. v^lyc*'**** sang-khrvdrakf^Q. species of bird, j^^y-XA*** sang-khwdra, J called by the Arabs hafS. p. jXiLm* ^TC sangar, m. lines, entrenchment; war, battle ; misfortune, calamity ; promise, agree- ment, i. Axi**> ituiH sangrdm, m. battle, war. ». » Jvi fff^^ singfi, f. a small powder>hom for priming. «. 492 ) jL«Xi*«» sangsdr, m. one who stones (to death), a slinger. }>. [death, p. (_fjLJwrt sangsdri, f. the act of stoning to jjIjLXu** sangistdn, m. a stony country, p. jL^tlM TT^rrH sattgskdr, m. idea, notion, impression. «. piomed beasts, d. J^^^I-^SIm sing-singott, a general term for j<-iJ«a» ^¥t sangsi, f. pincers, forceps. «. ^^f■ySZM» sangshOfi, f. washing rice, &c. be- fore .dressing, p. ^SiJJUjm sang-kupl, f. name of a plant used in mediciae (VolkeTneria ittermU). d. jJJm* ^HH sangam, m. coition; meeting, con- flux, union ; planetary oonjtinctioo. t. Ua^^^^m-t sungun lend, a. to act the spy. h, ^yC^M) ^jfiMW sangopan, m. hiding, con- cealment, s. ^^^1m filJ\tZt singautl, f. a polishing-tool "made of horn ; an ornament of metal on the horns of a bullock. «. [a quantity. ,. .A^n"> ?f|f sangh, m. flock, number ; a heap, A^'^ f^ Singh, m. a lion ; the sign Leo ; a name or title common among the Hindus and Sikhs. slngh-parnl, f a plant (Jusiicia adhenatoda). singh- puchhi, f. a plant (Hedysarum lagopodioides). singh- kethar, m. a lion's mane ; a plant {Mimu^ops elengi). tingh-ndd, m. war-cry, war-whoop, tingh-nadak, m. the roar or yelp of a lion ; war-cry. singh-nadakd, f. He- dysarum alhagL i. OWiCiM) ^trnf sanghdt, m. companionship, society, assemblage. <. [a friend. «. ^^I^JImm tjlili^^ sanghdtty m. a companion^ jI^CiLm) fl^R sanghdr, m. destruction, loss; the destruction of the world ; making away, killing, murdering; adj. killed. «. li.l^Xj-*» ^^R«iT sanghdrnd, a. to kill, to make away with. <. \jl^jCl**> f^^l'ST singhdrd, m. trapa natans; water chestnut or water caltrops ; a handkerchief folded diagonally. ». ^**»I^.Cl»*» fw^mn singhdsan, m. a throne. tinghdsan batt'isi, name of a Hindi work of fiction. <. l3\^£;-*» ^^rr»n sunghdnd, a. to cause to smell, to inhale, s. [fume, a, cIjjV^X-^ ^MIM2 sunghdmat, f. odour, per- ra. the royal gate or en- trance to a .^^^JCjIm* f*i ^ mIt. singh-paur, JjA^xJLmj ftr^T^I^S singh-paul, .tj Ji.^£l**» f^^TK shigh-dwdry palace ; that un which is placed the effigy of the lion. $. (JL^^J^L*** ^^ sanghat, compact, close, col- lected, tanghati, f. assemblage, heap, unfon ; com pactness. Bosighatta, f. compactness, approximation. .< il.txM ( 483 ) U \a^J:«*» ^n^riT sanghita, f. an arrangement of the text of the Vedas ; a compendium, a collection of laws, &c. s. [bark; Ceylon, t. (j4*-**» fi^^ singhal, m. tin, brass j cassia ^j^*M» fjH^fil singhan'i, f. a lioness, s. U^kJyu* ^frnn sanghiya, m. a companion. «. tX^ sangi (v. sang'in), stony, heavy. ^. /^Ljj ^T^ A-aw^'i, uniting with, attached, lust- "ful; m. a companion, an accomplice, t. \jSi**» ftiOr^ T singiyd^ m. a kind of poison, s. IjlClo iR^ sangya, f. a noun } a metaphor, an idiomatical phrase, s. lIaaxJJm wftK snng'if, m. music, singing, a con- cert ; the exhibition of song, dancing, and music, as a public entertainment ; tlie art of dancing and music. sangit-darpan, name of a book on music, sangit-ndch, a kind of dance, s. i^yS^Mi s ingin, stony, heavy, weighty; solid, thick; f. a bayonet; "from the Turkish sungii, a spear, bayonet. The Persians call this weapon scr- naiza, but never sangln." — (B.) p. ^iitltM sanglnl, f. a load ; solidity, p. IXMm* ^c^^«i sanlagna, joined, adherent. $. ^^l^i**) WHm sanman, m. respect, esteem, reverence. «. [BpectfiiL «. ^UJy-i* ^Hl<^ sanmdni, adj. polite, civil; re- l^^^'t.x. ^[jf^ sanmukh, opposite, confronting. $. U>i*»i ?RT sanna, n. to be impregnated ; be stained, soiled, smeared, or defiled; to be kneaded, mixed up (as flour, dough, earth, Stc). /». \jj^ ^rai sunnd, a. to hear, to listen: m. a dot, cipher, s. O^yug* sanwdt, n. (pi. of &!«») years ; old coin current at a depreciated rate after a certain num- ber of years ; rupis, ot old date which still pass at a discount, commonly called sunaut rupees, in opposi- tion to sicca rupees, a. \3.1yu*» ^ WtT^TT sunit, well-behaved, politic ; m. (also suniti, f.) propriety of bebavioor, good conduct, polic}'. s. J^^ Wf^t'^J.sanichary m. Saturn ; Saturday, s. U^*** ^«ft^TT sanlchard, unlucky (fellow) j m. name of a mountain near to Go.aliyar. i, d^^y^Mi limh sanyukt, joined, united with. $. j*-i**> ^T sanyam, m. piety, abstinence, for- bearance, s. ^^**XM»WJt{\sanyaml, abstinent, temperate, s, (jrUA*> sanm (for sang'in) a bayonet, d. i.^}Ll*t» ^ ^a^ sneh or saneh, m. friendship, love, afifection ; oil. sneh-wan, affectionate, t, jc^i*^ '^'^ sne/ti or sanehi, kind, affec- "tionate, friend, lover, mistress, t. y*> ^ sau, a hundred, sau sir kd hand, im- plies excessive perseverance or obstinacy (lit possess ing one hundred heads, of which if one be cut off, the others still remain), s. y*» su (for su)j (in comp.) good, as su-dhdl, neat, elegant, sudaul, beautiful or well-shaped, s. yM fw^ siva, m. Shiva, the Deity in the cha- racter of the destroyer, s. yj> SU, f. a side, direction, part ; towards, in the direction of. p. y*t ih SO, correl. pron. that same. so,t or so- hl, that very. h. yM ^R sav, m. a dead body. h. y*» SO (v. son), with, from. d. )^^^sai?a, with a quarter, a quarter more, as sawa tin, three and a quarter, h. \yM Ht^J so,d, m. fennel {Anethum soma, Roxb.). s. \yM TTBU su,a or TRT suvd, m. a parrot, a parroquet ; a needle with which gunny-bag* are sewed, a packing-needle ; an awn of com. s. \yM f^pTT sivd, f. a name of the goddess Par- vati (q. v.). t. \yM sirca, more, better; besides, except, without ; beyond or past (an object) ; over and above, a. /i^ty^ sarvdbik (pi. of «>5jL«») past events, a. i^j\^\yij» ^wrfV^ swdbhdvik, natural, pe- culiar, inherent, s. C^\yM ^ifiT smdti, f. the star Arcturus, the fifteenth mansion of the moon. «. 2i2 ( 3!yjj ^^frHTW swati-suty the issue of Arcturus ; a pearl (v. sut), ». [prove, h. K}^\yj» V^T^r^ san-achna, a. to test, to try, to i\y*i ^T^ sread or TERT^f sawad, m. relish, flavour, taste, sweetness, pleasure, t. i\yj» ^STTf swadu, sweet, savoury, dainty, agreeable, desired, t. S\^ sarvad, m. blackening, soot, smoke; environs ; reading ; ability, a. Li)^^^ ^T^swac^aA,^ delicious, relishing, ^^^\y*» WT((c5 sroadal, J of liigh flavour. $. AjoAfci^y** ^Slfv^TrT swadhipatya, m. supreme sway, sovereignty. ». jOJ&tilyu* ^ipMeiiK. STvadkikar, m. own or pe- culiar office or station, s. (^^(it^ ^TV)«T swadhin, independent, being one's own master ; absolute, despotic ; a neuter verb. $. \jjjJ6ii^^**» '^X>(\^K\ swadliinataAt indepen- j^jifcii^yj* ^TVtrTt swadhini, J dence, li- berty. $. i_<«i\yo '^ijr({ swadl, ra. a taster. ». j\y*» samar, ni. a rider; mounted (on a horse, carriage, ship, or any thing else); cavalry, a trooper; (met.) drunk, tipsy, sawdr-kdr, a good rider, a jockey. tawar-kari, f. good riding, jockeyship. p. ^'^X so,ar, m. the chamber of a puer- peral woman. «. j^Mi fiERK sirvdr, m. green vegetation, at the bottom of pools or other water {FallisTieria splrdlit or octandra). s. yy** ^^ SM,ar, m. a hog, a wild boar^ s. 9j»-\j\y*t ^KIs^ swarajya, m. final felicity. $. ^j]y*t WT"^ swarth, having one's own ob- ject ; m. mundane afTairs, desire, &c. ; selfishness, s. {^J^j\yM Wlf^tW srvdrthik, answering its ob- Iect, expressing its own or literal meaning ; succeeding n one's purpose ; effective, successful, useful, s. tf^j^y^ «ai"JT swartht, selfish, self-gratify- ing. ». i^y* ^«0 su,art, f. a sow (v. su,ar). s. {jj^y** sawarlff. riding; equipage, suite, p. ^^J^^fiy*t WVm suyds, m. a kind of rice. h. ^^\yJ» « HI'IA swdgat, m. welcome, saluta- 484 ) i^ya \^^y** suwdl, m. ij terrogatory, question, pro- jV position, request, sutedl-k., to ask. to question, to b^ or solicit alms : pi. tuwdldt. a. [deva. «. ^^^**» flcimicSI siwdld, m. a temple of Maha- f}^yt» sun'dti, m. a questioner; the person who sings the marfiya (q. v.). a. ly<\y*i ^Tfvn? smdmitway m. mastery, supe- riority, sovereignty, t. i^^y** WV^ swdnii, m. master, owner, lord, "proprietor; a husband, a lover; a prince, a monarch { the Divine Being; a spiritual preceptor; the Dan^i fakirs are so called, swami-droh, m. injuring one'» master, treachery, t. f^y** ^T«T swan, m. a dog, a hound, s. \i\yM sawdnih (pi. of a^Uo), accidents, oc- currences, incidents, events, sawdni^-nigdr or *a- ivanij^a-nigar, a news-writer, intelligencer ; an officer stationed by the Mogul government in distant pro- vinces, to transmit weekly to court an account of all public transactions, such as the collections of reve- nues, the management of lands, and the state of the country (barbarous plur. sawdnij^dt). a. i^JJ>\yu TfrWTTT sawdng or iSTT swdng, m. mimicry, acting, imitation, disguise, sham, swang- Idna, to imitate, s. ^Jii\yM IBWft sarodngi or ^T'ft swdngl, m. "an actor, a mimic (. &31^M» siwdna, m. verge, limit (v. sirvdna). s. (S*^y** ^<4l|, sawa,\, m. a title of the raja of Jaipur; a quarter more; as tawa.i-titi, three and a quarter. ». [philis. d. ^Ayj» sawdfi, f. the venereal disease, sy- f^J'\yM siwd,e, except, besides, beyond, over and above (v. iiwa). a. \>\y*» ^^T^ snwdyd, a quarter added, s. jJ\yM sarvdyim (pi. of &^U»), flocks, herds : according to Gladwin the term is understood to imply camels, oxen, goats, and other animals which subsist for the greater part of the year on pasture; where- fore, if they live but lialf the year in pasture, and are fed for the other half upon forage, they do not fall under the description of sawd.im. a. /vi\j»**» WWi:^ xu-bds, m. a pleasant dwelling ; f. fragrance, perfume. *. j^yM W^T. subnr, impure, alloyed (silver), h. ^^j>y*» ^y*» Ht*^ sobhd, f. beauty, splendour; orna- ment, dress, decoration, embellishment, t. s^\.A)^M» i^W^ saubhdgya, m. auspicious- ness, good fortune; the fourth astronomical ^og. mm bhdgya-wdn, fortunate, s. ^y** ( 485 ; y^y** H'PfJ^ sohhaw or ^>TT^ srvabhaw, m. nature, natural property or disposition; custom, prac- tice, fashion, habit, temper, disposilion. subhaw, m. good disposition, good nature ; adj. well-disposed, s. j^U^l^^«> ?ft»?lTRT«T sobhayuman, beautiful, splendid, conspicuous, adorning, s. u^>^**i ^^V^:m sohhna, n. to become, to befit, s. j»j^J»**> ^)?f>T swabhumi, f. own land, n«tive country, s. [nowing com with, t. U^j4M jm sup, m. a kind of basket for win- Ux)b^ij* ^'m^WT supabena, m. name of a bird, a swallow {Hirundo apus batassia. Buck.), t. ^b^ TnnTT supdid, m. glans penis, h. (^b^**> ^qiO supdri, f. betel-nut. *. ^jb^M* fftVlff sopdn, f. a ladder, a scale, s. ^J^^y** ^W swapna, m. sleeping, dreaming. swapna-bichar, m. interpretation of dreams, tufopna- bichdrt, m. an interpreter of dreams. swaptUMrdoth, m. nocturnal pollution, t. jjs^j ^ ui^' su-phal, of good fruit, useful. $. ifX^y^ Tfivm^Q sUpiydri, f. betel-nut for chewing, i. dyj* mf sut, m. thread, yarn ; a silver thread ; a stamen (in botany), a tendril ; a bard ; a charioteer ; a carpenter. «u<-^i2fiA needle ^ork. «. C^y* ^TT said, f. rival (wife), contemporary wife (one wife is taut to another), t. C^y^iihlfsot, m. f.la spring, a fountain, a Gyui TS\in SGtd, m. J jet d'eau, a rivulet, an arm (of the sea), sola, m. sleeping ; sleep, t j^y*t ^nr sui7-a, m. a thread ; a rule, a pre- cept, «. uiJo^ ^TrToir sutah, m. uncleanness produced by the birth of a child or a miscarriage. «. \^.j^^-fTTo|iT sutihd, f. a woman recently de- livered. s. ^yiyM^^^^ sTital, m. hell, or a place three stages under the surface of the earth. «. ^lo^" ^ric&l svtld, m. reins of a carriage ; the little skin that rises backwards near the nails, at the end of the fingers, h. Aijj-* ^nr^S^ sutU, f. string, twine, s. ^J>y*> ^ritf f, (v. saui) a rival wife. s. \Sjy*» ^ri«il sutnd, n. to sleep, s. J^y** ^ri^l^ swatantratdyi. independence, ^^ IJt^l soth, f. swelling, rising, s. ^j^yM ^n5»T suthan, f. drawers, h. fj^y^ wy*i^ sw'yj» ^ITT sujd, m. a borer, a gimlet, an auger, an awl. s. ^^yt» M«if{ sujan, f. swelling, smajan, m. a distant kinsman, t. \jc>-y*» M^i'tii sujnd, n. to swell, to rise. *. \j>>'y*» sujnd, u. to be known or perceived, d. s.^yst-y** Mt^wii saujanya, m, kindness, good- ness, s. .^y*»Jf'(^sujh, f. sight, perception, s. ,^-yn ^ftv^ sojh, f, straightness, directness, k. \^y*i ^¥^ sojhd, straight, direct, h. \j,^>-yn ^r^-ynWS(\ sujl, m. a tailor; f. a needle, s. ^e>-y*» "^S^ svji, f. meal, flour (ground "coarse) ; the " simola " of the Italians, h. ^y*» 'fft^ soch, m. consideration, reflection, thought, meditation, s. ^y** ^^^ sutich, m. washing, ?iblution (parti- cularly the private parts) on going to the necessary, s. \>-%*M '^'^^X, suvichdr, m. deliberate or due consideration, s. d^yn «Nw su-chit, thoughtless, easy, at leisure ; careful, attentive, occupied, s. t.dlr»-a*«» ?1M«h' suchak, m. a teacher, an instruc- tor ; a needle (for shuchak), a spy, an informer, t. (j^-y* ^*t^»T suvachan, m. eloquence, ele- gant diction, s. \j^yn ^i'^m sochnd, a. to consider, to medi- tate, to advert, s. ,^»-yu ^ras smachchh or sawachchh, pure, clean, clear, transparent. stoachchhata, f. purity, transparency, s. [fine, slender; shrill, i. ^^yti 9'^H suchham or suchhma, subtile, ljL^»-^ flt^HriT suchhamid or mchhmatd, f. subtileness, minuteness ; shrillness, t. d!y^yn ^^fla^7^.srracMan-y** ^^ suchl, f. a needle, s. ^.lsT^'** *^'^^'* sucht-patr, m. an index (to a work). «. dA»-jM) soJthtf burnt ; a revoke at cards, p. ^i*-^ sokhtagi.f. burning; vexation, heart- ** burning, p. f^f^yji sokhtan, (r. soz) to burn, so^htanif fit to be burnt, p. [m. a slow-match, tinder, p. tS^yu* sokhta, burnt, sokhta-dil, heart-burnt; dyM sud, m. profit, interest, gain, usury. «urf- baffa, profit and loss, sud-khor, an usurer, p, \^yt» sauda, m. melancholy ; love; ambition; desire, concupiscence ; madness ; atrabilis. a. ^liyut sauda, m. trade, traffic; marketing. taudi tulvf, m. traffic, barter, p. S\dyj» saudagar, m. a merchant, saudd-gari, £ merchandise, p. ^J\iyJ» sauda,t, mad, insane, melancholy, a. j^iyM sud-khoVf m. a usurer, a publican, p, iJj^i^y** sud-khprl, f. borrowed money, p. jdyM Wf^ sudr, m. (for thMdra) the fourth or lowest caste of the HindOM. «. jdy^ ^t^ sodar, \m. (for tahodar, q. v.) \jiyMTit^sodara,) born of the same mo- ther, uterine ; m. an own brother. «• f^\jiiy*> "^^Jiifi sudrant,\f. a female of the iXji^y** 15^ «Sc?rani. J midr caste. *. 4VJmc(3^ sud-mandf profitable, advantageoos, beneficial, p. [ablei^a. |k (CjJwc<3yA sudmandi, f. advantage, profit- {»)^y*> siidan (r. sOffi) to wear, to nib. p. ^yM suda, rubbed, dissolved ; m. a powder, p. ^dyj* ?ftV sodh, f. discharge (of debt) ; cor- rection, search, inquiry, collation, a. 4bi5j*»» ^f^ suvidh, of a good kind, in a good or easy way, easily, t. \lbiyut lEryr sudha, proper, true ; straight ; simple, artless, s. [nees. t, ijf\i>:)yji ^^T^ sudhdft, f. simplicity, artless- ^5y*> ^fil^ swadharma, m. the peculiar duty appropriate to each of the four classes of Hindus ; such H8 praying of « Brahman, fightingof a soldier,&c.j. Ufc3,*u TtYvRl sodlnm, 2i. to pay, to discharge (a debt), to liquidate ; to collate; to refine metals. *. i^iy** sud'i, (ii)oiioy) borrowed at interest, p. ^JLj>^y*» ^^^ sirudesh, m. native country, home. s. ^jiiyti'^it^ su-daul,'\ well-shaped, ele- ^\jbSyjt ^\t$ su-dhal,) gant. s. h. ^yM suwar (pi. of ijy**), chapters of the ^ur^. a. jy*» ^R STvaVf m. tone, voice ; a vowel, i. jyM T(Ji sur, m. a hero ; the sun ; (contr. of surdas, q. v.) ; (cor. of thula) tenesmus $, jy*» ^T saur, solar ; name of a fish. s. )jy** ^RT sura, m. (same as sur) a hero, &c. «• LL^uyu* saurat, avarice, greediness, d. JiVyM [^MmjCM sivaratri, m. a festival held on the fourteenth of the dark fortnight in the month of Phals^ma (February-March), in honour of the anni- verstii-y of the birth of linga or phallus, t. m\y** surakh, ra. a bole, orifice, passage, p. , ^to be helpless, to urae-jdnd,} be beyond pa- ^]ty** saurana ^\s^i^Ajyti saun tienoe or endurance, d. f^jy** ^itvn saurabh, m. fragrance, saffron, s, jf^jy** ^i^^ sur-htTt m. a champion, a hero. «. \^jyt» swraty a chapter of the \urjan, of which there are 114. toMrat, sovereign power, des- potism, a. [dlMri, heroic, t. \3j^ M.ffl surtdf f. valour, herobm. surtd' f^jy** fitC3 sorathf f. name of a musical mode or ragmi. ». {bhSkka). t l^ptyM Vt^T sorthd, m. name of a metre (^in fTjy** H^M suraj or TH^ surj (for surya), m. the Ban. turj-sankranti, f. the son's entrance into a new sign, luraj-gahan or surya-grahan, m. eclipse of the son. turj-man^cU, m. the orb or disc of the sun. $. iT'-'^T- ij"^ ^mTW furjdst, m. sunset, s. ^^r^Kjy^ 'jnij^ suraj-mukhl or suraj- wt6khi, snnflower {Helianthus annuus) ; a kind of fan. «. k^^y^jy** ^4T<;m surjaday, m. sunrise, s. {^\Ojy** ^rt^W surdas, name of a Hindi poet and singer who was blind ; hence a blind man is called surdas. s. sLfjyt* ^[^ srvarg, m. the sky, the first heaven (of the HindQs). twarg-arohan, ascending to heaven. swarga-gaman, m. going to heaven, swarga-lok, m. paradise, s. C^jyt* ^iHiI sTvar-gati, f. going to heaven, future felicity, death, s. ^jy*» Wf(^ srvargiya, ^T^ sTvargya, or swargi, celestial, s. [dise. s. ti) J,^ ^^^^ s^^^-iok, m. heaven, para- l/Oj^ mtn aurmd, 1 bold, brave, surma- ^\x.y*» ^mi surmdn, J pan, m. bravery, s. j^xy** su7'-mar, brave, valiant, d. ^jtXtjyM ^mm saur-mds, m. a solar montb.«. j'!^jy*» ^^HcjJK sur-malar or sur-mallarf m. name of a musical mode or rdginl. h. jtr*» ( 487 ) ci3. ^ ty^ ^^ sn'^JTWff, m. gold, swarna-ptixhjn, i. the Cassia fistula; a medicinal sort of moon-plant. swarna-cliurd, in. the blue jay. swarna-gairik, m. a kind of ochre, golden ochre, swarna-kshirt, f. a medi- ciniil kind of moon-plant, said to be brought from the Himalaya mountain, s. Ujy** ^^^ suvarn, of good tribe, of good colour, bright; m. gold; a sort of sandal-wood ; a red ! chalk or ochre. sai;arna-g'a/z(7,m. (in arith.) allegation I medial, s. [same class or kind. s. fj',y^ TTiTtf savarn, like, resembling; of the {^jy** "^fUa sitrcti, m. an edible tuberous root {Arum campanulatum, Roxb.). s. U -jy** suranJMi, f. name of a medicine {Ilermadactylus, Gol.). a. '•^jy** ^^W swarnak, golden, of gold. s. ^jjy** ««i^ stva-rup, m. own or natural shape, forjn, appearance, or identity ; similar, like. ». l>jy** sura, m. a tale, story, fable, a chapter of the Tcur,dn (of which there are 114). a. J^-jy** ^^<*<\< saurit/a?', sizeable, h. ^.^;ljy* *^^** suri/odai/a, m. the rising of the sun. s. '^'jy** ^^ surya, m. the sun. mrya-grakari, an eclipse of the sun. surya-hantt, of the solar race ; the name of a tribe of Ks^atrlyas, who claim their descent from the sun (v. suraj). a. jytjisoz, m. burning ; vexation, heart-burning j ardour; a stanza of a marsiya or elegiac poem, soz- guddz, m. burning and melting; an impassioned Style in poetry, soz-ndk, burning, ardent, p. tiJ^^«** sozdJt, m. a gonorrhoea, clap. p. ij^jy-* sozan (v. soz), burning, &c. p. {^jyui sozish, f. burning, solicitude, pain, vexation, p. i^jy** .suzan, f. a needle ; pricker (of a gun), p. i^^jy** sozandagi, f. a conflagration, p. ISijy** sozanda, ra. burning, kindling, a burner, p. {j)\y>* soznt, f. a kind of coverlet, p. jjii^Jy** sozidan, to burn (in a transitive or intransitive sense), p. (^jnyj* sus, m. liquorice (^Glycyrrhiza). a. (^jt>y*» WS SUS, m. a porpoise (Delphinus). s. y^ fnftsMA'i, f. a kind of cloth, h. CLj\p'yM sa ugh dtj f. a rarity, present, cu- riosity, p. ^\S'yt» saughati, given as a present or me- morial, fit for a present, (hence) rare. p. jiy*> sufar, m. and f. the notch of an arrow or needle, p. [Venus ; Friday. 3, i^y*» ^TcF suk, m. (for shukra) the planet i^yjt ^ftcF sok, m. the holes in a bedstead through which the strings for bracing it pass. h. ^yt» ^y«R sok, m. affliction, grief, lamenta- tion. «. o^**» TTflRT sukd, dry, withered (v. sukha). s. %y*» Tf^suka, ra. a quarter of a rupl piece, h. —j6yM ^4ilO swakdrj, m. own business or duty. «. (^j*t9yji ^oRT^ sukds, m. leisure, opportunity, s, \jjyj» ^^TW suvakta, eloquent, s. u>y*> TTciTTT suktd, lean, weak. s. t»>^ 'iiy*i ^WZ^S swakutumb, m. own family, s. S y*> Ttmx. suhar, m. a hog, a wild boar; the hog-deer, saukar, m. saukari, £ hoggish, swinish. *. C^SyM W^fHf swahrit, done or made by one's self, self-performed. $. fiSy** flfmfi^ suvikram, m. prowess, valour, s. ^iy*» TTS^T su/tshma, little, small, minute, fine, subtle, sukshmald, f. fineness, subtlety, sukshma- buddJii, shrewd, acute; f. mental acumen, sdkslima darslii. sliarp-sighted, acute, s. \^y^ ^^q5 sicalnil, ni. own fiiiniiy or race. s. {^'y** T^iW^ saukan, f. a rival wife.- /*. U>y*» ^oR «TT sifAna, n. to dry, to become dry. s. \i\JS yhn ^cfiTnTTT saukanapd, m. rivalry be- tween wives of the same husband, h, \y^y*> TTcR^ sukrvd, m. a kind of vetch, h. \^y*» ff^l sukhd, dry ; m. dry tobacco eaten with betel-leaf; a consumption, atrophy; the croup ■n children, sukhd-dhdn, rice burnt up by the sun's rays, sukhd-lagnd (Dakh.), to be hungry, to be lean or emaciated, s. [sumption, atrophy. «. <-£;4?"'4\y*** ^♦S'as^ sukh-chhari, f. a con- (t^y** suhham, abstracted &c. (v. suchham). s. \x^yM» ^^tH suhhnd, n. to dry, to evaporate, to fall away, to pine away, to shrivel, to wither. $. \j^^yj» 'tft'S'TT sokknd, a. to soak up, to ab- Sfirb. S. ^^y*» f^^sWiiy f. a quarter of a rupl piece, s. i^y^ ( 488 ) 6jfy*» ^nft^ snaktt/a, m.l own, belonging j/y*> ^^*\l sroahiydy i. j or relating to one's self. t. [tion. p.t. \lfy*» ^HtT sog, m. affliction, grief, lamenta- \iy*» ;prTTT sugcLf m. a parroquet. «. dJ^yj* saugand, f. an oath, an asseveration. taugand-khdna or -JcJiurdan, to make oath, to swear. «. fCi;^y**\iMy^ saugandd-saugandi, f. mutual asseveration upon oath. p. Jb^j^yji ^TTV su-gandh or ^'T-V saugandh, f. perfume, fragrance (also saugandhya) ; adj. fragrant. lugandh-sana, impregnated with perifume. s. ^y*» H^^iSft saugunl, a hundred-fold. ». j^^y** sogirar, grievous, afflicting, p. fjS^yM sogwdriff. affliction, grief, sorrow, p. ii^T[ft7ftso^i,afflicted,grieved,sorrowful./?.«. OUSy*> ^infir swagyati, f. kindred, kin; m. a kinsman, m, t^\jfyM sogydna, m. mourning clothes, p. ^}y*» Tirgs sul, m. f. cholic; a trident, pike, dart, the point of a spear; a thorn; compassirai, ten- derness. J^ T|(5 sul, m. situation, condition, h. (v>^y*» ^rf^(55ro savilds, wanton, sportive, t. i-^y*» W^ swalp, very small, very few. s. eiy*t ^qS^ solah, sixteen. «. ^^1^^ ^q5?«IT solahwdh, the sixteenth. ». i)y*> ^^5M/i, f. an impaling stake; a name "ofMahadeva. sul'i-dena or -charhana, Xo ixaT^e. «. j,yj» W{ sum, m. a miser (Ar. shum, q. v.). h. ^yn ihm som or soma, m. the moon ; the moon-plant {Asclepias acida); Monday; a mountain or mountainous range so called, som war, m. Monday, s. j^(>y** i(tW^ som-patra, m. a sort of grass (Saccharum cylindricum). t. ^j^My*» ^Hit1^ som-tirtht m. a place of pil- grimage in the west of India. $, ^]j*y** ift^JJ^ som-rdj or som-rdjl, m. black cumin-seed [Scrratula anthelmintica. Both.). «. Ldl«^ I^^'V saumik, lunar, s. C^\j^yM somandt, m. an idol ; name of a celebrated idol temple in Guzerat. t.p. ^\jjoy*» 4^H*im soma-ndth, m. the god Ma- hadeva. s, j^jjty** ihlf^^K som-wdr, m. Monday, s. C^j^yM ih^Wn sum-Tvat, lunar, like the moon. ». ^^y^'^ jiuw, empty, vacant ; silent, dreary} (in arith.) a cypher, or what in ichool phraieology to called " an ought." <. . ^^y*» ^hm son, m. name of a river ; rtame of a flower, a kind of jasmine {Bignonia ijtdiea). $. (^y**^^ sunu, m. a son. jr. ^^y** ^ son, f. an oath, an asseveration. Is^uda ki «oH, a phrase equivalent to "I swear bv God." h. f^y*** Wt son, postp. from, with (v. se). h. \>yu» ?ft«TT sond, n. to sleep; (met.) to die; m. gold, tone ka natvald, an ezpensi>e banquet, a delicious morsel, t. u^M» WfTt sund, empty, deserted ; the follow- ing lines contain a "jeu de mots" on the various meanings of sond and sund : — Sond lene pi gaye, sund kargaye des ; sond mild, na pi phire, rupd fiogaye kes, my love went to earn gold, and left the country deso- late : I could not sleep (or he found gold), my love re- turned not, my hair became silver. «. (^\)yji hl^\'^ swatidsh, m. self-destruction, s. VJLO^ ^rhrrjT sompnd or ^ijiil saumpnd, a. to deliver over, to commit any thing to the care or charge of another, t. [auisum). h. 0^y*» "^^tm sunph, f. anise seed {Pimpinella Vxiiyj* ^HffT sufitnd, "i a. to strip leaves of \i^^ ijvjfil sunthnd,} vegetables; to draw a sword, h. kiLo^M> ^ sunt, f. silence, sunt hhamd, t > depart in silence, siinf-mdmd, to maintain silence, U be silent, h. \ji^yj» V^Z\ sontd, m. a club, mace, pe«tle. tonfe-barddr, a mace-bearer; a person in the retinae of the great, armed with a abort curved club, gene- rally covered with silver, h. bUJyM sontdndf a kind of sweetmeat, dm f^^yM WtZ sonth, f. dry ginger ; (met.) a miser, sonfh ki si nas le ralmd, n. to endure, to wait patiently, to suffer, sonfh ki nds na lend, to be very covetous, s. ^c^\J^^JiyM^^^t^l^ sonthurd,e, hard, miserly, a ludicrous expression, q. d. chief of misers), h. _jiijy*» 1^^^ saundarj, m. beauty, comeli- ness, s. \^SiyM ^TMT sohdhd, m. a composition of fragrant substances used for washing the hair ; smell- ing like that of a new earthen vend when wetted, or from parching of pulse. «. cLJbU j3^a*> firvi^j sondhdhat, f. fragrance . a smell like that of new earth, i. \jj&tiJ^*»> ^rV«n sondhnd, a. to rub cloth in mud, preparatory to washing ; to mix, to smear, h, ^Siy*» vt'i sondhe, fragrant, smelling like "new earth, t. ^^^y*» wf^ sondi, f. the wash in which washermen steep their cloth, k. 3Jy*> ^ sund, f. proboscis of an elephant. «. \s>y** <(hn sundd, m. a weevil, or small insect inooro* k. ur* ( 489 ) 1^j3»m> ittW sundka, m. saddle-cloth, or pUlow under a saddle ; the hnmp on the back of a camel, bullock, &c. h. Jb^jyji ^ sundh (v. sund). s. \^y^ '^ftrj munra, ni. soot, or any thing of a black colour, s. i^'jiy** #^ mnrt, m. a distiller and vender of spirituous liquors. *. ^ jgr ^^^ '■'% .xA> sunfi-musha TihTiha si, a tax on ~the vendors of spiritnons liquors, mm. t^yM i[^ suns {sus), a porpoise, s. jLJy*» saunsar, family (wife and children) ; tribes, fouitoari, a honsewife. d. {twn), h. u-i3y*» saunf, f. aniseed {PimpineUa ani- slS^yM saung,m. (v. sarvang), mimicry,&c. d. \i3yji ipu sunga, m. the clitoris, h. ^y*» T^n^rf^sTvanagar, m. one's own or native town, city, or country. <• Uo^*^li> talut, king Saul, so called by the Mu- Ifammadafu. a. OUlla tamdtA statntes,\sivrB; doubtful worda^ j^l/c'Ja taman, ) without certainty, a. *«lis tami', covetous, greedy, desirous. a» ewt«\^ tamia, avarice* greediness, a. ^j*)..*U9 ta,us, m. a peacock (to»?). a. ^wMj^li^ ta,usi, f. a kind of ornamental hand- ■' writing; adj. of or relating to the peacock, falstt i fa.usi, the peacock throne, i.e. the throne of the em- perors of Delhi, which was adorned with jewels, so as to resemble a peacock's tail, a, ^Us tahir, pure, unsullied, chaste, a. JlL ta,ir, flying; m. a bird, tafir-hhanaf an aviary, a. \.Juu9 tdfif, circumambulating, night patrole; a vision in a dream ; vile thoughts or suggestions of Satan ; a city in Hijdz. a. eSO\^ ta,ifa, m. people, nation, tribe, a troop, a band (particularly of mnsictans and dancing women), suit, equipage, a. [the science of physic, a. u.^ tibb, f. medicine, magic. Hlmu-t-tihb^ C^\y^ tabdbat, f. the practice of physic, a. ^\jj9 tabbdkh, m. a cook. a. jXu^jja tabdshir,f. the sugar of the bamboo, a. jjUIj tabdh, m. a vessel for kneading dough in. a. ^j^ylfJa tabdht kutta, a sponger, a. h. Aj^Ul? tabdnja, 1 , , , , j,\ ' , rm. a slap, box, or blow. p. MsfuL tabdncha,) *^ '^ ^fls tabdfi" (pi. of Ci w jkjj g ), natures, &c. a, ^jjt^ tabarzad, sugar-candy, conserve of roses ; fine hard white sngar. p. «fl9 /o6', f. nature, genius, temperament, quality, disposition. JqV-tM, original invention, a. ^^_^jJs tab% natural, constitutional, a. %Z^x * x ^ tablyat, f. nature, temperature, con- stitution, health, property, essence, a ^jUo tabah, m. a cover; a plate, a tray, a dish ; a leaf, a disk ; gold leaf, tinfoil, &c. ; story of a house, a platform; consecutive, one thing foUowing another, a. Mf^ tahahcha, a small plate or tray. a. p, jc'Jajo^ tabahrt, a small box. d. »A>Jo tabha, m. a story, floor, stage, degree^ ■wder, rank, shelf a Jol? tubal, m. a drum, a tambourine. tabU baz or -xan, a drummer a. ^^^A> tahlak, m. a bundle of papers, a. ciJJLAia tablak, f. a little drum. a. aUL tabla, m. a small tambourine ; a large wooden dish in which fruits are exposed for sale. a. 6^^ tabaneha, a slap, blow, cuff. p. K__ '^ly^ tabtb, m. a physician, a. ^.-x^^ tabibi, f. the business of a physician, "adj. of or relating to the healing art a. '^^ tdbikh, cooked, dressed, a. iJI.»i>Afn tabVat, f. disposition, temperament, constitution, essence, property. ^tUfaMttTuu, m. a physician, eu ^_^cal3 tahifi, natural, innate, intrinsic. '*/»»t "tabV't, natural science, in opposition to 'Umi ilSM, divinity or metaphysics., a. ^^J^ tablld (for tamila), a stable, d. ^J^ tapdn (for t(»pan), palpitating, p. ^jmaSo tapish (for tapish), heat, agitation, p. BjJuJ? tapida (for tapida), agitated, heated. 27. Jl^ tihal, spleen, the milt. tuKdl, a disease in the spleen, a. [of Tripoli, a. ^^^S>^JO iardbalus (also tardbalus), the city P^Js tarrakf m. an architect, tarrdhty f. arcfaitectore. a. jj|j» ta/rrdr, m. a pickpocket, a cutpurse. a. 8«|J9 tarrara, m. quickness, expedition. Ikirrdra bhama, a. to stretch out or bound (as a horse at full speed). Uirrara-Tsaban, chattering, eternal claclua. iSyy^ tarrdri, f. quickness, fluency, a. ^jlo tirdz or iardz, m. lace, fringe, em- broidery, &c., any ornament on the border of a gar- ment; (in comp.) adorning, as debaja-tiraz, a com- poser of prefaces or exordiums (which are generally written in the most highly ornamented style), a. jji^ tirdzii, a balance, a pair of scales, p. fej\jfftirdzi, f. abstr. (of tirdz) adorning, a.p. OjU9 tardwat, f. freshness, verdure, a. <»^jJ9 tarab, f. cheerfulness, mirth, hilarity, joy. tftrab-mgez, exciting mirth or Joy. baxnd tarab, a festive assembly, a. —Jo tarh or tarak, f. manner, mode ; posi- tion, establishment; ejection, throwing, (ara^-ddr, beautiful, well-shaped, {ara^-diri, beauty, elegance, a. Jjj9 tarz, f. form, manner, fashion, a. u.iP» tarf or taraff f. direction ; side, mar- gin, comer, quarter, extremity; towards, tarfi gSni, the other side, " pars altera ; " a defendant ; an enemy; (met.) a wife, laraf-dar, m. a partisan, a follower, a sectary, an assistant, a siibordiunti' officer of revenue and police ; adj. partial, prejudiced. kar<\f- i&rl, i, following, partiality, &cc. a. [eye. a, iJ(^^J» turfatu-Waiitf the twinkling of an ■»> ( S19 ) (> jJSjla turfagl, rareness, wonderfulness. a. p. eijh turfa, wonderful, strange, any thing new, rare, or agreeable, a. Jjki;l> tarfil^ m. trefoil, clover, a. jjji^ tarfain (du. of taraf), both sides, both parties, a. ^Joturuh (pi. oi ^„Jo), ways, modes, &c. a, tyo turra, m. an ornament worn in the turban ; a ringlet, a curl ; a nosegay ; a plume of feathers, a, ii>J^ tarik, f. way, road ; manner, custom, fashion ; rite, religion, profession, a. Ll*fl.>jl> tarikat, f.'l way, path ; manner, aJb,!? tariha, m. j mode; religion, sect; the better sort of people, ahli tartka, people devoted to religion, generally means the sect otfifit. a. CL*— 1> tasat, tassat, or tissat, a small cup, a bowl. a. C^t^ tasht, m. (Pers. l1*^) a large basin, ewer, or cup. fasht az bam hond or papiS, the ao cr c t to be divulged, a. ^Ul> ta'dm, m. victuals ; eating. ta'a»t- bakhsh, a ladle, a tureen-spoon for serving oat broth, &c. a. j,^ tu'm, 1 m. food, bait, dinner, provi- &««i9 tu'mayj sions. a. i^iio tan, m. blame, disapprobation, reviling; chiding ; striking with a spear, a. fti^i? tana, m. taunting, reproach, ignominy, disgrace, aspersion, ta'na-zan, a reproacher, taonter, asperser. ta'na-zanl, f. taunting, reproaching, a. \j^ tuffhra, m. the royal titles prefixed to public papers ; a sort of writing, t. ^JoJ^^ tughyan, m. rebellion, sedition, per- verseness, insolence, a. [^g* * ^^^Uila tughyant, f. excess, a flood, overflow- J-Als tiflf m. an infant, a young animal, a. ij^m> tiflana, infantine, childish, a. p. •s?^ V*^ * >f. infancy, childhood, a. ^\'.b° tufuliyaty) Joais tufail, f. a parasite, a glutton ; one who uninvited accompanies one of the guests to a feast ; (used as a preposition) by means of, through the merits or agency of. a. AaaIs tvfaiti, parasitical, a. Als tall, dew; being bedewed (the earth), a. "^^ tila, m. gold; gold fringe; an ointment, liniment, embrocation. .tt/a-6a/»,f. gold tissue, tild- saz or tild-kar, m. a gilder, fild-kdri, gilding, the trade of a gilder, p. ^^Us talah, f. divorce, repudiation (for fur- ther explanation, v. Wilson's Glossary), a. tJ^]l^)d9.(a/ai^a^eloquence,gIibnessoftongue.a. U^)k^ tilawa, ra. (v. tildwd). a. C^y^^ talawat,f. grace, beauty, elegance, a. t^":^ tilawa, m. night watch, rounds, picket.a. t^^^Ua tild,i, 'I golden, made of gold, or aJb^U? tildydna,) covered with gold. p. &i^y^ tilaya, m. night watch, rounds, picket.a L—Jj* talab, f. pay, wages, salary ; desire, wish, inquiry, demand, request ; application, sending for; (incomp.) seeking, tearching; &s didm-talab, ease- seeking, an epicure, talab-k., to seek for, to demand, to require, to simamon. a. [dents, a. Uiia tulahd (pi. of ^Jli?), lit. seekers ; stu- eJ^iS^ talbdna, m. daily pay to constables, &c., paid by those they guard, &c. a. />. [tion. a. h. /54-A^: talah-chithl, f. a summons, cita- j'lJjJj^ talab-dd?; desirous ; asking, inquiring ; m. one who receives pay ; one who searches for any thing, talab-ddri, f. search, inquiry, a. p. jLCiia talah-gdr, desirous ; a searcher, a. p. (^j\^JM9 talab-gdrt, f. desiring, wishing, in- quiring, a. p. «/clJjJj9 talab-ndma, a summons, citation, a. jt**Mff tilsam, or tilasm, or talism, m. a talis- man ; any thing to cause astonishment, wonder, marvel, a. 0\»*«.)1> tilasmdt, talismans, spells, a. iIl»M^U r> tilasmdtl,\ . , ,. ~ .. >-magicai, tali ,<**JJ» tilisvil, J sjill* tat a, ismanic. a. Z-a^Sjo tafa^, laspecf, countenance, appear- cious aspect, of pleasant countenance. ance. khush-tata, of auspi- c-fl«? talfy m. a gift, a present, a. \mjo talfd or talfan, gratis, a. Jj\j9 talk (for ciU5), m. talc, mica, p, ^yjo talk, m. divorce, repudiation, a. e^U9 tulu, m. rising (as the sun, &c.). a. «*jJ±> tatta (also talVat), the vanguard or picket, an advanced post, the forlorn hope; a ipj, a sentinel, a. et^-Uis tamdcha (for tamdncha')t a slap, &c. p. clj» tammd', covetous, wishful, extremely greedy, a. a^Ui' tamdncha, m. a pistol ; a slap, blow, box, thump, &c. tamdncha-jafna, or -lagdnd, or -mdrna, a. to give a slap. tamdAche se munh Idl rakhnd, to con- ceal one's poverty from pride or high spirit, a. tIl**>Ui» tamaniyat, f. rest, repose, tranquil- lity, a. [nificence, grandeur, p. ^J^V»»V> tumturdk (vul. tumtardk), m. mag- *.^ tarn or tnma, f. avarice, desire, co- vetousness, greediness, avidity, a, a>^*^ tamancha, a pistol, p. t. Ui^ ( 520 ) ^ l^\jl> tanab, f. a tent rope; a measure for measuring land, forraerlj made of rope. a. jUia tannaz, facetious, jocose, jocund, ludi- crous, playful, mirthful, a. ^_AU tunvh, a tent rope. a. .»juli> tambiir, m. a Turkish guitar with six wires or strings (Menin.) ; a dram (in HindOstSn). a. jy^iJ^ tamburantf a player on the tambur. a. »j^jjl> tafkbura, m. a small kind of guitar (v. lomMr). a. JjL tanz, f. mirth, joking, pleasantry ; ridi- culing, sneering, taunting, a. hii* tanzan, tauntingly, sneeringly. a. ijHji^ tanast great darkness, a. sJ^aj^ tantana, m. sound, fame; rumour; pomp, dignity, state, a. {j^J^ taniny hamming, bussing, a. i4»^y^ timan (for timan) a kind of carpet. j9. \^\y^ tawafy f. turning, eneompassing, pil- grimage, a. CJ^\^ iawalat, prolonging, prolixity, a. ^^iS\^ tama,if, f. (pi. of aflJUs) troops, bands (particularly of dandng girls); tribes, nations. muWcu-t-tawS^, flie kings of the Gentiles; generally applied to the princes who succeeded Alexander the Great in Persia, also applied to the petty soverrigns who succeeded the Arabs in Sp^n, &c. a. }e>^ t^bqi, m. (the name of a tree in Para- ' dise, whose fruit is said to be moot delicious ; a^J. ex- cellent, sweet, a. ,yb taur, m. mode, manner; condition, state, ffir, m. a mountain, particnlarly Mount ffinai. a. {^j»*^ tus, name of a city in Persia, the birth- place of the poet Firdausl. p. ij*^yo tusi, f. a colour so called ; a kind of " purple t adj. of at belonging to the dty of |S< In PeiMa. a. ^yio tota, m. (for \3y) a parrot, h. ^j^ tutt, f. a parrot, a parroquet. «fifi ke te honth mal dalna, lit. to rub or twist one's parrot-like lips, is used by way of an affectionate or Mendly ad- monition, p. vA>^ lutiya, report, tale, slander, p. h. cji* lau obeying, obedience, a. \e'^ tail an, willingly; tau*an wa karhan, willingly or unwillingly, nolens volens. a. uJ^ .tauf, m. surrounding, perambulating ; pilgrimage.the procession round the temple of Meoca.a. ^Ji^|^ iufan, m. an inundation or deluge; the universal deluge ; a hurricane, a storm of wind and r^n (anal, to Gr. -nx^av) ; (met.) a quarrelsome per- son. I^n lena, (Dakh.) to defame, to calumniate- a. (j,^y» tufdni, stormy ; (met) quarrelsome, boisterous, a. ^Jy^ t/iuh, m. a collar ; a necklace, chain, a ring, tauki zanjlr, irons, manacles, tauki-ztniir fc.. to imprison, to manacle, a. Jyo tul, m. length ; adj. long, tall, extensive, ^ lasting long. a. ^y» tulan, lengthwise, by length, a. f^^ tulanxy lengthy, long, prolix ; f. pro- ~ lixity. a, [^Solarmm nigrum), a. iti^Ai^y^ tutidun, ra. fox's grapes, nightshade j^i^ tumavy m. a book, a volume, a roll, an aooount-book, a story, jam'i tumdr, the produce, or eollection of a land recorded in Government books. tSmar-naols, an accountant, a. ij^ tUft oriOft, a feast, an entertainment, a.p. Jji^ tawll, long, tall, prolix, a. ftlj)^ tarvtla, m. a long rope with which cattle are tied, a tether, foot-band, fetter ; hence, a stable, a atall. a. C>>,1^ taharat, f. purity, cleanliness, sanctity; ablution, ceremonial purification, a. j|j9.f«Ar,m. purification, cleanliness, purity, a. jy^ tahur, purifying.cleansing. sharabitahur a p u rifyi ng draught (from the fountain of Paradise), a. ^Jp tai, m. roiling up, folding, tai-k., a. to "fold, to roll up; to constrain; to abridge; to travel, to pass over, to traverse, a. j\^ taiydr, flying, fleet (horse or arrow) ; a w luge d animal in general ; qnickiilver. a. ^ .Lj» taiyari, readiness, promptness, a. p. c-i*jV» taiyib, good, sweet, agreeable. .fi6, m. perftune, odour; essence, a. OloW taiyibdt (pi. of SaaS*), good works, Sec.; pleasures, a. j^ tair, m. flying ; a bird (v. ta,ir). a. i^]ji^ tairan or taiyaran, flight ; (pi. ofj^) bifda. 0. (j,\j^ tairani, belonging to birds, volatile, a. (jmJ? taishy m. levity, folly, anger, passion, a. j)aj^ tttii, also tttuwq or tttnwt, a kind of water-ft>wl, a species of the bird called IkatS. p. a. i_"^'^ taify a phantom, spectre, apparition, a ghost a. (j||U» tin, earth, clay, mud, loam. a. '-!!'*Jt ftnat, f. a piece of clay ; nature, t*TO- perament, disposition, genius, bad-fitutt, of a wldMd disposition, a. jAjj9 tint, earthy, made of clay. a. j^aI? tuyur (pi. of Jkis), birds, a. ( zalimi, f. tyranny, oppression, a. p. jfcUb zahir, apparent, manifest ; ni. the out- ward or external appearance, in oppoeition to batin (the intrinsic), ^hir-bm, one who looks only to the exterior, ^dhir o bdtin, outwardly and inwardly, ap- pearance, and inward qualities, a. \jit>^ zahira or zahiran, evidently, apparent, to all appearance, ostensibly, a. (_c^li3 zahirt, external, apparent, a. jcJklb zdbi, m. a deer, a chevril, a gazelle, a. CL^iSJio zarafat, f. beauty ; politeness, ele- gance, gallantry ; wit, hnmour, jocularity, a. v_j^ za?'/, m. a vase, vessel ; adj. inge- nious; in gram, an adverb, ^arfi zaman, adverb of time. $arfi makan, adverb of place, a. \^J^ ?A'>'fit f- a kind of sweetmeat, a. d. \^^jb zuruf, (pi. of (_-i;») vessels ; adverbs, &C. a, [jocose, elegant in conversation. «. u-A^ji» frarj/", ingenious, polite, gallant ; witty, B^'iXsoJla zartfdna, ingeniously ; jocosely, a.p, Jub zafar, m. victory, zafar-nama, m. a con- gratulatory letter on the occasion of a victory : it is also the title of several works ; one on morality, attri- buted to Buzurjmihr,the vizier of Naushirwan ; another is a complete history of the life and conquests of Ti- mur (Tamerlane), by 'Ali, of Yazd. The latter work was translated into French, and thence done into English, a. sMoJ^ zcifar-takyaj m. a kind of stiletto or dirk ; a long sharp iron prong, a, p. jjii zill, m. shadow, fillu-l-lah, the shadow of God. gilltt-l-iahfi-l arzi, the shadow of God upon earth (epithets applied to a king, emperor, &c.). gillu- hu, his shadow ^illu-huma (du.), the shadow of them both, zilltt-hum, their shadow ; employed in Arabic phrases of benediction, as ddma-%illu-hu, -^illu-huma or -zillu-hum, may his or their shadow be prolonged ; meaning, in plain English, may he or they long pro- sper, a, Jy^b zalam, m. darkness, zallam, a great oppressor, an atrocious tyrant, a. Ji^ zulm., m. oppression, injustice, extortion ; a heavier assessment than people can bear. a. C->lJj3 zulmat, f. darkness, regions of dark- ness ; a dark place whore the water of immortality is Kvid to be. «. d**iJ& zulmaty f. darkness, obscurity, a. tgJ^ zulmi, unjust, addicted to tyranny, a d*j»U^ zulniiyat, f. oppression, tyranny, a. Jt^ua zalum, cruel, most oppressive, tyran- nicaL a. [a cloud, a. adio zulla, m. a covering, any thing shady, (JjJda zaUl, shady, affording shelter, a, Uii» zama, being very thirsty, a. (jB zann, m. suspicion, jealousy, opinion, thought, idea. a. ^y*i& zunun, m. suspecting, thinking, sup- posing : (pi of gtmn) sospicions, thoughts, opinions, a. ^^ zantii, supposed, suspected, a. X^ ziftdr, m. a formula of repudiation, or saying what is tantamount to and has the effect of re- gular divorce, as " You are my mother," or " I sucked the same breast as you ; " a penance is requisite to do away the effect of such a speech, a. j^ zvhr, m. mid-day, or a little time after the sun has passed the meridian, when it is most sultry, a. j^ ?ahr, f. the back ; the external part. a. jy^ zuhur, m. appearing, arising, apparency. guhur meA ana, to come to pass, to present itself! a- ji^ zahlr, m. an assistant, associate, ally ; a poetical name of a Persian poet of Faryab, hence called gahir Faryabi, a. e 'ain, called 'aini muhmala or 'aim ghair mankuta, the eighteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the twenty-first Persian, and twenty-fourth Hin- diistani. This letter is peculiarly Arabic or Semitic, and has no analogous sound in Sanskrit. It is of the class of guttural letters, being formed in the lower part of the throat, by a compression of the fauces stronger and deeper than that used in the formation of the hamza, or initial alif. Its spund has been com- pared by Meninski to the voice of a calf calling its mother, which is a pure absurdity. In reckoning by abjad it stands for 70. In Persian words introduced into Arabic it is sometimes substituted for alif, as la'l for Ifil. On the other hand the 'ain of Arabic Mords introduced into Hindustani is, by the common people, sounded like alif. tJjlp 'abid, m. an adorer, a votary ; a wor- shipper of God ; a recluse, a, t^lp 'dbir, passing over, a passenger, a. J^'dj, ivory. takJiti 'aj, an ivory throne, a, y>-^^ 'djiz, impotent, weak, exhausted, de- jected, hopeless, a. ioU^-lff- 'djizdna, weakly, hopelessly, a. p. (ffj>-\p 'djizi, f. submissivenepp, humility i sui>}>lication. 'ajizl-k., to implore humbly, a. .\p ( 522 ) > J^-lc- 'ajil, one who is hastem'npr, fleoting ; adj. transitory, agile, a, i\S' 'ad (pi. of Li^ilff"), oustoms, &o. ; name of an ancient and sinful Arab tribe, to whom the prophet HQd was sent. a. 0«5l^ 'adat, f. habit, custom, usage, 'ddnt karna, a. to adopt a habit, to introduce a custom, to accustom, a. [a catamite, a. (^il^ 'adait, customary, hahitual; m. (met.) Jjjlp 'ddil, just, upright, sincere, a. jtftblp- 'adi, passing; superseding; trans- gressing ; unjust, wicked ; accustomed, addicted ; m. an enemy, 'adl-k., to addict, a. jilff' ^dzir, making excuses; m. an apologist; the scar of a wound, a, jlp 'dr, f. bashfulness, modesty ; reproach, disgrace, ignominy^ shame, a. (wi'P^ 'dras, f. a bride (v. *aru$). a. d. {joSS' ^ariz, m. the cheek ; an accident ; n muster-master, also the general of an army. a. sm\sj6\^ ^driz-ndma, particulars of receipts or revenues, a. p. ibc.lc- 'driza, m. any thing necessary to be done, an accident, an event ; an obstacle, impediment; sickness, a. [ventitious, casual, a. i^j^ drizt, accidental, not inherent; ad- t-ijlff- 'arif, wise, sagacious, ingenious; m. a holy man. a. i0^j\S' ^drifdna, wisely, acutely, piously, p, a. jCjlp 'drt, naked, free from, void of. a. CL^XS' "driyat, f. borrowing any thing which is itself to be returned: it differs from Tcarz, inasmuch as in the latter term it is not understood that the iden- tical articles are returned, but simply their equivalent; when a man borrows an umbrella it is 'ariyat (pro- vided always the said man return the said article), when he borrows a shilling it is yarz (v. udhar). a. (ji.j^ ^driyatt, that which is borrowed, not " intrinsic, 'ariyatl mu,e, false hair, borrowed locks, a. ^jlc- *dzim, applying the mind to an under- taking, intending, determining, a. {^jti^ ''ass, a patrol, a night-watch, a. Jm\^ ^dshir, m. 1 , -'^ . , , ' ^ Uhe tenth, a. CJ'j***^ ashirat, t.) /J^\^ 'dshih, a lover, an inamorato, a. ^ILllc- ^dskihdn, pi. the lovers, a. eolLtilff- 'dshikdna, in the manner of a lover, a. »sl^\^ ''dshika, f. an inamorato, a. ^^llp ^dshikt,£. being in love; love-making, amorousness, a. \ i^Ip 'dshurd, m. the first ten days of the Mu^^arram, a. eoli^^lc- 'dshur-khdna, a temporary kind of house for the celebration of the MuJfarram festival; s house for tlie reception of the banners, &c., used ia the Muhuirram procession, a. p. ji*o\s- 'd.mn, virtuous, chaste, protected, safe, abu 'asim (father of safety), i. e. barley broth, a. tjO^S- 'dsi, disobedient, criminal, rebellious ; *'m. and f. a rebel, a sinner, a. [noble, a. jla\S' ^diir, odoriferous, benevolent, generous, OflUlg' 'dtifat, kindness, benevolence, affec- tion, a. [pL a, iiijo[S' ''dtila, vain, useless ; void or destitute clA-i\p ^dfiyat, f. health, safety. Mflir o 'afiyat, safe and sound, a. /^ 'dhk, disobedient, rebellions, a. C^Ip 'dUbat, f. the end, conclusion-; suc- cef - • •>dv. finally, at last. 'aJcibat-andesh. reflecting on the end, prudent, prescient, looking into futurity. 'akibatul-amr, in fine, finally, a. X^-jJ!^ "dliarharhay m. the herb pellitory. a. jjjlp ''dkil, wise, sensible ; m. a sage. a. j^^lff- *dkildn, pi. the wise, the sages, a. p, j^^SIp- 'dkili, wisdom, intelligence, a. i6^lp 'dhildna, prudently, wisely, a. p. {^jyS' ""dJiif, assiduous,diligent. ^dkifdnika'bch those who are assiduous in their attendance at tb* temple of Mecca, a. j jjlp- ^dlam, m. the world, the universe, time, ! state, condition ; people, mankind in generaL 'dlanU' bala, or 'ulwl, or -alwi, the heavens, the people of the heavens, 'dlami sifit, the earth. 'dlami£haib, the world of absence, a future state; the world ofspirits. dlam- gir, conquering the universe ; the name or title oi Aurang-zeb. 'dlami sural, the visible or external world, 'dlami ma'nt, the spiritual or invisible world, a. Jlc- ^dlim, sage, intelligent, learned, 'dlimi ^aib, prescient, conversant with what is liidden. a. \.T JIp 'dlam-ard, world-adorning, a. p. J, JlJlfr ""dlam-afroz, world-illumining; the son. a. p. {0\^{S' "dlimdna, wisely, like a sage. a./>. sUjlJIp 'dlam-pandh, the asylum of the world, a king, &c a.p. i.^\2^\fi ''dlavi-tabt that which warms or illumines the world ; the sun. a. p. iX^\S' ^dlam-gard, 1 world traversing, a ijy^\^ 'dlam-namard,) great traveller. a.p. ^_JVp- "'dlaniiy worldly, mundane, existing in "this world, a. ^^UJIp 'dlamiydn, m. people of this world, men, mankind in generaL o. ^Ip- ^dli, high, sublime, eminent, grand. "'ali-tabar, of high or noble lineage, 'ali-jah or 'Sli Mhan, of high rank or dignity (although these twoteims ( fi23 ) MjAJ^ are nearly synonymous, yet, according to Morier, the former is by far the higher title), 'a/j maJcdm, of high station, of Ulustrious rank -. the word is much used in composition, particularly in letters from inferiors. 'ali-l^azrat, 'ali-jah, 'alt-jandb or 'all-Tcadr, &c. all denote high in rank, station, &c. 'dli-khandan, of a high family, 'all-fitrat, or -manish, or -himmat, high- minded, magnanimous, a, aVC- amm, common, public, plebeian ; the vulgar, the common people. Ma?? o 'amm, high and low, peculiar and popular, a. IjcXS' ''amira, royal, imperial ; abundant, rich, inhabited, a. ^_)*l^ 'amil, m. an agent, a superintendant of the finances, collector of the revenues; a ruler, governor, a, «*Ui*vP amil-nama, a warrant or power froin Government, authorizing a person to take pos- session of any thing ; a power of attorney, a. p. bm\^ dmila, one word that governs another (in gram.), a. ^L«^ 'dmill, the harvest year. a. j^vP- 'ami, blind, ignorant, a, ^^\s■ 'awjni, genera], common; relating to the "common people, ignorant, vulgar, a. Jjlp 'd,id, turning towards, happening, re- ferring to, coming back, being restored (as money lent, &c.), returning, a. [darweshes. a. Up 'aba, a kind of cloak or habit worn by o^'ibad (pi. ofiiJk^) servants, slaves, ^ibadu- l-ldh, servants of God. 'ubbad (pi. of 'abid), holy men. C>iiuC' 'ibadut, f. divine worship, adoration. 'ibadat-gah, a place of worship, a. ^(iuff^ 'ibddatt, a worshipper, an adorer, a. CLfj\kS' ""ibdrat, f. style (in writing), speech, a word, dialect, idiom ; a trope, or figure ; a phrase. 'ibarati rangin, the flowery or metaphorical style of writing peculiar to the later Persian and Indian chro- niclers, a. {,j>y^ ^abbas, m. a man's name ; name of a plant, marvel of Peru (Mirabilis jalapa). a. (^^Uc- ''abbdsl, name of a flower; adj. red. a. u-.*aC' ""abas, vain, idle, absurd, trifling, pro- fitless ; adv. in vain, uselessly, a, Ss^ ^abd, m. a servant (of God), a devotee; a slave, a. CLo,Sip' ^abdiyat, servitude, slavery, a. fj,\}^ 'ibrdni, 'I Hebraic, the Hebrew s^\jyS' ^ibrdniya, J language, a. O^ ibrat, f. an example, warning; (met.) fear, 'abirat, f. weeping; grief, a. ^J-jtjO^ ''ibrat-baih^hA \^C^jXS- \brat-numa, J exemplary, a. p. i^j^ 'ibri, Hebrew, Hebraic, a. i^Ai^jJ^ ''ubudiyaty f. servitude, devotion, •abjection, reverence a. jyS- ''ubur, m. passing, crossing (a river) ; a ford or pass. a. j^i^ ^abhar, the narcissus, jasmine, a. ^JJ^'abharl, of or relating to thenarcissus.o. i^f^ ^ubaid, a slave, servant ; devotee, a. JoP- ^abtr, ambergris, saffron, or any other grateful perfume ; a kind of powder used at the saturnalia of the holi. a, jcJoP ''abh-l, of or resembling saffron, a. ^{iS- \tdb, m. reproach, rebuke, anger, dis- pleasure, a. Slic- ^itdk, the manumission of a slave, a. dJl^ 'ya/a^, haste, speed ; anticipation, a, j.^ajU? 'ajdfib, wonders, curiosities. ^ajd,ib ghxra.ib, wonders, curiosities, strange things. 'aja,ibu-l-malchlulfdt, the wonders of the creation, a. Obal:sP ''ajd,ibdt (additional pi. of the pre- ceding), wonders, &c. a. p. L^'^ ^ajab, wonderful, rare, &c. 'ujb, m. pride, haughtiness, a. [wretchedness, a, j^'ajz, m. weakness, impotence, submission, CJ^ ''ajlat, f. haste, speed, velocity, a. jjSf ''ajam, m. barbarians, all people not Arabian ; Persians ; countries not Arabian ; Persia, a. ^4.fP ^ajanii, Persian, barbarian, a. aJ^jsP 'ujuba (vulg. 'ajuba), wonderful, m. a wonder, a. J^jsT ''ajiiz, tlie winter solstice, a. JajsP ^ajul, liasty, quick, expeditious, a. «_>jLa!p ^aj'ib, wonderful, surprising, rare, astonishing, a. (j^rsP ''ajiii, plaster, paste, a. <_".-^V>c- ''addlat, f. a court of justice; justice, law, equity, 'addlal-pandh, asylum of justice, a. ^^^tj.ff' ^addlatain, (dual) the two courts of justice, t. e. the civil and the criminal, a. Ojl^^P- ^adawat, f. enmity, hatred, strife, a. C^SS' ^iddat, the time of probation which a divorced woman must vrait before she can be re- married, a. *>J^ ''adad, m. number, adadi auwal, a prime number 'adadi sa^t^, a whole number, a unit. 'adadi zati or adadi mutlak, a cardinal number, a, t<5ci^ ''adadi, numeral, numerical, a. Jj>P ^adl, m. justice, equity, ^adl-k., a. to administer justice, a. »<^ ^adam., m. non-existence, non-entity^ nothing, privation ; cessation, discontinuance, 'adami ffibut, the want of proof or confirmation, a. ^J<^ ^adan, f. Eden, Paradise ; name of a town in the south of Arabia, Aden. a. ( 324 ) ^'^ aJP *aduy m. an enemy, a foe. a. \ Jjii^ ^udul, m. declining, refusing, disobey- ing, 'uduli-^ukvii, disobedience to a positive order, receding, deserting, returning ; (pi. of 'ddil) just men. a. jjjti^p- ^adilf alike, equal ; just, equitable ; m. a distributor of justice, a. Jt>,i^ 'adim, destitute, deprived, not to be found, 'adimu-l-miial, incomparable, a, {^\^ ^azabf m. pain, misfortune, torment, martjrdom, punishment, a. \'c^ ''izar, also ''uzar, the face, the cheeks, a. j(i«P ^uzr, m. excuse, apology, "'uzr-khwah, one who begs pardon of another, 'usr-khipaht, f. an apology, an excuse, a. iO\S' ^arabuy a kind of cart (v. araba); (in Dakh.) a magazine for military stones, t. ig^\^ 'arabchl, the driver of an 'araba. t. Ji\j^ ''irak, name of a territory between Persia and Arabia, which is divided into two portions, viz. 'irdTci 'arab, the ancient Babylonia or Chaldea, and Hraki 'ajam, comprehending Media, 'irakin or 'irdlcain, the two Iraks, the cities of Basra and Kufa. a. tj^^ ^iraki, produced in or belonging to "'Irak (especially applied to the breed of horses from that country) ;'m. a Parthian, a. (^jiS\S' ^arajz, f. (pi. of &«ai^) letters, peti- tions, representations, a. ^«^ ^arab, m. Arabia; an Arabian, a. jj,ljjp 'arbanl, a kind of musicians, d. »Jo^ ""arbada, m. a conflict, dispute, battle, antipathy, a. f^\lu*>jC' ''arabistan, the land of the Arabs, also a province of Persia so called, p. ^jj^ 'arabl, m. |of or belonging to Arabia ; if'X>S' ''arahiyaf f,J the Arabic language, 8ic. a. {,jt*fi' ^urs, m. oblations, offerings to a saint ; a marriage feast, 'irs, m. a spouse, a. (jijP- 'arsh, m. a roof; a throne; the ninth heaven, where the throne of God is. 'arsh se lefarsh tak, from the highest of the heavens to the earth (lit. to the carpet under foot), a, i*o£> "^arsa, m. a plain; an area, a court; a chessboard ; space of time (as do ehafi ke 'ar§e men, in the space of two ghajts) ; time, while, interval, is 'arse wteH, in this interval, in the mean time. a. [^fi' ^arz, f. a petition, request ; breadth ; it military muster, 'arx-dasht, f. a written petition. 'arx-begi, tlie person who presents all petitions either written or by word of mouth, 'arf-ddr, broad, 'arax, {. an accident, any tiling that befals one, disease, ^ sickness ; a muster of troops, a. UJ^'arzran, in breadth, ^arazan, accidentally; by chance, a. i^fi' ^urzi, f. a petition, memorial, reqnc.-i, **ri- presentation, letter (from an inferior), a. u-i;^ wf, Ixiiown (the name by vrhich a per- son or thing is generally called or known) ; equivalent to our terms, "commonly called," "alias" &c., as shahri shdh-jahun-dbdd 'urf Dihli, " the city of s/tdh- jatidn-dbdd, commonly called Dihll or Dilli," a. \JjS' ''urafa, (pi. of »_-JjlP') the ingenious* the intelligent ; judges, magistrates, a. CJ^i^ ''arafat, name of a sacred hill, some twelve miles from Mecca, where the pilgrims halt. a. f^fi" ^irfan, wisdom, knowledge, a. »ijS' ^arafa, a vigil, a wake (of a festival). 'irfa, diligent inquiry, knowledge, a, \\S' wft, notorious, public ; name of a Per- "sian poet. a. jjp'«raA,m. juice, essence, spirit, sap (hence our word " arrack ") ; the root of any thing ; sweat ; 'arak-gir, a skullcap ; part of a l!.ulfka (same as chi- lamchl, q. v.) a. -j-ji^ ''urujy m. ascent, rising, a. iy»ji jP- 'arus, f. m. bride,a spouse in general, a. io\jM»S' 'arusana, like a bride, a. ^jimS' ' arusi, nuptial; f. a marriage feast, a. ^2^j S- ^aiiiz, f. versification ; m. Mecca and Medina, with their adjacent territory, a. ^eS' 'uri, 'I naked, stripped, bare,deprived jjbjff' ^uryan,) or void of. a. ^b^ 'wryani, f. nakedness, nudity, a. {jc^.fi' ^arlz, large, wise, expanded, a. efwoJ^jff- *artza, a petition, memorial, a. JP ^izz, m. glory, dignity, grandeur; adj. i-are, excellent, glorious, a. JP ^azza, (lit.) " he or it was or is glorious," or " may he be glorified," used only in Arabic phrases, as 'azza wa jalla, He is honoured and glorified, i.e. God, the Almighty, .'azza-smuhu (for 'axxa-ismtUiu), glorious is His name. a. Up 'a^a, condolence, lamenting. ^azd-ddr,oue who is in mourning. 'uzd-iJidna, the bouse of mourn- ing, a. JxUp ^azdztl, name of a devil or fallen angel ; a kind of bird so called, a. L.^JP ^azab, an unmarried person, a. C-JJP ^izzat, f. grandeur, power, honour, re- spect, glory, a, [angel of death, a. f^i/^jjP' ^izrdftl or ^ura,il, the name of the JjP 'aa^, m. removal from office, a. C1a)*.P uzlaty f. retirement (from office, &c.), dismissal, discharge, a. ^hp \zlati, m. a liermit, a recluse, a. p. "JjP 'azli, f. retirement, abdication, a. 1^ "azm, m. design, intention, purpose, reso- lution, undertaking, a. CmojP 'azmat, f. design, the decree of God. a. ^ ( 526 ) ^ jlj^ *azve, dear, excellent, beloved, precious; m. a worthy or pious personage ; a great man, a saint ; a title of the king of Egypt, a. iSji.^ 'azizt, f. greatness, sanctity, friendship, respect a. [&c. a. d*» .\ jg 'azimai, f. (v. ^) design, purpose, S\.^>tS' 'asakir (pi. of .Xw«g-), armies, troops, a. j>JS' 'asar or 'asir, difficult, used only in Ara- bic phrases, aa 'tuaru-l-'ubiir, difficult to cross or pass over. 0. L^fj^tS' 'usrat, f. difficulty, distress, a. (jt»**tS' 'asas (pi. of (ji^lp-), the patrol, the night watch, a, jXm-P 'askar, m. an army, force, troop, a. ^j^^^^ ' asharx, m. a soldier; adj. military, of or relating to an army. a. (J-wC- ^asalj m. honey (of bees or of dates), a. \LS' 'isha, f. the first watch of the night ; the prayers said when going to rest, 'ishd-namaz or -salat> evening prayers, 'asha, m. supping, supper, treating with a supper, a. ^llc- 'ushshak (pi, of jfiSiU-), lovers, a. luLs- 'ushba, m. sarsaparilla. a. jfLS' 'ushr, the tenth part, a tithe, 'ushri shar'i, the tenths or tithes prescribed by divine law . 'ushri 'ashtr, the tenth of a tenth, used indefinitel v to denote a very small part. a. jJLs- ashnr or 8,,^ 'ashara, ten. a. CjSjLS' ""ashaiat (pi. of j-lP), tens. a. Cm^jtS- 'ishrat or ^ashrat, f. society, pleasant and familiar conversation; pleasure, delight, enjoy- ment, 'ishrat-faza, one who increases mirth or enjoy- ment, a. &>\j2jLS'''ishrat-khana, m.l a house of plea- SOO^iL^ 'ishrat-gah, f. J sure or enter- tainment, a. p. ItjLS' 'ashara, m. a decade, the name of the first ten days of the Mulfurram (v. daha). a. jj-lc- 'ishh, m. love, 'ishk-haz, a man of gal- lantry. 'ishTc-hazi, f. amorous toying, love-making. 'ishJc-pechS, m. the name of a flower {Ipomaea quamociU), American jasmine. 'ishJc-pechan, ivy. 'ish'k hai, an ex- clamation of praise ; excellent! well done! bravo! a ^_^-iP- 'ishki, relating to love, a lover, a. Ijy^ 'ashura, m. the first ten days of the Muharram. a. ty^ 'ishrva, 'ashwa, or 'nshrva, m. an ob- scure, concealed, dangerous affair ; the beginning of darkness at night; a fire seen from a distance at night ; (met. but most used in Persian and Hindi), coquetry, ogling, blandishments, amourous playfulness, 'ishwa- gar, a coquette, 'ishuia-gari, coquetry, a. ji^S' 'ashtr, the tenth part. a. \>aS' 'asa, ra. a club, stick, stafl', mace. a. jii>^liaP 'asa-bardar, m. a mace-bearer, a. p. jUa^ 'assar, m. an oil-maker or presser a. SjLoff' 'usdra, m. expressed juice; dregs after the juice is expressed, a. ^Uiff' 'asafir (pi. ofj^SLafi-), sparrows, a. c-^rfoff- 'asab, m. a tendon, a nerve, a liga- ment, a. j^aS- 'asr or 'usr, m. time, age. 'asar or *.y\HP' 'akarharha, m. the name of a medi- cine, the herb pellitory. a. ^^SLS- 'akl, f. wisdom, opinion, sense, under- standing, 'ali'^^/ii/na, to be astonished, 'aklfijiarachna, t o act wi sely, lit to expend one's wisdom, 'ajfl dau- riina a. to consider, to tliiiik. ^Ufi- 'uhala (pi. of JJl^), the wise, the pru- dent, 'aklan, adv. reasonably, prudently, a. i^y^sS' 'aW-man(Z,wise,sensible,intelligent.a.|i j^j'JJLjiiC' 'aA//«an«?i,f. wisdoni,80und sense. a.j». tlo^lSff- 'aki-want or ' akl-wanta, wise, d, AHp 'ahlt, reasonable, rational, judicious, a. fj20^^aS' 'ahubat, f. punishment, torment, chas- tisement, torture, 'akubati dozaUji, damnation, a. {j^st^'ahul, wise, sagacious, 'ukul (pl.ofjJSc-), sciences, minds, understandings, a, SjjiAfi' 'aktda or 'akidat, iii. faith, belief, a fundamental article of religion ; fidelity. 'aJtidat- mand, faithful, a. ^jAftP 'ahik, m. a cornelian, a red gem. a. j^^'i^S' 'akiku-l-bakr, Mocha stone, a. aJuflP" 'aJiiha, m. the hair upon new-born infants; the sixth day after childbirth, or a feast given on that day. a. ^aHp 'akim, m. barren, having no children, a. &«jji^ 'ahima, f. barren, a woman past child- bearing, a. {jtSs- 'ahs, ni. reflection ; inversion ; a shadow or reflected imag^; the contrary, opposite; spite, opposition, a. ^J^ 'aid, m. glory, sublimity, exaltation, su- periority; adj. most high or glorious, a. — ^)^ 'ildj, m. a remedy, cure, medicine, a. iS>-'^ 'aldhida (for 'alaihida), separate, apart, a. j.0^kp 'iddhagi, coimection, attachment, a.p. lays' 'aldha or 'ildho, m. relation, connection, interest ; pretension, right ; commerce, correspondence, communication, 'alaka-band or 'ilaka-band, a lace- maker, a tape- maker, 'ilaka-bandi, the business of lace-raaking ; also lace-work in general, 'alaka-ddr, the person who becomes responsible for the payment of village rates, &c. 'alaka-mand, connected, de- pendent, responsible, a. M^ 'alldm, omniscient, God. 'alldmu-l- ^uyub, acquainted with things invisible ; an epithet of the Almighty, a. d**^^ 'aldmat, a mark, badge, sign, tokto emblem, device, a coat of arms, 'aldmati dast-l^tqff, a mark in place of a signature, a. d^"^ 'alldma, wise, learned. 'allama,e 'asr, the most learned of the time. a. ft/«^l& 'aldma (same as 'aldmat), a mark, &e. a. euo^kp' 'alantya, openly, publicly, a. Sj^kp 'aldwa, besides, in addition, a. di^^c- 'illat, f. cause, pretence ; filth, dirt ; disease, weakness, ^arfi 'illat, the interdumgeable letters, al{f, wdw, and ye ; all material substances are said to have four causes ; 'illati suri, formal cause. ( Le. that form in which its essence consists; 'illati 4&a,f. final cause, or purpose for which it was made; 'ulatija'ili, efficient cause (as the maker, if the work of man) ; 'illati maddl, material cause, or the matter of which the thing is made. a. t-ii^ 'alaf, m. grass, hay, food for cattle, a. j]/>^ 'alaf-zar, pasturage, a meadow, a. p. *fl)iP^ 'ulafa (for 'ulufa), salary, daily pay. d. ^jiS' 'ala}i, m. hanging, suspending, adhering, vT""^^ 'alahat, suspension, a. ^jJiP *ilal (pi, of CJAJf'), infirmities, pre- tences, &c. a. 'ilm, ni. science, knowledge, 'ilnii asmd, (^ the knowledge of the names, ». e. of the attributes of God. 'ilmi ildhi, theology. 'ilvM-l-yakin, certain knowledge, demonstration, 'ilmi tasawumf, the mystic or contemplative science; the doctrines of the f^/J* 'ilmi tashri}f, anatomy, 'ilmi tawdrihh, history, chronology, 'ilmi Jjiiktiiat, philosophy, ph^'sics. 'ilmi rakam, or -fhubar. or -hiisab, arithmetic, 'ilmi riyazi, the mathematical sciences, 'ilmi sih.ar, magic, 'ilmi shfr, poetry, versification, scansion, 'ilmi tabVl, natural philosophy, 'ilvii 'arUz, poetry, versification. 'i7i»»J?M, jurisprudence, 'ilmi kaldm, scholastic theo- logy, 'ilmi-bayan, or -balagliat, or -ma'am, the ex- planatory science, t. e. rhetoric, oratory, eloquence. »7»ii kimiya, alchemy, 'ilmi m&siki, music, 'ilmi nujum, astronomy, astrology, 'ilmi handasa, geometry, 'ilm ofazl, knowledge and virtue, a. JiP 'alam, ni. a spear; standard, banner, ensign ; sign, mark ; (in gram.) a proper name. a. IJ^ 'nlama (pi. of *5^), the learned, a. ,\c>jX.JiS' 'alam-bardar, a standard-bearer, a. p. ^^^^^^ 'ilm-khwan, a student, studious, a. p. j\s^ 'alam-dar, a standard-bearer, a. p. jj^i^Jp 'ilm-dan, learned, wise. a. p. ,gj^ 'ilmi, scientific, doctrinal, a. ^ 'ulu or 'alrv, m. an eminence, height, sublimity, a. [lubdstence money, a. *i^lp- 'ulufa, m. stipend, salary, daily pay, M^ 'ulum (pi. of J^). sciences, a. ij^ 'ulnii, lofty, sublime ; celestial, a. i_^JiP' 'alawi, a descendant or follower of 'Alt the son-in-law of Muhammad, a. ^ati, a man's name ; the name of Mu- '^^tmmad't son-in-law : he was, according to the Sunnts, the fourth Isb.'^lifa or successor of Mu^mmad, but the SkVoi make him the direct successor, not acknowledg- ing the other three caliphs, 'alt ki kaman, lit. the bow of^Ali ; the rainbow, a. Jjp ''ala, on, upon, above, about : this word ** is used only in Arabic phrases, as 'alq-l-oiar, instantly ; 'olq-t-tahiTclJi:, according to truth, verily ; 'alq-l-li]}utiis, in particular ; a/a-ddawam, perpetually ; 'alq-*-sa^r, or 'alq-s-sabdif, in the morning, 'alq hdsa-l-kiyas, in like manner, in a similar way. a. t j^r^ "alahida or 'alaihida, 8eparate,apart. a. '^ fi27 ) J*^ JjJlP *aRl, weak, sick, indisposed, a. jt^^ 'alvn, wise, learned, knowing, a. ajJiP 'alaihi, on him, 1 used in Arabic i*^jd^ 'alaihim, on them, J phrases, as 'alai' hi-s-saldm, on him be peace, may he rest in peace, a. ^jj^jdfr 'illiyun, the seventh heaven; adj. high, sublime, a, jp' 'amm, m. an uncle, father's brother 'amm-zada, paternal uncle^s son. a, ^Up 'imad, a prop, a pillar, support. *imadti- d-daula, the support of the state ; a man's name. a. O^Uc- 'imarat (pi. of O.U^), buildings, a. C^l»P 'imarat, a public edifice, a building ; a habitation ; a fortification, a. {j\^ 'ainurl, f. the litter in which people sit on an elephant : when it has no canopy it is called a hauda. a. JU^ 'ummdl (pi. of ^)^^), agents, &c. a. ii^\^ 'imam.a or 'am,dmay a turban, a tiara, a. ^J^ 'umdn, the southern coast of Arabia. bd^ri 'umdn, the sea between Ethiopia and India, ttai- man, the high sea, the main ocean : " I think this must be a mistake : baltri 'umdn is the common name of tne Persian Gulf. I never heard it applied to the south- ern Indian ocean ; 'uman generally signifies the coast of the Persian gulf." — (Binning.) o. JhC- 'amd, wilful, a legal term analogous to the " malicium " of Roman law : thus, '^atl, " slaughter! bloodshed;" f:atli 'amd, "wilful murder." — (Bin ning.) a. \S^ 'amdan, deliberately, purposely, a. e6\j>«& 'umddna, like a noble or grandee, ap, C^S^ 'umdat, a support, pillar, prop, 'um- datu-l-J^watt, a prime minister, 'umdatu-l-mulk, ttie pillar of the state, a title bestowed on o£Scers of high rank. a. [ousneas. a. ^$6-^ 'umdagi, f. greatness, &c. ; sumptu- > J>«^ 'umda, great, noble ; m. a grandee, a support, a pillar, a prop, confidence, reliance, tmst, a. j^ 'umrf f. age, lifetime, period of life. 'umaTf the name of the second in succession from Mu^ammadm 'umr-dardz, of long life. a. S>\ jj^ 'umar wa zaid, Umar and Zaid,two celebrated gentlemen of straw, like our " John Nokes and Thomas Styles," who fl^re largely in Muham- madan legal and scholastic discussions, a, ij^ ' umra, m. pilgrimage to Mecca ; visit- ing a wife while in the house of her parents, a. "l^ 'umuk, m. depth, profundity, a. ^y^ 'amal, m. action, operation, work, prac- tice, effect, dominion, territory, 'anud-dar, m. one who has command ; a collector, 'amal-dari, a collec- torship. 'antal-ndma. an order, a warrant ; a code of instructions, amal men Idna, to carry into effect 'amal-k. to act or operate a J^ ( fl28 ) JJ* ^Up 'amalan, in fact, indeed, truly, a, aa> J^ 'amal-patta, ^ m.a deed granting t,ii:;u*>(3j-»P 'avial-dastak, authority to col- jju*» J-^ 'amalsanad, j lect rents or reve- n^d^y^ 'amal-nama, J nue dues, a.p.h. jtji^j-»p 'amal-gu^rf a collector of re- ▼enne. o.^ ft]L«& 'amala (pi. of ^3*^), agents, officers, subordinate!, 'imla, work ; wages, hire. a. A«P ^amaUf artificial, practical, hikmati 'amoB, natural or practical philosophy ; f. payment of revenue in kind. a. ftJu^P 'amallyat, practice (pi. ' amaliyai). a. y^ 'ammu, m. a paternal uncle, a. dy^ *amud, m. a perpendicular (in geome- try), 'amudu-f-fub^, the spreading light of the dawn. a. \iy^ 'amudan, perpendicularly, a. jt,y^ *aimim, common, general, universal, a. Uj^ 'amumaQ, commonly, generally, a. ^\^ 'armkj deep, profound, a. ^»x«P *amim, full, complete; universal, a. ^jjC- 'an, from, with, afte., on, concerning, above, before. 'an-Jiarihi-x-zatmn, in a little time, soon a. Uff- 'anuy f. distress, labour, trouble, a. {^Xis- 'unnab, the jujube tree and fruit, a. p. jj.Uff' 'nnndbl, of a carnation colour, a. p. dyjS' 'inad, m. obstinacy, peverseness, resist ance, stubbornness, a, j*o\^ 'anasir (pi. ofj^alP-), elements, a. ^U& ^inan, f. reins, a bridle, a. ObUP 'inayat (pi of d.o,\Jkff'), favours, gifts, presents, a. sZjS}^ 'inayat, f. favour, gift, present, a. 'inaJ, the grape, bintu-l-'inab, the daughter of the grape — wine, 'inabu-i-ncflab, black, nightshade, a. jt^ 'ainbar, m. ambergris, a rich perfume, a. jb^JoP 'ambar-bar, odoriferous, fragrant, a.p. tj^jXJS' 'ambarchOf an ornament for the neck full of 'ambar ; a smelling-bottle. a,p. i^j*j^ 'ambart, 'I of or resembling ambergris ^jkiS' *ambarin, j (as to smell or colour), a.p. MJi joP 'ambartna, a kind of perfume, a. p. JjkP 'antar, a famous Arabian liero, whose exploits form the theme of a wreil-known Arabic iDmance. n. iij^ *ind, near, before, with, about, in, accord- ing to, &c 'inda-l-ha'z, according to some, 'inda-4- ta^lcik, in truth, certainly, 'inda-l-lah, with or before God. 'inda-l-wusul, on the arrival, when it happens, in such an event, 'inda-l-wdkt, in time, in the criti- cal juncture, a. (^a)(\Vc- 'andallh, f. a nightingale, c {JL>hi^JS' 'indiyat (pi. of aJJoP-), opinions, tenets, absurdities, fables, a. [trust, a, &^.(iaP Hndiyn, m. one's peculiar ofinion or jtoJf' 'unsur or 'unsar, a primary element, o. (Cf^aJ^ '%insurif elementary ; name of a Per- sian poet cotemporary with Firdausl. a. y**''*S' 'unsal or hmsulf a sea leek, a squill, a* ^^\ytjS' 'unfuwan, m. the beginning (of any thing) ; vigour ; the flower of youth, a. l£iP 'anha, m. the phoenix, a fabulous bird, called by the Persians simur^h, q. v. ; adj. (met.) nt9, wonderful, curious, a. u^^jHiP 'aw-Aari6, near,soon, shortly ,neariy.a. C^^fxJIP 'ankabut, f. a spider, a. ^jjl^JkP 'unwan or 'inwmi (vulg. 'anrvdn), m. the ornamented title-page of a book ; that whereby any thing is known ; that which is understood by any thing; mode, manner, a. jjIJAP- 'innvi, impotent, weak, frail, a. t-^^^ 'arvdJdb (pi. of cLajSIp), ends, conse- quences ; posterity, a. j^^ 'awnmm (pi. of &«\^), tho vulgar, the populace, 'awavim wa Jchawass, plebeians and nobles, the people at laige. 'awammu-n-nas, the common people, the populace at large, a. ^^1^^' awdmil (pi. of »\/«lP'), (in gram.) words which govern others, a. [fects ; faults, vices, a. ^jj^_jp 'awd,ib (pi. of ajJlff-), blemishes, de- i^jP- 'ud, m. wood, timber ; a staff, a stick ; the wood aloes. " In the DakhanT dialect this word usually signifies ' gum benzoin ; ' while ' lignum aloes ' is commonly called agar." — (Binning), a. 2>jP 'aud, m. returning; a man of abilities, experience, and prudence, a. jytid^ 'ud-soz, a censer in which they bum aloes wood, a, p. [heaven, a. p. {ji>^ 'vdt, relating to aloes wood. *udi-takhtf JfjP- 'auz, m. refuge, asylum, fleeing to God for protection, o. jjC- '«r, naked, monocular, one-eyed. m. CJ^j^ 'avrdt (pi. of O,^), in Hind., wo- men ; in Arab., pudenda, a. p. h. Oj^ 'anrat, f. this word in Hind, denotes simply a woman or a wife ; but in Arabic and Persian it denotes the particular parts of man or woman which are concealed through modesty. "Are the words 'aurat and 'aurat ever used in Persian in the sense of •women?' 1 tiiiuk not. In the corrupt aud vitiated Persian of India they are so, but I do not think any native of Persia would use the words, except in tha Arabic sense. " — (Binning), a. j^ ( 529 ) ^y^j^ *auraiana, like a woman, a. h. \^^ 'iwaz, m. reward, retribution, return, any thing substituted for another, exchange, ready money, hard cash, recompense ; adv. instead, for. a. f^^ 'aun, m. aid, assistance ; a defender, an aider, a. 1^^ 'ahd, m. contract, compact, obligation, > promise, treaty; time, season, conjuncture, reign (of a king, prince, ^c) ; an oath, a vow ; a mandate, will, or testament ; lifetime, o. jUtX^ 'ahd-dai't an officer who engages to collect the revenue of a district for a small per- centage, a. p. ^^^xiii^ 'ahd-shikan, a promise breaker, a. p. ^^J^S^ 'ahd-shikant, f. a breach of contract, " breach of faith, a. e>*\>S^ 'ahd-nama, m. a letter of agreement ; articles of peace or capitulation ; a diploma, o. p. t,^^ 'uhda, m. a commission, an obligation, an agreement ; business, office, post (vul. hudda). 'uhda- harS, one who acquits himself of any task or commis- ■ion. 'uhda-hard-h., to acquit one's self of an obliga- tion. 'uhda-bara,t, f. completing an agreement, being able to perform any work, 'uhda-bandi, f. an agree- ment to pay a debt by regular instalments, 'uhda-dar or 'uhde-ddr, intrusted with a business, holding a com- mission, an officer, a. OiiUff- 'iyadat, f. visiting (of the sick), a. ed)b ^liUp' 'it/azan-bi-l-lah, interj. may God avert or forbid, a. j\jp- ^ ayar or'iyar ,111.0. mark,proof, test, stand- ard, assay, touch, 'iydri danisJi, the criterion of know- ledge ; name of the Persian version of Pilpay's fables made by Abu-l-faxl, translated into Hindustani under tliQ title of KJiirad Afroz. a. [knave, a. jLju^ 'aiydr, cunning, sly, shrewd ; m. a \Jo .U^ 'aiyar-pana, m.\ slyness, knavery. Jjlp' 'aiyaragi, f. J a. h. p. ,.^^„ „^ ^ ^\\^ 'aiyarnt, f. a cunning or artful wo- 8j\jL^ 'aiyara, f. a sly or cunning woman, a. (_5 .UP 'aiyari, f. cunningness, artfulness ; an artful woman, a. ^^IaP 'ai2/asA, jovial, luxurious, a. ^S*\jkP 'aiyasht, f. joviality, luxuriousness. a, JIaP 'iyal, m. family, children, domestics. 'iyal-dar, a man who is burdened with a large family. ^^l^ 'ayan, clear, manifest, public, conspi- cuous, visible, a, \_ -'iC 'aib, m. fault, defect, a vice, blemish. Bin, disgrace, infamy, 'a'lh-jo, one who seeks for faults. 'aib-chtn, one who carefully collects trifling errors. 'aih-chint, culling of errors, what is vulgarly called criticism, 'aib-go, a slanderer, a calumniator, 'aib-glr, one who seizes upon another's faults, 'aib-lagdna, to defame, a. ^jUkP 'aihi, vicious, faulty, infamous, a. liJp' 'id, f. a solemnity, festival, holy dayj Easter. 'tdi-az}).a or ^idi Tcurbdn, a festival held in com- memoration of Abraham's offering up his son Isaac (or Ishmael according t ■ the Muljammadans). o. (^j-i^oP 'idi, a present, which it is usual to make on the day of 'id, an Easter gift, a, Jtfu-Aff- 'tsa, Jesus, our Lord. a. ^JyJ^ 'tsawi (also 'isa,t), Christian, a. fjtjp''aish, m. pleasure, delight, 'aish-gah or -m.ai.aU, place or house of enjoyment, 'aish-o^aith, joy and delight, excessive pleasure, a. {^X^'ain, m. the eye, sight; the very essence or best part of a thing ; a fountain; the sun; monej, gold, &c. ; adj. very, exact, intrinsic, real, just. 'ait»- l-Jcatr, brimstone, 'ain wdkt par, in the very nick of time, at the precise moment, a. [the sight, a, t^JoP 'ainak, f. spectacles, glasses to assist Qi^jJoP 'ainain (du. of cjpjP), the two eyes. a. jJUUkP 'ainlya, relating to the eye. a, L-.>^jLff- 'uyub (pi. ofc-»AP), vices,defects,&c.a. ^J^Aff- 'aiyuk, the bright star Capella. a. e ghain, called ghaini mu'jama or g^ini maniuta, the nineteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the twenty-second Persian, and the twenty-fifth Hin- dustani. This letter is Arabic or Persian, but has no corresponding sound or character in the Sanskrit or any of the native dialects of India. It is one of tha guttural letters, its sound being that of an aspirated g resembling the Northumberland r. The Musalmani of India generally sound this letter correctly ; but by most of tiie Hindus, especially in Bengal, it is sounded like g hard in go, as gulam for ^ulam, a slave. In reckoning by abjad it stands for 1000, ji\S' ghabir, left, lasting, remaining, a. wIp ghata, m. a slave, h. .«5lp ghadir, ra. a cheat j adj. deceitful, a. JS' gh ar, m. a cavern, a pit ; a deep gash or wound, yari ^har, a companion in a cave or prison, i. e. an intimate friend. ££drr, m. a deceiver, a. C-Jjlp gJi arai, rapine, plunder, devastation. ^drat-k., to plunder, devastate, lay waste. ^drat-^oU m. sudden loss or destruction ; suddenly or unexpectedly lost, ^kurat-gar, a plunderer, an oppressor, a. mSS' gharim, a debtor so helpless as to be the subject of zakat, or alms. a. ^^^Ssi'ghartkun, m. agaric (Gr. a'yapiKov). g. 8jlp gh aza, m. red colour with which \tomen paint their face. p. v^lp ghazi, m. a conqueror, a hero, particu- larly so if he has fought against and slain one or more infidels, ghdzl mard, a hero ; (met.) a horse, ghdzl miydn, name of a saint, who, according to some autho- rities, was nephew of Stdfdn Ma^miid ghaznawi: a fes- tival is held in commemoration of him at the begin ning of May. a. 2 M ;U^ ( ABO ) «>b :\^ gfmziyana, bravely, heroically, a, «jui>\p ghashiya, a saddle-cloth or cover j a porter's burden, a. p. ylp- ghafir, one who pardons, a. Ji^ ghafil, senseless, stupid, apathetic, neg- ligent, indolent, imprudent, careless, thoughtlest, not on one's guard, g^l-gir, attacking unawares, o. ^Ip ghafilan, imprudently, carelessly, a. Ajlp ghafiU, f. inattention, negligence, a. J\P ghal, (in comp.) rolling, wallowing ; a cavern in which they keep cattle ; a bee hive. p. t_^^lc ghalih, overcoming, excelling, ghjalib hmia, n. to overcome, a. \JJlp^a/ifta2, chiefly, principally, apparently, probably, most likely, upon the whole, o. ^Ip ghalt, dear, precious; f. a carpet, ta- "pestry. a. p. a^lp ghalicha, ra. a small carpet, p. ^jiortlp ghamizy abstruse, difficult, obscure, a. VSiVp ghdntd, imperious, forward, a. j^lc- ghdni, rich, wealthy, independent, a. jjlp ghdmir, powerful ; considerate, a. ^c\ii' ghdy (pi. of Co.\p), ends, extremities, a. c^lp ghdfib, absent, concealed, invisible, vanished ; the third person (in gram.). £hfl,ib-bdz, m. • conjuror, a. ti\jj\p- ghd,ibdna, in absence, invisibly, a CLo\^ gtayat, adv. very, extremely, chiefly -, £ the end, extremity, excess ; a standard, flag ; ordure. Hlmiahflyat, mathematics, a. UVp ghd,it, m. excrement, dung. a. c^ ghibb, f. a tertian ague, visiting every alternate day. o. [day. o. ^ ghibban, seldom, rarely ; every second XiS- ghubar, f. dust; vapour; clouds of dust, impurity, foulness; (met.) vexation, affliction, per- plexity, gtubar-aluda or -olud, covered with dust. ^uhari Maf.ir, affliction, disturbance in mind. a. 8jUp ghubdra, ra. a bomb, a shell, or mortar for throwing shells, p. C^^\^ghabdwat, f. inadvertency , stupidity, a. 4_juaP ghabghab, m. a dewlap, a double chin. chdhi ghab^b, a pit in the chin. p. ;j^P ghabn, m. fraud, deceit ; loss (of money, &c.).. ghabni fajfish, a gross fraud, applied especially to the forced sale of a propertv far below its value. ^ahan, m. weakness in mind, mistake, forgetfuluess ; adj. weak in mind, liable to deception, a. ^ gjiabty weak in mind, forgetful, negligent, "'imprudent, a. [ging, boasting, o. 4«>P ghxif^ the sound made by a blow ; brag- i^^\j^ghapdghap,8onum congressus in coitu.h. !^ ffhap-chup, silent, noiseless, d. OOP gtaphd (v. ghap), noise of a blow. ri. cEaP gh at, the noise of gulping or swallow* ing ; a troop, band, or gang. d. ^jiP ghattdf a corn on the foot; a cork or stopper of a bottle, d. i^^^iJLS' ghat-pat, hand to hand, congression, shock, conflict, encountering, congressus. h. lix-jkP ghatakna, to coo (as doves), h. m. slapping, clapping; sonum congressus in coitu ; the sound of walking in mire; the sound of striking with ^ ghachj U^ ghacKa, £^^ ghachdghach w^^ ghachdka, a spear or sword, h. U)^^ S- ghichpich bolnd, n. to speak thick, h. yS" ^achu, m.la hole made in the ground j_y^ ghacht, f. J by boys for playing at tip- "cat. ^achu-para, m. name of a game, tipcat, h, iiS- ghad, a thump, blow. d. jSiiS- ghaddr, a cavern, a pit. d. j\,^ ghadddr, fraudulent, sly ; a cheat, a. J^li^ ghad-d-ghad, thumping; a succession of blows, d. iii^ ghudud, m. a hard lump fonned in the flesh, a glandular swelling, a. •jJP ghadr, m. perfidy, fraud, villany, in- gratitude ; noise, bustle, a. j^.^ gh adir, fraudulent, perfidious ; name of a festival celebrated by the Sht'as (v. Wilson's Gl.). a. it^ff- ghizd, f. aliment, diet, provision, food (pi. qghniya). a. CLt^\^ ghizdyat, f. aliment, provision, a. \^ ^arrd, white, bright, splendid, illus- trious, noble, a. [sun. p. \}^ ghurd (for ghurra), white, bright ; the w^\j& ghurdb, a crow, raven, rook, or jack- daw ; a kind of Arab ship vulgarly called a grab. a. %\JS' ghardray m. a large sack. a. jljP ghurrdz, frowning, haughty, brave, a. \Jj^J^ gharrdzi, f. haughtiness, bravery, a. (_kj];^ ghardzil, the devil, Satan, a. l1a/c^ ghardmatf debt ; a mulct, a fine. a. ^^\S' ghardn or gharrdn, rapacious, fierce, p. U^jP ghurrdnd, n. to frown, h. LmJ^)fi' ghai'dfib, \(pl« of "Hj^) «"* or C->ljj\^ ghardyibdt,) wonderful events, strange things, a. ^f- ( 531 ) ^^ ghurhat, f. travelling, being far from one's country and friends, exile ; wretchedness, a. (3;^ gharhi, western, occidental, a. '•^S^jS' ghurzang, m. a bound, jump. p. {^^ gh arshy \m»£' gharsha, ^^gharsht,^ {^^ gharaz, f. design, view, wish, intention, end, business, meaning, need, occasion, use, want, in- terestedaess, selfishness, hatred, spite ; adv. in short, in a word, in fine, ^araz-dshna, interested, gharax- alud or -amex, selfish, interested, designing, gharaz- bawld, a slave to one's passions, gharaz-mand, self- interested, desirous, wishing for. ^ifiras^-mandi, f. desire, selfishness, a. sAfOS' gharazana, selfishly, malevolently, a.p. ^fljP'^ara2:i,selfish,interested,de8igning.a.A. jP^ ghurghur, noise, uproar, tumult; (a man) muttering with rage. />. »jP^ gharghara, ra. gargling, a. [j!^J> ghurjishy f. reproof, intimidation, threatening,bull7ing (particolarly that of a coward who affects braverj). p. [a parlour, p. si^ ghurfa, an upper apartment, a window, J j^ ghark, m. drowning, sinking ; adj. drowned, immersed, sunk. a. L-^l^jP- ^arA-aft, deep water, a whirlpool, a.p. ij^ gh arTti, f. flooded lands, inundation, a. X>%^ ghurkana, a. to frighten, to terrify, d. \jSS' ghurakna, n. to be afraid, frightened, c?. tij> ghurki, fear, dread, aversion, d. id^J> gharanda, ghuranda, or ghurranda, roaring, fierce, rapacious, p. u-^jj^ ghurub, m. setting (of the sun, &c.); the west, ^urub hona, n. to be set (the sun or moon, &c.). a. [vain-glory, vanity, a. jjjg' gjiurur or gharur, m. pride, haughtiness, jc. jjff- ghururi, f. haughtiness, pride, a. h. IS- gharra, haughty, proud ; misled, deceived j cross ; m. pride, a. l^ ghurra, ni. the first day of the moon; a fast, fasting ; whiteness, brightness ; a white spot in the forehead of a horse ; the forehead, a, L-A?. »^ gharib, vn. a foreigner, a stranger ; adj. poor ; mild, humble ; rare, wonderful, strange, ghartb- paruiar, cherisher of the poor, gfiarib-mar , f, oppres- sion of the poor, ojiarib-nawaz, courteous to strangers, kind to the poor, hospitable, a. io\xi^^ gharibanaj fit for the poor, humbly, a. «-J^ ghariba, f. of t— O^. q. v. a. is^.^ gkaribi, f. humility, wretchednesg, "poverty, a. j>J> gharlz, nature; meekness, gentleness, a.p. ijy>.^ ghartzi, innate, natural, a. I*?, t^ gharih, m. a drowning person ; adj. im- mersed, drowned, gh arik-ab, deep, out of man's depth. ghariJci rdhtmat, overwhelmed with mercy, drowned in the grace of God. o. ^^J^ gharin, a wood, forest, or thicket, fre- quented by lions, p. ^.j^ gharew or ghirlw, m. noise, tumult ; a mob ; a gurgling noise in the throat, growling, p. r^yi.^ ghariwan, a present, a gift, ghirxwan, one who laments or exclaims, p. \>y '^^ gharap-karna, to cause to sink, to immerse, d. [drowned, d. \-iyJb\^jS' gharap - horia, to sink, to be &»^ gharachcha (explained by C,>b), a thicket, clump, &c. d. \y> ghaza, m. making war (against infidels). g^aza-fafS. war, plunder, devastation, a. JU^ ghizal or gh azal, m. a young deer, a fawn, a gazelle ; the sun ; a delicate young person, a. ftJUc- ghizala, or ghazala, m. a young deer, a fawn. a. \^ ghazal,i. an ode, a short poem or amatory sonnet, g^xal-iliipan, a repeater of odes. a. JL-P- gh assal, m. one whose business it is to wash the bodies of the dead. a. s^\*^ ghasala, m. dirty water with which any thing has been washed; bathing, a, ^y**S' ghusl,m.. bathing, ablution, gh usl-khanaf m. a bath, bagnio, a. jjS.P- ghash, m. stupor, fainting, ghash-ana, or ghash-paj'nd, to faint, a. j^L^ZS'ghashamsham, intrepid, headstrong, a. iJ^ ghashi, fainting, being stupefied, a. CL^^xLS' gh ashyat, a swoon, a fainting-fit. a. e-AO^ gh asab, m. violence, injustice, force, oppression, ravishing, plunder, a, ^yoS' ghusun (p\. of fj^),younghrsincheB.a. e^^aJ> ghussa, m. strangulation, suffocation ; (met.) anxiety, grief; (in Hind.) anger, passion. ghusse, in anger, angry, ghusse se bhut hojana, to rage nice a fiend, ghussa-vdk or ghussa-tuar, passionate, a. \_^^e, ghazab, m. violence, oppression, in- justice, compulsion, passion, rage, vengeance, anger j adj. angry, ghazab- dluda, oppressive ; full of lage. & UrfOP ghazaban, angrily, in a rage. a. ^j^ljuoP- ghazaban, angry, enraged, a. ? M 2 c-*-«^ ( 532 ^jXjo^ ghazabt, f. violence, anger; adj. "angiy. a. u^jjjo^ ghuzrvf, m. gristle, a. JL^jof' ghazanfar, a lion, a champion, a hero. a. ^Up^fljf«r, forgiving (the Deity), a. Jip l^afar, \m. pardon, remission of sins, jLafi ^ufran,} forgiveness, a. ifji^ ghafs, thick, close (as cloth), sub- Btantial. a. Jip- ^^q/flZ, m. "1 carelessness, negligence, CJiAP ghaflat, f. J inadvertency, neglect. fftaflat-zada, struck with carelessnesB. yhwahi ghaflat OT^flat kd l^tpab, sheer apathy or indifference, o. j^flp- ghafur, clement, forgiving, merciful, a. jjiff-ghafir, all, many, numerous, a. As> ghul, m. noise, tumult, ghul-ghwpara, m.clamour.disturbance. ^Ki-,gftarfr,noi8e and tumult p. J^ ^i/Z, m. hatred, malice, perfidy, fraud, trick, envy, ^il o ghish, f. apprehension, objection. he ^il ^ish, without hesitation, boldly, frankly, a. Oi&^ ghildzat, f. thickness, spissitude, coarseness, hardness, roughness ; roughness of man- ners ; (in Hind.) filth, a. u-i^ ghilaf, m. a case, a cover, a sheath ; the prepuce, a. ei'^ ghilala, m. an under waistcoat, a. jj^ gkuldm, m. (in Pers. and Hind.) a male slave ; (in Arab.) a boy or youth ; a young man at maturity, ^uldm-para, puerorum amor'ihus deditus; ^ulam-gardtsh, m, a shed for servants to sit under, o. ^^ ghuldrnl, f. slavery, servitude, a. ixlp ghalaha, m. superiority, conquest, as- sault, strength; prevalency, predominancy, o. ^J^i^ ghaltdn (same as ^jjUayp, q. v.). iS^ ghalchagt, a strolling life. p. sj£^ ghalcha, a vagabond, a strolling fellow; a rustic, a villager, a. \:^S> ghalat, m. an error, a mistake ; adj. wrong, erroneous, ghalatu-l-'amm, m. a popular mis- take, a vulgar error, ghalat-kar, delusive, ^alaf- kari, f. deception, ghalat-go, a false relator, ghalaf- ;eho( ) «j;» go,i, f. relating falsenoods. writer, a. ghalat- navts, an erroneous ^jliaip ghaltdn, rolling, wallowing, ghaltdn- pechan, wallowing, rolling, floundering, p. ,j\ia)»P- ghaltdni, f. act of rolling, weltering, " wallowing, floundering, p. [bard. a. ^dayp ghalta, m. a leathern sheath over a scab- ^aip ghalatt, f. a mistake, error, o. J^tij^aip ghalttdan, to roll, to wallow, p. C*la\p ghilzat, f. filthiness, grossness, rude- otm. a. [dish. p. ftUip ghulghula, m. noise, tumult ; a kind of ^jljff- ghilmdn, m. (pi. of *^) boys who attend on the virtuous in Paradise, a. y^ ghulu, transgressing ; excess, rebellion, a. ftJ^yp ghalula, a small ball, a pellet, p. ikip ghalla, m. the produce of the earth ; grain, corn, ghalla-dan, m. a granary. £talla-farosh,agnia- merchant, a monopolist of grain, ghalla-faroshi, mo- nopoly of grain, a. ^^UIp- ghalaydn, boiling over, fermenting, a. ^;kJp- ghaleta, m. a blow, a thump, d. lajjp ghaltz, dirty, filthy, gross, rude. a. ^y^ ghulel, f. a pellet-bow. ghuleUbaz, m. a pelleter (with a bow). gifUel-bazi, f. pelleting, p. eujop ghulela,) ,e^^ ghulelchlf m. a pelleter. p. _,!^jdP' ghalewdj (also ghalerodz and ghaie- wdzh), a species of bird, a kite. p. jfi' gham, m. grief, gham-dluda, grieved. gham-khwdr, devouring sorrow, f. e. afflicted, sad ; ooft- doling, pitying; an intimate friend. gham-]<]nparagi or fham-khipdri, f. affliction; real friendship; com- miseration, sympathy, gham-khurak. a heron, gbftm- dida, one who has felt sorrow, gham-ratlda, one to whom sorrow has come, ghatn-zada, grieved, gittn^' zadagi, f. grief, gham-kash, one who endureth sorrow, gham karnd, to bemoan, to sorrow. ^af» khdnd, to suffer grief; also to devour one's grieiTi. «. to have patience, gham-ndk, and glyam-gin, diBCOO- Bolate, sorrowful, a. j\J^ ghammdz, m. an informer, a talebearer, a. ijj^ ghammdzt, f. talebearing, a. tj^ ghamza, m. a wink, an amorous glance, coquetry, ogling, p. a. ^rr. J >sad, sorrowful, p. ^j ghunna, m. a soimd through the nose, the buzzing of fllM) quiescent, nasal (the letternfin). a ( 533 ) O^ ^JC- ghant, independent : " lent. a. rich, wealthy, opu- l*xjf- ghanim, m. an enemy, a plunderer, a. C^^.^^g' ghammat, f. plunder ; abundance, good fortune, affluence, a. {^jo\»P' gjmrowas, in. a diver (for pearls, &c.) a. {^^^ ghawwasi, f. diving for pearls, a. Oa/cl^ ghawamiz (pi. of »w«a*\^), intricate questions, a, Cj\S'C^^ ghot -gh at, puzzled, confounded, h. C>^ gh aiis, m. a title of Mtihammadan saints, whose ardour of devotion, according to vulgar tradition, is such, that in the act of worship their head and limbs fall asunder, a. i—jj^jS' ghausiyat, saintship, devoteeism. a. « j^ ghuch, a horned ram used to fight, p. j*^- ghaur^ m. reflection, consideration, me- ditation. £haur-parda]cht, f. attendance on. a. ij^ ghura, m. unripe grapes, or dates j a colour in pigeons, p, \Jj^ ghor'i, f. a kind of porcelain, which breaks the moment poison is put into it. p. Ij^ ghoza (also ghozha), a pod of cotton, p. io^ghot, m. immersion, dive; consideration, ^t mama, to disappear, ^ot men ana, to faint, a. sS^Jh^ ghotam-ghata, m. a game in which swimmers dip one another under the water, a. p. ^u^^ ghota, m. dipping, diving; a dip, a dive. £hota-haz, a diver, ghpta-jchor, a diver, any thing that dips, or is dipped; a sort of firework so called, ^hota-^ori, f. dipping, being dipped, shota- dena, a. to dip, to plunge under water. ^oia-Khana, to be dipped ; to dive ; to be deceived ; to travel in a miry road ; to stray, to wander, to lose one's way. a. M'^ ghaugha, m. noise, disturbance, uproar, clamour, p. ^AS'^ ghaughaji, noisy; m. a disturber, p. uJJ^ ghuk, m. a frog, a toad j a butt for archers, p. O^ ghul (vulg. ghol), m. an imaginary spe- cies of sylvan demons, of dififerent shapes and colours, supposed to devour men and animals (from which our Enropean loup-garou, or man-wolf, seems to be bor- rowed), ^uii-fco^aftawi, a demon that haunts the woods or deserts, a. JjP- ghol, m. a crowd, a troop, a gang, ghol ka ghol, a dense crowd, h, ijJ-Jidi^ gholidang, 1 turbulent, seditious, uLL)^»)^ gholadajigj vicious; stout, fat, round, p. ^^^ ghauvcht, f. a hole in a path (such as " those made by the feet of animals), h. [^^iS- ghiyas, listening to complaints, redress- ing wrongs, assistance, redress, succours, ghiya^u-l- iaiam, the succourer of the faith, a. j^ ghiyar, providing for one's dependants, any piece of dress which distinguishes a class, tm a soldier's uniform, &c. a. (^^ ghiyas, diving, studying deeply, a. t— joP ghnib, latent, concealed, absent, invisi- ble, mysterious, 'alami ghaib, the other world, ghaib- daw,skilled in discovering mysteries, a prophet, diviner, omniscient, a. [sence. a, p. iOU-ff- ghaibana, invisibly, in one's ab- ghaibarii, f. a strumpet, an impudent woman, a. p. CL^^Xip- ghaibat, f. being invisible, absence. ^J6a<,slander, detraction, any thing secretly whispered of an absent person ; parts of a district or tract of country, away from the station where the chief autho- rity resides, in contradistinction to lyuzur, q. v. a. • \>^s\A^ '■r^^ gJiaib ghalela hond, to be lost. d. (j-i^ ghaibi, absent, invisible, &c., heavenly, " divine, a. j^ ghair, other, different ; foreign ; (sub.) a stranger ; adv. except, unless ; in comp. it denotes negation or the absence of a thing, as ghair -1},azir, ab- sent ; ghair-l}aziri, f. absence ; ^air-zalik, besides. ghair-mu'aiyan, unstable ; ghair-aohd, devoid of culti- vation ; ghair band o bast, unsettled ; ghair-dasta, exempt from imposts ; ghair-jam', rent-free ; ghair- Tfabul, not agreeing to ; ghair-kharcli, extra or miscel- laneous, expenses ; gkair-kjiiraj, rent-free lands ; ghair- toaki', a false statement, ghair-mashrut, unconditio- nal (v. Wilson's Glossary), a. \]x^ ghair-az, except, besides, other ihzn. p. ^^JtP" ghairat, f. modesty, bashfulness, ho- nour, courage ; jealousy, enmity, emulation, a nice sense of honour, ghairat-mand, emulous, jealous, a. ijS' ghairu-hu, ^ more, besides that, or ^J^ ghairu-hd, \ those ; in addition to' MicijfS' ghairu-hum,] that, &c. ; wa-ghairu- hu (generally pronounced wa-ghaira, et cetera, and so forth, a. Cl^ijif' ^ah'lyat, jealousy , strangeness, a. jyiP gh ayur, jealous in point of honour or of love ; an epithet of the Diety. o. i^^j^iP ghayurt, f. jealousy, a. u-J fe or fa, the twentieth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the twenty-third in the Persian, and the twenty-sixth in the Hindustani. This letter exists not in Sanskrit, nor in any of the modern dia- lects of India thence derived ; and in words from the Persian or Arabic the Indians frequently change/into p or ph, as pdlez iorfdlez, a field of melons. Prefixed to Arabic words (with the short a as fa) it denotes, and, then, afterwards, aafa-hitt, and that is all, merely, only. Its sound is precisely that of the English/. In reckoning by abjad it stands for eighty. ^v fdtih, one who opens, a conqueror, a. o^ ( 534 ) \:j bJ^ fatiha, f. commencement, exordium ; the first chapter of the hir,dn, which being repeated when praying for the souls of the dead, the word comes to mean prayers offered up in the name of saints, &c., and, vulgarly, oblations made to saints, &c. M^'** kifStiiat at prayer offered up for the welfare of an^ one. a. y>-^fdjir, m. la fornicator, an adulterer, a iy>.^fajira, f. J sinner;adj.sinful,unchaste.o. fLo^^ fahish, obscene, indecent, impudent, iharaeful, enormous, gross, o. [nable. a, d^a^^ fahisha, f. a harlot; anything abomi- »Jk»-\9 fahhta, f. a dove; name of a colour. fayhta-ur-jand, n. to be confounded, to faint, wuh din gay e jo ybaltl Mian fdjchta urate the, the days of ihalU Mtdn's prosperity (or splendour) are gone. p. fahhta^ f f. dove-colour. ^. ^^fakhir, excellent, precious, honourable; m. a boaster, an egotist, a. Oj>-\9 /aM*Va<,1 excellent. hhiCatifakH'ra, lj>-^ fakhira, J a splendid robe of ho- nour, a. ^jii)^ fad-zahr, the bezoar stone, p. \C)^fa,iza, verily then, in that case. a. j^far, a rat, a mouse, a. ^^9'}dfdr'khattl{forfariffh-khattt,q.Y»).a.h. tyij^ fdrs or pars, one of the southern pro- Tiaces of Persia, ancient Parthia. p. (,jt»Ji fdris, m. a horseman, a rider, a ca- valier, a. ^J^ fdrsi also fdrstyat, sindfdrsiya, f. the "Persian language; adj. Persian, p, i,\9 fdrighy free, at leisure, ceasing from labour; absolved, discharged; contented, fdrij^u-l- bal or fdrighu-Ul^dl, independent, contented, fdrigh hond, to have done with any thing, to be at leisure, a. ioHa^-cj^i fdrigh-Miattana, m. a fee given for writing a fdri^-iJiatti. a. p, ^3»-ej\5 fdrigh-kJiatHf f. a written deed of " release, or full acquittance, a. /jjj^ fdruk (or tiryaklfaruk), the best sort of treacle or theriaca. a. Jbj^fazahr, (y.fad-zahr) bezoar. p. iXM»\9/a5td, m. 1^ vicious, perverse, depraved, i6***^fdsida, f. J corrupt, a. ^*M^ fdsik, m. 1 a fornicator, an adulterer or tfSu**^ fasiha, f. J adultress ; a sinner, a worthless fellow ; an unchaste woman, one unworthy of credit as a witness in a court of law. p. (^^fdsh, apparent, manifest, known, a. \jJm^ fdshard, a species of ivy ; m. bryony, a. ij^o^ fdsila, m. separation ; space, interme- diate fpaoe. a. ^y>o^ fdzil, excellent, learned, virtuous; abundant, fdziltar, more excellent, a. ek^\9 fatima, f. the daughter of the prophet Muhammad, and the wife of the caliph 'Alt. a. Ou^lj fatiniiyat, f. the Fdtimite dynasty, which reigned in Egypt from A.D. 908 to 1171. a. J^^S fd'il, making, doing, acting; m. an agent; the participle active; the nominative. J(?ili iaktlti, the true agent, God. fa'ili muihtdr, maater \>-yi Juiuhdt, (barbarous pi. of Ai) vic- tories, a. [sleeves, a. f^yi fatuhi, f. a kind of jacket without jyi futur (commonly fitur), m. weakness, infirmity; (Hind.) quarrelling, mutiny, insubordina- tion, rebellion, a. ^.yjijiturt, a rebel, a mutineer, a. h. b .jlj faturiya, dispersed, ruined, undone ; (Hind.) exciting quarrels, a. ^yi fatma, m. a judicial decree, judgment, " sentence delivered by a Hg«. a, s\j^fatila, m. a match, a wick, fatxla-soz, m. a candlestick, a. jS? fajar or fajr, f. morning, dawn of day, early, haft f ajar, very early, "multo mane." a. A:^/MJMZ,m. a radish; the heel; adj. thick, a. .^fajur, adulterous, wicked, fujur, wicked- ness, lust, adultery, a. [indecently, o. ijit\^ fahhash, salacious, obscene, talking ^_^\j^ /a/iAas/ti, f. I obscenity (in word or fJL^fuhsh, m. / deed); ribaldry, bawdry, a. \^ fahwa, m. style, contents, signification, sense, meaning. faJ^wa,e kalam, signification, sense, scope, meaning, spirit (of a speech or composition), a. ^ Jakhs a noose, snare; the chase, j). J fa khhh y snoring; weakness in the legs, a- ^/« jid fakhr, m. glory, nobility, ornament, grace ; boasting, egotism, pride, ostentation. fdkl\ru t-tujjdr, the chief of the merchants; a title given to an eminent merchant or banker, a. i^j^ fakJiri, f. a kind of grape so called, a. lOj^ fa khriya, m. boasting, vain glory, a. \63fida, f. sacrifice, consecration, redemption, devoting one's self to save another, ransom, exchange, cartel, a. j^-^^tii ^c?o,t, courageous, valiant; a volun- teer in any desperate undertaking, a. <^,^9fadak, name of a town nearKhaibar. a. i^jdijidrvl, devoted, a devoted servant, sub- ject or vassal, a, CL^^ji^Jidwiyat, devotedness, allegiance, a. j9 fa?- or farr, m. state, pomp, dignity, splendour, glory, lustre, beauty, grace, p, \J fard, back, behind, again, above, on, over, towards, p. Cj\y furdt, the river Euphrates, a. j^ jJ fardkh, ample, abundant, large, cheap, wide, plentiful ; (in Dakh.) a joke, a jest, pleasantry. fara]s]^-ru, cheerful, merry, p. a. [rating, p. j^^^ fardkJiurj fit, corresponding, quad- ^k'l^ fardkJiif f. abundance, cheapness; "prosperity, happiness; a girth, p. tii\^ furdda \(pl. of yJ), alone, single, soli- ^i^SJfurddaJ tary, one by one. a. \^ firdr, flight, running away. a. ^J^^firdri, a person who has absconded, a. '\i fardz, m. ascent, acclivity ; adj. high, aloft, exalted ; (in comp.) exalting, elevating. farS*- k., to open (a door), p. ij\\j9 fardzif f. highness, exaltation, p. {^jt»\j3 fards, a species of the date tree. a. CLMM\jSfi7'dsat,f. physiognomy; penetration, sagacity, understanding, acuteness. a. {^\j farrdsh, m. a servant whose business it is to spread the carpets, &c., a sweeper, firasli, spread- ing. firash-Jchana or farash-khana. m. the room whef^ carpets, ice. are kept. a. ^J^\jfarrdsh'i,i. the spreading of carpets, &c the business of a/arrasA. a. cSyfirdgh, cessation from labour, repose, rest, leisure ; happiness, competency, a. \Jl^\^fardghat, f. leisure, repose; abundance, ease, happiness, competency, a. ^\yjirdk,m. distance, separation, distinction, absence, fira^-zada, absent, separated, one doomed to absence, a f^\^ firdTii, separated, absent, a. \j«\^ fardmarz, the keeper of a citadel. ». y ( f^Ju^S faramtuh, 1 forgotten, faramosh-kar [^ycSS fai-amoshf) or -gar ^ unmindful, for- getfnL p. ^Jl»yc\^ faramosht, f. forgetful ness. p. jjj/«]^ faramin (Arab. pi. of ^J^^)) orders, commandfl, mandates, precepts, p. Xi\^ farrana, n. to snort or sneeze (a horse); to come quickly, k. y^<^^ firwman, much, abundant, copious, suf- ficient, opulent, p. cil^ V fi^^^^nt, f. abundance, opulence, p. j»*lji faraham, m. collection ; contraction ; adj. collected, gathered, p. {^jaiSji farcLyiz (pi. of ««iaJ> J), the knowledge of dividing inheritances agreeably to law. a. lO^ farbih, fat, stout, corpulent, p. tg-^.^ farbility f. fatness, strength, p. Cm>^ji fartutj old and decrepid. p. ^^ faraj, f. cheerfulness, delight, pleasure, joy. farj, f. pudendum turn maris tumfemina. a. j,\»'j9 faTJdm, m. end, conclusion, issue ; hap- piness, prosperity ; utility, p. -yi/araA, joyful, pleased, satisfied, cheerful.a. \»-^ farahan, gladly, cheerfully, a. f^^J furhdn, joyful, glad, happy, a. a^s^jS farhat, f. delight, pleasuro, cheerful- nesn, joy, amusement. farl},at-asar, pleasant, happy. /aih iii-]-lika, pleasant to look at; the name of a kite, iiic i oudicherry eagle {Falco po7itieerianus). a. ^Ji farruTih, happy, fortunate, p. jiu* fd^f'zl, \f. the wazir or minister (which {^j^fiirzin,} we in Europe call queen) at chess, farztn-band, m. a term used at chess for which we have no equivalent, p. (,j**j9faras, ra. a horse; the knight in chess. Jitrt, Persia, the Persians, a. jj^«JU**>ji Jiristddan, to send, firhidda, one sent ; an ambassador, a legate, an envoy, p. ^j) farsakh, j m. a parasang (or measure league, p. J i^JZAOj) farsang,j of about 18,000 feet), a iiy»»j9 farsuda, worn out, obliterated, p. ij^farsh, m. spreading, carpeting, bedding; a cushion, mat, carpet, &c. farsh-furush, the carpets. O. ^IClS*^ firishtagdn, angels, &c. p. s^Jiiji Jirishta, m. an angel, an apostle, pro- phet, missionary, p, (^^ farshl, f. a kind of huhha ; " a large "^ulfka which stands on the ground, in contradistinction to smaller implements which may be carried in the hand." — (Binning.) a. d*<^ fursat, f. leisure, freedom, ease, con- venience, opportunity, relief, rest. a. {ji>y farz, m. a divine command, a duty, the omission of w hich is considered as a mortal sin ; an obligation, farz-lc, a. to consider as a positive in- dispensable duty, to grant, to admit, to suppose for argument's sake, farz-h., to be incumbent or essen- ^ tial. a. \tO^ farzan, hypothetically ; for instance, a. \^yo^ farzul, m. the hammer of a flint-lock (Gilchrist calls this an Arabic or Persian word, but I never met with an Arab or Persian who understood it. In the former language this part of a gun-lock is termed misht, and in Persian Jfoshluk). — (Binning.) h, ^jo^farzxy hypothetically assumed, a. C^ X to^ farztyat, hypothesis, assumption, a, isjifart, superfluity, abundance ; a hill top. a. ^far\ f. a bough, a branch (of a tree, par- ticularly the top branches), a. ^j^jijir'atin, Pharaoh, a title common to the kings of Egypt about the time of Moses, as that of Ptolemy was m the time of the Romans ; (met) any cruel tjrant. a. ^j^ji Jir'auni, f. haughtiness, tyranny, a.' J^iy furj^ul, f. a wrapper, a great w«t» cloak, p. ^J j\ij farfaranciy to snort (as a horse or other animal), h. Ji^ farh, m. difference, distance, distinction, dispersion ; the head, the top of any thing, summit ; adj. distant, separate, distinct ; interj. away ! aside ! a. ^^ furkan, m. the lur^an (as distinguishing or separating truth from falsehood.) a. CJj'y furkat, f. distance, separation, distinc- tion ; bereavement, absence, a. jjiltiJ'J farhadan, m. two stars near the pole, in the constellation of the lesser bear. a. gijijirka, m. a religious or philosophic sect; a tribe, troop, company, society, a. sfCj9 farmd (also farmd,e), (in comp.) com- manding, performing, p. jjUJ farmdn, m. a mandate, command, order ; a royal patent : according to Gladwin it denotes a grant, decree, patent, or command of the emperor ; a royal commission, or mandate. In Bengal the term is used for a patent to trade duty free. By way of eminence it means the charter which the Company obtained from the emperor Farnikh-siyar, granting them a liberty of trading, and other privileges, far- man-barddr, subject to orders, obedient, farman-bar- ddri, f. obedience, subjection, farman-dih, one who iMues orders ; a king, a ruler, farman-dihl, f. autho- rity, sovereign power, farman-rawa, a king, a sove- reign. farman-rawa,i, f, kingly power, sovereignty, p. UUJ farmdna, a. to order, to command ; when put in the month of kings and superiors, it may signify to say, to do, to accomplish, p. yftJU^ farmdfish, f. an order (particularly for goods, &C.), commission, any tiling commissioned, ideasme, will, commands, p. ^S^^ farmd,ishi, particularly ordered or bespoken (any thing) ; excellent, p. fji^yoJ farmudan (r. farmd, e), to order, p. \*fj>j farang, Europe, the country of the Franks, p. ^lj>jifarangu m. (from Ft. franc) a Frank, "a European in general ; ac^. European, p. ^^XLSj>j farangistdn, m. Europe, p. fjyfirni, f. a dish resembling hasty pudding made c£ ground rice and milk. p. mj9 faro (before a word beginning with a vowel, farod), down, below, under, faro-tan, humble, depressed, faro-tani, f. humility, submissiveness. p. Ji»j farotar, lower down. p. C^jj9 farokht, f. sale, farokht-k., a. to sell. ]sbarid-farot]it, buying and selling, traffic, p. ^^y^tS farohMan (r.farosh), to sell ; {y.fa- roz), to inflame, to kindle, to illumine, p. ojif'tJfarohMCf sold; kindled, illuminated. jb. 5, J farod, m. descending, alighting, stop- ping ; adv. down, beneath, farod-gah, f. a haltin^^ place, p. j^faroz, (in comp.) kindling, inflaming, p. ( 537 ) jj» ^^)jmJ farozdn, luminous, resplendent, p. (^j^ farosh, (in comp.) selling, as kaltvd' farosh, a seller of sweetmeats, &c. p. (^_jy/?M»yJfaroshanda, selling, one who sells. ^. ^jyfarosht, f. {v. farosh) selling, p. ^mJfuru (pi. of cji), heads, tops ; branches; chiefs of tribes or families, a. e.jjifarogh,m. illumination, light,splendour.p. (Jwj^iiji faro-guzdshtan, to pretermit, to neglect, p. idJi\Ajj9 faro-mdndagl (also faro-mdnt), f. "helplessness, weakness, dejection, p. ^iJJUjji faro-mdndan, to lag behind, to be exhausted, p. i^\>«jjSfaromdnda, dejected, tired, depressed, fatigued, weak, helpless, p. [mean, ignoble, p. joI«j J faro-mdya, worthless, low, sordid, 5lj&^ farkdd, name of a celebrated Persian statuary, who, to please his mistress Shirin, dug through an immense mountain, p. \^Jjt>^ farhang, f. wisdom, understanding; a dictionary, a vocabulary, a glossary, p. jib J farydd, f. complaint, exclamation, la- mentation, cry for help, faryad-ras, one who attends to a complaint, a defender, faryad-rasi, f. redress ot grievances, p. (^i^^ji faryddt, m. a complainant, a plaintiff, one who sues for justice, p. L-o i fareb, f. deceit, trick, deception, fraud. fareb-dmez or fareb-kar, fraudulent, deceitful, fareb ]sb»rda, deceived, imposed upon ; (in comp.) cheating deceiving, alluring ; as, mardum-fareb, betraying m^n. fareb-khdnd, to be imposed upon. fareb-d„ to impose upon another, p. \x>j9farebd, la deceiver; adj. falla- i>ykx>,^ farebandaj cious, deceitful, p. ^,^j^,^farebandagt, f. fraud, deceitfulness.;?. fyj^ i/arcfet, m. a cheat, an impostor ; f (in "comp.) deceiving, p. J^yi^„^ farid-buti, f. a kind of medicinal " herb (Menispermum hirsutum). h. CJJ'Hj* ff^^^d^^f name of an ancient king of Persia, famed for his virtues, p. s^Sfartza, a divine positive command, a. ^JJSLlJi fareftan (r. fareb), to deceive, p. iChy farefta, deceived; enamoured, p. ^jiy far'ik, m. a troop, squadron, corps. fanjcain, du. both parties. far'M awwal, the first party, farllfi jan», the defendant party in a law suit. a. \^ fazd, (in comp.) increasing, augmenting, aajan-faza, increasing one's life or spirit, p. ij^fazud (for afzud), increase, &c. p. jy ( SS8 ) Jjj5^«fi/, m. the hammer of a flint lock. d. ^^^fazun (v. afzun)^ increasing, &c. p. i)\*^fasad, m. depravity, iniquity, wickedness, violence, war, horror, mutiny, aedition, rebellion, a. ^jiX^fasadi, quarrelsome, vicious, mutinous ; m. an incendiarj ; a rebeL a, p. ^J^Jisan or fasan, a whetstone, p. io\,^fasana, tale, fiction, narrative. P' ^^fask, Easter, the passover. a. tl*-^**^ fushat, liberty, satisfaction ; (Ht.) width, room, space, a. jk^faskh, m. violation (as of an agreement), dissolving (a marriage) ; dislocation, a. ^djj^ fasurdagi, f. congelation, p. i^j^fasurda or Jisurda, congealed, fasurda- dil, cold-hearted, fasurda-bayan, one whose words are destitute of force or meaning, p. ^jj^Jisk, m. adultery, obscenity, impudence, iniquity, sin, falsehood, a. [is ! p. f^jnytJ fasos (for afsos), interj. alas! pity it ^^yJl^fusun, incantation; fraud, deceit, p. Oyn^i fusuna, an enchanter, a deceiver, p. XiJ Jhskar, scattering. Jishar, compressing, piercing, p. ^^JL3 fishan, (in comp.) strewing, scattering, shedding ; as atask-jbhSn, scattering fire. p. idi\JL9jishdnda, strewed, scattered, p. ^j,\JL9fishdnt, f. (in comp.) strewing, &c. p. iCijtS Jishurda, squeezed, compressed, p. c1a»- yjoijasahat, f. eloquence, pure language, elegance of style, a. ii)\^ fassdd, m. a surgeon, phlebotomist. a. (jii\tai fassddi, f. surgery, phlebotomy, a. i^wiai fasdf f. opening a vein, bleeding, phle- botomy, fafd kholna, a. to bleed, a. ^^ickifasl, f. a section, article, chapter ; time, season, crop, harvest, a. \.Ji^,^^y,ai fasli kharif, the autumnal har- vest of rice, millet, &c. a. xjjj^^^fasli rdbi*, (lit.) the season of spring : it also denotes the first or early harvest of the year. a. ^\t^ fasti, name of an sera instituted some "three hundred years ago by the emperor Akbar. It then agreed with the Hijra ; but as the Fasli years are solar, it falls behind the latter sera at the rate of three years per century, a. Jluj A^oiya.sfi sal, the revenue year : of this there are different epochs in vaiioiu parts of India. a.p, ^.^aifanh, eloquent, sweet or pure (in lan- ^[uage or writings), a. ^u^ fasVufi, eloquence, purity of style, a. (JJUai ffltsil, f. breastworks, entrenchment, ramparts (vulg. sa/il). a. Ktoifazd, an open space, an extensive open field, arena, area, pur-faza, spacious, a. auLfli fuzdla, m, remains, remainder, a. f^S\^fazd,il (pi. of CJubai), virtues, excel- lencies, learning, merits, a. ^J^^ai fazl, m. excellence, virtue; increaise, gain ; gift, reward, favour, a. '^^jofifuzald (pi. of J.^\9), learned and good men. a. [}^g< refuse, a eytoifuzla, m. remainder, redundancy ; leav- [Jyoifazul, exuberant, excessive, redundant ; a busy-body, a mischief-maker. /oaSZ JsJuarch, extra- vagant, profuse, fazul-go, a prolix speaker, one who talks much ; a boaster, an egotist, a. i^yoi fazuU, f. exuberance, redundance, mis- "chief-making ; m. an intermeddler, one who acts as agent without any authority, fcefult bai', the sale of another's property without consent, a. ^Mfli fazih, ignominious, infamous, a. cIa^S*^ fazihat, f. disgrace, ignominy, in- famy. fa^ftJtal-k., to disgrace, defame, a. ^jrfj*^ fuzihati, disgraceful, infamous, a. C»hd>a^ fazilat, f. excellence, perfection ; virtue, knowledge, learning, a. J\a9 fatr or Jitr, m. breaking (a fast) ; com- mencing, broaching; the festival held on breaking Lent, which is also called 'idu-l-fifr, a. Cjjiai fitrat, f. 'I wisdom, sagacity; nature, ijiai fitra, m. J creation, form ; deceit, trick ; alms given on the 'Idu-l-fitr. fitrat larand, a. (vulg.) to practise tricks or stratagems, a. (jjiai fitrath sagacious, cunning, a. Qaiii Jitnat, understanding, sagacity, a. JUi Ji'dl (pi. of J*i), works, actions, doinga. a. Jje Ji'l, m. action, work, operation ; a verb. /i'H 'abat, lost labour, an absurd undertaking. JPli Hximi, a verb neuter, fi'li muta'addi, a verb active or ^ causal. H'l-fil, in fact, in reality, actually, presently, a. ^Ui Ji'lan, in fact, indeed. Ji'lan ma kaulan, in deed and word. a. &i«i fa'ala (pi. of JP^), agents, &c. jVla, a single deed or action, a. ^^Ui Jighdn, m. lamentation, clamour, com- plaint; inteij. alas! p. j^aii faghfur, m. the emperor of China, p. ^ fak, astonished, dismayed, h. ^^ fikddn, loss, want, deprivation, a ^fakr or fukr, m. poverty ; a life of po'^erty with realgnatioB and oontent a. (3jjW ^^imi, 1 f. »jJis fakihf a man conversant with religion and law ; a theologian, a lawyer, a. i^jSfahk, the under and upper jaw. a. 9 fikr, f. and ra. thought, reflection, consi- deration, comuel, advice ; solicitude, a, i^SsJikrat, thought ; the subject of thought or care. a. JtJifcSsJikr-mand,\ thoughtful, sorrowful, {jSi fikrxj J pensive, anxious, a. f. ^^djSi fikandarif to cast down, to throw away. fikandant, fit to be thrown away, fiktmda, cast or thrown down. p. jlCi^^or, lame, crippled, wounded; aflBicted, eonfnaed, distracted, dil-figar, heart-afflicting, p. ^jJiiJigan (v. afgan), overthrowing, p. —^ faWi, f. prosperity, happiness, safety, refuge, a. ^^ ^ falahhan or falakhun (alao faldkhan), f. a sling for throwing stones, p. [phera. a. ftAMt^ faldsifat (pi. of uJ^^Jui), philoso- ^^ylo^ falatun (irXarav), Plato, a. «J1*> 'ili faldkat, f. an evil, a disgrace ; a mis- fortune, adversity, falakati-faldk, the frowns of for- tune ; the evils of destiny, a, iP'!^ faldkatl, unfortunate, a. ^'^fulan, m. such a one or thing, faldn or falanl, f. (met.) pudendum muliebre, a. 46^ fulana, m. such a one, &c. faldna, m. IKKW nrUit. a. ^filizz, m. ore* metal ; dross, scoria, a. ( 639 ) O^ Zj\j^ Jilizzdt, mines, ores, metals, a. (jJi fals or Jils, a small coin, an obolus. falas, indigence, want. a. CjSlJ} Jilsafat, f. philosophy, a. ^^^uJ^ falsafi, a philosopher, a. ^^s^jiljil, f. pepper, a. (.ilii falak, m. the heavens, the sky, the fir- mament ; fate, fortune, falak ho ytflhar na horn kiti he (lit. a thing being unknovni to one's stars), im- plies great inattention and ignorance, falaku-l-aflak, the primum mobile, empyrean heaven, falak-zada, oppressed by fate or fortune, planet-struck, falak- sair, extremely swift, a. j_^ falakl, heavenly, relating to fate or "fortune, a. Ji falam, m. a small silver coin current in ' Southern India, and called by Europeans " a fanara :" twelve fanaras make a rupee, and from 40 to 45 fanams, a pagoda or hun. d. L>*3^ /t^Zws, m. (pi. of (j"Ai) small coins, a paisa : money in a general sense, a. aJuJiJ falita, m. (per met. for fatild) match torch, wick ; a wick composed of paper inscribed with mystic words, by inhaling the smoke of which demons are expelled from those possessed ; a cord of twisted thread sewn between the two folds of the hem of a garment to strengthen it. falita-dar, a matchlock ; any thing that has a match or wick ; cloth hemmed with a cord or falita. a. j^ fam, m. the mouth, fami mi da, the orifice of the stomach, a. f^ fann (also fan), m. science ; skill, saga- city, stratagem, art. fan-fareb, m. art and cunning. fan-farehi, artfbl, cimning. a. Ui/awa, f. mortality, frailty, death, a. {^'^ finjdn, m. a porcelain dish; a coffee- cup, such as the Arabs, Persians, and Turks use. It is very small, being scarcely larger than half an egg- sheU, and, instead of a saucer, rests in a small case of silver or other metal called gar/. — (Binning), p. i^fand, fraud, deceit, trifles, vain words, p. Jjoi funduk, f. a filbert nut ; a ball or bullet ; a finger tip. funduk band, staining the tips of the fingers so as to resemble the filbert-nut. a. (jSiifandi, fraudulent, deceitful, p. f^^funun (pi. of ^^), arts, sciences, a. ^ fu, m. valerian; the mouth, a. in^ fuwdd, m. the heart, a. iS^ fanwdra, m. a fountain, a jet, drain, a spring, a. bS\^ fawdkih, m. (pi. of i^\9) fruits, a. ^\^fawd,id (pi. of »^.)\5), gains, advantages, profits, benefits, a. [be interred, a. CL^^ faut, f. death, faut-hond, n. to die; to e3j» futa orfota, a cloth which they wrap round the middle when going to bathe, fota is some' times used improperly for fofa, q.v. p. I— 'y ( 540 ^_|^ fautt, adj. dead ; property of one who ** dies intestate and without legal heirs (which escheats to the sovereign), fault firart, adj. killed and miss- ing ; property of persons dying intestate or abscond- ing, fautl-ndma, a list of the killed; annual bills of mortality, a. ^^ fauj, f. an army, a multitude, a. .Iiij>.^ fauj-dar, an officer of the police so called, a magistrate, a. p. (Cj\i^^ fauj-ddri, the office of fauj-dar. fauj-dari 'adalat, chief criminal court, a. p. j^fur, name of a raja of kanujy elain by Alexander the Great, Poms. p. j^ faur, m. celerity, haste, fi-l-faurt imme- diately, instantly, a. [reedy, a. \j^ fauraUy quickly, suddenly, instantly, di- j^fauz, victory, advantage, fruition, a. «J9y fota, m. a bag ; the testicle ; tax, re- venue, a purse, fota-dar (vule. pota-dSr), a banker ; a person who inspects the different coins, and deter- mines their rate of exchange, fota-dart, f. banker- ship, banking, the office oifo^-dar. fote bahaduri he, the testicles, p. i^^farcful or fufaU the betel-nut. a, ^^fauh, m. superiority, excellence, altitude, loftiness ; prep, over, above, a. (^ISy faukant, superior ; dotted above, as some letters are, such as te, &c. a. CLKys^fauhiyat, f. preference, pre-eminence, superiority, excellence, a. y^^ fulad^ f. (same as puldd), steel, p. ^iyyfulddl, made of steel ; f. a pikestaff, p. Caw>^ jihrut, f. an inventory, list, index, table of contents, schedule, &c. p. j^ fahvif m. understanding, intellect, com- prehension, fahm-dar, acute, intelligent; (in comp.) perceiving, discerning, Sic, tex-fahm, of a quick capa- city, tuibfm-fahm, understanding a speech or dis- course, a. p. (ji^.U^ fahmdyish, f. causing to understand, instruction, explanation, p. (XXt^ fahmtd, f. understanding, p. j_^Jdt»^ fahmtdagi, f. comprehension, p. ^^Si^ fahmidan, to understand, p. i S*^ fahniida, nnderstood. p. j^if^fahim, learned, intelligent, a. ^ /i, in, into, among, of, to, with, for, by, * concerning; each (or for each), per; as ft man, per maund, 5tc. fi-l-hadiha, readily, quickly, extempore. fi-l-jtimla, upon the whole, fi-l-ttal, now, immediately, on the spot or instant, directly. fi-l-^at:tkat, really, truly, in eflect, in fact, fi-l-faur, now, in short, imme- diately, directly. yJ-i-majs«i, allegorically. fi-n-nariwa- $-saJcari, in hell flames. fi-l-waJfi', in reality, in fact. a. ^\jj fuiyaz, liberal, generous, profuse, co- pioiu, nrunificent, benevolent, a. ) J j_^Li faiydzi, f. liberality, benevolence, a. slxi Jita, m. ribbon, tape (Port.^'fa). Port. fjijii flml (Dakh. for 4^), a kind of pud- ding, d. Jjj-s f^f'oz, victorious, happy, fortunate. firoz-asar firoz-baMit, also firoz-mand, victorious, conquering, prosperous, firoz-mandi, i. victory, pro- sperity, p. Kjj^ flroza, ra. a turquoise stone, used as a talisman for bringing the wearer good luck. p. iS\3ji^ firoziy f. victory, good fortune, p. (JwiajJ faisal, m. decision, decree, determina- tion; division, separation. faifal-k„ a. to settle, to decide, to adjust, a, ^^/^^\j^y,AJi faisal-ndma, a decree, an award ; an instrument denoting that a cause has been finally settled, a. p. nLoji faisala, m. a decree, settlement, a. f^jaJJ faizy m. plenty, abundance; grace, favour, bounty, faizi 'dmm, m. general abundance i adj. liberal, profuse, faiz-bakhsh or faiz-rasan, one who bestows favours ; liberal, munificent, a. ^^^.t&xi fayazdn, overflowing, redundancy, a. Jji fil, m. an elephant, fil-bdn, m. an ele- phant-driver (or -feeder), ftl-khana, a place for ele- phants, an elephant stable, fil-dandan, m. ivory, fil- mur^Ji, m. a turkey, fil-nishin, one who rides on an elephant. In chess/ «/ originally denoted the rook; at present it is applied to the piece which we absurdly call the bishop, a. p. [having elephantiasis, p, UU9 fil-pd, having a swelling in one*8 leg, «j,UUi fll-pdya, m. a pillar, a prop; the up- right post over the mouth of a well. p. (_j-*U)ui fil-pd,i, f. elephantiasis, p. &i\s^ fthkhdna, m. elephant stables, p. u-ij*«Ui failsuf, f. (Gr. (pi\o(Toi ftU, belonging to an elephant, a. \xi fl'ind, in that which, as to what, fimd- bad, as to the future, henceforth. /t-ma-6a6i, aa to what there is between (us, &c.). a. J^ fuyul (pi. of Jji»), elephants, a. ,^ fi'hi, in him, it, or that. a. \^ ft-hd, in her, it, or that. a. ^^ ft-him, in or among them. a. "i haff called hdji harashat, the twenty-first letter of the Arabic alphabet, the twenty-fourth Per- sian, and twenty-seventh Hindustani : its sound !■ harder than tliat ot k<\f (the following letter;, bein^f « ( formed deep fn the fhroat, by the pressure of the root of the tongue against it, and has been compared to the cawing of a raven : in reckoning by abjad it stands for one hundred. "The people of Southern India gene- rally sound this letter erroneously like fcji ; the Per- sians confound it with gh, sounding either letter as J or ^ indiscriminately." — (Binning.) a. w 1ia, the cawing of a rook or crow, ha-ha-k., the caw like a crow. a. ^^\\s lia-an, a title among the Tartars, equi- valent to Emperor or supreme ruler : it is sometimes applied to the emperor of China : it must not be con- founded with the inferior title Idian. as is generally done by our writers on Tartary, &c. p. L-.>1* hob, f. a large dish used for kneading dough and other purposes ; m. a measure of length, viz. the distance from the middle to the extremities of a bow. kdb i hausain, two cubits' length, a, Lj->15 liob, the case of a watch, d, tjo^li* habiz, seizing, taking; m. an astrin- gent ; a receiver, possessor ; occupant. Mbizu-l-arwa^, the seizer of souls, the angel of death, a. JjlS kdbil, possible, capable, skilful, suffi- cient, able, worthy, clever, a »b'J kabila, f. a skilful woman, a midwife, a. ^IS kabili, \f. possibility, skill, suffi- tj ness. C^tAi^habiUyat,) ciency, capability, fit- ylS kabu, m. power, command, authority, opportunity, possession, will, "kabu-pdna, to get the opportunity. Tcabu-parast, tyrannical. Jcabu-paratti, f. tyranny, Tcdhu-chaland, a. to exercise one's power, t. ic^yi^ kabuchi, despotic, tyrannical, t. ,JjolJ> kdbll, Cain, the eldest-born of Eve (properly ka,tn, q. v.). Jcabtl wa hdbll, Cain and Abel. a. ^15 hdtil, killing, mortal, deadly ; m. a murderer ; homicide, a. [the Omnipotent, a. jsjli' hddir, potent, powerful, capable, skilful ; v^iili* hdzif, a false accuser, a slanderer, a. Sjjljli* kdrura, m. a flask, glass; a urinal (sent to physicians for inspection), a. ULJJ^ Hrww, supposed to be the same as Korah, whom the Mu^ammadans describe as the cousin of Moses : on account of his riches and avarice bis name is proverbially applied to all misers ; they add that it was on account of his refusal to pay Moses a tithe of his possessions for the public use, the earth opened and swallowed him up. a. [^r,ow. a. jc.\S kdri, m. a reader, especially of the jli kdz, m. a duck or goose, t 8j\j> kdza, a long rein for leading horses, hdza- dar, a groom, d. jft^Xs hdsim, dividing; m. a distributor, kd- simu-l-arwJc, distributor of daily bread, i. e, God. a. ^jil5 hash, f. the eyebrow ; a bit, a slice (of melon, &c.), a piece, t. 541 ) Jli Sje\» kdsidf m. a courier, an express, a mes senger, a postman (Anglo-Indian, cossid) ; a^j. resolved on, bound to. a. i^S*o^ kdsidi, f. situation of courier, &c.; adj. of or relating to a courier, a. j*o^ kdsir, insufficient, defective, impotent deficient, failing. Jcdsiru-l-bayan, whose meaning is defective, inexplicable, a. j^DJ hdzi, m. a Muhammadan judge, civil, "criminal, and ecclesiastic. TcaziyK-l-J^iiidt, the supreme judge, a. 'sMo^ hdtibat (or kdtiba), all, every one. a. &jj»li* hdtibatan, generally, universally, a. jiaKi kdtir, a mule, t, xi^ls hdU"*, cutting, rescinding ; adj. peremp- tory, decisive, explicit. Jcati'u-t-tariJc, a robber, a high- wayman, a. ibasli, the vast desert, a. c\i' kd', a plain, a desert ; level ground, hd'i StXP-li* kd'ida, m. basis, groundwork ; rule, custom, institution ; the rules of grammar, a. u-Jl* hqf, m. or kohi hdf, the mountain of Icdf, supposed to surround the world, and bound the extreme horizon: it rests on the stone fuMirat, an entire emerald, the reflection from which occasions the azure colour of the sky, according to the poets : the kohi Ja/is the abode of the devs and_;Mj« (or genii), and also of the parts or fairies ; the famous ftmur,gk, or great griffin, is also an inhabitant of the same inter esting region, a. ^dili* kdjila, m. a body of travellers, a caravan. iqfila-bashJ or kqfila-sdlar, m. the leader or chief of a caravan. It may be observed that the term bashi is Turkish, and denotes chief, head, as ar-bdshl, chief of the troops, &c. : kdfila-bdshi, therefore, does not denote the abstract feminine noun, viz. "chieftainship of a ca- ravan," as we have seen it stated in some dictionary, a. «i-i\}l hdfiya, m. rhyme, cadence, metre, the last letter in a verse, to which all the other disticbs rhyme : in poems which terminate in a double rhyme, the penult syllable is kdfiya, the last being called radif. kdfiya tang hona, to be y&iy poor or distressed, a. ^ hah, dry, lean, thin, feeble ; dispropor- tionately tall. a. \51S kd-kd, the note of a crow ; an imitative sound, like our word cuckoo, a. jJ^lS kdhula, m. cardamoms, a. J)^ hokum, m. a fine kind of ermine, a. jjli* hdl, m. a word, a saying; loquacious- ness ; boasting, egotism, idl mama, to be very loqoa cious ; to rebuke, to reproach, kdl vidkdl, m. alterca tion, wrangling, kdla-lldhu ta'dlq, " God the Most High hath said," a phrase generally prefixed to quo- tations from the IfMr.dn. a. t— *J\S hdlib, m. a mould, model, form; bust, figure ; the body. a. ^ei^^ hdlibl, cast in a mould, made ya a "mould, moulded, a. ^\5 hall, f. a carpet, tapestry, p e^^ hdUcha, m. a small carpet, p. JS ( 642 ; JS tjrjJU* kdRn, f. a carpet, tapestry, p. CLmh^ hdmat, f. stature, shape, form, figure, body. Jcadd o "^amat, f. stature and size, general ap- pearance, a. [Arabic lexicon, a. (^^\i* humus, m. the ocean ; the name of an jjlS kan, the sound uttered by a duck, han- . t&lhk,, to quack as a duck. h. «Jlo\S hanit, obedient to God, devout; silent, a. ^15 hJanV, contented, satisfied, a. jjjyl? hanun, m. rule, regulation, statute, canon ; a dulcimer or harp. ^anHn-go, m. an officer in each district, acquainted vrith its customs, the na- ture of the tenures of the land, 8tc. Tfanun-go.t, f. the office of a Tcanun-go. g. jfc\i* 7\.5 kdfiza karnd, a. to tie up a horse's head by passing the bridle to his tail, to prevent his biting, &c. whUe being rubbed down. a.p, jcplJJ ka,izl, f. a bridle used whilst cleaning a horse, a bit. a. ^\9 kd,il, acquiescing, agreeing, giving up a point; adj. subdued, confuted. (a,t7-Jlr., to confute, to convince, to convict. Tca,il honS, n. to acquiesce, to acknowledge, to yield, a. oli* Tia,im, erect, perpendicular ; firm, fixed, durable; attentive, persevering. }:a,imu-n-nar, fixed quicksilver (». e. fixed by fire). ^d,im-mizaj, of a set- tled temper. Jca,im-makdm, a viceroy, lieutenant, vice- gerent, a. &^\j kdfima, erect, perpendicular ; m. a per- pendicular line ; a right angle, a. fit •* (_^\j kd,imi, firmness, durability, a. ijoljj kd,m (v. J.JO^J'), Cain, the first-born of Eve : the Arabs have changed the word into Mbll, pro- bably because it rhymes with habil, Abel; or the change may have resulted from the ignorance of a copyist ; for if the diacritical points, as often happens, be omitted, the two forms fa.in and idbtl become nearly the same. a. ^^ kabb, m. the sound of a falling sword, a. ljj» kabd, f. a garment (quilted), a jacket ; a kind of long gown. J:abS, name of a village near Madlna, in Arabia; the earth, ground, soil. Tfaba.e posttn, a fur cloak, p. a. JL*s>\xi habdhat, f. villany, deformity, dis- honesty, baseness, evil, ill, wrong, inconvenience, a. JUi* kabdla, m. a deed, writing; a bond, written agreement, contract, a bill of sale. a. JjUa habdfil (pi. of aLuJI), family (wife and children, &c.) ; tribes, a, aJ liubh or Tidbh, baseness, deformity, a. jiS kahar, f. a grave, a tomb, kabar-kan, a graved igger. a. ^^\1mm kaba7'istdnAf. a burying-groocd, a i\ijjj kabar-gdh, J cemetery, a.p. jjM-S kabs or kabas, m. lighting or getting fire from another, striking, or asking fire ; learning, teaching; a firebrand, a match, any thing for kindling fire with ; adj. quick, expeditious, a. i^jA»i kabz, f. contraction ; costiveness ; a re- ceipt; tax, tribute. ^kfu-l-u>usul, f. a receipt, ac- knowledgment, o. &^ax9 kabza, m. a grasp ; a handle j the gripe of a sword, a. CL*ytcti.n kdbziyatj f. seizure, costiveness. a. jJa? kabl, m. the anterior part, the front ; adj. first, anterior; adv. before. I^abl az an-ki, before that, anteaquam. kabl az In, before now, heretofore, a. jjjis kibal, power; plenty; presence; on the part of, in respect of. kubl or Jfubtd, pudendum viri velfamina ; (pi. of iabll), tribes, &c. o. aJjj kibla, m. any thing opposite ; that part to which Musalmdns turn their face when at prayer ; hence the word means Mecca, an altar, temple ; wor- ship ; father. Tcibla.e kaunain, the kibla of both worlds (applied to Mulfammad). fcibla-gah, the place turned to when at prayer ; generally means a father ; a patron or protector, kibla.e 'alam (kibla of the world), a title applied to oriental monarchs. kibla-numd, lit. that which shews where the Jfihla is situated ; a c-omplex mathematical instrument, wrongly supposed to be the mariners' compass ; but in reality it is an astrolabe which was used for finding the bearing of Mecca be- fore the compass was known to the Arabs : of course the term is now applied to the European compass, a. j^ iuhur (pi. oij^), tombs, a. j^ Ikubi J^' kabul or kubul, m. consent, favourable reception, concession, approbation, assent; adj. ap- proved, consented, kabul-surat, of a pleasaqt figure, handsome, well-favoured. kabul-k„ a. to assent, allow, confess, consent, to own, to promise. Ja&w/ hond, to be acceptable ; to be agreed on. a. \ju^ kabulnd, a. to agree, to consent, to assent, to accept, to choose, a. h. ^^', kabuUf f. a kind of food, rice and pulse "boiled together, a. CIajJ^' kabuliyai, f. a written agreement, a. sM kubba,.m. a vault, an arch, a dome; a small ornament shaped like a pine-apple on the top of a flagstaff" or spire, a. ["^glyt shameful, a. ^J3 kabih, vile, detestable, deformed, bad, J,^* kabil, m. a species, kind ; family, tribe, kindred, progeny, a. [a wife. a. &]juj* kubila (also kabild), m. a family, a tribe; ^yd9 kitdl, battle, slaughter, fighting, kattdl, a slayer, a murderer. Teuttal (pi. of Tfdtir), murderers, a, ^ya katl, m. slaughter, homicide, murder. katli 'dmm, m. a general massacre, katli 'amd, wilful murder. i:atli-}dkatd, killing by mistake, iatl-jt., a. to kill, to execute ; to murder. Jfatl-gdh, place oi exe- cution or of slaughter. «. \9 Ikubur, \ jjj> kabura,) holsters for pistols, a. f ^ ( 548 ) , » , Vm. a Blice. fraffment. h. JjC5 hattl, m."! killed, murdered, or be- ii)s3 hatila, f. / headed, a. fJ^^ kahbagi, f. whoredom, fornication, a. ikx^ kahba, m. a cough ; f. an old woman (subject to coughing); a whore, a prostitute (accus- tomed to notify her profession by coughing, Gol,); adj. unchaste, a. la* Jiaht, m, famine, dearth, lidht-zada, afflicted or visited with famine. Tcajf^-sal or -salt, a season of dearth or famine, a. liJ hadd, m. stature, kadd-dwar hadd-ddr, or Jcadd-kash, tall, of commanding stature. Jcadd-li^m-k., a. to bow down. a. [cedence. a. »Jl»*i4i5 haddmat, f. priority, excellence, pre- -.(iJ hadah, m. a goblet, glass, bowl ; a satire or lampoon, a. j^ kadr or kadar, f. worth, value, price ; qnantity ; destiny, fete. Jeadr-baJclish, source of dig- nity, fadr-dan, a just appreciator, knowing the worth of (a person). Jcadr-ddni, f. appreciation of another's merit ; patronage, kadr-shinas, knowing the worth of (a person), a. [tence. a. Cm>jd'9 hudrat, f. power, authority ; omnipo- jljtiJ liudratt, adj. divine, not made or pro- duced by man ; f. a mushroom ; a toadstool, htdratt rang, white ; natural colour (not staiued or dyed), a. (^jt»6S kuds, m. holiness, sanctity; Jerusalem ; the angel Gabriel ; adj. holy, pure. a. lj**i(^jtn^haddasa sirra-hu, may he (the Al- mighty) sanctify his sepulchre ! (a phrase added when speaking of a holy or great man deceased.) As these words are generally written without vowels, it is un- certain whether they are not to be read in a passive sense, as Jfuddisa sirru-hu, may his tomb be sanctified ; the latter reading, however, is very doubtful, a. f^i^ kudsi, holy ; m. the angel Gabriel, a. &xtj»^ hidsiya, celestial, holy. a. ^^ jS hadaghanfizre, injunction,prohibition.^. j,^ hadam, m. a pace, a step, a footstep ; the sole of the foot. Icadam-baz, fleet. Ijcadam ba-lcadam, step by step, gently. Jcadam-bos, one who kisses the feet of a superior ; one who pays respect, kadam-bosi, f kissing the feet, obeisance, kadam-chumna, a. to kiss the feet; to leave the company of another, to bid adieu, kadam-chhwie, to touch or embrace one's feet. Jcadam-ranja-f armaria or -kamd, to take the trouble of visiting (another), to condescend to visit or wait upon (spoken of a superior towards an inferior), kadam- lagna, to take protection ; to walk well (a horse). kadam-lene, to acknowledge the superiority of another (either in good or evil qualities ; most frequently in the latter), a. j„^9 hidam, m. a man excelling in virtue ; eternity (Gol.). a. v/«jj» kudamd (pi. of -•J'.tjS), the ancients, a. ^jH^iiSiuddus or kaddiis, pure, holy, blessed, a. Aji\9 }tudum, m. arrival, coming near. a. j^.t>S kadlr, powerful j the Almighty, a. i*>t^9 kadim, ancient, old. hadlmu-l-aiyamy ancient of days ; times of old ; adv. from time imme- morial, a. jc-J.ji T}adimt, old, aged, former, ancient. "kadtmi rdtyat, an occupant of land by hereditary descent, a. I SsSj h,S^^^ harabddin,^f. an antidote, a panacea, ^^.3bip* kardbdzin,} an effectual remedy (a term used in medicine), a. CLo\^ hardbat, f. kin, vicinity, relationship, affinity, propinquity, a. ^Ji]^ kardbatl, related, relative, a. iO^' 'kardba, m. a flagon, a. (jpolyJ hirdbin, f. a carbine ; a weapon some- thing between a pistol and a blunderbuss, having a short, wide, bell-mouthed barrel. It is used with one hand, like a pistol, and is a favourite firearm among the Turkish and Arab horsemen and irregular cavalry. The Turks originally borrowed the weapon, as well as its name, from the Genoese. - C^A^ kird,at, f. pronunciation, reading (more especially of the kur,an). a. i\Jf karrdd, a monkey-keeper, a. j\^ hardr,m.. rest, tranquillity, quietness ; firm- ness, atability; ratification, agreement, engagement; waiting, patience. Jcardr-ddd, an engagement, con- tract, agreement. kardr-waki'i, accurately, posi- tively, a. [to. a. i^j\^ kardrl, firm, stable; ratified, agreed xte\3 Tiurdza, a small particle (of gold or sil- ver); what falls off in filing, a, )o\3 kirrdty a carat, the twenty-fourth part of an ounce, or, according to Gladwin, the one-twentietfa of an ounce, a. (_i|y> Mrdf, rem habere cum conjuge.^^ a. jS!j3 kardkar, grumbling of the guts, bor- borygmi. a. ^Ji^ kirdn, m. conjunction of the planets; pro- pinquity, contiguity; a period of 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, or 1 20 years, kirdn-k., to accomplish something wonder- ful, kirdnu-s-sa'dain, the conjunction of the two for- tunate planets Jupiter and Venus ; the name of a celebrated poem by Amir Khusru, of Dihli. tdjfibi kirdn, prosperous, mighty (lit. one who has been born under a fortunate junction of two or more planets ; a title of honour), a. ^^\^ kuvydrif m. the book containing the pre- cepts, &c. of Muhammad. kur,dn unhand (lit. to raise up the kur,dn), to swear. kur,an par hath dharnd, to lay the hand on the kur.dn, to swear. Jttr,o» kd jdma pahannd, to swear excessively, a. j^KS kur,dni, of or relating to the kur,dn. dydti k^ur.dni, Terses quoted from the Icur.dn. kur.ant' mulld, a Muhamraadan officer who administers oatjia taken on the ^r,an. a. J.UI karawal, m. the advanced guard of an army { a sentinel, a picquet ; a gamekeeper, t. ^ ,\j hararvaU, f. skirmishing (of outposts), "a running fight. *. ^y kara,m (pi of w^^*), connections, cir cunutances. a. u->y kurb, m. propinquity, kindred, a. iJo^ Durban, m. a sacrifice, victim, oblation ; a quiver, a. ^iby kurham, devoted, sacrificed, a. CL.ij3 ^urbat,\f. nearness, proximity; rela- \^y kurba, J tionship, affinity, a. j\»^.S kurb-jarvdr, near neighbourhood, a. C0>S }.urrat, joy, gladness, kurraiu-l-'ain, a coldness (i. e. a lustre or cheerfulness) of the eye. a. g».y karha, ra. a wound, a pimple, sore,ulcer.a. (joJ kurs, m. an orb, a pellet, a ball of paste, a disc (of the sun or moon), a round loaf of bread, a. {jo^ liarzj m. a loan, debt, money borrowed at interest, karzi ^asana, money lent without interest, and repaid at the pleasure of the borrower. Jcar^f- Hitpdh, a dun, a creditor. Tcarz-dar, a debtor. %ar3f- dari, f. being in debt, ^arz dend, a. to lend. Jfarf rakhna, a. to owe. Jcarz lend, a. to borrow, a. o3 karza (v. {jaji), a loan, debt, &c. a. tjo^ Tiarzi, m. a debtor, a borrower; adj. "borrowed, got as a loan. a. ^ji* hurt m. cutting; amputation; a piece, a little, a mouthful ; an ear-ring. a. jjrtUsJ kirtas, m. paper (Gr. x"P'''*l^f ^^^' charta). g. »fi'ji kurttj m. a lot (which among the Arabs was drawn by shooting arrows) ; a wager, wagering, drawing lots, seeking one's fortune by opening a book, &c. hir'a-anddz, a caster or drawer of a lot. a. ^3 hurk, m. an embargo ; confiscation, the act of seizing, attacking, seizure ; inclosure, hindrance, prevention of access ; " an order issued to the inhabi- tants of a place to keep themselves within doors, while the wives and female establishment of a prince or grandee travel through that part of the country." — (Binning), h, \Jf3 karkara, m. the name of a bird (^Ardea Virgo), the demoiselle crane, a. ^J kurkt, confiscated, kurkl parwana, a "warrant issued to sequester a property, h. J,«j kirmiz, m. crimson ; kermes. kirmizi farangi, cochineal (hence Chermes or Kermes). a. ijj*^ kirmiztf of a scarlet or crimson colour; f. scarlet cloth, a, [cuckold, &c. u. jU«(«J kurram-sak, a term of abuse, pimp, ^^Ji karn, m. conjunction of the planets ; a ■pace of ten years, or any multiple thereof up to 120 { a bom. a. 644 ) ^ v^ karria, a kind of French horn. a. ^>uJ karnciji, f. a trumpet (of horn), a. (^tpj) karambikf an alembic, a still, a. ^y!OJi karanfulf m. (Gr. Ka/5uo0t;X\o?), a clove, g. [acoraL t, Jjji haraul, m. (for karawal, q. v.). }uirulf ^y^ karauU, f. a picquet, grand guard ; hunting, t. t-A> J> harlb, near, neighbouring, nigh, almost, about, akin ; a relative or near relation, a. UjJJ kariba or kariban, near, close upon. a. ajOji' kariba or karibat, f. a near female re- lative, a. {J^^ kuraish, a noble tribe of Arabs, of whom Muhammad's grandfather was chief, a. i^*^.y kuraishl, of or relating to the kuraish "tribe, a. ^^3 karln, conjoined, contiguous, connected ; (in comp.) joined by, or possessed of, as 'izzat-Jcarin, honourable, possessed of honour, a. e^S karina, m. similarity, likeness; sym- metry ; cause, context, connection, tenour. a, jJss karya, m. a village or parish, a. jS kaz, m. silk (particularly raw silk), p. {_^^(Jj* kazal-bdshl or kizil-bdshi, m. a kind "of Mughal soldier : the kazal-bdshts are considered to be the descendants of the captives given to SliailcJi Haidar by Tamerlane: they wore the red caps as- sumed by those captives as a mark of distinction and are considered as the best troops of the Persian armies, t, [oath. a. Cju«Lm5 kisdmat, f. the administration of an Ojl*J» kasdwat, f. hardness of heart, grief, auguish, pain, chagrin, a. [revenge, a, jJs kasar, m. violence, compulsion, retaliation, ia^ kistj f. portion, instalment; tax. kisU bandi, f. an agreement for a stated payment of a sum of money, to be discharged at several times; settle- ment of the revenues or taxes by instalment. Jm^t, name of & plant {Costus arabicus). a. j^ kism or kasm, f. kind, species, sort; part, division ; in law it denotes the equal partition of co- habitation which a husband is required by law to make among his wives when he has a plurality of them. a. M**3 kasam, f. an oath, kasam-dildnd or -khildnd, a. to administer an oath. Jfosam khdna, a. to take an oath, to swear, a. kismat, f. fate, fortune, lot; share. distribution, portion; a division, particularly of in- heritance : when any part of the pargana is transferred from one zamlndar to another, each part is called a kismat pargana. a. ^»*J> kasavfi, sworn, kasamt hand, n. to be "sworn, to be upon oath. a. kasarrixya, upon oath ; swearing. Mshmish, dried grapes or currants, p. ^^y^ hashun, a body of troops, a brigade, a division, an army. t. Lfl5 hissa (for s-toS), a tale, a story, &c. a. (^\^ kassab, m. a butcher, a. Ai\taS kasaba, m. a handkerchief tied round the head (worn by women principally), a. (^UflS kassabt, f. the trade of a butcher, a. ^jio\^ hasas or Msas, m. the law of retalia- ) >- tion, aa an eye for an eye, &c. i this word is used in contradistinction to diyat, q. v. a. ^Jf■\^ kasttft, m. a butcher ; adj. cruel, hard- hearted, a. .iJUaS kasa,id, "I (pi. of S^iJuoJ) odes of O^iiJl-a* kasa,idat,J greater length than the ^iaxal. a. ^UaS kasa,int, a butcher's wife. a. h. 5_^^a hasab, a town, a large village ; a kalam or reed ; a fine species of linen cloth made in Egypt ; a woman's head-gear. a. C^lxiaS kasbat (pi. ofkasba), small towns, a. x>faf» kasba, m. a small town (particularly when inhabited by decent people or families of some rank); a township, including both the town and all the 'ands attached to it. a. iSwoJJ kasd, m. desire, wish, inclination, ma- chination, conspiracy, project, purpose. Jcafdi musam- mam, fixed resolution, firm intention, a. \i^^ hasdd or kasdan, voluntarily, inten- tionally, purposely, expressly, a. j hasr, m. diminution, defect; evening twi- light (q. d. defect of light) ; an edifice, a palace, a building, an elegant villa, a. (jeu^ hisas (pi. of »-a5), tales, stories, &c. a. v_p^ 8 Ikaxf, m. the wind breaking, dashing to pieces (a ship) ; blowing with a loud noise (wind), thundering, tasif, adj. weak, broken, split, a. yoi husur, m. error, sin, fault, defect, omis- sion, want, failure ; the allowance or premium on the exchange of rupis, in contradistinction to baffa, or discount, a. tjsyeS husuri, defect, error, fuilure. a. h. jMfljJ Mssa^ m. a tale, a story, narration ; (met. in Hind ^ a quarrel, a dispute. Jciua-Miwan, a story- teller, iifsa-kotdh, or iittamulihtasar, or al-kissa, in •m,^:, in one word ; to cut short a long story. Vispi k»tah-karnd, to settle a dispute, a. S;XJba.V kasida, m. a poem, a long ode, ceeding a hundred couplets, or rather more. a. La* kaza, f. fate, destiny; death, fatality praying at the appointed time; administration of jus tice, jurisdiction, mandate, judgment, decree ; saying a prayer after the time appointed for it is passed. Joaw Tcadar, f. fate, predestination. Jfai^,e l^jat, at tending to the calls of nature. J!:a:^,e 'umri, repeating the prayers to make up for having omitted prayers in the former part of one's life, hazard or Jfcu^-kar, ac- cidentally, by chance, providentially, kaza-k., to make up for a former omission of a religious duty ; as, for example, to fast after the Ramaifdn on account of not having fasted then. a. OloJ> kuzat (pi. of (^^^), judges, justices. iazat, f. vice, disgrace, stain, a. \j\jaS kazara, accidentally, by chance, a. p. jUai* kazzah, 1m. a robber, a ruffian, a ^\^hazzak,) brigand, Cossack. *. ^Lojf kuzzdkt, robbery, brigandage, t. j\^UaJ» kazd-kdr, by chance, accidentally, a. p. OjLoS kazdwat, the office of judge, a. d. bl-aJ* kazdyd (pi. of «JyaS), disputes, quar- rels, a. [slender branches, a. ^^\J^^ kuzbdn (pi. of (.^jUL^aS), long and y^l^"^ hazib, m. a rod, a long slender branch; a small sword ; penis, a. dJ^ haziya or haziya, m. declaration, pro- position, determination; history, narrative; death; natura fcemina, vulva; a syllogism (in logic) ; (in Hin. and Per.) a quarrel, wrangle. Jcaziya-dalldl, one who excites quarrel. Tcaxlya mol-lend, to take on one's self the quarrel of another, to interfere without cause in the disputes of others, a. \a5 hit or ^att, m. cutting transversely, making a pen; adj. sufficient. fa-Tjcati or Jh-tat, only, merely, alone, &c. Jcat-zan, m. a stamp ; a pin or peg on which pens are cut. fai-lagam, a. to mend a pen. a. jUa* katdr or hUdr, f. a line, string (of ani- mals, as of camels, &c.), rank, order, series, row. a. ftliaS kuttd' (pi. of ^^), robbers, &c. a. »/« iaJJAM.y ama, f. a strumpet, an adulteress, a, {___A^'i hutb, m. the iron spindle or axis on which a millstone turns ; the polar star, the north pole, httbi januht, the antarctic or south pole. Tcuthi shimdll, the arctic or north pole ; a prince, chief; a title or degree of rank among religious mendicants, kutb numd, a mariner's compass, httbi soma tb<» axis of heaven, a. 1x9 hutr, m. a diameter of a circle, hatr, dropping, falling in. a. OUaS hatrdt (pi. of tj^), drops, hatrdti shabnam, dew-drops, a. ^^Uajj kitrdii or katrdn, m. (Gr. Keipia or ks- Spiov) tar, liquid pitch (for wheels). a.g. SjlaS hatra, m. a drop, hatra-zan or katra u'.atidv, trotting about ; running to and fro hastily. 2n ^ ^ ( 546 Jkaf, f. shape, form, cut (of a coat, &c) ; ) ■egment, pOTtion, section, division, kafi rah, getting over a journey. Mt'i ri^m, breaking off all connexion witli one's relatives. lS:afi tarilc, hij^hway robbery. hafi nagar, independent of, disregarding, besides, lay- ing out of the question, kaf karna, to pass or tra- verse (a road, &c.). Jaj?* hona, to be passed or per- formed, (a journey, &c.). a. uJa5 Tiafa or kaf an, never, not at all. a. eutis5 hifa, m. a section, division ; a strophe. ^fa-band, a kind of verse, in which the meaning of the first verse of each stanza is completed in the last. a. aJaS liat'a or kut'a, a plot of ground, a. ,«V^V kafi, verily, truly ; f. a tailor's mea- sure, a. A^laS hitmir, m. the thin pellicle on a date- stone ; name of the dog which accompanied the seven sleepers, nd^ir o ii^mtr, minutely, exactly, to the point, a. ij^ liutn, hutun or kuttun, cotton, a. ^Jiai hutm, made of cotton, a. c_.*je ha'b, m. a cavern, a pit, a furrow, a cup ; a hidden meaning of a speech, a. je Jta'r, m. a gulf, an abyss, the bottom of a well, &c.). Jcc^ri darya, tlie depth of a river ; the aea. a. ^y^ kuud, sitting down ; remaining in one place, a. \a» kaf a, f. the back of the head, nape of the neck; adv. secretly, behind one's back, a ^^llflS kaftan, m. a robe of honour, t. ^jJa hafas,') ?J m. a cage, a lattice, net-work, a. {^jasSkafas, JiS kufl (vulg. kulaf), m. a lock, a bolt. a. ^^ytJsS'kuknus, Ithe phoenix, an imaginary [^jn^sa Tiuknus,} bird. a. Ufl5 Ttafiz, a measure of about 641bs. ; also a measure of surface of about 144 cubits square, a, ^ kul, m. reading of the sura or chapter of the Jttr,an entitled "^ul huwa-l-lah, which is done by way of benediction over fruits and sweetmeats pre- sented to the guests at the conclusion of the religious annual feasts held in commemoration of ancestors and other relatives. Hence it comes to signify conclusion. ful ho-chttka, it is all over. ^/ huwa-l-lah parhnd, to grumble (the guts) ; to be excessively hungry (v. under antjf). a. Um^^ kullab, m. the hood put on a hawk to blind him ; drawing and relaxing the string of a bow repeatedly before discharging the arrow, a. jo^ hulaba, m. a staple, hinge, link, hook. a. — ^ hallach, \ shrewd, malicious j wretched, (^'^hallash,) friendless; cunning; ad- di(!ted to drinking, a drunkard, t, K.^)S halt, m. the heart, mind, soul, under- standing ; kernel, marrow ; adj. inverted; adulterated. falh-k., a. to turn over, to invert, to turn. a. s^kalba, m. a plough, halba-rdniff, plouglk ing, driving the plough, a, (_^ kalabt, cordial, hearty, sincere, a. CLAj Jdllat, f. littleness, penury, scarcity, want, indigence, paucity, a. ^^Ijuli* haltaban, m. a pimp, a wittol, a mean scoundrel ; a contented or conniving cuckold, a. j^ljukJj haltabanl, the state or conduct of a pimp. a. p. ^jrCd* hullatain, a public warm-bath ; hence, adj. common to all, hackneyed; a (cup) used b^ every one who comes ; a common woman or prosti- tute. Mir Hasan says, na diio wuh piyalajo ho Jculla- tain, Give me not that cup wnich is hackneyed among the multitude, a. M^ kulzum, m. a sea ; the Red Sea or Ara- bian Gulf: it strictly denotes the town of Clysma ta Egypt, near the head of the Arabian Gulf. 0\j^' kulub (pi. of i_Ji^), hearts, kernels, a. jdi kulla, the summit of a mountain, a. jJS kuli, m. a slave, a labourer, porter, a "cooley. t. j^\Jl3 kaliyan, m. (Dakh. kiliyan) a small and simple kind of l^uTcka or tobacco-pipe for smoking through water : the Persians pronounce it haliyun. p. jJjJi* halil, little, small, moderate, a few, rare, ialil o kasir, small and great, a. ^u)^j* haliya, m. the name of a dish of broiled flesh, &c. ; also a kind of soap ashes, a. X^ kimar, ra. dice or any game of hazard. Jcimar-baz or JimarT, a gambler, kimar-bdzi, f. gambling, a. [doves, a. f^X^ hama)'i (pi. of uJj^)f female turtle- {j^\^ kamash, m. breeding, manners; trifles. househoUl furniture. Jcimash, name of a suit at cards (v. taj). o. [twig. t. f^^ ht^mchl, f. a horsewhip; a bamboo j^ hamar, m. the moon. a. {jj^ humri, f. ring-dove, hamari, lunar, re- lating to the moon. a. «^H^ kumkuma, m. a jug, a pitcher ; a scent- bottle ; a vessel in which the red mixture is contained with which they play at the holt festival ; a round shade or lantern, a, (Jax^ liarnis, m. a shirt; hence, Fr. chemise, It. camicia. Port, camisa. Hind, and Beng. kamij. a. OUi* hanat, f. the walls of a tent, or canvas inclosure, with which a sort of court-yard is formed in camp, a screen, a. [lamps, a. Jj.iliS hanadll (pi. of Jjiiji'), candles, iXa kanndra, a slaughter-house, shambles; a row of iron hooks on which a butcher suspends his joints of meat. a. jJ^LS Mnd'at or hana'at, f. contentment, tranquillity; abstinence, a. hinnab or hannab, hemp, cannabis, a. j^J'S humbur, la larkj a crest on a bird's Vjuj kumburd,] head. a. 1^ Ikand, m. sugar, sugar-candy, a. j\ib,iM handhdr, name of a country to the west of the Indus, p. [chandelier, shade, a. Jj.jis kandil, f. a candle; lamp, lantern, O^ kunut, f. devotion, piety, a. — jia kaniij, hanoj, or kanauj, name of a cele- brated ancient city of India, situated on the Ganges, p. ioyj hunut, f. despair, despairing, a. liP^y kawdyid (pi. of StiPiS), rules, military exercise. Jcauid'id-gdh, parade, place for drill, &c. o. Jiy hawwdl, m. a kind of musician, a singer; a story-teller ; adj. speaking, conversing, o. ^Ij5 hawrcdlni, a female singer, &c. a. h. J^y karvdm, m. justice, equity, himdm, that on which any tiling rests or in which it consists, es- sence, syrup, a. f^^^ kiwdml, ropy, syrupy, thick, a. (jo\y Jiawdnm (pi. of jjiy^), rules, regula- tions, ordinances, statutes, a. C-»y kut, f. food, aliment, livelihood, sub- sistence, victuals, a. Oy kuwwat, f. power, virtue, authority, faculty, strength, vigour, kuwwati dkkiza, strength of mind, kuwwati bdsira, sight, hiwwati bah, lust. Tfuwwati jdxiba, power of attraction, allurement, kuw- wati ^djiza, memory, hiwwati ddfi,a, power of expul- sion, kuwwati dil, strength of mind, kuwwati zdtiya, natural virtue or power, kuwwati sdmi'a, hearing. kuwwati shdmma, smelling, kuwwati mdsika, power of retention, kuwwati vii'da, strength of stomach. kuwwati mumaiyiza, distributive power, discrimination. kuwwati hdzima, digestion, a. [box h. (^yi kutt, f. a small box, a snuff-box, a pill- ^y hoj, also hoch, a horned fighing ram. p. j^i hoi; f. a new rope of fine cotton ; a chain of elephants; edging, twist, tape. lf:or-]i]jiana, an armory, a wardrobe, a. ie>-j^ horchi, m. a keeper of a wardrobe, a. U.y hormd, 1m. a kind of dish, a savoury ei/c.y korma^j stew. u. (^^y haus, f. a bow; m. the sign of the Archer {Sagittarius), kausi Jcuza^, f the rainbow, a. (^y hush, a word used in checking or in- timidating dogs ; a bird, more especially a hawk or falcon. ^Ush bdz, a sportsman, a fowler. kHsh-khdna. an aviary. kHsh-begl, the chief falconer or keeper of hawks, t. i^jn^^ huhnus {kuhnus, kuhnus, or ^uhnus), m. the name of a bird, phoenix, p. jjy haul, m. a word, saying; agreement, promise, consent, contract ; a kind of song, kaul- blfd, the betel of contract, a ceremony gone through as a ratification of an agreement, ^aul-ndma, m. a written agreement. k:aiil o fit, m. word and deed. Jcaul-kardr or iaul o Jfarar, m. an agreement, a. 2n2 Jy ( /548 ) ^ £t holinj, hulinj, or hulunj, the cholic, a "griping pain in tlio bowels, a. g. Jy haul'i, of or relating to an agreement ; "land held under a Ifoul or stipulated tenure, a. ^y haurn, f. tribe, sect, caste, a people, na- ' tion, family. Ja«»a o Utipesfi, pi. m. friends and rela- tives, a. [same tribe, &c. a. «JL*ju>y laumtyatj f. connection, being of the ^J^ hawl, strong, solid, powerful, vigorous. "ikawt-bazu or iatoi-bal, strong armed. Jcawi-pai, sinewy, katvi-jugsa or Icawi-haikal, robust, strong- bodied, a. ^l^/y ho,emak, a kind of bread made of flour, white of eggs, and onions fried in ghi. d. X^ hahhar, very powerful, a conqueror, a subduer, an avenger j adj. imperious, avenging, a. j^ Mhr, m. severity, chastisement, rage, in- dignation, vengeance, judgment, iiahri Jciyamat, is applied both in panegyric and satire to denote great disturbance, " hahri darwesh bar jdni darwesh," the rage of the poor man affects only himself, i.e. no one regards it. a. ■JjT^' *' ' retiring, retreating back, re- Ifi^ kahkara, > ^ , f^ J trograde motion, a. (WL^ \alikara,) K.^ hahkaha, 1 laughing loudly and inde- ^^■^ hahkaha,) cently. hahhaha-marna, to laugh heartily, a. [pot. o, ly^ hahwa, m. coffee, hahwa-dan, a coffee- jjl hai, f. vomiting, a frequent vomiting. "kai jullab, the cholera morbus. Jcai lane-wala, (in medicine) an emetic, a. ^y^\xs hiyas, ni. measuring, comparing ; judgment, opinion; supposition, thought, guess, tlieory, a syllogism. Jciyds-k., to guess, to estimate a. U»*\jj» hiyasan, by guess, hypothetically. a. ^yoVjkS hiyasi, analogical, regular; imagi- "nary, conjectural, a. &iUJ» hiyafa, m. appearance, likenoes, air, manner, mode, representation. Jciyafa-shinas, a phj'- •iognoraist. kiyafa-shinast, the science of phy- flioguomy. a. Axi hiyam, m. standing erect, resurrection ; ' stability ; attention j residence, settlement, a. 0/«Ui kiyamai, f. the general resurrection, the last day; (met.) calamity; excessively great. i:iyamat-h, a. to oppress ; to do any thing wonderful, o, ^UJJ hiyami, f. stability, steadiness, a. .V;u5 httdr, a guitar (Gr. Ktdapa). g. dj5 haid, f. a fetter, imprisonment ; an obli- gation, compact; an obstacle. iaid-][bana, m. a jpiiaoD. Jcaid-k., to imjirison. kaid-h. or -rahni, to be imprisoned, a. ^ JjJ ^idif m. a prisoner, a captive, a. ji? $tr, m. a pitch, a kind of bitumen flowing from some mountains, klr-ddr, besmeared with pitch. JlHr-gun, of the colour of pitch, a. ijttJ3 hais (commonly called haisi majnun), name of a famous lover, a. )o\jXi kirat, m. a carat, the twenty-fourth part of an ounce, a weight of four grains ; fonr bar- leycorns, a. jto^ haisar, m. Caesar, an emperor; the general name for the Greek or Turkish emperor. L MyoM haisum, m. southernwood {Artemisia abrotanum). a. <^ij^9 hlf, a funnel. \y^htfal,\ ^ ^ ,. . . . ". *^ Hhe cephalic vein. a. JixJ hlfal, J ^3j5 hil, ni. a word, speech, saying. JiZ o half m. conversation, controversy, altercation, a. s^^jji hailula, m. sleeping at mid-day, a meridian nap. a. [tnre. a, jg^ kaiyim, true j standing, erect ; m. na- tJ^*»o kimat, f. price, value, worth, a. jX^* klmati, valuable, high-priced, costly, a. &^ hima, m. minced meat, ktma-pularv, a kind^of dish. a. ^^^ kainchi, f. scissars; an oblique or "St. Andrew's cross ; the cross beams of the roof of a cottage, ^ainchi-k., to prune trees, or cut the hair. IkaincM bandhna, to bind or fasten an unskilful rider on his horse, u. «iyjl kuyud (pi. of lioJi), fetters, &c. Jatrf- kuyitd-k„ to imprison, a. A«jklJ haiyum, permanent, stable, lasting; eter- nal, an epithet of the Deity, a. C^xcy^kaiyumiyat, permanency, stability, a. uD ci) kaf, cfilled kafi tazi or kafi 'arabi, the Arabian kdf (in contradistinction to the letter gaf, called kafi 'ajanii, i.e. Persian kdf). It is the twenty- second letter of the Arabic alphabet, the twenty-fifth Persian, and twenty-eighth Hiiidust.ani. It is sounded like our k or c hard, and corresponds to the ka of the Sanskrit. In' reckoning by abjad it counts twenty. Affixed to the end of Persian words it forms diminu- tives or expressions of contempt ; as, mardak, a little man, or one of no value; tiflak, a little child: this also is an expression of endearment ; as, mdmak, dear little mother. di^ ^ ka, the corresponding letter in the De- vanagarl alphabet. Added as a termination to San- skrit words it denotes agency ; as, janak, a fatl)er, fromjoj), producing, t. «jj ka, prefixed to Arabic words denotes like, resembling; ai, ka-l-nakshfi-l-iajar, like an engraving on stone. ■^ ul3 ( 649 ) «-i3 "Sg ha, ^ ku, or 7*1 ^a, prefixed to San- skrit words denotes bad, vile, little, or contemptible; aa,ka-putr, a bad son ; ku-path (lit. a bad road), aber- ration, heresy ; kd-purus^, a vile man, a coward, s. O W\ ka, postpos. sign of the genitive case ; o^ belonging to ; an adjective termination, as kdfh-ka ghofa. a wooden horse, from kdth, wood. //. o olTT /fa (hhakha), whom, what, which? h. jXb kabir, great, grand, illustrious, a. ^o omq<. kabar, a mixed soil of cla^' and sand, suitable to any crop except rice. h. ^J-Jo ^Flf^ kabis, If. an earth with which (j£«^o «nfm kabish,} earthenware is var- nished, h. (-ibo kdbuk, f. a pigeon-house, p. J.JD habul, the capital o^ Afghanistan, for- merly a province of the Mogul empire, p. ^o habuU, f. a kind of pea (that came from "Kabul), kdbuli miffi, f. Armenian bole. p. (^^9 kabus, m. the nightmare j modus cer- tut coeundi. a. ciJy o kabuk, a pigeon-house, p. ^jjX>^ dkmi^ kaberi, name of a river, the Cavery. s. ijoo kdbln, a marriage portion, or settlement which a husband must pay his wife if he divorces her on insufficient groimds. p. ("course, s. ^i^\S cDiMxi kd-path, m. a wrong road, bad 444^^.0 ^"q^ ka-pathya, m. vice, fraud, dis- honesty, s. {j^jyi «irT^^ kd-purush, m. a coward, a mean wretch, contemptible man. t, U^.tS kdpnd (v. kdmpnd), to tremble, &c. d. jy>j6 kdpur (v, kdfur), camphor, d. j4>.o ^\^^ kdphal, m. a bitter seed. s. (Oo kdt (for hat), the spur of a cock. t?. L-iiA^o kdtib, m. an amanuensis, a copier, a writer, a clerk, a. ^jJO hdtibi, f. a kind of short-sleeved gar- "ment ; name of a Persian poet, katibi samur an ho- norary furred robe. a. j3o cklriT. kdtar, timid, gentle, cowardly ; irresolute, confused, distressed, perplexed ; m. a large kind o{ fiah {Cyprinus catla) ; timidity, agitation, s. udbo Wrfiw hdtih (also kdrtih), m. name of / the seventh Hindu month (Oct.-Nov.), the full moon of which is near krittikd, or the Pleiades, s. ^j3o ■^RTW'TI hdtnd, a. to spin, to wrap round, s. (iL^o "JiiTT kdt, f. a cut, incision, execution ; spur of a cock ; scum ; virulence, kdf-k., a. to wound, to cut. Aa/AS^, f clippings, chips, scraps, kdt-kutk., a. to clip, to cut out ; to deduct, kdf-khand, a. to bite. s. ui)6i^ kdtak, hard, severe, difficult, d. c!^ycL>o WrS'^FZ hdt-kut, f. clippings, chips (v. kdt). s. [&C. A. 1^^ "^nT*T kdtan, act of cutting or clipping, I.JJ0 oin^'IT hdtnd, a. to cut, to clip; to bite ; to reap ; to saw ; to stop, to stay ; to waste, to spend, to pass away (the time) ; to pass (a road) ; to inter rupt, to intercept ; to shame, to make ashamed, kdi- ddbid, to cut off, to amputate, s. yo "SKIZ hdiu, m. cutter; adj. corrosive, s. r^^ WIZ hdth, m. wood, timber, stock; a scabbard, katk-putlt, f. a puppet, a toy kdth-chahana, a. (lit. to chew wood) to fare hardl}'. kdth kd ullu, m. a sad blockhead ; adj. impenetrable, stupid, kdtli- kabdr, wooden articles, kdth ki bhambo, i. a sad block- head (woman). kdth-kird, a bug. kdth men pdnw dend, to be imprisoned, to be in tlie stocks, kdth-men- dak, a toad, kdth horid, a. to pine away; to be petri- fied with astonishment, s. ciiitssi kdthrd, m. a wooden pot. s. eoi^jo oKTf3^ kdthinya, m. difficulty, hard- ness, cruelty, s, j_5-^o «ni4l hdthi, f. body; scabbard; shape; "wood, timber; appearance, person; a saddle, t. (.j^o kdteri, name of Satan's wife. d. «j,D "Sfinf kdj, 1m. business, occupation, a v»-o cfc'NI hajd,} work, an action, affair, s, jJ^O cliTST^ hdjal, m. lamp-black (with which the eyelids are painted), kajal ki kofhrt, a place from ^oing into which, or an affair the being engaged in which, brings disgrace or suspicion on one's cha- racter, t. j^o kdjan, m. (v. haran) account, cause, s. ^o kaju, ra. the cashew nut. d. j_^0 cni»/) hdji, busy, employed, hdje, by "reason of, for the sake of. k. — o ^RT^ hdch, m. glass, alkaline ashes, any salt of potash or soda in a glassy or crystalline state ; crystal, ornaments of crystal, quartz; a disease of the eyes, kdch-lavan, m. black salt, a medicinal salt, prepared by calcining fossil salt and the fruit of the emblic myrobalan together, and used as a tonic ape- rient, kdch-mal, m. black salt or soda, kach-mani, m. crystal, quartz, s. U-o cfcTxJi hdchd, unripe, raw ; simple, un- knowing, uninstructed. h. >^^ ^TTS? hdchh, m. a cloth worn round the hips, passing between the legs and tucked in behind ; the upper part of the thigh. *. 1^0 kdchhd (the same as hdchh, q. v.). d. (j,'4?"^ "*l^'^ hdchhan,, f. a female gardener, .v. Va^o cRTSr'n hdchhnd, to bind or tie up the kdchh, to cover the nakedness, s. U^ o c(ii«^*tT hdchhnd, a. to skim, to gather, h. ^J^^ <*i«t«ll hdchhni, f. (v. hdchh) a cloth, " &c. s. [cultivates and sells potherbs, t. je^o chlid^l kdchhi, m. a gardener, who ( 650 ) ^ kdehl, f. milk pottage, p. ^^ kahhf m. an upper story, a gallery, bal- cony, tower, battlementB, a palace, a villa, p. b\^ WT^ kada, m. slime, mud, raire, alluvial deposit. «. [diBtressed, irresolute, s. j^^ ^n*^ kadar, timid, timorous, agitated, timidity, timo- L^j«iD dhl^O kada,rl, J rousness. s. jiirS 4KI(^ kadau, m. slime, mud, mire. s. L-->(io kdzib, false ; (sub.) a liar, a, j6 har, m. business, an action, affair, work, profession, labour, &c. kar-dzmiida, experienced in affairs, practised, kar-amad, kdr-amada or kdr-dma- dani, useful, profitable, what may be turned to account. kdr-bdr, m. business, avocation, kdr-bdrt, a trader ; a transactor of business, a manager or officer, kdr-bar- ddrl, undertaking a business, kdr-parddx, a manager, one who carries on the business kdr-parddzi,f. com- pleting a business, kdr-chob, m. embroidery ; an em- broiderer, kdr-chobi, embroidered, kdr-khdna, m. a worksliop, manufactory ; an arsenal, dockyard, or any place where public works are carried on ; (met.) a great work ; vulva, kdr-khdiia-ddr, a steward, butler, kdr- ddr, an agent, especially of government kdr-ddn, versed, skilled, expert, kdr-ddnt, experience, skill. kdr-dida, one wlio has seen service, expert, kdr-rawd, useful, fit for use. kdr-rawd,t, f. usefulness ; carrying on of a business, occupation, management, conduct. kdr-zdr, {. battle, war, conflict, kdr-sdz. m. the Deity. kdr-farmd, an emperor, minister, commander, superiu- tendant. kdr-kun, a director, manager, an officer whose business it is to keep records, kdr-gdh or -ga/i, a work- shop, manufactory, kdr-ndma, a record of affairs, his- tory, kdr-gar, effectual, active (as a medicine), p. jO ^TT^ karu, m. an artisan, a mechanic, s. \y6 kara, name of a tree {Webera Tetran- dra). d, \j^ ^ITKT karciy m. a black snake j adj. black. kdrt-nun, black salt ; muriate of soda. s. j^)j^ ^fKTTK karagar, m. a gaol, a prison, s. iOjX>CJj6 Wl'ti'Wi'^ karta-hirya, m. a king, also called Arjun, a celebrated hero distinct from the Pandu prince ; one of the Jain Chakravartls, or rulers of the world, s. 0**^j^ ^I'Sm karpas, f. the cotton plant {Ootsypeum) ; cotton cloth, &c. kdrpasi, made of cot- ton. *. [gence. s. *aHj '*l'iw karpanya, m. poverty, indi- i^j6 ifclfS* hnrtik (v. katik), a Hindu month, corresponding to our October or November, s. y*^»^J^ ^ir^tfTlw^ kartikotsav, m. the day of full moon in the month K&rtik, a festival, s. {,j^^j)9 kartus, in. (corrup. of cartouch) a cartridge, e. _jb ^T^ harj or ^TFir haraj, m. an action, an affair, work, business, profession, cause, origin, motive, object, karj-chintd, f. caution, prndence, con- sideration, kdrj-siddhi, f. accomplishment, success, attainment of an object, s. ♦^^^jw har-^dnajdt, pi. workshoDs, &c.p. i>j6 hard, f. a knife, hard dar u$tukhwdn rasid, the knife has reached the bone, i.e, he is re- duced to the last extremity, p. jjlLw.0 hdristdn, the seat of action, p. ^llL»*>jO kdristdnl, f. workmanship, p. d. ^j^'^o ^^Tjnr karshaparif m. a weight of silver equal to sixteen pans of toufu; a weight of copper equal to eighty rattls ; a weight of shells equal to eiglity kauris ; a husbandman. ». tiL^o '4144 kdrshak, m. a husbandman. kdrshik, m. a husbandman ; a weight. $. uiJ^o ^Kcn kdrak, an agent ; acting, doing ; m. action (especially in grammar) ; caae (in gram.). «. j^j9 ^rn^^R kdrukar, m. an artist, an arti- ficer ; an agent, s, cilcjD ^tf^oli hdrmik, worked, embroidered kdrmuk, m. a bow. t. ^^J^ '4tliM kdran, m. cause, motive, principle, account, reason, occasion, action, agency, means, s, ^j6 kdranjd, m. the cock or spout of a cis- tern, barrel, &c.; mouth of a water chamieL d. SiWjO kdranda or karindat adj. laborious; working ; m, a manager, an agent or officer, p. eibjO c|iT^%fl|r kdrunik, compassionate, ten- der, kind. «. li)^Jj^ kdrrodn, m. a caravan, a large body of travellers, merchants, or pilgrimit, united for mutual protection on the joomey. kdrwSn-tara or -lard.e. a caravanserai, a public building for the reception of caravans, p. [caravan, p. t. {mJ**^ic^3j^ kdrawdn-bdshif m, the chief of a ulblijO kdrawdnak, a crane, a heron, p. ^3^5 .0 hdrawdnt, of or belonging to a cara- van ; one of those forming a earayan. p, J^3j^ ''^'' ^ ^^^* 1 business, occupation, ^_jjO kar o hard, J profession, p. ijS hdrih, hating, detesting, loathing, a. {jj^ hart, effectual, kdri zakhtn or zakhmi kdri, a deep wound, a mortal wound, p. ijj9 «iik1 karl, as a termination, denotes agency, as adhi-hdrt, a ruler. $. (jfjo ^Fnft /cari, f. the dish called curry. (This word is perhaps borrowed from the English name of the dish, as that name is said to be a corruption of haliya, a kind of stew, in some respects different from a curry. — B.). h. jiji hareZf a canal, an aqueduct, p. ^j>.j^ kdrezi, of or belonging to a canal; (land) irrigated from a canaL p. y^..j^ kdrl-gar, m. a workman ; a good work- man, p. [ship, p, i^j^..j^ kdrl-gart, f. masterly work, workman- g^J6 "m^ kdrya, m. cause, business (v. harj), f. ( 651 ) ^^ \j^ ^FHT kara, m. a young buffalo; (in Dakh.) a decoction, a sick man's beverage, h. \ij^ karnd, a. to extract, to bring out (v. karhna). d. J^j^ cFre" harh, m. membrum virile, h. \it>j^ WVSl kdrhd, m. a decoction (v. kdrd). h. Ujbj'\^ cfcrdM T kdrhnd, n. to draw forth (as a sword), to draw, to draw oflF, to skin, to take out, to extricate; to draw lines or figures, to delineate, to work flowers on cloth, h. ^j^ kdrl, f. a single straw, a blade of grass, d. lJL^X^Ji^JJ^ kdfi-kaspat, clay (v. kachrd). d. i^jtX "ssm ffds, f. a kind of grass of which rope- is made {Saccharum spontaneum)i m. a cough, kas- swds, m. asthma, s. ;j»»o kds, m. a cup, a goblet, a bowl. a. {,jtt^ kds, m. a very small copper coin (called by Europeans "cash"), current, until within late years, in Southern India. Eighty kas (or " cash ") made one fanam, and twelve fanams a rupee, d. jJIm*^ cKIHI^ kdsdlu, m. an esculent root, a ■ort of yam. s. i_ -"^ kdsib, m. an artist, a tradesman, a. ^Ju*»\^ oFTW^^a^&i or kdsihi, m. a weaver, a.h. C.*yy»K kdst, f. diminution, loss, damage, be ham kast, without loss or damage, p, cL»*"^ «IiIH hdst, m. name of a plant, Chara (Bruce, M.S.). Ji. (JU*»K hdstan (r. kdh.), to lessen, diminish, p. f^^^Mi^ kdstani, f. diminution, loss, damage ; " a plant, p. Uju*»0 oJTTTWT hdstyd, a sickle, k. 6*t*^ hdsid, worthless, deficient in quantity or quality, not selling or passing current, a. j3S^jM% kdsiru-l-hajar, m. (lit.) the stone- breaker, the plant saxifrage, a. ^^>^L*i^ ofililU kdsa-ghna, removing cough, pectoral, kdsa-glml, f. a sort of prickly nightshade {Solanum jacquini). s. ij^**i^ 4il^Hf kds-mardf m. a plant (Cassia or Senna esculenta). s. ^xm>Um>0 4lf|«1in(Ml hds-ndshini, f. a thorny plant used as a remedy for the cough, s. ibMi% kdsnl, f. endive {Cichorium endivia). p. iu*)D kdsa, m. a cup, a goblet, a plate, bowl. kasa.e chtni, porcelain, chinaware. kasa rahdb kd, the chest or body of a fiddle, &c. kasa.e sar, the skull. kdsa-les, m. a sycophant, a lickspittle, kdsa-lesi, sycophancy, a. ^j*\^ kdst (for kdshi), the city of Benares. 5. /\«jLa»\^ csnft^ kdsis, m. green vitriol, green sulphate of iron. s. [that ! p. ^J^^ hash or kdsh-ki, int. would to God (^^ oRm kdsh, f. cough J m. a kind of grasB (v. kds). s. *3li»o hdshdna, m. a house, dwelling, p. j_iU»o kdshdrn, of or relating to the city of Kdshdn ; a fine kind of velvet, p. y^w>0 kdshtan (r. kdr), to sow, to cultivate, p. .(^'''*>" '^rrf kdsktha, m. wood, timber, kdsk- tha-kutt, m. the woodpecker, kdshtha-ktf, m. an in- sect or worm found in decayed wood. «. dll^iM^ c(ilSe(i kdshthak, m. aloe wood or agallochum. s. ^j^i-*^ cKTl^ hdshthi, of wood, wooden, s. jkZ»6 hdslighar, a city of Chinese Tartary. p. I— Q<^)0 kdshjf, m. a detector, a discoverer, a. ^S***^ fidshke or kdshki, may it happen .' God send ! would that ! p. j^SjO cUT^ kdshi, f. Benares, the sacred city "of the Hindus. «. ^O kdzim, m. one who restrains, kdz.imu-l- ^hfliz, one who restrains his anger a. ikpo h dgJi az, m. paper; letter; charter, hd- ^az-bahd, oflSce allowance for stationery, p. j^fiipo k dffh azi. f. a kind of lime ; a paper case; m. a stationer or vender of paper; a paper manufacturer ; a writer ; adj. delicate, soft, thin. p. ^^.i^PO kdffhazin, made of paper, p, io kdjir, m. an infidel, one who denies the existence of a God ; (met.) a mistress, sweetheart, a &3^\S kdfirdna, like an infidel, a. (_5jio kdjiri, of or relating to an infidel ; a negro; an African Caffre orCoffery; f. infidelity; unbelief, kdfirl mirch, a kind of pepper, kdfirl wdld, a term applied to negroes in general, a. ^o kdjil, a sponsor, a surety or bail. a. .y hdfur, ra. camphor, hafur hond, to run away, to disappear, to scamper oflf, to vanish, a. jCjy\^ Tidfuri, camphorated, pure, white. sham'i kdfuri, a candle made of camphorated wax. a. &i\^ kdffa or kdfa, m. the whole ; a tribe, a multitude, kdfa.e andm, all mankind, a. f^^ hdfiy sufficient, sufficing, enough, a. Li)\^ kdk, m. biscuit ; bran ; the pupil of the eye; adj. small, minute, p. i^% cfifcir kdk, m. a crow, hak-pachh or kdk-paksh, m. feather of a crow ; tresses. ». ^% oiricRT /m/m, m. (in Pers.) elder brother; a slave (belonging to one's father) ; (in Hind.) a pater- nal uncle, p. h. ljJ&i3Ja3 «BT'5B^vun kdk-bandhyd, f. a woman that bears only one child, s. Jjo^^ «hic(iml€S' kdk-ptlu, m. a kind of ebony.ff. cUK ( 553 ) J^ t^y^l^ kakatu,a, I the cockatoo, a species of l^'^iaO o kakdtu,a,j large parrot well known in India, h. ^Iiltj»i^^ hakadsingi, flowers of the ink nut. d. 'j>.S^ kdkrez, m. the name of a colour, ap- proaching to purple, p, ^jOj^o hdhrezi, purple-coloured, p. H'.^o c|i|«h^l kdkra, m. a kind of leather, k. ll>**lj^o cFToRTlf^^ hdhrd-singi, f. name of " a medicine. «. (Jio kdkul, f. a curl, lock, ringlet ; a tuft of hair left on the top of the head. p. OyjD kdklut, desire, avarice, avidity, d. (^ji^o hdkluti, avaricious, greedy, d. i^ii^9 ^T4iH^ kdk-vtadgu, m. a water-hen, a gallinule. «. C)j^9 'eiri4|iH^ kdk-niard, m. the colocynth or bitter apple. «. [plant, d. t/j^O kdk-viari, the cocculus indicus or its ^^9 WfWSi kdkan, m. a leprosy with black and red spots, considered incurable, s. j^D 4i I fed ill') kdkini, five gandas, or twenty " ooyrriea. h. vJ^o ^|oh^^ fidkol, m. a poisonous substance of a black colour, possibly the berry of the cocculiu indicus ; a division of hell. s. l1^^ <*1<*1^^ JidkoR, f. a sweet and cooling drug used for allaying fever, removing phlegm, &c. : it is said to be a root brought from Nepal or Morang. s. ^jf^O 'SFT^^fnRt kdkunjki, f. a ranunculus, h. H^o cirrer hdkh, f. the armpit. kdkh-ald,l, f. a painful suppurating tumour in the armpit (v. JcaAkh).s. jio chlcin hdki, f. a maternal aunt. p. h. vi/o "^Tl hag or V^o chill kdgd, m. a crow. s. i^i hdgad, m. (corrup. for kdghaz) paper, p. U^ "'IfT^ /^a/, m. time ; a name of Yama or ./am, the regent of the dead ; death, angel of death ; sea- son, age ; dearth, famine, calamity ; (met.) a snake. kal-hitdna, -Jcatna, or -/jaiiwana, a. to waste one's time, to spend time, kal bus liona, to be in the hands of death ; to be seized by fate, kal-pafnd, the coming on of a famine, kal-dharm, m. death, dying, kalprabhdt, m. the sultry season, autumn, kal-kshep, m. the spending, of time, the enduring of sufiTerir g. s. Jo ^T^S hdl (for kal), to-morrow (bhdshd). s. ^0 m^T kdld, black, dark ; name of a snake ; m. time; name of Krishna, kala bal, m. the lower part of tlie belly, the pubes. kdla bdl apna samajhnd, to despise one excee Jiugly. kdld chor, an unknown person, kdld ddna, name of a purgative seed {Convol- vulus nil ?). kdld xira or kala-jird, m. seeds of the Nigella Jndica, Roxb. kdld muiik kaiud, to break off all connection with another; to disgrace; to copulate; to expel, kdti namak, m. a kind of rock-salt impreg- ^-'-"' with sulphtir and bitumen, which leaves an he- patic flaronr in the month : It Is much used medi- cinally, kdle-baran, of the colour of a snake. JcUe- bdl, m. the pubes. kdle-kos, a great distance. . (. y9 kdld, m. silk cloths, and, in general, any kind of household furniture, kald.e bad ba-rishi ]^- wind, let bad things be returned to their proprietor. j»« ^^0 4ilc$rMfl1 kdldpaWiy f. the act of calk- " ing a ship or boat. A. (^."ilo o|ilc$mH kdldpan, m. blackness. «. jS^O chlcfswr^ kdld-guru, m. a black kind of aloe wood or agallochum. s. j?i^o ^KT^TnlT kdldntar, ni. interval, process of time. s. [used as a purgative, s. (J^'^v ^^IUHI kdldnjani, f. a small shrub (^jJo kdlbud, m. the human body ; the heart , a model, figure, form. p. uili^O 4il<^rH^^kdl-chakra,xa. acycle,a period, s. (^j»t\d^^ "Wlf^^r^kdlidds, one of the nine poets or gems of Vikramaditya's court, and anther of Sacnn* tala, Raghuvansa, Nalodaya, &c. *. j5ljj\^ ^T;-Jo 'c|i|q54|iJ kdl-sarp, m. the black and most deadly variety of the cobra {Coluber naga). «. jj^*J\S *T5J'«5 hdl-sutr, m. one of the twenty- one hells, s. c^Do efil^'cfi hdlah, f. blackness; one of the expressions of quantity (corresponding to our a, b, x, y, &c) in Bija Ganita or algebra ; freckle, mark, spot. «. tiJJo qiifcpcii kdlik, m. blackness, lampblack, the soot which collects under pots, &c., a fault or flaw in gold ; ink, blacking ; a line of hair extending to the navel ; a small bird commonly called Sydm, the car- lew, kaluk, dark. *. d. OJo "SFlf^^ hdlikd, f. thp goddess KdU, q. v. adj. periodical, hdlikd vriddhi, periodical interest. t> 1— AKil^o ^IIc«i«1tj> kdlktl, a confused sound, a tumult (v. kdljfil). h. ^i^xOo '4i1^). », j\ti««o kam-dar, a man of business, an agent, a steward, manager, h p. ^Cj^tixD kam-dari, f. stewardship, agency, h.p. ^j^i^J6 flUTR^ ham-dhenu, name of a cow, belonging to India, that grants every thing requested of her ; a cow that gives much milk. s. •J^4i*o oFTT^^ hamdew (for kama-deva), the Hindu Cupid. He was son of VisJtnu and Rukmini, and husband of Rati (or Venus). Having offended Mahadeva, he was destroyed by the flame from the eyes of the angry deity. He was, however, born again as Pradyumna, son of Krishna, but was imme- diately seized by Sambara (whom it had been fore- told he would destroy), and thrown into the ocean, where he was swallowed by a fish, which, being caught, was presented to Sambara, and happened to be given to Rati to clean. Rati took out the infant and reared him till he was able to destroy Sambara (v. under rati). *. j^\}*^ «lil*l^ •^J^\^ kdmod, m. "1 name of a musical b^^ * \ t^i \ hdmodd, f. J mode or rdgini, sung in the night, $. ( 554 ) (i)' c^(3«aO WW^^ hamnrJak, m. oblation of water to deceased friends, &c„ exclusive of those for whom it is directed by law. *. ^yoD kamun (v. kammun), cumin seed. d. ^^ 4ilH^ kanii, libidinous, lustful, impas- "sioned, fond; busy. i. ^^ WPrt /idnit, f. a lump of gold, a nugget, h, OU*o ham-yab, prosperous, happy, success- ful, one who attains what he wishes, p. ^U/«o ham-yabi, f. prosperity, happiness, p. Jv-*^ ^nfftrff hamayitri, libidinous, lustful, desirous, s. eu*\^ ^lUj kdmya, agreeable, desirable, amiable, kdmya-dan, an acceptable or desirable gift. kamya-karm, m. a supererogatory work. s. ^o oiiTtT hnn, m. the ear ; one blind of an eye. kan ametnd, to pull the ears, to chastise, kan bharna or kan bhar-dena, to excite dissension by tale- oearing. kan bhar ko sunnd (Dakh.), to hear atten- tively, kan par jvn na chalnd, to be very negligent. kan par rakhna, a. to remember; n. to abstain, kan par hath dharna, to refuse, to deny, kan pakapid, to confess inferiority, kan phutnd, n. to be deaf, kan phopid, to make a noise, kan phunknd, a. to tell tales, to excite quarrels ; to tutor, kdn-jhukdnd, a. to desire to hear, kan dharna, a. to hear, to attend ; n. to be attentive, kdn dabdkar chale jdnd, to run away, kan dabdnd or buchiydnd, to turn back the ears, as a horse does when preparing to bite, kdn de sunnd, a,, to hear attentively, kdn devd, give ear, to hear, to be atten- tive, kdn-sald.l, f. name of an insect, kdn kd parda, the tympanum, kdn kdpnd, to get the better of, to surpass, to overcome, to outwit, kdn khirolntCDakh.), to scratch the ear. kdn hhure hand, to be alarmed. kdn kholnd or kdn khol dend, (lit. to open one's ears) to inform; to make acquainted with, to warn, to caution, kdn-lagnd, to get into one's confidence, kdn tnalnd, to admonish, to punisli, to chastise, kdn metnd (for kdn ametnd), to pull tlie ears, &c. kdn-mail, m. ear-wax. kdn-mail-wdld, a person whose employment is to pick or clean tlie ears, kdn men unglt de-rahnd, to stop one's ears, to turn a deaf ear to what is said. kdn men bat mdrnd, to pretend not to hear, kdn men papid, n. to be heard (a speech), kdn men tel ddlnd, to pretend not to hear, kdn men tel ddlke so rahnd, to be inattentive or negligent. kd7i men ddlnd or kahnd, to whisper, to tell, kdnna hildnd, to be silent, kdnon- kdn kahnd, a. to whisper, kdn hildnd, n. to acquiesce in. Aran hone, to understand, comprehend, to be warned, or take example, s. j^O kdn, f. a mine or quarry ; (for ki-dn) since that, for tliat. kan-kan, a mine-digger, p. ^jO TSTR kdn, f. modesty, shame, respect. kdn-k., a. to shame ; to be ashamed, kdn chhornd, a. to act impudently, kan na nidnnd or »a-k., to treat with disrespect ; m. a husband, h. fj^ kdn (for kahdn), where ? whither ? d. ^^o ^ kdn, the sound or cry made by a crow. kaiH-kait-k., to make a noise like the crows, h. '>^0 "JRTOT kdiid, l)lind of one eye, one-eyed ; (fruit, nuts, &c.) whose kernel is rotten, or which has no kernel; foolish, stupid, kdnd-bdti-k., to consult, to advise, to whisper, kdnd phust, f. whispering. katid firi, f. the name of a grass, kdnd-kdnl-k., to whisper, kant kaufi, a cowry with a liole in it. «. c^O kdnip, misfortune or evil luck, kdmp- fhurna, evil luck to befall or hapjtcn. d. o nrfri hdmp, mud thrown up and de posited by watercourses or rivers, h. li-^o «|iiM«f1 kdmpnd, n. to shiver, to tremble, to quake, to shake. ». [(v. ka^-phai). ». j_)^-JD e(iH'Mi(Ji kdn-phal, m. name of a fruit lH^oo cirinT hdnt, pleasing, agreeable, beauti- ful ; m. a husband, kdnti, f. splendour, decoration. •. ^o chitfil kdiitd, f. wife, beloved, a lovely in ; beauty, splendour, light, t. cKJ'^l kdntd, m. a thorn, spine; a fork ; the pricker of a musket ; small (goldsmith!*) scales ; a spur ; a type ; a fishing-hook ; a fish-bone ; the tongue of a balance; a kind of firework (v. hdthi kdAtd). kdntd sd nikal jdnd, to be freed from distress or injury. kdMon par ghasttnd (lit. to drag upon thorns), to extol or exalt one above his merits (used by a person who from humility disclaims the praises bestowed on him), kdnte bone, to prepare distress or misfortune for one's self, kdntd-mtifjiarrir, a clerk em- ployed to note and register weighments. t, l^JLJo cFTTI kdnthd, near, proximate, s. ijr^ chiMll kdnjt, f. a kind of pickle (or "vinegar) made by steeping rice in water and letting the liquor ferment, which is kept for use aometimes twenty years, s. ^o cRT^ kdnch, raw ; m. a disorder in which the intestinum rectum is prolapsed ; a prolapsus ani. kdnch nikdlnd, ani procidentia, h. tf^ cirt^ kdnch, m. glass (v. kdch). s. Ui oFT^ Aa/icAa, raw (v. kdchd). h. fjij^^^ kdnch-kuri, f. cowage {Dolichos pruriens). d. ^^^^ ^ra^ kdnchan, m. gold; adj. (also kdnchan-may) golden, made of gold. $. l^i^O kdnchhd, f. desire, wish, inclination, s. -a^D kdncht, a kind of marriage ceremony, d. liJo kd7id, a wall, an embankment, d. ItiOD oRTcJT kdndd, m. an onion, s. jtiJo oRT^ kdndo, m. mud, slime. $. •i3o\^ W(^ kdndu, m. a sugar-boiler; a tribe c- . - whose business it is to fry com, prepare sweetmeats, &c. s. \jbS>^ "mxvn kdndkd, m. the shoulder, kdndkd hildnd, to shrug up the shoulders, kdndha dena, a. to assist ; to carry away the dead. *. [t*ct. a. UjbtVO ^iv<1T kdndhnd, a. to assist, to pro- d^^ WCS kdnd, m. a section, part, division ; sport, exhibition, t. ^ jj\^ Wi^^ Aa«c?/i,f.purslain (^Portulaca).h. jj4i^\^ kdndur, a coward ; pusillanimous, d. ^<o '^\'^ kdris, m. f. a species of grass (^Suc- charum upontaneum) ; also bell-metal, &c. (v. kdAsa). • c« \^^ fSfm hansa, m. bell-metal, white copper or brass, queen's metal, any amalgum of zinc and copper, s. &— 3^ "SSTW. kansa, m. a cup, bowl, glass, goblet ; bell-metal, kansa-gar, one who makes cups, bowls, 8m5. A:ari*a-gar«,f. the business of cup-making, s. *A— ^^ ^WnST kansya, m. bell-metal (v. kansd). kdAsya-kdr, m. a brazier, a pewterer, a worker in white or bell-metal, kansya-nil, m. blue vitriol, considered as collyriura. *. S^^ ciitoin: Aa;iAar,m. a nodule of limestone, s. l'^^ ^it^ kankshd, f. desire, wish, inclina- tion, t. &Co han-ki (for ki-an-ht), for he who. f. »^o ^F kdnkh, f. the armpit, s. l^\^ 'W\W\ kankhd, m. straining (when at stool, &c.). h. U^\^ cFT'^'IT kdnkhnd, a. to grunt, h. ^J3i gfnft hdngrl, f. a chafing-dish. h. ij^^ «lit^T^ kdngan, m. 'I name of a plant or jjlj^ cirt^rsft kdngm, f. J its seed {Pani- " cum Italicum). s. ^Ji% ^FR«T kdnan, m. a forest, desert, wood. 5. ^^ o|rT»5 kdnh, m. one of the names of Krishna ; a husband, h. e6\^ ka-anna-hu, as if he (or it) was, as it were. a. [_Kris^na, h. j^^ 4il«^l. kdjihar, one of the names of Vf^\^ «K'|«^j1 hdnhrd, m. name of a musical mode or ragini ; a kind of nightingale, h. (3^^ kdnly mineral, relating to mines, p. fj,^ "JirniftAawi, f. a woman blind of one eye. s. J^\^ kd?ii (for hahdni), a story, a tale. d. • io 4iH^ /3)j^ ^ i qi ^ »TT kdwd-dend, a. to ring or louDg0 (a horse) ; to trick, to sham. A. ti)^jK kdwdk, long, awkward; hollow, flnpty ; cracked, useless, p. ^/1j\^ kdwdki, f. length ; hollowness. p. jj^ gl iNT. hdwar f. the baskets in which the Hindus carry about the Ganges water, h. ^•6 kdwar, a stick or bamboo carried on the shoulder, to the ends of which are suspended boxes, baskets, &c., called in UrdQ bahangi, q. v. kawar wald, the person who carries baggage, &c., in this manner, commonly called by Europeans in the Camatic " a cowry-cooley," in UrdQ bahangi - wdld or bahangi- barddr. — Binning, d. (^j\^ kdwish, f. digging, research ; medita- ting, reflecting, menaciog. p. i 666 ) ^^ jlS^o hdm-kdw, diligent investigation, strict research, scrutiny, pains, toil. p. Jji^ kdwal, 1 (v. gasht) surrounding, per- ^^% kdn-ali,i ambulating, patrolling j fees "paid for protection of property ; black malL d. Jj.o kdwal-qar, 1 ^ , ^. i j ■^.^•^^ ^y _ _ > a patrol, a sentinel, a. jUoJjD kawaU-gar,) l5^- Jj^ ^^^'^^ i'".*.*** ^ commitment to jail. d. t^j\^ kdwl, f. digging, excavating, investiga- tion (from kawtdan). p. cLOj^^ kdwlt (v. sJLojf), wood-apple, &c. d. lOm^ ohl«M kdvya, m. a poem, a poetical com- position, kdvya-chaur, m. a plagiarist s. i^ kdh, f. grass, straw, kdh-gil, straw and mud mixed to plaster walls with. p. bj»D hdh-ruhd, yellow amber, p. (jtJ&O kdhish, f. diminution, emaciation, care, anxiety, p. ^AL^^ kdhkashdn, the milky way. p. Jj&\^ kdhil, slow, indolent, lazy, languid, sick, tardy, kdhil-mizaj, indolent, a. Jvj>\^ Wt^kdhla, mischievous, s, ^% kdkild, ailing, sick, indisposed, a. c-A-i^.^^ ^I^^IUUi kdhla-pushp, m. thorn apple {Datura metet). s. ^^\^ kdhildgi, indolence, &c. (v. kahili), d. d3^ft>^ kdhildna, slowly, lazily, a. ljuij&\^ kdhilpand, m. \ indolence, languor, J si A^fcO kdhiU, f. sloth, sickness, tar- diness, o. f^fc^ cRfllT kdhan, m. an aggregate number consisting of sixteen pans, or 1280 kauris, s. ^\^ hdhin, m. prophet, priest; a soothsayer, conjuror, sorcerer, augur, an astrologer, a. ajbo kdh^t, TCI. the name of a vegetable, the seed of which is good for a cold, a lettuce {Lactuca saliva), p. ^^ ^irre kdhu (in the Braj dialect, infl. of ko.u), any one, some one or something, h. ^% kdht, f greenness, name of a dish ; adj. "of or relating to Btraw or grass, p. jj6^ 'BT^ kdhe (infl. of kyd), why, what. " kahe ko, why, wherefore, h. »45Jjb\^ hdkida, diminished, wasted, hahldan, to waste, diminish, p. (J^ ^SlfT^ f. the green scum on the surface of stagnant pools, or the green mould that sticks to walls and pavements, scum, fur, paste; (in Dakh.) green, raw, or unripe fruit, h. [son. a, b^ Wm hdyd, f. the body, appearance, per- ( 556 ) ^ j3^l>0 haya-pufi, f. the cajeput, from whence is prepared the well-known oil. The word is origi- nally Malay. J4-^^ 4il^ific^ or cfcU^m^j' ka,ephal, m. name of a medicine, an aromatic bark (Fragaria vesca) (As. Res. vol. vi. p. 380). ». ,.^0 TSFRTI hayathf m. name of a tribe of Hindus, proceeding from a Kshatrija father and a Sudra mother, and generally employed as clerks or copyists, s. oo '4ilM<. kayar, timid, timorous, a coward, s. JO ka,ir, name of a bird, the Indian thrush, also called sat b,h5,i. h. p^lL^}i'^X[^ kai/asih,m. the Supreme Being; a caste of HindQs (same as kayath), t. cibo ^Mifcfi Itdyak, bodily, personal, s. >J0 kd,ila, (for hdhila), sick, ailing, d. OU)0 kdjindt (pi. of wJo), all things existing ; f. the world, universe, beings, creatures, a- bJj6 wn kdya, m. the body (v. kayo), s. L-*> 'JRW kah, when ? kab-tak, -talak, -lag, or -to,?*, till when i how long f kab-se, since what time ? k(^kab, when ? kab-ka, -ke, or -At, of what time ? kdb-lo, till when t how long ? «. if,S '?irf% Aflfti or AaJ, m. (for kavi) a poet. kuh, a hump (on the back), s. ^^S^ Am J6a, hump-backed, s. L-.5U5 kabdb, m. a roast, meat cut into slices and then roasted or fried on skewers, kabdb-k., a. to bum, to roast, kabdb hona, to bum ; to be enraged ; (met.) to be desperately in love. p. j_^A>-L--'U5 hahab-chint, f. cubebs (Piper " cubeba); jungle cloves, p. joU5 kdbdha, m. cubebs {Piper cubeba). a. j^U) habdbi, fit to be roasted ; roasting ; m. one who roasts ; a vendor of kabdbs. p, »«iUS kabdda, m. a bow, not very strong, for practising with. p. j\m kibar (pi. of joi ), grandees, nobles, men distinguished for wealth, knowledge, or sanctity. kabbdr or kubbdr, very great, a. 'j\iS "W^X^ habdr or kibdr, m. a door, a gate. s. (Jl*Ai ifcC^ld' kabit, m.1 asort of verse used by Uf5 «irfWT habitd, f. J the Hindus, poetry, a poem (applied to compositions in the Hindi or Braj dialects). «. jff>l:JkS ^f^ril^ kabitd,ty f. poetry, &c. s. cLjjAaiaf, a kind of delicate dish. d. \^ VJMI kubjd, hump-backed, crooked, s. SsS kabid, m. the liver, the heart, a. jC(3sAi 40(^1 habaddl, f. a game among boys, who divide themselves into two parties, one of which takes it« station on one side of n Una or ridge called pdld, made on the ground, and the other on the other r one boy, shouting kabaddi, kabaddl, passi-s the line and endeavours to touch one of tliose on tlie opposite side : if he is able to do this and to return to his own party, the boy that was so touched is supposed to be slain, tliat is, he retires from the game ; but if the boy who made the assault be seized and unable tu return, he dies, or retires in the same manner: the assault ia thus made from the two sides alternately, and that party is victorious of which some remain after all their opponents are slain, h. j^ kibr or kubr, m. grandeur, pride, dignity. kabar, capers (fniit or berry), a. 2;fi fkmA habrdfgrej, dirty white, variegated, s. \j*S kubard (pi. ofjM), the great, grandees, &c. a. ^jS kubrd, m. the major of a syllogism, a. b **i kibriyd, m. grandeur, magnificence j pride ; a name of God. a, Cl^^jii kibritftn. sulphur; fine gold or silver. kibrlti a^mar, the philosopher's stone, a. ^Aj^ hihiti, of or relating to sulphur, a. jA> cjT^? kubar, m. a hump (on the back). «. \jjj 0^41 kubrd, hump-backed, crooked. «. uiJjo kabk, m. name of a bird of the partridge kind, kabki dart, m. a beautiful species of partridge. kabk-raftdr, moving gracefully, p. ^Jj hubal, difficult, severe, d. JbJJjp "^^sy habnndh, m. a headless trunk (still retaining a little life, so as to have the power of moving), s. J>y^ kabutar, m. a pigeon, kabutar-bdz or kabutar-bdn, a pigeon-fancier ; one who rears pigeons and bets upon their flight, &c. kabutar-hacha, m. a young pigeon ; an unripe poppy-head wrapped up in pease-meal and fried in butter or oil. kabutar-jhar, name of a plant (Justicia nasuta). p. !0\^Ji^ kabutar- khdna,m . a pigeon-bouse, p. *i^A_i kabild, m. azure, blue; a kind of willow ; a sort of blue sheepskin : a heron, p. 4j^«3^j6 habudi, blue, azure, cerulean, habudu rang, azure-coloured, p. [a bad wife. «. Wjl^jj ^rvrT#r ku-bkdrja (for ku-bhdrya), f. j^\^ ^W^ hu-hhdw, m. ill-treatment, ill- temper, evil disposition, «. ^^j5 o|i»T kahhu, (j,y^ ^^ habhun, j-4-> ofi^ kabht, , "kttbhi ke, of some time, some time ago, bhi, some time or other, h. ever, some time or other. kabht kabht, sometimes, now and then, nt times. kabht na ka- Ji/i kabh'f large, immense, great, full-grown, senior ; name of a famous fakir and saint, who flou- rished about the close of tlie fifteentli century, kabtr panihi, m. the followers of Kabtr. kabtr kd uifd, trana- position, a. Jt:^"^^ hubeVf the God of wealth (r. huver). j*^i P cir^hn: kahisar, jyttXiS ojr^Tgr; kahumar 1 (for •,/ first prince of poets : the Arabs and Persians have a simi- lar terni; maliku-sh-shu'ara. s. »**ajo kablsa, m. intercalary, sali kahisa, lea]i-ycar. a. j^^XiS oE^'^'BgT kahhhwar or kahishar, m. (for kavlshwar), an eminent poet (v. kabisar). s. Jotfi kablkaj, a kind of wild parsley, and a deadly poison, p. ^jo5 kabtn (for kabhtn), at any time. d. «»-0 oBfTT y^ap/, m. an ape, a monkey, s. lo oFORT I'uppa, m. a large leathern vessel for holding oil, ght, inc. kuppa lufhna, the decease of a king, SiC. kuppa hona, to become very fat. *. jJJLi oRtrra ku-pdtr, unfit, incapable, s. cL>lx5 WUZ kapat, m. a shutter, a door, the panel of a door. t. Ad^^S hapdtl-lagdm, a snaffle bridle, h.p. jUS ^^^ kapar, m. (v. kapdl) skull, cra- nium ; fate, destiny. ». jj-jUj «if"tnTft hapari, shrewd, slyj m. a caste in Bengal who sell greens, &c. h. jCjU) eBijnft kapdri, a title of Shiva, who carries a skull in his hand and a chain of them round his neck ; a cavesson or noseband for a horse, ardh kapdri, pain of half the head {hemicrania) ; an areca nut having two kernels, or rather one of those kernels which are convex on one side and flat on the other, where it was in contact with its fellow : these nuts, from the doctrine of signatures, are said to be a re- medy for the hemicrania. s. (^^lo oliTn^ kapds, f. cotton (undressed); the cotton plant {Gossypium herbaceum). s. ,vj»Us hapasl, made of cotton (a garment), s. JUS oifTn^ hapal, m. the bead, forehead; a skull or cranium ; fate, destiny, kapal phutna, to be unfortunate, kapal khulna, to have a favourable turn of fortune. *. 5lji' oRTn^ kaj)ali, ii title of Shiva (v. ka- "part). kapdll asan, an attitude of fakirs in worship, standing on their heads, kapall kriyd, a ceremony among Hindus: when a dead body is buniing and nearly reduced to ashes, the nearest relative breaks the skull with the stroke of a bamboo and pours melted butter into the cavity : hence kapdll kriyd-k., to think inteiisely, to beat or cudgel one's brains. *. ^Ls "SliTngs^ liapdli, m. name of a caste (in "Beng.) (v. kapdri). h. cl^O) ^fTlri hipit, incensed, angry, s. jL»J «IWTf hnpvtr or elW'^ knpnfr, m. a bad, undutiful, and wicked son. *. ,Aja> WTV hi-path, (lit. bad road, or the wrong way) deviation, aberration, heresy, kttpath- gdtni, wicked, going in a bad or wrt r.g road. *. ( 557 ) ^f kavtshmar), a ,^xS '^fv^ kapitth, m. the elephant or wood rate poet lit. ay'V^s {Feronia ehphantium or Cratava valanga). t. ^^\aS cifTiT::^^ hapar-kut, pounded up with rags (clay for making crucibles, &c.). ». jS offtrs kapnr or kapar, m. cloth, kapar- chhdn-k., a. to strain, kapar chhan, impalpable (pow der) ; deep (consultation) ; thoroughly sifted (intelli- gence, &c.). *. \jjS ^qsi kaprd, m. cloth ; clothes, dress, habit, kapfd-orhnd or -pahannS, to put on clothes. kapron se hona, n. to have the menses, kapfe, pi. dress apparel, kapre rungnd, to become a fakir, kapre ko jhol dend, to give an alarm. — (Gilch.) kapfe-wapfe clothes, s. J»4> v^ hapar-fhul, a silk cloth worked with gold and silver flowers, worn as a head-dress by females, d. JytivAi ofiMiMc^ kapardfml, m. gauze, h. \^^jM oRtiTcR^ kapar-kothd, m. a tent. s. ^->c-»^ ^IfTToifTft kap-kapi, f. shivering, trem- ' bling, quaking, perturbation. *. J-^oirft^ kapil, m. name of a Hindu sage. s. iLs ^^T kapild, f. a brown-coloured cow. s, U-i chUtiT kapnd, n. to shiver, to tremble, to quake ; adj. trembling. t» C^^ "W^^ kapot, m. a pigeon or dove, especially the spotted-necked pigeon, t. C^y^ «ir"'TfI kapvt or Hi^iiY kuput, m. a de- generate or villainous son. s. f^y^ "^^ifi kaputt, f. degeneracy (in a son), s. .w*5 cRTI^ ka^mr, m. camphor; also name of a flower. ». [a medicine, h. ^j.s^.yyi'^VTW^^ kapur'hachari, f. name of i^j^ cfi^n^ kapurl, m. a kind of betel-leaf so called, s, JjX^^tft^ hapol, m. the cheek, hapo]- gendud, a small circular pillow to rest the cheek upon.*- _ I 'Oi "block 0lS Wffi kaph, m. phlegm; watery froth or foam. kaph-nathan, anti-phlegmatic. kaphi, phlegmatic, s. ^Wfi kapi, m. a monkey ; a pulley or kuppi, f. a vial, a skin, a leather bottle, s, C^Wfi hat or kit, where ? whither ? why ? how ? how many ? how much ? t. \'i^ "WWl kutta, m. a dog ; the scear of a gun- lock, the part which is acted upon by the trigger ; a hand-vice, kutta mutya, a toadstool or fungus, tazi kutta, a greyhound, h l^j fah'WI kitta, how many ? how much ? what quantity ? s. u--'\j[S hitab, f. a book, writing, despatches, scripture, a letter, kilabi ilahl or kitabi majid, the holy book, the Tcur,an. kildh-farosh, a bookseller. As the book, to ^i^\iov, U is applied to the Old Tes- tament of the Jews, the New Testament of the Christians, and the Jmr.dn of the Mtil^amtnadans i hence Jews and Christitms, as well as Muhammadam, are styled " ahli kitab " " the people of the book," the rest of mankind being classed as pagans, a. C^U^ hitabat, f. 1 writing, inscription, a eoljki kitaba, m. J motto ; title-page ; in law, a written engagement whereby a slave is entitled to emancipate himself either by labour or money ; en epitaph, a. ^j,\jS kitabi, of or belonging to a book ; " hence a Jew or Christian (v. hitdh), for Mu^ammadans admit that these are possessed of scriptural authority, though inferior to the 7cur,a7i ; of the shape of a book, i. e. rectangular or oblong, kitabi chapfa, a long or oval face. a. ^Ijio ^SirwRT katara, m. a kind of sugar-cane. h. ^\3S kattan, m. a kind of cloth, linen (it is said to be rent by exposure to the moonlight, and hence is represented by oriental poets as enamoured of the moon. A;a/an, linseed, a. ^^\Ji iR^vT kattan, m. a knife, a dagger (Beng.). *. [to spin. *. KiKiS ^irin«TT katana, a. to get spun, to cause (j^Kii WnJ^ haia,\y m. spinning; the price paid for spinning. *. \J^dna, a library, a. UJO) kutub (pi. of t-^lJkS ), books, kutub- Ujjo kiiabiya, f. a small book. a. Cj^^vM ^pn kutap or ^THI kutup, m. the eighth hour or portion of the day, about noon. s. ^Jj^ kat-kht(da, m. (for kad-khuda) master of a family, a married man; a viceroy or locum tenens. p. (^>\ji5r hat-khvda,t, f. marriage ; office of viceroy, kat-i^uda.i-k., to marry, p. ^■gnr^ kutru, m. a puppy, katru, m. a cutter. (. SySwifTJ katra, m. parings, clippings. 8. ^\j^ ^Wrftr kutrapi, somewhere or other, s. ( 558 } ^ ^yiS ctiiKitfT katrana, a. to cause to clip, tc cut out; to leave the high road, stealing away by by- paths, to go round about, to shrink, to go udewaji. katrakar chalna, to desert one's companion. «. {^^]J^ «ini '^WT kutsa, f. reproach, contempt, cen- sure, s. CL>**M ^fWil AMfsi7,de8picable,contemptibIe.«. t_iJo katif or kit/, m. the shoulder-blades, a. uiljo kitak, some, several, a few. d. uiAiS kutak (for kutak, q. v.), a pestle, &c. p. OJO ^ri ki-ta,m (for ke-ta,in), to, up to, &c. d. cLo '^ huty m. name of a medicine (^Costus /Irahicus). s. iJLo cirfe kati or hat, f. the reins, the loins, the waist, kafi-kehari or kat-kehii, having a waist elegant as the lion's (epithet of a handsome woman), s. j-iLo «ir7 kat, m. black colour to mark chintz with, kitf, m. a kind of sour dish ; excrement, dirt. h. lil^ cRj katu, m. pungency, pungent taste ; a flower {Michelia champaca) ; adj. pungent, fierce, hot, impetuous, s. [louse, h. \j^ "Sf^ katta, robust, able-bodied ; m. a large US ^RTT kata, f. killing, slaughter, hatd-k,, to slaughter, s. \jS kattd, a bundle, a file of papers, a bunch, a handful, a faggot or bundle of sticks, a parcel, d. ^\jS hatachh, m. (for katdksh, q.v.) ogling, a leer, glance, or side look. «. j\j^ "WZK katdr, m. a dagger having a broad straight blade ; the hilt comes up on either side of the wrist, while it is grasped by a crossbar in the centre ; a polecat, h. [horse, s. h. jUi ^^^?K kutdr, m. an impatient little jUS "Jli^R kuttdi', m. copulation, s. \.\ji ^RTTCI kntdra, m. name of a medicinal plant (globe thistle, Echinops echinatus, Roxb.). h. \j\m hatardy the aloe plant, d. ^_^j\j5 ifi ^BJ«B katak, m. f. an army. s. oa5 katkd, a peck or seizure with the beak. katka bharna, to peck with the beak, to bite with the teeth, d. dLSii WZ^ kuthut, ra. nibbling, itching scratching (in Dakh.) kap-kaf, an imitative sound, a click, a tick, or tick-tick. A. [teeth, d. kat-hatdnd, to gnash or grind the katakti-khdndf to experience grief, trouble, or vexation, d. J*M WTWK katkar, 1 m. railings, balus- \j>>j^ cn«q)jS mj() 'oli^l^MI halhhana, a. to bite. h. si^i'S ^KT^iTT katkhand, inclined to bite. h. ji^oF7«Ft kutkt, f. a f^nat ; estrangement ♦• from, or desertion of, friends, h. ifj^ 9i<^ kutki, f. name of a medicine, s. iup>jj ms^itm katkina, a sub-lease, or under- farm. katklna-dar, an under-farmer of revenue, a Bub-tenant (Glad.), h. \J^^Ja^afZVJ^hat-ghard,'\Jn. a wooden cage /jj^SRm. katgar, J or railing.a balustrade, s. Jj»5 •?Ff3^ hutil, crooked, bent, perverse, dishonest; cruel, ruthless, kufil-ta, f. crookedness; guile, dishonesty. «. J^'^m kutum, 1 m. kin, family, tribe, i—z^jS oirjer kutumbj caste, relatives, s. ^^^^ ^F'jf^'T hutumbin,'] m. householder, kutumbtf y paterfamilias, ku- kiitumi, J tttmbim, f tho "wife of a householder, a matron, s. Mj^ katmaram,,m. a raft, a float, commonlv ^called a " catamaran." The word is originally Tamul, and signifies in that language " tied logs." d. ( 560 ) ^ i^jy^ 'RTW hatori, f. a small bowl or cnp of'metal. h. i^yj flbZ^n katusi, f. smut, obscenity, h, U^ ^KTtoS katol, m. a man of a degraded katmasta (v. hath masia), strong- bodied, very powerful and lusty, d. ^JS "^^^ kuttan,'\m. a pimp, a pander, a Uj6 eRTsn hiitnd, J mischief-maker, s. \» \JJ^WZ^^ haind, n. to be cut ; to pass or be spent (as time) ; to be bashful, abashed, to be inter- rupted ; to die of wounds, s, bUo^ ^[7*Tnn hutndpd, m. pimping, s. (^jJoj^ ^^riTO kutnds, m. the name of a bird {Coracias). Ji. UIIaS ^FT«n»!T kutndna, a. to entice, to seduce, to inveigle, to wheedle, to coax. t. tJ>Ua^^TJn^few?na,i, f. the wages of a pimp.«. i^,„^xiiTK!^kutumb, m. tribe, family, kindred.s. Cuxa'SSZ^ kutannQt, m. a plant (^t^fnowta indica). t. [the grain, harvest. *. ^^ «kit(\ katniy f. the season for cutting r^jJ^iRTfft hutnt or kuttani,f. a bawd, a pro- " curcss, a go-between. *. [to be cut. i, \j\J^ '9f:ZWr^ katrvdnd (v. katdnd), to cause Ijjji^ ^RTlTT Aa/ora,"! m. a brass bowl, a cup, ij^wit^l hatoraj goblet, &c. of metal. A. tribe, a Ctian^dl: a plant (perhaps cowage, Dolichot prurient), s. 0^ cRJf kath, ra. (contraction of hath, wood). kafh-handhan or -handan, m. a wooden ring with which the feet of elephants are fastened, kafh-biruki, t, a toad, kath-bel, the wood-apple (Feronia elephantum). kath-beld, m. name of a flower (Jasmintim multiflorum). kath-phora, a woodpecker {Picus). kath-gulab, m. a kind of rose {Rosa chinensis). kath-masta, very stout and lusty. kath-haAsi, affected or forced smiles (vrith internal displeasure), s. \^M IRT hatthd, m. a land-measure (the twentieth part of a blgha); a corn-measure, contain- ing five sers. h. l^ «li{^l ^afaAa, snapping, inclined to bite. s. jI^jO cfiSt((^ kathal, ra. name of a fruit and tree ; the jack-tree and fruit {Artocarpus integrifolia, Roxb.). s. [tiat. t. Aaj5 «lifT& kathillf m. Momordica charan- ^^AaS "cfiJ^T kathld, m. a wooden ornament, or a charm put on a child's neck. *. j^^AJii wf7»T hathin, difficulty, obscure, pain- ful, troublesome ; acute ; hard, solid ; unkind, severe. kaihintd, f. hardness, severity, difRculty kafhin-h^atf or kapiinantahkaran, hard-hearted, s. j^ ^r3%«. hathinjarj m. a plant wor- shipped by the Hindiis, commonly called Tuki i^Osy mum sanctum, or tacred basil). *. ■^ lST. ^^j.^aS e(j(j(^<; hathandar^ m. dropsy, tympany, hardness of the stomach, t. [with). $. tj^ efifWt kathim, f. chalk (for writing .jJ^^jo ofi^irt kathauti, f. a tub, a plate, a trencher, platter. «. j^^jki oF^^ ku-thaur, wrong place,miBplaced. s. .^4j5 «5TtT hathor, 1 cruel, relentless, severe, J^^jo cm'Ic? kathol,} callous; hard, solid. 5. \3j^^jki ^Byt^ffT kathorata, f. hardness, firmness; cruelty, relentlessness. «. ^i^JtJ efrfTTT ^aiA?^a, m. a trencher, a platter; 8 snare, a trap, trepan, u .^^ W^ kutt, f. a cottage, katu f. (v. ^a/i) "the reins, loins, &c. «. ^-jj^ cfiHsMI hatiya, f. a fishing-hook, kataiya, coarse grass growing on fields left fallow, h. J^ "^fZ^T. kufir, m. a small house, a hovel, s. ijui katera, railings, palings; a balustrade, d. Jj kamfat, f. density, fulness, repletion, a. OJj kasrat, f. abundance, excess ; practice. ba-kasral or kasrat-se, in plenty, abundantly, nume- rously, kasrat-ic, to practise, to exercise one's self. a. fl^ kasrafi, usual, practised, familiar, a. d, ■_«*^ /<«sy, ni' a crowd, multitude, a. jui kasir, many, muci), abundant, fruitful, copious, numerous, excessive, kasiru-l-'iydl, having a numerous family, a. l^AjM hasif, thick, dense, opaque, kasifu-l- aukat, bad times, dirty weather ; miserable, a. ^ISRST huj, the planet Mars; Tuesday, s. S kaj, crooked, wry ; (met.) perverse, cross. ^ Icaj-aghand, -aghanda, -agand, or -aganda, a cuirass quilted with silk, kaj-baz, one who plays false, fraudu- lent, kaj-ba^s, one who reasons absurdly, kaj-ba^si, f. absurd reasoning, kaj-chashm, squint-eyed, kaj- kljulk. ill-tempered, kaj-ddr marez, evasion, subter- fuge, putting off. kaj-raw, one who walks obliquely; unprincipled, kaj-rawi, walking obliquely ; unprin- (upled conduct, depravity, kaj-tab', cross-tempered. Ara/'-ZaAjB, stupid, misunderstanding, perverting a mean- ing, kaj-kulah, a beau (lit. wearing the cap awry). kaj-mizdj, cross, ill-tempered ; stupid, kaj-naiiar, en- vious, malignant looks, kaj-nihdd, of a crooked dispo- sition, perverse, kaj-na^ar, scowling (" lumine torvo ") ; met. envious, malignant, p. \jf huja, where? whither? how .-* az-huja, har-kuja, everjrwhere. p. ( 561 ) ^^ C*r»-l:c kajachit, perhaps, should, someUnie or other. *. Uljt kujana, a. to cause to rot, to waste, d. »jl:s kajawa, m. a camel's saddle ; a kind cf camel's litter in which females traveL p. \j^ jc cinriTiT Hu-jatt or nu-jat, base, of mean •xtrMtion or bad caste ; one who hM lost his caste, s. brats, kich-pich, f. mud, mire, &c. ; adj. close, thick, stuffed together, h. [iadea. A. \x^,/ "W^^Nm kach-pachiya, m. the Pl»« 2o ^^^y'^WTT kach'pan, m. rawness; simpli- city, want of expenence. h. ^ ojr^ kuchar, censorious, detracting, s. \^ c B -tfC T kachra, m. the raw kharbuza or muBk-melon ; clay, kichra (v. kichrS). h. \j£. kachra, m. rubbish, dirt, sweepings, d. \jj»j3^j^ r<*-dfysf oR^T^^'TT kuchal-dend, 'l a. to U)\J>j3* ^*l5J51^«Tr kuchal-ddlnd, J bruise, &c. ; to overlay, h, [crush, h. VjJus <*'«<«4'n kuchalnd, a. to bruise, to 1^^^ '^'^'f^'i hachlon, a kind of salt, said to promote digestion, h. Jb^l* ?K^^jt? kach-lohu, m. bloody ichor discharged along with purulent matter, h. ^_^ A^ !M^J5^^*t hach-lohi, "1 untemper- Vji* Jis: i|r^^rtf%«n hach-lohiyd, f.J ed iron. *. ( '562 ) ^ ^* kachh (for kenchlt), the glongh or 0kin " of a snake, d. ^^si oK^oJt kuchli, f. the canine teeth, h. <*^H^ kach-mach, gibberish, babble, nonsense, unintelligible language, h, j^ cfi^mx. kachumar, m. a kind of pickle. kachumar kar dalna, to cut to pieces. ^Usf el, -41 HI C kachndr, If. a tree, the flowers Jliy-cliMHiicJ kachndl,} of which are a deli- cate vegetable (BauMnia variegata). t. ^^iokjf oji-«fr<'tT ku-chandan, m. red sanderg {Pterocarpus santalinus) ; saffron or logwood. ». ^ W^ kachchu (also kachu) m. name of a plant {Arum colocasia). h. ci->lj^ kachwdt, vexation, abhorrence, dis- like, d. [gatO' », ,U»*r cin^^JK kachu.dr, m. Bauhinia varie- J ^^ ^ ^ Lil^-^ kachmdnd, to be grieved or vexed, to be tired or disgusted with (a person), d. ^^J>\^ '^FT^hft kachwdnsi, a minute division " of surface in land measure, h, .^ W^i. hachur, m. the name of a drug '^Curcuma recUnata or xerumbet, Roxb.). t. ^c.«4fe 'Slf^t^ kachauri, f. a dish made of wheateu flour and pulse, h. yo%^ %fi<Uss: ^kPn^I^^ kachiyahat, f. abhorrence. A. ),j^ 9NT1 hacherd, m. the name of a tribe. A. (^J^ kacheri (v. kachahrl), an office, c?. ^J^-*^ 4*^91 kuchela, kachela, or kachaild, ill- clad ; old, dirty, or tattered (clothes). «. Jl^ kahhdl, m. an oculist, kahdl, a col- lyrium. a. ,J^ /cmAZ, m. a collyfiura or antimony re- duced to a fine powder, a. 6i '^had, when? at what time? s. i5 had, m. a house, a retreat, a den. p. -4/ ( 563 ) jjl^ WSfRTn hachhdrna, a. to wash, to rinse, s. [turtle, s. c.>(^> cfi^U hachchhap, m. a tortoise, a ^JjicT '•'■^^^ kachahrl or kachhari (vul. cutcherry), f. a hall of justice, town-house, court, a public ofBce for the receipt of the revenue, &c. ^. r'a:l,|^^ ^^(^i|j hachh-lampat, m. a liber- tine ; adj. lewd, dissolute, lecherous, h, Vi4^ ?(iiRT kachhna, n. to be washed or rinsed. Ii. li^ ^"2RT kachhnd, m. a kind of breeches, which cover very little of the thigh. *. {_^4v **'^h1 kachhrii, f. a smaller kind of breeches (than the preceding), s. ^^ "cU^ kachhu (v. kuchk), any, some, &c. h. \^^ "RRT kachhwd, low land. A. 1-**^^ «lit5;^l kachhu,d, m. a tortoise, a turtle. kachhu, a-ddbar, uneven-bottomed (a river deep and shallow alternately), s. iW kadd, f. examination, search, 'n«>airy trouble, labour, endeavour, kadd iawish, 1. search, inquiry, examination, application, a, \m ^^ kadd, when? at what time? «. ^\sS -Sfi^Tixf kaddpi, 'I at some time or «J1a»-^j3 ^i^Tf%iI kaddchit,) other ; perad- venture. s. jU-lji -^i^T^T^ Aac?-acAar, wicked, profligate, s. j\i^ ^if^K kuddr, m. a pickaxe, matto'sk, spade, hoe. s. \yiM fts^TTT kiddrd, m. name of a musi^.ai mode or ragint, sung in the midnight of summer. ». «5<;iO kuddrl, f. (v. kuddli), a small jO^iW <*q I «in^ had-dkdr, ill-shaped, ugly. s. ij\^S «F?Ci;55 Awc?ai or kudddl, m. a hoe, a pick- kuddal, m. mountain ebony {Bauhinia [pickaxe. axe, a spade. variegata). j_J^;W cht^l^l kuddli, f. a small mattock ; a A^tii kuddm, which (of the two)? who? what ? of what kind or sort ? p. \J\dS oR^fTT kuddnd, a. to dandle ; to cause to leap ; (met.) to provoke, t. ^.'iW hk^\i\\ kuddyd, m. a kind of dove. h. j3b J5 kad-hdnu, f. the mistress of a family, p. \i^CiS kad-khuddf m. the father of a family, a married man. p. i^A^M kad'khudd,if f. establishing a fa- mily ; marriage. kad-]slmda,i-k., to marry, p. jM kadr or kadir, muddy, obscure, kadar, being turbid or muddy (water) ; (met.) being distressed or perplexed in mind. a. jiii ^R^ kadar, m. a white sort of mimosa, s. l^iM cR^^l kudrd, m. a pickaxe, s. \j|jti5 ^i^rnrr kudrdnd, n. to frisk, to leap, to caper, h. [eye. *. fJU/Mj^i cfc'^flf ku-drishti, f. weak sight, evil a^tW ZF^ kadarya, avaricious, miserly. *. Uj iW ent^cdt^i kudaknd, n. to frisk, to leap, to boimd, to hop on one foot. h. Jiii oii^ia). p, C-^jiii kaduratf f. foulness, impurity (in water, &c.) ; (met.) perturbation, depression of spirits, affliction, resentment, o. ij^j,^ kaddu-kash, m. a kind of instrument for cutting and cleaning pumpkins, &c. p. tSi hada, m. (in comp.) a place, a house, &c. ; as atash-kada, a fire-temple ; mai-kada, a tavern, p. jbd^f^B^T^kidhar, where? whither? in what direction? kidhar-se, whence t from what quarter f h. fj^dS hudhan, side, direction ; adv. towards.rf. •J6ii-i TIN hadhu, 1 ever, some time or other : i>i^i wfi hadhl,) the forms kadhun and "AadAtrt also occur. «. U^iW ■aik^lHI kadimd, m. an iron crow; a pumpkin {Cticurbita pepo). h. jOiii kadewar, m. a gardener, p. j.--*frj3«K2^^M-£?Aa6,ill-shaped,ill-mannered.^. i^^^S "^^ ku-dhang, unmannerly, ill-bred. kudhangi, f. rudeness, h. L-->^Jj kazzab, m. an enormous liar. a. dL^\M ka-zalikt like that, in that manner, a, c^iM kazb or kizb, m. lying; a lie. a. j>tl!t kar, m. the hand ; m. f. tribute, duty, custom, fee, tax. i. S W^ hum, name of an ancient sovereign of northern India, also the name of his territorj'. kuru or tUtara-kuru, the most northerly of the four maha- dw'tpas, or principal divisions of the known world. kuru bansi, of the race of Kuru. kuru-kshetra, the' country near Delhi, where the great battle was fought between the Kauravas and the Pdtufavas, s. jJAar, deaf; m. purpose; power, strength ; felicity. *or o/ar, or Ararro/orr, pomp and pride, p. y ^ro kaid or ?stl harra, hard, adulterated, bad (as coin). *. [whom? p. y kird (dat. and ace. of At), whom ? to ( .564 ) \/ »^\f karrdt (pi. of \S), times, &c. karrdt- marrdt, repeatedly, many times and oft. a. '•^\f ftsrnf hirdt, m. a savage, a tribe of mountaineers or highlanders living by the chase ; the Cirrhadae of the ancients, t. [assault, a. j|^ karrdr, attacking violently ; reiterated ^y '44. K1 kardrd, hard, stiff, rigid. «. \y\ji kardrd, m. the shore, coast, d. \J^y> *0* hardn (per metath. for kandr^, m. a shore, coast, margin, bank, side, boundary, p. XiSy '^lillfn karrdnd, n. to be hard or stiff. kardna, a. to canse to be done or made, to actuate, to effect, s. \3y f<*iHT kirdnd, m. grocery; a. to adjust; to sift, to separate by turning round in a winnowing fan (differing from phataknS). t. i\£ oiniTT kardnt, m. a saw. s. \f Wf^ krunti or krdnt, f. ascending, surmounting; declination of a heavenly body; the sun's course on the ecliptic ; the ecliptic, or the space of the lieavens included within the tropics (also kramt- matidal) ; the torrid zone ; lustre, splendour. «. ^^]/ hardnsnd,) groan from pain. d. }ii\£ kardna, m. (for kandra, v. kardn). p. j3^ TFT^ k7din, m. a clerk, a writer: the term is generally applied to native clerks, or those of mixed breed, in the service of Europeans, h. jy ftun^ kirdw, m. a small pea {Pisum arvense), a. j^y SRAH kard,o, a term npplied by some in- ferior tribes to concubinage generally, but more espe- cially to the marriage of a widow with the brother of a deceased husband, h. \S kardhat, f. dislike, disgust, aversion, a. 1/ ( 5C5 ) v/ \xti\ji kai-ahatan, unwillingly, with aversion, a. \j>it>]ji eR^^tH harahnd, n. to sigh, to utter lb ! (from pain) ; to groan, h. t^)S %U^ karahl, f. a flat vessel of iron, ** brass, or earth, in which food is boiled or fried. Jca- rahi chatna, to lick the pot (from indigence or extreme avarice), hence tisne kardhi chdti, applied as a reproach to a bridegroom if it rain on his wedding procession. karahi-lena, a species of ordeal, in which oil is made boiling hot in the vessel above described ; a small piece of gold, as a ring, is put in it, and the suspected person is to take it out : if he do this without injury to bis hand, he is pronounced innocent, s. CLajJ&LS /fCf7'aA«^o<,f.disagreeablene6s, disgust, abhorrence, aversion, hatred, abomination, a. ^J^f kara,cja, m. the oval-leafed rosebay [Nerium antidysenlericum), a plant whose seeds are used in medicine as a tonic or febrifuge. In UrdQ it is called iiidra-jau, q. v. d. (Jj^ <*\^ kiraya, in. hire, fare, rent, kiraya cha- ISna, to let any thing the use of which is in moving, as a horse, cart, &c. hiraya-ddr, a tenant, one who hires any thing, kirdya-i , to let. kiraya lend, to bire, to rent. a. u-^ karb or karab, vexation, affliction, a. \iS ■^rtr hurba, hump-backed, crooked j (in Dakh.) a kind of sheep having much wool. $. tl*^ knrbat, f. affliction, distress, grief, a. jl^iOji oB^t'ii, karbudar, m. mountain ebony ; blue barleria. s, \ji^ «|i^T karburd, f. trumpet-flower {Big~ noniasuaveolem); a sort of basil {Ocymum gratissimum).t, ^bji harhala, name of a place in 'Irak, where Hiisain the son of 'Alt suffered martyrdom, and where ' his tomb is still visited by pilgrims, a. ^^y^^Ji karbaldft, of or relating to Karbala. udJj^jS <*'|lo|i karburak, m. zedoary (v. kar- pftrak). fj,^ «R^ karbl, f. the stalk of juwdr or bdjra {Holcus sorgum and spicatus). h. \iS cinn hripd or kirpd, f. favour, kindness, pity, compassion, kripd-sindhu, ocean of g^ace or mercy kripa may, compassionate, kripd-nidhdn, the abode of mercy or kindness, kripd-hin, unfeeling, s. ^_j»>bjS V^I9 karpas, m. cotton, karpasl, f. the cotton tree. ». Jb^ oFTTT^ kripdlu or kirpdl, compassionate, liberal, obliging, kind, benevolent, propitious. «. ^J^■Ji '^fVTHihripdn, m. a sword, a scimitar, a sacrificial knife. «. ^bj5 karpdn, m. an eruptive cutaneous dis- order to which children are subject, d. ^S *'(i!l krlpan or kirpan, miserly, kri- pantS, f. stinginess. «. jy>.y ^^K hrirpur, m. camphor, karph'-tail, m. camphor liniment, karpur-mani, m. a white mine- ral used medicinally. *. i^j^S oF^^ hapurak, m. zedoary (^Cur- cuma zerumhet). s. p harrat, f. one time, one assault, do karrat, twice ; si karrat, thrice, a. \iy kurta, m. a large tunic, upper garment, frock, shirt, p. bp "oR^T kartd, 'j m. an author, doer, cre- jbji ofc^K kartdvj} ator; nominative (in gram.) ; a proprietor, master, a husband. ». i^j^y "^^^ kritarth, m. the granting of a supplication, the fulfilment of one's wishes ; adj. suc- cessful .having obtained one's purpose, or accomplished one's designs, kritdrthatd, f. success, s. ^j3^ "W^jH^"^ hartal, ^f. the name of a f^^Jj fllRrnQS^, kartdli,} musical instrument, "a kind of small cymbal: the word may also mean beating time with the hands, s. c— Oji 'Sfifm kartab,m. action, business ; skill, s. Jiji cjfW kartri, a doer, a maker, an agent. «. mJ>j» ifcr^H kritrim, made, factitious, artifi- cial, kritrim-putr, m. an adopted son. kritrim-milr, an acquired friend, s. ijyy <*rfO kartain, f. a pair of scissors or shears, s. 00j5 ^fsraST kiritikd or krittikd, f. the third mansion of the moon ; the Pleiades. «. {>j^f^y <4i(i}( hritayhna \ ungrateful, neg- ^j^Lli^ T^^ hritag/ml,} lectful of fa- " vours, an ingrate. s. [titude. «. (_f-flja^^,i WlTTnnt kriiaghnatdyi, f. ingra- t$^S ^ul^ hiitagya, grateful, mindful of 'favours. *. XxiS3J^ WiT^TTT kritagyatd, f. gratitude, s, ^yiJ> ofi^W^S har-tal, m. the palm of the hand. s. ^S kurtaiii, a kind of shirt or short jacket, d. •"^Jdr ^^^ kartut or kirtut, f. action busi- siness. s. eo.yi^ "mfC^ kartavya, proper to be done, necessary, practicable, kartavyatd, £ practicability, propriety, s. «Jjj kurta, m. a kind of tunic, waistcoat, ( '• jacket, p. [lichot byiorus.) $, f^^J ^t:^ hurtht, f. a kind of vetch {Dc- fl^ kurtly f. a waistcoat for women or jacket for soldiers, p. O/ ( 566 ) ^1J^ TSjyfi kartl, f. the skin of a calf stuffed and piaced near the mother, to make her give milk. h. Ijo/^ftBTfinn kirtiya, m. a dancer, a singing- «oy. .. [golden age. t. \th..C^^ WTTJT hrit-yug, m. the first or j_^J hm-jj, the moulting of fowls, d. j^Jif^Akii-ch or kirichf f. a sword, especial- ly a straight one to thruat with ; a splinter, malatf. jy>'y "^B^ karchur, m. a plant (Curcuma reclinata). a. ciJ, *»- ^"W^fTM karchurak, m. zedoary {Cur- cuma zerumbet). t. jlaaie. A. l^s-ji wtr harchhd, m. a large spoon, a ^y^^f ^^\^ karchhal or ^^(l^ kurchhal, f. a bound, spring, jump. h. J^a-/^*^ karchhul, f. an iron spoon; a syrord made of soft iron, h, jM>' ji ■'inl'ft harchhaniff. an iron skimmer.^. i£^f 'nff karchhl, f. a spoon ; a skein (a "ringlet), h. J^^^'^f:^^ kuru-chhetra, m. the country near Dihll, the scene of the great battle fought be- tween the Kauravas and Pandavas. s. Cyr-y karaMP, austere, rigid, insensible, of no feeling, p. Sr /-* _, >-f. dryness, austerity .j9. jjp-jS karakhtt, J ^^ hard, m. mud, mire, clay. s. l kardan (r. kun)^ to do, to act, to per- 0>;5ji ^^ kridant, m. derivative from a verb ; name of a treatise on syntax. », fj,dj^ kardam, fit to be done, practicable, ~ feasible, p. \jmi^ hardoray a string tied round the waist, to which a langofi is fastened; a kind of chain of gold or silver worn round the waist by men. d. jbCiSwf krudha, f. ang«r, passion, kruddha, angry, t. d^/ idS karda, done, accomplished; m. a deed, action, fact ; in comp. it means one who has done, as kdr-karda, one who has done business ; experienced, p. i^j^iliJi^Sfi^W^J^ kardhamrt,')f a girdle, ^i/lK^ kardham, J ~°*' «^°°- * ]V;5 "^str karra, stifi^, hard, harsh, s. (wp '3TH ku-ras, bad-juiced, of bad essence ; m. bad taste ; spirituous or vinous liquors. «. jJ6\^ ^JaM^ kursan ka patti (explained by "kamar-sar or Jcamar-tdl, q. t.). d. Cam*^ cimnr kursat, m. a kind of coarse sugar, h. \Sm»j> '•fUdI krisata, f. (for krishata)j small- ness, thinness, leanness, a, <^Ju*iJi kursuff^ra. cotton, &c. put into an i^y**S kursuf,) inkstand ; a cloth used by menstruous women ; a pessary, a. t^S kursi, f. a chair, a stool, a seat ; a throne; "the eighth heaven, the throne of God ; the name of a place within about fourteen miles of Lakhnau, the inhabitants of which are said to be foolish or mad. kursi ka hai, he is from Jcursl, i.e. he is mad or foolish (this is precisely what the ancient Greeks used to say with regard to the Thracian Abdera and its citi- zens), kursi-ndma, a genealogical tree, kuriunithint established in office, enthroned, a, ^AJiSwU^ karst, f. small lumps of cow-dung "dried for fuel. *. {J^^ "^f^ krishi, f. husbandry, agriculture, s, {JaS "^^ krish, small, thin, minute, s. iJ^i^ fimUJ krishan, m. a husbandman, a ploughman, s. [a slender shape, t. ^JiJ\M>Ji ed^ll^l krishangl, f. a woman with J«^--iy ^(T^TRSy karsh-phal, m. beleric myro- balan {Terminalia beleriea). t. lJkM>i^^i^niT krishata, f. slenderness,thinnes8. $. tiLiy '^cR karshak or 4iM4 krishak, m. a cultivator of the soil. «. e^S kirishma, m. ogling, an amorous look or gesture, blandishment, a vrink, a glance, p. f^f*»f «ira!t krishn or hrishna, black ; dark blue; m. name of a Hindu incarnation (v. kishan). krishn-pachlf or -pakslf, m. the dark half of the lunar month, darkness, krishna-phal, m. a fruit, the Co' rinda. krishna-td, f. blackness, krishna-tdmar, m. a kind of sandal wood of a dusky copper hue. krishna- jata, f. the Indian spikenard, krishna-jlrak, m. Calonji, a plant with a small black seed (Nigella indica). krisfftia-rharan, m. name of aplaot (Poinc/ana pulcherrima). krishrta-shdr or -sdrang. m. the black antelope, krishna-lavan, ra. a factitious salt, a muriate of soda. Arri«/ma-/o/i, m. the loadstone, i, ^^S <*^'!I karshan, m. ploughing, tilling; drawing attracting, s. [Krit^fna. $. jZ>\JJ^^ i^^\[ViJH krishnathritf devoted to U^/ ( 567 ^S^jJj»ji ohmiMf^l krishnd-nadi, f. name of a river, possibly the Kistna in Deccan. s. (j*»^jljg2»p ^iWRHT krishndvds, m. the holy fig-tree. s. Ojll«y ^rain^TnT hrishndvatdr, m. the in- carnation of the god Vishnu in the form of Krishna, s. j_jjS*j5 ^^TSft karshint, f. a medicinal sort of " moon-plant ; the bit of a bridle, s, ^y^»^ «ITO(rt^ kar-shoth, m. (Edematous swelling of the hands, s. uiJp oRolr kark, TO., a crab; the sign Cancer, s. 0.5 'aB%T karkd, m. a paean, a war-song. h. Uoj^^^clilHI AarAawa, a. to strain, to sprain, to break, h. iJLS^ ^^ kurkut, f. sweepings, rubbish, h. iJLSS oR^ kar'kat, m. a crab ; the sign Cancer ; a kind of bird (the Numidian crane), a. fJ^j> f<*<.r<*i1' kirkiti, f. a mote, or particle of "dust, fallen into the eye. h. 2$ 4|i<«h^ karkach, m. a kind of salt, sea salt made by evaporation, h. j>j5 karkar, (properly the past conj. part, of kamd, " to do," and signifying " having done.") It is much employed in the DakhanI dialect in the sense of " as, that, because ;" and also " named or called ;" and sometimes as a mere conjunctive expletive, having no particular meaning. With the infinitive of a verb it will give the sense of " intentionally," tlie verb being afterwards repeated in its proper mood or tense: for example, viain ise phopia-karkar nain phora, " I did not break this intentionally ; so, main us kutte ko chhornd-karkar chhor-diyd, " I purposely did let that dog loose."— (Binning). i^y «K.<*^ I harkard, m. bad coin ; name of a bird (Numidian crane), kirkird, gritty, sandy, s. U]^i^f^<.r<*U«n kirkirdnd, n. to be gritty, to grate, h. [f. cracking, h. L , '±^tb \si cStoBTTf? kirkirdhat or karkardhat, ijjj 'S^Kj^ kurkurlff. belly fretting, gripes in a horse, h. Ijiji karkara, m. laughing immoderately, a. \j>^y ■«K<"<*f> karkas, piercing, harsh, obdu- rate, violent, sharp, s. L-^^oiR^pffl karkasd, f. a termagant, a scold.s. (jiiy ^K^ karkash, violent, hard, harsh, unkind, unfeeling, miserly. «. [*'^)> Jix^J^ "5^^ kuru-kshetra (v. kuru-chhe- ^ljij5 eFfiirsTT'I harak-ndth, a kind of fowl, the bones of which are Bald to be black, h, ^^ kar-ko (for kar-kar), having done, or made (conj. part, of kamd). d. [&c. h. ^^WMi karkhdf m. (v. kafkkd) war-song, J^S «E^HT; karhetary m. a kmd oi t;em '>^y karg, m. a rhinoceros. f». Ici.^ oKTTT^ harqadd, m. a string worn ro'wd the waist, h. i^i^S hargadaUy m. a rhinoceros. » ^j»S^ kargas, m. a vulture, a kind of »rr;>w. ^. ^^ kargah, m. a weaver's shop ; the hole in the ground in which Ids feet play. p. i^j^S <*-jj3 karamb, m. a cabbage, cauliSower. p. A'S cirf^^ krimij, m. agallochum. hrimijd, f. lac, a red dye. s. ^S:s^^ <^lM-^\*^ karamchdri, m. an inferior ofiicer to collect the revenue from a certain division of a village ; the village accountant. *. ,i^ii-«;i «Ff^? karmishtha, active, diligent s. r/ ( 568 ) ./ ti^S hirmak, m. the fire-fly ; (dim. of Hrm) a small fly. p. [tive case. t. t^}LoS ml { 9MA karm-karak, m. the accusa- *:)Sjtj> karam-kalla, m. a cabbage, a cauli- flower, p. J-c;i ff^ krimil, having worms, wormy. krimila, f. a fruitful woman. «. j_^c^"^r*ft Armt, affected with worms, s. ^_^ ftl?^ kriniif m. worm, insect ; lac. s. ^j^ W^ karmi, relating to work, doing "works; fortunate, t. i^S f'^fff kirnii, f. the palas tree. «. i^S ^r»ff kurniif m. a tribe of husband- "men ; also Jcumbt. h. iiJ.dJ>McJi ofcifPt^^l karmendriya, m. an organ of action : five are reckoned, hand, foot, larynx, organ of generation, and anus. t. [table, h. »^jy«;5 "'liT^'^ karmema, m. name of a vege- ^^Ji ^SRT^ karan, ra. making, doing; cause, instrument ; accomplishing an action ; an astrological division of time, of which there are eleven, seven moveable and four fixed, and two of them are equal to a lunar day ; the hypothenuse of a triangle ; the diameter or diagonal of a square, parallelogram, &c., a secant. «. ^»^S ftlTOT kiran, f. the sunbeams, the rays of the sun. kiran-may, radiant, bright, s. ^^J> "JinS karn or karna, m. the ear; helm of a ship or boat. Jcarn-pak, m. inflammation of the outer ear. Jcarn-pali, f. a garland or string of jewels pendent from the ear. Jcarn-pratinah, m. a disease of the ear, suppression of the excretion of wax. Tcarn- phul or Tcaran-phul, m. a kind of earring, karn-jaluka or Tcarn-Tcltt, f. a small centipede {Julus cornifex). Tcarn- darpan, m. an earring, karn-srav, m. discharge of ichorous matter through the ear. karn-shul, in. ear- ache, karn-suth, m. ear-wax. karn-latika, f. the lobe of the ear. karn-madgur, m. a sort of sheat-fish {Si- lurus unitus). karn-mukuf, ra. an earring, karn-mal, m. ear-wax. karn-tnul, a parotis, or swelling' near the ear. ». ^and put on a cap. *. ^^Ji ihin karan, m. lace cut into small pieces ^Ji "WUfJ karna, a. to do, to make, to per- form, to effect, to act, to avail, to set, thrust, use, ''^'■«- *• [^(^Citrus). h. Oji mKni karna, m. name of a kind of citron ^J> oii<5«m karuna, f. tenderness, compassion, mercy, kanma-nidhan, the asylum or abode of mercy (an epithet of God), karunatmak or karuna-may, com- passionate, tender, s. \jji karna, a kind of trumpet, p. CLi^Ji ^lSl3 karnat, 1 the country called tiJulJjS ZFfe^ karnatak,) the Carnatic, in the south of India : the name was anciently applied to the central districts of the PeninBula, including Mysore, s. ^^^J» ^f^ft^ karnati, f. name of a raf/inl. $. jKjJlJi^ c|iiBl<^$l'C karnalanh'dr, m. an ca^ nng. ». i^ji karamb, cabbage, caulifJower. n VtJS karamba, a dish prepared of cabbage, p, ^JtiSxk^^ ^i5^ y«T karna-bedhan or -vedhafif m. the act of piercing or boring the ears, lama-ve' dhani, f. an instrument for piercing the ear. ». j^J^ W^JV^karn-pur, m. the capital of Karn%, the ancient Bhaugalpore. <. j4>(jjS ^45Mkj^ karn-phal, m. a kind of fish {Ophiocephalua htrrawey). $. [_borea). i> ^?;5 "^FT?^ haranj, ra. a plant {Oaledupa av ^^ karanja, m. name of a tree {Dalbergia arborea). d. [ing. *. i^<^y {k*<«f krandan, m. weeping, lament- J^^ijJ^ '?in§>nt karan-dhar or kam-dharp m. a supercargo, pilot, or helmsman. «. J^^TSP kurand, m. corundum stone (^Ada- mantinus corundum), h, i,^JJji 'seqif knrang, m. a species of deer. s. jiiij^ karnam, m. a village accountant (v. ka- ramchdrV). d. j^S 'kilAi\K.karankar, doer, maker. «. ,JJ;S ^irfi§«ft karnini, f. a disease of the uterus, " prolapsus or polypus uteri. ». ^J^'SKTgfkarnt, f. action, business ; a trowel; " (in arith.) a surd or irrational quantity ; m. one of th« seven mountains which divide the universe. *. ^Ij (j/^^^ ^arne-waZo,m.maker,doer. s, jjj^ ftir^ kirau, m. a hollow tooth j endive ; adj. broken, rugged, tattered, h. j)^ kuru (v.jJ huru), name of an ancient king of Delhi, t. UjjS oft^Vi T karu,a, m. an earthen pipkin, a pot with a spout. karu,a chattth, the name of a HindO holy day, celebrated in the month of Kartik. s. \jj^kar7va (for karma, q. v.), bitter, &c. d. ^jj^ oRT^in karwara,')m. a paddle, a rud- JljjS ojft^T^ karwal, J der. h. ij\j^ karrvdra, the bucket for raising water from a well. h. ^^\JJ>fWK^T^ kirrvdn, f. a sword. *. Uljj.i' ^MMT karwmid, to cause to make^ &c. s. [u»i*ii, q. X. k, t^^jj> karmdnn, the twentieth part oi a bi* liiiVjjj karwdnak, m. name of a bird, com- monly called the stone curlew, or bastard floriken. a ./ ( 569 ) 4/ f^^^^^ harrvbiyan^v. rank of angels, the ^^jjS karubln, J cherubim, a. t^jjji oRTS^ kti-rup, deformed, misshapen ; m. (or htrup-td, f.) ugliaess. Jcu-rupi, ill-sbaped, ugly. s. O vp 4iCcit karot, m. a saw. s. OjjS f*«|if kirwat, f. action, deed, doing, s. cL>jj) 4|il.NjjS TStV^T«T krodhrvan, r nate, wrath - jjbiijjj 'jJNt krodhi, J ful ; also Aro- aAi/i. ib-o.jy 9(iM\^ karavir or karwir, m. the name of a flower {Oltandtr or Nerium odorum). t. iS^ karh and kurh, f. aversion, abomination, drtestation, abhorrence ; trouble, molestation, a. l^ "^jf kurh or kurah, a circular inclosure. h. iS hurra, m. a colt, a young camel, harrat a time or turn, as yak-karra, once; do-karra, twice, &C. p. a. tS hura, m. a globe, any thing sphericaU kura.i Stash, the region of fire; htra,i ab, of water. kura,i are, the terrestrial globe, kura.i bad, region if wind. kttra,i ]chflk, the globe of earth, a. p. \tt>S karhan or kurhan, with difficulty, re- luctantly, unwillingly, a. \j./w^Vkarhd, V, the loins, h. iO\tbJ> eiTC^TfT: karhdna,} ijjS Wf hray, m. buying, purchase, kray- bikray, m. buying and selling, traffic, t. {jS 'W(i hurri, f. gristle, cartilage, k. (j^S hura,i, spherical, globular, a. b w5 f^^T hriyd, f. deed, an act, a religious act, obsequies ; a verb ; (also kiriyd) an oath. s. C->bji kirydt, f. a plant (Justicia paniculata) used in medicine, &c., forming the basis of the well- known tincture called the Drogue amere. d. mS^.S flCTTeli^ kriyd-harm, m. performance of obsequies, s. {J^iS ^^T^ kurydl, f. the state of a bird sit- ting at ease and in security, trimming its wings with its beak : hence, ease, security, hope, confidence of success, kurydl men ^uleld lagiid, to be disappointed, or fall into misfortune, in the moment of security, or when sure of success, h. (JL)U>^ karlpdkf name of a plant, the leaves of which are used in cookery, h. CL^>S IStlf krtt, bought, purchased. s» C^S WT^fw hu-rxti or ku-rxt, m. misconduct, bad manners, a. C^,.S hret, f. a furrow, d. a.hiS ^FTiT harait, 1m. a snake (of a very K'ijjS "S^jKl karaitd,) venomous kind), h. U^"5j51fn hritd, 1 m. a son bought from tiJoO i^'gfhrsir hitak,) his parents and adopted. *. {JLjJ}^^ fsirdiZ kiritt m. a crest, a diadem, s. j-i..j^ 40< harir, m. the shoot of a bam boo ; a thorny plant growing in deserts and fed upon by camels (Cappari* aphylla). s. \j>J> wt^ harerd, hard, stiff, vehement, s. ^jt.f Tlftri hrird, f. play, game, sport, pas- time. JtrifS-rotR, m. copulation, krtfa-wat, sportive. ». jli huriz, the moulting of birds, kurt^-h.^ to moult p. iOjS "nftSJT harekar, abreast, even with. h. J^ ^0 karapaiiy hardness, stiffness, d. U'Vp oFTITT karara, m. the perpendicular bank of a river, &c, a precipice, declivity, h. t^j(y kurart, f. an axe, a bill-hook. d. \5Vj) karakd (v. kardka), a crash, &c. d. oljp '4<|o(i| kardka, m. the crash made by breaking any thing ; a rigid fast (in which nothing of food or drink has entered the mouth), h. y\y *l«llihi kardkar,Ta. successive crashes. /*. \j\ji kardwd, care, charge, trust, d. i\p ^s'l^ kardh, m. a shallow iron boiler (in which sugar, &c. is boiled), s. [ing pan. s. j^Vji cITfTl^ kardhi, f. a small boiler, a fry- iixp kurta, m. (for kurta) a coat, a jacket, d. (_|p kurti, a trough or vessel for animals to drink out of. d. jj^jp ^iC^H kararbun,m. name of a plant.A. ciJp 4<4|i harak, f. a crash, a crack ; thun- der: agility, karak daufva, to gallop, to go at full speed (a horse), kufuk, f. clucking (a hen), h. ^'-p 'W^pifilkarkd, m. pffian,songof triumph./i. op karhd, m. bank of a river, shore, preci- pice, steep bank, d, \j|^'^i^W^ karhara, hard, stiff, strong, s. iji'ji o|iT5F"?m kurkurdnd, to clock (a \h.j ing hen) ; to speak angrily, to murmur, kirkirani, «o gnash the teeth from rage. karkaTdna, to give sadk a sound as oil or butter when boiling, h. ^J^Sp «(iic(itiT karaknd, n. to crack, to crackle j to thunder, kufakna (same as kufkufand, q. v ) K ^ijp 'e(ij4<(T karkkd, m. commemoration, mention ; encouraging the soldiers in time of battle, by pointing out the good effects of steadiness and valour, extolling the actions of former heroes, &c. ; war-song. h. d*»^vp '4J chJ«1T karnd, a. to perforate, to pierce, h. I3jp kurnd (v. kurhttd), to grieve, &c. d. 1 jp '<^i4\ karrvd, bitter ; strong, virulent ; hard-hearted ; brave, kafwa tel, oil made from sesa- mum-seed, bitter oil. kaftud-k., to give or expend unwillingly, karwa-hona, to be enraged. kaftM kasele din, hard and cruel times, t. iLJb^jjp flira^rn^? karwdhat, f. pungency, bitterness; (in Dakh.) are used the fonni ki^vidt, kafwds, and kafwdgl, bitterness, &c «. jSy **f^f ^(^TOT (v. karor)f ten millions ; also kafor. s, \jjj^ karord (v. karora), a tax-gatherer,&c. s, ijjji WS^ karwt, f. stubble, h. Ifcp fifii^l kirhd, worm-eaten ; weevil-eaten, s. ■ bljb vj kurhdpd (also kurhdpan), vexation, grief, d. \J\SbjS ebdRT kurhdnd, a. to vex, to afflict, to grieve, to trouble, to anger, s. Liii^p f^4dk kurhak,\£. grief, sorrow, la i^jj 4«|«1 kurkan, J mentation. «. Ufcji «F^«n kurhnd, n. to grieve, to moarn, to lament, to pine. s. Ujbp c|id«1l karhnd, n. to be extracted, drawn, pulled out ; to escape, rise, slip, issue, spring ; to be drawn or painted, h. Liftp o|r7"WT karhUfd, m. a loan, a debt; a pre- mium on a loan ; a deduction from tde sum lent. A. ^bp ■'irf^'^ karhi, f. a dish consisting of the "meal of pulse {Ghana or Cicer arietinum), oreMed with sour milk. h. jcjp ^RTt kariy f. a rafler, a beam, a fetter, a ring, a staple, h, JS kaz (for ki-az), since from, as from. p. L^\jfkazdk (for kazzdk, q. v.) a robber, &c. a / ( ^ ) J-/ ^j\^ hazaki, f. highway robbery, d. tiJp kazak (for kazhak), an iron kook. p.d. ji kazk, crooked (game as kaj, q. v.). p. >tbp hazh-dum, m. a scorpion, a dragon ; (lit. of a crooked tail), p. uiW kazhak, kind of hook or crook, an iron boo*, with which they regulate the motions of an ele- pjiaot. p. {jS fsFTT kis, inter, pron. inflect, whom? which? what? Jcis-tara^, what manner? how? Jcis- kadar, how much ? to what degree or extent ? Jcis-Jcis, which (used interrogatively, and expressive of much, many, various). Tcis-liye, why ? wherefore ? s. ^j«i cHT Aas, m. strength, power ; assay; the decoction of a colouring substance, s, [jtS kas, m. a man, a person, one, any one. leas Jcob, family, dependants (Gilc). Teas o ndJcas, everybody, noble and plebeian, gentle and simple, p. {^jtS kus, m. (Gr. kiVos) vulva, kus marand, to play the strumpet, p. L-i "^rar kasd, tight, straitened, h. il**^ hasad, not current, not in demand or use, flat sale or bad market, penury, indigence, a. jL<«i "Hr^nt Aasar, m. a kind of sweetmeat, h. jL-i kasdr, a brazier, maker of brass pots and utensils, d. ^5jL-i feh^IK!) kisari, f. a kind of pulse (ia- thyrus tativus). h. [an eclipse, a. cH^L-i kasafat, f. sediment ; obscuration, ^L«5 kasald, astringent, bitter, d. ^L-5 kasald (for kasdla), sick, indisposed, a. bjL*S kasdla, m. heaviness, slowness ; sick- ness, grief, affliction, distreM. a, ^jLj ftmiff kisdn, m. a husbandman, plough- man, peasant, farmer. huSn (pL of hu), persons, kcs.p. \J\mS 4^1911 kasdnd, a. to cause to try, prove. or assay; to cause to ti^ten; n. to be spoiled (curds, &c.) by standing in a metal vesael. «. jUiJ %mH kasa,o, m. astringency. h. \j\^ kasdwot a handkerchief tied round the head on going to bed. d, cL>jL-i ^nim kasdrvatf\f. proving, tighten- cL»fcL«5 ^41^3 kasdhatf J ing, astringency ; an astringent, k. bL-5 fHimm kasdyd, ready, tied up. h. fjAJi ' kasb or kasab, m. trade, profession, employment ; gain, acquisition (by labour) a. d* >"^ kisbat, f. the case (or bag) barbers, surgeons, &c. keep their tools in ; a piece of leather worn by a bhishti or water-man on his left hip, on which he rests the bag containing water, kisbat-nama, m. a book containing the histories of barbers, sur- geons, &c., and directions for their practice. The bhishtis have also suoh a book. a. p. ^JXwJ kasbinnif^f. a kept mistress, a strum- ijruu*<5 kasbin, J pet, a harlot, d. i^^x«-i kas-bhard, m. a worker in bell-metal, h. f ^i" ** ^ kasbl, m. an artisan, a craftsman , f. a "prostitute, an artiste, a. j^lyL-i kastuwdn, a kind of horse-cloth, p. \jtf ' L**i c|itrt kast (v. hasht), m. want, penury, &c. s. j»S kasar or kasr, m. loss, affliction, breach ; the short vowel » ; rout, putting to flight hasri shdn, loss of honour, a. \jttS Awra, Chosroes (v. Jgj*«i). a. p. C0>\j*tS kasardt (pi. of 5^-»i ), losses, &c. a. Cm>\j**S cfi^ii^lff kusardt, f. health, welfare, s. Smm^ kas7-a or kasrat (v. kasar), aflBiction, flight or rout (of an enemy) ; the short vowel t. a. L wmJ kasra, the title of the king of Persia (hence the Greek forms Cyrus, Chosroes); an em- peror, kisrq or kisrl seems to have the same signifi- catioUi but generally applied to Naushirwan the Just, who lived in the time of Justinian, p. &JUw^3 kusista, broken, abrupt, kusistagl, breach, interruption, p. _jla««i kh-tarah, how? in what manner? h.a, i^J^ixJi kis-taraf, whither? in what direc- tion t h. a. , (-ii— i cimcn kasak, f. pain, stitch, affliction, h. Cl*x«*5 oh^^ff kaskut, m. bell-metal, s. \-X«»5 ^F^raTHT /(asAasa,gritty, sandy (bread).A. t^^LX-5 cii^^rr? kaskasd,e, tied up, ready.^. VS^ i '4flc|i'f11 kasaknd, n. to suflfer pain, to be painful. />. jX*«i kasgar, m. a plasterer ; potter, a. p. J— ^ «IW^ kraal (for kushal), f. health and prosperity, safety ; wed, nappy. *. ^y**S kasal, m. laxness, slowness, indolence ; cowardice ; sickness, relaxation ; non emitttre in coitu. katil, cowardly, slothful, a. C^L-i kusaldt (v. kusaltd), health, &c. *. ^Vmm> kasldn, 1 lazy, languid, sick, re- t\j>»^**.> kasaUmand, \ laxed, cowardly, sloth- , c^ULm^ kasal-ndk,} ful, impotent, a. p. U]um> 'V^r^nn kusalta, f. health and prospe rity, welfare in general «. j** " ' innr kusum, m. a flower with which cloths are dyed red, bastard saffron, safflower {Car- thamat Uncioritu) ; the menstrual discharge ; oph- thalmia, s. ( 572 ) ,£^ }J^ "Vw^ kaseru, m. a root so called (C^ perus tuberosus, Willd.). a, ^j«i— 5 cR^ftrr hasis, m. martial vitriol (i8»/i- phasferri). h. t— >*>> kaslf, impure ; thick, dreary, unplea- ^s5U-«5 4^HTI4«1 kusumanjan, m. calx of orasd, used as collyrium. s. ^\j^*Ji kus-niardm, a strumpet, a harlot, p.h- Vj'w***^ ^A^*4UMI hasmoiana, to move, to shake. A. j^*«5 "^r^nr Aosan, m. rack, torment, torture. A. Uu«5 ^ kase, some one, any one. kase-ki, that "perion who, whosoever, p. [terest *. JJum^ W^rt^ ku-sid, m. usury, loan with in- Uijum) 7?)^ husiddf m. a money-lender (auo Jcustdik). i. Yam^ W«TT haserSf m. a brazier or pewterer. s. sant. Jcasi/u-l-au^dt, miserable, having dreary timet of it. a. [strong, vig^orous. s. ^^i*-J «l»fl(t3J! kaseld, astringent. wit^kasUdy ^j£j hash, (in comp.) drawing, pulling, car- rying, bearing, enduring, as mi^nat-kash, one who en- dureth affliction, p. (jiij kush, (in comp.) destroying, subduing, killing, as dev-kush, the giant-killer, p. (jS5 'W^ hash, m. the touchstone; assay; the decoction of a colouring substance. «. ^JiJ cinp kush or kusha, m. the name of a grass deemed highly sacred among the Hindfls {Poa cynosuroides). s. l-ii kushd, (in comp.) opening, displaying, expanding, solving, loosening, conquering, ai dil- kushd, expanding the heart; kishwar-kushd, conquering kingdoms or dominions, p. ii\zS kushdd, opening, loosening or untying, expansion ; cheerfulness, p, ^iSLio kushddagl, f. an aperture, expansion, " opening of heart, joy, latitude, p. (jLii kushdda, opened, uncovered, expanded, loosened ; wide, ample, extensive, displayed, revealed, free ; cheerful, frank hushada-peshani, of an open countenance, gay, cheerful. Arus/mc/a-c/i/, open-hearted, generous. kushdda-ru,e, of an open countenance, gay, cheerful, kushada-rau, epithet of a horse that walks wide or straddles behind, p. XtS ^|R kshdr, m. a salt, black salt ; ashes ; borax, borate of soda, alkali ; a cautery, kshdr-ras, m. a salt or alkaline flavour, kshar-karm, m. applying caustic alkali to proud flesh, &c. kshar-mrittikd, f. saline soil, impure sulphate of soda kshar-viiksh, m. any tree yielding potash, as the plantain, &c. s. ^J**»\tS ^^iTOff kushdsan, m. a mat made of the kusha grass, s. t_iLli kashshdf, m. a discoverer, solver, explainer ; adj. very clear or explicit, a. iJiS\JL> kashd-kash (also kashd-kashi), f. attraction, allurement ; contention, struggle, difficulty, distraction, perplexity, crowding, mutual pulling, pe- nury, distress, p. ^\-l^ kashdn, drawing, bearing, enduring, p. (JloLii TJTiT hshdnt, patient, enduring. kshanti, f. patience, forbearance. $. Ci^jl^ <«mci^ hashdwat, f. an astringent. «. ^JijKzS kushdyish, f. aperture, opening, dear* ness, serenity, p. io\JLS cirmTT kashdya, m. astringencj. s, OwJ kuaht^ killing, slaughter, p. «JU1^ ( 578 ) (^**^ a*^ kishty f. check (a well-known term at chess) ; m. a sown field, growing crop. p. Ll*M.j ff^fiT kshiti, f. the earth ; loss, destruc- tion ; the end of the world. Icshiti-pal, m. a king. s. {Sj^^ TU^ kshatrl (for kshatriyd), a man of the second or military caste. «. j1jxl> kisht-zar, a sown field beginning to look green. hisht-xSr-i div, the devil's cornfield, i. e. this present wicked world, p. yilzS kisht-kdr, a peasant, husbandman, p. i^OjLii kisht-kdri, f. husbandry, agricul- ture, p. jjlClli kushtagdn, the killed or slain, applied poetically to those desperately in love. p. ^Ji>^ hishtan, (r. kar) to sow, to till, to cul- tivate, p. ^ J k-Z..i kushtan, (r. kush), to slay, to kill j in. slaying, killing, p. fJjJ^ kushtant, worthy of death, p. j6jCL*^>S kisht-o-kdr, sowing, tillage, p. Axl) kushta, killed, slain ; a preparation of mercury, p, jX-l> kushit, f. wrestling, kushtl-bdz or -gar, or -gir, a wrestler, p. ^^^tS hishtt, f. a ship, vessel, bark, boat ; a tray ; a beggar's plate or pot. p. ^VjuCi^ kishti-hdn, m. the master of a vessel, familiarly called, the skipper ; a pilot, p, ^JL*Li ciT^ kasht, m. want, penury, affliction, vehemence, violence, acuteness (of pain), agony, kashfi, f. test, trial ; pain, trouble. Jcasht-Jcar, giving pain or trouble ; (in Dakh.) hisht (for kushfh), m. leprosy. *. ,^xii "^kushth, m. leprosy; a plant (^Costus speciosus). hishth-nashan, m. white mustard ; a sort of yam. hishth-nashini, f. a plant {Psoralia coryl\folia), s, ^.^litS Wft kushthi, leprous ; a leper, s. ^j^ e|ri^ hashfi, suffering a painful and tedious labour (a woman), afflicted, t. jii.ij "^^ hshudr, small, little, mean, low, poor, avaricious. Jcshudrata, f. smallness, meanness. Jcshudr-buddhi, simple, silly. Tcshudr-rog, m. a minor disease, s. \SbSzS "wan kshudhdf f. hunger, kshudhart or * Icshudhit, hungry, s, jJiS "^ kshur, m. a razor ; a horse's hoof. «. OLlS kmharat, f. (v. huthal) health, wel- iai*, happiness. «. \^y^ '^I'rt AsAuri, f. a knife, s. i^JJ^ kashishf f. attraction, allurement; diffi- culty, contention, dispute ; a sweep or dash in writing, a stroke of the pen. kushish, killing, manslaughter, sacrifice, p. u_i-i^ hashaf, m. a tortoise, the sign Cancer, p. ^-Om.S kashf, m. an opening, a manifestation, revelation, declaration, solution, explanation, a. i^-^ kashfl, revealed, expounded, a. L^i^j kushk, a palace, mansion, kaskdkj a line or stripe, p. tiLii kashk, barley broth ; a kind of dish made of wheat, butter, and meat, all stewed together, a, d. tjA .L^v***^ AasAa/ecAt-JasAi, m. a watch- man, guard, porter, t. (J jC l? kashkul or kashkol, a beggar, a beg- gar's cup or wallet (v. kachkol). p. beahh, hap- piness, wel- fare, pros- peri ty,safe- ty. ». ^J^ If^T^S kushalj m. O^LlT ^^It^ l H kushaldt, f. iJUl^^i^I^nn kushahd, f. (•4^^ ^^fcjS^H kushal-chkem, f. ^Lli ^S^I^n hushaldj happy, well, right. «, e^-^ ^^i kashmtrnxj) a dancing-girl. p. h. (Jjf:^ kashmlri, of or belonging to Cash- mere, a Cashmerian ; the language of Cashmore. p. f^j^ fcftM*! kishan, the Hindu god Krishna. He is considered as the eighth avatar or incarnation of the deity. He was the younger brother of the the third Rama (or Balardma), and an incarnation of Visjfnu. His parents were Vasudeva and DevaTci, but he was brought up in the house of Nanda and Yasoda, to conceal him from the tyrant Kansa, to whom it had been predicted that the eighth-born child of this family would destroy him. In the family of Nanda he passed his life among the gopas and gopu. During his child- ^l;iS ( 574 ) ViT hood he slew the serpent K&liya, and many |!anta and iDonstere Afterward he put the tyrant Kaitsa to death, protected Yudhishthira, and kindled the war described in the Mahdbharata. He is the Apollo of t^:e Hindus, and is supposed by Captain Wilford to have lived about 1300 years before Christ, t. y^-ij ^pr lishan, in. an instant, a measure of time equal to four minutes. JcshanSntar, a moment afterwards. Tcshan-matr, momentary, but for a mo- ment, [by the touchstone. *. (^«1j "W^iiVi kaskan, m. touch or test of gold f^JiS kashan, kashn, or kashin, large, copious, ample, much, numerous, p. tt3xl> kushanda, a slayer, a murderer, p. i^iXy^ i^ftnir hshanik, \ momentary, tran- jXlS "^Si kshani, J sient. s. j^ul1> kishniz, m. coriander (^Coriandrum sativum), p. ^yLi %^i^ kashaufi, f. a touchstone, s. i^^ kushud, opening, openness, p. jibyiS l^t^ kshaudr, m. honey; a flower (Michelia champaca). t. f^i^y^ kushudan (r. kushd,e), to open; to reduce (a fortress), to subdue or conquer, p. .^^ fojnjftr; ^isAor, m. a child, a son ; a youth, 8 lad under fifteen, a minor, s. j^-l5 T^ kshaur, m. the shaving of the bead or beard. (. j^iLi liishwar, m. a climate, country, region. Jcisbwar-htsha, a subduer of regions, p. \}y^ f%^TT kishora, young, infantine, s, LiK^-li «^r ^ kshed, m. sorrowing, moaning. «. (^SxtS kashtdagi, f. displeasure, p. ^^^■.'^j L i kashidan, to draw, extend, prolong, p, iSKLi kashida, m. a kind of needle-work ; adj. reserved, sullen, Bupercllious. Tcathtda-ahrU, having long eyebrows, tcashida-jijiatir, displeased, distressed, or distracted in mind. Jcashtda-rii, having a long or wrinkled face. Jcashida-bala, Tcashlda-Tfadd, or kashtda-Tcamat, of a tall stature, tall. p. j(^tS ^fl^ hsh'ir, m. water; milk, hshtr-spha- tih, m. a milky crystal, opal. Jeshir-TcaJcolika, £ a root from the Himalaya used as a drug. *. jjl^ cFSr^ kasheru, m. a kind of grass (Scirpus kysoor) ; a root (Cyperus tuberotut) ; one of the divisions of Jcanbu-dwipa. t. ^jj^ H^litt^ kshtrod, m. the sea of milk, one of the seven seas surrounding the world, t. t^j(^ W^O kshh-i, milky, yielding milk ; m. a sort of mimusops. t. jjxli '^9n<$ ku-shil, ill-behayed, wicked. htshllta, f. misconduct, bad disposition, i. j^jJlS -^ kshem, happy, well, prosperous; m. welfare, eternal happiness ; term of civil addreaa to a Vaisya. Jcshem-kar, propitious, conferring happi> ness. Tcshem-wan, happy, prosperous. «. (jjjiLiTq'h!! As/tin, thin, feeble, slender, wasted, destroyed, poor, kshtnta, f. slendemess, thinness, decay, kshin-shdkti, feeble, impotent, kshtn-wdn, wasted, decayed. ». [sumptive. t, ^_jxl$ ^fift hshayi, wasting, decaying, con- c-»«i»> ka^h, m. the heel, the ankle ; a cube. a. C*f * > ka'baty f. a cube, a die or play-bone ; any kind of square building, hence the temple of Mecca, a. {jyjjo ka'batain, du. the two sacred temples, Mecca and Jerusalem ; any game with two dice. a. »JM kabOf m. a square building, the temple of Mecca, a. u-fli kuf (v. kufu), family, caste, tribe, a. \.jS kaf, f. foam, froth, spittle, scum. p. ^JS haff^ f. the hand, the palm, haffi pa, the sole of the foot, kaffi dost, the palm of the hand | met. a level and desert plain, o. C^Aso kafa,at, resemblance ; similarity of condition in persons about to be married, a. j\siikuffdr (pi. ofy^^), infidels, idolaters, a. C^JsS hafdrat, f.1 penitence, penance, atone> Sj\i> kafara, m. J ment, expiation for sio. d. li^ ( 575 ) ^ >,^sS kafaf, m. pittance, daily bread ; adj. eqnal, adequate, a. CJ*i5 kafalat, f. pledge, pawn, security, responsibility. Jcqfalat-nama, a bail-bond. a. }\sti hifayat, f. sufficiency, enough, abun- dance, plenty, surplus; economy, thrift. Tcifayat- ski'dr, economical, thrifty. Tcifdyat-Tcarnd, a. to save, to answer, to serve, to do, to content one's self. a. j5J>lfli kifayatl, f. abundance, plenty, suffi- ciency; adj. thrifty; cheap, purchased for less than its value, a. e^Jti kifaya (v. hifayat), sufficiency, &c. a. djiS kaftf a rupture, a split ; huft, a sprain, bmite. p. [cracked, p. iCaf kufta, sprained, bruised, kafia, split, j\j[fl> kaftar\ a hyena, an animal between the volf and the dog, common in Syria, p. fsnake. p. iks^ kafcha, m. a spoon ; the hood of a ausP kafcha, a kind of jacket, d. jS hufr, m, paganisnri, infidelity, incredulity, ingratitude, hijr-go, a blasphemer. lcuJr-go,i, blas- phemy, a, i^]Jij kvfran, ingratitude, being ungrateful to one's benefactor. Tcufrani ni'tnat, unthankfulnets for past favours or benefits, a. ^^\jMijSS hvfristan, the country of infidels, a mountainous region to the north-east of EaboL a. p, 4^ ^^i^ huhhufi, f. a hen. s. S^ 4i'^l. huhur, kukkur, or hukar, m. a dog; a kshatriya. t. *jX> cJjckA ku-karm or ku-harma, m. wicked- ness, sin, depravity, misconduct, hirkarm-kdri, wicked, depraved, s. ^i^S^ jj^ dk^i\*^\ hahronda or 4e|iO* ^r^lTST kukra, m. a cock, a male bird, s, [jy^ 4«liSl hahri, f. a kind of cucumber (Gueumti utilistimut, Roxb.). ». {jy^ ^'n^ AwAri, f. a hen, a female bird, s, yjSS DT^ kaksh, m. the armpit, the side or flank, s. (jmxT ?Ffa| huhshi, m. the belly , the abdomen. «. LlxT ^t!|T hahsha, f. the end of the lower garment, which, after the cloth is carried round the body, is brought up behind and tucked into the waist- band ; a woman's girdle, t. ^^M^ "^fiW^ hahna, m. la ring worn on the j^5o cRelirft hakni, f. J wrist, a bracelet, s. ^jy^ ch<*1'[«n hahorna, a. to scrape (the earth as fowls do), to hollow, to excavate, h. (.db^x) cirsniirar huhunak, m. weakness of the eyes in infants, t, )ji^ e|i>) kulak, smiling bitterly, grinning, a. ^>^ kulakh (for kuVah), surly, grinning, sulky, a. ji^ W^JK. kalar, m. a distiller; a seller of spirituous liquors, a tavern-keeper; a toddy-drawer t a man who extracts the juice of the palmyra and date trees, h. (oikaimr. k. (^^LS ■^i^rfC'T kaldrin or kaldrni, f. female t/j^ «*hJJK1 kalart, m. a tavern-keeper, h. a-***'!^ kalasa, a well where travellers drink (more especially pilgrims to Mecca), p. c^ kalagh or kulagh, a crow, rook, raven, p, &1ji>c^ kalagh-peska, m. a jackdaw, p. ej£'^ haULghcha, m. a little rook, a magpie./). J^V^SI^ kulal, m. a potter, p. t. J^ kalal, m. (v. kalar), a distiller, &c. kalal^anf, duty on spiritnooa llquon. kalil-afina, • liquor-shop or distillery, d, J^ kaldtt, m. a vintner, tavern-keeper, d. M^ kalam, m. a word, speech, discourse, talk, conversation, kaldmu-l-l&h, the word of God, which among Musalmans means of course the ^wjin. a. jj^^w kaldn, large, great, big, elder, p. \!>'^ kalana, to mix together, to be confused, d, \^^ "WftT^n kallana, n. to bam, to be in- flamed (as the skin by rubbing pepper, &c. oa it). iildnS, a. to winnow ; to strike with the flat ftoAM, a. to parch grain, h. C^^ JSPit kldnt, wearied, exhausted, de- pressed. kl&nt-matt&, low-spirited, languid, llanti, f. fatigue, weariness, t. jj^ haldn-tar, the elder, the greater, p. ^iw ^J^J^ kulanck, f. a bound, spring, leap, jump, bounce, kuldnch mama, to bound, to skip, h, ^3^ kaldiii, f. greatness, seniority, p. Oy ^ ^tjitJrt kaldnrvat, ^ m. a minstrel, a C^y^ "W^y^:^ kaldwant,) kind of singer or musician. K [well-bom. $, C^y^ '^'^y^Hl kularvant, of a nob'c rtct, 8j^ kiilnma, m. a ball of thread ; the stirru|[>8 on the neck of an elephant ; the elephant's ueek. p. t^ kulah, m. a cap, hat, tiara, crown, p. Lii>^ ^Qbic«ii kaldkak, m. a musical instm- ment. s. [&c. t -^ c^*^ '<*55'^ Aa/a,i, f. the wrist. A. t^^*y^ ^gjT^ kala,t, f. pulse, leguminous seeds in general, s. w^ ^c<}it(i kalaya, a kind of long bean, very nutritious, used as food for horses. A. w—aA kalb, m. a dog, a hound, a. *fciX> ^^TV hul-hadhu, f. a virtuous woman of a noble family, s. ^M^ «ir^F^c5T kulhida, vermicular, peristaltic, h. ^^M^ "iJcsJJc^MI kulbulana, n. to itch ; to fidget, to writhe (as a worm or snake under torture); to grumble or rumble (the bowels), h. tiLj&!iljJ^ ^t^^c^l^i kitlbulahat, f. peristaltic or vermicular motion. ». j^^Cr '^ciJ^f kul-bor, one who disgraces his family. *. [one's family, t. ^jyt^ "^^»WtT«TT kul-bortia, a. to disgrace esjjQ hulba, m. a house, hut, closet, cottage. kulha.e il^zan, an afflicted or distressed family, p. c-^ oftliiji^ halap, m. a kind of dye for the hair ; a kind of starch called mdfidi, q. v. A. ^*rr^ eJi^ kalpa, ni. a shastra or sacred work, one of the six veddngas ; a day and night of Brahma, amounting to a period of 4,320,000,000 solar years of n)ortal8 (this period, according to the Hindus, measures the duration of tlie present world, and a period of equal ( 577 } ^ ^4^ ^^jiWI kulattha, f. a blue stone nsed aa collyrium and astringent. *. j^_54^ "fi^T'ft kultht, f. name of a grain, Ma- "dras horse-gram [DoHchos biflonu). $. '-Jw^ sHqSTI kulta, f. an unchaste woman, a prostitute, s. j^yJa eJKjJil kulti, f. red arsenic, s. ^4^l)^ ^oSftpn kal-jibha, malignant, ill- omened, one whose curses prevail. $. ifJ^ cirf^TPnT kali-jug (for kali-yugd), m. the name of one of the four Hindu periods or ages (▼. yuga); the fourth, or present period, which is the worst of all, like the iron age of the classical writers. The celebrated French astronomer, Mr. Bailly, sup- poses the kali-jug to havf commenced 3102 years be- fore Christ, the number of its years is 432,000 : at the expiration of which the world is to be destroyed. «. {^yj^^ ^ci5»f^"«ii kaljahwan, tawny, sallow complexioned. A. (^jJJ^ kaljibl (for kaljibha, q. v.) malignant, ^' [cipal, stock in trade. K ^^ «!i55^ hulcha or kulcha, m. capital, prin- e^ kulcha, m. (v. kulicha) a kind of bread, jt?, i^f^^ '<*QS'W;*lf ku-lackchhan, m. misconduct, bad temper ; an ugly visage. duration will pass during its annihilation) : the word | i- i$ i ? i ii - mi j A:a//)a also denotes the destruction of the world; pro ■ '■^^ 2t?Ta«m kulacnchnana, lli-tempered, ill-favoured, ill-omened. *. ^jji^iS 41(1^ j^^1 kula-drohi, m. one who '* brings disgrace or reproach on his family. $. priety, fitness; alternative, doubt; resolution, pur- pose ; one of the trees of swarga, or Indra's paradise. Icalpa-kshaya or Jcalpanta, m. the end of the world, s. JuK ejr^nnf^S kul-pdU, f. a chaste woman, s. u1)JLK ^q&MIc^« the fabu- f^jSjyxb oirgR^ kalpa-vriksha,} lous trees of Indra's heaven, or swarga, said to yield whatever may be desired, s. [ficial. «. CIa-K cfTp^nr kalpit, made, arranged, arti- d^X ^cjSX^fif kul-pati, m. head of a family, s. UJ^ '4l9'M«TI kalapnd, n. to be grieved or vexed. A. Ij^ oIkeIJWI kalpna, m. a scheme, a contri- vance ; a forgery, an imitation, s. _,^aK ilij^Ms^ knl-puj (for kul-pujya), m. a family priest; object of adoration or reverence in a family (a household god), s. ijj^ <^'(^A\'<*ii kultdran, m. a youth who is a credit to his family, t. j'i}^ cfi^^ kalatr, f. a wife, s. ..^ kulattan, evil, bad^ wicked, d. Ajb,^ ^i^W^ kul-dhami, m. observance pe- culiar to a family. «. jc^i^K ?5^^^ AM?-c?m,f. the family goddess. 5. Jo "SFcST kalar, a kind of fullers' earth. A. ji> «irW^ kallar, barren, sterile (land) ; salt (as food). A. {j^ c|i$^ Ao/as or kalash, m. a dome, cu- pola, spire, or the ornament on the top of a dome, a pinnacle ; a water-pot. Jcalas-sthdpan-k., a. to make an offering of a jar of water to any deity ; five twigs of the following sacred trees are previously placed in it, viz. the ashwattha (Jicus religiosa), the vata (ficut Indica), the udumbar (ficus glomerata), the shamt {mi' mosa albida), and the antra or mango tree. s. ^— *» ^^^ kalsd, m. a pinnacle (v. kalas). s. LmJ^ kalsird, depraved,viciou8 ; m. an enemy.«. ^*J^^55^ kalsifi. a water-pot or jar, usually "made of baked clay. «. (jiJ^ «F^n[I kalash, m. a dome, &c. (v. kolas). C*-i-J^ Qif^lri klishit,^ afflicted, distressed, tiL*-iJ^ f^ klisht J wearied, ». \jJ^ ch<^ntKI kalshird, black-headed; m. 2p j? ( 878 ) ^«K halgln, f. an ornament on the tarban. t. liK kalaf, m. a padlock ; attention ; a pim- ple or spot on the face. a. C^iJ^ fiulfat, f. trouble, vexation, distress, a. uiliJ^ kilk, f. a reed, a pen. p. Lii)^ r«hc$«li kilak, f. splendour, lustre (of a gem). A. tiiK ^f^oi; kalik, m. a curlew, s. ciAK gran ^a/A, m. sediment, dregs, dirt, filth, ear-wax ; sin, fraud ; the beleric myrobalan ; adj. sin- ful, wicked, s. 13 jUijI^ hilhar-marna, to make a loud noise, d. jc.\^ fehVJ> kalkavi, lamp-black (applied medi- cinally to the eyes), d. d^^^"^ r«lic^ra|irmif kU-kmchitf m. wanton or amorous pastime, or gesttxres. s. [with. d. j^JS halki, a kind of instrument for smoking i^xiS ^F^J^ hal/n, m. the name of the tenth Hindu incarnation which is yet to come. The deity will assume the appearance of a Brahman, who is to be born In the town of Sambal, and in the famUy of Fisffnu Sharma. He will ride on horseback, and put to death all the wicked, t. tCjB ^^1T kalga, m. the name of a flower, cockscomb {JmaratUhut) ; prince's feather, h. cLXjS halgat, an axe, a pickaxe, d. j^jU^ kalgt(foT kalffhi,q.\,), an ornament,&c.(/. 'v«A '^^in hdmd, m. a sausage, h. C>J^ kalhnat, f. (v halima). a. (Ji* J^ oF^nTeF^ kaUmakal, f. trouble, un- easiness, h. [wriihf.. h. ^^i^ ^ir^R^n«n kalmaldna, n. to fidget, to &JS halima (vuig. halma), m. a word, speech saying ; part of speech ; the Mu^ammadan confession of faith. itaZme H Mw;ff/t, f the fore-finger, kalima parhna, to repeat the Mu^mmadan confession of faith, kali- ma.e hakk, the speaking of the truth (in evidence, ka^.a. , Mind, n. to groan, to lament, d. (^UK 4(^*1 1 ^f kid-ndsh, ra. a reprobate, an outcast, s, [poisoned weapon, t. ^J» «Ii^rS kalanj, ai animal struck with a J-^ «B^^ kulanj, cutting behind in walking (a horse), h. ij^ ^^MH kulanjan, m. a plant {Alpinia galanga or Galanga major) ; a seed {Nigella saliva), s. i-iiiJj «F^$ kalunk, m. calumny, accusation, reflection, suspicion, scandal, spot, obloquy, t. CLoJjo oR^f^iT halankit, calumniated, de- famed, s. ^S^'W^!^ kalanki (fern. halankinV), stained, "blemished, disgraced ; liable to reproach ; (also cor. /jw/a/i (v. hulah), a cap, tiara, &c. kulah- ddr, an absolute sovereign, kulah-dart, f. sovereignty. Iculah-shajra, succession to the property of a religious person (from htlah, the cap worn by fakirs), p. ^JS "^r^ h(dh (v. kal), to-morow, yesterday, s. \j\» oir^?JTOAa/a/ kulliyat, all ; universality, totality, the whole, a. ^^ ofcc^'SfT kaleja, m. the liver (v. kaleja). ^j^ oR^'Nr hdtjan, m. the name of a drug (the root of Piper betel), t. ^j^ hulijan, galangale (Gladwin), h. &^ W^^^ kaleja,m. the liver; (met.) courage. spirit, magnanimity, kaleja ulatnd, to be fatigued with excessive vomiting, kaleja phatna, to be disturbed with grief or jealousy, kaleja thandhd-k., to obtain one's wish, to get ease, kaleja thandhd hand, to be quite at ease, kaleja jalnd kisi-kd, to suffer sorrow, to mourn. kaleja kdmpna, to be afraid, to suffer cold, kalejepar samp phirnd, to suffer jealousy or envy, kaleje se lagd- rakhnd, or -lend, to caress, embrace, love exceedingly. kaleje men ^dl-rakhnd, to love or esteem exceedingly, h. «^^ kulicha, a kind of bread, biscuit, p. tiJjS ^ kled, m. wetness, moisture, s. lijJS kaUd or kiUdf f. a key. p. JIj^cs^ AaZ/e-fZaraa;, talkative, abusive, kalle- dardzi, f. abuse ; reviling, d. (j«jJ& eh^'fl hales (for klesha), m. sickness, pain, trouble, vexation, afBiction, torment ; (Hind.) quarrel, contention, s. [church, g. 2UyjJl> halisa, m. (Gr. sKKXtjaia) a Christian tJiMb ^g^ Mesh, m. pain, affliction, anguish ; care, trouble. *. l1«^x» ^if^M kleshity pained, distressed. ». ^jJS kalim, one who speaks to another, a familiar, musq kalimu-l-ldh, Moses the speaker with God. a. U:^ ^'c^^H hutin, noble, of respectable de- scent, well born, gentle. 5. IJuJS eF^rTT hidina, m. a kind of pickles, h. ^^UaJ^ '<+K eF^^ kale,u, m. a light morning meal, also the same as kalewd. t. 1»J^ ^'^^T halewa, ra. cold meat, stale vic- tuals, a luncheon, s. jy}^ oJi^^T: haleroar, m. the body. s. AJ^jkK ^sBEf klaivya, ra. impotence, unmanli- ness ; the neuter gender. ». &xK oF^ kalya, m. the dawn or break of day ; adv. yesterday, to-morrow; adj. healthyt recovered from sickness ; deaf and dumb, <. sS^ hulUya (v. hulUyat), totality ; adj. gene- ral, universal, a. J^ ftFH kinit what ? which ? how? s. 9 p •'> r 1^ ^ liam, how much? how many? a. Sham, deficient, less, little ; (this word is much used as first member of a compound, generally denoting negation or inferiority). Jcam-i!s]itilat, un- social, kam-azar, of little injury, kam-asbab or kam- bizd'at, of few goods or means, poor, kam-asl, low bred, vile, kam-bakht, unfortunate (reproachfully), a rascal, villain, wretch, kam-bakhtl, f. unfortunate- ness, adversity, misfortune, kam-bar, a division of the suits at cards (v. tdj). kam-baha, of little value, kam- besh, more or less, kam-pa, of short duration, kam- paya, in a mean condition, of low degree. kam-jur,at, cowardly, kam-chal, slow paced (a horse), kam-chor (for kam-chor), a skulker, kam-^arakat, indolent, lazy. lam-l^ausila, unaspiring, unambitious, poor-spirited. kam-kharch, parsimonious, stingy, kam-kjuirch bald- nishin, applied to things of good quality purchased cheaply, kam-kkarchl, parsimony. kam-k]uirchi meA Spa gild, expresses an expense being unavoidably in- curred by a person who is already in poverty (if too much water be mixed inadvertently with flour of which bread is to be made, the paste becomes so thin as to render it necessary to add more flour. The phrase supposes this accident to happen to a person who has not the means of procuring more), kam-ihiiad, un- wise, ignorant. kam-](hor or Xram-Mv. abstemious, eating little (particularly applied to a horse), kam- thorMc or kam-Mivrak, abstemious, eating little, kam- gat, low bred, of low caste, kam-^ihn, forgetful ; with- out abilities, kamrah, slow, without bottom (a horse). Team-rang, of a pale or faint colour, kam-rau, slow gaced (a horse), kam-xadan'i-k., to aflPect extraordinary umility. kam-zor, weak, powerless, kam-ziyad, more or less, kam-sdl, joung, of tender years, kawi- tufra, one whose table is scantily furnished, kam te Icam, very little, kam-shdn, humble, mild, affable, un- assuming kam-sharr, well disposed, of good disposi- tions, kam-sharlf, low wages, kam-shauk, indifferent, kam-^arf, ignoble, vile, stupid, silly, witless. kam-'a}cl stupid, ignorant, kam-'iydr, below standard, a base coin, kam-fahm, stupid, kam-kadar, worthless, kam- Ifadam, slow-paced, kam-kuwwat, feeble powerless. lam-kimat, low-priced. kam-kdr, unexperienced in business, kam-kdsht, decrease in a ryot's cultivation compared with the preceding season, kam-k., a. to diminish ; to depreciate, kam-kam, a little, kam-guf- tdr or kam-go, taciturn, of few words, kam-mdyagi, •mallness of capital, kam-mdya, ill-provided, kam- nagar, dim-sighted, weak-sighted, kam-o besh, less or more, kam-o beshi, less or more-ness. kam o kdst, loss, deficiency, kam-himmat, spiritless, kam-ydb, scarce, rare, unprocurable. Tcam-ydbi, f. rarity, p. l»> hama, like, such as, like that which. lama fi-l-awwal, as (it was) originally, kamd J^akku- ku, as it ought ; in a proper manner, hamd-yamba^, M it suits, a. U* kamma, in. a document written on the leaf of a palmyra tree rolled up into a ball ; proceed- ings; intelligence, d. 680 ) iZ*^ \jj^ «Mni!^ humariy f. a daughter, &c. (▼. kumdrikd). $. d^M>lp oKTrTTnT kamasutf m. a journeyman, a servant, a workman, earner, h. Jl»i kamal, m. perfection, excellence ; com- ^jSjuI^ kam-a-besh, less or more. ^ ^HI"*! humach, a kind of unleavened bread, kumdch id muAh, a broad face ; a jolly, moon- like countenance, h. i>\^ himad, hot cloth plied to an afflicted part, jlp «li*nT humar, ra. a boy, sal a princess, t. [road, 4c. «. iLff\^ "^^^nfi ku-marg, m. (v. ku-path) wrong or any fomentation ap- son, a prmce. s. wjv*- *Rlfl.^l kumarika, f. a daughter, dam- pletion, conclusion ; punctuality, a. [det. *^U> hamalat, (pi.) perfections, excellen- CJi\^ kamalat, 1 perfection, &c. (v. Aa- CL*^\^ kamaliyat,) mat), a. d. jjl»5 haman, f. a how ; a spring, kaman- abru, with arched eyebrows (epithet of a mistress). kamdn chafhnd, to be strung or drawn tight (a bow) ; (Dakh.) to be victorious, kamdn-ddr, an archer, one armed with a bow. kamun-dan, a bow case, kamdn- saz. a bow maker, an archer, kamdn-kash, an archer ; adj dealing destruction, as abru,e kamdn-kash, eye- brows (shooting the arrows of love), kamdni kaiydnl, the Kaianian bow, t. e. a strong bow, such as the Persians used under the Kaianian dynasty, kamdn- gar, one who makes holes, p. Ul»> ^HMI kamana, a. to earn ; to work, to perform, to perpetrate, to commit ; to clean (leather, or a privy), h, liU^ kamana, a. to lessen, to abate, p. h. »^W kamdncha, m. a little bowj the bow of a fiddle ; a steel spring, p. 8^\^ kamana, the plectrum, or bow, of any musical instrument, p. ^j^ kamdni, bowed, bent, curved ; a steel spring, bar* kamdni, the mainspring of a gun-lock. chhoti Tcamdni, the feather spring, p. j-^l»3 «li*rrai Aa7no,M, laborious, industrious. A, ^l»5 kamd'hiya or kamd-hl, as things are, "as the affair stands ; f. nature or real state (of a thing).*. fjf-W kamd,ish, f. business in general, p. d, \x^ ^T kumbdf m. tribe, family, caste. ». „^f«3 7BW kumbh (v. t^fM), m. a water-pot j the sign Aquarius, t. j_y*»i «lf^/« (^jX^ r*«4^^ kim-purush, m. one of the nine parts of the world, between the Himachal and Himakut mountains; a despicable man. t. (JU»> Wfft ku-mat or ^fir ku-mati, f. stu- pidity, folly; adi foolish, deficient in prudence in- discreet ; wicked, vicious, s. JL^ kamtar, less, least, smaller, p. {^.j^ hamtartn, least, very small, p. ^x^ kamti, f. deficiency, p. 4^ "WWi kamathf m. a tortoise, a turtle, s. «B«i«l kamtha, a bow (made of bamboo), h. i-r^'^(*-5 kam-khrpab or him-hhmah (vulg. " kincob"), silk worked with gold and silver flowers ; brocade, p, <^ ^*J^ kumad or ^g^ humud, m. a white esculent lotus, that expands its petals during the night, and closes them during the day-time {Nym- phaa eseulenta). t. [in lotus. *. i^S^ "SB^f^^ kumudini, f. a place abounding j^ kamar, f. the loins ; a girdle, a belt, zone; an arch ; the flank (of an army). Tcamar bdndhnd, to get ready, to resolve, hamar-basta, ready prepared ; an attendant. Jcamar-band, m. a girdle, a zone ; a long piece of cloth girt round the loins; adj. alert, ready for battle, prepared, armed. Jcamar-bandi, f. arming, preparation for battle, &c. Jcamar-baithnd, to be help- less, kamar-paffa, a kind of ring or zone encircling the waists of women (this kind of girdle is composed of many flat pieces of silver or gold, embossed and ornamented, linked together). Tcamar-pakarke uthnd, to be weak, kamar pakapta, to urge a claim against one. kamar fufna, to be hopeless ; to be deserted by one's friends; (lit.) to become weak in the loins (an incurable disease, to which horses in many parts of India are liable), kamw tornd, to take away one's hopes ; to draw over one's friends or adherents to the side of his enemies, kamar-ddr, a servant, a serving- man, kamar-dawdl, a leathern belt, kamar rah-jdnd, to have a pain in the loins (from long standing, kamar tidhi karni, to lie down, kamar kas bdndhnd, to be determined on an undertaking, kamar-kash, a hero, a brave man. kamar-kushd,t , f. utigirding the loins, a species of oriental exaction made by officials placed as guards over any one in restraint, for permission to pull off" his clothes, and perform the necessary func- tions of life, kamar-kotd, a parapet, kamar-kofhd, a part of a beam passing through the wall and appear- ing outside, hamar-kholnd, to quit service, kamar Jchol-baifhnS, to sit at ease, kamar mdma, to strike sideways; to attack an army in flank. Tcamar mof- W»/-i., to undertake a work of expense, kamar hildva, to endeavour ; to copulate, p. |l*j kamard, m. (Lat. camera) a chamber, a room, cabin of a ship. e. X*^fS kamar-sdr, \& kind of ornament worn JIm*^ kamar-sal, J round women's waists, d. ^j^'WmiS kamrakh, m. the name of a fruit {Averrhoa carambola). t. {jyS kamrt or kamari, of or relating to the waist or loins ; weak in the loins (a horse), kamari-an- garkha, m. a short jacket or waistcoat, a spencer, p. l*)V <W**> kumkumdt, lukewarmnesA. d* ^_^*J kumaki, auxiliary, an ally. p. (J>*5 c|i*H3i hammal, m. a blanket, s. iJv flRT^ kamal, m. the lotus (Nelumbium speciosum, Willd. ; Nympheea nelumbo, Lin.) s, (J~»> kammal, a kind of earring ; a long strip of palm leaf rolled up and inserted in the aperture bored in the lobe of the ears. d. ^^ flftHCiSi kamald, m. name of the caterpillar or larva of a brown moth, covered with fine bristles, which on handling it adhere to the skin and excite itching : it is destructive to trees ; the palmer worm ; f. a name of the goddess Lakshmi; an excellent woman, s. \iy^ oKHI^'ItTI kumldna,n. to wither, to fade. h. t?^^i3*^ 'FHtJ^'J kamal-ba,e, m. name of a disorder ; jaundice, t. (_^M flRTf^Strt kamlint, f. a place abounding " in lotus flowers, s. ;^^«> ^Hciil' kamti, f. a small blanket. kamR klfd, a palmer worm, or haiiy cater{dllar. s. i^j^ «liH«I kaman, libidinous, desirous ; beau- tiful, desirable, s. [intrigue, t. ^jJ^ 4iM \^.t kamnaity m. an archer, a bowman. j9. ^^jul»5 kamnaiti, f. archery, use of the bow. p. *Al»i chHrilM kamaruya, pleasing, desirable, s. ^\y^ chH^HI kamrvdnd, a. to cause to work. to earn. i^y^ oFT^ kamud, m. the name of a drug used for dyeing, being the dust from the outside of the capsules of Rottlera tinctoria; said to be also a purgative medicine and aphrodisiac. A. j^iij^i «irH\f^t kamodim, f. a sort of water- *' lily described as expanding its petals during the night, and closing them during the day (Menyatithes Jndica or cristata). a. ijjy^ "Sfi^l^ karnorlyf. a small earthen pot. /iu ^^y^ kammun, m. cummin seed. » ^ t ^^yS kammunl, f. a medicine in which cum- ~ min seed is mixed, a. X^W^f^ kumhdr, m. a potter, a manufac- turer of earthen vessels. Tcumharnt, f. a potter's wife. t. ^cX^ 3i4.^lO kumliarl, f. a creature like a wasp, which forms its abode of clay. h. U^k^«) 4^1$ Ml humhlana, n. to wither, to blast, to droop, to blight. $. [ligator. t, JL^^ 4i4>^l?; kumhir (for kumhkir), an al- j^»5 Aami, f deficiency, loss, abatement, p. \x^ "Sg^fCmhamiya, an agricultural labourer, h. -^ kumait, m. bay (colour of a horse). kamiyat or Tcamiyat, f. qoantity. a. l> Joi»^ oiiHjqi kumedya (also kumendya or Jcumendhya), m. a small elephant, /i. ;J^ of^ kumeru, m. the southern hemisphere or {xde. •; [mau, an assistant, h. ]^x^ ^HU hamera, m. a workman, a journey- ^^J^ ehHl(^l kamila, m. the name of a drug (v. Aamut^). A. ij^ harniny f. an ambush, kamln-gdh, f. an ambuscade or place of ambush, a, p. {j^'S kamin, defective, mean ; m. a kind of 082 ) t.^ jU> hindr, m. bosom, embrace ; side, edge, margin, kinar Tchainchna, a. to give up, to quit, to leave. Tdnar o bos, kissing and embracing, p. kU> kindrd, \vi. side, margin, part, limit, drd, \ SjUi hinara,) boundary, edge, kindrd-k., a. to abstain, to refrain, kinare hofanS, to retire, to withdraw, kinare, aside, ashore, p. v3j\jj kandrnd (v. kardhnd), to groan, d. {Jj^ fiUlO hindri, f. (gold or silver) lace ; edge, border, kinart-baf, a lace-maker. A. ;j»»U> kannds, m. a sweeper : (met.) an avaricious ill-tempered person, a. ^»US ofiT^ioft-q kand-kachu, m. the name of a vegetable, a species of arum. h. CaSUj <(iH1Jlri kandgat, f. a srdddkd or reli- gious ceremony, performed daily by Hindfls during the dark half of the month asin, in honour of deceased ancestors or pitris. Hence that fortnight is called kana. s. ^Joi Imndn (in comp. v. kun), doing, acting; (pl. of kun) doers, actors, p, ij^^ij> <*Hi'sft kan-dnkhl, f. a side glance, "^asly wink (on the part of a female). «. CloUS Mndyat, f."] a wink, nod, sign, hint, &:>\ji hindya, m. J allusion, metaphor j an village serf. p. ironical expression, o. \jJ&3Ja,»^^Ffe^AM7»ew^%a,\asmaIl species of j ^^ ^f^ kunbd or kumhdj m. tribe, caste, family, brotherhood. *. cLoJO himbat, agricultural labour, farming, d. ^yxji ? kumbh, m. a water-pot ; Aquarius. kumbh ka tnela, the twelfth year fair at Hardwar, a ce- lebrated Hindu pilgrimage, kumbhni, the sixth-year ndhydA b3jx»^ ohHJ^r kumendyd, j the elephant, s. «ja»> kamina, mean, base, abject, defective, p. ^Ji fsfm kin (inQ. pl. of AaMw),whom? what? i^. ^J> oImT kan, appreciating, valuing (a field) ; a weevil, kan-k., a. to value, kan-kut, appraisement of a crop on the field, valuation, h, iji "W^ knn, m. grain, corn ; a grain, a minute particle, an eye of corn, a spark or facet of a gem. t. ^^ kan, (in comp.) digging, as MLdr-han, a digger of thorns. Tcun, (in comp.) making or acting, as ham-kun, a companion, one who acts along with another, p. ^ Inm, be (thou), kun fa kdn or ktm fa yakun, be and it was, or be and it is, these phrases are used as epithets of Omnipotence, a. ^J> kan (for kane), near, close by. d. Ui kand (for kahnd), to speak, tell. d. Ui cFTjn kand (v. kanikd), fine sand, &c. ; nlao the dark lunar fortnight of asin. s. U> ^1^ hannuf m. the notches on the two sides of the upper leather of a shoe ; the part of a paper kite to which the string is tied, h. jblj>i ^T^T^ hannd-ddr, m. a kind of shoe or slipper (v. kanna). h. p. fair. s. ,LaJ3 oF^TTT kumhhar, 1 ^1/ ./? , ,, ,_ /-m. a potter, s. jOk^Joi cITHohlC humhh'har,) K^AA) ohfHoiil humbhikd, f. a disease of the eyes, a stye. s. [of jaundice. ^K^jui ^o|i|H(J}T kumbh-kdmld, f. a so ik^fii "Sfi^r^T liunibhld, f. a plant with flow like those of the Nauclea cadamba, s. (^Ujk^jp ^r>rttjTo|r kumbhl-pdk, m. a hell which the wicked are supposed to be baked like ters* vessels, s. ^^i^AAJ iKWir. himbhtr, m. an alligator. $, je-J^ humbt, a peasant, a husbandman, a " tivator. kumbi-log, the peasantry. $, * Cy«'» ^irwT kamp, m. shivering, tremor. u^ ( 5fc!3 ) ^ GUtf ^un«f| kampma, a. to cause to tremble, to agitate, s. JbUjioimn^ ^a»ipa^a,\ tremulous, trem- u1»a'a) oh fui rf kampit, J bling, fearful, s. jJ^^iS 4«1M4ju^ eji^QjSi kanthla, m. a necklace composed of pieces of gold and sUver, put on children to arert evfl. t ic^ju6 "91^ kanthi, f. a short necklace, s. Ijuu^ wfinn kantiya, f. a fishing-hook j % vey. sel for keeping oil. h. Aj '^'ST kanj, m. the lotus, s. A^ ■%»! kunj, m. an arbour, a bower. «. A^ kunj, m. a corner, a confined place, b grove, p. \^ '^Tin kanj a, blue-eyed. h. ^y^ kanjal or kunjdl, the green scum formed on stagnant water, d. (&c. d. ^Ji>^\^ kunjd,ish (for gunjd,isK), capacity. (i^^ kunjud, the grain sesame, p. j^ oil ^'41 hanjar, m. name of a low caste of people, generally employed in selling strings, &c. . they also catch and eat snakes, h. j^ eii^l. ku7ijur,\m. (also kunjal), an ele 'j^ "%Wf kunjar,} phant. s. \'^ cRim krinjrd, m. name of a caste whose business it is to sell vegetables, fruits, &c. ; a fruiterer.*, i^j^ <)h«l'^«i ku?ijran,\f. the female of kunj- (^yr ^^^ kunjri, J rd. h. . j^;i f:.'^ kunjashk or kunjishk, f. a sparrow, p. ^^if "SS^r^ kunjal, m. an elephant: (accord- ing to- the author of the Ard.ish i Mahfil) Jcunjal de- notes the large species of elephant, the smaller speciefl being called kumendyd, s. (^jt»^ «ii9Tfl kanjus, m. a miser, a niggard, h. i^>j^ "^SW^ kanjust, f. stinginess, mean "ness, penuriousness. h. ^^ "sa^ h-avji, f. a key. a\ ILjr •^ftr'n kanj 1yd, f. a small stithe,astye. h Cu^ r«hn^H kinchit, a little, something, s, xS "W^ kanchu, 1 a bodice or jacket ^~S^ «fi'<(eh1 kanchukl,\ (also kunchki). «. \^ fehfldic^l hinchli (also kanchli), f. the "slough (of a snake, &c.). t. (j^ oJi^H' hanchan, m. gold, kanchan-khu' chit, inlaid with gold. s. 4-4*1 kanchan, m. a kind of caste or c^^ tribe, somewhat akin to our gypsies, the females being generally dancers, &c. Jcanchan-bdn, a real or genuine kanchan, by birth, s. fj^ oli-^H^ kanchani, f. a female of the Aa«- " chan tribe ; a dancing girl, a strumpet. «. «iji "^ Aawc^, m. a bulbous or tuberous root one of an esculent sort {Arum campanulatum) ; garlic j an affection of the feminine organ. «. tiJiS kund, blunt ; slow, obtuse, p. ^ jj/ ^ kund, m. name of a flower {Jasmi- num grandijtorum). i. \,^iS^ kanda, m. a squill (Erythronium Ittdimtm) ; (for kanda) enfn-aved. Tcanda-Tc., to engrave (as Beals, &c.). Icanda-kar, ra. an engraver. A. p. \tia^^ /mnrfa, m. the shoulder, t. iMiliiJj "JhlWI kandasa, m. a priapus, obelisk, the lingam. A. ,iiji '«RS.dM is^J:^ kundar-kut, ra. name of a medicine {Olibanum). t, (^j^i^ kandas, m. sneeze-wort, kundus, a kind of poisonous vreed. p. jUrtJJj "afe^TTR Aani5ar,m. a stag, buck, deer. s. JiioJ ^F^ kandal, m. the name of a gum (Sagapenum). t. Jjji^%^ kundal, m. the finest gold. s. ^Jo^ «ii< kuuda, m. a block ; the stock of a gun; a billet of wood. kunda-chafhSna or -lagana, to stock a gun. kanda, dug up, engraved, kanda-kar, an en- graver, kanda-kari, f. the art of engraving, kanda-k,, to engrave (as seals, &c.). p. BtXJ^ W^ kunda, m. the shoulder, kunda JhSfnd, to prepare to fly (a bird), t. ^dJS "im kandh, "Im. the shoulder, kandha JtiiJS '^im kandha, J dena, to carry a dead C 584 ) lSljUb(3J^ 4rv(m<1l kandhiyana, a. to 6hoai< der, to place on the shoulder. *. ^J>ifc "^i^TT kandera, m. a cleaner of cotton. A. Ji "PcR^ kinnar, m. a kind of singers or cho- risters in the court of Indra ; a demigod attached 4o the service of Kuvera, the god of riches, t. ^_wP« ctiilj^^ kan-ra$, ra. taking a pleasure in hearing (music, &C.). A. Ui-*;ii "Jirajrftnn kanrasiya, m. a lover of music, an amateur. $. if^3^j^ ^4«r^*t1 kunr-boji '^L^y^ oJifT^I^n^ Aan-saZa,i or -slnild,'i, i'. n kind of Kolopendra or julus, which is said to get into the brain through the ears, and by its bite occasion excessive pain, and even death, s. jjSjii kanishf ni. a miser, a niggard, d. CIamA} kanist, 'l m. Christian church, a Jew- C^JiM kanishtj ish synagogue, a temple of Idolaters, p. ,4ilJ6 ^pHtf kanishth, adj. little, least, nnallest ; m. a younger brother, t. \^^J^'^fifimkanishtha, If. the little K^IIaS ^fcrHOtf*!* ! kanishthikaj finger, s. jjjUiS kan'an, the country of Canaan, a. ^J^\s6J kan'antf of or relating to Canaan, a ** Canaanite. a. t— ftp kanaf, side, shore ; a wing. a. i^ii MiH^ kanak, m. gold ; the plant Da- ) uL^'' fHra, or thorn-apple (^Datura metel). kanik, m. wheaten flour. $. tdiJ6 ^juf^i hanki, f. ground rice, or the wraps that fly off in pounding rice to separate it from the husk, t, 9JS "WfwWl kanikd, f. fine sand (particularly grittiness or sand in bread) ; an atom, a particle, a grain ; a kind of rice. «. _.oai kinkaj, 1 advice, council, conside- (_jioai kinkdsh,) ration, p. ^^KjkJ "^roinf^Stf kankalin, f. a kind of witch, hag, or sorceress, t, Uxji ^rfihjl hankatdf ear-cropt, earless, s. i^^^ <(ir|c|ij1 kankati, f. a disorder in the "ears. «. ^^M fw^ kinkar, m. a slave, a bondsman, s. j*^ "ircFT kankar, m. a nodule of limestone ; stone, gravel. *. \^^ etted'O kankard, m. a stone ball with which boys play, a marble, pebble, i, \j^^^ !!.I;n!ia, lukewarm. cL ic>^ f^f^^ liinhlnl, f. a kind of girdle " with small bells or any tinkling ornament (for women and children). «. tj^^^i han-haurcd, a species of flying kite. d. C^SJS kan-huty estimated valuation of the crop while standing in the field, h, ,4^ flii*T^ kunakh, m. a disease of the nails. Jcunakht, having diseased nails, t. VyiiAr^ ciii^aKl kankhajurd, m. centipede {Scolopendra) ; (v. kan-sala.i). $. (^j^^Cii^'^i^ kankht, If. a side glance, a U^xii^ wf^'H kankhiydyj squint, a sly look, ogle. Tcankhiyd dekhnd, to ogle, to look with sida glance, to leer. s. jXii cirTtToli^ kanki, f. ground rice, or the scraps "that fly off in pounding rice to separate it from the husk. s. L^-^OOi kanhdyt, of or relating to kankd, a place famous for its breed of horses, p. iii\x^ kingdshy counsel, delibei'ation. p. Jl>Jj WTT^ hangdl, poor, friendless, miserly. Tcangal-bankd, poor and proud, s. [tion. s. Ij3\X|j "'ifJTV^m kangdlata , f. poverty, destitu- ^iXo ciiJ|lc?\X^ hingdytsh, parsimony (v. hangdl). s. h. jjj^ "^TXt? kangror, m. the ridge of the back, the spine ; name of a bird (water fowl). A. sJjj hangura, m. a niched battlement of a castle, &c. ; a port-hole, a vidette ; a pinnacle, a turret ; a parapet wall ; plumes upon helmets, or ornaments upon crowns. Jcangura-dar, spired, having & turret, parapet, &c. p. kingri, f. a musical instrument something like the bin or vina, having only two steel strings and three or four pumpkins or cnlubaslies as sounding boards: it is somewhat sraullt! thau the vina. h. [letic. h. \jM ^T^rfl kangaltdfi. peoM v, povei'y. i. 0* vita ( ^J^if!n^ kangun, m. an ornament worn on the wrists by Hindu women. «. \jJi/ wnm kangna, m. a thread tied round a bridegroom's wrist, s. ^C^ AjmI kangni, f. a cornice ; a small " grain, millet (Panicum italicum). t. i.J^kangura, in. (v. kangura). p. t^J ^*^i^ kangurl, f. the lobe of the ear. h. \^^-Bf!^ Jiangha, m. 'J a comb, (in Dakh.) ^-^^•Sfi^kanghlJ.J kango,u kanghi "saAwarna, to adjust the hair which has been disordered in sleep. Tcanglii-Tc., to comb the hair. *. U»^XiS /w«^/m,a,m.a kind of rake or harrow.rf. /Jji hangi, f. a large jar or vessel in which "grain is kept : it is made of split cane or wicker-work plastered with clay. d. JiiJjj kunanda, a maker, a factor, an agent. kananda, a digger, an instrument for digging, p. jlyS kanwar, m. a small species of the aloe from which the medicinal drug is obtained, d. j\yj "^K^tTCkunmar, \(j' f^U7nar, &c.) a MjJj TJ^TO kunrvdra, J son, a boy, an un- manned youth ; a prince, an heir apparent, t. ijjSyiiR^T^ kunniarl, f. a daughter, an un- married girl ; a princess, t. i»\\y^ kunwdh (for ku,a, q. v.), a well. h. ^eAj)i 'W^^f^hanrvdyi, f. boring the ears. s. l^aii ofitllzT kanauthd or hanothd, m. any situation in an apartment close to an angle of the wall. «. J^^ kanoti, the ear (of a horse), d. Z.^ '4iHlST hanoj or kanauj, an ancient city and kingdom of India, where Porus is supposed to have reigned, s. U»-ya oFt^fipn kanaujiya,\a native of the eu>-yj "Sini^fsnt kanaujiya,) city or king- dom of Kanoj ; also the designation of various tribes, originally from that ancient kingdom, s. jyS ik^J^ kunwar, m. a boy, a son, a child ; the son of a raja, a prince, t. |jy5 4«jtil kanaura (v. kanaundd). ka- naufd-k., a. to gain ascendancy over another, or make him stand in awe. h. Jyo "^^ kahwal, m. the lotus {Nymph eea nelumho) ; a shade for a candle, made of coloured silk or paper, ornamented. ^anwa2-6a<^, the jaundice. TcaA- wal-dah, very deep water abounding with lotuses, itari- wal-nain, having eyes like the flowers of the lotus, t. jjjyo kunun (v. aknun), now, presently, p. SJjJj 4i«fifs hanaund, m. diffidence, bashful- 586 ) ji \tii^ cRtfirf kanaundd, diffident, bashful, standing in awe of, or afraid to meet another. A. Jyki "W^m kantva, a measure of capacity, the twentieth part of a ser. h t^>yjeirfR^/i«wwa,i, a kind of clayey eoil. A. byj fsfti^^ kinmaiyd, m. a purchaser, ». buj'er. *. M hunk, substanco, quantity, measure, space^ whole, total, extreme, a. ^^ cfitj^l kiinhd, m. an officer employed by government to value the crops on the field. Tcaniha, revengeful malevolent, h f^A^ o|r»I^T^ hanhd,t, f. valuation of crops of grain ; m. a name of K^uina {Bhdsha). h. j^ chHfi. kanhar, a rudder, a helm. h. ]j^>^ «ir«T^TT kanhard, m. attention, listening. A. '^ji^ <*H^i.l9l kanharild,m. a steersman, h. \x^ ^P^XIT kanhaiyd, a name of Krishna, h. i^ cRlt kannt, f. a spark of a diamond or of " any other gem ; bran. Tcanvii Jcatna, to undermine a person, or e£fect his ruin by clandestine means. ;. ip oir^ kane, near, close by, with, &c. h. \jjS dh'fn hanyd, f. an unmarried girl, a daughter ; a virgin ; the sign Virgo. JcanyS-putra or -suta, the son of an unmarried girl. Jcanya-dan, giving a girl in marriage ; a gift to a girl upon her marriage a dowry. 5. [the ears. «. Ujki cfi^^T kanaiyd, f. the ceremony of boring Uljui oirf*mr«T1 kaniydnd, a. to go to one side, to avoid one, to dodge, to shun. h. cLJ&bui chftiijl^*! kaniydhat, f. shyness, coy- ness, timidity, h. l!1\'}^ cfi«^ fri kuntti, f. bad behaviour, ill manners ; bad policy. *. CLoM kinyat or kunyat, f. a metaphor, a name taken from the father, mother, &c. of the per- son signified, such as Arabian names beginning with Ibn or Bin, son, or the Celtic appellationB beginning with Mac. a. jJuJi cRtfTt kanett, f. pulling the ears, h, jJJS "Bft^X. haner, m. a tree {Cascaria ovata). kaner or kanel, f the name of a flower, the oleander {Nerium odorum) : this flowering shrub grows wild in the beds of rivers and other moist places in most parts of Asia. Its Persian name is jsiyar-zdira, and Arabic difla. h. \juj 4if «irfil havi, m. a poet. s. I^j3 ^VT Aw,a, m. a well; slice, division (of the jack fruit) ; cocoon (of the silk worm). ko,a, angle (of the eye). «. ^> ly kawdkih (pi. of \^J^y^^ stars, con- stellations, a. ^^^y ^irt AM,a« (v. H,o), a well, a pit. s. ^\y ftlRT^ kiwanchf name of a plant, cow- ach, a vermifuge (Dolichos pruriens), h. [asin. s. y^^y «B^T^ kuydnr (v. Aw,ar), m. the month «---*y^ ^o&, 'I (in comp.) beating, pounding, jjby kobdn,) bruising, p. ''jiy ^^ kubar, m. a hump. A. ]jiy *^iy hubrd, hump-backed, h. iOy hoba, m. a wooden instrument for beat- ing terraces, &c. with, koba-kari, f. thumping, beating, p. ^y oiii%1 hobx, f. a cabbage, cauliflower, /i. imJiS ofTPf A«», ra. a well, a hole. .t. L^y Z^ /eojo, m. rage, passion, anger, kop- jwalit or kop-dlpt, incensed, enraged. Jcop-wan, pas- sionate, angry, kop-vej, m. violence, impetuosity of passion. «. vJ»'^.^ elTlVl^cjJ kopdkul, furious, enraged, a. '-^y^-.r ^^^^^ kopdnrvit, full of resent- ment, s. {^\.y ^^tStn kopan, wrathful, passionate. «. *^.^ <«Im«iT kopnd, n. to be angry ; to be enraged ; f. a passionate woman, t. ijiy WtfTJrft kopint, f.1 passionate, rageful, jj,y ^xft Ao^i, m. J wrathful. «. jj,^ ^q't kupi, f. a small well. s. ]j^.,y «|'?^ kupaird, unlucky, inauspicious, h. (jrOy •gfttlttT Aopm or «|^Trtrf kaupln, f. a cloth worn (round the waist) between the legs, commonly called a langoti, q. v. ; a privy part, s. ^y ^ liy-t, m. survey, a task, guess, ap- praisement ; rough estimate or valuation, h. Cm>y ofiri kut, m. the base of a right-angled triangle, s. \i>.S oFf^fTT havitd, \ fy / e_ _£. , , __ ft. poetry, a poem. s. »\3ji Ao^a/i, small, little, short; mean, hotdh" andesh, improvident, kotah-bhi, one who sees a short way; dim-sighted, kotah-pae or kotah-pacha, short- footed ; name of a kind of quadruped with a spotted back and horns like a deer : the term is applied some- times to a hare, and hence (met.) to a very short, sneaking, little man. kotdh-^add, of short stature. kotah-natutr, short-sighted, p. ^\5y hotdhi, f. smallness, shortness ; mean- " ness, littleness ; deficiency, p. {.^y kutak, m. a club, a short stick with which bhang is ground, a pestle, kutak-marna, to cudgel, to thrash with a stick, kutak-khana, to receive a cudgelling or beating, p. \jXiy cti|n«ii hautuk, m. joy, pleasure, diver- sion, play, show, pastime, scene, kutak, one of the rules in arithmetic or algebra. ». li^y '3RTH«F^ hautuki, m. a tumbler, a "dancer, one who contributes to divert by exhibitions, &c. ; adj. sportive, s. iS^y offtcTgJ fiotal, m. a led horse, kotal-kash, m. a surcingle, particularly for fastening body cloths. /j. jX*C^y WttfWfJi hot-mir, f. a kind of greens, coriander (v. kothmir), h. \iiy oRTffT kutnd, a. to value, to appraise, h, {J\yy kotwdl, m. the chief officer of the police for a city or town ; a superintendant of the market, p. ,^^y kotwdli, f. the office of a kotwdl. "kotwall chabutara, a place or hall for the offico of • kotwdl. p. ^y ofV^ hath, m. inflammation and ulcera- tion of the angles of the eyelids ; gangrene. $. s>y kotah (v. kotdh), short, little, mean. kotah-andesh, short-siglited, imprudent, improvident, indiscreet, wanting foresight, kotah-kadd, of short stature, kotah-gardan, short-necked; (met.) wicked, deceitful, «. '/ ( 588 ) J jfj^^ 'W\^tffft kothmtr, m. the coriander- pUnt t the seed is called dhaniyS, q. t. $. ,g^^ hotahty f. (v. hotahi), smallness, &c. p. cLfS'^B^kot or'SRt^kottf m. a fort, redoubt, castle ; much, many. Jcuf, paper used to make paste- board, kof-bandh-baifhna, to sit with the legs crossed like the Asiatics, to sit (as they fancy) at one's ease. h. iJL>S'V^tfz koti, a crore, or ten millions, s. C,»*i «I!7 kut, f. mimicry, buffoonery j fraud, trick, kuf-ta, f. falsehood, fraud, s. A)Uj5 kotapali, f. a mallet, d. Il2»1^-^u^ ^T^*nf^in kutdrtha-bhashitd, f, a tale, a fiction. $, f>y ^ii. kotar, m. a kind of greens j holes made by birds in trees. • h. [beaten, &c. d. \JCj'j5 kotgd (explained by lat-khor), kicked, f\>y ^-y kuchak, small, little, diminutive, p. \^j^ ^lif^^ kuchikd, f. a small brush, a hair pencil, a. [loar, purple, p. ^S^y kuchakif f. smallness ; name of a co- &».^j kucha, ra. a lane, a street, a narrow passage, a row. kucha-gada, a street beggar. kScha- gard, one who perambulates the streets, a vagrant, kucha-gardi, f. perambulation of the streets, wandering about in a city. p. l^^ ^liTT kuchhd, m. a tuft, cluster. «. j.-*.^ ^^ kucTii (also kuncht)^ f. a brush, a. U»-y «lif^^ kuchiyd, a small tamarind ; part of the ear, the lobe. h. liy "S^ kud, f. la spring, jump, leap. I, m.J \dy '^^ kudd, m. } bound, kudd bighd, a bigha measured by so many leaps. ». iji^y 4l^«l kodrav, m. a small grain, same as kodo q. v. Kd}^y hodahf m. a youth,a youngster, a boy .j?. S^y hodgar, m. a digger, an excavator, p, i^^y kaudan, m. a horse of little value used to carry burthens ; adj. weak in mind, dull. a. Kiiy '<^'i{\ kudnd, n. to leap, to bound* to jump ; (met.) to rejoice ; to boast kudnS-phandna, n. to jump, to leap (about, as for joy), t. jiiy cFt^ kodo, \m. name of a small grain, »,i^y "^^t^ kodi'o,} sown early during the rainy seasons (Paspahim frumentaceum, Kan., MS.), u .y kor or kur, blind, kor-bakht, unfortunate. kor-ba^i, £ misfortune, calamity, p. .y 'SFtr: kor, f. edge, border, margin, sidej point ; a crore, or ten millions, h. jy'^fX, kur, ra. a violator; adj. cruel, savage. kaur, a mouthful, h. {kvmir). h, jy kumar, m. a son, a prince (v. kunwar or Vy "J^tn kord, new, unhandled, unused, fresh (applied only to clothes and earthen vessels : hence it is the mercantile name for plain silk cloth undyed). kore-rahna, to be disappointed, kord kaghas, white paper, i. e. paper not written upon. h. i^}jy hordpan, newness, freshness ; met. virginity of a girl. h. jjjjji o^Tm kaur-pandu, the Kauravcu and Pdndavas, the patronymics of two ancient families of Delhi,' *. [unblown flower. A. Lil.y 'SFrtUT korak, m. a bud, blossom, an *,y ^ kurm, m. a tortoise (v. kurm). s. [i^sy hornhh, f. a kind of salutation, which consists in raising the hand to the forehead and bend ing the head and shoulders forwards; adoration, p. ^J^jy '^tr:^ korangt, f. small cardamums. s, jy '^^ kurrii, f. a scoop, h. «.y ^Sj^T^T kaurava or kauru, a descendant of Kuru, i. J jj^'^h^ korOfVa. a rafter, a transverse beam. A. iJjy *Sli!t kort, f. a virgin, a damsel ; (same as kort) a score, twenty, h. i^jy kort or hurt, f. blindness, p. to look from the corner of the eye. jy ^ kiirk, foolish, stupid, a sloven, a simpleton, t; »jy eFte horh, m. the leprosy ; the white leprosy, causing a discolouring of the skin. This is the disease in a mild form : it is often curable. The black leprosy, which is incurable, and in which the fingers and toes, &c. rot and drop off, is caWedjuzam. korit meAkhajnikalna, the itch to break out in leprosy, or in leprosy to catch the itch ; (met ) to have one misfortune added to another, s. ^j'y *i\^^\ korhna, a. to vex, to afflict, to grieve, h. [leprosy, h. iJ^jy «B^^ korht, a leper, one affected by ij'jy cfclil ko7i, f. a score, twenty (probably a corruption of the English word) ; (in Dakh.) a slop- ing pavement of stonework at one end of a tank, to let the water off when the tank is too full. h. {Jj'y weft haufi, f. a small shell used as coin {Cypresa moneta); money, fare, hire; a gland; the point of the sternum, or ensiform cartilage, phuti kauft or kant kauft, a bit of money of the lowest value. iaurt'buk, venal, h. ^l>j'y cftlfdll^T kauriyala or hauriyala, m. a kind of snake; a rich person; name of a bird, the kingfisher, h. jy kuz,m. a hump, kuz-pusht, hump-backed. kuz-pushti, hump-back edneas. p. i\y kuza, m. a gugglet or goglet, a long- necked earthen pot for water; a jug or mug; a kind of rose ; a lump of sugar which has been crystallized in an earthen pot. p. {jay cR^ hos, m. a measure of about two miles, but varying in different parts of India ; a piece added to the end of a sleeve, a cu£^ s, ijtty hus, m. a kettledrum, drum. p. Ujy eR^TETT kosa, a curse, malediction, d. ,^f^y "3F^*T kaustubh, m. the jewel on K^s^na't breast. $. [raj-puts. k. (jJutfy 4h)ry «fiiticp) kosli, m. new leaves just sprouting, h. lxM>y '5rl]5r*TT kosnd, a. to curse, s. 4fx-»^ oAg*^ kausumbh, dyed with saf- flower. s. [comp.) striving, exerting, p. (J^y haush, a kind of slipper, kosh, (in (ji*>y Wt^ kosh or «F^ kosha, m. a sheath, a scabbard ; a judicial trial by oath or ordeal ; a die- tionary; a testicle; a nutmeg; (same as hot, q. ▼.) kosh-briddhi, f. swelling of the testicle, t. Ui**y **« V kaush, m. the city of Kanyakubja or Kanauj. s. ,^J^y "sitW koshth, m. a granary ; an apart- ment ; any of the viscera, as heart, lungs, &c. kosk- fhagni, m. the digestive faculty, the gastric juice, t. [J^y hoshish, endeavour, effort, attempt, application, study, koshishi behuda, a vain attempt koshish-k., to attempt, to endeavour, p, ciLly kushk, m. a palace, a villa, p. i^f^y wtfijfWt kaushiki, f. name of a river "in the province of Bahar. t. i^y siTlv^P koshal, m. f. or koshald, f. a name of the city of Ayodhya (Oude) or neighbouring district, kaushal, ra. happiness, welfare, s. {,^^y «m1I^ kaushali, f. greeting, friendly "inquiry, respectful present, kaushalya, m. good for- tune, well-being, t. lxM>y sR^gpRT koshnd, a. to curse, s. ^^li^y koshidatifto strive, to make efforts, jo. MMy Wt^ or «^^ kausheya, silken, s. CL^y koft, f. vexation, grief, anguish j in- laying of gold on steel or any other metal, ko/t-kob, beating, koft-gar, m. a gilder, p. ^J^y koftan (r. koh), to pound, to beat, to hash (meat, &c.). p. [of dish, p, ftliji hoftUf pounded, beaten (meat) ; a kind »i^ kufa, a town on the Euphrates, near Basra, a. [to cry, to sob. «. ti)y "^ kuk, f. sobbing, crying, kuk-mdrnd, ti)y «in«ii kok, m. scientia modorum diver- sorum coeundi ; a quodam Kok pandit explicata unde nomen ; the ruddy goose {Anas cascara). h. dJy onqofi kawak, m. same as kawal, q. v. oy oR^oin kokd, m. a foster-brother, nurse's sou ; a small nail, a tack ; a kind of lotus, h. ^>mmSy kaukah, m. a star, a constellation, a. «jj_)j kaukaha, m. stars made of gold, silver, tinsel, &c., as ornaments or insignia of rank. 9» -"/ ( 590 ) •^ Ji^-aasfJ, hukar, m. a dog. kukar-chal, f. a ; ^^ sgt^kolhu, m. a sugar-mill ; an oil trot. /(5/car-muia, m. a mushroom (growing on wood), "»»»■- — »o L^ti,-, ^^^ ^^^...;: ^o«;i t,^ ™«„z.,=*« s. toadstool, s. man's ])res8. kolhu meA pajrwa dena, to macerate in a press ; an expression signifying to destroy utterly, to crush to atoms, h. Ub^^y "^-ifirimtTT huhariyana, a. to cover, to overlay. /*. Ju*»la>(jiJy <4loh^||^ kok-shastr, m. the name of a treatise by Kok-pan^it (v. kok). $. jj^y oKlf^cS kokilAi. the name of a bird; ^)iy «Ktf «liQjT /eo/a7a, j a black cuckoo {Cu- culus). koMl-baini, speaking like the kokil, eloquent as the kokil. s. 'Joy oBofiHl kukna, n. to sob, to cry, to scream ; to sound (as the kokil) ; to wind up a watch, h. j^y kukndr, m. the poppy plant, p. ^Sy optftirsTt kokini, short, abbreviated, h. TT ^^ /'"/'M, m. the cooing of a dove ; an omelette (also the dish called kvJai pulaw). h. ^y ofcYlsTI Ao/i/ia,J domen, hypochondrium. kokh-handh, barren, s, (Jjj oF^55 liol, m. a creek, a bayj any long narrow passage, a lane ; name of a tribe of moun- taineers between Benares and Bundelcund ; a coun- try, CaZtn^a, on the sea-coast from Cuttack to Madras. /*. {jy «ir^[c5 hacal or chT'^ haul, m. a mouthful ; a kind of fish ; an astringent wash for the mouth, a gargle; adj. well-born, of a good family. H^, bank of a river ; a heap, a mound ; a pond or pool. «. ^y "S^qST kaula, m. (corner of a room, &c.) an armful ; embrace ; a sheaf or armful of corn (v. kauliya). h. *^y cfTiicjji kaula, m. a kind of orange, h. yy oB^T hula, m. the hip, the buttock, h. *^y <*1, ^ , ,. ,_^ ,„ , ,.. ^J^J ^«^,. .rr .^ .X. • J. i , Jy oiiTarT «o^2, m. a weaver, ktut (tor kuli), maize, Indian corn (Zea mats) ; the gnpes. h. LP J ^ ' \ ■ y "a labourer, porter, a cooley. b. [arms. t}y Wt^ kauli, f. embrace, grasp of the i}y ofc^cj" hole, lap, bosom, embrace, h. Qy oF^f^nn kauliya, m. a lane, a narrow street, kauliya, a bundle of sheaves of corn given as perquisites to reapers and village servants, h. UJy ehtff^m kauliya, f. a small mouthful, s. OUly oinf^TRT koliyana or kauliyana, a. to take in the lap, to embrace, k, My ^^TT haumar, m. youth, childhood. kaumar'i, adj. maiden, virgin, i. [bread, h. ^:^\jcy «K»lt5 humanchh, m. f. a kind of Sicy wt^ kaumudf m. the month Kartik. $. t^S^y ohtn^^ kaumudi, f. moonlight, s. (_y*y ofTlH^ komal, soft, placid, tender, s. ^ol/cy oFW^HT homalta, lor komalata, ^\j\Ky efflff^riT^ komalta,i,J f. softness, "placidity. », ^y^y ^Xf^ kumhal, burglary, kumhal-dena, to break into (a house) through the wall. h. M^"^^ kaun, pron. who? which? what? //. ^y "Wf katin, postpos. for ko, dat. and ace. //. ^y kaun, that which exists; the univrr- . kaun wa makdn, the whole creation, a. ^y ^F^^Sr kon, m. a corner, an angle. oRinn koni, having a crooked arm. s. ^y hun, f. podex, the backside, p. Uy cfi^^T Aowa, m. corner, side, an angle, kond-dar, having corners or angles, s. L^IdOy cFlTflTcF^nn kona-kuthra, m. house, room, hole and corner, every corner, &c. «. {j^'^y ^fiS\ kuna,i, f. a scrap, s. ^y^y kombhal (v. komkal), burglary, &c. h. y^y Wt^^ kompal, ra. f. a young shoot, a bud. t. \y>y hompali, f. (v. kompal) a bud, &c. d. Ci^y flF^»!T kont, f. a spear, s. tl^oy "iim ftunt, m. conjecture, guess. ^y "^ilT /<«?y (also kunja), m. the natne of a bird, perhaps the crane. Jy "W^ hunch, m. the little red seed that goldsmiths use for weights {Abrut precatorius). s. ^ ( 591 ) ■^ Aai^ konchii, a long tooth ; the tusk of a • "boar. d. [to pierce, to stab, to gore. h. \j^y cffMfffl honchna or kunchna, a. to thrust, i^y <*'«fl' kunchif f. (also kuclii) a brush. h. \si^ o^Hn kaunda, m. (v. kaundha). h. j^iijy cR^^rii^R kona-ddr, cornered, angled, s. ^iioy '^q5T kundla, m. a kind of tent. h. Ui^jy ''sl^'Tt kaundna, n. to glare, flash, lighten, h, [flash (as of lightning), h. Jbdi^ "S^f^l haundh, f. splendour, brightness, IfciiJy "S^VT kaundha, m. lightning, A. Ijjfctijy flJ^'U'Tr kaundhna, n. to lighten, to flash (as lightning). h. \3^y 4^1 kunda, m. a vessel for kneading bread in, a platter; the chaff or coarse part of rice. kunda karhnd, to prosper, kundd-k., dicitur cum plures viri, unus post alterutn, mulierum violant. h. jbjjji hond-bar, straight, tight, narrow, d. Uiiioji Jiovdna, a. to imprison, to confine, d. \Sbd^y wtsi hondha, m. name of a gourd (Cucurbita pepo). s. ^jjy oR^ liundi, f. an instrument or vessel in which snuff and bhang, &c. are ground, h, LJy chl^^T kaun-sa, what like? of what kind or sort ? h r^>^y «Rt^^ honhan, m. the name of a coun- try in the southern peninsula (vulg, concari). s. ^s3y wf^ Juittnla, m. a species of orange; a corner; adj. raw, unripe; young, of few years. kmnili haddi, gristle, d. iJ^'^ijy kann-makan, 1 the world, the ^K/oj^y Iiaitn o makan,} universe, all created beings, a. ioy ciflTj hona,m.B. corner,an angle (v.kona).h. ^^y huurii, worldly, material, a. ^S hum, m. a catamite, a sodomite, f. ijj^y «IFt»lT^ koneriff. (v. kona) an angle, s.h, ^y horn, f. (for kohnl) the elbow, d. {j^y haunain, the two worlds, i.e. the pre- sent and future, or the world of mortals and that of immortals, a. ^^y orV^! kOfU (Braj for ho,i), any, some, h. .)i>jy oFlfe<<^K kovidai-,m. a species of ebony {Bauhinia variegata). s. ujy «^«(^1 huvra, m. a humpbacked nian. s. »j5 koh, m. mountain, a hill, hillock, hohi alcJizar, the green or emerald mountain, j. e. the moun- tain Ifuf. koh-paikar, like a mountain, huge, gigantic, " instar tnontis." kohi rawdn or Jcohi rawanda, the moving mountain, i. e-. the elephant, p. Lfc^j WfT kuha, f. fog, mist, vapour, h. i^^y kauhan, m. the hump of a bulU«k or camel, p. s^y kohcha, a small mountain, a hill, p, j^y hoh-khar, the oneager or wild ass. p. jSt^'B^t^hoharfin. a fog ; name of a fruit, h. \jiDy "^"^XJ kuhra, m, fog, mist. h. jiB^ oF^T hohar, the frame of the mouth of a well. h. [try. fk jl*«Jby koh-sar, mountainous, a hilly coun- ^^llL-J&y hoMstan, m. a forest j a moun- tainous country ; 'Irak or ancient Parthia, p. i^y «^*!^ hohni, f, the elbow, s. eSby hauha, m, the hump of an ox or camel, p. ij>y kohl, of or relating to the mountains ; "ra. a mountaineer, a highlander, p. J&^ oft^ hohi, f. a species of hawk (JFalco 'cristatellus, B.), h. i^^y oFt^ / koyal or '^F^^S ko,il or ko,el, f. name of a bird, the Indian cuckoo {Cuculus); a flower (Clitoria tornatea). s. ^/y «ift1^ hoyala or cF^^?^ ho,ela, m. charcoal. $. \ius coboiu$). $. jj,jj oh'^^l havayi, f. a kind of flat-fish (^Co* ^,y kawelu, m, a tile. d. ^>,y 'Ft'l'ff koyan, m. a corner, s. ^ "^ hh, the aspirate form of Vj t?io sk}-; ether, s. ^./ ( 692 ) ^ #> ki ; this word is used in various ways ; lit, M a rel. nron. who, which, that ; 2nd, as a conj. th«t, Blnce, foi , 3rd, it i« frequently employed in the ■ense of the Greek &ri, denoting thus, as follows wy- ing, &c. p. ^ nth. small, little, slender, mean. p. LS W^ haha, m. order, leave, saying, con- fession, affirmation, advice. «. v^^> ^rWf khabar, uneven (used in con- junction with aubar). h. [stead, h. O^J ITTH khat, f. manure ; (Dakh.) a bed- OU> writ khat, m, a pit ; a subterraneous granary (in Hind, generally changed into khad). t. \i\^ Wm khdtd, m. the act of eating; daily account, day-book, khata-bafi, {, a storehouse, h. ^e^^\^ *ndl4^^ khdtd-handi, f. an ab- stract of individual accoimts. h. J,j\3\^ ;5rnn^«rt khdtdwanif f. a ledger. A. ^Jl^ khdtagt, f. food, eating, d. j,\^ Wnf\ khati, f. name of a caste gene- * rally employed aa cartwrights. h. (O^J 5srrJ khdtff. (also khawat) a bedstead^ a bier, a cot on which dead bodies are conveyed to the pile. «. _^S ;m^ fihdj, ra. f. the itch. s. U-^j ^nn khdja, m. name of a sweetmeat Uike pie-crust. «. [tout. «. 13WI^ ^T3n*n khd-jand, to eat up, to de- ^l^ ^T^ Jihad, f (v. khat) dung, manure; the expense incurred by the cultivators in preparing their ploughing apparatus, s. h. ^\^ Wl^ khdd, m. (v. khat) a pit, &c. s. .(iV^ I^I^T. hhddar, low or alluvial lands fit for rice cultivation, h. [rower, a user. t. ul3^\^ ?n^ khddak, lit. an eater ; a bor- (ci\^ khddi, a kind of coarse cotton stuff, d. iO,(i\^ ^TtX khddya, edible ; m. victuals, s. X^ ITR khdr, m. alkali, potash, impure car- bonate of potash or soda. i. jLi 'WfXt.kahdr, m. name of a tribe of Sudras in Bahar, employed in cities as palankeen bearers. <. \\^ 'SIKI hhdrd, salt, brackish. «. )j\^ 5BrR!! khdra, m. a net (in which straw is tied), h. -.j^i ?nt5T hhd7J, f. the bass in music, h. V^J^ ^rrs^ khdrUfd, m. a coarse kind of red cloth of cotton, h. \^j^ ?nTW khdmid, m. a sailor (a term much used on the western coasts of India). A. L^^Ijj^ ^TCWTHTT^ kharwd-mati, alkaline "soiL h. (jrj^ ^rnd khdrt, salt, brackish ; f. a creek, an inlet or backwater, kharl thor, very brackish and saline, t. jj^ khdrv, a decrepit old man. d. \*u\^ 'SF^TOT kuhdsd, m. a fog, a miet, a vapour, s. ^j***^ ^^m»ft kahd-sunt, If. discussioo^ ,^^^ c|ffT«S^ kahd-kaht,j altercation^ "conversation, t. L-fl^i ^T khdf/, m. the horn of a rhinoceros; a pillar or mound marking the boundaries of a village.*. Jl^ hdhltdl, m. an oculist, kihdl (pi. of hold), men of full age, from 30 to 50 ; men beginning to turn grey. a. J^^J ^T^ hhdl, an inlet of the sea or of a large river, a creek, h, Jl^i 'BT^ khdl, "If. skin, hide; bellows; a ^l^i ^T^ khdldj rivulet, river, canaL Jchal khainchna, to take the skin off, to flay. «. {JUaJV^ hahdlat, f. indolence,inactivity, sloth, a. A^ khdm, m. a post or pillar; tentpole; mast of a ship ; column, d. ^^\^ "Wm khdn or ^Tf»T khdni, f. a mine; (met.) a nest, a heap, abundance, receptacle, p. t. ^J^ oF^T knhdn, where .^ whither? hahan tak, how far ? how long ? to what degree f kahai $0, whence? Aa7mnA:a/:a/jan, to what degree! extremely, immensely, k. Ul^ ^5rRT khdnd, a. to eat, to suffer, sustain, or experience ; to embezzle ; (met) to hold, to con- tain ; to get. kasam khana, to make oath, to swear. kha-jdna, to eat up. kha,e ghar ke bhaAse ginna, or kha.e bhdle meA chhed bhaiid (Dakh.), to act treache- rously, to prove ungrateful, t. \3l^ ^T»n hhdnd, m. food, dinner, eating. khdndpina, food and drink, livelihood. «. \j\^ cjr^T«n kahdnd, a. to cause to speak : it also siguifie8,in a neuter sense," to be called or named.**A. C.oV^ kihdnat, office of priest ; divination, soothsaying, a. ^^> l!ri^ khdnch, m. slime, mud. h. l^l^ ^rTT khdnchd, m. a tray, a basket, a pannier ; a cage, a hencoop ; a marsh, a quagmire 1 muddy or marshy soil. h. \j^\^ khdndd (for kdndhd), m.the shoulder, d, Jol^ ^T7 khdnd, m. sugar (coarse), s. \jjl^ ?lt37 khdndd, m. a sword, cutlass ; a cleaver (butcher's) ; a flake or slice (of fish). kkn%^ k» dhar par chcdnd, to arbitrate, to decide. «. ^ ( ) ^ •>j3\^ ?riT5n khdndnSf a. to excavate, to pound, h. [of coughing^, t. U*-3l^ 'HT^nn hhansna, n. to cough ; m. act **.>l^ *A\iA\ khansi, f. a cough. 5. j^>j\^ i«(m?*n khubhna,} trate> to stick into j to adorn, h. _U^ ^"^T^ khapach, f. a piece torn off from a bamboo, a splinter ; a very lean person, h. \JU^^Tn*n khapana, a. to dry up, to de- stroy, to waste, to make away with (a thing). A. d-o^^tirr khapaty expended j f. vent, sale. h. ic^ ^Irfl hhapti, f. vent, sale, expense j request; a lunatic, h. [of mango, t. \X}>^ W^Z\ hhapta, m. a broken tile; a slice j^^ WXK hhapur, m. the betel tree (^Areca faufel or catechu), jjL^^^rqT^ lihappar, m. the skull, the cranium ; a chafing-dish ; an earthen cup used hjjogis. s. Uj^J ^^TT hhapra, m. a tile for roofing, s. |.;»^ ^mi hhapra, m. an arrow with a broad puint. h. ^jX^ Wr^ hhaprlff.a srnaW tile; the skull, s. bo^ «Mr<*^T hhapariya, a heavier sort of plough for stiff soil. h. y^.j^ "^C^^ hhaprail, f. a tiled house; (in Dakh.) Jchaprel, a tile. Jchaprel hi jail, a window built of semicircular tiles, s. Cj>\^f.^ khuphhupat, envy, spite, d. "H^f ^' liU^C^ khupkhupana, to pierce, to envy, become enraged, d. khipla, m. a fish scale ; crust or scab, d, W^^\ khapna, n. to be dried up ; to sell, to go off; to remain, to join, to mix with, to enter, to penetrate ; m. a company (of travellers, &c.). h. khatta, a kind of liniment for inflamed eyes. d. [Is kept. k. Vii^ ^^ hhatta, m. a cavity in which grain Jx^ Mh-tar, less, very small, junior, mean, low. p. fcaste of ijafrj. t, tjf\j^i ^fliitl'i kkatrant, f. a female of the f^Jl^^ kihtari, f. littleness, smallness, &c. p. (jji^ WH hhatri, m. the second of the four grand Hindu castes, being that of the military order. ». (^.J^ kihtarm, very small, the least, p. Ijly^ ^THK! hhatwara, m. a dunghill. ti4-^ ^^ /J*2i«i, f. a purse, a small bag. h. TSIZ hhat (for shat), six. khat-pad, m. (six-legged) a species of large black bee (v. alt). Tc^at ras, the six tastes (which are enumerated under ras, q. v.). khat-shastr, the six philosophical schools or sects of the Hindus (called otherwise k]iat-dar.shan, or s^at-darshan, or sJian-darsliana), viz. : 1. the nydya or logic, taught by the sage Gotama ; ?. the vaisJiesbika, taught by Kanada or Kanrada. It agrees witli 'lydya in some points and differs in others; 3. the mt- mansar taught by Jaimani. It consists of rules for the construction and right interpretation of the vedas; 4. the veddnta, taught by Vydsadeva. This constitutes the science of theology ; 5. the sdnkhya, taught by Kapila. The followers of this sect disbe- lieve in a creator, saying that the universe is from all eternity ; 6. the pdtanjal, introduced by Shes^andoa. It agrees in every point with the sankhya, exceptilig that these make God to be the creator, s. \^^ WZ hhat (v. khat), f. a bedstead, s. (^L^ khit, filth, impurity, khit-jamnd, filth to collect, or gather, d. U^ T^ khatta, acid, sour, khattd-sa, sourish, h. bU^ khutd-pd, malice, spite, rancour, d. ^Jb\a^ i<4S^^ *sl<5IMH khatdpatiy 1m. acidity, sour- UjIa^j ^Zm»n khatdpand,} ness, morose- ness. h. {,jti\j^ WZX^ khatds or khattds, m. a pole cat; the cibet or zibet cat (Viverra zibetha). h. il/L*lji^ ^^nrm khattd-sdg, m. the herb sorrel, h. olS^j ^TRFT khatdkd, m. a crash, h. JU^ WZT^ khaidl, m. spring tide. h. 2o ^ ( 594 ) jU^) ?fTn khataw, m. a pin with which a boat is fastened, h, ^^f-\j^ ^2T| hhata,t, f. acidity, sourness; an acid, khutd.l, f. perfidy, malice, h. (JLo.cLk^ i^^yXi khat-pat, f. wrangling, con- tention, otrife, clashing of weapons, h. cLaJi^ khat-pat (v. ghat-pat), conflict, wran- gling, contention, quarrelling, d. [person, h. \/!fi^ hhut-pachrtty m. a spiteful malicious \j^^j^ i^zmx khat-pura, a kind of rake worked by lioemen for breaking up the soil into small beds. h. Mli^*HK khat-chhappar (v. chhappar- khaf), m. a bedstead with curtains, s. h. «i/Kcu^ ^TSTRT khat-rag, m. wrangling; ■Inging discordantly, s. [sect. h. b »i^ ^jI^ClMT hhap'iya, m. name of an in- <^r>(^> ^^tflgah khattik, a hunter, one who lives by killing and selling game. s. m4> hhat-khat, noise, voice, sound ; toil, trouble, difflculty ; quarrelling, wrangling, d. UU^Ci^S^ 4?|ar and sweet, agreeable, h. s. Ui^ isiZ^l khatna, a. to last (Beng.). h. y*^ ^5 '''*"//"> "•• ^ labourer (Beng.). h. y^ hkuttu, ashamed, abashed, d. ^yi^i ^7^ khatwd, f. a bedstead. ». CLf^y^ hhatwat, 1 confinement to bed from ^1yl^ khatwdti,) sickness (v. atrodt). ^!y^ ^WTO khatwdrd, m. a dunghill, h. ^y^ 4sli1(#l khatold, m. a small bedstead, s. UJyk^ hhatolnd, a bedstead, a kind of net or snare d. i^>^ '^^ hhutfi, f. a treasure, hoard, stu.-e, a gnat. h. Ui^ ^fjlll khatiyd, f. a bedstead ; a bier. lihHdd Jcare uska khafiyd nikle, God grant his bier xsaj* be carried out, or may he die, (a common fora> oi cursing), s. Jljo^ hhatydl, soiled, filthy, impure, d. tiljo^ '^tNt hhatih, m. a hunter or fowk'f one who lives by killing and selling game. i. ^ 4i'^H hahaj, m. the strawberry, h, \i\3f^ n$r9)|«TT khijand, a. to vex, to tease, to irritate, to trouble, to disturb, h. \jl:ff9' ^ITRT hhujdnd, a. to scratch, to rub gently with the nails, to titillate or tickle, s. ^^jc^ W^(^hhujld,m. a kind of sweetmeat, s. ^^.^Lf^^ ^W^T'TI khujldparif m. itching, titillation. s. [scratch, to tickle. «. 0^^ ^Hcj^m ffhujldnd, n. to itch, to U^Lc^ fi5rTfQ5T«n hhijldnd, a. to vex, tease, irritate, disturb ; n. to get angry, h. viLAfc^U:^' ^ir^f7 khujldhat, f. titillating, itdiing. f [itch. &c. t. UJtfcrA^ l<(^<^t1l khujalnd (v. khujhldnd), n. to As^ ^^T^ hhujli, f. the itch, scab, herpes.s. .yC^ »niT khajur, m. a date, or date tree {Phoenix dactylifer.a) ; wild date (Elate silvestrls, Lin., Phcenix sylvestris, Roxb.); a kind of sweetmeat. khajur-chhafi, a kind of silk cloth stained with waving marks like the traces of the old leaves on the trunk of the date tree. s. \s XAysf^ ftsf^mm khichwana (v. khinchwana), a. to cause to draw. h. \s^ hhadda, m. a hole dug in the ground, d. \j)\>y^ W^T*n hhudana, a. to cause to dig or to engrave, s. ^6\s^S^W^W^m\ khadbaddnttf In.tosini- l3\^j^^^^^T^ khadkkadanaj mer, to make a boiling noise, h. jy^ hhidarna, a. to pursue, to chase, khi- dapdena, to drive, to propel, d. Oj.^ ^^ hhudna, n. to be dug, hollowed, delved, or engraved. *. iJx,S^ W^^ klmdrii, f. searching ; a spade, s. 'j\j(^^ ^'^TTT khudrvana, a. to cause to be dug, delved, or engraved. *. bfc;i^ ^VT khudha, f. hunger, appetite, s. O.lfctJ.^3 aVT^ khudhart, hungry, s. t^^lji^^) ^>R1^ khudwa,i, f. act of digging, &c., wages of digging, &c. ». (^J^i ^r^ ffhadi, f. the name of a grass that grows in ponds, h. tCii>^ ^ Idiudde, f. the spaces in a necessary between the little brick partitions; the space from which a tooth has fallen out or been extracted, h. j>,S^ W^ hhader, f. pursuit, chase, h. Kiji^i^f id\iA\ khadernd, a. to pursue, to hunt, to give chase, h. \s^i khaddd, m. the kneepan. d. j^ 5^ hhur, m. a (cloven) hoof, a hoi!-t's hoof. s. [and trees, h. j^ ^T hhar (v. khaf), f. grass straw, grass j^ khar, m. (in Persian hhar) an ass. h. \j^ ^ITT hhard, pure, prime, best sort, ge- nuine, honest, candid, sincere, s. \j^'^fh kharrd, m. the rough draft of a letter or any writing ; an iron instrument to rub horses with, a currycomb ; an ulcer with hardness of the skin on *he back of the foot. h. ) > U^ «P1|TT huhrd, m. fog, vapour, mist. i. UL^ ^13T kharratd, m. snoring, s. \^j^ khardrd, a currycomb, d. o\j^ \j^ ijlO^nJ hhardhand, f. the stalk of burnt grass, h. ij^)j^ *iVi\ khard,t, f. purity, excellence, "probity, trustiness, honesty, h. ^j^ ^^ hharh, m. an aggregate number of 100 arbs\ a billion, a dwarf, short, low. *. \>ji^ ?iah-rubd, m. (lit. straw-attracting) am- ber; Oriental anime (gum resin from the Valeria Jn dica). p, ij^h^ kah-rubdjl, f. the quality of amber; adj. of or relating to amber, p. j>j^ ^T^ kharhar, f. sound of a liorsc's feet in galloping; hurry, bustle, commotion, tumult, h. b ,4) »-^ 13T^^ khurachnd, a. to scrape, h. ii'>-j^ ^T*^^ khurachni, f. a scraper, a " scoop or shovel, h. Sj^j^ WT^J^ kharchhardy rough, h. l**»j^ r<5r<^T khirsd, m. a dish made with biestings, or the milk of a cow just calved. 5. ,Jjhv^4^ kharsambal, a large kind of kidney- bean, the Duffin bean {Dolichos htnatus). d. ii)j^ ^RW hharak, f. a cow-house, a cow- shed, h. hhark, a sword (v. kharg), d, 13\^^^ ^^«lfl«!T hharkand, a. to thump, tc shake ; to frighten away, to pat to flight; to sell. h. ^j^ f^Tf<(R khirkin^ f. a window, h. \}^j^ VTKWtX hharhhard, m. a currycomb. khurkhura, rough, s. 2q2 bj^j^ WC^fftm hharkhai'iya, f. a chair, a litter. tJ/fti ^T^ kharal, m. a stone for grinding medicine on, a mortar, t. i^j^ hhurVt, f. stall or manger in a stable, d. U^ ^i.*HI khurma, ra. a kind of sweetmeat. 4^j4i ftrr^ khiran, f. a black ring painted on a tambourine, h. [groan, h. W^ 4^4. HI kakarna, n. (for karahna) to ^j^ ^T»n kharanjd, m. pavement, /t. 3J^4> ^T!?P khurand, m. a scab. «. f^j^ "^IJM Itharankh, dry, dried up. j.4;4j rWMl khirnl, f. name of a tree and its fruit {Mimusops kauki). s. ^jj^ ^0>-jj^ wt(^P\l kharochna, a. to scrape, to scratch, h. ciOj^^ WCfz kharont, f. a scratch with the nail. kharoAfna, to scratch, h. ^^ ^ kharh, f. straw, h. ^j^ ^T?T kharha, vn. a hare, a rabbit, h, \jj\ibj^ ljH,'^K«n kharhaima, a. to sweep. A. ^;ifc;4i 4ifC?n hharhara, m. a cm rycomb. A. cdi^^^^ ^T^clf fiharhak, a portion of grain given at the end of harvest to village servants, h. ^Jfc^^i ^T^ hharhl, f. 'a stack, a rick ; a kind "of grass, h. [hoot p. [jj^ ^t lihuri, f. a (cloven) hoof; a horse's ^.^> ^T*t khari, oil-cake; chalk, s. >.j^ 'ki^Ui\ hhvriya, m. the knee-pan; an instrument like a cup, formed of a cocoa-nut shell or otlier material with vyhich clothes are marked vrith stripes, h. ^j>.j^ WTjy{\ khurema, a. to run after, to persecute, to catch, to enclose, h. iJLJLi,jAi T^ hhr'isht, Jesus Christ, khrisk- fidn, m. a Christian, g, j^5 1^ khar, i. grass, straw, h. yj^i WT\ hhara, erect, uprif^lit, stnnding up, steep, high, aground, ready, ripe, perpendicular; (fig.) honest, all right ; payable on demand, khara karna, a. to raise, to station, to place, to stick up, to place erect, to procure a fictitious jiersou for some purpose. ihajra hona, n. to stand up, to be erect, to rise. h. \j\'j^ khurara, an aviaiy, a hen-house or place of any kind where birds arc kept. d. %\j^ T^rwrmt hharaha, m. a crash, noibc made in breaking, h. 596 ) J^ y ^f^S l«riN liharanw, 1 m. pattens, hhti' ^^^\^ W^^fihara,un,) ranw-dar, a kind of shoes fastened to pattens ; (in Dakh.) Ichaj-dwdA. h. <^l;^ A/ta.ra,i, f. erectness, steepness, h. d. j^j^ kharber, clang of metals, d. iJL*i>\'jij^ i^mili^i hharharahaty'yL hurry, lit, going to stool, h. t^j^j.^^3^fTt hharhart, J bustle, tumult, uproar; noise of horse's feet; griping on {Ji-^'j^ hhartal, spoiled, bad, destroyed, d. ^ ^Vj4^ r**i>fT«n khir-jana, n. to be dashed out (the brains), h. [grindstone, h, ^2^j^ le is set upright, d. }4 ( ^ \j:''-^{jj^ ^i^ Mhare khare, soon, imme- diately, instantly, presently, quickly, h. b V^J ^frtn hkariya, f. chalk, a mark. s. i^j'^ f^f^ khis, grinning, shewing the teeth; a tooth (v. Tchis). h. .U*ji huh-sar, m. a mountainous country, p. jCjlwM*^ f^^nrft hhisari, f. (v. kisari) a kind of pulse, h. bL-^^niRT khasana, a. to ruin ; n. to fall in, to sink ; to open, to loosen (Beng.). h. Ul— ^ f^^T^ hhisana or Jihisd,e rahna, n. to flinch, to draw back, to be abashed, h. (JAjJ^Owm-^S ^imlnrsfi khasphatik, m. crystal, the sun gem, the moon gem. s. jjlJu*^ kuhistdn, Persian Irdh, a moun- tainous rej^ion (v. kohistdn), p. U*«4> ^rnn hhasrd (also hhasrd-bahi f.) m. a day-book, field-book, waste-book, rough dravdngs; a scab ; a kind of eruptive disease, h. j^^j*^ ^"^rrw^ khusar-phusar, m. whis- pering, h. jij-^^S HHC\i. kha-sartr,m.a celestial body .5. UoyM»^ 4Nf1«liI«1l hhashdnd or fJslflcfcHI khiskd- nd, n. to remove, to shove out of the way, to slide away. h. UWuiL^^ r^sl ¥(W^ I H I khisdk-jdnd, n. to slip away, to steal away, to slide, h. UC**^> n?l44«hHI khisaknd, n. to stir, to slip, to slip away, to sheer off. h. ^_^.\(..qS 4«(^e|i»H hhaskant, f. separation, running away. h. ^j,^^^-*^ W^CWfXkhaskhas, f. the poppy-head, the scented root of a grass (Andropogon muricata) used for door-screens. JchasJchas-ras, m. poppy-juice, opium, s. ^ A ^ a ^ ^W5W khaskhasd, m. grinding the teeth, h. [the teeth, h. UL.^L«^ ^^r^rrnn khaskhasdnd, to grind 'o ^L-*^ f-Wfl j^^ WW^^ khakernd or khakhernd, a. to cL^j ^T khug, m. a general term for a bird ; air, wind (lit. what moves in the sky), s. jj-^^ kah-gil, prepared mud or plaster for building; grass and mud mixed together to plaster walls with. p. JjX^ ^TTt^ khacjol, ui. the vault or circle of the heavens, the planisphere, khagol-vidya, f. astronomy, s. (j^i^^ ^n^ hhages or khagesh, m. a species of gigantic crane, well known in India as "the adju- tant." s, jj^-i ^^ khal, low, vile, base, wicked ; m. a worthless person, a malicious person ; an oil-cake ; a pit. khali, m. sediment of oil, oil-cake, khall, m. a mill, a stone or vessel for grinding, s. ^y^ hakul, sloth, languor, indolence, a. '^^ ^<*>\ hhuld, open, wide, naked, loose, unconfined ; clear, fair (as the sky), khule bandon, at large, free, without restraint, s. ^k^i ^^ hhalld, m. a shoe (in Dakh.) a threshing-floor, place where grain is trodden out by oxen. h. Urfi:^^^^^ «li?55T>nRl hahld-bhejnd, a. to send a message, to cause to be announced verbally, k. J4^ ( j^ll^^^nr: khaldr, m. hollow, bottom, khi- lar, plajBome. h. 3'^^5 f^^nr AAiVar, 'Iplaysome, funny; {jj'ak^ fi^K^l^ khildr'tj mischievous, full of tricks ; a gambler, one addicted to gaming, s. lJj':^^ "^W^lft hhalaft, f. the place in which salt 18 boiled; (in Beng.). A. J^l^ khaldl, quite wet, weltering, d. '^'!^^ hhalald, ra. a fountain, jet d'eau. d. U^^5 f^lQn«n khildna, a. to feed ; to cause to Bwear ; to administer an oath ; to cause to suffer, as tnar-khildna, to cause to be beaten ; to amuse, to play with, to dandle ; to make to blossom, s. IJi^J ^^Ml khuldnd, a. to cause to be opened, s lJi^5 '4^.<^MI kahldnd, a. to cause to say, to call ; n. to be called or named ; to parch, to wither ; to become weak, to be lazy. t. a. 5^^^ r^N^C^ hhild,u, m. giving to eat, feeder ; adj. causing to bloom, s. (C^^k^ r^^l^ hhild,l {dd,V)t a dry nurse. khila,i-fila,i, charge of maintenance. «. (JjA^S 4!(JE#W^ khalbal, f. hurry, bustle, agi- tation, alarm ; tumult, h, 'j^ Jv^ ^T^^^nTT khalbaldnd, n. to boil ; (met.) to be agitated, to be in commotion, h. ^^y^ khalbati, f. hurry (v. khalhal). h. j^^W^jn khalatdff. malice, worthlessness. s. cLJ^ ^f^7 khallit, bald. s. >l>. J^ftslt^'ilRT khil-jdnd, n. to blossom, to bloom ; to laugh, to be delighted, h. ^ViJv ^<$^l*1^ khul-jdnd, to be opened, to be revealed or unravelled ; to be let loose ; to clear up (as the weather) from foul to fair ; to smile, to shine, s, )j^ *s(f^i\ khalrd. m. the skin, the hide. s. i^j^ ^^^ khalrt, f. skin, hide, membrane ; the prepuce. «. [vexed, or displeased, h- GLA^J ^c^^HT khulsdnd, n. to be angry, ^y^^> f?I^jf?I^ khilkhil, the sound of laughter, tittering, giggling, h. ^^^^J^^ ^^^^^^5T»n hhilhhildnd, n. to laugh loudly and heartily ; to giggle, to titter, h. ^^'^i}^ ^<#^<#l hhulgdy m. a buffalo, a bison, d. « ) ^ ^jA^ W^^ hhulnd, n. to be opened, to be revealed; to be dispersed, to be unravelled; to be lud aside (restraint) ; to clear up (the sky), to smile, shine, expand, h. V*^5 f^55»n khilnd, n. to blow (as a flower) ; to be delighted ; to laugh, h. [wither. A. ^jJ^ ^^Q5«n kahalnd, to be parched, to ^^A^i ^c^'ll khalangd, m. a park. s. ^45 ftra khillu or khillo, humorous, play- some, funny. $. j\^^ f^r^HTT khilwdr, humorous, playful, funny, pleasant, entertaining. «, I3\y^ f^^^T^ khilwdnd, a. to cause to play, to amuse, or entertain (in play), khulwana, to cause to be opened, to get opened, t. j^^ ftf^Jtr khcUaur, playful ; addicted, to gaming, t. [guage. s. aS^^ W^tf^ hhalokti, f. abuse, low lan- U|^^> 'fei^tn khilaund, m. a toy, any kind of plaything, bauble, gewgaw. 5. ^J^^^^ '<(.«ir<9f M khalihdn, m. a threshing- floor (v. khaliyan). a. [grain, d. eX^ hhalla, m. a granary, a heap or store of ik4> ^^ khati or khalti, f. the dregs of mustard-seed, &c. after the oil is pressed oat; oil- cakes, s. ^^^ ftrat khilli, r. jest, joke, humour. "khilli-baz, humorous, playsome, funny, khilli-bdzi, f. humour, fun, play, khalli, oil-cakes, &c. (v. khali). s. fj\^y^ ^rf^^«T hhaliydn, m. a granary, a barn, a threshingfloor. s. \i\A^ ii{(^i\\j{{ hhaliydnd, a. to skin, to flay. s. UU'^L^ **^^^ hhule-handoAf uncere- monious, free, unrestrained, h. {j*>^^ ^TqS?! khalesh or khaUsh, m. a fish {Trichopodm colisa). s, (JjJi^ ^0^55 khalel, m. scented oil ; a hole made by children for playing at trap-ball or marbles, p. jjV^jA^i 4!fc^1^ItT khalihdn, m. a threshing- floor, s. jt^ ^T»? hham, m. a pillar, stake, post, kham thonkna, to strike the hands against the arms prepa- ratory to wrestling, &c. ; to ch^Ienge. t. --\.^i l!*MI*f khamdch, f. name ofardginl. h. \x^ ^WT khamhd, 1m. a post, a pillar, a ^t»^j ^^ hharnbh,) stake, h. ^j<**^ ^H^i /t/tawa*', sultry, the hot weather, h. fjA^,,.^ i^H^xXkhdmsdft, f. 6ultrines8,heat. h. ^Xy^ ^ffti^S^ hhamtlan, m. lassitude, weari- ness, sleepiness. *. ^ ( 699 ) iO^ (j^ kuhan, old, ancient, kuhan-sal, aged, advanced in years, kuhan-sali, f. old age. p. t^^ ^^ hhan, m. a division of a house, a storey, a flight of rooms ; amine; a certain day of the fortnight, as the full, change, &c. of the moon. khaA, the sky, the air j the hold of a ship. s. ^^ ^tT kahan, m. a saying, a bye-word. s. fj^ f^^ /i!/M'?m,distressed,suffering,wearied. s. l^ «F^«n kahna, a. to tell, to speak, to say, to bid, to order, to call ; to affirm, to acquaint, to ad- vise ; to compose, to repeat, to read or quote ; m. say- ing, advice, order, kah-deiia, to tell, to bid, to order, s. OjU^ 4^*ii«in kahndwat, f. a proverb, a saying ; style, s. v-o^ ^^ khamba, m. a pillar, a post, a stake, h. ,^jJi^S l^H hkambh, \^i^ Tim khambhd,, iJ^ Wffi khantt, f. a paddle for digging the ground, s, 2^i ^B^ khanj, lame, crippled, limping, s. «^»^ ^^^ hhanjd, f. a species of metre, a stanza of two lines, one of thirty-two the other of thirty feet. s. • S£r^ ^'f^ hhanjart, f. a small tambourine, a timbrel, h. fJLoj^^ "^rsf^ khanjrit,ym. name of a ^j/^^ IN^tf hhanjan, j small bird, a spe- cies of wagtail, s. A^fJSl^ lihinch. f. pulling, a pull. «. 13 1^ ft*"«'^6>^ khandaldt, act of trampling under foot d. [press under the feet. d. U)a*^j ^(^3J^ ^friTT hhanditd, f. a woman who provoked at the infidelities of her husband or lover is rather abusive, speaks her mind freely, but retains no malice in her breast. ». 13j5 03Jl^ ^^ifoH^tTI khandit-karna, a. to prevent, to interrupt, to refute, s. jjok^ 5^3T khandar, desolated, spoiled, de- stroyed ; m. a broken-down building, ruins of a village, &c. h. [small bird, a wagtaiL «. #5T^ khandrlch, m. name of a ^^jc^l khandld, m. a flake, a slice (especially of fish), a division or piece (of .and). « 1^d .ybjJ^ ^Vt?! khandhor, m. turbid, h. jlSJ^ hhander (v. khandar'), desolated, &c. d. jj«JL^ ^^ khuns, m. animosity, spite, ran- cour ; malice, anger, h. [yeai-s. p. ^\u>^^ kuhan-sdl, old, aged, advanced in UU-Jk^ ^fT^n^n or ^9RT khunsana, n. to be angry, h. ^ M^A^ "^^ifi khunsl, angry, wrathful, h. <-iJii^ khank, feeble, frail, weak. d. ^_J^^*^ W^fS^ khankali, f. the name of a "plant, polypody, a kind of moss. h. Uxi^ ^TPRT khanaknd, also khanakhnaj n. to jingle, to ring; to clink (as metal bowls). A. ,^fj^ ''^ khankh, land that requires to be left fallow for a year or two. h. I3j\^xj^ W^H«!T hhankhdrnd, a. to cough, to make a noise of coughing, k. Jf^x^S ^7J5 khanhhar, dry and crackling, h. \jil\(i^}\>J^ ^'TT55Tn55»n khanyal-dalTia, to murder privately, h. [rinse, h. UJIC^ ^1T^»TT hhangdlnd, a. to wash, to u4: < ( 600 ) j^*4i> 'ibR hhangar or khangar, m. eemi- vitrifled bricks, ft. ifjail,) y^j^^f.^ ^JTIMT hhanghdrna, a. to hawk, iS^ huhnagt, f. old age, oldness. p. ss^kuhna, ()ld,ancient,faded (as a garment).^). ^^^ ^*ft khant, a pit or hole in which rice " in the husks is kept. ft. ^jif «Wig«0 kuhni, f. the elbow. «. ^^ Ma2^, a subterraneous vault for storing grain, &c. d. U^^ ^t^T kho,a, m. plaster ; coarse brick- dust ; milk iupissated by boiling, ft. ij^i ^^^ khava, m. the shoulder. $. ^\yf 4)^m<1l kahrvdnd, a. to cause to speak. ^\y^ Wt^fm khOfdnd, a. to cause to lose. jO^ WtTR khobdr, m. a hog-sty. s. t-J^^J ^rt AAop, f. a cave, a corner ; a rent, a fissure (Beng.). ft. b j^ 4W^m khopd, m. the hair of the head braided and tied up on the top of the head. ]j^.^ ^Eft^TT khoprd, m. the kernel of a cocoa- nut, the dried interior pulp. ft. i^jl^ ^it^V^ khopri, f. the skull, a shell, pate, khoprt kha-jand, a. to spend or lavish another's property, s. {^S^y^ ^^ khutht, f. (also khuthi) a scab. h. CLf^ ^^tZ khot, f. a blunder, vice, blemish, defect, ft. i^^ khut, side, direction ; towards, d b^^^i ^tn khotd, m. perfidious, impious, false ; faulty, defective ; base (as coin) ; forged (a bank note) ; spiteful, malicious, ft. f^Ai^ fsi\i\k hhotd,t, f. perfidy, impiety; faultiness, spitefulness, malice ; forgery, ft. ^/\jy^ khotd,egi, f. (v.khotd,t) perfidy, d. ^^ ^SRTsn khutnd, a. to pluck, to pick the leaves, &c. of vegetables. A. ^^^^'^j^khutki,t\(likewise khuthi) scab.A. -^ T^t^ khoj, m. search, inquiry, trace, mark. Jchoj-meA ralina, to try to find fault with one, to endeavour to pick a hole in another's coat. ft. liU-^^S ^fl*n«n h/io-jdndy n. to be lost. h. k^k3^ ^il^nr hhqj-khdj, f. vexation j inquiry, iuveitigatioo. ft. U:>-^^ ^tlPTT khojnd, a. to search for, tc inquire after, to explore, ft. f^»^ ^VK^kkojh, f. search, inquiring after, h. ^^3^ ^ff^ hhujhdf m. sediment, dregs, mouldiuess of vinegar. Sec A. U»-^4> ^f»mi hhujiyd or ^tftniT hhojiyd, a searcher, inquirer, investigator, ft. i^ T^h^ hhod, m. a push, a thrust, a pass. khud, f. refuse. A. ^quiry. ft. «il^3j^i5li«j^i||<^ hhud-hewdd,m. search, in- j^^ ^[[5 hhudr (for kshudra), small, mean, vile. s. [(of a horse), ft. j^^ ^^< khodar, ra. name of a certain pace i.5j^ <5iftf(<:T khodrd, pock-marked, h. \^\ji^^ W^Jtjl khudrdnd, n. to trot. h. 13^^^ ^^^»n khodnd, a. to dig» to delve, to hollow ; to search for. t. ^^li^^ ^^^»^^ khodni, f. searching ; a spade. ** khodnl-k., a. to investigate, to search, to find out. A. j<3j^ khaudau (v. khodnx)^ searching, d. jciij^ i^^hhodiyi:. digging,cultureofland. h. j^ ^^ hhor, f. an alley j a covering ; the. rage or curse of a god. ft. ijj^j ^trr khaurd, m. (cor. from khora) the rot (among sheep), the falling off of the hairs, p. ^j^ khord, a cavity, pit, den. d. fJL*i\j^ ^TTT khurdnt, old soil, soil trodden down by the hoofs of cattle. A. [bull. A. 3jj^ khauru, the roaring or bellowing of a ijj^ ^W khorif f. an alley, h, J 3^ ^ AAwr, m. a furrow. h^ ^^ A/ta^^r, f. the tilak or mark which the HindQs make on the forehead, c j^^ khor (explained by kanak), gold? &c. d. jy^ Jihor, a largeish piece of sandal, d. ]j^ khord, m. stocks, wooden manacles in which the hands are secured, d. ^Jj^ hhorkd, a dry or withered shrub, d. Jj^^ klioril, worthy of blame j disgraceful, d. U*»^45 ^^ khosd, having liiile or no beard (a man) (for the Persian kosa, q. v.). p. Iwi^^i ^^^ khosd, m. rind, pool, skin, shell (Beng.); name of a marauding tribe on the borders of Sind. /'. Um>j^ ^"nitn fihosnd, a. to take or snatch away { to pull out haln. h. ^ ( 601 ) c^ v4^^ ^t^ khokha, m. a boy (Beng.) ; a bill of exchange, the amount of which has been paid, remaining in the hand of him who has paid it, by way of voucher, h. *^^ ii\^t^ \ khokhla, hollow, excavated (as a tooth or a tree, 8tc.). s. j_54^^j4^^7?rt khukhi or khokhi, f. (Beng.) '■ a little girl. h. Jj4> ^t^ hhol, f. m. a case, sheath j hollow (as of a tree, &c.), a cavity, s. ;^iiJo J^^S ^t^S^Rft Tihol-handi, f. the chang- ing of a horse's shoe. ft. P^og- ^• l^lc^^^ khola-mdnja^a. porcupine, a hedge- 'f^^Wt^ hholar, 1m. a hollow (as of a ^jJ^^^^T^ kholrn,) tree, &c.). s. U^^ ^55«TT kholna, a. to open, to loosen, to shine, to expand, to unravel ; to set sail or unmoor (a ship), s. [tated by heat. h. \j^^4> ^tJ-rTT hhaulna, n. to boil, to be agi- lx<^^ ^iRT khunina, n. to wax old. h. {:)Jr ^"^ kuhun (v. kahin), anywhere, some- where, &c ft. 0^^ ^t«TT khona, a. to lose ; to part with, to get rid of, to do away with ; m. a leaf which con- tains a parcel of betel or flowers, &c. ft. \^^ T^ffv^ kJionpa^ m. (Beng.) the hair of the head braided or tied up on the top of the head. ft. oO«^ Whn khontd, m. a bird's nest. h. liLo^^j ^7 khunt, m. a corner, an angle; ear-wax; station, portion, pivot or central point. Tchont, m. blemish, defect, flaw, deception, ft. \jO>^ Hii\ khontd, deficient, adulterated, bad (as coin), false, deceitful ; m. a tent-pin, a pin, a peg, nail ; protection, khonte ke bal kudna, to become insolent, relying on protection. The idea seems to be taken from a person using freedoms with an ani- mal, which, being fastened by a rope to a pin is unable to get at him (as in the case of that very amiable personage Mr. Quilp and the dog), eo that khontd is only indirectly a protection by restraining the adversary, ft. UJ»^ ^TT khuntd, m. a wooden stake. «. ^aij^ ^^c^l kkuntld, m. name of a drug. A. ^irt khunti, f. a small stake, a peg. s. W^ khunch, m. the tendo Achillis. "khuAch-marna, to hamstring. A. [&c. ft. ^5^^nN khonch, f. a cut or rent in cloth, \jtf »^ ^^NT khonchd, m. a thrust, stuflBng. h. ^\^\^^whimx^ kkonchdkhdmhi, f. ■* thrust ing.stufllng ; mutual wrangling or quarrelling, ft. \j]^^ khunchdlnd, 1 to prick, to punc- UjUj^j^ khunch mama, J ture. d. Ua^^S lj(lfi«|fil khonchnd, a. to thrust, to stuff, ft. le^^ WY-mI khonchi, f. any thing stuffed " into another, as grass into thatch ; trifling purchases ; part of grain which is to be parched taken as pay by the person who parches it ; something paid by those who draw water at a well to the bhihuhtt, who attends there with his bucket, for the use of it. ft. IJtiJ^^ ^»TI khundnd, a. to paw or dig up the earth (as a bull when angry), ft. U&t>Jj^^fYvT khondhd, m. a bird's nest. h. j<^^ WhX hliondar, gleanings or leavings on the threshing-floor after the grain has been re- moved, ft. ^j^Siy^ Wtr^fi^ hhondkal, m. a hollow, s. *^Si^^ Wt^T khondld, toothless, hollow, s. \j^^iWhsm hhonsnd, a. to stuff, to thrust ill, to cram. ft. \j.^^ T^f^f^X khonkhnd, n. to cough, s. iK^^ Wt^ hhonkhif f. a cough, s. »j^ ^^ khoh, m. a cavern, abyss, a pit. h. {J^i^ ^^ /.7to,i, f. the dry part of sugar- cane after expressing the juice; clothes folded up and put ou the head as a defence against rain. ft. ^..j4^ 'sft^ khoyd, m. refuse; that which is destroyed or thrown away. ft. ^^^ ?R^ kaht, f. a foraging party ; also "forage, supplies, ft. ^c^ "^^ kuht, f. a species of hawk. OU^ 4^lri khydt or khydta, celebrated. renowned ; styled or called. ». C^\x^ Wljfn khydtiff. fame, celebrity, title. 5. ^UjIa^ '^mwni^ khydtydpanna, famous, possessed of honour and renown, s. \jU^ hhiydrd, sly, artful, deceitful, d. JU^ ^^^55 khaiydl or ^(TT^ hhydl, m. sport, play, amusement, s. [abraded, t. UU^ Gn^jItII khiydnd, n. to be worn, to be >^^X(^> ^tj khep, f. a trip, voyage ; a piece of base metal inserted in coin, or cracked coin ; a term in algebra ; something added to a sum ; an apart- ment. Xr.ftejD /jarnd,n. to sustain a loss. s. Ua^ #"TT khepd, an idiot, a madman, a fool (Beng.). ». Uju^ ^^r|I khepnd, a. to pass the time. s. buu^ l5(fiT'^T khepiyd, m. a voyager, s. CL^x^i ^ khet, m. a field, a field of battle; ground ; a holy place. Tchet-ana, to become helplesa. khet chhorna, a. to fly from the battle, khet-rahnd, n. to remain on the field (of battle) to be killed, khet- bdnf, allotment of land to villagers. khet-chiUhd, a rough field-book khct-ddr, the occupant or owuer of a field, khet-khati, mortgage of a field. •. ^ ( 602 ) ^ .\^!L^ ^rRR hhcirvar, field by field, hhet- 1/oar jam'-bandi, amount of revenue assessed upon each field. /(. jXA^ WfTt khett, f. husbandry; crop, pro- "ducc; adj. arable, khell-bdrt, f. husbandry, agricul- ture, kheti-patari, agricultural labour, kheil-har, m. a peasant, a husbandman, s. tiU*^ ^ff^R khetak, sport, chase, hunting; f. a weapon, the club of Balaram. s. jiou^ ^ZSgi khetkl, m. a sportsman, a " hunter, s. / ^^^ wt»T hhvj, f. anger, vexation, s. U^ ^^tlRT khljna, n. to be angry, to be vexed, s, ^^i ^ft^ hlnch, m. reluctance, repugnance, h. J^ y-"**. hhechar, m. a planet; a bird; a vidyadhar, or kind of demigod ; genii, t. ^-^^ '-^ ^^Nr khls, f. loss ; grin, shrug; biest- ings. khit nikalnd, a. to grin. h. V«--^ -45 ^^^ kkesh, m. a kind of cloth, diaper^ damask ; a sheet of such cloth. \.'i ^ *^ khektdy hardship, severity, distress, d. LAa^ ^^^filTT kheJtsd, m. a mark, a spot, a sign. h. (J-»4j ^^t^ khilf f. parched grain, inflated or puffed out by heat so as to appear like froth, a. (Ja^i ^^ khel, m. play, game, sport, fun, pastime, s, ^^x^ '^^khaild,m. a young bullock,asteer.A. fJL/,\y^i ^tfiA khelat, part. pres. playing, sporting, s. (_^j^l^Jjj^ ^^%^5T^ hhel-khildfi, play- 8ome, wanton ; an unchaste (woman), an adaltereu, strumpet, s. ^JAj^43 ^cj&«1l khelnd, a. to play, to frisk, to sport ; to romp about (as children). «. Aa^S ^Slcjjl khtli, f. betel-leaf made up with the different ingredients, h. y^Jijic^ ^H^y<^ khem-kusal (for kshem- hushal), f. health,weIfare,prosperity, both bodily health and worldly aflfairs. s. iJU^j kihtn, 1 young, little, small, the young- sJix^ kihlna,) est. p. (jrv^ «R^* kahin, somewhere, anywhere, wheresoever, whithersoever, aur kahiA, anywhere else, jahdh-kahin, in whatever place or quarter, ka- hiii-kd kahiA, here and there. kalM na kahln, some- where or other, kahln ka, queer, strange, kahin na- hin, nowhere, har kahin everywhere. A. ^■i^^t^ khainch, f. pulling ; scarcity, h. JLxj^Ki^i:^ 7<<<«li^ff khainchdA f. pulling kainch, [khaincht, Vand haul- ^^y^^^l^^ "^1^^ khainchd-J ing- h. ciLo^^^j^ hhainch-khamet, struggle, con- tention, d. U^^^ «<^«1T khainchnd, hhxnchnd, or khench- na, a. to pull, to draw, to tighten ; to draw or delineate (a picture) ; to endure, to suffer, to feel. A. ^^x^ ^(^\ khewd, in. fare, ferry-money, price of passage in a boat, passage-money ; croating over a river. «. ^ ( f^ cl/jjL^S ^^ Mewaj?, "Im. a rower, a \^^y^W^fzm kkervatiyaj boatman, a fer- ryman, s. [man. s. t^yx^ ^^flir khewak, m. a rower, a boat- Ijji^i ^^TfT khe-ond, a. to row, to punt, to paddle ; to Buffer or endure (pain, calamity, &c.). s. .4*45 ^^ kftih, f. an alkaline earth, fossil aUcAH. h. ^ % kai, how many ? several, sundry. " kai ek, some few; conj. or, either, s. hai, a great king (especially the kings of Persia of the Kyanian dynasty) ; when ? how many ? p. i ciT he, post. mas. (inflect, of ka, m.) of, to. ) lHs^ J "ke-pas, near, close by, with, ke-se, from, ki (fem. of ka), of, belonging to. kai, conj. or, either, h. ^S ki, why? wherefore? what? d. ^JJ ^ ka,l, several, some, sundry. ka,t eh, "several, sundry, s. IjL) 'WT %o, pron. what ? how ? why ? whether, kiya or ArJya, done, made (past of kama) ; doings, a deed, kijd kake to, for example, thus. h. ijXff r<*i|lO kiyari or qqict kyai't, f. a bed (of a garden) ; a frame, s. CUm>Uj kiydsat, f. ingenuity, quickness of parts (or great vivacity), cunning, faiib-kiyasat, in- genious, sagacious, a, , jUi kayydl, m. a weigher, a measurer vi grain in a village, a. i^^ hayydU, f. a weighman's fee or perqui- " sites for Mreighiug or measuring grain, a. ^JoS hijan, near, at the house of. d. cIl.Ajp ofrTf hetu or Ae^, m. the dragon's tail or descending node ; a demon ; a falling star (also kehi- tdra); a comet, kait, m. name of a tree (Feronia elephantum). s. ^^iA> %in ketd, how much? how many? h. ^j3.C*.> ciraTR ketu-rain, m. Lo.pis lazuli, s. v^JcJp ehPrifti /^£/2^, somewhat, a little, a few. h. jicui ^4l«h1 ketkt, f. name of a flower {Pan- "danus odoratissimus, Roxb.), s, (jl»jJO etiitHI^ ketu-mal, m. one of the nine divisions of the known world, the western portion of Jambu-dwipa. s. V^jig^ ^^ haithd, m. an intoxicating drink made from the fruit of the kait ; name of a tree (v. kait). t. I. (^'»p ofi^ kaithi, f. or kaiihl-ndgaii, a "character used chiefly by Kayaths about Patna. s. ^(uCJl) oBH^' ke-ia,ln (also ke-td^n, he-taiii, or ke-ten), a termination or postposition of nearly the ume import as ko (v. ^a, kir, m. a worm, an insect (same as ktra) j mildew, rot. klr-khdyd mun, (lit. a wormeaten face), J. e. freckled, pock-marked, d. \jif ^31 hird, m. a worm, an insect, a rep- tile, a maggot, a snake, a leech, s. \j^ cjTTf herd, m. a sapling, a slender twig. h. \j6y^ fliO'd^l hirhd, wormy, wormeaten, «. [^j**if ^"^ keSy f. the hair of the head; a cock's comb. s. V-u-jji ^'^ kaisd, pron. what like? what sort or kind? how? adv. in what manner? ksitd-hi, howsoever, how much soever. A. ^J*^ histl (for hi astl), who art thou? p. t«*Ju> ofifiT kesar, f. saffron, yellow colour, s. {Jj***^ %^rTft kesari, m. a lion. s. \ij^iS ^^f^TlT hesariyd, of a saffron coloui', yellow, kesariyd-bdtid, m. dressed in yellow, saffron coloured, s. if^>t*iJ %ii haiso, kaisauA(JBraj for haisd) ^j-«j5 'oSifU haisaun, J how ? in what manner I what like ? what sort of 7 h. u^ ( 604 ) ^ ».j,^hisa or kesa, m. a purse, ktsa-bur, a cut- purse. Bsa,i Tcamar, a girdle buckled round the waist, to whicli are attached all the apparatus of a hunter or musketeer, viz. a large powder-horn for loading, a small ditto for priming, pouches for bullets, flint, steel, and tinder, &c. p. ^^^^huise{y. kaisd),hov/ ? what like? h. (jijk^ kesli, f. faith, religion, manner, quality. kafir-Tcesh, prone to infidelity; (met.) a mistress, sweet- heart, klsh, an island at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. p. (j£j^ %5? keshy m. the hair of the head ; a cock's comb. Iceshakesht, f. pulling the hair mutually, s, JL^ iji^T hexhaVf m. a plant, also called na- geshar (Mestia ferrea) ; a shrub used in dyeing {Rott- leria tinctoria). s. {Jj^ "45fCi heshari, J y£j>^iLai %^j%51 kesh-vesh, m. a tress or fillet of hair, .?. [crown of the head. *. ^i^ft keshl, f. a lock of hair on the iS kaif, how, in what manner ; (met.) in- toxication ; an intoxicating drug. a. fJ>M kaifi, intoxicated, a drunkard, a sot. a. {Ji/jJuf half It/at, f. story, statement, account, relation, state, circumstances, quality, mode. a. i^xi haik, a flea, kaik shalwar men hona, to be fidgety or uneasy, p. ooS ofioBT kehd, f. the cry of a peacock. *. ij**j^^6jf hai-hd,us or kai-kawus, inst, nohle; name of a king of Persia, p. ^Xjp oRcir^ hekar, squint-eyed. rjgQ^ ;j_ 'y>M «|f)'c|ij hikar, m. the acacia tree (v. ha- V^xjo ofioRST Itekrd, m. a crab, the sign Cancer.s. ^vjib ^loR^ fieJn, m. a peacock, s. ^yif^i^ hii or "^i^keli, f. amorous dalliance, coition, s. J.a5 %^ hail,f. a sprout, a shoot; (in Amb.) a measure of grain and dry goods. A. JaS lit^ It'll, f. a small nail, peg, tack, pin, bolt, wed^e ; the core of a boil. kil-Mnfa, tools, ap- paratus ; (in Dakh.) tar, pitch, s. '^ «ii1**^.^ %5n^A««7a,s', m. the name of a moun- tain placed by the Hindus amongst the Himalaya or •nowy range to the north of Hindustan: it is the fa- bulous residence of Kuvera, and the favourite haunt of Shiva s. ^J^ cN(^<1 helan, f. a daughter-in-law, h. ^j^^ ^^•n kilnd, a. to charm a snake, so ad to prevent his biting, t. i^^jp oRoift keli, f. play, sport, dalliance, s, f\ip kill, a key ; a peg, a screw-nail, d, «»L*i^^ fnmukhi, m. the leather of a horse or ass, shagreen, p. ,_|itf^ fiiinukhti, made of kimuhht. p. Lmj\yi^ hlmkhwdb, m. (same as kimhhwab, q. v.) silk, 8tc. p. L»jp klmiyd, m. (Gr. x'/A"") alchymy. ktmi- ya-Jc., a. (fig.) to do any thing very well, to work mi- racles, kimiyd-gar, m. a chemist, alchymist. kitniya- gari, f. alchym3'. g. i^jl^ %m kain, f. a bamboo twig. h. (j^ haiii (for hailing q. v.) somewhere, any- where, d. ijl^ kin, m. (v. Aiwa) hatred, enmity, ran- cour, malice, kin-toz, one who foments dissensiona and lawsuits ; adj. malevolent, p. \iM oifhfr hind, a. to make (v. kamd) ; also past tense, done, made : the verb kamd borrows its past participle, and the tenses thence formed, from ktna. s. Ulo ^ifNn klnnd, 1 , . . r / - , . H. to purchase, to buy. ». VjjjlS -Sil^kinna,) i}^ ^fi^^ kainchuij If. the slough of a ,^^%^^ kainchii,} snake. *. ^^^ oR^^ Jtenchmd, m. an earthworm, s. Jo-i ^'^C hendu, m. a sort of ebony (Dio- tpyros tomentosa). s. ji^xi "m^f kendra, m. centre of a circle,pole. s. i^Sx^ ^f^'% henduk, m. a resinous sort of ebony {Diospyros glutinosa). $. \jCjj5 oRcS?T Ttenkrd (v. kekrd), m. a crab. «. j^*if liinwar, rancorous, malevolent, p. ^..;^ Whr^n hinwaiyd, a purchaser. ». ^uuk5 liina, m. malice, spite, rancour, hatred. ktna-war, kina-kash, kind-jo, or k'lna-i^Sh, malidooa, spiteful, rancorous, inimical, vindictive, malevolent. j». ^^ m\<^ Tiim (Braj), 3rd pers. sing. fem. •* past tense of karnaui^, to do or make. h. ^^ ^i^Tf hewdr, m. the shutter of a door, a door, s j^\^a5 huiwdn, m. the planet Saturn, p. J\^ ^Wf^ kerodnch, f. co witch (Dolichos prurient), t iX^^ ftaiwdnt, of or relating to Saturn, p. (JL>yP ^^ kevat, )m. a fisherman (ai§o CJj^ ^^!^ kevart,) kaivart). Vj^^IjkS ^wld'l he,ora or ^"cjlT hevra, m. name of a flower {Pavdanus odoratissimus, Roxb,). s. JjA> ^q5 heii-al or keval, only, alone ; all, entire ; completely, peculiarly, only, merely, simply ; m, a species of knowledge, probably that of the unity of God. *. jj^jkS "Sfm;^ kevU, f. horoscope, nativity, s. d^yS %Mtd^ kaivalya, m. eternal emancipa- tion ; release of the soul from further transmigration, s. ^^^A> "^Rkyun or iwf kyon, why ? wherefore ? how? well? what then? kyuA-ki, because, since. kyuA-kar, how ? kyun na ho, whj' not ? what for no ? ^ f»)^ "^0 hyann, same as ki/un (also same compounds), b, iio^jp hyun-kif since, because that. A. p. ;_5^^ cR^tl kehart,) ^Jy^ %^ kaihaun, Ist pers. sing, aorist (Braj.) of ftarwawri, I may do or make. h. jjii ^fl,t, some, a few. /ta,i e^, some, several, h. .^jup oRTi^ heyur, m. a bracelet worn on the upper arm. vi/ \Lf gaf, called Tiaf-i-'ajami (the Persian So/", it being unknown in the Arabic), the twenty-sixth letter of the Persian alphabet, and the twenty-ninth Hindustani. Its liound is that of ^ hard, as in the words go, give, never like that of ^ in the words gem, gentle. In reckoning by abjad it counts 20, the same as kdf {the precedinp; letter). The Arabs sometimes substitute j«>n for ^a/, as lajam for lagavi, a bridle. The people of India, on the other hand, often substi- tute gtif for gHain, as kagas or kagaj for kaghaz, paper, p.h. sLf ^ (ja, is the corresponding letter in the Devanagari alphabet. As a termination, in Sanskrit words, it denotes motion, as bhujang, a serpent, (lit.) what goes in a curve, or, as the Americans would gay, " a spiralizer." s. h. 4— '\^ V^ gab, m. name of a tree, the fruit of which contains a glutinous astringent -juice, with which the bottoms of boats are smeared, and in which nets are soaked {Diospyros glutinosa. Keen. MS ; Em- hryopteris glutinifera, Roxb. PI. Cor, 70). h. ^\^ ^TTPT gcihh, m. pregnancy; (in Dakh) gab. s. \^o TTWT gahha, m. a new leaf springing from the centre of a plantain-tree ; (in Dakh.) gaia. s. j^^ll TiT^TtT gahhin, pregnant, with young ; (in Dakli.) gdbin. $. Ua^I^ TWffT gabhna, a. to snub, to chide, h. C^\^ TTcT f. the body j apparel. «. ( 605 ) JS Oli TTH" gatii, m. a celestial chorister, s. liJlS ^TTTT gata, m. pasteboard, h. j3lS TTT^ gatra, m. the body, a limb, a xaem- ber. s. [metre, rhythm, a l^li JTT^ gatha, f. a stanza, song, chaunt, til^li Jlivjeh gathak, m. a singer, a musician, a chaunter of the Puranas. s. j^o VM^ gat'i, f. a plaid, a mantle, s. Uo JITTT ^a/a,^ the yoking of bullocks toge- &3o TIT gatttf J ther for the purpose of treading out grain : it also denotes a plot or piece of land, a division of a village, h. jCiiJowAi JIU:^n^^ gata-handi, f. the division of a village by ga/as. h. CQ-v.) A^ j\_^o ir^R gatewar (same as gata-handi, _'^ >T1W gaj, f. scum, froth ; a thunderbolt. gaj-mara, thunderstruck ; afflicted, unfortunate, h. m'^ gaj, bangles or bracelets made of glass, d. Wli i\\m gajd, a term signifying the first or early rice-sowing in the districts at the foot of the hiUs. h. Wbla-lS TfRWRTT gaja-baja, m. the sound or clangour of various musical instruments, h. y>-\^''Vm^gdja7- or gdjir, f. a carrot (Daiicus carota). s. Jj>-\l gdjal, a seller of glass bangles, d. /o>-o JII^H gdjan, m. sounding, roaring. *. U>-o Tnf«n gdjnd, n. to thunder; to loar as a lion or other wild beast; to be pleased, happy, cheerful, deliglited. s. »4»"0 TITS, gdchh, ni. a tree, gdchh-mirch, Cayenne pepper (Capsicum); (in Dakh.) gach. -^l^ T\V^ gdchhi, a pad put over the back " of a beast of burden, h. io JTT^ gdd, f. sediment (of dirty water), h. jiil^ TT^ gddar, half-ripe (grain or fruit) ; m. (Beng.) a heap, stock, rick. h. IJiil^ JI^HI gddnd, a. to ram down. h. tjti^-^ TRft gddi, f. (v. gaddi) a cushion, a throne, &c h. jjJo 7\T^ gddar, f. a sheep, an ewe. A. J jio lUJ^gddru, m. a charm against venom.A. jiili gdzur, ra. a washerman, a bleacher, p. jO »TK £jfar, f. (v. gra/I) abuse, insulting lan- guage ; (in Dakh.) m. hail, frost. «. jli gdr, (in comp.) a doer or agent, as khid- mat-gar, an attendant, from Jchidmat. p. j6 gdr, m. hail, frost, d. U^ TTTT gdrd, m. mud kneaded or prepared for making pottery; name of a rSgini or musical mode. h. ( 606 ) <.< Ojl^ JIKffI (/drna, a. to strain ; to squeeze ; to milk. ». [does not lie long. s. 8,1^ ^XJ gara, low land on which the water ^JS fjarld, gray, light blue. d. y^ TTf*!! gdrnd, a. to bury, to set, to drive in, to fix, to sink. s. (_ffjjj^ gdrurif m. a juggler, a buffoon, d. Jfcj'o TITS garhy f. a difficulty, s. Jjo gdra, low lands on which water does not lie long ; (in Dakh.) a species of cloth, h. JfcVo J|1dl gdrha, thick, close, dense ; sly, shrewd, knowing, wise; strong or potent (as an in- fusion of tea-leaves, &c.) ; turbid, muddy. $. UibjlS JTT^*n gdrhnd, a. to malleate ; to form by hammering ; to drive down, to sink, to bury. h. (_ff^ TTTt gdri, f. a cart, a carriage, gdfi- uian or gdfi-ban, m. a carter, a coachman, t. jj6 gdzir or gazur, m. a washerman, a fuller, a bleacher (commonly ga^ir, gasur). gdzir-md^all, a tax formerly levied on washermen in Bengal, p. j>o TTTWl^gakar (v. ganliar), coarse bread, h. S\^ TJUlXgagar, If. a pot for holding ^cpo iTTlO gagri,) water, a guglet. s. )SS TinCT goigrd, name of a low caste of sweepers (v. bhangi). h. (JliTT^^faZjm.acheek; a species of tobacco. 5.//. Jo "Trf^ gali, m. curse, imprecation (v. gdti). ^o Mlc^I gala, ^m. a pod of cotton ; a ball iJo TT55; gala,) of carded cotton (known also by the name o{ go^hd), h. i^S TT^Sl' gdli, f. abuse, gdti-galuj, f. reci- "procal abuse; brawling, quarrelling, gdli-dend, &. to abuse, to revile, s, (jUJo inficS'Jt gdliydn, (pi.) abusive words j a species of indecent nuptial songs, s. JS gdm, ni. a pace, step. p. J\^ JTTJf gdm, m. (for gram, usually gdnw) a village, s. [fundity. *. ^c^^foli TiTT>T^^ gdmhhirya, m. depth, pro- ui)/cl^ VJH'm gdmuk, going, moving, s. ^\^ TTf^'it gdmini, (in comp.) going, mov- "Ing. «. I (J^ TTT gan, m. a song, singing. $. wli 7TT»n gdnd, a. to sing, to celebrate. «. "-^4^^ TT^RT gdnthnd, a. to lay bricks in mortar ; to string, to thread, to arrange, s. ^^li JTT7 gdnth; m. f. la knot, a knob, a ^'^^S 7f[Z1 gdnthd,m, r joint j a bundle. (__5^Joo ttW gdnthi, f. J gdnth uliharna, dis- location. gaAfh pajtid, is applied to the fixing of en- mity towards any one in the breast, gdnth jof a, join- ing, splicing, gdnth-ddr, knotted, gdii^h kd pura, wealthy, rich, gdnth kd khond, to act to one's own prejudice. gdMli kholnd, the untying of a knot ; pro- digality, expense ; removal of prejudice. gdnfh-gt^ilS, knotty (as a stick), compact (as a man). *. ITTTT gdnthnd, a. to tie, to join, to make adhere, to stitch ; to reduce to obedience or rob- jection. «. J '^l5^^ g^^fhi-ddr, an occupant of lands by' heritable tenure, h.p. [plant, &c. «. '^vi JTfifT gdnjd, ni. (v. gdnjhd) the hemp j^^ 'i\nKgdnja7',f.SLk'wd ofgrass or verdure. A. ^^^\^ ITinn gdnjnd, a. to store, to hoard ; to stir, to agitate ; to churn, p, h. ^^^ Tf*KJ gdnjhd, m. the hemp plant (^Can- nabis saliva) ; the fructification, when nearly ripe, is bruised and smoked for intoxication. The leave* dried are ground in water and drunk for the same purpose. In this state it is called bhang and tabu, ganjhd wdld, a seller of bhang, s. ju&sioo 7TT»Vr^(\>o JFT^ gdndharb, m. a heavenly chorister, song, singing ; a form of marriage, that which requires only mutual and amorous agreement. *. uLUivI^ Jirr^oiii gandliili, m. a perfumer ; a kind of worm having a strong fetid smell. *. 's>^ ^T^ g^nd, f. the anus, privities, gdnd- phalat, dead, stupid. gdM-mard,o, a sodomite. «. \3o\i ^RT gdndd, m. sugar-cane ready for cutting, h. J jjl^ ^13^ gdndar, If. a kind of grass used JVj TT^ gdtm, f. iIk^ iron point of an ..,^ ( 607 ) So^ i||.^\i garv-chardyi, f. grazing (of cattle) ; a tax levied on pasture lands, p. h. sj^'jf'm^gdrv-khana, a house or stall forcattle.ja. /^^j\^ gaw-dnm, 1 thick at one end and ^^XAl^^.i gciiv-dumhal,) thin at the other; acclivity, descent ; f. a trumpet, a tube. p. ^tijl^ rc[^;^gawdiy a simpleton, blockhead, h. .U*>.l^ gaw-sar, like an ox; name of Farl- dun's mace. p. jCjU<-*j^ gaw-skumart, an enumeration or *" census of cattle ; a tax upon cattle, p. joSj.I^ gdrv-shir, f. name of a medicinal gum or gum resin, opoponax. p. [fice. h t„«A^.V^ ^ir^r^TT gdo ghap, fraud, deceit, arti- j-.^^.^ilT^^ni <7a,o-^/m;?ii,deceitful,alluring.A. J .1^ T[m^ gdfOti or gdrvali, m. a cowherd, h. "^^\i w:^ga,o)i, m. (v. gdnw) a village, s. ■Ji.>'>,-p\i JTT^nN? gd,on-bat, a subdivision of a district into several villages, s. JG.^l^ TT^lfe^ gdyonti, of or belonging to "a village. «. «j^ i>.^,^\i gdjOn-kharcha, m. expenses or charges incurred in the municipal adminietration of a village, s.p. X3.l^ gdwangar, m. a singer, a musician, d. l\§ (jdh, f. time ; place, shikdr-gdh, a place proper for hunting, 'ibddat-gdh, a place of worship; mosque, church, nd-gdii, suddenly, gah-be-gdh or gdh be-gdh, occasionally, frequently, at all seasons, in seaGon and out of season, gah-gah, repeatedly, again and again, p. »o ITT^ gdh, m. an alligator, a shark. ». uilj&*'i^ Vn^gdhah, m. a chapman, purchaser. gun-gdhak, an appreciator of another's merits, jdn kS gdhak, the pursuer of one's life, s sl^sl^ Jllf^JIlf^ gdhi gdhi, adv. with much in- quiry or research, h. [times, p, i>lS8lS gdh-gdhe, some time or other, at ^jib\S TW:^ gdhan, m. a kind of harrow (with teeth) for eradicating grass from ploughed land. h. VJJsl^ TT^tn gdhnd, a. to caulk, to thrash, to tread out corn ; to inquire, to search, to investigate, h, ^IS gdhe, at one time, some time. p. jj&o JTT?^ gdhi, f. five (an aggregate made " up of five parts), h. c^^o TTT'? gd,e or gd,l, f. a cow. s. i^j^}-^ TWf^'if gdyatrin, m. a tree that yields the resin formerly called terra japonica (Mimosa catechu), s. i^jjol^innft gdyatrl, f. a Vedic metre, a stanza of four lines of six syllables each ; a sacred verse from the Rig Veda to be recited mentally : it is personified and considered as a goddess, the mother of the first three castes, s. [congredi. p. (^liJ/o gd,ulan, to embrace ; cum muliere 8tV/li gd,ula, a woman who has lost her vir- ginity ; vel qua cum viro concubuit, p. jjjijj_j-^o gd,e roh, a calculus or hard sub- stance found in the gall-bladder of oxen, and which is used in medicine, d. tdb.l^ VJ^'^ gdyah,m.. a singer, a celebrator. s. ^ji}S TXm^ gdyan, a singer (male or fensale). s. /^.^o JTT^* gdyin, name of a small clan of rdj-puts in the district of Eopa-cheet. — Ell. Gl. h. -X5 gahr, m. a iire-worshipper, a follower of Zoroaster, an infidel, one who does not believe in tLe MuT},ammadan faith, p. j^ gabbar, wealthy, rich, prosperous, rf., J j6 ^^hi gabru, a clown, a young man, an unformed youth, a johnie raw ; a bridegroom, fi. l!>j Jk^ ^^m!T gubrautd or gabrautd, m. a beetle found in dunghills or old cow-dung (Scarabaui stercorarius, Lin. ; copris, Geoff.). The forms gahr aim- da and gabraurd are also in use. h. liV^ iT>TT«n gubhd7id,^a.. to thrust, stick U^^jo JT>Tt«TT gubhond,) into. h. jj^T\W^gabhru,in. (v. gabru) acIown,&c. h. d**«*4*S lifftcT gabhasti, f. a ray of light, a sun or nioonbeam. «. [grave, s, j^^Jo TH^ gabhtr, deep, dense, profounds ^Joi^J^ lift^JT gnhhild, m. hard lumps in tho intestines produced by costiveness ; scybala. h. u-»^ tm gap, f. prattle, tattling. gap-marnSif a. to prattle, to tattle, h. \jS ( 608 ) -^ JUs »mi

          ^ ^^tERT ghufasnd, u. to curl, to be- come curled, h, lJ3^ U({4|itil ghurakna, a. to frown, to browbeat, to reprimand, h. LSJ^ W^ 9^''^T^h f* frowning, browbeat- "ing, rebuke, h. [to thunder, h. ^)j^3^ ^ ^^4 ' •* ' g^O'Tgharmaf n. to growl, 13^4> Vi«1l gharna, a. to fashion, form, sliiipe; to forge, to work (metals) ; to knock, to hammer, h. Uv^ gharna, n. to happen (a calamity), d. ^jjr^ Vflt^T gharola, m. a pot, a pitcher, a jug, a mug. t. W jv^ ^TfiNT gharoncha, m.1 a stand for wa- iK^jj^ "TS^W gharonchi, f. J ter-pots, &c.«. ic^^ '^ft ghari, f. a portion oi time, the space of twenty-four minutes, but applied generally to the European hour of sixty minutes ; an instrument for measuring time, a clock, watch, &c. ghafi met tola ghafi meA mdsha, at one time an ounce, at another a g^ain (expressing a person of a changeable disposi- tion) : as a revenue term the word ghafi denotes the subdivision of a village ; a fold, a plait, p. s. ij%^ Tfit g ha r I (^d\m. ofghard),a small pot. 5. ^j^ Vfsm ghariya, f. a crucible ; a honey- comb ; the womb. h. jbj^ xrft^rr^ ghariyal, m. a platt of brass or bell-metal for sounding the ghafis of each pakar or Watch of the day and night ; a gong ; a crocodile ; (in Dakh.) a watch, a clock, ghafi-ydl ka shisha, an hour- glass. «. ^^j4^ VnsiU'i^'! ghariyald, 1m. the person Jl\>^ Vfsm^ ghariyduj who attends the "ghafi, and strikes the hours. 1, {j'^'^ghus, m. f. entering, penetrating j creeping, h. UL^ ^mviT ghusana,a.. to thrust in, to stuff in, to cram, to cause to penetrate, to force in. h. 13L-^ fW«i«it ghisdnd, a. to cause to rub. s. jU^ ft^n^ /^At^arw, m. 1 attrition, ru b- cL>jL^ ftlTITO7 5'/mawa/, f.J bing, fric- tion, abrasion, f. [trance, h. ,^jU>^j*^ V'B^a ghus-faith, f. access, en- 632 ) J4J \ x i L*.^ Vf^SHI ghasitna (also ghisatna), n, to be dragged, to be trailed along, t. If*^^ ''7FI 'jhasrd, mischievous, hurtful, s. Si\j^*^ "5^^ ghusrand, a kind of creeping grass with a yellow flower, h. U^--*^ 'qfHj*1l ghusirnd, n. to be thrust in. h, j****^ VW*. tjhasmar, gluttonous, voracious. s» 4^;**^ ^nrfl ghasan, f. the act of rubbing, s, U*,*^ t};Er*n ghusnd, n. to enter, to be thrust in, or forced in. h. vx**.^ "Xf^m ghasnd or fVl^tll ghisnd, n. to be rubbed, to be abraded, to fret, to wear ; a. to rub, to whet ; to beat ; adj. apt to be worn by rubbing, t. (_g*«« ^3 r^Ur|1 ghmii, by lubbing ; as ganr " ghisni karnd or ghisni chalnd, to move along, rubbing on the ground, as a child on his buttocks before he is able to walk, s. [grass-cutter. <. jjl- j U w^a TjftnrnCT ghasiydrd or ghasiydrd, m. a j^jL*-^ Trftnnft«T ghasiydrin, f. the wife of & ghasiyara. s. [drag- »• olx,,.,.^ fTrftnn«n ghisiydnd, a. to trail, to ujuu.^ %|402f1T ghasitna, a. to drag, to pull, to traiU s. Uj-JL-.^ '^^?*n ghtiserna, a. to thrust, to stuff, to cram, to force in, to pierce, to insinuate, k. >x>w^ MlUcj&l ghasild, grassy, abounding in ^ass. I. [cation, h. tdi^ ]|^4i gahah, f. the emotion of iutoxi- «X^ 31^^^> ghuland, a. to deceive, to trick, d. ^^^ "^^"^ ghuland, a. to melt, to dissolve, h. j^^> ^f^\*ghuld,u, adj. melting, h. Cii^j^l^ ij<^|^2 ghuldwat, f. act of melting or dissolving, h. J^ lV*(J^ ^<^rH($ ghul-mil, dissolved, mixed ; melted in kindness, h.s. ^j^^^ VQi»IT ghulna, n. to melt, to be dissolved, to be mellowed, to rot (as fruit) ; to become lean, to waste, h. i^i^S TJq^i ghalUfd or ghahva (also TRTT ghulwS), to boot, over and above ; m. a small quantity giTen above the purchase, h. olji^ Ti^5^T«n ghulwand, a. to cause to mix with a liquid, to dissolve, h. [^puts. h. OjJijj Jl'^c^ri' gahlot, name of a tribe of rdj- ^^\jm\^ VHIVR ghamasdn (v. ghamsdn), battle, &c. h. j^K^ xftntm ghamaghanif or 1 thick.crowd- jtiP^ T^TPT^f gahmagaham, J ed, dense (as the population of a city, trees of a forest, &&). h, UU^ TiHifil ghamdnd, to sun, to bask in the son. s. UU^ igHHI ghumdndy a. to revolve, to cir- culate, to whirl, to roll, to brandish, to encircle ; to be- guile, to delude, ghumand phirdnd, a. to prevaricate, h. j>\.»^ xmm ghumd,o,Tn, as much land as can be ploughed in a day by a single pair of bullocks, h. ^I>»(^S T(^ltl.ghambtr (v. mutahammit), affable, patient, enduring, d. )j^ ^HU ghumrdf m. the name of a plant {Phlomis) ; name of an insect, h. \^%Y^ VhOc^ ghamraul, f. crowd, confusion in a general engagement, h. i^j^ V^ip^ ghumri, f. the vertigo, swimming of the head. t. [roll, &c. h, l3Vf-*^ UHJMI ghumranUf n. (v. ghumna) to it"t(^^ xpT^ ghamas, f. heat, closeness. *. ( 633 ) ^^ ^^ tR gkan, m. gathering of the clcud«; clouds ; an anvil, a sledge-hammer, s. (j^ftm g/iin, f. disgust J shame, bashfulness. j^L*^ MHVIH ghamsdn f m. battl e, engage- ment. W(^^t(^^ TjHTnn ghumghumd, m. revolution, going round ; subterfuge, evasion, prevarication ; doubt, suspense, hesitation, h. Ul^^ MHMmmghtcmghumdndjn. to revolve ; to prevaricate, h. jJl«^ rpK^ ghamand, m. pride, haughtiness, arrogance, ghumand, gathering of the clouds, h. ^i!Jjk*^ >(H4P,^ ghamandi, haughty, a proud man. h. U^ ghumna, n. to resound, re-echo, rever- berate ; to go round, to turn, to rolL d. {Ssy^ ^H\l^*i ghamorl, f. the prickly heat. s. ^f-y^ X(p\ghumu,iy f. name of a plant, h. ^^^ TTST ghan, m. an assemblage, a number, quantity ; (in arithmetic) cube of a number : (in geo- metry) a solid ; adj. material, solid, gross, compact, bard, firm, impenetrable; very, much. ». ghin dend, a. to reproach, to abash, ghin khand, to be disgusted, sick. s. ^^ ^ ghun, m. name of an insect destruc- tive to wood and meal, grain and flour ; a weevil ; rancour, h. ^T^ gahan, m.an eclipse; wood, forest, s. ^J^ 'l^«il gahnd, m. jewels, ornaments ; any thing in pledge, a pavnied article, a mortage, h. l\i T^TT gahnd, a. to lay hold of, to handle, to seize, to catch ; to blush, s. U^ "^RT ghand, thick, close, confused, nume- rous, much, many ; m. a sporting preserve (same as ramna, q. v.). h. U^ ^<5n ghund, (wood, grain, flour, &c.) de- stroyed by the insect ghun, weevil-eaten. *. U^ ^^ ghund, malicious, spiteful, revenge- ful, bearing malice, rancorous, cautious, designing. A. ^^ ll^^ gahind, a heavy plank or flat piece of wood on which a man stands while it is dragged by oxen over a ploughed field to level the ground. //. ISU^ fv^UMI ghindnd, n. to be disgusted ; adj. disgusting, s. jWJl^ ghambir, affable, patient, enduring, d. (34 i ?^ M«Ca^ ^ ^JK lf ghan garaj, m. the roar of the cloud, thunder, any loud noise ; adj. loud-sounding, s. yjS^^ ghungr-i, f. a cloak or mantle of hairy coarse woollen stuff"; a caterpillar or palmer worm. d. AJi;^ "^jft^ ghangol, the name of the water- lily which produces the celebrated ntlUfar flower, h, hSs^ tnTift*rr or *i^fi*fT ghungaund, m. a plaything, a child's rattle, h. \j\^^l^ f^MIHI ghingana, n. to be hoarse, h, im^^^ "^^^ ghunghchtf same as ghung- "cht, q. ▼. , JCi^ "^JTC ghungru, 'Ira. morris bells, worn jj^^^X[^!^ghunghru,j on the ankles by dancing-girls ; a small bell in general, h. ij«aCa^ VV^ ghanghas, a subdivision of the jdfs, s. [sound, h. f^^^^ i|*iV^ ghanghan, f. an imitative ^4 '4^ f^nrftpn ghinghina, disgusting, loath- some, odious, s, UU^^j;^ Ti*nr«TRT gkangnanana, n. to jingle, to ring, to tinkle, to sound like a wheel in revolution. A. JJ^^'A'" ^''iVl^ ghan-ghor, m. cloudiness, ga- thering of the clouds ; roar of the clouds, t.e. thunder ; adj. cloudy, overcast, s. 0.^^x1^ ^M\X''fil ghanghorna,^ii. to rinse; to \JJ^,C^( '^Qr^t(^t{l gangkolnd,) mix any liquid by stirring it about, h. \j^ TR^ ghanghcr-a,\^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ UXi^i tlH'IU ghangerd, J jjfc^l^ ^nra^ ghan-mul, m. cube root (in aritlunetic). *. i^o^ JJ^1^«1^ gahtii, f. oakum ; act of caulking ; pledged, gahnl dhami, a. to pawn, to pledge. A. Ui^ TifviVT ghuniya, spiteful, rancorous, bearing malice, malidous. A. [gusted. «. Ulju^ fVOm^lHI ghiniydnd, n. to be dis- Uju^^ TI ^ TT ghanerd, much, many. h. ij^xx^ TRTT ghanes, m. name of a bird (.Bm- ceros Malabaricua). $. \^ "TOT ghurvd, m. a coarse kind of cotton, h, Uj^ ghu,d, m. the carpenter beetle, an insect which perforates wood, d. ( 634 ) ./^ \^ ij^cjl gahmd, m. pincers, forceps. Ju 8jl_^ gahwdra, m. a swing, a cradle, p b^^ '^^l^ ghopd, m. a sort of hooded cloak or loose mantle for rainy or cold weather, h. ci^^^ tft7 ghot, f. polish, gkut, m. a guip^ draught. A. ^j4^ ^ftCT ghotd, m. a wooden rubber. A. (.iJJ"^^ iD^^ ghotak, m. a horse. A. U3^^ y^fiT ghutnd, a. to gulp, to drink, to guzzle, ghopia, a. to plod; to shave, to polish, to calendar, h. fj^^ V\i»il ghotnl or ghutrii, f. a rubber. A. y!^ "^^g^otu, polished, smooth (words), h, ^y^ ""Sft^ 5'Aoj^ ^TiT ghurat, cattle-pens. h. ^J^j^ ghor-ckarhd (v. ghur-charhS). h, lsTj^ "^T^ gkurchi, f. a twist in thread, entanglement, h. U,^^ Y5.HT ghurnd, a. to stare at, to fix the eyes on ; to look at angrily. A. {^j^ '1^0 gahurl, demurrage, h. ^.j^ "frftm ghuriyd, s. a dunghill, h. J^ "^t^ghaur, f. a bunch (of plantains), h. ]j^ '^h^ ghord, m, a horse; a cock (of a gun) ; the knight at chess, ghora eharhana, to cock a gun. s. jS^vji^ O^^or-phoTy the guana lizard, d. ijj^ "^^ ghor'i, a mare. h. D**}^ ■'TO ghus, m. a bandicote rat (3Ius Malabar icus, Shaw; Mus glganteus, Lin. Tram. yol. vii.); (for ghush) a bribe, h. [herd. «. D^i^ ^^ O^os, name of a caste ; a cow- Lrt^^ ^1^ ghusd, m. a thump, a blow of the fist, buffet ; a large kind of rat, bandicote. A. M^ ( 635 ) ^ i^i ^W ghusat, m. a young owl. h. U*»^^^«>^b MJH*i y^ \ghusam-ghusa,m. thump- ing and pulling, boxing. A. f^^^ '^^ ghosi, m. a Musalman milkman **or cowherd, said to be converted from the Hindu ahtr caste, s. (^^ xftR ghoshf m. a station of herdsmen ; a caste of milkmen ; a cowherd, s. Vxi>^^ tft^TOT ghoshna, la. to repeat, to reite- U^^S tft^RT ghokhna,) rate, to speak aloud; f. speaking aloud, making a great noise, crying, pro- claiming, s. S^3^ ^ 9^^^^^^f ni* tlie ring-neoked dove, an owl. h. *^^ ^\l^]ghughu,a, an owl, a blockhead. A. (_^^ "^ftrft ghoght, f. a pocket, pouch, wallet ; a turtle-dove, ft, J^ Tft^ gkol, m. buttermilk, s. y^ V\f^l ghola, m. an intoxicating potion made of bhang, or opium, a solution ; name of a fish. ghole men ddlna, a. to involve in diflSculty. h. U^^^ ghulana, a. to deceive, to outwit, d. jU^O^^ l^c^^HN ghol-ghwnaw, m. evasion, subterfuge, h. (Jji* J^4i tft^R^ ghol-mel, m. mixture, mix- ing, h. [quid, to dissolve, h. \jJ54S Tft^RT gholna, m. to mix with a li- j,y^ ^ ghunif back, round, about, s. A^ gkum, a kind of children's game. d. j^U^ '^JTRrt ghuma,o, as much land as can be ploughed in one day by a pair of bullocks. A. ^\^M^ MH^HIc^l ghum-ghiimald or -ghu- malS, loose (as a robe), full. s. ^Jo^^^i ^H^^^l ghum-ghumeld or -ghu- wula, revolving, circling, round. «. U*^ T^if(fn ghumnd, n. to go round, to turn, to roll, to wheel, sir ghumna, n. to be giddy, i. {:)3^ ^»T ghun, m. rancour, malice, spite, h. U^^ TTtfT ghuna, secret, cautious ; designing, malicious, spiteful, rancorous, h. tJLo^i ^ ghunt, rent-free lands assigned as endowments of religious establishments, h. cUij^ '07 ghunt, m. or "^nf? ghont, f. a gulp, a draught, pull. h. \jjb^ Vm ghuntnd, a. to gulp, to drink, to swallow, ghonfna, a. to polish by rubbing ; (met.) to investigate ; to strangle ; m. a stone, &c. with which any thing is polished ; the knee. h. ■^S^ "^Tt ghunti, f. a medicine consisting of aloes, spices, and borax, given to new-born infants to clear out the meconium Cm. Urdu ghuifi). h. lH-^ ^ ghuns, m. (v. ghus) a rat, &c. also the cknched fist. h. [&c. A. U*)^^ TITRT ghunsa, m. (v. ghusa) a thump, ^«0^^ Tff^^\ ghonsld, m. a (bird's) nest. k. uL^^ "^TTT ghongd, m. a cockle or cockle* shell, a snail {Cochlea helix) ; also called a,tntha (t. shdmuk). h. i,^^'^ i^ W'mI ghungchi (v. ghungcht), a "small seed, &c. 5. j*^^ ipTKghungar,m. a curl, ghungar-mdle bal or ghungarydle-hal, curled hair. A. jj^^ "^^ ghungru, m. name of an orna- ment worn round the ankles, with bells fastened to it ; a bell. h. j^^x_)^^ VMil ghungni, f. a sort of stirabout, " or grain of any kind (pulse or wheat, &c.) boiled whole, h. cL*^£3^^ "4t|7 ghunghat, f. a veil ; conceal- ing the face with a veil, &c. ghunghaf Tcarhnd, to draw a veil over the face, ghunghat fcarna, a. to veil ; to draw back his neck (a horse), ghunghaf khdnd, n. to be broken or defeated (an army), h. (^^^'^ ^ y^ml ghunghchl, f. a small red and black seed (Abrus precatorius), [&c A. j^kJ^ "^TT^ ghunghar (v. ghungai'), a curl, jj^>Li^^ ^^ ghunghru (v. ghungru), a small bell, a kind of ornament, &c. A. j^^j-^xl^^^ ^ift ghunghi,^i!. cloths folded up i^i^ ^^ ghungi, J and put on the head as a defence against the rain ; a cockle or snail, a small ghungd. h. [insect. A. ^X^^ ■qxft ghungi, f. (v. gindar) name of an c^^J^^ <7/iM,t, f name of an herb which grows during the rains on high grounds. A. ^b^^ xftTT ghoydn, f. name of an esculent root {Arum colocasia). h. j^ V^ ghahar, f. thunder, h. \j\j^ TT^nm ghahrdnd,\n. to thunder; to 13^^ l|^Li 9T(fl^U5 ^T| gydtrij knowing, wise. «. «-»x)U> ^^^^a giydh, f. grass, straw, green herbage, p, jfjp Tf^gebar, m. name of a bird. h. \xiS ^mgepd, m. a nipple, h. \x^ gtpd, m. a sheep or goat's ventricle stufifbd with minced meat and rice, a pudding, p. jc^Ujp gipa,t, m. a seller of puddings, p. d*j>N frfVnr gyapit, taught, made known. «. C*^p Jffit gyapti, f. understanding, compre- hension, s. CL^«S iftw ^i^, m. a song, git-gdna, to sing. 9. Uup ifhn ^fi^a, f. a rhapsody or episode, as the Bhdgavad-gltd, an episode i>f the MahabhdnUa. $, jSJO git'i or <7ert, f. the world, the universe. " gitl-€{froz or gtti-faroz, world-illumining, an epithet of the sun. glti-drd,e, wurld-adorning. gili-ntim, emperor or conqueror of the world, giti-naward, aa» who has traversed the world, an epithet of Alexan- der, p. [not colooted. k, Jud vft^ gitam, m. a coarse kind of carpet \i^ Tf^ geddy m. a young unfledged bird| (met.) an infant h. \j 3T^ gend, m. an elephant, h. ^^y^^ gend, f. a ball to play with, gend- taj-l Tilielnd, n. to play at striking a ball. ». ^ jJjS it^T genda, m. marigold j a ball. 5. 2;|^.^tiJui gend-gahwara, flowers formed like the scale of a balance tied on to images, d. \ydJM gendwa, m. the tapeworm, a worm in the intestines, d. i^i^TJ^ gendi, f. a ball (to play with). *. ^) Q5TO«n Idphnd, n. to jump. h. lO^ Idt, name of an idol worshipped by the pagan Arabians, a. C-^^ ^5TiT Idt, f. a kick. Idt mdrnd, to kick. h. cL>^ c5T7 Idt, f. an obelisk, a steeple, a mina- ret, a pillar; a club, a staff; adj. dirty, soiled (as cloth by keeping). /*. l^^ ^STTT Idtd, m. a kind of food eaten by the poor (mahu,a pounded with grain), h. ^-'^ 5513 lath, f. an obelisk, pillar, steeple, minaret ; club, staff; the vertical part of an oil-milL s. l^i>^ Idthd, m. a large club or stick, d. -4^^ itJITt Idthl, f. a club, stick, crutch. Idthi-patht, cudgelling, beating trith sticks. ». •.^ ^n«r Idjf f. bashfulness, modesty, shame. «. ^^ ^TiTT lujd, fried grain, s. lAi>-^ Idjnd, to feel ashamed or abashed, d. 5.^^ Idjaward, m. azure; Lapis lazuli, p, (jiyy>-'!^ Idjawardl, made of or consisting of Lapit lazuli, p. dO}-,^ cjSIMHnT Idj-want, modest, bashful, chaste decent, s. [tenacity, p. ^»-^ ^mtfij Idjhd, m. viscosity, glutinousness, 'is"'^ luh'ih, touching, adhering, joining; ad- joining ; an appendage ; a dependant, a. ^y q57^ lad, f. load; bowel, Idd-pkdndf f loading and packing, h. ^^l^y Iddan, m. (Gr. Aaiavov) Ladanum, a resinous substance exuding from the leaves and branchlets of the Cistus creticus. a. p. w<>^ ) ( 639 ) ..^ n^S^ l^TO lahh, m. gum lac, a kind of wax formed by the Coccus lacca; sealing-wax. lakh-Jci battl, a stick of sealing wax. laJch lagana, to shut up or con- ceal, s. [sand. s. ^^ lakh (for laksha), one hundred thou- U^^ ^y^nn lakhna, a. to apply lac. s. ^^^j^^ lakhwan, the hundredth thousand. s.A. ^_j4i^ (jMlsfl /a^Ai, f. a red colour procured "from lac. s. «i/'^ c5FT lag, f. striking, hitting, fixing, a stroke; enmity, rancour, spite; affection, love ; cost, expenditure ; a secret ; approach, lag lagnd, to fall in love. s. C1^3^ c^Nlif Idgat, f. expense, cost. s. Ui^ ^PT*n lagnd, n. (v. lagna) to apply, to begin, &c. «. j>^ ^TT^ldgu, desirous, adhering to. s. iiL>^^ Idgut, love, affection, attachment, d. ^'^ ^IV«f Idghav, m. health, lightness, de- licacy, meanness, insignificance, frivolity. & iS'^^T'f\ldgl,f. a mark, butt; affection,love. s. J^ Idl, red; dumb; inflamed; m. a ruby. lal-sag, m. name of a vegetable {Atnaranthus gangeti cus, Willd.). p. J^ 5n^ Idl, dear, beloved ; ra. an infant son, a boy ; spittle, saliva ; the name of a bird (the male of Friiigilla amandava). s. ^^ 5JTq5T laid, m. sir, master ; a schoolmas- ter ; a -writer, clerk or copyist : it may also denote a slave ; f. saliva, spittle, h. ^^ laid, m. a head-servant, a major-domo, a babbler, a prating fellow, p. j«.s»-^^ 5JT^T3T^ Idld-ji, sir, master ; a mode "of address used towards a respectable man not of high rank. h. e!)V ^^ ^|(j&ir> J^ ^T^ToF^ Idl-haddu, a kind of purap- {2)*^ "^IW^ Idlan, adj. wheedling, coaxing ; f. a mistress, a sweetheart, lalin, m. a seducer, s. ^J>*^ ^f^Jrft Idlini, f. a wanton woman, s. «5^ Idla, m. a tulip. Idla-ruJth, -ruJihsdi\ or -i^r, having cheeks of the hue of the tulip, vermilion cheeked, lala-xur, a bed or garden of tulips. Idla- rang, -Jam, or -gun, of a tulip colour. Idla-wash, tulip- like, p. ^^'y ^^^ Idli, m, a seducer, deceiver, s. ^y Idli, f. redness, blood-colour, p. ^_^15 la,drt (pi. of_^^), pearls, a. ^3j^.^^ ^T%"'T^«n Idle parnd, to be extreme! desirous and unable fully to express one's wis s. h j»^ Idm, ra. a ringlet; adj. (from the figure of the letter) crooked, curled. Idm kdf Jcalmd, to abuse, to give abuse, a, p. [of feeling, a, &-*»*^ Idmisa. m. feeling, touching, the sense Xc^ ldmi\ splendid, shining, bright, a. j_^^ Idvii, 1 (lit. of or relating to the letter «ju>^ Idmiya,) Idiri) a term used in gram- mar, equivalent to "the final letter of a verbal root.'' The idea originates from Idm being the last letter of the root f'il, used in Arabic grammar as a model for inflection and conjugation ; a species of poem, ol which every couplet ends with the letter Idm. a. ^^ ^»TT land (for le-dnd), a. to bring ; to breed, to produce, to make; to induce, to persuade. land-bandi, assessment of land according to the num- ber of ploughs employed on it. h. t—Oi) ^TT lamp, f. bound, leap, spring, h. ^y Idnch, a bribe. Idnch-khor, one who is bribed, one who takes suborning fees. d. \33'y ^TTtldndd (v. landurd), tailless, &c. h. Idndgd, m. a wolf. Idndgi, a she-wolf. h. "^XS Idnr, the j^cnis or viemhrum vhile. jum'e-rdt kd Idnr, a term applied to any thing used up, or unfit for service, h. «,* ( cilS^ ^t^ir lankj f. quantity, measure; the loins: bird-lime; chaff, h, ,JXJ^ 5^55 /an^fl?,m. a plough; the penis, s. tiilXj^ ^T^f^Teir langalik, m. a kind of poi- son, s. [^penis. a. J^^^ 5n^^ langul, m. a hairy tail; the U^^ ^TTRT IdnghJia, a. (v. phandna) to leap or jump over, &c. *. j'^'^'^law, ra. a rope for raising water from a well ; the cable of a boat ; adj. cutting down. Id.ii, one who brings, h, Ij^ ^I'cll Idwa, m. parched grain ; f. a sort of quail {Perdix chinentis). s. tj^\}*!^ 'i$ 1 4 l<35""ill Idrvd-luira, m. a talebearer, h. (,j»*j>-^*^ ^STTfW Idm-charas, irrigation by water raised from wells in the leather bag or bucket called charas. h. jLttj^ ^^^n^ Idrcsdw, m. profit, advantage, s. J jij^ ci&Nc^m ld,o-ld,o, m. covetousness, ava- rice j'^ oTRf^IIofi^ Idvanikl, If. beautiful, iJ,yy>j'^ oSH^Mirt Idvanyavatl,] lovely (wo- man) ; a female's name. «. *Jpj^ qSRIPI Idwanya, m. saltness, beauty, elegance, grace. «. [curftjVa lagenaria). s. jj^ ^R /auM, f. a pumpkin, a gourd {Cu- »j^ /aR'«, a jest, joke j game of tipcat, p. »^ I^T? ^o^» ™' a kind of cloth resembling gauze, h. 3i^ ^T15 /57i, m. advantage, welfare; lac. s. ^^ c^i^i /a^a, m. advantage, profit. 5. Oy&^ /fl/m<,the Divinity, the Divine Being, a.. j^y Idhaur or Idhor, the city and kingdom of Lahore, p, h. ijj^^*^ Idhaurl or Idhorl, of or relating to Lilhore. Idhori namak, rock salt from Lahore, h. p. j_^^ W^ ^«'"» f" name of a plant, h. t^>^ ^5T^ /a,i, f. sweetmeat, parched rice mixed with sugar. A. [ply. P. i^o^ ld,e, black mud, sediment j a fold or ^^ /a,lf3 libdh (pi. of ««jJuJ), the wise, the pru- dent, a. ^ f^SlffT iibhd, m. a slap, blow, buflPet. h. ii\jj lahbdd, a felt manufacturer, a. 8(>ljJ lubdda (also labdda), m. a wrapper, great coat, an outer garment, a. jUJ 5RR labdr, m. a liar, a talker, a babbler, h, jU) labdr, plunder, spoil, d, U^'U) labdrnd, a. to plunder, to spoil, d. (jij^ labdfi, f. a plunderer, a ravager. d. (^U) ?eJa5, m. apparel, garments, clothes, dress ; a veil ; forgery, a. ^_^ai libdsi, false, forged, counterfeit, a. ^^IjJ lab-d'lab, brimful, running over. p. j^U5 lubdn, frankincense, olibanum ; resin c^ the Boswellia serrata, Roxb. See As. Res., vol. ix. ; (at least in India) Benzoin, a. Ij^ lab-khd, m. a fop, a prig, a beau, lab- ihfl-pahhnd, a thorough fop, a regular exquisite, p. iJjJ libd, felt-cloth, lubad or lubhad, much wealth. jiiijJ ^J^r^ labddr, mud, thick mud formed by water flooding a stiflf" soil. h. ^1^ 553W labdh, gained, acquired, attained got. lubdh, covetous, greedy, deairons ; m. a lecber a libertine, s. Jx^S^ ^^"^yPT^ labd/ta-putr, an adopted son. «. VjULSTiiJ tp^-^nj labdh-chetd, recovered, re- stored to one's senses ; come to a right mind. $. ^^\liJbSx) ^qMQitf labhda-dds, a slave re- ceived as a gift or transfer. viliifc^i^ ^anR lubdhah, m. a hunter, a liber- tine, a rake, a whoremonger, a covetous or greedy man. s. [plasm. K j^m.Mi\\ labar-chatdyl or lahar- chatd.i, f. giving the breast to a child when it coutaSaa DO milk. h. J^ ( 641 ) OJ j^j^ <5^t^^T lahar-sahar or labar-sabar, m, tittle-tattle, nonsense. A. L^Ai»-^'jJ lahar-khanda, 'la mischievous child (^t^i-vjJ labdr-khandij (also labar-khon- "da). h. \j^jii labar-ghatta, '\ ( fastidious, g y»)*5k_^J (f&oftjTl^ lab-hs, naked, shapeless; f. flattery; h. j^UjJ lubnan, Mount Libanus. a. aJjJ Zi7)w^, a brick or tile; a mural quadrant, a. {jjJ ^5?^ labnt, f. the pot in which tart is " collected from the tree. h. U->^ Itibub (pi. of ilJ)f essences, &c. a. oV^jJ c5*TT»n liibhana, a. (v. lalchana) to allure, &c. <. w^jJ ^»q labhya, attainable, procurable. *. ^e^ lobe (for labbaih, q. v.), yes, sirj hey! p. " jj ^'t Zafei, f. the juice of the sugar-cane "when boiling into sugar, h. tiiju) 55^ labeda, m. a club, a cudgel, h. ]ja3 ^^U labera, m. name of a fruit (Cordia myxa). h. tiljuJ labbaih, what do you want with me ?. here I am; what would you have? Idbhaiki ijahat bolna, to depart this life (used in a serious and respect- ful manner), a, u-*3 q5"T lap, f. a handful, the space in the palm of the hand closed so as to hold water, h. u-*5 f^ fir lipi, f. writing, a written pap«r. s. U) ^5wn lappa, m. brocade, gold or silvi- cloth, h. jJ>'U cS'TlZ^ lapatl, f lying, tattling, h. luUl ^nnfTm lapdtiya, m. a tattler, a liar. h. UU) f^m"^T lipdna, a. to cause to smear or plaster, s. tiiiljJ ^TTI'T'F lapanah, slender, thin. h. ^^U f^T^ lipdyi, f. smearing, plastering. «. C^J f^TR Zrpf, besmeared, anointed ; conta- minated ; embraced, united, lupt, gone, lost, lupta- ta,f. disappearance, s. cILo) ^mz lapat, f. odour ; warmth, glow. A. l^ 55"'TJT /a/??a, m. a kind of molasses; rela- tion, connection; name of a grass {Panicum verticlllo- tU7n); (v. lapti), h. U\Ju5 f^q7T*n liptdnd,\n. to cling, to stick, let, J to fdna, lapatna), h. U^ f^Jtrj^T lipatnd, adhere (also lap- jUa5 fc^MdK lipta.,0, m. adhesion, h. ^_^ ^ latar-'patar, wet, soaked through, d. Jjj3 latra, a part, a fragment; a man ren- dered lazy by fat; adj. rent, torn; oid, base, vile. Intra, a tell-tale; adj. expelled, driven ofiF. p. {jj^ ^cITft latrt, f. an old shoe; a kind of vetch, h. \^ ^ftTcRT latika, f. a twining plant, a creeper.s. ISj'^jO f^Vji^ttil litharna, a. to draggle, h. j4^ ^Vf^ lathar, 1^ stiff, rigid, lathar-pathar, '■j^ ^VJi lathar,} besmeared witli mud, &c. ■o as to walk with difficulty, h. \3v^ ^vij*iT latharna or f^J^TTfTf litharna, n. to be draggled, h. ^j*^ ^V(JH1 latherna, a. to draggle or be- smear with dirt. h. i^ ^^ latt'i, f. the string of a child's top ; ~ a cloth tied to the end of a pole to direct the flight of pigeons ; a kick when swimming. latfi-k„ to run away, h, UD ^finn latiya, a person of bad habits, h. oUll) 55filI^»fT latiyana, a. to kick ; to beat. h. viL<3 557 lat, f. tangled hair, a clotted lock; a tadpole ; m. a blockhead, a fool ; fault, defect, lat-jana, to become entangled, lif, a kind of bread, h. \j3 5J7T lata, reduced (by sickness, &c.), lean, emaciated, h. JO 55]5T latta, a measuring rod or pole : twenty square latfds make a blghi, UjU) ^STT^nrr lata-pata, m. baggage, furni- ture, effects, h. [freebooter, d. \Xj^ lutard, m. a thief, a robber, a plunderer, 13U) f(^57T*n litdnd, a. to cause to lie, to lay down, to place, k. UU) ^S?nn lutdnu, a. to squander; to c«UM to plunder or be plundered, from lotna, to cxaaa to wallow or roll about, lufd-luta kar mSrni. to beat severely. A. [Stc k. 13. U5 f^5TTT»n litdrnd, a. (v. litand) to lay, (_j-*Ia) <^i\% lata,\, f. a kind of roller on which the string of a kite is wound, h. cLo.ciJ (f>mi lat-pat, staggering; tripping, stammering (from fear) ; folded, tangled, h. UbclJ (^iXii\ lat-patd, playful, innocent, wanton, frisky, humorous ; irregularly folded (a tor- ban), h. [trip. A. UUb.ciJ Q&JM^MI latpatdnd, n. to stagger, to j_^.cLJ oST^rt latpatl, f. stumbling, stagger- *"ing, swaggering, h. [plunder. «. (j**jd (iznlutas or luttas,m. ruin, devastation, i,dU) c^jdh' latah,f. resemblance; adj. hang- ing, dangling ; an aflPected motion in blandishment or coquetry, latak-chal, f. affected gait, coquetry, h. ^^ ^ToFT latkd, m. incantation, conjurin;.- rod, a philtre, a quack medicine or nostrum, h. 13\1a) QrT«irr*TT latkdnd, a. to hang, to make dangle, to suspend, h. [suspension, h. j^ <^imm latkdtv or latkd,o, m. hanging, (Jm ^STcJmT lathan, m. any thing hanging ; drops (worn in the ear) ; a fruit with which clothei are dyed yellow ; name of a handsome green bird which often remains hanging by the feet ; a stand for waterpots ; the drops of a crystal lustre, h. USo) ^JcFtn lataknd, n. to hang, to dnngle, to be suspended, h. /^ c^'^H latan, crop early sown, that is sown during the cold season, h. ^ tSZmlutnd,n. to be sacked or plundered. «. JD "^ lattu or luttu, m. a child's top. latti hona, n. to fall in love. h. 13LJ3 cSJMHI hitrvdnd (also lutwd-lend), to cause to be sacked or given up to plunder. *. \j^ "^^XJ latord,^ m. name of a bird, the \jyj}'^ZtT{latord,J butcher bird {Lanius). h. jc.»jO ^{O laturi,'\^. a small curl, lock, ring- ^cjyj q5^ latufi,} let. laturiydn, tangled short hair. h. [thrift. *. b »jO '^SZk^lutivaiyd, m. a plunderer, a spend- ,^ 5^7 lath, m. a stick, club, lath-bdz, a cudgel player, lafh-bazi, f. cudgelling, h. Iaji) ^Tilatthd, m. a beam, timber, h. ^ji5V^ (^i\f^iHlathd-latham,m.') mutual ^4^5 \^ a*A,wet,soaked through.*. 4^ ( 643 ) ''(Jv j^ ^5T^ latthar, f. slack, remiss, lazy. h. j~^ latlii or latthi, f. a staff, a cudgel, h. ^ll^A^Jki <^\. of «JL*j3 lisai), the gums, a. J lujj, the main ocean, an abyss a. I4- ^Wf Icijja, f. (v. laj) modesty, bashful- ness. lajja-han, ashamed, abashed, lajja-rahit, shame- less, \oid of shame, lajja-shil, bashful, of a modest disposition, lajja-htn, shameless, impudent, s. tll*>-\.:fc lajajat, f. importunity, adulation, a. jOUs. cTWnsn! lajja-hdr, 1 shameful, caus- (jfj^lrf (^-nilohlO lajjd-kdri,J ing or occa- sioning shame (also lajja-kar). $. yW c5*ri^ lajdlu, m. the name of a sensitive plant {Mimosa natans or pudica) ; adj. bashful, t. A^ Iqjdm, m. (v. lagdm) a bridle, a.p, j^Uvsfi-cjjTillHItf Zaj;/a-maM,abashed,ashamed.s. 'o^ ^JJV| |«1T lajdndf n. to be ashamed or abashed, to blush, s. Oyl* 9"^ I fj-^TT lajjdn7vitA ashamed, abash- ^^\jl*: ^TijIRTfT hjjdwdn, \ ed, modest, j_I.l^ oTSSn^Tft Ifijjdwatl, J bashful. 5. ^.l^: c^vlNfll lajd-rvanit, f. the sensitive " plant (v. lajaUi). . [ashamed. «. LLa^ ^TWff l({ij^t or f<5^rf lajjat, abashed, \^.K:s: oSsfcirTftoFT laj-kdrikd, f. the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica). s. — ^ J ^TiT^rrsr Inj-ldj, name of the inventor of chess (according to the Arabs) ; an instructor in gam> bling. s. Us^ ^»T^»n lujlujd or c^9lc!&^l lajlajd, clammy, viscous, glutinous. A, lil:s^^ Q5»lQ5»rRT lajlajdjid, n. to become soft- ened ; a. to soften, h. j^U* Qr35!»?T*T lajjamdn, being ashamed, s. ul»-rfc '^«I« ^' modesty, bashfulness. ». 13 U4: ^ftnntn lajiydnd, n. to blush, to be ashamed, s, ^^ cJiOc^l lajlld, bashful, modest, s. J cT^ Zi/c/i, pui-e, mere, stark naked, luch' ^bahadur, a vagabond. luch-fan, m. libertinism, rakishness. h. ^ o5irT luchchd, m. a vagabond, a libertine, a rake, a profligate, a bankrupt ; adj. low, mean. h. \s. lachchd, a kind of ornament for the neck worn by women. A j^»- lahad, f. a niche in the side of a sepulchre in which dead bodies are diposited ; (in Hindustan) a place where the dead are washed, a. )a^ lahz, looking through half-shut eyes. a. &la^ lahzUf m. a fnoment, the twinkling of an eye ; a look, a glance, a. ^ lahm, m. flesh, meat ; solder j adj. car- ' nivorous. a. [lation. a. ^J^ lahn, f. a sound, a note; melody, modu- dAA» lihyat or lihya, beard, moustaches. li^yatu-t-tais, goat's beard, the name of a certain herb Hypastes). a. 0- J luM, a flag, a reed. p. cl^ifc laMt, lu. a piece, bit, part, portion, some, a little, somewhat. laMitiJigar, a piece of one's liver (generally applied as an expression of endearment to a child), p. Jii» laMlttkh) weak, lean, feeble. 9. \sr^ lahhlakha, [odour, perfume; a cephalic «i^ lakhlakJia,^ medicine; a censer in which to burn odours, p. Vili^ lakhlakhana, n. to be starved, to be so reduced by hunger as to be unable to move. d. \yS^ ^5^»n laddna, a. to load. h. ^^jJ ^iW ladaiv, m. a load; an arched roof or terrace, h. [loading, h. \Sx^^^ myti^y lad phanda, m. packing and k^ ladghf [sting of a scorpion, bite of a &P^ lad^a,j snake, a. Oii3 ^^^}ladna, n. to be loaded, to be laden. lad-lend, to load one's self, to mount (a horse, &c.). h. «4i3 ^ ladduy m. (also laddu) a kind of sweetmeat, made of sugar with cocoa-nut kernel rasped, and cream, and formed into balls, man ke la^di kkanS, to build castles in the air. fhag Tee laddu kha baithna, to be distrHcted, foolish, or intoxicated (spoken of one who talks or acts absurdly in oppo- sition to his usual good sense. The allusion is taken from the notorious fhags, who join a party of travellers, J-' embling, fear, terror, p. and having got into their confidence, entertain tb«ra with sweetmeats impregnated with datura or other in toxicating drug, that they may murder and rob them with impunity while under its stupifying influence), h. ^ij"^ cpq'fiii ladwdnd, to cause to load. h. ^i^ (C«b|«n ladduky m. a kind of sweetmeat, a ball of flour fried with oil or ghl, and mixed with sugar and spices, h. j jj lazzat, f. pleasure, enjoyment, delight, flavour, deliciousness, taste, savour, sweetness, /of- Sat-ydb, obtaining pleasure, a. i^^.tSJ iaziz, delicious, pleasant, delightful sweet, savoury, luscious, a. ^^^ ^r§T larchha, rn. a skein. A. y qTC lar, a measuring rod for the measure- ment of land ; 400 square lars make a bighd. h. J J larz, \jj larzd ^»)\jjj5 larzan, trembling, fearing, p. ^]L^ l^^^and, a. to cause to shake, quiver, ttf^ P' [quivering, p. {J>*jJ larzish f. shivering, quaking, trembling, by) laraznd, n. to shake, to quiver, to trem- ble, p. h. [quake; tremor, p. IjJ larza, m. shaking, shivering ; an earth- gTy) larziyf. an ague, the cold it of an ague, p, ici'^-jJ larzidan, n. to tremble, to shiver, p. IjjjJ f^ST^ lirwd or liru,d, rice straw (espe- cially such as is fit for fodder), h. 'j) ^ lar, f. a string (of pearls, &c.), a thread, a row ; a strand of a rope or cord ; a party, lar ««• rdhna, to be in one's party. /*. \^ qSTT lara, (in comp. with a numeral) string or thread, as ek-lafd, of one string ; do-lard, of two,&c. *. ti3^ ^5T1^ /a/-aA,) quarrelsome,contentious, ol^ ^TST^irT /araAa, J pugnacious; a good fighter ; (in Dakh.) lafdUi. t. ij''p\'p oTJT^ft lard-lart, mutual quarrel- ling, s. h. [to bait, to play. «, U^j5 (;j&'j|f1l lardnd, a. to make fight, to fight, oo\^ C!&|i«(il laranha, quarrelsome, conten- tious, s. (/^^■;5 55?T^ lard,i, f. battle, quarrel, war, fign . lard,i-k., to war, to fight, s. ^jbj5 ^TTT^qST larhdrvld, mad, foolish, h. •jiji ri>i^i Inrhar, stammering ; reeling, h. 1/^j^ ^?3?' lurburd, rash, inconsiderate; mt'ddlesume intrusive, h. ■'i w jV^ ^4^il<11 larharma, n. to stutter, to stammer ; to reel, to stagger, h. Oj;) larat, quarrelling, strife, contest, d Oj5 ^^«M lurha, m. a Hindii ornament worn in the ears. h. »*'5 ^jehl larka, m. a boy, child, infant, babe. larJid-bdld, m. a child, larka-lafkt, boys and girls, children, s. (^.o]P <35scftm«T larka-pan, m. childhood, s. Jy OjJ lar-hakul, name of a mountain tribe ia Chattisghar. h. {J^^j- Q5TflIfT^ZarAa,t, f. childhood, boyhood ; the being of a child or boy. t. ^iXJuiJj) ^5^^% larak-huddhij f. childish- ness, the wisdom of a child, t. ^^cJJ^ ^5T«R'T«T larak-pan, m. childhood. 5. ^];4^^yf^rRT larkharana, 1 to stutter, to j4v^ cjJi^siiHI larkkardnaj stammer; to stagger, to trip. h. \Jj^j> ^fi^!^ lur-khufi, f. rolling ; flattery, coaxing, wheedling, h, l^^J <^i^H1 lurakhna, n. to roll, to fall (or roll) off, to slip, to slide, h. j_/j5 c!js«(0 ZarAi, f. a girl, a damsel, a " daughter. #. [fighting, batUing. *. I3j;5 K9St\\ larna, n. to fight, to quarrel ; ni. 13^ lurna (also lirna), to wallow, welter, grovel (v. lurhna). d. Cx>j) ^i*^ larant, contentious, quarrelling ; f. fighting, contending, t. bjj) larwaiya, one who seeks combat, a quarrelsome, combative person, d, W'ji ^5^ larha, m. a cart. h. ^W'p \^^\A\ lurhana, a. to roll over, to upset, s. Uxfcj) c|?cfi«f! lurhakna,\n. to roll, to be Ufc^ (^d«1l lurhna, J tossed about, to be upset. «. jJfrjJ ^5^ ZarAt, If. a small cart, a sled or ^';p '^S^mlarhiyaJ sledge, h. 'JjOji (^OSMI lurhiya, f. (v. lorha) a pestle, &c. ^ liUjfcj^ ^r^4||«fl lurhiyana, also Q&rjJ3 lazujat, f. tenacity, adhosivoness. (7. A«jJ Zu2;Mm, m. expediency, npcopsity, behov- ing, what is requisite, a. ( 645 , ly (j^ q5^ /as, m. tenacity, viscosity, glutinous^ ness. las-ddr, viscous, glutinous, clammy. Uu-d&ri, {, tenacity, viscosity, glutinousness. s. cLJ lassd', stinging (as a scorpion, &c.). a. ^^LJ lisdn, f. the tongue, language, idiom, dialect, lisanu-s-saur, bugloss, borage, lisanu-l-hta- mal, plantain, lisanu-l-'asafir, the seed of the ash- tree, lisanu-l-kalh, the herb dog's tongue {Cynoglos- sum). lassdn, very eloquent, a. ^L*«J lassatii, "1 f. eloquence, elocu- tlAJol-dJ lassaniyat,) tion. a. C1a*J cjjfflfT lasit, seen, evident, obvious, t. UCJ (^^chtfl lasaknd, n. to become viscous, to become moist (or stiff) as a field, h. ^(jJ <$'Mc$^l las-lasd, viscous, clammy, ad- hesive, s. C.>LmLJ laslasdt, clamminess, viscosity, d. uLJ(jJ ^THonrRT laslasdnd, n. to be clammy or glutinous, to agglutinate, a. ^'UU*J lasmdmdtl (v. lashmdmdti). h. ^JuJ ^5^r»n lasnd, n. to become, to befit ; to shine. Biharl Lai says : Sakhi sohat gopal he ur gunjan Jcimdl; hdhar lasat hiye mano ddbanal hi jwal ; "Oh my friend ! that necklace of the seeds of «6r«* adorns the breast of 6ropa/ ; it appears opposite to hi» li'.ut like the flame of a fire which consumes the forest." (A speech of Rddhd, in. the Salsa'i, on seeing Krishna wear such a necklace, the work of her rival. She compares it to fire, both from the colour and the effect which the sight Of it has on her bosom), s. ]j*^-wJ QSTTtST lasord or f^S'RiTF lisaurd, m . n n ni of a glutinous fruit (Cordia myxa). hafd lasord {Cor- dia latifolia, Roxb.). t. -<«3 ^5Wt lassiy milk and water, h. ObuJ c^Oh^MI lasiydnd, a. to be viscous, to be clammy, s. Ji-i^. JLiJ (;^9I guage of the law it signifies testimonies confirmed by oath on the part of a husband and wife (whose testi- mony is strengthened by an imprecation of the curse of God on the part of the husband, and the wrath of God on the wife), in case of the former accusing the latter of adultery, a. U;^ lab, m. playing, a play, a game, sport. lab' lagf^w, play and trifling, a, a^Xfi la'bat or lu'batf f. a puppet, a doll, a plaything, /a* Jo^6a^, a player of puppets, la'bat- bSzl, f puppet-playing ; any theatrical entertainment, a. ^y^ la'l, m. a ruby; any bright gem; (met.) the lips of a mistress, p. A«3 la' It, 1 of a ruby colour, set with rubies; {:X^ lalin,) a kind of flower, p. ^^ Id'n, f. cursing, imprecating, la'n ta^n, f. cursing and taunting, a. C^x n) la'nat, f. an imprecation, curse, la'nat ba-hech, (lit. nothing to swear at) so so, better than bad. la'nat karna, to curse. ^^^illw la'nati, cursed, one under a ban. a. ^^ la'uk, an electuary, any medicine to be licked or sucked, a. tjr^ la'in, accursed, execrable, detested. shaitani la'in, the execnble Satan ; the arch-fiend, a U5 lagha, blundering, committing mislakes in speech, a. [&c. <,, OUJ luffhat (pi. of CL>^, q. v.), languages, *U5 laghdm, f. (v. lagam), a bridle, &c. p. Kl/Ji lughat, f. tongue, speech, dialect, lan- guage ; dictionary, glossary ; a word. a. JiJ laghz, a slip, a stumble, a fall. p. yi) luffhaz or hiffhz, m. any ambiguous phrase, an enigma, a riddle, a. fjfj/^ lajiltzdn, slipping, stumbling, p. (^Jm laghzish, f. a slip, a stumble, an crror.p. ^liJjij laghzidan, to slip, to stumble, p. yu laghv or la gh o, preposterous, contempti- ble, absurd, false, a. \^^ lughawi, linguistic, lughanii via'nt, the verbal or literal sense of a passage, e. Cl.>b^ laghwiydt (pi. of {jy^), inconsiderate or vain words, nonsense, a. 1^ laghl, any thing rashly spoken, an ab- " surdity, nonsense, a, OU«5 laghi7/dt(jp\.of ^^), vain words, foolish speeches, absurdities, h." 1— ft) laff, m. involving, folding, twisting, com* plicating, joining, assembling, mixing, a. J»la3 Iqffaz, extremely eloqi^ent. a. ,^\si^ laffdzi, f. eloquence, oratory, a. jkiliJ Ufa/a, m. a cover, envelope, enclosure, a wrapper, outward case, lifafa-k., to wrap up, to en- close s. [expression, a. lafl) lafz, m. a word, a saying, a phrase, an UaaJ lafzan, literally, explicitly, distinctly, a. j^^iflJ lafzi, of or relating to a word or pro- "onnclation ; verbal, a. ^^fl>Q^ lafif, a promiscuous multitude, a friend or acquaintance ; adj. collected indiscriminately from all parts, a. \SJ likd, f. act of meeting, seeing or fighting with any one; (met.) death; the face, form, visage, countenance. Uika, a roguish fellow ; adj. vain. IdkTfii, m. a kind of pigeon, a, OIa) lakdtf lean, infirm (Pers. oK)). a. \^^\ lakab, m. a title, surname or epithet (either honourable or opprobrious), a. ^^IrfOfl) luksan, a vulgar but common corrup- tion of nukfdn, q. v. d, [strays, a, aJaS) lukta, m. treasure trove, waifs and ^IH) Idklak, m. a stork (also laglag). a. aiSJiaJ laklaka, m. the voice of a stork; a con- tinual motion of the jaw or of the tongue (in serpents) ; eloquence, pronunciation, a. ^^VJi) luhmdn, a famous eastern fabulist (sup- posed to be the same as .£Bop). a. &^ lukma, m. a morsel, mouthful, sop. a. 4,^f^^>»fl) luhma-parhezi, f. a bigoted or superstitious prejudice, real or affected, against certain common articles of food, entertained by some as a token of great piety and devotion: this absurd affec- tation is sneered at by Hafiz, in one of his odes. St Paul condemns tliis piece of bigotry ( 1 Timothy iv. 3){ and Hudibras has a fling at the luhna-parhez gentry of his times, who, as he sayeth, " Quarrel with mince-pyes and disparage Their best and dearest friend plum-porridg«^ Fat pig and goose itself oppose, And blaspheme custard thro' the nose." — (B.) a.p> ( 647 ^^isi luknaii, m. a stutterer, one who stam l^tiUH) Zu^anc^ra, m. a scam p, profligate, cheat. A. ^jiij Jj) lahk o ddkk, waste, dreary ; a desert, a. tyii lakrva, m. a spasmodic distortion of the face. a. JaAfi) lahit, a foundling child, a. i^J ^5«ir luk, m. a falling star, a meteor. ». uiU ^cItZm/c, m. varnish, a. k. tdU Q5«li lak, a hundred thousand. /). s. o^ fc^Sil Zi/tAa, f. a nit, a young louse, lakka, a piece, a lump. h. OJ 3nKT ZmAo, hidden, concealed, h. 13KJ '(^cfMI luhana, a. to hide, to conceal, h. t^yi^^ ^«hl%('H' Inkanjan, an ointment, by applying which to a man's ejes he is said to become invisible, s. ^j w ^nirnnn lukdwand, a. to conceal, h. ^J^>^ lak-patt, rich ; a millionaire, rf. Ll/Wljkx) laid a-la gat, successively, one aftei' another, d. jjX) (^oliiO lahti, the total rent of a property " or an estate (v. jam'-handl). h. cIA) ^oR lakut, m. a staff, stick, club. h. S^'^W^lakach ov^^mlahuchj m. a species of ^the bread-fruit tree {Artocarpus lacucha) ; also likuch. h, liio lahadj f. a kick, a cuff, a blow, p, pi 55«F? lakar, m. wood, a cudgel, beam, bar. Idkar-bdz, a cudgel-plajer. lakaf-hdzt, f. cudgel- playing, fencing, lakaf-hdrd, a wood-cutter, or seller of wood. h. Vv5J ^ySRTT lakrd, m. a hyena ; a large beam, wood, lakfa lagna, affliction to happen, h. .»^.v5o ^!WT^tXlahar-phor,in.a woodpecker./t. CJjA^o ^cFT3Fl7/aAar-^o/, m.a stockade, h. {jyi qJoF^ lakri, f. wood, a staff; (met.) adj. stiff, h. [sand. 5. jjSio ^"EJ lalish, m. a lak, one hundred thou- CL^ZJ^ ^flSfiT lahshit, seen, marked, s. ^.«w^5J qS'^I'TT!! lakshman, the son of Dasha- rath, tlie half brother and faithful companion oiRdtna.s. fOt^**^ ^5"^ lahshml, f. (v. lachhmt) fortune, ■*&c. lakshml-wdn, prosperous, beautifuL *, ^o-S^ 9'^4!J lakshan, m. (v. lachhan) a mark, &c. <. JUbSiO ^JT5fl lahshya, to be seen or noted j m. a mark, a sign, a butt ; a lak. «, \jji uii) lak karnd, a. to cleanse, to purify, d. IL)(^)l^ lak-lak-karnd, to shine, to glitter, to twinkle, d. ) 4^-^4^ OoJiJ laklakdnd, n. to gasp or pant (with heat or thirst), d. cLj^J^ laklot (v. lakk-lut), extravagant, wasteful, d. [oealed. h, UxJ ^c|;«^T hiknd, n. to lie hid, to be con- ViS^Okx) Zw/mai, speaking a barbarous language ; stuttering, a. [gate. h. ]j(iJio ^^1^1 lukandrd, m. a rake, a profli- ^4^ fi^H^ likhd, m. f. that which is written (on the forehead) ; fate, predestination, destiny ; any thing written, s. [thousands, p. l^ q5^ (Pers. pi. of diJ), hundreds of ]y^\^ii lakkhd-besrvd, name of a cunning courtesan mentioned in the Gul. Bakawall. h. 13^x5 f^WRT likhdna, a. to get written, to cause to be written ; to teach to write, t. .1.^ Q5^T3i lakhd,u, significant, perceptible. lakhd,o or lal-haw, m. act of seeing or perceiving. «. ^y^ f^y^R Uhhdm, m. ^aet of writ- cLjjI^ f^<3'l'^7 Ukhdwat, f. J ing s. (^^.pI^xJ f^TOT^ likhd,l, f. the wages of writing ; the labour of writing ; the art or business of writing. «. C^x^ ^Wlfff lakh-pati,\m. rich, prosper- iS^^ ^S^^rft lakk-pati, J ous, master of " a lakh, or, as we say, " worth a plum ;" " a millionaire,"*, CIa^ f^^H lihhat, m. f. a letter, missive writing ; scripture, any thing written, *. C^^W f^'IsTif likkit, written, delineated, $. cL^xJ^W f^^ii likk-tang, m. writing, paper, a deed or document, s. ciJ^So 55^q57 lakh-lut, extravagant, a spend- thrift (lit. squanderer of a lakh), s. Xi\^,^ "^ii^^Xm lakhlakhana, n. to gasp, or pant with heat or thirst (as birds). A. [out. k. Ua),i^) f^!^^^'^^l^kh-lend,Q.Ao copy, to write ^^i^Sj f^^*T likhan, m. f. writing in general, any written document ; scripture ; fate, destiny, s. li^ foS^tfT likhnd, a. to write, to paint or delineate, lakhnd, a. to see, to look at; to under- stand ; n. to disappear, s. [destiny, t. ^^^ q5^»1 lakhan, m. (for lakshan) a mark; c:^U^ f^5^»iT //7f Aa/j<,m,predestination,fate.«. y^*i^^^ lakhnau, the capital of Oude. h. ^ JkAM 9^^ti^rt^ lakhnauti, name of an an- " cient city in the north of Bengal, now in ruina, h. jMW f^y^*ft likhni, f. a pen ; aho used as ** a declinable passive partiiciple, as jo chifhi likhnt ihi, the letter which was to have been written, " qu« epi- fltola scribenda erat." likhni-das, a writer, amanuen«i* copyist, quill-driver, s TTl ^^^ ( 648 ; •^ \S\»^ fgM^ I I Tn likhrvana, a. to cause to be delineated or written out ; to cause (one's picture) to be drawn, s. l^'^^ 55^ZT lakhauta, besmeared with lack. lalchauta-k., to smear with lack, to glaie. •• U^ ^f^Tn lakhiya, xn. one who sees, a spectator, s. ];i4^ ^rwn lakhera, m. a varnisher. h. ^ K$tTJT lag-hhag, close, near, about, almost, by, thereabout, h, CiJj lagat, at that very instant, d. CIaxJ (jiOiH Z«^<7,connected with, attached to.s. U3 oSTin lagtd, m. also lagti, f. assessment or stipulated rent of land. h. jUuJU oTTTmrT'C lagtdtdr, continual, succes- sive, without intermission, h. p. cXJIIO lagtd-lagat, repeatedly, in sion, one after another, d. jJUU lugtl (v. luhatt), a pokor. d. liU-cf^ ^f\ ^ <^m lag-ckalnd,io follow closely ; to court one's friendship, h. _f-' ^5^ lagur, 1 m. a staff, stick ; an iron *pl5 WSk lo-9'^T>i ^^i or one bound with Iron, lagur-hast, armed with a stick. /(. succes- jO ^571^ lagar, a species ot hawk. A. \j)j^ lagrdnd, to cause to rub. d. \3jO lagarnd, to rub. lagar-kar mdmd, to give a violent beating, d, tlACJ '^JT^jylaglag (same oslaklak) a stork. A. ^;0 ^TR lagan or q5^ lugna, m. f. a mo- ment ; the rising of a sign of the zodiac or the sun'i entrance into it ; friendship, love ; espousal, appointing the day of marriage ; m. a large flat copper basin ; adj. attached to, joined to, intent on. lagan-kundali, a cir- cle for a horoscope ; (in Dakh.) same as tak or lag, up to. s. ijXJ (^iMl lagnd, n. to be applied, fixed, at- tached, to be close to, to touch, to come in contact witli, to attain, to reach, to join; to be, to belong, to become, to suit ; to begin (when accompanied with the inflected infinitive of another verb) ; to happen, to befall, to seem, to taste ; to be connected with, to re- gard, lag-rdkna, to continue without interruption, to continue fixed, laga-rahna, to be occupied or busy in. «. U£3 oSitfT lagnd, m. a bard, a panegyrist, s. l^^O Q&Jl^l lagu,dj m. a paramour, s. \J\Jl3 Q&JNl*|l lagwdnd, a. to cause to be at- tached, applied, fixed, or fastened { to eaiue to be laid out or planted (an orchard), t. j^jJU la gun, (pame as lag) up to, as far as. d. „^Ji 'i^^ laghu, light, not heavy, small, mean, low, short (as a vowel), laghu-bele, adv. shortly, la- ghuta, f. lightness, meanness, laghu-cheta, low-minded, frivolous, laghu-dlth, short-sighted, laghu-dnnduhhl, m. a small kettledrum, laghu-garg, m. a kind of fish {Pimelodus ?) laghu-mans, m. the francoline partridge. laghu-mitr, m. a friend of little value, laehii-mul, (in alg.) the least root with reference to the additive quantities. ». ^^3yD ^JJ^'l lagunhdn, thickly set, conti- nuous ; pleasing, beautiful, delightful, alluring. «. •^XJ ^T^ laghu, short, laghu-bele, shortly. laghu-dlfh, short-sighted. laghu-Jcaran, m. reducing in weight or consequence ; thinking little of. «. Ajb\^^^ ^"m^nC laghwdhdr, temperate in eat- ing, h. ij^ ^5"rt laggi, f. a pole, a staff, gibstafi". h. Ol*jj3 lage-hdt, together with, just after, immediately upon. d. ^ ^SqH laid, ra. a boy. h. c!I->^ ^5^5TJ laldt,\tn. the forehead ; fate, des- y^ laldr, J tiny, fortune (also lildt, lilaf). *• \a5o J^ oS^zt^ laldt-rekhd, f. a line on the forehead, supposed to indicate long life, a coloured sectorial mark on the foreheai *. Ki^ ^5QJTf7''irf laldtilid, f. an ornament worn on the forehead, a mark made with sandal on th« forehead. *. V3^ f^S^JRl lildndy n. to long for. A. ^ ( 649 ) lij «UkJ\^i3>^ *JJ li-lahizl-hamd rvarl-minna, to Qod be praise and tbanksgivlog. a. CL^ ^Pc^ii lalit, f. a name of a ragini or mu- •ical mode ; adj. beautiful, lovely, a. ^ ^jSPc^SriT lalita, f. a woman in general ; a wanton. *. 'iljs^ &Q&c|iR lalkar, bawling, calling, h. ^X^ .^ c jigf^ M ^"^ lallo-paHo, m. wheedling, coaxing, flattering, adulation, h. iP ^5^ f^l^, f- ^ girl ; adj* impotent. A. ^VjJ3 (jircj^HH I Inliydnd, a. to coax, to wheedle, to beg earnestly ; to redden. A. J f^ lim, f. unjust censure, calumny ; indi- cation, trace, h. UJ i^sm lamhd, long, tall, lambd-k., to lengthen, to extend; to beat, to drub. «. U^lfJ lambdrd, a wandering tribe who deal in grain, salt, &c. (v. hanjara), h. ^^UJ l^raTtf lambdn, m. length, s. oUJ c^UMI lamhdnd, a. to lengthen, s. ,jAx^ Kii*A \ \ lambdyi, f. length, lambdji "chaura.t, f. size, length and breadth ; (met.) pomp. t. Ll*f»J ^ffeiT lambit, suspended, hanging, s. jfj ^^ lambar, fox (v. lomri). h. I^jO ^yferan lambikd, f. the uvula, a. maJ ^ra lambu (v. lambd), long, tall, &c. «. C«>*f»^ lambot, m. a longboat, ship s boat. e. \^ ^) T^txrt lambhd, m. hare, a rabbit ; f. a sort of chain enclosure or fence, h. L^jJ "9^ /am&t, f. long, tall; a kind of "bounding pace in a horse. Iambi satis bharnt (lit. to fetch a long sigh), to regret, to lament, lambi-k., a. to make a horse capriole, or throw out bis forelegs, s. U^^,UfJ oSftnTTofi^fn lambiydn'h., a. to prance, s. [mongei-. t, ci^Ji J f^WR limpat, m. a lecher, a whore- <-ii^J "^PP^Z lampat, false, lying; dissolute, reprobate ; m. a libertine, a lecher, kachh lampaf, incontinent, dissolute, lewd. s. liiji-J <^*MiA\ lampattd, f. libertinism, dis- soluteness. *. idJ^\ji^ lamtardng (v. lambd), long, &c. d. ldJL»J lam-tangd, long-legged, spindle- shanks, h. [musket, h, j^(*^ oSTStf lam-chhar, f. a long kind of Vj'^ J c^H^^I lam-chhard, tall, long. h. &*r lamha, m. a moment, minute, glance, or twinkling of an eye. lam^a-lam^a, every moment constantly, perpetually, h. jj ilj Zam-c?o?*, strings or cords used in fishing.c?. i^J lams, m. the touch, feeling, handling ; the sense of feeling. *. OUJ lamdt (pi. of eu«J), rays of the sun. a. ftxj /rtm'a, m. splendour, brilliancy; shining, glaring; the glare of the sun. a. ^»J f^H tn. a hare, a rabbit. $, l^jJJ qTSTT lambhd, J ^^ li-man, to whomsoever, to whom, li-man al-mulk, he to whom is (or belongs) the kingdom, a. j^ ^IT lamhar, a tree that has sprung up of itself in a cultivated field, and which the cultivator may legally cut down. h. bu3 ^T lambd, long, tall (v. ^). s. ^jUiJ <^^"R lambdn, length, tallness. «. O^aJ lambot (v. 0_jf»J) a longboat, e. ^Ir'liP /an-^ara-ni, f. (for Za-an ^ • >5 ^ lanr, m. (same as land) the penis, u. ^-i)jJ ^rn ///w/f, f. the reins, the loins ; m. a heap, abundance, h. KjJ 55^ lanha, f. the capital of Havana, in Ceylon ; the name is also applied to that island, s. ij,l^jUA>Oa} ^^TTTUA lanka-sthayi, m» a plant {Euphorbia tirucalli). $. \^.ouJ ^TlfTftRiT lanhayika, If. a plant {Tri- oJ^xi) ^T^FMcKT lankopika,) gonella corni- eulata). s. idXiJ lung, m. a cloth worn between the legs. lung marna, to tie on the lung, long, lame ; m. limp- ing, lameness, p. i-L^ f<3i^ ling or /m<7a, m. a sign, a token ; membrum virile, a priapus ; the emblem of Mahadeva ; the phallus ; (in gram.) gender of nouns. *. ^J>■^S^ fc^^l'^lll lingarchchan, m. worship of the linga, s. [neitm. h. ^ ^'R langar, m. the raphe of the /?m- .Cj3 langar, m. an anchor ; a stay or rope for supporting a tent; an almshouse; the plaits of a robe; adj. worthless, mean, langar utiiana, to weigh anchor; to feed the poor, or raise an almshouse to give a feast to the poor, langar par lionti, to be at anchor, langar- l[hana, an almshouse, an asvhini for the poor and des- titute. laiigar-Jcharcli, provisions or expfu.ses for the support of the poor, langar-dalnd or -kamd, (in Pera.) -nihadan, to cast anclior. p. ^^Aj^^ C^'Kl^ langra,i, f. worthlessness. h. eJ^yJ^ langar-khana, m. an hospital, au almshouse, an asylum for the poor. p. l5>^ ^^^ lawdhik (pi. of j3*"^)> servants, do- mestics, followers, dependants, family, a, Mj^yi lawdzim, 1 (pi. of **3^), necessary a*:!^ lawdzima,} things, requisites, essen- tials, s. i^\^ ^rrnir lavdk, m. a sickle, a reaping- hook. *. [cure. h. li^l^ f^RT^5T»n liwd'ld7id, a. to bring, to pro- \j\^ f^T^RT liwdnd, a. to cause (one), to take or receive, s. [hook. «• i^Xi\^ ^^|4U4 lavdnak, m. a sickle, a reaping- b J lobd, a kind of bean. p. ^2f^^ cjJ^fR lobdti (for lubdn), m. a kind of gum, incense, benzoin, a. h, ^J,^^ lobdnt, milk-white, lobdni 'ud, the ** vrhitest sort of benzoin, a. h, ^y^ qS^H lohh, m. avarice, covetousness ; temptation, lobh-mohit, deluded by avarice. /oM- virah, free from cupidty. t. U^^ Qft>T«TT lobhndy.n. to be enamoured, s. T-jl ( 651 ) tj) (tf^^J ^^ lohht, covetous, avaricious, arth- "lobhi, greedy of gain ; a name given to a jackal ia one of the fables in theAkhldJci Hindi, s. IjL)^ ^ "^r^M T lobiya, m. a kind of bean (Do- lichos sinettsis). p. ^^ ^ft«r lop, ra. rejection, cutting off in ge- neral ; a term in grammar for dropping letters or syllables ; disappearance, erasure, s. Lfji^ ^TjTt lopri, f. a lump of any thing moist; a poultice composed of flour, turmeric, and oil or clarified butter, h. li>y ISTiTT lutd, f. a spider ; local inflammation produced by the urine of a spider. *. ^^ '^(^loth or luth, f. a corpse, a dead body. h. ^^ ^Tt^ lotha, m. a bag, a sack, a stupe, h. W5^ ^V|0 lothra, ui.1 a lump of flesh (also {jj^^ oSt^rtt lothri, f. J lothra and lothft). s. je^j^ ^rt^ lotht, f. a staff", club (knotted), h. C->^ "^Z taut, m. turning over, inverting} returning, h. cL>^ 5^ lut, f. plunder, pillage, booty, lut- bdz, a plunderer, murderer, lut-p^f' ^- plunder and sacking, luf-kauf, f, plundering and ravaging, t. CL>^ Q?t7 lot, I m. a pot, a pipkin, a water- w^ qSItT lota,) ing-pot. h. jjs^Uji ^y>^ ^^ i^t^-lut, ■ sacking, pil- ^Jyi^^ ^7T^ lutd-lutt, J laging. ». ^V^^ Q^TRT lautd7id, a. to turn over, to in- vert; to turn back, to return, to give back, to reject, h. (j^^^ ^Z\%lutd,l, f. plunder, pillage.booty. A. tli^bci^^ lut-pdt, plundering, pillaging, d. O^cLj^ ^ ^ftTJT lotan, m. tumbling, tossing about j a kind of pigeon, tumbler ; a bush. *. OJ^ ^Z ^J lotnd, n. to wallow, to roll about, to sprawl, lotnd-potnd, n. to wallow, to turn or roll over, laupid, to turn over; to turn back, to return, h. \yi^ c5T?n lutnd, a. to plunder; to squander, s. l^^ lautkd, m. a young man. d. ^yi c|rt lutl, 1 m. a plunderer, a mounted (xi^ r^^m i lutiyd,] rohher,VL pindhdi-i. luii' Xdld, a man who lives by robbery, h i^^ laus, m. contamination, pollution, deflie* ment, impurity : in law it denotes blood-stains, bx., so as to constitute circumstantial evidence agaicsi a suspected murderer, a. ^^ Z«cA,squint-eyed ; naked (Fr."louche ?*").^' U-^ q5^ lochd, ^m. (v. lothra) a lump (^5-^ ^NcR lochak,) of flesh, a ball of meat ; stibium, or lamp-black. A. {j^_^ ^yt^TT lochan, ra. the eye. s. i^^ lochan or lochun, m. filings, powder, h ^^ oTt^RT locJiand, m. a lump of flesh (v lochak). ^Usj. J ^S^^nriTT lochandmay, m. diseased "affection of the eye, ophthalmia, s. KJLS^f^^ ^^ffcirll? lochan- 1 m. name o' karkat, [mastak, r a flower <-i)CL«*c^^^ gyt^«W^cr«ir lochan- J Celesia crittata). s. -^ lauh, m. a plank, a table, a board or tablet on which any thing is written, lau^ Jcalam, the tablet and pen on and with which the decrees of the deity are written, iawji malffus, the eternal or pre- served tablets, on which, according to the Musalmans, God has recorded from the beginning all the actions of the human race. a. Jbi^ '^'^ lodh, 1m. a kind of medicine; a J>iji'^mlodhr,) tree the bark of which is used in dyeing {Symplocos racemosa). t. Ubi^ ^ftVT lodhd, ] m. name of a caste or ^J>^^ (55^ lodhl, y tribe whose occupa- Cjfciijj ^"tfV'IT lodhiyd,] tion is agriculture ; a. husbandman, h. tj5 #x: lor, m. (v. lolah^ an earring ; a tear. s. ^j^ ?SrCt lurii f. a kind of parrot (v. nuri). h. ^J^.j^ luriydn, name of a mountainous tribe in Persia, p. \j^ 5^^ laurd, m. membrum virile, s. \ibj^ ^Z\ lorhd, m. a stone pestle with which materials are triturated on a stone. *. J^ lauz, m. an almond; a kind of sweetmeat, s, Ob;^ Zat^s«?/a«,sweetmeats in which almonds are mixed, s. (^j**^ laus, m. taste, tasting, s. cL^Ji»^ ^ losht or ^1 loshtu, ra. a clod, a lump of earth ; rust of iron or iron-filings, losht- may, made of a clod, or of earth. 1*^5 lut the patriarch Lot. laut, m. any thing agreeable to the heart, an inclination, affection; a cloak; a man expert and expeditious in busmess ; joining, bringing together (friends, &C.). a. t^ Jo^ luft, m. an inhabitant of Sodom ; adj. "prapoitera veneri addicttu. t. ciiy ;^ luk, f. (v. luh) a hot wind. h. ti)^ ^"W loll, ni. people, mankind ; a world or division of the universe; a region, country, tin 16k, three regions, or thion lok, the three regions (par ex- cellence), viz. 1st, swarg-loJc ov swarga-lok.the heaven ; 2nd, mart-loTc or martya-lok, the earth, the region under the sun ; 3rd, patdl, the region under the earth, lok- pal, m. a king ; a protector of the world, applied to the divinities who are supposed to protect the regions, viz. sun, moon, fire, wind, Indra, Yama, Varuna, Ku- vera. lok-jit, a conqueror of the world, lok-rdchchhat, a demon (the spirit of a wicked man converted into a demon), lok-krtt, m. the creator, Brahma. lok-nSth, m. a sovereign of the universe, s, ciJ^5^«lf lavali, v/ho or what cuts,reap9, &c. s. Oj) WoJfT luka, m. pieces of burning matter thrown out from a conflagration, liikii lagdna, to in- flame, or excite quarrels, &c. * 9^ 5?NiT luuka, in. a kind of pumpkin {Cu- eurbita lagenaria) ; lightning, flash, glitter, s. gfjU-o^ lohachari, f. way of the world, d. (ii)jJoj5 ^4ilcj^eh lokdlok, m. a chain of raoun- t^na surrounding the world (y. As. Be8. vol. Tiii. p. 283). *. J^^^ l^StoFPin: lokantar, m. the other world. «. tiljo o^) ^ohlnPrich lauhayatikf m. an atheist, a materialist, a Bauddh. s. Jbi^jMjS^ QytcFTlftiS lok-prasiddhy notorious, well-known, of world-wide renown. *. ijf^^ ^^ytcBT^ lokatrai/, m. the three worlds (v. lok), the whole universe. *. ^JLS^ "^SWZ lukat, half-burnt (wood), h. ^JO ^^^ lukti, f. a wooden poker or stake "bnmt at one end ; a fox. h. [the world, t. Caasc ^ ^ftoinftw lok-jlt, m. a conqueror of \3^U.L±J^ c$«h'* <^%K\ lokra, m. tatters, torn clothes, h. {'/^y^ ^^iM^ lok-ranjan, m. popularity, gaining public confidence. «. [poker, &a A. {jy^ f'^^il lohfty f. (v. lulitX) a wooden cil^ c<5^f<*<* lauhik, mundane, worldly, human ; ceremonial, ceremonious, lattkikta, f. vrorld- liness, worldly currency or custom, t. UjJ ^^«TT lokna, a. to catch, luhna, n. to be scorched by the Bun or hot wind ; to have a coup de soleiU h. [behold. «. u^ 55«F»n Inknd (also laukna), a. to see, to \JS^ ' ^ 4fi \J hmhna, n. to shine, to glitter, to flash, to lighten. *. &JJ^ ^^rft^ lohniya, visible, to be seen. t. cfAS^ w^rart Wiwdft, f. conflagration, k. ( 652 ) ^^y ^^ 5^ lukh, f. a flame, lukh chatdria, a. to charm, to fascinate, t, [pans, hardware. «. j^^ c?i«< lohhar, m. tools, old iron pota^ ^^y> Q5l«iil laukt, f. a kind of pumpkin. A. ^>^y qTI^ log, m. people, mankind. & l5*^ cjjImi^ logd,l, f. a female, a woman. «. J^ Qftoy lol, m. teais, the fluid in which the eyes appear sometimes to be overwhelmed, undula- tion, glimmer; adj. shaking, trembling, waving, t. yy Cjs^cpi lold, m. a suppository, a kind of solid clyster, h, [of paper. K *y^ ^n luld, lame-handed, maimed; m. a roll *— *3^ Qsl^q Zo/m|), very desirous, longing, greedy. «. [dant. «. <-iwj5 qTIqs** ^oZa^, m. an ear-ring, drop, pen- ^^ ^I^ToFT lolikd, f. a sort of dock or sorrel {Rumex vesiearius). t. 1^^ ■^ ^^^ Zo?y?;7, f. a fox (also lombfi). $ (j«/«)5 <^'^*i« lumas, haiiy ; name of a risAt or saint, s. jL«/oJ ^H^TC lomsdr, m. the emerald. «. (A*^ l^^5I lomash, hairy, covered with or made of hair, lomash-pamint, f. name of a plant {Glycene debilis). lomash-mdrjdr, m. the polecat, t. \^^ ^R^rr lomshd, f. name of a plant {Leea hirta); Indian spikenard {Fslerianajatamansi) ; cowach {Carpupogon pruiiena) ; green vitriol, orris root. $. fjjM^ c ^*lf^ lom-vish, m. an animal whose hair is supposed to be poisonous, as the tiger. «. ^j***j^^ ^1^^^ lovi-liarshan, m. horripila- tion, erection of the hair of the body. «. ^^^ Q5t»T Ion, ^M^BT lavaUj or W^ lunf m. salt ; adj. salt, saline. «. Mj^ ^^T Zfli;a«, ni. the process of reaping. 8. u^ ■ ( ^^l^ laun.j m colour, external form ; species, genns. «. [luh, q. v.) a hot wind. h. Mj)^ ^5t Ion or ^^ Zaww, till to, up to ; (for ^^ ^TfT luuna, m. balancing, making scales equal; a. to reap, lona, m. name of a fruit {Annona reticulata), h. U^ ^rtWT or qJIhi Zona, salt, brackish ; barren or salt (land); m. purslain (Portulaca oleracea); the salt that effloresces from walls, &c. lona-pan, m. saltness. s. ^^ qT^T lavana, f. a small river in Tirhut. .Uy ^»TK lonar, m. salt lands j a place where salt is produced, a saltpit. s. j5 13^ C!5«I*lJI«li< lavanakar, m. a salt mine. s. L-ol3^ ^nrUTO lavanamhUf m. the sea, salt water, s. Siyi Q^^ laund, m. an intercalary month, h. liJ^ lawind, free, independent ; having no fixed residence ; ignorant, unlearned, foolish ; poor> scarce of provisions ; uxorious ; (sub.) a soldier, a volunteer, an adventurer ; a rake. p. \ti^^ qH^ londd, m. a lump of clay, clod. h. \i\>^ c^JI launda, m. a boy, a slave boy, a brat. laundd-ba%, a sodomite, laundd-hazt, f. sodomy, h. ijliyi^ 'i^(j^ oF^Tinfnrj lavan samudr, ra. the sea of salt water, s. i^y^U^ c^M^U^iPh lavan-khani, m. a salt mine, especially that of Sambhar in Ajmir. «. tfXJ^ Q^N Iming, ^'^i^ lavang, or ^5TT /on<7, m. the clove tree (Myristica caryophyllata) ; f. a clove (Caryophyllus aromaticus). laung-chara, m. a kind of dish prepared from peasemeal. *. LC3^ Q&lDTT lungra, salt, brackish, laungra, m. name of a medicine. A. ^y J ^T^WtWT lavanottam, m. nitre ; rock ' or river salt (lit. the finest salt). *. jj^ q^hI launi or lavani, f. wages paid in kind to reapers in harvest time, h, t, J^O <^*if^ oi- ^«T^ /wnl, f. the salt that eflflo- " resces from walls, &c.; butter. $. Uiji cSf^nn luniya, salt, brackish ; m. pur- slain {Portulaca oleracea). ». ^^ cjjTti'qT luniya, m. a pioneer j a maker of salt ; name of a tribe or caste of baniyas. a, 8jJ ^ST? luh, f. a hot wind. h. »j) ^jt^ loh, m. iron, steel ; aloe wood or agallochum. lauh, made of iron; m. iron, low-lath, m. an iron mace or dub. loh-may, made of iron. t. \jbjJ ^sVf T loha, m. iron, loha-bajana, to fight with swords, loha-mahiall, the iron department; re- TCnue derived from iron inines. i. 653 ) V jL-^lto^ ^'tljTfW'^nT. lohabhisar, m. lustration of arms, a ceremony performed on the ninth of th« light half of the month Aswin. *. j^_^ ^Tt^K loha?', m. a blacksmith, lohar ihana, a blacksmith's forge or shop, a smithy, k. jljfc^ t^i^n, lauhar, m. a trance, h. (^U^ qTI^TT'T lohai'an or ^ft^fnT loharin, f. a blacksmith's wife. s. {J^j^ Q!rtl5T«T lohan, adj. bloody, s. i3^^ c?1j5i»fl lohani, m. name of a tribe among the Pathdns or Afghar^s. h. CL^i^ ^f^TT lohit, red; m. blood, lohit anan, red-faced ; m. an ichneumon, s. idhib^ ^f^lToF lohitak, m. a ruby ; calx of brass, s. J^y> '^t^lohaj, m. bell-metal ; rust of iron, iron filings, s. Cl^isr^ '(^l^fjlff lok-jit, m. the diamond, s. j^»^ qTI^^^ loh-chur, 1 ^^^»j3 oTlf^^ loh-cJium, Vm. iron filings. «. jj^ 8_j3 QfV^"*t»T loh-chun, J j^j^iJjJ cy\\$"5N^ loh'dravi, m. borax (as fusing metal), s. jLj&^ oJtlf^K loh-sar, f. an iron mine. «. jOJfc^ ^^l^flFR loh-har, m. a blacksmith. «. tI>ioJ^^ ^foFT^/oA-7mwif, m. the loadstone, s. iJiSib^ oTt^ftpJ loh-hitty m. rust of iron, iron filings, s. [shrub, t. uiljuf^ Q&l^ofsTjdch loh-kantak, m. a thorny i^Ufi'jJ crtl'lTT;«ir loh-marak, m. a plant {Achyranthes triandra). s. liijjtji qS^^^i^i lohandd, m. an iron pot. s. ^y ^rt? Zo/iMi m. blood, lohu-baithnay to pass blood by stool, lohu phatna, to have leprosy. lohu dalnd, to spit blood, lohu-luhan, covered with blood. *. ^^ ^5^^ loin, f. a lump, a mouthful ; a kind "of silk cloth ; dawn just before sunrise. A. Ufti^ ^f^T^T lohiya, made of iron. s. {j^^ q5^ lo,i, f. blanket, flannel ; splendour of the countenance, honour. lu,t, f. a poultice, a round lump of dough prepared for making into breiid or cakes, s. [takes. A. bjJ Gu&^^l liwaiya, m. (v. lewaiyd) one who ^^^ ^5^»f loyan, m. the eye. s. «J lahu, to him, or, to it. la-ha, to her. a. L-.>lp luhab, m. blazing, flame without smoke, burning, a. jl^ <5^I< luhar, m. a blacksmith. 5. ^^X^ ^S^ftj\ luharin, i\ the female ofluhd^; a blacksmith's wife. t. V ( 634 ) J ♦Vl^ f?SJ^nT lihara, vile, base, mean, con- temptible, h. [with blood. «. A^ ^T»T luhan, bloody, covered or smeared io''^ c^^T^ luhanyi, f. a staff armed m ith Iron. s. [with blood. *. iOVJ ^fT«Tl luhana, bloody, smeared orstained ^A^ f^^T^ lihd,t, f. a kind of paste or glue made from tamarind atones pounded and boiled to a jelly, used by bookbinders, &c. h. t.-*^ lahah, m. flame j flying or ascending (as dust), a. ji-^ c#^T< lahbar, m. a kind of parroquet. h. L;»x^ ^^^T lahbera, m. name of a plant, h. iufT lahja, m. the tongue, voice, sound, tune, accent, a. [fore, consequently, a. \y^ lihazd, on that account ; because, there- j^ "oS'lgl. lahar, f. a wave ; whim, fancy, vision ; the effect of the poison of a snake, intoxica- tion ; a waving pattern in embroidery ; emotion, ex- citement, s. \ji^ ^J?^ Icihra, m. a quaver, shake, trill (in music) ; evasion, h. \j^ ^f^n luhrd, m. a younger, junior, h. up oT^tr laharrd, m. name of a grain (bajrd, Holcus spicatus). It. \jlxJ^ c^^ClQj'll»n lahrd lagand, to evade, to avoid performing an agreement, h. ^\r^ ^y?TT«TT lahrdnd, n. to tantalize; to un- dulate J to play loosely, to put off. s. j^jf^ ^iX.^iX, lahar-bahar, f. prosperity, h. \^ji^ Qy^Ti'n laharnd, n. to undulate; to play as waves, h. ^JJ^ Qjfrft lahrt, inconstant, capricious ; un- " steady as the waves, s. [ing or painting. *. bjj cJ^fCMl lahriyd, waved, a mode of dye- jjw-*p ^T^^nr lahsan, ni. garlic ; a freckle, s. \jju*^ t^^^fi^^ lahsanii/d, m. name of a pre- cious stone ; (in Dakh.) garlic ; adj. savouring or smell- ing of garlic, h, \j^J ^^ftfT lahsord, m. name of a fruit {Cordia mtjxa or latifolia). h. eiiJ q5^oF lahak, f. glitter, flash, glare, k. G.KJ cJJ^<*'I^»TT lahhurnd, a. to fondle, to pat and encourage a horse, 8m;. h, 0\^ '$^4T*fr lahhdna, a. to warble, to quaver ; to cause to shine or glitter ; to blow up a fire. h. [flashing, h. (0,KJ qS 1^4 1^3 lahhdtvat, f. glittering, UO cTF'IRT Jdhahnd, n. to warble, to quaver; to ".iM' ; to be kindled, to rise up into a flame; to glittoi to shi!ie. h j^^ <*>^4S'^t lahkarvTvar, m. rice milk eaten by a bride and bridegroom, ft. ^Jj^ ^^cIiIq&I lahhild or lahkeld, glittering flasliing. ft. [payJig- *• ^^ c;i^ f- voice, sound, tone, melody, mo- " dulation, symphony, singing in tune; ardent affectioo or desire, immersion, absorption, s. ^ ^ le, till, to, from ; (part, of /ena) having "taken ; imper. take ; interj. come ! well ! ft. ij 1(1,1, much, very, excessively, d. "J} f^ li,e, for, on account of; with, taking "or having, as uiuh talwar hath meA li,e shahr mei gayS he went to the city with a sword in his hand. A. \>5 ^WT tl,d, land which is annually flooded, h. ^c.lJ <^^|0 laydri or "5^^ lyari, m. a wolf h. t^'UJ liyakat, f. worth, merit, skill, abilities, dignity, knack, a. 13U) ^^TRT ^e-a/ja, a. to bring: in the Deccan this comp. verb is never contracted Into lana, as it ii generally in the north, d. [with. ft. Vj^Iaj^ ^>T1TT»n le-bhdqnd, to run away c->a3 ( 655 ) cW j*^ ^tWS lihar, m. rheum (of the eyes), h. «— aa5 ^ti lep, in. plaster, ointment; plaster- ing, smearing ; mortar, chtinam. s. '—^^■(^ ^^HqJoF le-palak, m. an adopted child r adopted, s. ^^•tJ ^^^r«TT le-palna, a. to adopt, to rear, to bring up, to father (a child), s. [ing. «. t— aJUaJ ^xit^tj lepa-lep, m. complete plaster- ^j^.{^ oTTplT leparna, a. to lie with, coire; to involve another in one's disgrace, h. lJj^ c^lusl/ijD.n, f. a rag; a small turban. ^. Ldl g ^ ) Q^tnir Z6!/?aA, m. a plasterer, a brick- layer, s. [ter. «. ^AAJ ^yxpf lepan, m. act of plastering, plas- ^j^ ^HRT Zep??a or oSt^vn Upna, a. to plaster or smear over. s. ,_5^ ^^^ lepi, m. a plasterer, a bricklayer, s. &A-JU q5'''I Icpya, m. plastering, smearing. 5. lI^jJ ^ /e^, ra. plaster, paste, batter, h. ^J^ c^1rfja5 Itnat, f. softness, a. HJ^.'^US^ ^^ /era-c?en, m. traffic, trade, bar- ter, buying and selling ; borrowing and lending, h \jb3jjj ^53T lendha, m. smut, mildew ; a flock of goats or sheep ; a pack of dogs. h. 4«3Jj3 ^53^ lendi, f. goats* dung ; a cur, a country dog ; adj. impotent, h. 2fJJk) Una, m. a kind of palm. a. •aJ ^^ lew, m. plaster falling from a wall. h. \^ ^>^ lewa, m. one who takes j plaster ; that which is spread on the outside of a new pot ; udder. /(. ^,iiUJ ^5^^ lerva-de,!,, f. (also lewa-dewi, "and letve-dewe) lending and borrowing, traffic, trade, h. J»a5 %^K lewar, m. mud (to plaster a wall with), h. (^\.jJ %^TO lewas, m. plaster, h. b jjJ ^j^xjT/ewa?ya,m. ataker,one who takes. /*. to4^ ^^ l^han, m. licking, tasting with the tongue, lehin, m. borax. «. Ky,^ -^^rfi lehna, m. pasture, provender. /*. *>^ ^^ lehya, m. food or beverage of the ■rods, nectar, ambrosia j adj. fit for being licked, s. ^J f^ liye, for the sake of, on account of. s. jJJ ^ Ze,i, f. paste. /*. mtm, the twenty-fourth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the twenty-eighth Persian, and the thirty- first Iliiulustiini, It is one of the labial letters, its sound being tlial of the English w. In reckoning by abjail it stands for 10. A H ma, the corresponding letter in the De- vanagari alphabet. \ic ma, which, what, that which, whatsoever, as far as ; why, wherefore ; no, not; how ; somewhat, something, ma-ba'd, that which follows, the sequel. md-baka, vtd-bd-bakl, or viu-baki, the rest, the re- mainder, arrears, balance, md bihi-l-ihtiydj, whatever is necessary, md hasal. any thing collected, the har. vest, produce of fruit trees, &c., profit or income, md Ij-azar, that which is present or ready, md hi-'kalbi, or md fi-z-zam'ir, secret, what is in the mind, mn shd Allah, what God wills, md sadJc, that which is true. md-fauk, what is above or superior, md Icabl, what is before, vid Id-kaldm, what is unutterable, indescrib.i- ble. md marra, or md-mazd, that which passed or oc- curred, md ld-1/uldk, what is beyond endurance, in tolerable, md Id-yanhall, what cannot be solved, inextricable, md ward what is beyond, md yuhlaj, what is necessary, md ya.ul, that which may come about or return, a. Lo ma, m. water, juice; semen i splendour, lustre, temper. ma,u-l-juhn, whey (of goats' milk). md.u-l-hniydt, water of life. ma,u-l-'a sal, metheglin. ma,u-l-lultm, distilled water from kids' flesh with spices. md,u-l-kar(f, the juice of the pumpkin. md,u-l-ward, rose-water, a. U ma, (pi. of 1st pers. pron.) we, us, our. p. l/c in ma, f. a mother ; a name of the goddess Lachhmi. s. u^U ma,ab, a receptacle, repository. Hzzat tna.db, the seat of grandeur, a. u->b\/« HTTTT ma-bap, m. mother and father : parents, t. [despicable, a. ^^yl« mabun, m. a catamite; adj. infamous, (jfOl/« ma-bain, meanwhile, interim ; adj. in- termediate, a. (^U» m^map, \m. measure, the act of ^Ji\J«^\^f\ mapan,} measuring. «. Jyi^U HTTH^ map-tul, a system of measures and weights, i. Uj^U Tra^ mdpnd, a. to measure, mapd shov' ba aur gini daliydA is applied to express scarcity of provisions, also penurious economy. *. J^^l/ci md-phal (v. mdju-phat). k. Ol/< mit mat, f. an accent, a vowel ; (for mdtd) a mother, i. OU mat, f. (in chess) mate, or what we call checkmate, which last phrase is a corruption of shah mat, "the Icing is dead, or done for;" adj. astonished, confounded, tnat-k., to win, to give checkmate, to overcome in any contest, p. l!>l/« Tlin mdta, f. mother; the small-pox j adj . drunk, intoxicated, mata pitri, mother and £stheri parents, s. &^^3l/« ^nUTT^t matdmaha, a maternal grand- father, mdtdmahi, {. a maternal grandmother, t, 3\jc VT^ mdtr, only, solely, merely. JTT^ mdtri, (used only in comp.) a mother; as matri-bandhu, a mother's relative; mdtri-datla, what is given by a niotlier to a bride at her marriage. «. \3\jc iTTfT mntid, f. a vowel; a dose. «. LjU ( 657 ) <3U Vol* TTfT^ matula, j3^1/« 'nw^I'q't matulani, 4^3p\/« fpnr matrak, merely, only, solely. «. ijiX>\^3\<« Hlrfmricir matri-ghatuk, m. a ma- tricide, ». [another's prosperity. «. »*-^^ TTRBT matsar, envious, or impatient of _.«^l« ^TTTR^ matsarj (for matsarya), m. envy, malice, s. jc^^^^t^^ wia^ In bhaji, f. the edible amaranth {Amaranthus oleracetts). h. ^l/c mtf^matul, m. a maternal uncle, matul- putrak, the son of a maternal uncle (a cousin). *. f. an aunt, the wife of a ma- ternal uncle. «. *il/« matam, m. grief, mourning, especially public moumiug, as that which is held for a prince, or at the Mu^arram. matam-dar, a mourner, mdtam- pursl, f. oblations, funeral obsequies, condolence, ma- tam khana, the house of mourning, p. ;_5^'^U matam-ddrt, f. pompous or public mourning, p. »(ij^l* mdtam-zada,a. mourner; melancholy .;?. \jjM^\to mdtam-sardy I m. the house of 8l« maty m. a vat or boiler; pan for the manufacture of indigo, &.c. ; a large vessel or jar. d, V^U TITT mdthd, perverse, lazy, obstinate; m. (v. mafthS) buttermilk, h. ^^Ixi v^rs^mdthu, m. a buffoon (a term of re- proach), h. [to envy. A. ^^U irnft mdtl, f. earth, dust, mdtt-phaknd, j\a ma,dsir (pi. of B^U), m. signs, marks, memorials, worthy or illustrious actions; histories, traditions ; memoirs, biographies, a. ^^^l*-U irnnt ind-jdyt, f. a full sister, born of the same mother. *. bU-U HliniT md-jdyd, m. a brother, bori' of the same mother. mdjd,e bhd.l, uterine brotnera. *. K^-U mdjard, 1 m. state, condition, circum- L^U md-jara, J stances ; an event, inci- dent, occurrence, adventure, a. [apple, t, jJ.^.^U TTSrCfiQir mdju-phal, a gall-nut, oak- jUsj^U *n«R>nT; mdjk-dhdr (also manjh- dhdr), f. the middle of the stream or current, s, l>-^ H\-^\ mdchd, m. a large bedstead or platform ; a frame or stage on which they sit to drive away birds, &c. from cornfields, mdchd-tof, a lazy person who never stirs from his bed ; a kind of soldier among the raj-piits, \ery indolent, and much addicted to opium, but active and brave when roused, s. js>-sj>-\jo mdcha-khar. m. a dolt, a stupid fellow, p. ItJiar). s. j4»-^ TrerC mdchhar, m. a mosquito (v. mach- ^^[k wr^ mdchhi, f. a fly (v. makkhV). s. (_y^U JH^ mdchi, f. a harrow; a small bed- ** stead ; (in Dakh.) a fly. $. ljj>-U mdchln, m. name of a country ; China or Chinese Tartary. p. ». ^{lo mdkhaZf m. a source, origin, receptacle whence any thing is taken, a, \^\jc mdkhard. m. a dolt, a lubber, h. ij^\/o mdkhuz, taken out, borrowed, adopted.a. UJj^-U mdhhuliyd (Gr. /u6Aa7;^oA(a), mad- ness, insanity, melancholy, g. Jijl* mdddm, whilst, until, as long as. a. u-.>«i^lc mu,adddb, civil, respectful ; civilly, respectfully, reverentially, a. [comiast. a. — ,tiU mddih, m. one who praises, an en- j«il/fi mddar, f. a mother, mddar-zdd, naked as born of the mother; innate, madari mddar, a maternal grandmother, p. 4/.«5\<« mddari, motherly, maternal ; (Dakh.) a sample, specimen, model, pattern, p. (^(^U H\^^ mddak, intoxicating, madden- ing. *• [tion. I, w 5^ *^J6 H\\f4i mddhavi, f. a large kind of creeper {Gartnera racemosa). $. 2tr ^ ( 668 ) O**'' ^0^t\>o «m^ madhvt, f. 1 spirituoui cib^«)v*ineft«* wa6?AwIZt, m. J liquordis- tilled from the bassia UUtfoliai wine. «. (CiU macS (v. matSw), a female, d. t^iU mdddi, material, relating to matter, a. ^b»3U madiyan, m. a mare, a she-ass. p. L.K'> ^^ ma,addiyat, f. substantialness, mate- riality (pi. mdaddiy&t). a. fj>p\* madinf f. a female, p. ^jiU wa^wn, a licensed slave, i. e. one per- mitted by his owner to trade, &c., as is done to serfs in Russia, a. jU JTR mar, f. beating ; battle ; a blow (in comp.) killing, killer ; m. plague, epidemy. mar par- na, n. to be beutnn. mar-pit, f. drubbing, assault and battery, mar-dhar, f. thumping and beating severely. mar-dena, a. to smite, to beat ; to dismiss a suit, to quash a complaint, mdr-ddlna, a. to kill, to smite, to slay outright, mar-saknd, n. to be able to beat, mar- kufa.l, f. beating and bruising. mdr-Tchana, a. to get a drubbing, mar-girdnd, a. to knock down, mdr-ldnd, a. to rob, to take by robbery, mar-lend, a. to smite, to overcome, to conquer, mdr-marnd, to commit sui- cide ; to fall in battle after killing some of the enemy. mar-harna, to beat severely, mdr-hafdnd, a. to over- come, to beat and drive back, mar, m. a name of Ka* wtadeva. s. jU HR mar, a stiff clay or loamy soil with ■ome sand or vegetable mould ; a black loam. h. j\a mar, m. a snake, vtar-pech, circumvolu- tion, tn&r-pech Art rah, a crooked or winding path. mBr-gtr, m. a snake-catcher, p. \Xt urn mara, soil that is productive only during the rainy season. A. I|\* *nTT mara, beaten, slain; foundered or overturned (a boat, &c.) ; m. a victim, mara, pafnS, n. to be killed or slain, mara Mfi karna, to blot paper in writing, to spoil a letter or document, mara-mdri, mutual beating; prepostera veneris usus reciprocut. mara mara phima, to wander, s, l1X^)\j\a *iKim«n maratmak, murderous, s. UW^U Tirnn^ mdra-jana, n. to be slain ; to be overcome ; to be overturned or sunk (as a boat) ; to be cut off (a caravan, detachment, &c.). $. L-^lc ma,arah or mdrah, m. the time or place of any necessary business ; (pi. of mSrabat) necessary things, necessity, a. tila>^l/c*»»\/« JTW mas, ra. a month ; flesh, meat masant, f. the last day of the. solar or lunar month. mas-vriddhi, monthly interest, s. U*»U> ^^S\ mdsd, m. a small weight (y.mdsha). t, \Z^\ui\A'm^lT^mdsdnt,m. day of new moon. «. L*»U *rRn mdsa, a land measure, three-fourths of a bighd, q. v. h. tiLwU *nftnfr mdsik, monthly ; m. an obse« quial rite performed every day of the new moon. s. jUb (^^^V* m^t^mr^vids-kabdr (cor. from Port. mes, a month, and acabar, to end, to terminate), tb« last day of a month, port. ^JM\K TnnT masan, m. a mediciual seed (iSof^ ratula anthelmintica). ^jjjo ( 659 ) \^Mt[>c 77ia-siwa, besides, moreover, save, ex- cept ; whatever else. a. , ^U in^ mast, f. mother's sister, maternal "aunt (v. manst). s. [old. s. (jjj^l* inft«T mdsin, of a month, a month (^\ic m^mash, ra. a kind of vetch or kidney- bean {Phaseolus max or radiatus). s. \sha), Ui»U ?n^ masha, m. a small weight (v. md- fj,jXM\ie ^mmifr mdsk-parni, f. a leguminous " shrub (Glycine debilis). s. euS»U mm mdsha, m. name of a small weight consisting of eight rattts, q. v. s. ^oU mdzl, past (time) ; m. (in gram.) the "preterite or indefinite past tense, a. i^iiU TToF? mdkand, m. the mango, s. (^(^wU Jnojr»^waSa«(^i,f.emblic myrobalan.s. ^^^[>c^V^^{mdkkan,m.(y.makhhan) butter, s. aASU makhu, m. a weaver's shuttle, d. jj.UiU mdkiydn, f. a fowl, a hen. p. ^jjiU mJPH mdgadh, m. a bard, a minstrel whose duty it is to recite the praises of sovereigns, their genealogy, an i the deeds of their ancestors, in their presence ; and to attend on the march of an army and animate the soldiers by martial songs : the min- strel forms a particular caste, said to spring from a Vaishya father and Kshatriya mother ; in mythology they are said to have been created at once by the will of Shiva : under the name of bhaps they are still nu- merous in some parts of India, especially Gujerat, where they are a privileged tribe (v. hhat) ; magadh, as an adjective, denotes " belonging to, or produced in, the province of Magadha or South Bihar." s. ' ^ii.^U TFIVt mdgadhi, f. a kind of jasmine "{Jasminum auriculatum) ; long-pepper {Piper longum) ; a sort of cardamums ; a Prakrit dialect. UsU TTTTT mdgnd, a. to ask for. h. ^U »nv magh, m. name of the tenth Hindii month, the full moon of which is near magha or a Leonis (Regulus) (Jan.-Feb.). «• C->l4^l/o JTRTiT mdghdt, land broken up in mdgh for next year's crop, maghat-kt-phasal (for/ofi), the crops sown in or immediately after mdgh. h. ^^U mrfi nidghi, f. a potherb {Hingsta re- "pens). s. Jlc mdl, m. property, wealth, merchandise, goods ; the public revenue of a state ; a prize (in a lottery, &c.). mal-Jchauiind, a proprietor, mdl-dar, wealthv, rich, mal-ddri, f. wealthiness. mal-zada, a eon of a whore, a pimp or pander. mdl-Tiadl, f. a bawd, a whore, mdl-xdmin, a security (for property or money, in opposition to tidzir-zdmin, q. v.). mdli murdum-Mior, j a consumer of the property of others, one who bor- I rows and never pays, mdl-wdjib, revenue or rents ! due to government, a. Jl* m^mdl, m. a prize-fin;htpr, a champion, a wrestler ; f. a necklace, a garland. *. ^)U ma,dl, ni. end, termination, issue, ten- dency. Mdir ma,dl, a happy issue or tendency. ma,dl- cmdesh, one who looks to the issue of things, wia.a/- 1 muImAI, coosideration of the end or consequence, a. p. JU JU mdl, (in comp.) rubbing, polidhiop as ru-mdl, a towel, face-rubber, p. ^U »n^ mdld, f. a Hindu rosary , a necklace, a garland ; a book, mdld-phal, m. the seed of the Eleocarpus, of which rosaries are made. *. 1^^ TI^oFTT mdldkdr, m. a flower-seller, a gardener, s. JU^U mdldmdl, full, replete, abundant, p. U^l* Hlc!&q^HI mdlpUfd, m. a kind of sweet- meat, a pancake, h. ^l/o «)icj&ilt vidlfi, f. a bud, a blossom ; name " given to different flowers — 1. Echites caryophyllata, Roxb.;"2. Jasminum grandiflorum ; 3. (or mdltllatd) Gcertnera racemosa, Roxb., or Banisteria Bengalensis, Lin. ; 4. Bignonia suaveolens. s. ioli^U mdl-khdna, a treasury ,a storehouse, a.p, ^^\io mdl-dhani, m. a possessor of property, " especially of land. p. s. ^JJ*J!>\A HIq&' uJjJU malvf, familiar, accustomefl to live In friendship, ordinary, cuftomary. a. ^U maR, f. (in coinp.) abst. of mal, q.v. p. /]JU malt, relating to wealtli or revenue. " m&li-pashkar, a revenue accountant a. jjU Wr^ft maU, m. a gardener, a florist. $. tilAjJU maliyat, f. wealth, wealthineBs. a. VjkJaJijU wiaZiMw/iya ()ueAa7;^oA£a), melan- choly ; twaddle, or wretched and tedious talk. g. jjjtioJU matidan, to rub, anoint, p. SJa)U malida, m. bread or cakes made with flovr, milk, butter, sugar, &c. p. jjjl^U *l1'«dM^M inalya7van,^m. a niountain- tj eastward of Mount Mem. s. 0^l« *n'«dt(Nif malyarvat, j ous range lying &a)^ TT^ malya, m. a garland, a chaplet. s, ^U maw, "If. mother (old women in general UU mama,) are so called), mami nqf, a midwife, p. [mStnii, q. t. «. tcU irnrr mama, m. a maternal uncle (also fcAioKic mama,t, f. midwifery, p. (iJucU irnnir mdmah, selfish ; m. a miser, a niggard s. c^JUU mama^, a dear little mother, p. jj^U maman, m. place of security, a. y\^ irnj^ mamUf also mamun, m. an uncle, mother's brother; a snake; (phrase used at night, when it is deemed unlucky to call a serpent by its proper name), s. j^U mamur, ordered, commanded ; fixed ; appointed to a situation ; determined, defined ; (sub.) usage, established custom, s. ^j««\/e mamul, m. hope, expectation ; adj. hoped for, expected. <. My^ inamun, rendered secure, preserved, exempted ; firm, constant a. [wife. «. ^U in»ft mami, f. an aunt, maternal uncle's Vjui>^_^U irnrtrfhlT mami ptna, a. to shew par- tiality. A. [In. «, jjjU Ht man, f. (v. ma) a mother ; postpos. jjU»fT?r man, m. character, dignity, honour; ceremony; arrogance, pride; measure in general; blandishment; adv. suppose, grant, man-guman or tn&n-mahat, m. dignity, state, honour, man-gaun, m. respect, t. oU mana, alike, equal, resembling, p. UUinWT manna, a. to respect, believe, accept, acknowledge, receive, agree, allow, confess, consent, grant take, trust, yield, sut)mit, suppose, obey, own, permit, regard, mind, attend to, $. tt)^tt)^ ^^^'l'^^* respecting, honouring, d. L1^V« manat, likeness, resemblance; punH)*e, vow, resolution, d. [f. pride, dignity. $. \3Ji\itt i)lr|flT mania, f. vow, promise. manit^Of ^U TtST manj, pus, matter, serum. $. »^J^aSU Hlf^jS mdnjishth, m. of a red colour, s. UaiU »ri»nn mdnjna, a. to scour, to scrub, to clean, t. e^^ TT^K. mdnjk, m. name of a rdgini, or musical mode ; the middle ; a kind of verse, maijh- dhdr, i. the middle of the stream, h. V^U »ri*KTr mdnjhd, m. a paste mixed with pounded glass, and applied to the string of a kite to cut that of another with ; a feast given by a bride- groom previous to the wedding ; the trunk of a tree. h. CL*{^ff\jc H\mA mdnjhat, f. state, dignity, h. ^c4^to M\9t!S mdnjhl, m. master of a vessel ; *'a boatman, sailor, a steersman, h. ^ejSU mdnachyu or manchyu, name of a "tribe of Tartars (commonly Manchoo). t. iJJl« J?t^ mdnd,f. faded, a dull colour; a dung- hill ; the den of a wild beast, h. fS>\ie mdndd (for mdnda, q. v.), tired, &c. p. h. ^d^\io mdndagi, f. fatigue, weariness, p. ^jjJjUo mdndan, to remain ; to be fatigued or worn out. p. »(iJl« mdnda, tired, weary, fatigued, p. \>c Jrra't mdndi, f. starch made of rice- flour, «. ^ju^\i« Hmn mdnas, mental ; m. the mind; a lake in the Himalaya mountains. «. ^«oU TI^ mdnus, m. a human being, a man. t. jj«JU *rt^ mans, m. flesh, meat, mdhs-hhaksh or mahi-dd, carnivorous. $. ^^lyu«3U »rnwnm»T mdn-sanwdn, m. wel- come. «. [leriana jatamanH). t, ^^>»oU Jrirft mdnsi, f. Indian spikenard (Fa- jjiiU Hlfjq mdnush, \m. a man, a human j_^\/o *ng^ mdnushya, J being, mdnunhydf **m. humanity. mantuAi, f. a woman. $, «3U Twawi', m. an obstacle, impediment; a forbidder, preventer. mSnV hona, to prevent, to for- bid, to prohibit iya muni', what hinders? quid obstat? o. [temiption. a. OIjoU mdni'dt (pi. of x^U), obstacles, in- (4)V ( 661 ) >l« (JlMt>\/e mam at, f. prohibition, obstacle, a. tdbU TffVnr manik, m. a kind of gem, ruby. lid ka manik, a horse, manak, m. a plant, the root of Trhich is eaten {Arum indicum). s. ^|j»-uiiSl/c infr14«1^4 mdnlk-jor, m. name of a bird {Ardea kucocepkala). h. ,^1/0 TI^ manukh, m. (for manush), a man, a human being, t. euX^lo >nri!|4i(.LtJU JnT^Tn mdng-dena, a. to borrow for another, to ask for and give to another, k. «.di)Jl3l« »TT^%«ir mdngalik, propitious. $. UjJkfX^^'O 'TFTqRT mdng-lena, a. to borrow, h. julil^U qi^^ mangalya, m. happiness, s. UJ13U i|il*fT mangnd, a. to ask for, to re- quire, to demand, to beg, to pray, to want, to deiiic, to seek, to will, mang tang karna, to aak for. A. jjOU ivti|«l1 mdngm, f. asking or betrothing " in marriage. ^liU J?^ mangt, f. a loan, what is bor- " rowed; betrothed (a woman), h. lJ3U vn^Kt manna, a. to admit, to agree to, to receive favourably, to mind, to attend to, to take (t. manna), bura manna, to take amiss, to take as an affront, bhala manna, to take in good part, bura manna yd bhala, to take ill or well. s. i3JoUo mdnand or mdnind, f. and m. like, re- sembling, resemblance. On the application of this word as a preposition v. Hind. Gr. p. 99. p. jpU inf^nft mdnint, proud, haughty, s. &ju3li« in «T*0^ nidnaniya, adj.to be respected, s, ylo yV/o mdnus, m. a companion, associate, friend, a. [kin. s. ti)yU »rraR«ir mdnavak, m. a boy, a mani- jcyU ITH«(^ mdnavi, f. a woman, s. p^U »rtl5 mdnh, postpos. in ; (same as men), s. j3U3^ HHflfH mdna-hdni, loss of character or reputation, s. **3l/« TTT? mdnhu (v. »wano), suppose, grant; like, resembling. *. ^;ol* Tf^^T wawa-Aiw, disreputable, vile. s. ^^^ TPfft Tndnif proud, haughty, s. iujU JTRI mdni/a, respectable, venerable. «. IjU jfi^T wawa, f. substance; starch; the yolk of an egg : leaven; milk inspistated by boiling, ft. \j\ic mdwa, f. dwelling, abode, habitation, a. (^j*»j\ic TTRTI marvas, f. the conjunction of the sun and moon; the change of the moon. «. j_^jU mamalij f. a mother, d. »U mdh, m. the moon ; a month, mdhi kan- *ani (moon of Jcan'qn), Joseph, the son of Jacob, mah' ba-mah or mah-mah, monthly, p. utl».>UfeU Hl^lPrWcfi mdhdtmik, magnanimous, majestic, of great sanctity, t. euLj^UbU ifl^l'rHI mdhdtmya, m. majesty, greatness ; the peculiar efficacy or virtue of a divinity, of a sacred shrine, &c. ; a work giving an account of the merits of a holy place or object, t. <.iJu«>-lfcl« Hl^|9ir«1«h mdhajanik, fit for great persons, t. [kingly. ». tdJb-^jljbU Jn^mftnF mdhdrdjik, imperial, iJ^ljbU 4{|^|4^ mdhdhulf of a great family, s. jUfcU mdh-pdr, I (lit.) a piece of the moon; SjUfcU mdh-pdra,} a handsome person, p. L^ljklbU mahtdb, m. the moon; moonlight, moonshine, p. (^llfcl* mdhtabt, f. a kind of firework, blue- ~ light ; a kind of figured doth. p. JbU vidhir, acute, ingenious, sagacious, skil- ful, clever, proficient, a. jblc JTrar mdhur, m. poison, venom, h. J Jblo mah-ru, having a face beautiful as the moon; charming, elegant, p. ^o*l« 'nfil mdhtn, in (same as men), h. ^fcU *n?r mdhu, m. (v. kan-sald,l). h. jljJfcU mdhwdr, 1 monthly, per month, (tfj\y6U mdhwdrij monthly wages, p. J&U mdhi, f. a fish, mdhi-tawa, m. a frying- "pan. mahi-dandan, m. a fish's tooth, of which the hilts of swords, &c. are made ; ivory of the walrus (imported from Russia, and which the Persians and Indians suppose to be the tooth of a large fish), vid- hi-farosh, ra. a fishmonger. mahi-gtr,m. a fisherman.* an otter (Ltitra lutreola, Shaw), mdhi mardtib, m. cer- tain honours, of which the privilege is especially con- ferred on princes and great nobles : they are denoted by the figure of a fish, with other insignia (two balls) carried as ensigns upon elephants, p. aJUlbU mdhiydna, m. monthly salary, p. CLaJJsU mdhiyat, f. state, condition, circiiin- stances. quality, value, essence, intrinsic worth, a. &^U mdhicha, small threads of paste boiled with soup, vermicelli, p. .ly»-|JfcU mah'i-kh'>V^r, a heron, p. ><<• ( 062 ) LTM tjofcU mdhi-dan, a fishpond, a preserve- pond. p. 4<>»U HT| ma,e or ma,t, f. a mother, s. fcAjo ma,i, of or relating to water, watery, a. bU Unn maya, f. kindness, pity, sympathy, eompassion, mercy, feeling, affection ; idealism, illu- ■ion ; prosperity, riches, opulence ; a deception de- pending on the power of the Deity, whereby mankind believe in the existence of external objects which are in fact nothing but idea, maya-patu, delusive, expert in deceiving, mdya-may , deceptive, s. blc maya (for maya, q. v.) wealth, &c. p. JbbU umiMH mayd-pdtra, rich, opulent, wealthy. ». [juror, s. iCjbU TRmi^ mdydvi, m. a juggler, a con- dLJoU H \ Ci\dk mdyik, illusory, deceptive, s. K>U iTrwrr ind,eka, m. the maternal mansion (applied only to a woman). ». JjU ma,i7, inclined towards, taking delight in, affectionate, having a propensity, inclination, or partiality ; addicted, apt. a. jj;JU vn^ md,m, f. aunt (v. mdmt). h. {jt*^\< mdyus, desperate, hopeless, a. t^y}}^ mdyusi, f. hopelessness, desperation.a. tAtc maya, m. wealth, stock, money ; root, origin, principle ; a capital in trade, stock or store ; measure, quantity, value, girdn-mdya, of great value, eoatly. faro-mdya, base, despicable, p. .IjM mubdh, m. any indifferent action, which acors neither praise nor blame ; lawful pleasure, a. «JU-Ue mubdhasa, m. a dispute, contest, de- bate, inrestigation, argumentation, a. A\f« ma-bddf \ by no means, God forbid, b\f« ma-bdddj lest, let it not so happen. p. d^tiilfc mubddarat, f. haste, expedition ; labouring, a. «3i>\f« mabddala, m. exchange, barter, re- taliation, recompense, a. ^dUrt mabadl, f. beginnings, origins, a. \^\j\xtQ mubd7-dt, dissolution of marriage, partnership, &c., by mutual consent a. jjU* mubdriZf m. a hero, a warrior ; adj. prepared or ready for war. p. c£3j\x« mubdrak, happy, fortunate, blessed, august, sacred, holy, welcome, well, auspicious, a. i\>i^j\jjc mubdrak-bdd, (lit.) may he be blessed or fortunate; blessing, congratulation, a, p. (*«iU5.U<« mubdrak-bddi, f. congratulation, benediction, a. p. tij^ mubdrakif f. blessing, auspiciousness.a. jiitKyic mubdshir, a superintendant, an agent ; (in law) the doer of any thing; a culprit, acriminaL a. inc OwS*L*c mubdsharat, f. commencement or undertaking of any affair ; having carnal knowledf* of a woman, a, (_jlxe mu-bdf (for mu-bdf), a braid of hair, a hair ribbon, p. ijlxo mabdligh (pi. of ilf«), sums of money. mubdligti, one who exaggerates or goes to extremes, a. a*)lxc mubdlagha, ni. exaggeration, hyper- bole ; diligence, endeavour ; dwelling on a subject, a. CiijUfcUo mubdhdt, boasting, glorying, pride, arrogance ; glory, honour, a. ^_^U\ju« mabarrdt (pi. of Oo/*), good deeds, works of beneficence, a, CJ'jmo viaba?Tat, f. doing good, beneficence; a public work (as a caravanserai, &c.) built by ptow Musulmans. a. mubram, twisted of two threads twined together ; firm, strong, urgent iofd.e mubram, irre- sistible fate. [manifeat. a. {J^ji* mvbarhan, demonstrative, evident, )9j^.M ruabsut, spread out, expanded, a. r^ lA^« ( 683 ) jLxfa mubashshir, m. a bearer of glad tidings, an evangelist, a. j*AX< mubassir, one who can see ; provident, penetrating ; clear, conspicuous, mwftsjr.seeing ; clear, a. Jiaxo muhtal or muhattal, abolislied, annihi- lated, mubtil or mubattil, abolishing, defacing, or de- stroying ; an abolisher. a. {^yOM mabghuz, hated, detested, odious, viewed as an enemy, a. iLi« mahlagh, m. the place of arrival ; amount, sum, ready money ; much, many, mabla^'handt, ad- justed balance of an account, a. ^kXo mabm, also mabnq, m. a foundation. " mabnt-i fasad, an aggressor, the origin of strife, a, jt.^ mubham, occult, unknown, keeping con- cealed ; ambiguous, equivocal, a. O^^x* mabhut, stupified, astonished, struck dumb with astonishment, confounded, a. jc-^ mubakht, aphrodisiaca, provocative ; "that which excites venery. d'OX* mablt, passing the night; doing any thing in the night-time, abiding ; a bedchamber, or any place wherein to pass the night, a. j^»-a/o mubVl, sold, bought ; venal, a. iiXii^ '"i^bln, manifest, clear, mubaiyan, ex- plained, illustrated, a. ^Ixo Jnrnr mapan, m. measuring, measure, s, \JU/e HMHI mapana, a. to cause to be mea- sured, s. [sure. t. C^kX^Cj^ HmrisfMfT mapat-hhapat, f. mea- Ua<« ^^A\ mapna, n. to be measured, s. \J\^XA> H^clMI mapwdna, a. to have measured, or get measured, or cause to be measured. «. CL^ TTT mat, m. purpose, wish, intent ; know- ledge, doctrine, belief; f. manner, method, way, mode, system ; wisdom, opinion, understanding, parts, mat- hm, void of understanding, mati, f. understanding, intellect ; wish, desire. *. CLmo wJ( mat, neg. par. (used with the impera- tive), don't, as matja,o, don't go. h. dA/« 'nr matt, intoxicated, drunk, s. Ll>^/« fim mit, measured, miti, f. measuring, measure, proof, evidence ; date, interest, ^kka miti, interest allowed by bankers on money received, dated from the day following receipt, kachchd-mili, interest charged on money advanced, dated from the day be- fore the transaction. «. \ZicWinmata, m. counsel, advice, opinion, s. tJl*«oVjk/o mutaba'at, f. obsequiousness; fol- lowing, understanding, or imitating one another, sub- mitting, obeying ; doing any thing solidly and certain- ly, doing in the same manner after another, a. p\jU muta,assir, touched, impressed, affected, efiE^tive, efficacious, a. ^Jj»-\!mc mutoifa khkh irlrif modern* late. a. u-p'tSULx muta,adddb, well-bred, learned, polite, a. [ing. a. ^SlXc muta,addi, prepared, ready, perform- {j'ii)KiAmuta,azzi, afflicted, troubled, grieved.a. \XxA matara, wealth, substance, d. {^'iio fTTTra mutas, f. desire or inclination to piss. s. \mKLc Wi/(\m mutdsd, desirous of pissing, s. t-ft**»lJU viuta,assif, sorrowful, afflicted, anx- ious, oppressed with grief, a. ^J**»^ PhiII^M mitdshan, moderate in diet. 9. clJU matd', f. merchandise, goods, chattels, furniture, effects, &c., valuables, a. u«ft5lX« muta,allif, m. one who cultivates the acquaintance, or conciliates the goodwill of another, a. Jbi« muta,allim, grieved, sad, afflicted, pain- ed, discontented, a. ^U/o muta,ammil, contemplative, consider- ing, examining attentively, a. ulJU JTin«TT mutdnd, to cause to make water. mutane wdld, (in medicine) a diuretic, h. CL*i\iA matdnat, f. firmness, solidity ; a for- tification, a castle ; obstinacy, a. jj3\X« Wi(T*i(l.matdntar, another method, tenet, or opinion, s. . j\».KjolX« ifrilfKNK matantardchdr, the ob- , servance of another method or tenet, s. jL*Jbi« «fiflHflR matdnusdr, conformity to usage, opinion, or tenet, s. j*»JjUic JTcn^'^S^ matdvalambi, a sectary, "'one attached to a certain sect, tenet, or opinion. «. ^JjfcUU mutdhil, a married man. a. jjtf; muiafeaMFr, profound, especially in learn- ing, a. [ternately. a. JjjJ* mutabaddil, inverting, changing al- ^Jl^xxJC mutabaddi, m. a commencer, a be- ginner, a. (J Jju/« mutabazzil, despised, not cared for. a. ciJ^ja/o mutabarrak, fortunate, august, bless- ed, holy. a. jt***xiKmutabassim, smiling,laughing,risible.a. ^JJu* mutabannagl, the adopting of a son **or child, a. h. JJjuU mutabannd, adopted (son or child), a. l^^jJU »ff(WT mati-bhram, m. \ error, t^iU^Ju* TfiWff'iT mati-bhrdntt, f.J mistake, misapprehension, s, *fju* mutatabbi', imitative j (sub. m.) an imitator, a. [emissary, a. (j-y-^ mutajassis, m. a spy^ a scout, au ^ ( 664 ) ^^ mutajalla, splendid, illuminated, a. ^^ muttahid, united, made one. a. tij^ mutaharrifa,m. professional tax, duties leried on certain trades and occupations, a. ti)j^ mutaharrikj moved, moving one's self, moveable ; accented with short vowels, gluiir muta- ^arrik, immoveable ; not having a voweL a. jtj^ mutaharrim, revered, respected, pro- hibited, unlawful, a. tft^ mutahakkih, a verifier, mutahakkak, ▼erifled. a. ^^ mutahamvndt praised, praiseworthy, a. J^^ mtitahammil, affable, considerate ; en- daring, patient, suflfering, bearing a burthen, a. jj^ mutahaiyir, astonished, vcondering, con- founded, a. [parties in a law-suit. a. j^jjivoli^ mutakMsimain, the two contending ^,;ais5* mutakMi^ift pure ; surnamed ; e&fe, delivered from evil. a. Jj^ mutakhaiy^h imagining, suspecting, fencying (good or evil), mu^oiftotyifo, imagination bncy. a. Jl^^t^lc mutadawal, 1 common, customary, «3jlt^JU mutadawala,) usual, a. M>j^ mutadaiyin, orthodox, religious, a. 3a ftni mitr or mitra, m.a friend, friendship. mtra-hhe4, breach of friendship, miira-druh, a false or treacherous friend, mitra-labh, acquisition of a Mend, forming friendship. ». ^^*)JiK ftnCT^ wt7ra,t, f. friendship, friendly intercourse. «. u-JjiU^ mutaradif, continued, successive; ■ynonymous. a. [condensed, a. Jy^y^ mutarahim, accumulated, heaped up, w\jX« HiTCItfl matrana, to persuade, s. \SyS« finnn mitrata, f. friendship, friendly in- tercourse. (. ^,<[>jX« mutarattib, arranged, s. ff^y^ mutarjim, m. an interpreter ; a trans- lator, mutarjam, translated, a. |fe»jX« mxitarahhim, compassionate, merciful, tender, affectionate, a. it^JiA miitaraddid, rejected; adverse; wander- ing ; irresolute, perplexed, ambiguous, hesitating, a. ^jj.iipU ChMJ^^I mitra-droht, a false or "treacherous friend, t. ^jjttfpM mutarassil, one who sends, the writer or sender of a letter, a. ^joJm* mutarassid, expecting, watching, ex- ploring; contemplating, gazing at. a. tjoy^ mutarasisfi, contenting, satisfying, a. (>Xe Smm*9^ mutarak^ib, expecting, watching, ob- senring, desiring, a. [Ing. a. Lm^Jxc mutarakkib, composing, compound- i^jJxK matruk, abolished, obsolete, rejected, relinquished, malt natr&k, estate of a person de- ceased, matriku-l-isti'mal, tmusual, not practised* disused, obsolete, a. *^jlj^ matruka (pi. matruhai)^ estate, goodg^ or property of a person deceased, to which his hcin are \egaHj entitled, a. jJlpM mutaza,id, increasing, multiplying, a, Ojiji^ mutazalzal, shaken, convulsed (as the earth by an earthquake), a. t^jL«i« mutasawi, equal, parallel, right, straight, a. [vetous. a. j—J^ HHfK matsar, envious, niggardly, co- U»*^ TWTT matsara, f. envy, anger, passion ; a gnat, a musquito. s. i^j*>SiQ ifivO matsari (fem. matsarint), en- vious, wicked, s. XmJSa muttasi', broad, large, diffused, mutsi' or mutasscf, making up the number nine, a, laLJU mutasallit, despotic (command), ab- solute (dominion), a. UmJm mutasallim, receiving any thing in charge, keeping in possession, mutasallam (part, paa.)^ delivered, consigned, a. (k«MX« mutasalli, consoled, satisfied, com- forted, condoled, a. m^ matsya, m. a fish ; the fish-avatar of Vishnu, the Purana in which it is related ; a countrr (Dinajpoor and Rungpoor). mataya-raj, m. the fish called Rohi {Cyprinus rohita). *, 2o\JLjm mutashabih, like, resembling ; (sub.) an allegory, a simile, metaphor, a. yj^LSjQ mutasharri', orthodox, observing the Shar' or Divine law. a. mutashakkil, like, resembling, a. mutashakkif complaining, a com- " plainer, a. [plagning. a. cJyoJU mutasaddi*, importuning, troubling, ^jSja^ mutasaddi, m. an accountant, a writer, a clerk ; turning away the face, opposing ; at- tempting, daring, intent on. a. i^jtoj^ mutasarrif, profuse, extravagant; possessing, occupying ; embezzling, a, (J-doJu muttasil, near, contiguous, adjoining, a, jyoj^ mutasawwir, considering, reflecting, considerate, imagining, conceiving, mutofawwar, im*. gined, considered, a. [physical, a. \^ytAyA mutasautviff mystical, obscure, meta* laXioxo mutazabbit, seizing forcibly, a, ^yo^ mutazarriby agitated, disturbed, ui^ easy, beaten. iX« ( 665 ) JXo y_p«^*i^ mutaza*' af, weak, contemptible, a. ^^y^*oJJO mutazammin, including, comprehend- ing, o. J^'Jjc mutazallim, obscured, darkened, op- pressed, injured, a. «lo mat', f. enjoying, reaping the advantage of; adTancing (as the day), a. u-ij'.«Xo muia'araf, known, acknowledged, well known to each other, a. c— *J»Ux<» muta'ahib, successive, following, pursuing ; adv. afterwards, a. tj\jtXio muta'al, 1 , . , fhigh, , , ^ , w.g,.., sublime, lofty, a. ^\jOw« muta'~^ iJjtX« muta'abbid, devout, religious ; refrac- tory, stubhom (a camel), a. u,jc*?** muta'ajjib, wonderful, admiring, wondering, astonished, a, i^Ki/c muta'addid, many, various; ready, prepared ; (sub.) a number exceeding 10,000. a. M^tCU muta'addam, wanting, deficient, a. (_j:jjuU) muta'addt, a transgressor, a wicked wretch; (in gram.) an active, transitive, or causal verb. a. jiS.xlc muta'azzir, making an apology ; de- serving pardon I di£Scult> impossible; stdned; do- faced, a. \jiCa mata'ra, wealth, substance, d. \^jtCLc muta'arriZf m. opposing, reeisting, giving pain or trouble, a. jAwxJU muta'assir, difficult, impossible, a. (.^uajiJU muta'assibf bigoted, partial, preju- 'diced. a. [stinking, a. jj^flfcU muta*affin, putrid, corrupted, rotten, (3AffXo muta'ahkidf consolidated, fastened t<^ther. a. ^jC^ muta'aUikj hanging, suspended ; be- longing to, concerning ; connected with, attached to, addicted ; m. a relation or kin s m an, a. CJ^S^jCa muta'allikatX^\» domestics, chil- j^ISIjOU muta'alUkan, J dren, family, a. Jjo* muta'allam, being taught, learning; * (sub.) a scholar, disciple. mUcfallim, teaching, a teacher, a. (iOfO/o muta'annidf an enemy, one who seeks another's ruin and destruction, a. s,sCU mut'a, use, profit, conveniency, marry- ing pro tempore, an easy kind of marriage permitted to good Musulmans when absent from homei the SunniB, however, consider it illegal and immoraL a. (j\xJU inuta'aiyin, appointed to, fixed, con- stituted, deputed, determined. & tOAiiX* muta'aiyana, m. a station, post, com- mand ; an iqtpointment, establishment, a. L— AijU mutaghallib, victorious, overcoming./;. jjjtlo mutaghaiyir, changed, inconsistent, dis- turbed, stupified perplexed, estranged, a. OjliXo mutafawit, diverse, different, a. {^ja^-^ mutafahhis, an inquirer, examiner, investigator, mutafaj/i^s, examined, a. ^jfliio mutafarrikt separate, distinct, dis- persed, scattered, a. Ol^^aX* mutifarrikat, pi. various and scat- tered things, items of an account, sundries, a. 'iSjSjiM mutifarrikat or mutifarrika, various, sundry ; horseguards, spearmen, or archers, attending a monarch when he travels, a, JfiXo mtittafik, united, agreeing, unanimous, consenting ; m. an accomplice, an associate, a, JxsCa mutafakkir, contemplative, considering^ serious, thoughtful, pensive, grave, a, j^^flXe mutafanni, vicious, worthless, faulty, a. j^olHl* mutahazi, exacting or receiving (puy- "mentof a debt); a dun. a. ^»xH^ mutahaddim, ancient, anterior, antique, preceding ; (sub.) a chief, president, guardian, a. ^^\lCiiSLi^o mutakaddiman,\ pi. the ancients, ^^ruoi^iGc -mutaltaddimin, J predecessors, a. L-^^Hs* mutaharrib, approaching, having ac- cess ; (sub.) a royal relative or favourite, a. j^HHo mutaharrir, made fast, confirmed, esta- blished, a. iJCa muttakl, abstinent, refraining, abste- **mious, sober, temperate, a. \xuc mtittaka, a cushion, couch, pillow, a. jjiCw« mutakabbir, proud, haughty, arrogant, disdainful, a. [tily. a. i6\jpCi/c mutakabbir ana, arrogantly, haugh- ^jixL« mntakaffil, a bail, a surety ; (in re- venue language) an officer who examines accounts and puts his seal on them when passed in the subordinate kachahris, before they are sent to court, a. jSCJ/o mutakallim, speaking; (sub.) a speaker, declaimer; (in gram.) the first person, a. if^ muttakl, one who leans or reclines, a. ^Jt»i^ mutalasKi, m. an inquirer, searcher, a. (li-^^^ mutalatis,\dsiBhed together, agi- ^^)Cw« mutaldtim, J tated (as the waves), a. \^a».U^)^ *1ric^HI^4il matldna ji ka, n. to be sick at the stomach, to feel nausea. A. iiLJfcto Hf^l^j matldhat, If. sickness at the (C^to Ti^ matld,t, f stomach, nau- sea, h. [deUght (in a thing), a. ijh.* mutalazziz, one who relishes or takes ^ ( em ) t*- siCU mutlif, consuming, ruining; (sub.) a oonsumer, prodigal, a. j^^ mutalamwin, changeable, various, a. \^ T!^ matli, f. nausea, sickness, h. ^5l^ mntamadt, persevering, continuing, prolonging, a. i^y^ iffdHM mati-mdn, sensible, intelligent, s. ^^Ui« »TffnTT«T matiman, wise, intelligent. «. xJk«X« mutamatti', enjoying, relishing, a. CijJ!U mutamarrid, vicious, stubborn, disobe- dient, refractory, a. [law), a, ^iL»X« mutamashshl, going on, practised (in bJJlJ>k mutamashshiya, acted upon, bearing npon (as laws), a. ^J^^^ mutamakkin, powerful ; residing ; (sub.) an inhabitant. mutamdkJcan, m. (in gram.) a dlptote, or noun of two cases, a. fj^ mutamannty wishing, desiring, hoping ; the optative mood (in gram.), a. J^^X* mutamarvwil, enriched, wealthy, a. (J^ matan or main, m. the text of a book, the middle, a, ouU JHTTT wafno, m. a kind of sugar-cane. h. UJU jgHH l mutnuj one who pisses much, a piss- a-bed. t. UJU iTinn matna, a. to knead, to squeeze, h. UjU mutanaza', disputed, contested (in ej law). i\j^ mutanasib, similar, proportionate, a. (jiaSUli* mutanakiz, discordant, contradic- tory, a. ^Uxc mutanaht, finished, determined, ter- **minated, arrived at the utmost extreme, a. ajjmc mutanabbih, circumspect, diligent, a. ^jjuM mutanabbt, one who calls himself a "prophet; name of a celebrated Arabian poet. a. jj^ mwtonaji/im, a star-gazer, an astrologer.a. ^^^^ mutanjan, m. a kind of dish, a.pula,o. p. iJ|^^>^y^J'^ mutanjan gospandi, a kind of dish (jmldfi) made of goat's flesh, or of mutton, p. jtiU^ mutana"im, affluent, opulent, enjoying all the comforts of life. a. jftju>c niutanaffir, averse, disgusted, abhor- ring, detesting, a. ij«ftJCi« mutanaffis, solitary, single, a. ci^Jjw* mnf matang, m. an elephant, s. JCjXo matnagi, proof, documents; what may "be relied on as evidence in a law-suit. a. p. •JU init inatau, m. (Braj) counsel, advice, s. ^lyi* mutawatir, 1 successive, or succes- ^j\^ mutawarid,} sively. a. ^\^x« fHHiCT^ mit-vdch, prudent or measured in speech, s. [complaisant, a. x*o\^x« mutawdzi' , complimenting, humbling, ^l^JU HH^Tc^T matmdl'df intoxicated, nlnd se matwdld, one overpowered with sleep from the effects of opium, s h. j^\^ muturcdli, successive, a. C->jX« t^Kmji mattavat, like one drunk, in the manner of a drunkard. «. »s>-i^ mutarvajjih, turning, facing, travelling towards ; attending to, favouring, a, (jt».yio mutamahhish, terrified, scared away.a. JOMi^ mutawassit, intermediate, middling, a. j_)j*>^X« mutawassilj adjoining, conjoining ; trusting in God. a. ^ytOyiA mutarvassU, connected, related, joined to, depending on, arriving ; (sub.) a dependant, con- nection, a. ^J^^ mutawattin, inhabitant, native, inha- biting, residing, a. eyU matu' (quere c^lx«), (in law) a person of incompetent understanding, v. Wilson's Glossary, a. y^JU mutawaffir, many, numerous, plenti- ful, copious, a. [funct. a. {^y^ mutawafft or mutawaffq, dead, de- x^yM mutawakki', expecting, an expectant, a. (.^yl* mutawakkif, slow, tardy, delaying, waiting for, expecting, a. ij^yl/* mutawakhil, resigned to the will of God, trusting another, resigned to one s fate, a, d^yjc mutawallid, born, generated, a. ^»jk/c mutawalti, a superintendant (or trea- "surer of a mosque) ; a kinsman, a. OyU i1ri)*1T mataund, the grain called hodOf q.v. h. [&c. d. V^JU »rin mathd, m. (v. mdthd) the forehead, ^V^i/o iiv||t|l mathdni, f. a churning vessel. «. j^.V.^ mutahdrvin, one who neglects, des- pises, or holds cheap, a. iJL^^'l* *rfv|i! mathit, m. buttermilk without any watery admixture. *. j^ ^fw^T mutihar, m. straw, &c mixed with horses' urine. #. U^jw Tjnma^/mm, f. name of a city in the province of Agra, the birthplace of K^is^na, t. {^j^ *i)J»fl' mathumt, f. the female of ma- thuriya, q. v. s. <4j^ gftlfT^t mutihrx, f. a hole in which the dirt of a stable (particularly urine) ia oollsctad. «. 4^ bj^Xo JT^rftTTT mathuriya, m. name of a caste of Brahmans of Mathura, s. (jM^io fir^ra mithas, mutually, reciprocally, s. j»^ muttaham,susipected, accused, arraigned. muttahim, one who Buspects. a. f^j^^ firvTST mithun, m. a couple, a pair; co- pulation; the constellation Gemini; a pair; hence the Bengalese represented the constellation hy a man and woman, s. [^thin, m. a chuming-stick. s. ^^Xo JfTif mathan, m. act of churning, ma- U^i* 'nnn mathna, a. to churn j to knead, to work ; m. a churn-staflT. «. iJ^jL* »rTl^?naft** T^TT mathaura, m. a parasol, para- pluie, umbrella. ». \jLAJU fipan mithya, adj. false, counterfeit; m. falsehood, untruth ; adv. falsely, s, 9,.j^jJ>[x.^ fHSLmufftsi mithya-pratigya, treacherous, guilty of a breach of promise. «. jWU^ firaqr^TC mithya-char, acting false- ly. $. [atheism ; heresy, t. ciuiiuSbu^JU rHSiMiHfg mithyd-drishti, f. jJl*/«U^ rHUIIHffl mithya-mati, f. error, igno- rance, mistake. «. jCii^L^ ftpan^T^ mithiyo'Vadi, one who utters falsehood, a liar. ». [rant. s. fj^^int^t^mat-hinormati'hin, stupid, igno- j^ ftnrt mi^ ^Z^^ matrlla, mixed with peas. h. i^XLct^Z^matah, f. coquetry, ogling, matuk (for mukuf), a crown. /*. K3'/« »rT«IT matka, m. a large earthen jar. h. b\li« »TT^IT5n matkana, a. to wink, to ogle, to twinkle, k. ( 667 ) J. >XjO<> »?7cir^T matkuld, a kind of dumpling. ^ (;;XjC« H3e|;«T matkan, ra. f. coquetry, ogling, h. ^j^xie J^ToImTT matakna, n. to wink, to ogle, to coquet mafkana, m. a small vessel for taking water out of a larger, h. [earth, h. l^'^5oU JR^FlTT matkotha, m. a house of j^A/o 4{{ah1 matkl, f. a child's coral, or play- " thing which infants suck; a small jar; a chum, a vessel in which milk is churned ; a winJc, a twinkle, closing of the eyes, h. UjU fn^viT mitna, n. to expire, to be effaced, to cease existing, h. /i^jU t^Zmath, m. a Hindu college or convent, a pagan temple, a devotee's abode. *. ,.^jU WT muth, m.f. grasp, clutch; the fist; a blow with the fist, muth-mard, m. a robber, a ruffian. «. V^jU ?TJT matt ha, m. buttermilk, s. l^Xc ??7T matha or mattha, slow, lazy, indo lent. mit/M, m. a kiss; adj. sweet. A. V^jU muttha, m. the handle of a plough, rf. / vjIajU r*l■ sweetness, s. ijoOl^Ju 'fiTTTTT mithans, m.J ^l^ ftlTT^ST mithala, a productive moisture inherent in a soil. h. [nesa. 3, ^jA^ f»m^ mithd,!,, f. a sweetmeat; sweet- i,?]^^ *»7^ mathri,\ f. a kind of sweet- (Cj^jU ftljO mithrl,} meat. «. cL»»4jU »T^7 mathaut, poll-tax, impost, h. .^/U'O ^f^mathor, \n • i ^ ■• _a,_a }-f. ajar. A. (_^.»^i* HdTiJ mathauri,) "j »^jU rCSt^'^matholi or muthoU,f. onanism. A. Q^L) JRJ'tf^Pn mutholiyd, m. one who com- mits onanism, h, ^e4JWi3RjtTOM«Ai,f. a handful, grasp; fist. s. Jj-^ fk^ mitthi, f. a kiss. h. U^jU »?f3Tn muthiyd, m. a handful, s ^jc 'ftr^ mi.ifi or J?^ matti, f. earth. miV^i ";jar larnd, to dispute about land, mitfi pakapid, to bite the ground ; to be overcome or overturned ; to be per- verse or obstinate, to resist, mittl detia, to bury, mittt ddlna, to conceal the crime or fault of another, mitti icarnd, to ruin or destroy, mittl men milna, to be ruined or disgraced mitti khdna, to eat flesh, mitti Jiond, to become weak or faint, to be ruined, mittt ka tel, petroleum, a kind of bitumen, supposed to possess marvellous salutary qualities, s. \jJU fJTfinn mitiyd, f. an earthen pot. mutiyd (for mopiyd), a porter, carrier. *. \xU Hfj^ mattiyd, a well without a frame, merely excavated, h. [sou, s. |.\juU Hftrmn matiyard, m. arable land, rich bUio *[f7xn«n matiydnd, n. to wink at, to connive ; to suffer, to tolerate, h. ^ ( ) ^ ^IjuU iffT^n^ maiiyam, m. sufferance, tole- ration, h. w\i* maxaha or masabat, a step, a degree, a station ; a place wliere people assemble, a. JU* misal, f. simile, likeness, similitude, a. ^J\1a misali, like, resembling, a. h. sJMq masana, the bladder, the place which holds the foetus, a. Ci^to mushit, one who confirms, proves, or establishes, munabbat, established, ratified, a. O^jjU masbut, firm, fixed, established, a. Jlil* maskal or miskal, m. a weight con- taining 4 mashat and 3^ ra/t5. a. JjL« wiflsa/, f. a fable, allegory, simile, meta- phor, proverb ; post, station, department, an example. migl, t. similitude, likeness ; (in law) a suit or plea. misli diwani, a civil suit, tnisli faujdart, a criminal ^ suit. a. [stance, a. iUU mislan or masalan, for example, for in- bUJU musallas, three-cornered, triple, mu- gallai masld, an allegorical fable, a. e)j>A musla or masula, a question, proposition, precept, example; punishment by vr&y of example, a. Ax« mhli, like, equal ; (in law) an article which, being lent or sold, is to be replaced by an- other quite similar, a. »*Jk/o musmir, fruitful, musammarf fruit ripe forgathering; fruit-bearing, a, ^^pJ>^ mvsamman, consisting of eight, octan- gular, eigbt-fold. a. (cyd« mamawi, f. the sort of verse in which the couplets rhyme regularly, as in English heroic verse. The term is applied, par excellence, to a moral work in this kind of metre by Maulavl Ruml. a. jyJM mu^anna, m. a copy, the second, a. jl> HIT maj, ripe, mellow, h. V^ «TSn rnajja, m. marrow, pith, kernel, s. J«il:^ mujadil, contentious, disputant, quar- relsome, a. ftJtil:*? mvjadala, m. contention, dispute, alter- cation ; a conflict, scu£9e. a. ijj^ mujart, current ; in force (a law), a. j\3^ majdz, lawful, convenient; superficial, ^ insincere, feigned ; metaphorical, a. ^Ijtf* majazaji, by way of metaphor, a. i^j^ majazi, superficially; adj. metaphoric, hyperbolical, a. Jlj^ mujTil, f. power, ability, strength, a. ^jJl^ mujalis (pi. of jj-i:^), conferences, assemblies, convivial conversations, sederunts. a. C^\^ mujalasat, f. sitting together, an as- sembly, a. «*\** majamV (pi. of ^^), congregations, a. C.***l*^ mujama'at, f. carnal connection, coition, coittu. a. tl*jjl:^ mujambat, being near or at the side of a person ; also retiring, withdrawing, a. CL^\ji? mujdnasat, f. being akin, or homo- geneoiu. a. jj^ mujarcir, m. a neighbour; a sweeper of a mosque (devoutly employed or fixed to the mosque), a. 0,jljtf* mujawarat,'\£. neighbourhood, inti- {jj^^ mujawiri, J macy, familiarity, a. Jj\js? mujdwiZf transgressing, exceeding, bounding, a. dit\^ mujdhidj one who labours or endea- vours ; a warrior (especially in the defence of the tru« faith), a. C^^\s^ mujdhadat or mujahada, f. a holy war, fighting in defence of religion, a. jj^majbur, constrained, forced, restricted.a. ijjyi^ majburt, f. constraint, restriction, a, j^-Juijfi? mujtaba, elected, chosen, elect, a. ^j*^ mujtarim, guilty, arraigned, a. x^Jk:^ mujtami'j assembled, convened ; agree- ing in the same opinion; (a man) arriving at full Btrength. a. iX^Jc^ mujtahid, one who wages war against infidels ; a title conferred on the heads of the law and religion, a doctor (in law), a. j^^ majhary m. an asylum, a hiding-place, a. i^j^ majdf m. glory, grandeur, splendour, the honour derived from ancestors, zu-l-majd, glo- rious, right honourable, a. «it>jtf* mujaddad, new, recent, modern, a. v-->jiij^ majzub, attracted, abstracted ; a re- ligious fanatic, a. jji^j^ majzur, m. square (in arithmetic), a. /•jjjsl' majzum, leprous, a. ]^ mttjrd, m. (in Pers. and Hind.) allow- ance, premium, deduction ; (in Hind.) obeisance, re- spects, visit, audience, mujre-^ah, place of audience for the reception of visitors, mujra-k., a. to visit, a, iS^]j^ mvjrd,i, m. one who pays his respects t. e, servants, ministers, &c a, ^jSf^ mujarrib, trying, proving, mujarrdb, adj. expert, skilful, experienced, a. ^jSf^ mujarrad, solitary, alone, unmarried, a, ^^jS^ mnjarradan, singly, solely, only, a, C0>\djs^ mtijarraddt, pi. incorporeal beings.4. ij^js^ mujarradi, f. solitude, soUtarineM^ celibacy, a. A.:^ mvjrim, criminal ; (sub.) a sinner. •• J^ ( ) cO^ ^%j3? mafi'v.h, wounded, lacerated, a. ^fSr fnujra (v. inuJ7'a) allowing, &c. a. Ui? mujazza, divided into several parts, a. ^-*j^ mvjassam, having a body, embodied, corpulent, incorporated, incarnate, a. {SOya^ majsus, plastered, besmeared, a. ijj»^ muja"ad, curled (as the hair), a. iL^ mujalla, polished, furbished, illustrated, manifested, decked, adorned, a. tSLs? mujallid, m. a bookbinder, mujallad, bound (a volume), a. («i:^ majlis, f. an assembly, a company, congregation, convention, a. igA^ majlisi, a person assisting at an as- "eembly. a, \Xsi? mujalla (v. mujalla) adorned, &c. a. d-^ mujammad, congealed, a. j^ majmir, m. a chafing-dish ; a censer for Incense ; perfume, a. X^ majma or s*^majma''a, m. an assem- bly, meeting, a collection, majma'u-l-hdfyrain, the meeting of the two seas, the title of a Persian histori- cal vork. a. ^y^a^ mujmal, m. a summary, compendium, ^ abridgment, mvjmil, one who sums up. a, ^^^ mujmalan, summarily, in short, a. fy^ majmu', 1m. a crowd, assembly ; a tS-f^s^ majmu'a,) large tray or salver; a compound perfume ; a collection, magazine, compen- dium ; a form (in printing); adj. collected, assembled, contained, all, the whole, majmu'a-ddr (record-keep- er), a title given to the servants of a Tfdnun-go, a. ^y^ majmUft, aggregate, collected, a. yifcir^ mujannas, a mongrel, of mixed breed ; adj. composed of different kinds, a. j^y^ majnun, insane, in love ; m. the name of a celebrated lover, whose amours with Lailq are the subject of poems by several eminent hands, such as Nizaml, Arntr Khusru, and Jamt, &c. a. CL^^fS^ majnunlyaf, f. insanity, love-mad- ness, a. jms^v^^majur, Im. (said to be a corrup. \.^ ^jSIJJ majura,} tion of mazdur) a labour- er, a carrier, p. h. \^\^ majurt (for mazdurx) labour, ip. jysf mujatowizt holding or proving to be lawful ; permitting or allowing to pass ; urging, press- ing, a. iy>^^ majus, m. a guebre, or follower of Zoroaster, a magian, a fire- worshipper, a magician. p.a. i&*^ majuslf of or relating to the magi. p> L_i^ mujawwaf, hollow, concave, vaulted, majuf, thick, large-bellied, a. '^ ^^f^^jh, inflex. of Istpers.pron. me. h. J^^ TVKK majhar, m. (v. manjh) the mid- dle, the centre, in the middle, s. i~s}^s^ 'Wnft majharl, in the midst, s. ^^^ *r*K;55Twa;A/a, middling, intermediate, s. «i.jj^ majhala, m. wrangling, a. ^^tf^ majhud, oppressed with labour, or vex- ation ; (sub.) care, trouble, endeavour, diligence, a. Oyi(^ majhul, little known ; (sub.) passive voice; (in gram.) applied to the letters waw and yd when the former has the sound of o in mole, and the latter that of I in fSte. majhuli mutlaljc, very indolent or useless, a. " ' [diate. s. ^54^ T*!^!^ majhola, middling, interme- jj^4^ "ns^fiS^ majhoti, f. a small cart on two "wheels, h. ^j^^ majhuli, f. ignorance, apathy, a. (_,54^ ^il'niujhe, (ace. or dat.) pron. me, "to me. A. ^^^^Ji4^ 1^3^ majhell, f. a small cart, h, 1^3^ muje (v. mujhe), me, to me. d. L^i;,'^ mujtb, listeningto, granting, consent- ing, takhig well. a. i^iJf^ Hlflif majit, cheap, that which is sold at an underprice ; bought at second hand. h. f^^^ Hsfli majith, f. name of a drug used for dyeing red {Rubia munjtt, Roxh.). t. liJkjsf inajid, glorious, honourable, noble, a. ^ji^ "I'llu majlra, m. small cymbals, s. jfi much, drowsiness, apathy ; a standard foi* ^gold. d. \^ 5^ muchcha, m. a large lump of flesh or meat, macha (v. machdn), a platform, h. ^l^ machala, m. a platform, &c. (v. ma* chdii). d. >clsi* Tf^TPR machamach, chokeful, stuffed, h, ^l^ Vi^r{ machan, m. a stage, a frame, a bench, platform, raised seat. », 13'v^ ff'^T'IT machana, a. to make, to stir, to commit, to produce, to excite, commit, h. U|^ f*RTT»n michrana, a. to eat without an appetite, k. [out an appetite, h. j^jxf fn-*! iSH'^t.michar-michar, eating witb- til^ M'4«h' machak, f. pain in the joints, h. \jj6>^ r*?-«|ohKHT michkarna, a. to rinse, h. U\^ M^4il*!)j??' H-*|<^ | VH machlapan, m. stubborn- U^Ij^ H < l<«5 ltn machlana, n. to feel nausea, to be sick at the stomach ; to pretend ignorance, h. \it>^^ H^cJi l ^ T machldha, squeamish, stub- born. Ii. [ness. h. ciLJb^Xii* H^^^ fil-oUc^tfT michanlnd, a. to shut the eyes. h. «4^ '''ff machchh or »r5 machh, m. a fish ; the name of the first avatar, or incarnation, when Vislfnu appeared in the shape of the small fish saphari to Satyahratd or Hayagrlva, to warn him of the general deluge, and desire him to place the four Vedas in the boat, which he (Vishnu) would preserve. The fish was first taken up by Hayagrlva in his hands when bathing ; it was then of the size of a Putht, but after- wards grew too large for being contained in a tank, river, &c., and was carried to the sea ; where after- wards it supported the ark with its horn. Satyabrata lived about 3000 years before Christ, s. j^ JT^ST: machchhariXm. a gnat, a musquito. j,^ ^^ machchhar,) machchhar kl jhul ka clwr, one who would steal the minutest thing, a mean, petty pilferer, t. Li3^4** muchharak (v. masen), the down upon the lips. d. I^j4*^ TertTT machhranga, m. name of a bird, a species of kingfisher, h. ijj^ i^O machhri,') f. a fish, machhli ^J^ai? Hift^l machhli, Y bandar, the port of ^_^'f TSfl" machchh'iy J Masulipatam. s. jj>A^ < y TSf*^ machhandar, m. a rat ; (met.) adj. stupid, h. ji^x^sf H"Sil^ muhdzt, opposite, parallel, a. L—^l^ muhdrib, m. a warrior, a combatant.a. dOjl^ muhdrabat, 1 battle, combat, war, iOjl^ muhdraba, j fight, a. \^ muhdsib, ra. an accountant, one who keeps accounts ; calculating, an examiner, an auditor of accounts, a. «uu«»l^ muhdsaba, m. computation, calcula- tion, account, mul^dsaba-ddr, an accountant, one who has accounts to settle, muttdsaba-talab, demanding a settlement of accounts, a. ^^j**>W* mahdsin (pi. irreg.), the beard and mustaches ; virtues, laudable actions, a. (^W° mahdsh, m. goods, eflPects, wealth, a. jio\^ muhdsir, a besieger, one who sur- rounds or blockades (a fort, &c.). a. ljio\^ muhdsara, surrounding, besieging, in- vesting, b/ockading, sitting down before a fort, &c. a. J^l^ mahdsil (pi. of J^jiaa^), profits, gains, &c. a. [preceding), o. 0^.0 1^ mahdsildt, (barbarous pi. of the jto\^ muhdzir, present, in attendance (in court), a. [against another, a. LL>yo\:^ muhdzarat, f. appearing before or lail^ muhdjiz,, a defender, commander, mu- hidji^ i daftar, keeper of the records, a. CLuail^ muhdfazat, f. preservation, protec- tion, guardianship, custody; keeping in mind or me- mory, a. si\^ muhdfa, m. (properly mihaffa), Apdlki, a kind of litter in which women travel, a. jfjjl^ muhakala, sale of corn in the ear be- fore it is ripe. a. Jl^ mahdll, m. (pi. of Jjb* or aJ^), streets, squares, courts, places, houses, districts, departments, lands, or any public funds producing revenue to go- vernment, a, JV^ muhdl, impossible, absurd, muhdli mut- laJc, very difficult, absolutely impossible, quite abmrd. ma^dl, art, deception, a. u* O^l^ mukaldt, pi. absurdities, impossibili- tkcft. a. [actions, a. tJ-«l^ mahamid (pi. of 5a^), praiseworthy C^\j^\^ muhdwarat(p]. of SjjU?),dialogues. idioms, &c. a. Oj^l^ miihawarat, f. 'I idiom, usage, current Sjjls:* miihawara, m. J speech, phraseology, dialogue, conversation, conference, a. CL^}^ mahayat, partition of usufruct, a. v_vljk^ muhtat, guarded, circumspect, a. J'ok^7n,?/)^Ssf muhaddab, convex, a. \JL>S^ muhaddis, a narrator, a relater. a, «3jti^ mahdud, limited, bounded, a. (_-Jjii^ mahzufy omitted, cut off (as a parti- cle in Arabic Syntax), a (— ->Ua£* mihrab, f. the principal place in a mosque, where the priest prays to the people with his face turned towards Mecca; the royal closet or chamber, a. [rab. a. {J^j^ mikrdbi, arched ; of or like the mih- jj^ muharrir, m. a writer, a clerk, mvr ]^araii; written, inscribed, o. u-J^^ muharraf, inverted, transposed, a. yjfj^ muharrik, inflamed, burning (a fever). mul},rik, incentive, giving warmth. mM^riJon, in a burning state, a. \jCj^ muharramat, things forbidden, a, Cax«^ mahraniiyaty f. the state of being a confidant, a. [^^j^ mahrus, guarded, preserved, a. c^Mjj^ makrusa, m. a garrisoned or fortified place ; well governed or protected territory, as those subject to established sovereign power, mamdliki makrusa, the countries occupied by any sovereign, a, yjjj^ mahruk, torrid, scorched, a. «ijj^ mahruka, fuel, combustibles, a. (t^j^ mahrum, prohibited, excluded ; unfor- tunate, wretched, plundered, deprived of the support of life, disappointed, a. i^^j^ mahrumi, \L exclusion, prohi- C^^XA^j^ mahrumiyat,) bition, disappoint- ment, a. (jjj^ mahzun, grieved, vexed, afflicted, a. ^J***^ muhsin, benefitting, obliging, a. L-.'j-*^ mahsub, computed, numbered, car- ried to account, a. dy**^ mahsud, envied, hated, a. (^jt»y**s^ mahsus, perceived, felt known for certain ; pi. malfsusat, things felt, thing* perceptlbl* to the senses, a. — ( tA^ ( «« ) JL^ mahiharf m. a place of assembly, the last jadgment a. j^-1^ mahshur, raised from the dead, a, \^^ muhashshq, illustrated (a book, &c.) " by marginal notes, a. ^y,oj^ muhassil, m. a tax-gatherer, a bailiff, a dun ; adj. collecting, gathering, inquiring, a. iO^Lio^ muhassilana, m.1 the fees of the \>a^ muhassiU, f. / bailiff or tax- gatherer, a. jLa^ muhassiUf f. office of tax collector, a. ^^•^ muhsan or muhsana, chaste,continent. a. jyo^ mahsur, besieged, surrounded, detained, restrained, a. Ji^io^ mahsul, m. tax, duty, excise, custom, postage, produce of any thing, public revenue from any source, ma^sul-dar, yielding or having a profit ; a collector or receiver of taxes, o. f}ya^ mahmli, of or relating to taxes, &c. a. (3i*i* mahzy pure, unmixed ; adv. merely, entirely, wholly, purely, a. j*a^ mahzar^m. royal presence, appearance, a general application or petition ; nature, temper, dispo- sition. wjaA?a»-M"n«. a police station or court, ma^ar- nama, m. a muster-roll, list of those who are present, a, jJa^ mahzuVy forbidden, unlawful, a. 0\,*ia^ mahzurat, pi. unlawful things, a. is>»^i^ mahzuz, glad, cheerful, contented, de- lighted, pleased, a. ^a*!* muhzi, preferring, favouring, a, Att^ inahfil, f. the place or time of meeting, assembly, congregation, congress, a. )b^L^ mahfuz, guarded, protected, preserved; committed to memory, o. [women, a. Rflai* mihaffa, m. a covered chair or palhi for ^y^ muhilik, acting properly, doing justice, knowing for certain, wiaj?;, cancelling; burning; having a right, a. jfts^ muhahkar, despised, contemptible, a. ^H^ muhdkkaliy confirmed, certified, authen- 'ttrated, verified, known for truth. mu^aTfk:ilf, (part, act) verifying, affirming, a. aSlflii^ muhdk^ikana, truly, accurately, a. iJiX^ rnihak or mihakk, f touchstone, test. a. Sj^ mulxkam, strengthened, firm, fortified, •^•trong; adv. strenuously, firmly, a. [fcc a. CA^j^ mahkamat (pi. of **^**), tribunals, g ^f i^ mahkama, m. a tribunal, court of jus- tice, judgment-seat. truHJcama-aukqf, local agency; acourt of trust, a. ^S^ muhhanii, strength, firmness, a. "J^ viahhum, subjected, under command ; Morested with supreme power ; BeateQced,condemned.a jvcjxs^ mahkumlt state of subjection, a. (J^ mahall, m. a place, building, boose, mansion, seraglio, district, quarter, abode, time, op- portunity. ma^all-sarS, the inner or female apart- ments (of a mansion). maJfalli mujra, the place of obeisance ; clearing of accounts, a. Oi^** makalldt, pi. houses, places, &c. a. ;JI*i* muhallil, one who makes lawful that which was illegal; (in med.) dissolvent. mufyaUal, made lawful, a. O^U^ mukallildt, discutientia, or medicines which dissolve morbid fluids, a. i^y^ mahluf, sworn, having had the oath administered. ma^/u/-a^<7i(, the thing or circumstance sworn to. a. &ia£* viahalla, a quarter (or part of a town), district, division, ward. mahalla-dSr, an officer in charge of a ward ; an alderman, a. i^^ mahalli, an attendant on the seraglio ; **a eunuch, a. (X«^ muhammad, adj. praised, praiseworthy j m. name of the Arabian prophet, m. iS.^ makmida, a laudable action; fame, a, i^(\»^ muhammadi, Muhanimadan ; a fol- lower of or believer in Muhammad, a. ^y^ makviil, m. that by which any thing is supported ; a camel's saddle, or that which fastens the two parts of a camel's load; a litter carried on a cameU a. ^y^ mahmud, worthy, laudable; m. a man't name ; a king of Ghaznt, son of Sabaktagtn. a. Idyt^ mahmuda, scammony. a. ^jity^ mahmudi, f. a kind of fine muslin j a silver coin, worth about eightpence of our money ; name of an Afghan tribe, a. [&a a. ^J^ mihan (pi. of tlUi^), toils, troubles, \Zj^ mihnat, f. labour, trouble, misfortune, difficulty, calamity, affliction, trial, temptation, per- plexity, sorrow, mi^nat-zada, struck with affliction. m'lhnat-'kash, one who endures affliction, mij^nat ko plna, (Dakh.) to sufffer patiently under affliction, a. joUi*^ mihnatdna, pay of labour, wages, a. j5Jk** mihnati, m. a labourer; adj. laborious, " painstaking, difficult, unfortunate, a. ^ mahv, malm, or maho, effaced, forgotten, erased, obliterated, a. jy^ mihwar, m. an axis. a. ^^ muhaurvat, surrounded by a wall. a. e!^y^ muhauwata, ra. an enclosure, area. tnujfauwiia, the wall, &c. forming an enclosure, a. C^y^ mahwiyat, effacement, obliteration. Om \tx^ vuiJilt, containing, surrounding, encir- cling; comprehending, knowing, ba^ri mu^ii, tba main ocean, tnu^lti dd.ira, the circumference of a circle, a. ij^ ( 673 ) mx^ muhtta, land within the supply of a ■well, &c. (▼. chak). a. Jj^ muhll, m. a cheat, deceiver, knave, prevaricator, a. \J^ mukha, Moka, a seaport town of Arabia, on the Red Sea. a. (•>^ makhtum, sealed, signed, concluded, name of a flower, a. ^ili^ makhadim (pi. of *a^), servants, do- mestics, ministers, a. [borsements. a. jrj^ fnakhdrij (pi. of -rj^^i expenses, dig- CU^o^ muhJiasamat, opposition, hostility, altercation, quarrelling, a. s^Jja\^ mukhdtib, m. a speaker, the person who addresses another, muj^tab, the person ad- dressed ; (in gram.) the second person, a. ^J|Ki!h\^ mukhdtihtn, pi. those who speak to or address others, a. lye^^ mukhdtara, m. danger, peril, hazard, a. cll>ili^ mukhafat, dread, danger; pi. mukhd- jat, dangers, &c. a. c:,^^li^ mukhdlatat, f. associating, con- versing, mixing together in society, a. ^fljla^ mukkdlif, opposite, adverse, contrary, dissentient ; (sub.) an enemy, an opponent, o Ci^flili^ mukhdlafat, f. opposition, adversity, repugnance, variance, enmity, a. jXs^ mukhbir, announcing news, signifying, certifying, telling news, mujilibiri fadtk, the bringer of certain intelligence, a. Jojki^ muKhahhat, disordered in the intellect, a. lUa^ mtikhtar, chosen, selected; absolute, independent, invested with power and authority; (sub.) a free agent ; an agent acting with full power for another, mukhtari Tear, a superintendant, a di- rector of affairs, mujchtdr-nama, a power of attorney. muhhtaran. as an agent, a. t/jl:iii* mukhtdri, f. independence, power, authority, free agency ; office of mujsl^ar. a. efjljio^ mukhtdla, an impostor, a deceiver, a. e Job° mukhtari', m. an inventor, author, founder; commencing. muibtar\j6ji? mukhdirdty (in medicine) narcotic8.a. ^•^.Xatf' makhdum, served j (hence) m. a mas- ter ; f. maUiduma, a mistress, a. *--*i*j'^*^ makhdumiyat, f. mastership, a. Jj*^^ makhzul, contemned, despised, a. ^jsC* mahhraj, m. utterance, pronunciation. nuliiffa}, any thing given out, expenditure, a. ^3j^ ma'kkruty la cone, a cylinder; adj. «i>j5jas^waiAr«(a, J conical, cylindrical, a. ^^^3/^ makhrutdt, pi. conic sections, a. {il^ mnkhzan, m. a magazine, storehouse, granary; (hence Span, almazen. Port, almazem, Ital. magazzino. Ft. magaxin, Bag. magazine), a. ji*^^ fnakhsur, injured, damaged, a. L>^y*^^''^o.Msus, peculiar, particular, makl^ fif-h, to impute, ascribe, a. j*as^ muhhazzar, verdant, flourishing, a. Jalaa^ mnkhattat, marked with lines ; having incipient beard or down on the face (a youth), a. S-^yaaS* makhtub, affianced, betrothed, a. j!r^ makhtur, thought, imagined, con- ceived, supposed, a. i.jisj^ mvMaffaf, alleviated; light; con- temptible ; (a consonant) having a short for a lone vowel, a. [jc^j^ makhfuz, depressed, submissive, a. ^^^J^ makhfi, concealed, secret, clandestine, "occult, private, a. Ji^ mukhill, disturbing, spoiling, ruining; (sub.) a disturber, interrupter, a. ^U^ muhhalla, empty ; dismissed, set at li- berty, repudiated, set free. muHhfiUa bi-f-fab', uncere- monious, a. ijJ^ mukhallad, eternal,durable,permanent.a. (^ja^ muMUs, m.a friend ; a bachelor (q.d. a free man) ; adj. sincere, pure, true, maiyaf, ui asylum, a, io\ja)J^ mukhlisdnaf sincere, friendly, can- did ; like a friend, a. ^^a^ makhlast, f. escape, release, shelter, "asylum, deliverance, liberation, a. ^J^ mukhalla'f dressed or presented with a lihiVat, q. v. a. Isjiii? mahhlut, mixed, blended, con fused a. 3x J^ ( «74 ) ,jw« \^ m^muh, created, formed, produced, a. CJ^^ makUum, pi. creatures, created things, a. a^^ makMuhl!/at, f- the creation, a. j^ mukhrnir, fermented, leavened, muhham- tnir, leavening, a. ir*^ muhjiammas, m. a kind of verse con- taining five lines; a pentagon or five-sided figure; adj. quintuple, pentangular, a. C^L-^ mukhammasat^ pi. verses or stanzas of five lines ; five-sided figures, a. i.^ex^ maMmam, ™' hunger, wretchedness.a. ^y^ makhmal, m. velvet, a. A»as* makhmali, made of velvet, a. ,y^ maWimur^ intoxicated, completely drunk, a. \t^'^ muhhannas, effeminate, abject, in- famous ; (sub.) an hermaphrodite ; exoletus, qui corpus prostituit cinoeais. a. ^jyys^ makknV'h suffocated, strangled, a. i-jy^ makJmf, dangerous, dreadful, mu- tiauwif, terrifying. muUbauwaf, terrified, a. \3Ui^ mikhiydna, a. to beat, to sabdue, to overcome, p. h, oa^ mukhaiyir, bountiful, charitable, liberal, left to free choice, indifferent, giving an option of two things, mu^iaiyar, possessed of free choice, a. JjLs^ mukhaiyil, imagining, fancying, doubt- ing, being deceived, conjecturing from phy6iognomy.a. \)LXa^ maklnla, ra. imagination, conception, thought, opinion, suspidon. a. ^Aa^ mukMm, pitching a tent, mukhaiyam. m. an encampment, a. d^ madd, f. extension, production, lengthen- ing ; the flux of the eea ; the mark (") placed some- times over alif, which gives it a long broad sound ; a peculiar mode of writing certain words in accounts. madd o jazr, tide, the flux and reflux of the sea. tnaddi na^r, f. kind looks, encouragement ; extensive view mudd, a kind of dry measure varying from one to two raff, q. v. a. (^ ^^ mad, m. wine, spirits, any intoxicating beverage; inebriety, intoxication ; (met.) pride, hangh- tinesft, arrogance, conceit. mad-i£pr, a drunkard. «. 4\« mad, having a bad smell, d. ^^ >f. pleasure, delight, joy. s. iiV« W^ mudd,) —Ijxc madddh, m. an encomiast, eulogist, ^Minegjrrfst. a. ^-^4X« madddht, f. act of praising, eulogy, a. A»'\Si« maddkhil (pi. of ,_y*"ti>*), incomes, vevenues. madaJsJiu-maM^rij, additions and diminu- tions, income and expenditure, a. y*^Ai^\.>^^ muddkhalat (also muddkhala), f. access ; entering into, intermeddling, a. j\,\ic vradar, ni. a circumferonne ; a centre; a place of turning or returning; a place where one stops or stands, a station, a seat, 'izzal-madar, the seat of glory, madaru-l-mahamm, m. the minister, i.t. the centre of afVairs. maddr i kar, the principal of affairs, the issue or result of an action, sliah-madar, name of a celebrated Musalman saint, a. J^t^x »»^ maddr, m. f. name of a plant (As- ckptas gigantea). s. jj\j-« muddrd, ni. 1 humility, humanity, C^\j\sa muddrdt, f. J politeness, affabiliiy, courtesy; deceit, circumvention, dissimulation, a. trj^<^ maddrij (pi. of--j4>-«), steps, degrees, ascents, waj's. a. (^jnj\i^j« maddris (pi. of &*«ji^/c), colleges, a. ^^^SA Wi}(S maddrl, m. a juggler, h. i^j\s< maddrl, of or relating to maddr. a. b^li\* » T < i rHT I maddriyd, m. the followers of the saint Madar, q. v. p. h. C>«i^(3x muddfaat, repulsion, warding off. a. f^SA muddm, always ; permanent, lasting, fixed ; continually ; f. wine, spirits, a. ^\(\.«c mad-bds, m. smell of the jack fruit, d. j)^ mudahhir, adj. disposing in order, go verning; prudent, ingenious; m. a manager, coun sellor, director, mudbir, retiring, bashful, modest mudahbar, (in law) a slave to whom emancipation has been promised, a. iCj>(^ mudabbiri, act of managing, &c. viud- biri, adversity, bad luck. a. C^^ muddat, f. a space of time, a long time, antiquity, muddatu-l-'tunr, during life, mud- dati madid, a long space of time. a. Ot^ 9^«f ^i'Udit, rejoic(>d, pleased, delighted; m. pleasure, happiness, s. _.4X/« madh, f. praise, eulogiuni, commendation, mad^-ifivon. * bard, a panegyrist, a. —^Sic viudahrij, what revolves, a. o^-iiA midha, also midfiat, a praiseworthy action, a. .^ ( «7d ) Jt>s< jJ»-Jj« mudkhil, entering, penetrating, mud- thai, entered, inserted, madkhal, income, revenue, a. f^jSfSA mad khan, a place where smoke issues.a. Jy»-i\* madkhul, entered, put in, inserted, a. s^^Sjc madkhula, f. a concubine, a. 4iJ>Jwo madad-gar, an assister, protector, ally. a. p. [tection. p. (CjliiSiX* madad- g art, f. aid, assistance, pro- tii>* mudirr, causing to flow, diuretic, a. iii\« Tf^TT madira, f. spirits, wine. s. Vjd^ W^ mudra, f. a sign, a signet-ring; a •ilver coin ; an attitude or gesture ; a ring worn by jogts in their ears. *. C^\ji^ mudirrat, (in med.) stimulants, a. ^ X\\^^ Vi^jf^ mudranhity^sedXeA., stamp- C0>j<^ ».i\« mudarris, m. a professor, a head of a college, mudarras, a student, a. »3U*>jt3-owarfrasawa,academical,scholastic.a.jo. ftM>j(Vo madrasa, m. a university, a college, a ■chool for the diffusion of Muljtammadan learning, a. i**»ji^ mudarrisi, f. professorship, a. i*iJiii.»c mudrik, comprehending, understand- ing ; one who comprehends, a. gi.^ mudriha, m. strength of understanding, intellectual powers, genius, q. Iff-J^ viudda'a, m. desire, wish, meaning, suit, view, object, scope, intention, a. [jects. a. C^Vpj-o mudda'dt, pi. desires, views, ob- f^S^c mtidda'i, m. a plaintiff, suitor, claimant, "prosecutor ; an enemy. mudddi 'alaihl (properly mudda'q 'alaihi), a defendant (in law); criminal. "In the courts of Southern India, mudda'i is erroneously used in the sense of ' defendant,* while the plaintiff is termed faryadl." — (B.) a. vjy.&A^ mudda'lyat, a plaint, a charge ; the act of making a claim or suit in law ; a female plain- tiff, a, »iS'd^ mudda,tya, f. a female plaintiff, a. j^Sic mu dgh im, inserting (a letter), joining two letters by tathdld. mudg^am doubled by iashdld (a letter), a. ^i>« mad/an, 1m. a place for interment, a »J3i^madfana,j tomb. a. ^j^t^/o waf:(/'M??, buried, concealed, interred, a JjJti-« mvdakMJi, examining minutely. a» ^^J^ madluh, hectic ; pounded, a. i^Sic Hf^^oh' madik, proud, intoxicated with wealth, purse-proud, madak, a pellet of opium cm other drug for smoking. *. viJl^ gS" mudg, m. a sort of kidney-bean {Phaseolus mungo). s. ^S< g^ mudgar, m. a mallet, a mace, a hammer; a kind of jasmine, s, [^*lf<^ ♦i§<.«1 madgurst, f. a sort of fish. i. J4V0 mudul, capital, stock, store, d. f^SA mudalUl, wheedling, a wheedler. a. \i\«<^ *t«;«iirtT mad-mata, also madmanti and (in Dakh.) madmata, drunk, intoxicated. *. i^S^ miidammigh, proud, fastidious, foolish. A. ^^SA mudun (pi. of aJoii./*), cities, towns, a. ^^Sa JT^»T madan, m. love, lust ; a name of Kamadeva; name of a medicinal plant, datura; the plant called tnain-phal {Gardenia dumetorum, Kan Vangueria splnosa, Roxb.). madan-vash, subdued bv love, in love. s. [flower. «. (jUjjiS>/o *i(;ti«iT*T madan-ban, name of a jjii^ viudawwar, round, circular, a. ^tVo W^ maddh, amidst, amid ; ra. tempera- ment. ». ^(\«7fV madhu, m. honey, ardent spirit ; the nectar or honey of flowers; the season of spring; the month oiChaitra ; name of a demon slain by Krishna, a. iSKmadda, m. the long vowels, or alif, rvaro, and ye, when quiescent, and preceded by a letter which has their homogeneous short vowel ; as in the words mal, wealth ; sud, gain ; and pil, an elephant, o. ^^Jfcti-* TY^"! madhu-ban, m. a name of Mathura, q; v. s. [a bee. ». u-*J&Li«'« 'TV? madkup, m. lit. honey-drinking, J J6ii^ '''^5^ "tnadhu-pur, m. a name of Ma thura, q. v, *. [fruit. *. (^J^»Ji_Jt>SA'^^^Tm madhii-paras, m. ripe, juicy i^ji^^JbS* jpjv(h madhii-park, m. a dish of curds {ght and honey) to be offered to a respectable guest. «. [Mathura, q. v, *. ^JJ>,J!>^^ ^P^^^ mudhU'puri, f. a name of jj J jfctVo Jnirnsr madhu-trin, m. sugar-cane. », JfctJw* ^VK. madhur, m. ^sweet, pleasant to fj^iyic^^^ madhurifi.) the ears, as music, s. /yj.jfcjrfc TVT^ madhu-ras, m. sweetness (in flavour or in speech), s. [an arbitrate, t. (JJu^jbi^/a WS^ maddhast or m,addhasta, m. f^iiyM^,^ JTOT^ madhu-sudan, a name of Krishna, who slew a demon called Madhu, q. v. •• ^<^ ( 676 ) V ,^ J^ TVJirC madhukar, m. the honey-maker, lj>\Sto mazakira (pi. of tf^), things worthy (I bee ; name of l/i^/iaw, a relative of Xri4«a ; a plant -/•.--• ^—^ ^. - -— ^ --- {Jrhyranthes aspera) ; a fruit, the round sweet lime. *. i^Xjb,^ V[\rwtt madhuhri, f. a kind of bread hiked on live coals (used among the ascetics or jogis)i victuals given in alms to pilgrims, (^J^^jo »T>I«K^ madhu-kosh, m. the honey- comb, or hive. *. JSi^t(^ maddham, middling, temperate, s. CJ[^^ JWTTH madhu-matf m. name of a ragini or musical mode. *• lUUfcii-o Jfynin madh-mata or W^^Wmadhu- mata, intoxicated, drunk. ». /v»Uft'<3^ JTMWni madhu-mas, m. the month otChaitra. s. [bee. *. ^^\jcJbSA H^IJT^ madhu-makhi, f. a honey- "^^d^ WVPf madku-may, sweet, luscious, s. (^^Sm> madkush, astonished, confounded; inebriated, a. fjJi^S* WJW^ madhuhri (v. madhuhri), a kind of bread. «. idJJy>ti^ »r«l^5^ madhulah, m. a sort of bas- sia growing in watery or mountainous situations ; sweetness. *. ^^^Sa ^vcnj^ madhyanh or madhyahnUf m. midday, noon. s. j^iJt>S< TURT madhyam, middle, intermediate, middling; m. the fifth note of the ffamut. mtadh' yama, f the middle finger, madhyam-uk, m. the mid- dle world, the earth, t. 9^Sa itsQ mxidhya, middle, intermediate; m. the middle. »»ad/iy«-6/ia|f,m. the centre, madhya-desh, m the middle region, a part of India, comprising the modern province of Allahabad, Agra, Delhi, Oude, &c. madhya-stha, centrical, middle ; m. a middleman, an umpire, a mediator, madhya-sthata, f. middle state or character, madhya-ldk, the middle world, the earth. madhya-varti, central, being amidst ; m. a mediator, t. ^(^ madtk, a praiseworthy action, a. i\>i3x madid, long, extensive, a. \jli^ ^^ madera, f. spirituous liquor, s. h. »x>,i^ madina, m. a city, a stale; name of a city in Arabia, Medina, famed as the burying-place o{ Muffammad. a. [debt. a. ^»}^.<^ madyun, a debtor, one involved in WiA/c mr madya, m. wine, spirituous liquor. wiadya-ptt or madya-pa, drunk, a drunkard, s, Ijb jw« 1WT madha, m. a temporary Imilding, an open shed or hall, adorned with flowers, and erected on festive occasions, as at marriages, &c. s. \iJbS^ T^Xf\ madhaiya, m. a cottage, a hut. s. ^cSf« maddi, f. dregs, sediment, d. U->\J^ muzah, liquid, melted, la'li muzab, a liquid ruby, red wine. a. jliSf mazah, m. taste, tasting ; the palate, a. of being remembered, mus^kara, conference, con- versation, a. \^ mazahib (pi. of u^\>.^i^ muzbuhat, pi. victims, animals sa- crificed, a. j_^y iX« mazbuhi, f.stateof being8acrificed.a. j^iX* mazbur (for .^Jj/c), written, above- written, a. jfi^ muzzakhar, (in gram.) masculine, a. i^SA mazhara, m. mentioning, relating, a. jy<^ mazhur, before mentioned, remem- bered ; (sub. m.) mention, discourse, a, OKy li/c mazkurat, pi. discourses, relations, matters mentioned, things aforesaid ; items, a. dJit/o mazallat, baseness, contempt, a. L1a«iX« mazammat, f. satire, abuse, scorn, contempt, a. [pised. a, ^yoi^io mazmum, scorned, contemptible, des- u^(X mardtib (pi. of wJ^), dignities; times ; affairs ; (barbarous pi. naratibat), m. C.>M>-\j^ murdja'at, f. return, recourse ; re- peating, a. [neys. « i^\j< mardhil, journeys, stages, day's jour- ^\^ mardhim, favours, kindnesses, gifts, a, ii\jA murdd, f desire, wish, intention, devigK^ inclination, a. \. ( 677 ) ^J* ijJbCiiL* murad-mand. bj>j«iLc murad-wanta. CJ>\i^ycmurada.tf pi. things desired, designs, a. (jSisl^V*' ^urad-hakksh, the giver of one's desire, a man's name. a. J^Lc muradif, synonymous, a. I, 1 desirous, longing a, J for; needy, necessi- tous, a, p. h, ^^i^\yo murddl, favourably, agreeably to one's wish ; f. change, small money, a. ObtiL* muradit/at, obtaining one's wishes, desirables, a. j\jc grrft; murari, \m. q. d. the foe of mur; ijj\y« HCH!) murari,) an epithet oi Krishna. s. CJu*»L« murasalat, epistolary correspon- dence, a. ^\j/o marasim (pi. of (*»^* or **.>**^)> marks, signs, vestiges; laws, usages, customs, con- ventions, observances, a. OU-\-« mura'dt, f. looking back upon, con- sidering, reflecting, viewing attentively through half- eyes ; attending to, listening j taking care of, preserv- ing, guarding, a. CLo^\jc murdghahatf desire, propensity, a. C^\jA murdfa'at, citing before a judge, a lawsuit, a. [company, a. CJ^\jA murdfahxt, association, travelling in u>5)y« murdkib, an observer, inspector, a. wiLc murdkaba, m. observation, contempla- tion; fearing God. a. JU< mj^ mardl, m. a duck, a snrt of goose with red legs and bilL •• [till. A. X>\j« HTTtTT mardnd, a. to cause to strike or mAj«mard,o (also wara,onl), fatal, deadly, d. ^Ajc 5^131 murd,u, m. (v. viurd,t) a vegetable merchant, h. jjib^ murdhik, a lad near the age of puberty, a. (^-*U* *ITT^ murdyt, m. one whose business it is to grow and sell vegetables, h. jc-^L* murdji, a hypocrite, a seeming saint, a. b\jA mardyd (pi. of cJ\jc), mirrors, &c. a. \zAi\jt murdydt, f. acting hypocritically, hypocriBy. o. [fection. a. \jjQ murdbhd (v. lOjo), m. a preserve, con- ^ji^yQ murahbd-sdz, m. a confectioner, a. p. ±>y> murabba', being four in number; square, quadrangular, quadrilateral; sitting cross-legged (like a tailor) ; having a quartan ague. a. ^^J* fiarbut, bound, fastened ; arranged, oonftrued, grammatical, a. s^jt murabba, pickled, preserved ; m. a con- feettoD, JaiD. a. l^^^ l^iTopWT marbhukkhd, \ starved to ^^^^jioV[m^\ marbhukhd, J death, vo- racious, greedy, s. [war. •. ^jo T^^T marubhu, m. the province of Mar- j3^ murabbi, a tutor, guardian, protector, patron, murabba, a confection, a. ^^jo VJV(^ mar-pach, rotten, feniumted, ma- cerated, a. UaCj/* »rTTT^«n mar-pachnd, n. to suflFer pain or sorrow ; to labour excessively, a. C^jic WU mrit or mrita, dead, deceased. $. Cj>jc fi?^ mirt (formrityu), f. death, dying, s. ;^lj.« murtdz, exercised, disciplined, a. Jl3^ *THT^ mriidl, m. a fragrant earth, called also Surat earth, s. <-^jo murattab, arranged, regulated, prepared. murtib, wearisome, tedious, murattih, one who arranges. muratiab-k., to arrange, a. f^y^yo martnbdn, m. a jar for keeping pre- serves in, a vessel of the finest China porcelain which poison cannot penetrate, a. sSijo martaba, m. (also martabat, f.) a step, degree, dignity, ofBce, employment, charge, rank of honour, a. SSyf^ murtadd, an apostate, a renegade; one who has seceded from the Musalman faith, and is (or was) consequently an outlaw, a. ^\Ju*o-* *?iTOTtT mrit-sndn, funeral ablution, bathing after mourning, a. ^e^jo murtaza, chosen, approved; one of "the titles of 'Alt, s. \^J^jift murta'ish, trembling, frightened, a. *fl3^ murtafa\ elevated, exalted, high, sub- lime, aggrandized, a. ijiXijc mr^ mritak, m. a dead body, a corpse, s. ^j^ Jjf^oFT mrittikd, f. earth, clay, soil. s. i^,~^j* murtakib, mounted, carried, riding; perpetrating, committing, a. )j^j^ »?"fi«Rn mrit-kird, f. an earthworm, s. t— J^Xo JTiTcir^ mrit-kalp, insensible,fainted. «. Jy\/c martul (v. mdrtul), a turnscrew. mar- tol, a hammer, d. if^„^yo Tff^ martavya, mortal, what is to die.*. 1^3^ fir^ mirthd, false, lying, untrue, s. (^j^ murtahan, pledged, pawned, murtahiitf a pawnbroker, mortgagee, a, <-4/* 't^ mrityu, f. death, dying, s. LdJ^jJ./o ?TW^rto|r martya-lohj m. the earth, the world of mortals (v. loTc). s. L^J* JJTg^iJ mrityun-jay, the conqueror d "death ; a name of Shiva. *. ^r 678 ) *^ iijSjic iTi^ marti/a, m. a man, a mortal. «. &x>j^ mar sit/a, m. an elegy, a funeral eulo- gium, particularly one suug during the Mu^arram in commemoration of the descendants of y^/t. marfiya le]twan, a repeater of the margiya. margiya kjiipdni, act of repeating or singing the margiya. a. i\j»'jio *T^T^ marjdd, \f. station, rank, dig- \d\>-ji« ^^J^ marjada,) nity, respect, honour, iteadiness, rectitude, propriety of condact. $. ciJtiU-^ »?%f^V marjadikt respectable, ho- nourable. « jjjU-^ marjdn, m. coral, a flmall pearl, p. b\»-^ H<9|I«1I mar-jand, n. to die, to expire, s. j_^Wj/o marjdnx, of or relating to coral, p. ^j* marja*, m. time or place of return, asy- lum, refiige, repetition, a. ffi-j^ tnarjxCy returned, referred ; brought into court (a suit) ; fem. marjffa. a, uV^j* ^|^C-^ murjV, m, one who delays doing what he promises ; one of the sect called murji,at or murji- yat, who procrastinate the practice of good works as altogether unnecessary, and who deem faith sufficient for attaininj salvation, d. '^j* li'WlMf marjlyd, a diver (for pearls), s. j-j* fir^ mirch or ♦nfi."*! marich, f. pepper. gol-mirch, black pepper. laUmirch, capsicum, Cayenne pepper ; (in Dakh.) mircha, tnirchdni, or mirchi. «. V^i* fU'*t\ mircha rcha,i, J m. Chili pepper (Capsicum fru- f^fi\»'jio fir^T^ mircha ttseent). t. slS^jHi ^^^(^mur-chang, f. a jew's-harp. p.h. V4»-j* murchhd (v.m«rcAAa),swoon,fainting. h. u^^^ marhah, m. amplitude; adj. large, ■pacioni, wide. a. u»|^ marhabd, interj. (lit. may you enjoy a spacious abode !) hail I welcome ! God bless you ! o. a\»jfo markala, m. a day's journey, a stage, the time or place of travelling ; an inn ; a battery, the bastion of a fort. a. > marhatnat, f. pity, compassion, mercy, clemency, favour ; a present a. (*.)*!/• »wfl»'^'«^> one who has found mercy, ». e. one deceased, the late ; as nawwabi marJ^um, the late nowwdfc. o. [city of Medina, a. 'Uyi-jc marhumat, f. defunct, deceased ; the i,ja':>-ye muruMkhus, permitted or allowed (to depart), dismissed, a. ij* viaradf obstinacy, perverseness. a. lijo mard, m. a male, a man, a hero (yir). mardi ddrni, a gentleman, mardi udmiyat, gentle- manly conduct, mard-bdz, a lascivious woman, adul- tress, strumpet. »iard-6a2 J, f. adultery, mard-bachcha, the son of a brave man. p. [mild. t. i^jA ^E mridu, soft ; blunt, not sharp ; gentle, d\d^ murddd, name of a Persian month cor- responding with our July. p. jii|* murddvy polluted, impure, squalid, ugly, profane; (sub.) carrion. murddr-Hitpdr, a species of eagle or crow that feeds filthily, a vulture, p. i>L^SjMj]iiy6 murddr-sang, also murdd-sang or murda-iang, m. litharge, p. ^^liJlo marddn, pi. men, heroes, warriors, p. ^^^\^JlO marddnagl, f, manliness, bravery, p. «jliij/c marddna, manly, brave; male or re- lating to males ; propria quae maribus ; (as male apart- ments, &c.). p. fj,\iijio marddnt, f. a masculine (woman), p. C^dij* fffiT mardit, rubbed, anointed, s. \iijc ^^ril mridutd, f. softness, s. iliiyc muraddad, reprobated, ruined, perplexed. tnuraddid, one who drives to and fro; a repeller. a. iJi}dj, j^^j^ mard-kdr, one who acts manfully, a hero; adj. heroic, valiant, p. juiij0o mardum, m. man in general, a polite man ; the pupil of the eye ; adj. civil, humane, tnar' dum-azdr, an oppressor, mardum-dzdri, f oppression, tyranny, robbery and murder, mardum i chashm, the pupil of the eye. mardum-]ckwdr, man-devouring, cruel, mardtim-jchez, producing good men. mardum^ dar, man-rending, ferocious, mardum-kush, a man- slayer, a murderer, mardum-ktishi, manslaughter, murder, mardum-gazd, man-stinging, injurious, p, (jle4>^ mardumdn, pi. people, men and women in general, p. UUiS^ nuirdamdnd, m. (same as mard) a man. d. [eyes. p. i^XoJ^ mardumak, f. the pupil of the ^^^y mardumi, f. manliness, bravery, civi- lity, humanity (in Dakh. mardtmgi). p. {»)^j^ H^l mardan, m. rubbing the body, bruising, trampling, s. ^^j^ murdan, (r. mtr) to die, to perish, p, ijJ-)dyo v^^ mridang or ft?^^ mirdang, f. a kind of drum, a long drum, broader in the middle th^m at the ends. s. j_jXJiij<« f^i^a^ mirdangt, 1m. a beater of {xLJiiye fJlff^^T viirdangiyd,} the mtr- dang. s. j,5^ *T|fft mardanl, m. one who anoints. mardaniydn, m. [)1. attendants who rob oil, peftWMd paste, &c., over the body. t. •y ( 679 ) i^. ii^ murdanl, worthy of death, p. iji^ marduyO,, m. a man, a fellow (a term of contempt), p. lijii^ mardud, rejected, excluded, reprobated, repulsed, confuted ; m. an apostate, a. ijdj^ijc mai-dudl, f. apostacy ; rejection, a. Idjio murda, dead ; m. a corpse, murda-sho, one who washes the dead, murda-farosh, a name of a caste whose business it is to carry the dead. p. ^^jA firVT mirdha, m. an officer employed by government in villages, an overseer, exciseman, h. i^^jo viaj'di, manliness, manhood, virility. tnarde-admi, a gentleman, p. ^j/o TTrf'TT mar-rahna, n. to be dead ; (met.) to be deeply in love. s. jj* marz, ra. region, district, marz o kish- ivar, empire, territory, p. UjM mirzd, m. a prince ; a title of Musal- mans. mirza-mizaj, nice; fastidious, mirza-manish, genteel, respectable, p. i^^]jj< mirzd,i,f. gentility, pride, arrogance.j^. jj^ljj -« marZ'ban, m. a governor of the fron- tier, a prince, p. Ay^.\f> marz-bum, also marzo hum, m. region, district, empire, territory, h. ^Jjo marzaba, m. a way, mode ; regimen, government, a. [mode, manner, a. i,j»»jA maras (pi. oPiuuja), ropes, maris, way, Im»j/« iT^ marsa or marshd, m. name of a pot- herb {Amaranthus oleraceus), t. ^^\u>yo marsdn, f. a small whetstone, a. J^Ju**/! Tl^W^ marusthal, barren, dry, with- out water, desert, t. Js*u^ mursal, m. a messenger, a divine mes- senger, a prophet, an apostle; of which class the Mtt- J^ammadans reckon 313; the whole number of prophets (ambiya) are reckoned by the most moderate to amount to 124,000 ; pi. mursalin. a. z\mjio mursala, m. an epistle, a missive j a necklace, a. »y**j* marsum, accustomed, notified, pre- scribed ; persuaded, a mandate, a. ^jKt H4.MI marshd, m. a potherb (^Amaran- thus oleraceus). s. \ji»-o JT^ mrishd, falsely ; in vain. s. 6M*yc murshid, m. an instructor, a director, guide (to salvation), a teacher, a monitor, a. ff^Mtjic murskidt, f. instruction in matters of religion, a. %»oyi murassa*, covered with gold, set or ■tndded with jewels, cloth so ornamented. «. ^owo maraz, m. sickness, disease, a. »*jOj* murzi'a or murzVat, a wet narse. a f^j*> marzi, agreeable, acceptable ; taking favourably; f. will, assent, pleasure, a C->lxo^ marziydt, pi. things, agreeable, a. 's-i^jo marziyatan, willingly, a. L-*i?j/« mtirtib, humid, moist j verdant. murattih, making moist, a. jjuls^ martabdn, m. a glazed vessel, ajar. a. ^^jo mariub, wet, damp, moist, full of humours, a. ^^jto mar'ub, terrified, overawed, a. &ji« miirgh, m. a fowl, bird, cock (particu- larly house fowl), mur^i aiwan, the sparrow, mur ghi biriydn, a broiled fowl, mar^, a species of gra«^ pasture, p. \^yo murghd, m. a cock, any male bird. p. ^Jf^yo murghubi, f. a waterfowl, p. i^y^j« murghdn, pi. birds, murghdni chamartf birds of the grove, nightingales, p JuP^ murgh-bdz, a cock-fighter; one who feeds cocks, p. yj^j*' margh-zdr, m. a place abounding in verdiire or in pasture, a meadow, p. y.^JS'jic murghak, a little bird, a small fowl. p. ^^jQ marghub, desirable, amiable, lovely, beautiful, estimable, a. 0^j« marghul, Im. locks, twisted or plaited; *S^jic marghpld,) quavering (in singing), p. Mij^yomargholnd, n. to warble (as a bird), d. j_^^ murghl, f. a hen. murgfn-rodld, m. a poulterer p. [both ends), p. ^j» marfd, m a kind of drum (beaten at Jj5^ mirfah, m. the elbow ; a cubit, a. ^^i;* marfu, exalted; marked with the vowel pesh, or short u. a. sijc marfa (v. marfd), a drum, &c. p, »SjA muraffah, quiet, tranqail, contented, happy, prosperous ; comfortable, a. u-**;* markab, m. a place of observation, a. CjSjtt marakat, a kind of broth, a. 63j< marhad, f a bed ; a grave, a sepulchre, tomb ; a medicine promoting sleep, a. X9yc murakka, clothed in rags, patched, mended ; m. a scrap-book ; fine penmanship, a. M^jo markicm, written, described, inscribed, above-mentioned, a. i^jA iT^cp marak, m. epidemy, pestilence. $. li\^»[rVR|T murkdtM, u. to twist, to writhe.4 d!). ( K^f^ marhab, m. a horse, ship, camel, or any thing in or on which a person ia carried, a. Lm^yo murakkab, compounded, composed, combined, mixed, a. OUCc murakkabat, pi. compound medi- cinea ; name given to a apecies of stanza in poetry, a. C*^ vrrWH markat, m. an emerald. «. iJLSyc ^TMZ markat, m. a monkey, an ape. markafl, f. a small or female monkey, t. 6JjJOyc iTJIr^f^ markatendu, m. a sort of ebony, s. [honae. *. ^j*> 'PCK^ markachaf m. the ridge of a SjA TC5RT marker, having been dead ; (met) with di£Sculty. h. jiwo markaz, m. a centre, the centre of a cir- cle; a halting- place; an upper part of a letter, as leaf lea markax,ihe upper or bent part of (Im letter kaf. a. [wish, mmri. a. jyj* markuz, fixed ; hid, concealed ; (sub.) j_j'3oy-« murkundi, prostrate, lying down. murkundt m&ma, to confine one's self to bed ; to lie down and cover one's self up as when going to sleep, dm ^j^ THIf^ markaha, "j addicted to beat- \it>\^^ mMV^ markhdha, > ing, striking, or \j^j< *i<4S«i! markhand, J butting (a man or animal), h. \jj^j« HlMH^l mar'khapna, n. to die. h. Vi^J;* JIT^RT markhand, addicted to beat- ing, &c. (v. marJcahS). h. i^j* 1<,<*1 murht, f. an ornament worn in "the car ; the tragus of the ear. h. ^^Jyo ipj mrig or mirg, m. a deer, mirg- trislfiid, m. (v. sarab) a mirage, &c. mirg-chifS, m. name of a small bird, mlrgchhala, the skin of a deer worn and used as beds by devotees, mirg-sald, a deer park, mirg-mad, m. musk, mirg-ndbhi, m. musk, a bag of musik. mirg-naini, -nayanl, -netri, or -lochani, deer-eyed (an epithet of a mistress), s. d-yi marg, f. death ; margi mtifdjdt, sudden death, p. [mis coloquintida). s. J,4ilS^ ^TT^^ mrigddani, colocynth (Cucu- j^^cL^ ^TT>d»nft mrig-bhojant, f. bitter ** apple or colocynth. t. [rage. t. (j^JiSjc ijJIriH mrig-trish, f. (v. sardb) mi- t[l)'~5* ^'"*^"' "^T-ig-raj, m. the king of beasts, a lion. t. \jM\lJj* ijMf^KI mrig-sira or mrig-shira, f. the fifth mansion of the moon ; X Ononis, t. Ji/o HVl 1T^ maran, m. death, dying moments, s. 13^ *R«n marna, n. to die, to expire, to cease; (met.) to desire vehemently, to set one's heart upon any thing ; m. dying. *. iiJijic g«fi murand, a country on the north- west of Hindustan, now called Lamgan. *. \J^]S>jtt ^<<|si«iK.nT murandd karnd, a. to tie, to captivate, muran^a-kar-ddlnd, to entrance, to enchant, to captivate. A. \^jjc T^^T maru,d or maru,d, name of a strong-scented plant {Artemisia vulgaris; Octirrmm pilosum, Roxb.). s. '^•j^JJ" marwa/'if?, m. a pearl ; (met.) a son. jt?. ^ jj* *»V<(im marmand, a. to cause to be beaten or killed. marwa-4dlna, to dismiss a charge or complamt. ,. [p.issionate. *. jjf>i4/» ♦i<«nft marndht, affectionate, con> jr ( 681 [^^jc^ttf^ maroli,\m. (v. mahar) a kind '^yj^ mnruwat, f. manliness, virility, forti- ^ade; affection, humanity, generosity, muruwat tornd, to cease behaving affectionately, a. i^jyo miiruwati, humane, generous, a. TTij^ inurarvwaj, selling (merchandise), cur- rent, saleable, usual, a. d^s^j yo mirrvahat, a fan, a ventilator, a. jjjA murur, m. passing, elapsing, a passage, pass, transition, aVenne. O. j^jA f(tK maror, \ f. twist, flexion, turn, jjj/6?T^ maror,} writhe, convolution, via- rof-haz, an affected person, h. )j^j< hOsT marora, m. a twisting of the bowels, pain in the bowels, flux, gripes, h. i^^Jjj/o «lOdMic$l maror-phali, f. name of a "plant (Helicteres Isora), the fruit of which is used in medicine, h. ^jjj< mO^HI marornd, a. to twist, to writhe, to contort, to distort, to g^pe, to yearn, h. ^Sjjj< Hi!\£\ marort, f. twisting, contortion, •writhing ; a screw, h. ', 1 m. I (Jjj* JR^^ marolij of marine monster, h. l3\-o mirond, n. to perambulate, to keep watch (as the patrol), d. tjjo TCt^ mai'oh, f. affection, kindness, hu- manity, compassion, mercy, pity. h. ijjie viarrva, m. a mountain near Mecca, a. tPyj« TCtljt maroht (also marrvdhx), affee- "tionate, merciful, compassionate, h, ^c•J/« marwi, related, alleged, told. a. Ojyo Wl^tm marwaiydj one dying, one at the point of death, s, tyi> marra or marrat, one time or turn, once. marratan, once upon a time, a, Ufcj/o *PC5T murhd, m. an orphan ; a peacock, s. ^yoJ(i::^murha,Tn.con\o\ution;adj.tvr\8ted.h. Jiyc HKW^l markattd or marhatta, m. a Mar- hatta. s. j^yc marham, m. a plaster, ointment, salve. marhammh, he who lays on a salve or plaster, mar ham-paffi, a plaster, ointment or salve spread upon a piece of cloth or leather, a. t-jyb-c marhub, terrible, dreadful, a. j^y&j/o marhun, pawned, pledged, marhuni minnai, bound in gratitude, a. iPj^ 'Hj^ murhi, f. a twist, contortion, writhe, "convolution, h. ^Jyo »nft mart or marri, f. the plague, pesti- lence, the cholera morbus. *. ^)w« mar,lf visible, perceptible, a. liy 3^ mura,i, f. (v. muVi) a radish. /'. ) ]>* (ilv* manjdd, limit, &c. (v. marjdd, &c.). s. l^jb^ jf^ maraithd, twisted, wound up, bound round, h, j^j< hO"«I marich, the name of a demon em- ployed by Havana to entice away Slta; f. pepper {Piper nigrum), s. j^j/o H'On^ mhrichi, If. a ray, a sunbeam j jc-afi w« T^Nt marichi,) m. name of a saint, " son of Brahma ; one of the seven rikhis, represented by the seven stars in Ursa Major (jj Urs. Maj.); a niggard, a miser, s. Oop t/« *lOr^«til maj'ichikd, f. the vapour called mirage. «. Ifalak. a. if wo mirr'ikhy m. Mars, called also jallddi d^jic rnurtd, desirous, willing ; m. a disciple, a scholar, a follower, a. [stubborn, a, ,yo muridi, f. scholarship, the state or period of being a disciple, a, (^jalj« viariz, yick, diseased, a. i^^.y tPcI^ mariyal, lean, emaciated, much reduced by sickness. «. ^j^ Mic^l mureld, m. a pea-chick, s. (^'S3^j«> murJiundi, inverted, topsy-turvy, d. I3v« Hi^l murnd, n. to be twisted, to be bent, turned h. jm'JA ^it^ maror, f. twist, turn, contortion. mafor-hdz, an affected person, h. IjVr* nflil marord, m. a tv\isting of the bowels, gripes, h. [to contort, h. ^j^j^ TTtTfTT marornd, a. to twist, to writhe, (jj%y> TTiyt marori, twisting, convolution j "a screw or spiral, tnarofl melch, a screw naiL h. Joyo ?T3r murh, m. a head man, a chief, s. Vfcjxi 1^ marha, lined, headed, covered or topped (as a drum with parchment), h. ^^'j'<> '»T»T marhan, f. lining, heading (of a drum, &c.). A. Uft>v« T?«n marhnd, a. to cover (as a book with leather, or a drum with parchment), to gQd, to case. h. ii>j* '^ markt, \f. a cottage, a tem- ^yel^;m marhai7/d,} pie. h. \j\j^y> Hr ( 682 ) ,lyo mtzaj, _ij/o mtzajf m. temperament, constitution, complexion, habit of body; temper, disposition, mi- zaj-dan, knowing the temperament, mizaj-shartf, a very respectful term of Inquiry respecting a person's health, q. d., " How is your noble or precious tempera- ment V mizajgo, a flatterer. mizdj-go,t, f. flattery. mizaj-gir, agreeable, suited to the temper or taste, a. ^>.lyo mizaji, habitual, constitutional ; nice, "dainty, squeamish, a. p. _,\j/o muzah(ixho muzahat), m. a jest, a joke. miza^, jesting (with another person), a. ^\wo muzahim, forbidding, hindering; m. an obstacle, a preventive, a preventer ; adj. inconve- nient, a. [drance, impediment, a. -Vyi muzahamat, f. prevention, hin- j^h* mazakh> "i- jest, a joke, pleasantry, a. •bo mazar, m. and f. a place of visitation, hence a sepulchre, tomb, grave, shrine, a. Aj\yc mazari' (pi. of ftjj^), sown fields, &c. mtasSrf, a husbandman, a. lHj^PjU* mazara'at, cultivated lands, a. twUo mazamlr (pi. ofj^<«J*), psalms, &c. a. tiJjl}* muzawalat, f. remedying, curing; seizing or watching for (prey); entering into or managing affairs, a. edj»J/e mazbala, m. a privy, a necessary, a dunghill, any place where filth is tlirown. a. jOU mazbur, written, above-mentioned, be- fore-mentioned, o. [value, a. C.>Wu muzjat, a trifle, a matter of little (_ii»-j* viuzahhraf, ornamented, varnished, deceitful. muzaJsJs^, a deceiver, a cheat, a liar. a. O^^J/« muzakhrafai, pl» idle tales ; lying ▼anittes. a. [wages, recompense, p. «ij* muzdj m. a reward, premium, salary, j«t5J«o mazdur^ m. a day labourer, a labourer in general. tnaxdHr-pafft, a tax (formerly levied) on day labourers, p. {S)3'^j^ wa^dSri, f. pay, hire, fare, wages; the price of laboor. p. Vji* mazra (cor. of fjj», I'^O* ^' cjl* mazra\ la field sown or prepared for jkPjj<« mazra^a,) sowing, a corn-field, a. «,«jj(« mazru', sown, cultivated, a. jflP^ viuzayar, m. a kind of dish, a saffroned puldw, a, ^'jc inuzahha, purified, cleaned, justified. "muzakkt, a purifier, a purgator. a. ^J^y> mizgan (v. mizhgan), the eyelash, p. jUl« mizmai', a pipe, a flute, a. tUU inazniazUf t»hukiiig to and fro. a. (^j* muzmin, chronic, permanent, of long continuance, obstinate (as a disease), a. jy^ rnazmur (pi. >*^ mazaniir), m. a psalm, a hymn. a. dyjijo mizrvad, a traveller's provision bag. a. jj V« mvzawwir, m. a knave, a cheat, a liar. muzawwar, a lie, a falsehood, a. jjjic mazur, m. (for mazdur) a labourer, p. ijo tnaza, m. taste, flavour, any thing agree- able to the palate or mind, 8tc., a tit-bit or bon mot. maza-dar, also maze-dar, savoury, possessed of flavour. maza-dari, f. savouriness. p. vJLo,J* maziyat, excellence; excess, a. iX^l/o mazid, m. increase, augmentation, ad- vantage. mazld-Jc., to take away the dinner, table- cloth, &c. a. [&c. p.h. j!i3J>Jao maze-dar (v. maza-dar), savoury, j>,y> mazir, intrepid, bold, stout-hearted, a. ^»J>.y^ muzaiyan, adorned, a. »«i^ muzhda, m. joyful tidings, p. ^jjv^ mizhgan or muzhgan,f. the eyelashes p. iyc mizha, f. the eyelash, p. ^jitic mis, m. copper, mis i zar-andud, (lit. gilded copper) insincerity, p, [rivers, h. (j«/c g?| mus, land along the high banks of ^J^tA mass, m. touch, mass-h., to feel. a. jj«rt fro mis, m. pretence, fraud, trick (v. mish). masi, m. £ ink. t, L«-« masa, f. evening. ma$a-l-khair, good evening. fu2)$ wa mtua, morning and evening, a. V--« frar r/iflsa or Vf^gi massd, m. a wjirr, a fleshy excrescence. ». tij>-U-* masajid (pi. of cijtf***), mosques, a. -.L*M« massah, a measurer, a geometrician, a. \J!^— ^- --" masahai, f. measurement, geometry, land surveying, a. ekA^LwA masahiha, m. mulier qucs alice muliert se pro viro gerit, qua cot\frictu Ubidinem alteriut explet. a, ^•L-<« masahi, land surveying, a. jLm/« HlilK masar, m. an emerald. A. (^jmLm<« masas, m. mutual contact; coitus, a. (3pL«/« musa'id, assisting, aiding, a. Si^pLm/a musa'ada, m. favour, assistance; mutual aid. a. djil-*«« masafat, f. distance, space, interval, a. Ca^L«-« vmsafahat, f. adultery, whoring, debauchery, a. jiL«/« musafir, a traveller, passenger, stranger. musafir^paruiar or -HaiA-nj, one who cherishes travellers, adj. hospitable, mus^ar, travelled, a. ( 688 ) ^ «jyL»/o musafirana, like a traveller, a. p. O^L** musafarat, f. travelling (in a body); journeying ; being a stranger, a. i6U>- JL,*xi musajir-Mana, m. a house for the reception of travellers, a caravanserai, a. p. jCyiU-<« musafiri, state of travelling, a. tloL-x masakat, f, avarice, stinginess, a j^L-/o masahin (pi. of j^^C«/«), habitations, mansions, a. i^^oL-* masakin (pi. of (j^x-**), the poor. a. cdlJL-o mascUik (pi. of tdJlLy-*), ways, paths, a. ^L«/o wiasom or masamm, ra. a pore (of the skin), ducts or canals of the body. a. OWw— « masamat, pi. pores of the skin. a. «^L*irfO musamahat (also fmisamaha),m.. treat- ing any one gently, pardoolng ; negligence, a. ^L*.L-/« masahat, measuring, measurement.a. 0^jU*/« wMsowa^, f. equation, evenness, equality, a. Oiij^M/* musaroadat, f. contending for su- periority, dominion, a. ^jL-o mwsawi, equal, parallel, equivalent; 'neutral, impartial; suitable, convenient, a. aJj&L«/o musdhala, negligence, carelessness, a. JjU** masd,il (pi. of aif«-/«), questions ; the precepts of Muhammad ; demands, propositions, a. musdbhib, m. the first cause, musab- bibu-l-asbab, the causer of causes, i.e. God. musab- bibi ja?riH the true cause, God the Almighty, a. OlJUu-* mutabbitdt, f. hypnotics; opiate medicines, a. djX^MK TTErf^ masbird, m. a wart, a fleshy excrescence or swelling. «. Xf.M/0 musabba heptagonal, composed of or relating to the number seren. a. CU-** mast, drunk, intoxicated ; lustful, wan- ton, proud, p. j>.\lw«/o mustdjir, m. a tenant, one who rents a house, a contractor, a renter, a fjarmer. a. ^cj^-KLmo mustajirt, f. renting, farming, hold- ing or settlement in a farm. a. y^joKLttjo mutdsal, extirpated, ruined, a. ^j<\Ju«* mustdmiitf one who seeks protec- tion, a. [toxicated. p. «JlJu**A mattanaf intoxicated ; like a man in- j_^UL-i« mastdnl, f. intoxicated j lustful, lech&< " rous, salacious (woman), p. i^jjLmc wMs^a&tf^c?, solitary, acting alone, a. jS m u/^ mustatir, veiled, concealed, hidden, a. J-iijwo musfasna, excellent, extraordinary, " praised, laudable, selected, excepted from any com mon rule. a. (.^U^**^ mustajdb, acceptable, agreeable, mustajabu-d-da'wdt, one whose prayers are accepted, a, «^:S*** mustajmV met together, a. i_*»^**** mustahibb, loving, affectionate, a. f^y^j^:"*^ mustahsan, virtuous, approved, laud- able, beautiful, a. yo^f**^ mustahzir, one who is present, or one who wishes to be present, a, J^*^ mustahikk or mustahakk, worthy, de- serving, having a right to. o. Ji"** mustahkim or mustahkam, firm, fast, established, strong, a. Jj^i^*** mustahil, changed, transmuted, a. frj^'**^ mustaMkraj, drawn out, extracted, a. (jo\=5*** mustakMi?, ^I'^e, liberated, a. JjiJu«/o mustaddm, perpetual, immemorial, assiduous, constant in any thing, a. j_^4ijL*« mustacCi, petitioner, suitor, claim- "ant. a. j>jX«-c mustadtr, round, spherical. MflW mustadir, the circumference (of a circle), a. :>JL^ mustaradd, returned, restored, a. (jJL^ wiisfari, a master artificer, as a mason, " &c., probably from the English "master." ii\jL^A mustazdd, increased ; m. the name of a kind of verse in which every line has a shorter one annexed to it. a, ^L-JL** mustaski, affected with dropsy, one "who is craving drink, a. u-^UaJk**^ mustatab, good, agreeable, excel- lent, pure, a. jAlaJL-/o mustatil, m. a parallelogram, a. j^xy^ic mustazhif, one who cries for help. musta^har, aided, assisted, a. .UL-** musta'dr, any thing borrowed, a. j^jjiJU^ fnusta'jil, one who hastens, a. ,^x]Lm« musta'idd, prepared, ready, capable, able, fit, proper, worthy, musta'iddi 'Urn, learned, a. f^^yCL*tif> musta'rib, one who becomes or af- fects to be an Arab. a. ^cuCL-**/»MS a. ( ,J«iOUm« muntn'mal, used, applieJ, accus- tomed ; second-hand. a. il^\JCL,^ mustaghds, one who is applied to for aid or redress, a. ^lJJlPLt^UI«-« mntaghas'alaihi,^ defendant, a. 2JoL** mustaghrik or mustaghrak, drowned, immersed (literally or metaphorically), a. jSiiCLtsA mustaghfir, one who asks pardon, penitent, a, fjilu^ic mustaghnt, rich, independent, satis- " fied, contented, purse-proud, a. &.)lAJkil«,*V>»xi mustghis, m. a complainant, plain- t>Uu*«* mustafdd, received, acquired, bene- fited, a. [gating, a. y^JcLttA mustqfsir, interrogating, investi- dJSCL Mf o mustafid, gaining,- profiting, acquir- ing, edified, benefited, a. {^jo^lLma mustafiz, diffused, divulged ; fa- TOiired, obliged, a. ^,OAi,..*»* msfm mastak, m. and f. the head, the skull ; the forehead (particularly of an elephant) ; the top of any thing, s. ^_^^^'*'*< ♦t«oii1 mastakt, of or relating to the head. «. [ciliated, a. Jl»l«** mustamal, soothed, persuaded, con- (\«1Lm/« mustamtdd, asking assistance, a. j^L^ mustamirr, firm, constant, durable, per- severing, a. [perform any thing), o. L^«<. »!>..« mustamsak, bound or pledged (to X^i> M C viustamV, a listener, a hearer, a, «^1«1m^ mustamand, poor, wretched, afflicted ; • complainant ; an accuser, p. fc>1^^x»I,....l O mustamnndana, wretchedly, like a poor unhappy individuaL p. 684 ) j,-^ Jal»yi/« mustanad, supported (by any thing). mustanid, one who leans on, and supports himself (bjr any thing), a. [gigantic, a. 8AJu*«//o mustaimin, prosperous, secure, a. tJjfif*^ masjid or masjad, f. a mosque, a temple, a. (^licS?*^ masjidl, relating to a mosque, a. *^*** musajja', rhythmical (speech) ; harmo- nious or measured (periods), a. jjjs^* musajjal, proved, authenticated and sealed by a judge, a. ^^3^*^ masjud, adored, worshipped, a. >«;— /« ^TflC'll masrangi, f. a kind of pulse " fried. *. j'lj*'** masrur, glad, cheerful, exulting, gay, delighted, pleased, masruri, gladness, Sec a. Sj-y-i* masruk, stolen, robbed, surreptitious (fern. masruJca). a. - [plain, a. Jn^< musattah, level, even ; (sub.) an open Ja**^ mistar, f. a board ruled with threads for marking paper preparatory to writing ; a ruler ; a line. a. jy^Mtic mastur, written, expressed, before- mentioned, delineated, above-specified, a. C^^yx-.* mastw'at, things aforesaid, &c. a. «^ivm/o mus'ad, 1 happy, fortunate, propitious, i5y»*«* mas'ud,j_ august, a. \i9.*^ic maskat, place of falling. mashatU'r-ras, one's birthplace, native country, a. ^_°° -■« miisakliaf, roofed, ceiled in. a. <.il«-/« T^TcF masak, m. a gnat. s. \C-* musahka, m. muzzle used to prevent oxen from eating grain, a. j^\^««/o JnTcRT'Jf rmishan, f. a smile or grin, a kind of laugh without opening the mouth, h. Uo««* T^TcBTrlT mushuna, n. to smile, to grin. maskdna, a. to tear, rend, split, burst, h. ^^x««« muskutt, grinning, smiling, d. iw« muskir, inebriating, intoxicating, a. Ci^Ux—* mushurat, grinning, smiling, d. \j\jL^« XV^OHI muskurdna, n. to smile, to £^n, to smirk, h. (_^aX*«^ inishini, f. poverty, indigence, a. jii>*uc misgar, a coppersmith, a brazier. ». J«*-<| 5"5fl^ mmal, m. a wooden pestle, a club. ILjblAAMW «^ 1^ahji ^J«/o mass-karna, a. to touch, a. h. jyX— /o maskan, m. a dwelling, habitation. musakJcin, anodyne, a. [rent, burst, h. Iax.~/o *rec|r»n masakna, n. to be torn, split, OUx** musahkindt, f. anodynes or seda- tives, medicines alleviating pain. a. C>j>C<<* maskanat, f. humility, poverty, misery, a. jjj5L** maskun, inhabited, habitable, a. oiw/c maska, m. butter (especially fresh), p. ^JrX„MK miskin, poor, miserable, humble, wretched, indigent ; name of a Hindustani poet (of Delhi), a. musal dhar barasna, to rain very heavily, or as we mt in the vuIgate, " to rain cats and dogs. s. d.*L-«»* mas,alat, a question, proposition, an action, a thing, o. [mour. a, i— /o musallah, armed for war, clad in ar- J—** maslakh, a slaughter-house, shambles, a. (J— wo musalsal, concatenated, successive, linked, chained, a. lai.-** musallat, conquered, subdued ; con- quest, musallit, m. a governor, ruler, a. uiiL** maslak, m. a way, path, track, an in- stitution, regulation, rule of conduct, a. JL*^ mnslim, a Musalmaii, a believer in and follower of the Muhammadan faith ; name of a famous martyr, the nephew of 'All the son-in-law and fourth successor of Muhammad. " The deaths of Muslim and his sons Muhiammad and Ibrahim form the subject of a very beautiful elegy by Mislnn of Delhi, one of the best specimens of poetry in the Hindustani lan- ^ruage."---{Binning). musallam, keeping safe, preserv- ing in liberty; complete, sound, safe, entire, whole ; firee, exempted from. o. ^^\»> ,■■■<< <> musalmdn (v. muslirri), m. a true be- liever, a Muh^ammadan, " Dr. Gilchrist expresses his doubts regarding the legitimacy of this word, and in- clines to deem it an Indian fabrication. This is not the case. The word is not properly Arabic, nor is it known to the Arabs ; but it is generally used by Per- sians and Turks, and may be met with in some of the best Persian authors, Sa'di, Kashif i, &c." — (Blnning).a ^l»L<-/« musalmdm, f. the Muhammadan re- ligion : (vulg.) circumcision ; (in India) a female Musalman; adj. of or relating to the religion of Mii- hammad. a. liy*-/* JT^T^SfTT mfl^a/na, a. to bruise, to crush, s. L-->^L*-c maslub, seized, snatched away ; spoiled, stripped, a. LiJ^L*« TTias^i/A, beaten ; trodden; inserted, a. J^L*.^ viaslul, consumptive, a. &L*./« masla (properly mas,ala), m. questioUy proposition, a precept of Mutiammad ; a point of law. a, U^wo musammd, called, denominated, a. C->U*»»/« musammdt, f. (v. musamma). jl»*wo mismdr, m. destruction, ruin ; mischief to crops committed by cattle ; a nail, peg, pin. mi»- mar karna, a. to raze, to destroy, mismar ho-jdna, to fall into ruin. a. {Cjl**«/« mismdri, ruination, destruction, a. h. \JU*»*-c ?TO»rRT»n masmasdna, n. to suppress one's sentiments from fear, to be mealy mouthed J (Iq Dakli.) musmusdnd, to breathe hard. h. ^J^'■**^ miisamman, made fat, fattened, a. c^— « masmu'y beard, audible, a. JtM*A ( •^♦*^ masmum, poisoned ; injured or in- fected by poison (meat), a. L^«M/c musammq, named, denominated, cnti- "tled; above-mentioned, a. ^^-wc musinn, old, aged, advanced in years, a. ^*«x JT^nr masan, m. a medicinal fruit {Ser- ratula anthelmintica). t, ^jj^*ic fj^R misan, a soil mixed of clay and sand. h. Ol«»/« fJTOfH misna, n. to be ground or pulve- rized, h. ,^Juw/« masnad, f. a throne, a large cushion, a prop, a chair, masnad-nishtn, a reigning prince, a. i.ltJJuwo manad-ara, adorning the throne, i.e. a king. a. ;?. [na<^. a. h. ^^tXiuwc masnadt, of or relating to the was- ^yu«/o masnun, legal, adopted into usej me- ritorious; circumcised, a. [&c. a. ^_Jyu«/o masnawi (for ^^Ju<«, q. v.), a poem, ui)^j--« miswak, f. a stick used by the na- tives, a tooth-brush, a. id^.>^^ musawwada or maswada, m. a sketch or rough draft of a letter, &c. a. jy^MO ^THT masur, f. a kind of pulse (£J7'vum hirsutum or Clcer lens), t. ^jjy,^^ TW^ masuri, If. a kind of sraall- l),^-*«o JT^PcTf masuriya,} pox. «. Ij'^*-/* il^dl masura, m. the gums (of the teeth), h. \-u>^*M* >raWT masosa, twisted; grieved, af- flicted ; m. affliction, remorse, regret, h. U**»j-«*/o 44^*^11*11 masosna, a. to twist; to squeeze, wring ; n. to be grieved or vexed, h. i^jic**^ H¥i^C\ masahri or masihrl, f. curtains (of a bed) made of very fine gauze, generally green, and commonly called " mosquito curtains," their sole use being to keep out the mosquitoes during the night, s. jJ-j-*-« mushil, aperient, purgative, laxative, a. j^-** misi, made of copper, p. J-M-/0 ftnrft misi or fii^fl missl, f. a powder "with which they tinge the teeth of a black colour (made of vitriol, &c.) ; adj. f. made of vetches, misi- dan. a box of gold, &c. for holding misi. taisi, f. fennel, &c. (v. mishi) h. j^»** »nft masi, f. ink. s. jUbSbu-/* *n?nVK masyadhar, an inkstand, s. ^KAM^ masih, | the Messiah, Christ our 686 I ) Vi^f** masiha, I Lord. a. {j^\^C^ masiha fi,\ Christ-like, of or relating ^_^r^ masihl, J to theMessiah,Christian; "f. office or works of the Messiah, a. ^j'<^x«*« r*i«lf^iTT mifi-daii, a box of gold or silver, &c. for holding »»«». h. p. [a journey, a. ^.jwo maslr, froing, walking, proceeding on (^***« 1?^ ma.ten, f. pi. hair or down on the upper lip which appears in early youth, h. (J^y^* *i*'T*l masln or misin, m. a vetch, I pulse h. [num utilatissimum). h. ' Ua«./c «iti1tii mdslnd or mistna, f. linseed (Li- , {Ji>^ f^^ mish, m. fraud, trick, deception, I pretence, sham; stratagem; envy. t. ! (ji*« 'I^ mash, m. a mosquito, s. I ^Li«« mushahih, resemblance, picture, simi- I litude; probability; like, mitshabih bihi, compared with it. a. I d*^l-i^ mMsAaJflAaf, f.1 similitude, likeness, ^^^Li-« mushahaha, m. J conformity, resem- blance; probability, c. [reviling, a. d^VL^mushatamat, f. reproaching, abusing, ! jLL* mushar, signified, indicated. musha?'un ilaihi, abovementioned, aforesaid, a. i^j\JLa musharik, m. a comrade, an associate, ' a partner, partaker, a. iZjSjJLA mushdrakat, f. community, society, association, partnership, a. ^XiaLi-o mashdtagi, f. tiie business of a ' mashata, or tirewoman, &c. a. ftlauL/* mashata, f. a waiting maid, a woman who combs hair, a bride dresser ; a woman who makes or concerts marriagea, a go-between, a. »^li* musha'ara, m. contending, or excel- ling in poetry ; lying or sleeping together under one coverlid ; a meeting of poets, a. [versatiou. a. x^\JLc mushafaha, oral communication, con- ^Ll* mashshak, m. a practiser, a proficient ; adj. well- versed or -practised, a. iS^-mo mashshdki, through practice, a. h. *Li-c mashdm, m. the smell, the sensorinm of smell, sense of smelling, a. C0fjjj<^mushawaratfi. counsel, deliberation, consultation, a. »4i*Vwo mushdhaday m. sight, vision ; ocular demonstration. mushahada-Tc., a. to look at, to con template, to view. a. 8Jb\-l/o mushdhara, m. bargaining, settling or hiring by the month ; monthly salary, pay, wages, a, ^li* viashdhir (pi. of.^^-l/o), those who are renowned or distinguished, a. S\JL« mashd,ikh(pl, irreg. of ^h^*), old men j l»oly persons, dervises, adorers, a. U-c ( 687 ) y*MtC aJU^U-* masha,ikMna, in the manner of holy men. a. p. [piety. a. ^JA\^ masha,ikht, f. holiness, sanctity, ♦JLajO.Hx) mushaya'at, the following of some guide or leader in religious matters, a. Ll**oli«« musha,i'at, f. the ceremony of accom- panying a visitor, on his departure, to the door of the house ; a mark of respect shewn only to one of supe- rior rank. a. [forated. a. {.*XxJLc mushabhak, latticed, grated, per- <^Jbli« mushabbah, assimilated, like. a. CLa^ musht, f. the fist, a blow with the fist, a handful, p. U^ll/« mushtahiyat, f. provocations, aphrodisiaca. a. ^j^ mvshti, fine silk cloth, or a garment ' made thereof; a handful, a small number or quantity. mushti.e ihak, a handful of dust. p. i^lf musht, m. theft, robbery, h. J^T masht, f. silence, masht mama, to remain silent, h. ^JULK ff^ misht, sweet, sugary, s. 1^\1La MVWTf^ miishta-mushfi, f. or -mush- " a, m. thumping and pulling, boxing, fisticuffs, s. ^U-i/« fqgl^ mishtann, m. sauce, seasoning, gravy; a mixture of sugar and acids eaten with rice, &c. s. \^xL/« T?»IK mushtmar, m. a pilferer, a robber, mushtmar Tear haithna, to sit with tie knees held up by clasping the arms round them. «. ^_JCi««»T?^ mushit, f. the fist, the closed hand ; "stealing, pilfering, s. JbiiiXXiJJLc ^^Wtw^ mushti-bandh, m. one who clenches the fist. s. p. [boxing, s. C^\x)J.^ g^TTliI mushtl-pat,m. pummelling, iJLijL^xliJLK 5^tgfir mushtl-mushti, fist to fist, fisticuffs, s. js^"^ mushajjar, m. a kind of silk cloth. mushjir, abounding in trees, a. f^jaiii^ mushakhkhas, certain, ascertained, stipulated ; a fine, an amercement, a. ii^tjK mushaddad, strengthened ; (applied to a letter that is doubled or marked with the symbol tashdld). a. j^ fir^ mishr or mishar, adj. mixed, blended, mingled; m. mixing, mixture; a title of Brahmans. who were brought to India from Shakadwtp by Krishna in order to cure the leprosy of his son Shdmha ; also a title of Brahmans from Maithal, &c. ; a Hindu physician ; a respectable person, s. k^jLa mashrab, m. place of drinking ; im- bibing ; sect, religion ; nature, temper, humour, a. iOjZ^mashraba,a dining-room, a parlour, a. C^j^ fiff^fT mishrit, mixed, mingled, added j respected, respectable, s. -.-iximws/tarrflA, explained, commented upon; meat cut into small pieces, a. u-J;-i-« musharraf, exalted, ennobled ; orna- mented, vmshrif, an examiner, inspector, observer i near, approaching, impending, a. Sjwc viashrih, m. the east, mashrihatn^ (du.) the east and west, hu'du-l-mashrikain or durt,e mashrikain, as far as east is from west. a. ijj^ mashrikl, eastern, oriental, a. ti)jwo mushrik, m. an infidel, an idolater, a polytheist. musharrak, common (to many), c ^ wi«« ftnBror mishran, m. mixing, uniting; addition, s. [fried, t (JijLA Vfm^n mash-rangif f. a kind of puis* ..-S^ mashru, m. a kind of silk cloth (v. mashrff). a. Lm^mj^ mashrub, drunk, imbibed, potable, a. _j..S^ mashruh, explained, illustrated, com- mented upon ; above-mentioned, a. \^jjJL< mashruhan, aoreeably to the expla- nation, circumstantially. . a. 9jj. mash ■vt, 1 agreed upon, hi-ufi,j (sub.) a sett stipulated ; settled revenue "of ten per cent, allowed to the zamindars. a. cj -i«« mashru', initiated, begun, commenced ; legal, just, prescribed by law ; m. a kind of cloth inadi of silk and cotton mixed (dressed in wliich it is lawful for Musalmiinsto pray, that not being allowed in clotl, entirely- of siik) uf i^ia frjTTlVSE.ITT Am^ ( 688 ) Um libL« mush'a, mixed, as common property, so that the iharei caaaot be distinguished, a. ,30*^ mushabidAm. a conjurer, a jug- 3.^jwc musha'biz, J gler. a. jfuLo mush'ir, signifying, denoting, indicating, bearing the marks of. math'ar or mish'ar, any one of the five senses, a. tjK^ mash'ara, m. a place where poets meet to read their Terses, &c. a. Jjwo mash'al, f. "1 m. a torch, flambeau, i(Jjcl/« mash'ala, m.J lanthern. mash'ala- dar, torchbearer. a ^*^« mash'alcht, m. a torchbearer. a. f. Aicl/c mushghal, busied, employed, a. t\^iLA mashghala, m. employment, pastime j a tumult, a crowd, a. y^yJLic mashffhul, employed, occupied, busy, diligent, anxious, a. tj^k^A mashghTda, m.. employment, occupa- tion, pastime, business, a. Jy^l/c mashghuTt, f. the being employed, "the state of being in office, a. ^fl-l/o mushjih, kind, shewing favour, condol- ing, merciful, a. fcilia^ mushjikana, favourably, kindly, a. \!'jja mashh, f. piercing suddenly with a spear ; striking with velocity ; beating, lashing, tear- ing ; combing ; drawing (a garment, thing, &c.) every way in order to stretch it ; eating of the best parts (of forage, &c.); (a man) galled between the thighs; tall, Blender (girl) ;' (met.) an example, copy to write after, exercise, practice, usage, use. a. i.^\a^ mushliab, f. a large shallow vessel, in which bread is kneaded, t. [toil. a. dAflM^ mashalikat, m. trouble, labour, pains, 1$^ mashkl, acquired by practice, a. diXj^i* mashk, f. a leather bag, especially for carrying water, a water-bag ; the Eastern bagpipe : this instrument has no drone, but simply a goat-skin bag with a mouthpiece and chanter : the latter is Bometinies composed of two pipes joined togetlier like a double flageolet. This instrument seems to be known all over the East: the Persians call it nai-ambana, and the Arabs xummara bil-Jcirba. mushh (in Ara- bic misk), m. musk, mushk-bar, diffusing musk, Bceuted like musk; (met.) a mistress's lock, mushk billl or mishk bila,o, a civet-cat, the animal from which is obtained the perfume called zuhad, or, vulgo, j'au>aatienM. «• CipOVo^ mvsabarat, patient, or enduring with \„„j»\taA musahib, m. a companion, friend^ favourite, aide-de-camp, courtier. 0. lifluo musahabat,^ f. companionship, so- ) LiAA sahabai,^f. mhibt, J ^Jtf»-l«a/o musakibi, J cietj, familiar inter- '"course, communion, a, t— A>"Ua* masahif (pi. of (-_A^^*), books, volumes, &c. a. OjiiV*flu« musadarat, oppression, spoliation, a. tlAJ|jl^du« musara'at, wrestling; a contest, a. i^jXjOA masdrif (pi. of i_-i;-fluo), expenses, disbursements ; changes, vicissitudes, a. { slo-« masdff, f. a field of battle, the ranks of an army. a. 8^\.>a/o musafaha, m. shaking hands, a. Jt\jaj* masalih, m. (pi. of tJL*?^^) affairs; ^honour, glory, employments; materials, masala^ (in Hind.) condiments, drugs, spices, seasoning, masd- la]jt d or -dalna, to season, a, C>^l«fluo musdlahat, f. 'I reconciliation, paci- e^\,,ai« rmisdlaha, m. j fication. musdlaha- Jc., to reconcile, a. L-JUi* masd,ib (pi. of (JIajulo*), afflictions, calamities, a, [tern, a- —\*ja< misbdh, f. a lamp, a torch, a lan- jy*aA musabbar, aloes (the drug merely), i. L.A*'^^ mashaf, mishaf, or mushaf, m. a vo- lume, a book, a page; the ^turan, as "the book," par excellence, a. pig. a. \^^^9^ mashub, accompanied, accompany- ^^tS«a/c misdak, a proof of veracity, a, jS^a* masdar, m. source, origin, spring, theme ; the infinitive or noun of action ; a place, a. ijj J-«a« masdari, of or relating to the pource, or to the infinitive (in gram.), a, eiX*a« musaddi', troublesome, annoying, a. ^>3wia/c musaddih,Q.\ev\^eY, an affirmer. mu- saddak, verified, substantiated, attested, a. jjSjoa masdur, 'I issued, derived, deriva- Jijiiyio* masdura,) tive. a. yOA misr, m. Egypt, also Cairo, the capital of Egypt, any large city. a. jta/« musirr, one who perseveres or insists ; adj. obstinate, unflinching, a. e.\j*aic misrd', l m. a hemistich, a line (in cj^o/o musarra', > poetry); leaf of a folding- eSyOjc misra'a, J door. a. t^jjo^ viusrif, prodigal, masraf, m. expense, disbursement, cost, charge, a, fjr>o^ masru' prostrated ; epileptic, or seized with epilepsy, a. u-i*wA< ma*7*u/',expended,employed; turned. changed, declinable, a. (^j-auc misrl, adj. of or relating to Egypt ; f. sugar-candy ; m. an Egyptian, a. *^lxia/c mastaba, an inn or caravanserai for the reception of strangers, a. \J>^a.,,aA mustafa, chosen, selected; m. one of the titles of Muhammad, a. j^^-ia-a-o mastakl, f. (Gr. fiaffrixtj) mastiche "(the resin of the Pistacia lentiscus). g. Jja-o/* mustalah, idiomatic, metaphoric; an ^ idiom, a phrase, a. ^\^JAjaA <„iustalahdt, pi. idiomatic expres- sions. &c. a. [tified. a. \s.jaA musaff a, clean, pure, transparent ; jus- jA.a* miskal, any thing used in polishing, a. >fl-a* miskald,')a polisher, any instrument «iH-a/o miskalaj with which a thing is po- lished, a. JyLiA* maskuly polished, furbished, a. iLa* musalld, m. a carpet to pray on. a. i-a* wuslih, m. one who rectifies, a mediator, pacifier, adviser, reformer, a. 4.1*^^^^ maslahat, f. an action, occupation , expediency, the best thing to be done ; counsel, ad- vice, maslaj^at-k., a. to consult, to combine, a. u^*^^ maslahatd or maslahatan, advisedly, •wisely, a. L^^La<« maslub, crucified, suspended, a, j^^-fl* musalU, holy, lighteous. musalld, a "spot near Shiraz, celebrated by H5fi$ for its rosy bowers, a. ' [mined, a. ^^*aut musammam, fixed, concluded, deter> xXia/« musanna*, factitious, artificial, a. («JU«a/c musannif, m. a composer, an author. musanna/, composed ; a composition, a. OUlLo* musannafdt, books, works, compo- sitions, a. ^yx^oif masnu', formed, created, made, pre- pared ; artificial ; an invention, contrivance, a. Ols-jlio/* masnu'dt, pi. inventions, contri- vances, works of skill, a. ^y-iOA mamvU'i, artificial, fictitious, a. jyOA musawwir, m. a painter, sculptor; forming, figuring, musawwar, a painting, a picture. «. ;_^^4a^ musamrviri, f. the art of painting, a. l^y^^ masun, guarded, kept in safety, a. di,«jjua/c mmibiit, f. a misfortune, disaster, ailliction, adversity, evil, misery, ill. musihal i ndga- hum, an unlooked-for disaster or affliction, mutibat- zada, struck with misfortime, &c. a. Cl->il«a/e muzaddat, opposition, antipathy, a. imf>j\jau« mvzdrib, a factor, a manager, a, 2y Ua/« ( 690 ) t^\^ muzaraba, m. a battle, conflict, com- bat ; a partnership of stock on the one hand, and la- bour or management on the other, h. ejLA/o muzdri', m. the aorist (in gram); adj. resembling, similar to. a. [plied, a. ^_flc \jA^ muza'af, doubled, increased, multi- ^ j Lao muzaf, annexed, added ; related ; (sub.) a noun placed in construction; one who is joined to others with whom he has no natural connec- tion, muzaf ilaihi, the noun governed, a. C^lilo/o muzaf at, pi. things annexed, ap- pendages, a. (^^1*0/0 mazdmtn (pi. of (jj*^), the con- tents of a book (epistle, &c.). a. dA>\ja/c muzayaTia, m. penury, necessity, dis- tress, poverty; moment, consequence, significance. kuchh muxaydka nahln, it is of no consequence, a. \>^XtOjo mazbut, strong ; possessed, occupied, restrained, moderated, a. ^^iaojc niazbutt, f. strength, firmness, dura- "bility. a. [tious. a. ti)U*^ mizhak, laughing, merry, face- ijlXai^^ muzhik, ridiculous, droll, laughable, a. oKii** muzhikat, pi. jests, jokes, funny sayings or doings, a, «kX*f^^ mazhaka, m. humour, funt drollery, a pun, bon mot. a. jto^ muzirr, pernicious, hurtful, a. \^\jja^mizrab, a musical plectrum or bow. a, Oj-o* mazarrat, f. detriment, damage, in- jury, o. Jauo/c muztarr, rendered desperate, afflicted. a. L-»>jlx.a/« mvztarib, agitated, disturbed, af- flicted, chagrined, anxious, uneasy, a. ^6bAarf^ muztaribdna, in a state of agitation or anxiety ; confusedly, a. «jua<« mnzgha, m. a lump of flesh; a glutton, an ill-bred person, a. X^tOA mizmdr, a large plain or place for exer- cise, a race-course, downs, a. ,Jj^*^* muzmahill, disappearing, vanished, a. j^iOA muzmir, conceiving, imagining, muz- mar, concealed, imagined, conceived in the mind ; (in gram.^ the antecedent, a. ^fMla«rfa« mazmaza, m. washing or rinsing out the mouth, a. [of poem. a. ^^»^yia/o matlub, demanded, required, neces- sary, wanted, a. ^-Ja/c mutmah, a butt for archers, a. *Ja/c mutma\ a thing desired or wished for. a, j^;J*la/« mutma,innj quiet, secure, tranquil, a. ^j4^ mutavjan (v. viutanjan), a puld,o. a. ^yoiO mutawwak, ornamented with a collar or chain (round the neck), o. Jya/o matul, one who delays payment of a debt, or the performance of a promise, mitwal, gentle, soft, easy, mutawwal, extended, prolonged, tall. a. j^^iA mutahhiVf a purifier, a cleanser, mutah- har, pure, holy, purified, maffiar, a place for purifica- tion, purgatory, a. ij^iAM mathara, a vessel from which they pour holy water in ablution, a. (.^.AJua/o mutaiyah, aromatic, perfumed, a. jMa/« matir, dropping, raining, a. *^Ja/« mutV, abject, obedient, submissive, ob- sequious, a. [theatrical spectacles, a. ^U*o mazdhir (pi. ofj^la/«), objects of show, Cl-^jftiUa/o muzaharat, a formula of divorce, a. ^flJa/o muzaffar, victorious, a conqueror, tom- ^affar tva manfur, victorious and supported (for on high), a. jjiiiw muzallal, shaded (from the sun), a. ^lia/c muzlim, dark (night) ; one who walks in darkness, o. [cruelty, a. iiJliaAO mazlama, oppression, tyranny, injustice, j»^lla/o mazlum, injured, oppressed ; mild, gentle, modest, submissive, a. j^jiia/c Tno^/Mml, If. modesty, meekness; CLikXicj^^mazlumlyat,} the state of being oppressed, a. [nion. a. ifj^oA mazinna, m. suspicion, conjecture, opi- j^ia^ mazhaVf m. a place where any spectacle is represented, a theatre, stage, mughir, one who ex- hibits, displays, &c., an informer; a claimant, a pros- ecutor, tnu^har 'alai-hi, the defendant, the one com- plained against, a. *« ma\ with, together, along with. a. »*c ma an, along with, at the same time, mi'd, a gut, the intestines, a. iJj\«/c madbid (pi. of i^f^ and i^f««, q.v.), servants (of God) ; sacred places, temples, a. t_-ol*« mu'dtih, one who chides or blames. mu'atah, reprehended, blamed, a. cHaJoUao mu'dtahat, reproof, reprehension, a. i^U* madd, the place or state to which one returns ; the next world, a. 691 ) U« ^^«5U«»wo'ac?in (pi. ofjji^x*), mines,quarries.a. Slx/o ma'dz, taking refuge, flying to God. na'axu-l-lah, God be our refuge ! may God forbid, a. ijkijU* mu'di'iz, m. an adversary, opponent, competitor, a. [tion. a. e^J^M mu'draza, m. contradiction, opposi- ( — J,U/« ma'drif (pi. of ji^), sciences, ac- quirements, a. (j^KxA ma'dsh f. means of livmg, livelihood, subsistence ; also place of living. bad-ma'a»h, a dis- reputable person, a. C^jmAx/o mu'dsharat, associating, conversa- tion, living and eating together, a. jtoXx/c miidsir, contemporary ; pi. mu'dsirinf coevals, contemporaries, a. j_^U/« ma'dsi (pi. of ajboiw), sins, crimes. "mu'ast, rebellious, criminal, a, ( — JU/« mu'df, absolved, exempted, dispensed with, forgiven, a. ^jU/« mu'afi, f. immunity, exemption ; adj. "forgiven, remitted : in revenue language it denotes lands the rents of which, previously payable to govern- ment, are remitted in perpetuity to the holder. mu'afi chittht, an order to pass free of toll or tax. mu'qfi-dar, one holding any thing free of tax. mu'afi zamin, land revenue-free, mu'afi ma'mufi, established or customary remissions, mu'&fi-rawdna or -nama, an order of exemption from duty or tax. mu'afi sal, a year of exemption from assessment on some special account, a. d««sU/« mu'dkabat, chastisement, penalty, a. ^3^U* ma'dkil (pi. of Xifl*«, q. v.). a. tllJ^U* mudkalat, a fine of atonement for bloodshed, a. Jljw mu'dlij, m. a physician, a doctor, a. «jsU/« mu'dlaja, m. curing, healing J a re- medy, adjustment (of any affair), a. JU* ma'dlim, signs, vestiges, banners, a. j^U(« ma'dh (pi. of ili^, q.v.), highnesses, "eminences, a. O^U/« wM'amaZa^,pl. affairs, transactions.a. ed/ol*** mu'dmala (also mu'dmalat), affair, business, negociation, transaction, a. ■S>\jiAmu'dnid,Q. rebel j an obstinate person, a. sso>\fM mudnaka, m, throwing the arms round another's neck, embracing, a. [senses, a. fj,\jtA madni (pi. of ^J*«*), significations, OJ>jl*« mudwadat, f. returning (to a former habitation), coming or going, a. CL^j^x/c mii'dwazat or mu'dwaza, f. retalia- ting, returning like for like, mu'aivaza-h, to barter to swap. a. ^jj\jw> mu'dwin, m. assisting, an assistant, a d^j\xi« mu'dwanat, f. assistance, a. 2y 2 ( 692 ) {,JO»A i^^sM muahada, confederacy, alliance, a. \.^J\m maa,ih (pi. of <^^), vices, ble- mishes, a. &jj,U« muayana, m. beholding, a. JJL*« ma'hid, m. a place of worship, temple, mosque, church, mu'abbid, m, an adorer, a worshipper.a. jXttA mu'abbir, m. an interpreter of dreams, a. jXfuc ma bar, m. a pass, ferry, ford, mtbar, a ferrj-bodt. a. •J^jjw mabud, adored, worshipped j God. a. i\:jbo mu'tad, m. custom, habit, use; size, weight, bullc ; adj. accustomed, wont. a. jjijwmM'o>A mu'tasim, a servant, attendant* adj. preserved, secure, a. JpkiM mu'tah, manumitted, liberated, eman- cipated (a slave). tnu'tiJc, one who liberates a slave, a. OAJW/c mu'takid, m. a believer, a faithful friend or servant, a supporter, a. tiflxjkn^ mutakjf, assiduous in prayer, reli- gious, devout, a. tX«JU« mu'tamadf trustworthy, confided in. mu'tamad 'alaihi, one in whom confidence is placed, a. u>:(?* mujib, a vain fop, a man who has a very high opinion of himself not shared in by other people, a. 'jS* mu'jiz, 1 . , '^ ra. miracle, a. ijatr^ mujiza,) C^Sja^ mu'jizat (pi. of J^), miracles. •' The term mu'jixat is applied only to those miracles which are performed by first-rate prophets: those wrought by inferior personages are termed karH' mat."—{B.) a. Jjs^* muajjal, prompt, done without delay, a, M^^ ma'jum,'lf. an electuary, medicine, con- ^^^s^majiin,) fection; an aphrodisiac, a. OJi3>«M ma'dalatff. justice, equity, a. ^i^jvo md'danf m. and f. a mine, a quarry, a. ^i3,*« ma'dani, mineral, metallic; f. metal, " produce of the mine. «. dj^jtA ma'dud, numbered, computed, a, «Jji^*« ma'dula, avoided, passed over (as a letter in a word, which, though written, is not pro- nounced), a. *j;^*ao ma'dum, non-existent, abolished, anni hilated, extinguished, a. [chondrium. a. ii^juc mi'da, ra. the stomach; (lit.) hypo- J-i>j«/« ma'da, pass transit ; a passage, a. u^jjM mu'azzab, hindered ; punished, tor- tured, a. d^joM ma'zarat, an excuse, apology, a. j^i^*^ ma'zur, excused, excusable ; disap- pointed, a, y mu'i-uj', known ; active voice of a verb; the letters wao and ye are said to be ma'ruf when the former has the sound of coin mood or of u in rule, and the latter of ee mfeel or t in machine ; as in the words nur, splendour, and/i/, an elephant, a. jjnA mu^azzaz, honoured, revered, esteemed, honourable, exalted, a. Jjj«/« ma'zvl, deposed, displaced, dismissed from ofl^ce, degraded, disposted. a. ^3 jjJ«/o ma'zuri, f. dismissal from office, state of not being employed, being in disgrace, a. yy***^ ma'mr, diflicult, arduous, a. jZ**A ma'shar, m. a company, a troop, a so- ciety, mu'ashshar, a decagon, or any thing made up of or relating to the number ten. a* ^yLfiA mashuh, m. 'I a beloved object, a loved eSyL*< mashvho, f.j one, a mistress, a. dJ^JiyLfuc ma shukdna, like a beloved one. a.p. ^^JL»* ma'shuhlf If. loveliness, amia- fJljki^ylLmt ma'shuhiyatj) bility, being be- loved, a. [saffron {Cartharmu tinctoritu). a. jSua»/« muasjar, m. safflower or bastard /t*a^A misam, the wrist, the bracelet place, a. MyOMA ma' sum, defended, preserved; inao- cent, simple ; (sub.) an infant «. (,JO*« ( I'suml, "If. innocence, simpli- masumiyaty) city; infancy, a. CL>^yajtA ma C*Jua»«7na'szyai,disobedience,sin,rebellion.fl. O^rfojw muzilat, difficulties, troubles, ar- duoas afiairs ; perplexing questions, a. jla«* mu' attar, perfumed, fragrant, a. Jjax« viu'attal, idle, vacant, unemployed (applied especially to an official who has been sus- pended or dismissed), neglected, destitute, out of use, idle, fallow land. a. ,_^Ja«/« mu'attali, f. being out ofemployment.a. u-Jya«/« ma'tuf, turned, twisted j conjoined, coupled, a. |Ja*^ mu'azzam, honoured, great, respected. mu'^am, the superior, the greater, a. &ia«/« ma'kalat, fine for bloodshed ; homicide for which atonement has been made. a. Jyu* ma'hul, reasonable, probable, just, per- tinent, proper, a. C->^^fl«/o ma'hulat, probabilities, words or things consistent with reason, a. ^yi«/« ma'kuli, If. reasonableness, pro- ti-oJyU* ma'kulii/at,J bability. a. iJ^^tuQ nia'ak or ma'aka, with thee, allahu ma ak, may God be with thee. a. (^jti^x*K ma'kus, inverted, backwards, ma'kus pafhna, " to read (the Jcur.dn) backwards," a ceremony performed while concocting certain incantations, as to say one's prayers backwards was, with us, consi- dered an appropriate step to be taken when about to invoke the aid of the powers of darkness. — (B.) a. ^*« mu'alla, sublime, elevated, exalted, a. 'i'^^jtA via'ldt, highness, nobility, rank, gran- deur, eminence, a. jSU* mu'allak, suspended, pendulous, hang- ing ; (in law) pending, undecided, a. OUi)jfc« viu'allahat, pi. things suspended ; generally applied to certain celebrated Arabian poems, that had the honour of being suspended in the temple of Mecca, a, Jj«/c mu'allim, m. an instructor, a preceptor, a pilot, mu'allam, taught, instructed, mu'lam, nota- ble, distinguished by a particular mark or badge, a. jcJjwi mu'allimi, f. instruction, pilotage, a. tlj^i*« mdlvf, fed, fattened (as cattle or camels) ; pastures, o. [tempered, a. Jj)i*« ma'litl, indisposed, sick, diseased, dis- l»^)j«/oma7«m, known, distinguished, notorious, evident, apparent, obvious ; (sub.) the active voice of a verb. a. OU^j** ma'lumdt, things known, sciences, a. lljM mu'alla, exalted, high, elevated, eminent, ■ublime. a. 693 ) \ Lf^ .1 id, m.J tion, reality, a. l-S ■ -* [ed, familiar, a. liyw mu'auwad, exercised, trained, accustoni- J^*« ma'ul, overcome exhausted, a. fj^*^ ma'vn, m. aid, assistance, favour, a. CLiOytto md'unat, f. assistance, protection, u. »*• ma'a or ma'ahu, with, together with, along with. a. \<\^ ma'a hdzd, along with that, in addition to that, nevertheless, a. iyi^ ma'hud, agreed, established, fixed, ap- pointed, determined, promised, a. j\-»jt« mi'ydr, m, a touchstone; the mark or standard of money, weight, or measure, a. CL/^^ftA ma'iyat, being together, co-existence, a. tJ^.i.ju«/« ma'ishat, f. food and other neces- saries of life, subsistence, a, (^»o mu'ttiyan, established, ascertained, cer- tified, mu'aiyan xdbita, established rule or cuttom. mu'in, an assistant, a. .-♦*« mu amma, m. an enigma, an acrostic ; a verse of mysterious meaning, a riddle, rebus, or charade, a. Ol»*< muammdt, pi. enigmas.darksayings.a. JitM mtmdr, m. a builder, an architect, a mason, a. t^U*« mi'mdri, f. architecture, art of build- ing, masonry, a. j*«(«mM'am war, aged, blessed with longlife. a. ,_}-♦*« mu'mil or mu'ammil, causing to be done or performed, a. i^j^y^»A ma'mudiyya, m. baptism, a. jj^^ic ma^mur, full, abounding in, stocked with ; cultivated, happy, delightful, closed, a. ijy^M ma'mura, m. a cultivated or inhabited spot. a. \jy%*A mamul, made, prepared ; established, customary, practised ; m. custom, habit, a. Jj**/* mu'amma (v. mu'ammd), a riddle, ai. "enigma, &c. a. ^^;*M ma'yubi, f. vice, wickedness, a. k« muf(h, ni. a tavern-keeper ; also one of the magi, a worshipper of fire, mu^-bacha, the son of a tavern-keeper, or worshipper of fire. p. ».\jU maghara, a den, a cavern, a. c.dJU/« mughak, m. a pit. p. flJaJli* mughalata, in. leading into error, mutual misunderstanding, a. j>\*A mughayir, contrary, different, repug- nant, a. [repugnance, o. C^jAko mughayarat, f. barter ; disagreement, JuM mughtanim, enriched, possessed of, en- joying, o. A^?* mughcha, m. soreness under the arras, p. (— .>jc« viaghrah or magkrib, m. the west, the western regions, generally applied to the north coast of Africa, p. ^ Jw maghrabt, western, occidental ; of or relating to north Africa, a J JU mughrak, gilded, covered with or im- mersed in gold or silver, mugl^rrak, immersed, plunged in water, also* gilded or covered with gold. a. C^jjAro maghrut, m.^. any thing seized by sSjjM maghruta, f. J main force, plun» dered. a. h. jjji^ maghrur, proud, arrogant, haughty, fastidious ; deceived, taken in ; (in law) a man who marries a woman under a misconception, a. (CjjjJi* maghruri, f. pride, arrogance, a. 'm maghz, m. the brain, marrow, kernel, pith; (met.) pride, arrogance, maghz hhinnana, to have a buzzing in the ears. m({ghz pachdnd or phirdnd, to tease, to distract, tnagjiz ^dli-k., to distract, to talk much and foolislily. ma^z-dar, full of marrow, kernel, pith, brain, ma^z khana, to tease, to distract, p. \Sf^ tnaghzi, f. edging, border, p. JjJi/« viaghzq, m. a field of battle, a. ^Jfti/* mighfar, m. a helmet, a. O^ai* maghfirat, f. absolutio)i, remission, pardon, a. j^fti/* maghfur, pardoned; met. applied to one who is dead, in the sense of the late, the deceased. Vu\ (v. martyum). a. ^jjw viughal, m. a Mogul, a native of Tartary or TQran. In India the term is erroneously applied to Persians, and in the Deccan to Musalmaus in ge- neral, p. ^3^JoU mughlant, f. a Mogul female, p. ^5>^kji<« mtighala,t, adv. in Mogul or Muhain- madan fashion, " h U Mogul." d. H ) (jl^jbjjjfcc mughal-patkan, i.e. * the M ugli als and Pafhans," a kind of game- resembling draughts, or rather a sad corruption of the more noble game of chess (v. Qanoon e islam), h, AiaXi* mughlata, an improper question, an error in speech, a. jiAiA mughallaz, m. "(severe or heavy (ap- MaljM mughallaza, f.j plied to a fine or mulct for blood), a. ^y^ mugh.lah, abstruse, a. Um mughlim, libidinous; (sub.) a paederast, a, L^j^ maghlub, conquered, overcome, sub- dued, a. [tion. a. d*oyJ»c maghlubiyat, subjugation, subjec- A^««M magJimum, grieved, sorrowful, sad. a. (j«Jii»Ljl« mighnatts (fia'yvfjrii:), m. the magnet or loadstone, g. ^JM mughannt, m. a singer, a musician, a. J^*« mighwal, a long small sword ; a man's name. a. (..aJjm mughaiyab, concealed, hidden. «. jfiA mughaiyar, changed, altered, a. ^^^)ai« mughlldn, the acacia tree, the Egyp- tian or Arabian thorn, a. OWli« mufdjat (for mufdja'at), f, sudden death, a, [arn^anee. a. C.^lfl/6 mufdkharat, f. boasting, glorying, \ji^\SLA mufdrahat, f. separation, alienation, absence, a. ,ia*»lfl/c mofdsid (pi. of Oii—Ac), evils, a jj/oli* mafdsil (pi. of,JwoA«), the joints, a, Aolio mtifasala, distance, space, interval, a, auflijU/* imifdivaza, company, association, a. eJLi\su mufdyasha, m. boasting, vaunting, contending for superiority, a. kZjSu muft, gratuitously, gratis, for nothing. muft-ytpr, a parasite, p. _lJkA« miftdh, a key or any instrument by which a door is opened, a. CL^KiSsu mufattitdt, f. lithontriptica (in medi- cine), drugs, &c. which tend to dissolve a calculus in the bladder, a, £ju mufattih, that which opens, mufuttah, opened, taken or conquered (a town), a, C^\s^ mufattihdt, f. deobstruentta (in me- dicine), a. J^^ muftakhir, boasting, gasconading, a. JiSLA muftar, weak, languid, enfeebled, a. \jj^ imiftart, m. a slanderer, liar, calum- niator, a. djju ( 695 ) U«aE« jH:ifl/« muftdkir, reduced to poverty, a. f^^SU mufattan, seduced into evil ; charmed, bewitched, bereft of reason. »nK/a«w, a seducer, 8sc. a. mpySM maftuhy opened ; taken, subdued (as a town, &c.) ; (in gram.) having the short vowel /a/Aa {"). a. ^2)yit^ viaftun, tried (as gold by the fire) ; insane, fascinated, mad with love. a. i^O-io intiftl, in. a lawgiver. Among the Turks " the muftt is the supreme head of the law. a. jS^ mufakhkJiar, glorious, held in high honour, a. ift* mafarr, an asylum, a refuge, a. _,ja« mufarrih, exhilarating ; an exhilarating medicine, in which rubies are an ingredient, a. ii^ mufrad, solitary, alone, single, singular number, a. CJ\iJu mufradat, simples, things uncom- pounded (in medicine). This is the title of various works on Oriental Materia Medica, as mufradati slkan- darl, mufradati Ghant Muhammad, &c. a. )e>jSU mufrit, vast, excessive, a. ^jio inafrih, m. the crown of the head. ia. — •jOc mafruh, glad (tidings), a. j^^ mafrur, fled, run away, absconded, a. \jle^^ mafruz, required as a sacred duty, indispensable, a. ejjfl/o mafrugh, at leisure, disengaged, a. ^^^J^ mafruh, separated, divided, dispersed. «. ^^SU mufsid, a seditious person, author of ctU. o. [tiousness. a.h. j^.,X-i/« mvfsid-pan, m. litigiousness, sedi- (^tV*,»i/o mvfsidt, seditious, litigious (person) ; f. seditiousness, strife, litigation, a. jjju mufassar, explained, commented on, declared, mufassir, ra. an interpreter, a. OU-ii* mufashshiyat, f. carminatives, a. \taSu« mufassal, distinct, full, ample, detailed (account of circumstances); adv. particularly, diffu- sively, distinctly, fully. In Bengal the term mufassal or mujfassil, is used to denote the country or upper provinces in opposition to Calcutta the metropolis. mufastal-addlat, a provincial court of justice, mufassal- iharch, charges of collection in the provinces, mu- fassal-kanun-go, a district or provincial accountant and registrar, a. A^oAc mi/fassall, a Mufassalite, a person ' from the country ; adj . of or relating to the country .a./i. ^}y^ maful, that which is governed or acted upon ; the accusative case ; the participle pas- sive ; (met.) a catamite, a. [upon. a. Oo^*«A« maf'utiyatf the state of being acted jJyftAc mafkud, not to be found, missing, want- ing; (in law) a person of whom it is not known whether he be alive or dead. a. (j«*lfl/c muflis, poor, wretched ; a bankrupt ; a childless man ; a bachelor, a. [ruptcy. a. i^Aoa mujiist, f. poverty, destitution, bank- — ^Ji/o mqfluj, palsied, paralytic, a. «.i)jia« mqfiuk, unfortunate; poor, needy, a. {^^su mvfawwaz, resigned, delivered over, committed to the care of. a. (tyi^ mafhum, comprehended, understood, a. iiJia« muf'idy profitable, useful, salutary, a. bULc muJidba (for mukarowa), a dressing-case or box. a. ji^ mdkabir (pl.of »jAa/o),tombs,sepulchres. a. JjliU tnukabil, opposite, confronting, collect- ing, a. iJjlJu mvhabala, m. or mukabalat, f. com- parison, collation, confronting, presence, a. io\iU miikdba (for mukawwa), m. a dressing- box, a. aJSUU^ muhdtala, m. slaughter, carnage, battle, a. [imity. a. iJIajJ^ mukarabat, f. drawing near, prox- ^^yjLo mukdriZf the managing or acting partner in a concern, a. SmOjUU mM^araara, entering into partnership, a. fJ3jo mukdranat, f. conjunction, connec- tion, a. [crops, he a, ik^tj^Suc mukdsama, m. division of lands or jjwoUU makdsid (pi. of tXuflfl/*), designs, en- terprises, attempts, a. ti^C-UU mukd'id, m whatever comes behind another"; a guardian, keeper, o. JUU makdl, 1 m. speech, discourse, saying, iOlilo makdlaj sentence, a word. a. i»\£c mahdm, m. dwelling, mansion, a place of residence or encamping ; halting of an army. a. OloliLc makdmdt, pi. sittings; conversations or discourses, a. jc\stx> mukdmir, a dice-player, a gambler, a. ^UU makdvii, residing, a resident, a. O/cjlEo mukdwamat^ f. opposition, resistance, competition, a. jSSuc makbar, | m. a burying- place, a tomb, ijtAA makbaraj sepulchre, monument, a. JjJU mukbil, prosperous, fortunate, favour- ing, propitious, a. ^jo^xsu^ makbuz, taken, seized, occupied, possessed, imprisoned, a. ( 696 ) U^fE« mahbuza, occupied, tenanted (as the lands of a village), a. J^jJU makbul, agreeable, acceptable, taking in eood part, agreed on; one of the faithful; (sub.) a mistreBs. a. C^ess. a. ^J^ mahbuU, f. agreeability, agreeable- C^^iSLA makbutii/at, f. agreement, agree- ablcness; orthodoxy, a, (-(jkiJlo rnuktabis, m. one who quotes, a quoter ; receiving, acquiring, borrowing from another. muJctabas (part, pass.), quoted, a. \i^jAcmuhtada, followed, initiated, imitable.a. .liCrlfl/c muktadir, powerful, strong, a. (j,yxi« muktadl, m. an imitator, a follower, a. ^j^ muktarab, brought near, approxi- mated, a. jjojAa muktasar, summary, abstract, a. UiliU mw Jt\fl/« muhaddasa, f. a holy woiiiaiu a. Ai^ mukaddam, antecedent, prior; (sub.) the headman of a village ; the advanced guard. muJc- dim, m. arrival, a. [mises, prefaces, &c. a. Ol*jA« mukaddamat (pi. of &«4>ii/«), pre- e>/«iiJiic mukaddama or mukaddamat, m. the first part, preface, preamble ; cause (in law) ; business ; subject, aflfair, matter, mulfaddamatu-ljaish, the ad- vanced guard of an army, a, ,jii,^su<> mukaddanii, of or relating to a mU' "Ifaddam ; f. oflSce, dues, or rights of a muJcaddam. a. jjiJ^ inahdu7', predestined, possible ; m. power, ability, possibility, fate, ta maidur or md^dur- ohar, to the best of one's ability, a. CVjiXS* makdurat, things predestined or possible, a. ^^JJi^ji/c makduri,{. power, predestination, a, u-JjAfl^ mahzuf, m.1 falsely accused of adul- tij^jic muhzufa, f. J q). a. tery (man or wo- jS* makarTf m. a residence, station, place of rest. muklrr, establishing, conforming, settling (afTairs) ; confessing, professing (in law) one who ad- mits a claim or confesses a crime, mulcirr hi hi, the claim which is admitted, or the crime confessed, mu- kirr la-hu, the person in whose favour a claim is ad. mitted. a. {^\suQ mikraz, f. scissors, shears, a. L-jJlc muharrab, approximated, admitted; (sub.) relatives. muJcarrabu-l-hazrat, the king's rela- tives, blood royal. tnukarrabu-l-}c]iidmat, confidential servants, a. [toria. a. OU-^ mukarrihaty (in medicine) vesica- jjEo mukarrar, certain, infallible, established, unquestionable ; adv. assuredly, unquestionably, o. (SjJ^ muharrarl, f. an appointment ; a fixed tenure In perpetuity. muTfarrart-dar, m. the holder of a mukarrari tenure, a. {^Jsuc muharraz, cut, clipped with scissors, a f^jetJiio makruz, lent, a loan. a. ^o. Jlc mahruzi, m. one who is in debt. a. jjj JU makruk, m. 'I seized, sequestered, con- &5. Ji/8 TOflArwAa, f.J fiscated (as goods or effects), a. jjj^ makrun, near, conjoined, connected, related, a. fjfjiic muh'l, one who causes or orders to read ; the reader of a mosque, a. .jjfg-" mahsam, a part, a portion. maksim,f time or place of partition. »iwiS-«nj, swearing (by God), muksam, m. an oath ; a place where they swear. muTcassim, dividing, distributing, dispersing. mukassa$n, divided ; having a beautiful face ; beautified, a. ^.^fl< mahsum, distributed, divided ; the quotient, an allotment, a portion, a. jLsla mukashshaVf barked, skinned, peeled, a. (^rfoLc mahsadf m. intention, design, meanings purpose, desire, wish, object, scope, a. j^osije mukassar, deficient, defective, a. i^yoAc mahud, m. intention, wish ; adj.. in tended, aimed at. a. j^^aJicmahur, "l abridged, diminished ; IjytoJic mahsura, f. J insufficient, defective, a. laA* tnihatt, a small piece of ivory, bone, &c. on which oriental penmen nib their writing reeds or f:alams. a. [distilled, a. jlaAo muhattir, distilling, dropping. mukattaVf *laiU mahta', m. the last verse of a poem ; cutting, amputating, tnikta', m. shears for cutting cloth, silver, &c. ; a cutting instrument in general. mukafta', adj. cut, cut out, shaped ; well-dressed, well- shaped, beautiful; fixed rate of assessment, a. OUlaH<« muhatta'at, pi. small kinds of gar* ments ; a species of short poems, a, (Xk&/« mak'ad, f. a place to sit on ; the hips ; the anus, pedes. ^/« ( 697 ) CX> j«fl/o muka"ar, excavated, hollowed out ; con- cave ; profound, deep. a. \aSLic wulwffa, measured (prose); (sub.) an oration rhythmically composed, a. ,Jsfl£« mukaffal, locked, bolted (a door), a. jJEc miikl, bdellium ; a fragrant kind of gum tree. a. u-AH/« mukallib, he who converts or turns. muJfallihu-l Jfuluh, the converter of hearts, God. a. ijAa* mukallad, counterfeited, imitated, a. {^^sijc maMnb, turned, inverted, converted. mdklub mustavi, a word or sentence which may be read backward or forward, as darad (or in English, madam), a palindrome, a. ^j-juaUE* miknaiis, the magnet or loadstone.a. AlH/o mdkna , '^ a veil of muslin or cloth, jMj^ mahna*a,j worn over the head and reaching to the ground (chiefly applied to a bride's veil), a. (2)j2/« mikrvad, reins, bridle ; a rope, a hawser, a. di^Ojc makula, said, repeated over and over again, a. A^£« mukauwim, adjusting, fixing a price, a. {j^ muhawwi, strengthening. mukawrvi,i dil, cardiac. tnukawwi,i dima^, cephalic. muiau)wi,i Tcabid, hepatic, mukawwl.i mi'da, tonic, a. \y^ makhur, conquered, subdued, disturbed, oppressed, vexed, a. ^3a muki, an emetic, md^a^ cleaning (the "teeth), a. ;^UE« mikt/as, m. the stile of a dial; the hand of a watch, &c. ; the nilometer in Egypt, a. 0>J^ mukti, powerful; a guardian, keeper, feeder or nourisher. a. iijJU mukaiyad, bound, fettered, confined ; diligent, attentive, fixed, dedicated to ; noted, signed, registered, o. jjlj^ mukkaish or mukaiyash, m, brocade (properly Jtiul-aiyas). a. ^J^ip^ mukkaishi, brocaded, embroidered, a. i»jjH/« mukim, m. a resident, a dweller, an in- habitant ; adj. assiduous, fixed, constant, a, j»>Sliq makim, m. a broker, an appraiser, p. j^^Afl/o makiml, f. brokerage, valuation, p. j_jjkft< mukaiyi, emetic (in medicine), a. K< 5f5T -mukka, ra. a thump, a blow with the fist ; (in Dakh.) adj. dumb, mute. s. 8^0^ mukiibara, haughtiness, contention, a, L-jO »/• mukdtib, m.'l a slave who has worked «uoo-« mukatibaf f. J out his or her emanci- pation according to a litabat or written agreement, a. (J1aj3ow« muhatdbat, f. correspondence (bj letters) ; emancipation of a slave effected by his owr earnings, by his master's leave, a. C^Ijjowc mukatabat, pi. letters, epistolary cor- respondence, a. [letters, a c_ <« makatib (pi. of t-->^iX«), writings, %»-« makkar, m. ^a cheat, a knave, impos- ij6^ makkara, f.J tor. a. *j 'X« makarim, laudable actions or qualities, a. 8.0w« makarih (pi. of 8jiU), things detest- able or abominable, a. [roguery, a. (_5jOw« mahhari, f. fraud, imposture, cheating, ssJm^ mukashafa, f. acting openly, display- ing any thing, revelation, a, OwD-o muhafat, f. recompense, retribution, retaliation, requital, a. CIaJo^ mukdlamat, conversation, discourse.a. jjO«« makan, m. a place, station, dwelling, makan-dar, the owner of a place; (vul.) the fakir who occupies any particular station ; a watchman, a. C->U\^ makdndt, pi. stations, dwellings, a. CIjOo-c makdnai,^ place, &c. (same as ma- i6o«« makdna, J kdn, q.v.). ;_^^0k/« »T^T^ makdfi, maize, Indian corn, h, iio\Co makdyid (pi. of Si^jiU), frauds, strata^ gems. a. ^^JuCe mukhlrd, m. a kind of wild rue. d. iZ-S^ Vf^ mukt or mukta, m. a pearl, s. CIaXc jrai mukt or^'^mukli, f. pardon, absolu- tion, salvation, exemption from transmigration; the imaginary reabsorption of the emancipated spirit into its great primary source ; identification with the Su- preme Being ; liberation, setting free or loose, s. C1.AX/C ^ mukt or mukta, adj. absolved, freed, exempt from all further transmigration ; (sub.) m. the spirit released from mundane existence, and reinte- grated with its divine original, s, \-i^ 5^ mukta, much, many. h. IjkX* w^\ muktd, 1 , ,.?/ >m. a pearl, s. J.^xA/0 *lW?i^ muktd-phal, J jJjUm gw^Q^t muktdrcaU, f. a pearl neck- "lace. s. c-/x>* maktab, m. a school ; a place for writ- ing, maktah-yhdva, a school-house, a. IjliiCiwo gf^il^lTT mukti-ddtd, a saviour, s. L^--''^^^ muktasib, (in law) one who makes profit, a gainer, an acquirer, a. ^JkM mukiaf\ turning down (a vessel) ; " content, having enough, a. u^^jkX« maktub, written ; m. a letter, any thing written, an epistle, a. *ijCt ( 698 ) ^ Ll<*l>^Ix« maktubat, pi. writings, letters, a. ^yixc maktubi, epistolary, delivered in writing, a. »yi^ maktum, hidden concealed, a. cLaX« 5«BT viuhut or" JT«ir3 makut, a crown, a diadem, a crest, a tiara, dt. (^A(C maks, viiks, or muks, delay, a. Jl^^ miAAaZ,^the instrument with which J*^ mikkal, J they apply collyrium to the eyes. a. Jj*^ makhul, anointed with collyrium. a. ^jiU mukda, 1 dumb, mute ; stupid ; a sim- U&i^SU muhclha,} pleton. d. jij5w« mukaddar, sullied, afflicted, disturbed, vexed, anxious, a. X« mahr, m. fraud, deceit, evasion, imposture. makr-chaTcar, m. fraud and subterfuge, a. y^ T^Xmukur, m. a mirror, alooking-glass.a. jX« ^W^ mahar, m. a fabulous marine mon- ster, a shark or alligator; name of the tenth zodiacal sign, the sign Capricorn, represented by a water ani- mal with the body and tail of a fish and the neck and head of an antelope, makar-akrit, shaped like the makar. a. jj^^jX* mukarrar, repeated, mukarrar-k., a. to repeat, to say over a second time. a. AjXc muharram, venerable, noble, illustrious, respected, revered, o. (J^A/«;X« makramat, f. honour, glory, digni- ty, nobility, liberality, generosity, grace, goodness, bounty, o. UXo »T«fiT»T[T makarna, a. to deny. h. iJJjXo JTcRTt^ maharand, m. the nectar or honey of a flower; the kokila or Indian cuckoo ; a fra- grant kind of mango ; a species of jasmine (Jasminum pubescens). h. tij'H^ »TgiT»^^ maharand'Waii, f. the trumpet-flower {Bignonia suaveolens). h, ijjj*^ *RPCt«n makrona, a. to wet (slightly), k. Jjj*^ mahruh, hated, odious, abominable, disgusting, obscene, any act or thing not absolutely forbidden by Muhammadan law, but from which it is advisable to abstain, a. [gusting. o. OUjjM makruhai, things abominableor dis- Ijjljb^ mahar-ha,iya, fraudulent, deceitful ; t, makar-hd,i, a deceitful or cunning woman, a. A. ^J^^W^ mtihn, f. a kind of short poem of frequent use in the Biaj dialect, the peculiarities of which are these : it consists of four lines, each com posed of four trochees. In the three first the speaker, a female, appears to talk of her lover ; but, on the question being put by a friend, Hpi)lie8 the whole to •ome other object. Ueuce the name from muharna, to denj. Thus, Baf chalat miro anchra gahe ; tneri sutie na apnl kalie. Na kachhu mo soAjhagra jhanfa ; kyuM sakhi, sajjan ? na sakhl, kdnla, "As I went along the road, he seized my robe, neither heard what I said, nor made any reply. In short, we had not the small- est dispute. Who, friend, your lover ? No, friend, a thorn, h. {Jy^ mahari, fraudulent, deceitful, a. k. j^W^^ makar, 1m. a kind of grain; a ]jM WWSJ makra,} spider, s. ^yp^ ^«fi$it1T mahrana, to fidget, to waver, to be averse, to counteract, to move crookedly, to wind about, a. 4^>«« M%i\ maJin, f. a spider, makri ka Jala, a spider's web, hence (met,) any thing very fine and slender, s. (^j«*X« maks, offering a price, bidding at a sale ; cheapening, lowering the price, a. c-^,»A/« maksah, gain, acquisition, earnings, the means of getting a livelihood, a. J— X« mukassar, broken, smashed, a. jy*^ maksur, la letter marked with the Ijy.Jkic maksura,) vowel Acwra; broken, cut: a fraction (in arithmetic), a. ^^J^Sa jrfri^T makshika, f. a bee, a fly. s. i_^^^A/« makshuf, revealed, disclosed, open, detected, discovered, a. 0^^ makful, locked ; clenched or secured (by bond, Ice.), pledged, a. LT^ 5^^ mw/cMZ, ra. an opening bud. s. C^ixo ^^i^fl mukulit, half-closed, half-shut, blinking, winking. «. I fiJjw* mukallaf, carefully executed, well- made, elegant, elaborate, costly. mukalUf, troublesome, ceremonious ; one who incommodes, a. (_)J1/« mukallal, crowned, ornamented with jewels, mukallil, careful, diligent, a. Cij\x»X« makmakat, fragrance, d. l3Qk«X« makmakana (v. mahakna), to emit a pleasant odour, d. [plished. a. ,J.»xo mukammal, perfect, complete, accom- iJL^VCo miknat or muknai, power, might, a. M^ J^IT?^ mukund, m. gum olibanum, a pre- cious gem ; quicksilver; a name of Fis^nu. $, f^y>^ inaknun, concealed, secret, hidden. durri maknun, a pearl (large and valuable), a, ^j.^ H^lf'^ muhhdgni, m. fire put into the mouth of the corpse at the time of lighting the funeral pile ; a sacrificial fire, s, ol^xc »T^T»n makhdna, m. name of a plant, {Euryale ferox). s. r^^jL^x« mukh-bher, opposite, confronting, d. ^j^^^Xc if^(T^M'>nukh-pura7i, m.a mouthful.s. Ij^Cog^T mukhrd, m. the mouth, the face. s. M^^ JToFSR makhhan or iT^rj makhan, m. butter, h. IJ^« Tl^nn makhnd, m. a kind of elephant which has no tusks ; a cock without spurs. Ii. rmikhand, strong, able, powerful, d. mukhanddgt, f. power, strength, d. Ui^Co iT^ftT^T makhaniyd, m. a man who deals in butter, h. \)3^^ »r|TT makhurd, a large black ant. h. ^^^5C« tnakhun, m. a flea, a bug. d. je^M HdHsf\ makkhi or «r^ mahht, f. a fly ; " the sight of a gun. maTckhi urand, to flatter or perform servile offices for any one ; to have ulcers on tlie body (so as to be constantly employed in driving away the flies from them) ; to be a good marksman (so as to hit a fly -with a ball or arrow), makkhi jhalnd, to have ▼eneral ulcers, makkhl-chus, a miser, a niggard ; a skin-flint, makkhi mama, to be idle, to be unemployed, to trifle, s. (^■^ mukkkt, a thump or blow with the fist. d. u^iCc ^r3j^ makida, having sucked, sucked, p. j(Si« muker, a flour-merchant, d. ^J^5C• viahin, m. master of the house, inhabi- tant ; adj. fixed, a. i^J^ IPT mag, m. a road, a path, way. mag dMma, to expect, to look out for. «. 699 ) 4C» UlCo *nT«n magdnd, a. to send for. A. ^l.^< V[iJX^ magdhi, a tribe of agriculturistj "in Behar. h. ji^Sjc 4^J|c|< mugdar, a kind of heavy wooden mallet, used for exercise in strengthening the muscles, like our dumb-bells, s. -J&iiXc JPTV magadh, m. name of a country, South Behar, including Patna, Gaya, &c. ; a family bard or minstrel, s. ,fct>X« gry mugdh, lovely, beautiful ; stupid, ignorant ; simple, silly ; an idiot, a fool, t, UiXCc JpVT mugdhd, f. a virgin, a young and lovely woman, s, ySjb^Cc Hi\it\\ mugdhatdy f. loveliness ; igno- rance, simplicity. *. jM magar, unless, perhaps, except, only, if it is not, moreover, p. J^ T'TT magar, m. an alligator, a crocodile, s \f^ ^^TJ magrd, proud, haughty, presuming, fastidious, arrogant, cross, obstinate, impatient, h. ^^.l^.Cc JT^ITT^fl magrdpan, m.1 anogance, ^^\J^ ijiT^T^ magrdht, f. |-pride,haugh- 4^>LCo JPKT^ magrd^, f. J tiness, stub- bornness, h. [magar) an alligator, s. »4f\/^ TTTTT^ magar-viachh, m. (same as i^j^ *Ti^ maguri, f. name of a fish, a species of silurus (Silurus pelorius). s. (_fXc magri, f. the flat roof of a house, d. ^ wCe JTJTTqST magreld, a small blackish tri- angular pyramidical-shaped seed of a very pungent smell {Nigella Indica). s. ijSKmagaSff. a fly; a kind of Indian corn; a freckle, magas-rdn, a flapper for driving away flies. magas-rdnt, act of driving away flies, p. ytS^ JTTftrr magasir (v. mangasir or mar- gashir), m. name of the eighth Hindu month, s. jjC«Xo magas-gir, (lit. the flycatcher) m. a spider ; a spider's web. p. [freckled, p, ^-Xo magasl, flea-bitten (colour of a horse), ^^XA ^^T*^ magan or W^ magna, plunged, im- mersed, drowned ; cheerful, delighted, pleased, glad, happy, immersed in joy. s. KxSm iR'MHT magantd, f. transport, cheerful- ness, delight «. p^^ *ltr magh, m. one of the dwlpas or divi- sions of the world ; name of a drug ; the country of Arracan: the name, under the corrupted forms "mug" or " mugg," is applied generally to natives of Arra- can. s. Sa ma-go or -gu, say not, tell not. p. \^Xk( ^nn maghd, m. name of the tenth man- ^ sion of the moon, a Leonis, Regulus. s. \^j^ »rq«T maghan, odoriferous, fragrant. /*. 4^0 ( 700 ) j_^^ v[tf\ maghi or WXt^ magnhl, belonging ■'to Magadh (a thing) ; f. a sort of grain. *. Sli^.^ H^ r ^< »T maghaiyh oi- JniilT maghaya, m. inhabitant of Afa^arfA; nameofacaste of Brahmane. t. ;J/« mul, m. wine. p. (J^ JToy wiaZ, m. dirt ; any excretion of the body, as serum, semen, blood, urine, faeces, earwaZt &c. ; dreg, sediment, rust. s. .3* TW mall, strong, athletic ; m. a hero, a wrestler, a warrior, tnall-juddh or -yuddh, wrestling. mallu, m. a bear. t. [sert. a. ^ maluy time, either of day or night ; a de- "iU mulld, m a Muhammadan lawyet, a doc- tor, a schoolmaster; a decoy bird ; adj. learned, mulla.e htr.dni, the law-officer in the Anglo-Indian courts appointed for taking the oaths of such witnesses as are Musalmans, by swearing them on the Ijatr.dn. a. ^^ mala,a, an assembly, a crowd of people, a. Cmf>*^*^ mulabasaty the confounding or falsi- fying of an account, &c. ; dissimulation, a. v-->^ ft^rni milap, f. agreement, reconcilia- tion, concord, understanding, union, adjustment, visit, s. (J,^ ftl^''Tt milapi, civil, affable, sociable, friendly, familiar, intimate, convivial, t. "i^^in'^J^^l mild-juld, social, sociable, h. -.^ malldh, m. a boatman, a sailor, a ma» riner ; a manufacturer of salt. a. Cl*»-^ maldhat, f. being salt; elegancy; beauty, excellence, a. 4V>.^ muldhid, impious, heretical; pi. muld- iidin, heretics, unbelievers, a. «ia»-^ muldkaza, m. looking at, contem- plating, consideration (often used for reading), notice, view, regard, mula^aza shud, it has been seen or in- spected, a phrase written on documents by the proper officers, like the "vis6" of a passport; (in Dakh.) kindness, an obliging disposition, muldl^a^e-tvald, an obliging, civil person, a. i^'^ malldhi, f. the business of a malldh, "q. v. ; seamanship, &C. a. [tion. a. J^ maldz, m. an asylum, refuge, protec- ts Ji^K malldr or maldr,\f. name of a ra- iSj^ *iWO malldri, J ginl or musi- cal mode sung during the rains, t. fty^ muldzim, assiduous, diligent, attentive, attached to ; (sub.) a servant, attendant, a. C^*^ muldzamat, f. assiduity, diligence ; service ; (met.) paying respects to a superior, a. i^'y^ muldzimt, f. service, attendance, a. ikfli?^ muldtafa, m. (also muldtafat) cour- tesy, kindness, politeness, favour; a letter or epistle, a. &-l>S maldtiya, name of a town on the Eu- phrates, capital of Armenia Minor, a. CaJlC-S muld'abat, plnyiiig, sporting, a. OlJ»S muldkdt, f. interview, meeting, a visit, conversation, encountering, a. i^'^ muldki, meeting, muldki kond, to have "interview with, to encounter, a. S"^ H't^lOn^ maldgir or maldgiri, m. the name of a mountain where much sandal-wood is pro- duced (v. malay.) t. (cpS mulld-gari, f. the office or rank of mulls, q. V. a. p. [sandal-wood. t. t,j[|OiU Hc^l^nO maldgiri, m. the colour of JS maldl, m. sadness, grief, anguish, lai guor, vexation, a. C1aJ>« maldlat, f affliction, sadness, a. jt*^ malum, m. reproach, reprehensipn, re- buke, blame, accusation, reviling, a. CL*«S maldviat, f. reproach, rebuke, a. fji^^ maldmatt, reproached, reprehensible, a. (jS ftf^rnr mildn, causing a mixture, mak- ing parties agree, adjustment of quarrels. A. (jS yR mldn, foul, dirty ; languid, weary, faded, withered, m/ani, f. languor, decay, foulness. «. wS 4f<$IHI muldnd, a. to cause to rub, grind, or scour, h. b^)w« ^(^J^[ mildnd, a. to mix ; to join, to ad- just, to apply, to cement, to close, to compare, to re- concile, agree, find, get, meet, to visit, mulana, a. to appraise, s. tj,*^ fHcjJM^ mildnl, f. meeting, mingling, s. (3^ mulldm, f. the wife of a mulld; a learned woman, a schoolmistress, a. jS ftr^rra mildjO or mildw, (in Dakh.) mi- lawS, adjustment, arbitration ; m. union, mixture, re- conciliation, h. i^-*'^ T^ST^ mald,i, f. cream, buttermilk, h. (^*S T^T^ muld,i, f. appraisement, va- luation, s. jtf^S mulldyi, f. office of mulld, q. v. a. k. c11l>5)vo maldfik, 1 (pi. of cdlU) angels, the wS mald,iha,) angelic host. a. jti"^ muld,im, soft, tender, gentle, mild, ' afTable. a. iZ^!^ muldyamat, f. softness, tenderness, o. UJu« JT^TTT malbd, m. rubbish, refuse, malhd- ibarck, village expenses, &c. (v. Wilson's Gloieaiy.) h, \_ '^ mulahhah, brimful, abundant, a. ^JuAl« mulabhas, clothed, dressed, confused, mixed, embroiled, a. (^j*»^j1« malbus, clothed; (sub.) clothes (which have been worn), a. [menta. a, OIm»^jA/c vialbusdt, pi. old worn-out gar ^*>^j1« wa/i«sj, habitually worn (clothes). a./i. ( 701 ) u!Ji« 54^ ^f^^^all-hhu, f. an arena for wrestlers ; the site of any field of battle. *. CLA>c millat, f. religion, faith, a religious sect or creed ; a nation, a people, a. CIAk firf^ni milit, mixed, united, combined or connected with ; found, met with, encountered. $. X« mulazzaz, delicious, a. ^pu« mulzam, convicted, convinced ; con- joined, annexed, inseparable, a. *jjl« malzum, inseparable, affixed to, be- longing to. a. CLfytXc malsut, f. a vice ; a screw, a worm or spiral, malsutl, cut spirally, wormed ; a screwnail. malsuti pul, a drawbridge, d. ^-ii* h(^V malishth, m. "I very foul or un- l^iiXo HfoSFT malishthd, f. J clean ; very wicked ; f. a woman during menstruation, s. OUdaU mulattifaty f. attenuantia (in phy- sic), a. ^^y^ mal'un, cursed, excommunicated, exe- crated, driven out of sociaty. a. \>y^ malghohd, m. emitting saliva; name of a dish {mash mixed with ddhi). h, p. l&jfli<« malfuz, a thing spoken or expressed, annals, a Olii^flU malfuzat, pi. sayings ; annals, a, (_^^fll« malfuf, wrapped up, involved, in- closed ; collected, gathered, a. t--*Hi/« mulakkdb, surnamed, nicknamed, a. uili/o mulh, m. a country, mulk-ddrl, -rawi, -titanl, or -girt, f. dominion, empire, government, sovereignty, political affairs ; conquest, a. uiiU malak, m. an angel, malaku-l-maut ^ the angel of death, 'Axra.il. a. [amluk). a, cdil« milk, m. possession, property, right (pi, iiU* maliJi, a king ; a title of honour con- ferred by the sovereigns of Egypt on prime ministers and generals, maliku-t-tujjar, king of merchants, a title given to the chief merchant in a city, malihi-l- Utawass, the chief of the nobles, malik-zada, a king's son, a prince, a. i^Jd/c malk, doubt, suspicion, apprehension, d. (W^ hP^cIiI mallikd, f. Arabian jessamine {Jasminum zambac). h. [ments. d. OM/< malkdt (pi. of «XU), qualities, endow- cL>olc malkdt, bile, excess of bile. d. cIIaxU milkat, f. property, possession, mulkat, f. kingdom, sovereignty, a. Uxlo SToTcFtn malaknd, n. to walk like a chair- man, &c. (trotting and raising the shoulders); (Dakh,) to feel a nausea, h. OjXi/o malakut, f. spirits, angels, the angelic world ; empire, dominion, a. a^ malika, f. a queen ; quickness of per- ception, strength of intellect, a. A>^^^ TS^T malkham, the upright post in a sugar-mill. h. jiXo milhi, m. a farmer, mulku adj. civil, "political; relating to the country or empire, or to land and revenue affairs, malakl (f. malakiya), an gelic. a. d/J^iU milktyat, f. property, possession, a. il^ ( 702 ) U- J» liJjlUirfWTf'^ malli-gandhi or malli-gandhi, m. aloe-wood. h. JU wrVaZ (pi. of CIaIo), religious sects, &c. malal, wearied, languid, vexed, a. (vilJ/« T^HTf^ malmas, m. an intercalary month, s. xJU mulamma', plated, covered with gold or silver; a species of poem, the distichs of which are written in Persian and Arabic alternately, a. AJ/« fl^Hc^ malmal, f. muslin, h. ^)0»^ fl^ST^ malmala, brackish (as water), h. vilotjx i1q5*17 malmet, adj. ruined ; decided (a dispute), malmet hona, to perish, malmef karna, a. to destroy, raze. h. fj^ TqS^ malan, ni. a path ; act of rubbing or grinding, h. ^J^ ft^S*! milan, m. mixing with, associating with, meeting, agreement, s. j^ ifSRwrnZiw, m.1 opaque; dirty, foul, Ui« Hf^rsn wiaZi72a, f J filthy, vile; (met.) soiled with crime or vice, sinful, depraved. «. Ui/« »T^»TT vialna, a. to rub, to anoint; to trample on ; to thresh grain by treading it out (by the feet of oxen) in the oriental fashion, h. UU faejiH T milna, n. to be mixed, confounded ; to meet, to join ; to be met with ; to be got ; to occur, to come (into one's possession) ; to associate, to agree, to suit, to coalesce, milnd juliid or viilnd jhulna, to meet cordially, to have unrestricted intercourse, mile jule rahna, to live together in great harmony, milna hilna, to act together, to coalesce, to join. s. Uui* »lf^in malinta, f. filth, impurity, vile- ness. s. [ciable. s. jU-jlo fflc^HflK milansar, civil, affable, so- tj?,Uj\/c r«4<^«i^lO milansari, f. civility, affa- bility, s. liXil-o T^rjf malang, m. a kind of Mubam- madan dervise or ascetic, who lets his hair grow loose and uncombed ; name of a bird. h. ^S^ *ir^f(^ malangi, m. a salt-maker, h. ACJ\^ Vif^m^ malin-muhh, cruel, fierce, savage ; vile, wicked, s, [struation. s. jjU Tf55«ft malim, f. a woman during men- •U »T3 rnallu, m. a bear; a monkey, h. \i\Xo fHcSclT*il viilrvana, a. to cause to mix, &c. «. [(rubbing, &c.). h, ijAJix ^(^!^\ mal7va,i, f. price of scouring d>^ rmdaurcas, polluted, defiled, a. ii) Ju« HA4i maluh, m. a kind of worm. h. <.iL)o« muluk (pi. of ;jL11c malik), kings, a. j6\^^ muluhana, royal, princely, a. p. J^ malul, sad, dejected, grieved, melan- choly, fatigued, languid, a. ^^i/c malola, m. vexation, grief, affliction, sadness, melancholy, regret, a. M^ malum, blamed, reproached, a. f^^ mulaitwan, variegated, distinguished by many colours, a. [mixture. A jj^ fH(^»|l milaunt, f. alloy, adulteration, VjijJu* JToT^^n malwaiya, m. one who rubs, g, e^ milla (v. millai), religion, &c. a. iff^ H-UU *1c4^H't*l" mulayachal, m. the nioun- toljJu* fltJUIJlli malaya-gir, m. (v. malagir) name of a mountain, malaya-ghi, m. the colour of sandal-wood. s. [years (a horse), h. ^.A/c i^^MW male-panj, aged above ten aJi^,jT^?T3T malayaj, m. sandal-wood. s. -4^^ 'T^'2[ malechh or 'g'^mlechchha, m. a term applied to an unclean race, those who make no distinction between clean and unclean food, a barba- rian, or one speaking any language but Sanskrit, and not subject to the usual Hindu institutions, mlechh- hhojan, m. wheat, mler.hh-jdti, m. a barbarian, a man of an outcast race, mlechh-desh, m. the countries bor- dering on India, or inhabited by barbarians, mleciih- vak, adj. speaking a barbarous dialect, s. iJL^^i^ pfSTiT mlechhit, spoken barbarously, m. barbarous language, ungrammatical speech, t, ^i/o matih, agreeable, . sweet, charming, beautiful, a. i^jlU mallk, m. a king, a pirate, a. jL»/c mumtadd, extended, prolonged, a. AJkyc mwntaU, replete, filled up. a. ^uv« mumtana*, prohibited, impossible, a. ^^ i^HH mamativa (v. mamtd). s. ft^yL»/« mamtu'a, f. a woman who has been temporarily married (v. mut'a). a. i}>v« mumidd, m. an assistant; an extender, protracter. a. _,>tX»/« mamduh, praised, celebrated, lauda- ble (pi. mamdul!,in). a. ij J.VO mamdud, extended, lengthened, or pro- tracted ; f. mamduda. a. [account, cause, a. j^ viumirr, m. passage, pass, transit, ford ; J>-»/o mamrtz (cor. ofJJivjx> mihmez), a spur. d. — jjjv« mamzujj tempered, mixed, diluted. sharabi mamzuj, wine mixed with water, a. 'l^X^^ vmmsik, m. a miser, a niggard; re- taining ; adj. parsimonious, stingy, a, ^Lwv* inumsihi, avarice, stinginess, a. p. ^y^^ mamsukh, metamorphosed, a. lyiyM^niamsus, tangible, touched ; furious. a. C»>«S«/« mamkuU hated, held as an enemy, a. j^C»/« mumkin, possible, mumkinu-d-dukhul, accessible, a. C->UXv* mumkindt, pi. possibilities, a. n^i l^ mamluhat, f. sovereignty, dominion, empire, kingdom ; grandeur, a. Jl»« mamlu, replete, filled up. a. uiJjU* mamluky possessed, in one's power; m. a purchased slave or a captive, a. [den. a. e^lv« mamnu', prohibited; hindered, forbid- ^j^^iv« mamnun, obliged, pleased, satisfied, gratified ; receiving a favour, favoured, a. (j,^iv« mamnunl, f. obligation, favour, a. 0^>* ^l3f "i^^i^^rshu, m. a man at the point of death, a dying man. i. \jyvo ***risl mamord, m. twist, wreath ; ache, pain (particularly in the bowels), h, *^y^ mamold, m. a wagtail (Moiacilla). a y^ mamula or viamold, nice, squeamish, thin-skinned, easily offended, d. (__>*» l**»Uve JTftnTraTO mamiyd-sds, f. husband's or wife's maternal a^nt. s. jjM**i\x%A *i[*im*i^*^ mamiyd-sasur, m. hus- band's or wife's maternal uncle. *. l3Lv« maniiydnd, to bleat (a sheep), k. J^jv«* TTCT mamerd, relating to the maternal uncle; as, mamerd bha.i, mother's brother's son; ma- meri hahin, mother's brother's daughter, s. Uv« mumaiyiz, judicious, discriminating. m«- maiyaz, discriminated, discerned, a. -li« viundjdt, f. prayers, recommenda- tions, o. [&c. m. ^WU* mujidjdtlf m. or f. one who praya. u^ ( 704 ) & cI>w)iillo munadamat, society, intimacy, fa- miliaritj a. (C.ill« manadi, m. proclamation. munddi, a proclaimer, a herald ; a small drum. a. Axe manar, "} m. a minaret, a lofty turret Ijllo manara, > adjoining a Muhammadan »,U« manara,] mosque, from the summit of which the mu.a'^n (q. v.) calls the faithful to prayers, a. ^jll« «RT^ manarth, m. purpose, design, intention, s. O^U-o munazaat, f. contest, controversy, litigation, altercation, a. JjU^ manazil (pi. of vjp^), mansions, stages, &c. manazili-mutabayina, separate or distinct tene- ments or apartments, in opposition to mandzili-mula- xima, contiguous or adjoining tenements, a. cyu*»li* munasib, proper, convenient, fit, per- tinent, congruous, a. »J^jLMjli/c munasabat,\f. suitableness, propor- , ,Ju*)ll« munasibl, ) tion, connection, re- '"lation, comparison, a. cH^kS^H* munasahat, advice, admonition, a. S^U/A munazara, f. disputation, contest, a. xi'o/o manafi', m. (pi. of C* w ax«) profits, advantages, gains, benefits, a. ^jiU/« munafih, m. a hypocrite, an atheist, an enemy, a. [lities. a. t_-A3U/« manahib (pi. of «Aftl«), virtues, abi- OoSli* munahabat, f. virtue, ability, praise, a. eLljVl« munakasha, dispute, contention, a. {jcS[xc munakiz, contrary, repugnant, a. 0>a^U/c munakahat, marriage, nuptials, a. JU* manal, substance, wealth, profit, mode, manna, a. UVi* HHHI manana, a. to persuade, to conci- liate, to soothe, to coax, to assuage, to appease, to put in mind, to propitiate ; to do, to act, to perform, to make, manana-danand, to appease, to conciliate, s UjU/« HHIMHI manawnd, a. (v. mandria) to persuade, 8tc. h. jjblju mandhi (pi. of ^_f^), prohibited or forbidden things; crimes, transgressions; fern, pro- hibition, a. CLaJO/c munabbat, inlaid ; mosaic work, mu- nabbat-kar, one who inlays, munabbat-karl, inlaying. munabbati, inlaid, a. jij^ mimbar, m. a pulpit, a reading-desk. a. Vi>wfVTTnT man-bharcnn, 'I acceptable, 3jl^-i/« »RHR»!1 man-bhdwana,j agreeable, plfaxant, amusing, chatming. » minnat, f. an obligation, favour, hum- ble and earnest supplication, minnat-dar or rnvrnat- ka$h, under obligation, obliged, minnat -chinas, grate> ful, one who is sensible of obligations, a. OlcJRlT manat or^RTH mannat, f. acknow- ledgment ; a vow, a promise ; desire, intention. #. j5.i/« munUtj, result, consequence j deduced, inferred, chi tnuntaj, what is the inference a. t^AJ^** muntakhab, chosen, selected j (sub.) a selection ; pi. munta](habat. a. Jixc iTf^ mantra or mantar, m. a division of the Vedas, a sacred formula; a charm, spell, phil- tre incantation, fascination ; secret consultation or advice, mantr-jantr, incantation, exorcism, mantr- gupti, f. secret counsel. «. ^J^ TJ^IUT mantrand, f. advice, counsel, s. ^JxXa H*^! mantti, m. a counsellor, prime minister; an adviser; a viceroy; an enchanter. *. j^..:j>< mu7itashar, published, divulged, ex- plained, diffused, dispersed, a. Ui.*o'i!«* muntasib, erected, set up. a. . m l/* muntazir, expecting with impatience, tarrying for. a. [posed, adjusted, a. jJaJkJ^ muntazam, ordered, arranged, dis xSjS/c muntaji', m. a gainer, one who uses, enjoys, or has the advantage of a thing, a. f^CJ>< viuntafi, rejected, dissipated, de- "stroyed. a. [ed. a. jjiiilj*/* muntahish, carved, engraved ; paint- jjftljk* muntakal, transported, carried, a. ^iilJkAC muntakim, taking revenge, avenging, a. ^^ IJV^ manth, m. a churning-stick j a dish made of barley-meal with ght and water; a sort of gruel or porridge ; a disease of the eyes, cataract or opacity, rheum, excretion of the eyes. «. 0>^i:x< jrfwnr manthit, adj. churned ; (sub. buttermilk, s. [churning, t. j^^IJkAO H'VIH mrinthan, m. agitating, stirring, ^^^^j>^i{7Vj;t(i7nanthanl,f. achurning-vessel. $, ^—jlj^ mu7itaha, m. the end, conclusion,- " boundary, extremity; adj. finished, concluded, mun- talii, learned (t. e. one vtho has finished his studies), a. j_^ fir^a't intnfi, f. an apology, submission, " solicitation, h. I^jLu manthu, extinct, non-existent, d. S'O 't^ vianjVf beautiful, pleasant, s. Aa 'WSf viajiuj, m. man in general. «. Aj6 g^ munj, I m. a sort of grass from the \^ TO! inunjdA fibres of which a string is prepared, of which a Br&hmau's girdle is made, the ■acred cord. s. US* «T*rsn manujd, f. a woman, wife. $. t ( ^s* T^ manja, m. a bedstead, a throne, s. ^Jp* manjd, any high place where one may escape from an inundation, a. l^ *r*n manja, a kind of religious ceremony, anointing the body inrith turmeric on some special fes> tive occasions, h. j^r *i^\{. manjdr, m. a cat. s. j^ *ra^ manjar, m. f. the blossom (of a tree), t. j^ munjirr, drawn, brought back. a. {JJ^ lyO manjari (v. manjai'), a cluster of flowers ; name of a musical mode. s. ,J^ minkharain, (dual) the two nostrils, a. iJo* ma7id, a possessive particle, which, added to nouns, implies endowed with, or having, or pos- sessed of; as, 'akl-mand, sensible ; daulat-mand, rich. p. t^l« *F?r mand, abated, slow, tedious; dull, foolish ; bad, ill ; low (as a tone) ; Saturday; the planet Saturn, mand tr.and, gently, softly, mand-gati, slow- paced, softly, gently, s. \s^ »T»^ mandd, gentle, mild, affable, cheap, abated, allayed ; slow ; a little, t. v\ti^ H»TlIfWI mand-dtmd, slow of appre- hension, dull. s. jiiii^^ «i»THqi; mandddar, disregarding, neg- lecting, disrespectful, t. j\s^ »Jn^K manddr, m. the name of a moun- tain, famous in India, with which the ocean was churned ; one of the five trees of Swarga ; name of a plant, swallow-wort (Asclepias gigantea); the coral tree {Erylhrinafulgens). s. ^U^i>^ Tf^nT'IT'T manddyamdn, delaying, going tardily. *. ^i^:^ vrf^S^^mand-buddhi, 8tupid,foolish. s. ajol^^iio/o H*^*ll'^ mand-bhdgyay unhappy, unfortunate. <. [&c. $, ^sJ^ ^jf^iffl mandatd, f. slowness, mildness, iiiJ* Tff^ mandir, m. a house, mansion, pa- lace, dwelling, temple, t. ji^J^ »r»^ mandar, m. the mountain mandar with which the ocean is said to have been churned by the Asuras; one of the trees of paradise; Swarg,OT paradise ; adj. large, bulky, s. ^j*Xi/« »J''<<.1 mandard, m. squat, dapper, k. ViiO/a ^r^T mundrd, m. a collar, a ring. s. ^.(^ mundarij or mundaraj, contained, in- serted, included ; comprehending, containing, a. i^s^-ji^Sa mundarija, m. contents, that which is included or contained, a. (j^oJ-o mundaris, obliterated, cancelled, a. (_fjC)J^ 5?5ft mundri, f. a ring, a collar ; a finger-ring. #. [named. «. J^s:^ mandi-kukur, f. a sort of fish so 2z l^JM ( 706 ) > JjJ* »t^ mandal, f. a kind of drum made ^^.ilo g^FT wMwrfan, m. the first shaving of a ** . , , , _, ,^L x-^- /; I, I child (a religious ceremony among the Hiod&i). mandan, m. an ornament, jewels, trinkets. *. of wood and beaten with the fingers, h. JjJ^ mandal, f. a fountain, a jet d'eau ; (cor. of bandar) a port, harbour, h. t^^ ivLa TT^irffT mand-mati, dull, stupid, slow of apprehension. «. \3»i-l/« HtS'IT mundna, n. to be shut, closed. 5. »jLi*»libi^ Jn^^TOT manda-hasya, m. a gentle laugh, a smile. «. Aji_tiJ«j\jc^J6iyxc ^Hidk\Omn.^[ mundkdri mdmd, to lie round with the knees to the belly. «. j3a/« 'np^ mandal, ni. a circle, orb, sphere, disc; the heavens, sky, firmament; a round tent; an officer employed in villages, an exciseman; a ring- leader ; a district ; the country over which the twelve princes called chakra-vartU are supposed to have ruled, s. ^JJm ^4H<^I mundld, shaved, s. .\^^tiJ-« H4Uci&I^K mandal-dkdr, circular, round, s. O^Jo/o »ni3^n^ mandldnd, a. to make a cir- cuit, to hover (as birds) ; to be enveloped. A. jjjj^e 'np^ mandati, f. an assembly, con- "gregation. s. [pigeon. A. \J3J^ »?^pf^rm mandaliyd, m. a tumbler JUJvXo it4|1H|qS mundmdl, a necklace of hu- man heads, t \33ax g^S«TT mundnd, a. to be shaved, s. jiiS< ^ns mundu, m. a devotee, a monk; a sanyatl, a gosa'iA. h. \jSxc iRB^n mandn,d or 44J]j^T mandwd, m. an alcove, arbour; "a shade thown out in front of the veranda of a house, generally constructed of bam- boo posts with a thatch of palmyra leaves or grass, called by Europeans in the (Jarnatic " a pandaui." A. bij4JJw« *j4{j c| I *(T tnundwdnd, a. to get shaved, to cause to be shaved. A. [(B/gnonta Jndica). s. cd)jj>x« ^J^<3|^ manduk, m. a frog; a flover j_^ijtixo >R!7o|it mandukt, f. a female or small "frog; a plant {Siphonanthus Indica or HydrocotyU Asiatica). s. t/jiikLc As^fi mandrni, f. a kind of food. h. Jb Jo* mnndh, shameless, impudent, d. \SiSJjQ "ms^ mandhd, m. an open shed or hall adorned with flowers for the bride and bridegroom, t. b\j&iJ/o T^RT mandhdyd, starched, s. u-i^ ( 707 ) ^a. tIL*5}i/« manzilat, f. dignity, station, condition, rank, post of honour ; a house of accommodation for travellers, a. joUtj-o manzil-kha7ia ,\a post-house, a halt- »lOji/o manzU-gah, J ing-place after a day's journey, an inn. a.p. »hi/« manzila (v. manzilat), dignity, &c. a. Jjji/« viunzawil, perishing, decaying,failing.a. ^^j li/o munzarvi, m. a solitary man, a hermit; adj. lonely, solitary, a. t>\xic munazzak, pure, blameless, holy; ex- empted from, free. a. jj*»i/c ijw^manas, m. the mind, the heart, the intellect, the tmderstanding. s. ijuJ>A muns or manus, m. a man, a male. d. L-l« Wt{^ mansa, f. wish, desire, intention, design, purport, purpose, mansa or mansa-devt, f. the goddess of the serpent race, and the particular pro- tectress against their venom. *. [tress, s. u-^IjumJw« 'R»ren'T manas-tap, m. mental dis- ^j'v^JL-J^ iftl^lvf muni-sthan, m. a hermit- age, the abode or retirement of holy aages. s. m\i^ mansij, m. a weaver's shop, minsaj, ^the instrument by which the web is stretched when working ; the part of a horse about the fore shoulder and under the mane. a. ^-*J-« TrTftrST manasij, m. the Hindu cupid, Kamadeva. tnantij, mental intellectual, m. l.««Jk/o iRTrtT mansarrva, m. a man, male. h. tii-*i/« TJT^ manash, mental, intellectual, s. j\^w«-x« TtTSTR manas-har, m. the attention of the mind to its own sensations, consciousness of plea- sure or pain. *. [together, a. tiliL«i« munsalik, joined, connected, united LAa»j^<« mann salwa, manna and quails (wherewith the Israelites where fed in the wilder- ness), a. {^yJxt mansuh, related, addicted to, belong- ing to, depending on. mansulhk-, to connect with, to attribute to. a. ^^^mXo mansukh, cancelled, obliterated, abo- lished, broken, a. > jumA« T*r^rc manseru, m. a man, a male. s. ipj^ W^V manush, a man, a person, a human being (v. manuki). s. (jLU manish, f. magnanimity, dignity, gra- vity ; temperament, disposition, content, cheerfulness ; pride, arrogance ; desire, p. \Ji^ mansha, m. allusion, origin, principle, source, beginning, munsha, intention, inclination, a. C-jUJu* munshat, writings, compositions, a. XL^ minshar, m. a saw, hand-saw ; a fan, a ventilator, a. jyL^ manshur, divulged, published ; m. a royal mandate, diploma, patent, a. j-ij^ viu7ishi, m. a writer, a clerk, a secreta- "ry; (commonly means) a tutor, a teacher of languages, more particularly of Hindustani, Persian, and Arabic munsht-gart, f. the business of a munshl. a. ^_^i^ *\^^ manushi, f. a woman, a female, s. io\x^*xc munshiyana, clerk-like. a.p. sx^<« W^oi mamishya, m. a man, a mortal, s. iyxLsA THtqrBf manushyatwa, ra. the state or condition of man, manhood, humanity, s. c-^rfoi* mansdb, m. dignity, office, niiuistry, magistracy, mansab-dar, an officer (military) ; a magis- trate, a person who holds an appointment under go- vernment, mansabi iaza, the office of kazi or judge, a. u-Jj-ai* munsarif, departing, receding, mun- farif-h, depart, set out. a. I i«ai* munsif, equitable, just ; (sub.) a dis- ^ tributor of justice ; a judge, an arbitrator, a. Xsua^ munsifan, equitably, justly, a. iO^Ualo munsif ana, candidly, equitably, a. ^^*a^ munsifl, f. office of munsif', judg- " ment, arbitration, just criticism, a. ^yiAyA mansub, constituted, excited ; mark- ed with the vowel point /a/Ja (-') ; fixed, established, appointed, named for. a. eJyoXA mansuba, m. contrivance, project. tnanfuba-bdx, considerate, foreseeing, prudent, saga- cious, ingenious, a. jyoJ^ mansur, aided, protected, defended, victorious, conquering, triumphant, a. (jidyoj^ munsus, manifested, clear, a. &4ax« manassa or minassa, the chamber or tent of a bride, a. ^-fli* munzij (pi. munzijat), suppurantia (in medicine), a. xx W iM muntahi% tame, trained, obedient, tractable, yielding, a. ^_^iai/e muntaft, extinguished, extinct, a. ^laiwmAJ!/o munfasid, corrupted, depraved, a. L^ifflP'- manfasid, flowing, fluent, a. y^joSuA munfasil, m.^l disjoined, distinct, dis- «)uiAl« munfasila, f. J sected, separated, a. dAMftJM manfaat, f. emolument, profit, gain, advantage, a. JjtOJM munfailf disturbed, afflicted ; bashful, abashed, ashamed, a. t!^\p> munfakk, separated, disjoined, a. ^JiJa man/if negative; repulsed, rejected, "banished, a. VaI/« munakka, Cape raisins, currants, a. i^Va1« mimMd, obedient, tractable, a. jVflj;* minhar, f. a bird^s bill, a beak. a. (_ji\S*l« minkash, tweezers, pincers, a. \_ -o --« minkab, m. an instrument with which they tap for the dropsy, a trtxihar. a. a^jsu/o mankabat, f. praise ; virtue ; natural talent or abilities, a. (joaHi»« munhabiz, constituted, contracted, a. V]S^ munhatil, slain, killed, a. Ji:^ munahhah, rendered clear or manifest ; cleared of weak words (a verse), a. ■ nrrO '^ munkosim, divided into parts, a. jjiii/o muna\hash, painted, embroidered, min- Jfosh, pincers, tweeters, a. J%^'-^ munhazi, elapsed, past, expired, a. ^»nfl J ^ murikatVy terminated, finished, broken off, eTtenninated, disjoined, munkati' hona, a. to be cut cS, CO be finished, or settled, or terminated, a. (Jii-o manhal, a chafing dish. a. diSlie manlidla, a day*s journey, or the space travelled ; a halting place ; a way through mouutains. a, (^yU:al- achar OT •cliar,a. song of congratulation, a martiage tidings, epithalamium; festivity, mangal-satndchar, glad song or the Gospels, s. jj^^kCu J^iT^T^T^ mangal-acharan, wor- ship or salutation to Gaaesha at the commencement of an undertaking. *. [a musician, minstrel, s. 4_54^^^-Ci« H^qSPT^ mangala-mukhi, m. f. Jj-Jiisic H'^r^it^rimangala-sutra, lit. the lucky thread, used ia the marriage ceremony, v. Wilson, s. tZJjOx^ H^t^^'i mangal-kot, name of a place, mangdl-kofi, f. a kind of carpet bo named, h. j\^lS:^ TR^^^TKma7igal-nmr, m. Tuesday, s. L^^ * fw^'^ mingnt, goat's or sheep's dung. h. \>\^^ *r^«n«n mangwana, a. to send for, to procure. *. [ferret (v. newala) d. (^jutC^ mangus, a weasel, a mongoose, a '^^^'H^-<^\ mavgula, m. a small tassel, k. \j^^ 5R?lTnrr manghatd, ni. the raised masonry round the mouth of a well. h. jiJ:*A TR^lfTimangetar, m. and f. one to whom a man or woman is betrothed, h. li .U^* JPTTlTTn man-mama, a. to resist one's own inclination, to be grieved or troubled in mind. *. ^Uixi *^fiB>^^^T mani-mala, f. a necklace of gems. s. [}o\e. s. ^X^ *rjr«I manmaih, m. Cupid, Kamadeva; (v)*e/* S^TT'T munmun, puss, puss! a mode of calling a cat. h. [niauji, conceited, s. ^yi^ ^R *^<^1^^ man-mavj, self-conceit, man- ^^ity^ ^ ^^\i ^ man-mohan, m. f. heart- ravishing; a sweetheart, a mistress} a name of Krishna, t. i^XA HfiUHM mani-may, made of gems. s. ^!]^»T?r«!wanan,m. minding, understanding. 5. .Jl« v^ manna, n. to be conciliated, soothed, tranquillized, i. »i* inr manu (for manu), name of a cele- brated sage and legislator; a monkey. ». ^< tf^ mono, like, as if. s. U.l« TfT^^n manu.a. f. a kind of cotton; m. puss (a catV h. !^jjl« *RWT manu,o, m. mind, soul, life. fl. Ji^ minwaU m. mode, manner, rule, form. a. fj^yi^ 'F^«T manwan, m. thinking, conceiv- ' ing, minding, regarding, s. ^•^ JRtfTt manauti, f. bail, security; a per- son referred to to pay the debt, &c. of another; surety, assurance, acknowledgment manautl-dar, a person who becomes surety for another for a hand- some consideration, s. p. j^lo munawwar, illustrated, explained, illu- minated, clear, splendid, brilliant, a. '^jy^ H'^^yi manorath, desire, wish, de- sign, intention. *. [pleasing. *. j^y^ T«frw manoram, beautiful, lovely, CL^yXo Hl^nw mano-gupt, thought on or pondered over secretly, s. C^oy^ Htd^M mano-gat, seated in the mind. s. M^ «iff|$j( mano-gya, beautiful, lovely, handsome, pleasing, agreeable, s. e^^y^ H^f^ ckl mano'laulya, m. fancy, caprice, whim. $. j<>yx<>i{7^n(T.manwantara (vulg. manwantar), m. the reign of Manu, a period equal to seventy-one ages of the gods, or 306,720,000 years of mortals, or with its sandhi, or interval of universal deluge, 308,488,000 years ; fourteen manwantras constitute a halpa, or period of 4,320,000,000 years. According to Hindu cosmogony, there have been innumerable man wantras since the first creation of the universe, s. CAjoyk« iT«flr»ftlT mano-nltf chosen, preferred. 5. ^J^JbA^ 1«Tt?n^ manohari, m. 'I beautiful, ^.U^jk/c li^'^TfxM^manohdrint, f.J pleasing, ~ agreeable, lovely, s. [ful, pleasant, t. Jb^x« Jjfft^ manohar, heart-ravishing, beauti- ,^ »t^ munh, m. mouth, face, countenance, presence, orifice ; respect, complaisance; ^met.) power, fitntss, qualification, ability, munh utar-jana, to have the face shrunk or withered by weakness and emacia- tion. m»* if^n^R manihar, m. a person who makes or sells {chufts) the glass bracelets which the women wear on their wrists, h. [tiful. s. jl^ 'R^TT manuhdr, f. fascinating, beau- (Cjl^ MH^lO manhari or HH^RI manuhari, heart-ravishing, charming, fascinating, s, /^l^ nfUJ'^lO mani-hari, f. the trade in jewels. «. jjl^ Vi^ muhhah, thrush, salivation, s. f^f\^^ manhaji, f. forbidding, prohibition. ' mitihd.i, adj. (lit. from that) subtracted, deducted. minhd,idHr, a holder of land exempted from revenue payment a. jjo.l^ minhayagi, f. deduction from an as- "sessment for some special reason, a. p. ^tX^ munhadim, demolished, destroyed, a. (^li^i* minhdt, f. (v. menkdi) name of a plant, s. ^o^^ M*i^<*U man-haran,m. heart-stealing, s. ftj^ munhazim, put to flight, discomfited, a. J^i* manhal, place of drinking ; a tomb ; profuse liberality, a. Jlj^ it^HT^ munh-nal, m. f. the mouth- piece of a pipe or l^ukka tube, s, y^ ^^^manahu, adv. suppose, as if, like. s. ^^\^ maiihtf forbidden, prohibited, a. C->U.^ manhiydt, (pi.) unlawful things, a. ^ maiii, f. death, fate ; sperma genitale " viri aut mulierit. a. ^J|C inO muni, m. a holy man, a saint, a sage. " mani, m. a gem. t. ^ mani, presumption, boasting, egotism, p. \xyA Jlfrnn muniya, f. the female of the little birds called amadavats (or lal. Fringilla amandava). t. jLa/o maniydr, m. (v. manihdr). h. oJa/« munlb, m. a patron, a manager, a master, a principal; a client, constituent, munib- gumashta, a head clerk or manager of a bank, &c. a. &3UjUk/o munihanay the fee or perquisite of a manager, a. p. cL*ju« vixmiyat, f. a wish, desire, hope^ a. ij^i$< H^^^ mani thanif m. name of a blemish in horses, h. [lustrious. a, ^^jU(« wtwwir, shining, splendid, illuminating, il- ^/Ji>^ 'R'^ munish or munis, m. a saint j the chief of the saints or sages, t. x^ manV, inaccessible, impregnable, a. c-ftAx« munif, eminent, exalted, noble, sub- lime. 0. y« J^ mau, m. honey, mo (for main or mujh), I, me. mohi or mokattH, to me. ». •M mu, m. the hair, mu-baf, a hair ribbon. mu-bdfi, f. the making of hair ribbons, mu ba mu, hair by hair, minutely, circumstantially, mu-shigaf, one who splits hairs, a critic, a subtle reasoner. mu- shigdfl, f. criticism, or rather minute details of small errors iu which small men delight mu-kalam, a hair pencil, mau, mewing (as a cat), p. \yt JTOT mu,d, dead, lifeless, dull ; impotent (a common term of abuse). mu,a bddal, m. sponge. mu.a-sho, m. a washer of dead bodies, h. C->\y« muwdt, f. waste land. a. _ljy« marvwaj, waving, boisterous, a. y^^oSyc viawajib, salaries, wages, pensions, a. A^lyc mun'djaha, m. presence, confronting, appearance, face to face. a. ^.\^\y muivdhanatf f. hatred, dislike, en mity. a. y C 711 ) 3'S-\yc muTvakhaz, taken, chastised, a. iSs-]y« vmwakhaza, m. taking satisfaction, retaliating, chastising, calling to a severe account, a- iiyo mawadd (pi. of 85U), articles, matters, arguments, points ; females ; humours of the body, a, iOjl^ muwazina, list or statement of all the land belonging to a village, also called rd^ba-bandl, q. V. a. {j^y« muwazi, parallel, being exactly oppo- site to, and resembling one another, a. {^^y« ^m^ mawds, m. protection, refuge, asylum, h. {**»\y« mttwasd, society, fellowship j good or fortunate action ; condoling with. a. i^'^^'O mawaskl (pi. of &xaiU), quadrupeds, "cattle, more especially domestic beasts, as cows, buf- faloes, sheep, and goats, a. (Jl>kLoi^/o muwdsalat, f. conjunction, adhesion, interview, a. *Ji\y muwdza'at, a sale by which loss is incurred, a. ulAJa^l^warraj?aJa«,assiduity,perseverance.a. J^^yo murvdjik, conformable with, proportio- nal to, consonant, congruous, apt, like, agreeing, suit- ing, favourable, propitious, a, tl.*HJ\^ muwafakat, f. conformity, muwd- falfat-k., to enter into friendship, to conform, &c. a. C-J^iyo murcdldt, f. friendship, affection, pursuing a business steadily or without intermission, a. ^J\yc mawdli (pi. of ^^yo), lords, masters; "friends; servants, slaves. "muwUi, one who aids or assists, a. ^\y« mawdlid (pi. of ^^y*), sons, mawd- lidi saldsa, m. the three kingdoms of nature (viz. ani- mal, vegetable, and mineral), a. C^'»'>\y<> murvdnasat or mu,dnasat, f. com- panionship, fellowship, society, familiarity, intimacy.a- «'>ly6 marodni, n. Tpk of xiU), impediments, obstacles, a, C^^^yo muwdhdbat, f. contending with another in liberality or munificence, a. tiOy« niubad or mubid, m. a doctor, a philo- sopher, a counsellor of state ; a worshipper of the sun, a priest of the pdrsis, or fire- worshippers, p. O^ maut, f. death, resting, reposing, a, Oy« »ir mut, m. urine, piss, mut-ataknd, to labour under a total suppression of urine. *. ti'oyi muutdd (for mu'tdd), f. quantity, a. \iy mautd, the dead (v. mauta). a. Syt, vc^ mutr or mutra, m. piss, urine, s. \j>y^ sfrar vu'trd, m. spavin, h. ^l?y 'J^TrThr mutrdtit, m. difficult or slow passage of urine, s. [of urine. ». C-'l^Syy) ^nmr mutrdghdt, m. suppression 0*»J'V-y* 'i^'O'' mutr-dos, m. gonorrhoea, considered as a urinary complaint, s. ^.^J^jiyo ♦i^^i^ mutr-shuk, m. white urinary sediment, s. [^u^y- *• j^J^yy* ^•5<jyc H^H\^mutr-yndrg, m.the urethra.*. ^yo ^"TT mutnd, to piss, (or, as nice people have it) to make water, s. ^y*> 'ft'^n mothd, m. a kind of grass the root of which is used in medicine (Cyperxis rotttndus). s. If^y* ^t^Tl mothrd, m. name of a disease in horses, splint, spavin, h. j3y> jftTft moti, m. a pearl, moti pirone, to string pearls; (met.) to speak eloquently; to weep (the tears being compared to pearls), moti kut kar hharne, to be very bright (applied to an eye), tnott kl si ah utarni, to be disgraced. *. X^y« mautd (pi. of «J1*-*), the dead. a. Ix)^* *hfrfm motiyd, m. the name of a flower (Jasminum zambac, var. ;9 Roxh.)\ (in Dakh.) a pearl ; adj. of the colour of pearls, h. i^XiSyc ^Ttfriillfllnl' motiyd-hind, m. the name of a kind of blindness ; gutta serena. s, jy>-^y« jftirt^ motl-chur, m. a kind of sweetmeat ; a certain descriptioa of eye among pigeons. /*. C^y« ^tZ mot, m. f. (v. moth) a bundle, package, &c. mot-kd mof bechtid, to sell wholesale, h. \jyo jftTT moid, fat, corpulent, thick, coarse, great, large, h. bu^ jftTT'n motdpd, m. 1 fatness, corpu- ^U"j<« JT^T^nr motdpan, m. \ lency, thick- ^j^Kiyti jft^T^ motd,l, f. J ness, coarse- ness (in Dakh. motdgl). h. [load. h. \i^y^ 'ftj^T motrdj m. a bundle, package, i^yy^ •fl^O motrl, f. a small bundle, a par- cel, knapsack, h, i>^y^ jftT^ mothi, f. a mattock, a pick- **axe; a fat woman; ardginu h. "^yo H\i<^\ motld, fat, gross, coarse, h. ^y« ^tZ moth, m.f. a bundle, package, bale, a load ; amount, total ; a leather bucket for raising water ; a kind of grain, lentils, vetches, h. ^y> v^ muth, f. handle, hilt ; fist, handful ; name of a game, mufh ki mufh, handful after hand- ful, numerous handfuli. s, y^y« '^ m,uthd, m. a handle, s. ]j^y* *[Tn muthrd, a kind of printing, con- sisting of spots on cloth, leather, &c. h. Oj« ( 712 ) tHy^ LS^y ^ muthi, f. the fist, hand, handful. *. u^^ i^tsm muthiya, m. a handful, s. X^ycT^fS^mothiyayVvD.. a porter, bearer, Ujyo iftfinn motiya, I carrier of burdens, 8 labourer, h. J»yc »ntt?t>ass?'r or mj/,a5sir, penetrating, making an impression, efficacious. >nu,-^ mvjid, m. an author, causer ; corro- borating, reinstating (after sickness or poverty), a. j^yomujir, hiring, letting to farm, renting, a. f^y^ mujaz, m. a summary, compendium, epitome, a. [debt), a. Jjf^ muwajjal, deferred (as payment of a ^y>-y« maujud, found, present, existing, standing before, at hand, a, OU^j/c maujudat, pi. f. creatures, exis- tences, created beings ; a review or muster of troops, a. «>-j/« rnauja, m. a wave, a small billow, a. f^y^ muToajjah, agreeable, acceptable, a. jy^fo J?^ moch, m. strain, twist; a tree {Hyperanthera morunga). h. Wj^* kTl"*!! mocha, m. a large lump of flesh; crops beaten down by wind and rain. h. y>'yt 'iWr mocha, m. a plantain tree (Musa tapientum). t. [{Nigella Indica). s. {JL>\»'yo «iWT7 mochdt, m. a pungent seed i^j>'y« hWt^ moch-ras, m. gum of the semul (or silk-cotton tree) {Bombax heptaphyllum). s. *JiX>-y« »ft^rar mochah, m. the silk-cotton tree {Bomhyx heptaphyllum) ; the plantain {Musa tapientum) i a liberator, s. Kyi^yo ^-qcAitti mvchhana, a. to sprain, h. ^j>-yc *^^A mochan (from IJ^), m. theft, robbery, h. [wife. /*. ^^yo H\^^ mochan (also mochnt), a cobbler's (^yo Hl^tf mochan, ^m. release, acquit- U»-y« ijl'^ffl mochnd,} tal. *. U>.^ ift^nn mochnd, a. to let go, to set free, to shed, to put off, to extinguish, t. ^-*>-^ *i^«il muchnu, m. pincers, tweezers ; 8. to pinch ; to shut, to close. «. [shade. ». ,j^y* JT^f^ mochini, f. a prickly night- '4»-y ^^VS. mochh or mohsh, m. release, libe- ration, deliverance, absolution, salvation, beatitude, final and eternal happiness, the liberation of the soul from the body, and its exemption from further trani- migration. «. ,1^^ ^ niuchh, f. whiskers, moustaches. muchh marofa roft tofS, one who is proud of eating the bread of idleness, h. {jy^>-yo ijstlohi muchh-dkre,'\m. stiff and (Jj^^y> *fsi<*? micchh-ahre, J bushy whis- kers, k. [kers. h. jjj^^v'.y* "^^ muchhail, having large whis- ^J^y^ H\^ mocht, m. a saddler, cobbler, "shoemaker, a worker in leather. " lu Southern India the mochi does not make shoes or saddles, but binds books and manufactures a variety of ornamental wares." — (Binning), h. »Jj^yo mu-chlna, tweezers, pincers, p. d»-yQ viuwahJiid, one who believes in one God; a unitarian; adj. orthodox, mauhid or mauhad, ■ingle, a. [in one God. a. p. ^6lk^»•J>c muwahhiddna, like one who believes jj«»-^ mukish, desolate, wild ; famished ; tertible. ii»-yo muwa khkh az, taken, seized, retaliated upon, called to account a. JfyA muimhJiM'"', posterior, consequent: delayed, procrastinated, a. i^yo Jft^ mod, m. delight, pleasure, s. 9- ^i^y« mUyttddub, respectful, civil, polite, courteous, well-trained or disciplined (also used ad- verbially), o. [tion. a. C^tiyc man'addat, f. friendship, love, affec- 0«3y« ^n^rt modit, pleased, delighted, s. t^ji^yo ^[5^ mudri, f. a finger-ring. s. c«>^* muda', a trustee, one to whom property is entrusted, mudi', a depositor, one who leaves any thing in trust with another, a. d^dy« ni^m modak, delighting, rejoicing, causing happiness or delight ; m. name of a sweet- meat. ». [foolish, h. ^dyc ijV^ modhu, guileless, artless, simple, Jji>y« muwadda, performed, paid, munaddu f. a cause, a motive; causing; paying, performing what is due. a. (^i^yo jft^ 7nodi, m. a merchant, a shop- keeper, a grain-merchant, steward, providore. taodi- ij^ana, a pantry. A. <^«'« c i>yc V[S mud (for mund), the head. *. ^ji^ muwazzin or mu,azzin, ra« a public crier to prayers (among Mu^ammadans). a. t^ *rf^ 7««rjy« muris, m. a cause, an author; the per- son from whom an inheritance is derived. nfirt|t *iti, a remote progenitor, a. ^jW.yo morchal, f. lines of intrenchment, d trenches (in a fort), p. iiJ-^jyo M\i!'^'fi morchang, f. a Jew's harp. h. *>.jy« morcha, m. rust; a battery; (dim. of mor) a little ant. p. U». ..< JToIt mvrchha, f. a swoon, stupefaction. murchha-ana or -khdna, to swoon, t. KZ^iK^jyo «i«dNlri murchhagat, a state of swoon or stupefaction ; astonishment. ». *--'4*"jy* T^fif mnrchhit, faint, entranced, fainted, in a swoon, insensible. «. J.^.^ t l ^C^c^ ' morchhal, m. a fan for driv- ing away flies, a brush, h. ^^f^Jy<> W^"^ viurchhan, adj. fainting ; syn- cope, swoon. I. j,jyc mun'arrikk, m. an annalist, a historian, a chronologer, biographer. muioarra]i!i, dated, a. djyQ murd, m. the myrtle, p. •Jjyc maurid, m. the place of arrival; descend- ing, alighting, appearing, a. ,^ii,yc*{^murddhd, m. the head, the summit, s. „A^yo WC^ murahh or ^^ murkk, ignorant. niuraJch gdnth, the insisting of an ignorant fellow upon what he says, Btubborunes?. «. stupidity, folly, bar- barism. 8. 713 ) U^y* \iX^{jycV[^kmt{\murakh-pa7ia,m. ignorance, ^Cl^.yo ifC^ffl murahhta, f. ^jfM^j^* V(TT^[fn\ murkhatdft, f. eJ^fjy ?rf miir, m. the head, maur, m. a high crowned hat worn by the bridegroom at the wedding. «. jya Jftf mor, m. a turn, twist, convolution, yrrithe, sprain, fistula, ft. jy mor, "1m. young shoots of a tree or ^Jy* morkd, J plant, d. \J>jyc H \ i ^J morna, a. to twist, to bend, to screw ; n. to turn away. (Dakh.) mor-dena, to defeat, put to flight mor-khdna, to be defeated, routed, h. put ^jyc vcs murh, stupid, brutal ; m. a fool, a simpleton, jnfif ft-jnan, stupid, of dull mind. s. \j6«y) ifhTT morhd, m. a low stool or seat ; the shoulder, ft. \^\sojyc (714 ) ^^ ^)^*«y« ^(^t^musld, m. a tan-root ; the fusiform receptacle of a many- seeded fruit (as the Artocurpus, Annona, ike), mutld-dhdr. raining very heavily. ». ,*M>k/e mausim, also mausam,in. season, time. mautimi-baharoT-baharl, the vernal season,the spring.o. tj^uiyQ mausiml, seasonable, in season, a. VJuw^ H^tjl musnd or mosnd, a. to pilfer, to steal, to defraud, to snatch or seize by force, s. jtynyo mausum, marked, signed, impressed, named, called, aforesaid, above-mentioned, a. fCyutyc musawt, of or relating to Moses, a. f^jicwtwrtmausl, f. an aunt, mother's sister, s. ^^**y* musa or must, Moses the Jewish legis- lator, a, »^!**y« musicha, m. name of a bird. p. IX^y^ J^TRTI mausera, m. belonging or re- lated to the mother's sister's husband, as mausera hha,%, a cousin, son of a mother's sister, matueri bahin, daughter of a mother's sister, s. j\ajMtyc musikdr, music ; a musician ; a kind of musical instrument p. ""^ ^2jMty« muslki, f. (Gr. yuovo-^x^) music, g. QjJiyo vm mosh or mush, m. a rat, a mouse. tnosh-dan, a mouse-trap, tnoshi dashti, m. a mole. moshgtr, the mouse-taker, a sparrowhawk. s. p. \jMyo ^fWJ moshd, f. stealing, theft. $. \JL*J*»yc ^RiT mushit, stolen, s. ^Miy« murvashshah, ornamented, decorated, a. i,^Xij»ya mvshak, a bat, vesper-fly. p. {jL^Mtyo W^W mushak or i^PM'cfc mushik, m. a rat, a mouse ; a plunderer, a thief (also moshak). t. .yit mushi-kor, a mole, a musk rat. p. U^y^ 'JTO mushan or moshan, m. stealing, pilfering. «. jJjo^ musil, m. a carrier, a bearer, muwas* fol, arrived, Joined. 8URi|i{ (vulg. miifal), name of a city, Mossul.. a. uJyo^ mausuf, described, celebrated, praised ; before-mentioned ; (sub.) a noun substantive qualified by an adjective, a. ^JyOyo mausiil, joined, coupled, arrived ; m. tux collection ; a relative pronoun, a. ^^y« must or muwassi, m. making a will, tt "testator, a. ^^oyc niusd or murvassa, devised by will, mufa bi-hi, a legacy, a bequest. ntUfS la-hu, a legatee. &jyo^ musiya or muwussiya, f. a testatrix, a. ^yo mauza'y m. a village, district, place ; oocurrence, conjecture. mawfJ ofli, the chief village or that originally settled. 7)muzff-dS]tliin, the part of a village superadded to the original, mauxa'-war, by villages (applied to the assessment), a. c^^ mauzu\ m. a subject, object; adj. established, placed, situated ; conventional, a. Uxo^ inauzind, a village registrator, a. h. (^jJoycmautin,m. birthplace, dwelling, home.a. ( — Uoyo murvazzaf, fixed, limited, allowed, a. i^yQ mau'id, m. a promise; predicting, foretelling, a. dAja^^ mau'izat, f. advice, admonition, a. i^^yo mauud, promised, predicted, predes- tined, a. Jj*y« murvaffdk, favoured, assisted, a. j^yo maufur, copious, full, numerous, abun- dant, many, plentiful, a. C^y« muwalihat, fixed or restricted to a cer- tain definite time. a. ^y« murvahhar, honoured, revered, respected ; grave, solemn, austere, a. *5yc mauha'y proper, fit, suitable ; m. a place where any thing happens, a contingency, a. i_ft^^ maukif, ni. a station, post, place, a. u^JjSyo maukvfy deferre 1, postponed, relin- quished, delayed, dependent on. maulfuf Jcama, to cease, to leave off, to abolish, a. ^jy>ye mauhufi, f. stopping, arrest of judg- "ment (in law) ; setting aside, a. ufJ^ ^oF milk, mute, dumb, speechless, s. o^ JToRT muka, m. the fist ; a thump, blow ; a spy-hole. *. i^^yc maukib, m. an army, forces, a choice body of troops, a. [efficacious, a. i^^yo mtiwakkad, confirmed, corroborated, tiSyc jft'Bf mohsh or moksha, m. (v. mochJi) deliverance, tnoksf^it, liberated. moAjj^oAr, m. a deli- verer. 1. ^y> viuroahkal, m. one who is appointed guardian ; a superintendant, vicegerent, muwakkil, a constituent, one who delegates power, a. '!^yc mokld, opened, extended ; m. a plant, a vegetable, mokla-rup, a plant, a young shoot, d. \^y» iTrtn mohhd,) for admitting light and f^yo ^t^mokh, \m. a small hole in a wall ^yc ^t^mofiha,} for air, an air-hole, an aperttire. «. ^Syo ^^ mu/ikd, m. the ridge of a thatch, the topping or coping of a wall. h. iS^y^ 1?^ m«A/it, m. a kind of pigeon, h. iv^ y^ "T^ /nM/ ifhfRT mogra, m. a mallet, a pounder, a ramrod ; the dog-head nail of the cock of a flint lock ; name of a flower, great double Arabian or Tuscan jas- mine (Jasminum zambac, var. y Roxb. ; Mogorium, La- marck), s. i^Syo H^kI mugrl or »f|i|0 mogrt, f. a mal- let for beating cloths with, &c. «. 0^y ^t^ mol, m. purchase; price, mol-lena^ a. to buy, purchase, mol-barhdna, a. to enhance, mol- tol, fixing a price ; traffic, purchasing, mol-fhahrana, to appraise, to estimate, to value, s. ^L« maula (for maula), m. a master, a lord ; judge, magistrate ; a slave. maula,e a'la, a patron, one who makes or promises a bequest. maula,e asfal, a client ; one in whose favour a bequest is made. a. ^^ niula, an angle, a corner, d. Xi'^yo maulana, (lit. our Lord, &c.), m. a title given to persons respected for learning, a doctor, a. ^_5>^y> mauldfi, f. judgeship, lordship, a. 4j3yo maulid, m. nativity, birth ; native land, birthplace, muwallad, begotten : the term is applied in India to Arabs born in that country, whether pure or half-caste, a. fCj^AA T^^nsf^ maulsari, f. name of a tree {Mimusops elengi). h, [of. a. *!iy) mula', addicted to, passionately fond (_iJy« muwallif or mu,allif, a compiler, a composer, author, editor. tnu,aUaf, composed, edited (a book), a. [tions, compilations, a. Cj\siyo mu,aUafat, pi. writings, composi- id^yt ^frf^ns maulik, of inferior rank or caste among Kayasths. t, JLo mulam (bawdsir), emeroids, piles, d. tg^y^ mulami (siri), mad, insane, d. Wt« 4l1^«n maulndf n. to bloom, to bud, to blossom (the mango tree); to intoxicate (as bhang, &c.). h. J>Jyc maulud, born, generated; a son; birth- day, nativity ; an elegiac chant, foneral service, a. ^J>P»* TOOM^wrft, m. a mourner, one who chants the maulud. a. fjiyo mulah or muwallah, disturbed, struck, dtstracted with love, grieC or £ear. a. 715 ) yj- ^j^yo maulavi, m. a learned man, a doctor, a. ^yo maula (v. maula), lord, master, a, '^yc it^ mull, f. a radish, s. f^yo nti^ mauli, f. a lock of hair on the "crown of the head ; a diadem, a tiara ; the head. t. ^yo nC^m muliyd, born while the moon is in mili (y or V Scorpionis), which is considered un- lucky, s. [son. d. i_|Oy« maulera (hhd,x), mother's brother's (Jjl^y^ mauleri (bahin), mother's brother's daughter, d. 8>^yo t^^ mulya, m. price, s. jtyo mom, m. wax. mom-battt, a wax candle. mom-jama, m. wax-cloth, mom-dil, tender-hearted. mom-raughan, wax and oil mixed together, mom Td nak, a person of a fickle disposition, p, j^^^Uy) «i|m4;fl maumdkhi, f. a honey-bee. s. ^J^y« mumin, orthodox, faithful, believing; m. a Musalman weaver, a. ^jjlo^ muminin, pi. the faithful, amiru-l- muminin, commander of the faithful, a title adopted by the caliph Omar and retained by his successors, a. j^y) momt, waxen ; of the colour of wax ; "(applied to chintz), prepared after stamping, by cover- ing the flowers with wax to prevent their being spoiled by other colours afterwards applied, p. ^y^ mumq, hinted at, mentioned, agreed on, " mumq-ilaihi, aforesaid, above-mentioned, a. Uxij* momiyd, m. a mummy, p, ^A^yQ momiyd,i, f. name of a medicine; adj. of or resembling a mummj. p, ^^^K> 5RT»f maun, m. silent (as devotees who have made a vow not to speak) ; taciturnity. $. ^^yc mun or mon, mouth, face, mun-ger, headstrong, d. U^ J^fTT maund, m. a larg jar; a basket, h. XiyQ n^ mund, n. to die. 5. ^y^ »^7TT maunatd, f. taciturnity, silence, s. CL^iyc maunat or ma,unat, f. provisions, daily food ; a wallet ; saddle-bags. a. i^'iyo muwannas, feminine, effeminate, a, £j* HIT munj, |m. the name of a grass of ^y< ^»n munjdtj which ropes are made {Saccharum munja). s. ^--s^^A)*^^ maurtjl or munjl,f. (he girdle of "a Brahman made of three strings of munj grass, maunji bandkan, m. investiture with the sacrificial cord. *. Jyc v^ munch, If. moustaches, the hair '^^yo ^ munchh,) on the upper lip. s. {jjSiyo »^C\ mundrt, f. a finger- ring. s. \JJJ^ H^«n mundnd, a. to shut, to cover, to doee, to imprison, to involve. «. uy ( 716 mund-hhera, ) If SJyc v(l mund, m. the head Outn^g^asrarns). mfi;W;jan«. a. to coax, to wheedle. «. \jy>'i^yc 4t^ mund-churd, m. a kind of pillar, h. ^ JJ^ ^^qST mundld, shaved, cropped. *. U 53^ 4?fn mundndy a. to shave ; to instruct, convert or make a disciple of; to wheedle out of any thing, ulfe usture se muAdna, to cheat one. *. \ib'S3yo iItT mundhd or jffsi mondhd, m. the enoulder, a hump; a footstool; ehoots of the eugar- cane. h. i^^y* »hrt mmdi, f. the head, the summit, a, ^^/c ^ miinr, m. the head, the top. a. ^^ W^ munrldj head-shaven, a. X>'';ii,>c ij g«n mSwrno, a. to shave. », (j^yc munis or mu,nist m. a companion, an Intimate friend ; soliciting ; Thursday, a. J*J^ ^^r^ muwsaZ (for mitfaZ, q.v.), a vooden pestle. *. ^k-Oy> munsld (v. musld), a tap-root, &c. «. ^X^^ *^^ munhi, f. a blow with the fist. h. LlJ^yc W[7l mung, f. name of a kind of pulse commonly called black gram {Phaseolus mungo). mSng phalt, f. the name of the ground-nut, or pig-nut of the west Indies {Arachis hypogaa). s. \JiJyo mungd, m. the morunga or horse-radish tree (called in UrdQ sahajna or satyhna). d. UL3»« jfTTT mungd, m. coral, h. ts^~*y^ H^nft mv.ngchi,\f. name of a dish ijj^y^ ^Jrrft mungri, J made withmMW^r. s. UG^* AfJTxn mungiyd, m. name of a colour (red coral coloured), h. ^y6 '^ m«n«, little, of small quantity, h. f^y» 'il? munh or mon^, m. the mouth, tho face (v. mul^h). $. ^J^y> ^^ mnnhdn, m. soreness in the mouth, the aphthae or thrush, salivation. mHAhSA-miiiih, tite- d-tlte, face to face ; brimful, topful. muAAa^-muH/i?, f. altercation, squabble, wrangle. «. {Sj^^yo^f^ vwnhri, f. a kennel, a drain. a.p, ^^yc i^t(\ maunt, f. a small round basket, a " work-basket, moni, f. point, end. h. ij,y> H^''>f\ mauni, silent, tacit ; m. a class of ** mendicants who make a vow to observe perpetual silence, like Paul the Silentiary. s. iyc T^"^ moh, f. Glinting, senselessness, igno- rance, folly, spiritual ignorance, error, bewilderment ; pity, compassion, sympiith3% kindness, affection, allure- ment, fascinntion. moh-leiia, a. to attach, to allure, to fascinate, moh meA ana, to Taint, as at the sudden appearance of a friend or mistress, t. %yQ ^tf^ mohi, pron. to roe, me. /*. [tree. iL \s»y mohd, m. (in Urdii tnnhu,d) name of a l3\jbj/« lf^^|<{| mohdnd, m. the mouth (of river), inlet, outlet. $. Lf^y> mauhib, m. a present, a gift, muhaby any thing presented, unbought. muhib, one who accepts a present, the person to whom any thing is given, a. [^fascinated, charmed, s. CL*it>yc liflf^iT mohit, faint, senseless ; allured, ^^y«^^[^v^ohan, adj. fascinating,stupefying, ' m. seduction, the overpowering of reason by sensual allurements ; copulation ; a sweetheart, a mistress ; a name of Krishna, mohan-bhog, a kind of sweetmeat. mohan-mdla, name of an ornament, a string or neck- lace composed of gold, beads, and corals, t. Ujby« lf)^«|| mohnd, a. to allure, to charm, or steal, mohana, wiuaing, captivating, charming, s. f^yc H^^hI mohnl or mohini, f. an encban- ** tress, a courtesan; a philter, mohini, f. a kind of jas mine, called also tripura-mali. i. Uiijyb^ mauhuh, given, granted, mauhub ilaihi, (in law) a legatee, a. MJ>»y* mauhumf imagined, imaginary, a. ^y^ 'ft^ mobt (fern, mohini), illusion, be- "guiling. s. (_yyc mii,e, m. hair. mii,e nihdni or mu,e zihdi , or mu,e 'ana, hair {Circa pubes). p. 6^,y^ mu,aiyad, confirmed, fortified, a. Jlyo manez or mawiz, m. a raisin ; dried grapes, p. [herd or drove of oxen. a. i^,y« mameshl (corrup. of mawdshl), f. a ai jjIajL>« IT^THTCiT maltd-bhdrat, f. the f^ri^at war of the descendants of Bhdrata ; the name of the grand epic poem of the Hindus by Vydsadeva, con- taining an account of the dissensions and wars of the Kurus and Pdiidus, two great collateral branches of the house of Bluirata, so called from Bhatata, its founder, s. V ( ifj\^i\^ T^^TPT maha-hhag, pure, holy, vir- tuous in a high degree ; eminent, exalted, t. USl^lp* JT^^TTTiTT maha-hhagta, possession of the eight cardinal virtues; exalted station or merit. *. [sillanimous, cowardly. *. C*ji^l^ »T?T*rt»T maka-bhtt, very fimid, pu- ^j^^^^ T^M^ maha-hhita, f. a sort of sen- tive plant {Mimosa pudiea). s. CL>^y^ H^mm mahd-pat, 1m. a heinous cdi>bl^ Hi^IMIiTcC maka-pdtak, J crime, such as tlie murder of a Brahman. «. i^ii»*»bl^ H^mi^4i maha-pasak, m. a religious mendicant. «. #4J^V* SR^nrT maha-path, m. the main road, the principal path or entrance; the way of all flesh, s. C>\t*»j\^ M^XTmX^ maha-prasdd, m. an offering of food, &C., to an idnl. s. O^vV* ^^l^^** mahd-purush, m. a great man, applied especially, to religious ascetics, s. ^^ji\^ T^TOoni mahd-pralaya, m. a dcstruc- "tion of the world, occurring after every period of 4,320,U00,U00 years; a total destruction of the uni- verse, happening after a period commensurate with the life of Brahma, or 100 years, each day of which is equal to the period above stated, and each night of which is of similar duration : at the expiration of this term the seven lokas or divisions of the universe, with the saints, gods, and Brahma himself, are anni- hilated, s. [_(Clitoria ternatea). s. \sJLi\^ m\Vi\*i\ mahd-pushpd, f. a flower ^-iSo.l^ t{?mvs|1 viahd-pakshif f. an owl. 5. C-«$o\yc *\^\(A^mahdiikt, very bitter; m. the large mm tree (Mfilia sempervirens). $. Jjljw* H^lrit^ inakdtal, m. the fifth in de- scending' of the seven patals or regions under the earth ; said to "be inhabited by various races of evil beings, such as the nagas, the asurs, the daityas, &c. *. 3\^V[^Timmahdtam, m. greatness, grandeur, rank, dignity; the benefit derived from any good work. s. [mouB. s v^Lyc «i'^||44i mahdtmd, liberal, magnani- \^j^\y> T^nWWT mahdtam-prabhd, f. the very lowest division of naraka or hell. *. Va!i*l^ ?TfTW»n mahd'tyd, very bright, very energetic or vigorous. ». ^^Ls^y^ JTfTrft^ mahd-tlshn, very sharp (literally or figuratively), t, ^Wl^ irgrnrRwaAa-^'aWjOf great knowledge, very wise. t. .>-l^ muhdjiry one who abandons or quits (his native country), a, O^l^ muhdjarat, m. separation, distance, desertion, flight, abandoning (a country), a. \-L:f\^ Hfl^SlIT mahd-jashd, illustrious, s. dl^l^ H^I^JI mahd-jug, m. v mahd-yug. ». Ill ) \^ ».i^\jc n^ms^ mahd-jagya, m. an essential sacrifice, a sacrament. «. {:fr^ *r?T*nT mahd-jany m. a banker, a money-dealer, merchant ; a good or trustworthy per- son. «. yi^\^ «i^i«4«^ makd-jantr, m. any great me- chanical work, a lock, a dyke. «. jj>-l^ *i^i4«il mahdjam, f. the business of a mahajan ; interest, commission, i. «il^ mihdd, m. a throne, sofa, bed, chair, a. vILoiljX) H^lt^ff mahd-dant, of large tusks j m. an elephant, s, OUtSl^ H^r^lrJ mahd-dhdtu, m. gold j the great metal (par excellence), t. y3\yo ^^i^cr mahddev or mahd-deva, m. a name of Sliiva. s. Jjiil.^ I^TTt^ mahd-dol, m. a state pdlhi for princes and great personages, s. j\^ mahdr, f. reins, a bridle ; a piece of wood put through a perforation in the nose of a camel to guide him by. p. Ijl^ »^T;t mhdrd, pas. pron. my, mine. h. J>]j^ T^KT^ mahd-rdtr, m. midnight. «. r^)^ T?nT5T mahd-rdjy m. a sovereign, an emperor ; excellency, t. ^j,\^l^ TfTOirt mahd-rdm, f. a queen in her " own right, s. [excellence. a» C^X^ mahdr at, f. subtlety, acuteness, genius, (jTj'^^ mhdri, a house, mansion, palace, the upper story of a house, d. [in youth). $. U*»l^ ^^X^muhdsd, m. a pimple (on the face ^jAjoU/*^/* *?^TOT»ini«T mahd-sdntapan, rh„ . sort of ridiculous and disgusting penance, t, ^j«j6l*wl^ JT^reif ^ rraaAa-saAfli, m. excessive violence, brutal assault, i, »^L*»l^ I4i^1^r4 mahd-satrva, good, virtuous, just. s. [lation. f. ,^JLm\^ H4\m^ mahd-mhhy m. coition, copu- jt^^i*»\^ T^^TE^T mahd-suchhma or makd" sukshma, subtile, fine, minute. *. ^jj^\^ TfTCT^ mahdshtaml, (lit. the great "eighth) ; the eighth (day or night) of the bright fort- night of asin. s. ,^Cl^ '^T^^ mahd-shanhh, m. a thousand millions, s. [nanimous, llberaL s, 1^^ T^T^ mahd-shay or mahdshaya, mag- (J olj^ T|Tc1>Tq5 mahd-kdl or mahdhdla, a name or rather a form of Shiva as identified with Time, in bis character of the destroying deity, being then re- presented of a black colour, and of an aspect more or less terrific : Shiva or Mahakala may be considered a* a personification of time, that destroys all things, t. ( 718 ) J\fl^ HfHUcjil maha-haU, f. the wife of *■ Shiva, and one of the terrific formB of DurgS. t. »^%\^ H^ l cfc i n maha-hnya, large-bodied, bulky, stout. *. JiV^ Hi}^^ maha-kul, "l eminent by t^Xr^\^ »T??I j BqSIh mahdkuUnJ birth, of good family or extraction. *. liJi L* *T^TcF^ maha-kand, m. garlic, a very large esculent root, a sort of yam. s. u-^yl^ "T^T^ mahd-kup, m. a large or deep well. s. [leprosy, s. ^jyl^ JT^TcR^ mahd-korh, m. a species of Jyl^ H^I4 TgT^nr mahd-hds, m. a boisterous laugh, t. [brated. t. \^\^ K'^m^ri mahayasha, illustrious, cele- li^.^i* >1^m'I mahd-yvg, m. the agregate of the four ^Mgos or ages, being 4,320.000,000 years. *. tXiS^ TJTOIT mahd-yagya, m. an essential sacrifice, a kind of sacrament of the HlndQ religion. «. Jkjo^l^ H'^lijt^ ma hd-y antra, m. any great mechanical work, as a lock or dyke. #. c_>^ mahahh, m. a vent; a place whence or whither the wind blows, muhibb, waking, rousing | libidi7ie actus et infoemellam insiliens admUsarius, a. tlU^ HfH mahat, great, glorious, large, bulky ; excellent ; f. greatness, grandeur, dignity, t, \2^ TflTT mahtd, m. a scribe, a clerk ; an agent or man of business, t. \^KLf^ mahtdh, m. the moon; moonshine; a kind of fireworks, p. ^\jL« mahtdhl, f. a kind of fireworks ; an "open high terrace; adj. of or belonging to the moon; ornamented with gold, tinsel, &c. p. ^J^\l^ JT^rn^ mahtddi, m. a head village peon ; a village bailiff or constable, t, jtfjljL^ Hi^ill^ mahtdri, f. a mother, s. ^Sl^ mnfitadt, directed, guided, steered (to the right or IcftX a. jiyc mihtar, greater; m. a prince ; a chief; a sweeper, jp. [a female innkeeper, p. ^\j^ miktardniy f. female of mihtar} also ^jf\jl^ niihtard^, f. chiefship. p. ^jiy* muhiamm or muhtimm, solicitous, anxious, concerned (for another), a. ^♦Jyc muhtamivi, thoughtful, anxious; a su- perintcndant, factor, muhtamim band o bast, & govern- ment officer who settles the revenue of villages, di*> tricts, &:c. a. ^Jyo iTfift mahto, m. the headman of a village ; a person employed by the landholder to collect the rent from a village ; a land bailiiF. *. Jyy« muhtawil, terrified, trembling, a. :i^jyo H^^ mahattwa, m. greatness (in bulk, in rank, or in merit), s. ^Usrft* mahjald (for mahd-jdla), a large net. d. j^^F^ mahjur, separated, cut off, left, for- saken (especially by one's beloved), a. fCj^^^ maJijuri, f. absence, separation, a. &$:v* mahcha, m. a little moon, the orna- ment or emblem on the top of an ensign stafi*, the crescent (of the Saracens), p iXj/o mahad or mahd, m. a swing, a cradle, a. ^JJM\|i^ T^^T^SR mahad-asrai/, dependent npon, or attached to the great, s. Aj(3yc mahdum, destroyed, totally ruined, a. j^^iiy* mahdi, a guide or convoy ; the name of the twelfth and last Im&m, according to the doc- trines of the Shi'ahs, who is said to be still living, but invisible, and will appear at the approach of the day of judgment. — (B.) a. [plant, s. 4^l5^ r#i5<{) mikdi, f. (v. menhdi) name of a j^ mahar, m. ;i mariiiinre portion or gift settled upon the wife before marriage ; contracting by vn-iting for such settlement, mahari mid, the marriage portion settled and determined by the mother or female relatives of the bride, according to her rank, and equal to the portions of her married friends of the same station, mahr-nama, a deed of settlement (of dowry), a. j^ muhr or muhur, f. a seal ; a gold coin ; virginity, maidenhead ; the gold muhr is sixteen ruptt, or nearly a guinea and a half of our money, at Cal- cutta, and fifteen rupis at Madras and Bombay, p. syA mihr, m. love, friendship, affection, kind- ness ; the sun ; the name of a Persian month in which falls the autumnal equinox, p. j^ T^ mahar, m. a chief, mahar or mahri, f. a wife, a woman, h, j^ muhr, m. a peacock, d. \j^ »r^T mahrd, m. a pdlki bearer, mikra, n man who appears in the habit of a woman, muhra, m. van, vanguard, h. 1^ rmiharrd, pounded, comminuted, a. jjiU^* ftl^TTC mihrdru, f. a woman, h. »3L^ mahrdna, a fee paid to the kazi at a wedding, a. p. {J'']jf(< T^nt mahrd,i or mihrd,i, f. the busi- ness of a palki bearer ; a kind of song among the cow herds, k. jjb^ mihr-hdn, friendly, kind, affectionate. J9. ^^^Kij^ mihr-hdngu^f. friendliness, kind- ^j,b^ mihr-bdn'i, J ness, favour, mihr- bant-k,, to favour, to have the goodness (to do any thing), p. ( 719 ) ^ O^ *l|\>^ T^cFRT mahhdnd, a. to exhale (agree- able scent) ; to difibse perfume, to regale, h. Ux^<« ^^Wm mahuhnd, n. to exhale agreeable smells, to emit odour, to be perfumed, h. ^^^^* Tf*^^ mahkildf odoriferous, spicy, aromatic, h. CL>y^ muhlat, f. retarding, deferring ; lazi- ness, indolence; respite, time, leisure, a. tiAi^ 'T?^^ mahallak, m. (v. mahalU) a eunuch, a. h. [deadly, a, ciU^ muhlik, destroying, killing, fatal, sSX^ mahlaha, m. a dangerous place, a desert, a place of slaughter, a. j»ji« muhimm, f. important, urgent, momen- tous business, a. \^jc hf^i{Jmahimd, f. grandeur, greatness. *, a woman, h. C 720 ) c^t* OU^ muhimmat, pi. important affairs, sub- ject* of great moment ; expeditions, a. ^^l^ mihman, m. a stran^pr; a guest ; a Bon-ln-law. mthmSn-dar, an entertainer, host; an officer appointed to receive and entertain an ambassa- dor. mUman-ddri, f. liospitality 5 situation of mih- mdn-dar, p. Jj^vU"^ 'f^ihman-parwarj hospitable, p. e^\s>' ^\^ mihman-hJmna, 1m. a house for ^J^JtJ»^J^^mihman^sara,e,) the entertain- ment of guests or strangers, a hospitable mansion, p. ^^\^ mihmant, f. entertainment, hospitality j " adj. relating to a guest, &c. p. J-»^ muhmil, negligent, careless, indolent. tniJimal, obsolete ; m. a buflfoon. a, Oi)U^ muhmaldt, absurdities, a. «Ut^ muhmala, without points (letter), a. J»vt* mahmuz, having the symbol hamza (applied to the letters alif or wao or ye marked with hamza, shewing it to be a radical letter), a. Jx^ mihrmz, a spur, mihmlz-^ur, a horse that will bear the spur. p. Uy«*r?rn mahna, a. to churn, s. Uy« fk^"^ mihna, m. sarcasm. mihna phenhid, to sneer, h. iJL^oyo ^•^TH mahant, m..a monk, an abbot, a religious superior, a chief of the /a J jri. «. ^A'jj^ H^ ?a i|^ mahania,l,\f. the rank or jj>^ *<^nt1 mahanti, J office of a ma- ' hant. $, (^tijy* mukandis, m. a geometrician, a, ^Mi-^x^ muhandislf f. geometrj. a. ^/JJ^ mihindl or mihndt, f. (v. tnenhdi or mihdi). t. [expensive. *. VJCj^ ir^TgT mahanga, m. dear, high-priced, ^ij;.^ ^^fft mahangi, f. a dearth, scarcity, ■famine ; adj. f. dear, high-priced. ». \^yi^ iraWT mahu,a or H'^1 mahu,a (also mcihvL'a), m. name of a tree {Bassia lati/olia) bearing flowers which are sweet, and from which a spirituous liquor is distilled commonly called Parsee brandy. The tree appears to be the same as the Shea-tree of AfricH described in the travels ofMungoPark and others. 'Die nuts afford an oil used instead of butter, s. j^^ mfihrvar, m. I monthly pay or salary ; U^ ma/tivara, m. • a deed settling the pay- jC.U^»o mahnmrt, i'.j ment of revenue by monthly instalments, p. »Ujj^ HflWTf mahotsah, persevering, dili- gent ; m. diligence, effort, exertion. (. •«J>^ 1)^(44^ mahotsav,m, a great festival, s. ^»-^ 'niVSf maliochh, m. an ox j a block- head, t. ■h a freckle, a spot, h, [^»-^ iT^Vsrr mahochhd, m. a funeral feast among /aArir<. s. jlii^^ *T5"^^K mnhodar, mighty, poveerfal. «. j^ii^y* T^t^ viahoday, m. Kanauj (both the ancient city and district); final beatitude (▼ wmktS^\ prosperity, elevation. *. f^.Pyi(^ M'iVSH mahodyam, diligent, perseve- ring ; m. great effort, energy, exertion. «. j^ muhur (pi. of^^), marriage portions, a. j^^ mhur, m. (v. muhr) a peacock, d. Crnfj^ g^^ muhiirt, mahurt or mahurat, f. a time consisting of two gharts or forty-eight minutes; a moment, especially a lucky moment (in astrology;, s. t/J.^4* ^^turlff. a water channel, drain, pipe. d. i^^^ muhauTvas, very desirous, distracted- ly in love, muhauwis, m. an alchemist, a. \-My^ h^m mahosa,' UMiy^ mahosa. f4*»y^ muhauwisi, f. alchymy. a. h. {j^yf^ mah-wash, moon-like j (met.) a sweet- heart, a beautiful and lovely woman, p. ^6^yf^ i?i|tM*I mahaushadh, m. garlic, long pepper, mahaushadhi, f. dub grass ; a kind of sensi- tive plant (^Mimosa pudica). t. ^sZ»y^ sj^l M*it mahaushadhi, f. dry ginger " a potherb {Hingsta repens). s. li^y^ Tf^TSI mahohsh, m. a large bull or o\,s. VAi»*x >T^5ST mahohha, ni. tlie name of a bird commonly called the crow pheasant {Cuculut castaneus. Buck.), h. ic^ T^ mahi, f. the earth ; butter-milk j "name of a river, mahi-pat or mahi-pati, m. lord of the earth, mahi-may, earthen, made of earth. «. bt^ muhaiya, prepared, ready, arranged, a. ujui^wm/«6, formidable, awful,severe, grave, revered, a, CAX^ T^^ mahtp, I m. lord of the JUxj/o M^ImIc^ mahtpal, > earth, sovereign, iJUiJ^m^fitmahipati,} prince, king, ruler, s. [earth, t. JX*^* *<^1i1c<& mahi-tal, m. the surface of the ^(0 iTf "^ mcf/ter, m. Ithe name of a dish ijj^ 'llT.t maheri, f.j consisting of rice or other grain, boiled in sour milk. A. ij(^ >rf^^^ niahi-ruh, m. a tree. $. jji-»^ 1^^ mahesh, jyLxf^ Hi_mi^7}iahesh7var,, follower of Shiva. *, m. a name ofMa- hadeva or Shiva ; a worshipper or ^Ij^ H't^\ mahela, m. a food given to horsei, cousisting of boiled kidney beans {Phateolut auur.) ; • mash. s. C5^ ( 721 ) liljk^v« T^^fTT maht-latut f. an earth-worm. s. {iX^ mihm, fine, subtile, thin (not coarse), JJM imiJiin-doz, a tailor, a person who perforins any fine aeedlework. p. [born, p, i^Xri^ '^iihin (for mihtarin), greatest, eldest Ujk^ mahind, m. a month; monthly pay. mahina charhna, to be in arrears, mahtnd-dar, a monthlj servant, p. ii\xjk^ mhenda, m.1 the plant called Egyp- (_jjJa^ mhendi, f.J tian privet (^Lawsonia inermis), from the leaves of which a red dye is ex- tracted with which natives of the East stain their hands and feet. d. .(XJa^ H^t^' mahendr, m. Indra, the ruler of Swarga ; name of a range of mountains. ». ^y^ V[^ mahyau, m. buttermilk, h. ^^ mai, f. wine, spirituous liquor, mai-khor, or -}ckwara, or -gusdr, a sot, a winebibber, a drunkard. wai-kada or -l^ana, a tavern, mai-gun, auburn, fair, wine-coloured, mai nab, pure wine. mai-no^A, a wine- bibber. mai-noshi, wiue-driuking. s. ^ in may or may a, (in comp.) made or composed of, as, mahl-may, made of earth, t. U* »nn maya, f. kindness, pity, sympathy, compassion, mercy, feeling, affection (v. maya). t. \jjc %Tn maiya, f. (same as ma) a mother. «. ^^\juo finit miyah or wyan, m. sir, master, an address expressive of respect, especially to an elderly person ; a schoolmaster; a title by which eunuchs are addressed, miyan adinl, a reepectable person, miyati- ji, the respected master, especially applied to a school- master, h. ^U* miyan, f. a scabbard ; the loins, the waist, the middle, miydnbasta, ready, prepared (for action), loin-girded, miydn-taht, f. the middle fold of any garment which consists of three. miydA-ji, m. a mediator, an arbitrator, a broker, a go-between, p. ^L>U* miyanagl, f. mediation, p. «JL* miyana, middling; (in Hind.) m. a kind of sedan or pdlki. miyana-ffodd, of middliug stature, p. ^_^L(« miyanl, f. a codpiece, p. l^fx« ^m maibhd, f. stepmother, s. lLJ/« mi,at, a hundred, a. C1aX« maiyit or matt, a dead body. a. (J1>UL« sjhr mit, m. a friend, a lover. «. C.AA* ffhr ww^l m. a pitcher J a porringer; \JL« jftin rnltd,) a cup. ^. \ja/« tdrn rnita, m. a namesake, s. Sjjc W^ maitr or maitra, friendly, amicable, s. j^jjo/o %^ maitn, f. friendship ; the seven- teenth lunar asterism. t. [friend, t. (jj^ f^ medd, f. a kind of drug ; a sort of root resembling ginger.' «. \i^ maidd (for maida, q. v.), flour, &c. p. ^^«Xai« maiddn, m. a plain, an open field ; a field of battle ; parade ground, p. (^\(^jk/« viaiddni, m. a person who precedes a general or wazir and proclaims his titles ; a kind of %ukka used \>y fakirs; flour made into dough for the preparation of sweetmeats, p. ^jyji,^^ m,^ medasrdi, robust, stout, strong ; fat, corpulent, s. jjt^x* ^^^wft medint or mednt, f. the eartn ; a body of pilgrims going to visit the tomb of a samt (in Dakh.) income, probably a corruption ofamadni. «. 3a JJi/S ( 722 ) ^ ^ij)j,^ ^^fir medohriddhiy f. corpulency, enlargement of the scrotum. *• \jbi5)i^i*flt|t*n:T?nerfot/Ara,in. the omentum, s. 8t>a/o maula, in. flour of the finest kind ; also fme bread, p J>SM mr medh, m. (v. med) a sacrifice, &c. s. JfcJju Rfv n?e^//(t, f. a post fixed in the centre of a tbrealiing-floor, to which the cattle are attached aij they turn round to tread out the corn. h. StSxK siVT viedha, f. apprehension, understand- ing, sagacity, genius, t. ^jVfc^ji* mn^ medhamt, 'I intelligent, of jSbsXfO ^fvx: medfdr, J ready compre- hension, s. Ijo/o ^ maidd or ^ maird, a platform or scaffold in a corn-field where a person is stationed for watching tiie crop. h. viJ Jo/o rnedak (for mendak, q. v.), a frog. s. h. JbJjbc v^ medh, gleanings of corn left on the field, h. Ifcju* ^31 medhd, m. a ram. s. «^3jk''';M ^^ merit or J?TI merhd, m. a ram. .v i^j^j^ ^mW^ merh-shringi, f. a kind of "milky plant, the fruit of which is crooked like a ram's horn (Asclepias geminata). s. Jijc mez, f. a table, mez bichhdrid, a. to lay the cloth ; (in Dakh.) mez-lena, to take one's measure for a suit of clothes (probably a corruption of the English expression), p. i^)ri^ mizdn, f. a balance, a pair of scales , the sign Libra : measure, metre, rhyme, verse, proa> ody ; the regulator of a watch ; addition (in arith* metic). mixan dena or lagana, to add, to cast up. j^bjx* mezbdn, ^^\^cU^ mez-man, ^b U/o mezbdnt or mezmdni, f. hospitality, housekeeping, p. y*M muyassar, attained, attainable, procur. able, obtainable ; facilitated, easy, favourable, practi ■ cable, possible, a. 8^x« maisara or maisarat, opulence, pro. sperity ; the left wing of an array, a. U-«*x« jftTnn mund, a. to grind, pulverizf, to tweak, to rumple, to crumple, h. jj*-ju« maisu7', facilitated, made easy, prospe- rous, going on successfully; the kingdom of Mysore, a. C^\jy,.t*j^ maisurdt, prosperous affairs, good fortune, a. [coloured, d, j^^^wji* mesi, f goat or sheepskin leather un jjijk* ^^ mesh, m. a sheep, a ram ; the sigr Aries, mesi-chashm, sheepish, sheep-eyed; (met.) r blockhead, p. s. [agreeable, a. MylLi^ maishum, unfortunate, unlucky, dis- -ijb« H^^ mesht, f. a ewe, a sheep. *. ^^^li*»l^wiA7u, f.a kind of leather,Bhafnois.ii. LL.>\jo^ viaidt (pi. of &>u<« q. v.). a. oliOA mVdd, m. tho time or place of a pro miic ; site, dimension, length and breadth, a. an entertainer, a host, p. e* ( 723 ) uri* (_fdW/o mVadi, limited as to time, &c. mV- adl ijara, a farm let for a limited time. a. h. 5xjk/o7wai'a<,the beginnin§fofday,orofyouth.a. k^ vi egh , m. a cloud ; a mist, a fog. f. i^^^UKmai-farosh,^ wine-seller or -dealer. jo. Kj^/c^cRT ma?^a, m. kindred, relatives, mother's family. the archangel Michael. a. Jojl* viikal, ^ . "if _ fm. Jj;>>oa/« vuka,il,j .jbciiyxju) inekdambar, a canopy over the hauda or saddle of an elephant, d. ..^Xa/o »f^ mekh, m. a ram ; the sign Aries (v. vtesh) ; a pin, peg, nail (for melcJi). s. p. "^^^xmc msl(ji\ mekhla, f. a woman's girdle or zone ; a Brahman's saeriiicial string, h. A^xA* ^^^ mekhh, f. a sackcloth. /*. jX*f6 meyavi, the white leprosy, d. ,^JUk/o ^^ mcgh, m. a cloud ; name of a rag or musical mode appropriated to the vret season and last watch of the night before the first dawn of day, and said to have proceeded from the head of Brahma, or else from the sky; a fragrant grass (Cyperus rotun- dus). megh-baran, of the colour of the clouds, megh- pati or megh.raj, lord of the clouds, the thunderer. tnegh-jyotis, m. a flash of lightning, s. ^.Gk/o HMNm nuyh-agam, m. the rainy sea- s. [cloudy weather. $. jx'A^l-^ *iiirrtfH^ megh-timir, m. cloudiness, j^iiAio* ^Tl^TTT megh-dwar, m. sky, heaven, ether, s. [ning. t. i^,SAf^ v[^^fx(megh~dip, m. a flash of light- —\jAXj^ HTTI^IlT megh-raj, m. the thunderer. s. ^Lf\j^f*f« ^TTCPT megh-rag, m. one of the six modes of music. *. [son. s. jJKa£l<> ^rniTT^r megh-kal, m. the rainy sea- i^/^A^ H^i\^^megh-garjan,m. thunder, s. ^l»Aia<« ^KHIq&I megh-mdld, f. a gathering or succession of clouds, s. iJUa^a/o HVrIT? megh-nad, m. the noise or grumbling of the clouds ; the palas tree {Buteafron- dosa); a sort of amaranth {Amaranthtu polygamus). s. Aa* mil, f. a needle, skewer, or wire instru- ment, used to apply a collyrium to the eyes, and, when heated, to put out the eyes, or blind people by draw- ing it hot before the eye ; the barrel of a gun. p. Axic ^^ mel, m. connection, relationship, agreement, combination, concord, reconciliation, union, mixture, mixing, meeting, assemblage, a fair, a court of justice. «. Ax* ^5? mail, tn. dirt, scum, mail-haithnd, to gather a crust, mail chhdnfna, to refine, strain, purify, mail-iliqra, an under vestment (as under pet- ticoat, &c.) ; a saddle-cloth, mail kdfna, to refine to porify. «. jjj^* mil, m. a mile, mail, inclination, wiah, desire ; affection, regard, partiality, fondness, aptitude. mail ra/chtia, to associate with jnail karnd, to close in with. a. >x« H^ mela, m. a fair, a great concourse of people met for the purpose of worshipping a parti- cular deity, having at the same time a view to the worshipping of mammon, meld wj/hcj, to meet f"i]! in the face. we/a-Z/jc/a, crowding and pushing, a crowd, s. ^^ ^^ maild, dirty, foul, defiled, maild-k., to dirty, maild-kuchtld, dirty, maila hojdna, to tar- nish, to become turbid, to be dirty. *. i^^^io mayaldn, or maildn, m. inclination, affection, respect, regard; loving; Pers. name of a certain philosopher, a. [winking, h. ^2)^ *flc5'«f mzlan, m. twinkling, blinking, ^j^ T^'TF melnd, a. to thrust in, to stuff in, to cram, to penetrate, to force in. h. A-* v^meU, m. a partaker; adj. friendly, s. w>l»jk/o jfl'Tnn inlmdnsd, f. one of the philo- sophical systems of the Hindus. «. t.ii*»jl»x« jfNtTToR' mlmdnsak, m. a follower of the mlmdnsd philosophy, t. vA^J^* TT'TT memnd, m. a kid. h. .l1a1«x« maimanat, f. fortune, prosperity, happiness, a. &jk^ maimana, the right wing of an army. a. jj^^A* maimMrt, fortunate, auspicious, pro- sperous ; m. a baboon, monkey ; memhrum virile, a. 1>U^JL« l^fHiIMI mimiydnd, to bleat (a kid), h, jj^io if men, post, in, into, among, on, at. main, pron. I. maiA khush mera Tchudd Jcfj/tsh is used to ex- press high satisfaction with any circumstance or pro- position, h. ^jjy« ^«T main, a common short grass grow- ing on rich and inundated land, and choking the crops, h. ^J^/o ^\;^ mm, m. f a fish ; the sign Pisces; the name of the first incarnation of Visinu. main, Cupid or Kdmadeva. t. Ujk* mh'.d, m. a goblet, a glass, a decanter; a blue colour ; enamel ; heaven, the azure vault, para- dise ; the blue stone, blue vitriol, caustic, mind-kdr, an enameller. mind-kdri, enamelling, p. Uo/c ^tfr mnind. f. name of a bird, a kind of starling (Coracias Indica). mind, a caste of Hiodeff, professedly thieves, h. \'x*jc mlndr, 111. minaret, obelisk, steeple, a. jjl^lijkxi »ft»TnnTft mlnd-ghdtl, m. a crane; a " fisherman. *. [milt *. jJUo/o »ft»TnP mindnd, m. fish spawn, roe, ^Jf■KiJ^ mwd,l, f. enamel, p. J^^.UJ^ ^HMk^' main-phal, m. name of a fruit used in medicine {Vanguera spinosa, Bo*b.)i tlie emetic nut. s. U:^ *<1>ti l minjnd, a. to rub, to scour. «. 3a2 dft* 794 ) ^iij-* IF^ mendhl, f. a plant (same as jjube"^ mend, f. a bank (raised to separate fields), a border ; a dam or dyke, mend papta, the risiDg of waves in the sea. h. [a well. h. \jJlm'^7T mendn, in. the brim or parapet of dj jjAre88eB pride or consequential airs assumed by worth- ess persons, s. Bi^JUM*^ maindhy gleanings, corn left on the field in small quantity, h. \i»iXlA«cli7T mendha, m. a ram ; the swell of the tide called the boar. s. ijibSJ^ *Hd<^ mendhal or maindhal, m. a firuit so called (Guj7anrfi»a honducella); a kind of fire- work which bursts with an explosion, h. 4^i!yja*"^^ mendi (v. menhdt). h. UbiiJo* iffs^JHl mendiydna, n. to skirt, to inclose with a bank. h. \^Jyi^ «0«1i^'l min-ranga, m. a kingfisher. «. jj— Jx* ^fff^y mainsil, m. red arsenic (Meal- gar), s. [sheep, camels, &c. h. f^^ ^'Hl mengni, f. the dung of goats, jXia* »rtWt mingi, f. marrow, pith, essence, h. yu<« mtnu, heaven, paradise, p. Aijbe'^ mefih, m. rain. fne;z/i harasnd, n. to rain. ineiiA chhufna, to rain hard. «. ^t^Jo/o Wr^^ menhdt, f. the name of a plant, from the leaves of which a red dye is prepared with which the natives stain their hands and feet; the henna plant or flower, called by the Arabs ^tna {Law- tonia inermis). h. m. a tribe inhabiting the mountainous pro- vince of Mewat,much ytjc im mew, j3^_j-(« ^^Tirt mewati, \J3^ ^^TST mewra, addicted to robbing. A. \^ jfNr rniwa, f. the worm of the intestines, h. \^ memd (for mewaf q. v.), fruit, &c. p. OU-^A* mewajdt, pi. fruits (v. memo), p. j^x* »r^T mayur, m. a peacock ; a flower so called, the cockscomb (jCelotia erutata), a plant {Achjf- ranthes aspera). s, jKjA* H^ilfc mayurdri or mayurari, m. a chameleon, a lizard, t. ^jyfji^ »r^T:MTT mayur-chura or -chura, f. cockscomb {Celosia cristata), t. {Jj^>^ '^IT^ w«yu7-t, f. a peahen, s. )j^ "f^ mcvrd, m. (v. mev) a tribe, &c. h. ^^ W*t^ mayukh, m. the gnomon of a ■tuidial. t. jj^ R} myuny an imitative sonnd, the cry of the cat. myuA-Tc., to mew or cry as a cat h. l^ merva, m. fruit, mema-ddr, fruit-bearing, fruitful, mewa-faroih, a fruiterer, p. Ifc^xc mewahd, 1 pi. fruits. memahu,9 C^U-S^ viema-jdtj) gun-d-gun, fruits of many kinds, p. [gonorrhoea, &c ». „^ ^ meh, m. urine, piss ; urinary disease, J^i^ ^^X. mehtar, m. a sweeper (v. mih- tar), p. h. ^j,\Ji^XA "k^XJrfi mehtardnt, f. female of m«A- tar; a female sweeper or innkeeper, p. \^^4x« ^ijoirr maihikd, m. a male buffalo. $. if^ ^fi^oh ^ maihiln, f. a female buffalo. «. (TjU^ mehmdn or mikmdn, m. a guest, p. U*-* »T^«T T mehnd, m. a taunt, mehnd mama, a. to taunt, ft. LjLjyo ^^«^1 mehanhd, m. a taunter. A. ^^.^ meAww (corrup. of menk), rain. d. ji*c ma,t (also »nft mayt), f. a harrow ; a "ladder, h. O ^j nwn, the twenty-fifth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the twenty-ninth of the Persian, and the thirty-second Hindustani : it is one of the dental let- ters, and has the sound of the English n, with the fol- lowing exceptions : the letter nun has a very soft nasal sound in plural terminations in an, eA, iA, and on, and in the terminations in in and en of the aorist and im- perative of verbs ; it has also this nasal sound in the middle of some words, as munh, the face, liansnS, to smile, &c., for which no rule can be laid down : in this dictionary the nasal sound of n is always indicated by n : when nun precedes be or pe it has the sound of m, as mimbar, a pulpit (for minbar), sampat, prosperity', for sanpat, (as is the case in Greek and Latin). In reckoning by abjad, the letter nun stands for 50 ; in almanacks it expresses the conjunct aspect of the stars ; finally, the letter nt2n with the short a (as na) prefixed to verbs renders the sense negative, as bold, he spoke, na-bola, he did not speak. ^^ w{ na, or m na, the corresponding letters in the Devanagari alphabet, t. h, ^j ftf 7ii, a Sanskrit prefix denoting within," " below," " under," &c. ; as ni-patan, falling down ; sometimes it is a contraction of nir, q. v. ; as ni-4ar, fearless, s. h. U nd, no, not, a negative particle prefixed to nouns, participles, and affirmative adjectives simple or compound, has the same meaning as the English pre- fixes in-, UI1-, dis-, &c. ; as, na-ashna, unacquainted, unknown. na-ashnd,l, f. shyness, acting the stranger, rescrvcdness. nd-umed, or -ummaid, hopeless, despair- ing, na-i'timad, not to be trusted, na-i'timddi, trust- worthlessness. na-umedl, f. despair, hopelessnesn. na-andesh, evident, requiring no thought, nd-infof, ungust, inequitable. 7td-ahl, unworthy, unfit. na-M- ( 728 ) OO li^, not arrived at the age of pnberty. na-haUglfi, nonage, minority. nd-ba-Miirad, unwise, unwisely. na-ba-kar, useless, naha-karl, uselessness. na-bud, that never existed, annihilated, vanished, na-blna, blind. nd-btna,i, f. blindness, na-blni, weak-sighted, Boeing imperfectly, na-pdk, polluted, dirty, unclean, filthy, impure, defiled. vd-paJci, uncleanness, poUuted- ness, defilement, impurit}'. nd-pd,eddr, unstable, frail, unsteady, fickle, transitory, nd-padid, invisible, not to be found, unconspicuous, private, concealed, nd-par- tod, intrepid, fearless, careless, nd-parhezgdr, unchaste, sinful, iid-pasand or nd-pasandlda, unchosen, disap- proved of. nd paid or nd-paidd, unborn, that has never existed, not to be found, nd-tdb, weak, infirm, nd- iardsk, a\so nd-tardshida, unshaved; unpolite, unlicked. nd-tarbitjat, uneducated, nd-tars, severe, hard-heart- ed, pitiless, fearless, nd-tamdm, unfinished, imperfect, deficient, na-tdindnii, deficiency, imperfectness. na- tawdn OT nd-tawdnd, powerless, weak, infirm, impotent. na-tawdni or nd-tawdnd,i, weakness, impotence, nd- ja.iz, unsuitable, unlawful, nd-jins, of no family, ig- noble ; strange, nd-char, remediless helpless, forlorn, distressed, constrained, nd-chdrl, helplessness, impo- tence. nd-chdJc, unsound, out of order, nd-chdkt, f. laziness, coolness, lukewarmness, displeasure, disagree- ment, nd-cliiz, of no consequence, trifling, insignifi- cant, nd-chizi, f. insignificance, nullity, nd-halck, un- just, untrue ; unjustly nd-hakTc-shinds, inequitable, ungrateful, having no notions of justice, nd-hhudd, an atheist, an impious man ; (for ?ic7o-ti!b nab, pure, genuine, p. (— ->b nab, m. a canine tooth, a tusk. a. ^^itwU ndbddn (v. nawddn')^ m. a gutter, p. ji\> nabar, m. one who denies, d. ,4^13 rnf>T ndbhi, f. the navel ; a centre, s. uil^jlj tTT^nii ndbhak, m. a myrobalan (Ter- minalia chebula). $. ^^^x^:£^^\> «frf»?^t? ndbhichhedan, m. di- vision of the umbilical cord, s, ci)3j^j\j tnfHihoS* ndbhigolakf m. a pro- minent or ruptured navel. *. 4_^'U^\i *nf>TrnTt ndbhindrl,']i. the umbili- ^U^13 '^Tfir^^T ndbhindld, J cal cord. $, ^^\j tTTHt ndbhi, f. the navel. *. t-.>b •TF'T ndj), f. measure, ndp-jokh, mea- suring and weighing. «. [surgeon. », (Jlo.13 'qiftHT ndpit, m. a bai-ber, a shaver, a !l)lijk>\3 «1lfqri^n^T napit-shdla, f. a barber's shop. s. jlGlJ ndpigdr, filthy, vile. p. Uj\3 rfHRT ndpnd, a. to measure, to weigh. s> CL>\J ndt (for ndth, q. v.), master, &c. d. OlS rfTiTT ndtd, m. relationship, kin, alliance. A. Ji^ 'milX.ndiar, if not, then, otherwise, else, s \Ji^i •frffR ndtin, 1 f.granddaughter,daugh- ^x>\j rfTftfid ndtinl, J ter's daughter, s. ^Jb fn^ ndth, m. a master, a husband ; often used as an affix to the names ofjogis, as Gorakk^ ndth ; f. the string in a bullock's nose ; a seton. t. l^b ndthd (v. ?idtd)j relationship, &c. d. iJ^U "^fmt ndihit having the nose pierced (a bullock). : 0\3 ( 728 ) 13^13 ?rnnn ndt/ma, a. to bore a bullock's nose, and put a string in it to guide him bjr. ». Oj^^O H i vi^rf nathwat, dependent, subser- vient, subject. $. iJlS ^Tlrt natl, m. grandson, daughter's son; " f. a granddaughter. #. .IjjJO W^ natedar, a relative, a kins- mln. h.p. [country, h. c!jU ^snr naf, a pillar, obelisk ; the Carnatic C'U fHTT wa/a, dwarf, dapper, short, h. j^\jl3 ftT -\i «n^«n ndchnd. n. to dance, h. «Uk»-Vi ndhiya, m. territory, country, district, • tract, coast, shore, a. \j^U ndkkudd (for ndo-khudd), m. master or commander of a ship, captain or supercargo ; (in Anglo-Hindi) •• nay-quiddie." p. fcAii^^ nd-khudd,tf f. office of a com- mander of a ship ; seamanship, navigation, p. ^\j ndkhun, m. nail (of the fingers), claw (of a beast), or talon (of a bird), najsbun-glr or -tarash. m. an instrument for cutting the nails with, naiititn Una, to pare the nails ; to trip or stumble (a horse), p. y jj>.\j ndkhuna, m. an instrument used to strike the strings of a guitar with, a plectrum ; a haw or web in the eye {unguit). p. iK> "WT«r "^^> "•• Bound ; a song ; a semi- (drde used as an abbreviation, lus. nad-k., to roar (as a tiger); to sing. *■ «ib nad (v. sartkhd), like, &c. d. j2^i(iU nd-ddn, ignorant, simple, p. j^iiiU nd-ddni, f. ignorance, simplicity, p. Ito'iiU ff^T^T ndddhd, m. a spout, a canal, k. jiiU nddir, rare, wonderful, choice, nadir i rozgar, the wonder of the age. a. CL>\ji\J nddirdt, wonderful events, a. 81m>.(5U nddir-shdh, name of a famous depre- dator of India who sacked Delhi in A.D. 1739. nddir- thahi, of or relating to Nadir Shah ; the invasion of India by that adventurer, a. p. »ji5u nddira (fem. oi nddir, q. v.). a. tjjiilS nddirt, f. a rarity ; adj. of or relating to Nadir, or Nadir Shah. a. ^«i'j nddali, a kind of charm or talisman, a ■' stone inscribed with words from the hir.an, and hung as a preserving amulet round children's necks, d. ^i\j nddim, bashful, penitent, repenting, abashed, ashamed, a. UiU fTT^»TT nddnd, a. to begin, h. UtoiiU f^TV^T nddhnd, a. to yoke. h. ^jOiSU «TT?[^ nddeyi, f. name of a kind of "reed (Calamus fasciculatus) ; a plant {Pranna herhaeta ; the China rose. s. Otili f1lfV«M nddi/id, f. a ghnfi, q. v. ; the space of twenty-four minutes. $. j\3 ndr, f. fire, hell ; the mind. a. jU ndr, m. a pomegranate {Punica gro/- tiatum). p. jU tTR ndr, f. a woman ; m. the stalk of the lotus ; a herd, drove ; barrel of a gun ; counsel, advice i the fibre of which rope is made ; the neck. h. \j\3 «nTT ndrd, m. red thread ; fibres of the cocoa-nut or palm, commonly called " coir," of which ropes, &c. are made. h. -oj.li tTRT^TO ndrdyan or ndrdyana, ra. a Hindu name for the deity ; a name of VU}^nu. 4. jJjuuJ;^.l3 vIKIM^UW^ ndrdyan-tail, m. an oil of great reputed efficacy in many complaints 1 it b extracted from a variety of plants. ». jlixlxI^VU fTTCnWT^ ndrdyan-Jishetra, m, four cubits of the soil on either side of the stream of the Ganges, s. t^}Jo ^nmi}f\ 7iardyanl, f. the wife of Nd- " rayava or Vishnu ; a plant (Asparagus raeemota) ; adj, relating to Nardyan. s. .Ljj\3 vrrcf'T^K nm-bimdr, m. the membrane in which the foetus is enveloped; secundines. A. Ajl>-jU narj'il, m. a cocoa-nut; the cocoa- nut tree {Cocoi nuc\ftra). p. J.O tfR^ ndrad, m. the name of a Hindi! saint, son of Brahma ; (met) a disputant, one fond of altercation. (. t^U fwrd, m. the tiKe or dog-louse ; a miser, p. ( 727 ) (jf,\ i^J^ •n^«ir narak, m. hell, the infernal re- gions; adj. infernal, s. [ble. s. ^^J^ «TR«R^ narakt, infernal, hellish, damna- Jj^^ Wlftw^ narikely m. the cocoa-nut. s. ^jK> navanj, m. an orange, p. ic^S> naranjl, orange-coloured, p. rXJj^ tlK^I narangi, f. an orange, s. •jb »n^ ndru, m. the guinea-worm. h. uV :■} ra. a species of elm. p. ^jjVJ narrvan t/.lj •TPCl' ndrt, f. a woman ; the pulse ; the umbilical cord ; a kind of greens ; an artery, t. (j;j\j nari, fiery ; hellish, a. b .0 ffrfcin nariyd, m. a person who feels the pulse, s. [tinism, lechery. «. i^JSm»j^X> fTlOuMjf ndri-prasang, m. liber- j^ jli «1lO"<( narichy m. an esculent root (^Arum coiocasia). i. j^^.tiJtjU «flO, . i^Jj ,\j ndriyal ki rtt,i, f. a soft downy substance of a light brown colour, found on the exte- rior of the lower part of the leaves or branches of the cocoa-nut : it is used as a styptic, and also for tinder. A. Aji ,13 «nftTIi35^ ndriyaU, m. a huhka made of "a cocoa-nut ; a cup made of cocoa-nut shell ; sap or liquor extracted from the cocoa-nut tree, commonly called " toddy " by Europeans, s. [nari). s. j\3 ^Tf ndr or »rrf^ ndri, the pulse, &c. (v. \jU ndrd, m. tape. d. »JOjO •rrfr'R nari-patr, m. an esculent root {Arum ealocasia). t. ^fj t { \ (^l^ \ ndrikd, f. an Indian hour, or twenty-four minutes, s. [tial equator. *. J jj««j^j •nft'np^ ndri-mandal, m. the celes- ^J'fo «nTt ndrl, f. any tubular organ of the 'body, artery, vein, gut, &c. ; the pulse; a fistula; an hour of twenty-four minutes ; (in Dakh.) nafi-dekhna, to beat, 8trii(e. ». \_{Arum coiocasia). s. ^yU «n?l"^ ndrich, m. an esculent root JjL:^fCj\j •nr^rTEJ^ ndrl-nahshatr, m. the planet of a person's nativity, s. ^^J^(JJ^ vTISlcl^J ndri-vran, m. an ulcer, s. :U ndz, m. blandishments; coquetry, play- fulness, gracefulness, elegance, soothing, fondling, amorous playfulness, softness; pride, consequential tin. no* upMna, a. to bear with the airs or wBims of another. na»-bardar, one who bears the whims of another, a flatterer, naz-barddrl, i. flattery, nds- parwarda, delicately brought up, a spoiled child, naz- pesha, a coquette, ndz-naktra, m. coquetry, naz o niydz, toying, amorous play. s. ^^Ijl3 ndzdn, sporting, toying (as lovers) ; boasting, glorying, p. ^13 ndzbo, m. name of an herb (^Ocymum pilosum, Roxb). p. c;iJ:U ndzuk, thin, light, subtile, delicate, tender, elegant ; facetious, gracious, genteel, nazuk- ada, the nightingale, nazuk-anddm, delicately formed in every limb, nazuk-badan, delicate (epithet of a mistress); a species of jujube (Ziay/i^Mijtt/Miajr' nazuk- mizdj, of a delicate complexion, ndzuk-wujud, deli- cate of body. p. ^jU ndzukt, f. delicacy, softness, tenderness. j9. jjjli ndzil, descending; dismounting; alight- ing, nazil-hond or -shudan, to descend, to alight, a. ^k)jU ndzila, m. a misfortune, disorder, cala- mity, a. [a mistress, a lovely woman, p. ^jpOjVS ndzntn, delicate, beautiful, charming; ^^i3J>:\i nazidan, to coquet, to coy it, to as- sume a cold and haughty look. p. (^^jrtb nds, pi. mankind, human beings, a. (j»»U "^m nds, f. snufF; m. (for ndsha) non- existence, annihilation, loss, destruction, nas-ddn, m. a snuff-box. s. Im>\J afreT ndsd, va. the nuse; a disease of the nose, called also ndkrd, q. v. 'J3 IxiJjiLrtO fiTfl^rH|IUI<(^ ndsd-dakshind- vart, m. wearing the nose-ring in the right nostril by women who have money and children. ». ,a^_^Im*IJ «n^HT^ft^ ndsd-shokk, m. drying of the nostrils, s. \j\*«»\j «TreT*n ndsdnd, a. to annihilate, to spoil, to destroy. *. OjjUljUrtli trnHTTRT^ ndsd-vdmdmrt, a. wearing the nose-ring in the left nostril, a mark of sorrow, s. [of tlie nose. s. ,ji3.U*»U •rnEfT^ ndsd-vansh, m. the bridge JLi-»U »i mmQi ndspdl, m. the rind of an un- ripe pomegranate (used in dyeing), h. ^\ju*»\3 tTratjT^ ndspdVi, of or relating to "ndspdl. ndspdli rang, the colour extiacted from n&*- pdl. h, Cj>^^ «TrffcI ndsti or ndst, f. nonentity, an- nihilation ; adv. no, not so. «. »^:j[**»\j "JnftcnW nctsUttva, m. non-existence. 5. uiJli-»li "mfWSfi ndstik, 1 m. an atheist, one ,J^^ ^Tftcnrt ndstihij who denies a fu- "ture state of rewards and punishment; or, in general, one who denies the civine authority of the Vedas. or who entertains doubts as to the authentic.ty of the Purunas. s. [lief, heresy. *. U^*j vnf^Sninn ndstiktd, f. atheism, unbe- {J0\ ( 728 ) v^ aj^JjM^ mCkA** nastihyuy m. unbelief in the creed of the HindQs, infidelity. $. >*»\3 7105?;, m. a composer, making an ora- tion, a. v->U nasikhf "»• ^ copier of a book, an ama- nuensis ; erasing, abolishing, a. tiLali nasik, devoted to God. a. edurtU «Tnroir nasak, m. a destroyer, an ex- tenninator. s. [the mucus of the nose. ». 9M»Ki »rrftrcBT nasika, f. the nose, nasika-mal, •^*^\3 7{JW{^nd-samajh, unintelligent, s. if^S^^ •n^'TR^ na-mmjhi, f. ignorance, s, /j;**>l3 «rra»T nhsan, m. destruction, perishing, s. >XM»b •rnnn nasna, n. to flee, to run away ; a. to destroy, to exterminate, m. C^jamO nasutf human nature, humanity, a. jjyrtU na.<(«r, m. a fistula, an ulcer, a. «jut*u «n^ nnsi/a, m. the rein of an ox passed through the nostril, s. (j^b rjT^ «a.s7<, in. loss, destruction, s. ij\Jm6 nashpait, f. a pear {Pt/rus commu- "«•«). p. C *< * >13 «nf^rrr naskit, destroyed, lost. «. Ijui»l3 na^/i^a, 1m. breakfast, luncheon, re- *Cyi>lJ nashta,) freshment; adj. hungry. nashtd-k., to breakfast, p. ijiXS*>\J '^1^'mnashak, m. a destroyer, spoiler. «. ^**>b iTTI^*TwasAan,m. destruction, ruination.*. jX(i)l!> fTtf^nft nashini, f.1 destructive, destroy- ,^J*^ •TTjp^ nashi, m. J ing, a destroyer. 8, ^j^jji»b tfn[P?«T nashyan, m. destroying, anni- hilating. «. v-j>-e\3 nasifc, erecting, fixing, placing, a. ^\> nasih, m. an adviser, a monitor, a sin- cere friend or counsellor ; adj. faithful, a. jio\i nasir, m. a defender, an assistant, a. d*A< o U nasiyat or nasiya, the forehead, the fore locks over the forehead, a. ^jioXi natik, m. speaking, a speaker; a ra- tional or human being, a. ssi)o\j natika, in. the faculty of speech, a. JoKi nazir, seeing, observing, inspecting; m. a spectator, an Inspector, a superintendent, a guard, keeper, supervisor; an oflicer employed in a judicial court, superior to all peons, bailiffs, &c., a sheriff. na^iri-jam'dar, the licad police-ofliccr. nagir-ji]idna, the sheriff's office, a. J^G nuzira, m. the eye, sight, vision; read- ing, studying. na^ira-Mvani, reading (in opposition to rtpeating by heart), m. j_cji&l3 nazirt, f. office of an inspector, act o"f inspecting, &c a. ^13 ndzim, m. a composer, arranger, ad- juster; a poet, composer of verses; a governor, • ruler, a. ig^^ ndzimi, f. office of a ndzim, q. v. a. (j,\sX> ndghdni (for nd-gahdni), sudden, &c. d. &pl3 wa^a, vacant, void, nought, unemployed; m. adjournment, respite, bila-na^ifi, without fail, forthwith, t. (_jl3 ndfj f. the navel ; centre or middle, p, »iiu ndjiz, penetrating, passing, getting through, having effect, obeyed (an order), a. xi\3 ndji', salutary, profitable, advantageous useful, a. edili ndfila, a work of supererogation, a. siK> ndf a or ndfa,i mushn, m. a pod of musk. p. tiSD ndkid, m. a person whose business it is to examine coin and ascertain its goodness, aa a»> Bayer, a critic, a connoisseur, a. ^^,>ajl3 ndliis, imperfect, unfinished, deficient, mutilated, inexpert. naTcisi 'aJfl, deficient in senM, dull, stupid, nakis hand, to yr&uL a. ^Ji'\j ndJdl, m. a painter, delineator; a relater, narrator, reporter, a. /yjjili ndhus, m. a bell, or rather a thin oblong piece of wood suspended by two strings, by the eastern Christians, to summon the congregation to diviae ler- vice ; a sort of conch for calling people to prayers. U, e3\j ndka, (. a she-camel, a. «.d)0 «TRf ndk, m. the heavens, paradise, aether, sky, the atmosphere, x. LiJO «frcir ndk, f. tlie nose, ndk charhdnd, to turn up one's nose, to be angry or displeased, ndi rakhnd, to preserve one's honour. ndJc sakoj-iid, to turn up one's nose, to be displeased, nak katdna, to lose one's honour, ndi kati hond, to lose one's honour, i. <^\j ndk, (as an affix) full, aflfected with, &c., as ^iam-ndk, affected with grief, p. \^\3 •TTSfTT ndkd, m. the extremity of a road* the eye of a needle; an alley, avenue, lane. naA^«- handl, shutting up a road; collecting of transit duties. ndke-ddr, the receiver of customs or transit duties. A. \^IJ «ri«liT ndkd, m. an alligator, a crocodile, s. \ji^li nd-kat-khudd, 1 unmarried, a bache- \.^ aS nd-kad- khudd. j lor. nd-hat-khudd,\ or nd-kad-himdd,i, the unmarried state, or state of single blf sseduess. p. \jpU ri]<*"3T ndkrd, m. an inflammation in the nose; polypus. *. JLlAi "^l^^Jidhskatr, m. a month computed by the moon's passage through the twenty-seven mansions, s. [the lunar asterisms. a, ci3,J^i>U •ll^r^cii ndkshairik, belonging to ^\j ( 729 ) J^ ^^JLz^X> •n^f^^ofi'^ ndkshatriki, f. stellar in- fluence, s. [an ichneumon, f . jj$l3 »ir<*^ nakul, belonging or relating to ^^ «TI«fiQ5^ nakuti, i\ name of a plant; the ichneumon plant, believed to furnish the mongoose with an antidote when bitten by a snake, s. j/^ «ircft^ ndkl, of or relating to nose. s. vi/li tfTT nag, ni. a snake, an elephant ; the hooded snake, commonly called, cobra di capello, and which the Hindus consider a sacred reptile. The word is also applied to the fabulous s*pents with hu- man faces, who are supposed to iuliabit the lower re- gions ; a small tree (Mesiia ferrea) ; a sort of grass (Cy- pertts pertemiis) ; a tree {Rottleria tinctoiia) ; one of the astronomical periods called Karans; lead; poison. ndg-bhaslid, a prakrit language said to be used by the serpentine race wlio inhabit Fatal, ndg-panchami, name of a Hindu holiday, the 5th of Sliravan, shukl puis^, on which day they worship a snake to procure blessings on their children, nag-kanya, a race of fe- males said to inhabit Fatal or the regions under the earth, and to be of serpentine extraction, but verj beautiful, ndg-lok, the regions under the earth. Fatal : not being accessible to the sun, it is illumiaated bj very resplendent jewels, s. ol3 •TPTT ndgd, m. a caste of Hindu mendi- cants who go naked : sometimes they are armed, and serve as mercenaries to native princes, s. l^lilj •TRT^rr ndgdhhay m. the ancient city of Hastindpur. s. ^U^l^lj ■H'llfld'c^I nagdnchaldf m. a boring- rod, s. [ancient Delhi. #. viXJoli •TPny nagangf m. Mastindpur, or 8ol3 nd-gdh, in no time, suddenly, unexpect- edly, all at once, unawares. fK ^Jj^l3 •TPTTcST ndg-baldy f. a creeping plant {Hedysarum lagopodioidet). a. [tree. $. JbtiJu^b riFW§ ndg-bandhuf m. the holy fig- t3.^jk>U tnnfH^ ndg-hhid, m. a sort of snake (Amphisbana), t. Jj^fSlS H HI 455 ndg-bel, m. the betel plant, s. (_j**Ui\3 fflTMIfl ndg-pds, m. a running noose of a rope ; name of a country, the same as nagaur «. ib^^ "fPrmsft ndg-pat?ii, f. a female of the " serpent race. s. ^.,>.'»ts'b «iiJT^vq ndg-puskp, m. a tree used in dyeing (Rottleria t'mctoria) a small tree {Mesua ferrea), a flower (Michelia champaca). s. (j->^.v^O tfFTOi^ ndg-phdns, f. a noose used to seize an enemy in battle, resembling the arms of the Retiarii among the Soman gladiators, h. (J^^ HI'IMiHI ridg-phani, f. a hedge-plant so called, the prickly pear (Cactus ficus Indica). s. j^^jkjffU «1WI>f)<('1 ndg-jivan, m. tin. g, llb^O •n'Tf»I3|T ndg-jivhd, f. a plant {Ascle* piat ptevdosarsa). * »*^''^ 'TPlftrfd^'oFT ndg-jivhikd, f. red ar- senic, s. [ivory. ». CL^i^^ "rfUT^ ndg-dant, m. elephant's tooth, ^Ji6^^ «nJT^^^ ndg-clantt, f. a sort of sun- flower (Heliotropium Indicum). s. ;jjfcW^ »ii'i({t»l ndg-daun, m. a kind of wood, by touching which it is said that fetters spontaneously fall off; the plant asparagus, s. WjJ>Ki «f HKHIvii ndgar-mothd, m. name of a sweet-smelling grass {Cyperus pertenuis, &c. Roxb.). s, fjS-^Ji^ •TPR,^ iidgrang, m. the orange, espe- cially the Silhet orange {Citrus aurantium), t. {Sy^ "TPl^ ndgari, the character in which the Sanskrit language is generally written and printed in Northern India f called also Deva-nagari) ; f. an art- ful or clever woman ; a sort of euphorbia, s, y*M\^Si 'HI'l«ii^K ndg-kesar or -keshar, m. name of a tree {Mesua ferrea), a. J^U «TFTq5 ndgal, m. a plough, s. jiilpli tfi'lHIii ndg-mdtrL f. name of the god- dess Manasa, supposed to preside over snakes ; red arsenic. «. (J^^ MWH ndgan or ndgin^'\f, a female ser- ^\i> tj\Oiff\ ndgini, J pent. s. jjj^lj «fFi^ ndgod, |m. armour for the ji5^l3 »njfl«^T ndgodar,) front or the belly, a breastplate, a cuirass, s. j^iXi «n3T^ ndgaur, m. name of a country near Mdrwdf. s. ^y^ «TPTTTT nagaurd, of or belonging to Na- ^jl^l3 ndgahdn, j^l^G ndgakdnt, gaur ; a fine breed of bullocks so called, a, r sudden, suddenly, p. >' j***if^ «TT^T^ ndgesar or ndgeshar, f. name of a flower {Mesua ferrea) ; Indian rose chestnut. 1, (_5^aS13 »T1'Ii^k1 ndgesarif of the colour of the ndgesar, yellow, s, Jl^ •TT^y wqZ, along with, accompanying^ near, sock bJiai bharl Tchart sakhi laihi ndl K, her accompanying friends, seeing this, were filled with extreme anxiety and terror. A. J13 rfloJ ndl, m. a tube; barrel of a gunj the navel-string ; stalk of the lotus, a. ^13 tTT^ ndld, m. a ravine, a rivulet, canal, gutter, furrow (vulg. " nullah '7> A< J> ( 730 ) ^J^\j nalan, lamenting, lamentable, p. ll)0 'snf^irr 7iatita, f. a kind of potherb (Hi- biscus cannabinus). t. (jiJli nalish, f. complaint, lamentation, ex- clamation, a groan ; accusation in a law court, p. ^UO nalishi, m. a plaintiff, a complainant, p. \^13 rrTf^"«irT ndlikd, f. name of an esculent root {Arum colocasia). h. jj3U ^n^T^ naUn,f. a sort of sedan or litter, "generally used by people of rank. A. ^Ub nalayi, f. weeping, lamentation, p. U515 nalnd, to weep, to lament, p. h. &)13 ndla, m. lamentation, weeping; a small river, a canal, p. t^ rfT^ f- a drain ; a straw, a stalk ; a "tubular vessel of the body ; a tubulated tile ; a sinuous ulcer or fistula, s. [complain, p. jjiXJU nalidan, to mourn, lament, weep ; to j^t^O «f1(^'9^ ndltvi-an, m. a fistulous or sinuous sore. «. Jj "spmiidnif m. name, character, fame, repu- tation, honour, nam-dar, famous, celebrated, nam- dar'i, celebrity, nam-dharna, )•. to name, to fix a name on (particularly a bad name), nam dharwana, to be defamed ; to give name to a child, nam-dend, to give n name to, to make conspicuous, vdm dahoiia, to lose one's honour or reputation, nam rakhna, to name. nam karna, to establish a name, to become famous. shi'r un ne ]ctub kahe, dfalp men apnd nam kiyd, he has composed elegant verses, and extended his fame in the world, ndin-lend, to praise ; to repeat the name of God. nam lekar mdtig khdnd, to beg alms in the name of another, nam n'lkdlnd, to become celebrated ; to investigate the perpetrator of any crime, ndm hond, to be conspicuous, famous, or renowned, ndm o nishdn, name and vestige, or address, s. p. lHy^Ki nam-burda, the above-named, the afore>mentioned or said. p. 1^13 ndm-zadf destined, declared, named, appointed ; notorious, p. (^^uLaK> tim^^ nam-shesh, dead, deceased, s. jjjj^li t^WcS^^ ndm-karan, m. the act of naming a cliild first after birth, s. j^li tTRT ndmam, the mark made on the forehead by the HindQs. h. U*\3 «TnRT ndmnd, a. to name, to praise, to panegyrise. *. p. jy«\i ndm-rvar, celebrated, famous, p. \S\y^ ndm-warl, f. celebrity, renown, fame.^. ^jrt^\3 ndmus, f. reputation, fame, renown ; disgrace ; the female part of a family, a. ^M*yc\j ndmusi, of or relating to the female part of a family, a. «M«13 ndma, xn. a letter, book, writing; (in ccmp.) history, account, as shdh-ndma, the account of tba kings, an epic poem by Firdausl. p. j^u nami, illustrious, celebrated, ndvii honAf to be celebrated. Bb ndmi, name, adv. by name. p. j •fT'fT nana, a. to bond, to bow down. s. (iUJ^^ *lHi^'§wa"5-warra, many-coloured.*. Jjb ttin^ ndnd, f. a large earthen pan. h. b(\>b "tTlfrJ'HI ndndnd, to live; to be domes- ticated ; to associate with ; also for nandhna, q. ▼. h. Ujbj3b fTfyTT ndndhnd, a. to begin, h. btiJlS rfTff^HT ndndiyd, m. the bull, and ve- hicle of Shiva, s. of ceremony performed on festive occasions to the manes of deceased ancestors «. b Joli tTtfTTT ndndiyd, 1 (v. ndndiyd), the bj3b fTtffTT ndnriyd, J bull, &c. of the god Shiva, s. uLi.3V3 •ntfcF ndnak, name of a saint, founder of the sect of Sikhs, ndnak-panthi or -shdhi, or nanaJk' matd, m. a Sikh or follower of Ndnak. h. jQ)\i ndnhdr, m. an allowance of money or land to zaminddrs, Tcdnungos, &c. for subsistence; land granted to servants for their maintenance, p. jCjOkib ndnkdri, of or belonging to the allow- ance, &c. called ndnkdr, q.v. nankari-zaniin, land as- signed rent-free to zamindars. t. \_Ndndk. h. UiL»x>li «rr»f«FTfn ndnak-matd, a follower of U4.^13 »TT^TTr ndnghnd, a. to step across, to jump over, to pass, to leap over. $. yb 'i{\^ ndnm, 1 m. (cor. oindm) a name, ^^yb tfraY nan,on, J a noun. s.p. yU ndnu, a simple song or story which mothers repeat when rocking a child p. ,^b tltf ndnh, no, not, nay. s. h. JlA^b t^Tf^^n^ ndnhiydl, f. maternal grand- father's family, h. jil3 tTT'jfl udiii, f. maternal grandmother. 4, jb flT7 ndw, f. a boat, ship, vessel. «. fc •>u ( 731 ) 4^> ••*\3 ura na,5, m. a barber, s. ^j,l«>jU ndtv-ddn, m. a dock, an aqueduct, a gutter, p. ci3jl3 ndwak, f. an arrow ; a tube, canal ; a bee's sting ; the tube through which an arrow is pro- jected, nawak-andaz, an archer, p. ci3jli tnf^ navik, 'I belonging to a vessel ; i^^ vIKelil ndokij ra. helmsman, pilot, "sailor, s. ^^•>13 mwt nd,ojl, m. a name, a noun. s. p. ^j\j «ir tnf^ ndJii, no, not, nay. s. j^^ •TTST ndhar or nahir, m. a tiger, k. JuJb\3 ndhidy m. the planet Venus, ja. ^;|\fr\3 tfT^* ndhtn, no, not, nay, no indeed. ndhiA-nihlii, not at all. «. ^^^0 in^ wa,i, m. a barber, s. jc>U na,e or na,t, a reed, a pipe, a flageolet, a Ante, a fife. p. t_olS nd,ib, ra. a deputy, vicegerent, lieute- nant, substitute, na.ib-diwdn, the deputy treasurer or accountant, na^b-lidzt, the deputy judge, na.ib- nagim or -tuba-dar, the deputy governor of a siiha or province, a. ^jj\3 ndjibi, deputyship, lieutenancy, a. eutf>U ndyicha or naicha, m. a small reed, a ^u^Jra snake, p. j\3 nayar,"! a name of a tribe of Hindiis in 1 ndyar,J Southern India, commonly called " Nairs." d. »J\3 nd,ira or nd,irat, fire, heat, inflamma- tion, flame, enmity, hatred, a. 8^13 ndyazay 1 m. a canal, a tube; the 8j>U ndyazha,} urethra, p. jjlbjj «rnnir ndyak, m. a chief, a leader, a man, a youth ; a native officer of the lowest rank, eorresponding to corporal in our corps ; a person well conversant in dancing, singing, &c. «. Kj»U •nftroFf ndyikd, f. female of ndyak; the mistress of a house (particularly of a brothel). ». j\^y^ nayakwdr, under a ndyak (a village, lie.). I. p. [«a.«) a barber's wife. •. j^\3 .n^R wayaw or m%^ nd,in, (fem. of O^y*^^ ^o,e-nosh, piping and drinking j carousing, banqueting, p. OUS waJaf, f. vegetation ; an herb, vege- table, grass. Hlrni nabat, botany, a. OUS nabdt, f. sugar ; sweetmeats, p. C^KiK^i nabdtat, pi. vegetables, plants, a. jjUJ nabdti, made or consisting of vege- tables (a dish) a. ^^J^ f»nrn:»T nibdran, ra. (also nivdran) hindering, prevention, stoppage, forbidding. «. \3jUi fflVC«n nibdrnd, a. to forbid. «. \j-bj nibdrd, passing, transit, passage, d, ^^jUJ fff ' ^ nq nibdran, m. spending, sepa- rating, h. Uj'U3 ff ^ ^r i 3 «TI nibdrnd, a. to keep one's en- gagements, &c., to accomplish, to perform; to spend, to end ; separate, h. ;j^LJ nabbdsh, a grave-digger ; a plunderer of the dead ; one who strips the dead of their grave- clothes, a. (joUi nabbdz, m. one who feels the pulse, a physician, a. [pulse, o. ^^Ijj nabbdzi, the science of examining the j^\j3 nibd,o (for nibdhH, q-v.), lasting, &c. d. »US f«T^f nibdh, m. accomplishment, main- tenance, supply, sufficiency, keeping. ». \ji»\x> ft\mw^l nibdhnd, a. to accomplish ; to protect, to guard, to take care of; to keep one's faith { to behave ; to afford ; to conduct, to perform ; to wear, to last or endure for a long time. s. ysbj fi{^^nibdhu, lasting, permanent, suffi- cient for one's purpose, s. [ment A. \jUjO fH ^ ^T T nibterd, m. determination, settle- aoi^ ni-bakMa, unfortunate, s.p. jumJJ nabasa, a daughter's child, p ijXi nabard, ra. battle, engagement, war. p. \3vj3 f^^ljHI nibarnd, n. to be settled, to be decided, to be finished or spent, h. (JU^ naUshtan (for nawishtan), to write, p. (jiojj nabz, f. the pulse, nabz dekhnu, to feel the pulse, a. Jjj fff^^ nibal (for nir-bal), weak, without power or strength ; fem. nibala, a woman. «. ji^ f«l^fQ5T^ nibaldft, f. weakness, s. ,^ jjjj ff^ipV nibandh, affixed, ascertained ; m. binding, confinement, constipation. «. O^ nubuwat, f. prophecy, a. ^J^ nabardi, of or relating to the prophet {Mulyaminad) ; prophetical, a. ^ ^W: nabha, m. the sky, the air, the £r* mament. s. OyUjj nibhdrnd, a. (v. nibdrnd), to finish. «?. ^\^ f^^fXm ni-bhdgd, Kfor nir-bhdgya), ^l^jj ffJHPft ni-bhdg'ij unfortunate. « \i\4j3 ftW^ nibhdna, a (v. nibdhnd), to -^ ( 732 ) j>\^jlS ftoTT^ vibhdfO, permanence, lasting qnality, durability. «. jsf^ *T*T^rT nahha-char, that which soars in the air, a bird, a cloud, wind. t. ^j^ nibhrama ,vfiiho\\t respect, worthies?, f/. C^^^x> 7{>^f^m( nabha-sthit, situated in the sky ; also m. name of one of the infernal regions, s, \'x^x> ffTHfTT nib/ma, n. to serve, to succeed, pass.live ; to be accomplished, performed ; a.to preserve, to take care of, to afford, to conduct, to perform, s. fj) nabl, m. a prophet, a. ^tXAA^ f*T^^ nibedan, xa. an address, peti- tion, representation to a superior. #. »jOj nahira, rn. a grandson, son's son. ndbx- rt, a son's daughter, p. r aa3 fH«isi nibera, m. (v. nibtera) settlement, end, finishing, s. [perform, s. ^j^ f^^f«n niberna, a. to spend, to end, to jVAf) f^^TS niberu, performing, finishing, s. »-«4f> nab'isa, m. a grandson, p. ^^^*y^i nabist^ f. a granddaughter, p. tj;jf> «iVNt nabtn (for navin), new, fresh, s. L^o f^7«jt?, m. the kadamb tree. s. OL> ffi^lff nipdt, m. death, dying, falling, s. jjIaJ f*iVI»T nipdn, m. a trough, a reservoir of water, s. [^'^O- *• UjUS f»Itn7»n nipatna, a. (same as niptdnd, cIaJu^ ffTXifrfif nipatit, fallen, g. ^J^ fr|Mri*T nipatan, m. falling, s. «-ii^ f^^T^ nipat, very, exceedingly, fu jjljL) f«Tti3TTT niptard, m. end, finishing, h. jjjUo ftnTTTC niptdru, m. who finishes, ter- minates, h. ulLi friM^MI niptdnd, a. to settle, to decide, to conclude, to terminate, h. [&c. h. ^Jui^ ftnrsn nipatnd, n. to be settled, finished, ^^ ftrnir nipun, distinguished, cliever, skil- ful. *."* <^A*..ji.t'> «r<7¥V napunsak, m, (in gram.) neu- ter gender ; an hermaphrodite, a eunuch ; adj. impo- tent, imbecile, cowardly, t. V!>^ fqVKln/pu^a, without a son, childless, s. (J-^ f»TI"Ri^ niphal (f. niphald), fruitless. *. do ftfiT ni7, always, continually, ever; the base of an obtuse-angled triangle, nit-nit, perpetually. $. CLo tfiT nat or ncr^a, m. the zenith distance of a planet, &c. naii, t. bending, curvature. «. ^3 f*TTJT nittd, f. (for nityaid) perpetuity, s. Cloljj f^lTRT nitdntf much, excessive j ex- c^tssively, «. ^j1>1:j •TiThn naidnsh, m. zenith distance. *. cLOll) »nn^ natdng, bent, stooping. 7ia- tangl, f. a woman. ». O^.^ f*TTnihl ?M7-^7'a natd,ij (pi. of if^^), births, results, conclusions, consequences, a. *yO f^TTTCTH nit-rdm, always, eternally, s. ^Co na< guild, m. a cockle or mussel, small shell-fish. d. (jj^ PhHoS w?*4^^ •IrfTW nat-mukh, down-faced, looking down. «. [riors of a woman. *. 4^ 'o fWiTtf nitamb, m. the buttocks, poste- (_^ HfilHl natini, f. a daughter's daughter. A. ^^ »r^ nath, ra. a large ring worn in the nose ; a rope passed through the nose of an ox. i. Ujl^ f^VlKHI nithdrnd, a. to pour, to purify water or other liquid by letting the feculent matter subside, and pouring off the clear; to milk a cow. h. ]j^ fn^U nithrd, clear (water whose im- purity has subsided), h. U^ •TTTT nathnd, m. a nostril; a ring for the nose ; n. to have the nose pierced (a bullock). A. ^^^ 'l|V(«0 nathni, f. a small ring worn in the nose ; a ring inserted in the hilt of a sword ; a cord tied round a bullock's nose, by which the animal is guided h. if^ •fft nathi, f. a file or bundle of official "papers tied up together (more especially those re- lating to a law-suit), h. ^^ ftlW niti/a (v. nit), constantly, ever, nitya- pralay, m. the constant loss of living beings, nilya- yukt, always busy, nitya-yauvan, ever young. *. iB^ fHrt'l nitti, f. (cor. of nihil) small scales, ** such as goldsmiths use. h. [rishable. <. IjpUlD f»rFnf»TWT nitydnityd, eternal and pe- (_jLfc»ijLjL> ft1im«1VinT nitydnadhydya, m. a period when the perusal of the Vedaa is entirely pro- hibited, as the day of full moon. &c. t. d**") vTnrr natait, m. a relative, kinsman, h. iJiuO ftnqTn nifyatd, f. perpetuity, constancy. s. *4^ natija, m. result, consequence, issue, what necessarily follows, retribution, reward ; a foetnii, offspring, birth, a. \iijp fr{fXi\nityadd, always, constantly, eter- nally, s. jjitijp f^TW^T*T nitya-ddny m. daily alms. «. fj*^ f^JW**^ nityu-lianna, m. the constant or daily ceremonies of religion, those religious duties whicli ure of constant recurrence. «. auuL) iifW nityu, eternal, everlasting, continual, fixed, invariable ; adv. always, eternally, sl ( 733 *T7 nat, m. a tumbler, a dancer; the ) name of a tribe, who are generally jugglers, rope- dancers, &c. ; a sort of reed (Aruno tibialis) ; a mode of music, s. [honduccella). h. \jL3 •TTT nata, f. name of a shrub {Ccesalpinia \j^XJ r«icL«3 *|3^? nat-Jihat, roguish, vvaggish, artful, trickish, shrewd; m. a cheat, a rogue ; naughty or fretful (as a child), h. l^^^iJLJ'r[ZWZ^7iat-khatt, f. roguery, trickery, "artfulness; fretfulness. h. [ment. A. ^^SXtJJ> '^ZHW^ natmandan, m. yellow orpi- ^jJl3 »I7»I natan or >if i^Ziy\ nithur a,'i,'\{. cruelty, obdu- IJj^ii fd ^^ T nithurta, J racy. s. ^ii ftR^T nithalla, m. idleness; adj. idle. A. ^Li i^rt na/I, f. a medicinal plant; a whore; "an actress, a dancing-girl ; red arsenic. ». .Ijj n?,sfl?-, m. scattering, throwing, strewing; money wliich is thrown among the people on festive occasions; largesse; sacrifice, a. ^j .\ii nisjari, of or relating to nisar, q. v. a. j2i nasr, f. prose, nasr o nazm, prose and ▼erse. a. J! f;T5T wy, self, own, particular, individual, personal, nij-tij-se, properly, as it ought to be. nij- Jtd, of or belonging to self, own, peculiar. «. C^\4 najabat, f. nobleness, generosity, a. OW najat, f. freedom, pardon, salvation, absolution, deliverance ; escape, flight, a. .Iff najjar, m. a carpenter, s. (jj\:^ najjari, f. the business of a carpenter, a. tJl>u*>\^ najasat, f. filth, dirt, nastiness, im- purity, o. [^ nujaba (pi. of t-^), nobles, heroe«. a. Cj^ f^iP^ «y*'' (^^80 wywO» * million* '• iSj^ nq;i or najad, a portion of central Ara- bia, a. fj^ najis, m. dirty, filthy, nasty. 71070*, dirtiness, filthiness, dung. a. fplace. ». ^^l^iws^ PH'^KflH nija-sthan, m. one's own i^—si nijasst, unlucky, of evil omen. d. (jij^ najsh, enhancing the price of an article at a sale. a. L_AsS najaf, m. high ground to which water does not reach ; name of a place in which is the tomb of 'All. a. cil^ najik, near, close by (this seems to be another corruption of TiazrfiS, q. v.). d. *a2 najm, m. a star, a planet; fortune; a horoscope, calculation of nativity, a. 0_^* ftfTilVjT nij-jot, lands cultivated by the proprietors or revenue-payers for their own benefit, s. M^ mijum (pi. of ^), stars, ilmi nujum, astrology, a. i^^ nujumif m. an astrologer ; fem. the "astrological art or science, a. \3\^si f«1HlHl nijhdna, a. to spy, to pry into. h. ^^.^ fiT*R.fff^ nijh-tijh, f. correctness, pro- priety, h, VjJj^ f»TV^T»n nijhotnd, a. to twitch, h. J^^ f»T*^^ nijhol, steady, easy-paced, walk- ing or running smoothly, without agitation (epithet applied to an elephant). *. V -t^ naj'ib, excellent, noble, generous, praiseworthy ; (sub ) a hero, a volunteer ; a certain class of Indian soldiers who are distinguished by a peculiar dress, najtbu-t-tarfain, noble on both sides (father and mother), a. p. »,ihjjL^ najib-zdda, ni. noble by birth, a young nobleman, a. j^iiUjuaS wfl/ift-zarfi, f. daughter of a noble.a.jo. ^a*i najibi, f. nobility, &c. (v. najabat). a. Ul^ »l'5T*n nachdnd, a. to cause to dance, s. \3Vrs^ •r^*r^T«n nack-machdnd, a. to lead a dance ; to tease, s. C^^ ffjf^RI nichint or nichant, free from thought, anxiety, or care, unconcerned, careless, at leisure, s. ^JpKi:,^ fVffg^T^ nichinta,i or nichantd,i, f. carelessness, fearlessness, thoughtlessness, unconcern, leisure, s. [dance. 5. 13U^ ^^T^TJfT nachnand, a. to cause to \j\^ "wl^RTm nvchmdnd, to cause to pluck out, to cause to pinch, h. 'j^ f^^f nichor, m. the end or termination of any affair; the burthen, or that on which any thing depends, h. [*'*• "• U\ji^ f»l'«fljk^ nicliit, without thought or anxiety, d. d*il^* nukafat, f. being emaciated, leanness, emaciation, a. jd nahr, a sacrifice, yaumu-n-nahr, the day of sacrifice, being the tenth of s^-l-bvJ"' when the pilgrims assemble at Mecca, a. ^jM^' na/ix, unlucky, bad, inauspicious j m. an evil omen, bad luck. a. «J1ax-^ nahsiyat, f. inauspiciousness. a. y^ nohv), f. (in gram.) syntax ; way, path, track, manner, mode. a. C^Mi^ nahiisat, f. a bad presage, a misfor- tune, evil omen, abomination, a. i^^ nahwi, grammatical ; m. a grammarian, one skilled in syntax, a. iJLa>^ nahwiyat, f. the art grammatical, a, L.AJ^ nahlf, lean, meagre, weak, slender, a. •^ nakky a thread in general; a rank (of soldiers) ; a kind of carpet ; a little, a few. p. ^_j»»\ii nakhhJias, m. a cattle or slave market; one who deals in cattle or slaves, a. (^jia)lii nikhalas (v. khulasa), essence, &c. a. jiJr nakhchh', m. the chase, game, prey, hunt- ing. na]iltchir-gah, hunting-ground, p. \j& nakhra, ^ni. trick, artifice, joke, wag- y* ikh gery, coquetry, deceit, shame. pretence, naih^a-tilla, blandishments, tiai^ra-baz, affected, coquetish. nafili''0-l'<*xi, coquetry, &c p. nukhust (properly vahhvst)^ in. the beginning, the first; adv. at first, nu^ust-xad, the eldest son. nulstfuttadl, primogeniture, p. ' \m. a palm pi antation. j). j_^L«-i2 nukhustagiy f. first-fruits, priority, p. {ji^L^ nukkustin, the first, the very first, p. ij\jL^ nakhshara, the cheek, the face, d, >^" ^_^.'»i^ naJthshah, the full moon; name of a city in TurJcestan, famous for a celebrated well called ctidlti na^liab. p. (Jii nakkl. m. a date-tree, a palm-tree (and often used for a young tree of any kind), a plant. nakjtl-band, m. a gardener, a maker of artificial flowers. nakhl-bandi, a plantation, nakhli-mahmud. name of a stage or resting-place for pilgrims from Persia on their way to or from Mecca, three days' journey from Kufa. a. (jlJuJi^ nakhlistan,^ s^ nakhla. Oy^ nakhri'at, f. pride, haughtiness, pomp, magnificence, a. iy^ nukhud or nukhud, m. a kind of pulse (Cicer arietinum). nu]c]iud-ab, a kind of food given after physic has been taken : it consists of pulse aad meat boiled together for a long time. p. S> "if^ nad, m. a river (commonly nadi). s. \^j nida, f. sound, voice, calling, a. JoJfcjiltiJ ffl^TV«FTQy nidadh-kdl, ni. the ho* season, two months previous to the rains, t. u^itij naddaf, m. a cotton dresser, also a dealer in cotton, a. ^\jj naddaf I, f. dressing of cotton, the trade **of a naddaf. a. [contrition, regret, a. \JL*f^i^ nadamat, f. repentance, penitence, ^J^'^ f'lt^M nidan, at last, at length, lastly, after all, altogether; f (in medicine) knowledge of the symptoms of diseases (diagnosis), s. KiiJ r»1"5T nid/d, f. sleep, sleepiness, nidra- yaman, sleeping, nidralu, sleepy ; £ a sort of per* fume. s. 0.t^ rHfjJrt nidrit, sleepy, drowsy, s. C^»SO nudrat, f. oddness, singularity, rare- ness, a. [cept. I. ^2/^1^ f^'t^ $ •! nidarshan, m. example, pre- cLam»i^ ftff^? nidisht, ordered, advised, ex- plained, s. \^i^cy3 frlft^fJV**'! nidigdhihd, f. a sort of prickly nightshade {Solanum jacquini). s. Ujj nudamd (pi. of ^.i^), courtiers, a. ^jiij 'H»i3 ftrvrScF nidharaky abruptly, without fear or reflection, h. [£ poverty. «, ^^Si f»iVH nidhan, poor, indigent, nidhanta. (^d>> ( 735 ) Til> ^jdJ "ff?!^ nadi or naddi, f. a river, s. bj3 •Tftr'n«ac??ya,m. ariver; asmall stream. 5. J^.'^ "^T^tfiT. nadl-tli', m. bank of a river, s. ^tJJ H'^l'f nadij, m. the tnarshy date-tree, another tree {Pentaptera arjuna) ; adj. aquatic, pro- duced iu the river. *. _^~-J>j6 "Jf^^hn^ nadi-sarj, m. a tree {Pent- aptera arjuna). s. ^J£J|,L^O ftT?^ uhlesh, m. order, direction, ni- deshl, directing, pointing out. *. ClooJjJ Wlt^ToMtif vodi-hant, m. name of a small tree {Vitex negundo); another tree (Barringtonia acutangula). s. liol^jiiij •!(^^c|iTW! nadt-kanta, f. the rose-apple {Eugenia jambu) ; a kind of shrub {Leea hirta), a. J^iij f?^^^ nadi-kul, m. the bank or shore of a river, nadi-kul-priya, a «ort of reed (Calamus rotang). s. [friend, u courtier, a. (#J|.j3 nadim, m. a companion, an intimate i^JOiiJ "SI^^ nadeyh f. name of a plant "{Premna herhacea). s. .(ij fjRT nidar, fearless, without fear. s. Jl*^ fsTTT^y nidhal,\ . .a. _. >• still, motionless, h. \j^<^ frfSi^S nidholfj jij nazr, f. a vow ; a present or gift (offered to a superior), any thing dedicated ; (met.) an inter- view which is generally preceded by a present, nap-i dargah, an assignment of revenue to a shrine or reli- gious establishment, naxri 'id, presents made at reli • gious festivals, nazri imdman or -piran, gifts to holy men. nasr nlyax, vows and oblations, a. aUI.JJ nap-i-imam, presents given at the Mu^ammadan places of worship, in memory of the imams Hasan and Hnsain. naxri a.imma, a gift of lands for the support of priests ; charity lands, a. aj\jjj nazrana, in. gifts, &c. offered or re- ceived when people of rank meet or pay their respects to a prince ; a kind of tribute ; fees paid to govern- ment as an acknowledgment for a grant of land or any public office, a. p. i'ijiJ.Ji nazri-dargah, land given as an endow - nient to places of religious worship among the M?/Jam- A) j f^f^W /i27'-fcrt/, weak, Strengthless. S. madans, the produce of which is supposed to be applied '-'V^ ^ ° to the expenses of the establishment, such as the sub- \^\ fef^^j nifbalta, f. weakness, im- sistence of the attendants, illummations, repairs, a. JO. U^ ' ^ potence. s. [relatives. ». jd\jj ftRT^IC nir-adar, of bad dispositions, disrespectful, uncourteoaa.. s jljfc«ilj3 f*TUVR nir-ddhar, without support. jjbji]^ tTOVT naradham, m. a vile man, a wretch, s. [perate. t. ;_j*>K3 f«1Trr^ nir-ds or nir-dsh, hopeless, des- ^Sj*»»]j> f'TTTSR nir dshray, without refuge, destitute. $. iK***>U3 fffnf^nr nir-dshis, without blessing, s. ij**]^ f^^^no^ nir-dshi, f. despair, s. io|P fnUohR nir-dkdr, without form or figure ; incorporeal, s. [without desiro. t. ^^^Sj^\y fvliVohl^l nir-dkdnkskt, content, ^^y Ph^Ic^I nir-dld, pure, mere, simple, un- mixed, unalloyed ; rare, strange, odd. h. »i-J]/ ffTTTT^S^ nir-dlasya, not slothful, active. 5. tl^ji r«i f«!Tnrra nir-dyds, easy, ready, with- out trouble, s. [less. <. j&iX>3y f^TTT*! nir-dyudh, unarmed, defence- .fcJJJ f*l^f;g nir-huddhi, senseless, unintelli- gent, s. [strength, powerless. «. O^-V f»T^ nir-has or nir-bush, without t^**^j> f'fPt^ nir-bisl, f. zedoary, a spicy "plant somewhat like ginger in its leaves, but of a sweet scent (Amomum zedoarla, Willd, ; Curcuma xe- doaria, Roxb.). s. jUi jjiii nap' niydz, f. vows and oblations made voluntarily, not observed on any particular days or occasions. — (B.). a. p. jjjj nuzw^ or 0]jj3J nuzurdt (pi. of j<\3), wwB, gifu, &c. a. [line, male. p. s. y "SR nar, m. a male, a man ; adj. mascu- y ftn: nir, without, deprived of; a privative prep, much used before Sanskrit words, similar in signi- fication to the Persian be, as nir-gandh, scentless. *•. j3 fsm nira, mere, pure, only, unalloyed, single, simple. A. iJJ I J f*IUMi^ nir-dpad, prosperous, fortunate, s. Jt>sJ>iJ> f^^ nir-bandhu, friendless, without («*Joi f»I^5I nir-bans or nir-bansh, without race, childless ; extinct (a race or family). «. ^^j> f^^nir-bujli, not to be understood, incomprehensible, t. ^.j' '^{^nar-bhUff. the land of men, India. *. (e^j> f*r!hl nirbhai, fearless, undaunted, s. 2^j> f*i lft»T nir-btj, without seed, childless ; extinct (a race or family). (. [mity. * ^y ftf^ nir-bair, free from hatred or en- vy ( 73« ) Ml. a king, a prince, s. t-i^ »nT nrip or nripa, *^^.j> •HLMffT nar-pati, ^^b 3 H^TH^ nripahhir, m. music played at the ro^-al meals. «. Ci>***^y ^Mlfl«f nripasan, m. a throne, s. i^^^.y "^""tm^ nripamai/fTa. consumption, s. jjijb i *T^t^ nripansh, m. royal portion or revenue, v. Ojjb^j ^tn^# nripa'oart,m. a kind of gem. «. «J>^.u-.>y ^ifin? nrip-priya, m. the thorny bamboo {Bambusa spinosa). t. «J10^ ^nrffT wn-jtjaifi, m. a king (v. nrip). s. »^j3 f^^^ nir-pachh or fffq'BJ nir-paksk, helpless, of no party, friendless. *. [^fistula), s. (^t^^.y •JWsl'^ nrip-drum, m. a tree (Cassia jij "wpiXf^nar-pur, m. one of the three Zo^os or regions of the universe; the abode of man, the earth, s. [less (also niraparSdht). t. Jtti)\y>ji ftTTTTOV wi?--flj5ara(Z/t,faultlesSfblame- ^.,Jt,i> •frftni war-prtya,friendly tomankind.s. o i fni^'W nir-upam, unequalled, having no likeness, s. lL*juo i •nTtTtfcT nrip-niti, f. royal policy, s. iJL*.>-y>y rprtf^ nripochit, kingly, fit for a king^. ' s. (J^.y ftr^S^y nir-phal, fruitless, of no avail, s. fj^-^,^ f^lT^ nirapeksh, independent of, regardless, careless, s. op ftr^ nirt (for nritya), m. dance (also nrt^i, f ). s. [make pure, to clean, s, U\^ip rn^MI niriana, a. to make dance ; to yy f^T^tfT nir-uttar, silenced, without an answer. «. ciljp »T^waWa/t, m.1 (also nirtak) an j^^ip Tf^^ warfa/il, f. J actor, a mimic, a "player of any description, a dancer, a juggler. nartiJc, a reed {Arundo Jcarka). t. f^j> tTiTtf nartan, m. dancing, acting, s. ^J> ^JW;^ nritUf m. a dancer, a mimic, s. Ixy fvfStfl nt'Wna, n. to dance, to jump about playfully. *. tiij^y riw«F nrilyak, 'I a dancer, an grjKjkjp »|i«|4|iRt tiritya-kari, f.J actor, mi- mic, juggler, f. [mime. «. ajO|3 ^W nrityaf m. dancing, acting, panto- Vy 'TCn nnrja, m. small scales, /t. iJL*>-y ftTf^iT nir-jit, conquered, subdued, t. fr? fl^^ nir-jar, immortal, undecaying ; m. nectar, nmbrosta, the food of the gods. t. ^y^j^ r»i^(j5 nir-jal, dry, desert, without water ; m. a desert, a waste, t. U>-j> frl5^»T nir-jan, solitary, deserted, with- out a soul. s. *?-y »TnTt narja, m. small scales. A. j^j^ r»T^ nir-jhar, m. a cascade or torrent. « ^i^J> f^TSfl^ nir-jiv, inanimate, without life. ». U-y fn*^! nirchd, m. a kind of greens (Cor- chorus capsularis). h. (J4?lr^ fw^cj nir-chhal, simple, guileless, x j^y nirkhy m. price (fixed by the officers of police), price current, tariff, assize. nirHi-bandi, a document in which prices are recorded, nirkh-darogha. a clerk of the market, p. l^->o narkhara^ m.'l the throat, the throt- {Sj-^^ narkharl, f.J tie. h. & nirhht, m. the person who fixes the price "current, an appraiser, assizer, p. CiJ nard, f. a counter, chessman, &c. ; draughts, &c., any game played with counters, backgammon, p. (^^j> nardban or narduhan, m. a staircase, steps, a ladder, especially a scaling-ladder, p. iJi/^jjit^ji fri f '^^ nir-disht, described, pointed out, ascertained, s. uiJbj«iy 'H^^i3 fif^JUS nii'-dharan,J ing, settling or fixing with accuracy, certainty, t. 0.lftn5J fcT^rftiT nii'-dharit, ascertained, de- termined. 4. *^(5J fff^^ nir-dharm, impious, immoral. nridharm, m. manly property or duty. «. ^jj^9>iiji fVf^ftlcftiO nir-adhikdrif one acting without right or authority, t. ^^f't^y f*r§*r nir-dhan, indigent, without wealth, s. ^fcSJ r«1^^*T nir-dahan, m. marking-nut. «. j^iiy fH^^«i1 nir-dahant, f. a sort of creeper, ' from the fibres of which bowstrings are made (Scm$f veria zeylanica), s. (j^iiy ^*^% )iir-da,t, f^rt^ wtr-rfay, or flf^'^ nir-dayl, cruel, merciless, hardhearted. «, "} ( 737 ) ^J^ (ji?,5y f^^ nir-desh, m. order, command, description, pointing out, depicting or exhibiting. «. ^dy ^^ nri-dev, m. a king. 5. cil^y r« T I,Q q|i wM'-a7'>y C^m niras, worse, inferior; dry, taste- less, insipid, unsavoury ; m. dryness, insipidity. *. il^Mji TniM nirast, expelled, abandoned. $, Ji^Ji f^TT^ nir-astTj unarmed, without wea- pons. ». [instrument, s. lxl**»j tTPCfiim nar-singa, m. a horn, wind A ^^ ^ "wITM^ nar-singh or «jW^ nri-singh, the name of the fourth avatar or incarnation of Fis^nu, which uappened in Satya-yuga, upon the following occasion. Hiranya-kashipu, an impious prince, was enraged at his son Prahlad for worshipping the Al- mighty, and tried every means of destroying him, by poison, by throwing him into fire, into the ocean, &c., yet Prahlad lived. "If3'0ur God is present every- where," says Hiranya-kashipu, "let him come from an alabaster pillar," on which Narsingha appeared, with the lower part of a man and the upper part of a lion, destroyed the father, and set the son on the throne. Ate ; a chief, a great man. s. \Ji^jMy 'H^HMOnI nar-singiya, m. one who plays on the horn, s j^y*>i •TT^ narson, the fourth day past or to come, some days ago or hence, t. \po nargha, m. surrounding; a kind of long drum, nargha Jcarna, to surround, u. ■ \5J nurkdl, m. a kind of reed of which mats are made (v. narJcat). s, cL)J -qrioF narak, m. hell, narak-kund, a well or pit in hell. «. CL^J> r»i<\^ nirukt, obscure, obsolete; m. a glossary of Vedic terms (also niruJcH, f.). fciLiy V T <4 ^*M^ \ narJikara, m."j the throat, the ^j'j^ji f\iM^ narkhafi, f.j throttle, h* liA^ ftl 4.4^*11 nirakhna, a. to look behind one, to look at ». iy narga (for nargha), a kind of drum. d. j\S^ nar-gaw, m. a bull. p. ijC^J f^T^ nirgat, gone out. departed, s. f^j*Sy nargis, f. a narcissus ; (met.) the eye of a mistress, nargisi maMl"iiir, an epithet applied to a mistress's eyes (intoxicated Narcissus), p, j^lJL*>P nargistdn, ) m. a bed of narcissus f^\i\^y nargis-ddn,J flowers; a phial into which they put a narcissus, p. (_g^j^ nargisi, of or relating to the narcissus ; "name of a species of cloth, p. Sji r»i?IH nir-gam, m. going forth, exit. s. ^j> ftf^XEf nir-gun, unstrung (as a bow, neck- lace, &c.); without passions or human qualities (an epithet of God); without estliiiable qualities, worth- less, unskilful, nirguna-twa, m. the state of being free from all qualities, s. ^.^jLI^ f»T5^J^ nir-gunthi, f. a shrub ( P'itex "Meg'ttnrfo); the root of the lotus, e. ^ibi^y ffff(^ nirgandhfinodorons. nirgandh- pushpt, f. the Siraal or silk-cotton tree. *. (j^_/ f«lf^»T nir-ghin, not odious, not to be detested, s. [an index. «. cLcJl^^P f^rtrp nirghant, m. a vocabulary, cIliA^y f'Tf^W nir-lipt, unsmeared, undefiled ; a name of Krishna, s. ^y f«T^T3r nir-lajj, shameless, impudent, s. ^ Jj f«i<^>T nir-lohh, 1 disinterested, free ig^.y>J^ f'T^H^ nir-lohhi,) from avarice. $. ftji narm, soft; defective (coin); easy, gentle, silly, p. JiUp narmdda, m. a hinge; a joint, p. iS^j> narmdgi, »a)IxP fif^T^ nir-mdlya, m. purity, clear- ness, cleanness ; the remains of an offering presented to a deity, s. ^l/cj ffiHlld nirmdn, m. make, manufacture, construction ; pith, marrow, essence, s. Xi\icj> narmand,a.. to soften, to render mild. p.h. dA<0 f»lf"AH nir-mit, made, fabricated, arti- ficial. «. [phant out of rut «. ^^cj PhA^ nir-mad, sober, quiet; m. an ele- \i^j> »lA?JT narmadd, f. the Nerbudda river, s. ^ycJ> fi{^ nir-mal, \pure, limpid, clean, *:^j> r*lA<^I nir-mald,} transparent, spot- less. «. UUli fri^c^fll nir-malatd, f. "|^ pureness, i^iLeJ fri^f^rl nir-malatwa, m.i limpidness, pellucidness, cleanness, clearness, transparency, x. A«P f?R^ nir-mali, f. name of a seed with "which water is cleared {Slrychnos potatorum); tb« clearing nut. «. 3 fi^ nir-mom, disinterested, unselfish. $ 3b /■softness, tenderness, p. d. narma,i,) r fj ( 788 ) 3f avO r»lAnri T nir-mamta, f. "| disregard of i^x^j) frlHHr* nir-mamtroay m.) self, dis- interestedness. «. [serted. «. /AJ-O fq^H ^ nir-manush, uninhabited, de- Jk/«y f»T^ nir-mul, baseless, unfounded, eradicated. ». ^ »« J ftl'ff^ nir-mohi, unkind, cold-bjooded, " void of affection or attachment ; a stoic. *. «/«J norma, soft, narma i gosh, the lobe of the ear. p. x,"^ narmi, \f. softness, tenderness, iA/«J narmlr/at,} sweetness, delicacy ; simplicity, silliness, p. ^tiju«y «!TTnTwar-?nerfA,m. ahuman sacrifice.s. ^\3J f«T^^ nir-nath, having no master or protector, nirnathtd, f. ■widowhood. «. jljy fRi.*i1l. nir-antar, incessant, without in- terval, nirantarabhyas, m. private study, diligent pursuit, s. i^j> rH^1 nir-ankush, unchecked, uncon- trolled. *. [teous. ». K.,r^>y f«T^iT^iR nir-namaskarf uncour- fXj> f*1^^ nirnai, fixed, established, certain, ~ appointed ; m. ascertainment, certainty. «. c:„^j3J ffllrffil nirnit, ascertained, determined, decreed. *. [not windy. 5. O^jjj fHtli! mV-m<, m. a calm ; adj. still, (i>ljy ^^TUf nir-van, extinguished, extinct ; m. beatitude, emancipation from matter and reunion with the Deity. ». »\. i f»t^T^ nir-vahy m. accomplishment, com- pletion, end ; maintaining, providing means, suffi- ciency. «. i— -»«y fifCJ ni-rup, without form (the Deity) ; incorporeal. *. [pointed. *. CL^>jJi f^'iSmt nirupit, ascertained, ap- ^.) , .3 fq^mu nirupan, m. ascertaining, deter- mining s. [tion of Vishnu, s. jUji "^^TI? nri-varah, m. the boar incarna- Ojj j3 f»I^ 7iir-vrit, ended, emancipated, content, nir-vritli, f. completion, rest, final emanci- pation, t. {^xedoarda). t. lJ**3J^ f»!f"^^ nirvisht, f. a plant {Curcuma jOj i fHp^eltK nir-vikdr, unchanged, uohI- tered, uniform, t. '^jy •re^ narukh, male, masculine, h. i.iJjy f*iO'! nirog, \ in high health and ij ^Ji f^^!^ nirogi, ) spirits; free from sickness, t. ^J^^J> nir-vighna, unobstructed, freely, t. i^^y f*rt^ nir-van, bare, open (a country). $. LfctiOj i ffff^^wn nir-vindhya, f. a river that rises in the Yindhya mountains. $. uli>jjjy fffff^fcir nir-vivek, foolish, indiscri- minating. *. jjf jjj f«T^ftT nir-vtj, seedless, impotent, s. jf.j>,y^ f^rtW nir-virj, tame, emasculated. *. i^jy f«T^^ nir-ved, not having the Vedas ; infidel, unscriptoral. t. [mity. $. OiiJ f»|^JC nir-vair, friendly, free from en- »j ^TO nara or narra, m. a male; adj. rough, rude, ugly. «. jfcj «rt^ narhar, m. a shank, a leg. h. [j^y ftrfn nir-has, dull, grave, averse to laughter, s. [from piide. *. j\sLj&3 f^mgR nir-ahankar, humble, free p.' tirft nari, f. a kind of leather, skin; goat or sheepslcin leather coloured or dyed ; a weaver's shuttle, h. bj ^ifipiT nariya, f. a tile. h. ^_^bj3 ftf^nr nir-yaSf m. extract, decoction ; exudation, s. >y «TT7 naret, m.l throat, windpipe, na- •ITTI nareta, ra. V reft dahana, to ^6J tT^?^ nareit, f.J throttle. A. Viiy f»TT?h?T nirlcha, f. looking at, hope, ex pectation. «. ^j*.^ i •TTI^r naves, I m. lord of men, ^jo «T^ naresk, > ruler, king, a j^iy «U5*IT. na7esAwar,J sovereign. *. iy*>.Ji f«lTtT5I nirtsh, m. tl>e body of a plough. «. ^j^x^y frfO^'O nirlkshan, looking at, seeing, expecting, nirikshit, beheld, expected. NtViA-£/j«naii, adj. looking, expecting. «. [^PJ- *• Ia^x> i f«Il.^^ nirekhna, a. to behold, to jijjj J «i^»57?arendra, m. a king, a sovereign.*, »X>,y nainna, a male, masculine, p. j> .IT nar, m. a reed {Arundo tibialis) ; a tribe whose employment is making glass bracelets. «. \jji narara, ^the throat, the windpipe, the iSj^ narartfJ w< ^jy h'easand (v. naret). d* cdJji ( 739 ) eMj> A^di^ ^ narkiya, abounding in reeds, s. ^ji narla, the throat, the windpipe (v. na- ret). d. (jj/«vi TrpftrT nar-mln, m. a small fish haunt- ing reedy places. *. [reeds, t li>Sj^ riTI»! nar-man, reedy, abounding in jjf^'3 nari, a kind of fireworks, d. p nazz, brisk, active ; ground from which water flows, a i\y nazad, l (v. nizhad) origin, root, fa- l^\y nazdda,) mily, &c. p. .U3 nizar, thin, slender, subtile, p. [j^ji nizari, f. thinness, slenderness. p. clji niza', m. contention, litigation, dispute, controversy, a. [ness. a. Cl/SVJ nazakat, f. elegance, politeness, soft- C^\j> nazahaty f. purity, exemption or re- moteness from sin. a. , ^'j> nizd ornazd,')nez,r, hard by, close to, dLbiip nazdtk, J neighbouring, contiguous, almost, about: the word nazdlk has somehow been doomed to undergo several corruptions ; the Hindus of the north change it into nagich, and the people of the Deccan into 7iazllc. najik, nazik, &c. p. ij<>py nazdVil, f. propinquity, vicinity, near* *'neBs, neighbourhood. />. t6 naz\ m. the last breath, gasping in the agonies of death, a. tihS nazik (for nazdtk, q. v.), near. Sec. p.d. ftjj nazla (also nuzla), m. a defluction of hu- mours, a catarrh, a. Jjj3 niiznl, m. descent, alighting, sojourn- ing ; a cataract (in the eye), nuzuli ah, a swelling of the testicle, which (excepting the case of a blow, or of hernia) is universally ascribed to thedescent of water; it therefore comprehends hydrocele, hernia humoralis, and scirrhus : in revenue language, escheated property that has lapsed to the state from want of legal claim- ants, a. iZ^y nuzhat, f. verdure, freshness ; pleasure, delight, cheerfulness; distance ; integrity; orna- ment, a. tibjj nazik (for nazdVi, q. v.), near, &c. nazlkt, nearness, neighbourhood, p. d. iVj nizhad or nazhad, m. origin, root, seed, family, descent, extraction, p. Si\> nizhand or nazhand, formidable ; asto- ' Dished, sad, angry ; m. a learned preceptor, p. ^J> nas, f. a vein ; a sinew, nasdar, sinewy, full of veins, a, ^Ji nus, m. the environs of the mouth ; un- derstanding, p. [nir) without, &c. * (-0 nis, a privative particle used in com p. (v. ^j-w..> f^ nis or ftTfij 7iisi,\f. night. nisa- char , \— «i r»f«r nisd, J a demon ; a rob- ber, a thief; a nocturnal animal, an animal that watches and feeds by night, nisd-kar or -ndth, the moon. s. \— *^ tTOTnasa, f. the nose. s. L«J nisd, f. pi. women, ladies ; the female sex. a. jLJ ffT:^rR ni-sdr, sapless, pithless ; vain ; m. a plant {Trophis aspera). s. , (_>»>LJ f^TOT^ nisds, m. breath, respiration, t. -j,UJ nassdj, m. a weaver j an inventor, a. U\-«*> rf^tTT nasdnd, a. to spoil, to destroy, to squander, to annihilate ; n. to be destroyed, &c. *. ^L*3 nasdjim (pi. of j»Ju«3), breezes, &c. a. i_' -'> nasah, m. genealogy, lineage, family, caste, nasab-ndma, m. pedigree, account of descent, genealogical tree. a. t^'i -'^ nisbat, f. relation, affinity, betrothal or betrothed; attribute, reference j (past pos.) re- specting, regarding, a. ^ju**i n2.s&a^i, related, having reference to ; m. " a wife's brother, a, [the moon. t. C>Ju<-S f^trfir nis-pati, m. the lord of night, jjum^ ftl^i^ ni-sprih or ni-spriha, content, free from envy, indifferent, t. \st>JuJ> timmi ni-sprihd, f. a plant {Gloriosa superba). s. [able, s, JojumS fHM4^ nispand, still, steady, immove- ^ .A«.i ftTW^? nisprlh (for nisprih, q. v.), exempt from desires, s. [nose. A. tl>wO «TCr nasi, m. a snufi', sternutatory j the \jL-3 «THT nastd, f. a hole bored in the sep- tum of the nose. /*. XLJi ii{WJi nisidr, m. acquittal, release, rescue ; security ; final beatitude, t. \XL^ f»!Wni nistdrd, m. definitive settle- ment, decision, decree, adjustment; blessing. «. U.ll«-3 f«lHR«n nisidrnd, a. to release, to acquit, to exempt the soul from further transmigra- tion, s, ^.jj^i^ fdW^^jlf nistdr-vij, m. the cause of salvation, faith in any deity, s. ^ JL-3 nastaran, m. the white rose of India {Rosa glanduUfera, Roxh.) ; name of a kind of cloth, p. (JAjCLJ) nastaTik (for nasM'tci'lik), m. a kind of Persian writing (or character), a. tdJyuJ firefly nistok, m. definitive settle- ment, decision, decree, adjustment. *. ^ dull, obscure, im- ^sjLJ ■ftr^^ nis-tej, 1 < ^j^^ir^ frf^id ^^ 7iis-tejas,) 3b2 potent. «. ( 740 ) «J^ f^;^W ni-satya, false, untrue, ni-sat- yata, f. falsehood. «. ^J> naxj, m. act of weaving, a. iJL*j^ f»iOMK nischit, sure, undoubted. *. .jsf!'^ f^T^rw^ nis-char, 1m. a man or animal \js£^ ^ffW^trj nis-chara,} that prowls about in the night ; a demon, a robber, a thief. ». j^>\^**' ffTJrsni^ nis-chara,t, f. prowling ' about. mschara,i k., to prowl In the night. *. i_e^^ Ph^M nischai, indubitable, certain, "inevitable, positive, sure, questionless. «. ««3 naskhf m* abolition; transcribing; a kind of Arabic character, a. OUs?^*"^ nusMfljO't (barbarous pi. of sJ^), recipes, books, copious, volumes, a. »J^ nusMa-, m- a recipe, prescription of in- gredients for any composition ; an exemplar, proto- type, a copy or model ; a writing, a book, a letter. nus]^-navlst, recipe-writing, copies, &c. h. j*«!> nasr, m. a vulture, an eagle, nasru-t- t&.ir, the constellation of the Eagle. nasru-l-waJci', the constellation Lyra. «. jo^ f»n^RT!I ni'saran, ra. death j exit, going forth ; expedient ; final beatitude. ». \3-«<3 f^nrnn nisama, n. to move out, to come forth ; to issue, t. ^J>,J*^ nasrln, m. a wild rose; the sweet briar or eglantine, p. ^J>.J*^ nasrain (du. the two nasrs, q. v.), the constellations of the Eagle and the Lyra. a. /y*j nasak, m. order, series, arrangement ; usage, manner, style ; manner of writing, a. j-^**** nasak-chl, an arranger (of an array); "a chamberlain, an orderly officer; an executioner. nasdkchi-bashi, chief chamberlain or orderly, a. t. cLxfcV^..? Priyil^ nis'hapat, without fraud or deceit ; open, artless, honest, sincere, s, ti^ V o x) f«Tt^n^m-sMM,di8agreeable,unhappy. 5. J-i-J nasi, f. race, pedigree, genealogy, de- ^ scent, breed, caste, origin, family, a. ^L«J naslan, by descent, naslan-bi-naslin, in regular descent, or succession, a. A.M*) nasUf of or relating to family, a. (^jtj\l^ nasnas or nisiias, m. an imaginary monster ; a monstrous race of men or demons who have only one leg and thigh, and move by leaping; a satyr, a lawn ; a kind of ape, the marmoset, an ourang- outang. a, Inasnas). a, ^^\Ui nnsnasi, monstrous, diabolical (v. ,^juu-3 ftr^njs nisanth, ill-omened, h. .fciiju-i frf«r»*l nitandhif solid, tight, not leaky. <« ^liX^ f^fff'-*! ni-sindhu, m. a shrub (Vitex negundo). t. [compactness, t. (_j^\jbjj*<0 frfrn^n^ nuandha,i, f. solidity, ,4^.jJu.j f»TW^^ nis-sandeh, undoubted, be- yond suspicion, undoubtedly. «. t -,Ji.x.Md.> fi{W^7ii-sanh, without fear, fearlessly ; free from doubt or suspicion. *. tJLS^^.) fr^TlfT ni-sankat, without trouble or difficulty, easily, *. ^ j\ j; ... » ■ > f»nr^t^ nl-sankoch, without con- tracting ; without shame or reserve. «. (.f>i«*> f«T:^?T^ ni-sang, separated, uncon- nected, s. IjA*-*' f^:^^ ni-sneha, f. linseed, s. i\y^ ffTJWr^' ni-srvadu, insipid, tasteless, s. (_j*»i^-*J fsT^nr niswas, m. breath, s. 8^***) fffJ^ ni-aiva, poor, indigent, s. «--*> fVrt^ ni-saha, unbearable, irresistible. ni-sahatwa, n. inability to bear, impatience, s. \^**> nasaha, veiny, veined, a. h. j^-*> tl^ nasi, f. a coulter, a ploughshare. "tuuya, nasal, relating to the nose. h. $. jjjljL«-.> nisyan, m. forgetting, oblivion, a. >^ « >■ « . > f\*i\i nasithy ill-omened, h. ^Lum> nasVu, veined ; of good breed, a. h. A^ nasij, a garment of fine texture, a. j,juJ nasim, f. a gentle zephyr, fragrant air, a breeze, nasimi sojar, the morning breeze, a. (^^JUJ r»i«»t1 nisaini or ftTH»lft nisenly f. a " wooden ladder. ». nasiya or nisiya, a thing not worth while ; any thing forgotten ; extended credit : money promised, a. p. &ju*J rf^ nasya, nasal ; m. snufF. s. l^A*«^ Hfil^I naslha, a light plough used in tender soils. A. ;jl> ftr^ n?sA, If. night: nwA, as a prefix, l-ij f*T^ nisha,} denotes without, deprived of, as nish-chhidr, without flaw or hole. «. [Jl> nasha, m. intoxication, a headache or crop sickness (from over drinking), nasha-iiior, • person who takes intoxicating drugs, &c., a drunk- ard, a. [water-lily. s. u^AiijUi Pri^iMBM nishd-pushp^ ra. the white C^liJ nashdt, f. a creature ; any thing pro- duced or growing ; appearing, growing, o. ^Lio f»t^li-m, iiislidcha?', walking at night; m. a Rdkslias or goblin, a thief; an animal that feeda bj- night, s. ^/^lij rd5ll'*40 nishd-chari, f. a harlot, a whore, a night-walker, a female fiend ; a sort of pei^ fume. «. Ui ( ^41 ) i^LiJ ftfm**' nishad, m. the first musical note j a man of degraded caste. «. aju*»LiJ nishasta, m. starch, p. )o\JiJ nashdt, m. gladness, joy, pleasure. nishat, brisk, cheerful, lively, a. [crow. *. uiJliJ j^ fit m ^ nish-prih, contented, free from envy. s. [groundless, s. f^^^.j-^ fH'Uih'H nish-])rayojan,cause\es8f \-w5jui.3 frTp^inwjT nishi-pushpa, f. name of a flower (NycioHthes tristis). s. f^j^J^ ffi«j^ nhhpann, done, concluded, s. AaJLJ) f^UHtj S niAh-phaly barren, fruitless, im- potent nithphald or nishphali, f. a woman past child- bearing. *. •xSJ nasktar, f. a lancet, a fleam, nashtat lagana, to bleed, to phlebotomize, p. cLa^S *fl? nasht, lost, destroyed, nashttd, f. destruction, nasht-chandr , m. the moon on the fourth lunation of either half of Bhadr. nashf-chetan, fainted, insensible, s. ULiJ »fCT nashta, f. an adulteress, s. \^l^ frT^T nishtha, f. confirmation, belief, s. ^^l^jLiS fiJW^ nishthdn,in.sdLUce, condiment.*, j^i^ fnai. nishthur, hard, harsh, nishthurta, f. harshness, s. [m. certainty. *. ClAifi^ fJTf^JW nish-chit, certain, determined ; j^^ f^TS^nish-char (v. nis-char),^ prowler.*. {j\}^ "ftrant nish-chara,t, f. prowling in the night, s. {j^^^^^ rn ' iil^ nishchukkan, m. a tooth- powder prepared of sulphate of iron. i. (J«f^ f'TO^ nish-chal, still, fixed, immove- able. «. [posed immoveable). «• ^)*>s^ f'TS^T nish-chald, f. the earth (sup- i.L^^)^s=^ f* T'' gcjM^ nish-chaldng, m. a kind of crane {Ardea nivea) ; a mountain, a rock. ». Caa*^ f^OijI nl nish-chint, thoughtless, in- considerate, s. .(^^^ frTferj nish-chhidvy without flaw or defect ; having no hole or rent. a. i_ff^ f^T^Sra nish'Chai, m. certainty, trust, be- **lief, faith; adj. actual, real, ascertained; actually, undoubtedly, s, iJULx^ f^TW nish'Chesht, powerless, in- capable of effort, s. ^sJl> fJT^V nishadh, m. a mountainous range north of the Himalaya ; a country in the south-east of India, nishiddh, prohibited, nishiddhata, f. pro- hibition, s. yLi nashr, n\. spreading (as a carpet) ; dif- fusing, publishing (news) ; life ; penetrating or sink- ing into, nashr-k., to sink or blot (as ink on bad paper), a. [tude. «. ^J^JL'i Hil^HH nishreyas, m. final beati- j^*<*-io nishast, i\ sitting, nishast-baj'khast, f. good breeding, etiquette, politeness, nishast-gah, f. a place where people meet to sit and talk. p. ^^JL-iJ nishastan (r. nishin), to sit, to settle down or cease, p. [less. <• ■ ,\ ^i ','> fj^MiKH ww^-/iarflW,causeless,ground- *K^ fHUhlH nisk-kdm, free from wish ; un- willingly, s. [cere. *. ei-^^^-.^ r«1^M nishim, m. a bird's nest, a resting- ^j\-»xSj nishtmdn,\m. a seat, a bench, a ^^»A<£.> nishiman, J mansion, p. ;jj-ij nishtn, (in comp.) seated on, dwelling in, &c., as tdjij^t-nishtn, seated on the throne, a reign- ing monarch, p. jjruSJ «l^i|f1 nashyan, perishing, decaying, s. t^xi^ nishint, f. (abstr. of wt«Atn) sitting, kcp. jjo3 nass, shewing forth, manifesting ; proof, demonstration ; m. a text, a clear and express dictum of law which cannot be set aside, a. L-.»UaJ nisah, f. a root, origin, principle ; dignity, fortune ; capital, principal, property ; a cer- tain estate, or number of cuttle for which a tax is paid, nif dim- f-f ibyan (lit. the capital stock of children), the title of an Arabic vocabulary with Persian trans- lation in rhyme, a. JjyUfii nasara, m. Nazareth, the name of a " city ; (in a plural or collective seute) Naxaicnei, Christians, a. ( 742 i»f*J*^ ftf^awm nish-kraman, m. going forth ; taking a child for the first time out of the house, i. <,:!).ciCm..^ PHMiJl^cfc ???g/t-Aflnfa^,without thorns, free from trouble. *. ,^JuCiJ fwjtufiZ^nisft-kanth, m. a plant (^Cap- paris trifoliata). t. ^mJuL3 ffTt^TffXT ni-shansay, undoubted, s. tilJuiJ fff^lJH ni-skanh (also nishanha), fear- less ; boldly. «. [silea dentata). $, v^Xm»3 ftfM^eh nishannah, m. a potherb (Mar- \* ^ -•-*'> ftm^ nishangy m. union, meeting, s. yLi nasho or nashm, ra. vegetation, nashw o nama, growing up. a. (^jn\yt^ fffl'tSlij nishrvds, m. breath expired, s. jy^ nushur, rising from the dead, resurrec- ) OiS ^LaS nasdfih (pi. of CL*^C^), counsels, ad- vices, admonitions, a. naxh, m. fixing, erecting, planting, an establishment, nofb-lt., to establish, to appoiot. nofb-h., to be fixed, a. jtoi nasr, m. assistance, victory, a. j3^^- nasrdni, m. a Christian, the Christian religion (pi. nSfara, q. y.). a. CLo^\j*ai nasrdntyat, f. a Christian woman, the Christian religion, a. 0^*a> nusrat, f. victory, assistance, defence, a, t— fl.«a. > nisf, half; middle-aged, nisfu-n- ndhar, midday, a. \.jUAi\suo^ nisfd-nisfy 'I half, dividing into fSLjoiMueO nisfd-nisfiyj two,cutting through the middle, being in the middle, half and half, a, naiib, ni. fortune, lot, chance, portion, part, fate, destiny (in Hindustani it is always con- strued as a plural), naslb iarne, to be competitor for any thing; (lit. fortune fighting for any one) the commencement of prosperity, noflb jagna, to be fortunate, a. [fortunate, a. ft AA nazjdi-atf f. freshness, beauty, ver- dure, pleasingness. lustre, brightness, floridness. a. ^ai nazijy ripe, mature, soft, nazj or nuzj, ripening, suppuration, a. ^a3 n?V or nita\ naf or nata*, a piece of dressed leather which they spread as a table or table- cloth ; also one on which they play at draughts or chess, a. ftfiViJ nut fa, m. seed ; Sperma hominis ; the sea ; clear water, nuf/a bintu-l-'inab, (lit.) " the seed of the daughter of the grape," i. e. a bastard begotten in a fit of intoxication ; a term of abuse, a. ^ix> nutkf speech, diction, utterance, articu- lation. a. i$j^ nazdragi or nazzdragt, f. seeing, Iook- ' ing at observation, a, S.ua> nazdra or nazzdra, m. the sight, vision ; m. a spectator, na^ara-baz or -kun, a gazer, a. ^LJuaJ 7iaf,afat, purity, cleanness, neatness, a. Uao ( 743 ) JA> j^Ja> nizam, m. order, disposition, arrange- ment; custom, habit; a string of pearls ; a composer, arranger ; a ruler or sovereign prince ; basis, founda- tion, constitution, ni^dmu-l-mulk, the administrator of the empire, a. Jt^jo^ nasrzam for nuzzam (pi. of -^^), a go- vernor, ruler ; a prince or lord ; the title of the prince of Hj'derabad in the Dcccan. — (Binning). I would with due deference suggest that the words nazzdm and naivwdb, are not plurals and never were intended as such by the people of India. They are merely that derived form of the root called by the Arabs " ismi- tnuhdla,ghatin" or " noun of excess," such as Jj,ajjdm, jalldd, &c.— (D. F.). a. Lll.*/cUa> Jtizamat, f. arrangement, govern- ment; theadministrationof criminal justice, ni^dmat- 'ttddlat, the chief criminal court of the British govern- ment in Bengal: it was originally established at Murshid-dbdd, and removed to Calcutta in 1790. a. J\iai naza,ir (pi. of 8^jJa3), those who are looked upon or revered above others, eminent or dis- tinguished men, nobles, grandees, a. /^ yai nazar, f. the sight, vision, look, a glance ; doubt, perplexity, nazar-anddz, rejected, nazar-anddzi, estimate of a crop, iVc. by inspection without measure- ment, nazar-hdz, an ogler ; a juggler, nazar-hdzi, f. ogHng. H«2ar-6an nazm, f. poetry, verse ; order, arrange- ment ; a string, nagm o nasak, order and arrange- ment a. tg¥^ nazml, m. a composer, arranger, ad- juster ; a poet, a versifier, a. Xj^liO nazurat, the first line or van of an army. a. jJai nazir, m. example, instance, parallel ; adj. alike, resembling, equal to. na^iru-s-iomt, the Nadir (in astronomy), a. ^j^a> nazirat, one who is looked npon or revered above others; comparison, example, spe- cimen, a. ^_°t^^ naztf {fexa.. nazifa), pure, clean, a. JU3 ni'al (pi. of (JaJ), shoes, &c. a. Oi>'> na't, f. prai?e (especially of Muham- mad), eulogium ; an epithet ; an adjective noun. a. JjO nn'ra, m. a shout, clamour, noise. naWa- kash or -xan, one who shouts out. ncfra-kashi or -xant, f. ihouting. a. {Ji»jO na'sh, a bier, a coffin ; a litter on which a sick person is carried, hanatu-n^nd th, the con- stellation of the Bear. a. ^J*i na'l, m. shoe (of a horse or man); a horse-shoe ; the ferrule at the end of a scabbard ; a hoof; a wife, nc^l-band, a blacksmith who shoes horses, a farrier, rufl-bandi, f. giving a horse new shoes, in opposition to Tchol-bandt, which means chang- ing a horse's shoes; alight tribute, horse-shoe money.*. (:^jw na'alain, du. a pair of shoes of a pai'- ticular kind, t. e. with wooden soles, a. **> ni'avi (pi. of l1* »*■>), favours ; pleasures, comforts, or blessings (of life). nVma, an expression of approval or praise. nPma-l-badal, change for the bet- ter, o. U*> na'ma, If. favour, graciousness, bene- CLj^xi ni'mat,) fit; delight, joy; affluence, ease, wealth. n»'«»at-M?"" or -hJirpdr, enjoying ease or affluence, a. u*^ na'na, ^ m. plant, spearmint, mint cIajO na'nd', J (Mentha sativa). a. ^yC na'uzu, (lit.) let us seek refuge, na'uzu bi-l-ldhi, let us flee to God (from any thing wicked), a. )o^ nu'uz, m. surrectus et intensus (penis), a, L-i«v*> w'X^-i *^he croaking of a raven, &c. a, j^ijO r^tm, m. beneficent, bountiful, God ; quiet, repose, tranquillity, jannatu-n-na'im or jannati ntflm, the paradise of repose, the delights of paradise, a. ».li> n agh ara (for nakara^y a kettle-drum. nt^drchi, a drummer, t. d. Sii naghd (for nahd), cash, ready money, d. Ii> naghz, beautiful, good, excellent; any thing rare or wonderful ; sincere, swift, nimble, nogfi- zdk, (dim. form) good, pretty ; the mango, p. Jtki nagham, \ ni. melody, song, modula- &*i) naghma,] tion ; a musical note ; a sweet voice, na^hna-^ard^, or -sanjt, music, melody, a. 4ila> nqfaz, m. penetrating, pervading, pierc- ing ; escape from an enemy ; adj. obeyed (an order). a_ i,^j*i\so nafas or nifas, m. child-birth, labour, bringing forth ; a woman for forty days after child-birth, puerperal period, a. LlA**>la> nafasat, f. exquisiteness, deeming a thing of high value, a. tolij nafat, m naphtha, bitumen, or a place where it is found in plenty ; lamp-oil. a. ijlfli nifak, m. hypocrisy, fallacy, prevarica- tion ; (in Pers. and Hind.) disagreement, enmity, a, cll.*fl> naft or nift, naphtha, any combustible matter, p. iflS nafkh, m. blowing (with the mouth), sounding (a horn, &c.) ; inspiring, breathing into ; swelling, a. liij nafzt m. penetrating, piercing,pervading.a. J^ ( 744 ) Lr« J^ nafar, in, a groom, a servant ; an indivi- dual or person, as tin nafar, three persons, nafar gaffl faifala, settlement of land revenue, taxes, &c., made with the individual cultivators themselves, in- dependent of any landholder ; also called ro^iyat-iadri faifala, q. v. a. ^Ufl3 nufaragi or nafara,ty f. service, &c. (v. M^farl). d. [vants, &c. a. l3^^ nafrani, f. (fern, of nafar) female ser- {Zj^jSO na/rat, f. abomination, aversion ; flight, terror, nafrat-angex, exciting aversion, a. ^^ nafari, f. service, profession, trade (par- ticularly of a groom) ; a giant, demon, a. -jJ^ nafiin, f. detestation, abhorrence ; an imprecation, curse, opprobrious words; flight, terror. p. itiKAJ nafas, m. the breath, respiration ; the voice or sound from the breast ; a minute, an instant. nafati baz-pa*tn, the last breath, nqfas-gir, suffo- cated, a. {juSi> nafs, the soul, spirit, essence, substance ; concupiscence, sensuality ; sperm ; desire ; gravity ; pride ; envy ; vice ; the penis. nafsit-Uamr, the essence, soul, or foundation of a thing, nafsi-ammara or -ba- himi, inordinate appetites, concupiscence, beastly pro- pensities nafs-parast, a sensualist, nafsi-sab'i or -lawwama, irascibility or promptitude to the vindic- tive passions, nqfs-htsh, one who controls his passions. nqfs-kuthi, self-denial. nafsi-mutma,inna or -maiaki, benevolence, nqfsi mtUhima, the inspiring breath or spirit, a. i^Uyij nafsani, luxurious, carnal, sensual, a. ^..jLi\.„Q> nafsaniyat, f. luxury, sensuality, carnality ; pride, pomp, statelinesa. a. ^M»fl3 nafsi, carnal, sensual, animal or beastly. "nafase, for an instant, one moment a. )aSL> naft, 1^ naphtha, bitumen, lamp-oil. ftVifl3 nafta, J nafta-anddzt, an exhibition of fireworks, a. xftj naf, 1m. profit, advantage, interest. djtSO naf a, J naf'-k., to benefit, nqf'-h., to be benefitted, nnf^a-nuifdn, profit and loss. «. BASO nafha, m. the necessary expenses for living ; in the language of the law it signifies all those things which are necessary to the support of life, such as food, clothes, and lodging : many confine it solely to food. a. ^Ja) najl, m. a voluntary act of devotion which may be omitted innocently, as not being pre- scribed by law; a work of supererogation, nafal, plunder {irom infidels), a. [vading. «. 3ja> naJuZf m. penetrating, piercing, per- j^fli nafur, frightened, fleeing from; abhor- ring, hating, nufur, excelling, conquering, a. (^jt»^ nufus (pi. of ^j«jb nafs), souls, spirits, individuals, persons, a. ^i^ nafi, m. forbidding, prohibition; re- "Jecting, refusing ; negative; refuse, filth, refusal ; an- nihilation, non-existence; (in law) the denial of a child's paternity, and its consequent rejection, on the ixirt of a man. a. j(jo naflvy f. a brazen trumpet, f. {Jj^ nafiri, f. a kind of trumpet, p. (^^j«jiflj nafls, precious, delicate, exquisite, a. 153 naka, f. purity, cleanness; pure, clean; good, virtuous, exemption, a, (.--»IS3 nikdb, m. a veil, a liood for the face. nikab-dar or -pesh, one who wears a veil ; adj. veiled, a. 5w nakkdd, m. a person whose business it is to examine money and ascertain its goodness, an assayer; an adept a. [kettle-drum. a. t. ^j»-^so nakdr-chi, m. one who beats the dj\^j\sij nakdr-khana, the place at the porch of a palace where the drums are beaten at stated in- tervals, a. 8j\i> nahdra or nakkdra, m. a kettle-drum. ndkdra bqjdte phima, to make u proclamation by beat oi drum. a. [drum. a. 4^153 nakdri, m. one who beats the kettle- (j^Iaj nakkdsh, m. a painter, a draftsman, a carver, a sculptor, an embroiderer, a. ^^'ju nakhdshi, f. drawing, painting, sculp- " ture, embroidery, statuary, a. jla> nakkdl, m. a mimic, an actor, a player; fern. naJfTfalin, an actress, Ice. a. jjli^ nakkdli, f. acting, mimicking, a. Ojlib nakdivatf f. purity, cleanness, a. iZ^\ji> nakdhat, f. recovering from disease, convalescence ; imbecility, feebleness, languidness. a, L-.* o> nakb, ni. a rabbit's burrow, a subterra- neous excavation, a mine, a gallery ; an instrument .used by miners, thieves, &c. for piercing walls ; dig- ging through a wall. a. UflJ nukahd (pi. ofw-»*fl>), chiefs, leaders,&c. a. i^ji^o tiakab-zan, m. a burglar, a. p. ^iUa> nakab-zani, f. burglary, a. p. iiSL> nakd, 1m. ready money, cash, nahd-d- l^Ai nakda,j nakd, prompt payment, nakd ojins, money and commodities, a. 8i>Si nakda, cash, &c. (v. nakd). nakde kd jofa, a bangle for the wrist, a. d. ^^J), drops. ydk-nuikt, a single drop. a. p. eJaSO nukta, m. a point, a dot, a spot, a stain, a vowel ; a geometrical point ; centre of a circle. nuJcta lagdna, to vilify ; to attach blame, to accuse, a. ^^S0 nakl, f. a history, narrative, tale, story ; copying, mimicking, acting ; transcribing ; imitating, a copy, nnkli makan, the first stage of a journej', or halting-place at a very little distance, where they re- main some time to collect what may have been for- gotten of the requisites for travelling ; tliis first stage is often made long before they really mean to set ofi', for the sake of seizing a lucky moment to commence a journey in ; transmigration ; change of place, re- moval, nakl-hand, a compiler of narratives, ndkl' navisi, f. copying, nukl, sweetmeats, dessert, ndkl-k., to remove, to transfer, to copy. a. *^M nakla, a subordinate village belonging to an estate, a. jj^iiJia) nukl-dan, m. a plate for holding fruit, sweetmeats, &c. a. p. Aib nahU, m. a narrator, story-teller ; buffoon; "adj. handed down, copied, traditional, nd^li wa 'akll. traditional and rational, h. C-jIjASS nahliyat, anecdote.s, tales, stones, a. ( 745 ) KS tii> «T«li naky f. (used in comp.) the nose. nihmat,?. puni8hment,revenge,hatred.a. (^yij nakush, a sort of shrub, nukush (pi. of naksh), pictures, inscriptions, dots on dice. a. tyii naku', m. an infusion (a term used in medicine), a. J^ nukul (pi. of (Jaj), narratives, tales, anecdotes ; copies, a. ^b nakl, pure, clean, excellent, a. L^>g) naklb, m. a chief, a leader; an intelli- gent person ; a servant or herald whose business it is to proclaim the titles of his master, and to introduce those who pay their respects to him ; an aide-de-camp or adjutant, a. j(Ji> nakir, m. a trough of a hollowed palm- tree, in which they make a strong wine from dates ; adj. small, little, few. nakir o kitmir, every particle, all the minutiae, a. {,jaJSO nakiz, adverse, contrary, opposite ; m. an enemy, an opponent, a. AjkflJ nahlh, faint, feeble, weak. a. nak-ghisni, rubbing the nose on the earth in prostra- tion or as a punishment. *. ^ »r^ nakka, m. the ace at cards or on dice. nakkd du,a, a kind of game at dice. h. OoJ nikat (pi. of »J^), points, conceits, witticisms, a. _\x> nihah, rn. matrimony, marriage; it de- notes the most honourable kind of marriage, though in Bengal the term is only applicable to a left-handed marriage, such as that of a widow, which is considered disreputable, nikdfii mit'at or nikdifi muwakkat, a tem- porary marriage, very common among Musalmans, especially when detained from home : it is celebrated with certain forms, and not considered disreputable, but it is null and void in law. a. ^^\>J JiikahJ, married (a woman), a. y^ *l«fti<. nakar, m. refusal, denial, s. KDJ nakara (for nd-hdra), useless, p. (jj6<> f«T:flFTCtff nikdran, causeless, s. '^oJ «TcirrC«ft nahdrnd, a. to refuse, to deny, .s JSjOO nakdra, worthless, useless, invalid, p. 1^9^ r*t«MW nikds, m. skirts, suburbs, outer boundary of land attached to a town, &e. ; issue, out- let, vent, source, origin, spring; adjustment of ac- counts, accomplishment; (corrup. oi nakhkhds) a daily fair for cattle, s. J,La**>oo ffToirnnr^ nikds-patra, m. statement of adjusted accounts, i. byyttO^ ■f^fefiT^tfT ni/idstd, m. a prop, a pillar, h. Uu*>OJ f«i<*l^»Tt nikdsnd, a. to take out, to extract (v. nikdlnd). s. ,j<*>y>**»oJ nikds-naivis, m. an officer in the zamlnddrl kachahri, who takes and examines the ac- count of the collections in the mufassil. t. p. j^jjOO fHehlfO nikdsi, f. taxes collected on "goods passing out of a town, export duties, &c. nikdsi kt chitthi, f a permit, a passport, s. Joo PHofil^ nikdl, m. contrivance, outlet, pro- jection, nikal-dend, to cashier, to banish, to expel, nikdl'ddlnd, to deduct, to strike out. nikdl-ldnd, to bring off. nikdl-lend, to dig up, to take out. s. (Joo nakdl, m. an exemplary punishment, a preventive, restraint, a. ^0>i nakdld, in. an eruption on the skin. d. Ijk) oo ftTo|fT55»TT nikdlnd, a. to take out, to turn out, to send out, to exclude, to poll, to do, to perform, to pick, to invent. «. J6J fried |IT nikdm, voluntarily, willingly, s. Uol.) nikdmd, 1 , , ,• ■ i ^. . _ useless, base, worthless, good ^. _ for nothing, a. j Jiuhta, m. a subtle or quaint conceit, a mystical signification, nukta-bin or -c/jin, a caviller, a carper, ntikta-pardaz, acute, subtle, nukta-pardazl, f. acuteness. nukta-ddn, -shinds, or -ras, acute, con- versant with subtleties, or whatever is mysterious, a. jSxJ fffediil niJit'i, f. a balance, small scales, h. *JLSJ fiJWS nihat, near, close by, about, in possession of. nahtf, m. the uose. s, Ux^ tfcRTT nahta, ra. nose-clipt, noseless ; m. a rogue, s. [comb duck, k, Va5o tToFTT nakta, m. the name of a bird, the jL^a5o fHohiciff^ nikat-varti, one who is or lives near, a neighbour, t. libj»-cll> H«h'<<^l nak-charha, angry, fretfal, ill-tempered, warm, passionate. *. j_^^4*^ »f*fri^<*^1 nak-chhiknl, f. name of " a sternutatory plant. ». Jo wiAflA (for nikah, q. v.), marriage, a. d, jSo nakir, sagacious, penetrating, ingenious. nuhar, ignorant, a, o frjoK^ nikar, m. a flock, a multitude; a heap, a bundle ; pith, sap, essence, h. ^ tfgi nalir, m. an alligator; the nose. s. OjX) fnejirt 7iihrit, dishonest, wicked, low ; vile, nikritl, f. wickedness, dishonesty, s. 9rjj^ *i^ nakas (v. nd-kas), vile, abject, p. (j«X> naks, inclining downward, inverting, placing topsy-turvy, a. Uu<-x) r«1 ( 746 ) y3 4<— >-> »i<*h1^ nakslr, the veins of the nose. naksir phutna, to bleed at the nose. «. jLtSo 'TW? nahshatra, a star, an asterism (v. nachhaftar). nakshatra-chakra, m. a diagram for astrological purposes, nakshatia-mald, f a necklace of twenty seven pearls ; the table of lunar asterisms. #. (SJltSj »T^f^ nahshatri, born under an auspicious planet, t. d.* . «< MV ? ftftfEpj ni-kshipt, rejected, aban- doned, forgone, given or thrown away ; pledged, left, deposited, s. [pledge, a deposit, «. c— *xi.x3 ffT^^ nikshep, m. what is left, a \J(*^ •T'S'cJ nakul, tn. the Bengal mongoose. 5. ^^^l)^ f»T«ir^^T*n nikal-hhayna, to run away. /i. I3^.(j f*T«li^5^^r»n nihal-chalna, to escape; (met.) to surpass anotlier, to be advanced or promoted; to speak much or display one's talent (spoken of a person who IVoin the modesty of a stranger had for- merly been silent). Ii. \J*»o ffT«F^^ nUtalnd, n. to be extracted, drawn, or pulled out ; to be taken off, to begin, to be invented, to escape, to rise, slip, issue, spring, t. ulySj r*i«hc^ »T^^rT 7iaku,a, m. the nose; the point of any tiling. *. [(of the noae). $. L*>1^ •nK^TOT 7)akn'asa, m. name of a disease cdl»-^ f^'\^^ nikochak, m. a tree {Allan- gium hexapetalum). s. [turvy. p. jUrt^x) niku-sar, head downwards, topsy- 'JwM>^ ffioii^tifli niko.md, a, to grin. k. f^ ( 747 ) uX I juo^ niku-siyar, 1 of good conduct, of 0^u*i^ niku-sirat, J amiable qualities, p.a. ^^ niku-kar, m. a well-doer, nihu-hari, f. beneficence, p. [jecting. despising, p. ^Ji3:>^ nakohish or nikohish, f. spurning, re- t^^j^o Ti/Awji, f. goodness, beauty, virtue, p. f^./^ nikuAyan, pi. virtues, good or noble qualities, p. -^So tfS nahh, in. a finger-nail, nakh-sihh or nakh-se sikh-talak, from top to toe. «. .^5o 7?fl^A, ni. (for nakK) the string of a paper kite. p. ijl^io f»r^T^ nikhad, m. one of the seven notes in music ; name of a HindQ inferior caste ; a chandal, q. v. t. l3jl^5o rH^jIRHI nikharna, a. to strain, to bleach, to purify, h. cdol^ ri^yiidi nakhank, m. the mark left by the nails in scratching, s, ii^4^ »i^ nikho7-d, inhuman, pitiless, nikhoragi, f. inhumanity, d. ISj^^So f*T^tT:«TT nihhoi'iidA^. to peel, to skin, ^3*^^x3 frilsHdHl nikhornd,) to clean. A. Uu»»^^x^ ftT^t^RT nikhosnd, a. to grin. A. iS^ •f^'^ waA/«, nailed, clawed, having " nails or talons ; f a kind of perfume ; a dried sub- stance of the shape of a nail. s. Ulj^^ fTf^TTRTwa A/t/v/awa, "I a. to claw, to Uljio »lf«inn«n nakiydnd, J scratch, s. ifi «T^ nalikl, f. speaking through the nose, "a nasal sound. *. [*'•')• "• jS^ nakir, m. the name of an angel (v. mun- Jj^ TicfccjS nakel, f. the wooden or iron in- strument fixed to a camel's nose, and to which the string by which he is led is fastened ; a cavezon (or cavesson). s, ^Jj^^ «ici3 g5T nuhila, pointed, sharp at top. k. »^yOt^ A^^i nahhi-munth, f. name of a game. h. sSjJ> rR nag, m. the stone of a ring, or a ttone on which a name, &c. is cut ; a mountain, s. .VC3 nigar, m. a picture, portrait, effigy, idol; a beautiful woman, mistress; adj. brilliant, bright; (in comp.) beautifying. nigar-Jcliana, a house for pic- tures, nigdr-istan, a picture-gallery, name of several works in the Persian language, p. jCjlXJ nigait, f. (abst. of nigar) painting, |7. ^j>jUO nigdrin, embellished, beautified, de- corated ; a beloved object, p. [tains, s, jc.jJi»lC3 r{J||i(|4{ nagashray, living in raoun- j_j\XJ ffTTI^ nigdli, f. a small hukha snake, "the wooden pipe of a l^uTc^a snake, p. jVO nigah, f. a look, glance, the aspect ; ob- servation, watching; custody, care. p. j^b8\-C> nigdh-bdn, m. a guard, a keeper, p. jjljJblO nigah-bdnl, f. custody, guardian- ship, p. \c^\tJ) nigah-ddr, 1m. a guard, keeper; Jj^tiJiilCj nigah-ddraj interj. look out ! have a care ! p. CL^^\dJt>\XJ> nigah-dasht, looking after, en- listing, nigdh-ddiht-k., to enlist, p. ^Jk^bslxJ nigah-dashtan, to keep; to watch or look out ; to preserve with care, p. ii^jXJ 'jpTfi?^ nag-bhid, m. a plant (Plectan- thus scuttellaroides). s. [tairc^r. «• j4fG tFM nag-hhu, of a mountain ; a moutt- i->G ( 748 ) ^ OjJIJ ^J t qfrt nag-pati, m. the lord of moun- tains, the Himalaya, t. Cl-SiJ fffrnT nigat, naked, h. [taineer. « Jo tTTTif nagaj, mountain-born, moun- UUf^^ •nfTTTT nogchund, n. to approach, h. cLJ&I^t^ '^'1-41^7 nagchdhat, 1 f. approach- ^*W^ fPI^T^ naXJ •TT^t^ nagdaund, m. (v. ndgdaund) X> "TR nagar, m. a city, a town, nagar- jan, town's folks, nagar-nari, a courtesan, a woman of the town, nagar-kof, name of a town in the Panjab, also called Kangra. nagar-vartl, one who dwells in a city. s. f^ f*fT<: nigar, m. eating, swallowing. «. Xj fffJJTi; niggar or nigar, solid. A. jj^lj nigrdn, m. looking, beholding, ex- pecting, p. fhold. p. ^JllMJij nigaristan (r. nigar), to look, to be- (^•Jjr'i;^ H'K^^r^^ nagar-swarupint, a species of metre. «. Cljob j^yli TPRttn'SI nagaropdnt, m. suburb. «. *r^ f»nr5 nigrah, m. aversion, disfavour, discouragement, dislike. «• 4jf;^ Tf^ nagart, f. a town, a village ; adj. of or belonging to a city. t. jk3 ffPTT nigar, va. an iron chain for the feet (especially of an elephant); fetters; the stocks, t. CL^jCJ nigar-ghat, impudent, bold. d. >*^ fn^Jc^iWl nigalndf a. to swallow, to gulp down. t. ftTTT nigam, scripture, holy writ ; the Vedas ; certainty, asstirance. «. {^)^-^ rnnHH nigaman, m. logical conclusion, winding up of a syllogism. «. ^^\^jX-> fi'l*if«fm^l nigam-nijvdst, dwell- ing in the Vedas, a name of Brahma, t. {j^ «i*in nagan or tpif nagna, naked (f. nagna). t. {halicacahum). s. vxC> fi'Kui nagna, heart-pea {Cardiospermum «JL>\1Cj *i'm«'7Jfl5'na/,m.a naked mendicant, s. ^fi^^ n*nMnagnatma, m. nudity, nakedness. 5. ^jJlG rH'l* quilting, h. \J,ilG rt1J|i hOW^I nagnikd, f. a girl before men- struation. re. ^^IG HH^ nagn-hu, m. ferment, a drug used to throw the mixture for spirituous liquors into fer mentation, s. jjiolO •IHl^i.^U nagni-haran, m. strip- ping, undressing, nagni-krit, stripped. «. |3=^£3 f^TftTT nigord, va. (lit. without feet) a wretch, wight; adj. ill-tempered, cross-grained. A. ,Jfcj^£3 f^PJ? nigurh, profound, obscure, hid- den, concealed. «. ^\jfc«yo fwTiinjT^ nigurhdrthf having a hidden sense or purpose. «. j^ylj wtgrSn, hanging downward, upside down. nigun-baMit, helpless, unfortunate, nigun-sar, hanging tlie head from shame, inverted, upside down topsy-turvy, p. ,^^ nigah (v. nigdh), sight, &c. p. [dub. *. CJ\^^ f^TTrfir nighdti, f. an iron mace or jj^U^JlJ nigah-hdn, m. watchman, keeper, p. ^j\x^ nigah-bdm, f. watching, taking care o£ p. j\s.^a nigah-ddr, "I m. a guardian, keeper, ij\s^LJ nigah-ddra,) an observer, p. (ej\s^CJ nigah-ddri, f. keeping (a secret); observation, watching, p. C.«<^>^.\yXJ m<7a^-rtasAf, watching; enlisting.ja. M^^ f»W nighn or nighna, docile, subser- vient, dependent. ». cLo^XJ ffftiTP nighantu, m. a vocabulary, a collection of words or names. $. ^^UG nigydni, weak in mind, silly, igno- rant, d. [tion of futxdikt q. t.) A. ^-C3 tprt^ nagich, near, close by (a corrup- (^;^>v-> nag'in, ^^m. a ring, especially the signet- 8jj>3 nagina,} ring of a prince ; the stone or bezel of a ring, p, ^ tT^ nal, ra. the name of a celebrated kin*; and hero ; a reed {Arundo Tcarka) ; a tube, spout, joint of bamboo, or other hollow wood ; a measuring rod consisting of three ildhi gaz or yards of Akbar (v. ilahij ; the bamboo which fowlers use to entangle game b} applying birdlime to the top of it. nal chalana, (lit. setting the bamboos in motion) -expressses a magical practice adopted for the discovery of theft. Two pieces of split bamboo, of equal lengths, are applied to one another side by side, and held by two men, one at each end. It is said that any persons taken at random may be employed for this purpose. Then the magician pronounces certain incantations, the efficacy of whioh is pretended to be such, that the bamboos spontaneously move towards the place where tlie thief or the stolen goods are, and drag the men along Hith them, nal dar nal, one tube within another, s, ^ f{^ nald, m. the ureters, urinary ducts. dhani nald, bliu.iii nald, dam-nald, and hath-nald, names of various kinds of fireworks (v. Qanoon i islam, p. 58, app.). «. ^ Olo^l^Jf nildhat, f. blueness. «. JS ffi^JJ^ nilajj, "l Ljar frTo^isll ni-lajja, J shameless, rude. s. ( 749 bold, ) u!U lib nalda, ^the windpipe, the throat, the ^_jjJ6 naldij weasand (also nalra and "nalrl). d. KiJ itrc^eM nalika, f. a perfume so called, s. (^ ^f^ nalin, f. a lotus or water-lily ; the Indian crane, s. (_^ *Tf^«ft nalinl, f. an assemblage of lotus " flowers, a place abounding with the lotus. «. ^ ffT^ nalm, m. a furlong, a space measured by four hundred cubits, ft. UJ3 r{^SJ nalu,a„ m. a tube, ajoint of bam- boo to convey letters in ; straw, s. 1^3 »T^ nali, f. a tube, spout ; the windpipe, "ureter, &c. ; a gun barrel ; morbus plertimque a manustu- pratione ortus, in quo membrum virile exile fit nee erigi potest ; the bone of the leg, the tibia ; a weaver's shuttle, or the little tube within the shuttle on which the woof is wound. *. 'jJ3 •Tf^nn naliya, m. name of a caste whose employment is to catch birds by means of limed nals (v. nal). t. j^ tPT nam (for nan), no, not. s. J> nam, moist, damp, wet. nam-kJiurda^ de- stroyed by moisture, nam-dida, having the eyes moist, weeping, p. \^ nama (also numa), increase, augmenting, a. \^ numa or numa,e, (in comp.) shewing, exhibiting, pointing out ; an index, a guide, p. jl^ namaz, f. prayer, those especially pre- scribed by the Mu^ammadan law, which are offered up five times a day. namaz-guzdr, praying, attending divine service; one who prays, namdzijanaza, the funeral service of the Muhammadans. namdz-gah, the place in a mosque where prayers ai-e read. p. jffjl^ namazi, m. a person who prays; adj. "relating to prayers; devout, or in the constant habit of praying, p. *l\^ f^TTRT nimand, simple, without guile; singular, unlike to all others, sheepish, h. j_j*l»3 numd,e (in comp. v. numa). numa,!, f. display, exhibiting, p. j^bl*S numdydn, apparent, evident, bold (as 8 picture), prominent, p. tyS^ numdfish or numdyish, f. appearance, form, figure, face, vision, sight, spectacle, affection, p. ldX>\^ numdyanda, shewing ; an exhibitor, p. u-*^ f^ nivih, m. name of a tree (^Melia axad-dirachta). t. ^puv r»ftfH'ls nimb-taru, m. the coral-tree, one of the trees of paradise. $. lSj^^^ f«i«<*ti^ nimb-kaufi, f. the frait of the nimb-tree. a. ^x»S fVf^ nimbu, m. the common lime-tree. s. ^^fv> fnylc^l nimboli, of or relating to the " nimb-tree. s. d, (-1*^ f^fi?^ nimitt, m. cause, motive, instru- ment; (met.) fortune; for the sake of, by reason ol namat, bending, stooping, bowed. * ^jl»jiv> f«Tf'TW*n«T nimitt-mdn, 1 prosperous, ,^ f'lf'T^ nimittl, J fortunate, s. tW namad, 1m. a coarse woollen garment; \iX^ namdd,) membrum virile, namad^posh, clothed in woollen, namadi zin, a coarse woollen saddle-cloth, p. j^ tT? namr, bending; (met.) courteous, s. j^ nhnr or namir, a panther, a leopard, a. \5j^ »TOin«ffwr/o, f. condescension, courtesy.^. t^f^j^ •fyny navir-mukh, ^having the LS^f^j^ r|ff*jy1 namr-muhht,) head bent, "looking down. s. [old), a. J>j -»S namrud, Nimrod (the mighty hunter of dA...^') *TTftni namasit, reverenced, respected, worshipped, s. [adoration. «, jOumV *T*<*3liH namaskdr, m. salutation, 4CjK*«v »T*iyflO namashdrt, f. a kind of sen- sitive plant, s. Cla.w«»') »TT%T1T namasy it A vener&hle, reve- jUmV •TTW namasya, J renced, entitled to respect, s, (ji-^j tTT^I namsh, ra. a kind of food or dish made of milk, whipt cream, s. (jl^ fiffMr nimish, m. the twinkling of an eye, an instant of time. s. [custom, a. lx»3 namat, f. likeness, a mode, manner, way, tiJL»S namak or niviah^va. salt ; (met.) spirit, animation; bread, subsistence, namak-parwarda, a domestic slave, one fed on the salt, namaki angiir, cream of tartar, namak-chashi, the first feeding of a child about six months of age, which is attended ■with certain ceremonies. namak-l}ardm, disloyal, ■wicked, evil, disobedient, perfidious, ungrateful, na- mak-l}alal, loyal, submissive, faithful, grateful, namak- ddn, a saltcellar, navi'ik-sdr, saline, a salt-pit. kate par namak lagand, (lit. to put salt upon a ■wound) to add one grief or vexation to another, namak-kd tez- db, muriatic acid, wamofc-moja//, revenue derived from salt. p. {JJ^ fHHcOil nim-kaurl, f. the berry of "the nim tree. *. [a twinkling of the eye. s, 4^^ ftrftm nimikh, m. a moment (of time), cP f^^^rnkl, |^pickledlemons.p.A. jira,J a canopy, an awning, p. ( 750 ) viCi (jjO namhln, salt, salted, brackish ; witty, \j\jj fTfrflxn ninaya, m. a bug. A. poignant, sarcastic ; handsome, beautiful, namkln pa- nt, brine, pickle, p. ^X»3 nam/tini, f. saltnesss, sweetness, agree- " ableness. p. VjvO nam^ird, »aO nam-giri ^J^ namil, brisk, handy, nimble, ready. numal or nutnul, an ant. a. (^^ •TT«I naman, like, resembling, niman, stout, strong, tight, good; (Dakh.) in that way, like that. h. (^♦^ •nTT naman, bending, stooping, bowed. nimn, deep, profound, low (ground), stooping, s. {^\x^ nam-nak, moist, wet, fresh, p. iu»3 nam-naki, f. moistness, freshness, p. Ulx^ ftfitHHI nimnana, a. to strengthen, to ameliorate. A. ^/-f'U^ f«nT5!T^m?nna,i, f. strength, stoutness.^ Uj^ ftTOTTT nimna/a, f. depth, profundity, s. y^ namw or numu, m. vegetation growth, increase, a. 4>j^ namud, f. index, guide, appearance ; adj. apparent, public, shewn, exhibited, famous, pro- minent, numud horn, to appear, to be celebrated, p. j1«30 namuddr, m. an index, exemplar, proof, symbol, specimen, imitation, model ; a^j- noted, famed. couspicuous. p. ^^.\,^y^ namuddri, f. publicity ; in revenue language it demotes a compensation given by the ryot, for not having the extent of his lands ascertained by an actual measurement, p. ^tJ^ namudan (r. numa,e), a. to shew j to do or occasion ; n. to appear, to seem. p. jOk^J namuna, m. an example, muster ', model, type, specimen, pattern, p. g^ T(m namah, m. reverence, salutation, s. -»3 nami, f. coolness, moistness, &c. p. Z^ •T^ nameru or namer^, m. the seed of the elocarpus. s. ii>j^ f^^ nimesh (v. nimish). s. Xx^ tTR^ nameguru or nameguru, m. a spiritual teacher, s. j^)iA^ ftrficjiH niniilan, m. shutting of the eyelids, winking ; death, dying. «. liljj fqHT^ ninad, m. sound, noise, s. lyUo f5T»TT^ ninanwd, "I m. the thrush, ^\yli3 ffpTT^ nindnwdn,) aphtha, h. ^cylj3 f«1fTI*^ ninnanrve or nindnarve (also ninanau'tve), ninety-nine, ninanawe ke pher tneAparnS, to b« entirely absorbed in tlie acquisition of wealth | to be involved in difficulties. *. «XO "^ft^nand or tTrf^ nanad, f. a sister-in-law, husband's sistpr. nanda, m. name of the foster-father of Krislfna. nanda lal, the beloved of Nanda, that is, Krislina. ninad, m. sound in general. «. 1 jj.) \t\^\ nindci, f. accusation, scorn, defama- tion. *, [tion to sleep. <. (.^'iXb r«i»t;i^ nindds, f. drowsiness, inclina- Urtii^w*.) frpi^nn ninddsd, sleepy, drovvsy. s. iJ ! * V' . » \t3a) ftr^rerfir ninddstuii,f. irony, ironi- cal praise, s. [low, vile, despicable. «. 0(XJ ftrP^TT nindit, blamed, reproached; tiljjj f'T^cF nindak, m. a calumniator; adj. censorious, querulous, nandik, m. toon, a tree the wood of which resembles m.ihogany( CedreZ/a tuna), s. 4_f^0<^ ftT»^oFT^ nindahd,i, f. querulousness, censoriousness. s. ^^(iJo fttrj^ft nindan, m. reproach, censure, blame ; adj. abusing, blaming. «. j^iXb «in;»i naiularif m. a son ; the garden oilndra ; the paradise of the Hindus ; adj. delighting. «. Oii^l) r»i»t»tti nindnd, a. to vilify, to defame. «. ^_it\b Tifrjinl nandini, f. wife's sister, s. (jSijji^jj •rft^^ nandi-vriksh, m. a tree (same as nandik). t. j_^jiiJo tf^^ wawrfo5i,"lm. husband's sister's (_^-«^ji^ A^\ nandOfl, J husband, t. yjSJ^ tT^^oST nandold, m. a large earthen vessel, a trough tor animals to feed from, t, Vjjfcjjj •TVn nandhnd, a. to begin, h. ^JSJ3 t^^ nandi, m. the bull of Shiva ; f. a benedictive verse eulogising a king or deity. «. iji^ "TTtf^ nandt, \f. (v. nand) a sister- biijk3 tTTf^'n nandiyd,) in-law. «. 20(XJL> r»l«f| nindya, bad, vile, reprehensible. «. ookj ifST nankd, m. a little child, a son (an expression of endearment), h. i^JSi nang, f. honour, reputation, esteem ; (contra) disgrace, infamy, nang o namiis, hononr; shame, disgrace, p. ijj^ "^ va7tg,\nake(i; shameless, nangd- ui> «f^ nangd,} jhuri, f. searching, exa- mining (as people leaving a workshop, to prevent pil- fering). nn«^'«-«i^, bareheaded. na»^'a-A'., to bare, to uncover, nangu-viddar-xdd, stark naked as from the womb. navga munga or nninanga, utterly naked. nan^e-pairon or -pa.on, barefooted, nange pa.on bona, (Dalili.) to be prepared or resolute to fight, nangi talwar, a naked sword, natigi shavisher, a drawn sword ; one who speaks his mind freely and without reserve, s. IjLCj tTin nnrnjtd, naked, h. ^S^:Jji ♦t'TVt'T nang-dharang, stark naked, h. L^Xi ( ljj3ljjCi> •rf^'H^^ nangiya-lena, a. to take and strip, s. \^ *rfT nanha, \ small, diminutive, ^^l^jo H^^l nannhan,) neat, natty, tidy. A. J^ tffH^l^JJ' nanihal, f. maternal grand- father's family, h. y> nau, new, young, fresh, raw. nau-abad, newly settled, peopled, colonised, or cultivated, nau- amoz, one who learns any thing new, a novice, inex- perienced, nau-bawa, a young tree. nau-bd,i, a new custom, nau-barhiyd, an upstart, nau-bahdr, the spring, nau-jawdn, a lad, a youth just arrived at adolescence, nau-jawam, prime of life, youth, nau- Jckasta, new-risen (a youth). nau-Miex, new-risen, fresh, tender, nau-klwzi, f. freshness (of vegetation). nau-daulat, an upstart, one who has newly attained wealth. nau-siJch or nau-siJckiyd, a novice, a student. nau-muldzim, a new servant, a recruit, a novice, nau- muldzitm, f. novitiate, p. y tr' nau, «T«r nav, or nava, nine ; new, fresh, raw. nava-bdld or nava-jauvand, f. a girl just grown up to puberty, nava-baddhu or nava-phaliJcd, f. a bride, a newly-married woman ; a girl in whom menstruation has commenced, nava-dtuar, having nine doors or outlets, as the human body, nava-rdtr, a period of nine nights, devoted to the worship of Diirgd. nau-ratan or nava-ratna, a bracelet, nava iutikd, f. a woman recently delivered. nava-shdyaJc, m. a name given to the inferior castes, such as cow- herds, gardeners, Stc. 7iava shrdddh, ra. the first of the series of sacrifices to the manes of a deceased re- lative, nava-varikd, f. a newly-niarried woman, nava- vastra, m. new clothes, nava-yauvana, f. a young woman, s. ly narvd, f. voice, sound, modulation, song ? opulence, wealth, subsistence, p. \y »fm nawa, new, fresh, recent, s. i_^\y nurvtcab (pi. of l— ou), vicegerents, lieutenants, deputies, governors, nawwdb, (vulgarly) a nabob, a governor of a town or district (v. nagzdm). s. j3^y nawwabi, f. deputyship ; situation or " office of nawwab ; a kind of cloth ; adj. relating to a nawwdb. a. _^y narvah, environs, district, tract, coast, shore, nuwaj^, ra. act of lamenting, bewailing, com- plaining, a. [virons. a. |j»-^y nawaht (pi. of &A»-\3), territories, en- ^Jks»-ly nawakhtan (r. nawaz), to rear, pro- . tect ; to cherish, to soothe, p. wl>-\y wawa^^a, protected, reared, cherished, caressed, p. [derful occurrences, a. j^\^i narvadir (pi. of »j3\3), rare things, won- j^y fH»>^y f«WTO nivds or niwdSf m. dwelling, residence. *. U**\y naii'dsd, 1m. a grandson, more espe- &**>|y nawdsa,) cially, a daughter's son. p. ^boy narvdsi, f a granddaughter, a daugh- "ter's daughter, p. ^jjly «i ^y f»T<4m1 mwasl, m. 'I dwelling, abiding jj**»)y fTT^Tftrrftn?7?;as/ni,f.J in, inhabiting; ' an inhabitant (chiefly used in composition). «. jjuw^y nawdsir (pi. ofj^u), running sores, a. ^1y nawdfil {jp\. of alliU), acts of superero- gation, a. J5^y narvdkil (pi. of «A513), things copied or related ; histories, traditions, a. jj\y narvdl, a benefit ; mode, dimension, a. &3ly nawdla or nirvdla, m. a morsel, a mouth- ful ; the wadding of a gun. a. Jly nan'dll, f. a tidbit, a small morsel, a. ^o)y f^r^T*T nirvdn, low (ground), level, s, (^ly •TSt wawwaw or naUfdn^ the ninth. *. ^o^y "T^n^ narvdnn, m. new rice or grain ; a ceremony observed ou first eating the rice, &c. of the preceding harvest, s. Oly •r^TTT nawdnd or] a. to bend down- fricllHI nindnd, > wards ; to double, 13. ^y ft1'e|lM«iT niwdond,] to fold; to cause to submit to, to cause to stoop, h. j6ly'5m^RwofamJar,new unbleached cloth.s. ^ji,3^y "^^^ navdnsh, m. a ninth, the ninth part. s. [situdes. a. c-A^ly nawdi,b (pi. of woO), accidents, vicis- ^y> (. 762 ) cj-y ^by >f-uLoy naubat- khana, m. the royal or- chestra, generally a large room over the outer gate of the palace, for martial music, a. p. ^joy 'wj^Vf^nava-badhu, f. a bride or newly married woman, s. [to assessment, p. jlyy nau-barar, land recently made subject .l^y nau-bahar, early spring, or as Virgil bath it " novum ver." p. jy tnrr nupur, m. a ring or ornament for the ankles or toes. t. Ki^jy "JnTJif^rsifT nava-pkalika, f. a bride, a woman in whom menstruation has just begun, s. \!>y «frin nauta, m. a portico ; adj. stooping, bending down, navata, f. novelty. «. Ijy tfriTT nauta or nota, m. an invitation, s. ^y ^RriV] nutan, new, recent, fresh, nutans twa, m. novelty. *. Ijjy vHriHI nautna, a. to invite, s- lj;j,»-y tft^^'^il nau-jaubana,^.f. a girl just I3..».y tT^Wl^^ nava-jovana,j grown up to puberty. *. _y rft^ noch, a pinch, a gripe, a scratch. nocha-ndcht, pinching and scratching mutually, h. Usj-y '«f)-«<«il nochna or nauchnd, a. to pinch, to gripe, to scratch, to claw. h. ^^;ij>r»-y tfl'^iwj'l nauchandi, of or relating to the new moon. s. [novice, t. j'il^».y tiuva-chhatr, m. a young student, a j.V^y i^"5T^ nauchhawar, m. a propi- tiatory offering, sacrifice, victim, h. [bawd. h. ^».y «rr^ 7iauchl, f. a young girl kept by a -^y nuJi, the patriarch Noah. heb. &>-y nauhoy m. lamentation, moaning, mourning over the dead, nau^a-gar, a lameuter, mourner, a, [Jndica). s. liy ^ nud, m. the mulberry tree {Morus iy nawad or nurvad, ninety, nawad-bar, ninety times, p. j^^^i> •lISll nava-dnar, having nine doors or outlets (an epithet applied to the body). *. Ji^i^ *»^ navdhn, m. n young plant, or fresh ■hoot or branch of a plant, h. ^^d^f1Vj7iud/ia, III. a species of tobacco, h. j^ niii; m. light, splendour, nur-afza, nur- afshan, light-increasing, light-diffusing, nur jana muAh Tea, paleness of the face, nuri-ehathm or nuri 'ainain, or nuri dlda, m. (light of the eyes) a son. a. Uy nura, m. depilatory, a. tty f»T^TT nivara, f. an unmarried girl. «. yVy tfCKi^ nava-ratr, m. the first nine nights of Aswin, devoted to Durga. «. jjl^y nuranl, serene, light, clear ; f. bright- ~ ness, serenity, a. [weaving, p, u— Jbiy nur-baf, m. a weaver, nur-bafif ^—^y f»nfw nivritti, f. rest, final emancipa- tion. «. jV-y tf| recent, newly arrived id,^,^ nau-raslda,} or come forth, p. J. .y nau-roz, m. new year's day according to the Persian calendar, being that on which the sun enters Aries ; this is called 'amma, or general, and the sixth of the same month is called lihasfa, or parti- cular : both are celebrated by feasts, the liberation ot prisoners, &c. p. ^^j , y nan-rozi, of or relating to new year's "day ; f. the festival of the new year. p. 4«.y •nft nuri, f. name of a bird of the parrot kind, commonly called lurl {psittacus). h. iS}^ nuri, splendid, bright, clear, a. I3|3'y niwarand, a. to cause to bend or stoop , to turn or direct, d. \jjy> nirmrnd, n. to bend, stoop or incline, d. Uli6j*y ffi^HI naurhdnd, a. to bend, to bow. s. Ujbjy «fis«ii naurkna, n. to bend, to incline downwards ; to be obedient, to stoop, t. Ol»*>y nau-sdt, (lit. "nine and seven") a division of the crop whereby the xaminddr takes nine parts and the cultivator the remaining seven parts out of sixteen, h, jd)KM^ ^^}f{X. nausddar, m. sal ammoniac, s. y*»^ nausir, new, recent, nausir taldm, a newly excavated tank. d. ,^C^y nawishtan (r. naivts), to write, p. jjlM>y nawishtarii, fit to be written, p. juLwjy nawishta, m. a writing, any thing written, p. • .li^jSiy nosh-ddru, an antidote ; treacle, an electuary, p. >ti1-a»y 'ffy noshirmdn or naushirrvdn, a cele- brated king of Persia, famed for his justice : he was contemporary with Justinian, p. ^jj^y woi/iiw, , sweet, pleasant, p. ey nau\ m. kind, species, sort, manner, mode, nuu't, specific, a. ^^g.cy nau'tyat, f. specification, speciality, a. tdJy nok, f. a bill, a beak ; end, point, angle. nok-jhok, f. pulling and hauling, nok-chok, f. talking by inuendoes. nok-dar, pointed, noki zaban, by heart, on the tip of the tongue, p. \^y ^ciil naukd, f. a boat. s. \ii\^y HM^ltc^^l nava-kdlikd, f. a woman who has just attained the period of menstruation ; a bride, s. [domeitica in general, p. ^^ naukar, m. a servant, naukar-chdkar, t^fy> naukardriiAf. a female servant, a jijiy naukarnl, J waiting-woman, p. h. ^iy naukarl, f. service, attendance, nau- karl-pesha, one who lives on employments, p. sections or portions. nau-Jchand prithwt ka, the nine climes or divisions of the earth : they are usually de- nominated the nine dwipas (islands) or varshas (coun- tries) which constitute jambu-dwipa, the central por- tion of the world, or the known world. $. ^'^y •ft^i^T nokild, sharp-pointed, p. h. ^J^y «T^WfT nava-grahd, m. (pi.) the nine planets, i. e. the seven planets and the ascending and descending nodes, s. {jj>^ •TPnft nangart, f. a female ornament worn on the wrist, s, (Jy nol, f. beak, bill (of a bird); the spout or neck of a decanter or teapot, p. Jy r\t\f§ nawal, beautiful ; m. sapling, k. Jy naul, m. freight, fare, hire. a. ^y «TW1 navald or nauld, f. a young woman, s. (^'yy> iic^i**! nauldsl, tender, soft, delicate. h. \^y tTT^^ nau-lervd, alluvial deposit by an inundation, h. /•y »n'T navam or navama, the ninth, s. ^y naum, f. sleep, rest, stillness, a. ^Uy •TTTRn nau-mdsd, m. name of a feast £^iven in the ninth month of pregnancy, s. oJUy 'H^Hlf^5«liT nava-mdlikd, f. double jas- mine {Jasminum zambac). s. (•y^y ?iaj^^ ifljft naumi or 'rm*(i navamt, f. the ninth "day of a lunar fortnight. *. i>.jb«y naumed, hopeless, desperate, naumedi, f. despair, desperate condition, p. ij^yoy «it«iT naumin or ^c|*0* navamln,f. ninth day of the moon. *. ^^y "jft*? non or ^tf Jiun, m. salt (v. Ion), h. ^y "J^^ naund, n. to bend ; to incline down- wards ; to be" obedient, to stoop, s. uy •fttff «owa, a. to tie the feet of a cow when milking, h. [water, h. \3y ff^T nond, salt. nond-pd7ii, m. salt \3y ti^qi nond, m. a kind. of custard apple {^Annona reticulata), h. Ujuy i^H«n nauntnd, a. to invite (v. notnd). s. J&iijy tT^fHfVnava-nzWu, f. the nine treasures of Kuvera. s. [saline matter, h. Is^y A\*^\ nonchd, land abounding with ^^y tft^ nonchai, a kind of factitious salt.A. jjy Tnf^ wuni, m. penis puerilis. h. jj,y tfttTt «oni, f. efflorescence of salt or -« wall. 3o c>y C 754 ) Jt^ ^^,j^r,avan-z,f. |f,,gi, butter, s. (.^Ajoy *i</^ no,tn or nuyin, a prince, a grandee (a commander of ten thousand), p. ^y fic(')y ff^flTn namlnaia, f. newness, youthful- ness. <. [woman. «. Ujyy tT^T^^tff nava-yauvana, f. a young *^.y »n"'l navya, new, recent, young, s. ^0 fT wa, neg. part, no, not, neither, s. p. bJ null, nine. niJi, (in comp.) placing, as marham-nih. one who applies plaster (to a wound), p. '** 31[ WM^ or •T'l nah, nail, talon. «w/i- or nah-Una, to trip, to stumble, nih, a prefix like nir, &o., as nt/t-(aran, without cause, nahi, nay, no, not. s. U3'l^ nhatnd, n. to run away, to flee. rf. yl^ nhdtu, a fugitive, a deserter. «?. liVjS nihdd, m. nature, form, habit, stature, qnality, disposition, mind, heart ; family, race, bad- ftSkU, wicked, cruel, p. ^^Ci^ nihadan (r. nih), to place, lay down. p. jl|3 nahdr, m. the day, diffusion of light, a, 0^j^ Hflijj? nahdr-niunh, (in Dakh.) ««:. tar mfiii, without eating (as a person is in the morning before breakfast), s. I3jlj3 'il^KHI niharnd, "la. to look at, ^»)^J^ f^?Tnft nihdrnaunj to watch, to look after, to spy, to see. h. ^^JjV •TfnB^ nahd7'u,df m. a guinea-worm {JFilaria medinemis). h. i^j\> nahdi'l, f. breakfast ; a kind of bit or bridle, p. [getic alligator. «. dIj3 r*i^|c|ii.m'AaAa, f. an iguana, or the Gan- JV^ nihal, m. a young plant, a shoot, a sucker, a sapling, p. {jy^ fH^!c«S m'Aa/, exalted, pleased, happy. A. «^lj3 nthdlcha,m. a quilt, wrapper, coverlet* &c., mattress, p. ^Jl^ nihdlt,f. a young plant j a kind of quilt, small carpet, a cushion, p. ^L^ •T^TSf nahdn, m. bathing, ablution. A. ^l^ nihdn, latent, hid, concealed, clandes- tine, nihan-r. or -dashtan, to keep secret, p. ul^ 'H^frfl nahdnd or nhdnd, n. to bathe, to wash. h. Uubl^ nhdntnd, n. to run away, to flee. ni/idm, f. concealment; adv. secretly, in private, anddmi nihani, the private parts, p. (3^-> H^Hl nahdni or Ph^hI nihdnt, f. men- struation. A. t^^^l^ Ph^I^ nihdfiy f. an anvil. A. bl^ «T?Pn nahdyd, batlied, bathing. A. iJl^>\^ nihdyat, f. the extremity, boundary ; excess ; adj. very much, extreme, excessive ; remark- able ; adv. at the utmost, extremely, a. C^>^ nahb, m. rapine, plunder, spoil, a. ^j!^ fn^'r^l nihatthd, unarmed, s. U^ H^'lgl nahattd or ^^gi nuhattd, m. a scratch with the nail or talon, h. ^ nahaj, m. a road, way, path, manner; prescribing, giving instructions, a. tc^^ f*f?^ nihchai (v. niskchai), indubita- " ble, certain, &c. s. [running water), a. j^ nahr, f. a stream, rivulet, a canal (of \3L^ ftrFTRT nihnrdnd, a. to cause to crook, bend, bow. h, \3^ Ph ^ iihang, naked ; free from care. nihang lafld, a careless child or person, h. ^\yi>^ nhanwad, m. and f. a child, d. (J^ H^h! naham, f. an instrument for cutting ** the nails ; a kind of chisel used in polishing and turn- ing brass, Sic. s. \jy^ fn^U nihora, m. favour, obligation, kindness ; begging, requesting humbly, coaxing, k. ^j^tiT^rmnihurnat^a. to incline, to bend ^Jy<^ ^ma'Hlnihurndfi downwards,to stoop.A. j«^ nahi, f. prohibition, an interdict, a. ^^^ rf^ nahl (for nalnn)^ no, not. A. i_^^ noKih or mMh, m. fear, terror j grief, anguish, anxiety ; expedition, haste, a. fJ^ «lG$i|i nahiyar, f. a wife's family. A. {:X:^ •T^* n^htii, no, not, nay. nahm-to, other- mse, else. t. j3 nai, f. a reed, tube, cane ; pipe, fife, flute. " n« or tit, no, not, nay. p. j3 % we, a postposition used in HindiistanT to "denote the agent of a transitive verb in any of the tenses formed by the past participle (v. Hind. Gram, p. 103). h. U3 ipiT noi/a, new. naye sir se, anew, afresh ; mail/a, m. a boatman, ferryman. ». vHa^IjO niyabai, f. deputyship, vicegerency, lieutenancy, &c. (v. na.ib). a. Ijbbo niyabatan, virtually, really, a. OU3 "iftJ^nyati, caste, kind, sort. s.h. X^ 'SirTt nyar or fwHR niyd?', m. forage, fod- der, food of cattle, h. 1.U3«JTn nydrd or Ph^KI niydra, adj. apart, aloof, distinct, different, separate, extraordinary, un- common; m. the scoriae leftafter refining gold, silver, or other metals, from which a minute portion of those metals is obtainable, niyare, adv. apart, separately, independently, a. b jIjO uiif^^T nydriyd, m. one who extracts metala from their scoriae; adj. prudent, cautious, not easily imposed on. h. :\jj niydz, f. petition, supplication, prayer; indigence, poverty ; a thing dedicated, niyaz-lc, a. to dedicate, to consecrate, niydz-tlnat or -viand, indi- gent, humble, a petitioner, niyazi rasul, ofTerings of food, &c. in the name of the prophet Muhammad, p. Ju*j\jO niydz-nia7id, indigent; m. a suppliant, jo. 765 ) ^ ijSMCj\jj myaz-mandi, f. indigence, suppli- cation, p. (Jj<^ niyazi, a lover, a friend; name of a tribe of Afghans, p. ;j*»\jo 'Hfm nyds, a pledge, a deposit. «. ^IjO niydm, m. a sheath, scabbard ; a bandage for a broken limb ; the plough-tail or handle, p. jic\j^ 'HWi nydviar, a tree which has sprung up of itself in a cultivated field, and which the culti- vator may legally cut down. h. eil/oUS rrt4fi*ieii niydmak, m. a boatman, a sailor,a steersman,a helmsman, a pilot; a charioteer, s, jba "on^ nydw, m. justice, equity, nydw-k., to judge, to administei justice. *. ^^>U> ?m^ nydfl or niydyi, ra. a distributor of justice; a logician, s. ^fl3 Tijpi nyd,e, nyaya, or f^ipntf niyaya, m. justice; reason, argument, disputation, sophistry. nya,e-shdstr, m. logic, niyaya-k., to administer jus- tice, to decide, s. jU-bUS "an^n^TT nydydchdr, \m. a virtuous j\^i^\j\x> -mmmi^ nydyddhdr, J man, an ex- ample of propriety, s. iJobS T^TRTTT nydyatd, f. fitness, propriety, s. y£jlx> niyd,ish or niydyish, f. blessing, be- nediction, praise, p, iib.ba '»i\majj nai-ptch or -peek, f. the snake tube of a l^uJcJca. p. iZ^ nil/at, f. wish, intention, design, will, purpose, desire, aim, object, a. t^iN f^rnr niyat, self-governed, ruled, re- strained, niyat-atma, self-regulated, self-coutrolled or restrained, niyat-ahar, abstemious, niyat-endriya, of restrained or subdued passions, s. tH/jii •^Hh nlti or riit, f. guidance, moral con- duct, polity, political science, treating especially of the administration of government, and the morality, both public and private, of king and people, nlti shastr or ntti-vidya, the science or code of ethics, moral philosophy, or polity, s. bH^jo fvi^'ri niyuty a million, ten hundred thousand, s. [churning-rope. s. Sp %^r netr, m. the eye; the string of a •x«ljuo fHire netr-ambUf m. a tear. s. iyy>Jli^ ^^rf^np netr-pind, ra. the eyeball, s. /^sfjjIJO ^^l.y »i netr-ranjan, m. colly rium. s. (i/jjjjjj ^^OfT netr-rog, m. any disease of the eye. s. CJ^y^ H-^c^rt netralot, m. a prisoner, h. y*JjJL^ ^^m^ netrotsav, m. any pleasing or beautiful object. *. JbiiJMjjX^ »pft^V netraushadh, m. collyrium in general, green sulphate of iron. t. ^sJmjJm ^^0W^ netrmishadhl, f. name of "a drug. s. V^JkxJO •f'lfiT^F''^ ntti-katha, f. any work or treatise on polity or good government, s. &x^^ tflfiiy nitigya, m. a statesman, politi- cian. «, [royal duties, s. C^-^ •ilfilHif riitimat^ moral, eminent for l>:>jCl*jj tftfirf^UT mti-vidya, f. political science, s. ^Sp •Tift netl, f. a cord used to whirl round the churn-staff with. «. jSJL> niyatt, intentional, designedly, a, e-JO tiit, straight, upright, d. [handed, h. \jx> nZ\ neta, m. snot, snivel ; (Beng.) left- ^ ^ naij, own, proper, s. [down. h. b^ ^HIH! naijana, n. to stoop, to bend •fhr fiich, low, mean, vulgar, base ; be- ow, beneath, under, down. mch-uAch. f. inequality ; the ups and downs of life, nlch-sonar, a jeweller of low caste, nick-nhawl, an inferior sort of barber. «. V^ «ftm Tiicha, below, down, nicha-uncha, up and down, uneven ground, niche suroh se Wna, to •ing with a low voice, or hum a tune (Jocosd autem, cre- pitus ventris hdcce voce suMntelligirur); l(alanwntni Ic tire gane se dUiTjc hSA ; bahut niche suroi se hoUl hai, " songstress, I am tired of your lays, you sing too Ic*," which latter phrase may be taken in two senses, s. jjl^ n'lchan, m. low lauds, a valley, d. (j"^^^* •f1"«fl^ nicha,i,f. inferiority, vileness. $. if'^^J^ ■q^^qiTT'flft nlcha-gami, water (lit. that "which goes downwards), s. y^ •K^ Tiichu (v. nicke), below, &c. ». 8^ naicha, m. a hukka snake or tube, naicha- band, a person who makes hukia snakes, naicha- bandi, the trade of a naicha-band. p. ir^ •f^ nicfie, below, beneath, under, down. "niche upar, upside down, niche jana, n. to descend, to submit, to subside, to succumb, niche girana, to knock a person down. ». \y^ nekhwa (for nek-hhroah, q. v.). a well- wisher, nejc^we-pana, m. goodwill, benevolence, d, liJO "fft^ nid, f. sleep, slumber, repose, s. ^'Jm^^J H^f^'S nedishth, m. a XvQe (^Alangium hexapetalum). s, Ujjo riidna, n. to sleep, to repose. «. jfttjjj ffT^;g niyuddh, m. close fight, personal struggle, s. JO naiyir, m. the sun ; the moon ; adj. bright, clear, shining, naiyiri a'siam, the sun. nniyirain, the two luminaries, i. e. the sun and moon. a. -o fiTR niyar, near, beside, close by. s. jj ^ riir, \ I • -a— - - r"- \ji^ •TITT mra,) B^Jj»\j^ ^TT^ nairashya, m. hopelessness, despair. * Cg"it>- •< ij^]j^ f^TTTT^ niyara,t, f. nearness, conti C^j^ %ftlT or ^^pT nairit, m. the ruler of the south-west quarter. «. [profltleas. «. f^j^ ''ft^nlrat/i (for nir-artK), fruitless, {itJO ^fnr't or fT^ift nairitl, f. the south-west quarter, s. _ JO rfhn ni7*«;, aquatic ; m. a sort of cos- tus (Coslus speciosus), a lotus in general ; an otter. «. ij^j^ «l^T*n9' nirajas, having no pollen (as a flower) ; f. a woman not menstruating, s. {^jtj^ "'lli.fr niras, dry, witiiered, insipid, void of taste (morally or physically), t. aSjX> ^'^% vairukt, obsolete, uncommon, belonging to the glossary of the Veda. a. jjijo %^?!I noirgun, m. absence of good qua- lities or properties. I. *a)u«jJ %^i^nairmalya,m. cleanness, purity..*. i^JJiJi nairang, m. deceit, trick, pretence, evasion, incantation, magic, sorcery; a miracle, any thing new. nairang-saz, a magician, sorcerer, p. water, sap, juice, s. J^ ( 757 ) ^ (S^j^ nairangi, f. magic, deception, p. yJ^ neru or riiru, m. strength, power, p. J JO rf^ nerau, near, beside, close by. s. t^jj^ *r5^ neru,a, ra. straw, h. t^-^ jja rflCtT ntrog, healthy, free from sick- ness. *. [from sickness, s. Ubj JO rfCl'MI nirogta, f. health, freedom ^jj^ ^ were, beside, near, close by. h. U)JO HjH T ngrna, a. to care for, to look after, h. {jj^ nere, in the shelter of, near, beside, d. Jjo riiz, also, likewise, again, at the same time, moreover, p. 8Jjo neza or naiza, m. a spear, lance, javelin, dart, pike ; a piece of reed from whicli pens are made. neza-haz, a spearman, neza-haxi, f. throwing the spear, neze-barddr or neze-dar, a spearman, or one armed with a spear, p. j^UmJO naisan, m. name of the seventh Syrian month, corresponding to the Persian Farwardin, the Hind. Baisakh, and our April, abri iiaisan, the vernal cloud, April showers ; the rain which falls while the moon is in the mansion Stvati, and of which, if it drop into a shell, pearls are formed, but which turns to poison if it happens to fall into the mouth of a ser- pent (v. swati). p. d*^ nest or nlst, (lit.) it is not; nought. nest-k., a. to abolish, to annihilate, to ruin, to destroy. nest-nahud-k. or nest o ndhud-k., to demolish, to anni- hilate, to ruin, nest-vabud hand, n. to perish, to be annihilated, ruined, &c. p. nj ^„ „ i\ ;q^ nyast, deposited, delivered, s. ^^\jL*jO naistan, m. a sugar-plantation, field of sugar-cane ; a place where canes or reeds grow. p. fj***x> nesti or ntstt, f. non-existence, nullity, " annihilation, p. VV-t\ 7 fi<<|,T( | nliarna, n. (v. nisamd) to go out, to issue forth (in Braj. nUarnau*), s. (jt-O nesh, m. sting (of a venomous animal); a puncture ; a lancet, nesh-zan, what inflicts a sting | (met.) an incendiary, one who inflames disputes, a tell-tale, nesh-zanl, f. exciting quarrels. &c. p. .U.M./> neshtar, m. a lancet, p. jCJl^ naishakar, f. sugar-cane. p. Ifljj mfa or nlfa, 1 m. a breeches-belt, the aijj nefa or nlfa,) part of the drawers through which the string runs to tie them round the loins with. p. liLo nek, good, lucky; (sub.) any thing good, nek-akhtar, of a good star, nek-andesh, a well- wisher, benevolent, friendly, affectionate; fortunate. nek bdz, just, virtuous, of good actions, of fair play. nek-bakht, fortunate (commonly means of good dis- positions), nek bakhti, f good fortune, goodness of conduct, nek-pdk, virtuous, nek-tan, sleek-skinned (a horse), vek-khaslat, or -]cho, or -Mr dr, of good dispositions or habits. nek-Wnudh, well wishing, faith- ful, grateful, nek-diydnat, having a clear conscience. ntk-j^t or -fmat, of good disposition, nek-raw. good- paced (horse), nek-raftagdn, those who have died and left behind them a good name, nek-fdl, of happy omen, nek-farjdm, of happy end. nek-goe, one who speaks well, eloquent, nek-kdl, well-spoken, nek- mard, a good man. nek-manzar, handsome, comely, elegant, nek-ndm, good name, celebrity; of good character, renowned, nek-ndmi, good character, nek- nzVfarf, of good dispositions. »jeA:-wjyat, well-meaning, p. LdijO «feir nek, ffoF neku, or naik, little, a little. naik, many, various, naik-bhed, various, manifold. naik-rup, multiform, h.s. <».*3 nlkd or nekd, good (v. neko). p. y^x> fHsti\<.nt/akkdr, m. contempt, disrespect. 9. C1axa> ffprai nii/ukt, engaged in, applied or attached to; authorised, called upon, appointed. $, euAXjo H«li^ naikatya, m. proximity, s. ^Xjo neko (in Hind, mho or nlkau), good, beautiful, elegant, neko-kar, of good actions, a bene- ficent person. N.B. — neko or nlku may be compounded with other words, like nek, and with the same signi- fication, p. C^ity- P- ,S^ nehi, f. goodness, piety, virtue, pro- lL^ tfT neg, f. marriage presents made to re- latives, and to particular servants, and considered by them as perquisites which they are entitled to. h. Jbiijjkj^ "anftVT nyagrodh, m. the Indian fig- tree, nyagrodhi, f. a plant {Salvinia cucuUata). 4. (JoO %T»T naigam, m. an Upanishad. s. jXo *prt negl, m. a village servant ; any "public servant who claims a fee or present on particu- lar occasions, negi jogl, tenants and dependants, to whom it is customary to give the neg, q. v. h. JjO *f>^ nil, blue; m. indigo, blue; the blue mountain, one of the nine ranges which divide the world ; one of the nine treasures of Kuvera ; a gem, the sapphire; the blue Maina; blue vitriol, nil or nil kd math bigafna, (lit.) a vat of indigo being spoiled ; (met.) employed to express the persecutions of for- tune : the phrase is also used on hearing something very wonderful and incredible (said to originate from a notion entertained by dyers, that when their dye, through any accident, has been spoiled, it may be re- stored by telling some miraculous story), nll-kothi, an indigo-factory, nll-wdld, an indigo-planter or dealer, nll-gdw, f. an animal (known by the name of Itlgdyi and rojh), the white-footed antelope of Pennant and Antilope picta of Pallas, nil-gun, cerulean, p. s. ^Jjj nail, m. obtaining, acquiring, nil, the river Nile. a. '^ rfltjJI nild, blue, black, or dark blue. nild pila karnd, to render blue and yellow (the eyes) ; to be greatly enraged, ntla thotha, blue vitriol ; sul- phate of copper, p. s. t-->^kjj nil-dh, the river Attock or Indus, f. ^^v-*^J^ "«Tt55T^*r«T nlldshman, m. a blue stone, a sapphire, s. A^kjo tft^HT riildm (for leildm, Port.), m. auction, a public sale, or, as the Anglo Bengalis aay> " an outcry." h. port. ^^kjj nildml, saleable by auction, port. J*^'^ rft^nUT mldmhar, dresses in dark blue clothes ; m. dark blue garments, a- I d^ ( 7S8 ) r^ nilamchi, m. an auctioneer, e. Sc^":^ nilam-ddr, one who holds an estate purchased at a public Bale. h.p. ^^'^ ?ft ^ i m n'tldnjan, m. blue vitriol. «. vlX3^)ljO W)^iy nllang, m. the Indian crane, the blue jay. «. [colonr. «. t^^^)^ •fl?J1^ wtZa,t, f. blueness, dark blue j-^Jjo til^^liT m^Jari, f. a lump of indigo.*. ^^Uijo fft^nn^^ nil-pdchan, m. steeping or maceration of indigo. nU-pSehaa-bhSnd, m. an indigo vat. s. -4^V^ •ft^sftraac mUpichhy m. a falcon. .?. A;iaL3 TJ^^StRT ml-padma, m. the blue lotus. ». •^J^-i*;^ tT^^y^ nll-prishth, m. a kind of flsh, the rohi {Cyprhmt dentictdatut). t. Kj^^ «0<#Mr^4il ntl-pushpika, f. the in- digo-plant. ». ^J^ n'^cjJ^ mZa;, m. blue steel, s. Ij^'^fSf^ H^t^rthivS inil-jhintiyf. blue barleria.5. ijllljj Hlcji^ mlak, blue (stained or dyed) ; m. one of the terms used in btja ganita or algebra (as we use the letters a, b, or x, y). *. p. ^^ «(ir<^c|il nxlika, f. the Nyctanthes tristis (a species of it with blue flowers); the indigo- plant s. lilub^xJuo Hlc&' "sft^S^f nll-loh, m. blue steel, s. Cl*Jfc^Ux) ♦ftoS'^rtfijTT riil-lohit, purple, of a purjile colour ; m. a mixture of red and blue. s. ^\.j3 •fti^ST nilam, m. (v. nll-mani). s. ^>j^ ^f^H?^i^\nU-mrittika, f.iron pyrites; black mould, s. ^^ Jj^^ f^^cSTftll nll-mani, m. name of a pre- cious stone, a sapphire, t. [ment s. jP^^ •il<«jy< nilamhar, m. a dark blue gar- j^bo "qtf^Rt ntlini, f. indigo {Indigofera " tinctoria). t. [jiis lazuli). «• J^jLi fftgsV^^ mlopal, m. a blue stone (ia- {z)j^ rft^S^ ntl-varn, blue, of a blue colour, t. [lotus), p. ji^lja ntlufar, m. the lotus nilufer {Nympheea (.^jjjo ni/w/ari, of or relating to the lotus, p- MJO ntla, the sediment of indigo, p. ^Lo niZt, blue, of indigo colour, p. I*J0 mm, half, the middle, wiwa nxm, half- and-half. ntm-AursA, a poached egg (half-boiled or half-fried, &c.). nim-puMU, half-cooked, half-ripe, parboiled, nim-taf, middling, nim-jdn, half-dead (with fear, &c.). nim-josh, coddled, ntm-josh k., to coddle. ntm-lc]itpab, dosing. ntm-kJmrda, half-eaten, the remains of victuals, nlm-rdzt, half-satisfied, nim- lal, half a year ; nin^^^alt, half-yearly, nim-lal, a class of pilgrims to Jagannath so called, p. s. j»x> f^l nem (also f^nW niyam), a vow, com- pact, agreement, assent, promise; stability, fixedness, forbearance; any religious observance in general, such as fasting, watching, pilgrimage, praying ; piety rule, precept, usage, practice, nem-dharm, m. absti- nence, good conduct t. [^dirachta). t. -•JO f(\^ ntw, m. name of a tree {Melia azad- ^UrJ tfiTRf^ ntmanandf m. name of a HindQ saint and founder of a sect t. OjUjo vflmertf nimawaty f. the system of the followers of Ifimiinand. $. Uy« »xj tfxnfrrPiT nayanopant or nainopant, m the outer angle or canthus of the eye. ». yJiyO^ *\i\^f*m nayanotsav or nainotsaVj m. a lamp ; any lovely or desired object. *. JSosJlty^ HM<0^^ nayan-aushadh or nainau- shadh, m. green sulphate of iron. ». yo ^ new or niw, f. the foundation (of a house, &c.). new ^iilnd, to found, to lay the founda- tion, li. »jO vfteTT niwa, m. stillness, calmness, s. j\^ ^^TT newar, f. tape (v. niwar). h. y>j\^ ^«.^jo f^TTtftnr myojit, intrusted with, ap- pointed to, directed, ordered. «. j^>.ajj fffrfrsnT niyojan, ra. ordering, com- manding, directing, appointing, s. .ajj «i^ neivai; f. a sore in the feet of a norse. A. IjU'vii nyorana, a. to bend, to bow. d. h. J oj^ nyorna, \n. to bend, to bow^ to ^j^ nyorhnd,) stoop, d. {jl^^ niyush, (in comp.) hearing, p. ^j;ijui»^ niyushidan, to listen. 2>' Si^JLiS;*^ niyufihanda, hearing, a hearer, p, ^^^ ^T^tnniyofff m. an order or command, authority, appointment, i. tj^ r«f4l^n niyogi, m. a minister, deputy, "agent ; adj. appointed (v. niyukt). *. J^ ^^^ newal, \m. a weasel, a ferret ^^ iftfc?! newalaj (Viverra mungo); also nyoZo. s. J^ *!^^ wewaZ (same as newa?; q. v.). A. j^yuj tf^tfT 7ie,Mn, m. butter. «. ^J^ anr wywn, blameable, vile, wicked, despicable ; less, deficient, defective, t. \JoJ ^M<1I newna, n. to stoop, to bow or bend.*. Li)j6j>l3 vJ mfnfV«Ii nyunadhik, unequal, more or less. *. [imperfect. <. tfXil3*j3 '3r«n]J nyunang, maimed, mutilated, ^^ ^itnfifJnyunatdyf. deficiency,inferiority.«. i^f^ *mMl newanjt, f. name of a flower. «. ft3 ,(3JJo^ •ajfTfrj^ nyun-endriya, deficient in some organ, as blind, deaf, &c. s, iOii.^^ t{^^ naivedya, m. food consecrated to a deity, an oblation, s. [Dakh.) neha. s. ^^ t!^ neh, f. friendship, affection ; oil ; (in &J0 niya (v. nlyat, intention, &c.). a. X^ 'hI^K nihdr, m. frost, hoar frost j heavy dew. *. t^ %?X waiAar, f. a wife's mother's family, h, ^ei(i^ •T^ «e/«, ra. a friend, a lover, s. ^^juL> naifln or wa,in, made of reeds. />. ^^;ijj ^?|ff naiyan (for nayan, q. v.), the eye. «. J waro, the twenty-sixth letter of the Arabic alphabet, the thirtieth Persian, and the thirty-third Hindustani. At the beginning of a word or syllable it generally corresponds in sound to our w. In reckon- ing by abjdd it stands for six. In ephemerides it re- presents Friday and the sign Libra. Wdw not begin- ning a word or syllable contributes to form the long vocal sounds o, &, and au, fully explained in my Per- sian and Hindustani Grammars. • ^ va or rva, the corresponding letter in the Devanagjri alphabet. In words purely Sanskrit it has the sound of our v. Again, the Sanskrit v is fre- quently changed into b in the modern Hindustani and Bengali ; hence a Hindi word not found under this letter should be looked for imder b. ( 760 ) C\. J rva, a copulative conjunction equivalent to onr " and, with, but, now :" it is used in connecting words and phrases from tlie Arabic and Persian. When it merely connects two words it is sounded o, «^6 raz, night and day. a. p. J flf vi, a particle and prefix, generally de- noting separation, disjunction, ascertainment, pro- gress, privation ; and nearly equal to our English pre- flxes, a-, di-, dis-, e-, ex-, in-, un-, &c., as vi-rdkt, averse, indifferent t. \^ ma, open (as a door, &c.) ; adv. again ; back, behind ; prep, (for hS) with, as wa o guftam for ba guftam, 1 Ri)ok.e with him; interj. an expression of pain, alas I wa-manda, tired, fatigued ; remaining behind, p. ij V wa, inflec. sing, of the third pers. pron. him, her, it, that, va, conj. or, either h.». cl***))j rva-bast (v. wa-hastd), bound, &c. p- ^JSl^M^y wa-bastagan, m. pi. connections, re- latives, adherents, dependants, p. [rence. p, j_^i«^\5 wd-bastagi, f. dependence, adhe- ftJLo^j wa-hasta, bound, related, connected with, depending on ; (sub.) an adherent, relative, or dependant, p. {jt*>^^ wapas, behind, afterward, then, again, back, returning, wapas-dena or -Jcarna, to return, to give back, wapas rakhna, to detain, to retard, p. jjry«o3j fvdpasin, last, posterior, hindmost, p. lU^j ^ni'9' vdpal, m. a kind of holy basil } the black species of tiilsi grass, s, t^'j 'IT'ft vapl, f. a tank, pond, lake, pool. s. Olj ^nr vat, m. air, wind ; rheumatism, gout, inflammation of the joints ; wind, as one of the humours of the body, vat-pitt, m. rheumatism at- tended with fever, vdt-phull, inflated, puffed up with wind, vat-jwar, fever arising from vitiated wind, vdt- rakt, m. acute gout or rheumatism, vdt-rog, m. rheu- matism, gout, vdt-rogi, rheumatic, gouty, vdt-shul, cholic with flatulence, vdt-vairl, va. the castor-oil tree, vdt-vriddhi, swelled testicle, vdt-vyddhi, f. any disease attributed to a disorder of the wind. s. j^\j ^TinfT vatari, f. the castor-oil tree; a plant {Asparagus racemosus). t. [tion. t. «-^\5 VlWnM vatsalya, m. tenderness, affec- ti)L>\5 ^mnir vdtak, m. a plant {Marsilia quadrifolia). s. (^f^)j ^K^ vdtakif rheumatic, gouty, g. ^Ji^\} ^TiJciS vdtul, gouty, rheumatic; m. a whirlwind, a hurricane. «. ajuolj ^Iifl^ vdttya, windy, relating to wind. s. Cj^j *nT vat (v. bat'), f. a road, a path. s. oJi\5 ^f-lj wdjibdt, pi. things requisite, proper, or expedient to be done. a. ^J^J rvdjibi, f. expediency ; a salary, a "stipend; adj. expedient, proper, &c «. p ^\ Il*j^\^ ^(l(US vdjiprishth,m. globe ama- ranth, s. [crifice. t. »AJu»-\j '4l«iMi( vdj-peya, m. a particular sa- j^^jjua»-'j ^mqiO vdj-peyi, m. one who per- " forms the sacrifice last named, t. ^jsr 'j '"=ll»ft vdji, m. a plant (Justicia adhe- "natoda) ; a horse (v. bSjt). s. j^J^sf- J ■^I'flohi, vdji-kar, adj. aphrodisiac, s. ^^S^\J mi{\ r* -\j m^fi{^ vdchnik, verbal, s. (^^4»-l_j ^fs[^ Todchhire, m. pi. praising, applauding, h, »Ji»-[j ^rs^ vdchya, m. a speech, a sentence ; adj. fit to be spoken, s. iJ^lj wdhid, one, sole, individual, single, singular, wdliidu-l-'ain, one-eyed, waf^d shahidt God is my witness ; (met.) giving, bestowing, a. ^'^.V^'^\j n'ahidiyat, unity ; name of a sect of Mu^ammadans. a. ^j^^J wdkhe, trouble, ceremony, d. i\j VJ^ vdd, m. discourse, dispute, assertion, discussion ; a complaint, accusation. «. ilyljlj M1(^HM^ vdddnuvdd, m. attack and rejoinder; plaint and repljr. t ^\, ( 761 ) O-ij I j^ti jrfiiilj ^7^^RT*nT vad-sadhan, m. argument, maintaining a controversy. ». [thing), p- li)\j wdda, origin, source, essence (of any ij(^^j ^J^ vadi, speaking, discoursing, telling, uttering ; m. a sage, an expounder of tLe laws ; an accuser or plaintiff in a law-suit. 5. v^iilj n-adt, f. a valley, any low ground ; low land through which a river flows, what in North Britain is tailed " a strath ; " the channel of a river ; a desert, a. jSiio.iilj ^T^^ vad-yuddh, m. controversy, dispute, s. ^^i^\3 ^TBT vadya, m. any musical instrument. vadya-bhand, m. a multitude of musical instruments. vddya-kar, a player on a musical instrument s. J [5 ^TT rvar, m. a blow, a wound, gash ; an assault ; the near bank of a river, on this side. h. j'j '^TR var or war, m. a day of the week ; a multitude, a heap; f. time, leisure, delay, waiting, patience, s. jlj wai', (in comp. means) like, resembling ; worthy of; having, possessing, endowed with, as skah-war, worthy of a king, ummaid-wdr, hopeful, p. jIj ^rft vari m. water, vari-pravah, ra. a cascade, a current of water s. 1)1? ^^ roara, m. cheapness, thrift; benefit, gain; a victim; adj. cheap, h. jbUj M'KIMK rvarapar (v. war-par), s. ^-3Uj ^TOTjRft varanash f. the holy city of "Benares, s. (ij j^j ^rrficniff vari-paml, f. name of an aquatic plant (v. vdri-mulT). s. jb .)j 'clKMK war-par, on both sides, through and through ; m. bounds. *. [peded. s. Oj^j ^TfTW varit, hindered, prevented, im- 15,)^ ^T^ varta, f. tidings, news, intelligence ; rumour, report, word. *. (.ii5jL tflf^ek vartik, relating to news, com- mentary, explanatory ; m. a gloss, a commentary, a supplementary explanation, s, Ct-JjU waris, m. an heir, master, lord, owner. waris-h., to inherit, a. A}j warisi, heritage, inheritance, a. ^^3 ^ifCST varij, (lit. water-born) aquatic ; m. ft conch shell, any bivalve shell; the lotus ; salt. s. j>'^% 1lf<'«li varichar, aquatic, living or moving in the water ; m, a fish, t, ^j\^ warid, coming, arriving, approaching; adj . being pieient. tvarid fodir, a guest, a traveller ; comer and goer. a. iJj\j ^ft^ varid, m. (lit. water-giver) a cloud; ad.; productive of water, s. C->^i^j ^ifcftl varidhi,{. the sea, the ocean. «. (jilfixyij m^m varddhah, 1m. old age, in- &AXfc^|j ^$;^ vcirddhakya,} firmityofold age. s, <^jij ^rftr^ vari-rath, m. a raft, a float, s. ^^\X.'JiJM^J wa-rastagan, pi. the saved, those delivered, p. [ance. p. iS^****y^ wa-rastagt, f. salvation, deliver- b3jj>\^ wa-rasta, delivered, saved, p. ciJl**>jlj ^ff^ vdrsik or vdrshik, yearly, annual ; of or belonging to the rainy season. ». ajit.L '^T% vdrsha, annual; relating to one year ; also relating to the rainy season, s. ^ (J^-^j^y wa-raftngdn, pi. the lost ones. p. iCi.\j wa-rafta, lost, wandered astray, p. <-iJj\j "^Xj^S vdrak, opposing, obstructing, an obstacle or agent of resistance, s. j^ ij\j ^ftoR§^ vdri-karpur, m. the His or Hilsa fish {Cluponodon Ilisha). s. Liii;^\jViirLoh(jd<* vdii-kantak, ra. an aquatic plant {Pistia stratioites) ; another plant (Tropa spinosa).s. lJ^J^J ^ft*T^ vdri-muli, f. an aquatic plant "{Pistea stratoites). s. [crifices. A. ijj'j ^Rtf waran, m. offerings, oblations, sa- /oj'j *CR*ir varan, m. prohibition, hindering; guarding, defending. ». UjU ^\Ty{\ wdrnd, a. to surround, to encircle, to go round; to offer (in sacrifice, &c.); to devote one's self. h. [ocean. *. JbiVjS ^frf'Tf^ vdrinidhi, f. the sea, the ^3.1. ^r^isft varum, f. spirituous liquor; the " west ; the twenty-fifth lunar mansion, t, ^j>j .1, ^fl.^(^ff vdri-vadan, m. a fruit {Fla- courtia cataphracta). a. (JIaJ&j^j ^T^ varhat, m. the fruit of the So- lanum Jacquini, s. ^ji^^.l. 'cUVtviO wdri'pheri, a kind of re- ligious or superstitious ceremony, warl-pherl-h., to be devoted to one ; to be transported with joy. h. j\j WS var or war, (in comp.) inclosure, place ; as, satt-war, the place where a Hindu widow is sacrificed, s. \y\j ^TRT wdra, a quarter of a town, &c. where people of the same caste or trade dwell, h. t^j^j W^ vdri or wart, f. an inclosure, a court- yard, an orchard ; adj. indiscreet, s. j\j wdz (for hdz, q. v.), open, &c. p. ;t. wazun. inverted; preposterous, un- fortunate. p» UJJ J wdzkun, ic)&3 'fvdzhgun,^ ^J^]J -^m vas, m. a house, dwelling, Labita- tion. t. O-lj ( 762 ID. a name of Vishnu, the soul or the supreme being, considered as the soul of the universe, s. ^'j ^TRTT ivaaa or vasd, abode, &c. (v. hasa),s. l1a**>1j ^ftnr or ^fijrrf vasU, perfumed, scented ; clothed ; peopled, flourishing (a country), t. diA<*>lj "m^ vastu, the site or foundation of a house, s. [stantial. *• .yj^'j *litcr«i vastav, determined, fixed, sub- «^^JL»*»lj ^l^^ vastuk, m. a kind of potherb {Chenopodium album, &c.). «. eo^L*)|^ ^War vastavya, to be abided in, habitable, s. [of Vasudeva. s. j^.tJ-fcMij ^^l^ vasudev, m. Krishna, the son j***^j ^TO^ vasar, m. a day. s. la^^ij wasit, a mediator; medium, means; name of a city on the Tigris, between iKGfa and Ba§ra. a. wa*** J wasta, ni. (properly roasitd) account, sake, cause, reason, medium, means, a. f^JajJ\^ waste, on account of, for. rvdstl or "wasifj, f. a reed, a pen. a. x**»i_j wasi', ample, capacious, wide. a. {j***^j «IIfl«l rasav, m. cloth, clothes; abode. .?. d* '> ««>'j '^nTRT t?asaw<, vernal, belonging to the spring, s. CIio-_j**>)^ wd-sokht, f. an impassioned style in poetry. uia-ioHlUa, inflamed, impassioned, p. J^**)ij wd-soz, ardour, burning, p. ^^ij '^ra^tJosijabiding.dwelling; a dweller, s. *Ji**»'j ^TOl vdsya, m. vapours, tears, s. V^l^ ^^ vasha, f. name of a plant (Justitia ganderutsa). s. Cam>'j ^TfS(nT vdshit, perfumed, scented. «. iXmIj rvd-shud, opening, expansion, p. ^i^M^j n;a-5At]j) accidents, events, occurrences, intelligence, a. «x9l_j wdkia, m, an occurrence, event ; intel- ligence news ; death. wdTci'a-dlda, a man of expe- rience, waki'a-navis or -nigdr, an intelligencer, news- writer, a. ^^^J wdhi'i, right, true, proper; adv. verily, "truly, of a surety, a, i_»w\j rvdkif, experienced, intelligent, know- ing, learned, sensible. wdJcif-Jfdl or -kdr, experienced, intelligent, a connoisseur, wdljc^f-kdri, experience, in- telligence, knowledge, a- [intelligence, a. CJoaSlj wakiflyat, experience, knowledge, cil^j WToR vdh, m. word, language, speech. vdk papu, eloquent, able in speech, vdk-pafutd, f. elo- quence, vak-chdpalya, m. gossipping, idle talk, vdk- ckapal, frivolous fin speech), vdk-chhal, m. prevarica- tion, equivocation, s. ,^Lilj ^T^n''^ vdhydrth, the meaning or purport of a speech or sentence, s. ajkJlj m ( 763 ) iS3lj rvalid, m. a father, a. »(iJij rvalida, m. a mother, a. (^.liJij walidain, m. the two parents, a. »-^-*^|^ ■'A'**>^^J ^T*nTW van-prastk, m. a Brahman, Kshatriya, or Vaishya of the third grade or order, who has passed through the conditions of student and householder, and has betaken himself to the forest for divine meditation, s. aJbSij tnUsi'^mnijt/a, m. trade, traffic, s. s^ii^j m>Wl vanchhd, f wish, desire, s. diA^lj ^r*T4Vf vanchkit, wished, desired, longed for. s. i:;^^j ^T?R mwc/iAara,m.wishing,desiring,». ij^^^j «4in^«i1 vdnchhinl, f. a wanton woman, s. (_y43S\j ^^'^J^{K^vanar^^,i.) ^y^^ ,. j_5>-^\5 ^T^ vdnsi, f. the manna of the bam- &;^£j!j^t^p vdngmaya, eloquent, s. (3^j^rR!]ft vdrii, f. speech, sound, voice, s. LiJjiij^j ^I'sJc^oh' vdvaduk, talking much, gab- bling, prattling ; m. a great talker. ». ^3 ■^3 1? ^'*'i*'TT vdvaduktd, f. garrulousness, loquaciousness, s. y^.j^j n-dwaild, m. lamentation, bewailing, a. 8ij wdh, f. interj. (of admiration) bravo ! &c., admirable, wdh wd or wdh wdh, f. bravo ! bravo I p. Jfc^j ^f^ wdhi, (dat. of third pron.) to him, to her, &c. h. <_>i&ij wdhib, m. a giver ; (in law) one who executes a deed of gift; adj. liberal, generous, wi- hibti-l-atdydt or wdhlbu-l-'atdyn, the giver of gifts {par excellence), i. e. God. wdhibi he minnat, disinter- estedly liberal (the Deity), a. tiii*!^ «Cl^ch vdha/i, m. a horseman, a porter, a carrier, a bearer, s. [opinion, a. ^\j wdhim, thinking, imagining, being of jt»J&)j Tvdhima, m. imagination, fancy, a. ij^^^ ^?«T vahan, m. a vehicle, a conveyance of any kind, as a horse, elephant, carriage, boat, &c. «. j_^^j Min^'il vdhinl, f. an army, a body of " forces, consisting of 81 elephants, 81 cars, 243 horse, and 405 foot; a cohort, a battalion, vdhint-pati, a commander of a vdhini, a general, t. i^^j rvalii, weak, ill-founded (premises, &c.). "tvdhi tabdhi, absurdity, unmeaning chatter, a. C^\jJb\j wdhiydt, absurdities, fiddle-faddle, a, &Afi>^j ^TRT vdhya, outer, external, s. fj\^ wd,e, interj. alas! fie! woe to you! (in Dakh.) rheumatism, a. j_^lj '^T^ vdyu, m. air, wind, or its personified deification ; the air of the body ; morbid affection of the windy humours, vdyu-bhakshan, m. fasting, living on air. vdyu-sam, like wind, swift, unsubstantial. vayu-kon, m. the north-west, vdyu-grast, affected by wind, flatulent, epileptic, vdyu-gulm, m. a whirl- pool, a hurricane, vdyu-gand, m. flatulence, indi- gestion, vdyu-nivritti, £ calm, lull; cure of windy disorders. «. [lency. s. ^^4^>=lj m^iiHcjil wd,e-gold, cholic, flatu- j^Jj ^T'R vdyan, m. sweetmeats or cakes forming a light refreshment, allowed to be taken during a religious fast. *. ^J^^J ( 764 ) U-'J ^.'j ^TT^ vciyav, windy, relating to the wind. vayu (for vayu, q. v.), air, wind, &C. *. (jy>}j ^my") vayavi, f. the region of the wind, the north-west. i. b_j rvaha, f. the plague, or any pestilential disorder, pestilence, a. jbj rcahal, m. an unhealthy climate or at- mosphere ; a crime, fault ; punishment for crime ; pest, plague; vexation, misfortune; a curse; adj. painful, vexatious, a. »4^j fr^ vihhu, omnipresent, all-pervading; always, eternal, s. ii/l^j f^HFT vi-bhag, m. part, portion, share ; partition of an inheritance ; the numerator of a fraction (in arithmetic), jivad-vibhdg, partition made (of an estate, &c.) during the life of a father. a-jivad-vihhag, partition made after the father's de- cease, prdkdsh-vibhdg, public partition in the presence of witnesses, rahasya-vihhag, private partition, any- onya-vibhdg, mutual partition, sama-vibhdg; equal division of a father's property among his sons, vi- hhdg-patrikd, a deed of partition, s. ^^j r^Hiii vihhuta, f. power, supremacy. .<:. ■>];4^j ftlH ir»rf vi-bhranti, f.^ error, confu- ^j^j f^*JT vi-bhram, m. J sion, doubt, apprehension. *. CLS^j f^H^ vi-bhakt, divided, portioned, separated, vi-bhakti, f. part, portion, a division ; in- flexion of nouns, a declension. *. ^j f^'^ vihhau, m. substance, thing, pro- perty, wealth ; supreme or superhuman power. *. ^i^3 f^fir vibhuti, m. superhuman power; dignity, dominion, vibhuti-man, endowed with sn- preme power, s. *--*-***^-4-^J ftrHfwjr vibhushit, decorated, adorned, s. [coration. s. U*^y^h ^*?^ vibhushan, m. ornament, de- W'-^^j f^WhPBT vibhishan, fearful, formid- able, terrific, horrible. «. ^H-J ^^^I^IT vipdsha, f. the Vipasa or Beya river in Panjab. s. '^^j f«iMr«B vipak, m. cooking, dressing, s, C*^.j f^mf vipat or f^TTfH vipatti, f. adversity, calamity, misfortune, vipatti-jukt, unfortunate, vipat. ti-rahit, prosperous. vipat-sSgar, m. a heavy calamity. vipat-Jcdl, m. time of adversity. «. Uo J ^HT vapta, m. a sower, a planter, &c. ; a father. ». [course. ». «4^,^ fV^^ vipath, m. a bad road, wrong tW.j f^v;^vipad, If. calamity, &c. (v. vi- 'liJ.j r^MtJI vipnddj pat), vipad-tiddhar, m. extrication from misfortune, vipad-raliit, prospe- rous, vipad-grast, involved in calamity, vipad-yukt, unfortunate. «. ^.j f^TT vipr or vipra, m. a Brahman, s. d*^j^.j f^^Off viparit, reversed, inversed, opposite, contrary, a. •i/vl^ ^'^OrfrtT viparltatd, f. ^ contrariety; i^J.3^ condition. *i^^j r«m5<4 viparyaya 'ata, f. I , ra. J reversion of iji^j fqmsf vipaJish, opposed, adverse; m. an enemy, adversary. «. [impartiaL a. C^USiSj ftTT^ITniT«ipaAa.^a-;)a^ indifferent, '^^^^.j f^^reSfin vipakshatd, f. hostility, oppo- sition ; contradiction in aig^oment. t. iJlj IMmii vipalf m. a moment, a simple breathing, vipul, large, broad, deep. «. 'j^j HiMQjfli vipultd, f. magnitude, extent. «. (iJvJ ^^ vapan, m. sowing seed ; sharing ; semen virile, vipin, m. wood, forest. *. (J-^vJ f^'fHiciJ viphal, vain, unmeaning, fruit- less. *. [fruitlessness. «. ^j^^^.^ ftnu^nn viphalta, f. unprofitableness, tl-'j f^ iJif^ or vt7j ^ va^, an affix denoting similitude, as pashii-vat, like a beast. «. (^^j Nnl*i vitan, m. an awning, a canopy, s. tWj waieW or rvatad, a peg, a pin. watidu-U arf, the antipodes, a. [Panj&b. «. jti->j feinji vitadru, name of a river in the {i)**»yj r«in«ji vitrishn, content, satisfied, free from desire. *. Uu«i»^j fM'HUyril vitrisknatd, f. satisfaction, contentment, s. [sion. «. ^j>j f^irlr viiark, m. reasoning, discus- (^yj r«frt<*!j vitaran, m. abandoning, quit- ting ; a gift, donation ; crossing. «. (j^j ^W t?a^5 (properly vatsyd), m. a calf, the young of any animal ; a year ; the breast chest. * •j r«i n fw vitasti, f. a long span mea- sured by the extended thumb and little finger, conri* dered equal to twelve fingers, s. j*^*^3 ^WWT: vat star, ni. a steer, s. f^JJ->*^j qwiiO vatstari, f. a she-calf. s. j^>^ qw*. vatsar, m. a year ; a young bullock, s. iOj^^j «traO«i vatsartya, yearly, annual. vatsariya gaman, the sun's annual course through all the signs of the zodiac, s. ■>j ^c^ vatsah, m. a child ; a calf; a niediciual \^\.ii\l {Wrightea antidysenterica). «. jj-^j *lw->j r^rill^T vitanda, f. controversy, argu- ment, refutation, criticism. 5. »;X>^ rvatira, m. a path, way; manner, habit, custom. neTc-iuatlra, of good disposition, a. iOj ^ va/, m. the large Indian fig-tree. s. tii^j ^ t'a?M, m. a lad, a youth, a religious student, or Brahmachari / name of a flower, s. i—o". f«l7T vitap, m. a new shoot, a branch, s. OjL-3j f^T^fCoRT vitsariha, f. a sort of thrush, a variety of the bird usually called (in Beng.) mama. s. Ldi3j c|^eh vatuk (v. vatu), m. a lad, a j'oung man in general, s. o^j mCScIiI vatika, f. a kind of dish. s. cLjiJ". watwat, twaddle, nonsense, d. liUy". watmatana, to talk nonsense. «?. ^"y • watwatl, a chatterer, a babbler, c?. ^.y. f^^TT vitaura (v. hitaura), a heap of cakes made of cow-dung and dried for fuel. t. ^bj wisah, Stipulating, pledging one's faith, entering into a confederacy, o. ^j was;^, m. confidence, trusting in. a. 3y_j wMsw^, m. strength, firmness, steadfast- ness, confiding in, trusting to. a. "i^^ wasih, firm, steady, strong ; confiding ■or putting trust (in God), a. uL^fljjj Tvaslkat, f.l firmness, solidity, confi- sSL^t rcasika, m. J dence, faith; a bond, obligation, written agreement (Pers. pi. uiastkajat). a. _,j Tvaj (properly wajj), galangal. a. f. OWj f^inffT vi-jati, f. a different species, tribe, or caste, s. Ci*A>U.j wajahat, f. respect, appearance, position, personal respectability ; credit, a. c-*>-j Tvajab or wiijob, m. a span, a measure of nine inches in length, p. O^-j ftrftnr vijit, subdued, defeated, vijit- endriya, of subdued organs or passions. *. j>»-j rvajd, m. ecstacy, excessive love, wijd or tuujd, opulence ; discovering, procuring, finding, a. iJ^^j rvajdan or rtvj'c^aw, rapture, ecstacy. a. j>-» ^^ vajr est vajra, m. a thunderbolt in peneral, the tlmnderbolt of Indra in particular ; the diamond ; adj. hard, impenetrable, vajr-aghat, m. a tiiuiitieibolt, a sudden and astounding calamity, vajr- abhyas, m. cross multiplication, vajr-hadh, m. death jr-pat, m. & ossom of th« vajr-valll, f. by lightning; cross multiplication, vair-pat, m. & stroke of lightning, vajr-pushp, m. the blossom of th« sesamum. vajr-may, hard, adamantine, a species of sunflower, s. ^y^^ ^«!Tt WQJfi, the bowels, intestines. wajrl-bafi, the contents of the abdomen. A. ^j waja*, m. disease, pain, affliction ; com- plaint, mourning. waj(^ i mqfdsil, rheumatism, a. ^^J ^ vijna (v. vigya), skilful, learned, s. [j>-i f^lt vi-jan, private, lonely, solitary, a. ^j^Uo-j f^^rnrr vijnapan, m. teaching, in- structing, informing, s. ^yrj wujuh, being necessary, necessity, obligation, duty, debt. o. j>^j wujud, ra. invention ; existence, body, / essence, substance ; penis, ba-wajud, notwithstanding ba wujude ki, notwithstanding that. a. jyfj f^^T vijwar, exempt from decay, free from fever. ». »5»-j wujuh (pi. of &9-J rvajh), faces, aspects; chiefs (of a country, &c.). a. Cj\i)y>-j wujuhdf, superfluous or additional pl. of loujUh, faces, &c. a. »»-j wajh, f. cause, motive; mode, manner, way ; face, visage, appearance, semblance ; (in Pers. and Hind.) wages, salary, money, wajhi tasmiya, the cause of giving any particular name, the etymology of words, wajhi ^dl, mode of living, state of circum- stances, a. l^j wajha, m. allowance, pension, salary, a. fj>-^ f%»nT vijay, m. victory, triumph, con- " quest. J'i/ay-ffJan or rj/a^j, victorious, triumphant. «. ^j ^A'^*\\ vijaya, f. homp, or the tops of the plant, used as narcotic, t. iJtf»- • TVajlz, 1 , . , , , ^" . /-abridged, short, epitomized, a. IH^-J ^ajiza,) eJ^j wajih, m. a prince, a chief; adj. of a noble presence, handsome, specious, a, ^_A>'j f^inft «y«y*, victorious, triumphant, "conquering, s. —J '^r^ vach, TO., (orris root (^Acorus cala- \»'j W^ vacha, f. j mus). s. jU-j f«j^R vichar, m. the exercise of judg- ment or reason, consideration, deliberation, s. CjJ^^ fq-qif*.!! vichaHt, judged, discussed, determined, decided, s. uiJjU-j r^-«iKc* vicharak, 1m. a judge, l^^U-j f^*ll<<*5T vkhdr-kartd,j an inves- tigator. *. &^Wj fwi^ vichdrya, that which is proper to be discussed, &c. s. JVj ^^^l^vichdl, intervening,intermediKie..?. >rj frf^^ vichitr, variegated, spotted, s. J f^'^r^pr vichakshan, clever, able} sensible, wise ; skilful, proficient t. J»-j fr^^ vic/m/, unsteady, unfixed. «. (J^j f^'^T^TT vichaUm, m. fickleness, un- steadiness, s. ^^J ^^^ vachan, m. speech, sentence, rule; a dictum in law ; a text from a work of authoritj'. vachan-Jcar, obedient ; ni. author of a precept, vachan- kram, m. discourse, order of speech, vachan-grahl, conformable, compliant, vachan-mdtr, m. mere words, assertion unsupported by facts, s. K^3 ^achwach (v. matrvat), babble, non- sense, && tvachwachana, to babble, wachwachi, a bab- bler, a tweedler. d. [tion* «• «3a4»-j ftf^ vichhed, m. separation, preven- «JUotjj»-j wahdantyat, f. believing in the unity of the deity ; unity, singularity, o. O(io-j wahdat, f. unity, oneness (as that of the deity), a. (J!^y wahsh, a wild beast, beast of prey. a. CJLs^^ wahshat, f. fright, fear ; a desert, a solitude, a dreary place. wa^Jiat-angez or wa^sJiat- nafc, frightful, exciting horror, a. f^^^^j wahshi, wild (man or beast), savage, "fierce ; name of a Persian poet, wc^shl-pana, m. wild- ness, ferocity, the savage state, a. J.&-J rmhal, m. slime, ooze, mud, clay. a. (J^y>'j wuhush (pi. of jjt^_j),wild beasts, a. j_^j waJn, f. divine revelation, inspiration, a " voice from heaven, a. tia»-j mahid, alone, unique, singular, wahl- du4-'afr, the nonpareil of the age. o, J>j rvadd, m. love, friendship, affection, a. bj f^ vidd (probably for p^^j, q* v.), f. dismission, taking leave, farewell, adieu, h. «5^(5j middd, m. love, friendship, a. iOj^j wadar or wadardt, babble, prattle, d. ^.(3. fVST vidrum, m. coral. «. bji^j roadatnd, to babble, to jabber, c^. 760 ) j^J, (^tij f%f^ vidish, . 4 ^^ _ , f. an mtermediate point uwii. T^rtf3iF vidisha, r . , ,,^ „ ^ J of the compaM, «. i^djM^vidik, J *^ -fciiJ^j f^f^TV vidagdhf clever, shrewd ; m. a libertine ; an intriguer ; a scholar, a pandit. Mag' dhata, f. sharpness, cleverness. $. jjiSj ^^ vadan, m. the month, the face. s. ^jijtJj fV¥l»T vidivdn, learned, intelligent. $. «iji_5 rvadud, loving, friendly, affectionate, a. 9rj3^3 f^?^ vidiii-aj, m. the lapis lazuli, s. (J*^j^j r«f^M vidwesh, m. enmity, hatred, t^ ,_5^j«ij f**g^ vidweshi, m. an enemy ; adj. "hostile, inimical. *. ,fc2»j ^V vadhu, f. a son's wife; a wife in ge- neral, vidhi, m. a sacred precept, an act or mle pre- scribed by the veda ; rule, formula. «. (M^«ij f^iHT I'tW/ion, m. act, action, religious rites and ceremonies; rule, precept, ordinance, in- junction ; form, mode, manner, t. (^dbUtij fcfVl^oK vidhdyak, one who entrusts or deposits, s. [mind, a, J&iij f^TVT vidhur, m. separation, agitation of j»ji>i>^ f^V^ vi-dharm, a religion different from one's own, heterodoxy, s. ^»fc«ij f^VTT vidhwd, f. a widow, vidhwa-ve- dan, m. marrying a widow, s. l^jJ>^iij fffsg^ vidhwans, m. aversion, dis- like, enmity, disrespect ; destruction, s. ij^ji>^j f^59^ vidhrvansu hostile, adverse, "pernicious, destructive, s. sjufctij f^VT vidheya, compliant, tractable, fit or proper to be done or recomended. f. biJj fVin vidyd, f. knowledge, learning, science, sacred or profane. «. (^^U^bij f^nBHTWIW vidydbkyds, m. study, diligent application. *. C.*A)bij fronnfTI vidyd-prdpti, f. acquire- ment of knowledge, sound learning, s. ^^Itibpj ft(ai^T»! vidyd'ddn, diffusing know- ledge or science. 5. J&ibtij fwrVR vidyddhar (v. hidyddhar), a kind of demigod, s. ^^Sbi^j fwnnT vidyd-dhan, m. money acquired by teaching, s. ^_y^jbtij fwrsfF vidydrthl, m. a student, "pupil, disciple, s. [of learning. «, ^^bij f^in^H vidyd-ldbh, m. acquisition ^bjJj fWT^n vidydlay, m. a school, "college, s. j^ijbi>j f^in^T vtt(yawan,learned, scientific^ V/'^J ( 767 ) G'J (j;^i&bii« f^lSni^ vidya-hin, ignorant, unin- Btructed. *. CLoij ftrenr vidyut, f. the lightning, s. (jj^.i^j ftfc(h§ vidirna, torn, rent, split, s. U^.^j r^^^I videsh, m. a foreign country, abroad, any pliice away from home, 'videsh-gaman, m. travelling, going abroad, s. vi^.iSj f^^;^ videshajAm. a foreigner; adj. (_^.^,iij f%^^ videshl, J foreign, exotic, s. CL^dj wadiat, f. deposit, trust, wadiati liaydf, death, depositing of life. a. ^^^^.|^J fW^TTT'T vidyaman, m. being, exist- ence, being present, s. *^.^j ^^^ videh, incorporeal, without body. s. \6j ^^ vada, in. pulse ground and fried with oil or butter, s. [tressed, s. ci-ojfij fcl^rSrl vidambit, low, abject, dis- ljai(ij f^URT vidambna, afflicting, distress- ing, s. — j.-].j ftrcnrff vlrdjat, ^splendid, liand- ^^Us-Tjj f^TnnrR mVajwian, J some,shining.*'. U».l.j f^ |, l »m virdjnd (v. birdjnd), to be splendid, &c. i. 6\,» Tvarrad, m. a gardener, a flower-man. a. uft^ljj f^TPT virdg, m. the absence of desire or passions ; indiflference to all earthly matters, s. ■ J\j ftf O^O virdgt, void of passion or de- "iire, stoical, s. Jljj fa ug viral (for virdl), m. a cat. t. m\jj f^rpT virdm, m. cessation, pause; ths mark used under a letter in Devanagarl shewing that it Is not followed by a vowel. *. (_^|jj ^rrarert vardnasi, f. Benares, the sa- "cred city of the Hindus, s, Jfe^jj ^^? ^'(^f^f>' 0'' vardha, m. a hog, a boar; the third incarnation of Visfj.nu (in the form of a boar) ; one of the eighteen smaller dwlpas or divisions of the universe, s. (jwb jj warpdsh, act of rubbing the hands together, d. [gether. d. lJLM*b .J warpdshnd, to rub the hands to- f^^j>.,j^ ''^<.Rt;T»T var-praddn. m. conferring a boon. s. Ojj WJf wra< or vrata, m. any meritorious act of devotion, such as a vow, penance, &c. s. Ojj ^f% vritti or tJpV^, m. f. livelihood, pro- fession, means of gaining a livelihood ; a circle, vf^tt' khand, m. sector or segment of a circle, s. Ojj ^# vartti, f. the wick of a lamp. s. Ojj r«i^j ^f^ varjit, abandoned, avoided, ex- cluded, excepted, s. C»ng. «. /j;»-ij '^•I varjan, quitting, shunning, avoid- »JU»-j|j t|4«l1^ varjanlya, improper, cea- Rurable, wicked, what ought to be avoided, s. I twJ C 768 ) 0}3 »-jj ftrrf^ virachit, made, prepared, effected ; written, composed, t. TzJ^Ji ''^"^^-hharch, profuse, lavish, p. Ls^}")^ Tvar-Marcht, f. profusion, prodi- gality, extravagance, p. dj^ ward, m. a rose, a flower; the leaf or petal of a flower, wird, daily use, practice, task, a Bection of the kur.an; access, approach; continual motion or employment; a halting-place, stage, wird Tcarna, to repeat, wird watiifa pafhna, to perform one's daily tasks of devotion, a. ii. ^t:?C varad, adj. granting a boon or prayer; propitious, favourable, s. [boon, s, jjliSjj sPC^TtT var-dan, m. the granting of a ,Jbii,j ^"S vriddh, old, aged ; m. an old man. vriddh-seva, f. reverence of old age. vrirfrfW, f. increase, prosperity, success, rise ; increase of the moon ; en- l.irgement of the scrotum ; interest, usury, vriddhi- shraddh, m. a sacrifice to the manes of progenitors on any prosperous occasion, vriddhi-man or varddh- mdn, prosperous, increasing in wealth, &c. s. JOii;^ r<4^'^ vh'uddh, opposed, hindered ; re- verse, contrary, hostile, t, Ijbi.. '^^ mai'ddha, m. a bull, a bullock. «. Ufcti, . "^^ vriddha, f. an old woman, s, l^lI^^jlfciSjj '^J^NIVII vriddhavastha, f. the condition of old age. *. Cl^Lijj ^^IT varddhit, grown, expanded, increased, thriven. ». Ijj&t3.j.f^^3fn viruddhata, f. opposition, en- mity, incongruity. vriddhatS, f. old age. t. ^jl^(5jj ^^HM va7'ddhmdn,\gro'wix]g, thriv- /o^^'ijj ^^^ varddhan, Jing; varddhan, m. growth, increase, s. [rious. h. Ufcjj. ^PC^^^n war-rahna, n. to be victo- 'sj»»jj^ marzish, f. abstinence, sobriety ; cus- tom, habit ; gain ; labour, exertion, exercise, p. U'HJjJ voarzidan, to practice, to perform, to evince, p. ^j»>.j f«IT!^ viras, insipid, tasteless, s. Vm»jj rcarsa, m. parade, drill, military exer- cise ; a parade ground or place where soldiers are exercised, d. iS*j3 "^ ''>7Mh> ™' ^ bull, the sign Taurus, s. {Ji*j^ ^ varsh, m. a year ; a division of the earth ; the rainy season (v. varsha, &c.). varsh-parvat, m. a mountainous range dividing two varsh or parts of the world, varsh-shaf, m. a century, varsh-sahasra, m. a thousand years, varsh-dyut, ten thousand years. *. Jmj^ IT^ varsha, 1m.pl. the rains, J^U>jj ^§1<*l^ varsha-kalj or rainy sea- son, s. [tumu. t. ^Im>jLm>^j ^%ra^n*T varshavasdn, m. au- fZ^^jj ^tw vurshat, raining, sprinkling, ■bovering. t. jj ^ftf vriskti, f. rain, vrishti-kcu, m. the rainy season, s. '^^jj ^fcw varishth, best, dearest. ». ^.i^^^J ^f^dR vrishchik, m. a scorpion; the sign Scorpio, s. {^j} ^^ vnrshan, m. raining, rain. *. ^LfjJi^j^ ^^\\mh vrishotsarga, the letting loose of a bull at certain ceremonies, as at marriages, obsequies, &c. : the bull is thenceforth considered sacred, and wanders about unmolested and unappro- priated ; he is called " a brahmin! bull ; " a vicious brute he generally turns out. «. t-ii^^j ^¥cir varshaik or varsht/a/tf yearly, annual, s. e^j^ marta, m. a labyrinth, a whirlpool, em- barrassment, any situation of danger and difficulty, a. cjj wara, m. timidity, apprehensive of doing vrrong, temperance, continence, a. uik^j war^aldnd or warghaldnnd, a. to deceive, to decoy, to inveigle, p. yjjj warak, m. a leaf (of a tree, book, &c.); a card, a slice, waralc utama, to page and line (a book), ward^ tardshnd, to cut cards. waralfu-l-Hliiyal, m. name of an intoxicating drug (Cannabis sativus), waraTc-dd^, written paper, warak-dag^l Tcarna, to page (a book), a. ^^J warakl, of or relating to a leaf. a. v^j ^«ir vrik or vrika, m. a wolf. s. Owjj f^T^ virakt, averse, indifferent, stoical. virakti, f. aversion, indifference, virdkt-bhao, disin- clined, disliking, s. [J^jj ^^ vW/fsA, m. tree, vriksh-char, m. a monkey. vriJcshchhaya, f. the shade of trees, grove. vriksh-dhup, m. turpentine, vriksh-ropan, m. planting trees, vriksh-may, abounding with trees, vriksh-nath, m. the Indian fig-tree. *. '^J3 T^ '^pkh, m. a bull, Taurus (v. vrisK). s. cL/^j ^ va7g, m. class, tribe j a class of letters ; a chapter, a section ; a square number, varg- ghan, the square of a cube, varg-mul, square root. *. J;j ^^ varal, m. a wasp, viral or virld, fine, delicate, thin ; loose, apart, s. ^j m.QjF warla, on this side of a river, &c. h. j» jj rvaram, m. a swelling, tumour ; adj. in- flated ; enraged, waram-karna, to swell (any part of the body), waram-hond, to be inflated, to be enraged, a. vo^j WI ivarmd (v. harma), a gimlet, &c. h. (iU.J ^TO varn or varnd, m. a class, caste ; an order, colour, hue; a letter of the alphabet; a co- eflicient. varn-dsram, the class and state of a person. varn-dharm, the particular duty of each caste, vam- rekhd, f. a kind of white fossil, varn sreshth, of a good tribe or caste; a Bralmian. varn-sankar, mix- ture or confusion of castes, varn-kram, order of the Hindu castes; the alphabet, varn-gat, algebraic varn mala, f. the alphabet, varn-hin, an outcast. ». ^^jj ^^TII varun, m. the god of the watws and regent of the woZicAos "eatjang). s, ^3J3 ^^'■"^» ™' arrival, coming, appearing, approaching, descending, alighting, a. ^J>j.j f^;^i:%virodh, m. enmity, opposition, s. tj>i^jj_} f^tNft virodkt, adverse, hostile, op- " posing; m. an enemj. ». ».« fm^ virah, m. separation, absence, s. Oiftjj f^^f^H virahit, void, free from. s. '~**JL5 ^^ vrihat, great, large. «. i^j^jj f&» .j ^'^mfff vrihaspati, m. the planet Jupiter or its regent, vrihaspati-chdkr, m. a cycle of 60 years, vrihaspati-war, m. Thursday. «. j^jj fw*.f)^.\^ T(tTl vrlra, f. shame, bashfulness. *. &) .. ^f)g vrthi, m. rice. «. Ov>jj "SftffW vrinV, ashamed, modest. «. LiJuij. f«|<^ vire^, m. a purgative. «. ^^Uj»jj ^Omi<1 uartyan, m. the eighteenth yuga or period. •. ^}\JJ fVdlc^' ciraZ, m. a cat. «. ^2»^|^ ttCi^ varishi, f. a fish-hook. «. C*>;]jj wizdrat, f. the dignity of wazir) the (^ce of prime xoinlster or grand vizir, a. ( 769 ) j^j ^^ijj mazzdn, one who weighs ; one who ver- sifies, wazan, blowing (wind), a. p. Jj3 ^^'^^ or wizr, m. a crime, sin, iault; arms ; a burden, a load. a. \jjj wuzard (pi. of Jjj), ministers, &c. a, ^v)Jj wazn. m. weight, measure; metre, rhyme, verse; reputation, esteem, honour; examination. wazn-dar or -hash, a weighman. wazn-Tcashl, the office, or perquisites of a weighman. a, ^_jjj w?a2«t, heavy, weighty, a. Xii^Jj wazida, blown, (from rvazidan to blow), p. jljj rvazir, m. a minister of state ; the queen at chess ; the knave at cards, waztru-l-mamalik, the grand wazir. a. [state, a. {.Jj^.jj wazirl, f. the office of a minister of (_j^j vas (for vash, q. v.), authority, &c. s. 0**J ^ vasu, TCI. wealth, thing, substance. vasvr^nan, rich, wealthy. ». (_)»>j f^ wis (infl. of niuK)y him, her, &c. A. {,j**^ was, children, progeny, offspring, d. |^U*»j masdrd, m. the veranda or porch of a house, an awning, shed, or thatch, d, d^OsLy roasdtat, f. mediation, intercession, medium, a. [of the moon, a, l^i Ljj f^nnST visdkha, the sixteenth mansion Ju»jij f^^lT^ visdl, large, extensive. *. Ca)Im>j wasdlat, f. mediation, channel, me- dium, means, a. iJLJLijMj r<j f^^^ visphot, m. \j^^^j fWFBiTT visphota, f. a boil,a pus- tule; small- pox, s. Cam>j ^^ vastu, m. thing, matter, substance. vastu-bhav, f. chattels, things, baggage, vastu-tas, in fine, in fact, substantially, vastu-mdtr, an outline of any subject, vastu-hdni, f. loss of substance or pro- perty. ». J^i-***^ f^^(V^visidr, spreading, extension. «. iA**»j OlWT. visfar (Pers. histar). m. a bed. *. jjutfj ^[^ vastr or vastra, m. raiment, ap- parel, clothes, vastr- anchal, m. hem of a garment. tmttr-bhedi, m. a tailor. 5. [razor, d. IJumj njosiara (corrupt, of ustura, q. v.), a C^JijMj fM^cJii vistrit, spread, diffused. «*»- tnti, f. the diameter of a circle. «. jS**»j ^Wif\ vasati, f. a house, dwelling, abode, " residence. «. ^^j>lu»jf^^sf^vistirn, spread out, expanded.* \ti*«»« ^TI?T vasudd or vasudhd, f. the earth, s, -^ ^^ 3D tS>*«>j ^.J-*>j ^PB^ vamdev, m. the name of the father of Krisina. : CL^^y^j visrant,) ^^ -*>j 0|f|^»T visarjan, m. gift, donation ; quitting, dismiBsing; setting a boll at liberty (▼. vrishottarga). t. i±A*>j ftre^ visarg or visarga, m. the soft aspirate marked by two dots (in the Devanagart cha- racter) being a substitute for the letters ta or ra. «. \xMj rvasat, m. the middle, the centre; adj. middling (sort. 8as.): centrical; suitable, just, proper, excellent, great, magnificent, a. iaM>a wasatt, middling, neither long nor "short (pronunciation), a. C^Ktuaj reus at, f. latitude, amplitude, space ; leisure, convenience, opportunity, ease. a. ritMm mash or nisk, a load of corn, a horse or or camel load. a. ti)uM, ^TToR vasuk, m. samhhar salt. s. fJLA*aj f^^ visleshf m. disunion, separation.*. ij^***>j MUHR vasu-man, wealthy, rich. a. Ci*v>*»j f^fFHt vismit, astonished, dismayed, s. jjv^j MflHri^ vasumatt, f. the earth, s. Ojv-»9 fN^ff vismrit, forgotten, vismriti, f. forgetting, forgetfulness. t. tk^Mm fvasma, m. the leaves of woad, or indigo (with an extract from which the natives stain their beards, cloths, &c.). wasma-posh, dressed in cloths stained with wasma, uiasma-ddr, stained with toasma. a. ^♦**>j CmWH vistnay, m. wonder, astonish- "ment. s, [niAed. «. ^y^j f^^nift vismayi, surprised, asto- M***^ "^^ vasn or HtA'H vasan, m. cloth, clothes. «. «J1aJlm*5 *m»A vasant, m. the season of spring ; dysentery, diarrhoea ; small-pox. vasant-otsav, the ce- lebration on the return of spring. vasant-kusum,name of a tree {Cordia myxa and latifolia). s. jjlu»j MM*tl1 vasantl, of or relating to spring.*. ***»5 f^^ viswa (v. vishwa), the world, s. (^V**J f^^T^ viswad, tasteless, insipid. . s. (^jtt\y*»m rvaswas, m. the temptations of the devil, distraction of mind; doubt, suspense, hesitation, apprehension, perplexity, superstition, scrupulous- ness, a. jbu^jjyttj 7vasTvasi, doubtful, causing suspense, "distracting, apprehensive, a. saMyMm Tvasrvasa, m. temptation, a. ''—^y**3 ^raV vasuk, m. samhhar salt. s. ^^ f^ rvise (inflect, of wuh), him, her, it, 'to him, to her, to it, or to that A. ( 770 ) >J • (J1aXu)j "^f^iK wastt, \m. an agent, ambassa- ,i^juu*»j ^rftr wastth,} dor(forwaait,Arab.). A. Xjutfj wasi, extensive, spacious, a. eiJuMj wasila, m. affinity, propinquity; cause, conjuncture ; support, prop ; means (of effecting any thing); patronage, toasila'dar, a client, dependant. watlla-ddri, clientship, dependence, a. i*JU«»j wasim, beautiful, elegant, comely, a. (jij wash, (in comp.) like, resembling, as mah-ioash, moon-like, beautifuL p. {ji*»j '^ vash, humbled, sudued, tamed ; fas- cinated, enchanted; m. authority, mastership, sub- jection, t. (jij ft^ visk, m. poison, venom, visk-apah, antidotic, an antidote, vis^-apaha, f. a kind of birth wort {Aristolochia Indica). vis^-alu, venomous, poi- sonous. vish-bhaksTyan, m. taking poison, vislf-bhujang, m. a poisonous snake, vish-dhar, venomous, vis^- suchak, the Greek partridge. visJi-ghatt, antidotic, an antidote ; m. a tree {Mimosa sirisa). visi-mantr, a snake-catcher, a charm for curing snake bites, vis^- ndshan or -nashi, m. an antidote ; a tree {Mimosa si' visa), vis^-vidya, f. the administration of antidotes, the art of curing poisons, msff-vaidya, m. a dealer in antidotes, one who cures the bite of a snake, &c. rwj- har, m. an antidote, vis^-hirday or -hridaya, mali- cious, malignant. «. ^Utfj f^my^ vishad, m. lassitude, dejection, want of energy, lowness of spirits, t, ^(^Im>j fqHK^l vishadi, dejected, disconsolate, sorrovdiil. *. [iiEuphorhia), $. joIm>j ftf^rniK vishakar, m. name of a plant ^5 ^j r^l^l^l vishdkhd, f. the sixteenth lunar asterism. «. [illustrious, s. jla>j f^^n^y vishdl, great, large, eminent, ^^j r^^Hc^ril vishdlatd, f. greatness, emi- nence, distinction. «. ^»)^J f^^TO vishdn, m. the horn of an ani- mal, tusks of an elephant, boar, && «. t3^j r«(m*!rt vishdni, m. an animal with horns or tusks, i. UjS>j Mf^lHI vashita, f. fascination, bewitch^ ing ; holding in subjection. «. cLwi>j f^fs viskti, f. name of an astrono- mical period ; labour without pay. ». jjui>j ftrer^ vishtar, m. a seat, stool, chair; Brahman's seat «. ^v»\j fmfWT vishtamhh, m. constipation, obstruction (of urine) ; paralysis, t. l^iii>j f^W\ vishtha, f. faeces, ordure, s. jj(ji>j ?^V\ vishtl, forced or unpaid labour, s. S^j f^^ vishad, white, clear, stainless, s. j^sJmj f^^^ vish-dhar, m. a snake; adj. venomous. «. JjiS»5 fi^lH vishram, m. rest, repose; paase, cessation; composure. •; J***J ( 771 ) j-oj \^L^\jMtj r^'JIliT vishrant, rested, calm, tran- quil, vishranti, f. rest, tranquillity. «. [weapons, s. JL^j f^5I^ vishastr, unarmed, without (JL*Z.Mtj felf^Ig vishisht, endowed with, pos- 86686(1 of, having, inherent, t. ^'L'l.Mtj "eff^rS vashishth, m. a rishi or divine sage of the first order ; one of the seven stars of Ursa Major, s. jJmj r«(1H visham, difficult of access, rough, ' uneven ; difficult of comprehension, as an obscure book, &c. ; odd (in numbers) ; fearful, frightful, vi- sftam-jwar, an intermittent ftver. visiam-sahas, m, temerity, daring. *. {j^j f%3n vishnu, m. one of the three prin- cipal Hindu deities, and the preserver of the universe. vislinu-bhakta, a worshipper of Vislinu. vislfnu-priti or vislmuttara, a grant of rent-free land to Brahman s in honour of Vishnu, or to maintain his worship. vishnu-pad, m. the sky, the firmament, vishnu-padi, f. one of the twelve sanJcrdntis or periods when the sun enters a sign of the zodiac, especially the first after the equinox, vishnu-krdnta, name of a flower iClitorea teniatea). vishnu-vallabha, name of a small iragrant plant so called (Echites caryophyUata); a fra- grant shrub {Ocymum sanctum), s. ^^^J f^^f^ vishani, m. a sort of snake, s. ^J^j^^j rcmiUKim vhhnu-purdna, m. one of the sacred and poetical works of the Hindus, supposed to have been compiled and composed b}' tlie poet Vydsa, and comprising the whole body of Hindu theo- logy : a purana in general treatf of five peculiar topics, the creation, the destruction and renovation of worlds, the genealogy of gods and heroes, the reigns of the manus, and the transactions of their descendants : there are eighteen acknowledged puranas : 1. Bidhma; 2. Padma, or the lotus ; 3. Brahmdnda, or the egg of Brahma ; 4. Agni, or fire ; 5. Visfinu ; 6. Garuda, his bird or vehicle; 7. Brahma-vaivarta, or transforma- tions of froAffia ; 8. Shiva; 9. Linga ; 10, Ndrada, son of Brakmd; 11. SJcanda, son of Shiva ; 12. Mdrkandeya, BO called from a sage of that name ; 1 3. Bhavis]iyat, or prophetic; 14. Matsya, or the fish; 15. VardUa, or boar; 16. Aurma, or tortoise ; 17. ^amana, or dwarf : and 18. the Bhdgavat, or life of Krishna, which last is by some considered as a spurious and modern work : the puranas are reckoned to contain four-hundred thousand stanzas ; there are also eighteen upa-purdnas, or similar poems of inferior sanctity and different 'ap- pellations : the whole constitute the popular or poe- tical creed of the Hindus, and some of them, or parti- cular parts of them, are very generally read and studied, s. *3 is^i^ vishank, fearless, undaunted, s. y*>j f^^^ vishuv, \m. the equinox. Oj^j ffj^ vishuvaty) vishuv-chhaya, f. the shadow of the gnomon at noon Mrben the sun ia on the equinox, vishuv-din or -kal, m. the day of the equinox, vis^uvat-rekha, the equinoctial line. s. \j^j f*^^l vishwd, f. a tree whose bark is used in dyeing red, commonly called atit {Betula). $. JJl^j f^nSTW vishrcdtmat m. the universal ' spirit. *. (^^j^j ftrore vishwds, m. trust, faith, con- fidence, vishtoas-bhang, m. breach of confidence, vish- wds-pdtr, one who is trustworthy, vishwds-irit, in- spiring confidence, vishwds-ghdt, m. violation of trust. vishwds-ghdtaJc, m a traitor, one yrho betrays confi- dence. «. ,_/*»i^.^_) fr'SfT^ vishwdsi, trusting or con- "fiding in ; trusty, honest, s. j^^yMj ^fTgifini vishwdmitra, m. a Muni of the military caste, the preceptor of Rama. $. tiJ^j fc(^oh vishok, without grief, happy. ». o^j r««n»«ni vishivakd, f. a gull (^Larus $'1- dibundus). s. j^yjij f^qH^ vishwambhar, all-sustaining. «. 8^**)j f^Tjf vishwa, all, entire, whole, univer- sal ; m. the world, the universe ; a deity of a particular class, worshipped in the funeral rites, vishtva-jit, all- subduing, vishwa-jan, all men, mankind, vishwa-deva, m. name of a plant (Hedysarum lagopodioides). vishwa- dhdri, all-sustaining, vishwa-rdj, m. a universal so- vereign, vishwa-rup, multiform, universal, omni- present, Vishnu, vishwa-rochan, an esculent root so called {Arum colocasia). vishwa-sdrak, the prickly pear {Costus Indicus). vishwa-srishtd, God, the creator of all. vishwa-Tcrit, the maker of all. vlshwa-karma, the son of Brahma and artist of the gods, vishwa-vyapti, f. universal diffusion, vishwa-vydpak or -vyapi, all- pervading, every where diffused, s. j^JL>^yMj fcf^HK vishweshwar, m. lord of the universe, a form of Shiva especially worshipped at Benares, s. [object, pursuit, affair. «. ,_^j fi| mr vishay, m. any object of sense; an jwS>j '^^ vashlf subdued ; m. a sage with sub- "dued passions, vasht-hhut, subjugated to another's will, vashi-krit, fascinated, subjected, vashl-karan, m. subduing (by drugs, charms, &c.), enchanting. «. U3lxi>j '^^TTRT vashydtmd, of a subdued mind. s. [tion. g. Uuui>j cl^^ril vashyatd, f. humility, subjec- j(^j ^5(1^; vashlr, m. a pungent fruit, (Po- thos officinalis), s. [lence. #, yiju^j i^^^ vishesh, m. sort, kind; excel- fjLxuij f^f^NW visheshan, discriminative. *. g jtljuSjj fef^iwi visheshya, piincipal, chief; a sabstantive. *. iutjij cfSiTi vashya, tame, humbled, s. ivif**^ f«)oj vmtid, firm, steady, strengthened, solid; confirmed, corroborated, a. >j watar, m. any thing necessary ; neces- sity, use ; any thing that lies at heart, a. ^J^^ watan, m. native country, residence, abode, home, birthplace, wafan-dushtnan, a traitor. waian-dott, a patriot, a. fjjoj rvatani, belonging to one's country, a. >j rvatl, f. suhigens mulierumy coition . kicking, treading under foot. a. v^OM^j waza,if (pi. of &a^j), pensions, stipulated salaries, daily tasks or duties, a. bSUJoj wafifa, m. a pension, stipend, salary, stipulated allowance of provision (per day, month, or year); any thing agreed on; daily task, religious duty, wa^ija-dar, the holder of a pension, a. j_^aJ&j tvafxfi, m. a stipendiary, pensioner; "a4j. of or relating to a salary, duty, hue a. Sk^Pj wa'da, m. a promise, vow; agreement, bargain, wa'da-bandl, f. an agreement, ux^da-dar. >. >• one who is bound by engagement, unfda ihilSf, a false contract ; a person who does not keep his pro- mise, wa'da- shikan, a promise-breaker. wa''da-sni- kani, f. breach of promise, wd da-faramosh, forgetful of one's promise, wcfdarwa'ld, evading a promise. iv(fda-waja, observing one's promise, a. iaPj rva'z, m. advice, admonition, exhorta- tion respecting future rewards and punishments, a sermon, a. iSoff-j wa'id, threatening or predicting any thing bad ; promising any thing good. a. IPj rvagha, war, battle, tumult ; a tiger, p. »j(^j wa-ghaira, et cetera, and so forth, a. Wj mafa, f. performing a promise, observa- tion of faith, sincerity, fidelity, sufficiency, uiafd- parast, faithful, sincere wafd-begana, faithless, wafd- dar, faithful, sincere, waja-dari, f. sincerity, fidelity. wqfa-h, to fulfil, to suffice, to prove effective, a. O^j wafat, f. death, decease, nafat yaftan, to die. a. s\9j Tvifak, m. concord, harmony, good un- derstanding, unanimity, a. i^^^j wafa,if f. fidelity, sincerity, a. Jj wafr, full, complete, entire, numerous, copious, abundant, a. jjij wofh, m. a sufficiency ; agreement, con- cord, congruity ; just proportion, a. j^j wvfur, m. multitude, plenty, abundance; adj. full, complete, copious, a. cllrfk»-\ij wahahat, impudence; impudent, a. j\j>j wahar, m. dignity, estimation ; steadiness, constancy ; modesty, mildness, honour, reputation, a. cU>j mika, rushing upon the enemy, battle, encounter ; coitus, a. xjl5j rvahd^i' (pi. of *«A*^), news, events. waTfa.i'-nlgar, an intelligencer, waha.i'-nigari, f. the office of an intelligencer. wakd,i'-navls, a court secre tar}', whose duty it is to write down and chronicle all the acts and deeds, public and private, of the prince, the occurrences and news of the court.state afiairs.&ca. tLOj wciht, m. time, season, opportunity ; (met.) adversity, wakt ha waJct, from time to time. wakt be wdkt, constantly, perpetually, wakt parnd, to suffer misfortunes, to be distressed, wakt kafnd, to pass away the time, wakli nazuk, delicate times. wakt nd wakt, occasionally, without any stated time. wakt-ydh, finding an opportunity, wakti gurg o mesh (lit.) " the time of the wolf and sheep," the dusk o< evening or grey of the morning, when the light is id sufficient to enable one to distinguish a wolf from .. sheep. The French have a precisely similar phrnsvv " Entre chien et loup." — (Binning), a. CIaJC^j rvahtii/at, f. seasonableness. a. &jpj wakttya, timely, seasonable, a. Jij Tvakr, m. dignity, honour, character ; adj. mild, modest, sedate, a. c-ft5j ivakf, m. tranquillity; firmness, con- stancy ; a legacy for pious uses; lands, &c. belongir.i' to mosques, colleges, and charitable institutions. I, i their support and maintenance, wdjff-ndma, a w ri tlo deed of endowment, s. uJu»j ( 773 ) /j >iSj n-ahfa, m. pause, delay ; choking, stop- ping, retarding, respite ; vacancy, a, d** o ?j wahfiyat, f. the book in which le- gacies for pious uses are registered, a, cyj waku, m. a contingency, accident, event, occurrence, a. «— 9j5j wukuf, m. experience, information, sense, understanding, wisdom, vmkuf-dar, infornated of, experienced, a. ^jyjj wukuf I, sensible, intelligent, a. euJj rvakiyah, a weight of two and a quarter pounds. wuTclyat, a weight of seven miskals and forty dirhams. a. vi)j "^^ vak or vaka, m. a crane (Ardea nivea) ; also a tree so called {^Sesbana grandifiora). s. ySj fqcoK. vikar, m. change of form or na- ture; sickness, disease, t. (j^^j r«««in^ vikash, m. 1 display, mani- U^Oj f<4<*15IriT vikashtd, f.j festation ; ap- pearance, publicity, s. [u^- '• ^j;^Oj f^flFT^nr vikashan, m. act of display- jjoj f«f«in^ vikal, m. twilight, s. (JLa3\>j wahalat, f. agency, embassy, deputa- tion ; office of toaJctl. waJcalatan, by deputy, a. •i_ " * ^^j c{oh(|cq vak-pushp, m. name of a tree (JBschynomene grandifiora). s. IjkSj ^^T ua/t^a (v. bakta), m. a speaker. *. JiL^ ^ vaktra, m. the face, the mouth, s. fOy^j mh"^ vaktavya, fit to be spoken, s. ciLoj At eh 7 viAaf, great, large, formidable, frightful, hideous, horrible. «. S^ '^^ vaAr, crooked, curved ; indirect, eva- sive, vakr-pushp, m. the Seshana grandifiora, vakr- gami, who or what goes tortuously ; fraudulent, dis- honest, evasive. vaJcr-gati, crooked gait; foppish- ness, s. CL^^\Sj fVaSTnT vikrant, valiant, mighty, vic- torious ; a hero, a warrior. «. O^ ^^^ vikrit, averse, estranged; m. digust, aversion, vikrit-akar, changed in aspect or form. s. ^j>j TJfirfl vahrata, f. crookedness, knavery, craft, cunning; evasive or Jesuitical speech. «. \J,y^ f^[Wff\ vikriti, f. change of any kind, as ** of purpose, mind, form, nature ; sickness, disease. «. mS^ "NraW vikram, m. heroism, prowess, heroic valour, great power or strength ( overcoming, subduing, t. A^j fcfciiA vi-karm, misdoing, viharm-kriya, {. aa illegal or immoral act. «. CI^Hi^-^-tAj ^'=<**^N'^rf vikramajtt, ") m. the iu>«5Uj5j frSFWrf^ vikramddityaA name of a celebrated prince, the sovereign of Ujjain. and the reputed founder of an era among the Hindus, still in use, commencing 56 years before the Chris- tian era. s. ^y^ IrSPrt tikramt, m. a lion ; a hero. s. tiliyj fqchrufon vikamik, m. the district Sa- raswat, in the north-west of HindQstan. a. ''^JjrJ ^^^ wa^ro^j fw^nn vikretaA y ^m. a vendor, seller ^3^J HaiMl vikrayt,} [budded. •. CL^^ij f^ftnr vikasit, blown, as a flower, sJLjj "sr^J vaksha, m. the breast, the bosom, s. CL^ktJij OrfiSfW vikshipt, thrown, cast; be- wildered, foolish, t. {^^kLjj r«iVSj^ vikshep, m. casting, throwing; perplexity ; celestial latitude. $. jj^j f«i(«hci5 vikal, confused, confounded; one- sixtieth of a kala, the sixtieth part of a degree, vakul, m. name of plant {Mimosa elengi). $. ^j ivukala (pi. of ^y^j), agents, ambas- sadors, a. j--*Kj f^lcFc^ vikalp, m. error, doubt, inde- cision ; (in gram.) admitting of more than one rule ; (in rhetoric) antithesis, s. CLj^x^ij f^^irmt vikampit, trembling, agi- tated; palpitating, heaving. «. tilaJ^ f«(ehll(!c|i vihantak, m. name of a her- baceous plant (Hedysarutn alhagi). ». U5\^^ roakhdlnd, a. to spew, to vomit, d. ^^Ia^^ fc(4^m<1 vikhydparif m. explaining, expounding, s. OU^ij fV^miF vikhydt, known^ notorious, famous, vikhyati, f. fame, celebrity, renown, noto- riety, c. jjjk^ wakil, m. an agent, ambassador, re- presentative, counsellor (at law), tvakili iR«|/a^, a ple- nipotentiary, a vicegerent invested with full powers, a. Ajij maktti, f. ofl5ce of wakll, agency, em- bany. a. [but. wo-^ar-na, and if not p. i»j wagaVf (conj. for ma and gar), and if, ,Jb^ fsRH? vigrah, m. the body; extension difftiaion war, battle, opposition, encounter, t. J3 ( 774 ; i:rJ ^^'^ vigun, bad, worthless, s. J^j'yj f^P^ vigurh, concealed, hidden. $. C->l^j fwnr vighatAm. obstacle, impedi- 4o4^j ftW vighn, J raent. vighnsiddhi, U> f, removal of obstacles, vighn-kari, impeding, ob- Btructiog. vighn-nashdk, removing difficulties, vighn- nashan, m. or vighn-siddhi, f. the removing of obsta- cles, t. (JIaI^j f^fWT vighnit, stopped, prevented, obstructed, impeded, s. ^^j f^ vigya, skilful, clever, learned, s. (j^lij fcftjUM*! vigyapan, m. teaching, inform- ing. ». C^IaSj Hltjilii vigyat, known, famous, s ^^IjOj ftf^ff vigydn, m. knowledge, science, s. l^j OsfiJiTI vigyata, f. wisdom, learning. «. Jj f^ vil or ftrar wW, m. a pit hole, cavity ; a chasm, cavern. «. ^j wild or wald, f. friendship, affinity ; a king- dom, authority, power. tpillS, coq]. and if not; other- wise, a, ^j wild, m. time, season, a. p. ^j ^^^ wald, near, hither, on this side. h. »— ^^j Ol<^m vilap, m. lamentation, sound of grief or distress. $. i^j wUdd, nativity, child-birth ; procreation.a. C^i'^j wilddat, f. nativity,birth,generation. a. {^j>*^^ f^r^rre vUds, m. sport, play, wanton- ness. «. [a whore, a harlot, t. ^J***^^ r«lQjirn«in vUdsinl, a wanton woman, ^_^^j f^^BTO^ »t7a«i, m. a sensualist j adj. "sportive, wanton, t. o^j ^^rniiT valdkd, f. a small kind of crane, a row or line of cranes, a. «J1a^.^j wildyat, f. an inhabited country, do- minion, district ; a foreign country ; possession, being master of any thing : by the natives of India this term is used to denote any country except their own, but more especially Persia, Arabia, and Great Britain, a. jj>^j wildyatl, European, foreign, nildyatl " ibi^if.' a It'nd of Nasta'llk character, wilayati tern, beans, wilayati pdni, soda-water, toilayati baingan, the tomata or love-apple, wilayati mako.e, the fruit culled Cape gooseberry, or Brazil cherry, tdza wila- yati, a new comer to India ; in Anglo-Indian phrase- ology " a griffin," or more colloquially a " griff." o. -4^^ "^Wf vallabh, beloved, desired, dear; m. a lover, husband, friend ; a luperintendant. t. . cAJ^4 walthlA , „ , S^ ■' ' Hhe eaves of a house, d. jyj wnlti, J Jj f^^yw vilajj, shameless, impudent, un- abashed. «. (Mj walad, m. a son, offspring, waladu-z- zina, a son of a whore, a bastard ; an earth-worm, a- t;;— Jj r«nj>«r| vilasan, m. sporting, dallj'ing. s. (J^j ^«*c!J valkal, m. the bark of a tree. «. ti^j r^cjJT vilag, separate, apart. $. c-.o»)j r«icp^ vilamb, m. slowness, tardiness, delay. *. [ing. #. VxaJj f^^SiRT vilambnd, m. delaying, retard- (^) ; »»'j T^ffNir valmik, m. the celebrated poet, Vdlmiki, author of the B&mayana. «. _yj fj^j fclHdli^l vimurh-dtma, deluded in (J^iyoj t''iH\^ vimoksh, m. liberation, free- dom. ». [guiled. s. Oi&^j f^'dfigW vimohit, fascinated, be- i^y«j rc(Hl^«f vimohan, m. the act of sedu- cing, tempting, confounding the mind and exciting the passions, s. Jji>^j r^Ht^vll vimoharii, fascinating, be- ■■ witching, tempting, s. [to vomit, s. ^j "^fjft vamt, f. vomiting ; adj. sick, inclined ^. ftftf win (inflect, pi. of wuk), them, those, h. i^j '^»T van, m. a forest, wood, grove ; van- asray, m. a dwelling in a forest, van-ant, the skirts of a wood, van-chart, savage ; m. a forester, van-char, an ape, a monkey, van-raj, m. a lion, king of the forest. van-sthayl, being or abiding in a wood ; m. a hermit, an anchoret, van-sthit, situated in a forest, van- kachu, a species of arum {Arum calocasia). van-vds or -vast, an anihoret, a hermit, van-viral, a wild cat {Felts caracal), s. \jj f^T vind, without, except. *. ^^« f^sn^ vindth, deserted, unowned, s. ^jilij fV«n^ vindsh, m. disappearance, de- struction, loss, annihilation, s. tl*^Oj ftRlftp vindshit, destroyed, effaced.*. tililij ft|HI5l<* vindshak,\ai. a destroyer; ^i»\3j f^Ml^rt vindshi, J adj. destructive. "vindshi, perishing, being destroyed, s. i^^-lW ^j "^RfiT vandnt, m. the skirts of a wood.*. C->lOj r^frlMliT vinipdt, m. falling; a cala- mity, vinipat-shansht, portentous. *. dOj i^HA vinat, bent, stooping; humble, modest vinati. f bending, modesty. «. wj qpTini vanitd, f. a woman in general, a beloved woman, a wife, a mistress. «. tiiji^j «i^^ q»Tl»ii vandnd, f. praise, praising, espe- cially the gods or great men. ». j^^iiJj "^'jft vandni, f. reverence, worship, "adoring, s. [to be adored. *. &jp;ijj ^»^«fhEI vandaniya, praiseworthy, fit ^JtiVj f^rUl vindhya, '\ the J Vin J.»-Ufi>jjj f^vwTP^ vindhyachal, idhya range of mountains, which divide Hindustan proper from the Deccan. vindhyatavi, f. the great Vindhya forest, vivdhya-vdsini. f. a name of Durga, a shrine of Durga, near Mirzdpur. s. i^S>j c|»t;1 vandt, a captive, prisoner ; a panegyrist, bard, herald ; a flatterer. «. *^.ii>^j '^^ vandya, fit to be praised, com- mendable, laudable. «. (^.>_5 ^^ fflws (tor vansha), m. race, lineage, family, vans-hhojya, m. hereditary estate, vans-pa- rampard, f. descent, lineage, vans-charitr, m. ge- nealogy, history of the race, vans-samdchdr, m. family usage. t;a«s-t'ri J an earthy ^^JjLHj 'i^l<^'*»*t' vails-rochand (j^-^ij^^j A^t^M^ vans-lochan, white concretion in the hollow of the bamboo, t ^.iXwJj ^f^Toir vansik, belonging to a family, a bamboo, &c. vatisalc, m. a small fiish {Cynoglosus lin- gua), s. i^j ^^ vansi, f. a pipe, a flute, vansi- "dhar, m. a piper; a name of Krishna, s. ij f4^(fri vinshati, twenty, vinthatitam, the twentieth, t. ij ftrr? vinasht, destroyed, lost, vinashti, f. disappearance, destruction, s. '— ^J "^ tvmA, m. the bend of a rivci ; crookedness, s ci^j cl^^j ^fP vang, m. Bengal, s. j^j fcjftiH*! vimmay, m. barter, exchange. «. «5j3j f«lHlf^ vinody eagerness, sport, pleasure. 5. {j^j fw^ winhen, (oblique pi.) them, to tbem or those. A. (ji:^^ ^^* rvunhtn, that very (time, place, &c.), immediately, on the ipot, in that very maimer, h. ^^j 0|t{J| vinay, m. affability, modesty, re- "verence, decency. $. uij ^pn vanya, f. a multitude of groves ; a quantity of water, a flood, a deluge ; name of a plant (Physalis flexuosa). t. (^_j»»U3j f^piTO vinyas, m. assemblage, collec- tion; site, receptacle, t. i:i3loj nj feitilii vinit, modest, humble, vintt- w/ma, well-behaved; humble. «. '^j "^icpi vanela, savage, wild. 8. »jOj '^PT vanya, savage, wild; of the forest, produced in the wood. s. ,_5-^j f^tft vinay t, courteous, affable. *. jj ^ n-o, (third pers. pr. pi.) those, they. h. i^i^j f%^ vivad, m. contest, contention, s. i/'^'jj ftRT^ vivadi, disputing; m. a liti- gant, s. O-Ijj fciqitf zjiDo^, 1 m. exile, banish- (^^jj ftRTIR vivasanj ment, expulsion from house and home. s. '^'jj fqqr? vivdh, m. marriage, of which eight forma are enumerated by Manu (v. Wilson's Glossary), s. ( 776 ; J>j Uji^JJ ^^'''♦^•1 woshcifOn, the winnowing of grain. /«. '-i^j fmvSII vivakska, f. wish, desire. «. lI1.». *A jj fN'^rf^ff vivakshit, wished, desired, s. ^SJiSjj i^^fm(\ vivakshitd,f. purpose, wish. «. Ujj ^ft^ Tvol or roZ, m. gum, myrrh, s. ^»^J ■^ www or '«rT rwow, so, in that manner. ^.l**'\jj n^mn^rt vivdhit, m.l ^l^j f^^rfilKT vivdhitd, f. J ' ^ «5jj ^ worf, wet, moist, s. ^boalU). s. J^tijj ^"r^T^ wodM, m. a sheat fish (Silurus >*>)_) ftrf^ vividh, various, of many sorts or forms, s. [defect. *. jjj ftnrC «imr, m. a hole, a chasm ; fault, *-^jjj ftraf^ vivarjit, left, abandoned; avoided, shunned, s. ij^j^3 tV^#T vivarjan, m. abandoning, leaving; shunning. «. (jjjj h^K*u vimran, m. explanation, gloss, comment, description. «. fjjjj ftr^ vivarn or rtvarna, a man of low caste, an outcast, s. O^jj fqq^i ujua«, independent; sedate, at the point of death. «. >^jj f*<*IW mvastr, naked, unclothed. *. discriminatior.. judgment, distic guishing trut^ uomfa^bood. *. woii-hi or toon-hiA, also wohi or troAi^, in that very manner, that instant, tooi ka taoihi, exactly the same as before, h. «-i*5Sjj f«f^"<|c|i' vivechak, m. a judge, one wb ' discriminates truth from falsehood. $. (^jj fsl'iCMW viveckan, m. ^j^jj r«|^'*m vivechand, f. tibjj fc(^b J «MIV«fc vydpak, diffusive, comprehen- sive, extending, a. [dence. s. \i5obj «mi|c|i(rr vyapakta, f. diffusion, perva- ^.^j ^TfTTT vyapna, a. n. to spread through, to penetrate, to pervade, to affect or influence, t. {J,\>» -bj "^m^vyaju, m. the principal or capital sum put out at interest. *. ^j>-bj ^if[^vydjt, m. one who takes interest ; " money that bears interest, or which is lent or borrowed at interest, s. ^«ibj vil^vyddh, 1 m. a hunter, a low or lit«3b J «mvi vyddhdy) wicked man. s. Jbiibj lanfv vyadhi, f. sickness, disease in feneral. vyadhurdhit, free from disease, in good ealth. 5. il^fctbb, tqifViT vyadhit,\ .,.„,. , . _g. >-8ick, ill, diseased, s. ^Jtjibj tin^ vyddhi, J ^_j»»bj vjim vyas or vydsa, m. a celebrated sage and author, the reputed compiler of the Vedas and Purdnas ; also the founder of the Vedanta philo- sophy ; diffusion, extension ; the diameter of a circle, s. ^jSbj T^ vaihhava, m. grandeur, wealth. *. ^.j ^cH roetd, so much, that much. h. Ujij ^^ veitd, m. a sage, one who knows the nature of the soul and of God ; adj. knowing, conver- sant with. s. d/lJOj ivaitdg, m. disgust, weariness, wai- ts^ Una, to be tired or disgusted with any person or thmg. d. iS^'-^.j foaitdgi, wearied, disgusted, d. jjlli^ . sfVII^' vetdl, m. a spirit, a goblin, espe- cially one supposed to haunt cemeteries, and believed to have the power of reanimating dead bodies, s. C^xhj «rrH% vyut-patti, f. science, learning, etymology. «. ^^AJOj airM!^ vyutpann, learned, proficient ; derived, generated, begotten, s. Jo« g^ vetr, m. a reed, a cane, a ratan. vetr- wati, the name of the Betwa river in Malwa. s. d,»^j!Oj ^saf^^fx^vyatirikt, different, distinct, s. j3 jjo. ^ri • ^U vaidyUj m. a doctor, a physician. vaidya-ndth, the head physician in Indra's court. «. Jij oftT^vir, m. a hero, a warrior, a champion; adj. heroic, mighty, vir-bhadr, m. a distinguished ^>j ^ voir, m. enmity, hostility, oer (v. ber), the egg-plant. ». li/lo , %n^ vairdg, m. absence or suppres- sion of worldly passions and affections. «. ij^j^,j ^U'rt vairdgt, m. an ascetic, a de- "votee. s. «Jo|j_j ^rrni vairdgya, m.absence of worldly desires ; total subjection of the passions, t. wir^-J ""^^^'^^ ^^ Tvh'dn, desolated, laid waste, depopulated, ruined ; a village under the headman of another village, wairdn-khefd, deserted site of a vil- lage, p h. [solated place, p. s^\j>j mairdni or wirant, f. desolation, de- population, destruction ; a desert country, p. V5j.j Ttnn Virata, f. (also mratrva, m.) he- roism, valour, vairitd, f. enmity, hatred. «. ^j^.j '^l^vuarth .useless, vain; unmeaning* & ^5 ^A^^j ^QdT vyarthaia, f. inutility; non- sense, want of meaning. «. [(▼. virya), s. K'j>.j "^^ vtrj or virjya, m. strength, vigour (^/?j ^Pmft vairint, f.'l an enemy, a foe; adj. L^j %T^ »atrt, m. J hostile, inimical, rancorons. «. ^0VJ 'Sft^ virya, m. strength, vigour, power, heroism, valour ; semen virile; seed (of plants), vtrya- toan or -vishis^t, strong, vigorous, courageous, virya- virakit or -hin, devoid of power, cowardly, seedless, impotent, virya-hdni, f. loss of vigour or courage, impotence, s. [Hindus, s. ^jM^j ^RT vais (v. vaiskya), the third class of ij*fc>j "T^^ vayas, m. age, time of life. s. u*J)j %En waisa, like that, in that manner, so, that much, waisa Ted waisa, such as before, waisa- hi, in that same way, even like that, such as that. h. 0^\^j%WP^ vaisakh (v. baisakh), the name of a month, s. [month vaisakh. s. j_^^L*j;j ^fllW) vaisakhi, relating to the j^L-Oj ^fll^ waisd-ht, in that very manner, "just such as that, even so. h. fci*— t*j ^IW vyast, confounded, bewildered ; spread, pervaded, penetrated. *. [rence. *. Ij^M.j'j «<(U'ril vyastatd, f. agitation, inhe- wmOj ^^^ fesar, m. (also veshar), a mule. s. cii— Jj «4MH vayask, relating to age, aged. s. ij*^.j ^^'H vyasan, m. vice, profligacy, s. ^jy^j %^ vaisen or maisen, freely, without cost. s. AJU-J. '^if^vyasya, relating to age, aged ; m. a contemporary, an associate, s. ju«4j %J5tI vaisya (v. vaishya). s (A^j ^ vesh or ^ vesh, m. ornament, dress, decoration, s. ^LiLJj ^T^TT^ vaishahh, m. the first month of the Hindu calendar (April-May). « fXX /!.> . %^n^ vaishdkhi, the day of the "full moon in the month of vaishakh. s. tJl^jJL}* ^flfif veshtit, surrounded, encom- passed, wrapped up. s. [passing, s. ^^jLS^« ^?«T veshtan, m. surrounding, encom- ^^^ii«£j'. '^^I^IH veshdan, ra. the sunflower, s. j^.ljb jyiJij ^^IMl^ vesh-dhdri, m. a hypocrite, a false devotee. *. wIj- • ^^ veshar, m. (also vesar) a mule. «. gjn, -*■)'. ^MMf vaishamya, m. inequality, un- evenness ; solitariness, singleness, s. ^ ■•':- V j %H!r^va/s/mat>, m. a follower of Vishnu; •4j. of or relating to VUi.nu. t. ( 779 ) jj^j «-5>^J %H!Nt vaishnavt, f. name of a flower {Cntoria tornatea); sacred basil {Ocymum sanctum), t. ^J^..^ t^ vaishya, m. a Hindii of the third class, generally employed in trade and agriculture. vaishya-kriyd, f. the occupation, &c. of a Vaishya, com- merce, agriculture, s. jj^^j %5TSft vaishyatii, f. a woman of the " Vaishya caste. ». ^-^j %5^ veshyd, f. a harlot, a whore ; a plant {Cissampelos hexandraX s. u«^j %^3f vaikdl, m. evening, afternoon. «. cIl*^Vj ^<*tif vaikant, m. a kind of gem said to resemble a diamond, s. ^^^•^j ^^vyakt, wise, learned, evident, clear, specific. vyaJcti, f. individuality, appearance, person ; manifestation ; case, inflexion. », •"iiA^j ^^7 vehat, m. a sort of a fish (per- haps the common Bhektt). a. [sion. *. *Jy»^j ^^«« vaikulya, ra. perplexity, confu- -4^^j %^R!3 vaikunth, m. name of Vishnu ; also the paradise of rwjnw (v. baikunfh). s. lL^^j ^ ^je^?, m. speed, velocity ; adj. or adv. quick, quickly, s. ^Ax>j wnn vegitd, f. speed, quickness, rapi- dity, s. [tracted. a. J^,% 'WT vyagr, bewildered, perplexed, dis- ^j^..^ ^'Rnn vyagratd,f. perplexity, anxiety. *. ^j\^,j ^Vimt{ vegwdn,^. swift, fleet, rapid; ^j ^'ft vegl, J quickly, rapidly, "speedily, s. J^j wail, m. reprisal, revenge, retaliation. waHr-Tcash. vindictive. vmWkasht, £ retaliating, a. ^j ^^ w/a, f. time, tide (v. hela). s. ij^^j ^Q9«in vailakshaTif m, indifference, contrariety. «. tir^-5 ^ wwt<, m. a flute, a pipe, venu-vdd, a flute-piayer. s. ^j ^Nn Vina, f. the Indian lute, a kind of guitar, usually having seven strings, and a large gourd at each end of the finger-board, s, Ib^ "^hn wind, ra. a bundle of thread, a skein, h. [symbol. ». «-ii^;j *My«fc vyanjakf m. a sign, mark, ;^)^j *H^H vyanjan, m. sauce, condiment; a consonant, s, U^j ^4^«fT wainchnd or ratVjcAwa,'! a. to U^^j^'^IRT vainchhnd, J skin. A. ^^^.j ^fiffcR vainik, m. lutist, a player on the wziia. s. [digit or aiii-ul, s. J-^.j »yj iimfll^ vyavasaya, m. effort, exer- tion ; industry, perseverance ; plan, trick. ». (j\»*»^.j «t<(fll4t vyavasayi, active, energetic, engaged in business, s. \rt '' f"j>j iq^wr vyavastha, f. separating; a decree ; an engagement, a contract, vyavattha-patra, a vrritten extract from the codes of law, given as a de- cision by the Hindu law officers, s. i^s\ ^';^ .lj 'j eimP^jqii vyavasthit, decreed, di- vided. «. [tion. ». /o'l^yj tR«Ii^R vyava-kalan, m. subtrac- ifJ^j f^^itPl viyog, m. absence, separation, s. i$y>.^ f^T^fft viyogi, separated, absent; m. "the ruddy goose, t. Jb^j ^ r^/M^, ra. military array, the ar- rangement of troops in various positions, t. jlfcy . }st> ^\m. hdpar, f. a seed-bed (or rather nursery) for sugar-cane. h. Ijjljb hdpnd (for hdmpnd, q.v.), to pant,&c. d. C^\so ^Tif hdt (for hath, q. v.), ra. the hand. hat suA jdna, to be without choice, or helpless, hat Tcafna, to express regret, to grieve, hat meh lapat meik dhar chdtna, to squander, to lavish, hat mun ka, means, capital, stock, s. d. v_P^^te hdtif, crying, exclaiming ; m. an angel ; an encomiast ; a voice from heaven, or from an invisible speaker, a. ^l* ^T^ hath, m. the hand ; a cubit ; pos- session, power, hath ana, to come into one's posses- sion or power, to be obtained, hath ufhana, to leave off, to refrain from, to desist ; to salute by raising the band to the head ; both these meanings are alluded to in the following example: hath utha jaur aur jaja te tu ; yihl got/a saldm hai tera, restrain thy hands from violence and injustice ; this is thy salutation; to beat ; to give alms, hath of lena, a. to receive with both hands open and stretched out together, hath- bandhna, a. to join hands in a supplicating posture. hath barhana, to endeavour to get any thing; to gain possession of the property of otliers. hath band hona, to be much engaged in business, to have no leisure ; to be poor or indigent, hath bharna, to have the hands wearied or fatigued, hath baithna, to acquire perfection in any art by practice, hath panw phui jane, to be distressed or confounded. Jiarek gtd se tvuh iurat dekhi maTcbul ; hi mere hath panwon sab gay e phul, from the sight of that countenance, more beauti- ful than any rose, all my senses were confounded (lit. my hands and feet were swelled), hath panw phailSna, to extend one's business or schemes, hdth-pdnw or -pair mdrnd, to strive, to endeavour, to strain, toil, to struggle ; to be agitated ; to sprawl, hath patthar tale dabnd, to be helpless, hath par dhard ra/ind ek chiz ka, to be in readiness (spoken of things), hdth papia, to come into one's possession, hdth pasdmd, to ask, to beg. hdth pakfe lejdnd, to hand a per- son. . hdth phut, m. name of a plant {Pathos), hdth phema, to stroke, to caress, to coax, hdth phenhid, to fence, hathjopid, to supplicate, to entreat earnestly. hdth jhdpid, to give, to bestow, hdth jhutd hond, to have the liands defiled ; to lose the power of the hands, hdth chdtnd, to relish 'any food exceedingly, to lick one's lips, hath-chdldki, f. expertness. hdth dhond, to be disappointed, to be hopeless, hdth dend, to concern one's self in or about ; to make a bargain by taking hold of the hands of the other party under a cloth (a practice chiefly used in settling the price of horses and jewels), hdth ^dlnd, to interfere in ; to encroach, hdth rohnd, to prevent, hdth-sametnd, to refrain from giving, «;c. hdth sdf kamd, to learn, practice, or exercise any art ; to slay ; to discharge from office, hdth hhion par rdkhnd, to be astonished j to deny vehemently, hdth-karnd, to subdue, to have possession, hdth kamar par rakhnd, to be very feeble. hdth khahichnd, to refrain, to desist, to abstain, hdth lagdnd, to reprove, to punish, to torment; to be em- ployed in any business, hdth lagnd, to be got, ob- tained, acquired, hdth mdrnd, to promise ; to acquire, to plunder ; to wound with a sword, hdth mildna, to C^\n> ( 781 ) Jlfc daim equality; to prepare to wrestLe. hath maln3, to regret, to repent, to lament, hath meA ralchna, to possess, to hold in subjection, hdthon hath, out of nand, over iiand, quick, expeditious. hathoA hath lejana, to carry away quickly, hathi-hath harna, to act in concord, to pull together, s. [power, s. V^U ^T«n hatha, m. the hand, possession, ^^\i l^'ilis l^T^TRT^ hatha-hanhi,']^. mutual ij^^b \.^U flVJITJl^ hatha-pa,i, J beating, "fisticuffs. hatha-pd,i-k., to box or beat mutually, t. ^^.^M{^\jt> fTOHH^ft hdthd-phacht, f. name "of a game. s. ijj^\^\ib '^IVfliftisI haihd-jofi, f. name of a plant {Lycopodium imbricatnm). i. ^_54i*^A^lJ^ hdth-chittht, a letter or note "written by the sender's own hand. h. ,_^lj& ^T*^ hdthl, m. an elephant ; the thir- "tenth lunar mansion. hatht-Tchana, an elephant stable. hatht-hangam, remission (of rent, &c.) for losses arising from depredations by wild elephants, hdthl-dant, m. ivory, hatht-wdn, an elephant-driver ; the thirteenth mansion of the moon, hathi panto, elephantiasis, Barbadoes leg. hathi sun^ Tea pant, a waterspout at sea. s. uLU-j_^Ij6 ^IvD-cfcA' hdthi-chak, name of a kind of grass, artichoke, t. jjl* hdtl (for ^_^^ hatht), an elephant, d. OlJ^^3\J& hdie-hdt (for hatht-hdth, q.v.), acting in concord, d, (oUf ?T7 hat, 1m. f. a market, a shop ; a ^U ^T7 hath, J Mr, or moveable market, s. y^ ^T7 hdtu, m. a market-man. 5. ^^lj& hdjl, m. a satirical poet. a. 4^iilj& /tac?i, m. a director, leader, guide, a. Atb "i^hdr, (in comp. means), the performer of any act, corresponding to the English terminations er or ing ; thus, bahar dijt na dekhan-hdr di/d ; andr dyd, na chdklian-hdr dyd, the spring is arrived, but no one is come to behold it ; the pomegranates are ready, but there is no one to taste them. h. .U "^Tthdr, m.. a necklace, a wreath, a chap- let ; a flock (of cattle) ; pasturage ; the cultivated space ij^ ^TC hdru, m. a loser (in play), s. C->j5jU& hdrut, the name of an angel, who, together with another named Mdrut, having severely censured mankind before the throne of God, was sent down to earth to judge of the temptations to which man was subject. They could not withstand them : they were seduced by the planet Venus in form of a woman, for which they were suspended by the feet in a well in Babylon, where they are to remain in great torment until the day of judgment (v. kur.an, chap. 2). a. (JUj^ Aar?l/i, m. (for harun) wicked, refrac- tory, roguish, a. ^jj.\j& hdrun, Aaron, the brother of Moses. hdrun ar-rashld, the fifth khalifa of the house of 'Abbas, and twenty-sixth from Mulfammad. heb. jjj .Ufc iglfCT^ hdriyal, m. a name of a pigeon {Columba hurriala, Buch.); adj. of a green colour, t, ^0 ,l> ^^ hdrya, m. Beleric myrobalan j (participle) to be snatched away. *. jlfc ^T^ hdr, m. a bone, hdr-jora, m. name of a plant (Cisus quadrangularis). hdr-lend, to examine the correctness of a pair of scales, or of weights and measures. \j\jb ^TTT hdrd, a tribe of raj-puts so called, h. ^jt»\^ ?ra hds, f. laughing, laughter, has- har, causing laughter, ridiculous, s. (^;^Ufc ^rftcR hdstin, elephantine, hdstin- pur (also hastindpur), ancient Delhi, s. Ou^*>lJ^ ^ifuchl hdsikd, f. laughter, mirth, s. 1^^^ ?nft hdsi, laughing, smiling, s. ftjUrtUfc fTW hdsya, laughable ; m. laughter, s, *-o\jb hdzim, loose, languid, relaxed ; soft, gentle ; digestive, a. &4/olj& hdzima, (f. of hdzim) digestive. Jm- ivati hdzima, the digestive powers, a. JU& ^T^ hdl, m. a plough; adj. quick, hdli, f. a helm, a rudder, s. h. ^Ifc '^Ic^l hdld, f. wine, vinous or spirituous liquor, h. [earthquake, s. !i)jUfc hamun,) ground, hamun-naward, a traveller or wanderer of the desert, p. \j^^\j& haml-bharna (corruptly for i^awit-, &c., q. v.), to consent, &c. a. ft. ^^\it> ^Tf han or ^rftf hani, f. loss, deficiency, injury, slaughter, s. ^J^ ^ hdn, interj. make baste! knowl have a care ! let it not be 1 far from it ! p. ^\ib ^ hdn, yes, verily, truly, hdn hahnd, to agree ; contr. (of yahSA) here, hither, 8ec. ft. \jj>\tb ^imi hampnd, \n. to pant, to be out U^lfc ^nji«n hdmphnd,} of breath, h. \ii3\i> ^irr hdndd, m. a cooking-pot, whether of clay or metal, ft. [ble. ft. l33Jlfc ^ T? S*f T hdndnd, n. to wander, to ram- fj]\i\i> ^hft hdndt,'\i. a. pot, a small caul- lJj>^ it^ hdJifi, J dron. s. (j«ilib 15TO /tans, m. a duck, a goose, a swan. s. (j«Sljb hdns, m. the neck; the collar-bone: in old English and modem Scotch, "the halse or hauss." s. [cule. a. j^-j\j6 '^jih hdnsi, f. laughing, joking, ridi- {j*Xi\i> ^•JR hdhk, f. cry, bawling, calling to (loud); driving. /td)iAr-|n(A;dr, f. uproar, outcry. ftaAXr marna, to bawl after, to call to. ft. til3lfc)^'jt ^ioFT^tsR //anAo-/ianA,m. driving. h, li^llfc ^^imn hdnknd, a. to drive: to bawl to. h. ^liljfc ^T^ hdnkx, f. a vessel on which they "make siwa.iA or vermicelli ; a sieve, ft. Jolfc ^ITC hangar, m. a shark, h. j_y.^lj& f T*^ hdn-ht, 1 yes, yea, indeed, ve- jj|\^lj6 li^' hdn-htn,) rily. A. (3^6 ^T5ft ham, occasioning loss. s. j\* ^T^ hdw, m. coquitry, blandishment, dal- liance, airs, hato-bhau), m. charm, attraction, vrel- comc, hospitality. «. ^^jljb harvan, m. a mortar, hdwan-hob, m. one who pounds in a mortar, p. UU ^T^ hdhd, m. flattery j importunity, earnest request, supplication, haha khana, to flatter, to wheedle, to entreat, ft. \i>\i> hdhd, m. laughing, ha ha! hdhd-hihi, f. laughing, haha-hiht-k., to laugh, haha jigi jigl, an expression of approbation, also of earnest request, ft. ^^ ?T^ hdhd, interj. alas ! ah ! s. \Slj&li) ^T^TcRK hdhd-kdr, m. consternation; lamentation ; the noise of battle, t. ^J\stl •^T^ hd,e or ■^TTT^R hd,e-hd,e, interj. alas! alas ! fl a sigh. ha,e mama, to sigh. «. ^JJlfc hd,il, terrible, horrible, awful, a. C^'^\ib hd,Udt, pi. things terrible, &c. a. \^\ii ^i«4«1 hdyan, m. year ; a sort of rice. «. ioUb hdya (same as hd,e), alas ! cL b«iUjb '^iflj^I habbd-dabbd, the whooping- cough. A. ]^ ^4|dT habrd, ill-shaped, clumsy, h. lijjb habt, decrease (of price or bulk, &c.), falling, a. (JjJb hubal, name of an ancient idol at Mecca, worshipped by the Arabs before the time of Muham- mad, a. [person, a, Jjjjjb habannak, m. a dwarf; a weak, silly t-->jjj& habub, a furious wind. a. )o^xSb hubut, decreasing, &c. (v. habt). a. eufc hiba, m. a gift, hiba-ndma, a deed of gift, hiba-ddr, the receiver of a gift. a. olb ^ hap, m. act of suddenly snatching with the mouth and swallowing, hap-jhap, quick. hap-jhap khana, to eat quickly and voraciously. A. \3l^^,i^Aj& ^Mi^ifilHI haph-haphdnd, u, to pant, to be out of breath, ft. [plication, ft. ^ hat, interj. begone! fie! m. multi- f^ hit, m. love, friendship, affection, benevolence, benefit ; adj. suitable, proper, fit friendly, benevolent, s. 7fT hut, offered with fire ; m. oblation, s. hat, the hand (v. hath and its com- pounds), d, tiluJb hath, m. levity, affront, disrespect. hatk dena, to insult or affront a person by joking with him in an irritating manner, such as in England is vulgarly termed " chaffing;" a. jOofc f^rtotiK hit-kdr, 1 m. a friend; adj. j_^oaJb f^"^nf^ hit-hdrl, Y kind .benevolent; j->^ f^ «<<**. hit-har, J benefactor, s. [jj^^ HencmO hit-kdrx, f. friendship, bene- volence, s. ^Jii> ^THT hatan, m. act of slaying. ». UjJb finn hatnd, a. to kill, to slaughter. $. sledge hammer, d. I ^ ( yJ& f^ hitu, m. a friend, a benefactor, s. jilt) ^fft huto or 5^ hutau, (Braj) was. h. fj^y^ f^lT^TtT hitrvan, friendly, beneficent, s. (jiJOJ.^jjb f%lft^^ hHopadesh, m. friendly or salutary advice. *. , J^Xto hatoii, f. 1 , ., ^i. I a hammer, an anvil, a r,=^jjb hatord, m. ijj^ ha tori, f. ^J6 ^ hath, m. (contr. oihath, q. v.) hand, &c. hathd-banhen, f. a set-to at fisticufis. hath-hali, f. strength of hand, force ; dishonesty, hath-phul, m. a kind of firework, hath-pher, m. sleight of hand, espe- cially a trick played by fraudulent dealers, who by sleight of hand substitute bad money for good when they receive it, and insist upon returning it to the payer. — N.B. The trick is most neatly done by a Frenchwoman who sells tobacco, &c. in this neigh- bourhood ; borrowing. hath pher-lend, to borrow. hatli-jhold, m. a hand-barrow. hatk-chapu,d, m. snack, share, hath-chhut. a beater, hath-kati, f. name of a cut with the sword which is intended to take off or disable tlie adversary's hand, hath-kart, f. a hand- cuff, fetter, manacle, hath-lewd, m. a ceremony in marriage among the Hindus (the hands of the bride and bridegroom are joined palm to palm with some flour put between them, and tied with a red thread). ' hath-ndl, f. a small cannon carried on elephants, &c. «, l^ifi" ^^ hattha, m. a handle ; a shovel, a baker's peel ; a sleeve. «. i_>»*;4J^ ^^I^^ hathras, m. amorous dalliance, toying; self-pollution, onanism s. i^t^ifc i^viO hathari, f. a handle, a winch (of a spinning-wheel), t. ^jX^Aift '^Kf^jl hath-kard, m. manacle, hand- cuff, h. [custom, knack, s. ^^^S^^ ^V|4sl4|il hath-khandd, m. habit, jjv^jkii ^vj<5y hathal, a handle of brass, &c. A, ji^J^ \^^ hathnl, f. a she-elephant, s. Jj^jj& ^^^ hathauth f. dexterity, art, "skill. *. [hammer, s. )jy^ ^^^^hathaurd or hathord, m. a sledge- ^JJ^^ ^5^T^ hathaurl, f. a small hammer, h. ^'ifc ^^ hathi, f. a brush for rubbing "down horses with, or rather a hair glove ; a rubber, h. I j iA A fc ^fv|ij| hathiyd, m. the thirteenth man- sion of the moon, Corvus ; the breaking up of the rains. hathiyd kl rdh, the milky way. ». jU^jjfc ^fviMK hathiydr, m. f. a t0(»l, arms, implements, apparatus, liathiydr-band, aimed, ha- thiydr hdndhnd, a. to arm. «. [bands on. s. UU^ ^fviitMl hathiydnd, a. to seize, to lay ^Jf\x;^ '^%m| hathydyt, f. murder, slaugh. ter. «■ ^U^;ib ^^Tq^ hatheld, m. a thief, robber. «. 783 ) Jfc i^^M^ "filcjil hatheli, f. the palm of the hand, or an impression of it. hathlli, the handle of a plough, s. \jjjt> ^jcu hatyd, f. murder, slaughter, s. \jLJkfc ^itiKi hatydrd, m."! a murderer, an as- (^jUlJ& ^wiO hatydri, f.J sassin, a wretch, a villain ; adj. inhuman, Uoodthirsty. $. j^^uJkfti '^f\\\ hatydfl, f. murder. $. ^_^'^ f^W^ hitaishl, seeking another's wel- *■ fare. *. ci*to ?7 Aa<, f. insisting upon, obstinacy, per- verseness. hat-k., to insist upon; (in Dakb.) to be cross (as a child), s. ^ hatt, m. a market, a fair. h. Ui6 ^^ hattd, a large wooden shovel or ladle for watering the fields from acqueducts. h, Ui \JkJ^ '^'^|afi«2l hatd-katd or hattd-kattd, stout and active. A. [wards, to back. h. uUi& '^3MI hatdnd, a. to repel, to drive back" JUokJb ^ ^7oir«n hataknd, n. to be repulsed, to be driven back, to move, to stop. h. lij^ 'STTT hatnd, n. to go back, to be driven back, to retire, to move, to shrink, to be defeated, h, \^ ^TTT hatred, m. a person employed in a market to measure rice, grain, &c. s. ijAyi) "i^Z^^hatwdyl, f. the office of a haU wd, q. V. s. .^jcto "^ hath, m. violence, oppression, rapine; f. teasing ; allegation ; obstinacy, peverseness. hath- dharmi, perverseness, obstinacy, hath-k. or hafh ki tek par h., to resist or disobey obstinately, to be per- verse or peevish. *. [ately. ». OU-xfc ^TTfT hat hat, by chance; immedi- A^ib ^Z^ hatfhar, m. hurry, impatience, h, Oj,^ij6 ?7Cn hatharnd, n. to hurry, to be im- patient, h. [or pettish. #. Ia^j^ ^<5HI hathnd, n. to be peevish, perverse, -^'^> ^rt /*ai/ii, peevish, obstinate, per- ** verse, s, ^^A^A^fc ll^^^TT hathild, teasing (child), pettish, perverse, peevish, haihlle, a class of reputea saints, one of whom is buried at Barech. t. ifc f^ hattl, f. a petty market or fair (in "Dakh.); a flock, a herd; a sheepfold, place where sheep or cattle are confined at night, a potiad for c&'.tU\ d. J^ ( 784 ) USfc ^fT«n hatiya, f. market (v. haf)» s, j^ hajr, m. \n\. separation, disjunction, de- -^Ls? Ayraw, J sertion of country or friends, a. jjos? hajdah (for hazhdah), eighteen, kaj' dahum, the eighteenth, p. C^j^ hijrat, f.l separation, departure from Ij^ hijra,m. J one's country and friends; flight; the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Madlna (whence the MuJfMtnmadan era commencesV which happened on the 16th of July, A.D. 622. h.iJb, q. v.), presents,&c.a. LU>3»^ hidayat, f. a guide or direction in the road to salvation, a. i^Sib hadaf, m. a mark, a butt (for archers, &c.). hadcJmSma, to strilce the mark, to hit the nail on the head. a. JiiJb hudal, a quagmire, a slough, d. Ai^Jb hadm, m. ruin, destruction, hadinif a destroyer, a. >i^ huda, a statement of estates to be sold by auction (Wilson's Gloss.). tJJbtiJb hudhud,m. name of a bird (hoopoe), a. Jj;iJb huda, m. pointing out the right way. hadi, {. cattle carried to Mecca to be sacrificed { given as an offering ; a bride ; a captive, o. jjbii* ^(^ijl^' hadydru, a ring on the thumb.A. \3b>fc '^n^'MMT hadiyana, n. to hesitate ; to be alarmed, or apprehensive, to shrink, h. IjbbjiJb ^ftpiIT^T hadiyaha, sheepish, shame- faced, timid, bashful, scrupulous, h. cLdfcbii* ^f^^rrfT hadiyahat, f. scrupulous- ness, sheepishness, shyness, h. eo.tSJb hadlya, m. a present (particularly to superiors); the price of a ^r, (in. a. dii had (v. hat), a bone, had-phutna, to make progress, had-jof (v. hof-jofa) name of a plant d. \ J* ^3T hadda, m. a wasp ; a bone ; spavin. hadde mothre nikalna, (lit.) to break out in spavins and oedematous swellings; (met.) to adopt an evil con- duct, s.h. [moted. d. U^j^ Si> had phutnd, to advance, to be pro- ij3jb ^gt haddi, f. a bone ; the hard part in the centre of a carrot or other similar root. t. ^«!ij6 i^gHc^l haddlld, bony, full of bones. 8. \ii> hdzd (for ^liljfc), this. a. jiiJb hazar, m. nonsense, frivolous talk. a. jjbiSjb hazydn,m. raving, vain useless words.a. jfc har, every, any. ?iar an, constantly ; when- ever, har ek, each, every one. har bah, every chap- ter, all sciences, every circumstance, har-bdbi, master of knowledge of every kind, har bar, every time. har-jd,i, a vagabond, a stroller, har ImI, howsoever. har dil 'aziz, beloved by every one, popular, har dam, every moment, har dam ]chiyalt, whimsical, capricious ; har degi chamcha, a sponger, one who hangs on others for a maintenance, har zaman, every time, har sal, every year, annually. Aarga/j, whenever; wherever. har waTct, at all times, frequently, continually, har yak, every one. p. Jb ^ har, m. a rogue, a wag ; (for hal), a plough; a divisor, divisiou. har-bhog, m. anarchy, confusion, uproar, har-bhiim Jca raj (also har-bong ia raj), a country or place in which injustice prevails (v. Roebuck s Orient, rrov. part II. p. 187). s. A ^ har or hara, a name of Mahddeva. s. Jb ^ft hart, m. a name of Vishnu, hari-bha- jan, m. adoration of Vishnu. hari-bhaJct, a Vahhnava, or worshipper of Vishnu, hari-pairi, f. a ghat, or land- ing-place dedicated to Visinu. s. jfc hirr, m. a male cat. a. \jb R^T hurra, m. dispersion (of an army, an assembly, &a). general jail delivery, harra, a ■oand> a voice, a shout, h. \jli ^tr harrd, m. name of an astringent nut, myrobalan (Termlnalia citrlna). ». Ufc FCT hard, green, fresh, verdant. «. > C 785 ) JJ* I y U> i^UA l . haratar, a place where the ploughs are working for the day. *• iJ^fc ^i l iO haratl, belonging to a plough, h. ^\jb harraj or haraj, running fast (a horse) ; m. a public Bale by outcry, an auction, harraj-h, to sell by auction, a j\jSi ffTTT hirar, raw, rare, fresh, h. (j>i\jit hiras, m. fear, terror, dread, p. ^J^\J> hirasan, frightened, frightening, p. ^tU**>bfc hirastdanf to fear ; to frighten, p. ^\jSb f CH T harana, a. to win, to overcome, to beat (at cards), to weary, to tire, hirana, a. to lose ! to mislay, h. iioUfc har-dn-ki, who or whatsoever, p. jLfc hard,o, defeat (at cards, &c.). d. J,\j& harawal or hiramal, m. the advanced guard of an army. *. t^^^yfc ^T^ Aira,i (for hala,i), f. ploughing ; 'the portion of land included within one circuit of a plough, h. [verdure, s. i^Ajc> ^Tlt hardfi, f. greenness, freshness, jjo^jfc har-dyina or har-a,tna, necessarily, undoubtedly, at all events, p. \jiJi ^T^TT harbard, m. the chick-pea. h. i^X->^jit> l^IWN har-bong, same as Aar- 6/!0»g. q.v, [ofFwSwi. *. ^-6:4^^ ffc^nR hari-bhajan, m. adoration C^ J& ^TCHli fiari-bhakt, m. a worshipper of Vishnu, s. \Lf^,J> T^^^ har-bhog, 1 m.the name of .^jb -^jy^ har-bhum, ■ a very foolish ^.'i^jSb ^vrfiT har-bhong,] rajd, or king noodle, said to have flourished once upon a time at Jhoonsee (also called harbhong-pur),neaT Allahabad : be is proverbial for his stupidity and misrule, hence the expression '• harbaong-M raj," or " har-hhog-lcu raj,' ih applied to signify civil disorder and maladministration in general, anarchy, confusion. For an eatertaining account of the sayings and doings of Harbhong. v. Elliott's Glossary, p. 39 L s. -j.^^ ^^Mrf) har-pvji, f. the worship of "the plough, a ceremony held on the day when plough- ing closes : the plough is washed and decorated with garlands, and to use it or lend it after this day is deemed unlucky, s. i^'j^J^.-^ t^^^^'^i^ harpkdremftM. name ^J3J^'J^ ^<^^*^ harpharauri, J of a sour fruit, commonly called the "Indian gooseberry," al- though it bears no resemblance whatever to a goose- berry (Averrhoa acida, Lin.; Cieca disticha Gmel., Phyllanthtu cheramela, Roxb.). m. C^Jb ^ftjT harit, verdant, green, fresh ; of a green colour, t. [a spoiler. *. 15^ lih hartd, m. a thief, a depredator. ^^JmG^ ffbrr^JR haritdshman, m. blue vitriol, a turquoise, an emerald. «. Jl!>yb "^VrfT^ hartal or ffJCWTcS" haritdl, f. orpi- ment, yellow arsenic, s. LL>jSb '^t:z karat, a Persian wheel for draw- ing water from a well. h. (Jl^ ^<.7*q5 harat-kul, m. one of the sub- divisions of Gaur Briihmans. h. —jit harj, m. tumult, sedition, confusion, loss, injury, harm; interruption, harj-marj, tnmult, agl tation, sedition, a. ^jius^-jb har-jins, grain of all sorts, p. a. Ja&-^ harchand, whensoever, howsoever, as often as, although, p. [although, p. AitSisj-jfc harchandki, notwithstanding that, jjiio*-^ ^fc-MtrlH hari-chandan, m. a yellow sort of sandal-wood. s. [happen, p. «bb Ub Bj>-Jb harchi bddd bdd, let what will \io\>-Jb har-hdsili, land bearing crops, s. a. iJfc "^hard, f. turmeric {Curcuma longa). «. i)ji> fj^ hrad, m. a pond, a tank, a lake. a. j>j& ^ hrid or hird or fj^T!^ hiradAm-he^irt, \dj^ ^^ hridd or f^T^ hirdd, J mind, soul, life ; the seat of thought and feeling, knowledge. $. \iiyt> "^ij^ hardd, m. mildew, smut (in corn), h. Jjb,ii f^T^^ hirddmal, m. name of a de- fect (jn horses). It is a feather or curling lock of hair on the breast, which is reckoned unlucky for the rider), s. ViijSi "^fc^I haridrd, f. turmeric, s. jiiJ& har-do, each of the two, both. p. jUii Jfc ^ftlTTT haridrvdr, m. a celebrated place of pilgrimage in the north of India, where the Ganges issues from the mountains (vulg. Hurdwar). s. D**\^^*A'^^^ harduwds, a clan ofrdj-puts so called, h. [mound, k. jjiiJft fft0T haridaur, a kind of oblong ^JuiJi 5^ hridaya, m. (v. hrid) the heart. *. y,4i J6 ^'^ haridev, m. name of an asterism ; sravana. s, [Hindus, A. \^:>J& ^ <^^ T hardehd, name of a tribe of \iijt> ^tl hardd,'] m. an astringent nut, myro- \jjt> ^tr harrdfj balan (Terminalia ehehuia or citrina). t. t$jjb harzagl, f. nonsense, absurdity, p. »j Jb harza, absurd, nonsensical, frivolous, m. trifles, bagatelles. Jiarza-kSr or harza-gard, a foolish gossiping person, one who busies himself :n trifles, harza-go, one who talks nonsense, an idle talker, harza-gardl or -get, f. gossip, nonseusica. chat. p. 3£ U^j^ ( 786 ) Jb;ib (J**;* ^flw haris or haras, the tail of a plough ; the beam of a plough, t. [tMjib «#r hursd, m. a stone on which sandal- wood is ground, t. \if**J>> 5I,«^T har-sajja, m. a sharer in a plough ; reciprocal aid in ploughing a field, h. .lCu*>;jb ^rfiffTTT harsingar, m. the weeping nyctanthes {Nyctanthes arbor tristit). $. y**jte> |[^ hrasroa, short, low in stature ; m. a dwarf; a short vowel. *. C^yjijb ^4.Ht(f harsot, the first furrow ploughed ; the first ploughing of the season. A. (^JB> f^ harsh, m ;oy, mirth, pleasure. 5. -^JB) ^f^ /iar irrftR iu.rmJ '"""'• '''''^'""'' '■ ^"*4^ ?<<3«ii harakhnd or harkhnd, n. to blow (as a flower) ; to be delighted, t. jj[;fc r^iohl /t/r/(i, f. shift, contrivance. A. L^ ^4.r«iiMi harkiyd, snappish, peevish, h. »\Syb har-gdh, whenever, wherever, p. J^jk> hargiz, ever, at any time, on any ac- count- P- [table. A. ^TTTUrr hurgundd, m. name of a vege- T^rpjfi har-gunl, \ , .,„ , , '. ( ^ J* ft , _ - /-skilful, clever. d>Jrj^ !?TJJ»n har-guni,} p. 8. iO|fe har-gah (for har-gdh'), whenever. j». ^I:» t .,., (^^ ^T^Rfhr har-ghasit, all the culti- vated land of a village. A. *!^y> ^i-'ll^jT har-gild, m. a crane, called by Europeans "the adjutant bird" (v. haf-gila). t. *^j^ ^^c^l harld, Terminalia chebula. h. ^^ ^icj&l hurld, running away in terror. A. *jfc harim, old, decrepit; m. mind, under- standing, intellect, a. yojSi hurmuz, the isle of Ormuz in the Per- sian Gulf; name of several kings of Persia who reigned between A. D. 272 and the conquest of the kingdom by the Mul).ammadans in the seventh century, p. {^y>j>> hirmizi, f. name of a red earth, a. \jJ^ji> \5^^8I harmushtd, stout, robust, ac- tive, h. [headednesB. A. (.y*^*^ ^^5^ ho,rmushtl, f. robustness; thick- uj^ XP^ haran, "^IM harin, or f^^^Bf hiran, m. a deer (properly an antelope), s. ^^JS'> fTTBT haran, m. abstraction, subtraction; plunder, sack ; seizing, carrying off; the band ; semen virile ; (in arithm.) division, haran-dukh, taking away or dissipating grief, anguish, or trouble. ». ^^ ^TTT harnd, ra. a stag, a buck, a male antelope ; a. to seize on, to take forcibly ; to steal, to spoil, to plunder. ». ^^ "^^Ti harnd, m. a pommel (of a saddle). htirna, a. to beat down (as paviors). A. (^'IjOJb haran-hdfi, f. (lit. fold or enclosure for antelopes) a house of correction, penitentiary, d. ^j)*^ ^fTJ»rf5ar harinmani, m. an emerald, s. Uj^ ^^*fiil harnautd or himautd, m. a fawn. s. t_^ ^<*ll ha7'ni or ^f^^Ill harini, f. a doe, a hind ; a class of women, the same as chatrinl. $. Ubijjfc ^jjifc ^^TTT harautd, the beginning of the ^^JJ^ iiCt^ harautt, f. a cane, stafi". h. iSj3j^ i^O^ harauri, f. the occupation of ploughing, harauri parja.o, go and put your hand to the plough, harorl, money lent by a cultivator to a ploughman. A. Jj^b ^TI^qS harroal, advances (without inte- rest) made to ploughmen. A, IJb hirra, f. a she-cat. a. \i>jto "^T^ harhd, stray (an ox); unbroken and vicious cattle ; plough-bullocks. A. ^^ S^S*- ^*"''^"»' also hurhura, m. name of a plant {Cleome viscosa), h. LlAflJb^ har-haft, adorned, dressed ; ra. a narcissus, p. [ever. p.k, (jJU*fc^ hai'-hctnesh, perpetuity, for ever and ^J» (_^^^a?7,m. (v. AaH),anameof F'Mww. s. jc^b ^ ha7'i, contribution of assistance by villagers in ploughing the fields of zamindars. h. \>J^ harya (v. hara), green, verdant, d. \:>ji> "^xmi hariya, m. a ploughman ; a wor- shipper, a devotee, h. ^b ,ifc ^ fl^ l tji l //.ar?'?/a/a,verdant,green,gras8y ; a small green bird commonly called the " flycatcher ** {Merops viridis). s, ^b Jb ^fb JB ^fr^TRT hariyana, n. to become green, to wax green ; a. to stop, to prevent, s. yl> J& ^ftlTi^ hariyanro, a kind of division of the crop. h. [ness. s. Jjb ,fti ^fC^HcJS hariyamal, f. verdure, fresh- U>Jb ^Thn/iflri^a,1 the first commencement iOj^ ^^:/iania,J of ploughing in the rainy season, h. \(^Terminalia chebula). s. tj^..J> ^OrTofcl haritkl, f. yellow myrobalan j>j^ ^ft^TC hariyar, close of the sowing sea- son, h. [verdant, harlra (v. harila). s. \jljib -^^ harera, ra. a vegetable ; verdure, »*^ Js hartsa, m. a kind of thick pottage, made of bruised wheat boiled to a consistency ; to which they add meat, butter, cinnamon, and aromatic herbs, p. J^^ ^rL«| ^TT hara, m. a skyrocket, h. \y> harra (for karra, q. v.). hurra, raw or uncooked grain, d. U;ji>^jtt> '^jl^jl harahari, f. the twang of a bow. hufo-hufi, haste, precipitation, h. bV/^Jib i^j^^MI harbarana, n. to be confused, to hurry. A. [liot h. (Cjjjjb "^^ITft harbarl, f. hurry, alarm, uproar, bj^Jfc '^d^ni^T harbariya, easily agitated, irritable, h. [bones. ». j^"^ jjb ^jiMH har-phutan, m. pains in the U=^jlb ^^ifljT har-jord, m. name of a medi- cinal plant (Cissus quadrangularis). h. XJ>Sji> aSffg'T hur-dangd, turbulent, A* C 787 ) i>y> ^^dji> 1^^ hur-dangl, f. turbulence. A. Ld3-k> ?T^ hurvk, m. a kind of drum in form like a saud-glass (generally played on by bearers), j, o^ ?^T hurhd, m. pining (particularly applied to children separated from parents) ; the bar of a door. h. (JlA^r^'^Sahd harhat, m . Acanthus ilicifolius.h. '!^ji^ '^S'\\(^l har-f)lld, m. name of a bird, the gigantic crane {Ardea argala), commonly called the adjutant by Europeans in Bengal. «. lOjjb harangd, ruination, destruction, d. j^jjib ^i<4K harwar,\m. a place where bones jij^Jbi^^T^ Aamar,J are laid, h* s. \j\jibj^ ^i^'aitn harharand (also hirhirana)^ n. to shudder, to shiver ; to crash, to rattle, h, C^\j^''^ ^d^jl^ri harhardhat, f. a crack. sound. A. t,jrfibjjb ^j^jl harhari or ^5^ hurhufi, f. the twang of a bow. A. jhlb hazdr, thousand, hazdr-chashma, m. a cancer (disease), hazar-dastan, a kind of nightingale, so called from the immense variety of its notes, ha- zdr-ga,ida or -mejcht, a common strumpet, p. \j\yt> hazard, ^a double flower ; the balsam JjUjb hazdra,} flower ; a divided stream or jet-d'eau (like that of a watering-pan), p. ^^Vbb hazdrdn, thousands ; a nightingale ; a term used at the game of nard. p. b.\^ hazdr-pd, a millipede or scolopendra. p. CijIjjIH^ hazdrrvdn, the one thousandth, p. h. UbjUfc hazdrhd, pi. (Pers.) thousands, p. (C.UfcAa2;ari,m. the commander of a thousand; "adj. relating to a thousand (used in comp.), as ydk- hazarl, one who receives 1000 rupis per month; a commander of one thousand, hazari-bazari, people at large, military and civil, p. ^bjUib hazdriydn, pi. regiments of a thousand men each, employed in the Northern Circars. p. Jlji> hazzdl, m. a droll, a jester, a. ji^b hizbar, m. a lion ; adj. thick, strong, hard, hizbar-jang, the lion in fight, a man's name or title, p. Jjb hazl, m. a jest, a joke; (in law), a sham contract, in which the parties give a mutual pledge that it shall be of no effect, hazl-go, an idle talken a. ObJUb hazUydt, jests ; nonsensical talk. a. *Ub hazm, flying, rout or flight (of an army). a. iJl^tSfc hazimat, f. flight, rout, defeat, hazi- mat khana, to be defeated, a. j^\jb^ hazhdhdil (v. azhdhdti). s. p. Idyi hazhdah (for hasht-dah), eighteen. hazhdah hazar 'alam, the eighteen thousand living species, believed by the Mul^ammadans to be the wholo number of existing varieties of animals, p. 3E2 ( 788 (for hans), a jjjb^ haSy m. a consonant $. ^' [(for hans, hansa) laughter, d. a,) ) > swan. jj«jb haSy Lj& hasa^ 01-J& ' ^tfM I hasana (prop, hansana), a. to make (one) laugh, to cause to laugh, t. ^c^LJ^ ^^irr| hasa,t, f. (prop. han8a,t) ridi- culing, laughing. «. hastff. being, existence; n. is, exists./?. ^H hast, m. the hand ; a cubit, s. T^WJt hasat, adj. laughing, smiling, s. ^H hasti, m. an elephant, hasti-dant, m. ivory. «. cIa*^ ^^/iflsi{,^m. name of the thirteenth bL.J6'5^ Aas/aJ mansion of the moon, Corvus. s. [or driver, t. J^>AJLJ^ ^CwMIc^ hastipal, an elephant-keeper Ll*!>iM-Jfc ^rfsl^«fl hasti-dant, m. elephant's tooth, ivory, s. S^'J.^it> ^fTRR^ hasti-mad, ni. the juice that exudes from an elephant's temple when in rut. s. jijjlJCLjJb hasi-nahud, a remission of r-ivenues for lands deficient in produce, p. ,^.lil«J6 ^'gT'TniT hasiina-pur , m. the name of the ancient capital of Yudhishthiia and his brethren, the remains of which still exist about fifty-seven miles N. E. of the modern city of Dihli, on the banks of the old channel of the Ganges, s. ^>nf> ^ftcpft hastini, f. a female elephant ~ (v. padmini) a description of women, the worst of the four classes, s. «5«jj d*—* hast bud, the present state of revenues, &c. compared with that of former years. hast budi, land which has been assessed on a com- parative valuation, p. jj-*J6 hastt, m. existence, entity ; the world, p. ^5— ifc ^^ hastl, m. an elephant, s. \C>*Jt r^^ifil hiska, m. imitation, copying; contention, rivalry, emulation, h. ^Lj&\^w-Jb f^^ran n^fl^l hiska-hiski, f. mu- "tual emulation, h. A**jb ^^ hasU, m. the collar-bone, clavicle ; a collar (of gold or Bilver, &c.) worn round the neck as an ornament, h, [tenance. d. ^\^^tt' hasmuhh, cheerful, of a smiling coun- j^««^ ^TPT hasan, m. laughter, laughing, has- na, to laugh, to smile. $. (j«Jfc hasi (v. haiisi), sport, fun, &c. d. bu-i" "^ftnn hasiya, m. a reaping-hook, a sickle, h. jjiJb hush, m. (for hosh, q. v.) understanding, care, attention, study, k. [avaunt I h. hisht, m. a hiss, &c. ; interj. pish \ v_!'i-^*-a> hasht, eight, hasht-hhgh, the eight gardens, i. e. the eight heavens, p. Ck^^LSi hashtdd, eighty, hasht ad-sala, a per- son eighty years old, an octogenarian, p. ^i^-H* hasht-pahlu, 1 m. an octagon ; adj. ii>utjCl^i:> hasht-gosha,) of eight sides or angles, p. jJxLli hashtum, the eighth, p. cIl**.>oir*M.fr husht-mtisht (ahohusht o musht), f. wrestling and boxing, p. Jax«Ouli> hasht-man^r, the eight heavens ; the zodiac along witli the planetary orbits, p. j«^1SJ6 hashtumt or hashtumln, the eighth "(day or night), p. [overlook, p. ^^yJLst> hishtan (r. hil), to leave, to quit, to ,\ hazmiyatf digestiveness. a. C1*AJ& haft, se\en.haft-iklim, the seven climes, t. e. the whole habitable world, haft-andam, the name of the great vein that runs through the arm. haft- lcl\wan. the seven feasts given by Rustam on his way to Mazandaran (v. shahndma). haft-rangi, of seven colours ; capricious, artful, cunning, haft-kalam seven sorts of Persian handwriting, hc^t-lcalami, one who writes the seven handwritings aforesaid. kaft-Jcish- tvar, the seven regions, the world, haft-hazari, m. a commander of seven thousand ; f. the command of seven thousand, haft-hasht, abuse, idle talk, &c. p. liliflib haftad, seventy, /to/iarfwrn, seventieth./?. jfi>Siai:> haft-dahum or -dahumin, the seven- ' teenth. s. ps^ haftum or haftumin, the seventh, p. w'l-^lfljb haft-gdna, seven times or sevenfold ; adv. in or by sevens, p. eClOifr hafta, m. a week, hafta-dost, slight acquaintance, an inconstant &iend. hafte-ka dim, Saturday, p. ^JJiiD hafa,t, active, clever, alert, h. Kib r^£|;1 hihkd, f. hiccough, h. \^Kj& ^Sltl^^l hahkd-hahkd, confused (when any thing is to be done) ; aghast, h. \j.Kft> '^4l<«il hakdrnd, a. to drive oxen or other cattle in a circle, as when treading out grain, h, \j3\^ ^^T^TTI hahdlnd, a. (v. hakarnd) to drive, &c d. \jKji^ i^e|i^ hihr'j, cultivated reeds grown on low marshy grounds, h. ^ I ^^ ^chy^'l hakla, stuttering, stammering, h. ^^J«W6 ^oKc^'HI hahlana, n. to stammer, to stutter, to falter, h. ^^^^ ^cfi^I^T hakldhd, m. a stammerer, h. Ojjiji -dlJ&uiiJ^ ^<*"^oBoH vaxxA ; a quagmire ; moist ground trodden soft by cattle ; adj. domesticated, tame. hila-mila, amicable, attached, h. ^ 15^ halld, m. uproar, tumult; assault. halla (for harra), the yellow myrobalan. h. 1^"^ f^n^ hulas, m. alacrity, joy, glad- ness, s. ^j*>^ 4<^\^ hulas, f. snuff", h. ci)^ haldk, m. perdition, ruin, slaughter, death; adj. lost, fatigued, killed, dead. halaJc karna, to destroy, to overwhelm, to drive to destruction, to distress, to fatigue, to kill. halaJc hona, to be killed, to be fatigued, to be tired, a. CL*i ^ haldkat, f. death, destruction ; (in law) homicide, manslaughter, a. ^!ib» ^WTSR^ halld-kalld, m. loquacity, foolish talking, h. ^'^ haldku, deadly ; m. a destroyer, a. k. ^y'^ halahi, f. destruction, ruination, a. j^ hildl, m. the new moon, the first and last two or three days of tbe moon, hilal-daur, a kind of bow. a. ^!ikfc hildli, f. a kind of arrow ; a segment of "a circle ; m. name of a Persian poet ; adj . of or relating to the new moon. ». 13^ fi^t^MI hildnd, a. to move, to agitate ; to familiarize, to tame ; to cause to swim, h, (Jft"^ ^q5T^ haldhal, m. poison, especially deadly poison. «. p. ^i^ '5^^ haldrvd, agitation, &c. h. ^j^*:^ ^c^lB haldji, f. ploughing. . ^^Tf^yRT halbaldnd, n. to hurry, to be confused, h. «iii^^^J^ ^($4^l^<2 halbaldhat, f. hurry, confusion (the effect of hurry), h. (^i^i-Afc halbandi (v. halbardr), assessment according to the number of ploughs. ». p. ^^^ ^cjjsii halapnd, n. to toss, to tumble about, to shudder in a fever, h. l}4vlI* ^^nu^y haUphal, f. affability ; hurry, perturbation, h. [man. ». Uj:si** ^Q&^fJrTT hal-jotd, m. a tiller, a plough- (_5Jokljfc ^Q&ffjl haltaddl, f. a drill plough, h. ^y>■^}^ "^^^^l^ hal-chal, f. fright, perturbation, hubbub, tumult, anarchy, h. \i^ '^f^^\ haldd, a disease of the cerealia, by which the plant withers and assumes a yellow tinge, s. j^tiJjft hal-ddr, the possessor of a plough, s.p. Jbd^ ?q5>JT hala-dhar or hal-dhar, m. a name oi Balarama, the elder brother of Xriiftn a. «. (^ii)> '^cjjt^l haldi, f. turmeric (Curcuma longa) ; a marriage ceremony of anointing the parties with turmeric. *. Ij^tiJ^ ^Q&n^^l haldiyd, m. a kind of poison ; the jaundice ; a class of merchants ; adj. yellow, s. kJj& '^<^ ^cKift> ^ejiofi i l^ hnlha,i, f. lightness, levity, h. iLbjLdlJjb f^<5^IR^rn hilak-rahna, to cling to.h. Ij^ r^<^«*H I hilaknd, n. to writhe or suffer contortions (from affliction or pain, chiefly applied to children); (in Dakh.) hulakna, to rush on, to attack, to charge, h. [billow, s. j^M) ff^J^lfh: hilkor, f. agitation ; a wave, ]j^^ (ti^4iH} hilkora, m. a wave, billow, s. X>j^^ ^t^^KAl halkorna or f^<$<«)^«1l hil- homa, a. to gather, to collect ; to billow, to wave. hiU korna, n. to agitate, to shake, to disturb, to perplex ; n. to fluctuate, to waver. $. »,^5jjb hilkora (v. hilkord), m. a wave, billow, s. [pend. A. UlGjb n^c^JllHI hilgdnd, a. to hang, to sus- ^^>Ji^ f^^TTTT hilagnd, n. to be hung on, to be entangled, to adhere, to stick to ; to be constant, h. i^^ t<^*(\ halgi, gently, softly ; (in Dakh.) "f. a small kind of drum. h. UW J-Jjb r^cjfH^ViHT hil-miljdnd, n. to be mixed ; ii. to be intimate ; to be jumbled together, h. ^i»-y^ r^cjiHlP***! hilmochikd,\i. a potherb j^^^^Jjb %55*lt^ hilmochi, J (^Hingtsha "repens). s. fj^ f^^*T hilan, m. motion, agitation ; (in Dakh.) halan. h. ^JJ^ f^^*!T hilnd, n. to shake, to be moved ; to be familiarized, to be tamed, hil-milna, to meet together, h. ^ hallu, slowly, easily, gently, d. U^ito ^3^T halu,d, battered (as a whore), h. \ic>\^ ^'o&cd^l halwdhd, m. a ploughman, s. ^J^\^ ^^^T^ halwdhl, f. tillage, agricul- "ture. s, [wave, billow. *. ]jy^ ^'cjJ^il halord or f^^TlTT hilord, m. a ^jy^ '^cjJ'iAT halornd, a. to collect, to gather, h. ^ji^ ri5 halla, a kind of necklace, d. y^tt ?^^ halhaU, f. sickness, disease ; an 790 ) ^ ^Ji^^ 'f^yfij^rm halhaliydf ra. poison, s. j^ ^^ hall, a ploughman. «. ^J^ "^f^mhaliyd, m. a herd (of oxen), drove, flock (of cows), h. LiJljJjfc ^r<«j<(|4|i haliydhy also haliydg, wages of ploughmen, a, UUlib ^f^prnn haliydnd, n. to nauseate, h. jjiioiib hilldan, to quit ; to leave alone j to omit. p. eu»jklj& hatisa, m. an oar. jd. [(y. Aorro). a. p. idjJjb halela, m. name of an astringent nut (jj^ halyun or haliyun, asparagus, p. (*fc ^ ^a?ra, pron. first pers. plur. we. s. i*fr hamm, m. grief, care, solicitude ; turning a thing anxiously in the mind, hum (Arab.), affixed pron. 3rd pers. pi. them, of them. o. j^ ham, also, even, likewise, in the same manner, equally ; (in comp.) together with, the same as, mutual, as ham-dshydn, of the same nest, intimate, birds of a feather, ham-a^hosh, embracing, locked in each other's arms, ham-dghoshi, f. embrace, ham- awdz, concordant, harmonious, ham-dwez, an equal, a rival, ham-dhang, harmonious, concordant., ham- hazm, of the same society, associating together. Iiain- bistar, sleeping together, lying on the same bed. ham- pa, a companion, an attendant, ham-palla or -pahlu, a partisan, j)eer, partner, ham-piydla, pot companion. ham-pesha, of the same trade, ham-tardzu, of equ.il weight, fairly matched, ham-ta'ltm, a fellow student. ham-jalts, an intimate companion. ham-Jins, con- gener, of the same species, ham-jamb, sitting toge- ther, a friend, ham-jdt, of the same caste or tribe. ham-jawdr, a townsman, a neighbour. ham jolt, equal, peer, coeval, ham-chashm, equal, ham-chashmt, f. equality, rivalry. ham-chashmt-h, to contend. ham-Jihdna, a fellow-lodger, a companion, a spouse. ham-]{hwdba, a bedfellow, a spouse, ham-ddstdn, being in the same story, ham-dabistdn, a school- fellow, ham-dard, a partner in adversity, sympathe- tical. ham-digar, together, ham-dil, loving, of the same inclination, a friend, ham-dam, a friend, a com- panion, ham-rdz, acquainted wth one another's secrets. ham-rde, of one purpose ; an accomplice, or confede- rate, ham-zdd, of the same age, a playfellow; sijhi, which is said to be produced at the moment of the birth of every child, and to accompany him through life, ham-zdnu, sitting together, a companion, ham- zulf, a wife's sister's husband (v. sdrhii). ham-sdya, a neighbour, neighbouring, ham-sabak, a class-fellow. ham-sart, equality, evenness. ' ham-safra, a fellow- traveller, ham-sang, of the same vi'eight, fairly matched ham-sinn, of equal age, a playfellow, ham- shakl, of tlie same appearance, alike, resembling. ham-shahr or liavi-shafiri, a townsman, ham-shira, a sister, ham tabak, a messmate, ham-'indti, a compa- nion, associate, peer, equal, ham-'alid, coeval, con- temporary, ham-kadd, of equal stature, ham-kadam, a companion, attendant, footman, havi-kaum, of the same tribe, ham-kdsa, a cup companion, ham-kiiju, of the same family, ham-khidr, embracing, ham-aap, a gossip, ham-masliab, of the same religion, ham- niasl(i]f(it, confederated, ham-maktab, a schoolfellow. ham-udm, a namesake, ham-nidd, singing togetlicr, singing in concord, ham-uasl, of the same breed. huvi-iiishhi, a companion, hnm-uamnk or hnm-tiiwdta A messmate h(im-miwd,t, a fellow songster, ham wasn, of equal weij;!t. /(am-wai!a», a compatriot, p ^ ( 791 ) <3J» j»* f^ him, m. frost, snow, cold ; name of the fifth or cold season, him-kar or hin-wat, frigorific, cold, chill, frosty, s. U^ ^WTT humma, m. the sudden influx of the tide at .new and full moon in the river Hoogly, called by Europeans " the bore " (why ? I know not), h. W& huma, m. an eagle, a phoenix, a bird of paradise; a fabulous bird of happy omen peculiar to the East. It is supposed that every head it over- shadows will wear a crown (v. 'anka). p. ji>W^ hamatam, 'I equality, rivalry, com- ^^♦^Ivfc hamatami,) petition, d. l^U*" ^HIU hamara, pron. (gen. pi. of main) ours, our. h, jjU^ ^TP^ hamarau, (Braj) our, of us. h. U^U^ hama-shuma, we two, we both. h. p. \y^ hamal or humal, alike, equal, resem- bling ; a peer, a companion ; a friend, a confidant, p. «ujI»^ f^HlQ&'M himalaya or himalay, m. (lit. the abode of snow), the name of the snowy range of mountains which bounds India to the north-east, s, ^J^ ham-an, even this, or that. p. ol»Jb hamana, m. the opinion, imagination; adj. like, resembling; immediately, suddenly; ditto, the same thing repeated, as before, again, p. *(ijl^ kam-an-dam, 1 that instant, at that »\jL>l»i& kam-an-gah, ) very moment, p. jjjl^ r^HRiA himdrvatl, f. a sort of moon- plant, s. f^\^ huma,e, m. (v. hum.a) queen Huma,T (grandmother to Darab II.). huma,i, of or relating to the huma; fortunate, auspicious, p. j^^_l»Jb humayun, fortunate, august, sacred, royal, imperial, humayun-fdl, of auspicious omen. humdyun-gdh, the royal residence, hatndiiun-niima, name of a version of Pilpay's fables in the Turkish language, p. d.*»fr himmat, f. spirit, inclination, resolution, bravery, liberality, courage, purpose, design ; auspices, favour, himmat Ishipastan, to ask a blessing, a. ljL»Jb hamia, equal, alike ; m. a fellow, match or equal, p. t^^ll^ hamta,l, f. likeness, equality, p. jj^ himmati, bold, daring, courageous, a. ^^Us^ kam-chun-an, in that manner, p. f^jyy^^ ham-chun-ln, in this manner, p. ^^^ ham-chU, even as, like, such as. p. jj^tiw^to hamadan, name of a town of Persian Irak, north-west of Ispahan, p. ^_^'.x^»,v^fc ham-dast, in hand, ham^dast-k., to procure, to get, to obtain, ham-dast-h., to be fimnd, got, or procured, p. h, i\j^ hamrah, m. a fellow-traveller; prep, with, together with, along with, p. i_^)j^ hamrahi, f. companionship in tra- " veiling ; a travelling companion, p. [&c. t. ij^ har, rah (v. ham-rdh), a fellow-traveller, Oj^ ^aw2;a;,1 the symbol Aam2;a (v. Hind. ij^ hamza, J or Pers. gram.), a. j>^ r^!H<*<. himhar, frigorific, cold. s. (j^^ ham-hun, a companion, colleague, p. "^^^ ^H^^ihuviakna, n. to assault, to stretch forward, h. ^_^^ hamagi, f. totality ; the whole, all. p. f^j^ ^»r*T human, \ iT , _ ?• we, US, to US. s.k. '-k^ ^T»n namna,j ji^^ haniwa?', plain, equal, level; proper, suitable, fit ; gentle, easy, docile, p. iy^ hamrvara, always, continually, j). ij)^^ hammariy f. (abst. of hamwdr, in comp.) p. Oj^ n^«i<|rl himmat, cold, frosty, s. it»fc hama, all, the whole, every one. hama- dan, knowing everything, experienced, wise. p. ^Ix^ib hamydnl, f. a purse, p. ^j^jiiJL»fc hamidun, now; always; in this manner, at this moment, p. hameshagi, f. perpetuity, eternity, p. hamesha, always, ever, continually, perpetually, p. {j:^ ^ hamen, us, to us. hamtn, we our- selves, even we. h. {ji^ hamin, this very, even this, even so. p. ^x»fi> f]^H*ft himeni, f. (v. hamiyani) a purse. rf. ^i^ "^^ hame,o, m. vanity, egotism, arro- gance, pride, s. ^^ ?^ htin, f. name of a coin ; a pagoda, h. UJ6 "^HHl hannd, a. to kill, to give a blow. «• Ufc hannd, m. the pommel of a saddle, d. U^Jjb ^tf^hamphnd, n. to be out of breath, to pant. h. jjji4>>li> ^^c5 hamphail, short-winded, h. \lifc ^'in hantd, m. a murderer, a slayer. «. (Jljoifc fi$»Hlcift hintdl, m. the marshy date-tree {Phocnia paludosa). s, Sd^ hanjdr, m. a straight road, a true method ; a mason's rule, a plumb-line, a level, &c. na-hanjar astray, wicked, unfortunate, rude, unpolite. p. »iJj& hind, m. India, an Indian, a. p. btjjjb hindhd, hindibd, and hindubd, m. name of a white seed, endive {Cichorium endivia). p. dl» ( 792 In ) iJlUib ^UrtJofr hindsan, 1 (for hindustan), ^ljUM(Mfi> hindustan^) dia. ^. «M>kUfi> handasa, m. the science of geometry. hinda$a, nameration hy the letters of the alphabet, arithmetic, a. (3i3JJb f^n^ffO hindni or hindantj f. au Indian female. A. p. >(}Jj& hindu, m. a negro ; a black Arabian, Indian, or Ethiopian; a Oentoo; an infldel; (met.) a mole or lock (of a mistress), a. p. ^!j jjkft r^fdmH hinduwan, a species of fruit.A. eJ^j jjjb hindwdna or hinduwana,m. a water- melon, a kind of pumpkin, p. \3.j JJJb fl|^<(ti\JJt> l^/m7t^^,mutual assistance in tillage, h, ^^jjjb ^4|iSl handi, f« an earthen pot or boiler «. j^biXifc i^fjH^H hundiydn, m. exchange, or price paid for a bill of exchange. $. ^ ^ haiis, m. a swan, a goose, a duck ; (met) life. «. iMijjb "^^T^ hanas, the beam of a plough, h. U«Jj& ^TTT hansd, m. laughing, laughter. $. ^mJ^ f|fn hinsd, f. injury, mischief, slaughter, s. jLJjb fi^THT^AtTMoZM, mischievous, hurtful, t. ulwJJb ^^TRT hansdnd, a. to cause to laugh, to tickle. I. f^A^^Asct "^^n^hansdft, f. laughter, derision, s. j«Ml{t> f)^ hinsr, hurtful, murderous, savage, s. jg,\j**,jjt> 4h ^flch hansak, m. the fiaminga. hin- tak, mischievous, ferocious; m. a beast of prey: an enemy, s. ^jic\X^tt> ^rnrrftn^ hans-gdminlA walkmg ^j^C^'xi) ^Htm^ii hans-gamant, J gracefully ** as a swan (a woman), s. A— J^ ^'^JqSI hansli, f. the collar-bone; a collar (of gold or silver, &c) worn round the neck as an ornament, h. ^ x »....x{& ^^^^ ham-muhh, cheerful, inerry, laughing, facetious, jolly, t. ^»J**^ f^t^R hinsan, injuring, hurting. «. UuwJJb l^«TT hansnd, n. to laugh, to smile, s. \fyjjii ^^^ hansu,d, m. a sickle, h. j^**^ ^^? hansor, facetious, merry, cheer- ful ; (sub.) a wag. hasHsof-pan, m. facetiousness. t. j^-Jj6 1^^ hansi, f. sport, fun, laughter, "mirth, ridicule. *. [huok. k. IjUnAfe ^Pum hansiyd, m. sickle, a reaping- UojtJb hanhdtd, m. a shout, a noise, d. • OJLlfc ?UR hunhdr, m. uttering a menacing sound, roaring, bellowing. m. cry, outcry, alarm. s. l3jDJJ& 4*ki< ^4[JJ& hangama, m. an assembly, a crowd ; tumult, uproar, riot; assault, hangama-kama or macha- na, to raise a disturbance, hangama-gir, tumultuous, p. ^iCjb hangami, extra, temporary; a deputy, "a person employed to act temporarily for another, p. CJJi^ hanguft, thick, dense; cloth of a firm texture, p. cA^ f^^^ hingid, m. vermilion, s. _,^)Xlfi> f^JI^JJl^ hinglaj, m. a temple of Devi, a place of pilgrimage, t. ^^^Xlfi) hingan, m. a kind of firework, d. ^oUJJ& ^*im«1 hanuman, m. (v. hanumati), a baboon, &c. t. t," ^^^te hanamat (v. AanSman). hanamat hi dum hona, to be long or lengthy (as the tail of Harm- man), d. [plication, s, ^Jyi> ^«T«T hanan, m. killing, injuring; multi- UjJb i^H«i1 hanna, a. to kill, to smite, s. \!>yj& f^«^Tn hinauta, m. supplication, humi- lity. >. [dus. o. «JyJ& hunud (pi. of tS-3& or j«i«Afc), the Hin- J Jj& hanoz, yet, hitherto, still, hanoz dilli dur hai {" it is a far cry to Loch Awe ") is used to express that the conclusion of an affair is far distant, p. h. ^\/oJkfc F^TR haniiman, m. a monkey ; the name of the monkey who headed Rama's forces against Rdvana. s. [^hanuman. s. ^U^ ^i|Wr«rt hanumani, of or relating to cijl^ift' f^t^ff ^17 hinhinat, neighing, h. 13 Ij.^ l^^rf^^fRT hinhinana, a. to neigh, h. ^ hani, agreeable ; easily obtained ; inesti- mable, a. y^ hu, pron. (lit. He, He is) God. /m kaalam, a desert plain (q. d. "where no being but God exists"). huwa hutua or hu-ba-hu, exactly, a. aj6 '5^ ho, a vocative particle, hu, an em- phatic affix (v. hi), even, indeed, s. )yb hawa, f. wind, air, atmosphere ; lust, desire ; love, affection, hawa bandh-Jcar jana, to beat to windward, hawa-batdnd, to reject one's petition, to disappoint ; hawa bandhnd, to appear, hawa bandi l-nrvd, to build castles in the air ; to calumniate. hawa parast, vain, fickle, giddy, volatile ; a sensualist. hawa phirni, to change condition, hawa chhurdna, to break wind. /(aM^a-WtraA, a friend, hawd-hirs, co\et- tjusness, envy, greediness, hawd-ddr, airy, hawd deiia, to blow the coal, to foment a quarrel, hawd- zadagl, a disease so called, cold, catarrh, hawd se bdt karnu, to rival tha wind in speed, hawa se lapid, im- plies a readiness to quarrel, hawa Tcarnd, to fan ; to broach, to divulge, to disclose, to publish, hawd Tchdnd, to take the air ; to walk about idly, hawd ke babule phopid or hawd meA puld,o paJcdnd, to build castles in the air. hawd-gtr, a rocket-maker, hawd o hawas, lust, concupiscence, sensuality, luxury, vanity', ambition, hawd hojdnd, to scamper off, to vanish, to disappear, o. i-py^ ^^T hu,a, been, become ; ago, elapsed, h. i^fe ^«JI haurva, m. a bugbear, an ogre. Ju Jy& hawamm, m. (pi. of «<«l*) reptiles, in- sects, serpents, a. ^^ijJ& human m. (for hawan), m. a mortar, p, ^^y& hawan, contempt, misery, distress, a. bTy& fl^Hl ho-aria, n. to have gone to and returned, h. [hood, courage. «. jiy& r^qiq hiva,o or hivaw, m. energy, man- (^^^ hawa,i, f. a sky-rocket ; adj. of or relating to the air, aerial, windy ; vain, ideal, a. p. y^^ hu-ha-hu, quite, perfectly, a. u_,*j&by& '^qi'^^r hupdhap, secretly, silently, h. Cyfc ^iT hot, m. f.1 wealth, means, ability; I5yfc ^tin hotd, m. J adj. being, becoming. hotd-jdtd, coming and going, h. \!jy& ^TTT hoi d,^ the priest who officiates at 3y& ^^ hotri,) the Aom sacrifice (v. horn), s. l>jkibj\j»yfc ^riK^JII hotd-rahegd, an expression used in reply to terms of abuse, implying that " what you said of me ia applicable to yourself;" "tu quoque." h. \^J^^i> ^rt«f hotab, m. predestination, fate. s. \lxxi^ ^ri«i|riT hotahyata, f. (v. hotavyata), s. yyb ^hnr hotav, m. predestination, destiny, s. Ubyys ^ridfril hotavyata, f. fate, destiny; that which is preordained to happen, s. ^^ hoth, interj. ho 1 hallo ! bha,i hoth, hark ye, friend t hallo there I d. l3^fc 1^ hote, during, while, in the presence ** of; hote hote, gradually, makan te hote, near the house, or just out of it. h. ^y> 'Vi hoth, m. v. honth) the lip. s. OW^ ^IIMi ho-jana, n. to have happened, to become, h. \j^^ ^^^H\ ho-chukna, n. to be finished, to be expired, to have elapsed, h, U>.^ ^«{1 huchnd, a. to miss, to err, to mis- take, h. ^a^ haudaj,ym. a litter (used on an el©* »«3j4> hauda, J phant or camel, in which Arabian ladles travel), a. L**'"* J^ 84>jJ6 huda, truth, wisdom ; adj. true, justj jjH haur, conj. (v. aur) and; buU hosk, m. understanding, judgment, sensej mind, soul, hash pakarnd, to recollect, hash meA and, to come into one's senses ; to recover from a swoon, &c. p. [to baulk, h. b,\xi»y& ^I|l4i Kt{1 hoshkarna, a. to disappoint, tM«Mgyb hosh-mand, intelligent, wary. p. (^t\l»M>jft hoshmandi, f. understanding, pru- dence, p. ySjsJii^ hoshang, name of the second king of Persia, of the Peihdddiydn dynasty, p. fj**j^ hoshi, sensible, intelligent, p. j\jLi»y> hoshyavy intelligent, attentive, careful, clever, sensible, p. mf,L**»y> hoshyari, f. sobriety, carefulness, p. ^uu*»^ ^fq^ havishya, m. rice mixed with ghi or clarified butter, t. ^^ f^ huh, f. pain, stitch, ache, shooting pain, twitch. huk-huk-Jcar rand, to sob and cry. h. 0^ ^T^ hauha, "1 m. ambition, cupidity, ^^ ^itw\ haukha,) covetousness. h. ^Sy. ^f?r^ havikh (for havishya), m. ghi, rice mixed with ghi, hovilchi-firni, rice and milk. #; C5.5* ^^ f>oke, through, by, proceeding "from. h. '^^ ^ h^9^> m. a kind of reed common- ly called " elephant grasa." h. Jj* fi? h"h f' a thrust, an attack, hul-d., to goad, thrust, drive, u^. h. Jy> haul, m. terror, haul-dil, terrified ; hy- pochondriac afrectlon,melancholy. haul-ndk, frightful, terrible, a. [parched in the pod. «. %i> T^\ hola, m. the chick pea havingieen ^_j* ^lyb haunsa, envy, jealousy, d. \juy3y» haunsnd, to be envious or jealous, d. ^M>y& haunsi, desirous, emulous, d. \JSJ^ if^i'MI hiin-kamd, to make the sound Afifi, in anger, from fear, or as an incantation, &c. «. Ijioyb ^foRtn honhnd, n. to plant, to puff. h. jl^jjb ^*^*^K honhdr, possible; what is to happen, h. U^U^ ?^ hun-hdn, m. uproar, tumult, h. w^ ( 795 ) J«^ 5)|^y& ^1h<=)I<^ honewalaAheing, about to 1j^joy& "^^[fjTJ honekdra, J be; practicable, possible, h, U&y& ^^ AmAo, m. report, rumour, popular fame ; a storm ; pageantry, ostentation, h. t/y> % hwai, having been; through, by. htoai-hai, will be or become, b. JLy& hawd, f. desire, love, inclination, will, wish (v. hatoa). a. tJlO^ huwtyat, divinity, the divine essence, a. liiJi.yb haroaida or huwaidd, clear, manifest, eyident, open. p. jOjfc igiq ham/a, m. an offering to the gods. s. jjb hai, interj. alas ! strange ! wonderful ! "hai hai, alas ! &c. p. j> ^ Ae, a vocative particle, s. /jb ^ hai/, m. a horse ; the yak. s. /^ ^ hi, an emphatic affix of frequent oc- "currence; very, even, indeed, only; altogether, hai, is, art. h. ^ ^ hi, \m. heart, breast, mind, soul, \Ifc fpn hiyd,} life. s. OUfc hai,at, f. astronomy, the aspect of the heavens ; face, visage, countenance, aspect- hai,ati majmu'l, collectively, a. L»Ufc haydsa, a girth, a surcingle, p. UuM>Ufti ^MI^HI haydshnd, f. the gum olibaniim tree. s. ^IjJb hiydn, grief or regret at one s absence, d. •Uto f^pn^ hiydv or hiyd,o. m. courage, spirit, valour. ». \JL'^:^ haibat, f. fright, perturbation, awe. haibat dikhldna, to appal, to terrify, haibat-zada, aghast, appalled, haibat-nak, frightful, terrific, a. C ^.^ ^ het or ^ hetu, m. meaning, object, intention, theme, cause, reason, account. *. tJl^ih Mat, Ithe outward form of the dJjLfc hai,at,) heavens ; astronomy, a. ,^AAJb ^ heth, below, down, under, h. l^iifc ^ hethd (also Ae/a), indolent, pusilla- nimous, cowardly, hetha-pan, m. cowardice, h. l^JuJfc ^trr /a//«a, m. a person appointed to take care of the standing crops, h. l^ hijd, battle, combat, conflict, a. ^^l^ hayajdn, vehemence, disturbance, a. \\^ ^^t^TfT hijrd, m. a eunuch, hermaphro- dite, h. Ajb hech, any, any thing; nothing; worth- less, good for nothing, heeh-madan, ignorant, simple, an ignoramus, hech pitch, trifles, things of no account, p. j^ ^^ hir, m. essence ; pith, energy, vigour • essential, pure. s. j^ "^tK hir, Hero, the celebrated mistress of Leander, called by the Indians Rdnjha, q. v. h, 1^ ^tTT hird, m. a diamond; adamant, s. ^SJ^^jl^ hera-pheri, f. strolling about, d. ^^l^i^ViHn hv'dman, m. a kind of parroquet (Psittacus). h. ui^ |fhl«Tr hlrdnd, the manuring of a field by penning cattle or sheep on it. h. JjI^ ^'t^T^ hirdrval or ?tTT^% hirdwali, m. a kind of chequered blanket worn byfafirt. s, t^jlji* ^TTf^ hirdwali, a string of dia- "monds. s. tiJ^ l^t^oF hirak, m. a diamond; adamant, s. (^J^ ^t^Xtr hiran, m. (for hiranya) gold. s. ^Jt^ 1T»TT herna, a. to look after; to search for, to hunt, to chase, to pursue, to catch, stop. h. cjf^ ^rft heri, name of a tribe of Musalman raj-puts in Jaipur, a pargana of Murdddbdd. a. h. \jjkfc hird, flesh, bulk, body. d. ^ hiz, pusillanimous, impotent, effeminate ; m. an hermaphrodite, p. j^iii hezum, f. firewood, hezum-farosh, a wood-merchant. hezum-Jcash, a woodman or cutter, p, 8«itjJ& htzhdah or hezhdah, eighteen, hezhdah hazar 'dlam, the 18,000 created beings (v. hazkdah). p. 9>*aJJb haiza, m. the cholera morbus, a flux and vomit, the cholic. a. tdUjfc %^ haik, m. a horse, kik, sickness at the stomach, qualm, disgust, h. jjbjjb haihal, f. a figure, face, form, stature or shape of body, appearance, person ; any great build- ing, a palace, a temple ; an ornament worn round the neck (of man and beast), a. \Xjfc ^n haigd (the same as hai), is, may be ; (an expression of consent), probably, suppose so, doubtless, h. [black mane or tail, p, S^ haigir or haigar, a brown horse with a ■^WtW hay-grlv, m. a demon who jiA^ stole the Vedas and was slain by VisJinu in his fish Avatar, s. [salis flexuosa). UiilGto "^VTUVl hay-gandhd, f. a plant {Phy- ^}^T^htl, \ . y , , " ^ \m, mud, slime, ooze. h. i)jjb ^^ held (v. hhangt), a low caste, h. 5)jJb ^^ held, f. wajiton dalliance, lascivious endearment ; disrespect, contempt, s. -.^)jj6 haildj, m. the time of labour or birth ; (in astrology) a mark by which the duration of life ia foretold : (it is said to signify a wife, and to be de- rived from a Greek word of that meaning, perhaps oKoxos)- p- c> ( 7» ) C^- O^lo 5)ui> ^9IHK.«fl Ae/a mama, a. to shove, to launch, to dash through water, h, ^JJjJfr ^^RT helnd, n. to swim. h. Aj& ^ hele, a subdivision of the jdt tribe (so called). A. [the six seasoiu. (. j»jJb ^ hem, m. gold, him, m. snow ; one of ,Js».UjJ& ^HI-<<<^ hemdchal, m. name of a mountain, called also Sumeru. $. Xi^ ^HA\K hem-tdr, in. blue vitriol. 8. jJi*Ato ^*1ff4v hem-taru, m. the thorn-apple, s. (CyJi^fr ^4X^ ^* hm, an emphatical particle, hxn-hdn bharna, to concede, h. UjuJofc '^^sT^T henbend, spoilt, ruined, h. ^j^ij^ ^^filT hintd, f. abatement, alleviation. «. C^\^^ '^IrfMlPif hin-jdti, outcast, vile, de- graded, s. 2^ hinch, an emphatic particle (v. Kin), d. \,(>JjJ& hendrd, ill-bred, stupid, clownish. hendrS-pana or hendragi, clownishness. d. ljl* ^h^ /iz,o or f^^ hiyo, the sound made when calling cattle, h, [soul. g. ^Afc ^^^ hz,o or fi5*u hiyau, m. heart, mind, cji.^\^aJ6 '^<||*d hervdnt, ra. the name of a season (v. hemanX). $. ^xiyJi %'^^^ hoyo-ham, name of a tribe of rdj-puts in the province of Benares, h. ^jjjb hayuld (also haiyuld), m. matter, origin, first principle; appearance; the first sketch of a picture, a. f^yj^ haiyuldni, material, relating to matter or first principles, a. Ca)^ ^^^^ hemant, f.(for Aeman<,q.v.) name of the fifth or cold season «. Ol^ haihdt, interj. alas ! begone ! subst. bewailing, lamentation, a. [of laughter, h, (j**<^ l(^ At-Ai, an interjection of surprise, (^ ya, called yd,e hutti or y5,e musanndt i "tafytanl, the twenty-eighth letter of the Arabic ulfiha- bet, the thirty-second Persian, and thirty-fift'a Ilin- dustaoi: in reckoning by abjad it stands for ten; in the almanacks it is the character of Jupiter, and of the sign Aquarius. {J Ti ya, the corresponding letter in the De- " vanagarl alphabet : in words of Sanskrit origin it is frequently changed into jitn, as jtidh at juddh for yuddh, battle, contest. b yd, interj. or voc. particle O ! a. b Xp yd, pron. this; (in comp) a dealer in any act, as kapfiya, a cloth-merchant, bafohiya, a tra- veUer, &c. h. bya, conj. either, or, whether, yd takht yd takhta. " either a throne or a bier," said when a man is resolved to conquer or die. Nelson said, " a Peerage or Westminster Abbey." p. L-^b ydb, (in comp.) obtaining, finding, as kdm-yab, one who obtains his wish. p. C^{***i\^^yabisdt, f. epulotica, medicines tend- ing to dry up and heal ulcers and sores, a. »iijjb ydbanda, a finder ; finding, discover- ing, p, ^b "m^ydbu, m. a pony, Galloway nag. h. j_^b ydbi, f. (in comp) attainment, as kdm- "'yabi, the attainment of one's desires, p, ^jA>^ ^^T*T ydpan, m. spending or passing away time. ». [going, transmigration, t, C^bbb ^rnrnmi ydtdydt, m. coming and Jb HTl' ydtru, , ., . -' " ^ I m. a pilgrim, a tra- a ^jyb Tir^ ydt7i, j \^b TITBIT ydtrd, f. pilgrimage ; departure, march, journey ; festival, procession, yatra-karam, m. setting forth on a journey or march, s. ljL>b ^7T'?n ydtvd, f. pain, agony, sharp or acute pain ; the pains of hell. *. cii^ijl^b ^^fqcJT ydthdrthik, just, true, right, s, [titude. <. ^^^.jj^jb i|nrn^ ydtkdrthya, m. truth, rec- tiii>.b iniToir ydjak, m. an officiating priest, a Brahn)au who tonducts any part of a sacrifice. «. c** ^^f>■^. ^ITT yajan, ra. conducting a sacrifice, or causing its performance. *. -.^Ic^^byajuj majuj, Gog and Magog, a. *S»-^. fTi'T yajya, m. [jroperty or presents derived from officiating at sacrifices. «. O^b ^nfNlT ?/acAi<, asked, begged, solicited. yachita or yachitdka, a particular form of deposit, •whereby the holder is allowed (by law) the use of the article deposited. *. [cant. s. ciU-V> VM<* yachah, m. a beggar, a mendi- U»-b in^»TT yachna^ f. asking, begging. 5. lib yac?, f. memory, recollection, yad-awarl, f. remembrance, calling to mind, yad-bud, a keep- sake, yad-dasht, f. a memorandum. ydd-ash-ba-]chair, blessed be his memory! an expression used when mentioning an absent friend, yad-faramosh, name of a game, yud dilana, to remind, ydd-gdr, any thing given as a memorial, a valuable present to a mistress or friend ; a monument, any thing memorable, worthy of remembrance, or which recalls a person or thing to memory, ydd-gdrt, f. a keepsake, a token, p. jOb X(V^'A yadav, m. a descendant of Yadu, an epithet of Krishna, s. jb yar, m. a friend, a lover ; an assistant. ySr-bdz, a wanton woman, a whore ; adj. wanton, yar- odzi, fornication, ydr-bdsh, voluptuous, sensual, ydr- bdshl, sensuality, &c. ydr i ghdr, a sincere friend, like one of the seven sleepers (v. asT^db or Tcahf), or like Abu Bdkr, the faithful friend and companion of Muhammad, ydr i wafd-ddr, a faithful friend, p. \.b yara, m. power, strength, boldness, p. aJVb yar-ana, friendly, like a friend, p. jijb yamt, a female friend, a sweetheart, ** a mistress, p. h. »jb yara, m. a broad bracelet; the wrist; a wound; power, strength; a shrewd man; friend- ship ; necessity ; tax, toll, revenue, p. ijjb yari, f. friendship, love; assistance; (commonly means) intriguing, p. »«i;b yazdah, eleven, yazdahum, the ele- ▼enth. p. [yawning, p. ijb, yaza, yawning, or stretching the arms in j^b yas, ra. despair ; fear, terror, a. ^b yasim, ^J^tJ>\>^ yasmin, ^ »v^b yasmiin, ^J^v>*>b yasmtnf Cob^ yafi, f. perquisite, earnings ; fees, bribes, and douceurs extorted by official persons : a native official commonly speaks of a situation being worth so much in darmdhd, or regular salary, and so much in yaft. p. jjkib yaftan (r. yah), to find, to obtain, p. »ib yafa, vain, futile; ribaldry, yafa-dari, idle talk. yafa-dara,t, idle boasting, loquacity, p. C^jJb yakut, m. a ruby, a precious stone. ydkuti Jcabud the sapphire. yaJfuH zard, the topaz, a. m. jasmine or jessamme. yasmin-bo or -hu, redolent of jasmine, p. ( 797 ) j^. ^Jyb yaHjb TTRW ydvai, as much as, as far as, as long as. s. ^A>-jb tim'TXl''^ yavajjw, 1 during life, ^)^i?-jb TH^wH^ yavajjivan,} as long as life. 5. [friend, companion, p. jjb yamar, m. an assistant, coadjutor ; a i_Sjjb yavjarl, f. aid, assistance, p. ti)jb ITRSB yavak, m. the red colour procured from the lac insect, s. ^jb in«f^*A.^^^. 'I^'nf^nnf yathabhimat, according to one's wish or purpose, *. Piow. i, l^il^. VVIliCQI yatha-tatha, in any way, any ^.^jo TT^^ yatkarth, right, proper, ac- cording to the sense ; adv. properly, suitably, s. Ix^l^, i|vnQifT yntharthata, f. rectitude, propriety, fitness. *. \^^^lu»\^^ if^n^Tt yathastkit, circumstan- tially. «. [sible. «. L::.'6sM»\^jjxrm^f%yntha-sahti, as far as pos- ,^x**>l^^ i4V||^'*s^, 'TTTF^IW^ yathd-sambhav, suitable, according to circumstances, s, Ju*»U*l^. TT^mn^yathd-shastr, according to to the Sfiasltas ; agreeably to holy writ. t. d.^x«»l^>j>. TTf^rf^i yathd-shakti, as much as possible ; to the extent of one's ability. *. Jol^, ^inn^TQy yatha-kdl, opportunely, timely, s. *ol^, ifViiohiH yatha-kdm, at pleasure, s. jjcol^j i\\l\jl^_ ^nnf^fv yaiha-vidhi, according to -ij»j\^. HVJH*<<. i/(itliavasar, "{according ^jiOj^JO, ?TVj|i|<*|^ ynthdvakdsh,) to op- portunity, as occasion offers. *, c:,^^^, iTvnr^rt yathochit, as it is best, proper, smtable. *. d^^4^. ^T^ft^ yathokt, true, as it has been stated. (. [desire, s. V^^i^^ 4|v)^| yathechchhd, according to one's ,^'iJLi,^'i\ ^T^ yatheshtha, as it is wished or commanded, t. [sions. «. fjl ^nft y<2 yatirnt, f. state of orphancy; adj. of or "relating to an orphan, a. ft^i^jjuo ^fjT? yatendriya, chaste, pure, of subdued passions, s. <»^S>. yasrib, a name of the sacred city of Mediua.in Arabia, a. '^'3j?^ ir^[^ ya;Mr-verf,1 the second of the U*»?^ H^ yajus, J four Vedas, or scriptural authorities of the Hindus. «. /oWf^ 'Hnrnr yajmdn, m. one who employs Brahmans for the performance of a sacrifice (▼. jaj- man). s. ,^ yachh, m. (v. yaksha). s. }^j^yahya, St. John the Baptist, a. i? yakh, m. ice. yakh-basta, frozen, ice- bound, p. j_^ yakhni, f. gravy (prepared to dress pu- " law in), sauce, stew, ydjiiffii-pulav), a kind of puldw, prepared with gravy, p. liJ; yad, m. a hand ; a handle; aid, assistance; power, vigour ; benefit, service, a, ^^X(fi^yadi, conj. when, since, if. s, SI IR yaclu, m. the name of an ancient king, the ancestor of Krishna ; also the name of the country over which Yadu ruled. yadu-haAs, m. the tribe of Yadu. yadu-banst, m. a descendant of Yadu. s. \s>, T^ yadd, when, at what time. s. ^13 j^^ xi;^i{\^ yadu-ndth, m. the lord of Yadu, Krishna, s. [other. «. Ij4>31;30 i((^lil(^SI ^ififffi^ yudhishtkir, m. the elder of the five Pandava princes, s. [cious. t, jj\-»JfciiJ; 'WTTJT yudhmdn, fighting, pugna- ijSi, yade (same as yih), he» she, it, or they. d. c-A^ii^. Jntff yadyapi, if, even if, when. s. jlo yarakf arms, accoutrements, weapons, t. \S'j>yarghd, m. an amble (pace of a horse); name of a bird, yar^^ chaldnd, to amUe. p. Jl,fi>^. yarghamal, m. a hostage, p, i^j>^yargha (v. yargha), an amble, &c, p. Jjl ( 799 ) (^^j^. yarkan, m. the yellow jaundice, a. ^jl yarn, m. manure, dung. d. ^. yazd, God; the name of a city in the \Z^ eastern part of Fars or Persia proper, yazd-^arast, a worshipper of God. p. ^J^^J>. yazddn, ra. God, the Almighty, p. ijf^i^. yazdani, divine, p. ijij>, yazdi, of or relating to the city of Yazd ; a species of cloth manufactured at Yazd. p. i^^ji^yazid, m. name of an arch heretic among the Muhammadans ; the son of Moaviyah, the first caliph (khalifa) of the Ommiade djnasty; wicked, cruel, execrable, a. ^ji^,.'j>, yazidi, of the sect of Yazid. a. j\*«j» yasar, m. left, the left side; plenty, opulence, affluence, yasar o yamin, left and right. dasti yasar, the left hand. a. jLj^ yasar, m. an unlucky person, p. JjU*J; yasarval, ra. a servant of parade carry- ing a silver or gold staff; a state messenger ; a horse- man attendant on a man of rank. p. j-«j» yasr, m. facility, lenity ; prosperity, wealth, yasar, easy, soft, gentle, humane : ready, prepared, a, «LmJ yasir, motherless (a child), a. ^JL>^'^^ yash or ^T^ ?/crsAa,m. fame,reputation, renown, glory, yash-apayash, m. good or bad name. yash-pal or -pati, reputable, renowned, yash-kdm, ambitious, emulative, desirous of fame or glory, yash- Jcar, rendering famous, conferring celebrity, s. UJuJi. yashb or yasht, m. a species of jasper found on Mount Imaus. a. p. k^La" I ^ifS yashti, m. a staff, a stick, a staff armed with iron, &&, used as a weapon, a club, a mace. t. C^ng. »• L^JuLlj^ ^rfysR yashtik, m. a bird, the lap- Jbi\»llJ» ^iff^F'TV yashtimadhUf m. liquorice root s. ij^. '^f^ yashti, f, (v. yashti) a staff, &c. s. y\yttMt\ 14^IMH yas^flswan,'! famed, renown- fCftt*^ '*i^i^^ yashaswi, J ed, celebrated.*. jj^yashm or yaskim, m. a sort of jasper or agate, more particularly that which comes from China, supposed to be an infallible charm against lightning, p. ^ *■> yashmi, of or relating to jasper, p. c^^ffO. ya'bub, m. a swift horse, a. \_j»»Mr»l yasuh, m. the king or queen of the bees ; a prince or chief of a nation, a. L-^»H*> ya'hub, Jacob, James, a. ^*> ya'ne or ya'ni, videlicet, that is to say, " namely ; for, because, a. m. plunder, prey, booty, spoil, pillage, rapine, p. Uii yaghma, ^J'^, yaghman, *♦*> yaghma, (jr^. yahin, m. certainty, truth ; name of a Hindustani poet; adj. true, yalfin-k,, to ascertain. yakin lana, to believe, yakin hona, to become certain, a. KiSsLiyahinan, verily, certainly, assuredly, a. ^^>SL:i, yahlni, f. certainty, infallibility, truth ; adj. true, indisputable, a, cib yaA, one, a, an. yak-ad or -adh, a few. yak-d-yak, all at once, yak-bar or -hdra, once, one time. yak-bar gl or -bari, all at once, once, yak-bar-yak or yak- ba-yak, successively, yak-bagghd, tihovBe striving ahvayi to go on one side, pressing on one rein, yakat, ydkfha, yaJcfhar, or yaA- iQjjg another, mutually, p. JoiiJO yak-digar,i ^J«x) yakas (same as yah), one. d. fjtjo Jf^ yaksh or yaksha, m. a species of demigod, attendant especially on Kuvera, and em- ployed in the care of his gardens and treasures. «. \J^7i^ yakshrna, m. pulmonary consump- tion, s. [male ydk$ia, or fairy, t. fjJ^y.}, ^ifepft yakshinl or yahshani, f. a fe- jfju.1^, yak-shamba, Sunday, p. ^J^JO!^, yak-fardif\hnd producing only one jLoflx^, yah-fasli, J crop in the year. p. ^yC}^ yakalf single, solitary, yakal-pan, so- litude, d. (j-*^^ yakla,t, f. a veil (or cloak, or sheet, worn over the head and shoulders) of one breadth without a seam. jiSoi, yahlu, simple, single (thread), p. G^K>, yaklautd, a single child (without bro- ther or sister), p. h. idJsyi^yakang, alone, lonely, solitary, d. *Jiy^. '^'S^f^ yakotrd (v. yakatrd), sum total, &c. ». ^^^. yakun, it will be, it is ; the sum total of an account, a. p. [getfaer. p, ftio. yaka, one, singular, unique; at once, to- ^Ux). yakela, solitary, alone, singular, d. kLfj, ^Plyufj or yuga, m. an age of the world or great period ; a pair, a couple, a brace, a term used in the game of Chausar (the opposite of a blot, two or more men standing on the same square), yftg-yg, perpetually, eternally, yug phorna, to cause difference between friends, yug-an-yug, ages of ages, for ages. The Hindus reckon four yugas or ages since the crea- tion of the present world, viz. : 1. the Krita-yug or iSb/j/a-ya^, which lasted 1,728,000 solar years; 2. the Treta-yug, of 1,296,000 vears; 3. the Dwapar-yug, of 86'1,UUU years; and lastly, the Kali-yug, whose dura- tion is 432,000 years, and of which nearly 5000 years bave already elapsed. These four ages bear a marked affinity to the gold, silver, brazen, and iron ages of the Greeks and Romans, in all of which mankind are supposed to undergo a progressive deterioration, t. ^^lO yagan, singly, unique, yagdn yagan, one by one, one after another, p. «JLol6 yiPir yugant, m. the end of the four yitgas or ages, when, according to the HindQs, a total destruction of the universe takes place, yugdnt-ban- dhu, a permanent and steady friend, s. cI1aX_)Iu yagdnogat, f. singularity ; unity, concord, unanimity, conjunction, union, p. ^_^lJo yaganagi, f. singularity, excellence ; "concord, unanimity, p. ftJlX/ yagana, m. kindred ; adj. single, sole, singular, incomparable ; agreed, unanimous, p. ci.>j3lO. yugdniyat, f. solitariness ; kindred, p. ei^>^. ^'Nif yugapat, at one time. «. (J^. 5^^ y^9(^h Jn- ^ P^i"** ^ brace, couple, s. fj^ m? yagna, m. a sacrifice, or religious ce- remony in which oblations are presented, yagna- bhumi, f. a place prepared for a sacrifice, yagnapatr, m. a sacrificial vessel, yagna-purxuh, m. a name ol Vislfnu, yagna-pashu, a victim, any animal offered in sacrifice, yaffna-if/idn, m. a place of sacrifice, yasna- siddhi, f. performance of sacrifice, obtaining the ob- jects of a sacrifice, yagna-sutr , m. the characteristic thread worn by the three principal classes of Hindtis. yagna-shala, f. a temple, a shrine, a place of sacri- fice, s. Ci^.^.^^. ^^^^cllii yagnopavit, m. the sacri- ficial thread or cord originally worn by the three first classes of Hindus over the left shoulder and under the right (it is now worn only by Brahmans) ; the term also signifies the ceremony of investiture. ». ^^^.yL6.i|5ifl«4«llil1 yagnopavlfi, a Brahman, &c. invested with the sacred thread. *. dJjXJ}^ ijf^ yagniya, suitable for a sacrifice. yagniya-desh, the country of the Hindiis, those coim> tries in which the ritual and institutes of the HindA system are enforced, s. ^. yal, m. a hero, a champion, a brave man^ adj. corpulent, robust, p. ^J^^.^. yc!5 IMk^J I yald-phaild, unconfined, ex- tended, spread ; adv. at ease. h. ttii) yaldd, tiie longest night of winter, a long and dreary night, p. eh^yala, m. liberation, release; adj. free, re- leased ; crooked ; vain, absurd ; alone, single, solitaij ; subst. fem. a bad woman or prostitute, p. \i^^yalghd7',\ the sudden incursion of an jib yalghar, J army into a country, t. J.jkb yalil, contempt, disgust, aversion, d. V, Wiyatn, m. the angel of death, the regent of the realms of death, s. o; yam, m. the sea, the main ocean, the vast deep, without any shore in sight, a. Ojsi>^>. *W^A yam-dut, m. an infernal sprite, the messenger or minister of yama, death, m. til*). iprsir yamaA, twin, fellow, oneof a pair.». (J^. ^^Qi yavial, m. a pair, a brace, s ^^^ yumn, m. felicity, prosperity, yaman, the right hand or side; name of a country. Armbia Felix, a. j^^^ ^•T yam an, m. name of a rdgim or musical mode. h. ^^, TjiTfT yaman (v. yavari), an Ionian, &c. $. e,^- Ok^ iraifT yamuna, f. the yamuna or jamund river; in mythology, the personified river is consi- dered as the daughter of Surya, or the sun, and sister of Yama. i. ^^, yamant, m. a cornelian ; adj. of or be- longing to yaman or Arabia Felix, a. tjjj^J* yamm, m. an oath : in its primitive Bense it means strength or power, also the right hand ; in the language of the law it signifies an obligation, by means of which^ the resolution of the vower is strengthened in the performance, or the avoidance of any thing, yamtni gkamus, a false oath, wilful perjury. yamini li^u, (lit. a nugatory oath) is an oath taken concerning an incident or transaction already past, when the swearer believes that the matter to which he thus bears testimony accords with what he swears, and it should happen to be actually otherwise, yamtni- ma'kiid or -mun'akid, an oath respecting some future matter which must be kept, unless it be absolutely sinful, in which case it may be broken, subject, how- ever, to expiation, yamini faur, a sudden oath or vow made on an emergency, a. jUx}^ Ifi9 yantra, m. (v. jantra) a diagram of a mystical nature or astrological character; a machine in general ; any instrument or apparatus ; a musical instrument. *. ^J^. f^TOT yantrand, m. pain, anguish. «. Cfp^. '^^ tfantri, m. a conjurer, wizard; an instrument for drawing wire. ». ^ yo (for yih)^ he, she, &c. d. ^^Xnyau or yava, m. barley, more especially the measure of one barley-corn. $. ^_^n yuva,m. (v. juvd) a young man. s. (_y*\y_ 4|<||M yavds, m. name of a flower (^He- dysarum alhagl). s. [q/tooen. $. fjf\y>, "V^m^ yavdni, f. a plant {Ligusticum L-^y ^nr yup, m. a sacrificial post, a trophy, a column erected in honour of a victory, t. jj^^_ Xf^VS^ yau-phal, name of a medicinal plant. «. [««*). #. {J^y>. ^\^A^ yotisk, astrology, &c. (v. jo- jjLJy. TJ^frftl't yotishi, m. an astrologer, s. tilo^^ ^rfeir yautak, m. a nuptial present. yautik or yautikh, astrology, s. ^y>. ^ yuth, m. a multitude of birds or beasts, a herd, a flock, t. i^yi. "5^ yuthi, f. a sort of jasmine, s. {3y, , ^AA yojan, a measure of distance equal to four h>$. t. osj-y, 2f|^ yuz, m. a panther, pard, or lynx ; the chitd or hunting leopard, p. 0*»y. ^ y^^ (also yush), m. pea-soup, pease- porridge ; a sort of broth, t. u-ia»y. yusuf, the patriarch Joseph, a. i,:L^J*»y>^ iflfMri yoshit. f. a woman in general, also a wife (like the French " femme "). «. Ojji HoBf 3/M^a, f. a louse, vermin, s jLSj O 4|t(V^K yavakshdr,^m. saltpetre, nitre ; j\^^^Tj^^lJ^yavakhdrf J nitrate of po- tash, s. ♦— 'V. "^^ yoff or yoga, m. junction, joining, union ; a fortunate moment ; opportunity ; penance, devotion; adj. possible, capable yog-asan, m. a kind of religious posture, yog-pal, a part of a devotee's dress, yog.seva, practising religious abstractions. yoga-Jcshema, property, possessions ; especially proper- ty assigned for charitable deeds, yog-navik, a kind of ftsh. yog-nidra, light sleep, wakefulness, yo^-vahi, alkali, quicksilver ; a medium for mixing medicmes. *. i^i>, M\r*l^ yogim, f. a female fiend or sprite " attendant on, and created by Durga ; in some places eight yoginis are enumerated by name. t. ^S^, M\*(\ yogi, m. a devotee, an ascetic; a "magician, yogya, fit, proper; dever, «. l^y, ^^J^ril yogyatd, f. fitness, capability, ability, s. jyL^y>, ^\^AK yogethwavj m. a principal sage ; a deity; a magician, the oliject of devout con* templation. «. ao^y ift^ yogya, clever, accomplished ; able, powerful ; fit, proper. *. iik^^yaum, m. (corruptly yom) a day. yaumu- l-Tj.isah, or yaumu-l-l^ashr, or yaumu-l-J^yamat, the day of the resurrection ; the day of rendering one's ac- count, yaumu-l-fitr, the day of breaking feist, vii. the day following the fast of the Ranuxiian, a. Uy. yauman, one (Jay ; daily, a. «jL/«y. yaumiya (or yomiya), daily ; m. daily sustenance or allowance to pensioners of any kind. yaumiya-ddr, a pensioner, a. /^y. 'Tf'T yavan, m. name of a country, sup- posed to be that inhabited by the Greeks: by late Hindu writers the term is usually applied to Arabia, or in general to those countries inhabited by Musal- mans ; this name formerly meant an Ionian or a Greek, but now is applied to both the Muhanimadan and European invaders of India, and is often used as a general term for any foreign or barbarous race. yava»- achdrya, an astronomical writer frequently alluded to by ancient Hindu astronomers, supposed to be Pto- lemy, yavan-al, a kind of grass, s. ei^ ( 802 ) Jei ^^ ^ yun, ^ 1/on, ur ^ yaun, thus, in this manner. yM na yuji, one way or other. yuA-hlA, in this very aianner, thua, accidentally, by chance, causelessly, easily, h. —jU-U^, ^yunan^ydn^ theIonians,the Greeks, a. im^^. yunas, ra . the prophet Jonah or Jonas, a. iXyl'fh^ yoni, f. the womb, the vulva yauni, relating to the womb, uterine, yacani, f. a female ffavan. s. u%jy}, 4i'*l»f yauvan, m. youth, manhood. yauvan- dosha, f. adolescence, yauvan-darp, m. pride of youth, rashness, s. young, youth- lUvan-Tvan ^^^yjy. 41m^H yo ilyjy}. 4V*IH<*il1 yauvan-watt I, m.j i, f. J fill. «. eo ftc^ yih or l|^ ^aA, pron. this, he, sbe, i> the. h. j^^j ^l^ yahdriy here, hither; as a maso preposition it denotes at, or in possession of, like the French chez, as mere yahdn, in my house, or in my possession, "chez moL yahan-tak, or -talak, or -lag, thus far, to sUch a degree, yahan-se, hence, yahai ka yahiA, in this very place, exactly here, yahdtk kahiA, here or hereabouts, s. ^y^' y(^hud, m. a Jew, a Hebrew, a. >i^^.yahuda, Judah, Judas, Jude. a &i\ii^^ yahudana, adv. after the Jewish man- ner; m. a strip of yellow cloth which Jewi are obliged to wear as a badge of distinction in some Mu^am madan countries, a. p. (^«i^, yahudi (v. yahud), a Jew. a. Wii^^ yahudlya, the land of Judea. a. (j^. yhun (for yun), thus, so. d* (./-ti ^^ y^fi-i ^ or yaht, the same, itself, this ** very (person or thing), h. UCh^. '^' yo/««, even here. yahtn-Mtf henoe, on this very account. A. j3 ^ye (pi. of yih), these, they, ye-hi or ye,l, these very (persons, &c.). h. [sale, li, Jj^ yelam, m. (v. JA eU-vi) an auction, a A DICTIONARY, HINDUSTANI & ENGLISH: ACCOMPANIED BY A REVERSED DICTIONARY, ENGLISH AND HINDUSTANI. ^ije SwontJ (Btiiti0% GREATLY ENLARGED, AND MUCH IMPROVED. By DUNCAN FOKBES, LL.D. PR0FKS80R OF OUIENTAL LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON ; MEMBER OF THE ROTAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. AND AUTHOB OF SEYEBAL WOBKS TENDING TO FACILITATE THE ACQUISITION OF THE HINDUSTANI AND PEE8IAN LANGUAGES. Part II.— ENGLISH AND HINDUSTANI. LONDON: W. H. ALLEN & CO., 13, WATERLOO PLACE. S.W. PUBLISHERS TO THE INDIA OFFICE. 1866. A DICTIONARY, ENGLISH AND HINDUSTANI. 1 or An, the indefinite article, is expressed in Hindu- stani sometimes by the numeral, " ek," one, or the in- definite pronoun, " ko,i," a certain one, as " ek mard," or " ko,i mard," a man, or a certain man. A, before verbal nouns, in such phrases as a-visiting, a-hunting, is expressed by the postposition "ko," as " wuh mu- lakat kogaya,"Ae is gone a-visiting, " shikar ko gaya," he is gone a-hunting ; and frequently the " ko " is omit- ted after the Hindustani infinitive, which last, however, remains in the inflected state, as " wuh pairne gaya," he is gone a-swimming. The meaning of a in the sense oiby or per, as hy the yard, -per month, &c., is ex- pressed variously ; ihxis,, five rupees a-yard,'''' a gaz panch rupae," or " sare gaz panch rupae," or " gaz bhar panch rupae," you shall receive n rupee a day, " turn ko roz roz ek rupiya milega." If the prefixed a denote in or on, it will be expressed by " men," or •* par," as " jahaz par," on board ship, or aboard. Aback, pichhli-taraf, pichhe. Abaft, pichhwara, pichhe, pichhil. Abaisance, kornish, ta'zim, pranam. To Abandon, chhorna, tark-k, tyagna, tyag-d, tajn§. Abandoned, (deserted) chhora-hu,a ; — — (profligate' chaur-chaupat, khuda,i khwar ; (to be) gnzar jana, khwar-h. To Abase, pachharn§,, girana, ghatan^,zalll-k,adhin-k. Abased, halka, subuk, apamani. Abasement, tazlil, khwari, apaman, adhlnata. To Abasb, sharmana, lajana, sukchana, chapana, pan! pani-k. Abashed, sharminda, pasheman, lajjit, khafif ; (to be) sukachna, chapna. To Abate, (a.) ghatana, kam k, kami-k, alp-k ; (n.) ghatna, kam-h, par-jana, mand h. Abated, kam, ghat, manda, dhiraa, mnkhafiuf. hin, bin a. Abatement, kami or kamti, ghati or gbatti, gliata,o, ghata, takhfif, hinta. Abbey, ^ankah, da,ira, math, dharm-sala. Abbot, mahant, takiye-dar, da,ire dar, math-dhari. To Abbreviate, i^tisar-k, kam-k. Abbreviation, i^tisar, kotahi, sanchhepan, tar^im. To Abdicate, chhorna, tyagna, tark-k. Abdication, tark, tyag ; (of a throne, &c.) tarki saltanat. Abdicator, tarik, tyagi. Abdomen, pet, shikam, udar, kotha ; (hypogas- trium) peril ; (hypochondrium) kokh, kokha. A-BED, charpa,i-par, palang-par, bichhaune-par. Aberration, Aberrance, gum-rahi, ku-path. I'd Abet, pachh-k, madad-k, hiraayat-k, saliayata-k, snhara-d, purchak-d, ishti'alak-d, hulkarna, uksana cr uskani, ushluk-k. ABO Abettor, pachhi, hami, janib-dar, dam-baz, madad- gar, pnrchaki. To Abhor, nafrat-k, karahiyat-k, chirhna, bhagnS. Abhorrence, nafrat, gilan, gurez, ghinghinahat, kara- hiyat, kachiyahat, ikrah. To Abide, basna, thaharna, rahna . Abject, zalil, ^war, l^arab, khafif, tabah, kamina be-wakr, halka, patit, nich, kshudra ; (servile) chaplus jutikhor. paizar-khor. Abjectness, zillat, zalalat, mazallat, khwari. kharabi. durgat ; (servility) chaplusi. Ability, makdur, takat, isti'dad bal, pahunch, sawad, dastrasi, bit, dakhal, paisar. Abjuration, bar-gashtagi, divya, shapath. To Abjure, badal-d, radd-k, inhiraf-k, munkir-h, hadis-k. Ablative, sampradan, halati nasbi, halati maf 'ul iyat. Able, kabil, samarthi, dachh, praurh •. (in conip.) jog, pazir, talab : thus, bar -jog or byahan-jog, mar riagecftte, sawal-talab, questionwiZe, tar biy at -pazir, iraictable, fana-pazir, perishaWe. To BE Able, sakna, la,ik-h, takat-r, basana. Able-bodied, ^iuga, bal-want, zormand, hata-kata Ablution, ghusl, asnan, nahan, taharat ; {of the hands, &c.) ab-dast, sauch; (previous to prayer, &c.) wazu, panch-asnani, angohal, athal, tawazzii, tayammum, aras-paras ; (of the dead) murda- sho,i ; (place for) lahaA; (of rice, &c.) sang-sho,i. Aboard, expressed by par, men, with the words boat, ship, &c., as jahaz-par, naw-men, nauka-par ; (in comp.) sawar : whence kishti-sawar, aboard sAjp. Abode, makan, dera, thikana, gali, bas-o-bas, thaur, tlia,on, raha,o, raha,ish, asthan, asram, asthal, bud- bash, sukunat, niaskan, istikamat, jagah, basa, mawa, maskanat, mahal, rahwas. To Abolish, utha-d, dur-k, radd-k, maukuf k. Abolished, maukuf, mansuWi, mahw, ma'dum, nast, nist-na-bud, batil, matruk, chhai. Abolisher, nasi^ mubtil. Abolition, naskh. ibtal, mahwiyat, inhidam. Abominable, makruh, najis, na-pak, ghaliz. karih, palid, na-gawar, ghinauna, mustakrah, nafrat-angez. To Abominate, dur-bhagna (v. to abhor). Abomination, 'adawat, irsha, dwesh, nafrat-angezi ; — — (in the pi.) makruhat, muharramat. Aborigines, usul, adau, prachin. Abortion, maranch, pet-girna, iskat i hamal, garbh- pat, bhrun, akalutpat. Abortive, zaya', be-fa,ida, la-hasil, birtha, anarth ; (or apt to miscarry) pet-girauni or -larauni. Above, iipar or ke upar, par or pa, bar, fauk, upral, zabar, age, siwa, chhut, barh, agia, saras, ziyada, a'la, uncha, buland (v. beyond, high) ; — (above ont another) tal-up!ir, niche-npar, ek-par-ek ; ABO ( 2 ) ACA (Mm above) flpai-se, bal&-«e; {above cited, Ac.) markum, mazbur, mushanin-ilaini, mazkur, mausuf, mamduh, nam-burda, wubi ; {above all) paihle, awwal or awwalan, age or agu, mukad- dam, sab se paihle ; {above board) khula-khuli, parghat, ashkara, barmala, male maidan, prakashit; {above mentioned) mazkur, mastur ; {above measure) bahut, hadd-se ziyada, be-hadd. To Abound, pur-h, ma'mur-h, bhar-pur-h, puran-h, uraandna, bharna. About, aspas, gird-pesh, gird-ba-gird or gird-a-gird, idhar-udhar, nazdik, pas, nikat, kihan, ihan, pher, pher-kar, ghum-kar ; {all about) idhar-udhar, charon-taraf ; {to come about) phima; {near, around, &c.) karib, lag-bhag, ek ; I have given him about ten rupees) us ko rupae das ek main ne ^iye ; {on) par, ko, ke-waste ; (/ have come about some business) kucbh kam ko aya hun ; . {engaged in) men ; {what business is your master about ?) tumhare sahib kis kam men mash- ghul hain ? {with) sang, sath, pas, kane, gene- rally preceded by the particle ke ; {there is not a handkerchief about him) ek ru-mal uske pas nahin bai ; {on the point of) chihta, par ; {this man is about to die) yih admi mara chahta hai, or marne par hai ; {on all sides) chau-gird. To Abrade, ragarna, ghisna (which signify also to be abraded) khiyana. Abeasion, ragar, ghisa,o, ghisawat, ragi'awat. Abbeast, lage-lage, bar-a-bar, karekar, pahlil ba pahlu. To Abbidob, i^tisar-k, mu^tasar-k, kam-k, gha- t&na. Abbidoed, mnkhtasar. muntakhab. kotah, Banchhep. Abbidghent, i^tisar, inti^ab, sararth, sanchhepan. Abroach, orhak-par. Abroad, bahar, par-des, bi-des, par-bas, par-mulk, desawar, par-ghar, ghair mulk men, wil&yat. To Abroqatk, utha-d, maukuf-k, &c. Abbooatiok, inhidam, nas^. Abrupt, nisheb-faraz, nich-unch, or unch-nich ; {in speech) gusta^, na-hamwar, an-garh. Abruptly, ek-a-ek, na-gah, an-chitte, akasmSlt, achanak or achanchak, nidharak, be-mauka', be- imtiyazi-se. Abruptness, jald!, harbari, be imtiyazi, na-hamw5ri. Abscess, phora, baiter, paka, dummal. To Abscond, daba- or chhipa- or bhaga- or luka- or poshida- or ruposh-rahna. Absence, hijr, hijrat, hijran, juda,i, firak, biyog, bichhoha,mufarakat,firkat, muhajarat,duri, pasghi- bat, ghair-haziri, pichhe (literally behind) which last is generally used in this sense on common occasions, the others being more applicable to the absence of lovers or friends ; (/ cannot do this business in your absence) tumhare pichhe main yih k3,m nahiik kar sakta bun ; and in like manner, age, before, often means in presence of. ■Absent, juda, ghair-hazir, gha,ib, bichhra, biyogi, dflr, mahjur ; {in mind) ghafil. du-chitta, du-dila or du-chitta, du-dila. To BE Absent, bichharna, juda- Sec. -h. Absentee, ghair-hazir. bides-rahne-wala. To Absolve, bakhshna,mu'af-k, maghfirat-k, chhor-d. Absolved, mu'af, 'affl, chhama, azad, khalas. To be Absolved, mukt- &c. -pana (v. absolution). Absolute, {despotic) mukhtar, kull-mukhtar, sar i k^ud, mutasallit, muhit, kabiz-mutasarrif, da,ir o sa,ir, sutantar, ap-bas, swadhin; {complete), pura, sarasar, mahz, mutlak, nipat, kewal, musailat. Absolutely, {positively) albatta, khwah-iuakhwah. awash or avashya, mutlakan. Absolutely impossible, muhall mutla^. Absoluteness, sar-khudi, mukhtari. tasallut, sutan- tarta or swatantrata. Absolution, najat, mokh, udhar, khalasi. To Absorb, (a.) sokna, chusna, pl-lena, jazb-k, mama, munjazab-k, nigalna. To be Absorbed, sok-jana, jagb-h, paiwast-hojana, khapna, bhajna, roarna : which last is restricted to water that may have lodged in a hollow, &c. ; {in meditation) ghar^-h, dubna. Absorbent, jagib, sokne-wala. Absorption, jazb, sok, lay ; (in thought) toll. To Abstain, barana, iba-k, parhez- &c. -k (v. absti- nence), kinara-k, pahlu-k, tihi-k, baz-rahna, chhor- na, dur-bhagna, munh-pherna, tajna, hath-uthana, dast-bardar-h. Abstemious, parhez-gar, parsa, neml, muttaki, riyazati, bhagat, mubtariz, murtaz, kam-khuraL kamkhor. kam-ghiza. kalilu-1-ghiza. Abstemiously, riyazat- &c. -se. Abstemiousness, riyazat, kam-khuraki. Abstinence, parhez, inkar, gurez, ihtiriz, ijtinab, bara,o, nem, sanjam, uirbhog. Abstinent, parhez-gar, &c. (v. abstemious). Abstract, mujmal, lubbi lubab ; {account!) gosh- wara, paita ; {epitome) khulasa ; {idea) 'arz. To Abstract, intikhab- &c. -k ; {to separate) ek kinar-k, kat'i nazar-k, nikal-rakhna. Abstracted, kat'i-nazar, chhut; {absent) mahw, bharambhor, gharatghor : (in mind) b©- ^abar. Abstraction, mahwiyat, kat'i-nazri. Abstruse, dakik, mughlak. barik, ghamiz, IS-Hall, nazuk, gurh, sukhim. Abstruseness, dikkat, ighlak, barlki, gufbta. Absurd, na-ma'kul, be-fa,ida, harza, 'abas, yawa, an- arth, asangat, phakauriya, yawa-go. Absurdity, Absurdness, yawa-go,i khurafat. satar- patar, lapat-sapat, butlan, be-hudagi, wahi-tabahi, ut-patangi (pi. wahiyat, muhmalat). Abundance, buhtat or bahutayat, ifrat, kasrat, ahi,- ish, barhotri, sarsa,i, adhika,!, ziyadati, afzCinl, ambar, firawani, bisiyari, punj, samuh, bisesta, bis- tar, farakhi, faraghat. barkat, wafur, taughiyani, pel-mel, lank, mulk, bhardal. In Abundance, ba-shiddat, bahutayat-se, kasrat-se. Abundant, babut, bahutera, aksar, rel-pel, ghanera, mal-a-mal, wafir, ziyada, kasir, be-shumar, firawan, bisiyar, anek, bisekh, adhik, saras, dher, wafi, apel, bhardal. Abundantly, bahut-sa, &c. (v. in abundance). Abuse, {evil speech) gali, zaban-darazl, dushnam, 1&- sukhan. la-zaban, bad-zaban, lam-kaf, dur-bachan, be-ada,i : {reciprocal abuse) gali-galauj, phak- kar ; {unjust cersure) tuhmat, tautiya, iftira, lini, kalank, dhansa, tufan, ; {blame) gila, shikwa, shikayat ; {misuse) bad-suluki, kl^ilafi isti'mali, bad-isti'mali, ku-sadhni, ku-bart, bad- 'amali, bad-rasmi, ku-rit or -chal. To Abuse, gali- &c. -d, thagna, batpari-k, bigarni, chherna, galiyana, bad-kahna ; — {to treat ill) badzati-k, bad-suluki-k, bura,i-k, haram-zadagi-k ; {to beat ' zad-o-kob-k ; {to defile) bhrasht-k, be-hurmat-k, kharab-k, abru-l or zat-1 or hurmat- lena ; {to abuse the ear of a person) kan-phunkna. Abuser, Abusive, darida-dalian, bad-zaban, galenhda, jibhara, mukhara, zabin-daraz, sakljt go. Abyss, ghar, dahak, khoh, garha, kund, 'umk, gaih- ra,o. Acacia, akakiya; {the tree) mughilan, babul, kikaf. Academical, madrasana (v. student, &c.). Academy, madrasa, maktab, chat-sal, path-sh&la. AOAJOW, {cashew nut) hijli-keju or farangi-badim ; {the fruit) keju, k&jQ. ACA I » ) ACK ACAKTHus, {holly-leaved} harkat, har-jflra or -jora. To Accede, razi-h, manna, kabul-k. To Accelerate, chalana, jald-k, jaldi-karana. Acceleration, jaldi, shitabi. Accent, (tone) lahja, sur, dharan, zarb, dhakka, harkat, mat, jhirak ; (pronunciation) makhraj, kira,at. To Accent, zarb-Iagana ; [to pronounce) makh- raj ada-k. To Accept, kabul-k, pasand-k, lena, le-lena, manna ; —— {a bill) sakarna. Acceptable, khush, ^ub, bihtar, achchha, bhala, man-bha,ona, makbul, mubarak, ahsan, matbu', mustajab ; (in comp.) pasand, pazir, khvah. To BE Acceptable, khush- &c. -ana or -lagna, bhana. Acceptance, pasand, kabuliyat. Acceptation, Acception, {of a word) ma'ni, arth ; {the received acceptation of a word) istilahi-ma- 'ni, opposed to lughwi-ma'ni, the literal meaning. Access, rasa,i, guzara, guzar, rah, dar-amad, bar, pahunch, paith, ghus-paith, dakhl. bar-yabi; {of a fever) naubat, bari, charha,o. To have Access, rasa,i-h or -pana. AcoEssART, sath!, san^, sanghat!, raHk, ham-rah. Accessible, pahunchanhar, charha,u, mumkmu-d- dukhul. charhne-jog, jane-jog, milanhar. Accession, (to a throne) julus, abishek, raj-baithni ; — • (of a prince) raj-tilak or -tika; takl^t- or masnad-nishini ; {to a person) amad-raft. Accidence, (t. grammar) amad-nama, sarf, saraswat, mizan. AcciDENT,'ittifak, 'ariza, halat, majara, naubat, ru-dad, sar-guzasht, sanjog, hadisa, daibi, waki'a, bitha, bita, kissa, (pi. 'arize, ittifakat, waridat, halat, sadamat, waki'at, 'awariz, hawaldisat). Accidental, ittifaki, 'arizl, na-gahanl, ghaibi. san- jogi, akasmat, bLabi, daiwagat, samavi, asmani, karma-dharmi ; {meeting) bata-ghati. Accidentally, ittifakan, akasmat, 'arizan, az-.^aib, yunhin. Acclamation, afrln, tahsin, jai-jai, jai-jai-kar. AcCLiTiTT, charha.o, charha.i. To Accommodate, pahuncbana, khidmat-k. khabar- giri-k, sewa-k, tawazu'-k, khabar-lena. bandagibaja- lana; {to adapt) hamwar-k, musawat-k, sa- man-k ; {one's self to the times) zamana-sazi-k. Accommodation, gunja,ish, sama,i, thikana, lawazima, asbab, samaj, milap, sulh, musalaha, ashti, To Accompany, sath- or sang-ana, hamrah-ana or -jana, rifakat-k, hamrahi-k, lag-chalna. A.CCOMFLICE, sharik, dakhil. rafik, sathi, sang!, dakhl- dar. To Accomplish, nibahna, pahunchana, hasil- &c. -k, par-k, sidh-k, sar-ba-rah-k, ba-sar-lejana. Accomplished, mukammal, puran, taiyar, samapt; {elegant, &c.) kamil, mahir, parbin, sughar, gan-want, arasta, kabil, sahib-hunar, jogya, sushil. Accomplishment, tamami, anjam, ant, akhirat, itmam- insiram, sar-anjam, samapt, 'uhda-bara,i, ijra,e-kari- sar-ba-rahi, nibah, puran ; {skill, talent) gun, khubi. hunar, wasf, kabUiyat, parbinta. Accord, Accordance, miia,o, 'alaka, munasabat, nisbat {of his own accord) aphi-ap, ap-se, aphi- m, k^ud-ba-khud : {of one accord) ek-jihat. To Accord, (a.) milana, barabar-k ; (n.) lagna, milna. According to. According as, Accordinolt, mo- wafik, ba-kaul, ba-kadr, bar-hasb ; {to order) hasbu-1-hukm, muktaza,e hal ; — — {to custom) ba- dastur. To Accost, tokna, salam-k, mnkhatib hona. Account, Accompt, hisab or hisab-kitab, lekha or lekha-jokha, muhasaba, shumar ; {of balances) bakaya-taujih ; {of current demands) hal-taujih; {current) jam'i wasil baki, jam'i kharch ; also of various kinds, viz. chitha, kharcha. teraj, khasra, tak-dama, arsatha, jam'i mufassal, amdani, nizdat, hawalat, maujudat, a^iri nikas, hakikat jam', kaifiyat-jam', bariz, abwabu-1-mal, abwabu-t-tahsil ; {sketch) baraward ; {of lands) muwazina, rakba-bandi: {to call to account) pa,e hisab-lana, muhasiba- &c. -lena ; {to settle accounts) hisab saf-k, lekha pharchha-k ; {to state an account) wasil baki-k ; {to draw out an account) jam i kharj likh-lana; {to give an account) asal hisab dena ; {to keep accounts) hisab-rakhna ; — — {to take an account, of clothes, &c.) siyaha-k ; — — {statement) jinswari. Account, {information) hakikat, barnan ; — — {value) i'tibar, kadr, riiiyat, partit ; {sake) sabab, ba'is, jihat, karan, mare, prayojan, hetu, babat, khatir. waste. To Account, janna, ginna, bujhna ; {to account for) samjhana, jatana, batlana, thikana-k, dalalat-k. Accountable, zamin, muhasiba-dar or -talab. Accountant, Accomptant, mutasaddi, muharrir, nawisanda, lekhak, ^wan, ankak, kaghazi, hisab- nawis. Account-book, daftar, bahi, tablak. To Accoutre, (a.) sajawat-k ; (n.) sajna. Accoutrement, poshak, libas, saz-saman, saj-samaj, saranjam, saz-'irak, saz-baz. Accretion, jama,o, barha,o. To Accrue, upajna, phalna, lagna, fa,ida-h, hasil-h, milna, bona, lahna. To Accumulate, faraham-k, jorna, batorna. Accumulation, kasrat, buhtat or bahutayat. Accuracy, Accura.teness, sihhat, dikkat, sodh, surt. Accurate, {person) chaukas, surta, khara, chatura, huBhiyar, a-chuk ; {book, &c.) sahih, thik. Accurately, sihhat-se, surt-se. Accursed, randa, mal'un, la'in. Accusation, da'wa, baramad, malamat, ta'na, ta'na- zani, ittiham, tufan, ninda. Accusative Case, mafcd, karam-karak. To Accuse, da'wa-k, &c. muttahim-k, thahrana, lag- ana ; —— {to blame) ulahna-d, dosna, dhansa-d. Accuser, mudda'i, badi ; {figuratively) gulu-gir, daman-gir, gireban-gir. To Accustom, 'adat-dalna, ma'miil-bandhna, 'adi-h, sikhana, daurana, dolana, lana, musta'mil-k. Accustomed, 'adi, kho-gar, kho-pazir, abhyasi, maluf, 'amali ; {to be accustomed ) m a generaJ sense, is frequently expressed by the indefinite tense, or by the use of the frequentative verb (v. Gram.) ; {in a bad sense) parakna. Ace, {of cards) ekka, eklu ; {figurative) rati ; {of dice) pau. Acescent, Acetous, Aoidulous, khatt&-sa, sirka-sa, turshi-ma.il. Ache, Ake, dard, dukh, pir, bedan. To Ache, pirana, dukhna, dard-k. To Achieve, karna, mar-utarna, sar-rast-k. Achievement, jokhim, bara kam. Achiever, sar-ba-rah-kar. Acid, khatta. tursh, ami or amla. Acidity, Acidness, khata,i, turshi. To Acidulate, khatta-k. To Acknowledge, ikrar-k, i'tiraf-k, ^a,il-h ; (a favour) ihsan-manna, shukr-guzari-k. B2 ACK K Ac&NOWLEDOUENT, i'tiraf, manaati, uiaiiuat ; -— {aratilude) shukr-guzari. shukrana, gunarid; {of homage in kind) pesh-kash, nasr. AOM£, dhun, agra-bliag, urdhh-bbag. AcOBN, balut. To Acquaint, khabar-d or -k, ittil^'-d, sam&ch&r- kahna, agah-k. Acquaintance, ashn&,l, chinhao, rabt, ta'aruf, va^ifi- yat, ru-shinasi, did-shinid; {the person) ashnft, rushinas, surat-ashna, chinh&ri. Acquainted, mahram, mahram-kar; — {slightly^ surat-ashna or -shinas ; {with the temper of) mizaj-dan. To BE Acquainted, ashna-h. agah-h, wakif-h, mut- ta]a'-h, gyaui-h, janna, pahchanDa, &shn&,l- Sic. -rakhna. To Acquiesce, khush-h. raza-mand-h, prasann-h, are-bale-k, harx or hun-han-k. rawa-dir-h. AcQuiEscENCB, raza-maodi, khushnudi, istirza, pra- sannata or parsanta, marzi. Acquirable, milan-jog, muyassar, ka«abi, milne- &c. -jog pane-jog. To Acquire, kamana, amparna , hasil-k, paida-k, isti- fada-k, uparjan-k, khatana (v. to attain). Acquired, kasabi, uparjit, mustafild ; {learnt) &mokhta. Acquirement, Acquisition, tahsil, iktisab, kasb, uparjan, parapt ; {skill) hunar, 'ilm. To Acquit, surkh-ru-k. be-gunah-thahrana, mubarra- k, pak saf-k, mukt-k ; {to act one's part) apui- nibahna, basar-lejana. Acquitment, Acquittal, surkh-ru.i, ibra, mukti. Acquittance, la-daVa, farigh-khatti. Acquitted, surkh-ru, bari, sachcha, nir-dokhi. Acre, the land in India is computed by the bigha, which is nearly half an acre English. Acrid, chirpira, tez, karwa, talkh tita, chirchira. Acrimonious, (v. acrid) tund, katu, fasid. Acrimony, jhal, chirpirahat, jharap, tezi, tundi, par- parahat, karwahat, tal^i, hiddat, chirchirahat. Across, ara, benda ; {over) par, warpar, pailewar ; {to go across) par-jana. To Act. karna, harakat-k, chetna-k, daurana ; {to conduct one's self) apni-nibahna ; {to affect) byapna. asar-k, kar-k, karana ; — — {a play) nakl- k sawang-k. Act, Action, fi'l, 'amal, kartab, kartut, karda, 'alam, kiya, karni, kam, kaj, kriya, kirdar ; {opposed to rest) chatna, tahrik; {of a play) darja; {decree) hukm, a,in, dastur ; [written decree) hukm-nama ; {gesticulation) bha,o ; {in law) da'wd, kaziya ; {fiffht) lara,i, zad-o-burd ; I to be slain in action) khet-rahna, kam-ana, iujhna ; {virtuous) sawab ; {movements) .larkat-sakn^it. Actionable, 'adalati, saza-talab. Active, chalak, charphara, man-chala, agmana ; {as a medicine) sari'u-1-asar, sari'u-t-tasir, kargar ; {not at rest) mutaharrik, jangam ; '- {active verb) swadhin ; {an active transitive verb) fi'li muta'addi ; {an active intransitive verb) fi'li l&ziini ; {the active voice of a verb) ma'ruf ma'lum. Actively, chalakl-se, phurt-se. Activeness, Activity, chusti, phurt, charparahat. Actor, {in a play, &c.) bhand, sawangi, bahrupiya, nakkal ; {agent) fa'il, 'amil. Actress, bhandin, sawangin, bhanmati, na^l:&lin. Actual, Actually, mukarrar, thik, sach, sat, rast. yakini, tahkik, waka'i, durust, nafsu-1-ainr, fi-1- hakikat, al-hakk, awash or av;ishya, nischai. Actuary, 'adalat ka munshi, muharrir. lo AoTUATK, muta^*rrik-k, harkat-k, ta^^ik-d. ) ATM AouMBH, tez!. z!rtk!, tez-fahmi'. AcPTE. {sagacious) zaki, y.niiin, airak, chatar, sartik, burran ; (sfuirp) nok-d&r ; {violent) shadid, kathin jaulan tichham : {penetrating) tez- taba' or tez-'akl ; {severe) barJi. sakht. AcuTENESs, zakawat, zihn, jaudat, zuka, ziraki, surt, chatura,!, jaulani, tez-fahmi ; {of a disease, &c.) shiddat, sakhti. kasht ; {sharpness) tezi, tandi, nok-darl. Adaoe, macula, kahawat, niasal, ra,ij-bat. Adamant, hira, alinas, miknajis. Adam's Apple, {in anatomif) kantli, ghanti. To Adapt, hamwar-k, saman-k, tliik-k, durust-k. To Add, jorna. laganS, milana, paiwand-k wasl-k, izafa-k, zamm-k ; {figures) jam'-k, ga(hri-k, thik-d, mizan-d. Adder, sarp samp, kala-sarpa or kilsarp. To Addict, 'adi-k, &c., ]^a-dalna. Addicted, 'adi, 'amil, kho-gar, abhyfoi, latzada, mukaiyad, gudiya, 'amall. Addition, {in arithmetic) |Jiik:, nuz&n ; {addita- ment i jof , paiwand, ilh|]^. Additional, ziyada, izad, mazid, adhik, ilhaki ; {allowance) bhata (vulgarly, battah). Addle, ganda, khaki; {-pated) ganda-mai^z, khaki-baiza. Addbess, iltimas, nibedan, salika, jugat, hikmat, andaz; {of a letter) sar-nama, alkab ; {where to find one) pata, thikana. nam o nishan, anuswar ; {complimentary) adab alkab, mangalachar, boli- b9.ni, sukhan-sazi ; {title) ^itab, tarz. To Address, kahna, sukhan-saz-h, bat-k, 'arz-k, nibedan-k, bolna, mu^atib-h, ktitab-k, zab&n- kholna ; {cts a suitor) dar^wast-L To Adduce, batlana, kahna, izhar-k. Adept, kamil, sa,ir, tadik »?• hazik, mahir, ustad, bani, bani-kar, pura, pakka. parbin, puj^ta, mazbut mus- ta'idd jami'u-1-kamalat, nakkad, nakid, mubassir, bin& ; {in literature) 'allania, muhakkik, pandit Adequate, barabar, saman, kafl, bas, pura, l^abil, joga ; {to be adequate) kifayat-k, wafii-k, kafi- &c. -h. Adequately, andaze-se, wafii-se, Ac. To Adhere, chipakna, chipchipana, lagna, lipa(n&, chimarna, chimatna, pilachna; {to a person, &c.) sabit- or gatha- or laga-rahna. Adherence, waia-dari, rifakat. sabit-kadami, gar- widagi, laga,o, gatha.o, dhiraj, istiklal, istik:amat. Adherent. Adherer, rafik, sathi, sangi, wa-basta (vulg. awabast), muta'allik, mutawassal, 'alaka-dar, pichh-laga, laga-lipta, ulfati-banda. Adhesion, Aduerency, lipta,o, chipka,o, paiwastagi. Adhesive, laslasa, chipchipa, las-dar, lablab&, lu'&b- dar, lazij. Adieu, al-wida', allah-ma'kum, khuda-hafiz, ishwarko soiipa, salam, salamun 'alaikum, namas-k&r. Adit, surang, sendh, nakab. Adjacent, laga, dauda-menda, nazdik, ^arib. Adjacency, kurb, ittisal, nazdiki, javar. Adjective, {vxtun) sifat, bisheshan ; {an adjective with its noun) sifat-mausuf, i.e. qualified, a simple (unqualified) noun being called ism. To Adjoin, mila-h, laga-b, juta-h, muttasil-h, pai- wasta-h. To Adjourn, n&gha-k, maukuf-k, antar-k. Adjournment, ta'til, nagha. antar. To Adjudge, hukni-k, faisal-k. Adjunct, Adjunction, Adjunctive, ilhft^L, mulha^. To Adjure, kasain-d, saugand-d, kiriya-d, saunh-d tw khiian&, son khilana. ADJ ( 5 ) ADO To ff DJTJST, chukSna, faisala-k, tartibk, durust-k, &c. sahejna, jamkana, saintna, banana, pharchha-k ; (scales) dhara-bandhna ; (to be adjusted) chukna, faisal-h, &c. ADJUSTED, durust, arasta, barabar, thik, murattab, sijil, sahib, saf, faisal, kursi-nisbin, do-tuk, phar- chha, ru-ba-rah, sar-ba-rah, munkata', nistok. Idjcstment, faisala, infisal. nistara, inkita', safa,i, tasfiya, bana,o, sar-ba-rahi, sibhat. Adjutant, ekka, nakib, nasakhchi, mir-tuzak, korchi ; {bird) garur, kbages, hargila. To Administer, pahunchana, karna, cfaalanasaranjam -k, sarbarah-k, karguzari-k; (as agent)mf^h&t-\i, wikalat-k ; (justice) 'adl-k, 'adalat-k, insaf-k, nya,o-k ; (an oath) kasam- &c. -dena, -dilana, or -khilana. Administration, (of a country) intizam, nazm o nask, zabt o rabt, 'amal-da^, raj-kaj, raj-pat, *adal- gustari, 'azl o nasb, nazarat, wasiyat, kar-guzari. Administrator, (to a will) wasi (f. wasiya) ; i of justice) 'adal-gustar, nazir. Admirable, 'ajib, nadir anup, adbhut, apurb, zor, turfa; (the English have an admirable government) angrez ka zor intizam hai. Admirable! wah-wah ! kya-khttb ! shabash! Admirably, 'ajab tarab-se, ^assi tarah-se. Admiral, amiru-1-bahr, mir bahr. Admiration, 'ajab, achraj, adbhut, wajd, ta'ajjub. To Admire, ta'ajjub-k, wajd-k, &c., nigran-h, dekhna, nazara-marna, mutahaiyir-h, bhachak-rahna ; {to love) chahna, 'isbk-raghbat- shauk- muhabbat- pyar- -rakhna or k. Admirer, maftun, sha.ik, shaukin, farifta, lattu, sanehi. Admissible, wajibi, masmu'a, manzur, praman ; (into the women's apartments) mahram, which in- cludes their brothers, other relatives, and their de- pendants. Admission, Admittance, guzar, dar-Hmad, muda- khalat, paith, gunja,ish, paisar, mahramiyat. To Admit, ane-dena, paithne-dena, amana, le-lena nigalna, pi-jana, sunna, kabul-k. To Admonish, nasihat-d or -k, &c. sarzanish-k, datna, kSn-kholna, tambih-k, 'akl-d, samjhana. Admonisher, nasih, wa'iz, sichhak. Admonition, nasiiiat (pi. nasa'ih), salah wa'az, sichha, tambih, malamat. Ado, daur-dhup, sarmaghzan, dawa-dawish, tag-dau, khfm i jigar ; (with much ado) ro-rokar, mar- kar, uftan-khezan. girte-parte, lashtam-pashtam, latakte-patakte, khuda-khuda-kar ; (jt teas settled toith much ado) khuda-khuda-kar faisal hu,a. Adolescence, bulugh, bulughat, jawani, joban, am- radi, taruna,i, shabab. Adolescent, patha, na-bali^, syana, arrrad. Adonis, (of the east) yusuf, viz. Joseph. To Adopt, le-palna, beta-kar-lena, farzand-k, ras- baithalna, pusput-k; (« custorn, &c.) akhz-k, ikhtiyar-k, le-lena, nakl-kar-lana, sampadan-k. Adopted, lutfi ; (child) le-palak, mutabanna, pisar-khwanda, pusput,putrela,dharam-beta, chela ; — (by eunuchs, &c.) bachgana, (f. ba' hgani) ; (an adopted word) mankul, dakhiU akhazi ; (adopted father) dharam-bap. Adorable, puja-jog, wajibu-t-ta'zim. Adoration, bandagi, parastish, puja, archa, 'ibadat, sijda, bbajan, namaskar. To Adore, pfijna, 'ibadat-k, &c. arcbna. Adorer, sajid, zahid, bhajnik, arcbak. To Adorn, sanwarna, sudbarna, murattab-k, ara,ish- k. singar-k, bana,o-k, banana, zinat-d, muzaiyan-k. Adornment. ara,ish, zeba.ish. bana,o. To be Adrift, bahna, mara-mara-pbirna, baha-balift- phirna, dawandol-phirna, khulna, chhutna ; ito turn adrift) bahana, patta-katna, dur-k. Adroit, nipun, dhurt, chalak, hunar-mand. To Advance, (a.) age-lana, age-rakhna, chalana, cha|-- hana, agwana, barhana, nikalna, &c. ; (arms) 'amaldari hath-k ; (to propose) izhar-k, kahua; (money) peshgi-d, 'ala-1-hisab-d, agaii-d ; (n.) age-ana, age-jana, barbna, tarakki-k, uikal-ana, nikalna, chalna. Advanced (in years) buddha, daraz-'umr. The Advanced Guard, harawal, peshwa. Advance, Advancement, barha.o, charha,o, 'aruj, rozbihi. Advances, madad ; (for disbursument) kharch ; money) dadni, takawi, agofi, pattan ; (in- vitation) ikdara, sarwa. Advantage, (supenority, gain) ghalba, jit, charhti, gun, phal, samara, paida,ish, labh, intifa', manfa'at, manafa'at, yaft, tamattu', kifayat, bat, Uiubi, ta'rif, laha, istifada, falah, falahiyat, gunja,ish, la,o,ta,o, lah o lala ; (to take advantage of) kabii-chalaua, fitrat-Iarana, chot-k, ghat- gaun- da,on- -chalana ; (to have the advantage) jitna, war-rahna, ^alib-rahna ; (to reap an advantage) h&sil-k, phal-pana. Advantageous, ^,ida-mand, mufid, gnn-kari, labht, khata,u, gunja,ishi. Adventitious, 'arizi, chand-roza, asar, anit. Adventure, majara, sar-guzasht, birtant or britant ru-dad, sadma, hadisa, ittifak. Adventurer, mutaJashi, ndiyogi, saiyah, biyogi. Adventurous, jan-baz, agmana, dil-chala, man-chala, ■ir-khap. Adverb, harftamiz, ?arf. Adversary, dushman, bairi, harif, muddal, 'adu, mukhahf, bad-khvah. birodhi, dusht, badi, bipachhi, ghanim. Adverse, mukhalif, na-muwafik, bar-'aks, ulta. Adversity, bad-bakhti. kam-bakhti. idbar, shakawat, shamat, abhag, nakbat, falakat, dalidr, sakhti, kasha- kash, kash-ma-kash, tabahi, aseb, k^arabl, durgat, bipat, bak-tali'i. To Advert, sochna, dhySn-k, ghaur-k. mulahaza-k, lihaz-k, fikr-k. Advertence, Advertency, i^ut, dhyStn, fikr. To Advertise, zahir-k, izhar-k, sha,i' -k, wakif-k. Advertisement, ishtihar, ishtihar-nama. Advertiser, niuMtbir, l^abar-dar, shahr-^abra \ the last is a public oflBcer in cities, towns, &c. Advice, maslahat, salah, mantar, mashwarat, tadbir, sawab-did, kaha, kingash ; (intelligence) kha- bar (pi. akhbar) . ittila', samachar. To Advise, (a.) nasihat-d, samjhana, l^abar-d, kha- bar-dar-k, chitana, batlana, kahna, matna, sunana ; (n.) maslahat- &c. -lena; [to be informed) kha- bar-dar-h, chetna. Advisable, munasib, la,ik, ma'kiil, lazim, aslah. mustahsan, joga, bihtar, .salah-wakt, uttam. Adviser, wa'iz, nasih, mantri. Adulation, kt^i^sh-amad. chaplusl, lajajat, samajat, lallo-patto. Adulator, khush-&madi, ch^plus, mutamallik. Adult, baligh, jawan, tarun, ba]ra. To Adulterate, khonta-k, milauni- &c. -k. Adulterated, khonta, karra, ^alb, mekhi. ghilafi 'amali, taghallubi. Adulteration, khouta,i, kapat, taghallub. Adulterer, zina-kar, fajir, swairan, fahish. Adulteress, chhinal, zaniya, fasi^a, f&jira, fthiths. ADTJ ( « ADntTSBT, chhinMS, zina, fisk-fujiir, zini-kSri ; {to commit adultery) chhinala-k. Adultness, bulughat, jawani, taruna,!. Advocate, hami, shafi', ori, pachhi. Adze, basula, tesha, tabar. ^oiLOPS, dhalka. ^OYPTiACUM, marham zangarl. Abbial, hawa,i, akashiya, uncha, nabh-char. Afar, dur-se, ba'id-se, dur-daraz. A FEW, ka,i-ek, do-tin, ek-adh, do-ek, thhoye-se, kuchh-ek, ba'zi-ek, ba'zi-ko,i, juzwi. Affability, Affableness, murawwat, mulayimat, hilm, husn i khulk, lutf. Affable, sahib-murawwat, murawwati, ba-murawwat, halim, muiayim, niihrban. Affaik, mukaddama, amr, tamasha, kissa, kaziya, majara, ru-dad, bat, karaj, babat, mu'amalat, madda. Affairs, len-den, dena-pana, dad-sitad, kam-kaj ; {worldly affairs) umurat i dunyawi. Affect, asar, tasir, 'amal, kar, ^asslyat, hukm, naksh. To Affect, asar- &c. -k, or -rakhna, khubhna, baith- na, lagna, garna, charhna, byapna, bindhna, rachna, tarashna ; (to assume) akhz-k, ikhtiyar-k; {toffign) hila-k, mis-k. In Arabic there is a par- ticular form of the verb to express feigning or assum- ing ; thus, tajahul means pretence of ignorance hence, tajahul-karna to affect ignorance ; {youth when old) burbhas-k. Affectation, {sham) makr, hila, riya, bahana, fareb, sawang, dimbh, bhagal, nakhra, aint-maror, an-gan, burbhas, naz- nakhra, nakhra-bazi, fakhr. fakh riya numa,ish, banawat, chhalawa ; (in speaking) zaban-tarashi. Affected, {grieved) maghmum, malul, ghamgin, dard- nak, dukhi ; {full of affectation) makkar, nakhrebaz, burbhasiya. Affectionately, dard-se, pyar-se, muhabbat-se. Affection, {love) 'ishk, ji, muhabbat, ulfat, mihr, lag, hit, neh, saneh, prem, chhoh, lagan, lar, dular, prit ; {maternal) shafkati madari, pet ki ag ; {of a parent) dard, kirpa, tapak. Affecting, dard-angez, jan-soz, rikkat-angez. Affectionate, shaflk, muhibb, ulfati, chahak, chhobi, mutarabhim, marohl, maya-want, daya-shil. Affidavit, dibbi or dibya, zaban-bandi. Affinity, nisbat, munasabat, 'alaka, laga,o, mel, sam- bandh ; {by marriage) byaha-dhari, rishta-dar. To Affirm, ikrar-k, bacha-k, kahna, bachan-harna or -deni. Affirmation, kar&r, i^r&r, i'tir&f, kaul, bacha, bachak, bachan. Affirmative, musbit, mfljiba, khabari. Affirmer, mukirr, ma'tarif, \%,\\. To Affix, jo]iia, lagan&, paiwand-k. To Afflict, satina, taklif- &c. -d, ranjida- &c. -k, mama, torna. Afflicted, sogwar, gham-nak, pareshan, dard-mand, afsurda, ranjur, mukaddar, dik^, muztarib, mahzun, dil-sokhta, alam-gham- sitam- -zada or -rasida, afatmara or -zada, dil- or jigar-jala, dukhiya, dukhi- yara, dukh-mara, kalesl, shorlda-^atir or -hal, dil-taplda, dil-kbasta. To BE Affliotki), kuyhna, kalapna, dakh-pana, azar- &c. -pani. ArrncriON, taklif, tasdi', iza, aziyat, zahmat, ranj, ranjldagi, andoh, azurdagi, dil-giri, dil-sokhtagi, bitha, malola, gham. su'ubat, kudurat, ghubar. kasala, upada, bales, huzn, malal, liasrat, ta,assuf, dard, darmandaci, ashob, dikkat, azar, sogwari, sog, jalan, soz, ranjisn, masliaV:]|:at, malalat, shiddat, afat. AGO Affluence, faraghat, asuda-hali, asQdagi, dhanwantl. Affluent, asuda-bal, ghani, muraffah, mutamawwil, dhani, bhagwan, mal-a-mal, agbana. Afflux, baha,o, ijtima'. To Afford, dena, bakhshna, uthana, dastras-h, hath- pahunchna ; {to be able to give) de-sakna ; (to be able to sell) bech-sakna. Affront, khiffat, hikarat, ihanat, halka-pan, anadar, be-*izzati zak, zillat ; {to take as an affront) 'aib-janna, bura-manna. To Affront, Wiafif-k, hakir-k, halka-k, subnk-k, latarna be-'izzat-k, chherna, bezar-k. Affronted, kl\afif, hakir, subuk, halka, apamanl. To be Affronted, khafif-h, halka- &c. -h. Afloat, utrata, tairta {from utrana and taimft), bahta, bhasaya. Afoot, paidal, panw-panw, piyada-pa, pairon; (to set on foot) uthana, bar-pa-k, jari-k, chalana. Aforesaid, Aforenamed, mazkur, mazbur. Afraid, l^a,if, dahshat-nak, khauf-nak, shash-dar, bhaiman. To be Afraid, darna, sahamna, dahshat-nak- &c. -rahna, dahshat-rakhna, bichakna. Afresh, pher-kar, nae sir se, sari-nau. After, plchhe, ba'd, 'akab, guzasht, par, mimba'd, gaye-se ; (in comp.) ba, pas ; {year after year) sal-ba-sal ; {after this month) is mahine gaye se ; {the day after to-morrow) pas farda ; {one after another) laga-lag ; {after twelve o'clock) do pahar guzashta ; {man after man) admi par admi ; {according to) bar-hukm ; (the adj.) pichhla. After ages. After time, pichhle-wakt, pichhle-Iog. After all, akhirash, nidan, akhir, ant; After-birth, hal, jar, jer, aunr, lijhri, potj-i, kheri, purain, chhor, gabhelan. Afternoon, si-pahar, aj^ir i roz, ba'd-do pahar, din dhale, bikal, zuhar. After-thouoht, After-wit, pach-mat, pas-andeshi, pas-'akli, pas-fikri, pas-fitrat. Afterward, ba'd-iske, iske-pichhe, a kh ir, ba'd-az-an, uprant. AoA, agha, aka. Again, phir, pher, pher-kar, aur-wakt, dusra-kar, dohrake, do-bara, paltake ; {as much again) dugna, do-chand, muza'af; {again and again) ber-ber, pher-pher, mukarrar, sikarrar, palat-palat. Against, khilaf ; {over against) sannnwikh ; {up) munh par, par. AoAPE, {to stand) munh-bana, kawwa-banna. Agaric, gharikun. Agate, yashm, yashb, sang-salaimani. Age, 'umr, sinn, ayurbal, ayu, ayurda, bais ; (time) daur, zamana, 'asr, 'ahd, jug ; (old age) bufhapa, piri ; {the age of discretion) sinn i tamiz. Aged, buddha, plr, purana, kadiro. Agency, (in business) eumashtagi, waklli, wakll-giri, niyabat, wikalat, pesn-kari, tasir, diwani, kar-par- dazi, fa'iliyat. Agent, gumashta, wakil, na,ib, jawab-sawali ; (actor) fa'il, 'amil, karta. To Aggrandize, barhana, sar-faraz-k, jila-dena. Aggrandizement, 'azniat, barhti, sar-afrazi. To Aggravate, badtar-k, kawi-k, ziyada-k, adhik k. Aggregate, majmu', junila, gathri, samuda,e. To Aggress, pahal-k, sabkat- &c. -k. Aggression, pesh-dasti, pesh-kadmi, sabkat, ta^dinii pahal, chher, chhera,o, ikdam, sarwa. Aggressor, takslr-war, mabni-fasad, chhejran-hwr AGH ( 7 ) ALI Aghast, hairat-zada, haibat-zada, hakka-bakki; bhau- chak or bhaichak. AoiLE, jald-baz, shitab-kar, chust-chabuk, karkila, tarpbariya, cbalak. AaiLiTT, chalaki, cbabuki, karak, jald-bazi. To Agitate, {to shake) harakat-d, dulana, ultbana, lahrana, hilkorna, talmalana, chatpatana, uthlana, kalbalana, umdana, ubalna, dablana, tbartharana, daldalana, dagdagana ; [to controvert) radd o badal-k ; [to be agitated) bilna, dulna. Agitated, [in mind) muztarib, betab, ghabra, byakul ; {as the sea) mauj-zan, ulthaya; {to be agitated) miiztarib-h, &c. aklana, dharakna, ubhna, tarapna. Agitation, hila,o, dula,o, kilkor, harkat, jumbish, uthla,o, ubal, chatpatahat, taharruk, talatum, hala- dola ; (j7er kari. Arrogantly, takabbur- &c. -se, ainthke. To Arrogate, apne ta,in dur khainchna, tarashna, da'wa-k, tharana, khichna. Arrow, tir, ban, sar, khadang ; {blunt) sari, nawak (or rather the tube from which it is dis- charged) ; {the point of an arrow) paikan, gansi; {the notch of an arrow) siifar, phonk ; {the shaft of an arrow) kalam, sari ; {the wings of an arrow) pargiri; (are arrow without the point) thotha; {a barbed arrow) akre-dar tir ; (a practising arrow) tukka, khaki, dil-murgh; {a broad-pointed arrow) khapra ; {an arrow's flight) partab ; {an arrow maker) tir-gar ; (to shoot an arrow) tirchalana, &c. Arse, chiitar, surin, kun ; {to hang an) dum-da- bana, chutar-sikorna, lendiyana ; {clout) langoti, kopin or kaupin. Arsenal, top-khana, kor-khana, silah-khana. jabba- khana. Arsenic, sammu-l-far, sammu-l-khar, sankhiyft, har- tal, zarnikh, gopant hartal or harital. Arson, shahar-sozi, angan-dah. Art, 'ilm, hunar, fann, gun, san'at, maharat, jugat, dast-gah, dast-kari, ustadi, hathauti, bidya, alangkar, totka, latka, chatak, kartab ; {trade, q.v.) Urfa, kam ; {the arts and sciences) 'ilm o hunar. Artery, shiriy an (pi. shara,in), rag (also any blood- vessel, sinew, &c.) nari ; {pulse of an artery) nabz. Artful, 'aiyara, rinda, harraf chhali, makkar, zfi- funun, haft-rangi, hikm'ati, jugti, farebi, phulasre- baz, sughar-siyan, libasa. Artfully, fann se, fareb-se, chhal-se, siyanpan-se- ART ( 14 ) ASS Artfulness, 'aiyaragi, failsufi, siyan-pan, natkhatt, rindi, phulasre-b5zi, dam-bazi, hila-bazi, robah- b§,zi, makkarl, hirfat, harafat, fareb, chhal. A RTHRiTis, jhanak-ba,i. Article, {clause, q.y.) babat, madda; [partietdar) liiit, khand; [of trade) rakam, jins, chiz, bab, {,j^n3, . {of religion, &c.) hukm, a,iii, masala, {the definite) harf i ta'rif; {indefinite) harf i tankir, ibh ; {articles of peaee^ capitu- lation, &c.) kaul-nama, 'ahd-n&ma. Articulate, saf, shasta, khala. To Articulate, bolna, ada-k, uchchSlrn&. Ab rrcuLATiON, maWiraj, uchch^r ; {joint) girih, band, ganth, pori. Abtifioe, fann, fitrat, makr, hila, bah3.na, s^khtagl, bandish, banawat, thaga,!, chhal, dagha. katkana. Artificer, Artisan, karigar, kasbi, peshawar, ahl i hirfa, ahl i pesba. Abtificial, hacari, 'amali, tarkibi, masnul ; {fictitious, q.v.) nakli, jhutha, banawari, kasabi, musauna', fanni, sakhta. Artifiuially, dast-kari-se, hunar-se. {_guns) topen. Artillery, top-khana, ban, tir-kaman; {great Artist, dast-kar, hunar-inand, dast-kabil, ustad, sughar, bidyaman, guni, sani', ahli-san'at, or -hunar or -pesha, san'at-kar, hunar-baz. Artless, sada, anari, murakh ; {guileless, q.v.) bholii, be-sakhta, mu'arra, modhu ; {innocent, q.v.) bbondu,bodla,gau, be laga,o, nek-bakht. gharib. As, jaisfi, jis-tarah (opposed to their correlatives) waisa, taisa, tis-tarah, us-tarah ; {so, thus, &c.) kar, karkc, ho ; {like) muwafik, manind, chunanchi, goyfi, jyon, sa : {while) jab, jad, jis-wakt, jo,i; {he was famous as a doctor) hakim kar mashhur tha ; {because) liye, waste ; {as if) jano, m5no ; {as many, as much) jitne, jeta, jyon- jyon, jis-kadar (opposed to their correlatives) utne, titna, Ota, teta, tyoii-tyon, tis-kadar, us-kadar ; {as yet) abtak, abhi, abhun, ajhun, hanoz ; {as for, as to) hakk men, par, ya'ne ; {as far as) jahan- tak (correl. tahan-tak, wahan-tak), dhur, tori, le ; {as long as) jab-tak (correl. tab-tak) ; {as it ought) jaisa chahiye, ba,id o sha,id, kama hakku- hu, kama yambaghi ; {as usual) badastur, alan-kama-kan, waisahi, waise ke waisahi, jaisa ka taisa ; {as before) agla-sa, jon ka ton ; {as often as) jaiber (correl. taiber, so often) ; {as if) januk, jaisaki ; {-that) tyonkar ; {as well as) kya kya. AsARABACOA, asarfln, tagar. Ascarides, chunne, (sing.) chunna. [buland-h. To Ascend, charhna, uthna, bilangna, sa'ud-k. Ascendancy, Ascendant, ghalba, jit, daba,o, tarjih, faiikiyat, ziyidati. Ascent, Ascension, charha,o, uthan, 'urflj, sa'ud; {height, q.v.) unchan, irtift' ; {the ascen- sion of a prophet) mi'raj. To Ascertain, thahrana, janchni, mu^:arrar-k, ma'ium-k, tahkik-k, tashkhis-k, kutu&, sahejna, jamogna, sawan-k. Ascertained, mukarrar, musliaWil^as, mu'aiyan, sabit, mutaha^kik, thik, nishchai. Ascertainment, tahkik, tahakkuk, tan^cih, tash^is, isbat, sawanta, aslitpasht. Ascetic, tapassik, tapsi or tapaswi, 'abidSLna, faVir&na. Ascites, jalandhar, istiska. To Ascribe, lagana. thahrana, mahmul-k, mansub-k, nisbat-k, haml-k, rakhna, makhsfis-k. AsuAUED, sharminda, zard-rQ, ru-siyah, Ujajil, lajjit manfa'il, nadim, sbarm-aluda or -nak or -sar, sarni- To BE Ashamed, sharmana, lajana, sharm-khan&, &b< bona, 'ar-rakhna. Ashes, rakh, chhar, bhasam, chha,i, bhilhi, bhas, khakistar. bani, tana, Ujak ; {pit for) khak- dan; {of a hukka) kalgi; {colour of) khakistari or khaki-rang, fakhta,i ; {ashes of the dead) masan ; {athes which the fakirs ute^ bhabhuU; {hot ashes) bhauk, bhubhal; (to reduce to asfies) rakh-k. Ashore, kinare-par, khushki-par (or simply) kinare ; {to come or go) utar-ana, -jana or -pa]-na; {to run) kinare-charhna. Aside, alag, ek ant, ek alang, ek taraf, ek ba^hia], kinare, juda, ek lag, fara^ ; (to take) ak^-k, nirale lejana. To Ask, (a question) puchhna, istifsar-k, pursish-k, puchh-mangwana, khabar-lena ; (to beg, q.r.) chahna, mangna, darkhwast-k, istid'a-k, sukhan- ka'im-k, bhujana, pith, thonkna. Assured, mukirr, ka,il, mu'takid ; {to be) ka'il- &c. -h, yakin-janna. Assuredly, albatta, mu^arrar, be-shakk, be-shubha, alhakk, nafsu-1-amr. Asterisk, kharija, nishani. Astern, pichhe ; {keep astern) pichhe raho. Asthma, sank, dama, ziku-n-nafas, upar-dama, kasas- was. Asthmatic, Asthmatical, sankaha, kasaswasi. To Astonish, ghabrana, hairan- &c. -k, aklana, chaundiiTana, jhabkana, bhakwana, bhondhlana. Astonished, ghabra, mutaghaiyar, be-hawass, sarsan, chakit, madhush, sar-gashta, ashufta, shorida, haka- baka. Astonishing, 'ajib, 'ajuba, achraj, turfa, chamatkari, zor, tamasha, nau-tarz, badiya ; {an astonish' ing fellow) zor-nus kl^ a. Astonishment, 'ajab, tahaiyur, be-hawassi, chamat« kar. Astray, bhatka, gum-rah, bad-rah, be rah ; — — {to go astray) bhatakna, gum-rah hojana. Astride, tang pasarke ; (a horse) tang latkake, charha, sawar. AsTRiNQENCY, kabziyat, bandhej, baksahat, kasa,o, 'ufusat. Astringent, 'afis, kabiz, bandheji, baktha, samet, tan, sitara-sikra,u, kaisela, kasala. Astrolabe, usturlab. Astrologer, munajjim, nujumi, jotiki, jotishi, rammal, fchinas, ganatkari, ganaki. Astrology, *ilra i nujum, nujum, jotik, tanjim, ramal, ganatkar. Astronomer, ahl i hayat, hayat-dan, siddhanti, rassad. Astronomical, {tables) zij, zich. Astronomy, hayat, 'ilm i hayat, siddhant. Asunder, juda, ekant, alag, mutafarrak. Asylum, maman, malja, daru-1-aman, aman, panah, saran, malaz. At, {near) pas ; {in, &c.) men, 'ain, ko, par, se, e, ke-ta,in; rat-e or rat ke-ta,in a,o, come at night, often expressed by rat alone ; {on) qpar, kane, par, tir ; {at once) ek-lakht, ek-kalam ; {at worst, at most) siwa,e iske nahin, bahut, ba-hama jihat, agar Wiarabi ho ; {at worst, he can take my life only) bahut karega sirf hamari jan lega; {at all) bi-l-ku)l, mutlak; {at war) lara,i- par ; {at work) kam men ; {he was angry at his going) uske jane par khafa hu,a ; {why are you angry at me ?) turn mujh se kyiin Wiafa ho ? {she frowns at me) mujh par ghurakti l^ai; {he knocked at the door) kewar ko thonka; — {at how much ?) kete par ? kete ko ? {at all, negatively) mutlak, nipat, kuchh, tanak, zarraj (/ don't know this language at all) is zaban ko main kuchh nahin janta ; {at length, at last) akhirash, bare, nidan, ant, aldiiru-1-amr ; {at full length) mufassal ; {at least) thore se thora, kam-meh-kam ; {at most) bahut se bahiit; {at hand) sar i dast, hazir ; {at all times) bar wakt; {at present) is wakt, abhi, fi-l-^ial, al-hal, bi-1-fi'l ; {at first) awwal, paihle, ad ; {at home) ghar meii ; {at all events) Uiwah ma khwah, ba har surat, ba bar hal; '{at times) kabhi-kabhi, gah-gah ; {at sight, appli- cable to bills, &c.) darsani, as darsani hundi. a . bill payable at sight. Atabal, jtabl, tabla, pakhawaj. Ate, (preterite of eat) khaya, from khana, to eat, q. y Atheism, dahriya-pan, ilhad, dahr, nastikta, inkar, kaulik. Atheist, dahriya, nastik or nastaki, kauliki, mulhid. _„( ATH { 16 ) AVE Atbbistical, mulhid, munkir. Athletic, chak-chauband, mushtanda, kungra, dhaukar, bal-want, karkara, zor-awar, zabar-dast, katji, shah-zor, pahlawan, dand-pel, ball, sara,in. Athwaet, aj-a, benda. Atilt, paintare par; (abroach) ujkun-par, or orhak-par. Atlas, (a rich silk) atlas ; {map) na^:sh or na^ha. Atmosphere, hawa, batas, ba,o-boklia. Atom, zarra, anu, juz la yatajazza. To Atone, (a. to expiate, q. v.) metna, prayafihchitt-k, kafara-d; (n.) kafara- &c.- h. Atonement, 'iwaz, jarimana, badla, ka&a, parash- chit, or prayashchitt. A-top. par, upar, siripar, balae, bar-bala. Atrocioits, sakht, karra, ashadd, sliadid, asharr, mahfi- papi, aghi. Atrociousness, Atrocity, shiddat, sa^ti, maha-pap, gunah i 'azim or -kabira, agh. Atrophy, sukha, sukh-chhari, sukhar.waiisu, sukhan- bati. To Attach, {to win, &c.) apna-k, girwida-k, halka- bagosh-k, lobhana, birbhana, mob-lena, hilana, laga- lena, ganthna; {to join, q. v.) milana, wasl-k, lagana. Attached, chaspida, girwida, manus, ina,luf, rala- mila, bila-mila, ghat-pat, wafadar, ma,il, mubtala, laulin, dil-basta, pachi ; {to be attached) gathna, ho-rabna, bilna, waftdar-h, mail-k. Attachment, chaspidagi, dil-bastagl, hel-mel, mail, wafa, lagga ; {regard, q. v.) pyar, chah, ulfat^ rabt. Attack, hamla, charhal, dh&wa, yurish, wahla. To Attack, charhna, mama, hamla- &c. -k, parnft, girna, chherna, kud-parna, pakarna, hiilakna; {as a feint) bharak-, siyaba-dikhlana ; {to attack the rear) pichhari-marna ; {to attack in front) mubra-mania, agari-marna ; {to attack the flank) kamar-marna. To Attain, (a.) pana, labb-k, hasil-k ; (n.) milna, barana, ajaua, babara-pahunchna, hasil-h. [husul. Attainable, milan-har, muyassar, kasbi, mumkinu-1- Attainment, bat, gun, wasf, jauhar, ta'rif, hunar, burd, ghanimat, kam, istifada, uparjan ; {attain- ment of one's wishes) kam-rani, kam-yabi. To Attemper, Attemperate, muwafik-k, mu'tadil-k, bamwar-k. Attempt, koshish, sa*i, jihd, kasd, azma,ish, udyog, cheshta ; (attack) hamla, chot, kasd. To Attempt, azmana, koshisb-&c. -k, dekhnl, karna; {to attack) hamla- &c. -k. To Attend, dhyan-r, ghaur-k, dil-d, kan-dharna, tan-d, Vadam-d, hath-d ; {to wait on) hazir- or maujud- or laga- or pas or satb-rahna, takna, niharna, rujA-k, munh-k: {as a physician, &c.) ^abar-lena,puchbnil, dawa pani-k, mu'alija-k. baida,i-k; {to the door, pahuuchana, rukhsat-k. Attendance, hazir-bashi, ta'inati, khidmat, naukari ; {on the sick) bimar-dari, bimar-pursi, khabar- giri, puchhar, mulazimat, mujra; {to dance) nach-nacbana, tana-bana-k. Attendant, Attender, khidmatgar, hazir-bash, tha- dim, mulazim, ta,mat, khidmatiya, jilau-dar, ham- rah-rikab, bandhani, bawfishl ; {on the sick) bimar-dar, karnl, racbak, khabar-gir. Attention, Attentiven ess, ho8hiyriri,sucheti, chauk- 8n,i, surt, lihaz, sa*i, ihtiyat, khabar-dari, koshish, takaiyud, kljauz, dliyan, ^li'yal ; {to a guett) ikdam, tawazu', mura'at, i'ziz, sanmau, adar, tawaj- joL ; {study, q. v.) parisram, dida-rezi. Attentive, chaukas, surta, manodyogi, sucbet, sar. garm, musta'idd, mukaiyad, mutawajjih, multafiU savadhan, sa'i. Attentively, surt-se, ghaur- &c. -se, tahVH;-k»r Attenuant, mulattif, patla kame-waia. To Attenuate, patla-k, rakik-k. Attenuation, patla,i, rikkat, laghiri. To Attest, shahidi-d, praman- &c. -d. Attestation, shahidi, tasdik, istishhad, sijil, tasl;!^ Attire, poshak, libas, (pi.) kapjre, basan, chir. To Attire, pahmna, pahnana, pahirana, posb, added to nouns, and followed by bona ; thus in Sauda : " De basma-posh ho-ke tu saghar bilur ka." {When attired in golden robes present the crystal bowl.) Attitude, halat, sama, an, dhaj, asan, taur, andaz. Attorney, na'ib, wakil ; {at law) 'adalat k& wakil ; — {power of attorney, &c.) sanad, wikalat- nama. To Attract, khincbna, birbhana, lalchana, har-len&, girwida-k, ainchna, tirna, salb-k, laga-lena. Attracted, 'asbik, majzub, akarshit. Attraction, khinch, khincha,o, kashish,jazb, injiz&b; {female charms or attractions) dil-kashi, dil- farebi, dil-ruba,i, mob, an, naz, ada, 'ashil^i, akar- shan, ta'asbshuk. Attractive, Attracting, Attractor, {aUuring^ q. V.) dil-bar, man-mohan, dil-lagan, mohan, ma'shuk ; {as the magnet) jaaib ; {an at- tractive quality) kuwwat i jaziba. Attribute, wasf, sifat, Idiassiyat, mahiyat, gun, khassa, (pi. khawass.) To Attribute, t^banna, dalna, mansub-kamft. Attrition, ragar, ghisa,o, inkisar. Avail, fa,ida, naf, hasil, labh, bih-bud. To Avail, gatha,o-ganthna, shippa-laj^a, fa'idk, paida-k, phal-d, phalua, kam-ana, lahna. Avarice, Avariciousness, hirs, lalchaha^ khissat, lalach, lalsa, bhukh. Avaricious, haris, lalchi, tami', daridar, khasis. Avariciously, lalach-se, tama'-se. Avast, bas, bas bas, has karo, raho-raho, han-haii. Avaunt ! dut, gum-ho, diir-ho, chakhe, chal-chakhe. Auburn, mai-gun, bhura, gandum-rang. [bikri. Auction, nilam (from lielam. Port.), harraj, bika,o, Auctioneer, nilam-chi. Audacious, {bold, q. v.) nidar, aujhar, Qjad, akkbaf, be-lihaz, be-adab, tanchra, sina-zor. Audaciousness, AuDaciry, dbithal nidari, be-baki, sina-zori, shokhi, gustaUii, be-adabi, be-lihazi. Audaciously, gustakhana, gustakhi-se, dhitha,i-se. Audible, {loud, q. v.) buland, uncha, suna,u, masmO*, zahir, jali, jahr, pur ; {to be) suna,i-d, sun- parna or -iina ; {an audible voice) bulaud-awaz, bang i buland. Audibly, bang i buland-se, buland awaz se. Audience, Auditory, ahl i majlis, sunne-wale, mu- khatabin, .samiln, istima', sarwan ; {of an am" hnsnador) muiazamat, mujra ; {to give audience) kfiii-d, biir i 'amm-k ; {the hall of audience) diwan i 'amra, bar i 'amm. [leni. To Audit, janchna, uazar i sani-k, istifa-k, muhasiba- AuDiTOR, {hearer) sSmi', mukhiitab. sunne-wala ; — — {of accounts) mustaufi, muhasib, mushrif. To AvKNQE, iutikam-1, badla-lena ; {topuitith) 'ay,ab-k, \i;alir-k, saza-d. Avenger, muntakim, kahir, ^ahhar. AvsMDS, Daki, murur, guj&ra, rawish (Tolg. rooib). AVE ( 17 ) AZU To Aver, da'wa-k, ikrar-k, bachan-k, bad-k, bada- badl kabna. Average, ausai, parta, har-dar; (the average price) mutawassit-kimat, sammudba-mol ; [at an average) sarasari. Averse, mukhalif, dushman, birodhl, na-razi, ru- gardan, mutawathish ; {to be averse) munh- pherna, kashida-h, rukna, ankh-chhipana, kbinch- rakhna, ji-chorana, hatakna. AvERsENEss, kasbid, khincb, rukawat, susti, ta^aful, dhU. Aversion, [dislike, q.v.) i'raz, ikrah, tanafiiir, *aks, ijtinab, nafrat; {hatred, q.v.) mukhalafat. birodb, dusbmani, tawahbusb, khaincb. To Avert, dur-k, dafa'-k, talna, phema, mor-den§, mar-dena, baz-rakhna, batana. Adqer, barma or barma, parmaha. To Augment, barhana, ziyada- &c. -k. Augmentation, Augment, ziyadati, barhtl, sarsa,i, adhika,i, afza,isb, afzuni, izdiyad. Augmented, ziyada, mazld, adhik, saras, afzud, izHfa, bishekb. Augur, Auourer, shaguniya. To Augur, shagun-dena or shakun-dena. AuQURf , shagun, fal. August, 'ali-sban, 'azimu-sh-shan, 'all-jah, hnmSyun, jalilu-1-kadr, janab i 'all, buzurg, uttam; {gra- cious) mnbarak, nek. August, {month of) bhadon, bhadri, nabh. Aviary, chiriya-khana, khush-khana, and applicable also to any place where a number of curious animals are kept. Aviditt, tama* shauk, raghbat, dil-garmi, dil-dihi, . jhanjh, chaunp, hawas, arzu, ichba, sa'I, tamanna. Aunt, kaki, pittiya,en ; {jMternat) phupbl, phu,a; {maternal) khala, mausi ; {paternal uncle's wife) chacbl, ta,i; {maternal uncle's wife) mumani, mami. To Avooate, mashghul-k, atkana, khainch-lejana, Avocation, shughl, masbghala, dhandha, bolahat, bolawa. To Avoid, parhez-k, ihtiraz-k, i'raz-k, bara,o-rakhna, dur-bhagna, bachana ; {to escape) bachna ; {to decline) ankh-chhipana, ji-chorana. To Avow, ikrar- &c. -k, zahir-k; {to justify) hujjat-k, hath-k. AvowABLE, la,ik-bayan, kahne-jog. Avowal, ikrar, da'wa, angikar. Avowedly, dlda o dauista, jan-bujh-ke, bi-1-kasd, charh-ke. Avowee, mukirr, mu'tarif, ka,il. AuRELiA, {the insect so called) badama. Aurora, subh, bhor, arun, tarka. Adspice, fal, shagiin; {auspices) himayat, fazl, ikbal, ba-daulat, partap, chhanh-banh. Auspicious, inubarak, said, mutabarrak, yamn, nek, saz-war, subh ; {person) zat ba-barkat. Austere, sa^t, karera, kharjhara, tund, kattar, kar- kas ; {taste) baksa, kasela. Austerity, Austereness, sa^ti, kara^tagi, tundi, lAushunat, kharjharahat ; {of taste) baksa,o ; {of manners) tapassya, jog, zuhd, riyazat. AuTHRNTic, sahih, sabit, tahkik, mutahakkik, pram&n, sachcha, mu'tabar. To Authenticate, sahih- &c. -k, musajjil-k, sabit- pahunchana. Authenticity, sih^at, i'tibar, sacha,i, praman, sacbautl. Author, {inventor, &c.) bani, mujid, muHitari', b&ni« kar, musabbib ; {writer) musannif, karta, granth-kar, granth-karta ; (o ciassica,l author) musannif i mu'tabar. Authority, ikhtiyar. kudrat, makdur, zor, tath&, parakram, iktidar, hukumat, sar-dari, mnkhtarl^ hakimi, niyog, dargiri, a,et, danka; {order, q. v.) hukm, farman ; {absolute authority) istiklal ; {testimony, q. v.) sanad ; {weight, q. V.) kadr. To Authorise, {to empower) mukht5,r-k. sutantr-k, i^tiyar-d; {to make legal) mubah-rakhna, ja,iz rathna, rawa-janna. O^'i^' Authorized, mukhtar, sutantr, rawa, durust, mubak, Automatous, mutaharrik ba nafsihi. Autumn, ^izan, kharif. pat-jhar. Autumnal, kharifi ; {the autumnal equinox) i'tidal i kharifi. haripad. Auxiliary, madad-gar; {the auxiliary army) kumaki-lashkar ; auxiliary verb) fi'limu'awin. To Await, rah-dekhna, 'arsa-khinchna, muntazir, rahna. Awake, jagta, bedar, wakif. jjag-uthna. To Awake, Awaken, (a.) jagana ; (n.) jagna, Award, hukm, fatwa, tajwiz, salisi, salis-nama, faisal- nama. [kana, badna. To Awaed, thahrSna, dilana, fatwi-d, hukm-d, chu- AwARE, ^abar-dar, hushiyar, sucheta, chetan or chaitanya, mutanabbih ; {to be aware) mut- tala'-h, wakif-h, agah-h, chetna. Away, ^air-hazir, gha.ib, gum, dur, juda, bahar, bichhra; {begone, q. v.) gum-ho, hisht, dur- dabak, chalo, utho, sarak, fark ho; (in comp.) dena, dalna ; {to give away) de-dalna ; {to throw away) d&l-dena; {let us away) chalen, rawana-howen ; {away with him) dm karo ; {to go aiuay) chala-jana ; (fo disappear) jata- rahna ; {to come away) chala-ana. Awe, dar, daba,o, ru'b, dabdaba, 'ibrat, haibat, hank, ghor, dhak, dhamak, zalzala ; {to stand in awe) dabna, daba,o-manna. To Awe, dabana, dhak-bandhna, dabkana. Awful, haibat-nak, haul-uak, dara,ona, bhaiyanak, ru'b-dar, 'ibrati. AwFULNEss, haibat-naki, haul-naki. [muddat. Awhile, thora, ek-dam, zarra, chand-roz, chand- Awkward, {person, &c.) anari, phuhar, kurh, anch- hila, murakh, jabadda, na-tarashida, na-marbiit, be-salika, bad-zeb, be-saj, bad-iiuma, bad-waz', be-daul. Awkwardly, be-dhab, be-daul, be-tarah. Awkwardness, na-tarashidagi, bad-numa,i, be-dauli, anar-pana. Awl, Butari, suja, su,a, niharni, ari, darafsh. Awning, shamiyana, nam-gira, sa,eban, chandwa. Awoke, (n.) jaga ; {awakened) jagaya-hu,a. Awry, tirchha, terha, benda, kaj, oreb, angash-bau- AxE, kubap, tabar, tanga, kulhar-a or -i. Axiom, badiha, azhar, pratachh. Axis, Axle, Axletree, dhuri, tir, irsi ; {of th; globe) mihwar, meru, kutb ; (ring) awao, majheru. Ay, hail, are-bale, achchha. Aye {always) hamesha, sada, nit. Azimuth, as-samat, digamsh. Azure, asmani, nil-gun, nila, kabud, lajawardi, lb- gun, abi, azrak ; {the azure sky) nll-gOn asman or nll-giin khargah. a ( 18 ) BkL B To Baa bhenbhiyana, mimiyana, bhen-bhen-k. Babble, yawago,!, bak-bak, kil o kal, rez. To Babble, ghunghan-k, huiihan-k, ajrbaf- &c. -k, bakna, barabarana, bar-marna. Babbler, ba,ojhak, fuzul-go, yawa-go, behuda-go, lutra, bharbhariya, phikauriya, phankra, bawesiya. Babe, bachcha, larka, shir-khora, baba (prof.afatker) , which, though used as a term of endearment by old people to young, does not mean, as the English suppose, a child ; bala, phoha, chenga, pisrak, bal- bachcha, baba-jan, which last is an expression of en- dearment used reciprocally by father and son ; bibi is between mother and daughter ; miyan is also ap- plicable to a babe. Baboon, langur, hanuman, maimun. Baby, {a doll, &c.) putla, (in the fem.) putli. Bacchanals, {of Hindustan) holi, phagwa. Bachelor, mujarrad, ko.ara, muflis, is sometimes, but improperly, used in this sense, being a corruption of, or mistake for, mukhlis ; an-byaha, barhamchari, na-kad-khuda. Bachelorship, mujarradi, tajrld, ko,&r-pana. I3ack, pith, pusht, pichha ; {rear) pichhwara ; {behind one's back) pith-pichhe, pas-ghibat ; {of a horse) madin ; {of a book, &c.) pushta; {of the head) gudi, tan, deh ; (-wipe) ulta- hath ; {clothpiece) pltli-mala, palat ; {to fall) pichhe-hatna or -dabna, pahlu-tihi-k ; (to turn) ike back on) pichhe-d ; {to leave) pichha- or plth-pherna. Back {again) pher, ghum, punar, baz. pichhe ; {to give back a thing) wapas- or pher-dena. To Back, {mount) charhna, pith-lagna, sawar-h ; {as a carriage) hatana ; {to support) pushti-k, pachh-k, takwiyat-d. To Backbite, chu|3l'i-^li^na, chughal-^ori-k, ghibat-k, ghammazi-k, chawa,o-k, nindiya-k, gila- k, plth-Iagana. Backbiter, chughal-khor. chawa,i, gj^ammSlz, pl)li- laga,,u, ghibati, ghibat-go, lutra. Back-bone, rirh. Back-door, chor-khirki, kolki, chor-darwaza. Backqamhon, takhta-nard. nard. Backside, chutar, nitambh, surln, kun. To Backslide, digna, bargashta bona. Backstairs, chor-sij-hi. Back-sword, talwar, sham&her, khanda. Backward, (adj. unwilling) ru-gardan, kashida, na- razl, sust, pichh-mana, paspa, pichhata ; {and forwards to go) tana baaa-k ; {to shoot an arrow, &c. backwards when retreating) baz-gashti tir- &c. -chalana. To BE Backward, rukna, ji-chor&na, munh-chhipana, khinch-r, batakna, hatna, baz-rahna, ^i^Il-k, plchhe- rahna, darguzar-k, ^usur-k. Backwardly, susti- &c. -se. Backwardness, deri, susti, dirangi, istadagi, dhil, bilamb, rukawat, taghaful, dare^, kusur, kotahi. Backwards, {from the wrong end, &c.) ulta, kalb. Bacon, su,ar ka kliarit gosht ; —— {to save one's) apni pagri thambna, apni topi langoti bachana. Bad, bad, bura, manda, na-kara, zabun, kharab. bigra, nasht, nikhid, bhonda, be-daul, be-dbab, asubh, na- sawab, bargashta ; (in comp.) ku or ku, or bad, as ku-karm, a wicked deed; {wicked, q.v.) mufsid, bad-batin, khonta, sharir, asharr ; —'{unfortunate) manhus, nahs, ku-sa'at ; {huryhil) mu?irr, fasid ; {sick, q.v.) bim&r. Badge, nishan, 'alamat, chinh, pahch&n, chapras, chhapa, nishani, sanad; {of Brahmans, &c.) jane,u, zunnar ; {oftlavtry) hal^a ; (bridal) kangna, sibra. Badly, be-tarab, be-danl, bad-dani, bigSf-kar. Badness, badi, bura,i, Uiarabi, bad-gati, khota,i, k^obih bigaf, nikhidta, bhonda,i. To Baffle, barbad-k, ra,eg§n-k, z&ya'-k, Tvarth-k, akarath-k, 'ajiz-k, roar-dena, ghabraua, manrum-k, hatkana, bairan-k, fareb-d. Baffled, la-'ilaj, haJran-paresban, vyartbi. Baffler, barbadi, santi. Baq, tbaili, kisa, kbisa, himiy&ni, kharita,ganjiyt; {of moneu) tora, Ladra, dhokra, khuthi, parcbbi ; {a bag of musk) nafa, mirg-nibh ; (a clothes bag) jamdani ; (« waterman's bag) mashk, pakhal ; {bullock bags) khurjin. kborzi; (a bag or case) gbilaf, gbarara. To Bag, jhol- or kunjlak-parna. Baggage, chiz-bast, asbab, saranjam, safar ka sam&a, asasa, kalkantfi, dera danda, saz-baz, urdu ; {sent on before) pesh khana ; {of an army) bungah, bahir, latbahar ; {slut, q.v. ) 'allama, kuttama ; {bag and baggage) 'amala-fi'la, gharbar, tamau o kamal, salog. Bagnio, bammam, sakaya, gbusl-kbana. Bagpipe, shah-na,l (resembles it in sound, bat not in appearance). Bail, zamini, zimma, kafalat, takafful ; {theper- son) zamin, kaf il, mutakafEl ; {pecuniary surety) mal zamin ; {security for a person's appear- ance) hazir-zamin; {for the conduct of any one) fi'1-zamin. To give or stand Bail, manauti-k, zamini- &c. -k, ;amin- &c. b ; {to admit to bail) zamini- &c -manna -kabul-k. Bailable, zamini-pazir. Bailiff, sazawal, dbauns, cbaprasi, mahassil, dastaki, sbahna, mir-daha, dandiya. Bait, cbara, dana, tu'ma (volg. tamba), abar; {snare) jal, shast. To Bait, cbara-lagana, dana- or cbara-dalna ; !a horse) ^ilana, dana-pani-d, ghas-dana-d ; beasts) toprana, katwana, larana, balkama;-^— ■ to rest) istirabat, bisram-k, sastana. Baize, {cloth so called) pattu. To Bake, pakana, pona, pera-banana, Baked, tanduri, pakaya bu,a. Baker, nan-ba,i, nan-paz, roti-wiila, tabb&kh. Bakehodsz, tandur-khana. Baking, nan-pazi, tabbakbi. Balance, mizan, tarazu, tula, bidb ; {receivable) ba^i; (^payable) feil; {equipoise) 'adl; fazil baki is probaoly a balance sheet; {owing a balance) baki-dar; {outstanding balance) pa,e-baki, zer- baki, wilayat-baki ; {small) narza, kanta ; {the tongue of a balance) jibbi ; {the scale) palla, palra ; {the beam) dandi ; {overplus) ba^ba, fazil, ziyadati ; (of an account) b^i, bakiya, tatimma. To Balance, {reai or figurative) tolna, wazn-k, an- daza-k; {scales) pasang-k, barabar-k, pura-k; {an account) wasil-baki-k. saf-k, bidh-milana, dyorha-k, 'adl-sambhalna, ham-wazn-k, dbara-b, sidba-k. Balancing {books, &c.) bidbmili, dyo^ha. Balcony, sbah-nasbin, nikasta, pesh-dalan, {v. gal~ lery) baramada (corruptedly barinda, whence, per- haps, the common word verandah), bala-khana. from which balcony is probably deriveJ. Bald, ganja, chandil, cbandla or chandra, kal, kbaiwati, rutha; {insipid, &c.) be-namak, na-zeba. Balderash, piich-padar, hawa o hawas. Baldness, ganj, chandla.i, khalwat, burka, lacb. Bale, gatbar, gatha, gahth, mot, ta^ta; {of cotton) gujh. BAL ( 19 ) BAI? To Bale, {to lave, q.v.) ulichna. Baleful, bad, bura, mufsid, muzirr, augun. Balk, banderi, yas, na-ummedi. To Balk, mahrum-k, mayus-k, na-ummed-k, niras-k. Ball, gola, goli, gol, kura. phend, pinda, gorha, gTi u- lela, girda ; [for play) go,i, genda, gola-bhcla, mengni, guthli; (cocoon) ko,a; (dance) gat, bairag, nach, raks, jhurmat, jhumar, ras ; (of thread, &c.) batta ; (of a tu ban) jura ; (hand ball) gend, a flower used to play with. Ballad, git, rag. Ballast, nilam, nllam, lilam, man, jang. To Ball.'Vst, nilam-d. Ballister, Ballustrade, pakhri, katahra, kangura. Ballot, kur'a ; (to ballot) kur'a-d. Balloon, kalsa, anar, fanus. [ran, badranjboya. Balm, (the balsam) balsan ; (the plant) bumada- Balmy, mitha, shirin, sukh. [gul-mihndi. Balsam, balsan, raughan i balsan, tila ; (double) Bamboo, bans, (work) thada; (splitter) bans-phor ; (sugar, manna, or camphor of) bans-lochan ; (case) chonga ; (clump of) bahs-bari ; (single clump) bans ki kothi. To Bamboozle, mughalata-d, bhulawa-d. Bamboozler, mughalata-baz. To Ban, kosna, shrap dena. Banana, kela, of which there are several kinds, as the champa-kela, martaban-kela, chini-kela, &c. Band, (troop) garoh, jatha, ghol, zumra ; (of music) ta,ifa, chauki, raushan-baja, pachbajna, nau- bat, dhaunsa, baja ; (crew, q.v.) gathri. Bandage, patti, band, bandhan, pan-kapra ; (a head band) kasaba. Banditti, liitere, kazzak, pindare (this last is parti- cularly applicable to those who attend the Marhata armies. Bandoleers, toshdan. [badal-k. To Bandt, idhar udhar phenkna, danwandol-k, radd- Bandt-leooed, bangur, phidda, kaj-pa. Bane, zahr, bis, bikh, mahur, samm, kharaba. Baneful, zahr-dar, sammi, zabun, halahal, muzirr. Bang, mar (the herb so called is properly bhang) . To Bang, kutna, pitna, mama, tambih-k, mar-k, kut-k. To Banish, shahr-badar-k, jala-watan-k, des-tyag-k, banwas-d, be-watan-k, tyagna, handana. Banished, kharij, mardud. [raj, banwas. Banishment, jala-watan, des-nikala, awaragi, istikh- Bank, (of a river, &c.) kinara, par, tir, taraf ; (a high bank) karara, arara ; (dike) pushta, bandh ; (of earth) toda, tila, tekra, diha, dhu,a, pal ; (loose) kachhar, char, gathana ; (bank for money) sarraf-khaua, khazana, kothi. To Bank, bandhna, pushta-bandi-k. Bank-bill, tip, hundi, bank-lot. Banker, sarraf, mahajan, seth, sahu-kar, sah, kothi- or hundi-wal, fota-dar (whence pau~dar, pot-dar,&c.) Banking, mahajan-toli, sarrafa, mahajani, sahu- kari, &c. Bankrupt, shikasta, na-dar, dewaliya ; (to be) tat-ulatna, tat-pet-ulatna. Bankruptcy, dewala, iflas, na-dari. Banner, Bannerol, 'alam, nishan, jhanda, ba,ota. Bannian, this wo.rd is not used by the natives ; their under garments, like it, are called anga, pairahan, &c. Baniya is the name of a tribe who are all mer- chants and traders of one kind or another ; whence «uch an one's bannian or broker. • Bannock, pasti, chapati, gadri, girda, phulka. Banquet, majlis, bazm, anjuman, jashn, ziyifat, da'wat, mihmani, utsau, nyota, jewanhar. Banqueting-house, 'aish-mahal, 'ishrat-ttana, mai- khana, utsau-bhawan. To Banter, maslchara-banana, banana, taiyar-k. thatha-k, mazakh-k, tasakhkhur-k, zarafat-k, rlsh- khandi-k, hansi-k, cherna. Banterer, thathe-baz, thathol, zarif, khush-taba'. Bantling, ghenta, bachcha. To Baptize, nam-r, nam-karan-k. Bar, shah-tir, lakkar, latha, arbanga, danda, bara, mend, dand, sikh, sikh-cha, darband, kaid, bandhej, pushti-ban, bata, zamin ; (of a court, &c.) kathghara, chabutra ; (of a harbour) char ; (obstacle, q.v.) ar, rok, sadd i rah ; (of gold., &c.) sala^, int, pattar, chakki, kami. To Ear, belna-lagana ; (to hinder, q.v.) sadd-k, barajna, ta'arruz-k, nikalna. Barb, ankri, khar. kanta, pakhar, tazi, dant. Barbarian, ganwar, dihkani, ban-manus, dabang, bhil, murakli, haiwan, zalim, bhandesar, jathar, arbarangi. Barbarism, Barbarousness, jihalat, jihl, na-tarashi- dagi, murakh-pana, 'ujma. Barbarity, arbarang, jahili, wahshiyat. Barbarous, jahil, na-tarashida, dabang, kund, gaii* •waru, wahshi, berahm, angarh, banela, anchila, karakht. Barbarously, na-tarashidagi-se, be-rahmi-se, be- dare^I- &c. -se. Barbed, ankri-dar, khar-dar, jaushan-dar. Barber, hajjam (properly a cupper or scarifier), na,i, usta (from ustad), nawwa, napit ; (for horses, &c.) babar ; (barber's manual) kisbat-nama. Barberries, zirishk ; (the tree) yarishk ka darakht. Barbiton, barbat. [dani, kab, kabi, or kavi. Bard, bhat, maddah, karkait, mirasi, bardait, mai- Bare, (naked, q.v.) nanga ; (plain, q.v.) sada ; (mere, q.v.) ]^aU ; (as ground) patpar, kaff i dast, mundla, be barg o bar, be bal o par ; (not saddled) charjama. To Bare, kholna, nanga-k, ugharna. Barefaced, be-haiya, nilajja, be-imtiyaz. Barefacedly, (impudently) be-sharmi-se,be-ghairati-« se; (openly) din-diya. Barefacedness, be-sharmi, be-imtiyazi, gustakhl. Barefooted, nange-pairon or nange-panw, barah- na-pa. Bareheaded, nange-sir, sir-khule, mund-phikare. Barely, sirf, fakat, kebal. Bareness, barahnagi, 'uriyani. Bargain, shart, Wiarid-faro^t, kaul, kaul-ik:r&r or kaul-karar, ikrar, 'ahd o paiman ; (the thing bought) sauda ; (to make the best of a bad bar- gain) gale pare ka nibahna. To Bargain, shart- &c. -b or -badna, ^arld-faro^t-k, becha-bechi-k, khonchi-k. Barge, bajra, lachka, mor-pankhi, ghuy-dauy. Bark, (of a tree) post, chhal, bakla, chhilka, bhojpat- tar (much used for hukka snakes) ; (ship) jahaz, safina. To Bark, bhaunkna, bhunsna-k, haun-haun-k, jhauA- jhaun-k, *au-'au-k ; (trees) chhilna. Barker, bhonkaha, ghaugha kame-wala. Barley, jau, jawa ; (water) ash jau ; (land) jau-nar ; (sugar) faniz, paniz ; (corn tJu size of) jau-bhar ; (green barley) ^ud. Barm, ^amir, tari. C2 BAB ( 20 ) BEA Babm, Biirman, ambar. khalihan, bliandir, kham&r, khara,!, bhusaila or bhusera, ko^hS. Babnaole, poka, syala poka, kiya, lona ; (for a horse) piizi. Babkace, alang, chhauni, sipahi-^ana. Babbel, pipa, tung ; {of a gun) nal, nali ; {of a drum) khol, khokhra. Babbel-bei-lied, tondaila, petahal. Babben, {ground) usar, shor, bhuy (i.e. aandy), rehar, lon^; {plain) shora-zar ; {as a cow, &c.) eandhar ; — — {as a woman, tree, &c.) banjh, ban- jhoti, bahel, 'akima, bandhiya, nishphala; {scanty) tang. Babbenness, banjh-panS, tangi, nishphalata. Babbicade, sadd, ay, kucha-bandi, naka-bandi, garh- bandl. To Babbicade, kucha-bandi- &c. -k, arna, bheyna. Babeieb, (t. bar) ear-hadd, siwana, danda, mend, sima. Babeow, {hand barrow), hoth-jhola ; {wheel) hath-garl. Baeteb, baipar, tijarat, adla-badla, badla,i, *iwaz- mu'awaza, mubadala, hera-pheri, era-pheri, er-pher, len-den. To Baeteb, adla-badla- &c. -k. Base, (adj.) paji, rizala, pilid, bhrasht, nich, mubtazal. dun, be-ghairat, be-haiya, bad-nasl, gbat, manda, adham, arzal, apaj, harami, antej, asfal, kara asl, kam zat, bad-zat, bjid-asl ; {as coin) na-surra, me^i, rakebi. Base, Basis, nyo nev, or niv, bina, asis, bekh, bun, bunyad, muUjar; {pedestal) kursi ; {of a triangle) watar ; {post) painta ; {tJie game) kundal-shikar, bagh-bakri. Base-bobn, haram-zada, baran-sankar. Basely, n5mardi-se, be-ghairati- &c. -se. Baseness, kamin-pan, rizal-pan, pajl-pan&, dana,at, be-ghairati, be-baya,i, bad-zati, shakawat, adliama- ta, nlch-pan. Bashaw, basha ( also pasha). Bashful, sharmila, sharm-nak, mahjub, sahib-hayi, lajjila, sharm-gin, laj-want, lajja-sbil, saukochi, na- sar-chor, munh-chippa, niajlis-chora, wahshi-mizaj. Babhftilness, sbarm, sharm-ginl, sankoch . Basil (a plant) naz-bo, kali tulsi, raihan, baba,i, balangu. Basilica, {the artery so called) basalik. Basilisk, afa'i, balishtiya, ajgar. Basis, (v. base) bina, mul, jar, &c. To Base, ghamana, tapna, dhup khang. Basket, tokra, tokri, daliya, pitara, pitari, khancha, jhauwa, dala, daura, mauna, dhama, jhapa, chluta, charang, karka ; — — {slung) chhika, sikhar, bahangi (vnlg. bangi) is properly the slings and furniture only without the baskets ; {for bread, &c.) changer. Bason, basan, bartan, zarf, piyala, lagan, tas, tasht ; — {a wash-hand bason) chilamchi; {a bason^ pond, q.T.) hauz, talab, jalashay. Bas-relief, Abbra, baramada. Bass, {in music) khad, kharj, bam. Bastard, harSm-zada, harami, waladu-z-zin&, m^dar- ba-khata, baran-sankar, ^arami-pill& ; {brat, q.v.) dliendha. Babtabd-saffbon, kusum, ma'asfar. To Baste, {to drub) pitna, lat-mardan-k ; {meat, &c.) chuparni, puchara-d ; {to stitch) db&g&-d, bhonkiyana. Bastinadb, mar-kut, k(\(-pl};, ;^arb-shaU&\p. To Babtimadk, lakriyan- or bans-mama, kafpa.i- mimi. Bastinado, kfltak- or lathi-bazi. Bastion, burj, gayh, gummat or gum^. Bat, chamgidar, shab-par, shab-parak, badur, dandft. Batch, ghan ; {this bread is all of the same batch) yih roti sab ekhi ghan ki hai To Bate, ghatana, kam-k, alp-karna, cbfaorna. Bat-fowlinq, lukari-shikar ; applicable to fishing also. Bath, {hot) hammam, garm- aba ; {cold) ghusl- khana, sard-aba, sakawa, shit-ashnani ; {keeper) hammami. To Bathe, hammam-k, ghusl-k, nahana or anh^na asbnan-k, nablana, dbona, angohal-k. Bating, chhor, siwa,e. Baton, *asa, chob (whence chob-dar), la);hi, belchai mutahra, bhang-ghotna, danda. Battalia, saf-ara,i, saf-ba-saf or saf-zada. Battalion, paltan, petalam, a corruption of the En- glish word, the natives having no other to express it by, unless ulush may be translated as such. To Batten, farbih-k, farbih-h, mota taza-h. To Batter, dhana, girana, baithalna, tof-deni, chhalni-k, jhanjhri-k. Battered, {worn out) halwa; {cu a soldier) chhalni, khidmat-rasida. Battery, morcha, damdama, marpit, dang§ ; (in law) dast-darazi ; {to raise a battery) morcha-b or -lagana. Battle, lara,i, jndh, ran, ghamsan, jang, sangram, jang jadal, parkhash, karzar, paikar, 'arbada, muhariba, mubariza, razm, niza', mar, bharat ; {the field of battle) khet, maidan; {a pitched battle) saf i jang. To Battle, larna ; {to give battle) mukabala-k, lara,i-k ; {to join in battle) bhirna. Battle-abray, saf-ara,i, saf ba saf, para-basta; {to form in battle-atray) para-bandhna, saf-zada-h. Battle-axe, tabar, pharsa, tabarzin, gandasa. Battlement, fasil (vulg. safil), tirbandi, munder shahr-panah, kangura, sari diwar, sina-panah. Bauble, na-chiz, hech, khilauna. Bawd, {pimp) bharwa, kutna or kuttan, kurumsa^ mahal-dar, na,ek ; {procuress) kutni, dallala, malial-darni (vulg. mahaldani), Da,eka. Bawdy, Bawdry, puch, phaklcar, mughalaza, fuhsh, be-sharmi, nilajja, la-zaban, bad-sukhan. ku-bachan; (adj.) be-sharm, fahish or fahisha. Bawdy-house, kasbika-ghar, kharabat-khana, baitu- 1-lataf, chakla, loli or tawa,if-khana, chhinal-khana: kasbi-pura, means the quarter or street allowed to prostitutes. - To Bawl, hauk-marna, pukama, chillana, gunjna, bol-uthna, bang-d, fariyad-k, alghiyas-k, terna, goberna, phikurua. Bay, {colour) kumait ; {chestntU bay) lakhi ; {light bay) surang ; {dark bay) teliya; {pay of the sea) kol (v. creek) ; {bay salt) panga Ion, kachcha namak; {tree) taj or twacn. To Bay, {to bark, q.v.) bhaunkna, &c. To BE at Bay, bipharna, rupna, rukna, 4&tna ; {to keep at bay) b^z-rakhna. Bayonet, sangin, sanin. Bdellium, gugal, mukl. To Be, bona, jana (the latter is the auxiliary of the passive voice), banna, chalna; (in comp ) a, ho, marna, whence to be-fal, a-parna. a-jana, ho- guzamS; {so be it) so,i ho; {let 6e) jane-de Beach, kinara, par, lab i dariya, tir. Beacon, uishSn, 'alauia, pata, akas-diya, maht&lMk, na^ab, chinh-sthan, BEA ( 21 ) BED Bead, dana, manka, guriya, gota, pot ; {a string o/lOO beads) tashib., sabha; (of 108) mala; (any mmberfrom 1 1 to 28) Bumran ; {the chief in a rosary) imam. Beak, nok, chonch, minkar, thor ; {of a vessel) munh, aga. Beam, shahtir, kari, latha, lakkar, chob, kolhu.a, chaupat, barga, siii, dharan, balendi ; [weaver's) tur ; [of a plough) haras ; {of a sugar mill) dhenka ; (o/ a balance) dandi ; {of the sun) kirn, partau, shu'a*; {of a chariot) }^, a,. To Beam, partau-dena or kirn-dena. Beamy, munawwar, nurani, raushan, ujSLgar. Bean, lobiya, bakla, bora, loba ; {the flat bean) sem; {the small slender bean) wah-wah ki phali. To Bear, {to carry, q.v.) le-chalna ; {to keep, q.v.) rakhna ; {to prop, q.v.) pushti-d ; {to en- dure) bardasht-k, burd-bari-k, sabr-k, tahammul-k, sahna, angezna, tab-lana, masosna, bhogna, pi-lena or -jana ; {to take) lena ; {to allow) manna , - {to defray) kifayat-k, wafa-k, nibahna, lahna ; -: {to tend) phirna, lagna, girna ; Uo be situated) ru^-h, munh-h ; {to bear fruit) phalna, phal-lana or -dena ; (to bear a child) Janna, byana; {to bear witness) shahadat-d, gawahi-d, sakhi-d ; (to bear off) chhin-lena ; {to bear upon) zor-parna; {Ckinsura hears, north of Calcutta) Chichra, Kalkatte se uttar rukh hai. Most of these words hare such a latitude, that they can neither be easily explained, nor re- stricted to particular acceptations of the verb to bear. BcAR, richh, bhal, bhalu, ^irs ; {the greater bear) dubbi akbar, saptrikh ; {the lesser bear) dubbi asghar. Beard, dafbi, rish, muhasin, khatt. sabza, chimbuk ; {part of) rish-bacha ; {pointed) tukka- rish ; {of com, &c.) sinkur ; — {to shave the beard) khatt- or darhi-banana, islah-k, hajamat-k, (but generally applied by the natives to shaving the head). The expression darhi-mundana, among the ^fusalmans, conveys the idea of disgracing a person, and therefore is seldom used by them. To Beard, darhi-nochna, darhna. Bearded, darhiyala, risha,il, rish-dar, chimbuki; {having a thin beard) kosa. Beardless, be-risha, amrad, gabhru, lunda-munda, khosa. Bearer, {of a letter, &c.) tamil, daranda ; {porter) hammal, mutiya, kuli ; {chairman) kahar, mahra, bho,i, dhimar, gor; (in comp.) bar, kash, dar or bardar, as nama-bar, the bearer of a letter) nishan-bardar, a standard bearer ; {pro- ductive) bar-dar, mewa-dar, phalanta. The En- glish word for a palki-bearer, or house servant, is corrupted by the vulgar into baihra, which signifies deaf. ■ Bear's-play, khar-masti. khirs-bazi. BKVRiNOi^ruHi, sut, taraf, simt, (v. direction). I'east, halwan, pasu, charanda, dawab, mirg ; — — (of prey) poarkha.u, daranda, shikari, wahsh ; {of chase) shikar, said ; {of burden) bar-bardar, ladu. eastlikess, haiwaniyat, ^ilazat, naj&sat, gandagi. Beastly, haiwan -khasl at, bah&,im-Birat» charpuz, ganda, nirghin, haiwan-sa. Beasts, baha,im, wuhush, maw&shL Teat, mar, war, chot ; {of a drum) iwiz. To Beat, (v. a.) pitna, kutna, marna (properly to kill, from its neuter, mama, to die), thathana, thurna, pa- tilna, kuchalna, hurna, dham-dhamana, zad o kolj-k ; — — (tnagitatc) mahna; {a ilnim) bajana {bushes. &c) jharna ; {to batter) gira-d ; {eggs, Ac.) phentna, lat-k ; {as rain) jhikorna, bauchhiijr- marna; {to conquer) shikast-d, parajai-d, mir hatana, jitna, fatah- or zafar- or jai-pana ; {to beat back) hata-d, daba-d ; (to beat down the price of goods) dabana ; (to beat up or attack) daur- or charhni- or takht-karna ; (to beat the hoof) pair-ghasitna ; (to beat about the bush\ ghol ghuma,o-k ; (to beat, v. n. as the jjwZxe) chalna, harakat-k, uchhalna; {as a watch) bolua ; {at chess) mat-k ; {at cards) khilal-d ; (to beat down) pa,emal-k, masalna, runga,i-k, rungna; (to overcome) bas-k, ha- ranii, zer-k ; (to hit) lagna ; (to throb) tis-marna, tapakna ; (to verberate) parna ; (to sound) bajna ; (to beat to arms) nakkara-k ; (to beat against the wind) hawa-bandhkar-jana. Beaten, mara, zada, maghlub ; {as a road) rah- rast, sidhi-rah, chalta, ughra, uamud. Beater, musal, samath, pitaur, thapi, pharwi ; {person) hath-chhut, muiihmar ; (in comp ) mar, zan, whence mard-mar, a man-beater or virago, q.v. Beating, mar-kiit, kut-pit, dhaul-chakkar, kobft- kari, tambih, maha,i, matha,i. Beau, banka, ghunda, akar-fun, labkha. ainthe- khan, waz'-dar, chikniya, bisuni. Beauish, akar-baz, albela, chhabila, rangila. Beautiful, Beauteous, khub-surat, hasin, wajih, su-rup, sundar (whence the sundar-ban, i.e. the beautiful forest or wilderness) khush-ru, jamil, sabih, namkin, rup-want, sahib-jamal, bisal, shakil, khush- daul, pakiza, tuhfa, nafis, saf, ra'na, sajlla, zeb- awar, su-daul. Beautifully, klmb-surti- &c. -se. To Beautify, sanwarna, banana, sudharna, singar-k, zinat-k, jila-k, murattab-k, arasta-k, zeb-d. Beauties, khuban, khubiyan, tamasha-khuda,i. Beauty, Beautifulness, khub-surti, khush-ru,!. khush-dauli, nazakat, Hiush-numa,i, pakizagi, tuhfagi, jamal, sabahat, safa,i, malahat, nafasat, latafat, choj, khfibi, suthra,i, 'alam, bahar, namak, Bundrata, saundarya, rupavatta, sundra,i ; {a lovely person) khub-surat, pari-zad, pari-paikar ; {spot) Wial, til, gul-guna, bindki. Beaver, ud-bila,o, sanjab, sagi ab. To Becalm, baithalna, dabana, faro-k, rafa'-k, taskin-d, tham-dena, bandhna, marna, khara-k, hawa-band-k. Because, is-waste, is-liye, lihaza, kyunki, kyunkar, zira ki, kis-waste (the last means also why, as the words are often used indiscriminately) [marn&. To Beckon, ishara-k, ima-k, sain-k, batlana, ankh- To Become, ho-jana, ho-ana (though this last exactly corresponds with be-come, it is seldom used as such), bona, jana ; [what is become of your king f) kyn hu,a tumhara padshah ? [what will becoms qf me ?) ham kalian ja,enge ? To Become, (to befit) sohna, sajna, khulna, achchhi- lagna, zeb-d, munasib- &c. -h, banna, ban-bai^hn&, birajna. Becoming, khush-numa, sajila, muzaiyab, zeb-Swar, la,ik, sazawar, lazim, yogya, uchit, zebinda,sh5yista. Bed, bichhauna, farsh, bistar, bistari,, bisat, sej,manjai {of straw) sathra ; {of a garden) kiyari, chaman, takhta, sel, bighi ; {of a river) jagah, than, thai, majra, pet, chhor ; {stays) sej band ; {stratum) tah, tabak, parat ; (to bring tj bed) janana; (to make the bed) bichhanna-bicb- hana. To Bed, ham-bistar-k, baithalni. [^ilwat-sar5,e. Bed-chamber, ^wab-gah, sone kJ kotihri, ar^m-gah, Bedding, Bed-clothes, bichh&wan, orhna, bala- posh ; {a child's) phaliya. [&ra,i8h-d. To Bedeck, sajna, sajana, singiir-k, bana,o-k BED ( 22 ) BEL To Bedkw, bhigona, namtar-k, bhar-lana, tar-batar-k, namnak-k, serab-k ; {bedewed with tears) chashm- tar, ab-dida. BED-rBLLOW, ham-bistar, ham-khwaba, ham-palang. Bed-maker, farrash, sej-k^ri. Bed-po8t, chhapar-khat ka danda Bed-presser, mache-tof, khathaunglii. To Bedrench, bhigo-raarna. ['agg'i- Bedrid, rahib-bistar or -farash, khat-dhaswa, kliat- To Bedrop, chhinta-marna. Bedstead, palang, charpa,i, khat ; {a camp-bed) chhapar-khat; (small) khatola, khatiya, pa- langiri; [the timbers of a bed) bazi, pati, serwa; ^^ {the foot stones) panpaya, parpaya. Bed-time, aram ke wakt, sone ke wakt. To Beddst, dhuliya-marna. Bee, muamakhi, shahd ki makhl, bhaunra, bhanwar, madhukar, madhmachhi, all, luttl, zambur, nahl, bhring, khat-pad. Beef, ga,o-gosht, ga,e ka gosht, gau-mans. Beef-tea, ml,,u-l-lahm. Bee-hive, chhata, ghariya, chhatt&. Been, hu,a, gaya (v. Grammar) . [boza-farosh. Beer, boza^ {house) boze-khana ; {seller) Beet, chukandar, sullak, kumri. Beetle, gubraunda, gubrila, bhund ; {-browed) bhundu-munha, aundhl-peshani. Beetle, Betel, or Betel-nut, kasaili, gu,&, pusgi phal, fufal, chikni, desi, jahazi, &c. ; {plant) nagbel ; {leaf) barg i tambol ; {roots) kulinjan; {bit of) phal; {prepared) bira, khili, gilauri, pan, dauna; {leaves, bunch yf) dholi ; {seller of) tamboli, bara,i , paita ; {cracker) sarota; {box) pan-dan, pan-batta, bilihra ; {for the lime) chune-dani, chunauti ; the varieties of beetle-leaf are sanchi, bangala, bitihri. Beeves, goru, mawashi, ga,o-bhainseh. To Befal, parna, bitna, ana, pahunchna, nazil-h, 'ariz-h, waki'-h, a-jana. To Befit, phabna, chhajna, munasib-h.. To Befool, khabti- &c. -banana, balikana. Before, age, samne, peshtar, peshpesh, par, kabl, pesh, ma-kabl, awwal, tak, ke, jo, darpesh, men; {rather) paihle ; {hand) paihle-se ; {in presence of) ru-ba-ru, bil-mushafaha, bil-muwajaha, huzur ; {before him) us ke huzur ; {how many days had elapsed from that date before he re- turned the horse to you ?) kete roz guzre the us tarikh se ki usne yih ghora tumhare yahah pherwa diya ? Before-hand, awwalan, paihle paihlar, age-se, pesh- dast, peshtar ; {to be) aga-h. To Befriend, dast-giri-k, murabbi-gari-k, mihr- banl-k, dost-dari-k, dosti-k, pushti-k, kirpa-k, ghaur-pardakJit-k, suluk-k. To Beo, bhlkh-k, bhichha-mangna, sawal-k, gada,i- or benawa,i- &c. -k ; {humbly) niyaz-k ; {to ask, q.v.) talab-k, mangna, arzu-k, zaban-d, awaz-d,chahna. To Beoet, paida-k, janana, nikalna, utpat-k, upjana, Janmana, tawallud-k, muwallad-k. Beoetter, janma,u, janak. Beqoar, fakir, bhikhari, bhikh-mang&, bhichhuk, mangta, Ra,il, kalandar, gada, darweza-gar, be-nava. jholl-wala, malang, khairati or khairat-khor. To Beooar, faklr-k, iflas men girana,. [kangal. BsoaABLT, muflis, kallasb, maQCik, kl^war, dalidri, BiaoAaT. iflis, muflisl, faklri, gada-gari, be-nawa,i, lullat, Ui^&ri, bipta, kang&l-pana. To Begin, (a.) shuru'- &c. -k, nandhn^, sarwa-k, nikalna, Ijdd-k, lagana, chherna, machana, kadam- marna; (n.) niachna, charhna, shuru'-h, sarzad-h, nandhna, uthna, nikalna, lagna; respecting this last, V. Grammar p. 131, c; {alas! this blossom while blooming began to decay) ah ! yih ghuncha to kuchh khilte-bi kumhlane lag&. Beginner, banl, mujid; (a tyro) nau-amoz, nau-sikh, mubtadl. Beoinnino, shuru', ibtida, aghaz, charha,o, sar. muiih, pahal, utpat, lagna,i, bidayat; {of a poem) matla', mukhband; {of a book) fitiha; {of a month) ghurra, parba ; {of a vieb, &c.) upar-ka sira, mukh-pat; {from beginning to end, sar a sar, sar a pa, sir se panw-lag or -tak. To Begird, kamar-bandhna. [chale ja,o. Begone, dur-ho, gum-ho, jata-rah, nikal-ja, sidharo, Begotten, (in comp.) zada, jana, jatak. To Beguile, bahkana, ghumana, thagna, thaga,l-k, fareb-d, dagha-d, butta-d, jul-d, cuhal-d, oam-d, warghalana, ankhon men ^ak dalna; {time. pain, &c.) baihlana, bhulana. Beguiler, bahka,u, farebi. Behalf, wasta,khatir, liye, karan, hakk men, janib, taraf ; (/ will speak in his behalf to Mr such a one) uske hakk men ham falane sahib se kahenge. To Behave, nibahna, niberna, hakk ada-k, chalna, suluk-k ; {he behaves himself very well) wnh apni khub nibahta hai ; {to behave well, as sol- diers, &c.) taraddud-k. Behaviour, waz', taur, raviya, chal-dhal, chalan, lachhan, r^h-rawish, tarlk, a,ln, suluk, bolchal, nishast-barkhast . To Behead, sir-katna, mund-katna, gardan-marn&. Behind, pichhe, ba'd, 'akab men, muta,akhir, pa«, pichhware, ma-ba'd, pas-ghaibat, gha,ibana ; {inferior) kamtar, ghat; {remaining) raha, pas- manda. Behindhand, pichhant, pichh-mana, pichha, paspa, der se, bakaya se. [ari. Behold, yih-dekh, dekho, aiwah, lljiye, wah, lo, are, To Behold, dekhna, bilokna, takna, takna, niharna, ankh bhar-dekhna, nigah-k, nazar-k, lihaz-k, mu- shahada-k. Beholden, mamnun, ihsan-mand, kanaunda. Beholder, dekhne-wala, dekhwaiya. Behoof, fa,ida, naf , hasil, laha. To Behove, zarur-h, farz-h, la,ik-h, munasib-h, ■wajib-h, lazim-h, la-budd-h, darkar-h, jog-h, cha- hita-h, chahna, lahna; {it behoveth you yourstif to go) turn 111 ko jana chahita hai or jaya-chahiye. Being, (particip.) hota, jata, hokar ; (person) jan, jana. Being, hastl, ■wajud, asti, asthit; Utate) ahwal, awastha; {creature, q.v.) mutanaffis, jan-dar. Be it so, wuhi sahlh, wuhi ho, aisa hi ho. To Belabour, pltna, kutna, thonkna, ghunsa-mami. To Belay, bandh-d, mama, rah rokna. Belch, dakar, arogh. To Belch, dakarna, dhakarna, dhakar-lena. Beldam, dayan, rachhasl, daknl, dag, rojhin. Belfry, jaras-khana, ghanta-ghar. To Belie, jhuthana, jhuthalna, juthlana, jhutha-k; {to calumniate) tuhmat-bandhna, ittiham-k, iftira-k, buhtan-lana or -lagana, lim-lagana or -k ; {his face belies his heart) wuh indrayan ka phal hai ; {his deeds belie his words) uske kahne aur karne men oarl tafawat hai. Belief, bawar, i'tibar, parman, tahkik; {religion, q.v.) tarik, mat, panth, iman, akida; {estitita- tion, q.v.) atkal. To Believe, manna, bawar- &c. -k or r, iman-l&n&; {to suppose) janna, patiyana, sach-kar-jinna, i'tik&d- Ac. -lana. Believer, mu'takid, manne-'wala, matl, alili kitab ; {iri religion) iman-dar, rasilsh, mumin (whidi BEL ( 23 ) BES the Shias daim to themselves; in some provinces it ■ is applied to weavers) ; {a belieoer in Muham- mad) miisalman, ahli islam. Bell, ghanta, ghant, ghari, jaras, zang, tali, ghanti ; {traall) zangula, ghunghru, chaurasi ; [of a flower) piyala, katori ; [for the feet) pain- jani ; [to bear the bell) go,i- or bazi-lejana, sir sihra-h. Belle, banki, albeli, naznin, chhaili, rangili. Belles-lettres, 'ilm-o-hunar, 'ilm-o-fazl, fazl-o- balaghat. Bell-focndee, jaras-saz. Belligekent, jang-awar, jangi, laranka. Bellman, ghariyali; ghanta-pande, sa'at-nawaz. Bell-metal, kansa, bhart, azhdhat, ro,in, phul. To Bellow, dahakna, bambana, bhenbhiyana, dakarna, ghar gh arana. sunana, garajna, bhukarna, jhankarna. Bellows, dhaunkni, khal, dama, bhati, minfakh. Bellwether, bago, agwa. Belly, pet, shikam, dozakh, (prop, hell, but is often used by the vulgar for the belly) pet-bharna (lit. to fill the belly, signifies to satisfy the demands of a ser- vant, &c.), dfidh, batn, jhojh, tond; {swell) ubhar. To Belly, jhol-parna, nikal-ana, phul-ana,ubhar-ana. Bellyache, mafora, pechish, dard i shikam. Bellyful, pet-bhar, bharnet, ji-bhar, shikam-ser. Bellygod, shikam-banda, shikam-parast. To Belong, lagna, 'alaka-dar-h, pahunchna, hon^ (with the possessives mera, my, &c.) muta'allik-h, milk-h, shamil-h, dakhil-h. 'alaka-r, ta'alluk-r, laga,o-r ; [this business belongs to me) yih kam mujh se muta'allik hai ; {(loes that ground belong to you ?) woh zamin tum se ta'alluk, rakhti hai ? {yes, it belongs to me ; is mine) han meri hai ; {it does not belong to you to treat with him) us se jawab-sawal karna turn ko nahin pahunchta; {the father's property, in the eye of the law, be- longs to the son) bap kl milkiyat shari'at ke ru se bete ko pahunchti hai. Beloved, piyara (fern, piyari), mahbub (fem. mah- buba), ma'shuk (fem. ma'shiika), chahita (fem chahiti(, *aziz, dil-dar or -aram or khwah ; {0 my beloved'.) ai meri jani. Below, niche, tale, zer, kamtar, adhastha. Belswagger, sand, bok, kanhaya. Belt, band; {of a sword) partala, dab; {of leather) badhi, tasma, dawal, dawali; {of a saddle) tang farakhi ; {of a shield) 'ali-band, pati, hama,il. langar, kamar-dawal, peti, patka. To Bemire, Bedraggle, Bedabble, Bedaub, Be- dash, Befoul, bhar-raarna or dalna, for which, and all such words, see their primitives. To Bemoan, afsos-k, ta'assuf-k, gham-k, ah-marna, wa-waila-k, sans-bharna, nala-k. Bench, chauki, kursi, sandali, uisheman, patta, takhta suffa; {of Justice) mahkama, 'adalat, kachahri. To Bench, ta^ta-bandi-k. Bend, Bending, ^am, terha,i, pech, bal. To Bend, (a.) terha-k, kham-k, kaj-k, lachlachana, nihurana, damana, morna, bhau,ana, phirana, bal- khilana; {a bow) charhana; {a net) siyarna ; {one's way, &c.) rah-lena. mutawaj- jih-h, kasd-k; {to apply) lagana; (n.) nihurna, lachna, damna, terha- &c. -h, murna, khamna. bhauna phirna, bal-khana, lagna, jana; {to bend the knee) zanu-marna. Beneath, nich ; {unbecoming, &c.) niche, kam, ghat, bad-zeb, na-munasib, na-la,ik, kamtar ; {to be beneath in station, value, ^c„ or the dignity of a per$on) utarta-h. Bsnkdiotion, du'%, asis or &s!s, ashlrbad. Benefaction, ni'mat, in'am, bakshish ^airatv ihsan; {public) niyaz, wakf, sankalp. Benefactor, karim, mukhaiyar. data, dayawant, upkari, muhsin, mun'im, wali-ni'mat, sankalpi Benefice, krishnar-pan, bishuar-pan, tahti-masjid, sahnak, nazar-imam. Beneficence, khiibi. khair, dad-dihish, bakhshish, faiz, faizan, faiyazi, ni'mat, neko-kari or nek-kari, upkar. Beneficent, faiyaz, dayal, jawwad, neko-kar or nek- kar, mihrban, kirpa-want. [bhala, achchha. Beneficial, mufid, khub, sudmand, muslih, gun-kari, Beneficialness, fa,ida-mandi. Benefit, ihsan, minnat, ni'mat, bakhshish, daya, kirpa, altaf, mihrbani; {profit, q.v.) mahsul, husul, fil,ida, kama,i, kifaya-t, ifada, wara. To Benefit, fa,ida- &c. -k, paida- &c. -h. Benefited, mustafid, fa,ida-mand. Benevolence, khair-khwahi. khubi, khair-andeshi, nek-andeshi, nek-khwahi, niko,i, khairi. murawwat, shaikat, ahliyat, lutf, sil, iltifiit. Benevolent khair-khwah, nek-khwah. khair-andesh, mihrban, khub. sahib-murawwat, mulmaiyar, shafik, sil-want, bhala. salimu-t-tab'. To Benight, rat-a-parna, rat-ho-jana. Benighted, shad-rasida. Benign, mulayim, shafik, Mialik, mihrban, kanm, musakkin, salim, halim, bhala-manus. Benignity, bhala,i, bhal-mansa,i, khubi. ahliyat, khulk, mulayimat. Bent, {crooked, q.v.) banka, lachka, jhuka, kaman, bal- dar, mauni ; {resolute) musta'idd, khara. Bent, {inclination, q v.) ruju', khinch, kashish, jhuka- wat; {determination) kasd, ichha. To Benumb, thithurana, sun-k, afsurda-k, lakfl-k, be-hiss-k, Wiushk-k. Benzoin, loban. To Bequeath, de-mama, de-jana, hiba-k, bakhsh-d. wasiyat-k; {for a public purpose) niyaz-k, nazr-k, sankalp-k. Bequest, hiba, wakf, sankalp. To Bereate, le-lena, lena, chhin-Iena, ba-zor-IenS. Bereft, khali. bin or hina. Berry, dana, phal, ber, bair ; {the tree) beri. Beryl, firoza, zabarjad To Beseech, girgirilna, ghighiyana, haha-khana, bin- ti-k, minnati-k, 'ajizi-k, ilhah-k, lajajat-k. sama- jat-k; {to ask) darkhwast-k. khwa-hish-k, guza-rish-k, iltimas-k, 'arz-k, istid'a-k, chahna. To Beseem, sahna, zeb-d, munasib-h, la,ik-h. To Beset, gherna, chhenkna, muhasara-k, dharna-d or baithna, dikk-k. To Beshrew, kosna, bad du'a-d. Beside; Besides, {near) pas, nere, nazdik, karib; {except) baghair, ghair az, chhor, juz ; {over and above) 'alawa, siwa, masiwa, uprant, upar- iske, age, mawara, sath-iske, tispar, ghair-zalik. mimba'd, ba'd, az an ; {beside himself) ap men- nahin, be-Wiud, hawass-bakhta. To Besiege, gher-lena, chhenkna, muhasara-k, ihata-k, gird-k, hisar-k, berhna, kal'a-gir-, kal'a- band-k, mahsur-r. Besieger, muhasir, gheranhar, chhenkwaiya. To Besmear, Besprinkle, Bespatter, tila-k, aluda-k, chuparna, saundhna, jabadna, bhar-marna, dubo-d. Besom, jharu, barhni, buhari, jarob, buharu, sohni. To Besot, madhush-k,beWiud-k,be-hosh-k, sarshar-k. To Bespangle, afshan-k, afshan-chunna. [dalD&. To Bespatter, bhar-d, aluda-k, kalanki-k, chit« BES ( « ) BIL To Bespkak, rok-rakhnft, kah-rakhna, agotna, le- rakJina. To*Be8pit, Besputter, thuk-m&rna. Bespoken, [as goods) farma,ishi. To Bespkead, Bespot, Bestrew, les-bhar-marna. To Besprinkle, chbirakna; {with rose water) gulab-pashi-k. Best, achchhe-se achchha, sab-se-bhala, bihtar-se- bihtar, tuhfe-se-tuhfa, bhale-se-bhala, aulatar, uttam, baliut kuchh ; {to do one's best) hatta- l-ma^dur-k, hatta-l-was'-k, apne bas bhar-k, bahut kuchh-k, zor-marna ; [do it the best way you can) jyon tyon kar karo ; {and the best of it is) tuhfa to 3rih hai : in this sense lutf, maza, tamasha, Ac, are aJl used occasionally ; {to make the best of it) bare bhale-nibahna. Bestial, haiwan-sirat, bhishtal, bhrasht. Bestialitz, haiwaniyat, na-paki, bhrashtta. To Bestir, sargarm-k, musta'idd-k, kamar b&ndhna. To Bestow, de-dalna, de-jana, tawazu'-k, 'ata-k, hiba-k, dan-k, Wiarj-k; {to apply) lagana, ^arachna. [sawar-h. To Bestride, chafh-baithua, phand-IenS or baithna, To Bestod, phulana, jaraua. To Bet, shart- &c. -badna or -b, badnS ; (a bet) sbart, hor, bij. To Betake, ana, taiyar-h, bona, jana, Una, lagn&, daurna, mutawajjih-h ; {he betook himself to flight) bhagne par aya. Betel Nut, supiyari ; {^^) pan» tambol. To Bethink, ma'lum-k, bujhna ; {bethink thyself) apne ta,in ma'lum-karo. To Betide, a-parna, waki' bona, pesh-Snl. Betimes, sawere, bar-wa^t, bar-mahal. To Betoken, dalalat-k, jatana, batlanS. To Betray, {to an enemy, &c.) jhonkna, dal-dena, sompna, dagha-k ; {to discover, q.v.) khol-d, parda-dari-k, chhalna, bewafa,i-k, ghadr-k ; {a secret) phorna, fash karna. Betrayer, dagha-baz. daghauliya, thag; {of secrets) Intra, parda-dar. To Betroth, mansub-k, namzad-k, sambandh-k, nisbat-k, mangni-k, saga,i-k, mangna, tilak-d, rokna. Betrothed, mangetar ; {to be betrothed) mansub- &c. -h. Better, bihtar, achchha, bhala, bara; these have always the sign of the comparative se, than, which in fact gives them the power they have, being without it the simple adjective good, q.v. ; aslah aulatar ; (he is better than I) wuh ham se achchha hai ; (better every one than another) ek se ek bihtar. Better, {superior) bara ; {wliat are you ? 1 have threshed your betters) turn kya chiz ho 1 tum ^e baron ko main ne pita hai; {the better) ghalba. sabkat, fatah, jai, jit ; (/ did it for the better) bihtari ke waste kiya hai main ne. To Better, sudharna, banana, sanwarna, sambhalnl, islah-d, bihtar- &c. -k. /Jettor, {one who bets) hori, sharti. Between, Betwixt, bich, bich-meri, darmiyan-men, andar, men ; {between themselves) baham, apas men; {between the two) bain bain, donon ke bich. Beteraqe, sharbat, shurb, pin, ras, torsh-aba; {treat) badha,i, ziyafat. Bevy, {of birds) jhund, ganj ; {of people) guroh, jatha, ghol, tuman, samuh. To Bewail, kurbna, afsos-k, gham-k, mitam-k, ' Ejrl-k, uala-k, sog-k, nauha-k, roni, bilkhnl, bilbilaua, jhikna, ro-d, or -marn&. To Beware, khabard£r-h, hushiyHr-rahn^, &gih-h, muttala', -rahna or -h, savadhan-h, sachet-h. To Bewilder, ghabrana, bhatkan§, bholana, sar-gar- dan-k, gumrah-k, ban-bharmi-k. Bewildered, bhula-bhatka, gam-rab, sar-gardin, pareshan, hairan. To Bewitch, jadu-k, afsun-k, sihr-k or -d, tona-k, latka-k, totka-k, mantar-phenkna or -chalana, bir- chalana, saya-d, farefta-k, girwida-k. Bewitched, sihr-zada, afsun-zada, mohit. To BE Bewitched, bhut- or pret-lagna, aseb-zada-h* farefta-h, mubtala-h, latu-h. Bewitching, dil-ruba, dil-fareb, jadu-chashm, «.« having bewitching eyes. Beyond, pare, udhar, us-taraf, paila, une, par, paill- war, bahar, dur, ba,id, Idiarii ; {tuperior) charb, uttam ; {above) siwa, ziyada, bai'hti ; {beyond expectation) ummed-ke-pare ; ■ {peyond the sea) samundar par. Bezel, Bezil, khoriya, ghar, khana. Bezoab, {from) pazahr, zahr-muhra. Bias, ruju', mail, mailan, nlyat, jhuk&,o, manorath. To Bias, khinchna, lubhana, ma,il-k, &c. Bib, gulu-band. Bible, kitab; {the Old Testament) taunt; {the New Testament) injil ; (the Mutalman Bible) kur,an ; {the Hindoo Bible) bed or vedat purana, such, sruti, amna,e. Bibulous, jazib, surkila, ab-kash. To Bicker, khana-jangi-k, mara-m&ri, Ao. -1 {to quiver) laharna. BiCKERiNQ, mara-mari, chouchawal, pathrawal, kalu^-bazl. BiooRNOUs, do-shakha. do-singi. To Bid, kahna, irshad-k, aggya-k, izn-d, dena, simi- na, hukm-k ; {to charge) takid-k, takaiyud-k, chetan-k; {to invite) da'wat-k, tawazu'-k, nyotna, bulana ; {to bid adieu) al-wida'-k ; {to bid good day) ^air-bad-kahna ; — — {to bid ai auctioii) pesh-nihad-k, charhana, sansarna, age-k. Bidder, khwahan, khwast-gar. Bidding, kaha, bol, bolahat, hukm, irshad. Bidental, Bifurcated, do-danta, do-kani, do-go«ha, do-sul. Biennial, do-sala, do-bars&, do-baras-ka. Bier, janaza, tabut, na'sh, rathi, maran-sej. BiESTiNGs, pyosi, pyos, phenus, khirsa, fal or ful, whence probably the dish called by most Europeans in India mangoe fool. Big, bara, niotii, kalan, jasim, bharl ; {pre-gnant) hamila, garbhini, gabhin (this last is restricted to beasts) bar-dar ; {ftdl, &c.) bhar-pur, phul§; {proud, &c.) maghrur ; {big words) karr o far, baba,i, lambi-chaun ; {to use big words) lambi- chaurl-hankua ; {big bodied) 'azimu-l-jassa ; {big bellied or pregnant) pet-se, ummed-se, dfljiya, petli, pahw-bhari, dhldhar, dojan, pe(-wali, bay-peta, &c. Bigamist, dohaju, dowah§. Bight, pech, gher, bal. BiGLY, ainthke, phulke. Bigness, bara,i, mota,i,jas&mat; {size) \tAt, ^- daul. Bigot, Bigoted, muta'assib, ta'assubi, hathi, pachhi. Bigotry, hath, pachh, ta'assub, pairawi, jibU murakkab. Bilboes, kath, kunda, haf. Bile, pit, zard-ab, safra, zahra (properly the gall» bladder) ; {boil) phora, dummal, baiter. Biliary, Bilious, q.v. safr&wi, pittaha, lahrftwf, muwallidu-f-^afrft. BIL ( *5 ) BLA. A BrLiouB Fevek, pitijar. To Bilk, thagna, chhalna, dagha-d, fareb-d, bhu- lawa-d. Bilker, bhagu, bhagorft. Bill, (beak) chonch, nol, nok, minkar ; (hatchet) da,o; {account, q.v.) hisab, lekha, chitha; (jiote) tamassnk, dast-awez, tip, pat, chithi ; (caneelled) khokha, kaghaz, patri, fard; (in comp.) patar or nama ; (an order) tan-khwah, barat ; {of exchange) hundi or hundawi ; {of articles, or invoice) bijak, siyaha ; {of sale) bai'nama, kabala, bikri-patar ; {a declaration in toriting) surat-hal, mahzar. To Bill, {caress) dana-badalna, choga-badalna. Billet, chithi, pati, ruk'a ; (of wood) chaila, konda, tona, bondiya. BiLLiKQ or Cabessing, dana-badlawwal. Billion, kharb. Billow, mauja, dhe,u, lahra, hilkora. To Billow, lahrana, hilkorna. Billowy, mauj-zan, mawwaj, mutalatim, althana. Binary du,I, musanna. To Bind, bandhna, jakarna, kasna, kachchna, jorna, kaid-k, band-k, muranda-k, chhandna ; {to make costive) kabz-k, bandhej-k; {a book) jild- bandi-k, jild-k, or -b, mujallad-k ; {as an ap- prentice) sompna, deua, sipurd-k, shagird-k; {to bind over) hazir-zamini, lena ; {to be binding or obligatory) farz-h, wajib-h, awash-h. Binder, bandhanhar, &c. ; (in comp) band, whence jild-band, a bookbinder ; {for papers, &c.) kaidak, bandhan, kasan. Binding, band ; (o/a 6ooA;)jild-bandi,juz-bandi, maghz-bandi, shiraza or shiraza-bandi, jild. Bindweed, bel, bughand, sarband. Binocular, do-ankha, do-chashma. Biographer, rawi, nakil, bakta, tazkira-nawis. Biography, rawayat, nakl, tazkira, malfuz. Biped, do-paya, dwipad, dwipad-jantu. Bird, chiriya, pakheru, pankhl or paucbhi or pakshi, ta,ir, parand, murgh ; this last is a general term, bnt is now in a great measure restricted to a cock, as murffhi is to a hen; parewa, janwar, bihang, khag, whence khag-esar, the lord of birds, applied to the gigantic crane or adjutant ; {bird- catcher) mir-shikar, chiri-mar; {to kill ttco birds with one stone is expressed by) ek gaz do fakhta, ek panth do kaj ; (a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush) adhi chhor sari ko na dauriye ; or nakd ko chhor nasiye ko na dauriye. Bird-bolt, gaz, nal, teku,a. Bird-cage, pinjra, kafas. Bird-catcher, chiri-mar, saiyad (means also a hunter) naliya, badhik. BiRD-LiuE, lasa, chenp ; {stick) kampa. Birth, janam, utpat, paida,ish, tawallud, wiladat, jannan, utpann, taulTd, autar, udhbhau, byant; {of a boat) lagan ; {extraction) ktil, kabila, bans or vansh, gotra, khandan, gharana, buniyad ; {litter) jhol. Birthday, janam-din, sal-girih, barkh-bandhan ; {feast, a species of) chahathi, baras-ganth, from the custom of adding a knot annually to the string which is kept, and appropriated to this purpose, after the birth of a child. Birth-place, janam-bhum or bhumi, or -sth&n, maulad, watan. Birth-right, irs, maurtisi, aba,i, paitrik, bapauti, ha^ i wiladat, janmans. Birthwort, {hng) zarawand-tawil ; {round) zar awand-mudahrij . Biscuit, kak, kurs, tikki, knlicha, nan-^ata,i, tikiyi. To Bisect, do-kita'-k, sambhag-k. Bishop, mujtahid, imam, dharmadhyaksh. Bishop's-weed, nankhah, amus. Bismuth, phul or phul-dhatu. Bissextile, barkhadik (v. intercalary). Bit, {piece, q.v.) tukra, karch, zarra, kat"a, chit, dali, bari, bari, boti, batti, chura, kana, chur, bhora, rofa; {of a bridle) lagam, dahana, kaiza,i, nahari, jibhi; {whit) tanak, kuchh; {mouthful, &c.) niwala, lukma ; {a bit the better or loorse) kuchh na ghati, na barhi ; {he is not a hit better than before) kuchh age se bihtar nahin hai. Bitch, kutti, kuttiya, kukuri. swani ; {procuress) dhuti; {jade) khandi. Bite, kata, dant, darh, pakar, habak; {of a fish) khutkar ; (cheat) thag, thaga,i. To Bite, katna, kat-khana, munh-dalna or -chalanJ or -mama, bhambhorna, pakarna, habakna ; {the lips) honth-dabana ; {as cold, &c.) lagiia; {to pain) jalana; {as pepper) lagna, jhaljhalana ; {desire to) katas-k ; {as a snake) dasna; {as a fish) khutkar-k; {to cheat) thagna. Biter, katha, gazinda, dantalu, dandan-gir, ka|;ah&, katasa, munha,el ; {as a horse) muze-gir. Bitten, kata, dasa : — Samp ka kata sowe, bichhu ka kata rowe. {He that's by serpent bitten sleeps, whilst he by scorpion bitten weeps.) Bitter, karwa, tita, talkh, zhazh, nim, zahr ; {sharp, q.v.) tez ; {severe, q.v.) katta, ashadd, kharjhara. Bitterly, {severely) ba-shiddat,bahut; {sharply) khushunat- &c. -se. Bittern, bagla, bag, butimar, chamar, bagli. Bitterness, talkhi, karwfihat; {of temper) tundi, tezi, jhanjh, kharjharaliat ; — — {of satire) sakhtl, khushunat. Bitumen, nafta, kafru-1-yahud. Blab, Blabber, parda-dar, lutra, chhichhora, ochha, ■ gozi shutr. [bakna. To Blab, fash-k, parda-dari-k, kholna, bak-d, puch Black, kala, kaluta, siyah, kariya, krishn, syam, ayii, sila ; {a ho/se) mushki, shab-rang ; {streaks between the teeth) biri, dhari; {dark, q.v.) andhera; {horrible) sakht. shadid: {black deeds) af al i shani' ; {black and blue) nila-pila. Blacjk, siyahi ; {of the eye) putli, tnardumak ; {chid in black) siyah-posh. To Black, Blacken, kala- &c. -k, kariyana; {to defame) muttaham-k, harf-lana, kalank-lagana, rii siyah-k, kala-munh-k; {the hair) W^i^ab-k; {the teeth) biri-jamana. Blackamoor, kaliya, kala-admi, habshi, si^. Black Ant, chyuhta, or chyonta, chyiinti. Black-birds, {of India) ko,el, pik, bhangraj, bhu- janga, dhabchu, kalchiri, kalkarchhi. Black Cattle, mawashi, goru. Black Earth, kali matti. Blackguard, haram-zada, lachchS, shnhda, Jwara, ^arabati, rind, pajora, lunda, ghfinda, labkha, durachar, durmukh. Black-hearted, tira-dil, siyih-batin. Blackish, surma,i-rang, siyah-fam, k§la-sa. BLACKLEAD,murda sis§.. Black-mail, chorka, rakhi. B1.A.OKKB8R. siySlii, kalak (this la.st ii> generally applied to lamp-hlitch). BLA ( 86 ) BLI BLAOKflMiTH, lobar, ahan-gar, haddad. Bladder, phukna, masana, thaili, kamiz^-dan; {for smmming) ghaya, tumba ; {the gall-blad- der) pitta, zabra. Blade, {of grass) patta, pat ; {pile) tinka ; {of a sword) dal, bar, phal, phalra, tegha ; {of a spear) pola ; {of scissors) para ; {the blade bone) sbana, pakhra ; {a fellow) 'ashik, yar, agla ; {that blade wanted to cheat me) wuh agla bamea tbaga chabta tba. To Blade, {as corn, &c.) patiyana. Blaik, pbora, pbunsi, phapbola, abila. Blame, dos, dokb, ilzam, malamat, mazammat, sar- zanisb, la'n-ta'n, ninda, ulabna, lag, bat, barf, 'aib hinasta,!, dhirkar; {crime, q.v.) ^usur, 'asyan; {to be to blame) mulzira-b, dokba-jana. To Blame, dokbna, ilzam- &c. -d, mulzim-k, mat'un-k, dbirkarna, malamat-k. [dokbi. Blameable, mulzim, takslr-war, gunah-gar, mu^assir, Blameless, be-taksir, be-gunab, nir-dokbi, baxi, mubarra, be-'aib, be kusur, be-dos or nirdosh. Blahelesslt, na-bakk, be-sabab, nirdoshi. Blamelessness, be-taksiri, be-gunahi. To Blanch, mukashshar-k, cbhilna, cbhilka utarna, nirmal-k. Bland, inula,iin, latif, haliin,narm, subuk, balka, path. Blandishment, naz, karashma, ada, an, 'ashwa, choncbla, jbanwli, man, nakbra, shewa, naz o niyaz, nazakat, phuslabat, cbucbkari, bboli baten, mitbi, baten, ma'shukiyat. Blank, {empty) sada or sada, khali. kora, saf, ma'arrii; {white) sufed ; {verse) nazm i ghair mukaffa, nasar musajja', bahr i tawil ; {to leave a blank) safedl jagah-chborna, ^ali- &c. -r ; {pale) khushk, zard, sukha; {to look blank on any occasion) munh ke kawwe uf-jana. Blank, {in writing) safedi, baiya?, nirlikha ; (a lot) khali-chitbi. A Blank, cbit (opposed to cbith!, a prize) l^a*; {cypher) bach, shunya. Blank-book, baiyaz, safina. Blanket, kammal, kamli, gilim, ral, lo,i. To Blaspheme, kalme kufr-kabna, ishwar-ninda-k. Blasphemes, kafir, murtadd, kufur. Blasphemy, kalme-kufr, oikann, kufr-go,i, ishwar- ninda. Blast, jhikor, jhoka, samum, mauj, lu, phunk, tamacha, sadma, dhakka, jbapat, jbonk, jbola, baukha, buba ; {wintry) rar, byadh ; {sound) awaz, bang. To Blast, {to blight) jhulas-d ; {to destroy) g^arat-k, sattyanas-k, cbaupat-k, dba-dena, mama, phunkna, jalana, urana, dabana ; {sight, &c.) phorna ; {sight of animals) chandni-marna; (as a man's character) kbona, utarna, barbad-d ; (a design) munkata-k, faskb-k, torna : khuda tujhe gharat kare, dagbabaz gharat bo, are impious expres- sions, too like tbose coarse anathemas used with this verb in our own language. Blasted, chashm- or nazar-zada, barf-zada. Blazk, jot, bhabliuka, anch, rausbni, shu'la, lat, labar, dhadhak, dhadbkfir, dik, luka; {of a horse) tappal, tika, kashka. To Blaze, bhabhakna, anch-utbna, bbarakna, sbu'la- zan-h, shu'la-marna, labrana, dba,edha,e-jalna, dliadhkan&; {divulge) numayan-k. To Blaze, Blazon, (a.) hawa-chang-k, phunk-d, ufi-d, dbindhora-pitna. Blazer, parda-dar, dhin^horiya. A Blazinq Stab, munawwar sit&ra, litftrae dum-dar. To Bleach, nikhilrna, tijla-k, sufed-k, saf-k, bikh&rna nibarna, parkhar-k. Bleak, rutba, riirha, sang-lakh. rukha, ruch-bbuch khushk. murda, ujhankh; {weather) ganda- bahar, .sard, thandha, mahawat; {place) udas, suna, shital, bimarrit. To Blear, chaundhyana, chiprSl-k, kichrana, chip^ans Blear-eyed, chipra, chundhla. Bleared, chipraba, kicbraya. Bleat, men men, bhen bhen. To Bleat, mimiyana, bhenbhiyana, leliyana. To Bleed, (n.) lohu- &c. -gima, -chalna, or -babna ; {to drop) tapakna ; {a tree, &c.) chhyona, pacbhna ; {to die) ^un-h ; {at the nose) naksir-phutna ; {to open a vein) fasd-kholna, lohu-lena or -nikalna, lohu kam-k. [rn'af. Bleeding, fasd ; {at the nose) naksir, binwans. Blemish, (lit. and fig.) dagh or dag, kalank, khot, jirm, 'aib, nuksan, barf, dhabba, kan, batta, bigun, rattna, dokb. To Blemish, dagh-dar-k, daghi-k. daghila-k ; {to d^ame) aluda-k, dagh- or kalank- or 'aib-la^an&, narf-lana. Blemished, 'aibdar, daghi, daghila. To Blend, milana, amez-k, makhlut-k, shamil-k. To Bless, {to prosper) bar-Hiurdar-k, kamyab-k, sar- sabz-k, bhala-k, barakat-d, neki-d, jaza,i khair-d : {to wish happiness) du'a-d, asis-d, bilsana (whence narayan tumhen dudh put se bilsawe, may Narayana bless you with milk and children), dam-k, phunkna; (to praise) sarahna, sumarna, ta^in-k, ta'rif-k ; {God, &c. i shukr-k, hamd-k, gunabad-k ; (bless me) la haul wa la kuwwat, asiaghfiru-1-lab, al'azmatu lil-lahi, na'uz billah, narayan, bap re bap, ram ram. Blessed, asuda, khush-haU nek-bakht. mubarak, naji, mukt, bhagi, bahishti, bahisht-nasib, swargi, bai- kunthi, bashshash, shad, farighu-1-bal, farigh, mas'ud ma^ziiz, mutabarrak, bhagawan ; (thistle) shauk mubarai ; (blessed disposition) khujista khisal. Blessedness, sa'adat, khushi. 'aish. Blesser, du'a-go, aslsi. Blessing, du'a, du'a-Wiair, asis, barakat ; (favour) 'inayat, karam, mihr-bani, kirpa, ghanimat, mugh- tanam, ni'mat, daulat, kaliyan, du'a-go,i, lakhi, lachhmi-niwas rahmat, faiz, khuda-dad ; (the person who is) kalid i rizk, jagat data; (he is a blessing to this country) wuh is mulk men ghanimat hai. [thar. Blight, gfat, ghazab, lendha, giru,i, harda, jhola, pnla. To Blight, jhulsa-d, kumhlana, pazhmurda-k, mur- jhana, mar-d, mama, lendhiyana, giru,i- &c. -lagna, jhola-marna. Blind, andha, andbla, kor, na-b!na, ankh phuta, asfijh, netr-hin, a'ma, zarir, sur, basir (this last is the very reverse of its real meaning) ; (of an eye) kana, ek-chashm ; (at night) rat-aundhiya, shab- kor ; (in (he day) din-aundha ; (shut) band, andha ; (to become) ank phutna or -baithna. Blind, parda, topni, patta, patti ; (of a window) kewar, palla, bedbafi, jhilmil; (for a horse) andhyari ; (deception) siyahi, diichawa, chukki, bhulawa, mughalata, bahana, hila, makar ; (to blind, or make a feint, in order to deceive an enemy) siyahi dikhlana. To Blind, andhlana, andha- &c. -k, ankh-phorn&, salri,i,-pherna (lit. to turn a pencil) from the practice in tlie Ea.'it of drawing a heated pencil over the pupil of the unluappy person who falls a victim to the jealousy of a tyrant, or the ambition of a villain^ ; (to darken) andhera-k, tarlk-k ; {to «h ceive) &akhon men khak-dalna. BLI ( 27 ) BLU I To Blindfold, ankh- miclina- or miindna- or band- karna, andheri-d or -d, chashm-doiy^ta or -basta-k, ankh-raunda-k. Blindly, andhon ki tarah, ankh munde, andha-sa, (t. implicitly); (to follow) bheriyan-dhasan-h. Blind-man's-buff, ankh-mundaura, ankh-niichaw- wal or ankh-michauli, ankh-mundle or -michwa. Blindness, (lit and fig.) andhla,i, kori, andhla-pan, na-b!na,i ; {the night blindness) shab-kori, rat- aundha ; (ignorance) agyan-pan ; tispa hai tujh ko rat-aundha, mere shab-kor bane, ^^ besides this you have the night-blindness, my blind bridegroom." Blind-side, laga,o, rakhna, ghaflat, 'aib, pai. To Blink, matmatana, timkana, ankh michmichana. Blinkakd, dhundhla, tyondha, chundhla, kor-nazari. Bliss, bashashat, shadi, hulas, anand, jashn, 'aish, 'ishrat, najat, rahat, mukt, bilas, sa'adat. Blissful, farah-bakhsh, dil-knsha, ramnik, bilasi, rahat-angez, chaini, farhatnak. Blistee, phaphola, chhala, papota, phulka, abila, phola, chhilauri, jhalka, papta, chharu ; {small) tap-khala ; {application) chitta, chita. To Blister, (n.) abila- &c. -pama ; (a.) phaphola- &c. -d. Blithe, Blithesome, hans-mukb, shigufta-peshani, khanda-ni, khush-dil, kushada-peshani, thathol, ^ush-hal, ^ush-wakt, shokh, kaloli. Blitheness, Blithesomeness, ^anda-ru,i, khpsh- dili, zinda-dili. To Bloat, bhabharana, phulana, sujana, phapbsana, phaphasna. Bloated, phula, suja, phaphsaha. Bloatedness, bbabharahat, sujan, amas, phaphsahat. Blobber-lipped, gunda-lab, bar-hontha. Block, kunda, lakkar, kath, kathmul, har *, (of marble) chatan ; (of stone) satuni, sili,kolhu,a; (for a hat) gola, kalib, kalbud ; (an ob- atruction) kanta, khar ; (for meat) khatiya, pirhiya; (for beheading animals) hari; (pully) kuppi. To Block, Blockade, rokna, chhenkna, ghema, arna, tekna, band-k, ihata-k, muhasara-k, masdud-k, naka-bandi-k, gird-k, bera-d, aga-b, marna. Blockade, muhasara, ghera, inhisar, naka-bandi. Blockhead, be-wukuf, ahmak, nadan, habannak, ablah, kaudan, ullii, bhakwa, gadha, bail, khaila, kath ka ulu, ghamar, bur-bhakwa, bilalla, hiyula, buzi akhfash, billar, bhuch, miyan-mithu, maskhara, kuni khar, ulagh, ponga. Blood, lohu, rakat or rakt, khun, rudhir, dam, khun-ab. surkhi. lali ; (descent) zat ; (family) Randan; (bully) terha, phankra; (to spit) lohu-thuk-d, lali- &c, -d, or girana ; (to void) lohii- &c. baithna ; (a prince of the blood) shah-zada ; (the princes of the blood) salatin ; (blood hot) shir-garm, gunguna ; (to kill in cold blood) gaubad-k. Bloodiness, Hifm-aludagi, khun-Sbi. Bloodless, nir-rakat, be-khun. Bloodletter, rag-zau, hajjam, jarrah. Bloodshed, khun-rezi. khQn-kharaba. Bloodshot, khun-aluda, surkh, lal, khunl-ankh. Bloodstone, hajaru-d-dam, shadinaj, shadina. Bloodsucker, jallad, kassab, kattar, jonk, lohfl-chus ; (lizard) girgit. Bloodthirsty, lohu ka piyasa, khfln-khwar. Bloodvessel, ragi-khun, sari rfl. Bloodwit, khun-baha. rakat-darb. Bloody, khun-aluda. pur-khun, lohu-bhara, luhu- loh&a ; (sanguinary) ^uni, katil, hatyara. Bloody-flux, ishal i ^un, lohu ka beg, atisJr; lohii- baithna, means to pass blood, or to have a bloody flux. Bloody-minded, khun-dost, rakat-premi. Bloom, shigufa, ghuncha, gul, kali, phul, chamak ; (of youth) nau-jawaui, bahar, joban, shabab ; (mangoe blossom) manjar, kohar ; (ofthepulas) tesu. To Bloom, khilna, phiilna, shigufta-h, maal3a& or maurana, maulna, baurana, tahtahana. Blooming, nau-jawan, bahari. Bloomy, pur-gul, phula, phula-phala. Blossom, phiil, kali ; (of mangoes) maul, baur. To Blossom, khulna, bikasna, karahna, khikama, manjarna, chhatnar-k, bahar (men) -ana, koharna. Blot, dagh, chhit, chinh, biind, V^tra, nuksan, Larf, top, thop. To Blot, bhar-d, dagh-dar-k, chhintiyana, marna, topna, bundkiyaha-k, daghi- &c. -k ; (blot out or efface) dho-dalna, katna, metna, mahw-k, kalam- marna. Blotch, dagh, chat, dadora, muhasa. Blow, musht, mukki, ghusa, killi, war, thokar, thes, dhamuka, zarb, chapet ; (home) gungi or bhitari-mar, harba ; (misfortune) dhakka ; (of flies) sa,i ; (an unexpected blow) bala,e nagahani ; (a blow or overthrow) shikast, hazimat. To Blow, (as wind) chalna, bahna, dolna ; (afire) dhukna ; (to pant) hampna ; (to sound) bajna, bajana; (to kindle) dahkana; (with the breath) phunkna ; (to puff up) phula-d ; (to drive) marna, takrana, dalna ; (to divulge q-V.) phorna (from phutna, to burst or take wind) ; (as (flies) sa,i-d ; (to blow out) phunk-d ; (to blow over, as a storm, &c.) tal-jana, par-jana ; pata- jana, niche-h, faro-h or parna, nikal-jaua ; (to bloio up) urjana; (a.) chalana, bahana, urana, ura-d; (to blow the nose) sinakna, jharna : most of the above words are very extensive in their application and acceptation. To Blubber, kandna, thiinakna, bilbilana ; (as a camel) balbalana ; (to swell) phulana. Bludgeon, lathi, katta, gandasa, harauthl, kutka, thengna, kutak, sonta. Blue, nila, (vulg. lila),ml-gun, asmani-rang, kabiidi- rang, sabza, akasi, kabud ; (bottle) guh-makhi ; (blue-eyed) azrak-chashm, karranja, kanja; (black and blue is expressed by) nila-pila (lit. blue and yellow.) Blueish, abi-rang, nila-sa, surma,i, kohli. Blueness, nila,i nil-fam, kabudi. Bluff, bar-bola, angarh, dhith, anchhila, magra, na- tarashida, dhamdusar. Blunder, dhoka, chiik, bhiil, khata^ sahw, t:u3ur, ^alati (v. error). To Blunder, chukna, khata- &c. -k, bhulna. Blunderbuss, damauak, ghor, charhi, i:arabin. Blunderer, bhuUu, bhulakkar, bhullar, ahmak, bhu- landra, asudhi, ghalat-go or -kar or -nawis, chuki. Blunt, (as a knife) kund, thutla, bhota, bhutra; (dull) kaudan, gh abi, sada-lauh, kund-zihn, sath, jabadda; (rough) na-hamwar, sada, be-imtiyaz, sakht, aujhar, ujad, katta, karkas, kundmund; (plain) arbarang. [band-k. To Blunt, kund- &c. -k ; (the appetite) kam-k. Bluntly, be-imtiyazi-se, be-adabi-se, gustakhi-se, dhitha,i-se, gustakhana. Bluntness, kundi, bhutra,i; (dullness) kund- zihni, kaudani, ghabawat ; (roughness) ni- tarashidagi, gustakhi, be-imtiyazi, sadagi. Blur, dagfe, 'aib ; (to blur) 'aib lagana. BLD ( 2ft ) BOM To Blobt, 6higufacbho|7il, kafan ph&f-bolna, kah- baithn&. Bldsh, Uiijlat, ^ijalat, hijab, lajja, chuhchuhahat, sharm; (at the first bluih) paihii jhalki, dekhte hQ,e; {I liked it at the first blush) dekhte hu,e osko pasand Kiya main ne. To Blubh, khijlat-&c. -uthana or -khana, shanninda-h, munfa'ii-h, mahjub-h, khajil-h. zard-ru-h, zardi- chhana or dauf-jana, pani- or ab- or 'ark-hojana, sharmana, sharm-aluda- &c. -L, chapna, gabua, irkha-ana, bhabharna, 'arki infi'al-ana ; {at a flower) chubchuhana. Bluster, sannata, farrata, |^enpen, ghul-ghapaya, kalla, shekhl. tartaraha^, gldajr-bhabkif bandar- bhabki. To Bluster, sannata-bhama, sansanana, jharjharana, karr o farr-k, kalla-thalla-k, phunphan-k, akfa- takri-k, tartarana, bhabhakna, dhum-machana or -k Blusterer, laf-zan, khud-farosh, kalla-zan, akajfun, nuktafun, banka, phankra. Boar, su,ar, khuk, Idiinzir, barah ; {wilct} banaila, guraz, jangli-su,ar ; (a swell of the tide, pecu- liar to the Ganges, &c. commonly called the boar or bore) humma, ban, mendha, sar. Board, takhta, pat, patra; [of a book) dafti; {food) peliiya, khuraki, khana-pina ; {and edu- cation) tabaksabak; {table) safra, dastar-khvan, mez, dastari ; {council) kachahri, majlis ; {deck) patautan ; {board and clothes) roti-kapya ; {a small writing board) ta^ti, pa^i, lauh ; {on board ) jahaz- or kishti- or nao- &c. -par. To Board, charhna, hamla-k, bhirna (i.e. to close in battle); {to plank) patna, patautan-k; {to board a person) khana-pahunchana ; (to board toith) khana plna-k. Board-wages, Hjuraki. BoARDiNQ-scHOOL, madrasa, path-sh&la. BoARisH, na-tara£hida, an-chhila, angarh. Boast, Boasting, laf-zani, bafa,i, baba,i, kalla-zani, kalla-thalla, ananiyat, kalla-darazi, gal-phataki, mubalagha, ghurur, laf-guzaf, shekhi-bazi, hankar, 5;hamand, barboli, gap, hank, pokar, lambi-chauri, antaranl, hunda-tundi. To Boast, fa^r-k, laf-zani- &c. -k, dam-m&ma, hankna, pokarna, khainchna. Boaster, laf-zan, Wiud-farosh, khud-sita. mubaligh, kalla-zan, bar-bola, bat-barha, jibhara, buland- parwfiz, khud-sana. Boat, na,o, kishti, safina, bohit, nauka, zaurak, parewa ; to which may be added other varieties, as panso,i, palwar, olak, bhanwaliya, bhay (better known among us as paunchwas, woollacks), hola, katri, dauna (whence our doniet) ; {a flat-bottomed boat) patela ; {a passage-boat) guzare ki na,o. Boatman, mallah, kishtl-ban, kewa(, naiyS, na,o-wala, dandi, manjhi (lit. the midshipman or midstream- man). Boatswain, sarhang (corrupt, serang), galaiy&. Bob, latkan, bhujki, radda, ghacb ; {dry) (happft; {of a song) antra. To Bob, dolna, hilna, jhulnS, ghach|^ach&n&, bhujki- &c. mJrna ; {to wriggle)inaxwa.n&. Bobbin or Bobin, {a small pin) chhunchhL Bobtail, landora or landura. BoBTAiLED, banda, lunda. To Bode, shagun-d, da]alat-k, batlanil, Jat&nii. Bodice, sina-band, mahram, angiya, choli, kanchuki. Bodiless, nir-angkar, be-jism, be-jasad. Booilt, badanl, jismani, dehi ; {bodUy strength) sarir-bal, laiwwat i badani. BODKIM, p;lt&ri, darafsh or darwash, si^ja, »a,i. BoDT, badan, deh, sarir, pinda, jussa, gat, kathl, angeth, kaya, ang, jama, tan, jism, akar, gatar,dhaf , V^ib, jasad, wajud, markab, jirm, dil, sat, teh, sakt ; (in comp.) andam ; {the trunk) kothi, rund ; {person) shakhs. admi, jana, mu,a, ko,i; {corporation) mandli, firka, jasamat ; {of men) garoh, tuman, jatha, jama'a, zumra, risala; {in contempt) muz^a ; {let the poor body alone) bechare muzghe ko jane de ; {of the army) kalb, ^ol ; (of a tree) tana, kunda ; {of the law, &c.) kulliyat ; {strength) kuwwat ; {of a carriage. Sec.) hauda, sanduk, phar ; (of a boat) khol ; {of a river) dhara ; (of an arrow, &c,) maidan ; — — {of a frame) hauz, zamin, ang ; {main part) juzi a'zam ; — ■ — {a homogeneous body) jism i basit ; {the heavenly bodiet) ajram i asiri or -ulawi ; (a metalline body) jismi jaraadi ; {a vegetable body) jismi nabati ; {an animal body) jismi haiwani. BoDT-CLOTHEs, libas, poshak, kapre, basan, bastar. Boo, daldal, andan, phasa,o, pank or pank, ghanghrl ; {privy) makan i zarur or ja,e zarur. To Boggle, thithakna, jhajhakna, hatakna, hidiyana, kharakna, chaunkna, pas-o-pesh-k, aga- pichha-k, lendiyana, hichakna. Boggler, chaunkel, hetha, darpokna, hichkara. To Boil, (n.) ukalna, khaulna, khalbalana, usijna, usinna, josh-khana, ubalna, autna, pakna : Euro- peans and their servants use phutna, but very im- properly ; (a.) ukalna, khaulana, ubalna, usijna, josh-d, or -k, autuna, pakana, sijhna, sijhana ; {pulse) ghunghni-k, uchhalna, uchhaJna, khalba- lana ; {over) uphaphna ; {clothes) khum charhana. Boiled, matbukh. joshanda, sijha. [karah. Boiler, joshinda, sijhanhar ; {vessel) khum, mat. Boiling Water, adhan, garm pani. Boisterous, tund, sakht, tez, bara, shadld, zor, kara. Boisterously, zor-se, shiddat-se, ba-shiddat. BoisTEROUSNESs, shiddat, sakhti, tundi, tezi, zor. Bold {brave) jawan-mard, bahadur, surma, marbut, mardana, man-gara, mancliala, bhabuti, be parwa, sher-mard, sahasi, naniud-dar, namkin; {dating) be-bak, nidar ; {rude) sir-charha, be-haya, be~ sharm, nilajja ; {as a picture) ubhra, numayan, namiid; {as a shore) hamwar, chauras ; {to make bold) iltimas-k, 'arz-k, ; {inay I make so bold?) main iltimas karun? Boldly, dilerana, mardana, gustaWiana, shokh!-se. be- parwa,i-se, be-muhaba, kholke,nisang,marda-mardi. Boldness, {bravery) shuja'at, dilawari, jur,at, bah&- duri, bhirta, mazbuti, tahawwur, be-baki, dil-chali, agmana,i ; {impudence) gustakhi, shokhi. dhitha.i, be-haya,i, be-sharmi ; {roughness) sa- khti. karakhtagi, durushti, aujhar-pan, akbar-pan. Bole, {armenian) gil i armani; {earth) gajni, multani mitti, kabull mitti, gil i surkh. Bolster, takiya, b&Ush, baJista; {pod or eoM« press) gadi. To Bolster, takiya- &c. -lagang, -r or -d. Bolt, {bar) belni, billi, benda, theki, bila,i, chhitkani, hufka, darband, a^danda, senthi, kutta, si^ ; ■ — {of a lock) jhar, para ; {of thunder) cbakkl, silll« gij, bajar, putki; {bolt upright) barchi-«i, sikh-sa. To Bolt, belna-lag&na, band-k,; {to sprmp) chhutna, nikal-parna, jhar se nikalni; {out) phur or khur se-nikalna ; {io swallow) dhukasna, phankna, gattakna; {up) uchaknjl jhap- dill, shokhi, tezi, tuudi, jan-dari, jan-bazi, acbpali, jaldi, chatpatahat, chanchali. Beistle, kach, su,ar ka bal. To Beistle, bal-thirrana, phurahri-lena, ro,&n- khara-k, kandrana, deh-saharna. Bristly, kataila, khar-dar. Brittle, nazuk, subuk, phuska, thaska, mafkani, thfinka, arar, karkana, bhurbhura, tunak. Brittleness, nazukl, mapak, markahat, bhurbhuraha^. Broach, slk^. To Broach, chhedna, salna, kholna; {to giv* out) kah-dena, ishtihar-k, prakash-k, shuhrat-d. Broacuer, mujid, bani, mukhtari'. karta. Broad, chaura, 'arlz, 'arz-dar, pahn-dar, khulasa^ khula, bar-dar, farakh. bhari, mota, gunda; — — {square) chau-khunta ; {broad-shouldered) char-shana ; {broadways) chaura,i-se or -men, cliaurake ; {to make broad) chaurana, chak« lana; {oi)en) khula, zahir; {broad day\ din-diya, roz i raushan ; {to give a broad hint) awaza-phenkna ; {as broad as long) eks&o, jaisi tin bisi waisa sath ; like six of one and half a dozen of tlic other (lit. like threesoore so is f^'wtr) . Broad Cloth, banat, sa^arl&j(. Broadness, chaura,!, chaklu,i, bar, *ari, pahni- BBO ( 33 ) BUG Broadside, shala^ or shalak. Broadsword, talwar, te gh a, shamsher. Brocade, kimkhwab or kamkhwab (vulg. kinkab, kingcob) zarbaft, zardoz, badla, tash, tamani, lappa, ■wasma, mukaishi, asawari, zari. Brocaded, badla- &c. -posh. Brogue, (a shoe, &c.) kharpa, chhitur, khaunsra. Broil, jhagra, jhan-jhat, bakhera, raindha, takrar, kaziya, hujjat. \.^) jhulasna. To Broil, (a.) bhunna, kabab-k, bhujna, jhulsana; Brokaqe, Brokerage, dallali, hakka-s-sal, rusum, dasturi, arhat, mukimi. Broken, tuta, phuta, shikasta, khasta, mara; [handwriting) shikasta-khatt ; [with sorrow) sina-chak; {down with misfortunes) shikasta- bal; {-hearted) dil-sbikasta, shikasta-khatir. dil-figar, man-malin ; {-backed) kamri, lachra ; {as a tube) dam-chora, ■which also denotes broken-winded, as a horse, &c. ; (sleep) kacbi nind ; {meat) tukra, nawala, reza. Broker, dasturiya, arhatiya, darmiyani, mubdm, dallal, kuhna-farosh. Bronchial, kautka, kant-sambandhi. Bronchocele, khunak, ghegha, gheghwa, galgand. Brood, bachcbe, pote, gede, jhol, pal, byant. f Brood, baithna, syona or se'wna ; {pver any thing) andesha-k, taraddud- &c. -k; {watch over) agorna. Brook, nala, nadl, nahar. To Brook, bardasht-k, burdbari-k, angez-k, sabr-k, tahamniul-k, sahna, uthana. Broom, jharu, jarob, barhni, bubari, jha,u, jhar; {Spanish) arhar, rahar (miscalled by us gram,) jeiit. Broth, shorba or shurwa (rulg. surwa), jhor, pareh, jhus. Brothel, kharabat-khana. kasbi-khana. Brother, bha,i, baradar, bir, bhrata, biran, tat, bhaya, bhai, mita, badh, akhi (pi. ikhwan) kuwwat i bazu ; {in law) sarhu, ham-zulf, khusar- pura; {llie woman's) jeth, bhaihsur, dewar, nando,i; (a twin brother) taumi bha,i; [full brother) apna-saga- or sahodar- or bakiki bha,! ; {step brother) bemat, bha,i, sautela-bha,i ; {sister's husband) bahiio,i, bhagni-pat; {wife's brother) sala; {brother's son) bhatija; {brother's daughter) bhatiji; {brother't wife) bhawaj, bhabi. Brotherhood, baradari, eganagi, bhayap§, apna,et, bha,i-pana. [apna,eti. Brotherly, baradarana, bha,i k§ s3., bhaiwadi, Brought, laya hu,a, awarda; {he was brought by such a one, or of such a one's bringing) wuh falane ka awarda hai. Brow, abru, bhaun, bhirkuti, bhrur, bhnim, trikuti ; {of a hill) lab, chhati ; (/( rehead, q.v.) kapal, lalat ; {brow to broio) rubarft, sammukh. To Browbeat, dabana, dabkana, ankh-dikhlana, baghu,aaa. Brown, ganduml-rang, gihun-rang, champa,i-rang, sandali-rang, badami-raug, bhura, sharbati- or shu- tari-rang, khaira; {brown study) ghalat ghol. Brownish, gandum-gun, bhura-sa, kapal. Browse, pala, ghas-pat. To Browse, charna, chugna, tungna or tQngar-k, chul-bulana, chunna, ala pala- &c.- khana. Bruise, chot, kuchla,!. To Bruise, kuchalna, kunchna, dalna, pisna, ar- dawa-k, chikna-chur-k. Bruit, shuhrat, hu, charcha, afwah. To Bruit, shuhrat-urana, charcha-hona. Brunette, sanwla, sabza, syam-baran, flndflkl, pukhta, pakka. Brunt, zor, bal, jhonk, bhir, wahla. Brush, kunchi, kunch, pota, hathi, khisa; ■ {for flies) chaunri, chahwar, murchhal; {assault) jharap, takkar; {a painter's brush) mu-kalam. To Brush, (a.) kunchi-marna, jharna, jhar-d; {to brush up any thing) jhar-jhatak-k, jhar-jhur-k, jhar-ponchh-k ; {to brush or scamper off) hawa- or katur- or champat-hojana, khisak-jana. Brushwood, jhari, jhar, jhar-buta, banchhuli, dhandh, jangal. Brushy, jhotn-dar. Brutal, Brutish, haiwani, haiwan sa, kattar, katta, aujhar, akkhar, kathin, sang-dil. Brutality, Brctishness, haiwaniyat, sab'iyat. Brutally, Brutishly, haiwan ka sa, durushti, &c. -se. Brute, haiwan, haiwani mutlak, wahshi j an war ; {savage) ban-manus, banchar, nasnas. Bryony, iRishira, bimba, bimbika. Bubble, hubab, bulbula, bulla, buluka, bhab-kor, (fig.) su,e ka sembal, dhokha, Jul, mughalata, naksh bar ab, namnd be bud, indrayan ka phal; {the person) bhagga, khilauna. To Bubble, (n.) hubab- &c. -uthna, dhar-dharana, jhir-jhirana, khal-balana, khal-khalana ; (a. to cheat, <[.v.) dhokha- &c. -d. Bubbler, daghauliya, da^a-biz, jul-baz. BuBBY, chhati, chunchi, uroj, ur, pistan, than (but generaUy applicable to blasts) ; {large) chuchal. Bubo, bad, baghi, khayarak, gohiya, kakhaoli, kha- khar-wari. Buck, (rnale deer) harna, hiran, hanna, mirg ; {beau, q.T.) chhaila, banka, labkha. Bucket, dol, dalw, dolchi, chhagal, kathra, chonga ; {of leather) moth, chars, bara. Buckle, chapras, baksu,a. To Buckle, chapras-lagana, bandhna, kasna, lagana, kamar-b ; {to arm, or prepare for any thing) kamar bandi-k, taiyari-k. Buckler, dhal, phari, sipar, tip; {armed with a buckler) sipar-band ; (a buckler-bearer) sipar- bardar. [ghuncha, ankhwa. Bud, konpal, kali, phunang, tflsi, kalgha, shigufa. To Bud, kaliyana, konpal- &c. -phutna or -nikalna, phutna, nikalna; (fig.) bahar-par-hona. To Budge, hatna, talna, sarakna, dabna, digni. Budgeb, talwaiya, hatwaiya. Budget, thaili, kisa, zambU, gathri, bo^ha; — — {store) ganth, punji. Buff, khal, post, chamra, sabar ; —— {suit) s&barl- or charmi-libas. Buffalo, bhainsa, maihika, kathra, tehan, kboli; {female) bhains, jamus, mahish ; ■ {heifer) osar, parwa, pariya; {wild) harna, arna; {young) para, osra, sungra, kara. Buffet, mukkl, killi, muk, ghus&, dhaol, thaperfi, thappar, musht, tamacha. [or jirnii. To Buffet, dhauliyana, ghusiyana, mukki- &c. -m§rni Buffoon, maskhara, bhand, phakkar-b5z, hazzal, thathol, sawangi, nartak, zatali, (v. jester, fool, &c.) . Buffoonery, tamaskhur, maskJiara-pan, tasak^^ur, maskhargi, bazl, nakkali. Bug, khat-mal, uris, khat-kira, ninaya, surhak ; — — {fly) gandhi. Bugbear, dharakka, dharalla, kissa, wahm, kliiyal. gogo, bhokas, bagh-dhuha. 1) BUC ( 34 ) BUR B0OLKHOKN, karni.e tu}-Iii, narsingha, ran-sing. Bdqloss, bnghlasan, ga,o-zaban, lisanu-s-saur. To Build, ta'inir-k, bin&-k, banana, uthana, bandhna, lagana ; (to rest) thaharna, jana ; {to depend on) itibar-r, i'timad-r, ummed-r, bharosa-r ; [to build castles in the air) pathar men jonk lagana, dhor ki rassi batna, kjjiyal i k^am bandhna, hawa ke babiile phofna. Builder, mi'mar, banna, raz, ghar-kari. Building, 'imarat, haweli, mahal, pur (whence Raj- pur, a raja's place) ; {buildings, &c. on a spot of ground) 'amala. Bulb, {root) ganth, girih, poti, putiya, ari. Bulbous, girih-dar, gathila. To Bulge, mara-jana, phatna, jhnkn§ ; (^0 j'ut out) ubharna or ubharna. Bulk, inota,i, bara,i, kadar, praman, bit, kadd, phand, pet, bistar, bhar, barabar ; {the majority) jam- hur, babut ; {the bulk of the people) aksar-ash- kljas, aksar-log, auek-Iog ; {the bulk of a pea) matar-bhar. BuLKiNESs, motapJl, jasamat, tanawar!, bara,i. Bulky, mota, baj-a, jasira, bhari, l:add-awar, burj-sa, bukka ; {to break bulk) bharti- or rakam-tofna, {bulky of body) 'azimu-1-jassa. Bull, nar-ga,o, andii bail, bardh, bi ikbab, bijar, anad- wan ; (to give the) bardhana ; (baiting) arn^-bazi ; {calf ) bachha, bachhra ; — ^— (fool) khaila ; {a free bull) sand ; {constellation) saur, brikh; {blundf.r) ghalat, chuk, dhokha, khata, logbirodh ; {to catch by the horns) bagh ka munh chumna; lit. to_kiss the tiger. Bullet, goli ; {a ball) gola. Bullion, sim zar, chandi-sona, sona-rupa, kata,i- Bullock, bail, khaila, adar, dangar, dhagga ; {driver) baldiya, baidi. BuLLT, nukta-fun, akay-fun, bank&, pharphapy&, shekhl-baz, muwakkil, gola-dang, sher-^alin, har- mushtak, kalla-zan, bharwa, danga,i. To BuLLT, dhirana. dhamkana, laf-zani-k, bab&,i-k, sbekhi-k. ghurfish-k (v. to browbeat). BuLLTiNO, laf-zani, shekel, ghurfish, baba,i, kalla- zanl, bara,i, dhauns, dhapalla. Bulrush, bara-motha. Bulwark, burj, kotha, ^Lal'cha, hisar, kamar-kotS, marhala, phalsa ; {security) phatak, sadd. Bum, chutar, nitambh, surin. Bump, gumra, gathiya, ganfh, girih, dadaura. To Bump, dhabake se baithna ; {as a bittern) bok- bok-k. Bumper, labalab-piyala, jam i labrez. Bumpkin, kunda, thu,a, dhondha, bail, ganwar. Bunch, guchha, khosha, ghaur, dasta, ghonpa, gaira, jufi, mutha, kandhi, gaudh, punji; {of keys) ganj ; {of greens, &c.) gaddi, puli, anti, pula; {of sugar-canes) phan^i; {of ribbons, &c.) Jhul; (/t(/'f) jhun^i, chonti; (a camel's unch) koban To BuNCU, pliai1n&, jh&f-b. Bunuuiness, phaila,o, guchhe-d&ri. BuNCHT, chhatn&r, guchhe-dar. Bundle, dabt-buljicba, gathri, mutri, potli, pot, basta, pulinda, bidri; {of goods, &c.) benda; '- {of papers) tablak; (of grass, &c.) pushtara, bojba, fatha; {of pots, mflons, &c.) jala {Vit. a net) hauclia (lit, a basket) , from these commodities being brought in nets, &c. for sale. To Bundle, gathri-b or -k, &Qfiy&n&. BuNO, gatta, dhath&. To BuNO, gat^-d or ja)iia, waf&-band-k. BuNO-HOLE, x;hhed, surakh, dahana, muhrl. Bungle, chuk, bigar, be-wukufi. To Bungle, bigarna, nakara-banana, be-wukufi-k. Bungler, kurh, phuhar, miirakh, anari, na-azmi'ida- kar, na-kasbi, kham-dast, bhuch. Bunglingly, be-daul, bad-uslub, be-hunari-se. BuNN, halwa sohan, gandaura. Buoy, langar ka nishan, langar-noma. To Buoy, utrana, tirana, thambh-h. Buoyancy, utirahat, tara,o, bha£a,o. Buoyant, haika, utira,u. Burden, (lit. and fig.) bojh&, bar, haml, balhi, parchhi, jawab, dhu,a, kafi; {of a poem) radif, ant&chhar^ {capacity) pet, bharti; {incumbrance) gale ka bar, panw ki beri, pahar, bojh ; {of a song] antra; {a ship of great burden) bare bojh kajahaz. To Burden, bojhna, ladna, bojh-r, bujhel-k, zerbar-k. Burdensome, bhari, karra, sak^t, dushwar, giran. Burdensomeness, sakhti, dushwari. Bureau, almari or almari (more commonly almaira.) Burgess, Burgher, ra,is, shahri. Burglary, daka, sendh, upak. Burial, gar-thop, kafan-dafan, tajhiz, tadfin, takfiii; {place) makbara, goristan, kabaristan ; ■ {procession) biwan ; {service) maulud, pret manjari. Buried, asuda, ser, gara; {wealth) daflna, garauta. Burier, garwaiya, [mazakh). Burlesque, tasakhkhur, thatha, khilli, mazah (vulg. To Burlesque, bauana, taiyar-k, tasa khkh ur-k. mas- khargi- &c. -k. [baz. Burly, {corpulent) mutalla; {blustering) shekhi- BuRN, suUita or sok^ta, jala, dagdh. To Burn, a. (lit. and fig,) jalana, balna, jarna, dahna, phunkna, sukhana, lAushk-k. ag-d or -lagana; ( 'ilm i tarlk^. Chrystal, bilaur, kalam, spbatik ; {chrystaUized) kalami. Chubby, Chuffy, tbotbal-mothal, sond-mund, gal- pbula, gul-gutbna, beta. Chuff, bbainsa, ama, sand. Chuck, kutkut ; {my chuck) mere patbe ; • {chuck-chuck) ti-ti. To Chuck, Chuckle, kutkutana, kurkurana; {under the chin) thuddi-hilana, kbiliyan-k, baghl- bajana. Chuck-farthing, gboti-cbanga, gucbi-para. Chum, bam-khana, ham-hujra, bam-sabak, bam-safra or ham-ta'am. Church, girja, kalesa, kunisht, dair. Churl, ganwar, dibkani; {miser) ^ud-ghara^, kripan, bakhll. Churlish, sakht, kattar, akbar, aujbar. gustakh, uja^t sang-dil, be-rahm, dabang. Churlishly, gustakbl- &c. -se. Churlishness, sakhti, sang-dili, karal^tagi, bera^ml, gustakbl. Churn, dfidb-bandi, matki, chat!, cbatti, matbaniya; {staff) madbani, matbni, biloni, mibani, sbir- zana. To Churn, matbna or matban-k, mabna, bilona. Chyle, kail us, ras, kaimiis. [wis, ras-bbedi. Chymist, kimiya-gar, rasayani, kimiya-saz, mubaw- Chymistry, kimiya, rasayan, kimiya-gari. Cicatrix, dagh, chinb, asar. Cicatrization, iltibam, bbara,o. To Cicatrize, bbarna, muudamil-k. CiMETER, tegha, sbamsber, talwar, iina. Cincture, band, bandban ; {of a pillar) gol4. Cinder, {cold) ko,ela ; {hot) angara. Cinnabar, sbangarf, ingur, dardar. Cinnamon, dar-cbinl (Tulg. dalchini) ; (water) 'arak i dar-chini ; (oil) 'atr i dar-cbini. Cinquefoil, panj-angusbt, pancb-pattiya. CiON, (sprout) kalgha ; (graft) paiwand. Cipher, sifr, sunna, bunda, bindi ; (person) dbuha, naksh i diwiir ; (loriting in cipher) gupt- patri ; (figure) rakam, ank ; (engraved) tughra; (to write in ciphers) ramz-nawisi-k, fcamsila-likhna ; (a mere cipher, person) wajud i mu'attal. Circle, ghera, balka, da'ira, cliambar. kundall, cbak- kar, daura, daur, girda, kundal, bliauuri (tbe latter applied to a ring or curl of horse's hair, and consi- dered as a blemish) ; (a geometrical circle) shakl i mustadir, kundal-akar ; (halo) bala, mandal. Many of these words, as in English, are extensive in their application. An iucondusive form of argu- ment, or reasoning in a circle, is termed daur. To Circle, Circuit, gird-k, daura-k, mubasara-k, gber-lena, ghumna, daur-cbalna, dik,ir-b. Circuit, gardish, pher, ghuma,o, ihata, phera, chakkar, daur, bisur, gasht, gird ; (visiting) gasbt-salami. Circuiteer, 8a,ir, da,ir, girdawar, gashti. Circular, mudawwar. gol, halka-dar, gol-akar; (a circular motion) harkati istidara. Circularity, gola.i, mudawwari, gird-a-girdi. Circularly, gird ba gird, tadwirana. To Circulate, (n.) phirna. ghumna, gardisb-k; (as the blood) saurau-k, dauf na, cbarklj-marna, mus- tadir-h, chalna, bahna ; (to be dispersed) CIR ( <«i ) CLA pliailna, muntashar-h ; fa.) phailana, nmntashar-k, cbalana, jari-k, rawaii-k, ghumana. Circulation, gardish, p;hurna,o, pher, ijra chalan, baha,o ; (of the blood) sauran ; {succession) tawatur. CiRCi.-MAMBiENT, muhit, b)-5pat, gird-a-gird. To Circumambulate, girdawari- &c. -k, ghum-gham- k, dar ba dar-phirna. To Circumcise, khatna-k, sunnat-k, masalmani-k. Circumcised, makhttin, burida. Circumcision, khatna, sunnat, khatanat. Circumference, gird, gird-pesh, ghera, daura, girau, pher, gher-ghuma,o, muhiti da,ira, birdbprat ; (of a tree) kamar, gher ; of a welt) jagat, man. Circumfluent, Circumfluous, muhit, byapak. To CiRCUMFusE, phailana, muntashir-k. Circumjacent, muttasil, karib, nazdik, lag-bhag, chahu-dis ; (places) nawah or gird-nawah, atraf, pairamun, jawar, sawad, hawali. Circumlocution, 'ibarat, bakhan, ghuina,o, pech, pechidagi, marpech, pher, tul-kalam, gardish-lafzi. Circumlocutory, pechida, gol. To Circumscribe, be-makdur-k, be-bas-k, majbur-r, tangdast-r, daba-r, zabt-men-r, gherna, chhenkna, hadd-b, nargha-k. Circumscribed, tang, be-makdur, nachar, be-bas, 'ajiz, nir-bal. Circumspect, Circumspective, chaukas, chaukanna, hushiyar, mansuba-baz, chaunkel,savadhan, ihtiyati. Circumspection, chauksa,i, chaunkelta, dur-andeshii, ihtiyat, tawajjuh. Circumstance, ittifak, 'ariza, kaifiyat, hakikat, halat, hal, gat, chigunagi, bat, ahwal, wakt, (pi. aukat), hadJsat; (in easy circumstances) asuda-hal, khusli-hal. [mukarrar-k, thanna. To Circumstance, Circumstantiate, thahrana. Circumstantial, (accidental) 'arizi, ittifuki; (full) mufassal, wazih, bistarit. [tafsil-war. Circumstantially, (fully) mufassalan, mashruhan, To CiRCUMVALLATE, char diwari- &c. -banana. - CiacuMVALLATiON, char-diwati, shahar-panah, ihata. To Circumvent, thagna, dhokha-k, 'aiyari k, pech- marna or marpech-khilana, rah-marna or katna. Circumvention, thaga,i, kapat, allam-ghallam, cha- kar-makar, pech-pach. Circumventor, 'aiyar, dagha-baz, failsuf, muta- fanni, chhali, kapti, pechila, mar-pechi, char-zarb. Circumvolution, gird, gardi.sh, bhraman, pradakshina. Circus, da,ira, akhara. Cistern, hauz, chah-bacha, kund, pokbra. Citadel, kal'a or kil'a, garb, garhi, shahr-panah: this last is, properly, the fortified wall of a town. Citation, i'lam, dastak, iktibas, bulahat, talab, da'- wat, istihzar. To Cite, i'lam-bhejna, bula-bhejna, talab-k. Citizen, shahri, ahl i shahr, nagraha, pataniya, shahr- or nagar-wal. Cithern, tambura, sitar, kiugari. Citron, chakotra, karna, turanj, ghagas, gaigal, bajaura, airaj, turanj. City, shahr, nagar, balda, nagari, pur or pur; (in comp.) abad or pur ; thus, akbar-abad, the city of Akbar, viz. Agra. Civet, (the perfume so called) zabad. Civet Cat, mushk-bila,!. Civil, (polite) milan-sar, milapi, shisht, sahib-suluk, marde-admi, sahib-akhlak. inula,ini, narm, sii- tubba,o, su-sU, satkari, bhala-manus ; (opposed to military/) mulki, mail, diwan! ; (war) kh5na jangi, bandh-bigreh ; > (a civil employment) mali- kam ; (the civil power) 'adalat or ahli'adalat. Civilian, (financier. Sac.) ahl i nizamat, 'amil-pesha, ahli kalam. Civilities, tawazu* o ta'zim, rasmiyat i zahiri. Civility, khulk, ahliyat, sulfik, tamalluk, insaniyat, mudarat, awabhagat, srishtachar, sil, bhal-mansi, narm!, milan-sari, nauta,i, a,o-bha,o, takrim- tawazu*, Hfz, maratib, sanman, sushilata, muruwat. Civilization, admiyat, tarbiyat, insaniyat. To Civilize, admi- or insan-k or -banana, arasta-k, durust-k, hamwar-k, tarbiyat-k, sanwarna, sadhana. Civilized, arasta, durust, muhazzab. Civilizer, sakal sanwaru. Civilly, akhlak-se, adab-se or -adab-se. [kar. Clack, kil-kal, kal-makal, bak-bak, lablabahat, jhan- To Clack, bakbakana, barbarana, lablabana; (the tongue) titkari-marna, titkarna. Clad, (in comp.) posh ; thus, silah-posh, clad in ar- mour. Claim, da'wa, bad, darkhwast, mutalaba, istihkak, da'wa-sawal, parpach. To Claim, da'wa-k, takaza-k, talab-k, mangna. Claimant, mudda*!, badi, talib, talab-gar, da i, da'wa- dar, dad-kh\yah ; (just) mustahakk. To Clamber, charhna, bilangna. Clamminess, las, laslasahat, lablabahat, chipchipahat, lazujat. Clammy, las-dar, laslasa, lajlaja, chipchipa, lazij. Clamorous, ghaugha,!, shori. Clamour, shor, ghul, shor-shaghb, ghaugha, josh- kharosh. dhum-gajar, hanka-hank, bulara. To Clamour, ghul- &c. -k, pukarna, goharna or gu- harna, cliiughiirna. Clamp, pattar or lohe ka pattar. To Clamp, pattar-jarna or -lagana. Clan, kauin, zat, kul, baradari, khandan. gharana, kutumbh. Clandestine, poshida, chhipa, gupat, nihufta, ma^H, khufiya. nihan, pinhan. Clandestinely, chhipake, gupchup, khufiyatan. Clang, Clangour, (of arms) khatakhat, jharajhay, taratar, dharadhar ; (of a trumpet) tu-tii, bhon-bhon. To Clang, Clank, khata khat-bajna, kharakna, pbat- phatana. Clank, jhanak, jhankar, jhanat. Clap, khatka, khatak, jharaka, chameta, tal, tali, thapkari, dastak ; (peal) ghangaraj, bharbhaf- ahat ; (of thunder) karak ; (blow) _ta- raacha, thappar ; (gonorrhcea) sozak, prime,o, ba.,o, garmi, atashak, abila-farang, parma. To Clap, lagana, rakhna, bhirana, bajana, thopiyana, patpatana, thapakua, de-mama, patkana, mama, cbalana; (the wings) kunde-jharna or phat- phatana; (to disease) julfiua, zakhmi-k; (the hands) tali or thapri-bajaua (generally as a mark of disapprobation) ; (to clap or rattle as a door) bharbharana ; (to do any thing hastily) jhapse-k ; thus, he clapped his hand on his mouth, un ne jhap se munh par hath diya. Clapper, jibhi, lolak, lolni, latkan Claret, la'l- or lal-sharab. To Clarify, mail-chhantna, saf-k, raail-katna; (butter) marna, nir-mal-k. CiiAEXON, karna,e, bfl^i turni, nar-singha, Burna,e. CLA ( 46 ) CLO Clash, Clashing, khatka, jhankar, jhanak, takkar, a ja-jhar, shapishap, bhaj-aka ; {contradiction) zidd, tazadd, kalah, bibad. To Clash, khatkhatana, jhanjbanana, takrana, khaincha-khainchi-k, niz&'-r; {to oppose) zidd-k, mukhalafat-k. Clasp, chapras, pakar, jor, kakni, dharan. To Clasp, band-k, lapetna, pakarnJ, lena, gahna, kakni) ana; {to embrace) gale-lagana. Clasper, sut, V. tendril, &c. Clasp-knife, chaku. Class, nau', kism, zat, tafrik, jins, prakSr; {order) darja, paya, zil', jat, firka, fard, ras, baran. To Class, ba tartib-r, kism ba kism-r. Classic, Classical, mu'tabar, muhakkik ; {a classical author) musannifi mu'tabar. Classification, tajnis, jinswari, zil'-bandi, tartib. Clatter, kharkharahat, tartarahat. To Clatter, kharkharana, thakthakana, tartarana ; {chatter) zaj^zak-k, bakbak-k. Clavicle, bans, hansli, tarku'. Clause, fikra, jumla, fasl ; {article) shart, daf , madd, mukaddama, a,in, khand. Claw, nakhun, bukkat, changul, panja, nakh ; {of a crab) kainchi. To Claw, nochna, kharochna, chonthna, noch-d, khuj- lana, nakhiyana, bakotni, panja- &c. -marna. Claw-back {instrument so named) pusbt-khar. Clay, pindol, chikni mitti, cbabla, kacbla ; {cold) pani; {prepared) gara, gilawa, pakhsha ; {mixed with straw) kab-gil or kab-gil. Clayed, {as sugar) sewari. Clayey, mattiyar, pur-gil, gil-aliida. Clean, Cleanly, saf, paklza, pak, suchb, ujl&, ujjal, tahir, mutabbar, sutbra, cbokba, kora, nir-mal, biinal ; {lawful) balal, mubab. To Clean, Cleanse, saf-k, ujlana, mSnjna, jila-d, cbbantna, cbbarna; {a well, &c.) udabna, ugarna, kamana, ujalna, opna, mandua, dbona. Cleaning, ruft-rob, jbar-jbatak, udabi, cbbanta,i. Cleanness, Cleanliness, safa,i, paki, tabarat, paki- zagi, ujla,i, sucbbta, nir-malta, nafasat, suthra,i. Cleanly, (adv.) ba-taharat, ba-wazu', sutbra,!- &c.-se. Cleanser, jliar-kat, mal-kat. Clear, sbafFaf, barrak, tab-dar, ab-dar, pharcba, chikna, nCirani, nirmal, nitbra, safa, nicbbal, namud, bariz, pura ; {apparent) zabir, sahib, sarib, kbula, asbkara, barmala, 'alaniya, praticbb, mubai- yan, hawaida ; {free) azad, khal?,s, riba, mukt. To Clear, (a.) saf- &c, -k, jhahia, opna, utarna, utba-d,jila-dena,pbartiyana,nikbarna,katna,jbarna, kbolna, suljbana; {woodlands) kbet-nikalna, jangal-buri-k; {theway) po,esb, po,esb-k or po,is- po,is-k ; {to remove) sarkana, raf- or dur-k, Ulna ; {to free) cbhorana, azad- &c. -k ; {to gain) pasandaz-k, bacba-r, nikal-r; (n.) saf-&c. -b, nitbarna, kbulna; {clear up) jif-h, pliarchba or pbarcha-b. Clearance, rawana, cbalan, nikasl. Clearer, (cleanser) mal-kat, saf- or pak-karne-wala. Clearly, safa,i- &c. -se, la-kalam ; {evidently) zahira, sariban. [namudari. Clearness, safa,i, pak1,sliafFafi,barralf:i, ujla,i, sihhat, Clear-sioiitei), tez-nazar, ppsb-bin, dur-bin, dur- andcsh, prainn, mubassir, bina. To Cleave, (n. adhere) lagi- or lipti- or cbimat- or gatba-ralma ; {to split) pbatna, cbinia, katna, bilagna; (split, r.&.) pb&|Tia, cbirna, katnS, cbaurang-marna. Cleaver, kulhap, tabar, pharsi, cblitir&, bu^^a, kattan, katta. Cleft, {crevice) darar, tarak, raklina, ebbed, pbat, cbak ; a large cleft or opening in tbe ground in con- sequence of an earthquake is called sbakku-1-arz. Clemency, rahm, rahmat, amurzisb, sbaf^at, may&, mula,imat, hilm, narmi, dard-mandl, Clement, rablm, mutarabbim, mula,im, hallm, ka- runawant, ghafur. Clergy, mulla-makbdum, brabman-pande. Clerk, nawisanda, mutasaddi,katib,muharrir,lekhak, musbrif, sarisbta dar, patwari , (of the market) nirkhi ; (in comp.) nawis ; {among the English) krani, (in contempt, like our term quill- driver) likbni-das ; (a dazi's clerk) sakkal. Clever, cbalak-dast, subuk-dast, cbatur, cbabuk-dast, husbiyar, cbatak, sucbet, cbatkila, prabin, sunari, Bujan, kamil; {fit) cbarbank, cbayan, thik, durust, muwafik. Cleverly, dast-kari-&c. -se, cbatura,i-se. Cleverness, cbalak-dastl, busbiyarl, cbauksa,!. Clew, pinda, pilinda, gola, moya, kukri, taggi, dasi, pecbak ; {guide) sarisbta. To Click, kat-kat-k. Client, munib, mawakkil, wakil-dbarak. Cliff, pabari, tlla, sring, dbang. Climate, Clime, sarzamin, iklim, kbitta, dip, shalir ; {climate of a country, &c.) ab o bawa. To Climb, cbarbna, bilangna. Climber, cbarbwaiya ; (in comp.) cbarba. To Clinch, {the fist) mutb!-b, gbusa-tanna; — — (to confirm) sabit-k ; — {a nail) morna, munb-mama ; {a bargain) bandhna, pukhta-k. pnkht-paz-k. mazbut- &c, -k. To Cling, latak- or atak- or hilag- or laga-rahnft, garba-rabna, lipatna, cbimatna. To Clink, kbarkbarana, jbinjbinana, tuntunana, tban- tbanana, tatkarna. To Clip, katarna, katna, tarasbna, katar-d, cbbantna, mikraz-k ; {the wings) kut-k ; {words) cbabana. Clipping, kataran, tarasba, cbbant. Clitoris, tana, suiiga, tita, ribla, bbagtan, bicba, pataka, kont, tumkana. Cloak, farghul, labada, gbongri, jubba, barani or barani-kurti (wbicb the servants have a trick of calling brandy-kurti), cbokba, pamy i,- barsati-jama ; {cover) parda. To Cloak, cbbipana, dhampna, gupat-k, ikhfU-k, khasposb-k, lapetna. Cloak-bag, khurji, mafrash. Clock, ghari, chariyal, sa'at, dbaram-gbarl, sa'at- numii ; (what o'clock is it ?) kaun ghari bai ? kitni gbarl bai ? {it is going to twelve) do pabar ka 'amal bai; (come at nine o'clock in the morning) pabar din cbarbe a,o ; {it is about to strike twelve) do pabar baja-cbabta bai, or bajne par bai. Clockmaker, sa'at-saz, gbari-saz. Clockwork, kal-kanta, jantr or yantra. Clod, dbima, dhela, kuhikb, pinda, londa, dala ; {dolt V. blockhead) leda, tbu,a, na-dfin. Clog, bojb, atka,o, bar, wazn, harj, kabahat, sadd or sadd ; (shoe) kbar.i,un, cbama,un. To Clog, bbari-k, wazani-k, girahbar-k, band-k, atkiina ; {to load) ladna, bharna. Cloister, gosha, takiya, buj'"^' marbi, kuti. Close, (end) tamami, akhir, ant. Close, (adj.) band, munda, ruka ; {coneiM, nar- row) taag ; {literal) tabti-lafzi ; (joined) jIjO ( 47 ) COA tptth) paiwasta, mila, laga, bhira; (near) mut- tasil, lage-lage; (close by) lag-bhag; (close- handed) tang-dil or chashm; (hidden) daba, chhipa; (secret, reserved) ruka, rukha; (sly) pakka, 'aiyar; (thick) ghana, gunjan; (compact) thos, sangin ; (as the weather) ganda, masdud, khamas. To Close, (a.) band-k, mundna, ma'mur-k, bherna, michna, munclia or milchna, chhopna, dhanpna, lagana, bhirana, uthangna, hirkana; (to finish) niptarna ; (to end) khatm-k, sampuran-k, samapt-k; (to close up) milana, bandhna, rokna; (n.) mundna, michna; (to close in with) muwafakat-k, ittifak-k, mel-milap-k , (to close with) bhirna, jutna, lipatna, band-h, lagna, milna, hirakna, satna, bandhna. Closely, takaiyud-se, sate-sate, bhirake, laga-lag, pitiya-thonk. Closeness, (narrowness) ihtibas, rukawat, kotahi, khamsahat ; -- — (vicinity) nazdiki, paiwastagi ; (thickness) ganjani ; (compactness) san- gini, injimad ; -— — (of the weather) gandagi. Closet, khalwat-gah, khalwatkhana. gosha, kothn, hujra. To Closet, (a person) khalwat-k; (the king closeted the minister two hours to-day) aj padshah ne wazSr se do ghari khalwat ki. Clot, thakka, anthi, chakkan, chakka. To Clot,' (become clotted) jamna, thakka-h. Cloth, kapra, parcha, bastar or vastra, jSma. There are many varieties, some of which are as follows : — garha, patha, gazi, gazina, maghar, chauka, amirti, bafta, adharsa, ^assa, adhotar, hazari, pachtoliya, sitara, sahan, mahmudi, jhola ; (red) kharwa ; (as a carpet) chandni ; (web of) jamawar ; (for the table) dastar-khwan, chadar (prop, a sheet) ; (woollen cloth) banat, sakarlat, pattu; (shawls, &c.) pashmina ; (to lay the cloth) mez -lagana, chadar- or sufra-bichhana. Cloth-mekchant, parcha-farosh, kapriya. Clothes, Clothing, kapre, parche, bastar, libas, poshak, poshish, akmasha, pahrawa ; (cast) utaran, chharan ; (bed) orhna, bichhawan or bichhauua. To Clothe, kapra-orhna or -pahanna or -pahrana ; (to feed and clothe) roti kapra-d, tan-pet ki khabar-lena. Clothed, (in comp.) posh : thus in Naji, " mahru jab safed-posh hu,a, har taraf chandni ka josh hu,a," when the fair one was clothed in white, the moon shone with new lustre around. Clothier, banat-baf, julaha, koli. Cloud, abr, badli, badal, ghan, megh, ghatii, sahab; (obscurity) tariki, andhera ; (crowd) ifrat, buhtat, kasrat. To Clovd, parda-r, udas- &c. -k; (to variegate) abr-r, jauhar-d ; (to be clouded, as the sky) ghirna, rukna, chhana, gherna, chha-lena. Cloudiness, andhera, tiragi, tariki, zulmat; (of wood) jauhar-dari. Cloudless, be-abr, nir-mal, saf, khula-hu,a. Clouds, (pearl-dropping) abri-naisan. Cloudy, abr i ghaliz, abri-siyah, dhundla, ghata, ghera, ruka, chhaya, jhar, utra, phika; (with dust) andha-dhund, gard-aluda; (variegated) jauhar-dar, abri; (gloomy) rukha, rurha. Clove, laung, karanful, mekhak; (of garlick) pot, andi, jawa, (from jau, a barley-corn) . Cloven, (cleft) burida, chira-hu,a, shikafta or shigafta; (footed) khuri-dar, phata-sum; (foot) khan. Clover, tarfil ; (he is now living in clover) uskl panchon ungliyan ghi men haiii (lit. his five fingera are in butter) ; (to live in clover) khud-men-h. Clout, paiwand, para, jor, parkhanda; (raff) langoti, lungi; (hippin) potra, rumal, baizi latta, lonretha, biijla; (a dishclout) safi, ponchhna ; (a clout which the Hindus use for wiping their bodies) angochha. To Clout, paiwand- &c. -lagana, paiwand-kari-k, para-dozi-k. Clown, ganwar, kisan, dihkani, rosta,i, murakh. Clownish, anchhila, angarh, ganwaru, na-tarashida, gustakh. jat, bail, akhar, jabad. Clownishness, dihkan-pan, ganwar-pan. To Cloy, asuda-k, ser-k, aghana, chhakana, munh- phirana, umthana (n. umathna) ubhna; (to be cloyed) ser-h, ji-bharna, clihakna, munh-phirjana. Club, chob, sonta, lathi, lath, thenga, dabbus, chaugan, gurz, gadka, gada, labeda, baisakhi, deng, mutahra ; (of hair) chonda; (assembly) majlis, musha'ara. This last is restricted to a friendly meet- ing of poets : there have been several such in Lakh- nau, Dilli, &c., in which the members used to criticise and correct one another's works previous to their publication. To Club, sharakat-k, damasahi-k, bihri-k, patti-k, milna, muttafik-h. Club-footed, terh-pawan or terh-panw. Club-law, labed, whence the saying, "bed nahin, labed hai," there is no law— it is club-law. To Cluck, kutkut-k, kutkutana. Clump, (of wood) kunda, lakra; (of treet) jhund ; (of bamboos) kothi, thana. Clumsily, be-salikagi-se, bad-waz'i-se. Clumsiness, bad-uslflbi, bad-waz'i, anari-pana, be- salikagi, bad-dauli, bedhangapan. Clumsy, anari, kurh, bad-daul, bhadesal, bad-an- dam, na-tarashida, bad-waz', phiihar, be-hunar, ku- bhakhar, khajbelii, bad-saj, be-daul, habra, ghaghar, kham-kar, bedhanga. Cluster, khosha, guchha, ghaur, ghuncha ; (bunch) dasta, turra ; (l>evy) jama', bhir. Clutch, muth, gah, pakar, hath, changul, panja, kabza, girift, da,o. To Clutch, pakarna, gahna, kabzi men-lena. Clyster, hukna. Coach, ghur-daur, ghur-bahaJ, gari. Coachman, gari-wan, bahal-wan. [hati. Coadjutor, rafik, sharik, sajhi, sathi, yawar, sang- CoAGULABLE, jama,u, kabil i injimad. To Coagulate, (n.) jamna, bandhna, basta-h, raun- jamid-h ; (a.) jamana, bandhna. Coagulation, jamawat, injimad. Coal, ko,ela, teliya pathar; (live) angara, akh- gar, chingara, ag ka dala ; (black as a coal) ko,e1a sa kala. To Coalesce, milna, jurna, jutna, amekhta-h. makh- lut-h, mamzuj-h, munzamm-h, paiwasta-h. Coalition, Coalescence, mel, milap, ittifak, amezish, ikhtilat, imtizaj, iltiyam, inzimam, paiwastagi. Coarse, (as cloth) mota, gunda; (unrefined) kacha, kham ; (rude) an-chliila, durusht ; (clumsy) be-hunar, bad-daul, khadhar, ghaghar ; (vile) ghaliz, na-pak. [&c. -se. Coarsely, be-dauli-se, be-hikmati-se, be-salikagi- CoARSENESs, mota.i, khami, kacha,i, gundagi, du- rushti, sakhti, karakhtagi, ghalazat, kaj-khulki. Coast, kinara, lab i darya, tir, par, sahil ; {the coast is clear) l^ali maidan hai (Ut- 1^ fi^ *' clear) , COA ( « ) COL Vi» Coast, kinare pakar ke jana. Coat, kurti, anga, kaba, jama, alWialak, gadla,; (of mail) jhilam, dagia, baktar, cluhil-tah ; — — (habit) bhes, bana, kurta, chapkan, le,o ; (tumc) parda; (layer) tab, part; (in painting) the first coat, astar; the second, &c., rang; (coat of arms) 'alamat, nishan. To Coat, af.tar-lagana, tah-cbarbana, astar -kari-k ; (a crucible, &c.) kaprauti-k, gil i hikmat-k. Coated, astar-kar or astar-dar. To Coax, pbuslana, bablana, dam-dilasa-d, dam-bazi-k, chaplusi-k, chumkarna, chuchkama, pahlana, bodhna, lahkarna. CoAXER, dam-baz, phusla,u, phulasre-baz, chaplus. To Cobble, gantbna, tankna, gbungbcbana. Cobbler, chamar, mochi, para-doz ; (mean per- sons) teli tamboli ; (bungler) kurh, anan. ^ Cobweb, makri ka jala, nasj i 'ankabut, jhul. Cochineal, kirmiz i farangi, kirm dana ; (the plant) nag-phani, phani mansa, sij. Cock, murgh, murgha, kukra, kukkat, Wiurus ; (male) nar, naruka; (of a gun) tota, kal, ghora; (leader) sarkob ; (spout) tonti ; (of hay) dheri ; ("/ a balance) kanta, jibhi ; (of an arroto) sufar. To Cock, (a.) kbara-k, uthana; (a gun) kal- khichna, ghora-cb'arhana ; (the ear) kan-bochna or -cbaprana; (the nose) nak-phulaaa; (the' turban) terha-k ; (n.) akarna, ainthnS Cockade, phul, giichha, phundna. Cock-crow, niurgh-bang, awazi khurus. To Cocker, (fondle) phuns-phans-d. piyar-k, naz-k. CocKET, (a pass, ticket) dastak-rahdari, rawanna CocK-FifliiTER, murgh-baz. Cockle, (shell-fish) ghongha, shambuk. Cockpit, pali, akhara. CooKREL, (a young cock) patha, pattha, chuza. CocKROCiiE, (vermin) til chatta, jhingur. Cockscomb, kesar, turra; (a flower) taji Uiurus. CocKSPUR, murgh ka kbar. Cocksure, yaljiin ; (to be) bhulna, nazan-h, dam- marna. Cocoa, nariyal, narjil ; (green) dab, domala; (dry) jhuna ; {the kernel) khopra, gari. CocTiox, josh, iibal, hazm, pacha,o. Cod, dhendhi, tant; (of pease) phali, chhiml. Code, kitab, jung, pothl, granth, pustak, potha. To Codle, nim-josh-k, adh-pakka-k. Coequal, ham-sar, ham-chashm, barabar. To Coerce, expressed by " zor-se " or " ba-zor," with the causal verb, v. to compel. Co-eternal, ham-ka,im, ham-da,iin. Coeval, ham-joli, ham-'umr, ham-sinn, ham-zad or -'asar or -zaman or -wakt, sanjukt. To Co-exist, mujtama'-h, sam jivi-h, ham-wakt-h. Co-existence, ijtima*. Co-exibtent, ham-inaujud, ham-waVt. Coffee, kahwa, bun ; (house) bhanger- or ganja- khana, kahwa-khana; (cm/') finjan; (pot) kaliwa-dan. (a coffin or a crown) (drinker) kabwa-kbor; Coffer, sanduk, pcti, durj Coffin, sandnk, tabiit; - takjjt yfi takhta. To Coffin, saiuluk men-r, kafauana, takfin-k. Coo, (tooth'ofa wheel) khuuta. CooRNCY, zor, lf;uwat, bal. zarurat, istikrar. Coqknt, kawi, prabal, zan'ir, la-budd. To Cogitate, aiidesha- &c. -k, Bochni, bicharn& Cogitation, andesha, fikr, chinta, taraddad, Uiiy&l. Cognizable, jnasmu', suune-jog. Cognizance, Cognition, baz-pursi, baz-Miwask, fariyad-rasi, istima'. tahkikat, tajwiz. CoONOMiNAL, ham-nam, ham-ism, mit. To Cohabit, ham-khwaba-h, ham-aghosh-u, ham- bistar-h, kurbat-k, 'aurat- &c. -r, bhitar-sona, ham- suhbat-h. Cohabitation, ham-bistari, ham-l^wabi, ham-&gho- shi, suhbat, sangat. Coheir, hain-waris or -warsa, ek-ansi. To Cohere, jamua, munjamid-h; (to fit) thik-h. Coherence, Coherenct, Cohesion, injimad, ittisal, bastagi, jama,o. "alaka, ta'alluk, tatabok, tatbik, rabt, karina, silsila, sar-rishta, milap, sata o, wasl. Coherent, munjamid, basta; (connected) muta'allik, chasplda; (eomistent) muwafik, thik, rast. Coherently, sarrishte-se, laga,o-se. Cohort, ulush, risala, gnroh, jama'at. Coil, kundli, gundli, halka, gunda, gpndur. To Coil, gundli-banana, kundli-murna, Coin, sikka, zarb, mudra, taka, paisa, zar maskfik, hun or hun, falam, tunga ; (counterfeit) nasurra, nazura. To Coin, zarb-d, sikka-maraa, paisa-banana ; (invent) ijad-k, jorna, bandhna. Coinage, Coining, zarrabi; (invention) ijad, ikhtira', iftira, bandish; (charge of coining" ga]-ha,e, bana,!. To Coincide, milna, muwifik-h, ekdil-h. ▼. to accord. Coincidence, 'alaka, ta'alluk, munasabat, ittisal, tatabuk laga,o, tatblk, bana,o. Coincident, muuasib, muwafi^, muttati^, ektan or yaksan. Coined, maskuk, mazrub. Coiner, zarrab, taksaliya, kalb-baz ; (counter- feiter) taghailubi ; (inventor) mujid, mukhtari*. ban!. Coition, jima', mubasharat, wasl, milap, sangam, prasang, rat, mel, kel, mujama'at, surt. Colander, chhanne ki safi, chalni. Cold, thandh. sardi, khunuki, burudat, sir, jara, hem, jur, jura, rezish ; (to catch) jhola-marna ; (the cold season) sarma. jara; ■ ■ (the cold fit of an ague) juri, larza; (disease) sardi, zukam, nazla, hawa-zadagi. Cold, (adj.) thandha, sard, ^unuk, sital, sira, jurft, basi, shabina, barid, kaukan, pani ; (frigid) khunuk-mizaj, sust, za'if, boda; (indifferent) dhila, afsurda, dhila Coldly, ghaflat-se, kara-nigahi-se. Coldness, sarda,i, thandha,!, sltalta, kam-nigahi; (neglect) ghaflat. sard-mihri, afsordagi. Colic, kulinj. ba,o-sul. To Collapse, mil-jaua, chapakna, baith-jana, pach- akna. Collar, kuiaba, gulQ-band: (r/ a garmenl) girebau; (leather) patU; (metal) tauk, hahsli, hahs; (the coUar-bone) tarku'. To Collar, gireban-pakarua. ToCoLLATE,mukabala-k,muwajaha-k,barabarj&,iza-k, miluna. Collateral, Colijvterallt, barabar-sarabar, lage- lage, pahlu ba pahlu, ham-sar, ham-pahlu, ek-jadi. Collation, mukabala, muwajaha; (repast) tanakul, nukl, jal-pau, nashta. CoLi.EAOUK, rafik, sharik, sajhi, sSthi, sangi, »ahim, ham-'uhda or -mansab. COL ( 49 ) COM To CoLLKCT, (a.) jama'-k, ekja-k, ekthan-k, sametna, batorna, bahurna, sangorna, le- or bachh-r, sakelna ; (animals) bira-b ; {revenues) tahsil-k, wasul-k, talisilna, ugahna; {to gather from premises) nikalna, istikhraj-k ; {to collect one's self) sambhalna, 'aki- or hosh-pakarna,ta,ammul-k. Collected, jama*, faraham. Collection, ijtima', sangrah, jamlyat, majma', izdi- ham, hujum, mothri, dher ; {of poems) diwan, punj ; {of pictures) murakk'a, mukawwa ; {miscellany) kachkol ; {revenue) mal-guzari, ugahi, tahsilat, wasilat ; {district) talisil- or 'amal-dari ; {the sum collected) jama*, mahsul, muhassal ; {subscription) bachh ; {account of) tauzih. Collections, {and balances) wasil-baki ; [be- ginning of) punni, shagun ; {half of the) adh- kari. Collective, majmu*, sagra, ekthan ; — — {noun) ism i jins. CoLLECTiA'ELT, haiyat i majmu*i, majmfi'an. Collector, batoru, ugahne-wala ; {compiler, &c.) jami', mu,allif, sangrahi ; {tax-gatherer) tahsU- dar, muliassil, baj-dar ; {of a district) fauj-dar, 'amal-guzar, cliakle-dar, zill'a-dar, 'amal-dar, saza- wal, mal-guzar, ihtimami ; {stiperintendant) 'arnil. When this office is held in trust, the person so trusted is styled *amil amin ; if by contract, *amil mustajir ; (a collector of port-duties) mir-bahr, shah-bandar ; {inferior) haldar or dipdar. College, madrasa, path- or sikh-sala : there are seve- ral such establishments in Hindustan. Collegiate, Collegian, talib i 'ilm or talibu-I-'ilm. Colli flower, phul-karam, al-kanblt. Colliquative Sweat, sitli. Collision, dliakka, takkar, thes, thokar. CoLLOP, dali, muchcha, parcha, bhastikka, botl. Colloquial, {phrase, &c.) rozmarra, muhawara. Colloquy, bat-chit, guftagu, bol-chal, zikr-mazkur, jawab-sawal, kah-puchh, kalima-kalam. [thna. To Collude, satbat- &c. -k, v. league, gathna, san- CoLLUsioN, bandish, sazish, ittifak, satbat, satta-batta, jog-sanjog, kar-sazi, sakht. Collusively, bandish- &c. -karke. CoLLYRiuji, anjan, shiyaf, surma, kuhal. Colon, {gut) kulun ; {point) mutlak. Colonel, salar, hazari, risala-dar, ulush-dar. The last corresponds to a major in the king's services, as there are, or ought to be, two ulush-dars with every salari, or body of a thousand men. To Colonise, basana, abad-k, barpa-k, ma'miir-k, nau-abad-k. Colonnade, chihil-sutun, sutun ki katar. Colony, abadi, nau-abadi, basti, garoh, jatha, jammi- ghafir, bandhan. CoLOQUiNTEDA, CoLOCYNTHB, iudrayan, hanzal, bhas- lumbha, kharbuza-talkh. Coloration, rang-sazi, rangawat, ranga,i. Colossus, {giant) de,o or dev, daitya. Colour, rang, baran, laun, rup ; {of a horse) changia ; {in oil) rang raughan ; (in comp.) gun, ^m ; {room) thikana, jagah, ja,e ; {there was not the least colour for excuse) muUak ja,e *uzr na thi ; {appearance) bhes, bana, surat, shakl ; {pretence) bahana, liila, mis, hujjat. To Colour, rangnl, rangana, rang-charhana, rangin» k ; {to palliate, &c.) banana, taujili-k, khas- posh-k; {to blush) sbarm-khana, lajana, chapna. Coloured, rangin, rang-ba-rang, rata, gun-a-giln, ratig;il&. Colouring, rangawat, ranga,!, rangini. Colourless, shafiaf, musaflTa, nir-mal. Colours, {standard) nishan, 'alam, bairak, jhanda. Colt, bachhera (feni. bacheri) akhand, kurra, nakand, dok; {a young foolish fellow) alhar, chhichhofa colt's tooth, figurat.) dvidh ka dant. Colter, {of a plough) phar, nasi, phala. CoLTisn, shokh, dhith, abtar, alola, gabrfl. Column, {pillar) sitiin or sutun, pil-paya, thamb : {of men) katar, pant ; {of a book) saf he ka ek khand or zila*. Comb, kanghi, shlna ; {a cock's comb) kes, taj or taji ^urus, maur, phul, kalghi ; {a hone<) comb) shahad ka khaua. To Comb, kanghi-k ; {teool or cotton) tiimnl dJinnna, jharna. Combat, lara,i, jhagra, mubarazat, jang o jadl. To Combat, (n.) larna ; lara,i-k, mukabala- &c. -k, radd-k, mardud-k, i'tiraz-k, kat-d. Combatant, harif, mukabil, laraka. Combination, ittifak, rifakat, mel, milap, sharakat, sajha ; {collusion) bandish, &c. ; {union, &c.) ittisal, irtibat, il^tilat ; {conjunction) paiwastagi, amezish. To Combine, (a.) milana, jorna, ganthnS, paiwasta- &c. -k ; (n.j milna, jurna, paiwasta-h, ek-h. Combined, muttafik, muttasil, makhlut. mila« amekhta, paiwasta. Combustible, sozanda, jalan-har, barut-sa. Combustion, sokhtagi, sozish, jalan. Come, (interj. be quick) a,o, Ia,o, aja, chalo, lo, bas/ {come aioay) a,o chalo ; {come here) chalo a,o, hale; {come off) gurez, nikal ; {come, read the lesson) a,o sabak parhiye. To Come, ana, pahunchna, a-jana, parua, girna, hona, warid- or sadir-h ;' {oiU) nikalna, ukharna, ubharna, phutna ; {in season) utarna, chuna ; {on) charhna ; —■ — {to) lagna ; {how comes that ?) yih kyun kar hai ? {to proceed) nikal-ana ; {to come about) ho-jana ; {to change) phirna; {to come to himself) ap men-ana, hosh meri-ana; {to come, speaking of a superior) tashrif-lana ; {the time to come) a.inda or ayanda, agam. [bhand. Comedian, bahurupiya, nakkal, sawangi, na^-baz, Comedy, nakl, sawang, pekhna, bahnrup. Comeliness, khOb-surti, khush-andami, husn, sajawat. Comely, khub-surat, khush-andam, sundar, sajila, basin, shakil, wajih, nek-manzar, tarah-dir, su- daul, ^ush-chhab. Comer, ayanda, ane-wala, awaiya, pahanchne-wai&, awan-har; (in comp.) warid, rasida, amada; {comers and goers) ayand-rawand or ayande- rawande. Comet, sitara*e dum-dar, jharu, dhum-ketu, punchliar- tara or punchhal-tara. Comfit, &c., ghilafi-mewa, ilachi-dana. Comfort, samadhan, kuwwat, bal, takwiyat, taskin, dhiraj, aram, khatir-dari, dhir, prabodh, tasalli, dil- dihi, ni'mat, dilasa, chain, sahayata. To Comfort, kuwwat-d, tasalli- &c. -d. Comfortable, {in circumstances) asuda-bil, jahib ni'mat, na'im ; {giving comfort) taskin-bak^sli, farah-bakhsh, itminaui, sukhi, faiz-bak^sh. Comfortably, aram-se, khushi-se, chain-se. Comforter, mun'im, k^atir-nawaz, g^am-y^war, y;iabar-fix. COM ( W ) COM CoMroRTLBBS, bc-kas, be-chara, be-chaiu, ii&-muiM, dil-shikasta, dil-tang, udas. CoHicAX, Comic, thathhe-baz, hansor, Uiush-taV, fhathol, chuhla, zarif, 'ajib, zor, achambha, bhaU, zatali, mascara ; {he in a comical body) wuh zor hayuli hai. COMiOAiiLT, masUjargi- &c. -le. CoMiCALNESs, masl^ra-pan, tbathol-b&zi, thathol!, ma-sl^arg!, k^ush-tab'i, zarafat. Coming, ana, awa,i, amad ; (arrival) makdam, kudum, rasid ; — — {coming and going) amad-shud, amad-raft, 5wa-ja,i, ahar-jabar, ana-jana, tana- bana, goj-a-pahi, Sra-jari ; {to purpose coming) iwan-awan-k. Command, Commandment, hukm, amr, irshsd, far- man, farmuda, farnia,ish, Sggya, hukumat, tahak- kura, sardari, riyasat, kaha, nirnai, adesh, nirnij. To Command, farmana, hukm- &c. -d or -k, sardari- &c, -k; {to overlook) dekhna, sarkob-h ; (to have the command) tahakkum-k, hukumat-k. Commander, hakim, sardar, salar, fear-gujoh, mahant, Bartaj, adhipati, senapati, jam'-dar, pesbwa, aggya- kar or aggya-karta, mir, saindhiya, sarkob ; {of seven thousand ) haft-hazari ; {of five thousand ) panj-hazarl, &c. ; (in chief) sipah-salar, mu^- tar-fauj, amiru-l-umara, bal^shi (or rather mir- ba^hi) ; {of a garrison) kil'a-dar. CoMHANDiNQ, {situation) sarkob, maru, sar-jit, dal- thamb. CoMMATERiAL, ham-madda, ham-jins. CoMMEMOBABLE, kabil-yad, prashansaniya, smaran- yog- To CoMMEMOEATB, 'ufs-k, yad-gati or -dihi-r, ta'rif-k, sarahna. Commemoration, shad!, 'urs, fatiha, yad-dihi, surt- kar, yad-gari, imaran-arth-kriya. To Commence, (n.) shuru'- &c. -h, nandhna, lagna, charhna, dast-andaz-h ; (a.) shuru'- &c. -k, nandhna, ararabh-k. [rambh. Commencement, shuru', aghaz, ibtida, arambb, pra- To Commend, {to recommend) sifarish-k, tat:rib-k; (praise) sarahna, ta'rif-k, tausif-k; {to deliver) hawala-k, taslim-k, sipurd-k, sompna. Commendable, sarahu, kabil-tahsin, la,ik-ta'rif, mus- tahsan, pa^andida. Commendation, ta'rif, madh, afrin, astut or stuti, sarah, bara.l, mahima, prashansa. CouMENDEE, saua-khwau. maddah. Commensurate, &c., ham-andaz, fara-^ur, muwafik. Comment, Commentary, sharah, hashiya, ta,wil, ta'bir, t'lka, tippan or tippani, bhash, ijtihad ; {on the kur,au) baizawi, tafslr. To Comment, sharah- &c. -Ukhna, hashiya, charhana. Commentator, Comm enter, mufassir, muhashshi, sharih, mu'abbir, tika-kar, bhash-kar, mujtahid. Commerce, saudagari, tijarat, banj orbanijya, byohar, baipar. Ion-den, mahajani, kharid-farokht, ban ; {intercourse, q.v.) rah-rawish, rah-rasm, awa-jahi, rit-prit, ta'allu^, laga,o, chalan-byohfir, suhbat. Commercial, saudagarana, tijaratl, bazarl. To Commiserate, ra^m- &c. -k, daya-k, maya-k. Commiseration, ra^, riliLl^t, tarahhum, march, shufkat, daya. Cohhiserator, mutarahhim, rahim, dayal. Commissary, darogha, 'ariz, karora, na,ib. CoMMissARYSHiP, daroghl or daro|^agi. Commission, {warrant) sanad, patr, dastawez, mu^- tar-nania, 'uhda; {trust) o^uinl ; [on col- lections) muhassilana; {command) farma,ish; {delegation) wikalat-nama ; (perpetration) irtikab, kartab, kriya, kiyi {commisAon on goods, &c.) halckus-sal, rusum, tahrir, dastur, dasturi, dallali. To Commission, sanad- &c. -d, wakil-k, na,ib-k, gnmashta-k, mukarrar-k, ikhtiyar-d. Commissioner, amin, karora, darogha, mu^tar-kar, waki], gumashta. To Commit, (to intrust) hawala-k, dena, dalna, sompna, 8upurd-k, samarpan-k; (to keep place, &c.) rakhna, dharna; ■■ (to imprison) l^aid-k, band-k; (to perpetrate) karn&, irtikab-k ; (to com- mil adultery) zina-k. Commitment, kaid, dhar-pakar. Committee, pancha,et or panchayat, majlis. Committer, murtakib, Vaid-karne-wala, Commodious, ma'kill, muwafik, la,ik, kabil, munasib, khSb. khush-Duma. suthra; {useful) mufid, fa,ida-ba]^h, gun-karl. CoMMODiousLY, uslub-sc, suthra,i-se. Commodioosness, suthra,!, khi^sh-numa.i. khubi, aram, gun, fi.,ida. Commodity, jins, mal, bast, sauda, sauda-sulf, mata'. Common, (adj.) mushtarik, mushtamil, musta'mil. mashhur, mushtahar, pragat; {inferior, &c.) chhota, kam, zer-dast, utarta-hu,a, nirs, rasi, bazaru, riwaji; {generally) aksar, beshtar, dastyab, bahu-brindi, sajha, siri; {practice) \idi%\vn-\- isti'mal; —— {verb) fi'l mushtarik, karam-dwibidlia ; {law) 'amal, dastur, chalan : {right) hakk i mushtarik, sir- or sajh-ans; {consent) kull ka ittifak; {a common) sa,ir (v. pasture, jJain) ; {public) wakf, la-waris , — {plenty, q. v.) bahut; {vulgar, q. v.) kam-kadr, adna, dani, galil; {people) 'amm; {usual) rii,ij, murawwaj; {prostitute) har-ja,i, fahisha, shattah- {common sense) hiss i mushtarik; {in common) barabar, 'ala-s-sawiyat ; in the com- mon way) muwafik dastur ke. A COMMON, {plain or field) maidan, sa,ir. Commonality, Commons, 'awamrau-n-nas, 'awamm, pawaj, nich-log. Commoner, nich, adna, paji, kamina, 'ammL Common Law, riwaj, 'urfi 'amm. Commonly, aksar, 'aia-l-'umum, aksar-aukat, beshtar, barha or bar-bar, bahut-wakt, bahiut-kal, pher-pher ; {commonly called) 'urf . Commonness, kasrat, tadawul, ishtirak, bahubrind. Common-place Book, baiyaz, safina, jung, chaupata. Commons, {food) khana; {people) 'amm, ahali, samanya-Iog. A Common Shore, nala, badar-rau, nab-dan, muhri, parnala, mazbala. Commonweal, Commonwealth, intizam, baud o bast, nazm o nask. Commotion, harakat, hila,o, tazalzul, balwa, fitna, jhanjhat, garmi, halchali, khalbali, halbali, laghzish, dund, kaldi, bibad, &c. ; (perturbation) ^a\a.\, iztirar, byakuli. To Commune, batiyana, bolna, ham-sukhan-h. To Communicate, (a.) kahna, batlana, nakl-k, bayan- k, likhna ; {to give) dena, de-dalna, bak^shna. (n. to be connected) milna, 'alabia- &c. -r, mushtamil- &c. -b, lagna. Communication, 'alaka, ta'alluk, silsila, sar-riihta, laga,o, mel, rabt ; {news) khabar, ittila'. Communicative, faiyaz, chashma,i faiz, asrar-noma. Communicativeness, faizan, faiyazi. Communion, amad-raft, &mad-shud, awa-jahi; - (society) mel, saugat, uns, uusiyat, mufa^bat, sam- bhashan. COM ( 51 ) COM Community, jamhur, ri'aya, praja, khalk, khilkat. 'alam, guroh, khass o 'aram, ahali-mawali ; {the good of the community) rafahiyat i khalk, faiz i 'amm. CoMMTJTABLE, mumkinu-t-tabdil, herpher ke kabil. Commutation, badal, tabdil, 'iwaz-mu'awaza, herpher, adla-badli. To CojiMUTE, tabdil-k, badal-d, 'iwaz-d &c. -d. Compact, shart, hot, 'ahd, bacha, bij, kaul-karar, 'ahd paiman, ittifak, kabuliyat, hkh-taug ; (in comp.) nama. Compact, (adj.) thos, pur-kar, ^afs, basta, sift, pur, kasif, garha, godkuu, kasmasa; [brief) mukh- tasar. [bastagi, porhapan. Compactness, sangini, pur-kari, injimad, kasafat. Companion, rafik (pi. rufaka), satlii, ham-rahi, yar- ghar, ham-dam, ham-nishin, ham-jalsa, anis-jalis, nadim, ashna, sharik, sajhi, munis, yar, musahib, hara-zanu, ham-suhbat, ham-karin, ham-bazm, ham-kasa or ham-kadah, sakha, goya or goi ; {partner) ashab, sharik; {a bottle companion) ham-nawala, ham-piyala. Company, {guests) mihman ; {assembly) majlis, jalsa, sabha ; {fellowship) rifukat, sang, mura- fikat, unsiyat, hamrahi; {partnership) shirakat; {corporation) firka; {body of men) baradari, guroh, jama,at, jatha, samuh, mandali, tuman, toll; {accustomed to) majlis-dida; {a com- pany of dancing girls, &c.) ta,Jta; {to bear or keep company) suhbat-r, ritakat- &c. -k, ham-rah-h, saihi-h, ham-rahi-k. Ci^MPARABLE, barabar, ham-sar, ham-chasm, mukabil. Comparative, {degree) sigha e tafzil ; {noun) ismi tafzil. Comparatively, ba-nisbat, hote, nisbatan, az-ru, ki-ru, ke mukabil, ke rahte ; {death covipara- tively with such a life is preferable) aisi ziudagi ke rahte, maut bhali hai ; {this book compandivcly with that book) yih kitab ba-nisbat us kitab ke or is kitab ke hote wuh kitab. [mushabahat- Sec. -d. To Compare, mukabala-k, milana, tanlna, tashbih-d, Comparison, Compare, mukabala, takabul, muwajaha, tatbik, milani, barabari, upama, sadrishya; {simile) mushabahat, tamsll, tulyata; {propor- tion) nisbat. Compartment, ]^aua, kism, ghar, kamara. Compass, daur, daura, ghera, ghuma,o, chakkar, pher, girda, gardish, ihiita, raa'raz; (reach) paliunch, rasa.i ; {extent) mikdar, was'at, thikana, hadd ; {a pair of compasses) pargar ; {the mariner's compass) kutb-numa, kibla-numa : this last is used by the Musalmans to point out the situation of Makka (vulg. Mecca) on particular occasions, such as ab- sence from home, &c. To Compass, gherna, garema, chhenkna, muhasara-k, gird-k ; {to attain) hasil-k, rast-lana. Compassion, dard, pir, shafkat, rahm, rikkat, dard- mandi, tars, karuna, daya, kripa. Compassionate, sahib-dard, dard-mand, shaf ik, rahim, mushfik, mihrban, rahm-dil, narm-dil, mom-dil, marohi, dayal, karuna-want, bhala. To Compassionate, rahm- &c. -k, gham-^wari-k. Compassionately, rahm- &c. -se. Compatible, laik, kabil, shayan, munasib. Compatibly, liyakat- &c. -se. [desi. Compatriot, ham-watan, ham-shahri, swadesi, ek- CoMPEER, ham-sar, ham-chashm, barabar, ham-joli, ham-martaba o% -darja. To Compel; this word is generally expressed by a causal verb, and the words zor-se, ba-zor, zabar- dasti-se ; thus to compel one to speak, zor se bulana, ba-zor kahlana ; (to compel ont to write) zabar- dastl se likhaua. Compellation, lakab (pi. alkab), Hiitab, sangiya. Compeller, zabar-dast, zalim. CoMPEND, Compendium, ilAtisar, inti^ab, ijmil. khulasa, dopatti, mujiz, sanchhep-granth. Compendious, mu^tasar, munta^ab, mujmal, kotah, sanchhep. Compendiously, i^tisar- &c. -se. To Compensate, talafi-k, 'iwaz- &c. -d, paritoshik-d. Compensation, talafi, 'iwaz, ajr, jaza; {damage) dand, gunah-gari, mukafat. Competence, Competency, {of fortune) faraghat, kifayat, asuda-hali, puran, wajhi-kafaf, kusha,ish, farakhur, hakk ; {I have a competency of wealth) mal ba kadri ihtiyaj mere pas hai. Competent, kabil, la,ik, muwafik, barabar, kafi, bas, parag, yogya, upayukta, samarth ; {reasonable) wajibi. Competently, achchhi tarah-se, andaze-se, ba-^adri zarurat, ba-kadri ihtiyaj. Competition, mukabalat, munaza'at, rikabat; {contest) bada-badi, bahsa-bahsi, hura-huri, deldia- dekhi, hiska-liiski, charlia-charhi, miikawamat, mukabirat. ' [prativadak. Competitor, mukabil, harif, ham-talab, pratipaksh, Compilation, talif, majrau', jung, sanchai, sangrah. To Compile, jam*-k, faraham-k, talif, &c. -k. Compiler, mu,allif, jami', sanchai-kari. Complacence, Complacency, ^ushi, bashashat, dil- jama'i, khatir-jama'i, imaud, hulas or huUas, santosh. Complacent, mula,im, halim, santusht, su-shil. To Complain, {lament) ha,e-k, afsos-k, faryad-k, kurhna, hauka-bharna, nala-k; {to inform against) nalish-&c. -k; ■ (to ail) bimar-h, na- saz- &c. -h. Complainant, Complainer, faryadi, gila-guzar, shaki, gila-mand, nalish-mand, nalisM, mudda^T Complaining, nalan, zari-kiman. Complaint, ha,e, afsos, ah, shikwa, shikayat, istighasa; {lamentation) nalish, faryad,gham, ham ogham, dad-bedad, al-ghiyas, dolia,i, gila, shikwa, shikayat, ulahna ; (disease) bimari, kahili, rog. Complaisance, ahliyat, khulk, muruwat, sil, adam- gari, iusauiyat, nmla,imat, tamalluk, akhlak, subha,o. CojiPLAisANT, khalik, sahib-muruwat, su-sil or su- shil, bhala, khiib, narm, sadachar, shishtachar. COMPLAISANTLT, khulli- &C. -SB. Complement, (number) shumar, ti'dad, ginti, bharti, tamaiui. Complete, tamam, pura, akhir. akhir. khatm, taiyar, sar-amad, sab, sarb, be-bak, nikhand, samucha ; (month) mas ka bar. To Complete, tamam-k, kamil- &c. -k, niberna, anjam ko pahunchana, samapt-k, sarna. Completely, sar-a-pa, sar-a-sar, dar o bast, nipat, mahz, ek kalam, ek lakht, charon taraf. Completion, Completeness, takniil, tamami, intiha, ikhtitam. kamal, muntaha, nibeia, uibefa,o, itmam, tatmim, tamamiyat, takmila. Complex, Complicated, pech-dar-pech, chaud-dar- chand, uljha, pechila, bhunjal, tah-ba-tah, abtar, murakkab. Complexion, rang, riip, baran or varan ; {con- stitution) mizaj. Complexly, pech-se, uljha,o-8e. Compliance istirza, raza-mandi, marzi, ijab, ^abul, inkiyad, sammati, swikar. Compliant, mula,im, narm, halim, sammat, swibril. To Complicate, pech dar pech-k, uljhana. Complication, pech, uljhera, ulJha,o. E2 ' COM ( M ) CON CloMPLiKENT, takalluf, mudara, srfsht&char, tamalluk, takallufat, mudarat, salam, parnam or pran§ni, namaskar, dandawat, inunh-pura,i, ^ana-abad, daulat-ziyad', tawazu', sambandi, bandagi; {jffive my complimenU) bamara salam kaho. To Compliment, inubarak-badi-d, mubarak-bad-d ; {to flatter) zahir-darl-k, khush-amad-k. Complimentary, &c., shaukiya, salami, takallufana, tamallukana. CoMPLiMENTEE, khush-amadi, zahir-d^r. To Comply, razi- or raza-mand-h, angikar-k, baja- lana, ka,il-h.' [of fard. Component, [parts) ajza (pi. of juz, apart), afrad (pi. To Compose, bakhanna; [to make) banana, kahna, karna, jorna, bandhna ; [music) tarah-d, sur- karbna, s'oz-nikalna ; [place) rakhna, dharna ; [as an author) tasnif-k, msha-k; [to ealm) taskin-d, dhiraj-d, thambhna, zabt-k; [to adjust) durust-k, islah-d ; [to arrange) tartib-d ; [in printing) harf-jamana or baithalui. Composed, sanjida, dhira, miistakill ; [to be com- posed of) mujassam-h. Composedly, istiklal-se, asuda-dili-se. Composee, [writer) musannif, karta, insha-pardaz ; [of music) tarah-saz, sur-karhi, na,ek, tarrah. Composition, tarkib, milawat, tab'-zad, banawat, sakht, kaha, kartut, krit, takhlit, karni ; [of a debt) damasahi, hissa-rasad, dami-barabar, bant- bak^ra ; [of medicine) dawa-sazi, aukhad-kar ; [arrangement) uslub, daul; [work) tasnif, insha ; [of a difference) musalaha. Compost, kliad or khad ki tarkib, pans. Compound, Compounded, murakkab, makhlut, mam- zuj, amekhta, amez, sanjukt, tarkibi; [word) padbirt, lafz i murakkab. Compound, tarkib, ikhtilat, imtizaj, amezish, mila,o. To Compound, milana, makhlut-k, murakkab- &c. -k, tarkib-k ; [to adjust) musalaha-k, banana, dami-rasad- &c. -k. Compounder, [of medicines) dawa-saz. Compounds, murakkabat, makhlutat. To Comprehend, [conceive) samajhna, daryaft- &c. -k, bodhna, pahunchna, pahchanna, bujhna, dar-ana; [to comprise) mushtamil-h, hawi-h, mutazam- min-h, byapak-h, jami'-h, mushtamil-k, mutazam- min-k. Comprehended, khatir- or dil-nishin, markuz. CoMPREHENDER, mudrik, liawi. Comprehensible, kabila-1-fahm, bujhne-jog. Comprehension, [intellect) daryaft, falimid, bujh, samajh, gyan, 'akl, zihn, mudrika, tasawwur, bodh, pahunch, bichar, takliaiyul, dil- &c. -nishini. Comprehensive, zaliin, sahib-tab', fahmida, tez-fahm, thore men bahut^ ^alla o dalla, kalilu-1-lafz kasiru-l- ma'ni, suchim-sambuh, gunja,ishi, bara, kushada, chau;-a. Comprehensiveness, jaulani, zakawat. Compress, [bolster or bandage) gaddi, patti. To Compress, dabana, dabna, niuliofna, sametn&. Compressible, daban-har, sim)a,u. Compression, Compressuee, daba,o. To Comprise, [to include) lana, dalna, mundarij-k, dharna, muhit-h, shamil-h, mushtamil-k. Compromise, shart, hof, 'ahd, musalaha, patka, ham- sharti or -^auli, sulh ba 'iwaj . [-k, ham-shart-h. To Compromise, shart-k, musalaha- &c. -k, patka- &c. Compulsion, Compulsiveness, zor, zulm, ta'addi, bid'at, zabar-dasii, zor-awari, ziyadati. Compulsive, Compulsory, Compulsatory, zabar- dast, sakljt, parbal, jabri, be-ik]jtiyriri, zalimana. CoMPULSivKLY, ba-zor, s^ulm- &c. -sc, jabran, V^ahran. Compunction, [contrition) afsoSita,assuf,hasrat,pachh- tawa, khadsha, khalish. Computable, kibil ti'dad, shumar-pazir, ginne-jog. Computation, muhasaba, ti'dad, ginti. To Compute, ginna, shumar- &c. -k, minna. Computer, muhasib, muharrir, hisab-dan, lekhak. Comrade, ham-khana, raflk, sathi, sang!, baradar, bha,i, sansargi, akhaj-e kayar. Comrades, [of the tame profution, &c.) abna,i-jiii8, bha,i-band. Con, Co, Com, Cob : these inseparable particles are expressed, in words of Sanskrit origin, by sa, sam, or san, prefixed, and, in Persian, by ham or yak, ai may be seen in several of the following words. To Concatenate, silsila band-k, zanjira band-k. Concatenation, silsila-bandi, zanjira-bandi, tasalsol, larbandi. Concave, mujawwaf, muka'ar, khokhra or khokMa, chhuchha, khali, kausi. Concavity, ka'r, jauf, ghar, kawak-miyan. To Conceal, chhipana, gupt-k, poshida-k, pinhan.n^ makhfi-k, khufiya-k, parda-k, satr-k, bachana, ot-k, ojhal-k, mastur-k, muzmar-k, dhahpna, lukana ; [avoid) nazar -bachana. Concealed, parda-posh, nihufta, chhipa, pinhan. To be Concealed, ru-posh-h, chhipna. Concealer, parda-posh, satir. [istitar, gopan. Concealment, poshidagi, ikhfa, ru-poshi, chhipa,o, To Concede, manna, ban-lun-bharna, musallam-r, durust-r, ja,iz-r, rawa-r, razi-h, kabdl-k, de-dalna, hawala-k Conceit, [fancy) fikr, khiyal, ra,e, wahm, andesha, lahr, chutkula, latifa, san 'at, alaugkar ; [affec- tation) khud-parasti, pindar, ghamand, ananiyat, takabbur, ghurur, istikbar, kibr, dambh ; (to be out of conceit) khiyal-chhorna, baz-ana, dast- bardar-h. Conceited, [proud) khud-bin, khud-pasand, maghrur, ahaug-kari, abhimani, apkan, khud-parast, chik- kan-pat, gumani, dimaghi, dambhik, garbi. Conceitedly, ghamand-se, takabbur- &c. -se. Conceitedness, khud-pasandi, takabbur, Ian -tar am, ahangkar, abhiman. Conceivable, mutasawwar, miunkinu-l-fahm, l^bil- idrak, saraajhue-jog. To Conceive, sochna, janna, ma'lum-k, daryaft- &c. -k, bujhna, samajhna, bicharna ; [in the womb) hamal-len'i, hamila-h, pet-se-hona, ummed-se-honSr, akhiz-muakhiz-h. hamal-girifta-k, pakafua, pe^ rahna, gabh-leua. C0NCEi%'ER, mudrik, bicharik. Concentration, ham-markazi, chhankahat. To Concentre, Concentrate, ham-markaz-k, sa- madli-k, sangorna, chhankana. Concenteic, ham-markaz. Conception, [thought) idrak, ^iyal, dhyan, daryaft, fahmid, samajh ; [pregnancy) hamal ; (uterine) kuwwati-akhiza, ta,akhkhu2. Concern, Conceenment, [buainessy connexion) mxx'i- mala, sar o kar, kar o bar, 'olaka, laga,o, dena-pana ; [interest, regard) fikr, andesha; (affec- tion) dard ; (regret) gham, dil-giri, udasi ; (importance) zarurat ; (of great concern) mu- himm; (care) chinta. To Concern, 'alaka- &c. -r ; (to make sorroxcfut) dilgir- &c. -k; [fo concern one's self) hath-d, daklil-k. Concerned, [grieved) dil-gir,mutafakkir,mushawwish; (for) gham-k^war; {with) sharik, ek-joj-; (connected) muta'allik, 'alaka-dar ; (to bt concerned) dil-^- &c. -h, afsos- &c. -k, pachhtani. CON CoNCEKNiNO. waste, liye, ko, par, sir; {I have come' concerning some btisiriMs) kuchh kam par aya hun. Concert, (of music) chauki; (inst.) pach-bajna, taifa, rag-rang, gana-bajana, ham-awazi; {si/vtpho7iy) sama; (to be in concert or tune) saina-bandh-raclina. To Concert, thlk-k, sijil-k, band o bast-k, dunist-k, ittifak-k, bandish-b or -k, maslahat-k, bandhna. Concession, kabul, roarzi, ijazat, istirza, ijabat; (grant) marhamat, 'inayat, ri'ayat. Conch, sankh, kaura, muhra, nakus. To Conciliate, (gain) hasil-k, paida-k; (to re- concile) milana, tasfiya-k, apnana, apna kar lena, mila-lena, ganthna, talif i kulub-k. Conciliating, milapi, milan-sar, sulh-saz. Conciliator, shafi', mel-karne-wala. Concise, kotah, tang, mukhtasar. mujmal, sanchbep; (writer) mukhtasar-nawls. Concisely, ikhtisar-se. ijmal-se. Conciseness, kotahi, ikhtisar, ijmal, sanchhepan. To Conclude, (terminate) tamam-k, aHiir-k, khatm-k, piira-k, sampuran-k, samapt-k, anjam- &c. -k, chu- kana ; (to determine) thaJirana; (to infer) nikalna ; (to suppose) janna, atkalna, kiyas-k, ^iyal-k; (n. to end) tamam-&c. -h, ho-chukna : (to be concluded or inferred) nikalna, rauntij-h; (to conclude an alliance) rah-rawish-k. To Conclude, (adv.) al-kissa, a!- gh araz. hasil i kalam. Conclusion, tamami, akhirat or akhira, insiram, inti- ha, 'akibat, ikhtitam, khatm, anjam, ant, khatima; (result) natija, phal, anjami kar, atkal. Conclusive, katj', kati', shafi, khatim, ant-kari. Conclusively, kati'an, pramanya. Concoction, hazm, tahlil, pacha,o, nuzj, paka,o. Concomitant, lazim, lahik, yukta, sansargi, sathi. Concomitance, Concomitancy, luzum, luhuk. Concord, Concordance, muwafakat, mel, milap, tatabuk, tawafuk, eka, bana,o, sanjog, sazgarl, ashti, sulh, wiiak, suhbat, barar, ghal-mel, miia,o ; (in gram.) rabt ; (harmony) bam-ahangi, dam- sazi, sama. Concordant, muvafik, mutabik, mnttafik, muttahid, dam-saz; (consonant) ham-awaz, ham-safir, ham-sur, ham-saut or ham-rag, ek-jihat, ek-ru, ek-ji; (in gram.) marbut. Concourse, Confluence, jaraao, hujum, majma', izdiham, mela, bhir, samuh; (junction) milap, ittifak. [sifat-mushabbah, sambodhan. Concrete, munjamid, basta ; (noun) ism i sifat, To Concrete, bandhna, jamna, basta-h, munjamid-h ; (a.) jamana, bandhna, basta-k. Concretion, jama,o, injimad, bastagi, jaman. Concubinage, madkhuliyat, surait-pana. Concubine, haram, surait, chor-mahal, madkhula, saheli, rakhni, parani, khawiiss, urhari; (to take as a) dola-nikalna. Concupiscence, shahwat, masti, chodas, arm'an, kam. Concupiscent, mast, shahwati, shahwat-parast, ar- mani, kami. To Concur, (to unite) muttafik-h, muwafik-h, baham-h, ek-dil-h, milna ; (to agree) manna, kabul-k, man-milana, ek-chit-h. Concurrence, Concurrency, ittifak, ittihad, eka, muwafakat, tawafuk, mel, iHitilat, irtibit; (combination) silsila, sar-rishta; — -(help) himayat, Baha.e ; (consent) kabul, istirza, tatbik, tatabuk. Concurrent, muttafik, muttahid, muwafik, ek-dj, hmn 11.1 idaz, jora, bliham, muta'ariz, musaisal. Concussion, jumbish, laghzish, tazalznl, haa,o, dula,o, Uarakat. ( 53 ) CON To Condemn, fatwa-d, doshl-k, aparadhi-k ; (the judge condemned him to die) bazi ne us ke katl ka fatwa diya ; gunahgar- &c. -thahrana, taksirwar-k, malamat-k, pbitkarna, dandua; (to censure) gila-k, shikwa-k, shikayat-k, nindiya-k, ulahna-d, ilzam-d, dokhna ; (to reject.) radd-k, nikal-d. Condemnation, fatwa, hukm, kisas, dand ; (re- jection) istirdad. Condensation, taksif, jamahat. To Condense, Condensate, (a.) jamana, garha-k, munjamid -k, basta-k, ghaliz-k, kasif-k, garbiyana, dabana; (n.) jamna, munjamid- &c. -h. To Condescend, faro-tani-k, mutawajjih-h, tawajjuh- k, namrata-k ; (to stoop) dabna, nihurna ; (to consent) kabul-k, swikar-k. Condescension, faro-tani. inkisar, adhinta,!, mula,i- mat, hilm, namrata, tawazu' o ta'zim, niyaz. shish- tata. ' . .. .. Condign, la,ik, munasib, lazim, wajib, yogya, upayukta; (condign punishment) saza "azab. Condiment, masalah, chashni, chatni, achar. Condition, (state) hal. halat, ahwal, gat or gati, kaifi- yat, 'alam, dasa or dasha, waz', maram ; (rank) auj, shan, mansab, bibhau, bibhut ; (stipulation) 'ahd, hor, shart, ikrar, bij ; (bond) 'ahd-nama ; (conditions on both sides) 'ahd o painian 1 du- tarfi. To Condition, shart-b or -k, 'ahd o paiman-b or -k. Conditional, sharti, mashrut; (bill) jawabi ; (in gram.) shartiya; (a conditional con- function) harfi-shart. [ba-sharte-ki. Conditionally, ba-shart ; (on condition that) To Condole, matam-pursi-k, gham-lchwari-k. Condolement, Condolence, gham-khwari, ta'ziyat, m§,tam-pursi, pursa, ham-dardi. CoNDOLER, gham-khwar, ham-dard, dukh-bata,u. To Conduce, madad-d, kuwwat-d, takwiyat-d, pnshti- d, sahara-d, upakar-k, sahayata-k. Conducive, Conducible, mumidd, mu'awin, saha,i. CoNDUCivENESs, mu'awanat, i'anat, sahayata. Conduct, (treatment) suliik, kirdar; (manage- ment) ijra, madar, tadbir, kartab ; (behaviour) chal, chalau, atwar, rawish, tarika, shewa, waz', harakat, vyavahar, acharan ; (pass) parwana 1 rahdari ; (convoy) badraka ; (of an army) lashkar-kashi, fauj-kashi. To Conduct, le-chalna, le-jana, le-ana, rah-numa,i-k, pahunchana; (to manage) chalana, rawan-k, karrawa,i-k, ihtimam-k ; (to conduct an army) lashkar-kashi-k. Conductor, rah-numa, agwa, rah-bar, peshwa, pesh- raw, rah-nawal, ijra,e-kar ; (spiritual) hadi, murshid, guru ; (manager) ihtimamchi. Conduit, nahr, ab-rez, pranall. [sancha. Cone, makhrut or makhrutat, ga,o-dum, wartah-khat. To Confabulate, bat-chit-k, guft-gu-k. Confabulation, bat-chit, bol-chal, guft-gu, aikr- mazkur, kil-kal, kal-makal. To Confect, murabba-banana, pagna, ghilafi-k. Confection, Confect, murabba, mitha,i, pag, shirini, halwa. Confectioner, halwa,i, rikab-dar, murabba-saz mitha,i-farosh, halwa-saz. Confederacy, 'ahd o paimin, rah-rawish, kaul-karar ittihad, eka, milap, bandish, sazish, gusht. Confederate, rafii:, sathi, sajhi, mu'ahid. Confederate, (adj.) muttafit:, muttahid, milSpi musharik. To Confederate, rah-rawisli-k, haiu-sbart-k, ham '.ahd-k, pk or ekatra-h, yog -k. COJN ( 54 ) CON To Confer, {to converse) kahna, jawab-sawal-k, bati- yana, kathopakathan-k ; {in ^nyaifi)khalwat-k; {to ffive) dena, bakhshna, marhamat-k, inayat- k, 'ata-k, in'am-k, dan-k. CoNFEEKNCE, jawab-sawal, muzakara, mukalama, bat, bat-kaha,o, maslahat, mubahasa, kathopakathan ; (consultation) kah-puchh, To Confess, manna, kabul-k, ikrar- &c. -k, ka,il- &c. -b, haii-k, kabulna, sach kahna, swikar-k ; {to, and as a priest) srawan-k or -karana, gosh-guzari-k ; {to disclose) batlana, kahna. CoNPESSEDLT, kat'an, yakinan, be-shubha, mukarrar, be-shakk, kasdan, 'amdan, hanka-hanki, bada-badi. Confession, ikrar, i'tiraf, kaha, kabul, hunkar, ijfib, izhar, shahadat, swlkar, angikar, srawankar, gosh- guzarl. CoNFBSSOB, {declarer) ka,il, mu'tarif, mukirr; {martyr) shahid ; {father) pir. CoNFEST, badi, mashhur, hankara, ma'lum, fash. Confidant, Confidential, raz-dar, ham-raz, bhe- diya, mahram, dam-saz, ham-dam, mahram-kar, parda-dar, mu'tamid. To Confide, bharosa-k or -r, patiyana, vishwas-k, pratiyay-k. Confidence, bharosa, as, ummed, i'tikad, tawakku', yakin, tayakkun, nishchai, Wiatir-jaraa'i, partit, itminan, patiyara, vishwas ; (boldness) istiklal, dileri, be-baki; {arrogance) shokhi. khud-bini. Confident, mu'takid, ummed-war, mutawakka' ; {bold) mustaljjll, nidharak, be-ta,ammul, be- tadbir, nis-sandeh ; {impudent) gusta^, shokh. 4hith. [bhedu. CoNFiDENTiAii, raz-dar, partit, ma'tamad, ham-raz, Confidently, istiklal- &c. -se, be-khatra, yaainan. CoNFiGDEATiON, tarkib, banawat, rach'iwat. Confine, hadd, intiha, sar-hadd, danda, siw&na or siwana, kinara, sima. To Confine, {imprison) band- &c. -k, kaid-k; {to bound) munhasar-k ; {to restrain) rokna, atkana. [ (narrow) kotah, tang. Confined, band!, kaidi, mukaiyad, mahbus, pa-band ; Confinement, kaid, band, asiri, giriftari, ihtibas. To Confirm, sabit- &c. -k, isbat- &c. -k, sthir- or sthapan-k, thahrana, mazbut-k, mansub- &c. -k, sahih-k; (certify) praman-k, mukarrar-k; (a brahman) sanskar- &c. -k ; (a disease) jarana; (to appoint) ka,im-k, khara-k ; (as a pox) muzmin-k. Confirmation, isbat, subut, tahakkuk, ta'aiyan, tahkik, istihkam, istiklal, miizbuti, thahra,o, mukar- rari; (proof) dal, dalulat, praman. Confirmatory, mumidd, muwaiyid, ma'awin. Confirmed, sabit, mukarrar, mu'aiyan, mutahal:tdl:, mushaWtkhas; (established) ka,im, muhkani, ba-hal, barkarar, sanskari, bart-bandhi. To Confiscate, zabt-k, kurk-k, tek- or chhenk- or rok-lena, baitu-1-mal men-d. Confiscation, zabti, kurki. CoNFisoATOR, zabit, tek- &c. lene-wala. [agni-dah. Conflagration, agwahi, atash-zadagi, shu'lajlukwa,!, Conflict, laya,!, kh,arkhaslia, kar-zar, ma'rika, jang, uljhei'a, sateza, dar o gir, jhata-pati, sangram, jhagra (agony) kalap or kalpa, dukh, koft, kalaik. CoNFOBNCE, Conflux, sangani, niel or mela, milap ; (a crowd) amboh, kasrat, mandall. Confluent, (amall-pox) kiraiya, raasuriya. To Conform, muwafik- &c. -k, barfibar- &c. -k, sam- mat-k, ek-daul-k ; (n.) muwafik-h ; (to comply toUh) IjLabOl-k. ra;pi-h, swlk&r-k. Conformable, barabar, eksaii, hamwar, mnwafi^ mutabik, saman, sha,ista, ma'kul, la,ik ; (sub^ missive) l^lim, mu]a,im, burd-bar, mutal^ammil, gharib. [tabik. Conformably, bar-hukm, ba-mujib, muwafik, mu- CoNFORMATiON, tarkib, banawat. Conformity, muwafakat, mutabakat, raushabahat, tatabuk, 'alaka, mila,o, Iaga,o, hamwari. To Confound, milana, makhlut-k, darham-barham-k, abtar-k, gar-bar-k, bhund-lana, hadiyana, hakka- bakka-k, sar-gardan-k ; (to abash) pani-pani-k ; (to astonish) be-hawass-k, pareshan-k, saraai- ma-k, byakul-k, muztarib-k, mushawwish-k ; — — (to destroy) gharat-k, pa,emal-k, satyanas-k. Confounded, (perplexed) hairan, pareshan ; (bad or violent) ashadd, sakht, katta, nipat, baitu-1-mal ; (this confounded business distresses me much) yih baitu-1-mal kam mujhe bahut *ajiz karta hai. Confoundedly, ba-shiddat, nihayat, makruhana. To Confront, (a.) ru-ba-ru-k, du-ba-du-k, char- chasbm-k, mukabil-k, samne-k, sanmukh-k, ja- mogna, muwajiha-k ; (n.) ru-ba-ru- &c. -bona. Confrontation, ruju', mukabila. To Confuse, ghabrana, harbarana, uljhana, aklana, mutafarrik- &c. -k. Confused, mutafarrik, muntashar, abtar, tarpatar, darham-barham, pech dar pech, tah o bala, ulajh- pulajh, ahra-tahri. Confusedly, abtar, abtari-se, &c. Confusion, Confusedness, abtari, barhami, ghab- rahat, harbari, intishar, uljhera ; (disturbance) ghaugha, balwa, shor or shorish, fitur ; (dis- traction) iztirar, ghabrahat, hairaiii, chaundhiyabat. pareshani, sar-gardani, ashuitagi, uljhan,ghan-man- dal, bagra, andher, hadiyaliat. Confutation, ibtal, butlan, irad, jhuta,o. To Confute, mulzim-k, ka,il-k, la-jawab-k, batil-k, radd-k, mardud-k, utha-d, jhuthana, haraua, pach- harna, katna, patit-k. To Congeal, (n.) jamna, bandh-jana, munjamid-h* basta-h ; (a.) jamana, bandhna, basta-k. CoNGEALMENT, CONGELATION, jamawat, injimad, bas- tagi, anthi, chakka. Congenial, muwafik, ek-dil, ham-dard, ek-rang, ham- rang, dam-saz, ham- or ek-jius, ham-mazhab, ek- riip ; (agreeable) khatir-khwah, manohar. To Conglobate, goliyana, guthlana. Conglomerate, ghurchiyana, pechtab-k. Conglomeration, ghurcJii, pechtab, ghurchiyahat, guljhari. To Conglutinate, jutana, bhar-lana. To Congratulate, mubarak-bad kahna, mubarak- badi- &c. -d, jai-jai-kar-manana. Congratulation, mubarak-badi, tahniyat, mnharakl, badha,i, badhawa; (letter of congratulation) tahniyat-nama (opposed to ta'ziyat-nama, a letter of condolence) . To Congregate, batorn&, jam'-k, mandlanS. Congregation, Congress, jama', jam'iyat, sabh&. Congruity, muwafa^t, ittifalj, mel, upayuktata, yog- yata. Congruous, thik, la,ik, sha,ista, hamwar, muwafik, munasib, uchit, yogya, upayukta. Conic, Conical, ga,o-dum, surangi, ma^utl, ga,o- duml, miuarl. Conjectural, ^yali, kiyasi, wahml, anomani. Conjecture, atkal, audaza, wahm, kiyas, khiyal, guman, zann, 'akl, tajwiz, takhmina, ihtimal, zu m, bharam, anuman, anubhaw ; (a mere co)\fecturt) atkal-pachchu. CON ( 56 ) CON To BE CoNXKCTUEED, muhtamal-h, antunan-h, &o. &c. CoNjBCTUBER, tar-baz, atkal-baz. To Conjoin, (a.) milana, laganJ, jorna, paiwasta-k, wasl- &c. -k ; (n.) milna, jurna, Conjoined, bahami, makrun, mukarin, mutakaria. Conjoint, nmttafik, mushtarik. Conjointly, sharakat-se, bi-1-ishtirak, bi-1-ittifak. Conjugal, zauji, sam-bandhi. Conjugate, tasrif-k, gardanna, sarf-dena. Conjugation, tasrif, sarf, gardan. Conjunction, (union) mila,o, laga,o, ittisal, ijtima', milap, mel, jor, paiwand, wasl, inziman, muwasilat, sambandh, jog or yog; {of planets) kiran, sanjog, mukarinat, amawas ; (a fortunate conjunction of planets) kiranu-s-sa'dain (opposed to kiranu-n-naha- sain, an unfortunate conjunction) . Conjunction, (in gram.) 'atf, harf i 'atf, harf i jumla. Conjunctive Mood, shartiya, muzari', sam-milit. Conjunctively, mil-ke, baham-boke. Conjuncture, ittifak, halat, gat or gati ; {occa- sion) zimn, gaui, samay. Conjuration, jadu-gari, sibr-kari, sahiri, ban, mantr, totka, jhar-pbunk, tona, tamar, chbuchba, tonba,i. To Conjure, jadu- &c. -k; {to importune) ilhab-k, samajat-k, binti-k, arzu-k, wasta or kasam- or sonb-dilana, cbbuchhTfana ; (/ conjure you, by God, not to mention this business to any one) main tumhen khuda ka wasta dilata bun ki yih bat kisi se na kahna. Conjurer, jadu-gar, afsun-gar, sahir, sihr-kar, tunha, hazirati, da'wati, namit, ojba, banha, syana, jantri, jan, guni, sihr-g3'''i sihr-saz, shu'bada-baz. Connate, bi-zatibi, janam'u khilki, bam-zad. To Connect, (a.) jorna, lagana, milana, paiwand-k, wasl- &c. -k, bandbna, ganthna ; (n.) milna, lagna, gatbna. Connected, muttasil, muta'allik, paiwasta, murtabit, mushtarik, mutawassil, mulbak; {with) -wasila- dar. [nally] bhirna (v. to copulate) . To BE Connected, 'alaka- &c. -r; {to be car- CoNNECTioN, jor, wasl, paiwastagi, imtizaj, tawassul, 'alaka, rabt, munasabat, nisbat, ta'alluk, sar-rishta, arhat, karina, -wasta, jihat, sarokar, tanasub, sabika, jiusiyat; {person) -wasila, rishta-dar, bha,i- chara ; (carnal) suhbat, ashna,i. Connivance, ighmaz, chashm-poshi, taghaful, tasa- hul, anakani, matiyabat, tasamuh, tasahul. To Connive, i gh maz- &c. -k, bbanjna, matiyana, sun- khincbna, ankh-cbhipana. Connoisseur, 'allaraa, mabir, wakif-kar, bina, paik- hiya, parkbi, nakid, shaukin, gudiya. To Conquer, fath-k, ghalba-k, taskhir-k, jltna, fath- &c. -pana, le-lena, adhin-k, sar-k, shikast-d, magh- lub-k, ghalib-h, pacbbarna, mama, girana, war- rabna, dast-burd-k, dabana, utha-d, tark-k, ram-k. Conquered, maghlub, musakbkbar, adhin, maftuh. Conqueror, fatah-mand, ghalib, jai-man, fatah-nasib, muzaffar, zafar-yab, ghazi, musallat, nasir, mansur, firoz-mand, zabar-dast, subhman ; (in comp.) kusba, sitan, gir, whence mulk-gir, subduer of re- gions; mulk-giri, conquest. Conquest, fatah, zafar, tas^ir, jay, jit. Consanguineous, karib, yagana, ek-lohu or -rakat. Consanguinity, karabat, yaganagi, apna,et, ttweshi, sagawat, saga,I, baradari, kurbat, gori-awaj, ham- zati. Conscience, dil, ^atir, man, zamir, tamiz, ji, manjot, batin, ma'rifat, bibek- (justice) insaf, nya,o; ■ (honetty) iman, diyanat, 'ibrat, bakiyat, dbaram, parlok ; (scruple^ doubt) andesha, dha^ka, sansai or sanshay. Conscientious, im3,n-dar, diyanat-d§,r, mntadaiyin rast-mu'amala, dharm-atma. khuda-tars, saf-batini sina-saf, pak-dil, hakk-shinas, agah-dil, dbarrni, jagti-jot, parloki, abli 'ibrat, dharmik. Conscientiously, khnda-tarsi- &c. -se. Conscientiousness, ^uda-tarsi, diyanat-dari,iman- dari, rast-ma'amali, sachauti, hakk-shinasi, "wakif- kari. CoNscioNABLE, sachS, ma'kul, munsif, kharS, rast- baz, wajibi, thik. Conscious, vakif, khabar-dar, agah, mnttala*, hassas, wakif-kar, mahram-kar, ^ud-^abar, jan-kar, sacheti, 'alim, mabir. To BE Conscious, wakif- &c. -h, ^abar-r, ma'Mm-k, chetna. Consciously, vraktif-se, dida o danista. Consciousness, wnkuf, khabar, ittila', agahi, 'ilm, mudrika, tamiz, hiss. To Consecrate, makhsus-k, thahrana, nazr-k, san- kalp-k, ikamat-k, niyaz-k, pratistha-k. Consecutive, Consequent, muta'akib, mntasalsal, tali. Consent, marzi, kabul, raza-mandi, khnshi, manauti, ijab, ijabat, angikar, rukhsat, swikar, sammati ; the woman's consent in matrimony is expressed by kaniya mukhbar, opposed to pita mukhbar, the father's, which last is the only one now required in Hindustan, though formerly tlie reverse. To Consent, razi-h, kabul-k, raza-d, manna, ^a,il-b, muttafik-h, hazir-h, han-k, karana. Consequence, (effect) ma-hasal, arthat, ma,al, ma- jara, pratiphal,khamiyaza, chot; (end) anjam, ant, 'akibat ; (weight) kadr, wazn, i'tibar, naksha, shakhsiyat ; (moment) muza,ika, parwa; (it is of no consequence) kuchh muza.ika nahih ; (an affair of consequence) muhimm, bari bat. Consequent, muntaj, mu,akhkhar, natija. Consequently, ba-natija, lihaza, zaruratan,bi-z-zariir, khwah-makhwah, be-shubha, la-jurm, us-waste. Conservation, hifazat, muhafazat, jatan, nigah-bani, bacha,o. Conserve, (of roses) gul-kand, gul-sbakar or gul- shakari. To Conserve, murabba-banana, pagna, achar-d or deua, mitha,i-k; (flowers) gul-kand-banana. To Consider, sochna, bfljhna, atkalna, janna, dhyan- &c. -k, taulna, 'akl-daurana, fikr-k, dekhna, sa- majhna, yad-r, bichar-k, bibechana-k, kahna, thah- rana, tarashna, lagana, karna ; (to hold) rakh-na. Considerable, (respectable) namud, ru-dar, §ahib i'tibar, buzurg; (much) bahut, ziyada. Considerably, kam-besh, thora-bahut, ziyada. Considerate, mudabbir, sfthib-tadbir, fahmida, 'aki- bat-andesh, dur-andesh, bicharwan,gambhir, dhyani, imtiyazi, tadbiri, muta,aminil. Considerately, ta,ammul-se, tadbir- &c. -se, 'aki- lana, thahrake, dekh-bhal-ke. Consideration, dhyan, Wiiyal, taraddud, tadbir, lihaz, mulahaza, tamiz, imtiyaz, karina, bujh ; (im- portance) wazn, bojh, ruyat, ru-dari, i'tibar, mar- jada, man, sbumar ; (compensation) 'iwaz, ajr, jaza, badla ; (motive) sabab, ba'is. Considering, (i.e. if we, &c. consider) dekhiye, lihaz kijiye, sochiye. To Consign, hawala-k, tafwiz-k, taslim-k, supurd-k, de-dalna, bakhshna, amanat-sompna, dena, dilana, ' de-bhejna, zimma-k ; (to appropriate) thahrana, makhsus-k. mu'aiyan-k. Consignment, tafwi?, supurd; (the writing) hiba-nama. CON ( 56 ) CON To Consist, bona, maujud-h.makhluk-Ii, murakkab-h, mujassam-h, bauna, wajud-pakarna, bharna, tha- harna, rahna, namud-h; {to agree) muwafik-h, mutabik-h, milna. Consistence, Consistenct, {uniformity) muwafakat, tawafuk, mutabakat, liyakat, munasabat, thikana, thai-bora, sha istagi ; — - {state) halat, gat, dasa ; {existence) wajud, hasti ; {density) jama- wat, bastagi, kiwam, pag ; {stability) kiyam, subut, istihkam, Bir-pahw, laga,o, thaur-thikana. Consistent, {uniforvi) mutabik, munasib, saman, Ia,ik, Eazgar ; (firm) bajsta, munjamid, kasif. Consistently, liya^at-se, mun^sabat-se. To Consociate, mil-jul-rahna. Consolation, tasalli, dilasa, dil-bari, dharas, shanti, tashaffi,dil-jama'i,]chatir-jama'i, istimalat, itmlnan, ffhanimat, tamaniyat, jam'aiyat, thandak, dam- dilasa ; {it is some consolation that one of them has escaped) ghanimat hai ki un men-se ek bacha bai. Consolatobt, Consoler, taskln-bajdish, aram- bakhsh, mutina,inn, gham-gusar, or -tarash, dukh- baran, tasalliyana. To Console, tasalli- &c. -d, drifb-k, dharas-d, To Consolidate, (a.) sakht-k, jamana, bandhna, basta-k, munjamid-k : (n.) jamn^, bandhna, basta-h, munjamid- &c. -h; (a wound) bhar-lana, barabar-k, jo]ni&. Consolidation, jamivra.^ injimad, bastagi, iltlyam. Consonant, (adj. t. consistent) ; (a consonant) harfi sahib, hal or has. CoNSONons, ek-sur, bam-awaz or bam-makhraj. Consort, priya, zauj, khasam, joru or juru, ham-sar, ham-dam, jofa-jofi ; {royal) padshah-begam. Conspicuous, zahir, 'alaniya, pratichh or pratvaksh, khiila, prakash, mashhur, ma'rfif, azhar, jali, namud, rudar, namudar, ujagar, numayan, ma'lum, ru- shinas, ubhra, ugharu, ashkar. Conspicuously, zahiran, namudari-se. CoNSPicuousNEss, zahirl, raushanl, ru-dari, namudari. Conspiracy, bandish, sStzish, gusht or goshth, ittifak, eka, bandhnu, ek-salah, gurmat, jog-sanjog. Conspirator, Consfiber, bandishi, mufsid, baghi. ham-rilz. To Conspire, bandish- &c. -b, muttafik-h, milna, ham-sal&h-h, masla^t-k. [nazir, kotwal. Constable, thane-dar, muballe-diLr, mirdaha, gora,et. Constancy, subut, sabat, istikrar, ustuwari, mazbuti, karar, tik§,o, porb§,i, kiyam, istihkam, sthirata, drirhata; {resolution) istiklal, dhiraj, teha, dhun, himmat; {fidelity) wafa-dari, sabit- l^adami. Constant, achal, atal, sSbit, mustahkam, mustakim, ^arari, porhi, sthir, drifh ; '{practice) kasrat isti'mal; {determined) sabit-kadam, ka'im- mizaj ; {faithful) wafiL-da'r, wafa-parast. Constantly, bar-karar, 'ala-d-dawam, har-an, chhin- chhin, nit-uth, dam ba dam,har-dam, anaQfaanan. Constellation, burj, ras, sitara, akhtar, tari, nakhat, tara-gan, tara-mandal. Consternation, hairat,sar-pardani, hairani, paresha- ni, iztirab, ghabrahat, dliaj-ka, bhauchakki, be- hawassi, chaundhiyaliat, dang, halchal. To Constipate, kab?-k, band-k, bandhej-k. Constipation, hiabz, kabziyat, inkibaz, bastagi. Constituent, (adj.) asli, khilki, jibilli, zatj; (the constituent part) jism i jauiiari; ^— {c.onstituter) inunib, muwakkil, sah, prcrak, karak, niyojak. To Constitute, {to produce) paida-k, makhlrtk-k, banrina : {to establish) mu'aiyan-k, uiakhsiis-k, (hahriuiH. Constitution, {of the body, &c.) mizaj, tab'iyat, taba', tinat, jibillat, sarisht, antahkarn, kotiia; (temper) sirat, khaslat, 'adat, nihad; (state. Sec.) halat; (government) band o bast, zabt-rabt, nazm o nask, intizam, naksha; {instiiulioii) zabita, rasm. Constitutional, Wiilki, zati, asli, jibilli, janami, paida,ishi, dehaj ; (legal) shar'i, ja.iz, mubah, praman. To Constrain, (restrain) atkana, barna, barajna, band-k, kaid-k, man'-k; (to press) dabana, dabna ; {to tie) bandhna ; (to be con- strained) majbur-h. Constraint, (restraint) rok, daba,o, kaid; (com- pulsion) zor, zabar-dasti, jabr, zulm. Constriction, sikor, simta,o. To Constrinoe, (constrict) sikorna, sametnfl. Constringent, bandhej, samet. To Construct, banana, bina-k, ta'mir-k, 'im&rat- banana or uthana, -naksha-b, daul-d. Construction, ta'mir, naksha, 'imarat, banawat, bana,o, sakht. jast-bast, tarkib ; {meaning) mazmun ; (explanation) takrir, ta,wil, samas , (arrangement) rabt, mel. To Construe, rabt-d, marbut-k, rabt-khilana or -khana ; (to interpret) takrir- &c. -k, bayan-k, tarjuma-k. [ekhi. CoNSUBSTANTiAL, ham-zat, ham-jins, eksan or yaksan, Consubstantiality, ham-zati, ham-jinsi, yaksani . Consul, wakil, na,ib, amin. To Con.T'^t, (to deliberate) maslahat-k, salah-k, mashwarat-k, paramarsh-k ; (to ask idvice) maslabat- or nasihat- &c. -lena ; {to regard ) dhyan-k, nazar-k; (a book) dekhna; (an oracle) istikhira-dekhna. Consultation, maslahat, paramarsb, vivecbana, masb- warat, mantrana, gurmata, mushawara, sala^ ; ^-^ (assembly) diwan, majlis. Consumable, talilil-pazir, jalne-jog. To Consume, (a. to spend) sarf-k, shart-bart-k, gharat-k, talaf-k, za,i'-k, pa,emal-k, sattyanas-k, gudaz-k, paghlana, khana. Ulna, nigalna, ghatana, bhasam-k, khak-k, galana; — — (n. to decay) ja'if- h, nakih-h, natawan-h, dubla-h, sukhna ; (to consume one's time) tazi' aukat-k, kal-khona. Consumer, musrif, fuzul-kharj, u}-a,ii. The English have corrupted (perhaps with some propriety) the word khan-saman (lit lord of the furniture) into consumer, or consuman (r. butler). Consummate, pura, pakka, pu^ta, kamil. To Consummate, ak^ir-k, tamam-k, pura-k, nibibna, ba-sar-le-jana. Consummation, takmil, 'tamami, saranjam, akhirat, 'akibat, itmam, insiram, ant, samapt ; (nuptial) gauna, duragaun, rauna, ^ilwat, kimila, shabi zifaf, nakh-parchala. Consumption, kharj, khapat, katti; (disease) sill, chha,i, or chha,i-rog, kshay or kshay-rog. Consumitive, (diseased) maslul, madkuk. Contact, laga,o, mila,o, ittisal, mas, lasuh:. Contagion, sirayat, ta,assur, phaila,o; (plague) waba, mari, maha-mari. Contagious, sari, mvlsir, muta'addi, sparshakramak; (to be contagious) lagna. To Contain, shamil-h, muhit-h, mushtamil-h, byapak- h, rakhnu, lona; (to^restrain) b.\rna, thamn&; {to refrain) parhez-k. To BE Contained, saniana, antna, khapna, bo-jini, bharna, ana, &-jauii, mazruf-h, niuhut-h. To Contaminate, napak- &c. -k, chhut-k, jhuthiln*. jbujha-k, bharna, bhrasht-k. CON ' 57 ) Contaminated, na-pak, ghaliz, kasif, najis, mulaw- was, asndh. Contamination, chhut, n^-pakl, aludagi. \ To Contemn, ihanat- &c. -k, hakir- &c. -jauna. To Contemplate, ta,ammul-k, ghaur- &c. -k, dekhna. Contemplation, ta,ammul, mulahaza, dhyan, tasaw- THir, tajwiz, taraddud ; {holy meditation) mu- rakaba; [study) mntala'a. Contemplative, muta^ammil, dhyani, mutafakkir, "bichar-wan, muraldb, andesha-mand, fikr-mand; [the contemplative faculty) kuwwat i muta- khaiyila. Contemporary, ham-'asr, ham-'wakt, mu'asir, ek- kali, ham-'ahd, ham-*amr, sa-samai, sa-kali. Contempt, ihanat, hikarat, mazammat, _ta'na-zani> khifiat, subttki, apaman, zullat, khwari, mazallat, ibtizal, tabkir, siflagi. Contemptible, haklr, subuk, ^afif, khwar, be-kadr, zalil, mubtazal, na-chiz, ihanati, subuk-maya, apa- mani, paji. Contemptibleness, zalalat, ibtizal, mazallat, be- kadri, be-hurmati, nichata, adhamta. Contemptibly, hikarat- &c. -se. Contemptuous, maghrur, mutakabbir, be-adab, garbi. Contemptuously, be-adabi-se, be-imtiyazi-se. To Contend, jhagarua, larna, mukabalat-k, muna- kasha-k ; (to vie) ham-chashini-k, hiska-k, dhara-b, takkar-lena or -marna, barana. Content, {contented) razi, khush, khushnud, sabir, mutawakkil, kani', sbakir, santokhi, muktafi, ser- chashm, man-bhara, farigh-hal, khursand, ba-aram, santubht, sbant, santoshi. Content, {contentment) khushi, kana'at, ghina, sabr* seri. santokh or santosh, tawakkul, ser-chashmi» agha,i ; {the thing contained) mazruf, majmun- To Content, razi-k, ^ush- &c. -k, pet-bharna, ag- bana, chbakana. To BE Content, kabul-k, razi-h, {v. content, contented). Contention, Contest, jhagra, bakliera, lara,l, kaziya, mubahasa, mujadala, mukabara, radd-badal, guft o shanid, jhagra-ragra,anras, niza , munaza'at, ikhtilaf, hangama, paikar, rar, munakasha, khusumat, jhar- pa-jharpi, kandar, bagra, khalish. Contentious, laraka, jhagralu, bakheyiya, rari, jang- jo, hujjati, takrari. CoNTENTiousLY, zidd-sc, lara,i- &c. -se. Contentiousness, jang-jo,i, siteza-jo,!. Contentment, (v. content, gratification) . Contents, fihrist, gunjida ; {of a book) cbhand, matlab, mazmun. Contest, kushti, munakasha, khusumat, jharpa- jharpi, kandar, bagra, khalish. To Contest, bat-duhraua, hujjat-k, takrar- &c. -k. Context, matan, mill, karina, 'ibarat, Iikha,i, maz- mun, siyad, sabak. Contexture, banawat, tarkib, bina,I. Contiguity, Contiguousness, jof, mel, -wasl, ittisal, kurb, paiwastagi, nazdild. Contiguous, paiwasta, muttasil, mila, jura, mumas. Continence, parhez, ihtiraz, ijtinab, takawat, takwa nem, sanjam, parsa,i, shil, zuhd, parhez-gari. Continent, (adj.) parhez-gar, muhtariz, zahid, 'asima, 'afifa, jati, mujtanib, be-shawat. A Continent, barr, khushki, maha-dwip. Continently, parhez- &c. -se. CoNTiNGENCK, CoNTiNQSNCY, 'ariza, ittifilk, sanjog, ▼aki'a. Contingent, 'arizi, sanjogi, akasmati; (occa- tional) magkuri; {expemu) magkurat. CON Contingently, ittifak-se, ittifakan. Continual, pa,e-dar, mudami, da,ira, anautar, lagatar, paiham, mutawatir. Continually, hamesha, mudam, rozmarra, nit. Continuance, {continuation) mudawamat, dawam, hameshagi,nitta,thahra,o,raha,o, istikamat,muddat, istimrar, nityata; {duration) pa,c-dari, der- pa,i; {perseverance) dhun, auivaran. To Continue, (n.) rahna, thamna, khatana, pa,e- dar-h, derpa-h, jana, le-rahna, nibhna, ba-hal- or bar-pa-rahua ; (a.) rakhna, nibahna ; {to unite) jorna. Continuity, ilsalc, ilhak, abhedata, avichhedata. To Contort, ainthna, marorna, umethna. Contortion, girih, ganth ; (of the bowels) ma- rora, pechish ; {flexure) pech, pher. Contour, tikiya, ghera, naksha, da,ira. Contraband, man', barjit, mamnu', tir^i> ^urk- pazir. Contract, hor, kaul-ikrar, 'ahd o paiman, ijara, ta'ahhud, mukata, katkana, thika, chukauta, likha- parhi ; (in comp.) nama or patr, whence 'akd- nama, a marriage contract ; {a written contract) *ahd-nama ; {by contract) bil-makta*; {to give by contract) ijare-d; {to take by contract) ijare-lena. To Contract, (a.) jakrana, akrana, ainthana, pa- karna, lagana ; {a debt) lena, karna ; {to co7istringe) bandhej-k, inkibaz-k; {to lessen) kotah-k, taug-k, mukhtasar-k, sanchhep-k ; • {to bargain) shart-b, hor-b ; {to betrothe) man- gni-k ; {to procure) nikalna, lana ; {in grammar) tarkhim-k, hazf-k; (n.) simatna; si- kurna, jakarua, ainthna, akarua; {and ex- pand) pulpulana, bijukua. Contracted, mashrut, ma'hud, munkabiz, murakh- kham. mahzuf, mu'akkad (v. the various meanings of the verb) . Contraction, {constriction) simta,o, inkibaz, jakrahat, jakra,o; {and expansion) ritk o fitk, pulpula- hat ; {spasm) tashannuj ; {abridgment) ijmal, kotahi, tangi; {in grammar) zihaf, tarkhira, hazf. [thike-dar. Contractor, mustajir, muta'ahhid, katkana-dar, To Contradict, radd-k, bar-'aks-kahna, bar-khilaf- kahna, bar-zidd-kahna, zidd-k, kat-dena, jhuthalna, duhrana, ulatna, palatiia, pherna, torna. Contradiction, khilaf, takhaluf, mu'araza, tanakuz, taba,in, mubayanat, birodh, dohra,o, palt3i,o, nakiz, ta'arruz. Contradictory, mukhalif, bar-'aks, mutazadd, muta- ba,in, mukhtalif, munakiz, munafi. Contrariety, mukhalafat, zidd, ikhtilaf. takhaluf. na-muwafakat, birodh. Contrary, (adj.) mukhalif, zidd, ba'id, birodhi, ulta, aundha, palta ; {on the contrary) bar-*aks, bar- Hiilaf ; {contrary to) 'ala-r-ragham. Contrary, zidd, 'aks; {contraries do not mret) ziddan la yajtami'an. Contrast, mukabala, milan. To Contrast, mukabala-k or niukabalat-k, milana. To Contravene, mahrOm-r, baz-r. Contravention, mukhalafat. muzaljamafc, bjklha or vadha. To Contribute, madad-k, imdad-k, dena, bal^shna, pahunchana. Contribution, chanda; {tax) chhata, waira, bachh, bihri, damasahi, liissa-rasad, chaath, dand. Contributor, madad-gar, mumidd, saha,i. [ta,ib. Contrite, muta,assif, nadim, pasheman, pachta,u, Contrition, pachhtawa. ta^assut", naJamafc. tauba. CON ( 58 ) COP CoHTBiviNOE, ijad, iUitira, san'at, hikraat, mansuba, tajwiz, banawat, jof-tof, bandhnu, jueat, tautiya, kal ; {artifice) fann, katkana, chhaJ-Dal; (plot) bandish. To CoNTEiVE, nikalna, ijad-k, tadb!r-b, naksha-b, fitrat-larana, bandish-k, banana, bandhna, jorna, kalpana-k, upa,e-k. [kane-baz, bandishi. CoNTEiVEB, mujid, fitrati, mansilba-baz, hikmati, kat- CoNTROi/, atka,o, rok, zabt, man', band; (po-wer) i^tiyar, hukm, 'azl o nasb, a,it, kabu, kaid, siyasat, shakti. To Control, atkana, rokna, barna, barajna, man'-k, zer-k, mahkum-k, tabi'-k, band-k ; {an account) janchna, mu]^abala-k, ja,iza-k, sari hisab-r. CoNTROLLEK, (superintendant) amln, sarkob, daro^a, nazir, gaungir; {ruler) 'amil ; {of accounts) mustaufi. Controversy, jhagra, bakhera, kaha-kahi, jhanjhat, balls kaziya, radd-badal, hujjat, kadd o kiiwish, jawab-sawal, kah-puchh, pachra, goshti, vadanuvad. To Controvert, bahasna, jhagama, larna, radd-ba- dal &c. -k. CoNTUMACiotrs, be-adab, be-imtiyaz, na-farman, sharlr, shora-pusht, dhith, gardan-kash, taghi. Contumacy, Contumaciousness, be-adabi, be imti- vazi, gustakhi, dhitha,i, shararat, na-farmani, shora- pushtl, gardau-kashi. CosTUM ELI 01/8, darida-dahaii, he-haySl, bad-zaban, galenhda, bar-bola, be-lagam, nir-lajj, badnam-gar. Contumeliousness, Contumely, bad-zabani, darlda- dahani, be-haya,i, nir-lajjata, ninda. [chur-k. To Contuse, kuchalnl, or kuchal-d, kofta-k, chikna- CoNTUsiON, bhitar-mar, chot, thokar, kachaUi,!, the- kuch. Convalescence, ifakat, adbodh, nakahat. Convalescent, adhodha, nakih, dukh-hin. To Convene, (n.) jurna, baturna, milna, jam'-b, ekath§n-h ; (a.) jorna, batorna, jam*-k, ekattha-k, ekja-k, majlis-k. CoNVENiENCY, CONVENIENCE, {fitfiess) munasabat, tawafuk, jogta; {ease) anand, faragbat, asudagi, ni'mat, i^animat. Convenient, thik, suthra, ma'kul, la,ik, munasib, wajib, lazim, sazawar, sha,ista, yogya, upaynkt; {abode) subas, sukhad. Conveniently, liyakat-se, munasabat- &c. -se. Convent, akhara, asthal, asthan, takiya, math. Convention, majlis, sabha, jama'at, ijma'; {contract) 'aid o paiman, niyam. To Converge, milna, ham-markaz-h. Conversable, ma'i^Lul, jawab-sawali, charchait, ga- waiya, batuniya. Conversant, fishna, -wal^f, ^abar-dar, agah, mut- tala', mahir, ma'h:ul-go ; {experienced) azmuda- kar, pakka, puj^ta ; {conversant with the world) jahan-dlda. Conver»ation, bat-chit, guftagu, jawab-sawal, zikr- mazkur, bat, bat-kahri,o, bol-chal, bateh, makalama, mukliatibat, charcha, bat-kahi, tazkira, bol-chali, kaha-suni, kal-makal, kaliina-kalam, raz o niyaz ; {intercourse) suhbat, laga,o, sarok&r, ashna,i. To Converse, bat-chit- &c. -k, 'alaka- &c. -r, sbi- naRa,i, &c. -r, bolna-chalna, kahna-sunna, batiyana ; {to cohabit) pas-jani, sona, jlianki-marna, ham-bistar-h ; {to associate) musihib-h, ham- kalam-li, bam-sukhan-h. Conversely, tayiban, bar-kliilaf, bar-'aks. Conversion, ta^Ub, in](pl&b, ta^iaUub, istihala, tabdil, P''a'»'''il- [nau-muBlim. Convert, nau-murid; (to the Musulmau /oitt) To Convert, badal-dalna, pher-d, paltaufi. munkalib- k, phirana, digana ; (to the Mosalman fatih) islam-men-lana ; (to appropriate) mukarrar-k, apnana ; (to convert a person) din men dakl\:l-Ji, man-phema. Convertible, taklib-pazir, parivartaniya. Convex, kubba-dar, gumbaz-dar, muhaddab, gumbasi, siparl, mahl-pusht, murgh-aina, kokla, ghunghla. Convexity, kokla,i, gnmbaz-dari, &c. To Convey, lejiina, uthana, lana, utha-Iejana, le-chalna or -ana or -urna, nibahna, nikalna, bhejna, preran-k; {to transmit) iblagh-k; r- (to transfer) bakhshna, hawala- k, hiba-k, dena ; (to impart) samjhana, bayan-k, nakl-k. Conveyance, intikal ; {vehicle) bahan, markab ; {grant) hiba, dan ; (a letter or deed of conveyance) hiba-nama, dan-pattar ; (a convey- ance of property) hiba e tamlik. Convict, gnuah-gar, bandhu,a, mulzim, ta^sir-war. To Convict, gunah-gar- or taksir-war-thahrana, mul- zim-k; {to confute) radd-k, ilzam-d, kat-d. Conviction, ilzam, i'tikad, i'timad, tayak^am, subut. To Convince, ka,il-k, ka,il-ma'kul-k. Convivial, khush-ikhtilat, milan-sar, khnrram. To CoNVOOATE, Convoke, bulana, batorna, sametna, jorna, jam'-k, azan-d, abahan-k, ahwan-k. Convocation, ijtima', majlis, sabha. Convoy, badrata-rasani, jatra. To Convoy, muhafazat-k, himayat-k, bacbana, pahon- chana, nibah- or bacha-lejana. To Convulse, akraua, aintbana, marorna, talmalani, chihonkana; (n.) akar-jana. Convulsed, mutashannaj, pechan. [chihonkba,!. Convulsion, maror, ainth, tashannuj, lakwa, dhangba,o, Conundrum, jugat, chutkula. To Coo, ^utakna, ku-ku-k, bagh-bagh-k. Cook, bawarchi, pakak or pachak, rasu,iya, tabba^, nanba,i, kababi, bhathiyara, raso,i-kari; {maid) bawarchin; (room) raso,i-ghar, bawarchi -khana. To Cook, pakana, randhna, rindhna or rendhna, tabkh- k, pak k, banana, kama, sidh-k, tacbana, rasui, banand;. Cookery, bawarchi-gari, tabkh, tabbakhi, raso,i-kar, paka,i, &c. pu^t, [-shala. Cook-room, bawarchi-^ana, matbakh. pak-sala or Cool, thandhS,, sard, sital, sila, ^unuk, barid, than- dha-sa ; {water) ab-shora, parwarda-pani ; (in temper) pitte-mar, afsurda ; (shady i saya- dar ; (a cold friend) khunuk-dost. To Cool, (a.) thandha- &c. k; (to relax) kahil, manda-, or ghafii-k ; (n.) thandha- &c. -h, sirana ; (icator) parwarda-k ; (hot water with cold) samona. Cooler, (in medicine) tabrid, thandha,! ; (vessel) tSs, tas-jalibi, kundera, kunda. Coolly, ahiste, ta,ammul-se, tadbir-se. Coolness, thandh, thandhak, sardi, khunuki, burudat, (distance) rukhawat, bad-mazagi, afsurdagi. Coop (for fowls) tapa, khancbi, kur-kul, darba, khudda. [mund-r. To Coop up, kafas-men rakhn&, kaid- or band-r, Cooper, pipa-banane-wala, barmil-gar. To Co-operate, ekdil-h, baliam-h, muttafik-h, sharilr b, raf ik-h, rifakat- &c. -k, sath-d, milna. Co-operation, ittifak, mel, saraudyog. Co-ordinate, ham-kadr or -martaba. [b5nw.^. Coot, pan-dubbi, yargha, zaghnol, zagb-abi, ch&ha, Co-pabtner, sharik, sajhi, bbagl, aashi» rafi^ COP f 59 ) COR Co-PARTKERSHiP, shaxakat, ishtirak, sajha. CoP£, chhat, sakf ; (under the cope of heaven) a£inan ke sakf ke niche. nTo Cope with, barabari-k, ham-sari-k, ham-chashmi- \^, mukabalat-k, pahunchna, pana. COPI^E, nakl-nawis, katib, lekhak; {imitator) mutatabbi'. [mukba. Coping, {of a wall) munder or munderi, parchhatti, Copious, bahut, ziyada, kasir, bistari ; {extensive) wasi', phaila, farakh. Copiously, ifrat- &c. -se, kasrat-se or ba-kasrat, bahutayat-se. Copiousness, buhtat, ziyadati, wafur, kasrat, fira- wani, ifrat : {extensiveness) was'at, phaila,o. CoPPEL, machi (t. crucible). Copper, tamba or tamr or tama, mis, (adjectively) mis!: {coloured) tambyS, cliampa,!; {vessels) misan. Copperas, zangar, hir§,-kasis, tutiya. Coppersmith, thathera, mis-gar, sad-gar. Coppice, Copse, jhari, jangala, jangalistan. To Copulate, (a.) milana, jorna lagana; (n.) jurna, milna, lagna, mubasharat-k, jima'-k, chodna, daula- k, bahna, bbanjhna, bhirna, peti-larna. Copulation, mubasharat, jima', rat, kel, mujama'at, daula, jurant, wati, choda,i, bera, parsaug, bhanjan, sangam, maithun, jufti, subbat, bhagdhun, A Copulative Conjunction, 'atf or barf i 'atf, san- sargi. Copy, nakl, pratim^, mankul, nuskha, sarlkha, pratirup, utara : {holder) patte-dar ; {original) asl ; (/ have two copies of the Gulistan) Gulistan ke do nuskhe mere yahan bain; {the first or foul copy of any writing) musawwada ; {copy lines) ta'lim, sar-mashk, katkana. To Copy, nald-k, nakl-nawisi-k, utarna; (to imitate) pakarna, lena, hiska-k. Copyhold, patta : this differs considerably from copy- holds in England. Copying, nakl-na'wisi, katibi, utrahat, tan^kul, ta- shakal. To Coquet, ada- &c. -k, athlanS, itrana, bha,o-bat- lana. Coquetry, ada, nakhra, naz, ^amza, 'ashwa, 'ashwa- gari, karishma, chonchla, jhanwli, chonchle-bazi, bha,o, bha,on or bhavali, ba,o, nakhre-bazi, &c. itra- hat, sukha-uakhra. Coquette, nakhre-baz. chonchle-baz, 'ashwa-gar, jhanwli-baz, karishma-baz, naznin, naz-pardaz, bhagli. Coral, miinga, marjan, bussad, hajru-1-bahar ; {a child's coral) chusni, guUi, clihaguni, chatwa. Cord, rass!, dor, jyora, tanab, rasan, kasan, ban, tant, cbharnaut, barari. Cordial, {invigorating) mukawwi, pusht, raufarrih dil-kusha, man-hulasi, dil-afza ; (hearty, sin- cere), dili, kalbi, jani, tab-dil, jigari. A Cordial, dawa,e mukawwi, jawarish, yakuti, mu- kawwiya (pi. mukawwiyat). Cordiality, sacha,i, sadakat, garam-joshi. Cordially, ba-sar o cha«hm, ba-dil, shauk-se, garam- joshi- &c. -se. Core, daruna, andar ; {of a sore) kil. Coriander, {seed) dhaniya, kishniz ; {the plant) kothmir. Core, {of a bottle) dhatha or datta, gatta, thenfhi, shola ; {tree) a^ara. To Cork, dattana or datta-lagana. Cormorant, mahi-gir, mnsh-gir, chuh-mar, cliheni'< karni, dhobiya, chllh; {glutton) kha,u, petu. Corn, anaj, ann, ghalla, dana; {green) khiid, zira'at ; (ore the feet) gokhrfi, gatta, ghatha, thela; {land) kisht-zar, jyonai ; {p^pe) phonphi. To Corn, {meat) namak-malna ; {gt anulate) dana-dana-k. Cornelian, 'akik, yamani, agin-pathar, jigari. Corner, kona, gosha, kunj, khunt, alang, taraf, kondar, kola, kaula, palla, antar ; {of the nail) kor ; {of the eye) ko,a. Cornerwise, kona-kani, tirkas. Cornet, {a trumpet) karna,e; {officer of horse) 'alam-bardar, jama'-dar. CoRNETTER, karna,e-nawaz. Corn-field, khet, mazra', kisht-zar, jyonar. Cornice, kangni, sinka, karnas, mundochh, kagar. Corollary, natija, asar, khatm. Coronation, julus, abisbekh, tika, rajyabhishek. Coronet, taj (v. ci'oton, diadem, &c.) Corporal, (adj.) badani, dehi ; {material) jis- mani, jauhari. A Corporal, (among the English), na,ek, 'amal-dar. (Among the natives these words have a very different meaning : in their armies a daf a-dar answers to our berjeant, and is the lowest officer they have.) Corporate, muttafik, ek-dil, ek-chit, ekatri-krit. Corporation, firka, jama at, guroh, jatha, dal, thok, mandali. Corporeal, jismani, sariri or skaririk. Corps, {of troops) rasala, guroh, gh ol. Corpse, murda, lash, mu,a, loth, jifa, mirtak. inaiyat, mati ; {washer) murda-sho. Corpulence, Corpulency, jasamat, motapa, f;irbihi, tan-awari. Corpulent, mota, jasim, farbih, tan-awar, tondaJa, dal-dar, asthul, motakkar, duhra, yal, dham- dhusra, dhondha, bhassar, tondaila. Corpuscle, zarra, reza, anu. Correct, sahih, sudh, durust, bar-jasta, marbut, tahkik, saf. To Correct, {punish) tambih- or tadib-k or -i, changa -banana, sansna, rok-tok-k, chhathi ka dudh yad-dilana, sadhna; {to amend) sahih-k, thik-k ; {to temper) mu'tadil-k, islah-d. Correction, {punishment) 'azab, 'akubat, siyasat ; {amendment) tashin, sihhat, sodh, arastagi, i.slah; {house of) harn-bari. Correctly, sihhat-se, thik, ba-khilbi. Correctness, sihhat, sodh, durustagi, shuddhata. A Corrector, sihhat-rasan, sadhanhar ; (in me- dicine) marag, muslih, whence masalih (vulg. masala), spices, materials. Correlative, lazim-malzum, lazima-1-izafat, ham* nisbat, ham-marja, paraspar-samband. CoRRELATiVENEss, luzum, mulazama. To Correspond, milna, barabar-h, eksan-h, thik- &c, -h, 'alaka- &c. -r, baz-khana, baithna, lagna ; ■ {to answer) mukabil-h, jawab-h; {by letter) khatt, kitabat- &c. -r. Correspondence, {correspondency) muwafakat, muuii- sabat, 'alaka, ta'alluk, tawafuk, tatabuk, mutiibakat, laga,o, mushabahat, tashbih, sansarg, bidhniili ; (intercourse) rah-rasm, sabika, byohar ; (by letter) ttatt-kitabat, nawisht-^wand, chithi-pattar, msl-rasa,iU likhan-parhan, ^att-ldiutuj^ likha- parhi, nam o payam, murasala. Correspondent, (adj.) muwafik, mntabik, barabar, eksan, mushabih, ekhi, saman, muuJisib, la,i^ )fluk.. COR ( 60 ) COU A CoERESPONDENi, a|-hati7§, *alaka-dar, byohariyS, §bhn§, maklLtaba-saz, murasala-dar. CVrriqible, nasihat-pazir, sudharu, sodhne-jog. Corroborant, mukawwi, pusht. To Corroborate, kuwwat-d, zor-d, bal-d, raazbut-k, pusht-k, pofha-k ; {to confirm) madad-k, ta,id- d, takwiyat-d, pushti-d, sambhalna, thatnna, thah- ran.i, muhkam-k, mustahkam-k, ustuwar-k. Corroboration, tii,id, takwiyat, pushti, sahayata, istihk'im, ustuwari. [gudaz-k. To Corrode, katna, kha-lena, kha-jana, kshai-k. Corrosion, CoRRr siveness, kata,o, burish, kat, hid- dat, kshay, talilil. Corrosive, burinda, hadd, kat, gala.u, kshaya-kari. To Corrugate, jingurana, jhuriyana, sikorna. Corrupt, sara, ubsa, fasid, Jbigra, nakara, khota, nashta, bhrashta; {subject to bribery) rishwat- talab, guh-khor. To Corrupt, sarana, ubsana, galana, pachana ; (to vitiate) bigarna, kharab-k; {to bribe) ghus- d; (n ) sarna, ubasna, bigarna. Corrupted, {as a word) mukharrab. Corrupter, mufsid, bigaru, nas-kari, mukharrib. Corruptible, sarne-wiila, saranhar, fana-pazir; {easily bribed) rishwat-pazir. Corruption, Corruptness, saran, sara,o, fana, nash- tata, guh-khori ; {filth) mail, aliidagi, kudurat ; {matter) pib, rim, ala,e, bala,e; {perver- sion) tabaddul, tabdil ; {wickedness) bad-zati, khotiji ; {bribery) rishwat-khori. Corruptive, sara,u, gala,u, pacha,u, begaru. Corruptly, {improperly) be-rabt, be-kaida. CoESELKT, chara,ina, cbaud, chandar, chapras, joshan or jaushan. Coruscation, chamak, lauka, damak. [bnkwa. Cosmetic, ubtan or uptan, ghaza or ghazha, sondha. Cost, Idmat, mol, baha, saman, mathe, lag, dar, bha,o, kharch, nirkh ; {loss) nui<:san, gbata ; {at the king's cost) padshah ke mathe. To Cost, Idmat-r or -parna, aua, lagna, baithna; {what did it cost ?) kete ko aya hai ? {it costs so much) uski eti kimat hai. [baddh. Costive, kabz-band, or Ijabzi-band, bandha, koshtha- CosTivENEss, kabziyat, kabz. Costliness, besh-kimati, giraii-kimati, giran-baha,i. Costly, kimati, besh-kimat, giran-baha, giran-li:imat. Costus, (a shrub) kust, kuth. Contemporary, ham-'ahd, ham-'asr, mu'asir. Cottage, Cot, Cote, chhappar, jhompfi, marhi, kuti, kOfha. Cottager, kuti-chara, jhompriya, ma^hiya. Cotton, ru,!, pumba, kutu; {tree) kapas, sembal ; {raw cotton) banga; {seed) binaiila, pumba-dana; {silk) sembal ki ru,i ; {carded) gah"i, gorha; {old) logaf; {cloth) suti; (m a standish) kursaf, suf, lilLa; (carder) naddif ; {stuffed with) rd,i-dar,' pumba- dar; {merchant) ru,iya. [posh. Couch, palang, khat, bank, mahd (pi. muhud), ta^t- To Couch, ghutniyan-baithni, letna; {as a beast) 4hukki-marna; {to stoop) dabak-rahna; - {to comprUe) lana, rakhna, dharna; {to couch a spear) tolna, CouciiAjJT, gurba-nishast, ukj-u baitha hQ,&. Cove, kol, khfiri, panah. Covenant, siiart, kaui-ikrar, 'ahd o paimin, her, bacha ; {in writing) 'ahd-nama, ikrar-nama. suart-nama. To CovENAMi, sharj- &c. -b or -k. CoTEB, sar-posh, dhaknS, dbapnl, dhakoi ; {shelter) panah, ar, himayat; {pretence) bah^ua; (blind) parda, ot, ojhal; {lid) cbapni, topni, gatta ; {of a book) dafti, patha ; {0/ a letter) lifafa, mflnd, kham ; {place) ghar, jagah. To Cover, dhampna, dhankna mundna, orhaua, jhampna, cbhopna ; {to conceal) kha.s-posh-k, chhipana ; {to shelter) bachana, mahfuz-r; {to overspread) patna, lesna, lipna, marhna, chhiina; {to incubate) syona; {to copulate) lagua, bharana, bbarna. Covered, chhatri-dar, top-dar, ghilafi ; {to be) chhipna, dhapna, patna, bharna, garna; (ia comp.) alfida, whence barl-aluda, covered wUh snow or ice. Covering, Coverlet, poshish, lihaf, bala-posh, raza,i, dula,i, gudri, uihall, palang-posh, orhua, uparna, ghata-top, char; {/or a horse) gardani, jhul, iirtak, awa,i; (for walls) jhamp, parchhatri, chhatri ; {for a tray) khancha, do-patta, ghilaf, kliol. [wi/man) sohagan. Covert, {thicket) jhari, jhund; {at a married Coverture, sohagan-pana, patitwa. To Covet, lalach-k, tak-b, nazar-lagana, chahna, lal- chana, lobhna, tokhna, ahkh-charhana, as- or dant-r, ji-jalana, bad-nazar- or bad-nigah-k. Covetous, lalchi, lobhi, tami', bhiikha, hirsi, haris, chashm-za'chii, Iiirsitatta, bad-nazra, kripan. Covetously, lalach-se, az rah i hirs. CovETOU.sNEss, lalach, lobh, hirs, tam', hauka, bad- nigahi, tamanna. Covey, {a hatch) jhol, pal ; (flock) jhond, ghol. Cough, khansl, khokhi, sa,al, kbur, khuri, surburi, kliang, dhahsi, surfa. To Cough, khansna, khonkhnS, dhansni, khangna, khankharna ; {to cough up) khankhar-d. Could, saka; {he could not go) wuh na chal-saka, (v. the verb sakna. Gram. p. 66). Coulter, {ploughshare) phar, nasi. Council, majlisjsabha, pancha,eto?-panchayat, jama'at, kachahri ; {a general council) diwan i'amm ; {a privy council) diwan i khass. Counsel, na.sihat, pand, paramarsh, ra,e, mata, upadcs, kahna-sunua, kingash, mat, tajwiz, mansuba, masla- hat, bhed ; {to ask counsel) maslabat-puchhna, masliwarat-lena; {to keep one's own counsel) apna bhed chhipana. To Counsel, raashwarat-d, sikhlani, kahna, nasi^at-J. Counsellor, mushir, salah-kar, maslahatl, para- marshi, nasih, mudabbir, mantari; {confidant) mahram-raz, sabhasat. Count, {rank or title so called) beg, l^an. To Count, ginna, shumar-k, ti'dad-k, hisi\b-k, ginti-k, rakhna, janna, jorna, minna ; {beads) japna, parhna; {by the finger-Joints) 'al^d or girah anamil-k. Countenance, chihra, rfl, munh, mukh, mukhra, siirat, shabahat, kiyafa, rang-rup, 'ariz, rukhsara, didar; {patronage) ru-dari, ruyat, mihr-bani^ tawajjuh, shafkat; {impudence) gustakhi, shokhi, dileri ; {to be out of countenance) sharmiuda-li. To Countenance, munh-d, mihrbaui-k, ^adar< dani-k. Countenancer, hami, murabbi, pachhi. Counter, {piece) shumari; {contrary) mukhiiUf; {board) takhta ; (0/ « merchant) tat, wlience tit ulatua, 10 break or fail in business, contra, in comp. is commonly expressed by khilif, bar-khilaf, iiltji, par and prati (as a Sanskrit predx). To Counteract, ulta-byfipui, katna, tofna. To Counterbalance, barabar-k, "adl-!., him-wazn-k. COD ( 61 ) CBA CoUNTEE-CHAEM, tona par tona, kat, ulta, toy. Counterfeit, (adj.) jhutha, kalb, ja'l, libasi, ja'liya, ' taghallubi, taklidi, khota, bhagli, nakli, daghal. /To CooNTERFEiT, nakl-k, taklid-k, bhes-k, dikhlana, / bhagal-k ; [to forge) libasi-banana, taghallub-k; — — [to pretend) bahana-k. To Countermand, pber- or palat> or badal-d, man- sukh-k, radd-k. CooNTERMARcn, kuch makam, era-pheri, badla-badli. To Counterjiarch, kawa dekhe phirna. Countermine, surang niche surang, nakbzer i nakb, ulta surang (v. mine) . Countermure, diwar-ke pichhe diwar, ar par ar. Counterpane, lihaf, palang-posh, whence our word palampore. Counterpart, a,ma, jawab, jora, palla ; [fellow) mukabil, mel. Counterpoise, [in weighing) dhara, ahmda, ham-sang, mukabil. To Counterpoise, sambhalna, ham-sang-k. CouNTERPOisoN, bikh-mar or bish-mar, vish-ghati. Counterscarp, pushta, artala. COHMTEESiGx, (to a tentinel, ^"c.) bujhawa. Counting-house, daftar-khana, hisab-khana. Countless, be-slmmar, an-ginat, be-hisab. Country, mulk, wilayat, des, bhum, diyar, kishwar, mamlukat, dip, ganwi, ganw, gauhan, jangal, mai- dan, ban ; [native) watan, janam bhum ; [opposed to town) atraf, jawar, nawah, sawad, dihat, berunjat, mufassal, bahar; [the language of the country, opposed to town) bahar ki boli. Country, (adj.) desi, dihkani, bahari, beruni. Countryman, [a rustic) ganwar, ganwela, dihkau, ra'iyat : this last, properly speaking, means a sub- ject; [farmer) kisan, dihati, rausta,i; [of the same country) watani, deswal, ham- or ek -kaum or -zat or -jins, des-bha,i, ham-mulk, ham-watan, ek- desi, sa-desi. County, chakla, sarkar, zila' or zil' suba [v. province) . Coup de Soleil, aftab-zadagi. Couple, jora, juft, zauj, do, donon. To Couple, jorna, sambandh-k, bandhna ; [to marry) gath-bandh.in-k ; (n.) jurna, juft-khana. Couplet, bait, shi'r, fard, doha, sortha, chaupa,i, iirjan; (1st) matla', mangla-charn ; (2nd) husn- matla*. Courage, [bravo! go on!) shabash! afrin ! Courage, Courageousness, dileri, mardanagi, baha- duri, mardumi, surma-pan, anban, jodha-pan, him- mat, jasarat, jigar, kaleja (lit. the liver), gurda (lit. the kidney) . Courageous, diler, bahadur, mardana, dilawar, jawaii- mard, shuja', jari, sur, jodha, bir. Courageously, dileri- &c. -se, dilerana. Cockier, kasid, paik, har-kara, dauraha, nama-bar. Course, daur, dapat; [progress) raftar ; [of a river) baha,o, dhara, jiriyan ; [race ground') ghur-daur, maidan ; [way) rah, rasta, lik ; (succession) badli, bari ; [ma7me}-) tarik, sabil ; Icatamenia) haiz, raj ; [of medicines) mandal, phera, daura, charkh ; [at table) paro- san ; — — [conduct) chal-dhal, chalan, dhang, lach- han ; — - [series) sarishta, silsila ; [of course, undoubted J) aur kya? kyun na-ho? be-shubha, be- shakk, niukarrar , [words of course) bara.e bait, bat ki bat, samarkandi. To Course, [to hunt) shikiir-k, ragedna, khadcrna; (to run or flow) daurna, bahna. Courser, bad-pa, gul-gun, shabdez, samand. Court, (palace) daulat-khana, bargah, dargih, darbar, kasr, da,ira-daulat, takht-gah, urdii, bar, huzur; (of Justice) 'adalat, mahkama, kacbahri ; (council) diwan i 'amm, diwan i khass ; (yard) chauk, jilau-khaua, angna,i, akhara, charsu, katra, sahn, cha uhatta ; [retinue) hashm o khadam ; • (the members of a court) arbab i 'adalat, ahl i majlis. To Court, (to ask in marriage) mangni-k; (to woo) 'ishk-bazi-k ; [to solicit) chahna, dar- khwast-k ; (a quarrel, &c.) mol-lena ; (death) raaran panklii-lagna; [to hold a court) darbar-k, khushamad-k, baramad-k (v. to flatter). Courteous, Courtly, nek-nihad, khush-akhlak, adhin, milansar, namar, mutawazi',muha7,zab, muad- dab, zahir-dar, gharib-nawaz ; [language) dari. Courteously, khulk- &c. -se, gharib-nawazi-se. Courteousness, Courtesy, Courtliness, khulk. akhlak, mardumi, nek-nihidi, zahir-dari, mudara, iltitat, lutf, awa-bhagat, adar, mihr-bani, ta'zim, tawazu', milansari ; [kindness) nawazish. Courtesan, kasbi (lit. a trader or artiste), kanchani, bagarni, tawa,if, loli, ganika, samanya, besiya, patar, ba,i, apchhara; (demirip) khangi. [ya-saz. Courtier, darbari, huzuri, mujra,i, padshah-ras, dun- Courtship, 'ashiki, 'ishk-bazi. Cousin, amma-or khala-zad- or -i; (male) cha- chera-bha,i, mumera-bha,i, phuphera-bha,i, mau- sera-bha,i, also khalera-bhaa or khalati-bha.i; female) chacheri- &c. -bahin. Cow, gau, ga,e or ga,o, dhenu, goru, gokhri, gaila, ka- pila, osir, surhi, kam-dhen. To Cow, [to depress) dabana, dhamkana. Coward, dar-pokna, buz-dil, na-mard, hiz, hethi, kam-jur,at, pad-ghabra, daralu, kadar, ka,er, bha- gora, gidar, harila, murghi, hichkara, lendi, sham- sher-bahadur, be-jigar. Cowardice, Cowardliness, buz-dili, na-mardi, jubn, hetha-pan, be-jigari. Cowardly, buz-dila, naraarda [v. coward). Cow-butter, gawa-ghi, opposed to bhainsa-ghi. Cow-dung, gobar, gomai, sangin ; (dry) go,intha, opla, karsi, arna, kanda, chipri, awari, karandi^ pachak, pathwan, binwa. To Cower, kukriyana, nihurna. Cow-herd, go,ala, ahir, gaddi, ghosi, gopal. Cowhouse, sar, go-sala or go-shala, gau,al-bari. Cow-itch, kawanch, ko,anch, khajwat. Cow-killer, zabihu-1-bakar, go-hanta. Cowl, kulah, taj, topi; (stuff) siugra; [bucket) dol, dolina, Cow-pox, go-than sitala. Coxcomb, (a boaster) laf-zan, khud-bin, Uiiid-nunia., banka, chhaila; [the coxcomb flower) taj i khurus. gul-kes, jata-masi. Coy, sharmila, sharm-gin, pur-hijab, wahshi, chaukel, bharkel, chanchal, be-murawwat, be-sil. Coyness, hijab, laj, sharm,haya, wahshat, be-muraw- wati. To Cozen, chhalna, thagna, dagha-d, natkhati-k. Cozenage, dagha-bazi, thaga,i, clihal-bal. Crab, kekra, gegta, sartiln, korkarlia, kharchang; (louse) chicbri ; (mangoe) amra. Crabbed, chirchira, tursh-ru, jal-tarang, tund-kho, durusht-kho, utkath ; [writing) keukraha, bad- khatt. Crabbedness, tursh-ru,i, tund-kho.i, jal-tarangi. Crack, (chink) darz, darka, sliakk ; {fissure) bal, khatt; (sound) karak, karkarahat, karaka, cha|aka, mach-muchaiiat. CBA ( 62 ) ORE To C'EACK, (a.) tarkanS, phiniS, chitkani, darkSna, torna, phatkarnai marna; (don't crack your Jokes on vie) ham par thathe na maro ; (the fingera) chutki-bajana ; [the joints) matkana, chatkana ; {a louse) chat-mama; (n) tarakna, phatna, chitakna, darakna, tutna, kutakna, phutna, bal-ana, bharakna, charakna; {with a loud sound) karakQ&; {to crack a whip) chabuk- phatkarna. Ceack-beained, ^ushk-maghz, adh-pagal. Ceacked, phuta, jarjara, kliokhra, mudar, ball, damgir. Craoeee, patalia, lauki, singh&r&, morra. To Crackle, chitakna, charcharana, machmachana, marmarana, karkarana, marakna, karakna, bhar- bharana, murmurana, phasphasana. Cradle, hindola, pingura, palna or pelna, gahvara, mabd, dhulva. Ceaft, {trade) hirfa, kam, uddim or udyam, hath- khanda, hunar ; [fraud) dagha, fitrat. CEAFTitY, fitrat- &c. -se, dagha-bazi-se. Craftiness, failsufi, makkari, rubah-bazi. Craftsman, kari-gar, ahli-pesha, hunar -mand. Crafty, 'aiyar, fitrati, i&il&ni i}it. a philosopher), mdik- kar, mutafanni, syana, natkhat. Crag, karara, arara, banda, shel. Cragged, Craggy, unch-nich, nasheb-faraz, uncha- khali, beha,r, kharkhara, arbar. Ceagqkdness, Ceaoginess, na-hamwari, kharbara,i. To Cram, thasna, dabana, chhakana, nigalna, bhar- marna, dhusna, thosna or thusna, khonchna. Cram no, {play or game so called) kafiya-bazi. Cbamp, akarba,i, tashannuj, ba,i; {to have the cramp) tidwana, ainthna; {constraint) atka,o, sadd, mani*, band, kaid ; {of iron) kila. To Cramp, akrana, thithrana; {restrain) barajna, baz-r, rokna, atkana, arna. Crane, {bird) ghongia, laglag, saras, kulang, kunj, karkara, kankh ; {machine) manjanik, charkh, theka, damkala Cranium, khopri, kasa or kasa,e sar. Cranny, darar, darka, chatak. Crape, kapar-dliur or kapar-dhul. Crapulence, {sickness from intemperance) khumar. Crapulent, Crapulous, bad-hazm, makhmur. Crash, dharaka, harharahat, kharkharahat). To Crash, dhardharana, ha]rhaf&na. Cravat, guluband. To Grate, mangna, chahna, darkhvast-k. talab-k, istid'a-k, minnat-k, lalchana ; {food) antriyan ^ul huwa-1-lah-parhna. -sa, muka"ab. Cubit, bath, dast. Cuckold, daiyfis, kaltabiln, ol-arwa, bhar-kha,u, kut- tan, zanjalab, niaciiliandar, n^h-ga o ; radha ko } dd karo, is often addressed to those wlio are on the road to cuckoldoin ; bhanve ut, is used for a nickoldy, or rather wittol wight. To Cuckold, daiyds-banana, behurmat-k. Valanki-k. Cuckoo, ko.el, pik; (spittle) kafikahi. . CrcuMBER, khira, kakri, Jshiyar, bad-raivg, phuf karaih'v, kheksa, pendiya, pindol, palwal, chiohiiMia Cud, jflgali, pagnr ; (to chew the cud) jngili- Ac. -k, pagurana. To Cuddle lipat- or cbimat-rahna, satpatana, lipa(- ke-sona. CcDOEL, lath, lakkar, tbenga, godra, laketa, pata, lakhautiya [lathi-k. To Cudgel, lathiyana, pitna, iStha-lathi-k or latha- CuDOELLER, lakri-baz, pate-baz, banait, lath-baz. Cuf, choti, chutla, chondi, sikha, tlk, gunth, jad; (hint) ishara, pata tukara; (part) da,o- ghat. Cuff, tainacha, dhaul, thappar, chhakkar, chatkana, ghuiisa; (of the sleeve) kos, muhri. [rana. To Cuff, tamacha- &c. -marna, dhauliyana, thap- CuiRASs, chara,ina, jaushan, baktar. Cuirassier, baktar-posh, zirah-posh. Culinary, tabkhi, tabbakhi, matbakhi. To Cull, chunna, chugna, binna, bilachnS ; (select) intikhab-k. Cully, (dupe) bisni, chfltiya, dfidhail-ga-e, sone-ki chiriya, boka, kutta, (v. dupe). To Cully, tbaga,i-k, fareb-d, dagha-d. Culpable, mujrim, mulzim, dokhi, wajibu-t-taksir. Culprit, gunah-gar, papi, taksir-war, aparadhl. To Cultivate, taraddud- &c. -k, bar-pa- &c. -k, uthana, uprajna, upjana; (waste land) jotna, khet-nikalna, khod-kiiad-k ; (arts) palna, sarna; (to improve) tarbiyat-d, arasta-k, durust-k, banana. Cultivated, sar-sabz, ma'mur, bar-pa, abad, uth&t mazru*, pah, pah-parti; (as fruit) baghi. Cultivation, Culture, (agriculture) taraddud, zara'at, kheti, kheti-barl, kisna,i, tiha,i, girhisti. jota,i. Jot; (improvement) durusti, abadi, islah. Cultivator, taraddud-kar, kisan, raiyat, (vulg. ryot). To Cumber, bhar-d or -mama, rokna, tang-k. Cumbersome, bhari, pahay, dukh-dayak, thakthak. Cumin, (seed, &c. so called) zira, karaun. Cunning, (adj.) syana, pakka, 'aiyar, failsuf, hila« baz, makkar, hikmatl, mutafanni, garar, char-zarb, 'allama, charkhaya, chatur, fitrati, sonar, dhurt; (man) Jan, guni. Cunning, syan, pak-pan, failsufi, 'aiyari, 6trat, rubah-bazi, hikmat, hirfat, 'aiyar-pan, chaturti, chatura,i. Cunningly, fitrat- &e. -se, chatura,i-se. Cup, piyala, jam, saghar, kasa, kadah, yagh, paimana, kator- -a or -i, sakora, bela, mita, gulabi, khappar, sarwa, jam i- jamshaid ; (a beggar's) chaJnla ; (for cupping) tombri, singi. To Cup, singi-lagana, pachhne-d, pachhna, shakh~ khainchana. Cup and Can, (intimat^ piyala-sabu, shir o shakar. Cup-bearer, saki, jami, gandharb, mugh-bacha. Cupboard, tand, ni'mat-khana. bhandar, bhandara. Cupid, kam, kam-de,o, kandarp, auang, madan, modak Cupidity, kam, arman, shahwat, hirs, kamabhilasb. Cupola, gumbaz, kubba or kubbat. Cupper, singi-wala, shakh-kash. Cupping-glass, singi, ghariya, shakb. Cups, (caro%isal) piyala-bazi, mai-kashi. Cur, Curtail-doo, lendi, landiira, lunda-und&, kattar. Curable, mumkinu-sh-shafa, 'ilaj-pazir, ghair-muh- lik, sadh, shafa-pazir. Curate, imam, dharmopadcsbak, purohit. Cprb, zanjir, kap ; (impedimeni) tok., fftbt, a}k»,o, man', barao. CUR ( 6A ) CUT To Curb, (a horse) titiauina, sambhalna, lagam-d, t-hasna ; (to restrain) rokna, muzahamat-k, man'-k, barna, barajna. Cdhd, anthi, chakka, chakkto, kho,a, thakt», phutki, chhena, khirsa, joghrat. To Curdle, (n.) jamna, bandhna, bilagna, baithna, phat-j, munjamid-h ; (a.) jamana, pharna, bandhna, baithalna, munjamid-k. Curdled Milk, dahi, dogh, thakka. Curds, (t. curd) ; [curdy) anthi-dar. Cure, [remedy) 'ilaj, upa,e, inu'alaja, nika,i, susthata; restoration of health) shifa, sihhat, aram, shifa- bakhshi, mukt ; (a complete cure) shafa.e kulli. To Cure, [the patient) changa-k, achchha-k, bhala-k, tan-durust-k, shifa- &c. -bakhshna or -d ; [the disorder) dur-k, raf'-k, daf'-k, za,il-k, sakit-k, mu'alaja- tadawi-k, uthana, 'ilaj-k ; [wonder- fully) i'jaz masiha-k; (with salt) namak-malna. Cured, bhala, changa, shifa-yafta; [to be) changa- &c. -h, shafa-pana. CuRER, mu'alij, shafi, aram-dene--wala. Curiosities, (rarities) *aja,ib, ghara,ib, tah§,if, tu^- fajat, nadirat. Curiositt, (inquisitiveness) raz-jo,i, tafahhus, khoj, kan-ras, shauk, puchh-puchhar, bisan, ras ; [rarity) saughat, tuhfa, kam-yabi, nadira. Curious, (inquisitive) raz-jo, mutajassis, mutalashl, khoji, shaukin, bisani, laulin, kanora, sungha, bhe- diya, mustafsir, talib ; (nice) waswasi, dushwar- pasand ; (elegant) barik, subuk ; (rare) 'ajib gharib, anutha, dushprapya. Curiously, (attentively) dikkat-se, ta,animul-se, ghaur-se ; (neatly) nazuki-se, nazakat-se. Curl, (ringlet) kakul, zulf, gesu, pech.kham, marghola, tab, sliikan, ghunghar, gliurchi, ghiinghari, chhailS, ^alka; (wave) lahar. To Curl, (a.) tab-d, pech- pechtab- &c. -d, ainthni, lapetna, ghurchana, gundli-b; (n.) ghurachna, baJ-kliana, lipatna. Curlew, karaiikul or karakul, pan-kukari. Curly, ghunghrala, pechila, ghurchiyaha, pech- &c. -dar, pechida, pech dar pech, chhandaulfi, tab-dar, margholi. [bakhil, lalchi. Curmudgeon, kan-jus, dalidri, wali-khanghar, shum. Currency, ijra, kasrat, charcha, chal ; [of money) chalan, riwaj. Current, ra,ij, jar!, murawwaj, rawan, riwaji, chalni, ilahi, chalta, nafiz ; (as money) hali, jalusi ; [language) rozmarra, muhawara ; (coin) ra,iju-l-wakt, chalan-pyara, sikka ; (general) 'aram, mashhur, akhyat; [the current price) nirkh, bha,o, sharh; [the current year) ab ka sal ; (to be current) ra,ij- &c. -h. Current, (rivulet) ab-rawan, ab-jari, nali,bahet; [stream) baha,o, sil-ab. Currently, 'umuman, 'ala-l-'umum. Currentness, riwaj, 'umiim. Currier, chamar, dabbagh, chirm-saz; (instru- ment) byongi. Currish, sag-sifat, kuta-saldit, bhonkwaiya. To Curry, (leather) pakana, kamana, dabaghat-d; [a horse) malna, timar-k, kharkhara-k, jhah- wan-k ; (to curry favour) kha,e-sahlana. Curry-comb, kharahra, kharkhara. Curse, bad-dua, kosa, sarap, la'n, la'nat, dliikkar, phitkar, dhirkar; (among women) bur-jari, munh-lfhak; (affliction) afat, ghazab, bala, }fahT, wibal, kabahat ; [curse it) tuf, la'nat ba-hecb, phit^-phit. To Curse, kosna, sarapna, phitkarna, bad-da'a-dj nafrin-k, la'nat-k, randna ; (to afflict afat-d; (a curse upon him) us par la'nat, Ia'natu-1-ldh 'alaih; [curse this business, I am heartily tired of it) is kam par la'nat ho, main is se sak^t 'ari hun. Cursed, (detestable) la'nati, mal'un, la'in, mardud, karih, zabun, kam-bakht, baitu-l-mal,dozakhi, narki- (how long shall I stay in this cursed country ?) is baitu-l-mal tnulk men kab tak main rahunga? Cursedly, nakara, zabun or zabuni-se, ba-shiddat ; [shamefully) sharmawari-se. CuRSER, bad-du'a-go, koswaiya, phitkari. Cursorily, mujmalan, ghaflat-se, jaldi-se, sar-a-sari. Cursory, chalte-hu,e, yuhhin, jald, ghafil ; (view) nazari ijmali. Curst, kattar, harami, sharir, markhand. To Curtail, kam-k, kotah-k, kasar-k, ghatana, chhantca, katua, kamana, mukhtasar-k. Curtain, masihri, parda, ojhal; (wall) alang, artala ; [lecture) ta'lim i khilwati. CuRVATED, Curve, Curved, terha, kaj, kham-dar, mu'awwaj, pech-dar, banka, shosha, dacana, munhani. [pech. Curvature, Curve, b§nk, terha,i, kham, pech, mir- To Curve, terha- &c. -k, lachana, nawana. To Curvet, kudna, phandna, jast-k, bakar-kud-k. Cushion, gaddi, masnad, ga,o-takiya. Custard, faluda, kshir; (apple) sharlfa, sita- phal, ata, lonaata. Custody, (care) amanat, nigah-bani, Balamati, rakh- wali, hifazat, hifz, hawalat, rachha, dasht, hirasat, gathaund, tafwi} ; (imprisonment) kaidj band, nabs. Custom, [manner, fashion) dastur, rasm (pi. rusum), zabita, rawaiya, chal, rawish, chalan, rit, charcha, rawaj, l^a'ida, kanun, bandhej, sarishta, chalawa, tarik, a,in, ma'mur, ra,iju-l-wakt, neg, kirt, rali-ra- 6am or rawish, bartawa; (business) jajinani, lewadewi, laga,o, pecha-lchochi, uthan, bardasht, uchapat ; (habil) 'adat, ma'mul, abhyas, rabt, mu'tad; (tribute) khiraj, mahsul, lagta, bihri; [run on goods) khapat, chah, katti, gahaki, mar, kharidari. Customarily, aksar, aksar-aukat, bahodhan. Customary, murawwaj, ba-dastur, dastur ke rauwafik, ma'muli, rasmi, ma'hud, 'amli, dasturi ; (dower) mahar misal, Customer, asami, gahki, jajman, kharid-dar or kha- ridar, gahak, banjauta, lagwar, lagwa. Custom-house, sa,ir, chabutra, chauki, pachotra, ghat, pannit-ghar. Cut, (participle) kata-hu,a, kat'a, mnnkata', burida, chur; — — (prepared for use) bana-banaya, taiyar. Cut, {wound) khatt, zakham, cliira, chirka ; (a lot) kur'a; (in cards) tarash, kat; (form) kat'} (shape) tarash, byont; (piece) tukra, karch, chhant, chhyo ; [branch or canal) kaf, chhor ; [picture) taswir ; [to make a short cut or road) kat-nikalna; {to exit a figure) shan-phailana or -nikalna ; (cut and long tail) lendi-buchi, a'la-adna, amir-fakir, ahali-mawali. To Cut, katna, tarashna, katarna, kalam-k, kat'-k, kat'-burid-k ; [to carve) naksh-k, khan^na, badhna, chirna, chaurang-marna, bhang-k, chhin-k, tukra-k; (to cut the cards) warak-tarashna ; [to cut down or off) kat-d ; ' (to cut th* beard short) kasar-k; [to cut off) kat-karhna, saf-k, utar-d, chliant-d, kat-dalna; (to prevent) munkata'-k; (to preclude) mahrum-r, baz-r; (to cut down or to for m) banana, khod-nikilna, mar-lejana ; (o/z^'kat-nikalna ; [the nib of a pen) kat'-k or -mama; (or carve a fowl) band- band-katna ; [ready cut) kata-katayS ; (to shape) byontnS, ^^at'-k ; [to contrive) tajvriz-k{ F CUT ( 66 ) DAP {to ahn'dffe) k&f-lena, ghatini ; {to cut up an animal) banana, nikana; Ho eradicate) ukhaf-d, utha-d. (This verb, as in Knglisb, is of very extensive application ; see the simple verbs which are synonymous with its several compounds, as also its own synonyma) . To Cut, (u.) katna,munkata'-h ; {as teeth) )amn&, phutna, nikalna ; {as a knife) lagna. Cutaneous, jiidi ; {cutaneous eruption) lashina. Cut-glass, almas-tarash. Cuticle, post, chamra, chhilka, jhilli, chhyor. Cutlass, talwar, shamsher, saif, dhop, tegha. sarah!, dam-tamacha, sakela, una, nimcha. CtjTLEB, lobar, karad-gar, sangar. Cut-pukse, kisa-bur, gath-kata,girah-kat5, jeb-katr5. Cutter, {one that cuts) burinda, kati*. Cut-throat, ^hag, rah-zan, katta'u-t-tarik, bat-par, ^un-rez, jallad, kassab, gal-katta, phansi-hara. Cutting, {chip, slip) chipthi, kalam, chiphri, kata,i, katran, chhantan ; {of sugar cane) bij, katar- byont, kaf-chhant, katkut, kat'-burid. Cuttle, {fish) sipiySn ; {metaph.) bad-zaban. Cycle, daur, daura, jug, karn, tab^a, char^; {of Jupiter) ^iranu-s-sa'dain. Ctonet, bans ka bachcha. Cylinder, sutun, 4anda, 'umud, sumdum, belan, nal, dand, ponga, ustuwana ; {of a sugar mill) jat. Cymbal, jhanj, manjira, tal, jalajal, kar-tal. Cymbalist, jhanjiya. Cynic, Cynical, tursh-ru, rQkha, durasht-^o, an- mela, kutil. Cypress, {tree) sarv, sarw, saro; there are seyoral kinds — saro-azad, sanobar, sibi, 'ar'ar, sbamshad ; this last is the box-tree. Czar, Vai?ar or ^aisar i rus. D. Dab, {lump) takr&, p&rcha; (splash) chikat, chhinta. To Dab, puchara-k, lagina, chupayna, bhar-marn&. To Dabble, dab-dub-k, lot-pot-k, kich-mich-k, dega- degi-k. Dabbler, {smatterer) upar-tapka. Dad, Daddy, ba, baba, baji jab wub hathegi ; amma, babi ko ja bola la, when she shall frd and ery, mamma, go call my daddy. Daffodil, nargis, birwak, giyab sares. Daooer, kJianjar, katar, pesti-kabz,jaradhar, chhura, bichhwa, dushua; {to be at drawn daggers) shamsher barahna-h, chhurl-katarl-k. To Daqole, chiktana, lasaundna, ghasitna, suh&rna. Daqole-tailed, daman gil &lQda. Daily, (adj.) har-roza, rozmarra, yauml, tariWi-war, dinw&ri, dine din ; {daily pay) rozina, yaumiya ; {food) rozi. Daily, (adv.) har-roz, roz-ba-roz, roz-roz, din-ba-din, yaunian fa yauman, pratidin, pratyaha. Daintily, nazakat- &c. -se, naz o ui'mat-se. Daintiness, nazakat, komaIt&, latafat. Dainties, nata.is, taba.if. Dainty, naznk, nafis, latif, komal, pakiza, maze-dir ; (a dainty) tuhfa, ni'inat, charb-nawala, chabha, padarth, khush-kliurak or -za,i]^a,nak-chafha, sha- kar-khora. Dairy, shir-U^ana, gopa-griha. Dalliakce, r5,o-cha,o, ha,o-bha,o, rang-ras, dQ)4r- pyar, bos o kinar, bosa-bazi, chumii-chati, chumi- chumi, riig-sohag, chah-chit, lagh-bSzi, naz-nakhra. tamalluk, naz-o-niyaz. To D.\LLY, {fondle) ra,o-cha,o- &c. -k; {deltiy, deri-k, dirangi-k, dhll-k, makraua, anthlana, waj^t- talna, tapa-to,i-k. Dam, {motlier) ma ; {bank) b^ndh, pal, pahaf . To Dam, bandh-bandhna. Damage, nuksan, ziyan, ghata, zarar, aseb, khalal. k^isarat, haraj, kabahat, kharabi, bigur, utpat, pa,e- mali ; {reparation) jarimana, tawan, musadara. To Damage, nuksan-paliunchana, khisara-k. bigarn& : (to be damaged) bigajrna ; — - {to sustain da^ mage) nuksan-utiiana. Damaged, dagfei, digh-dar, nuksani, pa,e-mal. Damascene, Damson, alu bukhara. ijjas, alu shami. Damask, {silk) mushajjar ; {cloth) jamdani, khes, kimkhab, khesra ; (to damask) mushajjar-binna, bute-dar-binni; {steel-work) jauhar-banana. Dame, {lady) begam, bibi, ahliva, ahila, kad-banu. To Damn, mal'un-k, la'nat-k ; {condemn) randa« k, narak-basi-k; (to hoot) thapri- or tali-marna. Damnable, la'natl, phitkarl, jabannami. Damnation, la'nat, phitkar, dhikkar, phitte-monh ; (a curse upon thee) tujh par la'nat. Damned, la'natl, mal'un, dozakhi, nari, jabannami, naraki, phitkarl, dhikkarl, makhur, maghzub. rajlm, siyah-ru ; {in comp.) karam, whence karam- chodi, karam-gandu. Damp, (adj.) tar, nam, nam-nak, martub, g!la, adh- sukha, nim-khushk, katkara; {to grow damp) mihana, silana. [udasi. Damp, {vapour) bukhar, bhaph ; {dejection) To Damp, martub- &c. -k; (to deject) afsurda-k, di!glr-k, sard-k, bujhana; (to abate) ghatana. Dampness, Dampishness, nami, tari, tarawat, rutubat, sU. Damsel, saheli, sakhl, all, batkl, naznln, na,etS, gopl, Eathiya, mangna, doshiza, 'arus; {of paradise) _ur, apchhara or apsara. Dance, nach, raks; {lasciviota) kaliru,a; — — {religious) dhamal, wajd. To Dance, nachna, raks-k, kiidna ; {attendance) plchhe laga-rahna, pichhe para-rahna, uach-uachna or nach-nachana. Dancer, nachne-wala, nachwaiya, ral:k&s. Dancing, dhamali, kudakkar ; (6oy) bhagtiyft, bhawaiya, natwa, kathik ; {ff^rl) .tawa,if, kan- chini, nauchi, chuna-paznl, nagar-biiatni ; {master) ta'lim-gar, adib ; {school) ta'lim- khana, nach ka ghar ; (Aire of) mujra. To Dandle, halana, kudana, uchhalua, khelan^. Dandruff, rusi, bafa (v. scurf). Danger, {risk) khatra, bharam, dar, mukhStara,haul; {dread) khauf, dhafka, bim, chinta, parw&, ]^ababat,jokhiin, haliikat, siiakk, waswasa. Dangerous, khatar-nak, pur-kjjatar, bliarmila,ma^- tur, dushwar, kjiatar-angez, ashkal, ji-mar, bhaiyaii- kar, waswasi, pur-ai'at ; {person) kapji ; {road) phansiyara. Dangerously, kljatre- Ac. -se ; {dangerously ill) behal. Dangerousness, kiatar-nfikl, bhaiyankarl. To Danole, latakna, hilagna, muta'allik-b. Dangler, pichh-lagu, dum-gaza, dum-bala. Dapper, gach-gaina, nat'i, nata-lnr, guu^h, (hinguif bantha, teui, gurji ((lit. a Georgian). Dapple, abla^, dO-rangi, k&bfi, pauch-ranua. DAP ( ) D£A To Dapple, niunal:kash-k, panch-rangi-banina. Dappled, {sky) titar badli, lahriyS. Dapple Grey, sanjab. To Dake, jur,at-k, himmat-r, mardanagi-r, hiya-r, purkharat-r, sakna; (to defy) dhaiukana. Daring, mardana, dil-chal, sur, diler, shuja', jari, sakanhar, rawat, liath-clihut, himniati. Daringly, dileraua, bahadurana, shuja'at-se. Daringness, be-baki, mardanagi, dileri, manchali. Dark, Darksome, andhera, tarik, tira, audhadhundh, andhakar, khira, ghup, andha ; {as pilch) kir- gun ; (obscure) mushkil, poshida, chhipa ; (ignorant) jaliil ; (gloomy) atsurda, sard-dil ; (black) kala, siyah; (a dark night) shabi- daijur, audheri rat ; (the dark half of a month) krislm paclih, andhera pakh. To Darken, andhera-k, posbida- &c. -k; {to foul) napak-k ; {to grow dark) andbiyara- ho-jaua or andhera-ho-j. Darkly, andha sa, audhlapan-se. Darkness, Dark, andhera, andbiyara, tarlki, tiragi, zulmat, andher, tamkar, tamas, timir; (prince of) niuzill ; ^obscurity) isbkal ; (ignorance) jiiialat, andhlapaa. Darling, laria, dulara, piyara, 'aziz, mabbub, lal, chahUa, larba,ola, cbasbm-cbiragh, lakhti jigar, dil- aram, priyatain. To Darn, rafu-k, bhar-d, marammat-k. Darner, rafu-gar ; (darning) rafiigan. Dart, bhala, barcLbi, garbiya, neza, sel, ballam ; (arrow) tir. To Dart, (a) pbenkna, chalana, dalna, chhitkana, mama ; (n.) cbalua, parni, cbhitakna ; (as lightning) tarapna, lapakua, kaundhna. Dash, takkar, thokar, thes, dhakka; {mixture) niel, puth ; (line) k^atti fasila ; (show) nainud, shikoh, tarash ; (he cuts a dash at a distance) wuh ddr se apui namud dikhlata hai ; (to have a dash of green, red. &c.) eabzi- or la'li- &c. mama. To Dash, (a.) patakna, de-m&ra&, patki-d, takrana, pbenkna, mama, jhakoma; (to sketch) cbit- harna, kliainchna, jhiirna ; (to break) torna, pachharna, phorna; (in pieces) pash-pasb-k, reza-reza-k, chur-cbur-k, chakna-chur-k; (water) chhirakna, bitna, dalna, chbitna; (to »nm5'&)amezish-k, amekhta-k; (to spill) chbal- kana ; (to blot) kalain khurda-k, kat-d ; (to depress) gira-d, dabiina, ghatana ; (n. to be spilt) cbhalakna ; (through water) hela-marn§,. Dastard, Dastardly, na-mard, buz-dil, darpokna, pad-ghabra, ghabra,u. Date, (of time) tarikh, tith or tithi, mitti ; {after date, viz. a bill) nmddati : (duration) da warn, tbabra,o, khata,o ; (end) anjam, ant, samapt; '- (die fruit) k^urma, cbbubara, khajura, ratab, tamar, khajur. To Date, (a letter) tari1di-&c.-likhnl, -charhana or -d. Dative, hiilat i nagbi or aiafuliyat, sampradan-karak. To Dauij, lagana, lesna, cbhitharna, potnik, bharua, cUhopua, inarhua ; (to covnr) dhanipna ; (to liiy on profusely) ladna; (to flatter) cbap- liisi-k. Dauber, kurh, anari cbithariya. Daughter, dukhtar, beti, kanyS, putri, dhi, lark!, bint, dohiia, jfi,!, dhiy.i, bibijan; (incomp.) zadi or bachchi ; (in law) babu, patob, badbu ; • (a step-daughter) rabiba. To Daunt, darana, dabsbat-d, dabkana, dbamkana, dbirana. Daontless, ni-4ar, ni-dba|-ak, be-bak, be-jan. Davtn, poh, tarka, bhor, subh, sabar, pagahtar, bim • dad, lohi, subli i sadik, subli-dani, safaida-dam, arun, dhun, dharka, niir ka tarka, bhalka, nur ; (be- ginning) shuru', ibtida. arambh ; (at early dawn) *ala-s-sabah, nur ke tarke. To Dawn, pob-phatna, tarka-h, din-nikalna. Day, din, roz, dewas or divas, yaum, nahar, titb ; (in conip.) bar, war, sbamba; (last of a month) mas ke bar; (this day, to-day) aj, ajhi, aj ke din. (N.B. kal, to-morrow ; parson, narsoh, tarson, the day after to-morrow, &c. signify also yesterday, the day before yesterday) ; (day and night) din rat, roz o shab, lail o nahar ; (from day to day) roz roz, bar roz, roz marra, din din ; (a market- day) pehth ka din, roz i bazar; (a fast-day) roza, bart ; (a festival-day) bara din, tyohar, parab, 'id ; (a day's journey) manzil, ek roz ki rah ; (the day of judgment) roz i jaza, roz i hisab, bashr, kiyainat, parlai ; (some days) chand roz, ka,i din; (to this day) aj tak; (in open day) din do-pahar, din diya : (this is a good day) aj achciiha din hai ; (this day eight days) ajke athweii din or athware; (-fortnight) pandrahwen din ; (-three weeks) ba,iswen din ; (this day month) untiswen din; (this day twelvemonth) aj ke barswen din ; (now-a-days) ajkal, dar in wiia; (to win the day) khet-bath rahna; (day after day) din ba din. Day-book, roz-nama, babi, kbasra, daftar, roz- namcba. [savera. Daybreak, (dawn) tarka, bhor, subh, arunoday. Day-labour, mazduri, rozina-dari. Day-l.\bodrer, mazdur, rozina-dar. Daylight, roz-raushan, din di,e; {in open day- light) diu-dibara. Day-time, din ke wakt, din ko; {come in the day-time) din ko a,o. To Dazzle, tirmiraa3., garjana, chubhna, dabSni, mama. Dead, mara, mu,5, murda, murdar, faut, gat, sun ; (as sleep) kumbh-kami, garha; {as night) bhini, so,i, soti; (as water) khara ; (ha- rassed) balak; (inanimate) be-jan, bin-ji; (empty) kjiali ; (useless) be-fa,ida, akarath ; (gloomy) sun, sunsan; (rapid) utra; (as a tree) khushk ; (as trade) sust, manda ; (dead drunk) sar-shar, bad-mast, gand-ghalat, be- hosb, chur ; (a dead weight) inu,a bojh ; (the dead) amwat, murde, mu,e, sote, 'alami arwah ; (a dead body) murda, lasb, mauta, lotb, shau ; (in the dead of night) adbi rat ko. To Deaden, sun-k, kam-zor-k, mama; (n.) marna ; (to be deadened) utar-jana. Deadly, katil, mublik, maru, kari, halahal, halakfl, murdani, maraut, murda- &c. -sa ; (a deadly foe) dushman i jani ; (fy-) sine ka kanta. Deadness, afsurdagi, susti, DEAF,bailira or bahra, kar, summ, pamba bagoshibo]*}! kan-phuta, barn badhir; (as a door'nail) bajar- bdihra; (pretending to be) kath- or kaj-baihra. To Deafen, baUira-k, kan-phorna; {to be deaf) baihra-b, uncha-sunna. Deafness, baihra,!, kari, baihra-pan. Deal, (quantity) kadr, bhag; (at cards) bjnt; (a great deal) bahuiera, or bubtera, bahat, balmt-kuchh, khaile, az-bas. To Deal, (distribute) b'lntna, hissa-k; (to scat- ter) chhitkana ; (to traffic) tijarat-k, pher-gbsr- k ; (to behave) chalan-cbalna ; {to deal with) mu,aiuala-k, suluk-k, ri'ayat-k. F2 DEA ( 68 ) DEC Oealeb, (trader) «aud§gar, k?irb5ri, goldar ; (m comp.) -farosh, -biz, -go, gar or gar or -wala ; — — ■ (in com) baniyi, bakkal, banjara; [at cards) jflsiia ; (a plain 'dealer) sada admi, sada sipahi ; (a double dealer) riyS-kar. Dealing, {trade) tijirat, baipar ; {intercourse, business) byohar, len-den, lewa-dewi, dad o sitad, karobar; {treatment) suluk; {plain deal- ing) sadagi, sada-mizaji, bo-riyM ; {dovble dealing) riya-kari, makkari. Deab, mahnga, garaa, tez, bajrliiya, durmiilya or bahu- mulya; {precious) jani ; {to a child) baba- j5n ; {to a mother) bibl-jan, amma-jan ; {beloved) 'aziz, jiyuri, duiara, pi, pritam, sajan, sajani, miyan ; (wiy dear) men jan ; {dear me!) hain-hain. Dear-bouoht, mahang-mola, garan-k^rid. Dearly, {fondly) shauk-se, aehikana. Deabness, garani, mahngi, bahu-mulyata. [tangi. Dearth, kal, Vabt, akal, maba-mlr, tori, kam-yabi. Death, maat, ajal, ka^a, marg, mirt, kal, halaki, maran, nas, fana; {untimely) jawana-marg, ku-mirt ; {sudden) marg mafajat, \zA\ ; {to court one's) raaran-pankhiya- or maut-lagna, mu,a- chahna ; {at death's door) ajal-girifta, karibu- 1-maut, abtab, panw gor men ; {a death's head) kasa,i-maut ; (a deaih-bed) maran sej, bistari E>arg. To PUT TO Death, mar-d, jan-Iena, ^tl-k. Deathless, a-mar, la-maut, ia-yazal. Deathlike, maut-kaia, marg-nama, mntyuTat. Deathwatch, kit, safed-kira. [phcr-r, ha,il-h. To Debar, baz-r, barna, barajna, man'-k, mahrum-k. To Debase, sabuk-k, be-abru-k, past-k, faalka-k, hakir-k, khafif-k. galil-k, sar-niguu-k, sar niche-k. Debasement, tazlil, be-abru,i, halka,!. Debate, babs, kaziya, mubahasa, jhagra, bakhera, ragra, haft-basht, mukabara, mabhas. To Debate, bahs- &c. -k, jhagarna, babasn&. Debauch, bad-parhezi, be-i*tidali, khumar, luchcba,i. To Debauch, {corrupt) bigarna, be-rah-k, bad-rab-k, )ihvar-k, kharab-k, abtar-k, gum-rah-k, awara- &c. -k, jhansna, ubbama; {live intemperately) bad-parhezi-k, harkat i na-munasib-k ; {a woman) haram-k, zina-k, aluda-k, nasht-k, hurmat- leua. Debauched, Debauchee, kharabati, rind, bad-kar, aubash, 'aiyash, tamasha-bin, haram-kar, sharir, zaui, ziua-kar. Debauchery, aubasbi, tamasha-bini, bad-kari, ha- ram-kari, 'aiyashi, fiis^: o fujur, rindi, randi-bazi, awaragi, abtari. To Debilitate, tor-d, na-tawan-k, kam-zor-k, na- %uwwat-k, za'if-k, nakih-k. Debilitatino, tan-gudaz, gala,u. [nakabat, nirbali. Debility, na-tawani, na-ku^rwati, kam-zori, zu'f, Debt, karz, dain, rin, rahti, warn, lahna, udhar, dharta, den, byohar, dadani; (a just debt) w5jibu-l-ada ; {bearing no interest) karz i hasna. Debtor, V^rz-dar, dain-dar, riniya, makruz, wam- dar, baljLi-dar, byohariya, dharta, dharnik, khaduk, madyun; {side) jam'. Decade, 'ashra, 'asliura, daha,i, daha. Decagon, mu'asbsbar, dah-gosha. To Decamp, kfich-k, pai,an-k, chale-jan&, dera- utbana, uthna, rafu-cbakkar-h, champat-h. Decampment, kach, rihlat. [udhelna. To Decant, tira-lena, tirana, pasana, nitirna, ujhalna. Decanter, piyala, mina, shisha, ibgina. Decay, tanazzul, zawil, ghatti, farsfldagi, ghlsawat. utar, dhala,o, ghisa,o, ghata,o. To Decay, ghisna, ghatna, khasna, chbatna, galni, nuziil-h, tanazzul-n, zawal-h, kam-b, sarna, basida- or mundaris-hojanl,utarna, gu/.arna, girna, dhalna, Earna, tutna,khisakna,jharna,latiyana,phisphisana, udhiyina, khyana, khorana, urna, bigarna, mama, jana; (a.) ghatana,ghisaua,khasana,kam-k,sarana. Decease, maut, rihlat, intikal, wisal, wafat, irtihal« waki', jati, ganga-labh, antkal, miikt, pai,an, kuch. To Decease, rihlat- &c. -k. Deceased, mutawaffa ; {the deceased) marbilnif maghfur, bahisht-nasib, mukti, baikunthi. Deceit, dagha, fareb, bahana, nakhra, chhal, jfll, thaga,i, makr, hila, fitrat, tazwir, kaid, fann, cbaritr or charitra, chakar-makar, natkhati, kapat, thag- biddya. Deceitful, dagha-baz, chhalli, thag, makkar, muzav- ■wir, fitrati, makr-araez, fann-farebi, siyah-cbnshra, zarrak, salus, bhagli, uranchhu, muhil, liila-saz. Deceitfully, dagha-bazi- &c. -se. Deceitfulness, dagha-bazi, hila-bazi, taz\nr. To Deceive, dagha- &c. -d, thagna, chhalna, dahkana, andhlana, bala-d, bhatkana, bhut-pheri-d, bahkana ; ~ {to mislead) bhulawa-k ; — — {to disappoint) ^niras-k. December, pits, ponkh, poh, taikh, sahsa. Decency, sha,istagi, arastagi, ma'l^uliyat, imtiyaz, adab; {modesty) sharm, laj. Decennial, dah-sala, das~barsa. Decent, sba,ista, arasta, ma'kul, la,ik, uchit, sahata, imtiyazi; {modest) mahjub. Decently, imtiyaz- &c. -se, adab-ge. Deception, wahm, dhokha, bala, uran, indra-jal, nai- rangi, blmlawa, cbhalawa, mirg-trishna, dagha-bazi, ala-bala, bhagal, dar-madar, dith, bond, chatak- Datak, nazar-band, bur ka laddu. To Decide, hukm-d, fatwa-d, faisal-k, munkata*-k, in&sal-k, raf -k, cbukana, farmana, nya,o-c)iukiina, kat'-k ; {to be decided) chukna, faisal- &c. -h. Decider, munsif, hakam, muslih. Decimal, 'ashri, 'ashrati, ta'shiri. To Decimate, dah-yak-nikalna, das-men so ek-lena. Decimation, ta'shir, dah-yaki. To Decipher, parhna, batlana, ta'bir-k, bayan-k, nikalna, kholna, zahir-k. Decipherer, ramz-shinas, ta'bir-karne-'wala. Decision, hukm, fatwa, faisala, infisai, niptara, cha« kauta. [munkata'. Decisive, pura, shaH, kata*!, k:ati', natik, kamil, saf^ Deck, takhta, paiautan, takl^ta-bandi, manzil ; (a two-decker) do-manzila jahaz. To Deck, sanwarna, banana, arasta-k, zeb-d, firasta- pairasta-k, chiknana, takalluf-k, &ingar-k. To Declaim, takrir-k, kalam-k, bayan-k, barnan-k, bakhana, uchar-k, pukarna, chihrana. [ciiihra,a. Declaimer, k^ush-takrir, mukarrir, uchari, bakta. Declamatory, targ^ibana, nafsani, tar^^ibi, rangila, nafs-angez. Declaration, {affirmation) isbat, izhar, taViir, ta'bir, tashrih, mahzar, istizhar, boli. To Declare, ikrar- &c. -k, bolna, kahna, farm&na, jataua, zahir-k; — {topMish) 'alaniya-k, ashkara- k, prakash-k. 'Declarer, mukirr, mu'tarif. Declension, {inflexion) tasrif, gard&n, riip, ;arf, sigha. Decunabls, mntasarrif, monyanf, bart&ai, momb, farf-pagir,-Tapi, sandbi. DEC ( 69 ) DEF Declination, nuzul, tanazzul, za^ral, ntar, mail, krant; - {bending) jhuka,o ; {obliquity) kaji, ter- faa,!. Decline, ghatti, zawal, ghat, raj'at. 5*0 Decline, (n. to stoop) nihurna, ghatna, dubna, larakna ; — — {as the sun) dhalna, palatna; {to tkun) ihtiraz-k, i'raz-k, inkar-k, hatak- or baz- rahna ; {to inflect) tasrif-k, gardanna, sadhna ; {to bend) jhukana. Declivity, utira,o, utar, dhal. Declivous, dhalu, dhalwan, sarazir, nisheb. To Decoct, autana, josh-k or -d, karhana. Decoction, joshanda, karha, kwo,ath. To Decompodnd, murakkab dar marakkab-k, sani tarkib-d ; {to separate) bilgana. To Decorate, sanwarna, sudharna, bana,o-k, singar-k, arasta-k, ara,ish- &c. -d, timtam-k, sajana,suthra-k. Decoration, zinat, zeb, bana,o, arastagi. To Decorticate, chhilka-utarna,nikhorna. Decorum, liyakat, haisiyat, sallka, subha,o, su-dhab, bhalmansl, adraiyat, imtiyaz. Dec or, fareb, dhokha, tnaghalata, siyahi. To Decoy, fareb-d, laga-lanSL, upjhan^, warghalana, pbuslana, bujbaua, pbasana. Decoy-bird, mullah, ghahi, pa,e-dam, duna. Decrease, ghatti, kamtl, takhfif, kasr, kusur, nuzul, mibak. [ghatana, kam-k, chhijna, chhantna. To Decrease, (n.) ghatna, kam-h, manda-h ; (a.) Decree, hukra, amr, a,in, kanun, ka'ida, rit, zabita, tank, infisal, fatwa, istifta, biwastha, likha, nawish- ta ; {the divine decree) ta^dir, ^za. TCo Decree, hnkm- &c. -k, farmana, thahrana, rachna, thanna, kahna, likhna, bidhna. Decrepit, (t. infirm) za'if, munhani ; {a decripit old man) pir-farttit, budha-phus, pirkabir, hafkhan- khar, dokra. To Decry, dokhna, mazammat-k, haju-k, 'aib-lagan^, kamkadar-k, badnam-k, aam-r or -dharna, mala- mat-k. To Dedicate, {to appropriate) ^ass-k, mukarrar-k, mukhtass-k, mu*aiyan-k, thahrana, bandhna, char- hana, nazr-k ; (a book) folane ke nam-banana, vakf-k, de-d, mukaiyad-k. [madah. Dedication, takarrur, tasha khkh us ; {of a book) To Deduce, nikalna, hasil-istik]^raj-k, istimbat-k. To Deduct, waz'-k, minha-k, nikal-dalna, katna, bad- k, mujre-lena, utarna ; {subtract) minha,i-k. Deduction, {consequence) natija, hasil, ma-hasal ; (subtraction) minha,i, waz'iyat; {on money) batta, kusur, waz', hashu minha, chhut, katkut; (a military) shamsi-kamri. Deed, kam, arlh, kaj, karaj, kirdar, 'amal, sakhta- pardakhta; {exploit) jokhim; {/act) nakikat, birtant or britant; — — {atoritten deed) ^abala, sanad, dastawez; {in comp.) nama, pattar (pi. kaghaz-pattar) ; {good and evil deeds) a'mal i kabiha o hasana. To Deem, janna, ma'Ium-k, dariyaft-k. Deep, (adj .) gaihra, gahera, gambhir a, 'amik, ^ark-ab, duba,o, augah, agam, dungha, ghor; {insidious) garar, garha ; — — {as a regiment) chaura, lamba ; {as roads) ganda, ghaliz, dhasa.u, zharf ; {low) khala ; (obscure) dalcik, mushkil, kathin, {sagacious) barik-bin, dakika-shinas ; '• artful) pakka, mutafanni; (grave in sound) bhari; (dark, applied to colour) gaihra, sho^; (a deep sleep) sukh-uind. DtEP, {the sea) samundar, sagar, dariya,e shor, ba^ i Tnuhit; {abyss) ka'r, paira,o. To Deepen, gaihrana or gahrana* 'ami^-k. Deeply, {profoundly) dikkat-se, garaMiirata-se ; {greatly) bahut, nihayat. Deepness, gaihra,!, 'umuk, dungha,!, gambhirata. Deer, haran or hiran, mirg, ahu, chikara, kalwat, kali- har, mirg-raj, zabi, nil-ga,o, ga,o-dashti, sambar, ghotra ; (o young deer) hirnauta, ghizal ; {deer-eyed) ahu-chashm, mirg-nain ; perhaps appli- cable to those who have large languishing eyes. To Deface, bigarna, Hiarab-k, mahw-k, kat-daln^, tor-dalna ; {to erase) talaf-k, mismar-k, g^a- rat-k, chhil-dalna, mita-d. Defacement, takhrib. bigar, mahw, mahwat. To Defalcate, chhant-lena, minha,!-kaTna. Defamation, bad-nam!, buhtan, tufan, iftira, ittiham, lim, dhansa. To Defame, badnam-k, tuhmat- or 'aib-lagana, ruswa-k. Defamee, muftari, tuhmat!, tufan!, dhansiya. Default, gunah, khata, taks!r,k:usur, kotahi, aparadh. Defeat, shikast, hazimat, bar, parajai, mar, chhai, bhangta, zakk. To Defeat, shikast- &c. -d, harana, marna, bhagana, katna, torna, bhangna, paltana, mar-hatana, chal- ana, lena, utarna or girana ; {frustrate) bar- bad-d, ra,egan-k, za,i'-k. Defeated, shikast-thurda, parabhut, shikasta. To Defecate, nitharna. Defect, kusur, kasr, zawal, 'aib, nuksan, chiik, khata, khalal, kabahat, kan, puth, ghatti, dosh. Defection, (apostacy) irtidad; {revolt) bagha- wat, awaggya. Defective, nakis, mukassar, na-tamam, adh-katta, kana, khota, ghat, phuta, khata, za,il, ma'zur ; {faulty) ma'yub, 'aibi, dokhit ; (a dtfeetive noun) ism i nakis. Defectiveness, na-tamam! (v, defect) . Defence, {protection) panah, ar, rok, hifazat, siyanat, rakhwali, arwar, artala, asra, nasrat ; {vindica- tion) ma'zarat, hujjat, taujih; {resistance) rok-tok, ta'arruz ; {reply) jawab, uttar. Defenceless, be-kaid, waz, nidhal, landura. To Defend, dastgiri-k, himayat-k, panchh- &c. -k, pushti-d, bachana, arna, yar!- &c. -d ; (/o vin- dicate) 'uzr- &c, -k ; {to reply) jawab-d ; — — {to uphold ) sambhalna, thambna. Defendant, mudda'a-'alaih,pratibad! or prativSdi (op- posed to mudda'i, badi, the plaintiff )t farik 1 sani, taraf i sani, asami ; {the defendant and plain- tiff) farikain. Defended, mahfuz, mahrus, ma'sum, mansur. Defender, hami, himayati, muhafiz, rakh-wall, rachhak, nasir, nasir, hafiz. Defensible, bachanhar, hitazat- &c. -pazir. Defensive, bacha,u, muhafizana, mahrusana ; {to stand on the defensive) bacha,o-k. To Defer, talna, rakhna ; {he deferred this busi- ness till to-morrow) un ne is kam ko kal par rakha ; {to delay) ihmal-k, dirang!-k, susti-k, dh!l-k, tal-matol-k ; {to refer) ruju'-k, le-jana. Deference, {respect) i'tibar, bawar, adab, lihaz; {submission) tab'iyat, tabi'-dari. Defiance, dhamki, dhinga-dhang!, hank, hankar; {dress of) kesariya-baga, surkh-poshak. Deficiency, kamt!, kami, ghatti, ghata, ^asr, ^^dr, batta, shikast, kasrat. Deficient, kam, kasir, adhaift, ^a^il, shikasta, kotab, ghatiya; {to be) khagna, ghatna; •— — (m money) bataha, malat. Defier, hankari, dhamk!-b&z. Dkfilk, naka, gall, kucha, sakri-gal!, sankar, laka^. DEf ( 70 ) DEL To Dkfilk, D&p&k- 4c. -k, jhatalni, chhfltabar-k, a»udh-k, asiich- Ac. -k, bharni ; (a* soldiers) panti pinti-clialn&. DxFiLEMENT, napakl, gandagi, ghalizat, najSlsat, alfl- dagi. Definable, kabil tashkljis, kabil ta'aiyun. To Define, baiyan-k, ta'rit-k, hadd-k, bakh§,n>k, 5barah-k. Definite, {certain) mukarrar, mahdud, taliL:i^, ma'ruf, mu'arraf ; (article) harfi ma'rifa. Definition, ta'rif, hadd, bakhan, tashkhls, bichar. Definitive, [positive) ^ata'i, inukammal, pur&. Dbfinitively, kat'an, mukammalaQ. To Deflaqsate, ufana, phunk-d ; {deflagraiion) ura,o- To Deflower, bikr-tofnSl, ch!r&-at&m&, zafaf-k, stri- gaman-k, phorna ; )to ravish) nasfi^-k. Defloweres, bikr-tof or -phof. Deflvxion, nazla, zuk^m, rezish, gir§,o, olamba, sail pat. To Deform, big^rn^, be-daul-k, ^arab-k, n^kara-k, bad-uslub-banana. Deformed, bad-shaki, karih-manjcar, bad-hai,at, bad- andam, kubj§, n^-mauzun. Deformitt, be-dauh, bad-shakll, y^arabi, karih- inanzari, kubh, kabahat. To Defraud, thag3b,l-k, chhal-d, fareb-d, dagha-d or -k. To Defrat, uth&nSl, dena, kam^, lagana, ada-k. Defunct, marhuni, maghfur, baikunth-basi, gharl^ rahmat, ganga-Iabhi. To Deft, dhamkana, dliir&n^, dhamki-d, dhinga- dli&ngi-k, hankna, lara,!-chahua or -mol-leua, iham-thonkna ; (to challenge) maidan-k ; (to set at defiance) angutha-dikhlana. Degeneracy, ibtizal, kharSibi. dana,at, kam-^adn, past-himmati, k^issat, tauazzul, raj'at. Degenerate, mubtazal, kam-kadr, khwar, kljarab, ^alii, kam-asi, na-khalaf. bad-zat, tukhtn-bad. To Degenerate, mubtaxal- or -nabis- or kam-^adr- hojaua, gii/.ar-jina, bigafna. Degradation, be-hurmatl, ruEw&,!, fkzihati, istikli- fiif, khiffat. To Degrade, be-hunnat-k, kam-^adr-k, taghir-k, utarna, giran&, ghatana. Degraded, be-abru, be-]^armat, ruswa, be-lyadr, kam-kadr, k^afif. Degree, martaba, darja, manzilat, rutba, paya, dasa, naubat, ^adar, tabka ; (descent) pusht, pirhi ; (class) ^pism, jins, tarah, prakar ; (in geo- metry\ larja, ans ; (rank) shan, maliat, asl, zat ; (step) kadam; (college) fatiha-farakh ;-^^ fto such a degree) is martabe ko, yailian-tak ; in some degree) kuchh ek ; (to this degree) is ^ar ; (bg degrees) kadam ba kadam, martaba ba-martaba, ^^adre-kadre, thora, thora, rafta-rafta. To Deject, (sadden) udiis- &c. -k, torna, thausana. Dejected, ud&s, dil-gir, barkhasta, kljasta-khatir, dil-tang, na-k]iush, afsurda-dil, azurda, sar-nigiid, Bogm&ri, pazhmurda-dil, darinanda. Dejectedly, ud&sl- &c. -se, dil-giri-se. Dejection, Dejectedness, udasi, malola, afsurdagi, dil-giri, na-khushi, afsurda-khatiri, azurdagi, shi- kastagi, malalat. Deification, de.okir or devakSr. To Deify, khudi-k, -banana or -jann&, allih-kar- manna, bhagwan-manna. To Deign, raz!-h, k ur dok;)L DEL ( 71 ) DEL Dblikiotts, be-Iiosh, be-khud, inadliush, be-hawass, achet, haziyan-i or -zada, khali-damagh. Delikium, be-lioshi, be-khudi, be-liawassi, madhnshi, haziyan, hiziyan, ghaslii, ^ash, sarsam, ba,e-jhak, sir. To Deliver, {to liberate) azad-k, nijat-d ; (to save) panah-d, mahfuz-r; (/<> ^ru'e m/j) hawala-k, \ tafwiz-k, sipurd-k, soiiipna, plier-d, dharani, dliarna, pahunchana; [to give) dena, pakraiia, gatana; [to relate) bolua, takrir-k; [to express) ncharan-k ; [to deliver a woman) jauaua. Dkliverance, Delivery, {release) khalasi, riha,i, fursat, chhiiti, uistara, tabligh, pahuncha,oi dhara,o ; {salvation) najat, gat ; {utterance) laklaka, takrir, goya,i, gut'iar, bachan, baki, waz'i guhagu, talartuz ; {surrender) tafwiz ; {childbirth) jauua, byana, waz'i-hamal. To Delude, bahlaua, babkana, bhatkana, ghumana, tal-matol-k, dhatura- or dhokha- '&c. -d, ankbon, men khik-d, khilana, ghota-pecb-d, jhulana. Deluder, Delusive, daghd-baz, dimbhi, ^alat-kar, babka,u, bbula,u, hila-gar or saz. To Delve, kbodua, gorna, garhna. Deluge, tufan, tughiyani, barb, jala-mai, jalarnaw. To Deluge, dubona, ghark-k ; {to be deluged) dubna, ghark-h, mustaghrak-h. Delusion, dhokba, talisrn, khiyal, tawahbum, awab, fareb, namud be bud ; {cheat) dagha, mugha- lata. Demagogue, mntafanni sar-guroh. Demain, Demesne, ta'alluka, 'amla, sa,ir, rakba. Desiand, {claim) da'wa, da'wi, bad; {requisition) istid'a, sawal, cbah, khwahisb, matlab, mutaliba, talab, istibkak ; {on goods) mar, kbainch, gahki, cbct, pyar ; {account of demands) taujih. To Demand, {claim) da'wa-k ; {to require) talab- k, mangna; {to ask) sawal-k, darkhwast-k. Demander, Demandant, jtalib, khwabisb-mand, man- gauhar, mustahakk; —^ {plaintiff) muddal; {bidder) Wiaridar, gahak. To Demean, {behave) cbalan-cbalna ; {to debase) halka-k, khwar-k, kam-kadr-k, mubtazal-k, ka- mina-k. Demeanour, waz', chalan, dhang, rawish. Demerit, na-hamwari, ua-sba,istagi, bel^adari, nir- gun ; {fault) gunab, chuk, dosh. Demi, (in comp.) nim, nisf, adh or adha. Demirep, ghiiski, ratwahi. Demise, rihlat, intikal, wafat, wisal, maran. To Demise, de-mama, biba-k, wasiyat-k. Democracy, jambur, babu-byapik. Democrate, jambur-dost. To Demolish, mismar-k, ujarna, dha-dena, met-dena, torna, tor-dalna, tor-tar-k, girana, baitbaua, wiran- or -wairan-k. Demolished, -wiran, pa,e-mal, mismar, ujar. Demolisher, munhadim, bekh-kan, ujaru. Demolition, pa,emali, wirani, tora,i, inbidam. Demon, jinn, 'ifrit, de,o, bbut, dait or daitya, bhutna, racbbas, bhokas, asur, jann ; {a sylvan demon) ghul or ghul i bayabani, rakbas or raksbas. Demoniac, bbutaba, bbfit-Iaga, aseb-zada, dev-zada. Demonstrable, dalalat-pazir, kabili subut. To Demonstrate, batlana, jatana, dikhlana,dalil-&c. -lana, dalalat-k, mudallai-k, sabit-k, mubarhan-k, tbabrana, sacb-k. [dalalat. Demonstration, dalil, burhan, dall, isbat, Ijujjat, Demonstrative, musbit, mudallil, mubarbin. Demonstratively, dalil- &c. -se. To Demur, aga-picbba-k, pas o pesb-k, gum5n-r ibakk-r, sandoh-r, bbaram-rakiiaa, anmaua-b, a^akna, muzabzab-k. DEMtrRE, {modest) mabjfib, gui ba-miskin, bagl3- bbagat; {grave) bhari, gambbir, dbirS. Demurely, mahjubana, hijab-se, adabana. Demureness, hijab, sbarm, laj ; {gravUy) san- jidagi, bojbbbar. Demureaoe, gahri, roka,!, yaumi ta'til. Den, {lion's) tbar ; {wolf's) bbar, mand. Deniable, kabil-inkar, inkar-pazir, nanb-kSri. Denial, inkar, nanh, nanb-kar, tanafi. Denier, munkir, inkari, mutanafi. To Denominate, kabna, nam-r, bolna, musaromi-k. Denominated, mulakkab, mazkur, musamma. To be Denominated, kablana, bajna. Denomination, nam, ism, lakab, tasmiya. Denominator, na,on dbarik ; {infractions) maz- rub-fi-hi. To Denote, batlana, jatana, dikblana, dalalat-k. To Denounce, izbar-k, khabar-d, nam-r, kahna ; {to threaten) dhamkana. Dense, sangin, bbari, gafba, munjamid, kasif, ghalig. Density, sangini, injimad, kasafat, ghilazat. Dentax, danti, sanlni, wast!, dandani. Denticulated, dandane-dar, khandana. Dentist, dant ka tabib. Dentifrice, manjan, sanun, missi, mitbarat. Denunciation, tabdid, wald, dhamki. To Deny, inkar-k, munkir-h, mukarna, nindnS, na- karna, nabin-k, na-manna, ubun-k, muud-dbunn&« kan par batb-r, salb-k. Deobstruent, mufattih, mulaiyin. To Depart, cbalna, jana, cbale-jana, uth-jana, sid- harna, rawana-b, rabl-b, cbborna, nikalna, sidb-k, fatih-k, rukhsat-h, widii'-b, tasbrif-lejaua, digna; {about to) jab-tab- or ab-tab-bo-rabna; {to revolt) murtadd-b, baghi-h; {to decease) riblat-k, marna. Department, 'ubda, khidmat, 'alaka, zimma, mabai. Departure, ravanagi, kucb, payan, cbala, jatra, cbal- cbala,o, pa,e-torab, pa,e-rikab, bijrat, nakl i makam ; {decease) riblat, wafat, intikal, maran. To Depend, {to hang from) latakna, hilagna, lagna, atakna, daman-pakafna ; {to confide in) ummed- r, tabkik- or yakin- or rast- or sacb-janna ; ■ {to rest on) maukuf-b, munhasir-b ; {to be con- nected) muta'allak-b ; {to be undetermined) parna, uljba- or multawi- or muzabzab-rabna. Dependence, Dependency, {connexion) 'alaka, laga,o, mel, sanjog, silsila ; {confidence) asra, as, ummed, i'timad, i'tibar, bbaram ; {subjection) farmau-bardarl, tabi'-dari, ita'at, adbinta. Dependent, (adj.) muta'allik, muzaf, molhah:, rauta- wassil, munhasir, maukuf; {undeteriuined) muzabzab, multawi. Dependant, wabasta, daman-gir, pichb-laga, lawa- bik, tabi', tabi'-dar, rafik, sanlagi, ma-tabt, banda, arbas, parani, parja, aggya-kari, (pi. who attend weddings, 4*c-) negi-jogi {v. neg, in Part I.). To Depict, takrir-k, taswir kbaincbna, na^ba-k. Depilation, mu-khora ; {deplumation) bamani. Depilatory, nura, be mu karne-wala. Deplorable, kam-bakht, sa^t, bad, tang, bura, sbadid, rone-jog. Deplorableness, kam-bakhti, sakhti, taogi, isbtidnd. Deplorably, ba-sbiddat, sa^^t, bad. To Deplore, rona, kurbna, pachbtana, ha,e-k, ah-k, ta,assuf-k, hasrat-k, zari-k, giriya-k. Deponent, gawab, sbabid, sakbi. To Depopulate, ujapia, wiran-k, takbi o tar&t-k, zer-zabar-k, gh&rat-k. DEP ( 72 ) DES DBPortJLArBD, ujir, wiran, kharab, kharab-khasta, be-chiragh, pa.emal; {to be depopulated) ujarna, vlran-b. Depopulation, wirani, pi,emali, kharab!, be-chir5,ghi. Deportment, chalan, dhang, raftar, tarik, rawish. To Depose, taghir-k, maukuf-k, ma'zul-k, kharij-k, utha-d, girana, pachharna, khala-k, utarna, dalna ; _L_ {to assert) bolna, kahni; (to attest) shahadat-d. Deposit, amanat, dharohar, thati, wadi'at; {pledge) girau or girw. To Deposit, raklina, dharna, sompna, sipurd-k, havala-k, amanat-r, utar- or -gay- le-r, simma-k, chhofna, rakh-cbho|Tia, dalna. Deposited, amanatl; {in pledge) girwi. Deposition, (testimony) shahadat, gawahi, sakhi, shahidi, jaban-bandi, takhliya. Depositort, amanat-Uiana, dharohari; — (of treasure) daf ina. Depot, jakhira, silab-khana, bbandar. Depravation, Depravity, Depravedness, De- pra'vement, fasad, inkilab, bigar, bura,i, kbota,i, kbarabl, tabahi, inhiraf, pher-phar. To Deprave, kbarab-k, labah-k, bura-k, kbota-k, fasid-k, muuharif-k, phiraua. Depraved, mukhtall, kharab, bigra-bu,a. To BE Depraved, bigarna, kharab or tabab-h. To Deprecate, istighfar-k, tauba-k ; (to inter- cede for) shafaat-k, 'ugr-k, ma'sarat-k, 'uzr- khwahi-k. [sar. Deprecation, istighfar, sbaR'at, upkar, isti'fa, isti'- Depreoator, 'uzr-khwab, sbaf i*, mustagj^fir. To Depreciate, utarna, ghatana, balka-k, hetha-k, 8ubuk-k, hi^arat-k, ibanat-k, mazammat-k, dabani, mama. To Depredate, lutni, luj^paj-k, ta^t o t5raj-k, k^ak siyab-k, gharat-k. Depredation, lut-pat, takht o taraj, ^arat. Depredator, rab-zan, l^azzak, ba)>par, lutera, ^:atta'u- t-tarik. To Depress, dabna, dabana, pachkana, jhukana, past-k ; (to deject) afsurda-k, diltang-k, sard-k, ghatana, zer-K, bujbana. Depression, daba,o, pacbak, udasi. Deprivation, 'adam, nast, nuksan, zawal. To Deprive, lena, le-lena, chbin-lena, khaincb- or nikal- or kayb-lena, kat-d, khali-k ; (of life) mar-satua or -d, jan se mama. Deprived, {of reason) maslubu-I-'a^, be-'a^l. Depth, gaihra,o, 'umu^f, gabra,i, cbauf &,!; (middle) madh, ain, shabab. Deputation, wikiilat, niyabat, amlni, amanat-darl. To Depute, (send) bhejna, rawana-k, irsal-k ; (as deputy) wakil-k, wikalat-d. Depdtt, vakil, na,ib, pesb-dast, peshkar, masbrif, ja- nisbln, gumasht, amin; (-skip) niyabat, wTlsili, na,ibi, wikalat; (in camp.) pesb. To Deride, bansna, banana, taiyar-k, tasa]^khur- &c. -k, thatba or ta'na-inarna. Dkrision, tbatboli, rish-khandi, zarafat, maskhargi, mazah (viilg. tnaza]^), tamaskhur, istihza, thatba, maakhari. zatal ; (a laughing-stock) maskhara. hadaf, mat'un. Derivation, i^raj, isti^raj, buniyad, jar, mul, wajhi tasmiya, bbed, baramad; (source) mAdda, masdar ; (in gram.) isbtil^a^. Derivative, far', mnsbtaW- To Derive, nikiilna, lena, akhz-k. makhuz-k. mosh- tak^>k, pakajna, l&n&. Derived, mntafarra', makhuz. To Derogate, ghatana, bekadr-k, bewa]^r-k, ha^r-k< Derogation, Iti^^arat, be-^adri, be-wa^ii, subuki, isiikhtuf. Derogatort, ma'yub, na-munasib, na-la,ik, ghat, ajog, ba'id ; (to be derogatory) utarta-hona. Dervis or Dervise, darwesh, fakir, jogi. [jbaraa. To Descant, git-gana, bistar karke kahna, takj'i. Descant, kathopakathan, gan, vadanuvad. To Descend, utarna, bubut-k, vaki'-b, sadir-h, nizil- h, dhalna, dubna, farod-ani, nicbe-a or -j, dbalakna, baithna ; ■ i (from ancestors) ana, nikalua ; (by inheritance) pabunchna, milna. Descekdant, bans, santan, sbakh, dalpal, uasl. Descendants, aulad, surriyat, al-aulad. Descension, Descent, utar, zawal, nuzul, tanazzul ; (slope) dhal ; (invasion) yurish, cbarhni ; (extraction) asl, khandan, gharana ; (de- gree) darja, paya. To Describe, batlana, bayan-k, takrir-k, bakhani. Description, bayan, nakl, ta'rif, bakhaii, tausif, ■harah; (ofaperson) hiliya, chihra-nawisi, khal- khatt, sarfip-patri ; (sort) surat, taur, tarab, 'waz', kiinash, cbal. To Descry, takua, dckhna, nijiiana, chitana, pab- cbfinna, dekh-pana, nerikhna ; (to be descried) na^ar-ana, sujhua, dikliia,i-d. Desert, bayaban, jangal, khandar, vadi, badiya, bamun, besha. Desert, (wild, solitary) wlran, kharab, Ujali, sunS, ban-kband. Desert, (last course) bazri, tafakkubat, pbalkar, pak- wan or pakwann. Desert, (merit) kadr, bakk, sazawarl, bnnar. To Desert, chbor-d, dal jana, cbhor-bhagna, tark-k; (to run away) bbagnS, parana, tal-jana, firar-b, natbna. Deserted, matruk, wiran, k^ali, suna, njaf. Deserter, bbagora, firari, tarik, nathu. Desertion, firar, tark, cbala-cbal, rava-rawi. To Deserve, sazawar-h, la,ik-h, mustabakk-b, mos- taujib-h, jog-h, chahna, muktaji-b, i^abil-b ; (to deserve death) ■wajibu-I-katl-b. Deservedly, insaf-se, haklf;-se, wajibi-se. Design, (intention) irada, kasd, mansha, tabaiya, abang, markuz, 'azimat, bimmat, mansuba ; (scheme) ghat, tajwiz, fitrat ; (plan) na^ba ; (plot) bandisb. To Design, (purpose) irada-r ; {to plan) naksba- banana, mansuba-bandlma ; (to make) banana, paida-k ; (to devote) makarrar-k. Designation, 'alamat, nishan, isharat, la^ab. Designxdly, jin-bujbke, kasdaQ, bi-1-kasd, 'amdas, bi-l-irada, dida o danista. Designer, (contriver) mansuba-baz, katkane-baz, fitrati. Designing, ghati, gaungira, gharaz-asbnS, gharay- ba,ola, k^ud-gharaz, bad-^yal, da,o-glr&. Desirable, cbahlta, pasandida, 'aziz, mar^ub, la^If^ dil-pasand, rasila. Desire, (wish) chah, khwabisb. bawas, morad, haw§, chonp, raghbat, kamua, lalsa, chit a, dhun, \raswas, ichha, zauk, ^asrat, manzur, chahat, cba,o, chat, cha&ka, mnniyat, ax, bban, rai, bah, nafs ; (re- quest) farma,isb, 'ar^, istid'a, istifsar ; (appetite) ehbudha ; (carnal) sbabwat, kam, nafsaniyat. To Desire, (to wish for) chahna, l^wabisb- &c. -r, tarasna, lalchana, lilakua; (to request) darkhwS«t- k, m&Qgna ; (to bid) kabna, isbara-k, farm&ai. UES ( 73 ) DET DESiROug, Desirer, mushtak, sha,ik, ishtiyak-niand, raghib, haris, tiilib, shaukin, laulin, khwahan, khwa- hish-mand, tishna, bisani, mutamanni ; [to be desirous) sha,ik-h, mushtak-h. xo Desist, maukuf- or baz-rahna, dast-bardar-h, "parhez-k, ihtiraz-k, rah-jana, pher-ralina, haz-ana, hath-uthana or -khainchua, marua. Desk, almari, pati, sandukcha. Desolate, wiran, taklit o taraj. khak-siyah. khall, be- chiragh, sattyanas, tahas-naJias, zer-zabar, gharat ; (a desolate place) wirana, khandar. To Desolate, njarna, wiran-k, kharab-k, &c. Desolation, wirani, kharabi. be-chiraghi. DEsrAtR, na-ummedi, yas, nir-as, mayusi, be-tawak- kuli. To Despair, na-ummed-h, mSyus-h, niras-h, hath- dhona. Despatch, (haste) jaldi, shitabi ; (packet) nalwa, kharita, rawangi, chalan, marsula. To Despatch, rawana-k, bhejna, pathana, danrana, chalana, khapana ; (to kill) thikanit-IagaDa ; (to finish) akhir-k. Desperate, (fearless) be-bak, ni-dar ; (hopeless) nir-as, be-tawakkul, na-ummed, be-daul ; (ir- recoverable) tabah, raddi, be-hal ; (mad) maj- nun, siri ; (to grow desperate) ji dene par-ana, marne par-ana. Desperately, bebak!-se, tahawwur-se ; (en a great degree) ba-shiddat, be-nihayat. Desperation, Desperateness, bebaki, tahawwur, nirasi, naumedi or na-ummedi. Despicable, Despisable, paji, kamina« zalil, mub- tazal, khafif, subuk, halka, mazmum, be-kadr, be- wakr, khwar. dani, nikhid, khasis. Despicableness, hikarat, zillat, ihanat, be-kadri, be- wakri, khwari, kharabi. dana,at, istikhfaf. Despicably, hikarat-se, dana,at-se, paji-sa. To Despise, hakir-janna, hikarat-k, lat-marna, past- Ac. -samajhna, ghatana, 'ar-r. Despite, Despitefdlness, (malice) bad-andeshi, 'adawat, mukhalafat, zidd, 'aks, 'inad, bair. To Despite, khafa-k, na-khiish-k, iza-d, tasdi'-d, satana, khijana, jalana, kurhana. To Despoil, chhin-Iena, le-Iena, kho-deni, nra-denS, lutna, lut-lena. To Despond, na-ummed-h, niras- or udas-h. Despondence, na-ummedi, mayusi, yas. Despondent, na-ummed, nir-as, mayus. Despot, (tyrant) zalim, jabir, muUitar i kull, V^ rajna, na-mlinn&, n&-mangur-k. D18ALLOWAMOX, ink&r, man', imtin&'. To Disappear, alop-ho-jina, chhipna, j§t&-rahnl, bilana, rafuchakkar- or champat- or hawa- or kafur- hojana, gum-h, gha,ib-b, mafkud-h, na-pidid-h, baithna, utarna, jana, upia, bhagna, bhitar-ana or -jana. To Disappoint, na-ummed-k, nil-murad-k, niras-k, na-kam-k, dahkana, katna, torna, munh-men- mutna, dant-katte-k, be-as-k, nir-as-k. Disappointment, na ummedi, yas, mayus!, n&«ma- radi, be-nasibi, na-kami. Disapprobation, nafrin, inkar, ta'na-zani. To Disapprove, na-pasand-k, na-manzur-k, matrCik* k, radd-k, inkar-k. To Disarm, kamar-khulana, hathyar chbin-leui. Disaster, afat, musibat, hadisa, bipat, kasht, dukh, aseb, nabusat, shamat, bad-bak^ti, kam-baihci, daiwagat, bad-akJitari, giriftari, bhabhi, chasbm- zakhm. Disastrous, bad-bakht, kam-bak^t, manbQs, shamati, bad-atAtar, afat-rasida, aseb-zada, afat-zada, mu- sibat-zada. To Disavow, iukar-k, mukarna, aswlkar-k. Disavowal, inkar, la-da*wl, nanb-kar. To Disband, (a.) chhora-dena. jawab-d, hurra-k. Disbelief, be-i'tibari, be-imani, be-i'titlAdi, kafr, adbarm. To Disbelieve, na-manna, inkar-k, be-i*tikad-h. Disbeliever, munkir, ghair-mu'takid, kafir, ad- harmi, bc-iman. To Disburden, (to lighten) halka-k, subuk-bar-k- (to unload) utarna. To Disburse, sarf-k, kljarj- or kharch-k, utha-d. Disburser, ^arch-bardar or kharj-bardar. Disbursement, sarf, kJiarj, masraf, ^arch, a^rajat, mak^arij, uthan. To Discard, nikal-d, bar-taraf-k, dur-k, daf-k, ankh-pberna, bechalan-k. To Discern, dekhna, takna, bilokna ; (to Judge) pahchanna, imtiyaz-k. Discerner, nazir, wakif-kar, tar-bSLz, mubassir, imti- yazi, tamizi, jan, nazra, nazar-baz ; — — (0/ merit) kadr-dan. Discernible, dekhne-jog, kabil-idrak, zSJiir, kbula. Discerning, fahmida, zirak, dana, hoshiyar, barik- bin, gyani, bibeki, 'akil, sahib-iratiyaz. Discernment, fahmid, zirak, daryaft, tamlz, idrakf imtiyaz, libaz, mulahaza, bibek, tafahhuin. Discharge, (release) chhutt;!, riha,i, tak^lis, chhut- kara, chhut, chhor-chitbi, nikas-nawisi, nikas ; (dismission) bartarfi ; (explosion) sballak, tarap ; (vent) sans; (for money) farigh-kliatti; (from an obligation) safi-nama, faisal-nama; (performance) ada. To Discharge, a. (to free) yjalas-k, chhurana; (to unload) utarna; (to fire) chhorna ; (to pour) dalna ; (to pay a debt) ada-k, nam« katna;-^ — (to perform) baja-lana, bhar-d, pata,e-d; — '— (to rain) barsana; (to expectorate) phenkna, pirana ; (to evcu^uate) nikal-d, dur-k ; (by stool) baithna (to dismiss) jawab-d ; (n.) kliul-jaua, jata-rahna, nikalna, chutna, phutni. Disciple, sikh, shagird, talmij, talib, murid, yar, chelii, balka, dast-bai ; (the four of Muhammad) char yar ; (a disciple of Christ) hawari. Disciplinarian, ka,ida-dan, hukm-ran, hukm-rawi. Discipline, (education) tarbiyat, adad, tadib, 'azl nasb, dab ; (regulation) band bast, aristagi ; — — (subjection) hukm, ikljtiyar, has ; (punish- ment) tatnbih, tarna, mar-pi^ mardhar ; ' (mor- tification) riyaf at, jog, yog. DVS ( 77 ) DIS 1*0 DrsciPMNK, tarbiyat-k, taiyar-k, sikhana, banJna ; {rfg^'late) band o bast-k ; {to chastise) tambih-d, changa-banana, tadib-k, adab-k. To Disclaim, inkar-k, aswikar-k, tyag-k. Disclaimer, munkir, aswikari, tyagi. To Disclose, khol-d, batlana, ashkara-k, sha,l'-k, \ bolna, le-milna, phorua, izhar-k, hawa-k, chang-k ; {to tell) kah-dena, gosh-guzar-k. To BE Disclosed, makshuf-k, khula ho-jana. Discoloration, cbhip, seli, lahsan, chhahin, kalaf, ku-rang, ku -varan. To Discolour, bad-rang-k, dagh-dar-k, dhabbe-d, dagh-d, bibaran- or vivaran-k. Discolodred, bad- or be-rang, bibaran or vivaran. To Discomfit, maglilub-k. shikast-d. To Discompose, {agitate) ghabrana, hairan-k, mtiz- tarib-k, behawass-k, iztirab-d ; {to trouble, q.v.) tasdi'-d; {to displace) ulat-pulat-k, abtar-k, darham-barham-k, be-tartib-k, mutafarrak-k, muntashar-k, bitbrana. Discomposure, iztirab, intishar, h^irani, be-kali, ghabrahat. To Disco ncert, (a scheme) ura-d, khalal-d, bigarni, chule-ukharna. Disconsolate, udas, afsurda, dil-gir, dil-tang, be-dil, ghamgin, raalul, maghmum. Disconsolateness, udasi, afsurdag!, dil-giri, gham- gini, be-dili. Discontent, Discontentedness, Discontentment, be-sabri, adliirajta, ranjidagi, asantushti. To Discontent, ruthana, na-kbush-k, r.anjida-k, korhna. Discontented, Discontent, be-sabr, be-kina'at, be- zar, na-khush, ranjida, na^razi. To be Discontented, ruthna, kurbna, na-khush-h. Discontinuance, Discontinuation, {cessation) nagha, ta'til, wakfa, anjha; {disruption) fasila, bich, fark. To Discontinue, nagha-k, maukuf-k, munkata'-k, mu'attal-k, band-k, chhorna, rokna. Discord, Discordancv, na-muwafakat, an-ras, bigar, pbut, na-chaki, chakha-chakhi, fitna, ashob, na- sazi, fasad, 'aks, khalish, asbandh ; {in music) besuri, amel or anrael, be-tali. To Discord, na-muwafik-h, tal-betal-h. Discordant, na-muwafik, na-saz, bar-'aks, mukhalif, nii-mauzun, be-dil, be-ittifak, mukhtalif, tul-betal, be-tan, anmel ; {in music) be-sur, be-tal. Discordantly, na-muwafakat-se, be-tali-se. To Discover, zahir-k, ifsha-k, 'ayan-k, filsh-k, ash- kara-k, naraud-k, prakiish-k, muukashaf-k, uirekhna, tarna, makshuf-k ; {to shew) batlana, dikhlana; -^— {to tell) kahna, gosh-guzar-k ; {to spy) dekhua, takna ; {to know) bujhna ; {to detect) daryaft-k, pakarna ; {to find) dhundh- nikalna; {to invent) nikalna, ijad-k. Discoverable, pane-jog, zahir, daryaftani. Discoverer, y^binda, pane-wala, kashshaf, parda-dar, prakashi. Discovert, {revealing) inkishaf, izhar, ifsha, parda- fash (v. detection, invention). Discount, batta, chhut, phirta, malit, maltana. To Discount, chhut-d, parishodh-k, batta-nikalna. To Discountenance, munh- or mkh-phirna. To Discourage, {to depress) daba-r, dabanS ; {to defer) dahshat-d, kachiyana, bhagana, as-biijhana, himmat-torna. Discouragement, Disoouraqino, dil-shikan, talA- \rif. Discourse, guftagu, bat-chit, bol-chSil, kll o kSl, takrib, talalfuz, sukhau, bat ; {speech) kalirna ; {treatise) risala. [yana. To Discourse, bat-chit-k, batiyanS, bakhanna, kathi- DiscouRSER, mutakallim, bakta., go,inda or goyanda, mukarrir. Discourteous, bad-^nlk, bad-akhlak, rukha, anmUS, be-ru, durusht. Discourteously, be-ru,!-se, be-murawwati-se. Discredit, bad-naml, 'aib, ilzam, dokh. To Discredit, {to distrust) na-manna ; {to dis- grace) badnam-k, subuk-k, be-abru-k, halka-k, baddu-k, khafif-k, fazihat-k. Discreet, sukhan-sanj, 'akibat-andesh, sahib-imtiylz, 'akil, gambhlra, garwa, sanjida, falimida, sahib- salika, salika-shi'ar, parboz-gar. Discreetly, tadbir- &c. -se, vivechana-purvak. Discretion, imtiyaz, 'akl, fikr, andesha, ghaur, ta,ammul, soch, 'akli ma'ash, bichar ; {will) marzi, bas. Discretionary, mutlak, anishiddh, avadhya. To Discriminate, imtiyaz-k, pahchanna, bichami, bina,e- &c. -k, bilgana. Discrimination, tamiz, tafrik, fark, fasl, byora, kuw- wati mumaiyaza, tafrika, taksim, bina,e. Discriminative, mumaiyaz, kadar-dan, majkul-bin, bilga,u, bichari. Discus, katti, taiya, chakkar or chakra. To Discuss, {examine) janchna, mubahasa-k , • {to disperse) tahlil-k, baithalna, utarna, lautana. Discussion, {examination) tahklk, tahkikat, mubahasa, munazara, takrib, imtihan, radd-badal, jawab sawal, kathni, kah-sun ; {of a tumour) tahlil. DiscuTiENT, muhallil. Disdain, ihanat, hikarat, karahiyat, nang, tahkir. To Disdain, halka- or subuk- or khafif- or ha^ir- janna, khiflat^k, hikarat-k, 'ar- or nang-r, peshab-k, dhar-marna, thukna. Disdainful, maghrur, mutakabbir, ahank^ri, gustak^ be-ru, be-murawwat. Disdainfully, hikarat-se, be-ru,i-se. Disdainfulness, be-ru,i, be-murawwati, maghruri, takabbur, gustakhi. Disease, azar, be-arami, rog, maraz, kasala, ranjuri, karan, byadh, bedan, bimari, dard, 'ariza, 'illat, zahmat. To Disease, azar-d, bimar-k. Diseased, bimar, azari, mariz, rog!, kahl§, ranjflr, dard-mand, 'alii, dukhi, karani. To Disembark, (a.) utarna ; (n.) utarnS. To Disembogue, (n.) nikalna, phutna, phut-nikalna. To Disenable, be-makdur-k (v. to disable). To Disenchant, jharna, utarna, jadu-katna. To Disencumber, halka-k, chhora-d, riha-k. To Disengage, chhura-d, alag-k, juda-k, chhura-lana, katna, kholna ; {to withdraw) uthana, chhorana ; {to release) khalas-d, azad-k. Disengaged, {unemployed) mu'attal, farigli, khSli. ghair-mansub, be-manga ; {to be) baithna ; {released) azad, riha, khalas ; {not hi' troihed) ghair-namzad. Disengagement, farag^at, makhlasi, chhutkara, fursat. To Disentangle, chhnrana, bachana, suljbana. Disfavour, na-mihr-bani, na-iltifati. To Disfavour, na-mihrbani-h, na-iltifati-k. Disfiguration, be-dauli, bad-nunia,i, bad-jflwU. Vl» ( 78 ) DIS To DisFioHBE, bigarni. b«-daal-k, bad-sflrat-k, bad- Dum&-k, kharab-k. DisFiGCREMENT, bc-dauli, &c. (t. dufiffurotioti) . To DisFEANCHisE, behakk-k, nirpad-k. [ugalna. To Disgorge, {vomit) radd-k, chhant-k, okn§, dokna, Disgrace, Disoeacfulness, 'aib, 'ar, nang, ruswa,i, ru-siyahi, fazihat, tahkir, Bubuki, halka-pan, apa- man, tafzih, hatak, bipat, apat, kalank, be-bharam, pata,i, gharamat, mnzillat ; {to be in) ahkh se girna; {being out 0/ favour) tag^iri, ma'zuli, i'tirazi, pa,e-'itab. To Disgrace, be-hurmat-k, ma'ziil-k, phitkarna, thu- kana ; {publicly, by exposing on an ass's back) handanSi. Disgraced, rusw^, bad-nam, fazlbat-rasida, be-abru, be-humiat, be-'izzat, ru-siyah, kala-munh, baddu ; {out of favour) taghir. ma'zul, maukuf. Disgracefci., ma'yub, sliani', zabun, na-ma'^ul, na- sh§,ista, na-l&,iV« 'aibi, kabih, la-jala,u. Disgracefully, be-hurmati-se, ruswa,i-se. D18OVI8E, {dress) bhes, bhekh, burka'; {pre- tence) hila, Diakr, sawang. To Disguise, {to hide) chhipana ; {by dress) bbes- or rup-badalnii, surat-banana ; {to make drunk) mast- or sarshar-k ; {to be in disguise with liquor) nashe men-h, mat-wala-ho-jana. Disgust, nafrat, karahiyat, i'raz, chifb, ghin, bezarl, n&-khusbi. To Disgust, mutanafBr-k, bezar-k, kurhana, uchatna, phiranu, akulana, auktana, umtbana, bhagana, liar- kana, ubt^aa, ubhana. Disgusted, mutanaffir, bezar, na-kh\ish. bar-khasta- khatir khafa, ghubar-aluda, mukaddar, nachak. To BE Disgusted, kurbna, phirna, harakna. Disgustful, Disgusting, karih, makruh, na-gaw&r, zabun, gbina,ODa. Disii, rikubi, sahnak, kab, muslikab, tabak, thall, thai, tas, bartan, bliojan-patr, parat, langri, nim-chini; {of food) tora, parosa ; {victuals) khana ; of these there is a great variety among the Musal- mins, viz. kaliya, pola,o, dopiyaza, bughra, zarda, harisa, musamman, datnpokht, husaini-kabab, mal- ghoba, halim, yakhnl : among the Hindus arebara, ban, adauri, tilauri, bajkSi, dhuska, manpu, mungara, mathauri, burani, bajjawar, karhl, rabari, sahnanda, r&kochha, kashak, kachra, &c. most of which have no synonymous terms in English, or even in French, which latter tongue is allowed to be peculiarly rich in culinary expressions. A MADE Dish, {of meat) salan, salna or salan&. To Dish, nikalna, utarna, karhna, parosna. Dishabille, char -jama, nanga-khula, barhmcharj, lat, pata. D18HCLOUT, sifi, pochhna, ponchhan or ponchhana, ^hila-kapfa. To Dishearten, shikasta-dil-k, dant-khatte-k, man- or dil-toru&, be-dil>k, man-marna, be-himinat-k, be- jigar-k. To Dishevel, khashtn&, nocbn^, bikor&naorbikherna, darbam-barham-k, bal-d. [be-diyanat. Dishonest, bad-diyanat, be-imiin, na-rast, hath-bal, D18HONE8TLT, bad-diyanati-se, be-imani-se. D18HONK8TY, bad-diy5nati, be-imani, khiyinat, n§- rftsti, adharm, liath-bali, pakhand, a-karm, a-sat. Dishonour, be-burmaii, be-wal^ri, be-abrii,i, be- ghairati, bad-u&mi, be'izzati. To Dishonour, be hurinat-k, abru-utarna, apam&n-k. Dishonouraole, ma'yi'b, 'aibi, pajiyana, kalanki, Rbarm-angez, kam-^urmat, be-Jauhar, apam&n. D18HONOUKED, be-&bru, apam&m, be-ira)cr. Dish-washer, deg-sho. Disinclination, nafrat, khinch, be-khwShishi. To Disincline, baz-r, munh- or dil-pherna, uthi-d. Disinclined, be-khwahish, be- or kam-shauk, nabar. DisiNGENUiTT, DisiNGENUOUSNESS, khoU,i, kapaf, riya-kari, haft-rangi, makr. Disingenuous, khota, kapti, riya-k&r, haft-rang^ failsuf, makkar. To Disinherit, 'akk-k, Wiarij-k, tyagnS, mabjuba-I- irs-k. Disinterested, be-gharaz, be-tam*, nir-lobh or -lobhL Disinterestedly, be-gharzi-se, be-tam*i-se. Disinterestedness, be-gharzi. be-tam'i, nir-lobht&. To Disjoin, juda-k, alag-k, 'alahida-k, torna, algani, bilgana. To Disjoint, ukhar-d, talna, mnnfasal-k, band-band juda-k, jor-kholna, chula-ukliarna; {to makt incoherent) be-rabt-k, be-sarrishta-k, na-roarbut-k. Disjunction, juda,i, iftirak, hijr, bichhoha, firal^. A Disjunctive Conjunction, harfi tardid. Disjunctively, ek-ek, juda-juda, furada-furada. Disk, {of the sun) kurs, girda, mandal. Dislike, i'raz, nafrat, karahiyat, khinch, gurez, kasbid hatak, chirh, ghin, bara,o. To Dislike, i'raz-r, na-chahna. n&-khnsh-h. n&-pa- sand-k, ji-phirna. To Dislocate, ukhar-d, talna, sarkana, utarn&, ucli- (ana; (n.) sarakna, utarna, bichaina. To BE Dislocated, ukhar-jana, tal- or chhut-j&ni. Dislocation, {luxation) takhalkhul. To Dislodge, utha-d, hata-d, tal-d, nikal-d, dur-k. Disloyal, namak-haram, be-wafa, be-iman, bad-diy&- nat, kha,in, baghi, sar-kash. Disloyalty, namak-harami, be-wafa,i, be-imani, bad- diyanati, khiyanat, baghawat, sar-kashi. Dismal, {dire) haul-nak, bhayanak, muhib; {sorrowful) ndas, gham-gin ; {dark) tarik, andhera; {gloomy) sQna, sunsan, lal^dal^, bhonda. To BE Dismal or qlooht, { lana, mukattar-k ; {twice) do atasha- or do- bara-k ; (thrice, &c.) si,atasha-k, sibara-k ; {spirits) ab karl-k, 'arak-kasbi-k. Distillation, tapka,o, cbakidagi, takatur,tara£hshiih, 'arak-kasbi, ab-kari, cbula,o. Distiller, ab-kar, kalar, kalwar, mukattir, 'arak- kash, sundi, 'arki; (in comp ) kasb. Distinct, {different) juda, bliin, mutafawat, muta- gha,ir, niutaba,in, mutazadd, mufassal, mutafarrak, sarkhud, bi-rasi-hi ; {specified) mukarrar, musbakhkhas, mu'aiyan; {clear) kbula, saf," zabir, wazih. Distinction, (difference) fark, byora, imtiyaz, taralz, ta'aiyun, takarrur, tasbkhis; (division) fasl, bbed, baua; (rank) namud, shan, i'zaz. Di.STiNCTLY, mufassalan, masbruhan, tafsilan. Distinctness, safa,i, tamiz, talawut, farlf. To Distinguish, fark-k, juda-k ; (to prefer) barhana, bara,i-k, burmat-k, kadr-r or -k ; (to judge) janna, pabchanna, tamiz-k; (to make conspicuous) namud-k, nami-k, namwar-k, ma'ruf- k, masbhur-k. Distinguished, (eminent) mumtaz, namudar, nami. To Distort, (to wreath) ainthna, pecb-d, umetbna, sikorna. terha-h, kaj-b, kham-b, pberna ; (a.) ainth- ana, terba-k, &c. [kawish, chik, pecb. Distortion, pechish, marora, sikor, aintban, kaj o To Distract, (to confound) ghabraua, aklana, muz- tarib-k, cbal be ciial-k; (to harass) 'ajiz-k, satana; (to make mad) diwana-k, mobit-k. Distracted, gbabra, byakul, muztarib, sar-asima, sar- gardan, pareshan, ashufta, be-bawass, sar-gasbta, betab, bekarar, halkan, zholida, niucaraddid, mub- tila, bismayi, do-dila or -chita, du-bidlia; (mad) sauda,i, shorida, majnun, moliit, diwaua. To BE Distracted, (harassed) 'ajiz-h, nacbar-b, tang- b, paresban-h; (mad) sliorida-b, &c. Distractedly, diwana-war, ba,ola-sa, &c. Distraction, iztirab, iztirari, waswas, kasb-makasb, kbaincba-kbaiuch, kalk, tashattut, ibtila, be-tabi, be-tali, hairani, parcshani, be-bawassi ; (commo- tion) khalal, barbari, ghadar, asbob, futur; (discord) au-bana,o, lasail, nitak, dusbmani; (madness) sauda, shoridagi, diwauagi. Distress, tasdi', taklif, iza, azlyat, dukh, bipat, janj&l, bala, sitob, ranj, azar, bitba, aparadb, kales, achmas, saket, sakra, garb, kasala, zaghta. sbakk, pecb, Ijz, 'usrat; (pecuniary) kam-kharchi; {to be in great) dam nak men aua, wakt-pajma, hair&n- pareshan-b, be-tang-h. To Distress, satana, dukbana, tasdl'-d, ^airan-k, ka!« pana, ranj aua, sakrana. Distressed, Distressful, dukhiya, dardnak, dll-gir, sbikasta-dil, pareshan, hairan, tang, 'ajiz, mullis, matliik, tang-dast, bigat, durgat, be-dasa, bad- or kh.irab hal, be hal, be-tkbal, darmanda. Fo Distribute, (to share) bautna, bakhsbna. hissa-k ; (victuals at meals) parosna ; {to distribute justice) 'adl-gustari-k or 'adalat-gustari-k. Distributer, kasim, bantwaiya ; (in comp.) gustar; (of victuals) parosiya. Distribution, inkisam, taksiin, ba^wira; {of food) torabaudi; (in comp.) gustari. District, chakla, ziV, sarkar, pargana, mahal; — - (jurisdiction) 'amal, 'amala; (region) khltta- kbaud, ta'alluka, taraf, tappa, thana, p)sarhangi, sarkobi, hakimi, aka,i, siyadat, bafa,i, phula,i, zabar-dasti. To Domineer, hukumat-k, tahakkum-k, zor-k, sahibl- k, sarhangi-k, sir par charhna, shekhi or shaikhi-k. Domino, burka', parda, bhes. Donation, Donative, hashish, dad-dihish, dan, 'atiya, nazarana, nisar, wahab. Done, kiya, banaya-hu,a, bana, has, bhala, achchha; {to be) ho-lena, bona, banna ; {weU, whafs to be done now?) ab kaisi bani or abKaisibane; {to be done, or to have done) akhir-h, tamam-lj, khar)-h, ho-chukna, chukna; {to have done speaking) kah-chukna; {when he ceased speaking) jab wuh kah-chuka (v. Oram.) . Donor, bakhshinda, dihinda, data, dene-wala. Don't, mat, na, jan, nakko, a-han, n-hun, nana, rahne- do, jane-do ; {don't go) mat-ja,o. Doom, hukm, amr, fatwa, farmuda, aggya ; {ena) akibat, ant ; {fO'te) ^caza, nasib, bhag ; (rwiw) kharabi. To Doom, mukarrar-k, mnta'aiyau-k, thahrana ; {to sentence) fatwa-d, ijazat-d, rachna, badna, ropna, farmana. [mahshar, rozi 'akibat Doomsday, (v. judgment) kiyamat, parlai or pralay. Door, {portal) darwaza, dar, dwara or dwar, bar, da- richa, khirM, rah ; {wooden part) kiwar ; {from door to door) dar-ba-dar, ghar-ghar; \next door to) lag-bhag ; {out of doors) bahar ; — — {within doors) bhitar. Dock-case, chaukatha, chaukhat, sahauti. Door-keeper, darban, darwan, de,orhi-ban, dwar-pal. Dormant, sota, kh\yabida, daba, mAkhfi, mu'attal. Dormitory, khvrab-gah or -gah. Dose, {of medicine) mu'tad, primanor pariman, khorak. petiya ; {quantity) mikdar, andaza. To Dose, mu'tad-k, priman or pariman-d. Dot, nukta, bind, bindi, suna. To Dot, nukta-rezi-k, nukta-d, godni, bindiyana. Dotage, {from age) ^arafat, inkhiraf. sathyaha^ sithil ; {on a mistress) fareftagi, ashuftagi, sheftagi, junun. Dotard, Doteb, munkharif, sattara-bahattara, sithil, sithili, barbariya, muntashir, hawas, za,ila-l-'akl, ma'sum-sifat, pir-fartut, chutiya, tarhurhi, chur ; {on a mistress) farefta, shet'ta. To Dote, (n.) munkharif-h, sathiyana, bhinna, chur-h, bidhna, sauda,i-h; {as a lover) diwana-h, mama. DoTiNGLY, {excessively) be-nihayat, ba-shiddat. Double, dohra, dotah, do-lar, dukna, duchand, dnni, dobala, almuza'af, muza'af, mnsanua, dunadun, dubra« dula,i, diiparta,dusuta , {as a letter) mushaddad, dut, mudgham; {as coins) pakka ; (deceit- ful) du-munha or -bhashiya or -jibha, do-dusiya, soraihiya, bahu-rupiya; {entendre) tajnis, janiki ; -^— {^double-dealer, double-tongued, &c.) du-rangS, haft-rangi, riy&-kar, du-gan^i, du-cbitti, makkar. DOU ( 83 ) DRA muza'vrmr, munafik, do-rftiya, sahibi do-zaban : this word is, in corap., generally expressed by do or du, as the above and following words will illustrate, of which sort there are many more in the language. DonBLE-CROPPED, do-fasla or fasla, Double-dealing, dii-rangi, haft-rangi, makkari, riyakari, tazwir. Double-edged, do-dhara or dQ-dhara. Double-handed, do-hatha, do-dasti. Double-headed, do-sira, do-sar or du-sar. Double-loaded, [a gun) du-gara. Double-locked, {as a door. Sec.) do-tal§. To Double, (a.) dohrana, duchand-k, mnza'af-k, hir- kiyana, byondi-katna, bhanjna; {to pass) langh- na, charhna; (to fold) mo]-n&; (n.) dugna- &c. -h. Doublet, angarkhS, dagla, zer-kabii; (pair) in- gana, juft, do, jora. Doubling, Double, (of a letter) tashdid; {of a fox) hirki, rubah-bazi, pech-pach. Doubt, Doubtfulness, sbakk, shubha, ishtibah, guman, raib, khatra. kharka, ^iyal, tazabzub, ihti- mal, ibham, tawahhum, saudeh, chinta, sanka. To Doubt, shakk- &c. -k or -r ; {to fear) bhar- mana, darna ; (to hesitate) pas-o-pesh-k, shash- o-panj-k. Doubter, shakki, waswSsi, wahmi, bhanni. Doubtful, [ambiguous) mashkuk, mushtabah, golgol, ghair-mukarrar : (suspicious) wahmi, bharmi; (hazardous) khatar-nak, mutazabzab, bhayan- kar. DouDTPULLT, shubhe- &c. -se, ba-shakk. Doubtless, be-shakk, be-shubha, yakin, tah^ak, aur- kya, nis-sandeh, adwaidh. Dove, kabutar, kapot, hamama; (ring-) kumri, of which there are many varieties ; (the tumbling- dove) girih-baz, kabutar-bazinda ; (the wild dove) jangli kabutar, vanya-kapot. Dove-cot, Dove-house, kabutar-khana, dhabari: the boxes for the nests are called kabuk. [chtil. Dove-tail, kulfi, kauwam ; (in joiner's work) Dough, khamir, pera, lo,i, gundhan. Doughty, shamsher-bahadur, sher-kali, ghazi-mard. To Douse, (a.) ghota-d : (n.) ^ota-khana. DowAOEB, bewa, rand, bidhwa, begam, bahu-begam, bahu. Dowdy, phuhar, gegli, bad-daul. Dower, Dowry, (portion) jahez, daija, dihez, alankar, kanniya-dan ; (jointure) mahar, kabin. Dowlas, khadhar, gazi, garha. Down, (hair, &c,) rom, ro,en, rongta, rii,i ; (of the chin) sabza, khatt ; (pile of velvet, &c.) khwab ; {wool) pashm; (plain) maid&n, tand. Down, Downwards, (prep, and adv.) niche, tale, heth, zer ; (to take doton) utarna ; (to take doion a house) &c.) udherna; (to take down in writing) tank-r, likh-r, kalam-band-k; (to throw doton) pachharna, letarna, patak-d ; (to boil down) jalana, garhiyana ; (down the stream) bhathiyal, bhathi ; (to go down or set) gh urub-h, dubna, baithna, ast-h ; — — (to fall down) gir-parna; (to throw down) gira-d; (up and dovm) idhar udhar ; (to go down) hazm-h, bardasht-h ; • (to lay down) rakh-d ; (to lie down) let-rahna ; (my boat was sailing down, and his was going up) meri na,o bhathiyal jati thi, aur us ki ujan. [nigun, gup-chup. Downcast, sharm-gin, mahjfib, laj-want, lajila, sar- DowNFALL, khwarl, kharabi, tabahi, sattyanas, iuhi- dam, mismari. Downright, (plain) sidha, sada, rast, asl, mahz, sarih. thik; (open) saf, zahir ; (complete) pakka, banka, katta, nihayat, kamil, sakht. Downrightly, (openly) sarihan, khula. Downy, (soft) narm, komal, mula,im, mukhattat, pola ; (full of dovm) ro,en-dar, khwab-dar, pashmi. gala-sa, phaha-sa, rii,i-sa. Doxy, (drab) dhemni, yarui, urahri. Doze, kachi-mnd, nim-^wab, unninda, iingha,i 01 iinghas. To Doze, (n.) unghna, jhapki-men-h, alsana, sona, ankh-lagna, pare-rahna ; (a.) unghana, solana. Dozen, barah, du,azdahi, dwadash. Dozy, unghasa, ghunuda, alsaua. Drab, bazari, hateri-bateri, tarkhal. dhemni, yami. Drachm, dirham (pi. darahim). [karha. Dracunculus, Drancontium, narwa, rishta, akar- Draff, sithi, kho,i, khali, phokh. Draft, (for money) hundi, barat, tankhwah ; (cattle) hall, bar, bojh ; (sketch) naksha. Drag, kanta, jhagar, ankora. To Drag, ghasitna, khinchna, jharna, chhenkna ; (a boat) tanna ; (n.) ghasitna. To Draggle, (a.) litharna ; (n.) litharna. Draggletail, litharu, maila, gil-aluda. Drag-net, maha-jal, chatar. Dragon, azhdaha, ajgar, yiiha, kazhdum or kajdum. Dragon's-blood, dammu-l-akhwain, dammu-s-siban, hira-dokhi. Dragoon, sawar, turk-sawar, aswarurh. Drag-bope, gun ; (sticks) barwa. Drain, nali, muhri, badar-rau, mori, pawahi. To Drain, (to strain) chhanna, nichorna, chusna, nikalna, pasana, nigarna, sich-d ; (off) pasana (to dry) sukhana, khushk-k ; (to empty) Hiali-k, khich-d. Drake, bata, bat, badakh or batakh, bat-nar, chakwa. Dram, miskal, dirham; (draught) ghunt, jur'a. Drama, indir-jal or indra-jal, natak, na^. Dramatist, indirjali, nataki. Draper, bazzaz, parcha-farosh, kapriy§. Drapery, hulla, hana,o, chuna,o, singar, kapre. Drastick, musjhill, jhar. Draught, (of water, &c.) ghunt, jur'a, kurt ; (beverage) sharbat, sharab ; (of carriages) khlcha,o, kashish, khainch ; (delineation, sketch) naksha, danl, utara, sancha, khala; (of a net) khaincha,i, tira,i ; (of a letter) nail ; (of an account) khasra ; (of a pond) jh&y, jhara,o ; (of men\ nikal, niksar, chhant ; (of about) pani ; (a rough draft of a writing) musawwada ; (a beast of draught) ladu, bojhail ; (of what draught is this boat ?) yih na,o ketne pani ki hai ? Draughts, mughal-pathan : there are several games of this sort in Hindustan, viz. tiyur, naugotiya, teran- sala,i, pachisi,chaupar,chausar,chhakk&,bagh-bakri. To Draw, (a.) khinchna, ghasitna, khainchna, ainchna, tanna, tirni, ghasit-lana, lejan§,; (a sword) 'uriyan-k, talwar khainchna, 'alam-k, karhna , (to open or shut a curtain, &c ) khainch-lena ; (to brina) lana ; (or utter as a sigh) mama : — ~ (to lead) chalana ; (to takeup) mangwa- or khainch- lena; (to embowel) pet-chirna, sat-k ; (apic- ture, &c.) urehna, chitna, utarna, chitarn a, khainchna; (a bill) hundi-k or -likhna or -bhejna ; (to cast) dalna, pheukn5,, dekhna ; ■ (out) chhantna. DAR ( 84 ) DBO chnn-lenS; (an army) taiy&r-k; — (w«f by cattle) pul-chalani; [bp people) gharri^ chalana ; (to pluck out^ khinch-d, nikalna; — - [to suck) chusna; (to attract) j^-b-k ; {to tnhale) lena- (to pull out) ukharna; (w open) kholna; (to shut) band-k ; {to produce) paida-k; (to protract) tawil- or tul-k, bay- ^^na< (to drive) lena, chalina ; (to enttce) lalch&n&, mohna, parchana, harna; (to draw for money on a person) tankhwah-k ; (to draw in or curb) atkina, Uz-r ; {to inveigle) war- ghalana; (to draw on boots, &c.) charhana; ■ (to' draw off) utarn&; (to distii) cho.ana, chulanft; (to draw over) pbor- or tof-lana ; (to draw up an army, &c.) saf- or para- or barb-b; (to compose) insha-k, likhna ; (to deiineaU) naksba-b, nak^ashi-k, chitarkari-k ; — — (to draw near) nazdik- or pas- or ware-ana ; (n.) bona, hojana, j&n&, ana, pahunchna, charhna, utarna, nikalna; (to draw together) jam'-h, simatna, jufna ; (to draw back) hatna, sarakna, dabna; (to draw at cards) hukm-uthana or -nikalna; (to draw a sore) babana. Drawback, chhut, tal^fif, ri'ayat, phirta. Dkawek, kalam-kar, chitari; {of a bureau) ghat, ^j^na; '■ (in comp.) kash, as jarub-kash, (a sweeper) . Drawees, janghiya; {long drawers) pa,e-jama, izar, shalwar, sirwai, tamban. Drawing, nay^bi, naksba, naksh, naksh o nigar. Drawino-room, darbar, diwan i 'amm, sabha-bhawan. To Drawl, ghafiitna, reghana, ghelwana, ghelwa-kar bolna. Drawn, khicha-hii,&, kashida, nanga; {as a game, &c.) burd, sar-ba-sar; (collected) jam'hu.a; (equal) barabar ; (to be) sarna. Dread, dar, bhai, bhau, dahsbat, sahm, daglidaglia, andesha, dhajka, k^atra, mahabat, ghor, kJialish, waswas. To Dread, ^S'l'ns^i bharmana, dahshat- &c. -rakhna or kbana, khatra- &c. -k or -r, dharakna, hidiyana, darapna, kadrana, par-jalna, bbabhna. Dreadful, haul-nak, dahshat-nak, 'ibrat-nak, ■wah- ■hat- or dahshat-angez, 'ibrat-uuma, haibati, bhai- man, bbai,anak or bhayanak, bhayawana, muhib, bhayankar. Driastollt, ba-shiddat, ba-nihayat, sal^t. Drsadtolness, haul-naki, &c. (v. dreadful) . Dreadless, be-bak, nidha]:ak, nidar, diler. Dbeah, i^w&b, sapna, roya, waki'a, basharat ; {idle fancy) ^iyal, wahm, dhoklia. To Dream, ^iwab- &c. -dekhna, sapnana, bashara- dekhna ; (to imagine) J£^iyal-k ; (to be idle) su8t!-k, kabili-k, dhil-k, sust- &c. -b. Dreamer, (a visionary) wabmi, ^iyali, ^yal-andesh. Drear, Dreart, sanglakh, Bunsan. [maila. Dreoot, Dreqoish, gadla, mukaddar, pur-durd. Dregs, tirchhat, mail, kudiirat, durd, takaddur, tal- chhat or tarcbhat, sifl, kasafat, ala,ish, nicbor; — — (refuse) utikr, ak^or, raddi, napursan; — '— {qf the people) radd-k^al^ ; (remnant) kasar ; (qf oil) kat. To Drenou, bhigona, sbar-bor-k, tar-ba-tar-k, shor- bor-k ; (to purge) jbarna, jullab-d. Drenched, shor-bor, shar-bor, latb-path, sariwal. To BE Drenched, kapona, shor-bor, &c. -h or -h-jana. Dress, posh&k, libas, kapfe, jo^a, bastar, ra^t, kiswat, jama, pahritwa, paridhan, malbus, baga, ^aba, l^uUa, achla, j^inia&li, al^masba, saj ; {habit) bana ; (a uniform, an honorary drus) kbal'at or khU'&t, saropa or sarapa. To Dress, (clothe) pahanna or pahinna. pabamft, kapre- &c. -pahanna, sajana, sarna, saf-k ; (to adorn) sanwarna, singarna, arasta-k, ara,ish-d; (a wound) patti-b, marham-r, zakhm-bandhna. mar- ham-patti-k ; (to curry) timar-k, khar-khara-k ; (to prepare food, leather^ &c.) sijna, dam-d, pakana, taiyar-k ; (to- trim) chhantna, bhajna. Dresser, sajawanhar, kapar-dami; (in comp. > band ; (ftmale) mashata ; (of leather) cbamar, chambar. Dressing (of a wound) marham, patti. Dressing-box, singar-dam ; (glass) a,ina. To Dribble, tapakna, chuna, chhulakna, thopiyana, chhalkana. fdeni. Driblet, khurda, reza ; (to pay in) lohu mutke Drift, (impulse) hukm, ghaJba, zor ; (cloud of dust) ghubar ; (purpose) ghat, andaz, murad; (the drift of rain, wind, &c.) bauchhar, jhikoy, jhanta; (of sand) regrawan, toy; (ten- dency) dhab, siyak, bhed : (the drift or tenour of a man's discourse) fahwa e kalam. Drill, barma, mankab; ■ — (military exercise) kawa'id, saflF-arastagi. To Drill, (pierce) salna, chhedna, bedhna, snrakh-k ; (to sift) dhariyana; (as in agriculture) haJ-taddi-bona, from hal-taddi, a drill plough ; (to driU soldiers) sikblana,kawa,id-sikhlana, ta'lim-k. Drink, shurb, noshish, pina; {of water) ek piyas- or piyas-bhar-pani ; (meat and drink) akl o shurb, khaua-pina. To Drink, plna, ghutna, khichna, snrukna ; — — (wine, &c.) mai-noshi-k, piya-k; (as an animat) mirg-munh-pina ; (as a drunkard) nasha- khana ; (to absorb) sokh- or pi- or khlnch-lena. Drinkable, pine-jog, noshidani, peya, piyan-jog. Drinker, kaifi, nasha-klior, pine-wala, piyanhar, piyak, piwakkar, sharib, noshinda, piyala-baz ; - (in comp.) nosh, khwar, khor. Drip, Dripping, tapkan, chakidagi; (of fat) kabab ki charbi. To Drip, tapakna, chakida-h, mutakatir-h. Drip-stone, kund, risa-pathar or -patthar. To Drive, dagrana, dutkama, bhagana, rabrana, khedna, kalkarna, durdurana, urana, chachkama, khaderna, thuthkarna, bahana, hatana ; (ashore) charhana, lagana ; (to and fro) jhakorna, jhu- lana, jhumana; (over or tramj^le) raundana; (cattle) hankna, chalana, daurana; (an elephant) hulna; — (to force in) dhasana, ghu- serna ; (a nail) thonkna, mama, garna ; (to chase) shikar -k ; (to compel) zor-k, zulm-k ; (to expel) nikal-d, dur-k ; (to carry on) karna ; (n.) dagarna, bahna, rabama, urna, jan&, charhna, mara-phirna, jhakurna, ghumna, jhukna, lagna, chalna, daurna; (as a vessel) tale-tale- phirna. Drivel, (moisture from the mouth) ral, lar, la'ab. To Drivel, (slaver) ral-d or -girana ; (to dote on) lar-piyar-k. Driveller, (fool) ahmak, ga,o(^, bawala. Driver, hankwaiya ; (of a carriage) gafl-wan ; (in comp.) wan, -ban. Drizzle, jhisi, bishti, jhisiyahat. To Drizzle, phuhi- or phuhar-parna, tarashshoh-h, jhisiyana, phuhiyana. Drizzly, jhisiyaha, phuharu. Droll, (comical) 'ajib, 'ajab, zor, tamasha, bhaK, zatali ; (a droll) maskhara, thathol, hazzal , {he has a droll name) .\xska kuchh bhala nitn hai. DRO ( «* ) DUB To Droll, mastharagi-k. tamasHmr-k. maskhara- pan-k. Dbollert, maskharagT. hazal, hazliyat, zatal, hazz&U, maskhari or maskharagl, mazakh. Deomedaet, bukhti, sandni, do-kohan, sanrni. Dkone, Dronish, (zrffer) majhul, murda, dhlla, snst, makhi-mar, gobar-dhan. To Droop, murjhana, kumbhlana, malin- or za'if- or na-tawan-hojana, pazhmurda-h, nir-bal-h ; (as fowls) unghna, ungha,i-lagna, jhukna, girna, latakna. Drop, buDd, bundi, katra (pi. katrat), top, thop, tap- kan, chhitki, chhinta, bindu or Tindu. To Drop, (n.) chuna, tapakna, taptapana, khasna, tuna, chutna, uikalna, jana, khasakna; [in battle) thanr-rahna, pani na mangna ; [out) ugal-parua, nikal-parna ; [to die) mama ; {to be slain) jujhna ; {to cease) maukut- jata- rahna ; [to enter unexpectedly) a-parna, a-jana, waki'-h ; [to fall short) ware-girna ; (a.) cho,ana or chulana, tapkana, girana, diilna, chhorana, utha-d, maukuf-k ; [to utter) kahna, phenkna ; [a letter) hazf-k, sakit-k, lop-k, nikalna. Dropping, takatur, chakidagi, chu,an, nichor. Dropsical, jalandhari, jalodari, mustaski. Dropsy, jalandhar, istiska, pandodar, mahodar, jalodar. Dross, mail, kudurat, fuzla; [of glass) kachlon; [of metals) kit, ^ubs, rim, khad, mus, guh, chirk. Drossy, maila, mukaddar, na-kara, najis. Drove, (^oc*) galla; [of camels) katar; [herd) nar , [of elephants) halka; -^— ^ [crowd) bhir, jama,o, bardi, lenhda, gehida, gar, jhund . Drover, galla-ban, chaupan, charwaha, bardiya. Drought, [want of rain) imsaki baran, ^ushki, sukha, kaht, ^ushk-sali, chatka ; [thirst) piyas. To Drown, (a.) dubona, borna, ghark-k, duba-marna ; — ; — [to overpower) mama, dabana; [as a Hindu) kar-lena; (n.) dub-marna, ^ari:-]i, bur- mama, dubna or burna. Drowsiness, nind, ungh, alsan, pinak, chort, iingLas; [indolence) susti, dhil. Drowsy, nindasa, ^wab-aluda, aJsanS ; [sloth- ful) majhul, sust, dhila. Drub, Drubbing, mar-pit, kut-pit, thonk. To Drub, pitna, kutna, thathana, thonkna, marna, bichha d, dalmasal-k, kutak-bazi-k. Druj)Oe, tahlu,a, mihnati, rawanna, mazdur ; [a sweeper's drudge) kamera. To Drudge, tahal-k, mihnat-k, ghulami-k, lohu pani- k, pet-matha-k, panw-ghasitna, dhana, daurna, dhupna, daur-dhiip-k. Drudgery, tahal, ghulami, mazduri, pairdhawari. Drug, (v. medicine) dawa,i, dawa, adwiya, aukhadh or aushadh, darman, daru ; [a mere) maiihu,a barabar; [to be) dahi-dahi-h. Druggist, 'attar (prop, a perfumer), pansari. Drum, dhol, dholak, duhal, tabal, tabla, mirdang, dafr-^or-i, kanjari, bhemcha, dugdugi, damru,digri, huruk, raandar, rabana, damama, tambur, pakha- waj, tasa, daf, da,ira, marfa, jai-dhak, danka; [head,) tal; [bottom) bam ; [braces) joti; [barrel) pete, khol ; [a kettle-drum) nakkara, kus ; [of the ear) kan ka parda : there is also a verycommom terra, tom-tom, which seems to have been fonned in imitation of the sound of a drum, but by whom and when is perhaps undetermined. To Drum, dhol- or tambur-bajana or -thonkna, nak- kara-k or -d, dug-dugana, dhol-marna or pitna. Drummer, dholiya, tabal-nawaz, tamburchi, duhal- zan, duhal kob, dafUli, tasa-nawaz, saparda,i, talal- chl, pakhawaji, daf-zan, dug-dugiya. Drumstick, chob, danka, Drunk, Drunken, mat-wala, mast, mata, kaifi makhmur. sar-shar, sar-mast. To be Drunk, nashe med-hona, kaifi ho-jana. Drunkard, sharab-l^or, sharabi, da,imu-l-^amr, khammar, nasha-Wior or -baz, mai-^or or -kash, 'amali, madpi, madu,a. Drunkenly, mastana, makhmurana. Drunkenness, masti, kaif, sharab-khwari. nasha- khori, mai-khuri, uasha-bazi. Dry, [arid ) ^ushk, sukha, sitha ; [cow) thar, adhin ; [thirsty) piyasa, tishua ; [plai7i) rukha, sada,jhdnaor jhura, be-ras; [as a well) andha, dhatha, be-paui ; [as an answer) sarsari, be-haldi o phitkari, be-laga,o ; [tasteless) bad- maza; [severe) sakht, durusht. To Dry, (a.) sukhana, sukhlana, Ichushk-k, jhurana, senkna, marna, chatkana, jalana, kharkharaua, jazb- k; [to wipe) ponchhna, (n.) sukhna, khushk-h, mania, jalna, jhanjhanana , [as milk of cows, nurses, &c.) chatakna, tutna. Dryer, jazib, sokh, khushk-saz or -kunanda. Dry Land, khushki (opposed to tari), sukha. Dryly, yunhi or yunliin, rukha,i-se, ruhhawat-se. Dryness, (insipidity) ^ushki, sukhawat, yubs, yubusat; (of temper) rukhawat ; [between friends) kudurat, bad-mazagi, shakar-ranji, rukha,i. Dry-nurse, dada, da,i-khila,i, opposed to da,i-pila,i. To Dry-nurse, dudh se palna. Dry-shod, sukhijuti. [tasniya. Dual, musanna, du-bachan ; — — [the dual number) To Dub, banana, thahrana, karna, ^il'at-d, Dubious, (v. doubtful, uncertain, &o.) [ducat). Ducat, dinar (no eastern coin exactly represents the Duck, [tame) bat, batak; [wild) chakwi, chaka,i : this is the large duck or goose, well kntfwn in India by the name of Brahmani goose or duck, and in the poetry of the Hindus is their turtle dove, for constancy and connubial affection, with the singular circum- stance of the pair being doomed for ever to nocturnal separation for having offended one of the Hindu divinities in days of yore ; whence — " Chakwa chakwi do jane. . .in mat maro ko,e ; Te mare kartar ke. . .rain bichhora ho,e." (Let no one kill the male or female chakwa : they, for their deeds, are doomed to pass their nights in sepa- ration.) According to the popular belief the male and female of these birds are said to occupy the opposite banks of a water or stream regularly every evening, and to exclaim the live-long night, to each other thus : Chakwi, main a,iin ? Nahin nahin, chakwa. Chakwa, main a,un ? Nahin nahin, chakwi. [water fowl) murgh-abi ; [the play of ducks and drakes) chhuchhli ; [to play at ducks and drakes) chhuchhliyan-khelna. To Duck, (n.) ghota- or diibki- or burki-mama, dub- kuri-d or -mama ; (ordeally) pandubi-lena or -k ; [to bend the head) sir-jhukana ; (a.) gI\ota- or dubki-d or -k. Duct, (tube) nali; [guidance) rih-bari. Ductile, chimra, narm, mula,im. Ductility, Ductileness, chimr&,i, narm!, mula,imat. Dudgeon, khafgi. ranjish, anras. Due, ( proper) la,ik, ma'kul, wajibi ; (exact) thik; [to be due) ana, nikalna, bona ; [there are four rupees due me from him) us par mere char rupa,e ate hain ; [due, as a debt) chahita, baki, lena, pana, chahiye, lazim, zarur, uchit ; [there are ten rupees due me from you) ap-se mere das rupa,e chahite haiu or turn se mt^he das rupa,e pane haid : DUK { 86 ) EAC (a due or riffht) ha^^ (pi. hukok), pad, hakk- halil, dain- or mil-wajib ; (fee) marsuin, zibitana; {ctutom) mahsul, dastur, lagat. Doe, {as in the phrases due east, &c.) sidha, rast. Duel, lafa,5, ^ana-jangi, chhuri-katari, mal-jadh. To Ddel, {or fight a dud) maidan-k. Ddellist, jang-jo, khana-jang, larStika. Ddo, than, chunchi, jiji; {disease of) thanaila, (also having dugs) ; {as a horse) thani. Dulcet, madhur, raslla, mitba, shirin. To DuLOiFT, shirin-k, mith&-k. Dulcimer, sitar, tambura, kanun, cbautara. DuLCi-ACiD, khatb-mitha. Dull, {dullard) ga,odi, ahmak, satahi, aguyh, mur- dar-mitti, bad-zihn, kor-dil, murda, mu,a, manda, bhari, be-chuhal, be-ras, be-raunak; {sad) udas, afsurda ; {slothful) dhila, majhul ; {dim) andha; {drowsy) khwab-nak, alsana; {to be dull of hearing) uncba-sunna. To Dull, kund-k, marna, dabana, bhari-k. Dully, {stupidly) himakat-se, susti-se, &c. DuLNESs, kaudanl, kunda-zihni, ghabawat, himakat, ablahi, sada-lauhl, satahat, humk, be-raunaki ; {laziness) susti, kahili ; {dimness) andh- la,i ; {drowsiness) nindas, khvab-naki. Duly, acbchhi-taraJji-se, kama ha^u-hu, jaisa cha- hiye, thik. Dumb, gung&, gQng, lal, bnkm, gup, chnp, maun, munh-bandha, chupka, an-bolta, muka; {pells) mogdar ; {silent) chup, chup-chap, khamosh. sakit ; {muu as beasts) be-zaban, zaban-basta, an-bola. To Dumbfound, dhamkana, sanmun-k. Dumbness, Uiamoshl, be-zabani, gunga,i, gun^pan. Dumpling, pitha, khuda,i-rabin, gul-gula. Dumps, don-mnn, malola, bharambhor, malal, ^am. Dun, (adj.) shirgha, samund, mis-rang. A Dun, or Dunneb, mutakazi, taka^a-dar, muhassil, dhamait, dastaki, sazawal, cham-cbichar. Dun, {importunity for money) takaza, ugahi, talab. To Dun, takaza-k, arana, muhassili-k, dabana, dhar- aa-d, dhunl-d. Dunce, abma^, bhakwa, At, be-wnkuf, ulu, cMtiya, bhugga, balid, ghabi. DuNO, guh, chirkln, ganda^i, bar&z, ^aliz, kiriftagi, jbara, mal, bistha, Ien£; {of goats) mengni, bhelan^i ; {of elephants) pinda, mutrali ; {of horses) lid ; {of birds) bith, plkhal ; {of cows) gobar, sargin ; {manure) khad, pans. To DuNQ, {manure) khftd-d, paiisna. Dungeon, syah-chah, bhaksi, bhaanra, kaid-^lna. DuNG-HiLL, knra, mazbala, |^ur, gandaur, gobrar, kiiri; {eoek) anjai-murgh. DuNNXR, (t. tbtn) ugabiya, sazawaJ, -wam-^wah. Dunning, a}-a,o, takaza, dharna. Dupe, modhfl, muti*, bakri, bandar, farefta, murid, whence zan-murid, a dupe to a woman. Duplicate, mnsannl, paith, mukarrar, utar; {copy) ua.)f.\. To DuPLioATK, dohrana, dutah-k: {to copy) DuFUOinoif, tashdid, idgham, dohr&,o, dohra,l, dQg- n&ha(. DuPLioiTT, dfl-rangi, riya, dimbh, chhal-bal. Durable, pa,e-dar, der-pa, ustuwir, ka,im, sabit, (ika,a, musta^im, mustahkam, thahra,u, rasikh, Qiazbilt, mukhallad. Dura Matkb, ummu-d-dimagh. Duration, Durableness, Durabiutt, Durance, pa,e-dari, der-pa,i, ustuwari, khata,o, tika,o, kiyam, istihkam, subut, sabat, baka, rusfikh, thahra,o, miyad. During, men, bich, bote, jabtalak, a,endul or indul, rahte, darmiyan, mabain, bhar (v. while) ; {during the fever, don't take this medicine) tap ke hoto yih dawa na khana. Dusk, {of the evening) dbur-sanj, nima-sham, godbur, godbaura, godhuli-samai, diye-jale, diye-lisan, munh- andbera. Dusky, Ddskisd, dbumla, kala, siyah, tarlk, dhund- halka, maila, dbundhla. [kanj. Dust, dhur, dhul, gard, khak, ghnbar, pankaj, raj. To Dust, jharna, jharjhatak-k, bhurburana ; {in the Holi) diiurheri-khelna, khak-bazi or -audazi-k ; {to sprinkle with dust) dhuriyana, gard-d. Dusty, gard-aluda, ghubar-aluda, dliarkaudo, dhulalia* dbumaila, gard- or khak-amez. Dutiful, Duteous, rashid, said, khalaf, sapfit, nek- bakht, sba,ista, namak-halal,wafa-dar, hukml,kam- kaji, mananbar ; {obedient) aggya-kari, adhin, niu,addab ; {a dutiful servant) hukmi-banda. Dutifully, sba,istagi- &c. -se, wafa-dari-se. Dutifulness, rashadat, sa'adat, nek-bakhti, sha,is- tagi, namak-halali, wafa-dari. Duty, {obligation) farz, shart; {office) tahal, kam ; {of a soldier) chauki, ta'inati ; {w?u> is for duty to day?) aj kis ki chauki hai ? {tax) mahsul, lagta, kaj, fariza, hakk, rakhwari; {various imposts) viz. zabitana, tah-bazari, sa,ir, zakat, kar, lagat, taka,i, nakhkhasi, ghatwali, talashi Dwarf, bauna, thumka, baman or v am an. Dwarfish, chhota, tbingna, nata. To Dwell, rahna, tikna, basna, ghar-k, sukiinat-k, bud basb-k ; {on a subject) jana, bakhanna ; {dwell not on her beauty, but mention her ac- complishments) uski khub-surti pax mat ja,o, us ke hnnar batla,o. Dweller, mukim, basi, bashinda, sakin, rahne-wala, rahanhar, buniyadi, ra,is. Dwelling, {abode) ghar, makan, makam, ma^kan, ja,e, jagah ; Residence) bud o bash, tbika,o. Dwelling-house, haweli, gbar, mabal, grehi or griba, bbawan, kothi. To Dwindle, ghatna, kam-kotah-h, chhatna, ntarna, sukbna, sukurna, jhurriyana : {to decay) tah- lil-h, galna ; {to degenerate) biga^na, kharab-b. Dye, {colour) rang, baran, laun, rangwa,i. To Dye, {tinge or give a colour, v. die) . Dyeing, {giving a colour) rangta, rang-wa,i ; {-vat) mat ; a species of dyeing is called bandhnu, from the white stripes that are left uncoloured while the rest is dyed. Dying, {in a dying state) marta, marne, par. Dynasty, saltanat, raj, gharana, khandan. bans jatara, al, tabka. Dysentery, atisar or atisar, is,hai, jariyau i shikam, is.hali, damwi, sitaras. Dysury, 'usru-1-baul, habsu-1-banl, kark-mu(. £ Each, har-ek, ek-ek, ek ; ek ek ko marte bain or ek ki ek miirte hain, they beat each other: it is often ex- pressed by reduplication, ghar-ghar, din-din, signify- ing each house, each day. Each other, ek-digar, apa*, baham; (on eaek tide) bar do $araf, j^afain-par. EAG ( 87 ) ECS Eager, shaukin, hawas-nak, arzu-mand,ma,il, taiyar, tan-dih, abhilakhi, laulln, mutawajjih, sargarm; (impetuous) jald, tez. To BE Eager, chahna, arzu-k or -r, sargarm-h. Eagerly, shauk- &c. -se, chah-kar. Eagerness, shauk, hawas, chomp, arzu-mandi, chah, sargarmi, tan-dihi; (impetuosity) tundi, jaldi. Eagle, 'ukab, huma, shahin, sardul. Eagle-stone, khaya i iblis, khalas-muhra, karanjwa. Ear, kan, gosh, srawan, kan-har, kau-ras ; (handle) kan, dasta ; (diseases of) kau-ibichhi, kan-cha-tta, kan-kati, kan-pher ; (wjgr) patbichhi, gojiya, kan-gojar ; (a whisperer) kan-lagwa ; (wax) kanauhwa, khali, chirk -gosh; (pricker) kan- sala,i ; (boring) kaniyo ; (of wheat, green) gada; (cf com) bal, ball, khosha. sis ; (to be up to the ears) gaJa-gop-h ; (to be set together by the ears) kan-katawwal-h, takarna, kat- or lar- marna; (to set by the ears) takrana, larana ; (abotU the ears) sir-par ; (up to the ears) nak-tak, nak o nak ; (to give ear) kan-d ; (to have the ear of) kan-lagna. Eared, kana, gosh-dar; (aa com) khosha- dar. Earless, kan-kata, bucha, be-gosh, nir-sravan. Earliness, shitabi, jaldl, zudi. Earlt, (adj.) sawera; (as fruity Sec.) agmanS; (forward) ageta, agla, angut; (in time) bar-wakt; (early in the morning) tafke, bari fajar; (in the evening) sari sham, sanjh-hote; (an early riser) sahar-khez ; (early rising) sahar-khezi. Earlt, (adv.) jald, shitab, sawere, bhinsar, sakare, bihane, bhinsare, bhalke. [tana. To Earn, h§sil-k, paida-k, up&rjan-k, kamana, kha- Earnest, (adj.) bajid, mo^yid, mosta'idd, 8a,i, sar- garm, dil-soz, garm. Earnest, (^snb.) namuna (v. specimen) ; (token of a bargain) bai'ana, khichri, bai,aiia,e arbabi nishat ; (advances) sa,i, roka,i, chashni ; (in-) sat- bha,o, bi-1-yakin ; (are you in earnest ?) tum sach kahte ho ? Earnestly, shauk-se or sargarmi- &c. -se. Earnestness, dU-sozi, sar-garmi, koshish, sa*!, jihd. Earning, kama,I, khata,o. Ear-rings, (are various, and chiefly as follow) jhumka, kundal, dur, aweza, bali, bala, bichkana, murki, karanphul, tarka, lolka, lolak, khilu,a, patta, gokhru, dhendhl, kadam, khontla, lachha, thhara, jhumak, kanaura, khosha, goshwara, durbacha, chaudana, gumbazi, bir. Earth, mitti, mati, khak. gil, zamln, bhum, prithwi or pirthmi, arz, mahi, bhu,in; (world) duniya, jahan, 'alam, bhu-mandal; (the face of the earth) ru,e zamin ; {to eat earth or bole) thikri- khana. To Earth, matti-charhana, zamin-doz-k ; animals that earth are called khazinda. Earthen, gill, safali, mittiyalS ; (dish) syor& ; • (ware) sifalina. Earthlino, Earthborn, &c. mattik^putla, ^3ki. Earthly, arzi, khaki, danyawi, matti ka sa or mitti ka, gill. Earthquake, zalzala, bhun-chal, hala-dola, hal-chal, bhu,in-dol, zamin-larza, shakku-1-arz. Earthworm, kechu,a, kharatin. Earthy, khaki, mittila (v. earthly), zamini, &c. Ear-wax, khund, kan ka mail. Ease, aram, asudagi, asa,ish, chain; sukh, kal, rahat, istirahat, fursat, faraghat, bisram, rifahiyat, anand, tamaniyat, amniyat, taskln, ifa^at, thandhak ; (facility) asani, saJasat ; (opposed to stiffness) mula,imat ; (at ca«e)aram-se, khush, chi-gharn, la-parwa, ba-faraghat or -aram, taza-dam ; (to sit) ail phail-baithna, kot bandh-baithna. To Ease, aram- &c. -d or -baUishna, bahlana, halka- k ; (nature) istirahat-k, maidan- or jangal- or ja,e-zarur-jana or -phirna, waswas-mittana, kaza or hajat-jana, jalas-raj-j, drig-sanka-k. Easily, be-ghal o ghash, yunhi, baithe-baitha,e, aram-se, asaniyat- &c. -se, (readily) khushi- se, taiyari-se. Easiness, (of temper) mula,imat,,narmi, hilm, taham- mul, gh aribi, ahistagi, bhola-pan, burd-bari. East, purab, mashrik, shark, ^awar, matla' ; (facing the) mashrik-ru, purab-munh ; (guar- dian of the) indar; (wind) matla'i-hawa or -bara. Easterlinq, purbiya, mashriki. Eastern, Easterly, purbi, mashriki, shatki; (an easterly wind) purwa ; (eastward) purab- taraf, purab-munh. Easy, (facile) asan, sahl, sahaj, salis, sidha, sugam or sugamya, sadharan, halka, narm, pani, sari'u-1- fahm; (in circumstances) as Ada, khush-hal, asuda-hal, farigh, sukhi, mahzuz, muraffa ; (of temper) mula,im, halim, mutaiiammil, bhola, burd- bar, gharib, salimu-_t-tab', warasta mizaj, allah log, gau-admi, mitha, sidha; (in mind) anchiuta, khulasa. mokla. To Eat, khana, bhojan-k, tanawul-k, jyona, bhachhna, pa,ona, charna, chatna, chabna, chugna, nosh-k, chat-k, chat-bazm-k, nigalna ; (two out of one dish) dukasi-khana ; (speaking respectfully) noshjan-k ; (to corrode) kha-lena or -A ; (-up) kha-j ; (to eat one's word ) bat pher-lena. Eatable, kabil i tanawul, khane-jog, ^ardani, khSine- wala, makul (pi. makulat) . Eater, tturinda, kha,u, akil, bhachhi, khawiya ; (in comp.) khor, khwar, adhari. Eating, K^orak ; (-house) bhathiyar-khana. Eaves, olti, ori, kabur or kabul. To Eaves-drop, olti-lagna, dhuka-lagna (v. to listen). Eaves-dropper, olti-lagwa, kaule-laga. Ebb, bhatha, jazr (opposed to jawar or madd, the flow) ; (decline) zawal, kshay or chhay. To Ebb, bhatha-lagna or -h, kharakna, utarna,uharna, udarna, khasakna ; (to decay) ghatna. Ebony, abnus ; (made of ebony) abnusi. Ebriety, masti, sar-sh§,ri, sar-masti or -gardani. Ebullition, josh, joshish, ubal. [kail, khabta, Eccentric, kaj-rau, bakar-chal, ghali, wahshi,bhar- EccENTRiciTY, ghulu, ^abt, kaj-rawi. Ecclesiastic, fakih, sastrik, mulla, dini, purohit. Echo, gunj or gnnj, awaz, sada, pratidhwani. To Echo, gunjna, awaz-ana. EcLAiRCissEHENT, tasflya, bayaa, parda-dari. Eclat, raunak, shuhrat, nam-dari, su-khyati. Eclipse, gahan, grahan; (total) sarb-gahan; (of the sun) kusuf, inkisaf, surya-grahan ; — (of the moon) khusuf. iuW^isaf, chandra-grahan. To Eclipse, marna, dabana, tarik-k, bazar fasid-k. Ecliptic, mintakatu-l-buruj, krantivrit. Economic, Economist, kifayat-shi'ar,juz-ras,kiftyati, girhist, karbari, sarfa-ka,'", kam-^arch, bala-nishin. Economy, Hiana-dari, girhisti, kifayat-shi'ari, 'akl i ma'ash, juz-rasi, kifayat, wara, ghar-karna, tadbir, sarfa ; (arrangement) tartib, intizam. EcsTACY, wajd, 'ash-'ash, sama', be-^udi. Ecstatic, magan, bagh-ba^, dil-shad, man-mohit. EDD ( Ei>DT, bhannri, bhanwar, gird-Sb, bhaufiti ; (mnd) gird-bad. "•jjOE, (of a blade) dhar, barh, dhig (v. border), ab, gin; {margin) kiuara, lab,kor ; [to set on) dant-sihrana or -kund-k; {to be on) dant- khatte or -guthle-h. To Edgb, {to sharpen) barh-r, tez-k; {to fringe) jh&lar- or hashiya-lagana ; -. {to move forward ) barha-lln&j katrana, tirchhiyana, katrake-a-j or -chalna. Edoed, ab-dar, tez, buran or burran, kati'. Edoeless, be-ab, nidhar, ni-tez, be-kinara, be-lab. Edoe-wise, tircbha, khara, kalmi. Edqinq, jhalar, sanjaf, to,!, maghzi. Edible, khane-ka, Kburdani; (roots) kand-mul. Edict, manha,!, farman, hukm, aggya, rajaggya. Edification, ta'lim, tadib, tahzib, tarbiyat, arastagi, bbala,!, Iadha,o* Edifice, 'imarat, haweli, ghar, mahal or mahall. To Edift, Bikhlana, ta'lim- &c. -k, fa,ida-mand-k. Edition, chhapa, chhapa,i, talif. Editor, murattib, sihhat-rasan, mu,allif, karta. To Educate, tarbiyat- &c. -k, eikhlana, Budharni, Education, tarbiyat, parwarish, siksha or &Ich|i&, prati-palan, sikhla,!, ta'lim. To Educe, nikalna or nikasna, nikal- or nikas-lana. Eel, bam, audbl macbbi, gauclii, mar-mahi, andhw&. To Effack, metna, clihilna, kat-dena, l^alam-khurda- k, dho-dalna, bhulana, dbo-d, mabu-d, maliaet-k, silpat-k, nikal-d. Effect, asar, tasir, 'amal, byap, racha,o, karam, ma'lul, musabbab, hukm, kaifiyat, uaksb; (to have) lahna, lagnu, thaharua, hukm-r, peshraft-b; (consequence) ntitija, samara, phal ; (pur- pose) gharaz, matlab, murad, irada ; (cause and effect) 'illat o ma'lul. To Effect, Effectuate, karna, karana, banana, rast- laiia or -k, pesh-lejaua, thik-lagana, anjam-d, cha- lana, thahrana, sarna, kar-leDa,^asil-k. Effects, mal, asbab, saman, mal o mata', ja,e-dad, maujudat, amwal, ashiya, asasa, dhan, sampat;— * — (of the dead ) tarka, matruka. Effectual, Effective, Efficacious, kar-gar,mu,as- sir, kafi, gun-kari, bukmi, musir, tirba hadaf, mu- jarrab, guni, kamu, kam-ka, kari, nafiz; (men) larne marne-wale. Effectually, Effectively, Efpicaoiously, ^arar- -waka,i, kama yambaghi. Kffeminacy, na-mardi, zanana-pan, buz-dili, jubn. Effeminate, na-mard, zai»ana, buz-dil, hetha, boda, raudolii, rau^i-sa, zan-sifat, na-punsak, aram-talab. To Effeminate, namard-k, randi-banana. To Effervesce, ubaLaa, phenan&, phfll-uthna, ubal- khan&, ubakna. Erf BRVE80EN0E, ubal, ubak, jj^uliyin, josh, phen&hat. Effetk, farsuda, k^usbk, be-jin. Efficacy, Efficiency, tasir, &c. (v. effect). Efficient, 'illat fa,ili, mu,a88ir, pbal-diyak, Effiqy, surat, shakl, tarwir, shabih, murat, chitar, S44a, putla ; (the hearse, &c. carried by the usalmans) gahwara, daha, taziya. Efflorescence, phalan, pitti, ubhar, phulawat; (saline) khor&, sihl&. Effluvium, buihir, bh&p; (effluvia) bulOiar&t. Efflux, &c. pbQtan, baramad, khuruj. Effort, sa'i, jihd, koshish, ^amla, halla, dauj. To MAKE AN Effort, zor-marn-l, »a'i-k, daof-k. 88 ) ELD Effrontery, be-sharmi, be-haya,i, ^ustakhl, rlhItha.L sbokhi ; (lo have great) sir- sing-iiikaina. Effulgence, jhalak, chamak, jalwa or jalwa. Effulgent, mujalla, jila-dar, nun, chamkila, jalwa- farma or -dar or -gar. To Effuse, nikalna, phutna, bahna. [H^un-rezi, Effusion, bahi,o, rezish; (effusion of blood) Ego, anda, baiza, tukhm ; (mundane) barhmand ; (dish or bed) ande-d3in, baiza-dan ; (fried) khagina. kuku ; (having) andaila. To Egg, (to instigate) ishti'alak-k or -d, oskana, pusbtl-d, cha|-hana, lagana, dam-d, sankarna. Egg-plant, baingan, badanj&n, bhanta ; (old or 2nd year's) maru-baingan. Eglantine, nasrln, syoti. Egotism, ananiyat, hamkar, ahank&r, apanhi,!, yiudl, mani. To Egotise, hamkama, apnl-gan&, ahankari-h. Egotist, khudfarosh. hamkari, ahankari, atmi- shlaghi. Egregious, sal^t, bara, ashadd, katta; — r- {fln egregrious fool) sakht ahmak. Egregiously, ba-shiddat, nihayat, nipat, sa^t. Egress, Egression, nikal, ^uruj, baramad. To Ejaculate, phenkna, nikal-phenkna, du'a- &c. -k. Ejaculalion, (prayer) du'a, durud, bar, nida. To Eject, (expel) nikal-d, dur-k, be-dakhl-k, ujarna, chala-d ; (to void) radd-k, kai-k. istifragh-k, jharna, girana, chhandna ; (to excommunicate) kujat-k. Ejection, ikhraj, be-dakhli. ujra,o, chhanta,o. Ejectment, {biU or order of) baz- or ikferaj-nama. Eight, 4th, atha, hasht, ashta. Eighteen, atharah, hazhdah or hizhdab or hizhdah. Eightfold, ath-guna. [athana. Eighth, athwan, ashtumi ; (nn eighth part\ Eighty, assi, hashtad or hashtad. Either, (pron.) eknaek,ko,i,nako,i,ko,i sa, ek, jaunsa, ko,i jo, jo kuchh, jo ko,i, ko,i to bhi, yih yawuh, yih- wuhi, wuh-yihi, kya; (adv.) ya, khwah, cliaho, bha,on ; (either stay or go) khwah r'aho, khwah ja,o ; (they were so like^ a man might swear thai either had been either) aise mushabih the ki h;ir ko i admi kasam kha-sakta ki yih wuhi, aur wuh yihi tha ; (let no one come here to-day, either Hindu or Musalman) aj yahan kisi ko ane mat de, kya Hindu kya Musalman. To Eke, (to protract, extend) bafhana, sy&ra-k. Elaborate, mushkil, dakik, mu|^ak, kathin, dush- war, pur-takalluf. Elaborately, dikkat-se, mihnat-se, takallnfHse. Elaboration, islah, salahiyat, sarS,o. To Elapse, guzarna, bona, jata-rahni, chala-jftni, bitna, munkazi-h. Elastic, chimra, lachila, dam-dSr. Elasticity, chimra,!, lachak, dam or dam-dftri. Elate, phula, maghrur, ghamaudi. To Elate, phulana, maghrur-k, bagh-b5|^- &c. -k. Elated, bagh-bagh, balida, nihal, khush. To BE Elated, phfilna, baghlen bajana, khilna. Elation, ghurur, maghruri, ghamand, phulawa, umang, tarang, lahar. Elbow, kuhui, mirfak, Sranj, ghutni ; (to be at one's) kandhe or sir par-h or -rahna, bajAal men h or -rahna. To Er BOW, kohniyana or kubnyana. Eldf», bar&, jetha, kalan, buzurg; (an ddtr\ ELD C 89 ) EMB EX3EBI.T, adher, budh&, sal-khurd, sSll-^urda or sal- dar. Eldees, bare, bnzurg, puraniye, buzurgan, piran. Eldest, sab se bara, jyftihta. Elect, makbul, bar-guzida, mujtaba, pasandida. To Elect, pasand-k, chun-lena, chhant-Iena, munta- khab-k. bachhna. Election, bar-guzidagi, makbuliyat; (wilt) raza- mandl, khushi. [par. Elective, Electivelt, inti^abi, iW^tiyari, pasand- Elector, muntakhib. chunwaiya, mukhtar. Electric, kasbinda, kbamcba,u. Electdart, ma'jun, nosh-daru, dawa, darman. Elegance, Elegancy, lutf, latafat, nazakat, nazuki, malahat, bahar, komalta, kaifiyat, raunak, naz, ze- ba,ish, zeba,i, mutanat, ras, tuhfagi ; (in writing or speaking) bala^at, fasahat, istilah. Elegant, (v. beautiful) latif, nazuk, naznin, khush- uslub, khub, khush, besh, malih, khassa, turfa, suthra, komal, sukhwar, ^ush-numa. khush-kat', mukatt'a, uslub-dar, khush-ada, khush-chhab, anup, rasila, muzaiyab ; [eloquent) fasih, matin, 'ibarat-ara ; (an elegant writer) khush-navis ; {an elegant speaker) khush-go. Elegantly, nazakat- &c. -se, latafat -se. Klegy, marsiya, soz-gudaz ; (poem) kasida, wa- sokljt ; (writer, &c.) marsiya-khwan or -go or -nawis, jawabi, sawali. Element, 'unsur (pi. 'anasir, ustakus, tat or tatwa ; (station) mahal, makan ; (rudiments) mauzu', bhut, kewal ; (the four) arba' 'anasir ; (of speech) mufridat, huruf i tahajji ; (Euclid's Elements) tahrir i uklaidus. Elemental, &c. 'unsuri, asli, ghair-murakkab, bun- yadi ; (part) juzi la yatajazza. r.LEPHANT, hatbi, fil, pil, gaj, hasti, kar, matang, kala-pahar; (young) makna; (neck) kaliiwa; [forehead) mastak ; (-'» mate) cbarkata ; (conjuror) shekh-bhina ; (chain) andu, beri, kath-bandan, iakra; [fly)) bhund; tbe^ee or gee, o, used to him) dara, hush, dhat- dhat ; [a she-elephant) hathni ; (an ele- phant-keeper) fil-ban, mahawat, faujdar ; (a person allowed to ride an elephant) f il-nishin ; an elephant's turret) hauda, hauza, 'amari, (vulg. ambari). Elephantiasis, fil-pa, da,u-l-f il, god. To Elevate, uthana, barhana, buland-k, faraz-k. Elevated, buland, a'la, mumtaz, murtafa*, sar-faraz, mu'alla, wala. Elevation, bulaudi, barhtl, tarakki, sar-farazi, 'uruj, sa'ud, irtifik*. Eleven, igarah or giyarah, y&zdah, ekadasbi. Eleventh, igarah-wan or giyarah-waii yazdahum. Elf, bhutna, g^nl, shaitan, jinn, bu,i. Eligible, la,i^ bihtar, aula, aslah, ansab, manzur, pas and. Eligibility, liya^at, bihtari, pasandagi, i^tiyan. Elision, gira,o, lop, hazf. Elixir, aksir, ras, 'arak, abi-hayat or -haiwan. Elk, barah-singa, gawazn, ghora-roj, sambar. Ell, there is no measure in India exactly correspond- ing to our ell. or yard ; gaz and zira' (q-v.) come near it, though some inches short of it. Ellipsis, mukaddar-minhu or -anhu, kalam-takdiri, kridant; (in geometry) mustatil musanna, chamr-chakar. Elm, bukizar, nagh, sirdar. [awari. Klocvtion, fasahat, laklaka, su^an-wari, zaban- To Elongate, lambana, tannSk, tul-k, barhana, tawA' k, mamduda-k, dirgh-k. Elongation, barha,o, lamba,o, madd, tatwil. To Elope, bhagna, champat-h, firar-k, ram-jana, nathna, nikalna, bhajna, j»ta-rahna, rafu-chakkar- h; [as a female) uharna, udhalna. Elopement, firar, gurez, ru-poshi, bhag, udhla,o. Eloquence, fasahat, balaghat, khush-go.i. goya,i, khush-takriri, shiriii-guftari, halawat, 'azubat. Eloquent, fasih, baligh, khush-go, khush-guftar, shirin-kalam, lassan, lafiaz, sukhan-dan, dur-rez, shlrin-zaban, ganhar-rez, afsah, mith-bola, khush- gap. Eloquently, (to speak) munh se phul jharna. Else, (pron.) aur, diisra ; (adv. further, besides) ilia, age, bilkul, aur-bhi ; (any one else) aur ko,i ; [otherwise) nahifi to, wagarna, •wa,illa na, ya; (come, if you mean to come, ehc we shall shut the door) ana ho to a,o, nahin to darwaza band karenge ; [he is a liar, else we are mistaken) wuh jhutha hai, ya ham ghalti men hain ; (some- where else) aur kahin; [anywhere else) liar kahin (i.e. everywhere) [what else need J say ?) age kahun kya ? [what else ?) aur kya ? (besides God we have none else to assist us) ghair-az khuda ke bilkul ko,i nahiik hamara. Elsewhere, kahiii aur, ante, aur-kahin. To Elucidate, zahir-k, wazili-tj kholna, raushan-k, saf-k. [tashrih. Elucidation, tafsil, sharh, tauzih, ta'bir, bayan, To Elude, (to escape) bachna, nikal-bhagna, chhutna, khisakna, ankh-chhipana. Elusive, Elusory, dikha,u, bahka,u. Elysian, bihishti, jannati, baikunthi, firdausi. Elysium, bihisht, jannat, 'adan, baikunth, firdaus. To Emaciate, sukhlana, gala-d, dubla-k, laghir-k, pachkana, latarna, jhunjhunana, adha-k, latana. Emaciated, dubla, laghir, nahif, hankar, mariya, lakat, zarnizar; (to be) pachakna, lat-j. Emaciation, dublapa, dubla,i, dublagi, laghiri, pach- kahat, sukhlahat. To Emanate, nikalna, chhitakna, nikasna. Emanation, chhitkahat, bu^ar, nikas, nur, zahur, autar or avatar. To Emancipate, azad-k, lAalas-k, chhorna, chor-d. Emancipation, azadagi, khalasi. riha,i, chhora,o, uddhar. To Emasculate, [to castrate) namard- &c. -k. To Embalm, khush-bo-bharna. khush-bo-men mah- fuz-r. Embankment, [mound) pushta-bandi, gil-andazi. Embargo, minha,i, manadl, ghat- or phatak*bandi ; [a voluntary) hathtal. To Embark, (a.) charhana; [to engage another) sharik-k, shamil-k, milana ; (n.) charhna, sharik-h, rafik-h, mud§khalat-k, bharna, jahaz-nishin-h, sa\rar-h, hath-d or -d, kadam-marna. Embarkation, charha,o, bhara,o, jahaz- or kishti- nashini, sawari. To Embarrass, ghabrana, muztarib-k, tang-k, mush- kil-k, dushwar-k, uljhana. Embarrassed, 'ajiz, hairan, sar-gardan, giriftar, lachar, ghaltan-pechan, darmanda. Embarrassment, (v. distraction) ghabrahaf, iztirab, janjal, uljhera, tangi, kasha-kashi, tasdi', di^i^t, sargardani, giriftari, pech, lapta, jala, saket, 'ajizi. Embassador, (v. ambassador) dut, elchi, &c. Embassy, Embassage, paigham, payam, sandes, san- desa, duta,!, eldii-gari, waklli- EMB ( «0 ) EM1» To Embellish, singarna, ar5sta-k, ar5,ish-d, tajam- inul-k, zeb- or -ab-d, rangin-k, 8§jna, chihana, cbikn&na. Embellished, arSsta, murattab, muzaiyan, su-sbob- hit, abhusbit, leb-rasida. JiMBELLisHMENT, ara,isli, arastagi, tartib, sajawat, abhushan, abharan, alankar, cliiknahat, rangini, Bobha; {of style) 'ibarat-ara,i. Embers, bhflbbal, bhuk, bhul-bhul ; (ctntfer) angar or angara, chha,l. To Embezzle, kba-jiina, urana, khiyanat- &c. -k, niarkhaaa, chat-janii, nigalna, hazm-k, hall-k, hath-marna, dakarna, cbat-k, gap-k. Embezzlement, chori, khiyanat, dast-burd, tasarruf, taghallub, gorl, sart-bart, lapet-sapet, dast-darazi, hath-pheri, |^abn, tafawut, tajawuz. Ehbezzleb, gba,u-gliap, glu'igh, burd-mar, mal i mar- dum-]^or, lahlot. To Embitter, talkh- &c. -k, nfi-gawar-^, na-khush-k. Emblem, 'alamat, nishan, pahchan, chinh, bha,o, pata, tainsil, drishtaut, tabiya. Emblematical, tamsilana, nishan- or 'alamat-dar. To Embody, munjasim-k, mujassatn-k; {men) fauj- or ghol- bandik. To Embolden, diler-k, istiklal-d, dharas-d. Ejibolism, {intercalary) adhika,i. To Emboss, phiili- or gul-jarna- {to engrave) inuuabbat*k, gokhru-k. Embossed, munabbati, phuli- or gul-dar. Embossment, phuli, munabbat, jara,o or jaraw. To Embowel, pet-chiriia or chak-k, antri-nikalna. Embrace, baghal, aghosh, god, godi, ankwar, kauri, kaniya, wasl, kauia, wisal. To Embrace, baghal-glri-k, milna, ham-aghosh- or ham-kanar-h, gale-lagna, mu'anaka-k, god men- lena, gale-lagana, galbalien-k, baghal-gir-h, kauri- yana, lipatna, chipatna, ghatpat-k, pachh-k, pa- tafna, gherna; {an opportunity) ganthna; (o religion) ikhtiyar- or a^z-k; {to receive) manna, kabul-k, lena. Embrasure, rand, bhanwari, khirki, top ka jharokha. To Embrocate, tila-k, malha; {embrocation) tila. To Embroider, karchobi- &c. -k, buta-nikalna or -karhna, gul-buta-k. Embroidered, lapetwan, mu^ara^, mushajjar, bute-dar, inunakkash, mukkaish or mu^iyash. Embroiderer, zar-doz, chikan-doz, gulk&r. Embroidery, chikan-dozl, kar-chobi, gul-kftri, lar- dozi, bi'ite-kari, kaitun-bafta, sozni, nakkashi, taftof. To Embroil, uljhana, phasana, jhonk-d, fa6ad-d« la^-ana, ag-lagana, jhagi-ana, barham-k, lape^leaa. Embboiler, mutafannl, tufaai, khana-jang. Embryo, bachcha, janln, sancha, murat, gabha, stirat, ghuncha. Emendation, sihhat, islah, arastagi, tasMh. Emekald, zaniarrud, panna, pribal, sabza, zabaijad, markat ; {studded with) raurassa'. To Emerge, uthna, nikahia, cha^bna, uplana, tulQ'- or upar-ana, uchhalna. Emeroenob, Emerqenct, {sudden occasion) zarurat, ^adisa, wa^t, sangat, khainch, taVu?a-wakti, bhif ; {rising) ocbhal, uthan. Emerqbnt, tang, mushkil; {sudden) nagahani. Emkboidb, (piUs) bawasir, (▼. hemorrhoidi), Emebt, kQranJ, kCtrand, aambada. Emstio, muatafrigh ; {an emetic) Va> ki daw&, inulj[a,i. Emiobant, de«-tyagi, be-wa(aa« pardes-basl, parbati. To Emigrate, jila-watan-h, nakl-k, parbas-k, nikal-j, -chalna or -bhagna, ujarna, pardes- &c. -i. Emigration, jila-watani, hijrat, chalachal, des-tySg, nakli-makam or -makan, intikal. Eminence, Eminency, {height) unchan, irtifa' ; (exaltation, distinction) paya, manzalat, buzurgi, darja, jah-o-jalal, rutba, shikoh, charhti, charha,o, barha,o, auj-mauj, auj, namud; {a title, as your^ Sfc, eminence) hazrat, huzur, mabaraj. Eminent, buland, uncha, a'la, murtafi', wala; — — {conspicuous) bara, buzurg, mutabadar, mamtaz, namwar, sar-bnland, namud, buzurgwar ; (/o- mous) nam-zad, nami. Eminently, zahira; {highly) bahut, ziyada. Emissary, jasus, har-kara, pa,ek, bhediya, Waabar- dar, nazar-baz, tar-baz, huzur- or badar-nawis. Emission, ^uruj, ittraj ; {emissio seminis) inzal, askhalit. To Emit, (send forth) dena, lana, nikalna ; (tn coitu) chhiitna, jbarna, munzil- or khalas- or khalit- h, mani-taina, ausan-k, pani-chho|iia ; (o scent) mahakna. Emollient, mulaiyin, komal-kari, naram-kari. Emolument, paida,ish, ma-hasal, naf', fa,ida, hasil, sud, labh, prapti. Emotion, josh, dard, lahar, malwala. To Empale, {a person) suli-d or -charhana, dar-par- khainchna, mekb par baithalna, mekh-marna (v. to fence) . Emperor, shahanshah. sultan ; {of Rome) kaisar ; {of China) ^akan,' faghfur ; {among the Hindus) rajadhiraj, maha-raj adhiraj. Emphasis, zarb, jhirak, takid, guru-uchcharan. Emphatic, takidi, avadharit, zor-dar, daraz talafifoz-se. Emphysematous, phepsaha. Empire, {kingdom) saltanat, shahanshahi, raj, pad- shahi, daulat, mamalik i mahrusa, rajauti ; {authority) tahakkum, hukumat, ^alam-rau. Empiric, tajriba-kar, kharbhusi, kath-baid. To Employ, {to busy) mashghul-r, uljha-r, band-r, bajhaua, phasana, mushtaghal-r; {to use) musta'mal-k,.daurana, bartua, kam men lana, isti'- mal-men-lana, chalana ; {as servants, ^c.) raklina, khidmat-d, lagana, mukarrar-k, ta'inat-k, mu'aiyan-k ; {to spend) masruf-k, sarf-k, ^arj- k, gogarna. Employer, aka, munib, lAawind, kar-farma, ann- data, wali-ni'mat. Employment, Employ, shugU, mashghula, ^dmat, 'alaka, ta'alluk, karobar, sar-rishta, kam, karbar, dhandha, roz-gar, rozi, ishtighal, laga,o, bajha,o : {office) 'uhda, mansab, karya, pad. Emporium, afang, bandar, bazar. ToEMPOVBRisH,muflis-k,mafluk-k,fater-k,^arab-k; {weaken) kamzor-k, kam-kuwwati-k, dubla-k- Empoverishment, iflas, falakat, {&\ln, Hbarabi, na- kuwwati, kam-kuwwati. To Empower, mu^tar-k, sari ]^ud-k, i^tiyar-d. Empress, malika, maha-rani, sultani-begam. Emptiness, sun, ^ulu, ^al&; {of head) tihi- dimaghi, tihi-maghzi. Empty, ^ali, chhfichha, RQna, rihi, tihi ; (^7'"'- rant) tihi-dimaj^, tihi-maghz, ahniak, be-maghz, murakh ; {vain) muhmal, ochha, uthia. To Empty, ^ali-k, nikalna, bahriyana ; (a tank) sich-d, ubichna; (to be emptied, as a river) milna, i.e. to join Empty-handed, tihi-dast, khall-hath. Empybsam, falaku-t-aAak, 'anh^ kursi, golok. EMP ( 91 ) ENE Emptrkumatioax, d&ghi, kachlhindi (from dagh, kachahiud, an empyreumd) . To Emulate, ghibta-k, mukabalat-k, ham-sari-k, ham-chashmi-k, barabari-k. Ektilation, (v. ambition) ^ibta, hiska, mukabjra, rashk, ris, danj, hauns, ^airat, lalak, hauhsa, haunsi, barabari. Emulous, nam-jo, hannsi, irshayukta, gh airat-zada. Emulsion, shira, dudh ; {the emulsion of almonds) shira i badam. To Enable, {to authorise) kuwwat-d, takwiyat-d, kudrat-d, bal-d, tawana,i-d, sakat-d : this, like othor verbs of the kind, must be often expressed by the causal verb. To Enact, farmana, hukm-k, amr-k, thahrana, kahna, chalana. Enamel, mina, ab, jila, kundan, koft, rang, jara,o, jara,!, panl. To Enamel, {to inlay) mma-kari-k, koft-k, &c. Enameller, mina-kar, koft- gar, pani-kari. To Enamour, 'ashik-k, farefta-k, lattu-k, atkana or atakna. Enamoured, girwida, shefta, mohit, farefta, ashnfta, laulin ; [to be) mama, mohit or farefta- &c. -h. To Encamp, dera-k, khaima-k, makam-k, para,o-k, parna, utarna. Ehcampment, para,o, lashkar-gah, dera or dera. To Enchant, afsun-k, jadu-k, 1x)na-k, tas^ir-k, maftun-k, bas-k, mohna, h'ikh-chalana, mukh-cha- lana, muth-marna, nazar-band-k, dant-kilna; {to delight) dil hath men lena. Enchanted, sihr-zada, mohit ; {delighted) dil- shad, anandit, bagh-bagli. Enchanter, jadu-gar, afsun-gar, sahir, dith-band, sha'bada-baz. Enchantment, jadu-gari, afsun-gari, sihr, dlth-bandi, latka, chutkula, bir-banu, sha'bada. Enchanting, dil-fareb, dil-kash, dil-bar, dil-ruba. Enchantinglt, ki,amat, kiran, dil-kashana. Enchantress, jadu-garin, sahira, tonha,i. To Enchase, jarna, thasa-k, jara,I- or jara,o-karna. To Encircle, muhasara-k, gird-k, ihata-k, gher-Iena, rundhna, bindhna, nargha-k, halica- &c. -b. Enclitic, harfi za,id ; {particles) huruf i za,id. To Enclose, [ground, &c.) barh-b, ihata-b ; {to include) malfuf-k, band-k, lapetna. Encloser, muhasir, gherauhara or gherne-wala. Enclosure, {fence) barh, char-diwari, hisar, kot, bir, bara, kyari; {in a letter) malfuf ; -^ {bound's) ihata , {place enclosed) sahn, chauk. Encomiast, maddah, sana-jAwan, mu'arrif, bhat, madih, munakib, astuti. Encomium, ta'rif, madh, astut, tahsin, afrin. To Encompass, gird- &c. -k, gher-l, barh-b. Encore, pher-pher, dusra-kar, bar i digar. Encounter, {battle) lara,i, jadal ; (rfi«pMfe)kaziya, jhag?-a, ^arU^asha; {sudden meeting) bat- bhera. To Encounter, larna, ghat-pat-h, samne-h, dochar-h, mukabil-h, mukabila-k, mukh-k, bhera-k, mund- takrana; {to meet) mulakat-k, milna. To Encourage, dam-d, dilasa-d, purchak-d, dilawar-k, mustakiil-k, jur,at-d, tahrik-d, charhana, dil-dari- d, munh-lagana, phulana, bharosa-d, barh-d, l^airat-dilana. Encouragement, takwiyat, tahrik, dilasa, tasalli; {countenance) himayat, 'inayat, mihr-bani, dast-giri. Encouraoeh, muharrik, dam-baz, purchaki; {of artt) ^adr-dan, gun-gahak. To Encroach, hath-d, paithna, dalAl-k, kad«iB. mama, katna, dabana, apnana, barh-chalna, hadd- torna. Encroacher, dast-daraz, dabwaiya, &c. Encroachment, dast-darazi, ziyada-talabi, ziyadati, kat, daba,o, hadd-shikanl. To Encumber, bojh-d, ladna, phasana, bhari-k, da- bana, atkana, dubona, bhar-marna. Encumbrance, bojh, bar, bharna, pilnw ki beri, g&Ie ki phansi, gale ka bar, chhati- or sir-ka-pathar, pahar. Enctclopjedia, jami'u-I-'ulflm or majma'u-l-'ulum, sar-sangreh. End, {extremity) sira, or, khunt, taraf, akhir. kinara, anchal; {remnant) utar, kachh, dumbala, payan, baramad, nidan nikas : {of a poem) makta'; {of a month) salakh, puran-masl, aniawas chaud- rat, mas ka bar ; {medium) thikana ; {of a turban) shamla; {conclusion) taiiiruni, sar- anjam, hadd, nihayat, ant, ghayat. muiit;\ha ; {of a book) ^atima ; {death) maut, rihlat ; {abolition) inkita ; {purpose) matlab, kasd, murad, ichha, andaz; {consequence) natija, nia,al, hasil, phal ; {in the end) akhirash ; {to what end ?) kahe ko ? kis waste ? {to the end that) is waste ki, ta-ki; {to no end) ra,egan, be- fa,ida, la-hasil ; {from beginning to end) awwal se akhir tak, sarapa, sarasar, sar se paiiw lag ; {to stand 07i end) khara-h, siharna. To End, (a.) tamam-k, akhir -k. niberna, chukaua, puran-k, niptarna, sama ; {to destroy) met- dena, nest-k, ma'dum-k, thikana-lagana, katna; (n.) tamam-h, mitna, uth-jana. To Endangrr, khatre- &c. men-d,durdasha-grasta-k. To Endear, 'azlz-k, pyara-k, priya-karna. Endearment, pyar, dosti, muhabbat, ulfat, ikhlas, ittihad, 'azizi, ma'shuld, 'ashiki, lagaw, lar, naz Endeavour, sa*i, jihd, mihnat, istiklal, jidd o jihd, parisram, udyog, kasd, ikdam. To Endeavour, mihnat-k, kasd-k, fikr-k, zor-marna makdur-bhar-k, yatn- or yatna-k. Endeavourer, sa'i, mihnati, udyogi, yatnavan. Ended, tamam, akhir, puran, samapt, anjam-rasida. Endemic, desi, khass. To Endite, tasnif-k, insha-k, likhna, likhana, maz mum- &c. -kahna, kalam band-karana. Enditement, &c. mahzar, da'wa, nakl da'wa. Endive, kasni, hindaba. Endless, be-nihayat, be-hadd, be-intiha, be-ant, be- payan, an-ant, be-thikana, shaitan ki-antri, na- mutanahi; {continual) mudam, 'ala-d-dawam. Endlessly, hamesha, sada, be nihayat-se. Endlessness, be-nihayati, be-hadd!, be-intiha,i, be- an ti, hameshagi, dawam. To Endorse, peshani-daglina, sahih-k, sakarna. Endorsement, peshani-da gh , sahlh, dast-^att. To Endow, jahez-d, dena, bakhshna, wal:f-k. Endowment, khairat, nazr, niyaz,wa^f ; {quality)' wasf, gun, hunar, jauhar. To Endue, dena, ba^shna, 'ata-k, *inayat-k. Endurance, bardasht, sabr, tab, bnrd-bari, sama,i. To Endure, {to bear) bardasht-k, sahna, khinchn'a, khana, dekhna, sosna, chalna, rahna; {to last) der-pa-rahna, khatna ; {we cannot endure it) w ki bardasht ham nahin kar sakte. Endurer, sahanhar, mihnati, hamil, sabir. Endwise, khara, bar-pa, istada. Enemy, dushman, shatur, mu'anid, bad-andesh, dbr» jan, satru, dundi, ari, dusht, rip, ^asam ; (a mortal enemy) dushman i jani. ENE ( 92 ) ENT EirsBOETic, mazbut, mustahkam, mntaharrik, mflsir ; {tti/le) pukhta. matiu, (hos, chiti,u. ExKBOT, ^udrat, j^uwwat, bal, shakt, ta^wiyat, zor, asar, matanat. To Enervate, Enneeve, zalf-k, nii-tawan-k, na- kuwwat-k, kamzor-k, nir-bal-k, dur-bal-k, hiz-k, na-mard-k, tor-dena. Eneuvation, na-tawani, na>kuwwati, kam-zori, fu'f, na-mardi. To Enfeeble, zalf-k, &c. (see to enervate). To Enforce, [ttrengthen) kawi-k, mazbut-k, mustah- kam-k, sabit-k, ustawar-k, poj-ha-k, zor- &c. -d, puU^ta-k ; [compel) cbalana, 'amal men lana, takwiyat-d. Enforcement, (t. compulsion) also the verb. To Enfraj(CHI8E, azad-k, khalas-k, ra,is-k, sh&mil-k. To Enoaqe, (to fight) maidan-k, bhirna ; {to attach) apna-k, chaspida-k ; {to embark, or engage one's self in business) pa,e-band-k, phasana, dalna, atkana, uljhana, lagana, dhasana, jhonkna, laptana, daurana, bandhna; {to encounter) lar- parna, ghatpat-h ; {to agree) ot-lena ; {to employ servants) rakhna, masbghQl-k ; (to con- tract) shart-bandhna, kanl o karar-k ; {to ew- gage as security) zamin-h, zimma-k. Enoaqeo, mashghrd, mushtaghil, nam-zad, bajha, &c., masruf, mukaiyad; {attached) girwida. To be Engaged, atakua, phansna, lagna, ulajhna, bajhna, phasna, dhasna, bandhna, daurna, lipatna ; {to be betrothed) mansub-h, nam-zad-h, manga- jana; {busy) mashghvil-h. Emoaoehent, {fight) lara,l, mukabala, ma'rika ; {contract) hor, sliart, kaul-karar, -wajida, mannat, miyad, bajhni, jhurmat, mukh-bhefa, ghumrol; {of the mind) mashghala. shughl. Engaging, pyara, bajha,u, dil-ruba, man-har. To Engender, (a.) paida-k, lana, nikalna ; (n.) paida- h, bhifna, jot-khana or -bharna, ji-uthna. Engine, hathyar, harba, auzar, kal, san'at. Engineer : there are none in the Asiatic armies ; garh-kaptan (from garh, a fort, and captain) is the name our engineers go by among the natives. Enoland, inglistan, ingland. English, corrupted to angrez, and this by the wits of India, to rangrez, a dier ; {language) angrezi or angrezi zaban ; also, inglizi-zaban. To Engrain, paiwast-k, rachna, bhinana. Engrained, jauhari, jigari. To Engrave, khodna, kanda-k, naksh-k, ukharna. Engraven, muntakash, naksh ka-l-hajar. Engraver, kanda-gar, muhr-kan, kalam-kar. Engraving, muhr-kani, kanda-gari, naksh. To Engross, le-lena, khinch- or samet- or lut-lena, rokni, chhenkna, apnana, japhiyana, hathiyaiia. Enobosskr, rokanhar, japhiya,u. To Enhance, mol-barhana, V'unat ziyada-k. Enhangxmknt, barhti, ziyadati. Enigma, paheli, chistan, mu'annna, luffhz, ta'miya, dithari, disht-kutak, ihani, bliek. Enigmatical, gfeamiz, daki^, mughlaV, g^x\ ramz- amez. Eniomatist, lugbz-go, mu'amma-go, rammaz, ta'- miya-go. lo Enjoin, kahni, farmini, hu^:m-k, takid-k. fo Enjwt, lahni, pana, len&, utiiana, uranS, lutina, khani. 'aish-k, kftm-ran-h, kam-yiiblh, malisad- war-U, bhugatnft, bilasna, birajmi, pina, gajna, ras- bsua, rachaua, dekhna, chakhni, dandanan&, maoj- Biruilk, bilaclina, tlianthani'iiia, murad-pana, biri,in&; — — {l\fe) zindagi-k, gujtran-k. Enjoter, bilsiy§, aiyash; (in coup.) ^or, khur or bhog. Enjoyment, khushi, aram, asa,Lsh, snkh, anand, 'aish, hulas, mangal, maza, lazzat, haiawat, kaidyat, 'ashrat, 'aish-'ashrat, tamattu', ras, bhugta,o, 'aish- jaish, lutf, bahar, chuhal, sama, mubashirat, rat- khel. To Enlarge, (a.) barhana, kushada-k, fara^-k, ■wasi'-k, ziyada-k ; {to release) azad-k ; (n.) barhna, phailna. ' Enlargement, barha,o, barhti, fara^i, koshadagi ; {release) khalasi, riha,i, chhutti ; {exaggeration) mubalagha. To Enlighten, ujla-k, raushan-k, munawwar-k, nu- rani-k ; {to instruct) tarbiyat-k, arasta-k. Enlightened, sahib- or ahli-dil, ahli-did, sahib- or ahli-kamal, raushan-ra,e, sadh, hakk-shinas ; {enlightened in mind) raushan-zamir, agah-dil. Enlightener, jalwa-gar, jagat-jot. To Enlist, nigah-dasht-k, whence nau-nigah-dasht, a recruit; naukar-k, bharti-k, ism-nawlsi-k, nam- likhana. To Enliven, jilana, zinda-k, ba-shshash-k. Enmity, dushmani, hair, mu^alafat, 'adawat, 'inad, khusumat, nifak, bad-khwahi, 'aks, birodh, shaturti, harifi. To Ennoble, barhana, mu'azzaz-k, muhtaram-k, mu- sharraf-k, umra,o-k, amiri-darja-d. Enormity, 'aib, bura,i, zabuni, gunah, gunah i kabira, shiddat, ishtidad, maha-pap, agh, ghadr. Enormous, {atrocious) shadld, sa^t, bad, bura, maha- dusht. Enormously, ba-shiddat, be nihayat. Enormousness, shiddat, salditi, bura,i. ^•NOUOH, Enou, has, kafi, kifayat, bahut, bisekh, J,. • wafi, az-bas, bahut-kuchh, kuchh, ka,i ; — — {to have) pet-bharna ; 1 the verse is well enough) yih shi'r kuchh hai ; {he has slaves enou) uske yahan ka,i ghulam hairi ; {will this be enough 9\ yih kifayat karega ? {yes, sir, that is enough) hail sahib, kafi hai. En-passant, guzarte-hu,e, jate-hu,e, zimnan, muj- milan, takriban, sarasari ; (to call) hote-j. To Enrage, barham-k, ghusse-k, bad-dimag^-k, ag- k, jalana, ghazab-nak-ki bharkana, talna. To Enrapture, {enravish) bagh-bagh-k, magau-k. To Enrich, tali'-war or -mand-k, tawangar-k, daulat- mand-k, ghani-k, muraffah-k, lal-k ; {to fer- tilize) zor-d, motana, taza-k, jaiyad-k. To Enrol, ism-nawisi-k, filirist-par likhna, nam- likhna. Enrolment, daftar, fihrist, ism-nawisi. To Ensanguine, ^un-aluda-k, pur-Wbun-k, ^un- chikan- &c. -k. To Enshrine, lapetna, ghilafi-k. Ensign, {flag) nishan, jhanda, bairak, 'alam ; {mark) 'alamat, pahchan, pata ; (o/^cer) jam'- dar. Ensign-bearer, nishan-bardar, 'alam-bardar. To Enslave, giriftar-k, asir-k, bandhu,a-k, kaid-ki ghulam-k. To Ensnare, phansna, phandna, pakrana, ghat-k; laga- or barha-lana. To Ensue, (n.) bona, parna, ana, a-jana, oaida-b, upajna, milna, waki'-h. Ensurance, {on goods) bima, awak, hundi-bhaf &. To Ensure, ka,im-k, thahrana, zimma k, binu- &c. -k. ... Ensurer, hundait, himda-bhara-wala, honfi'vUi. To Entail, {as a disease) bandhna, lagaoa. ENT ( 98 ) EQU To Entangle, phasana, pliandna, uljbana, lapet-r, atkana, gantbna, giriftar-k, pech dar pech-k, darham- barham-k, abtar-k, ghaltan-pechan-k, bhanwar-jal men-4, gberna ; {to puzzle) muztarib-k, ghab- rana. Entakglement, uljhera, phansa,o, atka,o, gatba,o. Entendre, {double) zu-ma*nain, tajnis, diwar-dipak ; {negative) mukri. To Entek, (n ) bbitar-ana or -jana, andar-ana or -janji, dakhil-b, paithna, gbusna, dhasna, garna, dhukna, ghusarna, cbubbna, lagna, bindhna, baithna, samana, paiiw-ronpna, dakhil-h, barpa-b, khara-h, byahna, hatb-d, dakhl-k; {to insert) siyaba-k, tankna; to set down in writing) mundarij-k, likbna, kalam-band-k ; {to engage in) dar ana, luudakbalat-k; {enter into partnershiij) sba- rakat-k. Enterprise, jokhim, muhimm, udyog. Enterprising, dil-chal, jokhimi, jbar-jhankhar, jan- baz, sher-mard, garar, mancbala, drirh, udyogi, jokbimi, man-chala. To Entertaik, {converse with) guftagu-k, jawab- sawal-k ; (a guest) mibmani-k, ziyafat-k, gbar- baitbana, tikana, ^ilana-pilana, asuda-r ; {to amuse) kliilana, khush-k ; {to keep in service, &c ) rakhna. Entertainer, mez-ban, mihman-dar, khush-gap. nautik. Entertainment, mibmani, mibman-dari, ziyafat, ta- vrazu', khana, bbojan ; {of servants, &c.) rakba,i, ligahdasht, bbarti ; {amusement) khel, did, dil- lagi, tafarruj, sawad ; {a marriage entertainment) gbadi. To Enthrall, halka ba-gosb-k, bandbu,a-k (v. en- slave) . To Enthrone, takht-par baithalnS, slnghasan-par baitbalna. Enthusiasm, raj'at, jazb, 'isbk, ta'assub, i'tikad, josh, ^arosb, garml, mad, sauda; {religious) nasha e dini ; {ectasy) wajd i manodweg. Enthusiast, muta'assib, majzub, ahl i raj'at, madi, matwala, sargarm, 'ashik. To Entice, war gb alanna, uljbana, lobbana or labbana, phusla-lejana, fareb-d, targhib-d, tahrls-k, muhana, barmana, jbansna, mubtila-k. Enticer, dil-fareb, dil-ruba, mohan, man-bari, manu- barl. Enticement, dil-farebi, dil-rnba,i, ighwa, talbis, manoharan, moh-cba,o, pbusla,o. Entire, tamam, kamil, pura, kulli, sara, samiicba, musallam, dar o bast, be-kam o kast, salim, sabih. Entirely, sar-a-sar, bi-1-kull, sar-ba-sar, ek-kalam, ek-lakht or ek-barf, sabhi, jbarant, bal-bal. Entireness, tamami, takmil, puranta, kulliyat, sala- mati. To Entitle, {to name) nam-d or -t ; {to confer a title) kbitab-d; {to give a right or claim to) zi-hakk-k, mustahakk-k, hakk-dar-k, sazawar-k. Entity, basti, ast, wajud, zat. To Entomb, garna, dafan-k, khak-dena. [roda). Entrails, antriyan, anten, rode (sing, antri, ant, Entrance {admission) dakhl, bar, rasa,i, pahuncb, paith, paisar, paithal, peshamad, munh, a,i ; {warrant for) 'amal-nama or -dastak ; {passage) rab, madkhal ; {commencement) ibtida, arambh, pravesh. To Entrance, ghashi men-d, miirchhit-k, be-khud-k. To BE Entranced, mQrcbbit-h, ghaahi men ana. To Entrap, phandna, pbansana, pakarna. To Entreat, iltijS-k, talab-k, nibedan-k, 'arz-k, chahna, gbighiyana. Entreaty, iltija, istid'a, lajijat, samajat, minnat, an, iltimas, guzarisb, nibedan, ardas. Entry, dakhila, paitb, dyorhi, dahllz, dwar. To Envelope, Enwrap, cbbipana, dbampna, lapetaa, topna, gbilafi-k, malfuf-k. To Envenom, zabr-aluda-k, zahr men bujhana. Enviable, kabil i rasbk, dab-jog, hasidana, hasad- pazir. Envied, mabsud; {envier) hasid, sabib-hasad. Envious, hasid, husud, dabi, ekalkbura, jaltawa,!, jaliya, jhalaba, bad-cbashm, shum-nazar, natawau- bin, dambhi, tokwaya. Enviously, basad-se, bad-cbashmi-se. To Environ, muhasara-k, ibata-k, gird-k, gberna, cbhenkna, gber-lena. Environs, gird-pesb, pairamun, gird-nawah, aspas, hawali, nawabi, jawar, atraf, sawad, cbabu-dis, pas- paros, daman, ghera. To Enumerate, ginna, ginana, shomar-k, tafsil-k, bayan-k, mufassal-kabna. Enumeration, ginti, shumar, hisab, ta'addud. To Enunciate, (v. to pronounce, also declaration). Envoy, wakil, dut, saflPir, elchi. Envy, hasad, dab, rasbk, ag, jalan, tok, khuj, dhambb, hasrat, gbins, jhal. To Envy, hasad- &c. -k, khujna, khiskhisana, jalna, tokna, khunsiyana, nesh-zani-k. Epaulette, jbabba, pbundua. Ephemera, bhurbburi, drinti-jar. Epicure, 'aiyasb, aubash, rasiya, rasik, tamasba-bin, petu, shikam-parwar, sbikam-banda, bbogi, cbator^, petpalu, sbikam-parast. Epidemic, Epidemical, 'alam-glr, da,ir o sa,ir, amni, jaban-gir, sarb-byapik, ghar-gbar. Epigram, latifa, jugat, nukta, jbulna, mukri, ruba'i. Epilepsy, mirgi, gar', apasmar. Epileptic, mirgiya, masru', apasmari. Episode, bat men, bat, kissa dar kissa. Epistle, kbatt, ruk'a-, cbithi, pati, nama, patri, mak- tub, sbukkd, marsala, kitabat, nawisbta, likha. Epistolary, khatti, maktubi; {epistolary cor- respondence) kbatt-kitabat, rusl o rusa,il, nama a payam, cbitbi-pati. Epitaph, kitaba, tarikh, kitaba e kabr, taritb i kabr. Epithalamium, sbadana-git, mangal, nabcbbu, sobag, jalwe ka git, mangalacha,i. Epithet, sifat, wasf, ta'rif, lakab, bisekh, Miitab. Epitome, ikbtisar. mukhtasar, sancbbepan, intikhab. To Epitomise, mantakhab- &c. -k, mukhtasar-k. Epoch, Epocha, san, tari^, daur, sambat, saka, sal, sinn sal. Equal, barabar, eksan, musawi, mukabil, ekbi, hamta, muwafik, mutasawi, mutabik, sar-ba-sar, ek-jor, -sam or -su, ham-sang or wazn or -tarazu or -shumar or kadar or -Jam or -pahlu or -kad or -safil, &c. ek- taul, ek-misl, tbik ; {adequate) kabil, la,ik ; (even) salim ; {in comp.) ham or sam or san. An Equal, bam-sar, mukabil ; {in age) ham-joli, ham-'umr ; {fellow) mumasil, dusra. To Equal, (a.) barabar- &c. -k, pabunchna, eksan- &c. -b, milna, pakarna, ek takkar ka-b. To Equalise, pasang-d, ek- or tbik- &c. -k. Equality, Equalness, barabari, samta, musawat, ham-sari, bam-cbasbmi, bam-'umri, tasawi, ha38ta,i, mukabilat, muwafikat, milap, ham-kadri. Equally, barabar, musawi, &c. (v. equal) . Equanimity, hamwari, sanjidagi, salabiyat, samti. Equation, i'tidal i hakiki, ta'dll. £QU ( W ) EST Eqtjatoe, kljatti istawi, maddhi niribrit, nftiiwilla, Dirikst) desh. Equerkt, haipat, mir-astabal, mir-ak^or, jilau-dar. Eqdestkian, ghore-sawar, shah-sawar, saw§r, kara- wal, ghur-sawar. [ham-palla. Equidistant, ham-fasila, mutas§wi,u-l-bu'd, ek- or Equilatkbal, mutasawj.u-l-azla', har janib barabar. Equiubsiuh, Equilibration, Equipoise, ta'dil, i'tidal, barabari, samta, ham-wazani or -tarazu,i. Equinoctial, mu'addilu-n-nah&r. Equinox, {the vernal) i'tidal i rabi'i, vishuw or vishu- pad ; [the autumnal) i'tidal i kharifi, hari-pad. To Equip, musallah-k, arasta-k, taiyar-k, saz o siraan-k, khara-k, sarbohar-k. Equipaqe, {furniture) asbab, saranjim, siz, samaj, kari-kanta, samagrihl, dera, pesh-^ana ; {re- tinue) kor, rikab, jilau. Equipment, taiyari, kamar-bandi, arastagi. Equitable, 'adil, munsif, dad-gar, sachcha, rast, mu- tadaiyin, rist-baz. [bSzi-se. Equitably, munsifina, insaf-se, rasti-se or rast Equity, insif, 'adl, nya,o, dad, 'adalat, hakk, rast- bazi (v. honesty). Equivalence, Equivalency, (v. equality) 'iwaz, badla. Equivalent, ham-^imat, ham-kadr, badal-barabar, 'iwaz, mutLabil, hara-badal, mubadila, mutasawi. Kquivocal, mubham, mazabzab, gol-pol, mutazalzal, pechida; {generation) ukhmaj. Equivocally, shubhe-se, laga,o- &c. -se. Equivocation, Equivocalness, ibham, tazabzub, tazalzul, laghzish, dubdha, pher, ghuina,o, ghol- ghuina,o, makar-chakkar, iliam, tajnls, dubdha,!, laga,o. To Equivocate, bat- or zaban-palatuii, laghzish- &c. -k, pher-j, gol-bolna or -likhna. Equivocator, julahe ki dharki. Era, tari^, san, sambat or samvat, saka or shaka. To Eradicate, ukharna, beWi-kani-k, istisal-k; {to end) mauk;uf-k, batil-k, utha-d. Eradicative, bekh-kan, ukharu, jala,u. To Erase, metna, chhil-d, hakk-k, l^ak-siyah-k, talaf-k, dha-d, mahu-k, mansukh-k, kat-d. Erasement, mita,o, nasl^, mismari, talaf, dha,o. Eraser, {knife) niharni, kazlak, hakkl. Erasure, kat-kut, chhil-chhal, kalam-khurdagi. Ere, {before) age, kabal, pahle, tak, lag, ton, ta,m. Ere lono, ck muddat men, there 'arse men, ko,i dam men. Ere now, ab-lag or -tak, is wakt-tak, kabal-az-in. Erewhile, is ke age, is-se-pahle, pesh az in. Erect, khara, istada, ^a,im, sldha, rast, sar o tar, sihi, nasib, musta^im, tadh ; (hold) mustakill, ni-dar, be-bak. To Erect, (a.) kha]r&-k, ^&,im-k, istada-k, nasb-k ; {to build) 'im&rat-k, banana ; (to exali) afraz- or faraz-k, boland-k, bafhana ; (to settle) ka,im-k, barpa-k. To BE Erected, (n.) kbaj-a-h, bar-pa- &c.-h, uthn&. Erection, istadagi, istihkam, 'imarat, ta'mir, uthan, utha,i, utha,0 ; {of the penis) tluthka,o, nu'uz, istadagi. Erkctnkss, sidlia,i, kha)-a,i, rasti, tadha,i. Ermine, kal^um ; {ermined) kakum-posh. To Krdde, (to corrode) katna, khana. To Err, chukna, ghalat-k, Ijliata- \c. -k. bhfllnft, bisarna; {in singing) awiiz-tiitii i . (to stray) bhatnknu, Kfit-bhOlna, E&kand, paigham, sandesa or sandesh, samacbir. Erband-boy, rawanna, har-kara. Errata, ghalat-nama, ashuddh-nama. Erratic, Errant, ramta, saiyara, sailani, dawandoi, sargardan, upam-basi. Erroneous, ghalat-go, asuddh or ashaddh, mithya. Erroneously, ghalati- &c. -se, ba-|^la.t, ^ata,aa, sahwan. Error, ghaltl, sahu, asudb, zalal, bhul, chuk, bhram, bisra,o, zalalat, tafawut. Erst, paihle, age, &c. (v. ere, formerly). Eructation, dakar, arogh, nbak, dhikar, udhkar, phuphkar. Erudition, 'ilm, jauhar, bidy&, fazl, fazilat, V^biliyat, gyan, pandita,i. Eruption, khuruj, ubhar, buWiar, chhajan, phulan ; {of smallpox) bahra,i, nikal, nikas, baramad; {of a volcano) dhadhak, phuphkar, fawwara, dam. Erysipelas, surkh-bada, bimb, humra. Escalade, kamand-andazi, kil'e ki diwar-par charha,o. Escape, gurez, firar, bacha,o, riha,i, makhlasi, najat. To Escape, bhagna, gurez-k, chhutna, nathna, jan^ tal-j, rahna ; (notice) ankh-bachaiia, chhipani or -churana ; (to miss) chukna, bhulna ; {to shun) bach-nikaina, bachna, mahffiz- or salamat- or bach-rahna, nikal-j, bach-parna, riha,i-&c.-pana. To Escheat, baitu-1-mal-h, la-waris parna. Escheats, la-waris mahal, baitu-1-mali, galatans. Escort, badraka, kafila-kash, bahar-ka£h. To Escort, muhafazat-k, badraka-j, bahar-kashi-k. Escritoire, kaJam-dani, sandukcha. Esculent, (v. edible, ^c, herbs) bhaji, tarkari, sag-pat. Especially, lAusus, ]^ususan, 'ala-l-]Ausus, parant, udhban, adbadake, khass, makhsus. Esplanade, kil'e- or kil'a ka-maidan or -sa,ir. Espousals, byah, nikah, shadi, gath-bandhan. To Espouse, (to wed) byah- &c. -k; (a quarrd) lena ; (to defend] pushti-k, sambhalna. To Espy, datna, takna, dekhna; (to toateh) chauki-d. Esquire, bahadur, singh, ra,e (vulg. roy),ji, sahib, mahashay. Essay {attempt) kasd; {trial) azma,ish-, — — {endeavour) sa'i, koshish ; {of metals) kas, ta,o» 'ayar ; (treatise) risala. To Essay, azraana, kasna, kasd-k, parakbna, 4^kbik&, dekhna ; (metals) ta,ona, 'ayar-k. Essence, jauhar, zat, mahiyat, 'ain, nafs, wajud, j&t, wajili, maya« asl, mul, sat, Mr, barhm, sar, darb, jan, sadniij, ras, raskas, 'ark ; (perfume) phulil or phulel, cho,a, 'atr; (of a composition, &c.) khulasa, khulas. zubda, sararth. Essential, (adj.) zati, jauhar!, 'aini, bara, bbari, asU, jibilli ; (necessary) zarur ; {pure) Hi&Jis. khulasa, hir. Essential, (sub, v. essence, nature, &c.) ; {th« essentials for any thing) zaruriyat. Essentially, bi-zati-hi, aslatan, zaruratan. To Establish, ka,im-k, khara-k, banana, thahrani, karna, badna, bandhna, thik-k, sijil-k, jamkana, baithalua, jamana, rompna, nusb-k, lagana. Established, ka,im, mazbfit, pa.edar, ustuwar, mos" tahkam, mukarrar, mu'aiyan, ba-hal, bar-pa : — (atstom) dasturu-l-'amal. Estabushsr, mustahkim. nasib. wuzi', baai, lo- ' panbar. EST ( 95 ) EVI EwABtrsHMENT, thahra,o, kiyam, pa,edari, ustuwari, bandhan ; {regulation) band o bast, intizam ; (income) saliyana, yaft ; (fixed state) ta'aiyun, takarrur, tasbakhkhus ; (foundation) buniyad ; (religions) muta'aiyana, idrar, mu'ai- yana, birt, upraunt, mukarrari, mazbuti, bar-karari, ka,imi, raha,i. ElsTATE, (possession) mal (pi. amwal), milk (pi. amlak), dban, sampat, daulat, darb ; (a hereditary estate) miras ; (a landed estate) zamin-dari, sukna, chak, bhum, gaunwa,i, mahlul ; (an estate given as a pension) ja,e-gir or -dad, a,imma or a,ima. Esteem, (regard) piyar, tapak, chah ; (estima- tion) i'timad, kadr, wazn ; (consequence) man, i'jaz, jas, bojh-bhar ; [respect) hurmat, 'izzat. To Esteem, (to regard) chahna, muhabbat- &c. -r, 'aziz-janna; (to imagine) janna, ginna, rakhna, Estimable, Esteemed, 'aziz, mu'azzaz, muhtaram, pyara, marghub, nek, nek-bakht, jas-want. Estimate, (v. calculation) kut, kan, dana-bandi, kan- kut, hast-o-bud, kanha,i, takdama, najjar-andazi, To Estimate, atkalna, ankna, takhmina-k. kutna, tiirna, nazar, andaz-k. Estijiation, andaza, shumar, lekba, ank, tashkhis, 'aid, janiba ; (opinion) fahmid, samajh, khiyal, nazar ; (in their estimation) un ke nazar men. Estimator, atkal-baz, kaniya, tar-baz, badak, gauro. To Estrange, begana-k, uthana, phirana, harkana, khich-lena, chit-torana. Estranged, khun-safed, mutaghaiyar, begana. To be Estranged, uchit-rahna, begana-h-j. Estrangement, beganagi, tanaffur, sneb-niTritti. Et cetera, waghaira, ghair-zalik, falana falana, amka-dharaka, aur-sab, ityadik, adik, ma-wara. Eternal, abadi, da,im, ka'im, la-yazal, nit, sada, jam- jam, sarmad,anad, an-ant, chiranji, abinasi, makhal- lad, abadu-1-abad, azali ; (6^m)sa'adat, da,imi ; (punishment) 'azab i abadi ; (the Eternal) kaiyum, kadir i la yazal. Eternally, hamesha, sada, madam, da,iman, nit-nit, shab roz, ta abadu-1-abad. Eternity, dawam, abad, bameshagi, mudawamat, khulud, kadamat, kidm, baka, azal, nitta, 'akibat. To Eternize or Immortalize, ka,im- &c. -k. Etiier, akas, antariksh, hawa or hawat. Ethereal, asmani, samawi, hawa,i. Ethics, 'ilm i akhlak, pand- or nasihat-nama, gita, nlti-vidya. Btiquette, adab, adab, takalluf, mudarat. Etymology, (of words) ishtikak, wajhi-tasmiya, sbabd- sadban ; (derivation) tashakkak ; (in grammar) sarf, tasrif, gardan. An Evacuant, mus,hil, julab, jhar. To E VAC DATE, (to empty) l chukna, kbapna, nibarna, katna. ExPENDEB, mutasarrif, mabazzil, fuzul-kharch. Expbhditube, Expense, khaij (pi. a^rajat), gar{^ masraf, uthan, bazl, khapa,o, lagat, khapat; kbaeit, katat, dam, bar-dasht, uchapat, baiyQtat, ^ar<£i ; (cost) mol, kimat, baha. Expensive, (costly) Vimati, garaii-baha, mahngi ; (extravagant) mnsrif, a]ra,u, mubazgir, Iata,u, Banging garafi, dami, zcrbar. ExPBBBiTBLT, ^^j- &c -86 (t. expenditure^ n- pmse). ExPRHsiTBHBss, garaoi, fd^ul-^^i, ziyada-^arjl, i^r&f. ExFBBiBRCB, tajriba, imtihan, azm&,isb, &zmCida-karl, tajriba-kari, wa^f-karl, kar-danl. To Experience, kasna, imtihan-k, azmuda-len&, pa> rakhn&; (suffer) pana, khainchna, khana ; (to find) dekhna, pana. Experienced, Expert, azmuda-kar, tajriba-kar, kir- dan, wa^if- or bani-kar, kar-azmuda or -pardaz ; (in affairs of the world) jahan-dida Experiment, imtihaD, tajriba, azma,iEh, parakh. Experimentally, imtihan- &c. -Be. Experimenter, Experimental, imti^ani, parichhk. Expert, cbalak, chost, phurtila, khabar-dar, cbatr&, chaokas, wakif'kar, mahir, pakka, pnkhta. syana, Bali^-shi'ar. Expertly, hoshiyari- &o.- -ee, chatar&,i-Be, &c. ExPEBTNEss,hosbiyari, Ml&bar-dar!, wa^-k&ri, mafaft- rat, chatara,!, chauksa,!, dast-kari. ExPiABLE, kafara-pazir, chhai-jog. To Expiate, kafara- &o. -d, mi^i, dhona, lrafrl^ ^, cbl}ai-k, Vw»Tif<-k. tnlrisli-k, ghota- or khoj- or ^M' ai&ra&, ku,« uieit baiis-^' EXP ( 99 ) EXT Explosion, dhamak, tasadam, dhai'a.kS,, &w3lz, dh^n- dhaii, bharaka, jhajaka, karak, ufa,o, phuphkar, bhak. Explosive, n;:M« &«• ptuphkari. Export, irsaJ, marsula (pi. marsulat), raftani. Id Export, ladna, bharti-k, nikasl-k, lejana, bhejna, bharna. To be Exported, ladna, bharti-h. Exports, Exportation, nikasi, bharti, raftani, bara- mad. To Expose, (publish) sha,i'-k, ^sb-k, ashkara-k,barma- la-k, izhar-k, ifsha-k,parda-dari-kj prakash-k; (to cast out) dalna, chhorna ; {to put in danger) kharke-men-d, Wiatre-men-d ; {to lay open) kliolna, ugharna; {to make contemptible) bad- nam-k, ruswa-k, faziliat-k, dikhana ; {to throw) jhonkna, phenkna; hulna, letarna, pachharna. Exposition, Expositor, ma'ni-numa or -pardaz, arthik. To ExposTDLATE, guffc shinld-k, hujjat-k, dukhake bolna, kaha-kahi-k. Expostulation, guft o shinid, radd-badal, takrar, jawab-sawal, kaha-kahj, jadd o kadd, chun-chara, kun-kan ; {charge) gila, shikwa, shikayat, ulahna, hujjat, naktora, earzanish, ah o zari. Expostulator, shikwa-mand, gila-guzar, shaki. Exposure, (disclosure) izhar, ifsha, parda-dari, tashhir, dikliawat, dikha,o, ughra,o, jhonka,o. To Expound, bayan- &c. -k, bujhana, samjhana. Expounder, bayan-karne-wala, sharih, mutajjim. Express, (adj, apparent) ashkara, saf, khula; (particular) natik; {an express order) l^ukm i natik. Express, (messenger) pa,ek, paik, dauraha, sandni- sawar; (to go, come, &c.) ilgharon, ilghar, daur- a-daur, bh&ga-bhag, bagtor, sbab a shab, rate-rat, 'raton-rat, mara-mar, hanka-hank, with the verbs ana or j ana; (message) paigham, sandesa. To Express, dalalat-k, pata-d, nishan-d, batlana, zahir-k, ucharna, daJ-k; (to utter) ada-k, gikr-k ; (to squeeze out) nichoy-lena, nikalna, pelna. Expressed, mazkur, malfuz, bariz, jsahir; (juice) 'usara, nichor, afshurda. Expressible, ucharan-jog, ada-pa^ir, kabil i bayan, nichoyne-jog. Expression, talaflfiiz, bat, su^an, kalima, kanl, ada, uchar or uchchar, nutk, bol, boli, bachan, shabd, harf ; (squeezing) nichof , pela,o, pela,i. Expressive, dal, sadras, sancha, bolta, chetaunS, matin, ma'ni-numa, pur-matlab ; (as a coun- tenance) namkin, mal^, salona, 6a,onla-salon5. Expressiveness, matanat ; (of features) nam- klni, malahat. Expressly, takid-se, takaiyud-se, takidan, sarihas* I^asdan, adbadake, be laga,o, ek-dam. Expulsion, iMiraj, daf , tyagta, jhara,o, nikal, be- da kl^ i. randagi. Expulsive, tyagik, dafi', musta^rij, mutadafi'. To Expunge, chbilna, mitana, katna, kalam-marna, hakk-k, mahiw-k. Exquisite, bihtar, achchha, pakiza, nafis, nadir, kamil ; (extreme) ziyad, shadid. Exquisitely, nafasat- &c. kamaliyat-se, shiddat-se. -se ; (extremely) ExQuisiTENEss, nafasat, latafat, tuljiagi, pSklzagi, ziyadati, shiddat. Extant, baki, maujud, bartaman. ExTATic, (ecstatic) sar-^ush, vajdana, magan, ba^- bagl^. Extemporary, Extbmporal, eka-ek, fi-l-faur, faura3\ fi-1-badiha, na-gahani, yQiihi or yunhin, be-pryaa, be-sa^ta, be-ta,ainmii]. To SPEAK Extempoeaby, fi-1-badiha kahna, be- ta,ammul bolna. To Extend, (a.) bichhana, pahunchanS; (to stretch out) pasarna, lambanS; (to stretch) khinchna, tanna ; (to expand) kashada-k. baxhana, ziyada-k; (to lengthen) lamba-k, mumtadd-k; (to extend one's thoughts, &c.) daurana, chalana ; (v. n. to reach) pahunchna, jana. Extension, Extensiveness, Extent, phaill,o, ku- shadagi, pahna,i, farakhi, darazi, tul, lamba,i, bistar, imtidM, madd, tatwil, chauxa,i, pasar, pasra,o. Extensive, Extended, kushada, pahna-var, chaufS- chakia, lamba, bara, 'arlj, tawil j (capacioxis) lakdak, bistarl, phaila,u, mumtadd, mokla. Extendible, phailane- &o. -jog, pasranhar, &o. was'at-pazir. To Extenuate {}essen) kam-k, mu^affaf-k, ta^fif- k ; (to rarify) patla-k, rakij^-k. Extenuation, ghata,o, ghatti, kamti, ta!^, nyiinata. Exterior, bahiri, beruni, ^ariji ; (exterior causes) asbab i ki^ ariji. To Exterminate, ukharna, utha-d, mita-d or -d, nist-nabud-k, nikal-d or 4-, istisal-k, nir-miil-k, be- be^ buniyad-k, uparna, jay-katna, raf-k, daf-k. Extermination, ukhaf-pachhar, mita,o, istisal, be^- kani, be-buniyadi, upar, ukhra,o. Exterminator, be^-kan, ukhajrii, jaf-kafQ, sattya- nasik, nirmull. External, suri, zahiri, pritichh orpratyaksIi,pragat} (an external object) mahsug, fi-1-kl^arij ; (external appearance) surat i zahiri. Externally, zahiran, sQratan, zahir-men. Extinct, tamam, aliir, munkati', ma'dum, mau^uf, nest, muntahi, ^a,ib, gum, tahlll, binasi, %:at' nasi, galit ; (to be) mar-bilana, mar-pachna, gal-J, uth-jana, nest-h. Extinction, Extinquishmbnt, a^irat, inljita', ant, nas, binafi, 'adam, fana; (of fire, &c.) bujha,o, itfa. To Extinguish, bujhana, fhan^a-k, gul-k, muntafl- k, khamosh-k. barhana, butana, pachana, mirna, faro-k, dabana, mitana ; (forget) bholana ; (to destroy) utha-d, mau^uf-k. Extinguisher, gul-gir, gul-tarash, mutti or mutafil. To Extirpate, nkhafna, utha-d or -^, khod-bahana, jar-khodna, bekh-kani-k. Extirpation, istisal, bel^-kani, jaf-kata,o. Extirpator, beHj-kan, nkhafu, jar-katu. To Extol, sarahna, ta'rif-k, sana-k, tausif-k, hamd- k, sita,i8h-k, khush-nam-k, astut-k, bakhan-k, bar- hana. Extollsd, sitilda, mausuf, mahmud. Extollbe, maddah, sana-khvan. madih, wassaf. To Extort, nichor- or khinch- or chhin- or ainth- lena, chus-lena, le-lena, ziyadati- &c. -k. Extortion, nichor, khinch, dast-darazi. sa^t-girl, ziyada-talabi, ziyadati, ^abn, lut, ghadar, ghasb, andher, taghallubi. Extortioner, Extorter, zalim, dast-daraz, sa^t- gir, be-iman, sitam-gar, jabir, ghaddar, nichoj-u. Extract, khulasa, hir, chida, maghz. guda, bij, nabh, kat, istimbat; (abstract) munta^ab, sararth. To Extract, khinchna, istikl^raj-k, ukhharna, nikalni, nichorna ; (to abstract) chhantna, chunna, intii- Uiab-k. H 2 JBXT CxTRAOTiON, khich&,o, isti^aj, ishtii:5fe niksar, ukhfil,o; {race, family) kul, nizhad, jataya, bekib-buniyad ; {noble) asalat, najabat, kulint&; {Uncage, origin) asl, zat, jins, bans. ExTBANEOus, begana, ajnabi, upari, paraya, bahari; {superfiuom) ziyida, be-'ilaka, be-laga,o. ExTEAOEDiNARiLT, 'ajib-tarah-sc, anutlu-tarah-se. ExTEAOHDiNART, auutha, ubidha, nirala, acbambha, zor, 'ajib, la-sani, nadir, tamasha. EXTEAVAQANqE, EXTRAVAOANCT, EXTEAVAOANTNESB, ziyadati, adhika,i, fuzuli, be-andazagl, fuzul- kharji, israf, zar-pashi, war-kharchi, mad-galit, bit- bahari, ghulu, mubaligha; {violence) ishtidad, ghalba, walwala, bal. Extravagant, {prodigal) fuzul-Wiarj, tira,u, ganj- bakhsh, shah-kharch, -war-kharch, bit-bahara, chaur- chaupaj; {profligate, wild) bad-waz', bad-tarik, ghall ; {immoderate) fuzul, ghair-wajibi, be- mau^a*, be-ja. Extra VAOANTI.T, fuzuli-se, fuzul-kharj!-se, mosri^lna. Extra V ABATED, {to be) jam -j ana, utarna. Extravasation, jama,o, utar, salsalahat. Extreme, {last) aWiiri; {great) bara, ziyada, bahut, shadid, ashadd, atamm, ati-ant, be-thikana. Extremely, nihayat, ba-shiddat, be-hadd, nipat, ba- darja i atamm. Extremity, {extreme end) akhir, akhirat. anjam, tamami, intiha, nihayat, hadd, payan, ant, chbor, nok, kinara, sar-hadd, akhiri. naubat, saket ; [to be in) kafiya tang-h, nak men dam-a; {to rome to) bat-barhna; {distress) na-chari, be- makduri, 'ajizl, tangi; {reduced to extremity) ni-char, be-makdur, 'ajiz To Exteicate, chhurana, azad-k, khalas-k. rUi&-k, suljhana, nikalua, bachana, kholna. Extrinsic, Extrinsical, zahiri, suri, 'ari^i. ExTRiNSiOALLY, zahira or zahiran, srratan. Exuberance, hashu, fuzuli, ifrat, kasrat, adhika,!, •arsa,!, bafhti, lab-rezi, firawani. Exuberant, ziyada, kasir, adhik, saras, babut, firft- wan mulabbab, ft,iz, lab-rez, be-haya. Exuberantly, ziyadati- &c. se, ba-kasrat, ifrat-se. Exudation, risa,o, pasyo, pasijna, pasina. To Exude, risna, nikalna, rasiyana, salsalana, pasijna. To Exuloerate, katna, gha,o-k, jalana, khana. To Exult, hnlasna, bilasna, bihasna, rahasna, phul- jSna, magan-h, khush-h, malizuz-h, mumbasit-h, kushada-ru-h, phulon na sainana, khush-hal- or ^ush-waVt-h. Exultation, hulas, bilas, khusbi. bashashat, imbisat, amang. Exuti A, kencbliyan (sing, kenchl! or kenchul) . Eye, ankh, chashm, dida, nain, chakb, netr, 'ain, nayan, katadi, lochan, drig ; {of roots) ankh ; ■ {of the wind) munh; {loop) mundhi; u-^- {diseases of) nakhuna, panS,a; {sight) litb, nigab, drisht, tabassur ; {regard) lihaz, kifat; {of a needle) naka; {loop or catch) tnkma; {in the twinkling of an eye I shaU reliirv) ck palak-men pbir awenge, or turfatu-l-'ain men phir iwenge. To Eye, dekhna, datna, nigah-k, nazar-k, lihaz-k. Eye-ball, dliela, dherhan, dela, had^a, putli, mar- dumak, niardum i chashm. Eye-hrow, abri'i, bhaun, bhirkuti, bhrClr ; {having the eye-brows joined) paiwasta-abrQ ; (having thejn distant) kushada-abrO. Eye-lash, barni, mizha (pi. mizhgan) papni, palak, baroni; {disease of) bamani. Ets-lkm, nir-ankhi, be-chashm, na-blnt. ( 100 ) FAC Eye-let, rand, chhed, eilra^ raushan-diu, ^iua, konda. Eye-lid, papota, parda-i-chashm. ["abdu-l-'ain. Eye-servant, ankh-chora, kam-chor, 'abd i 'ain or Eye-sioht, bina,i, jot, nur i chashm, nur i dida. £ye-80EE, ankh ka kanta, ankh ka khar, khonch. To BE AN Eye-soee, ankh men khatakna. Eye-witness, sakhi, shahid, gawah ; {I was an eye-mtness, or saw with my own eyes) ba chashm i ^ud dekha hai or apni hln ankhon-se dekha hai. Fable, {story) kissa, l^kayat, na^, kah&ni, kath&, dastan, afsana. To Fable, nakl- &c. -k or -b, ^ssa- &c. -kahn&. jf ablee. Fabulist, nakil. haki, ^ssa-go. Fabric, 'imarat, makan, ghar, haweli. Fabeication, banawat, ta'mir, sa^t, karni, krit To Fabeicate, Fabeic, banana, uthana, ta'mir-k, bandhna, jorna. [mukhtara*. Fabulous, wahmi, jhutha, banaya-hu,a, sa^ta, Face, {visage) munh, mnkhra, mukh, chibra, rukh, ru, anan, laka, kiyafa, rukhgar, 'uzar, 'ariz, asi,a,badaQ ; {appearance) surat, paikar, manzar ; {front) agwara, aga, pesh; {assurance) shokhi ; {fhe face of the earth) ru,e zamiu, sath 1 zamin ; {before his face) uske ru-ba-ru, uske samne, uske munh par, uske huzur ; (face to face) ru- ba-ru, bi-l-mawajaha, munha-munn, char-chashm, &mne-samne. To Face, {turn about) munh-pherna; {to front) dii-ba-du kana, baizana, daroghana, muhassilana. To Fee, ajura- &c. -d; {to bribe) rishwat-&c -d. Feeble, na-tawan, na-kuwwat, kam-zor, nir-bal, a« tatha, nakih, 'ajiz, sust, manda, kahila, be-tab or -takat, ?a'if. Feebleness, na-taw5ni, ^u'f, susti, mandagl. Feebly, natawani- &c. -se, zu'f-se, ajizana. Feed, nahari. dana, kbanii. hbojan. FEE ( 106 ) FER To Feed, khilana, khana, namak-d, jiwana, khilanS- pilana ; {horses, &c.) dana-d, -d or -charhana ; {birds) tamba-d (prop, tu'ma) ; {to graze) charana, chugana ; {to nourish) palna, posna ; {to feed with hopes) laire-lagana, ummedwar-k ; {to eat) khana; {as cattle) charna, chugna; {to live on) guzran-k; {togrowfa() palna, motana. Feeder, khilane-vala, khilawanhar, charwaha, razik ; {eater) khnrinda, khane-"wala; — — (in comp.) khor ; (a nice feeder) khush-khor. khush-khorak ; {a gross feeder) ghaliz-l^hor, aghori. Fee-farm, zamin-dari. Feel, lams, masas, mass, hiss (v. the verbs /e«Z, touch). To Feel, {to touch) chhuna, lams- or mass-k, masas-k, mahsus-h ; {to bear) khana, uthana, khainchna, bharna, pasijna, ana, hona, bujhna; {pain) dard-k, dukhna; {to grope) tatolua, tona, tipna; {to seem, &c.) lagna, jan-parna, ma'lum- h ; {to try) azmana, imtihan-k ; {to per- ceive) ma'lum-k, khiyal-k, kiyas-k, daryaft-k, jinna, samajhna, bujhna ; {to fed the pulse) nabz- dekhna ; (to feel for others) dil-sozi-k, ^am- khyari-k. dard-k, rikkat-k. Feeler, muchh, bal, lamis. Feeling, adj. (compassionate) dil-soz, dard-angez Feeling, (sub.) lamisa, chhu,a,i, to,a,i ; {compas- sion) rikkat, dil-sozi ; {perception) l^iyal, fahm, bujh ; {the sense of feeling) kuwwat i lamisa, hath-ras. Feelingly, rikkat- &c. -se (v, powerfully) . Feet, pair, panw, pa {y.foot). Feetless, be-pair, be-pS, To Feign, {to invent) bandhna, banana, jorna ; (to make shew of) dikhlana, izhar-k, hila-k, bcihana- k : in Arabic there is a particular derivative form of the verb (bab i tafa'ul) to express the feigning of whatever the primary signifies ; thus, jahl, bei7ig ignorant; tajahul, feigning ignorance; maraz, being tick, tamaruz, feigning sichtess: these, and many others are compounded with karna ; thus, taghaful- k, to feign neglect. Feiqnedlt, bahana-se or bahane-se, banawat-se. Feigner, hila-baz, muzawwir, dagha-baz. Feint, bahana, hlla, dhokha, bhulawa, duchawa, mughalata, siyaha, dekhawa, bhagal, tajawuz. To Facilitate, hulsana, ^ush-k, bilsana, and the other causals under the verb to rejoice ; {to con- gratulate) mubaraki or mubarak-bad-d or -kahna. Felicity, khushl. khurrami, aram, sukh, chain, sh&d- ani, farhat. Feline, gurba-Wvo, billi-sa or billi-ka-sa. Fell, {cruel) sang-dil, khun-khwar. zalim, be-daregh. kattar, sakht, khuni. kafir, jallad, chandal. To Fell, mama, kat-d, kat-girana, girana, gira-d, mar-girana, baithalna. Feller, {of wood) tabar-ddr (vulg. tabaldar) ; (in comp.) bur, ka^h. Fellness, sang-dili, be-ralml, be-murawwati, be- dareghi, zulm. Felloe, mendra, puthi, chakkar ka gher. Fellow, {peer, companion) ham-chashm, ham-joli, ham-jamb, rafik, sathi ; {match, equal) jora, dusra, jofi, bha,i, baradar, go,iya, palla, jot, barabar, jawab, sani, nazir, 'aziz, yar, 'ashik, agla, pawa,i, sipahi, miyan, admi; {a wight) ghar-basa, Kbana-abad or -kharab. ghar-gaya ; {speaking with contempt) luchcha, shuhda, lukka, lukandra, haram-zada, gadha, bai' ; (a jine fellow) i^a^sa-yar ; {a horse, man, &c.) ghazi-mard ; (a joUy fellow) 'aiyash, yar-bash : fellow, in composition, is expressed in Persian phrases by ham prefixed, as fellow-creature, ham-l^ilkat, hain- khalk ; fellow-student, ham-dars ; fellow -sufjW cry ham-dard, ham-azar, ham-safir or -awaz; fdlow- feeling, ham-sozi or gharai; fellow-artist, ham- pesha or -khidmat ; fellow -lodger, ham-khuna ; fellow-traveller, ham-r5,h ; fellow-believer, ham- mazhab, -mashrab, -a,in or tarik : the Hindus, in like manner, form similar compounds by means of the Sanskrit prefix sa, as sa-nagari, a fellow -citizen ; sa-sala or sa-shala, a fellow-student. Fellowship, {equality) ham-sari, ham-jambi,bhaiwad, sajha,i ; {society, &c.; uns, unsat, muwafakat, mel, ikhtilat, sharakat, ishtirak ; {good fellow- ship) yarbashi, 'aish-'ashrat. Fklo de se, pet- or ji- or chhuri-mar, maskat, atam- gha i or atma-ghati, katili nafs. Felon, gunah-gar, mujrim, maha-papi ; (a whit- low) chhilauri. Pklonious, zabun, bad, sharir, fasid, jurmi, pur-sharr, dusht, durachar. Feloniously, shararatan, fasidana, maha-pap-se. Felony, gun§,h i kabira, gunah i 'azim, maha-pap, maha-dosh. Felt, {cloth) namad ; {skin) jild, post, chamra bakraute ka. To Felt, jamani, baithalnS. Female, mada, madina, madin (whence, perhap* madiyan, a mare), nisa, which is much used in tlie formation of female names ; thus, Zebu-n-nisa, the ornament of the sex, was the name of Aurang Zeb's eldest daughter, a lady equally famous (in the East) as a poet, a beauty, and a wit ; (adj.) zanana; istri, mihraru, triya, zan ; {the female sex) 'alam i nisa, masturat, istri-barg, mihraru-jat ; (a fe- male face) mada-ru, zanani-surat ; {female craft) triya-bed, properly stri-veda ; {rhymes) murass'a. Feme covert, ghami, ahiyatl, sohagan, shauhar-dar, Feminine, mihra, begami, 'aurat-numa ; {in gram.) mu,annas, istiri, stri-ling ; {a feminine noun) ism i mu,annas, ; {the feminine gender) tanis, istri-ling. Femoral, janghi, rani. Fen, daldal, jhabar, pank or pank, dhasan, maru. Fence, {defence) himayat, muhafazat, ar, ot, bacha,o ; {enclosure) ihata, t'^tti, parda, char-diwari, kainchi, khan dak, sadd, panah, asra, jhang, ghera. To Fence, ihata- &c. -banana, sadd- &c. -bandhna or -gherna, tatti-daurana ; (to guard) bachana, himayat-k ; (to fortify) band-k ; {ipith foils, &c.) lakri-phenkna, patta-jharna ; {to guard against) bacha,o-k, lihaz-r. Fenced, (defended) mahfuz, kaid, masdud, band. Fenceless, be-kaid, be-parda, khula, waz, fard. Fencer, Fencing-master, lakri-baz, patait, banait, phenkait, mall, ustad. Fencing, {inclosing) ihata-bandi; {use of the foil, &c) lakri-bazi, hatyar'-bazi ; a position or motion in) chhut. Fencing-school, akhara, kawa'id-gah. To Fend, talna, katna, rokna, arna, otni. Fender, bacha,u, ar, mendra. Fennel, saunf, raziyiina, so,a, shibt. Fenugreek, methi, shambulid, hulba or hulbat. Feodal, {land) ia,gir, madad-ma'ash, Biyur|^al, zamin- dari. Ferine, wahshi, bharkel, darinda or daranda. Ferment, mawa, khamir, maya ; {tumuU) balwg, hangama, fitna. rtR ( 106 ) HE To Ferment, (n.) ubaln&, uthna,josh-khana or -uthna, pakna, sijhna ; (to leaven) khamir-uthna, phulna; (a.^ ubalna, uthana, josh-d, H^amir-k or -uth&na, pasaDa, sijh3.na, auntana. Febmentable, khamir-pajir, aunta,u. Febmentation, josh, ubal, khamir, aunta,o, aant§,i. Fermentative, mukhammir. khamlr-saz Fermented, muHtiammar; {fermented bread) khamiri roti. Ferocious, wahshi, darinda, shikari, khun-khwar. khfin- asham, karakht. be-rahm, be-dard, zalim, kattar, darinda-kho, sab', nir-mohi, kathor, krur. Ferocity, wahshat, darindagl, khun-khvari. sang-dill, karakhti, sakhti. be-rahmi, be-dardi, zulm. Feebet, newal, rasu; {to ferret) nikal-lena. Ferriage, utara,i (contracted tara,i), ma'barSna. Ferrule, chhala, kari, chura, sam, hura, hal]^ ; {of a scabbard) kotbi, tahnal or tahna'l. Ferrt, guzara, ma'bar, ghat, utara, guzar. To Ferry, (a.) par-utarna, pailiwa-pahunchSna, p&r- k or -lejana, parhi-d; (n.) par-utarna, 'ubur-k. Ferry-boat, guzare ki na,o. Ferby-man, mallah, naiya, patni, gh&t-m&njhi. Fertile, zar-^ez, zar-rez, ser-hasil, jaiyid, hUsila, pur, ma'mur, bhara, upjanhar, tar o taza, sar-sabz, mota, barkati, paida,ishi, mahsuli, ganja,ishl, taiyif, faiz-rasan, mutabarrak, sa£gar, apj§k,Uf Jalla. Fertileness, Fertility, zar-^ezi, zar-rezit ma'- murl, tar o tazagi, barkat, sasgarta. To Fertilize, jaiyid-k, ^uwvat- or zor-d, mo(&ii&, mazbut-k, pur-zor-k. Fervency, Fbevour, shau^. hararat, chaniip, dilHBozi, dil-garmi, Joshisb, sar-garmi, dil-dihi. Fervent or Fervid, garm, dil-soz, dil-garm, sar- garm. Fervently, sar-garmi- &c. Hse, garm-joBhi-se. Fervour, &g, agan, jalan, jo,&l& or jwala, sha'alft, jigar- sozi, jan-sozi, soz, umang. Ferula, dawal, chhaj i : the Oriental ferula is generally a cane or rattan. [pakaua, 5arha-k. To Febtbe, pakna, l^arha-h ; (to came fester) Festival, {feast) 'id, tyohar,parab,jag, holi,phagwa, nih&n, ba^:S.-din : 'idu-l-fitr is the grand festival on the first of the month Shawal, which follows the fast of Ramazan ; bakra-'id or Idu-l-ajha, the feast in commemoration of the sacrifice which Abraham in- tended to make of his son Isaac, or, according to the Masalmans, Ishma,il. Festival, Festive, Idi, ^i^sh, mahzuz, ^urram, ^ush-hU, masrur, bash&sh. Festivity, shadi, l^ushi, jashn, 'aish-'ashrat, khush- Ijali, surdr, bashashat, ahlad, anand, dhamar. Festoon, gulkari, bel-buta, h&r ; {nuptial) band- naw&r. Fetch,' pech, bahilna, Ijila, fitrat, makr, fann, fareb, dhokha, lape(, jhukl, hirkl. To Fetch, le-an^ or Ian&, le-kar-ana, pahanchana : (to bririff out) nikalna, namud-k; (to restore) bahal-k ; {ta perform) karna, lena ; (to fetch a turn) phera-k, chakkar-khana ; (to fetch a sigh) ah-marna or -kliinchna ; (to fetch a leap) jast-k or -bharnS; {to fetch breath) dam- lena; — r- (to reach) pahunclina, jana; (to produce) khara-h, uthna, utha-lana, nikal- or karli- lana, mar-giriina; (to hit) marna, lagana ; (to draw) khainchua, bnarna ; {it will fetch about six rupees in the market) is ko rupa,e chha ek bazar men utheugo or kharo howengo. Fetoueb, lawanh&r, arinda or arauda, lane-wal& Fettd, ganda, ubsa, muta'affin, gandhil&. To BE Fetid, ubasna, bad-bo-k, muta'affln-h. FETIDNE88, 'ufunat, ta'aflPiin, Bar5,end, bad-bu,i. Fetlock, babri ka bal, takl^ne ka bid. Fetter, beri, paikara, pawa,i, sankar, bcriyan, pai- kajre, pa,e-band; {of birds), &c.) pa,eza. To Fetter, paikaj*e-bharna, ^aid-k, pa-band-k ; • {a camel) zanu-band-k. Fettered, pa-ba-zanjir ; {figurat.) majbur. To Fettle, tatolna, otna, tum-tam-karna. Fetus, bachcha, janin, muzgha, 'alka, pntla, sancha. Feud, jhagra, jhanjhat, bakhera, \2iZ\yBi, ^arl^asha, fasad, khana-jangi. Fever, tab (vulg. tap or tap), jar, hararat, bukhar, humma, jara, larza, harjar, bhurbhuri ; (a hectic fever) itap i dikk, chhai-rog. Feverish, Feverous, garm, tap-girifta, sozan. Few, there, chand, ma'dud, kalil, andak, thofa-ek, do-char, do-ek, muta'addid, birle, ginti-ke, bir^e, kam, kuchhto, ko,i to; {in few words) al-^ssa, ^araz or al-gharaz, aur kya, bat yuii hai; (few people) thore log, chand-ashkhas. Fewel, {v. fuel) indhan, jalawan, hima. Fewness, kami, kamti, killat, ghata ghatti. Fib, jhuth, lappa,!, gap, shap, chutkula. To Fib, jhuth-muth-k, daro^- or durogh-kahna. Fibber, lapati, gappi, lalja, labfa, labbar, labargj^ta, labl^ ^o^-go. Fibbe, resha, jhothra, san, sut, khujhra, tar, nas. Fibbous, resha- dar, jhothrila, sanaila, ragila, nasdar; {root) da^rhi, jata, jhaunda. Fickle, ochh&, mutaJawwin-mizaj, buJ-hawas, har- dam-khiyaU subuk-mizaj, chanchal, be-kal, be-chain, na-pa,edkr, be-thikana, sust-paiman, sabok-pa; {inconstant) be-wafa, be-karar. [mizaji. Fickleness, chan-chalahat, na-pa,edari, talawwan« Fioo, to oivb the, angutha-dikhana. Fiction, ijad, i^tira*, banawat, sa^t, bandish, b&,o- bandi, tautiya. Fictitious, jhutha, sa^ta, taghallubi, 'amali, na^i, saw&ngi, maya-rupi. Fiddle, sarang or sarangi, sarinda, behla, orhni, chau- tara, sitara, kingri ; {small) chikara. To Fiddle, sSrangi- or sarinda-bajana ; (to trifle) tiapato,i-d, otna, git-gana, makhi-marna, panl-pitna. Fiddle-faddle, wahiyat, la-ta,ili hak-jhak, tana- bharni, naum-taum. Fiddler, sarangiya, sarangi-naw&z, sarinda-nawaz, sitar-baz. Fiddle-stick, kamani, kamtocha, ojnl, dhanwl, zakhma, mif rab. Fiddle-string, tar, sarang-ka-tar, sarangi-k5-tar, &c. Fidelity, diyanat, din-dari, iman-dari, rast-bazi, rasti, wafa, namak-halali, sachauti, sid^ sada^at, bitkar, fidwiyat, inkiyad. To Fidget, ahra-tahri-lagani, chutar-hilan^ chul- bnlana. Fief, zamin-dari, jagir, ta'alln^a, siyur^al, altamg^a. Field, {inclosed ground) kliet, raaidan, kat'i zamin ; {field of battle) jang- or nabard- or razm-gah, masaf, judh-bhum, bir-bhum; {cultivated) mazra', kisht, kisht-zar, kola, bhl]lia ; {waste) tand, jangal, biyabau, besha; {usedfigurativelg for space, &c.) dariya, 'arsa; the field or ground of a picture) zamin, bhum ; (a field-day) ^awa id ka din ; {in the field)) bahar, sa£ar-men , {a field-bed) safri-palang; (to take the field, as troops) maidau-lena or -paka|-na ; (to lose the jfield) khet-harna, opposed to khet-jitn&, to gain the fidd; (to be in the field) maidaa men-h, opposed FIE ( 107 ) FIN to cliha,oiiI men honi, to be in winter quartera ; {to be slain in the field) khet-rahna, kam-ana; (to keep the field against an enemy) khet- or maidaa- thamna or -r, opposed to pahlu-tihi-k, ghunghat- khana, to retire or fall back before an enemy; [who won the field ?) khet kis ke hath raha ? FiKLD-piEOE, rahkala, rahkala, safri top, opposed to mukaml. Fiend, shaitan, bhut, bhutna, paret, dushman. Fierce, tund, jald, kara^t, sakht, durusht, zalim, khun-kl^yar. khun-rez, darinda, sang-dil, be-rahm, ghurki. Fiercely, tundi- &c. -se, durushti-se, zalimana. Fierceness, tondi, jaldi, karakhtagi. durushti, zulm, ^un-rezi, khun-khvari. darindagi, sang-dili, be- rahini. Fieri NESS, ganni, bararat, hiddat, jhU, tezi, tundi, jaldi, atash-mizaji. Fiery, atashi, nari, h§rr, garm, atash-mizaj, jald, tez, tund, hadd, agini, ag-sa, shu'la-^o, agin-sobha,o. Fife, baiisri, murli, aJ gh oza, nai, baiisi; {angelot) pongi. Fifteen, pandrah, panchdah, panzdah. Fifteenth, pandrawan, pandrahan, panzdahum. Fifth, panchwan panjum ; {the fifth part) pauchwaii hissa. Fiftieth, pachaswan, panjahum. Fifty, pachas, panjah; {as a weight or integral number) pachasa, like chalis-a or -i, a forty ; bisi, a score. Fio, anjir ; {tree) anjir ka darakht ; {the wild fig) gular, dumbar, bar, bargat, pipal, pankar; {fruit) barbatta, pipli, kaimri. Fight, lara,i, judh, jang, kar-zar, razm, maidan, muja- dala, nabard, paikar, muharaba, mukatala, ma'rika, ran ; {duel) ^ana-jangl ; {in the heat of the fight) *ain lara,i men. To Fight, larna, jhagarna, lara,i-k, maidan- &c. -k, mara-mari-k, judhna, bigayna, jharapna: {cocks, &c.) larana. Fighter, mubariz, muharib, jang-awar, lafwaiya, laranhar, laraka, larne-marne-vala. Fighting, jangi (v. martial, also fight, to fight). Fia-PECKER, anjir-khvar. anjir-khane-wala. FiGURABLE, surat- or shakl-pazir, mumkin i shakl. Figuration, tashkil, taswir, surat. Figurative, muradi, majazi, rangin, shakli, na^i, maya-rupi, drishtanti, tamsili, sarupi. FiGUEATiVBLY, majazan, istUahan, misalan. Figure, {form) surat, shakl, rup, hai,at, haikal, sarup, kalbud, ^mat, ohhab, tarash; {in gram.) muhawara, siyak-kalam, dhab ; {eminence) namud, numa,ish, dabdaba, shaukat, shuhrat; {statue) taswir, chitr, naksha ; {painting) nakkashl, buta, chitrkari; {horoscope) rami, za,icha ; {number) ank, rakam, 'adad, handasa ; {in rhetoric) murad, misal, kinaya ; {a circular figure) shakl i mustadir; — ■ {to cast a figure from the horoscope) rami- or nujum-dekhna. To Figure, banana, naksha- &c. -k; {to shew, express) dikhlana, batlana, misal- or tamsil-lana; {to carve) munakkash- &c'." -k; "{to con- ceive) khiyal-k. kiyas-k. Figured, munakkash, mushakkaJ, musawwar. Filament, resha, jhothra, sut, ans. Filbert, finduk or findak, also bindab. To Filch, chorana, chori-k, urana, ufa-lejana, utha-d, harna, musna, har-lena, raohna. Filcher, chor, chotta, duzd, hath-Iapak, hathe-mar, haranhar. File, {of soldiers) bat&r, pSnt, saf, lain (from line) ; {the instrument) suhan or sohan (vulg. sohan), reti , {catalogue) daftar, tablak ; {oj papers) tabak ; {of men) tanta, morchal ; {to draw up in files) katar-b; {to march in files) shutar-^tar-chalna ; (to make men march in files) katar-katar-chalana. To File, piro-r ; (to cut) retna, retiyana. Filer, retwaiya ; {file-cutter) sohan-gar. Filial, farzandi, pisari, sapoti, beta-sa, farzandana. Filing, ret5,i ; {filings) chur, burada, rezJ, chuni, retan ; {iron-filings) loh-chun. Fill, pet-bhar, bhar-pet; {eat your fiU) pet-bhar kha,o. To Fill, (a.) bhar-d, bhamft, pur-k; (to satisfy) ser-k, chhakana, aghana ; {with earth) bhathana, bhathna ; (to fill up to the brim) lab-rez-k, lab a lab-k, bhar -pur-k ; {to fill or pour out) dalna, ulendna, undelna, na,ona ; (to extend) phulana; {to fill up, a well, &c.) patna; (to employ) lagana ; (to fill a station) 'uhda-r ; (n.) bhar- jana, bharna, ser- &c. -h, chhakna, bhathna, patna ; {as fruit) gadrana; (to weep one's fill) dil kholkar-rona. Filler, bharne-wala, bharanhar, bharwaiya. Fillet, patti, band, 'asaba, dori, chaunrl, bandhan, sell, nara, choti-band; {of meat) pfithekagosht; {ornament) harra. Fillip, chutki, chuchkari, chumkari, takora. To Fillip, chutki-bajana, chuchkarna, chumkarna. Filly, {colt) bachheri ; {a wild girl) chichhori- larki. Film, jhilli ; {in diseased eyes) phuli, manda, jala, parda. Filmy, jhilli-sa, phuli-dar. To Filter, Filtrate, chhanna, nitharnS. Filth, mail, chirk, ala,ish, gand, aghor,kadarj,rongliat, ^aliz, chikat, mal, chirkin, malamat, kasafat, kirkit, kit, libar, phisi, liwar. Filthily, najasat- &c. -se, na-paki-se. FiLTHiNEss, najasat, ^alazat, gandagi, na-paki, chik- ta,i, ronghata,!, malinta, ghinahat. Filthy, maila, chikat, ganda, na-pak, ^aliz, malin, charpuz, anjas, bhasrer, bhishtal, na-saf, ghinghina, guhi. Fin, par, bal, bazu, pankh, daini. Finable, jurimana-pazir, jurimane-ke-la,i^. Final, a^ir, a^ir, aWiiri, pichhla, wapasin, gha,i ; {complete) kamil, pura. Finally, {lastly) a^irash, a^iru-l-amr, pas, 'akibatu- 1-amr, parant, arthant, hasil 1 kalam, alj^ssa, al^araz; {completely) kamilana. Finance, mal-guzari, amadani, khiraj. Finances, amad, yaft, paida,ish, ma-hasal. Financier, 'amil-pesha ; (a farmer of the reve- nues) 'amil i mustajir ; {a person who under- stands the collections) rasa. To Find, milna, pana, pafa-p&na, hath-lagna or -ana, baham-pahunchna, paida-n, muyassar-h ; (to know) ma'lum-k,janna; (to reach) pahunchna; (to acquire) hasil-k, paida-k ; (to observe) dekhna, daryaft-k ; " {to catch) pakarna ; {to award) hukm-k, fatwa-d; {to' determine) thahrana; {to provide, supply., &c.) palumchana, khabar-giri-k, ^abar-lena, parda^t-k; {fo apprope) sunna, manna, ja,iz-r, durust-r ; {one's self) pana, bona, rahna; {I find myself some- what indisposed to-day) aj ham apne ta,in kuchh kasal-mand pate hain ; aj ham kasal-mand hain ; {fit this fime T gfvmlhj find my uHf indisposed) tm ( 108 ) FI8 in rozon meA main aksar kahiljl rahta bun ; (to find out, discover) thikana-lagana, nikalna, bujhna, Bamajhna, pakar-pana, dliundh-k, khoj-nikalna ; (invent) ijad-k, ikhtira'-k ; (to get) jurna, ]ahna, dastyab-li. N.B. Milua is used inversely in such expressions as, (/ found this thing on the road) yih chiz mujhe rah par mili ; fiever main is cbiz ko mila rah par ; (to Jind fault with) tokna. FiNDEB, p&wanhar, yabinda, pane-'vrala. Fink, (adj.) barik, mihin; (pure) saf, pakiza, nab, khara, sachcha, asil, kajla ; (thin) patla, rakik, kaghazi, komal, jhilli-sa ; (elegant) latif, nazuk, n&znin ; (rice) isti'mall ; (as powder) surma-sa, maida-sa ; (gun) ranjaki; (ex~ cellent) khassa, besh, turfa, nadir, bhala, pyara, naHs, bihtar, khub, khush, shusta, suthra, achchha ; (accomplished) kamil, muhazzab ; — ■ (showy) namudar, jila-dar, bharkila, tarawedar ; («o/4 mula'im, narm, sukwar : khassa. achchha, &c., are used ironically, as fine, &c., are in English,t)ery^«e, achchhi bani, bahut-khub. &c., pronounced in a particular manner become ironical. Fine, (sub.) tawan, dand, jarimana (vulg. julmana), musaidara, gunah-gari ; (nuptial) munh-dekha,i ; (in leaving service abruptly) khud-rukhsati. In Fine, alkissa, ^araz, kissa-kotah, hasili kaJam. To Fine, (to purify) saf- &c. -k, mail-chhantna. To Fine, (for a crime) dandna, tawan- &c. -lena. To Finedraw, santh-milana, kanta-pherna. Finely, bariki- &c. -se, Wiubi- &c. -se. Fineness, bariki, (pureness) pakizagi, safa,i, kharll,!, sacha,!, shaflfafi ; (thinness) rikkat, latafat ; (elegance) nazakat; (excellence) naf^sat, tuh- fagi, bihtari, khubi, shustagi, ^ushi, suthra,!, achchha,! ; (showiness) namudari, raunak, jila- dari, zark-bark, bharak ; (softness) mula,imat, narmi. [zinat. FiNEKT, bana,o, &ra,ish, zeba,ish, sanwar-singar, zeb- Finesse, hila, makr, fitrat, bahana. Finger, angli or ungli, angusht ; (a measure) angul; ^^ (the thumb) angutha, angusht i nar, ibham ; (little) kan-angli ; (ring) chich- angli : (middle) manjhli- or bichli-angli ; (the tip of the finger) papota. To Finger, tatolna, chhuna, chherna : the last also signifies to touch a musical instrument (v. to steal, handle) angliyana. Fingerstool, na^una, mizrab. Fine-work, mihin-doz ; (fine writer) ^ush-nawis. Fine-writing, khush-khatt or -kalam. Finical, zanana, mihra, ochha, halka, chibilla, subuk, chilohla, waswasl, la7ba,ola, chiba,ol3l, Bhaikh-chilli. sahib-zada (v. delicate, silly). Finicalness, ochha-pan, zan§na-pan, chibilla-pan, subukl. To Finish, tamam-k, ^atm- &c. -k, niberna, k:at'-k, anjam ko pahunchana, bhugtan!l, sarna, niptana, murattab-k, tai-k. Finished, taraam, akhir, khatm, kamil, mukammal, taiyar, pura, munkata', munkazi, mutanahi. To BE Finished, ho-chukna, be-bah:-h, nipatna, ni- barna, bhugatna. Finisher, niptaru, nibahu, nibefu. Finite, mahdud, bandheji, fani. Fir, sanaubar, ('f.jnne). Fire, ag, agin, atasb, nar, anal, ahra, n&,ira, dahan, lukwa,i; (conflagration) agw&hl; (flxime) shu'la, anch, bhabhuka; (light) raushani, partau, nur; (spirit, &c.) jau, jaldl, phurt,jan- bazi, karwahat, tundi. chabuki, tarrari, jaudat, ab- dfiri, dapat, charparuhat ; (fire or spirit in the mts) uaniak (lit. salt). • To Fire, (a.) Sg-lagana, jaiana, nr^nH, luka-Iagana, (n.) ag-Iagna, shalakh-k, 5waz-k, sar-k ; (a gun) chhorna, mama, chalana, daghna, jalni, phunkna. To BE Fired, daghna. chhutna, chaln&. FiRE-ARHs, agin-ban, topen-banduken. Fire-ball, atashi-gola ; (fire-eater) Stasb-^or. FiRER, atash-afroz, atash-angez. [tab. FiRE-FLT, bhag-jugni, jugni, jugnu, patbijna, shab- FiRELOCK, banduk, tufang, tupak, pathar-kala. FiRE-PAN, bursi, angethi, atash-dan ; (of a hukka) chilam; (of a gun) piyala, ranjak-dani, kan. Fire-place, (side) chulha, &tash-d&n, atash-kada, deg-dan, chaoka. Fire-shovel, karcha; (fire-stick) solAta, luktha, luwath, lukwari, hulka. Fire-stone, agin-pathar, sang-atashi, agni-prastar. FiRE-wooD, Firing, Indhan, jalawan, hima, hezam. Fire-works, atash-bazi, hara-harwa,i : there are several sorts, viz. mah-tabi, phul-jari, anar-dana, hath-phul, kalam, mor, rothi, chhachhundar, charkhi. bhu,en-nar, ghota-khora, dipak, rang- mahtab, petara, chaddar, hathnal, murra. jaha-juhi, bhu,in-champa, jhari, sukbanda, tonta, nari, makhi, lotan, sarwa, chingari, gul-rez, mandira-bazi, bans-bazi, ara-bazi, luka, sitara, ball-jhanka. Fire-work-maker, atash-baz, hawa,i-gar or -saz. Fire-worship, zandik, atash-parasti. Fire-worshipper, atash-parast ; (fire-worship- ping) atash-parasti. Firm, sakht. kara, salib, mazbut, muhkam, ustuwar, ka,im, mustakill, bar-karar, pa,edar, sabit, rasikh, wasik, achal, atal, asthir, wasik, sabut, kawi, sabit- pa; (compact) thos, tantha; (solid) garha, ghafs, basta. Firmament, asman, falak, falaku-1-buruj, garduu, swarg, kursi. FiRMLT, mazbuti- &c. -se, yakinan, kat'an. Firmness, sakht!. salabat, mazbuti, porha,i, pa,edari, Idyam, sabat, bar-karari, istiklal, rusu^, wusu?; (solidness) sangini. First, (adj.) paihla, ad, agla, jetha, sabik, awwal, mukaddam ; (for the first time) paihle or pahle. First, (adv.) paihle or pahle, awwalan, age, nakhust, pratham ; (in the first place, or for one thing) paihle, paihlar, ibtida,an, ek to; (from first to last) awwal se akhir-tak. ad se ant tak ; (from the first) naye sir se; (at first) ibtidi-men, awa,il-men ; (first or last) kabhi na kabhi, kisi wakt , (first-bom) palautha ; (firsi-fruiU) paihla phal ; (to be first, or begin) pahl-k. Fish, machhli, machhi, mahi, jalsainl, hut, min, mats, jhak; (salted) sukthi ; (flesh of ) mas, gosht : the most common are as follows : rahu, katla, mirga, bhikthi, kuja-bliikthi, hilsa, saur, kawa,i, bo,ali, pangas, phali, khalsa, arh, mangri, magur, singhi, gara,i, potha, teugra, kakla, kawa, morela, pyasi, talgagra, tapassi, tapsi, chalha, saliya, chilwa or chilha, chaila, gajjal, sankuch, bhangan, rewa, bhola, andwari, baliya, sal, paihna, gonchh, bhakur, bitki, sidri or sigri, banspatta, dhaniya, papta, bhat- machhi, parsi, mo,e, chauda, pathar-chatta, bhuri, genth, khaira, papsa, cheug, gainchij chandarbijwa, goshta, ritha, dhalo, kanw^. To Fish, machhli-marna, machhli ka shikar-k, ban«i« khelna, jharna. Fish-bone, mahi-dandan, shir-mahL FisHKRMAN, machhwa, jaliya, mukeri, mahi-giT or -shikar, dhimar, dhiwar, machhl-mar. PisuBRY, Fishing, mahi-shikari, mahi-giri,mahi-g&h. FJH ( 109 ) FLA Fish-hook, kitiya, kanta, kullab, shast. FisH-KETrtE, mahi-taba. Fishmonger, mahi-farosh, machhli- or machhi-wala. FiSHT, {flavour) bisahind, machhli-sa, machhi-sa. Fissure, cliak, tarak, darz, shigaf. Fist, muthi, muk, ghusa, killi, musht, guma, mukka, gadda, hull. To Fist, ghusiyana, mnkiyana, dhusna. Fisticuffs, ghusam-gliusa, ghusawwal, nmkka-niukki, mukkawwal, kuta-kut, mukor-ghusor, gutham- gutha. Fistula, nasur, sain, bandar-gha,o, gar, chor ; (lachrymalis) dhelka, dhulki, dam 'a ; (urethrce) Kurah ; {in and) bhagandar. Fistulous, chora, gurguriya. Fit, subs, {of a fever) naubat, wakt, amad, charha,o, a,i, pari, bari, bela, halat, ghalba, josh, dhun, tarang, lahar, ^ival ; {a fainting fit) zu'f, ghash; (a drunken fit) nasha, sarmasti. Fit, (adj.) thik, durust, munasib, la,ik, baja, sazawar, ma'kul, wajib, lazim, kabil, joga, sudh, sobhaman, ba-wajibi or ba-wajibi. To Fit, (a.) tbik-&c. -k ; (n.) durust- &c. -h; {to become) phabna, sohna, chhajna, sudharna, baitlina, nishast-kliana, sajna, sadhna. To BE Fit or meet, chahna, lagna, milna, parna ; {it is fit that) chahiye ki. To Fit up, taiyar-k, sar-bohar-k, sar-ba-rah-k, thik- thak-k, banana, sajna. FiTCHAT, Fitchew, bham, bham, bhondar. Fitly, liyakat- &c. -se, durusti-se, muwafakat-se. Fitness, durnsti, liyakat, muwafakat, saza-wari, sha,istag!, rasa,i. Five, panch, panj, panja, panjri, gahi, ban, ^ams, whence mukhammas ; {five per cent.) dah-nimi (nai panj and male panj are appUcable to the age of horses, q. v. in Part I. of this Work) . Fives, {game of) gend-bazi, ulalan-bocha, genda-bazi. To Fix, mukarrar-k, ka,im- &c. -k, garna, lagana, jarna, thambna, jamkana, chaptana, saptana, atkana, laptana, rakhna ; (a bayonet) charhana, chu- kana, badna, raf-k; {in the mind) dil-nishln-k ; {to settle) thahrana, mukarrar- &c. -k ; (to stop) rokna, band-k ; {to res<)rahna, thah- arna, ikamat-k; {to be fixed on any thing) karar-d, thanna, kamar-b ; {to fix one's habita- tion) ghar-k, bud o bash-k. Fixed, ka,im, sakin, mustahkam, musha khkh as, maz- but, asthir, bi-1-mukta*, mukarrari, bahal ; {not volatile in fire) ka,imu-n-nar. Fixedness, kiyam, istihkam, subut, sabit-kadami. To Fiz, {to make a fizzing noise) sarsarana. Fizgig, {of powder) chakarban, tikari. Flabby, Flaccid, dliila, pilpila, zholida, narm, pich- picha, jhur-jhura. Flaccidity, Flabbiness, pilpilahat, zholidagi, narmi. Flag, {plant) hugla; {a species of) zu-1-fikar; {stone) chatan ; {colours) nishan, jhanda, dhajja,ba,ota, patakha, liwa,sila, pathri; (q/"ali) tugh, panja, shadda ; {to come or go with a flag of truce) jholi marke-a or -j. To Flag, dhila-h, udas-h, utarna, chhatna, pilpilana, pichpichana, jhurjhurana ; {with flags) farsh-b. Flagelkt or Flageolet, alghoza, nahawali. Flagellation, kore-bazi, shallak-bazi, chabuk-bazi, hadd-shar'i. Flaggy, gira-hu,a, jhuka-hu,a, pansa. Flagitious, asharr, shadid, kara, bura, maha-papi, mardud. Flaoitiotisness, sa^ti, shiddat, bad-zatl, kharabi. Flagon, surah!, kuza, gulabl, karaba, ^Qm, bhabkl, sakawa, jhanjhri ; {of leather) kuppa Flagrant, {notorious) zahir, sha,i', ashkara, mashhur, ma'ruf. Flag-staff, chhar, bans. Flail, sant, silara, Khirman-kob, pitna, pitaur. Flake, phaha, gala ; {layer) tah, tabak, part, chhal, papra, phutki. To Flake, phutkiyana, tah-d, tabak-d. Flaky, tah-dar, partila, papraha, papri-dar, phntki- yaha. Flam, hlla, bahana, hawa, ba,o-bandi, pakhand. Flambeau, mash'al, damar. Flame, shu'la, lu or lau, tem, bhabhuka, jot, zabana, iltihab, anch, lahab, shahab, sis, lahar, lapak. To Flame, shu'la-uthna, duadhakna, mushta'il-h, bha- rakna, lapakna , {to shine) chamakna, jhalakna. FiAME-coLOUEED, naranji-rang, sham'-rang, masha- 'ili, shahabi, champa,i. Flaming, Flamy, mushta'il, shu'la-zan, shu'Ia-gir, temaha. Flank, {of the body) kokh, bakhi, kokha, pakha, alang, bazu ; {of an army) baghal, pahlu, kamar. To Flank, (to attack the flank) baghal- &c. -marna. benda-marna, tirchha-marna ; (to command \ sarkob-h, marna. Flannel, lo,i, dhussa. Flap, daman, patak,jhatas, jhatak, zerbar, kani, jhul: {of flesh) lothra, chhichhra ; {a cap, &c. having flaps) kan-dhampa. To Flap, jhalna, jhariia, mama, patkana, jhatkana, phatphatana, bharbharana ; (n.) patakna ; {the wings) par marna. To Flaee, chamakna, jhalakna, damakna. Flash, lahak, kaundh, bhabhak, chamak, darakhshan- dagi, bark, achpali, lauka, chamchamahat, jhalak, bharak, taraka, jhamakra, zark-bark ; {of wit) jhajhak, lahar, chatak. To Flash, lahakna, kaundhna, chamakna, bhabhakna, laukna, chamchamana ; {to burst) jhajhakna, chatakna; {to flash in the pan) ranjak-ur-jan§, ranjak-kha-jana, ranjak-chat-j, bhak-khana. Flashy, bharkila, rangila, bharak- &c, -dar, Iahkll&, chamkila, jhamakre-baz, dhamkila, chhail-chhabila, namud be bud. Flask, shisha, surahi, karaba ; .■ (a leather flask) kuppa, kuppi ; {a powder-horn) sengra. Flat, {not globular) chapal, chapta, farshi, chaupat, baithwan, petla, nicha, panmar ; {prone, &c.) pat, chit; {as a roof) sakfi; {close) sata- hu,a, zamin-doz ; {dull) mota, be-^ras, sitha, be- kaifiyat ; {-cock) chapat-baz, chapti, chapat- dand ; (to play at-) chapti- &c. -k, -larna or -mama, applicable to eunuchs, &c. ; [level) barabar, hamwar, musattah, kafi-dast, nasheb ; {insipid) phika, be-namak; {dejected) udas, afsurda, dil-gir ; — — {downright) saf, khula ; {as sound) bhari ; {to become flat, as wine, &c.) utar-jana. Flat, maidan, chapta,!, chaurasi, kharaba ; {de- pression) tut, past! (v. breach, &c.) ; {of a knife) kaur, baghal; {shallow) cliax, gathana. Flatly, do-tuk, kholke, pharke, marda-mardi, wa- shigaf; {plainly) sarihan. Flatness, chapta,!, barabari, hamwari, nashebi; {insipidity) be-mazagi, be-namaki, sithas. To Flatten, (a.) chaptana, hamwar-k, baithalna; (n.) chapta-h ; {as wine) utar-jana. To Flatter, Idiushamad- &c. -k, phuslana Flattebbk, ly^iish-amadi, chaplus, phulasre-baz. TLA ( 110 FLO Fm-TTERt, l^ush-ilmad, chaplusi, lallo-patto, dam- bSzi, phul5sre-bazi, zamana-sazi, tamalluk, astut- k&r, Miush-amad-go-i. labbo-shabbo, mithi-baten. FilIttish, chapta-ea, utra-hu,a. Flatolenoy, ba,i„ ba,o, rih, nafth. Flatdlbnt, phula, nafkh. naflfakh, bad!, bayala. Flatwise, karwat, patkar. To Flaunt, pharana, tharrana, thiriknii, pharkSni, tarawi-marna, banbanana, akarna. Flavour, sundhawat, maza, la^zat, sawad; (odour) l^ush-bo, su-gandh or sn-gandh. Flavoueed, sondha, maze-dari Flaw, darz, darar, shigaf; {in glass, &c.) bal ; {defect) 'aib, jirm, zabuni, dokh, dagh, kalank, batta, khot, pai ; {there is a flaw in his character) uski ilbru men ek batta laga hai; {having) dupalka, dulohi. Flax, katan, san. To Flat, udheyna, khlchnS, khaliyana, chamfi-lena, ukhalna. Flea, pisu, kaik ; {bite) chutiki, chyunti, dadora. Fleah, {instrument for bleeding) nashtar. Flea-woet, ispaghol (vulg. isbaghol), bazar-kutuna. To Fleck, Fleckee, titar-badli-h, rangana, lahriya- banana. Flbdqbd, par-dar, ur&rii, pankhiya. To Flee, bhagna, gurez-k, firar-k, sa]rakn&, pith-d, pichha-d, bichalna, parana, chaJ-j, ram-j or -d, nathna, talna. Fleece, pashm, un, katran, katan, mundan. To Fleece, katarna, babri-k ; (to plunder) mundna, lutna, nicborna. To Fleee, boli-marna, munh-banana, ta'na-miirn&. Fleet, bahr» nawara, bera ; {in charge of) bal^- dar, mir-bahr- Fleet, {swift) jald, tez, chalak, jald-baz, b&d-raftir, bad-paima, bad-pS. To Fleet, {enjoy life) dandanana ; {pass away) jald-jana, ^a,ib-h. Fleeting, 'arizi, chand-roza, naksh bar ab, chala- jata, bahta, u^rta, hublibl, be-baka, hadis. Fleetly, jald, jaldi- &c. -se, chalaki-se. Fleetness, jaldi, tezi, chalaki, phurt, jald-bazl. Flesh, gosht, mans, la^m, hef&, mas; {body) badan ; {carnality) nafs, shahwat ; {flesh- brush) khisa. Flesh-meat, {animal food) m&s-adhar, j^a-lahmi, sagautl. Flesht, mota, farbih, jasim, dal-dar, gud-gar, pur- gosbt, sapind, dan^-pel. Fletcher, tir-gar, kaman-gar or tir-kaman-saz. Flexibility, chim^a,!, dam-d&rl, mula,imat, narmi. Flexible, chimra, lacblla, miila,im, dam-dar, narm, salim. Flexion, Flexuee, laclika,o, kaji, ^am, bank. Fliee, {a runatvay) bhagora, gurez-pa, firaii. Flight, bhagcl, bhagehar, bichlahat, ram ; {of birds) uran, tairan, parwaz, urari; {from danger) firar, curez, bhiigar ; {flock) ghol, gat, gatliri, dal, gar; [shotoer) chhanta,o ; — '- Txpace) urari, tappa, palla; {sally) laliar ; {volley) siialla^, baj-h ; {the flight of an arrow) partfib ; {the sublime flight of a poet) buland- pnrwazi. Fliobit, acbpali, har-dam-khiyali. P'limst, patila, jbirjhiru, jhuukfvr, boda, kam-zor, d&- pa.cdar, jLilli-sa. To Flinch, hatna, taln^, hiln^, pbim3k, saraknSl, tajil WTiz-k, kachiyana, katrana, hichkichani, hichna, khisakna, kaniyana, pich-panw-h, khisiyana, gida- rana, pbasphasana, thumakna. Flinchee, bicbka^u, kluska,u, hich-k&r^ &c. (r. the verb). Fling, {throw) phenk, nokchok; {9^) .t»*na, mihna. To Flino, phenkna, cbalana, dalni^ tegna, niarni, phenk-marna, chhor-d, patkanS ; (to scatter) chhitkana, bithriina, bikherna ; (to fling open) khol-d; {to fling away) phenk-d, dal-d; (to fling down) girana, dhana, mismar-k ; (to fling as a horse) dulatti-chhantna, pushtak-raarna. Fling EE, phenkwaiya, biganhar. Flint, pathari, chaUima^, chakmak ka patbar. Flinty, sakht ; {flinty-hearted] sang-diU Flippant, lablaba, turtura, tarrar. Fliet, {a jerk) jharjharahat ; < {a pert damsel) 'aiyari. To Fliet, cbbirakna, mama, jbarjharana, jhaljhalana, mara-mara-phirna, chanchala,i-k. Flietation, ada, karisbma, naz-na^ra. Fliett, chulbula, chanchal. To Flit, {change one's dwelling) gbar badal-k. Float, {raft) bera, ghama,i ; {of a fiihing-liru) tirendk. To Float, (n.) utirana, bhasn^, tairna, bahna, cbalna, nthna ; (a.) bharna, dubona, uplana, uthlana, tirna, bahana, sirana. Floating, mu'allak, adbar, tairta-hO,s, bahta. Flock, galla, ewar, halka, thath, pal, ummat ; {flight) jhund, ghol, dal, rama, bag, jhank, darS, jatha, rela. To Flock, jam'-h, batnrna, jtifnai tutna, girna, dau]:na, relna, tut-pa^na. To Flog, chabuk-marna, kore-bazi-k, kore-phat- karna, bet- or juti-marna, jutiyana, ang-halka-k. Flogging, kore-bazl, chabnk-zani. Flood, ahla, barb, sailab, tulani, tuftn ; {fl'Ow) jawar, madd, kathal, bura, cha;'ba,o, jalmai, uhra. To Flood, dubona, ghark-k, borna, charbana, babana. Flood-gate, baud ka phatak, banji; {fig^r.) pet, parda, nal. Flooding, istiha^a, nafas, parbah, paira. Flook, para, phul, kanta, dant, pankhri. Flooe, zamin, gach ; {story) kotha, bam. To Flooe, tal^ta-bandi-k, gach- &c. -k. Flooeing, takhta-bandi. patautan, pata,o, utraug, manjhiya. Floeid, sur^, la'I, lal, suba, rata, gul-fam, gul-rang, gul-anari, gul-guna, bhabhiika, rangin, rangila. Floeidness, Floeiditt, surklii, lali, rangini. Floeist, gul-kar, gul-chin, mali. Flounce, sanjaf, jhalar or jhalay. To Flounce, talaphna, tayapna, tinangna, tilichhna, kudna, uchbalua, uachua, talmalana, lotna, tha- lakta-chalna, jhumna, latpati-chal-chalna. Floundee, {flat fish so called) mo,a. To Floundee, chhatpatana, satpatana. Flour, kauik, sattu, bosan, cliaus, suji, abir, chikajs, ata,pisuan, maida,chun.;' {dry) palethan, khush« ki ; {merchant) parchuni, modi. Flourish, (shew) numa,ish, cliamkahat, ghunghunri- hat ; {in writing) tughra, gulzar ; {in music] gat, chhu(, laliak. _ PLO ( HI ) FOL To FiiOnBiBH, phfllna, khiln^, tahtahana, dahdahani, taza-b, tar o taza-b, serab-h; — — {to brandish) chamk§ji§, ; (in music) labakna, gbungbunana ; {in style) rangmi-k, cbiknana : {a cudgel) gbnmina. To Flout, {insult) maJamat-k, munh-banana, chherna. Flow, tarrara, idrar ; {abundance) ifrat, kasrat ; — {of words) amad, dur-rezi, goya,i. To Flow, babna, jari-b, cbalna, daurna, dhalna, bah- chalna, dbalakna, jbarna ; {as a flood) barbiyana, pbulna, cbarbna, bbarna, barbna, relna ; (as miUc) pinbana, utama ; {as metals) pani-b, picb-picbana ; (as the tide) jawar-ana ; {to meli) pigbalna, gudaz-b, tagbilna ; {to proceed) nikalna, paida-b. Flower, pbul, gul, pxibp, pusbp, sumao, nagesar ; (prime) bahar, joban, umang, 'uruj'; {essence) ^olas. khulasa; {the flower of youth) 'unfuwan; (the best part) nabb, sir o man, gul-dasta, jan. To Flowee, pbulna, kbibaa, sbigufta-b, gulkari-k, kasbida- &o., karbna. Flowebed, bute-dar ; {stuffs) du-dami, jamdani. Floweh-qakden, pbul-wari, gul-zar, gul-sban, gul- ist&n. Flowee-pot, phuljbari, gul-dan, cbager or cbanger, kuza; (stick or rod of) laulasi. Flowees on Cloth, &c. bel-buta, ganga-jamm, buta; tbe flowers generally known, and wbicb perbaps do not occur elsewbere in tbis volume, are as follow : gul-'aja,ib, motiya, gul-sbab-bo, mogra, bela, katb- bela, gul-maHimal, gul-turra, gul-rana, gul-da,udi, gul-mibndi, gul-acbin, gul-chandni, nasrin, nasta- ran, sada-sobagan, kesu or tisu, bar-singar, kama, gul-ja'fri, orbal, sudarsan, do-pabriya, sukb-darsan, cbampa, kanik-cbampa, bbu,ifi-cbampa, jubi, jabi- jubi, kacbnar, gul-suri, son-jubi, na-farman, ketaki, kyora, ulat-kaAwal, tbal-paddo, gul-farang, gul-nar, kacbnar, thalpad; — — (of grasses, &c.) gbu,a, bbu,a, bur (v. jalap, balsam, marigold, lily, violet, rose, narcissus, Jasmine, sunflower, lotus, &c. &c) . Floweet, rangin» pbulpbula, cbikkan, sundar, rasgar. Flowing, cbafba,o; — (flowingly, voltibly) ifrat-se, lassani-se. To Fluctuate, labranS, hllkorna, gbat-barb-i, sasta- mabuga-b, kam-besb-b, be-karar-h, dawandol-b, dbacbuk-k; (to be uncertain) be-thaur-tbikana- b, be-sabat-b. Fluctuation, labra,o, bilker, be-sabati, tazalzul, iitar-cbarba,o, tana-bbarni, jawar-bbata, dawan- doli, be-karari, Fluenot, narmi, mula,imat ; (volubility) lassani, zaban-awarl, goya,i, lassaniyat. Fluent, lassan, zabaa-awar, tund- or tez-zaban, su- khunwar. Fluently, rawan, saf, be-laga,o, be-atak, sarpat. Fluid, (adj.) pan!, pansa, baba,u, rawan, jiriyan, an- jama, murak^ik. Fluid, saiyal, rakik, patla, ras, rakika, ratubat. Fluidity, Fluidness, saiyali, rikkat, rikakat, patla- hat, baJha,o. [daliya, lapsi. Flummery, nisbasta, faluda, makuti, firni, balwa, rmoB ALBUs, parsut, pardar, paira, parmew; ——— (hamng the) panaili, paniyabi, parsuti. Flurry, jbataka, jbatka, barbafi, barbarabat. Flush, Flushing, jbalak, bbur-bburl, surUil, la'li ; ■ (flush of cash) mal-a-mal, lalolal. To Flush, tamtamana, surkh-b. phQlna, jbalakna, tatabana, dadahana, bhurbburana, tamakna ; ■ (to elate) phulana, bagh bagh-k. To Fluster, surkh-k, rangin-k, nim-mast-k. Flute, bSisri, ban»!, al^oza, nai, murH, l^lyftr, barra. To Flute, kamrakbi-, barre-dar-, ^yar-dar-k or banana. Fluted, kam-rakhi, barre-dar, khiyar-dar. Flutter, bharbbafabat, dbardbarahat, dbarak, ghab- rabat, iztirab, be-karari, pharak, pbarkahat. To Flutter, (n.) par -jbarna, bbarbharana, pbarpbar- ana, tarpharana, pbarakna, dhakdhakana, uthalna, tilachbna; {to palpitate) dhardharana, dharakna, (to be agitated) bilna, muztarib-li, be]^arar-b , (a.) ghabrana, muztarib-k. Flux, {^flowing) baba,o, sailan, jiriyan, beg, petokba, anticbar, itlak, rezisb, parbab ; (for metals) pegbla,u, muslib, sobaga ; (dysentery) is,bal, jiriyan i sbikam, sangrabni ; (to have a flux) pet-cbalna, ifi,bal-h, anw-girna» Fly, makbi, magas, macbbi, dans, kukraunchbj, zu- bab ; (locust) bbarfibbiri ; (of a tent) aspak, l^alandra. To Fly, urna, parwaz-k, tair-k or tairan-k, bat-j, parran-b, urari-mama ; (swiftly) surkhab ka par lagna ; (in a passion) bbabbak-utbna, tarapna ; (up) utbna, uchbalna ; {to burst) nikalna, pbutna; (in the face of) munb par cbafbna ; (to make fly) urana ; (to fly in pieces) cbur-cbur-h, purza-purza-urna ; — — (to fly at) jbapatna^ bamla-k ; (to fly out) ur-bbagna ; (to commit excesses) kbul-kbelna ; (to let fly) cbborna, mama. Fly-blown, sa,i-mara, mazkut. Fly-boat, bbanwaliya, parewa, gburab, lacbka. Fly-catcher, makbi-mara, from makbl-marna, ap- plied to one wbo trifles or loiters away time ; (a spider) magas-khor or -gir. Flyer, ta,ir, parand ; . (fugitive) bbagora, Fly-flap, cbauri or cbaunri, murcbbaJ, cbaur. Flying, parewa, urak, urang. Flying-fish, mabi-parand, parandi-macbhli. Foal, bacblieri ; (to foal) byana, janna. Foam, kaf, pben ; (foamy) kaf-dar. To Foam, pbenana, kaf-utbna ; (to be enraged) barbam-b, ag-b. Fob, pbent, pbanda, dab, kesa, jeb. Focus, madar, nukta, tipa; (of a glass) did-ban, nazar. Fodder, gbas, cbara, patba, gaunt, pala, libna, gbas- pat. Foe, gh anim, barif, mukhalif, bairi, 'adu, mudda'i, bad-khwab, sbatur, dusbman (v. enemy). Fcetus, bacba, janin. Fog, kobar, kobera, kobasa, sbab-dud, kobes, dbun^h, bukbar. gbubar. Foggy, dbundla or dbundbala, pur-kobasa. FoH, cbbi cbbi, tauba (v./y/). Foible, 'aib, nuksan, ^usur, kanv pai, puth, ja^e- angusbt, raWb^na, barf. Foil, (for fencing) gadka, patta, pbul-batba, b&ui^; (for Jewell) dak, jagjaga, kitkara, nok, tbokar ; — — (flg.) dbal, arsi. To Foil, barana, sbikast-d, radd-k, jitna. To Foist, ilbak-k, mila-d, gbuserna, santn&. Fold, (for sheep) gonda, batban, baisak, bara, beyb, arar ; (of a door) palla, pat, pat, kewara ; (double) la,i, lara, parta, kara, bara, taba, lapet, tof (fiock) galla; (ply) tab, part; (plait) cbin, cbunat, kunjlak ; (of a rope) pecb, pher (in comp.) cband, guna, barabar- tbus, du- chand, two-fold, chua -gnnat, four-f eld. POL [ 112 I FOR To FotD, tahanft, tah-k, lapetn&, toini, morna, santuS; (sheep) bej-hana, barna, rahana ; {a letter, &c.) malfuf-k, kham-k, band-k; {to shut) lagana, lagna, bandhua, bandhna ; (to embrace) chhati- lagana, ghatpat-k ; (n.) lipatna. Folded Hands, dast-basta, hath-bandha, hath-jor. FoLDiNO, {door) do-palliya, du-patta. Foliage, patiyahat, barg-bahar, barg-sazi, aurak. Foliation, warak-sazi, aural:-dari. Folio, do-warka or do-warka kitab, do-auraki. Folk, log or lok (pi. oblique, logon), admi, mardam, ash^as, kaum, kutumbh. To Follow, pichhe-ana or -jana; {topursue) raged- na, ta'akub-k, pichha-k ; {to imitate) pairawi- k, akhaz-k, chal-chalna,iktida-&c.-k, ponchhi-yana, pichha or daman-pakarna, piclibe-chalna, painde- parna, kadam- ba kadam-chalna, dumbala-h, dum- gaza-h, inuta'akib-&c. -b,uikalna,hona; {toac- company) sath-d, laga-rahna, pai-dar-pai-a, paiham- ana ; {to obey) manna, kabul-k ; {to be busied with) mashghul-h, karna; {to follow a profes- sion) pesba-k ; {to follow as a consequence) uatija-h, nikal-jana or -ana, KoLLOWER, pas-ran, pairau, pichh-laga, daman-gir, inu'takid, panthi, dastbai, muktadi, sewak, pachhi, tabi' ; {dependant) tabi'-dar ; {disciple) shagird, chela; {imitator) akhiz, mutatabbi'. Following, {day, &c.) dusra, agla, a,inda or ayanda, ma-ba'd. Folly, be-wukufi, himakat, ablahi, na-dani, humk, ahmaki, aliinaka-pan, bodla,!, gegla,i, gadha-pan, safahat, balahat. To Foment, {a sore, &c.) senkna, tatama, takorna ; ■ {to encotirage) uthana, dalna, bona, machanl ; {to foment mischi^) fasad-uthana. Fomentation, senk, tatar, takora, natul, kamad. FoMENTER, {of miscUrf) mnfsid, fituriya, muftari, fitna-angez, fasadi. Fond, sha,ik, 'ashik, ma,il, talib, khoji, mangta, lanlin, 'attu, mu'azziz, nehi; (in comp.) dost, jo, jbalab, parast, khwah, guzln, lobh ; {of low company) paji-parast, rizala-dost ; {to be fond of) chahna, khwahish-r, niail-r. To Fondle, pyar-k, dular-k, dulama, sahjana, chho- chho-k, chhonchla-k, pit-par hath-phima; {to dally) naz-bardarl-k. Fondling, lafla, dulara, pyara, naznm. Fondly, pyar-se, chah-se, &c. lar-pyar-so. Fondness, chah, shauk, pyar, ra^bat, mubabbac. Font, chambu, khikhi, ganga-jali. Fontanel, {of the head) talu, chand. Food, khana, Uiorak, ghiza, ahar,kut, khurish, ta'am, bhojan, raso,i, rizk, akl, jiyuhar, adhar, prikar, jika, bliog, prashad, jalpan, nawala, tukra-tera, khassa, sidha, khaja ; {of granivorous animals) chara ; {of carnivorous birds) tamba (prop, tu'ma). Fool, ahmak, be-wukuf, ga,odi, na-dan, chutiya, sada- laub, niurakh, sath, jar, phikauriya, gol, pagal, bilaili, diwana, gegla, ulwara, mudh, uzbak, kul, jahil, baclikal, firamba, shekh-chilli ; {to make a) bahkana, a1iinak-&c. -banana, pachharna,afe hathon- lena, kan-katua; {buffoon) mascara, bhan^; {to play the fool) hiinakat-k. To I'OOL, (nd ex abru, azad-tab', mutlalcu-I-'iuan. Free-W!LL, ikhtiyar, mukhtarl. To Freeze, (n ) jamua, bandhna, munjamid-h ; (a.) jamana, munjamid-k, basta-k. Freight, (cargo) bharti, mahmula, naul, b&r-bar^ dari, bojha,i ; (hire) kiraya, bhara. To Freight, ladna, bojhna, bharti-k, jahaz-par ladni. Freighter, bharanhar, bharait. French Bean, lobiyii : Frahs bin is now generally understood at Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay. Frenzy, junun, diwangi, sirsam, bawala,i. Frequency, aksariyat, kasrat, buhtat orbahut&yat, ziyadati. Frequent, aksariya, bahut, paiham, lagatar. To Frequent, manda-rahna, raha-phira-k, £mad> raft-k, utarna, raandlana, aya-k, jaya-k, aya-jaya-k. Frequented, chalta, jita, jari, jrulzar ; (at a mar- ket) garm. Frequently, aksar, beshtar, babudhlL, aksar-auk&t, barha, daf'atan, ati-ant or atyant, bas&-va^t, ma- karrar, sikarrar, ka,e-bar. Fresh, (new) tatka, taza, tar o taza, gil&, tar, sabs ; (not salt) phika, a-lona ; (sweet) mi^ha, shirin ; (not old) naiya ; (cool) sard, thandha; (verdant) sar-sabz, dabka, hariyala, nau, nau-ras, shadab, sairab ; (not tired) taza- dam, par-phuht, chiik; (florid) surkh o safed, bashshash ; (unimpaired) tantha, mazbut; (brisk) tund, zor; (water) mitha-pani; (fresh and fresh) taza ba taza, nau ba nau. To Freshen, (a.) taza- &c. -k ; (water) mithi- &c. -k ; (meat) bo-mama ; (n.) lahlahanft, taza-h, launkna. Freshly, (anew) pher, dusra-kar, nae-sir-se. Freshness, tazagi, tar o tazi, tari, Jarawat, sabzi, sardi, sar-sabzi, nazhat, sur^i, surkh o safedi, tundi, mithas, rutubat. Fret, (agitation) ghabrahat, iztirar, kharash, dikkat; (passion) khafgi, ghussa, ris, khasar; — — (of instruments) khunti ; (work) rukhrahat. To Fret, ghis-jana ; (to abrade) ragarua, ghisnjl ; (to vex) satana, khijhana, risana, chirhana, khafa-k, ruthana, khuhsana, jhunjhlana, udherna, chhilna, khariishna, ragr.ina, khyana, ghisana, ankh men-khatakna or -chubhna, jirjirana, kalkal- ana, katkatara; (to be vexed) khafa-h, nakhysh- h, bezar-h, dikk-h, kurhna, riithna, chirhna. Fretful, chirchira, khafa* na-khush, bezar, di^ khasraha, khunsaha, risaha, bad-kho. Fretfully, khafgi- &c. -se, chirchirakar or chirchifJ- hat-se. Fretfulness, khafgi, na-khushi, bezari, chifchiraha^ Fretted, («?orA) munabbat, rukhrahat. Friable, narm, phuska, bhurbhuraha, polkha, bukne- jog, kabil sufiif. Friar, fakir, darwesh, kalandar, zahid, jogi, yishi. Fribble, (a fop) chibilla, zanaua, kljush-poshak. Fricassee, kaliya, salan (v. stew, &c.). Friction, ghisa,o, ragar, ghisawat, m&lish, malan, dalan, dast-malish, mala,i dala,i. Friday, jum'a, shukr-war vr -b&r or -Tftr, tdiati bhrigubar. mt ( 117 ) 7BU raiEND, dost, khair-khwah, muWbb, hitQ, mitr, dost-dar, luukhlis, ikhlas-mand, ashna, yar, habib, 'aziz, mushfik, yawar, khair-andesh ; (com- panion) musahib, sathi, bandhii, sajjan, pritam, gakha, shafik, wall ; {female) ali or all, sakhi, go,:, dugana ; (patron) dast-gir, raihr-ban ; (an intimiite friend) yar i gbar; (dear friend) yar i 'aziz ; (ho, friend) o miyaii, he bha,i, ai yar or shakhs. Friendliness, be-yar, be-ashna, be-kas, be-chara, mitra-hin. Fkiendliness, asbna-parasti, dost-parwari, mitra,! or mitrata. Feiendlt, ashna-parast,dostana,dost-parwar, muhib- bana, yarana; yar-sa, milansar, murawwati ; (amicable) muwafik ; (salutary) mufid. Friendship, dosti,khair-khwahi, muhabbat, hit, rabt, ]^ubb,ittihad, itilaf, ulfat, muwaddat, irtibat, ildilas, ^hna,i, yari, dost-dari, dast-giri, mihr-bani, shaf- ^at, widad, prem, sneh, hitkar, miisadikat, lagan. Frieze, (border) kagar; (cloth) mota pashmi kapra. Frigate, jahaz, arkati, ghurab, lit. a crow, and from this our Bombay grab. Fright, dar, dahshat, chamak, bichak, bhay. lb Fright, Frighten, darana, sahamana, dahshat- &c. -d, dahshatnak-k, hirasan-k, bichkana, bhar- mana, bharkana, dabkana, dahlana ; (to take fright) bichakna, bharakna. Frightful, haul-nak, darawana, moblb, baibat-nak, bhayauak. Frightfully, haulnakl- &c. -se, muhibana. Friohtfulness, banl-naki, haibat-n&ki, mahibi. Frigid, tbandha, sard, sital. Frigidity, sardi, khunaki, rukha,i. Fringe, jhalar, anchal; (fly for horna) ma- kharna. To Fringe, jhalar-lagana ; (fringed) jhSdar-dar. Fripperer, kuhna- or mudrig-farosh. Frippery, mudris, chharan, utaran. A Frisk, chapal, taral (v. caper, leap, frolic). To Frisk, kudakna, kudrana, uchhalna, phaj-akna, phudakna, chanchalana, chaplana, thirakna, pha- lang-mama. Frisker, Frisky, sbol^, achpal, alola, chapla, taral, kudakkar. Friskiness, shokhl, acbpali, chalaki, chnlbnla,!. Frith, (of the sea) naka, khari. Fritter, (pancake, q. v.) tikka, parcha, &c. To Fritter, (break) kutama, noch-d ; (trifle) makhi-marna (applied to the wasting of time) . Frivolous, halka, chhota, subuk, thofa, sa^ir, bad- hawa,i, adna, rakik, na masmu' (v. inadmissible). Frivoloubness, subuki, chhota-pan, na-masmul. To Frizzle, pech-d, amethna, ghorchiyana, uljhana. Fro, (to and) idhar-udhar, dawan-dol, mara-mari, tana-bharni, aw&-gawau, yahan se wahan wahan se yahan, &c. Frock, kortl, anga, angrakha, pair&han, nima, jhul, kurta. Frog, mendak, dadur, beng, dhabus, bheki, daddu, ghauk, zifda' ; pila daddu is one of the many terms with which Blackey chuckles over us, thus giving a Rowland for our Oliver. Frolic, khel, shokhi, tannazi, alol, kalol. To Frolic, khelna, shokhi-k, anthlana, alol-kalol-k. Frolicsoue, achpal, shok^ chanchal, ochla, Jbannaz. From, se, sen, sun or son, siti, le, te, min, az, kax, ka, pas se ; (because) waste, khatir ; (take it from him) us-se lo ; (he came from the king) wuh padshah ke pas se aya hai ; (from above) iipar se ; (from below) niche se ; (from that dag to this) us roz se aj tak ; (from day to day) diuon din, roz ba roz. Front, chihra, munh, mukhra, ru, agwani, samna, pesh-gah ; (of an elep/iant) mastak ; (^ a?i army) pesh, agari ; (of a house) aga, ag- wara; (front to front) ru-ba-ru, du-ba-du, amne-samne, char-chashm, mukabala. To Front, samne-h, mukabil-h, muhazi-h. Frontier, sarhadd, sewana, hadd, sima. Frontispiece, sari-lauh, matha, nak; (dar, zar^- barki, rangin. Gauge, m^p; (to gauge m&pn&, paima,isb-k, kut-k. Gaunt, (t. ghastly) ^i^, ba|-kank|-a. Gauntlet, bink, dastana e &bani ; (to throw the) prand-rompna. Gauze, ghis, kapar-dhur, liihi, ghas-pbfls, jbilmili. Gay, k^ush, shad-m&n, kJiurram, khusb-wa^t, dil- shad, baghrbagb, magan, basbshash; (witty) sarif, khusb-tab', subuk-sar, zinda-dil, hanso|-, bbafkila, rangila, albela, chancbal, khanda-pesbani. Gayety, cbolial or chubal, jbamaka, k^usb-wakti. Gayly, khusbi-se ; (gaudily) bana,o-se, &c. Gayness, khusbi, sbadmani, yiurrami, bashashat; (wit) khusb-tab'i, subuk-sari, zinda-dili, zarafat. Gaze, taktaki, tak, nazar, nigarani, nizar&. To Gaze, gliurna, tak-b, ^-rabni, dekb-rabna, &nkh- lagana, nijhana. Gazer, i4;iaru, naj;ar-karne-'nrU&, &c., iia;^r. Gazctte. aiibar, ailibSr-ka- or lbliabar-ki-kigiia». Gazetteer, (intelligencer) akbbiir-uawis. Gazino-stoce, nizara, nisbana, nazar-gab, angusht- numa. Gear, kH-kanta, saz-saman, saz-baz, mal-asbab. Gee, ji, shabash, kyun-nabo, huda ; (to elephantt) dhat, dara. \castrocte). To Geld, kha,e-nikal-dalna, Hiasi-k, a^ta-k (t. to Gelding, akhta, kutiya, be-khaya. Gelly, (y. jelly) rubb, jaman, sikanjabin, turanjabln. Gem, jawahir, jaubar, gaubar, man ; (bud) kom- pal, kalgba. [adam-surat, Gemini, (constellation) janzi, mithnn, hama-harni. Gender, jins, kism, nan', jat, ling, rakam; (mas- culine) tazkir; (feminine) tanis. To Gender, (t. to breed, &c.) paida-k, janana. Genealogical, nasabi; (-table) nasab-nama, pusht-nama, sbajra, kursi- &c. -nama, bansawari. Genealogist, nassab, nasab- &c. -dan, nasl-dan. Genealogy, nasi, na^ab, asl, kol, sikila, sbajra, basab- nasab, pirbi, kursi. General, (adj.) 'amm, muraTJ waj, mutadawal, kulliya, aksariya, shamil, muhit, mujmal, mubham, jinsi^ jati, lokik, loki, babudhani, sansarik, sabdj, padbi, 'amum, mutlak, 'alam-nasbar, sarbasta, gosbwara, barbast. General, (sub.) sardar, salar, sar-gnrob, sipab-salar, bakbsbi, faujdar (the latter little used in this sense). Generalissimo, amiru-1-umara, mir-bakbshi. sena- pat, bakhshiu-1-mumalik, yar-wafadar. Generality, 'umiim, sbumul, kulliyat ; (the {tenerality) jambur, aksarin, aksar-ashkbas, aksar- og, babut-admi. Generally, 'umuman, aksar, bahadha, sara-sari, yunbi, aksar-aukat. Generalness, 'umumiyat, aksariyat, kulliyat. Generalship, bakbshi-gari, sipah-salari, &c. To Generate, jauna, byana, karna, janmana, jananft. Generated, mutawallad, paida, janmaya-bu,a. Generation, (production) taulid. tawallnd, paida,ish, utpat, janam ; (race) asl, Kul, gharana ; . (progeny) aulad, bans; (s^iccession) pusht, pirbi ; (age) zamana, daur, jug ; (from generation to generation) pusbton-se, pusht ba pusbt, pirbi-ba-pirbi. Generative, muwallid, janma,u, utpat-kari, taulidl. Generical, Generic, 'amm, sabdi, jinsi; (a generic noun) ism i jins. Generosity, Generousness, sakhawat, himmat, taufik, sakba, karamat, jud, bakhshish, kushada-diS, faiyazi, faiz, jawan-mardi, lutf, dan, puu, kirt, fatuwat, najabat, latafat. Generous, sakhi, data, sahib-bimmat, sabib-taufi^ karim, kushada-dil, dil-chal, faiyaz, jawaii-mard, buland-himmat, darya-dil, batim, karam-bakhsh or -gustar, dayal, dharraatma ; (as food) latif, takwiyat-bj^sb, takwiyati; (noble) jatiia, asil. Generously, sakhawat- &c. -se, jawan-mardi-se. Genial, pyara, jismi, gharizi, jinsi, bamwar, sam- bandbi. Genitals, satar, ling, sharm-gab, &lat, tinon-th&n. Genitive, (sign) izafat, sambandb-karak,balati jarri; (a noun in th.e genitive) muzaf-ilaib, the word governing it being called muzaf. Genius, kbo, kbaslat, mizaj, sirat, subba.o, cheshfi, tab', ma'ika, jaudat, bahra; (bent) takaza, sivak, dhab; (mental faculties) tabi'at, fabm, faiimid, bujh, idrak, sha'ur, {ihn, xakawat, mudrika; (rt gemwi, or vinn of part i>) sabib-tab, jai^xu, Sakl, iauuii ; (sptrui jixm, pari, bbut. G£K ( wi ) GIN Genteel, muhazzab, arasta, mirzaySna, mirzimanish, siia,ista, shusta, naznin, sajili, nazuk, mardum-amez. QKNTBteLLT, khulk- &c. -se, andaze-se, sha,istagi-se. Gknteelness, tahzib, arastagi, shustagi, sha,istagi, khulk. ahliyat, akhlak, nazakat, sajawat. Gentian, jintiyana, pakhan-bhed. Gentilitt, najabat, sharafat, asalat, insaniyat, adam- gari, marde-admiyat, bhal-mansi, khulkiyat, mirza,i, mirza-pan. Gentle, najlb, ashraf, sharif, asil, kulin ; — - {mild) latif, gharib, bhola, narm, dhima ; {as rain, &c.) madhim, zamin-doz, rasayani ; {harmless) kam- sharr, salimu-t-tab' ; {gentle and simple) chhote bare, 'amm o khass. Gentleman, marde-adml, bhala-manus, ashraf, miyan- admi, ashraf-zada, sahib-zada, khwaja- or najib- &c. -zada, kulwant ; the word sahib, in expressions like sahiban i 'ali-shan, sahib-suba, sahib-log, signifies, par excellence, the gentlemen, applied, in some parts of the country, to the Saiyads, but generally to the English rulers, civil and military. Gentlemanlike, Gentlemanly, marde-admi-sa. Gentleness, {mildness) mula,imat, hilm, ghurbat, narmi, linat, ahistagi, lutf, murawwat. Gentlewoman, bhali-admi, ashraf-zadi, bibi, bliali bibi, nek-bakht, kulwanti, bibi-sahib, the latter term is generally applied to an English lady. Gently, mula,imat-se, ahiste, dhime, haule, halge, sande, narm-narm, gate, rasayan-se, mu'allak, whence by corruption, amallak, anamat. Gentby, ashraf, shurafa, nujaba, khawass. kulwant- &c. -log, ra,asa (pi, of ra,is) . Genuflexion, rak'at, 'ibadat, namaskar. Genuine, khalis. asil, chokha, nab, khara, jaiyad, sahlh. Genuineness, asalat, khar^,!, sachcha,!, sihhat, rasti. Genus, jins, nau' ; {tribe, class) kaum, firka. Geookapheb, ^attata-1-bilad, jughrafiya-dan. Geography, jughrafiya, hai,atu-l-arz, ta^titu-1- bilad, bbanwati, iklim-dani, bhu-gol-bidya. Geomanceb, rammal, bhadri, raml-shinas or -dan. Geomancy, rami, rammali. [ahli handasa. Geometee, Geometrician, muhandis, handasa-dan, Geometry, handasa, 'ilm i handasa, 'ilm i masal^at. Germ, ankhwa, gabh, kansi (v. bud). German, {cousin) chachera-bha,i. To Germinate, ankhwana, kansiyana. Gesture, Gesticulation, harkat, jumbish, waz*, dhab, halat, bha,o, ada. Get, in its various senses, is not easily expressed by any one or two words in the Hindustani : the reader must therefore consult its various synonymes, such as to rise, escape, light, have, induce, for such compounds as to get up, to get off, &c. To Get, pana, hasil-k, paida-k, khana, milna, lena, baithna, jutna, jutana, jurna, hath-a or -lagna, mu- yassar-h, bilasna; {to generate) janmana, jan- ana ; {with child) pet-k, bund-d ; {out) nikalna ; {in) paithna, girna, parna, khasna ; {loose) chhutna, khulna ; {to catch) lagana, pakarna, sikhna, nikalna ; {to begin) lagna, ana ; {to become) hojana, parna ; {to win) jitna ; {to earn) kamana ; {to arrive) pahunchna ; {to get up) uth-baithna, uth-khara-hona ; {to get on) chaJ-nikalna ; {to get on boots, &c.) charhana (v. to put on) ; {to get ready to march, &c.j lad-phand-k; {to get by heart) hifz-k, az-bar-k, nok-zaban-k, man-men-k; {if you go there, you will certainly get a beating) agar turn wahanja,oge muk:arrar turn ko mar baithega or turn mar kh§,oge; to get any thing done for another is generally expressed by the causal verbs; for instance, if you cannot do this business yourself, get it done by another, agar tum ap yih kam nahin bana sakte, to kisi aur ke hath se banwa,o; {get you gone) chal, dur ho, gum ho. Getter, (v. generative) pawanhar, pawaiya ; (wi comp.) yab, kash. Getting, yaft ; {in comp.) yabi. Gewgaw, {toy) khilauna, kath-putli or-putli. Ghastliness, harjali, haulnaki, bhutaha,i. Ghastly, bhut-sa, bhutaha, daint-sa, harjal, murdaui. Ghost, bhut, ham-zad, bhutna, paret, chha,on, sarup, saya, rdh, ham-nam, parchha,in, surat i wahmi, ghol or ghul ; {the Holy Ghost) ruhu-l-kuds ; {to give up the ghost) jan ba hakk taslim karna, ji- d, jan-sompna, ruh-chhorna, jan se guzar-jana. Giant, dayant, de,o or dev, 'ifrit, dano, asur, bhokas, daitya, uj bin 'unak ; {like) dano-sa. Giantess, de,oni or dewni, dayanti, bhutni. Gibberish, ghilpil, kichar-michar, ghach-pach, zar- bari, shishkari, chitkari. Gibbet, {gallows) dar, phansi-ka-shahtir or -daia^t. To Gibbet, phansi-d, gudda-banana, chang-k. Gibbosity, kub, kubar, khamidagi. Gibbous, ^amida-pusht, kubra, kuza. Gibe, ta'n-tashni*, ta'na-zani, la'n-ta'n, tasakhkhur, sukhriya, ramz-boli or -bazl, thatholi, kinaya, gabhi. To Gibe, ta'n-tashni'-k, taiyar-k, banana, chirhan^ are-hathon-lena. Giber, thathe-baz, zarif, hazzal, thatholiya, rarazb&z. Giddiness, ghumri, dauran i sar, chaundhi, tewar, ghanwar, chaundhiyahat, gashtghurni; {wan^ tonness) shokhi, chanchali. Giddy, {heedless) ghafil, shokh, chanchal, achpal, albela, alhar ; {intoxicated) madhush, be-^ud, mast. To be Giddy, {as the head) sir-ghiimna, sir-phirna; {to be elated) phulna, chaundhiyana, talmalana, te,orana, char^i men-a. Giddy-headed, {wanton) la,obali, bad-dimagh; — -— • {silly) khalx-dimagh. subuk-sar, udmada. Gift, bakhshish, in'am, *ata, dan, marhamat, nazar» nazrana, dad-dihish, dad, bazl, hadiya, hiba, 'idi; ^— {faculty) karamat, patut, khuda-dad. Gifted, karamati, bahra-mand. Gigantic, kawi-haikal, bukka, daint-sarupi, 'ifrit- surat, muhib, bhayanak. To Giggle, khil-khilana, kahkaha-marna, hihiyanl^ khikhiyana, dant-khisorna or nikalna. GiGGLER, khilkhiliya, kahkaha-zan. Giggling, haha-hihi, khu-khu,a, khikhiyahat. To Gild, sunahla-k, koft-k, hall-k ; {to illumi- nate) munawwar-k, raushan-k. Gilded, sunalila, tila,i, mutallaf zar-nigar, zar-andud, mulamma'. Gilder, tila-kar, koft-gar, munabbati, halk&r, m!na- kar, giinakar, tila-saz, mulamma'-saz, thase-kar, pani-dharwa. [Jba^a. Gilding, tila-kari, zar-nigari, tila, hall, soneka pani, Gill, {of fowls) badhi, lola; {of fish) galphara, kanaiti, kan-khala ; {of a person) ghab-|^ab. Gilt, zar-anduda or -afshan, mntalla. Gimcback, kal-kanta, jantar or yantra. Gimlet, barma, girdbur, barmi, minkab. Gin, {trap, snare, q.v.) dam, theki, phand&. Ginger, {green) adrak, ad, ada, baitra, satu,a-baitra ; {bread) muranda, sonthora; {shooi) angftr, (dry) south, zanjabil. GIN ( 122 ) GLO OiNQLE, kharkarabat, jhanak, khatak, khan-khan, jiantan, jhanjban. To GiNOLE, jhanjhanana, jhanakna, khatkhatana, jhankarni, tantanana. G1NOLTMO8, liabza, kulfi, zolfi (v. hinge). 61P8EY, nat, kanjar, galgaliya, natni, thagni, M^aua- badosh ; \to play the) natkhati-k. To Gird, lapetna, bSndbna, jakarna, kasna, lagana. GiBDER, sbabtir, dliaran (v. joist, beam). GiBDLE, kamar-band, patka, afband, kar-dhani, peti, sbamla. Girl, larki, chhokri, sibiya, kanya, bachcbi, chhohri, dokfi, laundiya, dukhtar, dhemni, rakbni ; (a slave girt) bandi, laundi, clieri, reza, kaniz, kanizak; (a dancing girl) tawa,if, loli, kancbani. Girlish, larki- &c. -sa, chhokri- &c. -ka sa, kani- z&na. GiBTB, GiKT, tang, pushtang, petara, zer-tang, bala- tang, kotal-kash; (single^girthed) ek-tanga; {doviile- girthed) do-tanga ; (surcingle) fara^i. To Girth, tang-Ien&, pushtang-bandhna. To Give, dena, bakhshna, de-dalna, 'inayat- &c. -k, lana, baithna, sompna, pakrana, khilana, jarna, mama, dalna, lagana, karna, harna; (to give up, to quit) chhorna,; {to give over) chhor-d, hith- utbana, m.unh-pherna, gayi-k ; (to give up as incorrigible) mar-harna ; [to give over selling) dflkan-barhana, morha-marna ; {to give way) chasn&, ndharna, tut-chalna ; (^rroMnd )pas-pa-h, !«chb-panw-h ; {to give a beating) mar-baithna ; or the various compounds formed from this verb, see the simple English synonymes in their proper places ; • nz. instead of to give out, see to publish, Ac. Givee, data, baHishinda, dewal, dewaiya, dene-walS, dihinda, mun'im, mu'ti, dewa, wahib, dani ; (in comp.) banish or dih; thus, jan-bakhsh, /A«^»firo/ life ; tasdi'-dih, the giver of annoyance. Gizzard, pathri, sang-dan. Glacis, pushta, dagram. Glad, Gladsome, khush, ^urram, masrflr, shad, dil- shad, nihal, bagh-bagh, mahzuz, khursand, mafriiL shadman, khush-hal. To Gladden, Glad, khush- &c. -k, hulsana, phulna, phulana. ' Glade, mokh, margh-zar (v. laton, valley). Gladiator, shamsher-zan, shamsher-baz, talwariva. mall, saiyaf, kusht-gar. Gladly, kfeushi- &c. -se, ba-^ushl, shauk-se. Gladness, khushi, shadi, shadmani, khursandi, surur, imbisat, farhat, bahjat, tarab, anand, inasarrat. Glad tidings, basharat, ^ush-lAabri, nawed, muzhda. Glaie or Glaiee, baize ki safedi. Glance, jhalak,jhalki, ramak.jha.onli, najsar, gardish, pher, ghuma,o, drisht. * To Glance, jhalakna, lahakna, nigiih- &c. -k, tichana. Si k" f^"'-"'^'S°^' '?». kftn ; (of a plough) raut-hlya, parehat ; {of a tea-pot, Sec.) iantiifi^ ; {nf a shield) bathkarft ; ■ (of a hamlmilh moldl, " kbQntill ; (of drmeri, &c.) karft, bathal, laklaki, l^al\a,.mQ\h, hathwasa, parch, ^n^{; (of a wheel, mill, &c.) ghirni, parotha, hatha; {of a eaddU) liarni ; {Jiold) liath- kara, pakar, aab, girift, nakol, ankaH, lagam ; {handle end of a iword) duinbala; {pretence) Ijila, bahana, ba,!;!. ta^^rlb. To Handle, hath-lagana, chhnna, chhorna, ^na, cha- lana, pakAfna; {roughlij) hathon lena, mar- chalani, pachharna, bo-taralj posh-ana; {to mention) bavan-k, taiiliril^-k, tauif'ilj-k, taffiil-k, ^ikr- k, barnan-it; {to treat) inu'amala-k, sulfik-k. IlANi)i.m89, inla, ^Qn^a, JQra, be-hath or -dast, nir- batha, bo-kafa. Handmaid, a^il, da,i, sakhi, saholi, Hiidmatgarni, dasi, launcjii. Hand-miu,, chakki, aniya, dalcntl. f IAND-8AW, ari, dastar or dastara. Hands off, dOr-ho, hath-utiba,o, chalo-ja,o. Handsel, buhnl, 'idl, jumagl. To HanobeIi, buhnl-k, pahil-k, anwasna, Ufahn&. Handsome, ]diQb-?flrat, l^asin, anAp, Jamil, suthra, zeba, U»u?h-rQ, liab-rQ, kllVHli-cJaul, lihijih-numa, Uwih-lfaJ' (v. elegant, comely), l^abul-filrat, Ba,onla, salona, lohawan, supin^. Bhaklia, niwal, sflghar, chhab-dar, Ishi^sh-ltlia^ti or -jtljal or -lal^a or \&M, gul-badan or -andam ; {-women) padmini, chbatrin! ; {a handtome fortune) bafi-daulat ; . (a handtome action) U^af 9a kam. HANDSOMBiiT, IshQb-fQrati- &o. ->e, kushada-dill-He, 'ali-himraatl-ie. Handsomeness, kbab-fflratl, aathra,!, zoba.i, ra'na,!, kliush-ra,l, Idbab-rQ,), Islit^sh-aadam!, husu, jamal. Handspike, ohob, lak|-i ka )ibek&. Handwritino, dast-l(]iaj^t, hastaohhar. Handt, dast-kar, dast-^abll, kari-gar, sflghar, flfil^ib- sali^a, sanarlt hathau^iya, dast-chaiak, hathiia, sflgha^, aram!, aram-ka ; {convenient) inu'lf:(ll, kftm-ka. To Hano, (a.) la]ikana hilgAna, mu'allaV-k ; {to execute) phansi-cliarhaiia, f^al-d, (anguA, chitntan&, ohipt^ana; {upon) amiyat, be-aa^:- flini, bodl2L,i. Habmlebslt, sahaj, sahalag, yQAhi, be-?arar, nir- dosh. HABMOJJiotJg, HARM05ICAL, Habmohto, mula,im, narm, shirih, mitha, pur-»oz; (concordant) »az-gar, barabar, eksah, bam-&hang, U^i^ah-iwaz. Harmoniously, 8azgari-&c. se, U^b-lwizi-se. Harmosiou8Jie«8, mala.imat, narmi, Bhlrini, mijhj«, «4z-garl, barabari, mawafal|:at, ham-ahangi. Harmony, lahan, tarannum, gafir, hoz ; (concord) tal-mel, mel, ittihad, sama', tarana, zamzama, ham- sazi, kl^ngb-awazi or -ahangi. Harness, saz, saman, saranjam, ral^t, 8ajJ&, i&j. Harp, cbang, barbat, bin, kingri ; (ajew'M harp) mur-chang. To Harp< chang-bajana ; (to dwell on a lubjtct^ ratna, liye-jana, cbala-jana, rahna. Harper, barbat-nawa/., changi, bin-k&r. Harpoon, tekana, changal Habpy, (fury) churail, pecha, inQ,ft; (extortionm) khal-udbe|-, ra'iyat-kush. Harridan, hazar-ga^hta or -ga,ida or -dida, lashkar- kljalas. Harrow, henga, sirawan, aohaga, maij-ft, ma,i, chaakL To Harrow, benga-phcma, hengana; (to disturb) satana, &c. Harrower, honga,u ; (disturber) Batft,(k. To Harry, (as birds' nests) ujaf-k, wairftn-k. Harsh, (to the taste) khatta, tnrgh, baksa, ka«ela, rurha, mota, tharra, talkh, kapea, tund, sal^il, khar- jbara, kattQ; (treatment) bad-suluk; (to the ear) sakht, kara, karih; (in manners, &c.) durusht, an-gaj-h, an-chhila, na-tarashida ; (rough) khar-khara ; (unpleasant) na-gawar, gar&n, dnshwar, bhari, shak^. Habshlt, sakhti- &c. -se, dnrushti-se. Harshness, kha}*i,i, turshi, baksahaf, sal[]}ti,dura8hti, karay^ti, na-tarashidagi, kharkharahati, garani, diuhwari, dil-^iarashi, ga^&lat, ^luahunat, nft- gaw&ri, taiy^. Hart, ham or him, harin or hiran, mjig or mirg, bar&-8ing&. Habtshobn, ham k& sing, kak^ra-singi. Harvest, (time) kajna,! ka wa^ct, wa^ft i dirau, y^arif, kata,i, katai, faaal, zira'at, dirau, badh&,i; (-home, a song) Mhwa ; (hire) balkaU ; (corn) anaj, jing, ^rifl; (product) l^gU, samara, phal ; (opportunity) wal^t, samai, riit. A HAiiu, tima; (of vegetables) bbartft, gagbbatta ; (of meat) ^ira, kofta. To Hash, l^a-k, khuthi khQthi-k. HAgp, ka|i, zanjir, konda, ^olaba, karw&r. Ha880ck, mngalla, ja,e namaz, gajjada, asan, asni, ba- ghambar, mirg-cbh&l&. Haste, jaldi, shitabi, ut4,oli, 'ujlat, ta'Jil, ghitab-kari, isti'jai, phurt, bigi or begl, cha^k, jhapat ; (passion) jhanjhlabat, jhuljhulahati; (the more haste the less speed ) ut&,ola go ba,ol&, or dhira kim ral^D&nl, ghitab kam ghaij^ni. To Haste, Hasten, makb Hastk, (n.) Jaldi- &c. -k, jald-h; (a.) shitabi- Ac. -karana, jald- dec. -k, dau}'- ana, cbalani. Hastily, jaldi- &c. -ge; (rashly) be-tadbiri- Sua. -86, be-ghanr. cha^pa^ake. Hastink8«, (of temper) tondi, tund-Hio,i, atash-mizaji, jaltarangi, hafbajri, chafpataha^ chafipa^i ; (rashruss) be-tadbiri, be-audazagi. Hasty, jald, ghitab, uta,ola, phurtila, chatpafiya, gliitab-baz; (passioruUe'j tunA, tund-k^o, Jald- mizftj, jaltarang, (rash) be-li^a|B, be-andaza; (early ripe) agman&. Hastt-puddino, faiuda, lapti. Hat, Jopi, kuiah, taj ; (hat-band ) pa(|!, ^ora. Hatch, (brood) jhol; (of a ship, &c.) phalka. To Hatch, nikalna, Be,ona or tkvnah ; (to contrive) bandhna, utbana, iftira-k, il^tira'-k. To BE Hatohkd, nikalnft ; (/utehsd egg) tl,« ki K2 HAT ( 132 ) UEA HatoheZiL, mongri ; — ^ (to katchel) ktltaS, mongri- y&n-marna. Hatchet, tabar, knlhSlp; {hatchet-face) painl munb ; {backed, a horse) tabar gun. Hate, dushmani, 'adawat, bair, kina, ba ghz , nifa^ chirh, karahiyat, nafrat. To Hate, dushmani- &c. -r, dushman- &c. -jSnna, makruh- &c. janna, nafrat-k, ghin-k. Hateful, makruh, karih, ma'yub, bad, zabfLn, bura, na-gawar, nafrati, ghinauna. Hatefdi-lt, dushmani- &c. -se, makruhan. Hatefolness, dushmani, zabuni, bura,i, na-gawari. Hater, dushman, bairi, mu^alif, bad-khwah, 'adu, mutanaffir. Hatred, bad-khwahi, kina-wari, ihtiraz, gurez, i'ra?, khushunat. Hatter, kulah-saz or -baf, topi-banane-wala. To Have, rakhna, bona (which signifies to be, and i& used with the dative or genitive, like sum in Latin ; mujhe bari khushi hai, est mihi summum gaudium, I have great pleasure ; mere pas kitaben hain, sunt mihi libri, I have books ; anS also sometimes occurs in this sense) ; dhiirna, ana, rahna, lagna, milna ; {to accept) kabul-k; {as a husband) khasam- k; {to take) lena, nikalna, uthana, ura-lena, akhz-k, istimbat-k; {to maintain) da'wa-k, hujjat-k, ka,il-h, mukirr-h; {to require) chahna, mangna, talab-k ; {to have a care) khabardar-h. khabar-dari-k. Haven, bandar, kol; (refuge) Mfazat-gah. Hadohtilt, ghurur-se, ghamand-se, ahankari-se. Haughtiness, ghurur, ghamand, kibr, istikbar, ma^- ruri, 'ujb, nakhwat, ananiyat, zu'm, dimagh, aham- bha,o, khud-bxni. khud-pasandi, dhitha,i, ainth- maror. Haughtv, maghrur, ghamandi, Khud-pasand, khud- bin, aphadda, magrS, dhith, pur-ghurur, akar-baz, dimbhi, garbhi. To BE Haughty, ankh par chalna, ghurur- &c. -kama. To Haul, khichna. ghasitna, ichna, khainchna, (anna. Haumch, kula, dhunka, pura. Hautit, adda, akhajra, thangi, ramna, nishast-gah, basera, thaur. To Haunt, (n. as ghosts, &c.) basna, rahna, phirna, har-roza-a, arajari-k, pichhe- or paihde-parna, dharna-d ; {to get a haunt about a person or place) adda-pakarna. Haunted, {bg ghosts) bhutaha, bhutera; -^— — (fre- quented) chalta, jari. Haunter, bashinda, mu^m; . ■ (of taverns. See.) kharabatl. Havock, Uiarabi, tabahi, |^adr, tafraka, ashob, fitur, ghazab, zulm, tufan, hullar, mar, kiyamat, bala, lila, Havock ! (interj.) mar mar ! de-maro ! To Havock, wiran- &c. -k, tabah-k, ujafnS. Hautboy, nai, sur-na,e, shah-na,e or na,i. Hawk, jurra; • (the hen) bSz : there are several species, such as the shikra, shahin, bahri, basha (fem. bashin), chippakh, tuuwa, turmuti, &c., lagaf, jhagar, zimicli, besra; {young) chuz. To Hawk, baz-ka shikar-khelna ; {to expectorate) khankharna ; {to sell or hawk about) bechta- phirna; (^oorfs) bhaunri-k, dahi dahi-k. Haavker, {pedlar) pheri-wiila, khauche-wiila. Hay, siiklii ghas, kah, hashish. Hazard, (danger) andesha, chinta, waswas, halakat, shakk, karma-dharmi ; (game) ju,a, kiniar-bazi, kimar, harjit. To Hazard, kh^'j^re- &c. -men, ^aiuai tali*-azma,i-k, ba^t-bazi>k. Hazardous, Hiatar-nSk, makhtur, jokhimi, j!-mlr, suli-par-ka, janaza-rawan (a walking bier, figura- tively, a horse). Haze, kohasa ; (hazg) dhundhl§, par-kohasa. He, (pron ) wuh (obliq. us) yih (obliq. is) ; {male) nar, naruka, &c. ; (correlat.) so, taun, &c. ; {he, himself) wuhi, wuh-ap ; {he caUt himself names) apne ap ko ap gali deta hai. Head, sar, sir, mund, mundi, sis, kapar or kapal, math, matha, khopri, gardan; {whencutoff) siri, kalla ; {denomination of cattle) ras ; (chief) sar-dar, salar, mlr i {individual) nafar; (of a bed) sirhana; (intellect) 'akl, budll (section) fasal, bab ; (source) sar-chashma, sira, mabda ; (of a hatchet, &c.) phal ; {of a poppy, &c.) bondi, dhendi ; (pitch, crisis) hadd, darja; (of com) kukri, doda, bondi; {of carrots) pendi ; (of a hill) mundaha ; (of a class, dux) DMri ; (in comp.) mir, as mir- munshi, the head munshl, mir-bakawal, &c. (of a cane) muth ; (of a bone) chula, gola; (place) sadar ; (of a web) mukh-pat ; (in accounts madd ; — — (of an arrow) bhal ; of a spear) buri ; (loose dress) mundasa, muretha; (head-gear or dress) sarpech, gosh-pech ; • (bearer) maihra; (head and ears) sarasar, sarapa, sar ta kadam, bal bal, nak se sikh tak ; (head and ^eeZ ro;)fi«) agari-pichhari ; ■ (to be seated at the headof a company) sir-par baithna, upar-baithna, sadar-baithna. To Head, sardar- &c. -h ; (a spear, &c.) paik&n- lagana ; ■ (to make head against) takkar-mam&. Headache, dard i sar, suda', sis- or mund-batha. Headband, kasaba, patti, sar-band; (head-dress) maur. Headland, nas, tek, maror, ras. Headless, be-sar : (beheaded) sar-burida, sar- kata ; {without a chief ) be-sardar. Headlong, (adj.) be-tadbir ,sir-talwaya, sar-nigiin, munh ke bhale, aundha sir, mundi yake. Headlong, (adv.) eka-ek or yakayak, nagahan, munh-bharan ; (head foremost) sir ke bhal* sirke tan, wazh-gun. Head-piece, (helmet) Wiod ; (understanding) al^^ Head-quarters, (of an army, &c.) makarr, marja', sadar; (of a district) haweli. Head-stall, sar-dawal, sar-band, nukta, puzi-patt§, mohri. Headstrong, muiih-zor, sar-kash, be-lagSm, sar- charha, gustakh, shokh, dhith, khud-pasand, khud- bin, sina or sar-zor, aphanti, arel. Heady, (as liquor) nashila, nasha-dar, muskir. To Heal, (a.) changa-k, khushk-k, sukhlana, sha^-d, iltiyam-d, mundamil-k, multayim-k ; (dis- putes) raf-k, daf -k ; (n.) changa- &c. -h, sukhni, bharna, indimal-pakarua. A Healer, shafa-bakhsh, shafi, sihhat-bakhsh. Healing, mnla,im, molaiyin, narm. Health, tan-durusti, sihhat, 'afiyat, salamati, ^airi- yat, aram, nirog; {in good health) hh&\ik-iaxi\- se, khair o 'afiyat. Healthily, Healthfullt, tandurustl-se, 'afiyat-ss, khair o afiyat-se. Healthiness, tan-durusti, muwafakat, nirogtS. Healthy, (hale) tan-durust, changa, bhala-changS, sahihu-1-badan, sahih o salim ; (wholesome) khush-gawar, muwafik, mufid, fa,ida-mand, khush. Heap, dher, dheri, ambar, toda, tuddhar, ganj, ras. till, bathiya, bataura, tumfir ; (of crass, &c.) kharbi ; {crowd) majnia', bhir. izhdiham, hu- jQm, kasrat, ghol. I HEA ( 133 ) To Heap, jam'-k, jornS, ekathan-k, thopna, ganjna; {books, &c.) garna; {a measure) uncha- bharna, chotiha-bharna, upartali-k. In Heaps, dal-ke dal, thake-ke thake. To Hear, sunna, istima'-k, kau-dharna, kan-d, sra- "wan-k, gosh-zan-h ; {to obey) manna ; {to attend to) dhyan-k, lihaz-k, mutawajjih-h. Heard, suna-hu,a, shunida, masmu'. Hearer, sami', shinawa, sunwaiya, sunanhar, srota. Hearing, sama'at, kan, istima', sunawat. To Hearken, kanso,i-k, sargoshi-k, sun-lena. Hearsay, samal-bat, suni-suna,i-bat, shuhra or shuhrat. Heart, dil, kaJb, man, ^atir, chit, zamir, hiya, antar, batin, daruna, ghar, hirda, ant, ghat, pet ; {inner part) maghz, guda, bhitar; {middle) bieh, darmiyan ; {spirit, courage) jan, zahra, jigar, gurda ; {memory) hifz, yad ; {gene- rosity) taufik; {-'s desire) dil-khwah ; {by heart) az-bar, nok-zaban ; {to repeat by heart) nok-zabaii-parhna ; {hard-hearted) sang-dil; {tender-hearted) mom-dil, i. e. wax-hearted; {to find in the heart) Id^atir men-ana; {with heart and hand) ba sar o chashm, sir ankhon- se or ji-paran-.se, dida o dil-se; {to get by heart) hifz-k, nok zaban-k, kanthe-parhna; (io take heart) himmat-pakarna. Heart-ache, dard i dil, gham, andoh i khatir. Heart-breaking, jan-kah, khatir-shikan, dil-shikan. Heart-burn, waj'u-1-fawad, 'amal-pit; {to have the) kaleja-jalna. Heart-burning, {discontent) fasad, bigar, an-ras, Heart-easing, dil-aram, dil-asa, rahat-bakhsh. Hearted, (in comp.) dil, dila, man, mana. To Hearten, dil-barhana,dilasa-d, jan-d, diler-k, dil- dari-k, chahrana, pahlana. Heart- FELT, dili, sach, gambhir, dil-gir or dil-nishin. Hearth, chauka, thanv, atash-dan, chulha. Heartily, dil-kholke, ba-dil, dil-se, dil-dihi-se, shauk- se, pet-bhar. Heartiness, sacha,!, sachauti, sidk ; {eagerness) shauk, dil-dihi, tan-dihi, chaump, raghbat. Heartless, be-dil, bad-dil, an-mana, be-man, be-lau. Heartlessly, be-dili-se, an-mana,i-se. Heartlessness, be-dili, bad-dili, buz-dili. Heart-rending, man-tor, dil-azar, dil-resh. Heart-sick, man-maru, dil-tang, ranjida-khatir. Hearty, {sincere) saf, be-riya, sachcha, sadik, rast, sar-garm, dil-garm, tan-dih, dil-soz, musta'idd ; {in health) tan-durust, changa-bhala, khush, mahzuz, sahihu-1-badan, chak; {cock) ghiizi-mard. Heat, garmi, hararat, tapan, tapat, jalan, sozish, tapish, agin, tabish, tab, jhanjh, ta,o, dhun, tapak, garma,!, anch, dhup,gham; {flush) garmi-dana; {lust) alang, masti, shahwat ; {to be in) uthna, alang-par-a, jharna, rajna; {weather) garma ; {at a race) phira, wahla ; (/«?*- mentation) josh ; {of temper) jald-mizaji, ata*h- mizajl. To Heat, garm- &c. -k, garraana, ta,ona, dhikana, dhlkna, tachana,kachana, dagna, kunkunana, salsal- ana; {as an oven, &c.) jhokna, jhunna, lagana, garmi- &c. -lana ; {to enrage) jalana, ag-k ; {loater, &c. with a hot iron) bujhana, daghna. Heathen, but-parast, mushrik, kafir, gabr, dev-pu- jak. Heathenism, but-parasti, kufr, dev-pujaktS. Heave, wahla, ahi-sard, ahi sina-khez, thandhi-sans, dhaifak, dhafdha^aha}; {effort to vomit) ubak. H£i To Heave, uthana,uchhalna, ubharna, ukasna, unaraa, jumbish-d, ubharna, phulna, hilkorna; {to cast) phenkna; {from the breast) raarna, khichna, bharna, lena, as ah-marna, &c. to heave a siffh; {to pant) hamphna, dliarakna ; {as the sea, &c.) josh- or lahar-marna, ubalna, hilore- lena ; {to rise) uthna, nikalna ; {to kick) ubakna. Heaven, bihisht,jannat, baikunth, svarg, nabh, s-war- lok, sas,'arsh, 'alami bala, lachhmi-niwas ; {sky) asman, gagan, akas, charkh, sipihr, sama ; {the highest heaven) falaku-1-afiak, i. e. the heaven of heavens ; {in heaven or on earth) bala o past. Heavenly, asmani, samawi, falaki, bihishti, jannati, akasi, swargi. Heavens ! (interj.) ilahi ! subhan allah! Heavily, shiddat- &c. -se, udasi- &c. -se. Heaviness, bojh, bhar, garani, sikl, sakalat, wazn, sangini, ^umar ; {defection) uddsi, ffham-gini, {languor) susti, alsan, kasaJ ; ^pression) sakhti, shiddat. Heavy, bhari, wazani, garwa, garan, sakil, sangin, askal, ^umar-aluda; {as sleep) bajjar, be- chuhal ; {laden) dabel, garan-bar ; {de- jected ) afsurda, gham-gin, malul ; {oppressive) sakht, dushwar ; {indolent) sust, dhima ; {drowsy) alsana, sar-garan, bhari-sar ; {indi- gestible) sakil, garan. Hebrew, 'ibrani, 'ibri or 'imri; {language) 'ihn- or "ibrani- zaban or -bhasha. Hectic, (adj.) madkuk; (a hectic fever) tap i dikk, chha,ik. Hector, {bully) phiin-banka, ata, bar-bola. Hedge, barh, ihata, birwahi, tatti, Htar-band, jhar- bandi, ghoran, ghera ; [of bamboos) banswari ; {of euporbium) sihur-wari. To Hedge, barh- &c. -lagana, ihata-bandhna. Hedgehog, khar-pusht. sahi, sinh. Hedger, khar-band. barh-lagane-wala. Heed, dhyan, lihaz, ^iyal, lAabar, hoshiyari, iltifat. To Heed, dhyan- &c. -k, manna, hoshiyar-h, iltifat-k. Heedful, &c. sachet, khabar-dar, savadhan. Heedless, ghafil, be-khabar, be-parwa, be-fikr, be- tadbir, be-iltifat, asoch, achet, machla, alola. Heedlessness, ghaflat, anakani, be-khabari. Heel, eri, pashna: {of a cock) ^ar, kanta; {ball of) finauk ; {ornament) gul ; {leathers) muzamma ; {to be at one's heels) pithiya-thonk-h ; {to have the heels of) pichhe- or baghal-marna. To Heel, jhukna ; {a cock) ]^ar-lagana. Hegira, hij rat or hijr a, hijri, sani hijrat. Heifer, kalor, bakkan, baihri, osar. Heigh ho ! allah allah, aha, oho, bhabre, bhal, he narayan. Height, uncha.I, bulandi, tibba, unchan, bhita, tand, dih, faraz, damdama, tikar, tikra, dhipa, dhiha, dhuha, tek; {extremity) shiddat, josh, ta,o, muna, naubat ; {elevation) auj, 'iilu ; {degree) martaba, hadd, intiha ; {completion) kamal ; {of a degree in latitude) ziyadati ; {a height) iincha, tila; {in the height of )'a.m, men ; {in the hdgM of the rains) 'ain barsat men. To Heighten, iincha- &c. -k, iinchana, charhana, bay- hana; {colours, &c.) nikalna; {to meliorate) bihtar-k, banana; {to aggravate) bhari-k, kawi- k, ziyada-k. Heinous, kabira, shadid, 'azim, saW^t, baya, kafa. zabun. Hbinouslt, ba-shiddat, shiddat-se, sa^tl-se. EET ( 1S4 ) HER Heinoubnebs, shiddat, sakhtl, zabflitf. Heir, waris, -wall, hatk-dar, mustahikk; (jotnO shafr i kl^lit, mir'a, mauwar ; {Hie heir apparent) wali-'ahd. To Heie, or BEOOHK Heik, w&ris-h, lena. Heiress, warisa, zan i hakk-dar (vide heir). Heirless, la-waris, be-waris, be-wali-waris. Heirship, wirasat, miras, hakk-dari. Held, rakha, pakyS, girifta, muta'allak. Hell, jahannam,doza^, sakar, narak, patal-lok; tah- tu-s-jjara, baitu-s-sakar, samak-kund, kumbhi, pakii ;■ (^0 to hell) jahannam men ja,o, bhar men ja,o ; {to plai/ hell) kiyamat- &c. -k ; {the lowest pit of hell) asfalu-s-safilin. Hellebore, kutki, kharbak. Hell-hound, wajibu-s-sakar, jahannami-sag. Hellish, jahannami, dozakhi^ shaitani, narki. Hellibhnesb, shaitanat, jahannamiyat, shaitaniyat. Helm, {rudder) patwar, sukkan. Helmet, Helm, ^od, maghfar, top, kariya, mundaha. Helmsman, manjhi, sukkani or sukkan-gir, kandari, patni. Help, madad, madad-gari, pushti, imdad, isti'anat, nasrat, sahayata, takwiyat, uprala, halbhal. hima- yat, upra, upkar or upakar ; {remedy) 'lliij, chara, upa,o ; {by Ood'a help) ba fazl i ilahi. To Help, madad- &c. -k, thambhna, sambLalna ; {to remedy) chara-sazi-k ; {to prevent) utbana, dur-k, raf-k, zabt-k; {to supply) dena, 'inayat- k ; {pray help me to that dish) wuh khana mnjhe 'inayat kijiye. Helper, madad-gar, yar, mnmidd, mu'awin, pusbti- ban, saha,i, balbhaliya, nasir, kamera. Helpful, mnmidd, mufid, madad-gar. Helpless, be-cbara, la-char, be-makdur, a-tatha, faro-manda, be-bas, nimana, asamart, ni-pankha, nachar, be-bal o par, nidhal, hairan, la'ilaj, dast- basta, be-kabu, Jtakat se tak, gbarib ; {to be) pathar tale parnfi, nak men jan-ana. Helplessness, be-charagi, la-charagi, be-makduri, faro-mandagi, 'ajizl. Helter-skelter, dauya-dauy, bhaga-bhag, thelS- theli, abtari-se, ulajh-pulajh-se. Hem, amal-patti, maghzi. sanjaf, lorhi, kor, patya, kangura ; {in speaking) khankhar. To Hem, {cloth, &c.) amal-patti-sina, ma^zi-lagana, lorhiyana, patiyana, kinara-marna; {to sur- round) gber-lena, chhenkna, muhasara-k ; {in speaking) kbankharna. Hehicrania, adh-sls or -kapari, adb-kap^li. Hemiplegia or Hehipleot, adhang. Hemisphere, nisfu-l-ar^, nisfu-l-knra, nisfi da,ira, katora, adhgola, piyala, khaima. ]pibba, dal. Hemistich, misra', tuk, pap, oharn. Hemlock, shukran or shukr&n or sbikr&n. Hemoruhaqe, {by the nose) ru'&f, naksir, sailu-d-danii jiriyani khun. rudhir-parbah. Hkmorrhoidb, ba-w&slr. Hemp, san, patwa, pat; {-seed) pitwa, san ka bij. Hempen, san- or pat- &c. -ka : whence pattl, or what is called gunny, though the natives generally use the word tat. Hen, murghi, makiyin, kukfi, kflkti; {hearted) glcjar, buz-dil, n^-mard; {roost) murgh-kbana : {female) mada. Henbane, bhang, banj, sabzi, ganja, bflti, bijiya, narja. Ubmob, [from this place) yahan-se, idhar-se; • {time) ba'd, pichhe ; {for this reason) is-waste, is-liye, lihaza, is-se, isi-sabab, pas ; {away) daf-ho, dur-ho, gum-ho, sarko, sarak, nikal-ja; {two years Jience) do bar as ba'd. Henceforth, Henceforward, ab-se, is wa^-sc, ba'd is-ke, a,inda, age, saniyu-1-hal. Henpecked, {a sneaking little man who is governed by his [or rather ita\ wife) zan-murid, istri-sikh, kushta-zan. Hepatic or Hepatioal, jigari, kabdi. Heptagon, haft-pahlu, musabba', sat-kona, haft- ru^a or -gosha. Her, (obi. of she) is, us ; {possessive pron.) us- ka, apna ; {she tears her hair) apne bal khasotti hai ; {she told her father) apne bab se kaha, not uske bap se kaha (v. Hind. Gram. p. 112). Her's, us-ka, -ke, -ki ; {the house is her's, though the garden be mine) ghar uska hai, agarchi bagh, mera. Herald, dhindhoriya, munadi, ihtimamchi. Herb, buta, darakht. jari, bnti, nabat : the names of a few are as follows : kukraunda, dudhi, godna, gandar, guma, gobhi, ghamra, ghama,i machhichhi, bariyara, birtiya, samit, raudhri. HerbajGE, sabza, nabatat, ghas-pat, banas-patti, bari- ya,!, chara.i, hari. Herbal, {book on herbs) jari-kalp. Herbalist, jari-kalpi, nabat-dan. Herb-woman, kunjrin, ko,erin, sag-wali, nabat-farosh. Herd, nar, galla, dar, pal, lenhda, chauna, gohnda, ghol, jhund, raraa ; {of cameh) katar ; ^^ elephants) halka. To Herd, ghol-ghol-phirna, jhund ka jhund- &c -phirna or -rahna, &c. Herdsman, galla-ban, pall, pas-pal, charwal,baldliiy&, dhungar. Here, iban, yahan, is-jagab, idhar, is-taraf ; ^— {here and there) ihan-wahan, idhar-udhar, th3L,in tha,ln, khal-^al, ^al-khatt, ja-ba-ja, k^in- kahin ; {hereabouts) kahin-yahin, kahin-idhar ; (hereafter) ba'd is ke, min ba'd, a,inda, age, 'akibat-men; {hereat) is-par, is-men, is-se, which may also mean hereby, herein, herewith. Hereditary, Heritable, maurusi, aba,i, bapauti, nasli, bansi, kuli, buyadi, khanmani. Heresy, bid'at, kupath, ilhad, phut. Heretic, mubtadi', bid'ati, rafizi, gum-rSh, mulhid, kalima-go, kafir, khariji. Heretofore, peshtar, age, kabl is wait ke, kabl az in* sabik men, ga,e dinon men, pichhle dinon men. Heriot, raj-daud, zabti. Heritage, irs, miras, wirasat, buny&d, waisa, maa- rus, ans, bapans, bapauti, birt. Hermaphrodite, khunsa, khunsa mushkil, mnl^^an- nas, hijra, kle,o-ling or kliv-ling. Hermit, sahra-nisbin, ban-parast, gosha-nishin, ban- basi, takiya- or 'nzlat-nishin, gosha-gir, baishnan* munzawi, ruhban, rahib. [^iy^i sauma'a. Hermitage, hujra, go^a, mandhi, patarkuti, z&« Hermodacttl, surinjan, jangali-singhara. Hernia, fata^, bad-khaya. Hero, bahadur, sbuja, jan, siirma, sur, bir, ghSti* pahlwan, bara-niard, svir-bir, rawat, surang, rus- tam, yal, gurd ; {doughty) ghazi-mard. Heroic, Heroioal, bahaduraua, dilerana, biratwi, ghaziyana; (o kind of heroic metre or verse) babrl mutakfirib, used by Firdausi in his famous pocui ; (a heroic ballad sung by the Asiatic bards at the head of their armici, &c.) karka: (song) rajz. HEB ( Itt ) HIR Hbboioallt, bahSdari- &c, -se, shuj&'at-se. Heboine, surangani, bahadumi. Heroism, bahaduri, shuja'at, jar,at, bSr-ras, birata. Heron, butimar, bagla. [ganja. Herpes, {achor) ganj; ( a perton afflicted with it) Herse, (v. bier, tised in the proeetnon caUed daha) gahwara. Herself, ap (obi. of the recip. pron.), apne or apni; {she will kill herself) wah apne ko mar-dalegi or ■wuh apni ta,m mar-dalegi ; {she herself) wuh-ap. To Hesitate, aga-pichha- &c. -k, hais-bais-men-h, shakk- &c. -r, dolna, hidiyana, kaniyana, shashdar- h, luplupana, do-dila-h ; {in speaking) hichki- chana, kachiyana, atakna. Hesitation, Hesitancy, pas o pesh, shash o panj, shubha, shakk, waswas, dubdha, hais-bais, agu- pichh, chha-panch, chal-bi-chal, a,un-ja,un, khol- mund, taraddud, tawakkuf; {in speech) hicb- kichi, hichkichahat, girift, luknat. Heterodox, bid'ati, ku-pathi, khariji, viruddh. Heterogeneous, Heterogeneal, mukhalif, na-mu- wafik, na-mutabik, na-hamwar, ghair-jins, a-sari- jati, vijati. To Hew, katna, tarashna, chur-chur-k, garhna, ma- tbarna, abarna. Hewer, {of stones) sang-tarash ; {of wood) lakar- bara, hezam-kash. Hexagon, Hexagonal, shash-pahlu, musaddas, cbha- kona, sbasb-gosha, sbat-kona. Hexameter, musaddas, khat-pad, shat-padi-shlok. Hey, Hey day ! ahha, ohho, allah-allah, jai-jai, sha- bash, kya bat bai ! Hiatus, sakta, sura^, ebbed, rakhna, 'aib. Hiccough, Hiccup, hicbki, faii,ak, bikwa. To Hiccough, hichki-lena, hicbkiyana, bikwa-lena. Hidden, Hid, posbida, cbbipa-bu,a, pinbaii, niban, gupat, makhfi, mustatir, ru-posb. Hide, {skin) cbarsa, adbaufi, cbam, cbamra, kbal, post, jild, cbamri. To Hide, (a.) cbbipana, lukana, posbida- &c. -k, dbampna, sarposb-k, alop-k, dbukana, dabana, mad- fun-k; (n.) chhipna, lukna, posbida- &c. -b, dliuk- na, dabna, satakna, dabakna. Hide and Seek, cbor-mundaura, chormabicbani, pati-mangawan, dag-dilo. Hideous, muhib, baibat-nak, makrub, karih, mustak- rab, gbina,ona, zisbt. Hideously, baibat-se, ba-sbiddat, karabiyat-se. Hideousness, haibat, haibat-naki, zabuni, karabiyat. Hieroglyphic, naksb, taba' or tabi'. To Higgle, ( v. to haggle) jbanjhat-k, bakjbak-k. Higgledy-piggledy, gad-bad, ulta-pulta, darbam- barbam, abtar, idbar ka udbar, udhar ka idhar. High, uncba, buland, bala, murtafa', a'la, utang, sarla, uparwar, sarsar, lamba, muta'al, tez, barhiya; {bred) jatila, asil, nasli ; {behind, as a horse) tabargun ; {words) kaba-suni, bat-barbi, awaz i buland, saklit-sust. aisa-waisa ; {as heaven) asman-jab ; {in comp.) 'all, raf i', wala (thus, wala-jah, of high dignity) ; {oppressive) sakbt ; {violent) tund, bara ; {much) bahut, ziyada; —- {as colour) shokh, garha; {in latitude) ziyada ; {applied to time) thlk, 'ain ; {an- cient) ^padim, purana; {dear) bara, garan, mabnga • — — {from on high) upar-se ; — — {most high) bartar; {the Most High) hakk-ta'ala; {high-bom) amir-zada, sabib-zada, ashraf; 'high-heeled) buland-pashina ; {high-mettled) ]ald, jin-biz, jan-dar, karwa; {high-minded) maigferur, *aU-himmat; {hikh'Spirited) diler, jawftA-mard,s&bib-|^airat : {high-fed) n&z-par- warda; {high-seasoned) masalab-dar; (to talk big or high) cbab-chab-ke baten-k ; {the high and low) akabir o asagbir, 'awamm o Idiawass, unch- nicb, wazi' o sbarif ; {the highest degree) aksar darja, badd darja ; {note) tip. Higher, bulandtar, a'la, bartar, balatar, uncba. High-flyino, buland-parwaz, oila-parwaz or -oishln. Highland, kobistan, pahar, kob, parbat, pabari-des. Highlander, pahari, khasiya, bbil, pahariya, cbo,ar, kobi, kohistani. Highly, nibayat, nipat, bahut, ziyada. Highness, uncha,i, bulandi, irtifa', rifSi'at, bartaii, tezi ; {title) kibla,i-*alani, bazrat, khudawand, janab 1 'ali, maha-raj, dharam-mtirat. High-water, bhara-jawar, bhaipur jaw3lr, madd i ka- mal. Highway, sbab-rab, sb&ri'-'amm, dara, dbarra, bara- rasta, sarak. Highwayman, rab-zan, kazzak, bat-par or bat-mar, thag. Hilarity, {merriment) kbusb-hali, chubal, bansi- khushi. Hill, pahar, kob, jabal, gir or girl, parbat, meru. Hillock, pahari, tila, pahariya, tongri, dhibar. Hilly, koh-sar, giraur, parbati. Hilt, {handle) kabza, muth, dasta. Him, is, us (v. he) ; {himself, his own self) ap, aphi, ^ud, aphiap; {he himself) wuh-ap, wuh-aphi ; {oblique jjossess. pron.) apna, apne or apni; .-■ {he will kill himself) wuh apne ko mar dalega or wuh apne ta,in mar dalega, which last is considered by far the more elegant ; {by him- self) aphi, ikla, tanha, nirala ; (/ am sure he was not himself that day) main yakin janta bun ki wuli us roz ap men {or apne men) na tha ; • {of himself) ap se ap, apich, aprup, Wjud ha ^ud. Hind, Hinder, pichhla, pichhwara; {of a saddle) pichhu,a; {the hind legs) pichhle-pair. Hind, (sub.) bara-singi, harni, chikari : {boor) ganwar, dihkan, dihkani. To Hinder, atkana, rokna, man'-k, muzabamat-k, roktok-k, mani'-h, chhenkna, hatkana. Hinderance, atka,o, ruka,o, mumana'at, muzabamat roktok ; {hinderer) maui', ha,il, muzahim. HiNDERMOST, pichhla, picbhari, a^r. Hinge, nar-mada, cbul, kabza, nar-madagi, cbula, zulf i, haskal, domni, kal, pa,eza, dasa ; {centre) madar, markaz ; (to be off the hinges) chule- ukhar-jana. To Hinge, {to turn) thabarna ; {depend) mau- kuf-h. Hint, ishara, ima, kinaya, ramz, talmiz, awaza, sain. To Hint, ishara- &c. -k, awaza-phenkna, gosb-guzar- k, bat-d, sankarna. Hip, kula, chutar, surin, putba ; {low spirits) malal, udas. Hippopotamus, dariya,i gbora, asp i nilab. Hire, Hiring, kiraya, bhara, ajura, ajr, mazduri, ujrat, bakk-balal, kama,i, mihnatana, kharchana, ajuradari, chukauta, thika, rozina, sbabina, tak- kharchi ; {of a prostitute) kharcbi. To Hire, (to enlist) nam-likbna ; (take on hire) kira,e- &c. -lena; (to let on hire) kira,e- Ac. -dena; (a servant) rakhni; (to bribe) rishwat-d, akoy-d, ghus-d; (to take eervice) naukri-k. Hireling, Hibed, ajura-dSr, mazdur, rozina-dir, tJiike-dar, banibar, bbarw&, rozgari, ajir, bbaraitl. HiKEE, kiraya-d&r, bbajait, ijara-dar. HIS ( 138 ) HOL HiB, isk& (fem. iski), uska (fem. tiski), apna (fem. apni) ; (he told his mother) apni ma se us ne kaha, not uski ma se us ne kaha, as in the following example : uski ma se main ne kaha, / told his mother (v. Gram. p. 112). Hi89, phuphkar,phanphanahat,sansanahat, chhanaka. To Hiss, (condemn or damn) tali-marna, phish-k, chhanchhanana ; (as a snake, &c.) phuphkarna, phanphanana, sannana, sansanata-jana. Hist, chup-chup, chnp-raho, raho, hisht, khamosh. Historian, Histoeiookaphee, muwarrikh, sahib- tari^, rawi, nakil, mu,allif, britanti, tawari^- dan, ahli siyar. HisTOEr, tawarikh (pi. of tarikh), hikayat, rawayat, kaifiyat, britant, bitha, siyar, dastan ; (in comp.) nama; thus, sikandar-nama, tfie history of Alex- ander. Hit, mar, zarb, hath-kati, shikar; (chance) ittifak; (a lucky hit) Uiub ittifak or ittifaki hasana. To Hit, (a.) marna, jarna, dena, lagana, baithna, ana, thekna, chhuna ; (to hit the mark, lit. and figurat.) hadaf-marna; (if you have bribed the judge, you have hit the mark) agar tum ne kazi ko rishwat di, to badafmara. To Hit, (n.) lagna, thik-payna ; (to hit upon) tajwiz-k. Hitch, hichak ; (to hitch) lang-marna, kachakna* hichakna. HiTHEE, HiTHEEWAKD, Idbar, is-taraf ; (nearer) walla, waila, ware, ailewar; (hither and thither) idhar-udhar, har-taraf. HiTHEETO, abhl, ab-tak, ab-tori, aj-tak, hanoz, ila-1- an, ablag, ajhun ; (ever) kabhi. Hive, cbhatta, chhata, ghariya, makhiyal, aulana, zambur-khana. makhiyajut. Ho! Hoa! ho! 0! are! hot! uh! ya'ni! HoAED, punji, maya, jam', ganj, khazana, garwa- dhan, garota, gagra, jak, rupiyon ka ghara; (buried hoards) dafina. To HoAED, jam'-k, jorna, batorna, sametna, sanchua. HoAEDEE, sanchanhar, batoru. HoAE-FEOST, pala, kohar or kora or kuhra. HoAEiNESs, safedi, kabra,i, ujla,i, pukhta-mu.i. Hoaese, bhari-awaz, gulu-girifta, awaz- or sada- girifta. To be Hoaese, gaJa-parna, gala-ghanghana,kharkhar- ana, gala- or awaz-baithna, -bajna or -ghargharana. Hoarsely, bbari awaz-se, gulu-giriftagi-se. Hoarseness, giriftagi e awaz, giriftagi e gulu. HoAEY, safed, pakka, ujla, barf, rupa, sufed-bal. To be Hoaey, (as hair) pakka- &c. -h, sufed-bal ho- jana. Hobble, (halt) matak; (perplexity) liais-bais. To Hobble, matakta-chalna, gurakna, kudakna, gurki-marna. HoBBY-HOESE, kath-ghora, addi. Hobgoblin, bhutna, bhut, jinn, 'ifrit, dev, ghul. Hocus -pocus, nat-bidya, chatak,-phatak, natak-cha- tak, chhu-mantar. Hod, kathra, taghari. HoDQE-poDOE, (medley) halim, ginj, malghoba, sat- naja. Hob, kudari, matha,!, phanra, kasi. To Hoe, gorna, kudari-se khodna or -katna. Hoo, 8u,ar, khinzir, khuk, guraz, barah or raraha, siS- kar; (herd) khuk-ban. A. WILD HoQ, banaila, jangll-khuk or -su,ar. UoOQisu, gj^alig, uajis, pilid, gauda, malichh. Uoo-STTE, 8a,ar ki bhir, bakhcr, sa.ar-k^ana, HoiDEN or HOYDKN, phuhar, anarin; (wanton) mangna. To Hoist, uthanS, charhani, khara-k, uranS ; (-the sail) pal-uthana. Hold ! raho, bas, bas-karo, thahro. To Hold, (a.) pakarna, gahna, thahrana, tbanna, la- gana, sambhalna ; (up) uthana ; (down) jhukana, dabana; (the tongue) zaban-b or -r, jibh-dabna; (to keep) rakhna, dhama; (to connect) milana, atkana, band-k ; (to maintain) kahna, da'wa-k ; (to consider) janna, ma'lum-k ; (as a vessel) sama,i-r, gunja,ish-r ; (to re- frain) baz-r, barna; (as a council or feast) karna; (-one s peace) chup-rahna, sakit-rahna; to hold, as a vessel, is generally reversed in this lan- guage; thus, instead of saying, the vessel will hold to much water, they say, so much water vnll be held in the vessel, eta pani is bartan men samawega. To Hold, (n.) bona, thaharna, nibhna, jana, baithna, chalna, lagna, thanna, sambhalna, sadhna, banna(v. to suit, do, stand, bind, &c.) ; (to hold good) thik-h ; (to remain) rahna, tikna ; (to re- frain) tharabhna, baz-rahna ; (to be dependent on) ta'alluk-r, 'alaka-r; (to be held or con- tained ) samana, antna, amana : this is rather a trou- blesome verb, but it will prove easy enough for those who can or will consult the simple synonymes in our language, instead of the compound* under hold, viz. to suppress, instead of hold in ; to continuCt instead of hold on, &c. Hold, pakar, girift (pakar-lena, to take hold) ; (support) asra ; (power) makdur, kudrat, bas, ikhtiyar; (afort) kil'a, garb, hisar ; (of a vessel) dahra, pet; (den) mandl^; (handle) gab, hathkara. Holder, kabiz, rachhak ; (of a bill or order) tankhwah-dar ; (in comp.) dar, gir ; thus, a landholder, zamin-dar. Hole, chhed, beh, surakh. rauzan, rakhna, dar,knmhal, send, sal, ghar, l^ana, munh, ghaunchi, bedh, gau, guch, bhambhara, bhatha, moghar, ghannd, chagar, bambo, bughara, ghar ; • (hole or burrow o/ an animal) bil, garha. HoLiLY, takawat- &c. -se, parsa,i-se, takaddus-se. Holiness, takwa, takawat, safa, salahiyat, tanzih, parsa,i, pun, jog, bhagta,i ; (title) hazratjjanab i mukaddas, plr-murshid,' dewta. Holla ! o I are, a,e, hale, ho, aji (v. o !) ; (at the end of words) hot, re ; thus, bha,i-re, holla ! brother. Hollow, (adj.) chhuchha, khali. mujawwaf, khokhra, khundla, thotha, phophra, phokar, phonkh, pola, khol, pulkha; (as sound) rukha, dil-kharash. wahshat-angez ; (to sound so) bhambhana ; (as eyes, &c.) baithwan, nasheb, khalar ; (un- faithful) be-wafa, riya-kar, da-rang. Hollow, (sub ) jauf, khokh, phonk, garha, khundkal, khonkhar, kondar, nashebgah, khala, nlwan, khund, dugha. To Hollow, (excavate) chhuchha- &c. -k, kako]-na, khodna, koma, kondrana ; (to shout) pukarna, terna. Hollow-hearted, kazib, jhutha, bad-batin, be-wafa. HOLLOWNESS, khulu ; (deceit) riya, durangi. Bolster, (leathern case for pistols) kubur (v. pistol) . Holy, musalli, ahl i safa, si'dih, mutahhir, parsa, ahl i batin, sahib-dil, pak, mutabarrak, bhagat, wall, dharmatma, punyatma, kudsi, munazzah ; (war or crusade) jihad, ghaza , (the holy city) baita- 1-mukaddas. Holy-day, *id, te,ohar, parab, bara-din, ^^h-roz. the most noted are durga-puja, kall-puja, pauchuni sariiswati-puja. Holt Ghost, ral^u-l-l^uds, rQljiu-l-l&h. HOL ( 137 ) HOR tlcY.7 God, sabtau allah, whence, subhan teri kudrat, ■aid to be the cry or matin song of the partridge in India. [taslim. UoMAOE, tabi'-dari, farman-bardari, ita'at, tabalat, Home, ghar, makan, dera, maskan, asthan ; (coun- try) des, mulk, watan, wilayat, janam-bhum ; (opposed to father-in-law's) naihar ; [at home) ghar-men, makan-par ; {he is going home) wuh gharjatahai; {he went home to his own country last year) par sal wuh apne des gay a; {a home thrust with a sword) khub hiil; {to bring a thing home to one's self) apne upar lana; {home is home, though ever so homely) ghar ghari hai, kaisa hi ghariba-mau ho. Home, {xmanswerable) piira, dil-gir, dil-nishin. Homebred, posu,a, khana-parvar or -zad, khangi or ^anagi, ghar-pala, saya-parwarda. Homeliness, sadagi, na-tarashidagi, angarhta. Homely, sada, na-mauzun, na-tarashida, angarh, an- chhila, kamru, gh ariba-mau. Home-made, {home-spun) desi, khanagi. ghar-ka, ^ana-baf or -saz, ghar-binwa or -banwa (v. rude, homely) . Homeward, Homewards, ghar-ko, ghar-ki taraf. Homicide, {the act) mardum-kushi ; {murderer) mardum-kush. Homily, wazifa, patal, kauch, wa'z, muwa'aaat. Homogeneous, Homogeneal, muwafik, musawi, mn- tabik, barabar, ek^an, ek-andaz, saraan, ham- or ek- jins. HoMOQENEOusNBss, muwafakat, musawat, mutabakat, barabari, ham-jinsiyat. Hone, silli, pathri, sang i asiyan. Honest, sachcha, khara, rast, rast-baz, rast-mu'amala, diyanat-dar, mutadaiyin, pura, dharm-atma, sadik sa,u, sadh, sadhu, pak-baz, mu'tabar, ba-wafa, ama- nat-dar, dharmi. Honestly, diyanat-dali-se, rast-bazi-se, rasti-se. Honesty, sachcha,i, rasti, sachauti, rast-bazi, sidk, tadaiyun, diyanat-dari, iman-dari, iman, sat, nem, amanat. Honied, shirin, mitha, pur-shahd or shahd-aluda. Honey, shahd (vulg. sahat), mad, 'asal, angabin, ma- chhik, makhiya,o ; (dew) ras ; {comb) gha- riya, chhata ; {in guns) khodra ; {combed) daghdar, daghi, surakhi, kirm-khurda. Honorary, 'izzat-bakhsh, fakhira, hurmati, 'izzati, mufa khkh ar ; {an honorary dress conferred by priAces on their visitors) ^al'at or khil'at. Honour, {reputation) 'izzat, i'zaz, pat, wakr, wikar, iftikhar, 'azmat, buzurgi, bara,i, namud, sharf, ik- tidar, sa'adat, sharfiyat, ab, marjada, teha, manita, mahat, dharam (whence dharam-agor, a division of grain upon honour) ; {family) nang o namus, parda-poshi, lang, sankoch ; (dignity) shan, shikoh, auj, paya, darja, sar-farazi ; (proper spirit) ghairat, hamiyat, anban, nang ; (reve- rence) adab, ta'zim, man, adar ; (boast) fakhr, iftikhar ; (ornament) zeb, ara,ish, nak ; (honour and reputation) nang o namus. Tour Honour, khud ba daulat, zat-sharif, sri-jukt, hazrat, ap, sahib ; (your honour's presence) tash- rif, whence tashrif arzani farmana, i^ said of the coming or going of a great personage. To Honour, adab- &c. -k, bara- &c. -janna, htirmat- &c, -d, mu'azzaz- &c. -k. Honourable, sahib-abru, nam-war, sahib-hurmat, mu'azzaz, muhtaram, mu'tabar, muwakkar, bara, namudar, sahib-ghairat, mahati, mannik, sharif, musharraf ; (company) daulat-madar. Honodrableness, 'azmat, mauta, mumtazi, namwaxi. Honourably, hurmat- &c. -se, 'izzat-se, nang o nl« miis-se. Honoured, (brother) garami; (fatfier) bdbla or kibla-gah, kibla i kaunain. Honours, (privileges) hukuk; (ceremonies) adab. Hood, orhni, pachhauri, ghugh, makna, jhompa ; (for hawks) topni ; (in comp.) is ofteu expressed by pan, pana, or -i ; thus, larka-pan or larak-pana or larka,i, childhood; (covering) top, topi, kulah. Hooded, top-dar, chhatri-dar, phani. To Hoodwink, ankh-miindna, ankheu-band-k, anklns men khak dalna. Hoof, sum, sumbat, khur ; (cloven) khuri. Hoofed, sum-dar ; (cloven-hoofed) khuriyaha. Hook, ankri, ankra, kullab, kantiya, kanta, tipka, tippa, lagsi, phali-kash, kara, hath-kara, kondi ; (for catching any thing) anksi; (sickle) hansiya, daranti ; {of a hinge) chul ; (used for driving elephants) ankus, gajak ; (to be off the hooks) chulen ukhar-jana; (by hook or by crook) char-na-char, tau'an o karhan, ba-har- hal, kisi tarah, kal-bal-se, clihal-bal-se, kal-kante se. To Hook, kantiye se pakarna ; (together zanjiri bandi- &c. -k; (to grapple) kulaba-marna, kamand-phenkna ; (to join) joiua.; (to en- snare) lubhana, phansana, giriftar-k. Hooked, terha, kaj, ankri-dar, ankri-sa. Hook-nosed, tuti ki si nak. Hoop, halka, chambar, kundli, ghera, mendra. To Hoop, halka-lagana, huha-k, kik-mama. Hooping-cough, (v. chin-cough) daba or dabba. H'^OT, gohar, shor, ^ul. To Hoot, (n.) shor-machana, gh ul-k ; (a.) dutkarna, lalkarna, tali- or thapri-bajana or -mama, malamat- k, la'n-k, _ta'n-k, angusht-numa-k ; (as an oivl) hu-hu-k. Hop, kudak, chaukri, jast, phalang, zakand, gurak or gurak, tapusi. To Hop, kudakna, kudrana, phudakna, kiidna, gurna, gurakna, tapusi- &c. -mama. Hope, ummed, as, asra, asa, chashm ; (that on which the hopes are placed) mu'tamad, ummed-gah ; (of a family, &c.) chashm o charagh, andhe ki lakri, 'asa,e piri. To Hope, ummed- &c. -r, ummed-war-h, chashm- dasht-k, tawakku'-k. HopER, (one who hopes) asrik, pur-ummed, ummed- war. Hopeful, (promising) honhar, rashid, sa*id ; - (full of) ummed-war, mutawwakki'. Hopefully, ummedwari-se, ummedwarana. Hopefulness, ummed-wari, sa'adat-mandi, nek- bakhti, honhari. Hopeless, na-ummed, bc-tawakku', nir-as, mayus, lachar ; (unpromising, as a son, &c.) be-bahra, na-^alaf, dubanhar, kaput. To BE Hopeless, hath-dhona, na-ummed-hon&. Hopper, kudakkar ; (of a mill) gala, jhink, mani ; (basket) sewati, dhama. Hoppers, (ga e) sat-samundar, bija-patri, bichwa; (a division of) dhobi-patra. HoRAL, Horary, sa'ati, sa'at-mansub. Horde, from urdu, which last is in India applied to the court, camp, army, &c. of tlie Mughal or Tartar conquerors of Hindustan (v. tribe) . Horizon, ufuk, khatt i tahtani, samasthan, akas- garbha, asman ka-kor or ghera; (true) kha- tihja-garbha ; (apparent) pristha-garbhi. HoRizoNTAi^ (horizontally) pa)-a, giii. If OR ( 188 ) HOU Ho&B. sing, ihikh, ^m, karg, kachkarii {of the rlunocc.ot) kliag; {far powder) singrii, singi (also a trumpet) ; {leind imtrumerU) karna,e, narsinga, turhi, nafir ; {of the moon) nok, kani ; {dish) paila; {made of) shakhi; {of a bow) gosha ; {to pull in the horns, from dread), dum daba-jana ; {to put out horns) sir sing-n. BoKNBEAE, (a kind offish) singi machhi. Horn-book, rama gati, takhti, alif-be-ki kitab. Horned, shakh-dar, zul-karnain, sringi, sing-d&r; {an aquatic plant) singhara. HoRNKR, shakh-gar, kaman-gar, sing-ka kargar. Hornet, lakheri, bar, zambur, birni. Hornless, mundla, inunda, also mundia, munda. Hornpipe, nachkel, dliamal, rohili nach. Horny, {made of horn) shakhi ; {caUotts) sakht. kara. HoROORAPHT, HoROM KTRT, sa'at-shumari. Horologe, sa'at-numa, ghari, ghariyal. Horoscope, nachhattar, rati, tali', lagan-kundali, janam-patar, (ipan, janam-mala, za,icha, tali'- nama. Horrid, Horrible, niuhib, haibat-nak, bhay&nak, wahshat-angez, 'ibrat-angez, saham-nak, makruh, mustakrah, karih, zisht, zabun, bhayarnik. Horrioness, Horribleness, haibat-naki, haul-naki, saham-naki, 'ibrat-angezl, wahshat-angezi, zabuni, shiddat. Horrid, haibat, haul, ikrah, dharka, 'ibrat, wabshat, uchat; (rigour) kasha'rlra, bhurbhuri. Horse, ghojra, asp, ash,hab, ashva, shab-dez, gul-gun, tausan, kumait, cbarwa, baji, asa, hai, ta,ir, fars, markab, bargi, turang ; {of seven or eight years) charsal ; {of ten, &c.) panj ; {of fourteen, &c.) male-panj ; (a led horse) kotal : there are several sorts of horses, such as the tazi (Arabian), turki (Turkish or Turcoman), and the tanghan (vulg. tannian), a small and hardy breed, ■which are brought from the Bhutan hills ; {a horse-laugh) kahkahii ; {on horseback) ghore-par sawar, sawar-kar, ghore-sawar or ghur-sawar; {cavalry) sawar, aswar, arohan, ghur-sawar : the defects of horses, not perhaps elsewhere enumerated, are bardawal, mani, thani, ta^i, janu,a, chakawar, sampan, nagin, sitara-peshani, besides the panj-'aib i shara'i, or the five capital vices, which are said to be lakad-kob, shab-kor, kam-khor, kamri, dandan- gir ; {supporter) ghori ; (in comp.) ghur, whence ghur-bal, horse-hair ; ghur-uaur, hovse-race, &c ; in fact, ghur, is the primitive Indian word for horse, and thence is derived ghora. Horses ov size, ras-kalan ; {middle-sized) baith- win or khunti ka ghora ; {small) ras-fakat : of these the varieties are, mujannas, do-nasla, 'arabi, 'iral^, kachhi, ghfmt; (Muhammad's horse) bura^ ; ('Ali's horse) duldul, astar ; (Hu- sain's Aorw) {U-l-jinah; (Kustam's Iwrse) rakhsh. To Horse, gho]-e-par chafhana, ghofe-par sawar-k ; {to cover) bharni. HoRSE-BREAKEB, chabak-saw§r, saw&r-kar. HoRSE-BREAKiNO, cbabuk-sawari, sawar-kari. Horse-dealer, -Coorser, -Codper, gbofe ka saadS,- gar, karwan, ghofe ka phirwaik. A HoRSE-DOOTOR, salotarl, salistrl ; {horte-dung) lid. Horse-faced, ghuf-munha, asp-mansar or -ru. Horse-fly, baghi, d&ns, ghur-makkhl. Horse-hair, ghofe ke bill, ghuf-bal. HORSB-LSEOH, bhalnsa- or r&,e-joak. Horseman, (a good rider) shah-saw&r, gbur-otia()l|| bag-dhariya, saw^r-k&r, kar&wal, b&gi, k^nd-njsp&-. {pensioner) asp-tasiha-ma'af; {prooper) sawar, bargir, charhaita, turk-sawar, as&ml. Horsemanship, sawar-kari, shah-sawari, ghof-chaf M. Horse-mint, habshi pudina, dakhani pudina. Horse-play, khar-masti, khirs-bazi. Horse-race, ghay-daur, asp-dauyi. Horse-radish, turbi barri, munga (or rather a tree, which in taste and smell greatly resembles it) sah- jana, sanjhana orsahajna. Horse-shoe, na'l ghore ka, nal i asp. Horse-stealer, ghuy-chor, asp-duzd. Horse-tail, {species of tree so called) siris-gachh. HoRSE-wAY, gafiya-rah, ghur-dauy. Horticdltube, nakhl- or chaman-bandi, gul-k&ri. Hose, moze, jurab, pa,etaba. Hosier, moze- &c. -baf, jur&b-baf. Hospitable, saiyah-dost, musafir-parwar, mihm&n- nawaz, mihman-dar, ahlimudara, musafir- &c. -dost or -parwar, gharib-nawaz, dayaman. Hospitably, mihmandari- &c. -se, gharib-nawazi-se. Hospital, bimar-khana. daru-sh-shafa, shafa-khSjia. Hospitality, musafir-parwari, mihman-dari, mih- man-nawazi, mudara, taufik, mezbani, awabhagat. Host, mez-ban, mihman-dar, sahib-khana, nyotik; {army) lashkar, dal ; {of a tavern^ &c.) pir i mnghan. bhathiyara. Hostage, ol, yarghmal, kafll, wail; {to take a»\ ol-bandi kar-lena. [yif*-) Hostess, gharni, bhathiyarl, bhathiyarin (from bhathi- HosTiLE, mukhalif. mu'anid, bairi, bad-andesh. Hostility, dushmani, 'adawat, bair, lara,i, harb. Hostler, sa,!s, charwadar. Hot, garm, tatta, harr, muhrik, tatal, indhor, gudaz, sozan ; {as a bitch) raji (from rajna, to be in heat) ; (lewd) mast ; {violent) sakht. bhari, bara; {precipitate) jald, uta,ola; {fi^) tez, charpara. A Hot Bath, hammam, garm-aba, garmawa or gar- maya. Hot-brained, Hot-headed, Hot-spcr, tez-mizSj, garm-mizaj, tund-tab', ghussawar, be-tadbir, be- andesha, garm-rau, agin-subhaw. Hot Cockles, kirm kira, tiliya muraihft. The Hot Winds, lu, samum, luk, bad i samum. Hotly, ba-shiddat, kina-se, tezagi-se, hararat-se. Hotness, garmi, hararat. Hovel, rhhappar. jhompra, knti, gophS, mafhiikJ. To Hover, thahar-rahna, thirakna, phirta-rahn& ; {as birds, &c.) mandlana, thirthirana, lag&- rahna. Hound, shikari kutta; {greyhound) t5zi-kutt&. Hour, ghari, sa'at, ghanti, dand (equal to twenty-foop of our minutes) ; {lucky) mahurat, nek-s&'at or su-sa'at, su-ghari ; {at what hour t) kis gba|i. Hour-glass, shisha e sa'at, katori, piyala, paim&na ; {his hour-glass is out) us ka piyala bhar-cbuka or ma'mur hu,a (lit. full, because the Indian horo- loge is differently constructed) . Hourly, gha{-i-ghaf!, sa'at ba s&'at, har-gha|ri« athon-pahr. HouLET, ulu,a, pecha (v. owl). House, ghar, makan, haweli, ^ana, bait, dar, kada (the four last words generally used in comp., as bawar- chi-khana, cook-house), kothi, gch, grili, bhawan, dhani, bakhri, bari, mahal, sara, maudal, mandap, kashana, buk'a; (in comp ) b&fa, saUL sal, stan; ' {glimmer) bangla (vulg. buogaloe) , •- - (r#- HOXJ I 139 ) HUN 9V)rf/wZZy)ni'mat-or daulat-l^ana, fakir- &c. -^ana ; (lower roomed) kursidar- or ektala-gliar ; {family) gharana, tabar, nasi ; (station of a planet) burj, manzil, ras ; (applied to living) ma'asli, guzran ; (to keep a good house) achchhi ma'ash, r, chahal pahal-r, bhog-bilas-k, achchhi-guzrau-k ; (from house to house) ghar ba ghar, dar ba dar; (to keep open house) mihrnan-kkana garm-r ; (house made by children) gharaunda. To House, ghar men-rakhna or -pahunchana. HocsE-BSEAKES, dakait, sendhiya, nakab-zan, sendh- mar, HousE-BREAKiHQ, dakaiti, nakab-zam, sendhmari. Household, gharana, Randan ; (servants) nau- kar-chakar, shagird-pesha ; (goods) ghar-bar, asasu-1-bait, atala, ^an o man (also household stuff); (expends) baiyfitat, uchapat, kharch-khangi. HousEnoLDER, Housekeeper, girhist, khana-dar, ahl i khana, gharbari, makan-dar, saWb-'imarat or -khana. bakhriya, gharwala, purkb. Housekeeping, ^ana-dari, ghar-karna, girhisti. Houseless, be-ghara, be-ghar, be-dar, digambar, be khan o man. Housewife, ghar ki khawindini, gharni, girhistan, girthan, purkhayan ; (a female economist) gir- nistini, kifib,it-shi'ar. Housewifery, khana-dari, girhisti. Housing, chhan-chhappar ; (of a saddle) damam, zin-posh, awa,i. How, (in what manner) kis tarah, kaisa, kyim-kar, kyun, kya, kya-hi, kaun-kaun, kis-kis; (how long) kab-tak, kab-ka, kab- or kahan-ta,in, -lag, -tori or-le, ta ba-kai, ta-kai, kuja-hadd, kahan-talak, ta-kuja : (how oft) kai ber, kete daf 'e, ketne martabe ; (how many) ketne ; (why) kyun, kahe-ko, kis-waste ; (how much) chi-kadar, keta; (how much so ever) jyon jyon, opposed to tyoii tyon, 80 much ; (how d'ye) mizaj kaisa, kaise- hain, khair o 'afiyat, mizaj mulaziman bakhair ; (hmofar) keti dur; (tvith how much trouble) kis-kis tasdi'-se, kis-kis minnat se. However, lekin, magar, par, wa-lek or wa-lekin tathapi. Howitzer, 'araba, Howl, pukar, nauha, walwala, waila or wa-waila. To Howl, rona, pukarna, nauha-k, kukna, phikurna. Howsoever, kaisa-hi, ketna-hi, keta-hi. Hubbub, harbari, halchal, harjmarj, balwa, daur-dhup, bank-pukar, bhir-bhar. Huckaback, (figured linen so called) sozni. Huckster, Hucksterer, kunjara, pasari, bisati. Huddle, dher, ganj-shahida, tiribiri, garganja, kulla- tain. To Huddle, dalna, le lena ; (to mobble) lapet-r ; (to perform in a hurry) sarasari-k or -banana ; (to confuse things) makhlut-k, mila-dalua, dar- ham-barham-k. Hue, (coloiir) rang, laun, gun or guna. Hue and Cry, ghul, shor, gohar, ghul-ghapara, shor- shaghab, hank-pukar, huha, pukara-pukari, daura- (lauri. Huff, khafgi, chirchirahaj^ jhanj, ta,o. To be in a Huff, chirchirana, agrana, phulna, garm- h; (to go off in a huff) tamakna. To Hug, god-men-Iena, baghal-men-dabna, chhati- lagana, gale-lagana, pyar-k, ang-lagana. Huge, bara, kalan, 'azim, bokas, maha, bhainsar, chaudhar ; (having a huge body) 'azimu-1-jussa. Hugely, ba-shiddat, bahut, bahutayat-se. Hugeness, bara,i, kalani, mahatwa, jasamat. Hugger-mugger, (secrecy) ghus-phus, gup-chup. Hull, Hulk, kothi, pet, khol. Hum, bhinak, bhinbhinahat, ghunghunahat, ahat. To Hum, (to gull) jhulana, ghunghunaua, gungun- ana, munh-men gana ; (as bees) bhinakna, bhinbhinana, manmanana; (as a person mut- tering) ginginana. To Hum and Haw, hickkicha-ke-bolna, hun-han-k. Human, insani, bashri, manukhi; (creature) adam-zad, insan, admi, jan, jana, manuhi, nar, bashar, jatak, kalsara or kalsira. Humane, insan, bhala-manas, mala,iin, narm-dil» halim, salim, mutarahhim, dard-mand, room-dil, sahib-raurawwat, ahl, nek-kho, rahm-dil, gulab- chashm, komal-subhaw. Humanely, bhalmansi-se, admiyat-se, &c. Humanity, insaniyat, admiyat, adam-gari, mula,imat, hilm, tarahhum, mom-dili, narm-dili, mardumi, bashriyat, &c. bashri; (kindness) bhal-mansa,i To Humanize, insan- &c. -k, admi-k or -banana Humble, gharib, halim, miskin, adhin, kamsharr, ham- war, na-chiz, khak-sar, nimana, bechara, kam-shan faro-tan, khak-nishin, 'ajiz, ahkar, fakir, mutahara- mil, niwanhar ; (dependant) rahwa ; (-fare) ghariba mau, tukra-tera. To Humble, halim- &c. -k, thik-k, changa-banana, tor-dena, daba,e-r, dha-d; (-one's self) faro- tani-k ; (to make low) past-k, nicha-k, latarna. Humbleness, ghurbat, hilm, miskini, niyaz, gharibi, hamwari, khak-sari. Humbly, gh aribi- &c. -se, gharibana. Humid, martub, nam, nam-nak, oda, tar o taza. Humidity, rutubat, tarawat, nam-naki, sil, od, tari, tara,i. Humiliation, faro-tani, 'ijz o inkisar, khuzu' o khushu', kasr i nafs. [sari. Humility, halimi, tahammul, adhinta, nauta,i, inki- Humming-bird, shakar-khora, phucho. Humorist, khud-ra,e, khud-pasand, aphadda. Humorous, (capricious) mutalawwin-mizaj, be-sabat, be-kiyam ; (jocular) thathol, zarif, hansor, dil- lagau, khush-tat)'. hans-lona. Humorously latife-se, thatholi-se, maskharagi-se. HuMOROusNESs, har-dam-khivali ; (jocularity) thathe-bazi, thatholi, khush- taba*i, zarafat. HuMOURSOMB, tunuk-mizaj, hathila, ?iddi, ra«ila, khush-gap. Humour, (moisture) ras, raskas, pSni, pansg; (matter, defluxion) byadh, san-pat; (/"") thatha, mazakh, lutf, nazakat, gun; (habit) lat, 'adat ; (of the eye) pani ; (of the body) khilt (pi. akhlat), madda (pi. mawadd) ; (temper) kho, mizaj, tyon,; (state) hal, halat; (jo- cularity) thathe-bazi; (caprice) lahar, khiyal; (morbid humourt) kasafat, akhlat i fasida, ma- wadd i fasida, akhlat i raddiya. opposed to (bland humours) akhlat i saliha; (good humour) khush-hali or -wakti, magan. To Humour, marzi-r, khatir-r, naz-bardari-k, chocho- pocho-k, munh-r, ri'ayat-k ; (to comply with) taba'iat-k, pai-rawi-k. Hump, kubar, kuz, dil, adla, kub; (of a buUoek, &c.) kohan, kauha. HuMP-BACK, Hump-backed, Hunoh-backkd, kxtbf&, kuza-pusht, kubja, kubba, pusht-kham. Hundred, sau, sal, sad or sad, saikra, sat ; (one in a hundred) sau men ek; (a hundred thou- sand) lakh, lakh, lak. Hundreds, saiyoh, saikron, sadha. Hundredth, sauwaii or saiwan, sadum. HUN f 14« ) JAC HuKGEK, bfaukb, gursinagi, jfl', cbhadh&, khara,i> pil*- khar. To HuNGBE or BE HimORT, bhiith-lagna, bhukh§- &c. -h, kaleja-mylna, ant-satna, pet men ag lagna, antriyan kiU huwaJlah-parhna, dozakh-jalna, pet- lag-rahna. HuNOKY, bhukha, gursina, mar-bhukha, bhukha- or chhudha-rathu. Hungrily, mar-bhukha sa, gursina-war. Hunks, hirsi, budha, budha k^abis, wall khangar, jak. Hunt, Hunting, shikar, said, akhetak, aher, khader. To Hunt, shikar-k, said-k, aher-k, abema, ragedna, khaderna, akhetak-k or khelna ; {to practise) ba,oli-d. Hunter, Huntsman, shikar-baz, saiyad, akhetaki, baheliya, mir-shikar, shikari, karawal. A Hunter or Hunting-dog, shikari-kutta, tazi- kutta (applied generally to the greyhound) . Hunting-horn, narsinga; {-korse) shikari- gbora. Hurdle, thathar, tatti, dhadha. To Hurl, dalna, gira-dena, chalana, mama. HuRLYBURLY, harbari, khalbali, hullar, ^adr, harj- marj, ghulghula, dharaka, dhaba-dhabi, dhara- dhari, dhan-dhan. Hurricane, andhi, tufan, andhro, jhaii. Hurry, jaldi, shitabi, harbari, harhari, bharbharahat, kalbalahat, daura-dauri, bega-begi, iztirabi, sarrat ; {ingoing away), jalsa-khatibi. To Hurry, jald-k, shitab-k, harbaii-k, halbalana, harharana, bharbharana, adbadana, harbaj ana. Hurt, nuksan, ziyan, zarar, Wxisara, aseb; {wound) zakhm, gha,o, chot; {damaged) cho- taila, za^m-ldiurda. To Hurt, lagna, chotalna, khatakna, chubna ; {to wound) chotiyana ; — — {to pain) dukhana, dard-d or -pahunchana ; {to harm) nuksan-k, nasana. Hurtful, muzirr, ziyan-awar, mukhSlif. mazmum, mukhill, zahr. Hurtfulness, muzarrat, ziyan-kari, zarar. Husband, khasam, shauhar, zauj, khawind, pi, bhatar, kanth, swami, balam, purkh, balma, muns, joru- •wala, kamane-wala, oji, kamasut. To Husband, syara-k, girhisti-k ; — — {to take care of) ihtiyat-k; {to manage frugally) sarfa-k. Husbandman, kisan, mazari', jotaha, dihkan, kasha- warz, girhist, bazar-gar. Husbandry, kisna,i, kisht-kari,zira'at, kisnawat, kis- naut, jot-pot, jot-jat ; {frugality) girhisti, khana-dari, kingash, kinga.Rsh. Hush ! chup, chup-raho, khamosh. To Hush, (n.) chup- or khamosh- or sakit-rahna ; {to be still) thambhna ; (a.) chup- &c. -k, thambhna, Dand-k, rokna, chup'chupana, danc-kUna, muhh- marna ; {to hush up) khak-dalna, chhipana. Hush-honey, rishwat, munh-bhari, chupi, dant-kili, manh-mar2i,i. Husk, chhilk^, bakla, post, chhal, bhusi, chuni, pholar, kashr, pharhi ; {without the husk, as rice, &c.) (iho,& ; {having the husk, as pease, &c.) audho,a, ghair-mukashshar. To Husk, chhilka-utarna, mukashshar-k, chhllna, nikhorna, dhona, chhautna. Husked, {having the husks) chhilke-dar, muVash- shar ; — (without httsks) v. husk. Hussy, {impudent woman) thagni, kuttama, phuha^t clihinSil, murdar, ]pliba. Hut, chhappar, jhompra, kuti, mandiya, kulba, chhaul, ghonpa, tapri, kulba-i^zau. Huzza ' ghaagh&, 8hor-sha|^b, jai, hahS, jai>ja>klkr hurra. To Huzza, jai jai kar-k, shor-shaghab, uthan&. Hyacinth, {flower) sambol, abrud; (gem) ia- man-gun. Hyades, ad-dabaran (vulgarly called aldebaran). Hydra, rawan : perhaps the nearest Indian represen- tative of the hydra is sesh or sesh-nag, q. t. in Part I. Hydrocele, nnzul, and-soth, ab nnzul, nuzula-4-m&; {to have) pani-utarna. Hydrocephalus, {to have) pani-chafhna. Hydromel, {mead) shahad-aba, pana. Hyena, girir, chargh, lakra, zab', kaftar, lakar-bagfa&, bar-peta, hazajir, balu-kola. [ganes. Hymen, {membrane) parda, chaddar; ■ {god) gaur- Hymn, astut, maulud, monkabat, kauch, dhor-pad, madah, hamd, bhajan. To Hymn, astut-gana, dharma-git-gana. Hyperbole, mubalagha, ighrak, ghulu, utprechhS^ ziyadati, tarjih bila murajjah. Hyperbolical, {hyperbolically) mubalagha-amez, az ru e mubalagha. Hyper-critic, dakkak, bidirni, 'aib-gir, harf-gir. Hyphen, khatti fasila or nishan i ftsila. Hypochondriacal, &c., ahli khafakan. saada,i, khalal-damagh. Hypochondriom, bakhi, kokh. Hypocrisy, riya, salus, makr, du-rangi, kapat, lapet, bhagal, chhal, nifak, dara.,u, do-ru,i, fareb, khid'a. Hypocrite, riya-kar, do-ruya, makkar, du-rang, kapti, jau-farosh gandum-numa, munafik, gahir- numa, mura,i. To be a Hypocrite, man men. shai^ farid, ba|^ men int-h. ' Hypocritical, makr-amez, miira,!, zahir-parast, muhil, bahurupiya, indrayan ka phal, gau-mukhi- bagh, makkar, dara,i, duru,i. Hypocritically, makr-se, riya-se, fareb-se, &c. Hypothesis, pindar, ra,e, kiyas, atkal, atkal-tappu, bandhnu. Hyssop, zufa or zufi. Hysterics, aseb, shai^-saddo, shaitlin, bhflt ; - — {that woman has the hysterics) us rindi ko shait&o laga hai (lit. that woman Ms got the devil in her). I & J. 1, (pron.) main (ham, the plural, is now much used for the singular) ; {I myself ) main ap ; (/ shall go, speaking humbly and respectfully) ^nlam ja,ega (i. e. your slave will go), banda, may also be used in this manner. To Jabber, bakna, bar-marna, bak-bak-kami. Jabberer, bakki, ba,o-jhak, be-huda-go. Jack, {prig) gurga, mardak, haram-zada, hariin ; {cup) kuppa, nar ; {support) ghori ; {flag or union-Jack) nishan, 'alam ; {of all trades) har- babi, har-fanna, jan-pande; {at bowis) hedk; (Jack -pudding) maskhara, zatali; {jack with lantern) shu'la e shaitani, luka, chhalawa. Jackal, gidar, shighal, siyal, phiha.u, srigal, jambfl, phe.u, phenkar, ro,ar, kola Jackanapes, Jackey, chandu, bihari, lal-ganda, mannu. Jackdaw, kagela, zagh. Jacket, anga, kurta, angrakha ; {quilted) gadla, kurtani, cholna, kurti (prop, restricted to a woman's jacket). JAD ( 141 ) J£S Jade, (hor»e) charkha ; (woman) thagni, knttama, murdar, mangna, haram-zadi, gand-marani, jamalo, chulbuliya, chhinal, kafir ; (rosinante) Idiallar, tatwani, dagga. To Jade, (a.) thakanS, manda-k, 'ajiz-k, be-zar-k, la- tarua, kliakherna, thausanS, ; (n.) thakna, manda- &c. -h. [phatna. Jaded, kharab-khasta ; {to be jaded) gand- A Jaqg, dandana, phans, chonch ; (to jagg) dandana-dar-k. Jagged, Jaggy, dandana-dar ; (jaggedness) dan- dana-darl. [phatak. Jail, kaid-khana, bandi-khana, pandit-khana. zindan, Jail-bird, kaidi-chiriya, ahli zindan. Jailer, bandi-^ane ka nigah-ban, bandi-Wiane ka darogha. Jakes, pa.e-khana, makan i zarur, baitn-l-khala. sandas, patal-mohri ; [the joke fruit) kathal, phanas or phannas, the roasted seeds of which very much resemble chesnuts. Jalap, gul-'abbas ki jar; {the plant) gnl-'abbas. Jam, (jelly) murabba; (toj'am, confini) band-k, garna. Jahb, (of a door) bazu, darwaze-ka-bazu. To Jangle, (to wrangle) chakha-chakhi- &c. -k. Jangler, hujjati, jhagralu. Janisary, from yanichari, new soldier, January, magh, mah-tapa ; (first month of the Muhammadan year) muharramu-1-haram, dahe ka chand (v. Hind. Gram, last page). Japan, (earth) kath, khair, katha, papriya ; (work) raughani-kam, japhani. Jar, Jarring, jharpa-jharpi ; (sound) khar- kharahat, kharak, jhankar, jhanak. Jar, (vessel) ghara, gagri, thiliya, badhna, sabu, karwa, mitiya, martaban, jala, bhandi, goli, dahri ; (a large jar) math, matka, khum. mathor, nand, konda. To Jar, kharkharana, kharkana, jhanakna, jhankarna ; (to he ^consistent) na-muwafik-h, na-hamwar- h, mnkhalif-h ; (to dispute) jhagarna, bakhera- k ; (^0 leave the door ajar) darwaza-phamphar- or -ochha or -alga,e or -adh-khula-rakhna. Jabdes, (spavin) hadda, motra, rasa. Jargon, ghich-pich, ^af bar, katn-bhakha, kachi-boli. Jasmine, yasmin, samun, chainbeli, bel, jati, johi-jahi, 'ishk pecha. Jasper, zabarjad, sang i yashm, zabarjud. Javelin, barchhi, gajrhiya, sang, neza, nezak or nim- neza. Jaundice, kanwal, yarkan, pandu, pandrog, ambat, perhaps anasareous. Jaunt, sair, matar-gasht, awaragi, To Jaunt, phira-k, awara-phirna. Jaw, jabra, chauhar, chauka, kalla, gal-satta, gal-pha^ tang, kalla-thalla. To Jaw, kalla-marna, gali-dena, galiyana. Jay, nil-kanth, sabzak; (a fop) khush-poshak. Ice, yakh, pala, barf (prop, snow, but generally applied to the artificial ices used as luxuries) ; (maker) barf-saz; (ice-house^ &c.) yakh-chal, barf- khana ; (to break the ice) chherna, sarwa-k. Ichor, zard-ab, pani, panchha, zahrab; — — (ichor- ous) paniha. Icicle, kalam or barf-ka or barf-ki-kalam. Icy, pur-yakh, barfl, yakh-dar. Idea, khiyal, wahm, tasawwur, soch, dhyan, bujh, fikr, mat, samajli, fahniid, bharam, tarang, lahar, bhagal, jhak, anbho (proper! v anubhav). Ideal, khiyali, wahmi, farzi, 'arizi, bharmi, &c. mini. Identical, Identic, mutabik, ekhi, eksan, w&hid, wulii ; he is the identical man) yih wuhi shakha. hai. Identity, mutabakat, tatbik, yaksani ; ■ (self) shakhsiyat, zat, tashakhkhus, hawiyat, j^udi, apan- ha,i, eka,i, apua,et, ham-hasti, ekiyat. Idiom, tarz i kalam, tarkib, muhawara, rozmarra, isti- lah, siyak, sabak, siyak ikalam, dhab, chalawa, dhancha, jastbast. Idiomatical, (peculiar to) khass, makhsus; (phraseological) istilahi, majazi. Idiot, gidi, ahmak, ablah, be-wukuf, ga,odi, bhakwa, pagal, janam dhundha, janami murakh, madar-zad mu,arra. Idiotism, himakat, ablahi, be-wukufi, ahmaki. Idle, (lazy) sust, majhul, kahil, iram-talab, arami, dhila; (unemployed) baitha, para, athala, ni- kamma, be-kar, sartara, mu'attal; — -- (useless) be-fa,ida, akarath ; (trifling) be-ma'ni, puch, be-huda, muhmal. To Idle, susti- &o. -k, sust- &c. -h, makhi-marna ; (to be idle) baithna, parna, kawwe-urana, kah- lana, mangal-git-gana, pani-pitna. Idleness, susti, majhuli, kahili, be-kari, be-hudagi, ta'attul, baitha,o, akaj. Idler, awara, harza-gard, kam-chor, khelwari, tamash- bln, dld-baz, khelandra. Idly, susti- &c. -se, kahilana, ra,egan, be-fa,ida. Idol, but, murat, sanam, la'bat, naksh nigar, de,o ; (beloved or popular) bar dil 'aziz, manonit. Idolator, but-parast, gabr, kafir, atash-parast, mu- rat-pujak, mushrik. Idolatry, but-parastl or -parastish, murat-puja, shirk. To Idolize, 'aziz-janna, pujna,ld^uda-jannaormann£^ (to love dearly) mahbub-janna. Jealous, bad-zann, bad-guman, shakki, waswasi, mu- tawahhim, jhalhaya, zanni, gumani, rashki, khiyali. dhokhi, ghayur. ghairati, anbani. To BE Jealous, bad-zann- &c. -h, jalna, jal-marna. Jealously, shakk-se, bad-zanni-se, &c. Jealousy, Jealousness, shakk, zann, bad-zanni, waswas, khatra, jhal, bharam, rashk, dab, sautiya- dah, guman, dhokha, muzanna, ihtimal. Jeer, Jeering, ta'n-tashni', la'n-ta'n, ta'na-zani, awaza-kashi, boli-tholi, batola, chot. To Jeer, ta'n-tashni'- &c. -k, chirana, are hathon- lena, boli- or bat- &c. -marna, shamatat-k. Jeerer, ta'na-zan, harif-zarif, boli-mar, kinaya-baz, thatholiya. Jeerinoly, ta'n-tashni'-se, ta'na-zani-se. Jehovah, yahu, allahu-ta'ala, izad. [ochha. Jejune, (dry, insipid) rukha, sitha, khali, kacha. Jelly, lu'ab, lobab, rubb, munjamad. Jeopardy, ji-jokhim, jan-bazi, sar-bazi, jan-kandani, jan-kani, halakat. Jerk, dhar, hachkola, tarakh, jhatak. [takna To Jerk, pushtak-chhantna^ jharna, jharjharana, jha- Jest, thatha, khilli, khusli-taba'i, mazakh, muta,iba, hazl, hazliyat, zatal, istihza, bazia, haha-hihl, that- holi; {putt) hadaf, nishana, mat'un ; (in jest) hansne- &c. -ki-rah, thatholi-se. To Jest, thatha- &c. -k or -mama, khilkhilana. Jester, thathe-baz, thathol, jugat-baz, khush-tab', khilli-b'aiz,'zatali,kh'ilaiina; (buffoon) masUiara, bhand. JE8TiNO,thathe-bazi,jugat-bazi,thatholi,mas^aragi, (jesting apart) thatha bar taraf cr dar-kinar. JES ( ws ) 1MB Jbsus Christ, hazrat 'isa, hazrat al ma£i^ Jet, {fossil) sang i mas&, siyah-tib, shiba; (tpottt) nal, nail. A Jet d'eau, fawwara, phohara, shad-rawan. Jetty, (black) bbaunr^ sSl, b:ira-gun, mushkl, mnshk- fam. Jew, yahfld, yahudi, also jahud, &c. ; (Jew's-ear) kin-chapra; (Jew's-harp) mur-chang; (Jew-stone) hajru-l-yahud. Jewel, (ornament) galma, zewar, cbiiDd-kali, champa- kall, alankar, abbukhan, man, manik, nag, subam, gohar, ganthi ; (box) jawabir-dan ; (office) jawahir-^ana ; (ffem) jawabir (pi. of jauhar), ratan; (my jewel!) meri la'l; (set Jewels) zewar i murassa', jara,u-gabna : some of the many ornaments used in India are— tika, bindli, bindiya, besar, balak. Jeweller, jauhari,jariya,jawahir-farosh; (young) janhari-bacha. If, agar, jo, kash, je, jau; (not) nabin to, wa-illa; (whether or no) ki, with the negative, &c ; (he doubts if two and two be four) wuh shakk rakhta hai ki do o do char hai ya nahin ; (as if) goy&- ki, jaisa-ki. lONis-FATUDS, gliul i bayabani, ag-shaitanl, luka chhalawa. Ignoble, kamina, paji, rizala, bad-asl, nich, shudr, sifla, faro-maya, ku-jat, bad-zat or -nasi, tukhm- bad, zali. Ignobly, Ionominiotisly, namardi-se, behurmati- &c. -se, pajipan-se, zillat-se. Ignominious, na-sha,ista, ghat, kabih, zabun, fazi- hati,bad-nam,kalanki, daghi, bad, ruswa, malamati. Ignominy, ruswa,i, fazihat, tafzlh, bad-nami, be-hur- mati, be-ghairati, kalank, dagh. Ignoramus, (blockhead) ajhal, ahmak, murakh. Ignorance, jihl, jahili, na-dani, agyani, be-khabari, be-wukufi, jihalat, abodh, anmat, be-sha'uri, na- wakifiyat, na-shinasa,i ; (pretending ignorance) tajahul. Ignorant, jahil, na-kfawanda. be-khabar. na-wakif, agyan, an-jan, be-wukuf, na-dan, hech-madan, be- hosh, kam-'akl or -fahm or -khirad. nakis-'akl, kaj- fahm, na-fahm or -shinas, be-sha'ur, la-ya'lam, na- danista, anari, bhuch, murakh, uramba. Ignorantly, na-danista, nadanl- &c. -se. Jig, (a dance) thirak-nach ; (tune) chalti. Jilt, 'aiyari, naUire-baz, makkara; — — (coqttette) be-wafa, thagnl, cbanchal, batte-baz. To Jilt, thagna, chhalna, batte-bazi- &c. -k. Jingle, kharkharahat, kharak,jhanak, jhankar, jhan- jhan, thanthan, &c. ; (the jingles used as an ornament for the feet) ghunghru, chaurasi, pa,el. To Jingle, kharkharana, khaukhanana, jhankarna, jhanjhanana, jhanakna, thanthanana. Iliac, (passion) kulinj, ba,o-sul. Ill, (adj.^ bura, kabih, zisht; (in comp. ku or ku, baa, dur, as bad-surat, ill favoured ; (in- disposed) azar- or kasal-mand, kahil, kami, dukhi ; (sick) be-aram, 'alii, na-saz, bimar. Ill, (sub.) bura,i, badi, zabuni, ^ab§,hat, 'aib ; (mirfortune) afat, bala, shamat. Ill-behaved, &c., be- or ku-chil, be-waz', kaj-^ulk, bad-Buluk, ku-lachhna. TLL-BUED,bad-akhlivk, bad-l^ulk, gustaUj, be-imtiyaz, be-tamiz, kusil, bad-kesh or -atwar or -a,in or -tariV or -chal, kfl-dhang, kulachlian, kugat. Ill-disposed, bad-tabi'at, kulachhna. Illegal, Idiilaf i shar', mukhalif i shar', haram, ua- durust, ku-pathi, na-inashru', jjhair-ja.iz. Illegality, na-durusti, mukljalifat i shar'. Illegible, n5-Hiwandan!, -bad-khatt, markhi Illioitimacy, haram-zadagi, haram -sarishti. Illegitimate, haram-zada, waladu-z-zina, dhendhL suraiti. Ill-jated, wazhgun bakht, bad-baHit. Ill-favoured, zisht-ru, karih-manzar, bhon$&, bad- surat. Ill-fa V0UREDNE88, zi8ht-ru,i, bad-surati. Ill-humoured, be-ras, n5,-khush, be-maza. Illiberal, bakhil, mumsik, tang-chashm, tang-dil* be-faiz, ochha. Illiberality, bukhl, imsak, ba^ili, tang-dili, tang- chashmi, past-himmati, dun-himmati, na-mardi. Illiberally, past-himmati- &c. -se, tang-dili-se. Illicit, na-durust, na-rawa, man', mamnu". Illiterate, jahil, ummi, na-khwanda. be-sawad, an- parha, an-achhari, na-sikh, mu'arra, haiyula. Illiterateness, jihl, jihalat, na-khwandagi, an-par- ha,i, be-ta'limi. Ill- NATURE, bad-batini, bad-nihadi, zud-ranji, tunuk- mizaji, shararat, chirchirupan. Ill-natured, bad-batin, bad-nihad, sharir, zud-ranj, tunuk-mizaj, bad-kho or -mizaj or -khaslat or -sirat or -tinat or -sarisht, ku-ras, chirchira. Illness, azar, bimari, be-arami, rog, maraz, karan, kasal. Illogical, ^air-mantaki, khilaf i 'ak], n&-ma'kuL Ill-timed, be-mauka*, be-wakt, ku-samai. To Illude, (to deceive, amuse) chhalna, bhulana, fareb-d, thagna, banana. To Illume, (enlighten) prakash- &c. -k, jalwa-d or -k. To Illuminate, Illumine, ujali-k, ujagar-k, rau- shan-k, tab-nak-k, nurani-k, munawwar-k; (illuminated paper, on which the great men of the East frequently write their letters) afshani kaghaz. Illuminating, jalwa-gar, munir, prakashi, afrozanda; (in comp.) jot, raushan, afroz: thus (illumi- nating the world) 'alam-afroz or jahan-afroz. Illumination, tanwir, raushani, darakfashani. nur, farogh, tajalli, jagajot, dewali, shabrat, khwaja khizr ka bejrS. Illuminator, munawwir, farogh-baksh, afrozanda, jalwa-gar. Illusion, dhokha, fareb, &c. (v. delusion). To Illustrate, wazih-k, munkashaf-k, kholna, mu- baiyan-k, taftil-k, tashrih-k. Illustration, tauzih, tashrih, inkishaf, ta'bir, taujlh. Illustrious, nami, nam-war, nam-dar, mashhur, mumtaz, namud, buland, sharif, maha, bnzurgwar, maimun, mukarram, wala-kadr ar -jah or -shan, sahib-jah, zi-shan, buland-paya or -martaba, bar- tar ; (in comp.) jalil : thus, jalilu-1-kadr, illustrious in rank. Image, putla, murat ; (idoT) but, sanam ; (likeness) shakl, shabih; (idea) ^yal, tasaw- wur. Imagery, Images, putle, muraten, butln, asnam, bandhnu, tautiya, tanasub ; (show) izhar. Imaginable, mutasawwar, khiyal-nishin, bujban-har. Imaginary, ^iyali, wahmi, mauhum, tasawwuri. Imagination, tasawwur, khiyal, wahm, kiyas, soch, dhyin, bujh, guman, makhila, antar-dhyan, takhai- yul, mansuba, bichar, fikr, atkal ; (the power qf imagination) kuwwat i mutakhaiyila. To Imagine, tasawwur- &c. -k, sochna, bujhna, janna, samajhna, biciiarna, ma'lum-k, kbiyal-k. Imaginer, mutasawwir, mutakhaiyil. khiyal-andesh. Imbecile, (feebU, &c.) dhila, sust, na-taw&n. 1MB ( N3 ) IMP Ihbkcilitt, dhil, majhuli, susti, ua-tawin! or -tava- n§,!> kam-zihni. To Imbibe, pi-lena. pina, jazb-k, munjazab-k, sok- or khich- or chus-lena, chorana ; [to admit) manna, kabul-k. To Imbitter, talkh-k, barham-k, mnna^h;|^is-k, na- sana, bigarna. To Imbody, (a.) mujassam-k; [to incorporate) milana, jorna ; (n.) mujassam-h, milna. To Imbolden, diler-k, dilawar-k, jari-k, gustakh-k. sholdv-k, dileri-d, takwiyat- &c. -d. To Imbeown, tarik-k, ghanghor-k, andhera-k. To Imbrue, dubona, bharna, aluda-k; [with ^lood) khun-aluda-k. jiO Imbue, sardob-k, rachana ; (n.) rachna. Imitable, mumking-l-akhz, tatabbu'-pazir. To Imitate, urana ; [to copy) aldiz-k, ikhtiyar-k, tatabbu'-k, pairawi-k, iktida-k, utarna, uthana, nakl-k ; [to counterfeit) banana. Imitation, tatabbu', iktida, taklid, pairawl, askhar, tazmln, mankul. Imitative, mutatabbi', nakli, taklidi. Imitator, akhiz, mutatabbi', pas-ran, pai-rau, mu- kallid, nakil, mutabi', surat-nawis, dholakiya, ham- libas. ' ■ [saf. Immaculate, be-'aib, be-jirm, nir-dokhi, bari, pak, Immaterial, Immateriate, mujarrad, ghair-maddi, nirangkar, be-wajud, be-jasad, be-jauhar, be-jism Immateriality, Immaterialness, tajarrud, mojar- radi. Immature, kachcha, kham. gaddar, na-rasida, do-rasS, kacha-pakka, nim-pu^ta; [imperfect) na- tamam, nakis. Immaturity, Immatureness, kachpana, khami na- tamami, kachcha,i. Immeasurable, be hadd, be- intiha, be-andaza. Immediate, karib, lag-bhag, wasil; [particutar) makhsus, khass ; [present) maujud, hazir, ru- bakar, bil-fi'l. Immediately, bila-wasta, bi-z-zat, ba-mujarrad, tauhi, tadhi, tabhi, jabka tab, bila tawakkuf, haman, ■wakt, dami nakd, taza-dam, dar-hal, ek-bargi ; [in- stantly) abhi, ko,i dam- or ghari-men, turant, isi- dam, fi-1-faur, fauran, usi wakt or isi-wakt, wuhin or wonhin.; [all the land of that country holds of the king, either immediately or mediately) us mulk 6 tamam zamin padshali se ta'alluk rakhtl hai, khwah bila-wasta khvah ba-wasta. Immemorial, kadim, purana, nasi,an mansi,an,'adami, be-yad. Immense, be-hadd, be-nibayat, be-intiha, be-giran,be- payan, ghair-mutanahi, be-kiyas, be-andaza, dhan- dhar, lakdak, an- ant. Immensely, ba-shiddat, hadd se ziyada, hadd-se bahir. Immensity, be-nihayati, be-payani, &c. To Immerse, Immeroe, dubona, borna, ghark:-k, mus- taghrak-k, masruf-k. Immersed, chur, ghan, mahvr, duboya-hu,a. Immersion, ghark, ghota, dob ; [of a star) ghu- rub. Immethodical, be-dhab, na-marbut, be-tartib, be- rabt, be-salika, be-uslub, be-bandobast, be-bandheji. Imminent, karib, nazdik, mu'allak, adhar. Vmmtssion, duHbul, id^al ; [to immit) dukhul-k. Immobility, 'adam i harakat, sukun, mu'attali, be- harkati. Immodebatb, be-andaza, be-hadd, g|iair-mu'tadil. siy&da, bahut, be-thikana, be.-hisab. Immoderation, be-andazagi, be-i'tidaii, ziyadatl,bnh tat or bahutayat, ifrat. Immodest, be-hijab, be-parda, be-sharm, be-haya, nilajja or nir-lajja, be-ghairat, ganda, na-mabram, ghair-mabjub. Immodesty, be-hijabi, be-sharmi, be-haya,i, bo-ghair- ati, nilajjata, nir-sankoch. To Immolate, bal-k or -charhana, kurban-k. Immoral, na-ma'kul, bad- or kaj-waz', na-hamwar zabun, bad, bura, ma'yub, bad-ma'ash, bad-kimash, na-ba-kar, bad-kirdar. Immorality, zabuni, badi, bura,i, 'aib, bad-ma'ashi bad-kimashi, bad-kirdari, na-hamwari. Immortal, be-marg, a-mar, haiy-kaiyum, haiy-li. yamut, baki, abinasi, nirankal. Immortality, baka, haiyati-abadi, a-marta, be-margi, hayat i jawedani, la-yamut ; the fountain of immortality) ab i haiwan, ab i hayat, a-mirt or amrit. To Immortalize, (a.) baki-r, amar-k ; (n.) baki-h, anant-h. Immortally, hamesha, abad tak, la-yamilt. Immoveable, a-tal, a-chal, ghair-mutaharrik, k5,im, mustakill, mu'attal, be-harkat, apel, asthawar, nir- dol, salamat, jamid. Immoveables and Moveables, sukana asasa. Immunity, ma'afi, makhlasi, riha,i, azadi, chhujti, najat, azadi. To Immure, chun-lena, band-k, kaid-k, chunwi-d, chunana, momiya,i-banana. Immutability, be-tabdili, sabat, nityata, sthirata. Immutable, be-tabdil, be-tabaddul, bila-ta^aiynt ghair-mutaghaiyir, a-mit, a-chal. Imp, bhutna, jinn, haizi-bacha, harami pilla, dhendha. To Impair, ghatana, kam-k, nuksan-k, bigarna, kharab-k. utarna, latana, halhalana ; [colour^ udas-k, phika-k. [-h, ghat-jana. To BE Impaired, ghatna, bigarna, utarna, kam- &c. Impairment, ghatti, kami, kusur, bigar. Impalpable, surma-sa, pankaj-sa, gha^'-mas&s nir- chhu,a,u, nirasparsi, mihin. To Impart, dena, bakhshna, *inayat-k ; [to en- form) kahna, batlana, bolna. Impartial, munsif, 'adil, nya,i, be- gh araz, rast, sadl^ nir-pachhi, hakk- or saf-go, ghair-hami. Impartiality, insaf, 'adl, nya,o, be-gharzi, r&sti, sidk, sachauti, sacha,i. Impartially, insaf- &c. -se, rasti-se, be gh arzi-se. Impassable, be-guzara, masdud, band, ku-ghat, be nikas. Impatience, be-sabri, be-istiklali, na-shikeba,i, jaldi, jald-bazi, be-tadbiri, utawali, aBhiraj, ahra-tahri, iztirabi. Impatient, be-sabr, be-istiklal, na-shikeb, jald-b&z, be-tadbir, hinasta, be-tahammol, be-t&b, na-sabr, nthallu. Impatiently, be-sabri- &c. -se, jaJdi-se, iztirabl-se. To Impeach, baramad- &c. -k, le-marna, lapetnS, jhonkna, pakra-d. Impeacher, nalishi, faryadi, mudda'i, baramadi, baramad-kar, latha-laga,u. Impeachment, baramad, nalish, daVa. To Impede, atkana, rokna, arna, band-k, baz-r, ta'ar- ruz- &c. -k. Impediment, atka,o, rok, ar, ha,il, mani', 'ariza, muza- hamat,- arbanga, thekan ; [in speech) luknM, giriftagi, laghzish. To Impel, chalana, daurana, dbakiyana. To Impend, laga-rahna, rabna, lagna, karib-4i, uiu- dik-pahunchna. IMP ( \u IMP jMyKHDENT, IMPENDING, ^arib, nazdTk, sir-par. iilPENETEABLE, ghair-munkinu-d-dukhul, be-guzara, a-kat, chikna-ghara, bajjar, pathar, loha, ro.in-tan. Impenitence, be-andeshagi, be-ta,assufi, be-nadamati, sakhti, sang-dili. Impenitent, ghair-muta'assif, be-andesha, sa^t, katar, be-tauba, nisang, ghair-nadira. Imperative, {of a verb) amr ; (imperioua) ^uk- ml. Imperceptible, ghair-namud, ghair-mahsus, an- dekh, a-drisht, la-ma'lura. Impercbptibleness, ghair-mahsusiyat, adrishtta. iMPERCEPTiBiiY, bila-ijbaf, bila-nigah, rafta-rafta. Impkefeot, na-taman, nakis, \a.siT, adhura, adhbaua, kacha, ochha, adh-bich, kham, nim-taiyar ; (tense) mazi istimrari or mudarai ; (en imper- fect verb) fi'l i muktazib or -nakisa. Imperfection, nuks, nuksan, 'aib, ^usur, khan^it, jirm, kalank, na-ta»aami, adhurta, ochhi,L Imperforate, an-bedha, an-chheda, band. Imperial, shahanshahi, ^usrawi, padshahi, shalii, shahriyari, suUani. Imperious, mutakabbir, sir-charha, zalim, jabir, ?abit, ra'unati, hukumati, hakimana, sahibana. Imperiouslt, takabbur- &c. -se, ra'unat-se. Imperiodsness, takabbur, ghurur, kibr, zulm, jabr. Impertinence, be-adabi, gustakhi, shokhi, be-imti- yazi, be-lihazi, dhitha,!, magra,i, nithra,i, harza- go,i, be-hudagi, na-ma*kuli, be-ada,i, &c. be-adari. Impertinent, (adj.) be-adab, gustakh, shokh, be-imti- yaz, be-lihaz, dhith, magra, nithur, nidar, munh- laggu, dhitliauna, be-haya; {not to the purpoie) na-ma'kul, nu-bakar, behuda. Impertinent, (sub.) harza-go, be-huda, harza. Impertinently, be-adabi- &c. -se, gustakhana or gus- t&Uii-se, be-adabana — also impertinent, when appli- cable to words, &c. ; thus, gustakhUna jawab, an im- pertinent answer. Impkrvious, anbedha, band, ghair-dukhul, ghair- akhiz, ghair-jazib. Impktoous, ghalib, shadid, sakht, tez, jald, tund, bara, liath-chhut, sina-zor. lMi>ETU08iTy, Impetuouseness, ghalba, shiddat, zor, .■>ak^ti, hiddat, ishtidad, garmi, tezi, jaldi, tundi, hararat. Imi'Etoooslt, ba-shiddat, shiddat- &c. -se, tundi-se. lu fKTOS, zor, kuwwat, bal. Impiety, fisk, fujur, kufr, ilhad, *aib, pap, nS-^uda- tarsi. Impious, be-din, ^sik:, fajir, kafir, mulhid, ma'yub, zabun, na-khuda-tars. aidharmi, a-bhagat, bad-kesb, dahri, zindik. Impiously, fislc o fujOr- &c. -Be, kafirana, adharm-se. Implacability, sa^tl, shiddat, sang-dili, be-rahmi, be-dardi, shutur-kina. Implaoablk, sakht. shadid, sang-dil, be-rahm, be- dard ; (an implacable enemy) dushman i jiini. Implacably, shiddat- &c. -se, ba-shiddat. To Implant, dalua dena, rakhna, baithalna, rompua, bona. Implement, hathiyir, auzar, alat (pi. alat) ; (vessel) bartan, busan, zarf (pi. zuruf). To Implicate, mil&n&, lapetna, uljhan&, 4alna, phan- sana, lag&na. Implication, (inference) ishara, kinaya, ima; (entanglement) lapeta, iagiv,o, &c. pech. Implicit, kamil, pilra, tamm or tainam, be-kusur ; (inferred) inafhum, muntaj, muhassal, muta- ^ammin, mur^di* Implicitly, bU-yakiu, yakinan, bil&-taftwut ; {(^ implication) zimnan, kinayatan, isharataQ ; (blindly) ankL-mfindke, be-chun o chira, biltafi- wut tajawuz, be-kam o kast. To Implore, du'a-k, manajat-k, tazarm'-k, man&ni, mangna, chahna, istid'a-k, ghighiyana, leliyina, arzu-k, iltija-k, 'ajizi-k, 'ijz-k, rainnat-k, binai-k, kbakhandna. Imploeer, dal, mustad'i, nijizi or niyaz-mand. To BE Implied, mafhum-h, nikalna. To Imply, batlana, ishara-k, dalalat-k, ma'ni-r, mn- shir-h, murad-r, natija-r. IiffPOLiTE, be-murawwat, be-sil, be-^dar, be-adab. Impoliteness, be-murawwati, be-silta, be-adabi, Impolitical, Impolitic, be-tadbir, kotah-andesh, be- mau^a', na-ma'kul, na-munasib, be-ja, be-munasib. Import, mazmun, ma,al, maksad, karina, lachhan ; (goods imported) amadani, bharti. To Import, lana, bharna. with men after the noan, utarna, pahunchana, lejana; (to concern) 'alaka- r, lagna ; (to be of moment) ahamm-h, mu- himm-h. Importance, Import, kadr, martaba, zarurat, mu- sfa,ika, man ; (an affair of importance) muhimm. Important, ahamm, bhari, bara, zarur, zi-bal, natija- awar, zaruri, muhimm. Importation, idkhal, amadani, dakhil. Imports, dakhila (pi. dakhil at), amad, itlak. Importunate, mutakazi, mukaiyad, bajidd, mnhassil, muktazi, a-rel, dharnait, pur-bajidd, mujawwiz, gharz-ba.ola, lichir. Importunately, takaze- &c. -se, bajidd-hokar, dhar- nait-se, ghighiyaliat-se. To Importune, takaza- &c. -k, arana, 'ajiz-k, dabana, pichhe-parna, dharna-d or -baithna, hathna, lasrana, pair-phailana, khuntna, khodni-k. Importunelt, be-mauka', be-wakt, be mahal. Importunity, Importunateness, takaza, takaiyud, jidd, jihd, ar, naz o niyaz, ilhah, lasrahat, dharna. To Impose, (to lay, to enjoin) lagana, rakhna, dharna, bandhna, thahrana, dalna, baithalna; (to im- pose oh) thagna, chhalna, dagha- &c. -d, ghabaii- &c. -k, ankhon men khak-dalua ; — — (to be im- posed on) dagha- &a. -khana, thaga-jana, fareb- khaua. Imposition, (cheat) fareb, jol, chhal, alam-ghalam, dhokba, hila, makr, bahana, kar, alabala. Impossible, an-hona, muhal, ghair-mumkin, mum- tana', be-imkan, na-budaui, na-shudani, na-mum- kin. Impossibilities, mnhaiat. a'mal i mumtana'. Impossibility, ghair-imkan, istihala, be-imkani. Impost, lagat, mahsul, khiraj, baj. To Imposthumate, pakna, pokl\ta-h. Impostiiuhe, dablla, dummal or dumbal, pbofi, san- pat, nuzla, pith-ka phora. Impostor, t^ag, mulabbis, makkar, muzawwir, bila- baz, bahana-saz, 'aiyar, chhali, bahurupiya, mukal- lid, farebi, dagha-baz. Imposture, hlla-bazi, dagha-b&zi, tazwir, taghallub. natak-chatak, jhuth, taklid. Impotence, be makduri, na-tawani,na-kuwwati,kam- zori, zu'f ; (incapacity of propagation) na-mar- dl, susti, na-punsaki. Impotent, be-makdiir, be-ikhtiyar, be-bas, atatha, ni- tawan, za'if, durbal, zahir, asakti, nir-bal, be-takat, kam-kuwwat, napunsak, ochha; (without power of propagation) na-mard, hiz, lalli, 'innin, siut-raf;, hiz-hamla, khuft-khez, dhila. Impotently, na-tawani- &c. -se. na mar(fi-S8 IMI To Impovekish, fakir-k (t. to empoveriah) ; (land) dubla-k. To Impowee, ikhtiyar- &c. -d (v. to empower). Impracticable, ghair-mumkin, &c. (v. impossible). To Imprecate, bad-du'a- &c. -k, kosna, 'azimat- saifi-parhna, sarapna, la'nat-k. Imprecation, bad-du'a, la'nat, nafrin, dhirak, la'n, sarap ; (a sort of) kala-munh nila-panw. Impregnable, ghair-mumkinu-t-^asHiir, kalab, ajit, bijai, lauka-koth, maru. To Impregnate, gabhin-k, hamila-k, bardar-k, pet se-k, bharna, dhidhari-k, garbhini-k, phulana. Impregnation, bardari, hamilagi, phulahat. To Impress, {to stamp) garna, baithalna, naksh-k* muntakash-k, cbhapna, bhina ; (ore the mind) khutir-nishia-k. zihn-Dishin-k. Impbkssion, Impress, Impressure, naksh, chhapa, asar, tasir ; (edition) chhapa,i, chhapa, phota, nishaa ; {first or early impression) lark-budh. To Imprint, ukha|-na ; {to be imprinted) ukbaf- na. To Imprison, kaid-k, muhbus-k, band-k, mundnft, tauk-zanjir-k. Imprisonment, kaid, habs, band, kaid-bandi, asiri. Improbable, ghair-muhtainal, ba'idu-l-'akl, l^ilaf- i-kiy&s, ba'idu-l-fahm, 'akl se dur, ghair-bawar, an- hona, be-daul. Improbabilitt, 'adam i ihtimal, Hiilaf-kiyasi. Improbity, bad-diyanati, ku-dharam, be-imaui. Improper, na-ma'kul, na-munasib, na-mula,im, na- haiDwar, be-ja, be-mauka', na-saza, kacha, na- muwafik, an-uchit, ghair-wajibi, be-mahal, be- thikana, na-sawab, ku-daul or -thaur or -thaun. Improperly, na-ma'kuli, &c. -se, be-ja, &c. Impropriety, na-ma'kuli, na-sha,istagi, na-hamwan, na-mula,imat, na-mnnasibat. Improvable, mumkinu-1-mafad, tarbiyat- &c. -pa- zir, sadhan-har, banan-jog, sadha.u, kabii i maram- mat, sudbarne-jog. To Improve, (a.) banana, sudharna, sanwamS, bihtar- k, khubtar-k, sarna, sadbna, nikharna, cbiknana, tarashua; (n.) banna, sudharnSL, sanwarna, bihtar- &c. -h, tarakki-k, sadbna, nikharna, chal-nikalna. Improvement, bihtari, roz-bih, tarakki, tarbiyat, ta'- lim, arastagi, sadh^,o, bana,o, nikhr^o, islah, sudhra,!, siri. — Improver, sidhak, sanwarfi, maslih, sar, sara,ii. Improvidence, kotah-andeshi, be-tadbirl, na-Skl^r- blni. Improvident, kotah-andesb, be-tadblr, be-basirat. Imprudence, be-tadbiri, ghaflat, taghaful, be-H^i- bari, be-imtiyazi, be-tamizi. Imprudent, be-tadbir, ghaftl, be-khabar, be-imtiyaz, be-tamiz, be-agaml, a-sujh, na-'Sikibat-andesh, pas- £trat. Impudence, be-sharmi, be-haya,i, be-ghairati, ghokh- chashinl, be-adabl, tarki-adab, wikahat, shokhi. gustakhi. Impudent, be-sbann, be-haya, sho^-cbashm, be- adab, gustakh, dhith ; {to become) sir-chaflina or -karhna. Impudently, be-sharmi- &c. -se, be-adabana or be- adabi-se. To Impugn, dohrana, ka|;na, in&m&. Impulse, Impulsion, kuwwat, zor, dhakkS, mail, lahar, chot, chapet, jutnbish, jbak, sadma. Impulsive, muharrik, dola,u, cbala,u ; {an im- pulsive power) kuwwat i moharrika. Impunity, be-siyasati, &c. ; {with impunity) be- taza, be-'agab, be-mar, be-aziyat. 145 ) INA Impure, ni-pSk, chhutJra, na-saf, najis, pilid, harim, murdar. Impurely, na-paki- &c. -se, najasat-se, pilidana. Impureness, Impurity, na-paki, chhut, gand, ganda- gi, najasat, ghalazat, mail, mal, kadurat, aludagi, ala,ish. Imputable, muhtamal, lagne-jog, ihtimal-paglr. Imputation, laga,o, ihtimal ; {censure) tuhmat, bubtan, tawabhum. To Impute, lagana, bandhna, thahrana, haml-k, rakhna, dharna, mansub-k, tuhmat- &c. -k or bandhna. In, men, bhitar, andar, ko, mane, man, fi, dar ; (in comp.) fi or fi, also ba or bi, as fi-1-hakikat, in truth ; {in as much as) jyonki, jaisa-ki, ba-tau- re-ki, az-bas-ki ; {in the name of God) khudS ke-waste ; {in all) bi-l-kuU, sab milake, kull i ka,inat ; {come in the day time) din ko a,o ; {in the morning) 'ala-s-sabah, fajir ko; {in the middle) bich-men, darmiyan men or simply bich, darmiyan : {in the meantime) tab talak, tab-tak, is-men, is-darmiyan ; {in time) bar-wakt ; {in fact) fi-1-hakikat : in, the negative particle, is expressed by be, a or an, ghair, na, &c.; such nega- tives or privatives as cannot be found under ire, will probably be met with in un : if not, they can easily be formed by consulting the primitives themselves, and prefixing to them the requisite particles of privation. Inability, be-makduri, tang-dasti, na-tawani, na- takati, na-kuwwati, asakt, nir-baJi. 'ajizi, majburi, na-rasa,i, na-kabiliyat, lachari. Inaccessible, mumtana'u-1-wnsul, |^air-mumkinu-l- wusul, be-guzara, be-charha,o, be-laga,o, aughat, ghair-wasl-pazir. Inaccuracy, ghalati, cbuk, na-durusti, bhul. Inaccurate, ghair-sahih, ghalat, asudh, na-durust. Inaccurately, ghalati- &c. -se, na-durusti-se, bhul- se. [susti, ar^m-talabi. Inaction, Inactivity, sukun, ta'til, aram, be-shughli. Inactive, sust, dhlla, be-shughl, arami, aram-talab, majhul, kahil, be-harakat, asthawar; {to be inactive) para-rahna, baithna. Inactively, susti- &c. -se, ta'til-se, ghaflat-se. Inadequate, g^air-kafi, kasir, kam, thora, ghat, na- la,ik. Inadequately, k^sur-se, kamti-se, na-la,ikl-se. Inadmissible, na-masmu' ; {to the zaniina) na< mahram. Inadvertency, ^afiat, be-kl^abri. taghaful, be-ilti- fatl, faramoshi, chuk, ^ami, be-hoshi, pahlu-tihi. Inadvertent, ghafil, be-^abar, be-iltifat, be-sudh, asudh, ku-chet, be-surt. Inadvertently, ghaflatan, ghaflat- &c. -se, bhul-kar, chuk-ke. [ghair-munfakk. Inalienable, gl^air mumkinu-1-infikak, bila tarti), Inanimated, Inanimate, be-jan, murda, be-namak, ghair-namkin, alona. Inanity, Inanition, khulu, sun, khara,i, ochha,i. Inappetency, seri, asudagi, mandSLgin, kam-hazima, zu'f i mi'da. Inavpetent, kam-^orak, be-raghbat. Inapplicable, be-mauka*, na-muwafik, ghair-muti- bik, ghair-muntabik, be-prasta,o, be-laga,o. Inarticulate, na-saf; {speech) pas-bhakhi, jhun-jhuna. Inarticulately, ^il-bil, jhunjhunahat-se. Inattention, ghaflat, taj^aful, be-parwa,i, |3^afiJi, chashm-poshi, anakani; {to show) ankb- phirana. INA 148 I Ihattentitb, gh^fil, be-l^bar, be-iltifftt, be-panrfc kahil, majhul. To Inadquratk, baithMn&, tlkS-denS. Inaugueation, tika, shuglin, sugun, julfls. iNAtrspicioua, nahs, manhus, kn-sa'at, na-mnb^lrak, na-mas'ud, shum, bhadra, bagdha, asubh, asidh, bad. Inbeed, jigari, janami, zati, jauhari, batini. Incantation, mantar or mantra, afsun, jadu, 'azimat, tona, latka, jog, akarkhan, jhar-phunk, du'a ta'wiz. Incapable, kasir, ghair-kabil, ma'zur, be-makdur, na- ras, na-la,ik, na-ahl, na-kabil, na-rasa, ari, anajri. Incapacious, tang, ghair-wasi', kamcbaufa. To Incapacitate, be-makdur- &c. -k ; (to dit- qualify) mahrum-r, baz-r. Incapacity, Inoapabilitt, be-makduri, nJl-rasa,!, na-kabiliyat. Incarnate, mujassim, ak^ri, mutajassam. To Incarnate, {wounds) angflr-lana, -b or -bharnS, ; {in theology) autar-lana, rup-dbarnS. Incarnation, {of wounds) indimal; {of a god) autir or avatar. To Incase, lapetna, ghilafi-k, mundna. Incautious, be-tadbir, be-ibtiyat, be-ta,ammul. Incautiously, be-tadbiri-se, be-ihtiyati-se, ghafil^na. Incendiary, atasb-afroz, fitna-angez, fituriya, mufsid, fasadi, tufani, bakheriya, ag-phunkiya, ghar-jala,u, pakhandi, muftari, khana-soz, atash-andaz or -angez, shahar-soz or -asbob, kaziya-dallal, agindahi,lutra, mutafanni, barham-zan, shor-angez, shippa-baz, ja- malo, chawa,i, raswadi, data, chakkar-chali, kucbar, sitez-kar, 'akrab. Incense, luban, bamar, 'ud, bakhur. To Incense, ag-k, jalana, kurhana, khafS-k. Incentive, mubarrik, ba'is, sabab, lahar, lagSwan, targhib, dambazi, raswad ; {to venery) mubahhi, shahwat-angez, pusht. Incertitude, dubdha, dhokha, lapet, shakk, shnbha. Incessant, mutawatir, ek-lakht, laga-tar, paiham, ha- mesha, mudam. Incessantly, jhara-jhar, lap-lap, ath-ath ansu, zar- zar, 'ala-t-tawatur. Incest, gotr-chodawal, gotr-gaman ; {in comp.) chodi. Incestuous, gotr-gamani ; {in comp.) chod, •whence beti- &c. -chod. Inch, tassu, angol, angusht; {every inch) rag- resha, rag-rag, band-band, bal-bal. Incident, hadisa, waki'a, ittifak, 'ariza, majarat rudad, siw&n&, w&rida (pi. w^Lridat) . Incidental, ittifEki, nagab&nl; {-chargett &c.) ba'ze-jam*. Incidentally, ittinikan, nagalian, kaz9,-k&r. Incision, kS.t, chira, burrisb, zakhm. To Incite, uthanS,, bar-pa-k, lagana, upjhan&, tar- ghib- &c. -d, ighwa-k, chhefna, sulgana, uksana. Incitement, targhib, ba'is, lalach, tahris. Incivility, be-murawwati, bad-akblaki, be-iltifati. Inclemency, be-rabmi, bc-dardi, sakhti. Inclement, be-rahm, be-dard, be-maya, salcbt. Inclinable, ma.il, righib, musta'idd, hSzir, taiySr, ruju', khara, sar-garm. Inclination, mail, mailan, raghbat, gharz, Jirzfl, shauk, hawas, arman, chaump, chat, hasrat, Ian, ras, ruch, gauk, jhuka,i, dhala,i, khltir-nihad; (to itooly &c.) waswas, hSjat ; (to fart) padas : {in comp.) as (whence pi-iis, an inclination to drink ; miit-aa, an inclination to piss) . INC To Inclikb, (n.) jhnkna, ma.il- &c. -h, mail- &c. -r, chahna, daurnii, chalna, dhalna, ana, kaniyana ; (a.) dhalana, lana, jhukana, ma,il-k ; {inclining to black) ma41 ba-aiyahL Inclined, ma,il, raghib. sha^k, shankin. To Include, (a.) rakhna, darj-k, dakhil-k. shamil-k, dar-lana, milana, lana, mushtamil-k ; (n.) shamil-h, jami'-h, muhit-h, dalna, jorna, lagana, lapetna. Inclusive, Iiici.ud£JD, dakhil. shamil, mushtamal, mundaraj, dakhili, sudhan ; {of all charges and demands) ba hama jiliat bil mukta'. Inclusively, (v. the verb to include, also the adj.) dal-ke, &c. [ma'lum, be-priy»s. Incog, Incognito, chhipa, poshida, makhfi, na- In COHERENCE, ghair-mutabakat, be-meli, be-siyaki. Incoherent, ghair-munjamid, gh air-mutabik. na- munasib, be-thanr-thikana, be-ma'ni, be-iaga,o, be- "wajh, be-mel, be-siyak, be-jor. Income, amad, amadani, madakhil, ma-basal, yaft, parapat or prapta, sal-basil, pa,edasht, bnsul. Incommensurable, be-mel or an-mel, be-nap. To Incommode, Incommodate, tasdi'-d, taklif-d, iza-d, muztarib-k, uljhana. Incommodious, mutasaddi', na-ma'kiil, na-gawSr. Incommunicable, na-kahna, na-guftani. Incomparable, be-nazir, la-san, be-badal, be-misal, be-hamta, tak, anutha, be-manind, anup, yagana, bila-tashbih, aniipama, ekta, chun be chigun, be- namun. Incompatible, (v. opposite) muta'Sriz, nlta, birodhi. Incompetent, na-saz, na-la,ik, ochha, na-kabil, □&- rasa, asakt. Incomplete, na-tamam, nakis, na-kamil, asamapta. Incompleteness, na-tamami, ^usur, nuksan. Incomprehensibility, 'adam i idrak, 'adam i daryaft, be-kiyasi. Incomprehensible, ghair-mudrak, ghair-niutasaw- wir, also inconceivable, be-kiyas, be-wahm, an-bujhi. Inconclusive, nakis, kasir, na-tamam, dauri, ghair- kati'; {ambiguous) gol, ghair-shafi. Inconclusively, 'ala sabilu-d-daur, na-tamami-se. Inconclusiveness, knsur, na-tamami. Incongruity, Incongruous, (v. inconsistent). Inconsiderable, na-chiz, la-shai, be-kadr, chhota, thora. Inconsiderableness, be-kadri, kami, na-cbizi. Inconsiderate, be-fikr, be-ta,ammul, be-ibtiyat, be- tadbir, be-andesha, be-libaz, be-parwa, gbatil, be- lagam, be*tahasba, be-ghaur, bila-taraddud, be- tamiz, asoch. Inconsiderately, be-ta,ammt]ll- &c. -se, be-mahaba. Inconsiderateness, Inconsideration, be-fikri, be- ta.ammuli, be-lihazi, be-ihtiyati, be-tadbiri, be-par- wa,!, ghaflat. Inconsistency, na-muwafakat, na-mutabakafc, mu- ^alafat, tazadd, ikhtilaf. Inconsistent, ba'id, dur, na-muwafik, na-mutabik, bar-khilaf, be-ma'ni, be-huda, be-hisab, be-thikaua be-mel, be-miijib, na-saz, na-saza«ar, na-munasib, be-sir o pafiw, munafi. Inconsistently, na-mutabakat-se, na-muwafakat-se, &c. [tasalli. Inconsolable, gham-gin, dil-gir, an-mSn, gbair-mu- Inconstancy, be-sabati, be-karari, talawvun, Da-p&,6« dari, be-istiklali, be-wafa,i, siyah-chashmL Inconstant, be-sabat, be-karar, na-pa,edar, be-iati^« lal, be-wafa, siyah-chashm, be-kal, be-chain, be- sukun, hafta Jost. do-raga, bc-tliikina. INC ( 147 ) IND fwcoNSTANTiT, be-sabati- &c. -se, na-pa,edari-se. [ncontestible. Incontrovertible, shafi, kati*, kata'i, tamm, sabit, be-takrar, be-min-mekh, la- jawab, la-kalam ; (an incontestible proof) dalil i shaft. Incontinence, be-parhezi, be-i'tidali, be-'asmati, bad-parhezi, ku-sanjam, asat. Incontinent, be-parhez, bad-parhez, be-i'tidal, be- 'asmat, be-bandhej, be-ibtiraz, ku-sanjami, byahat. Incontinently, be-parhezi- &c. -se, be-i'tidali-se. Inconvenience, be-arami, taklif, dukh, kabahat, harj, 'aib, santap, khandit, bighan, akaj, bibhed, bikar, kutar, kubihta, fasad, tasdi". Inconvenient, na-ma'kul, na-kara, dushwar, muta- saddi', muzirr, be-dhab, be-kabu, kughat, aughat. Inconveniently, be mauka', dushwari-se. [mel. Inconversable, na-ma'kul-go, ochha, an-bol, an- Inconvertiblb, ghair-mutabaddil, ghair-tabdil-pazir. To Incorporate, (a.) milana, makhlut-k ; {to embody) mujassam-k ; (n.) milna, maj^ujt-h. Incorpobatiok, iniIa,o, imtizaj, amezish. Incorporeal, mujarrad, be-jism, be-jasad, be-tan. Incorrect, ghair-sahih, na-marbut, na-durust, ^a- lat, a-sudh, na-rast, abtar, na-sahih, ghalat-nawis. Incorrectly, ghalati- &c. -se, na-murbuti-se. Incorrectness, ^air-sihhat, na-marbuti, na-durusti, ghalati, asudhta. Incorrigible, ghair-islah-pazir, la-'ilaj, saWit, katta, shadid, sharir, tambih-na-pazir, athon-ganth-ku.- mait, gaya-guzra, gaya-gaya. Incorrigibleness, 'adam i islah, sajd^ti, shiddat, sha- rarat, nihayat kharabi. Incorrupt, Incorrupted, bari, pak, saf, salih. Incorruptibility Incorruption, 'adami-fana, pa- bitrata, akshayata or akshayatwa. Incorruptible, ghair-filni, abinasi or avinashi. Incoeruptness, paki, safa,i, takwa, salabiyat, sadhuta. Increase, igafa, ziyadati, izdiyad, afza,ish, afzuni, adhika,i, sarsa,i, barkat, barh, barhi,o, tarakki, barhti : the two last are applicable to the waxing of the moon also. To Increase, (a.) barhana, adhikana, ziyada-k, mazid-k, afzun-k, adhik-k, saras-k, wafir-k, kasir-k ; (n.) b*fhna, zor-par-h, ziyada- &c. -h, umandna. Increased, mazid, mustazad, mutaza,id, besh, bar- biyi. [avishwas, apratyay. IroEEDiBiLiTY, Incrediblenbss, 'adam i i'tibar, iHCREOiBnE^ l^air-mu'tabar, na-manne-jog, be-i'tibar. Inored v"tw, Inceeduloubness, be-i'tikadi, 'adam i imaa Incredu&oos. bati,u-l-i'tilcad, be-i'tikad, |^ir- mu'takid. be-'akida. Incsrment {enlargement) beshi, taufir, barhotari ; — {o sv7t of impost) sarshikan ; {increment bodies) muwalid i salasa. To Incrust, Incrustate, tah-charhana, part- jamana, lepna, lesna. Incrustation, tab, part, andQdagi. To Incubate, se,ona or sewna, syona (also incubation) . Incubus, {night-mare) kabus, jamout, sahi, dusapan (properly duh-sapna) . To Inculcate, dalna, batlana, sikhlana, samjhana, takid-k. Inculpable, be-ilzam, nir-dokhi, be-gnnah. Incumbent, {as a duty) wajib, lazim, zarur, farz, mu- nasib ; {it is incumbent on me) mujh par farz hai. To be Incumbent, chahna (used impersonally, as cha- hiye, with the dative case, (v. Gr. p. 120). To Incus, lagana, lana, bandhna, dalna, paida-k, lena. Incurable, la-'ilaj, be-'ilaj, la-dawa or be-dawa. Incurableness, be-'ilaji, la-dawa,i, be-dawa,i. Incubious, (indifferent) be-shauk, ghair-mutajassis. Iwcubsion, takht, hamla,daiir,yQrish,chilh-jhapata, Indebted, {being in debt) makruz, karz-dar, dain-dar, wam-dar, riniya ; {obliged) marhun, mamnun, ihsan-mand, mashkur ; {I am indebted to you, nty lord, for this office) Hiudawand, main apka mam- nun hun is 'uhde-se. Indecency, be-adabi, gustaWu, be-imtiyazi, na-sha,is- tagi, na-hamwari, na-mula,imat. Indecent, be-adab, gustaWi, be-imtiySz, na-shS,ista, na-hamwar, na-mula,im, na-la,ik, na-ma'kul, na- sazawar, be-sobh, be-dhab, be-haya, be-nang, be- parda. Indecently, be adabi- &c. -se, gustakhana, be-ada- bana (also indecent, when applicable to wor^) . Indeclinable, |^air-mutasarraf or -munsarif, be- tasrif, jamid, mabni, nipat, be-sarf. Indeed, sach, albatta, wakil, tahkik, fi-1-hakikat, al- hakk, fi-1-waki', hakikatan, yakinan, kaVan, ho, ban, hai, sach-much, sat, be-shakk,~ nafsu-f-amr, sahih hai. Indefatigable, a-thak, mihnati, sa,i, dhuni. Indefeasible, be-zawal, na-mumkinu-1-ibtal. Indefensible, mumtana'u-l-'ugr, be-bacha,o. Indefinite, ghair-mukarrar, ghair-mushakhkhas,bila- ta'aiyun, na-mahdud, na-mahsur, mubham, be-thik- ana, ghair-muta'aiyan ; {the indefinite article) nakira, ibh, harf i tankir ; {-aorist) shartiya, fi'li. Indefinitely, be-ta'aiyuni-se, be-thikana. Indelible, a-mit, an-dho,a, ^air-mahu, jigari ; {an indelible mark) naksh-ka-1-hajar. Indelicacy, na-mula,imat, be-lutfl, be-lihazi. Indelicate, na-mula,im, be-lutf, be-lihafs. Indemnification, aman, tawan, dand, mubadila. To Indemnify, tawan- &c. -d, mahfuz-r, bhar-d, thambhna. Indemnity, bacha,o, 'iwaz i nnks^n. To Indent, dandana-dar-k, khandana-dar-k, pach- kana, chapkana; {to covenant) shart-b, hof-b. Indentation, khandana, pachak, lahar. Indented, khandana-dar, lahriya. [chalks. Indenture, 'ahd-nama, ikrar-nama, kaul-nama, ma- Independence, istiklal, azadi, muUitari, istighna, be-niyazi, khud-sari, swabas. Independent, mustakill, mukhtar, sari khud, bi-rasi- hi, mustaghni. azad, be-niyaz, be-ihtiyaj, fiirighhu-1 bal, khud-sar, bara,e-khud, adand, malik, ka,im bi- nafsihi, mutlakn-l-'inan, pa-daraz, be-parwa, be- ibsan, be-minnat, nihal, mot-mard, ajachi, chhapi- chhitank, an-munda, be-pir (applied to fakirs) , be- bak, nidar; {unconnected) ghair-muta'allak, be-laga,o, bahir, 'alahida ; {of inferior ageiits) huzuri, sirf ; —— {a distinct or independent village) mauza' i sirf; {independent of) kat'i-nazar. Independently, bi-1-istiklal, be ta'alluki-se. Indesert, be-kadri, nirgun, na-sazawari. Indeterminable, mumtana'u-1-hasr. Indetermined, na-mu'aiyan, ghair-mustakill, Indetermination, 'adam i ta'aiyun, be-istiklali. Index, {the pointer out) dall, dalil, mudallil, susi-patar, nishan ; {of a book) fihrist. India, Uind, Hindastan, Hindusthan. Indian, Hindi, Hindustani, Hlndawi, Hindawi. Indian-corn, bhutta, maka.i, jawar; {Indian leqf) tej-pat. L2 IND ( l« ) IND To Indioatb, batlin&, daUlat- &c. -k. Indioatioh, dalil, ishira, 'alamat, kiniya. Indicative, muRhir, khabari, ismi, zarfi. Indipfkrence, {negligence) be-parwa,i» be-gStarazi, ghaflat, taghaful, afsurda-dili, rukha,i» jarhta ; ^qu'poite) i'tidal, ausat, IKBIFFERENT, {negligent) be-parwa, be-gharaz, maj- hul, afsurda-dil, sard-mihr, rukha, wajud mu'attal, kaiD-shauk, la,obali, bad-mahra, baihra-sainp, boda, bodiv-hal, batora, jarh, kuchh-hai, chaltu, kuchh- yujihi; (eg-wai) barabar, ekhi, musawat ; {passable) bain-bain, aisa-waisa, na wah-wah na chhi-chbl. Indifferently, 'umuman, sarasari, be-chilnal, yunhi, be parwa,i- fee. -se. Ihdioence, iflas, tang-dasti, tihi-dasti, be-naw^,!, fakr, gada,i, killat, ihtiyaj, 'usrat, be-zar-o-pari. Indiqbnous, desi, mulki, watani. Indigent, muflis, mafluk, be-nawa, gada, kangal, hajat-mand, fakir, muhtaj, na-dar, lachar, kallash, gharib, miskin, be zar o par, muhtaji, ihtiyaji, than than gopal. Indigested, {not arranged) be-tartib, abtar, darham- barham, nakis, na-tamam; {as food) na-hazm, be-tablil, do-rasa, apach, kacha-pakka. Indigestible, mumtana*u-l-hazm ; {hard of di- gestion) sakil, batiu-1-hazm, askal, na-gawar. Indigestion, bad-hazml, ajlran, ras, ba,i-kacha,i,su- ras an-ras, garani. Indignant, g^azab-nak, kahr-nak, ghazab-aluda, khashm-nak, jaljalatSi, bad-damagh. ^:ahr-aluda, ghazabl, taish-uak, muzbak. Indignation, ghazb, kahr, jaljalahat, jazba, josh- kharosh, bad-damaghi, khashm. tazhik, taisb, jalan, jaur jafa, junun. Indignity, khiSat, snbuki, istikl^fiLf, hatak, ihanat, fazlhati, tafzih, halka,i, halka-pan, bipat, hikarat. Indigo, {the plant) nil; {first year's cutting) naudha ; — - {second) durji ; {land) jafi; {rotten) juthi ; (a piece of indigo) nil bap. Indigo-haker, nilgar ; {-beater) mahwa. Indirect, na-rast, tefba, nl^a, na-durust, pechila, limmi. Indirectly, pecb-se, ishSiratan, kinayatan, b&-was3a, pherke, ni-rasti- &c. -se. Indirectness, te;-ha,i, na-r3lsti, nSl-doruBti, na-sa^^i. Indiscernible, a-drisl)t, be-namud, ghair-z^hir. Indiscreet, be-libaz, be-ta,ainmiil, be-andesba, be- ibtiyat, be-tadbir, be-imtiyaz, be-tanuz, be-sha'ur, adhira, jathar. Indiscreetly, be-muh3lb§, be-Ii]}&zi- &c. -se. Indiscretion, be-lihazi, be-ta,aminuli, be-andeshagi, be-ibtiyati, be-imtiyazi, be-tamizi, be-sha'uri, ad- hirta, jatbara,i, him&kat. Indiscriminate, ghair-nm'aiyan, 'amm, kacha-pakka, narm-garm, ghair-mushaklikhas, be-thahra,o, pach-mel, shamil-hal, sara-sari, be-tashkhis, be- bichari, yunhi. [nate). Indiscriminately, 'umflman, sab-ko (v. indiscrimi- Indiscrimination, be-tashkljisi , be-bichari. Indispensable, lazim, farz, wajib, atal, wajibu-l-ada ; {indispensable duties) fara,iz. Indispensableness, luzum, wujfib, farziyat, ^arurat. Indispensably, farzan, wajuban, zaruratan. To Indispose, {disorder) kaslmand- &c. -k, matakhal* lal-k; {lo disincline) pherna, utha-d, munharaf- k; {to make unfit) na-sha,ista-k ; — l {to make unfavourable toioards) na-miLrbaa-k, na- k^usli-k. Indisposed, {inpoint of health) n&-s5z, an-inan&, 'a'Hl makranda, be-daul, malin, sakim, malul, na-khush, kasal-mizaj, na-razi; {what a pity that your worship should continue indisposed so long) &p Id tabi'at etne roz jo na-saz rahi kya •efsos. Indisposiiion, {slight disease) kasl, mandagi, kasl- mandi, na-sazi, malinta, kasala, takassul. Indisputable, ghair-kabil-i'tiraz, •wajibi, katal, yaklni, zahir, sarih, amanna, be-takrar, la-radd, atal, lakalam, thik, durust, la-bahs, be-chun-chari. Indispdtableness, kat'iyat, yakin, tayakkun,sarahat. Indisputably, kat'an, yakinan, sarihan, bil-ya^in, be-shakk, be-shubha, aur-kya. Indissolvable, Indissoluble, angalna, mnmtana'a- 1-infikak, ghair-kabilu-t-tafrik, ghair-muhallil, \h- hall, ghair-tahlil-pazir, angala,u, anbilga,u. Indissolubility, Indissolubleness, 'adam i infi« kak. Indistinct, nSl-s^f, na-marbut, mazabzab, gol-gol, nakis, andhla, na-ma'lum. Indistinctly, tazabzub-se, na-marbuti-se, be-rabt. Indistinctness, na-marbuti, tazabzub, be-rabti.khalt. ta'kid. Indistinguishable, ghair-mutamalyaz, g^ air-kabil- imtiyaz, anbilga,u. Inditement, (t. endite) fard i da'wa (v. accusation). Individual, fard mufrid, wahid, ek, ekjan, naf.v, ras, munfarid. An Individual {person) shakhs, admi, tan, jana, mu- tanaffis ; {a single individual) tan i tanha. Individuality, fardiyat, ahdiyat, wahdiyat, tanha,i, yakiyat, eka,i. [ba-yak. Individually, fard-ferd, furada-farada, ek-ek, yak- Indivisibility, 'adam i tajazzi, achhidrata. Indivisible, juz-la-yatajazza, jauhar-fard, nir-bant, achhidr, ghair-tafrik-pazir, ghair-mumkinu-t'- taksim. Indocible, Indocile, ghair-islah-pazir, asadh, gari- yar, na-tarbiyat-pazir, nirsikh. Indolence, susti, kahili, majhuli, dhil, alas, askat, alsa,i, tahawun. Indolent, sust, kahil, majhul, dhila, askati, apahaj, matha, boda, aram-talab, kam-harkat, mutahawin, kahil-mizaj ; {as a tumour) be-dard, sun, murda; {to become) kachatna, sust- or kahil- &c. -h or h-jana. Indubitable, be-shakk, be-shubha, kyiii ua-ho, la- kalam, be-guman, aur-kya. To Induce, targhib- &c. -(i,uthan5, chalan&, barpa-k, paida-k, lana, khichna. Inducement, targhib, muharrik, ba,is, sabab. Induction. {iT\ference) kiyas, bichar, mur&d. To Indulge, {to encourage) barhana, ziyada-k, kawi-k, mustahkam-k, palua ; {to fondle) pyar- &c -k, naz-bardari-k, khatir-r. marzi-r; {to grant) bakhshna. 'inayat- &c. -k. Indulgence, {fondness) pyar, dular, lar, shafkat, maya, daya, naz-bardari, dil-dari, khatir-dari, nawa- zish, iltitat, karam ; {favour) 'inayat, bakhshish. marhamat; {frompriests) dachha-patri, narnai, 'afu-nama. Indulgent, shafik. dard-mand, mihr-ban, mutawajjih, karim, mutarahhim, daya-shil, maya-want, mu- la,im, halim, niiz-bardar, narm. Indulgently, kljatir-dari- &c. -se, naz-bardari-se. To Indurate, (n.) sak^t-hojana, kaj-a-jana, pathrani; (a ) kara-k. Induration, sakhti, pathr&hat. Industrious, mihnati, chalak, s&l, jahid, khat^a. ama,u kam-kaji, kamasut, kamera, niihnat-kash It*D I 149 ) INF Ikdustkiouslt, mihnat-se, jadd o jihd-st , ■■ ■ (pur- posely) jan-bujh, kasdan, bil-kasd, 'amdan. Industry, mihnat, teha, chalaki, sal, jadd o jihd, sar- garmi. [wala-k, nasha-lana. To Inebriate, mast-k, madhush-k, sarmast-k, mat- Inebriatiok, masti, madhushi, sar-masti, be-khudi, nasha. Ineffable, niruchari, ghair-talafiuz, be-bayan, na- guftanl. Ineffectual, Ineffective, Inefficacious, be-asar, be-tasir, bar-bad, ghair-muta,assir, abyap, naksh ka-l-ma (also ineffectuaUy), ?alf, subuk, halka; {as shot, &c.) ochha. Ineleoance, kubh, sakalat, iia-mula,imat, na-mau- zuni, na-zeba,i, bad-numa,i, bad-uBlubi, bad-dauli, na-simstagi, kara^tagi. Inelegant, na-ma'kul, na-inala,im, na-mauzun, be- lutf, be-naz§kat, na-zeba, bad-numa, bad-uslub, bad-daul, na-shusta, ghair-fasih, be-ab or ^-rauna^ or -bahar, be-dbab, be-daul. Inequality, fark, tafawnt, byora, be-joyi ; (un- evenness) na-hamwari, unch-nich. Inert, ghair-mutaharrik, be-harakat, sust, kabil, ma'attal, apahaj. Inestiuable, be-baha, be-^mat, an-mol, a-mol, 'aziz. Inevitable, sharti, mukarrar, bar-hakk, khvah-ma- khvah, char-nachar, kat'an, na-guzir, la-'ilaj, ghair-munkinu-I-firar, na-gurez. Inexcusable, la-jawab,a-mit, ghair-mumkinu-l-'afu, ghair-ma'zur, na-*uzr-pazir, ghair-muta'azzir ; (A« is inexciuable in this business) is kam men us ko ja,« 'uzr nahin hai. Inexhaustible, apel, be-hadd, be-nihayat, be-shoinar, athel, akhap, ghair-sarf. Inexistence, nesti, 'adam, ma'dumi, na-paida,l. Inexistent, na-paida, ^air-maujud, ajaaam, nest, nlst or nast, nabud. Inexorable, be-mihr, na-mihr-ban, sang-dil, be rabm, sakht, tund, nithur, be-tars, ghair 'uzr-sbun- ■wa, ghair 'uzr-pazir. Inexpedience, kabahat, na-hamwarl. Inexpedient, na-munasib, iia-la,i^, ua-sha,ista, n»> hamwar, be-ja, be-mauka'. Incxperiknce, na-azmuda-kari, nau-amozi, ^^jafi- pana, kacha-pan, nirgun. iff EXPERIENCED, na-azmuda-kar, anari, naa-amoz, ankh-mund, kacha, ochha, kham. kam; {-horse- man) kam-sawar. Inexpert, na-wakif, nakis, kacha, kurh, na-pukhta« be-salika, gegla, be-hikmat, be-atkal, nir-guni. Inexpiable, be-'afu, be-maghfirat, amit. Inexplicable, ghair-kabilu-1-bayan, go ma go, la- bayan, agam, be-barnan, la-hall. Inexpressible, be-bayan, na-guftani. Inextinquishable, mumtana'u-l-itfa, amit, au- bujhna. Inextricable, na-hall-pazir, asulajh, pech dar pecb, shakh dar shakh. shaitan \1 antrl, achhut. Infallible, a-chuk, na-khata, kadir, hukm-andaz. Infallibleness, Infallibility, a-chuki, be-khataa. Infallibly, achuki-se ; [certainly) yakinan, kat'an, mukarrar. Infamous, bad-nam, ruswa, ru-siyah, fazih, be-abru, be-hurmat, be-ghairat, ma'yub, apamani, kala- munh, apajasi, zabun, kharab, nakku. Infamously, fazihati-se, ba-shiddat ; — — {it was in- famously bad) ba shiddat bura tha. Infamy, 'aib, bad-nami, ruswa,i, ru-siyahi, angusht- numa,!, be-abvi,i> kalank,apaja«,kujas, apaman, 'ar. Infancy, tufuliyat, Iarka,i, bach-pan, chhot-pan, b&l- pan, larka-pan, siba, tifli, bachagi, tiflagi. Infant, kacha-larka, larka, bacha, tifl, balak, dhoti, kochak, geda, gadela, gadwa, tiflak, shir-l^ori, bil. Infantile, &c. tiflaua, bachgana. Infantry, paidal, piyade, pa-piyade, piyad, nar ; ^— {strong in) narpat or narpati. To Infatuate, diwana-k, be-hosh-k, be-'akl-k, be- wukuf-k, be sha'ur-k, andhlana, shefta-k, farefta-k, gand-ghu,a khilana. Infatuated, khabta. mubtila, munkharif. himal;at- zada ; {to be all) ku,e men bhang pa.rna. Infatuation, diwanagi, be-hoshi, diwan-pan, sheftagi, fareftagi. To Infect, sarayat-k, tas!r-k, lagna, sarana, lagana, dilana. Infection, sarayat, ta,assur, 'afunat, ta'afibn, la«- gandh, paisar, chhut, Infectious, sari, las-gar, paissri, chhutiha, gandh- rog, phaila,u. Infelicity, kam-ba^ti, bad-ba^ti, shamat, idbar shakawat. To Infer, nikalna, tajwiz-k, bujhna, atkalna, tarna. Inference, natija, hasD, a»ial, nikas. istidlal, ^ulasa; {by inference) natije-se. Inferible, muntij, kabil i istidlal, atkal-pazir. Inferior, adna or adna, chhota, ghat, kam, kamtar, kihtar, farotar, zabun, dun, past, nicha, utarta-hu,a, nirs, utar, halka, ochha, narm, unis-bis, pa,in; {in strength, &c.) zer-dast, maghlub. Inferiority, kamti, farotari, chhota,i, kamtari, kih- tari, zabuni, narmi, zer-dasti. Internal, jahannami, dozaU^l, nari, shaitani, patal-ka or patali, asfali. Infertile, usar, shor, lona, kallar. To Infest, satana, khijhana, dikk-k, iza-d, tasdi'-d, taklif-d, na-khush-k, khafa-k; ~ {to infest the roads) rah-marna, rah-zani- &c. k. Infidel, kafir (pi. kuflar), gabr, bo-din, mushrik, monkir, be-lman, zindi^, ku-pathi, akfar, malichh or milachh. Infidelity, kufr, shirk, be-wafa,i, be-imani, khiyu- nat, bad-diyanati, dagha-bazi, namak-hararai, ku- path, inkar, zindil^ or zindakat, be-dini. INFINITE, be-hadd, be-payau, be-nihayat, be-kanar, be-karan, na-muntaha, be-shumar (also infinitely), an-ginat, nir-ant, an-ant, agam, apar, athah. Infinitive, {of a verb) masdar, karam, mul. Infinity, Infinitenbss, Infinitude, be-haddi, be- payani, be-shumari, be-nihayati, be-karani, aparta. Infirm, za'if, na-tawan, kam-zor, na-kuwwat, nibal, durbal, nakih, nahif, munhani, muzmahil, halwa, boda ; {to grow) sathiyana ; {constitution- ally) za'ifu-1-bunyad; {irresolute) be-istiklal, muztarib, be-karar ; (in mind) mun^arif, ba- wala. Infirmary, daru-sh-shafa, or -shifa,bimar-Wiana. Infirmity, Infirmness, zu'f, na-tawani, kam-zori, za'ifi, be-istiklali, nakahat, na-kuwwati ; {fail- ing) nuks, 'aib, chuk; {disease) rog, marz, azar; {of mind) inWiiraf, Wiarafat. To Infix, chbedua, khoixsna, chonkua, marna, gaj-na, dalna, lagana. To Inflame, jalaiia, ag-lagaua, phunkna, sulgaua, bhunna, ag-k, kabab-k, sokhta-k, lohu-bharna ; {to inflame, as a sore, &c.) dal-pakarna, josh-khana; {as the eyes) ankh-uthna, ankh-ana, lohu kn dale-h. Inflamed, muhrik, sol^ta, jala or jala-hjyi INF ( iw ) na iKnAMKR, sozanda, atash-zan, muhrik ; (in comp.) 80Z, ashob : thus, shahar-ashob, inflaming the city ; 'alam-soz, inflaming the world. Inflammability, &c., imkanu-1-ihtirak. Infammable, jalanhar, mumkinu-l-ihtirak, jalan-jog, sozanda, sokhtani. Inflammation, josh i ^iin, ihtirak, jalan, sozish, iltihab, multahib; {of the eyes) ashob, lali. Inflammatory, muhrik, garin, sozan or sozanda. To Inflate, phulana, nafkh-k, phiinkna, dam-bharna or -d, akrana. Inflation, intifa^, naf^, dam-dihi, phunka,/), ak- ra,o. To Inflect, nawana, jhukana, nihrana, terha-k, kaj-k ; (a noun, &c,) tasrif- &c. -k, gardanna, sarf-k. Inflection, jhukft,o ; [of a noun) tasrif, tasarruf, gar dan. Inflexibility, &c., sakhti, karakhtagi, magra,i- Inflexible, sakht, karattt, sar-kash, magra, n§- mula,im, shadid. To Inflict, dena, dalna, lagana, pahunchanS, kam&. Infliction, dila,o, laga.o, saza, goshmali. Influence, asar, tasir, byap, naksh, hukm, kaha- suna, ru'b, man, manta, dab, daba,o, pesh-amad, ru, zor, mulahiza, sarkobi ; {undue, to be exerted) kuchh dal men kala-h, pam-marna; {to gain an undue influence over a husband, master, &c.) gand- ghu,a khilana. To Influence, asar- &c. -k, byapna, ba's-h, mnhar- rik-h. Influx, {entrance) dukhul, dar-amad, mudatoalat ; {abundance) kasrat, ziyadati. To Infold, dhampna, chhipana, mundna, lapetna. To Infoliate, patiyana, patte-se dhampna. To Inform, jatanS, khabar- &c. -d, gosh-guzar-k, batlana, ahat-d, chetana, sikhana, kan-kholna, bol- kah-r, kahla-bhejna, samjhana ; {to inform against) nalish- &c. -k. Informal, be-ka ida, khilaf i a,in, na-ma'mul. Information, khabar, agahi; {charge) da'wa, nalish, fariyad, bad, sudh, bodh, gosh-guzari. Informed, khabar-dar, agah, muttali', wakif. Informer, mukhbir, khabar-dar, Miafiya-nawis, nam- mam, baramadi, go,inda, bhediya, kan-phunkiya, mar-kha,i, baramad-go, baramad-nawis, badar- nawis. Infraction, faskh, shikast, tauhin, ra^na, bhangta, ikala; {of a treaty) 'ahad-shikani. Infrequency, killat, akalhyat, kami. Infrequent, kalil, ^al-khal, akall, kam, nadiran. To Infringe, tofna, fask^-k, shikast-karna or -dena. Infrinqehent, fasU^, shikast, bhangta, &c. (v. infrac- tion) . Infuriate, banrana, diwana-kam&. To Infuse, dahi^, ilka-k, dam-d, phunkna ; {to macerate) bhigona. Infusion, na^a, rezish ; (a cold infusion) klue- sanda. Ikoenious, za^, gahin, tez-fahm, zirak, fahim, tabba' , sughaf , salika-shi'ar, sahib-sahka, khush- fahm, sahib-sha'ur, hunar-mand, zarif, latifa-go, kh^sh-tab'. hazir-jawab, cheshta-want, hadik. Inqeniouslt, lutf- &c. -se, zakawat-se, ziraki-se. Ingeniousness, Ingenuity, zihn, zakawat, tez-fahmi, zirakl, sugha^a,!, sallka, hunar, sha ur, lutf, latitat, khush-tabl. zarafat, hazir-jawabi, latifa-go,i, cheshtta, jaudat, kiyasat, firasat. [sada (t. candid),. IkQSnuous, r&st, 9&f, khara, sidha, munsif, be-riya- Ingenuouslt, rastl- Ac. -se, mnnsifi-se. Ingenuousness, rastl, 8afa,i, sachcha,!, sachauti, khara,!, sidk, rast-bazi, be-riya,i, insaf. Inglorious, halka, khafif, be-nam, gnm-nam, be- ghairat, be-hamlyat. Ingloriouslt, be-ghairati- ii»a-lena. Inharmonious, bft-tal, na-sazgar, na-manzun. Inherent, ]^l]p, zati, jibilll, asli, raudgham. To Inherit, w^ris- &c. -h, a^a£-k, irs-lena, leui, pana, 'amal-)' Inheritance, irs, ralras, taraka, bunyad, jaf- bunyad, bapauti. Inheritor, waris, miras-dar or -khor. To Inhabit, man'-k, atkana, rokna. Inhibition, man', mumana'at, atka,o, muzuhamat, ruka,o. Inhospitable, be-mudara, be-tanrik, be-tawazu , be- faiz, ansil, dar-basta, na-mihman-nawaj ; {at a shore) kughat, kuraha. Inhospitableness, be-taufiki, oe-mudara,i. Inhuman, be-rahm, be-dard, kattar, be-tars, be-shaf- kat, be-murawvat, na-insan, ku-manukh. Inhumanity, be-rahmi, be-dardi, sang-dili, saU^ti, nithura,!, zulm, na-admiyati, na-insaniyati, ku- mauukhta. Inhumanly, be-rahmi- &c. -se, saug-dili-se. To Inject, dalna, marna ; {with a syringe) pich- kari-mama. Injection, idkhal, hukna. Inimical, mukhalif, bairi, birodhi, bad-andesh. iHrMTTABLE, iNiMiTAnLY, mumtana'u-n-nazTr, be- misl, ghair-mutatabba', ghair-mankul, be-nazir. Iniquitous, bura, bad, ma'yub, zabun, be-in^af, na- haklf, na-*adil. Iniquitt, be-in^afl, badi, zabuni, bura,I, 'alb, ^aba« hat, ma'yubl, pup, ku-path, fisk, tauhin. Initial, paihla or pahla, mu|^addam, awwaL INI ( 161 ) JNS To Initiate, lana, dar-lana, da^il-k, shamil-k, shu- ru'-karana, sikhlana, mundana, aghaz-karana, la- gana, milana, ba,o'li-d. Ihitiation, idkhal, dar-amad, sanskar, mel, miIa,o, milap, sunnat. Injudicious, be-basirat, be-salika, be-sbu'ur, na-la,ik, na-sha,ista, nir-guni, ku-mati. Injudiciously, be-salikagl- &c. -se, be-basirati-se. Injunction, hukra, amr, kaha, bat, takid, ^takaiyud, ch:ta,o ; {he gives no ear to my injunctions) mere kahe ko nahin sunta or manta. To Injure, zulm-k, bigarna, za,i'- &c. -k, nuksan- pahunchana, ziyan- &c. -k, nasana, kharab-k. azar- &c. -d, be-hakk-k. Injured, muta,azzi, mazlum, sitam-rasida. To be Injured, {a hair of the head) bal-bikna or -tutna. Injurer, zalim, ziyan-kar, ^arab-kar, muzi, jaft-kar, nuksani, bigaru, hani. Injuriops, be-insaf, zalim, muzirr, azar-rasan. Injuriously, be-insaf i- &c. -se, zarar-se, zulm-se. Injury, be-insafi, zulm, sitam, jaur, ta'addi, ja^, bid'at, dast-darazi; (mischief) nuksan, ziyan, aseb, bigar, iza, aziyat, k;abahat, ^isarat, ^zar, ^alal, fa^ad, harj, ban. Injustice, be-insafi, an-nya,o, ^air-wajibi, na-insaf !, be-dadi, andher, na-hakk. Ink, siyahi, roshna,!, kali, shira, mas, murakkab, kalik, misiyani ; midad ; (maker) murakkab-saz ; (powder) kajal; (red ink) surkhi, shan- garf; (a kind of cotton balls impregnated with red ink) maha,ori, alta. Ink-horn, Ink-stand, kalam-dan, dawat ; (cot- ton, &c. put into ink-horns) suf. Ihklino, snnughan, bo, sha,iba, abat, bbinak. Inky, syaha si, siyahi-amez or -dar. Inlaid, munabbati, jara,u, mnrass'a, tah-nishan, kanda, koft, kundan. Inland, bhitar-war, darya-se diir, mufassal-inen. To Inlay, jarna, kalam-kari-k, munabbat-k. Inlayer, jariyA, iiunabbat-kar, koft-gar. Inlaying, munabbat-kari, koft-gari, jarahat. Inlet, guzar, rah ; (arm) khari, nak, tangri, banji. To Inlist, (v. to enlist, also to recruit) naxikar-k, &c. Inly, bhitar, pet-men, andarun. Inmate, ham-^ana, sagehi, mihman, ham-makan. Inmost, Innermost, bhitari, andaruni. Inn, sara,e, bhathiyar-khana, mai-khana, musafir- khana, mihman-sara,e, karwan-sara,e. Innate, taba'i, ;^ilki, zati, jibilli, asU* bi-a-g§t, madar-zad, janami, jaubari, jigari. Inner, bhitari, andaruni, batini. Innino, ahiya,e-zamin, gangbarar. Inn-keeper, bhathiyara, sabib-sara, kalwar, mihtar. Innocence, paki, saf3,,i, ma'sumiyat, be-gunahi, be- jurmi, surWt-ru,i, suchta, sachauti, 'asmat, sat : — - (harmlessness) gharibi, ghurbat, be-badi, sa- dagi, bhola-pan, sidlia,i. Ibnocent, pak, saf, be-gunah, be-jarm, ma'sum, ma'sum-sifat ; (harmless) gharib, be-bad, sada, sJda-dil, sidha, such, be-dos, bhondla, anjan, nek- pak, sorkh-ru. mabarra, nirmal, sati. Ihsookntlt, be-gnnihi- &c. -se, sada-dili-ae. To Innovate, iiidas-k, an-rit-k. Imnovation, il?das, ijad, ikhtira', bid'at, an-rit, becha- lan, be-riwaj, khilaf i 'amal or khilaf i dastur, nau- paida, d&nd, kar, nau-ba,i, uau-tarz, taza-riwaj. Innovatok, mnbtadi', miijid, mnhdis, bid'ati, mnkh- tari', nirmam. Innuendo, ishara, kinaya, ramz, mihna, bing, boli, lapot. Innumerable, be-shumar, be-hadd, anginat, raor- malakh, reg-rawan, ghair-muta'addid, ghair-mum- kinu-t-ti'dad. To Inoculate, (for the small-pox, ike.) tika-d, pachne-d, goti-khodna, chechak- &c. -laganfi or -nikalna ; (trees) paiwand-k. Inoculation, tika, paiwand, goti-khodwa,i. Inoculator, goti-khodwa. Inodorous, be-bas, be-bo, ghair-taum, nir-gandh. Inoffensive, be-gunah, nir-dos, &c. (v. innocent). Inordinate, be-hadd, be-thikana, ba-ifrat. Inorganic, Inoroanical, be-rag-resha, alsurda. Inquest, (v. inquiry, investigation) dhund-bhal, baz- khwast. Inquietude, be-arami, be-chaini, be-kali. To Inquire, puchhna, pursish- &c. -k, tahkik-K, puchhar-k, johna, sawachna, jamogna, sahejna; (to search) talash- &c. -k, khabar-lena ; (about a person) ahwal-pursi-k. Inquirer, khojhi, mustafsir, mutalashi, pursan, mut« jassis, puchhari, talib, inujawwiz, joya. Inquiry, puchh-pachh, pursish, taftish, istifsar, tahisli, just ju, baz-pursi, azma,ish, taukih, tahkikat, rau taliba, ahwal-pursi, jamog, puchhar ; (after tht sick) 'iyadat, bimar-pursi. Inquisitive, khojhi, jasus-tabi'at, talashi, muhakkik, bichari, khabar-gir. Inquisitiveness, tajassus, jasusi, just-ju,i. To Inrail, katahra-lagana. Inroad, (incursion, sudden assault) daur, tak^t, yiirisn. Insalubrious, na-muwaiik, augun, bimar-gar, na- gawar. Insane, diwana, majnun, l)a,ola or bawala, sauda,i. Insanity, diwanagi, sauda, junun. Insatiable, be-hadd, be-intiha, na-ser, athambh, marbhiikha. Insatiableness, be-haddi, lalachi, na-seri. Insaturable, ghair-ser, ghair-asuda, na-ser hone-ka. To Inscribe, likhna, lagana, sabt-k, niyaz-k. Inscription, kitaba, tahrir, likhat, markum ; (o^ a book) nam. [t-tafahhus. Inscrutable, mumtana'u-t-taftish, gh air-mumkinu- Insect, kira, kirm ; (insects of the earth) hash- ratu-1-arz, kire-makore, kire-patange. Insecure, be-amn, makhtur, na-mazbut, be-asra, be- ar, ghair-mustahkam, nirasthar, kacha, kham. Insecurity, be-amni, khatra, andesha. Insensibility, 'adam i ihsas, be-khabari, be-hoshi, gum-hoshi; (stupidity) be-wukufi, himakat; (torpor) susti, afsurdagi, majliuli; (in- difference) be-par'wa,i. Insensible, be-^abar, be-hosh, sun, be-hiss, gum- hosh. be-sudh, nir-budhi, mu'attal; (imper- ceptible") ghair-mahsus, ghair-marl, ghair-namud ; (indifferent) be-dard, be-parwa, majhul, sust, dhlla. Insensibly, tadrijan, ba-tadrij, rafta-rafta. Inseparable, iazim, kaljuz, lazim-malziim, lazimu-I- izafat, juz la yanf ak, paraspar-samband, anbilga,u ; - — (as friends, &c.) yak-jan do-^alib, shir o shakar, diigana, mustahilu-l-infisal. Inseparably, mumtana'u-l-infikak, be-infikaki-so. To Insert, likh-r or -d, dakhil-k, darj-k, mundaraj-k, 4alna, kalam-band-k, ^ank-r, joma INS ( 152 ) INS InnvRTiov, i^^al, indirij, kalam-bandi, tada^ol, da^la. Inside, bhitar, andarun, darun, andar, batin, bhitala, pet. Insidious, fitrati, pjh5ti, kabuchi, kabu-parast, 'aiyar, daghauliya, lapati, garha, gauhgira, astin ka samp, muzl, mar-^o, haft-rangi, shippa-baz, muta- fannl, farfandi. Insidiotjslt, dagh5-b5zi-se, khas-poshi- &c. -se. Insidiousness, mar-kho.!. &c. (v. insidious) . Insight, basirat, ma'rifat, wukuf, pahchan, ittila', shinaUit, parakh, paith. iNsiaNincAHCT, be-ma'niyat, n&-chiz!, be-hudag!, be- kadari. Insignificant, {insignificantly) be-ma'ni, na-ch!z, la-shai, ISi-ya'ni, be-huda, be-kadr. Insincere, na-rast, na-s§,f, be-wafa, du-rQ, du-rang, zahir-dar, riya-kar, munafik, innr&,I« kapti, na- rafikh, ghair-khalis, be-ikblasdo-ruyft. Insincerity, na-rasti, be-wafa,!, du-ru,i, dn-rangi, zahir-dari, riya-kari, niHlk, kapat. To Insinuate, (a.) paithalna, ghuserna, dakhil-k, dar- lana ; {to hint) ishara-k, awaza-phenkna, tan- torna, bat-phenkna- or -d, parde men kahna ; (n.) ^.LiihnH, ghusna, darana ; {to insinuate one's self into the good graces of another) patton-men- paitbna or pet-men-paithna. Insinuating, Insinuative, Insinuator, dam-baz, dil-bar, dil-kash, dil-ruba, man-haran, dil-fareb, chikna, charb-zaban. Insinuation, dam-bazi, dil-kashi, lagawat, ghus- paith, lobha,o, talmiz, phuslawat ; {hint) ishara, kinaya, awaza, ima, ta'riz, mihna, ab-zer-kah, anniya-upadesa. Insipid, be-maza, be-Iazzat, be-namak, phika, bc- Intf (also unmeantTig, flat) alona, ntra, sitha, pansa. Insipidly, be-mazagi-se, be-lazzati-se, &c. Insipidness, Insipidity, be-mazagi, be-]azzat!-se, be-namaki, be-Iutfi, phikahat, phika,i. To Insist, a^na, israr-k, musirr-h, bajidd-h, ka,im- or mazbut- or mustakill-rahna, takid-k, takaiyad-k, hathna, murkbat-k, jihalat-k, reri-ana, ref-k. Insociable, ghair-manus, na-milapi, an-mel. Insolence, takabbur, sar-kashi, gardan-kashl, gus- taMii, magi,a, dbitha,!, sho^, De-adabi, be-imti- yazl, be-ada,i, dileri, ighmaz. Insolent, mutakabbir, sar-kash, gardan-kasb, gus- takh, magra, dhith, shokh. be-imtiyaz, motmard, ighraazi, diler, turk-mizaj. Insolently, gustaUiI- &c. -se, gasta^ana, be- adabana, mntakabbirana. Insolvable, Insoluble, mtuta^n-l-hall, angalit, la-hall- Insolvency, diwaia, na-darl, n&-taVati. Insolvent, diwaiiya, na-dar, I^V^-i^-i^&s- Insomuch, yahaii-tak, is hadd-ko, is martabe-tak, hatta ki. Tb Inspect, dekhna, tabkik-k, mnlabaza-k. nijhana, sahejna, parakhna. Inspection, nigah, nazar, lihaz, parakh, nazarat, nazar-andazl ; {superintendence) ihtimam, itakid, takaiyud. Inspector, muhtamim, amin, darogha, karof&, par-* khiya, nakkad, nazir, mushrif, janchanhar, sarkob ; {of buildings) mir-mahal. Inspiration, {opposed to expiration) dam, dam-kashi, upar-ka dam; {divine gift) ilham, ilka, wahi, akas-bani, madad-ilUii, amad, sarosh i ghaib, jr Iwaz i ghaib. malika. To Inspire, (n.) dam-Iena, phunkna, dam-k, saiMu khlchna; {supernaturaUy) ilham- &c. -k, wahi-bhejna, mnlham-k ; {to draw in) khichna, lena ; {to infuse) deua, dalna. Inspired, mulham, Chami, sahib-wahi. Inspirer, mulhim, mnlki, batif. To Inspirit, zinda-k, jilana, tahrik-k, targhib-d. bar-angekhta-k, tahris-k, lagana, hulkama. To Inspissate, garha-k, jamana. [be-istilflaii Instability, 'adam i sabat, be-sabati, na-pa,edari. To Instal, khal'at-d. tilak-d, tika-d, karna, masnad- nishin-k, kliarat-posh-k ; {the king has installed him as prime minister) padshah ne us ko wizarat ki khal'at di hai. Installation, tika, doshala, &c. (v. investiture) . Instalment, masnad-nishini, kist, bihri, khep, the adjustment of which is termed kisjb-bandi. Instance, kar, drishtant, masal ; {example) misai, sanad, ittifak; {occasion) bat, kam, mu'amala, mauka'; {solicitation) darkhwast, istid'a, takaza; {for instance) masalan, masal-tu-masalan, fil- masal, ya'ni, chunan-chi, jaisa-kl. To Instance, misal- &c. -lana, nazir-lana, drishtant- &c. -d, or -laoa. Instant, {urgent) mustadl, mutakazi, mu^aiyid ; {present) hazir, maujud, hal, ab ; {the instant when) jis dam, jyurihi, jab ka tab; {thai instant) tyunhi, tis-dam, usi-wakt. Instant, {of time) lamha, lahza, dam, an, pal. Instantly, Instantaneously, abhi, isl-dam, fi-1- faur, fauran, usi-wakt, usi-dam, ba-mujarrad, fi-1- hal, halan, bila-tawakkuf, bila-ihmal. Instead, 'iwaz, badal, ba-ja,e, mukafat, dar-badal, ba- manzalih, jagah, tha,oh, sante, 'iwazan ; {instead of being angry, he was pleased) ba-manzalih, nakhush hone ke, wuh khush hua. Instep, pusht-pa, pabba, ghohthi. To Instigate, warghalanna, ubharna, bar-angeUita-k, tahrik- &c. -k, ciiihrana, lagana,, dara-d ankh-d, tansna, uksana, sari-k, bar-pa-k, phunkna, siigana. Instigation, tahrik, targhib, tashwik, tahris, ighwa, has, bar-angekhtagi, ubliar, phuslahat, sareh, satki, matki, raswad, dam-dilasa. Instigator, muharrik, mughwi, mushawwi^: ; - {of feuds, &c.) mufsid, fasadi, mabni-fasad; (in comp.) angez, as fitna-angez, instigator of strife. To Instil, dalna, ilka-k, baithalna, sihn-nishlii-k, dena, bujhana. Instillation, ilka, bujha,o, samjha,o. Instinct, 'akl i haiwani, zati 'akl, hosh, sudh. Instisctively, 'akl i haiwani-se, be-iKKtiyar, ba-zat. Institute, Institution, a,in, ka'ida, dastur, kanun, rasam, zabita, tarik, maslik, sastar or shaalra, rlt, sunnat ; ■ ■ {establishment) takarrur, ta'aiynu, tasha khkh us. ta'aiyuna. To Institute, bandhna, nikalna, thahrana, waz'-k, mukarrar- &c. -k. [sha khkh as. Instituted, ka,im, mukarrar, nasab, mu'aiyan, mu- Institutor, wazi', mujid, bani, nawin-bichari. To Instruct, sikblana, sikbana, ta'llm- &c. -k, bat- lana, jatana, kahna, samjhana, bujhana, sadhn&, 'akl-d, sunana, parkana, dars-d. Instruction, ta'alim, tarbiyat, tadib, talkin, tafhlra, ittila', sikha,i, bfijha,!, parka,!, tahzib, sadha,i, sikba,o, &c., rah-namuni, gur-gyan, wasika ; {book of) nasihat-nama ; {advice) sxlah, maslahat. Instructive, nafi', mufid, muhazrib, budh-de,i, 'ibrat- pazir or -bakhsh, chetanhar, chetauna. Instructor, mu'allim, mu'addib, adib^ nk^ak. INS ( 153 ) INT Imstrohbmt, hathiyar, auzar, ala, kal, jantar ; {written contract) kabala, sanad, machalka, \cause) ba'is, 'illat;' {agent for another) wasila, wasta ; — '— {a musical instrument) baja, saz, mu- aamir,bajantar; [varieties of) pach-bajna, gan, tat, bitat ; (a noun of instrument) ism i ala, or alat. Instrumental, {aiding) muln, mumidd, madad-gar ; {vocal and instrumental music) gana-bajana, saut! sazi, gayan-bajan. Insufferable, Insupportable, gh air-mumkinu-t- tahammul, sakht, shadid, be-hadd, an-saha, akat, bikath, ghair-bardasht. Insufferably, ba-sliiddat, nihayat, sakhti-se. Insufficience, ochha-i, kami, ghatti, kam-'akli. Insufficiency, 'adam i liyakat, na-la,iki> na-rasa,i, 'adam i kabiliyat, kusur. Insufficient, iia-la,ik, na-kabil, ^air-kafi, nakis, kasir, na-rasa. [matat, boli. Insult, chher, tanz, liatak. malamat, ta'n, subuki, shi- To Insult, chherna, tanz- &c. -k, tokna, harkat-d, tokara-d, khorna ; {to triumph over) gha.,o-meii namak dalna, jale ko jalana, namak-pashi-k, mu,e- ko mama. Insulter, {insolent) tannaz, dangait. Insuperable, Insupportable, vkat, la-radd. [dar. Insurgent, baghi, fasadi, fitna-angez, faturiya, ghad- Insurrection, balwa, hangama, yurish, fitna, fasad, khuruj, harj-marj, jhauwar, hinduwani, sir-utha,i, gardi, danga, dhinga, dhura-dham, udhan. Integer, fard, abhin-rup, ghair-mukassar. Integral, (adj ) sahih; {an integral or integer) 'adad i sahih. Integrity, diyanat, amanat, rasti, rast-baa, rast- mu'amali, sacha.i, sidk, takmil, sapuranta, neko- kari. Integument, parda, chhal. Intellect, 'akl, hosh, budh, gyan, firasat, d^na,i, idrak, sha'ur, zihn. Intellectual, gyani, 'akli; {powers) ^uwwat i mudrika, kuwwat i 'akli. Intelligence, {knowledge) khabar. ittila', agahi, ina'rifat; {tidings) samachar, charitar, bodh, hosh, thaur-thikana, khur-khoj, thalbera; {spirit) firishta, 'akli awwal. Intelligencer, mukhbir, akhbar-nawis, khabar-dar, sawanih-nigar, samachari, waki'a-nawis, khuftiya- nawis, sa.ir. Intelligent, 'akil, dana, fahim, sahib-wukuf, sahib- sha'ur, hoshiyar, khabar-dar, wakif-kar, daiiish- mand, ma'ni-ras, prabin, gyani, ahli-fahm,budhLnan, gyanwant, gunwant, guni, tez-nigah, agah-dil, agah- batin, mahram-kar, jan-kar, tez-fahm, 'arif, far- zana, raushan-ra,e, ji-hosh, ba-sha'ur, kar-dan, sukhaa-fahm, hama-d&n, fahmida, jan ; {as a physician) tabi'at-shinJis. Intelligibility, ma'kuli, mumkinu-1-fahmi. Intelligible, mumkinu-l-fahm, mumkinu-1-idrak, kabil i fahm, ma'kul, fahm-pazir, bujhne-jog. Intelligibleness, imkanu-1-fahm, fahm-paziri. Intemperance, bad-parhezi, be-ihtiyati, be-i'tidali, ku-sanjam. Intemperate, bad-parhez, be-parhez, be-ihtiyat, be- i'tidal, ghair-niuhtat, gj^air-mu'tadil, ku-sanjami, be-lagam, be-lihaz. Intemperately, bad-parhezi- &c. -se, be-i'tidali- se. Intesipkrature, Intemperateness, be-i'tidali, j^air-mu'tadili, na-muwafakat, fasad, bigar. To Intend, iradn- &c. -r, kasd- &c. -k, adbadana, sa- parna, ^ahrana, 'azim-h. Intendani, amiu, darogha, karora, uazir, 'ainil, fauj- dar. Intense, shadid, ziyada, sakht, bara, be-hadd, kathin, nipat, nihayat, asib, shakk. Intensely, ba-shiddat, sakhti-se. nihayat, miikaiyad, musta'idd, bajid, sa'i, mutawajjih, maujud, Intenseness, shiddat, sakhti, ziyadati. Intent, Intention, irada, kasd, 'azni, niyat, manshi, mansa, gharz, maddi nazar, niansuba, bichar, lalak, manzur; {aim) maksad, niatlab, mudda'a, mak- sud, murad; (adj.) dhuni, mashghul. Intentional, Intentionally, kasdan, 'amdan, bi-1- kasd, jan-bujh-kar, dida o danista, adbadake, iradi, kasdi. Intently, ghaur- &c. -se, jidd o jihd-se, dil-dihi-se. Intentness, sa'i, koshish, jihd, kadd. jidd o jihd, kadd o kawish, dil-dihi, tan-dihi ; {to all intents and purposes) ba har surat o hal. To Inter, garna, dafan-k, madfun-k, rakhna, mitti-d. Intercalary, kabisa; {the Hindu intercalary month) laund, akhik- or male-mas. Intercalation, adhika,i, ziyadati. To Intercede, shafa'at- &c. -k, bakhshana. To Intercept, rokna, atkana, muzahamat-k, pakafna, mama, mar-lena, dabana, baz-r. Interception, roka,o, atka,o, muzahamat. Intercession, shafa'at, wisatat, tawassul, upakar, mu- rabbi-gari. [kari, murabbi. Intercessor, Interceder, shafi', shafi', sachhi, upa- Interchange, mubadala, tabdil janibain, 'iwaz-mU'a- waza. To Interchange, adla-badla-k, 'iwaz-mu'awaza-k, mubadala-k, apas men-badalna. Ihterchanoeable, shud-amad, mutabaddil, badal- pazir. Iittercourse, 'alaka, mu'amala, bol-chal, saiokar, amad-raft, amad-shud, raz o niyaz, rabt, rah-rabt, dad-sitad, awagach, lewa-dewi, ana-jana, awa-jahi, paighama-paighami. To Interdict, man'- &c. -k, nahi-k, mani'-h, baz-r. Interdiction, Interdict, man', manha,i, nahi, mu mana'at. Interdictory, mumana'ati, maui'. Interest, {advantage) fa,ida, naf, sud, labh, swartb, riba, phal, barhotar, miti, upar ; {money bear- ing) byaju, sudi, opposed to karz i hasana ; {con- cern) gharaz, parwa ; {influence) asar, kudrat, kaha-suna, bat ; {share) hissa, bakhra, ishtirak, sajha; {usury) byaj, sud; [to make interest for any office) wasila paida-k. To Interest, gharaz- &c. -r, targhib- &c. -d; - - {to affect) lagua, asar- &c. -k, dil-lagana, lobh- ana. Interested, gharaz-mand, gharzi, sharik, ap-swarthi, gharaz-go, gharaz-ashna, khud-matlab ; {selj- interested ) khud- gharaz. Interesting, dil-lagan, dil-chasp, manoharan. To Interfere, [to intermeddle) 'alaka-r, khalal-k. mukhill-h. mukhalif-h. Interjacent, mutawassit ; {inter jaeency) tawas- sut. Interjection, harf (pi. huruf), achhar; {an in- terjeclion of calling) harf i nida. Interim, dar-miyan, asna, bich, zimn ; {in this interim) is dar miyan men, dar in asna, is-men. Interior, bhitari. daruni, andaruni. To Interlace, Interlard, Interline, chithama. To Interlope, dakhl-k, dast-andaa-k, hath-^ IXTSSLODS, tamasha, sawaujj. INT ( 154 ) INT The iNTERLTmAS Spaob, tahtu-sh-shn'a, am&'vras, shabi-daijur, kuku, nash^-chandar, mihak. Intebmabbiage, golat-byah, mutanakihat To Intehmaeby, gola^-byah-k. ToIntebmeddle, dakhl-k, mudakhalat-k, dast-andaz- h, hath-d, kadam-r, mudakhil-h. dast-andazl-k, bolna-chalna. IsTKRMEDPLEE, INTERLOPER, har-degi-chamcha, dakhil. mukhiU, harij, dast-andaz, akaji, lakhondra, paithu, dallu ka dahsera, khadambar, upar-chapo. Intermediate, mutawassit, darmiyan, mabain, bich- bich, bichla. Interment, tadfin, dafan, takfin, gar-thop. To Intermingle, (a.) milana, lAalt-k, ma^flt-k, ghalmel-k, bich-men-r or -d or -tankna or -jorna or -lagana, &c. mabain-Iikhna ; (n.) milna, makhJQt-h. Intermission, chhutti, ta'tU, nagha, wakfa, bich, antar, phank, palkbat, antr&, anjha, mnhlat, gharra, utar. Intermissive, &c. antrali, ba-nagha, nanbat-d^r. To Intermit, ta'til- &c. -k, utarna ; {as fevers) antar- &c. dekar-ana. Intekmittent, &c. ghib ; {an intermittent f^er) hutnma,e ghib. [mani. Internal, bhitari, daruni, andaruni, batini, jigari, dili, Internally, bhitar, andar, andaruni. Internuncio, miyan-ji, dar-miyani, bichvanl, dar- tniyan-go, dallal, agar-chalak. To Interpolate, upar-tappu-likhn& or -tankna, &c. santhna. 1 nterpolation, ilhak, fikra dakhjl, i5par-jora,o, upar- tappa, 'ibarat-taghallubi. To Interpose, {to mediate) bich-bicha,o- &c. -k,bich- k, are-d, barzakh-h, bich-parna, dar-miyan- or blch- men-j -a or -h, dharhar-k, elchi-pana-k, raf i sbarr- k, bich-men- or mabain-r or -dharna ; — — {to make intervenient) wakfa- &c. -k. Interposer, solh-kall, munsif, wasila-s§z. Interposition, Interposal, wasatat, wasila, ma'rifat, bich-bicha,o, tadakhul. eradab, pala. To Interpret, {to translate) tarjuma-k; {to ex- plain) batlana, tashrih- &c. -k, utamS ; {dreams) ta'bir- &c. -k. Interpretation, tarjnma, tashrih, tafsir, bayan, san- grah, barnan ; {especially of dreams) 'iim ro,iya, tawil, ta'bir. Interpreter, {translator) mutarajjim, taijam^n, do- bhashiya, whence dubasi, dubash, so well known at Madras ; {of dreams) mu'abbir, ta'bir-go, sapna- bichari, sapnadhya,i. Interregnum, raj-antara, pSdshah-gardi, ghadr, jihalat. To Interrogate, puchhnS, pursish-k, puchh-pachh- k, istifsar- &c. -k. Interrogation, istifsar, istifham, pursish, pflchh- pachh, sawal, puchh-puchha, jawab-sawid, achhar- chatka, sandeha. Interrogative, Interrogatory, istifhami; {pronoun) harf i istifham. Interrogatively, istifhaman, puchh-ke. Interrogator, mustafsir, 8a,il, pursinda, pnrsan, puchhanhar. To Interrupt, bat-kStni, dak^l-h, harakat- &c. -k, bhadra-d, rokna, atkinS, harij-h, ha,il-h, mani'-h, khandit-k, chhern&, chhenkna, akij-k, tap-parna ; {not to interrupt you) tumhare munh gulab, guitaklii ma'af ; {to stop or interrupt prayers) nftiuaz-torna. Imtebbuftkb, akaji, muy^ill, ^arkati, ruka,u, m&ni*. Ikterbuption, harakat, khalal, haraj, ta^allnl, harj- marj, atka,o, rok, ta'arruz, khandit, bband-sar&d. 'ariza, harj, pbank. To Intersect, takatu'-k, mntakati'-h, katnii, chiraft. Intersection, takatu', nukta i takatu', kata,o, ira. To Intersperse, tdhar-udhar-lagana or -rakhna or -dahia. Interstice, fasila, phank ; {of the teeth) rekh ; {of the fingers) gha,i, gahu,a. To Inteeswear, sauganda-saugandi-k. Interval, dar-miyan, bich, zimn, 'arsa, mabain, antar, masafat, wasat, asna, phank, mufasila, wakfa : • {preceding any hour in question) 'amal ; do pahar ki 'amal hai, it is going to twelve. To Intervene, darmiyan- &c. -parnl, bich- &c. -ana, fasil-h, mutawassit-h, bich-bich-h. Intervention, {interposition) tawassut, bich-bicha,o. Interview, mnlakat, muwasalat, bhent, darsan, didar, muwajaha, dekha-dekhi, did-badid, didwadld, char- chashmi, ma'ayana, mushahida. To Interweave, binna, darmiyan-d, milana. Intestate, be-wasiyat, bila-wasiyat-nama. Intestine, {internal) bhitari, daruni ; {an intes- tine war) khana-jangi, apas ki lara,i, jang i daruni. Intestine, {a gut) ant (pi. anten), antari or antri, roda, am'a (pi. of mi'a). To Inthral, (v. to enslave) giriftSr-k, &c. Intimacy, prit, ^ulta, i^tilat, irtibat, mel, hel-mel, ham-razi, ittifak, sabika, ham-dami, bam-dili, yari, dosti, ulfat, mu^alitat, raz o niyaz, muwanisat. Intimate, murtabit, mila-jula ; ■ — — {an intimate) ham-dam, yari ghar. ham-raz, mahram-raz, raz- dan, mahram, munis, nadim, manus, hamdil, ham> suhbat, shir o shakar, dugana, rala-mila, khala- mala, musahib, yar-jana, ham-saya, ek-dil, ek-jiyii, ek-bhed, shatir, ham-jam. To Intimate, ishara- &c. -k, kahna, kahla-bhejna. Intimately, ikhtilat- &c. -se, muwanisat-se. Intimation, ish&ra, kinaya, ima, agwa,en, khabar. To Intimidate, darana, dahshat- &c. -d, dantna, bhai- &c. -d. [men. Into, men, ke-bhitar, ke-andar, bich-meft, darmiyui- Intolerable, an-saha, ghair-mnmkina-t-tahammul, ghair-mutahammal. To Intoxicate, mast- &c, -k, matani, bhiitan&, um- tana. Intoxicated, mast, sar-shar, mat-w3lla, madhosh, sar- mast, be-hosh, be-khud. makhmur, chur, kaif i, ud- mada, mabhut, sar-garan, bad-mast, mukhammar. madgalat, mata, maidan. To BE Intoxicated, matna, mast- &c. -h, bhutnJ. Intoxication, nashe-dar, nashila, muskir, mata,ona, 'amali, khumari ; {juice, &c.) sabzi, bhang, siikha, samit, charas, ganja, majun or ma'jun, sha- bibi, jhajha, tambol, buti. Intoxication, nasha, masti, sar-sbari, madhoshi, sar- masti, be-hoshi, be-k^udi, makhmuri. bad-masti, kaif, sukr. Intractable, a-sadh, sar-kash, n^-farman. Intransitive, {verb) fi'l i lazimi, akarmak. To Intrench, gird-khandak-kbodna, kha,i aspas- khodna, morcha-bandi-k, salabat-kiicha-k. Intrenchment, khandak. kha,i, morchal, salamat- or salabat-kucha, morchal-bandi, sanghar, ghera. Intkepid, be-bak, be-jan, nidar, aujhar, ujad, diler, be-jirm, jan-baz, himmatl, bahbaha, akhar, jhan- khariya, nisang, turk-mizaj. Intrbpidity, be-baki, dileri, akhafpaB* tahawwar. INT ( 1A6 ) TSY Iktrbptditt, be-baki- &c. -se, be-tahasha, dilerana. Intbicact, Intricateness, uljhera, uljha.o, pech, ta'kid, ghurchi, atpatang, janjal, lape^f. Intricate, pechila, pechaha, pech dar pecli, pech- dar, nai dar ual, abtar, pur-pech, atpatangi, ghur- chila, janjali, shaitan ki antri, gathila ; {to be- come intricate) ulajh-jana, ghaltan-pechan-h. Intrigue, lagga, satta-batta, sazish, bandish, fitrat, raz niyaz, dana-badlawwal, lagwari, gatha, santh- ganth, kar-sazi, bandhnu, tautiya ; {to have an intrigue) lagga-r. To Intrigue, gatha,o-ganthna, kar-sazi- &c, -k. Intriguer, [gallant) 'ashik-tan, 'ishk-baz, rasiya; {schemer) bandishi, fitrati, kar-saz. Intrinsic, Intrinsically, zatl, asli, ma'nawi, hakiki, jauhari, mudgham. Intrinsically, bi-zatihi, bi-1-asalat, asalatan. To Introduce, {to a person) mulakat-karana, ashna,i- or shinasa,i- or ta'aruf-karana, milana, takrir-k, bat-d, -wakif- &c. -karana ; {an instrument, &c.) chalana, mama, chherna; [to a place) lana, darlana, da^il-k, dalna ; {a custom, &c.) nikalna, uthana, bar-pa-k, jari-k, riwaj-d. Introducer, {of a custom, &c.) murawwij, murabbi, wasila, himayatl. Introduction, idkhal; {to a book, &c.) dibaja, dibacha, tamhid, 'unwan, mukaddama, chhema-pan, chala,o, chhera,o. Introductive, Introductory, tamhidi, peshraw. To Intrude, (n.) dakhl-k, mudakhalat-k, ghusna, paithna, dast-andaz-d, dast-andazi-k, mukhill-h, hath-d ; (a.) ghuserna, dakhil-k. Intruder, dast-andaz, mukhilU upar-tappu, ghusan- har, parde-dar. Intrusion, mudakhalat, idkhal, dakhl, ghus-paith. To Intrust, sompna, sipurd-k, zimma-k, tafwiz-k, amanat-r. Intuition, ^yal, lihaz, §,p-rupi budh, zakawat, ilham, ilka, amad. Intuitive, ladanni ; {knowledge) 'ilmi ladunnl. Intuitively, ilham- Ac. -se, zud-daryaft-se. To Intwinb, jojma, lapetna, &c. (v. to interweave, to twist) . To Invade, charhni- Ac. -k, charh-ana, chilh-jha- pat^-k, utarna. Invader, ghanim, charhanh&r, mulk-gir. Invalid, za'if, sust, na-kara, da,imu-l-marz, rogila; {an invalid) ma'gur, sukh-lambar, bimar. To Invalidate, za'if-k, fas^-k, batil-k, jhutha-k, mansukh-k, mu*attal-k. Invalidity, faskh. butlan, zu'f, kam-zori. Invaluable, be-baha, anmol, 'aziz. Invariable, ghair -mctalawwin, be-tabaddul, be- taghaiyur, achal, atal, atut. Invaeiableness, 'adam i taghaiyur, achalta, atalta. Invasion, charttni, yurish, dast-darazi, charha,!, ghalba, lashka/ kashl, gardi. Invective, (sub ) ^ali, dushnam, zaban-darazi, ta'na- zani, ta'n-tashai, la'n-ta'n, shikayat, haju, tahjin, mazammat, la'nat-malamat. To Inveigh, dokhna, ilzam-d, ta'n-tashni'-&c. -k. Inveioheu, zaban-daraz, la'in, ta'na-zan. To Inveigle, ubharua, bilbhana, upjhana, lalchana, kutnana, urharna, sankarna, uskana; {from an army, &c.) torphor-lena. Inveioler, dam-baz, phulasre-baz, fareb-dih. To Invent, nikalna, uthana, ijad-k, paida-k, nau- paida-k; {to forge) jojna, bandhna, banana, ganthna, Ran than ^ Inventiun, ijad, ikhtira', ihdas, utpat, atpan, banA' wari, paida, mabda, naupaida ; {of a po.:t, Sic.) jaulan, dhun, malika, nirman ; {fiction) bana- wat, sakht, bandish, santh, ganth, talash, award; {the power of) kuwwat i mutakhai\ ila. Inventor, mujid, mukhtari', mubtadi', bani, utpati, nikalanhar, wazi', mutajawiz. Inventory, siyaha, fard, daftar, talika, kharra ; {to take an inventory) kalam-band-k. Inventress, mujida, nikalanhari (v. inventor). Inverse, Inverted, ulta, aundha, wazhuii, wazhgun, niguh-sar, kalb, maklub, ma'kus, mun'akis, munka- lab, zer-zabar, ulat-pulat, tah o bala, munharif. Inversion, inkilab, in'ikas, ulta,i, wazh-guni, nigun- sarl. To Invert, ultana, aundhana, kalb- &c. -k. To be Inverted, ulat-jana, auudli-jana, ulatna. Invertedly, bi-1-inkilab, bar-'aks. To Invest, dena, bakhshna ; {with an honorary dress) khal'at-pahrana or -dena, pagri-bandhana ; {a town) gherna, chhenkna, muhasara-k. Invester, khal'at-bakhsh, tika-kar or karak. Investigable, kabilu-t-taftish, milne-jog, tahldkat- pazir. To Investigate, talash-k, taftish-k, chiianna, dekhna, sahejna, kaparchhan-k, hall-k, bicbarna, inathufi. samajhna, daryaft-k, khuntna, bhal-painde-parna. Investigation, talash, taftish, khojh, just o ju, tafah- hus, tajassus, tahkik, tankih, muhasiba, tajwiz, bichar, jancha,o, samajh-bujh, mu,akhiza, puchh- pdtchhar, tahakkuk, tak-dau or tag-dau, kawish, paniha,!, badar-nawisi. Investigator, muhakkik, janchanhar, bichari, kapar- cbhani. Investiture, {^nvestment) ^al'at-poshi, saropa, tilak, tika, tika-kar. Inveteracy, shiddat, sakhti, ishtidad. Inveterate, kuhna, dini, shadid, sakht, katta, kara, jariyaya (from jariyaua, to take root), muzmir, pakra,u. Invidious, hasid, 'adawat-angez, kina-angez, bughz- angez, hasad-angez, ekal-lAora. bairatwi, . jhaliya, tang-chashm. Invidiously, hasad- &c. -se, kina-se. Invidiousness, 'adawat-angezi, kina-angezi, bughz- angezi, hasad-angezi. To Invigorate, kawi-k, mazbiifc-k, tawana-k, zorfi- war-k, kuvrwat- &c. -d, pusht-k. Invigorating, mukawwi, kuwwat-bakhsh. pusht. Invigoration, takwiyat, tawana,i. Invincible, a-jit, ghair-maghlub, a-tal, a-pol, a-chal, zabar-dast. Invinciblenbss, ghair-maghlubi, achalta. Inviolable, be-zawal, ghair-mumkinu-l-faskh, be- futur, abadh. Inviolate, be-kusur, be-nuksan, pak, pabitar. Invisible, a-disht or adrisht, an-dekha, a-lakli, ghair-mahsus, na-dida, gha,ib, na-pidid, na-yab, ghaibi, alop, andha ; {spirits) mardan i ghaib, 'ukulu-1-mujarradat ; {the invisible world) 'alam i ghaib ; {the four invisible spirits, who are supposed to influence the good or bad fortune of traveller <) rijalu-1- ghaib, jogini; [to render invisible) gha,ib-k, alop-k; {the medicine some- times used for this purpose) alop-anjan ; (to become invisible) gha,ib-h, alop-jaiia. Invisibility, 'adam i ihsas, ghaibubat, alopta, ghai- bat, adrishtta. fNVisii!i,Y. gha,ibana, andikha,i-se, ghaib-iiieu. INT ( 156 ) IBA InTiTAiioir, da'wat, nyota, tawazn', istid'a, talab, bula- hat; {compliiiieiilaTy) salah i samar-kandi, munh-pura,!. To Invite, nyotna, daVat- &c. -k, bnlani, bola,e- bhejna, tasdi'-d, mangna ; {to allure) khichna, lejana, lalchana. Intited, mad'u, ghaibi, bulaya-hu,a. Inviter, da*i, nyotik, nyotanhar, da'wati, nautiya. Inviting, {alluring) jazib, dil-kash, dil-chasp, dil- ruba, lobha,u, lalcha,u. Invitingly, dil-ruba,i- &c. -se, dil-paz!ri-se. To Inundate, (t. to overflow) dubo-bahana. [gharki. Inundation, tufi,n, ahila, abla or ihla, sailab, bfira, To Invocate, bar-mangna, du'a-karna or -mangna. Invocation, du"a, munajat, la-haul, da'wat, istid'a, ga,etri, asis, asirbad. [chalan-chithi. Invoice, bijak, siyaha, chalani, satta, fihrist i ajnas, To Invoke, du'a- &c. -k, mangna, chahna, manana, sumarna, nam-lena. To Involve, {to cover) chhipanS, poshida-k, mnndna ; — — {to join) jorna, paiwand-k, milana; {to catch) pakarna ; {to entangle) uljhana, phasana, atkana, lapetna, dalna. Involved, {in debt. Sea.) giriftar, ranbtala or mubtali. Involuntarily, be-iWitiyar, be-kasd. Involuntary, iztirari, be-ikhtiyar, be-bas, be-irada, or -khwaliish, athambh. Involution, pech, uljha,o, lapet, ghorchi, kashma- kash ; {of speech or poetry) laff o nashr. To Inure, khogar-k, 'adi-k, 'adat-d, hilana. Inurement, 'adat, khogari, abhyas. Inutility, la-hasili, nikamma-pan, be-fa,idagi. Invulnerable, mumtana*u-l-jarh, na-zakham-pazir. ro,ih-tan, bajrangi, akat, atut. Inward, Inwards, bhitar, andar, darun, andarun. Inward, blntarl, daruni, andaruni, batinl. Inwardly, bhitar, dil-mea, pet-men, mane-man. JoD, tahal, kam, kar, tumtam. Jobber, tahlu,a, aj ura-dar ; {money'jobber) sarraf. Jocular, Jocose, {person) thathol, hansor, thathe- baz, hah.s-mukh, khilli-baz, khush-tab'. khanda-ru, jfarif, k^ush-mask^ara, harraf, zarraf, harafat-; {speech) zarifana, zarafat-amez. Jockey, ghoraha, chabuk-sawar, asp-farosh. Jocosely, Jo(;olarly, thathe-se, hanste-hu,e, thathe- ki rah se, kJaush-tab'i- &c. -se. Jocoseness, Jocularity, Jocosity, thatholi, thathe- bazi, hansor-paua, kliilli-bazi, ^ush-tab'i, khanda- ru,i, zarafat. Jocund, khush, rangila, khanda-ru. Jocundity, chuhal, chahal-pahal, ^ush-hali, K^ushi. Jog, dhakka, khoncha, halak, jhoka, hachkola. To Jog, khod-d, dab-d, dhakka- &c. -d, uksana, tugna; {on horie-back, &c.) dulakta-jana, girte-parte k&m-k. To Jog on, jhamtiL-jan&, chala-jana. John Knokes and Tom Stiles, these, and such cele- brated legal personages, are represented in the Mu- hammadan laws (civil and grammatical) by Zaid and *Amr respectively. To Join, milana, jorni, paiwand-k, paiwasta-k, wasl- k, makhlut-k, shamil-k, dakhil-k, sataua, hlrkaiia, lagana,santhna,chipkiua,ralaua,jauikana,ganthna, sath-d; {to make troops Join in battle) bherua ; (n.) jutna, paiwaud- &c. -h, hilmil-j jurna, satna, Ugua, cbip'yala, paniha. Irritable, agni, mahrur, krodni To Irritate, khijbana, chherna. i-rkhana, satanSL, kalpana, ^aia-k, dikk-k, kbisiyaua, cbirchirana, chirana, angliyana, angli-k ; {to heighten) bar- hana, ziyada-k. Irritated, dikk, khafa, ^usse, khashm-nak, ghazab- aluda. To be Irritated, jhunjhlana, ^usse-hona or ghusse- men-h. Irritation, chher, khijawat, dukha,o, fasad, ifsad. Irruption, dukhul, daramad, paith, charha,!, kburuj. cbilh jbapata ; {incursion) takht, daxir. Is, hai, hu,a, hota, haiga, bhaya, jata (speaking re- spectfully, the pi. bain is used; thus, where is the Nawwab ? Nawwab sahib kahaa hain ?) ; {the water is hot) pani garm hu,a. IscnuRY, {retention of urine) habsu-1-baul, mutr-dokh. IsH, as a termination, is generally represented in Hin- dustani by sa ; hara-sa, greenish, kala-sa, blackish, larka-sa, childish. Isinglass, (fossil) abrak, bhoral. Island, Isle, tapu, jazira, dip or dvrip, tadSl, char&. Islander, ahl i jazira, tapu-basi, jazira-bash. Issue, (egress) khurfli, rah, uikas, niakharij, manjar ; (fontanel) gul, phota; (consequence) natija, phal, ma,al; (termination) akhirat. 'akibat, nihayat ; (progeny) aulad, bans. To Issue, (n.) nikalnSi, jari-h, bahna, risnS, girna, jana, bah-chalna, jbarna, pbutna, babir-ana, tultul- ana ; (a.) nikalna, jari-k ; (as an order) bukm- jari-k, sadir-h. Issueless, be-aulad, la-walad, na-piitiL or nipnt&. Isthmus, jazira, khondar. It, yih, wuh ; (it is I) main hi hun ; {doei it rain ?) barasta hai ? Its, us-ka, -ke or -ki, is-ka, -ke or -ki, apna, Sia. Itch, (disease) khaj, khujli, kandii, kharisht, jarb, hath-ras, kalkali, kharish ; (the sensation) chul ; (^longing) chat, lat, chaska, raghbat. To Itch, khujlana, chulchtilana, kalkalana, chul-k, kutkntana, chulbulana; (my hand itches to thresh him) us kepitne par mera hath khuj lata hai; (to long) shauk- &c. -r. Itchy, ^arishti, khaj-bhara, chulli, chulchuliya. Item, (moreover) aizan ; (an article, &c.) chiz. To Iterate, duhrana, tihrana, mukarrar-karna. Iteration, duhra,o, takarrur. Itinerant, Itinerary, khana-ba-dosh, ramta, sai- lani ; (Journal) safar-nama. Itself, yih-ap, -wuh-ap, ^p, aphi, ^ud; ^— ^ (the world itself will be annihilated) dunya khud ma'diim hoffi or sansar ap nast hoga; (of itself ) ap-rup, &pse, az-^ud, aphi, aphi-ap, ap se ap. JUB ( 158 ) KEE JoBiLHB, jashn, Ujushi, 'aish, *id, nau-roz, phagwS, durgi-puja, bija-dasami;' {th« Hindu ffrand jubilee) holi, Judge, munsif, ka?!, hakim, mufti, nyiyak, chaudhri, mulla,'arif,'allama,sa,ir, bhat-acharfj, pandit, kadr- dan, hakk- or jauhar-sLinas, ma'kul-bin, dhir, bicha- ri; - — — {speaking respectfully) ra,isu-l-muslimin, i.e. leader of the faithful; {a judge, or person capable of deciding on the merit of a thing) wakif- kar, bani-kar, ustad, mahir, mutamaiyiz. To Judge, {do justice) insaf-k„ nya,o-k, munsifi-k, {to comprehend) daryaft- &c. -k, bujhna, bicharna, tarna, janna, ma'lum-k, sochna, tamiz-k ; {to pass sentence) fatwa-d, hukm-d, chukana. Judgment, {understanding) 'akl, danish, hosh, gyau, sha'ur, firasat, bujh, chatur, zihn, fahm, cheshtta, taj-, mat, ta'akkul; {determination) tajwiz, atkal; (opinion) daryaft, danist, ra,e, kiyas, ^iyal, zann, jan ; {sentence) fatwa, hukm; (punishment from heaven) ghazab i ilahi, kahr i rab- baui, bala,e asmani, 'azab, kal; {the day of) kiyamat, hashr, pralay, roz i jaza, yaumu-1-hisab, roz i shumar, lokalok, maha-pralay, roz i baz-purs, roz i akhir, roz i mahshar. JuDiCATOKT, 'adalat, mahkama, kachahri, sifilf, fauj- dari, 'adalat-khana. Judicature, kaza, fatahat, hukm, kalam-rawa,L Judicial, shara'i, shastri, kaziyana ; {judicial decrees) ahkam i shara'i. Judicially, shar'an, ba-tawil i shara'i. Judicious, 'akil, 'akl-mand, dana, danish-mand, danish-war, hosh-mand, budh-man, gyani, sahib- sha'ur, saliib-tamiz, mudabbir, parbin, ma'kul-bin, 'a.\Vi. Judiciously, 'akl- &c. -se, hoshmandi-se. Jug, kulhar, chukkar, kuza, surahi, jhajhar, labni, jhari, tas, tas, pyali. Juggle, bazi, dbokha, fareb, chhal-bal, 4ith-bandi. To Juggle, dith-bandi-k, bazigari-k, hu^a-b3,zl-k, nazar-bandi-k. Juggler, dith-band, hukka-baz, sha'bid-baz, bazigar, nazar-band, batte-baz (from the balls he uses, as our word is probably from the j'ugs or cups) . JuGGLiNO, kala sha'bida, hukka-bazi. JuGOLiNGLY, dith-baudi- &c. -se. Jugular, {vein) hablu-1-warid, shah-rag. Juice, ras, 'arak, pan!, shira, jus, ma, 'us3.ra, tarl, dudh. JuiCELESS, be-ras, kbushk. be«'arak, Eukh9i-hu,a. Juiciness, ras-dari, serabi, tarawat. Juicy, rasila, ras-dar, tar, sajal, jusi, ras-bharft, shira- dar, serab, shadab, 'arak-dar, ab-dir. JuJUB, Jujubes, 'unab, ber, bair. Julep, jullab; {with sugar) jullab i shakarin. July, sawan srawan, sr3,wannik, saunak, nabh. Jumble, mel, kjjalt, garganja, lapet-sapet. To Jumble, milana, makhlut-k, gadbad-k, ghal-mel-k, darham-barham-k, ghangholna, lapet-sapet -k. /uup, kulanch, jast, uchhak, chaukfi. Iambi, phalang, tarap, zaghand, uchhal. fo Jump, kudna, jast- &c. -k, kudakn&, achhaku&, phandna. Junction, jor, paiwand, paiwastagi, ittisal, sangam, wasl, mila,o, jug, sat, niel, mukh-jof, milan, lagan. Juncture, {time) wakt, dam, halat. zimn, &n, mabain, bich. June, asarh, such, akliilr {vide Hind. Gram.). 4 Junior, chhota, kQchak, saghir. kihtar ; {in rank) jadid, opposed to kadira, senior, q. t. Junket, nfmat ; (private entertainment) gupt- bhoj. To Jukket, (to revet) dandanana, udhiin-machaii&, charab nawala khana, gajna. Junto, (party) gathri, gat^L IvoEY, (sub.) hathi-dant, fil-dandan, 'aj ; (adj. made of ivory) 'aji, hathl-dant-ka. JupiTEB, (planet) mushtari, birhaspit, brihaspati or ■ vrihaspati. Jurisdiction, hukm, hukumat, tahakkum, kalam- rau, 'araal, fauj-dari, 'amsldari, taliit, d^rgir, 'ilaka^ riyasat (v. district, dominion, authority) . Jurisprudence, fikah, 'ilm i fikah, masla masa,il. Jury, panch, panchayat; {j'uryman) panchayati. Just, 'adil, munsif, nya,i, dharmatma, satyabadi, 'adil- ana, insafi; {as God) dad-dar; {at weights) pura, sachcha, ba-ja, bar-ja, uchit, sach, sat, hakk, hisabi ; {only) tuk ; {upright) rast, sadik, durust ; {accurate) sahih, thik, chaukas ; {proper) munasib, ma'kul, la,ik, sazawar ; {virtuous) salih, muttaki, niko-kar. Just, (adv. merely) sirf, fakat, nira ; {just now) abhi, is! dam, bi-1-fi'l ; {he hath just now gone hence) "wuh yah ah se abhi gaya hai ; {just hear me) tuk meri bat suno ; {ju^t as) jo, jyon-hi, jyon-kar, {correl.) tyonkar ; {just a dying) ab-tab, whence to be at death's door, ab-tab-ho- rahna; {to be just a going) pa ba rikab-h. Just, (sub. tilt) neza-bazi, asp-bazi. Justice, insaf, 'adl, nya,o, dad, 'adalat, ma'dalat, hakk, rasti, munsifi, hakku-n-nas ; {of the peace judge) kazi ; {the lord chief justice) kaziu-1- kuzat ; {to administer justice) 'adl-gustari-k or 'adalat-gustari-k. Justifiable, wajibi, 'uzr-pazlr, hujjat-pazir, insa^ numa. Justification, istibra, himayat, pachh, tasfiya. Justificator, Justifier, ori, pachhi, himayati, janib- d&r, hami, shafi'. To Justify, *uzr-lana, isti'zar-k, be-gunah-thahrana, himayat- &c. -k, nir-dokhi-thahrana, hujjat- or dalil- &c. -lana, chiknana, banana, hakk-numa-k. To Justle, dhakka-d, kohniyana, kohni-marna, thel- pel-k, dhaspaith-k ; {to justle through) thel- pelke nikalna. Jcstlino, dhakkam-dhukka, thelam-thala. Justly, rasti- &c. -se, munsifana, wajibi-se. Justness, rasti, durusti, chuksa,!, saziwari, liyakat. To Jut out, dab-ana, nikal-ana, balpajna, ubharni, jhukana. Juvenile, jawani, nau-khasta or -khez. shababi, b&I&, Juvenility, joban, shabab, bala-pan, tufuliyat- IvY, 'ishi:-pecha, lablab, bel, banda. Juxtaposition, ijtima', lag-bhagta, uazdiki. K Kalender, takwim, patr&. Kali, {plant so called) saji, kali. Kaw, kah kin ; {to kaw) k&h-k&A-k. To Keck, {to vomit) ubakna, bokna, chh&n4n&. Kedoer, {small anchor) langar. Keel, aral, guli, rirh, danda, er&p. Kben, (sharp) ab-dar, bturan, jald, tez, hadd ; — — (severe) tund, zor, kara, chokhfi, charphar a, dardari; (eager) garm, 8ha,ik, musta'idd, taiyar. Ksbnlt, tezi- &o. -se, ishtiya^-se, shiddat-se. E.££ ( 159 Keenness, ab-dari, bnrrSni, btirriBh, Jaldi, tozi, hid- dat, tundi, aakhti, shiddat, garmi, shaiik, kat, jhanjh, chokha,i, charpharahat. To Keep, (a.) rakhna, dharna, rakh-chhorna, dab- rakhna ; (to detain) atkana, arna, muzahamat-k ; {to tend) pas-bani-k, muhafazat-k, rakh-wali- k, baithana, pakar-r, jugana, jatan-k, saintna; (well with) rab-r, gatba,o-ganthna, sbippa-larana, nibhna; (to preserve) bachana, mahf uz-r ; (to restrain) baz-r ; [to observe) bara or muta- barrak-janna, manna; {one's word) nibahna, i)iir^-k, wafa-k, ada-k; {to maintain) khabar- ena, khidmat-k, parwarish-k, palna ; {to retain) thamna, sambhalna ; {to keep the field against an enemy) khet-thamna ; (n. to stay) basna, rahna, tikna; {to last) thaharna, derpa-k, pa,e- dar-h, ka,im-h, sabit- or bar-karar- or bana- or mahfuz-rahna ; {to continue) jana; {to keep chattering) bakta-jana; {to keep one's bed) khat- lagna, cliarpa,E-par parna ; {to keep on) chala- jaua ; {to keep from or away) baz-rahna. Kebpek, rakhwala, nigah-ban, pas-ban, muhafiz, nazir, rachchhak, agoriya ; {warden, &c.) mir, sahib, ttan, band , (in comp.) dar, ban, wan, bardar, as dar-ban, door-keeper, &c. ; {the keeper of the seals) muhr-bardar ; {keeper, opposed to husband) yar, ashna, ankh-laga. Keeping, rachchha, dasht, nigah-bani, muhafizat, rakhwa,!. Keep-sake, yad-gari, yad-dad or dihi or -bud. Keg or Kag, {small barrel) pipa, tung. Ken, {reach of the sight) nigah, nazar, drisht. To Ken, chlnhna, janna, dur-se dekhna. Kennel, tazi-khana, sag-khana ; {pacK) kutte ; {hole) bil ; {nutter) muhri, nali, badar- rau, nardaban, ab-rez, bah, paulii. To Kennel, para-rahna, sag-khane-men sona. Keechief, {handkerchief) kasaba, ru-mal. Keemes, {round body, &c., so called) kirmiz. KT5ENEL, maghz, guda, khopra, gari, chiraunji. Kesteel, {hawk or kite) latora, turmati. Kettle, deg, degcha, tatahra, batu,a, tasla, batlohi ; {boiler) kalsa ; '{fish-kettle) raahi-taba. Kettle-deum, nakkara, kos, danka, dhak, tamak, jai-dhak, dhaunsa, nakkara e aspi or -shutari. Key, kunji, kilid, k'lli, kill, tall, miftah, chabi ; {head) phul; {false-key) chor-kunji ; {screw-driver) martol; {in music) sur, tal, bharja (v. tone). Key-hole, surakh, niunh. Kick, lat, thokar, lakad; (a kicker) lataha, lakad- zan, lakad-kob. To Kick, thokar- or lat-marna or -chalana, latiyana, panw-mirna ; {and cuff ) lat-mukhi-marna. Kickshaws, {something fantastical) kuchh na kucbh, kuchh-kuchh. Kid, halwan, memna, buz-ghala, bakrauta, pattha, pantha, pathiya; {a grown kid) halwan i kahi, opposed to a nursling, shir-khora. To Kid, byana, janna (lit. to bring forth). To Kidnap, chora-lejana, utha-lejana, ubhar-lejana, shikar kar mama. KiDNAPPEE, bacha-duzd, mardum-duzd, admi-chor. Kidney, gurda ; {kind) kimash, rang, kism, jins ; ' {sort) bani; {people of this kidney) is rang ke log. K.r»HEY-BEAN, loba, lobiya. To Kill, mar-dalna, katl-k, halak-k, ^uu-k, kjtod, chhai-k, hanna, badhna, badh-k, jan se mama, niarua, ghalna, sangharna, jhujhana, mar-lena, KIS thikana-lagana, nlyat-pahnncbana, ^urban-k, bismil* k; {animals for food, &c.) zabah-k, halal-k, jhatak-k ; {to kill, as the Hindus do theiusdvet and families in cases of extremity) jauhar-k ; {to wither) khushk-k, sukhlana ; {to kill quicksilver) para-marna, slmab kushta-k : it may not be amiss to inform the reader that mama, like the verb to smite, has a very equivocal meaning : properly it should signify to kill, being the regular transitive from marna, to die; whereas it commonly signifies to beat only. Killed, maktul, kushta, mara, mazbuh; {and missing) fauti-firari. KiLLEK, katil, kushinda, khuni. badhik, halaku, kattal, maran-har; (in comp.) kush, mar, aa dev-kush, the giant-killer, &c. Killing, maru, khun-rez ; {killing eyes) maru ankhen. Kiln, bhar ; {a brick kiln) pazawa, pazaya ; (a lime kiln) bhathi ; — — {a potter's kiln) awa. Kin, nata, rishta, baradari, yaganagi, apna,et, bha,i- chara, nisbat, karabat, saga, ek-lohu, ek-jigar; (in comp.) wa, iya, u, uli, ak, as mardak or mardwa, manikin. Kind, (adj.) mihr-ban, shafik, mutawajjih, karim, khuh, latif, dardmand, multafit, milansar, muhibb, ^alik, dayawant -, (in comp.) nawaz, parwar, &c., whence yatim-nawaz, the cherisher of orphans, gharib-parwar, kind to strangers, hospitable. Kind, (subs.) jins, nau', kism, zat, nasi, waz', kimasb, rang, tarah, daul, rakam, taur, ras, firka, siyai:, anwa', karina, kabil, bhant, dhab, ghar, zil', bana ; — — — {various ki?ids) kism-ba-kism, anwa'-anwa, aksam-aksam, anwa -oajnas or -aksam ; {bping fruit of various kinds) kism-ba-kism ka mewa la,o, tarah tarah ke phal la,o ; {in a kind of acorn) hikarat ki ru se ; {woman-kind) 'alam i nisa, istri-barg, beti-zat, &c. ; {payment in kind) jinsi, bata,i, opposed to nakdi, pecuniary payment. To Kindle, (a.) sulgana, raushan-k, phunkna, jalanai balna, sudhkana, anch-k or -lagana, dalikana, bharkana, liika-lagana ; (n.) sulagna, jalna, sud- hakna, dahakna. KiNDLEB, (in comp.) afroz, angez, as atish-afroz, a fire-kindler ; an incendary. Kindly, mihr-bani- &c. -se, tawajjuh-se, &c. Kindness, mihr-bani, tawajjuh, ri'ayat, suluk, nawa- zish, ihsan, kirpa or -kJipa, maya, garm-joshi, milan-sari, admiyat. Kindred, {relations) bha,i-band, khwesh-karabat, ak- riba, yagane, kurba, kutum, saga-sodra, gyant- gotr, apnayat, saga,i, sagawat. KiNDEED, (adj. congenial) ham-jins, muwafik, ham-dil. KiNE, ga,en, ga,e-goru or ga,e-bhainsen. King, padshah, shah, malik, suljtan, raja, shahryar, khusrau, ra,u, bhum-pal, mahipat, prithi-pat, kai, bhu-pal ; {at cards) mir. Kingdom, saltanat, mamlukat, padshahi, padshahat, raj, khusrawi. King's-evil, gandmala, kanth-mala. King's-fisher, kauriyala, machhranga, ram-chiriyS,. Kingly, King-like, shahana, padshahana, shahi, khusrawana, shahwar. Kingship, padshahi, saltanat or sultanat, raj. Kinsfolk, bha,i-baud (v. kindred). Kinsman, rishta-dar, nata-dar, yagana, karabati, karib, natait, rishta-mand, nisbati, bha,i. Kinswoman, yagani, &c. &c. (v. kinsman) . Kr?", chuma, machhi, bosa, mithi; {the smack at ti»uiid of a kiss) chatatta ; {hugging and kissing) bos kanar, chuma-chati. KTS ( 160 ) LAC To KisB,4!hiinin&, bosa- &c. -lenat^r -denS, munh-lag- ftn&; [the foot) pa-bosi-k, kadam-bosi-k; {the eye) dida-bosi-k ; {the threshold of a per- ton'$ door) astana-bosi-k : {hands) dast-bosi-k ; (to give reciprocal kisses) bosa-bazi-k, chuma- chumi-k. Kisser, chumanhar, chumwaiy^, chumakkar, bosa-gir or -baz. K-iTCHEN, bawarchi-ldiana, matbakh; {stuff) tapkan, kababi-charbi, alan-salan, which means any thing to make dry bread, &c palatable. KiTCHEN-OAKDEN, barf, fulez. Kite, chil, zaghan, ghalewaz, farhatu-1-laka ; {of paper) guddi, patang, tukkal, chang, bharna, kankawa, tilingiya. RiTTEN, billi ka bacha, bilungrl,, pusiySL. To Kitten, by ana, janna (these verbs signify merely to bring forth young, and may be applied to our verbs to kitten, to pup, to calve, &c.). To Klick, titkarria, titkari-mama. Knack, {readiness) malika, dhab, bhabrakh, salika, anoh, liyakat, hikmat, hath-khanda, atkal, kari- garl, san'at, jugat, zarafat, khol-khal. Knapsack, thaila, jhola, jholi, jamadani, bakcha. Knave, dagha-baz, makkar, 'aiyar, hila-baz, jul-baz, chhali, mura,i, bad-diyanat, be-iman, adharmi, daghauliya, pakhandl ; {at cards) ghulam. Knavery, dagha-bazi, hila-bazi, jul-bazi, be-imam. Knavish, (knave) harraf, sharir, da|^a-baz. Knavishlt, dagha-bazi-se, bad-diyanati-se. &c. To Knead, gundna, sanna, mandna, ginjna, masalna.. malna, chahalna, saundna, raundna. Kneadino-trouoh, kathra, taghar, kathauti, paraut. Knee, ghutna, zanu, the,una, guj-ga-gurgi, goda ; {timber) kani, koniya; {in-kneed) kulanj-pa, kurch-pa. Knee-seep, ghutne-tak, ghQtne-bhar, t& ba z&nil. To Kneel, du-zanu-baithna, garur-asan-baithna, shutar-zani-baithn&. Knee-pan, khuriy&, chapni, chakki, kasa,e-zanu, sari-z&nQ. Knell, than-than-gopiU, ghante-k! &v&z. Knew, malflm-kiyS, jan5 (v. to know). Knife, chhuri, karad, chakkQ, da,o, chalhu,a, bakiya, banka; {for fish) pahsul, chilohi, baithi; (a butcher's) satur; (a large knife) chhura, bughda; (a pen-knife) kalam-tarash, chaku. Kniqut, bahadur, mirza, ra,e, this last is the roy of Hindu names, so well known in our mode of writing it ; (in cliess) ghora, asp, faras. Knioht-ereant, mall, ramta-jogi, bahadur-sawar. Knighthood, bahaduri, ra,i. To Knit, binua, bunna, jali-karhna or -nikalna ; {as bones) jutna, satna ; {the brows) bhauwen- khichna or chaj-hana, chin ba jabin-h. Knitter, {in comp.) baf; thus, a knitter of socks, ju- rab-baf. Knittinq-nekdlb, sala,!- Knittle, sa|-ak-w&sl ; band, langar. Knob, ganth, lattu, bataur, rasauli, ganda, bondi. Knock, zarb, mar, patki, thokar, fhes, chapet. To KnoC!(, (v. to knuckle) dhab-dhabana, dhunna ; {on the head) thikana-lagana; {to clash) iagna, takkar-khana, thonkna, mfirna, patakna ; %) knock under) tabi'-dari-k, tabi'at-k; {to knockout) aikal-d, Jhftf-4« ukh&r-^: {an eye) {J'or long drawers) izar- phor-d, tor-d, ur&n& ; {to knock vp) ntbiai , —!.(<(; /ire) thakana, manda-k; {to knock ai a door) kewar-thonkna or -khatkhatana ; {to knock doion) patak-marna, mar-girana, gira-d. Knocker, thonkanhar ; {of a door) halka, hal^ e dar. Knot, 'akd, ganth, girih, khumbhl, gilti, bandhan, gul- jhat, guljhari, jhabba, phundna, gathjora ; {running) de,orhi-girih, sarak-phansi ; {a mark) gathaund, phutki, phusri ; {of ribbons) pech, phul, tughra; {difficulty) 'ukda, pech, ighlak ; {tKT matrimonial knot) 'akd i nikah, gath- bandhan. To Knot, ganth-d, ganthna, girih-bandhna. Knotty, Knotted, gathila, girih-dar ; {difficult) mughlak, pech-dar, gande-dar. To Know, janna, pahchanna, ma'lum-k, daryaft- &c. -k, khabar-dar-h, muttali'-h, wakif- &c. -h, ashna,i- &c. -r, chinhna, ashna- &c. -h, samajhna, tarna, bujhna ; {carnally) pas-jana, dekhna ; one's humour) munh-pana. Knowable, mumkinu-1-idrak, daryaftani. Knowing, wakif, mahir, muttali', khabar-d&r, hoshi- yar, pukhta, pakka, parbin, 'akl-mand, dana, jan, ghank, gyani, zi-hosh jankar, janibkar, tar-baz, gu- diya, gathila; {in comp.) shinas, dan. Knowingly, 'aki- &c. -se, dida o danista, jan-bCtjh- kar. Knowledge, jan, danist, 'ilm, khabar, hosh, dark, j§,nib, wakfiyat, mahramiyat, bidya, budh, gyan, bichar, danish, parkh, dachh, isti'dad, fann, gun, syanap, sawad, sudh, daras, darsan ; {skill) dhab, hikmat, maharat, basirat, pahchan, shinakht, sha'itr {acquaintance) shinasa,i,jan-pahchan, ma'rifat, chinh. Known, malum, ma'ruf, mashhur, 'urf, fish, pargat, sadharan, nashr, 'alam-nashr. Kndckle, band, girih, ganth, mafsil, To Knuckle, {to knock under) h&th-Jo)m&, tin-lenft, 'ajizi-k, paaw-parn&. La, (interj.) dekho, lo, dekh-to, zih!, &y&. Label, sar-nama, chithi, pata, nam-nish&n. Labial, shaft!, adhari. Laboratory, barut-khana or kar-khSna. Laborious, {industrious) mihnati, dhuni, khattu, mih- nat-talab; {difficult) sakht, dushwar, masha^- katl, iidyami or udyogi, janam-dukM, sirkhapi, pitmar, shak, bharl. Laboriously, mihnat- &c. -se, ang-torke, garke. Laboriousness, dushwari, sakhti, mihnat. Labour, mihnat, mazduri, koshish, sa'i, kadd, teha, jidd, jidd o jihd, dikkat, dhun, udyam; fday) roz-mazuri, roz-gar, dukhra, ranj, zuhd ; pains) kadd o kawisli, tak o dau : the forty days after labour or child-birth are termed nafas, bisaur mandal; {work) kam, kaj, dukh-dhanda; {exercise) kasrat; {travail) pir, dard i zih {to be in labour) dard i zih men bona. To Labour, mihnat- &c. -k, dukh-bharna, tasdi'- Sec -k, -khainchna, &c. lohu-pani-k, pahaf-par charhni, khun i jigar-khana; {in vain) pathar se sir- mama, tazyi'i aukat-k, pani-pitna. Labourer, mazdar, kuli, reza, banihar, roz-gari, bi- gftfi, roz-mazura ; (o labourer's work or Jnrt'^ mazduri. Labyrinth, pech, pech o tab, m^r-pech, pher. Lao, {dye) lak^, l&h ; (100,000) lak, lak^ LAC ( 161 ) LAN iiACE, kalabatun, mukaish, gota, kinari, dhanuk, fokhni, jali, kata.o, tartor, tagtoy; {string) .on, sutli. To Lace, dori-d, kalabatun- &c. -lagana, kasna ; the lacing at the foot of a Hindustani bed, adwa.en, pa,enti. Laceman, kin5.ri-wala ; {weaver) kinari -baf. To Lacekate, pharna, chirna, chak-k, katua. Laceration, {breach) chak, chira, noch, khonch,phar. Lacerative, hadd, katu. Lacing, {of abed) pothua, ban, badh, bandhan, barwa, sej-band; {of stays, &c.) tani, band, phali; {of a tent) phali-kashi. -Lack, (warii) kami, kamti, killat, ochha,i: the Hin- duwi word for 100,000 is lakh or lakh, not lack. To Lack, khali-h. mu'arra-h, kam-h, ghatna, ghat- Ac. -h. Lacker, {varnish) luk, roghan or rau^an. To Lackkb, luk-k or -pherna, lakhauta-k. Lackey, ^idmat-gar, rikab-dar, khidmatiya. gurga, tahlu,a, rawanna. Laconic, mukhtasar, kotah ; {answer) kam-ja- wab, achhar, chatka. Lad, amrad, gabhru, launda, chhokra, be-risha, jawan, jaman, na,ek, patha, lala, gujan, babrauta, mard- bacha. To Lade, {to load) ladna, bharna, bhar-dena. Ladder, sirhi, nardban, pauri, zina, nisaini, saini, supan, pairhi. Ladinq, ladan, ladana, bojh or bojha. Ladle, do,i, chamcha, kaf-gir, kafcha, ta'am-bakhsh, karchha, roghan-dagh, dabna, pala, pali, dabbn, kathauti, hatha, donga, do, a, kachkol, karchhal, khi- riya ; (a ladle full) do,i-bhar. Lady, bibi, bi (whence bha-bi, a brother's wife), banu, khatun. ashraf-zadi, khanam, begam (the feminiues of lian and beg, a lord ) , sahiba, bahu, rautani, rauta,in, babwi, babiini, babwani, mirzani. Lady- {or Scarlet) -fly, bir-bahutti, rani, asarhiya, poka, sur^ak, 'urusak. Ladylike, bibi-si, begami, khanam-sifat. Ladyship, begam-sahib, bi-ji. Lao, phaddi, pachhlendiya, pet-ponchhu,a, atar-dum- bala. To Lao, pichhe-rahna, ahista-chalniL, dhila-chalna. Laity, dunya-dar, girhist, sansarik, 'alamiyan. Lake, jhil, talab, tal, tala,o, sarwar or sarowar, maru, pokar, tafag, dawau, dibar. Lair, {haurU of a wild beast) baisak, ghar. Lamb, lel5., bher-ka bacha, barra. Lambative, chatni ; {J,ambent) labkila. Lame, langya, lula, laug, lunj, langar, pangul, apahaj, pa,e-lang, pa-band, kuhna-lang ; {as verse) na- mauzun, bhang, shikasta-wazn, tuta ; {as an excuse) na-masmu', na-ma'kul. To Lame, langra- &c. -k, lang-k, pangul-k. To BE Lahe, {as verse) tutna; {as an animal) langrana. Lamellated, paprila, papridar. Lamely, langrata, langra-sa, kusur-se, n3,kis. Lameness, lang, langra,i, langrahat, pangulta, bhangta; {inverse) sakta, na-mauzuni; {imperfection) kusur. To Lament, nala-k, rona, nauha- &c. -k, gham-k, afsos-k, bilbilana, pnkharna, hae-ha,e-k, dayhna, kukna, jhikhna, chhati-pitna, bilap- &c. -k. Lamentable, matam-angez, nauha-angez, kabil ima- tam, gham-khez. Lamentation, nSla. z5ri, nauha, matam, fiAin, giriya, wa-waila, roj, ro,a,i, ah-zari, ta.assuf, ta ziya, bilap, haha-kar, tazarru' zari, jiza' fiza', roharahat, ro,at. Lamenter, nauha-gar, nalan, nJlanda, giriyaa. Laminated, partila, tabki. Lamp, chiragh, diya, siraj, fatila-soz, l;andil, misbah, dip, dipak, dwar-dipak, dewali, chau-mukha, chiraghdan, pil-soz, da,iat; {expense for burning lamps on graves) chiraghi, dip-dan. Lamp-black, kajal, duda, phuliya, kajli, kajar, kajra; — <— {box) kajrauti ; {to gather) kajar-parna. Lampoon, baju, bhaudau,a ; {to lampoon) hajii-k. Lampooner, haji, haju-go, haju-nawis. Lamprey, tambu-machhi or tambu-machhli. Lance, {spear) barchhi, neza, sang, ballam. To Lance, bhonkna, chonkna, chhedna ; (a (m- mour) chirna, pharna, chak-k, nashtar-marna. Lancet, nashtar, also nashtar. To Lanch, {property to launch, q. v.) phenkna, JalnS. Land, zamin, bhum, arz, bhu,in, main, dharni ; {opposed to water) barr, sukha, khushki ; {re- covered from water, &c.) tari, dub, dayara ; {waste) khil ; {distant, poor, &c.) palo ; {miscellaneous or exempt) ba'zi zamin ; {coun- try) sar-zamin, mulk, des, iklim, marzbum ; {adjectively) arzi, khushki ka, barri, bhumi ; (py land) ^ushki-se, sukhe-sukhe, opposed to by water, tari-se, pani-pani. [kinare pahuuchua. To Land, (a.) iitarna, kinare par rakhna ; (n.) utarna. Land-forces, lashkar, ^ushki-lashkar. Landholder, zamin-dar, bhumiya, jagir-dar, ta'alluk- dar, bhu,in-har, bhupat, milki, a,ema-dar, thakur, dharni-dhar, mahipat, gaunha, taraf-dar. Landing, utira,o ; {place, &c.) utar, utar-gali, manzil, farod-gah, darja, ghat; {stairs) chauki. Landlady, khawindui, malika, ghar-wali, bhatiyarin, gangwayau, zamin-darin, bharaitan, maldaran, bhangeran. Landless, nir-bhumiya, be-zamin. [kiia- Landloper, khushki ka phanga, opposed to pani kii Landlord, malik, wali, khawind, ghar-wala, mezbui, bhatiyara, sahib-W^ana or -'imarat. Landmark, mend, hadd, siwana, dan da, sar-hadd. Landscape, {view) madd i nazar, uazara. Land-tax, bihri, khiraj i zamin. Land-waiter, ghatwal, talashi (v. tax, &c.). Lane, gali, naka, rah, bidh, rasta. Language, zaban, boli, lisan, bhakha, bani, bat, sukhan, guftagu, laklaka, bat-chit, kalima, bhasha ; {dialect) desi-bhakha; — — {common) chalni- boli, rozmarra, muhawara, bolchal ; {high or court language) nrdu, urdawi, rekhta ; {polished) de,o-bani, Sanskrit; {{of the Hindus) hinduwi; . {of India) hindi, hindustani ; (vulgar and obsolete) prakrit. Language-master, Qstad, akhun. munshi (properly a writer, from insha, to write, oi compose). Languid, sust, manda, raajhul, kahil, za'if, nakili, dhila, dhima, manda, muzmabil, malul, ranjur, be- bal, sitha, pbika. Languidly, susti-se, mandagi-se, kahil*n. Lanouidness, susti, mandagi, kahili, zu'f. Languish, bimari : " Dekh bimari un ankhonki main bimar hu,a." — Seeing the languish of those eyes, I became affected. — Sauda. To Languish, murjhana, kumlana, alsSna, nazakat- &c. -se dekhna, tutna, za'if- &c. -h, gal-jana,jharna, ghatna, sukhna, marna; {to look with toftnete) chashm i bimar se deklma. M LAN ( 162 ) LAD UaavtsmMO, bira&r, naznin, matwali, al8»,u, Whu- mir-aluda, makhmur, murjha.u, kumla,u ; -{eyai) chashm blmar, ahu-chashm, is probably applicable to those who have large languishing eyes. Lanqdishinoly, nazakat-se, na-tawani-se. Lanouishment, nakahat, na-tawani, narmi, mula,i- mat, kiumari, alsa,i. alsan, naz, nazakat. Languok, susti, mandagl, majhuli, kahili, zu'f, naki- hat, na-tawani, malalat, kam-zorl, fatur. Lank, dMla, dubla, laghar, kukar-peta, zahir, makra, daggi. [dubla-h. To BECOME Lank, baithna, patakna, jhatakna. Lantern, anus, kandil, bad-ban ; {suspended) akas-diya ; (jawed) chlppakh-munha, kalla- ^usbk : the word laltin, a corruption of lantern, is in common use ; indeed, the native servants, on the principle of " omne ignotum pro magnifico," or rather as a matter of sheer necessity, frequently employ English terms, more or less corrupted ; thus, ketili, a kettle, tau,ali, a towel, bif-istikl, beef-steak, &c. &c. Lap, god, aghosh, palla, khonchi, zanu, godi, khoncha, jholi, phent, phanda; (flap) bala-band, pat; [of a garTnent) daman, anchal. [wrap) lapetna. To Lap, [as a dog) chabhaf-chabhar-piua ; {to To IjAP oveb, barha-rahna, barhe-ana. Lap-dog, gurji-kutta, kutwa. Lapful, god-bhar, palla-bhar, jholi-bhar. Lapidary, hakkak, hajjar, jauhari, sang-tarash. Lapis Lazuli, lajaward, lazaward or lazhaward. l/APPEL, ulta-sanjaf, band, kan. f^APPET, shamla or phamla, dumbala. Lapse, {error) chuk, Wiata, sahu, ghalti, la^zish, phislahat, lapet, tor. To Lapse, ghalati- &c. -k, chukna, ohulna, bltna, guzarna ; ' {to fall) parna, girna^ ana, jana, phirna. Lapwork, chataiya banawat. Larboard, bayan, ba,m taraf, dawa, dast i chap. Larceny, chori, duzdi. Lard, su,ar ki charbi, shahmu-l-H^anzir, has. Larder, rikabdar-j^ana, ni'mat-k^ana. Large, bara, mota, kalan, 'azim, bhari, khulasa, phaila,u,*dayar,' khatir ; {as a city) ghaddar, ghaghar, guhda; {letters, &c.) jali; {wide) kushada, farakh; {at large) khule-bandon, Sizad, khula, be-kaid; {a prisoner at large) nazar-band; {diffusely) mufassal, mashruhan. Largely, bahut-sa, ba-ifrat, kasrat-se. Largeness, bara,i, mota,i, kalftni, kushadagi, faraj^i. Largess, hashish, in'am, dad-dihish. Lark, lawa, chandol, agin, kunbar, chakawak. Larynx, nar^ari, tentu,a, narkasi, nali, hulkum. Lascivious, mast, shahwat-parast, mastana, chul- harl, chodasl, nafs-parast. Lasciviously, masti- &c. -se, shahwat-se. Lascivioubness, masti, shahwat, chodas. Lash, {stripe) chabuk, zarb, mar; {of a whip) phund, phuudi, phundna ; {sarcasm) koya, chot, awaza, ta'n ; {eye-lashes) mizhgan, birni, papni, palak. To Lash, phatkana, chabuk-mStrna, kuj-iyana, \f.Sim- chiyani; {as a horse) dulati-chhantna or -mama, pushtak-chhantnii or jhiif na ; {to beat) mama, takrana ; {tvith satire) kora-k, chot- &c. -k ; )to make fast) jakar-d, bandhna ; (n.) kora-phatkarna. Lars, chhokri, doshiza, niyaka, gopi, gunjri. Lassitude, minJagi, be-tabi, susti, thak;l,i, zu'f, alas, Icfeumiir; {in physic) a'za-shikaui, hajr-phutan. Last, (adj.) pichhli, i'^r, akhirin, wapasln, ikhin, alAlr, muta,akhkhir, parla, paila, {past) gu- zashta, paiwasta, par, par, parar, pairiyar, te,uras, tarar, charar; (adv ) pichhe; {the last day) roz i pasin ; {of a month) salakh, puran-masl ; {at last) akhir, akljirash, nidan, bare, pas; {end\ akhir, akhirat, 'akibat, anjam ; — — {last year) pichhla baras, sometimes expressed by agla baras {the last time) picbhle-wakt, akhir-martaba. Last, (mould) kalib, kalbud, singauti. To Last, tikna, thaharna, rahna, chalna, khatna, pa,e- dar- &c. -h, pa,edari-k, baki-rahna, nibhna, jurna, khatana. Lasting, pa,e-dar, tika,u, khata,u, chala,u, derpa, mudam, da,iml, baki, kiyami. Lastingness, pa,e-dari, chala.o, sabat, mudami. Lastly, pichhe, akhiru-I-amr, hasil i kalam, nidan. Latch, phirki, billl ; (to latch) phirki-lagana. Latchet, salu, band, tasma. Late, aber, der, ba-der, dirang, be-wakt, kuber ; (as fruits, &c.) pachheta, pichhmana; (former) agla ; (of late or lately) aj-kal, chand-muddat- se ; (late in the day) din-charh-ke ; (late at night) bari rat ; (the late, i. e. the deceased, defunct) marhum, mutawaflfi, dewloki, bihisht-nasib, gharlk-rahmat. Late, (adv.) der-kar, pichhe ; (so late) eti der, eti her kar ; (of late) thore dinon se, chand roz se. (N.B. Der, &c., are generally, perhaps always, considered as substantives in this language.) Lately, thore diuon ka, dar in wila, bil-fi'l. Lateness, deri, der, dirangi, dirang. Latent, chhipa, poshida, makhfi. gha,ib. Lateral, jambi, pahlu,!, janibi. Latest, picchla, akhir, sab se pichhla, akhirin I .ATH, Lathing, baranga, banga, pharchat, bakhari, oarga, barge-bandi ; (m tiles) mu(ba, muthe- bandi. To Lath, barange- &c. -lagana, barge-bandi- See. -k. IjAthe, (a turner's machine) kharad. Lather, sabun-ka-kaf or -phen; (to lather) phinana, kaf-uthana. Latin, latin or latin ; (-language) latini-zaban. Latish, der-si, aber-si, kuch-der. Latitude, (breadth) chaura,i, pahna, 'arz, phaila,o, ailphail ; (degree of latitude, opposed to longi- tude) darja 1 'arz ; (extent) wasat, kushadagi, tausi', faraghat. Latitudinarian, bila-kaid, azad-tab*. Latter, pichhla, muwakh^r, [bedbafi. Lattice, shabak, jhanjhri, jal, jali, chik, chilwan, To Lattice, mushabbak-k, bed-bafi-laguna. Latticed, mushabbak, jhanjhri-dar, bed-baf, jali-dar. Laudable, la,ik i ta'rif, la,ik i tahsin, kabil i ta'rif, raustahsan, sarahne-jog, mamduh, ta'rifi; (laudable qualities) ausafi hamida, akhlaki pa£andida. Laudanum; afim ka ghola. To Lave, (empty) uiichna, sichna, nikal-4, ubichna. Laugh, haiisi, zihk, khanda. To Laugh, hansna, khanda-k, mazhaka-k, hansi-k, khandan-h, khilkhilaua ; (in one's sleeve) muuh- men-hansua, man-men kalol-k. Laughable, kabil i tazhik, hansne-jog, ^anda-pa^ir, gud-guda. Laugher, hansor, khanda-rii, hans-mukh. Laughing, khandagi ; (laughingly) ha6si-se. IjAUGHiNG-STOCK,maskhara, hadaf, nishana,khelripak, phakarmulk, rish-khand, hansanu,a, khilauuiyfi ; (to make a laughing-stock of one) chang-bauaaa. LAU ( B3 LEA Laoqhteb, tazhik, hansi, hans&,i. Lavish, fuzul-kharj, musrif, ura,u, bu-1-fuzul. To Lavish, urana, sartbart- or ^arj- or israf- or bar- bad-k or -d. Lavishly, mnsrifana, israf-se, fuzul-Hiarji-Ke. Lavishness, israf, fuzul-ldiarji, bu-1-fuzuK. To Launch, dhakelna, pelna, guddi par se utarna, chalaDa, marna, hela-marna. Laukel, dah-musht, gbar, fatih-pech. Law, fikah; [divine) shar', shari'at; . [rule) ka'ida, rasm, a,in, zabita, masala, mitachhara, shas- tar, rit, cbalan, nirnai, hidaya, niasa,il ; [right) hakk; — [Justice) 'adalat, insaf, dad. Lawful, shara'i, ja,iz, mubah, durust, rawa, halal, mablul, sastrik, sunni, masnun, hisabi, §„ini, mazbub. Lawfully, shara'an, az-ru,e-shar*, mashru'an. Laavfulness, jawaz, durusti, wajub, hillat, mubahiyat. TiAW-GivER, Law-maker, sbari', mitachharik, nir- naik, sastrik, nyayak, shar'-dan, mujtahid, bbat- acharij. Lawless, be-shar', ghair-sharal, be-lagam, be-ka'ida, be-kaid, ghadri, sbaitani. Lawn, [a plain ; margh-zar, maid&n, tapu, mokh ; [fine linen) sela. Law-suit, da'wa, bak, kaziya. Lawyer, 'adalat ka wakil, ahl 1 fikah, fakih. Lax, dhila, khula, kushada, be-kaid, sust, narm. Laxative, mulaiyin, chalak; [for children) ghutti. Laxitiveness, caiin, mas,hali, tas,hil. Laxity, Laxiness, dhila,i, kushadagi, susti. To Lay, (a. to place) rakhna, dharna, utarna ; [at length) letana, letarna ; [to beat dottm) gir- ana, bichhana, baithalna ; [to lay bricks, &c.) jamana, farsh-k ; [to bury) garna, dafan-k ; [to apply) lagana; [to calm) thamna, rokna, sakia-k; [a spirit, &c.) dur-k, bandhna, jalana, pachharna, pakarna, band-k, bedarna,khedna; [arms) satna, dalna; [meat, &c. on a table) chunna; [to wager) badna; [as a hen) dena, parna; [dust) mama; [to put) charhani, ; —— [a woman) janana ; [used as an auxiliary) karna, dena; [to contrive) jorna, banana, bandhna, maslahat-k; [to charge) thah- rana ; [to impose) dalna ; — — [to lay aside) chhorna, kinare-r, tah-k ; [to lay down) rakh- chhorna ; [to lay by, save) bachana, pas-andaz- k ; ■ [to lay in) le-rakhna, rakh-dena, saint-r, jatan-k; (to lay hold) pakarna ; [to lay hand on a sword) dast ba kabza-k; [about one in battle) mar-dharna ; (n. to lay, lay down, or lie down) letna, let-parna. Lay, [poem) shi'r, git, ghazal. Layer, part, tab, tabak, radda ; [shoot) daba ; [sprig) kalgha, podha ; — — [of devils) bhut- bedar, isht-bali. Laying-hen, andaili, baiza-gnzar or baiza-bakhsh. Layman, dunya-dar, girhist or girhisti. [korhi-khana. Lazar, kushti, korhi; [lazaretto) kushti- or Lazily, susti- &c. -se, sustana, majhuli-se. Laziness, susti, majhuli, dhll, askat. Lazy, sust, kahil, apahij, ni-khattu, askati, kam-chor, kam-kadam or -rau or -cbal. Lea, [fallow, meadow) charan, parti, chara-gah. Lead, sisa, rang, surb ; [pencil) jasti kalam ; [red-lead) sendur ; [white-lead) safeda. To Lead, (a.) le-chalna, le-jana, liye-jana, le-phirna, aoriyana, ghasitna, phirana; — — [out) uikalna, kafhna: [the blind) asi-kasbi-k ; [an army) lashkar-kashi-k ; [to draw) khichnS ; [to induce) tahrik-d, chalana, lana; [to l/>ad a life, to pass one's days) katna, gnzarna, guzran-k; (n.) age-chalna, age-h. Leaden, sise ka, surbi. Leader, sar-dar, salar, sar-guroh, mahant, peshrau peshwa, sar-hang, sar-war, hadi, ra,is, sumer, sir o man, rah-numa, sar-karda, agu,a, na,ek or nayak ; [of the blind ) 'asa-kash, ka,id ; [of an army) lashkar-kash. Leading, [man) ra,is, bara, buzurgwar ; [string, figur.) hath-kara, chonti, nakel. Leaf, [of a tree) patta, pat, barg, fard, warak, patti, palo, dal, banas-pati, warak, pi. aurak ; [of a book) patar, panna, band ; [of a door) pat, kiwar, palla, pat ; [of tin, &.c.) panni; [a gold leaf) warak i tila ; [a silver leaf) warak i nukra. To Leaf, patte-lana, patiyana. Leafless, be-barg, an-pat, nir-patar, ghair i aurak. Leafy, barg-dar, pur-barg, pat-gar, patte-dar. League, [agreement) mel, musalaha, gantha,o, ganth- santh ; [combination) bandish, sazish, satta- batta; [measure) far sang, mil. To League, ittifak- &c. -k, milna, ganthna, santhna. Leak, chhed, sura^, pan-chor, chor, darz, risan. To Leak, risna, tapakna, chuna, chhanna ; [as a ship or boat) pani-lena, -chorana or -sadna, pani- yana ; [as a house, &c.) rezish-k, rona ; [to spring a leak) bamba- or bhur-phutna, tultulana. Leakage, tapkan, chu,an, lagar, sokht. Leaky, tuta, jhanjhri, rota, pan-chora, chuna, chhi- daha, suraldii. Lean, (adj.) dubla, laghar, reghal, hakir, patla, nahif, dur-bal, dangar, kirst, chimtaha, hin, ekahra, lakat, kak; [as meat) lal. To Lean, (a. to rest against) rakhna, takiya-k, laganS; (n. to bend) nihurna, jhukna ; [to incline) ma,il-h, uthangna, tekna ; [to lean on a staff) 'ase ke bal chalna. Leanness, dubla,i, laghari, dubla-pa or -pan. Leap, kud, phand, jast, kurchhal, jhapat, tarap, tap, Iambi, taral, gh.azand ; [embrace) muth, charha,i, chot. To Leap, kiidna, jast-k, phandna, tapna, uchhalna, uchakna, kudrana, kulanch- or chaukari-bharna, jhapatna, tarapna, ularna, kud-parna, tinangna, phudakna, phalangna, urna ; [to mount) charhna, char-baithna. Leaper, zaghandi, kudakkar, kudne-wala, kudwaiya. Leap-frog, kuda-kudi, mendak-kud. Leap-year, sal i kabisa, sal i za,id. To Learn, sikhna, hasil-k, tahsil-k, lena, akhaz-k. pakarna, pana ; [to hear) sunne-men-ana, kan- men-aua or -parna. Learned, 'alim, fazil, maulawi, pandit, kabil, bidy&- man, bedi, bidyawant, parha, amenta, khwanda, achhari, farzana, 'allama, [skilled) mahir, kamil, wakif, parbin, pakka, pukhta, hunar-mand ; [the learned ) 'ulama, fuzala, hukama ; [the most learned of his time) 'allamatu-d-dahar. Learnedly, 'alimana, fazilana. Learner, sikh, shagird, talmiz, muta'allim, talib-'ilm, nau-amoz, mubtadi, sabak-k^wan, sikhan-hara. Leakning, 'ilm, bidya, fazilat, 'ilmiyat, bed. Lease, kiraya, ijara, patta, kabuliyat, tauhad, chak- nama, kiraya-nama, sanad, ikrar-nama. To Lease, kira,e-d, ijare-d, binna. Leash, dor ; [for a hawk) pa,eza, chaiEOjii [for birds) peti ; [tierce) tiya. To Leash, bandhna. LEA ( 164 ) LEO Least, chhota, sab se chhota, chhote se chhota, as- ghar,akall, ka.mta,nn;-^— (youngest brother) lauhra; (sister) lauhri ; (he is the least of his brethren) apne bha.iyon men wuh chhota hai. N.B. The meaning of this phrase is obvious, but the logic of it is very questionable ; (which is the least ?) chhota kaun hai ? (at least) akhir, bare ; (at the lowest degree) thore se thora, kam se kam, akall darja ; (to say no more) bhala, ^air ; (ffive me one at least) ek to do ; (though you did not come yourself at least you might have sent me word) turn ap na a>,e to na a,e, bhaJa, khabar. bhejna to zarur tha. TjBATHEB, chamra, cham, chirm, jild, tocha, chhal, post; (bottle) Wiik; (to lo$e) badan- chhilna, -ragarna, -udharnS or -ukhaJna ; — (a leather strap) chamota; (green leather) kimu^t : there are many kinds of leather ; the following, how- ever, are the most common : bulbule, bodar, nari, meshi, adim, bulghar, sabar. Leathern, chirmin, chamre-k3, chirmma. Leather-seller, chirm-kar, chirm-farosh, chamre- farosh. Leave, riza, chhutti, parwangi, ijazat, hukm, izan, marzi, chhutkara, payan, wida', bida, kaha, bola ; — (to depart) nikhsat ; (without leave) be- kahe, be-puchhe. To Leave, (forsake, &c.) chhoyna, tajna, tyagna, dal- j, tark-k, rakhna, rakh-chhorna or -d, bachana, ubarna, bacha,e-r, utarna, jata-rahna, jana ; (to bequeath) de-mama, hiba-k, dena ; (to take leave) rul^sat-lena, wida'- &c. -k, sidhama; (respectfully) tasdi'-takhfif-k. Leaven, khamir, maya, fasad, chor, bigar. To Leaven, ^amir-k or uthana, bigar-banana. Leavened, khamiri. mukhammar. Leaver, (forsaker) tarik, tyagi, tyajan-hara. Leaves, patti, aurak, bargha, pat-wat. Leavings, jhutha, akhor, pas-khurda. ulash or ulash, chhuta, bacha, utar, ubara, pas-manda, nim-khurda. parshad, uchchhisht. Lecher, rindi-baz, 'aiyish, tam^sha-bin, kasbi-baz, lampat, chodakkar. To Leoher, (to lead an unchaste life) rindi-bazi-k. Lecherous, mast, shahwatx, tamash-bin. Lechery, Lecherotjsness, masti, shahwat, kam, lampati, 'aiyashi. Lecture, dars, sabak; (curtain) khangi-ta'lim, l^wati-dars. To Lecture, dars-kahnSi, 8abah:-d; (admonish) kan-kholna, sikhapan-k, mutanabbah-k. Lecturer, mudarris (v. professor, teacher, preacher). Ledqe, (ridge) lambh, dh^r, kinara, hashiya, kagar, aunth, hem, pattl. Led-horse, kotal or kotal-gho]:a. Lee, Leeward, nlwan, niwah-wara, ot, ot-wara, niwan-kinara ; (a lee shore is dangerous in a storm) niwan-kinSira andhl men kliatarnak hai. Leech, jonk, de,ocha, zalu, 'alak, jalauka, jalsut; (doctor) tablb, hakim. Leek, (herb so called) gandana, kurras, gandana. Leer, Kaj-nigahi, tirchhi-nazar, kan-ankhi. To Leer, tirchhi-nazar-k, kankhiyon-dekbn&. LsES, (dregs, sediment) tarchhat, durd. Leit, [not right) bSlyan, chap, yasar, ultS, dibira. Left, {not expended) ba^ bach&, pas-manda, raha, abr&, ba]rh&. To BE Leit, ubara&, bachn&, bS^I-rahua. Left-handed, khabba, ^ibiriya, bayan-hatha, chatar- hatha. Leo, pindii, tang, sak, phili; (of mutton) bheri- ki ran ; (of a table) piya, pawa ; (of long drawers) pa,encha ; (of a boot) pawa.i. Leqacy, hiba, wasiyat, wasayat. Legal, shara'i, mashru', muwafik, shar'-ke. Legality, jawaz, wajibi, shar'iyat. To Legalize, mubah- &c. -r or -k. Legate, (delegate or deputy) wakil, elchi. Legatee, mauhub-ilaihi, wasiyat-glr or -dar. Legend, tazkiratu-1-auliya, puran, rawayat, saj*. Leger, bahi, daftar, khata. Legerdemain, dith-bandi, hukka-bazi, sha'bada-b&zi, bazi-gari, nazar-bandi, charitar, jugat, chatak-natak. Legged, gora, paya. Legible, jaJi, parhne-jog, ma-yuiara, ^wandani ; (apparent) zahir, mnnawwar. Legion, guroh, tuman, dasta, dal, dangal, kashun. Legislation, tashri', tasharru*, ijtihad, nimai-kar, a,in- or kanun- &c. -bandi. Legislative, ijtihadi, kanun- &c. -band, opposed to kanun- &c. -ran, the executive. [naikarL Legislator, shari', wazi'u-1-kanun, mujtahid, nir- Leoislature, sarkar, shar'-guzari, 'adalat. Legitimacy, talal-zadagi, asalat. Legitimate, halal-zada, asl. To Legitimate, halal-zada-banana ; (to make lawful) halal- &c. -k. Legitimation, halal-zadagi, hillat, mubahiyat. Legumen, Leoumenous, maslna, dalhan. Leisurable, faraghati, fiirsati. Leisure, fursat, far a ghat, chhutkara, subihta, chhutti, ^alasi, auhas, ausar, muhlat, baran. Leisurely, (adj.) ahista, dhima ; (adv.) ahiste, dhime. Lemon, nimbu, limu, turanj ; (varieties) karna, bara-masiya, sada-phal, zamiri ; (sweet) shar- bati ; •• (grass) agin-ghas. Lemonade, sharbat, sharbat-limu, afshora. To Lend, 'ariyatan-d, udhar-d, karz-d, mangni-d, hath-pher-d, paincha-d, dast-gardan-d ; (assist- ance, &c.) pahunchana, karna; (a deaf ear) kan men tel-d ; (to grant) dena, bakhshna. Lender, (usurer) byaj-khor, byohariya ; (creditor) kar z -dar or -dih. Length, (material) Iamba,i, tid, tulani, bara,i, jtul- tawil, palla, manzil, darazi ; (of time) muddat, imtidad, der; (distance) bich, duri, masafat, bu'd, mufiisala; (extremity) hadd, naubat; to such a length) ihan-tak ; (at length, fully) mufassal, bi-t-tafsU, mashruhan ; (at last) akhir. akhirash, a^iru-l-amr, bare ; (along) lamba- lamba. To Lengthen, (a.) lambana, daraz- &c. -k ; (to protract) tawil-k, dur-khidma, barhana ; (n.) lamba- &c. -h, barhna. Lengthwise, lamba-lamba, lamban-men. Lenient, Lenitive, mulaiyin, musakkin, tasalll- bak^h, mula,im. liBNiTY, rahm, tarahhum, mula,imat, narmi, moraw- wat, llnat, maya, komalta, gharibi . Lent, {Christian) chilla; (Muhammadan) rama- zan ; (a species of Hindu lent) kartik-ashnan. Lenticular, masuri, mutahaddib. Lentil, {plant or seed) masur, 'adas, moth. Lentor, ghilazat, garhiyahat, from garhiyana, t« thicken) . Leo, (sign or constellation) asad, singh. Leonine, sheri, babri ; (verse'^ uafm i musaija', abart auupras. LEO ( 163 ) IJC Lkopard, chita, yiiz, palang, teoduja, bagh, larewa- Leper, Leprous, korhi, ajlt-baran, pesi, mabrus or mabrusi, majzum, charki, jazami. LEPROsr, korh, safedi, pes, bars, jazam, cbarak, apras. Less, (priv. termination is represented in Hindustani by prefixing kam, be, a, ni or nir ; thus, luck-less, kam-bakht ; shore-less, a-par. Less, (adj.) kam, ghat, thora, andak, chhota, kamtar; {his power is now much less than it formerly was) us ki makdur aj kal bahut kam hai ki, thi age se. Less, (sub.) kami, ghatti, kamti, kihtari. Lessee, ijara-dar, mustajir, kiraya-dar, patte-dar. To Lessen, (a.) ghatana, kam-k, halka-k ; (n.) ghat- na, kam- &c. -h. Lesson, sabak, dars, path, parha, sikha, ta'IIm, 'aki, amokhta, wird ; {reprimand) goshmali ; {admonition) nasihat, pand. Lest, mabada, khuda na khwasta. sha,id or shayad, kinchit, kadachit, kaza,an, aisa naho, mat, shaitan ke kan baihre. Let, (sub.) atka,o, rok, ar, sadd, arwar, ardanda; {loithout let or hindrance) be rok-tok. To Let, {hire) marna, bhare-par-d; {alone) hath-uthana; {to a tenant) kira,e-d; {to permit) dena, which is of very extensive application as an auxiliary in forming many intensive and per- missive verbs (v. the Grammar) ; thus, to let go, chhor-deua, jane-dena, also to let alone; {to let fall) girne- or parne-dena ; {to let dovm) utSr- dena ; {to let in) ane-dena ; for such compounds as to let blood, to let off, &c. (v. to bleed, discharge). Lethargy, sabat, mubaraki, bajamind. Lethe, baitami ; {oblivion) faramoshi, bisr^wat. Letter, {of the alphabet) harf (pi. huruf ), achhar, bar an, Kewal ; {writing in general) likha, mak- tub, 'arzi, nawishta, patri, chakti, khatt-kitabat ; {composed of two letters) do-harfi, ma^ruri, suna,i ; {of three) maktubi, malfuzi ; {a roll or collection of letters) mulatifa, maktubat ; {epistle) ^att, chithi, rakima, sahifa, ruk'a, shnkka, par- wana ; (- carrier) tappali, harkira ; {let- ters and messages) rusl rasa,il; {a letter of re- commendation) sifarish-nama. Lettered, sahib-'ilm, likha-parh^, danish-mand. Lettuce, kahu, ^as. Levee, darbar, sabha ; {court) da4ra daulat ; {now-a-days such a one's levee is much crowded) &j-kal falane ka darbar bahut garam hai (lit. very hot, opposed to bahut sard, very cold or thinly attended). Level, (adj.) barabar, musattah, chauras, hamwar, eksan, muwafik, battadhar, sudhar, chaupat, sarpat, saf, kaf i dast. Level, (sub.) sath, maidan, ja,e hamwar ; {rat^ darja, paya, hadd ; ■ ■ ■ {equality) barabari, ham- wari; (direction of a weapon) chot; {a mason's level) shahul ; - — (o level or float) pansel, taktakl. To Level, (a.) barabar- Sm. -k ; {to aim) char- hana, khichna; {a gun) lagana; {to destroy) saf-k, mismar- &c. -k ; {all distinc- tions) eka-mai- &c. -k ; {to direct) chalana, phenkna; (n.) datna, shast-b, sadhna, barabar-&c.-h. Levelness, barabari, hamwari, chaurasa,!, safii,i, chaurasi. Leveret, lam-kaniya, Hiargosh-bacha. Lever, uthangan, chan-d, dhenkli, theka. To Levigate, {to pulverize) surma-sa-k, pisna, sahak-k. Levity, halka,i, subuki, ochha-pan, bilal-pana ; {inconstancy) be-sabati, be-wata,i. To Levy, uthana, jam'-k, jorna, batorni; - - {forces) fauj-bandi-k; {money) dandua. Lewd, mast, shahwati, mushtahi, shaiwat-nak, nafe.* parast, chulbula, bad-mast. Lewdly, mastana, masti-se, shahwat-se. Lewdness, masti, shahwat, hawas, kam, hirs, hawa- hirs. [nawis. Lexicographer, mu,allif i lughat, kosh-kari, lughat- Lexicon, lughat, farhang, kosh, abhidan. Liable, majbtir, na-guzir, giriftar, pazir, wala, hath- munh-men ; {we are all liable to die) ham sab maut ke hath menhairi ; {liable to error) ja,izu- 1-khata. Liar, jhutha, kazib, daro^-go, kazzab, labar, asati, labra, sabra, labar gatta ; {arrant) lakh-pacho- tari. Libation, {to pour a) arapna, barhana, tapanl. Libel, {defamation, satire) gila, malamat. Liberal, azad, hausila-mand, sakhi, data, ahl i him- mat, faiyaz, 'ata-ba^sh, mun'im, karim, jawwad, 'ali-himmat, buland-himmat, shah-kharch, hatim- ganj or -karam, faiz-bakhsh, dani, pur-hausila, dayawant, marde-admi, dil-kusha, azad-tab', sahib- taufik, 'all, *umda, bara, buland, najib Liberality, kushada-dili, hausila, sakhawat, faiz, faizan, jud, karam, hatimi, dan. Liberally, kushada-dili- &c. -se, dil-kholke, ba-ifrat, bahut-sa. To Liberate, chhor&n^ khalas-k, azad-k. Liberated, gulu-khalas, mustakhlis, azad. Liberation, istil^as, chhutkara, makhlasi. Libertine, be-kaid, kharabati, rind, bad-kar, fasik, fajir, awara, be-din, ku-karmi, lucha, lawind, kan- haya, rand ka sand, bewa ka beta, nafs-parwar, Sshna mat ho tu Sauda se kharabati. be not thou acquainted with such a libertine as Sauda. Libertinism, be-kaidi, rindi, fisk, fujur, bad-kari, be- dini, awaragi. Liberty, azadi, be-kaidi, riha,i, makhlasi. khalasi. chhutti ; {power) kudrat, has ; {privilege) hakk; (choice) ikhtivar ; (leave) raza, ijazat, rukhsat ; (if I may take the liberty) agar mujhe hukm ho. Libidinous, mast, chulha,i, shahwati. Libra, {sign or constellation) mizan, tula. Librarian, kutub-khane ka darogha. Library, kutub-l^iina, granthalay. LiBRATiON, jhulahat, thartharahat, jhuma.o. License, hukm-nama, parwana, farman, hukm, izin, rukhsat, sanad, chithi ; (latitude) was'at. To License, Licentiate, mubah-r, ja,iz-r, rawa-r. Licentious, be-kaid, sar-kash, be-zabt, gustakh, magra, shokh. be-lagam, bad-parhez, be-band o bast, be-dad, mutlaku-l-'inan, wahshi, khule-bandhou, haram-kar. Licentiously, be-kaidi- &c. -se, gusta^-se. Licentiousness, be-kaidi, be-zabti, sar-kashi, gus- takhi, magra,i, shokhi. Lick, {with the tongue) chat; {blow) mar, lakad. To Lick, chatna, lesna; {to thresh) thonkna, kundi-k ; {to lick up) chat-lena, chat-k. LiCKER, {in comp) les ; thus, rikahi-les, a plate-licker; khaya-les or pa,e-les, a lickspittle or toady. (N.B. I have my doubts whether these terms be classical English, but they are good, current, and expressira epithets) . Lie ( 166 ) LW LiCKEKisH, chatora, chathe-baz, khush-khorak, khush- kbor (v. eager). LiCKERisHNEss, cLator-pana, Khush-Uioraki, khusb- khori. Lid, dhakna, dhapna, sar-posh, chapni ; {of the eye) parda, palak ; {having a) dhakne- &c. -dar. Lie, {falsehood) jhuth, daro|^, kizb, tazwir, gh alat. bad-hawa,i ; (to give the lie) jhuthalna, jhutha- k or -banana. To Lie, (n. to tell a lie) jhuth- &c. -kahna or -bolna, khilaf- &c. -kahna, asat-bolna; {to recline) letua, parna, lagna, baithna, dabna, garna ; {to lodge) rahna, thaharna, bichhna ; {down) isti- rahat- &c. -k, daraz-h, satna, lotna, zarain-pakarna ; {to sleep) aram-k, sona ; {to be reposited) rakha-h, dhara-h, para-rahna ; {to be) bona, rahna ; {to belong) pahunchna ; {to depend on) maukuf-h, munhasar-h ; {to lie in) piron meii-h, dard i zih mea-h, khalasi-pana, khalas-h. janna; {to lie with) milna, sona, mubasharat-k ; {to lie under) maghlub-h, majbur-h : it may be here observed of the verb parna, that, in acceptation, as well as application, it is remarkably extensive, and in both circumstances very much resembles the English verb. LiEOE, khudavand i ni'mat, jahan-panah. LiER, {one who lies down) letwaiya, letanhar. In Lieu, {instead of ) 'iwaz, ba-ja or ba-ja,e. Lieutenant, ka,im-makam, ja-nishin, khalifa, na,ib ; {in the army) jam'-dar, prop, jama'at-dar : it must, however, be allowed that this word has a more general meaning, and (as it etymology implies) is as applicable to a captain or commander, as to any subaltern whatever. LiEUTENANTSHip, LIEUTENANCY, ja-nishim, ka^ui- makami, ^ilafat, niyabat. Life, jan, ji, pran or paran, riih, hayat, zindagi, zlst, zindagani, rawan, jiyura, atma, bolta, jivan, hiya, jitab, dam ; {confined for) da,imu-l-habs ; {may your life be long) chiranji raho, 'umr daraz bad or bada ; {while life remaint) zindagi-bhar, ta ba-zist, jite-tak, ta dam i zist ; {to be over fond of life) jine par marna ; {conduct) ma'ash malshat, guzran ; {continuance of life) 'umr ; {vivacity) achpali, chanchala,i, jan-bazi, phurt, chusti, chabuki ; {narrative) tazkirat, whence tazkiratu-sh-shu*ara, the lives of the poets ; {to the life) hu ba hu, bi'ainihi ; {to lead a life) zin- dagani-k, guzran-k, &c. -k, chal-chalna ; {life- giving) jan-baWish, pran-dewa. Life-guards, khass- or jalebi-risala or -chauki. Lifeless, be-jan, be-dam, be-ruh, murda, be-ji, murdani, wajud i mu'attal, naksh i diwar; {spiritless) murda-dil, be-dil, afsurda-Miatir. Life-rent, hayati-patta, 'umr-patta. Life-time, tamam-'umr, 'umr-bhar, bin hayat, janam-bhar, auk;at-basri, jivan-kal. Lift, {act of lifting) utha,o, utha,i, teka. To Lift, uthana, charhana, khinchna, barhana, buland-k, sarfaraz-k, unchana, usahna, rolna,' ham- mali-k, utha-lejana, ba|^al-marna ; {to elate) phula-d ; {to lift up) utha-d or -lena ; {to give a lift) ufha,e-d. Lifter, {porter) hammal, uthwaiya, charhwaiya. Ligament, pai, pafh, nas, patha. Ligature, {bandage) band, dora, patti. Light, (sub.) ujala, raushani, raushna,!, jilS, tajall!, nur, nurani, ^iya, jalwa, tab, tabaui, dara^ishani, jot, farogh, shu'ia, .shu'ii', partaw, injor, yot, lam'a, chandnii, sham' ; {of the moon) chandni ; {sight) nazar, nigah, lnna,i ; {knowledge, instruc- tion) basarat, 'ikn ; {point of view) rah, tarik. tarah ; {taper) raushani, chiragh, diya, whence akas-diya, a light suspended in the air on particular occasions ; {to come to light) khulna, phfitua, nikalna, zahir-h, ma'lum-h, namud-h; {to bring to light) kholna, zahir-k, nikalna ; {to stand in the light) ujala-lena ; {to stand out of the light) ujala- or andhera-chhorna ; {branched lights) si-shakha, panj-shakha. Light, (adj.) halka, subuk, khafif, mukhaffaf, injori; {green) pista,i ; {trifling) chhichhora, chi- ba,ola; {unconstant) be-sabat, be-wafa; {easy) asan, sahl, phul-ka, mula,im ; {as diet) parhezi, subuk-bar, kam-wazn, malat ; {clear) ujala, raushan, ujla, safed, khula ; {as colours) phika, halka ; {as troops) chhara, jarlda; {a body of light horsemen) chhari sawari. To Light, (a.) raushan- &c. -k, jalana, silgana, batti- &c. -barna or -lagana or charhana ; {to givt light) raushani-k; (n. to alight) utarna, nazil-h, milna ; {to rest) baithna ; {to fait) parna. girna, lagna, ana; {to light on one's feet) pair ke bhal-girna ; {to light on one's head) sir ke bhal-girna. To Lighten, (a. to make less heavy) halka- &c. -k, Idiali-k; {to cheer) bahlana, tasalli-d; (n. to flash) chamakna, lahakna, laukna. Lighter, {large boat so called) bhar. Lighterman, bhar-dar or bhar-wala. Light-fingered, hath-lapak, hath-chal. Light-footed, subuk-pa, subuk-rau, subuk-raftar. Light-headed, tihi-dima|^, be-dimagh, be-roaghz chiba,ola ; {delirious) be-hawass, be-khud. Lxoht-headedness, be-hawassi, be-hoshi, madhushi. Light-hearted, subuk-sar, subuk-dosh, subuk-bar, zinda-dil. Lighthouse, fanus, minar or minarat (hence minaret) . LiGHTLT, thora, zarra, tanak; {without reason] thori bat par, be-sabab, be-ba'is; {foft'y) ahiste, dhime ; {readily) jaldi, eka-ek or yakayak Lightness, halka,i, subuki, chhichhor-pana, halka- pan, be-istiklali ; {nimbleness) chalaki, phurt. Lightning, bijli, bark, bij, chapla, kaundha; {struck with lightning) bark-zada, bijli-mara. Lights, {lungs) phephre, shush. Lightsome, raushan, ujla, munawwar ; (i'^iyj farah-bal^sh, rahat-bakhsh. taskin-bakhsh. dil- nawaz, dil-aram. Lightsomeness, raushani, ujala. Like, muwafik, barabar, eksan, hamwar, manind, sha- bih, nazir, mumasil, misal, hamata, hamsar, musha- bih, mutabik, saman, naman, misl, shamil, mu'adil, ham-shakal ; (to be like, or take after a person) parna, jana ; {he is like his father) wuh apne bap par para hai ; {to be like, agree) milna. Like, (adv.) jaisa, jis-tarah, ba-san, namat, sarika or sirika ; (in comp.) sa, san, wash, war : thus, like a man, mard-sa ; {like the morning) subh- war ; {like what ?) kaisa ; {like me) meri tarah, mujh-sa ; {like master, like man) andhi nagri, chaupat raja. To Like, chahna, rijhna, pasand-k, kabul-k, mail-r, ji-daurna, manna, pana, lalakna, ma'il-h, man- &•(".. -lagna, dant-baithna. Likelihood, daul, asar, surat, ihtim&l, guman, tawahhum, bharosa, honari, shakal. Likely, (adj) muhtamal, 'akli, honhar, ru-ba^lih. Likely, karibu-l-'akl, chahiye; imott likely) ghalib. aghlab, ba-tarik i aula. To be Likely, 'ay-chahna ; {it it likely that) aphlab liai ki LIK ( 167 ) LIT To Liken, bar5bari-k, mukabila-k, mumasal-k, upa- ma-d; {to one's self) apni aisi kahna, apni ha,i-janna. Likeness, muwafakat, mumasalat, mutabakat, tasha- biih, tamiisul, tashbih, sarikba, bamta,i, misal, tarasil, sbaijahat; (form) surat, shaki, rup. Likewise, bhi, niz, satbi, upar is ke, ma-siwa, 'alawa. Liking, chah, khwabisb, sbauk, rijh, lalak, chaska, cbat, sardha. Lilac, {tree or blossom) baka,en or bakain, ban. Lily, sausan, sosan, saman ; {water-lily, lotos) kaawal, padam or padma. Limb, 'azu, gatar, band, tukra; (a loeariness in the limbs) a'za-sbikani. Limber, chimra, pilpila, lijlija, nmla,im, narm, dbila, rabru. Lime, {/or building) chuna, ahak ; {lemon) ka- ghazi-nimbu ; {used with betel) safedi ; ^uick lime) kacha-chuna, barl; {slackened) bharka ; {a kind of fine lime) kali ; {bird- lime) lasa, shilam. To Lime, chuna- &c. -d or -lagiinS,. Lime-burner, chvina-paz ; {lime-kiln) chiine ki bhathi. Lime-stone, gatti, kankar; {lime-water) kals-ab. Limit, hadd, ihata, nihayat, danda, siwana, thikana. To Limit, hadd-k, mahdQd-k, band-k, mukaiyad-k, baudhna, rokna, maukuf-k, munhasar- &c. -k, kaid- &c. -r, munkata'- &c. -k. Limitation, hadd, ihata, nihayat, tahaddud, hasr, takhsis, bandhan, kaid, inhisar, hadd-bandl. Limited, mabdud, mahsur, muhat, monbasar, makh- sus, khass. maktu*, bandhej. Limner, {painter) chitera, musawwir, nakkash. Limp, {halt) kachak ; (adj. vapid) be-maza; {to limp) langrana, lang-k, panw-manna. Limpid, shafiaf, saf, musaSa, nir-mal, nitra, zu-lal, bilauri. Limpidness, sbafi^fl, safa, safa,i, nir-malta, nitra,!. LiMPiNGLT, langrata hu,a, girta-parta. Linchpin, kili, chabi, zamin. Line, khatt, lakir, dhari, jadwal, tahrir, misal, dand, rekh, dandira; (0/ men) katar, pant; {lineage) jar, mul ; {measure) tar, bal ; {of a book) satr, misra', bait ; {lines for writ- ing) ; mistar ; {string) dor, rishta, tanab; {delineation) naksba ; {rank) saf, para ; {trench) khandak, kha,i; {equator) khatti istiwa; {progeny) nasi, asl, silsila. To Line, {clothes) astar-d or -lagana ; ■ {a box, &c.) marhna ; {to coal) astar-kari-k, le,o-lag- ana; {as a dog) lagna, bharna. To Line or mark out, chbe,o-marna, rasi-daurana. LiNEAQE, asl, nasi, nasab, silsila, hasab-nasab. Lineal, sidha, rast ; {linear) mukhattat, khatti. Lineament, khal-khatt, cUI-daul, surat. Linen, (sub.) kapra, katan or kattan; {white stuffs) safed-baf, opposed to rangiu-baf, coloured cloths, chintz. Linen, (adj.) suti; {linen-draper) bazzaz. To Linger, marta-rahna, ringna, hing-hagna, dukh- men-rahna, bhinakna, rat-rat-inarna, panw-pitna, kburi ghas-ghas-marna, khat-lagna, tul-khichna, muddat-lagana. Lingering, daraz, tawil, muzmin, der-pa. Linoerinolt, der-ke, ring-ke, ahiste. Linguist, zaban-dan ; — — {interpreter) dubahusi, dii- biiashiya, tarjuman. Liniment, marham, tila, lep (v. ointment) Lining, astar, bhitala, miyani, marhan; {of trunk) marh. Link, kari, kulaba, silsila, dewati, panja ; {connec- tion) rishta, halka, laga,o; {torch) mash'al. To Link, jorna, milana, musalsal-k, bandhna, lagana. Link-boy, mash'al-chi, bari. Linseed or Lintseed, alsi, tukhm i katan ; {oil\ aIsi ka tel, raughan i katan. Linstock, {match) falita, sokhta, batti, tora. Lint, alsi ka san, tisi, alsi, phaha, suf. [danak, dab. Lintel, sahoti, pata,o, sardar, chaukat, patautan, gar Lion, babar, sher, asad, bagh, sheri-sharza, haidar, hazbar, singh ; the latter is a favourite surname among the Sikhs and Raj-puts, such as Jai-singh, the lion of victory : Balwant-singh, the strong lion ; Chet-singh, Cceur de lion; Ram-singh, &c., whilethe terms sher, asad, and hai dar are common among the Musalmans, such as, asadu-1-lah, the lion of God ; haidar 'ali, the lion of 'Ali ; {a lions whelp) baghela ; ^— {Jjold as a lion) sher-mard ; {a lion's den) thar. Lioness, singhni, sherni, baghin, baghini. Lip, lab, honth, shafat or shafat adhur, sufar; {vulva) palla ; {to make a lip) honth-bichkana. LipoTHYMY, {faint or swoon) ghash, gheri. Liquid, rakik, patla, mnzab, narm, mula,im, saf. To Liquidate, ada-k, sakit-k, utarna, torna, be-bak- k, patana, niwarna. LiQUiDNESs, Liquidity, rikkat, patlahat, narmi, saH. Li QUI FACTION, gudakht, gudaz, pighla,o, tari:ik, galan. LiQuiFiABLE, kabil-gudaz, gudazinda, galan-jog. To Liquify, (a.) pighlana, galana, gudaz-k, autana; (n.) pighalna, galna, gudaz-h, autna, bhila-j, sihirna Liquor, shurb, pani, dudh; {strong liquor) daru, sharab, ras, 'arak, shira. Liquorice, jethi-madh, mul-hati, aslu-s-siis; {the extract) rubbu-s-siis ; — {seeds) ghungchi, rati, lal. Lisp, Lisping, Inknat, tutla,i, giriftagi, zaban-giriftagi. To Lisp, tutlana, luknat-k. Lisper, tutla, alkan, loknati, hakla. List, fard, fihrist, siyaha, ism-wari, tafsil, ism-nawisi • — — {arena for wrestlers) akhara, kushti-gah, mai- dan ; {desire, &c.) chah, khwahish. To List, {to chuse) chahna; {soldiers) rakhna, nam-likhna. To Listen, List, kanso,i-k, kan-lagana, -dharna or -dena, sunna, kanhar-lena, mutawajjih-h. Listener, kan-so,iya, kan-laga, kan-hariya Listless, ^afil, murda-dil, afsurda-dil, ^unuk, thandha, sard, algharz, kam-shauk, be-shauk. Listlessly, ghaflat- &c. -se, afsurda-dili-se. Listlessness, ghaflat, be-]Aabari, majhuli, kahili, susti, murda-dili, afsurda-dili. Literal, harfi, lughwi, asli, lafzi, lafzan,balafzi-hi, achharl, khatti, tahti-lafzi, hamil-matan ; {lite- rally) lafzan-iafzan, harfan-harfan, harf-ba-harf. Literati, 'ulama, fuzala, maulawi, shaukin, 'ilm-dost. Literature, 'ilra, 'ilmiyat, fazilat, 'ilm fazl. Litharge, {oxide of lead, &c.) murdar-sang, murdS- sang. Lithe, chimra, tuta (from tutna, to become supple). To Litigate, daVa- &c. -k, kaziya-k, &c. Litigation, da'wa, bad, kaziya, jhagra, tanta, maoa- za'at, kissa-kaziya, ragra. Litigious, jhagralu, jhagra.u, bakheriya, laranka, jang-jo, kaziya-jo, tante-baz, parkhashi, mahkama- dallal, miifsid, kaziya-^or or -dallal or -dost ; {disputable) jhagre-ka. LIT ( 168 ) LOG IjTiniotJSNESs, jang-jo,i, kasiya-jo,i> tante-bazi. Litter, palki, nalki, miyana, hujla, chau-pala, sukh- pfil, chandol, doli, muhafa, mahmil, hauda, 'aman, dhachka, dola, chau,ala ; {rotten as dung\ mu- tari; (for horses) aHior, ghas ; (brood) jhol ; (of things) kurkat, bala.e-boghma.khas o khashak, kura, ala,e-bala,e. To Litter, janna, byana, bache-lana, sewna, bhar- marna ; [for a beast) ghas- &c. -bichhan'a ; (a room, &c.) bala,e bo|^ma- &c. -f-e bharna. ijIttle, thora, tanak, andak, kam, zarra, kalil, barkhe, juzwi, kuchh, chhota, saghir, ^urd, nanha, kochak, tang, adna, past, ranchik^ alap, ochha, chunamuna, teni, past-kadd ; {a little) tuk-ek, kuchh-ek, ta,o-bha,o, kaJri-kalil, thora-bahut, thora-sa, chande sadr-'amak ; (so little) etna-sa ; (a little fdlow) gurji ; " [by little and littlt) thora-thoya, andak-andak, rafta-rafta, hote-hote ; {he i: a little belter) kuchh bhala hai ; {as if it were little) jano ki thori bat hai ; {not much) kuchh nahln. For diminutive terminations corresponding to our kin in such words as manikin, &c., see the Grammar, p. 84. Littleness, kami, andaki, killat, chhota,i, tangi, kih- tari, subuki, adna-pan, halka-pan,pasti,be-ghairati. LiTURGT, adab i namaz, namaz-ka, ka'ida, kanun- nama. Live, jiti, zinda ; (a live coal) jita ko,ela. To Live, jina, zinda- &c. -rahna ; {to past life) zindagi-k, chal-chalna ; {to stay or dwell) rahna. basna, tikna, thaharna, chalna, ki,im-h; {to escape) bachna; {to feed) khana, charna; {to live well) birajna, 'aish-k, jashn-k, aram-k, maza-urana or -lutna ; {to live poorly) dokh- bharna, din-katna. Livelihood, rozi, rizk, azuka, guzran, ma'ishat, nibah, rozgar, ma'ash, ab-khurd. zindagani, wajah-guzran, jivanopaya, adhser-ata, tukra, tehra, gahbar. Liveliness, zinda-dili, khush-dili, Wiush-taba*i, chan- chalahat, achpali, chulbiilahat, shokhi. Livelong, daraz, tawil, kathin, bhari, bara, tul-tawil. Lively, (adj.) zinda-dil, khush-dil, khush-tab'. chan- chal, achpal, chulbula, sho^; {as colours) khula, pharchha; {tutie) bhar-tal ; {strong) mazbut, pura, kamil ; {as language) tarrara, fawara, (striking) zihn-nishin. Lively, (adv.) zinda-dili-&c. -se, khush-tabal-se. Liver, (j'ecur) jigar, kaleja or kalija, kabid ; (of animals) kaleji ; (an obstruction in the liver) 6udda,i-jigar ; (-coloured) jigari. Ljver, (living) zi-ruh, jagta ; (in comp.) guzran, khor ; (a virtuous liver) nek-guzran ; (a bad liver) bad-ma'ash. Livery, bana, nishan ; (livery-man) bana-dar. Livid, nila, uda, pila, zard, nlla-pila. LiviDiTY, LiviDNESs, zardi, pilabat, nil-Ami. Living, (adj.) jita, zinda, jan-dar, gi-ruh. Living, (sub.) ma'ishat, guzran, ma'ash ; (crea- tures) jan-janwar; (good living) chahaJ-paJial, 'aish-'ashrat, 'aish-jaish, ^ush-|^iza, (v. cheeer). Li4ard, chhipkali, sipkali, tiktiki, chilpasa, bamhani, girgit, goh, bis-khopra,bichhaunt,pali,sarta,kirkila, hirba, pahwa, lotan, bistu,a ; (the stnall house-) siplak. Lo, dekh, dekho, lo, a,e-wah. Load, bojh, bojha, moth, bhar, l&d, ladi, bharti, choj, lada,o, bharota, po^^ pushtara, phancfi, bin^. balhl, bar i khatir. To Load, ladua, bojhn&, bojh- &c. -d, bharna, pur-k, nia'mur-k; (to make heavy) pur-bar-k, bliari-k. Loaded, bhara, bojhel, iSdQ, lad&, pband&, bojh-dar, bar-kash, mahmula, aluda; (■a loaded gun) bhari-banduk. To be Loaded, ladna, bhar-jana, bhar-pur-h. Loader, ladiya, bhame-wala, &c. Loadstonb, Bang i ma^atis, chamak-pathar, abac ruba. Loaf, kumach, panw-roti ro|i, rota. Loaf-sugar, kand, iUniz. Loam, (clay, earth) pindol, gil, khak, mriti. Loan, 'ariyat, udhar, karz, wam, dain. Loath, kashida, munharif, rii-gardan, ni-raz, anmana. To BE Loath, ji na chahna, daregh.-ralm& or -ana, khich-rahna. To Loathe, matlana, nafrat- &c. -r, nmathnft, uktana, kachiyana, hichna, hichakn&, jabadiia, hirakna, ghinana, ji-bharna or -phima. Loathful, Loathsome, matrflh, karih, gbinawana, nafrat-angez. Loathing, nafrat, kar^hiyat, cbifh, ghin, gorez, kacbiyahat, kachapan. Loathsomeness, karahiyat, nafrat-angezi Lobby, de,orhi, pesh-dalSn, jilo or jilau-kl^ana. Lobe, tuki-a; (of the ear) bina-gosh, kachiya, narma,i gosh, lahar, naul, lolki, phank. Lobs-pound, (prison) lal khan lakra. Lobster, jhingS, chhingyi-machhli. Local, makani, mahalli, Miass, asthani ; (know- ledge) wakif-hali. Locally, bil-makan, ba-nisbat i makan. Loch, talab ; (thcA which has a constant tupply of water) maru. Lochia, lohu-pani, na^. Lock, (of a door) kufl (vulg. ^ulaf), tSla; (of a gun) kal, champ; (of hair) zulf, kakul, gesu, ja'd, babri, alak, lat, jhonta, sat-kala, jatha ; (of wool) pahal, phaha, gala, poni; (of grass) gili, dasta ; (grapple) da,o, pech, band, paiajr . To Lock, kufl-lagana, mukaffal-k, tala-d, band-k. LocKED-JAW, dant-kir, jabri-band. Locker, ^ana, sandiik, sandokcha. Locket, (amulet) kunj, tukma ; (small lock) tali. Locomotion, nakl i makam or nakl i makan. Locust, tiddi, tiri, mala^, jarad, tid; (fly) bham-bhiri. Lodge, ghar, khana. takiya, bangle, b^rah-dan. To Lodge, (a.) tikana, utarna, rakhna; (to place) dharna; — — (to fix) garna, baithalna, lagana ; (n.) rahna, tikna, basna, thaharna, baithna, ikamat-r, kiraya- &c. -par rahna ; (at night) shab-bashi- k, basera-k ; (to halt) ma^am-k, parna, utarna. Lodgshent, (collection) jama,o, iljiamat, tika,o. Lodger, asami; (resident) mukim, bashinda, kir&,e-d5,r, bhSrait ; (a fellow-lodger) ham- khana. Lodging, tika,o. bud-b&sh, gunja,ish, thikani, makan, jagah, rahwa,i ; (board and lodging) ma^ami- ^oraki, khila,i-tika,i. Loft, kotha, atali, bam, tand, dhawal, ta^ta-bandi. Loftily, (proudly) ghurur- &c. -se, shan-se. Loftiness, bulandi, uncha,i, irtifa'; (pfid*) ghurur, takabbur, magra,i, akar-bazi ; (tubli- mity) buland-parwazi. Lofty, (liigh) buland, uncha, a'la, murtafa', bal5, 'all ; (sublime) buland-parwaz ; (proud) magh- rur, sir-chafha, akar-baz. Log, (piece of wood) kunda, tani ; (log-book) roz« nauia, jahaz ka roz-nama. LOG I 169 ) LOS LoooBRHEAD, LoGOEBHEADED, ahtnak, ga,udi, be- wukfif, sada-lauh. To FALL TO LoaoERHEADS, ghusam-ghusa-k, mukaw- wal-k. Logic, mantik, nya,e-8hastar, 'ilmi munazira, sab- deudu sekhar. Logical, mantiki; (logically) az ru,e mantik. Logician, mantiki, sahib-mantik, naiyayak, sabdendu sekhari, bidiya-bilasi. Logwood, patang, sandal sur^, bakam or bakam. LoHoc, Linctus. lufaak, chatni. Loin, Loins, kamar, miyan, dand, kat, karchand, kar- ha,on, lang. To Loiter, tal-tol-k, tal-matol-k, athlana, atakna, makhiyau-marna, pichhwana, ram-rahna. Loiterer, ^afil, na-bakar, mathusa. To Loll, (n.) leta-rahua, para-rahna, aram-k, lotna lot-pot-k ; [to hang out) nikla- or latka-rahna ; (a.) nikal-d. Lone, Lonely, Lonesome, tanha, ekla, akela, udas, muhish, sunsan. Loneliness, Loneness, tanha,i, udasi, wahshat. Long, lamba, daraz, tawil, bara, tara, bahut, tid-jtawil; (story) tumar ; (/a'") dur ; (as a vowel) mamduda, pulit, gur, dirgh ; (dilatory) dhila, ahista, dirang ; (^^ong life) 'umr i daraz ; (a lo7ig time) muddat, muddat-madid, ban der, chir- kal ; (the long mark on letters) madd ; (to be long) deri-k, dhil-k ; ■ ■ (ere long) thore dinon men, ko,i dam men: (long ago) muddat-se, jabhi-se, bahut roz-se, kab-ka ; (long and broad) lamba-chaura ; (the whole day long) tamam din bhar ; (all his life long) us ki tamam 'umr bhar ; (as long as) jai-din, jete-roz, jabtak. To Long, ji-chalna or -daurna or -chahna or -mail- Ac. -r, dil-dauranii, mushtak-h, tarasna, lobhana, lahriyana, ji-lag-rahna, chashm-wa-h, lalchana, dil- tapakna, mangna. Longevity, 'umr ki darazi, 'umr-darazi, chiranjivata. Longing, chah, raghbat, khvahish, hawas, shauk, ish- tiyak, mail, arman, chat, lalach, chaska ; (of pregnant women) sad, sidhaur. LoNGisH, lamba-sa, kuchh-kuchh-lamba. Longitude, tul, lamban ; (a degru of longitude) darja,i tul. Longitudinal, lamba-lamba or Iambi-Iambi, khara. Long-lived, ziyad-'umr, daraz-'umr, chiranjivl, za,idu-l-'umr. LoNGSOME, bara, daraz : (as time) pahar. Long-suffering, (adj.) mutahammil, halim, shakeba, Long-tail, (Cut and-) amka-dhamka, amir-fakir, (t. tag rag and bob-tail). IjOnqways, Longwise, lamban-men, lamba-lamba. Long-winded, daraz-dam, tul-kalami. Looby, (lubber, drone) mathusa, mache-tor, kunda na-tarashida. Look, na^ar, nigah, drisl}t, disht, dith, zHhir-hal, zaban-hal. Look ! dekh ! (looky look !) lakh-lakho ! To Look, dekhna, nazar- &c. -k, herna, niharna, lakh- na, takna, chita,ona, nirekhna, nazar-milana ; (well into) thonk-baja,e-ke lena; (towards) nigah- or ankh-milana or -uthana, &c. ; (to ex- pect) intizar-k; (to observe) ghaur-k, lihaz-k, dhyau-k, nazar-k; (to seem) sujhna, nazar- •jna, ma'lum-h, lagna, dekh-parua, dikhla,i-d ; (to look about one) khabar-dari- &c. -k ; (to look well) khush-ana ; (to look for) rah-dekhna ; (to look after, &c.) khabar-lena, khabar-dar-h; (to look out) aukh-phailana or -pasamk Looker, dekhwaiya, dekhanhar, dekhne-wala ; (in comp.) bin, whence tamash-bin, a spectator at any diversion. Looking-glass, a,ina, arsi, mirat. Looks, (appearance) surat, shaki, manzar, rup. Loom, rachh, ras, tant. Loon, (rascal) la'in, mal'un, bad-zat, dushman. Loop, phali, tukma, halka, phanda, phansi ; (the hoop for catching the loops of a tent) phali -kash. Loop-hole, rand, tir-kash, rauzan. Loose, (adj.) khula, chhuta, dhila, sust,kushada; (lax) wasi'; (wanton) fahish, shaukin, mastana; (unconnected) be-rabt, be-zabt; (not costive) mula,im, narm ; (not rigid ) be-kaid, khulasa. mokla, narm, alga, pulkha, phas-phasa; (lax) mulaiyin; (us style) kacha, kham ; (as a bank) kachhar; (to break loose) khulna, chhutna, nikalna, tora- or chhora- bhagna; (to let loose) chor- or khol-d ; (in principles) sust-paiman, sust-iman, khul-khela, kasht-chhut, kliolni, chikna. [ (to move) hilna, dolna. To be Loose, (in conduct) khul- or chhut-khalna ; Loose, (sub.) azadi, riha,i, makhlasi. khalasi. To Loose, kholna ; (to liberate) chhorna, azad-k, riha-k, Htalas-k ; (to relax) dhila-k, sust-k. Loosely, halka, sarasari, khule-bandon; (negli- gently) ghaflat-se ; (irregularly) bekaidi-se. To Loosen, (n.) khulna, chhutna, alga- &c. -k. Looseness, dhila,i, kushadagi, was'at, phaila,o ; — — (irregularity) be-kaidi, be-zabti, gum-rahi, itli^; (lewdness) masti ; (diarrhcea) is,h5l, jiri- yan i shikam. To HAVE A Looseness, pet-chalna, shikam-chalna. Lop, Lopping, pala, chhant, tarasha. To Lop, chhantna, tarashna, katna, katarna, kat-d. Loquacious, ziyada-go, bakki, batuni, takriri, batak- kar, bat-banwan, pur-go, fuzul-go. Loquacity, bak, bar-bola,i, ziyada-go, i, bakwas, &c. Lord, sultan, khawind, malik, sahib, aka, wall, wall, makhdum, sardar, kad-khuda, nath, mahipat, iswar, gosa,in, swami, dawar, sartaj, rabb, whence rabbu- l-'alamin. Lord of the universe ; (title) ra,e, Wian, beg, mir (contracted from amir), saiyid, maula; (my lord) maula-na, khudawand, hazrat, also your lordship. To Lord, sahibi-k, khawindi-k. hukumat-k, rabbi-k. LoRDLiNO, rajulli, sahibwa, amirwa. Lordliness, amiri, sahibi, shaikhi, khudawandi. Lordly, amirana, maghrur, khawindana. Lordship, amarat, malikiyat, sar-dari, khudawandi, sahibi , (title, as your lordship) hazrat. Lore, {learning) 'ilm, fazl o hunar, gun, bidya. To Lose, khona, kho-d or -d, gum- &c. -k, ganwana, jane-d, chhorna, hirana, gumana, pech- or gham- &c. -khilana or -khana, chhijna, gira-d, rul-d ; (opposed to win), harna, maghlub-h, shikast-khana (contrary to £rafn), nuksan- &c. -uthana, zerbar-h; (to bewilder) bhatkana, gumrah-h ; (to squander) urana, lutana; (to miss) chukna, bhulna ; (to lose hope, &c.) torna, katna, mun- kata'-k; (to lose all hope) hath-dhona. Loser, harii, harela, maghlub, kho,u, khowanhar, harwaiya. Losing, hara,i (opposed to jita,i, winning) . Loss, nuksan, zarar, Tdiisara, mara, tota, mazarrat, tut, shikast, jhola, zak, han, chapet, pech, chatti, kam kast, karda, khad, fauj-shikast, kam-wazni, lagar, zawal, izala, mufarakat ; (at play, &c.) har, maghlubiyat; (destruction) tabahi, halakat (in gnmes) khilal, hara,i ; (doubt) waawasa LOS ( 17'> ) LUC To BE AT A Loss, hairun-h, l&-char-h, pareshan-h. LoflT, pirn, gha,ib, mafkud, za,i', kharab, bar -bad, faut; (losi, and ffone) napaid, gaya-gaya, gaya- gU2r§, dubanhar. To BE Lost, kho-jana, jata-rahnS, gum- &c. -h, chhOt- na, nikal-jana, bhatak-jana, gir-j ; {asavesserj mara-j,. tabah-h; {as a roady &c.) marna, bhulna. Lot, nasib, kismat, bhag, bakht, bahra, ab-khurd, dana- pani, dheri, banti, khunt, dhar, tuda, kur'a e kismat, pala,bah, fal, chithi, ankha-kora; {die) kur'a; {portion) hissa, bant; {to cast iota) kur'a-d, pana-marna, tinka-nikalna. Lotion, pani, ghusal, shustagi. Lotos, Lote, handkuki or andoh-kuku, kanwal, pa- dam or padma ; {roots) bhis, bhisand ; {leaves) purain. Lottery, kur'a-bazi, sharti, chithi ka kheL LovAGE, {plant) kashara, anjadan i rumi. Loud, buland, iincha, sakht, kara, bhari, bara; {to speak loud) pukar-ke-bohia {a loud voice) buland-awaz. Loudly, buland awaz-se, pukar-ke, zor-shor-se. Loudness, bulandi, sakhti, sbiddat, shot. Love, 'ishk, chah, shauk, khwahish, ta'ashshuk, mail, hubb, hawa, piyar, chah-chit, tapak. maya, sliafkat, maroh, lau-lagan, birih, 'ashild, yari, prit, prem, mob, ras, birag, lag, neh, chholi. net; (beloved) person) mahbub, ma'shfik, pyara, chaha, yar, gul- badan, priya, paran-priya; {reciprocal love) mu'ashaka, chaha-ciiahi; (the love of one's country) hubbu-1-watan ; {for the love of God) khuda ke waste, khuda ki rah-par. To Love, chahna, 'ishk- &c. -r, 'aziz- fee. -ror -jannfi : {fo make love) 'isk-k or -lagana: {/o fnll in love) dil- or ankh-atakna or -lagna, 'ashik- Ac. -h, ankh-lagana, 'ishk-uthna, lag-lagna, gathna, bindhna, yari-jorna, nirikna; {to be in love) atakna, bajhna. Love-apple, wilayati-baingan, gut-baiugan. Love-knot, 'ishk-pech, birih-ganth. Love-letter, ta'ashslmk-nama, shauk-nama, 'islik- nama. Loveliness, khub-surati, husn, khubi. lujf, dil-bari, dil-kashi, mahbubiyat, raunak, naznini, nazakat. Lovely, pyara, naznin, latif, matbu', khub-surat, mahbub, makbul, kabul-surat, 'ishk-angez, dil-bar, dil-kash, sa,ohla-salonri, hasin. Lover, 'ashik, talib, birogl, muhibb, sajjan, p!, piya, prltam, premi, rasiya, lala, jan-supar ; {gallant) yar, ashna: among the names of lovers famous in Eastern story are the following : farhad, yusuf, maj- nun, ranjha, kamrup and nal or nala, whose fair ones respectively were shirin, zulaikha, laila, hir, kala, daman, or more properly damayanti. LoTE-SECRET, raz niyaz. LoYE-siCK, majnun, farefta, maftun, man-rogi, birih- rogi, dil-afgar or -figar, biyogi. Lovx-SONQ, ras-git, ghazal. [gari. Love-tale, shaukiya; {love-toy, present) yad- Lotiho, 'ashik, shaf ik, mushfik, muhibb ; {or fond of) shir o shakar, laulln ; (in comp.) pa- rast, dost. Lovi no-kindness, shafkat, rahm. Lovingly, 'ashikana, 'ashikwar. To LoDNGE, harza-phirna, harza-gardi-k, par&-phim& or -rahna, dhahi-d, data-rahna, t&ng-phailani. LotiNOER, harza-gard, mache-tor, jahiz ka kawl, ^ahiyd. LocBB, jflA, chillaf , l|:\unmal, 4hll, riij, sapash. To Loose, jun-marna, ju,en-dekhn§, sir-dekhni; reciprocally) ju,an-ju,en-k. Lousy, {mean) ganda, dun, ju,en-bhara, chilrahi, junaha, dlillaha, rujaha, malamatl. Lout, dabang, bhainsa, gadha, na-tarashida. Low, (adj.) nicha, past, nasheb, adna, nich, chhota, kih, zer, baithwan, sifl; (mean) kamfna, pjji. dun, sifla, faromaya; (shallow) fithla; (deep) gaihra or gahra, itar, pa.ih, zeriii, niwan, kha- lar, bhagla; (in price) sasta, arzan, manda. ghatiya ; {in stature) pa.it- or kotah-kadd, za- mjh-doz; {not loud) dhima, halka, madhim, mula,im ; {as latitude, water, &c.) thora, kam ; {depressed) udas, afsurda, sust, za'if; {low water) sar-bhatha, opposed to high water, pura- jawar. Low, (adv.) niche, tale, zer: {softly) ahiste or aste, dhime, haule ; (in comp.) past, dun ; (hoto low ?) kahan tak ? ' so low) ihan tak ; (to speak too low) muuh men bolna. The Low, {people) nich-log, itarjat; {low and high) chhote-bare. adna-a'la, khurd o buzurg. To Low, {as an 02;)bambana, dakarna, hunkam&. Lower, pastar, farotar, kamtar, asfal, adnatar, akall, pfijintar, tarla; {the lower extremities) a'za e asfal. Lower, Lowering, jhuka,o, mka,o, ghamand, ghor, tariki, ghanghor, tiragi ; {aullenness) tursh-ru,i, kashid, khich. To L"WER, (a., to depress) nicha- &c. -k,dab&na,torna, girana, utarna, jhukana ; (to lessen) ghatans, kam- &c. -k ; (n.) ghatna, utarna, ghata-uthua To Lower, (n as the sky) jhukna, rukna, ghirna, umandiia, mandal-ana ; (to frown) ghurna, ghurakna, ghurerna, kashida-rahni. Lowermost, Lowest, nicha, sab-se nicha, kamtarin Lowland, zamiu-nasheb, nichan, maidan. Lowliness, (humility) hilm, 'ijz, burd-bari, faro-tanl, mula,imat, tahammul, inkisar {abjectness) ta- nazzul, zullat, gharibi. [sadh. Lowly, (adj.) faro-tan, bhola, halim, burd-bar, gharib, Lowly, (adv.) faro-tani- &c. -se, gharibi-se. Lowness, nicha,i, pasti, chhota,i, kamina-pan, arz3ni> halka,i, mula,iniat, kami, udasi, afsurdagi, susti. Low-spirited, afsurda-dil, shikasta-dil, murda-dil, sard-dil. Low-thouohted, past-khival. dun-himmat. Loyal, namak-halul, mustakim, muti' ; — — {as a wife) patibrata, sati. Loyalist, padshah-dost, padshahi-banda. Loyally, wafiidari- &c. -se, namak-halali-se. Loyalty, namak-halali, wafa-dari, farman-bardih, ijta'at. Lozenge, lauz, l^urs or lauz-kars, bata^. Lubber, Lubbard, &c. kam-chor, lak:undra, ma- thusa, niwala-hazir. To Lubricate, chikna- &c. -k, tela-k, chiknana. Lubricity, chikna,i, chikuahat, phislahat, dasumat. duhuiyat. Lubricous, chikna, phislaha, dasumat-dir. Lucid, Lucent, darakhshinda, barrak, t&ban, limi', saf, musaffa, nir-mal, nitra, nikhra; {a lucid interval) ifakat, hoshiyari ka wal^t. Luck, nasib, kismat, tali', bakht, bahra, bhag, nachha- tar, bakljt-awari, nabit, karm, lilat, lachhrai, pairi, lagan, sugun, maksiim ; - {ill-lnck) kam-ba^tl. bad-bakhti ; (to be in hick) nasib- &c. -jagna ot -khulna. Luokjly, kismat- &c. -se, ^uda-saz, bhagon. LUC ( 171 ) MAC Luckiness, ^ush-nasibi, baWht-yari, it:bal, nek-akh- tari, bhagmani, daulat. Luckless, kam-bakht, bad-bakht, bad-nasib, wazhun- bakht. nigun-bakht, abhagi. Lucky, Hiush-nasib, bakljt-awar, nasib-war, bakht- yar, ikbal-mand, nek-bakht, nek-akhtar, tali'mand, sabib-bakht, lagni, suguniya; {as time, &c.) mubarak, sa*id, humayun, farrukh, subh, nek, achchha, salih, opposed to talih ; (in comp) su or su, nek, ^ush, as nek-fal, a lucky omen ; ]^ush- kaul, a lucky expression; su-ghari, a lucky hour. Lucrative, ft,ida-ba^h, mufid, munafi', sud-mand, gunja,ishi, jaiyad; {very lucrative) kasiru-1- manfa'at. Lucre, sud, naF, labh, dban, prapti. To Lucubrate, sbab-lAezi- &c. -k, shab-bedar-hona. LucuBRATOR, shab-khez, shab-bedar. Ludicrous, maskhari. zor, gudguda, khand-angez. LuDiCROusLT, maskbaragi-se, maskharapan-se. LuDiCRiousNESs, maskhara-pau, maskharagi, tazhik. To Luo, ghasitna, khichna, nikalna (also to lug out), sutna, karhna. LuoGAGE, bala,e bu gli ina, agar-bagar, al-janjal, partal, boriya-badhna, kachar-kuchar, kammali- gathri, lipri-batana, chakki-chula, langar. LuKE-WARM, gunguna, shir-garm, kumkuma, susum, mm-garm, kam-nigah ; {indifferent) sard-mihr, be-khabar, ghafil ; {to make) kuinkumaiia, samona {by pouring cold into hot water) . LuKE-WARMLY, sard-mihri- &c. -se, majhuli-se. Luke-warm NESS, sbir-garmi; {indifference) sard- mihri, ghaflat, taghaful, majhuli, be-khabari. To Lull, solana, nind- or khvab-lana. lori-d, tha- pakna. Lumbago, chik, dard i kamar, ambat. [ala,e-bala,e. Lumber, bala,e-batar, lanjar,allar-ballar, agar-bagar, To Lumber, atna, bharna, bala,e, baghma-d. Luminary, raushani, sham', mash'al, siraj, sitara, chiragh (which last is used figuratively as an in- structor of mankind) . Luminous, raushan, munir, nurani, ujala. Lump, tukra, tuk, para, parcha, dhela, rora, dala, dali, bhinda, dhondha, dhema, pera, lo,i, pari, bhel-a or -i, chhopa, launda, dhaunsa, mucha ; {of meat) chakka, boti ; {the gross) majmu', kull ; {in the lump) sab mila kar, kuUu-hum. To Lump, milana, makhlut-k. ghal-mel-k. Lumpy, pindoli, tukre-dar. Lunacy, diwangl, sauda, shoridagi, sheftagi, junun. Lunar, kamari, mahi, chandra ; {month) chan- dar-mas (opposed to sur-mas, a solar month). Lunatic, diwana, saud4,i, sirri, ba,ola or bawala. Lunation, daur i kamar, sair i kamar, chandar-pher. Lunch, Luncheon, tukra, kalewa. Lungs, shash, phephre (pi. of phephra), riya. Lupine, (pulse so called) turmis, ba.killa,e misri. Lurch, {to leave m the) bala-men-chhorna, kharabi- men dalna. To Lurch, {cheat) thagna ; {as a ship) lorhna. Lure, tu'ma (vulg. tamba), chara, fareb, lalach. To Lure, khichna, jhukana, lana, lalchana. To Lurk, daba or chhipa- or poshida-rahna, dabakna, kamin- or gara- or daba-baithna, ghat-men baithna. Lurking-place, kamin-gab, ghat, ghar. Luscious, mltha, shirln, maza-dar or maze-dar, laziz, rasila, mast, shahwat-angez. [lazzat. Losciocsness, mitha,i, mithas, shirini, maza-darl. Lust, masti, shahwat, kam, \vta, nafsaniyat, hawa o bawas, ag, nafs, ras, bah, madan, ishtiha, lalach. To Lust, masti- &c. -k, chahna, raghbat-r. Lustful, mast, shahwati, shahwat-parast, uafsaai kami, raswant, shahwat-nak, ahli-hawas, hawasi. Lustfully, masti- &c. -se, shahwat-se. Lustfulness, shahwat-parasti, kam, nafsaniyat. Lustfully, zor- &c. -se, dilerana, himmat-se. Lustiness, zor, mazbuti, zor-awari, shahzori, ta- wana,i, )diar-masti. Lustral, suchkari, mutahhir. Lustration, {purification) ashnan, arspars, suchkiir. Lustre, nur, chamak, raushani, raushna,i, jilii, jalwa, chamkahat, jhalak, ab, ab-tab, raunak, ab-dari, shu'a', pani, bharak, prakas, 'aks, lali; {renown) shuhrat, ishtihar, uam-wari ; {sconce) jhar ; (lustrum) panj-sala. Lusty, mazbut, /.or-awar, shah-zor, bal-want, khar- mast, chaudhar, gadbada, su-pind, hatta-katta, ta- wana, tanawar, chak-chauband. LuTANiST, bin-nawaz, barbat-nawaz. Lute, {paste) satan ; {musical instrument) jtam- biir, bin, barbat. To Lute, satna, dam-band-k. To Luxate, {put out of joint) ukharna, faskh-k. Luxation, ukhra,o, faskh, [or bahutayat. LuxuRiANCY, ifrat, kasrat, ziyadati, barha,o, buhtat Luxuriant, ziyada, kasir, wafir, babut, shokh, mast, be-haya. To be Luxuriant, dhandhana, phula-phala bona. Luxuriantly, bahut,ba-ifrat,bahutayat-se,kasrat-se. Luxurious, 'aiyash, shauki, khush-ma'ash, petu, anandi, aram-talab, jashan-baz, muchhe-bor, nafs- parast. Luxuriously, 'aish o 'ashrat- &c. -se. Luxury, 'aish, 'ashrat, 'aish-jaish, khushi, aiuuid, 'aiyashi, shikam-parwari, jashan, bhog, nafs-pai- wari, hawa,e-nafsani, rang-ras, bhog-bilas. Lying, darogh-go,i, labar-sabar, jhuth-muth, khiiiif- go,i, &e. A Lying-in Woman, alwiinti, jacha Lymph, pauchha, pani, ras. Lynx, chita, palaug, ban-billa, siyah-gosh. Lyre, barbat, sarod, bin. vinfi. Lyric, {poem) rekhta, kasida, ghazal. Lyrist, bin-nawaz, barbat-nawaz. M Macaw, {bird so called) kaka-tu,a [cockatoo). Mace, sonta, chob, 'asa, gurz ; (a spice) jawitri, basbasa, bazbaz. Mace-bearer, sonta-bardar, 'asa-bardar, yasawal, chobdar. To Macerate, {steep) bhigo-r; {make lean) ghisana, dubla-k. Maceration, bhiga,o, dublapa, dubla-pan. To Machinate, bandhna, jorna, ganthna, mansiiba- &c. -k. Machination, bandish, sazish, sakhtagi, sakht, fitrat, bandhnu, mansuba, gharaz. Machine, ala, zarf, kal, san'at, jantar. Machinery, kalkanta, kalbal, jantar, sanat-tad} {imagery) tautiya, san'at. Machinist, kal- &c. -saz, kal-kari. Macrocosm, 'alami kubra, dunya, jahan. Macula, Maculation, {slain) 'li;;]i •" dagli-d&ii. MAD ( 172 ; MAK Mad, dlwana, ba,oI&, siri, sauda,i, mabhut, maftun, farefta, sbefta, bauraha, be-chbipt, inatwala, baikal, ba,o-jhaki, kamla, sLaidi, Idialal-dimagh, khabta, piigal, pagla ; (a mad dog) bauliina kutta. MADAsr, bi-ji, bi-sahib, bi-bi, begam-sahib, khanam- sahib. Mad-bbained, Mad-cap, shorida-sar, wahshi. To Madden, (n.) ba,ola-jana, diwana- &c. h ; (a.) di- wana- &c. -k, baulana, bhonkana, bauriyana. Madder, manjith, runas, chhar-chharila. Made, bana, banaya, masnu', sa^ta; {ready made) bana-banaya. Mad-house, sauda,i-UiaDa, pagal-kfaana. unmattalay. Madly, diwana-war, diwana-sa. Madman, diwana ■idmi, shorida, &c. (v. mad) . Madness, diwanagi, diwan-pan, sauda, junun, maj- nuni, mabhuti, inaftuui, be-hoshi, be-khudi. faref- tagi, sheftagi, baurahat, majnuniyat. Magazine, malAzau, silah-^ana, kor-khana, gola, ganjina, khazana, niajmu' ; (in comp.) khana, ■wbence barut-khana, a powder magazine. Maooot, kira, kirm, pilu,a ; {whim) lahar, khiyal. Maooott, kiraha ; {capricious) laharl, mutalaw- wiq. Magi, majus, mugh, atash-parastan. Magic, afsun, jadu, jadu-gari, sihr, totka, sihr-bazi, silir-kari,.'azimat-liwani, nairangi, tilism, tilismat, istidraj, taskhirat, hazirat. [gutka. Magical, afs'uni, jadu,i, tilismati, tilismi; {pill) Magician, jadu-gar, afsun-gar, sahir, tonha, sihr-kar, sihr-baz, sihr-saz, 'azimat-khwan, nairang-saz, nm- sakhUiir, musahhar, da'wati. [ghurur. Magi^tekial, mutakabbir, sahibl, hakimi, pur- Magisteriallt, mutakabbirana, kibr- &c. -se, haki- mana. Maoisteeialness, shaikh!, takabbur, kibr, ghurur. Magistracy, hukumat, 'amili, riyasat, sarkar. Magistrate, hakim, 'amil, ra,is, faujdar, 'amal-dar, 'amil-wakt. Magnanimity, himmat, uli-l-'azmi, 'ali-himmati, bu- land-himmati, hausila, an, anban, dhun, istiklal, dil dimagh. Magnanimous, uli-l-'azm, 'ali-himmat, jawan-mard, sahib-hausila, buland-himmat, shuja', anbani. Magnanimously, jawan-mardi- &c. -se, diler-war. Magnet, miknatis ormagbnatis, ahan-ruba, chumak- pathar, chumbak. Magnetic, Magnetical, miknatisi, jazib. Magnetism, jazibiyat, kuwwat i ahan-kash. Magnificence, tajammul, jah o jalal, thath, shikoh, shaukat, dabdaba, hashmat 'azmat huha, farr, rau- na^, hausila-mandi, ta'azzum, nakhwat. Magnificent, sahib-shikoh, abl i hashmat, 'azimu- sh-shan, humayun, muhtasbim, 'ali-shan, mu,azzaz, maha, baya, 'azim, buzurgwar, ba-shan ; {fond of splendour) sahib-hausila, hausila-mand. Magnificently, jah o jalal- &c. -se, nakhwat-se. Magnifier, mubaligh. maddah, sana-khvan. To MAGNiii'y, bafhana, mubaligha-k. maddahl-k, saua-khviini-k, buland-k, sarfaraz-k. Magnitude, {greatness) bara,i, kalaui, 'azmat, bolandi, kadr; {size, dimension) dil, kadd o kamat, audaza, bistar, 'ar^ o tul, kibarat, kibr. Magpie, nil-kanth. Maid, chira-band, bakira, kii,ari, kurl, doshiza, dukh- tar, na-kad-khuda ; {servant) asU, sahelx, chak- rani, nafrani, da,i, urda-begni, naukrani, sakhi, all, tahlawi ; {of honour) bhattu, k^awassin ; '- {cruel, in poetry) kafir ; {virgin) anbedhi- moti, ajagi. anliyaln. Maiden, (adj.) dukhtan; {fresh) taza, n^ya* kora, saf. Maiden-uaib, sambal, sha'ra-l-arz, parsiyawshan. Maiuenuead, chlra, chira-bandi, bikr, bakarat, doshizagi, zafaf ; {to take a maidenhead) chira- u'tarna, bikr-torna, bakarat-lena. Maid-servant, asll, &c. ; {slave) laundi. Majestic, shahi, khusrawi, padsbahi, saltan!, huma- yun, 'all, buland, bara, 'azimu«-sh-shan. • Majestically, shah-war, shahana, amlrana, jab o jalal-se. Majesty, buzurgi, jalal, 'azmat, kibriya,i, shikoh, ja- lalat, tamkanat, mahabat, shaukat, salabat, dab- daba, jah jahal, man, bandagan i 'all, bandagan i hazrat, saltanat, hukumat, ^awindi; (tith) hazrat, jahan-panah, kibla i 'alam, zilli subhaui, janab i 'all ; {if it jdease your majesty, I shall explain the matter) hazrat zilli subhani ki marzi agar ho, to fidwi 'arz kare. Mail, jaushan, zirah, chara,ina, baktar, jal i silahi. Mail, {conveyance of letters) dak; {fx^Q) kam, kharlta, thaili, dak-wale kl thaili. Maim, sadma, aseb, dhakka, zakhm, gha,o, nuksan. To Maim, langra-k, zakhmi-k, nuksan- &c. -k. Maimed, zakhmi, gha,il, majruh, aseb-zada, langra- lula. Main, (adj.) awwal, mukaddam, paihla, bara, aham. Main, {ocean) samundar, darya,e-shor, bahr i muhit, kar-darya, properly ka'r i darya , (in comp ) shah, maha ; {gross) majmu', kull ; (at dice) dazi ; {force) zor, bal , {-land) barr, bar; {with might and main) jidd o jihad, josh kharosh. dil-torke; {coup de main) marda- mardi. ^Iainly, {chiefly) ghaliban, aksar, bahut, ziyada. Main-mast, bara-mastiil, dol, asl-mastuL Main-prize, hazir zamini (v. bail, &c.). Main-sail, bara pal sir, jahaz ka, asl-pal. To Maintain, {affirm) da'wa-k, shart-k, bana-b, bada- badi-k, badna, kahna; {to keep, defend) rakhnu, sambhalna, thamna, himayat-k, pushti-d, ta,id-k, takwiyat-k ; {to support) palna, posna, par- warish-k, ktabar-giri-k, khabar-lena, 'uhda-bara,i- k, nibahna, nibah-k, khane kapre ki khabar-lena. Maintainable, mumkinu-1-himayat ; {justifi- able) hujjat-pazir. Maintenance, parwarish, khabar-giri, pardakht, part-pal ; {living) rozi, kut, ma'ishat, guzrau, nibah, nibera, kar-rawa,i, nafka (allowed to zamiu- dars), nau-kar, mukaddami, malikana; {defence) himayat, muhafazat, pushti, pachh or pakh. Maintainer, haml, pushtl-ban, palak, parwaranda. Main-yard, bari balendl, parwan. Major, {greater) bara, &c.; {of a syllogism) kubra, mukaddam ; {officer) ulush-dar ; {of full age) jawan, bulu gh bali gh . Major-domo, sarbarah-kar, mukj^tar i kar, karbiri, kul-kulan, musharuu ilailii, mulira. Majority, aulawiyat, aksar, aksariyat, kasrat, buhtat, beshi, sarsa,i ; {fuli age) 'akl o biilughat. ja- vani. Maize, {Indian com) ju,ar, hajara, maka,!, jinor, ba- hadra ; {large) jawara, bhutta. Make, {texture) banawat, sakht, andam, angeth, badan, kant-tant ; (structure) banauri, karni, kartab : {form, frame) chhab, angleth, taugtos, kuwa. To Make, {in a general sense) kama ; {tp create) paida-k, khalk-k. makhluk-k, banana ; {to form) dhalna, garhna,tarkib-d,murakkab-k,sirajna, utj^at-k, uadhua, bandhua, paraa, k:u-leua, baua-d MAR ( 173 ) MAN or -leni,, badna, lagaua, dalna, mama; {to cause) karna, karana, rakhna, denS ; (a wedding, &c.) rachana; (money) kamana, hathiyana, jorna, batorna, jam'-k ; (to sham) dikhlana, [to call) bakhanna, kar-inaniia,kar-janna,ginna; (to compel) this is generally expressed by the causal of the verb ; thtis, to make one drink, pilana (from pina, to drink) ; {to make run) daurana (from daurna, to run) ; {to gain) naf -uthana, hasil-k; {to effect) asar-k, tasir-k, byapna; (to constitute) thahrana, mu'aiyin-k ; (to make away w th) ura-lejana ; (io make away with one's self) apne ta,m khapana, apni jan nikal- d, apne ta,m za,i'-k; (to make free) gustakhi-k. be-adabi-k ; (to reach) ana, jana, chalna, daur- na, pabunchna; (to make up a loss) bharna, dena, wafa-k ; (to make the most of a bad bar- gain) ag lagante jhompri, jo nikle so labh ; (to make sport) thatha-marna ; (make haste) a-ja, jaldi karo ; the verbs karna, banana, &c. are much used in the formation of compounds ; karna, in cases oi commission or simple action; andbanana, iu/aftn- cation or creation ; thus, hasil-karna, to acquire, to make the acquiring ; kapra banana, to make or fabri- cate a piece of cloth. Makee, khaliU, afrinanda, karta, sarjak, sadha,u, sud- haru, banane-wala; (in comp.) gar, saz, kar, doz, kari, band. Making, ghani, bana,o, sazi, kartut ; (cost of) bana,i, mazduri. Mal, Male, (in comp.) bad, na, ku or ku, uir, be, &c. Mal-administration, bad-'amali, bad-intizami, bad- riyasati, bad-hukumati. Malady, maraz, rog, bimari, azar, pira, vyadhi. Malapekt, dhith, shokh, bad-lihaz, be-adab. Mal-CONTent, na-razi, bezar, nil-khush, bad-zann, bad-bar, ku-mana. Male, nar, naruka, narina, puling. J\[alediction, bad-du'a, kosa, la'nat, srap or shrap. Malefactoe, bad-kar, gxmah-gar, mujrim, aparadhi. Malevolence, Malice, Maliciousness, Malig- nity, bad-khvabi, bad-andeshi, fasad, bad-gumani, bad-zanni, 'aib-jo,i, khubs. kapat, bair, lag. Malevolent, Malicious, Malignant, bad-khwah, bad-andesh, bad-zann, bad-guman, bad-mizaj,kina- kash, bad-sugal, klna-war, shutur-kina, nesh-zan, ghunna, sharir, khira, 'aib-jo, jhutha, ku-mitr, khabis, bad-batin or -dil, khunsiyaha, akrab, kaj- nazar, siyah-talu. Malevolently, Maliciously, Malignantly, Ma- i,iGNLY, bad-khvalii- &c. -se. Malice, &c. (v. supra) kina, bughz, badi. Malignant, &c. (v. supra) manhus, muhlik, halaku. Mal-kin, (mop) ponchha : (scare-crow) bichka. Mall, me^-chu, mongra, mungar. Malleability, narmi, mula,imat, koft-paziri. Malleable, narm, mula,im, koftani, koft-pazir, kii- ta,u, mom. Mallet, mongfi or mogn, me^-chob, koba. Mallows, (plant) khatmi, Ichabazi, khairuj, gul- khairu, ramtaro,i, bhindi, ghiyataro,i. Malpracticb, bak-tariki, bad-waz'i, bad-chali, khwari. To Mal-trkat, be-chali- &c. -k, ulta-k, bad-sulukl-k. Mal-teeatment, be-ada,i, bad-suluk!, be-tadbiri, be- chali, ulta,i. [-wala. Maiversation, chakar-makar, fann-fareb, hila-ha- Mam, Mauha, mama, ma, maya, mamak, amraa. Mahhon, (riches, money) mal, daulat, dhau ^ Man, (person) admi, mard manus, manukh, mana,!, mansedhu, miusa, insan, bashar, kas, shakha. jana, nafar, nar, puns, muns, adam-zad, mard-bacha, ja- ■wan,sipahi,birdh,kalsara,nas, kira,janajat,mardum; (varieties) sasa, birkhab, turang, mirga ; (in address) bha,i ; — — (man or piece at some games, such as backgammon) got, goti, nard ; (good man) ghar-wala, kama,u ; — — (opposed to woman, boy, coward, &c.) mard, purukh ; (not boy) barn; (this is a game for men, not for boys) yih bafoii ka khel hai chhoton ka nahin; (man in the moon) miyan ntirdi ; (one, any one) ko,i or ko,i- admi ; (at chess, &c. muhra; (in familiar address) miyan ; (in comp.) wala, sahib, ahl, zu, zi ; thus, a milk-man, dudh-wala ; (a man of abilities) sahib-sha'ur; (to make a man of one) admi- or shalchs-banaua ; (ho ! man, come here) are-miyan, idhar a ; (a man of war, i.e. a ship of tear) jangi-jahaz ; (the noblest of men or creatures, generally applied to Muhammad) ashrafu- 1-makhlukat : the terms anaj ka kira, pani ka kira, &c. are occasionally applied to man, as granivorous. To Man, (or equip with men) admi-r, sipahi-r or -bharna. Manacle, hath-kari (pi. hath-kariyan), dast-band. To Manacle, hath-kari-d or -lagana, dast-band-k. To Manage, chalana, karna, karana, sarbarahi- &c. -k, saranjam-k, nibahna, guzran- &c, -nibahna ; (a house) ghar-k or chalana, jugana, sarna, sadhana ; (to govern) thamna, zabt-k, rokna, band-k, thik-k ; (to train) banana, arasta-k. Manageable, halka, satka, subuk, khush-lagam. Management, sarbarahi, kar-guzari, ihtimam, sar- barah-kari, kar-sazi, pesh-kari, intizam, zimma, tadbir, sudhra,o, banawat, bana,o, kartab, ijra,e- kari, mansiiba, karawa,!, ihtiyat, salika, hikmat; (economy) kifayat, sarfa. Manager, sarbarah-kar, kar-guzar, muhtamim, ihti- mamchi, pesh-kar, darogha, kar-pardaz, ijra,e-kar, kar-saz, saranjam-kar, zimma-dar, kar-farman, ka- rinda, kam-kaji, tadbiri, mansube-baz. Mandate, hukm, amr, farman, manshur, hasbu-1- hukm, bazu, nishan, tauki'. Mandatory, hukmi, farmani, farma,ishi. Mandrake, murdum i giyah, satrang, lakhmana, lakhmani. [murad. Mane, ayal or yal, chonti: (long-maned) yal- Man-eater, mardum-^or, manushya-bhakta. Manes, saya, ham-zad, ruh, pitar, pinda; (to sacrifice to the manes) pama. Manful, mardana, jawan-mard, diler. M.\jjfully, mardana-war, mard-sa, mardi- &c. -se. Manfulness, mardanagi, mardi, mardumi, dileri. Manqcorn, goja,i, birra, kewati. Mange, kharish, khujli, aginba,o, khaura. Manger, than, khurli, charn, go,end, ma'laf. Manginess, khaura,i, kharisht. To Mangle, tukre-tukre-k, purze-purze-k, kuthar-d, kima-kima-k, dhajjiyan-urana, kharab-k. tike-tike- k ; (a verse) dehaba-k. Mangler, kharab-saz. kassab, bigaru. Mango, (a celebrated Indian fruit) am, amba, nagh- zak ; (species) ko,eli ; (liquor) amjhora ; (preserve) guramba ; (to grow ripe) jali- parua ; (a young mango) ambiya, kairi, tikora; (if marked and fragrant) ko,el-padda ; (tree) amola ; (mango flowers) maul, banr, karaJi, manjar ; (mango slices dried) am-chur ; (the inspissated juice cf mangoes) am-ras, ama- wat ; (the acrid resin that issues from the fruit) chemp ; (the first mangoes that fall from the MAN ( 174 ) MAR tree) sip, which are followed by the tapka or mature; (a mango ripened in the house) pil k& Sim, op- posed to dal ka am, that which ripens on the tree ; (two mangoes growing together) saut ; (mango fish, a very delicious small fish caught in the Hoogly about the months of May and June, when the mango is in season, hence, probably, the name) tapsi- or tapassi-machhi or machhli. Mangy, kharishti, pur-kharish. khujyaha. Man-hater, insan-dushman, mard-dushman. ' Manhood, {virility) mardi, rajuliyat, purkhat, purakh-bha,o, pushtta ; (opposed to childhood) jawani, shabab, bulugh, joban; {prowess) mar- danagi, mardumi. Maniac, Maniacal, majnun, diwana, sauda,i. Manifest, zahir, barmala, parghat, khula, 'wazih, 'alaniya, sarih, mashhud, haweda, mujalla, 'ayan, fash, badihi, raushan, zahir o bahir, mubarhan. To Manifest, batlana, dikhlana, dalalat-k, zahir- &c. -k, kholna. jManifestation, Manifestness, izhar, tauzih, tasrih, zahur, sarahat, badahat, batla,i. Manifestly, zahiran, zahira, badahatan, be-shakk- .Manifesto, izhar-nama, surat-hal, fard-bayan, mah- zar. [anek, kism ba kism. Manifold, bahut, aksam-aksam, guna-gun, anek- Manikin, mardak, raardwa, gurji. Man-killer, mardum-kush, adam-kush. MANKiND,nau'i insan, bani-adam, jins i bashar, khilkat, iiiunsarwa, jins i adam, manukh-jatik, 'alami zukur, niard-zat, bete-jat (opposed to beti-jat, womankind). Manliness, mardanagi, mardumi, jawan-mardi, mard-mizaji. Manly, Manlike, mardana, jawan-mard, mardana- war, marda-mardi, mard-mizaj, pa,e-mard, mard-sa. Manna, man, salwa, parjat, shirkhisht; {the medicine) turanjabin ; {of bamboos) tabashir, bansa-lochan. Manner, tarah, daul, taur, waz', dhab, usiub, tar!^, wajh, shakl, rah, sabii, suluk, bha,o, saj, ada, bhant, rup, guna, uihaj, prakar, chhab, gat ; {custom) dastur, rasm, dial, takaza, ut, rit-rasm, kho, watira, namat, nahaj ; {kind) kism, rang; {ad- drcfs) lab lahja ; (in what manner ?) kyunkar, kis-taur, kis-tarah. Mannerly, khush-akhlak, muhazzab, khalik. zi-ald^- lak, mu.addab, susil. Manners, atwar, auza, dhang, akhlak, adab, rah o rasm, nishast-barkhast, uth-baith, chal-byohar, ras- miyat, rah-rit, khaslat, bolchal, kirdar; (cere- monious carriage) zahir-dari, takalluf. Manor, zamin-dari, ta'alluka, 'amala, jagir, rakba ; (holder) rakba-dar ; (lord of a manor) za- min-dar, jagir-dar. Manse, Mansion, haweli, makan, ghar, kothi, manzil, inalial; (of the moon) nachhattar; (in- iiuKpicious) tarika; (in comp j dar, bait, khana. M \N-9LAUGUTEB, mardum-kushi, katl ba khata or -shibba. Man-slayer, mardum-kush, manushya-ghatak. To Mansturpate, mutholi- &c. -marnii, muthaulna. Mansturpation, zalk, mutholi, mushtzani. Manstui'rator, mutholiya. gattarchod, zalkzan. Mantle, bula-posh, raza,i, alfa, ghoghi, doshala, pattu, chaildar, parda. To Mantle, dhampua, chhipana, chhana, uthan&, josh-mama; (to spread) phailna; — '— (to froth) phcnana. Mantua, (a woman's gown) peshwaz, tilak. Mantal, dasti, wazifa: (in comp.) nama. MANUDncTio^r, rah-nama,!, dast-giri, rah-barl. Manufacture, dast-kari, san'at, kar-khana. kir o bar, kari-gari, sakht, banawat. To Manufacture, banana, paidlL-k, kam-men l&na. Manufacturer, dast-kar, kari-gar, sani', banane* wala. Manuuission, azadagi, azadi, riha,i, khalasi. To Manumit, azad-k, chhor-d, khal&s-k. Manumitted, hurr, mukatib, azad. Manure, pans, khat, rih, khadh or khad, rasgoras, sar. To Manure, pahsna, sarna, khadh-dena. Manuscript, dast-khatt. dast-nawishta, kalami-kitab. Many, bahut, buhtere, dher, aksar, wafir, bisiyar, kasir, mutawaffir, muta'addad, kiiaile, bahu, ati,ant, basa, saikron, ka,i, kete, bahutsa ; (rnang times) ka,i dafe; (many men) bahutse admi; (too many) ziyada ; (how many ?) kete, ketne, ka,e ; (so many) ete, etne, tete, tetne ; (aa many) jete, jetne ; (as many as) jetne utne ; (twice as many) duchand, do-barabar, duna, dugna, al-muzS'af; (thrice a^ many) si-chand, tin-barabar, tigun&; (many a man) buhtere admi bahut ek admi. Many-coloured, bu-kalamun, rang-ba-rang, gun-a- gun, bahu-rupi, bahu-rangi, kasiru-1-laun. Many-cornered, bahu-kona, bisiy§,r-gosha. Many-headed, bahu-munda, kasiru-r-ras. Mast-languaqed, (or many-tongued) bahu-bani. Many Times, aksar aukat, barha, bar-bar, ber-ber, bahut-ber, dafatan. Map, naksha, pat, naksha e zamin. To Mar, mama, khalal-k, nuksan-k, katna, bigarna, bhanji-marna. Marble, (sub.) marmar, sang i marmar, rukham ; ■ I'ball) goli, anta; (adj.) marmari, marmar-ka; (to play at marbles) goli- &c. -khelna. Marbled-paper, abri-kaghaz, marmar-mushabih- kaghaz. Marble-hearted, sang-dil, be-rahm, nir-daya. Marcasite, (fossil so called) markasisha or marka- shita, sonmakhi. March, (month of) chait, chaitrik, madhmas. March, (departure, journey) kuch, safar, jatra, mas§- fat, khiram, chala, payan, gawan, uthan, rihiat , (beat) gat. To March, (n. as an army) kucb-k, chal-d, chaln&, jana, nuhzat-k, kadam-k, barhna, tulte-cbalna,jana, tamkanat-.se chalna, dera-nikalna, pa,e-turab-k or -h ; (to prepare for) lad-phand-k ; (to walk gravely) khiram-k ; (a.) lana, lejana, chalana. Marches, (boundaries) siwane, dande, ^udud. Mare, ghori, madiyan, madwan, turangnl, tatwani ; (for breeding) soyan; {tM night-mare^ incubus) kabus, sahi. Marqarite, marwarid, moti, dor or durr, lillu. Margin, hashiya, kinara, lab, hoitth, zih, danti ; (having) hasbiya-dar ; (marginal notes) hashiya; (having) muhashsha. Marigold, phirki, dah-barg, gendSi, sad-barg, daunft, gul-mariyam. Marine, bahri, darya,i; (acid) 'arak i namak. Mariner, Marine, Maritime, ahl i jahaz, bahrif sipahi e bahri, darya,i. Marjoram or Marjoruh, marzanjosh, marw&, nazbo. Marital, zauji, shauhari. Mark, uishau, 'alamat, asar, patS, chinh, pahchan, suragh, nishani, chhapa, phota, tabi', tika, tilak, kaslika, taghma. pakhes, balagh ; [impression) naksh, dagn; (proof) dalalat, dalil, sanad;—— MAR ( 175 ) MAS (butt) nishSna, hadaf; (the price or mark on ciolh) ank, rakam ; [in arithmetic) bikari ; (to avert evil) dithauna ; [dint) pachak ; (points) i'rab, pesh, zer, zabar, bisarg (v. Gram.). To Mark, nishan- &c. -k, -d or -lagana ; {to note) dekhna, nazar-k, rfiaur-k, khiyal-k, dbyan-k, sochna ; {to no^i/y) isharat-k, dalalat-k, bat- lana ; {linen, cattle, Jfcc.) ankna, daghna, godna; {to stain) bharna, aluda-k ; {to mark with the diacritical points in Arabic, &c.) i'rab-d. Maeked, nishan-dar, da gh ! • — {as pages) warak- Markek, ankwaiya, rakam- &c. -nawis. Market, bazar, diauk, pentb, hat or hath, guzri, man- di, char-su, katra. chauhatta, gudri, urdu ; {for horses, &c.) nakhkhus, satti; (a market-man) bazari, hathwaha, hathu,a ; {a market-maker) kharch-bardar ; {a military or head-market) urdu-bazar, urdu-mu'alla ; {a market-clerk) nirkh!, nirkh-darogha ; {market- day) penth ka din, bazar ka roz ; {market-folks) bazari-log ; — — (market-place) tirpauliya ; (market-price, or rate) nirkh, bha,o, arz-bazar; (a grain market tou-n or village) ganj, gola. To Market, bazar-k, sauda-lena, kharid-faro^t- karna. Marketable, bazari, hata,u, bazaru, chalnl, farokh- tani. Mabkiko, daghana, dagha,i, dagh-tasiha ; (iron) dagni. Marksman, nishana-andaz, parto-audaz, achuk, hukm- or shast-andaz, karawal, kadir-andaz. Marl, tin i ^aimuUya, tin i misr, pindol. Marmalade, bihi-ka murabba, turanj-ka murabba. Marmoset, (a species of monkey) raarkot. Marplot, Marrer, mukhill, bigaru, ziyan-kar, nesh- or barham-zan, bhanji-khor or -mar, hani, arange- baz, arbanga. Marriage, nikah, byah, izdiwaj, bhaunri, gath-bandan, 'akd, bibah, jag, sumangli, 'akdi-nikah, kad-khiida,i, lar-bandi, girili-bandi, gath-jura, daucha, shadi (the last word signifies properly a rejoicing, but it is now generally restricted to the marriage feast) ; (a kind of inferior or temporary marriage, peculiar to the shl'as, or followers of 'ali) mut'a ; (a mar- riage contract) 'akd-nama, nikah-nama. Marriageable, kabilu-n-nikah, byahne-jog, bar-jog. Marriage-ceremonies, lagan, rauna-pauna, paroth, khnda,i rat, ratjaga, mau-bhaunri, ma,iyon, chauthi, jalwa, arsi-mu.shaf. Marriage-chamber, ta^t i 'urusi, kobhar. Marriage-clothes, shahana-jora, *urusi-Iibas. Marbiaqe-feast, kanduri, chobha, mihmani, 'urusi. Marriage-fees, 'akdana, nikahana, marauchi. Marriage-present, sachak ; (portion) kabin. Married, byaha (fem. byahi), sohagan, jaggi, nikahi, nikahta, byahta, nakih; (woman) kadbann, gharni, khasm-wali, muta,ahhil, mankuha ; (man) kad-khuda. Marrow, guda, gud, maghz ; (spinal) haram- maghz. Makrow-bone, gude ki haddi, maghz-dar haddi. Marrowless, be-maghz, nirguda ; (-bom) rash- rash. Marrowy, (full of marrow) giidaila, pur-maghz. To Marrt, (to take in marriage) byah-laua, nikah- &c. -k, byahna, barna, ghar-k; (a husband) khasam-k; (a wife) joru-k; (to match) byahna, byah-d, nikah-kar-dena ; (to join a couple, as the priest does) nikah-parhna, akd-b. Mars, (planet) mirri^, mangal, bhaum, jallad i falak, kuj, lohit, angarak, aunsul, baihram, pahlawani sipihr. Marsh, daldaJ, dabar, gilab or gilaba. Marshal, (general) salar, mir-tuzak, ihtimamchi, korchi, nasakchi. To Marshal, saf-ara,i-k, arasta-k, sarna, sudharnS, tulana. Marsh-mallows, Wiatmi. Marshy, martub, sila, tar, pani-se bhara-hu,a. Mart, arang, bandar, ganj, hat. Martial, (warlike) lashkari, jangi, sipahana. Martin, Martinet, Martlet, ababil (y. swallow). Martingal or Martingale, zer-band, pesh-band. Martyr, shahid (pi. shuhada.) To Martyr, katl-k ; (to become a martyr) shahid- liona. Martyrdom, shahadat; (the place of) mashhad. Maetyrology, rauzatu-sh-shuhada, (lit. the tomb of the martyrs) . Marvel, 'ajab, ta'ajjub, achambha, achraj or acharj, 'ajuba (pi. 'aja,ib). To Marvel, ta'ajjub- &c. -k, bbachakna, thithakna, hapakna. Marvellous, 'ajab, 'ajib, 'ajuba, achambha, zor. Marvellously, 'ajab tarah-se, zor tarah-se. Masculine, (in gram.) muzakkar, puling ; (virile) mardana ; (the masculine gender of nouns) tagkir. Mash, malghoba, sabgabla, sani ; (for a horse) ardawa, mahela. To Mash, (inix) sauna, saundna. Mask, (visor, veil) burka', parda, bhes, chihra ; (subterfuge) hila, bahana, fitrat. To Mask, burka'-lagana, chhipana, poshida-k, pinhan- k, makhfl-k, parda-d. To THROW OFF THE Mask, khul-khelua, nikal-khelna, bhes- &c. utarna. Masker, chihra-posh, burka'-posh. Mason, raz. thawa,i, mi'mar, sang-tarash. Masonry, mi'mari, raz-ka-kam. Masquerade, peklina, burka'-poshi, nikab-poshi. Mass, (bulk, lump, &c.) pinda, thu,a, tukra, khangar, dalla, launda, lubdha, pera, kasrat ; (body) jism, jussa; (heap) dher, ambar; (assem- blage) jama,o, ijma', majmii', majma', jamhur, aksa- rin. Massacre, mukatala, khun-rezi, kati, jujh, kata, sanapat, sarbasodhi, gau-kushi, pasumar; (a general massa<;re) katl i 'amm. To Massacre, jujhna, katl- &c. -k, kata- &c. -k; (in cold blood) gau-kushi- &c. -k. Massiness, garani, sangini, kalani, bara,i. Massy, Massive, bhari, garan, wazani, mota, bara, kalan, 'azim. Mast, dol, mastul, satiin, tir, gunrakha, dol, thambh. Masted, dola, whence do-dola, two-masted; si- or tri- dola, three-masted^ &c. Master, malik, khawind, sa,in, wall, waris, makhdum, sami, swami, rauran, nath, prabhu, iswar, wali- ni'raat, munib, gosa,in, hakim, mir, mirzii, ra,e, beg, khan, sahib, barkar, ahl, aka, miyaii, thakur, babu, lala, ji, kh\f aja ; (iu comp.) khuda, wala, nath, sardar ; (o/fl vessel) na-khuda ; ('ifO' house) kad-khuda, mudh, karta, sahib-k^iina ; (abso- lute) mukhtar-kull; (of a school) muUa, pathak. guru ; ( of language) zaban-dan, munshi ; [teacher) ustad, aWdun, pande, miyanji, mu'allim; - — (a young gentleman) siihib-zada ; [uncon- MAS ( 176 ) MAX trolled) muHitar, ghalib, sar i ^ud ; {of am/ art or trade) ustad, nakkad, bani-kar, wakif-kar, mabir, karail, parkhi, sar-amad : some of the fore- going words, such as sahib, are used in composition, compellation, &c. ; and to these may be added zi and gu ; thus, a master of arts and sciences, zi'ilm o hu- nar; {the young masters and misses) sahib -zade sahib-zadiyan ; (a master of arts) maulawi, pandit, bhatacharij, muUa; {little) khuzada, babwa, babajan; {of a boat) manjhi; {main) shah, whence shah-rag, shah-pai, shah-par, Ac. ; {master attendant) shah-bandar, bakhshi- bandar ; {Mr. Factor) diwan-ji ; {Mr. Se- cretary) munshi-ji. It is worthy of remark, that the words sahib and thakur both signify lord: the former is generally applied to the British conquerors of India, and the latter is usually restricted to Hindus of the military caste. To Master, maghlub-k, harana, dabana, torna, sam- bhalna, zabt-k, mama, sar-k, pachharna; {learn) tahsil-k, sjkhna. Master-hand, hathauti, dast-kari. Masterly, (adj.) ustadana, ustad-sa, guni ; (adv.) us- tadi-se, chatura,i- &c. -se. Masterless, be-khawind, a-nath. Master-piece, kamal, san'at, shah-bait, shah-san'at. Mastership, aka,i, sahibi, babwa.i, amiri, &c. Master-stroke, Mastery, ustadi or ustadi, shah- san'at. To Masticate, chikalna, chabana. Mastication, chabna, mazgh, chaba,i, kuchla,i. Mastich, {gum or resin) mastaki or mastaka. Mastiff, {large dog) pahari kutta, darwas. Mast- tree, de,o-dar, asog. Mat, boriya, chata,i, j^ondarl, hasir, mangalkoG, saf, dom, ba,eu, farsh, darma, malhu,a, tatti, tat, tatiya ; ( tor sleeping on) sitalpati ; {for kneeling on) sajjada, khumra ; {-maker) boriya-baf, haslr-baf, bansphor. To Mat, {as hair, &c.) jatiyana; {to lay mats) boriya- &c. ^bihchana ; {twist together) binna, bunua, Match, {of a gun) tora, falita, sokhta. jamgi; ■ {tipped with sulphur) diya sila.i ; — — {game or con- test) mukabilat, bazi, shart, hor; {fellow) joya, juft, jot, nazir, sani, dusra, ham-chashm, ham-sar, hamata, barabar ; {light) batti, fatila, mahtabi ; {flint) chakmak, pallii, takkar; {peer) joj-i, ham-tarazu, jawab ; (in comp.) ham (v. corif fellow, equal, also marriage) To Match, (a. equal) barabat- &c. -k, mukabila-k, mumasil- or mukabil-lana ; {to fight) takr ana, lar- ana, daurana, bhirana ; {to suit or make fit) bar&bar-k, musawi-k, thik-k, milana, lagana ; (to marry) byahna, nikah-kar-lana ; (n.) pahunchna, lagni, milua, barabar- &c. -n. Matchless, la-sani, be-nazir, anutha, anokha, talc, bemanind, be-badal, sarbupar, be-jofa; {pearl) durri yatim, mukta. Matculessmess, be-naziri, be-misali, yakta,! or yak- ka,i. Matohlooe, tore-dar-banduV, khazane-dar-bandfl^. Match-maker, (a go-between) darmiyani, mashata, mashata-kar, agarchalak, bichalQ, dallala. Matcu-makinq, mash&tagl, dallall. Mate, jorft, jot, juft ; {assistant) kSrinda, kam&, kamcra, rafik; {check-maic at chess) mat, shah- mat ; {of a ship) tandail, sarhang (vulg. serang) ; {of a boat) galaiyS ; (in comp.) ham ; thus, ham-jahaz or ham-kishtl, a shipmate. To Matk, {fopair) jofi-b or jo^r^-thahrana. Material, Materiate, mujassam, Jismi, hayCUnl, tan-d&r, m^ddi, angkari, akari, jauhari, jasadi, jis« mani ; {necessary, corporeal, important) mu- himm, bara, darkar, zarur, awas. Materials, saman, saranjam, abwab, s§z o s&m&n, masalah, afibab, lawazima, samagri, bast, chiz-bast, lawazimat, ashya, mar masalah. [yat. Materiality, {material existence) jismaniyat, jismi- Materially, jasamatan; — — {essentially) bahut, nipat, ziyada. Maternal, madari, mata,ii, nutnera, t^aJerS. Mathematical, Mathematically, riyazi ke rii se. Mathematician, riyazi-dan, muhandis. Mathematics, riyaz'i, 'ilm i riyazi, handasa or hindasa. Matins, namaz i fajar, salatu-1-fajar, pratkal-piija ; {song) chuhchuhiy&, gul bang. Matress, toshak, uihalcha, gadala, sathra, dasan. Matrick, Matrix, saneha, kalib, ma'dan. Matricide, {the crime) madar-kushi, matrighat; ■ {the criminal) madar-kush, matrighati. Matrimonial, nikahl, zauji, byah-ka. Matrimony, nikah, byah, byahan, shadi. Matron, mama, bibi, nek-bakht. bafi-b&dhi. Matted, (as hair) jata, tafta ; (to grow matted) jam-jana. Matter, hayiila, madda, jism, jasad, akar, sarup, jau- har, angkar, prakrit; (of fact) asl, mahiyat; {case) ahwal ; {concern) gharaz.; {subfect) mauzu', ma,al ; {affair) kam, arth, karobar, mu'amala, bat, babat, sukhan. parojan ; (ptis) pib, rim, manjh, radh ; {quarrel) kaziya, bahs, jhagra ; {consequence) muza,ika, chinta, parwa ; {what is the matter with you ?) turn ko kya hu,a ? {thitig or object) hakk, babat ; {in matters of arms) lara,i ke hakk men ; {what matter or thing ?) kya kuchh ? {no matter) ham ko kya ? jane do ; {morbid matter) khilt radiya ; (a matter of eight or ten kos hence) kuchh ath das kos ihan se O't kos ath-das-ek yahaii-se. To Matter, {to import) muza,ika-h, honS ; ■^— {to supjMrate) pibiyana. Mattock, {pick-axe) kudali, kudara, gainti. Maturation, pukhtagi, nuzj, paka,o, pakahat, p^ Maturativb, pak, munzij, paka,u. Mature, pakka, pukhta, rEislda, parpak; {ptr- fect) kamil, pura ; {mature in years) s&l-khurd. adher, 'umr-rasida. Maturely, pura, ba-ta,ammnl i tamam ; (to con- sider maturely) ba-ta,ammul i tamam ghaur karna. Maturity, puWjtagi, rasidagi, nuzj, murad, pakhar ; {puberty) bi2ugh, samarthta ; {perfection) kamal. Maudlin, mm-mast, ^umari, ^umar-aMda, alsan&, khumar-chashm ; — — {maudlin-eyes) chashm i nim- mast. Maukish, be-namak, pansor, ubha,u. To Maul, dhunna, pltna, thathana, kut-plt-k, zarb i shallak-d, kobakari-k, koft o kob-k. Maund, {name of a weight) corrupted from man, q.r. in Part I. To Maunder, {to growl) gungunanSL, munh-men bolna. Mausoleum, rauza, makbara (t. tomb, &c.) : the mag- nificent mausoleum at Agra is called T&j-mahal, in which are interred the Emperor Shah-jahan, king of the world, and his queen, Nur-jahan, light of the world. [onda. Maw, {stomach or craw) mi'da, mi'a, jhojh, pot.l. Maxim, makula, masla, ka'ida, k^nun, nit, kahawai. kahtut, kahnut. MAT ( 177 ) MED Mat, {(he auxiliary) is expressed either by saknS, to be able, can, &c., or by the aorist of a verb ; thus, mat/ we also go there ? ham bhi wahan tak ja sakenge ? (may I tell him so ?) main yunhi kahun us se? mai/, -wheu it means to be permitted, can also be ex- pressed by chahna, pana, &c. : thus, you may go, chaho ja,o ; (prop it, that it may not tumble dovm) thambho ki gir parue na pawe ; {it may be) hoga, achhega, bashad, ho,e, ho, haiga, sha,id or shayad ; {be the workman what he may be, do you consider his work) karigar jo kuchh hoga so hoga, par us ki san'at dekhiye ; {may you be happy) Khush raho ; {may you live for ever) jite raho, zinda bash ; {may If may he ? &c.) mujhe or use-parwangi hai ? May, jeth, sukra, jeshth, shahmadar ka chand. May-day, May-game, &c., holi, phagwa. Maze, [intricacy, &c.) uljha.o, pech, gholghuma.o, lapta, gorakh-dhandha, pechpach, bhanwarjal, warta, jhar-jhankhar, jhar-pahar, shaijban ki antari ; {perplexity) ghabrahat, hairani, sar-asimagi. Mazy, pech-dar, chand-dar chand, pechila. Me, {obi. of I) mujh, mujhe, mere, apne ; {his business does not concern me) apne ta,in uske kam se kuchh gharaz nahin ; {methinks) mujhe bichar ata hai, apne ta,in ma'lum hai. Meacock, {an effeminate little man) hiz-mallu, zan- murid, chutiya. Mead, {honey and water) shahd-aba, madh-nir. Mead, Meadow, chaman, mar^-zar, sahet, chaman- zar, sabza-zar, chara-gah, tara,i. Meaoke, dubla, laghar, hakir, patla, nahif, chhin, ^ak, sukta, makar, makra, rakik, durbal ; {diet) parhezi. Meagreness, dubla,i,la ghari, patla,i, durbalta. Meal, ata, besan, ard, pisan, chauts, besan, kanik, sattu, akhra ; {repast) khani. kfeorak, bhojan, azuka ; — — {meal-time, &c.) bandhan, mu'tad. Mealikess, bhurbhurapan, dana-dS^rf, mulayamat. Mealman, ate-wala, ard-farosh. Mealy, bhusbhusa, dane-dar, atisa, dhuri. Mealy-mouthed, pumba-dahan, munh-chora. To BE Mealy-mouthed, munh men pitha-bharna. Meaxy-mouthedness, pumba-dahni, riya-kari. Mean, (adj.) paji, kamina, nich, faro-maya, jilf, hakir, halka, sudar, na-kas, sifla, itar, kam- or bad- zat", a'rzal, rakik, malamati ; {moderate) was'ati, madhim, majhla, kamru ; {fellow) pajora, paji- mizaj ; {middling) miyana, majhola, mu'tadil, bichla'; ~ — (in comp.) past, bad, kam, dun, ku or ku. Mean, ''•ub. medium) ausat, tawassut, i'tidal, madh. To Mean, ma'ni- &c, -r, irada-h, -r, or -k, chahna. Meandsr, bank, pher, pech, ghuma,o, bhanwak, chakkar, mar-pech, gham-ghuma,o. Meaning, {signification) ma'ni, arth ; {intent) irada, kasd, 'azm, mudd'a, ma,al, ant, het. Meanly, pajiyana, kamina-war, fakirana, na-mardi- &c. .se ; {to think meanly of a person) halka- or Bubuk- or hakir-janna. Mkannees, paji-pana, rizal-pan, paji-gari, na-kasi, nullat, hikarat, Wiiffat, subuki, halka-pan, pasti, kami, kaminagi, razilat, itarta. Means, {instrument) wasila, wasatat, ma'rifat, asra, surat, daul, aulamb, wasita, ja,edad, bisat, lawazi- inat ;— — {by his means) uske wasile se ; {for- tune, &c.) maya, sar-maya, punji, was'at, hilla; {by all means) bar tarah-se, har hal-se, ba-har, surat ; {by no means) hargiz, zinhar, kabhi, kabhu, with a negative after them, as kabhi nahin, &c.; (by what means) kyunkar ; {by fair «»• foul means) rasti na rasti, khushi na khushi ; ■ - {by some means or other) kuchh na kuchh daul se, kisu na kisu tarah-se. Mean-spirited, past-himmat, na-mard, be-ghairat. Meant, mafhum, maksud, falimida. Meantime, Meanwhile, in the Meanwhile, is- men, is-darmiyan men, is-mabain men, is-bich men, isi 'arse men, fi mabain, is-antar men. Measles, pan-goti, pansa. Measling, {shaking rain) baran, zamindoz, phuhi. Measurable, kabil i paimud, la,ik-paima,isb, napne- jog, paima,ish-pazir. Measure, map, nap, paimud, paima,ish, andaza ; {for measuring cloth, &c.) gaz, mikiyas ; (liquids, &c.) paimana; {for grain) kattha, pall, kail; {in verse) taul, wazn, mizan, nazm, pariman ; {musical time) tal, tan ; {mo- deration) i'tidal ; {limit) hadd, nihayat, intiha. mend, thikana ; {transaction) harakat, kartab, tarkib, daul ; {medium) bandhan, bandhej ; {beyond) hadd se ziyada, saras ; {for land, &c.) jarib, rasi, katha, dhur, nal, bans, paima,ish, dang ; {for lime, &c.) khonchi, phera, paila ; {in poetry) bahr, chhand ; {for the wrist) batana. To Measure, mapna or napna, paima,ish- &c. -k, minna, nap-lena ; {land) katha-marna ; {to pass through) tai-k, kat'a-k, chalna ; {to judge of ) kiyas-k; {/o proportion) barabar-k, hamwar-k, musawi-k, saman-k, andaza-k. Measureless, be-paima,ish, be-kiyas, be-hadd, be- hisab, a-jokh. Measurement, paima,ish, masahat, jarib-kashi, nap jokh, zabt, arazi, bigha-shumari, rakba-bandi. Measurer, paima, kayyal, napaha ; {of land) massah, jarib-kash, rasan-dar, kathmar. Measures {conduct) tajwiz, mansuba, katkana, chal- dhal. Meat, {flesh) gosht, mans, lahm, hera, sagauti ; (food) khana, khorak, ghiza, ta'am, dana-pani, dana, ann-jal ; {forced) kofta, pilri, anri. A Mechanic, ahl i hirfa, ahl i pesha, pesha-war. Mechanical, kaldar, kalbali, hathauti, 'amali, jawara. Mechanically, jazr o majzur ke ka'ide se. Mechanics, 'ilm i jar 1 sakil. Mechanism, tarkib, banawat, kalbal, jortor, khol- khal, jast-bast. Meconium, janam-guh ; {of foals) rasaut ; {of poppies, q. v.) post. Medal, sikka, tab'a, taghma, naksha. Medallist, taghma-dan, sikka-shinSs To Meddle, dakhl-k, mudakhalat-k, hath-d or lag§na, chherna, chhuna, bolna-chalna. Meddler, har-degi chamcha, da^il, labra, alal- tappu, upar-phatu. Mediate, {intermediate) mutawassit. To Mediate, bich-bicha,o-k, darmiyan-parna, raf i sharr-k, shafa'at-k. JIediatelt, ba-wisatat, ba-wasila, ba-wasta. Mediation, bich-bicha,o, wisatat, tawassut, upakar, miyanjigiri (t. redemption^ intervention) shafa'at (v. iutercessiori) . Mediator, miyan-jl, danniyani, shafi', jawab-.sawali, bichwani, upakarl, sails bU-khair. Medical, Medicinal, tibb ka, tibbi, tabibi, baida,i, aukhadi. Medically, Medicinally, tibb ke ru se, az ru,e tibb, ba ja,e dawa ke. Medicament {medicine, platter) zamad, lop. MED ( «78 ) UEH Medicine, dawa, daru, aukhad, bhekhaj, 'ilaj, darraan, buti, biro : the following are a few of the various and common medicines used by the natives: khagga, palas- papra, kachnar, guraa, ka,e-phal, kapur kachri karanjwa, jonk, chu-chi, maror, phali, lodh-pa^hiui, bachnag, bis-khapra, rengni, bach, bis-mar, uirbisi, jadwar, chok, panwar, chikwan, chikaund, gagan- dhul, ma,in, de o-daru, makhana, farid buti, hulhul, harjor, moch-ras, indar-jau, kamila, kamod, kachur, kaiaunji, jalnim, papita, todri, sang-jarahat, samun- dar-phal or -phen or -khar, or -sokh, nosh-daru, turbud or turbad, gufan, zu'af, anzarut, lal-chhar ; {for horses) kutki, ba,o-baranj, ghur-bach, kali ziri, kalesar. Mediocrity, ausat, danniyan, i'tidal, miyanagi, ausat- darja, madh. To Meditate, fikr- &c. -k, ^aur-k ; {to con- trive) ganthna, sochna, mansuba- &c. -k. Meditation, fikr, andesha, soch, tafakkur, tadbir, an- tardhiyan, istighrak, murakaba, mutala'a, tilawat. Meditative, rauta,ammil, mutafakkir, mustaghrik, fikr-mand, sochi, dhyani, jogi. Medium, au-at, bich, darmiyan, i'tidal, wasatat, wasat, madh, thikana, bandhej, bandhan ; {intervening body) ciiiz i mutawassit ; {in logic) hadd i ausat. Medlar, za'rur, kandas ; {tree) darakht i kandas. Medley, (sub.) khalt, ghal-mel, rekhta, garhganja, sarbsangra, arbarang, kach-kol ; (adj.) makhlut, amekhta, gadbad. Medullary, gudaila, maghzi, majja-sambandhi. Meek, bhola, narm, gharib, salim, mutahammil, bhala; {-eyed) gulab-chashm, Meekly, mula,imat- &c. -se, narmi-se. Lhammul. Meekness, bhola-pan, narmi, mula.imat, hilm, ta- Meet, {fit) thik ; {to be meet, or fit) parna, chah- na, phabna ; {it is meet) chahiye. To Meet, milna, bhentna, mulakatk, mulaki-h, dar- san-h, mukabil-h, du-char-h, dekhna, char-chashm- h, mukh-bhera-h, bat-bhera-h, hirakna, jumna; {and receive) age se lena, peshwa,i-k ; {to as- semble) baham-h, ikathha-h; {to close) bhirna, jutna, lagna; {to find) pana, hasil-k ; {to meet a jjerson on the road who is coming to pay one a visit) istikbal-k, agwani-k ; {to meet one half- way) asna,e rah men milna. Meeting, mulakat, wasl, bhent, wisal, muwasalat ; {assembly) sabha, chaupar, hatha,!, jama,o, suh- bat, sangat, dars ; — — {conflux) sangham ; {o rivers) du-gang, bahrain ; {of roads) du-raha. Meetness, {propriety) bhala,i, zeba,i, sha,istagi. Meorim, adha-sisi, adhokhi, adh-kapari, kirnwahi. Melanaqoque, saud§-shikan or -bur, mus,hilatisauda. Melancholy, Melancholic, zi-maliWiauliya, ahl i ^t^afaljLan, saudawl-mizaj, malul, hazin. [sauda. Melancholy, (sub.) malikhauliya, khafakaa. huzn, Melilot, {plant) aklilu-1-malik ; {root) ghanjar. To Meliorate, bihtar- &c. -k, banana, sadhna, sarna. Mellifluence, shakar-rezi, shlrin-zabaul. Mellifluent, Mellifluous, shakar-rez, shirin-za- ban, shakar-lab, madhuri-bachan, ararit-baui. Mellow, narm, mula,im, ghula, pilpila, pakka, pukhta, rasida, pura, komal, rasiia, lata, utra, ^alwa. To Mellow, (n ) gliulna, pakna, narm-an&, mula,im- &c. -h, ras-par-ivnii, la{.na, utarna; (a.) jilanit, pakana, puk^ta-k. Mellowness, narmi, mula,imat, kamal, pukhtagi. Melodious, rasiia, pur-soz, gulu-soz, mula,im, narm. Mblody, Melodiousness, ras, ilhan,tarana, naghnia, Uv,<«i^, naw&, mulii,imat iiarmi sbirinl, gulu-s"zi. ya, s)i"od Melon, {musk-) kharbQza, phut*, {water-) tar buz, sarda, hinduwana, kachra, jamali, lalmi, sha- hidi, batiklj ; {a melon-garden) fiilez. To Melt, (n.) galna, ghulna, pighalna, bhilana, gu- daz-h, tighalna, pasijna, silana, narm- &c. -h, autna, ta,ona, garm k, pich pichana, kharana, pani- &c. -h or -k, kharna; (a.) galana, ghulina, pighlana, aut- ana, gudaz-k, mula,im- &c. -k. Melter, gudazinda; (in comp.) gudaz. • Melting, galan, pighlahat ; {affecting) dil gudaz, rola,u, soz-gudaz. Member, {limb) 'azu (pi. a'za), band, juz; {aec- tion) fasl, khand ; {of a community) rukn, maj- lisi, ahl, sahib ; {the members of council) sahib- an i majlis, haziran i majlis. Membrane, parda, jhilli, khas, chaddar. [dar. Membranous, chhichhraha, jhiliyaha, pur-khas, khas- Memento, ishara, ima, kinaya, yad-gari, taghma. Memoir, sar-guzasht, tazkira, dastan. Memorable, kabilu-1-hifz, la,i^-yad, ]^ltbil-yad, yad^- war, ta'rifi. Memorandum, yad-dasht, yad-awar, yad-gari, sar- khatt ; {book) bayaz, safina, gutha. Memorial, yad-gar , {petition) 'arz-dasht, wii- jibu-l-'arz, fard i hakikat. Memorialist, wajibu-l-'arz-nawis, fariyadi. Memory, haQza, hifz, yad, sudh, chet. Men, admi, mard, log, janajat, mardom, ashkhas ; {and spirits) ins o jinn. Menace, dhamki, ghurki, chashm-numa,i, sar-zanish. To Menace, dhirana, dhamkanSl, dabkana, chashm- numa,i- &c. -k, ghurakna, dantna. Menacer, dhamki-baz, tahdid-kunanda, dhamka,u. Menage, Menagerie, khush-lAana. To Mend, (a.) marammat-k, rafu-k, banana, snd- harna, ganthna, sarna, jorna, daghrezi-k, daghdozi- k, arasta-k, sajana, sanwarna; (n.) arasta- &c. -h, banna, sudharna, sajna; {recover) bhalii-h, changa-h, roz-bih-h. Mender, marammat-saz, saranhar, sarwaiya, rafu-gar. Mendicant, fakir, darwesh, gada, jogi, jangam, bai- ragi, atith, langot-band, mund-chara, charabru, jalali, urdbaiih, jata-dhari, se,ora. Mendicity, gada,i, fakiri, darwezagi. Mending, bana,i, marammat sazi, arastagi, rafu-gari- Menial, (adj.) jalebi, chakraha, nokri-pesha; {menial servants) shagird-pesha, naukar-chakar. Meninges, {membranes so called ) bheje ka parda. Menology, {register of months) mahwari. Mensal, {relating to tlie dinner table) dastar-khwani. Menses, haiz, kapre, nihani, phul, mahina-wari, mah- wari, haizi-khun, lal-pani ; {to liave the menses) kapron-se-h, sirmaila-h, be-namazi- &c. -h, phul« se-h, kotwal-ka sir-tutna or -phutna. Menstrual, {blood, &c.) haizi; {probation) 'idat Menstruous, napak, be-naraazi. Menstruum, ghula,u, muhallil. Mensuration, masahat, jarib-kashi, paimii,ish. Mental, dili, kalbi, mani, batiui, khatiri. Mentally, ba-dil, dil-se, az-khatir, man-men. Mention, zikr, tazkira, mazkur, charcha, bat-kaha,o, kaha-kahi, muzakira, gikr-mazkur, yad, gosli- guzari, harf-hikayat ; {favourable mention) zikr i khair or -jamila. To Mention, zikr- &c. -k, nam-lena, kalina, takrir-k, zabiin- or munli- par-lana, yad-k, gosh-guzar-k, bakhaunii, bat-chalana, zahir-k, farmana; {in « letter) likhna, darj-k. MEP ( 179 ) MEW Mbphitical, {putrid, noxious) 'afunati, bukhar-aluda. Mercantile, tijarati, saudagari-ka, mahajani Mercature, kharid-farokht, lena-dena, tijarat. Mercenariness, khud-gliarazi. gharaz-ashna,i. Mercenary, khud-gharaz, zar-ashna, gharaz-ashna, rozgari Mercer, abreshmina-farosh, harir-farosh, bazzaz. Mercery, abreshmina-faroshi, bazzazi. Merchandise, (goods, wares) sauda, mal, jins, rakam, bisahni; (act) sauda-gari, tijarat, baipar, banij. To CARRY ON Merchandise, tijarat- &c. -k. Merchant, sauda-gar, baipari, banjara, mahajan, tajir (pi. tujjar), bazargan, baniya, modi, kharidar, sahukar. Merciful, rahim, rahman, ghaffar, amurzigar, karim, mutarabhim (the foregoing are in general applicable to God only) ; (humane) mom-dil, maya-want, dayal, rahm-dil, burd-bar. Mercifully, rahm- &c. -se, karimana. Mercifulness, rahirai, rabmani, rahmaniyat, ^af- fari, amurzigari, mom-dili. Merciless, be-rahm, sang-dil, be-shafkat, kathor, nirda,i or nir-daya, be-pir, be-dard. Mercilessness, be-rahmi, sang-dili, be-dardi. Mercurial, sim-abi ; (versatile) chanchaJ, char- para. Mercury, (quicksilver) para, sim-ab ; (the planet) 'atarid, budh, rohini, dabir i falak. Mercy, rahm, rahmat, dard, plra, daya, marhamat, murawwat, mukt, amurzish, karam ; (power) bas, kabii, hath, changul, kabza ; (to cry out for mercy) tauba-dhar-machana, duha,i-d, duha,i tiha,i-k, taubah- or tauba-k ; (mercy I mercy .') duha,iduha,i! bap-re bap-re ! (lit. father ! father!) whence the ■well-known corruption bobbery or tumult. Mere, nira, nirala, sirf, mahz, fakat, nipat, khali, nij, hi, i, kora, thenth. Merely, fakat, sirf, kebal or keval. Mebetriciods, khilari, kasbi-sifat, chikna. Meretriciousness, (blandishment) chiknahat, chikna- pan. Meridian, nisfa-n-nahar, madhyan, do-pahriya ; (line) khatt i nisfu-n-nahar; (perfection in rank, &c.) kamal, 'uruj, auj. Merit, kadr, jauhar, khubi, wasf, liyakat, sazawari, gun, sawab, hakk, sila, hunar, fazilat. To Merit, sazawar-h, la,ik-h, muktazi-h, mustahakk- h, chahna (impersonally). TiIeritorious, wajibu-I-ajr, mustaujibu-l-'inayat, wa- jibu-r-ri'ayat, jaswant, guni, gunwant, muktadir, mustaujib, ahl i sawab. Merits, (of d case, &c.) nek-bad, bhala-bura, jas- apajas, maram, nasheb-faraz, husn-kubh. Mermaid, jal-mansi, bintu-l-bahr, darya,i-admi. Merrily, shadan, khushi- &c. -se. Merriment, Merriness, tarab, jdiushi, chuhal, ma- ganta. Merry, shad-man, khurram, M^ush, khush-wakt, magan, bashshash, kushada-peshani, prasann, hans- mukh, haiisor, rangila, sar-khush ; (to make merry) khushi-k, anand-k, 'aish-'ashrat-k. Merry-andrew, maskhara, ^ush-masWh^ara, bazi- gar, kautiki, kliilauniya. Mesentery, (gland so called) gheranda. Mesh, khana, jhanjhri, shabka, jali, tor, shabak. Mess, (dish) khana, ta'iira ; (association for eat- ing) ham-sufragl, ham-ta'ami. Message, payam, paigham, sandes, khabar, samachar, bat; (to send a message) kahla or payam-bhejna. Messenger, paig^am-bar or paighara-bar, payam-bai or payambar, nama-bar, paighami, sandesi, du«-., kasid, har-kara, 'asa-bardar, payam-awar, dhawan, payami, dauraha, payam-guzar, rawanna, bnlahar, dhalait, me,ora ; (of good cheer) bashir ; (a special messenger from the king, vested with ample powers and great authority) 'ahdi or 'uhdi. Messiah, niasiha, 'isa, hazrat 'isa. Messieurs, sahiban, babwan (v. master. Sir) . Messmate, ham-sufra, ham-kasa, ham-nawala, nam- piyala, ham-akl or ham-namak. [haweli. Messuage, sa,ir, 'amla, 'ilaka, ta'alluk, pa,in-bagh, Metal, dhat, filizz or fuluzz, durd ; (the metal with which hukkas are made) bidar; (mixed) bhart; (varieties) bidri, kaskat. Metallic, Metalline, dhat-ka, fihzzi. Metallurgist, &c., rasayani, &c., kimiya-gar. Metallurgy, simiya, kimiya, rasayan : a treatise on metallurgy is called dhat-mala or rasayan-bidya. To Metamorphose, phirana, badal-d, mutabaddal-k, naskh-k. Metamorphosis, tabdil, tabaddul, tanasu^, phirwat, autar or avatar. Metaphor, isti'ara, (pi. isti'arat), majaz, rangini, upaman or upama, patutar, kinaya, murad, drish- tant, praman. Metaphoric, Metaphorical, musta'ar, majazi, ran- gin, patutari. Metaphorically, majazan, bil-majaz, bil-isti'ara, isti'aratan Metaphrase, (literal translation) tahti lafzi. Metaphysics, ilahiyat, 'ilm i ma-ba'du-t-tabi'a, 'ilmi- kalam. Metaplasm, (figure in rhetoric) maklub, ulta. Metastasis, (translation or removal) olamb&. Metathesis, (transposition) kalb-baz. To Mete, (measure) napna, paima,ish-karna. Metempsychosis, tanasukh, autar, awagaun. Meteor, shahab, shuhb, luk. Methinks, Meseems, mujhe sujhta hai, mere ta,in ma'lum hota, mujh-ko lagta hai. Method, uslub, waz', tarah, daul, dhang, dhab, auoh, hikmat, salika, jugat, jatan, tartib, intizam, ka'ida, bandhan, sanjam, thikana, bandhej. Methodical, murattab, arasta, muntazam ; (as a person) sahib-uslub, salika-shi'ar, jatani, uslub-dar, sanjida, sanjami. Methodically, ba-tartib, tartib- &c. -se. To Methodise, murattab- &c. -k, sndharna, sajana, sanwarra. Methodist, k^nuni, sufi, bhagat. Methought, mujhe ma'liim hii,a, mere ta,in Jan papa, mujhe sujha. Metre, kafiya, mizan, nazm, wazan, bahr, prabandh. Metrical, mukaffa, manzum, musajja', prabandhi, ba-kafiya. Metropolis, daru-s-saltanat, daru-1-khilafat. pa,e- takht^ rajasthan, daru-1-mulk, ummu-1-kuria. Mettle, phurt, karak, karwahat, tarap, jaldi, Jan, jan-bazi, tezi, tundi, .namJik, tarrara, tantana, pitta, lohlat. Mettlesome, Mettled, phurtila, karkila, ka^wa, jan-baz, jan-dar, dhith, tantane- &c. -dar; (to be) lobe par lotna, loha-chabana. Mew, (cage) bhaksi, kaid, kafas. To Mew, (as a cat) menu menu-k; (to shed feathers) kuriz-k, par-jharna ; (to mew up or immure) kaid-k, kafas-men band-k. To Mewl, iha,un iha,un-k (v. to souall). MiAaM, Miasmata, buH^r (v. vapour). MicaocosM, 'alam i sughra (lit. the little teorld), op- posed to 'ilam i kabra, the universe. Mid, &dha, nim, madh, adhblch, manjhla, nabh,m&n- jha ; {line of tooman's hair) mang, far^:. Mid-DAT, (sub.) do-pahr, guhr, nim-roz, barah- ghanta; (adj.) do-pahriyi; {at mid-day) do pahr ko. Middle, Middlemost, (adj.) miyini, dar-miyani, mu- tawassit, madbim, manjhola, bich a bich ; {the middU finger) usta, bich-ki ungli. Middle, (sub.) bich, manjh, miyin, dar-miy&n, T^&sita, ausat, m&bain, zimu, nim ; {waist) kamar, kat, lankj {irithe middle) bich h bich; {of winter, &c.) 'ain; (»n the middle of the rains) 'ain barsat. Middle-aoed, adher, nim-s&l, adh-besQ. Middle-sized, miyana-kadd, madhrS, Middling, miyana, mutawassit, bain -bain, na wah- wah na chhi-chhi, wasati, madhim, aisa-waisa. bhala-bura. Midland, bhitari, bhitarwar, manjwai*. Midnight, (sub.) adhi-rit, madh-rain, nim-shab; (adj.) nim-shabi, du-pahar-rat, nisfu-1-lail, dil- shab, Valb-shab,pret-samai ; {prayers) tahajjud. Midst, bich, madhiyani, inadhiya,o ; {in the midst) bich-men, dar-miyan. Mid-stream, manjh-dhar or maiijh-dhar. Midsummer, wasatu-s-saif, grikham, dhup-kal. MiDWAT, adhi-rah,. nim-r&b, a,sn&,e-rah, adh-bicb, adhi-dur. Midwife, da,i-jana,i, kabila (pi. ^cawabil). Midwifery, da,i-gari ; {the science) 'ilmi-taulid. Mid-winter, wa.sa.tu-sh-shita, chilla, tisi, hemant. Mien, waz', manzar, kiyafa, a,in, chal, dhaj, chihra, bashra, rup, saj, chhab, phab, chalan, zaban-hal, sahir-hal. Might, {power, main) kuwwat, makdiir, zor, bal, tatha, saka., patut, sakat. Might, (a verb) sakna : (/ might go to-day if I chose) main jo aj jaya chahuh to ja sakun. Mightily, zor- &c. -se, ba-shiddat, nihayat, bahut. Mightiness, zor-awari, zabar-dasti, charab-dasti, bariya,i. ['all, sakti. Mighty, kawi, mazbut, charab-dast, ghalib, bal-want, Migration, intikal, nakl i makan, tabdil i makfin, chala, chal-chaia,o, nikasl. Milch, dudhar, dudhail; {a milch cow) g&,e diid- har, dohel. Mild, narm-dil, mom-dil, halim, komal, mula,im, salimu-t-tab', mu'tadil, manda, rasa, dhira, nirdii, gul-abi, be-pitta, be-zahra; {of speech) ahista- go, mitha, shirln. Mildew, {blast, blight) lendba, chitti, bhu,&. Mildly, mula,imat- &c. -se, narmi-se, ahiste. Mildness, hilm, komalta, narm-dill, mom-dili, narmi, mula,iraat; — : — {softness, &c.) shirini, mithas; — — {of speech) ahista-go,i. Mile, mil, kos, karoh : they all exceed an English mile considerably ; adha kos, half a kos, comes nearer the mark than any thing; however, the A-os differs in se- veral parts of India : as in the Maisur country, the sultani kos is equal to four English miles; so that the kos is upon the whole nearly equal to the league of the French and Germans ; (a milestone) nasb, min&r. Military, lashkari, jangi, senani ; {men) sipah- pesha, lashkar-pesha ; {life) lashkar-gahi; {memoirs) jang-n&ma ; {a military man) ■ipahl, whence the corrupted term sepcy. ( 180 ; MLM Militia, sibandi ; — — {armed peasantry) ganw&r-dal. Mile, dudh, shir, pai, chhir, laban, goras ; — — {lmt~ ter) maihi ; {with sugar) sikhran; {pot of) dahandi ; {boiled) kho,a ; {of plants) gabha; (adj.) dudhail, dhen, diidhari, dudhi ; {diet) dudhadhar ; {fever) go,alin ki tap ; (country) gorasa ; {-less) adhen, agorsi ; {milk and water) lassi ; {curdled milk, sour) dadh, dahi, dogh. takkar ; {fresh) khirsl, khijra. To Milk, dohna, garna, malna; {milker) dobao- hara. Milk-maid, go,alin, ahimi or ahiri, gopin. Milk-man, go,ala, ahir, dudhwala, gop, gwal. Milk-pail, dohni ; {milk-pan) dudh-handi, tihri. Milk-pottage, shir-faluda, harira. Milk-sop, na-mard, zanana, mihra, gora-sahi, shlr- khora, mirza, sahib-zada, saya-parwar, larba,ola. Milk-tooth, dudh ka dant; {milk-weed) dudhi. Milk-white, abyaz, nukra, kafuri, kaghazi. Milk-woman, dudhwali, gowalin or gwalin. Milky, dudhi, pur-shir, dudh-ka; {soft) bhol&, kacha. Milky-way, kahkashan, sCir-bithi, hathi-kirah, chhaur, akas-ganga. Mill, chakki, chak, asiya, janta, kharas ; (or press for oil, sugar, &c.) kolhu ; (a water-miU) pan- chakki ; {a wind-mill) pawan-chakki ; (a hand-mill for grinding vetches, &c.) daleti. To Mill, pisna, dalna; (coins) chhapna. Mill-coo, dandan i asiya, danti, dant. Milled, (money) kaldar, lahriya. Millenarian, &c. mahdi-dost ; (millennium^ &c.) hazara, alfa, sahasra, daxiri-mahdi. Millepedes, chihil-pa,e, sura, garhgowSLr, mahu. Miller, plsanhara, pesbak, asiya-ban. Millet, bajara, kangni, arzan, jawars, jaundi, junri, koda,i, kodram, maudwa. Mill-horse, kolhu ka bail (lit. mill-bullock), partali- tattu (this last is also used fig. for drudge, Ac). Million, das-lakh, uijut; (ten million) karor (pi. karorha). Millstone, sangi asiya, dal, pat, chakki; (fi9-) chhathi ka pathar, pahar, gale ka bar. Milt, (spleen) till, barwat ; (roe, &c.) machh-ka nutfa. Milter, {the male of fishes) machh. Mimic, nakkal, mukallid, bhaud, suwangi or swangi, bahuriipiya, nakliya, bandar, taklidi. To Mimic, nakJ-utarna or -karna, taklid-k, uakl- &c. -lena. Mimicry, nakkali, bhandaiti, taklid, bandar-bazl. To Mince, kima-k, kutharna, para-para-k, tukre-tuk- re-k, chhenchna, kofta-k; (to fr tier) reza- purza-k; (a story, &c.) tamhid-k, banana, chuparna, chiknana; (to clip words) chaba- chaba-kar baten karna, tarashna, chliU-chhal-k ; (in gait) thumakna, naz-raftari-k. Mind, mudrika, fahm, zihn, fahmid, antar, hirda, firasat, bujh, 'akl, hosh, chet, dil, khatir, kalb, man, ji, pet, hausila, himmat, batin, zamir, ruh, mat, atkal, samajh ; {inclination) chah, khwahish ; (opinion) ra,e, tajwiz, fikr ; {memory) hafiza, yad; (intention) irada, kasd, gharaz; — — {to have a mind) ji-karni, irada-rakhna. To Mind, dhyun-k, ghaur-k, lihaz-k, sochna, dekhna, khabar-dar-h. manna, sunna, kii:\tir-men lani, ka- bul-k, suchet- &c. -h; {to put m mind) yid- dilana, jatitoa. MIN ( '81 ) MIS MjNDED, nia,il, khwah ; (evil-minded) bad-^wah, (high-minded) faxiland-himmat, buland-hausila; [low-minded ) past-himmat, past-hausila. Mindful, &c. yad-awar, ^abar-dar, hoshiyar, chetan, agah , yadgiir, suchet. Mindless, be-khabar, ghafil, achet, nichint. Mine, (possess, pron.) mera, apna, mor, mora. Mine, (sub.) khan, kan, ma'dan ; {dug under walli, &c.) surang, sendh, nakab, nagham, sumbli. To Mine, kan-khodna, bil- &c. -khodna, surang- &c. -mama, sendhna, khodna, dhana. Miner, kan-kan, nakkab, nakab-zan, surangi, sendhi. Mineral", ma'danl, kani, khani, dhati. MiNERALiST, rasayani, kimiya-gar. MiNERALoaT, 'ilm i ma'dan, rasayan-bidya. To Mingle, (a,) milana, makhlut-k, khalt-k. ghal- mel-k, amez-k; (n.) milna, makhlut- &c. -h. Minature, sigharat, chhota,i, si^r; {picture) taswircha, putli. Minim, Mimkin, Minimus, nanka, nanha-mnnha, balishtiya, nanhbohtna, pona, gut-baingan. Minion, (creature) sakhta-parda^ta, laga-lipta, laga- bandha, talheru, khilauna, dhagra. Minister, {of state) ■wazir, dastur, diwan i a'la, raudabbir, mudaru-1-muhamm, adhikari, mantari, pardhan or pradhan, rajdhar, kar-farman ; (agent) -wakil, na,ib, gumashta ; {ministers) arkan i daulat, aikln i saltanat; {the office of a minister) wazarat. Ministerial, waziri, wazirana, wakilana. Ministry, (ministration) khidmat; {the administra- tion) wuzra, wuzraje-wakt, mantari-santari, pad- shahi, 'amla, waziri, mantar. Minium, sendur, isrinj, sirinj. [chuni. Minnow, manwa, chuna, machhli, dhansidhri, gar- MiNOR, (less) chhota, kam, kamtar. A Minor, khurd-sal, kam-sin, sa^iru-s-sin, naras, na-rasida, na-baligh, larka; {prince) tikait ; {in logic) sughra. Minority, ^urd-sali, bal-pan, narsa,!, akall, tikaiti ; (opposed to majority) killat, there, kam. Minstrel, kalawant, bajantri, mutrib. Mint, (the plant) pudina, na'na' ; {for money) tak-sal, daru-z-zarb ; — — {figurative) khan, ghar, gutka. To Mint, kalb-sazi-k. Mintage, (coinage) garha,i, ban&,l. MiNTER, (coiner) kalbsaz; {mint-man) taks&Iiya. Mint-master, taksal ka darogha. Mint-water, 'arki na'na', 'arki pudina. Minute, (adj.) zarra-war, zarra-sa, barik, dakik, ^ihln, chhota, nazuk, suchham, wa-shigaf, mu-shi- gaf, raklk. Minute, (sub.) pal, lamha, lahza, zarra, palak, chash- mak, an, dam, dakika. To Minute, likh-lena, tank-lena, kaJam-band-k. MiNTTTELT, dikka- &c. -se, nakir o kitmir, bal-bal. Minuteness, bariki, dikkat, rakakat, Dazoki, such- hamta. Minutijj, rakikat, ^urdiyat, daklkit. Minx, chanchal, achpal, shokh-chashm. Miracle, ta'ajjub, 'ajab achambha, istidraj, ajgOt, khark, i 'adat, i'jaz, mu'jaza, karamat (pi. karamat), kautuk Miraculous, 'ajib, 'ajuba, adbhut, ajguti. Miraculously, bil-i'jaz, mu'ajjizi-se. MiRB* chahla, klchar, klch, daidal, k^ilab, wahal, kan- daa, kada, chika^r, kada,!. To MiRB, phasna or phansni, garna ; {to dirty) liwarna, maila-k. Mirror, a,ina, arsi, darpan, mukur, mira'at, ab-gina, bata; (maker) a,ina-saz; (pattern) chash- ma, namuna, a,ina. Mirth, khushi, utsau, anand, shadi, shad-mam, khur- rami, 'ashrat, tarab, hulas, surur, masarrat, imbisat, bashashat, khursandi, nashat, mazhaka, hansi, tanz, rangras, chuhal, harakh, chahal-pahal. MtRTHFUL, pur-surur, khush, shad-man, khurram, masrur, bashshash, khursaud, harkhit or harshit. Mirthless, udas, be-rang, na-shad. Miry, pur-wahal, dhasan, garan. Mis, as a prefix is commonly expressed by bad, kam, be, ku or ku. Misacceptation, Kbiyal i batil, ^iyal i kham. Misadventure, bala afat, bad-halat, ku-dasa. Misanthrope, insan- &c. -dushman, muns-birodhi. Misapplication, masraf ba-sharr, ulta, ta'kid-Iafzi, dukhan, birodh, apar-churdukhan, be-sha,istagi. Misapplied, (v. inapplicable) bad-masraf, bad-nibhast. To Misapply, beja-kharj-k, za,i'-k, barbad-k, dahk- ana, gawana or ganwana, dhalkana. To Misapprehend, na-bujhna, khilaf- or mukhalif- samajhna. Misapprehension, chuk, bhul, Kbata, kaj-fahmi, na- samajh. Tc Misbecome, bad-zeb-h, ansohit-h, na-sazanH, na- la,ik or na-sha,ista-h. Misbegotten, haram-zada, baran-sankar. To Misbehave, bad-suluki- &c. -k, bad-chalan chalna. Misbehaved, bad-waz', kudhangi. Misbehaviour, bad-suluki, bad-tariki, bad-mu'amali, na-munasibi, na-rasti, bad-zati, tafawut, bad-danl, ku-dhang, bad-chal, bad- or kam-taraddud. Misbelief, be-i'til}:adi, ilhad, kufr, ghalat. Misbeliever, be-i'tikad, ^air-mu'takid, mulhid, kafir. To MiscAL, begaf karke kahna, kharab karke kahna, ghalat- or asudh-kahna, nam-dharna or -d, ku- nam-k. To ^Miscalculate, chukna, bhulna, gh alat-k. Miscarriage, (failure) na-rasti, na-sazawari, na- sar-ba-rahi, bad-anjami, be-rabti ; (abortion) iskat i hamal, garbh-pat. To Miscarry, (fail) bigarna, narast-h, na-murad-h, na-chalna, na-banna, na-sadhna, ulatna, ukharna ; (as a letter) khojana, gum-h ; (as a female) pet-girna, bacha-d, tuna, lara-jana, sarwat-h, waz' hamal-k, pet-girana or -larana. Miscellaneous, mutafarrik, ba'ze; (charges, &c ) ba'ze-jam', ba'ze-zamin. Miscellany or Miscellaneous Collkctton, jung, majmu', chau-pati, kachkol, pachmel, mutafarrikat. Mischance, kam-bakhti, shamat, aseb, a-karm. Mischief, (injury) badi, bura,i, nuksan, zarar, ma- zarrat, ziyan, aseb, tota, mara, khasara, gazand, sadma, dhakka, rand, apakar, chulbul, fasad, fitna, bala, khalal ; {wickedness) shararat, bad-zati, kharabi. dhurta,i. To make Mischief, bigarna, nuksan- &c. -k. Mischief-maker, fitna-angez, atash-afroz, mufsia, fituriya, fasadi, kazjya-dallal. MiscnrEVous, (wicked) bad, bura, mufsid, muzirr, mu^i, ziyan-kar, apakari, dhurt, lawind ; (hurt- ful) randi, tarra, tanchra, chulbula, haruni, baital. Mischievously, shararat- &c. -se, bad-zati-se. Mischievousness. mufsidi, ziyan-kari, fitna-anged^ bad-zati, shararat, bura,i. dushtta. MIS ( 182 ) HIS To MisooNOEivE, ^ilaf-samajhna, mugh,a»ir-^'yi»°^ ulta-janna or samajhna. MiscoNCEPTiOK, chuk, ghalat, khata, ghalat-fahmi. Misconduct, bad-mu'amali, be-ghairati, ku-chal, ku- dhang, ku-chalan, ku-lachhan, bad-'amili. MiscoNSTBUCTiON, ^ilaf-ta'bir, ghalati, ghalat-fahmi, To MiscoNSTEUB, bat-pherna, tarjuma e na-rast-k, mukhalif bayan-k, ulatna, morna, phirana, mor- tor-k, be-rabt-k. To MiscouNSEt, bad-salah- &c. -d, fareb-d. To Miscount, ghalat-shumari-k, ku-ginti-k, ghalat- ginna. Miscreant, kafir, ghata, mardud, murtadd. To Misdeal, bantne meii ^ata-k or ghalat-k. Misdeed, bad-fi'li, bad-kirdari, ku-karm, bad-kari, ku-kaj, ku-kriya. Misdemeanour, chuk, Idiata, ^:usur, ku-chal. Misdevotion, bad-'ibadat, ku-puja. To Misdo, bigarna, bad-fi'li karna, bad-kirdari-k. MisDOER, bad-kar, bad-kirdar, bad-af al, ku-chali. To Misemploy, Misemplotment, &c. (v. to mis- apply). Miser, baHiil, mumsik, dani, shum, kripan, kan-jus, makhi-chSs, llchar, dana-zad, abkhal, ajlaf, la,im, jalaf, bad-ba^il, adata, karun, sarotar singh, hanu- man. Miserable, zalil, Idvwar, kharab, kharab-^asta, shi- kasta-hal, khana-kharab, tabah, ashufta-hal, afat- zada, aseb-zada, muflis, na-char, be-chara, mudbir, shaki, bad-bakht, henbena, miskin, nahif ; {wretched, calamitous) afat-raslda, sargashta, sara- sima, bad-hal, dukhi, abhagi, santapi, kashti, kal- lash ; (worthless) na-kas, na-chiz, na-kara ; {mean, stingy) tang-dil, kathur. Miserably, khyrari- &c. -se, ba-zuUat, zalalat-se. Misery, Miserableness, zuUat, galalat, kharabl, khwari, shikasta-hali, pareshani, becharagi, iflas, falakat, mafluki, muflisl, bala, na-kasi, tang-dill, tang-chashmi, dukh, santap, pap, kasht. To Misform, Mis-fashion, &c., ku-daul-k, bad- surat, &c. -k, bad-tarash-k. Misfortune, bad-bakhti. kam-bakhti, siyah-bakhti, idbar, shakawat, bipat, durgat, bhabhi, musibat, alachh, alap, sakhti. shiddat, hadisa, nakbat, ta- bahi, pech, abhag, giriftari, azab zawal, kam-na- sibi, nahusat, halakat, durgat, bipta, janjal. To Misgive, bharmana, man- &c. -hatakna or -pha- takna. To MisGovKEN, bad-riySsat-k, bad-hukumat-k, bad- 'amali-k. MisoovERNMKNT, bad-rlyasati, bad-*amall. Misguidance, bhatka,o, gum-rahi. To Misguide, bhatkanSt, gum-rah-k. Mishap, zabuni, bad-ittifak, bura,i, musibat. Mish-mash, garganja, agaram-bagaram. To Misinform, jhuthi k^abar-d, na-rast Uiabar-d, bhulaua, daur&na. Misinformation, l^abar i n9,-r&st, jhuthi-Wiabar. To MisjoiN, ku-jor-d, na-munasabat-se milana. To Mislay, dal-rakh-d, rakh-kar-bhulna, khona, be- ja-r, be-tiiikima-r. To Misle, {to drizzle) phCkhiyanik, $hisiyana, tap-tap- girn&. To Mislead, bhatkana, bahkana, r3,h-bhulan&, baih- lana, gumrah-k, be-rah-k, bisran&, bhulaua, bhula- d, daurana. Misleader, bhatka,ix, bahka,u, bhula.u. I'o Mismanage, bigifni, nas&ua, barham-k, bad-ihti- miim-k. Mismanagement, be-tadbiri, bad-'amali, bad-iutiaaim To Mismatch, bejor-k, ku-mel-k, be-jor lagacl. To Misname, jhutha nam-d, nam phirana. Misnomer, khilaf-ismi, sahw-nam, anya-nami. To Misplace, be-tartib-r, be-mauka'-r or -dharn&. be-thikana-r, beja-r. Misplaced, ku-thaur, be-ja, be-mauka*. To MispoiNT, {to apply the wrong vowel) bad-i'rabi-k. To Misprint, ku-chhap-k, ghalti-chhapna. Misprision, {connivance) chashm-poshi, gunah-poshi Misquotation, Wiilaf istimbat, jhuthi-sanad. To Misreckon, {to miscount) ku-jorti-k, bhulna. To Misrepresent, munkalib-k, pherna, talbis-k, morna, ultana, mor-tor-k, jor-tor-k. Misrepresentation, Misreport, Misrelation, inkilab, talbis, Uiilaf-bayani, phira,o, ulti-bani, jhuth-sach, bahka,o, inhiraf. Misrule, bad-hukmi, bad-'amali, ku-aggya, dhundkal, udham. Miss, {a girl) sahib-zadi, khvaja-zadi, babwi, bibi, khuzadi, begama, babuni, bibi-jan. Miss, {hss) kusur, nuks, chuk, bhul ; {missing of a mark, &c.) khata, gh alat. To Miss, chukna, khata -k, bhulna, gum-k, na-milna, na-pana, na-lagna, khali-parna, chhorna, bisarna, hukua, ukna, bahakna, ochha-lagna ; {to want) chahna, janna, ma lum-k. MissERViCE, bad-khidmati, bad-naukari. To Misshape, bad-kat'-k, bad-waz'-k or banana, be- daul-banana (v. to deform). Misshapen, bad-tarash, bhonda, be-daul, bad-uslub. Missile, dur-andazi, hath-chhut. Missing, (lost) na-paida, gha,ib, alop. To be Missing, jata-rahna, ghatna, na-paida-hona. Mission, rasalat, irsal, paighambari. To Misspeak, ku-charna, bad-makhraj-h. To Misspell, ^alat hije-k, gjialat-imla-likhna, bad- imla-likhna, bad imla-nawisi-k. To Misspend, urana, bar-bad-k, israf-k, gawana or ganwana, bad-sarfi-k. Mist, kuhra, kuhasa, dhundh, dhumla, shab-dud, jhisar, phuhar, parda, nakab. Mistake, chuk, ^ata, saho, kusur, tafawut, ulta, asudh. To Mistake, {or be mistaken) chukna, bhulna, ^ata- &c. -k, mukhalif-samajhna. MiSTAKiNOLY, chuk-kar-kc, khata-se, sahwan. To Mistime, be-mauka' -k, harkat la-ya'ni-k, ku- samai-k, be-wakt-k. Mistiness, dhundh, dhundhlahat, teragl, tarikL Mistletoe, banda, par-gachha. Mistress, sahiba, malika, khatun, babwani, bibi; (of a family) kad-banu, khawindini, bibi-sahib ; {of a school) atun, gurwayan, muUani; {of a house) gharni, bahu, ba,i, bahu-bibi, bahu-begam ; {sweetheart) ma'shuka, mahbuba, manzur i nazar, dil-dar, pyari, chahiti, aukh-lagi, yar, ashna, raichni, shahid ; {beloved, fair) sajjau, sajjan, zalim, kafir, but, dil-har or -basta.or -azar, gul-fam or -badan, mohan, lal, lalan, nigar, manharao, yarni, dhemni, mitirni. Mistrust, bad-zanni, bad-gumani, bad-dili, shakk, bharam, waswas, guman. To Mistrust, bharam- &c. -r, bad-zann- &c. -h. Mistrustful, bad-zann, bad-guman, bad-dil, shak« ki, bharmi, dilchor. Misty, dhundha, dhundhla, andha, gJiubar-aluda, ghubari. MIS ( 183 ) MON To MisuNDEKSTAND, ghalat-samajhiia, mukhalif- or Khilaf-bujhna, na-fahm-k, chuk-samajlina, ulajhna. MiSDNDERSTANDiNO, an-bana,o, an-ras, shakar-ranji, bad-mazagi, rakhna, na-fahmi, ku-bujh, uljhera, bigar, na-khushi, khalish, ranjish, tut, phut, khan- dit, rutha-ruthi, aintha-aintbi. MiSTJSiOE, bad-suluki, bad-tariki, ku-sadhni ; (abuse) be-hurmati, Wiwari, pulbandi. To Misuse, kiidharna, ku-sadhna, Mite, ghun, guduru, bala, post ka dana, kunika, phuti kauri, kuchh; {share, jot) zarra. MiTiiRiDATE, tiriyak-faruk ; (muscard) todri. To Mitigate, kam-k, ghatana, halka-k, dhima-k, manda-k, narm-k, subuk-k, mukhaffaf-k. sakin-k, mula,im-k, ri'ayat-k. Mitigation, takhfif, taskin, chhut, i^ka, sahuliyat ; (concession) ri'ayat. Mitre, taj, kulah, topi ; (mitred) taj-dar. Mittens, (xpecies of gloves) dastana. Mittimus, (commitment) sanad i mahbusi. To Mix, (a.) milana, makhlut-k, Wialt-k, amekhta-k, ginjna, ghepna,sanna,misna, melna, michna, ralana, saundna, pachmel-k, phentna, lat-k, hall-k, amez-k ; (n.) ralna, misna, railna, makhlut- &c. -h. Mixed, (breed) dughia, misriti, mistisi, krislm-pachhi; (stuff) suf; (crop) do-jinsa; (in comp.) amez. To BE Mixed, ghalmel-h, milna, makhlut-h. Mixture, mila,o, amezish, imtizaj, milauni, majrau', tarkib, mel, misrit, murakkab, pachmel, pachga- chiya, rekhta (whence the Hindustani language is termed Rekhta by Wali and the poets of Hindustan) . MiZMAZE, pich-pach, pel-mel. MizzEN, (mizzen-mast) pichhla mastul, kalmi. [wa,e. Moan, karah, nala, ah-zari, nauha, wa-waila, wa,e- To Moan, karahna, nala- &c. -k, kukhna, kankhna, ah- &c. -k, nala O'zari-k. Moat, khandak, kha,i. Mob, bhir, hujum, majma', jania,o, jhund, gharra, radd i khalk, gh arib-ghuraba. To Mob, bhir-lagana, dhum-dham machSlna. To MoBBLE, [to huddle) lapet- or sapet-kar-lena. Mobile, Mobility, 'awamm, 'awammu-n-nas, randu phattu, ruldu-khuldCi ; (motion) harkat-paziri, tahrik. Mock, (ardj.) jhutha, taklidi, nakli. Mock, Mockery, hansi, thatha, sukhriya, tasa khkh ur. mazhaka, tazhik, malamat, jba'na, suwangi ; (in comp.) kath. To Mock, chirana, birana, bichkana, munh-banana, ta'n-tashni'-k, angutha-dikhlana, lagni-Iena, munh- bidrana. Mocker, munh-chira,u, ta'na-zan, upadhi, zahik. Mockery, (farce, flam) chira,o, munh-ba.na,o. Mocking, (bird) latora ; (stock) maskhara, hadaf, nishana, nukl-majlis, mazhaka. Mockingly, hansi-se, tasa khkh uran, tasa khkh ur-se. Modal, 'arzi, wazal, surati. Mode, (appearance) surat, kaifiyat, rup ; (manner) taur, dhab, naho, minwal, rawish ; (custom) a,iD, zabita, rit, chalan, rawaj, tibak; (accident) 'arz ; (in music) makam, gram, rag, ragni, usul, greh, parda ; (innovation) nau-tarz, nayi-chal. Model, naksha, namuna, daul, ianun, katkana ; (example) kidwat, nuskha. To Model, banana, daul-d, naksha-k. Modeller, (planner) katkane-baz, naksha-iaz. Moderate, mu'tadil, miy&na, majhola, k4lil,muirafi^ To Moderate, zabt-k, thamna, sambhalna, sakin-k, ghatana, kam-k, baithalna, dabana, mula,im- Ac. -k, mu'tadil-k. Moderately, i'tidal- &c, -se, madhimta-se. Moderateness, i'tidal, madhimta. Moderation, tahammul. sabr, burd-bari, santokh, sanjidagi, ahistagi, i'tidal, kina'at, saburi, thikana, bandhej, bandhan, warah, parhez. [shikan. Moderator, ghata,u- &c. ; (in comp.) gusar, Modern, naya, muta,akhkhir, jadid,hadis,hali,nawin. To Modernise, nau-tarash-k, naye taur-par lana. Moderns, muta,akhkhirin, wapasin, pichhle. Modest, lajila, sharmila, sharm-gin, mahjub, sahib- haya, hijab-aluda, sharm- or haya-dar ; (woman) 'afifa, kulwanti, nek-bakht, pak-d&man, halim, gha- rib, dhima, dhira, mu,addab. Modestly, haya- &c. -se, lajja-se, haya-dari-se. Modesty, laj, sharm, haya, hijab, |^airat, hilm, mula,imat, parda, nang-namus. Modicum, (pittance) wajhi kafaf, fara^at, dher, has. Modification, tarkib, tashkil, banawat. tarash-kha- rash. To Modify, surat-d, banana, daulana, chhil-chhal-k. Modish, riwaji, nau-tarzi, muhammad-shahi. To Modulate, awaz-banana, alapna, sadhna. Modulation, naghma, nawa, alap, marghol, sadha,o. Moiety, adha, adhiyari, nisfi, nisf, hissa. To Moil, (to daub, toil, weary) maila-k, bharna. Moist, tar, nam, sila, ratab, gila, oda, silana, serab, nam-gin, simsima, gila-sukha, pichpicha, sarsara, ala, nam-aluda or -nak, nam-rasida or khurda. To Moisten, silana, tar- &c. -k, nim-tar- &c. -k ; (n.) silna, bhigna. Moistness, Moisture, tarawat, nam, rutubat, sil, simsimahat, tari, nami, od, gila,i, tara,i, sit, silsila- hat, panchha. Molasses, jusi, shira, chho,a, chota. Mole, (spot) til, khal, masa ; (dyke) band ; (concretion) luthra, muzg^ha, muzgha-gosht, 'alka, mas-pind; (the animal) kor-mush, sunsuni, chhachhundar. Molehill, mus-ko,el, dheri; (to make mountains of molehills) ra,i ko pahar banana, chuhon ke marne ko top nikalna. To Molest, satana, khijana, chherna, taklif- &c. -d, khisiyana-k, kalpana. Molestation, taklif, iza, tasdi", ranj, dukh, janjal, kales, dakhl, zahmat, aseb, azar, santap. Molester, muzi, muzahim, janjali, kalesi, dukh-dayi. Mollifier, mulaiyin, pighla,u, tighla,u. To Mollify, narm-k, mula,im-k, pighlana, tighlana. To Molt, kuriz-khana, kuriz men-h (v. to moult). Molten, dhalwan, kalibi, gala-hu,a. Moment, (importance) chinta, gharaz. muza,ika ; (of time) lamha, lahza, nimikh, dam, palak, chash- mak, turfatu-l-'ain, sa'at, zimn, an, til, anupal, bipal, zarra ; (moment's stay) jalsa-khatibi. Momentary, ek-dam-ka, na-pri,edar, 'arizi. Momentous, bhari, bara, garaii, ahamm, zarur, mu- himm, sangin. Monade, juz la yatajazza. Monarch, padshah, shah, sultan, malik, ^usro, khusru, or khusrau, shahr-yar, raja, maha-raj, sha- han-shah ; (absolute) mukhtar i mutlak. Monarchal, Monajrchical, padshahl, Hjusrawi, •hahi, sultani. Monarchy, padshahi, saltanat, mamlakat, raj, pad- shahat. MON ( 184 ) MOR MONASTEET, khinkah, da,ira, dharam-sala, akhafa. Monday, som-war, pir, du--shainba, indubar, chandar- bar. Monet, zar, paiso, Jake, nipa,e, kanri, dam, mablagh, maya, mudra, nakd, sim o zar • {in advance) pfishgi, agori, takawi, dadni ; {paid in) nakdi ; {to examine or test money) parakhna. MoNET-BAO, tora, hamiyani, badra, khutbi. MoNET-CHANOER, sairaf, Hiurdiya; (a money examiner) parkhiya, nakkad : the money charged on this account is called parkha,i, dami. Moneyless, tihi-dast, khali-hath, muflis, mafluk, be- kaurl, be-zar, nikauriya. Monoee, (in comp.) is expressed by farosh, baz, saz, &c. ; thus, a cheese-monger, panir-farosh ; a whore- monger, randi-baz. Mongoose, newal ; {plant) kasaunda. Monied, takaita, -zar-dar, mal-dar, mudrait, mayadar. Monitor, nasih, wa'iz, 'ibrat-numa ; (at tckooT) khalifa, gurchhatar. Monk, darwesh, fakir, kalandar, jogi, sidh, abdhut, nanga, bairagi, sanyasi, atith, brabm-chari, murtas, rahib. Monkey, bandar, maimun, bozna, rukh-charha, kapi, markat, langur, lal-ganda, gurga, gurgi ; {tricks) bandar-chali ; {monkey's house) cham- bar. Monkish, darwesbi, faklrl, kalandari. MoNOCHORD, orhni, ek-tara or yak-tara. Monocular, Monoculous, kana, ek-chashm, efe- achh!, sukr. Monody, narsiya ; (monogram) tuglira, ramz. MoNOPETALOus, ek-pakhriya. Monopolist, ijara-dar, bandar; (of grain) |^alla- farosh. To Monopolize, mar-r, kurk- &c. -k, apnana, japhi- yana, chhenkna ; (grain) ghalla-faroshi-k. Monopoly, sauda-^ass, Uxass-^arld, ^foik, ijara, roka,o. Monosyllable, ek-kalima, ekakshari-shabd. Monotony, eksuri, tawali-harkat. Monster, maskh, mamsu^, 'ajib, rachhas, ban- manus, 'aja.ib-khilkat; azhdaha- Monstrous, rachhasi, maskhi, andekha. Month, mahina, mas, mah, shahr, chand ; (fult) mahina-din or roz : for the names of the Mus al- man and Hindu months see the Hind. Gram. p. 147, &c. [hara, mahina. Monthly, mahi, shahri ; (i'ay) darmaha, musha- Monthly, (adv.) har-mahine, har-mah, mah-ba-mah, mah-vara, niahiyani, mahinawar, mah-dar-mah. Monument, yad-gar, yad-gari, nishani ; (tomb) rauza, dargah, chauri, dher, taba', ta'wiz. Monumental, yad-gar, makbari, dargahl. Mood, (state) halat, ras, rang, slgha, barg, dasa, hal ; — - (verbal, &c.) jumla. Moody, (angry) barham, dikk, tursh-ru, udas. Moon, chand, chandar, chandar-ma, mah, mah-tab, ^amar, sasayar, chanda, juniha, mah, sas, indu, som, ▼hence som-war or indu-bar, {Monday ; (new) naya-chand, mah i nau, hilal; (full) pura- chand ; puran-misi, badr, chaudh-win rat ka chand; (like the) chandar-muklii, chand ka fukra, mah-para, mah wash. MooM-UEAM, chand ki jot. rlooN-BiRD, (or minion of the moon) chakor, chor. I^IOON-BLINK, (or false peep of day) makar-chandni. M.O0M-CALr, (t. moU) gahaniy&, gahan-mara. Moonlight, Moonshine, chandni, mah-tab , — — (night) chandni rat, shab i mah. Moonstone, hajaru-I-kamar, chandar-ganth. Moor, (a Negro, African, Sec.) zangi, kafri, habshi. To Moor, lagana, bandhna. Moot-case, {or point) mutanaza'-fihi. Mop, pochara, pochar, neta. To Mope, ungha-k, udas- or malul- or ghamgin- baithna, anda-syona or -parna. MoPER, ande ka muluk, da,i ka larla. Moral, (adj.) aHilak-ka, aU^laki, khulki, ma'ashi, akhlak-numa, k^alik, ^jush-akhlak, nek-mard. Moral, (sub.) nasihat, pand, hasil, natija, gharaz, phal. To Moralise, akhlaii-batlana, nasihat-dena. Moralist, adib, atalik, nasih, wa'iz. . Morality, akhlak, suluk, 'ilm i a^ak, 'akli ma'ash, khulk, watira. Morally, akhlak-se ; (morals) a^ak, ma'ash, waz'. Morass, daldaJ, kachar, gilab, warta. Morbid, mariz, fasid, raddi, bigra. Morbific, marz-awar, rogaha. More, aur, ziyada, adhik, saras, bahut, pun, basa, afzQd, hash, age, sathi, pher ; (the more) az-bas, jyon-jyon; {its correl.) tyon-tyon; (more or less) kam-besh, ghat-barh, thora-bahut, kam- ziyad, kalil-kasir ; (what more shall I say 9) age kahun kya ? Moreover, tispa, upar is ke, siwa is ke, 'alawa, min- ba'd, ispar, ispar-ant, tispar-bhi. Morning, (sub.) fajr, bhor, tarke, bihan, subh, bam- dad, sahar, pagah ; {early in the morning) bari- fajr, munh-andhera, prat, prat-kal, sa-kal, *ala-s- sabah, sahar-gah, akhir-shab, pichhle pahar rat; (good morning) sabahu-l-khair. Morning, (adj.) sahari; (the morning star) zohra. Morose, durusht, karaWit, sakht, karera, kari, tursh- ru, nir-da,i, tursh-mizaj, bad-kho, tund, bakas. Morosely, durushti- &c. -se karakhti-se, tundi-se. Moroseness, durushti, karaWitagi, sakhti, tursh-ru,i. Morrow, kal, bihan, farda; (to-morrow) kal-ko; (to-morrow morning) kal-fajr; (tomor" row night) kal ki rat; (to day) aj ; (to- night) aj ki rat. Morse, {the seahorse or walrus) darya,i ghora. Morsel, (mouthful) lukma, nawala, kawal, gras, tukra, para, parcha, zarra. Mortal, (subject to death) fani, mautl, fauti, nasi, maranhar, fana-pazir {fatal, as a wound) kargar, katta, jani ; (deadly) katil, maru ; (human) bashari, insani ; (-sin) gunah i kabira ; (-wound) zakhm i kari. A Mortal, insan, adam-zad, manus, khaksar, Uiaki. Mortality, fana, bashriyat, fana-paslri, mirta,i, mari, margi. Mortally, muhlikana, ba-halald, ba-shiddat; {to be wounded mortally) za^m i kari khana or -lagna. Mortar, hawan (vulg. hamam), kundi or kunda, kharil, okhli ; (for bombs) ghubara, ban, garnal ; for building) rekhta, gach, kho,a. Mortgage, (v. pledge) girw or giro, rihn or rahn. To Mortgage, bura-k, bandhak-k, -r, or -marna. Mortgaged, bandhaki, rihani, gira\^, bai bil-waflL Mortgagee, rahn-dar or -gir, murtahin. Mortgager, rahin, bandhak-done-wali. uon { 165 ) MOU Mortification, saran, palan, khushu', ^uzu*, nafs- kushi or -shikani, man-mar ; {self-denial) kasr i nafs, zuhd, riyazat, tapasya, jog ; {trouble) taklif, iza, koft. To Mortify, (a.) sarana, nesh-zani-k, letarna, pach- harna, mama; — — {one's self out of spite) atwat- khatwat-lena, khatwat-patwat-lena, marna, torna, dhana;' {to tiez)' jalana, kurhana; {to humble) dabkana, dabana, kasr i nafs- &c. -k ; (n.) sarna, palna. Mortise, chhed, surakh, chul, sal, ghar, ^ana. Mosaic, (painting) khodwan, jara,u ; {relating to Moses) musa,i. Mosque, masjid (vnlg. masit), 'ibadat-gah, jami*- masjid, ka'ba, ma'bad. Moss, {vegetable mould) ka,I, sewar, chitti, nshna. Mossy, ka,i-bhara, ushna-dar. Most, aksar, bahut, ziyada, adhik, beshtar, kasrat, nihayat, aksar -darja ; {at most) bahut se bahut ; {the most of a bad bargain) bhagte chor ki lan- goti : most is often expressed by the positive, with se or sub se. Mostly, {for the most part) beshtar, aksar, aksar- aukat, baudhan. Moth, zarra, kunak, tinka, ankh ka balu. Moth, parwana, patinga, pankhi, kapre-ka kira. Mother, ma, man, madar, mata, janani, mahtari, ma,i, mama, walida, amma, matar, bu,a ; {in- law) sas,khush-daman; {step-mother) sautell- ma, maibha, be-mat ; {of pearl) sadaf, sipi ; {of a child) larki-wala, larkori ; {ask any mother in this assembly, if ih€ circumstance you charge mc with be possible) is majlis ki kisu larkori se puchho, ki yih bat jo tum mujh par lagate ho, so ho sakti hai ya nahin : if you substitute ma, agree- ably to our own idiom for larkori, the meaning either becomes inexplicable, or will be misconstrued into a direct appeal to the mother of any one of the judges, in the sense only of his parent, should the person addressed not stumble at once on the monstrous idea, that the whole assembly had but one mother. Motherless, be-madar, ma-mu,a. Motherly, madari, madar-war, ma-sa, ma-ka-sa, madarana. [bhakha. Mother-tongue, zaban i zati, watani-zaban, desi- MoTHERY, {concreted, slimy) phenaha. Motion, harakat, jumbish, hila,o, dula,o, dagdagahat, hildol, chalpher, hilan-dolan, kalbal, halar, parinan; {gait) raftar, chalau, chal-dhal, halchal; {circular) gardish, chakkar; {proposal) takrir, bat. Motionless, be-harakat, be-jumbish, sakin, nichala, asthawar, mu'attal, nikamma. Motive, sabab, ba is, jihat, mujib, liye, wasta or wa- sita, takrib, matlab, murad, muharrik, karan, wajh, gharaz. Motley, rang-a-raug, gvin-a-gun, pachranga, pach- mel, panchpiri. Motto, saj', tabi' or taba', naksh. Move, {at chess) chal, pher; {names of various moves at chess, &c.) kurang, rang, farzi-band, pil- band, shah-rukha. To Move, (a.) hilana, dolana, harakat-d, tahrik- &c. -d, chalana, hirkana, chal-d, handna, unarua, rug- rugana, dalmalana, talmalana, sagbagana, taksana, pharkana; {to persuade) sarajhana, manana, lanai ; {to excite) uksana, uthana, chherna ; (to remove) talna, hataua ; {to propose) takrir-k, bayan-k ; — — {to affect) asar-k, tasir-k ; (n.) hilna, 4olu2i, harakat- &c. -k, chalna, sarakna, talna, ha- takna, hatna, pharakna, ularna,satakna, kulmulana. nahzat-kadam-k, sasarna, takasna, unarna, halakni, bahna; {to advance) barhna; {to move about) phera-k, phirta-rahna. Moveable, mutaharrik, mumkinu-1-harakat, uthane- jog, dolanhar, hilne-jog, harakat-pazir, jangam. Moveables, mal, agasa, chiz-bast, jins, asasu-1-bait, dhan-jangami. Movement, chal, harakat, rawa-rawi, chal ^-chali. Mover, mutaharrik, muharrik ; (in comp.) angez. Moving, {pathetic) dil-soz, dil-kash, jigar-soz, rikkat- angeZj dil-gudaz, mandola,u, ro,a,u, mayar; {in motion) rawan, ramta, bahta Movingly, dil-sozi-se, dil-kashi-se, jigar-sozi-se Mould, {on old bread, &c.) phaphundi, dahiya, bhu,a ; {earth) mitti, gil, turab, kewal, karail ; {form) kalib, kllbud, sancha, chhuchhi, polachh, khala, pargati ; {make) kat, angeth, naksha, tarash. To Mould, (n. as bread) phaphiindi-lagna, bhu,ana, phaphundiyana, usna,busna; (a. to form) ban- ana, daulana, daul-d. To Moulder, (n.) chur-chur-h, reza-reza-h, purza- purza-h, bhur-bhurana, khak-h, mitti-h, galna, kharna ; {as an army) khisakna. Mouldiness, phaphundi, bhu,ahat, phaphundiyahat. Moulding, {ornaments of wood, &c,) khodwan. Mouldy, bhu,aha, phaphundiyaha ; {to be) pha- phundi-lagna. To Moult, dasokha-jharna, kuriz-k, pankh-jharna. Mound, mend, banna, toda, bheri-bandi, gilandazi. To Mound, pushta-bandi-k, pushta-bandhna. Mount, dhipa, tila, pahari, toda, parbat. To Mount, (n.) charhna, uthna, sa'ud-k, mutasaid-h, sawar-h, pith-lagna, charh-baithna, darera-k; (a.) charhana, uthana, buland-k ; {to embellish) sin- gar-k, ara,ish-d, tajammul-k ; {to mount guard) chauki- or pahra-d. Mountain, pahar, gir, koh, jabal, parbat, meru, chal, kaf, dungar ; {hid by a molehill) tinke-ki ot pahar ; {Mount Sinai) koh i tur. Mountain, (adj.) pahari, kohi, parbati or parbatiya. Mountaineer, pahan-admi, ^asiya, cho,ar,bha, pa- hariya. Mountainous, koh-sar, kohistan, pahariya. Mountebank, {charlatan) baid, aukh kan ka baid. Mounted, Mounter, charhwaiya, charhanhar, char- ha. sawar ; {mounted on an elephant) fil-sawar; — — {on a horse) ghur-sawar. To Mourn, kurhna, gham- &c. -khana, mStam-k, gham-gin- &c. -h, atwat-khatwat-lena, bilapna; {for the commander of the faithful, 'ali, &c.) ta'ziya-lena or -banana (v. to lament). Mourner, nauhagar, sina-zan, ta'ziya-dar or -kljwaa. Mournful, gham-gin, gham-nak, maghmum, ma- tamzada, muta,assif, mahzun, sogi, kachoti, bilapi ; {moving) dil-soz, jan-soz, matami. Mournfully, gham- &c. -se, gham-gini-se. MouRNFULNESS, gham-gini, gham-naki, andoh-naki. Mourning, gham, matam, afsos, ta,assuf, sapa, andoli, malola, koft, sog, kurhan, kachot, hilap, ro,at, ta'ziya ; {a mourning dress) matami-libas ; {to be in mourning) siyah-posh-h ; {a mourning car- pet) matami saf, also the people assembled. Mouse, chuhi, musri, rnush, chiiAri, chutari, uvm (words seemingly derived from thief, and to steal musna) indur ; {to mouse) chuhi-marna. Mouse-hole, chuhi ka bil. MousER, chiihi-mar, mush-gir, which may appl^ either to a eat or sparrow-hawk. MOU ( 186 ) MUS dabkar, MoosB-TBAP, chuha-d5n, dharap, janti, mush-gira. Mouth, munh, mukh, anan, dalian, fam, dahan, mukh- ra, munhana, dahana ; {to make mouths) munh- banana or -chirana, mukhra terha-k, muiih-bigar- na ; (down in the mouth) udas ; {to be down in the mouth) munh-latkana. To Mouth, pukrana, chillana, dahan-darldagi-k, munh-chalana, muiih-d. Mouthed, munha, mukha; (in comp.) dahan, inuiih, as ghuncha-dahan, small-mouthed. Mouth-friend, zabani-dost, munh-bola dost. Mouthful, lukma, nawala, kawal ; {the first mouthful thrown aawy as an offering to avert evil) agrasan, hakku-n-nazirin. Mouth-piece, munh-nal ; {stall) puzi. Mow, {a pile of hay, &c.) parchhatti, kotha. To Mow, katna, dirau-k, kat-karhna, kalam-k. Much, (adj.) bahut, buhtera or bahutera, bisiyar, chandan, wafir, kasir, ziyada, bara, saras, adhik, dher, firawan, sambu, khaile, basa, bahut-kuchh, ati,ant, nihayat, sakht ; {how much 1) keta ? kis kadar ? {thus much) is kadar : {so much) eta ; {as much) jeta ; {much better or worse) ek se ek ; {much writing, reading, &c.) likhawal, parhawai. Much, (sub.) kasrat, ifrat; {so much so, to that degree) is martabe ko, yahan tak, is hadd ko, az bas ki, is naubat ko ; {to make much of) pyar-k, lar-k, cha,o-k, naz-bardari-k, khatir-dari-k. MuciiiAQE, Mucus, las, lu'ab, kiwam; {glair e) mazi ; {of the nose) rent ; {of the bowels) a,un, kaf, kaddu-dana. Mucilaginous, Mucous, las-dar, lijlija, lu'ab-dar or lu'abi, lazij, latpata, chikkan. MuciLAOiNousNEss, MuciLAQE, lu'ab, las, lu'ab-dari, las-dari. Muck, {dung) rasgoras, khadh, mail. Mud, chahla, andan, kando, kichar, chikkar, daldal, gil, gil-awa, pank, kil. MuDDiNEss, gadla,i, kadurat, maila,i. To Muddle, gaJla- &c. -k, gadlana, hindolna, ka- dorna, ghingholna, chusakua. Muddx, gadia, niaila, mukaddar, malgaja, dhabla, mallia, kador, tira, gadgara. Mud-wall, kacbi-diwar, mitti-ki diwar. To Muffle, dhampna, chhipana, orhna, lapetna, munli men bolna, ankh-mundna. Muffler, burka', ghun-ghut or ghunghat. Mufti, {the head of the Muhammadan law) mufti. Mug, ab-khora. amirti, dastaki, mashraba, garwa, lutiya. ^luGWORT, gandhmar, artamasiya, atmisa. Mulatto, doghla, do-nasla, mastisa. Mulberry, tut, shah-tut. Mulct, jarlmana, gunah-gari, dand, tawan ; {species of ) akhaz-ta'alluka, ta'lik ; {formur- (ier) kljun-baha, kasas ; {for mal-administra- lion) ahmakana. To Mulct, jarimana- &c. -lena, -bandhna or -lagana. Mule, khachchar, astar ; (a mule-driver) ^ach- char-ban. MuLLER, {grinding-stone) batta, lorhiya, batta, silaut. Mullet, pathin, arwari, pathar-chatta, lapchl, bo,ali. Multifarious, Multiform, gun-a-gun, raug-ba- rang, bahu-rupi, kasiru-l-ashkal. Multiparous, bahu-batiki, bahu-andaji, kasiru-1- atfal, kaslru-1-nasl. lIvLTiPSDE, bahu-charoi, ha^ar- or sad-pa. Multiplioasd, mazrub, ganak, mazrub fi-hi. Multiplioatok, zarib, gun or ganak. Multiplication, {in arithmetic) zarb, jorti, pah^ra, ank, mazrub-fihi. Multiplicity, kasrat, ifrat, buhtat or bahutayat. To Multiply, (a.) barhana, ziyada- &c. -k, jorti- &c. -k, pahra-marna, phailna, bahubrind-h; {in arithmetic) joj-na, zarb-k ; (n.) barhna, ziyada-h ; {to increase and multiply) beta-beti janmana, aulad-barhana. Multiplying-olass, hazar-chashma- Multitude, buhtat, ifrat, barha,o, jama,o, majma', hujum, bator, jama'at, wafur, ghalba, zomra, 'ilam, jagat, dal-badal. Multocular, bahu-achhi, kasiru-l-'uyun. To Mumble, ghil-bil-k, men-meu-k, mahalna, mu- chalna, munh men-bolna, poplana, minminana, gun- gunaua, pagurana, chablana, murmurana. MuMBLER, murla, popla, minmina,u. Mummery, bahrupi or bahurupi, pekhna. Mummy, momiya,i ; {to beat to a) dalmasal-k, kfmch-kanch-k, kuchal-kachal-k, halwa-k ; momi- ya-banana, means to keep a man inprison till lie rots, or becomes a mummy there. To Munch, haparake- or chapar-chapar-khana, ha- pus-bapus-khana. Mundane, dunyawi, sansari ; {-fffff) brahm-and. MuNOREL, doghla, du-nasla, mujannas, doraga, baran- sankar, khachra. Munificence, sakJiawat, himmat, jud, bakhshish, dad-dlhish, kusha^a-dili, jawan-mardi, udarta, kara- mat, taufik, zar-hakhshi, in'am, ikram. Munificent, sal^i, data, dharmatma, sahib-himmat, sakha, kusbada-dil, jawan-mard, 'amimu-l-ihsan, zar-bakhsh, zar-rez, dani, laklilut, w&hib be-minnat. Munificently, sakhawat- &c. -se, jawan-mardi-se. Murder, khun, hattiya, katl, ghat, agh, kata ; (in comp.) kushi ; {place of) maktal. To Murder, ^un- &c. -k, mar-dalna, saf-k, lohu- bitna. Murdered, maktul, mara or mara-hu,a. Murderer, khuni, hattyara, katil, kushanda, mar- dum-kush, ghati, aghi, chandal, halaku ; (in comp.) kush, mar. Mdrderess, katila, hattyari, ghatni, chandalni. Murderous, khun-rez, khun-khwar, jallad, ghatak. Murky, {gloomy, dark) ghanghor, kala. Murmur, walwala, chhalchhalahat, dhardharahat, sanak; {of a crowd) bhinak, ghulghula; {complaint) kurkurahat, barbarahat, gila, shikwa, barbari. To Murmur, dhardharana, chhalchhalana, sansaniina, bhanbhanana, jharjharana; {to grumble) kur- kurana, barbarana, ghunghunana, tarrana, niniyana. MuRMURER, shaki, niniya.u, kurkuriya, ghunghuna,u. Murrain, mari, wab§, waba e haiwan. Murrey, jigari, khairi; (v. red, purple). Muscle, patha, pai; {shellfish) sipi ka kifa. Muscovy-duck, habshi-bat. Muscular, {brawny) kungar, supind, purpak, gatta. Muse, fikr, andesha, soch, dhyan, tarraddud (v. inspi- ration, thought), amad, gandharbi, murgh i fikr: the power of poetry is perhaps often expressed by Hatif, an invisible spirit, or by Saraswati, the HindA goddess of eloquence, or by Mulhim, the inspirer. To Muse fikr- &c. -k, du-dila-h, du-chitta-h, ^afil- h, be-khabar-h, khauz-k. Muser, Museful, mutafakkir, andesha-nak, flkx- mand. MUS ( 187 ) NAG IftJSHROOM, dharti-k& phul, samp-ki topi, gagan- dhul, kukraundha, chhata, samarugh, kulah i maran, kukar-muta, khukhri, teknas ; [upstart) nau- dawal, nau-barhiya. Music, musiki, rag, awaz, sarod, git, sangit, nad, gayan, khanya ; {-master) ustad, na,ek; {vocal and instrumental music) gana-baja ; (mitsic, dancing, &c.) rag-rang, rag-ras. Musical, shirin, mitha, pur-soz, galu-soz ; {musical instrument) baja, saz. Musician, musiki-dan, mutrib, mugj^auni, nadi, ragi, gayani, Wianiyagar, kalawant, sazanda, bajantri, samaji, saparda,i. Musk, mushk, misk, kasturi ; ■ [a bag of musk) nafa,e mushk. Musk-cat, mushk-bila,i or mushk-bila,u. Musket, banduk, tupak; {with a match) banduk i tore-dar ; — — {distance or range of a musket-shot) ek goli ka tappa. Musketeer, banduk-band, bandukchi, bark-andaz, viz. lightning-throwers, whom we have metamor- phosed into barkendasses. MusKiNESS, mushk -sa,i, raushk-bari, mushk-bo,i, mushk-amezi. MusK-MELOK, Miarbuza, jamali, bati^. MusK-RAT, chhachhundar, chakchhuudi. McsKY, mushk-sa, mushk-bar, mushk-amez, mnshk- bo, mushkin. Muslin, malmal, tau-zeb, siri-saf, shab-nam, ab- rawaii, sela, dariya,i, suUam, chandeli (v. lace). Must, zarur, lazim, chahiye, hoga, banega, parega ; '{it must be drunk) pina hoga or pite banega; {it must be) ho na ho, kyun na ho : must is frequently expressed by the infinitive onlyj {you must go there to-morrow) kal wahan jana ; {you must not tell him so) use aisi mat kahna. Must, (sub. new wine) shira,e angur. To Must, {to become musty) ubasna, ausna. Mustaches, muchhen (sing.) muchh, burut. Mustard, ra,i, Miardal, sarson, tori, toriya, sarshaf ; {tops) kandar. Muster, {review, &c.) ginti, maujudat, tashiha, ja,iza, haziri, ta'lika, mukabila ; {sample) namuna. To Muster, {an army) maujudat- oj* tashiha-lena, ginti-k ; {pass muster) pasand-h. Muster-master, 'ariz (his duty is performed by the mutasaddis, or clerks of the presence) . Muster-roll, fard, ism-nawisi, maujudat-nama, sarkhatt. MusTiNESs, posidagi, ubsa,l, gumsa,i. Musty, ubsa, sara, posida, gumsa ; {to be musty) guma*na ; '- {to grow musty) ubasna, ausna ; {as wine) utar-jana. MusuLMAN, musalman, muslim, ahl i islam, mumin, muhammadi, turk (pi. muslimin, nuimmin; — — {-woman) musalmani, muraina, rauslima, turkani : there are two or three sects who bandy some ot the following terms among each other : sunni, char-yari, imamiva, shi'a, rafizi, khariji, tafzlli, &c., all com- posed of the tribes called Saiyid, Shaikh or Shekh, Mughal, Pathan. It may be here observed that many respectable writers on Indian affairs use the term Musalmen as the plural of Musalman : with equal propriety they may write Romen and Germen instead of Romans and Germans. MusALMANisM, muhammadiyat, islam, din i muham- madi, &c. , , - , U-x- Mutabiliti, Mutableness, be-karan, be-sabati, na-pa,edari, talawwun, 'adam i sabat. Mutable, be-karar, be-sabat, na-pa,edar, muta- lawwin, anit, jangami, mutaghaiyar. Mutation, tabdil, tabaddol. Mute, chup, Mhamosh, sakit, maun, mauni, lal, be- zaban ; {as a letter) makhfi, mu^tafi, gupat, ma'dula. To Mute, {to dung as birds) bith-k, pii^al-k, hagna. Mutely, khamoshi- &c. -se, chup-chap. To Mutilate, nuksan-k, bigarna, kl^arab-k, nakis-k, chhin-k, kat-kut-k. Mutilated, musla, kana, langra, 'aib-dar. Mutilation, langra-sazi, 'azu-shikani. Mutineer, danga,i, baghi, na-farman, bakheriya, fasadi, dundi. Mutinous sar-kash, be-zabt, an-aggya, bad-dimagh. Mutinously, baghawat- &c. -se, na-farmani-se. MuTiNOUSN ESS, sar-kashi, na-farmani, be-zabti. Mutiny, baghawat, ashob, litui, fasad, balwa, han- gama, danga, fitna, inhiraf. To Mutiny, baghi-k, na-farmani- &c. -k, bargashta- h, ru-gardan-h, phira-h, munharif-h. Mutter, Muttering, kurkurahat, barbarahat. To Mutter, kurkurana, barbarana, tarrana, ghur- ghurana, ghunghunana, burburana, ghilbil-k, labar- labar-k. Mutterer, kurkuriya, barbafiya, ghuyghuriyS. Muttbriuqlt, kurkuyahat-se, barbara-ke, gharghu- ra-ke. Mutton, bher ka gosht, gosht i gosfand. Mutual, du-tarfi, du-ora, janibain, do-arthi, har- do-taraf. Mutually, tarafain, janibain, donon taraf. Muzzle, muhh, muhra, thuthun, dahan, jabra, jab ; {of a gun) muhri ; {for the mouth) musika, jab, dhathi, chhika, mohir; {strap) puzi-patta. To Muzzle, munh-k, band-d, jab-k; {to fondle) thuthunana, thuthiyana. My, mera, apna, hamara, mor ; {my house) mera ghar; (/ have told my father) apne bap se kaha. Myrobalan, har, hara, halela, halelaj, bahera, balela, anula; — — {an electuary of myrobalans) tirphala, itrifal. Myriad, das-hazar, dah-hazar, das-sahasra. Myriads, karoron, lakhon, karorha, lakha, hazarha. Myrmidon, sarhang, 'adalat-ka kutta ; {ruffian) khun-khwar. Myrrh, {gum resin so called) mur, bol. Myrtle, {evergreen so called) murd, as. Myself, main-ap, main-khud, main-hi, apnehi ; {oblique) apne; (/ shall kill myself) main apne ta,in {or apne ko) mar dalunga ; (/ am angry with myself ) mam apne-hi se nakhush hun; {my own self) main apna ap. Mysterious, Mystic, Mystical, ba'idu-1-fahm, makhfi, mustatir, poshida, pinhan, gupat or gupta, raz-ilahi. Mysteriously, Mystically, pech-se, ighlak-se. Mystery, Mysteriousness, Mysticalness, sirri 'alam i ghaib, raz, bhed, sirr, ramz, mu'amma,. tasawwuf, hikmat, upa,e. Mythology, dewmala, tawarikh i jinn. N To Nab, pakar-lena, dabochna, charh-baithna, I- gherna. Nadir, simtu-r-rijl, naziru-s-simt, urdh. Nag, {p"ny, &c.) yabu, tattu, charkha, ta,ir. NAI ( 188 ) NAU Naii, {of the finger, &c.) naHiun, nah, nakh ; {of iron, &c.) kil, mekh, khunti, mismar, preg,kan- JS; [measure) girih; [nail-cutter) nakhun- tarash, or -gir, naharni ; [on tliefiail) hath-par. To Nail, kilna, kil-d or -mama, me^-lagana ; {to pay on the nail) nakd-d, rok-d Naked, nanga, nangta, barahna, 'uryan, khula, ughar, nigat, digambar ; {bare) ulana ; {stark naked) nang-dharang ; {unarmed) nihatha, be- hathiyar; {evident) zahir; {mere) sirf, nira, luch ; {naked at lie was bom) nanga madar-zad. NAKEDLr, be-kapre, khule, be-satar, sarihan. Nakedness, barahnagi, 'ur yani, nanga,!, nangta,i, ugharpan. Name, nam, nanw, ism, lakab, takhallus, kunyat, asami ; {reputation) sakb, bhes ; {your name, sir 1 respectfully) ism i sharifapka? {in the name of God) ba nam i l^uda, bismillah ; {to call names) gali-d, la-zaban-kahna ; {well named) ism ba musamma ; {in his name) uske nam se. To Name, nam-r, mausum-k, tasmiya-k, bakhanna, kahna, nam-zaid- &c. k ; {a child, &c.) nam- dharna or -rakhna ; {to mention by name) nam-lena, nam-batlana ; {to specify) batlana ; {to call by name) nam lekar pukarna, nam pakar-ke-bulan a . Named, mausum, musamma, nam-zad. [nishSLn. NameI/Ess, be-nam, gum-nam, na-ma'lum, be-nam- Namely, ya'ni, maslan, jano. Namesake, ham-nam, ham-ism, sami, sa-nami, mit, mita, which is much used by the bearers, in some provinces, like the word brother, or friend, in English. Nap, {doum) khwab, which also means afeep, as in English; {sleep) nind, jhap, jhapkl, lot-pot; {the afternoon's nap) kailula. To Nap, sona, unghna, ankh-lagna, jhapki-lena, kailula-k, jhapana. Nape, guddi, gardan, kafa, giyun, nar ; {of the neck) manka. Naphtha, nafta or raughani nafta. Napkin, ru-mal, munh-ponchana, dast-mal. Napless, be-khwab, kam-khwab, hence kincob. Nappiness, {of cloth) khwab-dari, ro,anra,i. Nappt, {as cloth) khwab-dar, ro,anra, gud-guda ; {frothy) pur-kaf, phenaha. Narcissus, nargis, 'abhar, nargis-shahla, nasrin. Narcotic, muskir, matawana, mukhaddir. Nard, {spikenard) nard, nardin or nardin, sambul- rumi, jata-masi. Narration, Narrative, nakl, ahwal, kissa, hikayat, kahani, katha, britant, riwayat. Narrator, rawi, haki, nakil, byas, muwarrikh Narrow, tang, chust, saket, sakra, whence the famous Sakri gali, a narrow pass, better known among us by the name of Sickly-gully ; (as cloth, &c.) kam- 'arz, kambar, kashmakash, chapkalish, sankar, kam jur,at, kam-zarf, ochha ; [path to heaven) pul i sirat ; (small) chhota, thora, ghat, kam, kalil ; (awarjciowv) tangdil, kripan ; [to be in narrow circumstances) tang-dast-h, tihi-dast-h. To Narrow, tang- &c. -k, kam-k, ghatana, mnkai- yad-k, mahdud-k. Narrowly, tangi-se ; {closely) ghaur-se, dikkat- se, takaiyud-se, agof -se ; {sparingly) juz-rasl- se, tang dili-se. Narrowness, sakra,!, tangcha,!, kam-jnr,at!, tangl; (poverty) tang-dasti, tihi-dasti, 'usrat. Nasal, (as n) ghunna, san-nasik, maghnuna, ^ai- shum, nak! ; (mark over a letter) anuswar or anuswara, ardhchandra, durbasj. Nastily, na-safi-se, aludagi-se, ghalazat-se. Nastiness, najasat, ghalazat, aludagi, mail, malintSl. Nasty, maila, na-saf, pilid, mahchh, nark, kasif, aluda, aghori. Natal, janami, wiladati, madar-zadi. Nation, kaum, millat, guroh, baran, jat. National, 'amm, kaumi, jati, barni, zat- Sec. -par- war ; (bigotted) watan-dost, kaum-parwar. Nationality, Nationalness, kaumiyat, jat-pachh. Native, asli, zati, jibilli, khilki, kul-palak, madar- zad, janami, biz-zati, gharizi ; (native country) watan, des, zad-bum or bhum, janam-bhum. Native, (sub.) ad, janam, mutawattin, bashauda, bunyadi, des-wal, desi, watani, maulid, bas-basi. Nativity, janam, tawallud, waladat, paida.ish ; (birthplace) maulad, maskat, janam-bhum. Natural, tabil ; {according to nature) ba-'adat, mukarrar, muktazi, sadharan, jati, barn!, kudrat!, 'akli ; (y««0 bar-ja.sta, munasib ; (un- affected) be-sa^ta, sahaj'; {illegitimate) ha- ram, harami, kudrati, daibi; (genius) 'akl- zati, ta,!d-khizri ; (a natural consequence) natija e asli ; {a natural death) apni maut ; (a person of natural capacity to any art, or self- taught) ata,i ; {natural religion) mazhab i 'akli ; {natural colour) kudrat! rang ; (natural philo- sophy) 'ilmi-tabi'at or -tabal ; —— (natural history) ^awassu-1-ashya ; (to die a natural death) khat-par-marna, khat-parke marna. A Natural, (an idiot) ahmak, buz i a^fash, kufh, fit, murh, janam-bawala (y.fool, idiot). To Naturalize, apnana, shamil-k, sharik-k. Naturally, bil-asalat, bi-zatihi, asalatan, ba-'adat ; (delicate) za,ifu-l-bunyad ; (properly) barjastag! &c. -se, ba-mauka' ; {spontaneously) khud-ba-khud, ap-se, aph!-ap. Naturalness, barjastag!, hamwari, be-sakhtagi. Nature, tabi'at, tab', jauhar, jibillat, sarisht, tinat, wujud, mizaj, prakrit, kho, 'adat, khaslat, sirat, kbulk. tyoh, subha,o, ban, manish, mashrab ; (quality) khawass, khassa, gun, khassiyat, muktaza, takaza, nihad, dharam ; (human nature) bash- riyat, tabi'at i insan ; (this is the nature of man) yih insan-ka takaza hai ; (nature, sort) waz', kism, jins, nan', jatan ; (tohen used for Creator) kudrat; (world) dunya, 'alam. Naval, jahaz!, bahri, darya,!. Nave, nabh, manjha, manjhela; (««^) awiyun. Navel, naf, tondi, nabi, bond! ; {-string) nal or nala, dharan, whence nal-ukha]'n& or -digna is ap- plied to some imaginary involution of the intestines, to cure which much friction and groping are practised by female practitioners, which process is expressed by naf- &c. -baithalna. Naughtiness, shararat, atpatang, kharabi. bad!. Naughty, Naught, bura, bad, sharir, atpatang!. Navigable, khula, jahaz- &c. -jane-la,ik, halta To Navigate, jahaz-ran!-k, jahaz-chalana. Navigation, mallahi, mu'allimi, jahazi-'ilm, jahaz- rani, na^uda,!, marijhi-gari, nawa,!. Navigator, mallah, rou'allim, nikh&d, jahaz-ran, na- khuda, naiya, inanjhi. Naulaqe, (freight of passengers, &c.) niwal, naul. Nausea, matla,!, ubka,!, ubki. To Nauseate, huliyana, j!-matlana, j!-ghinana, na frat- &c. -r, karahiyat- &c. -k, kachiyana. Nauseous, ghina,ona, makruh, karih, na-gawir. Nauseously, karahiyat- &c. -se, nafrat-se. w NAU ( 189 ) NER Naitseo'jsness, ghina,o, nafrat, karaliiyat, istikrah. Navy, jahaz, bahr, nawara. Nat, na, nahin, un-hfin, balki, baru, bi-l-'aks. Neap, {neap-tide) halka, halki-jawar. Near, kane, pas, samip, dhig, nere, lag, nazdik, karib, 'ankarib, lag-bhag, muttasil, nikat, kol, dhik, ihan; (direct) sidha, sojh, rast, also close, as a transla- tion; (near of kin) karib, yagana, rishta-mand, makruu, mila, hain-kariu ; (parsimonious) juz- ras, tang-chashni ; (near done, &c.) ho-chala. Nearly, karib-karib, ab-tab, dam-kadam, kam-ziyad, kam-besb, unis-bis, unis-biswa ; ( lyressingly) ba-shiddat. Nearness, nazdiki, mra,i, ittisal, kurb, juz-rasi, tang- chashmi, kurbat, nagcba,i, (from nagich, a corrup- tion of nazdik) . Neat, suthra, khush-numa, nafis, shusta, pakiza, saf, mukallaf, niko, thumka, albela, chikna, besaniya; (pure) nab, chokha, sundar, subhag, arasta, sudaul, uslub-dar, niwal, sunari, sflghar, khush- kat' or -poshak or -libas, namazi, nazuk. Neat, (herd) pal ; (foot) pa,echa, paya. Neat's-herd, dhangar, pali, palak. Neatly, na^sat-se, pakizagl-se, &c. Neatness, suthra,i, khush-numaj, shustagi, latafat, takalluf, nazakat, arastagi. Necessaries, zaruriyat, lawazima, lawazimat, asbab, abwab, sanian, saranjam, masalah, samagri; (the necessaries of life) asbab i ziudagi. Necessarily, luzuman, zaruratan, iltizaman, bi-z- zariirat, la-jaram, sharti, khwah-makhvah. mukar- rar, chahiye, bi-z-zarfir, ho-na-ho. Necessariness, zarurat, luzum, wujub. Necessary, (adj.) zanir, lazim, wajib, awash, la-budd, zaruri, muhimm, mafruz, matlub ; (conclusive) kati', shafi ; (very necessary) ahamm; (it is necessary) zarur hai, laziui hai, ciiahiye (which latter is perfectly analogous to oportet in Latin), chahita, uchit, multazini, parojani, tatparji ; (it was ne- cessary) zarur tha, chahiye tha. Necessary, (privy) ja,e-zarur, chhar-chhobi ; (to go to the) munh-hath-dhona or hath-panw- dhona, jhara-phirna or jhapte-jana. To Necessitate, majbur-k, zarQrat-d. Necessitous, mulitaj, dar-manda, hajat-mand, niyaz- mand, saket, tang-dast, tang-hal, tihi-dast, shikas- ta-hal. Necessity, Necessitocsness, dar-mandagi, hajat- mandi, niyaz-mandi, shikasta-liali, tangi ; (need) hajat, zarurat, wujub, luzum, parojan, prayojan ; (fatality) kaza, mashiyat, bhJibi ; (compul- sion) jabr, zor, bidhiwat, uchitta, takaza, kash-ma- kash, khainch, bhir. Neck, gardan, gulu, gala, 'unk, ghar, ghench; (or collar of a cane, pillar, &c.) harra; (on the neck of) sir par ; (joint of the neck) manka, mohra : (neck or nothing) awe amb ya jawe labeda, honi ho so ho, takht ya takhta; (to break the neck) ^urAsin torna; {fi9-) zor- &c. -torna ; (neck of land) kit'a or kit'a e zamln. Neckcloth, gulii-band, gala-bandh. Necklace, mala, kanthi, bar, mohan-mala, chapa- kali, rudrachh, kanth-mala, sarasari, tulsi-dana, ratau-mala, larchha, moti- or jai- &c. -mala; Swilh two strings) du-lari ; (three) ti-lari ; four) chau-lari; (five) pach-lari; (a round ornament or collar worn round the neck) hansli. Necromancer, jadu-gar, sahir, mantri, masani, isht- bali, sahhar. Necromancy, jadu, sahiri, sihr-tari, tona, mantar, tautar, jantar, masan, isht-bal, musa khkh irat. taskhir. Nectar, ab i kausar, sharaba-t-tahura, amirt amrit, piyukh, sudha ; (the ambrosia tree) kali birch or kalpa-vriksha, tuba. Nectared, Nectarious, Nectarine, amritl, piyuk. madhuri, shakar-aluda. Need, ihtiyaj, zarurat, gharaz. chah, tatparj. To Need, muhtaj- &c. -h, ihtiyaj- &c. -r or jachna, chahna, Needful, zarur, lazim, wajib, la-budd, dar-kar. Needle, su,i, sozan, darzan, dumuhi; (larg suja, su,a ; (of the compass) su,i, kanta ; — (full) taga-bhar-sut, su,i-bhar ; (tlie eye of needle) naka. Needle-case, chainchi, tile-dani, bagll. Needle-maker, sozan-gar, darzan-saz or -farosh. Needle-work, sina-pirona, sila,i, su,i ka kam, hunar (embroidery) kashida. [akarath Needless, be-zarur, be ihtiyaj, be-fa,ida, la-hasil. Needlessness, be-ihtiyajl, be-zaruri. Needy, kangal, dalidri, muhtaj, muflis, mafluk, ihti- yaji, mar-bhukha. Nefarious, badtar, la'nati, nasht, bura. Negation, nahi, nafl, inkar, salb, nast, radd, nahkar. Negative, (adj.) manfi, saliba, nasti, nahkari, mukri, mamnu', barjitwa, majburi; (a negative parti- cle) harfi nafi, harfi salb. Negative, (sub.) nafiya; (in logic) kaziya,e, saliba. Negatively, nafiyan, bi-s-salb, salaban. Neglect, Negligence, ghaflat, tasahul, be-^abari, takasul. ana-kani, kahili, khata, tahawun, majhuli, saho, dhilangl; (contempt wousness) be-iltifati, hikarat, tahkir, an-adar, apamau. To Neglect, bhulna, ghaflat- &c. -k, kaza-k, bisarna, chiikna, kam-nigahi- &c. -k, ghafil- &c. -h; . (to postpone) multawi-r, dal-tal-r. Neglected, (xmcared for) be-dasht, be-marammat. To be Neglected, rul-jana, be dasht rahna. Neglectful. Negligent, ghafil, majhul, kahil, sust, dhila, dhilang, be-iltifUt. Negligently, gh aflat- &c. -se, ghaflatan. To Negotiate, mu'amalat- &c. -k, kar-bar-chalana. Negotiation, mu'amala, jawab-sawal, paigham-sa- 1am, kar-bar, kah-puchli, bat-chit, kaha-kahi, kaha- suni, kam-kaj, agarchal, bat-kaha,o, zikr-mazkur, zikr-azkar, mu'amala-rasi. Negotiator, jawab-sawali, darmiyani, miyanji, mu'a- mala-dan or -shinas or -ras, agarchali, bat-kahi, Negr's habshi, zangi, siyah, sidi, kafri. Neigh, hinhinahat, sahil, ghore-ki awaz. To Neigit, hinhinana, thanthanana. Neighbour, ham-saya, ham-jawar, parosi, paun-riyS, samipi, ham-diwar, nihati, arosi-parosi, chaudisi, shafi. Neighbourhood, paros, jawar, aros-paros, kurb, naz- diki, ittisal. nawahi, chau-dis, chau- or rand-paros, ham-sayagi, shafa-khalit. Neighbouring, nazdik, pas, muttasil. Neighbourly, khalik, milansar, pachmilit. Neither, na, na-ek na-do, ua-un na-yun; (neither this nor that) na yih na wuh : (pron., ko.i nahin; (take both or neither) khwah dono lo khwah ko,i nahin lo. Nepenthe, (herb so called) dukh-haran. Nephew, (brother's son) bhatija, baradar-zada ; (sister's son) bhanja, bhagna, ham-shira-zada, Id^wa- hir-zada. Nerve, 'asab, pai, patha, nas, rag, resha; 'ro strain every nerve) jan-fishani-k, zamin o asmnn ek- k, zor-marna. NER ( 190 ) NIO XerveIiE8S, n&-tawan, dur-bal, nit&n&. NEEVors, kungra, mushtanda ,chak-chaubaud, har- muhptak, gathila ; (style) matin, pusht ; (belonging to the nerves) 'asabi ; (weak) dhila, 8U8t. Nest ghonsla, ashiyana, ghar, jagah, khana, thangi, adda, basa, khondha, alana ; (of a crow, &c.) thath, ghohpa ; (of thieves) akhara, nah ; (to harry a nest) ghonsla-ujarna. To Nestle, (n ) ghonsla- &c. -k, ashiyana-k, ghnsna, rahna, basna, palna; (a.) palna. Nestling, leda, ashiyam, geda, loda. Net, jala, dhaba, jal, dam, gharbal, bisari. Nktiier, Nethermost, taraila, taria, zerin, patali, asfal. Nett, (amount paid to government, &c.) sadar jam', tumSlr. Netted, jal-dar, mushabbak, dam-dar-sa. Netting, jal ka kam, sikhar, chhika, poshida; (ground) bhu,m-jal, lastura ; (or hag) kondli, Jatkan, khara, ahaba; (of bedding, &c.) bina- wat; (of beds, &c.) chaukari, chhakari, nau- kari. Nettle, gizna, anjira, bichhu,a, khajwat. To Nettle, (irritate, sting) satana, khijana, dikk-k, birana. Net-work, jal, shabakat. Never, kabhu-nahin, kabhl-nalnn, hargiz, zinhar, asla, mutlak, na-ko,i, na-kuchh ; (soever) hi, ham, hama; (be he never so wise) kaisa-hi 'alim ho. Nevertheless, tis-par-bhi, tau-bhi, ta-ham, amma, paraut, parto, bar-'aks is bat ke, bar-khilaf iske (v. still, contrary). Neuter, Neutral, nyara, alag, bahar, bari, musawi, nuibarra, na idliar na udhar, mabain, bain-bain, mu'allak, adhar, mu'arra, pak; (in gram.) nipunsak; (gender) kliv-ling, mukhannis : (as a verb) lazimi, samani. Nkutrality, bain-bain ki halat, mu'allaki, adharta, nilibaini halat. New, naya, nawin, nau, taza, jadid, nau-rasida, nau- paida, iiawela, hadis ; (modern) muta,akhkhir ; (different) aur, dusra ; (strange) 'ajib, ajnabi, kota, anwasa, tah-darz, tatka, nau-tarz (v. afresh) . New-born, kacha, nau-paida; (in comp.) nau, &c. taza, are both used. New-comer, nau-rasida, taza-warid, nau-amada, nau-abad, taza-wilayat. Newfangled, nawin-grahi, nau-dost, bu-1-hawasi. Newfanoledness, nau-dosti, nawinta. Newly, bil-fi'l, thore dinon-se, dar-ih wila : (anew) az-nau, sari-nau, mujaddadan. New-moon, naya chand, mah i nau, halal. To BE New-moon, chand dekhna. Newness, tazagi, nawinta, ta,akhkhur. 'ajnabiyat. News, khabar, samachar, ahan, saudesa, waki'at ; (of victory) faiih-nama ; (bringer of) mubash- shir; (newspaper) akhbar ; (good news) khush-khabari, nawcd, muzhda, basharat ; [bad news) bad-khabar ; (a writer of news) akhbar- nawis. News-monger, khabar-dost, shaliar-^abra, afwa-go, dholakiya. Newt, (lizard) baraniya, lohtan, reg-mahi. New-year, sail nau ; (New-year's Day) nau-roz. Next, (in place) pfis se pas, bahut-pas, k:aribtar, akrab, nazdlktar, bnifa-hu,a, imla-hii,a, karih; '- (in turn) dflsriT, aglil: — — (thither) piUi, f&Tla, ; (hither) waila, warla; (tfte next time) dusre wakt, aur wakt, pher, sani ul-hal ; (riezl year) agla- or par-sal (which may also denote last year) . Nib, (point) nok, thor, ani. To Nibble, (n.) khutharna, khutakna, liblibana, ku- tarna, lupar-lupar-khana ; (as a fish) khutkarna, kbuthar-d ; (to carp at) 'aib-giri-k, l^arf-giri-k, nukta-chin-h. Nice, (accurate) bank-bin, dakika-sanj, nukta-diln, khurd-bin. nazuk ; (dainty) nak-charha, khassa, lazig ; (squeamish) mir-manish, mirza-mizaj, dokhi, matra-bichari ; (minute) ghamiz, rakik, mihin ; (in eating) khush-khor. khush-damagh. Nicely, barik-bini- &c. -se, nazakat-se. Niceness, barik-bini, dakika-sanji, nukta-dani,khurd- bini, waswas, wahm, nazakat, nazuki, bariki, dikkat, khush-khori. nak-charhi. Niceties, taha,if, nafa,is, tuhfajat. Nicety, safa,i, san'at, jugat. NiCB, tak, takcha, ara, dhirkha. Niched, gokhrudar ; (nicking) t^k-bandi. Nick, (notch) khandana, dhari, khadha ; (of time) tuk, tak-bak, 'ain, muna, ta,o, kat; (fie came in the nick of time to save his army) tuk- or 'ain-wakt par aya apne lashkar bachane ko. [mama. To Nick, khandane-k ; (to kit) nishana- or hadaf- NiCKNAME, lakab, 'urf, nam, larka,i- or lagni-ka nam, 'urfi-nam, bad-lakab. To Nickname, nam-r, mulakkab-k, nam-dhama. NiDGiT, hech-kara, na-chiz, padna, chutiya. NiDOROUs, chira,endh, sondha. Niece, (brother's daughter) bhatiji, baradar-zadi ; (sister's daughter) bhanji ham-shira-zadi, bhagni, khwahir-zadi. Niggard, kanjus, makhi-chus, sum, mumsik, bakhil, ^ipan, bad-bakhil. shum, sumra, belas, khannas. shaki. [chashmi, dana,at. Niggardliness, sumta, kanjus-pana, tang-dili, tang- NiOGARDLY, (adj.) tang-dil, tang-chashm, kripan, dani, khasis. [se. Niggardly, (adv.) tang-dili- &c. -se, tang-chaslimi- NiGH, pas, nazdik, karib, 'ankarib, kane ; (>''gh dead) karibu-1-maut. NiGHNESS, nazdiki, kurb, kurbat. Night, rat, shab, rain, nis, lail, jamin, nisthni, rajini, tamis, shab-gah, sham ; (to-night) aj ki rat, aj- rat ; (at night) rat-ko ; (last night) dosh. di-shab, kal-ki rat, which last signifies also i to-mor- row night) (v. the Gram, on Adverbs) ; (a dark night) shab i daijur, andheri rat ; (a long night) shab i daraz, bari rat ; (a moonlight night) chandni rat, lailatu-l-badr; (the whole night) shab a shab; (to spend the whole night in mourning) nala,e shab-gir-k ; (a night attack) shab-^un, rat-wahi, rat-dhawa. Night and Day, shab o roz, lail o nabar, rat-din ; (without intermission) rata-rat, shab-a-shab. Night-cap, topi, phcnta, rat-ki topi. NiGHT-CROW, (raven) pecha, ghurab i shab. Night-dew, shab-nam, sit. Night-dress, parcha,e-shab, khwabi-jama or -libas. NiQHT-FARiNO, shab-rawan, shab-rau, nisa-ramani. Night-fire, rachhasi agan. NiouT-GOWN, labada, libas i shab, jama,e shab. NiGUT-HAO, kichin, churail. Nighted, shab-rasida. Nightingale, bulbul, shEh-bulbul, hazar-dast&n, 'andalib, kanhra, sharik, gul-dum, tuti, toti. Nightly, (adj. or adv.) har-rat, har-shab, rilt-ko, wa^ i shab, shabina, rat-r&t, shab-a-shab. NIG ( 191 ) NOO NiOHT-MARE, {incubus) kabuR, jakra, guma. Night-piece, {picture of night) shabih i shabina. Night-robber, shab-khun, rat-ka dakait. Night-shade, {common) mako,i, 'inabu-s-sa'lS'b, dha- tura ; {deadly) 'inabu-s-_sa'lab bari. Night's-lodoing, shab-bashi, rat-ka thikana. Night-walk, ratwahi, sbab-gardi, rat-kheli. Night-walker, shab-gard, ratiha, shab-shikari, rat- khelna. Nimble, jald, tez, chust o chalak, chalak, tez-rau, zud- rau, subuk-khez, tund-rau, acbpal, chancbal ; (in comp.) jald, tez. Nimble-footed, tez-pa, gurez-pa, subuk-pa. NiMBLENESs, jaldi, tczi, chusti, chabuki, chalaki, phurt, charpbarahat, tez-rawi, zud-rav/i, subuk- khezi, tund-rawi, achpali, chanchali. Nimbly, jaldi- &c. -se, chalaki-se, chusti-se. Nincompoop, Ninnt, Ninnthammer, muhmal, ah- mak, rish-ga,o, kun i khar, ga,odi, cbutiya, ablah, padua, sbekh-cbilli, hecb-puch. Nine, nau, nub, tis'a, nau,a; {of cards) nahla; {-pins) garha-gupcbi, gahgoli. Nine-fold, nub-chand, nau-guna, nau-chand or -bar. Nineteenth, uniswan, nuzdahum or nuwazdahum. Ninety, nawwe, nawad. Ninth, nawwan, nuwum or nuwumin. Nip, chutki, noch, cbyonti. To Nip, nochna, chutki-lena, cbyonti -katna, cbontbna (v. to snap) uktana (from ukatna, to be nipped with frost, &c.) pale-marna; {to crop) khontna; {as frost) lagna; {to blast) mama, ura-d; {to vex) satana, kbijana. Nippers, mo-chin, mocbna. Nipple, bbitni, sar i pistan, dhepni, blientu,a, tum- kana. Nitre, sbora, natrun, abkar, baji ; {water cooled with nitre) ab-shora. NiTRODS, sbora-amez ; {add) 'araki sbora. Nitty, likbaba, dbakhaba (v. egg, &c.) . No, nahin, na, na, uhun, ahan, na-na; {no one) ko,i-nabin. To NoiiiLiTATE, najib-k, sharif-karna, &c. Nobility, sbarafat, najabat, asalat, amir-zadagi, umra,i, sharfiyat, kulinta, amarat, amiri, mahatami ; {nobles) umara, shurafu, nujaba. Noble, sharif, najib, asil, ashraf, kulin, 'ali-nasab, buzurg, kabir, 'ali-sban, amir-zada, 'umda, bara, asali, majid, buland, 'azimu-sh-shan, mabatam, kulwant, jatila, nasali, zati; {on both sides) najibu-t-tarafain ; {minded) khatir-'atir. buland- himmat ; {as metals, &c.) ashraf, whence the gold mubar is called ashrafi (lit. a noble, v. gold) . Nobleman, amir, mansab-dar, babu, urara,o, rukn, (pi.) arkan and arakiu. Nobleness, buzurgi, bara,i, karamat, bulandi. Nobles, umara, nujaba, shurafa, ashraf, kubara, ashab i daulat, arkani-daulat, maha-purkh. Nobly, sharifana, najibana, amirana. Nobly-born, amir-zada, najib-zada, sharif-zada, &c. Nobody, ko,i nahin; (figuratively) na-chiz, la-shai, nakas. Nocturnal, shabina, shabi, laili, niti, rataha ; {pollutio nocturna) ihtilam, shaitani ghaflat. Nod, jbukawat, jhuka,o, ramz. To Nod, (n.) jhukna, lachna, nihurna ; {to be drowsy) jbapki uien-h, unghna, ankh-lagna, alsana, palak-lagna, pinki-men-a, mund- or sir-hilana or -dolana. 'Sor>T>v.R,{lizard) ,'nrind-hila,u, ^irgit. Noddle, sar, khopri, kasa, bajir-mund. Node, gantb, gulthi, amas ; (intersection) irS, khatt-salibi ; {of the moon) ras o zamm, rahu- ket."" ' Noise, {sound) awaz, shabd, bang, saut, na'ra ; (clamour) sbor, ghul, ghul-ghula, guhar, fighan, ghulu, shor o shar, duba,i-tiha,i, dad-be-dad, halla- kalla, ghare,o, tauba-dbar, huha, hashrat, ghul- ghadr, kalla, ahat-chahat, tarakha ; (to make) shor-d. To Noise, shuhra-afak-k, hawa-k, chang-k, shuhrat- pakarna, gul-bang-h. Noisome, mufsid, muzirr, mustakrah, ghinawana. NoisOMENEss, fasad, ifsad, na-gawari, istikrah. Noisy, pur-shor, shori, kalla-daraz, dhum-dhami, chilchiliya, utkat. Nolens volens, char-nachar, klj.wah-ma-^wab, jab- ran-kabran, hakk-na-hakk. Noli me tangere, bulbul ka bacha, is applied to any sore so painful that the patient shrieks out if any one but attempts to touch it. NoLiTiON, ghair-khwabi, nir-chah. Nomenclature, nam-dbarki, nam-mala. Nominal, farzi, khiyali, waza'i, nami, ismi, mazkuri, munh-bola, zabani, khw^nda, kaghazi. To Nominate, nam-batlana ; (to appoint) thah- rana, nautna, mukarrar-k, nam-zad-k. Nomination, tasmiya, nam-zadi ; (power of appointing) 'azl o nasb, ukhar-pachhar. Nominative, {or agent to a verb) fa'il, karta, halat-i- rafal or -fi'iliyat, prathama-karak. NoN, (in comp.) na, la, ghair, 'adam, kam, &c., a« may be seen below. Nonage, khurd-sali, kam-sinni, kam-'umri. Nonappearance, ghair-haziri, na-paida,i. Noncompliance, na-razamandi, na-farmani. Nonconformist, na-kabul, munharif, birodhi. Nonconformity, inhiraf, bar-gashtagi, na-kabuli. None, ko,i-nahin, kuchh-nahin, na-ek, nirjan. Nonentity, Non-existence, nesti, 'adam, fana- mahz, miyafi-nurdi, napaid, mafkudu-1-wajud, ma'- dumu-1-wajud. Non-naturals, sitta-zaruriya, khat-karm. Nonpareil, la-sani, be-nazir, ekta, egana or yagana, kag, tak. Non-payment, ghair-ada.l. [sadlinL Nonperformance, ghair-ijra,i, nazar-andazi, nir- NoNPLUS, hairani, tashwish, la-chari, ghol, mat. To Nonplus, lajawab-k, band-k, hairan-k, lachar-k, mat-k, chaukri-bhulana, kut-k, shah-mat-k, meUi- marna, mekhiyana. Non-resident, ghair-sakin ; {cultivator) pahi- kasht. Non-resistance, aroktok, ghair muzahimat, 'adam i mumana'at. Nonsense, jhak, yawa, yawa-go,i,be-huda-go,i,puchi- yac, satar-patar, harza-go,i, be-ja,i, lapat-sapat, pucb, pa-dar-hawa, lata,il, wahi-tabahi, lagho- hasbo, laghwiyat, bad-'hawa,i, shutar-goz, bak- j'hak, zatal, kacba-pan; (to talk nonsense) yawa- bakna, jhak-marna, be-buda kabna, gub-khana. Nonsensical, be-huda, puch, muhmal, be-ma'ni, la- ya'ni, zatali, ghair-ma'ni. To Nonsuit, (in law) na masmu'-k, la da'wa-k, nas-k. Nook, (angle or corner) kona, gosha. Noon, Noonday, Noontide, do-pahr, nisfu-n-nahar, madhiyan, do pahr din, din do pabar. Noose phundi, phansi, phasri, phanda, kamand, pas, sarak-phansi, pharak-wansi. NOO ( IW ) NOW To NoosB, phaisnJk, phandnft, p!mnsan&. Nor, na; (neither very lonj, norvery thort) na baliut lamba na bahut chhota. North, shimal, uttar ; {facing the north) shimal- ru, uttar-muhha, udichi. North-east, isan, uttar-purba-kon. Northern, Northkrly, shimali, utraha, utrayani, (from utrayan, the northern decimation) . North-star, kutub i shimali, h:utub-tara, dhurb or dhruva-tara. [taraf. Northward, uttar-ko, ba simt i shimal, uttar Id North-west, ba,eb or bayab, bhandar. North-wind, uttara, bad i shimal, ishmal. Nose, nak, nasika, bini, ghran, toudi; (disease of) nakra, naku,a; (of quadrupeds) thuthan, thu- thari; (having the nose cut) nakta, biui-burida; '- (the nose-ring, worn as ornament by women) nath, natlmi, bulak, besar, jhulni, kihriki; (the string which is fastened in the nose of camels) nakel, muhar, nath; (to bore tJ^e nose of bullocks) nathna, nak-chhedna; (to blow the nose) nak- sinakna or -jharna ; (to bleed at the nose) naksir- or binas-chalna or phutna ; (to speak through the nose) minminana, gungunana, naki-d ; (to lead by the nose) hath-kara-r, nakel hath- meh-r or -h ; (she leads her husband by the nose) us ke khawind ki bag us ke hath men hai ; (to thrust one's nose into other people's business) auron ke kam men hath dalna ; (follow your nose) nak kl sidh chale ja,o ; (to put one's nose out of joint) bhanji-marna, jar-katna, kan-katna, chule-ukharna, kanni-katna ; (having a big nose, nosy) nakku, miyan nakku. To Nose, sunghna, bas-pana ; (to cock the nose) nakiyana, nak charhana. Nose-band, (of a dog, &c.) puzi-patta. Qaulasi. Nosegay, gul-dasta, phulon-ka guchha, turra, taiya. Noseless, nakta, be-bini, nak-rahit. Nostril, nathna, pura, minkhar ; (the cartilage which divides the nostrils) bulak, as also the orna- ment appended to it. Nostrum, (a secret medicine) chut-kula, latka. Not, nahin, na, na, ghair ; (before the imperative) mat, nakko ; (forsake me not) mujhe chhoro- mat ; (not in the least) mutlak, asla or aslan, •with the negative nahin. Notable, mashhur, kabil i yad, ta'rifi ; (careful) hushiyar, chatur, kam-kaji; (bustling, &c.) sahib-sallka, girthan. Notably, kar-o-far-se, mashhurana. Notary, sakkak, sharti, dabir. Notation, chinh-kar, nishan-nawisi, i'rab-dihi. Notch, khandana, barha, kherchi ; (of an arrow) sufar. To Notch, khandana-k, sufar-katna. Notched, khandana-dar, dandana-dar, su^ri. Note, nishan, 'alamat, chinh, pata ; (reputation) nam, shuhrat, bharam ; (voice) nawa, ahang, tarana, nida, shabd; (in music) tan, sur, andaz, kharj, gandhar, madhim, nikhad, dhewat, pancham, rikhab; (symbol) naksh, ank; (letter) chithi, ruk'a, pati, shukka, chakti; (bill) satta, sauda-pattar ; (memorandum, annotation) yad- dJisht, tika ; (bond ) tamassuk, dast-awez, tip ; (a marginal note) hiishiya. To Note, ghaur-k, mulahaza-k, dhyan-&c.-k, sochna; (tu note down) l;kh- or tank-lena, dakhil-k, darj-k, inundaraj-k, kalam-band-k ; (note book) bayaz, safina. Noted, nami, nani-war, nani-dar, niaslihur, ma'ruf o mashhur, khyfitl, ru-dar, shuhrati, rii-shin&s, mum- luz, niurtaz, niim-zad, zab'ui-zad. Noter, bich&ri, sochi, ghaurl. Nothing, hech, kuchh-nahin ; (trifle) na-chiz, la- shai; (no other thing) ko,i aurchiz nahin, kuchh aur nahin ; (to make nothing of an undertaking, &c.) pani-janna; (for nothing) maft, sent, muft-meo, yunhi, na-hakk; (good for nothing) nikamma, na-ba-kar, na-kara, kam ka nahin. Nothingness, 'adam, nest!, na-chizi, la-sha,l. Notice, ghaur, soch, nigah, nazar, khabar, ittili', agahi, samachar, ahat, iihaz, budh ; (citation) i'lam. To Notice, dekhna, ghaur-k. sochna. Notification, izhar, ilam, ittila', Wiabar. To Notify, khabar- &c. -d, kahna, batlana, jatana, izhar-k, janana. Notion, khiyal, dhyan, fikr, pindar, ra,e, gum&n, bharam, wahm, tawahhum, atkal, kiyas, daryaft. • Notional, khiyali, wahmi, zanni, farzi. Notoriety, Notoriousness, shuhrat, izhar, mash- hilri, angusht-numa,i. Notorious, mashhiir, zahir, prakash, ma'ruf, malum, 'alaniya, angusbt-numa, hanka-pukara, sar-buland, khula, pratachh or pratyaksh, nakku, namudar, 'urfi, sadharan, fash, 'alam-uashar. Notoriously, 'alaniyatan, zahira or zahiran. Notwithstanding, ba-wajude-ki, ba-wasf is bat ke, harchand, hii an ki, az-bas ki, go ki, sath hone is bat ke, tis pa, parant, taham, jadyapi. Novel, (new, uncommon) nadir, naya, acbambha. A No' EL, kissa, shaukiya, afsana, kahani, katha. Novelist, kissa-nawis, afsana-go or -nawis. Novelty, nau-rasidagi, nau-rasi, tajaddud, nawinti, nau-tarzi. November, aghan, marag, sikh, sah-marag, agrahani. Nought, kuchh-nahin, hech ; (to set at nought) nachiz-janna, goz i shutar-janna, khas-janna. hawa- janna. Novice, nau-sikh, nau-amoz, anari, na-azmuda-kar, kacha, kham, sikh-nautu, mubtadi, nau-aghaz, mundiya, chela. [chela-pan. Novitiate, nau-amozi, anari-pana, mundiya-pan, Noon, ism, nam, shabd; (an adjective and its qualified noun) sifat o mausuf ; (the governing noun) muzaf, opposed to muzaf ilaih, the noun go- verned ; (a noun of time) zaman or ismi zaman ; (a noun of place) ismi-makan or -zarf ; (of instrument) ism i ala or alat ; (of action, agent) fii'il ; (of excess) ism i mubalagha ; (ad- jective or abstract noun) ismi sifat; (verbal noun) masdar ; (generical, collective noun) ism i jins ; (a substantive) ism i zat or jamid; (proper'j 'alam ; (diminutive) tasghir ; (arbitrary) ism i sama'i. [man-k, parwarda-k. To Nourish, palna, posna, parwarish-k or -d, bardh- Nourisher, (applied to God) parwardigar ; (in comp.) parwar or palak. Nourishing, pusht, mukawwi, kasiru-1-kailus, ji- palak, palanhar, razik ; (in comp.) parwar. Nourishment, parwarish, ghiza,iyat, ta ghz iya. ahar, pushta,i. Now, ab, bil-fi'l, al-hal, fil-hal, aknun, hali. hala, hiilS or lialan ; (Just now) abhi, isi dam, abhi ka ; (well, &.C.) pas; (now glad, now sad) gah khush, gah na ^lush ; {now a saint, now a devil) gahe wjdi, gahe shaitan ; (a particle of connection) ab-ke, jo, khair ; (after this) pher, ba'd is-ke ; (now and then) kabhi-kabhi, gah-gah, gah b« gah, ba'ze dafe, jab-tab, wakt be wakt, ili masba. Now-a-days, §j-kal, in rozoh men, dar-in wila. Nowhere, kahin nahin. ^ow ( 193 ) OBE Nowise, kisi tarah se nahln, hargiz-nahin. Noxious, mufsid, muzirr, muzi, fasid, ziyan-kar, zahri, dukhad, dukh-da,i, bikh. Noxiousness, fasad, ziyan-kari, mufsidi, ifsad. Nozzle, [snout) nali, phoiiphi. Nucleus, asl, maghz. Nudity, satr, nang, gand, badan, nagn^ta. Nugatory, (useless) lii-liasil, hech puch, nikamma. Nuisance, -wabal, bojh, chhati ka pathar, muzi, muzirr, dukhda,i ; (in law) mukhill, harij. Null, raddi, batil, jhutha, na-manzur, mal-met, sust, subuk, halka. To Null, Nullify, batil- &c. -k, butlan-k, be-sud-k. Nullity, butlan, na-chizi, la-hasili, &c. Numb, thithira, sun or sunn, be-hiss. To Numb, thitharana, sun- &c. -k ; (to be numb) ainthna, akar-jana, thithar-jana, rah-jana, sun- Ac.' -h. NuMBEDKESs, thithrahat, be-hissi, be-harkati. Number, ginti, shumar, tho (this last very frequently occurs in such expressions as ek-tho, do-tho, panch- tho, especially among the vulgar, who seem to use it more as an expletive, like ta, in Persian, than any thing else), 'adad, ti'dad, sankhya, hisab, mikdar, ginat, minat; (figure) hindasa, rakam, ank, thaur ; (many) kasrat. ziyadati ; (poetry) shi'r, nazm ; (in gram ar) sigha, bachan; (the singular number) wahid, mufrid, ek -bachan ; the dual number) tasniya; (the plural number) jam', bahu-bachan ; (an odd number) 'adad i tak ; (an even number) 'adad i juft ; (a tmall number) killat, thore-se ; (what number ?) kai uiaur ? To Number, ginnS, shumar- &c. -k, minna ; (to mark with numbers) 'adad-lagana or -d, ank-d, rakam-banana, 'adad-nawisi-k, ankna. Numbered, ma'dud, shumari, gina-hu,a, ti'dadi. NuMBERER, shumarinda, muhasib, ginwaiya, 'adad- nawis, ankwaiya. Numberless, be-shumar, be-hisab, an-ginat. Numbness, thithur, be-hissi, be-harkati. Numeral, Numerical, shumar!, ganaki, anki; (verse) abjad, nazmi ; — — (a numerical character) rakam, hindasa, ank. ['adad. Numerally, Numerically, shumar-se, ba-hasbi Numeration, ti'dad, ta'addud, 'ilm i muhasaba, ganat, ganka,i, 'adad-nawisi, shumari, warak-daghi. Numerous, bahut, ziyada, kasir, wafir, waf i, ba-ifrat, maufur, dal-badal. Numerousness, buhtat, buhta,i, bahutayat, kasrat. Numskull, ahmak, ablab, ga,odI, kaudan, bajjar- mund, ut. Nun, abdhutani, zan i gosha-nishin. NuNNATiON, (v. Hind, or Pers. Gram.) tanwin. Nuptial, nikahi, byahu, shahana, 'urusi ; (-song) sohag, jog. jalwa, shadiyana, sohla ; (-present) ladha,i, wida,! ; (-hour) mahurat ; (-knot) 'akd i nikah, hibala, gath-bandhan ; (-bed) sej- sohag. Nuptials, nikah, byah, shadi, bhaunri. Nurse, da,i, dada, anni, dha,i, jiji, khela,i-da,i, asil, aya (this last term is said to be of Portuguese origin) ; (male) daya, anna ; (of a sick person) bimar-dar; (a tcet nurse) da,i-pila,i, dudh- pila,i. To Nurse, palna, posna, parwarish-k ; (as a child) dudh-pilana or -d, da,i-gari-k, dudh-chusana; (the sick) bimar-dari-k ; — — (to give out to nurse) da,i ko sompna. N^ursery, da,!-khana; (plantation) ^azana, zakhira, bihnaur ; (^for vegetables) biyar , (figuratively) kan, marja . Nursling, shir-^ora, dudh-piya. Nurture, pala, parwarish, tarb;yat, dana-pani. To Nurture, palna, posna, parwarish-k. Nut, jauz; (betel) supari; (cocoa, unripe) dab, dumala ; (water) tal makhana ; (pur- gative) jamalgota. Nut-brown, sa,onla or sanwala, finduia ; (nut- cracker) sarauta. NuT-HOOK, anksi, laggl. Nutmeg, ja,e-phal, jauz, jauz-bo,a, jauzu-t-tib. Nutriment, Nutrition, parwarish, ahar, ghizaayat, ghiza, khurak. Nutrimental, Nutritive, Nutritious, mukawwi pusht, parwaranda. Nut-shell, finduk ka chhilka. Nux Vomica, kuchla, falus-mahi. To Nuzzle, sunghani-lena, nak-lagana, sunghana. Nyctanthes, harsingar. Nymph, (of paradise) hur, apchhara, pari, na,eka. 0, (sign of the vocative) o, a,e or ai, ya, ra, a, he ; (the interj.) ho, aho, ahe, e, aji, eho, are, he-re, are- hi, ri, ari,e ; (in pain) oh, ha,e, ah ; (in- terj. of wishing) kash, kashke; (0, brother!) a,ebha,i! bha,i-re! (0 father, father 1) bap-n bap ! whence the ridiculous word bobbery, disturb- ance, &c. but which is only used by the English and their servile imitators. Oaf, (dolt or blockhead) ut, ulu, ulagh, ahmak. Oak, bulut, sita-birch ; (acorns) sita-supari; (the royal oak) shah-bulut, bulfltu-l-malik. Oak-apple, mazu, maju-phal. Oaken, buluti, bulu_t-se banaya-hu,a. Oakum, san, pat, paras, gahnl. Oar, dand, chappu, balli. To Oar, dand-mama, khyona. Oath, kasam, saugand, kiriya, sauuh, sonh, or son, sapat, halaf, yamin, dib, sun ; (to use oaths) wallah-k, billah-k, tillah-k. Obduracy, Obdurateness, sakhti, na-tarsi, 'Ihit- ha,i, nithura,!, sar-kashi, gardan-kashi, sang-dili, be-rahmi. Obdurate, Obdured, sa^t, sang-dil, be-rahm, na- tars, dhith, magra, nithur, bara, na-mula,im, khun- khwar. Obdurately, sakhti-se, dhitha,i-se, sang-dili-se. Obedience, tabi'-dari, ita'at, tab'iyat, inkiyad, muta bi'at, adhinta, ta'at, bai'at, hukm-bardari, &c. ag- gyakar, bandagi, fidwiyat, istita'at. Obedient, farman-bardar, tabi'-dar, halka-ba-gosh, adhin, Jiut)', ram, tabi , mutabi', farman-bar, hukm- bardar, aggyakari, hukmi. Obediektiy, farman-bardari- &c. -se, taba'iyatan or tab'iyatan, Obeisance, salam, taslim, kurnish, johar, dand wat, pa,e-lagon, adab, namaskar, pranam, jabasa,i; — (to make obeisance) taslimat- or adab-baja lana. Obelisk, nasa'o, miuar, dhaurahar, akas-Iochao. Obesity, phaphasahat, bhabharahat. To Obey, manna, kabul-k, sunna, farman-bardari &c. -k, ^atir-men-lana, patiyana, sidh-kar-lana, baja-lana. U UBJ ( 194 ) OBT Object, {aim) maksad, ^raz, Mach, het, parojan, murad, manzur, inatma', mud';), malizar, maujud, kartab, matl'ab, pras'ta,o ; {deserving-) musta- hak^ ; '■' (subject) mauzu', mazmun ; {thing) ciiiz ; (m grammar) raaf 'ul ; {external ob- jects) mahsusat fil-l^arij; {the object of one's love) manzur i nazar ; {the object of any passion) matma' i liazar; {the object of his enmity) as ki dushmani ka matma' i nazar. To Object, i'tiraz-k, pakarna, dokhna, 'uzr-k, tokna, chhenkna, ta'arrnz- &c. -k, barajna, arna. Objection, i'tiraz, shubha,irad, dukhan, girift, pakar, dokh, istadagi, hujjat, takrar, radd, kadd, ar, shik, kmiah; (evasion) hila-hawala. Objectionable, i'tiraz- &c. -pazir, ja,izu-l-i'tiraz. Objector, mu'tariz, dukhak,hajjati,girift-gir, mujaw- wiz, zaban-gir. Oblation, nazar, niyaz, bhog, kurban, bal, waran. Obligation, farz (pi. fara,iz), farziyat, wajib (pl.waji- bat), shart, dharam, mashrut, mafruz, kanaund, upakar, dab, nikhta, istihsan ; {bail) zamanat, ^ail ; {favour) ibsan, minnat, nihora ; {a written obligation) ikrar-nama, 'ahd-nama, muchalka, tamassuk. Obligatory, kadir, zabit, kabiz, zarur. To Oblige, arana, majbur-k, na-guzir-k; {to indebt) mamnun-k, ihsan-mand-k, minnat-dar-k, marhiin i minnat-k, kanaura or kanaunda-k, karm- &c. -k; {to force) be-bas- &c. -k; {to please) khush-k, razi-r, khatir-dari-k. Obliged, mamnun, kanaunda, dabel, talheru, minnat- dar, dast-girifta, halka ba gosh. Obliging, 'amimu-1-ihsan, sahib-murawwat, latif, kbalik, zahir-dar, sishtacharl, karimu-1-ihsan, dost- parwar, ashna-parast, upakari, parkarl, sahib-suluk. Obligingly, khulk- &c. -se, murawwat-se, lutf-se. Obligingness, Khulk, murawwat, lutf, Khubi, sishta- char, karimu-l-ibsani. OBLIQ0B, tirchha, kana-kani, terha, ureb, mu^iarraf, bakar, binga ; {or diagonal stitching) dhenka. Obliquely, tirchha,i-se, terha,i-se, na-rastl-se. Obliqueness, Obliquity, tirchha,i, terha.i, kaji, khami, na-rasti. To Obliterate, chhilna, metna, mltana, uthana, liakk-k, mahw-k, mansukh-k, pa,e-mal-k, mal-d, ghisana, katna, mama, pahonch-d, dho-d, dur-k. Obliterated, gum-nam, faramosh, mitaya-hu,a. To be Obliterated, ghisna, ragarna, mitua, mama, malna, dalna. Obliteration, mita,o, pa,e-mftli, gum-nami. Oblivion, farimoshi, nisyan, bhulawat, bisrawat, gum-nami ; {consigned to oblivion) naslyan- mansiya ; {to bury in oblivion) nasiyan-mansiya- k, khad-d, top-k, alop-k. Oblivious, bhula.vi, bisra,u, faramosh-kar. Oblong, murabba' mustatU, lamb-cbaura, kitabi. Obloquy, ilzam, dokh, ta'n, ta'n-tashni', malamat, buht3,n, kalank, lim, apwad or apavad. Obnoxious, maghlflb. zer-dast, adhin, mutahammil, saha,u, sahanhar;— — (reprcAensiWe) mulzim, dokhi ; {we are all liable or obnoxious to disease) ham sab bim^ri ke mutahammil hatn. To be Obnoxious, munh-men-h, mutahammil-h. Obscene, ftihish, puch, zabun, na-pak, phuhar, bura, munh-ka phurha, malin, ghaliz, yawa-dahan, bad- zaban, bhouda, mughallaz (pi. mughallazat) . Obscenely, fuhsh- &c. -se, fiihishana, bad-zabani-se Obscenity, Obsceneness, fu^sh, muj^allaza, phoha- rfc,i. Obscure, andhera, andha, tarlk, muzlim, mu^la^ malihfi, mustatir, gurh; {not known) gam- nam, be-narn o nishan, kara-ru, na-pursan, 'amik, khafl, andhla, ghair-mashhur, kam-numa, laptila, gat-pat, alopi. To Obscure, andhera- &c. -k, mughlak- Sec. -k, chipana, goshida-k, chhana, top-lena, lapetna. Obscurely, ighlak- &c. -se, zulmat-men. Obscureness, Obscurity, tariki, zulmat, lapet,kasht- arth; (v. ambiguity) ; {abstruseness) ta'iad, tasamnh, musamaha, gurhta; (pnWcy) ]^alwat. Obsequies, tajhiz o takfin, kriya-karam, sradh, ta'ziyat, fatiha-darud, kul, tija, barkhi, barsi, rasvi- mat i maiyit. Obsequious, adhin, tabi'-dar, farman-bardar, kha.^- bardar, mahkum, hukmi-banda, jig-jigiya. Obsequiously, tabi'-dari-se, kM,e-bardari-se. Obsequiousness, tabi'-dari, farman-bardari, ita'at, ^a,e-bardari,jig-jigi, hanji, mutaba'at (v. serviliti/)- Observable, zahir, pragat, mashhur, namudar. Observance, adab, mulahaza, 'amal, isti'mal, sidhkar, grahan, kabul. [musta'mil, muhafiz. Observant, multafit, mutawajjih, sar-garm, 'amil, Observation, lihaz, mulahaza, ghaur, basirat, dhyan, bichar, murakaba, makula, kaul, kahawat, guftar ; {of the stars) sitara-bini. Observatory, rasad, marsad, akas-lochan. To Observe, lihaz- &c. -k, dekhna, nazar-k, nigah-k, niharna, nijhana, takna, uirikhna, aulachna, lakhna, {to mind) siirna, grahau-k; {to remark) kahna, farmana; {to keep) rakhua, manna, stinna, mutabarrik-janna ; {to observe ones word) pura-k, wafa-k. • Observer, alili-nazar, ahli-basirat, nazir, binanda, nigah-baz, bhedi, nazra, nazar-baz, auloki or ava- loki; {of the stars) sitara-bin, tara-nirikhak. {of laws, &c.) sidhkari, grahani ; (in comp.) parwar, palak; thus, sukhan-parwar, on observer of his word. Obsolete, raatruk, mansuWi, be-riwaj, ^air-musta'- mal, batil, mu'attal, anrit, matruku-l-isti'mal, ghair- isti'mal, ghair-chalan. Obsoleteness, butlan, be-isti'mali, batili. Obstacle, ha,il, sadd, mani', sang-rah, mnzahim, ar, ot, harij, muzaliamat, arbanga. Obstinacy, Obstinatenbss, magra,i, machla,i, hath, ar, sar-kashi, gardan-kashi, tamarrud, jihl-murak- kab, suUiau-parwari, israr, phakband, mdrkba^ pakar, raujadila. Obstinate, magra, machla, hathi, gardan-kash, muta- marrid, sukhau-parwar, aphadda, pakhandi, data.u, musirr, harun, hujjati, muikhati, tanchra, gariyir, kaj-bal>s ; {disease) niuzmin, pakra,u. To be Obstinate, zamin-pakarna, gardan-kashi-k. Obstinately, magra,i- &c. -se, hat-hatke, pher- pherke, ararke, mundiyake. Obstreperous, ghaugha,i, shori, ]diana-jang. To Obstruct, bandhna, band-k, sadd-k, masdud-k, rokna, arna, thek-d, mama, mar-r, katna. Obstructer, Obstructive, ha,il, mani', harij, miui- him, mu'arriz, muta'arriz, thekan-har, rokwaiya. Obstruction, sadd, rok, ar, ruka,o, khandit, ta'arrui, atak, atka,o, rok-rak, rok-tok, ar-danda, thekan, kiionch, saddi rah ; {in physic) sudda ; {of the menses) masdud i haif . To Obtain, hasil-k, pana, bhugatna, nikalna, baran&, jurna, phailna, rupna, jar-pakarna ; {to prevail) jari-h, raurawwaj-h, ra,ij-h, r.awaj-pakarna. Obtainable, milne-walTi, nmmkinu-l-husul, mayassttf, jura,u, jurne-jog, yat'tani, yabinda. OBT ( 195 ) orr To Obtkude, dalna, da^-k, a-parna, muHiill-h. Obtrcdek, labar-ghatta, labar-chatta. To Obtund, faro-k, hurna, mama, narm-k. Obtuse, kund, bhuthra, bhutta, be-nok, nakta, mund- la, mota, bhari, sakU ; {an obtuse angle) adhik- kon, zawiya, munzarija. Qbtuseness, kundi, be-noki, bhathra,!. To Obviate, bachana, rokna, talna, raf -k, rah-marna or -katna. Obvious, zahir, asbkara, khula, fash, barmala, sarih, pargat, raushan, 'ayan. Obwously, zahiran, sarihan, ashkarana. Obviousness, zuhur, sarahat, tauzih, roshana,i. Occasion, {opportunity) gbat, fursat, naubat, kabu ; {cause) ba'is, sabab, mujib, jihat, wasta, karan, da,o, kam ; {need ) darkar, lalach ; {what occasion ?) kya chahiye ? kya zarur ? To Occasion, paida-k, dalna, lana, barpa-k, uthana, nikalna, karna, karaua, dena, bakhshna, lagana. Occasional, itti^i, 'arizi, wakti : {servants) mazkuri, misali, sababi, da,oghati. Occasionally, ittifakan, gah-be-gah, gah-gah, kabhi- kabhl, kadhi na kadhi, wakt be- {or na-) -wakt, jab tab, jab na tab. Occidental, maghribi, gharbi. pachhamln. Occiput, kafa, newarl, guddi. Occult, chbipa, gupt, poshida, makhfi, nihan. OccuLTATioN, antfichhta, tahtu-sh-shn'a'. Occultness, i^fii, posbidagi. Occupation, kam, dhandba, kaj, mash^ala, amr, shu^ ; {trade) pesha, hirfa, sigha. Occupied, makbuz, mashghul. sar-garm. Occupier, kabiz, mutasarrif, malik. To Occupy, 'amal-k, tasarruf-k, hathiyana, rakhna, bharna, tandna, mandna ; {to take up) daba-Iena, rokna ; (to busy) mashghiil-r, laga-r, uljha-r. To OccuH, bona, ana, paraa, a-jana, nikalna, milna, nazar-ani, waki'-b, sarzad-h, rudad-h, bitna, hadis- h, ru-d, lagna. Occukresce, waku*, ittifak, waki'a, sawanih, sama- cbar, bana,o. Ocean, bahr i muhit, darya,e muhit, samnndar, kamus, sagar, ambudb, abdh or abdhi. OCHEE, pil,-mitti, mirtika. Octagon, Outaoonal, musamman, basht-pahlfl, ash^ dal, ath-koniya, hasht-gosha. Octavo, ath-warka, hasbt-warki. Octennial, hasbt-sala or hasb-sala, ath-barsi. October, katik, kartik, bahnl, urj. OcTOPETALOUs, ath-pakhriya, hasht-barg. Octuple, atb-guna or -lara or -parta or -taba. Ocular, basri, drishtwa, auloki or avaloki, mara,i ; {ocular demonstration) mushahada, dalil i basri. OcuLi^, sathiya, pattar-karbwa, kahhal. Odd, phut, tak, fard, kag; {shoe, boot, &c.) pawa,i, paincha ; {somewhat over) kuchh upar, za,id, ziyada, phutkar : {unheeded, &c.) ek-adh, kuchh -ek, ko,i ; — —{strange) nirala, anutha, anokha, zor, tamasha, 'ajib, nadir, bhala. Oddly, 'ajib-tarah, zor-tarah, 'ajab-waz'-se. Oddness, nudrat, bu-l-'ajabi, anokha,i. Odds, fark, tafawut, bich ; {-or even) tak o juft, kag-dos; {advantage) ghalaba, jit, faukiyat, dast-burd; {strife) phut, bigar, fasad; {odds and ends) agar-bagar, chur-bhur ; {it is odds) aghlab hai, g^alib hai ; {it is odds he will come to-night) bis biswe hai ki aj rat ko awe. Odi, g^azal, re^ita, dandak, kasida. Odious, karih, makruh, ghinawana, mustakrah, ^a- liz, najis, mal'un, na-pasand, zisht, nafrat-angez {hated) mat'un ; {invidious) kina-angez. Odiousness, istikrah, karahiyat, kina-angezi, 'ada- wat-angezi. Odium, 'adawat, kina, badi, bad-andeshi, bad-khvahi. bad-du'a, malamat. Odoriferous, Odorous, khysh-bo. mu'attar, maghan, sii-bas, mu'ambar, 'atir, mashmum, sugandh, amod, taiyib. Odoriferousness, khnshbo,!, mu'attari. Odour, {fragrance) khush-bo, shamlm, arghan, sha- mlma, tib, bakhur, maryam ; {scent) bo, b&s, mahak. (Economy, (v. economy, &c.) girthapan. (Esophagus, gala, nali, balk, hulkum, nata,!. Of, ka, ke (fem. ki) : it may also be expressed, accord- ing to circumstances, by se, sen, sun, ba, par, waste, men, hakk men, ko, ku, kun, su, te, &c. ; {of himself) ap-se, khud ba khud : {of late) thore dinon se ; {he spoke of me) mera zikr kiya tha {they speak of you) we tumhari bat bolte hain. Off, se, par-se, dur; {offhand) fil-badiha; {to be off) nikal-jana, champat-h ; (to come off^ get off) nikal-bhagna, bach-nikalna ; (to go off, disappear) jata-rahua ; (to go off, as a gun, &c.) chhutna, daghna, chalna; {well off) khush. achchhi tarah ; {off and on) nan-bun, uncha- nicha, tal-upar, Jar-ma-dar, ala-bala;— — {far off) palle par : this particle after verbs is variously ex- pressed by jana, nikalna, utarna, bachna, chhutna, rahna, dalna, lena, dena, chhorna, &c., compounded with other verbal roots, in a way peculiar to tha Hindustani, and explained in p. 65 of the Gram. q.v. Off ! dur, dut, cha^e, dur-dabak, gum-ho, tafiwut- ho, hist, fark. Offal, Offals, jhutha, paryal-sayyal, fazls, pas- W^urda, ojbri, a^or, reza, jharan-jhutan, jhay-jhii- ran, jhuthan-jhathan. Offence, gunah, jurm, taksir, dos or dosh, 'aib, ghILt, bhiil-chuk, khonch; {displeasure) garanl, rii- than, ruthi ; {injury) zarar, batta, azar, iga, dikkat; {displeasure) bezari, ranjish, rutha,i; (to take offence) bura-maqna or -janna, bezar- h, ba-tang-a. [sharr. Offenceless, bhola, ^arib, be-gunah, ma'siim, be- To Offend, (to displease) bezar- &c. -k, khijhana, khatkana, khonchiyana, kurhana, nakiz- &c. -k; -{the eye) ankh-men-khatakna ; (to attack) hath-chalana, dast-darazi-k ; (to injure) nuksSn- &c. -h, tajawuz-k ; (to transgress) mu^alif-h, bar^ilaf-h. Offended, na-khusb. bezar, ranjida, azurda-khatir. barham, jizbiz, kldsiyana, dikk, udas. Offender, gunih-gar, 'asi, ghatiha, ^ati. Offensive, zabun, bura, bad, zisht, karih, na-pasand, khonchiyaha, sata.u, ghati ; {injurious) mufsid, muzirr, muzi ; {an offensive weapon) hathiyar, harba, maru, zarbi, harbi, sabkati. Offensiveness, zabuni, bura,i, badi, nnksiin; — {disgust, &c.) ghinawat, istikrah. Offer, in'am, ni'mat, ikdam, takdim ; {proposal) bat, amr, kaha, bachan; {advance) uksa,o, bat-chit, kah-puch ; {attempt) kasd, azma,ish ; {price) kimat, mol. To Offer, (a.) samne-r, dena, dene-lagna, tawazu'-k, nazar-k, pesh-nihad-k, charbana, sansarna, age-k or -T~or -dharna, &c. ; (to commence) lagna, chahna, musta'idd-h; (/or an o^ce) khara-h, kamar-b, taiyar-h; (to immolate) kurban-k, bal- &c. -k or -charhana, wama ; (to propose) kahna, batlfma, lan^, 'arz-k, izhar-k ; (to appear) 2 OFF ( l9» t ONC nazar-inS, sujhni, dikhla,!-d ; (to attempt) kasd-k, irada-k, azmana, bichar-k; {to offer violence) hath-chalana, zulm- &o. -k, dast-andazl-k j {to offer battle) lara,i-mangna or -chahna, larM ka tarawa dikhana ; {to make an offer) puchlma. Dffereii, gahak, puchhan-har. Offering nazar, niyaz, kurbam, bal, arpan, charh- awa, agrasan, bera, chiraghi, haziri, hakku-1-lah, bal- or gau- or aan- or darb-dan, baldahiya, hadiya (v. present) . Office, 'uhda, khidmat, kam, sewa, mansab, 'amal, 'alaka, sarishta, sigha, rit, karam.mashghala, kar; '- (turn) sanguta, parkar, upakar ; {room) nishast-gah, kachahri ; {for business) daftar- khana ; the person who cleans the pens, rules the paper, &c. in the office is called the daftari ; {a good office) suluk ; {an ill office) bad-suluki. Officer, 'uhda-dar, ahl i khidmat, ahl i kar, mansab- dar, ahl i mansab, sarishta-dar, sigha-dar, madar- kar, 'ahdi (v. messenger, &c.) ; {of a village) hal- dar ; {one who has charge of papers) daftar-band ; {commander) sar-dar,jama'at-dar, dhare-dar. Offices, {privy) makanat i zaruriya, kola-chhenri. Official, huzuri, hakimana, mu'amalati, ba-maratib. To Officiate, khidmat-k, 'iwazi-k, niyabat-k. Officinal, {relating to shops, &c.) dukani, 'attari. Officious, bhal-sughyS., halbhaliya, fuzul, phapphar- dallal, sugarsiyan, ftiful-numa, fuzul-go, fuzul-khid- mat, bu-1-fuzul. Officioublt, fuzul-khidmati-se, fuzuli-se. Officiousness, bhalsughra,!, fuzuli, halbhal, pura,i, girthapan, jigjigij upar-dhappa. Offscourinq, mail, tirchhat, fuzla. Offset, {a sprout nr shoot) kalgha, podha. Offspring, aulad, nasi, bans, farzand, far', bel, san- tat, -walad, natija, phal, sakha-sut, dal-pat, al-au- lad, kachbach, nati-pote, santat-santan ; {nu- nierotis) murghi ke pal, bakri ke aulad. Often, Oft, Ofttimes, bahu-dhan, aksar, barha, ka,i-bar, baliut-kal, aksar-aukat, ba-daf'at, dafiit, dafTitan, bar-bar, pher-pher, hat-hat-ke, plier-pher ke ; {how often ?) kai-ber ? kai-daf a ? keta ? {so often) ite-bar, ite-martabe, tai-ber ; {as often as) jai-bar. To Ogle, jhanwli- or did-marna, ankhen-larana, satki- matki-k, kankhyon-dekhna, 'ashwa-k, kutachhan-k, ankh- or nain- or bhaun-ghumana, -marna or -mat- kana, nazar-baz^-k, tirchhi-uigah-k. OoLER, jhanwli-baz, dida-baz, nigah-baz, did-baz, ghamza-baz, nazar-baz, matkiinar, chapalnaina. OoLio, {medley or mixed meats) dopiyaza. Oh! ah! oh! a,ewa,e! wa.e! ha,e! ya ! waih! uf! Oil, tel, raughan ; {bitter-) raughan i talkh or -siyah, karwa-tel; {sweet-) mitha-tel; {seed) til, kunjad; {blubber) bas ; {essen- tial) 'atr or 'itr, whence our otter ; {olive oil) raui^an i zait ; {scented oil) phulel, kbalel. To Oil, tel-malna or -lagana, chuparna, ckiknana. Oil Colour, raughan-rang or raughani-rang. OiLiNESS, chiknahat, chikna,!, duhniyat, teliyahat. Oilman, teli, raughan -farosh, 'assar. Oil-uarket, teli-tola, teli-para, tel-k8,-bazar. Oil-press, kolhii ; {oil-stone) teliya-pathar. Oily, raughani, tillha, chikna, teliya, telhan. Ointment, marham, zamad, lep, mom-raughan. Old, purana, kuhna, burha, sal-khurda, musinn, mu'- animar, dini, bara, puratam, puraihin, birdha, ka- dimi, sal-gasht, pur-sal, baliut-din-ka, boda, mud- datti, muzmin, pakfa,u ; (in oomp.) ssla or barsa, chau-saia, four years old; also chau-barsi or char-baras-ka ; {ascoiri) sanwat; acquaint- ance) sabika ; {decayed) be-jan, mundaris, muz- mahil ; {how old are you ?) turn ka,e baras ke ho ? {the tree is twerdy years old) darakht bis baras ka hai ; {of old) kadim men, ago. Old Aqe, budha-pan, burha-pa,kuhan-sali, piri, 'umr- nihayati, shaikhukhat, 'urar-darazi, burhauti. An Old Man, pir, budha, shekh or shaikh, puraniyi ; {stricken in years) pir-fartut, budha-khang, budha-phus ; {woman] budhl, pir-zan, budhiya, pir-zal, kam-pira, 'ajuza. [farosh. Old Clothes, chhari, utaran ; {seller) kuhna- Old-fashioned. kadimana, 'alam-giri, adan. Oldness, kuhnagi, kidamat, puran-pan. [mumiya. Olfactory, mashmum! ; — — {nerves) hablu-1-mash- Oltve, jalpa,e, zait, zaitun ; {-garden) zaituni. Omelet, {pancake with eggs) )chagina. Omen, yamn, fal, shugun or shakun, agron, sugun, BO,i ; {a bad omen) bad-fal, bad-yamn, dbadha- chhar, badha, bhakhtha. Omentum, charbi-ki chadar, pet-ka parda. Ominous, manhus, nahas, bad-shugun, nikhidh or nishidh, dhadbachari, bad-fall. Ominousness, nahusat, ashubhta bad-fali. Omission, sahu, chuk, bhul, ku.sur, ghafili, anjha, kalam-andazi, tark, kaza; {the omission of prayers) tark i namaz, kaza,e salat. To Omit, chhorna, bhulua, chukna, bisama, faro- guzasht-k, sahu- &c. -k, hazf-k, matiyana, kalam- andaz-k, chashm-posh-k, pichhe-d. Omnipotence, kudrat, kadiri, maya, adsakt, sarb- bySp or sarva-vyap. [sarb-byapik, palak-dariya. Omnipotent, kadir i mutlak, kadir, kirdigar, ad«akti. Omnipresence, sarbast, sab-kahin-haziri. Omnipresent, hazir o nazir, sarbasti, dana o blna, sarva-ryapi, hama-ja. [sarva-gyata. Omniscience, 'ilm 1 ghaib, hama-danl sarbjan or Omniscient, 'alimu-1-ghaib, 'allamu-1-ghuyub, dana o bina, 'alim, sarbjani, sarva-gyani, khabir i mutlak. Omnivorous, sarb-bhachhi. hama-khor, kull-jazib; -^— {mendicants) aghori. On, (prep.) par, iipar, ba, bar, se, ko, ku, kun, men, pa, le, liye, sar, ke ta,in, ki-taraf ; — {on business) karh-par ; {on their side) un-ki taraf; {on this) ete-men ; — — {on this account) ba-waste is bat ke ; {on the head, to fall, &c.) sir-ke bal, sir-ke tan, sir-ke bhar ; {on or before) tak ; {on or before Sunday) etwar-tak ; {on that day) us roz ; {on the contrary) bar-'aks, bil-'aks, bar- khilaf; {on what business) kis-kamko; (to be on fire) jalna, ag-lagna; (on a sudden) ek-a- ek or yakayak. On, (adv.) age, barh, pare, agu, chal, barhke, sidha, nisang ; {eat on) nisang-kha,o; (opposed to off) par ; {go on) chale-ja,o ; {sing on) gate-ja,o ; {p^oy on) khele-ja,o ; {come on) a-ja,o ; {and so on) aur isi tarah se. On, (interj.) a,o, barho, chalo, age, sldharo. To Get On, chal-nikalna, age-barhna. Onager, {the wild ass) gork^ar, himar i wahshi. Once, ek-dafa, ek-bar, ek-martaba, ek-wakt, ek-ber ; {only once) eki-ber ; {at once) sab-milke, ek-lakht. jab ka tab, jis wakt ka tis wakt ; {tfu same time) ek-sath, sang, ham-rah ; {formerly) age, peshtar, sabik ; {at once) ek a ek, nagahan, dafatan, ek-bargl, anachit, anchite, achanak, achak; {once more) pher, dusra-kar, ek dafa, aur, duhra-ke ; (once or tmce) do ek martaba, ek ya do martaba. ONE ( 197 ) OPP Ore, ek, yak, wahid, ekka, mek, nakki, ko,!, ko,u ; (in comp.) tho, ta ; {give me one) ek-tho do; {many a one) bahut-ek; {some one) ko,i-ek, ek-ko,i ; {one and the same) ekhi or eki, also one only ; {suck a one) falana or fulana, amuk, amka; {from one thing to another, or from this to that) kuchh se kuchh; {one of a number) ek-tho, {for one thing) ek-to; (neither one thing nor the other) na un na yun ; {without one's friend) bin yar apna; {any) ko,!, also any one, jo-ko,i, kase ; {one another) ek- digar, apas, ba-ham-digar ; {one day or other) ek na ek roz; {one by one) ek-ek, furada. furada, fardan-fardan ; {one after another) ek par ek ; (with one accord) ek dil hokar ; {it is all one) eksan-hai, ekhi-hai, barabar-hai, musawi-hai ; {with one voice) ek-munh, ek-zaban. One, (person) sbakhs, admi; {every one) bar ek; (to fight with one another) ba-ham-dlgar-Iarna, apas-men larna : one, applied to discriminate things, is sometimes expressed by wala ; {bring the one with black hair) siyah-bal-wala la,o; {one's self) apna, ap, khud. One-eyed, ek-chashm, kana, wahidu-l-'ain. Oneness, (unity) eka,i, wahdat, wahidi. Onion, piyaz, basal, gatha. Only, ekla, eklauta, ek, mnjarrad, wuhi, akela, anokha ; (merely) sirf, fakat, nira, khali, kebal ; (an only son) eklauta-beta, ekaunjha ; (no more) aur nahin ; (in comp.) hi, i ; (on the hair only) balhi-par ; (aim at the face only) munhi, maro ; (not only) eke, ekto, tispar ; (he not only refused me the office, but abused me into the bargain) un ne fakat inkar 'uhde ki na ki, balki upar is ke mujhe galiyan diyan. Onset, vahla, mar, dhakka, hamla, halla, daur, takkar. Onward, age, barh-ke, pare, udhar. Onyx, sulaimani-pathar, sang-i-sulaimani. [gadh. Ooze, chahla, chik, chlkar, kich, kichar, wahal, hila, To Ooze, nikalna, chhanna, risna, pasijna, nichurna, pichpichana, rasiyana, jharna. OozYy pur-wahal, chipchipa, pichpichaha. Opacity, ghair-shatfafi, kasafat, ghilazat. Opal, (stone so called) dudhiya-pathar. Opaque, kasif, ghair-shaffaf, dhundhla, malin, ghaliz, malin, garha. Open, khula, -waz, kushada, wa, khulta ; (as trade) khush-kharid; (as a town, &c.) be-asra, be-ar, mundla; (as sound) ma'ruf, ma'lum; — — (wide) alga, pulkha ; (obnoxious) mutahammil ; (flat) maidani ; (stitching) jawa, zanjira ; (navigable, &c.) chalta ; (m open day) din diye, din-hi ko, din do pahar, roz i raushan ; (the open air) bahar ki hawa ; (plain) zahir, fash, haweda ; (clear) saf ; (exposed) be- kaid. Td Open, (n.) khnlna, biharna.tarakna,ugharna; (a.) tholna ; (to discover) zahir-k, kahna, batlana, ngharna, izhir-k, bana, bilgana, phailana, pasarna, udherna ; ~ (curtains, hangings, parasols, &c.) bandhna, uthana, charhana, khainchna : in the use of these and similar verbs considerable discrimination will be requisite, which can be acquired by practice and a knowledge of the language only ; (to divide) tarkana, chak-k ; (to begin) shuru'-k. To Open, (a suoject) tamhld- &c. -k; (a tumour, &c.) chirna, katna, nikalna, uskana, (v. to cut, bleed, &c.) ; (as cloth) udharna ; (the mouth) munh- &c. -kholna, zaban- &c. -hilana. Openek, kusha,inda, kusha, kholwaya, kholanhar. Opf.n-eyed, khul-ankha,, chashm-wa ; (careful) huahyir. Open-handed, Opbn-hearted, fara^-dast, kushada- dU. Open-heartednes8, farakh-dasti, kushada-dili. Opening, rah, farja, chak, shigaf, phank, sal, munh, bhur, Kholkhal ; (beginning) shuru', prarambh. Openly, zahiran, barmala, male-maidan, khula-khula, khule-bandon, marda-mardi, mardon-ke maidan, chhut. Open-mouthed, munh-pasare, kushada-dahan, munh- khula, malamat-kunan. Openness, kushadagi, safa,i, sadagi. To Operate, asar-k, tasir-k, 'amal-k, byapna, naksh- k, kargar-h, kam-k, lagna, mu,assir-h. Operation, asar, tasir, fi'l, 'amal, kar, chirphar, katkut, kat'-burid, 'amal-yadd, hathauti, Idiasiyat ; (motion) harakat; (employment) kam. Operations and Movements, (of an army, &c.) harkat-saknat, kam-kaj, chaldhal. Operative, musir or muassir, kargar, byapak. Operator, karta, ^'il, karigar, kar-kun, gunl, kar- guzar. Operose, mihnat-talab, pittemar, halaku, jan-kan- dani. Ophthalmy, ashob i chasbm; (to have an ophthalmy) ankh-uthna. Opiate, ]^wab-ba^sh, khwab-awar, tiriyaki, afimi, afim-amez, sola,u. Opinion, fikr, wahm, zann, Wiiyal, ra,e, pindar, kiyas, bichar, bujh, mat, tadbir, danist, guman, daryaft, bharam, atkal, jan, 'akl, janib, lekha, hisab, zu'm, fahm ; (reai) ma-fi-z-zamir, markuz i ^atir ; (favourable) husn i zann; (to form a good opinion) achchha-pana. Opinionative, ^ud-ra,e, ^ud-pasand, Wiud-bin, aphadda, khud-sar, ap-^ud. Opinionativeness, ^ud-pasandi, ^ud-bini, ^ud- sari. To Opine, (to think) ^auz-k, guman-r, bicharna. Opium, afyun (vulg. afim) , ahiphen, aphu, tiriyak ; (crude, new) gabha. Opium-eater, afimi, aphini, afyvini, ahipini. Opponent, (opposer) mukhalif, mukabil, harif, mud- da'i, bac^, lagi, birodhi, mu'ariz. Opportune, thik, durust, la,ik, munasib, barwakt, ba- mauka', bar-mahal, 'ain-wakt (also opportunely) ; Miub, bhala, khudasaz, kimiya, sona. Opportunity, wakt, fursat, kabu, gaun, ghat, da,o, su-bihta, ausar, sutar, da,o-ghat, nek-sa'at, fara- ghat, manka*. To Oppose, mu^alafat- &c. -k, rokna, atkana, arna, muzahamat- &c. -k, sanmukh-k, mukh-bher-k, ultana, phirana, katna, dhara-b. Opposite, (adj.) samne, mukhalif, bar-'aks, mukabil, mun'akis, mutazadd, 'ala-r-ra^am, du-ba-du, ru- ba-ru, amne-samne, do-char, dekha-dekhi, war-par, idhar-udhar, muhmil, ulta, peshru, munakiz, mu- hazi, munafi, bil'aks, bar-zidd ; (over against) munh-par, mukhre-par. Opposite, (sub.) zidd, 'aks, khilaf, jawab; (two opposites or extremes) ziddain. Oppositely, amne-samne, bar-'aks, &c. Opposition, Oppositeness, mukabalat, in'ikas, ta- zadd, khilaf, zidd, 'aks : (resistance) rok, atka.o, ta'arruz, mu'araza, mumana'at, mani', birodh, ulta,o, mukh-bhera, nakiz, munaza'at, munafat. To Oppress, zulm- &c. -k, satana, tor-d. Oppressed, majbur, mazlum, sitam-kash, shikasta-bil faro-manda, 'ajiz, jab'r, zerbar, dabel. OPP f 198 ) ORl Oppression, zulm, sitam, jafa, jaur, ziySdati, ta'addi, zabar-dasti, sak^ti, ghazab, andher, daba,o, jabar, ntpat, anjas, zalimi, upadro or upadrav, kasawat, sitam-gari, aziyat, afsurdagi, ndasi, dil-glri, maj- huli, kadurat. Oppressive, bhari, dushvar, sakht. Oppressor, zaliin, sitam-gar, mardum-azar, sitam- gar, zabar-dast, jAalk-azar, gharib-mar, zor-awar, andheriya, bariyarii, bid'ati, sakht-gir. Opprobrious, zabun, bad, bura, ma'yub, sakht. durusht, malamati, ruswa, hakir. Opprobriouslt, sakhti-se, ta'n-tashm'-se. Opprobriousness, zabunl, badi, bura,i, sakhti. du- ras^tl. Opprobrium, 'ar, naug, laj, be-hnrmatl. Optative, mutamanni ; {conjugation) bab i istifal, Optioai,, Optic, basari, chashmi, basirati. Optics, 'ilm i munazara o inara,iya. Option, i^tiyar, marzi, khushl. pasand, chah. QpTiONAii, ikhtiyarl, ichhawanti, tabal; (cu pur- chase or sale) khush-kharid. Opulence, daulat, tali'-wari, tawangari, sampat, asrat. Opulent, daulat-mand, tali'-war, tawangar, maldar. Or, ya, chaho, khvah, ki, na, na, warna, bhawen bhai ; (or else) nahin-to ; (will you stay here or go there ?) ihanrahoge ki or ya, wahanja,oge? Orach, (culinary herb) bathu,a, sarmak. Oracle, kalamu-l-lah, kalam i rabbani, de,o-bani, inustakl^ar, akas-bani ; ■ (consulting one) isti- Idiara, 'akl-kull, kilid-'akl; (the person con- sulted on all occasions) mushamn-ilai-hi, munh, za- ban ; (such a one is the oracle of the council) majlis ka masharuu-ilai-hi falana hai. Oraculous, (dogmatical) dimaghi; (ambiguous) ^aib-gff, ba'idu-1-fahm. Oral, zabani, bachaQi, mnnh-bola. Orallt, munh-se, zabani, na-nawishta. Oranoe, narangi, kaania, naranj; (colour) ke- sari, basanti, kusumbbi. Oration, kalam, takrir, suHian. bat, wa'z, charcha (v. speech). Orator, mukarrir, khush-takrir. zabSn-awar, sokhan- war, sahib-laklaka, shirin-go, bat-kaha, charchait, bat-banwa, bakta, jawab-sawali, sukhan-pardaz or -saz, takrir-baz, mutakallim, taknri. Oratory, zaban-awari, snkhan-vari. ^ush-takriri, lassaniyat, bat-kahi, bat-bani, snkhan-pardazi. Orb, charkh, dawwar, gardun, sipihr, jirm, daura, kurah, ghera, marag. Orbicular, mudawwar, gol, mustadir, goI-&k§r, chakr-akar. Orbit, daura, da,ira, daur&n, gardish. Orchard, bagh, bari; (having 100,000 trees) lakh-pera ; (q/" 1000 trees) hazari-ba^, whence the place we call HazribSg or Hauzreebaug. To Ordain, thahrana, bandhna, badna, mukarrar-k, mu'aiyan-k, musha khkl^ as-k. ka,im-k, kahna, likh- na, thathua. ' Ordeal, park^iiya, parichha, azma,ish, imtihan. Order, (method) tartib, dhab, tadblr; (command) hukm, amr, farmuda, fanna,ish, aggya, kaha, irshad; (of people, &c.) kanm, zat, jal, firka, ghar, zil', masal; (for money) barat, tanUiwah, chithi, hundi, parwangi, parwSna, dastak; (disposition) danl, ihtimam, bandish; (regulation) zabt, sijil, 'azl nasb, nazm o nask, nit ; (t «le) tarik, dastur, rasm, rit ; (class) kimash, waz', bhfmt ; (fraternity) guroh, tabka, halka, tfijifa, pauth ; (rank) martaba, manzalat, mahatam ; (means) ba'is, wSsta, liye, ^5tir ; (much out of order) be-hal, be-daul ; (the order of nobility caUea the Fish) mahi-maratib; — — (tn order to) t&-ki, is-Iiye. To Order, (command) kahna, fann&n& (this last verb, and perhaps the following, is seldom used in the first person, even by majesty itself: speaking politely of or to others, it frequently means to say, observe, &c. &c.), hukm- &c. -k, likh-bhejna, takid-k; (afire- lock) bazu se-utarna ; — ^- (to arrange) arasta-k, durust-k, murattab-k, muutazam-k, sijil-d, sajana, sildhna; (to conduct) chalana, karnS, bananS, kar-rawa,i-k ; (to arrange in alphabetical order) tahji-k. Ordered, ma,mur, masnun, mafruz, farmayi. Orderer, (arranger) nazim, musajjil, murattib ; (commander) hakim, amir or amir, farma. Orderly, (adj.) arasta, ba-tartib, ba-ka'ida, tartibi, tartib-numa, tarbiyat-yafta, bandheji, band o basti* santi, hamwar, intizami; (serjeant) nakib, (this word orderly has of late acquired in Hindustani an opprobrious meaning, such as minion) . Orderly, (adv.) arastagi- &c. -se, tartib-se. Ordinals, 'adad i wasfi ; (opposed to cardinals) 'adad i mutlak or -zati. [masla, shart, hukm, far?. Ordinance, shar', kanun, ka'ida, a,in, rasm, dastur, Ordinances, (law) faramin, fara,iz, ahkam. Ordinarily, aksar, 'umuman, beshtar. Ordinary, 'amm, rasmi, 'amali, ma'muli, risi, mn'tadi, bandheji ; (familiar) 'urfi, bazari, chalni, kamru, be-namak, chalu, tasarrufi, aisa-waisa, mad- him, miyana ; (jnean) kamina, nich, past ; (ugly) na-zeba, be-raunak. Ordination, (confirmation) sunnat, mnsalmini ; — — (of a brahman, &c.) sanskar; (string) jane,o or janew. Ordnance, topen, top-khana, chaa-chakki; — — (master of ordnance) mir-atash. Ordure, guh, chirkin, bishtha. Ore, dhat, faliz ; (the ore of iron, &c.) kachi loha, &c., i. e. unrefined iron. Organ, alat, 'azu, indri, jantar, karam, kal; (musical instrument) arghunun ; (an organist) arghunun-nawaz. Organic, Organical, zi-a'za, indriyayik, jantari, 'azwi, murakkab, kal-ka putla. Organism, Organization, tarkib, banawat, ta'mir, kalbal, indrikar, sa'at-sazi. To Organize, banana, tarkib-k, milana, indrikar-k. Orgasm, (ebullition) josh, ghalba. Orgies, bhand-bhandau,a, bhandapan, mughalliij&t. Orient, (bright) ab-dar, taban, panipi, shu'la-ru, shahab ; (east) Wiawari, mashri^, purabi. Oriental, purabi, sharki, mashriki. Orifice, munh, dahan, chhed, surakh. sal, manfas. Origin, Original, asl, bunyad, bun, bekh. jay, mabda, mansha, nazhad ; (opposed to copy) mankul 'anhu, musawwada, kharra, ntpat, adraa ; (paper) khasra. Original, (adj.) asli, zati, paihla or pahla, aglS, awwal, bunyadi, utpatti, janami, jigari, adrasi, &d; (genius, &c.) anutha ; (papers, accounttt &c.) kacha, kham. Originally, ibtida,an, asalatan, bil-asalat, paihie, age, ad, awwalan. awwal, aghaz-men, asl-men. Oriqinalness, asalat, utpatta, asli. To Originate, nikalna, uthna, hona, wujud pakapil, sudir-h, shunV- &c. -h. Origination, ijad, shuru', paida,ish. Orisons, namaz, salat, puja. ORN ( 199 ) OVE Obnament, ar&,ish, zeba jsh, zinat, tazin, sobha, zeb, gahna, singar, bhukhan, abharan, raunak, alankar, ban;i,o, bahar, Wiub-suratI, l^ush-numa,i ; [for the forehead) tikiili, binduli, tika; {head) goshpech yfor the breast) dhuk-dhuki ; {varieties of) gujari, chhapka ; {of a palki, &c.) thop ; {tiger's head) sher-dahan, bagh-muiiha. To Oknament, jamkana, sobhaman-k, banana, soha- ■wan-k, sobhana, sarna. Oenameutai, zeb-awar, zinat-bakhsh, ara,islii, khush- numa, zinati, tazmi. Ornamented, arasta, pairasta, mnzaiyan, mnkallaf, ara,ish-dar, rangin ; {with jewels) murassa', jara,u. Ornithologt, tazkirati tuyur, parand-nama. Orphan, yatim, tu,ar, murha, be-madar be-pidar, ma- bap-mu,a, tu,ar-tapar, muraila, yatim o yasir (adj. yatimana) . Orphanism, yatlmi, tu,ara,i. Orpiment, zarniW^, hartal or harital, mainphal : the varieties are — tabki, bandatii, godhani. Orthodox, sacha, rast, sadik, din-dar, mumin, muslim, musalman, su-pathi, sunni, char-yari, rashid. Orthodoxlt, ba-islam, bar-sawab, az ru,e shar'. Orthodoxy, islam, sawab, rasti, hakk, sidk. sacha,i, su-path, sunniyat, tasannun. [sahih. Orthoepy, mizan, kira.at, tatwa-bodhini, talafiiiz i Orthoorapher, imla-nawis, imia-dan, sachhari, im- la-gar. Obthographicai., imla,i, sachhari, ba-imla, also the adv. ; {the orthographical points or short vowels in Arctic and Persian) i'rab. [bar, imla-dani. Orthography, imla, achharauti, rasmu-l-khatt. sach- Obtolah, bageri, bargel or bagnjl. Oscillation, jholiihat, tharthari, dula,o, jhtiIa,o. OsiEX, banwar, bed, kandark. Osselet, Ossicle, hadda, haddiya, ustukhwanak. OssiFio, ustukhvan-saz ; {ossification) haddiyahat. To Ossify, haddiyana, haddi-si ho-jana. OssivoROCs, nstukhyan-khor, har-gila or har-gila. Ossuary, {a chamel house) harwar, goristan. Ostensible, Ostensive, zahir, khula, bahari, na- mud, pragat. Ostentation, numayish or nnma,ish, khud-nnma,!. khud-faroshl. khud-sita,i, fakhriya. tafakhnr, huha, fakim tant-ghant, tim-tam, urang, tashaiynn. Ostentatious, khud-nnma, khud-farosh. khnd-sita, mnfakhkhir, laghiar-mast, faka-mast, kangil-banka, kork-banka, tim-tami. Ostentatiously, ^nd nnma,i- &c. -se. Osteology, har-mala, taihrihu-l-'izam. Ostler, 8a,is, Ba,lfi, chirwa-dar ; {hit assistant) ghasiyara, better known as grass-cut. Ostbioh, shutnr-inar^, sang-^or. Other, aur (pi. obi, auron), ^air (pi. a gli ya.r),dusra, agla, digar, Sn, par, tiha,et; {some body or other) ko,i na ko,i ; {some thing or other) kuchh na kuchh; {somewhere or other) kahin na kahin ; {the other day) parson, kal-parson; {the other side) par (opposed to war, this side) ; f^ others) bald ; {the one, played tricks with t?ie other) ek ne ek se shararat ki; {other people) aur-log, par&,i log, aghyar-ashkhas. Othkewise, atir-tarah, aur, kuchh-aur, nau' i digar ; {you may think so, but J think otherwise) turn shayad yunhin jante ho, par main, aur janta hun; {otherwise, else) nahin-to, wa-illa, wagar-na, wa,illa na, aur-yun-to, iUa, wama ; — {otherwise not) nahin to n^In. Otter, ud-bilSi,o, mahi-gir, sag-abi; {of reset) 'atri-gul : our barbarous word otto or otter is appa- rently from 'atr or 'itr. Oval, baizawi, badami, anda-sa. Ovary, baiza-dan, ghariya, andkoth. Oven, tanur (vulg. tandur), bhat. Over, {above) upar, par, bala ; {across) par ; {through) ko, ku, men ; {more) ziyada, nikaltSi, udhar, barhta, jita, charhta, bahut, baki, fuznl, beshi, fazil, saras, adhik, jabar, bafh ; (in comp.) fuzul, kasir, bahu, bisiyar ; {from side to side) chau- ra,i pat-men ; {past, in comp. with verbs) chukna, dalna ; {to tell over) kali-d ; {to read over) parh-d ; {to run over, as a vessel) labrez-h : verbs compounded with over (either affixed or prefixed), though omitted here, can readily be found under their simple fynonyma, with which the words ziyada, bahut, &c. will answer every purpose, although they be not so well adapted for composition in this language as over is in English ; for to over- bound, overbalance, bring over, &c. v. to swarm, preponderate, persuade, &c. ; {to be over, give over, cease) maukuf or raf -h, jata-rahna, tham-jana, par jana, ho-chukna, ho-jana, gatana; {as incurabk chor-dena ; {to exceed) jita-h; {a little over two inches) do tasu se kuchh jita ; {o'er and o'er) pher-pher, dusra-kar : {over and above) iipar is ke, 'alawa, siwa, ma-siwa, warpar ; {over against) samne, ru-ba-ru, du-ba-dQ, san-mukh, amne-samue ; {over or under) kam-besh, auna- pauna ; {all over) darobast, bhar ; {it is all over) thanthan gopal hu,a, tammat-tamam-shud ; {to go over) par-j ; {to come over) war-ana; {to fire over, that it, harmlessly) -ke par goli- marna, asmam-goli-chalana, hawa,i-tir-]agana; {take care and fire over the vessel, by no means into it) khabar dar kishti ke par gola maro, dekh na kishti par ; {fire over their heads) un ke sir ke upar se asmani goli chala,o ; {to be all over) guzarna : the military reader will not be the worse of adverting particularly to these examples, as a literal translation of our language might be attended with very tragical consequences ; un ke upar goli chalana, meaning to fire on, into, not over or above them: besides the words formerly mentioned as being equivalent in com- position to over, the scholar will observe that rakhna, barhna, bharna, charhna, phutna, nikalna, bahnii, jitna, parna, utarna, rahna, bachna, nibhna, ana, jana, chalna, guzarna, dena, marna,dabana, chhorna, lena, pana, torna, chukna, with their derivatives, will frequently help to express over, both in its affixed and prefixed state, though the latter is not very easy in many cases, without one or other of the vocables under 7nore, disproportion, high, superior, across, full, heavy, down, wholly, out, &c., being joined to the simple verbs : those can in general be consulted by the learner when he wishes to form Hindustani words to express the various and arbitrary compounds in onr language with over; thus, to overdo, overact, &c. may readily be translated by ziyada- &c. -karna, &c. To Overact, Overdo, fuzuli-k, bala-rawi-k, ziya- dati-k, kuchh-ziyada-k. To Overawe, dhamkana, darana, sahmana. To Overbalance, dabana, jabar bar nuksan-b. To Overbear, dabana, daba,e-r, tor-d, ma^ub-k, majbur-k. Oterbearing, turk-mizaj, zalim, zabar-dast. To Overbid, upar-tapka-k, kud-parna, ^imat-barh- ana or -charhana. To Overblow, par-jana, thamna. Ovebboabd, na,o-par-se, kishti-par-se, jah5z-par se. To OvEBCAST, chhipana, chhana, tarik-k, aadher&-k. To OvKBCHAEGB, pur-k, ser-k« chhak&na, bhani, ziyada-talabi-k. OVE ( 200 ) OUT To OvracoME, mirna, fatih-k. ma|^ub-Ji, shikast-d, haraas, torna, ghalib-rahna, jitna, past-k, kaman ki gosha men pakarna. Overflow, sailab, sailan, barh, rau, lab-rezi, chhalak. To OvERFtow, (n ) chhalakna, umadna, lab-rez- &c. -h, bichhna, chhichharna, apharna, charhna, bhar- a, jalthal-h; (a.) lah-rez-k, bharpur-k, umda-d ; {to deluge) borna, bahana, ghark-k. To Overgrow, bliarna, pur-lena» daba-lena, rok-lena ; (as a boy) dabana. Overgrown, hara-bhara, bahut bara. To OvERUALE or Overhaul, jhara-lena, nazar i sani-k, dobara-dekhna, dekh-r, pher-dekhna, baz nazar-k. To Overhang, jhuka-houa, ubhra-hona. Overhead, sir-par, upar, bala,e sar. To Overhear, sun-pana or -lena, poshida sun-Iena. To Overjoy, bagh-bagh-k, magan-k. Overjoyed, nihal, farhat-asar, bagh-bagh. To be Overjoyed, baghlen- or chutar-bajana, upli- aphna bagh-bagh-hona. To Overlay, dabana, daba-marna, dab-d, kuchal-d; [to cover) marhna, lipna, lesna, liwarna. To Overleap, par-kudna, kud-parna. To Overlive, marke-marna. To Overload, Overburden, bujhel-k, bharna, tharna, dabel-k, bharl-k, garwana. Overloaded, dabel, pur-zergaraii or tah-bar. Overlook, {to pass over indulgently) chashm-poshi-k. ighmaz-k, lihak-d, ankli-chhipana, ga,i-k, darguzar- k, jane-dena, tarah-d; {a house) sarkob-h, dab- lena ; {to neglect) anakanl-k, nazar-andaz-k. Overlooker, sarkob; (o/«tns) sattaru-l-'uyub. Overmatch, ghalib, charab, zabar-dast. To Overmatch, maghlub-k, ghalib-h, zabar-dast-h. Overmuch, bahut, ziyada, saras, hadd se ziyada, ba- hnti bahut. To OvERNAME, nam-lejana, nam mukarrar lena. Overnight, awwal shab, rat ko, shab-ko. To Overpersuade, bhulana, warghalanua. Overplus, barhotari, barhti, ubaru, ziyadati, bakiya, baki, fuzla, izafa, bald-saki, adhika,i, fazil; {allowance) runghan, ghalwa. To Overpower, torna, dabana, gira-d, maghlub-k, majbur-k, zerdast-k, zer-k, latarna, ghalba-k. To Overrate, bhulna, barh or ziyada-ginna, ur- chalna. To Overreach, thagna, butta-d, dagha-d, kan-katna, panw-thokrana, barh-chalna, chalaki-k. To OvEREULB!, mar-d, kat-d, radd-k. Overrttlino, {Providence) hakim i mutlak, ^uda- Vadir. To Overrun, ta^t-k, taraj-k, malmet-k, lut, pat- k, lutna, wiran-k ; {to overspread ) bharna ; (a hone) khakherna. To Oversee, takid-k, takaiyud-k, ihtimam-k, dekhna- sunna, muhassili-k, nigah-k, nazar-k. Overseer, karora, darogha, ihtimamchi, muhtamim, pesh-kar, sarhang (whence the wordsering), sirwai- hiya, mirdaha, nigahban, sarkob, shahna, balrakh, deh-dar, ahath. To Overset, (a.) ulat-d, aundhana, ultana, pachhar- na; (n.) ulat-j, aundhna, tale upar-h, ulatna. To Overshoot, pare-j, p&r-j, langh-j. Oversight, {mistake) chuk, ghalati, khata, saho, bhul, khami, kacha-pan. To Overspread, bharna, pat-marna, ma'mOr-k, chhana. To Ovkebtock, pa^na, bharpiir-k, relpel-k. To Overstrain, sina-zori-k, bafhSL-mSlmik, daarn- raarna. Overt, zahir, ashkara, khula. To Overtake, pana, pabunchna, pakay-lcna, dil>" lena, dab-baithna, thonk-pahunchna, barabar-ani, pichhe-d. Overthrow, pa,e-mali, inhidam, Kharabi ; {defeat) shikast, bhagel. To Overthrow, gira-d, dhakelna, dha-d, munhadim- k; {to ruin) pa,e-mal-k, mismar-k, gharat-k* malmet-k ; {to conquer) shikast- &c. -aTmamat harana. To Overtop, tarj!h-r, ghalba-r, fazilat-r, fau^iyat-r, sarkob-h, charh-dabona, -baithna or -mama. Overture, {proposal) bat, Izhar, sawal, payam, sar- zadi, tazkira, iltimas, charcha ; {to make) sar- zad-k. To Overturn, ultana, aimdhana, pachharna, nigun-k, wazhun-k; (n.) ulatna, aundhna To Overvalue, ziyada-janna, bahnt-lagaiiri. To Overween, {to overrate) tarashna, ^ud-tarashi-k, shekhi-k. OvERWEENiNOLY, khud-tarashi-se, shelAi-se. To Overwhelm, daba-d, tor-d, daba,e-marna, gharV k, lapetna; {to be overwiielmed with shame) shar- mindagi se kat jana. Ought, (sub.) kuchh, tanak, ko,i-bat, ko,i-chiz. Ought, (imp. verb) chahiye; {to be necessary) chahita-h, zarur-h, lazim-h, wajib-b, munasib-h, la,ik-h ; {asit ought) bayad shayad, jaisa-chahiye; {do it as it ought to be done) jaisa chahiye waisa karo ; {you ought to have told him) use kahna turn ko chahita tha ; {grain ought to be given to the horse every morning and evening) har-subh o sham ghore ko dana diya chahiye. Oviparous, andel, aodaj, baizawi, baiza-nihad or -guzar, andaila. Ounce, adhi chha-tank, arhai-sikka, do-tola ; {panther) tendu,a, larewa-bagh; {two ou chha-tank: a tank is about one-third of an En , i ounce. Our, hamara, apna, ham-logon-ka, apas-ka, hamon- ka, ham-sabhon-ka. nijka ; {what ! shall we kill our father ?) kya, ham apne bap ko maren ? which, from the privilege assumed by the natives of honour- ing themselves on all occasions with the plural num- ber, may likewise be translated — what ! shall I kill my father ? It may be observed that in common conver- sation ham is generally used for the sing, main, and the bond fide plur. is expressed by ham-log or ham- sab ; thus, our souls never die, ham logon kl ruhen kadhi nahin marti haih. Ourselves, ham-tum-ap ; {we) hamhin bam, ham-dono, i. e. we two ; {us) apne, apnon, apas; {why should toe engage ourselves in his quarrel f) us ki lara,i men ham-tura kyun apne ta,in, dalen ; {if we cannot trust ourselves, when shall we trust others 9) agar apnon par i'tibar nahin rakhte, ghai- roh par kab rakhenge ; {we never use such ex- pressions among ourselves) ham apas men aisl baten nahin kahte. To Oust, ujarna, nikalna, uchatnft, uthana. Out, bahar, berun, kharij, bahar-wansu (opposed to bhltar-wansu) , dur, tafawat, j uda, 'aUhida, alag, ante, par, parghar ; {expended ) be-bak ; {as fire) thandha ; {idle) mu'attal ; {finished) tamara, tammat taraam-shud, lit. it isfininhfd; • {audibly) pukarke ; {open) khula, nikala, zihir, maHum; {exhausted) khali, kharj hu,a, ho chuka; {openly) khulko ; (in comp.) ni- kalna, dalna ; thus, to go out, nikal-jana ; - (to sweep out) jhar-d ; {to he out, as the eyes) ph X^ OUT ( 801 ) OXT ni ; (as afire) bnjhna, gul-h, sard-h, thandha-h ; (at a loss) lacliar-h, hairan-b, 'ajiz-h ; (to put out the eyes) phorna ; (as afire) khamosli-k. gnl- &c. -k, bujhana, which, for particular reasons, being esteemed an inauspicious expression, generally gives place to others, such as bara-k, ghar-k, &c. ; whence the true reason for using the words ziyada-k, ma'mur-k, &c., for to take away, put out, shut, &c. ; (to give out) iirana ; (you are out in guess- ing) gayi-boli : out, in a few examples, though formed by u (as nbharna, to jut out, ujarna, to out- root, &c.) is generally expressed by the verbs enume- rated under over, q.v. especially by dabana, and those which signify advancement, superiority, &c. : to these may be added bahar, paT, Darh, and such as express extinction, expenditure, &c., viz. nibarna, bona, chukna, kharch, &c. ; owfisat times expressed thus : (to outwit) dagha par dagha-k ; (to cry out) barb-rona, pukarna ; (to outrun) barh- daurna, &c., is a very common form of composition in such words, and may prove useful to the learner on similar occasions where the words have been omitted here. Out! dut, dur, sarak, chakhe, gnm-ho, dur-dabak, hisbt, chal-nikal. Out of, men se, be, na, se, badar, se bahar, se dur, &c. ; (out of the way) uthak-natak, tefha, berha ; (out of favour) nazar-andaz ; (out of season) be- mausam, kusamai ; (oiit of humour) udas ; (out of hand) ek-a-ek, jab-ka-tab; (otit of doubt) be shubha; (out of the house) ghar- men se ; (out of time) be-wakt ; (this is the fruit out of which wine is made) yih wuh phal hai jis se sharab banti hai. (N.B. Words in which out precedes the verb, &c., if not inserted here, may be formed by consulting the primitives themselves, with which such paraphrase can easily be made as the nature of the expression shall require) . To Out, (to oust) Hiarij- &c. -k, berun-k. To Outbrave, dhamkana, dabkana, hech-janna, dab- ana, niche-k, zer-k, faro-k, charh- baij^hna, pach- harna. Outcast, mardud, awara, kharij, kujat, chhCltihar, mahrum, bazari, paraya, properly a stranger, but somehow or other generally applied to things worth- less ; whence pariah dogs, men, &c., denoting those of the vilest sort. Outcry, (clamour) shor o shar, gohar, ghul-ghapara, ghul-ghadar, fariyad o fighah, doha,i-tiha,i, shorish, ahonala; (auction or sale) harraj, nilam or lilam ; (to make an outcry) ghul- &c. -machana. To Outdo, taijih-r, faukiyat-r, fazilat-r, gh alba-r, kan- katna, pesh-dasti-k, dabana, barh-parna, barh-k. Outer, Outward, Outmost, Ouutside, bahari, be- runi, sab-se-bahar, bahar-war, paila, parla, baharla, npraila ; (the outer side of a garment) abra. Oxjtermost, sab se bahar ; (remotest) sab-se-dur. To Outface, muhha-munhj-k, muhh-marna, harana, olta chor kotwal ko dandna. To OuTFLT, -DO, -RUN, -STRIP, &c , dabana, pichhe-d, be-sar-ana, sabkat-lejana, barhna, charhna, barh- daurna. To Outgrow, dab-Iena, dabmar-d, daba-marna, barh- nikalna. OuTQUARD, tilaya, karawal, tali'at. [bahar-ka. Outlandish, ajnabi, beruni, bahari, bidesi, kahin-ka. To Outlast, ziyada-chalna or -thaharna. Outlaw, murtadd, wajibu-1-katl, baghi. mardud. To Outlaw, mardud-k, ^arij-k, nikal-d, shahar- badar-k. Outlet, munhaua, nikalne-ki rah, bar-amad, nikas, kanwak, banji, badar-rau (v. vent). Outline, naksha, k^aka, ^atti muhit, bahaii-ehlr, sancha, chau-katha. To Outlive, mar-ke marna, jite-rahna. To Outnumber, ziyada-h, ginti-men-dabana, bafh-h. OuTPARTs, nawah, atraf, hudud. OuTPORTs, aspas ki talnati, hudud ke bandar. Outrage, zulm, sitam, jafa, ghadr, balwa, dangi, ziyadati, bid'at, kiyamat, andher. To Outrage, kahr- &c. -k, zulra-k, sitam-k. Outrageous, ghazab-nak, ag, ba,ola, be-Iagam, sha- did, kahr-alMa, ghazab-aluda, kahr-nak ; (to become outrageous) ag- &c. -hojana, jaljalana, jhun« jhlana, tarapna. Outrageously, shiddat- &c. -se, be-lagami-se. OuTRAGEOUsNESS, ghazab-nakj, jaljalahat, ta^ap, jhunjhlahat, shiddat. Outright, pura, jab-ka-tab, bila-tawakkuf, saf, i, hi ; (he killed the boy outright) us ne larke ko mir hi dala. To OuTROOT, ukharna, ujarna, bekh-kani-k. To Outrun, ziyada-daurna, nikal-j. To Outsell, barh-bechna, ziyada kimat-par bechna. To Outshine, ghalba-r, go,i-lejana, dabna. Outside, bahar, upar, bahari-taraf, zahir; — — (op^ posed to the lining) abra, upalla. To Outstand, bahar-parna or -ho-rahna. [kan& To Outstare, barh-ghurna, chashm-numa,i-k, dham- To Outstretch, phailana, pasarna, lamba- or daraz-k. To Outstrip, pichhe-chhorna or -dalna. To Outvie, barh-dekhna, go,i- or sabkat-lejana. To Outwalk, barh-chalna, pichhe chhor-jana. Outward, bahari, zahiri, berun, bides, des-awar ; (outward appearance) zahir-hal. Outward, Outwards, bahar, berun. Outwardly, zahiran, dekhne-men, zahir asbab. To Outwit, kan-katna, shah-kahna, thakana, harani, pichhe-d. [marhala. Outworks, bahar-kota, artala, kamarkota, mohra. To Owe, chahna, dharna, dharana, karz-r, karazdar-h, daindar-h, makruz-h, riniya-h, bakidar-h, wamdar- h, madyun-h, rakhna, rakhana, baki-h ; (to be obliged) mumnun-h, ihsanmand-h, kanaura-h ; (to be owing, or occasioned by) bona, lagna ; (the fever is owing to your having caught cold) yih tap tumhari sardi khane se hai. Owing, mahmul, mansub, hai, hu,a, maukuf, muhta- mil ; (it was owing to the rain) yih menh se hu,a. Owl, Owlet, ulu, bum, chughd, ghughu, pencha, shaitan-chiriya, nru,a, uluk, kuchkuchu,a, mir- guna, patohiya-, (a young owl) ghusat. Owler, (smuggler) ghatmar or ghatmar. Own, apna, nij-ka, zat-ka, khud-ka, khass, ap, aphi, atam; (I went my own self) main apne-ap gaya ; (it is your own) j-ih aphi ka hai or apka hai ; (it was my own) mera or nij-ka tha. To Own, ginna, janna, samajhna, bujhna, apnana, kabulna, bolna, apne upar lana, hank-pukar-kahna, kahna, manna, ka,il-h, mukirr-h, kabul-k ; (to claim) da'wa-k, bad-k, waris-thahrana ; (to possess) malik- &c. -b, rakhna. Owner, malik, khawind, dhani, sahib, wali, waris, mal-khawind, birtiya, nijik, hakk-dar, kharkhawind. muhikk, sahib-hakk, mal-waris; (in comp.) wala. Ox, badhiya, bail, nar-ga,o. [ankha. OxEYED, ga,o-chashm, bail-ankhft, gS,o-dida, bar- OxFLY, dans, mas, go-machi. OxYCRATE, (a mixture of vinegar and wa-ler) sirkaba. OxYMEL, (vinegar and honey) sikanjabin, sirka o shahi OTS { 202 ) PAL Otstee, kastura; — (-geller) kasture-wala or -farosh. OzMSA, pinas, n&k ka phanas. Pace {step) kadam, g§,m, dag, parag, chalawa ; {having bad paces) bad-rau or -gam ; {to keep pace with) ham-kadam-chalna ; (^<"'0 ^^^t rawish, raftar; {amble) yar^a, gurg-dauf; (a pace in mensuration) kadam, dhar. To Pace, {amble) yar^a- &o. -chalna; {to march) khush-khiram-chalna ; {to step) rap- rap-a, -j or -chalna; {measure) p&nv-n&pna, kadmi nap-k. Paced, sh3.h-gam ; (in comp.) ran, laft&r. Paceb, {pad) kadam-baz, rahwar or rahwir; {if an elephant) p3,,el or payal. Pacific, sulh-kull, salim, mula,im, miUpi. Pacification, musalaha, sulh-kari, tasldn, mil&p, mila,o, islah. Pacifier, sulh-kar, islah-tar» samjh§,,u. To Pacify, thandha-k, mula,im-k, manana, faro-k, sakin-k, pahlana, bahlana, samjhana. Pack, {package) eatha, basta, gathar, moth, pot, bokcha ; ^oad) bojh, bar ; {of cards) ganjifa ; —_ — {multitude) dhera, ras, mandali ; {of dogs, Sue.) dor, jhund, jatha; {crowd) 'alam, darya. To Pack, (a.) bandhna, lapetna ; {to bind up) gathiyana, kasna, jakarna, chauljandi- &c. -k, ladna ph5.ndna, lad-phand-k ; {money, &c.) tora- &c. -bandi-k; {a jury, &c.) ganthna, kar-sazi-k; {to vrithdraw) kala-munh-h or -k, boriya- badna or -sambhalna; {to drive away) hankna, dur-k ; {to join) jorna, batornS, jam'-k ; (n.) basta- bandi-h; {to disappear) bhagna, jata-rahna, champat- or hawa- or kafur- hojana, ramna. Packcloth, bethan, lifiifa, lapetan, PACKER,hasta-band, ganth-band, basta-bindhne-wala. Packet, gathri, potla, potli, dab ; {mail) thaili, kam, kharita, tappal ; (a packet-boat, on the Malabar coast, is called) patimar, which is perhaps applicable also Ui a. packet-carrier ; pati, in the Hin- dawi, signifies a letter. Paok-hokse, partal-ka ghora, partali-tattu, bhatijare ka tattu. Paokino, chaubandi, gathri-bandi, badra-ban dhaki. Pawned, girawi, rihni, murtahan, dar-girw. Pawner, rahin, giro-guzar or girw-guzar. Pay, talab, darmaha, mahina, mawajib, mush&hara, ^arch ; (yearly-) saliyana, barkbasan ; ^— (monthly-) mahiyana; {daily-) rozina, yaa- miya. PAT C 207 ) PEL To Pat, (to discharge) bhar-d, axia-k, patana, bebak- k, ifa-k, de-dalna, paith-k, niwarna, pahunchana, pakrana; (to return) pher-dena, palta-d; {to give) dena: [servants, &c.) talab- &c. -d; {troops) chitha-bantna ; {to beat) pitna, thonkna, marna, nawazna, changa-banana ; ■ {to reward) ajr-d, 'iwaz- &c. -d ; {for a thing bought) kimat-d, mol-d. Payable, dena, wajibu-1-ada, pata,u, ada,i ; {it [the money'] will be payable two days hence) do roz ba'd dena hoga. Pat -DAY, roz-miyadi, hisabi-din, roz i guzar. Paymaster, khazanchi, bakhshi. Payment, ada, pata,i, paith ; {of troops) chitha- chapati, tankhvah. Pea, {the pulse so called) dana, matar, mash {\. pease). Peace, sulh, mel, ashtl, kusal, chhima, musa)aha, salamat, khair, khaiiiyat ; {of mind) taskini- ^atir, itminani-khatir, milap, aman, salahiyat, rafahiyat, salamat-rawi, intizaia ; {rest) aram, asa,ish, anand, asudagi ; {silence) khamoshi. chuppi ; {delusiv^ gurg-ashti ; {peace be with you) kusal chhem ; salamun 'alai-kum, to which is replied, wa 'alai kum as-salam ; but in doubtful cases the illiberal Musalmans add, lau kunta Muslim, i.e. if you were a Musalman ; {to hold one's peace) chup-rahua. Peace! (interj.) khamosh ! chupl (which Europeans in general call cliab, and with it also very ingeniously form chab-dar, instead of chob-dar, a mace-bearer) , munh mundo, are munh dhamp. Peaceable, gharib, §ulh-andesh, kam-sharr, bhola, sudha, sulh-jo- Peaceableness, ghurbat, gharibi, bhola-pan. Peaceably, gliaribi-se, be jang o jadal, ba .sulh. Peaceful, chup, ba-.sulh, be-fasad, be-fitna. Peacefully, chupchap-se, be-fitna o fasad. Peace-maker, sulh-kar, salah-saz, milan-sar. Peace-offering, manit, mana,un. Peach, shaft-alu, ald-balQ, alu-bukhara. Peacock, mor, ta,us, barhi, chakar-dhari, maiyur, punchhar ; {hen) momi, bandor, landar ; {chick) moraila. [tuncha, chonda, jura. Peak, chonti, sikhar, sring, dang ; {of a turban) ,'o Peak, pachakna, latna. Peal, thahaka, gargarahat, dhamaka, jharaka, daraka. Pear, nashpati, amrud or armud. Pearl, moti, dur or durr, lulu, gauhar, guhar, jau- har, mukta, marwarid, durri maknun, durri yatim, dur-dana ; {eyed) motiya-bindi, kul-chashm. Pearly, gauhar-war, pur-durr, motiha. Peasant, ganwar, kisan, dihkan, dihati, rusta,i, gir- hist, khetihar. Peasantry, ra'aya (pi. of ra'iyat, a subject, though in Hindustan more applicable to a peasant, or what the jargonists call a riot) . Pease, matar, kira,o, mash, miing, masur, arhar, khisari, mashrang, kabli, adas ; — — {-meal) besan, chauns (v. flour) ; {dish of) kabuli, mashrang!, baniari, ke,oti, pahti, mungachi ; mixed with) matrila ; {split pease) dal, a dish of which, with rice, &c., is called khicharhi. Pease-cod, Pease-shell, chhimi, phali. Pebblb, sangreza, saligram, pathri. Peccable, khata-pazir, gunah-gar, taksir-war. Peccant, fisid, mufsid; {-humours) aj^lat i fasida. lo Peck, thongana, nok- or minkar-marna, chochi- yana, thokrana, chakurna, chilhorna. Pbotimated, dandane-dar, shana-numa. Pectoral, chhati-ka, sadriya, kaf-shikan. To Peculate, shikar- &c. -mama or -k, hathwasna, hathiyana. Peculation, {embezzlement) chobha, gha,o-ghap, alam- ghalam, khurd-burd. shikar, shikar-bazi, gofi- gyari, chori-chamari. Peculator, burd-baz, hathe-baz, dhappe-baz, pad- shahi-duzd, raja,i-chor, bad-mu'amila. Peculiar, khatw, makhsus, mnkhtass. nij, nirala, kewal. [kewalta, ^assa. Peculiarity, ^ususiyat, ikhtisas, ^assiyat, nijta, Peculiarly, khususan. khusus, 'ala-l-khusus. Pecuniary, nakdi, mudra,ik ; {collections) pu^- ta-tahsil. Pedagogue, akhun, mulla, pande, gurh-bakta. Pedant, lu gh at-go, pandit, lughat-nawis, lughat- amez, munshiyana. Pedantic, munshiyana, khud-farosh, lughat-go. Pedantry, lughat-go,i, muUa-gari, panda,i, pandi- yapan, munshi-gari, pandita,!, akhan-gari. Pedestal, jar, asas, pa,e-satun, kursi, bunyad. Pedestrian, piyada-rau, pa-piyada. Pedestrianism, piyada-rawi or -pa,x. Pedicle, dandi, bhitni, pihonti, bont, dhepni, d&nti, danthal, kohili. * [banyiid Pedigree, nasab, silsila, asl, pirhi, pusht, bekh- Pediluvium, {bath for the feet) pa-shoya. Pedlar, paikar, dast-farosh, khurda-farosh. pheri- wala, patwa, bisati, phariya; {the business of a pedlar) paikari, dast-faroshi, khurda-faroshi. Peel, chhilka, bakla, post, chhal, ^ashr, chhipta, jhiUi ; {baker's) hatha. To Peel, chhilna, chhilka- &c. -utarnS, mn^asiishar- k, dhona (whence husked pease are called dho,!). Peeler, mukashshar-saz, chhilwaiy&. Peep, nigah, nazar, tak, jhank, jhakni ; {pe^ of day) tarke, bhor, subh-dam, pagahtar, pah-phate. To Peep, nikalna, uazar-ana, namud-h, mulakna, hulakna, huluk-buluk-marna ; (to look tlily) jhankna, takna. Peeper, jhanwaiya, jhakku, chhutail. Peep-hole, jharokha, bata,en, bhanwari, chashmak, gliurfa. Peer, ham-sar, ham-chashm ; {nobleman) amir (pi. umara), sahib, ashabi daulat. To Peer, khulna, phatna. Peerage, amarat, umra,i, amiri-darja. Peeress, amira, begam, khanam, umra,i-begam . Peerless, la-sani, be-nazir, be-misal, be-badal, be- hamta, ek-ta or yakta, adwait. Peevish, dikk, chirchira, zud-ranj, tunuk-mizaj, karwa, jhanjhana, nak-charha, khiskhisa, khasraha. Peevishly, chirchirahat- &c. -se, kajrwahat-se. Peevishness, chirchirahat, zud-ranji, tunuk-mizaji jhanjhanahat. Peg, mekh, khiinta, khunti ; {magic ball) gutka. Pegasus, shahin i fikr, rahwal, sapt-mukh-asp {mu^e) . Pelf, daulat, mal, paise, take, dhan. Pelican, hawasil, jatayu, mahi-khor. Pellet, ghulela, gola, goli, goha, girdgan. Pellet-bow, ghxilel ; • {tape of, which strikes tht ball) phatkana, phidda ; {man) ghulelchi. Pellicle, {film, or thin external skin) jhilli, chhalhi. Pellitory, {herb so called) 'akarkarha-. Pell-mell, kasal-masal, dalmal, lathiya-patkan, bad« masti, kharmasti. Pellucid, shaffaf, nir-mal, saf, billaorl. PEL ( 208 ; PER Pellucidnebs, shaffaffl, nlr-malti. To Pelt, marna, phenkna ; (each other) m&ta,- mari-k. Pelvis, kokha, bakhi, peru, oti. Pen, kalam likhni, kathni, khama, kilk or kilak, dhond, wasti ; (paddock) bara, ghera, arar ; (coop) darba, tapa. To Pen, (to coop) band-k, kaid-k, mundna ; (to write) likhna, insha-pardazi-k, tahiir-k. Penal, tarani, 'ibrati, saza,), tawani. Penalty, saza, taran, tawan, gunah-gftri, janm&na, dand. Penance, jog, tapassiya, dandaut or dandawat, zahd, tirth, nafs-kushi, bairag. Pence, paise, take, kale-take. Pencil, (brush) mu-kalam, kalam, kunchi, mil ; (a lead pencil) sala,i; (of black lead) sarme kS kalam. Pendant, aweza, jhumka, karan-phul, ball, latkan, bad-numa, kanausi,dur-bacha. Pendent, latakta, awekhta, muta'allal^. Pending, mu'allaki, be-faisala, multawi. Pendulum, jhula, latkan. Penetrable, chhedne-jog, kabil-nafuz. nafuz-pazir, salanhar. To Penetkate, (to pierce) chonkna, chhedna, khubna, dhasna, bhinna, salna, tor-k, warpar-h ; (to affect) asar-k, tasir-k, naksh-k ; (to compre- hend ) samajhna, daryaft-k, bujhna ; (to enter) ghusna, dar-ana, dakhl-k, charna, bhajna, pachna, rachna. Penetrating, &c. tez, tund, kara, rasa, nafiz, hadik ; (acute) sari'u-1-fahm, tez-fahm, tabba', chamat- kar, chokhd., tikba. Penetration, da^l, dar-amad ; (actetenesa) tezi, sarl'u-l-fahmi, rasa,i, chamat-karl, tikha,i, basirat, firasat, zakawat, nafuz, hidalcat. Peninsula, kondha, jazira or jazirat. Penis, laura, indri, zakar, falan, nafs, wajud, kazib, thenga, khutk&, kaddu, lolu, nipor, phuniyan. Penitence, tauba, istighfar. afsos. soch, nadamat, in- fi'al. Penitent, Penitential, mustaghfir, muta,assif, na- dim, tli,ib, pasheman, pachhta,u, munfa'il. To BE Penitent, pachhtana, pasheman-ho-jana. Penitently, ta,assuf-se, nadamat-se, pashemani-se. Penknife, kalam-tarash, chaku, chhuri. Penman, khush-kalam, khush-nawis, ahli-kalam, khatt&t. likhraj ; (author) musannif, ahli kalam. Pennant, pharahra, bad-numa, dhaja. Penny, paisa, taka, (fig) damri, kauri, dhabu,a, pak- ka-paisa, fulus ; (-weight) do-rati. Pennyless, nikauriya, be-paisa, be-]Aarj, be-zar, be- diram, be zar o par. Penny wise and Pound foolish, mare kanriyonke bitaura. Pennyworth, paise k& ; (good purehate) kauri- yon ki mal, kauriyon-par. Pension, wazifa, jagir, ma'afi, saiyurghal, wajih-gns- r&n, madad-ma'ash, jik&, patibgreh, oirtesri, sau^al- pit, kar, chatti, idr&r or idrari. To Pension, jagir- &c. -d, wazifa-d. Pensioner, jagir-dar, ahl i ma'asb, wazifa-dar, rozina- dar, patigrehi, birtiya, kar-dar, salina- &c, -dar. Pensive, fikr-mand, andesha-nak, nmtafakkir, mu- ta,ammil, soch-want, fikri, .sar-nigun, udas, dil-gir. Pensively, fikr-men, fikr-mandi- &c. -se, ndasi-se. Pensivkness, fikr-mandi, andesha-naki, udasi, dil- giri, tafakkur, soch-wanti. Pent, bandha-hu,a, band, bhar5-hu,a, tlias^-ha,i. Pentachord, panch-tara or panj-tara. Pentagon, mukhammas, panj-gosha, panch-koni. Pentagonal, panj-pahlQ, panch-kona or -gosha. Pentateuch, taurit, kutub i hazrat musa. Pentastich, (a stanza of five lines) muUiammax. Pent-house, sa,e-ban, dhaba, osara. Penultima, Penultimate, ma kabl i a^r. Penumbra, nim-saya. Penurious, tang-chashm, tang-dil, joz-ras, oji, kan< jus, sQm, khasis. bakhil. sontbi, sitb. Penuriously, juz-rasi- &c. -se, baKtili-se, &c. Penuriousness, tang-chashmi, tang-dili, juz-raii, oj, kanjusi. Penury, tang-dasti, tihi-dasti, falakat, killat, kan- galta. Peony, (flower so called) sha^&,iku-n-na'man. People, (nation) kaum, log ; (men) admi, ash- ^as, kh^lk, ]Aala,ik, log-bog, jamhur, mardum, ahl, 'alam, khalku-1-lah, jagat ; (commonalty) 'awammu-n-nas, teli-tamboli. To People, basana, abad-k, ma*mur-k, janana, jan- wana, mutawallad-k. Peopled, bhara, abadan, ma'mur, basaya. Pepper, mirch, filfil, pilpil ; (long) pipal, filfil i daraz ; (black) kali-mirch, gol-mirch ; (red) mircha, lal-mirch, gach-mirch. To Pepper, mircb-d or -d ; (with shot, &c.) chalni-k, jhanjhrl-k, mushabbak-k. Pepper-box, mirch-dani, filfil-dan. Pepper-corn, ra,i ka dana, khash-lAash ka dana. Peppermint, pudiua, na'na': (-water) 'ark na'na*. [kadachit. Pbradventure, shayad, mabada, ittifakan, kaza,an. To Perambulate, phira-k, sair-k, gasht-karna. Perambulation, gasht, phirwaiki, girdawari, daina- wart. Perambulator, gashti, da,ir o sa,ir. To Perceive, (to see) deklma, dekh-pana; (to know) bujhna, chetna, daryaft-k, samajhna, tarna, pana, pahchanna, chinhna, lakhna, parakhna. Perceptible, Perceivable, mahsus, zabir, namud, dekha,u, dekhne-jog, disanhar, nazar-pazir, laga,u. Perception, chet, pahchan,'ilm, wukuf, daryaft, bujh, samajh, idrak, bekti, chitwan, ma'lum ; (to have perception of) jan-parna. Perceptibly, zahiran, zahir-men, dekhne-men. Perceptive, Percipient, hassas, mudrik, chetan, bektik. Perch, (fish) katernH, gantha ; (for a bird ) chakkas, adda. To Perch, (n.) baithna ; (a.) baithalna or baithana. Perchance, sha,id or shayad, ittifakan, sanjogan, daibi. To Percolate, chhanna (v. to strain, ooze, &c.). Percolation, chhana,i or chhana.o. Percussion, takkar, thokar, m&r, zarb, sadma, dha- mak, jhapat, chapat. Perdition, tab&hi, halaki, saty&nasi, ytarabi,gharati, zalaiat. Perdue, (close) dabak, dhQke. To Peregrinate, safar- &c. -k, phim&, musSlfarat-k. Peregrination, safar, musafarat, siyahat, ghurbat, parjatan, pherft-ghiri. Peremptoriness, kati'at, istihkam, zarurat. Peremptory, natik, kati', a-chal, shafi, muram, nafiz, jabir, be-badal, mubrin, atal, bajid. [do.azda-mahl, PerSnnial, ek-sala, ek-barsa, baru-masiya, sada. FEK ( 209 ) PER Pkrfect, kamil, pura, sampuran, tam&m ,•'— {skilful) mahir, mukammal, sar-&mad, prabin, sa,ir, ftzil, rashid, samapt, muntaha, musallam, thik; {as a verb) tamma ; {pure or faultless) be-'aib, nir-doklii, a-pap To Perfect, kamil- &c. -k, nibahna, niberua, basar- laua, sarua. Perfecter, mukammil, sSranhar, sarni or sarani. Perfection, kamal (pi. kamalat,), tamami, sampu- ranta, takmll, prabinta, kamaliyat, ikmal, itmain, puranta, tahzib. Perfectly, {exactly) bi-'aiai-hi, hu-ba-hu, bi-1-kull, tamam o kamal, sab. Perfidious, namak-haram, be-wafil, adharmi, dagha- baz, kliota, ghaddar, kha.in. be-iman, daghli. daghauliya. Perfidiously, namak-harami- &c. -se, be-wafili-se. Perfidy, namak-harami, kliota,i, adharm, kkiyanat, ghadar, daghal, be-imani. To Perforate, chhedna, bedhna, salna, sura^- &c. -k, barmana, warpar-k. Perforation, bidhavrat, sal ; {fiole) chhed, bedh, siirakh, rakhna. Perforator, {borer, gimlet) gur, J)horni. Perforce, ba-zor, ■:'"--.se, khainch-khanch-ke, dhar- pakar-ke, jabran katran. To Perform, karna, bananSi. nibahna, niberna, sad- hana, baja-laua, ijra-k or -d, ada-k, pura-k, par- lagana, dliar-d, wafa-k, kata'-k, kar-guzarna, purana, piijana, niptarna, sarna, sar-k, marna ; (an exploit) hadaf-marna. Performance, ifa, ada, ijra, nibab, nibera, sadh, kam, krit, kritkar, taraddud; {composition) tasnif, insha, insha-pardazi, bandhan. Performer, karta, fa'il, kuninda, krit-kari, taraddud- kar ; {public) negi-jogi, ahli nashat ; {of a promise) wa'da-wafa. Perfume, khush-bo,i, 'a*'"' su-gandh, bakhur, sondha, Bu-bas, chowa, 'arak-bahar, arghan, argaja, nakhat, ghaliya, majmu', chandan, sandal, mod, abir, sohag- puriya, shabu,i. To Perfume, basna, khnsh-bo-dar-k, mu'attar-k, mu'ambar-k, sondhana, mahkana, parwarda-k. Perfumer, gandhi, 'atr-farosh, 'attar. Perhaps, sha,id or shayad, hoga, kadachit, sanjogan, kaza,an, ittiftkan, ho-to-ho ; {perhaps he may come) awe to awe ; {perhaps he will live) jiye to jiye. pERicARDirM, gorakh-chanda, parda e dil. Perigee, kurbi dunya ; {perihelium) l^urbi shams. Peril, dar, chint5, ^atra, dahshat, andesha, dharka, bim, khauf. Perilous, khatar-nak, makhtur, makhuf, pur-bim, khatar-angez. Perilousness, khatar-naki, khatar-angezl. Period, daur, daura, gardish, phera, zamana, asar, naubat, hangam, 'ahd, zimn, ma'ad, tadll, muddat, wakt, a,et or ayat ; {end) akhirat, insiram, ant, nihayat ; {length of time, duration) ^yam, 'arsa ; {sentence) jumla, fikra. Periodical, fasll, aiyami, mausaml, samaik, wak:ti, dauri, naubati, gardishi. Perifheet, {circumference) gher, gher-pber. Periphrase, Periphrasis, pech, pech-pach, chakkar, moftor. Pbripneumokt, z&tu-r-riya, dard i shush, gatu-s- sadar. To Perish, marna, gharat-h, halak-h, fanS -h, nest-h nest-nabfld-h, nast-h, ma'dum-h, jata-rahna, mal- met-h, talpat-h, dhulna, chaupat-h, pachna, chhai- kar-h, mar-khapna, or-pachna, or-bilana, or-galna; (m fire) jal-marna or -bujhna; {in water) dub-marna; (w^A coZrf) jafe-marna. Perishable, fani, be-baka, na-pa,edar, kabilu-z- zawal, sari'u-1-intikal, chanchal, hadis, fana- &c -pazir,sattyanasi,ghair-mustakill,bigranhar,sarne- jog, kham, kacha. Perishableness, 'adam i baka, na-pa,edari, be- baka,], chanchalta. fdat-d To Perjure, jhuthi-kasam-khana, jhuthi-shaha- Perjured, saugand-shikan ; {perjurer) hanis. Perjury, jhuthi-kasam, saugand i kazib, kiriya bhang. Periwinkle, {the small shell-fish) ghongi. To Perk, ainthna, akarna Permanence, thahra,o, tika,o, raha,o, kiyam, sabat, pa.edari, baka, dawam. Permanent, ka,im, pa,edar, derpa, sabit, baki, tika,u, mustahkam, mukhallad, al-auladi, mukarrari,' istim- rari, kiyami, amar, sada; {as colour, &c.) pukhta, pakka, asthir. Permanently, pa,edari- &c. se, der-pa,i-se. Permission, rukhsat, raza, istirza, khushi, izn, ijazat, parwangi, hukm, chhutti, chhutkar&. Permissively, &c., nim-razamandi-se. Permit, nikasi-ki chithi, rawanna, chhor-chithi, das- tak i rah-dari. To Permit, kabul-k. rawa-r, ruWisat- &c. d ; {to permit one to go) jane-dena (v. Gram. p. 66). Permitted, {allowable) ja,iz, mujawwaz. Permutation, tabdil, tabaddul, 'iwaz mu'awaza. Pernicious, muzirr, mufsid, zabun, mukhill, nikhid. Dura, mukhalif, baigun, fasadi. Perniciously, fasad-se, zabuni- or mazarrat-se, Perniciousness, mazarrat, fasad, zabuni, bura,i, nikhidta. Peroration, khatima, ^atam i suthan. Perpendicular, khatti 'umud or -mustakim. / To Perpetrate, karna, murtakib-h, bad-harakat-k. Perpetration, irtikab, karan, bad-fi'li. Perpetual, da.inii, dami, mustamirr, i:adim, baki, istimrari, nit or niti. Perpetually, hamesha, sada, nit, 'ala-d-dawam, har- wakt, nit-uth. To Perpetuate, da,im-&c. -r, chalanS, jita-r, ka,im- &c. -r, zinda-r. Perpetuation, thahrawat, mudawamat. Perpetuity, hameshagi, kidam, dawam, sabat, istim- rar, sada,i, nitta, kiyam, asthirta, mudawamat. To Perplex, ghabrana, harbarana, hairan- &c. -k, 'ajiz-k, andhlana, bhondlana; {to complicate) uljhana, uljhera-d, laptana. Perplexed, {distracted) hairan, mushawwash, adhi- raj, ashufta, muztarib; {complex) uljba, abtar, darham-barham, dubhar. Perplexedly, be karari- &c. -se, iztirab-se. Perplexing, mushkil, pur-pech, thak-thak, kathin, dushwar, jhanjhati. Perplexity, Perplexedness, {distraction) ghabra- hat, chaundhyahat, iztirar, jhanjhat, tashwish, ashuftagi, pech o tab; {intricacy) pech, mar- pecb, lapta, janjal, lapet, makhmasa. khainch, bhir. Perquisite, lawazima, abwab, yaft, bala,i, balayaft, shikar, jhari, upri parapat, jhar-jhur, chhar-chhor, dastiJri ; {the established perqui%ites of office) dastur or da£turi. P r PER ( 210 ) PES To rDESECU'f E, satana, khijhiina, chherna, taklif, &c. -d, tang-k, 'ajiz-k, gale-ka har-h, pichha-lena, gulu- gir-h, dum-gaza-h, azar-d. PEB8KCDt/0N. tasdi', taklif, iza, dukh, andher, kasfa- makaflh, tangi, saket, musibat, kasht, malamat, ta- ka^a, ua'ubat. Pbesecutob, jafa-kar, sitam-gar, muz!, dil-azar, dukh-da,i, lichar. Pbbbevebance, Pebsistenoe, dhun, teha, istiklal, sabit-kadaml, ka,im-mizaji, gauh, israr. Pkeseveeast, Pebseveeing, Peesistent, &c. dhuni, jflustakill, musirr, sabit-kadam, ka,im-mizaj, dhana- a&, dhlra, mutamatdi. 'lo PEB8EVEBE, PERSIST, istiklal- &c. -b, mustakill- &c. -h, thahania, rahna, painde-parna, muwagibat- k, ganthna, ka,im-rahna. Peesevebinolt, istiklal- &c. -se, israr-se, &c. To Peesist, &c. pachh-k, hujjat-k, bajid-hona. Peeson, admi, manus, shakhs, nafar, insan, jan, nar, mutanaffis, tan, jana, manik, abl; {sd/) ap, Wiud, zat, nafs; (appearance) andam, anget, surat, kathi, kaya, paikar : (character) nakl, suwang, bhes; (in grammar) sigha. whence sigha-mutakallim, the person of the speaker ; ■ (me first person) asmad, mutakallim, i.e. the speaker ; (the second person) jukhmad, mukhatab, i.e. the person spoken to ; (the third person) sarbad, gha,ib, i.e. the person absent or spoken of) : the reader ■will, however, recollect that this order is in- verted by the Arabian and Hindu grammarians, who make our third person first, and vice versd ; (a certain person) falana, ko,i, ek ; (in person, or personally) bi-nafsi-hi, bi-zati-hi, apne ap, apni-zat se. Peesonable, didaru, dekha,u, khush-andam. tarah- dar, khub-surat, su-rup, sajUa, dhajila, jama-zeb, supind, mushakhkhas. Pebsonage, bara-sha^s, *umda-amir, shaMis, shakh- siyat. Pebsonal, shakhs!. zati, nafs!, khass. makhsus, nij, apna, apswarth! ; (exterior) zahiri, Khariji ; — — (bodily) jism!, sariri, dehi, shakhs! ; — — (reflections) chira,u-bat, malamat, 'uyub, shakhsiya ; (personal property) damans, mal o mata', nal^d jins, janjam!-dhan, paise-take, mal-man^ul or mal-amwal. Peesonalitt, shakhsiyat. tashaktkhos. Peesonally, khud, ap, bil-asalat, bi-z-zat, asalatan, bi-nafsi-hi ; — {particularly) 'ala-1-khusus. khu- susan. To Peesonate, surat-banana, nakl-lana, bhes-k, sa- rup-banana, -k or -lana, banna, bona; (do youper- sonate the king, and I shall represent his prime mi- nister) tum padshah ka bhes karo, main wazir k! nakl la,unga. [parechha. Pebsonification, majazi 'akli, pragalbh-budh!, ut- To Pebsonify, shaUis- &c. -thahrana, farzi admi- banana. Pebspeotive, (glass) dar-b!n, nazara. Pebsfioaoious, tez-nazar, zud-bin, tez-fahm. Pebspiouity, Pebspiouousness, salasat, matanat, safa,i, tauzih, &s&n!, sarahat, shaffaf i, prakas, nir- malta. Pebspicuouo, saf, zahir, wazih, khula, parghat, azhar, shaflfaf, sar!h, ujjal, pani, a,ina; (easy) salis, BSin. s Pebspiouously, salasat- &c. -se, shaffafl-se. Pebspieation, bukhar. 'arak, pasina. To Peespibe, pasijna, bukhar-uikalna. 'arak-lana. To Pebsuade, manana, lana, ma,il-k, musta'idd-k, targhib-d. ishti'alak-d, purchak-d, jhukana, usk- ana, ma'kul-k, khatir-nishan-k, bodhna, khatir-k, mohna, bhorana, muraghib-k ; (to advise) ham- war-k, maslahat-d, salah-d, dil-nishin-k, kJiatir- jam'-k, dil-jam'-k, matran§ ; (to be persuaded, to believe) yakin-j5nna. Pebsttadeb, moharrik, muraghib, salah-kar, mantari. Pebsuasign, Pebsuasiveness, dil-nishini, dil-jama*!, ^atir-jama'i, salah-kari, tasalli, dilasa, man&,o, targhib, bhora,o, tahrik, manaut!, mohna,! ; ^— (opinion) i'tikad, fikr, ra,i, mat. Pebsdasive, muwassir, musir, sahib-tas!r, mnhna, dil-nish!n, targkibi. Pebsuasively, asar- &c. -se, salah-kari-se. Pebt, shokh, gosta^, dhith, machia, chanchal, achpaL To Peetain, 'alaka-r, nisbat-r, milna, mansub-h. Pebtinaoious, &c. ]^ud-pasand, magra, ^ud-ra,e, bajid, pachhi, hujjatt!, snkhan-parwar, bat-bana. Pebtinencb, sha,istagi, bar-jastag!, muwafakat, phab- ta,!, thika,!. Pebtinent, phabta, thik, durust, ma'kul, la,ik, muna- sib, sha,ista, barjasta, muwafik, wajib. Pebtinently, liyakat- &c. -se, ba-sawab, ba-maoka'. Pebtly, shokh!- &c. -se, dhitha,i-se, &c. Pebtness, sho^i, gustakl^. dhitha,!, macbla,!, chaa« chalahat. To Pebtubb, Pebtubbate, ghabrana, chaondhyani, be-karar- &c. -k. Peetuebation, ghabrahat, chaundhiyahat, be-karari, dharka, iztirar, tashwish, byakulta, be-hawassi, ashuftag!, kapkap!, pech-tab, be-kaJi. To Peevade, paithna, dar-ana, phailna, danr-j, chhana. Peevasion, dar-amad, phaila,o, vyapakta. Peeverse, ziddi, hathila, terha, na-rast, kaj-raftar, kaj-rau, sar-khud, sar-kash, musirr, mukhalif^ munharif, aundha, machia, tanchra, ulta, kaj-fahm, terha-benda, angash-bangash ; (-fortun^ gandu-kismat, nigun-bakhti. Pebveesely, bar-'aks, zidd-se, mukhalafat-se. Pebvebseness, Pbeveesity, mukhalafat. zidd, hath, israr, na-rast!, kaj-rawi, kaj-raftari, sar-khud!. sar- kashi, inhiraf, jihl i murakkab, machia,!. Pebveesion, bar-gashtagi, inkilab, zalalat, olta,!, aundha,!, &c. To Pervert, pherna, munkalab-k, bad-rah-k, bera-k, gum-rah-k, baihkana, bhatkana, ulat-pulat-k, pal- tana, ultana, dohrana, morna, bar-'aks-k, bar-khi- i'af-k. Peeveetee, muzill,munkalib, dohra,u, iilta,u, palta,u. Pebvious, (open) kabili uafiiz. Pebusal, mutala'a, daura; (in comp.) kh'wani. To Pebdse, parhna, banchna, mutala'a-k, tilawat-k« mulahaza-k, mudawira-k, daur-k, adhain-k. Pebuseb, khwaninda, parhanhar, adhaini ; (in comp.) khwan. Pessaby, shafa, kursaf, bujna, loln§. Pest, mar!, waba, malamat, khar, arbanga, khoncha, fandmekha; (figurat.) wabal, janjal, fitna, ala. To Pestee, satana, khijhana, chherna. takl!f-d, tasdi'- d, iza-d, dukh-d, dikk-k, tang-k, 'ajiz-k, hairan-k, auten gale-d, kliodua, khodhiyana. Pestkbeb, muzi, mukallif, khijha,u. Pestilence, ta'un, waba, mari, sarayat. Pestilent, Pestilential, Pbstifebous, mufsid, musirr, fasid, zabun, bad; (a pestiferous wind) bad i Bumum. Pestle, dasta, musal, kutak, sonta, ghau, 4beikki, batta, lorha, samath bhang- ghon tna, kuti, kutk». PET ( 2U ) PIE Pkt, (displeasure) jhanjh, hath, chirchirahat, ^afgi ; (favourite) larla, pyara, dularwa, larba,ola, chahita ; (to take the pet) hathna, ar-k, atwat- khatwat-lena. Petal, (the leaf of a flower) pakhri, patti. Petition, (verbal) 'arz, guzarish, ardas, 'arz-ma'ruz, iltimas, wajibu-l-'arz, binai ; (request) dn'a, binti, sawal ; (written) 'arz-dasht, 'arizi, 'arza, binai-patri. fo Petition, 'arz- &c. -k, chahna, mangna. Petitioner, multamis, 'arzi-wala, talib, sa,il, dad- khvah, ardasi, nibedani, binaik, jachak, niyaz-mand Petrifaction, pathrahat, sUajit. [pathar-hojana. To Petrify, (a.) pathar-k, sajAt-k ; (n.) patharana, Petticoat, lahnga, ghaghra, phariya, saya, sari, chir, dhabla, tah-band, langot, dandiya ; (interest) izar-bandi-wasila, tiriya-raj. Pettish, hathila, chirchira, tunuk-mizaj, hathi, ziddi, arail, teki. Pettishness, tunuk-mizaji, chirchirahat. Petto, (in) pet-men, man -men, dil-men, ji-men. Petty, chhota, Hiurd, kam-maya, faro-maya, thora. Petulance, sho^i, gustakhi, dhitha,!, be-imtiyazi. be-adabi. Petulant, sho]^, gustatt, dhith, machla, magra, be- adab, be-imtiyaz, be-lagam. Petulantly, gustalAi- &c. -se, be-adabi-se. Pewter, jast, rup-jast, ranga, bidar, arziz ; (a (pewter vessel) bartan i jasti. Pewterer, kasera, bhartiya, thathera, bidar-saz. Phalanx, gathri, ghol, jut. Phantom, Phantasm, khiyal i batil, mrig-trishna. Pharmacy, dawa-sazi, 'attari, aukhadha,i, dawa- shinasl. Pharos, (lighthouse) akas-diya, ^nus or fanus. Phasis, surat, hai,at, numa,ish, dikha,o. Pheasant, mahokar tadarw or taza,w. Phenonemon, "ajab, 'ajib or 'ajuba, nSdiru-g-zahur, kharki-'adat. mazhar, mazahir. Phial, shishi, k§sa. Philanthropist, adam-dost, insan-dost, !Aala,ih:- dost, manukh-prerai. Philanthropy, nek-nihadi, salimn-t-tab'. Philologer, &c. sarfi, nahwi, byakarni. Philomel, Philomela, bulbul, 'andalib. Philosopher, hakim, falsafi, failsuf, utjogi, danish- mand, mishar. PHiLOsoPHEa's-STONE, paras-pathar, aksir, kimiya. Philosophical, (philosophically) hakimana. Philosophy, hikmat, 'ilm i hikmat, utjog ; (rea- soning) mubahasa, munazara. Philter, mohni, totka, latka, basikarni, uchatani. To administer a Philter, totka-k, mohni-d. Phlebotomist, nashtar-zan, rag-zan, fassad. To Phlebotomize, nashtar-lagana, fasd-kholna. Phlebotomy, nashtar-zani, rag-zani. Phlegm, balgham, kaf, kaph, khankhar. Phleomagogue, kaph-tyagi, kati'-balgham, balgham- bur or -shikan (pi. miis,hilat i balgham) . Phlegmatic, balghami, kaphi, snst-tabi'at, sard- mizaj. Ph(BNIX, kukus or kuknus, 'unka ; (the phcenix of his age) yagana,e zamana, faridu-d-dahr, 'wahidu- l-'asr, ekta. Phrase, bat, lughat, istilah, 'ibarat, mustalah (pi. istilahat, mustalahat, 'ibarat) ; (proverbial phrase) zarbu-1-ma^al. Phraseology, tarz i kalam, 'ibarat, muhawara. Phrenitis, josh i dimagh, diwanagi, sauda. Phthisis, (consumptiofi) chhai or kshai-rog. Physic, (science of) tibb, tababat, baida,i, tabibi; (remedies) adwiya, dawa,i, "ilaj, aukhadhj' daru '; (purge) jullab. Physical, (natural) tabi'i, zati , (medical) tibbi. aukhadhi (v. medical, natural). Physically, (naturally) tabi'atan, tab'an, bi-t-tab' : (medically) tababat ke ru se. Physician, tabib (pi. atibba) baid, hakim. Physiognomist, kiyafa-dan, samudriki, kiyafa-shinas, bashra-shinas. Physiognomy, (science) 'ilmikiyafa,samudrik,kiyafa- shinasi ; (appearance) kiyafa, surat. Piazza, sa,eban, satun-baudi, chihil-satun. [phauja. Pick, Pickaxe, kudra, kudali, gainti, kasi, tabar. To Pick, (a.) chunna, binna, nikalna, lena, chugna, intikhab-k, chun-lena, utha-lena, bilachna, bachhna, khontna, karhna, ukharna ; (salad, &c.) banana; (a bone) chichorna, chusna ; (to pierce) chonkna, godna ; (to peck) kakorna; (to open) kholna, torna ; (to pick the teeth) khodna, ^ilal-k; (out of one's head) ankh ka kajal nikalna , (to pick a quarrel) lar-parna, larna, ka?iya-k or -uthana, unkhnu-k, rompna, uksi-chalna, lagana ; (to pick a hole in one's coat) ral^na- giri-k :_ (to pick a pocket) jeb-katarna, ganth- katna, i. e. to cut it fairly off; to pick ; (n.) tung'na. Picker, binwan, chunwaiya, gazanda ; ——(in comp.) chin, gir. Picket, (a sharp-pointed stake) meUi, khunti. Pickle, achar; (mango-, &c.) kucha, kachu- mar, ra,etai, galka. To Pickle, achar-d or -banana. Picklock, (false key) chor-kunji; {the person) chor-kunja. Pickpocket, Pickpurse, jeb-katra, fcsa-bur, ganth- katta, girih-bur, uchakka. Pick-thank, ^a,e-bardar, ag-laga,u, kan-phuska. PiCKTOOTH, khilal, kharka, tinka. PiCQUET, tila,iya, girdawari, itaki, karawal, aghariya, muhra ; also chosen men or grenadiers. Picture, naksh, nigar, taswir, shabih, chitar, rup, surat, sarup, murat, munthan. To Picture, taswir- &c. -khichna, -banana, or -utarna. To Piddle, tunga; (to trifle) tal-tol-k, tapa- to,i-k. PiDDLER, kam-khor, chhut-petwa, tungan-hara, tun- goru, otanhar. Pie, sambosa, puri ; (meat pie) gosht-agand. Piebald, ablak, kabra, chit-kabra, puh-pawa, guna- gun, chitla, chittidar. Piece, (bit) tukra, tuk, para, parcha, purza, reza, lakht, kit'a, fard, band, boti, tikka, khanda, khandla, hissa, bant; (patch) paiwand, thegli, jor;-^ — (iveb) than ; (of leather) chakti ; — '— (of candle) tonta ; (of shawl) jamawkr ; (of metals) turn ; (of gold coin) tho, than (medal) taghma; (in comp.) kala, ual, whence munhnal, a mouth-piece ; gaj-nal, hath-nal, nar-nal, shutar nal, ghur-nal, &c.; (various fire-arms Ms«rf m Hindustan) pathar-kala, dam-kala, rah-kala; (a piece of ordnance) zarbi top; (apiece or bit of a lawyer, &c ) bacha, bachungra; (piece- goods) parcha kimash ; (a piece) ek-ek; har-ek, har-wahid, fard-fard, ti-asami, ism-wari ; (all of apiece) sab ekhi khan ke ; (of a piece with) 'al& haza-l-kiyas, ekhi. P2 PIE { 2l!y ) PIP PiEOB, {chimney-, &c.) chhajjS, taViz, nikasta. To Piece, (to unite) joj-na, paiwand-k, santhna, to add, also mend, &c., barhana, tawU-k. PiECELEss, ajor, be-santh. Piecemeal, chur-chur, tukre-tukre, reza-reza, pash- pash, thoj-a-thora, chapa-chapa, cbikna-chur, para- para. Pied, bukalamun, gun-a-gun, rang-i-rang. Pier, satun, khambha, paya. To Pierce, (a.) chonkna, salna, par-k, phojma, pharna, chhedna, torna, katna, bindhna, bhonkna, surakhna, barmana, gansna, gunthna, ganthna, nathna, chu- bhana, gobhna, gophna, dhukana, khoncha-marna, garana; (to pierce or bleed the taj: tree to extract tftji, or what is vulgarly called toddy) chhewna or chhe,ona; (n.) paithna, dhasna, chhid-j, dar-ina, Iagn3,, dhukna, bindbua, cbubbna, salna, didhna, garna, gubhna. Pierced, {with an arrow) tir-khurda, tir-do^ta. Piercer, chhe,oni, chhewanl. [doz. Piercing, tez, barrak, karkas, karra ; (in comp.) Piercingly, tezi- &c. -se, barraki-se, &c. PiERCiNGNESS, tczi, barraki, tundi, sa^ti, shiddat, karkasi. PiETT, tasharruh, tatwa, tabawat, bhagta,i, dharam, ma'rifat, khuda-tarsi, 'akii-ma'ad, nem, sewa, ihsan, 'irfan, tarikat, zuhd, santa,i, jog. Pig, gbehta, chhauna, su,ar ka bacha, su,ar ka jana; (0/ metal) sari, pharaundi. To Pio, byana, janna, bacbcha-lana. Pigeon, kabutar, parewa, kapot, hamama, parawat, panduk ; {at play) sone ki chiriya : there are several kinds of pigeons, viz. the lotan, laka, girih- baz, gola, shirazi, guli, gul-khal, yahu, pamoz, parpa, dubaz, rumali, palka, sabz-raushan, mako-chaslun, kilki, pa,emoz, moze-pa. Pigeonhole, khiina, kabutar-khana, ashiyana. Pigeon-house, kabutar-khana, kuti, khop, kabuk. Pigmy, bauna, bilisbtiya, tuniya, gur-baingan. Pike, (spear) ueza, jhagra, kanta. PiKEMAN, neza-baz, bhale-bardar, neza-bardar. Pikestaff, chhar, nai, bans. Pile, thamb, khambha, chohla; — (ofgrasx) tinka; (heap) dher, ambar, toda ; (nap) khwab, ro,ln ; (of an arrow) paikan ; (a funeral pile) chir, cliita, chitakha, sara ; (the piles) bawasir ; (the blind and bleeding piles) bawasir i badi Wiuni ; (blind) ghenti, masa. To Pile, talGpar-r, garna, tab ba tah-k, thopna. To Pilfer, cburana, miisna, chura-lejana, ura-j, hathiyana, nchakna, bagU-dhappa-marna, hatba- or hath-marna or -rangna. Pilferer, hath-lapak, cbutta, chor, ucbakka, hath- maru, dast-daraz. Pilgrim, joei, saiyah, bairagi, jatri, ziyarati, atith; {to Mecca and Medina) liaji, hajiu-l-harmain ; (among the Hindus) kamaratbi, tirathi, jagat- nStthi. Pilgrimage, ziyarat, jiitra, tiratb, saiyahi ; (to Mecca, &c.) hajj, tauf, tawaf, 'umra ; — (happen- ing on a Friday) hajj i akbar. Pill, goli, hubb, bariya, matrft, bati; (a magic) gutka; {cochiae) hubb i kokiya; (R^fus's) liubb i rufas. Pillage, lut, ghanimat, yaghma, Iflt-pat, takht-taraj. To Pillage, lutnSi, lutpat- &c. -k, ghauimat-lejana. Pillager, luter&, pindar&, ghSLrat-gar. Pillar, satun, thiin!, khamb, khambha, rukn, pil- paya, thanib, lat, ot&, minar, 'umud; (the pil- lars of the state) arkan i daiilat. Pillory, tashhir, charkh, kal. Pillow, takiya, balish, balin, usisa, sirbana. Pillow-case, takiye ka ghilaf. Pilot, manjhi, arkati, kandari, ab-shinas, ]^a,id i jahaz, rau'allim. Pilotage, ab-shinasi, arkati, niu'allimi. Pimp, bharwa, kutna, kurrumsak, mir-shikar, kalta- ban, dallal, diita, salis bi-1-khair. shahardar, mal- dar, mu'tabar, wliich means trustworthy, an abuse of the word which can neither be defended nor ac- counted for, unless from the idea that pimps are understood to be trustworthy. To Pimp, bharwa,i-k, kutnana, li^urramsala-k. Pimping, nauh&, phuchiya, malamati. Pimple, muhasa, pbuusi, phofiya, barra, dana, phon- gani. Pimpled, phunsiyaha, phunsi-dar. Pin, su,i (prop, a needle), kanta; (P^) mekl^ khunti; (roller) belna; (Jigurat.) til, tinka, kauri. To Pin, (to fasten) ganthna, khuntna, meklj-bandi-k, mekhiyana, mekh-marna, which last are generally used to express the punishing one's self or another severely. Pincers, sangsi, galiwa, che,UDti, sandasi ; (tweezers) mochna. Pinch, chutki, noch; (distress) tangi, gakhti, kaxhmakash, dukh, mak^masa, saket; (a pinch of snuff) nas ki chutki. To Pinch, uochna, chutkana, chutki-lena, bakotna, dabna, katna, lagna, mama, che,unti-katna; (to oppress) nichorna, pisna, zor-k, zulm-k; (to distress) tang-k, nachar-k, 'ajiz-k; {to be fru- gal) tangi-k. Pinchbeck, (a mixture of copper, &c.) panchrasi. Pine, sanobar ; (cones or kernels) chilghoza. To Pine, jhurna, afsurda-h, galna, sukhna, gudaz-h, marna, ring ke mama, hing-hagua, hufakna, hukna, bilaknA, dhuna, latna, mar-rahoa. Pine-apple, anannas, 'an-annas, also 'ainaunas. Pining, huf ka, hurka,i, &c. Pinion, guddi, bazu, bal, jinah, pankh, par, dainii, pakha, pakh-ura, shah-par. To Pinion, guddi-b, pakhuriyana, parkut-k, pachh aundi-b ; (the arms) mushken-b or -charhanfi ; (to bind) bandhna, band-k, jakarna. Pink, (figurative) sar-daftar, makhzan ; (colour) gulabi, surkh nim-ser, piyazi; (-eyed) san- pankha, mako-chashm, nargis-chasbni ; (the pink of politeness) sar daftar i akhlak. To Pink, (to pierce) ebbed ke munh marna. Pin-money, (allowance for) pan-kharch. Pinnace, parewa, piuas. Pinnacle, kalas, kalsa, kangura, dhaurahra, burj, tesi, sring, bini, dang; (o/a hill) chonti, sikhar, auj. Pint, adhser ; (the vessel) adhsera. Pioneer, bel-dar, loniya, mazdur. Pious, muttaki, salib, mutasharrih, dharmi, sant, 'arif, kasib, fakir, jogi. Piously, takawat- &c. -se, khuda-tarsi-se. Pip, ganth, dum-gaz&, dum& ; (on cards) bundki cbitti. To Pip, {to cry as birds) chun-chuu-k or -miirna. Pipe, nal, nali, chhuchi, dami, phonphi, ponga, papiha, sarna,e, shahna,e, nai, bansi, bansri, murli ; {for water) karez, painala, parnali, mori ; (for tmoking tobacco, &c.) hukka ; (maker) naicha- band or -saz (v. snake) ; 'barrel) pipa. To Pipe, bansi- &.c. -bajana. PIP I 213 ) PLA PiPEB, Bhahna.e-nawaz or shahnachii bausl-dhar, sar- na,echi. Piping-hot, garma-garm, tatta. Pipkin, (pnall earthern boiler) bandiyi. Piquant, tez, charchara, namkin. Pique, bughz, kina, kbalisb, gantb, kbanas, lag, krodb. khafgi, azurdagi To Pique, kina- &c. -bona or -d; {to pique one's self ) bhulna, fakhr-k, sa'adat- or iftikj^ar-janna. PiKACT, dakaiti, dakuwi, chori. Pirate, dakait, daku, chor, sarik. Pisces, {sign and constellation) hut, min, macbchh. PiscivoEOUs, mabi-khor, macbb-kba,u. Pish! uff! ob ! phisb! cbi-cbi! Pismire, cbe,onti or ebiyunti, mor. Piss, mut, pesb-ab, baul, sbasba ; {an inclination to piss) mutas ; {inclined to piss) mutasa ; '■ {a person who pisses much) mutana. To Piss, mutna, peshab-k, istinja-k, baul-k, pisb-k Piss-A-BED, kbat-mutwa. PissER, mutara; {a pissing match) mutawwal, muta-muti. Piss-pot, peshab-dan, pargabi, mutabra : {place) mutar, mutar-gali. Pistachio, pista, fistak. [cha. Pistol, tabancba, or tapancba, or tamaucba, banduk- To Pistol, tabancha-marna, bandukcba-marna. Piston, lurentha. Pit, garha, ghar, ghauncbi, cbab, maghak, hafra, obbi, gawi, gau, jhcra; {mark) dagb. kbodra ; {of the neck) guddi, akhara, pali; {the pit of the stomach) kauri. To Pit, garba-d, daghdar-k, daghi-k; {as cocks) tulna ; {to dint) pacbakna ; {pitted with the small-pox) checbak-ru, sitala-munb, kbodrana. Pit-a-Pat, dhardbarabat, dbak-dhaki, pbarak,tapisb; {step) tbap-thap, khatka, chatacbat ; ( of the heart) dbaradbar. Pitch, ral, kir; {degree) naubat, badd, rihayat ; {state) balat, gat, dasa; (as dark as pitch) gbup ; {to this pitch) yaban-tak. To Pitch, (a. to fix) kbara-k, istada-k, barpa-k, ka,im-k, garna ; {to throw) pbenk-d, jbonk-d, dalna, mama; {to smear with pitch) dhfipna, ral- &c. -lagana ; (n.) lagna, baithna, girna, parna, utarna; {to fall headlong) sir ke bbal-girna; (to pitch upon, to fix on) tbahrana, pasand-k ; {a pitched battle) saf ijang. Pitcher, matka, gbara, subu, subucha, gbarola, kalsi, batlohi, dolcba ; (a pitcher of tents) farrasb. Pitchfork, jandra, tangali, panja. Pitchy, {dark) gbup, andbera, kir-gun. Piteous, dard-angez ; — {tender) mom-dil, muta- rabbim, ro,a,u, rola^u. Pitfall, dabak, oba, obbi, cbor-garba. Pith, bbu,a, guda, maghz, sar ; (vigour) zor, bal, buta, bir, bal, matanat, go,a. Pithiness, zorawari, mazbuti, pur-ina|^zi. Pithless, kam-zor, a-sar, jbutba, sun. Pithy, pur-maghz, zor-awar, bal-want, mazbut, ma- tin, gudaila. Pitiable, wajibu-r-rahm, rahm-pazir, karuna-jog. Pitiful, dard-angez {y. piteous) ; (paltry) paji, mubtazal, bakir, balka (v. despicable, scurvy). Pitifully, dard-angezi- &c. -se. Piti fulness, dard-angezi, subuki, ibtizal. Pitiless, be-rahm, be-dard, be-maya, be-moh. PiTSAW, painari, arra, karant. Pittance, ba^ra, wazifa, kafaf, niwala, tukya-tera. Pitted, mujaddad, kbodraba. Pity, rabm, dard, tars, gbam, maya, mob, marob, tarabbum, daya, pir, karuna, daregh, dil-sozi, half, afsos ; (it is a pity that) baif bal ki ; (it is a thousand, &c., pities that) bazar half bal ki, sad baif bai ki. To Pity, rabm- &c. -k, tars- &c. -kbana, dard-ana. Pivot, kila, manawi, kbunta, menb. PizzLE, ( penis) pbal, larath, nafs, ling ; (having an ass's) khar-nafsa. Placable, mala im, balim, mananbar, mana,u. Placard, Placakt, farman, isbtibar-nama. Place, jagab, makan, ja, mahal, tbaur, tbikana, mauka', asthan, manza', astbal, tba,ou, zikr, cbar- cba i (stead) 'iwaz, santi ; (in comp.) gab, ban, sal, sala, kbana, ghar, ana, an, dhar, whence munhana, gathana, tbikana, jahari, idhar ■; (of recreation) sair-gah; (rank) martaba, manzalat, paya ; (precedence) aulawiyat, sadarat ; (office) *ubda, mansab, kam ; (residence) makan, makam ; (effect) asar, tasir, byap ; (in the first place) paible; (in the second place) diisre, and so on. To Place, rakhna, dbarna, ebunna, sajana; {to fix) tbahrana, bandhna, lagana, baithalna, mukar- rar-k, kbara-k, tbikana-lagana, jamkana, asthapna (food) parosna ; (to put out) dena. Placenta, kberi, phul ; ■ (of the lotus) purain. Placer, dbaranbar, parosiya, rakbwaiya. Placid, salim, balim, narm, bhola, ghanb, burd-bar, mutabammil. Placidly, mula,imat- Ac. -se, hilm-se, narmi-se. Placidness, mula,imat, hilm, narmi, burd-bari, ta- bammul, bhola-pan. Plagiarism, chori, sarka, granth-chori. Plagiary, sarik, chor, granth-cbor, tasnif-duzd, shi'r- duzd. Plague, mari, waba ; (curse) afat, wabal, bala, fitna, janjal; (in comp.) azar. To Plague, satana, cbherna, khijbanii, dukh-d, tak- lif-d, iza-d, tasdi'-d, ' dikk-k, 'ajiz-k, hairan-k, tang-k. Plaid, gati, do-sbala, pattu. Plain, (sub.) maidan, chaupat, faza, dasbt, 'arza; (field) khet, tand, jangal, bamun, tikar. Plain, (level) barabar, hamwar, musattab, cbauras, bata-dhar, eksah, kaf i dast; (unadorned) sada; — '— (artless) bhola, sidha, rast, sacha; (sin- cere) saf, khara, be-takalluf, sufiyana, sada-waz', be-ara',isb, kamru; (familiar) salis,lucb, sada, sukha ; (not silk) suti ; (distinct) ukhra, jali, saf-zaban, salis-nawis or -go, &c. ; (/«'"«) ghariba mau; (to be plain, as print) utbna, nkbafna, ugbarna ; (clear) zahir, kbula, ran- sban ; (bare) rvikba, nira, khushk. To Plain, garhna, barabar- &c. -k. Plain-dealer, sada-dil, saf-dil, rast-baz, rast-mu'a- mala, nikbot, sina-saf, sada-sipabi. [safi. Plain-dealing, sada-dili, saf-dili, rast-bazi, sina- Plainly, rasti- &c. -se (v, the adj.) zahiran, sarihas, dotuk, kbolke, hanke pukare. Plainness, (evenness) ham-wari, barabari, sata^, chaur-sa,i ; (fairness, sincerity) sadagi, bhola- pan, be-sakhtagi, safa,i, kbara,i, be-takalluli ; (facility) salasat. Plaint, nala, nauha, ah, ha,e, faryad, giriya, zari, doha,i. [badi, dadi-faryadi. Plaintiff, faryadi, nalisbi, dad-Wiwah, muddal. Plaintive, nalan, giriyan, hazin, gham-gln, matasJil PLA ( 214 PLE Plainwore, sadi-sila,i, sada-kari. Plait, tah, part, pecb, chunat, shikan, chin, lar, utu. To Plait, shikan- &c. -d, tah-jamana, cftunna, utu- &c. -k, gunthna, mu-bafi-k; {to braid) gundna, ganthna. Plaited, chunat-dar, utu-kashida ;-^— (^tV) patti. Plaiter, utu-gar or -kash, tazanda. Plan, (plot, form) lAaka, dhancha, naksha, katkana, tajwiz, tadbir, upa,e, bandlmu, nikala, thath. To Plan, banana, uthana, naksha- &c. -b, tajwiz- &c. -k, rompna, bandhna, nikalna, thathna. Plane, {tool) randa; {level, &c.) hamun. To Plane, hamwar- &c. -k; (wood) s&f-k, randa- chalana, garhna. Planet, sayara, khechar, grab ; {-struck) grah- mara, tali'-zada, falak-zada, chashm-zada, nazar- zada ; {the seven planets) sab'a-saiyara. Planetary, falaki, khechari, grahi, grah-sambandhi. Plane-tree, chinar, saj, sal, haubir. Planisphere, musattah i mudawwar. Plane, silli, patra, ta^ta, lauh. To Plank, takhta- &c -lagana, ta^hta-bandi-k. Plano-convex, chapt-kubra or -kabra, masuri. Plant, nabat, ro,idagi, paudha, perh, biru,a, birchh, nihal, nakhl, buti, nabatat, chara, alan, bihan, gachhi, naudha, nau-nihal, poya, nau-bawa, nayar, panirl, dali. To Plant, {to set) lagana, jamana, baithalna, rompna, garna; {to place) rakhna, dharna, charana, khara-k; {to erect) nasab-k; {to settle) dalna, karna ; {loith trees) ma'mur-k, barpa-k, bharna ; {a colony) basti-d, abadi-k, abad-k. Plantain, {herb) lisanu-1-^aml ; {banana) kela, mauz, kadli : there are great varieties of this fruit, distinguished by the following names : the martaban- kela, champa-kela, chatga,in-kela, chini-kela, kathali-kela, kach-kela, ram-kela, imritban-kela, dhaka,i-kela, ainthi-kela or kalibahu-kela ; {flower) mocha, gabha ; {pith) thor, kanjiyal ; {leaf, dry) bakla, bagwi ; {garden) kela- bari; (a bunch of plantains) kele ka ghaur, kandhi, a subdivision of which is called chhari ; {a single plantain) kele ki chhimi. Plantation, nakhl-bandi; {the place planted) bagh, nakhlistan, baghistan, kheti, kishtzar, mahal ; {of reeds) naistan, bansiyari, bans-bara; - — {colony) basti, abadi. Planter, nakhl-band, kachhi, ko.eri, muzari', bani, mujid, mujtahid, bani-mubani, ronpanhara. Plash, dabra, tali, garp, ^arp, bhadak. To Plash, pichpichana, garp- or gharp-mama. Plashy, jalthal, abi, dabra-pur. Plastkr, rekhta, poti, kali, let, marham, zamad, lep, patti, malham, chhal, liwar, ie,i, chhopan, gilawa. To Plaster, potna, lipna, lesna, pherna, lagana, chhopna, liwarna, parorni, gilawa- &c. -k. Plasterer, kas-gar, pesh-raz, liwaranhar. Plastering, astar-kari, pesh-razi, lesales, lipa-lip, lipan-potan, lip-pot, gach-giri. Plastic, dast-kudrat, riip-hari, naksha-band. To Plat, gundna, bindhna. Plate, {dish) rikebi or rikabi, sahnak, kathauti, kathra, bartan, basan, nim-chini,tabakcha, chapra, chapras, pan, chakti, mukh-pan;-^^ — {vessels) nukra alat, sona-rupa, patra, patar, tabak, warak, ta^ti, 'abbasi ; (silver vessels) zuruf i simi," zuruf i nukra,i, manawattl; (armour) chara,ina. To Plate, niarhna, tabak- &c. -jarna, patra- &c. lagana, mulamma'-k, patar-cliarhana. Plaied, mulanima', iimkallal. Platform, chabutra, chhat, sakf, machan, kani, manjhiya, musattah, bedi. Plating, (qf vessels) mulamma'-kari or -sazi, from molamma'-saz or -kar, the person who plates. Platoon, misal, ghol, tola, barh, shallak, de,orh. Platter, kathra, taghar. kathaata, kunda, thali, tabak, tasht, kachkol, pattal, patri, kathauti, pathri, chammal, chippi. Plaudit, (applause) shah-bashi, man-barbawa. Placsibility, numa.ish, charab-zabani, zahir-numa,i salika guftagu. Plausible, pasandida, numa,ish!, chikna, charab- zaban, bat-chikna, zahir-numa, zahir-dar, surat- haram, samarkandi, indrayan ka phal, tagar, bat- banwa ; (to speak plausibly) bat-bagharna or -banana, mothre-gariia. Plausibly, charab-zabani- &c. -se, namud be bud. Play, khel, bazi, la'b, laho-la'b, kalol, alol, lUa, bazi- cha, la'bat-bazi, chochla, phag ; (comedy) in- darjal ; (bears'-) khirs-bazi, hathapa,i, bhan- da,i ; (sport) tamasha, maza, kautuk ; (comedy, &c.) nakl, suwang, pekhna ; (action) harakat, kam, fi'l ; (agitation) jumbish ; (fair play) rast-bazi; (foul play) dhandhal, daghabazi. To Play, (n ) khelna, la'b- &c. -k ; (to toy) ra,o- cha,o-k; (to joke) thatha-marna, hansna; (on an instrument) bajana, chhepia; (to act) harakat-k, chalna, karna, lahrana; (to wanton) lota-phirna ; (to act a character) nakl- &c. -k; (to play a trick) fitrat-laf ana ; (a.) chalana, marna, chhorna. Play-day, chhutti ka din, khel ka din, 'id ka roz. Player, khelari, khel-akkar ; (at chess) gha.ib- or shatranj-baz, shatir ; (stage) nakkaii ; fin comp.) baz ; (actor) nakkai, suwangi, pekh- niya, nakl-baz ; (on an instrument) sazinda, nawaz, samaji ; (gamester) juwari, kimar-baz Playfellow, langauti ka yar, khelwari, hambaz. Playful, alola, alhar, achpal, chanchal, shok^, chapaL Playfulness, alol, achpali, chanchali, shokhi. Playhouse, may be called nakl-k^ana, but among the natives it is generally called nach ka ghar. Plaything, khilauna, la'bat, laho-la'b; (varieties) chatta batta, pauniya, damgira, panchora ; (the girl who is kept to play with the children) khilauni. Plea, bat, hujjat, taujih, 'uzr, da'wa, mu'azarat, dalil, bahs, takrir, kathni. To Plead, kahna, bat-kabna, hujjat- &c. -k, bahs or -dalil- &c. -lana, takrir sawali-k, jawab-k, radd- jawab-k. Pleader, bahhas, bat-banwa, jawab-sawali, takriri. Pleading, mubahasa, jawab-sawal, radd-jawab. Pleasant, khush, achchha, bhala, khub, latif, dil- pazir, rijh-war, nafis, maza-dar, laziz, pyari, man* bhata, kabuli, dil-chasp, bahari; (smell) sondha; (gay) shad, ^ursand, masrur, magan, zari^ hans-mukh. Pleasantly, Wjushi- &c. -se, bansi-se, hanste-bu,e. Pleasantness, khubi, latafat, lutf, pasandidagi, dil- pasandi, raghbat, nafasat, maza, khushi, khurrami, shadmani, surur, bashashat, maganta, anaudta, bahart Pleasantry, zarafat, latafat (pi. zara,if, lata,if) khush-taba'i, maaah, muta,iba, tanz, latifa that- holi, nukta-bazi. To Please, rijhana, ^ush-k, razi-k, khushi- &c. -d, mabziiz- &c. -k, achchlia or -bhala-iagna, ruchna, ankh-par-charhna, munh- or khatir-&c. -r: to like, && ) chahna, rijhna, bhana, pasand-k ; (please God) iu-shaallah, khuda-chahe, ram-chahe; ('/ '*< please the Most High) in-sha all&h ta'ala. PLE ( 215 ) POC Pleased, khush, razi, ba gh -bagh, khushnud, mahziiz, prasann, anandit, lattu, khush o khtirram. PiiEASTHQ, makbul, pyara, sa,oriila-salona, namkin, inanbha,u. To BE Pleasing, khush- &c. -h, bhawna, bhana. LEA8URE, khushi, 'aish, farah, hazz, jashan, sukh, rang-ras, nashat, 'ashrat, maza,lazzat, savad, surur, shauk, lutf, 'aish-jaish, tarab, bhog bilas, anand, karakh, thath, farhat, rahat ; (wish) swarth, irshad; (will) marzi, khushnudi. chah, maksud, farma,ish ; (choice) pasand, rijh. Plebeian, (adj.) nich, kamina, paji, mubtazal, 'amm; {a plebeian) nich-admi, adna or adna ; (the pleheians) 'awammu-n-nas ; {the nobles and the plebeians) 'awamm o khawass, akabir o asaghir. Pledge, giro, rihn, gahna, bandhak, jakat, jakar; {of love, &c.) yadgarl, nishani, chinh ; {bail) kafalat, zamin, ol, yar^mal. To Pledge, giro-r, rihn- &c. r, kafi,Iat-k, zimma-k, mauauti-k ; {one's word) bachan-harna, zaban- harna. Pledged, marhun, murtahan, dar-giro or dar-girw. Pleiades, suraiya, parwin, kach-pachiya. Plenary, tamam o kamal, mumtali, bhar-pur. Plenipotentiary, wakil i mutlak, muH^tar i kuU, mukhtar i mutlak. Plenist, mala-dost, mainlu-ka,il. Plenitude, puri, pura,i, seri, ziyadati, kamaliyat, kamal, nihayat, mamhl,iyat. Plentiful, bahut, bahutera, ziyada, afzun, mazid, kasir, faiyaz, wafi, maafur, rel-pel. Plentifully, ba-ifrat, bahut-sa, kholkar ; {to be produced plentifully) phatparaa. Plenty, &c. ifrat, ghanimat, man o monh, man o sarikha, fara^at, puran, bhar-pur, phaila,o; {enough) pet-bhar, bas, bahut. Plenum, mala, maralu, imtila, bhar-pura,i. Pleonasm, za,id, bayan i mukarrar, abta. Plethora, ifrat i akhlat, ifrat 1 ^un, rakat-sangrah. Plethoric, damwi, rakat-sangrahi. Pleurisy, zatu-I-jinab, dard i pahlu, kalej-batha, pakhe ka dard, zatu-s-sadar, zatu-1-jamb. Pliable, lachila, narm, mula,im or mulayam. Pliableness, Pliancy, chimrahat, dam-dari, mu- la,imat. Pliancy, komalta, narmi, dam-darl, mulayamat. Pliers, che,unta, chimta. Plight, halat, hal, dasa; {evil plight) dur-dasa. To Plight, dena, darmiyan-d ; {one's faith) kuran darmiyan-d. To Plod, ghotna, mihnat-k ; {to trudge) pair- ghasltn§, rengna. Plodder, mihnati, rengne-wala, ghotne-wala. Plot, {of ground) faza, sabza, kat'; {cabal) sa- zish, gusht, bandhnu, mel; {bed, field) dohar, chaman, khetwa, kola ; {of a novel, &c.) tautiya, jauhar; {stratagem) fann, fareb, da^a, chhal chhadram. To Plot, sazish- &c. -k, ittifilk-k, fitrat-larana. Plotter, {contriver) bandishi, sazishi, fitrati. Plough, hal, kulba, nangal, nasi; {drill) hal-taddi. To Plough, jotna, halwahi- &c. -k, hal-cbalana, chirna, chasna, bidahna, chaumas-k, chiharna, pharna, bahna, latarna. Ploughed Land, bahan, pah, mazra' or mazrii'. Ploughing, chas, jot, bah, kulba-rani, balwabi, ha]a,i, Jota,!. Ploughman, jotaha, halwaha, hali, kulba-ran, hal- jota, asami, kulba-kash, chasa, jotu, dhel-phopfa. Ploughshare, chau, tora, haras. To Pluck, chhin-lena, khich-Iena, karh-lena, jhatak- lena, uchak-lena, nikal-lena, chonthna, ukliarna, khasotna, torna ; {to pull) jhapatna, nochna, ulma-k, kfit-k, jhapat-lena, tor-lena, sutua, saf-k, banana ; {up spirit) himmat-b, kamar-b, dha- ras-b, dileri- &c. -pakarna or -k. Plucker, khainchanhar, &c. (v. the verb). Plucking, jhitka ; {of an animal) dil-band, chon- thauni. Plug, datta, gatta, thenti, thepi, batti, mekh. To Plug, thenti-d, band-k, batti-d. Plum, bair, jaman, jamauwa, aru, amra, kunar, alucha, alu ; {raisin) kishmish, dakh. Plumage, par, pankh, bal o par. To Plumb, {pr measure depth) pani-dekhna. Plumber, rang-bhara, rang-dhalwa, nal-saz. Plum-cake, gunaura, lauziyat. Plume, (featJier) par, pankh, kal^i, turra. To Plume, par-phahrana or -jharna ; {to pride one's self) tarashna, bhulna, turra-lagana. Plumipedk, par-pa, moze-pa. [latkan. Plummet, sahol, sahul, pansel; {lead, &c.) Plump, taiyar, gudaz, chikna, kalla-pur, tar o taza, phular, mota-taza, pur-gosht, gudguda, gul-guthna, maghz-dar. shir-mast, kulcha. To Plump, {as a stone) dhar se girna, phulna, chik- nana ; {in water) dubdubana ; {the sound) of plumping) dhar, dharaka, ^arap. Plumpness, taiyari, gudazi, chikna,!, jasamat, tazagi, phulawat. Plunder, lut, ghanimat. lutpat, ya^ma, luta-liit, mar-khasot, ghaza-safa. To Plunder, lutna, taraj-k, ta^t-k, ^arat-k, dha> wa-marna, daur-marna, mar-lena or -lana, khana- kharab-k, miindna. Plunderer, lutera, ^aratgar, ^anim, pindara, khana-bar-andaz. khana-Miarab. baddu, shuhda, lucha, kazzak or kazzak (hence cossac) . Plunge, ghota, dubki, burki. To Plunge, (a.) de-marna, jhonk-d, dal-d, dalna, mama, bhonkna, ghota-d or -khilana; (n.) kud- parna ; {to dive) dubki- or ghota-marna ; {to rush into) daur-parna, gir- or pil-parna. Plunger, ghota-baz ; {for pearls) ghawwas. Plural, &c. jam', bahu-bachan, ma-fauku-1-wahid, ba-sigha,e jam'. Plurality, jam'iyat, kasrat, ta'addud, adhika,i, sarsa.i, buhtat ; {duality, or what is applicable to two only) du,i. [pahal. Ply, tah, shikan, chin, part, lar ; {of cotto?^) To Ply, {to keep busy) mashghul-r, uljha-r; {to toil) mihnat-k ; {to pester) tang-k, 'ajiz-k, hairan-k, pichhe-parna, mama, chalana, khainchna, phirana, ramana. Pneumatiob, 'ilm-i-hawa, 'ilmi-rih or arwah. To Poach, (as eggs) nim-josh-k ; {to plunder) lutna, churana. Pock, {pox) abila, goti, chhala, abila,e farang. Pocket, jeb, kisa, Ujarita, ghoghi, jholi, dab, phanda, dhenka. To Pocket, jeb mei-r , — {to pocket up) bardisht ^ k, sahna, hathiyana. Pocket-book, dastagi, chaupati. Pock-hole, Pock-mark, sitala ka da|^, dajjJi chechak. POC ( 216 ) POL PocK-PiTTKD, chechak-ru, gotiyahS-munh, khod-kho- daha-iuunh, bimi-chotha. Pocky, bauha, bawaha, tankiyaha, atashaki. Pod, chhemi, phali, chhilka, thonthi, post, dhendi or dhenda; {of tamarinds) katara. To Pod, phallyana, mukashshar-ho-jana. Poem, ghazal, kasida, masnawi, rekhta, ^at'-band, tarji'-band, pad, pind; {elegiac) sozgudaz, wasoz ; {a collection of poems) diwaa ; {an author's whole poetical works) kulliyat. Poesy, saj*, shi'r, sha'iri, &c. {v. poetry). Poet, sha ir (pi. shu'ara) nazim, kab, kabishur, kabita, sahib-diwan, nazmi, zaban-awar, sukhan-sanj, sa- hib-sukhan, padi ; {Ij/ric) rekhta-go, kasida-go ; {the lives of the poets) tazkirat or tazkiratu-sh- shu'ara, kab-mala; {the prince of poeis) maliku- sh-shu'ara : the term nialiku-sh-shu,ara e rekhta is applied to Sauda, the father, or Chaucer of whom, Wall, is termed Baha,e rekhta, or the father of rekhta, literature. Poetaster, kabuUi, padulli, sha'ir-bacha. Poetess, sha'ira, kabishurin or kabishwarin. Poetic, Poetical, mu^afiu, sha'irana, mauzun, man- zum, kabiswari. Poetically, sha'irana, nazimana. Poetry. shi,r, bait, nazm, kabit, ashlok, dohra, ash'ar, abyat, kabita,!, sha'iri, likr ; {render of) shi'r- khwan ; {the art of poetry) fann i shi'r. Poignancy, tezi, jhal, tundi, hiddat, shiddat. Poignant, tez, tund, hadd, karwa, sakht, shadid. PoiNCiNi, gul-turra, krishn-chura. Point, {dot) nukta, bind, bunda; {end) nok, ani, noni ; {of a sword) sinan, pipla ; {of various instruments) paikan, gansi, belak, bhal, mun, su,i ; {string) tasma, band ; {or lock of a ring) kunj ; {of land) khonch ; {sting) chot, kaf; {mark) anu, suna, bindi, bund, kana ; {stop) chhewa, ayat ; {of the com- pass) disa, ruWi ; {of time) an ; {nicety) nukta, dakika ; {state) hal, martaba, hadd ; {regard) ru, rah, hakk; {aim) maksad, murad, mudda'a, gharaz; {single position) bat, amr, mauka*, jagah; {in point of, or respecting) men, ba-nisbat ; {the diacritical vowel-paints) i'rab, harkat, matra, called zabar, zer, pesh, iu Persian, are a, i, u ; {to stretch a point) kalpherna or -ma- rorna, kuchh na kuchh-k; {point blank) rast, sidha, khare gole ki mar ; {at the point of) par ; {at the point of death) jan ba-lab ; {to be on the point of) chalna ; {shoot point blank upon them) un par khara gola maro. To Point, (to sharpen) tez-k, nok-banana, nok-dar-k, banana, pitna, nokiyana, nok-nikalna ; {with the finger, &c.) angusht-numa-k, angli-rakhana, rah- namuni-k ; {guns) sadhna, sahih-k ; {sen- tences) ayat- &c. -d, nukta-k, rezi- &c. k ; {to thew) batlana, dikhlani; {to aim) shast-b, datna, lagana; {with distinguishing marks) nukta- or i'rab-d ; {as a dog) tak-b, datna. Pointed, nokila, nuk&ha, nukta-dar, nok-dar, nukta- rez; {as a consonant with one of the short vowels) mutaharrik. PoiNTEDNEss, nok-dari, nu^ta-rezi. Pointer, (in comp.) nums; thus, l:iWa-numa, that which shews the kibla, i.e. the mariners' compass. Pointing-stock, angusht-numa. Pointless, be-nok, kund, be-nukta, nir-bind. Poison, zahr, bis, biklj. samm, halahal, garl, mahur, mitha, dakra, halhala, halhaliya; {varieties) siugiya, teliya, dudhiya ; (sfow) jap; (a root) haldiya. To Poisoir, manhrana, daki-ana, bikhana, zahrab-k ; {arrows, &c.) zahr-aluda-k, zahr-men-bujhana; (to take poison) zahr-khana ; {to give poison) zahr-d or -khilana ; {to kill) masmum-k, zahar de mama ; {one's ear) bharna, bhari-k, phunk- na ; {to corrupt) bigarna, kharab-k. Poisoned, zahr-aluda, zahr-nak, sammi, bikhi. Poisoneb, (corrupter) mufsid, muzill. Poisonous, zahr-dar, sammi, zahr-nak, zahri, bikh- dhar, bikh-bhara, bikhi, mauhrila garli. PoisoNOUSNESS, zahf-dari, zahr-naki, zahr-aludagi. Poize, i'tidal, taul, sambhal, wazn. To Poize, barabar-k, mu'tadil-k, taulna, sambhalua ; (firelock) banduk-samne-lana. Poke, (thrust) thel, khoncha ; {wallet) thaila, dhokra ; (to buy a pig in a poke) kuliye men gur phorna. To Poke, tatolna, karelna, khorna, khodna, khodni-k. A Poker, khorni, lukti, khodni, kurelni, from the respective verbs, a mode of formation very common, and generally used for nouns of instrument, Polar, (relating to tlie poles of the earth) kutbi. Pole, (stick) chob, lath, istada, surk^, dan^a, jat, laggi, jarib, nal, latha, bans ; (of the earth) kutb, dhrub or dhruv or Jhru, also the polar star ; ——• (the north pole) kuto i shimali ; (the south pole) kutb i janubi ; (the two poles) kutbain ; -^— (one-poled, &c.) ek-choba, du-choba, &c. Poleaxe, belcha, gandasa, balu,a, pbarsa. Polecat, khatas, katar, khikhar, bham. Poleless, be-choba, nir-latha. Polemic, (disputant) bahhas, charchaik, jawab-sawali. Pole-star, kutb, dhrub-tara, farkadan. Police, (the establishment) band o bast, zabt, rabt, intizam, 'amal, 'azlo nasb, raj-pat; (thesuper- intendant of the police) kotwal; (his office) kotwali, kotwali-chabutra ; (-officer) thanodar, mir-mahal, chauki-dar. Policy, fann, fitrat, dana,i, hunar, salika, hikm^t, fitanat, katkana, tadbir, hikmat 'amall, pharphand, jortor, katr-byont, torjor, kalbal, nasbeb-faraz, ki- miya, mansuba, thath, bandhej, bandhan. Polish, chiknahat, safa,i, op, jila, saikal, ghot, aras- tagi, tahzib, suthra,i. To Polish, saf-k, chikna-k, opna, jhalna, ghotna, saikal-k, chiknaua, tarashna, clilulna, sadhana, sarna, arasta-k, durost-k, muhazzab-k, sudharna, banana. Polished, mujalla, tarashlda, sudhara. Polisher, (for paper) muhra, ghotna, randa, san- gauti, ghotanhar, opanhar, jiiagar ; (furbisher) saikalgar. Polite, khalik, ttush-a^lak, khush-atwilr, su- dhang, sishtachari, adari, sanmaui, khush-khulk. majlis-dida, salim-tab', husn-zaun, niutawazi', ra- sayan ; (. Prayer, namaz, salat, puja, du'a, khutba, gayatri, path, durud, munajat, dugana, tarawi, filtiha, san- dhya; (petition) iltimas, istid'a, tamanna, binti ; —— (postponed) kaza namaz, chhemapan, bar. Prayer-book, wazifa, rahas, sandhya-mala, wajajif, aurad. PRE ( 220 ) PRE Pkk : this prefix, like ante, anti, and fore, may often be rendered by age, pesh, pahle, kabl, barh, sar, I'lpar, &c., but seldom so compactly combined as the English particles are. These are frequently redun- dant, and the reader ■will perceive that to preordain, predestinate, &c., can be very well expressed by the simple verbs alone. To Preach, (n.) wa'z-kahna; (a.) zahir-k, j&ii-k, phailina, samjhana, bujhana, sichha-k. Pbeaouer, wa'iz, kl^atib, sichhak. Preamble, dibaja, khutba, tamhid, mukhband. Peecarious, zawal-pazir, zawali, 'arizi, kachS, nir- asthir, be-sabat, be-karar, be-kiyam, be-baiia, a-nit. Peecariousi-t, be-_sabati- &c. -se, 'arizana. Peeoaeiousness, be-sabati, be-k:arari, be-bal:&,i, 'adam-i-baka. Peecadtion, 'akibat-andeshi, dur-andesh!, pesh-bini, agar-sochi, tadaruk, purb-chinta, pesh-bandi. To Precaution, pahle- or age-se-jatana, muta- nabbih-k. To Precede, age- or mukaddam-h, -j, -rahna or -ana, musaddar- or bala-nishin-h, takdim-k, adhik-h, bafiina, peshrawi-k, ikdam- &c. -k. Precedence, (in rank) takdim, sadarat, bala-nishini, tasaddur, bara,!, prasthau, peshwa,i, tafawuk, pesh- ravei ; (superiority/) ziyadati, sabkat, ghalaba, adhika,! ; {priority) agta,i, takaddum. Precedent, (adj.) mukaddam, mutakaddim, kabl, sabik, age. Precedent, (sub.) fatwa, sabik, peshina, nazir, misal, dastur, sanad, ma'mul, sarishta. Preceding, {v. foregoing) sabak, guzashta, peshin. Peecentor, miil-gayan, peshwa, sar gh ana. Peecept, hukm, amr, aggya, bat, kaha, farmuda, far- man, kaul, masala, nasihat, pand, wasiyat, bachan, taran, talkin, bat- kaha, o, wasika, makula, path. Preceptive, [mandatory) nasihat- &c. -amez. Peeceptor, ustad, guru, mu'allim, akhuu. miyan-ji adib, tarbiyat-amoz. Peecinct, hadd, ihata, siwana, mend. Peecious, 'aziz, pyara, chahlta ; (costly) kimati, mahang-moli, besh-kadar, besh-kimat, garan-maya, tuhfa, nadir, fakhir, su-laclihan, nafis ; (apre- cious stone) ratan or ratna, jawahir (pi. jawahirat). Peecioosness, garan-baha,i, garan-kimati, besh-ki- mati. [dhahrara, dhaha. Peecipick, dhang, sring, uncha, tek, kandala, laga,o, Precipitant, nirmali, nirmal-kari, phariya,ii, thiri- ya,u. A Precipitate, (in chemistry) jamawat, talchhat. Precipitate, (adj ) jald, shitab-kar, be-sabr, uta,ola, chhatpat, jald-baz, hafbariya. To be Precipitate, haj-barana, jaldi-karna. To Precipitate, (a.) sir ke bhal-d, sar-talwaiya-d, gira-d, de-marna, dhakel-d, gira- or dal- or jhonk-d, sar-nigun- &c -phenkna, chhantna, katna, baithalni, le-baithna, dabana; (in chemistry) thiriyana, baitha-d, jamana, phariyana; (n.) sir-ke bhal-girna, baithna, jamna, thariya-jana. Peecipitately, jaldi- Sec. -se, shitabi-se. Peecipitation, (in chemistry) phariyahat, thiriyahat, phariya,!, nirmalkar. Peecipitation, (haste, rashness) jaldi, shitabi, uta.oli, be-sabri, shitab-kari, iztirab, haf baj-i, jhaj-aka, chat- paj;i. Precise, chaukas, hoshiyar, piira, thik, dakik; (stiff, formal) sakht, ua-mula,im, kajra, muta'assib, mu^atti'. Precisely, bi°aini-hi, hu ba hQ, niri, anman, ni- khand ; (precisely the same) jyon ka tyon, jaise ka taisa. Peeciseness, Peeoision, di^^at, tahkik, chanksa,i, sudh. To Peecludb, niras-k, mahriim-r, b&z-r, band-k, katna, mama, rokna. [waku'. Peecocious, pakka-panch, gSLnd-jala, ■waki' kabl az To Preconceive, age-se bujhna or -sochna or -janna or samajhna. Preconception, agam, pesh-bini, pesh-band!, tasaw- wur. [luta.u. Peedatoey, lutana, lutera, kazzaki, daur-dapari, Peedecessoe, mukaddam, agataha, mutakaddim, peshin, salif, saroman. Peedestinaeian, ka,il i takdir, nischaik, jabari. To Peedestinate, mukaddar-k, badna, rachna. Peedestination, takdir, sar-nawisht, likhant, hotab, bada, nischaikta, thatha. Peedeteemination, agar-soch, pesh-nihad, pesh- bandi. [age-se niyat-k. To Peedeteeminb, age-se-thanna or -thahrana, Predial, chak-wari, chak-basta. Peedicament, halat, hal, naubat, dasa; (catc' gory) makula; (the ten) makulit i 'ashra. Peedicate, mahmul, khabar, muhaddas; (the object and predicate) mauzu' o mahmul, mubtada o khabar. To Predicate, khabar-d, isbat-k, bakhanna, kahna. To Predict, age se kahna, sabik-se-batlana, sabik-se- khabar-d. agam-batlana. Prediction, khabar. tafawul, agam, fal-go,i, istikhara. Wiizr-khabri, agar-bani. Predictor, mukhbir, agam-jani, agam-bakta, fal-go, ghaibu-l-lisan. To Predispose, jhukana, lana, ma,il-k, hamwar-k, narm-k, islah-men lana. Predisposition, isti'dad, mail, jhukahat. Peedominance, ghalba. zor, sabkat, istila, rawaj, aksariyat, phaila,o, pasar. Peedominant, (prevalent) ghalib, da,ir o sa,ir, ziyada, adhik, prabal, mustauli. To Predominate, ghalib- &c. -h, tali'-h, ghalba-k. Pee-eminence, sabkat, faukiyat, afzaliyat, sharfiyat, sarsa,i, tafzil, tarjih, imtiyaz ; (to have the pre' eminence) sharf-r. Pee-eminent, charab, fa,ik, ghalib, murajjah, fazil, afzal, mumaiyaz, mumtaz, sar-faraz, prasthawi, sarbutang, sarbupar. Pre-emption, hakku-sh-shufa, parosi ka ans, which exists in India, but restricted to real or immoveable estates, and with such restriction it will perhaps bfl frequently found a convenient and salutary law. To Preen, kurel-k, parphahrana. To Pee-enoage, age se muta'allak-k, age se ganth- na, pesh-karar-k. Pee-engagement, pesh-^arari, shart i muta^addam. To Pre-exist, age se-h, jugad-h, age-se maujud rahna. Pee-existence, pesh-hasti, sabiku-1-wujudi. Pee-existent, sftbiku-l-wujud, pesh-hast. Peeface, dibaja, khutba, sar-aghaz, mukaddama. To Peeface, tamhid-k ; (prefacer, prefatory) mukh-bandi, tamhidi. Peefect, hakim, sardar, ra,is, 'amil. To Peefer, bihtar- or achchha- or ahsan-janna, tar- jih- &c. -d, pasand-k, rijhna, age-r, or -lena, &c., ikhtiyar-k; (to exalt) barhaua, sar-bu!and-k ; (to exhibit) karna, izhar-k, zahir-k; (to prefer a complaint) nalish-k. Preferable, bihtar, achchha, al^san. mustahsan. PRE ( 221 ) PRE PHEFEEABLENEsa, istihs&n, bihtari, peshtari. Pbeferesce, tarjih, tafzil, faukiyat, sarsa,!; (in preference of this) is ke age. Preferment, barhti, tarakki, sar-farazi, sar-bulandi, barha,i, mansab. Prefix, sadriya, harf i mashrut. To Prefix, (settle) age se thanna, thahrana ; (to write or place before) upar-likhna, -r or -lagana. Peeonanct, bar-dari, hamal, abistani, garbh, garbhta, gabh, dhendha; {fertility) jaulani, jaudat, barraki. Peegnant, bhara, ma'mur, pur, dujiya, dhidhar, petli, pairbhari, garbh-want, audhan ; [as a woman) hamila, bardar, pet-se, ummed-se, garbhni, dupasta ; {as an animal) gabhin. To Prejudge, age se-thahrana or -bujhna. Prejudice, (/or, or partiality) ta'assub, i'tikad, su- pachh, mail, husn-zanii, raghbat, taraf-dari; (against) bad-zanni, bad-gumani, bad-bari ; [injury) nuksan, zarar, muzarrat, ghata, ganth, ghurcin, girah, 'ukda, 'akida, bipachh, ku-pachh, khalish, daghdagha, ainth. To Prejudice, {in favour) mu'takid- &c. -k; {against) pher-d ; (to injure) imksan- &c. -k, or -pahanchana. Prejudiced, muta'assib, mu'takid, su-pachbi; {against) bad-zann, bad-guman, bad-bat, muta- naffir, uchat; {in favour of) ma,il, raghib, gathila, girai-dar, ku-pachhi, bi-pachhi. Prejudicial, mufsid, muzirr, kothi. Prelate, imam, mnjtahid, dharmadhyaksh. Preliminary, tambid, mukaddama. Prelude, bine, tamhid, mangal-char ; {in music) alap, sur-milap. Prelusive, pesh-amadi, tamhidi. Premature, {untimely) be-wakt, be-mahal, be- mauka', ku-samai, adhura, na-rasida; {a pre- mature death) jawani marg. Prematurely, age-se, jaldi-se, bewakt, be ajal. Prematdreness, jaldi, uta,oli, harbari. To Premeditate, pesh-bandi-k, age-se-thanna. Premeditation, pesli-bandi. To Premise, age se-jatana, -kahna or -samjhana, tamhid-k. Premises, mukaddame,mukaddamat ; {erections, &c.) 'amala. [mura,at. Premium, bakhshish, sila, dan, beshi, pan-kharch, Peeparation, taiyari, upa,e, tahaiyat, tadaruk, bana- wari, amadagi, kamar-bandi, baran, lagan, jatan, tadbir, fikr, patar, nuzj, islah ; {-for march- ing, zin-bandi, charha-charhi. A Preparative, mnnzij, raasalah, tamhid, tadarukana. Preparatively, tamhidan, az ru,e tamhid. Preparatory, kabl, age. To Prepare, banana, rachana, taiyar-k, kamana, muhaiya-k. maujud-k, amada-k, taiyari-k, thik-k, durust-k, arasta-k, murattab-k, sudharna, sajna, saranjam-k, karna, sarna, sarbohar-k, kar-lena, Kanwarna ; {-to march) lad-phand- &c. -k ; {-for battle, &c.) kamr-b, tulna ; {-to sail, &c.) kham honkna ; {to prepare a person for the reception of another) takrib-k. Prepared, khara, kasa-kasaya, kamar-basta, taiyar. To BE Prepared, charh-khara-h, taiyar -rahna. Preparer, murattib, banawan-har; (in comp.) saz, ara. Prepense, {previously determined) agla, peshin. To Preponderate, (a.) bhari-k, wazani-k, kavi-k, ^^Ub-k; (n.) the same words with bona. Preposition, harf, upsarga, abih-samas : in the Hin dustani language, post-position is a better name for these particles, as they generally follow their respec- tive nouns. To Prepossess, ma,il-k, ruju'-k. Prepossessed, su-pachhi, ma,il, raghib. Prepossession, su-pachh, su-mat, husn-zann. Preposterous, abtar, behuda, lagho, puch, mohmal, be-ma'ni, aundha, arbarangi, ulta, wazhgun, nlat- bed, agam-birodhi. Preposterously, bil-'aks, behudagi- &c. -se. Peeposterousness, abtari, be-hudagi, wazhguni. Peepuce, khulri, ghalf, chhichhra, chhewar, chhuchri, kulfa, murdar-chamra. Prerogative, hakk (pi. hukuk), pad, Hiass-hakk. Presage, Presagement, fill, shugun, dalalat, agam, prashan, agahi. To Presage, gawahi-d, dalalat-k, agam-janana. Prescience, *ilm i ghaib, pesh-bini, ^aib-dani, agam. Prescient, pesh-bin, 'alira i ghaib,, agam-jani. To Prescribe, kahna, farmana, batlana, hukm- &c. k or -dena, tajwiz-k; {medically) tashkhis-k. mu'alija-k, nuskha- or dawa- &c. -batlana or -k ; {to fix) thahrana, bandhna, mukarrar- &c. -k. Prescription, {medical) nuskha, chikatsa; {rule) rasm, dastur, ka'ida, dasturu-l-'amal. Presence, huzur, janab, muwajaha, mukabala, hu- zuri, haziri, hazir-bashi. bide, khidmat, bazm, khil- wat, zahir, didar, pragat, zaban-hal ; {in my presence) mere rahte ; {at present) bil-fi'l, ab- to ; {in the presence of) ke age, ke pas, hote; {jn the presence of twenty people) bis admi ke age : {in the presence of the prince) shah zade ke hote ; ( presence of mind) surt, ausan, chet, hushiyari, dileri, dilawari ; {presence chamber) diwan-khana. diwan i'amm. Present, hazir, maujud, ru-ba-ru, ruju', siimne, sah- mukh, age, saridast, taiyar, khara, muhaiya,tachnat, hide-man ; {as time) hal, hall, ab-ke, asun, is ; {attentive) mutawajjih; {the present tense) za- mana-e-hal, bartman ; {the present) hal, ab (also at present), bil-fi'l, in dinon, aj-kal, dar-in wila, aknun, hala or halan; {to remain always pre- sent) bana-rahna, i.e. to give close attendance. Present, (sub.) nazr, 'inayat, 'ata, bhent, dad-dihish, saughat, niyaz, shukrana, salami, sila, sarbari, dan, hadiya, musa'ida, bandan, dali, bel, kho,encha; • {to a pregnant woman) sadhor ; {to n school- master) jum'agi; —— {at parting) bidagi, bida,i widal : that part of the revenue wliich is stipulated as a. present or bribe for the 'amil, is called nazarana, and which is generally squeezed from the poor renters to make up for the ahmakana, or money that the 'amil himself is often obliged to pay. To Present, rakhna, lana, guzaranna, dharna, dena, nazar-&e. -k, bakhshna, age-r, nawazna, nazaranna; {arms) chhati-charhana, chhatiyana; {a firelock) banduk-jhukana, shast-lena, jorna, sadhna, karna ; {to exhibit) dikhlana, zahir-k ; {to introduce to a superior) mulazamat-k, mulakat-Var- wana, ru ba ru-lejana. Presenter, rakhwaya, nawazanda, dene-wala. Presentiment, agam, agron. Presently, abhi, ab, fil-faur, fauran, turt, isi-wakt. Presentment, izhar. Presentness, hazir-jawabi, taiy^ra. Preservation, bacha,o, muhafazat, hifazat, jatan, hirasat, himayat, siyanat, asra. [guramba. Preserve, murabba, sandhana; {of m.angoes^ To Preserve, bachana, mahfuz-r, salamat-r, aman men-r, chiranji-r, himayat- &c. -d, rakhna, rakh- chhorna, saint-r, saMh-salim-r, hafiz- &c -h : PRE ( 222 ) PRI (fruits, &c.) parwarda-k, pagna; [prescve this hand) dast bakhair ; {God preserve me) alla.hu mahnz-na. Preserver, Preservative, bacha,u, hafiz, muhafiz, pachhi, rachhak, ori, zamin, nigahban; {of fruits) murabba-saz, rikab-dar. [kob-h. To Preside, sardar- &c. -h, sardari-k, hukm-r, sar- Presidency, sadr, nij, huzur, marja'. President, hakim, sardar, ra,is, medha, pardhan, mahant, saroman, sarbupar, sarkob; {of a council) sadr-nishin, bala-nishin, mir-majlis. Presidentship, sadr-nishini, bala-nishim, pardhani. Press, {for oil, &c.) kolhu, shikanja, charM, lotha ; {throng) kashmakash, blur, takthela, hujum, 'alam, thasa-thas, khaincha-khainch, janta,o, kha- cha-kbach. To Press, (a.) nichorna, perna, dabna, dabana, champ- na, tipna, chantna, garna, kasua, shikanja-k, jantna, chapana, bhirana;— ( busui, inilanhar, jura.un, dast-yab. Procurator, nuUawalli, wakil, na,ib. To Procure, uthana, karna, paid&-k, hasil-k, mu« hassal-k, pana, fa,ida-uthana, sadhana. jara-d, jut* ana, mangwana, baham- pahunchana, manga-d or -lena, le-d, bana-lana ; (to pimp) kutnana, bharwa,i- &c. -k; (to be procured) milni, jurna, baham-pahunchna, muyassar- &c. -h. Procurement, Procuration, liusul, tahsil, jura,0' Procurer, muhassil, shahardar; (pimp) mu- shata. Procuress, kutni, dalala or dallala, duti. Prodigal, ura,ri, musrif, fuzul-kharj, war-kharj, bQ-1- fuzul, lakh-lut, shah-kharch, talaf-mizaj, mutalaf, chatora, kulbor, kulnas, khana-barandaz. [talaf. Prodigality, ura,o, israf, fuzul-kharji, war-kharji. Prodigally, israf- &c. -se, mutalafana. [nipat. Prodigious, 'ajab, 'ajib, 'ajuba, achhamba, achraj. Prodigiously, shiddat-se, ba-shiddat, nihayat, nipat. Prodigy, 'ajab, ta'ajjub, achraj, achhamba, bu-I-'ajab, istidraj, 'ajabu-l-'aja,ib, anibhaa; (he is a pro- digy) yih to subhan-allah. Produce, Product, Production, hasil, mahsul, pai- da,ish, mal, hal-hasil, zira'at, utpan, upraj, nikas, darb, sampat, tara,i, paidawar, bar-amad, maulud mawalid, upaj; (gain) naf, labh, jam', kha- zana ; (in compos.) kar, whence phalkar, ban- kar, jalkar. To Produce, (to bear) lanS, upjana, dena, phalna, paida-k ; (to cause) uthana, bar-pa-k, bona, dalna, lagana, tarna, karna, kariina, bar-lana ; ■ (to shew) age kar-d, diklilana, hazir-k, maujud-K, nikalna ; (to be produced ) upajna. Produced, paida ; (from seed) udhbij, tukhmi. Producer, karta ; (natural) kudrat. Producible, hast-pazir, utpati, mumkinu-1-khalk. Product, hasil i zarb, gunan-phal, samra, mutawallad. Production, paida,ish, kam, kirt ; (object) kar- tab ; (composition) tasnif, insha, ijad ; (the thing produced) mutawallad, tawallud. Productive, Producer, muwallid, bahrawar; (fertile, &c.) zar-khez, gunja,ishi, upajna, sansgar. Profanation, Profaneness, be-adabi, be-imtiyazi, kunit or kuniti, bhrasht. Profane, be-adab, be-imtiyaz, gustakh, haram, na-pak. To Profane, uapak-k, mulawwas- &c -k. Profanely, gustakhi- &c. -se, be-adabi-se. To Profess, kahna, bolna, janana, ikrar- &c. -k. izb^r- k, zahir-k, diklilana, batlana, badna, pukarna ; . (to prof ess any science or art) karna Professedly, zahiran, ikraran, adbadake, sarihan. Profession, ikrar, izhar, i'tiraf, da'wa, bat, bachan, bandhej, kaul, tashahud, birt, hath-khanda, bhekh, akhara; (to set up in a profession) ikdam-k, sigha- &c. -uthana, pesha- &c. -ikhtiyar-k ; (calling) pesha, sigha, uddim, fann, byohar or vyara- har. Professional, hikmati, 'amali, kasabi. Professor, badi, mukirr, mu'tarif ; (puhlie teacher) mudarris, pandit, mu'allim, bhattacharaj, raj-pandit, sabha-pandit. To Proffer, age-r or -dharnS., dena, tawazu'-k, nazar-k, samne-k. Profferer, mutawazi', denewala. Proficience, tarakki, barhti, maharat, chimat-k&rL Proficiency, ustadi, gun, irtika, tarakki. Proficient, wilkif-kiir, mahir, chimatkar, bitpaiu ustad, gudgudiya, praur, chatur, guni ; (it comp.) dan. Profile, (a likeness in) taswir i ek chashmi, chitai* adhadng, nim-rukha, ek-riikt^a. PRO ( Profit, fa,ida, naf, sud, labh, farSpat, tSsil, muhas- sal, barh, kifayat, faiz, samar, uparjan, utpan, ant, laha, laha o lala, manaf, taufir, ganj afzud, beshi, barh barhti ; {and loss) jabr-nuksan, kami- beshi, paiwast-shikast ; (yearly) sal-hasil. To Profit, fa,ida- &c. -d or -uthana, hasil-k, hath- lagna, labna, kam-a. PaoFiTABLE, fa,ida-mand, fa.ida-bakhsh. sud-mand, inahsuli, pai'ia,ishi, nafi', parapati, uparjani, faiyaz. Profitableness, fa,ida-mandi, sud-mandi, ifada. Profitably, ba-fa,ida, mufidana. Profligacy, khul-kheli, shuhda-pan, bad-kari. Profligate, (adj.) kharab, khasta, khvar. satiyanas, gaya-guzara, bad-kar, na-ba-kar, fasik, fajir, khu- da.i-khvar, abtar, na-khalaf, na-shudani, bad- ma'ash, gum-rah, be-thaur, be-thikana. Profligate, (sub.) lucha, kharabati, rind, bisni. Profligateness, kliwari, bad-kari, na-ba-kari, be- ghairati, fisk, fujur, luch-pana. Profound, gahra, 'amik, gambhira, sanglakh ; (abstruse) barik, agurh, durgam ; (learned) 'allama, 'alim ; (a profound scholar) 'alim i mutabahhir. Profoundly, dikkat-se, ighlak- &c. -so; (to sigh profoundly) ah i sard-khichna, ubhi sans-khichna. Profoundness, Profundity, gahra,i, 'umuk, gam- bhirta, durgamta ; (great knowledge) barik- bini, fazilat, tabahhur. Profuse, musrif, fuzul-kharj ; (plentiful) bhar- pur, ma'mur, faiyaz. Profusion, Profuseness, israf, fuzul-kharji, fuzuli, zar-pashi; (abundance) ifrat, buhtat or ba- hutayat, kasrat. To Prog, khadambari-k, jba'am-talashi-k. Pbogenitoe, jadd, purkha ; ( progenitors) jadd o aba. Pboqent, nasi, aulad, bans, al, al-bel, pal-putr. Prognostic, dalil, 'alamat, uishan, agron, agam, khizr khabri, badraka, pesh-numa,i, pesh-khabri, tali'- numa,i. To Prognosticate, age-se or paihle-se, -kahna, or -batlana, dalalat-k, pesh-khabri- &c. -k ; (when many people prognosticate, the event is not distant) khalk ka halak khalik ki zaban. Prognostication, dalil, istidlal, pesh-khabri. Proonosticator, nujumi, munajjim, jotikhi, &gam- bhakhi, agam-gyani, Jali'-numa, faiz-zaban, fal- zaban. Progress, chal, rawish, raftar, sair, safar, harakat, daur, bafhti, barh, chalan, gasht ; (improvement) tarakki ; (to make -) chal-nikalna, tarak^i-L Progression, pesh-rawi, barha,o. Progressive, Progressively, ba-tadrij, rafta-rafta, hote-hote, barha,u, chalant, pesh-rau, tarakki-pazir. To Prohibit, man*-k, manhi-k, nafi-k, barajna, man- ha,i-k, atkana, baz-r, haram-r, muzahamat- &c. -k, hat-d. Prohibition, mumana'at, manha,i, imtina*. Prohibitive, Prohibitor, mani', muzahim, barjan- har. Project, ijad, ikhtira', tajwiz, bichar, hikmat, jugat. To Project, (to contrive) bicharna, ijad- &c. -k, uthana, namud-k, chalana, jhukna, barh-ana or -jaua; (to throw out) dalna; (to Jut out) Bbhar-ana, nikal-ana, dab-ana Projectile, mutaharrik ; (projeciilet) aj5hya,e mutaharrika. Projeciion, nikal, abhar, jhuka,o, chajja, nikasta. Projector, mujid, mukhtari'. mansuba-baz, katkane- bax, ^yikniati. .* I PRO Prolapsus ani, fatak, kanch. To Prolate, (to pronounce) ucharna, talaffuz-k Prolific, (as a female) larkori, byati, phalanti, bacha- kash, kasiru-1-aulad, so,en, jananhari, phalkar. Prolix, tawil, muntashar, mutawwal, daraz, bistari. Prolixity, tul, intishar, darazi, bistar, tatwil, tul tawili, tumari. Prolixly, tul- &c. -se, dur-darazi-se. Prologue, tamhid, khutba, sarb-sangra, barat-istihlal sukliun-gTistari. To Prolong, tawil- &c. -k, barhana, phailana. Prolongation, tat-sril, barha,o, imtidad. Prominence, ubhar, zahiri, uncha,i, namudari. Prominent, abhara-hu,a, phula-hu,a, uncha, zahir. Promiscuous, maWilut, aineWita, amez, darham-bar ham, abtar, ghal-mel, garhganja, garbar. Promiscuously, abtari-se, be-tartib, darham-barliani, yunhi, pachmel, sarasar. Promise, ikrar, kaul, bat, bachan, pran, 'ahd, paimaa, karar-dad, wa'da, baudhej, awadh, mi'ad, shart, hor, bol, biicha. To Promise, kahna, kaul- &c. -k, badna, bachan- Ac. -harna, zaban- or hath-d. Promise-breaker, 'ahd-shikan, wa'da-shikan, ba- chan-bhangi, shikasta- or khilaf-wa'ida, wa'ida- dagha. Promiser, bachani, mukirr, kahan-hara, kaul-dih. Promising, (hopeful) honhar, nek-bakht. sa'adat- inand, sha,ista. [tamassuk. Promissory, sharti, mi'adi, karari, hop; (-note) Promontory, khonch, sring, nok. To Promote, (to prefer) barhana, sarfaraz-k, tarak^i- &c. -d, tarna, ta,ona, hurmat-d, chaf hana ; (to forward) takwiyat-d, ta,id- or pushti-d, himayat-k, sambhalna, thamna, pachh-k, ukjarna. Promoter, hami, ori, pachhi, mu,aiyid, himayatl, muharrik, uktaru. Promotion, barhti, sar-farazi, tarakk:i, ba^h, mtba, darja, buzurgi, bara,i, barha,o. Prompt, hoshiyar, surta, chaukas, chetan, tez, chalak, jald, kathan, hazir, taiyar, musta'idd, khara, mu'ajjal ; (-payment) zar-nakd. To Prompt, batlana, lukma-d, shah-dam-d, chahrana, chetan-k, musta'idd- &c. -k ; (to incite) tahrik- d, uktarna, chalana, daurana ; (to remind) yad- dilana, jatana. Prompter, pachh-dayak, lukma-dih, nasih, lukma-go. Promptitude, Promptness, hoshiyari, chet, surt, chauksa,i, chalaki, tezi, jaldi, isti'dad, malika, istih- zar. Promptly, tezi- &c. -se, chalaki-se, turt-se. To Promulgate, Promulof, phailana, pasama, ugharna, kholna, ishtihar-d, shuhrat-d, izhar-k. Promulgation, ishtihar, izhar, ishtihar-nama. Promulgator, Promulgor, mukhbir. mushtahir. Prone, (inclined) khara, taiyar, musta'idd ; (not supine) pat, pet-kuniya, hab-kuriya, pa^kar; (to be prone) jhukna, mail-rakhna. Proneness, patta, mail, raghbat. khyahish. Prong, kanta, shak^, siil; (three-pronged) tri- sul or trishul. Pronoun, zamir, nam-bachan, n5m-bachak ; (a demonstrative pronoun) ism i isharat ; (an inter- rogative pronoun) harfi istif ham. To Pronounce, kahna, bolna, talaffuz-k, ucharn&, mak^raj-ada-k; (to pronounce sentence tj death) katl ka hukm dena, fatva-dena. Pronouncee, goyanda, mutalafBg, ucharik : (ia comp.) go. PRO ( ) PRO PaoNtmoiATiON, talaffuz, mal^raj, swar, uch&r, lab o lahja. Peoof, (sub.) dalil (pi. dala,il), hujjat, burhan, dalalat, shahadat, gawahi, sakh, isbat, taujih, chinh, nishan, liin; (in arithmetic) bidhmili; {trial \ imtihan, "parikh, 'ayar, namuna; (in printing) musawwada, kharra. Peoof, [as a shield, &c.) sadhan ; (as iron, &c.) 'ayar- &c. -rasida, imtihani, kasa-hu,a (v. teti; {-against) ghair-mutahammil. Peoof-ieon, loha-sakela, kheri. Pbop, thuni, tek, ar, tekni, nikasta, pushti, ball, chanda, zamin, uthangan, bhit-bhera, pa,etaba, ujkiin pusht, 'umud, tora, parwaya, sangi, tbambh, pushti-ban ; {figvr.) andhe ki lakri, 'asa.e piri. To Peop, thamna, sambhalna, arna, rokna, tekna, pushti- &c. -d. To Propagate, janna, upjana, palda-k, mutawallad- k, jamana, janmana, barhana, rompna ; {to diffuse) pasarna, jari-k, murawwaj-k, bichhana. Propagation, wiladat, tawallud, janmauti, upjit, phaila,o, pasar, intishar. Peopagator, muwallid, murawwij, muntashir. To Fropkl, daurana, chalanil, dagrana, tahlana. Propensity, Propknsion, mail, hawa, sbauk, ragh- bat, ban!, chaska, chat. Peoper durust, thik, phabit, la.ik, munasib, uchit, jog, shi,ista, barjasta, muwafik, mustaujib, rawa, pramanik, ma'kul, darkhur, shayan; {hand- some) sugarh, rishtpusht; {peculiar) )chass. gati, nij ; {real) asli, hakiki ; (a proper name) nam, ism, 'alam. Properly, aclichhi-tarah, ba-ja, liyakat- &c. -se, jai»a-cbahiye, ba,id o sha,id,kama-hakku-hu, kama- yambaghi ; {in a strict sense) hakikatan, aslan PaoPERNEsa, liyakat, sba,istagi, durusti, liamwari. Peoperty, kha.ssa, khassiyat, khawass, prakrit, tasir, sifat, gun; {possession) milk, ans, 'amla, ta'al- luka, mal, khan o man, damans, bapauti, dhan, kaifi- yat, birt, malikiyat, makbuza, ka,inat, amwal, mal o amwal, mal o mata', dhan sampat, 'ainu-1-mal ; {above forty rupees) nisab; {of a princess) ran wans. Prophecy, agam, agam-bakta,i, 'ilmi-ghaib, ghaib- dani, khabar, nabuwat ; {the gift of prophecy) paighambari, nabuwat, risalat, kahanat, karamat, ni'mat, istidraj. To Prophesy, age se-kahna or -batlana, khabar-d, ghaib-ki bat batlana. Prophet, paighanibar, or paighambar, or payambar, or payambar, nabi, rasul, mursal, kahin, ahli batin, rikh, agami, antar-jani, dut, bisisht, muni, autarik, jan' Prophetic, nabawi, rasuli, paighambarana, bisishti, &c. munimat. [nadh. Propinquity, karabat, kurb, nisbat,rishta,nata, sag- To Propitiate, manana, mutawajjih-karana. Propitious, mihr-ban, dayal, kirpal, mutawajjih, muwafik, musa'id, maimun, mubarak, ba-murad, sa'id, mutabarrik, saz-gar. Propitiously, mibrbani- &c. -se, kripa-se. Propitiousness, mihr-bani, tawajjuh, muwafakat, musa'adat, sa'adat, daya, kirpa or kripa. Proportion, utar-charba,o, andaza, pariman, mikdar, hamwari, muwafakat, munaiabat, tanasub, bandhej, bandhan, bit, sangamta. To Proportion, atkalni, ba-and&za-banana or -k, andaza- &c. -r, miiana. PaopORTiONABLE, Puoi'ORTiONAL, barabar, parimani, nauwafilj:, sangam, ham-kadr, ba-andaz. Peopoetionablt, Peopoetionallt, ba-andiza, ma« nasabat- &c. -se. Peoposal, Proposition, bat, sukban, kaol, mukad> dama, izhar, tajwiz, naksha, ra,e, darkhwast, sawal, prashan, charcha, dalil; {definite) dalil i hasr. To Propose, izhar-k, kahna, chabna, 'arz- &c. -k, dar-pesh-k, age-lana. Proposer, Propounded, sukhan-gustar, mozbir, charchaik, multamis. Peoposition, mas,ala, masla ; {the major) kabr&, mukaddam; {the minor) sughra, tali; {the middle) hadd i ausat; {affirmative sentence) kaziya mujiba. [dari, hakk-dari. Proprietary, {right, &c.) malikana, ansiki, zamln- Proprietoe, malik, sabib, khawind, ansik, dhanl. Proprietress, zamin-darin, ansikin. Propriety, liyakat, sha,istagi, hamw5ri, durusti, rau- nasabat, barjastagi, andaza, thikana, ma'kuliyat, wajub, ucbitta, lihaz, haisiyat, arastagi, bandhej. Prorogation, ta'wik, wakfa, tatwil, tawakkuf. To Prorogue, nagha-k, maukuf-k, antar-d, tal-d. Prosaic, nasri, asht-pashti, nataki, nasarana. To Proscribe, wajibu-1-katl-thahrana. Prose, nasr, natak, asht-pasbt ; (a prose xoriter) nasr-nawis. To Prosecute, pairawi-k, ta'akkub-k, chalana, karti- j, laga-rahna, muzawalat-k, darpai-k; • (to sue) gireban-gir-h, daman-gir-parna, gulu-gir-paj:- na. pichhe-parna. Prosecution, pairawi, ta'akkub, talash, tagapo, gulH- giri ; {suit) da'wS, bad, pachher. Prosecutor, mudda'i, dad-khwah, badi, daman-gir, gulii-gir, girebah-gir. Proselyte, mu'takid, nau-murid. Fros^odian, 'aruzi, 'aruz-dan, pingali, surt-bodhi, chang-sastrik. [of) chang-sastar. Prosody, *aruz. pingal, mizan, surt-bodh ; {book Prospect, madd i nazar, did, faza, nazar ; {deli- neated-) naksha ; {regard \ dhyan, fikr, gham ; (hope) ummed, bbarosa, chashm-dasht ; {likelihood) surat. To Prosper, bolbala-r or -k, khush-r. kamyab-r, bah- ra-mand-r, bakhtawar-k, bakhair-k, panpana ; (u.) khush- &c. -rahna, barlina, 'uruj-pakarna, diu- khulna or -phirna, sitara-jagna, sar-sabz- &c. -h, phfilua, ph^lna; {to thrive) palna, panapna, balida-h. Prosperity, Prosperousness, ikbal, ikbal-mandi, su-bhag, kam-yabi, tali'-mandi, bahra-mandi, bak^- tawari, nek-bakhti, firoz-mandi, sa'adat, barakat, daulat, bihbudi, barhti, tarakki, 'uruj, maimanat, sar-sabzi, kusha,ish, faraghat, bhagmani, udm&d, lahar-bahar, falah. Prosperous, mukbil, ikbal-mand, kam-ySb, tali'- mand, bahra-mand, bhag-man, bakht-awar. firoz- mand, sa'id, bakhair, nimit-man, sa'adat-mand, sarsabz, abad, khana-abad, bar-khurdar, sazgar, sukhit, buland, bhagwant; {may the issue be prosperous) 'akibat bakhair. Prosperously, ikbal- &c. -se, nek-bakhti-se. Prostitute, patilriya, beswa, kasbi, hurkani, m&l- zadi, ram-jaui, ^ahba, kullatain, chhinal, kasbin, rospi, bazari, haziiri-bazari, parda-farosh, satr-fa- rosh, ba,i, ganika, baran-gana, lashkar-khalas. hateri-bateri, ghuski, lakar-baz, khelar ; {hire- ling) sukhan-farosh. To Prostitute, fazibat-k, ruswa-k, zalil-k, kl^war-k, utarna, bigarna, dhurkana, bliirana, kama,i- bhar- khana; {throw away) nasht-k, bar liai public) zahiran, 'alaniyatan, male- maidan. Public-spirited, (sub.) khair-khvah i khalk, jagat swarthi. To Publish, zahir-k, isbtihar- &c. -d, jari-k, phailana, kahna, batiaua, khabar-d, 'alam-nashar-k mash- hur-k, riwaj-d. Publisher, mukhbir. zahir-karne-wala, paida-k-w. To Pucker, bhonk-d, jhol-d, chin-d, batorna. Puckering, (s^nn^r) langar. Pudding, gulgula, ra,eta, laddu ; {proverbially) lukma. Puddle, dabra, chhapri, tali, dab, jalla, liwar. To Puddle, gadla- &c. -k, ghingholna, hindorna, khabahiia. Puddly, gadla, maila, mukaddar, a-bo-gil-dar. Pudendum, {membrum virile) laura, alat, liug, land, ker, zakar, bathiyar, falan, dandi, sisbin, tirambak, nuni, sharm-gah, mauza' i makhsus: {-mulieris) chut, bur, bliag, jon, farj, kus, andam nibani, makan i makhsus. upast, sada-odi, badan, chonr, pangat ; {magna vulva) bhosara, buhosari ; {parva) chicha. Puerile, chhulobia, cbiba,ola, halka, ochha, chich- hora, larka-sa, bachgana. Puerility, larka,i, larkapan, tufuliyat, ochha-pan, chipal-pan, lark-budh. PuPF, paf, jbok, jhikora, tikora. mauj, phunk, phuski, phuph-kar, jhataka, jbapasa, bhabkl, bhabka, jhapka. To Puff, (n.) phaina, phusakna, phupharna, pha- phalna, bhabhakna, honkna; {to raise) barhana, charhana, dam-d, dambazi-k, phepsani, phulphul- ana, phulkarna, akrana; {the cheeks) bhauka- lagna, gfil-phulilna ; {to come or go puffing and blowing) habe-phanphe-a or -j, phunkna, jhikorna, hampna ; (n.) phula-d, phulana, mauj-zan-k, laliar- ana, phunk-ura-d; {to be puffed or bloated) tamtamdna. Puffer, {at sales) chatiya, dam-b&z, bad-farosh. Puffy, pur-hawa, phulka, pbulpbula, gulgula, phul&- hu,&, pbepsa, pbapbal, pbulpbula. Puo, {ape) gatarmal, mallu, chandu, bihari, manwa. Puan, (inter.) oh, ah, akh, ja, wah, chi-chi. PuaiL, bskot, cbangul, buk. Pugilist, gbuse-baz, musht-zan, la^an-har, jhag]-alu. Puissance, niaknat, tawana,!, ^udrat. Puissant, maha-bali, l^adir, balw&n, balwant. Puke, {vomiting) chhardik, bamankari. To Pule, {to whine) chehpen-k, thinakna, chillana. Pull, khich, jhatk&, zor, kashish, t&n, khainch, ainch, akhir- To Pull, khichni, aincbni, tSnnS, kasna, tirni, kSrhna, khasotna, jhatakna; {flowers) lorhn§; (to pluck) torna, cbunna; {to tear) phar-4« chir-d ; {to pull on) charhana, pahirna ; {to ptdl off) utarna, nikalna; {to pull doien) dhana, gira-d, mismar-k, udherna; (- the trigger) kal dabna; {to degrade) zer-k, daba,e-r, latarna; {to pull up) uparna, ukbarna, also to pull out a tooth, &c. Puller, khainchan-har, ukharil; (incomp.) kasb, chin. Pullet, murghi nim-kababi, pathiya. Pulley, charkhi, ghirni, phirki, gar&ri, bawan, bhan- ■war-kali. Pulp, guda, maghz, raskas ; {pulpy) maghz-dar. Pulpit, mimbar (pi. minabir), singhasan. Pulpy, gudguda, naram, pola, gudgar, be-dana. To Pulsate, dharakna, phakphakana. Pulsation, tis, tapak, phatak, jumbish, harakat, tapish, tapid, dharak, phakpbak. PoLSE, nabz, nayi, natka, nasa; {to feci the pulse, lit. and fig.) uabz-dekbna, dil-leua or -tona, dil- jo,i-k, nari-ton§; — — {versed in pulses) nabba?, uabz-dan. Pulse, {leguminous plants) masin, dalhan, latri : they are in India very numerous, as may 1k5 seen under pea, and by what follows : moth, urd ; to which may be added what we call gram, chana, hola, bat, kurthi, kulthi, upon which the horses at Madras are gene- rally fed. PuLVERABLE, bukuc-jog, mumkinu-s-sah^. To Pulverise, bukna, sahk-k, surma-sa-k. Pumice-stone, jhama, sang i pasho. Pumpkin, Pompion, kadii, kar', kadima, kondh§, petha, lauka, safri-kadii ; {-rose) mitha-kaddu ; {-Juice) ma,u-l-kar'. Pump, {for water) pichuka, bamba; {pumpt^ shoes) ektali-juti. To Pump, khichna, nikalna; {fy.) bhed-Iena, raz-jo,i-k. Pun, zu-ma*nain, iham, jugat, tajnis, do-arth, ashles, ashlekha, do-arthak, diwar-dipak, dip-nya,o. To Pun, iham- &c. bolna, latifa-kahna. Punch, chheni ; (a dapper fellow) nata, gach- gaina ; {puppet) khilauna, pachloua ; — — {dwarf) ghitak, teni, sumdum. To Punch, chhedna, salna, chheni-marna. Puncheon, {toot) sikka, ghan, chhap; {cask) pipa. Punctilio, takalluf, taklif, nukta-sanji, mu-shigafi. Punctilios, nukat, takalluf^t, mampan. Punctilious, takallufi, uukta-sanj, mu-shigaf. Punctual, khara, pura, sacha, sadik. rast, wa'ida- wafa, awadh-dhyani ; {scrupulous) bharmi, mutakallif, mutawahhim, garha. Punctuality, khara,i, sacha,i, sachauti, rasti, sid^; {nicety) waswas, wahm, takalluf, bbaram. Punctually, rasti- &c. -se, sacha.i-se, sid^-se. Punctuation, matra-kar, nukta-rezi. Puncture, chobh, chhed, surakh, beh. To Puncture, chinhana, chinh-d, chhed- or sural^-k. Pungency, hiddat, jbal, tezi, parparahat, jalan. Pungent, hadd, tez, tund, parpara, jhalaha, kafwa. To Punish, saza- &c -d, mama, dandna, mar-kbilfmi, pit^ani. [-pazir, saza-talab. Punishable, wajibu-t-ta'zib, marue-jog, siyasat- &c. Punished, inu'azzab, mu'akab, saza-l^urda. Punisuer, ma'a^ib, mu'atsib, t&fak. PUN ( 229 ) PUS Punishment, saza, tarna, 'azab, 'ikab, tambih, ta'zir, 'akubat, siyasat, mar, mar-pit, hadd-sharl, nasi- hat, kisas, petak, jurimana, tanz, sar-zanish. Punster, jugat-baz, iham-go, do-arthi. Punk, {prostitute) makho, ba,i, kasbi, hazar-ga,ida. Punt, chhota, nanha, apapin, kotah, kam-zor. To Pup, janna, byana, bache-d or -lana, bjanna, si-vraa, suna kuturna. Pupil, {of the eye) putli, mardumichashm, mardumak; :- {scholar) chatiya, patbak, talmiz, muta'allim, chela, pala-posa, patha, nachni, dela, kacba, til. Pupilage, shagirdi, talmizi or halat i talmig. Puppet, putli, kath-putli, la'ba or la'bat. Puppet-man, putli-wala, kalandar, la'bat-baz. Puppet-show, putli-ka tamasha, la'bat-bazi. Puppy, pilla, kutru, sag-bacha, gidi, padna, palukya, kutte ka jana ; (fig.) mardak. Purblind, tyondha, chundha, dhundha, chundhla. PuRBLiNtNESS, dhund, tyondba.i, chundhlahat. Purchasable, mumkinu-sh-shira, bisihne-jog, kinne- jog, zar-kharid, sdso purchased. Purchase, kharid, sbira or shira, bisah, bisahni, saa- da-sulf, sauda; {free-) "khush -kharid ; {original-) 'ainu-1-mal, asl -kharid ; {-and sale) kharid-farokht, bai'-shira, lena-dena. To Purchase, mol-lena, lena, ^arid-k, bisahna, sauda-k. [kinwaiya. Purchaser, kharid-dar, gahak, mushtari, bis,haru,a. Pure, saf,musafia, pharciha, nirmal or nirmala, zulal, safa, samim, taiyib, munazzah, pura, an-mila, nir- puth, sufi, be-dagh, nemi ; {tried, as gold or tilver) 'aiyar-rasida ; {genuine) asl, khalis, nab, chokha ; {mere) sirf, luch, thenth, sada, khali ; {innocent) bari, mubarra; — '— {unpolluted) pak, mutahiiar, tahir, pabitar or pabitra ; {as language) shusta, pakiza, pharchha, marbut ; {as a virgin, &c ) kora, anchhu,a, achhut ; — -{holy) bhagat, nek, bbala ; {a pure villain) pura dagha- baz, pakka-haram-zada. Purely, safa,i- &c. -se, mahz, nira, sirf. PuRENESs, Purity, safa,i, pharcha,i, nirmalta, shaff- afi, chokha,i, asalat, barat, ma'sumi, paki, tasfiya, tahfirat, tathir, shustagi, pakizagi, marbuti, parsa,i, neki, salahlyat. PuRFiLE, PuRFLE, (v. lace) gota, dhanak. To PuRFLE, gota-tankna or -lagana. Purgation, tasfiya, tathir, tanzih, jhara,o, taharat. Purgative, mus,hil, jharik, tyagik, jullabi. Purgatory, {among the Musalmans) i'raf. Purge, {cathartic medicine) jullab, jhar. To Purge, (a.) jharna, saf- &c. -k, pet-chalana, hag- ana ; (n.) jfiarna, saf-b ; {to have frequent gtools) pet-chalna. Purging, jiriyan i shikam, is,hal, petaukh ; {to have a -) pet-jari-h. Purification, tasfiya, tathir, tuhr, taharat, pharcha,i, tankiya, tazkiya, ashnan. To Purify, (a.) saf- &c. -k, nirtana ; (n.) pak- &c. -h. Puritan, bagla-bhagat, namazi, tafzili. Purity, fv. pureness) nakawat, takawat, be-riya,i, nem, 'asmat. To Purl, chhalchhalana, jharjharana, hurhurana, bhalbhalaua. Purlieus, atraf, pairimOn, gird, ajsganw-pasganw, rakba. PaRLiNO, chhalchhalahat, jharjharahat. To Purloin, mQsna, churana, chori-k, khiyanat-k, mar-r, bathivaaa. PuRLOiNBR, chor, ^a,in, duzd. Purple, (adj.) arghawani, lal, surkh, shahabi, rata, arun, lalit, gul-fam, ali, pingal, 'abbasi, baingani, lakha, lakhauri jamani. To Purple, ar gh awani- &c. -kama or banana. Purplish, gulabi, gul-fam-sa. Purport, maksad, murad, ma'ni, arth, mansa, matlab, mudda'a, ant, hasil, khulasa. To Purport, maksad- &c. -k, irada-k or -r, &c. Purpose, irada, kasd, niyat, gharaz, maksud, bichar, •azm, mansuba, kam; {to what purpose) kahe- ko, kis-liye ; {an answer to the purpose) jawab ba sawab, jawab i ma'kul. To Purpose, kasd- &c. -k, irada- &c. -r, mansuba- &c. -b. Purposely, jan-bujh-ke, jau-bichar-ke, ^sdan, 'amdan. To Purr, khurMiur-k, ghargharana. Purse, thaili, kisa, hamiyani, surra, tora, fota, bihia. batu,a, dulmiyan, dhokari, donra, ganth, girih, khas, basni, bodla, khuthi. To Purse, thaili-men-r ; {to contract) sikorna, sametna. Purse-bearer, fota-dar, blhla-bardar, dhokapya, kisa-bardar. Purse-proud, maya-ghurur, zar-mast, dhanmadi, motmard, gabbar. Purser, {of a ship) bhandari, tahwil-dar. Purslain, loniya, khurfa, baklatu-1-humaka. Pursuant, ba-mujib, hasb, muwafik, mutabik. To Pursue, pichha-k, khaderna, ragedna, ta'akub-k, pichhe-daurna, daurna, pachherna, khedna, herna, painde-parna, rapatna, rabarna, chahatna, kha- kherna, darpai-h, chhan-marna. Pursuer, muta'akib, gulu-gir, gireban-gir, pachhep, khaderu, ragedu, pichh-Iagwa, dumbali. Pursuit, ta'akub, pairawi, raged, khader, pachhera, &c. dumbali ; {endeavour) koshish, dhun, talash, klioj, taftish. Pursuivant, chob-dar, 'asa-bardar, yasawal, sonta- bardar, bhandar. Pursy, dam-phulwa, dam-charha, phepsa, phophas. To Purvey, muhaiya-k, maujud-k, hazir-k, pahunch- ana, rasad- &c. -pahunchana. Purveyor, bhandari, ihtimami or ihtimamchi. Purulent, (t. pus) pibiyaha. Pus, {purulent matter) pib, rim, rad, manj. Push, dhakka, jhonk, rel, takkar, hul, dun, thela, Sela, bhir; {effort) zor, bal, jihd ; {assault) . amla, war, rela ; {exigence) saket, kash-ma- kash. To Push, dhakelna, thelna, relna, pelna, jhonkna, chalana, marna, dalna, dhakka- or pel-d, dhukana, liiilna, khiskana, takrana ; {to urge) takaiyud- k, dabana; {to press) arana, tang-k, zich-k; {to make an effort) daurna, sal-k, zor-marna ; {to push out) bahar-k, nikal-d, hankna. Pushed, gharz-ba,ola, dhakela-hu,a. To BE Pushed, pathar tale parna, dhakela-jana, &c. Pusher, dhakelu. thelu, &c. Pushing, {enteiprising) dil-chala, sahasi, sahib-him- mat. Pusillanimous, na-mard, buz-dil, be-himmat, dar- pokna, hiz, hetha, be-ghalrat. gidar, kadar, padna. PusiLLANiMousLY, ua-mardi-se, buz-dili-se, &c PusiLLANiMousNESs, PUSILLANIMITY, na-mardi, bn«- dili, be-himmati, hetha-pan, be-ghairati. PUS ( 23U ) QUA I'pss, [cat) pusi, pusa, manwi, dhaniya, mano, inanwa ; Tnus-a or -i, pQt-a or -i, probably come from the yerbs musna, (o steal, and pusna, to tame; (puss, puss) pus-pus, bil-bil. Pustule, abila, phaphola, chhala, pansa, jhalka. To Put, rakhna, dharna, saiharna, dalna, saintna, rakhwa-lena, rakh-d, dhar-d, lena, ghalna, na,oua, na,e-d, melna, mama ; {to set) baithalna, garna, khara-k, rompna; {to expose) dikhlana, namiid- k, k'arhna ; [to state) kahna, darpesh-k; (together) jofna, tankna ; (back) hatana; (in writing) kalain-band-k, tank-r, utar-lena; (to trust) hawala-k, tafwiz-k; — (to apply) lagana, bfmdhna;' (to produce) karna, lana, paida-k; (to excite) chalana, tahrik-d ; (to offer) dena, dilana ; (to put by) mar-d, tal-d ; (to put forth) nikalna, phailana; (to put off ) utarna, urana, ghuma-d,baihla-d,baihka-d, jhulana, mu'attal-k, talna, jhulana ; (delay, &c.) mau- kuf-k"; '■ (to sea, &c.) khulna; (to imt on) paharna, pahrana, orhna, charhana ; (to impute) bandhna ; (to put out, money) dena ; (to extinguish) bujhana, gul-k, sard-k, thandha-k, bara-k ; (the eyes) phorna ; (to put to death) mar-d, katl-k, saf-k, thikan a -lagana ; (to put up) charhana, barhana ; (or by) rakh- cbhorna, band-k; (-up with, or bear) kha-j, tarah-d, hazm-k, sahna ; (to put up to sale) bech-d ; — —(to put down) girana, pachharna: (to put away) dur-k. To Put, (n.) nikalna, chalna, jana, barhna, chhutna, hatna, &c. Put off, talmatol, ab-tab, hila-hawala. Putretfaction, saran, sarawat, bosidagi, gandagi. Putrefactive, sara,u, gala,u, ganda-saz. To Pdtreft, (a.) sarana, galana, ganda- &c. -k ; (n.) sarna, galna, palna, gumasna, ubasna. Putrescent, gumsa, ubsa, sarta-hu,a. Putrid, sara, bosida, ganda, saryal, mufsid, rauhlik. Putridness, Putrescence, sarawat, bosidagi, gan- dagi, gumsahat, ubsawat, fasad, kasawat. Putty, (paste, lute, &c.) le,i, saresh. Puzzle, uljhera, ghabrahat, hairani, tangi, lapet, 'ukda-la hall. To Puzzle, hairan-k, 'ajiz-k, tang-k, dang-k, ghab- rana, chaundhyana, mat-k, lajawab-k, basta-zaban- k, muzabjab-men-d, munh-marna ; (to ravel) uljhana, pech-pech-k, pech dar pech-k. Puzzled, hairan, pareshan, sar-asima. To BE Puzzled, ta'ajjub-k, hairan-pareshan-h. Puzzler, munh-mar, pachpal-kari. Puzzling, (difficult) ku-baJ, uljha,o, sangl&Ui, 'ukda- dar. PiOMY, balishtiya, bauna, bawan, or ba,ona, thumkiya. Pyramid, Pyramidal, minar, gaw-dum or ga,o- dum ; (of fire) zabana e atash ; (pyramids of Egypt) al-ahr&m. Q Quack, laf-zan, khud-farosh, halakO, kacha-tabib, katli-baid, nim-hakim, kath-mulla, lampat, lapati. To Quack, (as a duck) kankan-k; (to boast) laf- marna. Quackery, kath-baida,i, dawa-bazi, khud-faroshi. Quadranqle, chaukhuuta, shakl i chaugosha. Quadrant, rub' i d&,ira, adhdhanuk. To Quadrate, milna, barabar-h, thik-h, &c. Quadrennial, chau-sanl, cbau-sala, chau-barkha. Quadrilateral, chau-pahlu, murabba*. QuADBiTiAL, chaa-raha, cbatusb-path. Quadruped, char-paya, satur, chau-gora, chau,a, charwa, mirg-char, bahima (pi. baha,im.) Quadruple, chau-guna, char-chand, chau-la]:a, chau* hra, chau-taha, chau-parta, chau-chand. To Quaff, dhokna, charha-j, pi-lena or -jana. QuAOGY, panka, daldala ; — — (a quagmire) dhasan, daldal. Quail, (bird so called ) bator, bata,i Quaint, &c. nazuk, barik, nafis, achambha, lutf. Quake, larza, tharthari, kamp, daldalahat. To Quake, kampna, kapna, larazna, thartbarana, dal- dalana. Qualification, hunar, jauhar, Khubi, wasf, gun, sifat, bidya, bisekhanta, liyakat, isti'dad, haisiyat. Qualified, (n.) mausuf, bisekhani. To Qualify, durust-k, arasta-k, sazawar-lc, kabil-k, la,ik-k ; (to abate) ghajana, mukhaflFaf-k, islah- d ; (to modify) banana. Quality, bisekh, kirat, kaif, kaifiyat, -wasf (pi. ausaf); (property) khassa, ban, subha,o, mahiyat, tab', sirat, wasf, nibad ; (rank) martaba, paya, man- zalat, mahatam ; (the quality or grandees) umara, ashraf, shurafa. Qualm, ubka,i, matla,i, marora, khatka, larza. dharka ; (to have a qualm) ji-matlana, ubka,i-ana. Qualmish, matlaha; (unecuy in mind) pashe- man, nadim. Quandary, (perplexity, &c.) bairani, halaki. Quantity, atkal, mikdar, kamiyat, chandi, mautad, andaz, pariman, maya, kam ; (weight) wazn, taul, kadr ; (a large quantity) 4^er, ziyadati, kasrat, ifrat. Quantum, (amount) jamla, jam' ; (share) bissa, bant. Quantum sufficit, jeta-chahiye, jitna-cbabiye. Quarantine, chilla, bandlian, chalisi. Quarrel, jhagra, kaziya, bakhora, jhanjhat, ragra kharkhasha, bigar, bat-ras, parkbash, jbaura, rarh raindha, khusumat, ma'rika, bagra, randho putaho, uljhera, khat-pat ; (to pick a quarrel) thesra-k. To Quarrel, jhagarna, larna, kaziya-k, bakhera- &c. -k, lagana, jhaurna, bigarna, ulajhna, phut-rahna. Quarrelsome, Quarreller, laranka, jhagral5,jhan- jhati, jang-jo, siteza-jo, ghulidang, jhansa, lara,u, narad, tante-baz, khatpatiya, bantba, sbor-pusht, sarhang, fitna-jo. Quarrelsomeness, jang-jo,i, siteza-jo,i, lajraiik-pana, tante-bazi. Quarry, (stone mine) kan i sang, patblaatiya, ma'dan i sang, sangistan, pathriya-khan. Quart, (fourth of a gallon) ser, ser-bbar. Quartan, buma,e riba'i, tijari, tapi-rub', chautbaiyi, tirti-jar, kujar. Quarter, chautha,i, pa,o, rub', pawa, cbabSrum ; (part) disa, su, ufak (pi. afak) misal, pur a ; (-of meat) dast, ran ; (of a rupee, &c.) chauni, pa,ola, suka, pa,i ; (treatment) suluk ; (-of the world) taraf, janib, or, rghii. simt; (of a town, &c.) maballa, tola, zil', khand; (lodging) makan, makam, jagah, thikana der&, chha,oni; (protection in battle) kaul, najat, af, aman, panah, aman, muhafazat ; (qtuirter! quarter !) al-anian, panah, dharam-dwar ; (close quarters) zad o burd ; (one and a quarter) sawa ; (two, &c. and a quarter) sawa-do, sawa- tin, sawa-cliar ; (three quarters) pawan ; (one and three quarters) paune-do ; (two, &c. and three quarters) paune-tin ; so paune-cbir, panne- panch, &c. QUA 231 ) QUO To Quarter, cliar-hissa-k, char-chaupara-k, tukra-k, char-para-k ; [to station) rakhna, baithalna, tikana ; {to give quarter) aman- &c. -d, al- aman-sunna : among the Hindus to call for quarter is expressed by tin-lena or pakarna, ghas dant se pakarna, whence ham gau hai, ham gau hai, quarter ! quarter ! [to ask quarter) kaul-chahna. Quarterly, Quartkraoe, si-maha, tri-masa. Quarter-master, pesh-khaime ka darogha, mir- manzi), mir-tuzak, mir-farsh. Quarter-staff, dand, bank-patta, gadka, phul-hatha, lakri ; (to play at) dand-chakti- &c. -klielna. Quarto, chau-warka, chau-bandi. Quartern, adh-pa,o, adh-pawa, do chhatank. To Quash, (a.) torna ; {to annul) batil-k, radd-k, mar-d; (n). khalkhalana. Quaternion chauk, chauka, chau,a. Quatrain, sortha, ruba'i, chau-misra', band, kit'a. Quaver, marghol, maror. To Quaver, lahakna, gahgahana, lahkana, awaz- marorna. Quay, pushta, ghat, chabutra, chautara. Quean, kuttama, thagni, laundi, kasbi. Queasy, (squeamish) matlaha, matla,u. Queen, malika, rani, shah- or padshah-begam, maha- rani ; (- in cards) wazir ; (- at chess) farzlii, wazir. Queer, 'ajab, 'ajib, zor, tamasha, bhala, adbhut, kahan-ka. To Quell, torna, phorna, raf-k, shikast-d, dabaua. To QuENCn, (thirst or fire) bujhana; (fire) sard- k, thanda-k, faro-k : (to still) marna, daf -k, dur-k, khana. Quencher, marak, dafi', bujhane-wala. Quenchless, amar, amit, gb^air-mamkinu-l-it^, nir- bujha,u. Querimonious, (discontented) kiitil, kuchar, gila- guzar. Querist, sa,il, prashnik, puchhne-wala. Quern, (small hand-mill) hath-chakki. Querpo, (kind of garment) basma, wasma. Querulous, shaki, gila-gugar, nindak. QuERULOUSNEss, gUa-guzari, nindka,i, kutilta, ku- charta. Query, sawal, pursish, istifham, istifsar. Quest, khoj, talash, taftish, just-o-ju. Question, sawal, pursish, prishan, istifham ; (dispute) bahs, kaziya, jhagra, majhala; (affair) miikaddama, bat ; (doubt) shakk, khadsha, bharam ; (to call in question) baz-pursi-k ; (to be out of the question) bahar-h. To Question, pfichhna, sawal- &c. -k, piichha-prekh- k, puchh-puchha,o-k, istimzaj-lena ; (to examine) imtihan- &c. -k, baz-pursi-k, tikharna ; (to doubt) shakk- &c. -r; (to beg the question) istid- lai-k. Questionable, mushtabah, mashkuk, sawal-talab, puchhne-jog. Questioned, (interrogated) ma8,ul ; (doubted) mashkuk. Questionless, be-shnbha, be-shakk, be-guman. QuiBBLER, iham, jugat, zatal, hila-hawala, talmatol, mu gh alata, and-phand, farfand, erpher To Quibble, and-phand- &c. -k, talmatol-k, &c. Quibble, jugat-baz, hila-baz, farfandi, andphandi. Quick, (alive) jita, zinda; (nijnble) chnst, tund, zud, phr.rtila, charphaa, shitab-kar, achpala, sari', begi, chatpatiya ; (-time) chalta. Quick, (sub.) jaadar-gosht, jita-gosht. To Quicken, (a. to animate) jilana, ziuda-k; (to hasten) daurana, jald-k ; (to sharpen) tez- &c. -k; (n ) ji-juthna. Quicklime, bari, chuna, ahak i tafta, kali; (a composition of) nura. Quickly, turant, jaldi, shitabi, fil-faur, fauran, dar- bar, chatpat, begabegi, turt-ta,o, jhar-jharak, lap- jhak, jhatpat, jhapde, jhapajhap, laplap. Quickness, jaldi, shitabi, tezi, chusti, tundi, zudi, phurt, charpharahat, ta'jil, shitab-kari, beg, begta,i. Quick-sand, chor-balu, daldali-zamin, thali, ghan- ghri, reg-rawaii. Quick-set, kalam, lagna, shakh, chara. To Quick-set, kalam-lagana. Quick-sighted, tez-nazar, tez-chasm, tez-nigah. Quick-siqhtedness, tez-uazari, tez-chashmi, tez- nigahi. [bhubij. Quick-silver, para, sim-ab, zibak, ras, rut, sam- QuiET, Quiescent, sakin, be-harakat, asthir, asuda, muraffah, mutma,inn, rahati; (as a horse) nichal, rahwar, khush-lagam ; — . — (silent) chup, sakit, sakin ; (mild) gharib, bhola, bhondu. Quiet, Quiescence, sukun, karar, itminan, aram, asa,ish, asudagi, sukh, anand, chain, kal, rahat, rafahiya. To Quiet, sakin- &c. -k, thambhna, rokna, manda-k Quietly, ahista, dhime, haule, chupke. Quietness, (silence) khamoshi, sukut, chup ; (mildness) mula,imat, ahistagi, bholapan, gh aribi. Quill, shah-par; (of a porcupine) kanta, khar. Quilt, raza,i, bala-posh, lihaf, gudri, nihalcha, nihali. To Quilt, tagna, gulna, nigandna. Quilted, (stuff) sozani, gadla, niganda-hu,a. QuiLTiNO, niganda,i, niganda, gulkari. Quince, bihi, bih, safarjal, abi. Quince-seeds, bihi-dana, tuUyn i safarjal. Quinquennial, panj-sala, panch-barkha or -varsha. Quinsy, (disease in the throat) khunak. Quintessence, Wiulasa, sat, sar, hir, akas. Quintuple, pach-taha, or -parta, or -lara or -guna. Quire, (of paper) dasta, bitha. Quirk, nukta, bariki, jugat, thag-bidya, ba,oli, lapet. To Quit, chhorna, tyagna, tajna, tark-k, utarna, bhatna; '■ (good bread, &c.) bihisht men lat- marna ; (to pay) bhar-d, ada-k, wasU-k ; (to make even) barabar-k. Quite, ktub, pura, sar ba sar, bas ; (perfectly) bi'ainihi, hubahu, nipat. Quit-rent, khiraj, khazana. Quits, utiran, barabar, infisal, fiirigh, ear ba sar. Quittance, utirau-patar, farigh-khatti (pronounced farWiati) chhutkara, safi-nama, baz-nama, khatt i lada'wa. Quiver, tarkash, tukash, nikhang, tun ; (part of) kurban ; (armed with a quiver) tarkash-band. To Quiver, lahakna ; (to ihake) kapna, larazna, thartharana, halhalana. Quizz, (whirligig) chakri, chaka,i. Quoit, kati, katal, taiya, chakti, champ; (the game) khunti-taiya. Quondam, age ka, kadim-se, sabik. Quota, hissa, bahra, damasahi, janghasi, bihri. Quotation, (extract) iktibas, upades, gur-upades* chida, sanad, istimbat, istikhraj. To Quote, iktibas-k, lana, darj-k, .-janad-lana. QuoTtD. muktabas ; (quoter) ituu^tabis. QUO ( 232 ) KAK QvoTB, kaha, katha, from kahna, kathna, to say: this last is the Sanskrit kathanani, akin to which may be the Saxon cwethan, to say. Quotidian, roz-marra, har-roza, yaumi, dinbl, di- wasi ; (a quotidian fever) huma,e yaumi, tapi muwaziba, gurguri. Quotient, hasil, kismat, bhag, mablagh, hasil- or ^arij-lj:ismat, bhajan-phal, ladhyapt. R Rabbet, (a cut or lapping joint) de,orhiya-jor. Rabbi, yahudon ka pir, rabbi, (Jit. my lord). Rabbit, khar-gosh, lambha, lanha, chaugara. Rabble, bhir, rabak-tabak, ramdu-phattu. Race, (generation) asl, nasab, nasi, Ichandan, mul, bal, bahsawari, kabila, dudman, bans, kul, jatara, pirhi, silsila, tukhm. bani, zat, saf, zurriyat, jat, pal, pani; (contest in running) daurari, daur, tagotaz, daura-dauri, daur-dapar ; (period ) daura, rasi. Race-horse, ghur-daur, daur-ghora, shart-ka ghora. Racer, dawind or dawanda, daurak, tez-raw or -raftar. Rack, shikanja, kasan, dhathi, kathghara, champ; (torture) siyasat, kasht, shiddat ; (distaff) pindi, lundi ; (grate) thathri. To Rack, shikanje men-khichna, daurana, saf-lena ; (to torture) siyasat-k ; (io squeeze) pisna, perna, nichorna, masalna. Racket, (noise) ghul-ghapara, shor-sharaba, shor- shaghab, shor, ghul, dhum, hatha, chaugan, danda, tand; (to make a racket) ghul- &c. -machana, ghuighapara- &c. -k. Rack-rent, gayari, sa^t-giri-, (rack-renter) sakhtgir. Racy, shokh, ras-dar, maze-dar, namkin. ^ Radiance, Radiancy, Radiation, shu'a', partau, kiran, lam'a, tajalli, ziya, raff, tab, jalwa, jot, prakas, partau-rezi, tajammul, jagmagahat, jila. Radiant, munawwar, nurani, mutajalla, tab-dar, tab- nak, chamak-dar, jalwa-gar, raushan, jotman, pra- kasi, partau-rez, sham'-ru. To Radiate, partau-d, kiran-d, chamakna, prakas- &c. -k. Radical, asli, zati, muli, bunyadi, taba*i, thenth ; (heat) hararat i gharizi ; (-moisture) tara- wat i asli. To Radicate, (to plant deeply) girna, baithalna, jarna. Radish, muli (from mul, a root, as radish may per- haps be from radix), turb, fujul, mura,i, niwar. Radius, nisfu-1-katr, adh-vyas, banijard; (spoke) pakhri, gaz ; (of the arm) bari nali. Raffle, sharti, ju,a ; (to dispose of by raffle) ju,e par bechna. Raft, bera, chaughara (made -with earthen pots, &c. and used for crossing rivers in Hindustan), gharna,i. Rafter, kajri, kandi, koro, tarak, dharan. Rao, gudar, latta, dhajji, chithara, purza, chirkit, chit-chindi, gudra, gudfi, lipra, ruk'a. Raoamuffin, gudar-shah, chithariya, gudariyS, chi- tharlya-bir, khindra. RAOE.ghussa, kahr, ehazab, Jchashm, jalal, jazba, josh- yiarosh, kop, krodh, jaljalahat, taish, jhanjh, ta,o, jhauj-, kilkilahat, ros ; (to vent one's rage on a person) bukhar-riikain& ; (violence) shiddat, ishtidad ; (enthusiasm) sauda, ban ; (he also has got the rage of building) usko bhi 'imarat banano k& lauda hai. To Raoe, kahr- &c. -k, jalna, umarna, ghazab-men- h, josh-mama, jaljalana, jhunjhiyana, bipharana, jalbalna, pakna, ubalna; (as a disorder) 'alam- gir-h, parna, phailna; (to produce mischief) tufan-k. Raoeful, Raoino, l^ahr-aluda or -nak, i^aizab-aliida or -nak, khashm-nak, khashm-aluda, krodhi, kopi, jauraha, jalabala; (as the sea) niawwaj, mauj- zan, mutalatim, joshan, kharoshan ; (violent) shadid. Ragged, gudar (whence gudn,'a ragged quilt used by fakirs), murakka', mekhi, khardhara; (clothed in rags) dalk-posh ; (uneven) kharkhara, arbaf . Raggedness, chithrahat, dalk-poshi, kharkharahat. Raoingly, ba-shiddat, shiddat- &c. -se, taish-se. Ragman, reza-farosh, bari, gudar-wala. Ragout, dam-pukht, kaliya. Rags or Clouts, (for infants) gargudar, gandar, potra ; (luggage) lipri batana, kammali-gathri, gathri-muthri ; (to boil to rags) pash-pash-k, latpata-pakana. Rail, Railing, katahra, kathghera, muttaka, kan- gura, lakkarkot ; (beam) kamar-bala, bareri ; (abuse) gali, ta'n-tashni*. To Rail, (inclose with rails) katahra-lagana, kath- bandi-k; (to abuse) jhirakna, jhikna, jhirjhir- ana, latarna, gali-d, dushnam-d, ta'n-tashui'-k, ta'na-k, ta'na-zani-k ; (to blame) dokhna, ilzam-d ; (to rail at one another) gali-gilauj-k. Railer, ta'na-zan, mushanni', ta'in. Raillery, thatha, thatholi, bolitholi, mazakb, zarS- fat, bazla, istihza, hazal, phakkaf, ramz, tasakh- khur, batoli, mihna, thena. Raiment, poshak, kap^a, libas, jama. Rain, menh, baran, barish, mihun or mihyun, nihun, pani, baran i rahmat ; (a heavy rain) jhari ; (rain-water) mehh-ka pani, ab i baran, barsat- &c. -ka-pani, asmani-pani. To Rain, (n.) barasna, pani- or menh-pafnl; (a.) barsana, taptapiiua, tiptip-barsana; (cats and dogs) mula-dhar-barasua. Rainbow, dhanak, kausi kuzah, panukha, boro, rSm- dlianuk, pan-sokha, banaha. Raininess, barsat, barish, baran. The Rains, barsat, barkha, chaureas, chatrmas, bar- kha-rit ; (in the cold weather) ganda-bahar, abri naisan : a defluxion in horses' feet is called bar- sati, from occurring in the rains only. Rainy, barsati, barishi, barani, pani ka (v. wet). Rainy-season, barsat, barshkal, pawas. To Raise, uthana, khara-k, baudhna, khichna, char- hana, lana, uchana, barpa-k, tarna, mathe-leni; (to scare) suskerna, humsana ; (to utter) dena, marna; (a report, &c.) urana; (a spirit) bulana, hazir-k ; (the dead ) i jaz i ma- siha-k; (vegetables) upjana, ugana; (a sword) taulna; (the price, &c.) tez-k; (to exalt) bafhana; (to excite) chalana, lagana, tahrik-d ; (to rouse) jagana ; (to create) dalna, nikalna, karhna; (to animate) jilaua, zinda-k ; (to make a noise, &c. ) machana, kar- na, rachana ; (to collect) khara-k, jam'-k, ta- raddnd-k, saranjam-k ; (to bi eed ) palna ; (paste, &c.) phulana ; (to raise a siege) muha- sira- &c. -chhorna or -chhorana. Raised, kursi- or takljt-dar, charha, sar-afraz. Raiser, uthwaiya; (in comp.) angez, as fitna- angez, a raiser of strife. Raisin, kishmish, munakkah, mawiz, dakh. Rake, rind, kharabati, aubash, randi-baz, zina-k&r, fasik, lucha, shuhda, bad-tarik, lawind ; (in- strument) jandra, panja. RAK 1 To Rake, {gather) bator- or kakor-leaa, jam'-k, uk- tarna, kurelna, khorna, panjiyana ; {to lead a loose or disorderly life) awaragi-k, zina-kari-k ; {to search) dhundhna, tona, tatolna. Rake-hell, jahannam ka kunda, shaukh-chasbm. Rakish, be-kaid, be-praman, rand-ka sand, jharu, ba,o-dandi, tamasha-bin, bisani. To Rally, {troops) thambhna, sambhalna, bag-thambh- na, phera-lana ; (n.) thambhnil, sambhalna; {to jeer) tbatha-k or -marna, mazakh- &c. -k. R^LM, mendha, bbera, bakra, botu, boka, patha. To Ram, {to drive or thrust) thasna, kasna, marna (v. to cram) thesna, kbanchna, kbachak-d, gaz-k. Ramble, sair, gasht, nazara, matar-gasht. To Ramble, phirna, dolna, tahalna, sair-k, bhatakta- phirna, mara-mara-phirna, dawan-dol-phirna, tana- bana-k, dol-marna. Rambler, harza-gard, awara, bahetu, sair-baz, nazara-baz, sailaui. Ramification, resha, sor, lina, rag, sir, jal-bandi. To Ramify, soriyana, jal-b, shaUi-dar-shakh-h, jhar-b. [nal, mil. Rammer, gaz, thasni (or pounder) musal, durmus, Rammish, bakra,end, mendha,end, boka,end, bad-bo. To Ramp, tarapna, uchakna, phandna. Rampant, zor, ghalib, shokh. be-haya, khar-mast. Rampart, fasil (vnlg. safil), kamar, alang, kota, kot, sur ; {wall) diwar ; {of a city) shabr- panah. Ramrod, thasni, gaz, gaz i banduk. Rancid, karwa, talkh, bo-girifta or bad-bo. Rancidness, karwahat, talkhi, bad-bo,i. Rancorous, kina-war, pur-kina, ghun, ghun§, l5gi, kapti, sakht, su'b, bara, pakka. Rancorously, kina-wari- &c. -se, ghun-se, &c. Rancour, kina, ghiin, bughz, 'inad, lag, kina-wari, nakiz, kapat, harbair. Random, (adj.) ittifaki, 'arizi ; {at random) be- ^asd, ittiftk-se, be-andaz, be-hisab, 'arlzana, utak- natak, be-kaid, be-thaur-thikana, yimhi, badhawa,i, korana, be-shast, ankh-muud, atkal-pachhu. Range, {rank, row) katar, zanjira; {of shot) mar, shast, tappa, palla ; {room) maidan, 'arsa, pbaili,o, palla ; {direct way) sut, chot, tar. To Range, (a.) tartlb-d, sudharna, arasta-k, murat- tab-k, ba-tartib-r, barabar-sarabar-r, saf-ba-saf khara-k, para-b, panti-b, sadhna, saintna, parosna ; (n.) barabar-h, milna, eksut-h. Ranger, {of the forest) mir-shikar, karawal. R.VNK, (adj.) shoUi, be-haya, zor, bara, dharhana, lanibchhara ; {as meat) bad-bo, bisa,endha. Rank, (sub.) saf, para, panti, barb, katar, marjata, sanman, takar, rafat, pa,egah ; {degree) darja, mahatam, ginti ; {class) kism, bhant, dbang ; {dignity) shaukat, jah, man, bharam. To Rank, (a.) barabar-r ; {to consider as) ginna, janna, shumar-k ; (n.) barabar-h. To Rankle, pakna, lagna, khatakna, chubbna, garna, khubhna, salna. Rakkly, babut, bara, sakht, ba-shiddat. Rankness, phapbanda,i, zor, ziyadati. To Ransack, lutna, lut-lena, takht o taraj-k, gharat- k ; {to search) chhan-marua, dhundh-marna, talash-k. Ransom, utara, fidya, fida, na'1-bandi, dand, chho- rauti; {for murder) khun-baha. To Ransom, fidya- &c. -d, chhofana, W^alas or azad- karaua or karwana. Rant, bak, bar, jhak, barrSlhat. 233 ) RAT To Rant, bakna, bar-lambi-k, chaari-hankni, barbar- ana, jhak-marna, harza-go,i-k. Ranter, bakkl, barbariya, ba,o-jhak, harza-go. Ranunculus, masi, kakunjki. Rap, dhaul, thappar, tamacha, takora, thQnga, thapak. To Rap, {at the door) thonkna, tbakthakana, marna, thokrana,thungana, khatkhatana, khatkana, dastak- or tali-marna, thapakna, dhabdhabana ; {to affect with rapture) wajd-men lana, be-khud- &c. -k, murchhit-k ; {to snatch) chhin- or khich-leua. Rapacious, lutera, gliarat-gar, nichorwa, garar, gha,o- ghap, daranda, sakht-gir. Rapaciously, gbarat-gari-se, sakht -giri-se. Rapaciousness, Rapacity, gharat-gari,gha,o-ghappi, garara,i. Rape, {seed) ghor-ra,i, sarson. Rapid, tez, tund, jald, uta,el, utawala, tez-rau, saiyal {as a river) zor, tarkha. Rapidity, Rapidness, tezi, tundi, jaldi, shitabi, utaili, utawal ; {of a river) zor, tor, tarkha,i. Rapidly, jaldi, zor-se, tor- &c. -se, ilghar. Rapier, nimcha, pesh-kabz, gupti. Rapine, lutpat, zulm, ghadr, andher, be-insafi, andha- dhuudh, gh arat-ghor. Rapture, jazb, wajd, bal, sama', soz, josh, murcbha, birag, wajdan, kamal-ishtiyak, ahlad, maganta, jazba. [biragi. Rapturous, wajd-awar, hal-awar, dil-kash, dil-ruba. Rare, na-yab, kam-yab, na-paida, khal-khal, kalil, kam, anmil, anup, jturfatar, birla, ila-masha, ghair- muyassar, kadri-kalil, kamtar ; {excellent) nadir, saras, 'ajib, anokha ; {thin) patla, latif ; {raiv) kham, kacha, liirar, nim-pukhta. Rarefication, tarkik, rikakat, paghlahat. To Rarefy, (n.) tighalna, pighalna, rakik- &c. -h ; (a.) patla- &c. -k, patlana. Rarely, kam, thora; {finely) khub, kbassi tarah. Rareness, Rarity, na-yabi, kam-yabi, killat, uudrat, tuhfagi, nadiri, rikkat, patla,i, latafat; {a rarity) sau gh at. tuhfa (pi. taha,if ), nadira, armoghan. Rascal, Rascalion, haram-zada, mardak, na-bakar, paji, dagba-baz, kafir, thag, baital. Rascality, haram-zadagi, na-bakari, dagha-bazi, chandali, tbagi. Rascally, kamina, paji, hakir, kam-bakht, baitu-l« mal, kharishti. Rash, utawala, uta,ela, jald, tez, be-lihaz, be-ta,am- mul, be-ihtiyat, be-tadbir, be-andesha, be-fikr, be- dharak, nidharak, mutabawwir, be-tabasha. Rash, (sub.) pitti, ubhar, bukhar. garmi-dana, am- bhauri, tabkhala. Rashly, jaldi- &c. -se, be-muliaba, be-kiyas, be- tajwiz. Rashness, jaldi, be-libazi, be-tadbiri, tahawwur, shi- tab-zadagi, utaili or utawali. Rasp, {large rough file) reti, sohan. To Rasp, retna, ragarna. Rasure, katkut, kalam-khurdagi. Rat, chuha, musa, mush, indur, ghu,is, chhachbun- dar; {to smell a rat) sunchal- or bhed- &c. -pana, dial milna, kan-khara-h. Ratan, {a small cane) cbhari, bet. Rate, bha,o, nirkh, kimat, mol, rang, ta,o-bha,o, daul, surat ; {of land) mahsul, jam' ; {allowance) kafaf, wazifa, ratib ; — '— {degree) andaza, atkal, mautad, mikdar; {manner) tarfth; {tax) bihri, damasahi. mahsul ; {estimation) hisab, andaz, takrir, lekha ; '- {at this rate the righteous and the wicked are on the same footing) is kisab se nek bad barabar hain. RAT ( 234 ) B£il To Rate, j&nn&, ginna, atkalna, shumar-L, ^adr- &c. -janna; {to rail) jhirjhirana; — — (to chide) jhafakna, latarna, chashm-nunia,i-k. Rates AND ADJUSTMENT OF, dar-bandi, nir^-bandi; [book of-) nirk^- &c. -nama. Rathek, pahle, awwal, peshtar, kabl, mukaddam, age; {somewhat) thora-sa, kam-besh, kucbh ; {more properli/) hihtSLT ; {I will rather die than beg) marna kabul hai bhikh-mangne-se. Ratification, takarnir, ta'aiyun, istikrir, istihkam, tas lik, tbahra,o. Ratifier, mustahkim, tasdik-karne-wala. To Ratify, thahrana, mukarrar-k, mu'aiyan-k, mus- tahkam-k, thik-k, niyam-k, pushfc- &c. -k. Ratio, andaza, munasabat, muwafakat. Ratiocination, ta'akkul. Rational, natik, chetan, zu-'akl, zu~idr5k, ma'kul, munasib', *akli, sha,ista, uchit, go,iya : {-being) kalsara, bolta ; (a rational animal) haivan i natik, chefcan-ji,u or jiv. Rationality, 'akl- &c. -se, sha,istao;i-se. Rationalness, nutk, ma'kuliyat, slia,istag!, uchita,i. Ratsbane, sammu-1-far, hartal, zarnikh. Rattle, jhanjhanahat, kharkharahat, jhanak, jhankar, nipur, pa,el, ghunghuna, sharata, sanata, kharaka, bharbharahat ; {rant) bar, barbarahat; (m- strument) jhunjhuna, jhunki, painjani, ghunghru. To Rattle, kharkharana, jliankarna, jhanjhanana, bharbbarana, patpatana, pharpharana, bakarna, jharjharana, ghargharana, churchurana; {in the throat) gharra-lagna ; {words) baten-hankna or -bagharna ; {to rap out) nikalna, phenk-marna. Ravage, wirani, pa,emali, kharabi. To Ravage, lutna, takht o taraj-k, gharat-k. wiran-k, khak-siyah-k, be-chiragh-k, pa,e-mal-k, ^arab-k, ujarna. Ravager, lutera, gharatgar, ra'iyat.kush, ujaru. To Rave, barbarana, jhak-marua or -hankna, bakna, arbar-k, bahakna, hiziyan-bakna ; {in sleep) bayana, gugu,ana. Ravel, guri, guljhari, ghurcbi, guljhat, pecb. To Ravel, uljhana, abtar-k, pecb dar pech-k, darham- barham-k, lipta-d, ujhrana, guriyana, guri-muri-k, pech-d ; {to unknit) udherna ; (n.) ulajhni, abtar- &c. -h. Ravelled, ulajh-pulajh, uljha or uljha-hu,a. Raven, jangli-kawwa, zaghi dashti, kag, pahajriya- kawwa, dhar-kav/wa. Ravenous, ' mar-bhukha, bhukh-mu,a, gha,o-ghap, jbo-khala, khun-khvar, darauda. Ravine, {defile) gbanti or ghati, garewa. To Ravish, zat-lena, dhar-pachharna, bazor-k, ba-zor chira utarna, satar-lCitna, fazihat-k, kharab-k, pa- kar-dhar-k, kunda-k, pulbandi- &c. -k, chod-marna or -dalna; {to seize) chhin-lena, le-lenii, zor-se- lena; {transport) wajd-men-lana, achet-k. Havisher, zalim, jabir, parda-dar ; (in comp.) ruba, kash, fareb, as diUrubi, heart- ravisher. Ravishment, zulin, jabr, zor, ziyadati, parda-dari, fazlbati, pulbandi. ]{aw, kacha, kham, na-pukhta, apak, na-azmuda-kar, anafi, adhkacha, dorasa, kacba-pakka, kam-pnkht ; —^{excoriated ) ragra-hu,a, chhila-hu,a ; {chill) martub, sard, tban^a, maila ; (in comp.) nlm, nau. Rawdoned, suktha, jhinhadda. Raw-head and bloody bonks, bhakur, jholi-wala. Rawness, kacha,i» na-pukhtagi, khaml, na-azmuda- kari, anari-pana or anfir-pan ; {chilliness) sardi, than^b, rutubat, kacbahiud, jhik. Ray, kiran, partao, sha'&', rans, mirichi, sini, girilini, maukh. Rase, {of ginger) ganth, girih. To Raze, mismar-k, pa,e-mal-k, dhana, bekh-kani-k, malmet-k, ukbarna. Razor, ustura, chhura. Reach, {power) pabunch, hath, bas, kudrat, dast-ras, daur; {fetch) bandish, pecb, da,o, katkana, ghat. To Reach, pahunchna, jana, ana, antna, jumna, pa- sarna, phailna, chalna, dena ; {to touch) lagna, baithna, pana; {to bring) lana (/or le-ana) ; {to reach for, and give) utha-d, pakra-d ; {to stretch out) phailana, pasarna ; {to penetrate) garna, asar-k. To React, palat-marna, pratikar-k. Reaction, palta,o, kuwwat i bazgashti, kuwwat i baz- hujum. Read, {past participle) Rwanda, parha-hu,a ; (o lesson that has already been read or learned) ^wan- dagi, amokhta. To Read, parhna, banchna, path-k, mutala'a-k, tila- wat-k, kiri,at-k ; {to perceive) janna, raa'lum- k, dekhna; {to one) parh-sunana ; {without explaining) rawan- or nazira-parhna,tilawat-&c.-k; (in comp.) khwani, whence shi'r-khwani. read- ing poetry. Reader, parhwaiya, kari, pathik, nazira, mauludi;- (in comp.) ^wan ; (student, &c.) muta'allim. Readily, jaldi, jald, fauran, dil-se, be-atak, sarpat. Readiness, taiyari, aniadagi, sidhta, abhyas, jugat, kamar-bandi, miyan-bastagi ; {expeJiteness) jaldi, shitab-kari, dilgarmi, dil-dihi, man-laga,o ; (facility) asani, sahaj. Reading, parhna, mutala'a ; (lecture) dars,tadri8, ta'lim, parliai,! ; '- (-dexk) rihal, chaugori ; — — (reading and writing) nawisht-^wand, likhni- parhni. Ready, (prepared) bana-hu,a, bana, taiyar, kamar- basta, amada, ma'mur, muhaiya, murattab, sidh, kamar-band, miyan-basta, bana-tbana, mukammil, kasa-kasaya, lais (fromlesto, Portug.); (prompt) atur, jugat-baz, wird-zaban, chatruttar ; (-to depart) pabarikab; (ready made) bana-banaya; (ready cooked) paka-pakaya; (ready cut) kata-kataya ; (ready dug) khoda-khodaya ; — — (at hand) karib, nazdik, pas, maujud. hazir, musta'idd, niju', khara, age; (quick) jald, tez, tez-fahm, chimat-kar, chatur ; (straight) sidha, rast; (to make ready) taiyar- &c. -k, banana, sudharna, taiyari- &c. -k; (to be ready) taiyar -h, ban-chnkna; (ready money) nakd, rok ; (ready at an answer) hazir-jawab ; (any thing ready, as cold victuals, &c.) ma-hazar. Real, asli, haldki, khalis, ma'nawi, yakini, sacha, nij, mukhlis, khara, saf, katta'i, mu'tabar, sulbi, nasabi ; — — (a real estate) sukana. [kunah, sat. Reality, hakikat, asalat, ma'nawiyat, taya^kun, To Realize, hazir-k, maujud- &c. -k, khara-k, ba- ham-pahunchana, kar-dikhlana •, (to buy land) girna. Really, sach, albatta, hakikatan, asalatan, bi-1- asalat, fil-waki", asl-men, mul, nafsu-1-amr, sach- niuch, bi-t-tahluk. [tanat, raj. Realm, mulk, padsbahat, padshahi, mamlukat, sal- Ream, (of paper) gaddi. To Reanimate, jilana or jila-dena, zinda-k. To Reap, (to cut) katna, diro-k, launa, badhna, kat- ni-k; (to obtain) hasil-k, paua, uthana. Reaper, diro-gar, katwaiya, lawaiya, whence lawa,i, reaping. REA ( 235 ) REC Bkapinq-hook, hansu,a, hasiya, dasa, parasiya. Reapinq-time, kata,i, zaman i khirman Rear, Rearward, pichh-wiira, pichha, picliliari, pach- het ; {to attack) pichhan-marna ; {to cut off) pichha-mar-lena, kat-karhna or tahi-tegh-k. To Rear, uthana, khara-k, khichna ; {to bring up) palna, posna, parwarish-k, jilana ; {to educate) ta'lim-k, banana, sadhana ; {to exalt) barhana, sarbuland-k, sarfaraz-k ; {as a horse) chiragh-pa-h, sikh-pa-h, khara-h, alif-h ; {and plunge) tarrana. Rear-guard, chandawal, pas i lashkar. To Reascend, pher-charhna. Reason, {rational faculty) nutk, chet, mudrika, 'aid, idrak, fahm, budh, gyan, bujh, fahmid, wahima, hawass, natika, bolta, mahatat, gharaz, parbha,o, hisab, thikana, bandhan, bhandhej ; {cause) ba'is, liye, fi ; {r'ght) hakk, thika,i, wujub. To Reason, bahs-k, mubahasa-k, munazara-k, char- cha-k, kahna, kah-sunana, takrir-k, 'akl-daurana, chetna, ta'akkul-k. Reasonable, {rational) ma'kul, wajibi, thik, uchit, durust, sha,ista, 'akli, khirad-mand, ma'kul-bin, hakk-shinas, hisabi, 'akilana ; {moderate) mu'tadil, muwafik, majhola ; — — ^ {as price, &c.) mutawassit, miyana ; {it is reasonable to sup- pose) 'aid yihi chahti hai, asl bat yihi. Reasonableness, ma'kuliyat, liyakat, durusti, sha,is- tagi, ma'kul-bini ; {moderation) i'tidal. Reasonably, 'akl-mandi- &c. -se, ba-insaf, insaf- &c. -se. [naiyayik. Reasoner, bahhSs, charchait, munazir, mubahis, Reasoning, mubahasa, munazara, takrir, taujih, bidyabilas. Reasonless, na-ma*kul, be-hisab, be-insaf. Rebeck, (a three-stringed fiddle) sitar, rabab. Rebel, Reseller, taghi, baghi, dangait, dangibaz, 'asi, na-farman, bar-gashta, sar-kash, munharif. To Rebel, bagtawat- &c. -k, antna, sar-uthana, phir-j. Rebellion, baghawat, na-farmani, bar-gashtagi, sar- kash!, inhiraf, danga, balwa, dangaiti. Rebellious, gardan-kasb, baghi, na-farman, mnsta- 'si, dhing. Rebelliously, baghawat- &c. -se, sar-kashi-se. Rebelliousness, gardan-kashi, dange-bazi. Rebound, palta,o, ulta,o, baz-gashti. To Rebound, palta-khana, palatna, phirna, age-ana, nlatna, laatna, bazgasht- &c. -h or -k. Rebounding, bazgashti, palta,u, &c. Rebuff, jharki, ghurki, zajr, dutkari. [zajr-k. To Rebuff, jharakna, ghurakna, dutkarna, sansna, To Rebuild, pher-banana or -uthana. Rebuke, malamat, sarzanish, dant, dapat, ghujrki, chashm-numa,!. To Rebuke, dantna, dapatna, cha8hm-nama,i-k, sar- zanish- &c. -k. Rebus, ma'amma, lapet, ch!st-an. Rebutter, par-uttar, radd i jawab, hadd i jaw^b. Recall, barkhaat-nama. baz-talabi. To Recall, barkl^ast-k. ultana, pher-btilana, pherna, paltana. To Recant, (n.) pher-jana, palatn^; (a.) pherna, badalna, radd-k. Recantation, bargashtagi, inhiraf, irtidad. To Recapitulate, &c. pher- or mukarrar-kahna or -likhna. To Recede, ha^na, talna, phirna, chhofna, dab-jana. Receipt, {note, &c.) rasid, pahunch, kabz, kabzu-1- wasul, tamassuk, dakhila, itlak, wash (pi wasilat), wasul, amdani, hath-chitha, hasbu-1-wasul; {register of) itlak-nawis; {recipe) nuskha, chikitsa. Receivable, lene-jog, lena, kabil-wasul, daramadi. To Receive, {to accept) lena, kabul-k, angikar-k ; {to get) wasul-k, uthana, sJidhna, khana ; {to admit, as a vessel, &c.) ane- or paithne-d ; {to reach) hath-ana, pahunchna ; {a guest) istik- bal-k, barhke-lena, ariyatna; {a bridegroom) parichhna ; {to collect) tahsil-k, pakarna, la- gana; {to be received) milna, ana, sadhna; {what do you receive a month now ?) ab mahine pichhe tumhen kya milta hai ? i.e. what is received by you ? Received, ilhaki, dakhili, mila-hu,a. Receiver, lewaiya ; {of stolen goods) 'ihor-dhanik ; {of taxes) tahsil-dar; {of a still) bhabka: ( in comp.) gir. Recency, Recentness, tazagi, tajaddud, tatka,i. Recent, naya, nan, jadid; {fresh) taza, nau-ras, tatka, garam. [malja, khan Receptacle, ghar, khana, jagah, makan, maskan. Reception, ilhak, laga,o; {treatment) agat- swagat, mel, milap, istikbal. Recess, Recession, gopha, kho, bhaunra ; {sus- pension) nagha. wakfa, tawakkuf, bich, fursat. Recipe, nuskha, namudar i tabib. Reciprocal, du-tarfi, .tarfain,janibain, do-ora, mosh- tarik, ishtirakj, lazim-malzum, dil-ba-dii, paraspar- sambandhi ; mara-mari, means a reciprocal beating, contest. Reciprocally, apas-men, ishtirakan. To Reciprocate, badla,i-k, daur-mudawwar-k ; the Arabs have a peculiar form of the verb to denote reciprocity of action, called the babi mufa,ilat. Reciprocity, Reciprocation, harkat-mushtarik, musharikat, mu'awiza, mu'adila, lazum. Recital, takrar, takarrur; {narration) bayin, ta'bir, zikr, barnan. To Recite, bayan- &c. -k, parhna, nakl-k or -kahnS. Reciter, nakil, rawi, kahne-wala. To Reckon, ginna, shumar- &c. -k, jorna, jorti-k, tajwiz-k ; {to build on) bharosa-r, atakna. Reckoner, muhasib, hisab-dan, lekha-dhari. Reckoning, ginti, hisab, lekha, ti'dad, shumar; {share) bachh, kauri; {paid an host) mol, dam, bench. To Reclaim, sudharna, durust-k, ara«ta-k, bananft, sambhalna, sanwarna. To Recline, uthangna, takiya- or asra-d, or -lagan&, or -k, par-j, pasarna, letna. Reclined, sarnigun, leta-hu,a, para-hu,a. Recluse, khalwat-nislun or khalwat-guzin, ekanti. Recognisance, Recognition, pahchan, shinal^t, jan-pahchan, ta'aruf, khabar, chinh, muchalka, karar-nama. To Recognise, pahchanna, chinhna, ta'aruf- &c. -r, ma'lum-k. Recogniser, shinas, shinasa, pahchanne-wala. To Recoil, palat- or takar-khana, palat-ana, ha^na, talna. To Recollect, ykd- &c. -k or -lana, sudh-k ; — — {to recollect one's self) hosh- or 'akl- or wakuf- pakarna, istiklal'b, hawass bar-ja-k, hawass-jam*-k, ji ko thikane-k. Recollection, yad-awari, yad, yad-gari, sudh, chet, surt, bodh, ausan. [likhna, &c. To Reoohhencg, naye-sir-se-shuru'-k, sari-naa-k or REC ( 236 ) REF To Recommend, takrib- &c. -k, Barahn&, sompna, sipurd-k, wasila-kar-d, pahnnchana, rasa-k ; (to make acceptable) rijhana, khush-ayanda-k, 'aziz-k, makbul-k. Recommendation, si^rish, takrib, sifilrish-nama, ad§. Recommender, mukarrib, waslla. Recompense, sanira, phal, jaza, mibnatana, lahna, jabr-nuksan ; {equivalent) 'iwaz, padasht, ma- kafat or mukafat, badla. To Recompense, ajr- &c. -d, 'iwaz-d, khush-k, razi-k. To Reconcile, manana, sulh- &c. -k, muwafik-k, hamwar-k, milana ; (to make consistent) bara- bar-k, mutabik-k. Reconcileable, mutabik, barabar, hamwSr, sumel. Reconcilek, sulh-kar, sulh-kull. Reconciliation, Reconcilement, mel, bana,o, sulh, tasfiya, musalaha, milap, milap-julap, manauti, tat- blk, tatabuk. Recondite, mu^lak, gurh, makhfi. To Reconnoitre, atkalna, dekhna, bhed-lena, did- bari-k, karawali-k, gha,ipanjl-k, sanhan-lena, kha- bar-daryaft-k, halchal-dekhna. Record, daftar, tawarikh ; {-office) daftar-khana. To Record, likhna, dakhil-k, mundarij-k, darj-k, daf- tar men dakhil-k. Recorder, kanun-go, sarishta-dar, ahli-daftar, daf- tar-naw!s, waki'-nawis, ■waki'-nigar, sadar- &c. -nawis, huzur-nawis. To Recover, {to cure) changa-k, achchha-k, sahihu-1- badan-k, shafa- &c. -d, ji-dena, bahal-k, samtana ; {arms) kan sambhalna; {to find out) khoj-r, pa-rahna ; {to regain) sadhana, pher- lena, pher-paida-k, pher-lana ; (n.) changa- &c. -h, aram- &c. -pana. Recoverable, mumkinu-sh-shafa, wasuli, kabil- wasul, mumkina-l-wasul, mumkina-l-husul, milan- faar. Recovery, sihhat, shafa, chhutti, chhutkara, bahali, ifaka, baz-yaft, busQl, istihsal, sadh-sadha,o. To Recount, kahna, nakl- &c. -k, ginaua. Recourse, rnju'; {to have recourse to) ana, jana, ruju*-k, ikhtiyar-k. Recreant, na-mard, buz-dil, hiz. To Recreate, bahlana, ji-lagana, taza-k, khush-k. rijhana, tahalna, cliuhlen- &c. -k. Recreation, sair, gul-gasht, tafarruj, tafrih i tab', bahla,o, rijha,o, dil-lagi,kautuk, phirchal, bhulchal, phera, chuhal, gasht, tahla,o, sair-bazi ; {place of) sair-gah, tafarruj-gah. Recreative, farah-bakhsh, nuzhat-saz. Recruit, naiya-sipahi, nau-nigah-dasht, naa-mnla- zim ; {to raise recruits) nigah-dasht-k. To Recruit, {to repair) bhar-d, bharti-k, pura-k, kalam-jari-k; {to levy) likhna; {to strengthen) takwiyat-d or -bakhshna. Recruiting, {of soldiers) fauj-bandi. Rectification, islah, tashih, sadhawat, ta'dil. To Rectify, sudharna, banana, sadhna, sajani,, du- rust-k, arasta-k, islah-d, suljhana; {spirits) do- atasha- &c. -k. Rectitude, rasti, rast-bazi, khara,i, sachauti, sawab. Rectum, hagnaiti, gandbombar, chusta, charboda. Recumbency, ittika, uthanga,!. Recumbent, muttaki, takiya-zada, uthanga. To Recur, yad-ana, sudh-auii; ' {to have recourse to) ana, pakarna, ruju'-k. Recurrent, raja'i, raji", baz-gard. Red, lal, surkh, rata, ahmar, lalit, arun, rat, abirl, shangarfi, hina,i kirmizi, maigun, gulabi, lalka, suki, maia-giri, binibh, kanduri ; {clothed in) t>ary^-posh ; a red sort of stuff is called sala. To Redden, (a.) snrkh- &c. -k, laliyana, tamtamini; (n.) lal- &c. -h, laltana, ratna. Reddish, surkh-rang, ma,il ba surkhi, lal-sa. Reddishness, surkh-rangi, surkhi. To Redeem, chhorana, azad-k, riha-k, k^las-k, bachana, nikalna, baz-r. [gatkari. Redeemer, mustakhlis, hami, shafi', rachhak, bacha,u. Redemption, chhutkara, istikhlas, azadagi, himayat, shafa at, bacha,o, rachha. Red-uot, dhipa, lal, lal o lal, bhabhuka; {to make) dhipana, dhikaua ; {the iron has become red-hot) loha lal ho-gaya, literally, is become red, {hot being implied). Red Ink, shangarf, maha,ori, alta, surkhi. Read Lead, sendur, isranj. Redness, surkhi, lali, humrat, Ialita,i, aranta. Redolent, {fragrant) khush-bo-dar, su-gandha. To Redouble, (a ) duchand-k, duna-k, dugna-k, muza'af-b; (n.) duchand- &c. -h. Redoubt, bakhar-kota, thaua, ran-garh, sadd. To Redound, mumidd-h, tai:wiyat-d, barhana, zi- yada-k. Redress, panah, himayat, tadarnk, 'ilaj, npl,i, tadbir, dad-khwahi, chara-sazi, istighasa, salah. To Redress, tadaruk- &c. -k, faryad-raai-k, did rasi-k. Redresser, faryad-ras, dad-ras, mutadarik. Red Sea, bahri-kulzum, darya,e-kulzum. To Reduce, pher-lana, lautana {in arithmetic) torna, jorna, baithalna, charhana ; {to cashier) bar-taraf-k ; {to subject or divide) bantna, karna ; {-to ashes) khak-kar-d; {pf^y) kam- sharah-k; {to diminish) ghatana, utarna, kam-k, kalil-k, takhfif-k; {to degrade) gira-d, zer-pa-k, mubtazal-k; — ■ — {to bring into) dalna, lana,jhonk- na; {to subdue) maghlub-k, letarna,sar-k, mu- sakhkhar-k, taskhir-k, lena, taht men lana. Reduction, ghata,o, taklil, istikhfaf; {of price, &c.) utar ; {of a fracture, &e ) jor, charha,o; {in arithmetic) tofa,o ; {subjugation) taskhir. maghlubiyat; {reduced pay) karn-sharh. Redundance, buhtat, ziyadati, izdiyad, fuzuliyat, kasrat, barh, adhika,i, afza,ish, afzuni, ifrat. Redttndant, ziyada, bahut, adhik, afzun, afzud, z&,id, mazid, wafir, fuzul, wafur, kasir, fazil. Redundantly, ziyadati- &c. -se, za,idan. To Reduplicate, dohrana, iz'af-karna, dotS-k. Reduplication, {repetition) lapet, dohra,o. Red-wood, bakam, patang. Reed, nai, iieza, kilk, narkat, bans, sar, sarkara, nal, sarka, dhond, sinkh, gondi; {tops) baru; {plantation) naistan ; (i"!p<) bansri, bans! murli; {a field of reeds) naistan. Reed-orass, patio, sarpat, sirki, sentha, kanda. To Reek, phamph-chhutna, bhaph-nikalna. Reel, ateran, charkhi, pareta, kalaba, parta, takl^ waina, lata,i. To Reel, {yam, &c.) paretna, aterna, phenti- or larchha-banana ; {to stagger) larbarana, taimal- ana. To Re-establish, ba-hal-k, bar-karar-k, ^§,im-k. Re-establishment, bahali, bar-karari. Refection, jalpan, khauii, nashta. Refectory, jama-khana, ni'mat- or tosha-kljana. To Refer, (a.) ruju'-k, ru-ba-kir-k, lejana, talni, rakhna, maukuf-r, sipurd-k, hawala-k, sompn&, puchh-mangwaua, puchha-d; (n.) laga,o- &c. -r, lagna; {to appeal) jana, jhukna, raji'-h. Referee, marji'» mau^uf-alaih, munsif. REF ( 237 ) Reference, laga,o, 'alaka, nisbat, munasabat, mel, ta'alluk, puchharl ; (appeal) ruju', ruju'at. Referrible, kabil-irja', ruju'-pazir. To Refine, (a.) saf-k, musafla-k, nirmal-k, mail- katna ; — . — {gold, &c ) khalis-k, khod-nikalna, dahna, tarashna, chiknana, chhiil-chhal-k, sarna; {to polish) sudharna, arasta-k, mu,addab-k, sajna ; (n.) saf- &c. -h, luail-katna, sudharna, dikkat- &c. -k. Refined, {mce) barik, dakik, gurh. Refinedly, dikkat- &c. -se, durusti-se, &c. Refinement, safa,i, nirmalta, chiknahat, tarash, aras- tap^, tahzib, durusti, sudhra,i ; (nicety) dikkat, nukta, bariki. Refiner, safa-bakhsh ; (in comp.) ara: {introducer of subtilties) nukta-sanj, barik-bin, da- kika-sanj, mudakkik. [para-k. To Refit, marammat-k, sajna, sarna, paiwand- To Reflect, (n.) bicharna, sochna, andesha- &c. -k; {to censure) ta'n- &c. -k, dokhna; (to bring blame on a person) ilzam- &c. -lana ; {as' a mirror, &c.) 'aks-d, pher-d, palta-d, 'aks-dikhana ; {to bring) dena, bakhshna. Reflection, dhyan, soch, andesha, fikr, ta,ammul, tajwiz, ghaur, tafakkur, tasawwur, tadbir, tauhin ; (censure) ta'n, tashnV, dokh ; (shadow) 'aks, parchhanhiii or parchha,in, pratibimb. Reflective, mun'akis, palta,u, prati-bimbi. Reflector, (one who reflects) muta,aminil ; (in comp ) andesh, as dur-andesh. Reflex, ma'kus, baz-andakhta or -pechida. Reflexible, 'aks-pazir, kabili'aks, mumkinu-l-'aks, palatne-jog. Refluent, baz-gashti, palta,u, bhatha. Reflux, utar, bhatha, jazr, baz-gasht, palta,o; (the flux and reflux) madd o jazr. To Reform, (a.) banana, sudharna, sanwarna, du- rust-k, thik-k, arasta-k, islah-h-karabat, akriba. Relative, (kinsman) rishta-dar, rishta-mand, sagga, karib, bha,i, baradar, kutumb, kuraba (pi. akriba), khalit, karabat, akarib, khwesh, nisbati, 'ilaka-dar, gotait, gotiya-bha,i, apna,et, saga, sodar sudra ; (as four parents are to each other whose children inter- marry) samdhi, samdhan; {not absolute) paras- pari, ba-nisbat, 'arizi, farzi ; (-pronoun) raj i' muz- mir, jdiabari ; (a relative noun) ism i mausill. Relative, (adj.) muta'allak, mansub. Relatively, mansuban, nisbatan, ba-nisbat, ke-naz- dik, ke-hisab. Relativeness, mansubiyat, ta'alluk. To Relax, (a.) dhila-k, sust- &c. -k ; {lu eate) bahlaua; (n.) dhila- &c, -h. Relaxation, dhil, dhila,i, susti, zholidagi, kahili, majhuli, kushadagi, tafannun, tafarruh ; (of the urethra) bin-kushad, perhaps impotence. Relaxed, dhila, sust, zholida, kahil, majhul, kushada. Relay, ghore ki chauki, ghore ke dak. Release, chhutti, riha,i, azadi, khalasi, makhlisi, uddhar, najat, wa-guzasht, chhutkara, chhora,o, chhorawa; (from an obligation) safi-nama, uddhar-patar. To Release, chhorna, chhorana, azad- or rihi- or khalas- or makhlisi- &c. -k or -d. To Relent, (n.)pasijna, pighalna, mula,im-h,narm-?^, mom-dil-h; (a.) mula,im- &c. -k, pighlana, pasijana. Relentless, sang-dil, sakht, be-rahm, be-dard, be- mihr, kattar, kathor, nithur. Reliance, bharosa, as, asra, biswas, b&war, i'tibar, tawakkul, takwiyat, takiya. Relic, Relics, (sacred) tabbarrnk, parsh&d; (remains) santh. Relict, (a widow) bewa, rand. Relief, araui, takhfif, taskin, tasalli, sukh, chain, kal; (assistance) madad, guhar, pushti, takwiyat ; (of a sentinel) phera, badli, tabdil; (re- medy) 'ilaj. REL ( 239 ) KEN h. Relieve, aram- &c. -d, -k, or -lanS ; (to guccour) thamna, sambhalna, madad, &c. -d, dast- giri-k, upakar-k; (a sentinel) badli-karana ; {by law) faryad-rasi-k, chara-sazi-k. Reliever, faryad-ras, dast-gir, pushti-ban; (in comp.) parwar, nawaz, palak. Relievo, or Basso-relievo, ubhar. Religion, din, mazhab, kesh, millat, mashrab, iman, dharam, path, shar*, tarika; (of the Musal- mans) islam, musalmani. liELiGiONisT, mnta'assib, mu'takid, kath-bhagat. ilELiGious, din-dar, iman-dar, mutadaiyin, salih, p.irsa, nek, dharmi, pathi, bhagat, muta'abbid, sant, sadhu, baishnau, namazi, pujeri, dharmatma, muta- sharri', islami ; {a religious discourse) kbutba. Religiously, dindari- &c. -se, dharmatma,i-se. Religiousness, din-dari, iman-dari, tadaiyun, diya- nat, bhagta,i. To Relinquish, chhorna, tyagna, tajna, tark-k, tauba-k, hath-dhona or -uthana, gayi-k, jane-d. guzarna. Relinquishment, tark, chhutkara, tyag, guzashtagi. Relish, maza, lazzat, sawad, za,ika, ras, ab-namak; {devil) gazak, kabutar-bacha, chat; {just perceptible) bo, has; {liking) chaska, chat, shauk, raghbat, khwahish, chah, lat. To Relish, (a.) mazadar-k, khiish-za.ika-k; laziz-k, sawadik-k, chikhna, lagna, ma'lum-d ; {to like) chahna, shauk- &c. -r; (n.) mazadar- &c. -h, bo-r. Reluctance, daregh, afsos, be-dili, barkbasta-dili, udasT, be-mani, kashidagi, chithat, khich, na- khushi. Reluctant, kashida, kashida-khatir. barkhasta-khatir. be-dil, be-man. [rahna. To BE Reluctant, daregh-r or -k, rukna, khich- Reluctantlt, man-mar-ke, be-man, chhiyapapa, char-na-char. [jana, bharamna. To Rely, bharosa- &c. r, takiya-k, rahna, bhulna. To Remain, {to be left) baki-h, ubarna, chhutna, atakna, bachna, nikalna, para- or ram-rahna ; {to continue) tikna, thaharna, khapna; {to exist) hona. [bakiya, ma-baki. Remainder, bachti, baM (pi. bakiyat), tatimma. Remains, murda, mitti, janaza, masan, khaki murda. To Remand, baz-^wast-k; {send back) pher- bhejna. [nazar. Remark, bat, kaha, bachan, kaul, gnftar, nigah, To Remark, kahna, farmana, irshad-k; {to observe) ghaur- &c. -k, dhyan-k, dekhna, khabar-r. Remarkable, 'ajab, 'ajib, 'ajuba, achambha, 'ajib o gharib, nadir, a-purab. Remarkableness, nudrat, apurabta, nadiri. Remarkably, bahut, nihayat, ba-shiddat. Remediable, upa,e-jog, utjogi, kabil-'ilaj, 'ilaj-pazir, islah-pazir. Remediless, la-'ilaj, la-char, la-dawa, be-bas. Remedy, 'ilaj, chara, tadaruk, tadbir, upa,e, jatan, utjog, dawa, islah, darman, mu'alaja, chara-sazi, has [mitana. To Remedy, 'ilaj- &c. -k, banana, sambhalna, To Remember, chetna, yad- &c. -k or -r, khatir- men-r, sumarna, khatir-nishan-h; {to recognise) pahchanna, chinhna ; {to mention) zikr-k, maz- kur-k, charcha-k ; {to remind) yad- &c. -dilana, chata-d, khabar-d. Rememberer, surtkari, hafiz, muhaddis. Hemembrance, yad, chet, sudh, surt, yad-awari ; {token) yad-gari, samjhauta, yad-dasht. Uemembrancer, vad-dih, nuitanabliih. mukhbir. reza, radd- To Remind, yad- &c. -dilana, mntanabbih-k, chetint Rem in re, kalam-dawat, sila,i-surmadan. Remiss, sust, dhila, majhul, ghafil, kiihil, askala, thandha, narm. Remission, takhfif, narmi, riayat, chhQt, ronga,i, mangni, lawagholi, palkhat, subihta, 'ifii^t, bicb ; {exemption) ma'afi, ghufran, mukt. Remissly, susti- &c. -se, narmi-se, dhila,!-se. Remissness, susti, dhil, askat, kahili, majhflli. To Remit, (a.) ghatana, kam-k, mukhaflFaf-k, dhimS- k, sust-k, takhfif- &c. -k, tarna ; {to pardon) mn'af-k, bakhshna, chhorna, ri'ayat-k ; {to give up) sompna, dena, hawala-k; {money, &c.) bhejna, irsal-k ; (n.) ghatna, kam- &c. -h, parni, gi'^°a- [mus'ada. Remittance, bheja,o, irsal, tarsil, chalan, musa'ida. Remnant, baki, tatimma, ma-baki, bakiya, wasalcha, tark, tariz, kasr. Remonstrance, 'arzi, 'arz i ahwal. To Remonstrate, takrar-k, radd-kadd-k, badal-k, dad-khwahi-k, reriyana, naktora-k. Remorse, pachhtawa, afsos, ta,assuf, kafk, nadaiuat, khatka. Remorseless, sang-dil, saW^t, kattar, sa^t-gir. Remote, dur, ba'id, dur-dast, dur-daraz. Remoteness, dur-dasti, dur-darazi, mufasila. Removal, {dismission) taghiri, nikali, chhora,o, chhoran, sarka,o, hata.o, tahrik, tala.o, utha,o, 'azl, 'izala, chalchala,o, utha,o-patha,'o ; {of a dip- order, &c.) daf'aiya, mudafa'at, mufarakac ; ■ {from one place to another) nail i makiui, chalft, jatra, kflch. To Remove, (a.) dur-k, daf-k, raf-k, mundafa'-k, ma'zul-k, taghir-k, nikal-d, chhora-d, sarkana, talna, uthana, chhorana, sansarna, kinare-r, fark- k, 'izala-k. harkana, khiskana, satkana, uchkani ; (n.) nakl i makan-k, rawana-h, chaJna, jana, sid- harna, kuch- &c. -k', uth-j, jata-rahna, harakna, '^^^^^°^- [riery) khol-bancK. Remove, {step) sirhi, martaba, darja; {in far- Remover, dafi', talanhar, sarkane-wala. To Remunerate, bhar-d or -marna, nishan-k. Rencounter, mukabalat, khata-pati, jharpa-jharpi* kharka-kharki, mukh-bhera, bat-bher§, chhera- chheri, hanka-hanki. To Rencounter, mukabalat- &c. -k, bhirna, bajhna. To Rend, pliarua, chirua, maskana, chithna, chasana, chak-k, torna, phorna. To Render, {to give) dena, batlana ; {to make) karna, banana ; {to translate) tarjuma-k, chhap-k, nakl-k ; {to surrender) sompnii, hawala-k, taslim-k, susarna, lana, pahunchana Rendezvous, .marja', majma*, makarr, adda. To Rendezvous, milua, jam'-h, jurna, batfirna. Renegade, Renegado, bhagora, bar-gashta. To Renew, pher-lana, naya-k, sarinau-k, taza-k, mujaddad-k, uktarna, jagana. Renewal, Renovation, tajaddud, tajdid, kalap, istihala. Rennet, panir-maya, maya e shir. To Renounce, kasam-khana, inkar-k, munkir-h, chhorna, tyagna, tark- or 'akk-k. Renown, nam, shuhrat, ishtihar, awaza, namwari, danka, hank, kirit, nam-dari, sujas, prakas. Renowned, nam-war, mashhur, nam-dar, nami, nam- zad, prakasi, sujasi, kiritwan. Rent, {laceration) chak, shigaf, shakk-k, chir, chihar, khop, khonch; {of a bigha) bigihti, bighauti, sibig^lii ; (increased) rasad-afzud ; (income) REN ( 240 ) HEP &mad, madakhil, parapat ; [for a house, &c.) kiraya, ajura, bliara, ijara, jam', mahsul, rai, k^iraj, khazana, mukaddami, fota, parjajeat. To Rent, kiraya- &c. -k, kira,e- &c. par-lena ; {io let) kira,e- &c. par-d. Rental, jam'-bandi, taksim-jam', hastabud. Renter, bharait, kiraya-dar, ijara-dar, mustajir, asami, ra'iyat, parja, patte-dar, mal- wkhiraj-guzar. Rent-free, la-khiraj, kharij-iam*. Rent-roll, jtumar-jam', jam'-tuinari, tumar-wasilat. Renunciation, tyag, inkar, tark, baz-nama ; {of the world) tark idunya, whence tariku-d-dunya, a person who renounces the world. Repair, marammat, sajavrat ; (a house. Sac, requiring repairs) marammat-talab. To Repair, (a.) marammat-k, durust-k, sanwarna, banana, sajua, sarna, gautha, gunthna, ganth-santh- k, bandhana, da gh -rezi-k, bhar-d, paiwand-para-k ; (n.) jana, chalna, ana, ruju'-h, -jam'-h. Repairs, pot-pat, sar-bohar ; (in comp.) bandi, whence rasta-bandi, repairs of roads. Reparable, kabil i marammat, kabil i islah, islab- pazir, sadha,u, sudhranhar, 'ilaj- &c. -pazir. Reparation, {amends) "iwaz Ibadla, tawan, dand. Repartee, jugat, hazir-jawabi, badiha, latifa. To Repartee, hazir-jawab-h, latifa-go,i-k. Repast, jal-pan, kalewa, nashta, khana, ta'am, tukra, nawala, bhoka, talkha, sattu, adhar, jatramuiih, nukul, khurdani. To Repay, 'iwaz-d, badla-d, saza-d ; {to recom- pense) ajr- &c -d; {to reimburse) dena, bhar-d, pura-k, de-dalna. Repeal, ibtal, naskh, radd, tyag. To Repeal, met-d, maliu-k, radd-k, mardud-k, man- sukh-k, matruk-k, batil-k, maukuf-k, tyagna. Repealer, mubtil, nasikh. To Repeat, {to speak or write again) dohranS, tak- rar-k, mukarrar-k ; {to do again) dusra-kar-r, dubara-k, pher-k; -{to rehearse) kahna, bayan-k, iiaki-k, parhna, japna, sunana, kah-sunana, parh- Kunana, bar-bar-kahna, ghokhna, chintna, ratna, daura-k, takrir-k ; {the names of people) ba maratibnam le-jana or -kah-jana; this is frequently expressed by a repetition pf the verb, thus, hathon ke ta,in mal-mal {repeatedly wringing his hands) ; {by heart) nok-zaban-parhna. Repeatedly, mukarrar, mukarrar-sikarrar, barha, aksar, bahut, hathatke, glmmghum, phir-phir-ke, bar-bar. Repeater, dohra,u, ghokhu. To Repel, mar-d, rok-d, tal-d, hata-d, dur-k, daf-k, raf-k, baithalna, dabaua, lautana, paltana. Repeller, dafi', roka,u. To Repent, pachhtana, afsos- &c. -k, pasheman-h ; {for sin) tauba- &c. -k. Repentance, {regret) pachhtawa, tahassur, pashe- mani; {penitence) tauba, trahi. Repentant, muta,assif, mustaghfir, pasheman, trahi- man. Repercussion, khark-iltiyum, ulat-palat. Repertory, {magazine) kachkol, makhzan. Repetition, takrar, takarrur, dohra,o, ghokhan, chin- tan, 'iyada, inabat. To Repine, kurhna, ruthna, jhurna, natawan-bini-k, gham- or kot't-khana, jalua, niurna, dhasua. Repiner, natav an-bin, gham-khii,u. To Replace, pher-r, bahal-k. [piir-k, pur-k. To Replenish, bharpat-d, ma*mur-k, labrez-k, bhar- Rgpletb, bliara, pur, ma'mur, ser. Repletion, bharti, puri, ma'muri, seri, imtil&, pM« bharti. Replier, mujib, jawab-dih, uttarl. Reply, jawab, uttar, radd i kalam, pratyuttar. To Reply, jawab- &c. -d, uttar-dena. Report, khabar, shuhrat, afwah, ishtihar, gap, udhfl,a» awaza, ghul-ghula, awa,i, bat, hu, bhanwara, harf, khabr-khizri, khulasa, kaifiyat ; {of a gun) bha- raka, dharaka; {sound) shabd, garj, dhamak; {state of a case) surat i hal, dharam-patri. To Report, kahna, olna, ikrar-k, gap-mama, yad-k. Reported, zabaa-zad, afwahi, masbhur. Reporter, mukhbir, khulasa-nawis, k^abar-dar. Repose, aram, asa,ish, sain, sukh, istirahat, kal, chain, lot-pot, rahat, khwabi khargosh, karkur, nlnd. To Repose, (a.) sulana, aram- &c. -d ; {to trust) sompna, sipurd-k; {to lodge) rakhna, rakh- chhorna; (n.) aram- &c. -k, letna, sona, sutna ;— — {to rely) takiya-k, bharosa-r, bhulna. To Reposite, rakhna, dharna, rakh-chhofna. Repository, dharohar-sala, makhzan, ganjina Reprehensible, kabili-ilzam, ma'yub, zabun, dokh- jog, dokhi, ilzam-pazir, girift-pazir. To Represent, dalalat-k, isharat-k, dal-h, chhap-h ; {to personate) nakl-k or -lana, sawang-banana ; {to shew) dikhlana, batlana, kahna ; {by petition) 'arz- &c. -k; {to be a representative) wakil- &c. -hona. Representation, (likeness) shabih, taswir, nazir, mumasil, nakl, chhap, sadrish, rudad, surat- hal, guzarish ; — ; — {petition) 'arz, iltimas, 'arz-ma'ruz, nibedan : {memorial) 'arzi, 'arz-dasht, mahzar ; {office of representing) wikalat, niyabat. Representative, (sub.) ja,e-nishin, ka,im-makam, wakil, na.ib, na,ib-maua,ib, gumashta, pesh-dast; {symbol) 'alamat, dalil, nishan. Representative, (adj.) dal, mumasil, surat-numa. Representer, nakil ; {petitioner) multamis. To Repress, torna, dabana, rokna, arna, thamna, sambhalna, nian'-k, baz-r, marna. Repression, ruka,o, shikast, shikastagi, kasr. Reprieve, wakfa, muhlat, imhal, chhutkara, jan- bakhshi. To Reprieve, wakfa- or muhlat-d. Reprimand, chashm-numa,i, Jharki, ghurki, zajr, malamat, sar-zanish, ilzam, dokh, tarna, taran, uasihat, ta'zir, 'itab, bat, harf, kanaiuthi. To Reprimand, dantna, dapatna, dokhna, jharakna, ghumakna, jharna, sar-zanish- &c. -k, dabkaua, datana, gosh-mali-k. Reprisal, badla, 'iwaz, intikam, bair, wail, padash, ogah, koh ; {to make) gaha -marna, gal-marna. Reproach, ta'n, ta'na, malamat, dushnam, gali, bolj, tanz, ta,annut, istihza, mihna, taubikh ; {ifhame, laj, naug, 'ar, 'aib, kalauk. [ciahua, ghiu-d. To Reproach, ta'n- &c. -k, latarna, ta'na-marna, Reproacher, tannaz, ta'in, malaraat-saz. Reproachful, pur-ta'n, malamat-amez ; {vih) ma'yub, zabun, na-sha,ista, ruswa-saz, lajawan. Reproachfully, ta'n- &c. -se. Reprobate, gaya-guzra, satyauas, kharab. khasta« khwar, kharabati. To Reprobate, mat'un-k, mardQd-k, radd-k, mal'dn- janna, thii thu-k, malimat-k. Reprobated, mat'un, mardiid, mal'un. Reprobateness, zalalat, kharabi, satyan&si. Reproof, gosh-mali, taran, dant-saus, tahdid. To Reprove, tarua-k, sansua, ulabua-dena. Reprovek, tain, ta'ua-zau, tajrak. REP ( 241 ) RES Reftixb, klr&, makora, kirm, mnnmuna, bhunga, khazida ; {reptiles of the earth) hasbr&tu-l-arz. Republic, ijma*, jamhur, garoh, jatha. To Repudiate, talak-d, tyag-k, cbhornS,, nikalna, bahar-kar-d. Repudiation, talak, tyag ; [temporary) zihar. Repugnance, [contrariety) ikhtilaf, takhaluf , [aversion) bair, khich, kasbidagi, gurez', daregh, zidd, nafrat, ghin, jalan. Repugnancy, tawabbush, mukhalifi. Repugnant, [contrariety) mukbalif, mugha,ir, bar- khilaf, khilaf, ghair-mutabik, mutaza'id, babar, mutawabbisb. Repugnantly, ikhtilaf- &c. -se. llEPULSE, ruka,o, bata.o, paspa,i, shikast. To Repulse, mar-d or -cbaJana, bata-d, tal-d, daf-k, paspa-k. Repulsion, mudafa'at, dafiya, indifa'. Reputable, bbala, mu'tabar, jaspat, sri-m&n or -jukt. Reputably, hurmat- &c. -se, ba-abru. Reputation, Repute, [credit) nam, abru, hurmat, wikar, i'tibar, mu'tabari, nek-naml,jaspati, bharam, man, ab, nam o naraus, nam o nang, sakb, manta; [of good repute) nek-nam (opposed to bad-nam, of bad repute) . To Repute, janna, bujbna, ginnH, atkaln^, kahnSl, bbaram- &c. -r. Request, darkhwast, Hiwabish, du'a, 'arz, binai, ilti- mas, sawal, maksad, gharaz, cbab, talasb, kboj, mar, utban, kliapati, khicb ; [it is no request) ko,i puchhta nabin. To Request, pucbhna, darkhwast-k, talab- &c. -k, chahua, mangna, sukhan-d, niyaz-d. Requester, talib, raultamis, muktazl, multawi ; (in comp.) khwab, as dad-khwab, one who requests justice. Reqciem, pretmanjari, fatiba-durud. To Require, [to need) chahna, mubtaj-b, zarur- &c. -b, lagna ; (in comp ) talab-h ; thus, maram- mat-talab-b, to require repairs ; mihnat-talab-h, to need labour, &c. ; [as occasion may require) ba kadr i ihtiyaj, ba kadr i zarurat, jaisa cbahiye, jeta cbahiye. ilEQUiRED, matlub ; [to be) chahna, matlub-h. IIequirer, muktazi, talib. ilEQUisiTE, (adj.) zarur, ihtiyaj, lazim, raunasib, la- budd, matlub, darkar, parojan, cbaliiye; [it was requisite) cbabita tba. Requisitely, zaruratan, bi-z-zar"irat. Requisitkness, zarurat, luzum, munasibat. Requisites, (sub.) l^ima, lawazim, zaruriyat, s&m&n, saranjam, asbab, masalih, samagri. Requisition, Request, iltija, ijazat-khwabi, takazi, iktiza, isti'anat, matbaat. Requital, 'iwaz, badla, inti^im, padasht, jaza, saz&, mukafat, daud. Tci Requite, 'iwaz- &c. -d, bhngtana, pbirana. To be Requited, 'a,id-ana, pher-ana, palatn§, bbu- ntna. K ale, haz-farosbi. To Rescind, [to aboluh) ntba-d, maukuf-k. Rescript, farman, hukm-nama, mansbur. Rescue, makhlasi, jiyadan, ribJi,!, azadi. To Rescue, cbboranSi, niialna, ]^alas-k, Szid-k, riha-k. Rescuer, rlhaninda, chhorane-vala. Ueseaech, khoj, talasb, taftish, suragh, ta'ammuk. 'n Rkskaech, kbojna, talash- &c. -k. Resemblance, musbababat, barabarl, lag5,o» milip, mel, chbu,a,o, tamsil, sbabib, nazir, ishtibah, sam- anta, jhunak. To Resemble, milna, lagna, parna, jana, bona, mn- shabahat- &c. -r, mushabib-h, mumasil- Ac. -h ; [to compare) milana, lagana, tashbib-d, nazir- lana. Resembling, milnind, misal; (in comp.) -war, ana, wash, gun, sa. To Resent, kbujna, bura- &c -mann§, bair-lana, ga- rani-Iana. Resentful, Resenter, ztid-ranj, kina-war, kina- kasb. Resentinglt, kina-wari- &c. -se, 'ad&wat-se. Resentment, kina, bughz, 'adawat, bair, lag, kani, kadurat. Reservation, laga,o, las, riya, riya-kari, durangi, kapat. Reserve, ubar; (owWj^) ihtiyat, lihaz, chinta, giriftagl, kashidagi, khicb, ainch, istadagi, takalluf, sankoch; [condition) shart; [tell him without reserve) us se be Iaga,o kabo. To Reserve, rakhna, ubarna, bacba-r, rakh-cbhornS, le-rakhna, dab-r, laga-r, jogana, pasandaz-k. Reserved, [coy) sharmila, lajila, mabjub, sankocbi, pur-hijab; [sullen) rukha, anmila, na-ashna- mizaj, pumba-dahan, girifta, kam-su^an, mu,e munh-ka, be-ras. Reservedly, ibtiyat-&c. -se, waswas- &c. -se. Reservedness, ruklia,!, pumba-dabani. [pad .a. Rese (VOIR, [of water) hauz, talab, pokhra, sakaba. To Reside, rabna, basna, tikna, ghar-k, baitb-rahna, sakunat-r. Residence, ghar, makan, maskan, makam, mawa, ikamat, kiyam, basgit, bud o bash, nibas, asthan, thakan, maskanat. Resident, baitbwayak, astbanik, nibasi, muklm, mu- tamakkin, khudkasbt, chbaparband; (opposed to non-resident) pahi-kasht; [agent) wakil (among the English, perhaps improperly), sazawal, bara-sahib. Residue, bak!, tatimma, bachti. To Resign, cbhorna, tajna, tyagnS, tark-k, isti'afa-d, dast-bardar-h, hath-dhona, gayi-k, dar-guzarna, ibra,e zimma-b ; [to consign) sompna, tasfim-k, amanat-r; [to give) dena, de-dalna, bakhshna ; [-to providence) tawakkul-r or -k, mutawak- kil-b. Resignation, tark, isti'afa, tyagta, istibra, istift; [-to providence) tawakkul, tabammul, akasbrit, nisprlh ; [submission) tab'iyat, mutaba'at, tabi'» darl. Resigned, [to fate) kazi ba raza, akas-birtl. Resin, dhiina, dhup, kara,el, karayal, ral, chemp. To Resin, dhupna, cbemp-lagana. To Resist, thambbna, rokna, mukabala- &c. -k, larni, arna, atkana, talna, barabari-k ; [as a wall) mazbuti-k, thabarna. Resistance, mukabalat, muzahamat, rok-tok, zor, mukawamat; [non-resistance) ghair-mukawa. mat. Resistless, a-thambh, be-rok, be-muzahamat. Resolvable, sadbaran, kabil i hall, hall-pazlr. Resolvable, kabil i gudaz, ghula,u, gala,u. To Resolve, [to determine) bicharna, kasd- &c. -k, thanna, thahrana, kamar-b, pair-ropna or -garna; '• [to solve) hall-k, munhall-k, batlana, gam-k ; [to analyze) tafrik-k, bhin-k. Resolvent, Resolver, muhallil, pacbak, gb'il&,a, &c. ; (in comp.) gudaz. R RES ( 242 ) RET Resolute, mustakill, mazbut, sabit-kadam, ustuyar, roan-chala, ji,u- or jiv-gar, porha, pram, saUib- istiklal, mangara, jiwat, dhingar, akhar. Resolotely, istiklal- &c. -se, ustuwari-se. Resoluteness, istiklal, himmat, mazbuti, manchali, ustuwari, sabit-kadami. Resolution, (v. resoluteness) kasd-mnsammam, 'azm- bil-jazm, 'azlmat, pran, pesh-nihad, dharas, dhing, dhitha,! ; {solution) hall, tablil, pacha.o ; {anali/sis) tafrik, tajwiz, bichar. Resort, bator, chohal, majma', bhir. To Resort, ekthah-h, ana, jana, chalna, daurna, ba- tfirna, tut-parna, ijtima'-h or -k. To Resound, (n.) bhar- or gunj-rahna, sumarna; (a.) sarahna, bhar-d, rachana, bajana; {to be much mentioned) bajna. Resource, *ilaj, chara, upa,l, daur, hikmat, utjog. To Resow, du-bara-bona. Respect, {honour) adab, ta'zim, takrim, i'zaz, 'izzat, sankoch, bha,o, adar, niyaz, byohilr, bara,i, man, khatir, pas, maya-moh ; {attention) dhyan, ilti- fat, ghaur, mulahaza, surt ; {relation) nisbat, mel; {with respect to) hakk men, par; {in many respects) bahut baton men ; {in every respect) har-taraf, ba-har-surat, ba-har-hal ; - — {to pay one's respects) adab-ba-ja-lana, mujra-k, mulazamat-k, dandaut- or dandawat-k, kadam- or -Sstanabosi-k, panw-lagna. To Respect, {to relate to) 'alaka-r, munasabat-r, laga,o- &c. -r, milna, jana ; {to regard) bara- &c. -janna, bara,l-k ; {to esteem) 'aziz-janna or -T, adab- &c. -k, manna, man-r ; {to observe) dhyan- &c. -r or -k. Respectable, mu'tabar, muhtaram, mnwakkar, sa- hib-abru, adari, mani, adhikari, mu'azzam, nek- nara, -wajibu-t-ta'zim. [kochi. Respectful, mu,addab, ahli adab, sahib-imtiyaz, san- Respectfullt, adab-se, 'ijz o niyaz- &c. -se. Respective, Hiass, makhsus, nij, apna-apna. Respectively, ek-ek, furada-furada, fardan-fardan ; {relatively) ba-nisbat, nisbatan. Respiration, tanaffus, dam-zadagi. To Respire, dam-lena, saAs-chhorna. Respite, fursat, chhutti, subihta, bich, far&|^at, nagha, palkhat. To Respite, chhorna, fursat- &c. -d, tawakkuf-k. Resplendence, tajalli, jalwa, darakhshindagi, nur, jot, prakas, chamkahat, jagmagahat, ab o tab. Resplendent, munawwar, raushan, jalwa-gar, taban, tab-nak, nurani, darakhshinda, laxni', jot-man, pra- kasi, munir, kajjal, jhalak-dar. Resplendently, tajalli- &c. -se, jalwa-se, &c. Response, jawab, uttar, pratyuttar. Responsibility, manauti, jawab-dihi, zimma, bharam. Responsible, jawab-dih, zaman, kafil; {credit- able) mu'tabar, i'tibari, bharmi. To be Responsible, jawab-d, zimma-k, zamini-d, nishan-d, bich-parna. [mu'tabari. Responsibleness, kafalat, zamanat, zamini, i'tibar. Responsive, jawabi-sawali, jawab-dih. Rest, Jiram, sukh, sukfin, karar, asa,ish,itminan, chain, kal, asthirta, istiriihat, asudagi, fariighat, fursat, sain, nichal, lotpot ; {patise) wakfa, atak ; — {sleep) niud, khvab ; {support) tek, ar, thambh, takiya, asra ; — {remainder) bald, ubaru, mabaki; {othera) aur (obi. auron), ghair (obi. ghairon), aglc (obi. aglon;) ^— {among the rest) az-fin-jumla, 'ala-hasa-l-lpyas ; {the rut) aur- Bab, b^ki saki. To Rest, (n. to repose) aram-k, letna, soni ; {to die) mama ; — {from labour, &c.) sust^na, dam- lena ; {to stop) tikna, thaharna, baithna, arnil, thambhna, atakna, utarna; {a firelock) ghutne par-d; {to continue) rahna; {to be at rest) sakin-h, asthir-h, be-harkat-h, sun-h ; {to be satisfied) razl-h, kabul-k, manna; {to lean on) takiya- &c. -k, uthanghna; {to depend on) maukuf-h, munhasar-h, bandhej-h ; (a.) aram- &c. -d, rakhna. Restiff, machla, niagra, chalbidhra, gardan-kash, sar- kash, bad-rikab, arail, arayal. To be Restiff, machla,!- &c. -k, sar-kash-h. Restifiness, machla,!, magra,i, chalbidhra,!, gardan- kashi, sar-kashi. Restitution, istirdad, wapasi, phira,o, baz-dihi. Restless, be-aram, be-karar, be-kal, nir-asthir, be- chain, byakul, muztarib, be-dar, chakkar-chal, para. Restlessly, be-arami- &c. -se, be-chaini-se. Restlessness, be-arami, be-karari, be-kali, iztirab, ujagta, be-dari. Restoration, istirdad, bahali, baz-dihi. Restorative, pusht, mukawwi, shafit-bakhsh. To Restore, pher-d, wapas-k, mustaradd-k, pher- lana, sambhabaa, banana, durust-k,bahal-k, khara-k. Restorer, {restorative) ba-hal-kar, tazagi-bakhsh. mota,u ; (in comp.) baWish or dih. To Restrain, rokna, atkana, arna, chhenkna, tham- bhna, sambhalna, zabt- &c. -k, dabana, bandhna, band-k, baz-r, torna, kha-j, pher-r, morna, kbainch- na ; {the breath) chorana, sadbna, kurk-k ; {to abridge) ghatana, kam-k; (to limit) mahsur-k, hasar-k, bandhej- &c. -k. Restrainable, kabilu-z-zabt, rokne-jog. Restrainer, zabit, mani', rokwaiya, muzahim. Restraint, rok, atka,o, kaid, band, zabt, ta'armi, bandhej, be-makduri ; {limitatior) mend, hadd, inhisar. To Restrict, &c. (v. to restrain, limit, &c.). Restriction, hadd-bandi, inhisar, iktisar. Restrinoent, bandheji, iktisar-saz. Result, phal, hasil, mahasil, nikas, nichor, samra, natija, baz-gasht, insiram, khamiyaza. To Result, uthna, nikalna, milna, paida-h, natija-h, upajna, phalna. [yaftani. Resumable, phirta, phiran-jog, baz-yaft-pazir, baz- To Resume, pher-lena, pher-pakarna, pher-ikhtiyar-k, baz-yaft-k ; {a discourse, &c.) pher-shuru'-k. Resumption, baz-yafti, baz-giri. Resurrection, ba's o nashr, rust-khez, hashr, kiya- mat, parlai, farda or farda e kiyamat, parlai-kal, hashr o nashr. To Resuscitate, murda-jilana, ihya-k. To Retail, khurda-bechna, phut-kar-bechn§, khurda- faroshi-k, phutgat-bechna, becha-khonchi-k. Retailer, phutgati, Wiurda-farosh, tut-punjiy&, khurdiya, dflkani (opposed to thokdar, kothi-wal, a tvholesale dealer) . To Retain, rakhna, laga,e-r, pakarna, tikana, phcr-r, dab-r, atka,e-r, mar-lena or -baithna, hazm-k, pachana; {to contain) pi- or kha-j, mam&; {counsel, &c.) apnana, ganthna, rok-r ; (n.) rahna, laga-rahna. Retainer, laga-lipta, daman-gir, x&t\\, rausahib. To Retaliate, badla- &c. -lenii, 'iwa?-&c. -d, jhagri- pakarna, jhagar-dharna. Retaliation, iwaz, badla, bair, mukafat, jazii, kisis. To Retard, atkana, rokna, mani'-h, barj-k, takhir-k. pichhe-d. RET ( 243 ) REV Rktakda^ion, atka,o, mumana'at, muzahimat. Retardee, atka,u, akaji, mani', muzahim, harij. To Retch, phenk-d, chhandna, okna. Retention, imsak, jama,o, thambha,o, pakar ; {memory) hafiza, hifz, sama,i, bandhej, girift ; {science of) indri bajri ; {causing releniion, as medicines, &c.) thambha,u, mumsik, imsaki, imsak- awar, bandhej -kari. Retentive, hafiz, garha, bandheji, mumsik, kabiz, muvakhiz ; {as a memory) wasi', bara. Reticular, Retiform, Reticulated, jali, jal-dar, mushabbak, jhanjhri-dar. Retinue, jilau, sawari,kor, hasham o khadam, tuzuk, zail, sathi-sanghati. To Retire, (n.) jata-rahna, uth-j, sidharna, bar- khast-h, chale-jana, chhip-j, ot- or alag- or kinare- hojana, tarah-de-jana, hat- or dab-j, ru-posh-h, parde- or ojhal-hojana, uth-chalna; {to retreat) pahlu-tihi-k ; {to go into retirement) goshe men-j ; {from the public) ghar-baithna, akela-h, bichalna, talna, sarakna, chalna; {from the world) tarku-d-diinya-k ; {before an enemy) ghunghat-khana (v. to remove) ; (a.) chhipana, rfi- posh-k, parde-baithalna. Retired, chhipa, poshida, alag, ekanti, nirala, gosha- glr, khana-dost or -nishin, sahra-°ishin, parda- nishin, mukhaddara. Retiredness, tanha,i, gosha-giri or -nishini, &c. Retirement, khalwat, tanha,i, ojhal, ojhalta, 'uzlat, gosha, gosha-giri, gosha-nishini, khalwat-nishini, parda-nishini, ekant. Retort, radd i jawab, uttar-pratyuttar. To Retort, palta-d, palat- or pher-marna, dohran a, lautana; {to be retorted) palat-parna, age-ana, yad-h. To Retouch, nazar i sani-k, hath-phema. To Retract, pherna, morna, baz-khainchna. Retreat, {of an army) pahlu-tihi ; {retirement) ^alwat-g'ah, gosha ; {asylum) maman, malja, mawas; {recession) paspa,i, bazgashti-halat, muraja'at ; {lodge) kona, takiya, asram, bis- ram, gali. To Retreat, pith-d, gurez- &c. -k, par3,na, pahlu- tihi-k, panw-uthna, pichh-panw-h, pas-pa-h, dabna, ghasakna, hatna. hatakna, baz-gasht-k, ru-gardan- h; {to retire) gosha- &c. pakarna, munzawi-h. To Retrench, katna, ghatana, chhantna, kam-k, hath-sikorna. Retrenchment, ilAtisar, katauti, ghata,o, chhant, chhata,o, kam-kharchi. Retribution, talafi, jaza, 'iwaz, intikam, saza. To Retrieve, sambhalna, bharna, mitana, thambhna, mustaradd-k, bahorna, pher-pana. Retroactive, baz-gashti, phirta, palta,u, &c. Retrograde, pas-pa, ma'dula, pachhaund, wapas-raw, kahkari. Retrogression, paspa,i, wapas-rawi, mu'awadat, pachhaanda,i. Retrospect, Retrospection, baz-purs, pas-bini, pas- or baz-nazri. Retrospective, pas-bin, pas-nigaran, baz-bin. Return, {of a person or thing) pher, phira,o, baz- gasht, i'ada, mu'awadat, 'aud, muraja'at ; {retribution) paincha, 'iwaz, intikam, jaza, saza, baina, phera, irja, talafi, tadaruk; {profit) naf , paida.ish ; {restitution) istirdad, pher- phira,o ; {of a visit) did--wadld ; {vehicle) phirta, whence phirta-bhara, half or return hire; phirti-kishti, a return boat. To Return, (n.) phirna, palatna, bahuma, lautni, pher-ana, laut-ana, palat-ana, ghum-ana or -jana, 'aud-k, mu'awadat-k, 'a,id-h, age-ana, ho-aua, ulatna, hatna, &c. tarna ; — ; — {to answer) kahna, jawab-d; (a.) pher- &c. -d, phirana, &c. wapas-k, pher-bhejna, ultana, paltana, bahurana, lautana; {ramrods) gaz khazane-men-rakhna ; (a visit) bazdid-k, pardarsan-k ; (a salute) radd i salam-k ; {to requite) 'iwaz- &c. -d. To Reveal, kahna, kholna, nakl-k, zahir-k, mun- kashaf-k, fash-k, ashkara-k, haweda-k, ubharna, phorna, uktarna; {to impart divinely) wahi- &c. -bhejna. Revealed, {divinely) nazil, niuuli ; (public) ashkara, zahir Revealer, mukhbir, kashshaf, kashif, parda-dar. Revel, Revelry, dhum, dhum-Hhara, m'-var-masti, cha gh arba, jam-ghat. [masti-'c, birajna. To Revel, dhum-machana, dhum-dham- &c. -k, bad- Revelation, wahi, khabar. akas-bani, prasidhta, tanzil, nuzul. Reveller, 'aiyash, aubash, jamghatti. Revknge, intikam, padash, saza, bair, wail, kina, dambh, 'aks, 'iwaz. To Revenge, intikam- or 'iwaz- or badla- &c. -lena, kasar-lena, samajh-lena, muwakhiza-k. muhasiba- lena, bair-sarna. Revengeful, pur-kina, kina-war, shutur-kina, kina- kash, ghuna, dambhaha, kaniha. Revengefully, kina-wari- &c. -se, bair-se. Revenger, muntakim, kahir, kahhar, jabbar, bair- sadhak, muwakhiz, intikami, intikam-jo or -gir, or -kash, harbairi. Revenue, a mad, madakhil, mawajib, prapat, ugahi, mahsul, ^iraj, tahsil, hasil, jam', m£l-guzari Tcha- zana, taran, mal-sa,ir, mal-wajib, kar, mahal, mal- •wajahat, yaft, amadani ; {revenue-matters) mali- tam ; {-y^T) fasli sal ; {the settlement of paying the revenues by instalments) kist-bandi ; {the time of settling the old year's accounts and begin- ning the new) punniya, bijai-dasmi To Reverberate, (a.) palta-d, pher-d ; (n.) palat- ana or -jana. Reverberation, harkat i bazgasht, palta,o. To Revere, Reverence, buzurg- &c. -janna, takrim- &c k, snanna. Reverence, takrim, taukir, ihtiram, iftikhar, tahrim, ikram, i'zaz, man; {respect) adab, ta'zim, adar; {bow) taslim, namaskar, dandaut or dandawat, sijda, palagan. Reverend, buzurg, medha, pramanik, mufa^^ar, mu'azzam; gosa,in; {title) shah, bhagat, pir- murshid thus, Nanak shah, the reverend Nandk. Reverent, Reverential, mu,addab, ta'zimi. Reverently, adab- &c. -se or adab-se. Reverse, {change) pher, inkilab, 'aks, in'ikas, ulta, zidd, bar-'aks, anyatha; habshi ka nam kafur, a phrase generally used when any one's name and per- son are the reverse off each other, as we facetiously call a genuine African, Snow-ball. To Reverse, pherna, ultana, aundhana, munkalib- &c. -k, ulat-d, pher-phar-k, sar-gardan-k, sa,r- nigun-k, sir-talwaiya-k, utha-d, ulat pulat-k, bil- 'aks- &c. -k. Reversed, ulta, aundha, wazhun, nigun, munkaliK ma'kus, maklub, kalb, mardud. To Revert, phirna, 'a,id-h, raji'-h, age-ana. Revery, Reverie, fikr, dhyan, soch, bagal-dhyan, bharam-bhor, mahwiyat. Review, nazar, nazar i sani, baz-pursi, mukabila, dikhawa, dekh-dakh ; — ^ {of troops) kawa id. R2 REV ( 244 ) RIF to RurtEW, pher-deklini, nazar i sini- &c. -k, janchnS, dekhna, sodhui; {to muster) 'ar^-lena or -k, nazar-andilz-k, kawa'id-lena. lo Revile, galiyani, gali-d, dashnam-d, saVht-kahna, la-zaban-kahna, ta'n tashni'- &c. -k, latarna, le- dalna, malamat-k, thutkar-k. Rbvilee, ta'na-zan, malamat-go, mazammati. Revisal, Revise, Revision, nazar i sani, rausanna. To Revise, nazar i sani- &c. -k, tashih-karna. Revisee, sahih-karne-wala, punar-drishtak. To Revisit, baz-did-k, phir-mulakat-k. Revival, jila,o, jaga,o, sar-sabzi, tazagi, baz-zist. To Revive, (n.) j!-uthna, zinda-h, jagna, sar-sabz-h, taza-h, ji-a or -phirna, phir-jina, dam-jagna, lau- harna, mar-ke-jina; (a.) jilana, zinda- &c. -k, jag- ana, dam-jagana, uktarna, uthana. Re-union, ittifak, jor, -wasl, mel, milap. To Re-unite, (n.) railna, -wasil-h, muttafik-h; (a.) jofna, railana, wasil- &c. -k. Revocable, kabil i mansukh, mitne-jog, nasUi-pazir. Revocation, {recall, repeal) naskh, tanas nkh. To Revoke, {to repeal) met-d, utha-d, mansukh-k, mardud-k, radJ-k. Revolt, pliut, bar-gashtagi, inhiraf, baghawat, na- farmani, gurez, hindu,ani, bhagel, ru-gardani, phut- phatakkar. To Revolt, phirna, phir-j, antna, phutna, bar-gashta -h, munbarif-h, baghi-h, ru-gardan-h. Revolter, baghi, badi, bhagelu, sar-kash. To Revolve, (n.) phirna, ghumnu, bhauna, daur- &c. -k, charkh- &c. -mama, pardachhin-h, warna, pheri- d, hadis-h ; (a.) phirana, pherna, ghumana, bhau,- ana; {to consider) taulna, janchna. Revolution, pher, inkilab, bhanwar, daur, gardish, dauran, haulan, chakar, tahwil, phera, ghuma,o, phira,o, &c. gardan, gardi, khani, whence nadir- gardi, the invasion of Nadir Shah ; kasim 'ali-khani, the reign of Kasim-'Ali, and the present ashraf- gardi, or succession of the nobles. Revolutionary, gardishi, gardani, inkilabi. Revulsion, i'ada, kashish, olamba or ulamba. Revulsive, mu'awid, phira,u. Reward, ajr, sila, muzd, ujrat, jaza, sawab, dan, pnn, barakat, mubadila, padash, natija, shukrana, ni'ma- 1-badl. To Reward, bakhshna, baklishish-d, ajr- &c. -d. Rewarder, dani, data, ajir, muslb, punyatma. Rhapsody, char-darchar, sukhan i na-paiwasta. Rhetoric, 'ilm i kalam, 'ilm i ma'ni, rajnit, 'ilm i bahlghat, 'ihn i fasahat, 'ilm i sanaya-badaya Rhetorician, ahli-kalam, rajniti, su^an-go. RiiEUM, {catarrh, &c ) pani, nuzla. Rheumatic, Rheumy, batl, ba,iha, barid. Rheumatism, ba,i, bat, gathiya-ba,o, bad, waj i ma- ftsal ; {humour) ba,ojhanak, ambat. Rhinockros, gaiuda, gargadan ; {horn of) khSlg. Rhododathne, {flower) kaner, khar-zahra. itHUUARB, rewand ; {of China) rewaud i chini. Rhyme, kafiya, saj', tuk, samband, radif, jamak ; {the art of rhyming) kawafi ; {without rhyme or reason) be thaur be thikana, na hakk na rawa. To Rhyme, mihia, musajja'-h, sambandi-h, milit-h, kafiya-bandi-k, jamakna, tuk-kari-k. Rhymer, kafiya-go, bliat, tuk-kar. Rhythm atical, musajja", mauzun, mukaflra^, man- zfnni paujari, ba-kafiya, fikra-band. Rib, paujari, panjar, pansli, pasU, rag, resha ; ^— - {of a vessel) chand&, kam&ni, nas. Ribald, mu^allaza-go, pbakkaj-iya, bh&n4, rl^h. PiBAiDET, phakka;*, fuhsh, puch, pflchiyati mughal laza. Ribald, Ribbon, patti, kor, fit (from fita. Port.). Ribbed, panjri-dar, chande-dar, pahlu-dar. To Rib-roast, {to cudgel) chur-k, changa-banana. Rice, {the plant or grain in the husk) dhan, shall, nrz. razz; {cleaned ) hir an], chawal, tandul; {boiled)hha,t, khushka, maha-prashud ; {with milk, &c.)khir, hawikh, firni, shir-biranj; {preparation of) pitha ; of this grain the varieties are partly aa follows : sukhdas, jarhan, satin, pasahri, tinni, arwa, bagar, usna, sela, hansraj, kanhi ; {bruised-) churwa ; {parched-) tilcha,oli, sitha ; season for planting, &c.) le,o ; {-land) kyar; {the sweepings or refuse of rice) kunda; {a sort of boiled rice) gulathi, rasawal, tasmi. Rich, {opulent) daulat-mand, dhani, dhanik, bhag-man, mutamawwil, tali'-mand, takaita, nakda, zar-dar, mota, dhanwant, darbi, lal, lal o lal, sampati, tar « taza, shah-sabz, zar-rez, malamal, pur-zar, mnn'im ; {valuable) 'nmda, fakhira, udar ; {fertile) jaiyid, shadab, upjan, go,enda ; {full) bhara, pur, ma'miir; {the rich and poor) ghani o gharib. Riches, mal, daulat, jam'aiyat, dhan, sampat, dam, amwal, mal o mata', zar o zewar, darb. Richly, ziyadati-se, bahut, bahutayat-se. Richness, {opulence) daulat-mandi, mal-dari, ghina< wat, dhanka,!, shah-sabzi, zar-rezi ; {fertility) shadabi, mota,i. Rice, tuda, dher, tal, ambar, ganj, knndra, ras. Rickets, {the disease) girihbad, gathiyabaw. To Rid, chhorana, azad-k, riha-k, khalas-k; {tt clear) khali-k, saf-k, jliar-d. Riddance, chhutkara, azadi, bacha,o. Riddle, mu'amma, paheli, drisht-kut, chistan, jhQlna, bhed, dhitiyari, lapet, bujh-bujhawwal ; {sieve) jharna, ghirbal. To Riddle, (a. to solve) hall-k ; {to guess) biijh« na; {to sift) chalna, jharna, akhna; (n.) mu'amma-bolna. To Ride, sawar-h, charhna, baithnjl, sawari-k, chaf- haiti-k ; (- uell) asan-jamana ; {as a vessrl) bona, khara-h, langar-par-h ; {double) radif- men bona. Rider, sawar, rakib, sawar-kar, charhaita, aswar, bagi, {horse-breaker) chabuk-sawar, ghur-charha. RiDOE, mend, danda, tila, mang, dhar; {of tht back) rir, kangror; {of a house) markachi, mangra, bandera, mangar, mukh-jor, mundera,kha« jura ; {pole) barenda, balindi. Ridicule, hansi, zahk, mazhaka, tasakhkhur, su^> riya, mazah, thatholi, thatha, hansa,i, tazhlk, rish- khandi, bhand-bhandau,a. To Ridicule, hansna, thatha- &c. -k, tazbik-k cr -banana, are-hathon-lena. RiDicuLER, thathe-baz, muzhik, hafisna, zahik. Ridiculous, hahsa,ii, kabil i tazhlk, la.ik i tasakh*' khur, hansne-jog, tazhiki. Riding, sawarl, chafhaiti; (a riding-coat) bi« rani, farghol. Rife, balmt, ghalib, 'ftmm, 'Slam-gir. Riffraff, utar, phirta, utaran, chhant-chhunt. Rifle, {gun) damanak ; {-man) karawal, bahliyfc To Rifle, lutna, chhin-lena, chorana, u}-ana, jhaf lejan&. Riflee, lutera, chotti, chor, ghanim or ghanim. Rift, chak, darz, shigaf, darar. To Rift, (n.) phatnil, phu^i, chir-j; (a.) ph&fni. phofQ&, chiim&. RIG ( 245 BIT To Bio, banJna, singarna, arasta-k, taiyar-k, san- ■warna. RiOGiNG, jahaz ka saz o satnan, rasanpat, asbab. E.IGGISH, (libidinous) chodwansi, mangna ; (in comp.) marani. To RiCGLE, marwana, lagwana, dolana. Right, (Just) durust, ■wajibi, la,ik, musallam, sha,ista, ham war, achchha, bliala, ma'kul, hisabi, sidh, sudh, sudhra ; (not left) dahina, rast, yaitiin, sidha ; (straight) mustakim ; — — (- line) khatti mus- takim ; (j/ou are right, sir) ap durust farmate. RiGUT ! (iaterjec.) thlk, durust, khub, khair. Right, (sub. due) hakk (pi. hukuk, pad), daVa, ans; (justice) insaf, 'adalat, dad, nya,o, istihkak, khunt, ueg ; (property) milk, mal; (power) kudrat, kuv^at, ikhtiyar, gharz ; (opposed to error) sihhat ; (not the left) dahina, dast i rast ; (right and left) chap o raat; (right or wrong) hakk na hakk, bhale-bure, ho na ho, bud na bud, adbada-ke ; (i-ight against) amne-samne, dekha-dekhi ; (to put to rights) sudharna, sadh- na, sajna, arasta-k, murattab- &c. -k, ja,e sir-r. To Right, insaf- &c. -k, hakk- &c. -dilana. Righteous, nek, achchha, bhala, rast, sachcha, sadik, saf, s«n, pak, munsif, 'adil, nya,i, rast-baz, khub, musalli, sadh, khuda-tars. Righteously, neki- &c. -se, 'adilana, munsifana. Righteousness, Rightfulness, neki, bhala,i, sala- hiyat, niko-kari, rasti, sacha,i, sidk, safa,i, paki, rast-bazi, munsifi, khubi, khuda -tarsi, sadhta. Rightful, mustahakk, zl-hakk, hakk-dar. Rightfdllt, insaf- &c. -se, ba-hakk. Right Hand, dahina-hath, sidha-hath, dast i rast, vamin ; (- man) 'akl i kuU, hath-panv, muhra Rightly, Ia,ikana, rastI- &c. -se, insa£-se. RiOHTNESS, durusti, sha,istagi, sihhat, sudhta; (straightncss) rasti, sidha,i, istikamat. Rigid, sakht, karra, kathor, shadid, kathin, saWitgir ; (account) jaujau ka hisab. Rigidity, Rigidness, sakhti, shiddat, karaMitagi, durushti, karra,i, kathorta. Rigidly, salditi- &c. -se, durushti-se. Riglet, (flat thin piece of wood) patti, takhti. RiooRODS, sakht, shadid, durusht, karakht. Rigorously, sakhti- &c. -se. * Rigour, (shivering) sirsirahat; - — (austerity) riya- zat, zuhd, tapassya, kasb. [barha, panvrat, banji. Rill, nahar, kul, nali, pain, soti, abrez, kanwak. Rim, lab, kinara, bari, kor, aunth. Rind, chhilka, bakla, pust, kishr or kashr. To Rind, chhilna, mukashshar-k. Ring, (ornament) chhala, bank, kari, anguthi, angush- tana, arsi, bhanwar-kali, hath-kara, mundari, angushtari, khatim ; (for the toe) anwat, bich- hiya, bichwa; (for the nose) nath, besar, mendra ; (for the hand) churi, bera, bala, kara, kharwa, kakna, pachhwa, patta; (circle) halka, da,ira, ghera, kundali, mandal, chambar; ■ (soxmd) baj, awaz, sada ; (of bells) tankar, jhankar, tinin, jhanjhanahat. To Ring, (a bells, &c.) bajana, jhankarna ; (n. to sound) bajna, jhanjhanana, tantanana, jhankarna, sansanana, ghanghanana; (a horse) kawa-d; (as the ear) kan-bajna. Ring-dove, kumri, fak^ta, pinduk, kukvi, mandaliya. Ringleader, sar-halka, sardar, sar-guroh, na,ek or nayak, mabni-fasad, mufsid, faturi, mahant, muhra, nak. Ringle-eyed, chaghar, takl, sulaimani. Ringlet, kakul, zulf, gesu, ja'd, lat, gurchi. Ringworm, dad, dina,e, chakawe, bhainsiyi-dad ; (having ringworms) daduha; (a plant for curing them) dadmardan. To Rinse, khanghalna, anwasna, dhon§, pharcliana, jhaplana, kachharna, kham-sho-k, michkarna, saundna, phenchna, chhantna. Riot, huUar, hangama, ghuUu, kharkhasha, 'arbada, chhama-chaukri ; (revel) chakraba ; (to run riot) be-Iagam-h, be-kaid-h, mutlaku-l-'inan-h. To Riot, kharmasti- &c. -k, dhum-dham-k, chak-raba machana, aubashi-k, *aiyashi-k, lunang-men-h, raslutna, hangama- &c. -uthana. Rioter, aubash, rind, fitna-angez, dange-baz. Riotous, be-ankus, be-kaid, be-zabt, na-farman, sarkash, khar-mast, udmadi. Rxotously, aubashi- &c. -se, na-tarmani-se. Riotousness, aubashi, riudi, 'aiyashi, udmad, khar- mastl, be-kaidi, be-zabti, na-farmani, sar-kashi, fitna-angezi, dange-bazi. To Rip, udherna, pharna, chirna, phorna, chak-k, shak-k; (to take away) nikal-lena or -d ; (to rip up) phar- or chir-d or -d, khol-d, phor-d, tor-d, zahir-k, chhirna, jagana, uktarna, uthana; (the belly) an ten dher-k. Ripe, pakka, pukhta, rasida, balida, b5li|^, syana, pura, samarth; (ready) khara, musta'idd, taiyar, amada. To Ripen, (n.) pakna, pukhta-h, murad-ko pahunch- na; (a.) pakana, rasida- &c. -k, gadrana ; {}n the house) pal-d ; (to season) sarana. Ripeness, pakka,i, pukhtagi, rasidagi, balidagi, puranta, bulughat, kamal, maharat. Ripper, chiranhar, chheranhar ; (in comp.) dar, as parda-dar, a ripper up of secrets. To Ripple, tartarana, sarsarana, jharjbarana. Riffling, tarara, sarsarahat, jharjharahat. RiSA, charhti, charha,o, uthan, sa'ud, 'uruj, barhawa ; (rising ground) bulandi, uncha ; (beginning) nikas, aghaz ; (of price) tezi, charha,o ; (the rising of the sun) Julu', udai, tali'. To Rise, (to get up) uthna, uth-baithna, khara-h, tulu'-h, ugna, guzarna, una, nikalna, nash o numa- h, barhna; (to gain elevation) tarakki-k, 'uruj- or namud-par bona, jagna, udai-k, machna, bauna, rachna, gajgajana, ubakna ; (as the ??joon)khet- k ; (as an assembly) bar-khast-h ; (abruptly) tamakna ; (as the, sea) hilora-marna ; (to ascend) charhna, sa'ud-k, bala-rawi-k ; (to swell) phulna, amash-k ; (to break out) phiit- nikalna; (to bloio) chalna, bahna; (to appear in view) nazar-ana, namud-h, dekhla,i-d; (to be produced) upajna, paida-h, ana; (in arms) antna, dast ba kabza-h, kamar-b, larne- par musta'idd-h; (to be ready) musta'idd-h, taiyar-h, amada-h ; {to make an attack) hath- chalana, dast-andazi-k; ' (in price) barhna, bhari-h, ziyada-h, afzun-h, tez-h, chaf hna ; (in style) buland-parwazi-k. Riser, uthwaiya ; (early) sahar-Hiez ; (in comp.) khez, as nau-khez, newly-risen (verdure, &c.). Risibility, hansni, zihak, kuwwat i zahika. Risible, zahik, muzhik, hansna, khanda-angez. Rising, udwat ; (-ground) tibba ; (emergent) uthta, charhta, tali'. Risk, khatra, waswas, chinta, dar, parwa, sadraa, dhakka, chapet, mukhatira, har-jit, bhala-bura, nekbad, naf-niiksan, burdbakht, matha, kandha. To Risk, jokhim- &c. -uthana, khatre-men-d, tali'- azma,i-k. RisKER, jokhimi, sadma-angez, khatra-angez. I Rite, rit, a,in, tarik, mazhab, rasm. KIT ( 846 ) ROP RiTnAL, kitab i fikah, shastar, shastar-bidhi. RiTOALiHT, fakih, fikah-d5n, sbastri or shastrik. RivAt, rakib, harif, ham-matlab, ham-maksad, ham- da'i, ham-arzu, sauti, rakibi, harlfi, dusbman, l^air, (pi. aghyar) sautdahi, danji, saut, which means a rival wife, and is therefore figuratively ap- plicable to any rival. To Rival, rikabat-k, barabari-k, ham-chashmi-k. RiVAiKT, RiVALSHip, sautiya-dah or -jhal, rikabat, mukabalat, rakibi, ham-sari, ham-chashmi, danj, badabadi, lag, harifi, mnsawidat. To Rive, (a.) maskana, pharna, chima, phorna ; (n.) masakna, phatna, phutna. River, naddi, nad, sarta, darya, riid, gang or ganga (hence Oan'ges), jo, jo,ebar, ab. River-horse, darya,i ghora, aspi-darya,i. Rivet, me^, pachri, andheri. To Rivet, mekh-se-jarnS, bandhna, garna, band-k, pi-band-k, mekh-morna. Riveting, meld^-bandi, bandha,o. Rivulet, nahr, nadi, nala, naliyi, chhoti nadi. Road, rah, rasta, tarik, maslak, bat, mag, path, sabil, sirat, sarak, salak, dagra, marag, gail, dagar, shari', chhaur rah-bat, painda, dahar, marhala, bithan; {for ships) langar-bari ; {-Tnaking) rasta- bandl. To Roam, ramn&, dolna, awara-phirna, bhatakta- phirna, phera-k or -pherna, para-phirna, mara- phirna. Roamer, ramta, batohi, musafir, bhatakne-wala. Roan, magsi, chal, badami-rang, garra. Roar, ghurrish, garaj, chi^, gargarahat, shor, ghal- ghapara, gunj, harharahat. To Roar, ghurana, ghurrish-k. dhardharana, gar- garana, garajna, gunjna, barhakna, harharana; to bawl) chillana, chikhna. shor-k. Roaring, {crying) nalan; {of the sea) tamanwoj. Roast, {meat) slkhi-kabab, kababi ; {-fowl) kababi, nim-kababi ; (to rule the roast) muhit-h. To Roast, kabab-k, bhiinna, biriyan-k, jalana ; {in hot ashes) bhulbhulana. To Rob, rah-raarna, choran§, chori- Sec. -k, lutna, chhin-lena, le-lena, ba-zor-lena, mar-lena ; {a nest) ujarna, khana-kharab-k. Bobber, chor, chotta, dakait, daku, dnzd, rah-zan, katta'u-t-tarik, kazzak or kazza]|: or kazzak, bat- par, bat-mar, kati'u-t-tarik. Robbery, chori, daka, dakaiti, batparl, duzdi, rah- zanl, kazzaki, sark, luta,i, thaghari. Robe, \ah&, labada, pairahan, ^ftan, j&ma; {royal robe) ^abM shahl; {robe of honour) 1^'at. Robust, shah-zor, zabar-dast, ^awi, zor-awar, pur- zor, ga,o-zor, bali, chaudant, chobar-danna, char- shana, sand, maha-bali, dhokhar, bajrangi, gathila, difh, TO,in-tan, azhdhati, sina-zor. Robustness, shah-zori, zor-awari, zabar-dasti, maj- bOti, ga,o-zorl. Rock, chatan, dhoka, pahar, pom, peni, ponsUa,i; {defence) panah; {distaff) bhaunti. To Rook, (a.) hil&na, dolana, dagdagana, dalmalana, jhulana; (u.) hilna, dolna. Rocket, ban, hawa,i, chhuchhundar, anar, hukka- ban; {thrower) ban-dar. Rock-salt, sendha-namak, namak-Iahauri. Rocky, sang-istan, pathrila, sang-lakh. Rod, chhari, bed (vulg. bet) siitkQn, sati, patkan, latha, sik^, latli ; {measure) gaz. U.UU ):;>,ntauk, {rartt, bravado) mubalagba, bar-bcla,i. Rob, {/lart, deer, &c.) hiran, &c ; {qf '. ;M) anda, baiza. Rogue, (knavi) haram-zada, i^addar, thag, natkhat, jhapasiya; {vagabond) lucha, awara ; {wag) 'ashik, kambakht. yar ; {he is a rogue in grain) uska ragresha daghabaz hai Roguery, dagha-bazi, haram-zadagi, natkha^i, thagi, rindi, sharr, rindagi. Roguish, sharir, lawind, harif, dhiirt, pankhraj. Roguishly, harifi- &c. -se, harifana, sharr-se. RoouisHNESS, harifi, shararat, hirafat, lawindagi, dhurta,!. Roll, phera, pech, ghuma,o, gardish : {of wax, &c.) batti ; — {of paper) binda, band ; {writing) daftar, sijil, fard, tumar ; (fold) lapeta, pat; {military) fard, ism-nawisi, ism- nama. To Roll, (a.) lorhana, dhamlana, dagrana, gargarana, dhuglana, phirana, ghumana, dhulkana, pindiyana, lapetna, lundiyana, dhanmanana, dughriina, lot'ma, lurhakna; {to form) bandhna, belna, parna-, (n.) lotna, lurhna, dhulukna, dagarna, dbugulna, phirna, ghumna, gardish-k, daur-k, lapatna, ajhur- na ; — — {to roll about as a child) lotna-potna, lot- pot-k; {as a boat) dolna, jhonkkhana. Roller, {bandage) patti; {of stone) belan, lorha, pind, loriya, lapetan, lata,!, punsala,!, nard ; {of a suqar-mill) jath. RoLLiNO-PiN, belan, belna or belana. Roman, {nose) uthi-nak. Romance, kissa, afsana, kab^pi, dastan, ba,o-bandi, alha. To Romance, kissa-kahna, jhOth-bolna. Romancer, kissa-go, afsana-go, lapatL, ihuthi. Romantic, 'ajab, 'ajib, nirala, anutha. Romp, Romper, chanchal, achpal, harmushta, bhand. To Romp, achpala,i- &c. -k, khar-masti-k. Romping, khar-masti, achpala,!, chanchala,!, hur- mushti, badmasti, bhand-bhandau,a, dastmali, hath- amori. Rood, katha, biswa. Roof, chhappar, chhan, chhaja, pharka, chhat, sakf, sath, bam, kotha, patan, 'arsh, pata,o, patwat^ ; {of the mouth) talu. To, Roof, patna, chha,ona, chhapar- &c. -H, patana. Rook, set-kawa ; {at chess) rukh, rath, hatii. Room, jagah, thaur, thikana, ja,e, makam, mahal, ma« kan, gunja,ish, pet, anta,o, sama,o, maidan ; {apartment) khana, kothri, hujra, buk'a; {s*.ead) 'iwaz, badla. Roominess, kushadagi, wus'at, phaiIa,o, lamba,i. Roomy, kushada, wasi', bara, lamba-chaufa. Roost, adda, chakkas, basera. To Roost, adda par baithna, basera-k. Root, jar, mill, be^, asl, btinyad, masdar, miind, chhor ; — — {bulbous) gantha, kandar, kandra ; {of the ha.j-tree, &c.) darhi, baroh, baur; {of the palas,/or wattling) bakel, bakelu ; {edible roots) tarkari, zamin-kand, kand-mul ; {to take root) jar-pakarna or -b To Root, (n.) garna, jar-daurna or -phailna; (a) gaf na, baithalna ; {to root out or up) ujarna, ukharna, bekh-kani-k, jafna, jar-lagna, gurubna; {to dig) khikhorua. Rooted, gara-hu,a, sakht, gahera, mostahkam. RooTEDLY, ba-shiddat, ustuwar. Rope, rassi,je.ori, badh, dori, rasan, tanSb, habal, rasa, ban, sanauta, barha, sell, risman, algaui. [pagni. To Rope, t:iwam- or lasi-b or -pakafna, tar-bandbjii« ROPEDANCER, nat, natu,a, bazi-gar, rasan-baz, siit- dhar, bans-baz. [laheri. RoPEMAKEE, kanjar, rasan-gar, rasan-saz, banbata, Ro PIN ESS, las-dari, lu'ab-dari, laslasahat. Ropy, lu'ab-dar, laslasa, las-dar. RosABY, tasbih, japi, mala, kanthi, sumran, subha; [small tassel attached to the) shamsa Rose, gul, shah-gul, gul-ab (which signifies rose-water), ward, puhup-raj or puhpa-raj ; [otre of roses) 'atr i gulab ; {dog-rose) safed-gulab, nasrin, se,oti; {rose-apple) gulab-jaman; {rose- bay) harifil-phul; {rose-bed) gul-shan ; (rose-bud) gh uncha ; {rose-hush) gul-bun ; (rose-cheeked) gul-rukh, gul-rukhsar, gul-ru, gul- rang, gul-chihra, gul-badan or gul-andam ; (rose-garden) gulistan, gulab-bari ; {rose-ioater) gul-ab. Roseate, gnl-gun, sur^, gulabi, wardi, gulnar. Rosin (v. resiri) dhuna, dhiip, ral, &c. Rosy, gul-rang, gul-fam, gulabi. Rot, saran, galan ; {among sheep) khanra. To Rot, (n.) sarna, galna, pachna, bigasna, pans-h ; (a) sarana, galana, bosida-k, pachana, bigsana; {paper) kut-k. Rotation, phira,o, ghuma,o, bhau,a,o, gardish, dauran. Rote, nok-zaban, az-bar, kanthagar ; (he has the whole book by rote) tamam kitab usko nok-zaban yad hai. Rotten, sara, gala, bosida, ganda, murdar, jiran, boda, jajmal; {one rotten sheep corrupts the whole flock) ek ganda anda sabhon-ko bigarta. Rottenness sarahind, bosidagi, gandagi. To Rove, phira-k, gasht-k, harzagardi-k, sair-k. Rover, awara, saiyara, harza-gard, ramta, phiranta, ramna, sairbaz, jogi ; (or pirate at sea) chor- jaharz, dakait. Rough, kbarkhara, arbar, rukhra, kharbar, na- mula.im, khurra, kbasraha, khodra, khardhara, phosraha, atpatangi, tirkha, kharjhara, ruchh, rurha ; (austere) baksa, kasaila ; {harsh to the ear) namauzuu, khankhar ; — — (severe) karra, talk^, tursh ; (as the sea) mawwaj, mauj-khez. joshan, pur-josh. [wada. RocaH-DRAcaUT, kharra, khasra, sancha, musaw- To RoDOHEN, kharkhara- &c. -k or -h, rukhrana, kharkharana, chhenna, rahna, dant-banana. To RoDQH-HEW, chhilna, chhil-chhal-k. RouGH-HEWN, an-garha, na-tarashida, rukhS. Roughly, sakhtl- &c. -se, kharkharahat se. Roughness, kharkharahat, rukha,i, rukhra,i, khar- bara,i, na-hamwari, na-tarashidagi, kasa,o, khan- kharahat, talk^i, turshi, tundi; (of the sea) maujkhezi ; (asperity) khasar, khonch. Round, gol, mudawwar, mustadir, chakrila, gird, chakka, girda, tikla, golat, batwaii ; {smooth) mauzun; {slice) chakti, katla; (large) ziyada, bahut, kulli, san-sangin, bhari, pura; (JrwA) jald ; (/«^ khatir ; (a round sum) mablagh i khatir. Round, (sub.) da,ira, ghera, mandal, halka, gird, aftabi, bari, phera, daur, gardish, naubat, daura, gashti, gardish, parosan, paintra ; (to go the rounds) girdawari-k, phera-k, phera- &c. -phima. Round, (adv.) ghum, pher ; — — {to turn round) pherna. Round, (prep.) aspas, hawali, chau-gird, gird ba gird, har-taraf, charon-taraf, charon-or. To Round, gol, -&c. -k, gundli-b, chiknana. Round about, (loose, indirect) phor-ka, pech-ka. To QO Round about pher-khana .7 I HUE Roundelay, kundaliya, ghazal. Roundish, gol-sa, gol-gol-sa, mudawwar-sa. Roundly, (freely, plainly) saf, sidha, wa-sbigaf, jaldi-se ; (earnestly, &c.) sa'i-se, koshish-se. Roundness, gola,i, chakra,i, cbiknahat. To Rouse, (a.) uthana, jagana, be-dar-k, hushiyar-k ; {hawks at night) patki-d ; {to excite) harkat-d, chalana ; (n.) uthna, jagna. RousER, uthawanhar; (in comp.) angez. Rout, bhir, jam-ghat, hajum, garra, huhak. dhum- gajar, udmas, jhumar, dhama-chaukri, dhol- dhamaka, matwara, jhulmat; {of an army) hazimat, shikast, bhagel, para,o, shikast i fahish. To Rout, tor-tar-k, tarpatar-k, dandiyana, shikast- &c. -d, bhagana, mar-d. Route, (way) rah, rasta, rah-bat, tarik, path. Row, saf, katar, kor, para, auli, panti, dhari. To Row, khyona, dand-marna, chalana, bali-marna. Rowel, gul, nath ; (spur) mahmaz. Rower, dandi, khewanhar, khewak. Royal, shahi, padshahi, shahana, maliki, khusrawi. raj-dhar, raja,u, shahwar, mu'alla; (in comp.) shah, ra,e. Royalist, raj-pachhi, padshahi-banda, padshah-dost. Royally, khusrawana, mulukana, shahwar. Royalty, saltanat, padshahat, padshahi, rajatwa Rub, Rubbing, ragra, ghisa,o, mahsh; {blow) dhakka, aseb, gazand, sadma ; {difficulty) mush- kil, bikat. To Rub, (a.) malna, malish-k, mijna, ghasna, ragarna, ghontna, manjhna, bhanjna, maldal-k, mandna, khasna, lagana, suntna, uptana, hath-pherna; {to rub out or of) mita-d, hakk-k, mal-d, chhil-d ; — — {a horse) kuncha-marna ; (n.) chilna, ghis- or mit- or ragar-j ; {to rub through difficulties) gir-par-ke-nikalnii, mar-pach-ke-nikalna, thelpel- nikalna, girte-parte-nikalna. Rubber, ghotni, muhra, safi ; (used in baths) khisa; {for a horse) hathi; {for the feet) jhanwan. Rubbish, kurkut, khashak, kura, katwar, kanasat, ghur, kharkhas. ghas-pat, ghas-phus, kachra, dhibar, aghor, malamat, malba. [manjni, gaddi, pulli. Rubstone, {pestle, whetstone) ghotaa, opni, sill, Ruby, la'l, yakut i rummani, manik, lalri, (fig. penjhu, a beautiful red berry) . Ructation, {eructation) dakar, arogh, dhikar, udgar. Rudder, patwar, kauhar, sukkan, dumbal. Ruddiness, surkhi, lali, humrat, aruna,i, Ia'1-fami. Ruddle, lalmati, rangamitti. Ruddy, surkh, la'l, lal, arun (prop. arun). Rude, gustakh, shokh, be-adab, dhith, an-garh, na-tarashida, sakht, karakht, be-murawwat, jathar, beJ.ihaz; {violent) karra, kathin, tund ; {ignorant) anari, kacha, kham ; {artless) sada. sidha. Rudely, gustakhi- &c. -se, be-adabana. Rudeness, gusta^i, shokhi, be-adabi, dhitha,i, na- tarashidagi, karakhtagi. durushti, be-murawwati, karra.i, kathinta, sadagi, jathara,i, be-lihazi. Rudiments, shuru', aghaz, asl, bunyad, jar, k:a'ida, beMi bunyad, usul, mul, saraswati. Rue, sndab, satari, ispand. To Rue, pachhtana, ta,assuf-k, afsos-k, ruthna, rona, haif-k, nadamat- &c. -khainchna. Rueful, gham-gin, malul, udas, rona ; (a rueful countenance) roni-surat. Ruefully, udasi- &c. -se, ghamgini-se. RuEFDLNKSS, |^amgini, udasi. RUF ( 248 ) RUS KnmAif, chaodal, thag, dagha-bSz, haram-zada, jallad, la*!!!, halakQ, kattar, mal'un, mardud, harun. Ruffle, {fringe) jhalar, churi; {plait) chin, chunat To Ruffle, (a to rumple) torna, shikan- &c. -d, dalmasal-k, minjmanj-k, tiribiri-k, ulatpulat-k, dal- mal-k, althana, simtana, lahrana; {to disturb) satana, jalana, dikk-k, chherna; {to plait) chunna ; (n ) hilna, dolna. [jabin. Ruffled, jhalar- &c. -dar ; {vexed) chin bar Ruo, namad (vulg. namda), kammal, kalim. RuaoED, kharkhara, na-hamwar, ukhar-khabar, be- har, past-buland, nasheb-faraz, uncha-nicha, khar- bara, birh, ukhar-pukhar, jhar-pahar, sang-lakh, khSr-dar ; {harsh) na-mauzun, karakht. RuooEDNEss, kharkharahat, behara,i, na-hamwaii, karakhtagi. Ruin, kharabi, pa,emali, tabahi, pareshani, zawal, khvari. halaki, abtari, mismarl, inhidam, satyanasi, henbena,i, wabal, katil, sam-bigaru, ujaru, shikast, tafrika; {the ruins of a city) khandhar. To Ruin, (a.) bigarna, khasana, torna, khandhar-k, kharab- &c. -k, ultana, khak-k, dha-d, gira-d, kho-d, ujarna, ghalna, fakir-k, tin-tera- &c. -k, marna, torana, rulana {from ruhia., to be ruined) bitarna; {to impoverish) rauflis-k, kangal-k; (n,) bi- garna, ujarna, satyanas- &c. -h. Ruined, lAarab, kharab-Wiasta, wiran, pareshan, ujar, mismar, pa,e-mal, talaf, tabah, ^arat, halak, abtar, munhadam, bar-bad, satyanas, mal-met, hen- bena, tanataraz, khana-kharab, shikasta, ghar-kha- rab, khana-wiran, patra, chaur-chaupat, shikasta- hal- or -bal or -pa, tabas-nahas,birez-birez, turki-ta- mam, pareshan-hal, tuta-phuta, nest-na-bud, talpat, RoiNER, gharat-gar, ghalak, ghalu, uja]ran-har, ^a- rati. Ruinous, {bad), muzirr, mufsid, zabfm, bura, dhatha; {decayed) be-marammat, shikast-reUit, thta- phuta, ukhra-pukhra. Ruins, dhiha, tikar, diwar, ^araba. Rule, {government) hukm, amr, 'amal, sar-dari, sa- hibi, hank, sutra, marsum; {canon) kSndn, i:a'ida, rasm, dastur, rawish, zabita ; {measure) thikana. To Rule, (to govern) rajna, hukumat- &o. -k or -r, sikka-chalana; {to manage) dabanS, sSdhna; {lines) salakna, mistar-k, satar-khichna. Ruler, hakim, 'amil, ra,Is, amir, sar-dar, nazim whence, or from its superlative, nazzam, the Nizam), tnedha, ratik fatik ; {for drawing lines) salaka, jadwal-kash or -patti, mistar, which is made of pa- rallel threads disposed on parchment, so as to leave an impression when the paper is pressed on them. Rules and Regulations, kawanin, kawa'id. Ruling, {of lines) satar-bandi. To Rumble, harharana, dhardharana, khafkharana, gargarana, arbarana, bolna,'khaikhalana, bharbhar- ana, dhamdhamana, ghargharana, garbarand, kal- kalana, kar-kur-k, gj^ar-ghur-k. To Ruminate, pagurana, jugali-k; {to muse) bicharna, fikr-k, andesha-k, dhyan-k. To Rummaoe, dhun^hna, khojna, chhan-marna, 4huudh-dhandh-k, taktorna. Rumour, afwah, awaza, shuhrat, Hjabar, ishtihar, charcha, huhi. [phailana, chalana. To Rumour, kahni, khabar- &c. -k or -d, u^ana, RoHOURER, mukhbir. huhi-kar, mushtahir. RuHP, chutar, surin, dum-gj^aza, chakki, dhudhi, ganijiet, dhonpar. [kunjlak, juftai, justa! Rumplb, RuHpr.iNO, shikan, chin, chunan, simat, I To Rumple, torna, shikan- &c. -d, dalmasal-k, malnS- misna, simatna. Run, daur, dauj-a, dau, tagapo ; {rapid sale) cha- lan, uthan, mar, khapat, chatka ; {flow) baha.o, dhalu,o; {at the long run) akhir, akhirash, akhirko, pichhe, akhiru-l-amr. To Run, (n.) daurna, dhana, tag o po-k, rapatna, dapatna, nathna, ramana, pahunchna, rugna, barhna; {let a horse off) phenkna, uthani, phutna ; {to flee) bhagna, gurez-k ; — '— {(4 flow) bahna, jari-h, rawan-h; {to rush on) charhna, charh-baithna ; {to melt) pighalna, gaJ- na, ghulna, tighalna; {to pass) guzarna, chalna, jana, chala-jana; {to be) bona, lagna, ho-jana, ban -j ana; {tofaWj parna, girna; {to tenet) jhukna, ma,il-h; {to mix) njilna; {to pre- vail) ghalib-h: {to run down) dabana; {to run on with a story) etna, ratna ; {to run about) daurta-phirna, mara-phirna; {to run out, to leak) risna, chuna, tapakna: {to be finished) tamam-h, ho-chukna, kharj-h; {to spread) phailna; {to run away with) le-bhagna; {to run over) dhalak-j, umar-j, raundna, raun- dana ; {as a carriage) raunda-marna ; {to run over a book, &c ) parh-j ; {to run up with a wall) diwar-khainchua or -daurana; {to run in) khosna; {to run away) paJana, ram-jana; {to run after) pichhe-parua, tutna, tut-parna ; {to run into, to penetrate) paithna, cliubhna, dhasna ; {to run round) phir-ana; run, run, for God's sake run) dauro re, dauro, khuda ke waste dauro. To Run, (a.)daurana, chalana, jhonkna, dalna, mSmS, bhonkna, lana ; (a boat, &c.) charhana, Jejana; {to melt) gholna, pighlana, galaua, gudaz-k ; (goods) chauki-marna ; {to prosecute) pai- rawi-k; {to push) ghuserna, paithalna; {to run through) chhedna : '- {to run down) raged- marna ; (o hare, &c,J daura-ke-pakafna. Runaway, Runagate, bhagora, bha^ii. gurez-pJL firari, bhagelu, parhu,a, nathu, bha^. RuNDLE, danda, paya, tona, dand. Runner, dauraha, dawinda, kasid, daafak. RuNNET, jaman, chusta, joran, jawan, panir-mftya, math a. Running, bhag-a-bhag, bhagnath, rawSd, bahti, ba- hantu, chalta ; (- knot) sarak-phansi, Rupee, rupiya, or rupiya, or rupiya, taka. Rupture, {hernia) fatak, bad-khaya, and-kos, and-sot, khut, bad-fatak ; {breach) tor, sliikastagi," {ut; {disagreement) phut, bigar. To Rupture, torna, phonia; {ruptured) aia^aL Rural, dehi, dehati, ganwi, jangali, sahra,i. Rush, {straw) nagar-motha; . {violent motion) jhapat, daur, pila,o, rela. To Rusn, daurna, charhna, pilna, relna, jhapatni, pilachna, hurra-k, dhasna, dhardharana, raprapini, phadphadana ; {headlong) muridiyana. Russet, gandum-rang, finduki, ghariba-mau. Rust, zang, morcha, zangar, mail, jar ; (fur) kit, ka,i. To Rust, (n) zang- &c. -parna, or -pakarna, or -lagni, zang-aluda-h ; {in any art, &c.) fah-j, thas-h, band-h, math-k; (a.) zang- &c -daufana. Rustic, Rustical, dehi, dihkani, ganwela, gaunrO, rosta,i, dabang, jat, ganwar, gustangar. A Rustic, ganwar, dihkan, na-tarashida. Rusticity, dihkiiniyat, ganwar-pan, na-tarSshidagi, Rustiness, zang-aludagi. To Rustle, machmachana, kharkharana, jhariharani, nafharana, sarsarana, phaj-phayana. RUS { 5?45» ) SAli BtJSTLiNO, machmachahat, kharkharahat, jhaijhara- hat, sarsarahat, pharpharahat. RcsTT, zang-aluda, murchala, zang-khurda or -uftada, kund, thas. Rut, {crack of a wheel) lik, regliari, ghadar. To Rut, uthna, rat-ana, patha-mangna. Ruthless, (merciless) be-rahm, nir-daya, sang-dil. RuTTiSH, {lustful, wanton) rataha, utha, shahwati. Rtk, dfijOgandum or dew-gandum, kangaran. S. Sabbath, {of the Jews) yaumu-s-sabt, shamba; {of the Musalmans) jum'a, adina; {of the Christians) yak-shamba, itwar, rabi-bar. Sable, {fur) samur, postin. Sabre, shamsher, samsam, tegha, kharg, saif. Sacerdotal, shaikhana, gurwa,i, imami. Sachel, {small bag) thaili, juz-dan, kesa. Sack, gon, gathiya, lotha, bora, dbokra, akha, khurji, tangi, palla, tappar, lohiya, cba^I, thek, palas, khara. Sack, {plunder) mar-lut, lut-pat, takht-taraj, gharati. To Sack, mar-lena, lutna, tak^t-taraj-k. Sackbut, {kind of trumpet) alghoza, munh-kal. Saceolotb, tat, dalk, ajaf, mekhli, patti, tappar, chatti. ' " ' [gand. Sacrament, tabarmk, maha-parshad, kasam, sau- Sacred, mukaddas, majid, pak, pawan, pabitar, mu- K^alla, mubarak, harim, mutabarrik, munazzah, K^ass, makhsus ; {inviolable) be-zawal, a-badh, mamun, mustahkam, atal, a-chhut. Sacredly, rasti-se, diyanat-se, takaddus-se, paki-so. Sacrednfss, kuds, takaddus, paki, be-zawali. Sacrifice, kurban, bal, hom, med, jag, fida, nisar, tasadduk, sadka, nazar, waran, nachhawar, balihar, charbawa, bal-bakra, utara, utaran, sati, wari ; {the day of) 'idu-z-zuha ; {to become a) bala,en- lena, wari-j, balbal-j. To Sacrifice, kurban- &c. -k, warna, charhana, badhna, arapna; (a, Scarlet, sultani-surWi ; (-colour) lal or lal, surkh, kirraizi. ScATE or Skate, (for sliding on) lapchi, sekchi. To Scatter, (a) khindana, chhitkana, bithrana, cbhit- rana, chbitna, bagarnS, phailana, paraganda-k, mun- tashar-k, tin-terah-k, bakherna, nisar-k, warna ; (n.) khindna, chhitakna, bitharna, chbitna, para- ganda- &c. -h, intishar-li, bikhirna, kichrana. Scattered, tikram-bikram, birra, chida, tuta-pbuta. Scattering, (in comp.) afshan, rez, &c, as gul-afshan, scattering flowers . Scatteringly, idhar-udhar, ja-ba-ja, ilia masha. Scavenger, khak-rob, jarub-kash, mihtar. Scene, did, manzar, madd i nazar, tamasha, nama,ish, namud, faza ; (curtain) parda; (in poetry) zamin ; (of war) akhara, khet, adda; (the scene of war ought always to be carried into tht enemy's country) dushman ke mnlk men la]ra,i ka akhafa hamesha dala chahiye. 8CE ( va ) 8CB SoERERT, asbab, sauiagri, tautiya, 'alam. Scent, bo, bu, bas, mahak, gandh, kuwwat i sh&mma, nak, sunglini ; (chase) shikar. To Scent, [to smell) sunghna, gamakna, gunjna, bo- Ac. -lena ; {to perfume) basna, khush-bo-dar-k, mabak- &c. -d, mahkana. Scented, bodar, mu'attar, sa-gandh, sn-gandh. Scentless, be-bo, nir-bas, nir- gandh. [masha,in. Sceptic, Sceptical, dalil-talab, waswasi, bharmi. Sceptre, 'asa ; the ensigns of royalty in Hindustan are the chhatar. umbrella, and chaunwar, fly-brush, besides the takht, throne: a crown, taj, even, is no part of the regalia, an ornamented turban, pagri, being used instead of it. Schedule, daftar, fard, fihrist. Scheme, naksha, upa,e, mansuba, hikmat, katkana, band o bast, tadbir, bandish, sazish, fitrat, tajwiz, kiiniya, tamhid, bilabandi, bandhnu, niyat, irada; (purpose) matlab, mudda'a, parojan. Schemer, mansuba-baz, tadbiri, katkane-baz, kikmati. Schism, bid'at, rifz, phut, rakhna, khalal, fasad. Schismatic, bid'ati, rafizi, k^ariji. To Schismatize, bid'at- &c. -k, phutna. Scholar, sikh, shagird, talmiz, murid, chela, chhatri, patha, patharthi, zaban-dan; (itudeni) talib i *ilm, chatiya, bidya-arthl or vidyartlu ; (a man of letters) 'alim, fazil, kabil, muUa, khwanda, pande, parha. Scholarship, 'ilm, 'ilmiyat, fazilat, kabiliyat. Scholastic, 'ilmi, 'alimana, darsi, maktabi. Scholiast, muhashshi, mufassir, hashiya-nawis, sha- rah-nawis, tippani-karta. Scholium, sharah, hashiya, tika, tippani. School, maktab, maktab-khana, dabistan, talini" khana. madrasa, cbat-sar, sikh-sala. To School, siklilana, parhana, tarbiyat-k, adab-k. ScnooL-BOOK, darsi, maktabi-kitab. [tab. School-boy, maktabi-larka, chatsari-larka, tifl i mak- ScHOOL-FELLOw, ham-maktab, ham-dars, ham-sabak, ek-path, sasala. Schooling, akhungari. ataliki, ta'lim, tadib. School-master, akhun. ustad, mulla, mudarris, mu'allim, miyan-ji, pande, padha. School-mistress, ustani, muUani, atu, panditayan. Sciatica, (Mp-gout) 'arku-n-nisa, nikris i surin. Science, 'ilm, bidya, hunar, 'ilm o fa?l, gun, hikmat, isti'dad, kala. Scientific, 'ilmi, yaklni, 'ilmiyana. Scimitar, sarohi, nimcha, shamsher, asi, kharg. Sciolist, granth-chumbak, upar-bujh, kam-fahm. Scion, paiwand, shakh, nihal, kalam. SciRRHUs, gilti, ganth; (scirrhotis) giltl-dar, ganthila. ScissARS, mikraz, kainchi, katarni, katari. Scoff, Scoffing, ta'n, ta'n-tashni', istihza, thatha, tazhik, zahiki, ta'na-zani, thatha-ljazi, tauhin. To Scoff, ta'n- &c. -k, galiyana, angutha-dikhlana. Scoffer, ta'na-zan, ta'in, mustabzi, hazzal, zahik, hazl-go. ScoFFiNGLT, ta'na-zani- &c. -se, tazhik-se. Scold, laraki, jhagralu, kalahi, karkasa, munh-phuri. To Scold, jhagarna, gali-d, jharna, jhirakna, kilkilana, kitkitana,dagadhna,rarna, latarna, zajr-k,tashui'-k. Scolding, jhirka-jhifki, putrawaj, taubikli. Sconce, diwar-gir ; (head) bajjar, mund. Sooop, (ladle) kurni, dokiya, hatha. Tb Scoop, khakhornft. korna, kjiol-k, kundarSni. Scope, maksad, manshS, anuman ; (fPMe) 'arsa, wus'at, bistar, phaila,o, maidan. To Scorch, (a.) bholsana, jhulsana, jhonkam&, hark- ana, ausana; (n.) bhulasna, jhulasna, jhonkarni, harakna. ScoRCHiNO, sakht, sozanda or sozan, karakta. Score, khatt, lakir, nishan, lik, dandir, chachir, re- ghari ; (account) lekha, hisab ; — (twervty) kori, bisi. To Score, khatt- &c. -khichna or -d. Scorn, (contempt) ninda, istihza, istikhfaf, avagyi. To Scorn, subuk- or na-chiz or halka-janna,hikarat« &c. -k, thukna, mutna, 'ar-r or -k, &c. chu(ki par urana. ScoRNER, nindak, mustahzi, garbi, mutakabbir. Scornful, mudammigh, garbi, nindak. Scorpion, bichhu, bichhi, gazh-dum, 'akrab, te]'h{t,i, brischik ; (bastard ) pad-bicchu. ScoT-FREE, saf, be-dagh, muft, yunhi or yunhin. Scot and Lot, khiraj, mahsul, hissa-rasad ; — (to pay) kauri-bharna. Scoundrel, kurrumsak, kaltaban, bad-zat, shohda, luchcha, lakandra, beti-cliod, beti-ka-laura. To Scour, manjna, malna, saf- &c. -k, pharchan&j (to purge) jharna, chalana. Scourer, manjwa, saikligar ; — — (purge) jhif. Scourge, (lit. and fig.) chabuk, ko;:a, taziyana, kam- chi, kasa. [-jarna or -d. To Scourge, kasana, chabuk- &c. -marna -lagani ScouROER, kore-baz, kasak, taziyana-zan. Scout, jasus, har-kara, bhediya, khabar-gir or -jo Scowl, baghu,ahat, tursh-ru,i, munh-terha. To Scowl, baghu,ana, gurerna, munh-terha-k or -sakorna. Scowling, bhond-munha, aundhi-peshani. Scraggy, harkhangkhari, patia, dubla. Scramble, luta-pati, chhina-chhani. To Scramble, chhina-chhora-k, lutna, chhin-chhi- nau,a- &c. -k, jhapta-jhapti-k, chhaukna. To ScRANCH, kur-kur-chabna, mur-mur-chabna. Scrap, chhilan, tarasha, kataran, khurchan, chit, tuk, tukra, ruk'a, kuna,i ; (of paper) purza. Scrape, (difficulty, perplexity) tangi, kash-ma-ka&h, saket, zaghta, kuber, jhanjbat. To Scrape, chhilna, khurachna, siham&, chholnft, ghuntana, ghasitna, ghisakna, ragarna; (to- gether) jorjar-k, tarashna, tarash-kharash-k ; (on a fiddle) otna ; (to gather) jorna, batorna ; (to scrape acquaintance) ashna,i jorna or -lagana. Scraper, (the instrument) chholni, khurpi, rampl, khurchni, otanhar ; (for the tongue) jibhl. Scrapings, khurchan, khankharan, tah-degi. Scratch, chir, bakot, khaso]^ kharot;, dh&ri, chira, chirka, changet, khonch&. To Scratch, khujlana, nochna, bakotna, khasotn&, kliarotna, kharonchna, sahlana, khontna, chhil- or tarash-d; (-out) noch-nikalna, khurachnft, ragapia. Scratcheb, (t. the verb) khar-pusht, kharSsh-zan. To Scrawl, chichirhi-khichna, chitharna. Scrawler, bad -khatt ; (also a scrawl) bad-mar- kaz, chitharu,a. [kuk. Scream, Screech, chikh, kilkar, chillahat, chingh&r, To Scream, Screech, chichiyana, kilkari-mirna, chingharna, chikhna, alilana, kukua, kilkarna, chiii« chinana, howana, phikurna, chilchilana. Screech-owl, (ride under owl) ghughu, &c. Screen, tatti, tiitar, jhamp, ^anat, chik, parda, ot, if, asr&; (riddle) jharna. SCR ( 253 ) SEC To Screen, ot- &c. -k, otna, arna, bachJna, cHiipana; {to sift) jharna, clialna, also the sieve. Screw, pech, marori. To Screw, pech-d or -lagana; [to control) morna, bidornn, charhana, sikorna, khichna. To Scribble, kalam-kashi-k, kalam-ghasitna. Scribbler, kalam-kash. Scribe, katib, likhni-das, likhwaiya, likhnewala. To ScRiD, {as a pen) kirkirana. Scrip, ruk'a, purza, shukka, chithi. ScRiPTiTRE, {Christian) kitabimukaddas, taunt, injil ; (Hindu) puran, shastar, bed; {Muham- madan) furkan, kur.an. Scrivener, 'arzi-nawis, kabala-nawis. Scrofula, kantb-mala, sanpat, ghurglmra. Scroll, daftar, fard, lapeta. Scrotum, fota, thaili, aiidkos or andkos. Scrub, {base scoundrel) paji, sifla, dani. To Scrub, malna, ghotna, ubatna (whence nbtan, cosmetic) mardan-k. Scrubby, {mean, shabby) ganda, malamati. Scruple, shubha, shakk, ishtibah, taraddud, wahm, waswas, waswasa, sandeh, chinta. Scruple, {weight) sawa-masha, bist-dana. To Scruple, waswas- &c, -k, hadiyana, kachlyanS, bbaramna. Scrupulous, waswas!, shakki, wahmi, wahm-nak, chintit, bharmi, sandehi. Scrupulously, waswas, &c. -se, chinta-kar-ke. Scrupulousness, wahm-naki, hadiyahat. Scrutineer, muhasib, badar-nawis. To Scrutinize, imtihan- &c. -k, janchna, chhanna. Scrutiny, imtihan, azma,ish, janch-jacha,o, talash, pursish, puchh-pachh, just o jo, muhasiba. To Scuu, daurnji) bhagna, hawa- or kafur- or champat- or hur-hojana, urna. Scuffle, khicha-khichi, dhaul-dhappa, juti-paizar, lat-muki, dhakkam-dhakki, marak-mari, pachhara- pachhari, mara-raari, dhama-dham, hatha-hathi, dhaul-chhakkar, jhapta-jhapti, nikala-nikali, kalla- thalla, dhinga-dhangl, paizara-paizari, hatha-pechi, iiusht-musht, jhanjhat, chhina-chhini, jhajhor, dih- bazan. To Scuffle, dhakkam-dhakki- &c. -k. To ScuLK, chhip- or dabak- or luk- or ghus-rahna, ru-posh-h, lendiyana, kaniyana, ji-chhipana or -cho- rana, khisakna. Skulker, dabkel, kam-chor, ghusru, dhila-sal5, dubru. Scull, khopri, kasa, kasa,e sar, khapro,i. ScTJLLER, {canoe or small boat) jalwa-dengi. Scullery, bhandsar, bhandsala. [tahlawi) . Scullion, deg-sho, kamera, tahlu,a, talheru, (fem. Sculptor, nakkash, sang-tarash, but-saz or -tarash. Sculpture, nakkashi, sang-tarashi, but-sazi. Scum, kaf, gaj, phen, jhag, mail, kat, sarhi, pato,i; {of metals, &c.) guh, cbhantan, utar; {formed in tanks, &c.) ka,i; {refuse) talch- hant, gudar-khail. To Scum, mail- &c. -lena or -utarua. ScuMMER, {commonly skimmer) kaf-gir, jharna. Scupper, {of a ship) painala, abrez i jahaz. Scurf, bafa, papri, rosi, sabusa, bhusi, khos. Scurfy, paprila, sabusa-dar. Scurrility, Scurrilousness, zaban-darazi, kalla- bazi, darida-dahni, ta'n, ta'n-tashni', fuhsh, puch. Scurrilous, zaban-darax, kalla-baz, darida-dahan, puch, ganda, pajiyana. Sourrilouslt, zabin-darazi- &c, -se Scurvy, (adj. worthless) ganda, p5ji, pSjiyfinS, bad- bura, kharishti ; the disease called the scurvy is one of those peculiar disorders, with the nature and name of which the Hindus and Musalmans are probably unacquainted. Scut, {short tail) tund, tanga, dumcha. Scutcheon, taghma ; {shield) sipar, aftabi. Scuttle, ana, an ; {basket) tokri. To Scuttle, uchhalte-chalna ; {to cause sink) duba-d. Sea, samundar, darya, bahr, kulzam, sind, sagar, kala- pani, zulmat, dah, sindhu ; {-sickness) ghumni; {half seas over) nim-mast ; ■ (sea-green) darya-rangi, pista,i ; {seaman) mallah, ahl i jahaz, khalasi (vulg. clashy) ; {seamanship) mallahi, jahaz-rani ; {sea-monster) darya,i-kira ; {sea-room) maidan ; {sea-shore, sea-coast, sea-side) labi darya, kinara, karka; {sea- water) abi shor, samundar-jal. Seal, chhap, muhar, khatim, nagina; {great-) thapa, uzak-tuzak, 'adil ; {keeper of the seal) muhar-dar, muhar-bardar ; {a seal-cutter) mu- har-kan. To Seal, muhar-k; {to seal up) band-k, bandhna, sar ba muhr-b or -k. Sealed, makhtum, sar-ba-muhar. pakh-ki batti. Sealing-wax, lakh, lah ; {a stick of sealing-wax) Seam, dokht, siwan, jor, darz, sat, reghi ; {tallow) shahm. To Seam, jorna, milana ; {to mark) daghna. Seamless, be-dokht, be-darz, sila.i-rahit. Seamstress, sine-hari, sine-wali, darzin, hunar-mand, si,an-hari or siyan-hari. Seamy, darz-dar, dokht-dar, &c. To Sear, gul-d, daghna, jhulas-d. Search, klioj, talash, dhundh, just o jo, dhund-dhand, tafahhus, taftish, jhara-jhuri, paniha,i, tag-o-po. To Search, dhundhua, khojna, talash- &c. -k, jhara- or talash-lenaj herua, johana, tankih-k, dith-lena, langa-jhari-lena, khodni-k, kliod-khad-k, pichhe- painde-parua, khoj-marna, dhundhta-phirua, dekh- hhal-k, chhan-marna; {to grope) tipna; — — {to probe) tatolna, tona ; {to search out) khoj- or dhundh-nikalna. Searcher, khoji, talashi, mutalashi, dhundha,u, khoj-waiya ; (in comp.) jo. Season, mausam, fasl, rit, rut, aiyam, wakt, samo or samai, din, ta,o, sah ; {for a season) chand-roz, kai-ek din. To Season, masalat-d or -d, maza-dar-k, chashni- dar-k, maza-d, namkin- &c. -k, dam-d, sondha-k, anwasna, urahna, dungharna, bagharna; {to imbue) bharna, pur-k ; {to mature) pukhta-k. mazbut-k, sakht-k. Seasonable, Seasonably, bar-wakt, ba-mauka', bar-mahal, suber, bar-aiyam, ja,e-sir. Seasoned, salona, masalah-dar, namkin. Seasoning, masalah, maza-dari or maze-dari. SEAT,baithak, nishast, jalsa, chauki, masnad, baithaka, takht-posh, nishast-gah ; {ofafamiU/) bunyad; {country) chaunri, chatsar, khaua-bari; {on a horse) asan ; {to have a firm seat on horseback) jam-baithna; {to sit a horse) asan- lagna or -jamna. To Seat, baithalna, bithana or baithana. Seated, baitha-hu,a ; {on horseback, &c.) sawar. Sebestens, sipistan, lahsora, sag-pistan. To Secede, nikalna, bahar-ana, chhutna, ^irij-h. A Seceder, khariji, gosha- or kinara -gir, Hialwat-gir To Secern, rezisli-k, chho]:na. SEC y 254 ; SEI Secessiou. phut, itizal, inhiraf, bahir-gaman. To Seclude, bahar-k, kharij-k, alag-k, juda-k. Second, dusra, duyum, sani, manjhla, agla, duja ; — — (of time) bipal, saniya. Seojnd, (sub.) sathi, h&ml, madad-gar, pashtiban, dutiyS. To Second, madad-k, pushti-d, asra-d, th&mbhna, Bambh&lna. Secondary, sani, dusra. Second-hand, utara or utara-hu,&, isti'mali, mos- ta'mal. Secondly, 8&m,an, dusre, sani,al-bal, duwnm. Second-sight, 'ilm i ^aib, agam-bidya. Second-siqhted, ghaib-dan, agam-jani or -gyani. Secrecy, ilAfa, parda, poshidagi, raz-dari, parda- poshi, chhipa,o ; (solitude) tanha,i, khilvat. gosha-giri, inziwa ; [silence) khamoshi, sukut. Secret, poshida, chhipa, makhfi, pinhan, mastur, gupt, gha,ib ; (-anecdotes) raz i nihufta ; (retired) tanha, akela, nirala; (close) parda- posh, raz, raz-dar. Secret, (sub.) bhed, raz, sirr (pi. asrar) ant, pet, maram, nakdi dil, pet ki bat. Secretary, mir-munshi, mahram-raz, mantrl, musa- hib, huzur-nawis. Secretaryship, munshi-gari, huzur-nawisi. To Secrete, chhipana, chhipa,e-r, ikhfa-k, poshida- Ac. -k, satkana ; (to screen) chhorana, bilgan^, tafrik- &c. -k. Secretion, rezish, tafrik, bilga,o. Secretly, chhipke, chhipake, khufiya, bhitar, gli&.ib- ana, balabala, chora-chori, chhipe, upar-upar. Secretness, (secrecy) parda-poshi, raz-dari. Sect, zat, jat, firka, guroh, jama'at, panth, mashab* tafrik, farik. Sectary, rafiai, Wiariji, ahl i bid'at, mubtadi', panthi. Section, fasal, kat'a, tafsil, takti', khand, kand, sha'ba, sipara, makala, nau', kism, misal. Secular, dunya-dar, dunyawi, girhisti. » Secdndine, jer, jhilli, nar-biwar, kherhi, aiiwar, jhar, jholi, mataur. Secure, (v. safe) mamun, mahfuz, masun, salamat, musallam, be-Hiatra; (assured) ka,im, mazbut. To Secure, (to protect) bachana, mabfuz- &c. -r, aman- &c. -d, thambhna, samhalna, khunt-b, mu- karrar-k, thahrana; (to keep in custody) pakar- k, bandh-r, kaid-kar-r. Securely, aman- &c. -se, be-khatra, nir-bliay, ni- dharak. Security, bacha,o, aman, amniyat, salamati, ^air, manauta, manauti, zamini, zimma-dar or -war, taka- cul, jatan; (protection) paDsh, saya, asra, ar, ihtiyat ; (bail, the person) jjamin, kafil ; [the bond given) khatt i zamini:, (carelessness) be-khabari, dhil ; (to be or become security for another) otna, zamin-h. Sedan, bocha, khanjar, jhora, taikht-rawan. Sedate, Sihista, gambhira, dhima, dbiri, s&hasi, nichal, pitmar ; (serene) karar, a-dol. Sedately, chup-chap, ba-karar, ahistagi-ae. Sedateness, karari, sahas, nichalta, pitm&ri. Sedentariness, sukunat, be-harkati, &c. Sedentary, sakin, be-harkat, baisandu, kam-harkat, ka'id, ghar-ghuswa, macbetof ; (-projfession) sakunat-pesha. Sediment, tarchhat, durd, gadh, kat, g§d. Sedition, hangama, balwa, fasad, fitna, danga, &shob, bagliawat, raula, dund, futtir. (aufa. Seditious, h&ghi, sar-kasb, na-farman, fitna-angea, niufsid, dangait, futuriya, tantait, mufsidana. Seditiously, sar-kashi- &c. -se, na-farmani-se. Sedttiousness, sar-kashi, na-farmani, fitna-angezi, mufsidi, dangaiti. To Seduce, phuslana, warghalana, bhulana, bhat- kana, ighwa-k, be-rah-k, bigarna, gnm-rah-k, phorna, jhans-lena, ubharna, udhalna, adham&, kutnana, phor-Iena, lubhana. Seducer, phuslaha, ghawi, muzill, bigaru, jhansAf phoranhar, ubharu, udhalu, udbaru, bhula,u. Seduction, Seducement, ighwa, izlal, gum-rahi, be- rahi, bhatka,o, fan-fareb, phuslahat, phor, jhansiL,o, udhar, kutnapa. Sedulous, sa*i, koshishi, sar-garm, chaukas, ma»h- ghul. Sedulously, mihnat- &c. -se, jidd-o jihd-se. Sedulousness, mihnat, masbakkat, sa,i, koshish, sar- garmi. See, dekho, tak, chito ; (see now) dekho to. To See, (a.) dekhna, nazar- &c. -k, dekh-pana, ni- harna, takna, chitauna, herna; (n.) milna, sujhna: the verbs milna and sujhna are generally, perhaps always, used inrersely : how can I see in the dark f kyuhkar mujbe andhere men sujhe, i. e. how can sight come in the dark to me ? Seed, bij, binj, biya, tukhm, bazr, dana, bihan ; (of cotton) binaula; (progeny, &c.) nizhad; (having the) danadar, binaulidar ; (sperni^ mani, pani, peshab, mut. To Seed, bijiyana ; (to seed cotton) otna. Seedling, (plant) bihan, chara. Seedlip, (or seedlop) adhiya. Seed-pearl, (the small grain of) reza-moti. Seed-plot, bi,ar, bihinaur (from bihin„ap2an^. Seedsman, tukhm-farosh. Seed-time, bowara, bo,a,i, bawag, zaman i zar'. Seedy, bijar, bijala, tukhmi, pur-tukhm, bijaila. Seeing, (vision) sujh, bina,i ; (in comp.) bin; (seeing that) jab, yih dekh ke, kyunkar. To Seek, dhundhna, khojna, suragh- or ahat-Iena, talash-k; (to contrive) fikr-men-h, fikr-k; (to solicit) mangna, chahna, darkhwast-k. talab-k, sawal-k, du'a- &c. -k. Seeker, khoji, talib, mustad*!, talashi, jo,inda, khwa- han, lagu; (in comp.) jo, khwah or talab. To Seel, sina, top-d, chashm-dokhta-k. To Seem, sujhna, sujh-ana or -parna, malum-b, dikh- • la,i-d, nazar-ana, jan-parna, lagna, ana. disna, zahir-h ; (it seems) ma'lum hota, na^ar ata, aisa ma'lum parta hai. Seemer, Seeming, dekha,u, zahir-dar, zabir-nnma- Seemingly, dekhne-men, zahira or zahiran, bahar. Seemliness, khush-numa,i, tarah-dari, zeba,i, sajSr wat, dekhnaugi. Seemly, dekha,u, didaru, khush-numH, zeba, darsani, dekhne-yog or jog. Seemly, (adj.) khush-numa.i- &c. -se. Seen, dida, azrauda, dekha-hu,a, mu'ayana. Seer, ahU-basirat; (in comp.) bin; (jpro- phet) ghaib-dan. Seesaw, jhula-jhflli, jhuma-jhumi, dubak-chal, ut&r- charha.o, ghaltan-pechan. To Seesaw, tale-upar-ana, bharni-k, ghota-m&rn&. To Seeth, sijhaua, usinna, sijhna. Segment, kat'a, tukra, kash, pheni, ph&nk, ko,i, khosha. Ssine, (large fishng-net) chatar, mah&-jal. SEI ( 255 ) SEN ToSbize, pakarna, babz-k, girift-k, hathiyana, gahna, chhinna, chorna, pakar-r, lena, daba-lena, le-lena, chhin-lena, kurk-k, zabt-k, 'amal-kar-lena, pakar- dhakar-k, dhar-pakar-k, akhaz-jar-k, pakarna, dha- karna, chandarna, chhandna, bandhna, dabochna. SaiZED, ma gh sub. girifta, giriftar. Seizure, (v. the verb) tashklur, kurki, zabti, chhina,o, chhora,o, gyari, ghasb. Seldom, kam, thora, kabM-kabhi, gah-gah, kamtar, ba-nudrat, nadiran. Select, Selected, muntakhab, chiina-hu,a, chokha, intikhabi. bachhu,a, muhra. To Select, chunna, barana, chhantna, chun-chhan- lena, chida-k, intikhab-k, bachhna, nikalna, le-lena, kabul-k, man-k, man-k. Selection, intikhab, chuna,o, chhant, bachh, bara,o. Selector, chininda, cbunwaiya, bachhwaiya, inti^abi; (in comp.) chin. Self, ap, apne, khud, zat, nafs, atam or atma ; (your) khud-ba-daulat, ap-rup, sri-mukh ; (in comp.) i, hi ; (/ gave it to himself) us-i-ko diya main ne; (l gave it to yourself) main ne tum-hi-ko diya; {mi/self, &c.) api-ap; {to be one's self) ap-men-rahna ; {beside one's self &c.) ap se bahar-h ; {selves) ap ; {we ourselves shall go) ham ap sab ja,enge. Self-conceit, ^ud-numa,i, khud-bini, khud-parasti, khad-faroshi. khud-ra,i, khud-pasandi, man-mauj, apman. Self-conceited, Self-sufficient, khud-numa, ^ud-parast, khud-pasand, khud-bin, khud-farosb, ap-mani, khud-ra,i, man-mauji. Self-deceit, khud-ghalti, khud-farebi. Self-defence, Self-preservation, ap-rachha, hifii- zat i nafsi, atara-rachha or atma-raksha. [war*. Self-denial, khud-shikani, nafs-kushi, man-man, Self-evident, badihi, atam-nami, mushtahir-bi-z- zat, Wiud-zahir, azhar min ash-shams. Self-existing, wajibu-l-wajM, ka,im-bi-zatilu, khud-hast ; {being) khuda. Self-interest, Self-love, Selfishness, Self- sufficiency, khud-gharaz, khud-matlabi, atam- pokbahi, ap-swarth, khud-parasti, nafs-parwari, ap- adhapl, nafsaniyat, ap-kar, ap-anha,i, nafsa-nafsi. Selfish, gharaz-mand, Wiud-gharzi, ^ud-matlab, ap-swarthi, atam-palak, nafs-parwar, khud-parast, tanha-khor, ekal-^ora, ibnu-l-gharz, gharz-ba,ola. To BE Selfish, ap-ap-k or -pukarna, &c. apni-gana, pet-palna. Selfishly, ^ud-gharz-se, &c. Self-morder, nafs-kushi, atam-ghat, khud-knshi. Self-pollution, gatar-chodi. Self-praise, khud-faroshi, Wiud-sana,!. Self-same, ekhi, eki, wuhi, yihi, wuhi--wTih, aphi- wuh, bi-jinsi-hi ; {state, &c.) jyon ka tyon, jaisa ka taisa. ijELF-wiLL, ^ud-ra,l, atam-budh, khud-'akli. To Sell, (a.) bechna, ^arachna, faro^t-k, bai'-k, chala-d, juda-k, mol-d, bikana ; (- scripture) hadiya-k ; {outright) khatt-kash-bechna ; (n.) bikna, lagna, khapna,katna, chahia, rawa-rau-par-h. Seller, ba,i', ba,i', bechwaiya, bechan-har ; (in comp.) farosh, bechwa, wala, faroshanda. Selvage, kinara, anwanth. Selves, ap, ^nd, Sipas, &c. (v. self, your). Semblance, {garb, dress, &c.) libas, bhes, surat. Semi, (in comp.) adh, nim, nisf, ardh. BiMiciRCLK, nim-da,ira, adh-ghera, nisf i da.ira. Semidxametek, nisf i ^utr, nim-^utr or nim i kutr. (- weakness) dhat, patli man!. Semilunar, ardh-chandra, nisfu-l-i:amn, hilal-daoK hilali. Seminal, tukhmi ; rikakat i nutfa. Seminality, kuwwat i tukhmi. sat. Seminary, madrasa, maktab, ta'lim-khana, dabist&n. Semiproof, nim-shahadat, nim-dalalat, Semitone, adh-sur, nim-ahang. Sempiternal, sarmad, da,im, an-ant, be-intihii. Sempstress, si,an-hari, gulan-hari. Senate, majlis, gur-mata, amiri-majlis. Senate-house, diwan i 'amm, diwan-^ana. Senator, ahli majlis, majlisi, mudabbir. To Send, bhejna, pathana, chalana, chalan-k, rawana- k, irsal-k, daurana, pahunchana, bhijwa-d ; {to grant) dena, bakhshna ; {to inflict) dalna, nazil-k ; {to send ahd tell) kahla-bhejna, khabar-bheing, ; {to send out of the way) nikal- na, khiskana, satkana; {to send for) bula- bhejna, mangana or mangwana. Sender, bhejwaiya, pahunchane-wala. Senescence, sathiyahat, burhiyahat (from sathiyana, burhiySna, senescere). Se'nnight, hafta roz, aj ke bar, agla; {come on Wednesday se'nnight) agle budh ko a,o. Seneschal, {marshal) mir-bakawal, mir-saman. Senior, bara, kadim, kabir, kalan, buzurg. A Senior, buzurg, pir, shail^ or shekh, bara. Seniority, bafa,i, kalani, Ifidamat, buzurgi. Senna, sana, sana e makki. Sense, Sensation, hiss (pi. hawass), ihsas, jan, sat, chetanta, ras, laga,o, kuwwat, karam, iudri, sakt, ji, lamisa, hoshgosh, sudh, ausan, bibekh, lazzat ; {pleasant) suras (opposed to kuras) ; {intellect) 'akl, fahm, idrak, mat, chet, surt, imtiyaz, tamiz, lihaz ; {meaning) ma'ni, mazmun, mafhum, arth, matlab, karina, lachhna ; {knowledge) ■wukuf, Wiabar, gyan ; {place) mauka' ; {in this sense) is mauka' men ; (common sense) hiss i mushtarik ; {to be in one's se7ises) apne jame meu-h; {the five senses) hawass i khamsa. pach-ras. ." enseless, be-hiss, be-hawass, be-harkat, sun, niras, be-jan, nirji, be-sudh, nir-budhi, murchhit: (stupid) be-wakuf, hawass-bakhta, na-dan, a-chet, na-samajh, be-fahmid ; (absurd) be-huda, be- ma'ni. [&c. -se. Senselessly, be- gh airat, be-hamiyat, be-wukufi- Senselessness, be-hawassi, be-hudagi, be-ghairati. Sensibility, tunuk-hawassi, chhan-bidhansi, nazuki, waswas, wahm, hamiyat, ghairat, an, kan. Sensible, hassas, rasar, zi-hiss; (perceptible) kabili-hiss, mahsus; (aware) wakif, 'alim, mahram, jankar; (convinced) ka,il, mukirr, parajit, mutayakl^an, ma'kul; (wise) dana, danish-mand, mat-man, ba-ja, tunuk-hawass. Sensibleness, mahsiisiyat, hassasl, hassasiyat, hiss- hazri, nazuki. [&c. -se. Sensibly, zahira, bahar, ba-wuljuf, 'akil, t«z-fahmi" Sensitive, jan-dar, jita, zinda, sakti, byapak ; (conscious) mutanabbih, chetan. Sensitive Plant, lajalu, ruthni. Sensobium, brahmand, ja,e-hiss, mahsas, dimagh. Sensual, nafsani, shahwati, shaukin, rasik, rasiya. A Sensualist, shahwat-parast, nafs-parwar, mush- tahi, rasila, nafs- or hawa- &c. -parast. Sensuality, nafsaniyat, shahwat, masti, shahwat-pa- rasti, hawa o hawas, nafs i ammara, rasika,i. hawa, nafs-parasti, &c. rangras. / SEN ( 256 ) SET SEKSTJAitT, mast!- &c. -Be, shahwat-se. Sentence, (derision) fatwa, hukm, kaza. tajwiz, badan, padbirt, su'chan, faisal-nama, taV.ir-nama; (of death) kisas ; (maxim) masal, zarbu-1-masal, inakiilajfau!, bat, kahawat; —(period) kalam, jumla, ayat, fikra, bhSg. To Sentence, hukm- &c. -d or -k ; (to pronounce $enter.ce of death) katWahaVm-k. Sententigis, nukta-pardaz, makfila-go, nukta-sanj, kalilu-1-lafz wa kasiru-l-ma'ni, matin, pur-maghz, masal- &c. -go. Sententiouslt, iUitisar-se, pur-maghzi-se. Sententiousness, matanat, ikbtisar, pur-maghzi, &c. Sentiment, samajh, bujh, fikr, ra,e, zann, kiyas, an- desha, tadbir, ghaur, khiyal, ji-ki bat, mat. Sentinel, Sentry, pas-ban, pahriya, chauki-dar, pasl. Sentry-box, kothi, ch'auki. Separabi-e, kabilu-1-iftirak, mumkinu-1-fark, mum- kinu-t-tafrik, bilga,u, phutne-jog, bi!gane-jog, biclihra.u, juda,i-pazir, infikak-pazir. Separate, Separated, juda, alag, alga, tafawut, 'alahida, munfasal, bhin, mafrulc, mutafawat, muta- farrak, muhajar, muntakhab, nyara. To Separate, (a.) juda- &c. -k, bichhorna, khind- anSl, ucherna, barana, torna, katna, kat-r, chhur- 5na, bi'lgana, phorna, phor-lena, du,i-d, bitharna, utarna; (n.) juda- &c. -h, khindna, bichharna, katna, tutna, phutna, bilagna, phut-rahna, mahjur- h, munfakk-h. Separately, juda-juda, alag-alag, fardan-fardan, ek- ek, mufassalan, tafsilan, (kfa-daf a, jinswari, phut- phut. Separation, juda,i, bichhara,o, muhajarat, iftirak, tafrik, tafsil, bilga,o, du,i, infikak, tafarika, tatar- ruka, tafraka, phut, bichhoha, bithari, mufarikat. Septangular, haft-gosha, sat-kona, musabba'. SEPTEMBEft, kunar, asin, asoj, asjuk, ikh. Septenary, (sub.) satta, hafta ; (adj.) haft-guna. Septennial, haft-sali, haft-sala, sat-barsa. Septic or Septical, gala.u, sara,u. Septilateral, haft-pahlu, sat-kona. Septuagesimal, &c., sattar-wan, haftada. Septuple, sat-parta or -guna or -lara or -taha. Sepulchral, turbati, dafani, kabarl. Sepulchre, Sepultre, gor, kabar, mazar, turbat, dar-gah, markad, rauza, astana, satiwara, dher, sambadh. Sequel, akhir, 'akibat, intiha, nihayat, khatm, par- nam, khamiyaza; (consequence) natija, phal. To Sequester, Sequestrate, (separate) alag- &c. -r or -k, bar-taraf-r ; (the property qf a debtor) kurk-k, chhenkna. Sequestration, 'uzlat, gosha-mshini, tanha,!; (0/ goods) kurki, chhenk, rok, chhenka,o, gyari, zabti, kurk. Seraglio, zanana, haram-sara,e, chor-mahal, mahal- 8ara,e, khurd- or khass-mahal, antah-pur, ranwas. Seraph, israfil, firishta e kabir. [or -gana. Serenade, nihbilap ; (to serenade) nihbilap-k Serene, sakin, be-harkat, ahista, isthir, dhima, dhira, ba-karar, mutahamniil, sakinu-t-tab', salimu-t-tab', saf, pharchha, nirmal, nichal, thaudha. Serenely, ahistagl- &c. -se, faraghat-se. Sere.vity, Sereneness, Serenitude, asa,ish, fisfi- dagi, aram, sukh, faraghat, be-harkati, sakQnat, karikr, ahistagi, tahammul, isthirtiv, dhiraj, burd- biri ; (clearness) pharchha,i, ujjalta, safa,i. Serjeant, daf-d&r, dah-bashi, mirdaha ; (among our sipahis) I^awal-dar, from hawala-dashtan, to have inek«urg$. Series, sarisbta, silsila, daur, Iaga,o, lagSt&rl,lafban<) Serious, gambhira, garuha, mutahammil, sochl sangin, wazani, ahista, bi.smadi, malul ; (weighty^ bara, bhari ; (are you really serious f) waka^ sach kahte ho ? Seriously, tahammul- &c. -se; (in earnest) sach, thatha-bar-taraf, fil-hakikat, nafsu-l-amar, ^kl« katan. Ser[ousne68, tahammul, sanjidagi, mutahiimmill dhirta, soch, ahistagi, wazn, bisma.o. Sermon, wa'z, naslhat, khutba, sichha, dugana, pan^ Serous, patla, abi, pansa. Serpent, samp, nag, sarp, mar, azhdaha, aH. Serpentine, sampila, mar-pech, pech-dar, pecbili, sampola; (atone) samp-ki pathri, sarp-man, mar-muhra. Serrated, dandana-dar, dantila. ' Servant, naukar, chakar, sewak, muiazim, khadim- nafar, tahlu,a, adml, jawan, l^idmat-gar, khidmat« guzar, namak-khor or -khwar or -khur, kam-kaji, banda, tabi', jilau-dar, roz-gari, darmaha-dar, ahl " rozgar, naukri-pesha, kamera, chakraha; (fe- male) naukarni, chakarni, sewakin j (the ser- vants) shagird-pesha, naukar-chakar ; (head servants) 'amala, logbag; (land given to per- vants) chakran. To Serve, naukri-k, rozgar- &c. -k, chakar-h, kam> ana, pahunchana, dena ; (to do) karna ; • (with drink) pilana ; (with meat) khilana; (-in, -up, -victuals) chunna, nikalna, ntarna ; (to assist) madad, &c. -k, pushti- &c. -d, thambhn§; (to satisfy) razi-k, razamand-k, ser-k, khush-k; (to treat) sulflk-k ; — — (to be subservient to) tabi'- &c. -h, manna, pujna ; (to answer) bona, banna, nibhna, thik-ana, chalna, bahut-h, kafl-h, bas-h, kifayat-k, wa^-k, kam-ana; (to stand instead of) 'iwa^-h, badal-h, ka,im, makam-h, bharti-h. Service, naukari, chakari, sewa, tahal, khidmat, khid- mat-gari, khidmat-guzari, bandagi, sewaka,i, kasb, rozgar, pesha ; (military-) sipah-gari ; — — — (attendance) rifakat, hazir-bashi, sanghat ; — — (business) kam, kar, kaj ; (advantage) fa,ida, naf ' ; (assistance) tai:wiyat ; (worship, &c.) 'ibadat, bandagi, puja ; (obligation) ihsan, upakar, sardi-garmi, dhup-chhanw, chotchapet ; ■ (of victuals) paros ; (to be at one's service) hazir-h ; (/ am at your service) main hazir hun ; (to be in office or service) kam-r. Serviceable, (beneficial) mufid, fa,ida-mand, sud- mand, kami, kam-ka ; (diligent) mihnati, kar- guzar, kar-pardaz, chust-chalak ; (officious) fuzul-kar or -khidmat, sughar-siyan. Serviceableness, fa,ida-mandi, sud-mandi, munafa', istifada, gun-kar; (officiousness) fuzul-kari, sughar-siyani. Servile, chaplus, kha,e-bardar, kha,e-les. kha.e-m&l, khush-amadi, paji-mizaj, ghuliimana, pajiyaua, malamati. Servilely, chaplusi- &c. -se, pajiy^na. Servility, Servileness, Servitude, chaplusi, kha,e- bardari, kha,e-lesi, khush-amad,lallo-patto, bandagi, ghulami. 'ubudiyat ; (subjection) ita'at, tabi'- ^ri, hukm-barda i, adhiuta. Serum, pani, panchha, zarb-ab, manj, majji, nans&. Sesame, til, kunjad, simsim. Session, baithak, julus, ijlas, majlis, jalsa, mahkamA. Set,. (part.) sakhta, banaya; • (with jewels) mil- kaliaf, murassa', mauzu'. Set, (sub. sort) ganj, mel, jor, the, ta, jori ; ( &c. -len&, -d, or -lagana, sharakat- &c. -r, sharik- &c. -h ; {to sfize) lutna. Share-bone, peru-ki haddi. Sharer, bhagi, hissa-dar, bahra-mand, sahim, bakh- rait, pattidar; (in comp.) bakhsh . {divider) kasim, bantwaiya. Sharing, (in comp.) bakhshi, whence zar-bakhshi. Shark, nihang, sher i dariya,i, seli, naka, hingar ; (cheat) thag, chhal-grahi. To Shark, shikar-k, thagna, fareb-d. Sharp, tez, chokha, ab-dar, burran, kati', paina, barrak, dardara; (pointed) nokiia or nukil&, aniyara ; (acid ) tursh, amlana ; (shrill) patla, barik, zir ; (severe) karri., tund ; (piercing) katila, salak, dasila; (quick) chau- kanna, chatkila, jald, chalak. Sharp, (in music) zir, ta i. To Sharp, (n. to cheat) sughar-chataki- &c. k. To Sharpen, tez- &c. -k, chokhana, painani, lagana, barh-d or -r, nok-nikalna, pitana. Sharper, sughar-chatak, chonge-baz, dhaudhaliya, natkhat, chhakke-panje-baz, uchakka, dhurt, bar- hiya, rinmar, mal i mar'dum-khor. rubah-baz. Sharping, sughar-chataki, chongebazi, nat-kha(i, chhakka-panja, uchak-pan, dhurta,i. Sharply, tezi- &c. -se, turshi-se. Sharpness, tezi, chokha,i, ab-dari, kat, burrish, barh, turshi, patla,i, rakakat, hariki, shiddat, sakhti. chauksa,i, chatak, chaiaki, jaldi. Sharpset, mushtahi, bhukh-mu,a. Sharp-sighted, tez-nazar, chau-ankha, tez-nigah. Sharp-visaged, paina-munh, tez-wajh or -ru. Shatter, chur, tukra, reza, purza. To Shatter, (a.) chur- &c. -k, chikna-chur-k, pasb- pash-k; (n.) tukra-tukra-h. To Shave, (a.) mundna, ghotaa, banana, hajamat-k, islah-k, ^att-banana, bal-banana or -mundna, khi- zabi ahani-k, chhaurna, kamaua ; (and mourn) bhadar-k ; (to pare) chhilna, tarashna, katna. Shaven, mundla, darhmunda, rish-tarashida. Shaver, mundwaiya, 'ashil^ ; (he is a cunning shaver) wuh pakka sunar hai. Shaving, chhilan, chhilka, tarash, munda,!, chhaur. Shawl, shal, tusi ; (adj.) shali ; (a shawl) handkerchief) shali rumal; du-shala is a double piece of shal; (a shawl weaver) shal-baf. She, (v. he, it) : as she, in this language, can only be distinguished from he by the gender of the verb, &c., the Hindustani is exposed to a slight ambiguity, which the context will in general clear up. She, (adj. female) mada, istri-ling ; thus, rubahi mada, a she fox. Sheaf, pula, unti, gaira, dasta, bharota, sawa, arp&; (of arrows) mutha. To Shear, (to shave) katarna, mikraz, &c -k ; (to reap) katna, launa. Shears, (scissars) katarna, mikraz, kaincbi; (a i^rop) ghohsa, bhit-bhera ; — — (shearage) mun- dan, from mundna, to shear or sha^e, q.v. Shear-water, tatihrl, parewa. Sheath, (scabbard) ghiliif, khol, dohar, kholr&,i, galta, khap, ghar, miyau or niyam. To Sheathe, miyan- &c. -k, ghildf- &c. -t; (to Jit with a scabbard) kiithi-b; (to cover) marhna, lewa-d ; (in physic) lipajaa, lape^i, iglal^-k, chikuana, phislana. Shed, chau-bara. piilani, baila, tongi, dopakha, usara, baiiwi ; (in comp.) rezi, jbarL SHE ( 259 ) SHO To Shed, (a.) dalna, girana, dhalna, bahana, nikalna, dena, jharna, lena, pina, chu,aaa, bltna, tapkana, phenkna; (tears) ashk-fishan-h, ashk-bar-h, ab-dida-h; (n.) girna, jharna, bahna ; {to shed blood) khun-rezi-k, Hxan-Wv-wari-k, lohu-pina. Shedder, (in comp.) rez, as ^un-rez, a hlood- shedder. Shedding, sub. (of blood) khun-rezl ; (of leaves) barg-rezi, pat-jhari. Sheep, bher (pi. bheren), mesh, gospand; (ram) bhera, dumba ; (ewe) dumbi ; (a flock of sheep) lenhda, galla. Sheep-cot, &c. bher-sala, bara, bher-sar, baithan. Sheepish, munh-chor, bhola, nimana, hadiyana. Sheepishness, munh-chori, hadiyahat, ramida-Wio,i. Sheep-shearing, bher-mundan; (sheepskin) nieshi or meshi chamra. Sheep's-eyb, hijab-chashmi, karashma-nazri, bhej-- aukha. Sheep-walk, bherwas, chara-gah, raaicmn. Sheer, (cleaji) saf, nira, luch, be-laga,o. To Sheer off, khisakna, satakua, bara- or katrS-jina. Sheet, chaddar, chadar, du-patta, fard, rida, uparna, ek- Sec -patta, dohar, ekla,i, pichhori, tura,i ; (of paper) ta,o, takhta, juz, Shelp, takhti, tand, patra, patni, argara, machan, jtak, rawak, tabka ; (hanging) chhika ; (to put on the shelf) tak par-r. Shell, chhilka, khulra,i, kauri, lAar-muhra, khaprohi, kachkara, tliikra ; (lac) lakchapra; (adj.) si pi, sadafi; ("/ "^^ animal) sip, sadaf, kaura, ghoilgha, sankh, muhra; (of a turtle) khopri; (of a cocoa) khol, kali ; (of a house) chau- kandha, char-diwari, thathari. Shelter, bacha,o, ar, panah, saya, chhaiiw, artala, arar, muhra, poshish. To Shelter, (a.) arna, saya- &c. -d or -k, chhipana; (n.) chhipna, bach-rahna or baithna; (to take shelter) panaJbi- &c. -pakarna or -lena, daman -pa- karna. Shelterless, be-ar, be-panah, nir-asraya or -ashraya. Shelving, (sloping, &c.) dhalu, dagraun, utar-char- ha,o. Shepherd, bheri-hara, gareriya, galla-ban, chaupan, chik, gaddi, ghosi, gop, dhungar, pasban, shuban, jj^'i- (a cow-herd) pali, baldi, bhains-war, bhainsiya. [nayaka, priya. Shepherdess, bheriharin, gopi, brajbal, brajnar, ahirin. Sherbet, sharbat, pana, pana, bu^ra, afshora. Sheriff, fauj-dar, chakla-dar, hakim, shik-dar; in Arabia the chief magistrate is called sharif (i.e. noble, &c.) whence the sharif of Makka, or, as our travellers will have it, the sheriff oi Mecca. Sheriffdom, fauj-dari, chakla-d&ri. Shield, dhal, sipar, girda, phari, chakti, aftabi, tip ; (armed with a shield) dhalait ; (-bearer) sipar-bardar ; (-maker) sipar-saz. To Shield, (to shelter) dhal- &c. -d ; (to ward off) rokna, chhenknSi, tal-d. Shift, (v. expedient) surat, daur, daul, nibah, guzran ; (stratagem) jatan, hikmat, fitrat, cbaritr, fikr, tadbir, bazi, da,o, gha,i,'hirki, ba,oli; (evasion) •uzr, tal-bal; (of linen) jora, paihra,o. To Shift, (n.) phirta-rahna, dolta-rahna, phira-k, banna, nibhna, din-katna or -bharna ; (to cAan^f) phirna, badalna ; (to fare) nibah- &c. -k; (a.) pherna, badal-d, -d, or -lena, utarna; (to remove) talna, utha-r, sarkana. Shifter, charitri, dag^a-baz, hila^-saZ) hila-gar. Shiftless, la-char, be-par, be-ifehtiyar, be-bas. Shilli-shalli, aga-pichha, pas o pesh, shash o panj, ulmel, dar-mardar, han-nah, a,un-a,un, ja,un-ja.un. Shilt, wahshat- &c. -.se, rukha,i-se. Shin, nari ; (shin-bone) phili ki haddi. To Shine, chamakna, jhalakna, laukna, raushan- &c -h, khulna, jagmagana ; (as evening) sham- phulaa; (to be eminent) ha,]Qa., namud-h, sar- taj-h, mumtaz-h. O^S^* pharchha. Shining, Shiny, darakhshan, lami', shu'le-war, jag- Shiness, wahshat, bharak, chahunk, an-mel, hadiya- hat, kaniyahat, rukha,i, khich. Shingle, lakri ki patri ; (shingles) kachh dad. Ship, (vessel) jahaz, niwara, bohit, tarni, safina, kishti, na,oghurab; (in comp. denoting state, condition, &c.) pan, pana, gari, i, a,i. To Ship, charhana, bharna, ladna, aikal-d or -d. On Shipboard, jahaz-par, sawar. Shipmaster, na-khuda, kishti-ban, sahib i jahaz. Shipping, bahar, jahaz ki kasrat. Shipwreck, jahaz-shikani, na,o-tor. To Shipwreck, (a.) torna, tabah-k; (n.) tabah-h. Shire, chakla, fauj-dari, zil' or zila' (vulg. zillah) . Shirt, kamis, pairahan, mail-khora. Shirtless, be-jama, be-pairahan, be-^amis. To Shit, ponkna, hag-bharna or -dena. Shiver, chur, tukra, tutan, khapri. To Sever, (n.) kampna, daldalana, thartharana, la- razna, larzish- &c. -k, halakna, halhalani, dhuk- dhukana, hurhurana, harharana, jhurjhurana, phur- harana, sisakna, sirsirana ; (to shatter) chur- chur-h, chikna-chur-h ; (a. to break to pieces) chur-chur-k, chikna-chur-k. Shivered, pash-pash, chikna-chur, purza-purza. Shivering, (trembling) tharthari, kapkapi, halhalahat, hurhurahat, phuraliri, sarsarahat. Shivery, chur-chura, bhur-bhura. Shoal, ghol. jamghat, jhund ; (offish) sainSt ; (shelve) char, thai, reti, gathana, utrawan, kharaba, dhe,u, balu ka thek. To Shoal, uthlana, uncha-hojana, bhar-j. Shoaly, charha-thalha. Shock, (blow) dhakka, dhamak, sadma, aseb, zarb, chot, chapet, awa,i, dhamas, takkar, rapat ; (conflict) zad o l^urd, muth-bher, mara-mari ; (pile) sau,a, ganj, pahi ; (disgust) chirh. To Shock, (a.) dhamkana, sadma- &c. pahunchana, chahunkana, phirana, bharkana, bharmana ; (to offend) barham- &c. -k, chirhana. [angez. Shocking, bharka,u, bharma,u, chirha,u, wahshat- Shoe, juti, paposh, kafsh, juta, kaush or kaus, pazer, zerpa,i, raidas ka sikh, panaki, charaa,un, upani, panhan : the various sorts are distinguished, as pat- tedar, kannedar, ghentla, gurgabi, peshauri, zardozi, tatbafi, char-hashiya ; (the upper leather) patta ; — — (the ironwork of a slipper) tah-nal : a man who changes his shoes by mistake is called panw ka andha, blind-footed; (horseshoe) na'l; (to shoe a horse) chaubandi-k; (to change his shoes) kholbandi-k. To Shoe, na*l-b, -lagana or -thonkna, na'1-bandi-k ; (toith iron) lohana, shami-lagana. Shoemaker, mochi, kafsh-doz, chamar, chambai, kafsh-gar. Shoot, (sprout, branch) karil, paudh, kail, gabh, gabha, baroh, gachhi, po,a. To Shoot, (a.) dalna, phenkna, lagana, pasarna, phail- ana, nikalna,' chalana, mama, chhorna, shalaa-k; (dead with arrows) tirabez-k; (out) kach- kachana, ugna, phadphadana,bajbajana,jo8h-uthna: S 2 SHO ( 260 ) SHR {the lip) bijkana ; (to push) dhakhelna ; (to hit or kill) goli-marna ; (n.) chhutna, dag^- na, nikalna, uthna, phutua, lagna, jamna, upajna, phailna, pasarna, barhna, banna, hojiina, ho- baithna; {to project) ubharna; (to throb) bisbisana, ^is mama, kalbalana ; (to move) cbalna, daufna, pil-jana. Shooter, (in comp.) andiz, cba]&, as golchala. Shootino, barL:-andazi, banduk-bazl, tir-andazi. Shop, dukan, hat, bhandsar, kar-kljana; (in comp.) khana. Sbop-keepeb, dukan-dar, dukani, baniyi, baniyan. Shore, kinara, tir, bar, lab, tat, kul, sahil; {fur- ther) par; {hither) war; {sewer) bailar- rau, mori, nabdan ; {buttress) chhalla. To Shore, pushta- &c. d- or jof ni. Shoreless, a-pur, be-kinira, be-sahil, a-tath. Shorn, munda, kaja, katra, tarasba. Short, chota, kotab, alap, t^sir, ma^sura, laghu, thofa, kam, l^alil, ghat; (defective, q. v ) kasir, ansam; {scanty) tang; {friable) arar; niarkana, karkani ; {direct) 'Sidha ; {as a sound) haras, muk^affaf, ma'dula, thengna, nata, bauta, mandbra, tliumka, ochha, tataha, khonta, malta; {as hair) babri; (to stop short) hatak-rahna, f hathak-rahna ; (to break short) chat-ke- or pat-ke-tutna ; {to breathe short) dani-chafbnS, or -phulna, or -bharna, or -rokna; {as a vowel) maksura, laghu: thus, alif is sometimes long or short, alif ba'f e wa^t mamduda (gur) ya maksura (laghu) hota hai ; {in short) al-kissa, al-gharaz. pas, has, nidan, ant, fil-jumla : (the short of it is this) k^ulasa yihi hai; {the long and short of it is this) us ka 'arj o tul yihi hai ; us ki lamba,i chaura,! yihi hai. [katni. To Shorten, (to contract) kotah- &c. -k, ghajana. Short-hand, (to write) sari-harf-likhna. Short-lived, kam-zist, kam-'umr, ^alllu-l-hayat, al-payu, laghu-ayu, na-pa,edar. Sbortlt, jald, laghu bele meik, tho}-e dinon men, 'an* karib, ko,i dam men ; {briefly) ikhtisar- &c. -se. Short-necked, kotah-gardan. Shortness, chhota,i, kami, thora,i, killat, tang!, kusur ; {straiyhtness) sidha,i, rasti, na-pa,edari, alapta, laghuta; {of breath) ziku-n-nafas, kas- aswas or kas-swas. Short-sighted, kotah-nazar, laghu-dith, kam-nazar, nioti-nagar, asujh, dhundhia, nazdik-bin, kotah- andesh. Short-siohtedness, kotah-nazri, kotah-andeshl. Short-winded, hamphna, hamphail. Shot, {ball) gola, goli; (small) chbarrS, bunda, sang-reza, phujki ; {flight) partab, tappa, mar ; {discharge) rhot, zarb : a gun-shot, &c., is ex- pressed by ek goli, ek tir, ck gola, &c. Shove, pel, thela, pela, dhakel, zor, rela, dhakka, ghapa, ghacha ; {with a shield) ujhar. To SnovE, (a.) dhakelna, thelna, relna, pelna, Jalna, sarkana, mama, dltakiyana, dhukana, bhifkana; (n.) pilu&, sarakna, talna. Shovel, be), belcha, hatha, dabil&, belak, khodni. To Shovel, ba^ma, dalna. Shovikq, (helA-tbeli, ghach&ghach Should, {if) ahy&uai}, kiucUil, kadapi, kadachit, l^aza.an, dar-siirat, kajatik, kajan; {she is no better than she should bn) jaisi kuchh bihtar chahiye, waisi uahin hai ; {/should [^ought to] go to ghazi- piir to-morroiv) kal mujh ko |^azipur jaua-hai, -hoga, or -chahiye, also kal chahiye ki niaiu ghazlpur ja,iin ; {if I should return to Bhaunri) jo main Bhaunri ko pher-»,un ; {he it no better than h$ should be) wuh kuchh bihtar nahin jais& ki chahiye {should he be angry with you) kinchit turn se wuh khafa, ho. Shoulder, kandha, mondha, maur, dosh, kitf, pakh- aura, pakha, khawa ; {of animals) dast, pankhfi, bazu, shana; also the shoulder-blade, paukha, shana, tarku,a. To Shoulder, kandhy&na, baghliy&na, kankhiyan§; {a firelock) kandhe-par-r. Shoulder-belt, partala, dab. Shout, jaijaikar, 'ali, 'ali, na'ra, walwala ; Din-din Muhammad (not, as Jargonists will have it. Ding Mahomet) is often used in this way. To Shout, jaijai-kar- &c. -k, lalkarna, ilwaz-d. Shouter, jaijai-kari, lalkaru. Show, tamasha, did, kautuk, sair, nazara, lila, krida, tip-tap, atam-tatam, tant-ghant; {appearance) numa,ish, dikhlawa, zahir; {figure) namud- dari, soblia, raunak, chatak {plausibility) zahir-dari ; {phantom) dhokha, namud be bud ; {action) bha,o, ada, mudra. To Show, (a.) dikhlana, lakhana, sujhana, parkhana, batlana ; (to inform) samjhana, bujhana, sun- ana, kahna, bolua, kholna, zaliir- &c. -k, numayan- k, niwama ; (to rise) utima, ukharna ; (to look) dikhla,i- or dikha,i-d ; (to prove) dalalat- &c. -k, janana, thahrana ; (to conduct) iejaua ; (1.0 afford) karna, dona; (to explain) tafsil- &c. -k. Shower, jhafi, tarashshu', baran, barkha, jhisi, jhapas, phuhi, daungra, chhifka, jharaka, jhamaka, takatur, jhala, lahra ; {of arrows) tir-baran ; {oj pearls, auspiciously) gauhar-bar. To Shower, (a.) jharua, barsana, dalna ; (n.) jhapia, jhariyana, jhari-b, barasna. Showery, barsawan, barsati, barani. Showiness, bharang-pana, bisan-pat, namudari. Showing, (in comp.) numa, as rah-numa, a guide, or one who shews the road. Showy, numa,ishi, namudar, ara,ishi, bha^angi, bi- sani, raunak-dar. Shred, tarasha, katan, katran, reza, purza. To Shred, tarashna, katarna, pash-pash-k. Shrew, kuttama, karkasa, dakni. Shrewd, pakka, siyana, hushiyar, pukhta, harif, 'aiyar, sharir, natkhat, chetau, ath-kapari, ghank, kathin, dhurt, garha, hadik, sunari, pahar, kantak, farfandi, gathila, ghag, koh. To be very Shrewd, 'akl hagna, diwana ba kar i khud hoshiyar, is applicable to one of whom we say, he will at all events take care of himself. Shrewdly, hushiyari- &c. -se, atkal-se, kiyasan. Shrewdness, hushiyari, syan-pan, nat-khati, shara- rat, dhurta,i. Shriek, chikh, chinghar, ghul-gliapara. To Shriek, chikhna, karlana, chillana. Shrill, patla, mihin, barlk, suchhim, ra^i^. Shrillness, bariki, patla,i, suchhimta, ri^a^at. Shrilly, bariki- &c. -se. Shriup, jhlnga, chiugfi, inchua. Shrine, dargah, mazar, astana, chauri, ta'ziya, imambara, sijda-gah, gahwara, dhojra; {^ o mistress) gali, kucha, dwara, pan-war. Shrink, jhajhak, hatak, larzish, jumbish. To Shrink, (n.) hatna, talna, katrana, dign&, tha- ^bakna, hachakua, chahunkna; {as the belly) pith pet ek-h, peUlag rahua, sasarna, dauna, kach- raua, siljilaua, chapua. I Shrinker, hichkara, ha^ki. SHB ( 261 ) SIG To ShriveIi, (n.) sikurna« samitna, baturna, sukhna, jingurna ; (a.) sikorna, sametna, sakhana. Shroud, kafan, lifafa. To Shroud, kafanana, takfin-k, tajhiz-k. Shrub, {liquor so called) comes perhaps from the Arabic sharab or shurb ; [a bush) jhar, jhari, gul-bun, buta; (dwarf) kokni. To Shruq, hachak-rahna, kanna-jharna, kandha-d or -hilana, hath kan-par rakhna; {the shoul- ders, &c.) mondhe-charhana, ungli-dabana. To Shudder, pharpharana, dhurdhurana, sarsarana, harharana, ro,an khara-h, ang-kandrana, deh-si- harna, phisphisana, jhajhakna, halhalana, hichlana, thartharana. Shuffle, Shufflino, tal-matol, aj-kal, hera-pheri, tal-bazi, chakar-makar, rubah-bazi; {hitch) kachak. To Shuffle, (a. to mix) milana, abtar- &c. -k, torna; {to hitch) kachakta-chalna, panw-ghasitna ; {to remove) talna; {to introduce) lagana, ghuserna, dalna; {to shuffle up) jor-jar-k, chhop-chhap-k ; {to shuffle off) chhorni,, utar- na, girana ; {to evade, deceive) tal-matol- &c. -k, fitrat- &c. -larana ; {in gait) matakta- chalna, latpatata-chalna. Shuffled, abtar, darham-barham, zer-zabar. Shuffler, tal-matoliya, hera-pheriha, rubah-baz, mubil, tal-baz, tal-ubalu, jawar-bhathe ka admi. Shufflingly, latpatahat-se, hila-sazi-se. To Shun, bhagna, talna, kanare-lena, alag- or baz- rahna, kaniyana, katra-jana, parhez-k, bilagna, pha- takna, ru-gardaii-rahna, ijtinab-k, hazr-k, harak- na, barana, kinara-k or -rahna or -hona. Shut, laga, band, sarbasta, masdud, basta. To Shut, band-k, lagana, dena, dhukana, masdud-k, ma'niur-k, chunna, chhopna, patna, muchna or muhclma, mindna, michna, samput-k, uthanghana, bhirana, mama, kalna, kilna, dhukana, bherna ; {the eyes) chasham-poshi-k ; {a shop, &c.) dukan-uthana or -barhana; {from fear or spile) hathtal-k ; {to obstruct) rokna, chhenkna ; {shut out) bahar-k, -d, or -r ; (n.) mundna, band- &c. -h, michna, lagna, bhirna. Shutter, parda, takhta, jhilmil, chik, chilwan, jhamp, tatti, kewari, alot, pat, kapat. Shuttle, nal, dharki, makho ; {or shuttle-cock) (fig.) julahe ki dharki, chaugan ka genda, do joru ka khasam. Shy, wahshi, bharkel, jangli, chahunkel, ramida-Hio ; {wary) chaukanna, chetan, ^abar-dar -, {reserved) anmila, kashida, shakki. Sibilant, siskari, sansanahati. SiBiLATiON, siskar, sansanahat. Sick, {ill) bimar, azari, rogi, mariz, kahila, manda, dukhi, dukhanti, dard-mand ; (disgusted) ari, bezar, dikk, uchat, udas, karni, dukharl, na-tan- durust. To BE Sick, {at stomach) ji-matlana; (of any thing) ji-bharna, -hatna, or -phirna. To Sicken, (a.) bimar- &c. -k; (n.) mariz- &c. -hojana; (to languish) jhuma, galna, mama, kurhna. Sickle, hansu,a, daranti, danti, dautari. Sickliness, na-sazi, dard-mandi, be-zari, bimari. Sickly, za'if, sust, na-saz, fasida, rogi ; (place or person) daru-1-maraz, zard, pila, khushk, sitha, dard-angez, muzi, rogiha. Sickness, bimari, azar, rog, maraz, kahili, dukh- karan, zahmat; (at stomach) khara,i. Side, pahlu, panjar, baghal, taraf, or, ru]A, janib, kaith, bazu, kinara, par, simt, pakha, alang, gang, palla, su, disa ; (this side) war; (that side) par ; (of a leaf) safha, pusht, pith, kagar ; (sect) zat ; (in consanguinity) paclih ; (on whose side is he) wuh kis ki taraf se ; (on all sides) chahudis, charon-or, charon-taraf. Side, (adj.) baghli, panjariyahi, tirchha, binga, terha. To Side, taraf- &c. -k, taraf-kashi- &c. -k. To Sidle, kankhiyon-chalna, karwat ho-ana or -jan§, &c. SiDBLOCK, patta, dhila-pech, kan-patti, pattiyi. Sidelong, kankhiyon (contracted for kan-ankhiyon). Sideways, pahlu- &c. -par, karwat, panjar ke bal. Siege, muhasara, girdawari, ghera, kal'a-bandi, hasar, chhenka, nargha, gosht-mati ki lara,i, berh (from berhna, to besiege) ; (pursuit) pichhera. Sieve, chalni, ghirbal, pezna, akha, hanghi, jhanna, andhli, jharna. To Sift, chalna, jharna, akhna, kapar-chhan-k, pach- horna, phatakua, phatkarna, rolna, suchhama, chhi- nakna, parcha-pez-k ; (to examine) chhanna. Sifter, chalanhar ; (in comp.) pez. Sifting, chalan, jharan, pezish. Sigh, ah, ha,e, haha, sans, dare gh . afsos ; (a deep sigh) ah i sard. To Sigh, ah- &c. -mama or -khichna, sans- &c. -bharna or -phenkna, hukna, ahoh-k, ah-zani-k ; (a sigher) ah-zan or ah-kash. Sight, nazar, basarat, bina,i, didar, siijh, drisht, dar- san, nigah, basira, dith, jot, na_zara, lahza, royat ; (charming-) bahar, mauj, lahar ; (spec- tacle) did, manzar ; (of a gun, &c.) did-ban, mukhi, masa ; (within sight of each other, as two towns, &c.) dekha-dekhi; (at sight, a bill) darsani. Sighted, (in comp.) bin, chashm, nazar, &c. Sightless, a-sujh, na-bina, bad-numa. Sightly, (seemly) namudar, pasandida, khush-man- zar, darsani, dekhna,u, didaru. Sign, nishan, ishara, ima, ghamz. sain, bha,o, mudra, ahankar, lachhan, sangkar, baran, 'alamat, dalil, shi'ar, patta, chinh, nishani, taghma ; (constel- latiori) burj, ras, nachhatar, ghar ; (-manual) baiz, su'ad, tughra, khatt, dast-khatt ; (miracle) chetak, karashma; (in gram.) kalima, harf- ma'nawi, harf, shabd ; (military) boli ; (counter-) boli ka jawab, shart-bart; (both) sain-bujhawa ; (to make) saina-saini-k, tiiara- thari-k. To Sign, dast^att-k, baiz- &c. -k, sahih-k, sakama ; (and seal, &c.) dastkhatt-gawahi-k, pukht- paz-k. Signal, isharat, jana,o, lakha,o, dalil; {in draw- ing water) dhol-dhamaka : (for marching) nak- kara ; (for battle) maru-danka. Signal, (adj.) mashhur, nami, nam-war, wajibu-z- zikr; (-defeat) shikast i fahish; {-vic- tory) fath. i 'azim. To Signalize, nam-war-k, khush-nam-k, nam-ni- kalna. Signature, dast-khatt, likhawat, chinh, sijil; (stamp) chhap, nishani. Signet, muhar i khass, muhar-dasti, khatim. tughra; : (-fee) baizana. Significance, (force) zor, dhamaka, mazbuti, dalalai, jana,o ; (moment) kadar, bisat, bojh. Significant, dall, rah-numa, ba-ma'ni, ma'ni-talab, jana,u, lakha,u, arthi, ma'nawi, zaban-hal. Signification, ma'ni, arth, mafhum, madlul, ma^i^ bujha,o. SIG ( 262 ) SIN To SiONirr, (a.) buJhSinil, samjhan^, jan^Da, batlana, dikhl&n&; (by aigm) ishara- &c. -k, ankh- marna ; (n.) ma'ni- &c. -r ; {to import) bona, bigarna. SitENCB, ^imoshi, sukut, maun, gupchuppi, kam- gILK, abresham, resham, pat, tasar; {-stuff) u'reshmlna, reshami-kapra, che,oli, dariya,i, mashru', harir, patambar; — — {-thread) naWi; {-ball) ko,a ; {cloth) akmasbs, pilam, of which the varieties are partly as follows ; elacha, nawabi, kalan- dra, mahramat, hupphua, kasari, gulbadan, khan- jari, katariya, chutki, baluchari, pamri, aurang- zebi, phulan, kam -khwab or kim-khwab. gudar, mushajjar. Silken, resham!, hariri, p§iti. SiLK-HBROEB, resham-farosh, reshmina-farosh. SiLK-WBAVKR, reshmina-baf, abresham-baf or saz. SiLK-woRH, krim-piU, pat-krim, resham ka-kifa. Sill, {of a door case) dihli, lat-khora. Sillily, sadagi- &c. -se, murakh-pan-se. Silliness, bhola-pan, sadagi, bhondu-pan, kacha,!, nadani, anar-pan, halka,i, ochha.i, subka,i, kacha- pan, kam-zarfi. Silly, bhola, sada, bhondu, kacha, na-dan, anari, halka, ochha, subuk, be-sha'ur or -salika, kam- or be-zarf, be- or kam-hausila, Itar, chhibilla, padora, padna. SiLTEB, rupa, chandi, sim, nukra, dnrman, rajat, fizza, zar-safed, subar ; {-water) rupahla-pani ; {coin) rupiya or rupi\ a, mudra, bajna, diram, sefada ; {quick or liquid) sim-ab ; (gold and silver) zar sim ; (a silverling) rupiya. Silver, (adj.) rupahla, chandi- &c. -ka, nukra,i, simi, chandiha, durmani, rajati, simin, simabi ; (- cloth) badala, tar, tash, lappa ; (- thread ) Kalabatun, nukre ka tar. To Silver, rupahla- &c. -k, simab-k or -lagana. Silver-beater, warak-saz, tar-kash. Similar, barabar, eksan or yaksan, mutasawi. Similarity, Similitude, mel, barabari, musawat, tasawi, tatbi^, tajnis. [patuttar, mushabbah. Simile, masl, misal, tashblh, drishtant, partokh, nazir, To Simmer, sansanana, chhanchhanana, salsalaua. SiMHERiNO, sansanahat, &c. chhanchhanahat. To Simper, muskurana, tabassum-k. Simple, {plain) sidha, rSst, saf, nir-chhal, ekrang ; — — {easy) sahaj, sahal, as,hal, pani; (qviet) firishta, ^arib , {homogeneous) ekla, basit, luch; {single) mufrad, nirala, nira, kljall, rukha. Simple, (sub ) jai, chiz, matra, kcwal, mufrad, jari, buti, kbarbira,i. Simples, Jafi-bati, nab&t&t, mufradiit. Simpleton, an&ri, sMa-lauh, shekh-chilli. SCMPLiciTY, sidha.i, rastl, safa,i, ek-rang!, g^aribi ; {eatiiiest) salJLsat, sahaj§,i, fardiyat. SiMPLisT, {herb-woman) baidayan, malini. Simply, be-s&Bitagi- &o. -se; {merely) jirf, fa^.( ; {tingly, Ac.) bi-jiti-hi, mufradau. To Simulate, samSlna, muwa&k:-k, sama,ik-, wal:l> gSnthna, ganth-rahna. Simulation, zamana-sazi, samaiki, sa^tagi, zahir> dari, banawat, sama,i. [adharm, ma'siyat. Sin, gunah, pap, ghat, jurm, 'aib, 'isyan, partewa,e. To Sin, gunah- &c. -k, taksir-war-hona. Since, jab-ki, har-gah-ki, jab, jo, dar siirat, pas, zira-ki, is waste-ki; (then) jab-ka; {icfien) kab-ka, kab-kab ; {from) se, jab-se ; {after) ba'd, pichhe ; {since then) tabhi se ; {since morning) tarke-se. Sincere, saf, rast, sidha, sachcha, sadik, khalis. ri- sikh, khara, pura, nirala, saf-dil, be-riya, rast-baz, sabit-kadam, wafa-parast, mazbut, mukhlisana, wa- sik, sadik; (a sincere friend) mukhlis. Sincerely, saft,i- &c. -se, rasti-se, sadikana. Sincerity, Sincereness, safa,i, riisti, sidha,i, ikhlas, rusiilAiyat, pura,i, sidakat, be-riya,i, waft, sachauti. Sinew, patha, pai, nas, parhi. Sinewy, kawi-pai, nasgar, patha, dand-pel. SiNFCL, gunah-gar, jurm-aluda, ma'yub, papaha. Sinfully, gunah-gari, &c. -se, papaha,i-se. Sinfulness, gunah-gari, papaha,T, jurm-aludagi. To Sing, gana, alapna, rez-k, lahakna, kohikna; — {as birds) bolna, chahchahana ; (to celebrate) bajana, gun-gan-k. To SiNOE, jhalsana, jhonkarna, jalana, daghi-k, daglt- dar-k, lagana, bhulsaui. To BE Singed, {as food, &c.) lagna, jhulasna. Singer, gawaiya,gawin-har,gayan,sarQd-go,khwanin- da, mutrib, 'ata,i, kalawant, kawwal, dharhi, katliak, alapi, sarod-khwan, kinnar, mughauni, ragi, sarodi, sara,inda, mirasi, tappe-baz ; {female) domni. Singing, rag-rang ; {of birds) chahachahi, chah- chaha. Singing-master, na,ek, ustad. Single, ek, wahid, nira, nirala, khass, tanha, aksar, mufrad ; {unmarried) an-byaha, mujarrad, kun- ara, be-maya, azad, ajag, be-shadi, digambar, thant-pal, chhar.i-chhitiink, be-zan o farzaud ; {not double) ekahra, ek-taha, ek-lara, ek-parti, kacha, ek-la,i» phut, ek-ka, ek-ta, ek-rukhi ; (a single boot) pawa,i ; {a single drop) bund- bhar; {single, as flowers) phirki. To Single, ek-ek-ko pakarna or nikalna. Singly, ek-ek, fardan-fardan, har-ek, wahid-wahid, jarida, phut, munfarad, mahz. Singular, wahid, mufrad ; {in gram.) ek-bacban ; {uncommon) anokha, nirala, 'ajab. Singularity, nirala,!, akela,i, nudrat, k^ususiyat, nijta, anokha-pan. Singularly, ba-nudrat, nirala,i-se. [zabiin. Sinister, {unlucky, unfair) na-rast, kaj, tirchha, bad, Sink, pan-baha,o, khali, nail, bah, patalmuhri, nar- dawa, sandas. To Sink, (n.) dubna, biirna, ghar^-h, baithn&, girna, parna, dhasua, garna, dhasakna, dhachakna, dauna, phasna, dabna, sama-j, nishast-k; {in the ground) zamin-doz-h ; {as ink) phutnS, phailna ; (a ditch) daurana, khodna, faro- &c. -k ; {as a fcerf) jhilinga-h; {loith shame) gahna, kat-j ; {overpower) le-dubona, le-baithaua ; (to be overwhelmed) mara-jana, halak-h, ta- bah-h, dab-marna ; (to decrease) 4haln&, utar- na, bigarna, zawiil-par-hona. To Sink, (a.) dubona, buj-ina, musta|^ra]b;- &c. -k, baithiilna, dhasana, garna, gira-d ; (to delve) mama, dalnfi; (to depress) torna, dabanft, ghatana, utarna, bigarna ; {money, Ac.) lagani, Ijawana, matti-k. SIN ( «03 ) SLA Sinless, a-pap, be-gnnah, nish-papi, nir-dosh. SiNNEB, gunah-gar, papi, mujrim, 'asi, chandal, mukhti, bad-kar, ftsik, akarmi, ku-karmi, pap-kari, ma'asi; (an old sinner) budha-khabis. SiN-OFFEKiNO, pap-bal, pap-dan. SiNOTJS, panchora, choraha ; {sinus) ghurghura, chor. Sip, ghont, jur'a, kurt, surak, chuski. To Sip, chusna, ghontna, chatna, surakna, chusakna. Sir, sabib, miyan, ji, babu, lala, thakur, mirza, khuda- •wand, ra,e, bha,i, prabho ; {Ofy, sir !) aji-wah, wah-ji. Sire, bap, baba ; {your majesty) jahan-panah. Siren, bintu-1-bahar, thagni, kutni, mohni. SiRius, {the star so called) shi'ri, al-kalb. Sirrah, abe, be, are, he, re; {get you gone, sirrah) abe, tu, gum ho ; {what, sir, dost thou sirrah me ?) kyun miyan, ham-ko abe tabe karta hai; Sirup, shurb, shira, ras, sharbat (the last is what we call sherbet, a beverage or drink used by the natives, •which is seldom more than a solution of sugar in water) ; {mucilage) kiwam or kawam. Sister, bahin, bhagni, bubu, ham-shlra, bhaina, bhan, sakhi, go,i. Sisterhood, baihna-pa or bahina-pa, baihin-p5. Sister-in-law, {by the brother) bha-bi, bha-waj, bhaihu, bhauji, bhawo ; (by the husband ) nand, n^nad, de,orani; {by the wife) sali, jethsar, jethani. Sisterly, bahin-ka sa, ham-shirana. To Sit, (n.) baithna, baithaki- &c. -k, syona, nishast- k; {to stay) rahna, thaharna, tikna, basera-k (v. to dwell) ; ■ {to be) hona, parna, lagna, guzarna ; {to fit) phabna, thik-h; {as a council) ijlas-k, majlis-k ; {to sit down) baith-jana ; {to sit up) uth-baithna ; {to sit a horse) asan-jamana. Site, thikana, manjhiya, makan. Sitter, baithwaiya, baisarii ; {as a hen) syonhari ; (in comp.) nishin. Sitting, baithak, jalsa, ijlas, julus, nishast, asan ; (- up) sh'ab-bedari, shab-khezi ; {incubation) syawa, sewa. To BE SiTDATE, houa, a-parna, parna, lagna. Situation, kursi, jagah, mauka', mahal, mauza', tha,on, ja or ja,e; {position) baitha,o ; {state) hal, tarah, dhab, daul. Six, chha, khat, shash, chhakka, chhak; {six and seven) tin-terah ; {six score) chha-kori. Sixteen, solah, shanzdah, shodash. Sixteenth, solwan ; the word ana, the sixteenth of a rupee, is also used in a general sense to denote the sixteenth share or portion ; {there are two six- teenths of the book yet to write) is kitab ka do ana baki likhne ko hai. Sixth, chhathan or chhathwan, shashum. Sixthly, chhathe, shashum, chhatwe. Sixtieth, sathan or sathwan, shastum. [yana. Sixty, sath ; {to be verging towards sixty) sathi- SizE, mikdar, andaza, atkal, kadar; {of a vessel, &c.) pet, phand, ama,o, khazana, kalib, dil; {bulk) kibr, kibarat, kamiyat, lamba,i-chaura,i, bhar; {stature) kadd, dil ; {glue) saresh, lasa; [the size of a pea) matar-bhar ; {of a ball) tir ; {of a horse, &c.) ras, khunt; {of all sorts and sizes) chhote bare bar tarah-ke, bhale bure bar daul-ke. Sizeable, kadd-awar, ba-andaza, muwafik. sauriyar, majhola. Skein, phenti, anti, kilawa, karchi, larchha, poU kala,i, pechak. Skeleton, panjar, thathri, harapha, dhor ; {figur.) dagga, hangkar, tidda. Sketch, naksha, sancha, kharra, katkana. To Sketch, naksha- &c. -b, -khichna or -banana. Skewer, sikh, sikhcha. Skiff, dengi, thakthau,a, parewa, zaurak. Skilful, mahir, wakif, kabil, hunar-mand, 'alim, rajti, pura, dana, hoshiyar, chatur, zirak, sughar, bitpat, prabin, suuari, kar-dan, guni, ba-sha'ur, gun-man, rasak, ustad, har-fanna, pur-fann, kar-guzar, bani- kar, sa,ir, murtaz, zu-funiin ; {-fencer) chau- mukha. Skilfully, hunar-mandi- &c. -se, wakif-kari-se. Skilfulness, hunar-man'^J, wa^f-kari, sughar a,i, ustadi. Skill, 'ilm, sha'ur, wukiif, rasa,i, hunar, gun, pahunch, salika, daur, paisar, maharat, sawad, isti'd^d, anoh, hathkara, dast-kabza, kudrat, dhab, chashni, ras, dast-gah, hathauti, dast-ras. Skilled, {skilful, in comp.) dan, azmuda, dida, shi'ar, ras, bin, shinas, amoz, fahm, khwan ; {versed) mahram, mahramkar ; {in all the sciences) jami'u-l-'ulum. Skillet, {boiler) degcha, degchi. To Skim, (a.) kachhna, kachh-lena, pasana, utarna, lena, nikalna, chhantna, upar-se-khainchna ; {-over) chalti-nazar dekhna, chhu-j ; (n.) bhira- hu,a-j, -chalna or -daurna, saharna. Skimmer, kachhni, kaf-gir, karchhni, jharni. Skim-milk, pasau,a dudh. Skin, chamr-a or -i, cham, khal, jhilli, post, jild, charm, chhichra, nari, khalra, adhauri, chamrakh ; {cuticle) khas ; {of a tiger) baghambar ; {-bag) mashk, pakhal, mashkiza. To Skin, chamra- &c. -khichna, nikalna, -udherna or -chhurana, karhna, ainchna, chhilna, ukhalna ; {to skin, a wound) chamriyana, jhilliyana, chha-jana. Skin-flint, pathar-chat, kan-jus, makhi-chus : the first is a stone-licker ; the second is a fellow that would suck his own ear for the wax thereof ; and the last a wretch who will not liberate a captive fly until he has sucked from it the milk or butter wherein it has been entangled. Skinner, chamar, chambar, charmina-farosh. Skinny, chhichrel, chamra^, chamchichar, lujhra, jhujhra, sukhta. Skip, kudakka, chhalang, za^and, uchhal. To Skip, kudakna, chhalangna, kud-phand-k, chamak- na, matakna, phatakna, tapna, uchhalna, tapusi- marni, phalang-marua, ularna ; {to skip over) kud-j, nang-j, nazar-andaz-k, kalam-andaz-k. Skipkknnel, {lackey) gurga, launda, ghulam. Skirmish, jharpa-jharpi, this-phus, khata-pati. To Skirmish, jharpa-jharpi- &c. -k. Skirmishing, karawali, zad o khurd. Skirt, daman, zail, gher-pher, daur ; {the skirt of a cloud is charged with sparks of fire) pur hai sharar i bark se daman sahab ka. — Sauda. To Skirt, gherna, mendiyana, muhit-h. Skittish, bharkel, kudel, aloli, chanchal; {fUMa] be-karar, an-isthir. Skittishness, chanchalta, be-karari. [pasklB. Sky, asman, akas, sama, falak, swarg, 'alami-bala, Sky-coloured, {azure, &c.) akasi, asman-rang. Sky-light, tab-dan, roshan-dan, jharoka, gawaehj^. Sky-rocket, hawa,i, hara, anar. Slab, ta^ta, path, silaut, sil, musalla, ta'wiji. To Slabber, laf-girana, ral-lagana. SLA ( 864 ) SLI StACK, {loose, remiss) dhili, sust, majhul, sard, lathar, tliandha, rabfida; {slow) manda, narm. To Slack, Slacken, (n.) dhxla- &c. -hojana, alsana, thtlraka-d, atfinan-k ; {as Ime) l'liarak°a, khilna, kbulna, dhulna ; (a.) manda- &c. -k, dhil-d, bhari-d; {mitigate) bal'ru-k, ghatana; {to unbend) baihlana or bahlaii^V, bahtiyana; — — {to repress) dabana; {to withhold) baz-r, rokna. Slackly, dhile, dhlme, susti-se. Slackness, dhil, dhila,i, susti, sardi, manda,i, dhima,!. narmi, lathar a,L To SiJiKE, {lime) bharkana; ((Wie'» thirst) bnjh- &na. Slander, tuhmat, bandish, bad-go,i, bandhnu, jhuth, tufan, ghibat, khubs. To Slander, jhuthana, tuhmat- &c. -k, -d, -b, or -lagana, nam-lena. Slanderer, tahmati, buhta.ni, muttahim, nindak, jhutha,u, toda-tufan, ghibat-go. Slanderous, tuhmat- &e. -amez, limmi, kalanki, tuhmatana, jhutha. Slant, Slanting, tirchha, tefha, benda. To Slant, tirchhana, dhal-k. Slap, dhappa, dhaul, tamacha, tamancha, lappa, laphera, chhakkar, chatkana ; (adv.) dhab-de or -se, dharaimde ke, tarakh-de, chapet, thapera, bhar, jhap. To Slap, dhauliyani, chhakrana, chatkaniyana, gap- chap-k. Slap-dash, jhap-de or -se, lap-jhap, dhar-dharake. Slash, chir, chak; {here's snip, and nip, and cut, and slish and slash) is men hain kautuk, noch, chir, phar, kat-kut. To Slash, chirna, katna; (n.) shapa-shap-k, kata- kat-k. Slate, pathar kx taUiti. Slattern, phuhar, bhishtal, bharisht, anari. Slave, ghulam, banda, chela, das, barda, 'abd, kinkar, launda, bandora, bandol, kuli, brikhla, gurga ; (paternal) kaka ; {domestic) khana-zad ; (most obedient) banda-dargah ; (a drudge) pet- mazura; {to one's belly) shikam-parast ; (a slave girl) laundi, cheri, dasi, kanizak, kaniz, bandori, bandi, brikhli, gurgi, paristar, jaziya ; {a slave merchant barda-farosh ) To Slave, ghulami- &c. -k, banda^^karna. Slaver, ral, lar, lu'ab, pani. To Slaver, ral- &c. -d or -lagana, m'ab-lagana. Slaverer, lurburaha, larha. Slavery, ghulami, dasta, laundi-pana, chera,i, ranj, kliun-jigari. Slaughter, katl, jhujh, mnkatala, kata-kati, khun- rezl, jan-kushi, jauhar, mar-maraujha, mara-mari, jidal-kital. To Slaughter, zabali-k» halal-k, jhujhana, saf-k, pharcha-k, jhat-karna. Slaughterer, zabih, kattal, katil, zabbah, khun-rez. Slaughter-house, maslakh, kassab-khana, mazbah. Slavish, ghulam- &c. -sa, ghulamana. To Slay, mar-d, halak-k, kai-karhna, lohu-bitna or -mir-satua; {to be slain) mara-j, halal-&c. -h, jhujhna, kam-Sma, khet-ana, kat-j. Slayer, V\xan\ ; (in comp.) kush, m&r, maru,a. Sleazy, (flimsy) jhina, juftadar. Slidqk, hatliaufa, niha,i ; {sled) la^hiyg, rehf u ; (sledge-hammer) ghan. Slkek, chikua, saf; {to sleek) chikn&n& (v. to smooth) . Sleekly, chikn§hat-se, chikna,i-se. "iucEKNEss, chikna,i, chikn&ha(, tar o t&zagl. Sleek-stone, ghotna, mahra. Sleep, nind, khwab, ungha,i, nindra, naum ;-= — (nap) kailula ; (a deep sleep) bajar- or kumbh-karni- nind. To Sleep, sona, nind-lena, ankh-Iagna, sutna, paundh- na ; (as the feet) jhanjhanana, jhu,ana, jhun- jhuni-charhna. Sleeper, Sleeping, sowaiya, sutan-har, mnd-das, nindu, khwab-talab, sola, khwabida ; {-room) aram- or khvab-gah ; (the teven sleepers of the cave) ashab i kahf. Sleepily, askat-se, alsa,i-se. Sleepiness, nindas, iinghas, so,a,i, Hiwab-naki, khwab-aludagi, alsa,i. Sleepless, aninda, be-khwab, be-dar. Sleepy, nindasa, unghasa, khwab-nak, khvab-aluda, khwab-dost, alsana. Sleeve, astin, baholi, Uiarita, Slsti, astlm. Sleeved, astin-dar, k^arita-dar. Sleeveless, be-astin ; (figuratively) be sar o pa, be-thaur, be-thikana, be-sir-panw. Sleight, dhandhal, jugat, fanu, hikmat, cbatak, kal- bal, kala, sha'bida, dithband, chatak, subuk-dasti ; (of hand) dast-burdi, hath-pheri. Slender, patla, chhin, subuk, nazuk, barik, dubla- patla, ekahra, chharera, nazuk-andam, thora, kam, tang; (-waisted) mu-miyan, mirg-kati. Sle.nderness, patla,i, subuki, nazuki, barikl, kami, taugi. Slice, phank, kash, katla, warak, tikka, chakatta, chakti, phari. To Slice, katna, phankna, warak- &c. -ntarna, do- phank-k, warki-k. To Slide, phisaJna, khisakna, rapatna, sarakni, dhalna, bahna, ghisakna, pichhalna ; (to err) jhukua, girna, laghzish-khana. Slight, halka, subuk, chhota, thora, chhia, adhar, pola, barik, za'if, kam-zor, narm, nazuk, n^moz, abal, sukwar ; (thin) tunuk, chhina, patla, patil, kaghazi. Slight, (sub.) khiffat, subuki, halka,!, Iii6:arat, chhota,!. To Slight, halka- &c. -janna or -k, hikarat- &c. -k, apaman-k, ankh- tirchha -k, chutki-par-urfina, pashm-dhar-marna, anakani-k, ghatiat-k ; (to slight over) sarsari-k, sadharau-k, jaisa-taisa-k, jadba-tadba-k. Slighter, apamani, hikarati. Slightingly, hikarat-se, apaman-karke. Slightly, ghaflat- &c. -se, sarasari, dhime, ahista. Slightness, halka,i, subuki, narmi, chhinta, barik!, kam-zori, na-mozi, nazuki, sukwari, tunuki, jhina,!, patla,i, jhirjhirahat. Slily, siyanpan- &c. -se, dab-chhipke, ankh-chorake ankh-bachake. Sliu, patla, kaghazi, phulka, phusphusa. Slime, chahla, kichar, kich, pank, hilla, khanch, khab- sa ; (mucus) lasa, chitka, lu'ab, mazi, dur, a,on. Slimness, kicharahat, laslasahat, chipciiipahat, lu'ab- dari. Slimy, chhahlaha, kichraha. pankaha, hillaha, lab- laba, lajhiajha, laslasa, chipchipa. To BE Slimy, liblibaua, lijlijana, laslasana. Sliness, siyan-pan, siyanap, chatura,!, ghaiikha,i« shararat, rubah-bazi, failsufi. Sling, gopan, dhelwas, falakhun, manjanik, dhenk« was; (sash) galkhanda; (for the arm) gatjanda or galjandjra; {for holding any thing) chhika, sikhar. SLI ( -'65 ) SMO {to su^- To Slino, dhelwasna, marna, chalana ; pend) latkana, tangna. Slinoek, dhelwasaha, dhenkwasiya. To Slink, sikal-j, satakna, dabak-j. > Sup, khisak, phisal, bichhal, rapat, laghzish ; {twig) kalam, dali, paudha, daba; {leash) sarak- wasl, ciihatka ; {/or a pillow) ghilaf ; {of linen) dhaji, patti; {of land) tirk; {of paper) bandi ; {to give the slip) ghota-marna or -d. To Slip, (n.) khisalna, jhukna, chalna, bichlialna, ghisakna, sarakna, rapatna, chal-d, satakna, khisak- na, chliitakna, katrana ; {to let loose) kholna ; {as a bone, &c.) ukharna, nikalna, dhalakana; {to err) chukna, bhulna, saho- &c. -k; {to disappear) jata-rahna, alop-hojana; {to creep in) paith-ana, ghus-ana, a-jana, a-parna ; (a.) khiskana, phislana, chalana, dalna, ghuserna; {to lose) khona, harna, chhorna : {a dog, &c.) dliil-d. Slipper, juta, paposh, paizar, kaush, panahi, pola. To Slipper, {or beat one with a slipper) jutiyana. Slipperiness, chiknahat, phislahat, khislahat, bichhla- hat, na-pa,edari. StiPPERiNO, pa-poshi, paizari. Slippery, chikna, phislaha, khislaha, bichhlaha; {mutable) na-pa,edar ; (a slippery wife) chikni joru. Slip-knot, sarak-phansi, de,orhi-girah. Slipshod, baithi-juti, opposed to khari- or charhi-juti, in which a clown only is supposed to appear. Slipslop, patar-chhitar, pich-pani,dafr-kaliya, tharra. Slit, thir, chak, shigaf, chira. To Slit, chlrna, pharna, chak-k, shigaf-kama. Slit-eared, kan-phata, burida-gosh. Sloop, sulaf, ghurab, whence our term grab. Slope, Sloping, dhalu, sar-a-zer, utaru ; ■ ■ ■ {aslope) dhal, utar. To Slope, (a.) dhalu-k or -r ; (n.) dhal-h. Slopeness, dhala,i, sararezi, nisheb. Slopinglt, dhala,i- &c. -se, sararezi-se. Slotu, susti, kahili, askat, alas. Slothful, sust, kaliil, askati, aram-talab, alasi. Sloth FULLY, susti- &c. -se, alsa,i-se. Slotu FULNESS, aram-talabi, alsa,i, susti, kahili. Slouch, tal-nazara, ru,e e tursh, najasat. Sloven, kurh, bhishtal, gh aliz. Slovenliness, bhishtal-pana, ghalazat, najasat, mur- dari, phuharpanS. Slovenly, (adj.) ghaliz, najis, chirkin. [-se. Slovenly, be-salika, be-dhab, be-daul, gh aflat- &c. Slocgd, dal-dal, dhasa,o; {ski7i) kenchali, kanjli ; {of a wound) chhichra. To Slough, mail-katna, chhantna, chhichriyana. Slow, dhila, dhima, ahista, dhira, matha, sust, manda, madliim, mitha, kam, thora; {indolent) majhul: • {-paced ) kam-rau ; {dull) kund. Slowly, aliista, haule, dhime, halge, dhil- &c. -se; — - {tardily) deri- &c. -se. Slowness, ahistagi, dhil, dhilangi, dhima,i, susti, mithas, dliiraj ; {dilator iness) deri ; {dul- ness) kundi. Slug, chhinta, paisa, tukra ; {drone) sust. Sluggard, &c. askati, mache-tor, aram-talab. Sluice, muhri, badar-rau, khurab. Slumber, ungh, ungha,i, nim-khwab, ghaflat, jhapki, kachl-nindi To Slumber, unghna, tulna, jhumna, ankh-&c.-lagna. Slur, harf, dagh or dag. To Slur, chhup-chhap-k, khak-d. Slut, phuhar-murdari, khandi, thagni, ni-Hjasml, oi- gori, kus- or chut-marani, anarin, phuhari, agho- ran, haram-zadi, bhadesar. Sly, syana, chatur, ghankh, harif, sharlr, ghaddSr. tagar, mutafanni, dhurtraj ; {a sly fellow) fail- suf (lit. a philosopher), robah-baz. Slyly, syan-pan- or siyan-pan- &c. -se. Smack, chatakha, chatkar-a or -i, tarakha. To Smack, chataWia-marna, chatkarna. Small, chhota, nanha, kochak, khurd, saghir, alap, barik, patla, chhotka, khafi, adna ; — — {fowls} kharcha, thora ; {of the leg) murra, judri; i narrow) tang, ochha; {-bed) khatiya; -wares, &c.) adna j ins (opposed to jins i kamil). Small-pox, sitala, mata, goti, chechak, thandhi ; — - {varieties) motiya, masuriya, khudiya; (to inoculate) goti- &c. -nikalna. Smallness, chhota,!, kochaki, khurdi, thora,i. Smart, tez, tund,chatkila, shitab-kar, jald-baz, zinda- dil, karak-baz, karkila, phurtila, nokila, charpara ; {witty) hazir-jawab, jugati, namkin, choklia. Smart, (sub.) parparahat, charmarahat, chinang, ja- lan, karak, charparahat, chunchunahat. To Smart, parparana, phatna, katna, lagna, jalna, chinang-marna, charparana, chunchunana, kirkir- ana, kharakna. Smartly, tezi- &c, -se, chalaki-se. Smartness, tezi, tundi, chatak, hazir-jawabi, namkini, chokha,!, karak -bazi. To Smatter, jadba-tadba-bolna, chashni-r, kanras-r. Smatterer, achhar-chattu, khosha-chin, uparchat. Smattering, kanras, shudbiid, kankharka, shimma. To Smear, bharna, malna, lagana, lisna, lapetna. Smell, sungh, sungha,i, shamma; {the sense of) swasa; (in comp.) gandh, hand, han, ayan, whence kapar -gandh, machla-hand, hera-han, sara- band, kach-hand, &c. ; (odour) bo, bas. To Smell, (a.) sunghna, bo- &c. -lena, -pana or -ni- kalna, bas- &c. -k, ana, -d or -r, mahakna, basna, bo-k, sunghaniya-lena, nak-lagana. Smeller, sunghu, sflnghne-wala. [lukma-jo. S.MELL-FEA8r, ta'am-talash, rikabi-les, handi-chat, Smelling Salt, naushadar ki nas, sunghni. To Smelt, (metals) auntana, pakana. Smile, tabassum, muskurahat, nim-khanda,muskura,i. To Smile, muskurana, muskana, tabassum- &c -k, bihasna, bigasna, jagna ; (fig.) khulna, phulna, bahar-par-h. Smiling, muskurata, tabassum-ru, khulta, mutabas- sim, tabassum-numa. Smilingly, ba-tabassum, tabassum-se, muskura,e. Smirky, chhail-chikaniya, bana-thana. To Smite, mar-d, kat-d, utar-d ; {in most, if not all its tenses) mama. A Smiter, maru, zarib; (in comp ) kob, zan. Smith, lobar ; (in comp.) gar, whence zar-gar, a goldsmith. Smithy, lohar-khana, ahangar-khana. Smitten, zada, mara, farefta, ashufta, kofta. Smoke, dhuhan, dud, dhum, dhuma, dik; (»««<, &c.) dhu,ala. To Smoke, (n.) dhunana, dhuna-nikalna or -uthna, sulagna ; (to jjerceive) bo- &c. -paua, blianak- lena ; (a. food, &c.) dhuna-d, dudrang-k, dhunhasna, dhunretu-k ; (tobacco) pin a, khich- na ; the various instruments used for smoking in India are the hukka, gurguri, kaliyan, narayal, dami, gauriya, kali : the several parts of a hukka are th« SMO ( 266 SNU ehilain, or ath-pit, for the fire and tobacco ; its sar- posh, or cover; tho ab-nai, or water -tube, which sup- ports the chilam, and connects it with the water in the hukka ; the muhh-nal, or mouth-piece ; the nai, or flexible tube, which, penetrating with the ab-nai, opens short above the water, whence the smoke is extracted and conveyed to the mouth ; the nai and ab-nai together form the naicha, or snake ; nothing remains now but the zer-andaz, or cloth, placed under the hukka bottom, more for ornament than use ; unless we may add the tawa, or plate, used for sepa- rating the gul (a ball of charcoal, prepared with rice and sugar, &c.) from the tobacco below : the man who has charge of the hukka is called hukka- bardar. I believe the hukka is now less common in India than it was twenty years ago. Smoker, hukka-kash, plwak. Smokelew, be-dhunan, be-dud. Smoking, hukka-kashi ; {machine) kutkuliya ; (tube) chaugan, pichwani, dokhama, kulfi-dar ; (ball) tikiya. Smoky, dhunasa, dhuhara, dhunadhar, dud-aluda. Smooth, chikna, saf, musaffa. muhra-dar, chikkan, musattah; (mild) narm, mitha, shirin; (level) barabar, hamwar, chaupat; (as verse) mauzun, fasih, chatkila; (calm) isthir, mad- him, manda. To Smooth, (a.) chikn3,na, saf- &c. -k, chaursana, barabar- &c. -k ; (to clear) pharcha- &c. -k ; (to facilitate) sahaj- &c. -k. Smooth-faced, zanana-ru, jumihra narm-ru, mula, im-ru, komal-mukha. Smoothlt, (softly) mula,imat- &c. -se, narmi-se. Smoothness, chikna,i,chiknahat, safa,i, ghota,i muhra- darl, narmi, mtila,imat, komalta, shirini, mitha,I« barabari, hamwari, battadhari, chaupata,i, su- dhara,i, mauhuni, tasalsul, fasahat, chatak, thirta, mandta. Smooth-tonoued, charb-zaban, bat-chikna, batbana. Smoother, Smotherino, andha-dhund, dam-bastagi. To Smother, (a.) dam-band-k, khabsi, men-d, sans- rokna, dam ghontke-marna, dhu,ln se mama, dhu,an de mama, sundkhana, ukbukake-marna, daba-mama, phuskana ; • {as wet burning straw) sundhakna ; (to suppress) dabana, chantna, bujhana, mama; (n.) sulagna, dabna, bujhna, rukna. Smug, chikna, chhail-chikaniya, chhail-chhabila. To Smug, chiknana, besbinas-k. [marnii. To Smuggle, ghat-mama, mahsul-marna, chauki- Smugoler, ghat-mar, chauki-mar. Smut, (mildew) lendha, geru,i ; (obscenity) kha- ruHlt, katusi, chikarl, zatal. To Smut, (to become mildewed) lendhiyanii. Smuttily, katusi- &c. -se, khnrafat-se. Smutty, lendaha, lendhgar ; (obscene) puch, khurafati, katusiha, chikariha. Snack, (share, portion) hissa, hath-chappu,ft. To go Snacks, satta-batta-k, bant-chhant-k or -lena. Snaffls, dahana, dhathl, kaza,i, dukri. Snail, ghongha, dohna, kokla ; ifi9-) chyunti. Snake, samp, nag, nfigin, kira: there are the following varieties : gohQ,an, karait, awarhiya, donr, chitar, dhamin, sunkatar, sunbahri, barwat, ajgar, harhora, halhaliya, chita, barwar, amaitar, manyara, thu- thur, bilashtiya, gokhra, gohmana, keru,a, kala, kauriyala, takhab ; (a young snake) po,a, saui- pola ; (the flexible anake-like tube of a l^okka, vulg. hooker) naicha. Snake-catcher, mar-gir, bas,har, mSr-band or -fareb, guni. [gauru, mantri, jharwaiya. SmakK'Kkeper, sampera; (a make charmer) Snakb-wbed, newarl-gadh. Snap, chat, pat, karak, parak, chatak, habak, jhapat tangul, chakatta, burka. To Snap, (a.) chat de torna, chatkana, patkana, mar- kana ; (to bite) kat- or bakot- or chonth-leni, kutkarna ; (u ) pat de-tutna ; (to crack) pa- takna, marakna, kutakna, jhapatna, habakna ; (the fingers) chutki-bajana or -mama; (as a dog) lapakna ; (up) zahr-mar-k ; (short) kirna. Snappish, bat-kat, kutakna, kataha, harkaya, jhu* khala. Snappishnbss, turshi, batkati. Snare, dam, phanda, lapta, pa,edam, lastura; (ambush) khunt ; (to lay) khunt-baithna. To Snare, pakarna, dam-men-lena. Snarl, ghurrish, guraj, ghurrahat. To Snarl, ghurrana, gurajna,ghunghiyana, ghurakna. Snatch, jhapat, ainch-khainch, dast-burdi. To Snatch, chhin-lena, chhor-lena, khich-lena, ainch- lena, jhapat-lena, utha-lejana, dabochna, uchakna, lapakna, dast-burdi-k, jhapa-jhapi-kar-lena, hath- marna, le-lena. Snatcher, jhapat, jhapat-baz, uchakka. To Sneak, dabak-ana, -rahna or -jana, satakna, sapatna; (to crouch) dabna, chapna, girgirana. Sneaking, (abject) dabkel, dabel, dabku; (« sneaking fellow) gidar. Sneer, nak-charhi. thesra, thena, othari, tanz, istihza, shimatat, kada-khoncha, chahka. To Sneer, nak-charhana or -sikarna, mihna-marniU ta'n-mama, awaza-phenkna. Sneerer, nak-charha, ta'na-zan, thesraha. Sneeze, chhink, 'atsa, sinak. To Sneeze, chhinkna, 'atsa-k, nak-chhinakna, -sinakua or -jharna. Sneeze-wort, nak-chhinkni, kandas. Snick and Snee, chhura-chhuri, chburi>katari. To Sniff, sun-sun-k. To Snip, katar-d or -lena ; (a snip) katar. Snip-snap, kata-kati, noka-noki. Snipe, pankaul, chaha, panloha. Snivel, rent, sinak, thinak. To Snivel, rent-jharna or -nikalna, sinakna, thin- akna, nak-bahna, minminana, naki-d. Sniveller, thinkaha, nakilia, nak-basna. Snore, kharrata, kharkharahat, ghurn. To Snore, ghumana, kharrata-marna, nak-kharkhar- ana or -bajana, kharkharana, tharakparna. Snorer, kharrate-baz, ghuruaha. [karna. To Snort, farrana, phurukna, phurki-marna, phun- Snorting, farrahat, phurkahat, phurki, phunkar. Snot, ponta, renta, neta, phiphan, sltar. Snotty, pohtaha, rentaha, phephanaha. Snout, thuthun, thuthri, sum, anwar, sunda; {of an elephant) sund; (nosel) muhri; (of a crocodile or alligator) tomri. Snow, pala, barf, thar, tuhhar, tusar, him, tuhin. To Snow, pala- &c. -girna or -parna. Snow-white, kafuri, ru,i ka gala. Snowy, pala-sa, barfi, palaha, barf-nak. To Snub, (to check, chide) dantna, sansna, malamat-k- Snuff, nas, sunghni, raushan-damagh, maghzi-rau- shan ; (a snuff) ek chutki, hulas; (qf * candle) gul, jaran. To Snuff, (a.) khinchna, surukna, lena, sunghna; (a candle) gul- &c. -lena, -tarashna, or -katna. Snuvf-box, nas-dan, sunghni-danl. SND ( 267 ) i^OL Snuffees, gul-gir, gul-tarash. To Skuffle, {to snivel) gungunana, nak-se bolaa, naki-d, khinkhinana. Snufflee, gunguna, binasaha, nak-basna. [simatke. Snug, suthrS, ma'kul, matbu', suhawan, khush, simat, To BE Sndo, lag-baithna, sapatna, khush-rahna. To Snuggle, dabakna, ghurse-rahna, satna, ghusre- or bhir-rahna. So, aisa, waisa, jaisa, taisa, so, istarah, ustarah, uiihi, yuiihi, yunkar, sa, jai, jo, tai ; {in degree) eta, jeta, weta, or etna, jetna, wetna, inhan-tak, -tag, or -le, az-baski, is-kadr, us-kadr, jis-kadr, jyon, tyoii; {hence) lihaza, is-liye; {provided) ba- sharte-ki ; {well) khub, khair, bhala, bare ; {so so, indifferently'] aisa-waisa, jabda-tabda, bhala-bura, aurbaur, kam-besh, na wah wah na chhi chhi, yunhi, rasi, nimtar, la'nat ba-hech ; {so much or little) etna-sa ; {how great soever he be) jeta-hl bara ho ; {so long as) jab-lag, jab-ta,in; • {so often as) jai-daf e, tai-ber, jai-ber ; {be it so) yunhi ho ; {it may be so) so hoga, ho to ho. To Soak, (n.) sokhna, marna, pachna, jazb-h, khinch- or satak-jana, serab-h, tarbatar-h, bhigna, duba- or bhiga- or tar-rahna; (a.) sokh-, or khich-, or i- len&, satka-d, jazb-k ; {to wet) bhigona, bhigo- or dubo- or sardob-r. SoAKEE, piwak, piwakkar, mat-wala, mai-khor. Soap, sabun, sukli-karan, besan. To Soap, saundna, sabun-lagana. SoAP-BOiLEE, sabun-gar, sabuni or sabunchi. Soap-eaeth, reh, kheh, rebi ; whence the khar or saji, the fossil alkaline salt natron, is obtained by solution and evaporation, and with it the natives make their soap, &c. SoAP-woET, {plant so named ) ritha. [uranki. Soar, buland-parwazi, bala-rawi, sa'ud, charha,i. To Soar, charhna, ur-chalna, urna, buland-parwaz-h, bala-rawi-k. Soaring, (part.) buland-parwaz, bala-rau, charhank, urank, buland-khiyal, nani-jo. Sob, sisak, thunuk, subki, siski. To Sob, sisakna, thunukna, thunakna, dubakna, du- chakna, bisurna. - Sober, parhez-gar, sanjaml or sanyaml, muttaki, parhezi ; (opposed to drunk, &c.) hoshiyar, sachet, ba-hosh ; {serious) sanjida, ahista, mu- dabbir, dhira; {^ight) ma'kul, salim, thandha, raitha ; {as dress, &c.) sada, sadharan, mu- sha,ikhana. To Sober, ba-hosh- &c. -k, hosh-men-lana. Soberly, parhez- &c. -se, hoshiyari-se, &c. Soberness, Sobriety, parhez, sanjam, takawat, par- hez-gari, hoshiyari, sacheti, dhiraj, hamwari, du- rusti, salimi, thandha,!, mitha,i. Sociable, Social, niiiansar, milapi, meli, panchmilit, muwafik, ashna-mizaj, suhbati, mardum-amez, majlis-dost, premi, sansari, unsi, milnns, maluf, khala-mala ; {familiar) hila-mila, ilditilat-dost, bat-ras. Sociableness, SociALNESs, milan-sari, milap, Wiulta, panch-milti, muwafikat, ashna-parasti, mardum- amezl, bat-rasl. Society, uns, unsiyat, suhbat, musahibat, mel, jor, Fangta, sangat, sath, sangsarg, rifakat, shirkat, mu- sharikat, ta,annus, mu,;masat, ulfat. Sock, jurab, pa,e-taba, sukhtala. Socket, piyala, katora, ghar, chhed, Uiana : {of a mill cylinder) ghan, whence ghan, ghani, a batch, or one making. SoR, chapra, chippi, dhela, kulukh. Sodomite, iQti, launde-bSz, liwati, ighlami, bache-baz Sodomy, lawatat, ighlam, launde-bazi, kunzani, chob- chini, dhusa-dhasi, gudbhang, kajhu. SoEVEE, i ko,i, i-kuchh, kaisa,i, keta,i, jeta,i, &c. ; — — (v. so, also ever, how, who) ; {whosoever) jo-ko,i, jo,i-ko,i ; {whatsoever) jo-kuchh. Sofa, takht-posh, suffa. Soft, narm, komal, mula,im, pilpila, pola, gulgula, phulula, dhima, halwa, gudguda, pichpicha, laslasa ; {short) ma'dula; {delicate) nazuk, salim, kaghazi ; {simple) kacha ; {light) halka, kam, rasayan, madhim. Soft ! raho, thamo, bas, aste or ahiste. To Soften, (a.) narm- Sec. -k, narmana, gulgulana, pilpilana, mom-k, paghlana, pasljna, lijlijana; {a letter) ta'lil-k; (n.) mula,im- &c. -h, pilpila-j. ' Softly, ahiste, suste, gatte, haule, halge, rase, sande, dhime, dabe-panw, mula,imat- &c. -se. Softness, narmi, komalta, mula,imat, pola,i, gulgula- hat, pilpilahat, nazakat, nazuki, naz, kacha,!, hal- ka,!, subuki, rasayan!, narma,!, narmiyat, linat. SoHO ! (interject.) aho, hot, are, re, ho, aji. Soil, zamin, mitt!, khet, bhum, dharti, sar. To Soil, maila-karna, &c. (v. to sully). [&c. -k. To Sojourn, safar- &c. -k, phirte-rahna, khush-bashi- Sojourner, khush-bash, ^ana-ba-dosh, bides!, ma- safir, parjatan!. Sojourning, sair, safar, Wiush-bashi, parjatan. Solace, {comfort) khushi, tasalli, aram, dil-asa,!. To Solace, bahtiyana, bahlana, rljhana, khush- &c. -k. Solar, shams!, sakrant!, aftabi; {-month) sur- mas ; {-year) shams! sal. Sold, farokhta, bika-hu,a, bichuka, becha-hu^a. To BE Sold, bikna, bik-jana. Solder, laham, also laham, joran, santhan, sohaga. To Solder, jorna, milana, marammat-k. Soldier, sipah! (whence seapoy, spahi, &c.), lashkari, piyada, jawan, sipahi-pesha, tilanga (from the coun- try called Tilang) jhiliuga, dawal-band, bark-andaz, dhalait, najib : this word was introduced by Shuja'u- d-Daula, on his raising a regiment of 2200 marde adm! {or gentlemen) Musalmans. Soldierly, sipahiyana, dil-awarana, bahadurana. Soldiership, sipahi-gari, nabard-azma,!. Soldierly, sipah-pesha, lashkar-pesha, sipah-gari. Sole, talu,a, talwa, kafi-pa, tala, penda; {me- tatarsal) pabba ; {of a shoe) sukh-tala. Sole, (adj.) ekla, akela, tan i tanha, nirala. To Sole, tala-lagana. Solecism, na-marbuti, ulta, amr i muhal, ghalat. Solely, sirf, fakat, khass, nirala, akela. Solemn, ru'ab-dar, 'ibrat!, bharmila ; {grave) sanjida, sakhta. Solemnity, ru'ab-dar!, 'ibrat-angezi ; {gravity) sanjidag!, sakhtag! ; {ceremony) parab, pitar- pakh, fatiha, durud, kul, majlis, 'urs, maulud ; {among the Musalmans) daha, 'ashra, ta'ziya, also muharram, the name of the month in which were murdered Hasan and Husain, the sons of 'Al! by Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad, is solemnized with every demonstration of mourning and grief, particularly by the Shi'as; Zainu-l-'abidin, the young son of Husain, being sick at the time, naf spared, and from him are descended the Saiyids, the most honourable among the faithful, and therefore dignified to this day with the appellation ofmir from amir, a prince or lord. Solemnization, manauti, pujana, upasana. SOL ( 268 ) SOB To Soi-EMNiZE, manna, pAjni, kS.im-k, barpS-k. SotEMNLT, sanjidagi- &c. -se. To SouciT, mSngna, chahna, jachna, istld'a- &c. -k, arzu- &c. -r ; {-charity) ghaza-safa-k. Solicitation, {importunity) darkhwast, mangta,i, istid'a, niyaz, tamanna, binay, minnat, istimdad, arzu, naz o niyaz, binaykar, iltim^s. Solicitor, shafi, binaykari, multamis. Solicitous, mushawwish, chintit, sochi, Hiatar-mand, kharkila, gham-Uiwar, waswasi, sandehl, bharml, dur-andesh. To be Solicitous, man-malmalan^ or -talmalana or -khatakna, bhabharn§. Solicitously, dur-andeshi- &c. -se, hoshiyari-se. Solicitude, khalish, khadsha, bhabh, bhabhar (from bhabharna, to be solicitous), tapak, be-karari, khatka, malmalahat. Solid, {not fluid) munjamad, tantha, sakht; — — {corporeal) mujassam, ekloha, eklo,i, pokhta, musta- kall, kawi, matin, muka'abi; {dense) thos, pur, niggar, nisandh ; {reaJ) asl, ma'nawi ; {grave) bhari. Solidity, injimad, tanthil,i, thos§,i, sangini, sakhti, nisandha,!, jismiyat, jirmlyat. Solidly, thosa,i- &c. -se, tantha,i-se, sakhti-se. Soliloquy, khud-kalami. Solitariness, khilwat-guzini, gosha-niBhini, wahshat, inziwa. Solitary, {retired) tanha, akela, nirala, ek-anti, tan- ha-khor, alag, mujarrad, khilwat-guzin, munzawi, ■wahshati ; {gloomy) udas, be-raunak, dhandhar. Solitude, tanha,i, ek-ant, akela,i, niralta, gosha, khalwat, jangal, udasi, be-raunaki, dhandhari. Solstice, {summer) rasu-s-sartan, utrayan-suraj ; {winter) rasu-l-jadi, dakhnayan-suraj. Solubility, tahlil, ghulil,o, gala,o. To Solve, hall-k, saf-k, suljliiina, kholna. Soluble, ghula,u, muhallal, gala,u, pighla,u, pacha,u. Solution, piglila,o, pacha.o, pani, hall, inkishaf, sul- jha,o, khula.o, ghola; {of opium) afim ka ghola ; {of gold) sonahla-pani, halli-tila,i. Solvent, ghulawanhar ; {able to pay) zar-dar, mal-dar. Solver, {of difficulties) mushkil-kusha or -kuslia,e. Some, kuchh, thora, thore, chand, cbize, kadri kalil, kam-besh, ba'ze, ka,i-ek, ek-adh, ko,i, (obi. kisi) ; {-one) ek ; {some one or other) ko,i na ko,i, ek na ek ; {some other) aur-ko,i; {some day or other) ek na ek roz. Somebody, ko,i (obi. kisi, kisu), kase; {some- body or other) ko,i na ko,i, kisu na kisu. SoMEUOW, kisi-tarah or kisi-tarab-se, kisu-surat-se. Somethino, Somewhat, kucbh, thora-sa, kuchh-ek, thora-ek, thori-bahut, l^adri-kalil ; {-or other) kuchh na kuchh, chize. Sometime, kabhi, kadhi na kadhl, kabhfl. Sometimes, ba'ze -wakt, kadhi-kadhi, gah-gah, kisi- wakt, kabhi, jab-na-jab, jab-tab, jab-na-tab ; {some time or other) gahe, ko,i na ko,i waJ^t, kisi na kisi wakt. Somewhere, kahin, kisQ-jagah; {somewhere or other) kahin na kahiii, ja ba ja. Somniferous, alasi or alasyi, khwab-awar. Son, beta, put, larka, pisar, bacha, tifl, farzand, ibn, jana, ja,iya, sut, sun, walad, khalaf, putr, atmaj, tanai, balak, liil, lala, babwa, khuzada, sahib-zada, banda-zada, bar-kJiurdar ; (in comp.) zada,eta, zi,ida; {of a bitch) kutte ka jana, sag-z&,ida ; {the tons of Adam) bani-adam. SoNO, git, rag, ragni, nad, bhajan, gin, sarod, iwftx, naghma, jhanjhan, johla, lori ; {-book) ihg' mala. Songster, gayan, sarod-khwan, naghme-pardiz. Son-in-law, damad, khwesh, mizman, dhijawM. jama,i, 'aziz, khana-daraad, ghar-janwa,i. Sonnet, tappa, khiyal, dhurpad. Sonorous, pur-awaz, buland-awaz, k^ub-SLwaz. SoNSHip, beta-pan, ibniyat. Soon, jaldi, shitab, hali, beg, abhi, ab, yihi, ko,i dam- men, 'ankarib, there din-men, chand-roz-meii ; {betimes) sawere, bar-wakt, bihane ; {what I so soonf) wah abhi ; {as soon as) jab, jad, jis- wakt, jyonhi ; {as soon as the king arrived fie confined the minister) padshah ne pahunchte hi wazir ko kaid kiya ; {so soon) tab, tad, usi-wa^t, tis- wakt. Sooner, paihle, age, peshtar, awwal ; no sooner seems expressed thus : {he no sooner called than I appeared) wuh mujhe bolane na paya jo main a hazir hu,a; (/ no sooner said so than he ran off) yih bat kahne na pa,i ki wuh nikal bhaga. Soot, kalak, kajal, arunan, duda, saunra, jhul. Sooth, {pleasing) suthra; {in good sooth) sach to yih hai. To Sooth, {to assuage) man an a, chumkama, sabl&ni^ khush-r or -k, bahlana, narm-k, kam-k, sutni, sut- ana. Soothino, mitha, taskini, taskin-baU^h. To Soothsay, agam-bhakhna, age-se-kahoi or -bat- lana or -jatana, fal-go,i-k. Soothsayer, agam-bhakhi or -jSLni or -bakti, fal-go, kahin. Sooty, kala, ko,ela-sa, kalauta. Sop, tukra, lukma, lukma-tar, manh-bhari. SoPHi, {the title of the king of Persia) sufi, from th* dynasty of that name. Sophism, Sophistry, pech, lapet, mantik, dhokhS, dip-nya,o. Sophist, nirguni, ishrakin, sufi, manti^i. Sophister, kath-mantiki, dhokhe-baz. Soporiferous, Soporific, sola,i, khwab-angez. Sorcerer, jadu-gar, musakhkhir, sahar-baz. Sorceress, jadu-garni, tonahi. Sorcery, (v. conjuror) nairang, musaklj\hirat, tasHii- rat. [malamati. Sordid, dil-tang, dam, paji, kripan, nahas, bakhil. Sore, pakla, pitki, gha,o, zakham, ghawela, nasur, kurah ; {-throat) gale ka dard. Sore, (adj.) dukha,Q, pur-dard; {violent) shadid, sadjt, barfi; {in mind) chirchira, be-zar, na- khush, dard-maiid. Sore, Sorely, shiddat- &c. -se, bahut, nihajat. Soreness, dukh, dard, be-zari, pir. To SoRN, aha,i-d, khairati-lukma-khan&. Sorrel, chuka, turshak, khata sag, hammiz, amrol; {-colour) sandali. Sorrow, afsos, ranjidagi, dard-mandi, izurdagi, socht santap, kurhan, gham, malalat. Sorrowful, dard-mand, azurda, santipi, iid&s, andoh- nak, dil-gir, ghamaluda or -zada, malul, sog-w&r. Sorrowfulness, andoh-naki, &c. azurdagi. Sorry, pachhta,u, pasheman; {vile) n&-k&ra, hech-kara,derh-rupa,e-ka,tin-kaun-ka; {vexed) mutafakkir, muta,assaf, mutaraddad, malamati. To BE Sorry, pachlitana, afsos-karna or -khan§ Sort, bhant, wajh or wajah, surat, tarik, ras ; — {manner) tarah, taur, daul, rakam,"guna, dhab, rfip, rang, uslub, Ijiabil ; — {degree) l^axlar, audaza -. — SOR ( 269 ) SPE (sortt of goods) (1st) barhiyS, awwal, (2d) du,um, rasi, (3d) siynm, ghatiya, (4th) chaharum ; {of this sort) az in kabil ; {in some soi-f) kuchh-ek. To Sort, (a ) sudharna, jamkanfi, saintna, thik- &c. &c. -k, sahejna, bachhna, chun-bachh-k, awwal- du,um-siyuin-k, rakam-milana, rakam-rakam-k, ja,e-sir-r, chunna; {to conjoin) milana, jorna ; (n.) milna, jutna, thikana. Sot, SoTTisn, chutiya, kun i khar, da,iniu-l-khainr, majhul i mutlak, ganjail, bbangi, bhangar, math, bada-parast, afimi, posti. To Sot, (n.) chur- or duba- or behosh-rahna. Sottish, kund, majhul, sust, be-hosh, be-khabar. SoTTiSHLT, be-hoshi- &c. -se, majhuli-se. SoTTisuNESs, majhuH, susti, be-hoshi, be-khabari. SovEREiON, (adj.) mutlak, mustakill ; (a sove- reign remedy) padshah-'ilaj, shali-dawa, raj-aukhad. Sovereign, {lord, king) wali, gosa,in. Sovereignty, (v. dominion) istiklal, hukumat, kida- mat, sadarat, riyasat, raj; rajauti. Soul, ruh, jan, ji, pran, sat, nafs, bolta, bans, atma, batin, mutanaffas, janajat; {having a soul) zi-ruh, jan- or ruh-dar ; {with all my soul) dil o jan se, ba sar o chashm. Soulless, be-jan, nir-ji, be-ruh, nir-atma. Sound, {safe, honest) khara, be-'aib ; {healthy) sahih, salamat, bhala, achchha, musallam, nirog, sukhi ; {right) thik, durust, rast, sacha ; {as sleep, &c.) bhari, sukh, garha ; {strong) san- gin, khub, bara, ghalib. To Sound, {to fathom) thahna, zamin- &c. -lena or -dekhna, or -napna, pet-men paithna, bhed-lena; — '— {to plumb) paui-atkalna, andaza-k or -lena ; {to try) tatolna, nabz-dekhna, nari-tona ; {as a pen in writing) chirchirana ; {as drums, &c.) tanakna, dhamakna, dugdugana; {one's praise) bhathiya,i-k. Sound, (sub.) awaz, sada, saut, sur, rau, sabd, lain, iUian, ahat, nida, nawa, gamak, danka, khatka, dha- mak, dhan-dhan ; (OTere)khali-bat, bara,e-bait. To Sound, (n.) awaz- &c. -d or -lagna, bajna, bolna; (a.) bajana, awaz- &c. -nikalna, phunkna. Sounding, pur, bhari, sangin ; {-verse) laffazi. Soundly, durusti-se, &c. (v. soundness). Soundness, tan-durusti, sihhat, salamati, bhala,i> durusti, rasti, sacha,i, ghalba, be-'aib. Soup, shorba (vulg. surwa), pareh, jus, ab-josh, jhor, goshtaba, yush. SouE, khatta, tursh, hamiz, chuk, ambat, amil. To Sour, (a.) khattana, amlana, ambatana, turshana, tursh- &c. -k; (n.) tursh- &c. -h, khatta-jana. Source, chashma baramad, nikas, mul, masdar, bina, muiih, mukh ; {of the Ganges) ganga-dwar, gau- iKukh (lit. cowmouth). Sourish, khatta-sa, ma,il ba turshi, khat-tursh. Sourly, turshi- &c. -se, tursh-ru,i-se. Sourness, turshi, ambta,i, tursha,i, hik. To Souse, {as birds) jhapatna, le-baithna. South, (sub.) dakhan (whence the Deccan), junub ; {-wind) dakhana, junubi. South, Southern, Southerly, Southward, dak- hani, dakhan-ko, dakhan ki taraf, ba simt i junub. South, {facing the) junub-ru, dakhan-munha. Southing, (sub.) dakhanana (opposed to uttarana, northing). Southing, (adj.) dakhnayan (opposed to uttarayan) . South-east, agin, agne.o ; {south-west) nairit. Southern-wood, {plant so called) kaisum. Sow, su,ari, bad, barahi (from baiab, a boar) : (a millepede) raahu. To Sow, bonH, bijnS, paima ; tu^m-rezi- &c. -ki rompna, muth-lena ; {-strife) 'aks-d. Sower, bowaiya, pairwaiyii, bowan-har, tukhm-rez ; (in comp.) angez, rez. Sowing, bo,a,i, paira,i, tukhm-rezi ; {-season) bawak, adra, boni, bawan, muth ke roz. SowiNS, kanji or ganji (vulg congee) pich, mand, ogra, sith, shola, ash-biranj, gulhatti. Sown, bo,a-hu,a or boya-hu,a, anjama, bija. Space, 'arsa, antar, bich, fasila, was'at, maidan, kushadagi ; {time) wakt, muddat, der, jug ; {interstice) phauk ; {size) wakfa, palla, mikdar, kendri, akas. Spacious, wasi', kushada, phaila,u, pahna-war, fara^ lamba-chaura, chaura-chakla, was'ati. Spaciously, kushadagi- &c. -se. Spaciousness, phaila,o, pahna-wari, farakhi. Spade, bel, belcha, kudali, kasi, phaura, wasrati. Span, bilisht, bitta, bilaud, gilli, gahwa, chapp&, wajab ; {-new) tah-darz, kora. To Span, bitiyana, paima,ish-k. Spangle, tikli, sitara, phul, dal, kiriy§, tiki, afehan, chamki. Spangled, tikli-dar, tike-dar, afishani, parpasha. Spaniel, {fig.) kha,e-bardar, darbari kutta. Spanish Broom, arhar. Spar, kari, sikhcha, danda, arli, musla, tir-bachJ, gaz, jangala. To Spar, jharapna, panja-k, banh-k. Spare, {superfluous) ziyada, adhika, afzQd, barhti, faltu; {unoccupied) khali. be-kar, baitha; {lean) patla, satkar, ekahra; {slender) tia^; {scanty) kalil, thora, kam. To Spare, (a. to save) bachana, bakhsh-k; {to give) dena, ri'ayat-k; {to forego) chhorna, tajna, jane-dena, jahrana ; (n.) kiftyat- &c. -k, juz- ras- &c. -h. Spare Time, fursat, saukas, zaman i fursat. Sparing, Sparer, kifayati, kam-kharch, juz-ras, tang-dast. Sparingly, juz-rasi- &c -se, hath rakh-ke, ihtiyat- se, waswas-se; {abstemiously) parhezi- &c. -se. Spark, Sparkle, chingari, chingi, patanga, liiti, phul, sharara, parkala, luka, jhalka, phungi ; {fig.) shimnia, les ; {beau) chhaila, bisani, banki. Sparkish, chamkila, chatkila. To Sparkle, chingi- &c. -chhutna, or -jharna, or -nikalna ; {to shine) chamakna, chamchamana, jhamjhamana, jhamakna, jhal-jhalana, jhalakua, dalak-na ; {as a candle) phul-jharna. Sparkling, chamkila, chatkila. Sparklingly, chamak- &c. -se, chamkahat-se. Sparklingness, chamkahat, jhalkahat. [tok. Sparring, jharap, khoncha-khonchi, nok-jhok, rok- Sparrow, gauriya, gargaya, kunjashk, chiriya ; {domestic) 'asfur i khangi; {hedge-) bargel, baya. Sparrow-hawk, basha, shikra, kohi, chhippak^, mushgir, chuhi-mar, turmuti. Sparrow's-tongue, indarjau, lisanu-l-'asafir. Spasm, jakar, aiuth, maror, pakar, girift, simat. To Spatter, bharna, liwarna, bhar-marna. Spavin, {kind of tumour) hadda, motra. Spawn, ande; {to spawn) ande-d or -phenkna. To Speak, bolna, bhakhna, kahna, bat- &c. -k, batlana, farmana, iltimas- &c. -k; {-out) kah- or bol- uthna or -baithna ; (-well) zaban-garna. Speaker, bolwaiya, mutakalUm; (in comp.) go, bakta. sPE i^^ ; Spear, bhaia, barchhi, garhiya, kont, sel, sing, neza, trisul, ballam, chharl, sainti, liwa, barchha, ra,e- bans, tikani, tenta, chauka, nal. To Spear, bhala- &c. -mama, -laganS or d. Speargrass, sar, jangri. Spearman, bhalait, barchhait, neza-baz, neza-bardSr. Special, khass, makhsus, mushakhkhas, nijgnt;^ (messenger) 'ahdi from 'ahad : [great) bajra Specially, 'ala-1-khusus, khususan. Specie, {ready money) nakd, rupa,e-ashrafi. Species, kism, jat, bibhed, fard, nau', jins, rakam. Specific, jinsi, nau'i, kismi, zati, latka ; {a specific) mujarrab ; {as remedies) ramban, huk- mi, tir ba hadf ; {for the eyes) anjansar, chaksu. Specification, tashkljis, thahra,o, tashakhkhus. To Specify, thahrana, mushakhkhas- &c. -k, batlana. Specimen, namuna, bangi, parichha, madari. Specious, zahir-numa, mulamma', mulamma'-saz, masnu', dukan-dar, bharangi, bat-bana,surat-haram, indrayan-ka phal, kanchan-phal, chikna. Speciously, mulamma'-sazi- &c. -se. Speciousness, zahir-numa,i, tasannu', mulamma'- sazi, dukan-dari, bharang, chiknahat, masnu'i. Speck, dagh. chitkara, chhita, dana, bund, gha,in, kalaf ; {on the eye) phuli, phola, manda, roha, gul. To Speck, chitna, chhitna, chitte-dar- &c. -k. Speckled, dagh-dar, daghi, chitla, chitiyaba, chitte- d&r, khal-dar, chitkabra, kauriyala, ablak, titari, akhyal; {eye) gul-chashm. Spf.ctacle, {show or play) tamasha, suwang; {sight) surat, sarup. Spectacles, cliashma, chashmak, 'ainak. Spectator, nazir (pi. nazirin) dekhan-har, dekhwaiya, dithar ; (in comp.) bin, gir, thus, tamasha-bin or -gir, a spectator. Spectre, saya, bhut, pisach, abha, shaitan, Sseb, sarab, dhuha, dhokha, 'ifrit. To Speculate, lihaz- &c. -k, bicharna, sochna. Speculation, lihaz, mulahaza, soch, sitara-shumari, daur, mansuba, atkal, khiyal, kiyas. [bichari. Speculative, fikri, sochi, chintak. ta,ammnli, khiyali. Speculator, mansube-baz, utjogi, atkal-baz. Speech, zaban, boli, bhakha, goya,i, guftar, nutk, talaffuz, kalam, bachan, bat-kaha,o, bat, bani, ^aul, kil kal, kaha, shabd, harf. Speechless, be-zabau, zaban-basta, a-bol or an-bol, anbola, be-dam, gum-zaban, la-jawab. To become Speechless, akki-bakki-bhulna, jaki- lagna, rah-j. Speed, jaldi, utaili, harbari, daur, chatak, chalaki, jhapa-jhapi ; {full) bharkarak, bharchal ; {prosperity) pesh-raft, Idiairiyat, falah, bhala,i. To Speed, (n.) daurna, jaldi- &c. -k, jald- &c. -jana, sadh-ana, pahunch-ana ; {to make prosperous) bar-lana, ku,im-r, bharpur-r ; {to succeed ) peshraft- or falah- &c. -pana, kam-aua- or -lagna, or -chains, ban-parna, banna, bona, par-hona, nibhna ; (a.) dauriina, hurkana, chalana, uthana, jaldi-bhejna; {to ruin) kharab-k ; — '— (to prosper) bar-khurdar-k, maksad-war-k, sar-sabz-k, bariiani, bhara-piira-k, surkh-ru-k, bhala-k, bala-r. Speedily, jaldi- &c. -se, dauj-a-daur- &c. -se. Speedy, jald, shitab, ch&l&k, tez, utail&, chanchal, chatklla. Spell, mantar, jidii, gadh, bhed, gand&, dithaunSt, hirz ; {turn) badli, pare,o, ohar, bari. To Spell, {in writing) jmla- &c. -k ; {to syllable) h«Jt-k, bartani-k, tahajji-k, baskhari-k. SPl Speller, tahji-khwan. haji-karne-wala. Spelling, imla, achharauti, haji, bartani. To Spend, (a.) phailana, chhitna, bona, kharachn&f lagana, uthana; {to pais) katna, bihana, ni- barna, bharna, urana, chatbazm-k, bebak-k, khana; {money on one; paise- &C. -khilana; {to emit) chhorna, girana, jharna, khalas-k, inzal-k, nikalna; {to fatigue) harana, torna, ghatlni, mama ; {to be spent) ur-jana, nibarna, katnft, mama, ho-chukna ; (n.) patiyana, kamzor-h, phat- na, urna, siikhna. Spender, Spendthrift, ura,u, luta,u, mnsrif, foful- kharj, kharraj. dabal-hath, lakh-lut. Sperm, mani, dhat, birj, pani, nutfa, ande, tuknm. To Spew, chhandna, ugalna, ugal-d. Sphere, sipihr, kubba, girda, kakahsa, falak, kurra, nabh; {province) misal; {place) thikani, jagah, rah. Spheric, Spherical, golakar, mudawwir, gol-sa. Sphinx, nar-singh, abu-1-hula. Spice, masalah, bira,i, kala- or siyah-dana; — — {-box) cliaughara; {fig. denoting a little, a portion) bo, bas, ^arra, ramak, mahak, shimma. Spicer, masalah-farosh, pasari. Spices, Spicery, garm-masalah, mar-mas^Iah. Spick and Span New, tatka, tahdarz, kora. Spicy, gamkila, mahkila, masalah-dar. Spider, makri, makra, budkar, 'ankabut. Spioot, datta, thepi, gatta, samam samamat. Spike, bal, Khosha, sis, jhumpa; (nai7, me^, kil. [marna. To Spike, mekh- &c. -mama or -thonkna, sozan- Spikenard, chhar, jata-masi, sumbulu-_t-tib, chharila. To Spill, (a.) chhalkana, gira-d, jhuka-d, dhalna, aundhana, bahana, dhalkana; {to destroy) mama; (n)chhalakna, girnft, nikal-j, dhalna, gir- parna, bahna. To Spin, (a.) katna, sut-katna ; {to revolve) chak- kar- or charkh-marna; {to protract) lamb§na, barhana, daraz-k, tul-k, khichna ; {to form) banana; {to whirl) pherna, ghumana ; (n.) kata.i- &c. -k, phirna, ghumna; {to stream) dhar-chalna, phamph-chalna. Spinach, Spinaoe, isfanaj, palak, bathu,a. Spinal Marrow, haram-maghz, maghtz i pusht. Spindle, takla, taku,a, duk, pilanchi, chamrak^, phirki, damkara ; {stalk) datha, narwa ; {-shanked) lamb-gora, lamtanga. To Spindle, dharhana ; {as com) darhiyana, lamb-chhara-h, dhadhana. Spine, rirh, sulb, kangror. Spinner, Spinster, katan-hari, char^a-zan; — {an unmarried woman) kanwari, an-byahit&. Spinning, kata,i, katauni, charkha-zani. Spinning-wheel, charW[i or charkha, rahta. [nari, Spiral, pech-dar, pechila, bhaunkaha, nagdaun, mi- Spirally, pech- &c. -se, pech dar pech. Spire, pech {steeple) minar or minara srung; {shaft) sul, siUi, lath. Spirit, ruh, bhutatma, sur, hamzad; (animation) namak, zahra, an, tarrara, gurda, walwala, dambh, kaleja,- teha, muuh ; {breath) dam ; {ghost) bhut • {temper) mizaj ; {courage) dil, man ; {magnanimity) ghairat, sahas, himmat, hamiyat, dimagh ; {ardour) garmi, damak ; {desire) shauk; {genius) gihn, chet; {essence) khulasa, sat ; {liquor) 'arak, madra, barni, raa, tafi, kaitha, dar-bahra, dudh ; {briskneis) cha- tak, tezi ; {the spirits) ji, dU ; {to pluck up i — SPI ( 271 ) SPR spirits) himmat-b or -patarna ; {to behave toith gpirit) an-nibahna ; — — {evil spirit) shaitan, asur ; {good a?)d evil spirits) nek o bad arwah. To Spirit, diler-k, dhith-k, dam-d, chihrana, lalkarna, Spirited, tarrara, jan-dar, jan-baz, karwa, diler. Spiritedness, jan-dari, jan-bazi, dileri, karwahat. Spiritless, be-dil, be-man, be-ghairat, kani-jur,at. Spirituous, tez, chokha, tund, tez- or tund-ab. Spiritousness, tezi, tundi. Spiritual, ruhi, rubani, jani, dili, nuri; {eccle- siastical) dini, baishnawi. Spirituality, ruhaniyat, nafsaniyat. To Spirtle, (n.) cbhutna, chhitakna; (a.) chhorna, chhitkana, pichkana, tatiri-phenkna. Spit, {prong) siyi, si^cha; {spittle) lu'ab, thuk. To Spit, siHi-lagana, perona, guthna; {from the mouth) tbukna, thuk-d, -d, or -phenkna, thSthkar- na, thuk-satna, ugalna. Spit-box, Spitting-pot, ugal-dan, pik-dan, pik-dani (from pik, tbe stuff ejected after chewing betel, to- bacco, &c.). Spite, kina, bughz, hi^d, kudurat, chot, lag, zidd, 'aks, ^ilaf, kapat, khuns, ganth, khushunat, 'adawat, 'inad, nikazat, durjanta, kawish, khalish, pechisb, aksa-aksi, kliaincha-khainchi ; {in spite of) bar- ^ilaf, bar-'aks, ba-wujud. [marna or -katna. To Spite, zidd- &c. -k, kina- &c. -r, dikk-k, rah- Spiteful, kiua-war, kina-kash, lagi, kaniha, ghunas, ziddi, kapati, gbuna, aksi, durjan, gathila, ghun- ghuniya-samp. Spitefully, kina-wari- &c. -se, ziddan, kapat-se. Spitefulness, kina-wari, kina-kashi. Spitter, {from the mouth) thukne-wala, ugalu. Spittle, thuk, lu'ab, tuf, bizag. Splash, chliint, liwar, dhabdhabahat. To Splash, bhar-d, chhitkl-d, aluda-k, kulatain-k, dbabdhabana, liwarna, chhintana. Splashy, chahlaha, kichraha, jalthal, kulatain. To Splay, chhatkana ; {splayfoot) panw phidda. Splaymouth, Splaymouthed, khaba-munh. Spleen, tili, pila,i, tihill, sapurz, barwat ; {fit) lahar, tarang, baicWta,i ; {the spleen) taptili. Spleenful, chirchira, khujbana, dikk, barham, baichit. Splendid, Splendent, chatkila, bharkila, ranglla, chamkila, mujalla, raushan, raunak-dar, 'umda, iDufakhir, numayan, 'ali-shan. Splendidly, raunak- &c. -se, jab ojalal-se. Splendour, bhafak, chatak, raunak, tajalli, niir, jab o jalal, shaukat, darakhshindagi, jalwa, shan, rau- shani, 'uzm o shan, zark-bark, bana,o-chuna,o, thatb, tumtarak, tajammul, tazin. To Splice, santhna, jorna, jor-dena. Splint, bakhari, kamanch, pharathi, kamthi, dhajji, pharchat, batti, khapachi, sink, kam, tutan, chhithi, khaink, phar. To Splint, kamthiyana, bakhariyana, pash-pash-k. Splinter, (t. splint) kirch, kuna,i, phans, reza. To Splinter, (a.) chur-k; (n.) reza-reza- &c. -h, chur-hojana. To Splint, (a.) chirna, pharna, chak-k, phorna, phas- kana ; {with laughter) anten-pakna ; (pease, &c.) dalna (whence dal, so well known with bhat in Indian cookery) ; {to divide) adh o adh- k; {to break) marna, torna ; (n.) chir-j, phatna, phutna, phasakna, chak-h, tutna, mara-j, chirna, cbirakna, chhitaknS, charrana. [phar. Splitter, phapi, chirwaiya; (in comp.) shigaf, Spoil, lut, ghanimat, yaghma, lut-p&t;. To Spoil, (a.) bigarna, kharab-k, sarana, nas&ni, dhalna, abtar- &c. -k, be-kar-k; {meat, &c.) bisana, kasana, lasiyana, ubsana (from ubasna, to rot) ; {-sport, &c.) gul-k, bujhana, mama, mitana; {to plunder) lutua, chhinna, har-lut- leua, ujarna; (n.) bigarna, kharab- &c. -h, nasa-j, sarna, galna. Spoiler, lutera, gharat-gar, bigaru, ujaru. Spoilt, kharab, za,i*, bar-bad, henbena, khwar, tahai- nahas, zabiin, awara, bigra, phira, larba,ola. Spoke, {ray or bar of a wheel) ara, beni. Spokesman, {speaker) bolwaiya, zaban, *arz-begi. Sponge, mu,a-badal, isfauj, samundar-phen ; {for a gun) sumba ; {stone) jhama, sang-pa. To SoNGE, {for dinner) sungta-phirna, sunghaniya- lena, ta'am-talashi-k. [bar, lukma-jo. Sponger, ta'am-talash, muft-khor. tufaili, khadam- Sponginess, phulka,i, gulgula,i. Spongy, phulka, gulgula, khodra, IQgfaha, ghuuaha, pulpula, pola. Spontaneous, iradi, ikhtiyari, zati, manmani, khud- rau, uprari; (in comp.) khud. nij. Spontaneously, ap se, aphi-ap, khud ba khud. aprap, Spontaneousness, apnaiti, apna,i, khudrawi. Spoon, chamcha, do,!, pali, chamach, karchhi. Spoonful, chamclia-bhar, chamach-bhar, &c. Spoon-meat, lapsi, shola, harira. Sport, {game) shikar, sawaj, khetak ; {j'^ai) thatha, zihk, hansi, boli-tholi; {pleasure, frolic) 'aisii, jashan, chuhal ; {fiff-) khilauna, khelwar, bazi, kalandar ka bandar. To Sport, khelna, bazi- &c. -k, khelta-phirna, khushi-k. Sportful, {sportive) khush-tab'. hans-mukh. Sportsman, shikari, shikar-baz, aheriya, khetaki, saiyad, shah-baz, sair-baz, shaukin. Sporter, (in comp.) baz, whence jan-baz, sporting with life. i. e. bold, daring. Spot, dakh, khal, chhit, chhitki, chitti, til, kalaf,gul, bunda ; {of ground, &c.) tukra ; {blot) 'aib, kalank, dagh, dag; {place) jagah; ■ {on the spot) usi jagah, dar-hal, fi-l-faur. To Spot, da gh i- &c. -k, til- &c. -d or -lagana. Spotless, be-dagh, be-'aib, nir-kalank, la-jurm, be- jurm, nir-mal. Spotted, Spotty, aluda, bhara, chitla, magli, chitaha, daghila, titari, biinde-dar, l^al-dar, dagh-dar. Spousal, (sub.) tazwij, gath-jor, jor-jar ; (state) zauji, zaujiyat, sohag. Spousal, (adj.) byahu, nikahi. [hakk-halal. Spouse, zauj, zauja, juft, jora, jori, joru, farik i sani Spouseless, ni-khasma, ni-khasmi, a-jora. Spout, tonti, pai-nala, par-nala, nab-dan, abrez; {of water) pot, moth. To Spout, (a ) chhorna, uchhalna, phutkarna, faw- wara-chhiitna, phunkara-marna; (n.) chhufna, uchhalna, phutkarna, phut-nikalna. Sprain, chik, maror, moch, murak, pechish. To Sprain, (n.) murakna; (a.) murkana, pechish-k. To Sprawl, lotna, ghusakna, chhatpatana, hath- panw-marna, tarapna, ang-marorna. Spray, phungi, pala,i; {of the sea) bauchhar. To Spread, (a.) bichhiina, farsh-k, phailana, pasarna. lipna; {-abroad) urana, 'alam nashr-k; {to cover) chhana, chhopna ; {to lay) charhana, lagana, lapetna ; (n.) bichhna, phailna, pasarni, cbha-j, daurna, charhna, lapitna, Jagna. chhataar- h, chichharna^ SPK ( 2/2 STA - (in Spebadee, farrash, bichhwaiyi, phaila,u ; comp.) gustar. Speio, pannghi, shakhcha, pankbri, lais. SpttiGHTLY, [lively, gay, &c.) chubli, rangin, chhablla, mast, bansa,u, chulbula, sboklj; {-tune) chalta; [as an instrument) bhartal. Spbing, {seaton of) babar, basant, rabi', fasli gul; [bounce) jhapta, jhapat, tarrara ; [elasticity) dani, lachak, cbinirabat, dam-diiri; [instrument) kamancha, kamani ; — ^ [leap) kud, tap, zaghand ; [leak) sans, chhed ; [source) bhur, donti, bhum, sat, mamba'. To Spring, (n.) uthna, nikalna, ngna, jamna, ankhu.a- na, upajua, namud- &c. -h ; [to be produceed) paida-h; [to bound) tapna, chaukri-marna, jhapatna, lapakna, phandna ; [a mine, &c.) urana, balbalana, phutna, urna, damida-b ; [to bend damna, lacbakna; [as a bird) bur-b, urari-marna ; (a.) utbana, nikalna, suskarna ; [a light, &c.) jalana, "phunkna; [a leak) lena; [God forbid that the ship should spring a leak at sea) khuda na kare ki jahaz darya men pani lewe. Speinqe, [snare) pa,e-dam, phanda, dam. Speingino, damidagi, numudani. Speinotide, kbatal, katbal, madd i kamil (opposed to madd i nakis, neap-tide) . To Sprinkle, cbbirakna, cbhitna, ab- &c. -pashi-k, chbita or cbinta-marna, kbindana, phatakna. SPEiNKLERj (in comp.) afsban, rez, pasb. Speodt, gaucbba,!, dali, paudba, nabat, kail, gSlbna, karl, kalgha, peri,'ak, ankhu,a, jibhi, kompal, suyb, angur. To Sprout, [to spring up) dali-&c. -nikaln5,panapn&. Speoce, chhaila, cbikna, albela, latpata, bana-tbana. Sprucely, cbiknabat- &c -se, albela,i-se. Sprdcene88, cbbail-pan, cbiknabat, albela,i, banawat. Spume, Spunqe, &c., abr-murda, isfanj. Spue, kanta, kbar, mabraez ; [of a cock) khag, ar ; - [figurat.) koj-a, santa, er ; [a sop is a good spur to justice) lukma bliali er bai 'adalat ke hakk men. To Spur, er-k or -marna, chberna, chalana. Spurious, jhutba, jal, libasi, mukallad, sakhta ; [illegitimate) haram, kath, bbagli. Spuriousness, jhutba,!, ta^allud, sakhtagi. Spurn, lat, juti; [spurns) lat-paizar. To Spurn, lat- or juti- or dbar-mama, panw-r, tbuk- na, cbutki par urana; [to reject) talna; (n.) bansna, thatha-marna. To Spurt, uchhalna; (a.) ucbbalna. Sputter, Sputtering, thutbkar, thukthuki. To Sputter, thutbkarna, thuktbukana, cbirchir&na, tartarana, jbarjharana. Sputterer, tbutbkaru, tbokthuka. Spy, jasus, bbediya, bbata, bar-kara, nazar-baz, joth&, jaz-jo, kboji, kljufiya-nawis, cbatiya, khabar-dar. panha, shabar-khabra, tar-baz, nazra, mutajassis, goyanda. To Spy, [to espy) takna, nijbana, jb&ukna, nirikhna, maddi nazar-k, dld-bani-k ; [to search) khojna, janchna ; ( gnl-gul, komal, sukw&r, ki- ghaxi, shlsha-basha, batasi, pamrl, gud-guda, nan- lasi, phiiska ; {light) subuk, halka ; {kind) dardmand, shafik ; {as age) kacha, thora, kam, saghir ; {indulgent) naz-bardar. Tendee, {offer) tawazu', nazar, bhent. To Tendee, tawazu'- &c. -k, dena, nazar-gnzrana. Tendee-hearted, narm-dil, mom-dil, rahm-dil, rakiku-1-kalb. Tendeblino, Iarba,ola, naz-parwarda. Tendeely, dardmandi- &c. -se, rahm-dili-se. Tendeeness, &c. narmi, mula,imat, murawwat, ko- malta, nazuki, sukwarta, dard, cliho, prem, narm- dili, mom-dili, lutf, latafat, mulahiza, ishtak, shafa- kat ; {scrupulousness) waswas, wahm, sandeh. Tendinous, Tendonous, naslla, 'asab-dar. Tendon, nas, pai, 'asab, patha, parhi, 'azla, khunch, particularly the tendo achilles. Tendeil, sut, resha, ner, darhi. Tenement, makbuza, ghar, makan or makam. Tenesmus, sur, beg, hagas. Tenet, masla, a,iD, kaul, rit, kahnut, i'tikad, nischai. Tenfold, das-guna, dah-chand, dah-chandagi ; — {reward ) dah-dar-dunya sad dar akhir. Tenour, {drift) mazmun, mafhum, ma'ni, 'ibarat, karina, lachhna, tarz, dhab, rang, fahwa, hawa; {course) tarik, chal, rawish, dhal; (in music) sorit, zir. Tense, zaman, sigha. kal, samai; {the perfect or complete past) mazi mutlak, bhiit ; {the future) mustakbil, bhawik ; {the present) hil, bart- man, sigha e hal, bartman-kal ; {the thru tenses) azmina salasa, tri-kal. Tense, (adj.) tana-hu'a, kashida, charha. Tension, Tenseness, tanahit, khicha,o, kashidagi, kashish, kasa,o, charhi,o, taua,o, tan. Tent, khaima, dera, tambu, rauti, pal, 'oe-choba, aspak, dalel-khana, kalandra, saracha, nam-gira, khirgah, &c. kapar-kota ; (in surgery) batti, falita ; (varieties) do-aspa, do-ciioba, chau- tarka, peshgah, baujari ; (the tvalls of a tent) kauat; (a tent pole) chob, dauda ; (the round piece of timber at the top of a tent) bad-resha ; {a . tent maker) khaima-doz ; (a tent pitcher) farrash, khalasi. Tenter, ankri, anksi; {to be on the tenters) khicha-tani-men-h. [dah-yaki. Tenth, daswah, dahum ; — — {part) dasans, 'ushar, Tenuity, patlahat, rikakat, latafat, bariki. Tenure, 'alaka, laga,o, kabza, sanad, patta ; (a tenure in perpetuity) patta istimrari, amar patta. Tepid, shir-garam, gun-guna, nim-garm. [dusi. Teroiversation, hcra-pheri, tal-matol, alabala, dii- Term, bat, lafz, takrir, parnam, dhan, lakab, lughat ; (phrase) istilah, roz-marra, 'ibarat; (stlptdation) shart, kaul, hof, khiyar ; (time) •wakt, bera, samo, mi ad ; (session) jalsa. To Teem, kahna, bulna, nain-r, bukhanna. Termagant, laranki, karkasa, zaban-daraz, ra,e- baghni, jibhal. To BE Termed, kahlana, mashhiar-h. To Terminate, (a.) hadd-k or -b; {to finish) tauiani-k, niptana, ba-sar-lana, munkata'-k, cbuk- ana; (n.) tauiain- &c. -h, chhutna, ho-chukna, ni- patna, akh'r ko pahunchna, bona, barabar-h, pujna. Termination, akhir, tamami, anjam, ant, itmam, iusiram, sani&pat or sainapu, khatam. Terms, (menses) mu'tad; (good) salftmal-rawi ; (to be on good terms) saf-rahua. TER ( 287 ) THE Tebnion, tiya, trik, trikka. Tebrace, chautara (vulg. chabutra) ; {of a house) kotha, bam, chhat. To Tereace, patna, gachgiri-k. Teerestrial, khaki, zamini, arzi, mitiha, gili, sifli ; (- bodies) ajram i sifli ; (- abode) chaman i dahar. Teerible, muhib, haul-nak, bhayankar, bhayauna, dahshat-angez, 'ibrat-numa; (violent) shadid, sakht, kara. Terribleness, haibat-naki, haul-naki; (djo. lence) shiddat, sakhti. Tereiblt, haibat-naki- &c. -se, shiddat-se. To Terrify, daraua, bharmana, dahshat- &c. -d, hairat-zada- &c. -k, bichkana, dahlana. Territory, mulk, des, diyar, kishwar, mamalik, 'amal. [hiras, dhak. Terror, dahshat, haul, dar, sanka, bim, Uiauf, bhai, Terse, shufta-rufta, sada-purkar, shusta, pakiza. Tertian, antariya, tap i ghib, ek-antar, tijri or tijari. Test, kasauti, mihak, 'aiyar, azina,ish, imtihan, taj- ruba, achawat. Testament, (last will) wasiyat-nama, dhan-patar ; {ike Old Testament) taurit ; {the iVew^ injil. Testator, musi, dhanpatri. Testatrix, musiya or musii, dhan-patrini. Tester, palang-posh, chhat ; {bed ) chhapar-khat. Testicle, khaya, pelra, khusiya, and, baiza, kauri, and, pelhar, tukhm. Testification, tashahhud, gawahi, shahidi. Testificator, Testifier, shahid, gawah, sakhi. To Testify, gawahi- &c. -d, sakhi-bharna, dalalat- &c. -k. Testimonial, shahadat-nama, gawahi-naina, safi- nama, dastawez, shahidi, istishhad, kitabu-1-kazi. Testimony, shahadat, gawiihi, sakh, baiyinat, dala- lat, dalil. Test?, {irritable) kataha, zud-ranj. Tete-a-tete, dosh ba dosh, gosh ba gosh, laga-lagi, ham-gap, munha-munh, rii ba ru, du ba-du. Tether, gara,on, pagha, pa-lahang, pa-band, bag-dor, chhand, nawi, auta-gori, naina* To Tethee, bandhna, sandna, chhandna, niwana. Tetrapetalous, chaupankhriya. Tetrastic, ruba i, kit'a, chaturpadi, chaupa,!- Tetter, {disease) dad, dina.i, senhu,a, seli, bafa-dari. Text, matan, asl, mul ; {-hand) jali; {man, &c.) hafiz ; {of the kur,an) ayat. Textcre, bunawat, biuawat, bat'tani, baft, kimash, banawat, tarkib, sakht, udherbin. Than, se, az, ki, sen. suii ; {it is better to die in (he field of battle like a man, than like a coward to fly) lara,i ke khet men mard-sa mama bilitar hai na-mard sa bhagne se; {I would rather starve than beg) fake mama mujhe kabul hai bhik mangne-se. To Thank, shukr- &c. -kahnaor -karna, dhan-manna. Thankful, shakir, shukr-guzar, dhan-mani, ihsan- mand, gunabadi. Thankfully, shukr -guzari- &c -se, shukrana. Thankfulness, shukr-guzari, ihsan-mandi. Thankless, na-shukr, na-shukr-guzar. Thanklessness, na-shukri, be shukr i ni'mat. Thanks, shukr, dhan, shukr-guzari, shukran i ni'mat, minnat ; {thank God) al hamdu-li-llah. Thanksgivino, ada,eshukr, shukrana, shukr i ni'mat, sipas ; ■ {to Ood) ya ilahi tera shukr hai. Thauk-vtorthy, wajibu-sh-shukr. That, (pron.) wuh (obi. us), jo (obi. jis), ki, wuh; (conjunct.) to, ki, ta, taki, kyunki, is waste ki ; (- same) taunsa, waisa, taisa ; {former) wuhi ; {that is to say) yani, algharaz ; {I shall go, that I may see him hfore lie departs) main ja,unga to us ko dekhunga kabl rawana hone ke ; {that . way) wuhhin (opposed to yuuhih, this way). Thatch, ghas, khar kharh; {a thatched roof ) chhap-par. To Thatch, chhana, chhajna, palaua. Thatcher, chhapar-band, gharami, chhawaya. Thatching, chhajan, parchhati, palani, pala,o. To Thaw, (n.) pighalna, tighalna, gulna, ghulna ; (a.) , pighlana, tighiana, &c. The, al, wuh, yih ; {che very) wuhi ; {the more he receives the mere he demands) jyon jyon milta usko, tyoii tyon chahta hai ; {the more I admonish, the less he minds) jyon ziyada ham kabte hain, tyon kam wuh sunta hai : this definite article does not, strictly speaking, exist in Hindustani ; its place, however, is sometimes supplied by the demon- strative pronouns that or this, as in the following examples from Sauda : go,iya hai yih chiragh ghari» bah ki gor ka, like the lamp on the graves of the poor ; we din gaye ki jis se phabe tha tujhe ghurur the days are gone when pride might have become you. Theatre, tamasha-gah, nakl-khana, akhara, nach- ghar, is now commonly used among the EngUsh and their native servants, though properly an assembly- room. Thee, tujh, tujhe, tera, tere or ten, &c. Theft, chori, duzdi, sarka, mochan, taskari. Their, Theies, un-ka, unhoh-ka, in-ka, inhon-ka, apna, apne or apni ; {they are telling their story to the king) we apua kissa padshah se kahte haih ; [they slew their father on the road) winhoh ne apne bap ko raste par mar-diila ; {their own people, &c.) apnon ; {will they slay their own?) apnon ko mar-dalenge ? Them, un, unh, or unhon, in, inh, or inhon. Theme, masdar, mul, asl, mabhas, zamin, kaifiyat ; {subject) hakikat, bet, asai ; {dissertation) musawwada, kalparna, abhyas. Themselves, we-ap, ye-ap, ap, khud ; {oblique) apne, apas ; {they have not yet come to them- selves) we abtak ap-meh nahih a,e ; {they love themselves dearly) we apne ko khub chahte haih. Then, tad, tab, tis-wakt, us-wakt, pher, na, to, baz, akMrash, pas, bare, tau, tabhi, wuhih ; {after that) tispar, bad us-ke ; {immediately after- wards) tadhi, usi-wakt, ba-mujarrad, fil-faur ; {jiow and then) jab-tab, kadhi-kadhi, gab ba gah ; {then indeed) tab to, tabhi to. Thence, {from that place) wahah-se, udhar-se, us- jagah-se ; {from that time) tad-se, tabhi-se, us wakt-se ; {from that circumstance) us-waste. Thenceforth, Thenceforwaed, tis picche, ba'd az ah. [fat, fakih. Theologist, acharij, 'arif, ahl i tasawwuf, ahl i ma'ri- Theology, Mmi ilahi, bhagwat, achar, 'ilm i khuda.i. fikh, tasawwuf, 'ilm i ma'rifat, 'ulumu-d-din. Theorem, kiyas, masla, siitra, naksha. Theoretical, kiyasi, 'ilmi, khiyali. Theorist, 'alim, sahibi-kiyas, masha,in; (o mere theorist) 'alim be 'amal. Theory, 'ilm, bidya, kiyas, khiyal, naksha. Theee, wahah, udhar, us-jagah, uhah, uthe ; (in comp.) us, is, tis ; as us-par, thereupon ; {lo .') lo, dekho, suno ; {here and there) ihah-wahah. Thkeeabout, lagbhag, 'ankarib, kambesh, ghat-barh; • {two thousand or thereabout) bazar do ek. / THE ( 288 ) THR TacBBFOBE, ui-wSste, is-waste, is-par, ns-par, Iih&2£, pas, tabhi-to, tis-liye. Thebeon, Thereupon, tis-par, tispar-bhi, tu-se. These, ye (obi. in, inon, inhon, &c. v. they, them). Thesis, raukaddama, matlab, mas,ala. Thbt, we, ye; {they eay) we kahte hain ; {they said ) unhon ne kaha ; {many men say so) bahut admi ytln kahte hain ; (many men said so) bahut admiyon ne yun kaha ; {they say) log kahte. Thick, {not thin) garha, ghaliz, kaslf or kasif, sift, ghafs. sangin, pur, bhari, mota, dabz, daldar, lab- o^, chakkan, gunda, purkar, darawurda, gunjagunj, thamra ; (muddy) gadla, dhabaila, tira, andha ; (closely) ghana, gajhin, ghich-pich, gunjan, mnttasil ; (to speak thick) ghich-pich-bolna. Thick, (sub.) mots,! ; (to go through thick and thin) ag pani men parna, narmi sakhti-katna. Thick, Thickly, paiham, tawatur, pai-dar-pai ; {to fall thick and threefold) rele-pele-parna. To Thicken, (a.) garha- &c. -k, garhana, pagna, p§gna ; (n.) garhi- &c. -h, garhiya-jana, jamna. Thicket, jhund, kunj, jhur, jhar-jhur. Thickness, garha,i» ghilazat, sangini, kasafat, mota,i, puri, dabziyat, daldari, gadla,i, ghana,!, gunjan!, dal, zakhamat. hujum. Thick-skulled, bajarmund, mochu, chondu. Thief, chor, chotta, duzd, taskar, sarik, thag, chor- chakar, uranchhu ; (one thief knows best how to catch another) khag jane khag hi ki bhakha. Thief-catcher, nazar-baz, duzd-gir, tar-baz, panha Thievish, uchakka, hath-lapak, da^t-bard. Thievishness, uchakpan, dast-burdl. Thigh, jangh, ran, jangha, zanu, thanna, mota-pSlt. Thiuble, angushtana, top. Thin, patla, tunuk, barik, kaghazi, rakik, patlla, jhina,jhirjhira, kak, zahlr, latif, birra, tirra, birjha, chhuka, jhona, jhonkar, paniri; (to grow) chhantna ; (as liquids) pliatna ; • (not close) birira, kunpliin, paraganda, chhida. To Thin, patlana, patla- &c. -k, jhirjhira-k. Thine, tera, tere, teri, tor (v. thou). Thing, chiz, shai, bast or bastu, bikhe, drab. Thing, (worthless) bechara, aisa-taisa, faJan, badan ; (poor thing) gharib, be-chara. To Think, bicharna, sochna, dhyan- &c. -k, bujhna, samajhna, janna, ginna, atkalua, bandish-k, khiyal-k, dekhna; (to recollect) yad- &c. -k, chet-k; (invent) nikalna, utpat-k, ijad-k; (me- thinketh) mujhe bichar ata, mujhe ma'lum hota hai ; (methought) mujhe bichar aya. Thihkeb, dhyani, Khiyalj, bicharak. Thinking, (in comp.) andesh, zann : thus, bad-an- desh, evil-thinking, malignant. Thinly, (▼. the adj.) thofa, kam, paraganda. Thinness, patla,i, rika^at, tunuki, jhina,i, jhir-jhir&- hat, birra,!, barikl. Third, (adj.) tlsri, siyum, silis, suls, tehari, de,orha ; (athirdperson)t\ha,,et or tihiiyat, gha^ib, tisra,et ; (brother) sajlila ; (/ will give you a third more than ten, viz fifteen) ham das ka de,orha denge ya'nl pandrah ; (one-third ) tiha,i ;— — (thirdly) tisre, siyum. [trikha, chatka. Thirst, piyas, tris, tishnagl, 'atash, tirs, tris, tih, tis, To Thirst, tarasna, piyasa- &c. -h, piyas- &c. -lagn& or -ina, piya-chahna, cliatka-lagua, darpai-h ; (to thirst after blood) lohu ka piyiisa-h. Thirstiness, tishna-labi, tisa,i, tislmagi; (for blood ) tishuagi.e kliun, y^un-kj^^ari. Thirsty, piyasS, tishna, 'atshSln, trishit, tibhi;:<-i»j^ trikha- want ; (blood-thirsty) l^un-khw&r, ^ao» rez. Thirteen, terah, sizdah, trayodash. Thirteenth, terhan or terahwan, Bizdaham. Thirtieth, tiswan, siyum ; {thirty) tis, s!. This, yih, i (obi. is) yo, abka, yihi, 3Jka, hal ; (this day eight days) aj ke athwen din, ajke bir ; (this year) ason, isi-sal. Thistle, bhar-bhand, unth-katara, shankatn-1-ba'irt bhut-kata,i, gut-baingan. Thither, udhar, wahan, us-taraf, as-jagah-men. Thong, salu or sallu, tasma. Thorax, hik, peti, panjar, chhata. Thorn, kanta, l^ar, sal, kantak, sul; (inverted) chichra; (used in hot weather screens) jawansa. Thornless, nir-kantak, a-kant, be-khar. [kathin Thorny, katila, khar-dar, kantar, gathila, thakthak. Thorough, kamil, pura, tamam, sar-a-sar. Thoroughfare, atara, guzar-gah, sair-gah, amad- raft, ara-jari, amad o shad. Thoroughly, ba-ta,ammul i tamam, sar-ft-sar. Those, we (obi. un, un-hon, v. they, them). Thou, tu, tain, tun : which, as in English, are gene- rally used to \ndic3ite solemnity, familiarity, contempt. To Thou, tukarna; (or sirrah a person) tun-tan-k« tu-tukar-k, abe-tabe-k. Though, agarchi, jeta-ki, jo-ki, jadap, az-bas-ki, hi- lan-ki, januk, go, go-ki, jadyapi; (at though) jaisa-ki, goya, go-ki. Thought, bichar, soch, dhyan, ghaur, fikr, andesha, dhaunj, taraddud, afkar, gharat-ghol, ^iyal, andaza, bujh, samajh ; {reflection) yad, chet, surt. A Thought, (a little) kuchh,^ek-zarra, ek-rama^ tanak, ta,o-bha,o, jhunak. Thoughtful, fikr-mand, andesha-nak, chintit, mo* ta,ammil, mushawwish, sochi, fikri, hairan-pare- shan, dhaunji, mutaraddid, muta'allak. Thoughtfully, fikrmandi- &c. -se, taraddud^se . Thoughtfulness, fikr-mandi, andesha-naki, tafak- kur, ta,ammul. Thoughtless, be-fikr, be-parwa, a-chinta, ghafil, be- jdiabar, achet, be-tarraddud. Thoughtlessly, be-fikri- &c. -se, be-parwa,i-se. Thoughtlessness, be-fikri, be-parwa,i, be-khabari, ' be-andeshagi. Thousand, hazar, alf (pi uluf), sahasr or sahasra. Thousands, hazarha, hazaron, sahasron. Thousandth, hazarwan, hazarum. Thrall, Thraldom, giriftari, kaid, band, parbas. To Thrash, (com, &c.) da,ona, pitna, gahna, malna, pairi-k, malish-k, dhunna, jhorna, pitpitana, mand- na, baklana, dalmasal-k, nawazna, ru-gardah-k, maldal-k, chitpat-k, lamba-k, farsh-k, are-hathon lena. Thrasher, dhanwaiya, pitan-bara. Thrashing-floor, khalihan, k^irman-gah, paira, kliamar. Thread, sut, rishta, dhaga, taga, tar, lar, sarishta, dori, tag, silk; (niaiket) satti; (having one, &c.) ek-tagga, do tara ; (loose) phuchar; (having) phiichraha. To Thread, pirona, lariyana, guthna ; (o needle) tagua. Threadbare, be-ro,an, ragra, ghisa, be-khwab. b*> raunak, farsuda, niras, sitha. Threaden, (or made of thread) suti. Threat, dhamki, tahdid, zajr, tak^wif, bhabki, dha- mak, dhamkahat. THK ( 2W ) TIF foTHB&iT, Thrbatkh, dhamtSna, dhamki-d, tah- did-k, bhabkana, ankh-dikhlana, jhirakna, dhiranS, gurerna, rarna, humakna. Theeatenek, dhamka,fi, dhamki-baz. [numa. THBEATruL, Threatening, tahdid-amez, ^auf- Threateninglt, dliamki- &c. -se. Three, tin, tri, si, tiya, trik, galasa ; — — (- doored) si-dara; (in comp.) si, ti, tri. Three-fold, ti-guna, si-chand, ti-lara or -lafi. Three-score, tin bisi, tin kori, sath, shast. Three Years ago, te,orus sal, tin sal hii,e. To Thresh, (v. to thrash) jharna, &c. Threshold, dihli, latk^ora, astana, de,o]rhi, dahliz, dargah, janab. Thrice, tin-ber, ti-bara, si-bara, si-dafa or -dafe. Thrift, wara, kiftyat or kifa,it, bacha,o, oj, intifa', barkat, sansjugat, larkori-chal, girthapan, bhadrak. Thriftily, kifayat- &c. -se, juz-rasi-se. Thriftiness, kifayat-shi'ari, khana-dari, gir-histi, juz-rasi, kam-kharclii. Thriftless, ura,u, musrif, fuzul-kharch. nikhattu. Thrifty, kifayati, kitayat-shi'ar, oji, ktanadar, juz- ras, kam-kharch, baclia,u, girhist, ghararu, girthan, sansari. To Thrill, (n.) thartharana, sansanana, khar-bhar- ana, sarsarana, sahrana, lablahana. To Thrite, panapna, palna, phailna, taza-h, tarotaza- h, sarsabz-h, abad-h, barhna, tarakki-k, ilichbna- bilachhna, phalna, phulna, chiknana ; {may you long prosper and thrive) charhti daulat barhti hay at. Theiver, Thriving, panpaha, kam-yab. Thrivinglt, kamyabi- &c. -se. Throat, gala, halk, halkum, tentu,a, nata,i, ghench, nareti, nali, nargisi, bans, kanth ; (to cut W < throat) gala-katna, zabah-k, halal-k, bismil-k. Throb, tis, tapak, dhatak. To Throb, tisna, tis-marna, tapakna, pharpharana, Kasakna, tamakna, chasakna, dhamakna, halar- kbana. Throe, dard i zih, pir, batha, dard i waz', kunth. To Throe, kunthna, dard i zih ana. Throne, ta^t, singhasan, pat, aurang, masnad, garir ; {celestial) kursi, biman 'arsh. Throng, bhir, amboh, izhdiham, hangama, that, bhiy- bhar, gharra, hashrat. To Throng, bhar-ana, bhir-k, bhir-bhar-h. Thronged, {as markets) garm, garm-bazar. Throttle, narkhari, tentu,a; {to throttle) gala- ghontna. Through, (prep.) par, men, se, seA, sun, ko, par, war- par, kar, bbar, hoke, ho; {by means of) kema'ri- fat, ke wasila, ke-sabab ; {go through the fort to town) kil'a-hoke shahar ko ja,o. Throtjohodt, dar o bast, kulluhum, sar-ta-pa, tamam, bhar, sabotar, parwar. Throw, phenk, phenkna, pansa, da,o ; {effort) zor, sa'i ; {at dice) muth. To Throw, phenkna, chalana, mama, dalna, jhonkna, chhorna, phenk-marna, patki-d, bitna, satna, baha- d, dena; {in wrestling) patakna, pachharna, girana, de-marna ; {to repose) sompna, sipard- k ; {(0 change) pherna ; {away) kho-d or -d, gawana, barbad-d ; {down) gira- or dal- or jhar-d, patkan-d, gerna, pith-lagana ; {upland) parna, par-d ; {off) utarna, nikalna, kafhua ; — '— {open, &c.) khol-d ; {to throw up, &c.) will be ^ound under to vomit, resign, &c. Thrower, phenkwaiya, dalwaiya; — — (in comp.) andaz, chala. Thrum, iasi, sari, taggi; {to thrum) otni, retni Thrush, {disease) chharu, ninanwa, tap-khala, jibhi. Thrust, hul, bhonk, khoncha, zor, zarb. To Thrust, ghusefna, khosna, da^il-k, chalana, paithana, paithalna, karna, dena, dalna, prabes-k, thelna, arana, pelna, jhonkna, dhiikana, gansna, khodiyana, huriyana; {to push) dhakiyana, dabana, nikalna, hankna ; {to stab) bhonkni, hulna, khonchna. Thumb, angutha, angusht i nar, ibham. Thump, dhamak, thonk, gadda, gadaka, dhamaki, hura, khod, dhappa. To Thump, (a.) thonkna, pitna, dhamkana ; dhamak- na, bhadbhadana, mukhiyana, thathana. Thunder, garaj, ra'd, tundur, ghahar, karak, gar- garahat, charra. To Thunder, garajna, ghaharna, karakna, tarapna, ghargharana, gargarana, ra'd-bolna. [talwar. Thunderbolt, gaj, chakki, bijli, sa'ika, bajar, bijli b' Thunderclap, karak, tarap, ghan-gharaj. Thunderer, indar, meghraj, garjan-karak. Thundering, {loud, &c.) maru, garaji, haul-nak. To Thunderstrike, bark-zada-k, bijli-d. Thunderstruck, bijli-mara, gaj-mara, hairat-zada. Thursday, jum'a-rat, brihaspat-bar, panj-shamba, biphai, gurbar, lakhibar or lakshmi-bar. Thus, is-tarah, aisa, yuiihi, isi-tarah, yun, yihi-^ab ; {-much)) eta, etna, is-kadar, yihi-bhar; {to this degree) yahan-tak, is naubat ko, ta iu darja. Thwack, chapeta, thonk, dhamaka. To Thwart, 'aks-k, zidd-k, ultana, kafna, torna, metna, mukhalifat-k, khot-chali-k. Thy, tera, tor, apna ; {from thy speech it would appear that thou hast informed thy father) teri bat se ma'lum hota hai ki tu ne apne bap se kaha hai. Thyme, {fragrant plant) ipar. Thyself, tu-ap, tu-hi, tu-Hiud (obi. ap, apne, apue- ap) ; {these goods thyself can on thyself bestow) ye chizen tu ap apne ko de sakta hai; {it behoves thee to go thyself ) tujhe apne ap jana hoga. Tiara, taj, sar-pech, jigha, kalghi, turra. Tick, {louse) chichiri, kilni, antha,i, barhi, kik, cha- mokan, baghi ; {of a watch) tan -tan, kit-kit; {case) toshak, khol. Ticket, chithi, tip, tamassuk, dast-awez, chapras, chakti, nishan ; {policy) hunda, bhara pattar. To Tickle, gudgudana, sahlana, khujlana ; {to please) rijhana, bagh-bagh-k. hahsana, lotana. Ticklish, gudgudiya; {uncertain) be-karar, chanchal, dagmagana ; {nice) kathin, barik, su« chham. Ticklishness, gudgudahat, be-karari, chanchalfti,; dagmagahat, nazuki, bariki, ashkai, kathinta. Tidbit, lukma-tar, ni'mat, tar-niwala, nalkd, bati- or phili-ka gosht. Tide, bhatha, madd, ghat, ohar, charha,o-utar, madd jazr. [kati. To Tide, bhathiyana ; {tide-waiter) ghat-wal, za- Tidings, khabar (pi, akhbar) sandesa, samachar; (fflad tidings) khush-khabari. muzhda, nawed, su- sandes. Tie, bandhan, ganth, bandh, girih, 'akd, band , To Tie, {y.to bind) bandhna, jakarna, ganthna, jurnsk, kachhna, band-k, rokna, mnranda-k. Tier, tan, part, tabka, saf or saff. Tiff, {pet or sulkiness) jharpa-jharpit khafgi. Tifkng or Tiffin, tafannun,jal-pan, nashta, kalewa, adhar, chashta, perhaps more properly dinner. U TIG ( 290 ) TO TiosB, bSgh, sher, kehar, palang, nahar, tendu,a ;— — (ror/al) sher zhiyan ; {young) baghela, baghaita, daunru ; —— [loss by) bagha.i-shikast ; {tiger's head) bagh-muiib, sher dahan. TioHT, tang, chust, saket, mazbut, mustahkam ; {tense) kashida, tana-hQ,a, khicha-hu,a ; {not leaky) nimna, nisandb, nichu,an. To Tighten, kasn§,, tanna, khichna, gahna, jakarna, chust- &c. -k. TiOHTLT, chusti- &c. -se, tana,o-se. TiOHTNE98, tangi, chusti, saketta, tanil,o, sakra,,!, ka- s§,!. Tigress, baghin, baghni, sherni, kehami. TiOEis, {river) tir, dijla or dajla. Tile, khapra, nariya, patri, sifal, ^azaf, chauka. To Tile, khapra-chhana ; (a. Tournament, neza-bazi, jhuthi-lara,i' To TousE, jhontiyana, jbijhkorna, jliatakna. Tow, {flax) pat, patwa; {rope) gun, rassi. To Tow, {(o drag) khainchua, tanna. Toward, (prep.) ki-taraf, ki-or, ke-pas, ke-kane, ke- yahan, ke-janib. TowARDLiNESs, lionhari, agmana,i, &c. Towardly, Toward, tarbiyat-pazir, islah-pazir, 'ilm- pazir,' honhar, agmana, bar-khurdar. Towel, dast-mal, ru-mal, safi, angochha. Tower, burj, minar, lut, gargaj. To Tower, {to soar aloft) buland-parwaz-h. Town, shabar, kasba, balda, ganw, nagri, deh, nagar ; (in comp.) pur, nagar, abad : thus, Ghazi-pur, the town of Ohazi (or, if the Hindus are to be credited, Gadh-pur, from Gadh, a raja of that name) ; Chandar-nagar, the town of Chandar, the moon, bet- ter known among us as Chandernagore ; pattan also signifies a towii or city; Chinfi-pattan (Madras), Machhli-pattan (Masulipatam), and other places on the coast. Town-hall, kotwali, chabutra, chaupar, hatha,!. Townsman, shahari, kasbati, nagar ; {of the tame toum) ham-shahari, swa-nagari. Toy, khilauna, bazlcha, miirat, kath-putli; {trifie) n&-chiz, hech, lahw o la'b (v. play, &c.) To Toy, khelna, khush'i-k. rri,o-cha,o- &c. -k, thatha- mazakh-k. khel-k, katiVri-k. Toying, chfima-chati, naz o karashma, naz o niyaz, khcli-kheli, la'bat-bazi. ToYisu, shokh, khcl-khilap, nakh^re-baz. ToTisHNESs, shokhl, khilar-pan or -pana. Tptman, bazicha-farosh, bisati, rang-bharil. TEA Trace, (track) asar, 'alamat, nisbSLn, pati, chinh, pahchan, suragh, khojh, ahat, khur-khojh, nomud, alangkar, barga ; {harness) sanj, saz, jot, kara- kash. To Trace, pair- or khojh- &c -lena, pichha-lena, pai- rawi-k, panjna, painde-parua ; (to find) pakarna, pana, nikalna; (to mark out) bandhua, thali- rana. Tracer, khojhi, suragh-gir, 'alamat-shinas, ahati, pai-shinas ; {of stolen goods) panha. Track, lik, naksh i pa, pag-dandi, gohar, rah, path. To Track, lik- &c. -pakarna, pag-dandi- &c. -lena : (to tow) gun-khainchna. Tracking, {towing) khaincha,o ; (tracing) pai- rawi. Trackless, be-lik, or -rah, or -nishan. Track-rope, gun ; (to go by) gun par-j. Tract, panja, kadam, pair; (space) takhta, maidan, 'arsa, palla, zamin, mulk, des; (treatise) risala, nuskha, nama. Tractable, hukm-bardar, mahkum, narm, mula,im, gharib, sa,u, sidha, saput, komal, gau-bargi ; (as a horse) do-baga. Tractableness, hukm-bardari, farmau-bardari, ijta'at, gharibi, ghurbat. Trade, Traffic, sauda-gari, tijarat, byopar, banij, sauda, dad o sitad, len-den, mu'iimalat, byohar, kar- bar, bakali ; (forced) waira ; (occupation) pesha, shewa, hirfat, uddim, hunar, kasb, fann. To Trade, Traffic, sauda-gari- &c. -k, banijna. Trader, sauda-gar, tajir, baipari, banjara, mahajan, banjauta, sahu, sahukar, karbari, bais, baiswara. Tradesman, (mechanic) karigar, ahli hirfa, &c. pesha- war, kasbi (but now generally restricted to courte- zans) shewadar, dast-kar, guni, kasib. Tradesmen, Tradesfolks, &c., ahl i kasab, ahli hirfa. Tradition, tadawul, nakl, riwayat, kahawat, bat, hadis. Traditional, Traditionally, slna ba sina, suni- suna,i, sama'i, mutadawal, dast ba dast, zabani, nasba-nasb, pusht ba pusht, mankul, nakli. To Traduce, tuhmat- &c. -b or -lagana, baduam-k. Traducement, tuhmat, iftirSt, buhtan, dbansa, phar- phand, lim. Traducer, muftari, tuhmati, buhtani, iftira-s4z, dhan> sait, pharphandi. Traffic, mal, jins, sauda, chiz, bana, becha-khonchi, saudagari, tijarat, baipar. Tragedy, (calamity) musibat, afat, kiyamat, ghazab. Tragical, haibat-nak, haul-uak, muhib Tragicalness, haibat-naki, haul-naki, &c. To Trail, (a.) ghasitna, ghisiyana, thirrana, khichna, khich-lejana, suliarna, gharrana, ghislana, kikama ; (n.) suharna, ghasitna. Train, (tail) duni ; (of a garment) zail, daman , (series) silsila, tasalsul, tanta, mala, zanjira- bandi, larbandi, inorchal,'jilo ; (method) surat, dhab ; (retinue) kor, jaleb, para, hashmat, pa,e- rikab ; (of guns, &c.) katar, panti ; (of powder, &c.) lakir, rasi ; (match) batti, falita. To Train, (educate) sikhana, uthana, banana, nikalna, hilana, tarbiyat- &c. d, sadhana, ba,oli-d, adab-d ; (dogs) sher-k. Train-beaser, daman-bardar, eail-bardar. Train-oil, has, machhli-ka tel. Traitor, dagha-baz, kha,in, namak-harara, ghaddar, adharmi, chhali, baghi, be-wafa, thag; (lo kings) padshah-du.shnian ; (to country) watao- dushmau, des-birodhi. Trammel, chhand, pa-band, pai-kara, pai-kafl. TEA / 293 ) TRE To Trample, kuchalna, masalna, raundna, kandua, malna, pa,e-mal-k, lat-mardan-k, lat-gundhan-k, lat-kaunda-k; (as horses) tapna, paiiw-marna or -parparana. TRAMPLisa, tap, pa,e-nial!. Trance, sakta, lauhar, be-khudi. maganta. Tranquil, asuda, ba-aram, sukhit, murafFah, thir. Tranquillity, aram, asudagi, asa,isb, kal, rabat, rifab or rafah, rafabiyat, itminan. To Transact, chalana, jari-k, karna, anjam-d, kar- guzari-k, mu'amala-k or -lagana. Transaction, kar o bar, mu'amala, byobar, 'alalia, wasita, kartut, majara, sar-guzasbt, bat, ainr, ab- •wal, rudad. To Transcend, sabkat- &c. -r or -lejana, ^alib- &c. h, jit-j, babar-h, kharij-h, ba'id-b. Transcendency, sabkat, pesh-dasti, bala-dasti, ta- kaddum, peslii, ghalba. Transcendent, bala-dast, fa,ik, fauk, tak, be-nazir, ekta or yakta, pesb-dast, adbik, saras. Transcendently, nibayat, hadd, nipat, ba-shiddat. To Transcribe, uakl-k, utarna, utrabat-k. Transcriber, katib, nakl-nawis, utarne-wala. Transcript, nakl, nuskha, utara, mankul. Transfer, tahwil, dakliil-makharij. To Transfer, sompna, zimma-k, taslim- &c. -k, gatana, pakrana, gale-gantbna ; {in accounts) dakhil-makharij -k. To Transfix, parwar-k, clionkna, pborna, cbbedna. To Transform, Transfigure, (a.) maskh-k, sbakl badalna. Transformation, Transfiguration, mas^, tabdil i surat. To Transgress, (a.) 'udul-k, radd-k, tajawuz-k, talna, torna ; (n.) cliukna, bliulna, khata- &c. -k. Transgression, tajawuz, ta'addi; • (offence) cbuk, bbfil, khata, faramosbi, nisyani, kotahi, ta]|j:sir ghat. Transgressor, mutajawiz, muta'addi, taksir-war, mukhti, kasir, ghatiha. Transient, Transitory, chala-jata, mutabaddil, fani, 'arizi, hardam-tabdil, na-pa,edar, cbanchal, be-buii- yad, anit, alopi. Transiently, jate-bu,e, zimnan, na-pa,e-dari- &c.-se. Transientness, Transitoriness, na-pa,e-dairi, be- bunyadi, chanchala,i. Transition, tabdil, taghir, taghaiyur, guzarish, taba- dul, 'ubur, tajawuz. Transitive, {verb) fi'l i muta'addi, sa-karmak (op- posed to a-karmak, intransitive) . Transitory, fani, na-pa,e-dar, be-baka. To Translate, tarjuma- &c. -k, lana, iutikal-k. Translation, tarjuma, chhap, ultha, sangrab, dekhti ; {of humours) olamba; {a literal translation) taht lafzi. Translator, mutarajjim, tarjuman, tarjuma-iiawis, sangrah-kari. To Transmigrate, nakli makan-k, pa,eturab-k. Transmigration, nal^li-makan, hidul, tanasukh, awa- gaun or awagawan. To Transmit, bbejna, irsal-k, pathana, pahunchana, chalana; {to give) dena, dalna, phailana. Transmutation, tabdil, tabadul, istibala. Transom, {lintel) patautan, patan, kamar-band, patka. Transparency, shaflfafi, barraki, safa,i, nirmalta, ujalta. [pharcha, pani, motisa, bilaura. Transparent, shafifaf, barrak, saf, nir-mal, ujjal, To Transpire, uy-j, jata-rahna, hawa-b, pbut-ji khul-j. To Transplant, rompna, garna. Transplantation, rompa,i, paniri, romp, rompJl,*. Transplanter, rompanhar, nakil. Transport, wajd, umang, halat, hal, sama', be-hosM. be-khudi, masti, maganta. To Transport, lad-lejana, utba-lejana, bhar-Ie- jana; {to banish) Hiarij-k, jala-watan-k, des-nikala-k ; {as anger, &c.) be-hosh-k, achet-k, bosurt-k; {to ravish) be-khud-k, be- bawass-k, be-ikhtiyar-k, mast-k. Transportation, {banishment) jala-watani; (car- riage) intikal, 'ubur, bar-bardari. Transported, muntakal; (banished) dcs-nikalu. To Transpose, kalb- &c. -k, u!at-pulat- &c. -k. Transposition, taklib, inkilab, tabdil, pber-pbrir, adal-badal, era-pheri, ulta, kabir ka ulta, kalb To Transude, risna, pasijna. [kona-kani, tprbl. Transverse, ara, benda, tircliba, ira, cliirii, inu'taii::. Transversely, kaj, ureb, tirchha, koua-kaiii. Trap, kal, janti, dabkar, dam, cborkhadba or -garlia, pa,e-dam ; (-ball) geudi or phenda-tora ; (game) goli-danda ; (a rat-trap) cbuhe-dan. To Trap, (to take) pbandhana, bajbana, pbaiisauri. uljhana. Trap-door, chor-darwaza, chor-rah. Trappings, jhabbe, ara,ishen, zinaten, awa,i, fitriik, sbikar-band. Trap-stick, danda, tora. Trash, agar-bagar, ala,e-bala,e, bala,e-bu gh ma. gbas- pbus, kiira, kurkut, gbaspat, ala-pala, khoya, kho- gir ki bharti, kachra, paryal, saryal. Travail, dard i zili, pir, waz'e, hamal. To Travail, janna, pir meii-h, dard-kbana. Travel, safar, musafirat, siyahat, parjatau, sair, pheri. To Travel, safar- &c. -k, pliirna, chalna, bides-jaua, or phirna. Traveller, musafir, saiyah, safari, parjatani, rah- gir, ralii, pachhi, batohi, ramta, batri,u, salik, ibuu- s-sabil, rab-rau, pauthi, panthak, kbaua-ba-dosh, jaban-gard, bhramaui. Travelling, safri, musafiri, rah-guzari, sair. Travels, (history of) safar-nama, sair-nama. To Traverse, tai-k, phirna. Tray, katbra, khwan, khwancha, kislili, sini, cliau- gosha, tabak, changer ; (-cover) khwan-posh. Treacherous, be-iman, adharmi, ghaddar, kapti, da^a-baz, chhali, badzat, parpancbhi, kutil, muta- fanni, farfandi, fasadi. Treacherously, da gh a-bazi- &c. -se, kapat-se, &c. Treachery, Treacherousness, dagha, chbal, ka- pat, dagha-bazi, be-imani, be-waf a,i, kutilta, bad zati. Treacle, tiryak ; (molasses) rab, chota, jagri. Tread, kadam, chal, tap, kbatka, dbab-dbab, par- parahat, malan, ghasau, ragar. To Tread, kadam-r, panw- &c. -r, chalna, charhna, khundalna, raundna, chahalna; (corn,, &c.) da,oua, gabna, kautua, kucbal-d, malna, dabana, mandna ; (as birds) jurna, charna, jufti-khana. Treadle, gorpa,i, karga, kumbhal ; (of an egg) jaman, murgh ka bij. [rami, cbhal, fasad. Treason, dagha-bazi, ^iyanat, gbadr, namak-ha- Treasure, lAazana, rokar, tora ; (hoard) damri, dafina, khuthi, zakhira, dbarobar. To Treasure, jam'-k, batorna, daba-r, rakhna, dhai' na, le-r, pas-audaz-k. Tki'.asuklr, khazrvuchi, tahwil-djr, rokariyi. THE ( 294 ) TRI Treascht, khazana, j^azina, kothi, kanz, ganj, gan- jina ; {hidden) gagra ; {royal) khaz5,na e §mira. [khana, je,onar. Tkeat, {entertainment) ziyafat, sishtachar, mihmani, To Teeat, {to settle) jawab-sawal-k, batkahi- &c. -k ; {to use) suluk- &c. -k, rakhDa ; {-well) akhlak-k ; {a guest) khilana, ziyafat-k ; (to manage) athana, banan^ ; {to mention) zikr-k, bayan-k. Treatise, risala, nus^a, nama, m&la. Treatment, suluk, ri'ayat, mura'at, chill, dhang, bha,o, tajwiz, mu'alija, kartut ; {ill treatment) bad- suluki, ku-dhangi, ku-chali, ku-bha,o ; {good treatment) husn i suluk, subha,o. Treaty, mu'amala, be,ohar, kaul-karar, 'ahd o-pai- man, karar-madar, bana,o, bacha-bandhi, sulhi- nama, kaul-uama, 'ahad-nama. Treble, ti-guna, si-chand ; {in music) zir, zil. Tree, darakht, per, gachh, jhar, rukh, brichh, shajar, taru; {varieties of) sagwan, sison, shisham, niahu,a, bhaudra, arusa, jal, arna-barua, surkhbed. kacbnar, to,an, gab, kadam, nim, baka,en, sirs, main, pikar, pilu, maulsarl, jand, de,odar, asog, palas, plpal ; {for matches) kumbhi. Tree-feller, ^ati' ush-shajar. Trefoil, tarifal, tarfil. To Tremble, kampna, daldalana, thartharana, larazna, halhalana, phurphurana, dolna, thalakna, larkha;-- ana. Tremblinqlt, thartharahat- &c, -se, larzish-se. Tremendous, haul-nak, haibat-nak, darauna, muhib. Tremour, kapkapl, kampahat, larzish, thartharahat, daldalahat, halhalahat, halhall, phurphuri, ra'sha, halbalahat, tharthari. Tremulous, Tremblino, kampaha, thartharaha, lar- zan. Trench, {entrenchment) salabat-kucha, sangafh. Trencher, kathra, taghar, kathauta. Trepan, {snare) phandha, hal, kathiya, dam. To Trepan, {to trap) phandhana, phansana. Trepidation, (v. tremour) halchali, dol-mal, zalzala, larza, ghor. To Trespass, chukna, bhulna, khata- &c. -k. Tresses, zulf, gesu, kakul, turra, kakpachh, patta, babri, jhabba, jata, jat. Tret, uparlap, sokhtani, so^t, pha,o. Trevet, {tripod) tigora, degdan. Triad, {trinity) salis salasa, taslis. Trial, azma,ish, imtihan, atkal, janch; {examina- tion, &c.) tajwiz, tahkik (pi. tahkikat) khoj, parichha, H^tiha-faragh, muhasiba, mukabila, mukabira, mu- sha'ira, chashnl, parman ; {of strength) zor- &zma,!, hatha-pechi, hathapa,i. Triangle, musallas, si-gosha, ti-kona, trisar; {equilateral) mutasawiyu-z-zawiya. TaiANOULAJt, sambosa-sa ; {piece of cloth) tariz, kali. Tribe, firka, garoh, jat, baran, asram, tabar, kafa, ^aum, jat, jatha, kul, farlk, kufu, ulush, zumra. Tribulation, ranj, dard, gham. dukh, kales, koft, bipat, santap, bala, afat, inushkil. Tribunal, masnad, mahkama, chabutra, masland (corrupt, from masnad) lakar-kot. Tributary, baj-guzar, khiraj-guzar. Tribute, baj, Uiiraj, rakhi, chautb, peshkash. Trice, jhap, turant, lap-de; {he returned in a trice) jhap se pher aya. Trick, hila, bahana, tal-tol, fann, fareb, natak, chatak, Jugat-bazi, chha-sat, romti, hath-pher, .^atbat, piinch o s&t, sbokhi, hikmat, tbag-bidya, dhappa, gha.i, kala, shappa, pharphand, dast-chalaki, titrat, nat- khati, rindi, dhaudlial, pakhand, bhagal, da,o-pecli, almat, kapat, shararat ; {habit) lat, 'illat, 'adat, chat, chaska, bad-kho,i, kuban ; {(U cards) dast, hath. To Trick, thagna, chhalna, natkhati- Ac. -k, dhand- laua, ghota-d, ba,oli-d. Teickish, natkhat, dbandhliya, pakhandi, almati, kapti, rind. To Trickle, risnS, jhirjhirana, bahna, tirtirana, bundi- yana, thopiyana, jharna, dhalakna, jana, girna, ta- pakna. Trident, tri-sul, tirsul or trishul : whence the Tirsuli rupees, formerly current at Benares, the foimder of which, Maha-deva, is represented with a trident. Tried, 'ayar-rasida, mujarrab, azmuda. Triennial, si-sala, tisala, tin-barsJ or tin-Tarsha. Trier, jachanhar, imtihani. Trifle, na-chiz, la-shai, hech, thori bat, chutkula. To Trifle, khelna, maklii-marna, tapa-to,i-k, ga- wana, bitana, git-gana, chutar-bajana, fi'l i 'abas-k, khel-katari-kj {to trifle away one's time) din- gawana. Trifler, makhi-raar, khilap, tapato,iya, sahib-zada, harza-go, 'abas-kar, padna, padora. Teiflino, halka, subuk, ochha, chhichora, sifla, bililla, larba.ola, zarra-sa, kam, chutkulasa ; {unimpor- tant) chhota, thora, sahaj, sahal. Triflinqly, subuki- &c. -s€, subuk-sari-se. Triqger, kal, banduk-ki kal. Trilateral, si-pahal, si-taraf, musallas. Teiliteral, {Arabic root) si-harfi, sulasi. Trill, lahak, tharthari, tarana. To Trill, lahakna, thartharana. Trillion, padam, dhul ; {billion) sankh. Trim, bana-thana, chhila-chhala, tarasha-kharash:i. mukatta'. To Trim, taiyar-k, arasta-k, bauana, sanwarna, sajana, sudharna, kalam-k, chhantna, kasar-k, mukassar-k; {to clip) katarua, tarashna; {to adjust) thik-k, durust-k ; {a lamp) uksana, sikna, ishti'al-k. Trimly, thath- &c. -se, durusti-se. Trimmer, dudusi, kabuchi, do-gandi-chitti, ishti'alak. Trimming, zark:-bark, jhakajhak, jhalajhal, kam, zer- daman. Trimness, thath, tim-tam, tumtaral^, sazbaz. Trinity, taslis, saUs-salasa, tri-deo, tri-ans, tri-miirat or tri-murti. Trinket, zewar-masnul, bhagli-gahna, gahua, patta, rez-rawa. Trip, langi, &c. phurahri; {mistake) chuk, ^ata; {journey) sair, bihar. To Trip, (a ) langi- or chapras- or bichhiya-marna ; (n.) thokar- or urhuk- or sikandari-khana, nah-lona, panw-lagna, na^un-lena; {to err) chukna, bhulna; {as the torque) larbaraua, larkharana, urhukna, latpatna ; (lightly) jhamak se chalua, tliirakna, jhanakna, thumakna. Tripartite, tribhaga, tiphanka, musallas. Tripe, ant, antari, ruda, ojhari, pacliauni, chusta. Triple, ti-guna, si-chand, tihra, ti-taha, ti-parta, ti-lara, tebra. To Triple, tihrana, sichand-k, musallas-karna. Triplet, musallas, tripad, tribhangi. Triplicate, par-paith, musallas. Triplication, tihrawat, taslis, tribhagta, si-chandL Tripod, tripad, ti-pa,i, si-paya or sipa. TKl ( 295 ) ICU Teipper, arange-baz. Trite, purana, kadim, mashhur; (triteness) kuh- nagi. To Triturate, &c. ragarna, pisna. Trivet, ti-pa,i, si-paya, tri-godda. [adna, kain Trivial, halka, sahaj, subuk, chhota, tliora, be-kadar, Trivially, subki- &c. -se, halka,i-se. Trivialness, halka,i, subuki, be-kadari. Triumph, fatih, firozi, jai, jit, ghalba, bijai. To Triumph, shahana- or mangal-gana, dundubhi- or shadiyana-bajna or -bajana, jitna, ghalib- &c. -h, fatih- &c. -pana ; (to insult) fatih-janana, kate par namak chhirakna, jale par Ion lagana, uktarua. Triumphal, shadiyana, firozi, mangali. Triumphant, Tridmpuer, fatila-mand, firoz-mand, jai-want, ghalib, muzaffar, mansur ; • (- march, or procession) shadiyana. Triumphantly, fatih-mandi- «&c. -se, ghalibana. Trollop, phuhar, gegli, bodli, bhishtal. Tronage, kayali, baya,i, taula,i. Troop, garoh, firka. ta.ifa, jatha, jama'at, halka, jhund, ghol, samu, tauda, dhara, tung, juk, daf'a, whence dafa-dar, a cornet; {of horse) risala ; {in troops) juk juk. To Troop, jatha bandh-ke-una or -jana, or -daurna. Trooper, sawar, ghur-charha, cha^'haita, bargir, turk-sawar. TROOrs, (v. army) sipah, lashkar, &c. Trope, majaz, anyokt, drishtant, tamsil. Trophy, fatih-nishan, ghanimat. Tropic, sakrant or sankrant; {-of Cancer) da,i- ra e r?lsu-s-sartan, khatt i sartan, parmalp ; {of Capricorn) khatt i jadi, dijawrit. Trot, dulki, kukarchal, khudar; {an old trot) budhi-khank. To Trot, dvrikiyon-j or -chalna, khudrana. Trotter, dulkiha; {fast) kadam-baz ; (a theep'afoot) pacha, gora. Trouble, dukh, tasdi', taklif, iza, dard i sar, kales, ranj, atpatang, inashakkat, bagra, milinat, parisram, takalliif, ranjish, dikk-dari, thak-thak, ut-pat, bikat, fikr, Hbalish, kadd o kawisli, rabar; {perplexity) iztirab, ke-karari, aklahat, hairani ; {tribulation) dard, gham, alatn ; {with great trouble) ba-jarri sakil, ba-liazar taklif. To Trouble, satana, chherna, khijhana, chirhana, khujhana, ranjana, kurbanii, kalpana, uktarna, dikk- &c. -k, dukhana, tasdi'- &c. -d, angliyana, angii-k, rabrana, fikr-k; {to disturb) hilana, lahrana, hal-'korna, ghaiigholna, ghabrana, chaundh- yana, rauztarib- &c. -k, aklana; {dojit trouble yourself, said respectfully) ap taklif na kijiye. Troubled, {in mind) mushawwish, muztarib, be- karar, ashufta, du-chit, gham-aluda, alam-aluda, dzurda, khafa, dikk. Troubler, dukh-da,i or -dayak, muzi, sitam-gar. Troublesome, ranj-awar, thak-thak, bhari, terha, atpatangi, sa^t, utpati, khar-dar, ^arkhar, kan- tak, niusadda, muzi. Troublesomely, dikk-dari- &c. -se, kathinta-se. Troublesomeness, ranj-awari, dikk-dari, kathinta. Trough, charan, kathra, don, athra, dougi, nand, kunda, charhi, taghar. Trousers, pa,e-jama, izar, surwal, shilwar, tamba, taraban, suthan, charna, shirwal, sarawil; {parts of) miyani, kishta, tariz, kunda; {string) izar-band, nara ; {band ) nefa. Trout, ghenti, machhli. Trowel, karni, surma.i, thapi, kanni. Truant, awara, harzagard, kucha-gard, bji-o-^andi. bahendu,a. Truce, {peace) muhlat, tahanimul, santlihcp. To Truckle, dabakna, palesi-k, jigijigi-k. Truckle-bed, chor-palaug. To Trudge, pair-ghasitiia, rabar-k, rabarna,dbawathi- k, dhana, pair dhawari-k, daur-dhamp-k. True, sacha, rast, sadik, hakk, yakin, wajibi, saf, durust, thik, sach, phur, sat, baja, asl, wasik, sala- niat, sadiku-1-bayan ; {faithful) su-dliarii;i, sukriti, wafa-dar ; (hones) rast-baz, kliara; {to one's word ) wa'ida-wafa, zabah-parwar. bachan-pal, sat-badl ; {very true) amauna, sadakna True-born, True-bred, asl-zada, nek-zada, halal- zada, pir-zada, kuliii. True-hearted, saf-dil, wafa dar, diyanat-dar. Trull, malziidi; {strumpet, &c.) dhemni. Truly, waka,i, al-hakk, lil-hakikat, sach-unicli. niju- gut, sachkar, bar-hakk. To Trump up, bandhna, jorua, banana, gailinfi. Trumpery, agar-bagar, baIa,e-boghma, thathar-ba- khar. Trumpet, Trump, turhi, nafir, karna,e, buk, sur, singa, surna,e, banka, bheriya, baja, sankh, ran singa, kandal ; (figurat.) bhat, bardait ; {to sound a trumpet) turhi- &c. -bajauii or -phunkna To Trumpet, dhandhora-pitna, nakiira-bajana. Trumpeter, singariya, karna-chi, surna-chi. To Trunche >N, soutiyana. Trunk, {of a tree) tana, jarwat, astam, peri ; {oj an animal) musla, dhar, rund, loth ; {snout) khurtum ; {chest) sanduk ; (of an ele- phant) sund; {the trunk or main body of a blood-vessel) shah-rag. Truss, {bundle) pula, zamin, langota. Trust, i'tibar, i'timad, asra, fis, tawakkul, bharosa, nischai, takiya; {credit) udliar, karz; {charge) hawala, zimma, tauhad, rakhwali. To Trust, bawar-k, i'tibar- &c. -r, manna, musallam-r or -janna, patiyana ; {to credit) iiJIia- &c. -d ; {to deposit) amanat-r, sompna, sipurd- &c. -k. Trustee, amanat-dar, amin, rakhwal, zimma-dar. Truster, mu'tamid, mu'takid, asrait ; {creditor) dhani, sahu. Trustiness, amanat-dari, iman-dari, diyanat-dari, sudharam, wafa-dari, mu'tabari, sacha,i, khara,i, sadakat. Trust- worthy, mu'tamad, itibari, kabil i i'timad, kabil i i'tibar. Trusty, amanat-dar, iman-dar, diyanat-dar, su-dhar- mi, wafa-dar, mu'tabar ; {strong) mazbut. Truth, sach, rasti, hakk, sidl;:, sat, durusti, tahkik, hakikat, sancli, sidakat ; {in truth) fil-hakikat, fil-waka'i, asl, nafsu-1-amr, sach-much. To Try, azma,ish- &c. -k, azmana, jauchna, kasna, sahejna, parakhna, sawachna, tikharna, ta,ona, dekhna, samajhna, janna, tajwiz-k, partaua, thonk bajake-lena, kasauti- &c. -par charhana or -janch- na, &c. ; {to attempt} atkalna, bichar-k, kasd- k, chahna, man-chalana. Tub, kathra, taghara, gamla. Tube, nali, chhuchhi, phomphl, nai, chouga, niwak, tonti, nal, phunki, pechwan. Tubercle, gilti, ganth, phora, masbird Tubular, nali-sa, nai-sa. Tuck, {a kind of sword) dhop, saif. To Tuck, sikorna, batorna, sametna, morua, dabSna, charhana, nthana; — {the sleeves) astin gardanni. TUE C 296 ) TWl TuBSDAT, mangal, bhaum, kuj (to all of which war, daif, may or may not be added) , si-shamba. Tnrr, turra, kal^i, guchha, jhund, jutta, taj, par- cham, chonda, jhur. ToFTED, turre-dar, chonde- &c. -dar. Tco, khich, ainch, kashish. To Too, khichna, tanna, ainchna, khasotna, nochna ; ■ (to strive) patut-k, bal-k, zor-marna. Tuition, ta'lim, tadib, tarbiyat, talkin, parwarish, pritpal, sichcbha, sikbnawad. Tulip, lala or la'la, shaka,i^. Tumble, uftadagi, lotan, patkan, pachhSr. To Tumblk, (n.) girna,gir-parna, khasna, dhamliyana, dhana, bhahranJl, pachhar-khana ; {to roll about) lotna, patakna, lot-pot-h, tale-upar-h ; {as a tumbler) kala-bazi-k ; {tumultuously) rele-pele- ana ; (a.) ulat-pulat-k, tal-iipar-k, zer-zabar-k, pachharna ; {to throw down) girana, gira- or dal- or dha-d. Tumbler, nat, kala-bSz, rasan-baz, kautiki, kanjar; {pigeon) girih-baz ; {cup) abkhora, katora. TuMOUft, amas, warm, sujh, dumbal, phora, dadora, gumra, karraul, gutka. Tumult, bakhera, ghulghula, ashob, andher, hal-chal, kharbari, halbali, mar-mar, dhundh-kala, shorish ; {to be in a tumult) khalbalana. Tumultuous, halchali, ashobi, dangait. [kuppa. TuNBELLiED, 'azimu-1-batan, tondail, kaftar, bar-peta. Tune, a-waz, sarod, sur, lai, ter, lahn, ahang, tan, alap, surawart, tarana, makam, rah, rag, ragni ; {har- mony) ham-sazi, mel, tal, tal-mel, ras, rang ; {to be out of tune) beraug-h ; (*<., ghair-mushakhkhas ; [-land) amvJit. UNA { ) [JND Umabmed, ni-hathii or nihatya, be-hathiyar, be-silah, nidhal, khuli-kamar. Unasked, be-talab, be-istid'a, be-puchhe, be-bola,c, an-bulaya, tufaili. Unassisted, be-ioadad, be-pachh, be-sathi. Unattainablk, a-jur, ghair-muyassar, a-labh, ghair muinkinu-l-husul. Unattempted, bila azmuda, a-pankshit. Unattended, ek-chhara, jarida, be-yar o yawar, be- dasht. Unavailing, 'abas, be-tasir, be-fa,ida, la-hasil. Unavoidable, &c. a-tal, a-met, la-radd, a-nivarya. Unauthoeised, be-raza, be-rukhsat, be-hukm, be- sanad. Unawares, ek-a,ek or yakayak, an-chit, a-chanak, na-gahah, be-kliabar, Unbecoming, Unbefitting^ na-zeb, an-uchit, be- sobha, be-phabta, an-sohit, bad-saj, bad-numa. Unbegotten, an-bija, ghair-tukhmi, an-utpadit, a-janit. [\easi. Unbeliever, au-ischaik, ghair-mutayakkin, avish- To Unbend, utarna, kholua, dhila-k, ugharna, shi- gufta-k ; (n.) utarna, ugharna. Unbent, utra, dh'ila, khula ; {not intent) be-fikr. Unbiassed, asthir, be-mail, a-pachh. Unbid, uprari, be-kalie, na-khwauda, an-bulaya. Unblameable, uir-dokhi or uir-doshi, be-guriah. Unblemished, ni-rogi, kora, be'-aib, be-ruswa,i. Unboiled, au-sijha, ghair-niatbukh, na-matbukh. Unborn, na-paida, an-jana or an-janit. To Unbosom, kholna, kahna, fasli-karna. Unbound, (book) ghair-mujallad. Unbounded, a-par, be-hadd, ghair-inuhit, ghair- mabdud, be-niliayat, be-tliikana, be-payan, be-shu- mar, aparampar, gh air-mutanahi. Unboundedly, be-nihayati- &c. -se. To Unbrace, utarna, kholna, kushada-k. Unbribed, akorl, ghair-murtashi. Unbridled, be lagam, be-rabt, lampat. Unbroken, an-tfita, ua-shikasta. Unbrotherlt, abhriita, nir-bhaiwadi, na-baradarana. Unburied, au-gara, be-dafan o-kafan, na-madfun. Unburnt, an-jala, ua-sokhta; {as a Hindu corpae) agati. To Unburden, To Unburthen, subuk bar-k. Uncandid, na-saf, na-rast, asat, lapetwan, daglia-baz. Uncauoht, an-pakra, na-girifta. Unceremonious, Unceremoniously, be-takalluf. Uncertain, ghair-mukarrar, ghair-inu'aiyan, be- thikana, au-nishchai, au-isthir, be-sabat, na-ma'lum, an-jiin, be-ina'niul, niuzabzab, zawal-pazir. Uncertaintv, ghair-inukarrari, bc-sabati, na-ma'lu- ini, tazabzub, lapet, shakk. Unchangeable, ghair-mutabaddal, be-tabdil. Uncharitable, past-liiinmat, kam-hausila, dun-him- mat, tang-dil, sakht, kripan-chit, hasid, be-faiz, be- hjinmat, a-puni, a-data. Uncharitableness, past-himmati, kam-hausilagi, dun-hiinmati, tang-dili. Unchaste, chikna, a-kuliii, fasida, na-pak. UNCincuMCiSKi), l)e-sutinat, an-kata, bc-khatna, ghair- or na-makhtun. Uncircumspect, a-chet, ghair-hoshiyar, be-kbabar. Uncivil, bad-khulk, kaj-khiiik, khira, kfi-sil, kfi- dhang, be-murawwat, be-sil, an-sila, be-lihfiz, ghair-khulk, nfi-kas, iifi-ahi. Umoiviuzed, bc-tarbtvat na-tarashida, angarh. Unclaimed, chhutaha, la-daVa, be-w&ris or -milik Uncle, (paternal) cliacha, pitti, ta,u, kaka, 'amm, phupha; (maternal) mamu, mama, mutul, ^1, khalu, mausa. Unclean, Uncleanly, na-pak, na-saf, a-pharcha, a- pabitir, a-pawan, a-sauch, an-dho,a, na-sbosta ghair-tahir, liaram, chhutaha. UsCLEANNESs, &c. na-paki, na-safi, ashuddhta. Unclouded, nir-mal, saf, nir-badal, be-abr, Uiali. Uncomeliness, be-dhabi, bad-surati, na-zeba,i. Uncomely, be-dhab, be-daul, be-saj, a-darsanl. Uncomfortable, a-sukhi, dil-aara«h, na-^ush, be- aram. Uncomfortableness, dil-k^arashi, be-arami. Uncommon, kam-yab, nirala, anokha, anutha, a-purab, nadir, be-tarik, ghair-mashhur, kl^ilatf-ma'mul or -muhawara, kamtar. Uncommonly, nira, nipat, nihayat, bahut. Uncommonness, kam-yabi, anokha,!, nudrat. Uncompelled, ghair-majbur, na-multazam, be-kaid. Uncomplete, adhura, na-tamam, a-samapt. Uncompodnded, ghair-murakkab. Unconceivable, a-bQjh (v. incomprehensible). Unconcern, be-parwa,i, be-^ami, be-^arzl, be-fikri, asochi, be-dardi, a-chinta,i. Unconcerned, be-parwa, be-gham, be-gharaz, be- fikr, a-soch, a-chinta, be-dard, be-taraddud, a-sog. nir-mohi, chi-^am, be-laga,o. Unconcernedly, be-parwa,i- «fec, -se, be-khabar. Unconditional, ghair-mashrujt, be-bandhej. Unconfined, khula, ^air-mukaiyad, be-band. Ukconfirmed, be-isbat, an-isthir, ghair-ba-hal. Unconformable, n5-muwafik, an-mel, na-mutabik. Unconnected, be-mel, be-rabt, be-laga,o, be-sarishta, be-'alaka, ghair-ma'tuf. Unconquerable, atut, achal, ajai, besar. [din. Unconscionable, adharmi, be-'adi, be-diyanat, be- Unconscious, (insensible) nadau, anjan, bejan, be-hosh. Unconstrained, be-kaid, be-rok, ghair-muharrik. Unconsumed, au-gala, na-sokhta, an-jala. Uncontested, bila-kaziya, la-kalam. Uncontrollable, bila-ta'arruz, arok. Uncourtly, na-majlis-dida, na-tarashida, be-adab. Uncouth, bhonda, be-uslub, be-daul, bad-uslub. To Uncover, ugharna, nanga- &c. -k, kholna. Uncreated, ghair- or na-makhluk, na-paida, a-jana- mi, be-sakhta. Unction, (ointment) ubtan, or uptan, bakwa; (friction) malish, mala,i. Unctuous, chikna, mucharrab, charb-dar. Uncultivated, be-taraddud, parti, ghair-mazru', uddyan, na-mazru", ghair-abad ; — — (-person) be- tarbiyat, na-tarashida. Uncurdled, (milk^ Ac.) an-jama, na-basta, an-phata. Uncustomary, be-da.stiir, na-musta'mal. Uncut, an-kata, na-burida, na-tarashida, an-katr&, ghair-maktu'. Undaunted, be-bak, ni-dar, dirh, jan-baz, diler. To Undeceive, kan or ankhen-kholna, aukh-kepatte- kholna. [ghair-iulisal. Undecided, ua-tamum, adliura, niu'allak, nni'attal, Undefilei), nir-mal, na-aluda, an-bigra, be-dagh. ii- chhuta, au-chhu,a. Undefined, g^air-raushakik^as, g^air-mubaiyan, ghair-mausuf, nir-barnan. Undeniable, Ifi-radd, ghair-i'firSz. a-chhenk, a-k.it UND ( 303 ) UNF UsDER, niche, tale, heth, zer, taliat, tabi', pa,!n, faro, tab, laga,o-men ; {applied to sail) par ; {less) ghat, kam, thora; {withotit) siwa,i, wara,e, ba-ghair, chhora ; {in) men, bhitar, andar, dar- Diiyan, bich, idhar ; {by) se, sen, sun, ba ; {something under or over) kuchh kam-besh, kuchh ghat-barh, kuchh upar-niche, kuchh idhar-udhar ; {under him) uske laga,o men ; the words zer, tah, pa,in, pesh, nich, tal, &c. occur in composition thus : talheru, an underling ; pa,in-ghat, pa,in-bagh, &c. tah-khana, an under cellar. JNDER-GARMENT, zcr-jama, mail-khora. To Undergo, angezna, uthana, khichna, bharna, katna, khana, dekhua, bardasht-k ; {to undergo a change of colour) rang-nikalna. Underground, zer-zamin, zamin-ke niche. Underhand, dar-parda, ar-ber-men, chhipa-chhipi, ota-ghati. Underling, Under-strapper, zer-dast, kar-pardaz, pesh-kar, kamera, talheru, tahti, tahlu. To Undermine, surang- &c. -daurana or -marna, dha-d, gira-d, katna, chalna, khodchal-marna, ghur- ghurana ; [fi9-) jar-katna or -khodna, ukharna. Underminer, surang-zan, nesh-zan, bekh-kan; {fig.) jar-khodwa, ghun-ghun-samp, hansta-chughl. Undermost, &c. (t. under) zer-tar, faro-tar, kam-tar. Under-renter, shikami ta'alluka-dar, katkane-dar, shikami ra'iyat, peta,u ra'iyat, ghusra ra'iyat. To Undersell, katna, zer-kimat bechna To Understand, samajhna, bujhna, daryaft &c -k, bicharna, janna, wakif-h, ma'lum-k, tarna, pah- channa ; {to grant) manna, farz-k, kabul-k. Understanding, daryaft, fahm, bujh, samajh, surt, dliyan, idrak, fahmid, 'aid, din, mudrika, wakfit lachhan, dark ; {concord) bana,o, niilap, gliisht- pisht; (a good understanding) achchha, bana,o. Understood, mukaddar, mafhflm, mafruz, prayog; {not expressed) ma'nawi, muradi, mustatar, gupt. To Undertake, uthana, karna, hath-lagana, panw- dharna or -r, kabfil-k, ikhtiyar-k, kasd-k, bira- uthana, lena, kamar-b, ta'ahhud-k, chalaua ; {an exploit) blra-utliana, high ka chuma lena. Undertaker, {contractor) muta'ahhid, ijara-dar; {of funerals) kafan-doz, tabut-gar, murda-sho. Undertaking, kam, dhandha, kar, uddim, jokhim. To Undervalue, kam-kadar-k, be-kadar-k, na-chiz ■or hakir- or chhota- or halka-janna Underwood, jhari, jhang, chhe,ula, chhiyula. Underwriter, blme-wala, or bimen-w5,la. Dndeserted, ghair-wajib, na-hakk, be-istihkak, na- saza ; {undeservedly) be-istihkaki-se. Undeserving, ghair-mustahakk, ghair-mustaujib, na-mustahakk. Undesigned, be-kasd, be-bichar, be-irada. Undesionino, an-ghati, be-riya, nikapti, be-gharaz. Undetermined, ghair-mukarrar, ghair-mu'aiyan, an-nischai. Undisciplined, be-rabt, be-zabt, be-kawa'id, be- bandobast, be-tadblr, na-amokhta. Undiscovered, Undistinguished, andekha, a- drisht, nadid, na-ma'lum. Undisguised, be-libas, a-bhes, be-parda, be-sakhta. Undissolved, angala, anghula. Undisturbed, be-harkat, ba-karar, be-ghal o ^ash, bin atak. Dmdivided, an-banta, gh air-taksim. To Undo, an-kiya-k, akarath-k, kholna, udherna Uhdoino, kharabi, gharat, binas. Undone, an-kiya, na-sakhta, adhilr^; {ruimi) kharab-hal, gaya-guzra. Undoubted, be-shubha, be-shakk, la-raib, la-shakk, be shakk o shubha. Undoubtedly, aur-kya, bhale to, bila-takrar, amanna. To Undress, kapra- &c. utarna. Undressed, charjama, nanga-khala, raadar-zad. Undried, an-sukha, na-khushk. Undue, {unjust) na-ma'kul, na-saza, be-insaf. To Undulate, (a.) lahrana, hilkorna, kilbilana, kul- bulana ; (n.) laharna, mauj-zan, kulbulana. Undulating, lahriya, mauj-zan, kulbulata. Undulation, lahar, hiiora, hilkora, lahrahat, manj- zani. Undutiful, {as a son) ka-put, na-khalf, bad-baklit, na-shudani. Uneasiness, be-arami, be-tabi, na-khusiii, be-kali, bekalta, be-chaini, byakuli, be-karuri. Uneasy, be-aram, na-khush, be-tab, be-kal, be-chain, byaknl, be-karar. Unemployed, be-kar, nir-uddim, be-shughi, mu'attal, be kam ka, be-rozgar, khana-nishin or -guziu. To BE Unemployed, baithna, be-kar bona. Unequal, na-hamwar, be-mel, an-mila, be-andaza ; {irregidar) ghair-mukarrar, be-thikana. Unequalled, be-manind, be-hamta, be-nazlr, la- sani, adwait. Unequally, kam-ziyad, kam-besh, be-andazagi-se. Unerring, a-chuk, be-khata, nishan-andaz. Uneven, na-hamwar, ghair-musattah, unch-nich, nasheb-fariiz, ukhar-khabhar, behar, mota-patli, phusraha, rukha, aghar, khonchaha, ragila, ragdar, Unevenness, na-hamwari, nasheb-farazi, behari, uncha,i-nicha,i. Unexamined, an-jancha, ghair-taftish, aparkha. Unexampled, la-sani, be-misal, be-nazir. Unexceptionable, bila-ta'arruz, gliair-mu'ariza, nir dokhi. Unexecuted, na-taraam, adhura, an-kiya. Unexpkcted, na-gahan, eka-ek, achanak, anchit, auchak, ghair-mutarakkib, yak-a-yak. Unexpectedly, na-gahani-se, yak-a-yak. Unexpectedness, uagahani, eka,eki, auchaki. Unexpert, na-karigar, na-kasbi, anari, na-azmuda. Unfair, na-rast, na-saf, be-iman, be-sa!ah. Unfaithful, be-wafa, bad-kaul, bad-'ahd, dagha-baz. Unfashionable, be-riwaj, be-chalan. Un fashioned, be-daul, nu-tarashida. Unfathomable, athah, agam, anant. Unfavourable, na-mihr-ban, na-musa'id, be-kirpa, ghair-multafit, na-murad, na-muwafik, bhadra. Unfavourableness, na-muradi, na-muwafiki. Unfavourably, na-mihrbani- &c. -se. Unfeathered or -fledged, be-par o bal, leda, mr. lomi, pota. [sakht-pr. Unfeeling, {remorseless) be-rahm, nirmohi, sang-dil, Unfeigned, abhagli, be-hila, ghair-sakhta. Unfelt, an»jan, gh air-mahsus, na-daryafta. Unfenced, be-parda, be-ar. Unfilled, an-bhara, na-ma'mur, ochha. Unfinished, ua-tamam, be-insiram, be-anjam, ad- hura, an-bana, na-saldita,^an-bina, na-taiyar. Unfit, na-la,ik, na-hinjar, na-durust, na-rasa, nS- sha,ista, na-kabiUiiia-mauzun. [uthanft To UNFix,.iutarna, nikalna, karhna, ukharna, khol«:3. [JNF CTsFLEDaED, ged&, Ied&, be-par o b&l. To Unfold, kholna, pasarni, udherna, dikh^na. Unforced, ghair-majbur, sabas or swabas. (Jmfokesebn, na-dlda, a-sujh, an-dekha. Unformed, an-bana, be-daul, na-tarashida. Unfortified, be-parda, be-panah, be-5r, be-Iag&,o, be-pusht panSih. Unfodnded, be-thikanS, be-buny^d, bSitil. Unfortunate, nigun-bakht, bad-bakht, bad- or be- nasib, be-jas, aundha-bakht, nibakhta, bar-gashta- bakbt, mubtala, a-bhagi, la-char, mafluk, kam- nasib, be-bahra. Unfreqdent, kam, thora, ate men namak. Unfrbqdented, thandha, sard, khunak, udas, be- chuhal. [mizaj a-mitr, na-dost, ghair-dostana. Unfriendly, ghair-ashna, asbna-kush, na-ashna- Unfruitful, a-phal, an-phal, nir-phal, nir-arthak. To Unfdrl, kholna, udhernS.. Unfurled, an-lapeU, khola-hu,a, khula. To Unfobnish, torphor-k, noch-nach-k. Unfurnished, ni-saz, be-sSz, na-5.r3ista, be-asbab. Ungenerous, be-faiz, be-himmat, nSL-jawan-mard, tang-chashm, a -data. [man. Ungodly, nl-khuda-tars, gl^air-salih, khuda-dush- Ungovernable, sar-kash, mnnh-zor, be-lagam, athamb, zulini-parast. Ungraceful, asaj, be-dhab, be-zeb, ni-arasta. Ungracious, be-murawwat, be-sil. Ungrammatical, be-ka*ida, be-rabt, na-marbut, nir- abhyis, be-sutr. Ungrateful, na-sbukr, na-sipas, be-wafa, na-shukr- guzar, na-bakk-shinas, be-ihsan, kafir-ni'mat, be- shukr, bc-nihora, be-kanaura, namak-haram, nir- gunabadi. Dnobatefully, na-shukri- &c. -se, be-wafa,i-se. Unguarded, be-lih5z, a-chet, be-ar, nidhal. Unhallowed, nS-pak, ghair-mukaddas. Unhandsome, na-ma'kfil, bad-surat, bad-uslub, zisht. Unhandy, be-dhab, na-ma'kul. Unhappy, {displeased) na-khush. na-khushnud, nir- anandl, dil-tang, a-prasann, hasrat-zada, na-shad. To Unharness, kholna, khol-dena. Unhealtuful, na-muwafi^, na-saz, dukh-da,l or -dayak. [sukhl. Unhealthy, na-tan-durust, be-aram, be-sihhat, an- Unheard, an-suna,an-jan,na-shumda,ghair-niasmu'. To Unhinge, chule-ukharnil, kanni-katna. Unholy, na-mukaddas, na-pak. Unuoi'kkl'l, nSl-barkhurdar, dubanhar. To Unuousk, ghore se girana. To Uniiouse, be-ghar-k, ujarna, be-da^al-k. Unhirt, bo-chot, be-sadma, bc-zawal ; (also unim- paired) . Unicorn, {rKijioeeros) gainda, gargadan. Uniform, eksftn or yaksan, ekhi, eksu, barabar, ek- daul, ektarash, ham-war, muwafi^, ekrang, ham- sukhan, ckru. A Uniform, {military dress) b^n^, taghma. Uniformity, eksani, barabari, muwafakat, mel, yaga- nagi, ok-rangi, ek-dauli. Uniformly, niel- &c. -sc, barabar:-se, yaksani-se. Uninformed, ghair-muttali", be-khabar. Uninhahited, an-basa, nir-jan, ua-abud, nir-basgit, ghair-sakilnat. OwiMPOBTlNT, adflj, chhoja, subuk, halkft. ( !»< ) UNM Uninstructed, an-siklia, an-sadha, be-talim. Unintelligible, an-jan, be-samajb. na-danlsta^ mumtana'u-1-fahm, majhul bil majhul. Uninterested, la-gharz, bc-swarth. Uninterrupted, an-antar, bila-fasila, an-tQta. Uninvited, be-da'wat, be-nauta, tufaili, an-bul5ya. Union, yaganagi, ekiyat, ek dili, ba-batni, ittifnk, itti- had, sanghat, jor, paiwastagi, ek-jug, jori, sanjukt. Unique, tak, ekka, yakta, la-sani. Unison, {in music) ek-sur, ham-awaz (vide union). Unit, ekan, ekka ; {unitanan) muwahhid. To Unite, (a.) ek- &c. -k, milana, jorna, gatana, wasl-k, jutana, baham-k, jug-k, ekang-k, ganthna, lagana; (n.) muttaliid- &c. -h, milna, jurna, jutna, satna, ittifak-k, lagna, pachna, gathna, bamdam-h. United, muttahid, ek, muttafik, yagana, yak-dil, mila-jula, paiwasta, tau,am, dugana. Unitedly, milke, ek-dili-se, ittifak-se. Unity, abdiyat, wahdat, tauhid, wahdiniyat, ekta, eka,i, yaganagi, ekta,i, fardiyat. Universal, mutlak, kulli, jami*, sampuran, 'alam- gir, jumla, sarb-mai, 'alam-nashar. Universality, kulliyai, 'umumiyat, jumlagi. Universally, bil-kull, kullu-hum, 'umuman, dar o bast. [tamam, jumla-jahan, dunya-bhar. Universe, 'alam, tri-lok, ^aHfu-l-lah,ka,inat, 'alam- University, madrasa, maha-vidyalay. Unjust, na-hakk, be-insaf, g^air-munsif, ghair-wa- jibi, be-pad, an-nya,i, be-dad, be-dadgar, na-ma'kul. Unjustifiable, apachh, ghair mumkinu-1-ibra. Unjustly, be-insafi- &c. -se, be-'adl, be-taksir, ^a^ na hakk, yiinhi. To Unkennel, bahar-k or -nikalna. Unkind, be-shafliat, be-mihr, na-mihr-ban, be-raay&, be-daya, bad-khwah, an-bhala, an-slla, na-roula,iiB, be-dard, be-murawwat. Unkindly, na-milirbani- &c. -3e, be-skafkati-ge. Unkindness, na-mihr-banl, be-mihri, be-shafkati, bad-khwahi. Unknowingly, an-jan, yunhi, na-danista, na-dani- &c. -se, andha-gha,in, be-khabar. [chan. Unknown, na-ma'Ium, ghair-ma'ruf, a-jan, an-pah- To Unlade, utarna, nikalna, ubharna. Unlawful, ^ilaf i shar', ghair-shar'i, na-mashrA*, ghair-ja,iz, a-pat, a-bed, an-rit, haram, na-ja,iz, na-rawa, be-shfistari, ghair-inujawwaz. Unlawfully, bila-shar' (v. the adj. also illegitimate). Unlawfulness, an-ritta, na-durusti, na-mushru'i. Unlearned, an-sikha, murakh, jahil, na-khwanda. Unleavened, bg-kbamir, patiri, fatiri, na-khamiri, be-khamira. Unless, agar-na, ilia, magar, ghair az an-ki, war-na. Unlike, au-mel, ghair-mushabih, ghair-shabih, an- sam, na-hamwar, ghair-mushabbih. Unlikely, na-ghfilib, be-priyas, an-hona. Unlimited, be-hadd, be-nihayat, be-mend, mukhtar kull, be-bandhej . Unluckily, be nasibi-se, bad-bakhti-se. Unlucky, bad-nabs, zabCm, bur.i, ku, bhadra, shfim, sabz, dadhachhar, asugfui, kam-bakht, akarrai, abhaga, apa-ja.si, na-mubarak, kal-jibhu, siyah-fal, bad-yuman, shaniati, manhus, ku-pad, ku-pairi, sabz-kadani. Unmade, an-bana, na-sakhta, an-banaya. To Unman, na-niard-k, na-puhsak-k. Unmanageable, be-lagam, be-buktn, be-kah». li.aJ- lagam, ek-bagga, goriyar, kudar. UNM ( 1Mb ) una Onmanlt, na-mard, na-mardana, n5-ptiAsak. Unmannerly, ku-dhang, be-tarah, bad-khulk. Unmarried, an-oyaha, be-nikah, na-kad-Wiada, Itunara or kanwara. To Unmask, burka'-utarna,bhes-badalna,khiil-khelna. Unmatched, be-jori, la-sani, be-nazir. [nir-arthi. Unmeaning, be-ma'ni, an-arth, be-namak, muhmil, Unmevscrable, be-mikdar, be-sbumar, ansakh. Unmerciful, be-rahm, be-dard, be-maya, be-dayi, nir-daya. Unmercifully, be-rahmi- &c. -se, be-dardi-se, &c. Unmerited, na-la,ik, na-saza, ghair-kabil. Unmindful, a-chet, be-kbabar, be-surt, ghafil. Unminoled, Unmixed, Unmixt, be-misrit, na- ainekhta, an-mila, na-amez. Unmolested, atok, achher, be-^alish. To Unmoor, langar-uthana, kholna, kbulna. Unmoved, a-chal, a-tal; (unfeeling) be-rikkat. Unnatural, khilaf i tabi'at, ^ilaf i 'adat, anit; (cruel) karakht, sakht. Uknatoealness, khilaf-'adatl, ku-maragta. Umnbcessabt, na-zarur, la-zarur, be-fa,ida. Unnumbered, an-gina, be-sbumar. Uhobsebted, an-dekha, na-dida, ankh-chbip&-ke. Onocoopied, ghair-mutasarraf or -makbuz, Uiali. Unpaid, be-ada, an-pata, be-diram. Unparalleled, be-nazir, be-misal or -tamsil. Unpardonable, |[hair-'afu, a-chbut, nir-chhimi, ghair inumkinu-l-inu'af, ghair-ma'sur, g^air-'uzr • paziri To Unpeople, nir-basgit-k, wiran-k. Unperformed, an-kiya, na-tamam, na-durtut. Onpeeishablb, la-fanl, athel, be-zawal. Unphilohophical, khilaf i hikmat, ^lafi'a^l- Unpleasant, na-gawara, na-khush, bad, na-pasan> dida, an-suhawan, an-piyara, be-daul. UKPOLiauED, be-jili, be-saikal ; (rustic) oramb&, uzbak, bhuch, an-chhila, an-garh, na-tarashida, na-saf. Un POLITE, be-murawTyat, bad-aj^la^, nir-adar, be- adab, bjid-siiluk, siyah-cbasbm. Unpolluted, na-aluda an-bhara, nir-mala. Unpractised, na-&ziiiuda-kar, be-tajraba. Onpreokdbnted, akar, be-ma'mul, be-tamsil, be- misl. Unprejudiced, gnair-muta'assib, be-ta'assub, sina- saf, nir-ganth, an-birodbi. Unpremeditated, be-fikr, be-ta,ammul. Unprepared, na-taiyar, ghair-rausta'idd, na-kamar- basta, na-hazir, an-sapar. Unpreparedness, na-taiyari, na-ha?iri. [adharmi. Unprincipled, bad-gauhar, bad-zat, mutlaku-l-'inan- Unprofitable, na-ja,e-dad, be-gunja,i.sh, la-hasil, a-pbal, na-bud, nir-bij, nir-pbal, nir-arthak. Unpromising, na-barkhurdar, na-shudani, be-asr&, na>khalaf. UNPROSPKaous, bad-nasib, bad-bakht or -tali'. Unprotected, be-saya, be-wasila, be-wali-warU. Unproved, na-sabit, ghair-mujarrab, be-isbat. Unprovided, be-saranjam, be-asbab, be-saz o sam&n, be-sar o saman. UNPaovoKED, be-chher, be-barkat, ghair-muztarib. 'Jnpunisiied, be-saza, bc-taran, na-mu'aazab. jNQOALiFiEry, iu-la,ik, na-sazawar, be-sali^a, vi' rasa» nir-guni, na-kabil. Unquenchable, asSnt, gtair-muntaii Umqubstionablb, bila-i tiraz, be-shakk, be-thubhh Unquiet, be-chain, be-aram, be-kal. To Unravel, suljbana, kbolna, nikalna, udhejrui, ukilna. Unread, na-khyanda, an-pafha, hech-nadan. \ Unreasonable, be-thikana, be-ja, ghair-wSjib, ba'idu-l-'akl, na-munasib, na-ma'kul, be-hisab, kaj- babas, jahil. Unreasonableness, na-ina'kuli, ghair-wajibi. Unregarded, na-pursan, an-pucbha, be-lihaz. Unrelated, (untold) an-kaba, ghair-manVAU *n- boia. Unrelenting, an-pasijha, be-rahm, nir-daya. Unreserved, be-laga,o, be-riya, saf-dil, be-sakhta. Unresolved, be-kasd, ghair-mukarrar. Unrestrained, be-lagam, be-zabt, be-kaid, khule- bandon. Unrevenqbd, be-intikam, be-badla. Unrewarded, be-ajar, be-ujrat, be-jaza o saz&. To Unriddle, hall-k, kholna. Unrighteous, ghair-salih, na-nikokar. Unripe, an-pakka, na-puldita, kam-pukht, na-rasidat kham. Unrivalled, anup, sarbopar, be-ag^yar, la-sanl. To Unroll, udherna, kholna. To Unroot, ukharna, jar-ukharna, bej^-kani-k. Unruffled, be-mauj, be-lahar. Unruliness, be-zabti, be-hukml, be-lagami, tar- kashi, magra,i. UNRULY, be-zabt, be-hukm, be-lagam, sar-kash, ma- gra, muoh-zor. Unsafe, be-salamat, be-amn, na-amm, kj^tr-n&k Unsatiablb, na-ser, na-asuda, an-bhara. Unsatisfaotort, na-sawab, na-saz, na-muwafi^:. Unsatisfied, na-razi, na-khush, na-shad, be-man. Unsavouby, be-maza, be-za,ika, nir-sondha, ku-baii. To Unsay, pherna, ultana, paltana, inkar-karna. Unseasonable, be-wakt, be-hangam, be-samai, ku- rit, be-fasal, be-bahar, beja, ku-ber, be-aiyam. Unseasonableness, be-wakti, be-hangaral, na-waki'i, Unseasonably, be-mauka', be-mahal, be-kal. Unsecuke, na-mazbut, ^am, kacha, be-gabat. Unseemly, be-adab, nir-adar, na-muwafik, zisht. Unseen, an-dekha, na-dida, gha,ibana, na-gahanl, alakh. Unbent, an-bheja, na-firistada ; (.-/or) d&- mad'u, an-bulaya. Unserviceable, na-kara, ma'zur, na-ba-kar. Unsettled, be-band o bast, be-uazm o nask, ghair- mushakhl^as,be-karar, ghair-mu'aiyan. na-pa,edar, an-istbir. Unshaken, ghair-muztarib, an-dola, atal. To Unsheath, 'uryan-k, nanga-k, nikalna. Unshorn, au-katra, an-munda or an-mnnda. Unsightly, bad-numa, bad-zeb, be-dhab, bad-surat. Unskilful, be-hunar, nir-guni, na-ra^a, pas-fitrat. Unskilled, na-wa^f, ghair-muttali', na-sha'ur, na- rasa, na-kabil, be-salika. Unsociable, an-mil, na-amez, an-mi!a, tanha-klior. Unsought, an-khoja, an-manga, na-kfewasta, be-d«r- khwast, Unsound, 'aib-dar, ma'yub, na-tan-durust. Unsown, an-bo,a, ghair-mazru', na-ka«hta. Unspbakable, be-barnan, na-guftani, a-kathan/a- Onspotted, be-dagh. be-batta, nir-mal, nir-ma!a. Ukstabi.e, Unsteady, be-karar, be-sabat, na-pa,»w dar, be-iiyam, bo-»ukun, adhiraj, be-baka, hadi3 VNS { 306 ) VOU UwsTKADiNESs, be-lj^arari, be-aabati, na-pa,ed&ri, be- ]fiy&m\, adlilrajta. To Unstkinq, atama, kholua, dhila-k. Unsubstantial, be-wajud, bad-hawa,I, hubabi, be- sat, be-maghz. UastrooESSFUL, be-maksad, na-kam-yab, na-peshraft, na-marad, be-naslb, be-prayojan. Unsucobssfullt, be naslbi- &c. -se, (v. next word) . Unsuooessfulness, be-maksadi, bad-naslbi, na-kam- yabi, na-muradi. Unscfferable, an-saha, ghair-tahammnl. Unsditable, be-mel, na-muwafik, na-la,ik. Unsullied, nir-mal, pak, pakiza, sutlir&, saf. Unsure, ghair-tahkik, be-isbat. Unsurmountable, atal (v. insurmountable). Untainted, be-bo, an-ubsa ; (pure) be-da^. Untamed, an-hila, an-parcba, na-maghlub, an-daba. Untabted, an-chakba, an-chhu,a, na-chashida. Untaught, an-sikhaya, na-amoWita, na-khwanda. Untenable, a-thamb, be-kiyam. Untbeeified, ni-dar, be-bak, nir-bhay. Unthankful, na-shukr, na-shukr-guzar. Unthinking, be-fikr, a-soch, ^afil, nis-chint. Unthrifty, be-kifi,yat; nir-oji, be-barkat. Until, jab-tak ki, jau-lag, jab-lag, ta-ki, tau-lag, jab- talak, jab-tak, hatta. Untimely, be-wakt, a-kal, ku-ber ; {an untimely death) jawina-marg, ku-maut. Untieed, na-manda, athak, na-afgar, na-mat'ub. Unto, ko, ke-ta,m, ke-pas, ke-nazdik, &c. Untold, an-kaha, an-bola, na-gufta, a-kathit. Untouched, an-cbbu,a, na-mamsus. Unteaotable, &c. ek-bagga, be-zabt, gardan-kash. Untried, na-azmuda, an-kasa, ghair-mujarrab. Untroubled, (dear) nir-mal, be-ghubar, pak-saf. Unteue, na-rast, a-sat, ghair-masduk. Unteuth, na-rasti, darogh, jhuth, a-satyat5. Un^utoebd, be-ta'lim, na-amokhta. an-sikha. To Untwjne, Unwind, &c. ubharna, udherna. Unvanquished, a-jit, bijai, na-maghlub. Unviolatbd, a-nasht, an-bigra, an-tuta, na-shikasta. Unusual, be-chalan, be-riwaj, kam, be-isti'mal, Unutteeable, an-bolan-jog, be-barnan, be-bayan, ^air-mutalafiaz. Unwalled, be-panah, be-diwar. Unwanted, Unwisht, be-talab, an-manga. Unwaerantable, be-dalil, be-sanad, be-hisab. Unwary, be-ihtiyat, be-andesha, ^afil, achet, be- khabar. Unwashed, an-dho,a, na-shusta, a-sauch, na-pSk. Unweaeied, a-thak, a-tal. Unwelcome, na-pasand, na-khush, na-dil-pazlr. Unwell, na-durust, na-saz, na-khush, an-mana. Unwholesome, na-gawara, na-muwafik, nir-bal, na- khush, na-saz. Unwholbsomenbss, na-muwafikat, nir-baltii. Unwieldy, a-chal, bhari, wazanl. Unwilling, be-man, na-razi, be-dil, na-khushnud. na-ba-kam, kam-shauk, nir-mana. Unwillingly, be-dili-se, na-lAushnudi-se. Unwillingness, be-dilj, na-Uiushnudi. Unwise, na-dan, be-sha'ur, agyan, nir-budb, dur- mati, la-'akil, na-'aklmand. Unwisely, ni-danl-se, ahmakana. [wan. UmriTTiNOLY, ajan, bekhabari-sc, be-khwasta, sah- Unwoethiness, be-kadri, be-hnnari, be-jauhari, ghair-mustahakki, na-la,iki, na-sazawari. Unwoethy, be-kadr, be-hunar, be-jauhar, ^air- mustaujib, ghair - mustahakk. n&-la,i^ na-sazaw&r, ni-kamma, nir-man. Unwritten, an-likha, na-nawishta, na-nigashta. To Unyoke, kholna, khol-dena. Vocable, kalima, shabd. Vocabulaey, farhang, lughat, kos, kosh, n&m-mSli, ^alik-bari, nisab. Vocal, sauti, nawa,i, shabdi ; (vocal and instm- mental music) gana-bajana, na|^ma-sauti o sazl^ bajan-gajan, soz o saz. Vocative, nida, halat i nida, sambodhan. To Vociferate, ghul-ghapara- &c. -k, pukarn&. Vociferation, shor-pushti, ghau^a, ghul-ghapaya, shor-shar. Vociferous, shor-pusht, ghaugha,!, shori. Vogue, riwaj, chal, charcha, chalan. Voice, awaz, sada, saut, bol, sur, kuk, nida ; {of a verb) fasl ; {active voice) fasli ma'ruf ; {passive voice) fasli majhul ; {to break as the voice) kanth-phutna ; {to raise the voice) gala- uthana. Void, jAali, tihi, sun., ma'attal, mansu^, batil. To Void, Khali- or tihl-karna, dalna, girani, baithni, jharna, nikalna. Volatile, slmab-tab', chancbal, chapal, man-mauji. Volcano, jwala-mukhi, barhm jon. Volition, mukhtari, chahat; {volitive) nmkhtlr. Volley, shaltt, barh, dewarh. Volubility, zaban-awarl, zaban-chalaki, zaban-da« razi, liblibahat, pharpbarahat, tomtaraV, kark. Voluble, zaban-awar, zaban-cbalak,. zab&n-darii, batchal, bakta, tarrara, libliba, fawwara, tarra. Volume, jild, daftar, kitab, n&ma, shastar, pothi rukn, kand, tumar. Voluminous, tumari, tul-tawU, lamb^-chaofa. Voluntarily, ap-se, khud-ba-khud. aphi-ap, l^asiu> se. Voluntary, i^tiyari, iradi, kasdi, az-t^i^d. Volunteer, ekka, upakari, najib. Voluptuous, Voluptdary, 'aiyash, jashnl, shikam- parast, anandi, labari, mauji, yar-bash, magani, aa- bash, ra^iya, raslla, rang-rasl, shabwat-parast. Voluptuously, 'aiyashi- &c. -se, sbahwat-parasti-ce. VoLUPTDODSNBSS, 'aiyashl, aub&shl, y§T-bashi, ahi- kam-parasti. Vomick-nut, maiu-phal, jauzu-1-kai, kuchl&. Vomit, mustafri|^, baraan-kari, istifragh. To Vomit, kai-k, radd-k, istifragh-k. uchhal-k, ba« man-k, bhu,in-dekbna, chhandna, chhant-k, dSk> lagna, okna, bokna, dokna, ubkana, raddana. Vomiting, {act of) ubka,i, istifra|^. Voracious, ju'u-l-bakar, ju'u-1-kalb, akul, bho- jan-das, kha,u, bhiikh-mu,a, jhokhala, haris, haa- kah&. Voracity, &c. ja'u-1-bakari, ju'u-1-kalabi, baukii. Vortex, chakar, bhanwar, gird-ab, warta. Votaress, sewaki, &c. (v. votary). Votary, fidwi, banda, ghulam, sewak, dis, kinkar, upasak, jan-nisar, hajatl, nlyati, prani, mananl. Vote, kaul, bat, boli; {voter) sahib-Vanl. To Vouch, dalll-k, sbabidi-d, gawalu-d. Vouchee, {witness) dalil, sanad, adst-&wex, likb- tang. To Vouchsafe, mihr-bani, &o. -k, krip&-k. vow ( 807 ) UYU Vow, nazar, shart, niyat, kamnS, kSnchha, ichha, sankalp, ihram, mannat, 'azam. To Vow, niyat-b, nazar- &c. -k, 'ahd o paiman-k. VowKt, harf i 'illat, matra, harkat (pi. harkat) mat, swar, saman ; {the vowel points) i'rab. VoYAOB, niwa,i, darya,i-safar, jahazi-safar, sair i darya,i. VoYAOER, darya,i-musafir, jahazi-musafir. Up, upar, par, bala, fauk ; — — {not in bed or asleep) baitha, utha, jaga, khara ; (tip a stream, &c.) njan; — — (up and down) idhar-udhar, yahan- wahan ; {up to) tak, talak, ko, tori, lag, ta,in, bhar, barabar ; {up, up, get up) litli-uth, uth- baith, uth-khaje ho ; {it is more difficult for a boat to go up [a river\ than to go down) kishti ko ziyada mushkil hai cha]:ha,o {or ujan) jana utar {or bhathiyal-se ; {it is easier to come down than to go up a hill) pabaf se utarna asan hai pahar par charhne-se. To Upbeaid, munh-par-lana, ta'na or-mihna-marna, sar-zanish-k, dagadhna, malamat-k. Upbbaidbb, ta'na-zau, malamat-saz or -go. Upbbaidinolt, ta'na zanj- &c. -se, malamat-go,i-se. To Uphold, uthana, thambhna, pakarna. Upon, par, upar, bar, bala. Uppbr, balatar, zabarin, upar-auta, upalla ; {to have the upper hand) zabar-dast-h. Uppek-chahber, bala-ttana (hence balcony) . Upper-hand, bala-dast, zabar-dasti, sarsa,i. Upper-leather, patta. Upright, khara, sidha, sarla, surohra, khara, rast, sadiku-I-kaol, saf-dil, ustawar-'ahad, nek-baz, rah- rast, pak-saf, rast-baz, rast-mu'amila, pura. Upriqhti-t, riBti-&c. -se, rast-bazi-se, &c. UpRiQHTNEai sidha,!, sarla,i, surohra,!, rasti, khara,i. Uproar, gh ul-ghapara. shor-shar, gh augha, ghul- fi^ula, hank-pukar, hullar, hangama, haul-jaul, c^um-dham, shahar-ashobi. To Upset, ultana, ulatna, tal-upar-k. Upshot, bukhar. ant, khamiyaza. natija, hasil. Upside-down, zer-zabar, tah o bala, ulat-pulat, niche-upar, tal-upar, aundha, sir-talwaiya, talpat, ukrubala, sar-gardan, sar-nigun, wazhgun. Upstart, kal-ka-adml, nau-daulat, nau-barha, nau- dhan, nau-ba,i, guh-ki-chaula,i. Upwards, Spar; {more than) barh, adhik, zi- yada, siwa. [mansa,i. Urbanity, murawwat, lutf, mardumi, ahliyat, bhal- Urohin, ba,ona, gittakh, bandar, memna. Urethra, na,iza, mutr-dwar, mutnl. To Urge, arana, dabana, takaza-k, bajid- &c. -h, hath-k, ragar-k, takid-k, huriyana, gansna, gale- parna, lalchana. [ragar, tashaddud, sa^ti. Urgency, zarurat, na-chari, tangi, takaza, daba,o. Urgent, zarur, lazim, na-guzir, ahamm, takidi, sa^t, lahlot, mutakazi, bajid, musirr, arel. Ubgbntly, ragar- &c. -se, bajid or ba-jidd. Urinal, j^arura, baul-dan, peshab-dan, pargahi, mu- tahri. [angez. Ubiraky, baali, peshabi; {causing urine) baul- Urine, pesh-ab, mut, baul, shasha, laksanka, such, mutr or mutra. To Urine, mutna, peshab- &c. -k, istinja-k. Urinous, khara,end, peshabi. Urn, surahi, kuza, jhajhar, gul-dan, satiwar. Urosoopy, karura-shinasi, karura-bini. Df, ham, hamon, hamen; {of us) hamara. Usage, sulQk, harkat, rit, chal ; {custom) dastflr, rawaj, chalan, dhang, kar, shud-amad, rawiah, ma'mul, bartesar, bandhej, prabha,o, barbast, a,in, ka'ida, muhawara ; (according to usage) dastur- ke, muwafik, hasbu-l-ma'mul. Use, bart, isti'mal, 'amal, ^arch, wird, mashk, rabt, kam, khidmat, tahal, sadhani ; (need) darkar, ihtiyaj, gharaz, prayojan. To Use, bartna, kam- &c. -men-Iana, isti'mal-k, chalaua, karna, bajhana, urahna, anwasna, lagana, Wiarch-k; {accustom) ma'mul-k, sadhna, hilana ; (to treat) suluk- &c. -k ; (do as you used to do) karo jaisa age kiya karte the. Useful, kami, kam-ka, kamu, kar-amadani, arami, sukh-da,ik, mufid, sud-mand, labhi, bahu-gnna. Usefully, fU,ida-mandi- &c. se, sud-mandi-se. Usefulness, fa,ida-mandi, sud-mandi. Useless, ni-kamma, na-kara, na-bakar, be-fa,ida, nir-labh, la-hasil, ra,egan, bar-bad, \v^a,e-taba,e, nakis, nir-gun, bad-hawa,i, muft, ^ali. Uselessly, la-hasili- &c. -se, be-fU,ida. UsELEssNEss, barbadi, la-hasili, na-bakari. User, musta'mil, abhyasi. Usher, 'arz-begi, nazir, dwar-pal, mir-'arz; — — (under teacher) khalifa. To Usher, mulazimat-karana, agam-janana, pesh- rawi-k. Usual, ra,ij, murawwaj, jari, 'amm, chalani, isti'mali, 'ammi, mu'tadi, bandheji ; (as usual) ba-dastur. Usually, aksar, a gh lab. beshtar, bahu-dhan. Usualness, riwaj, kasrat, ijra, beshtari. Usurer, byaj-lior, byaji, riba-khwar, sud-Hjor. Usurious, byaju, ba-riba. To Usurp, chhin or berh-lena, na-hakh:-lena, zabar- dasti- &c. -se lena. Usurpation, ^asab, ta'addi, dast-darazi, dast-burdi, zabar-dasti. Usurped, ma gh sub. na-hakk, Iiya-hu,a. UsuKPEK, dast-daraz, zabar-dast, ghasib, dast-bord. Usury, mail, riba, byaj-^ori, sud-khori. Utensil, bartan, zarf, hathiyar, alat. Uterine, rihmi ; (-furor) kamba,i. Utility, kam, fa.ida, naf , intifa', sud, libh, arth» aram, sukh. Utmost, Utter, Uttermost, nihayat, i^ayat, ^aile, nipat; (to do one's utmost) hatta-1-makdur-k, hatta-1-imkan-k, mumkinu-l-was*-k, hadd-bhar-k. To Utter, kahna, bolna, ucharna, nikalna, kharij-kf zahir-k, kholna, farmana, dam-mama. Utterable, talaflfuz-pazir, ucharan-jog. Utterance, ma^raj, uchar, talaffuz, lab o lahja. Utterly, mahaz, mutlak, sirf, nipat, hadd, nihayat, tammat-tamam. Vulgar, 'amm, pragat, mashhur, 'urfi; (mean) chhota, kamina, paji, pajiyana, mubtazal, nich ; (the vulgar) 'awamm, rabaki-tabaki, juhla, ah&Ii- mawali, 'amm-log, amka-dhamka, lallo-jagdhar, kunjre-bhathiyare, 'awammu-n-nas, teli-tamboli ; (fond of) paji-nawaz or -para«t ; (a vulgar error) ghalatu-l-'amm. Vulgarity, Vulgarism, kamin-pan, paji-gari, ni- cha,i, itarta, puch (pi. puchiyat). Vulgarly, 'amuman, 'urfan, 'awammon-mti. Vulnerable, mumkinu-1-majruh, gha,o-jog. Vulture, gidh, kargas, nasar, khagraj. Vulva, chut, aisi-taisi, tita, popti, falan, chicha. Uvula, lar, kag, ghanti, lahat, lola, kawwfc; — — (to adjust the uvula) gala-uthana. x2 uxo ( 3«8 ) WAB l)xoBiOTJS» zan-mund, zan-para«t, istri-mai, jor":-k& tattu, kar-lagu.ii, zaii-dost. UXORIOU8NBS8, zan-muridi, zan-parasti, zaa-dosti. W rf AD, Waddiho, nawala, kasan, ^amin. To Waddle, dagiuagi-chal-chalna, batak-ch&l-chalna, matakta-chalna. To Wade, helna, khare-panw-utarna, pa,e-ab-utama. Wapee, chapra, chipta, tlkiya, tikll. To Waft, lejana, chalana, Ufa- or baha-lejana, pa- htmchana, langhana. Wag, Waqgish, masM^ara, thathe-ibaz, tbatholiyS, harraf, shokh. To Wao, (a.) hUanS, dulana, cbalbalana ; (n.) hiln&, dolnSl. To Waqb, karna, lena ; {to wage war) jang-lena. Waoer, shart, hor, da,o, askhar, bahas, hofa-hafi, sharta-sharti, burd-baj^t. To Waoer, ba dna, lagana, shart- &c. -b, hor5,-hari- &c. -k. Wages, talab, mawajib, musbahira, mihnatana, bhar, kharchi ; {daily-) rozina ; {monthly-) dar- maha. WAGGian, harif, zarif, sharir, dhurat. Wagoishness, &c. harifi, zarifi, shararat, thathe-bazi. Waggon, &c. chhakra, araba or 'araba. Wagtail, dhobi chiriya, khanjan, khindrich, mamola, surich, sawa, musicha. To Wail, &c. bilbilana, kukna, giriya o nala-k. Wainscot, takhta-bandi, ^atim-bandi. To Wainscot, taldita-bandi-k. Waist, kamar, miyan, kati, lank, karha,on, dand. Waistband, kamar-band, patuka, patka. Waistcoat, choli, fatubi, angarkha or angrakha. Wait, {ambush) ghat, da,o, jugat, kamin. To Wait, rah-dekhna, bat-johna, intizari-k, sabar-k, rah-j, tawakkuf-k, 'arsa-kbichna, lag-rahna, khiint- baithna ; {on a superior) mulazimat-k, mujra-k, darsan-k, bhent-k (v. respects) \ [to stay) tha- harna, rahna, dirang-k, bilamb-k, atakna ; {to attend) ^idmat-k, ta'inat-k, hazir-h, bana-rahna. Waiter, (a waiting -servant) Hjidmat-gar, pilawan- hara, saki, hazir-bash. Wake, {mourning) chaliswaA, chihlum (i.e. a period if forty days). To Wake, Waken, (n.) jagna, be-dar-h, uthna, tare- ginna, ankh-kholna; (a.) jagana, uthana, be-dar-k. Wakeful, be-dar, ujag, be-khwab. hushiyar. Wakefulness, be-dari, shab-be-dari, ujagta. Walk, sair, chihil-^adini, gasht, phira, mashi, phir- chal, bhul-cbal; {place) sair-gah; {gait) chal, raftar, rawish ; {alley) mend. To Walk, (n.) chalna, phirna, tahalna, dolna, khiram- k, kadam-jana or -ana, rugua, dagarna, mashi-k, chihil-kadami- &c. -k ; (a.) tahlana, pherna, cha- lana, dulana. Walker, chalwaiyS, chalanhar, kadam-baz ; (in conip.) gard, rau, whence kucha-gard, a street- walker, Ac. Wall, diwar, diwal, bhlt, kbanwa, pakha, kot, sur ; {of a tent) kanat ; {of a city) shahr- panah ; {Alexander's) sadd i sikandar; {-shade) diwar-gir. To Wall, diwar- &c. -khinchn&, -dauf&nu, or -uthani» «har-diwaii-k. Wallet, jhola, zarabll, jholi, kauia&, kachkol. To Wallop, kljadbadana, bhad-bhadan&, dabhdabU- ana, phadphadaua, dabhakna. To Wallow, lotna, lot-pot-k, ghaltan-marna, |^|al« tan-h ; {figurat ) dubna, ghar^-h. Walnut, alArot, char-maghz. girdigan. Wan, zard, pila, za'farani, zard-rang or -ru. Wand, chhiri, patkan, sutkuni, kamchi, chhikuni. To Wander, ramna, phirna, dolna, rabarua, harza^ gardi-k, awara-h, bhatakta-phirna, zamin-napna, mulk-khandna, handna ; (to stray) bhatakna, bhulna, gum-rah-h, be-rah-h. Wanderer, Wandering, awara, dar-ba-dar, daw3a- dol, harza-gard, ramta, upam-basl, saiyar, ba,o- dandi. Wane, chhinta, ghat, miha^, zawal, tanazznl. To Wane, ghatna, chhin-h, kam- &c. -h, zawal- Ac. men-h, dhalna. Wanness, zardi, pilahat, zard-rangi, zard-ru,i. Want, {need) ihtiyaj, hajat, matlab, lAwahish, lalach, darkhwast, prayojan, chah, pokar, khainch ; ■ {deficiency) ghat, tota, tora, nuks, nuksan, chati, ajurti; {penury) tangi, kash-a-kash, saket, kasht, iflas. To Want, (to wish) chahna, darkhwast- &c. -r, mang- na, khwahan-h, pursaii-h, puchhna, bhukha-h; (to need) zarur-h, darkar-h, chahita-h ; (to lack) khall-h ; • (to be deficient) kasir-h, nakis-h, kam-h, ghat-h. Wanting, ochha, nakis, na-tamam, kam. Wanton, shokh, abtar, be-haya, be-ghairat, gabbar, dhith, chapal, chanchal, khilar, mast, kami, da,o- ghati, mastana, makhmur, albela, achpal, chikna, lahar-baz, mangna, bad-mast, chul-chuliya, atkhel, udmada, kafir ; {eye) nargis-makhmur ; {licentious) be-zabt, be-lagara. Wanton, {lecher) khilar. randi-baz; (strumpet) khilari, yar-baz, atkhel, pate-baz. To Wanton, khelna, shok^i- &c. -k, maaj-mam&, lahar-marna. Wantonly, shokhi- &c. -se, be-hay&,i-8e . Wantonness, shokhi, " abtari, be-hay5,i, 4^tb&,i, chanchala,!, khila-pan, da,o-ghat, pate-bSta, masti, be-lagami, be-zabti, atkheli. War, lara,i, jang, jadal, parkhash, kharkhasha. pai- kar, nabard, razm, judh, bharat, kqrzar, ran, ^aza, ma'rika, muhariba, muharabat, jihad, mar, luu'ari- za, harb. To War, larna, lara,i- &c. -k or -lena, judh-k. To Warble, lahakna, kuhakna, tharthar3ln&, chah- chahana, alapna, pihakna. Warbler, alapi, mutarannim ; {warblers) mur- ghan i chaman. [chuchchuhiya. Warbling, mar^ol, goi-b^ng, chachah&; {time) Ward, {a pupil, &c.) palukra, mahfuz; (of a lock) jhar; {of a key) phul, dant; (dis- trict) mahalla, pura. To Ward, {to watch) bachana, panah-d, himayat- &c. k ; (to ward off) tal-d, kat-d, mar-d, barana, daf-k. Warden, amin, amanat-dar, d&roglia. mujawar, mathmaniya. Wardrobe, tosha-khana, malbus-khana; (keeper of the wardrobe) toshakchi. Ware, Wares, sauda, mal, jius, bast, chiz, ajnta. Warehouse, kothi, jins-JAana, dukau. Warfare, jaug-bazi, judhkar, jang-awari, lar*,*- bhif&,l. Warily, hoshiyari-se, ihtiyat-se. WAR ( 3U9 ) VAV Warlike, laranka, jangi, jodha, jang-azK.ki, halan-ki. Whereat, Whereupon, tds-par, tis-pichhe, &c. Wherefore, is waste; {why) kyun-kar, kahe-ko. Wherever, jahan-jahan, jis-jis jagah, jahan-kahin, jahan ki, jahan hi, jaihin, jidhar, jis-taraf, jahftn- tahan, jit. Wherrt, pan8fl,i, palwar, thakthaa,a, zaufak. WHE f 312 ) WHO To WiiET, tez-k, chokh-k, sao-dharnH; {irritate) garm-k. Whethek, ki' kya, kimba; {whether high or low) kyachhota kyabara; (wJiether M\iaa.\md.n or Hindu) kya Musalmanky& Hindu ; {which) kauDsa. Whetstone, sin, fisan, slli, pathri. Whet, nia,u-l-joban, panchha, dudh ka pani, ab-shir. Which, {relat.) jo, jaun (obi. jis), ki, jaunsa ; {interrog.) kaun, kaunsa, kaan-kaun, kis-kis, kya ; — — (tn counting) kautha ; (I don't know which is which) ham nahin jante kaun yih hai kaun wuh hai. Whichever, jonsa, johi, joki, jaunsa, jo,ek. Whiff, {in smoking) sans, khich, dam, kash ; {of wind) phis, jhurak, suskarl. To Whiffle, phapharana. WniFFLEE, padna, chiba,ola, chhflchha, pharphariya. While, muddat, der ; {a long while) muddat i madid, bahut roz; {a little while) chhan-ek, ko,i-dam, ghari ek ; {a goodwhile) der tak ; {-ago) chand muddat age; {it is not worth while) be-fa,ida hai, la-hasil hai; {to be worth while) fa,ida-r or <\. Whilst, jad, jab-tafe, jab-lag , {as long at) jad- talak ki, ta. Whim, khiyal, lahar, tarang, maaj, umang, lalak. To Whimper, thunukna, khinkhinana, bilbilani, bisurna, pinpinana, chanchanana, ginginana, riri- yana, thunakna. Whimsical, har-dam-^yali, lahan, tarangi, talaw- wun-mizaj. Whine, jhankhan ; {to whine) Jhikhna, ronS. Whining, ina,e-inu6h, ro,ans&. To Whinny, hinchna. Whintard, kharkhosan, khapii,^, khabhuli, kharpa. Whip, chabuk, kora, kamchi, taziyana, augl, paina, darra. Whip and Spob, pashna-kob, bagtor. To Whip, chabuk, &c. -mama or -lagana, koriyana, kora-k or -mSriia; {up) jhap-se or lap-se- utliana. [tekthi. Whipping, kore-bazi, chabuk-bazi ; {-post) To Whir, hnrhurana, hur-khana, phurakna, tartarana. Whirl, gardish, ghuma,o. To Whirl, (a.) pherna, phirana, ghumana, bhanwana ; (u.) phirna, baundna. Whirligig, phirki, bangi, bhaunra, chaka,i. Whirlpool, gird-ab, bhau'irar, daur, warta, pher, chakar, bhaunta. Whirlwind, gird-bad, bagtlla, bawandar, ba,e-grant, shaitan, barando,a, bangoha, balenda. Whisk, kucha, kuchi, sethan. To Whisk, phirana, patakna, sehathna. Whisker, muchh, gonchh, barut, gobh. Whiskered, muchhaila, muchhakra. Whisper, phasphasahat, khusarphusar. To Whisper, phasphasana, phusar-phusar-k, kan lagi-k, phuspnusana, kana-kani-k, kana-batl-k, khasphas-k, sar-goshi-k; (a.) ahiste- or gosh ba gosh- or kan men-kahna. Whisperer, phusphusaha, kan-phusa ; {tatler) tunuk-zarf, kam-zarf, ochhra, halka. Whist .' (interj. be silent) chup, k^amosh. Whistle, sit!, suskari, safir (vulg. zafil) , chuhchuhiya, sansaiiahat, papiha, chuhchun, sarnata, sannata. To Whistle, siti-bajana, saflr-marna, sltiyana, chuh- chuliiiua, sansanana, suskarna, chahakna, bolna, gunjua. Whistler, siti-baz, safir-gar, chahka,ti. Whit, rati, til, tinka. White, safed, ujjal, ujla, set, sukal, suchi, abyaz, bail, gora, sabih, dhaula, chitta, barrak, kaghazi, kaft'iri, kora ; {-man or whitey) gora, topi-wala, pila- daddu, phika shalgham, lal-ganda; {as snow) safed-jaisa barf or -ru,i ka gala ; {as a horse) surkha, motiya, nukra. Qujla- &c. -h. To White, Whiten, (a.) safed- &c. -k, ujlana ; (n.) White Ant, kirm-chob, dimak ; {-nest) bambi. White Lead, safeda, asfidaj. White Meat, khir, firni. Whiteness, safedi, bayaz, ujla.i, setta, gora,!, sabahat. Whites, prisut, jiriyan i mazl, jiriyan i ab, pardal; {to have the Jluor albus) panl-bahna; {having thefluor albus) panaill, paniha. Whitewash, kali, anwat. [lipwa,i-pota4-k. To Whitewash, kali -pherna, chhuhana, safidi-phemi. Whither, kidhar, kis taraf, kahait. Whitish, safed-gun ; {whitishnets) safed-gQni. Whitlbather, safed-nari. Whitlow, ghinahi, ninawan, dahis. To Whiz, sansanana, sarsarna, pinpinana, gahgahani. Whizzing, zin, sharaka, sansanahat, &c. (v. the verb). Who, {relat.) jo, jaun, jis, jin, ki ; {interrogative) kaun, ko, kis, kin ; {we shall then see who is who) tad dekhenge kiska kaun ; {who told you f) tum se kin ne kaha ? {such a one told me) ham se falane ne kaha ; {who stands there 9) kaun khara hai ? Who else, aur-kaun, dusra-kaun. Whoever, &c. jo-ko,i, jo-ki, jo-adml, har-kas, jo,i ko,i, jaun-kaun ; {-he be) ko,i-ho, kase-bashad Whole, {unimpaired ) musallam, sara, samucha, pura, tamam, sagra, bhar, sab, kull, dar o bast, sarasar, darkuU, bar bast; {-property) kull ka-inat ; {-works) kulliyat, kulli, jami', haraa; {the whole day) din bhar : this word is often ex- pressed by reduplication, as khet ka khet, the whole field ; gatar-gatar, badan-badan, dehi dehi, &c. are used for the whole body. Whole, kulliya, jam', majmu", jam'iyat, jumla, ijma', gathri, gosh-wara ; {on the whole) fil-jumla, bil-kulli ; {tv sell by wholesale) rakam ka rakam-bechna, mot ka mot-bechna. Wholesale, thok, garh, ekja,i, darbasta. Wholesome, {salubrious) gawara, muwafik, sihhat- awar, sajiwan. Wholesomeness, muwafakat, sihhat-awari. Wholly, mutlak, mahaz, bal-bal, sarasar, tamamtar, bil-kull, bil-kalam, ek-kalara, ek-harf; ■ {on all sides) charon-taraf, charoii-or. Whom, {relat.) jis (pi. jin, jinhon) ; {interrogat.) kis (pi. kin, kinhon) . Whomsoever, jis-kisii or kisi, jis-kis, jis-hi. Whoop, kelkar» huha, ghau gh a. To Whoop, kelkar-d, na'ra-marna. Whore, {harlot) clihinal, zina-kar, yar-baz, kasbi, swairni, uauchi, khampara, loli, shatta, kahba, khelar, mard-baz ; {to play the) juyana, mard- bazi-k. To Whore, chhinala- &c. -k, zin§-kan-k. Whoredom, chhinala, chhinril-pan,yar-b3zi, kahbagi. Whoremaster, Wn iremonger, randi-baz, kasbi, paturiya-baz, tamash-bin, kanchani-baz. Whoreson, waladu-z-zina, paturiya-bacha, haraml- pilla, chhinal-putr, chhinal ka jana, Whorish, udniftdi, shokh-chasm. chodwaitsi, chikni, mangni), kashiyanit, tawa.ifana, loliyana WHO ( ws ) WIN Whose, jis- or jin- or kis- or kin-k&, -ke &*• -ki. Why, kyun, kabe, kis-waste, kahe-ko, kis-liye, kya karne, kis-karan ; {why not) kyjn-uahm ; (why so) kyun kar. Wick, batti, bati, fatila or patjla. Wicked, bad, bura, zabun, ma'yub, sharir, bad-zat, ^arab atpatang, kuhar, almati, shokh, papi, akarmi, utpati, ^abis, nama-siyah, sarhang, harfm, char- ghaila, haram-zada, thenthS., dhauntal, kulachhna, bad-nafs, afat ki puriya. Wickedly, shararat- &c. -se, ma'yub!-se. Wickedness, badi, zabuni, ma'yubi, kabahat, shara- rat, atpatangi, almat, akann, utpat, khabasat, sarhangi. Wicker, ja'fari ; {basket) tokri. Wicket, khirki, daricha, jangla-kewar. Wide, chaura, chakla, pahna, pahuawar, farakh, lakdak; (-cloth) bar bara, damandar, ghuin- gliumila, kliula, mokla, chaklasa, khulasa, chhlda, birjha; — — (remote) dur, ba'id lamb, tafawut-dar. Widely, bahut, bara, ziyada, dur-daraz. To Widen, chaarana, cliaklana, phailana, kashada- &c. -k or -h, pasarna. WiDENEss, Width, pat, bar, was'at, kushadagi, phaila,o, pasara, pahna,i, farakhi. gherghuma,o. Widgeon, sur^ab, pan-buddi. Widow, bewa, rand, be-nath, be-shauhar, ni-purkhi, ni-khasml, bidhu,a, randa ; {young) bal-rand ; (widow's weeds) rand-sala. Widower, randu,a, be-zan, *azab, nir-istri. Widowhood, randa-pa, bewagi, bewa-pana. To Wield, chalana, phema, uthana, hathiysna, bhanjna, phirana. Wife, joru, mihri, istiri, kabila, ahliya, zanja, man- kuha, zan, bibi, bharja, dara, jo,e, bahu, madkhula, khasam-wali, sohagan (which means rather a mar- ried woman, whence sada sohagan, a woman always a wife) ; {-^s family) nahyar, maihkar; (-'s uncle) mamiya-susar , (a rival wife) saukan saut. Wig, bal ki topi» barki. Wight, admi, jan, 'aziz, buzurg, jana, besar, mu,a, phudki, ni-khasma. Wild, (adj.) jangali, wabshi, ramida, dashti, baya- bani, banaila, bhargila; (as a tree) khud-ro, lamera, nyama ; (in comp.) ban, banas, kath, jhar, barri, bahari ; (licentious) be-ikhtiyar, l^air-tabi', be-hukm, abtar, sharir, chanchal, nir- ankus, be-sakhta, be tartib ; (strange) 'ajab, anokha ; (imaginary) wahmi, Idiiyali, hawa,i. Wild-almond, kath-badam, jangali-badam. WiLD-BKASTS, ban-char, sawaj, wahsh (pi. wuhush.) Wilderness, Wild, jangal, dasht, bayaban, sahra, ban, wirana, kanan, arani, hamun, barr, tih, ban- khand, kath. Wild-goose-chase, mirg-daur, ran-ban, badhawS,i shikar, shikari 'unka. Wildly, wahshat- &c. -se; — (spontaneously) khud-ro, nir-bo,e. WiLDNESs, wahshat, bharkabat, ramidagi, durushti, sab'iyat ; (licentiousness) be-zabti, be-lagami, abtari, shokhi, chanchalahat, shararat ; (irregu- larity) be-tartibi, be-rabti. Wild-plum, jhar-ber ; (wild-rose) nasrin, kath- gulab. * [khid*. Wile, hila, makar, fitrat, bahana, jul, butta, fareb. Wilful, khud-pasand. khud-sar, khud-ra,e, hathi, reri, hathila, aphadda, adbada. [&c. -se. WityiTLLY, kasdan, jan-bujhke, dida o danista, hath- WiLFULNEss, hath, rer, Khud-paeandi, lAiid-Bari, khud-ra,i. Win NESS, hila-bazi, robah-bSzi, fitrat-bazi, tal-tol. da,o-pech. Will, marzi, irada, ^ushi, ichha, bichar, kasd, ma- shiyat, istirza, raza ; (choice) pasand, liatir, man-man, chah, khwahish ; (power) ikhtiykr, kabu, has, hukm, aggyan ; (testament) wasiyat- nama; (good-will) Hiair-Hiwahi, Wiair-andeshi, nek-sigali ; (ill-will) bad-khwahi, bad-andeshi, bad-sigali. To Will, chahna, ^wahish- &c. -k, irada- &c. -r, mangna, kahna, farmana, hukm- &c. -k ; (he will come to-morrow) kal aya chahta hai ; {it vnU strike twelve immediately) abhi barah baja chahta hai : will, the sign of the future, is expressed in this language, as in Latin, by the termination of th,. verb. WiLLiNO, razi, raza-mand, khush. prasann, mangar, chahi, khushnud. raghib; (ready), hazir, charha-khara, mutamanni, charahra, pharahra ; {God willing) ba-fazl i ilahi, in-sha-allah. Willingly, khushi- &c. -se, sir-ankhon-se. Willingness, raza-mandi, khushnudi. shank, ishtiyak. prasanta. WiLL-o'-THE-wisp, lukari, shaitani-^yal, shu'la,e- shaitani, chhalawa. Willow, bed, bet, bent; (the weeping willow) bed i majnun. Wily, hila-baz, robah-baz, charitr-baz, ghati, muta fanni, shaitSn. Wimble, barma, bedhak, gherni, parmahS. To Win, jitna, lejana, pungna, ghalib- &c. -h or -rahna, ghalba- &c. -k, burd-k, khet-Iena, lal-k, jit-khelna, bazi-lejana or -pana, apnana ; (at chess) mat-k; (at cards) khilal-d; (to conciliate) apna-k, girwida-k, moh-lena, lubhana. To Wince, Winch, pushtak-jharna, dulatti-mamS or -chhantna, tanphan-k, chatpatana. Winch, kal, ainjhna ; (instrument) charkh. Wind, pawan, hawa, bad, ba,o, bara, bata, ba,e, anil, samir, marut, rib, bayar ; (power) dam, zu'm, kuwwat ; (to take) phutna, hawa-h ; (to rest) dam-lena; (a wind instrument) saz dami, sikhar ; (the hot winds) lu, luch, lu,ar, samura, ^arur. To Wind, (a.) phunkna, dam-k, bajana; (to twist) morna, marorna, pech-d, pherua, baundiyana ; (to ivind up a watch) kukna; (twine, &c.) lapetna; (n.) phirna, murna, pech- &c. -khana, baundna, lapatna, ghumna, chakar-makar-k. Wind-egg, khaki anna, khali-anda. Winder, Windlas, nak, hatha, khunti, charkh; (plant) banwar, bel, lata. Windfall, (fruit) jhara, tapka, chu,a; (figur.) khuda-dad, dad i ilahi, akas-birt. Wind-gall, mutra, hadda, gadda. WiNDiNESs, ba,i, bad, bad-angezi, hawa-dar Winding, bank, pher, chakar, bhanwak, pech, mo|', baund, pechdar, pechila. WiNDiNtaVa,e-inabruda, shi'»-ka(i-bandh. Of TUX ITBIV TT OX* ^IFOS i^ 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY— TEL. 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