LIBRARY University of California Irvine ] ^-^ 7~e--^l <^-\_ _ J . /tA, 7) A ( f ' ' P/9 GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF MEDIEVAL HISTORY FOR STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND LIBRARIES BY LOUIS JOHN PAETOW, PH.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF MEDIEVAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY 1917 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SYLLABUS SERIES No. 90 Copyrighted, 1917, by L. J. PAETOW PREFACE Ever since the fall of 1914 the stream of historical writing on the middle ages has become thinner and thinner, so that today it is comparatively easy to keep abreast with the literature on the subject due to the phenomenal decrease of new contributions by European scholars. This sudden lull, preceded by a period of almost feverish activity in book-making, is a peculiarly propitious time for the making of inventories of the wealth of historical literature which has been produced in the century since the close of the Napoleonic wars. Such a task for medieval history is attempted in this Guide. The book has grown out of mimeographed syllabi prepared for two courses offered in the University of California, a general course in medieval history designed especially for juniors, and an advanced course in medieval culture for seniors and graduate students. These two syllabi have furnished the bases for parts II and in of this Guide. Part I, containing the most important general books useful in a study of medieval history, has been added in order to make the manual as complete and comprehensive as is possible within its limits. These general books are referred to constantly in parts n and ni by cross references to the black-faced numbers by which they are designated. The table of contents furnishes an analysis of the general books in part I. Part n is divided into thirty-five sections and part ill into twenty-eight sections. The titles and Roman numbers of these sec- tions are indicated by means of analytical page headings. A section comprises a well-defined subject which represents approxi- mately one week 's work in the courses mentioned above. Each section is divided into three parts: A, Outline; B, Special Recom- mendations for Reading; and C, Bibliography. "A," the Outline, aims to present the subject matter of the section in an orderly fashion, including the principal names and dates which readers will encounter in the books which are listed, and thus dispenses with the need of a text book. Under 'B, " Special Recommendations for Reading, are indicated such books and articles as are likely to appeal to undergraduates in college who have only a limited amount of time to give to the subject. The references are made as specific as possible and are graded and classified to suit various library conditions, individual tastes, and special requirements. Care has been taken to indicate, wherever possible, the original sources which are easily accessible and translated into English. "C," the PREFACE Bibliography, presents a classified list of the most important special books and articles which will guide students in making reports and in preparing papers, but which is particularly designed for mature readers and for investigators who desire a survey of the most important literature in the fields in which they are interested. Ordinarily the literature on a given subject is thus divided under "B, " Special Recommendations for Reading, and "C," Bibli- ography, and should be sought for under both headings. At the end of each section are listed the special bibliographies which must be consulted by those who wish to pursue the subject to its ultimate limits. While the mimeographed syllabi mentioned above were designed for only certain grades of college students, this printed Guide has been modified and augmented so as to appeal to all classes of students and readers who have advanced beyond the textbook stage and who have access to good libraries. It is hoped that teachers will find it useful and that librarians will give it a place among their books of reference. The task of selection, which is always difficult, has been rendered peculiarly delicate by the plan to make the book appeal to so wide a circle of readers. The present resources and the future needs of the University of California Library have been made the basis of selection. In this Guide there are listed all books, valuable for a study of medieval history, which now are in this library, and in addition, all others on this subject, which, in the opinion of the author, should be acquired by the library in the near future. It is hoped that this basis of selection will be considered as practical and as representative as any which might have been adopted to suit conditions in America. The difficulty of choosing from the mass of literature in the various modern European languages has been met by selecting all the best material in English, French, and German, and by making a more limited selection from books in Italian and Spanish. Except in rare instances, all the other modern European languages have been neglected. English history is not treated fully because in America the subject is usually taught in separate courses and because we have such admirable bibliographical guidance for the medieval period in the second edition of C. Gross, The sources and literature of English history. In a book of this kind there is not much space for commentary and criticism of individual wor'-s. Confronted by the great diffi- culty of evaluating such a huge amount of literature, one is sorely tempted to give way to fear and to modesty by grouping books PREFACE alphabetically in long unclassified lists. But this way out of the difficulty has been avoided because the average reader dislikes to choose altogether for himself, or at least he is curious to know another's choice before he makes his own. Critical notes have been inserted here and there, but the main task of criticism is revealed in the selection itself and in the order in which the books and articles are listed. Throughout the work classification has been made as minute as possible and with rare exceptions, as in the case of text books on pages 41-44, under each heading the books which are considered the most important are listed first. On the whole, books written in English are probably judged a little more leniently than those in foreign languages, because in all doubtful cases the English books were given the benefit of the doubt. The occasional advantage of the alphabetical arrangement of books is not entirely lost by this system of grouping because it is in large measure supplied by the index. The index contains in one alphabet authors, editors, translators of medieval books, titles of large collections, and subjects on which there is special literature. All articles and papers, as well as books, are included. The blackfaced figures refer to numbers in part I; the light-faced figures to pages in parts u and in. Eeference is made to the place where the title of a work is given in full. If the reader wants complete information concerning the title of a work which he finds mentioned in abbreviated form he should turn to the index which indicates the place where he will find the desired details. Librarians will find that the iflformation given about books is sufficient to locate them readily in the trade catalogues. Again and again the author has been tempted to submit the manuscript to his friends who are specialists in this field of history, knowing full well how much the book would be benefitted by their criticism; but sore experience in bibliographical work has convinced him that it would not be fair to impose even portions of this task upon his friends. Thus he decided to be content with what- ever others had prepared for him in the form of printed books and syllabi and to do alone as much as his time, strength, patience, and the facilities at his command permitted. Perhaps this will induce those whom he spared and others to be all the more willing to point out mistakes and omissions and to offer suggestions for improvement. L. J. PAETOW. Berkeley, California, October 17, 1917. CONTENTS PART I GENERAL BOOKS CHAPTER I BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS PAGE 1. Bibliographies of Bibliographies 1 2. General Bibliographies: Catalogues of Large Libraries and Archives 1 3. Bibliographies of Periodical Literature 3 4. General Historical Bibliographies 3 5. General Bibliographies of the Middle Ages 4 6. Bibliographies of Various Countries 5 (a) France 5 (6) Germany and Austria 6 (c) England 7 (d) Italy 7 (e) Spain 7 (/) Switzerland 8 (g) Belgium and Netherlands 8 (h) Russia 8 (i) Poland and Bohemia 8 (j) Scandinavia 8 7. Bibliographies of Various Subjects 8 (a) Church 8 (ft) Philosophy 9 (c) Education 9 (d) Law and Politics 10 (e) War 10 (f) Jews 10 CHAPTER II BOOKS OF REFERENCE 1. Miscellaneous Books of Reference 11 (a) Guide to Reference Books 11 (b) Historical Method 11 vii CONTENTS PAOE (c) Chronological and Tabular Aids 11 (d) Guides to Historical Fiction 12 (e) Words and Expressions Famous in History 12 (f) Guides to the Learned World 13 (g) Dictionary of Names 13 (7i) Book Reviews 13 2. Biographical Dictionaries 13 3. Encyclopaedias 14 (a) General Encyclopaedias 14 (b) History of the Church and Religion 16 (c) Political Economy 17 (d) Education 17 (e) Jews ., 17 (f) Islam 18 4. Atlases and Other Geographical Aids 18 (a) General Historical Atlases 18 (b) Atlases for Church History 18 (c) Atlas for the History of Medieval France 19 (d) Dictionaries of Geographical Names... 19 (e) Historical Geographies 19 5. Historical Periodicals .' 20 (a) General Historical Periodicals 20 (b) Periodicals Devoted Especially to Medieval History 22 (c) History of Culture and Literature 22 (d) Byzantine Empire 23 (e) Church History 23 (f) History of Philosophy 23 (g) History of Education 23 (ft) History of Law 23 (t) Periodicals for Teachers of History 24 6. Pictorial Works 24 7. Guides to Learned Societies 26 1. Latin Palaeography 27 (a) Handbooks 27 (b) Abbreviations 28 (c) Facsimiles 29 52. Diplomatics and Sphragistics 29 CONTENTS 3. Chronology 31 4. Genealogy 32 5. Heraldry 33 6. Numismatics 34 7. Archaeology 34 8. Philology - 35 CHAPTER IV GENERAL MODERN HISTORICAL WORKS 1. Universal Histories 36 2. Medieval and Modern History 37 3. Medieval History 39 (a) Standard General Surveys 39 (&) Large Sections of the Middle Ages 39 (c) Impressionistic Surveys of the Middle Ages 40 (d) Recent Foreign Text Books 40 (e) Selections from Modern Historians 41 (f) The Mediterranean 41 4. Text Books of Medieval History in English 41 5. Source Books: Short Selections from the Sources for Schools. 43 6. Histories of the Church 44 (a) General Histories of the Church 44 (1) History of Religions 44 (2) Voluminous Standard Accounts 44 (3) Shorter Accounts and Text Books 45 (4) Miscellaneous 46 (b) The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy 47 (c) The Latin Church in the Middle Ages ,...! 47 (1) Extensive Standard Accounts 47 (2) Text Books 47 (3) Miscellaneous 48 (d) The Medieval Papacy 48 (e) Church and State in the Middle Ages 49 (f) The Church in France in the Middle Ages 50 (g) The Church in Germany in the Middle Ages 50 (ft) The Church in Italy in the Middle Ages 50 (t) The Church in Spain in the Middle Ages 51 (j) History of Church Councils 51 (fr) History of Dogma 51 (Z) Monasticism 52 (m) Collections on Church History 53 ix CONTENTS PAGE 7. The Medieval Empire in the West 53 8. France 54 (a) General Histories of France 54 (1) Monumental Works 54 (2) Shorter Accounts 55 (3) One-volume Histories 55 (6) General Histories of Medieval France 56 (c) French Institutions 56 (d) Foreign Eelations of France 57 (e) Great Eegions of France 57 '(f) Miscellaneous 57 9. Belgium and the Netherlands 58 10. Germany 59 (a) General Histories of Germany 59 (1) Monumental Works 59 (2) Shorter Accounts and Text Books 59 (ft) Germany in the Middle Ages 59 (c) German Institutions 60 (d) Austria 61 (e) Prussia 62 (f) Alsace-Lorraine 62 11. Italy 62 (a) General Histories of Italy 62 (1) Political History 62 (2) Constitutional History 63 (3) Maritime History 63 (6) Medieval History of Italy 63 (1) Monumental Works 63 (2) Shorter Works and Text Books 64 12. Spain and Portugal 64 (a) General History of Spain 64 (1) Monumental Works 64 (2) Shorter Works and Text Books 65 (3) Constitutional History of Spain 65 (b) Portugal 66 13. The Byzantine Empire 66 (a) General Accounts 66 (ft) Greece in the Middle Ages 68 (c) Constantinople 68 (d) Miscellaneous 69 CONTENTS PAGE 14. Eastern Europe 69 (a) General Accounts 69 (6) Eussia 69 (c) Finland and the Baltic Provinces: Livonia, Es- thonia, and Courland 70 (d) Poland 71 (e) Bohemia and Moravia 71 (f) Hungary 72 (g) Balkan States . 72 (1) General 72 (2) Eumania 72 (3) Bulgaria 72 (4) Serbia and Bosnia 72 15. Scandinavian Countries 73 (a) General 73 (6) Denmark 73 (c) Norway 73 (d) Sweden 74 (e) Iceland 74 16. History of Culture and Civilization 74 (a) General Histories of Civilization 74 (6) History of Freedom of Thought 75 (c) Medieval Civilization in General 76 (d) Medieval Intellectual Life in General 76 (e) France 77 (f) Germany 77 (1) Medieval and Modern Times 77 (2) The Middle Ages 78 (g) Histories of Literature 78 (1) General Histories of Literature 78 (2) Ancient Classical Literature and Learning.. 79 (3) Literary History of the Middle Ages 79 (4) Byzantine Literature 80 (5) France 80 (6) Germany and Austria 80 (7) Italy 81 (8) England : 81 (9) Spain and Portugal 81 (10) Russia and Scandinavia : 81 (ft) History of Philosophy and "Weltanschauung" 82 (1) Medieval "Weltanschauung" 82 (2) General Histories of Philosophy 82 3d CONTENTS PAGE (3) Medieval Philosophy 83 (i) History of Education 83 (1) General Histories of Education 83 (2) History of Medieval Education 84 17. Jews 84 (a) General History of the Jews 85 (6) Jews in the Middle Ages 85 (1) Social and Economic History 85 (2) Intellectual Life of Medieval Jews 86 (3) Medieval Jewries 86 (4) General Accounts and Miscellanea 87 .8. Collections 87 (a) Important Academies and Learned Societies 88 (1) France and Belgium . 88 (2) Germany and Austria 89 (3) England 89 (4) Italy 89 (5) Spain 90 (6) Collections of Historical Essays . 90 (c) Commemorative Essays '. 91 (d) Miscellaneous Collections 92 CHAPTER V LAKGE COLLECTIONS OF ORIGINAL SOURCES 1. General Collections 93 2. Medieval Church : 93 (a) General Collections of Ecclesiastical Writings 93 (6) The Papacy 94 (c) Church Councils 95 (d) Lives of Saints 96 (e) Monastic Rules 96 3. France and Belgium 96 4. Germany, Austria and Switzerland 99 5. Italy 100 6. England 101 7. Spain and Portugal 102 8. Byzantine Empire 103 9. Eastern Europe 103 10. Northern Europe 104 11. Education and Learning 104 12. Jews ... .. 104 CONTENTS PART II GENERAL HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES PERIOD I. 500-1100 PAGE I. Introduction 105 II. The Latin West in the Sixth Century 107 III. The Greek East in the Sixth Century 113 IV. Monasticism in the Sixth Century 117 V. The Eise of the Papacy in the Sixth Century 121 VI. Expansion of Orthodox Latin Christendom from about 590 to 755 125 VII. The Rise of the Franks to the Time of Charlemagne. 132 VIII. Charlemagne 138 IX. Foes of Western Christendom from the Eighth to the Eleventh Century. From the South. Moham- medans 144 X. Foes of Western Christendom from the Eighth to the Eleventh Century. From the North. Northmen. 150 XI. Foes of Western Christendom from the Eighth to the Eleventh Century. From the East. Slavs and Asiatic Nomads 155 XII. Early Medieval Institutions 159 XIII. The Beginnings of the Greater Medieval Monarchies. 165 XIV. Revival of the Medieval Empire in the West in Ger- many 169 XV. The Church from the Eighth to,the Eleventh Century. 173 XVI. The Investiture Strife, 1056-1122 179 XVII. The Byzantine Empire from the Death of Justinian, 565, to the First Crusade, 1095 184 XVIII. The Culture of the Early Middle Ages 191 PERIOD II. 1100-1500 XIX. The Beginning of a New Era in the History of West- ern Europe about 1100 193 XX. The Normans 194 XXI. The Crusades 201 XXII. The Popes and the Hohenstaufen 211 CONTENTS PAGE XXIII. The New Monastic Movement 222 XXIV. The Organization and Work of the Christian Church in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries 233 XXV. The Political History of France, 1108-1328 241 XXVI. Medieval Economic Conditions 247 XXVII. The Life of the Nobles in the Middle Ages 260 XXVIII. Culture in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries 265 XXIX. The Church from about 1300 to about 1450 267 XXX. France during the Hundred Years' War 276 XXXI. Germany from the Great Interregnum to the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century 285 XXXII. Italy in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries 293 XXXIII. The Remarkable Interest in Ancient Classical Litera- ture, Art, and Archaeology in Italy during the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries 303 XXXIV. Christian Spain in the Later Middle Ages 315 XXXV. Eastern and Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages 323 xiv CONTENTS PART III MEDIEVAL CULTURE PERIOD I. 500-1100 I. The Transition from Ancient to Medieval Culture 333 IT. Types of the Transition Period, about 400-600 339 III. The Transformation of Ancient Eome into a Medieval City 344 IV. The Classical Heritage of the Early Middle Ages 348 V. Medieval "Weltanschauung" 352 VI. The Faith, Morals, and Learning of the Merovingian Franks and of the Visigoths in Spain '. 357 VII. Learning in the British Isles from the Fifth to the Eighth Century 361 Vin. The Age of Charlemagne 361 IX. Learning in and about the Imperial Court during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries 368 X. Mohammedan Culture in the West 373 XL The Eve of a New Era in Medieval Culture. The Eleventh Century 380 PERIOD II. 1100-1300 XII. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries in the History of Culture 384 XIII. The City of Paris in the Middle Ages 385 XIV. Growth of a Spirit of Inquiry Based on Logic. Abelard and Bernard of Clairvaux 391 XV. The New Aristotle 396 XVI. Heresies and the Inquisition 399 XVII. Systematization of Medieval Philosophy and Theology. 405 XVIII. Rise and Decline of Interest in the Ancient Classics. 410 XIX. The Ars Dictaminis and the Ars Notaria 417 XX. The Study of Roman and Canon Law 420 XXI. Rise and Decline of Interest in the Natural Sciences. 426 XXII. Medieval Universities ... 437 CONTENTS PAGE XXIII. Latin Language and Literature in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries 445 XXIV. Medieval French Language and Literature 452 XXV. Historiography and Political Thought 457 XXVI. Medieval Books and Libraries 462 XXVII. Medieval Art 470 XXVIII. The Scholarship of Dante 478 INDEX . ... 485 xvi PART I GENERAL BOOKS CHAPTER I BIBLIOGEAPHICAL WORKS 1. Bibliographies of Bibliographies . 1. STEIN, H. Manuel de bibliographie generale. Paris, 1898. (Manuels de bibliographie historique, II.) Historical bibliographies are treated in ch. xm, 401-466, but many other sections are of interest to the historian. Con- tains criticisms of some books. Much more useful than PETZHOLDT, but does not supersede it altogether. 2. PETZHOLDT, J. Bibliotheca bibliographica : kritisches Verzeich- niss der das Gesammtgebiet der Bibliographie betreffenden Literatur des In- und Auslandes. Leipzig, 1866. Pages 771-875 deal with history and cartography. 2. General Bibliographies: Catalogues of Large Libraries and Archives 3. British Museum. Catalogue of printed books in the library of the British Museum. Many parts, but no definite division into volumes. London, 1881-1900. Supplement, 1900-1905. An alphabetical list according to authors, but also contains subject entries, some of which were sold as separates, e.g., "Dante." Since 1880 there has been published a Catalogue of new books which brings the printed catalogue up to date. These new books have been classified every five years in an excellent subject-index by G. K. FORTESCUE, Subject -index of the modern works added to the library of the British Museum in the years 1881-1900, 3 vols., London, 1902-03; works added in 1901-05, 1 vol., 1906; works added in 1906-10, 1 vol., 1911. The following aids are valuable: List of books forming the reference library in the reading room of the British Museum, 4th edition, 2 vols., London, 1910; and G. W. PORTER, List of bibliographical works in the reading room of the British Mu- seum, 2nd edition, revised by G. K. FORTESCUE, London, 1889. For guides to manuscript material in England consult GROSS, no. 36 below. See also H. C. SHELLEY, The British Museum: its history and treasures, Boston, .1911; and E. A. PEDDIE, The British Museum reading room: a handbook for students, Lon- don, 1912. 2 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 4. Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue general des livres imprimes de la Bibliotheque nationale. Paris, 1897ff. Vol. LXIV (to Grosvenor) appeared in 1916. This is strictly an author catalogue; there are no subject entries. Three series are contemplated, of which this is the first: 1. Authors (including anonymous works whose authors are known); 2. Anonymous works; 3. Publications of a special nature. This catalogue is being supplemented by a Bulletin mensuel des publications etrangeres, 1874ff. ; and a Bulletin mcnsuel des recentes publications frangaises, 1882ff. For other French libraries consult the Catalogue general des bibliotheques publiques de France, Paris, 1893-1903, which includes the de- partments of France and the libraries of Paris except the Bibliotheque nationale. See also the Catalogue alphabetique des livres imprimis mis a la disposition des lecteurs dans la salle de travail [of the Bibliotheque nationale], suivi de la liste des catalogues usuels du department des manuscrits, Paris, 1910. This list of cata- logues of manuscripts [included in the work just cited] is the most complete list of catalogues of manuscript material kept in libraries, such as the Catalogue general des manuscrits des bibliotheques publiques de France, Paris, 1885ff. Far more than a mere bibliography is the very extensive Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale et autres bibliotheques, Paris, 1787ff., no. 885 below. The same is true of B. HAUR^AU, Notices et extraits de quelques manuscrits latins de la Bibliotheque nationale, 6 vols., Paris, 1890-1893. For archive material see the exhaustive guide of C. V. LANGLOIS, Etat des inventaires des Archives nationales au l er Janvier 1914, Paris, 1914, 80pp. A collection, by no means complete, of inventaries of archives (French and foreign) is now on the shelves of the reading-room of the Archives nationales in Paris, but no list of it has been printed yet. See also nos. 20 and 25 below. A. FRANKLIN, Guide des savants, des litterateurs, et des' artistes dans les bibliotheques de Paris, Paris, 1908, is a valu- able handbook for students of history working in Paris. The best guide for American students in France now is Science and learning in France: with a survey of opportunities for American students in French universities, published by The Society for American fellowships in French universities, 1917. 5. MAZZATINTI, G. Inventari del manoscritti delle biblioteche d 'Italia. 13 vols. Forli, 1891-1904. See also G. MAZZATINTI, Gli archivi della storia d' Italia, Florence, 1897ff.; and no. 41 above. For the Vatican the best guide for American historians is still C. H. HASKINS, "The Vatican archives," in American historical review, II (1896), 40-58; but see also G. BROM, Guide aux archives du Vatican, 2nd edition, Rome, 191 J; C. B. FISH, Guide to the materials for American history in Eoman and other Italian archives, Wash- ington, D. C., 1911; also E. BEGNI, The Vatican: its history, its treasures, New York, 1914. CHAP, i HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES 6. GRAESEL, A. Handbuch der Bibliothekslehre. 2nd edition. Leipzig, 1902. This standard handbook for librarians contains excellent bibliographies and a wealth of miscellaneous information of importance to all frequenters of libraries and archives. A. GRAESEL, Fiihrer fiir Bibliothelcsbenutzer, Leipzig, 1905, 2nd edition, 1913, is a primer for beginners. The article on "Libraries" in the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica is a valuable guide (with good bibliographies) for all the large libraries of the world, to be supplemented by Minerva : Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt, no. 83 below. The most comprehensive periodical in this field is the Centralblatt fiir Bibliotliekswesen, Leipzig, 1884ff., which no historian can afford to overlook. See also Bibliotheques, limes et libraires: conferences faites a I'Ecole des Hautes- Etudes Socialcs sous le patronage de I ' Association des Biblio- thecaires frangais, Paris, 1912ff. For the literature on archives and libraries in Germany, see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 below, pp. 27-33. 7. SONNENSCHEIN, W. S. The best books. London, 1891. 3rd edition in three parts. Parts I-II, 1910. 3. Bibliographies of Periodical Literature 8. POOLE'S index to periodical literature. Boston, 1802ff. Con- tinued by Annual library index, N. Y., Publishers' weekly, 1893ff. 9. Eeader 's guide to periodical literature. White Plains, N. Y., 1905ff. 10. Bibliographic der deutschen Zeitschriftenliteratur. Leipzig, 1896ff. (Internationale Bibliographic der Zeitschriftenliteratur, Abteilung A). 11. Bibliographic der fremdsprachigen Zeitschriftenliteratur. Gautzsch, near Leipzig, 191 Iff. (Internationale Bibliographic der Zeitschriftenliteratur, Abteilung B). In some measure this continues the Eepertoire biblio- qraphique des principalcs revues frangaises, 1897-99, 3 vols., Paris, 1898-1900. 4. General Historical Bibliographies 12. LANGLOIS, C. V. Manuel de bibliographic historique. 2 vols., in one. Paris, 1901-04. Part I, Instruments bibliographiques; part II, Histoire et organisation des etudes historiques. A work of fundamental value to every advanced student of history. 13. Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft. Berlin, 1880ff. 36 vols. in 1916. Annual surveys of historical literature covering the years 1878-1913. Unfortunately the volumes appear two or more years after the close of the year surveyed. The plan of this comprehensive work is explained by J. JASTROW, Handbuch zu Literaturberichten, no. 147 below. 4 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 14. HEBRE, P. Quellenkunde zur Weltgeschichte. Leipzig, 1910. Includes both sources and modern works. C. K. ADAMS, A manual of historical literature, New York, 1882, was an over- ambitious attempt to write short reviews of the "best books" covering the whole field of history and is now out of date. C. M. ANDREWS, J. M. GAMBRILL, and LIDA L. TALL, A bibli- ography of Ivistory for solwols and libraries, New York, 1910, reprinted with slight alterations, 1911, is a very handy little volume especially useful to teachers in high schools. 15. Check -list of collections relating to European history [by the Committee of Bibliography of the American Historical Association]. Proof edition with locations, March, 1912. This list, although incomplete and imperfect, is of value to American scholars because it indicates in what American libraries the large sets of historical material for European history can be found. 5. General Bibliographies of the Middle Ages 16. CHEVALIER, U. Repertoire des sources historiques du moyen age : bio-bibliographie. 2 vols. Paris, 1877-86. 2nd edition, 1905-07. 17. CHEVALIER, U. Kepertoire des sources historiques du moyen age: topo-bibliographie. 2 vols. Paris, 1894-1903. These two works cover the period from the beginning of the Christian era to 1500 A.D. They are invaluable guides for the literature on persons, places, and things in the middle ages, but are difficult to use because no attempt has been made to weed out worthless material. Good and bad, old and new, accounts are jumbled together in long alphabetical lists. 18. POTTHAST, A. Bibliotheca historica medii aevi: Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des europaischen Mittelalters bis 1500. Berlin, 1862. Supplement, 1868. 2nd edition, enlarged and im- proved, 2 vols., Berlin, 1896. A stupendous undertaking devoted to the classification of the primary sources of medieval history. No modern works are mentioned except those which explain the sources. Only printed annals, chronicles, etc., are noted which were written between 375 and 1500. Printed archive material is rigorously excluded. Part I contains accurate titles and brief descriptions of all important printed collections of sources; part II is an alphabetical list of medieval authors and their works, with lists of the manuscripts, editions, translations and commen- taries on each work. A third edition would be very welcome. For criticisms of the second edition see the review by A. VIDIER, in Le moyen age, IX (1896), 73-83. 19. BRESSLAU, H. "Quellen und Hilfsmittel zur Geschichte der romanischen Volker im Mittelalter. " In Grundriss der Romanischen Philologie, no. 305 below, II, part IV (1896), 431-515. CHAP, i BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES 5 20. OESTERLEY, H. Wegweiser durch die Literatur der Urkun- densammlungen. 2 vols. Berlin, 1885-86. The period covered is 500-1500 A.D. Naturally the work is best for Germany. 6. Bibliographies of Various Countries 21. MOLINIER, A. Les sources de 1'histoire de France. Vols. I- VI on middle ages. Paris, 1901-06. (Manuels de bibliographic historique, III.) This is now the standard bibliography of the history of France devoted primarily to the original sources, but also including modern works which throw light on the sources and their authors. Vol. VI is the index for the middle ages. The first portion of vol. V contains an introduction to the medieval portion of the work. Numbers in italics in the index volume refer to sections in this introduction. See also H. BRESSLAU, no. 19 above. 22. MONOD, G. Bibliographic de 1'histoire de France: catalogue methodique et chronologique des sources et des ouvrages relatifs a 1'histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'en 1789. Paris, 1888. Until the appearance of MOLINIER, no. 21 above, this was the chief guide for the study of the history of France. Even now it still maintains a proper place beside MOLINIER because MONOD pays particular attention to modern works. A second edition was announced in 1910. For good recent bibliograph- ical notes see no. 508 below. 23. FRANKLIN, A. Les sources de 1'histoire de France: notices bibliographiques et analytiques des inventaires et des recueils de documents relatifs a 1'histoire de France. Paris, 1877. 24. STEIN, H. Bibliographic generale des cartulaires franc.ais ou relatifs a 1 'histoire de France. Paris, 1907. 25. LANGLOIS, C. V. and STEIN, H. Les archives de 1'histoire de France. 3 parts. Paris, 1891-93. Supplemented by L. MIROT, "Les inventaires d 'archives, " in Congres "bibliograpliique Internationale, compte rendu, II Paris, 1900, pp. 186-210; and the Eapport au ministre sur I 'administration des archives nationales, departmentales, etc., Paris, 1902. See also the Annuaire des bibliotheques et des archives, Paris, 1886ff. 26. LASTEYRIE, R. DE, A. VIDIER, and others. Bibliographic gen- erale des travaux historiques et areheologiques publies par les societes savantes de la France. Paris 1888ff. (Vol VII appeared in 1914.) 27. LELONG, J. Bibliotheque historique de la France, contenant le catalogue des ouvrages, imprimis et manuscrits, qui traitent de 6 GENERAL BOOKS PART1 1 'histoire de ce royaume ou qui y ont rapport. New edition, by FEVRET DE FONTETTE. 5 vols. Paris, 1768-1778. Still important for ancient books. Contents analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, no. 23 above, 1-9. (6) GERMANY AND AUSTRIA 28. DAHLMANN-WAITZ. Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. 8th edition, by P. HERRE and many others. Leipzig, 1912. 1st edi- tion by F. C. DAHLMANN, in 1830. The most perfect of all bibliographies of national history. It covers both the medieval and the modern history of Ger- many and includes original sources and modern works. The comparative value of books is indicated to some extent by differences of type. It has a model index. 29. WATTENBACH, W. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittel- alter bis zur Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1858. 6th edition, 2 vols. Berlin, 1893-94. Vol. I in 7th edition by E. DUMMLER. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1904. 30. LORENZ, O. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter seit der Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1870. 3rd edition, 2 vols., 1886-87. These two model works of WATTENBACH and LORENZ supple- ment each other. They are not mere bibliographies of the original sources but are rather histories of medieval history writings which concern Germany. WATTENBACH is the best introduction to the Monumenta Germaniae historica, no. 978 below. 31. VILDHAUT, H. Handbuch der Quellenkunde zur deutschen Geschichte. 2 vols. Arnsberg, 1898-1900. 2nd, revised edition. Werl, 1906, 1909. Popularizes and supplements WATTENBACH and LORENZ, nos. 29 and 30 above, and takes cognizance of the literature which appeared since the second edition of POTTHAST, Weg- weiser, no. 18 above, came out in 1896. 32. LOEWE, V. Biicherkunde der deutschen Geschichte: kritischer Wegweiser durch die neuere deutsche historische Literatur. Berlin, 1903. 4th edition. Altenburg, 1913. The first edition, Kritischer Wegweiser durch die neuere deutsche historische Literatur, Berlin, 1900, appeared under the pseudonym ' ' F. FORSTER. ' ' 33. JANSEN, M. and SCHMTTZ-KALLENBERG, L. Historiographie und Quellen der deutschen Geschichte bis 1500. 2nd edition. Leipzig, 1914. (Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft, no. 331 below, 1:7.) A book for students. Similar to VILDHAUT, no. 31 above, but on a much smaller scale. CHAP, i BIBLIOGRAPHIES OP COUNTRIES 7 34. JACOB, K. Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte im Mit- telalter [to 1400]. Leipzig, 1905. Vol. I, 2nd, enlarged edition, 1913 (Sammlung GSschen, 279). Practically a short epitome of DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, for schools. 35. CHARMATZ, E. Wegweiser durch die Literatur der b'ster- reichischen Geschichte. Stuttgart, 1913. (c) ENGLAND 36. GROSS, C. The sources and literature of English history from the earliest times to about 1485. New York and London, 1900. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, 1915. No other bibliographical tool for the history of medieval England deserves mention beside the second edition of this fine achievement of American scholarship. When CHARLES GROSS died in 1909 he was Professor of History in Harvard University. (d) ITALY 37. CIPOLLA, C. Pubblicazioni sulla storia medioevale italiana. Venice, 1914. 38. CALVI, E. Biblioteca de bibliografia storica italiana. Kome, 1903. Supplement, 1907. 39. Lozzi, C. Bibliotheca istorica della antica e nuova Italia, saggio di bibliografia analitico, comparato e critico. 2 vols. Imola, 1886. 40. CAPASSO, B. Le fonti della storia delle provincie Napolitane dal 568 al 1500. Ke-edited by E. O. MASTRJANI. Naples, 1902. 41. Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken. Issued by Preussisches historisches Institut in Rome. Rome, 1898ff. Contains a yearly survey of new books on Italian history. See also H. BRESSLAU, no. 19 above. (e) SPAIN 42. ALTAMIRA, R. Historia de Espana, no. 628 below, vol. IV (1914), 587-672. This is a short bibliographical guide to the literature on Spanish history. See also BRESSLAU, no. 19 above, pp. 450, 503- 511. R. ALTAMIRA, La ensenanza de la historia, 2nd edition, Madrid, 1895, contains bibliographical matter of importance. For a description of the rich manuscript collections of Spain consult R. BEER, " Handschriftenschatze Spaniens, " in Sitz- ungsberichte of the Vienna Academy, 1891, 124ff. M. MENEN- DEZ Y PELAYO was assigned the task of writing a bibliography of the history of Spain for the Historia general de Espana, no. 622 below, but the book has not appeared. 8 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI (/) SWITZERLAND 43. BAKTH, H. Bibliographic der Schweizer Geschichte, ent- haltend die selbstandig erschienenen Druckwerke zur Geschichte der Schweiz. Vols. I and II, 1914-15. (Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte. Neue Folge, IV Abtlg., Handbucher.) 44. BURCKHAKDT, F. Bibliographic der Schweizer Geschichte. Jahrgang, 1913. Bern, 1915. (Beilage zu Bd. 12, N. F. des Anzeigers fur Schweizer Geschichte.) (g~) BELGIUM AND NETHERLANDS 45. PIRENNE, H. Bibliographic de 1'histoire de Belgique: cata- logue methodique et chronologique des sources et des ouvrages prin- cipaux relatifs a 1'histoire de tous les Pays-Bas jusqu'en 1598 et a 1'histoire de Belgique jusqu'en 1830. Ghent, 1893. 2nd edition, Brussels, 1902. (7i) EUSSIA 46. BESTUSCHEW, K. Quellen und Literatur zur russischen Ge- schichte von den altesten Zeiten bis 1825. Translated into German by T. SCHIEMANN. Mitau, 1876. For recent literature see EAMBAUD, no. 682 below, and R. J. KERNER, The 'foundations of Slavic bibliography, University of Chicago Press, 1916, 39 pp. R. J. KERNER will publish in the fall of 1917, Selected bibliography of Slavic Europe, in western European languages, comprising history, language, and literature, Harvard University Press. (i) POLAND AND BOHEMIA 47. FINKEL, L. Bibliografia historyj polskiej. 3 vols., in 7 parts. Cracow, 1891-1906. For Bohemia, see C. ZIRBT. Bibliografie ceske historic, 4 vols., Prague, 1900-09. 0') SCANDINAVIA 48. SETTERWALL, K. Svensk historisk bibliografi, 1875-1900. Stockholm, 1907. Supplemented by a yearly survey in a Supplement to the Historisk Tidslcrift. 7. Bibliographies of Various Subjects (a) CHURCH 49. BRATKE, E. Wegweiser zur Quellen- und Literaturkunde der Kirchengeschichte: eine Anleitung zur planmassigen Auffindung der literarischen und monumentalen Quellen der Kirchengeschichte und ihrer Bearbeitungen. Gotha, 1890. See the unfavorable review of it by C. MIRBT in Historische Zeitschrift, LXV (1890), 117-120. CHAP, i BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SUBJECTS 9 50. SMEDT, C. DE. Introductio generalis ad historiam ecclesiast- icam critice tractandam. Ghent, 1876. Still a serviceable elementary bibliography of ecclesias- tical history. J. A. FISCHER, A select bibliography of church history, Boston, 1885, is insufficient and antiquated. Begin- ners will find much additional material in the bibliographies in FLICK, no. 428 below. See also J. F. HUNT, Literature of theology: a classified bibliography of theology and general religious literature, New York, 1896. 51. HUETER, H. Nomenclator litterarius theologiae catholicae, theologos exhibens aetate, natione, disciplinis distinctos. 4 vols. 3rd edition. Innsbruck, 1903-1910. Does for theological literature of the middle ages what POTTHAST, no. 18 above, has done for chronicles and his- torical texts. 52. HiJBLER; B. Kirchenrechtsquellen. 3rd edition. Berlin, 1898. 53. Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis. 2 vols. Brussels, 1898-1901. Supplements and completes the section "Vita" in POTT- HAST, no. 18 above. The best bibliography of hagiographical literature. See Ada Sanctorum, no. 963 below. 54. Bibliographic der Kirchengeschichtlichen Literatur: aus der Bibliographic der theologischen Literatur. Edited by B. PUNJER, later G. KRUGER. Leipzig, 1882ff. 55. Theologischer Jahresbericht. Freiburg, 1882ff. (&) PHILOSOPHY 56. Philosophisches Jahrbuch. Issued by the Gorres-Gesellschaft. Fulda, 1888ff. 57. Die Philosophic der Gegenwart: eine internationale Jahres- iibersicht. Edited by A. EUGE. Heidelberg, 1910ff. (c) EDUCATION 58. Historisch-padagogischer Literaturbericht. The Bericht for 1911 appeared as the 4th Beiheft of the Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unterrichts, Berlin, 1913. See also Pddagogischer Jahresbericht. Leipzig, 1846ff. 59. CUBBERLEY, E. P. Syllabus of lectures on the history of education, with selected bibliographies. New York, 1902. Contains extensive bibliographies. Other similar syllabi are: P. MONROE, Syllables of a course of study on the history and principles of education, New York, 1911; and W. J. TAYLOR, A syllabus of the history of education, Boston, 1910. 10 GENERAL BOOKS PART1 (d) LAW AND POLITICS 60. MUHLBRECHT, O. Wegweiser durch die neuere Literatur der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften. 2nd edition. Berlin^, 1893. Sup- plement, 1901. See also Uebersicht der gesammten stoats- und rechtwissen- schaftlichen Literatur, edited by O. and H. MUHLBRECHT, Ber- lin, 1869ff. (e) WAR 61. POHLER, .1. Bibliotheca historico-militaris: systematischer tibersicht der Erscheinungen aller Sprachen auf dem Gebiete der Geschiehte der Kriege und Kriegswissenschaft seit Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis 1880. 4 vols. Cassel, 1899. (f) JEWS 62. List of works relating to the history and condition of the Jews in various countries. The New York Public Library, 1914. CHAPTER II BOOKS OF REFERENCE 1. Miscellaneous Books of Reference (a) GUIDE TO REFERENCE BOOKS 63. KROEGER, ALICE B. Guide to the study and use of reference books: a manual for librarians, teachers, and students. Boston, 1902. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, 1908. Supplement, 1909- 1910, by ISADORE G. MUDGE, American Library Association, Chicago, 1911. Supplement 1911-13, Chicago, 1914. A new edition was announced in 1916. The Library Journal (February and March) supplements the publication from year to year. (&) HISTORICAL METHOD 64. BERNHEIM, E. Lehrbuch der historischen Methode. 5th and 6th edition, Leipzig, 1908. 65. LANGI.OIS, C. V. and C. SEIGNOBOS. Introduction aux etudes historiques. Paris, 1899. 4th edition, Paris, 1909. Translated by G. G. BERRY, Introduction to the study of history. London, 1898. Reprinted in a cheaper edition. London, 1912. 66. WOLF, G. Einfiihrung in das Studium der neueren Geschichte. Berlin, 1910. Contains much which interests the student of medieval history. 67. VINCENT, J. H. Historical research. New York, 1911. Designed to be an introduction for beginners in historical research work in American universities. See also the article "History" by C. H. HASKINS and II. E. BOURNE in the Cyclopedia of education. (c) CHRONOLOGICAL AND TABULAR AIDS 68. PLOETZ, C. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval and modern his- tory. Translated from the German, and enlarged by W. H. TIL- LINGHAST. Boston, latest edition, 1915. 69. HEILPRIN, L. The historical reference book: comprising a chronological table of universal history; a chronological dictionary of universal history; a biographical dictionary with geographical notes, for the use of students, teachers, and readers. 6th edition. New York, 1902. 12 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 70. HAYDN 's Dictionary of dates and universal information re- lating to all ages and nations. 25th edition. London, 1910. See also E. F. SMITH, A dictionary of dates, London and New York, 1911 (Everyman's library). 71. LITTLE, C. E. Cyclopedia of classified dates. New York, 1900. 72. PUTNAM, G. P. Tabular views of universal history: a series of chronological tables presenting in parallel columns a record of the more noteworthy events in the history of the world from the earliest times down to the present day. New York, 1914. 73. MORISON, M. Time-table of modern history, A.D. 400-1870. New York, 1901. 2nd edition. 1908. 74. NICHOL, J. Tables of European history, literature, science, and art, from A.D. 200 to 1909; and of American history, literature, and art. 5th edition. New York, 1909. 75. HASSALL, A. A handbook of European history, 476-1871, chronologically arranged. London, 1897. 76. History for ready reference from the best historians, bi- ographers, and specialists. Edited by J. N. LARNED. 5 vols. Spring- field, Mass., 1895-1901. Vol. VI is devoted to recent history. (d) GUIDES TO HISTORICAL FICTION 77. BAKER, E. A. A guide to historical fiction. New edition, entirely rewritten and greatly simplified, with an index of 170 pages. London, 1914. 78. NIELD, J. A guide to the best historical novels and tales. London, 1902. 4th edition, 1911. 79. BUCKLEY, J. A. and WILLIAMS, W. T. A guide to British his- torical fiction. London, 1912. (e) WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS FAMOUS IN HISTORY 80. BUCHMANN, G. Gefliigelte Worte. 24th edition. Berlin, 1910. 81. HERTSLET, W. L. Der Treppenwitz der Weltgeschichte: ge- schichtliche Irrtiimer, Entstellungen und Erfindungen. 8th edition. Berlin, 1912. 82. FOURNIER, E. L 'esprit dans 1'histoire: recherches et curiosi- tes sur les mots historiques. Paris, 1857. CHAP, ii BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES 13 (f) GUIDES TO THE LEARNED WORLD 83. Minerva: Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt. Strassburg, 1890ff. 84. Minerva: Handbuch der gelehrten Welt. Vol. I. Die Univer- sitaten und Hochschulen, etc.: ihre Geschichte und Organisation. Strassburg, 1911. 85. Pantheon: Adressbuch der Kunst- und Antiquitaten-Sammler und -Handler, Bibliotheken, Archive, Museen, Kunst-, Altertums- und Geschichtsvereine, Biicherliebhaber, Numismatiker: ein Hand- buch fiir das Sammelwesen der ganzen Welt. Erzlingen, 1914. (g) DICTIONARY OF NAMES 86. The century cyclopedia of names: a pronouncing and ety- mological dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archaeology, fiction, etc. Edited by B. E. SMITH. Kevised and enlarged edition. New York, 1911. (h) BOOK REVIEWS 87. Bibliographic der deutschen Eezensionen, mit Einschluss von Referaten und Selbstanzeigen. Supplement zur Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriften-literatur. Leipzig, 1901ff. (Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur, Abteilung C.) Two thousand to three thousand periodicals are scoured. Since 1912 the title is Bibliographie der Eezensionen, and each volume is published in two parts: 1, German periodicals; 2, periodicals in other languages, of which about 130 are English and American. In its new form this valuable publication makes a world-wide appeal to scholars. Since August, 1914, no literature from enemy countries is included. See supple- ment volume XX, p. 3. 88. Book review digest. White Plains, 1905ff. Vol. I is entitled, Cumulative book review digest. Covers about fifty leading English and American periodi- cals. Gives extracts from reviews. The sign + indicates favorable comment; , unfavorable comment. 2. Biographical Dictionaries 89. Dictionary of national biography. Edited by L. STEPHEN and S. LEE. 63 vols. and 3 supplementary vols. London, 1885-1901. 2nd edition, 22 vols., 1908-09. A model work of its kind. Confined to English biography, but that includes many men who made a reputation upon the continent in the middle ages, e.g., Roger Bacon. It contains signed articles with good bibliographies. 14 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 90. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. 55 vols. Leipzig, 1875- 1910. Vols. XLVII-LV are supplements. Described by E. v. LILJENCRON, in Gotting. Gelehrten Ansei- ' gen (1898), 160, 655ff. 91. Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Osterreieh. Edited by C. v. WURZBACH. 60 vols. Vienna, 1856-91. 92. Biographie nationale, publiee par 1 'academic royale de Bel- gique. Brussels, 1866ff. 93. Biographie universelle. Edited by a society of literary men. 52 vols. with supplements. Paris, 1811-62. New edition, 45 vols. Paris, 1854-65. For want of something better, this general biography must serve in the place of a national biography for France. See also the French encyclopedias, nos. 98-99 below, for names. In 1913, a Dictionnaire de biographic frangaise was announced, to be edited by L. DIDIEB and others. 94. SMITH, Sir W., and WAGE, H. Dictionary of Christian bi- ography, literature, sects, and doctrines. 4 vols. London and Boston, 1877-87. Extends to the time of Charlemagne. A revised, but abridged, edition of the above is H. WAGE and W. C. PIERCY, A dictionary of Christian biography and literature to the end of the sixth century A.D , London and Boston, 1911. This new edition does not supersede the old, which must still be con- sulted for the more extended articles and for all material falling in the seventh and eighth centuries. 95. Who's who: an annual biographical dictionary. London, 1848ff. Students of medieval history have occasion to consult this and similar manuals when they desire information about living authors of books on the middle ages. For America, see Who's who in America: a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States, Chicago, 1899ff. For France, Qui etes-vous? ^Annuaire des contcmporains, Paris, 1908. For Germany, Wef ist's?, Leipzig, 1904ff.; Deutsche Literaturkalender, edited by J. KURSCHNER, Leipzig, 1878ff.; and Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog, edited by A. BETTELHEIM, Berlin, 1898ff. For further means of find- ing modern authors see Centralblatt -fur BibliotheJcswesen, XII (1896), 115ff. 3. Encyclopaedias (a) GENERAL ENCYCLOPAEDIAS 96. Encyclopaedia Britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, and general information, llth edition, 29 vols. Cam- bridge University Press, 1911. CHAP, ii GENERAL ENCYCLOPAEDIAS 15 Vol. XXIX consists of a very important index. Most of the articles are signed and some contain good bibliographies, although in many cases they have not been brought up to date in this edition. Many foreign scholars have contributed. In 1914 the publication of separately bound reprints of articles on the history of various countries was begun. There have appeared the History of France; History of Germany; History of Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland; History of Austro- Hungary and Poland; and the History of Eussia and the Balkan States. 97. New international encyclopaedia. 2nd edition. 24 vols. New York, 1914-1916. 98. La Grande encyclopedic: inventaire raisonne des sciences, des lettres et des arts, par une societe de savants et de gens de lettres. 31 vols. Paris, 1885-1903. A very serviceable work of reference for students of his- tory. It was not a mere publisher's venture, but was the work of a learned society headed by the famous chemist BERTHELOT. Subject entries are more numerous than in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Many articles are signed. Its biographical articles are especially good and supplement no. 93 above. 99. LAROUSSE Grand dictionnaire universel du XIX e siecle. 17 vols. Paris, 1866-90. Smaller, not an abridged, edition by C. AUGE, Nouveau Larousse illustre, 7 vols. Paris, 1898-1904. Supple- ment, 1907. A dictionary and an encyclopaedia combined. The very unique and compact Petit Larousse illustre, Paris, 1906, has been simmered down until it is little more than an ordinary dictionary. 100. Allgemeine Encyklopadie der Wissenschaften und Kiinste. Founded by J. S. ERSCH and J. G. GRUBER. 170 vols. Berlin, 1818-90. Still incomplete. The most voluminous undertaking of its kind addressed exclusively to the world of scholars. 101. BROCKHAUS Konversations-Lexicon : allgemeine deutsche Real-Encyklopadie. 14th edition. 16 vols. Leipzig, 1892-95. Vol. 17 is a supplement, 1897. 102. MEYERS Konversations-Lexicon: ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens. 24 vols. 6th edition, revised and enlarged, Leipzig, 1902-1913. These two German works are similar in character and of about equal value to students of history. Perhaps MEYERS is slightly more serviceable on account of its excellent biblio- graphies and fine maps. Articles are not signed. 16 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 103. Enciclopedia universal ilustrada Europeo-Americana. Barce- lona [no dates]. Vol. XXXI (Lon-Madz), had appeared in 1916. (ft) HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND RELIGION 104. Catholic encyclopedia: an international work of reference on the constitution, doctrine, discipline, and history of the Catholic Church. 15 vols. and an index. New York, 1908-1914. Designed to serve as a general encyclopaedia with special emphasis on the part played by Catholics in the advancement of learning. Thus everything even remotely connected with the church is included. Scholars from all parts of the world have contributed. Articles are signed. It is handsomely illustrated. There are some excellent bibliographies appended to articles (e.g., Eoger Bacon). 105. Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics. Edited by J. HAST- INGS and others. Edinburgh and New York, 1908ff. Vol. VIII, to Mulla, appeared in 1916. 106. The new SCHAPF-HERZOG encyclopedia of religious knowl- edge. Based on the third edition of the Realencyklopadie founded by J. J. HERZOG and edited by A. HAUCK. Edited by S. M. JACK- SON and others. 12 vols. New York and London, 1908-1912. See no. 112 below. 107. Encyclopedic des sciences religieuses. Composed of the following separate works: 1. Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne, no. Ill below; 2. Dictionnaire d'his- tolre et de geographic ecclesiastique, by BAUDRILLART, no. 110 below; 3. Dictionnaire de theologie catholique by VACANT and MANGENOT, no. 109 below; 4. Dictionnaire de la bible, by VIGOUROUX; and 5. Dictionnaire du droit canonique (in prepara- tion). When completed, this will be the largest work of reference on religion in any language. It incorporates the highest achievements of Roman Catholic scholarship in France. 108. SMITH, Sir W., and CHEETHAM, S. Dictionary of Christian antiquities. 2 vols. London, 1876-80. Covers the period to the time of Charlemagne. Now being superseded by Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne, no. Ill below. See also J. S. BUMPUS, Dictionary of ecclesiastical terms, Philadelphia, 1910. 109. Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, contenant I'expose des doctrines de la theologie catholique, leurs preuves et leur histoire. Edited by A. VACANT and E. MANGENOT. Paris, 1909ff. A very ambitious undertaking on a vast scale, distinctly Roman Catholic in tone. Good bibliographies, with special emphasis on the sources. Unfortunately, the type is exces- sively small. Articles are signed. CHAP, ii SPECIAL ENCYCLOPAEDIAS 1 7 110. Dictionnaire d 'histoire et de geographic eeclesiastique. Edited by A. BAUDRILLABT and others. Paris, 1912ff. Vol. II, to Aneurin, appeared in 1914. 111. Dictionnaire d 'archeologie chretienne et de liturgie. Edited by F. CABROL. Paris, 1907ff. Extends to the time of Charlemagne. 112. Realencyklopadie fiir protestantisehe Theologie und Kirche, begriindet von J. J. HERZOG. 3rd edition, edited by A. HATJCK. 24 vols. Leipzig, 1896-1913. As its name implies, it is decidedly Protestant in tone. The articles dealing with history are particularly good. See no. 106 above. 113. Kirchenlexikon oder Encyklopadie der katholischen The- ologie. Edited by H. J. WETZER and B. WELTE. 12 vols. Frei- burg-i-B, 1847-60. 2nd edition by J. HERGENROTHER and F. KAULEN, 13 vols., Freiburg, 1882-1903. French translation, with modifica- tions by J. GOSCHLER, 26 vols., 1869. Distinctly Roman Catholic in tone. A well-balanced work. 114. MORONI, G. Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro ai nostri giorni. 103 vols. Venice, 1840-61. Six index vols., 1878-79. (c) POLITICAL ECONOMY 115. Dictionary of political economy. 3 vols. and appendix. Edited by E. H. I. PALGRAVE. London, 1894-1908. 116. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Edited by J. CONRAD and others. 3rd edition, revised. 8 vols. Jena, 1909-1911. See also Worterbuch der VolTcswirtschaft, edited by L. ELSTER, 2 vols., Jena, 1898, 3rd edition, 1911. (d) EDUCATION 117. A cyclopedia of education. Edited by P. MONROE. 4 vols. New York, 1911-13. 118. SCHMID, K. A. Enzyklopadie des gesammten Erziehungs- und Unterrichtswesens. 2nd edition by W. SCHRADER. 10 vols. Gotha and Leipzig, 1876-87. See also EnzyTclopadiscTies Handbuch der Pddagogik, edited by W. REIN. 2nd edition, 9 vols., Langensalza, 1902-1909. (e) JEWS 119. Jewish encyclopaedia: a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people. 12 vols. New York, 1901-06. 18 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI (f) ISLAM 120. The encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited by M. T. HOUTSMA and others. London, 1913ff. See also T. P. HUOHES, A dictionary of Islam, London, 1885, 2nd edition, 1896. 4. Atlases and Other Geographical Aids (a) GENERAL HISTORICAL ATLASES 121. SHEPHERD, W. R. Historical atlas. New York, Henry Holt, 1911. The best general atlas for the use of students in schools and undergraduates in college. Due to the war, the book is temporarily out of print, because the plates are made in Germany. R. MuiR, Hammond 's new historical atlas for students, 2nd edition, New York, 1915, and E. W. Dow, Atlas of European history, New York, 1907, are fair substitutes. A very cheap Atlas of historical geography: Europe, New York, 1910, is published in the Everyman's library series. (See also the volumes on Asia and Africa.) The appearance of these recent atlases in English, with good indexes, makes it unnecessary for American students to refer to such popular German atlases as F. W. PUTZGER, Historischer Schulatlas, American edition 1903, 35th edition, 1911; Meyers historischer Hand- atlas, Leipzig, 1911 (which, however, has a unique map for the Normans in Europe) ; and J. PERTHES, Geschichts-Atlas, Gotha, 1898, 2nd edition, 1904. 122. POOLE, R. L. Historical atlas of modern Europe from the decline of the Roman empire. Oxford, 1902. 123. DROYSEN, G. Allgemeiner historischer Handatlas. Leipzig, 1886. 124. SCHRADER, F. Atlas de geographic historique. Paris, 1896. New edition, Paris, 1907. 125. SPRUNER, K. VON and MENKE, T. Handatlas f iir die Ge- schichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. 3rd edition, Gotha, 1880. 126. VIDAL DE LA BLACHE, P. Atlas generale: histoire et geo- graphie. Paris, 1897. New edition, Paris, 1913. (6) ATLASES FOR CHURCH HISTORY 127. HEUSSI, K. and MULERT, H. Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte. Tubingen, 1905. 128. McCLURE, E. Historical church atlas. London, 1897. CHAP, ii HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHIES 19 (c) ATLAS FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL FRANCE 129. LONGNON, A. Atlas historique de la France. Plates I-XV [to 1380 A.D.]. Paris, 1885-89. The work was left incomplete. A valuable descriptive text is published under a separate cover. (d) DICTIONARIES OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES 130. GRAESSE, J. G. T. Orbis latinus: oder Verzeichniss der lateinischen Benennungen der bekanntesten Stadte . . . Meere, Seen, etc., in alien Teilen der Erde nebst einem deutsehlateinischen Keg- ister. Dresden, 1861. New, revised, edition, 1909. 131. Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne a 1 'usage du libraire et de 1 'amateur de livres. Par un bibliophile [P. DECHAMPS]. Paris, 1870. For Gaul, up to the tenth century, there are excellent tables of Latin geographical names with their modern French equivalents in A. LONGNON, Atlas historique de la France, Texte explicatif, no. 129 above. 132. EGLI, J. Nomina geographica: Sprach- und Sache-rklarung von 42,000 geographischen Namen aller Erdraume. Leipzig, 1872. 2nd edition. Leipzig, 1893. 133. EGLI, J. Geschichte der geographischen Namenkunde. Leip- zig, 1886. 134. OESTERLEY, H. Historisch-geographisches Worterbuch des deutschen Mittelalters. 2 vols. Gotha, 1883. 135. BISCHOFF, H. T. and MOLLER, J. H. Vergleichendes Worter- buch der alten, mittleren, und neuen Geographic. Gotha, 1892. 136. GROHLER, H. Ueber Ursprung und Bedeutund der franz- osischen Ortsnamen. Part. I: Ligurische, iberische, phonizische, griechische, gallische, lateinische Namen. Heidelberg, 1913. 137. CHEVIN, L'ABBE. Dictionnaire latin-franc.ais des noms pro- pres de lieux ayant une certaine notoriete, principalement au point de vue ecclesiastique et monastique. Paris [1897]. 138. Dictionnaire topographique de la France. Vols. I-XXVIL Paris, 1861-1912. (e) HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHIES 139. FREEMAN, E. A. The historical geography of Europe. 2 vols. London, 1881. 2nd edition, 1882. 3rd edition, by J. B. BURY. London, 1903. To be used in connection with his Atlas of the historical geography of Europe, 3rd edition, London, 1903. E. W. DANN, Historical geography on a regional basis: Europe, London, 1908 ; and K. JOHNSTON, A sketch of historical geography, London, 1909, are recent school books. See also no. 110 above. 20 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 140. HIMLY, A. Histoire de la formation territorials des etats de 1'Europe centrale. 2 vols. Paris, 1876. 2nd edition, 1894. 141. KRETSCHMER, K. Historische Geographic von Mitteleuropa. Munich and Berlin, 1904. (Part IV of no. 330 below.) 142. KOTZSCHKE, R. Quellen und Grundbegriffe der historischen Geographic Deutschlands und seiner Nachbarlander. Leipzig and Berlin, 1906. In Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft, no. 331 below, I, part II, 397-449. A good short account of ground covered in Kretschmer, no. 141 above. 143. GOTZ, W. Historische Geographic. Leipzig, 1904. (In "Die Erdkunde," XIX.) 144. BOTTCHER, C. Geschichtlich-geographischer Wegweiser fur das Mittelalter und die neuere Zeit. Leipzig, 1891. A school-book. 145. KNULL, B. Historische Geographic Deutschlands im Mittel- alter. Breslau, 1903. 146. VIDAL DE LA BLACHE, P. Tableau de la geographic de la France. Vol. I, part I, of Histoire de France, no. 508 below. Paris, 1908. 5. Historical Periodicals 147. JASTROW, J. Handbuch zu Literaturberichten. Berlin, 1891. See pp. 177ff. for a list of periodicals pertaining to his- tory. See also no. 13 above. STEIN, no. 1 above, gives a list of historical societies and periodicals, pp. 697-708. (a) GENERAL HISTORICAL PERIODICALS 148. American historical review. New York, 1895ff. Index, vols. I-X, 1905; vols. XI-XX, 1915. 149. English historical review. London, 1886ff. Index for vols. I-XX, 1906; vols. XXI-XXX, 1916. 150. Historische Zeitschrift. Munich, 1859ff. Index, vols. I- IJW. J.S88; LVII-XCVI, 1906. 151. Historische Vierteljahrschrift. Freiburg, 1898ff. A continuation of the Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Geschichts- wissenschaft, 1889-1898. This continued the older and valu- able "Bibliotheca historica" under the title "Bibliographic zur deutschen Geschichte", " which is now continued in the Historische Vierteljahrschrift. This list serves a temporary purpose, until the Jahresbericht, no. 13 above, appears. The Historische Zeitschrift supplements the list in the Historische Vierteljahrschrift mainly because it takes cognizance of a good deal of periodical literature, and because it reviews many books sent to it directly from different countries. CHAP, ii HISTORICAL PERIODICALS 21 152. Historisches Jahrbuch. Munich, 1880ff. This is the organ of the Boman Catholic Gb'rresgesell- schaft. It is a scholarly periodical, containing excellent re- views, and pays particular attention to eastern Europe. Index, vols. I-XXXIV, 1914. 153. Mitteilungen aus der historisehen Literatur. Herausgegeben von der historisehen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 1873ff. Index, vols. I-XX, 1893. 154. Historisches Literaturblatt : kritisch-bibliographisehes Organ fiir Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften. 1898ff. 155. Korrespondenzblatt des Gesamtvereins der deutschen Ge- schiehts- und Altertumsvereine. Berlin, 1853ff. 156. Bevue historique. Paris, 1876ff. Index vols. I-XIV, 1881; XV-XXIX, 1887; XXX-XLIV, 1891; XLV-LII, 1896; LIII-LXXIV, 1901; LXXV-LXXXIX, 1906; XC-CV, 1911. See also the Eevue des etudes historiques, publiee par la- Societe des etudes historiques, Paris, 1834ff. This title was adopted in 1899; it had varied considerably between 1834 and 1899. 157. Eevue des questions historiques. Paris, 1886ff. Index for vols. I-XX, 1887; XXI-XL, 1889; XLI-LX, 1897. Pays exceptional attention to historical literature on Scandinavia and Eussia. 158. Eevue de synthese historique. Paris, 1900ff. Index for the vols. covering the years 1900-1910, Paris, 1912. 159. Eevue critique d'histoire et de litterature. Paris, 1867ff. Index for the vols. covering the years 1866-90 in 1894. Established "to enforce respect for method, to execute justice upon bad books, to check misdirected and superfluous work. ' ' 160. Archivio storico italiano. Florence, 1842ff. 5 series. A vast collection of sources, essays, reviews, with special reference to Italian history. Indexes, first series, 1857; 1855- 1872, Florence, 1874; fourth series, 1891; fifth series, 1900. 161. Eevista storica italiano. Turin, 1884ff. Index 1884-1901. 2 vols., 1904. A Nuova rivista storica, edited by A. ANZILOTTI, and others was begun in Milan, January, 1917. 162. Bullettino dell' Istituto storico italiano. Eome, 1886ff. 163. Bevista de archives, bibliotecas y museos. Madrid, 1871- 78; 1881-82; 3rd series, 1897ff. Much broader in scope than its title would indicate. Covers all phases of Spanish history and the auxiliary studies, and contains the best current bibliographies of historical work in Spain. 22 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI (6) PERIODICALS DEVOTED ESPECIALLY TO MEDIEVAL HISTORY 164. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des chartes: revue d Erudition con- sacrge spe'cialement a 1 'etude du moyen age. Paris, 1839ff. Indexes, 1839-49, Paris, 1849; 1870-79, Paris, 1888. The contents of the first thirty-six volumes are analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de I'histoire de France, no. 23 above, 399-429. In the bibliographies, which are very full, special attention is given to palaeography and diplomatics. See Livret de 1'Ecole des chartes, 1901-1913: supplement au Livret publie en 1902, Paris, 1913. 165. Le moyen age: revue d'histoire et de philologie. Paris, 1888ff. Vol. VIII has bound with it: A. VIDIER, "KSpertoire methodique du moyen age franc,ais . . . annfie 1895." The Eepertoire for 1894 forms a regular part of this volume. 166. Mitteilungen des Instituts fur osterreichische Geschichts- forsehung. Innsbruck, 1880ff. Especially devoted to the middle ages and to the auxiliary sciences. 167. Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft fur altere deutsche Ge- schichtskunde. Hannover, 1876ff. A continuation of Archiv der Gesellschaft etc., 12 vols., Hannover, 1824-74. Keports on progress of work in connection with the Monumenta Germaniae historica, no. 978 below. 168. Archivio Muratoriana. Vol. I was completed in 1914. Supplements no. 988 below. (c) HISTORY OF CULTURE AND LITERATURE 169. Archiv fiir Kulturgeschiehte. Edited by G. STEINHAUSEN. Berlin, 1902ff. Follows the Zeitschrift fiir Kulturgeschiehte, 18941901. For other predecessors, see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 1693. 170. Archiv fiir Literatur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittel- alters. Edited by II. DENIPLE and F. EHRLE. Vols. I- VII. Berlin, 1885-1900. 171. Eevue de I'histoire litteraire de la France. Paris, 1894ff. A periodical which reports on work done in connection with no. 803 below. 172. Bulletin critique de litterature, d'histoire et de philologie. 1880ff. 173. Studi medievali. Edited by F. NOVATI and E. KENIER, Turin, 1904ff. CHAP, ii HISTORICAL PERIODICALS 23 (d) BYZANTINE EMPIRE 174. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Founded by K. KRUMBACHER. Leipzig, 1892ff. Index of vols. I-XII, 1908. 175. Vizantijskij vremennik [Byzantine chronical]. Published by the Academy of Sciences of Petrograd. 1894-1915. Continued by: Vizantijskoe dbozrienie [Byzantine review}, 1915ff. Contains articles, reviews, and texts. The new re- view publishes articles in Kussian, French, English, Latin, and Greek, but not in German. (e) CHURCH HISTORY 176. Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte. Edited by T. BRIEGER and B. BESS. Gotha, 1877ff. See vols. XXVI-XXX (1905-09) for a bibliography of church history. 177. Analecta Bollandiana. Edited by C. DE SMEDT, etc. Paris, etc., 1882ff. Eeports on progress of work in connection with the Acta . sanctorum, no. 963 below. 178. Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique. Edited by A. CAUCHIE. Louvain, 1900ff. Bibliography beginning with vol. V (1904). 179. Romische Quartalschrift fur christliehe Altertumskunde und fur Kulturgeschichte. Rome, 1887ff. 180. Revue de 1'histoire des religions. Paris, 1880ff. (f) HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 181. Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie. Edited by L. STEIN. Berlin, 1888ff. As an appendix; JahresbericTit uber sdmmtliche ErscTiein- ungen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte der Philosophie. (g) HISTORY OF EDUCATION 182. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fiir deutsche Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte. Founded by K. KEHRBACH. Berlin, 1891ff. Con- tinued as, Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unter- richts. Berlin, 1911ff. Includes Beihefte. They contain the His- torisch-padagogische Literaturberichte in nos. 15, 17, 19, 21. Berlin, 1906ff. (A) HISTORY OF LAW 183. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. 3 parts: Germanic, canon, and Romanic Law. Weimar, 1880ff. From 1861-1880 it was published under the title: Zeit- schrift fiir Eechtsgeschichte. 24 GENERAL BOOKS PART1 (i) PERIODICALS FOR TEACHERS ov HISTORY 184. History teachers' magazine. Philadelphia, 1909ff. 185. History. London, 1912-1916. Since April, 1916, the organ of the Historical association [England]. A new series began with this number under the title The quarterly journal of the Historical association, new series, no. 1, April 1916. The new journal is devoted chiefly to the teaching of history, and is edited by A. F. POLLARD. 186. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: Zeitschrift fur den Ge- schichtsunterricht und staatsbiirgerliche Erziehung in alien Schul- gattungen. Edited by F. FRIEDUICH and P. RUHLMANN. Leipzig. 6. Pictorial Works See also nos 318, 775 below. 187. PARMENTIER, A. Album historique. Public sous la direc- tion de M. Ernest Lavisse. 4 vols. Paris, 1897-1907. Edition de luxe, vols. I-III, 1901-1902. Vol. I: Le moyen age (du IV e au XIII 6 siecle), 2nd edition, 1900. Vol. II: La fin du moyen age (XIV e et XV e siecles), 1897. 188. LACROIX, P. and SERE, F. Le moyen-age et la renaissance: histoire et description des moeurs et usages, du commerce et de 1 'Industrie, des sciences, des arts et des litteratures en Europe. 5 vols. Paris, 1847-52. Several later editions. Translated into English in 4 vols: Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages, and during the renaissance period, London, 1874; Science and literature in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance, London, 1878; Military and religious life in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance, London [n. d]; The arts of the middle ages, and at the period of the renaissance, London, 1870. 189. KLEINPAUL, R. Das Mittelalter: Bilder aus dem Leben und Treiben aller Stande in Europa. 2 vols. Leipzig [1895]. 190. ESSENWEIN, A. Kulturhistorischer Bilderatlas. Vol. II. Mittelalter. Leipzig, 1883. 191. RACINET, A. Le costume historique. 6 vols. Paris, 1876- 88. 500 plates. Vols. Ill and IV on the middle ages. The Brooklyn Public Library published a reading and reference list on costume, 1909. 192. LACROIX, P. Costumes historiques de la France d'apres les monuments les plus authentiques . . . Avec un texte descriptif. 10 vols. Paris [1852]. CHAP, ii PICTORIAL WORKS 25 193. PLANCHE, J. E. A cyclopaedia of costume, including a general history of costumes. [A.D. 1-1760.] 2 vols. London, 1876- 79. Many illustrations. 194. HEFNER-ALTENECK, J. H. DE. Costumes du moyen-age Chretien. 3 vols. Frankfort, 1840-54. 420 plates. Now see also vol. Ill of C. ENLART, Manuel d'archeologie frangaise, Paris, 1916. 195. Zur Geschichte der Costume. Munich, 1874. New edition 1895. Colorierte Ausgabe. Munich, 1913. 196. KOSENBERG, A. Geschichte des Kostiims. Vol. I, Berlin, 1910. 197. DEMAY, G. Le costume au moyen-age d 'apres les sceaux. Paris, 1880. 198. CLINCH, G. English costume from prehistoric times to the end of the eighteenth century. Chicago, 1910. 199. QUICHERAT, J. Histoire du costume en France. Paris, 1877. 200. BRETT, E. J. A pictorial and descriptive record of the origin and development of arms and armour. London, 1894. 133 good plates. 201. Longman's historical illustrations: England in the middle ages. 1910. 202. BELLOC, H. The book of the Bayeux tapestry, presenting the complete work in a series of colour facsimiles. London, 1914. The Bayeux tapestry is also produced in color in vol. VI, 1916-1923 of Vetusta monumenta, Society of Antiquaries of London, 7 vols., London, 1747-1906, which is interesting for many other fine illustrations. Another reproduction of the tapestry is in F. E. FOWKE, The Bayeux tapestry, London, 1898. See GROSS, no. 36 above, no. 2139. 203. DIEDERICHS, E. Deutsches Leben der Vergangenheit in Bildern. 2 vols. Jena, 1908. Vol. I, 15th and 16th centuries. 204. DAERING, O. Deutschlands mittelalterliche Kunstdenkmaler als Gesehichtsquelle. Leipzig, 1911. 205. VAN DER LINDEN, H. and OBREEN, H. Album historique de la Belgique. Brussels, 1912. 206. HERRAD VON LANDSBERG (Abbess of Hohenburg, died 1195). Hortus deliciarum; public aux frais de la Societe pour la conserva- tion des monuments historiques d 'Alsace. Strassburg, 1901. For other literature on this interesting book see DAHL- MANN-WAITZ, QuellenTcunde, no. 5723. 26 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 207. LABABTE, J. Histoire des arts industrials au moyen age. 4 vols. Paris, 1864-66. 2nd edition, 3 vols., 1872-75. Many illus- trations. His Handbook of the arts of the middle ages, 1855, is a translation of a smaller work. 7. Guides to Learned Societies See also no. 83 above. 208. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Handbook of learned societies and institutions: American. Washington, 1908. A similar handbook for the rest of the world is in prepara- tion. The material which is accumulating for it may be consulted at the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C. See "List of European historical societies," in Annual Report of the American historical association, 1914, vol. I, 301- 310. STEIN, no. 1 above, pp. 642-649, gives a list of acad- emies and miscellaneous learned societies and their publica- tions. 209. Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland, giving an account of their origin, constitution, and working. London, 1884ff. 210. DELAUNAY, H. Les societes savantes de France. Paris, 1902. See also no. 26 above. 211. MtiLLER, J. Die wissenschaftlichen Vereine und Gesell- schaften Deutschlands im neunzehnten Jahrhundert: Bibliographic ihrer Veroffentliehungen seit ihrer Begriindung bis auf die Gegen- wart. Berlin, 1883-87. CHAPTER III SOME AUXILIAEIES TO THE STUDY OF MEDIEVAL HISTORY 1. Latin Palaeography (a) HANDBOOKS 212. THOMPSON, E. M. An introduction to Greek and Latin palaeography. Oxford, 1912. 250 plates. The author regards it as an enlarged edition of his Handbook of Greek and Latin palae- ography, London, 1893, 3rd edition, 1906. In its enlarged form, the book is the best handbook in any language. See the bibliography at the end. The best book for the history of writing in the middle ages, apart from the form, is W. WATTENBACH, Das Schrift- wesen im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1871; 3rd edition, 1896 (see outline XXVI in part III below). WATTENBACH also has an Einleitung zur lateinischen Palaeographie, Leipzig, 1869; 4th edition, 1886. Beginners will be interested in H. W. JOHNSTON, Latin manuscripts : an elementary introduction to the use of critical editions for high school and college classes, Chicago, 1897; and E. E. THOYTS, How to decipher and study old documents: being a guide to the reading of ancient manuscripts, London, 1893, 3rd edition, revised, 1909. Now see also J. E. SANDYS, A companion to Latin studies, Cambridge, 1910, 765-805. 213. PAOLI, C. Programma scolastico di paleografia latina e di diplomatica. 3 parts, Florence, 1883-98. 3rd edition of part 1, 1901. Translated by K. LOHMEYER, Grundriss der lateinischen Palaographie und der Urkundenlehre. Innsbruck, 1885ff. 3 parts. 3rd edition of part I, 1902. 214. PROU, M. Manuel de paleographie latine et franchise suivi d'un dictionnaire des abreviations; aves 23 fac-similes. Paris, 1890. 3rd edition with an album of 24 plates. Paris, 1910. See the bibliography on pp. 2-12. 215. REUSENS, E. H. J. Elements de paleographie. Louvain, 1891. Enlarged edition, Louvain, 1899. See bibliography, pp. 468-79. 216. STEPPENS, F. Lateinische Palaographie: 100 Tafeln mit ciner systematischen Darstellung der lateinischen Schrift. Fri- 28 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI bourg, 1903. Supplement, 1906. 2nd edition, 125 plates, Trier, 1907-09. French edition, by R. COULON, Paleographie latine. Treves, 1910. 125 plates. See also his Proben aus Handschriften lateinischer Schrift- steller zur ersten Einfuhrung, Trier, 1907. 217. BRETHOLTZ, B. "Lateinische Palaeographie. " In Grund- riss der Geschichtswissenschaft, no. 331 below, vol. I. Leipzig, 1906, pp. 21-130. 2nd edition, 1912. 218. TRAUBE, L. Zur Palaographie und Handschriftenkunde. Munich, 1909. In vol. II of his Vorlesungen und Abhandlungen (posthumous Edition by F. BOLL). 219. HALL, F. W. A companion to classical texts. Oxford, 1913. See especially chapter IX, "The nomenclature of Greek and Latin MSS. with the names of former possessors. ' ' 220. LOEW, E. A. The Beneventan script: a history of the south Italian minuscule. Oxford, 1914. 221. CHASSANT, A. Paleographie des chartes et des manuscrits du XP au XVIP siecle. 8th edition, Paris, 1885. 222. WAILLY, N. DE. Elements de paleographie. 2 vols. Paris, 1838. 223. MARUCCHI, O. Epigrafia cristiana. Milan, 1910. Translated by A. WILLIS, Christian epigraphy. Cambridge University Press, 1912. (b) ABBREVIATIONS See also nos, 244, 245 below. 224. CAPPELLI, A. Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiene. Milan, 1899. German edition with additions, Lexicon abbreviatur- arum: Worterbuch lateinischer und italienischer Abkiirzungen. Leipzig, 1901. 2nd edition, revised, 1912. 225. CHASSANT, A. Dictionnaire des abreviations latines et franchises du moyen age. Paris, 1846. 5th edition, 1884. 226. CHATELAIN, E. Introduction a la lecture des notes tiron- iennes. Paris, 1900. 227. PERUGI, G. L. Le note tironiane. Eome, 1911. 228. GUENIN, L. P. and E. Histoire de la stenographic dans 1'antiquite et au moyen age: les notes tironiennes. Paris, 1907. 229. ZIMMERMANN, A. Geschichte der Stenographic in kurzen Ziigen vom klassischen Altertum bis zur Gegenwart. Vienna, 1912. CHAP, in PALAEOGRAPHY AND DIPLOMATICS 29 (c) FACSIMILES 230. The Palaeographical Society. Facsimiles of manuscripts and inscriptions. Edited by E. A. BOND, E. M. THOMPSON, G. F. WARNER and W. WRIGHT. Series I-II; 465 facsimiles with descrip- tive text, transliteration, tables of contents, etc., and indices. Lon- don, 1873-1901. New Palaeographical Society. Facsimiles of ancient manuscripts. Parts I-X. London, 1903-1912. 250 plates. 231. Recueil de fac-similes a 1 'usage de 1'Ecole des Chartes. 4 parts. 100 plates. Paris, 1880-87. See also the Album paleographique, edited by L. DELISLE, for the Societe de 1'Ecole des Chartes. 50 plates. Paris, 1887. In 1911 there was formed in Paris a society for the photo- graphic reproduction of the most important medieval manu- scripts, especially illuminated ones. 232. CHROUST, A. Monumenta palaeographica: Denkmaler der Schreibkunst des Mittelalters. 2 series. Munich, 1899ff. 233. Archive paleografico italiano, edited by E. MONACI. Rome, 1882ff. 234. WILLIAMS, H. S. Manuscripts, inscriptions, and muniments oriental, classical, mediaeval and modern, described, classified and arranged, comprehending the history of the art of writing. 200 facsimiles. 4 vols. London [about 1901]. 235. SILVESTRE, J. B. Paleographie universelle, collection de fac- simile d'ecritures de tous les peuples. 4 vols. Paris, 1839-41. Translated by F. MADDEN, Universal palaeography. 2 vols. London, 1850. 236. GALABERT, F. Album de paleographie et de diplomatique: facsimiles phototypiques de documents relatifs a 1'histoire du Midi de la France, et en particulier de la ville de Toulouse. Paris, 1912ff. 237. ARNDT, W. Schrifttafeln zur Erlernung der lateinischen Palaographie. Berlin, 1897ff. 4th edition of parts I and II, Berlin, 1904-1906. Part III, Berlin, 1903. 2nd edition, unchanged, 1908. 2. Diplomatics and Sphragistics 238. MABILLON, J. De re diplomatica libri VI. Paris, 1681; supplement, 1704. 2nd edition, 1709. 3rd edition, 2 vols., Naples, 1789. This book, together with TOUSTAIN and TASSIN, Nouveau traite de diplomatique, 1750-65, laid the bases of this dis- cipline. See also R. ROSENMUND, Die Fortschritte der Diplo- matik seit Mdbillon, vornehmlich in Deutschland-Oesterreich, Munich and Leipzig, 1897. 30 GENERAL BOOKS PAET1 239. GIRY, A. Manuel de diplomatique. Paris, 1894. For a very recent brief sketch see R. THOMMEN, L. SCHMITZ-KALLENBERG, and H. STEINACKER, Urkundenlehre, 2nd edition, Leipzig and Berlin, 1913 (in Grundriss der Geschichts- wissenschaft, no. 331 below, I, parts 2 and 2o). 240. BRESSLAU, H. Handbuch der Urkundenlehre fur Deutsch- land und Italien. Vol. I, Leipzig, 1889. 2nd edition, vol. I, 1912, vol. II, part I, 1915. The second edition of vol. I covers only nine of the nine- teen chapters of the first edition. Now see also the important book by E. L. POOLE, Lectures on the history of the papal chancery down to the time of Innocent III, Cambridge Univer- sity Press, 1915. 241. LEIST, F. Urkundenlehre: Katechismus der Diplomatik, Palaographie, Chronologic, und Sphragistik. Leipzig, 1882. 2nd edition, 1893. 242. JOHNSON, C. and JENKINSON, H. English court hand, A.D. 1066-1500, illustrated chiefly from the public records. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1915. One vol. together with an atlas of 44 plates. See also H. JENKINSON, Palaeography and the practical study of court hands, Cambridge University Press, 1915. 243. HALL, H. Studies in English official historical documents. Cambridge, 1908. Supplemented by his Formula ftoofc of English historical documents, parts I-II, Cambridge, 1908-1909. 244. MARTIN, C. T. The record interpreter: a collection of ab- breviations, Latin words, and names used in English historical manuscripts and records. London, 1892. 2nd edition, 1910. 245. WALTER, J. L. Lexicon diplomaticum: abbreviationes vocum in diplomatibus exponens. 3 parts. Gottingen, 1745-47. Another edition, Ulm, 1756. Still the most complete list of abbreviations in official documents of the middle ages. 246. ROMAN, J. Manuel de sigillographie. Paris, 1913. 247. ILGEN, T. Sphragistik. 2nd edition, 1912. (In Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft, no. 331 below, I, part 4, pp. 1-58.) Has a very full bibliography. 248. Archiv fiir Urkundenforschung in zwanglosen Heften her- ausgegeben von K. BRANDI, H. BRESSLAU, and M. TANGL. Leipzig, 1907ff. 249. Kaiserurkunden in Abbildungen. Edited by H. v. SYBEL and T. v. SICKEL. Berlin, 1880-91. CHAP, in CHRONOLOGY 31 3. Chronology 250. GROTEFEND, H. Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 2 vols. Hannover, 1891-98. 251. GROTEFEND, H. Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Hannover and Leipzig, 1898. 3rd edition, 1910. This is a condensation of the previous work. A still briefer account, but the most recent of all, is the following: 252. GROTEFEND, H. Abriss der Chronologie des deutschen Mit- telalters und der Neuzeit. 2nd edition. Leipzig, 1912. (In Grund- riss der Geschichtswissenschaft, no. 331 below, vol. I, part 3.) 253. IDELER, L. Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie. Berlin, 1825-26. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Breslau, 1883. 254. BUHL, F. Chronologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Berlin, 1897. A very convenient general account. The same is true of GIRY, Manuel de diplomatique, no. 239 above. See also B. M. LERSCH, Einleitung in die Chronologie, 2 parts, 2nd edition, Freiburg, 1899. 255. 1'Art de verifier les dates. 2nd part. Depuis la naissance de Jesus-Christ [to 1770?]. Paris, 1750. 3rd edition, 3 vols., 1783- 87. 4th edition by SAINT-ALLAIS, 18 vols., 1818-19. 256. MAS-LATRIE, L. DE. Tresor de chronologic, d 'histoire et de geographic pour 1 'etude et 1'emploi des documents du moyen age. Paris, 1889. 257. GINZEL, F. K. Handbuch der mathematischen und tech- nischen Chronologie. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1906-1914. 258. KELLNER, K. A. H. Heortologie: oder die geschichtliche Entwicklung des Kirchenjahres und der Heiligenfeste von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Freiburg, 1901. 2nd edition, 1906. Translated from the 2nd German edition, Heortology: a his- tory of the Christian festivals from their origin to the present day. London, 1908. 259. HAMPSON, B. T. Medii aevi kalendarium: or dates, charters, and customs of the middle ages. 2 vols. London, 1841. 260. SCHMID, J. Die Osterfestberechnung in der abendlandisehen Kirche bis zum Ende des VIII. Jahrhunderts. Freiburg, 1907. 261. SCHRAM, B. -Kalendariographische und chronologische Tafeln. Leipzig, 1908. 32 GENERAL BOOKS PAR TI 262. CAPPELLI, A. Cronologia e calendario perpetuo: tavole cronografiche e quadri sinottici per verificare le date storiche dal principio dell' era cristiana ai giorni nostri. Milan, 1906. 263. BOND, J. J. Handybook of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era: giving an account of the chief eras and systems used by various nations, etc. London, 1866. 4th edition, London, 1889. Especially valuable for English history. 264. WISLICENUS, W. F. Astronomische Chronologic: ein Hilfs- buch fur Historiker, Archaologen, etc. Leipzig, 1895. 265. WISLICENUS, W. F. Der Kalender. Leipzig, 1905. 266. BRINKMEIER, E. Praktisches Handbuch der historischen Chronologic aller Zeiten und Volker, besonders des Mittelalters. 2nd edition. Berlin, 1882. 267. BILFINGER, G. Die mittelalterlichen Horen und die mod- ernen Stunden: ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1892. 4. Genealogy 268. LORENZ, O. Lehrbuch der gesamten wissenschaftlichen Genealogie. Berlin, 1898. 269. LORENZ, O. Genealogisches Handbuch der europaischen Staatengeschichte. 3rd edition. Stuttgart, 1907. 270. STOCKVIS, A. M. H. J. Manuel d'histoire de genealogie et de chronologic de tous les etats du globe. 3 vols. Leyden, 1888-91. 271. FORST-BATTAGLIA, O. Genealogie. Leipzig and Berlin, 1913. In Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft, no. 331 below, I, part 4a. See also his Genealogische Tabellen zur Geschichte des Mit- telalters und der Neuzeit: Abteilung Mittelalter, erste Liefe- rung, Vienna, 1914. 272. HEYDENREICH, E. Handbuch der praktischen Genealogie. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1913. 273. DEVRIENT, E. Genealogisches Handbuch der europaischen Staatengeschichte. 3rd edition. Stuttgart, 1908. 274. HtiBNER, J. Genealogische Tabellen. 5 vols., with appen- dix, Leipzig, 1725-33. 2nd edition with continuation, 1737-66. Sup- plements, 6 numbers, Copenhagen, 1822-24. 275. GROTE, H. Stammtafeln. Leipzig, 1877. 276. GEORGE, H. B. Genealogical tables illustrative of modern history. 5th edition, revised, Oxford, 1916. CHAP, in GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY 33 277. Almanach de Gotha: annuaire genealogique, diplomatique et statistique. Gotha, 1763ff. Since 1871 published in both French and German. 278. ALLSTROM, C. M. Dictionary of royal lineage of Europe, etc. 2 vols. Chicago, 1902-04. 279. RYE, W. Records and record searching: a guide to the genealogist and topographer. London, 1888. 2nd edition, 1897. 280. MARSHALL, G. W. The genealogist's guide. London, 1879. 4th edition, Guildford, 1903. 281. HOFMEISTER, A. " Genealogie und Familienforschung als Hilfswissenschaft der Geschichte. ' ' In Historische Vierteljahr- schrift, XV (1912), 457-492. 282. WOODS, F. A. Mental and moral heredity in royalty: a statistical study in history and psychology. With 104 portraits. New York, 1906. 283. BRACKET, A. Pathologie mentale des rois de France: Louis XI et ses ascendants; une vie humaine etudiee a travers six siecles d'heredite (852-1483). Paris, 1903. 5. Heraldry 284. BOUTELL, C. A manual of heraldry. London, 1863. 3rd edition, Heraldry, historical and popular. London, 1864. Abridged under the title, English heraldry. London, 1867; 10th edition, with 464 illustrations, by A. C. FOX-DAVIES, 1908; llth edition, revised as Handbook of English heraldry, 1913. See also W. A. SHAW, The Tcnights of England, 2 vols., London, 1906. 285. FOX-DAVIES, A. C. A complete guide to heraldry. London, 1909. See also his The art of heraldry: an encyclopaedia of armory, London, 1904. 286. WOODWARD, J. and BURNETT, G. A treatise on heraldry, British and foreign. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1892. New edition, 1896. 287. GRITZNER, M. Handbuch der heraldischen Terminqlogie in zwolf Zungen. Niirnberg, 1890. Now see his Heraldik, 2nd edition, Leipzig and Berlin, 1912, in Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft, no. 331 below, I, part 4, pp. 59-97. 288. SEYLER, G. A. Geschichte der Heraldik. Nuremberg, 1890. 289. PEDRICK, G. A manual of heraldry: a popular introduction. London [no date, ca. 1913]. 34 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 290. SACKEN, E. Katechismus der Heraldik. 6th edition, 1899 (Webers Katechismen). 291. [HoziER, L. P. D']. Armorial general de la France. 12 vols. Paris, 1865ff. 6. Numismatics 292. ENGEL, A. and SEEKURE, R. Traite de numismatique du moyen age. 3 vols. Paris, 1891-95. Contains comprehensive bibliographies. 293. LUSCHIN VON EBENGKEUTH, A. Allgemeine Miinzkunde und Geldgeschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. Munich, 1904. In Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte, no. 330 below. See also the following two elementary books on the sub- ject: H. HALKE, Einleitung in das Studium der Numismatik, 3rd edition, Berlin, 1908; and H. DANNENBERG, Grundzuge der MiinzJcunde, 1891, 2nd edition, 1899 (Webers illustrierte Kate- chismen). 294. BLANCHET, J. A. and DIEUDONNE, A. Manuel de numis- matique franchise. Vol. I, Paris, 1912. 295. FRIEDENSBURG, F. Deutsche Miinzgeschichte. 2nd edition. Leipzig and Berlin, 1912. In Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft, no. 331 below, I, part 4, pp. 98-132. 296. FRIEDENSBURG, F. Die Miinze in der Kulturgesehichte. Ber- lin, 1909. 297. POOLE, S. L. Coins and medals: their place in history and art. London, 1885. 3rd edition, 1894. 298. KEARY, C. F. Coinages of western Europe, Honorius to Charles the Great. London, 1879. 3rd edition, 1894. 7. Archaeology See also no. 754 below. 299. ENLART, C. Manuel d 'archeologie f ranc.aise depuis les temps meroviengiens jusqu'k la renaissance. Vols. I-III. Paris, 1902- 1916. A second edition of vol. I was announced in 1917. See also J. A. BRUTAILS, Precis d'archeologie du moyen age, Paris, 1908. 300. GAY, V. Glossaire archeologique du moyen age et de la renaissance. Vol. I (A-G). Paris, 1882-1887. 301. LECLERCQ, H. Manuel d'archeologie chretienne depuis les origines jusqu'au VIII e siecle. 2 vols. Paris, 1911. 302. KAUFMANN, K. Handbuch der christliehen Archaologie. Paderborn, 1905. 2nd edition, enlarged, 1913. CHAP, in PHILOLOGY 35 8. Philology 303. BOCKH, A. Enzyklopadie und Methodologie der philolog- ischen Wissenschaften. Leipzig, 1886. This handbook does for philology what BERNHEIM, no. 64 above, does for history. 304. KORTING, G. Enzyklopadie und Methodologie der roman- isehen Philologie. Heilbronn, 1884-88. His EnzyJclopadie und Methodologie der franzosischen Phil- ologie, Leipzig, 1894; and his Handbuch der romanischen Phil- ologie, Heilbronn, 1896, are little more than extracts from the above. 305. Grundriss der romanischen Philologie. Edited by G. GROBER. 2 vols. Strassburg, 1886-1902. Vol. I, 2nd edition, 1904- 1906. Supplemented by Kritischer Jahresbericht uber die Fort- schritte der romanischen Philologie, Munich and Leipzig, 1892ff.; as well as by the Eepertoire des travaux historiques contenant I 'analyse des nouvelles publications faites sur I'his- toire des monuments et de la langue de France, Paris, 1882ff. For further details on the French language and literature in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, see outline XXIV in part III below. 306. MORP, H. Die romanischen Literaturen, and W. MEYER- LUBKE, Die romanischen Sprachen. Berlin and Leipzig, 1909. Part of vol. I of no. 729 below. 307. Grundriss der germanischen Philologie. Edited by H. PAUL. 2 vols. in 3. Strassburg, 1891-93. 2nd edition, 3 vols. in 4, 1900- 1909; 3rd edition, many vols., 1911ff. Supplemented by the Jahresbericht uber die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie, Berlin, ISOOff. 308. The Oxford English dictionary: a new English dictionary on historical principles, founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological society. Edited by J. A. H. MURRAY. Oxford, 1888ff. Vol. IX (Si-Th) appeared in 1916. 309. Thesaurus linguae latinae editus auctoritate et concilio academiarum quinque Germanicarum: Beroliensis, Gottingensis, Lipsiensis, Monacensis, Vindobonensis. Leipzig, 1900ff. Extends to the end of the sixth century. For Du CANOE and medieval Latin language and literature in general, see outline XXIII in part III below. 310. Miinchener Archiv fur Philologie des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Munich, 1913ff. 311. Archiv fur slavisehe Philologie. Berlin, 1876ff. 312. Die osteuropaischen Literaturen und die slawischen Sprachen. Berlin and Leipzig, 1908. Part of no. 729 below. CHAPTER IV GENERAL MODERN HISTORICAL WORKS 1. Universal Histories 313. Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen. Edited by W. ONCKEN. 45 vols. Berlin, 1879-93. Commonly known as the "ONCKEN" series. Part II, History of the middle ages, 10 works in 15 vols., contains the following: 1. G. F. HERTZBERG, Geschichte des romischen Kaiserreiches, 1880; 2. F. DAHN, Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Volker, 4 vols., 1881-89; 3. E. WINKELMANN, Geschichte der Angelsachsen bis sum Tode Konig Aelfreds, 1883; 4. A. MULLER, Der Islam im Morgen- und Abendland, 2 vols., 1885-87; 5. B. KUGLER, Geschichte der Kreuzziige, 1880; 6. H. PRUTZ, Staatengeschichte des Abend- landes im Mittelalter von Karl d. Grossen bis auf Maximilian, 2 vols., 1885-87; 7. G. F. HERTZBERG, Geschichte der Byzantiner und des Osmanischen bis gegen Ende des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts, 1883; 8. L. GEIGER, Eenaissance und Humanismus in Italien und Deutschland, 1882; 9. S. RUGE, Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeclcungen [no date] ; 10. T. SCHIEMANN, Kussland, Polen und Livland bis ins 17 Jahrhundert, 2 vols., 1886. 314. History of all nations. 24 vols. Philadelphia, 1902-05. Vols. VI-VII by J. VON PFLUGK-HARTTUNG ; and vols. VIII-X, by H. PRUTZ, are on the middle ages. 315. Weltgeschichte. Edited by H. F. HELMOLT. 9 vols. Leip- zig and Vienna, 1899-1907. 2nd, revised, edition by A. TILLE, 10 vols., 1913ff. Translated into English, The history of the world. 8 vols. New York, 1902-07. A co-operative work arranged anthropologically and ethno- logically, not chronologically. Based on the ideas of F. RATZEL. It is rather confusing. The portions on the middle ages are not so good as other parts of the work. 316. RANKE, L. VON. Weltgeschichte. 9 vols. 5th edition, Leip- zig, 1896-98. Popular edition, without notes, 4 vols. Leipzig, 1895. Extends to the end of the 15th century. 317. WEBER, G. Allgemeine Weltgeschichte. 15 vols. and 4 index vols. 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1882-89. 318. Weltgeschichte: die Entwickelung der Menschheit in Staat und Gesellschaft, in Kultur- und Geistesleben. 6 vols. Berlin, CHAP, iv MEDIEVAL AND MODERN HISTORY 37 1907-10. Edited by J. VON PFLUGK-HARTTUNG. Vol. II, Geschichte des Mittelalters. Berlin, 1909. Beautifully illustrated. See facsimiles of bulls and charters, with translations. 319. L 'evolution de 1'humanite. Edited by H. BERB. Paris, 1915ff. A proposed general history to embrace about 100 vols. A list of the 51 vols. asigned to ancient and medieval history is printed in the Eevue de synthese historique, XXVIII (1914), 338-342. 320. Bibliothek der Geschichtswissenschaft. Edited by E. BRANDENBURG. Leipzig, 1908ff. The various volumes pertaining to the middle ages in this set and in nos. 321-327 below will be mentioned in appro- priate places. 321. Story of the nations series. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. 322. The making of the nations series. London, Adam and Charles Black. 323. The great peoples series. New York, Appleton. 324. Heroes of the nations series. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. 325. The world's epoch makers. Edited by O. SMEATON. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons. 326. Monographien zur Weltgeschichte. Edited by E. HEYCK and others. Bielefeld, 1897ff. Illustrated. 327. Weltgeschichte in Karakterbildern. Edited by F. KAMPERS and others. Part II on the middle ages. Illustrated. 2. Medieval and Modern History 328. Histoire gene'rale du IV e siecle a nos jours. Edited by E. LAVISSE and A. EAMBAUD. 12 vols. Paris, 1893-1901. Vols. I-III cover the period 395-1492 A.D. A co-operative work of fundamental importance. About a dozen scholars have contributed to each volume. A new illustrated edition is planned. It is to be hoped that it will be supplemented by an index and an atlas of maps. E. LAVISSE, Vue generate de I 'histoire politique de I 'Europe, 2nd edition, Paris, 1890; translated by C. GROSS, General view . of the political history of Europe, New York, 1897, is a re- markably lucid and stimulating summary of a couple of hundred pages. 38 GENERAL BOOKS PART i 329. Periods of European history. 8 vols. London and New York, Macmillan. C. W. C. OMAN, The dark ages, 476-918, 1893, 2nd edition, 1894. T. F. TOUT, The empire and papacy, 918-1273, 1898. R. LODGE, The close of the middle ages, 1273-1494, 1901. 330. Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte. Edited by G. v. BELOW and F. MEINEKE. Munich and Berlin, 1903ff. An undertaking like the Handbuch der Jclassischen Alter- tumswissenschaft, edited by I. M.ULLER, but broader in scope. The volumes are appearing irregularly. In a measure this publication is supplemented by the Grundriss edited by MEISTER, no. 331 below, and by the BibliotheTc der Geschichts- wissenschaft, no. 320 above. 331. Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft: zur Einfiihrung in das Studium der deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Edited by A. MEISTER. Leipzig and Berlin, 1906ff. Not confined to German history. Special attention is given to sciences auxiliary to history. The various numbers which have appeared thus far will be mentioned in their appropriate places. 332. Allgemeine Staatengesehichte. Hamburg, 1829ff. Gotha, 1855ff. Founded by A. H. L. HEEREN and F. A. UKERT. Continued by W. v. GIESEBRECHT and K. LAMPRECHT. Part I. Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Started by the same impulses which created the Monu- menta Germaniae historica, no. 978 below. WOLF, no. 66 above, pp. 459-62, gives a good description of it and mentions some of the more useful works included. A complete list of the volumes is given by LOEWE, Buckerlcunde, no. 32 above, Anhang. 333. LINDNER, T. Weltgeschichte seit der Volkerwanderung. Vols. I-VII, Stuttgart and Berlin, 1901-1910. 334. KLOPP, O. Politische Geschichte Europas seit der Volker- wanderung. 2 vols. Mainz, 1912. 335. Epochs of modern history. Longmans. R. W. CHURCH, The beginnings of the middle ages, 1885; A. H. JOHNSON, The Normans in Europe, 1877; G. W. Cox, The crusades, 1875. 336. FORREST, J. The development of western civilization. Chicago, 1907. 337. DEWE, J. A. Mediaeval and modern history: its formative causes and broad movements. London, 1907. 338. HILL, D. J. A history of diplomacy in the international development of Europe. 2 vols. London, 1905. CHAP, iv MEDIEVAL HISTORY 39 339. WOOLEY, B. M. Coronation rites. Cambridge, University Press, 1915. (Cambridge handbooks of liturgical study.) 3. Medieval History (a) STANDARD GENERAL SURVEYS 340. The Cambridge medieval history. Planned by J. B. BURY. Edited by IT. M. GWATKIN and J. P. WHITNEY. London and New York, 1911ff. Vol. II appeared in 1913. Vol. I, The renaissance, of the Cambridge modern history, 12 vols., London, 1902ff., is important for the history of the fifteenth century and some chapters reach back even farther. 341. GIBBON, E. [1737-1794]. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Edited with introduction, notes, ap- pendices and index by J. B. BURY. 7 vols. London, 1896-1900. The first edition appeared 1776-1781. It covers the period from the 2nd century A.D. to the close of the 16th century. The scope of the work is so broad that it practically is a general history of the middle ages. BUSY'S edition was re- printed in 12 vols. by Fred de Fau and Company of New York in 1906, in The worlcs of Edward Gibbon, vols. I XII. This reprint is in large clear type on good white paper which adds much to the enjoyment of reading GIBBON. A very cheap new edition in six volumes, is now in Everyman's library, no. 944 below. It is edited by A. SMEATON, who has utilized the notes of GUIZOT, MILMAN, WENDT, SMITH, and BURY, besides adding some of his own. The notes of GIBBON are given in full. 342. ASSMANN, W. Geschichte des Mittelalters. Parts I and II ["to 1273] in 2nd edition by E. MEYER. Brunswick, 1875-79. Part III [Germany from 1273 to 1517] in 3rd edition by A. VON E. FISCHER, B. SCHEPPING and L. VIERECK. Brunswick, 1902-06. 343. PRUTZ, H. Staatengeschichte des Abendlandes im Mittel- alter von Karl dem Grossen bis auf Maximilian. 2 vols. Berlin, 1885-87. Part of no. 313 above. 344. PRUTZ, H. and PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, J. v. Geschichte des Mittelalters. Berlin, 1889. (6) LARGE SECTIONS OF THE MIDDLE AGES 345. HODGKIN, T. Italy and her invaders. 8 vols. Oxford, 1880-99. Vols. V-VI in a second edition, revised by R. H. HODGKIN, 1916. I, The Visigothic invasion; II, The Hunnish invasion: the Vandal invasion and the Herulian mutiny ; III, The Ostrogothic invasion, 476-535; IV, The imperial restoration, 535-553; V, 40 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI The Lombard invasion, 553-600; VI, The Lombard kingdom, 600-744; VII, Prankish invasions, 744-774; VIII, The Prankish empire, 774-814. In spite of its restricted title, this work is practically a general history of Europe from the 4th to the 9th century. 346. CURTEIS, A. M. History of the Roman empire from the death of Theodosius the Great to the coronation of Charles the Great. London and Philadelphia, 1875. 347. LOSERTH, J. Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters von 1197 bis 1492. Munich, 1903. Part of no. 332 above. It contains excellent bibliographies. (c) IMPRESSIONISTIC SURVEYS OF THE MIDDLE AGES 348. HALLAM, H. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 2 vols. London, 1818. llth edition, 3 vols., 1855. Often reprinted. 349. YOUNG, G. F. East and* west through fifteen centuries: being a general history from B.C. 44 to A.D. 1453. To be complete in 4 vols. London, 1916ff. Vols. I and II [to the middle of the 8th century] appeared in 1916. 350. FLETCHER, C. R. L. The making of western Europe: being an attempt to trace the fortunes of the children of the Roman empire. In 2 vols. Vol. I: The dark ages, A.D. 300-1000. Vol. II: The first renaissance, A.D. 1000-1190. London, 1912ff. In popular vein, like his History of England. 351. SOUTTAR, R. A short history of mediaeval peoples: from the dawn of the Christian era to the fall of Constantinople. New York, 1907. 352. DEL MAR, A. The middle ages revisited or the Roman gov- ernment and religion and their relation to Britain. New York, 1900. Contains a curious bibliography. 353. SHEPPARD, J. G. The fall of Rome and the rise of new nationalities. London, 1861. A series of lectures. (d) RECENT FOREIGN TEXT BOOKS 354. BELLONOTTO, Storia del medio evo (dal 475 al 1313). Vol. I. Turin, 1913. 355. FELTEN, W. Geschichte des Mittelalters: von Christi Geburt bis zur Entdeckung Amerikas. Vienna, 1910. 356. MOELLER, C. Histoire du moyen age (476-950). Louvain and Paris, 1904. Second impression, augmented by an analytical table, 1910. 357. SEIGNOBOS, C. Le moyen age. Paris, 1911. CHAP, iv TEXT BOOKS 41 (e) SELECTIONS FROM MODERN HISTORIANS 358. LANGLOIS, C. V. Lectures historiques: histoire du moyen age (395-1270). Paris, 1901. 2nd edition, 1912. Short selections from French historians, together with good bibliographies. 359. MUNRO, D. C., and SELLERY, G. C. Mediaeval civilization. New York, 1904. Enlarged edition, 1907. A collection of comparatively short selections, most of them translated and adapted from standard French and Ger- man works. (f) THE MEDITERRANEAN 360. MANPRONI, C. II dominio del Mediterraneo durante il medio evo. Eome, 1900. (Reprint from Eivista marittima, 1900.) 361. HERRE, P. Der Kampf um die Herrschaft im Mittelmeer. Leipzig, 1909. (Wissenschaft und Bildung, 46.) 4. Text Books of Medieval History in English 362. ADAMS, G. B. Medieval and modern history. New York, Macmillan, 1899. A portion of his old European history, very slightly revised. 363. ADAMS, G. B. Civilization during the middle ages. New York, Scribner, 1896. New, revised, edition, 1914. 364. BELL, K. Mediaeval Europe: a text-book of European his- tory, 1095-1254. Oxford, 1911. (Oxford text-books of European history.) 365. BEMONT, C., and MONOD, G. Histoire de 1 'Europe et en par- ticular de France de 395 a 1270. Paris, 1891. Translated by MARY SLOAN and G. B. ADAMS, Medieval Europe, 395-1270. New York, 1902. 366. BOURNE, H. E. History of mediaeval and modern Europe. New York, Longmans, 1905. 367. DAVIS, H. W. C. Medieval Europe. New York, Holt, 1911. 368. DAVIS, W. S. A history of mediaeval and modern Europe. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1914. 369. DURUY, V. Histoire du moyen age. Paris, 1861. Trans- lated and abridged from the 12th edition by E. H. and M. D. WHITNEY, with notes and revisions by G. B. ADAMS, The history of the middle ages. New York, 1891. 370. EMERTON, E. Introduction to the middle ages (375-814). Boston, Ginn and Co., 1888. 42 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 371. EMERTON, E. Mediaeval Europe (814-1300). Boston, Ginn and Co., 1894. Professor EMERTON is preparing a volume entitled, The beginnings of modern Europe, 1250-1450. 372. GRANT, A. J. A history of Europe. New York, Longmans, 1913. 373. HARDING, S. B. New medieval and modern history. New York, American Book Co., 1913. Based on the author's Essentials in mediaeval and Modern history, 1909. 374. HOWE, S. B. Essentials in early European history. New York, Longmans, 1913. 375. MEYERS, P. V. N. Mediaeval and modern history. Boston, Ginn and Co., 1885. Revised edition, 1902, in 2 parts; I, The middle ages; II, The modern age. The 1902 edition was published again in 1905 in one volume, constituting a slightly abridged edition of the 1902 text. 376. MUNRO, D. C. A history of the middle ages. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1902. 377. ROBINSON, J. H. Medieval and modern times: an introduc- tion to the history of western Europe from the dissolution of the Roman empire to the opening of the great war of 1914. Boston, Ginn and Co., 1916. Practically a new edition of the author's An introduction to the history of western .Europe, Boston, Ginn and Co., 1902. 378. SEIGNOBOS, C. History of mediaeval and modern civiliza- tion. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907. 379. Six ages of European history from A.D. 476 to 1878. 6 vols. Edited by A. H. JOHNSON. For the higher forms of schools. London and New York, The Macmillan Co., 1910. J. B. H. MASTERMAN, The dawn of mediaeval Europe, 476- 918; BEATRICE A. LEES, The central period of the middle age, 918-1273; ELEANOR C. LODGE, The end of the middle age, 1213-1453. 380. TERRY, C. S. A short history of Europe from the fall of the Roman empire to the fall of the eastern empire. London, Rut- ledge, 1911. 381. THATCHER, O. J. and SCHWILL, F. Europe in the middle age. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1897. L. THORNDIKE, The history of medieval Europe, Boston, Houghton, Mifflin Company, has been announced in 1917 as a text book written especially for college students. CHAP, iv SOURCE BOOKS 43 382. WEST, W. M. The modern world, from Charlemagne to the present time. Boston, Allyn and Bacon, 1915. Based upon the author 's Modern history, Boston, 1907. 5. "Source Books": Short Selections from the Sources for Schools These books are included here rather than under Sources, nos. 949-1013 below, because they are so closely associated with text books in the schools. 383. AYER, J. C. Source book of church history for the first six centuries. New York, Scribner's Sons, 1913. A similar source book which covers about the same ground but prints documents in the original Greek and Latin is the Enchiridion fontium historiae ecclesiasticae antique, edited by C. KIRCH, Freiburg-i.-B., 1910. 384. COULTON, G. G. A mediaeval garner. London, 1910. 385. DUNCALF, F., and KREY, A. C. Parallel source problems in mediaeval history. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1912. 386. FLING, F. W. European history studies: civilization during the middle ages. Selections made by G. JONES. Ten numbers. Chicago, 1900. The Teutonic barbarians; Monasticism; Extracts from the Koran; Chivalry and the mode of warfare; etc. 387. HENDERSON, E. F. Select historical documents of the middle ages. London and New York, The Macmillan Co., 1892. 388. MATHEWS, S. Select mediaeval documents and other ma- terial, illustrating the history of church and empire, 754-1254. Boston and Chicago, 1892. 2nd edition, 1900. The documents are printed in the original Latin. 389. OGG, F. A. A source book of mediaeval history. New York, American Book Co., 1908. 390. EEICH, E. Select documents illustrating mediaeval and modern history. London, King, 1905. Documents are in Latin. 391. ROBINSON, J. H. Readings in European history. 2 vols. Chicago, Ginn and Co., 1906. Abridged in one vol., 1906. Contains good critical bibliographies at the end of chap- ters. Vol. I covers the middle ages. 392. THATCHER, O. J., and McNEAL, E. H. A source book of mediaeval history. New York, Scribners, 1905. 44 GENERAL BOOKS PART J 393. Translations and reprints from original sources in European history. Department of history, University of Pennsylvania. Also sold by Longmans, Green and Co., New York, 1894ff. The following numbers pertain to medieval history: Vol. I, No. 2 (15 cents), No. 4 (25 cents) ; Vol. II, No. 3 (10 cents), No. 4 (10 cents); No. 7 (20 cents); Vol. Ill, No. 2 (20 cents), No. 3 (20 cents), No. 4 (20 cents), No. 5 (20 cents). The publishers will bind all these together in one volume. 6. Histories of the Church (a) GENERAL HISTORIES OF THE CHURCH (1) History of Religions 394. EEINACH, S. Orpheus: histoire generale des religions. 3rd edition, Paris, 1909. Translated by FLORENCE SIMMONDS, Orpheus: a general history of religions. New York, 1909. Since no attempt is made in this Guide to list books on the history of religions, this popular little manual, with its bibliographical notes at the end of chapters, will serve as an introduction to those who wish to go deeper into the subject. (2) Voluminous Standard Accounts 395. MOELLER, W. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. 3 vols. Freiburg, 1889-94. 2nd edition, in 4 vols, 1893-1902. Vol. Ill in 3rd edition, 1907. Translated by A. RUTHERFORD and J. H. FREESE, History of the Christian church. 3 vols. London and New York, 1893-1902. Vol. II on the middle ages. Protestant. 396. SCHAFF, P. History of the Christian church. New edition in 7 vols. New York, 1882-1910. Protestant. Vol. V, which is by D. S. SCHAFF, his son, extends to 1517. 397. HERGENROTHER, J. VON. Handbuch der allgemeinen Tr;~'-~-. geschichte. 3 vols. 5th edition, by J. P. KIRSCH. Freiburg, 191 Iff. (Theologische Bibliothek). There is a French translation by BELET. Roman catholic. 398. MOURRET, F. Histoire generale de 1'eglise. 8 vols. Paris, 1909ff. 399. NEANDER, J. A. W. Allgemeine Geschichte der christlichen Religion und Kirche [to 1430]. 6 vols. Hamburg, 1826-52. Trans- lated by J. TORREY, General history of the Christian religion and church. 9 vols. London, 1847-55. Protestant. CHAP, iv CHURCH HISTORIES 45 400. GIESELER, J. C. L. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. 3 vols. Bonn, 1824ff. In 6 vols. in 5, 1828-57. Translated by S. DAVIDSON, A text-book of church history. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1854; American edition, New York, 1876-80. Protestant. 401. ALZOG, J. Universalgeschichte der Kirche. Mainz, 1841. 10th edition, by F. X. KRAUS, 1882. Translated from the 9th Ger- man edition by F. J. PABISCH and T. S. BYRNE, Manual of universal church history. 4 vols. Dublin, 1889-1902. 402. SHELDON, H. C. History of the Christian church. 5 vols. New York, 1894. 403. BAUR, F. C. Geschichte der christlichen Kirche. 5 vols. 3rd edition of vol. I; 2nd edition of vols. II, III, IV. Tiibingen, 1863-1877. 404. MOHLER, J. A. Kirchengeschichte, edited by P. B. GAMS. 3 vols. Begensburg, 1867-1870. (3) Shorter Accounts and Text Books 405. FISHER, G. P. History of the Christian church. New York, 1888. Protestant. A guide to the study of the Christian religion, edited by G. B. SMITH, Chicago [1916]. W. HOBHOUSE, The church and the world in idea and in history, London, 1910, 2nd edition, revised, 1911 (Bampton lectures, 1909). A. BAUDRIL- LART, L'eglise catholique, la renaissance, le protestantisme, Paris, 1904, translated by Mrs. P. GIBBS, The catholic church, the renaissance and protestantism, London, 1908, is a series of lectures. A. MATER, L'eglise catholique: sa constitution, son administration, Paris, 1906, is historical in its treatment. 406. MULLER, K. Kirchengeschichte. 2 vols. [to 1555]. Tubin- gen, 1892-1902. In Grundriss der theologischen Wissenschaften, 4, 2. See the author's short sketch entitled, "Christentum und Kirche Westeuropas im Mittelalter, " in Kultur der Gegen- wart, no. 729 below, part I, IV, 2nd edition, Berlin and Leip- zig, 1909. 407. KURTZ, J. H. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Mitau, 1894. 14th edition, by N. BONWETSCH and T. TSCHACKERT. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1906. Translated from the 9th German edition by J. MAC PHERSON, Church history. 3 vols. London, 1888-93. Protestant. 408. KNOPFLER, A. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte auf Grund der akademischen Vorlesungen von K. J. v. HEFELE. 5th edition, Freiburg, 1910. Roman catholic. 46 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 409. FUNK, F. X. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. 5th edition. Paderborn, 1907 (Wissenschaftliche Handbibliothek). Roman catholic. 410. KEAUS, F. X. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. 6th edition. Trier, 1909. Roman catholic. 411. SCHUBERT, H. v. Grundziige der Kirchengeschichte. 4th edition. Tubingen, 1909. 412. SOHM, R. Grundriss der Kirchengeschichte. Leipzig, 1887. 16th edition, 1909. Translated by MAY SINCLAIR, from the 8th German edition, Outlines of church history. London, 1901. 413. LOOFS, F. Grundlinien der Kirchengeschiehte. Halle, 1901. 2nd edition, 1909. 414. HEUSSI, K. Kompendium der Kirchengeschichte. Tubin- gen, 1909. 415. HURST, J. F. A history of the Christian church. 2 vols. New York, 1897-1900 (Library of biblical and theological litera- ture, vols. VII and VIII). 416. WEINOARTEN, H. Zeittafeln und tiberblicke zur Kirchen- geschichte. 6th edition, by C. F. ARNOLD. Leipzig, 1905. 417. Unsere religiosen Erzieher: eine Geschichte des Christen - tums in Lebensbildern. Edited by B. BESS. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1908. (4) Miscellaneous 418. Epochs of church history. Edited by M. CREIGHTON. Lon- don, Longmans, Green and Co. A. PLUMMER, The church of the early fathers; A. CARR, The church and the Roman empire; H. M. GWATKIN, The Arian con- troversy ; H. F. TOZER, The church and the eastern empire; W. R. STEPHENS, Hildebrand and his times; U. BALZANI, The popes and the Hohenstaufens. 419. RENAN, E. Etudes d'histoire religieuse. 7th edition. Paris, 1864. Nouvelles etudes d'histoire religieuse. Paris, 1884. 420. VACANDARD, E. Etudes de critique et d'histoire religieuse. 2 vols. Vol. I, 4th edition; vol. II, 2nd edition, Paris, 1909-1910. 421. Kirchengeschichtliche Festgabe ANTON DE WAAL zum gold- enen Priester-Jubilaum (11 October 1912) dargebracht. Edited by F. X. SEPPELT. Freiburg, 1913. (In Romische Quartalschrift, Sup- plementheft XX.) Analyzed in Eevue historique, CXXII (1916), 322. CHAP, iv CHURCH HISTORIES 47 (6) THE ECCLESIASTICAL HIERARCHY 422. EUBEL, C. Hierarchia catholica medii aevi. 3 vols. Mini- ster, 1898-1910. Vol. I, 2nd edition, Minister, 1913. Extends from 1198 to 1600 A.D. 423. GAMS, P. B. Series episcoporum ecclesiae catholicae. Ratis- bon, 1873. Supplement, 1886. (c) THE LATIN CHURCH IN THE MIDDLE AGES (1) Extensive Standard Accounts 424. MILMAN, IT. H. History of Latin Christianity. 6 vols. London, 1854-5. Latest edition, 9 vols., London, 1883. Extends to the middle of the fifteenth century. Protestant. See also J. C. KOBERTSON, History of the Christian church to the reformation, 6th edition, 8 vols., London, 1874-1875. 425. BARONIUS, C. (died 1607). Annales ecclesiastici a Christo nato ad annum 1198. 12 vols. Rome, 1588-93. Edited by J. D. MANSI. 35 vols. Lucca, 1738-59. Apparatus, 1 vol., 1740. Index, 4 vols., 1757-9. New edition, with all continuations, 37 vols. Bar- le-Duc and Paris, 1864-83. This (^>tio n w ^s to comprise about 50 vols., but was not completed. Fragmentary translations of this work have been made into French, Italian, German, Polish, and Arabic. BARONIUS printed many extensive selections from the sources. 426. DUPOURCQ, A. L'avenir du christianisme. 8 vols. Paris, 1908ft, 427. LANGEN, J. Geschichte der romischen Kirche. 4 vols. (to Innocent III). Bonn, 1881-1893. (2) Text Books 428. FLICK, A. C. The rise of the mediaeval church. New York, 1909. 429. FICKER, G., and HERMELINK, H. Handbuch der Kirchen- geschichte fiir Studierende: das Mittelalter. Tubingen, 1912. 430. SELL, K. Christentum und Weltgeschichte bis zur Refor- mation. Leipzig, 1910 (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, 297). 431. LAGARDE, A. The Latin church in the middle ages. Trans- lated by A. ALEXANDER. New York, 1915 (International Theological Library). 432. HARDWICK, C. A history of the Christian church: middle age. 4th edition, revised, and edited by W. STUBBS. London, 1874. 48 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI (3) Miscellaneous 434. LEA, H. C. A history of auricular confession and indulg- ences in the Latin church. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1896. 435. LEA, H. C. An historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1867. 3rd edition, 2 vols., London, 1907. 436. LEA, H. C. Studies in church history: the rise of the tem- poral power; benefit of clergy; excommunication; the early church and slavery, etc. Philadelphia, 1883. 437. MORIN, G. Etudes, textes, d6couvertes: contributions a 1 'histoire des douze premiers siecles. Vol. I. Paris, 1933. 438. TRENCH, E. C. Lectures on medieval church history. New York, 1878. (d) THE MEDIEVAL PAPACY 439. MANN, H. K. The lives of the popes in the early middle ages. London, 1902ff. Vol. VIII (to 1130), appeared in 1910. For the history of the papacy in the later middle ages, see CREIGHTON, PASTOR, etc., under outline XXIX of part II below. 440. GREGOROVIUS, F. Gesehichte der Stadt Eom im Mittelalter. 8 vols. Stuttgart, 1859-72. 5th edition, Stuttgart, 1903ff. Trans- lated from 4th German edition by ANNIE HAMILTON, History of the city of Eome in the middle ages. 8 vols. in 13. London, 1894-1902. 441. GRISAR, H. Gesehichte Eoms und der Papste im Mittel- alter. Freiburg, 1898ff. Translated by L. CAPPADELTA, History of Eome and the popes in the middle ages. St. Louis, 1911ff. 442. KEUMONT, A. v. Gesehichte der Stadt Eom. 3 vols. Ber- lin, 1867-1870. Chiefly on the middle ages. 443. GREENWOOD, T. Cathedra Petri: a political history of the great Latin patriarchate. 14 books in 6 vols. London, 1856-72. Extends to the reformation. 444. BARRY, W. The papal monarchy from St. Gregory the Great to Boniface VIII (590-1303). London, 1902 (The story of the nations series). 445. DOLLINGER, J. J. I. VON. Die Papstfabeln des Mittelalters. Munich, 1863. 2nd edition by J. FRIEDRICH. Stuttgart, 1890. Translated by H. B. SMITH, Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages. New York, 1872. 446. DOLLINGER, J. J. I. VON [Psuedonym, JANUS]. Der Papst und das Konzil. Leipzig, 1869. 2nd edition, by J. FRIEDRICH, under CHAP, iv CHURCH AND STATE 49 the title, Das Papsttum, Munich, 1892. Translated into English, The pope and the council. Boston, 1870. See J. HERGENROTHER, Anti-Janus, Freiburg, 1870. Al- though these books reflect the ecclesiastical politics in Ger- many of the time when they were written, they are full of interest to the student of medieval history. 447. NORDEN, W. Das Papsttum und Byzanz: die Trennung der beiden Machte und das Problem ihrer Wiedervereinigung bis 1453. Berlin, 1903. 448. SEPPELT, F. X. Das Papsttum und Byzanz. Breslau, 1904 (Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen, ed. by M. SDRALEK, 2). 449. MCKILLIAM, A. E. A chronicle of the popes from St. Peter to Pius X. London, 1912. See also the old but detailed ARTAUD DE MONTOR, Histoire des souverains pontifes remains, 8 vols., Paris, 1847. 450. McCABE, J. Crises in the history of the papacy. New York, 1916. 451. EOCQUAIN, F. La papaute au moyen age: Nicolas I., Gregoire VII., Innocent III., Boniface VIII. Paris, 1881. 452. KRUGER, G. Das Papsttum: seine Idee und ihre Trager. Tiibingen, 1907 (Beligionsgeschichtliche Volksbiicher). Translated by F. M. S. BATCHELOR and C. A. MILES, The papacy: the idea and its exponents. New York, 1909. 453. WURM, H. Die Papstwahl: ihre Geschichte und Gebrauche. Cologne, 1902. See also L. LECTOR, Le conclave: origines, histoire, organisa- tion, legislative ancienne et moderne, Paris, 1902. 454. BEET, W. E. The medieval papacy, and other essays, Lon- don, 1914. (e) CHURCH AND STATE IN THE MIDDLE AGES See also nos. 499-504, 670, 725 above. 455. EICHMANN, E. Kirche und Staat. Vols. I-II [750-1350 A.D.] Paderborn, 1912-1914. 456. SCADUTO, L. Stato e chiesa negli scritti politic! dalla fine della lotta per le investiture sino alle morte di Ludovico il Bavaro (1122-1347). Florence, 1882. 457. NIEHUES, B. Geschichte des Verhaltnisses zwischen Kaiser- thum und Papstthum im Mittelalter. 2 vols. 2nd edition, Miinster, 1877-87. To the time of Otto the Great. 50 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 458. FRIEDBERG, E. Die mittelalterlichen Lehren iiber das Ver- hiiltnis von Staat und Kirche. Part I. Leipzig, 1874. See also his Die Grenzen zwischen Staat und Kirche, Tubin- gen, 1872. 459. GREENWOOD, ALICE D. The empire and the papacy in the middle ages. 3rd edition, London, 1901. Too broad in scope. It practically is a short general his- tory of the middle ages. (/") THE CHURCH IN FRANCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES 460. Gallia Christiana in provincias ecclesiastieas distributa. Begun by the Benedictines of St. Maur and continued by the Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. 16 vols. Paris, 1715- 65. Gallia Christiana novissima. 3 vols. 1895-1900. Contents analyzed by A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de I'his- toire de France, no. 23 above, 465-85. See also P. DESLANDRES, Histoire de I'eglise catholique en France, Paris, 1913; and H. FISQUET, La France pontificate, 2 vols., Paris [1864-1866]. (<7) THE CHURCH IN GERMANY IN THE MIDDLE AGES 461. HAUCK, A. Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands. Vols: I-V, part I. Leipzig, 1887-1911. Vol. I in 3rd to 4th edition, 1904; vol. II in 3rd to 4th edition, 1911; vol. Ill in 3rd to 4th edition, 1906. See also A. NAEGLE, Kirchengeschichte Bohmens: quellen- massig und kritisch dargestellt, vol. I (on the introduction of Christianity), Vienna, 1915; and W. MOLL, KerTcgeschiedenis van Nederland voor de hervorming, 2 vols., Arnhem and Utrecht, 1869, index 1871; German edition by P. ZUPPKE, Die vorreformatorische Kirchengeschichte der Niederlande, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1895. 462. HINSCHIUS, P. Das Kirchenrecht der Katholiken und Pro- testanten in Deutschland. Part I. Das katholische Kirchenrecht. 6 vols. in 7. Berlin, 1869-97. Incomplete. Although a book on church law, this vast work is placed here because it is a mine of trustworthy details on all phases of the church. 463. WERMINGHOFF, A. Geschichte der Kirchenverfassung Deutschlands im Mittelalter. Vol. I. Leipzig, 1905. His Verfassungsgeschichte der deutschen Kirche im Mittel- alter, Leipzig, 1907, in Grundriss, no. 331 above, vol. II, 6, . is essentially an abridgment of his Geschichte. (h) THE CHURCH IN ITALY IN THE MIDDLE AGES 464. SAVIO, F. (S. J.). Gli antichi vescovi d 'Italia dalle origini al 1300 descritti per regioni: la Lombardia, parte I., Milano. Flor- ence, 1913. The beginning of a very important Italia sacra, which will supersede F. UGHELLI. Italia sacra, 9 vols., Rome, 1644 62; 2nd edition, 10 vols., Venice, 1717-22. CHAP, iv CHURCH COUNCILS 51 465. DRESDNER, A. Kultur- und Sittengeschichte cler italienischen Geistlichkeit. Breslau, 1890. 466. CAPPELLETTI. Le chiese d 'Italia dalla loro origine sino ai nostri giorni. 21 vols. Venice, 1844-70. (i) THE CHURCH IN SPAIN IN THE MIDDLE AGES 467. Espana sagrada. Edited by H. FLOREZ, etc. 51 vols. Madrid, 1754-1879. Contains many original sources. Index of the first 49 vols. in vol. XXII of Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la his- toria de Espana, no. 997 below. See also V. DE LA FUENTE, Historia ecclesiastica de Espana, 2nd edition, 6 vols., Madrid, 1873-75. 468. GAMS, P. B. Die Kirchengeschichte von Spanien. 3 vols. Regensburg, 1862-1879. (j) HISTORY OP CHURCH COUNCILS 469. HEPELE, C. J. VON. Conciliengeschichte. 7 vols. Freiburg- i-B., 1855-74; 2nd edition, 6 vols., 1873-90. Continued by J. A. C. HERGENROTHER, vols. VIII-IX, 1887-90. Translated by W. R. CLARK, History of the councils of the church, vols. I-V [to 787], Edinburgh, 1871-96. Translated and augmented by H. LECLERQ, Histoire des conciles. Paris, 1907ff. Vols. I-V, part I, in 9 vols. [to 1152]. Paris, 1907-12. 470. LANDON, E. H. A manual of councils of the holy catholic church. 1845. New and revised edition by his son, P. LANDON. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1893. Arranged in dictionary form, thus constituting a handy work of reference. 471. DESLANDRES, P. Les grands concile des Latran. Paris, 1913. (In Questions historiques, science et religion, no. 682.) E. CECCHUCHI, Histoire des conciles oecumeniques, Lyons, 1901. (fc) HISTORY OF DOGMA 472. HARNACK, A. Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte. 3 vols. Freiburg-i-B., 1886ff. 4th edition, revised, in 3 vols. Tubingen, 1909-10. Translated from the 3rd edition, by N. BUCHANAN, His- tory of dogma, 7 vols., London, 1897-99. See also his Dogmengeschichte, 4th edition, Tubingen, 1905. 473. TIXERONT, J. Histoire des dogmes. 3 vols. 2nd to 4th editions. Paris, 1906-12. Translated by H. L. B., History of dogmas. St. Louis, 1910ff. Extends to 800 A.D. 52 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 474. FISHER, G. P. History of Christian doctrine. New York, 1896 (The international theological library, IV). A history of doctrine as well as of dogmas. See also K. R. HAGENBACH, A history of Christian doctrines [English trans- lation], Edinburgh, 1883-1885. 475. LOOFS, F. Leitfaden zum Studium der Dogmengeschichte. Halle, 1889. 4th edition, 1906. Protestant. 476. SEEBERG, R. Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Leipzig, 1908-10. See also his Grundriss der Dogmengeschichte, 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1910. 477. BONWETSCH, G. N. Grundriss der Dogmengeschichte. Munich, 1908. 478. BACH, J. Die Dogmengeschichte des Mittelalters vom christologischen Standpunkt. 2 vols. Vienna, 1873-75. (I) MONASTICISM 479. MONTALEMBERT, COMTE DE [C. F. R. DE TRYONJ. Histoire des moines d 'Occident depuis S. Benoit jusqu 'a S. Bernard. 7 vols. Paris, 1860-1877. Authorized translation, The monks of the west, 7 vols., Edinburgh, 1861-79; another edition, with introduction by F. A. GASQUET, 6 vols., London, 1896. 480. WISHART, A. W. Short history -of monks and monasteries. Trenton, 1902. 481. WORKMAN, H. B. The evolution of the monastic ideal: from the earliest times down to. the coming of the friars. London, 1913. 482. ECKENSTEIN, LINA. Women under monasticism: chapters on saint-lore and convent life between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1500. Cam- bridge, 1896. See also ETHEL R. WHEELER, Women of the cell and cloister, London [1913]; and AGNES B. C. DUNBAB, A dictionary of saintly women, 2 vols., London, 1904-1905. 483. HEIMBUCHER, M. Die Orden und Kongregationen der katho- lischen Kirche. 2 vols. Paderborn, 1896-97. 2nd edition, 3 vols., 1907-08. 484. ZOCKLER, O. Askese und Monchthum. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Frankfurt, 1897. These two books contain excellent bibliographies. 485. MORIN, G. L 'ideal monastique et la vie chretienne des premiers jours. 2nd edition, revised. Paris, 1914. CHAP, iv MEDIEVAL EMPIRE 53 486. WOODHOUSE, F. C. Monasticism, ancient and modern. Lon- don [1896]. 487. JAMESON, ANNA. Legends of the monastic orders. Cor- rected and revised edition. Boston [1884]. (m) COLLECTIONS ON CHURCH HISTORY 488. Freiburger historische Studien. Edited by A. Biicm, etc. Fribourg (Switzerland), 1905ff. 489. Forschungen zur ehristlichen Literatur- und Dogmengeschichte. Edited by A. EHRHARD and J. P. KIRSCH. Paderborn, 1900ff. 490. Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen. Edited by SDRALEK. Breslau, 1902ff. 491. Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen. Edited by U. STUTZ. Stuttgart, 1902ff. 492. Kirchengeschichtliehe Studien. Edited by A. KNOPFLER, etc. 6 vols. Miinster, 1891ff. 493. Papers of the American society of church history. 2nd series. Edited by W. W. ROCKWELL. New York, 1908ff. 494. Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem kirchenhistorischen Seminar der theologischen Fakultat zu Wien. Vienna, 1908ff. 495. Studien zur Geschiehte der Theologie und der Kirche. Edited by N. BONWETSCH und R. SEEBERG. Leipzig, 1897ff. Neue Studien, etc. Same editors. Berlin, 1907ff. 496. Veroffentlichungen aus dem kirchenhistorischen Seminar zu Miinchen. Edited by A. KNOPPLER. Munich, 1899ff. 497. FUNK, F. X. v. Kirehengeschichtliche Abhandlungen und Untersuchungen. Vols. I-III. Paderborn, 1897-1907. 498. HARNACK, A. Reden und Aufsatze. 2 vols. Giessen, 1904. 2nd edition, 1906. 7. The Medieval Empire in the West See also no. 538 below; and the general books on Germany and Italy, nos. 560-621 below. 499. BRYCE, J. The holy Roman empire. Oxford, 1864. 2nd edition, revised, 1866. A new edition, enlarged and revised, London and New York, 1904. This is the best book on the subject in any language. See E. A. FREEMAN 's enthusiastic review of the 1st edition, with some references to the 3rd edition, 1871, in his His- torical essays, first series, London, 1871, pp. 126-160 (first printed in the North British review, March, 1865). For GIBBON, Decline and fall, see no. 341 above. 54 GENERAL BOOKS PART i 500. FISHER, H. The medieval empire. 2 vols. London, 1898. From Otto I to the end of the Hohenstaufen. This is not a systematic narrative of events, but rather a series of essays, mostly constitutional. 501. GIESEBRECHT, W. v. Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit. 5 vols. Brunswick and Leipzig, 1855-88. Vols. I-III, 5th edition, Leipzig, 1881-90; vol. IV, 2nd edition, Brunswick, 1877; vol. VI, edited and continued by B. v. SIMSON, Leipzig, 1895. 502. ZEUMEK, K. Heiliges romisches Reich deutscher Nation: eine Studie iiber den Reichstitel. Weimar, 1910 (Quellen und Studien, by K. ZEUMEB, IV, 2). 503. FICKER, J. Das deutsche Kaiserreich in seinen universalen und nationalen Beziehungen. Innsbruck, 1861. 2nd edition un- altered, 1862. 504. BIROT, J. Le saint empire du couronnement de Charlemagne au sacre de Napoleon. Paris, 1903. 505. STENGEL, E. E. Den Kaiser macht das Heer: Studien zur Geschichte eines politischen Gedankens. Weimar, 1910. 506. HAHN, L. Das Kaisertum. Leipzig, 1913 (Das Erbe der Alten, vol. VI). See ch. VIII, "Die Erben der romisehen Kaiser." 507. GUGLIA, E. Die Geburts-, Sterbe- und Grabstatten der romisch-deutschen Kaiser und Konige. Vienna, 1914. See also M. KEMMERICH, "Die Portrats deutscher Kaiser und Konige bis auf Rudolf von Habsburg, " in Neues Archiv, XXXIII (1907), 461-513. 8. France (a) GENERAL HISTORIES OF FRANCE (1) Monumental Works 508. Histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'a la revolu- tion. Edited by E. LAVISSE. 8 vols in 16. Paris, 1900-1912. A new illustrated edition has been planned, which will, we hope, be supplied with maps and an index. This monu- mental co-operative work is now the standard history of France and has in large measure superseded the following older monumental histories of France, nos. 509-513 below. Good bibliographies are scattered in footnotes. A very handy condensed history of France for the general reader is being published under the title, Histoire de France racontee a tons, edited by L. BATIPFOL, to be completed in six volumes, of which four had appeared in 1916; translated by ELSIE F. BUCKLEY, The national history of France, New York, 1916ff. CHAP, iv FRENCH HISTORY 55 509. SISMONDI, J. C. L. S. DE. ale des Hongrois. 2 vols. Paris, 1876. (g) BALKAN STATES (1) General 706. MILLER, W. The Balkans: Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro. New York, 1896 (Story of the nations series). N. FORBES, A. J. TOYNBEE, D. MITRANY, and D. G. HOGARTH, The Balkans: a history of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Eumania, Turkey, Oxford, 1915. W. Ho WARD- FLANDERS, Balkania: a short history of the Balkan states, London, 1909. L. LEGER, Serbes, Croates et Bulgares, Paris, 1913. 707. JIRECEK, K. J. Die Eomanen in die Stadten Dalmatiens wahrend des Mittelalters. 3 vols. Vienna, 1901, 1903, 1905 (Denk- schriften of the Vienna academy). (2) Eumania 708. JORGA, N. Geschichte des rumanischen Volkes. Vols. I-III (to 1640). Gotha, 1905-10. Part of no. 332 above. 709. XENOPOL, A. D. Histoire des Roumains. 2 vols. Paris, 1896. Vol. I, 513-1633 A.D. See also his Les Eoumains: histoire, etat material et intellectuel, Paris, 1909. (3) Bulgaria 710. SONGEON, R. P. G. Histoire de la Bulgarie depuis les orig- ines jusqu'a nos jours (485-1913). Paris, 1913. 711. SAMUELSON, J. Bulgaria past and present: historical, politi- cal and descriptive. London, 1888. 712. BOUSQUET, G. Histoire du peuple bulgare depuis les orig- ines jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1909. 713. JIRECEK, K. J. Geschichte der Bulgaren. Prague, 1876. (4) Serbia and Bosnia 714. JIRECEK, K. J. Geschichte der Serben. Vol. 1 [to 1371]. Gotha, 1911. See the review of this book by W. MILLER, "The me- diaeval Serbian empire," in Quarterly review, CCXXVI . (1916), 488-507. 715. KANITZ, F. Das Konigreich Serbien und das Serbenvolk von der Romerzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Vol. I. Leipzig, 1904. CHAP, iv SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES 73 716. THALI.^CZY, L. Studien zur Geschichte Bosniens und Ser- biens im Mittelalter. Translated by F. ECKHART. Munich, 1914. V. KLAIC, Geschichte Bosniens, Leipzig, 1885. S. NOVA- KOVIC, "Les problemes Serbes," in Archiv fur slavische Phil- ologie, XXXIII-XXXIV (1912). 15. Scandinavian Countries (a) GENERAL 717. STEFANSSON, J. Denmark and Sweden with Iceland and Finland. New York, 1916 (Story of the nations series). E. C. OTTlc, Scandinavian history, London, 1874. 718. SINDING, P. C. The Scandinavian races: the northmen; the sea-kings and vikings; their manners and customs ... up to the present time. New York, 1866. New edition, 1875. The first edition bears the title, History of Scandinavia from the early times of the northmen and vikings to the present day. 719. MAURER, K. v. Vorlesungen iiber altnordische Kechts- geschichte. Vols. I-IV. Leipzig, 1906-1909. A posthumous work. (6) DENMARK 720. Danmarks riges historic. By J. STEENSTRUP and others. Vols. I-VI. Copenhagen, 1896-1907. 721. ALLEN, C. F. Histoire de Danemark depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu 'a nos jours. French translation, by E. BEAU- vois, from the 7th Danish edition. 2 vols., Copenhagen, 1878. The French translation adds important bibliographies. 722. DAHLMANN, F. S. Geschichte von Danemark. Vols. I-III. Vols. IV-V (to 1648) by D. SCHAFER. Hamburg and Gotha, 1840- 1902. Part of no. 332 above. (c) NORWAY 723. GJERSET, K. History of the Norwegian people from the earliest times to the present day. 2 vols. New York, 1915. 724. BOYESEN, H. II. The story of Norway. London, 1886 (Story of the nations series). 725. WILLSON, T. B. History of the church and state in Norway from the tenth to the sixteenth century. Westminster, 1903. 74 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI (d) SWEDEN 726. GEIJER, E. G. Geschichte Schwedens. Vols. I-III. Vols. IV-VI by F. F. CARLSON. Vol. VII (to 1772) by L. STAVENOW. Hamburg and Gotha, 1832-1908. Part of no. 332 above. 727. MONTELIUS, O. Sveriges historia fran aldsta tid till vara dagar. 6 vols. Stockholm, 1877-1881. (e) ICELAND 728. HERRMANN, P. Island in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: Beise-erinnerungen. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1907-1910. Vol. I, ch. Ill, ' ' Geschichte Islands. ' ' See references to other works cited in the footnotes and especially J. BRYCE, "Primitive Iceland," in I, 236-300, of his Studies in history and jurisprudence, 2 vols., Oxford, 1901. 16. History of Culture and Civilization (a) GENERAL HISTORIES OF CIVILIZATION See also nos. 187-207 above. 729. Die Kultur der Gegenwart: ihre Entwickelung und ihre Ziele. Edited by P. HINNEBERG. Berlin and Leipzig, 1905ff. About 22 vols. had appeared in 1914. Most of the sep- arate works in parts I and II have some bearing upon the middle ages. The most important of them will be mentioned in appropriate places. 730. Kulturgeschichtliche Bibliothek. Edited by F. FOY. 3 sec- tions. Heidelberg, 1911ff. 731. Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Volker. Edited originally by B. TEN BRINK and W. SCHERER. Strassburg, 1874ff. 732. BREYSIG, K. Kulturgeschiehte der Neuzeit. Vols. I and II. Berlin, 1900-01. Vol. II, part 2, is on the middle ages. 733. HELLWALD, F. v. Kulturgeschiehte in ihrer natiirlichen Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart. Augsburg, 1874. 4th edition, re- vised and enlarged by eighteen German scholars. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1896-1898. Vol. Ill is on the middle ages. See also E. DRIAULT, Vue generale de I'histoire de la civilisation, 2 vols., Paris, 1909 (Bibliotheque de I'histoire contemporain). 734. HENNE-AM-RHYN, O. Allgemeine Kulturgeschiehte von der Urzeit bis auf die Gegenwart. 9 vols. Leipzig, 1877-1908. CHAP, iv FREEDOM OF THOUGHT 75 735. Social England: a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature, and manners. Edited by H. D. TRAILL and written by various specialists. 6 vols. London, 1894-97. Illustrated and revised edi- tion, 6 vols., 1901-04. 736. GUIZOT, F. Histoire de la civilisation en Europe depuis la chute de 1 'empire romain. Paris, 1828. Translated by C. S. HENRY, History of civilization from the fall of the Eoman empire to the French revolution, as vol. I of History of civilization. 4 vols. New York, 1846. See no. 763 below. 737. MILYOUKOV, P. Skizzen russischer Kulturgeschichte. Ger- man edition by E. DAVIDSON. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1898-1901. 738. BAUDRILLART, H. Histoire du luxe prive et public, depuis 1'antiquite jusqu'a nos jours. 2nd edition. 4 vols. Paris, 1880- 1881. Vol. Ill, Le moyen age et la renaissance. (6) HISTORY OF FREEDOM OF THOUGHT See also no. 817 below. 739. WHITE, A. D. A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom. 2 vols. New York, 1896. 740. BURY, J. B. A history of freedom of thought. New York [1913] (Home university library). 741. LECKY, W. E. H. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. 2 vols. 1865. Revised edition, London, 1870. 742. EOBERTSON, J. M. A short history of free-thought, ancient and modern. 2 vols. 2nd, revised edition, London, 1906. 743. SANTA YANA, G. The life of reason: or, The phases of human progress. 5 vols. New York, 1905-06. See especially vol. Ill, Eeason in religion. 744. RUFFINI, F. Religious liberty. Translated from the Italian by J. P. HEYES, with a preface by J. B. BURY. London, 1912. 745. WHETHAM, W. C. D., and WHETHAM, CATHERINE D., his wife. Science and the human mind: a critical and historical account of the development of natural knowledge. London, 1912. 746. DRAPER, J. W. History of the intellectual development of Europe. 2 vols. Revised edition, New York, 1876. 747. HOLLAND, F. M. The rise of intellectual liberty from Thales to Copernicus. New York, ]885. 76 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 748. ZOCKLER, O. Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaften mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Schof- ungsgeschichte. 2 vols. Giitersloh, 1877-79. (c) MEDIEVAL CIVILIZATION IN GENERAL 749. Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Edited by W. GOETZ. Leipzig and Teubner, 1908ff. 750. Vom Mittelalter zur Reformation: Forschungen zur Ge- schichte der deutschen Bildung. Edited by K. BURDACH. Berlin, 1912ff. Very broad in scope. By no means strictly confined to Germany, e.g., publication began in 1912 with parts 3 and 4 of vol II, Briefivechsel des Cola di Rienzo, edited by K. BUR- DACH and P. PIUR. Original sources are edited along with special studies. 751. GRUPP, G. Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters. 2 vols. Stutt- gart, 1894-95. 2nd edition, 4 vols, Paderborn, 1907-14. 752. KURTH, G. Les origines de la civilisation moderne. 2 vols. 5th edition, Brussels, 1903. Extends to the time of Charlemagne. 753. LECKY, W. E. H. History of European morals from Augus- tus to Charlemagne. 2 vols. London and New York, 1870. New, cheap impression, London, 1911. 754. WRIGHT, T. Essays on archaeological subjects, and on vari- ous questions connected with the history of art, science, and litera- ture in the middle ages. 2 vols. London, 1861. 755. MERRYWEATHER, F. S. Glimmerings in the dark: or lights and shadows of the olden time. London, 1850. (d) MEDIEVAL INTELLECTUAL LIFE IN GENERAL 756. TAYLOR, H. O. The mediaeval mind. 2 vols. New York, 1911. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, 1914. 757. WORKMAN, H. B. Christian thought to the Reformation. New York, 1911. 758. NOVATI, F. L'influsso del pensiero latino sopra la civilta italiana del medio evo. 2nd edition, Milan, 1899. 759. HAUREAU, B. Singularites historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1861. Ten studies, among which are the following: Ecoles d'lr- lande; Theodulfe, eveque d 'Orleans; Odon de Cluny; Anselme le Peripateticien; Guillaume de Conches. CHAP, iv INTELLECTUAL HISTORY 77 760. MAITLAND, S. E. The dark ages: a series of essays intended to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries. London, 1844. This is a curious old defence of the culture of the period. Probably its oldest prototype is J. MABILLON, Traite des etudes monastiques, Paris, 1691. 761. FIGUIER, L. Vies des savants illustres avee 1 'appreciation sommaire de leurs travaux. 5 vols. Paris, 1866-1870. Vol. II, Moyen age ; vol. Ill, Renaissance. (e} FRANCE See also no. 781 below. 762. EAMBAUD, A. Histoire de la civilisation franchise, 7th edi- tion, 2 vols., Paris, 1898. 763. GTJIZOT, F. _ Histoire de la civilisation en France. Vols. I-V. Paris, 1829-1838. 2nd edition, vols. I-IV, Paris, 1840. 6th edition, 4 vols., Paris, 1857. Translated by W. HAZLITT as vols. II-IV of History of civilization. New York, 1846. Extends from the 5th to the 14th century. 764. EOSIERES, E. Histoire de la societe franchise au moyen age (987-1483). 2 vols. Paris, 1880. 3rd edition, 1884. 765. EEYNAUD, L. Les origines de 1 'influence franchise en Alle- magne: etude sur 1'histoire comparee de la civilisation en France et en Allemagne pendant la periode precourtoise (950-1150). Vol. I. Paris, 1913. 766. VOSSLER, K. Frankreichs Kultur im Spiegel seiner Sprach- entwicklung. Heidelberg, 1913. 767. CHALLAMEL, A. Memoires du peuple franc,ais. 8 vols. Paris, 1873. (f) GERMANY (1) Medieval and Modern Times 768. STEINHAUSEN, G. Geschichte der deutschen Kultur. Leip- zig, 1904. 2nd edition, revised, 2 vols., 1913. Popular, but reliable. The best general survey. 769. FREYTAG, G. Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit. 4 vols in 5. Leipzig, 1859-62. 27-th to 32nd editions, 1908-09. Vols. I-II, part 1, to 1500. 770. HENNE-AM-EHYN, O. Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Volkes. 2 vols. Berlin, 1886. 3rd edition, 1898. 78 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 771. RICHARD, E. History of German civilization: a general sur- vey. New York, 1911. 2nd, revised, edition, 1913. 772. SCHEER, J. Deutsche Kultur- und Sittengeschichte. Leip- zig, 1852-53. 12th edition, 3 vols., 1909. 773. SCHEER, J. Germania: zwei Jahrtausende deutschen Lebens kulturgeschichtlich geschildert. 6th edition by H. PRUTZ. Stutt- gart, 1905. 774. BIEDERMANN, K. Deutsche Volks- und Kulturgeschichte. 4th edition. 3 vols. Wiesbaden, 1901. 775. Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte. Edited by G. STEINHAUSEN. 12 vols. Leipzig, 1899-1905. Two supplementary vols., Deutsches Leben der Vergangenheit in Bildern. 1907-08. For a list of vols. see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 1733. (2) The Middle Ages 776. HERRE, P. Deutsche Kultur im Mittelalter in Bild und Wort. Leipzig, 1912. 777. STEINHAUSEN, G. Kulturgeschichte der Deutschen im Mit- telalter. Leipzig, 1910 (Wissenschaft und Bildung, 88). 778. LOHER, F. v. Kulturgeschichte der Deutschen im Mittel- alter. 3 vols. Munich, 1891-94. 779. MICHAEL, E. Culturzustande des deutschen Volkes wahrend des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. 5 vols. Vols. I-V, Freiburg, 1897- 1911. 780. STEINHAUSEN, G. Geschichte des deutschen Briefes. 2 parts. Berlin, 1889-91. See also the source-book, Deutsche Privafbriefe des Mittel- alters, edited by G. STEINHAUSEN, 2 vols., Berlin, 1899-1907. 781. CHLARD, E. La civilisation franchise dans le developpe- ment de 1'Allemagne (moyen age). Paris, 1900. (g) HISTORIES OF LITERATURE (1) General Histories of Literature 782. BAUMGARTNER, A. Geschichte der Weltliteratur. 7 vols. St. Louis, 1897-1912. Vol. IV. Die lateinische und griechische Litera- tur der christlichen Volker. 1900. The author is a Jesuit. 783. SAINTSBURY, G. A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe from the earliest texts to the present day. 3 vols. Edin- burgh and London, 1900-04. Vol. I, Classical and mediaeval criticism. CHAP, iv HISTORIES OF LITERATURE 79 784. SISMONDI, J. C. L. S. DE. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. Translated from the Italian by T. EOSCOE. 4 vols. London, 1823. (2). Ancient Classical Literature and Learning 785. SANDYS, J. E. A history of classical scholarship. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1903-06. Vol. T, From the sixth century B.C. to the end of the middle ages, in a 2nd edition, 1906. There is an abridged edition in one volume, A snort his- tory of classical scholarship from the sixth century B.C. to the present day, Cambridge, 1915. See also A. GUDEMAN, Grund- riss der Geschichte der Iclassischen Philologie, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1909; and H. T. PECK, A history of classical philology, from the 7th century B.C. to the 20ih century A.D. London and New York, 1911. 786. NORDEN, E. Die antike Kunst-prosa vom 6 ten Jahrhundert vor Christus bis in die Zeit der Eenaissance. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1898. New edition, 1909. (3) Literary History of the Middle Ages See also no. 170 above. 787. MANITIUS, M. Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters. Vol. I. Munich, 1911. This is now the standard handbook for the history of medieval Latin literature. The first volume extends to about 1050. Until the work is carried into later centuries, we must be content with G. GROBER, ' ' tibersicht iiber die lateinische Literatur von der Mitte des 6. Jahrhunderts bis 1350" in Grundriss, no. 305 above, vol. II, part I, 98-432; and with SANDYS, no. 785 above. 788. EBERT, A. Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittel- alters im Abendlande. 3 vols. Leipzig, 187487. Vol. 1 in 2nd edition, 1889. Extends to the beginning of the llth century. There is a French translation by J. AYMERIC and J. CONDAMIN, 3 vols., Paris, 1883-1889. 790. HERVIEUX, A. L. Les fabulistes latins depuis le siecle d'Au- guste jusqu'a la fin du moyen age. 5 vols. Paris, 1893-1899. 791. SPENCE, L. A dictionary of medieval romance and romance writers. London, 1913. 792. LUDLOW, J. M. Popular epics of the middle ages of the Norse-German and Carlovingian cycles. 2 vols. London, 1865. 793. KER, W. P. Essays on medieval literature. London, 1905. On Dante, Boccaccio, Chaucer, Gower, Froissart, and an estimate of the late Gaston Paris. 80 GENERAL BOOKS PAKTI 794. LAWRENCE, W. W. Mediaeval story. New York, 1912. 795. MCLAUGHLIN, E. T. Studies in mediaeval life and litera- ture. New York, 1894. 796. BULPINCH, T. Mythology: the age of fable, the age of chivalry, and legends of Charlemagne. Complete m one volume, revised and enlarged. New York, 1913. 797. DELISLE, L. Litterature latine et histoire du moyen age. Paris, 1890. 798. FALKE, J. v. Gesehichte des Geschmacks im Mittelalter und andere Studien auf dem Gebiete der Kunst und Literatur. 2nd edition. Berlin, 1892. 799. [MARTENE, E., and DURAND, U.] Voyage littSraire de deux religieux Benedictines de la Congregation de St. Maur. Paris, 1717. Second voyage litteraire de deux religieux Benedictines de la Con- gregation de St. Maur. . Paris, 1724. (4) Byzantine Literature 800. KRUMBACHER, K. Gesehichte der byzantinischen Literatur von Justinian bis zum Ende des ostromischen Reiches (527-1453 A.D.). Munich, 1890. 2nd edition, 1897. (In Ilandbueh der klas- sichen Altertumswissenschaft.) Of fundamental importance. See his condensed, but more recent (1907) treatment, "Die griechische Literatur des Mittelalters, ' ' in Die Kultitr der Gegenwart, no. 729 above, I, 8. 801. DIETERICH, K. Gesehichte der byzantinischen und neu- griechischen Literatur. Leipzig, 1902 (Die Literaturen des Ostens, 4). 802. MONTEIATICI, G. Storia della letteratura Bizantina, 324- 1453. Milan, 1916. (5) France 803. Histoire litteraire de la France. Vols. I-XXXIV. Paris, 1733-1915. Begun by the Religieux Benedictins de la Congregation de Saint-Maur and continued by the Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. The first 26 vols. are analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, no. -23 above, pp. 585-97. For a detailed bibliography of medieval French literature, see outline XXIV in part III below. (6) Germany and Austria 804. SCHERER, W. Gesehichte der deutschen Literatur. llth edition. Berlin, 1910. Translated from the 3rd German edition by Mrs. F. C. CONYBEARE, History of German literature. 2 vols. New York, 1901. CHAP, iv HISTORIES OP LITERATURE 81 805. NAGL, J. W., and ZEIDLER, J. Deutsch-Ssterreichische Liter- aturgeschichte. Vols. I-II. Vienna, 1899-1909. 806. VOGT, F., and KOCH, M. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. 2 vols. Leipzig and Vienna, '1897. 3rd edition, 1910. 807. KELLE, J. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den altesten Zeiten bis zum 13 Jahrhundert. 2 vols. Berlin, 1892-96. (7) Italy 808. GASPARY, A. Geschichte der italienischen Literatur. 2 vols. Strassburg, 1885-88. Translated by H. OELSNER, The history of Italian literature to the death of Dante. London, 1901. 809. GARNETT, R. A history of Italian literature. London, 1908. 810. D'ANCONA, A., and BACCI, O. Manuale della letteratura ital- iana. New, revised, edition, vols. I-VI, Florence, 1907-10. Vols. I and II cover the middle ages. 811. TIRABOSCHI, G. Storia della letteratura italiana [to 1700]. Modena, 1772ff. 16 vols. Milan, 1822-26. See especially vols. III-V [476-1400 A.D.] in 2nd edition, Modena, 1787-94. (8) England 812. Cambridge history of English literature. Edited by A. W. WARD and A. E. WALLER. Vols. I-XII. Cambridge, 1907-15. For additional references see GROSS, no. 36 above. (9) Spain and Portugal 813. FITZMAURICE-KELLY, J. A history of Spanish literature. London, 1898. Reprint, 1915. The second Spanish edition, Historia de la literatura Espaiiola, Madrid, 1916, is especially valuable for its full bibliography. See also G. TICKNOR, History of Spanish litera- ature, 3rd edition, 3 vols., London, 1863; the Spanish transla- tion by P. DE GAYANGOS, 4 vols., Madrid, 1851-1861, contains additions and corrections. For Portugal, see A. LOISEAU, Histoire de la litterature portugaise, Paris, 1885. (10) Russia and Scandinavia 814. BRUCKNER, A. Geschichte der russischen Literatur. Leipzig, 1905 (Die Literaturen des Ostens, 2). See also K. WALISZEWSKI, Histoire de la litterature russe, Paris, 1900; W. R. MORFILL, Slavonic literature, London, 1883; and G. KREK, Einleitung in die slavische Literaturgeschichte, Graz, 1874, 2nd edition, 1887. For Scandinavia, See P. SCHWEITZER, Geschichte der skandinavischen Literatur, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1885-1889; and E. MOGK, "Nordische Literatur," in PAUL'S Grundriss, no. 307 above. 82 GENERAL BOOKS PAKTI (h) HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY AND "WELTANSCHAUUNG" ( 1 ) Medieval ' ' Weltanschauung ' ' 815. POOLE, E. L. Illustrations of the history of mediaeval thought. London, 1884. Now see also C. C. J. WEBB, Studies in the history of natural theology, Oxford, 1915, on St. Anselm, Abelard, St. Thomas Aquinas, etc. 816. EICKEN, H. v. Gesehichte und System der mittelalterlichen Weltanschauung. Stuttgart, 1887. In 1905 it was announced that C. BAEUMKER would prepare a volume on Die mittelalterliche Weltanschauung, for the Hand- buch of BELOW and MEINECKE, no. 330 above, but the work has not appeared. E. TROELTSCH, Die Soziallehren der christ- lichen Kirchen und Gruppen, vol. I of his Gesammelten Schrif- ten, Tubingen, 1912, 178-426. 817. REUTER, H. Gesehichte der religiosen Aufklarung im Mit- telalter. 2 vols. in 1. Berlin, 1875-77. The period covered is from the 8th to the 14th century. 818. Weltanschauung: Philosophic und Religion in Darstellungen. Edited by W. DILTHEY and about twenty others. Berlin, 1911. 819. EUCKEN, E. Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker. 8th edition. Leipzig, 1909. Translated by W. S. HOUGH and W. E. BOYCE-GIBSON, The problem of human life as viewed by the great thinkers. London, 1909. 820. DILTHEY, W. Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften: Ver- such einer Grundlegung fur das Studium der Gesellschaft und der Gesehichte. Vol. I. Leipzig, 1883. 821. TROEI.S-LUND, T. F. Himmelsbild und Weltanschauung im Wandel der Zeiten. Authorized German translation by L. BLOCH. 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1908. (2) General Histories of Philosophy 822. UEBERWEG, F. Grundriss der Gesehichte der Philosophic. 10th edition, 4 vols. Berlin, 1905-09. Translated from the 4th German edition by G. S. MORRIS, A history of philosophy from Thales to the present time. 2 vols. New York, 1872-1874, also 1892. See also W. TURNER, History of philosophy, Boston, 1903. 823. WINDELBAND, W. Lehrbuch der Gesehichte der Philosophic. 5th edition. Tiibingen, 1910. Translated by J. H. TUFTS, A history of philosophy. 2nd edition. New York, 1901. 824. FABRE, J. Histoire de la philosophic depuis 1'antiquitS jusqu'a la revolution franchise. 5 vols. Paris, 1902ff. Vol. II, La pensee chretienne: des Evangiles a 1 'Imitation de Jesus-Christ. CHAP, iv MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY 83 825. WULF, M. DE. Histoire de la philosophic scholastique dans les Pays-Bas et la principaute de Liege jusqu 'a la revolution fran- gaise. Louvain, 1895. 2nd edition, 1910. (3) Medieval Philosophy 826. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters: Texte und Untersuchungen. Edited by C. BAEUMKER and G. v. HERTLING. Miinster, 1891ff. A collection as valuable for the original texts as for the scholarly expositions of the editors. 827. WULF, M. DE. Histoire de la philosophic medievale. Lou- vain, 1900. 2nd enlarged edition, 1905. 3rd edition, an English translation by P. COFFEY, History of medieval philosophy. London and New York, 1909. 4th edition in French, enlarged and revised, 1912. For Jewish philosophy in the middle ages see NEUMARK, no. 866 below. 828. PICAVET, F. Esquisse d 'une histoire generale et comparee des philosophies medievales. Paris, 1905. 2nd edition, 1907. 829. HAUREAU, B. Histoire de philosophic scolastique. 2nd edi- tion, 3 vols., Paris, 1872-80. 830. GRABMANN, M. Die Geschichte. der scholastischen Methode. Nach den gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen dargestellt. Vols. I and II. Freiburg-i-B., 1909-11. 831. BAEUMKER, C. "Die europaische Philosophie des Mittel- alters." Berlin and Leipzig, 1909. In Kultur der Gegenwart, no. 729 above, I, 5. 832. ENDRES, J. A. Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Philosophie im Abendlande. Kempten, 1908. 833. PRANTL, K. VON. Geschichte der Logik im Abendlande. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1855-70. Vol. II in 2nd edition, 1885. Extends to the Eenaissance. 834. STOCKL, A. Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters. 3 vols. Mainz, 1864-66. 835. EICKABY, J. Scholasticism. London, 1908. A primer based largely on WULF, no. 827 above. (i) HISTORY OF EDUCATION (1) General Histories of Education 836. Geschichte der Erziehung vom Anfang bis auf unsere Zeit. Edited by K. A. SCHMID. Continued by G. SCHMID. 5 vols in 10 parts. Berlin, 1884-1902. 84 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 837. WILLMANN, O. Didaktik als Bildungslehre. 2 vols. Bruns- wick, 1882. 4th edition, in one vol., 1909. 838. BAUMEISTEB, [K.] A. ITandbuch der Erziehungs- und TTn- terrichtslehre fiir hohere Schulen. 4 vols. Munich, 1895-98. 839. ZIEGLER, T. Geschichte der Padagogik mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf das hohere Unterrichtswesen. 3rd edition. Munich, 1909. 840. SCHERER, H. Die Padagogik in ihrer Entwickelung im Zusammenhange mit dem Kultur- und Geistesleben. Vols. I and II, 1-2. Leipzig, 1897-1907. (2) History of Medieval Education 841. GRAVES, F. P. A history of education during the middle ages and the transition to modern times. New York, 1910. 842. ECKSTEIN, F. A. Lateinischer Unterricht. Leipzig, 1882. Extract from SCHMID'S Encyclopadie, no. 118 above, IV, 1, 204-405. 843. ECKSTEIN, F. A. Lateinischer und griechiseher Unterricht im Mittelalter. Edited by H. HEVDEN (part I, Geschichte). Leip- zig, 1887. 844. MASIUS, H. "Die Erziehung im Mittelalter." Stuttgart, 1892. In Geschichte der Erziehung, no. 836 above, II, part I, 94 333. 845. DRANE, AUGUSTA T. Christian schools and scholars. Lon- don, 1881. Reprint, New York, 1909. 846. SPECHT, F. A. Geschichte des Unterrichtswesens in Deutsch- land von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Mitte des 13 Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, 1885. 847. PAULSEN, F. Das deutsche Bildungswesen in seiner ge- schichtlichen Entwickelung. Leipzig, 1906 (Aus Natur und Geistes- welt, 100). 848. LEACH, A. F. Some results of research in the history of education in England with suggestions for its continuance and extension. British Academy publications. Oxford University Press, 1915. 849. LEACH, A. F. Educational charters and documents, 598- 1909. Cambridge, 1911. 17. Jews For a general bibliography see no. 62 above. For Jews in England see GROSS, no. 36 above, 69d; in Germany, DAHLMANN- WAITZ, no. 28 above, pp. 150ff. CHAP, iv MEDIEVAL JEWS 85 (a) GENERAL HISTORY OF THE JEWS 850. GRATZ, H. Geschichte der Juden von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. 13 vols. Partly in 2nd-4th editions. Leip- zig, 1894-1908. Translated into English, History of the Jews from the earliest times to the present day. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1891-98. Popular edition of the above, entitled Volkstiimliche Ge- schichte der Juden, 2nd edition, 3 vols., 1908. S. M. DUBNOW, History of the Jews in Russia and Poland from the earliest times until the present day, translated from the Eussian by I. FRIEDLANDER, vol. 1, Philadelphia, 1916. 851. HOSMER, J. K. The Jews, ancient, mediaeval, and modern. New York, 1891. Often reprinted (Story of the nations series). 852. ABBOTT, G. F. Israel in Europe. London, 1907. 853. HERRMANN, F. Geschichte des jiidischen Volkes seit der Zer- storung Jerusalems. Calw and Stuttgart, 1908. 854. HENNE-AM-RHYN, O. Kulturgeschichte des jiidischen Volkes, von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. 2nd edition. Jena, 1892^ 855. LIEBE, G. H. T. Das Judentum in der deutschen Vergan- genheit. Leipzig, 1903. Part of no. 775 above. 856. BEDARRIDE, I. Les juifs en France, en Italic, et en Espagne: recherches sur leur etat depuis leur dispersion jusqu'a nos jours sous le rapport de la legislation, de la litterature et du commerce. Paris, 1859. 3rd edition, revised, 1867. (fe) JEWS IN THE MIDDLE AGES (1) Social and Economic History 857. ABRAHAMS, I. Jewish life in the middle ages. London and Philadelphia, 1896. See also D. S. SCHAFF, ' ' The treatment of the Jews in the middle ages," Bibliotheca Sacra (1903), 547-69; J. H. BRIDGES, ' ' The Jews of Europe in the middle ages, ' ' Living age, LV, 769-788; and J. v. DOLLINGER, "The Jews in Europe," in his Studies, no. 913 below. 858. CARO, G. Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Juden im Mittelalter und der Neuzeit. Vol. I, Das friihere und das hohe Mittelalter. Leipzig, 1908. 859. HAHN, B. Die wirtschaftliche Tatigkeit der Juden im frankischen und deutschen Eeich bis zum 2 Kreuzzug. Freiburg, 1911. 860. HOFFMANN, M. Der Geldhandel der deutschen Juden end des Mittelalters bis zum Jahre 1350. Leipzig, 1910. 86 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 861. SCHIPPEB, I. Anfange des Kapitalismus bei den abend- landischen Juden im friiheren Mittelalter bis zum Ausgang des 12 Jahrhunderts. Vienna, 1907. 66 pp. (Reprint from Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft, XV.) (2) Intellectual Life of Medieval Jews 862. SCHLEIDEN, M. J. Die Bedeutung der Juden fiir Erhaltung und Wiederbelebung der Wissenschaften im Mittelalter. 4th edi- tion. Leipzig, 1879. 32 pp. Translated by M. KLEIMENHAGEN from the 4th, revised, German edition, The importance of the Jews for the preservation and revival of learning during the middle ages. London, 1911. 63 pp. 863. STEINSCHNEIDER, M. Die arabische Literatur der Juden. Frankfurt, 1902. See also D. NEUMARK, Geschichte der judischen Literatur des Mittelalters, 2 vols., Berlin, 1898. 864. STEINSCHNEIDER, M. Die hebraischen tibersetzungen des Mittelalters, und die Juden als Dolmetscher: ein Beitrag zur Litera- turgeschichte des Mittelalters. 2 vols. Berlin, 1893. 865. STEINSCHNEIDER, M. Die Geschichtsliteratur der Juden in Druckwerken und Handschriften. Frankfurt, 1905. 866. NEUMARK, D. Geschichte der judischen Philosophic des Mittelalters. 2 vols. Berlin, 1907-1910. Now see also I. HUSIK, A history of mediaeval Jewish philosophy, New York, 1916; and A. BONILLA Y SAN MARTEN, Historia de la filosofia Espanola, 2 vols., Madrid, 1908-1911, the second volume of which is on Jewish philosophy to the twelfth century. 867. YELLIN, D., and ABRAHAMS, I. Maimonides. Philadelphia, 1903. 868. GUDEMANN, M. Geschichte des Erziehungswesens und der Cultur der abendlandischen Juden wahrend des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. 3 vols. Vienna, 1880-1888. See also his Quellenschriften zur Geschichte des Unterrichts und der Erziehung ~bei den deutschen Juden von den dltesten Zeiten bis auf Mendelssohn, Berlin, 1891. (3) Medieval Jewries 869. PHILIPSON, D. Old European Jewries. Philadelphia, 1894. 870. RODOCANACHI, E. Le saint-siege et les juifs: le ghetto a Rome. Paris, 1891. 871. BERLINER, A. Geschichte der Juden in Rom von der altesten Zeit bis zur Gegenwart. 2 vols., in one. Frankfurt, 1893. CHAP, iv MEDIEVAL JEWS 87 872. EGBERT, IT. Les signes d'infamie au moyen age: Juifs, Sarasins, heretiques, lepreux, cagots, et filles publiques. Paris, 1891. (4) General Accounts and Miscellanea 873. HARRIS, M. H. History of the mediaeval Jews: from the Moslem conquest of Spain to the discovery of America. New York, 1907. Second edition, revised and enlarged, 1916. 874. CHWOLSON, D. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Judentums von c. 400 v. Chr. bis c. 1000 n. Chr. Leipzig, 1910. 875. DEPPING, G. B. Les juifs dans le moyen age: essai his- torique sur leur etat civil, commercial et litteraire. Paris, 1845. 876. BAER, F. Studien zur Geschichte der Juden im Konigreich Aragonien wahrend des 13 und 14 Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1913. 877. STRAUSS, E. Die Juden im Konigreich Sizilien unter Nor- mannen und Staufern. Heidelberg, 1910 (Heidelberger Abhandlun- gen). 878. BEGNE, J. Etude sur la condition des juifs de Narbonne du V e au XIV e siecle. Narbonne, 1912. 879. STEINBERG, AUGUSTA. Studien zur Geschichte der Juden in der Schweiz wahrend des Mittelalters. Zurich, 1902. 880. STOBBE, O. Die Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittel- alters. Brunswick, 1866. Eeprint, Leipzig, 1902. 881. STERN, M. Urkundliche Beitrage iiber die Stellung der Papste zu den Juden. Kiel, 1893. 882. MAUL-DE LA CLAVIERE, A. E. DE. Les juifs dans les etats franc.ais de saint-siege au moyen age: documents pour servir a 1 'histoire des Israelites et de la papaute. Paris, 1886. 883. ABLER, E. N. Auto de fe and Jew. London, 1908. 884. The itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela: critical text, trans- lation and commentary by E. N. ADLER. London, 1907. See also BEAZLEY, Dawn of modern geography, II. ch. IV, "Benjamin of Tudela and other Jewish travellers" to ea. 1250. 18. Collections See more extended lists for France in MONOD, no. 22 above, pp. 120-127; for Germany, DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, pp. 19ff. STEIN, no. 1 above, on pp. 642-649, gives a list of indexes of the publications of academies and miscellaneous learned societies, and on pp. 697-708 a similar list of indexes of serial publications of historical societies. Fortunately we have in English the following 88 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI interesting articles by foreign scholars in the Annual report of the American historical association, 1909, 229-277: "Historical societies in Great Britain, by G. W. PROTHERO; "The work of Dutch his- torical societies," by H. T. COLENBRANDER ; "The historical societies of France," by C. ENIART; "The work of historical societies in Spain," by E. ALTAMIRA. (a) IMPORTANT ACADEMIES AND LEARNED SOCIETIES (1) France and Belgium 885. Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres [of Paris]. His- toire et memoires. 50 vols. Paris, 1717-1809. Memoires, 1803ff. Memoires presentes a 1' Academic par divers savants etrangers; first series, Sujets divers, Paris, 1844ff.; second series, Antiquites de la France, 1843ff. Notices et extraits des manuscripts de la Biblio- theque nationale et autres bibliotheques, Paris, 1787ff. Monuments et memoires (Fondation EUGENE PIOT), Paris, 1894ff. See also nos 460, 803 above and 975 below, and the Eecueil des historiens des croisades, under outline XXI in part II below. 886. Societe de 1 'histoire de France. Paris. Issues an Annuaire-Bulletin, 1837ff., in addition to the publications for which see no. 966 below. Also see 974 below. 887. Bibliotheque des 6coles franchises d'Athenes et de Eome. Paris, 1876ff. One hundred and ten volumes had appeared in 1913. For series II and III see no. 959 below. See also the Melanges d'archeologie et d'Mstoire, edited by the Ecole franc,ais de Rome. 888. Bibliotheque de 1 'Ecole pratique des hautes etudes [of Paris]. Section des sciences philologiques et historiques. Paris, 1869ff. 889. Bibliotheque de la Faculte des lettres, Universite de Paris. Paris, 1896ff. 890. Ecole des chartes. Paris. . See nos 164 and 231 above. 891. Academic des sciences morales et politiques. Comptes ren- dus. Paris, 1840ff. 892. Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bulletins. Brussels, 1836ff. 893. Becueil de travaux publics par les membres de la conference ^'d"'histoire,' ... of the University of Louvain. Louvain, 1890ff. CHAP, iv LEARNED SOCIETIES _ 89 (2) Germany and Austria For collections edited by individuals see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, nos. 1364-1389. 894. Abhandlungen der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenshaften in Berlin, 1815ff. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 1908ff. Sitz- ungsberichte, 1882ff. 895. Abhandlungen der koniglichen bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. Historische Klasse. Munich, 1833ff. Sitzungsberichte. Philosophisch-philologisch-historische Klasse. Munich, 1871ff. 896. Abhandlungen der koniglichen sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Philologisch-historische Klasse. Leip- zig,. 1846ff. 897. Abhandlungen der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften zu Gottingen, 1843ff. Historisch-philologische Klasse, 1893ff. Nachrichten, 1894ff. 898. Studien und Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte, im Auftrage der Gorres-Gesellschaft und in Verbindung mit der Eedaktion des historischen Jahrbuches herausgegeben von H. Grauert. Freiburg, 1900ff. See no. 152 above. 899. Bibliothek des kgl. preussischen historischen Instituts in Eom. Borne, 1905ff. See also no. 41 above and 993 below. 900. Publikation des b'sterreichischen historischen Instituts in Rom. Vienna and Leipzig, 1910ff. Both of these publications contain studies as well as texts. 901. Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Wien. Philosophish-historische Klasse. Vienna, 1848ff. See also no. 986 below. 902. Sitzungsberichte der koniglichen bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Prag. Prague, 1859ff. Philosophisch-his- torisch-philologische Klasse, 1885ff. (3) England 903. Royal historical society. Transactions. London, 1872ff. 904. The British academy for the promotion of historical, philo- sophical and philological studies. London, 1903ff. (4) Italy 905. Istituto storico italiano. Bulletino, no. 162 above, and Fonti, no. 990 below. 90 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 906. Reale accademia del Lincei. Founded 1603. Since 1875 divided into two classes, one of which is de- voted to "acienze morali, storiehe e filologiche. " (5) Spain 907. Real academia de la historia. Madrid, 1738ff. Boletin, 1877ff. For a list of its publications see Annual report of the American historical association, 1909, p. 271. (6) COLLECTIONS OF HISTORICAL ESSAYS For similar collections, mostly German, see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, nos. 1304-1338. 908. FUSTEL DE COULANGES, N. D. Recherches sur quelques prob- lemes d'histoire. Paris, 1894. 909. COULTON, G. G. Mediaeval studies. London, 1905ff. First series, 2nd revised edition, with three appendices. London, 1915. 910. CREIGHTON, M. Historical lectures and addresses. London, 1903. 911. CREIGHTON, LOUISE (VON GLEHN) "Mrs. MANDELL CREIGH- TON." Heroes of European history. London and New York, 1906. 912. CUTTS, E. L. Scenes and characters of the middle ages. London, 1872. Reprinted 1902. 3rd edition, 1911. 913. DOLLINGER, J. v. Akademische Vortrage. 3 vols. Nord- lingen and Munich, 1888-1891. Translated by MARGARET WARRE, Studies in European history. London, 1890. 914. EDELSTAND DU MERIL, M. Etudes sur quelques points d'arch- eologie et d'histoire litteraire. Paris, 1862. Among the eight studies are the following: Les formes du marriage . . . pendant le moyen age; De 1 'usage non inter- rompu jusqu'a nos jours des tablettes en cire; De la tapis- serie de Bayeux et de son importance historique. 915. EDELSTAND DU MERIL, M. Melanges archeologiques et litter- aires. Paris, 1850. Especially pp. 243-89, "Des origines de la basse latinite et la n6cessite de glossaires speciaux. ' ' 916. FREEMAN, E. A. Historical essays. 4 series in 4 vols. London, 1871ff. 917. FROUDE, J. A. Short studies in great subjects. Vols. I and II. London, 1894. 918. GASQUET, F. A. The last abbot of Glastonbury and other essays. London, 1908. CHAP, iv HISTORICAL ESSAYS 91 919. GASQUET, F. A. Old English bible and other essays. Lon- don, 1897. 920. GRAEVENITZ, G. v. Deutsche in Eom: Studien und Skizzen aus elf Jahrhunderten. Leipzig, 1902. Ch. 1, Charlemagne; ch. 2, Otto III. 921. HARRISON, F. The meaning of history. New York, 1908. 922. JESSOPP, A. The coming of the friars and other historical essays. 5th edition. London, 1889. 923. JESSOPP, A. Studies by a recluse. London, 1893. 3rd edi- tion, 1895. 924. JOURDAIN, C. Excursions historiques et philosophiques a travers le moyen age. Paris, 1888. 925. LANGLOIS, C. V. Questions d'histoire et d 'enseignement. Paris, 1902. 926. LUCHAIRE, A. Melanges d 'histoire du moyen age. Paris, 1908. 927. PATTISON, B. P. DUNN. Leading figures in European his- tory. New York, 1912. 928. SALZMANN, L. F. Mediaeval byways. Boston, 1913. 929. SHAHAN, T. J. The middle ages: sketches and fragments. New York, 1904. 930. STILLED C. J. Studies in mediaeval history. Philadelphia, 1882. 2nd edition, 1883. 931. STUBBS, W. Lectures on European history. Edited by A. HASSALL. London, 1904. 932. STUBBS, W. Seventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history and kindred subjects. Oxford, 1886. 3rd edi- tion, 1900. 933. WRIGHT, T., and HALLIWELL, J. O. Eeliquae antiquae. 2 vols. London, 1845. (c) COMMEMORATIVE ESSAYS For other similar essays, mostly German, see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, QueUenkunde, nos. 1339-1353. 934. Melanges d'histoire offerts a M. CHARLES BEMONT, par ses eleves h 1 'occasion de la vingt-cinquieme annee de son enseignement a 1 'ecole pratique des hautes e"tudes. Paris, 1913. 935. Melanges offerts a M. EMILE CHATELAIN. Paris, 1909. 936. Melanges PAUL FABRE: 6tude d'histoire du moyen age. Paris, 1902. 92 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 937. Melanges FITTING (Soixante-quinzieme anniversaire de M. le professeur HERMANN FITTING). 2 vols. Paris, 1908. 938. Recueil de travaux d 'erudition dedies a la memoire de JULIEN HAVET. Paris, 1895. 939. Melanges d '6tudes d 'histoire du moyen age dediees a GABRIEL MONOD. Paris, 1896. (d) MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS 940. Cambridge historical series. Edited by G. W. PROTHERO. 941. Cambridge historical essays. 942. Cambridge manuals of science and literature. Cambridge University Press. 943. Continental legal history. Published under the auspices of the Association of American Law Schools. Boston, Little, Brown and Company. In 1915, vols. I, II, III, V, XI had appeared. 944. Everyman 's library. London and New York. See also the Temple classics, and the King's classics. 945. Goschen Sammlung: geschichtliche Bibliothek aus der ' ' Sammlung Goschen. ' ' Berlin and Leipzig. 946. Home university library. New York, 1911ff. 947. Aus Natur und Geisteswelt. Teubner, Leipzig. 948. Wissenschaft und Bildung. Quelle and Meyer, Leipzig. CHAPTER V LARGE COLLECTIONS OF ORIGINAL SOURCES 1. General Collections See also nos. 383-393 above. 949. Records of civilization: sources and studies. Edited by J. T. SHOTWELL. New York, Columbia University Press, 1915ff. A collection of translations from the sources, with intro- ductions and bibliographies. The volumes thus far published which pertain to the middle ages are: History of the Franks ~by Gregory, bishop of Tours, selections, translated with notes by E. BREHAUT, New York, 1916; and The book of the popes (Liber pontificalis) , I, to the pontificate of Gregory I, trans- lated, with an introduction by LOUISE R. Looms, New York, 1916. See below, no. 959 note. A similar collection of translations into German, but on a humbler scale, is the Quellensammlung fur den geschichtlichen Unterricht an hoheren Schulen, Leipzig, also still in process of publication. 950. Bibliotheca scriptorum medii aevi Teubneriana. Leipzig, ca. 14 vols. in 1911. Prints Latin texts. Although merely a publisher's ven- ture, the collection is valuable enough to be ranged with academic sets of texts. 951. Thesaurus novus anecdotorum seu collectio monumentorum, complectens regum ac principum aliorumque virorum illustrium epistolas et diplomata bene multa. 5 vols. Edited by E. MARTENE and U. DURAND. Paris, 1717ff. 952. Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum amplissima collectio. Edited by E. MARTENE and U. DURAND. 2nd edition. 9 vols. Paris, 1724-1733. The above two are typical older collections of miscel- laneous material, most of which can now be found in critical newer editions. 2. Medieval Church (a) GENERAL COLLECTIONS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITINGS 953. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series latina, 221 vols. Paris, 1844-1864. Vols. 218-221 are index vols., Paris, 1862-1864. 94 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI Series graeca, 161 vols., in 166 [no index], Paris, 1857-1866. Edited by J. P. MIGNE. Although this vast collection is a mere publisher's ven- ture and consists largely of reprints of old and often very imperfect editions, it is now universally recognized by scholars as an indispensable tool for the study of the medieval church. The complete works of some authors are included. Some of the selections are profane works which have little or no connection with the church. The Latin series extends to the time of pope Innocent III (1198-1216); a table of authors in both series, arranged alphabetically, is printed in POTTHAST, Wcgweiser, no. 18 above, I, pp. xciv ff. The Greek series extends to 863 A.D. It contains Latin translations of the Greek texts. These Latin translations have been pub- lished separately under the title, Patrologiae graecae latine tantum editae, 81 vols., in 85, Paris, 1856-1867. In 1914 the Kgl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Got- tingen appointed a Eeligionsgeschichtliche Kommission to edit the most important sources of church history in German translations, under the title, Quellen der Eeligionsgeschichte, chief editor, OLDENBERG. For programme write to Prof. TITIUS in Gottingen. A well-selected collection of source material for school use is Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums und des romischen Katholizismus, edited by C. MIRBT, Freiburg, 1895, 3rd edition, Tubingen, 1911. 954. Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. 62 vols in 1913. Vienna, 1866ff. This is to comprise all the writings of church fathers to the seventh century. An attempt is made to establish the very best texts from the most important manuscripts. The contents of vols. I-XXXI are given in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, 1, p. Iviii. The principal set of English translations of the writings of the church fathers since about 324 is A select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church, edited by P. SCHAFF and H. WAGE, in two series: series I, 14 vols., New York, 1886-1890; series II, 14 vols., New York, 1890- 1900. 955. Collection de textes et documents pour 1 'etude historique du christianisme. Edited by H. HEMMER and P. LEJAY. Paris. Ten volumes had appeared in 1910. Original texts, with translations into French. It promises to be a very valuable aid in the study of the original sources of church history. See also Sammlung ausgewahlter Tcirchen- und dogmengeschicht- licher Quellenschriften, edited by G. KRUGER, Freiburg. (ft) THE PAPACY 956. Regesta pontificum Romanorum ad annum 1198. Edited by P. JAFFE. 2 vols. Berlin, 1851, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1885-1888. CHAP, v CHURCH HISTORY 95 957. Regesta pontificum Komanorum, inde ab anno post Christum natum 1198 ad annum 1304. Edited by A. POTTHAST. 2 vols. Berlin, 1874-1875. 958. Eegesta pontificum Romanorum (to 1198). Edited by P. F. KEHR under the auspices of the Academy of sciences in Gottin- gen. Berlin, 1906ff. Liber diurnus, ou Eecueil des formules usitees par la clian- cellerie pontificate du V au XI siecle, edited by E. DE ROZIERE, Paris, 1869. This edition is not superseded by that of T. v. Sickel which appeared in 1889. 959. Bibliotheque des ecoles franchises d'Athenes et de Rome. 2nd and 3rd series. Paris, 1884ff. Contains the registers of popes of the 13th century, most of which are still incomplete in 1916, and also the best com- plete edition of the Liber pontificates, edited by L. DUCHESNE, 2 vols., Paris, 1886, 1892, now translated in part in no. 949 above. (A new edition of the Liber pontificates in the Monu- menta Germaniae historica, Gesta pojitificum, I, was begun by T. MOMMSEN in 1898, but it is still incomplete.) In the 3rd series the publication of letters of the popes of the 14th century has been begun. For the 1st series, see no. 887 above. See also BERNHEIM, Lehrbuch, no. 64 above, p. 561, and BRESSLAU, Handbuch, no. 240 above, I, 72-85, 104-124, for references to papal documents. 960. Acta pontificum Romanorum inedita (97-1198). Edited by J. VON PFLUGK-HARTTUNG. 3 vols. Tubingen and Stuttgart, 1881- 1888. For documents concerning the papal states see the Codex diplomaticus dominii temporalis S. Sedis, edited by A. THEINER, 3 vols., Rome, 1861-1862; and the old collection, Monumenta dominationis pontificae, edited by CENNI, Rome, 1760-1761. 961. Epistolae pontificum Romanorum ineditae. Edited by S. LOEWENFELD. Leipzig, 1885. Pojitificum Eomanorum qui fuerunt inde ab ex. saecuJa IX usque ad finem saeculi XIII vitae, edited by J. M. WATTERICH, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1862. (c) CHURCH COUNCILS 962. Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. Edited by J. D. MANSI and others. 31 vols. Florence and Venice, 1759- 1798 [to 1590 A.D.]. New edition and continuation, vols. 0-47, Paris, 1900ff. There is a conspectus for vols. I-XLVI and an alpha- betical index in vol. XXXVIa. See HEFELE, Concilienge- schichte, no. 469 above. 96 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 963. Acta sanctorum. Begun by J. BOLLANDUS. Still incom- plete. Vols. 1-66. Antwerp, 1643-1770; Brussels, 1845ff.; Paris and Rome, 1866 and 1887. Brussels, 1894ff. New edition, vols. 1-66, Paris, 1863ff. This vast collection of biographies of saints is arranged according to saints' days, and now extends well into November. The more recent volumes have been edited under the able supervision of the late C. DE SMEDT. See the description of the set in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. xxxii. There is an index to the volumes for January to October in vol. 62. For guides to the various biographies contained in the collection, see also POTTHAST, Wegweiser, section "Vita"; and the Bibliotheca hagiographica, no. 53 above. The Analecta Bollandiana, no. 177 above, form a periodical . supplement to the Acta sanctorum. See also C. NARBEY, Supplement aux Acta sanctorum pour les vies de saints de I'epoque Merov- ingienne, vols. I and II, Paris, 1899, 1912; and S. BARING- GOULD, Lives of the saints, 16 vols., Edinburgh, 1914. (e) MONASTIC EULES 964. Codex regularum monasticarum. Edited by L. HOLSTEN. 3 parts. Eome, 1661. 2nd edition, 6 vols., Vienna, 1759. Still the largest collection of monastic rules. 3. France and Belgium 965. Collection de documents inSdits sur 1 'histoire de France. Publie par les soins du ministre de 1 'instruction publique. Parig, 1835ff. Three hundred and thirty-one volumes had appeared in 1915. I: Chroniques, memoires, journaux, recits et composi- tions historiques; II: Cartulaires et recueils de cTiartes; III: Correspondances et documents politiques et administratives; IV: Documents de la periode revolutionnaire; V: Documents philologiques, philosophiques, juridiques, etc.; VI, Publica- tions archSologiques. The first 177 vols. are analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de I'histoire de France, no. 23 above, 107-183. POTT- HAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. liv, gives an alphabetical list of the contents of the first 212 vols. 966. Publications de la SocietS de I'histoire de France. Paris, 1835ff. Number 376 appeared in 1917. Contents of the first 130 vols. are anaylzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de I 'histoire de France, no. 23 above, 207-251; and the contents of the first 203 vols in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. cxl. See also no. 886 above. The Publications de la Societe de I'his- toire de Normandie, Rouen, 1870ff., contain valuable additional material. CHAP, v FRANCE AND BELGIUM 97 967. Kerum Gallicarum et Francicarum scriptores. (Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France). Edited by M. BOUQUET and others. 24 vols. Paris, 1738-1904. Extends to 1328. New impres- sion of first 19 vols. by L. DELISLE. Paris, 1868-1880; vols. XX- XXIII, 1893-1894. Vol. XXIV, Paris, 1904. Nouvelle serie in quarto, 7 vols., Paris, 1899-1906 (Documents financiers, obituaires, pouilles). There is an index in vol. XXIII. The contents of the first 22 vols. is analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources, no. 23 above, 82-94. POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. xlii, has a short analysis. This collection is commonly referred to as "Bouquet." 968. Collection de textes pour servir a 1 'etude et a 1'enseigne- ment de 1'histoire. l er serie. Des origines au XVIII 8 siecle. 49 vols. in 1913. Paris, 1886ff. Similar to the German Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum, no. 979 below, but more comprehensive. In- cludes sources for modern history. The texts are accom- panied by notes and introductions. Although designed prim- arily for instructional purposes, the set maintains a high standard of scholarship. Beginners will find much help in the following guides to the study of medieval chronicles of France: G. MASON, Early chroniclers of Europe: France, London, 1879; L. CONSTANS, Les grands historiens du moyen age, Paris, 1891; and A. DEBIDOUR and E. ETIENNE, Les chroniquers frangais au moyen age, Paris, 1895. 969. Collection complete des memoires relatifs a 1'histoire de France depuis le regne de Philippe-Auguste jusqu'en 1763. Edited by C. B. PETITOT [and M. MONMERQUE]. Series I, 52 vols; series II, 79 vols. Paris, 1819-1829. Dissertations are interspersed here and there. The first 15 vols. of series I extend to almost 1500. Their contents are analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de 1'histoire de France, no. 23 above, 288-302. 970. Nouvelle collection des memoires sur 1'histoire de France depuis le 13 e siecle jusqu'a la fin du 18" siecle. Edited by J. MICHAUD and P. POUJOULAT. 32 vols. Paris, 1836-1839. A new edition of the previous set, with additions. A publishers' venture rather than a serious historical work. Vols. I-IV treat the period up to 1500. The contents are analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de 1'histoire de France, no. 23 above, 303-315. In this edition there are no disser- tations. 971. Collection des memoires relatifs a 1'histoire de France, depuis la fondation de la monarchie franchise jusqu'a XIII 6 siecle. Edited by M. F. GUIZOT. 31 vols. Paris, 1824-1835. 98 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI French translations without the original texts. Not a scholarly piece of work. Contents are analyzed in A. FRANK- LIN, Lcs sources de I'histoire de France, no. 23 above, 270-78; also in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. Ixxx. 972. Collection des chroniques nationales franchises Scrites en langue vulgaire, du XIII* au XVI" siecle. Edited by J. A. BUCHON. 47 vols. Paris, 1824-1829. Contents analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de I 'histoire de France, no. 23 above, 279-287. 973. Choix de chroniques et memoires sur I'histoire de France. Edited by J. A. BUCHON. 17 vols. Paris, 1836-1838. This and the above collection are analyzed in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, pp. xliv-xlvi. 974. Les grandes chroniques de France. Paris, 1910ff. A new edition begun by the SocietS de I'histoire de France. 975. Chartes et diplomes relatifs a 1 'histoire de France publies par les soins de 1 'Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Paris, 1908ff. For contents up to 1917, see Sevue Jiistorique, CXXI, 321, note 2, and American historical review, XXII (1917), 463. See also Table chronologique des diplomes, chartes, Hires et actes imprimes concernant I'Jtistoire de France, edited by L. G. O. DE BREQUIGNY; vols. I-III, Paris, 1736-1776; continued, vols. IV-VIII (to 1314), Paris, 1836-3876. Likewise Eecueil general des ancicnnes lois frangaises de 430 a 1789, edited by ISAMBERT and others, 29 vols., Paris, 1822-1833. For the later middle ages we have a better collection, Ordonnances des rois de France de la III C race jusqu'en 1514, 22 vols., Paris, 1723- 1849 (often called Ordonnances du Louvre). 976. L 'histoire de France racontee par les contemporains. Ex- traits des chroniques et des memoires. Edited by B. ZELLER. 65 vols. Paris, 1881-1890. An older, similar venture is DUSSIEUX, L 'histoire de France racontee par les contemporains. 977. Collection de chroniques Beiges inedites. Ill vols. Brus- sels, 1836ff. The first 44 vols. are analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de I'histoire de France, no. 23 above, 184206; and the contents of the first 86 vols. are indicated in POTTHAST, Wegiveiser, no. 18 above, I, p. liii. See also the Collection des chroniquers et trouveres Beiges, Brussels, 1863ff. ; the Eecueil de chroniques, chartes et autres documents concernant I'histoire et les antiquites de la Flandre occidentale, public par la Societe d 'emulation de Bruges, 56 vols., Bruges, 1839-1864. For Hol- land we have Wcrkcn uitgegeven door het Historisch Genoot- schap te Utrecht, 1863ff., which is devoted largely to the his- CHAP, v GERMANY AND AUSTRIA 99 tory of the seventeenth century; the contents of the few volumes relating to the middle ages is indicated in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, I, p. cxlvi. The same society also published a Codex diplomaticus neerlandicus, 8 vols., Utrecht, 1848-1863. 4. Germany, Austria and Switzerland 978. Monumenta Germaniae historica (500-1500). Edited by G. H. PERTZ, T. MOMMSEN, etc. Folio series, Berlin, 1826-1874; quarto series, 1876ff. This is the most famous nineteenth century collection of medieval sources. Brief analyses of its contents will be found in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 892; HERRE, no. 14 above, no. 1020; POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. cxii; Cambridge medieval history, no. 340 above, II, p. 714. FRANKLIN, no. 23 above, 95-106, analyzes the folio series published before 1874. A great deal has been written about this remarkable achievement of German scholarship; POTT- HAST listed all that had appeared before 1895. The Neues Archiv, no. 167 above, keeps the world of scholars informed regarding the progress of work on the Monumenta. WAT- TENBACH, no. 29 above, is the best introduction to the main contents of the set. The limits of the work are 500-1500 A.D., but thus far it has gone little beyond the middle of the 13th century. 979. Scriptores rerum Germaniearum in usum scholarum, ex Monumentis Germaniae historicis recusi. 46 vols. in 1905. Hanover, 1840ff. This octavo collection for pedagogical use is a selection from the chronicles which appear in the Monumenta Ger- maniae "historica. In some cases, however, the octavo edition contains the more recent and more trustworthy text of a medieval author. The contents of the set are analyzed briefly in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 1001. 980. Quellensammlung zur deutschen Geschichte. Edited by E. BRANDENBURG and G. SEELIGER. Leipzig, 1907ff. Intended primarily for seminar use in German universi- ties, but also makes a wider appeal to scholars. The works which appeared before 1912 are listed in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 895. 981. Die Gesehichtschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit. Edited by G. H. PERTZ, etc. Berlin and Leipzig, 1849ff. 2nd edition, 90 vols., by W. WATTENBACH, ibid., 1884ff. 3rd edition and continuation by O. HOLDER-EGGER and M. TANGL, 1909ff. The contents are given in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. Ixxiv. This very convenient set contains good German translations of the most interesting parts of the section ' ' Scriptores ' ' in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. 100 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 982. Die Chroniken der deutschen Stadte von 14 bis ins 16 Jahr- hundert. Herausgegeben durch die historische Kommission bei der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen, unter Leitung VON K. HEGEL und G. v. BELOW. Vols. I-XXX. Leipzig, 1862ff. The contents are briefly indicated in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 1003. 983. Bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum. Edited by P. JAFFE. 6 vols. Berlin, 1864-1873. Contents in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. Ixxxv. See also Monumenta Germaniae selecta db anno 768 usque ad annum 1250, edited by M. DOEBERL, 5 vols., Munich, 1889ff. 984. Fontes rerum Germanicarum. Edited by J. F. BOHMER. 4 vols. Stuttgart, 1843-68. This collection contains sources, mostly chronicles, from the later middle ages, whereas JAFFE, no. 983 above, is devoted to the early middle ages. These two collections con- tain important sources which had not been edited in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Even now both are still useful. 985. Regesta imperii. Edited by J. F. BOHMER. Frankfurt, 1831ff. New edition in several parts by various authors. Innsbruck, .1877ff. I For titles of the various parts of the new edition, see HERRE, no. 14 above, no. 1024, or BERNHEIM, no. 64 above, p. 560. Detailed information about the archives and archive material for Germany is in BRESSLAU, no. 240 above, passim. For pedagogical purposes J. F. BOHMER, Ada imperii selecta, Innsbruck, 1870; and E. WINKELMANN, Acta imperii inedita saeculi XIII et XIV, 2 vols., Innsbruck, 1880-1885, are valu- able; but the best book for that purpose is the Quellen- sammlung zur Geschichte der deutschen Eeichsverfassung in Mittelalter und Neuzeit, edited by K. ZEUMER, Leipzig, 1904; new edition, 1913. 986. Fontes rerum Austriacarum: Ssterreichische Geschiehts- quellen. By the Vienna Academy. Part 1, Scriptores, vols. I-IX, 1. Part 2, Diplomataria et acta, vols. I-LXII. Vienna, 1849ff. Contents of vols. published up to 1896 in POTTHAST, Weg- weiser, no. 18 above, I, p. Ixix. See also Monumenta historiae Bohemica, edited by A. GINDELY, 5 vols., Prague, 1864-1890. 987. Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte. Herausgegeben von der allgemeinen geschichtsforschenden Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Vols. I-XXV. Basel, 1877-1907. New series, 1908ff. Contents in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 918. See also Mittheilungen zur vaterlandischen Geschichte issued by the Historiseher Verein in St. Gallen, 20 vols., St. Gall, 1862- 1885, contents in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, p. ex. , v ITALY AND ENGLAND 101 5. Italy 988. Kerum Italicarum scriptores ab anno aerae christianae 500 ad 1500. Edited by L. A. MUBATORI [died 1750]. 25 vols. in 28. Milan, 1723-1751. Indexes, Turin, 1885. New edition by G. CAB- DUCCI and V. FIORINI. Citta di Castello, 1900ff. This renowned collection was the first great attempt to collect all the medieval sources of one country. Work on the new edition, together with additions, are reported in the Archivio Muratoriana, no. 168 above. See also the additions in the Archivio storico italiano, no. 160 above. A very serviceable introduction to the sources of medieval Italy is U. BALZANI, Le chroniche Italiane nel medio evo, Milan, 1884, 3rd edition, Milan, 1909; English edition, Early chroniclers of Italy, London, 1883. 989. Antiquitates Italicae medii aevi. 6 vols. Edited by L. A. MUBATORI. Milan, 1738-1742. Index, Turin, 1885. 990. Fonti per la storia d 'Italia. Published by the Istituto storico italiano. Rome, 1887ff. 44 vols. in 1916. In the following divisions: Scrittori; Epistolari e Regesti; Diplomi; Statuti; Leggi; Antichita (Necrologi). This is supplemented by the Bollettino dell' Istituto storico italiano, no. 162 above. 991. Monumenta historiae patriae edita iussu Caroli Alberti regis. First series in folio, vols. I-XX; second series in quarto, vols. XXIff. Turin, 1836ff. 992. Documenti di storia italiana. Publicati a cura della R. Deputazione di Toscana, dell' Umbria e delle Marche. 9 vols. Florence, 1867-1889. For contents see POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. Ixiii. Especially devoted to the middle ages. 993. Regesta chartarum Italiae. Edited by Kgl. Preuss. his- torisches Institut and the Istituto storico italiano. Rome, 1907ff. Contents in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 1274. 994. La storia d 'Italia, narrata da scrittori contemporanei agli avvenimenti. Edited by P. ORSI. 3 vols. Turin, 1896-1905. Vol. I (473-1313) in 2nd edition, 1905. A collection of extracts from the sources, translated into Italian with explanatory remarks and bibliographies. 6. England 995. Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores: or Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the middle ages, published by the authority of her Majesty's treasury under the 102 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI direction of the Master of the Rolls. 99 works in 244 vols. Lon- don, 1858-1896. This collection is commonly called the "Bolls Series." For the contents in alphabetical arrangement according to titles of works, see GROSS, no. 36 above, pp. 704-711. POTT- HAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, pp. cxxvii ff., lists the sep- arate works according to their order in the set. 996. Foedera, conventiones, litterae, et cujuscunque generis acta publica inter reges Angliae et alios quosvis imperatores, reges, pontifices, principes, vel communitates [1101-1654]. Edited by T. EYMER. For various editions and aids see GROSS, no. 36 above, no. 2097. Also see GROSS in general for source material relating to English history. 7. Spain and Portugal 997. Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la historia de Espana. 112 vols. Madrid, 1842-1895. Index to vols. I-CII, Madrid, 1891. Nueva coleccion de documentos ineditos para la his- toria de Espana y de sus Indias. Vols. I-VI. Madrid, 1892-1896. These important collections are supplemented by a great mass of source material in the Espana sagrada, no. 467 above. For a guide to the narrative sources of medieval Spain see R. BALLESTER Y CASTELL, Las fuentes narativas de la historia de Espana durante la edad media (417-1474), Palma de Mal- lorca, 1908. On pp. 203-207 he prints an analysis of the contents of the old collection, Hispaniae illustratae, edited by A. SCHOTT, 4 vols., Frankfurt, 1603-1608. See also C. CIROT, Etudes sur I'historioqraphie esparjvole: les histoires generales d'Espagne entre Alphonse X et Philippe II (1284-1556), Bor- deaux, 1904 (Bibliotheque des universites du Midi, 9). 998. Coleccion de las cronicas y memorias de los reyes de Gas- tilla. 7 vols. Madrid, 1779-1787. An important special collection, the contents of which are given in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. lii. 999. Coleccion de documentos rneditos del Archivo general de la Corona de Aragon. 40 vols. Barcelona, 1847-1876. See also Coleccion de documentos para el estudio de la his- toria de Aragon, edited by E. IBARRA Y RODRIGUEZ, etc., vols. I-V, Taragossa, 1904-1908; and Coleccion de documentos in- editos para la historia de Navarre, vol. I, Pamplona, 1900. 1000. Cortes de los antiguos reinos de Leon y de Castilla. Vols. T-V (to 1559). Madrid, 1861-1906. With an introduction by M. COLMEIRO. 2 vols. Madrid, 1883-84. See also Cortes de los antiguos reinos de Aragdn'y de Val- encia y Principado de Cataluna, vols. I-XIII [1064-1423], Barcelona, 1896-1909. CHAP.V EASTERN EUROPE 103 1001. Portugaliae monumenta historica a saeculo VIII post Christum usque ad XV. Edited by A. HERCULANO. Lisbon, 1856ff. Other collections consisting chiefly of chronicles are: Collecgao de livros ineditos da historia Portugueza, edited by J. CORREA DA SERRA, 5 vols., Lisbon, 1790-1793; Collecqao dos principaes auctores da historia Portugueza, 8 vols., Lisbon, 1806- 1809; and Collecgao dos documentor e memorias da Academia real da historia Portugueza, 15 vols., Lisbon, 1722-1736. Archive material is collected in Quadro elementar das relacoes politicas e diplomaticas de Portugal, edited by the Viscount of SANTAREM, 18 vols., Paris, 1842-1860, continued as Corpo diplomatico Portuguez [to 1640], edited by REBELLO DA SILVA, 36 vols., 1856-1878. 8. Byzantine Empire 1002. Byzantinae historiae scriptores. 39 (or 47, or 23, or 27, according to arrangement) vols. Paris, 1645-1711. Contains excellent translations from Greek into Latin along with the Greek texts. Begun under the auspices of Louis XIV. Contents listed in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. xlvi. Extracts in French translation by L. COUSIN, Histoire de Constantinople depuis le regne de Justin jusqu'd la fin de I'empire, 8 vols., Paris, 1672-1674. Another edition (more valuable) printed in Holland, 11 vols., 1685. In large part reprinted in Patrologiae graecae, edited by MIGNE, no. 953 above. See also Fragmenta historicorum Graec- orum, edited by C. MULLER, 5 vols., Paris, 3841-1883. 1003. Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae. 50 vols. Bonn, 1828-1897. Very poorly edited. Contents in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, I, p. lix. See also Fontes rerum Byzantinarum, St. Petersburg, 1892; and Analecta Byzantino-russica, ibid, 1891, both edited by W. EEGEL. 9. Eastern Europe 1004. Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illus- trantia. Vols. I-XVIII. Cracow, 1874-1908. See also Scriptores rerum polonicarum, vols. I-XX, Cracow, 1872-1907; and Monumenta Poloniae historica, edited by A. BIELOWSKI and others, 6 vols., Lemberg and Cracow, 1864- 1893. 1005. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae (to 1506). 4 vols. Warsaw, 1847-1887. See also Codex diplomaticus maioris Poloniae (to 1444), vols. I-V, Posen, 1877-1908; and Codex diplomaticus Poloniae minoris, vols. I-IV, Cracow, 1876-1905. 104 GENERAL BOOKS PARTI 1006. Monumenta Hungariae historica. Part 1, Diplomataria. Part 2, Scriptores. Part 3, Monumenta comitialia. Part 4, Acta extera. Budapest, 1857ff. See also Codex diplomaticus Hungariae, edited by G. FEJER, 43 vols., Budapest, 1829-1844, with a chronological table, 1862, and an index, 1866; and Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae, et Slavoniae, edited by T. SMICIKLAS, vols. I-V (1101-1272), Agram, 1904-1907. Vol. Ils vol. VII of the older collection, Monumenta spectantia historiam Slavorum meridionalium, 11 vols., Agram, 1868-1893. Now see also the new collection, Acta et diplomata res Albaniae mediae aetatis illustrantia, edited by L. DE THALL6CZY and others, vol. I (344-1343), Vienna, 1913. 10. Northern Europe 1007. Scriptores rerum Danicarum medii aevi. Edited by J. LANGEBEK, etc. 8 vols. Kopenhagen, 1772-1834. Index, 1878. 1008. Repertorium diplomaticum regni Danici mediaevalis. Edited by K. ERSLEV and others. Copenhagen, 1894ff. 4 vols. had appeared in 1906. Regesta diplomatica nistoriae Danicae [to 1660], series I, vols. I-II, Copenhagen, 1847-1870, series II, vols. I-II, 1889- 1907. Acta pontificum Danica, Copenhagen, 1904ft'. 1009. Diplomatarium Norvegicum. Edited by C. C. A. LANGE and others. Christiania, 1847ff. 1010. Scriptores rerum Suecicarum medii aevi. 3 vols. Upsala and Lund, 1818-1876. 1011. Diplomatarium Suecanum (Svenskt diplomatarium), 817- 1350. 6 vols. Stockholm, 1829-1878. Continuations, 1351-1414, Stockholm, 1866-1887. 11. Education and Learning 1012. Monumenta Germaniae paedagogica. Schulordnungen, Schul- biicher und paedagogische Miscellaneen aus den Landen deutscher Zunge. Edited by K. KEHRBACH. Berlin, 1886ff. Complete list of contents in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, no. 2932. Includes many secondary accounts. See also the Beitrdge edited by BAEUMKER, no. 826 above, which con- tain many original texts. 12. Jews 1013. Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden im frankischen und deutschen Reiche bis zum Jahre 1273. Edited by J. ARONIUS and others. Berlin, 1887-1902. See also nos. 863, 864, 865, 868 note, 881, 884, above. PART II GENERAL HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES PERIOD I. 500-1100 I. INTRODUCTION A. OUTLINE 1. The period of time usually designated as the "middle ages." Various limits: 1 A.D., 313, 325, 378, 395, 410, 476, pontificate of Gregory the Great 590-604, 800, as the beginning; and as the close, "the revival of learning" (ca. 1350), 1453, 1492, 1517 or 1520, 1648, 1789. Attempts to eliminate the period altogether. 2. History of the rise and spread of the term "middle ages." The conceptions of the humanists. The part played by the idea of a ' ' revival of learning ' ' and of a " renaissance. ' ' Importance of the history of the Latin language in developing the idea of a middle period. Du CANGE, Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis. The great influence of the hand-books of CHRISTOPHER KELLER (CELLARIUS, 1634-1707), who divided history thus : (1) Historia antiqua, to Constantine the Great; (2) Historia medii aevi, to the fall of Constantinople in 1453; and (3) Historia nova. 3. Ideas which medieval scholars had about the time in which they lived. 4. Futility of basing divisions of history upon any other ground except that of convenience. Convenience and simplicity of calling the thousand years from about 500 to about 1500 the middle ages, now that the peculiar phrase is so deeply rooted in the modern languages and in books on history. Reasons for the following divi- sion which has been adopted in this Guide: period I, 500-1100; period II, 1100-1500. The continuity of history. . 5. Danger of investing the "middle ages" with attributes which make the period appear to have an individuality all its own. Curious modern connotations of "medieval" and "middle ages." "The dark ages." "The thousand years of gloom." 6. The geographical area concerned in medieval history. Its main physical features. Importance of the two great basins, the Mediterranean and the North and Baltic seas, and the routes which connected them. 7. Broad classification of the people who lived in this area in 500 A.D. 106 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 8. The main tools available for studying the political geography of the middle ages. 9. The relationship of geography and history. 10. Geographical knowledge in the middle ages. Dante's con- ception of the world in which he lived. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Meaning of middle ages. The most suggestive survey is J. T. SHOTWELL'S article "Middle Ages" in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Sritannica. The most recent contribution to our knowl- edge of the origin of the conception of "middle ages" is P. LEH- MANN, "Vom Mittelalter und von der lateinischen Philologie des Mit- telalters, " in Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, V (1914), 1-25; also printed separately, Munich, 1914. This article is summarized briefly by G. L. BURR, "How the middle ages got their name," in American historical review, XX (1915), 813-4. See also Professor BURR'S article "Anent the middle ages," in American historical review, XVIII (1913), 710.-726; and F. KEUTGEN, "On the necessity in America of the study of the early history of modern European nations," in Annual report of the American historical association, 1904, 91-106. A summary and criticism of most of the literature mentioned below may be found in E. BERNHEIM, Lehrbuch der historischen Methode, 70-84. There are some good suggestions in G. B. ADAMS, Civiliza- tion during the middle ages, ch. i; H. O. TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, I, ch. i; J. H. ROBINSON, History of western Europe, ch. i; in his Beadings, I, ch. i; and D. C. MUNRO, History of the middle ages, ch. I. Geography. As an introduction to the study of geography for medieval history, study SHEPHERD, Atlas, 2-3, 42-43. Learn the use of E. A. FREEMAN, The historical geography of Europe, and make yourself familiar with the standard historical atlases, nos. 121-129 above. For Dante's geography, see E. MOORE, Studies in Dante, 3rd series, Oxford, 1903, 109-143. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY The middle ages as a period of history. M. BUDINGER, "Ueber Darstellungen der allgemeinen Geschichte, insbesbnders des Mittel- alters," in Historische Zeitschrift, VII (1862), 108-132. O. LORENZ, Die Geschichtswissenschaft, Berlin, 1886, 228-260. W. STUBBS, Seven- teen lectures, chs. ix-x, ' ' Characteristic differences between mediaeval and modern history." On the date 476 A.D. see J. H. ROBINSON, The new history, New York, 1912, 155-194. F. X. v. WEGELE, Geschichte der deutschen Historiographie, Munich and Leipzig, 1885, 473-489. n LATIN WEST 107 B. M. MEYER, " Mittelalter, " in Feuilleton der Nationalzeitung, 1907, no. 277. H. GUNTER, "Das Mittelalter in der spateren Geschichtsbe- trachtung," in Historisohes Jahrbuch, XXIV (1903), 1-14. E. A. FREEMAN, The methods of historical study, 20-40, 191-225. See DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, no. 27, for a bibliography on the division of history into periods. Characteristics of the middle ages. G. KURTH, Qu'est-ce que le moyen age?, 5th edition, Paris, 1907. A. EHRHARD, Das Mittelalter und seine Jcirchliche Entwiclcelung, Munich and Mainz, 1908, combats the idea of ' ' dark ages. ' ' H. GRISAR, Das Mittelalter einst und jetzt : zwei Beitrage iiber Erhard 's ' ' Der Katholicismus und das 20 Jahrhundert," 2nd edition, Munich, 1902. F. PICAVET, "Le moyen age, caracteristique theologique et philosophico-scientifique, limites chronologiques, " in Academic des sciences morales et politiques, Paris, 1901. N. JORGA, Les bases necessaires d'une nouvelle histoire du moyen age, Paris, 1913. S. E. MAITLAND, The dark ages. F. GUIZOT, History of civilization in Europe, lecture I. Geography and history. E. C. SEMPLE, The influences of geo- graphical environment, New York, 1911. This is based on F. EATZEL, Anthropogeographie, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1882-1891, 2nd edition, 1891-1899, I, Grundsuge der Anwendung der Erdkunde auf die Geschichte. H. B. GEORGE, The relation of geography and history, Oxford, 1901, 3rd edition, 1907. E. HUNTINGTON, Civilization and climate, Yale University Press, 1915. Sir E. L. PLAYFAIR, "The Mediterranean, physical and historical," in Smithsonian report (1890), 259-276 (see also nos. 360-361 above). W. Z. EIPLEY, The races of Europe, London and New York, 1899. Historical atlases. See nos. 121-129 above. Dictionaries of geographical names. See nos. 130-138 above. Historical geographies. See nos. 139-146 above. II. THE LATIN WEST IN THE SIXTH CENTUBY A. OUTLINE 1. Fundamental differences in civilization between the Eoman (Latin) West and the Hellenic (Greek) East, destined to become more and more pronounced, in spite of the essential unity of the Medit- terranean World, even at the end of the fifth century, illustrated especially by the universality of the Christian religion and the Eoman law. 2. The constant weakening ot Eoman government and the steady decline of Graeco-Eoman culture in the Latin West. The events of the year 476 in Italy. Eomulus (Augustulus), nominal boy em- 108 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAETII peror, son of Orestes, deposed by Odovacar (Odoacer), who now ruled in Italy. 3. The infiltration of Germanic peoples into the Eoman Empire. Location of the more important Germans about 475 A.D. Visigoths in Spain and southern Gaul, with the capital at Toulouse (battle of Adrianople, 378; sack of Rome by Alaric, 410). Vandals in Africa (sack of Rome by Gaiseric, or Genseric, 455). Burgundians in the Rhone valley (Nibelungerdied). Angles, Saxons and Jutes in England since about 449. Franks in northern Gaul. Ostrogoths in the Danube valley. 4. The Visigothic kingdom in Spain, 415-711. King Euric, 466-484. Alaric II and the Franks under Clovis. Battle of Vougle, 507. The Breviarium Alariei, 506. Conversion of the Arian Visigoths to orthodox Christianity. Isidore of Seville (ca. 570- 636). Arab conquest, 711. 5. The nomad Huns (not Germans), dispersed before 475 A.D. Attila, their king, (died 453). "Battle of Chalons," 451. Huns in Italy, 452. Pope Leo the Great and Attila. 6. Italy was still the center of the western world about 475. Its attractiveness to German barbarians. 7. The rise of Theodoric the Ostrogoth. Born about 455, son of King Theodemir. At the age of seven he was sent to Con- stantinople as a hostage. Befriended by Aspar. When about eighteen he returned to his people living in old Pannonia (modern Hungary). King of Ostrogoths, 471. In 488 he set out for Italy with the consent of Zeno, the eastern emperor. 8. Conquest of Italy by Theodoric. Siege of Ravenna. Murder of Odovacar in 493. Theodoric proclaimed king in Italy by his troops. Thus established the kingdom of the Ostrogoths in Italy which lasted from 493 to 555, with the capital at Ravenna. 9. Theodoric 's attempt to establish an Ostrogothic hegemony in the west. Marriage alliances. Diplomatic relations with the Vandals, Visigoths and the Franks under Clovis. 10. Theodoric 's attempt to establish a dualism in Italy. The Edictum Theodorici, about 500. 11. The "golden age" of Italy, about 511-522. The glory of Ravenna, and the great public works in Rome (for the last time "felix Roma") and Verona. Famous men of letters: Boethius, Symmachus, Cassiodorus. 12. The Arianism of the Ostrogoths. Theodoric 's relations with the orthodox bishops of Italy and with the pope in Rome. Com- parative weakness of the papacy during Theodoric 's reign as n LATIN WEST 109 shown by the mission of Pope John I in Constantinople, and his imprisonment and death in 526. 13. Theodoric's relations with the Byzantine empire. He never thought of setting up a rule in Italy independent of the Byzantine emperor. His growing suspicions that intrigues against him were hatching in Constantinople. Execution of Boethius and Sym- machus, 525. 14. Last bitter years of Theodoric. He had no son. Death of his son-in-law Eutharic, whom he had chosen as his successor, about 522. Death of Theodoric in 526. Succeeded by his grandson Athalaric. Rapid decline of the Ostrogothic kingdom (see next outline). 15. The failure of Theodoric 's attempt to unite the Latin West under German leadership a task not attempted again until the time of Charlemagne. 16. The legends of Theodoric (Dietrich von Bern). 17. Ostrogothic kings of Italy, 493-553. Theodoric, 493-526 Hildibad, 540-541 Athalaric, 526-534 Eraric, 541 Theodohad, 534-536 Totila (Baduila), 541-552 Witigis, 536-540 Teias, 552-553. 18. Visigothic kings in Spain. Atawulf, 415 Theudis, 531-548 Sigeric, 415 Theudigisel, 548-549 Wallia, 415-420 Agila, 549-554 Theodoric (Theodored), Athanagild, 554-567 420-451 Leova I, 567-572 Thorismund, 451-452 Leovigild, 570-586 Theodoric, 452-466 Eeccared I, 586-601 Euric, 466-483 Leova II, 601-603 Alaric II, 483-506 Witeric, 603-610 Theodoric and Amalric, Gundimar, 610-612 506-522 Sisibut, 612-620 Amalric, sole oruler, 522- Beccared II, 620-621 . . . 531 Eoderic, 710-711 B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general accounts which establish a connection with Roman history. EMERTON, Introduction to the study of the middle ages, 1-59. ADAMS, Civilization during the middle ages, chs. i-v. BRYCE, Holy Eoman empire, chs. l-in. W. S. DAVIS, An outline history of the Eoman empire (44 B.C. to 378 A.D.), New York, 1909. 110 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Longer accounts with special emphasis on the Ostrogoths. LAVISSE and EAMBAUD, Histoire generate, I, chs. I and n. Cambridge medieval history, I, especially chs. xiv and xv. VILLARI, The bar- barian invasions of Italy, book II. OMAN, The darlc ages, chs. i-n. BURY, History of the later Roman empire, I, books II-III. H. BRAD- LEY, The story of the Goths to the end of the Gothic dominion in Spain, New York, 1888. E. A. FREEMAN, Historical essays, 3rd series, 121-172, has an interesting account of "The Goths at Eavenna. " Biographies of Theodoric. T. HODGKIN, Theodoric the Goth, New York, 1891. G. PFEILSCHIFTER, Die Germanen im romischen 'Reich: Theodorich der Grosse, Mainz, 1911 (note the pictures in the latter and in C. DIEHL, Ravenne, Paris, 1907). Visigothic Spain. Cambridge medieval history, II, ch. vi. OMAN, The dark ages, 128-144. T. HODGKIN, "Visigothic Spain," in English historical review, II (1887), 209-234. HUME, The Spanish people, 41-70. Longer and more authoritative accounts are in U. E BURKE, History of Spain, I, chs. iv-xi; and E. ALTAMIRA, Historia de Espana (1913 edition), I, 165-223. Detailed general accounts. HODGKIN, Italy and her invaders, III. GIBBON, Decline and fall of the Roman empire, chs. xxviff. GREGOROVIUS, Rome in the middle ages, I. J. v. PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, The great migrations, translated from Allgemeine Weltgeschichte as vol. VI of no. 314 above. Original sources. Eead the Germania of Tacitus (translated in Translations and reprints of the University of Pennsylvania, VI, no. 3) if you have 'never studied it before. The Letters of Cassio- dorus are translated in part by T. HODGKIN, London, 1886. JORDANES, Origin and deeds of the Goths, is translated by C. C. MIEROW, Princeton, 1908, new edition, 1915. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 42, 43, 45, 50. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. Most of the subjects in this outline are touched upon in many of the general histories of Germany, nos. 560-587 above, and Italy, 599-621 above, see especially 614. In addition see also E. A. FREEMAN, Western Europe in the fifth century: an aftermath, London, 1904; C. KINGSLEY, The Roman and the Teuton, London, 1875; and A. THIERRY, Redts de I'histoire romaine au V e siecle, Paris, 1860. General accounts of the German invasions. L. SCHMIDT, Geschichte der deutschen Stdmme bis zum Ausgang der Volkerwan- derung, vols. I-II, Berlin, 1904-1911; a shorter account is his Allge- ii LATIN WEST 111 meine Geschichte der germanischen Volker bis zur Mitte des sech- sten Jahrhunderts, Munich, 1909, part of no. 330 above; and he has summarized it recently in very brief and popular form in his Die germanischen Eeiche der Volkerwanderung, Leipzig, 1913 (Wis- senschaft und Bildung). F. DAHN, Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Volker, 3 vols., Berlin, 1880-89, part of no. 313 above; and his Die Konige der Germanen, 6 vols., Munich, 1861-71. R. VON ERKERT, Wanderungen und Siedelungen der germanischen Stamme in Mittel-Europa von der dltesten Zeit bis auf Karl den Grossen, Berlin, 1900. W. M. F. PETRIE, Migrations, London, the Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland (the Hux- ley lecture for 1906), has an interesting series of maps. See also the slight sketch by A. C. HADDON, The wanderings of peoples, Cam- bridge, 1911, ch. m. F. MARTROYE, L'occident a I'epoque byzantine: Goths et Vandales, Paris, 1904. L. WILSER, Die Germanen, neue, den Fortschritten der Wissenschaft angepasste und mehrfach erweit- erte Auflage, vol. I, Leipzig, 1913. G. KAUFMANN, Deutsche Geschichte bis auf Karl den Grossen, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1880-1881. O. GUTSCHE and W. SCHULTZE, Deutsche Geschichte von der Urzeit bis zu den Karolingern, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1894-1896. E. v. WIETERS- HEIM, Geschichte der V olkerwanderung, 4 vols., Leipzig, 1859-1864, 2nd edition, by F. DAHN, 2 vols., 1880-81. F. LOT, "Les migrations saxonnes en Gaule et en Grande-Bretagne du IIP au V e siecle," in Revue historique, CXIX (1915), 1-40. G. WAITZ, Deutsche Verfass- ungsgeschichte, vol. I, is our main source of information for early German institutions, but see also F. B. GUMMERE, Germanic origins, New York, 1892. Ostrogoths. L. M. HARTMANN, Geschichte Italiens im Mittel- alter, vol. I, is now the best general survey of the Ostrogoths in Italy. E. LONCAO, Fandazione del regno di Odoacre e suoi rapporti con I'Oriente, Scansano, 1908. M. DUMOULIN, "Le gouvernement de Theodoric et la domination des Ostrogoths en Italic d'apres les oeuvres d'Ennodius," in Revue historique, LXXVIII (1902), 1-7, 241-265, LXXIX (1902), 1-22. T. MOMMSEN, "Ostgotische Studien," in Neues Archiv, XIV (1889), 223-249, 451-544, XV (1890), 181-186 (also in his Gesammelte Schriften, VI), are funda- mental studies on Ostrogothic law and institutions; but now see also, P. DEL GIUDICE, Sulla questione dell' unitd o dualitd del diritto in Italia sotto la dominazione Ostrogota, Milan, 1913. G. SALVIOLI, Sidlo stato e la popolazione d' Italia primo e dopo le invasioni bar- bariche, Palermo, 1900. Visigoths. A. FERNANDEZ .GUERRA, Historia de Espana desde la invasion de los pueblos germdnicos hasta la ruina de la monar- 112 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII quia visigoda, 2 vols., Madrid, 1890, part of no. 622 above. H. LECLERCQ, L'Espagne chretienne [to 711], Paris, 1905, 2nd edition, 1906 (Bibliotheque de 1 'enseignement de 1'histoire ecclesiastique). DON JUAN ORTEGA Y KUBIO, Los visigodos en Espana, Madrid, 1903. E. PEREZ PUJOL, Historia de las institueiones societies de la Espana goda, 4 vols., Valencia, 1896. F. DAHN, Die Verfassung der West- gotten, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1885; and his, Die iiussere Geschichte der Westgothen, Wtirgburg, 1870. J. ASCHBAOH, Geschichte der Westgoten, Frankfurt, 1827. Burgundians. C. BINDING, Das Burgundish-Eomanische Konig- reioh von 443 bis 532, Leipzig, 1868. A. JAHN, Geschichte der Bur- gundionen und Burgundiens bis zum Ende der I Dynastie, 2 vols., Halle, 1874. H. DE CLAPAREDE, Les Burgondes jusqu'en 443: contri- bution a 1'histoire externe du droit germanique, Geneva, 1909, (Memoire publie a 1'ocassion du Jubile de 1 'University 1559-1909). Vandals. F. MARTROYE, Genseric: la conquete Vandale en Afrique et la destruction de I'empire d' accident, Paris, 1907. L. SCHMIDT, Geschichte der Wandalen, Leipzig, 1901. Huns. E. HUTTON, Attila and his Huns, New York, 1915. Cam- bridge medieval history, I, ch. xii. HELMOLT, History of the world, V, 319-326. Original Sources. An examination of the general nature and trustworthiness of the sources was made recently in a doctoral disser- tation by C. J. H. HAYES, An introduction to the sources relating to the Germanic invasions, New York, 1909. Most of the important sources are well edited in Monumenta Germaniae historica, no. 978 above, auctores antiquissimi, vols. I-XIV, Berlin, 1877-1904. Some of these are translated into German in Die Geschichtschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit, no. 981 above, such as vol. X, Isidors Gesohichte der Goten, Vandalen, Sueven, nebst Auszug&n aus der Kirchenge- schichte des Beda Venerabilis, revised edition by D. COSTE, Leipzig, 1910. Bibliographies. The best systematic bibliography is in DAHL- MANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, nos. 3506-4090. The sources are best described by W. WATTENBACH, no. 29 above. See also the elaborate lists of books in the Cambridge medieval history, I, especially those for chapters vn-xv, and II, ch. vi for the Visigoths; also the other general bibliographies for the history of Germany, nos. 31-34 above, and Italy, nos. 37-41 above. "I GREEK EAST 113 III. THE GEEEK EAST IN THE SIXTH CENTUEY A. OUTLINE 1. Eecent change of attitude towards the eastern or Byzantine empire on the part of historians. GIBBON'S misconceptions. The Byzantinische Zeitschrift, no. 174 above, edited by K. KRUM- BACHER, and its Eussian counterpart, no. 175 above. The fore- shadowing of the "Eastern Question" in Europe. 2. The stability of the Byzantine empire and its services to west- ern civilization. No enemy ever entered Constantinople until 1204 and the empire did not fall before the Mohammedan Turks until 1453. 3. Description of the city of Constantinople in the time of Justinian. St. Sophia. 4. The reigns of Justin I (518-527) and Justinian I (527-565). Both born in Macedonia. The empress Theodora. The Hippo- drome. Greens and Blues. The Nika riot (532). 5. The codification of the Eoman law. Previous codifications, especially the Theodosian code, 438. The Corpus iuris civilis, 529ff. (Code, Pandects or Digest, Institutes, Novels.) Tribonian was editor-in-chief. Significance of the fact that it was written and promulgated in Latin, although it was compiled in the Greek East. 6. Justinian 's administration of the empire. The Byzantine army. The Persian wars against Chosroes. Disastrous financial policy. Eelations with the church. The great plague of 542. Justinian 's interest in building and in theology. The controversy about ' ' The Three Chapters. ' ' Imprisonment of Pope Vigilius. Humiliation of the papacy. 7. The plan of Justinian to reconquer the west and to re-estab- lish the empire as it was in the time of Constantine. 8. The fall of the Vandal kingdom in Africa, 533-534. Beli- sarius versus Gelimer. Eise of the Berber tribes, 534-539; 546- 548. Imperial Africa after the fall of the Vandal kingdom. 9. The reconquest of Italy and the fall of the Ostrogothic king- dom. Two stages, 535-540; and 540-555. Murder of Amalasuntha, 535. Belisarius and Narses against Theodahad, Witigis, Totila, and Teias. The desolation of Eome and of all Italy. The recon- struction of Italy under imperial administration. The Pragmatic Sanction of 554. 10. Justinian 's foothold in Spain, 554. The rivalry between king Agila and Athanagild gave the Greeks the opportunity to intervene. Capture of Carthagena, Malaga, and Corduba. Visi- gothic resistance under king Athanagild, 554-567. 114 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 11. The Lombard invasion of Italy, 568, under Alboin. 12. The fate of Italy: divided between the Byzantine empire (Exarchate of Eavenna), the Lombards, and the rising papacy. 13. Failure of Justinian's attempt to reunite the Mediterranean world. His feeble old age and death in 565 at the age of 83 years. Rapid decline of the Greek East in the generation after Justinian. Persistance of the idea of a united Eoman empire. 14. The eastern emperors, 395-565. Arcadius, 395-408 Zeno, the Isaurian, 475- Theodosius II, 408-450 491 Marcian, 450-457 Anastasius I, 491-518 Leo I, the Thracian, 457- Justin I, 518-527 474 Justinian I, 527-565 15. Lombard kings in Italy, 568-774. Alboin, 568-572 Berthari, 672-688 Clepho, 572-573 Cunibert, 688-700 Authari, 583-590 Liutbert, 700-701 Agilulf, 590-615 Aribert II, 701-711 Adaloald, 615-625 Ansprand, 712 Arioald, 625-636 Liutprand, 712-743 Rothari, 636-652 Hildebrand, 743-744 Rodoald, 652-653 Ratchis, 744-749 Aribert, 653-662 Aistulf, 749-756 Godebert, 662 Desiderius, 756-774 Grimoald, 662-671 B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING General surveys. A brief sketch may be found in BEMONT and MONOD, Medieval Europe, ch. vin. Longer general accounts are: Cambridge medieval history, II, 1-52 and 222-235 (see also I, ch. i) ; BURY, Later Eoman empire, book IV, part I; LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generate, I, ch. iv; OMAN, Dark ages, chs. in, v, vi, xi; OMAN, Byzantine empire, chs. i-vin, xi. Justinian. The most authoritative work is 0. DIEHL, Justinien, et la civilisation byzantine au Vie siecle, Paris, 1901. W. G. HOLMES, The age of Justinian and Theodora, 2 vols., London, 1905-1907. The article ' ' Justinian ' ' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica is by J. BRYCE. Constantinople. Cambridge medieval history, I, ch. i, has a brief description of the city as founded by Constantine. For Justinian 's city see BURY, Later Roman empire, book I, ch. v, and HOLMES, The age of Justinian, I, ch. i. MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 87-113, "The Hippodrome at Constantinople," is a translation of a very interesting extract from DIEHL, Justinien. F. HARRISON. ni GREEK EAST 115 The meaning of history, 309-367, ' ' Constantinople. ' ' See also the general works on Constantinople, nos. 661-669 above. Roman law. The article "Eoman law" in the Encyclopaedia Britannica will serve as a brief introduction to the codification of the Eoman law. BURY, Later Eoman empire, book IV, ch. in. Cambridge medieval history, II, ch. in. GIBBON, Decline and fall, ch. XLIV. MILMAN, History of Latin Christianity, book III, ch. v. 1-33. Modern attitude towards Byzantine history. F. HARRISON, Byzantine history in the early middle ages, London, 1900; the same author's "Constantinople as an historic city," in Fortnightly review, LXI (1894), 438-458; and E. A. FREEMAN, "The Byzantine empire," in his Historical essays, 3rd series, 231-237. Lombards. OMAN, Dark ages, ch. xi; and a more detailed -account in Cambridge medieval history, II, ch. vn. Detailed general accounts. HODGKIN, Italy and her invaders, vols. IV and VI. GIBBON, Decline and fall, chs. XXX-XLIII. Original sources. Extracts illustrating the church in the Eastern Empire in J. C. AYER, A source boolc for ancient church history, 538- 564. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 50, 52. Cambridge medieval history, I, maps 1, 6, 14; II, maps 15, 18. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. For general works on the Byzantine empire see nos. 643-679; 800-802 above. Many of the general works under "Eastern Europe," nos. 680-716 above, touch upon the subject of this outline. Byzantine administration in Italy. C. DIEHL, Etudes sur I 'administration byzantine dans I'Exarchat de Ravenne (568-751), Paris, 1888. L. M. HARTMANN, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der byzantinischen Verwaltung in Italien (540-750), Leipzig, 1889. A. GAUDENZI, Sui rapporti tra I 'Italia e I'impero d'Oriente (476-554), Bologna, 1888. Byzantine Africa. C. DIEHL, L'Afrique byzantine, histoire de la domination byzantine en Afrique (533-709), Paris, 1896. Byzantine warfare. H. DELBRUCK, Geschichte der Kriegskunst, II, Berlin, 1902, sometimes corrects and supplements C. W. C. OMAN, A history of the art of war, London, 1898. J. PRESLAND, Belisarius: general of the east, London, 1913. The Empress Theodora. C. DIEHL, Theodora: imperatrice de Byzance, Paris, 1904. C. E. MALLET, ' ' The empress Theodora, ' ' in English historical review, II (1887), 1-20. 116 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Greek Church under Justinian. H. S. ALIVISATOS, Die Tcirchliche Gesetzgebung des Kaisers Justinian, I, Berlin, 1913. J. PABGOIRE, L'6glise byzantine de 527 a 847, Paris, 1905 (Bibliotheque de 1 'enseignement de 1'histoire ecclesiastique). E. L. WOODWARD, Chris- tianity and nationalism in the later Eoman empire, London, 1916, has a chapter on Justinian; another on Egpyt and Syria; and another on Africa. Roman law. P. COLLINET, Etudes historique sur le droit de Justinien, Paris, 1912. For other works on Roman law see outline XX, part III below. Byzantine studies in Germany. K. DIETRICH, "Die Byzantin- ische Zeitschrift und die byzantinischen Studien in Deutschland, " in Internationale Monatsschrift, VI, no. 3 (Dec., 1912), 345-376. Lombards. K. BLASEL, Die Wanderziige der Langobarden, Bres- lau, 1909. Original sources. For large collections of sources for Byzantine history see nos. 1002-1003 above. For the time of Justinian the works of PROCOPIUS have attracted most attention, especially the De Bellis, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1905; and the Historia arcana, Leipzig, 1906, both edited by J. HAURY who has written an authoritative esti- mate of PROCOPIUS, Zur Beurteilung des Geschichtschreibers Procopius von Cdsarea, Munich, 1896. The De Bellis is translated in Die Geschichtschreiber, no. 981 above; the Historia arcana by the Athenian Society, Athens, 1906. The De aedificiis of PROCOPIUS is translated by A. STEWART and others, Of the buildings of Justinian, Palestine pilgrims text society, London, 1886. The standard edition of the Roman law of Justinian is the Corpus iuris civilis, 3 vols., Berlin, 1884ff. : vol. I, Institutiones, edited by P. KRUGER, Digesta, edited by T. MOMMSEN, llth edition, 1908; vol. II, Codex, edited by T. KRUGER, 8th edition, 1906; vol. Ill, Novellae, edited by R. SCHOELL and W. KROLL, 1895. For other editions of the Roman law see Cambridge medieval history, II, 726, and confer also outline XX, part III below. PAULUS DIACONUS, Historia Langobardorum, is translated by W. D. FOULKE, History of the Langobards, by Paul the Deacon: with explanatory and critical notes, a biography of the author, and an account of the sources of the history, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1907. Bibliographies. A good bibliography is in C. DIEHL, Justinien, 667-670, but see also the classified lists of books in the Cambridge medieval history, II, for chs. I, n, in, vii, vin .(A), pp. 720-727, 739- 742. 1V MONASTICISM 117 IV. MONASTICISM IN THE SIXTH CENTUEY A. OUTLINE 1. Since the church, as organized by the papacy, was still in its infancy in the first half of the sixth century, the nature and importance of universal Christianity in that period can be appre- ciated best by a study of monasticism. Hagiography. The Ada sanctorum, no. 963 above. 2. Monasticism originated in asceticism and mysticism. It is by no means peculiar to Christianity. 3. Evolution of monasticism in northern Egypt. Hermits or anchorites and coenobites. St. Anthony (born about 250 A.D. in middle Egypt). Semi-eremitical life in the deserts of Nitria and Scete. The Life of St. Anthony by Athanasius. The reports of Palladius, Cassian, St. Jerome, and Rufinus on monastic life in Egypt in the fourth century. The legend of Paul of Thebes. 4. Evolution of monastic life in southern Egypt. Pachomius (born about 290, died 346), the founder of the coenobitical monastic life. 5. The anchorites of Syria and Mesopotamia. "The Sons of the Covenant" early in the fourth century. The stylites or pillar saints, especially St. Simeon Stylites near Antioch about the middle of the fifth century. Excessive austerities practiced by these east- ern saints. The monastery of Jerome and the convent of Paula in Bethlehem towards the end of the fourth century. 6. Monasticism in the Greek world. St. Basil, near Neocae- sarea in the Pontus region during the second half of the fourth century. Well organized community life. Moderate asceticism. His two rules, the longer and the shorter, taught moderation in the ascetic life. Basilian monasticism in Constantinople. Its spread into the Slavonic world. Mount Athos. 7. Introduction of monasticism into the west. St. Athanasius brought two Egyptian monk to Rome in 339. Spread of the mon- astic ideal in Rome, especially among the women of the higher classes, such as Paula and Melania. St. Jerome (died 420). Rufinus. Ambrose in Milan (died 397). Eusebius, bishop of Ver- celli (died 371). St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo (died 430). Paulinus of Nola near Rome (died 431). Holy islands in the Tyrhenian sea such as Capraria. 8. Monasticism in Gaul. St. Martin, bishop of Tours in 372. Founded a monastery near Poitiers about 362. Marmoutier. John Cassian in Marseilles. Honoratus on the island of Lerins. The 118 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII monastery of Conclat in the Jura mountains. Decline of mon- asticism in Gaul in the late fifth and early sixth century. 9. Irish monasticism (see outline VI below). 10. St. Benedict of Nursia (ca. 480-ca.550). His cave at Subiaco. Founded Monte Cassino about the third decade of the sixth century. Here he wrote his Eule. Visit of Totila in 543. 11. The famous Eule of St. Benedict. Its moderation. Lack of stress on learning. Although little known in the sixth century its influence became vast after 600. 12. Cassiodorus (died between 575-585) founded the monastery called Vivarium at Squillace in Calabria. His great services in encouraging monastic learning. 13. Contrast between eastern and western monasticism. The importance of monasticism in early medieval civilization. 14. The evolution of a difference between regular and secular clergy. 15. Women under monasticism. B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Short general surveys. Cambridge medieval history, I, 521-542, written by E. C. BUTLER, an authority on monasticism, who has also written the articles ' ' Monasticism, Benedictines, Benedict ' ' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. A. W. WISHART, Short history of monks and monasteries, chs. i-m. FLICK, Medieval church, ch. xi. Various estimates of monasticism. A. HARNACK, Das Monchtum: seine Ideale und seine Geschichte, Giessen, 1895, translated by E. E. KELLETT and F. H. MARSEILLE, Monasticism: its ideals and history, and the Confessions of St. Augustine, London, 1901. H. O. TAYLOR, The classical heritage of the middle ages, New York, 1903, 3rd edition, 1911, 136-197. J. O. HANNAY, The spirit and origin of Christian monasticism, London, 1903. WORKMAN, The evolution of the monastic ideal. MONTALEMBERT, Monks of the west, introduction. GIBBON, Decline and fall, ch. xxxvii. Bead TENNYSON'S poem, St. Simeon Stylites. St. Benedict. An excellent short sketch of his life and work is in F. H. DUDDEN, Gregory the Great: his place in history and thought, 2 vols., London, 1905, I, 109-115;' II, 161-169. There is a short chapter in J. B. CARTER, The religious life of ancient Some, Boston, 1911, ch. vii. Longer account in MONTALEMBERT, Monks of the west, I, book IV; and in MILMAN, History of Latin Christianity, book III, ch. vi. The legends about St. Benedict as told by pope GREGORY THE GREAT can be read in English, in E. G. GARDNER, The Dialogues of St. Gregory, London, 1911; E. J. LUCK, The life and miracles of St. IV MONASTICISM 119 Benedict by St. Gregory the Great (from an old version), London, 1880; The little flowers of St. Benedict, gathered from the Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great, London, 1901. Monte Cassino. LOEW, The Beneventan script, 1-21, gives a short sketch of the role of Monte Cassino in the history of medieval culture. Women under monasticism. LINA ECKENSTEIN, Women under monasticism. Original sources. The famous Life of St. Anthony by ATHANASIUS is translated in Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2nd series, IV, 195- 221; also in E. A. T. W. BUDGE, The paradise or garden of the fathers, 2 vols., London, 1907, 1, 3-76. For the works of St. Basil see Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2nd series, VII. The all-important Rule of ST. BENEDICT is translated in large part in Henderson, Select documents, 274-313, and in THATCHER and McNEAL, Source boolc, 432-484. A good recent translation has been made by F. A. GASQUET, Eule of St. Benedict, London, 1908. Maps, SHEPHERD, Atlas, 46-47, 94-95. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. For general works on monasticism see nos. 479-487 above, especially 483. Naturally all general books on the church, nos. 394498 above, treat of monasticism more or less. See also the encyclopaedias and dictionaries of church history, nos. 104-114, e.g., the article, "Cenobitisme" by H. LECLERCQ in 111. For Greek monasticism see also 800. General surveys. L. S. DE LE NAIN DE TILLEMONT, Memoires pour servir d I'histoire ecclesiastique des six premiers siecles, 15 vols., Brussels, 1693-1707, 2nd edition, 16 vols., Paris, 1701-1712. T. W. ALLIES, The monastic life: from the fathers of the desert to Charle- magne, London, 1896. I. G. SMITH, Christian monasticism from the fourth to the ninth centuries, London, 1892. J. MABILLON, Annales ordinis sancti Benedicts, 6 vols., Paris, 1703-1739. Egyptian monasticism. A good short general sketch of Egyptian monasticism is in L. DUCHESNE, Histoire ancienne de I'eglise, 3 vols., Paris, 1905ff., (various later editions), translated into English, Early history of the Christian church, New York, 1909ff., II, ch. xiv. E. C. BUTLER, The Lausiac history of Palladius, in Texts and studies, vol. VI, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1898-1904. P. VAN CAUWENBERGH, Etude sur les moines d'Egypte, depuis le concile de Chalcedoine (451) jusqu'd I'invasion arabe (640), Paris, 1914, is a recent special study on the later period. C. KINGSLEY, The hermits: their lives and works, London, 1885. G. K. GRUTZMACHER, Pachomius und das alteste Klosterleben, Freiburg, 1896. 120 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Eastern monasticism. The best general book is J. M. BESSE, Les moines d'Orient anterieure au Concile de Chalcedoine (451), Paris, 1900. S. SCHIWIETZ, Das morgenldndische Monchtum, Mainz, 1904, is a series of collected articles. R. S. HARDY, Eastern monasticism, London, 1864, is now rather antiquated. H. DELEHAYE, "Les Stylites, Saint Symeon et ses imitateurs, " in Revue des ques- tions historiques, LVII (1895), 52-103 (also printed separately, Brussels, 1895), is full of curious details about this most striking example of excessive asceticism in the East. Oriens christianus: Halbjahrheft fur die Kunde des christlichen Orients, edited by A. BAUMSTARK, new series, Leipzig, 1912ff. St. Basil. W. K. L. CLARKE, St. . Basil the Great : a study in monasticism, Cambridge University Press, 1913. E. F. MORISON, Basil and his rule: a study in early monasticism, London, 1912. Mount Athos. K. LAKE, The early days of monasticism on Mount Athos, Oxford, 1909. A. EILEY, Athos: or, The mountain of the monks, London, 1887. African monasticism. J. M. BESSE, Le monachisme Africain, Liguge, 1900; and H. LECLERCQ, L'Afrique chretienne, Paris, 1904. Early monasticism in Gaul. J. M. BESSE, Les moines de I'an- cienne France: periode gallo-romaine et merovingienne, Paris, 1906. E. C. BABUT, Saint Martin de Tours, Paris [1912]. A. LECOY DE LA MARCHE, Vie de saint Martin eveque de Tours, Tours, 1895. H. BAS, Saint Martin, Tours, 1898. J. C. CAZENOVE, St. Hilary of Poitiers and St. Martin of Tours, London, 1883. L. LAUNOY, Histoire de I'eglise Gaulois depute les origines jusqu'd la conquete franque (511), vols. I-II, Paris, 1906. A. C. COOPER-MARSDEN, The history of the Island of Lerins: monastery, saints and theologians of St. Honorat, Cambridge, University Press, 1913. ABB F. BONNARD, Saint Hono- rat de Lerins, Tours, 1914. St. Benedict of Nursia. P. P. LECHNER, St. Benedict and his times, London, 1900. D. B. MARECHAUX, Saint Benoit: sa vie, sa regie, sa doctrine spirituelle, Paris, 1911. L. TOSTI. San Benedetto, Monte Cassino, 1892, translated into English by W. E. WOODS, London, 1896. G. GRUTZMACHER, Die Bedeutung Benedicts von Nursia und seine Eegel in der Geschichte des Monchtums, Berlin, 1892. A. 1'HuiLLiER, Explication de la regie de S. Benoit, 2 vols., Paris, 1901; and his Le patriarche S. Benoit, Paris, 1905. Serial publications. Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktinerordens und seiner Zweige (since 1911, vol. XXXII, this is a new title for Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem Benedikt- iner und Cist er denser or den, vols. I-XXXI, Briinn, Wiirzburg and Vienna, 1880ff). Beitrdge zur Geschichte des alien Monchtums und v RISE OF PAPACY 121 des Benediktinerordens, (edited by Father Herwegen of the abbey of Maria-Laaeh) was begun 1912. Archives de la France monastique. Revue Mabitlon, Paris, 1899ff. Original sources. Much of the original material for -early monasticism may be found in nos. 953-955, 963, 978, above. The most complete collection of monastic rules is no. 964 above. See also the Patrologia orientalis, edited by E. GRAFFIN and F. NAU, Paris, 1903ff . ; and the Corpus seriptorum christianorum orientalium, edited by J. B. CHABOT and others, Paris, 1903ff. The original Rule of ST. BENEDICT can best be studied in the edition of B. C. BUTLER, Sancti Benedicti regula monachorum: editio critico-practica, Freiburg-i-B., 1911. Documents for the his- tory of early Benedictine monks have been edited by B. ALBERS, Consuetudines monasticae, vols., I-V, Monte Cassino, 1900-1912. For lives of Benedictine saints we have the old collection, Ada sanctorum ordinis sancti Benedicti in saeculorum classes distributa [to 1100 A.D], edited by J. MABILLON, 9 vols., Paris, 1668-1702. Bibliographies. See the bibliography for ch. xvni, on mon- asticism, in the Cambridge medieval history, I, 683-687, and the bibliographies there referred to. Also consult the general biblio- graphies of church history, nos. 49-55 above. V. THE EISE OF THE PAPACY IN THE SIXTH CENTUEY A. OUTLINE 1. Eetrospect: the rise of Eome and the papacy to headship in western Christendom. The Petrine theory. 2. The position of the bishops of Eome in the time of Theo- doric and the Ostrogothic wars. Eelations with other prelates, with Arian and heathen barbarians, and with Justinian and Theodora in Constantinople. 3. Emergence of the papacy from the chaos in Italy produced by the fall of the Ostrogoths, 555, and the invasion of the Lom- bards, 568. 4. Pope Gregory I, the Great (590-604). The real founder of the papacy. Servus servorum dei. 5. Early career of Gregory. Born about 540 in Eome. Desola- tion of the city in his youth. Eeceived a good education. Prefect of the city in 573.. 6. Gregory as a monk. Established six monasteries in Sicily and turned his father's house in Eome into the monastery of St. Andrew. Interest in missionary work in the island of Britain. 122 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 7. His active church work. He became one of the seven deacons of Koine ca. 578. In 579 Pope Pelagius II sent him to Constant!-, nople as apocrisiarius, where he stayed about six years. Met Leander of Seville there. Gregory did not learn Greek. About 585 he returned to his monastery in Eome and was abbot there until 590. 8. Election of Gregory to the papacy. Pope Pelagius died of a plague which swept Rome in 590. With remarkable unanimity the clergy and people of Rome chose Gregory as their new pope. The septiform litany to stay the plague. The legend of the Arch- angel Michael on the Mausoleum of Hadrian. Maurice, the east- ern emperor, sanctioned the election, and Gregory, although reluc- tant, was consecrated September 3, 590. " Monasticism ascended the papal throne in the person of Gregory the Great. ' ' Milman. 9. The politics of Gregory the Great. He was lord of the city of Rome. Transformation of imperial Rome into the capital of western Christendom (see outline III, part III). He was likewise the lord of Italy and took the neglected place of the eastern emperor in protecting Rome and Italy against the "unspeakable" Lom- bards. His careful administration of papal lands. More and more he became arbiter of all western Christendom. 10. Relations with Constantinople. His disputes with the emperor on account of the Lombards. His quarrel with the patri- arch, John the Faster, over the phrase, sacerdos universalis. Gregory supported the emperor Phocas, the murderer of his pre- decessor Maurice, in 602. 11. Gregory's attempts to stamp out Arianism, especially among the Visigoths and the Lombards. Conversion of the Visigothic king Reccared to orthodox Christianity, 587 (see next outline). 12. Missionary work under Gregory (see next outline). 13. Enhancement of the Christian cult by Gregory. Gregorian music. 14. His interesting Letters and influential books: Pastoral care, Dialogues, and Moralia. 15. Gregory's real greatness contrasted with his inability to foresee the glorious future of the remarkable papal monarchy which he had founded. 16. Popes, 440-604. Leo I, 440-461 Anastasius II, 496-498 Hilary, 461-467 Symmachus, 498-514 Simplicius, 467-483 Hormisdas, 514-523 Felix III, 483-492 John I, 523-526 Gelasius, 492-496 Felix IV, 526-530 v RISE OF PAPACY 123 Boniface II, 530-532 Pelagius I, 555-560 John II, 532-535 John III, 560-573 Agapetus I, 535-536 Benedict I, 574-578 Silverius, 536-537 Pelagius II, 578-590 Vigilius, 537-555 Gregory I, 590-604 B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Sketch of the rise of the church and the papa-cy. No attempt is made in this Guide to include the vast literature on the history of the early church and the rise of the papacy to about 500. ADAMS, Civilization during the middle ages, 39-64, 107-136 will serve as a brief review. The papacy in the sixth century up to 590. For the papacy in the time of Theodoric see the literature under outline II above. The conditions after 555 are described briefly in DUDDEN, Gregory the Great, I, 58-68, 80-98, 158-186. Short general accounts of the pontificate of Gregory. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, I, 237-264; or Cambridge medieval history, II, 235-262. For summaries and tabulations of most of the subjects mentioned in the outline read FLICK, The rise of the medieval church, chs. v, ix, x; or BARRY, Papal monarchy, ch. m. See also CARTER, The religious life of ancient Borne, ch. vm, and O. BARDENHEWER, Patrologie, Freiburg, 1894, 3rd edition, 1910, translated by T. J. SHAHAN, St. Louis, 1908, 123. A spirited article on the importance of this pontificate is E. LAVISSE, "L 'entree en scene de la papaute, " in Eevue des deux mondes, December 15, 1886, 3rd period, LXXVIII, 842. Longer accounts. MANN, Lives of the popes, I, part I, 1-250; MILMAN, History of Latin Christianity, II, ch. vn; HODGKIN, Italy and her invaders, V, chs. vn-'x; MONTALEMBERT, Monies of the west, book V; GREGOROVIUS, Borne in the middle ages, II, 16-103. Biographies of Gregory the Great. The standard biography of Gregory is the well-written book by F. H. DUDDEN, Gregory the Great: his place in history and in thought, 2 vols., London, 1905. J. BARMBY, Gregory the Great, London, 1892 (The fathers for English readers) ; and H. H. HOWORTH, St. Gregory the Great, Lon- don, 1912, are shorter biographies which can be recommended. Original sources. GREGORY'S Pastoral rule and select Letters are translated in the Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2nd series, XII and XIII. His Dialogues can now be read in English in the attractive edition by E. G. GARDNER, The Dialogues of St. Gregory, London, 1911. The biographies of the popes in the Liber pontiftcalis to the pontificate of 'Gregory, are now translated 124 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY TARTU into English by L. R. LOOMIS, The book of the popes, see no. 949, note, above. See also POOLE, Papal chancery, 166-170. Short extracts from Gregory's works are translated in ROBINSON, Read- ings, I, 73-82. See also AVER, Source book, 590-602. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 46-47, 94-95. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. For general works on the church see nos: 439- 454 above in particular and nos. 394-498 in general. Many books on Italy deal with the papacy in some detail, see nos. 599-621 above, especially 611. See also the encyclopaedias for the history of the church and religion, nos. 104-114 above, e.g., the article "Gregory the Great," by G. R. HUDLESTON, in 104, and the periodicals for church history, nos. 176-180 above. Biographies of Gregory the Great. Probably the oldest life of Gregory was written by an anonymous monk of Whitby, about 713, and edited by F. A. GASQUET, A life of Pope St. Gregory, the Great, 1904. G. CAPPELLO, Gregorio I e il suo pontificato, Saluzzo, 1905. J. CARDUCCI, Storia di San Gregorio Magno e del suo tempo, Rome, 1909. E. CLAUSIER, St. Gregoire le Grand: pape et docteur de I'eglise, Paris, 1886-1891. H. GRISAR, San Gregorio Magno, Rome, 1904. T. TARDUCCI, Storia di Gregorio Magno e del suo tempo, Rome, 1909. W. WISBAUM, Die wichtichsten Richtungen und Ziele der Thdtigkeit des Papstes Gregors des Grossen, Cologne, 1884. C. WOLFSGRUBER, Gregor der Grosse, Saulgau, 1890, 2nd edition, Ratis- bon, 1897. F. and P. BOHRINGER, Die Voter des Papsttums: Leo I und Gregor I, Stuttgart, 1879. T. BONSMANN, Gregor der Grosse: ein Lebensbild, Paderborn, 1890. Gregory before his elevation to the papacy. W. STUHLFATH, Gregor I, der Grosse: sein Leben bis zu seiner Wold zuvn, Papste nebst einer Untersuchung der dltesten Viten, Heidelberg, 1914. C. WOLFSGRUBER, Die vorpdpstliche Lebensperiode Gregors des Grossen nach seinen Brief en dargestellt, Vienna, 1886. Politics of Pope Gregory. J. DOIZE, Deux etudes sur I'adminis- tration temporelle du pape Gregoire le Grand, Paris, 1904. F. NOBILI- VITELLESCHT (PoMPONio LETO), Delia storia civile e politico del papato dall' imperatore Teodosio a Carlomagno, Bologna, 1902. F. W. KELLETT, Pope Gregory the Great and his relations with Gaul, Cambridge, 1888 (Prince Consort dissertation). L. PINGAUD, La politique de Saint Gregoire le Grand, Paris, 1872. T. WOLLSCHACK, Die Verhaltnisse Italiens, insbesondere des Langobardenreichs, nach dem Briefwechsel Gregors I, Horn, 1888. R. BAXMANN, Die PolitiJc der Papste von Gregor I bis auf Gregor VII, 2 vols., Elberfeld, VI EXPANSION OF CHRISTENDOM 125 1868-69. Gregory's relations with the eastern empire are described by J. B. BURY, The later Roman Empire, II, 145-158. D. E. BENE- DETTI, S. Gregorio Magno e la schiavitu, Eome, 1904. Gregorian music. The Oxford history of music, edited by W. H. HADOW, 6 vols., Oxford, 1901ff., vol. I. G. MORIN, Les veritdbles origines du chant gregorien, Eome and Tournai, 1904 (a propos du livre de F. A. GEVAERT, Les origines du chant liturgique de I'eglise latine, Ghent, 1890). A. GATARD, La musique Gregorienne: etude descriptive et historique, illustree de douze planches, Paris, [1913], (Les musiciens celebres). C. VFVELL, Der Gregorianische Gesang, Graz, 1904. Original sources. For general collections of source material on the papacy see nos. 956-961 above; for the church in general, nos. 953-964 above. See also H. DELEHAYE, "S. Gregoire le Grand dans 1'hagiographie grecque" in Mialecta Bollandiana, XXIII (1904), 440-454. The most convenient collection of the works of Gregory is in MIGNE, no. 953 above, Series latina, vols. LXXV-LXXIX, which includes in vol. LXXV the Vita Gregorii of JOHN THE DEACON and PAUL THE DEACON. His letters are edited in a more critical edition by P. EWALD and L. M. HARTMANN, Gregorii 1 papae registrum epis- tolarum, 2 vols., Berlin, 1891-1899, in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, Epistolae, I-II. Bibliographies. In addition to the general bibliographies of the church, nos. 49-55 above, it is sufficient to refer to the classified list of books in the Cambridge medieval history, II, 743-746. VI. EXPANSION OF OETHODOX LATIN CHEISTENDOM FEOM ABOUT 590 TO ABOUT 755 A. OUTLINE 1. The importance of the spread of Mohammedanism as a factor determining the direction of expansion. 2. Importance of the missionary work of the Christian church. The two problems: (1) conversion of the Arians to orthodoxy, (2) conversion of the heathen; the two main factors: (1) the monks, (2) the papacy; the two main centers from which the work was carried on: (1) British Isles, especially Ireland, (2) Eome. 3. Conversion of western Arians to the orthodox faith. Bur- gundians had been converted about 517. Before 570, the Sueves in Spain had been converted by St. Martin of Braga. Strength 126 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTH of Arianism among the Visigoths in Spain. Conversion of Leovi- gild's rebel son Hermenegild by his Frankish wife Ingundis in Seville about 580. Conversion of king Eeccared in 587 at the beginning of his reign. Orthodox Latin culture represented by Leander, archbishop of Seville, who died in 601, and by Isidore of Seville, bishop of Seville, who died in 636. The Arian Lom- bards in Italy were converted before the end of the seventh century. 4. Conversion of the Franks from heathendom to orthodox Christianity. Baptism of Clovis and 3000 warriors in 496 (see the next outline). 5. Christianity in Ireland. Pre-Patrician Christianity in Ire- land. St. Patrick, the ' ' Apostle of the Irish, ' ' labored in Ireland 432-461. St. Bridget, the "Mary of Ireland," died 525. Ireland became the "Isle of Saints." 6. Irish missionaries in Scotland*. [Legend of St. Ninian (ca. 353-ca. 432), a Briton.] St. Columba occupied the island of lona in 563. Soon after he went among the northern Picts. Died 597. St. Kentigern (died 612) in Strathclyde. The Culdees. 7. Irish missionaries on the continent. Columban, a monk of Bangor, with twelve companions, went to France about 585. Near the Vosges mountains he founded the monasteries of Luxeuil ("the monastic capital of France" Montalembert), Anegray, and Fontaines. Banished from the Burgundian kingdom by Brun- hild. Went to Switzerland and then to Italy where he was granted land by the Lombard king Agilulf for the foundation of a monastery at Bobbio, and where he died in 615. The rule of Columban contrasted with that of Benedict. St. Gall (died 645) the most famous disciple of Columban, founded the monastery of St. Gall in Switzerland. St. Wandrille and Eustasius, abbot of Luxeuil, were other disciples. Other Irish monks in Germany were Fridolin, Trudbert in the Black Forest, and Kylian, the ' ' Apostle of Franconia. ' ' 8. Conversion of the English by monks from Eome. In 596 Pope Gregory sent Augustine with forty monks to England where they landed in 597. Conversion of King Ethelbert of Kent who had married Bertha, a Christian princess from Paris. St. Augus- tine was consecrated first archbishop of Canterbury. Augustine 's methods of spreading the faith among the heathen. 9. Celtic and Eoman Christianity in England. Conflict between St. Augustine (died 604) and the British bishops. Aidan (died 651), at the call of king Oswald of Northumbria, came from lona in 635 and established himself on Lindisfarne (called "Holy Isle" VI EXPANSION OP CHRISTENDOM 127 since the eleventh century). St. Cuthbert. Differences between the two churches (date of Easter, tonsure, celibacy, Vulgate, etc.) ; not settled until the Council of Whitby in Northumbria in 664. Theodore of Tarsus in Cilicia, archbishop of Canterbury in 668; he died in 690. Benedict Biscop founded a monastery at Wear- mouth in 674, dedicated to St. Peter, and another at Jarrow in 680, dedicated to St. Paul. Although seven miles apart, these two monasteries were practically one, called the monastery of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Bede (or Baeda), the Venerable, 673- 735, entered Jarrow when seven years of age and spent his whole life there. 10. Early English missionaries on the continent. Wilfrith I (St. Wilfrid), bishop of York from 665-709 among the heathen Frisians. In 690 he was followed by Willibrord (658-ca. 739), a Northumbrian, who was made archbishop of the Frisians (with his seat at Utrecht) at the request of Pepin. The two Hewalds, or Ewalds (Black and White Hewald) among the Saxons. 11. St. Boniface (ca. 680-755), the "Apostle of Germany," was the most important English missionary. His name was Win- frith and he was born of noble parents near Crediton about 680. Entered a monastery at Exeter when he was seven years old. About 716 he sailed to Frisia. In 719 pope Gregory II formally made him missionary to German tribes. Later worked among the Thuringians and Hessians. In 723 he went to Rome and was consecrated ' ' regionary ' ' bishop by pope Gregory II. Destruc- tion of the sacred oak of Thor at Geismar. In 732 pope Gregory III made him missionary archbishop and papal legate (in 743 he fixed his see in Mainz). The alliance of Boniface with the see in Eome was of far-reaching importance. Boniface was the friend of Charles Martel and of Pepin, whom he crowned king of the Franks at Soissons in 751. Monastery of Fulda founded 744, its first abbot being Sturm. Boniface resigned his see at Mainz to Lul -and met a martyr's death among the wild Frisians in 755. Buried in Fulda. The work of Boniface in Frisia was continued by St. Willehad who went there in 770. 12. Means and methods of spreading the Christian faith. 13. Popes, 604-816. Sabinianus, 604-606 John IV, 640-642 Boniface III, 607 Theodorus I, 642-649 Boniface IV, 608-615 Martin I, 649-654 Deusdedit, 615-618 Eugenius I, 654-657 Boniface V, 619-625 Vitalianus, 657-672 Honorius I, 625-638 Adeodatus, 672-676 Severinus, 638-640 Donus I, -676-678 128 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Agatho, 678-681 Constantino, 708-715 Leo II, 682-683 Gregory II, 715-731 Benedict II, 684-685 Gregory III, 731-741 John V, 685-686 Zachary, 741-752 Conon, 686-687 Stephen II, 752-757 Sergius I, 687-701 Paul 1, 757-767 John VI, 701-705 Stephen III, 768-772 John VII, 705-707 Hadrian I, 772-795 Sisinnius, 708 Leo III, 795-816 B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING General accounts. Cambridge medieval history, II, ch. xvi. LAVISSE and EAMBAUD, Histoire generate, I, 255-264, 285-296 (por- tions of this are translated in MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civiliza- tion, 114-128, see* also 60-86, 129-136). TAYLOR, The mediaeval mind, I, 169-204. MILMAN, History of Latin Christianity, book IV, chs. in-v. MONTALEMBERT, Monks of the west, especially book VII. FLICK, Rise of the mediaeval church, ch. xn. . . Pope Gregory's missionary labors. DUDDEN, Gregory the Great, II, 99-159, is in large part an account of the English mission, but it also contains other information not readily found elsewhere. St. Patrick and the Irish element. The standard biographies are J. B. BURY, The life of St. Patrick, London, 1905; and J. HEALY, The life and writings of St. Patrick, Dublin, 1905. Now see also F. R. M. HITCHCOCK, St. Patrick and his Gallic friends, London, 1916; and L'ABB!-: RIGUET, Saint Patrice (vers 389-461), Paris, 1911 (Les Saints). If you heed the hint that H. ZIMMER, "tiber die Bedeutung des irischen Elements fur die mittelalterliche Kultur, " in Preussische Jahrbiicher, LIX (1887), 26ff., translated by J. L. EDMONDS, The Irish element in mediaeval culture, New York, 1891, reprint, London, 1913, tends to paint too bright a picture, the sketch is safe and agreeable reading. The Christian church in the British Isles. W. HUNT, The English church (597-1066), London, 1901, chs. i-xn passim. W. BRIGHT, Chapters on early English church history [to 709], Oxford, 1878, 3rd edition, 1897. A. PLUMMER, The churches in Britain before A.D. 1000, vols. I and II, London, 1911-1912 (Library of historical theology, edited by W. C. PIERCY). Biographies of Boniface. The best biography in English is G. F. BROWNE, Boniface of Crediton, London, 1910; in French, G. KURTH, Saint Boniface, Paris, 1902, 4th edition, 1913 (Les saints). English monastic life. F. A. GASQUET, English monastic life, London, 1904, 3rd edition, 1905, draws an ideal but trustworthy vi EXPANSION OP CHRISTENDOM 129 picture of life in a monastery, which applies to all periods of the middle ages; see especially ch. vi. Original sources. The Life of St. Columban by the monk JONAS is translated in the Translations and reprints of the University of Pennsylvania, II, no. 7. The most important primary source is BEDE, Historia ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum, edited by C. PLUMMER, 2 vols., Oxford, 1896, and translated, with notes, by A. M. SELLAB, Bede's ecclesiastical history of England, London, 1912 (also trans- lated in Everyman 's library) . For the conversion of the English, the salient portions of it are extracted in The mission of St. Augus- tine to England according to original documents, edited by A. J. MASON, Cambridge, 1897. See also Documents illustrative of English church history, edited by H. GEE and W. J. HARDY, London, 1896. The English letters of St. Boniface are edited by E. KYLIE, Lon- don, 1911 (King's Classics). There is a German translation of all his letters by M. TANGL, Die Briefe des hi. Bonifatius, in Die Geschichtschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit, XCII, Leipzig, 1912. The life of Saint Boniface ~by Willibald has just appeared in a transla- tion by G. W. EOBINSON, Harvard University Press, 1916 (Harvard translations). Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 46-47, contains a very important map on the "Development of Christianity to 1300"; see also 94-95, 97 and 101 (ground plan of St. Gall in Switzerland). C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. General histories of the church are listed above, nos. 394-498, of which no. 461 is especially valuable; periodicals on church history, nos. 176-180 above; and encyclopaedias for the history of the church and religion, nos. 104-114 above. Visigothic church. M. E. MAGNIN, L'figlise wisigothique au Vile siecle, vol. I, Paris, 1912. Celtic Christianity. L. GOUGAUD, Les chretientes celtiques, Paris, 1911. H. WILLIAMS, Christianity in early Britain, Oxford, 1912. H. ZIMMER, The Celtic church in Britain and Ireland, London, 1912, translated by Miss A. MEYER from the Eealencylslopddie fur pro- testantische Thcologie, X (1901), 204-43. MRS. J. R. GREEN, The old Irish world, Dublin, 1912. G. F. BROWNE, The Christian Church in these islands before Augustine, 2nd edition, London, 1895. G. T. STOKES, Ireland and the Celtic church, 2nd edition, London, 1888. St. Columba. E. A. COOKE, The life and work of St. Columba, London, 1888. V. BRANFORD, St. Columba: a study of social inherit- ance and spiritual development, Edinburgh, 1913. 130 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Irish missionaries on the continent. MARGARET STOKES, Three months in the forests of France: a pilgrimage in search of vestiges of the Irish saints in France, London, 1895; see also her Six montlis in the Apennines, London, 1892, an account of her visit to the region where St. Columban died. W. LEVISON, "Die Iren und die frank- ische Kirche," in Historische Zeitschrift, CIX (1912), 1-22. L. GOUGAUD, "L'oeuvre des Scotti dans 1 'Europe continentale (fin VI e -fin XI e siecles)," in Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique, IX (1908), 21-46; 255-277. J. VON PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, "The old Irish on the continent," in Eoyal historical society, new series, V (1891), 75- 102 (translated from the German). T. S. HOLMES, The origin and development of the Christian church in Gaul during the first six centuries of the Christian era, London, 1911, ch. xvn. HODGKIN, Italy and her invaders, VI, book VII, ch. m (Saint Columbanus) J. H. A. EBRARD, Die iroschottische Missionslcirche des 6, 7 und 8 Jahrhun- derts, Giitersloh, 1873; and his Bonifatius, der Zerstorer des Columbanischen Kirchenthums auf dem Festlande: ein Nachtrag zu dem Werke "Die iroschottische Missionslcirche," Giitersloh, 1882. E. MARTIN, Saint Columban, Paris, 1905. L. DEDIEU, Colomban, legislateur de la vie monastique, Cahors, 1901 (dissertation). O. SEEBASS, Vber Columba von Luxeuils Klosterregel, Dresden, 1883 (dis- sertation) . St. Augustine and the conversion of the English. H. H. HOWORTH, Saint Augustine of Canterbury, London, 1913 (Birth of the English church, vol. II). E. L. CUTTS, St. Augustine of Canter- bury, London, 1895. G. F. BROWNE, Augustine and his companions. London, 1895, 2nd edition, 1897, continued by his, The conversion of the Heptarchy, London, 1906. F. E. BASSENGE, Die Sendung Augustins zur Bekehrung der Angelsachen, Leipzig, 1890. H. H. HOWORTH, The golden days of the early English church, 3 vols., London, 1916. J. T. MILLS, The great days of Northumbria, New York, 1911. ELIZABETH W. GRIERSON, The story of the Northumbrian saints: S. Oswald, S. Aidan, S. Cuthbert, London, 1913. F. CABROL, L'Angleterre chretienne avant les Normands, Paris, 1908, 2nd edi- tion, 1909 (bibliography, pp. ix-xxxiii). W. H. HUTTON, The influence of Christianity upon national character illustrated by the lives and legends of the English saints, London, 1903 (Bampton lectures). Boniface and the conversion of Germany. G. SCHNURER, Boni- fatius: die Bekehrung der Deutschen zum Christentum, Mainz, 1909. F. ZEHETBAUER, Das Kirchenrecht bei Bonifatius dem Apostel der Deutschen, Wien, 1910. Festgabe zum Bonifatius-Jiibilaum, Fulda, 1905, is a collection of studies. B. KUHLMANN, Der heilige Boni- VI EXPANSION OF CHRISTENDOM 131 fatius, Apostel der Deutschen, Paderborn, 1895. O. FISCHER, Boni- fatius, der Apostel der Deutschen, Leipzig, 1881. F. J. VON Buss, Winifrid-Bonifacius, Graz, 1880. A. WERNER, Bonifacius der Apostel der Deutschen und die romanisirung von Mitteleuropa, Leip- zig, 1875. P. PFAHLER, S. Bonifacius und seine Zeit, Eatisbon, 1880. J. M. WILLIAMSON, Life and times of St. Boniface, London, 1904, is quite worthless. On the friends of Boniface see H. HAHN, Bonifaz and Lul: ihre angelsdchsischen Korrespondenten, Leipzig, 1883. E. LAVISSE, "La conquete de la Germanic par 1'eglise romaine, ' ' Revue des deux mondes, April 15, 1887, 3 e periode, LXXX, 878. The following two books are devoted" to the early history of the German church, F. W. EETTBERG, Kirchengeschichte Deutsch- lands, vols. I and II, Gottingen, 1846-48; and J. FRIEDRICH, Kirch- engeschichte Deutschlands, vols. I-II, Bamberg, 1867-1869. Methods of early missionaries. H. LAU, Die angelsachsisclie Missionsweise im Zeitalter des Bonifaz, Kiel, 1909 (dissertation). W. KONEN, Die Heidenpredigt in der Germanenbekehrung, Diissel- dorf, 1910 (dissertation). E. KYLIE, "The conditions of the Ger- man provinces as illustrating the methods of Boniface," in Journal of theological studies, London, VII (1905-06), 29ff. See also VACAN- DARD, "L'idolatrie en Gaule, " etc., p. 359 below. Original sources. The main sources are found in such general collections as nos. 953, 963, and 978 above, but for classified lists of them see the bibliographies noted below. The life of Saint Columba by Adamnan is edited with a translation by W. Reeves, Edinburgh, 1874, new edition by J. T. Fowler, Oxford, 1894, and a translation has appeared also in the New universal library pub- lished by Button. The life of Ceolfrid, abbot of the monastery of Wearmouth and Jarrow by an unknown author of the eighth century, is edited and translated by D. S. BOUTFLOWER, London, 1912. A little German source book on the subject of this outline is edited by T. HANLEIN, Die Bekehrung der Germanen zum Christentum, I, Die Bekehrung der Franken und Angelsachsen, Leipzig, 1914 (Voig- landers Quellenbueher, 78). Bibliographies. For additional books on this subject, both original sources and secondary works, it is sufficient to consult GROSS, no. 36 above, especially nos. 1423-1471, 1591-1663; DAHL- MANN-WAITZ, no. 28 above, nos. 4151-4219; and the Cambridge medieval history, II, 793-797. 132 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PABTII VII. THE RISE OF THE FEANKS TO THE TIME OF CHAELEMAGNE A. OUTLINE 1. The Franks were destined to succeed in founding a strong, well-nigh universal, state in western Europe. The Teutonic versus the Eomanic elements in European civilization. 2. The origin of the Franks and their coming into Roman Gaul. The Pranci of Peutinger's chart. Salian and Eipuarian Franks. Salian Franks were in ^Toxandria about 400. Tournai became the capital. Clodion, the first recorded Frankish king. Merovech (= sea-born; the word "Merovingians" is derived from his name). His son Childeric died 481. The Salian Franks aided Aetius against the Huns at the so-called battle of Chalons in 451. Eipu- arian Franks in the region of Aix-la-Chapelle, Cologne and Bonn. The Lex Sdlica, written down about 510, reflects the primitive civilization of the Franks. 3. Various peoples on the soil which is now France about 500 A.D., Gallo-Eomans, Visigoths, Burgundians, Alemans, Salian and Eipuarian Franks, Thuringians, etc. 4. Clovis, king of the Salian Franks from 481 to 511. Defeated Syagrius, the Eoman official, at his capital Soissons in 486. In 491 he overcame the Thuringians. In 496 he attacked the Ale- mans in a battle near Strasburg. Clovis married Clotilda, daughter of Chilperic, the king of 'the Burgundians. Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths, married Albofleda, the sister of Clovis. Conversion of Clovis to orthodox Christianity, baptized in Eheims on Christmas day, 496. War with the Burgundians under their king Gundobad, 500ff. Eenewed wars with the Alemans (505-507), who were rescued by Theodoric the Ostrogoth. Visigoths defeated at Vougl4, near Poitiers, in 507; Alaric II, their king, was slain. Burning of Toulouse. Theodoric again intervened, took Provence for himself and gave Septimania to the Visigoths, thus shutting the Franks off from the Mediterranean. Clovis made Paris his capital where he died in 511 and was buried in the church which afterward became Sainte-Genevieve. 5. The sons of Clovis. (1) Theodoric (Capital, Eheims) died 534. His son was Theudibert, the best king of the period, who died 548, leaving Theodebald, who died of debauchery in 555. (2) Clodimir (Capital, Orleans) died 524. His children were murdered by (3) and (4). vn EISE OF THE FRANKS 133 (3) Childebert (Capital, Paris) died 558. (4) Chlotar I (Capital, Soissons). Sole ruler in 558. Burned his rebellious son Chramnus, together with his wife and children, in a hut, and died of remorse in 561. 6. Frankland in the time of the sons of Clovis. Burgundy taken in 534, Provence in 536. Thuringians were crushed. In 542 Childebert marched against Saragossa in Spain (foundation of the monastery of St. Vincent, later St. Germain-des-Pres, to house the tunic of St. Vincent which he brought from Spain). But Armorica (= Brittany) and the Basques remained independent, and Septimania remained in the hands of the Visigoths, from whom it passed to the Arabs and was not won by the Franks until the time of king Pepin. 7. Grandsons of Clovis. His son Chlotar I (died 561) left four sons: (1) Charibert (Capital, Paris) died 567. (2) Sigebert (Capital, Metz), was the husband of Brunhild (Brunehaut), the daughter of Athanagild, king of the Visigoths. Sigebert assasinated 575, by henchmen of Fredegund. (3) Chilperic (Capital, Soissons), married Galswintha, sister of Brunhild. When Galswintha was strangled, he married Fredegund, a serving-woman. Chilperic murdered in 584. His son was Chlotar II, sole king, 613-629, and his son Dagobert, sole king, 629-639. (4) Guntram (Capital, Orleans), tried to hold balance of power between (2) and (3), died 593. 8. Frankland in the time of the grandsons of Clovis. Chilperie (died 584) was a good type of the Merovingian despot. Fierce rivalry between Brunhild (in Austrasia) and Fredegund (in Neu- stria). Brunhild became regent for her son Childebert (575-596), and later for, her grandsons, Theodoric (died 613) and Theodebert. Fredegund died 597. Brutal execution of Brunhild at Lake Neu- chatel in 613. Gregory, bishop of Tours, (ca. 538-594) the his- torian of this period. His Historiae Francorum libri X. 9. Eeigns of Chlotar II (613-629) and Dagobert (629-639), sole rulers of Frankland, but even they were obliged to recognize the essential division of Gaul into Neustria, Austrasia and Bur- gundy. 10. Eois faineants (Do-nothing kings), 639-751. In this period the Merovingian kings were a race of children, mere puppets in the hands of the mayors of the palace in the three kingdoms. 134 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 11. The mayors of the palace in Austrasia were most important. Arnulf, bishop of Metz, and Pepin, "of Landen, " were founders of the office in Austrasia. When Pepin died 640, he was soon suc- ceeded by his son Grimoald (64,3-656) who tried to oust the Mero- vingian puppet king and to put his own son Childebert on the throne but did not succeed. About 680 Pepin of Heristal, grandson of Arnulf and Pepin of Landen, became mayor of the palace in Austrasia. In 687 he defeated Berthar, the mayor of Neustria, at Testry, near St. Quentin. This event marked the real beginning of the Carolingian line. 12. Charles Martel, illegitimate son of Pepin, mayor of the palace, 714-741. Defeated the Arabs in the battle of Tours, in 732. In 739 Pope Gregory III appealed to Charles against Liut- prand, king of the Lombards, but Charles refused to march against Liutprand who had been his ally against the Arabs. 13. Pepin, first king of the Franks. Charles, who died in 741, divided the kingdom between his two sons Carloman and Pepin. In 747 Carloman entered a monastery on Mount Soracte in Italy. In 751 Pope Zachary sanctioned the crowning of Pepin as king of the Franks. In all probability Boniface consecrated him. The last Merovingian puppet, Childeric 111, was sent to a monastery. In 752 Pepin got control of Septimania (except Narbonne which fell in 758). In 753 he invaded Saxony and exacted tribute. 14. The alliance of the Franks with the papacy. Lombards were threatening the pope in Eome. The Mohammedan menace in the south. The Eastern emperor failed to protect Italy and the papacy. In 753 pope Stephen II visited Pepin in Frankland. The "Donation of Constantine. " The "Donation of Pepin." The "Eoman Question." In 754 or 755 and again in 756 Pepin marched armies against Aistulf, the Lombard. In 756 Desiderius became king of the Lombards and continued to threaten the pope who appealed to Pepin in vain. 15. Last deeds and death of Pepin. Subdued Aquitaine in 768 when Waifar died. Aquitainians were given right to live under their own laws. Pepin himself died in Paris in 768 and was buried in St. Denis. 16. Frankish institutions in the time of the Merovingians. B. SPECIAL KECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general accounts. EMERTON, Introduction to the middle ages, chs. vn, x, xn. BEMONT and MONOD, Medieval Europe, chs. v, vi, xn. ADAMS, The growth of the French nation, chs. ii-iv. It is profitable to follow these short surveys up by either BRYCE, Holy vii RISE OF THE FRANKS 135 Eoman empire, ch. iv; or ADAMS, Civilization, 137-154; and especially MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 60-86. Longer general accounts. The most satisfactory recent account in English is in the Cambridge medieval history, I, 292-303, II, 109- 158, 575-594; but KITCHIN, History of France, I, 48-117, can still be recommended. The standard survey in French is in LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part I, 67-279; a similar but shorter account is in LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, I, 114-158, 274-308. Detailed accounts in English. HODGKIN, Italy and her invaders, VII. SERGEANT, The Franks, chs. vi-xv. OMAN, The dark ages, chs. IV, VII, X, XV, XVII, XIX. Original sources. Fortunately the essential portions of the famous book of GREGORY OF TOURS, Historiae Francorum libri X have now been translated into English by E. BREHAUT, History of the Franks by Gregory, bishop of Tours, New York, 1916, in Records of Civilization, no. 949 above. Short extracts are translated in OGG, Source book, 47-59; ROBINSON, Headings, I, 51-55; and THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 26-37. The "Donation of Constantino" is translated in HENDERSON, Select documents, 319-329; and the Salic law, ibid., 176-189. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 53, and especially LONGNON, Atlas his- torique de la France, plates II-IV. Peutinger's chart is edited by K. MILLER, Tabula Peutingeriana: die Weltkarte des Castorius, genannt die Peutingerische Tafel, Ravensburg, 1888. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. General histories of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, nos. 508-559 above, and of Germany, nos. 560-598 above, are almost equally valuable for this early history of the soil of modern France. Many books listed under outline II above are valuable for this subject. General accounts. M. PROU, La Gaule merovingienne, Paris, 1897. G. RICHTER, Annalen des frdnkischen Seiches im Zeitalter der Merovinger, Halle, 1873. O. GUTSCHE and W. SCHULTZE, Deutsche Geschichte von der Urzeit bis zu den Karolingern, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1894-96. G. KAUFMANN, Deutsche Geschichte bis auf Karl den Grossen, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1880-1881. .1. SCHMAUS, Geschichte und Herkunft der alien Franken, Bamberg, 1912. Clovis. The best biography is G. KURTH, Clovis, Tours, 1896, 2nd edition, 2 vols., Paris, 1901. H. VON SCHUBERT, Staat und Kirche in den arianischen Kdnigreichen und im Seiche Chlodwigs, Munich and Berlin, 1912 (Historische Bibliotek, 26). A. LECOY DE 136 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII LA MARCHE, La fondation de la France du 4 e au 6 e siecle, Lille, 1893. C. PFISTER, "Le bapteme de Clovis, " in Bevue hebdomadaire, October 21, 1916. Dagobert. J. H. ALBERS, Konig Dagobert in GescMchte, Legende und Sage, Worms, 1884. Mayors of the Palace. G. EITEN, Das Unterkonigtum im Beiohe der Merovinger und Karolinger, Heidelberg, 1907 (in Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 18). E. HERR- MANN, Das Hausmeieramt, ein echt germanisches Amt, Breslau, 1880. H. VON SYBEL, Die Entstehung des deutschen Konigthums, 3rd edition, Frankfurt, 1884. H. E. BONNEL, De Anfdnge des Jcarolingischen Houses, Berlin, 1866. P. A. F. GERARD, Eistoire des Francs d'Aus- trasie, 2 vols., Brussels, 1864. G. H. PERTZ, Geschichte der Mero- vingischen Hausmeier, Hanover, 1819. Charles MarteL J. VAN DEN GHEYN, Histoire de Charles Martel, Paris, 1910. T. BREYSIG, Jahrbucher des frankischen Beichs, 714-41, Leipzig, 1869, part of 570 above. Pepin. H. HAHN, Jahrbucher des frankischen Bciohs, 741-52, Berlin, 1863, part of no. 570 above. L. OELSNER, Jahrbucher des frankischen BeicJis unter Konig Pippin, Leipzig, 1871, part of no. 570 above. Church and state to the time of Charlemagne. A recent and very authoritative study on the relations between church and state in the time of Pepin is E. CASPAR, Pippin und die romische Kirche: kritische Untersuchungen zum frdnkish-papstlichen Bunde im 8 Jahr- hundert, Berlin, 1914. A. CRIVELLTJCCI, Storia delle relazioni tra lo stato e la chiesa, vols. I-III (to Hadrian I, 772-795) and Appendix to vol. I, Bologna, 1886, Livorno, 1888, Pisa, 1909. F. NOBILI- VITELLESCHI (PoMPONio LETO), Delia storia civile e politica del papato, 3 vols., Bologna, 1900-1906, extends to the renaissance; vol. II on Charlemagne. L. ARMBRUST, Die Territorialpolitik der Pdpste, 500-800, Gb'ttingen, 1885. J. FEHR, Stoat und Kirche im frankischen Beichc bis auf Karl den Grossen, Vienna, 1869. H. VON SCHUBERT, Staat und Kirche von Constantin bis Karl den Grossen, eine Eede, Kiel, 1906. Donation of Constantine. The easiest introduction to the study of this famous forgery is C. B. COLEMAN, Constantine the Great and Christianity: three phases: the historical, the legendary, and the spurious, New York, 1914 (Columbia University Studies), 175-242, also 99-172 for the legend of Constantine, 217-242 contain the texts which are essential, and 243-254 a comprehensive bibli- ography. See also the bibliography of the most important critical studies in Cambridge medieval history, II, 805. vn RISE OF THE FRANKS 137 Constitutional history. By far the most important books are those by N. D. FUSTEL DE COULANGES, Histoire des institutions polit- iques de I'ancienne France, 6 vols., Paris, 1888-1891; re-edited, revised, and completed from the author's notes by C. JULLIAN: I, La Gaule romaine, 4th edition, 1914; II, L'invasion germanique et la fin de I 'empire, 3rd edition, 1911; III, La monarchic franque, 3rd edi- tion, 1905; VI, L 'alien et le domaine rural pendant I'epoque mero- vingienne, 1914; V, Les origines du systeme feodal: le benefice et le patronat pendant I'epoque merovingienne, 4th edition, 1914; VI, Les transformations de la royaute pendant I'epoque carolingienne, 3rd edition, 1914. See also his Eecherches sur quelques problemes d'his- toire, Paris, 1885, 2nd edition, 1894, and Nouvelles recherches, pub- lished by C. JULLIAN, Paris, 1891. E. LESNE, La propriete ecclesias- tique en France aux epoques romaine et merovingienne, Paris, 1910. J. TARDIF, Etudes sur. les institutions politiques et administratives de la France: epoque merovingienne, Paris, 1881. See also the general books on German, nos. 578-587 above, and French constitutional history, nos. 528-536 above. Faith, morals, and learning of the Franks. See outline VI in part III below. Miscellaneous. A. THIERRY, Eecits des temps merovingiens, 2 vols., Paris, 1840, revised edition, 1887. J. HAVET, Questions mero- vingiennes, in his Oeuvres completes, vol. I, Paris, 1896. J. DEPOIN, "Questions merovingiennes et carolingiennes " in Eevue des etudes historiques, (1904); also his "Etudes merovingiennes," ibid., (1909). E. A. FREEMAN, Western Europe in the eighth century and onward: an aftermath, London, 1904. G. LAFONT, Les origines de la nationaite francaise: essais sur les Celtes, les Kymris, les Gaulois, les Francs, et les Iberes, Tours, 1901. G. BEVERDY, Les relations de Childebert II et de Byzance, Paris, 1913 (extract from Eevue his- torique, CXIV). K. PLATH, Die Konigspfalzen der Merovinger und Karolinger, Leipzig, 1892. G. EOLOFF, "Die Umwandlung des f rankischen Heeres von Chlodwig bis Karl den Grossen, ' ' in Neue Jahrbiicher fur das Tclassische Altertum IX, (1902). C. PFISTER, Le duche merovingien d' Alsace et la legende de sainte Odile, Paris, 1892. Original sources. Most of the sources for this period are well edited in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, no. 978 above, and in BOUQUET, no. 967 above. The best edition, of the Historiae Franc- orum libri X of GREGORY OF TOURS is in vols. II and XVI of the Collection de textes, no. 968 above, Paris, 1886-93, new edition by E. POUPARDIN, 1 vol., Paris, 1913.' The chroniclers are described by G. MASSON, Early chroniclers of Europe: France, and by W. WATTEN- BACH, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen. The interesting Merovingian 138 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII charters are edited and described by P. LAUER and C. SAMARAN, Les diplomes originaux des Merovingiens, fac-similes phototypiques, avec notices et transcriptions with a preface by M. PROU, 2 fasc. Paris, 1908; and Les diplomes merovingiens des Archives nationales, Paris, 1915. Bibliographies. DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, B, book II, passim; and Cambridge medieval history, I, 657, II, 728-732, 801- 808, especially the very exhaustive and excellent portions on pp. 801-808 drawn up by Professor G. L. BURR. See also the important bibliographies in the footnotes of LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part I. Besides, all the bibliographies for France and Germany, nos. 21-34 above, especially MOLINIER, no. 21, for Belgium, no. 45 above, and for the church, nos. 49-55 above, are serviceable. VIII. CHARLEMAGNE" A. OUTLINE 1. The importance of the idea of universal empire in medieval thought. 2. Charlemagne's personality. Einhard's Vita Caroli magni. 3. Fairly abundant sources of information for the reign of Charlemagne. Famous annals. Capitularies. Monumenta Germaniae historica, no. 978 above. 4. Charlemagne's accession. Pepin divided his kingdom between his two sons, Charles (the elder, born ca. 742) and Carloman. Bert- rada, their mother, tried to keep them at peace. She married Charles to a daughter of Desiderius in spite of the violent protests of pope Stephen III, but the union was broken within a year. Carloman died in 771 and Charles made himself sole ruler. 5. Completion of the military work of his predecessors; the farthest extension of Frankland. (1) Major conquests: (a) The overthrow of the Lombard kingdom in Italy. Desiderius threatened pope Hadrian I who appealed to Charles. Desiderius was captured by Charles in Pavia in 774. Charles made his second son, Pepin, king of Italy, (b) Saxon wars lasted over thirty years. The Saxon hero Widukind. Execution of about 4500 Saxons in one day at Verden on the Aller in 782. The Capitulary concerning Saxony. (2) Frontier wars: (a) In Spain, 778-811. Eoncesvalles. Roland. The Spanish March. Balearic Islands a Frankish protec- torate in 799. (b) In Bavaria against Duke Tassilo. (c) With the Danish king Godfred who sent a fleet in 810 down Frisia hop- ing to attack Aix-la-Chapelle. (d) With the Slavs to the east, espe- cially the Wiltzi and Sorbs, (e) With the Avars. The "rings" vin CHARLEMAGNE 139 of the Avars. They were defeated and dispersed in 795 and 796 by Charles and his son Pepin. 6. Eelations of Charles with the papacy before 800. His visit to Eome in 774 to see pope Hadrian I. The famous scene in St. Peters when Charles confirmed the ' ' Donation of Pepin. ' ' The ' ' Eoman Question. ' ' The beginnings of the Papal States. Pre- carious position of the pope in Eome, especially of Leo III (795- 816). 7. Eelations of Charles with the Byzantine empire. Intrigues of the Byzantine empire in Benevento with the dispossessed Lom- bards in Italy, against Charles. Echoes of the inconoclastic con- troversy. In 880 the empress Irene had her young son Constantine VI betrothed to Eotrud, a daughter of Charlemagne, but the engagement was broken. In 797 Constantine was blinded by Irene and died. Irene declared herself empress. 8. Eevival of the empire in the west in 800. World politics in the year 800: Irene in Constantinople, pope Leo III in Eome, Haroun-al-Easchid in Bagdad. Charles was crowned emperor of the Eomans by pope Leo III in St. Peters, Eome, on Christmas day, 800. Foundations of, and theories about, the revival of the empire. The nature of the empire in the time of Charlemagne. 9. Imperial government of Charlemagne. The general assemblies. The capitularies. Charlemagne 's court (palatium) whose members were called palatines (ministri and ministeriales) . Local govern- ment dukes, counts, missi dominici. Central and local courts (scabini). His army (the group system of military service). Primi- tive financial system. 10. Carolingian learning and art. The palace school. Charle- magne's interest in learning. His edict concerning monastic and cathedral schools. Charlemagne imported scholars, Alcuin, Paul the Deacon, Paul of Pisa. The reform in writing, the "Caroline minuscule. ' ' New interest in architecture and literature, especially history writing. 11. The succession of Charlemagne. The partition of 806 between his three sons, Charles, Louis, and Pepin. Pepin died in 810 and Charles in 811, leaving Louis the sole successor of Charlemagne. Charlemagne died in Aix-la-Chapelle, in 814, at the age of about 72 years. He was buried there in an ancient sarcophagus which may still be seen. 12. The legend of Charlemagne. B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR EEADING Brief general accounts. EMERTON, Introduction to the middle ages, chs. xiu-xiv; or KITCHEN, History of France, I, 118-153; will 140 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII do about as well as other similar sketches. A comparatively brief account of great excellence is in Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, edited by GEBHARDT, I, chs. vi-vn. Longer general accounts. The latest scholarly summary of the period in English is in the Cambridge medieval history, II, chs. xvin, xix, xxi, xxii; which is better than OMAN, The dark ages, chs. xx, xxi, xxii ; or SERGEANT, The Franks, chs. xvi-xx. The standard general accounts in French are LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part I, 280-357; and a shorter survey in LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, I, ch. vii. A very satisfactory survey of the times of Charlemagne from the standpoint of Italy and the Byzantine empire is in HODGKIN, Italy and her invaders, VIII (see also VII, chs. xm- xiv) ; a similar account, but shorter, is VILLARI, The barbarian invasions of Italy, II, book IV. GREGOROVIUS, Borne in the middle ages, II, 462-512, III, 1-21, is devoted to this period. GIBBON, Decline and fall, describes the reign of Charlemagne in ch. XLIX. A book which views the period from the standpoint of the church is C. L. WELLS, The age of Charlemagne, New York, 1898 (Ten epochs of church history). Revival of the empire. BRYCE, Holy Koman empire, chs. iv, v. FISHER, Mediaeval empire, I, ch. i, ' ' The survival of the imperial idea." Biographies of Charlemagne. T. HODGKIN, Charles the Great, London, 1897 (Foreign statesmen); and H. W. C. DAVIS, Charle- magne (Charles the Great) : the hero of two nations, London and New York, 1899 (Heroes of the nations) are both good. J. I. MOM- BERT, A history of Charles the Great, New York, 1888, can still be recommended. F. KAMPERS, Karl der Grosse, Mainz, 1910, is a popular sketch in German with excellent pictures. Original sources. The very best introduction to the study of Charlemagne is the interesting biography written by his friend EINHARD (sometimes spelled EGINHARD), and conveniently trans- lated by S. E. TURNER, Life of Charlemagne by Eginhard, New York, 1880; and also by A. J. GRANT, Early lives of Charlemagne, London, 1907. DUNCALF and KREY, Parallel source problems, 3-26, translated many contemporary accounts of the coronation of Charlemagne in 800. See also Translations and reprints, VI, no 5, "Laws of Charles the Great," and III, no. 2, for the capitulary "De villis. " All the source books listed above, nos. 385-392, give considerable space to the time of Charlemagne. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 54, 55; and especially, LONGNON, Atlas historique de la France, plates v, and vii-x. CHARLEMAGNE 141 C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. A very large number of general books touch upon the history of Charlemagne more or less, chief among them are those on France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy, nos. 508-621 above. See also those on the church, nos. 394-498 above, and especially those on the medieval empire in the west, nos. 499-507 above. General surveys. E. MUHLBACHER, Deutsche Geschichte unter den Karolingern, Stuttgart, 1896. S. ABEL and B. v. SIMSON, Jahr- biicher des franMschen Eeichs unter Karl dem Grossen, vol. I, 2nd edi- tion, Leipzig, 1888, vol. II, Leipzig, 1883, part of no. 570 above. G. EICHTER and H. KOHL, Annalen des frankischen Beichs im Zeitalter der Karolinger, 2 vols., Halle, 1885-1887, part of no. 571 above. F. DAHN, Die Konige der Germanen, vol. VIII. W. STUBBS, Ger- many in the early middle ages 476-1250, chs. ii-m. The Empire of Charlemagne. A. KLEINCLAUSZ, L' 'empire caro- lingien: ses origines et ses transformations, Paris, 1902. W. OHR, Der Karolingische Gottesstaat in Theorie und Praxis, Leipzig, 1902. W. OHR, Die Kaiserlcronung Karls des Grossen, Tubingen, 1904. E. LAVISSE, ' ' La f ondation du Saint-Empire, ' ' in Bevue de deux mondes, series 3, LXXXVII (1888), 357-392. Charlemagne's relations with the church and the papacy. H. LILIENFEIN, Die Anschauungen von Staat und Kirche im Beich der Karolinger, Heidelberg, 1902 (Heidelberger Abhandlungen, 1). J. DE LA SERVIERE, Charlemagne et I 'eglise, Paris, 1904. J. A. KETTERER, Karl der Grosse und die Kirche, Munich and Berlin, 1898. B. MAL- FATTI, Imperatori e papi ai tempi della signoria dei Franchi in Italia, vols. I and II, Milan, 1876. L. HALPHEN, Etude sur I 'administration de Borne au moyen age (757-1282), Paris, 1907. L. M. HARTMANN, Geschichte Italiens im Mittelalter, vols. II-III. E. BAXMANN, Die PolitHc der Papste von Gregor I Ms auf Gregor VII. See also the bibliography of the previous outline under "Relations between the church and state to the time of Charlemagne." Donations to the papacy. The "Koman Question." Beginnings of the Papal States. Much has been written on this subject. For comprehensive bibliographies see Cambridge medieval history, II, 805-806, and DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, no. 4372. The fol- lowing will serve as an introduction: L. DUCHESNE, Les premiers temps de I'etat pontifical, Paris, 1898, 2nd edition, 1904, translated, The beginnings of the temporal sovereignty of the popes, 754-1073, London, 1908. A. CRIVELLUCCI, Le origini dello stato della chiesa: storia documentata, Pisa, 1909. G. SCHNURER, Die Entstehung des 142 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Kirchenstaates, Cologne, 1894. W. GUNDLACH, Die E'ntstehung des Kirchenstaates und der Tcuriale Begriff der "respublica Romanorum," Breslau, 1899 (Heft 59 of Gierke's Untersuchungen). P. PINTON, Le donazioni barbariche ai papi, Eome, 1890. H. C. LEA, ' ' Rise of the temporal power, ' ' in his Studies in church history. J. HALLER, ' ' Die Karolinger und das Papsttum, ' ' in Historische Zeitschrift, CVIII (1911), 38-76. Relations with the Eastern Empire. J. B. BURY, Later Roman empire, 395-800, especially II, book VI, eh. xi, "The popes, the Lombards, and the Franks"; and in his, A history of the eastern Roman empire (802-867), ch. x, " Relations with the western empire." L. BREHIER, La quereUe des images, Paris, 1904 (Science et religion). A. GASQUET, Etudes byzantines: I 'empire byzantin et la monarchic franque, Paris, 1888. O. HARNACK, Das karolingische und das byzantinische Reich in ihren politischen Beziehungen, Gottingen, 1880. Charlemagne. B. HAURKAU, Charlemagne et sa cour, 743-814, Paris, 1888. H. MARTIN, Charlemagne et I'empire carlovingien, Paris, 1893. H. BROSIEN, Karl der Grosse, Leipzig, 1885. A. VETAULT, Charlemagne, with an introduction by LEON GAUTIER, 3rd edition, Tours, 1888, 4th edition, 1908. P. MACHERL, Karl der Grosse: ein Lebensbild, Graz, 1912. P. CLEMEN, Die Portraitdarstellungen Karls des Grosscn, part I, Aachen, 1889. C. PFISTER, Le personage et I'oeuvre de Charlemagne, Metz, 1914. A. HUYSKENS, Karl der Grosse und seine Lieblingspfalz Aachen, Aachen, 1914. Administration, N. D. FUSTEL DE COULANGES, Les transforma- tions de la royaute pendant I'epoque carolingienne, Paris, 1892, 3rd edition, 1914 (this is vol. II of his "Histoire"). G. WAITZ, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte, vols. III-IV. E. SEYFARTH, Frankische Reichsversammlungen unter Karl d. Grossen und Ludwig d. Frommen, Leipzig, 1910. G. SEELIGER, Die Kapitularien der Karolinger, Munich, 1893. H. BRUNNER, Die Entstehung der Schwurgerichte, Berlin, 1872, proves the Frankish origin of the jury. T. QUOIDBACH, Esquisse du regime politique de la nation Franque sous Charlemagne, Louvain, 1914 ( extract from 1'Annuaire de 1'Universite catholique de Louvain, 1914). G. BAIST, "Zur Interpretation der Brevium exempla und des Capitulare de villis, " in Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozial- und Wirtsehaftsgeschichte, XII (1914). See also the general constitutional histories of France, nos. 528-536 above, and of Ger- many, nos. 578-586 above. Economic conditions. A. DOPSCH, Die Wirtschaftsentwickelung der Karolingerseit, vornehmlich in Deutschland, vols. I and II, Wei- mar, 1912-1913. This is supplemented by P. SANDER, fiber die Wirt- vin CHARLEMAGNE 143 schaftsentwiclclung der Earolingerzeit, in SCHMOLLERS Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, XXXVII (1913), 1. S. LOISEL, Essai sur la legislation economique des Carolingiens d'apres les capitulaires, Caen, 1904 (dis- sertation). K. T. v. INAMA-STERNEGG, Deutsclw Wirtschaftsge- schichte, I, Bis zum Schluss der Karolingerperiode, 2nd edition, Leip- zig, 1909. C. BARRIERE-FLAVY, Les arts industriels des peuples bar- bares de la Gaule du VI C au VIII e sicde, 3 vols., Paris, 1901. Legend of Charlemagne. A. KLEINCLAUSZ, L' 'empire carolingien, 491ff. T. BULFINCH, Mythology . . legends of Cliarlemagne, revised and enlarged edition, New York, 1913. A. J. CHURCH, Stories of Cliarlemagne and the twelve peers of France, from the old romances, New York, 1902. The Song of Eoland is translated by O'HAGEN, 2nd edition, London, 1883; also by ISABEL BUTLER, Boston, 1904. G. EAUSCHEN, Die Legende Karls des Grossen im 11 und 12 Jahr- hundert, Leipzig, 1890. E. MUNTZ, La legende de Charlemagne dans I'art du moyen-age, Paris, 1885 (reprint from Romania, XIV (1885), 321-342). JESSE WESTON, The romance cycle of Charlemagne and his peers, 2nd edition, London, 1905. Carolingian learning and art. See outline VIII of part III below. Original sources. Almost everything of prime importance is now edited in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, no. 978 above; see also BOUQUET, no. 967 above. The archive material for the whole Carolingian period is now available in the perfected edition of Die Eegesten des Kaisserreichs unter den Karolingern, 751-918, edited by E. MUHLBACHER, 2nd edition, completed by J. LECHNER, Innsbruck, 1908, which is a recast of part I of BOHMER, Regesta imperil, no. 985 above. A convenient source book for the origin of the papal states is, Die Quellen zur Geschichte der Entstehung des Kirchenstaates, edited by J. HALLER, Leipzig and Berlin, 1907. The Latin text of the Life of Charlemagne by EINHARD has been edited recently by H. W. GARROD and E. B. MOWAT, with introduction and notes, Oxford University Press, 1915; but the 6th edition of the Vita Karoli magni of EINHARD in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, edited by O. HOLDER-EGGER, and published separately, Hanover and Leipzig, 1911, part of no. 979 above, is still the standard text. See G. MONOD, Etudes critiques sur les sources de I'histoirc carolingienne, Paris, 1898, vol. CXIX of no. 888 above; G. MASSON, Early chronicles of Europe: France; L. HALPHEN, "Etudes critiques sur Thistoire de Charlemagne: I, La composition des Annales royales, " in Revue historique, CXXIV (1917), 52-64; and F. KURZE, Die Jcarolingischen Annalcn bis zum Tode Einhards, Berlin, 1913 (Programm). 144 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY FARTII Bibliographies. The best general bibliography is DAHLMANN- WAITZ, Quellenkunde, 289-324. For the relations with the church see especially the Cambridge medieval history, II, 814-817 (see also 801-809, 813, for general bibliographies). The bibliographies in the footnotes of LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part I are of great value. The sources are best described in MOLINIEB, Les sources de I'histoire de France, I, 181-227. Almost all the general bibli- ographies for France, Germany, and Italy, nos. 21-41 above, and those for the church, nos. 49-55 above, are useful. IX. FOES OF WESTEEN CHKISTENDOM, FKOM THE EIGHTH TO THE ELEVENTH CENTUEY. FEOM THE SOUTH. MOHAMMEDANS A. OUTLINE 1. Eecent progress made in the historical study of Moham- medanism. Contrast with the interesting chapters on the subject in GIBBON, Decline and fall of the Roman empire. In this outline no attempt is made to treat in detail the rise and spread of Moham- medanism in the east. The subject is treated from the standpoint of the Latin west. 2. The rise and spread of Mohammedanism in Arabia. The physical and political geography of the peninsula before 600 A.D. The civilization, and especially the religion, of the Arabs before that date. The Kaaba in Mecca. Mohammed (often also spelled Mahomet or Muhammad), 570-632. The Emigration (Hegira) in 622 from Mecca to Medina, which is the beginning of the Moham- medan era. Military exploits of Mohammed. The fall of Mecca in 630. The Koran. 3. Meaning of the terms: Moslems (or Muslims), Sabians, Islam, Moors, Saracens. 4. The spread of Mohammedanism in the east after the death of the prophet in 632. The successors of Mohammed, soon called Caliphs (representatives of the prophet), Abu Bekr, 632-634; Omar, 634-644; Othman, 644-655; Ali, 655-661. Conquest of Arabia, the Eidda war. Conquest of Syria, fall of Damascus in 634, the ter- rible defeat of the Byzantines on the Yarmuk in 636, fall of Jersalem in 638. Conquest of Persia by 652. Conquest of Egypt, evacuation of Alexandria, 642. 5. Attacks upon Constantinople. Mohammedans took Chalcedon in 668 and from thence threatened the capital. Sea fights, ca. 674- 680. Great seige of Constantinople, 716-717. IX MOHAMMEDANS 145 6. Later history of Mohammedanism in the east. Divisions between Sunnites and Shiites. Ommiads with capital at Damascus in 661-750. Abbassides with capital at Bagdad, 750-1258. Ulti- mate division into three caliphates, with capitals at Bagdad, Cairo, and Cordova. 7. Conquest of northern Africa west of Egypt. Occupation of Barka, in the Pentapolis, in 642. The importance of the conversion of the Berbers to Mohammedanism. Weak hold of the Byzantine government in northern Africa. Foundation of Kairawan in 670. Conquest of Carthage in 697. Supremacy of the Arabian fleet in the Mediterranean. Disappearance of Latin civilization in northern Africa about 700. 8. Conquest of Spain. Weakness of the Visigothic state in Spain. Legend of the overtures made to the Mohammedans by count Julian (Urban) to avenge himself on the last Visigothie king, Eoderic. Landing of Tarik near Gibraltar ( Gebel Tarik, the Mount Tarik), in 711. Easy conquest of Spain. Fall of Cordova and Toledo. Jealousy of his superior, Musa, who came over and subdued Seville. 9. Invasion of Gaul. Hurr crossed the Pyrenees in 717 or 718. Narbonne occupied in 720. Defense of Toulouse by Duke Eudo of Aquitaine. Internal dissensions among the Mohammedans due largely to quarrels between Arabs and Berbers. Their defeat by Charles Martel in the battle of Tours or Poitiers in 732. In 759 they gave up Narbonne to Pepin and disappeared behind the Pyrenees. Charlemagne's invasion of northern Spain and the estab- lishment of the Spanish march. 10. Occupation of Sicily. Sporadic attacks on the Byzantines in Sicily as early as 664. Derivation of the word corsair from Kovpcrov a summer campaign. Renewed raids upon many islands of the Mediterranean towards the end of the reign of Charlemagne. Crete occupied in 826. Conquest of Sicily by the Aghlabids from Kairawan, 827-902. (For the reconquest of Sicily by the Normans in 1061, see outline XX below.) 11. Invasion of Italy. Appeal of duke Andrea of Naples to the Saracens in Sicily against Duke Sikard of Benevento in 837. Saracens conquered Bari about 841. Attack on Rome in 846. Naval battle off Ostia in 849. Ineffective assistance given by the Caro- lingians. Co-operation with the Byzantines. Pillage and destruc- tion of Monte Cassino. Final expulsion of the Saracens from Italy about 915. The "Saracen towers" near Naples. 12. Peaceful relations between Moslems and Christians in the west. Mohammedan civilization in the ninth and tenth centuries 146 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII especially in Spain and Sicily. Lasting effects on the culture of western Christendom. (See outline X of part III below.) 13. In the eleventh century Latin Christians took the offensive against the Moslems from Spain to Palestine. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING General surveys. The best general survey is now in the Cam- bridge medieval history, II, chs. x-xii. Another good account is in LAVISSE and KAMBAUD, Histoire generate, I, chs. ix, xv. BEMONT and MONOD, Medieval Europe, chs. x-xi, is a more elementary sketch. GIBBON, Decline and fall, chs. L-LI, although out of date in many respects, will always remain interesting reading. A collection of very stimulating lectures has just come from the press, C. S. HTJR- GRONJE, Mohammedanism: lectures on its origin, its religious and political growth, and its present state, New York and London, 1916. See also the articles "Mahomet" (by Margoliouth), "Mahommedan Institutions, " " Mahommedan Law, " " Mahommedan Religion, ' ' "Caliphate," and "Berbers," in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Mohammed. The best biography is W. Mum, The Life of Mohammed from original sources, London, 1861, 3rd edition, 1894, a new and revised edition by T. H. WEIR, Edinburgh, 1912. D. S. MARGOLIOUTH, Mohammed and the rise of Islam, New York and London, 1905 (Heroes of the nations series) is very good. G. M. DRAYCOTT, Mahomet : founder of Islam, New York, 1916. H. GRIMME, Mohammed: die weltgeschichtliche Bedeutung Ardbiens h Mainz, 1904 (Weltgesehiehte in Charakterbildern), is particularly valuable for its pictures. Moors in Spain. U. R. BURKE, History of Spain, I, chs. xn, xiv, xvi. R. ALTAMIRA, Historia de Espana (1913 edition), I, 224-300. L. POOLE, Moors in Spain, New York, 1903 (Story of the nations). See the few pages from Dozy on ' ' Moslem civilization in Spain, ' ' in MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 224-239. HELMOLT, History of the world, IV, 494-510. HUME, The Spanish people, 71- 111. Saracens and the Byzantine empire. J. B. BURY, Later Roman empire, II, 258-273, 401-407; and his, A history of the eastern Eoman empire (802-867), ch. vin, "The Saracen wars." Saracens in Sicily, Italy, and Crete. J. B. BURY, A history of eastern Eoman empire (802-867), ch. ix, "The Saracen conquests of Crete and Sicily." R. LANCIANI, Destruction of ancient Eome, New York, 1899, ch. xi. GREGOROVIUS, History of the city of Eome, III, 65-68, 87-100, 178-187, 259-270. E. W. BROOKS, "The Arab occupa- tion of Crete," English historical review, XXVIII (1913), 431-443. IX MOHAMMEDANS 147 Original sources. The best translations of the Koran are by E. H. PALMER, Koran, 2 vols., Oxford, 1880 (Miiller's Sacred books of the east, vols. VI, IX); El-lcor'an: or Koran, translated from the Arabic, the suras arranged in chronological order, with notes and index, by J. M. BODWELL, 2nd edition, London, 1876 (also reprinted in Everyman's library, New York, 1909); Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated by G. SALE, 2 vols., London, 1825, latest edition by E. M. WHERRY, A comprehensive commentary on the Quran : comprising Sale 's translation and preliminary discourse, with additional notes and emendations, 4 vols., London, 1896 (Triibner's oriental series). Extracts from the Koran have been edited with a very good introduction by S. L. POOLE, under the title, ^The speeches and table-talk of Mohammed, New York, 1905, which is the best introduction to the study of the Koran. See also Selections from the Kuran, edited by E. W. LANE, London, 1879. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 53, 54-55, 58-59, 64, 66-67. Cambridge medieval history, II, maps 23, 24. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. For an encyclopaedia and a dictionary of Islam se'e no. 120 above. Many of the general books on Spain and Portu- gal, nos. 622-642 above, Italy, nos. 599-621 above, and the Byzan- tine empire, nos. 643-679 above, give much space to the Moham- medans. See also the general histories of the Mediterranean, nos. 360-361 above. General accounts. L. C. CAETANI, Annali dell' Islam, vols. I- VII, Milan, 1905-1914 (extends thus far through 32 a.H., or to August, 653 A.D.) ; C. HUART, Histoire des Arabes, 2 vols., Paris, 1912-1913; and A. MULLER, Der Islam im Morgen- und Abendland, 2 vols., Berlin, 1885-87 (part of no. 313 above), are standard and fundamental works. W. MUIR, The Caliphate: its rise, decline and fall, from original sources, London, 1883, a new and revised edition by T. H. WEIR, Edinburgh, 1915 (first edition bore the title, Annals of the early Caliphate). T. W. ARNOLD, The preaching of Islam: a history of the propagation of the Muslim faith, Westminister, 1896, 2nd edi- tion, revised and enlarged, London, 1913. J. WELLHAUSEN, Das arabische Eeich und sein Sturz, Berlin, 1902. I. GOLDZIHER, Muham- medanische Studien, 2 vols., Halle, 1889-90, translated from the Ger- man by KATE E. CHAMBERS, Aspects of Islam, Yale University Press, 1915. I. GOLDZIHER, Vorlesungen iiber den Islam, Heidelberg, 1910, translated by K. C. SEELYE, with an introduction by M. J-ASTROW, Mohammed and Islam, Yale University Press, 1916. C. H. BECKER, Christentum und Islam, Tubingen, 1907, translated by H. J. CHAYTOR, 148 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAKTII Christianity and Islam, New York, 1909 (Harper's library of living thought). M. HARTMANN, Fiinf Vortrdge uber den Islam, Leipzig, 1912. AMEER ALI SYED, A short history of the Saracens, London, 1899, reprinted with corrections, 1900. A. OILMAN, The Saracens from the earliest times to the fall of Bagdad, New York, 1886 (The story of the nations). D. S. MARGOLIOUTH, Mohammedanism, London, [1911] (Home university library). E. DOZY, Essai sur I'histoire de I'Islamisme, translated from the Dutch by V. CHAUVIN, Leyden and Paris, 1879. S. L. POOLE, The Mohammedan dynasties, Westminister, 1894. G. WEIL, Geschichte der Chalifen, 5 vols., Mannheim, 1846- 1862. E. A. FREEMAN, The history and conquests of the Saracens: six lectures, London, 1856, 3rd edition, 1876. C. GUTERBOCK, Der Islam im Lichte der byzantinischen Polemilc, Berlin, 1912. E. MEYER, Ursprung und Geschichte der Mormonen, mit ExTcursen uber die Anfdnge des Islams und des Christentums, Halle, 1912. Mohammed. L. CAETANI, Studi di storia orientate, vol. Ill, La biografia di Maometto prof eta ed uomo di stato, 11 principio del Calif- fato, La conquista d' Arabia, Milan, 1914. E. BOSWORTH SMITH, Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 3rd edition, London, 1889. P. DE LACY JOHNSTONE, Muhammad and his power, Edinburgh, 1901, (The world's epoch-makers, 7). AMEER ALI SYED, The spirit of Islam: or the life and teachings of Mohammed, Calcutta, 1902. H. EECKENDORF, Mohammed und die Seinen, Leipzig, 1907 (Wissenschaft und Bildung). H. GRIMME, Mohammed, 2 vols., Munster, 1892-1895. A. SPRENGER, Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammad: nach bisher grosstentheils unbenutzten Quellen, 2nd edition, 3 vols., Berlin, 1869. T. NOLDEKE, Das Leben Muhammed's: nach den Quellen popular dar- gestellt, Hannover, 1863. A. GEIGER, Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judentum aufgenommen? 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1902. Koran. D. S. MARGOLIOUTH, The early development of Moham- medanism, London, 1914 (Hibbert lectures). T. NOLDEKE, Geschichte der Qordns, GSttingen, 1860, new edition, revised by F. SCHWALLY, vol. I, Leipzig, 1909. E. SELL, The historical development of the Quran, London, 1905. W. MUIR, The Coran: its composition and teaching, London, 1878. I. SCHAPIRO, Die haggadischen Elemente im ersdhlenden Teil des Korans, Leipzig, 1907. Conquest of north Africa. M. CAUDEL, Les premiers invasions arabes dans I'Afrique du Nord, Paris, 1900. E. MERCIER, Histoire de I'Afrique septentrionale (Berberie) depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'd la conquete frangaise, 3 vols., Paris, 1888-1890. S. L. POOLE, The history of Egypt in the middle ages, London, 1901. E. AME- LINEAU, "La conquete de 1'Egypte par les Arabes, I," in Bevue historique, CXIX (1915), 273-310. H. FOURNEL, Les Berbers: etude ra MOHAMMEDANS 149 sur la conquete de I'Afrique par les Ardbes, 2 vols., Paris, 1875-1881. C. H. BECKER, Beitrage zur Geschichte Agyptens unter dem Islam, 2 parts, Strasburg, 1902-1903. Moors in Spain and the Balearic islands. B. P. A. DOZY, His- toire des Musulmans d'Espagne, 4 vols., Leyden, 1861, translated by F. G. STOKES, with a biographical introduction and additional notes, Spanish Islam: a history of the Moslems in Spain, London, 1913. S. P. SCOTT, History of the Moorish empire in Europe, 3 vols., Phila- delphia, 1904. F. CODERA, Estudios criticos de historia drabe espanola, Saragossa, 1903. J. A. CONDE, History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain, translated from the Spanish, 3 vols., London, 1854. H. COPPEE, History of the conquest of Spain by the Arab Moors, 2 vols., Boston, 1881. L. SCHWENKOW, Die lateinisch geschriebenen Quellen zur Geschichte der Eroberung Spaniens durch die Araber, Gottingen, 1894. A. FERNANDEZ GUERRA, Caida y ruina del imperio visigotico- cspanol, Madrid, 1883. E. SAAVEDRA, Estudio sobre la invasion de los drabes en Espana, Madrid, 1892. CAMPANER, Eesena historico-critica de la dominacion de los Arabes y de los Moros en las islas Baleares [to 1286], Madrid, 1888. Mohammedan invasion of Gaul. G. LOKYS, Die Kampfe der Araber mit den Karolingern bis sum Tode Ludwigs II, Heidelberg, 1906 (Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte). M. H. ZOTENBERG, Invasions des Visigoths et des Arabes en France, Toulouse, 1876, is an extract from no. 540 above. M. REINAUD, Invasions des Sarrazins en France, Paris, 1836. Saracens in Italy and Sicily. M. AMARI, Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia, 4 vols., Florence, 1854-68. J. GAY, L'ltalie meridionale et I' empire byzantin depuis I'avenement de Basile I jusqu'd la prise de Bari par les Normands, Paris, 1904. G. B. MOSCATO, Cronaca dei musulmani in Calabria, San Lucido, 1902. C. WAERN, Mediaeval Sicily, New York, 1911, chs. i-n. Arabian commerce in the north of Europe. G. JACOB, Der nordisch-baltische Handel der Araber im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1887; and his Welche Handelsartilcel bezogen die Araber des Mittelalters aus den nordisch-baltischen Ldndern? 2nd edition, Berlin, 1891. E. BABELON, Du commerce des Arabes dans le nord de I 'Europe avant les croisades, Paris, 1882. Periodical on Islam. Der Islam: Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients, edited by C. H. BECKER, Strasburg, 1910ff. Original sources. EL-BOKHARI, (died 870 A.D.), Les traditions islamiques, translated from the Arabic with notes and an index by O. HOUDAS and W. MARCAIS, vols. I-III, Paris, 1903-1908. The 150 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII origins of the Islamic state: being a translation from the Arabic accompanied with annotations, geographic and historical notes of the Kitdb Futuh al-Bulddn of AL-lMAM ABU-L 'ABBAS AHMAD IBN JABIR AL-BALADHURI, vol. I, by P. K. HITTI, New York, 1916 (Studies in history, economics, and public law, Columbia University, vol. LXVIII, no. 163). Traites de paix et de commerce et documents divers contenant les relations des Chretiens avec les Arabs d'Afrique septen- trionale au moyen age, edited by DE MAS-LATRIE, Paris, 1866, sup- plement, 1872. Biblioteca Arabo-Sicula, versione italiana, 2 vols. and a supplement, edited by M. AMARI, Turin and Eome, 1880-1889. J. WELLHAUSEN, Muhammed in Medina: das 1st Vakidi's Kitab al Maghazi in verkiirzter Wiedergabe, Berlin, 1882. Bibliotheca arabico-hispana, edited by F. CODERA Y ZAIDIN, 10 vols., Madrid, 1882-1895. Bibliographies. Cambridge medieval history, II. 758-765, and the special bibliographies indicated there. See also no. 42 above. X. FOES OF WESTERN CHEISTENDOM, FEOM THE EIGHTH TO THE ELEVENTH CENTURY. FROM THE NORTH. NORTHMEN A. OUTLINE 1. The fury of the Northmen. "From the fury of the North- men, good Lord, deliver us" (a. furore Normannorum libera nos). This phrase, so common in litanies of the middle ages, was not in use in Carolingian times, but the following prayer, dating ca. 900, is an interesting prototype: " Summa pia gratia nostra con- servando corpora et custodita, de genie fera Normannica nos libera, quae nostra vastat, deus, regna; etc." (See L. DELISLE, Littera- ture latine et histoire du moyen age, p. 17). 2. The civilization of the Teutonic people of the north, Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes. The scalds. The sagas. The Gokstad and Oseberg ships. The vikings (= warriors). 3. Causes and character of their migrations. Often women and even children accompanied the men on their ships. The chief raids of the Northmen occurred between 800 and 1000. 4. The Northmen in the British and northern islands. Men- tioned in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle under the year 787. Monastery of Lindisfarne raided in 793. In 795 they were in Ireland. lona was raided about 800. Faroe Islands, Orkneys, Shetland Islands and Hebrides were occupied in the time of Charlemagne. Towards the middle of the ninth century the Northmen were numerous in England. King Alfred (871-901) and the Danes. The Danelaw. x NORTHMEN 151 Iceland occupied about 875. Greenland touched upon about 900 and North America about 1000. 5. Eaids on the continent in the west and in the Mediterranean. In 810, in Charlemagne's time, king Godfred of Denmark plundered the coast of Frisia. About the time of the death of Charlemagne (814) Vikings visited the mouth of the Loire and in 843 made a settlement on the island of Noirmoutier and also occupied the lie de Bhe near the mouth of the Charente. Antwerp was destroyed about 836, and the island of Walcheren was occupied in 837. In 841 they appeared on the Seine and destroyed Eouen. Nantes was plundered in 843. They were on the Garonne in 844, when Toulouse was attacked. In 845 they appeared before Paris and in the same year destroyed Hamburg. In 856 Paris was plundered. The next year they sailed down to Spain, appeared before Lisbon, sacked Cadiz and ascended the Guadalquivir to Seville. Under Hasting a band sailed into the Mediterranean to sack Rome in 859 but they got no further than Luna. Some sailed up the Ehone river and they occupied the island of Camargue. Charles the Bold treated with Hasting and his followers, some of whom became Christians and accepted feudal holdings. Orleans was reached in 865. Northmen were" defeated at Saulcourt in 881 but they plundered Aachen, Cologne, etc. Paris was beseiged 885. Charles the Fat paid tribute and allowed the raiders to plunder Burgundy. Decisive defeat of the Northmen by the German king Arnulf near Louvain in 891. 6. Expeditions to the East. Eurik and his followers, the Varangians, came from Sweden and settled at Novgorod about 862. Varangians in the service of the emperor in Constantinople. 7. The important settlement of Northmen in northern France, in and about Eouen, about 911. Charles III, the Simple, offered Normandy as a fief to Eollo or Eolf and gave him his daughter Gisela in marriage. Eolf was baptized soon after. 8. Conversion of Northmen to Christianity in the tenth century and the political reorganization of the North. The beginnings of modern Norway and Sweden. 9. The sudden and short-lived burst of Danish imperialism under Canute the Great, 1014-1035. 10. The important part the Normans were destined to play in medieval history (see outline XX below). B. SPECIAL BECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Introductory surveys. C. H. HASKINS, The Normans in European history, Boston and New York, 1915, ch. n, "The coming of the 152 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Northmen." LAVISSE and KAMBAUD, Histoire gcnerale, II, eh. xin. OMAN, The dark ages (see "vikings" in the index). Longer general accounts. The best general survey is now in GJERSET, History of the Norwegian people, I, especially pp. 45-280. C. F. KEABY, The Vikings in western Christendom A.D. 789 to A.D. 888, London, 1891. A. MAWEE, The Vikings, Cambridge university Press, 1913 (Cambridge manuals), is a recent popular sketch. BEAZLEY, Dawn of modern geography, II, 17-111. Danes in England. C. OMAN, England before the Norman con- quest, London, 1910, 382-491. C. PLUMMER, The life and times of Alfred the Great, Oxford, 1902, lecture iv. For Canute and Danish imperialism the best book is L. M. LARSON, Canute the Great, 995(circ.) 1035, and the rise of Danish imperialism during the Viking age, New York, 1912 (Heroes of the nations). Northmen in Russia. EAMBAUD, History of Eussia, ch. iv. KLUCHEVSKY, A history of Eussia, I, ch. v. Original sources. The sagas are the best introduction to a study of life in the Viking age. The following are especially interesting and easily accessible in English: Heimskringla of Snorro Sturle- son, translated by S. LAING, London, Norroena Society, 1906 ; The story of Burnt Njal, translated by G. W. DASENT, 2 vols., Edin- burgh, 1861, and London and New York, Norroena Society, 1906 (now also in Everyman's library, New York, 1900); Volsunga Saga, translated by E. MAGNUSSON and W. M. MORRIS, London, Norroena Society, 1906. For interesting extracts concerning the raids of Northmen see OGG, Source book, 157-173. See A. BUGGE, "The origin and credibility of the Icelandic saga," in American historical review, XIV (1908-1909), 249-261. Maps. The best map for the raids and settlements of the Northmen is in MEYERS Historischer Handatlas, 25. See also SHEPHERD, Atlas, 46-47, 57, 58-59, 64. VOGEL, Die Normannen, below, has an excellent map showing the territory overrun by Northmen in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and northern Spain. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. For general works on the Scandinavian coun- tries see nos. 717-728 above. Due to the wide range of the viking raids, many of the general works of all the countries of Europe, nos. 508-716 above, touch upon their history. General accounts. J. STEENSTRUP, Normannerne, 4 vols., Copen- hagen, 1876-82, vol. I, translated by E. de BEAUREPAIRE, Etudes preliminaires pour servir a I 'histoire de Normands et de leur invasions, Caen, 1880. SARAH O. JEWETT, The story of the Normans told NORTHMEN 153 chiefly in relation to their conquest of England, London and New York, 1886 (Story of the nations), chs. I and II. A. H. JOHNSON, The Normans in Europe, London, 1877, chs. i-m (part of no. 335 above). W. Boos, "The Swedish part in the viking expeditions," English historical review, VII (1892), 209-223. G. B. DEPPING, His- toire des expeditions maritimes des Normands, Paris, 1843. ELEANOR HULL, The Northmen in Britain, London, 1913. T. CARLYLE, Early Icings of Norway, New York, 1875. Civilization of the Northmen. P. B. Du CHAILLU, Viking age: the early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English-speaking nations, 2 vols., New York, 1889. A. BUGGE, ViJcingerne, 2 series, Copenhagen, 1904-06, translated from the Nor- wegian by H. HUNGERLAND, Die Wikinger: Bilder aus der nordischen Vergangenheit, Halle, 1906. O. MONTELIUS, Kulturgeschichte Schivedens von den dltesten Zeiten bis sum elften Jahrhundert nach Christi, Leipzig, 1906. S. MULLER, Nordische Altertumskunde, Ger- man edition by O. L. JIRICZEK, 2 vols., Strasburg, 1879-98. C. MULLER, Altgermanische Meeresherrschaft, Gotha, 1914, treats the period up to 1200. A. OLRIK, Nordisches Geistesleben in heidnischer und fruhchristlicher Zeit, translated by W. EANISCH, Heidelberg, 1908. J. J. A. WORSAAE, The pre-history of the north, based on con- temporary memorials, translated by M. F. MORLAND SIMPSON, Lon- don, 1886. F. NIEDNER, Islands Kultur zur Wikingerseit, Jena, 1913, in Thule: altnordische Dichtung und Prosa, I, 1. Northmen in France. W. VOGEL, Die Normannen und das frdnJc- ische Beich bis zur Grundung der Normandie 799-911, with a very important map, Heidelberg, 1906 (in Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 14). This work of funda- mental importance is supplemented by F. LOT, "La grande inva- sion normande, 856-862," in Bibliothcque de I'ecole des chartes, LXIX (1908), 5-62; and by the same author's Etudes critiques sur I'abbaye de Saint-Wandrille, Paris, 1913, ch. in. E. FREEMAN, "The early sieges of Paris," in his Historical essays, series I, 207- 251. H. H. HOWORTH, "The early intercourse of the Danes and Franks," in Boyal historical society, VI (1877), 147-182; VII (1878), 1-29. E. THUBERT, "Les Northmen en France," in Eevue d'histoire diplomatique, XX (1906), 511-536. VAN DER LINDEN, "Les Normands & Louvain (884-892;," in Eevue historique, CXXIV (1917), 64-81. Vikings in Spain, A. K. FABRICIUS, La premiere invasion des Normands dans I'Espagne musulmane en 814, Lisbon, 1892; and his, La connaissance de la peninsule espagnole par les hommes du Nord, Lisbon, 1892. E. DOZY, Eecherches sur I'histoire et la litterature 154 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII de I'Espagne pendant le moyen age, 3rd edition, 2 vols., Paris, 1881, II, 252-332. Eastward expeditions of Northmen. T. J. ARNE, La Suede et I 'orient : etudes archeologiques sur les relations de la Suede et I' orient pendent I'age des Vikings, Upsala, 1914ff. (in Lundell's Archives d 'etudes orientales). V. THOMPSON, The relations between ancient Russia and Scandinavia, and the origin of the Russian state, Oxford, 1878. Northmen in America. W. HOVGAARD, The voyages of the Norse- men to America, the American-Scandinavian Foundation, New York, 1914. F. NANSEN, In northern mists: arctic explorations in early times, translated by G. CHATER, 2 vols., London and New York, 1911 (bibliography, II, 384-396). W. H. BABCOCK, Early Norse visits to North America, Smithsonian Institution (no. 2138), 1913 (bibliography, pp. 179-189). A. SCHALCK DE LA FAVERIE, Les Nor- mands et la dccouverte de I'Amerique au X e siecle, Paris, 1912. J. FISCHER, Die Entdeckungen der Normannen in America, Freiburg, 1902, translated into English by H. SOULSBY, London, 1903. G. B. DE LAGREZE, Les Normands dans les deux mondes, Paris, 1890. Original sources. The following collections contain transla- tions of most of the important early literature relating to the Northmen: Norroena, the history and romance of northern Europe: a library of supreme classics printed in complete form, 15 vols., London Norroena Society, 1906; Corpus poeticum boreale: the poetry of the old northern tongue from the earliest times to the thirteenth century, classified and translated by G. VIGFUSSON and F. YORK POWELL, 2 vols., Oxford, 1883; Origines Islandicae: a col- lection of the more important sagas and other native writings relating to the settlement and early history of Iceland, edited and translated by G. VIGFUSSON and F. YORK POWELL, 2 vols., Oxford, 1905; Saga book of the Viking society, London, 1895ff. A convenient short introduction to the sagas is W. A. CRAIGIE, The Icelandic sagas, Cambridge University Press, 1913 (Cambridge manuals). A very sumptuous work on the Oseberg burial ship, to consist of five volumes, is being published by the Norwegian government, Osebergfundet, edited by A. W. BROGGER and others, 1916ff. The ship, which was found in 1904 and dates from the ninth century, is now exhibited in a special building in Christiania; the objects found in it are on exhibition in the Historical Museum. The well- known Gokstad ship is described briefly by I. UNDSET, A short guide for the use of visitors to the viking ship from Gokstad, Chris- tiania, 1889, 3rd edition, 1898. The sources for the Norsemen in America may be found tran- XI SLAVS AND NOMADS 155 slated in the Flateyjarbok: the Flatey boolc and recently discovered Vatican manuscripts concerning America as early as the tenth cen- tury, documents now published for the first time, which establish beyond controversy the claim that North America was settled by Norsemen five hundred years before the time of Columbus, London, Norroena Society, 1906; and in the Original narratives of early American history: the Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503, New York, 1906 (the voyages of the Northmen are edited by J. E. OLSON) ; as well as in vol. V of Norroena mentioned above. Bibliographies. For the old Norse Sagas, see GROSS, no. 36 above, 35, and for modern books on the Northmen, especially in their rela- tion to England, ibid., 42. The notes in GJERSET, History of the Norwegian people, contain many bibliographical references. For the sources on the Northmen in France, see A. MOLINIER, Les sources, I, 264-271. J. STEFANSSON, List of books belonging to the Viking club, society for northern research, London [1907]. H. HERMANNSON, Catalogue of the Icelandic collection bequeathed by Willard Fislce to the Cornell University library, Ithaca, New York, 1914; and his.TTie Northmen in America (982-C.1500) : a contribution to the bibli- ography of the subject, Ithaca, 1909, in Islandica: an annual relating to Iceland and the Fislce Icelandic collection in Cornell University library, edited by G. W. HARRIS, 1908ff., vol. II, are vast mines of references to books on the North. See also the first part of P. RIANT 's library, 2641 items on Scandinavia, acquired by Yale University. XI. FOES OF WESTERN CHRISTENDOM FROM THE EIGHTH TO THE ELEVENTH CENTURY. FROM THE EAST. SLAVS AND ASIATIC NOMADS A. OUTLINE 1. The grand divisions of European peoples in the middle ages; Romanic, Teutonic, Slavic, and the eastern background formed by the Asiatic nomads. 2. The role of the Slavs in medieval history. They serve as a buffer between the Teutonic west and the Asiatic nomads. Lack of organization among the Slavs. Enslavement of the Slavs by Teutons and Asiatic nomads. 3. The civilization and extent of the Slavs about 700 A.D. Wends, Serbs, Slavs. Western Slavs: Polabians (Sorbs, Abodrites, Wil- zians, Pommeranians), Czechs, Moravians, Slovaks; eastern and .northern Slavs: Russians . (White, Little, and Great Russians), 156 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Slovenes (Bulgarians, Croats and Serbians). The Lithuanians (Letts and Prussians). 4. Relations of Merovingians and Carolingians with the Slavs. Samo, a Frank adventurer, became king of the Czechs of Bohemia, 623-668. 5. The evanescent empire of Moravia. Struggles of the Mor- avians with the Franks after Charlemagne. Svatopluk II acknowl- edged by Charles III, the Fat (881-887). The conversion of these Slavs. The eastern emperor Michel III (842-867) sent as apostles of the Slavs two brothers, born in Salonica, Constantine (later Cyrillus, died 869) and Methodius (died 885). Their relations with the pope in Rome. 6. Decline of the Slavs in the region between the Elbe and the Oder where the Polabians were practically wiped out by the Germans in the tenth and eleventh centuries. 7. Rise and decline of Poland. Boleslav the Valiant (992- 1025) conquered far and wide but did not gain a permanent hold on the Baltic. Poland declined after his death. Close relations with the Latin church. The archbishopric of Gnesen founded about 1000A.D. Quasi-parliamentary government under Boleslav. 8. Bohemia. Amalgamation of the Czechs. Latin Christianity prevailed. Vratislav II was the first king (1086). Practically a vassal of the Emperor Henry IV. 9. The glorious era of Bulgarian history. The Bulgares, a Finnish tribe, organized the Slavs of old Moesia in the seventh century. Converted to Byzantine Christianity in the ninth cen- tury. Simeon (829-927), the first Czar of the Bulgarians. Pre- slav the capital. Golden era of literature. The Bogomiles (Mani- chaean heretics). Subjugation of Bulgarians by the eastern emperors, especially by Basil II, the ' ' Slayer of the Bulgarians. ' ' 10. The beginnings of Russia. Rurik and his Swedes, the Varangians, settled around Novgorod about 962. Oleg, Rurik 's successor, made Kiev his capital. Attacked Constantinople in 907. Sviotoslav (964-972) seriously threatened Constantinople, but was checked in 971 by John Zimisces. Vladimir (972-1015), the Clovis of Russia, was baptized about 990. A flood of Byzan- tine civilization came into Russia with eastern Christianity. Yaro- slav the Great (1015-1054), the Charlemagne of Russia. Close relations of Russia with the west during this early period. 11. The Asiatic nomads. The peculiar geographic influences which shaped their destinies. Finns, Huns, Avars, (Bulgars), Khazars, Petchenegs, Cumans, Magyars, etc. 12. Avars occupied old Pannonia and Dacia when the Lombards XI SLAVS AND NOMADS 157 forsook that region. Their "rings." Charlemagne's campaigns against them 795-796. Shortly after his death they were dispersed as the Huns had been in the fifth century. 13. Hungarians or Magyars. About 900 they dispossessed the Moravians in modern Hungary. Their low state of civilization. Their dread invasions of Europe in the tenth centry, penetrating even into Provence and Lorraine. Crushed by Otto I in 955 in the battle of the Lechfeld. Stephen I (955-1038) was the founder of modern Hungary. Accepted Latin Christianity. The great archbishopric of Gran was established about 1000 A.D. 14. The state of eastern Europe just before the crusades. B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING General accounts. The best short survey is in LAVISSE and BAM- BAUD, Histoire generate, I, ch. xiv. Cambridge medieval history, II, ch. xiv, is authoritative and important, but rather confusing. A fairly comprehensive account may be pieced together from J. B. BURY'S books, History of the later Roman empire, II, 11-24, 274- 280, 331-338, 470-476; A history of the eastern Boman empire, chs. xi-xin. The same is true of HELMOLT, History of the world, vol. V, 222-223, 227-242, 271-288, 326-338, 347-348, 353-355, 374-379, 425- 461, 469-476. See also GIBBON, Decline and fall, ch. LV. Nomads, The general character of nomadic life is well described in Cambridge medieval history, I, ch. xii; and by ELLEN C. SEMPLE, Influences of geographic environment, ch. xrv. Histories of various countries of eastern Europe. Make a selec- tion from the general books on eastern Europe, nos. 680-716 above. Maps. Cambridge medieval history, I, map 3 ; II, maps 25, 26a, 26b. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 2-3, 46-47, 52-59. Use FREEMAN, The his- torical geography of Europe, especially pp. 113-117, 155-158, as a guide to these maps; and see also EIPLEY, The races of Europe, chs. xm, xv. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. For books on eastern Europe see nos. 680-716, 588-596, 311-312 above; but for the contact of Slavs and nomads with western civilization a large number of general books on other European countries are also of value; see e.g., nos. 313361, 499-598, 643-679, 717-727 above. For histories of Slavic literature see no. 814 above. Early Slavic history in general. L. LEGER, Le monde slave: etudes politiques et litteraires, series 1 and 2, 2 vols., Paris, 1897- 1902; and his Etudes slaves; his Nouvelle etudes slaves: histoire et litterature, Paris, 1880; and his La mythologie slave, Paris, 1901. 158 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII H. MERBACH, Die Slawenkriege des deutschen Volkes, Leipzig, 1914. W. OHNESORGE, Ausbreitung und Ende der Slawen zwischcn Nieder- Elbe und Oder, Liibeck, 1911. A. MEITZEN, Siedelung und Agrar- wesen der West- und Ostgcrmanen, der Kelten, Homer, Finnen und Slaven, 3 vols. and an atlas, Berlin, 1895. M. MURKO, Geschichte der alteren siidslawischen Literaturen, Leipzig, 1908. A. LEFEVRE, Germains et Slaves: origines et croyances, Paris, 1903. W. R. S. RALSTON, Early Eussian history, London, 1874. R. W. SETON- WATSON, Racial problems in Hungary: a history of the Slovaks, London, 1909. E. MISSALEK, "Die Forschung auf dem Gebiete der altesten polnischen Geschichte," in Historische Zeitschrift, CXIII (1914), 62-69. E. ZHARSKI, Die Slavenkriege zur Zeit Ottos III und dessen Pilgerfahrt nach Gnesen, Lemberg, 1882 (Programm). Samo. O. NEMECEK, Das Eeich des Slawenfiirsten Samo, Mah- risch-Ostrau, 1906 (Programm). Rumania. N. JORGA, Les elements originaux de I'ancienne civilisation Boumaine, Jassy, 1911. E. FISCHER, Die Herkunft der Eumdnen, Bamberg, 1904. Conversion of Slavs to Christianity. Chief interest centers in the work of Constantine and Methodius. The following are- special works on the subject: A. BRUCKNER, Die Wahrheit iiber die Slavenapostel, Tubingen, 1913; F. SNOPEK, Konstantinus-Cyrillus und Methodius: die Slavenapostel (Operum academiae Valehradensis, II), Kremsier, 1911; L. K. GOETZ, Geschichte der Slavenapostel Kon- stantinus (Kyrillus) und Methodius, Gotha, 1897; and L. LEGER, Cyrille et Methode: etude historique sur la conversion des Slaves au chritianisme, Paris, 1868 (see also A. NAEGLE, Kirchengeschichte Bohmens, under no. 461 above). L. K. GOETZ, Staat und Kirche in Altrussland: Kiever Periode, 998-1240, Berlin, 1908. L. K. GOETZ, Dos Kiever Hohlenkloster als Kulturzentrum des vormongolischen Eusslands, Passau, 1904. M. USPENSKI, La Eussie et Byzance au 10 siecle, Odessa, 1888. The home of the Asiatic nomads. E. HUNTINGTON, The pulse of Asia: a journey in central Asia illustrating the geographical basis of history, New York, 1907. F. H. SKRINE and E. D. Ross, The heart of Asia, London, 1899. SVEN HEDIN, Central Asia and Tibet, 2 vols., New York, 1903. G. F. WRIGHT, Asiatic Russia, 2 vols., New York, 1902. A. VAMBERY, Travels in central Asia, New York, 1865. Asiatic nomads. F. RATZEL, The history of mankind, translated from the 2nd German edition by A. J. BUTLER, 3 vols., London, 1896-1898, III, 313-533. H. v. KUTSCHERA, Die Chasaren: histor- ische Studie, Vienna, 1909. E. H. PARKER, Thousand years of the xn MEDIEVAL INSTITUTIONS 159 Tartars, London, 1895. A. THIERRY, Histoire d'Attila et de ses suc- cesseurs jusqu'd I'etablissement des Hongrois en Europe, suivis des legendes et traditions, 2 vols., Paris, 1856. Avars. K. GROH, Kampfe der Avaren und Langobarden, Halle, 1889 (dissertation). Hungarians in Europe. E. LUTTICH, Ungarnzuge in Europa im 10 Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1910 (Historische Studien, edited by E. Ebering, 84). For literature on the battle of the Lechfeld in 955 see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, no. 4816. J. B. BURY, "The coming of the Hungarians: their origin and early homes," Scottish review, XX (1892), 29-52. A. VAMBERY, Der Ursprung der Mag- yaren, Leipzig, 1882. L. DUSSIEUX, Essai sur les invasions des Hon- grois en Europe et en France, Paris, 1839. Original sources. See the large collections, nos. 1002-1006 above, and Enchiridion fontium historiae Hungarorum, edited by H. MARCZALI and others, Budapest, 1901. Bibliographies. Cambridge medieval history, I, 660-665; II, 770-784. LAVISSE and EAMBAUD, Histoire generale, I, 741-742. See also nos. 46-47 above. XII. EAELY MEDIEVAL INSTITUTIONS A. OUTLINE 1. The danger of massing together almost all medieval institu- tions, and studying them under the caption "Feudalism." Mean- ing and application of this term in the history of medieval Europe and in other times and places. In this outline chief attention is given to the institutions of the area which is now France. 2. The intermingling of ancient institutions, Graeco-Eoman, Jewish, Celtic, Teutonic, and Slavic. Impossibility of disentang- ling the various elements. 3. Germanic ideas of law and their application. Personality of law. Peculiar ideas about legal evidence. Compurgation. Ordeals. Wager of battle. Wergeld. The Leges barbarorum, espe- cially the Lex Salica, the Lex Ripuariorum, the Leges Visigothorum, Leges Burgundionum, Lex Saxonum, Lex Frisionum, Lex Alaman- norum, and the Leges Langobardorum. The Leges Eomanae, epitomes of Eoman law. 4. The survival of a very narrow stream of Eoman law (Lex Eomana) in the early middle ages. Its chief hold was in the church which also fostered Jewish ideas of law. Until about 1100 A.D. the Justinian code was little known in the west. The Edictum Theo- dorici about 500, the Breviarium Aland, 506 (also known as the 160 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Breviarium Alaricianum or Lex Romano Visigothorum) , and the Lex romana Burgundionum promulgated by king Gundobad. 5. The dreams of a universal empire and a universal Christian brotherhood contrasted with the actual political and social state of Europe after Charlemagne. 6. Political disorganization caused by the inroads of the foes of western Christendom and by internal disorder. Consequent lack of improvement of economic conditions. Failure of the empire to guard life and property and the consequent rise of other agents who performed this service. Unusual importance of the strongly armed and mounted man and the fortified house and walled town. Petty feudal warfare. 7. Older institutions which may have had some influence in shaping feudal institutions. The Germanic comitatus. The Eoman patrocinium and precarium. 8. Fundamental elements in feudalism: (1) the personal ele- ment; (2) the economic element; and (3) the governmental ele- ment. The very gradual fusion of all these elements. Endless con- fusion resulting from this commingling which made feudalism any- thing but a system. 9. The personal element. Need of the weaker and poorer man to bind himself to a stronger and richer man in times of disorder when the state did not give adequate protection. Commendation. Homage and fealty. Lord and vassal. Capitulary of Kiersey, 877 A.D. Duties of lord to his vassal: protection and justice. Duties of vassal to his lord: aid and counsel. Aid consisted largely of military service, which was honorable, noble service (castle- ward); but in time the vassal was bound to aid his lord in many other ways, e.g., relief, fines on alienation, the technical ' ' aids, ' ' three ordinary and two extraordinary, entertainment (droit de gite, coshering). The lord had many special rights, escheat, for- feiture, coinage. Counsel consisted largely of service in the lord's court, but might also be merely advice and helpfulness when the lord was in difficulties. 10. The economic element. The infeudation of land and other sources of income. The benefice. The fief (feudum). Earity of allodial holdings. Peculiar ideas about tenure (ridiculous ten- ures). Development of primogeniture. 11. The governmental element. The localization of govern- mental functions by usurpation, long undisputed exercise, and the granting of immunities. Special importance of the legal rights of land holders. Feudal courts and feudal law. Justice as a source of income. xn MEDIEVAL INSTITUTIONS 161 12. Sharp division of classes of people. Drastic distinction between nobles and non-nobles. Slavery in the early middle ages. Feudal relations existed only among the nobles. The non-nobles were not concerned in feudalism except that they formed the economic basis upon which it was reared. A serf was not the vassal of his lord. Lay nobles and ecclesiastical nobles. For the life of nobles in the middle ages, see outline XXVII below; for the life of non-nobles, see outline XXVI below. 13. Monarchy in the midst of feudalism. Theoretically the king was the apex of an imaginary feudal pyramid, but actually monarchy was fundamentally at variance with feudal conditions. 14. The church in the midst of feudalism. Especially by bequests the church acquired much land and wealth which became infeudated as did almost all property in the middle ages. Mort- main. Lay investiture. Efforts of the church to serve as peace- maker in the endless feudal warfare. The "Truce of God" and the "Peace of God." B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Short general accounts. Most of the subjects of this outline are treated briefly in EMERTON, Introduction to the middle ages, chs. vni and xv; and in his Mediaeval Europe, ch. xrv. ADAMS, Civilization during the middle ages, ch. IX (see also the same author's article ' ' Feudalism ' ' in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Sritan- nica}. ROBINSON, History of western Europe, ch. ix, or his, Medieval and modern times, ch. vr. MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 159-211. The beginnings of these conditions are now briefly described by VINOGRADOFF in the Cambridge medieval history, II, ch. xx (see also pp. 151-155). More extended accounts. The best survey of moderate com- pass is by SEIGNOBOS, in LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, II, ch. I, which has been translated by E. W. Dow, The feudal regime, New York, 1902. A similar treatment with more particular refer- ence to France is in LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part I, 194- 215, 414-439; part II, 1-38. The article "Feodalite" by MORTET in La grande encyclopedic, XVII, 191-229, is authoritative. Germanic ideas of law. In addition to ch. vm of EMERTON, Introduction, read H. C. LEA, Superstition and force, Philadelphia, 1878; J. B. THAYER, A preliminary treatise on evidence at the com- mon law, Boston, 1898, chs. i and n; and G. NEILSON, Trial by com- bat, London, 1890, 1-74. Roman law in the early middle ages. P. VINOGRADOFF, Roman law in mediaeval Europe, New York, 1900, is an excellent book. 162 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII The church and feudalism. H. C. LEA, Studies in church history, has a good chapter on "The church and feudalism," 342-391 (see also pp. 524-574 on slavery). Peace of God and Truce of God. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 133-138. The article "Truce of God" in the Encyclo- paedia Britannica. Original sources. For illustrative documents in English trans- lation see Translations and reprints, IV, no. 3, ' ' Documents illustra- tive of feudalism," and no. 4, "Ordeals, compurgation, etc."; OGG, Source book, 196-232; THATCHER and McNEAL, Source booTc, 341-387; and EOBINSON, Readings, I, 171-191. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 69. LONGNON, Atlas historique de la France, plates vn-xi. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. Feudal conditions are touched upon in a large number of general books on the middle ages, but see especially the manuals on the history of institutions of France, Germany and Italy, nos. 528-536, 552, 578-587, 605-609, above. See also the important books of FUSTEL DE COULANGES, p. 137 above. Feudalism in general. V. MENZEL, Die Entstehung des Lehns- wesens, Berlin, 1890. F. LOT, Fideles ou vassaux: etude sur la nature juridique du lien qui unissait les grands vassaux a la royaute depuis le milieu du IXe siecle jusqu'd la fin du XI le siecle, Paris, 1904 (dis- sertation). J. T. ABDY, Feudalism: its rise, progress, and conse- quences, London, 1890 (lectures delivered at Gresham College). S. E. TURNER, A slcetch of the Germanic constitution from early times to the dissolution of the empire, New York and London, 1888. E. WIART, Essai sur la precaria, Paris, 1894. A. PROST, L'im- munite: etudes sur I'histoire et la developpement de cette insti- tution, Paris, 1882, extract from the Nouvelle revue historique du droit fran$ais. E. BOUTARIC, "Le regime feodal, son origine et son etablissement, et particulierement de 1 'immunite, ' ' in Revue de questions historiques, XVIII (1875), 325-380. P. ROTH, Feudalitat und Unterthanenverband, Weimar, 1863 (see the important review of this book by G. WAITZ, "Die Anfange des Lehnwesens, " in Historische Zeitschrift, XIII (1865), 90-111). P. ROTH, Geschichte des Benefizialwesens von den altesten Zeiten bis ins zehnte Jahrhun- dert, Erlangen, 1850. E. BEAUDOIN, Etudes sur les origines du regime feodal: la recommandation et le justice seigneuriale (Annales de 1 'enseignement superieur de Grenoble, 1889). G. L. v. MAURER, Geschichte der Frohnhofe, Bauernhofe und Hofverfassung in Deutsch- land, 4 vols., Erlangen, 1862. G. WAITZ, tfber die Anfange der xii MEDIEVAL INSTITUTIONS 163 Vassalitat, Gottingen, 1856 (from vol. VII of no. 897 above). H. P. FANGERON, Les benefices et la vassalite au IX siecle, Eennes, 1868. Du CANGE, Glossarium, no. 309 note above, contains much valuable information about feudal terms. Feudalism in France. P. GUILHIERMOZ, Essai sur I'origine de la noblesse en France au moyen age, Paris, 1902. H. SEE, Les classes rurales et la regime domanial en France au moyen age, Paris, 1901, has an excellent bibliography, pp. vi-xxxvii. A. GENGEL, Die Geschichte des frdnlcischen Eeichs im besonderen Hinbliclc auf die Entstehung des Feudalismus, Frauenfelcl, 1908. M. KROLL, L'im- munite franque, Paris, 1911. E. BOURGEOIS, Le capitulaire de Kiersy- sur-Oise (877), Paris, 1885 (dissertation). C. SEIGNOBOS, Le regime feodal en Bourgogne jusqu'en 1360, Paris, 1882. A. MOLINIER, "Geographic feodale du Languedoc," in Histoire generale de Languedoc, XII, 225-312; and his "Etude sur 1 'administration feodale dans le Languedoc, 900-1250," ibid., VII, 132-213. Slavery and serfdom. P. ALLARD, Les esclaves Chretiens, Paris, 1914; and his, Les origines du servage en France, Paris, 1913. AGNES M. WERGELAND, Slavery in Germanic society during the middle ages, Chicago, 1916. F. SCHAUB, Studien zur Geschichte der Sklaverei im Friihmittelalter, Berlin, 1913 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 44). F. PIJPER, "The Christian church and slavery in the middle ages, ' ' in American historical review, XIV (1909), 675-695. Church and feudalism. E. LESNE, Histoire de la propriete eccle- siastique en France aux epoques romaine et merovingienne, Paris, 1910. G. A. PREVOST, L'eglise et les campagnes an moyen age, Paris, 1892. U. STUTZ, Geschichte des Jcirchlichen Benefizialwesens vo-n seinen Anfdngen bis auf die Zeit Alexanders III, Berlin, 1896. Peace of God. and Truce of God. L. HUBERTI, Studien zur Eechtsgeschichte der Gottesfrieden und Landfrieden, vol. I, Die Friedens-Ordnungen in Frankreich, Ansbach, 1892. K. W. NITZSCH, Heinrich IV und der Gottes- und Landfrieden (in Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, 21). S. HERZBERG-FRANKEL, Die dltesten Land- und Gottesfrieden in Deutschland, (ibid., 3). E. SEMICHON, La paix et la treve de dieu, Paris, 1857, 2nd edition, 1869. F. KUCH, Die Landfriedensbestrebungen Kaiser Friedrichs I, Marburg, 1887 (dissertation). J. FEHR, Der Gottesfriede und die katholische Kirche des Mittelalters, Augsburg, 1861. A. KLUCKHOLM, Geschichte des Gottesfriedens, Leipzig, 1857. Germanic law. K. VON AMIRA, Grundriss des germanischen Bechts, 3rd edition, Strasburg, 1913 (vol. V of the 3rd edition of no. 307 above). E. H. MACNEAL, The minores and mediocres in the Germanic 164 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII tribal laws, Chicago, 1905 (dissertation). E. JENKS, Law and politics in the middle ages with a synoptic table of sources, London, 1913 (see especially ch. i). F. POLLOCK and F. W. MAITLAND, The history of English law. before the time of Edward I, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1895; 2nd edition, 1898. O. DECLAREUIL, Les epreuves judiciaires dans le drait franc du V au VIII siecle, Paris, 1899. F. PATETTA, Le ordalie, Turin, 1890. S. BIDAULT DES CHAUMES, Etude sur le Mallum, Paris, 1906. J. J. H. DAGASSAN, Du relcvement de I'autorite publique sous Charlemagne, etude sur le droit public aux VHIe et IXe siecles d'apres les capitulaires, Bordeaux, 1895. H. BRUNNEB, Die Entstehung der Schwurgerichte, Berlin, 1872; to be supplemented by C. H. HASKINS, "The early Norman jury," in American historical review, VIII (1902-03), 613-640. Roman law in the early middle ages. A. v. HALBAN-BLUMEN- STOCK, Das romische Eecht in den germanischen Volksstaaten, Bres- lau, 1899-1907 (parts 56, 65, and 89 of Untersuchungen zur deutschen Staats und Reehtsgeschichte, edited by O. GIERKE, Breslau, 1878ft.). Original sources. Much miscellaneous matter may be found in such general collections as nos. 967, 978, and 988 above. The important For- mulae Merovingici et Karolini aevi, edited by K. ZEUMER in no. 978 above, Leges, vol. V, Hannover, 1882-1886, had been edited by E. DE ROZIERE entitled, Recueil general des formules usites dans' I' empire des Francs du V<> au Xe siecle, 3 vols., Paris, 1859-1871. Textes rela- tifs aux institutions privees et publiques aux epoques merovingienne et carolingienne, edited by M. THEVENIN, Paris, 1887, is a part of no. 968 above. Layettes du tresor des chartes, edited by A. TEULET and DE LABORDE, 3 vols., Paris, 1863-1875. Livre des vassaux du Connie de Champaigne et de Brie, 1172-1222, edited by A. LONGNON, 2 vols., Paris, 1901-1904. A very interesting picture of the way in which the most famous abbey of Paris was involved in feudalism is furnished by the Polyptique de I'abbe Irmion ou denombrement des manses, des serfs et des revenus de I'abbaye de St. Germain de Pres sous le regne de Charlemagne, edited with prolegomena by B. GUERARD, 2 vols., Paris, 1844, new edition by A. LONGNON, 2 vols., Paris, 1886-1895 (Documents de la Societe de 1'histoire de Paris). Bibliographies. The best bibliography is in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, nos. 4383-4614. See also Cambridge medieval history, II, 810-812. xni BEGINNINGS OF MONARCHIES 165 XIII. THE BEGINNINGS OF THE GEEATER MEDIEVAL MONAECHIES A. OUTLINE 1. The inevitable conflict between the various political factors in the middle ages: (1) papacy, (2) empire, (3) kingdoms, (4) local feudal principalities, (5) cities. The ultimate victory of the king- doms. The nature and importance of kingship in the middle ages. 2. Louis the Pious, the successor of Charlemagne, 814-840. His relations with the church and the papacy. Various divisions of his empire during his reign. The birth of Charles (the Bald), in 822. Wars with his sons. The "Field of Lies," 833. 3. The breakup of the empire of Charlemagne. The fatal prin- ciple of division, the attacks of foes from all sides, and other causes. Civil strife between the sons of Louis the Pious: Lothair, Louis the German, and Charles (Pepin had died in 838). The battle of Fontenay, 841. The Strasburg oaths, 842. The important Treaty of Verdun, 843. The shoe-string portion of Lothair, Loth- arii regnum (later Lotharingia), a permanent source of trouble. Well-defined East-Frankish and West-Frankish regions. Partition of Mersen, 870. Charles II, the Bald, 875-881. Charles the Fat (881-888), sole ruler of the Franks in 885. His weakness was illustrated by the siege of Paris by the Northmen in 885, and he was deposed in 887. 4. The grand divisions of the Carolingian empire: (1) West- Frankish kingdom, (2) East-Frankish kingdom, (3) Italy, (4) Bur- gundy, (5) Provence, (6) Lorraine. 5. Germany, the East-Frankish kingdom. The great stem- duchies: (1) Saxony, (2) Franconia, (3) Bavaria, (4) Swabia. The intermediate position of Lotharingia or Lorraine. The early kings of Germany: Arnulf of Carinthia (887-899), Louis the Child, (899- 911), Conrad I of Franconia (911-918), Henry I, the Fowler (919- 936). The importance of the last reign. Battle near Merseburg on the Unstrut against the Hungarians in 933. 6. France, the West-Frankish kingdom. Odo, count of Paris, the hero of the siege of Paris, king of West Frankland 888-898, but soon after became the vassal of Arnulf, king of Germany. For a whole century it was doubtful whether France would be inde- pendent or subject to Germany. The successors of Odo: Charles the Simple, 898-923; Eobert I, 923; Eudolf of Burgundy, 923-936. Eeinstatement of the Carolingian line in the person of Louis IV, d'Outre-mer, 936-954, (who was the son of Charles the Simple). 166 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII His successors, Lothaire, 954-986, and Louis V, le Debonnair, 986- 987, were the last of the Carolingians in the West. The change of dynasty in 987 when Hugh Capet (987-996, founder of the Capetian line of French kings) was chosen king. Paris became the capital. Painfully slow growth of kingly power under his suc- cessors, Eobert II, the Pious, 996-1031; Henry I, 1031-1060; Philip I, 1060-1108. During this last reign, William of Normandy won England, 1066, and the crusades began in 1095. 7. Italy. Rivalry between Berengar of Friuli and Guy of Spoleto. Invasions of the Saracens (see outline IX above) and Hungarians (see outline XI above). Alberic's domination in Rome, 928-941. The degradation of the papacy (Marozia, pope John XI, 931-936). 8. England, from Alfred the Great (871-901) to William the Conqueror (1066-1087). 9. The importance of the middle region, Lorraine and Bur- gundy. 10. The rising kingdoms of Spain (see outline XXXIV below). B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Short general sketches. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, chs. I and in. DAVIS, Medieval Europe, chs. m-iv. Longer general accounts. OMAN, The dark ages, chs. xxm-xxix, together with TOUT, Empire and papacy, chs. II (in part) and iv. A similar account in French is in LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generate, I, chs. vin, x, xi. France. Short sketches in English may be found in ADAMS, Growth of the French nation, chs. v-vi; KITCHIN, History of France, 4th edition, I, 153-215; MACDONALD, A history of France, I, chs. VI- VH. The best account is in LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part I, 358-413; part II, 39-77, 144-178. Germany. E. F. HENDERSON, A history of Germany in the middle ages, chs. vi-vm. W. STUBBS, Germany in the early middle ages, chs. m-v. Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, edited by GEBHARDT, I, portions of chs. vi and vni. Italy. P. VILLARI, Mediaeval Italy from Charlemagne to Henry VII, 1-75. H. B. COTTERILL, Mediaeval Italy, 385-398. H. D. SEDG- WICK, Short history of Italy, chs. vn-viii. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 56, 58-65. Read FREEMAN, Historical geography of Europe, in connection with it. For France, see LONG- NON, Atlas historique de la France, plates vi-xi, and read the explana- tory text which goes with it. xm BEGINNINGS OF MONARCHIES 167 C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general books on France, Belgium and the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy, nos. 508-621 above, are espe- cially useful. Some of the books mentioned in the outline on "Charlemagne," above, such as MUHLBACHER and KLEINCLAUSZ, pertain to this period. The same is true of many books in the previous outline on "Early medieval institutions," such as GENGEL and BOURGEOIS, Le capitulate de Kiersy-sur-Oise. Decline of the Carolingisns. J. CALMETTE, La diplomatic caro- lingienne du traite de Verdun a la morte de Charles le Chauve, 843-77, Paris, 1901, part 135 of no. 888 above. J. W. THOMPSON, The decline of the missi dominici in Prankish Gaul, Chicago University Press, 1903, is a short paper of 23 pages. G. MONOD, Du role de I'opposi- tion des races et des nationalites dans la dissolution de I'empire caro- lingien (in Annuaire de 1'Ecole pratique des hautes etudes, 1896). T. POUZET, La succession de Charlemagne et le traite de Verdun, Paris, 1890. F. LOT and L. HALPHEN, Annales de I'histoire de France a I'epoque carolingienne : le regne de Charles le Chauve (840-877), part I, 840-851, Paris, 1909, part 175 of no. 888 above. Oaths of Strasburg. A. GASTE, Les serments de Strasbourg: etude historique, critique et philologique, 2nd edition, Paris, 1888. A. KRAFFT, Les serments carolingiens de 84% a Strasbourg en roman et tudesque: avec nouvelles interpretations linguistiques et considera- tions ethnographiques, Paris, 1901. Beginnings of France. J. FLACH, Les origines de I'ancienne France: X et XI siecles, 3 vols., Paris, 1886-1904. F. FUNCK- BRENTANO, L'ancienne France: le roi. H. SCHREUER, Die rechtlichen Grundgedanken der franzosischen Kdnigskronung. A. LONGNON, Origines et formation de la nationality frangaise, elements ethniques, unite territoriale, Paris, 1912. R. LATOUCHE, Histoire du comte du Maine pendant le X e et le XI e siecle, Paris, 1910. L. HALPHEN, Le comte d'Anjou au XI e siecle, Paris, 1906. F. LOT, Melanges d'his- toire bretonne [6-11 century], Paris, 1907. J. FLACH, "Le comte de Flandre et ses rapports avec la couronne de France du IX e au XIP siecle," in Eevue historique, CXV (1914), 1-33, 241-271. Early kings of France, 888-987. E. FAVRE, Eudes, comte de Paris et roi de France, 882-898, Paris, 1893, part 99 of no. 888 above. A. ECKEL, Charles le Simple, Paris, 1899, part 124 of no. 888 above. P. LAUER, Eobert Icr ct Eaoul de Bourgogne, rois de France, 923-936, Paris, 1910, part 188 of no. 888 above. W. LIPPERT, Konig Rudolf von Franlcreich, Leipzig, 1886 (dissertation). P. LAUER, Le regne de Louis IV, d'Outre-mer, Paris, 1900, part 127 of no. 888 above. A. HEIL, Die politischen Besiehungen zwischen Otto 168 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII clem Grossen und Ludwig IV von Frankreich (936-954), Berlin, 1904 (Historische Studien, 46). F. LOT, Les derniers Carolingiens: Lothaire, Louis V, Charles de Lorraine (954-991), Paris, 1891, part 87 of no 888 above. A. HIMLY, Wala et Louis le Debonnaire, Paris, 1849. Hugh Capet and the first Capetian kings of France, 987-1108. A. LUCHAIRE, Histoire des institutions monarchiques de la France (987-1180), 2 vols., 2nd edition, Paris, 1891ff. F. LOT, Etudes sur le regne de Hugues Capet et la fin du X c siecle, Paris, 1903, part 147 of no. 888 above. C. PFISTEE, Etudes sur le regne de Robert le Pieux, 996-1031, Paris, 1885, part 64 of no. 888 above. A. FLICHE, Le regne de Philippe I r , roi de France (1060-1108), Paris, 1912. Germany. B. SIMSON, Jahrbiicher des frdnlcischen Seiches unter Ludwig dem Frommen, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1874-1876, part of no. 570 above. E. DUMMLER, Geschichte des ostfranlcischen Seiches [to 918], 2nd edition, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1887-1888, part of no. 570 above. G. WAITZ, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Seiches unter Heinrich I, 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1885, part of no. 570 above. Italy. G. EOMANO, Le dominazioni barbariche in Italia, 395- 1024, Milan, 1909ff., part of no. 599 above. C. W. PREVIT^ ORTON, The early history of the House of Savoy, 1000-1233, Cambridge University Press, 1912. G. MENGOZZI, La c-ittd italiana nell' alto media evo: il periodo Longobardo-Franco, Eome, 1914. S. HELLMANN, Die Graf en von Savoy en und das Seich bis zum Ende der staufischen Periode, Innsbruck, 1900. Lorraine. E. PARISOT, Le royaume de Lorraine sous les Caro- lingiens, 843-923, Paris, 1899 (dissertation); and his, Les origines de la Haute-Lorraine et sa premiere maison ducale, 959-1033, Paris, 1909. H. WELSCHINGER, Strasbourg, Paris, 1908 (Les villes d'art celebres). See also nos. 597-598 above. Burgundy. A. HOFMEISTER, Deutschland und Burgund im friih- eren Mittelalter: eine Studie iiber die Entstehung des Arelatischen Seiches und seine politische Sedeutung, Leipzig, 1914. E. PETIT, Histoire des dues de Bourgogne de la race capetienne [to 1363], 9 vols., Paris, 1885-1905. E. POUPARDIN, La royaume de Bourgogne (888-1038), Paris, 1907. L. JACOB, Le royaume de Bourgogne sous les empereurs Franconiens, 1038-1125, Paris, 1906. A. J. KLEIN- CLAUSZ, Dijon et Beaume, Paris, 1907 (Les villes d'art celebres). A. HALLAYS, Nancy, Paris, 1908 (Les villes d'art celeb res). Provence. G. DE MANTEYER, La Provence du premier au dou- zieme siecle, Paris, 1908, in Memoires et documents of the Societe de 1'ecole des chartes, vol. VIII. E. POUPARDIN, Le royaume de Provence sous les Carolingiens (855-933), Paris, 1901, part 131 of xiv GERMAN EMPIRE 169 no. 888 above. F. KIENER, Ferfassungsgeschichte der Provence seit der Ostgothenherrschaft bis zur Errichtung der Konsulate (510-1200), Leipzig, 1900. Original sources. Practically all the important sources have been published in nos. 965-994 above. Die Eegesten des Kaiser- reicJis unter den Karolingern, 751-918, 2nd edition, completed by J. LECHNER, Innsbruck, 1908, are continued by Die Eegesten des Kaiserreichs under den Herrschern aus dem sdchsischen Hause, 919 1024, new edition by E. v. OTTENTHAL, part I (to 973), Innsbruck, 1893, parts of no. 985 above. For documentary material on early France, see especially no. 975 above. Bibliographies. DAHLMANN-WAITZ, QuellenTcunde, pp. 289-295 passim, 298-301, 324-333. The sources, especially for France, are best described in A. MOLINIER, Les sources, I, pp. 227-286, II, 1-18. See also the general bibliographies, nos. 21-41 above. XIV. EEVIVAL OF THE MEDIEVAL EMPIEE IN THE WEST IN GEEMANY A. OUTLINE 1. The manifold transformations of the medieval empire make it a difficult and elusive subject to study. Glaring contrasts between theory and actuality. 2. The early years of the reign of Otto I, 936-962. Splendid coronation at Aachen. Local German affairs with feudal nobles and the church. Wars with Slavs and Hungarians (Lechfeld, 955). Eelations with Italy. The political state of Italy and the papacy in the tenth century. Alberic II. Saracens and Byzan- tines in the south. Adelaide of Burgundy, widow of Lothair, was imprisoned by Berengar of Ivrea. Otto intervened in Italy in 951, married Adelaide, and became king of Italy. 3. The creation of the German-Eoman empire. Fearful degrada- tion of the papacy and the church in Italy. In 961 Otto crossed the Alps to restore order. In 962 he was crowned emperor by pope John XII. Otto's empire compared with that of Charlemagne. Eesults of the revival of the imperial dignity for Germany and Italy, especially the papacy. Otto I relations with the Byzantine empire. His son (later Otto II), who had been crowned king of the Germans in 961 and emperor on Christmas day 967, was mar- ried in 972 to Theophano, daughter of the eastern emperor Eomanus II. 170 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 4. Otto II, 973-983. He ascended the throne at the age of eighteen. Laid more stress on his position as emperor than on his position as German king. Crescentius, duke of the Eomans, ca. 980. Wars with the Greeks in south Italy. Diet of Verona in 983 to plan a campaign against the Saracens. Otto II died at the age of twenty-eight and was buried in St. Peter's church in Rome. 5. Otto III, 983-1002, the "Wonder of the world." Only three years old at his accession. His Greek mother Theophano (died 991) became regent. Coronation of Otto in 996. Eevolt of the second Crescentius. Influence of the clergy on Otto III. His dream of a real Roman empire with Rome as its capital. Gerbert of Aurillac (pope Sylvester II, 999-1003). Learning at the Ottonian court. Otto 's loss of hold in Germany and failure in Italy. He died in 1002 at the age of twenty-two, and was buried in Aachen. 6. The legend of the year 1000. 7. Henry II, (the Saint) 1002-1024, son of Henry the Quarrel- some of Bavaria. Wars with the king of Poland, Boleslav, and extension of German influence and the Roman church eastward. Crowned emperor in Rome in 1014 by pope Benedict VIII. Close relations of Henry with the Cluniac reforming monks in Germany. 8. The empire at its height; Conrad II (1024-1039), and Henry III (1039-1056). With Conrad the Saxon line of kings and emperors (911-1024) ended, and the Franconian or Salian line (1024-1125) began. Conrad's wars with the Poles. Union of Bur- gundy with the empire in 1032. Henry III successful foreign policy. Comparative order within his empire. His control of the German church and his ardor for church reform. The synod at Sutri, 1046, and the deposition of three rival popes (Sylvester III, Benedict IX, Gregory VI). Henry appointed as pope the German Clement II, who crowned him emperor December 25, 1046. 9. The impending irrepressible conflict between the empire and the papacy. 10. The origin of the name ' ' Holy Roman Empire of the Ger- man People." 11. Kings of Germany, 887-1056. Arnulf, 887-896 Otto III, 983-1002 Louis, the Child, 899-911 Henry II, the Saint, 1002- Conrad I, 911-918 1024 Henry I, the Fowler, 918- Conrad II, 1024-1039 936 Henry III, the Black, 1039- Otto I, the Great, 936-973 1056 Otto, II, 973-983 xiv GERMAN EMPIRE 171 B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING General accounts. Best of all is J. BRYCE, Holy Boman Empire, chs. vii-ix. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, chs. ni-vi. TOUT, The empire and the papacy, ehs. i-m. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, His- toire generale, I, 542-569. HENDERSON, A history of Germany in the middle ages, chs. vm-xii (or a shorter sketch in his, A short history of Germany, ch. in). FISHER, The medieval empire, I, chs. I n, passim. Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, edited by B. GEB- HARDT, I, ch. vni. Italy in this period. VILLARI, Mediaeval Italy from Charlemagne to Henry VII, part I, chs. v-vi. GREGOROVIUS, Some in the middle ages, II, book VI. Nature of the German empire. A. KLEINCLAUSZ, L 'empire caro- lingien, pp. 541585, ' ' Les origines carolingiennes du Saint-Empire romaine germanique. " J. JANSSEN, "International conception of the Holy Roman empire, ' ' in his History of the German people, translated from the German by M. A. MITCHELL, St. Louis, 1896ff., II, 105-17. Origin of name, "Holy Roman Empire of the German People." K. ZEUMER, Heiliges romisches Eeich deutscher Nation. Legend of the year 1000. G. L. BURR, "The year 1000," in American historical review, VI (1901), 429-439. Original sources. Among the interesting sources of the period is, Der Hrotsuitha Gedicht iiber Gandersheims Griindung und die Thaten Kaiser Oddo I, translated into German by T. G. PFUND, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1891, part of no. 981 above. For short extracts from the sources see ROBINSON, Eeadings, I, 245-265; and THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 72-81. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 58-59, 62-63. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See especially the works on the medieval empire in the west, nos. 499-507 above, but the general books on Germany and Italy, nos. 560-621 above, are equally important. See also no. 538 above. General accounts. M. MANITIUS, Deutsche Geschichte unter den sdchsischen und salischen Kaisern, 911-1125, Stuttgart, 1889, part of no. 560 above. K. HAMPE, Deutsche Kaiser geschichte in der Zeit der Salier und Staufer, Leipzig, 1909, 2nd edition, 1912, part of no. 320 above. J. ZELLER, Fondation de I 'empire germanique: Otton le Grand et les Ottonides, Paris, 1873. E. ROSENSTOCK, Konighaus und Stamme in Deutschland zwischen 911 und 1250, Leipzig, 1914. 172 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII A. KROENEE, Wahl und Kronung der deutschen Kaiser und Konige in Italien (Lombardei), Freiburg, 1901. T. LINDNER, Die deutschen Konigswahten, und die Entstehung des Kurfiirstenthums, Leipzig, 1893. Otto I. E. KOPKE and E. DUMMLER, Jahrbiicher Kaiser Otto der Grosse, Leipzig, 1876, part of no. 670 above. The life of the empress Adelaide is told in the following two doctoral disserta- tions: E. P. WIMMER, Kaiserin Adelheid, Gemahlin Ottos I der Grosse, in ihrem Leben und l f wken von 931-973, Erlangen, 1897; and J. BENTZINGER, Das Leben der Kaiserin Adelheid, Gemahlin Ottos I, wahrend der Segierung Ottos III, Breslau, 1883. For wars with Slavs and especially Hungarians, see outline XI above. Otto II. K. UHLIRZ, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Seiches unter Otto II und Otto III, vol. 1, Otto II, Leipzig, 1902, part of no. 570 above. G. MULLER-MANN, Die auswdrtige Politik Kaiser Ottos II, Lorrach, 1898 (dissertation, Gottingen). For the Greek Theo- phano, wife of Otto II, see J. MOLTMANN, Theophano, die Gemahlin Ottos II, -in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Politik Ottos I und Ottos II, Gottingen, 1878 (dissertation). Otto III. E. WILMANS, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Seiches unter Otto III, Berlin, 1840. P. KEHR, "Zur Geschichte Ottos III," in Historische Zeitschrift, LXVI (1891), 385-443. L. HALPHEN, "La cour d'Otto III a Eome (998-1001)," in Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire, XXV. C. Lux, Papst Silvester II Einftuss auf die Politik Kaiser Ottos III, Breslau, 1898. W. NORDEN, Erzbishof Friedrich von Mains und Otto der Grosse, Berlin, 1912. Henry II. S. HIRSCH, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Seiches unter Heinrich II, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1862-1874, part of no. 570 above. Conrad II. H. BRESSLAU, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Seichs unter Konrad II, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1879-1884, part of no. 570 above. J. v. PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, Vntersuchungen zur Geschichte Kaiser Konrads II, Stuttgart, 1890. Henry III. E. STEINDORF, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Seichs unter Heinrich III, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1874-1881, is part of no. 570 above. Original sources. All the essential sources are printed in nos. 978-987 above. Bibliographies. DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, pp. 324-337. 344-345. See also nos. 29-35 above. xv EARLY MEDIEVAL CHURCH 173 XV. THE CHUECH FEOM THE EIGHTH TO THE ELEVENTH CENTUEY A. OUTLINE 1. Eelation of the church and state in Carolingian times. Con- trast between the reigns of Charlemagne and Louis the Pious. Beginnings of the struggle between empire and papacy for pre- eminence. The question of the crowning of emperors by popes and the recognition of popes by emperors. 2. The papacy in the ninth century. The donations to the papacy. The states of the church ("Patrimony of St. Peter"). Attacks of Saracens on Eome before and during the pontificate of Leo IV, 847-855. The "Leonine City." The pseudo-Isidorian Decretals ("False Decretals"). The very real power of pope. Nicholas I (858-867), illustrated by his action in the Photian schism in Constantinople, in the divorce of King Lothair II of Lorraine, and by his victory over Hincmar, the defiant archbishop of Eheims. 3. The widening gulf between the Latin and Greek churches. The iconoclastic controversy began early in the eighth century, when the emperor Leo III, the Isaurian (717-740), declared against images. In 754 the Synod of Constantinople condemned images. The position of Charlemagne and the empress Irene on this ques- tion. Other differences between the eastern and western churches. In 863, pope Nicholas I deposed the patriarch Photius in Con- stantinople, who in turn deposed the pope in a synod at Constanti- nople in 867. In 1054, pope Leo IX had a bull of excommunication against the patriarch Michael Cerularius and his church laid upon the high altar of St. Sophia. This marks the practical separation of the two churches. 4. Period of utter degradation of the papacy: last quarter of the ninth and first half of the tenth century. Practical disap- pearance of the empire in the west during this same period. The trial of the corpse of pope Formosus, by pope Stephen VI (896- 897). Local factions in Eome in control of the papacy. Theo- dora and her two daughters, Marozia and Theodora. Alberic and the papacy, 932-954. The interference of Otto I in Eome. 5. The monastic (Cluniac) reform movement in the church in the ninth and tenth centuries. Foundation of the monastery of Cluny in 910. The great abbot Odo of Cluny, 927-941. "The Congregation of Cluny. ' ' 6. The papacy and the new German empire. Otto I and pope John XII, 955-964, who crowned him emperor in 962. In his 174 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII time the empire was supreme over the papacy. Bruno, cousin of Otto III, was the first German pope, with the title Gregory V, 996-999. Dependence of Otto 111 upon the great French scholar Gerbert, whom he made pope Sylvester II, 999-1003. Absolute control of Henry II over appointment to bishoprics in Germany and Italy. Independence of the German clergy and their zeal for reform. Pope Benedict VIII, 1012-1024, and his sympathy with the Cluniac reform movement. Degradation of the papacy in the reign of Conrad II. The boy pope, Benedict IX, 1033-1045. Reforming zeal of Henry III. Three popes deposed in the synod at Sutri, 1046. Henry's German popes. Gradual rise of power and dignity of the papacy. The strength of pope Leo IX, 1048-1054. Creation of the college of cardinals by the Lateran council held in 1059. Impending struggle between the papacy and empire. Peter Damian, 1006-1072. Romuald. 7. The expansion of the Latin church, 800-1100. Ansgar, the ' ' Apostle of the North, ' ' archbishop of Hamburg in 846, effect- ually introduced Christianity in Denmark and Sweden, 827ff. Sweden was not completely Christianized until the middle of the twelfth century. Christianity found entrance in Norway in the tenth century. Olaf (died 1000) established it firmly, and the famous Olaf the Saint (1014-1030) completed the work. Chris- tianity in Greenland about 1000. As a missionary center in the Slav region of the Elbe, the archbishopric of Magdeburg was established in 968. Adalbert was the first archbishop. For the conversion of Moravia by Cyrillus and Methodius see outline XI above. In Bohemia the archbishopric of^ Prague was established in 973. In Poland, Posen became an important ecclesiastical center. King Stephen of Hungary made Latin Christianity the legal religion about 1000, and the great archbishopric of Gran was established. 8. The church and society. Increasing wealth of the church and the machinery created to take care of it. Mortmain. Tithes. The church and feudal conditions. The "Truce of God" and the "Peace of God." The life and morals of the clergy. The exten- sive social and educational work of the church. The church and slavery. The church as a civilizing force in an age of disorgani- zation. 9. The growth of church institutions and practices. The church service; preaching, hymns, the mass, the sacraments. Saints and relics. 10. The growth of ecclesiastical jurisdiction and church dis- cipline. The beginnings of canon law. Conflicts with secular law. XV EARLY MEDIEVAL CHURCH 175 Attitude of the church towards ordeals. Ecclesiastical courts. "Benefit of clergy." Means of enforcing church discipline: spiritual suasion and threat, penance, excommunication and inter- dict. Co-operation on the part of the state. 11. The development of the ecclesiastical hierarchy among the secular clergy; pope, archbishop (primate, or metropolitan), bis- hop, priest. The cardinals. Banks and grades among the regular clergy or monks. The election of the clergy. Investiture. Simony. 12. Popes, 816-1054. Stephen IV, 816-817 Paschal I, 817-824 Eugenius II, 824-827 Valentinus, 827 Gregory IV, 827-844 Sergius II, 844-847 Leo IV, 847-855 Benedict III, 855-858 Nicholas I, 858-867 Hadrian II, 867-872 John VIII, 872-882 Martin II, 882-884 Hadrian III, 884-885 Stephen V, 885-891 Formosus, 891-896 Boniface VI, 896 Stephen VI, 896-897 Romanus, 897 Theodore II, 897 John IX, 898-900 Benedict IV, 900-903 . Leo V, 903 Christopher, 903-904 Sergius III, 904-911 Anastasius III, 911-913 Lando, 913-914 John X, 914-928 Leo VI, 928 Stephen VII, 929-931 John XI, 931-936 Leo VII, 936-939 Stephen VIII, 939-942 Martin III, or Marinus II, 942-946 Agapitus II, 946-955 John XII, 955-964 Benedict V, 964-965 John XIII, 965-972 Benedict VI, 972-974 Benedict VII, 974-98b John XIV, 983-984 Boniface VII (antipope, 974-984), 984-985 John XV, 985-996 Gregory V, 996-999 Sylvester II, 999-1003 John XVII, 1003 John XVIII, 1003-1009 Sergius IV, 1009-1012 Benedict VIII, 1012-1024 John XIX, 1024-1033 'Benedict IX, 1033-1045 * [Sylvester III, 1044-1045 antipope] Gregory VI, 1045-1046 Clement II, 1046-1047 Damasus II, 1048 Leo IX, 1048-1054 B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general accounts. FLICK, The rise of the mediaeval church, chs. xv-xvm. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, 41-88, 115-209. W. H. *Deposed in 1046. 176 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII HUTTON, The church and the barbarians, London, 1906, chs. xi, xiv- xvii. BARRY, The papal monarchy, chs. vm-xii. WELLS, The age of Charlemagne, chs. xxm-xxiv, xxxn-xxxiv. Longer account. A large portion of this outline is treated authoritatively in H. C. LEA, Studies in church history. Cluny. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 123-132 (trans- lated in MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 137-152). TOUT, The empire and the papacy, ch. v. See also the introduction to the the book by DUCKETT, under ' ' Original sources ' ' below. Pope Nicholas I. J. KOY, St. Nicholas I r , Paris, 1899 (Les Saints), translated by MARGARET MAITLAND, London, 1901. Gerbert (Pope Sylvester II). MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, enlarged edition, 376-405. R. ALLEN, "Pope Sylvester II," in English historical review, VII (1892), 625-668. The best biography of Gerbert is F. J. PICAVET, Gerbert, un pape philosophe, Paris, 1897. Interdict. E. B. KREHBIEL, The interdict, its history and its operation, with especial attention to the time of pope Innocent III, Washington, 1909, pp. 1-85. Original sources. The foundation charter of the order of Cluny is translated in OGG, Source book, 245-249, and also in HENDERSON, Select documents, 329-333. HENDERSON, 361-365, has a translation of the Decree of 1059 concerning papal elections, which may also be found in THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 126-131 (see also pp. 109-126 for other interesting documents). There are examples of excommunication and interdict in Translations and reprints, vol. IV, no. 4, "Ordeals, compurgation, excommunication and inter- dict, ' ' pp. 22-32. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 94-95, 97. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general histories of the medieval church are listed above, nos. 394-498. See also the encyclopaedias for the history of the church and religion, nos. 104-114, and the periodicals for church history, nos. 176-180 above. General accounts. MILMAN, Latin Christianity, vol. Ill, book V. R. H. WRIGHT, The "Sancta Respublica Romano," A.D. 395-888, 2nd edition, London, 1891. The papacy in this period. MANN, Lives of the popes, vols. II- VI, gives a systematic account of the numerous popes of this period. L. DUCHESNE, Les premiers temps de I'elat pontifical. R. BAXMANN, Die PolitiJc der Pdpste von Gregor I bis auf Gregor VII. H. DOPFFEL, Kaisertum und Papstweschscl unter den Karolingern, Freiburg, 1889. xv EARLY MEDIEVAL CHURCH 177 M. HEIMBUCHER, Die Papstwahlen unter den Karolingern, Augsburg, 1889. A. LAP^TRE, L 'Europe et la Saint-Siege a I'epoque caro- lingienne., vol. I, Le pape Jean VIII (872-882), Paris, 1895. Pope Nicholas I. A. GREINACHER, Die Anschauungen des Papstes Nilcolaus I iiber das Verhdltnis von Staat und Kirche, Berlin, 1909. J. EICHTERICH, Papst Nilcolaus I, Bern, 1903 (dissertation). F. KOCQUAIN, La papaute au moyen age: Nicolas I er , Gregoire VII, Innocent III, Boniface VIII, Paris, 1881. Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals. DOLLINGER, Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages; and his The pope and the council. E. H. DAVENPORT, The False Decretals, Oxford, 1916. The schism between the Greek and Latin churches. The icono- clastic controversy. A very convenient summary of the split between the churches is in W. NORDEN, Das Papsttum und Byzanz, 1-31. L. DUCHESNE, The churches separated from Eome, translated by A. H. MATHEW, London, 1907. G. B. HOWARD, The schism between the oriental and western churches, London, 1892. L. BREHIER, Le schisme oriental du XI e siecle, Paris, 1899. A. PICHLER, Geschichte der Tcirchlichen Trennung zwischen Orient und Okzident, vols. I and II, Munich, 1864-1865. L. BREHIER, La querelle des images, Paris, 1904. K. SCHWARZLOSE, Der Bilderstreit, Gotha, 1890. J. HERGENROTHER, Photius: Patriarch von Constantinople, 3 vols., Regensburg, 1867-69. For the interest- ing monks of the Studium in Constantinople, who braved persecu- tion in their resistance to the iconoclasts, see L'ABBE E. MARIN, De Studio Coenobio Constantinopolitano, Paris, 1897; and his Les moines de Constantinople depuis la fondation de la mile jusqu'a la mort de Photius (300-898), Paris, 1897. Their leader in the eighth century was Theodore, whose biography has been written by A. GARDNER, Theodore of Studium: his life and times, London, 1905, and G. A. SCHNEIDER, Der hi. Theodor von Studion: sein Leben und WirJcen, Miinster, 1900, part V of no. 492 above. Hincmar. G. C. LEE, Hincmar: an introduction to the study of the revolution in the organization of the church in the ninth century, Baltimore, 1897 is a doctoral dissertation printed in American society of church history, VIII. H. SCHRORS, Hincmar Erzbischof von Eeims: sein Leben und seine Schriften, Freiburg, 1884. C. VON NOORDEN, Hincmar, Erzbischof von Eheims, Bonn, 1863. Cluniac reform. The standard work on this subject is E. SACKUR, Die Cluniacenser in ihrer kirchlir.hen und aWqemeingeschichtlichc WirlcsamTceit bis zur Mitte des elften Jahrhunderts, 2 vols., Halle, 1892-1894. LUCY M. SMITH, "Cluny and Gregory VII," in English historical review, XXVI (1911), 20-33. L. CHAUMONT, Histoire de 178 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PABTII Cluny depuis les origines jusqu'd la mine de I'abbaye, 2nd edition, enlarged, Paris, 1911. For Saint Odo, the famous abbot of Cluny (927-948), see A. Du BOURG, Saint Odon (879-942), Paris, 1905 (Les Saints). Of Saint Odilo, who soon followed Odo, we have two biographies: P. JARDET, Saint Odilon, abbe de Cluny: sa vie, son temps, ses oeuvres, 962-1049, Lyons, 1898; and O. EINGHOLZ, Der heilige Abt Odilo von Cluny, Briinn, 1885. The spread of Christianity. G. F. MACLEAR, A history of Chris- tian missions during the middle ages, Cambridge, 1863, chs. xi-xiv; Apostles of mediaeval Europe, London, 1869; Conversion of the Slavs, London, 1879; Conversion of the northern nations, London, 1865. C. MERIVALE, The conversion of the northern nations, London, 1865. T. SMITH, Mediaeval missions, Edinburgh, 1880. K. MAURER, Bekeh- rung des norwegischen Stammes zum Christentum, 2 vols., Munich, 1855-1856. Ecclesiastical elections. Simony. G. WEISE, Konigtum und Bischofswahl im frdnkischen und deutschen Reich vor dem Investitur- streit, Berlin, 1912. J. DREHMANN, Papst Leo IX und die Simonie, Leipzig, 1908 (Beitrage zur Kulturgcschichte, II). A. FLICHE, "Le cardinal Humbert de Moyenmoutier: etude sur les origines de la reforme gregorienne, " in Sevue historique, CXIX (1915), 41-76. H. LEVY-BRUHL, Etudes sur les elections abbatiales en France jusqu'd la fin du regne de Charles le Chauve, Paris, 1913 (dissertation). P. IMBART DE LA TOUR, Les elections episcopates dans I'eglise de France, du IXe au XII* siecles (814-1150), Paris, 1890. H. PAHNCKE, Geschichte der Bischofe Italiens deutscher Nation von 951-1264, I: einleitender Teil; Geschichte der Bischofe Italiens deutscher Nation von 9 5 1-1004, nebst eine Beilage zur KritiJc von P. B. Gams Series episcoporum, Berlin, 1913. College of Cardinals. G. SCHOBER, Das Wahldelcret vom Jahre 1059, Breslau, 1914 (dissertation). For additional special litera- ture on this subject see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, QuellenJcunde, no. 4954; and see no. 453 above. The church and feudalism. A. BERR, Die Kirche gegeniiber Gewalttaten von Laien (Merovinger- Karolinger- und Ottonenzeit), Berlin, 1913 (Historische Studien, 111). P. IMBART DE LA TOUR, "Des immunites commerciales accordees aux glises du VIP au IX* siecle, " in no. 939 above. T. SOMMERLAD, Die wirthschaftliche ThdtigTceit der Kirche in Deutschland, vols. I-II, Leipzig, 1900- 1905. Evolution of church institutions. H. C. LEA, A history of auri- cular confession and indulgences in the Latin church, 3 vols., Phila- delphia, 1896. E. HATCH, The growth of church institutions, 4th XVI INVESTITURE STRIFE 179 edition, London, 1895. L. DUCHESNE, Les origines du culte Chretien, Paris, 1890, 4th edition, 1910, translated from the 4th edition, Christian worship: its origin and evolution, London, 1910. P. IMBART DE LA TOUR, Les origines religieuses de la France, les paroisses rurales du 4 e au ll e siecle, Paris, 1900. W. SCHMITZ, S. Chrodegangi Meten- sis episcopi (742-766) Regula canonicorum, Hannover, 1889. The church and society. G. KURTH, Notger de Liege et la civili- sation au.Xe siecle, 2 vols., Paris, 1905. M. DMITREWSKI, Die christ- liche freiwillige Armut vom Ursprung bis zum 12 Jahrhundert, Ber- lin, 1913 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Gesehichte, 53). S. E. MAITLAND, The dark ages. Life of the clergy. H. C. LEA, An historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church, 2 vols., 3rd and enlarged edition, New York, 1907, chs. i-xn. A. DRESDNER, Kultur- und Sittenge- schichte der italienischen Geistlichkeit, Breslau, 1890. W. E. H. LECKY, History of European morals. L. ZOPF, Das Heiligenleben im 10 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1908 (Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte, I). Romuald. W. FRANKE, Eomuald v. Camaldoli und seine Eeform- tdtigkeit zur Zeit Ottos III, Berlin, 1913. Peter Damian. E. BIRON, Saint Pierre Damien (1007-1042), Paris, 1908. Original sources. The great collections of material are listed above, nos. 953-964. See especially the Liber pontificalis, no. 959 note. The best edition of the famous False Decretals is that by P. HINSCHIUS, Decretales pseudo-Isidorianae et capitula Angil- ramni, Leipzig, 1863. Charters and records of the ancient Abbey of Cluni, 1077-1534, edited by G. DUCKETT, 2 vols., London, 1888, has a good historical introduction. Bibliotheca symbolica ecclesiae universalis: the creeds of Christendom, with a history and critical notes, edited by P. SCHAFF, 3 vols., 4th edition, revised and enlarged, New York, 1905, contains the original texts with trans- lations into English. Bibliothek der Symbole und Glaubensregeln der alten Eirche, edited by A. HAHN, 3rd edition, Breslau, 1897. Bibliographies. The general bibliographies for church history are listed above, nos. 49-55. XVI. THE INVESTITUEE STEIFE, 1056-1122 A. OUTLINE 1. This first phase of the irrepressible conflict between the empire and papacy grew out of a sincere and well-nigh universal movement to reform the papacy and the church. As soon as the papacy became powerful and dignified, its high claims to power 180 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTH clashed with those of the emperor as well as of all other temporal rulers. The importance of this dramatic duel between an emperor and a pope has been unduly exaggerated in modern books due to the painstaking research and the voluminous writings of recent German historians. 2. The grand period of the papal monarchy lay between 1073, the accession of Gregory VII, and 1303, the death of Boniface VIII. 3. The minority of the emperor Henry IV, 1056-1072-. Weak- ness of the regent, the empress Agnes, 1056-1062. Strength of the nobles, especially the ecclesiastical lords, Anno, archbishop of Cologne, and Adalbert, archbishop of Bremen. 4. The youth of Hildebrand. Born between 1120 and 1125 in- the village of Rovaco near Soana in Tuscany. He was of humble origin, probably the son of a peasant, and had a very unprepossess- ing personality. Educated in Rome at the time when the papacy was utterly degraded. Became the chaplain of pope Gregory VI, who was deposed in 1046. Hildebrand never was a monk in Cluny. 5. Hildebrand the power behind the papal chair. He was a cardinal-subdeacon in Rome under pope Leo IX, 1048-1054. In 1054 he was in France as a papal legate. Victor II, 1054-1057, Stephen IX, 1057-1058, and Nicholas II, 1059-1061, were prac- tically nominated by him. The alliance with the Normans, by the treaty of Melfi, 1059, and the decree of 1059 which placed the election of the popes in the hands of a college of cardinals, were largely his work. In 1059 Hildebrand was made archdeacon of the Roman church, and Alexander II, 1061-1073, made him chancellor of the apostolic see. The Patarini in Lombardy, and Matilda, countess of Tuscany, strengthened the papacy in the north of Italy as did the Normans in the south. l6r The chief evils in the church which confronted Hildebrand: simony, marriage of the clergy, lay investiture. 7. Hildebrand became pope Gregory VII in 1073. His uncanon- ical election. His character and his ideal of papal power. The Dictatiw papae. Troubles at the beginning of his pontificate. 8. The duel between Gregory VII and Henry IV. The general decree against simony and lay investiture in the synod of Rome, 1075. Henry IV and his German bishops deposed the pope at the council at Worms in 1076. Thereupon the pope excommunicated and deposed the emperor at the Vatican synod of 1076. The famous scene at Canossa, 1077, where Henry IV was absolved by Gregory VII. Duke Rudolf of Swabia was elected anti-king. Henry 's excommunication and deposition renewed in 1080. Clement III was elected anti-pope in 1080 and crowned Henry IV emperor XVI INVESTITURE STRIFE 181 in Borne in 1084. Upon the death of Eudolf of Swabia, Herman of Luxenburg succeeded him as anti-king. Henry IV beseiged Gregory VII in Eome. The pope was rescued by Eobert Guiscard and his Normans, who sacked Eome in 1084. Gregory left Eome with the Normans and died in exile at Salerno in 1085. 9. The relations of Gregory VII with other princes of western Europe. His relations with the eastern emperor who feared the Turks and addressed Gregory VII for help in 1074. 10. The continuance of the struggle between Henry IV and popes Victor III, 1086-1087, and Urban II, 1088-1099. The preach- ing of the first crusade by Urban II at Clermont, in 1095, diverted interest from the investiture contest. Paschal II, 1099-1118, renewed Henry's excommunication. Eevolt of the Saxons led by his rebel son, also named Henry. Sad end of the excommunicated Henry IV, who died in Liege, 1106. 11. Echoes of the investiture strife outside of Germany and Italy. Anselm of Canterbury. 12. Henry V, 1106-1125, and his contests with the papacy. The compromise of 1111. Pope Paschal II renounced the tem- poralities of the church and crowned Henry V emperor in St. Peter's, but soon after repudiated these rash concessions. Finally when Calixtus II, 1119-1124, was pope, the great difficulty was compromised by the concordat of Worms in 1122. 13. The inevitable sequel of strife between the empire and the papacy. 14. Popes, 1054-1124. Victor II, 1054-1057 Victor III, 1086-1087 Stephen IX, 1057-1058 Urban II, 1088-1099 Benedict X, 1058-1059 Paschal II, 1099-1118 Nicholas II, 1059-1061 Gelasius II, 1118-1119 Alexander II, 1061-1073 Calixtus II, 1119-1124 Gregory VII, 1073-1085 B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Brief general accounts. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, ch. vin. TOUT, Empire and papacy, ch. vi." BRYCE, Holy Roman empire, ch. x. BARRY, Papal monarchy, chs. xm-xiv. VILLARI, Mediaeval Italy, 169-203. FLICK, Rise of the mediaeval church, chs. xvni-xix. W. MILLER, Mediaeval Rome, ch. i. LEA, History of sacerdotal celibacy, I, ch. xiv, treats the subject of celibacy in the time of Hildebrand. Longer general accounts. D. J. MEDLEY, The church and the empire 1003-1304, New York, 1910, chs. l-ni. LAVISSE and BAM- 182 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII BAUD, Histoire generate, II, ch. II. MILMAN, Latin Christianity, IV, chs. i-in. GREGOROVIUS, History of Some in the middle ages, IV, part I, chs. IH-VI. HENDERSON, A history of Germany in the middle ages, chs. xn-xiv. STUBBS, Germany in the early middle ages, chs. ix-x. Biographies of Hildebrand. A. H. MATHEW, The life and times of Hildebrand, pope Gregory VII, London, 1910. , W. STEPHENS, Hildebrand and his times, New York, 1888. M. R. VINCENT, Age of Hildebrand, New York, 1896. MANN, Lives of the popes, VII. Original sources. All the "source books" contain a good deal of illustrative material. DUNCALF and KREY, Parallel source prob- lems in medieval history, 29-91, have translated many contempor- ary accounts of the famous scene at Canossa. The violent letters which passed between pope Gregory VII and the emperor Henry IV, along with much additional material, may be found in HENDER- SON, Select documents, 351-409; ROBINSON, Readings, I, 266-295; THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 121-166; and OGG, Source book, 261-281. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 62-63, 64, 66-67. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general histories of the church are listed above, nos. 395-498. The books on the medieval empire, nos. 499- 507, especially 501, and those on Germany, nos. 560-598, and Italy, nos. 599-621 above, are especially useful. General accounts. M. MANITIUS, Deutsche Geschichte, 911-1125. A. HAUCK, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands, III. BAXMANN, Die Politik der Pdpste, II. Z. N. BROOK, The so-called investiture strug- gle of the eleventh century, Eome, 1913. T. GREENWOOD, Cathedra Petri, IV, 139-678. J. HERGENROTHER, Eatholische Kirche und christ- licher Stoat in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung und in Beziehung auf die Fragen der Gegenwart, 2nd edition, Freiburg, 1876, trans- lated into English, Catholic church and Christian state, I, 380ff. J. v. PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, Die Papstwahlen und Eaisertum, 1046- 1328, Gotha, 1908. Gregory VII. W. MARTENS, Gregor VII : sein Leben und Wirken, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1894. O. L'abbe DELARC, Saint Gregoire VII et la reforme de I'eglise au XI e siecle, 3 vols., and an index, Paris, 1889- 1890. A. F. GFRORER, Papst Gregorius VII und sein Zeitalter, 7 vols., and index, Schaffhausen, 1859-64, is distinctly Roman catholic in tone and very polemical. J. BRUGERETTE, Gregoire VII et la reforme du XI* siecle, Paris, 1906. A. F. VILLEMAIN, Histoire de Gregoire VII, 2 vols., Paris, 1873; translated into English, The XVI INVESTITURE STRIFE 183 life of Gregory VII, 2 vols., London, 1874. E. LANGERON, Leglise au moyen age: Gregoire VII et les ongines de la doctrine ultramon- taine, 2nd edition, Paris, 1874. The first seriously critical work on Gregory VII was J. VOIGT, Hildebrand ah Papst Gregorius VII und sein Zeitalter, Weimar, 1815, 2nd edition, 1846, translated into French with additions by 1'abbe JAGER, Histoire du pape Gregoire VII et de son siecle, 4th edition, 2 vols., Paris, 1854. C. MIRBT, Die Wahl Gregors VII, Marburg, 1892. Dictatus papae. The latest word about the register of Gregory VII, including the famous Dictatus papae, is in E. L. POOLE, Lec- tures on the papal chancery, ch. vi. See the literature quoted in his footnotes and in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenlcunde, no. 4928. Canossa. W. SACHSE, Canossa : historische Untersuchung, Leip- zig, 1896. E. FRIEDRICH, Studien zur Vorgeschichte von Canossa, 2 parts, Hamburg, 1905-1908. For other special works on the famous scene at Canossa see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenlcunde, no. 5007. Gregory VII and the Byzantine empire. W. NORDEN, Das Papst- tum und Byzanz, 38-46. Henry IV. G. MEYER v. KNONAU, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Beichs unter Heinrich IV und Heinrich V, 7 vols., Leipzig, 1890- 1909, part of no. 570 above. E. HOHNE, Kaiser Heinrich IV: sein Leben und seine Kampfe 1050-1106, nach dem Urteile seiner deutschen Zeitgenossen, Giitersloh, 1906. T. LINDNER, Kaiser Heinrich IV, Berlin, 1881. H. FLOTO, Kaiser Heinrich der Vierte und sein Zeit- alter, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1855-56, defends Henry IV against the accusations of pope Gregory VII. O. SCHUMANN, Die pdpstlichen Legaten in Deutschland zur Zeit Heinrichs IV und Heinrichs V (1056.-1125), Marburg, 1912 (dissertation). Henry V. G. PEISER, Der deutsche Investiturstreit unter Kaiser Heinrich V bis zu dem pdpstlichen Privileg vom 13 April, 1111, Berlin, 1883. Investiture. F. X. BARTH, Hildebert von Lavardin (1056- 1133) und das Becht der Jcirchlichen Stellenbesetzung, Stuttgart, 1906, parts 34-36 of no. 491 above. H. FEIERABEND, Die politische Stellung der deutschen Beichsabteien wdhrend des Investiturstreites, Breslau, 1913 (Historische Untersuchungen, III). Investiture strife in France. B. MONOD, Essai sur les rapports de Pascal II avec Philippe I, 1099-1108, Paris, 1907, part 164 of no. 888 above. Polemical literature concerning investiture. J. DE GHELLINCK, ' ' La litterature polemique durant la querelle des investitures, ' ' in Bevue des questions historiques, XCIII (1913), 71-89. The funda- mental work on the subject is C. MIRBT, Die Publizistik im Zeit- 184 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII alter Gregors VII, Leipzig, 1894. It should be supplemented by L. SALTET, Les reordinations : etude sur le sacrem'ent de I 'ordre, Paris, 1907. A. FLICHE, Etudes sur la polemique religieuse a I'epoque de Gregoire VII: les pregregoriens, Paris, 1916. For the vast mass of controversial pamphlet literature which has come down to us see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, no. 4925. See also M. T. STEAD, ' ' Manegold of Lautenbach, ' ' in English Historical review, XXIX (1914), 1-15, and A. SCHARNAGL, Der Begriff der Investitur in den Quellen nach der Literatur des Investiturstreits, part 56 of no. 490 above. Concordat of Worms, 1122. E. BERNHEIM, Das Wormser Kon- kordat und seine Vorurkunden, Breslau, 1906 (part 81 of Untersuch- ungen zur deutschen Staats- und Eechtsgeschichte, edited by O. GIEKKE) . For special literature on the Concordat of Worms of 1122 see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, no. 5039. Matilda of Tuscany. NORA DUFF, Matilda of Tuscany: la Gran Donna d' Italia, London, 1909. E. HUDDY, Matilda, countess of Tuscany, London, 1906. A. OVERMANN, Grafin Mathilde von Tuscien, ihre Besitzungen, Geschichte ihres Guts, 1115-1230, und Hire Begesten, Innsbruck, 1895. Original sources. A very convenient collection of extracts has been edited by E. BERNHEIM, Quellen zur Geschichte des Investitur- streites, vol. I, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1913, vol. II, 1907, part of no. 980 above. A selection of the letters of Hildebrand, edited by G. FINCH, London, 1853. Bibliographies. By far the best bibliography for both original sources and secondary works is in DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, nos. 4872-5039, but the general bibliographies for Germany, nos. 29-34, Italy, nos. 37-41, and the church, nos. 4955 above, are all useful. XVII. THE BYZANTINE EMP1EE FROM THE DEATH OF JUSTINIAN, 565, TO THE FIRST CRUSADE, 1095 A. OUTLINE 1. The place of Constantinople and the Byzantine empire in European history has been indicated in outline III above. 2. The work of Justinian was ruined by his immediate suc- cessors. The Avars established themselves in Pannonia. The Lom- bards invaded Italy in 568. The Slavs crossed the Danube and moved into the Balkan peninsula. The Persian wars dragged on until 591, and were resumed again in 603. The rebellion of the xvn BYZANTINE EMPIRE 185 uncultured cut-throat Phocas in 602 illustrated the utter degrada- tion of the empire. He was recognized, however, by Pope Gregory the Great. 3. Heraclius, 610-641, and the Persians. Under Chosroes they captured Jerusalem in 614 and in 616 overran Egypt. In 617 Chal- cedon fell. The church and the emperor now declared a crusade against the Persian fire-worshippers. Persians, Avars, and Slavs made a combined but unsuccessful attack on Constantinople in 626. By the peace of 628 with Persia the boundaries of the empire were restored. 4. The Heraclian dynasty and the Mohammedans, 610-717. In this period the Persian menace gave way to a still greater one, namely, Islam. In 637 Jerusalem was taken by the Moslems. Not only Syria but Egypt and all northern Africa soon fell into the hands of the Mohammedans. Eelations of Constans II and Con- stantine IV with Italy and Sicily. The two great sieges of Con- stantinople in 673-677, and in 717-718, which formed a turning point in the relations between Christians and Mohammedans. 5. Byzantine civilization and administration under the Hera- clian dynasty. Latin practically disappeared in the east and the empire became virtually Greek. Decline of Greek learning co-eval with the decline of Latin learning in the west in Merovingian times. The new provinces called "themes" of military origin. Greek diplomacy. Poor fiscal administration. Eeorganization of the army. Main stress now laid on the cavalry. Remarkable advance of military tactics and theory. Development of a strong fleet under Constans II, 642-668. Liquid or marine fire, which we call "Greek fire." 6. The iconoclastic period, 717-867. Image worship among Greek Christians was made the mark of taunts of the Moham- medans. In 726, the emperor Leo III issued his first edict against images. Opposition in both the Latin and Greek churches. Icono- clasm sactioned by the council of Constantinople in 753. Eeaction in favor of images under Constantine and Irene, 780-802. Leo V, 813-820, again denounced image worship, but those who favored images won a final victory in 843 under Theodora and Michael III, 842-867. Echoes of the iconoclastic controversy in the west. 7. Political history in the iconoclastic period, 717-867. The internal reforms of Leo III, 717-740. Increasing oriental influence. Desultory warfare with the Saracens. The Lombards ended the exarchate of Eavenna in 750. Shortly after, the eastern emperors definitely lost Eome at the hands of the Franks. Eelations of Charlemagne with the Byzantine empire in the time of Constantine 186 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII and Irene. Early in the ninth century the rising power of the Bulgarians became a menace. In 826 a band of Moslem adven- turers from Spain took Crete. 8. The Byzantine empire at its height under the Macedonian dynasty, 867-1057. Basil I and his successor reconquered southern Italy, 875-894, but in 878 Syracuse fell into the hands of the Moors. A revival of learning began in the ninth century and Cyrillus and Methodius converted the Slavs (outline XI above). In the east, Crete was won back in 961, Antioch in 968, and Cyprus about the same time. The reign of Basil II, 963-1025, marks the culmination of the power and glory of the Byzantine empire. He subdued the Bulgarians, hence he is usually called Bulgaroctonus, "Slayer of Bulgarians. ' ' The Eussians, who under Sviotoslav had seriously threatened Constantinople, were checked in 971 by John Zimisces and when Vladimir, the Clovis of Eussia, was baptized about 990, Eussia was opened to a flood of Byzantine influence. In 1054 came the practical separation between the Greek and Latin churches. 9. The rise of the Seljuk Turks. With the end of the Mace- donian dynasty in 1057 there came a period of decline and turmoil such as that after the death of Justinian. This gave an oppor- tunity for conquest to the nomad Seljuk Turks who had become Mohammedans and in 1055 occupied Bagdad and in 1076 entered Jerusalem. In 1071 the Turks under Alp Arslan defeated and took prisoner the emperor Eomanus at the famous battle of Manzikert. In the same year the Normans took Bari from the Byzantines. In 1074 Michael VII appealed to pope Gregory VII for help against the Turks. The Turks captured Nicaea in 1080. Constantinople seemed to be doomed. 10. Alexius Comnenus, 1081-1118, saved the empire by his states- manship. He kept at bay the Seljuk Turks, the Petchenegs, and the Normans, who, under Eobert Guiscard, attacked him, 1081- 1085, but were beaten back with the help of Venice. Venice was granted exceptional commercial privileges in the Levant. In 1095 Alexius appealed to pope Urban II for aid and that ushered in the crusades which completely transformed the Byzantine empire. 11. Byzantine emperors, 565-1118. Justinianean dynasty (1) Justin II, 565-578 (2) Tiberius II, 578-582 (3) Maurice, 582-602 Phocas, 602-610 BYZANTINE EMPIRE 187 Heraclian dynasty, 610-711 (1) Heraclius, 610-641 (2) Constantino III, 641 (3) Heracleonas, 641-642 (4) Constans II, 642-668 (5) Constantine IV, 668-685 (6) Justinian II, 685-695 [Leontius, 695-698 Tiberius II, 698-705] (6) Justinian II (restored), 705-711 Philip Bardanes, 711-713 Anastasius II, 713-716 Theodosius III, 716-717 ' Isaurian (Syrian) dynasty, 717-802 (1) Leo III, 717-740 (2) Constantine V, 740-775 (3) Leo IV, 775-780 (4) Constantine VI, 780-797 (5) Irene, 797-802 Nicephorus I, 802-811 Stauracius, 811 Michel I, 811-813 Leo V (Armenian), 813-820 Phrygian or Armorian dynasty, 820-867 (1) Michael II, 820-829 (2) Theophilus, 829-842 (3) Michael III, 842-867 Macedonian dynasty, 867-1057 (1) Basil I, 867-886 (2) Leo VI and Alexander, 886-912 (3) Constantine VII (Porphyrogennetos), 912-959 (4) Eomanus I, 920-944 (5) Eomanus II, 959-963 (6) Basil II (Bulgaroctonus) and Constantine VIII, 963- 1025 Nicephorus II (Phocas), 963-969 John Zimisces, 969-976 (7) Constantine VIII (sole ruler), 1025-1028 (8) Eomanus III, 1028-1034 (9) Michael IV, 1034-1041 (10) Michael V, 1041-1042 (11) Constantine IX, 1042-1054 188 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII (12) Theodora, 1054-1056 (13) Michael VI, 1056-1057 Isaac I (Comnenus), 1057-1059 Constantine X, 1059-1067 Michael VII, Andronicus, and Constantine XI, 1067 Eomanus IV, 1067-1071 Michael VII (sole ruler), 1071-1078 Nicephorus III, 1078-1081 Comnenian dynasty, 1081-1204 (1) Alexius I (nephew of Isaac I), 1081-1118 B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING General surveys. OMAN, Dark ages, chs. ix, xn, xiv, xvin, xxvm, together with TOUT, Empire and papacy, ch. vn. LAVISSE and RAM- BAUD, Histoire generate, I, 193-203, 625-687 (pp. 672-682 of this selection have been translated by MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 212-223, under the title "Byzantine civilization" [9th to llth centuries]). BRYCE, Holy Roman empire, 4th edition, ch. xvii, "The east Roman empire." A somewhat longer account is in OMAN, The Byzantine empire, chs. ix-xx. The period to 717 is now treated in the Cambridge medieval history, II, ch. ix, "The successors of Justinian, ' ' and ch. xin, ' ' The successors of Heraclius to 717." The article "Roman empire, later" in the Encyclopaedia Britannica is written by J. B. BURY, the greatest English authority in this field. Standard accounts in English. The best and most authoritative account of the period to 867 is J. B. BURY, A history of the later Roman empire, vol. II, together with his A history of the eastern Roman empire, 802-867. The first comprehensive history in Eng- lish which met the requirement of modern historical scholarship was written by G. FINLAY, History of Greece, vol. II (see nos. 645 and 656 above). Until the time of FINLAY the English-speaking world drew its information about this period of Byzantine his- tory largely from GIBBON, Decline and fall, chs. XLV, XLVI, XLVIII, LII, Lin, who was chiefly responsibly for a general misunderstanding of the true nature of the history of the eastern empire during these centuries when it did much service for western civilization. Italy and the Byzantine empire after Justinian. P. VILLARI, The barbarian invasions of Italy, II, 274-374. DUDDEN, Gregory the Great, I, ch. vi, ' ' Gregory at Constantinople, ' ' contains a good description of Constantinople at the end of the sixth century; see also, II, ch. x, for Gregory's relations with the churches of the east. BYZANTINE EMPIRE 189 Byzantine warfare. OMAN, Art of war, 169-226, and H. DEL- BRUCK, Geschichte der Kriegskunst, III, 194-209, should be read side by side if possible because DELBRUCK differs from OMAN in some important points. The great siege of Constantinople in 717 is told in a popular way by E. A. FOORD, "The repulse of the Sara- cens from Europe," in Contemporary review, XCVI (1909), 327- 341. The Byzantine empire at its height. The glorious period about the year 1000 is described in a spirited way by J. B. BURY, ' ' Eoman emperors from Basil II to Isaac Komnenos, ' ' in English historical review, IV (1889), 41-64, 251-285. Constitutional history. J. B. BURY, The constitution of the later Roman empire, Cambridge, 1910 (Creighton memorial lecture). Byzantine scholarship. SANDYS, History of classical scholarship, I, chs. xxn, xxiii. Original sources. HENDERSON, Select documents, 441-477, "Liut- prand's report of his mission to Constantinople, 968A.D. ". C. H. HASKINS, "A Canterbury Monk at Constantinople, c. 1090," in English historical review, XXV (1910), 292-295. E. W. BROOKS, ' ' Byzantines and Arabs in the time of the early Abbasids, ' ' in English historical review, XV (1900), 728-747. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 54-55, 58-59, 66-67. Cambridge medieval history, II, maps 18 and 25. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See nos. 643-679 above, and also the periodicals for Byzantine history, nos. 174-175 above, as well as the books on Byzantine literature, nos. 800-802 above. General survey. The best handbook on things Byzantine is K. KRUMBACHER, Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur, second edition, 1897. On pp. 911ff. there is a general survey of Byzantine history by H. GELZER, "Abriss der byzantinischen Kaisergesehichte. " Sicily and southern Italy and the Byzantine empire. B. PACE, / barbari e i bizantini in Sicilia: studi sulla storia dell' isola dal sec. V al IX, Palermo, 1911. J. GAY ; L' Italic meridionale et I'empire byzantin, 867-1071, Paris, 1904, part 90 of no. 887 above. Relations between the Greek East and the Latin West. N. JORGA, ' ' Der lateinische Westen und der byzantinische Osten in ihrem Wechselbeziehungen wahrend des Mittelalters: einige Gesichtspunkte, " p. 89-99 in Lipsiense: Ehrengabe Karl Lamp- recht dargebracht, Berlin, 1909. G. EEVERDY, Les relations de Childe- bert II et de Byzance, Paris, 1913, is an extract from the Revue his- torique, CXIV (1913), 61-86. L. HARTMANN, Ein Kapitel vom 190 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII spdtantiken und friihmittelalterlichen Staate, Stuttgart, 1913, is a short sketch of 24 pages which contrasts the Byzantine empire with the Lombard and Prankish kingdoms. C. TIEDE, Quellen- mdssige Darstellung der Besiehungen Carls des Grossen zu Ost-Rom, Eostock, 1892. A. GASQUET, Etudes byzantines: I'empire byzantin et la monarchic franquc, Paris, 1888. O. HARNACK, Die Beziehungen des frdnkisch-italischen zum byzantinischen Reiche unter der Regier- ung Karls des Grossen und der spdteren Kaiser karolingischen Stam- mes, Gottingen, 1880. B. MYSTAKIDIS, Byzantinisch-deutsche Bezieh- ungen zur Zeit der Ottonen, Stuttgart, 1891. The Greek church. For books on the schism between the Greek and Latin churches and the iconoclastic controversy, see above, p. 177. A. FORTESCUE, The orthodox eastern church, London, 1907, third edition, 1911. A. H. HORE, Eighteen centuries of the orthodox Greek church, New York, 1899. J. PARGOIRE, L'eglise byzantine de 527-847, Paris, 1905. H. F. TOZER, The church and the eastern empire, new impression, London, New York, 1904. L. BREHIER, "L'hagiographie Byzantine des VHP et IX e siecles a Constanti- nople et dans les provinces," in Journal des savants, August, Octo- ber, 1916. A. P. STANLEY, History of the eastern church, 5th edition, London, 1883. Administration. J. B. BURY, The imperial administrative system in the ninth century, with a revised text of the Kletorologion of Philotheos, London, 1911, II, part of no. 904 above, Supplementary papers, 1. Byzantine warfare. J. B. BURY, The naval policy of the Roman empire in relation to the western provinces from the seventh to the ninth centuries, Palermo, 1910 (Centenario della nascita di M. Amari, 2). F. AUSSARESSES, L'armee byzantine a la fin du VI siecle, d'apres le Strategicon de I'Empereur Maurice, Bordeaux, 1909 (Bibliotheque des Universites du Midi, fasc., 14). Byzantine scholarship. L. LABORDE, Les ecoles de droit dans I'empire d'Orient, Bordeaux, 1912. F. SCHEMMEL, Die Hochschule von Konstantinopel vom 5 bis 11 Jahrhundert, Berlin, ca. 1912. Histories of various emperors arranged chronologically. K. GROH, Geschichte des ostromischen Kaisers Justin II, nebst den Quellen, Leipzig, 1889. A. PERNICE, L'imperatore Eraclio: saggio di storia bizantina, Florence, 1905. K. SCHENK, Kaiser Leo III, Halle, 1880. A. LOMBARD, Etudes d'histoire byzantine: Constantin V, empereur des Romains (740-775), with a preface by C. DIEHL, Paris, 1902, part XVI of no. 889 above. A. VOGT, Basile I cr empereur de Byzance et la civilisation byzantine a la fin du IXe sidcle, Paris, 1908. A. RAM- BAUD, L 'empire grec au X<* siecle: Constantin Porphyrogenete, Paris, xvnl EARLY MEDIEVAL CULTURE 191 1870. G. SCHLUMBERGER, Un empereur Byzantin au 10 e siecle: Nice- phore PJiocas, Paris, 1890. F. CHALANDON, Alexis Comnene (1081- 1118), Paris, 1900. The Byzantine empire at its height. G. SCHLUMBERGER, L 'epopee byzantine a la fin du dixieme siecle, 3 vols., Paris, 1890-1905, covers the period 960-1057 and has excellent illustrations. Byzantine history just before the crusades. C. NEUMANN, Die Weltstellung des byzantinischen Beiches vor den Kreuzziigen, Leipzig, 1894 (dissertation). W. FISCHER, Studien zur byzantinischen Geschichte des elfteti Jahrhunderts, Plauen, 1883. Seljuk Turks. M. T. "HouTSMA, Histoire des Seljoukides d'Asie Mineure d'apres Ibn Bibi, Leyden, 1903. Original sources. The large collections of sources for Byzan- tine history are listed above, nos. 1002-1003. The important col- lection of Byzantine coins in the British Museum is described and illustrated in W. WROTH, Catalogue of the imperial Byzantine coins in the British Museum, 2 vols., London, 1908. Bibliographies. Cambridge medieval history, II, 747-757, 766- 769. BURY, History of the eastern Roman empire, 493-510. KRUM- BACHER, Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur, 2nd edition, 1068ff. XVIII. THE CULTURE OF THE EAELY MIDDLE AGES A. OUTLINE 1. The gradual change from ancient to medieval modes of thought and learning. Christianity and the barbarian invaders as factors in this change. 2. The universality of the Latin language in western Europe. The decadence of Greek. 3. "The classical heritage" of the early middle ages. 4. The Christian ideal of life. 5. Books that were studied and written during this period. 6. Medieval schools before the rise of universities. 7. The illustrious part played by the British Isles in the his- tory of learning from the fifth to the eighth centuries. 8. The age of Charlemagne. 9. Slow advancement of culture in Christian Europe from the ninth to the eleventh century. Contrast with the Mohammedan world. 10. The beginning of a new era towards the end of the eleventh century. .192 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING The best book on the transition from ancient to medieval con- ditions is S. DILL, Eoman society in the last century of the western empire, London, 1898, 2nd edition, revised, 1910. After that, the best general guides in English are the two books by H. O. TAYLOK, The Mediaeval mind, and The classical heritage of the middle ages, New York, 1901, 3rd edition, 1911. MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilisation, is a collection of valuable miscellaneous extracts. For the period before Charlemagne, M. ROGER, L'enseignement des let- ires classiques d'Ausone a Alcuin, Paris, 1905, is extremely useful. Much can be gleaned from LAVISSE, Histoire de France (see table of contents of each volume). Essential books for reference are SANDYS, A history of classical scholarship; and MANITIUS, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY For detailed outlines and bibliographies see part III, period I, below. PERIOD II, 1100-1500 XIX. THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA IN THE HISTORY OF WESTERN EUROPE ABOUT 1100 A. OUTLINE Introduction. Current misconceptions concerning the middle ages. "The twelfth century renaissance." The following were the main features of the new era: 1. Political: (1) The struggle for empire. (2) Losing struggle of the great feudal nobles with the rising kingdoms. Parliamen- tary machinery. 2. Religious: (1) Conflict between church and state. (2) New monastic movement, especially the mendicants. (3) Heresies. (4) Crusades. (5) The conciliar movement. 3. Social and economic: (1) Emancipation of the lower rural classes. (2) Growth of cities and commerce. (3) Geographical explorations and discoveries. (4) Crusades. 4. Intellectual and artistic: (1) Spirit of inquiry. (2) Better Latin literature. (3) New interest in classical Latin. (4) Some interest in Greek and other languages. (5) Revival of Roman law. (6) Revival of medicine. (7) Some interest in natural sciences. (8) Systematization of theology and philosophy. (9) Growth of universities. (10) Development of vernacular languages and litera- tures. (11) Gothic architecture. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Re-read the article "Middle ages" by Professor SHOTWELL, in the last edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Read LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 203, and observe the scheme of this division called "La renaissance franchise. " See also F. HARRISON, The meaning of history, New York, 1908, chs. v, "A survey of the 13th century," first printed in the Fortnightly review, LVI (1891), 325-345. 194 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII XX. THE NORMANS A. OUTLINE 1. The transformation of the Northmen in northern France into Normans in the tenth and eleventh centuries. The nature of the land which Eollo won as a dukedom about 911. Its history under the first six dukes. The influence of Frankish customs and insti- tutions. The work of the Roman church and schools in Normandy. Mont St. Michel. The monastic school of Bee established in 1042 by Lanfranc who was followed by Anselm. Striking Norman char- acteristics. 2. The expansion of the duchy of Normandy into a Norman empire. Marriage of duke William with Matilda, daughter of the count of Flanders. Conquest of Maine, 1063. The famous con- quest of England by William the Conqueror in 1066. Battle of Hastings. The Bayeux tapestry. Separation of England and Normandy at the death of William in 1087. They were reunited in 1106 under Henry I. His daughter, Matilda, married count Geof- frey of Anjou, who wrested Normandy from Stephen of Blois. Origin of the name "Angevin empire." Plantagenets. Geoffrey's son Henry became duke of Normandy in 1150, count of Anjou in 1151. In 1152 he married Eleanor, duchess of Aquitaine, divorced wife of king Louis VII of France, and thus became lord of Poitou, Aquitaine and Gascony. In 1154 he became king of England and was thus ruler of a large empire which straddled the English chan- nel. "Occupying this international position, Henry must not be viewed, as he generally is, merely as an English king." Haskins. 3. Norman administration in England and the continent, espe- cially the fiscal and judicial system. The Dialogue on the Exche- quer, written by Richard, the treasurer of Henry II, in 1178-1179. The Norman jury. 4. Break-up of the Norman empire. Wars of Henry II with king Philip of France and with his faithless sons. His tragic death at Chinon in 1189. He was succeeded by his son Richard the Lion- Hearted, 1189-1199. In spite of the fact that he and king Philip of France went on the third crusade together, they soon came to blows on account of Richard 's possessions on the continent which Philip coveted. Chateau Gaillard, Richard's strong castle on the Seine. King John 's quarrel with his suzereign, king Philip of France. The murder of Arthur, 1203. Capture of Chateau Gail- lard in 1204. In 1204 John lost Normandy and all his lands north of the Loire, which now were attached directly to the French crown. That marked the end of the Norman empire. THE NORMANS 195 5. The Normans in southern Italy. The roaming spirit of the Normans. Norman pilgrims to the Holy Land and other famous shrines. The shrine of St. Michael on Monte Gargano in Italy. There is a record of Normans at this spot as early as 1016. Their dealings with Greeks and Saracens and Latins in southern Italy. Aversa founded in 1030. The sons of Tancred of Hauteville in Italy, especially Roger and Robert Guiscard (died 1085). Their relations with the papacy. The defeat of the papal army at Civi- tate, in 1053. The treaty of Melfi between Robert Guiscard and pope Nicholas II in 1059. Robert was acknowledged as a duke by the papacy. Monte Cassino and the Normans. Gregory VII and the Normans. The sack of Rome by the Normans in 1084. Death of Gregory VII among the Normans in Salerno in 1085, in which year Robert Guiscard also died. 6. Conquest of Sicily by the Normans, 1061-1091. The island under the rule of the Saracens. Count Roger captured Messina in 1061, Palermo in 1072. In 1091 Noto, the last Saracen fastness fell to Roger (died 1101). Relations of Roger with the papacy. 7. The Normans as a Mediterranean power. The development, of a strong fleet. Robert Guiscard and the Byzantine empire. His conquests in the Balkan peninsula. The opposition of Venice. The Normans on the first crusade, Bohemond (lord of Antioch), and Tancred. Normans in Spain and in northern Africa. 8. The Norman Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. In 1130 Roger II had united all the Norman possessions in Italy and Sicily and was crowned king by the pope. Palermo became the capital of the new kingdom. The Norman power and civilization was at its height in the reign of Roger, who died in 1154. Decline under his successors, William I, 1154-1166, and William II, 1166-1189. Wars of the latter with Frederick Barbarossa. Marriage of the heiress of the Norman kingdom, Constance, daughter of Roger II, with Henry VI. For the history of the kingdom under the Hohen- staufen, see outline XXII below. 9. Norman administration and culture in Sicily and southern Italy. Mingling of Byzantine, Mohammedan, Jewish, and Latin civilization in Sicily. The study of Greek, and translations from the Greek into Latin. The adaptability of the Norman conquerors. Their tolerance. The splendor of Palermo. Relations of the Nor- man kingdom in the Mediterranean with the Norman empire in the north. Consequent close touch of England with Mediterranean civilization. Similarity of institutions in Sicily and England. 10. The ultimate absorption of the Normans by the native popu- lation in all the lands where they ruled in the middle ages. 196 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTH 11. Dukes of Normandy. Rolf (Eollo), 911-927 William (Longsword), 927-943 Richard (The Fearless), 943-996 Richard (The Good), 996-1026 Richard III, 1026-1028 Robert (The Magnificent), 1029-1035 William the Conqueror, 1035-1087 Robert II, 1087-1106 William (Rufus), regent, 1096-1100 Henry I, 1106-1135 Stephen of Blois, 1135-1144 Geoffrey, Count of Anjou and Maine, 1144-1150 Henry II, 1150-1189 Richard (The Lion-Hearted), 1189-1199 John, 1199-1204, when Normandy was conquered by the king of France. 12. Sons of Tancred of Hauteville of Normandy. (1) William of the Iron Arm, lord of Apulia, died 1046. (2) Drogo, Count of Apulia, died 1051. (3) Humphrey, Count of Apulia, died 1057. (4) Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia, died 1085. (5) Roger I, Count of Sicily, died 1101. 13. Norman kings of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Roger II, son of Roger I, first king of Sicily, 1130, died 1154. William I, 1154-1166. William II, 1166-1189. Henry VI, the Hohenstaufen, married Constance, daughter of Roger II, 1189-1197. Frederick II, 1197-1250. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING General surveys. By far the best account in any language is C. H. HASKINS, The Normans in European history, Boston and New York, 1915 % The best brief sketch is in LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 53-57, 87-106. In TOUT, Empire and papacy, information about the Normans is scattered in the following pages, 83-86, 103- 109, 114-119, 135, 174-175. In the Encyclopaedia Britannica the article on "Normandy" is by R. LATOUCHE; that on the "Nor- mans" by E. A. FREEMAN. The history of the Normans in Eng- land is not treated in detail in this Guide, but attention may be called to two general books which treat the subject chiefly from that aspect: A. H. JOHNSON, The Normans in Europe, ehs. vi-xvii; THE NORMANS 197 and SARAH O. JEWETT, The Normans: told chiefly in relation to their conquest of England. A short popular account in German is H. DON- DORFF, "Die Normannen und ihre Bedeutung fiir das europaische Kulturleben im Mittelalter, ' ' in Sammlung gemeinverstdndlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrdge, edited by R. VIRCHOW and F. v. HOLT- ZENDORFF, Berlin, 1866-1901, X (1875), 259-298. Normans in Sicily and southern Italy. In an English translation the best short account is P. VILLARI, Mediaeval Italy, 126-133, 150- 161, 179-203, 241-252. C. H. HASKINS, "England and Sicily in the twelfth century," in English historical review, XXVI (1911), 433- 447. E. A. FREEMAN, ' ' The Normans at Palermo, ' ' in his Historical essays, third series, 437-476. E. CURTIS, Eoger of Sicily and the Normans in lower Italy, 1016-1154, New York, 1912. F. M. CRAW- FORD, The rulers of the south, Sicily, Calabria, Malta, 2 vols., New York, 1901, II, 124-333. COTTERILL, Medieval Italy, 399-412. GIB- BON, Decline and fall, ch. LVI. Mont St. Michel. H. ADAMS, Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres, Boston, 1913. The shrine of Saint Michel on Monte Gargano in Italy is described by E. GOTHEIN, Die CulturentwicTcelung Sild- Italiens, Breslau, 1886, pp. 41-111. Normans in Spain. E. DOZY, Eecherches sur I'histoire et la lit- terature de I'Espagne, II, 332-371. .Original sources. For reproductions of the famous Bayeux tap- estry see no. 202 above. The well-known Dialogue of the Exchequer is translated in HENDERSON, Select documents, 20-134. CECILIA WAERN, Mediaeval Sicily, New York, 1911, is largely devoted to Norman Sicily. It is included under this heading because ch. IV contains translations from contemporary sources. Maps. The only satisfactory map is in MEYERS Historischer Handatlas, 25. See also SHEPHERD, Atlas, 61, 65, 66-67, 69; and Dow, Atlas, 13 (inset). C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. Information concerning the Normans is almost hopelessly scattered in the general books on medieval history. The general histories of France, nos. 508-548 above, and Italy, nos. 599- 621 above are especially useful. See also nos. 360-361 above. Normandy. H. PRENTOUT, Essai sur les origines et la fondation du duche de Normandie, Paris, 1911; and his, La Normandie, Paris, 1910 (Les regions de la France, VII, Publications de la Eevue de synthese historique) ; and his recent Etude critique sur Dudon de Saint-Quentin et son Histoire des premiers dues Normands, Paris, 1916. A. ALBERT-PETIT, Histoire de Normandie, 6th edition, Paris, 198 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 1912. G. MONOD, Le role de la Normandie dans I'histoire de France, Paris, 1911. F. M. POWICKE, The loss of Normandy, Manchester, 1913. J. Abbe TOUFLET, Le Millenaire dc la Normandie: souvenirs, etudes, Eouen, 1913, is an illustrated collection of popular com- memorative essays. There is an important introduction in L. DELISLE, Eecueil des actes de Henri II, roi d'Angleterre et due de Normandie, concernant les provinces frangaises et les affaires de France, Paris, 1909. DELISLE 's Etude sur la condition des classes agricoles en Normandie, Evreux, 1851, reprinted 1906, is still our most thorough study of life in Normandy. A. LABUTTE, Histoire des dues de Normandie jusqu'd la mort de Guillaume le Conquerant, 2nd edition, Paris, 1866. F. PALGRAVE, The history of Normandy and of England, 2 vols., London, 1851-1857, for a long time was the standard work in English on Normandy. It was superseded by the works of Freeman and others whose books are not listed in this Guide and should be sought for in GROSS ' Sources and literature of English history. H. BOHMER, Kirche und Staat in England und in der Normandie im 11 und 12 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1899, extends to 1154. Professor HASKINS called attention to E. N. SAUVAGE, L'ab- T)aye de Saint-Martin de Troarn au diocese Bayeux des origines au seizieme siecle, Caen, 1911, as the best study of a Norman monastery. T. A. COOK, The story of Eouen, London, 1905. C. ENLART, Eouen, Paris, 1910 (Les villes d'art celebres). H. PRENTOUT, Caen et Bayeux, Paris, 1909. Norman institutions. C. H. HASKINS, Studies in Norman institu- tions, Harvard University Press, 1917, incorporates studies on Nor- man matters which appeared in the English historical review and the American historical review. On Norman law see especially chs. vii- ix of H. BRUNNER, Die Entstehung der Schwurgerichte, Berlin, 1872; also book I, ch. in of F. POLLOCK and F. W. MAITLAND, The history of English law, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1895, 2nd edition, 1899; and L. VALIN, Le due de Normandie et sa cour (912-1204): etude d'his- toire juridique, Paris, 1910, to be supplemented by B. DE FREVILLE, "fitude sur 1 'organisation judiciaire en Normandie au XIP et XIII* siecles, " in Nouvelle revue historique de droit, 1912, pp. 681- 736. The following are recent studies on Norman institutions in Sicily and Italy: H. NIESE, Die Gesetzgebung der normanischen Dynastic im Begnum Siciliae, Halle, 1910. EVELYN JAMISON, The Norman administration of Apulia and Capua, more especially under Eoger I and William I, 1127-1166 (Papers of the British school at Eome, 1913, VI, no. 6). M. HOFMANN, Die Stellung des Konigs von Sizilien nach den Assisen von Ariano (1140), Munster, 1915. C. A. GARUFI, "Sull' ordinamento amministrativo Normanno in Sicilia: THE NORMANS 199 exhiquier o diwan?" in Archivio storico italiano, 5th series, XXVII (1901), 225-263. Bayeux tapestry. For literature on the Bayeux tapestry see C. GROSS, Sources and literature, no. 2139, and, in addition, P. LAUER, "Le poeme de Baudri de Bourgueil adresse a Adele, fille de Guil- laume le Conquerant, et la date de la tapisserie de Bayeux," in Melanges d'histoire offerts a Charles Bemont, 43-58; J. B. BERTRAND, Notice historique sur la tapisserie brodee de la reine Mathilde, epouse de Guillaume le Conquerant, exposee dans la galerie de la bibliotheque de Bayeux, Bayeux, 1914; and C. GARNIER, La tapisserie de la reine Mathilde: notice historique et descriptive, textes fran$ais et anglais, Bayeux, 1914. Normans in Sicily and southern Italy. On this phase of the history of the Normans there is a good deal of literature. The fol- lowing are the most important general surveys of large portions of the field: F. CHALANDON, Histoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sidle, 1009-1194, 2 vols., Paris, 1907; L. VON HEINEMANN, Geschichte der Normannen in Unteritalien und Sicilien bis zum Aus- sterben des normannischen Konigshauses, vol. I, to 1085, Leipzig, 1894; O. DELARC, Les Normands en Italie, depuis les premieres inva- sions jusqu'd I'avenement de S. Gregoire VII (859-862, 1016-1073), Paris, 1883; J. W. BARLOW, Short history of the Normans in southern Europe, London, 1886; A. F. VON SCHACK, Geschichte der Normannen in Sicilien, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1889; A. PALOMES, La storia di li Nurmanni 'n Sicilia, 4 vols., Palermo, 1883-1887; H. OTTENDORFF, Die Eegierung der beiden letzten Normannenkonige, Tancreds und Wilhelms III von Sizilien und ihre Kdmpfe gegen Kaiser Heinrich VI, Bonn, 1899; G. B. SIRAGUSA, II regno di Guglielmo I in Sicilia, 2 vols., Palermo, 1885-1886. The standard work on the first Norman king in the south is E. CASPAR, Roger II (1101-1154) und die Griindung der norman- nisch-sicilianischen Monarchic, Innsbruck, 1904. E. STRAUS, Die Juden im Konigreich Sizilien unter Normannen und Staufern, Heidel- berg, 1910. On Norman art see E. BERTAUX, L'art dans I' Italie meridionale, vol. I, Paris, 1904. C. DIEHL, L'art byzantin dans I' Italie meridionale, Paris, 1894; and his Palerme et Syracuse, Paris, 1907. Di GIOVANNI, La topografia antica di Palermo dal secolo 10 al 15, 2 vols., Palermo, 1889-1890. N. MACCARRONE, La vita del latino in Sicilia fino all' eta nor manna, Florence, 1915. Popular books which attempt to revive interest in Norman Sicily and Italy are numerous; the following are examples: M. S. BRIGGS, In the heel of Italy: a study of an unknown city [Lecce], London, 1910; and N. DOUGLAS, Old Calabria, London, 1915. 200 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Monte Cassino and the Normans. E. PALMAROCCHI, L'abbazia di Montecassino et la conquista normanna, Rome, 1913. See also the short but valuable introduction to E. A. LOEW, The Beneventan script. The Normans and the papacy. A. WINCKLER, ' ' Gregor VII und die Normannen," in vol X (1875), 605-643, of Sammlung gemeinverstdndlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrdge. A. WAGNER, Die unteritalischen Normannen und das Papstthum, von Victor III bis Hadrian IV (1086-1156), Breslau, 1887. The Normans and the Byzantine empire. J. GAY, L'ltaUe meridionale et I' empire byzantin, Paris, 1904. G. L. F. TAFEL, Kom- nenen und Normannen: Beitrdge zur Erforschung ihrer Geschichte im verdeutschten und erlduterten UrJcunden des zwolften und drei- zehnten Jahrhunderts aus dem Griechischen, Ulm, 1852, 2nd edition, part II, Stuttgart, 1870. C. SCHWARTZ, Die Feldziige Robert Guis- card's gegen das byzantinische Reich, Fulda, 1854 (Programm). W. COHN, Die Geschichte der normannisch-sicilischen Flotte, Breslau, 1910. G. SCHLUMBERGER, " Deux chefs normands des armees byzan- tines," in Revue historique, XVI (1881), 289-303. See also outline XVIII above. Normans in Syria. B. KUGLER, Boemund und Tankred, Tubingen, 1862. G. EEY, in Revue de I'Orient latin, IV (1896), 321-407; VIII (1900), 116-157. E. KUHNE, Geschichte des Fiirstentums Antiochia unter normannischen Heerschaft (1098-1130), Berlin, 1897 (Pro- gramm). O. VON SYDOW, Tancred: ein Lebensbild aus den Zeiten der Kreuzziige, Leipzig, 1880. Original sources. The general collections for France and Bel- gium, nos. 965-977 above, and for Italy, nos. 988-994 above, espe- cially no. 988, contain much material valuable for a study of the Normans. Historiae Normannorum scriptores antiqui . . . 838- 1220, edited by A. DUCHESNE, Paris, 1619. The publications of the Societe de 1'histoire de Normandie, Eouen, 1870ff., contain source materials; recent publications in this set are: L. MARX, Gesta nor- mannorum ducum of WILLIAM of JUMIEGES, Paris, 1914; and L. HALPHEN and E. POUPARDIN, Chroniques des comtes d'Anjou et des seignieurs d'Amboise, Paris, 1914. A rather important source for the Normans in the south is AMATUS (AIME) OF MONTE CASSINO, j^'ystoire de li Normant [to 1078], edited by O. DELARC, Eouen, 1892. K. A. KEHR, Die UrTcunden der normannisch-sicilischen Konige: eine diplomatische Untersuchung, Innsbruck, 1902, is a very careful dip- lomatic study of the archive material for the Normans in Sicily. Bibliographies. The most serviceable bibliography is that at the end of chapters in HASKINS, The Normans in European history. xxi THE CRUSADES 201 GEOSS, Sources and literature, part IV. Catalogue des ouvrages nor- mands de la Bibliotheque municipale de Caen, Caen, 1910-1912. A. MOLINIER, Les sources d I'histoire de France, II, chs. xxv, xxxni. U. CHEVALIER, Eepertoire: Topo-bibliographie, II, 2140. XXI. THE CEUSADES A. OUTLINE 1. After having been more or less on the defensive against its foes from the eighth to the eleventh centuries, western Christendom was ready to take the offensive towards the end of the eleventh century. Compare the ousting of the Mohammedans from Sicily by the Normans, 1061-1091. 2. Nature and causes of the crusades. Contact between Europe and Asia in the early middle ages. The "Syrians" in the west. Pilgrimages to Jerusalem and other holy places. 3. Syria and Asia Minor in the eleventh century. The Christian state of Armenia. Treatment of Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem before and after the capture of the holy city by the Seljuk Turks in 1076. 4. The preaching of the first crusade by pope Urban II at the council of Clermont, 1095. The legend of Peter the Hermit. Persecutions of the Jews. In the spring of 1096 several unorgan- ized bands, mostly peasants, set out under Peter the Hermit, Wal- ter the Penniless, and others. Most of them perished miserably in Asia Minor. 5. The first crusading army set out in the fall of 1096. The following were some of the prominent leaders: Godfrey of Lor- raine (of Bouillon) and his brother Baldwin; Raymond of Saint- Gilles, count of Toulouse; Eobert, duke of Normandy; Hugh, count of Vermandois; Stephen, count of Blois; Bohemund, son of Robert Guiscard, and his nephew Tancred; Adhemar, bishop of Puy, the legate of the pope. 6. The crusading hosts in Constantinople. Their relations with the emperor Alexius Comnenus. The anomalous position of the Norman leaders. The Alexiad of Anna Comnena, the daughter of Alexius. 7. The march through Asia Minor and the conquest of the Holy Land. Siege of Nicaea. Battle of Dorylaeum. Capture of Edessa and Antioch in 1098. The legend of the holy lance. Fall of Jerusalem in 1099. 8. The organization of the crusaders' conquests in the east. The Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. The Assizes of Jerusalem. Feud- 202 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII alism in Palestine. The county of Tripoli, the principality of Antioch, and the county of Edessa. 9. The religious military orders; Hospitallers, Templars, Teu- tonic knights. The Teutonic knights in Prussia in the first half of the thirteenth century under their Grand Master, Hermann of Salza. 10. The management of the constant flow of population and goods to and from the Holy Land. Passagia. Importance of the sea routes. The rapid rise of Italian towns and merchants. 11. Results of the fall of Edessa in 1144. The preaching of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Conrad III of Germany and Louis VII of France led armies to Palestine. 12. The capture of Jerusalem in 1187 by Saladin led to the crusade of the three kings, Frederick I (Barbarossa) of Germany, Richard the Lion-Hearted of England, and Philip II of France. The death of Frederick Barbarossa by drowning in the river Saleph, 1190, and the consequent destruction of the German army. Capture of Acre by the Christians in 1191. Truce with Saladin, 1192. The failure of this crusade, which was planned on a very large scale, marked the end of the heroic crusading era. 13. The crusading plans of the emperor Henry VI, 1190-1197. 14. The ambitions of pope Innocent III to launch an overwhelm- ing crusade. The capture of Constantinople by so-called crusaders in 1204 and the establishment of the Latin empire of Constan- tinople, 1204-1261. The children's crusade, 1212. Innocent preached a "crusade" against the Albigensian heretics in south- ern France, and aided the Christians against the Mohammedans in Spain (Battle of Tolosa, 1212). 15. The capture of Damietta by the Christians in 1219 under John of Brienne. Ultimate loss of the city and failure of this expedition into Egypt. St. Francis of Assisi in Egypt. 16. The emperor Frederick II in the Holy Land. His treaty with El-Kamil, the Sultan of Egypt, in 1229, by which he got possession of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth. Frederick assumed the crown of Jerusalem. Capture of Jerusalem by the fierce Charis- mian Turks in 1244. 17. The crusading fervor of king Louis IX of France. The Life of St. Louis by his friend Joinville. Capture of Damietta in Egypt in 1249. Louis did not follow up his first successes and finally was taken prisoner. When released he went as a pilgrim to Palestine. Fall of Jaffa and Antioch, 1268, into the hands of the Sultan Bibars. The second crusade of St. Louis to Tunis where he died in 1270. xxi THE CRUSADES 203 18. The fall of Acre in 1291 and the end of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. 19. Crusading movements after 1291. The De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae of Pierre Dubois (1309). Missionary activities set in motion largely by the crusades. Eaymund Lull. 20. Changes in Europe in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries which can in a measure be attributed to the crusades. 21. Latin emperors in Constantinople. Baldwin I, 1204-1205 Eobert, 1219-1228 Henry of Flanders, 1205- Baldwin II, 1228-1261 1216 Peter of Courtenay, 1216- 1219 22. Kings of Jerusalem. Godfrey of Bouillon, 1099- [Conrad of Montferrat, 1100 (without the title 1191-1192] of king) [Henry of Champagne, Baldwin I, 1100-1118 1192-1197] Baldwin II, 1118-1130 Amalric II of Lusignan, Fulk of Anjou, 1130-1143 1197-1205 Baldwin III, 1143-1163 Amalric III, 1205-1206 Amalric I, 1163-1174 John of Brienne, 1210-1225 Baldwin IV, 1173-1185 lolande of Brienne, 1225- Baldwin V, 1185-1186 1228 Guy of Lusignan, 1186- Frederick II, 1228-1250 1194 Hugh of Lusignan (King of Cyprus), 1268-1284 B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief surveys. The following are reviews of the subject in a more or less elementary fashion. BEMONT and MONOD, Medieval Europe, 336-374. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, 357-397. ADAMS, Civilization, 258-278. MUNRO, A history of the middle ages, 106- 121. FLICK, Mediaeval church, ch. xx. The article "Crusades" in the Encyclopaedia Britannica was written by E. BARKER, that in the Catholic encyclopedia by L. BREHIER; both are excellent and contain good bibliographical notes. LANGLOIS, Lectures historiques, ch. ix, reprints several famous passages from modern authors on the crusades. Longer accounts. TOUT, The empire and the papacy, chs. vm, xin, xv, xix. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generate, II, ch. vi (translated in part by MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 248-256). LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 227-250. GIB- BON, Decline and fall, treats of the crusades in chs. LVII-LX. 204 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Short books on the crusades in English. The best account is by T. A. ARCHER and C. L. KINGSFORD, The crusades: the story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, New York, 1895 (Stories of the nations). W. B. STEVENSON, The crusaders in the east: a brief his- tory of the wars of Islam with the Latins in Syria during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Cambridge, 1907, presents the subject from the eastern point of view. J. M. LUDLOW, The age of the crusades, Edinburgh, 1897. J. I. MOMBERT, A short history of the crusades, New York, 1894. M. M. C. CALTHROP, The crusades, London, [1913], (The peoples books), is a very slight manual for the general reader. G. W. Cox, The crusades, New York, 1875 (Epochs of history) is very antiquated. Speech of Pope Urban II. This speech has been analyzed care- fully by D. C. MUNRO, "The speech of pope Urban II at Clermont, 1095," American historical review, XI (1905-1906), 231-242. Pilgrimages. BEAZLEY, Dawn of modern geography, I, 125-175, II, 112-217. LACROIX, Military and religious life in the middle ages, 262-393. Original sources. Translations and reprints, vol. I, no. 2, "Urban and the crusaders" (contains translations of the speech of Urban II); vol. I, no. 4, "Letters of the crusaders"; vol. Ill, no. 1, "The fourth crusade." For translations of several accounts of the capture of Jerusalem in 1099 see DUNCALF and KREY, Parallel source problems, 95-133. MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 257-268, "Ibn Jubair's account of his journey through Syria (1184)." EOBINSON, Readings, I, 312-345. THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 510-544. OGG, Source book, 282-296. HENDERSON, Documents, 337-344. The following are the most available longer accounts in Eng- lish: Chronicles of the crusades: being contemporary narratives of the crusade of Eichard Coeur de Lion by Eichard of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf and of the crusade of St. Louis, by Lord John de Joinville, London, 1848. T. A. ARCHER, The crusade of Eichard I, 1189-1192, New York, 1889 (English -history by contemporary writers). VILLEHARDOUIN 's Chronicle of the fourth crusade and the conquest of Constantinople, and JOINVILLE 's Chronicle of the crusade of St. Lewis, are translated by Sir F. MARZIALS, Memoirs of the crusades, London [1908] (Everyman's library). The second of' these is also translated conveniently in The memoirs of the Lord of Joinville: a new English version, by ETHEL WEDGEWOOD, London, 1906. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 66-67, 68, 70-71, 73. xxi THE CRUSADES 205 C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. Information on the crusades is widely scattered in the general books on medieval history. Those on the church, nos. 394-498 above, France, Germany, and Italy, nos. 508-621 above, and the Byzantine empire, nos. 643-679 above, are espe- cially useful. General accounts. B. KUGLER, Geschichte der Kreuzzuge, Berlin, 1880, 2nd edition, 1891, part of no. 313 above. L. BREHIER, L'eglise et I'Orient au moyen age: les croisades, 2nd edition, Paris, 1907. E. HEYCK, Die Kreuzzuge und das heilige Land, Bielefeld and Leip- zig, 1900 (Monographien zur Weltgeschichte). E. EOHRICHT, Geschichte der Kreuzzuge im Umriss, Innsbruck, 1899. The two most comprehensive histories of the crusades unfor- tunately are antiquated, having been written near the beginning of the nineteenth century under the influence of the romantic movement. . J. F. MICHAUD, Histoire des croisades, 3 vols., Paris, 1812-1817, in 7 vols., 1824-1829, translated into English by W. EOBSON, History of the crusades, 3 vols., [1852] (often reprinted). F. WILKEN, Geschichte der Kreuzziige nach morgenldndischen und abendldndischen Berichten, 7 vols., Leipzig, 1807-1832. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land. A. BAUMSTARK, Abendldndische Paldstinerpilger des ersten Jahrtausends und ihre Berichte, Koln, 1906. P. EIANT, Expeditions et pelerinages des Scandinaves en Terre Sainte au temps des croisades, Paris, 1865. First crusade. E. EOHRICHT, Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges Innsbruck, 1901. H. HAGENMEYER, Chronologic de la premiere croi- sade, 1094-1100, Paris, 1902, is taken from Eevue de I'Orient Latin, VI-VIII. Historiography of the first crusades. H. VON SYBEL, Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges, Leipzig, 1841, 3rd edition, 1881, partly trans- lated by Lady DUFF- GORDEN, The history and literature of the crusades, London, 1861. O. J. THATCHER, "Latin sources of the first crusade," Annual report of the American historical association, I (1900), 499-509. T. A. ARCHER, "The Council of Clermont and the first crusade," Scottish review, XXVI (1895), 274-295. L. DU SOMMERARD, Deux princesses d'Orient au 12 siecle: Anne Comnene, temoin des croisades; Agnes de France, Paris, 1907. C. NEUMANN, Griechische Geschichtschreiber und Geschichtsquellen im 12 Jahr- hundert: Studien zu Anna Comnena, Theod. Prodromus, Joh. Cinna- mus, Leipzig, 1888. See also MOLINIER, Les sources d I'histoire de France, V, pp. xcvff. The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and other Latin states in Syria. C. E. CONDER, The Latin kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291, 206 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PABTII London, 1897. E. ROHRICHT, Geschichte des Konigreichs Jerusalem (1100-1291), 2 vols., Innsbruck, 1898. G. DODU, Histoire des insti- tutions monarchiques dans le royaume latin de Jerusalem (1099- 1291), Paris, 1894; and his Le royaume latin de Jerusalem (Con- ference donnee a 1'Universite Nouvelle de Bruxelles). HELEN G. PRESTON, Rural conditions in the kingdom of Jerusalem during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Philadelphia, 1903 (dissertation). G. EEY, Les colonies franques de Syrie aux XII e et XIII e siecles, Paris, 1884. G. SCHLUMBERGER, Les principautes franques dans le Levant, Paris, 1879. G. SCHLUMBERGER, Fin de la domination franque en Syrie apres les dernieres croisades: prise de Saint-Jean d'Acre en I'an 1291 par I'armee du Soudan d'Egypte, Paris, 1914, is an extract from the Eevue des deux mondes, July 15, 1913. Second crusade. B. KUGLER, Analekten zur Geschichte des zwei- ten Kreuzzuges, Tubingen, 1878, 1885; Neue Analekten, 1885. C. NEUMANN, Bernard von Clairvaux und die Anfdnge des zweiten Kreuzzuges, Heidelberg, 1882. H. COSACK, "Konrads III Ent- schluss zum Kreuzzug, " in Mitteilungen des Instituts fur osterreich- ische Geschichtsforschung, XXXV (1914), 278-296. Third crusade. S. L. POOLE, Saladin and the fall of the king- dom of Jerusalem, New York, 1898. A. CARTELLIERI, "Richard Lowenherz im heiligen Lande, ' ' in Historische Zeitschrift, CI (1908), 1-25. G. SCHLUMBERGER, Benaud de Chdtillon, prince d'Antioche, Paris, 1898; and his, Campagnes du roi Amaury I de Jerusalem en Egypte, au XIIe siecle, Paris, 1906. A. GRUHN, Der Kreuzzug Richards I, Berlin, [1892], K. FISCHER, Geschichte des Kreuszuges Kaiser Friedrichs I, Leipzig, 1870. Henry VI plan for a crusade. W. LEONHARDT, Der Kreuzzugs- plan Kaiser Heinrichs VI (dissertation, Giessen, ca. 1914). E. TRAUB, Der Kreuzzugsplan Kaiser Heinrichs VI im Zusammenhang mit der Politik der Jahre 1195-1197, Jena, 1910. Capture of Constantinople in 1204 and the Latin Kingdom established there 1204-1261. A. LUCHAIRE, Innocent III, 6 vols., Paris, 1905-1908, vol. IV, La question d 'Orient. E. PEARS, The fall of Constantinople: being the story of the fourth crusade, New York, 1886. E. GERLAND, Geschichte des lateinischen Kaiserreiches von Konstantinopel, part I, Geschichte der Kaiser Balduin I und Heinrich, 1204-1216, Homburg, 1905. W. NORDEN, Der vierte Kreuz- zug im Sahmen der Beziehungen des Abendlandes zu Byzanz, Berlin, 1898. H. MOESER, Gottfried von Villehardouin und der Lateinerzug gegen Byzanz, 1899. J. TESSIER, La quatrieme croisade: la diversion sur Zara et Constantinople, Paris, 1884. L. STREIT, Beitrage zur Geschichte des vierten Kreuzzuges, Anklam, 1877. Count RIANT, Le xxi THE CRUSADES 207 changement de direction de la quatrieme croisade, Paris, 1878. C. D. DU CANGE, Histoire de I 'empire de Constantinople sous les empereurs Francois, Paris, 1657, new edition by J. A. BUCHON, 2 vols., Paris, 1826. OMAN, Story of the Byzantine empire, 274-306, is a brief summary. The Byzantine empire and the crusades. W. NORDEN, Das Papsttum und Byzanz, Berlin, 1903. F. CHALANDON, Essai sur le regne d' Alexis Comnene (1081-1118); and his Jean II Comnene (1118-1143), Paris, 1912. ALICE GARDNER, The Lascarids of Nicaea: the story of an empire in exile, London, 1912. W. MILLER, The Latins in the Levant. FINLAY, History of Greece, II-IV. Sir E. iiODD, The princes of Achaia and the chronicles of Morea, a study of Greece in the middle ages, London, 1907. J. K. FOTHERINGHAM, Marco Sanudo, conqueror of the Archipelago, Oxford, 1915. G. SCHLUMBERGER, Eecits de Bysance et des croisades, Paris, 1916. A. GRUHN, Die byzantinische PolitiTc zur Zeit der Kreuzziige, Berlin, 1904. J. DRASEKE, "Bischof Anselm von Havelberg und seine Gesandtschaf tsreisen nach Byzanz, ' ' Zeitschrift fur Kirchenge- schichte, XXI (1901), 160-185. For a summary see LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generate, II, ch. xv. The children's crusade. D. C. MUNRO, "The children's cru- sade," American historical review, XIX (1914), 516-524. G. E. GRAY, The crusade of the children in the thirteenth century, New York, 1870. R. ROHRICHT, "Der Kinder Kreuzzug, 1212," in His- torische Zeitschrift, XXXVI (1876), 1-8. DE JANSSENS, Etienne de Cloyes et les croisades d'enfants au XHIe siecle, Paris, 1890. A. DES ESSARTS, La croisade des enfants, Paris, 1852. Fifth crusade. R. ROHRICHT, Studien zur Geschichte des filnften Kreuzzuges, Innsbruck, 1891. Frederick II and the crusades. W. JACOBS, Patriarch Gerold von Jerusalem: ein Beitrag zur Kreuzzugsgeschichte Friedrichs II, Aachen, 1905 (dissertation, Bonn). R. ROHRICHT, Die Kreuzfahrt Friedrich II, Berlin, 1874. Crusades of King Louis IX. E. J. DAVIS, The invasion of Egypt in A.D. 1249 by Louis 9th of France, London, 1898. R. STERNFELD, Ludwigs des Heiligen Kreuzzug nach Tunis 1270 and die PolitiTc Karls I von Sizilien, Berlin, 1896. H. F. DELABORDE, Jean de Join- ville et les sei'gneurs de Joinville, Paris, 1894. Religious military orders. H. PRUTZ, Die geistlichen Bitter- orden: ihre Stellung zur Tcirchlichen, politischen, gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen EntwicTclung des Mittelalters, Berlin, 1908; and his, Der Anted der geistlichen Eitterorden an dem geistigen Leben 208 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII ihrer Zeit, Miinchen, 1908. F. C. WOODHOUSE, The military religious orders, London, 1879. A. RASTOUL, Les Templiers 1118-1312, 2nd edition, Paris, 1905. H. PBUTZ, Entwicklung und Untergang des Templerherrenordens, Berlin, 1888. J. GMELIN, Schuld oder Unschuld des Templerordens: kritischer Versuch zur Losung der Frage, Stuttgart, 1893. K. SCHOTT- MULLER, Der Untergang des Tcmpler-Ordens, 2 vols., Berlin, 1887. L. DELISLE, "Operations financieres des Templiers," in Memoires de I' Academic des Inscriptions, XXXIII (1889). C. G. ADDISON, The history of the Knights Templars, London, 1842; 3rd edition, 1852. G. LIZERAND, ' ' Les depositions du Grand Maitre Jacques de Molay au proces des Templiers, 1307-1314," in Le moyen age, XXVI (1913), 81-106. M. SCHUPFERLJNG, Der Templerherren Orden in Deutschland, Bamberg, 1915. F. LUNDGREEN, Wilhelm von Tyrus und der Templerorden, part I, Berlin, 1911 (dissertation). V. CAR- RIERE, "Les debuts de 1'Ordre du Temple en France," in Le moyen age, XVIII (1914), 308-335. Baron DE DELABRE, Rhodes of the Knights, Oxford, 1909. J. DELAVILLE LE EOULX, Les Hospitallers en Terre Sainte et d Chypre, 1100-1310, Paris, 1904; Les Hospitallers a Rhodes jusqu'd la morte de Philibert de Nailhac, 1310-1421, Paris, 1914; Melanges sur 1'Ordre de S. Jean de Jerusalem, Paris, 1910. W. K. E. BEDFORD and E. HOLBECHE, The order of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, London, 1902. W. PORTER, Knights of Malta or the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 2 vols., London, 1858; 3rd edition of vol. I, 1884. E. PETIET, Contribution d I'histoire de 1'Ordre de Saint- Lazare de Jerusalem en France, Paris, 1914. Crusading movements after 1291. F. HEIDELBERGER, Kreuzzugs- versuche um die Wende des 13 Jahrhunderts, Berlin and Leipzig, 1911 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 31). A. GOTTRON, Ramon Lulls Kreuzzungsideen, Berlin, 1912. . J. DELA- VILLE LE EOULX, La France en Orient au XlVe siecle: expeditions du marechal Boucicaut, 2 vols., Paris, 1886, parts 44-45 of no. 887 above. N. IORGA, Notes et extraits pour servir d I'histoire des croi- sades au XVe siecle, 5 vols., Paris, 1899-1915. Preaching of crusades. A. LECOY DE LA MARCHE, "La predica- tion de la croisade au XIII 6 siecle," in Revue des questions his- toriques, XL VIII (1890), 5-28. E. EOHRICHT, "Die Kreuzpredigten gegen den Islam," in Zeitschrift filr Kirchengeschichte, VI (1884), 550-572. Privileges of the crusaders. E. BRIDREY, La condition juridique des croises et le privilege de la croix, Paris, 1901. EDITH BRAMHALL, xxi THE CRUSADES 209 ' ' The privileges of the crusaders, ' ' American journal of theology, V (1902), 279ff. Archaeological evidences of the crusades. G. BEY, Etudes sur les monuments de I' architecture militaire des croisades en Syrie et dans I 'He de Chypre, Paris, 1871. C. ENLART, L'art gothique et la renaissance en Chypre, 2 vols., Paris, 1899. G. SCHLUMBERGER, Numismatique de I 'Orient Latin, Paris, 1878. Cyprus. B. STEWART, Cyprus: the people, mediaeval cities, castles, antiquities, and history of the island, London, 1908. W. STUBBS, "The mediaeval kingdoms of Cyprus, and Armenia," in his Seventeen lectures, ch. vin. Culture and the crusades. H. PRUTZ, Kulturgeschichte der Kreuzzuge, Berlin, 1883. O. HENNE AM RHYN, Kulturgeschichte der Kreuzzuge, Leipzig, 1894. O. HENNE AM RHYN, Die Kreuzzuge und die Kultur ihrer Zeit, Leipzig, 1886. A. v. KREMER, Culturgeschicht- Uche Beziehungen zwischen Europa und dem Oriente, Vienna, 1876, is a short lecture. Legends of the crusades. The classic refutation of the legend of Peter the Hermit is H. HAGENMEYER, Peter der Eremite, Leipzig, 1879. The famous legend of the finding of the holy lance in Antioch is treated in full by J. STRAUBINGER, Die Kreuzauffind- ungslegende, Paderborn, 1912 (vol. IX, part 3, of no. 489 above). B. KUGLER, Albert von Aachen, Stuttgart, 1885; and his AnaleJc- ten sur Kritilc Alberts von Aachen, Tubingen, 1888 (Albert was the author of a "saga" of the first crusade c. 1120). G. PARIS, in the introduction of his edition of L'estoire de la guerre sainte, Paris, 1897, discussed the legend of the third crusade. H. PIGON- NEAU, Le cycle de la croisade et de la famille de Bouillon, Paris, 1877. Art of war of the crusaders. O. HEERMANN, Die Gefechtsfuhr- ung abendldndischer Heere im Orient in der Epoche des ersten Kreuzzugs, Marburg, 1888. See also OMAN, The art of war, 229- 350; and H. DELBRUCK, Geschichte der KriegsTcunst, III, 226-231. Miscellaneous books. D. C. MUNRO, H. PRUTZ, and C. DIEHL, Essays on the crusades, Burlington, Vermont, 1903. R. ROHRICHT, Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Kreuzzuge, 2 vols., Berlin, 1874-1878. G. DESDEVISES DTJ DEZERT, Bibliographic du centenaire des croisades, Clermont, 1895, and his Les croisades, Clermont, 1895, are publica- tions called forth by the octocentenary of the crusades celebrated at Clermont-Ferrand in 1895. O. VOLK, Die abendlandischhierarch- ische Kreuzzugsidee, Halle, 1911. G. MARCAIS, Les Arabes en Ber- berie du Xle au XlVe siecle, Paris, 1914. Oriens christianus, rom- ische Halbjahrhefte fur Kunde des christlichen Orients, Leipzig, 1901ff. C. M. WATSON, The story of Jerusalem, London, 1912 210 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAR T n (Mediaeval towns). ESTELLE BLYTHE, Jerusalem and the crusades, New York, 1914. G. LE STRANGE, Palestine under the Moslems: a description of Syria and the Holy Land from A. D. 650 to 1500, Lon- don, 1890. Original sources. The most comprehensive collection of sources for the crusades is the Kecueil des historiens des croisades, public par les soins de 1 'Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres, in 14 huge folio vols., Paris, 1841-1898. This almost entirely super- sedes the old collection by J. BONGARS, Gesta dei per Francos sive orientalium expeditionum et regni Francorum hierosolimitani his- toria, vols. I and II, Hannover, 1612. The Societe de 1 'Orient Latin, founded in 1875 by Count Eiant, published much source material for a history of the crusades in its Publications, 1879ff., in a serie geographique, and a serie historique, the contents of which are listed in POTTHAST, Wegweiser, I, p. cxxiii; its Archives, 2 vols., 1881 and 1884; and its Eevue, 1893-1902, which, besides articles, book-reviews, and bibliographies, contains many texts. English translations of pilgrimages to the Holy Land are collected in great numbers in Palestine pilgrims text society, 13 vols., London, 1897 (the contents of which is analyzed in J. W. THOMPSON, Reference studies in medieval history, second edition, Chicago, 1914, pp. 102-104) ; and in Early travels in Palestine, com- prising the narratives of Arculf, etc., edited by T. WRIGHT, London, 1848. See also Deutsche Pilgerreisen nach dem Heiligen Lande, edited by R. ROHRICHT and H. MEISNER, Berlin, 1880, new abridged edited by R. ROHRICHT, Innsbruck, 1900. French translations of extracts from the sources of the crusades were issued long ago by J. MICHAUD, Bibliotheque de croisades, 2nd edition, 4 vols., Paris, 1829-1830. GUIZOT'S Collection des memoires, no. 971 above, also contains translations of accounts of the cru- sades. It would carry us too far afield to try to enumerate separate editions of original sources of the crusades. It will be serviceable, however, to mention the following works edited by H. HAGENMEYER, Historia Hierosolymitana, 1095-1127, of FOULCHER OF CHARTRES, Heidelberg, 1913; Anonymi gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosoly- mitanorum, Heidelberg, 1890; EJclcehardi urangiensis abbatis Hiero- solymita nach der Waitzschen Eecension, Tubingen, 1877; Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus dem Jahren 1098-1100, mit Erlaiiterungen, Inns- bruck, 1901 (RlANT has an Inventaire critique of these letters in the Archives de I'Orient latin, I). See also the documentary mate- rial for the Kingdom of Jerusalem, edited by R. ROHRICHT, Kegesta regni Hierosolymitani (1098-1291), Innsbruck, 1893, with an Addi- POPES AND HOHENSTAUFEN - 211 tamentum, 1904. Important material has been edited by P. EIANT, Excuviae sacrae constantinopolitanae, 2 vols., Geneva, 1877-1878; and an additional volume by F. DE MELY, Paris, 1904. PIERRE DUBOIS, De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae, edited by C. V. LANGLOIS, Paris, 1891 (part 9 of no. 968 above), written in 1309, is the best source of information concerning crusading ideas in the four- teenth century. Cartulaire general de I'ordre du Temple, 1119-1150, edited by MARQUIS D'ALBON, Paris, 1913; and Cartulaire generale de I'ordre des Hospitallers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, 11001310, edited by J. DELAVILLE LE EOULX, 4 vols., Paris, 1894ff., are two important collections of source material for the study of the military religious orders. Chronicle of Morea, edited by J. SCHMITT, London, 1904. Naturally much material on the crusades is also found scattered in many of the great national collections, such as nos. 965-971, 978, 986, 988, 995 above. Bibliographies. The best bibliography of the sources of the crusades, especially the first, is in MOLINIER, Les sources de I'Ms- toire de France, II, 266-304, III, 25-54, 104-113, 237-244. A great amount of bibliographical information may be found in the various publications of the Societe de 1 'Orient Latin (see above). The large library of Count RIANT was acquired by Harvard Uni- versity in 1899. The catalogue is printed under the title Cata- logue de la bibliotheque de feu M. le Comte Eiant: redige par L. DE GERMON et L. POLAIN, 2nd part, 2 vols., Paris, 1899 (for crusades see especially nos. 2958-3433); and the collection is described by A. C. POTTER, The library of Harvard University, 3rd edition, Har- vard University Press, 1915. XXII. THE POPES AND THE HOHENSTAUFEN A. OUTLINE 1. A new phase of the irrepressible conflict between the empire and the papacy. The struggle was now almost a purely political one, and the immediate bone of contention was the possession of Italy. 2. The truce, 1123-1157. Origin of the quarrel between the Hohenstaufen (Waiblingen, Ghibellines) and the Welfs (Guelfs). The schism of popes Innocent II and Anaclete in 1130. Harmony between Lothair II, 1125-1138, and pope Innocent II. Conrad III (1138-1152), the first Hohenstaufen emperor, on the second cru- sade in 1147. The political influence of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Arnold of Brescia in Rome in 1147. 3. The emperor Frederick I (Barbarossa), of Hohenstaufen, 1152-1190. His remarkable personality. His exalted position as 212 -GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII a German king. Striking advance in German civilization during his reign. His reliance on the Roman law. Henry the Lion and the Slavs. 4. Frederick's imperial policy in Italy renewed the strife between empire and papacy. His Eoncaglian diets in Italy. The astounding rise of Italian cities in Lombardy and Tuscany and their resistance to the encroachment of the emperor. Execution of Arnold of Brescia and the end of the commune in Rome in 1155. In that year Frederick was crowned emperor in St. Peter's by pope Hadrian IV (an Englishman). Strength of the papacy; its alliance with the Normans and its sympathy with the Italian cities. The Besanc.on episode in 1158. Destruction of Milan in 1158. Accession of pope Alexander III (Roland Bandinelli) in 1159. The founding of Alessandria. The Lombard League, 1167. Battle of Legnano, 1176. Peace of Venice, 1177. Peace of Con- stance, 1183. The treachery of Henry the Lion. 5. The last years of Frederick Barbarossa. The fateful mar- riage of his son Henry (Henry VI) to Constance, heiress of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1186. Frederick went on the third crusade and was drowned in the river Saleph in Asia Minor in 1190. The legend of Frederick Barbarossa (Kyffhaiiser). 6. The reign of Henry VI, 1190-1197. His difficulty in main- taining a hold on his kingdom of the Two Sicilies. His plans to conquer the whole orient. Capture and ransom of king Richard the Lion-Hearted. 7. The renewed Guelf-Ghibelline struggle in Germany, 1198- 1215. Disputed election between Philip of Swabia (a Hohen- staufen) and Otto IV of Brunswick (a Guelf), the son of Henry the Lion. The role of pope Innocent III as king-maker. In 1212 he put forth his ward, Frederick II, son of Henry VI, as emperor. Battle of Bouvines in 1214. 8. The political power of pope Innocent III, 1198-1216. He became pope at the age of 38 years. Educated at the universities of Bologna and Paris. The Liber censuum ecclesiae romanae, 1192. Innocent's political supremacy in Rome and in Italy. His power in Germany has been indicated above. The kings of the Two Sicilies, of Sweden, Denmark, Portugal, Aragon, and Poland became his vassals. He humbled king Philip Augustus of France. England was laid under an interdict in 1208 and in 1213 king John became the vassal of the pope. Innocent III condemned the Great Charter of 1215. His plans for a vast crusade. The Albigensian crusade. The great Christian victory of the Christians in Spain at Tolosa, 1212. The Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. xxn POPES AND HOHENSTAUFEN 213 9. The death-struggle between the emperor Frederick II (Stupor mundi), the last great Hohenstaufen, and the papacy. His peculiar character and his education in the Norman kingdom of Sicily. His colony of Saracen soldiers at Lucera in Italy. Excom- munication of Frederick II by pope Gregory IX (Cardinal Ugo- lino) in 1227. Frederick's crusade, 1228-1229. Acquisition of Jerusalem by treaty with El-Kamil, the sultan of Egypt in 1229. Frederick's trouble with the Lombard towns, supported by the papacy. Eenewed excommunication of the emperor in 1239. Cap- ture of a general council, 1241. Deposition of Frederick II at the council of Lyons in 1245, in the pontificate of Innocent IV. Henry Easpe, landgrave of Thuringia, and after his death, Will- iam, count of Holland, were set up as anti-kings. Death of Fred- erick II in 1250 near Lucera. 10. The last of the Hohenstaufen. Conrad IV, 1250-1254, son of Frederick II. In 1254 Conrad died leaving an infant son, Conradin. Manfred, illegitimate son of Frederick II, became king of the Two Sicilies in 1258. In 1266 pope Clement IV made Charles of Anjou, brother of king Louis IX, king of Sicily. Man- fred was killed in the battle of Grandella in 1267 and the boy Conradin, the last Hohenstaufen, was beheaded in Naples in 1268. 11. The' Great Interregnum in Germany, 1254-1273. The period of "fist-law" (Faustrecht). 12. Eastward expansion of Germany, especially in the times of the Hohenstaufen. Recent emphasis on the importance of this expansion of the German people, which had been obscured by the undue prominence given to the struggle between empire and papacy. (Compare with the recent appreciation of the importance of the "Westward Movement" in American history.) Possible avenues of German expansion. The pioneers: missionaries (espe- cially Cistercians), adventurous knights, traders, cultivators of the soil. The zone of the Elbe: margraves of Brandenburg, ruth- less extermination of the Slavs, Czechs of Bohemia. The zone of the Oder: Pomerania, Poland, and Silesia. The zone of the Vistula and Niemen: Lithuanians, Letts, and Prussians; Knights of the Sword (1200) and the Teutonic Knights, 1220. Herman of Salza, grand master of the order. The beginnings of the Hanseatic League. The nomad Tartars in Eussia ca. 1240. Beginnings of Prussia and Austria. 13. Emperors, 1125-1272. Lothair II, 1125-1138 Frederick I (Barbarossa), Conrad III, 1138-1152 1152-1190 214 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PART II rivals Henry VI, 1190-1197 Otto IV, 1197-1212 ] Philip II, 1197-1208 j Frederick II, 1212-1250 [Henry Kaspe, 1246-1247; and William of Hol- land, 1247-1256] anti- kings. 14. Popes, 1124-1276. Honorius II, 1124-1130 Innocent II, 1130-1143 [Anacletus, 1130-1138, and Victor, 1138, anti-popes] Celestine II, 1143-1144 Lucius II, 1144-1145 Eugenius III, 1145-1153 Anastasius IV, 1153-1154 Hadrian IV, 1154-1159 Alexander III, 1159-1181 [Victor, 1159-1164; Paschal III, 1164-1168; Calixtus III, 1168-1178; and Lando, 1178-1180, anti- popes] Conrad IV, 1250-1254 The Great Interregnum, 1254-1273, during which Richard, Earl of Corn- wall, and Alfonso X, King of Castile, were non-resident rivals. Lucius III, 1181-1185 Urban III, 1185-1187 Gregory VIII, 1187 Clement III, 1187-1191 Celestine III, 1191-1198 Innocent III, 1198-1216 Honorius III, 1216-1227 Gregory IX, 1227-1241 Celestine IV, 1241 Innocent IV, 1243-1254 Alexander IV, 1254-1261 Urban IV, 1261-1264 Clement IV, 1265-1268 Gregory X, 1271-1276 B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Short general accounts. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, chs. ix-x. BRYCE, Holy Roman empire, chs. xi-xni. HENDERSON, A short his- tory of Germany, ch. iv. ADAMS, Civilization, ch. x. Longer surveys. TOUT, Empire and papacy, chs. x-xiv, xvi, xxi. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, II, chs. m-iv. VILLARI, Mediaeval Italy, 197-286. HENDERSON, A history of Germany in the middle ages, chs. xv-xxvm. H. D. SEDGWICK, Italy in the thirteenth century, 2 vols., Boston, 1912, I, chs. vi, ix, x, xni, xxn-xxm. E. A. FREEMAN has two interesting essays on Frederick I and Frederick II in his Historical essays, first series, 257-322. The best summary in German is in Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, edited by B. GEBHARDT, I, chs. ix-x. Short books in English on the subject. The best is U. BALZANI, The popes and the Hohenstaufen, London, 1888. The subject is approached from the standpoint of the papacy in D. J. MEDLEY, The church and the empire, 1003-1304, chs. vi-x, xv; and in BARRY, The papal monarchy, chs. xvi-xvm, xxi-xxn. POPES AND HOHENSTAUFEN 215 Lombard communes. W. F. BUTLER, The Lombard communes, New York, 1906, chs. v-x, is an important study of the relations between the Hohenstaufen and the Italian cities. See also the short sketch in H. FISHER, The medieval empire, II, eh. xin. ' Henry the Lion. A. L. POOLS, Henry the Lion, London, 1912. Innocent III. The great standard work on the pontificate of Innocent is A. LUCHAIRE, Innocent III, 6 vols., Paris, 1905-1908 (vol. I, Some et I'ltalie, 1904, 2nd edition, 1905; II, La croisade des Albigeois, 1905, 2nd edition, 1906; III, La papaute et I'empire, 1906; IV, La question d 'Orient, 1907; V, Les royautes vassales du Saint- Siege, 1908; VI, Le concile de Latran et la reforme de I'eglise, with an index of the six vols., 1908). C. PIERIE GORDON, Innocent the Great, New York, 1907, is a hastily written popular book. For a short sketch of the pontificate of Innocent III, see FLICK, Rise of the mediaeval church, ch. xxn. Frederick II. L. ALLSHORN, Stupor mundi: the life and times of Frederick II, London, 1912, is a recent biography for the general reader. T. L. KINGTON, History of Frederick II, 2 vols., London, 1862, is still the most complete biography in English. The most thorough examination of the life and times of Frederick II is in the introduction of J. L. A. HUILLARD-BREHOLLES, Historia diplo- matica Friderici Secundi, 12 vols., Paris, 1852-1861 (the introduc- tion is in the last volume). The capture of the council which was to meet in Eome in 1241 is told by G. C. MACAULAY, "The cap- ture of a general council, 1241," in English historical review, VI (1891), 1-17. Eastward expansion of Germany. A remarkably pithy survey was written by the Nestor of French historians, E. LAVISSE, Polit- ical history of Europe, 45-57. Other short accounts in English are H. FISHER, The medieval empire, II, 1-54; HENDERSON, A history of Germany in the middle ages, eh. xxvii; LODGE, The close of the middle ages, chs. v and xix, passim. A short sketch in German with a good bibliography is J. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittel- alters, 130-136. For more authoritative accounts in German see K. LAMPRECHT, Deutsche Geschichte, III, 330-420; E. MICHAEL, Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, I, 3rd edition, Freiburg, 1897, 86- 128; H. GERDES, Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, III, 413-440. Original sources. A large amount of miscellaneous matter relat- ing to this period is translated in THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 166-259. See also EORINSON, Readings, I, 296-311; OGG, Source book, 398-409; and HENDERSON, Select documents, 211-218, 410-432. The most engaging historian of the twelfth century was OTTO 216 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAKTII OP FREISING, whose Gesta Friderici I were edited by G. WAITZ in 1884, and are translated into German, Die Taten Friedrichs, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1894, in Die Geschichtschreiber, no. 981 above, vols., LIX-LX. For the time of the last Hohenstaufen, the most entertaining work is the Cronica of SALIMBENE DE ADAM (1221- 1288), edited by O. HOLDER-EGGER in no. 978 above (Scriptores, vol. XXXII, parts 1 and 2, Hannover, 1905-1908), and recently also translated into German in Die Geschichtschreiber, no. 981 above, vols. XCIII-XCIV. This famous chronicle has also been translated in part into Engluh by G. G. COULTON, From Francis to Dante: translations from the chronicle of the Franciscan Salimbene (1221- 1288), 2nd edition, London, 1907. Another important and interest- ing source of information for the time of Frederick is MATTHEW PARIS, Chronica majora, translated by J. A. GILES, 4 vols., London, 1852. Sources on the eastward expansion of Germany have been col- lected recently by E. KOTZSCHKE, Quellen zur Geschichte der ost- deutschen Kolonisation im 12 bis 14 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1912 (Quellensammlung zur deutschen Geschichte). Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 70-73. For the eastward expansion of Germany see also 46-47, 57, 62-63, 94-95. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general histories of Germany and Italy, nos. 560-621 above, and of the church, nos. 394-498 above, are most useful. General accounts. K. HAMPE, Deutsche Kaisergeschichte in der Zeit der Salier und Staufer, Leipzig, 1909, 2nd edition, 1912. I. JAS- TROW, and G. WINTER, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Hohen- staufen, 1125-1273, vols. I and II, Berlin, 1893-1901, part of no. 560 above. F. v. RAUMER, Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit, 6 vols., Leipzig, 1823-1825, 5th edition, 1878. J. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittelalters, 1197-1492, pp. 1-148 (contains excellent bibliographies). MILMAN, History of Latin Christianity, books VIII-X (vols. IV-V). J. LANGEN, Geschichte der romischen Kirche von Gregor VII bis Innocenz III, Bonn, 1893. GREGOROVIUS, History of the city of Some in the middle ages, books VIII, IX. MRS. W. BUSK, Mediaeval popes, emperors, Icings, and crusades, from 1125 1268, 4 vols., London, 1854-1856. E. EOSENSTOCK, Konighaus und Stamme in Deutschland zwischen 911 und 1250, Leipzig, 1914. H. BLOCK, Die staufischen Kaiserwahlen und die Entstehung des Kur- fiirstentums, Leipzig, 1911. J. VON PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, Die Papst- wahlen und das Kaisertum, 1046-1328, Gotha, 1908. J. ZELLER, xxn POPES AND HOHENSTAUFEN 217 L 'empire germanique sous les Hohenstaufen, Paris, 1881. P. SCHEF- FER-BoiCHORST, Zur Geschichte des 12 und 13 Jahrhunderts : diplo- matische Studien, Berlin, 1877 (Historische Studien, edited by E. EBERING, 8). Conrad III. W. BERNHARDI, Konrad III, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1883, part of no. 570 above. Frederick I (Barbarossa) . H. SIMONSFELD, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Eeichs unter Friedrich I, vol. I (1152-1158), Leipzig, 1908, part of no. 570 above. W. v. GIESEBRECHT, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, V and VI. A. KUHNE, Das Herrscherideal des Mittel- alters und Kaiser Friedrich I, Leipzig, 1898, part 5:2 of Leipziger Studien. H. PRUTZ, Kaiser Friedrich I, 3 vols., Danzig, 1871-1874. Frederick Barbarossa 's relations with the papacy can be studied in detail in the following books: H. K. MANN, Nicholas Breakspear (Hadrian IV), the only English pope (1154-1159), Lon- don, 1914. J. D. MACKIE, Pope Adrian IV, Oxford, 1907 (the Lothian essay). O. J. THATCHER, Studies concerning Adrian IV, Chicago, 1903 (in the decennial publications of the University of Chicago, first series, vol. IV). H. SCHRORS, Untersuchungen zu dem Streite Kaiser Friedrichs I mit Papst Hadrian IV, 1157-1158, Ber- lin, 1916. H. EEUTER, Geschichte Alexanders des Dritten und der Kirche seiner Zeit, 3 vols., vols. I and II in 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1860-1864. F. DE LAFORGE, Alexander III ou rapports de ce pape avec la France aux debuts de la lutte du Sacerdoce et de I 'Empire, 2nd edition, Sens, 1905. G. KLEEMANN, Papst Gregor VIII, 1187, Bonn, 1912. The legends concerning Frederick Barbarossa are collected in J. GRIMM, Gedichte des Mittelalters auf Konig Friedrich I, den Staufer, Berlin, 1843; and in W. GUNDLACH, Barbarossalieder, Inns- bruck, 1899. Lombard communes. G. B. TESTA, History of the war of 'Fred- erick I against the communes of Lombardy, translated from the Italian, revised by author, London, 1877. G. VOLPE, Questioni fon- damentali sull' origine e svolgimento dei comuni italiani ( sec. 10- 14), Pisa, 1905. L. v. HEINEMANN, Zur Entstehung der Stadtver- fassung in Italien, Leipzig, 1896. F. LANZANI, Storia dei comuni italiani dalle origini al 1313, Milan, 1882. C. VIGNATI, Storia diplo- matica della lega Lombarda, Milan, 1866. F. GUTERBOCK, Der Friede von Montebello und die Weiterentwicklung des Lombardenbundes, Berlin, 1895 (dissertation). M. A. v. BETHMANN-HOLLWEG, Ursprung der lombardischen' Stadtefreiheit, Bonn, 1846. F. GRAF, Die Grilnd- ung von Alessandria: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Lombarden- bundes, Berlin, 1887 (dissertation). Although largely devoted to description and travel the two following books have historical 218 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII notices: E. HUTTON, The cities of Lombardy, New York and London, 1912. E. E. WILLIAM, Lombard towns of Italy: or the cities of ancient Lombardy, New York and London, 1914. Arnold of Brescia. A. HAUSRATH, Arnold von Brescia, Leipzig, 1891 (also in his Weltverbesserer, vol. II, Leipzig, 1895). E. VACAN- DARD, ' ' Arnauld de Brescia, ' ' in Sevue des questions historiques, XXXV (1884), 52-114. E. BREYER, "Arnold von Brescia," in MAURENBRECHER, Historisches Taschenbuch, 1889, pp. 123ff. G. GAG- OIA, Arnaldo da Brescia, Brescia, 1881. G. GUERZONI, Arnaldo da Brescia, Milan, 1882. W. GIESEBRECHT, "tiber Arnold von Brescia," Munich, 1873, part of no. 895 above. G. DE CASTRO, Arnaldo da Brescia e la rivoluzione romana del XII secolo, Livorno, 1875. G. GUIBAL, Arnauld de Brescia et les Hohenstauffen, Paris, 1868. V. CLAVEL, Arnauld de Brescia et les Eomains du XII e siecle (avec une carte de Koine), Paris, 1868 is of little value, but the map will be found useful. Henry the Lion. J. HALLER, Der Sturz Heinrichs des Lowen, Leipzig, 1911 (see the review of it by H. NIESE in the form of a Miszelle in Historische Zeitschrift, CXII (1914), 548-561). F. GUTERBOCK, Der Prozess Heinrichs des Lowen: Jcritische Untersuch- ungen, Berlin, 1909. M. PHILIPPSON, Geschichte Heinrichs des Lowen, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1867. H. PRUTZ, Heinrich der Lowe, Hersog von Baiern und Sachsen, Leipzig, 1865. Henry VI. A. CARTELLIERI, Heinrich VI und der Hohepunkt der stauftschen Kaiserpolitik, Leipzig, 1914, is a lecture of 20 pages. J. HALLER, "Kaiser Heinrich VI," in Historische Zeitschrift, CXIII (1914), 473-504. H. BLOCK, Forschungen zur Politik Kaiser Hein- richs VI in den Jahren 1191-1194, Berlin, 1892. T. TOECHE, Kaiser Heinrich VI, Leipzig, 1867, part of no. 570 above. Philipp and Otto IV. E. WINKELMANN, Philipp von Schwab en und Otto IV von Braunschweig, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1873-1878, part of no. 570 above. Innocent III. F. HURTER, Geschichte Papst Innocenz III und seiner Zeitgenossen, 4 vols., Hamburg, 1834-1842 (vol. I in 3rd edition, 1841; II-IV in 2nd edition, 1842-1844), translated by A. DE SAINT- CHERON and J. B. HAIBER, Histoire du Pape Innocent III, 3 vols., Paris, 1838, 2nd edition, 1855. F. BAETHGEN, Die Begentschaft Papst Innocenz III im Konigreich Sizilien, Heidelberg, 1914 (Heidel- berger Abhandlungen 44). J. N. BRISCHAR, Papst Innocenz III und seine Zeit, Freiburg, 1883. E. ENGELMANN, Philipp von Schwaben und Papst Innocenz III wdhrend des deutschen Thronstreites, 1198- 1208, Berlin, 1896 (Programm). E. SCHWEMER, Innocenz III und die deutsche Kirche wdhrend des Thronstreites von 1198-1208, Stras- burg, 1882. XXII POPES AND HOHENSTAUFEN 219 Frederick II. E. WINKELMANN, Kaiser Friedrich II, vols. I and II (to 1233), Leipzig, 1889-1897, part of no. 570 above. F. J. BIEHRINGER, Kaiser Friedrich II, Berlin, 1912 (Historische Studien, 102). F. SCHNEIDER, Beitrdge zur Geschichte Friedrichs II und Man- freds, Eome, 1912. K. HAMPE, "Kaiser Friedrich II," in His- torische Zeitschrift, LXXXIII (1899), 1-42. F. SCHIRMER, Beitrage zur Geschichte Kaiser Friedrichs II, Friedland, 1904 (dissertation, Eostock). G. BLONDEL, Etude sur la politique de I'empereur Frederic II en Allemagne, Paris, 1892. J. ZELLER, L'empereur Frederic II, et la chute de I'empire germanique au moyen age, Paris, 1885. F. W. SCHIRRMACHER, Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite, 4 vols., Gottingen, 1859- 1865. J. L. A. HUILLARD-BREHOLLES, Vie et correspondence de Pierre de la Vigne, ministre de I'empereur Frederic II, Paris, 1865. F. STIEVE, Ezzelino von Eomano, Leipzig, 1909. C. CANTU, Ezelino da Eomano, Milan, 1901. P. KEINHOLD, Die Emporung Konig Hein- richs (VII) gegen seinen Vater, Leipzig, 1911 (part 25 of Leipziger historische Abhandlungen). E. MALSCH, Heinrich Easpe, Landgraf von Thilringen und deutscher Konig (^1247}, Halle, 1911. F. GRAEFE, Die Publizistik in der letzten Epoche Kaiser Friedrichs II, 1239-1250, Heidelberg, 1909 (part 24 of Heidelberger Abhand- lungen). For Frederick's interesting colony of Saracen soldiers at Luc era in Italy, see P. EGIDI, La colonia Saracena di Lucera e la sua distrusione, Naples, 1915. H. CHONE, Die Handelsbeziehungen Kaiser Friedrichs II zu den Seestddten Venedig, Pisa, Genua, Berlin, 1902. Frederick's relations with the papacy can be studied in detail in the following books ^ C. KOHLER, Das Verhdltnis Kaiser Fried- richs II zu den Pdpsten seiner Zeit, Breslau, 1888 (part 24 of Gierke's Untersuchungen). M. HALBE, Friedrich II und der pdpstliche Stuhl Berlin, 1888. F. FEHLING, Kaiser Friedrich II und die romischen Cardindle in den Jahren 1227 ~bis 1239, Berlin, 1901 (part 21 of His- torische Studien, edited by E. EBERING). J. CLAUSEN, Papst Hon- orius III, Bonn, 1895. E. BREM, Papst Gregor IX bis zum Beginn seines Pontifikats, Heidelberg, 1911 (part 32 of Heidelberger Abhandlungen). J. FELTEN, Papst Gregor IX, Freiburg, 1886. P. DESLANDRES, Innocent IV et la chute des Hohenstaufen, Paris, 1907 (Science et religion, 429). A. FOLZ, Kaiser Friedrich II und Papst Innocenz IV: ihr Kampf in den Jahren 1244 und 1245, Strasburg, 1905. C. EODENBERG, Innocenz IV und das Konigreich Sizilien 1245- 1254, Halle, 1892. The last Hohenstaufen. F. W. SCHIRRMACHER, Die letzten Hohen- staufen, Gottingen, 1871 (on Conrad IV). A. KARST, Geschichte Manfreds vom Tode Friedrichs II bis zu seiner Kronung (1250-1258), 220 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PABTII Berlin, 1897 (part 6 of Historische Studien, edited by E. EBERING). K. HAMPE, Urban IV und Manfred (1S61-1264), Heidelberg, 1905 (part 11 of Heidelberger Abhandlungen). A. BERGMANN, Konig Manfred von Sizilien, 1264-1266, Heidelberg, 1909 (part 23 of Heidel- berger Abhandlungeii). K. HAMPE, Geschichte Konradins von Hohen- staufen, Innsbruck, 1894. E. JORDAN, Les origines de la domination angevine en Italic, Paris, 1909. The Great Interregnum. J. KEMPF, Geschichte des deutschen Reiches wdhrend des grossen Interregnums, 1254-1273, Wiirzburg, 1893. E. MULLER, Peter von Prezza: ein Publizist der Zeit des Inter- regnums, Heidelberg, 1914. J. J. BAPPERT, Richard von Cornwallis 1257-1272, Bonn, 1905. G. LEMCKE, Beitrdge zur Geschichte Konigs Richard von Cornwall, Berlin, 1909. Eastward expansion of Germany. E. KOTZSCHKE, Stoat und Kultur im Zeitalter der ostdeutschen Kolonisation, Leipzig, 1910. E. SEBICHT, Unsere mittelalterliche Ostmarkenpolitik : eine Geschichte der Besiedelung und Wiedereindeutschung Ostdeutschlands, Bresslau, 1910. E. KOTZSCHKE, "Neuere Forschungen zur Geschichte der ostdeutschen. Kolonisation," in Deutsche Geschichtsbldtter, 11. H. WITTE, "Zur Erforschung der Germanisation unseres Ostens," in Hansische Geschichtsbldtter, 1908. H. ERNST, Die Kolonisation von Ostdeutschland : Vbersicht und Literatur, erste Halfte, 1888 (Pro- gramm). G. WENDT, Die Germanisierung der Lander ostlich der Elbe, Liegnitz, 1884-1889 (Programm in two parts). E. O. SCHULZE, Die Eolonisierung der Gebiete zwischen Saale und Elbe, Leipzig, 1896. A. PUSCHEL, Das Anwachsen der deutschen Stddte in der Zeit der mittelalterlichen Kolonialbewegung, Berlin, 1910. F. SCHMIDT, Kolon- isation und Besiedelung Mdhrens im 12 und 13 Jahrhunderts, Nentit- schein, 1905 (Programm). G. BLUMSCHEIN, Vber die Germanisierung der Lander zwischen Elbe und Oder, Koln, 1895 (Programm). B. HEIL, Griindung der norddeutschen Kolonialstddte und ihre Entwick- lung bis zum Ende des 13 Jahrhunderts, Wiesbaden, 1896 (Pro- gramm). V. HASENOHRL, Deutschlands siidostliche MarTcen im 10, 11, und 12 Jahrhundert, Vienna, 1895 (also in Archiv fur osterreich- ische Geschichte, 82). G. v. EOPP, Deutsche Kolonien im 12 und 13 Jahrhundert, Giessen, 1886. A. MEITZEN, Die Ausbreitung der Deutschen in Deutschland und ihre Besiedelung der Slawengebiete, Jena, 1879. W. WATTENBACH, "Die Germanisierung der ostlichen Grenzmarken des deutschen Eeichs, " in Historische Zeitschrift, IX (1863), 386-417. Missionaries in eastern Germany. J. W. THOMPSON, "The Ger- man church and the conversion of the Baltic Slavs, I," American XXII POPES AND HOHENSTAUFEN 221 journal of theology, April (1916). H. GROSSLER, Die Begriindung der christliclien Kirche in dem Lande zwischen Saale und Elbe, Eisleben, 1907. L. NOTTROTT, Aus der Wendenmission, Halle, 1897. W. WIESENER, Die Geschichte der christlichen Kirche in Pommern zur Wendenzeit, Berlin, 1889. SIENIAWSKI, Die Missionsreisen des Bischofs Otto v. Bamberg nach dem Lande der heidnischen Pommern 1125-1127 (1128), Glatz, 1908. G. JURITSCH, Geschichte des Biscliofs Otto I von Bamberg, des Pommern-apostels (1102-1139), Gotha, 1889. C. MASKUS, Bischof Otto I von Bamberg als Bischof, Eeichsfiirst und Missionar, Breslau, 1889 (dissertation). H. C. VOIGT, Brun von Querfurt: Monch, Eremit, Erzbischof, Martyrer, Stuttgart, 1907. H. C. VOIGT, Adalbert von Prag, Berlin, 1898. The Teutonic Knights in Prussia. M. OHLER, Geschichte des deutschen Eitterordens, vol. I, Elbing, 1908. A. WERMINGHOFF, Der deutsche Orden und die Stdnde in Preussen bis zum 2 TJiorner Frieden im Jahre 1466, Munich, 1912. W. v. KETRZYNSKI, Die deutschen Orden und Konrad v. Masovien (1225-1235), enlarged German edition, Lemberg, 1904. A. KOCH, Hermann von Salza, Meister des deutschen Ordens, Leipzig, 1885. K. LOHMEYER, Geschichte von Ost- und West- preussen, vol. I (to 1411), Gotha, 1880, 3rd edition, 1908. A. L. EWALT, Die Eroberung Preussens durch die Deutschen, 4 vols., [to 1283], Halle, 1872-1886. M. PERTBECH, Die Statuten des deutschen, Ordens, Halle, 1890. Original sources. Eegesta imperil V : Die Eegesten des Kaiser- reichs unter Philipp, Otto IV, Friedrich II, Heinrich (VII), Konrad IV, Heinrich Easpe, Wilhelm und Eichard, 1198-1272, edited by J. F. BOEHMER, new edition by J. PICKER and E. WINKELMANN, 5 parts, with an index, Innsbruck, 1881-1901. Historia diplomatica Friderici Secundi, 12 vols., edited by J. L. A. HUILLARD-BREHOLLES. Le liber censuum de I'eglise romaine public avec une introduction et un com- mentaire, edited by P. FABRE and L. DUCHESNE, vol. I, Paris, 1889- 1910 (2nd series 6, of no. 959 above, see also 62). Almost all the important sources are printed in nos. 978 and 988 above. For the registers of the popes of the thirteenth century see no. 959 above. Bibliographies. The most useful bibliography is in DAHLMANN- WAITZ, Quellenkunde, pp. 351-413. See also the general bibliogra- phies for Germany, nos. 29-35 above, Italy, nos. 37-41 above, and the church, nos. 49-55 above. 222 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII XXIII. THE NEW MONASTIC MOVEMENT A. OUTLINE 1. The constant succession of revival and decline in monastic history. The decline of the Cluniacs in the eleventh century. A marked religious revival in the eleventh century was one of the manifestations of the new era which ushered in the crusades. Much religious ferment preceded and was augmented by the investi- ture strife. 2. The new monastic orders founded in the eleventh century. Renewal of the extreme ascetic ideal of the early church. Camal- dolites, founded by St. Romuald at Camaldoli in the Apennines, about 1018. Vallombrosians founded by St. John Gualbert, a Tuscan lord, about 1038. The monastery of Hirschau in the Black Forest under the reform regime of its abbot William of Bavaria about 1070. Order of Grammont founded by St. Stephen of Tigerno about 1075 near Limoges (removed later to a place nearby called Grandmont). Carthusians founded by Bruno of Cologne about 1085 at Grande Chartreuse, in a desolate valley near Grenoble. Charterhouses. Order of Fontevrault founded by the Breton Robert of Abrissel about 1095 between Anjou and Poitou. 3. The Cistercians, the first great "order" of monks. Founded by Robert of Moleme, in northern Burgundy, about 1100. He soon removed to a place called Citeaux (=rpools of standing water). The great Bernard of Fontaines established a daughter house at Clairvaux in 1115. The Carta Caritatis, " Charter of Charity. " The asceticism of the Cistercians. The abbey of La Trappe (Trap- pists). Relations of the military orders of Spain, Calatrava, 1158, Alcantara, 1152, with the Cistercians. 4. The Canons Regular or Austin Canons. The Victorines of Paris, 1113. The Premonstratensians founded near Laon in 1120 by Norbert of Xanten, who had been a secular canon at Cologne and Xanten. The relations of the crusading religious military orders with the Austin Canons. 5. Forerunners of the mendicant orders. Arnoldists. The Humiliati. "Brotherhoods and sisterhoods of penance." 6. The attempted check by the fourth Lateran council, 1215, upon the formation of new orders. 7. The mendicant orders of the thirteenth century. Franciscans (Fratres Minores, Grey Friars) ; Dominicans (Fratres Praedicatores, Black Friars, also called Jacobins in France) ; Carmelites (White Friars) ; and Augustinians (Austin Friars or Hermits of St. Augus- NEW MONASTIC MOVEMENT 223 tine). The mendicant ideal. The great needs which called the mendicants into being and their great services. The distinction between a monk and a friar. 8. St. Francis, the founder of the Franciscans. He was the son of a merchant and was born in 1182 in Assisi. His conversion about 1209. Santa Maria della Portiuncola Saint Mary of the Little Portion. In 1210 Francis went to Eome to interview pope Innocent III. In 1217 was held the first general chapter of Franciscans. Cardinal Ugolino (afterwards pope Gregory IX). St. Francis in Egypt in 1219. The Eules of St. Francis, 1221 and 1223. The stress laid upon poverty. The "stigmata" of St. Francis. His death in 1226. He was canonized in 1228. His body was buried in 1230 in the great basilica of San Francesco in Assisi. The wonderful char- acter and personal influence of St. Francis. Sources of information concerning St. Francis. His own writings. The Vita prima (before 1229) and Vita secunda (1244-1247) of Thomas of Celano. The Legeada major, ' ' New legend, ' ' of St. Bonaventura, written about 1263. Legenda trium sociorum (Legend of the three com- panions, Angelus, Leo, and Rufinus). Speculum perfectionis (Mirror of perfection). Sacrum commercium. The Fioretti, or in Latin, Floretum S. Francisci Assisiensis (The Little Flowers of St. Francis). 9. The Franciscans in the thirteenth century. St. Clare and the Poor Clares. The Tertiaries of St. Francis. Brother Elias of Cor- tona. St. Bonaventura. The bitter conflict between the Spiritual Franciscans and the Conventual Franciscans. Fratieelli. The great influence of the life and legend of St. Francis on Italian literature and art. 10. The Dominicans. Dominic, the founder of the order, was born in 1170 in Calahorra in Spain. He was trained for the priest- hood in the university of Valencia. Combated Albigensian heresy in Toulouse. He went to Rome in 1215. In 1216 Honorius III recognized the "Preaching Brothers of Toulouse." Dominic's interview with Francis. Dominic died in Bologna 1221 and was sainted in 1234. 11. The important part played by the mendicants in the history of the thirteenth century. Their rapid spread, especially in the cities of all Europe. Their great influence in the rising universities. Alexander of Hales, Bonaventura, Roger Bacon and Duns Scotus were Franciscans. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas were Dominicans. The mendicants and the inquisition. Their revival of popular preaching. The missionary activity of the mendicants in the thirteenth century. Their decline in the fourteenth century. 224 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Brief general surveys. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, 555-581. TOUT, Empire and papacy, 198-210; 434-449. FLICK, Rise of the mediaeval church, ch. xxi. WISHART, Monks and monasteries, chs. iv-v. LAVISSE and EAMBAUD, Histoire generale, II, 243-251. Many of the topics in this outline are treated authoritatively in the Catholic encyclopedia; e.g., the article "Francis of Assisi" was written by P. ROBINSON, that on ' ' Preachers, Order of, " by P. MANDONNET. Longer accounts. TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, I, book III. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 251-282; III, part I, 346-363. St. Bernard and the Cistercians. The best account in English of the Cistercians is by J. S. BREWER in the preface to vol. IV of the Opera of Giraldus Cambrensis (no. 21 of Rolls Series). See also W. A. P. MASON, "Beginnings of the Cistercian order," in Trans- actions of the Eoyal historical society, XIX (1905), 169-207. The best short sketch of Bernard of Clairvaux is in MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, new edition, 406-431, which is a translation from LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 266-282. For other literature on St. Bernard see outline XIV of part III below. The mendicants in general. A. JESSOPP, The coming of the friars, ch. I. H. C. LEA, A history of the inquisition, I, ch. vi. The pre- face by J. S. BREWER in vol. I of Monumenta Franciscana (no. 4 of Rolls Series). MILMAN, Latin Christianity, book IX, chs. ix-x. P. SABATIER and others, Franciscan essays, Aberdeen, 1912 (British society of Franciscan studies, extra series, I). St. Francis of Assisi. The most famous biography is by P. SABA- TIER, Vie de S. Francois d'Assise, Paris, 1894, translated by LOUISE S. HOUGHTON, Life of St. Francis of Assisi, London, 1894. Both the original and the English translation have been reprinted again and again. The book has been translated into almost all the European languages. Among the many recent biographies, the following are the most noteworthy: Father CUTHBERT, Life of St. Francis of Assisi, London and New York, 1912; J. JORGENSEN, Den hellige Frans af Assisi, Copenhagen, 1907, authorized translation from the Danish by T. O'CONNOR SLOANE, New York, 1912; and N. TAMASSIA, Saint Francis of Assisi and his legend, translated from the Italian by L. RAGG, London, 1910. There are very good pictures in G. SCHNURER, Franz von Assisi, Munich, 1905. St. Dominic. J. GUIRAUD, Saint Dominique (1170-1221), Paris, 1901 (Les saints), translated by KATHERINE DE MATTOS, /Saint Dominic, London, 1901. Original sources. Due to the recent remarkable outburst of interest in St. Francis, practically all the salient contemporary NEW MONASTIC MOVEMENT 225 material concerning the saint and the early history of his order can now be read in English translation. For translations of his own works, well edited by P. KOBINSON, The writings of St. Francis of Assisi, Philadelphia, 1906, see The writings of St. Francis of Assisi, newly translated into English by CONSTANCE DE LA WARB, London, [1907]; and, The words of Saint Francis: from his works and the early legends, translated by ANNE MACDONELL, London, 1904. The biographies by CELANO may be read in, The lives of St. Francis of Assisi by Brother Tnomas of Celano, translated into Eng- lish by A. G. FERRERS HOWELL from the new edition of the original by D'ALENCON, Borne, 1906, London, 1908. For BONAVENTURA 's official biography, see The life of St. Francis ~by St~. Bonaventure, translated by E. G. SALTER, London, 1904. The Legenda trium sociorum can now be read in English under the title, The legend of Saint Francis by the three companions, now first translated into English by E. G. SALTER, London, 1905 (The temple classics). For the hotly debated Speculum perfectionis, see, The mirror of perfection, translated from the Cottonian manuscript by E. STEELE, London, 1903 (The temple classics). Sacrum com- mercium: the converse of Francis and his sons with holy poverty, translated by Canon EAWNSLEY, London, 1904 (The temple classics). An earlier translation of the Sacrum commercium was made by M. CARMICHAEL, The Lady Poverty, London, 1901. Naturally the Fioretti, so very popular in Italy in the fourteenth century, have attracted most attention. The best Italian text is that of CESARE, Verona, 1822 (often reprinted). The Latin text was edited by P. SABATIER, Floretum S. Francisci, Paris, 1902. The following are some of the most available translations: The Little Flowers, and the Life of St. Francis, with The Mirror of Perfection, London, 1910 (Everyman's library); The Little Flowers of the glorious Messer St. Francis and of his friars, done into English with notes by W. HEYWOOD, with an introduction by A. G. FERRERS HOWELL, London [1906]; The Little Floivers of St. Francis, trans- lated by T. W. ARNOLD, London, 1898 (The temple classics). A very unique anthology is Franciscan days: being selections for every day in the year from ancient Franciscan writings, translated and arranged by A. G. FERRERS HOWELL, London [1906]. The earliest biography of St. Clare may now be read in two English versions: The life of Saint Clare ascribed to Fr. Thomas of Celano of the order of Friars minor [1225-1261], translated and edited from the earliest MSS. by P. EOBINSON . . . with an appendix containing the Eule of Saint Clare, Philadelphia, 1910; and, The life and legend of Lady Saint Clare, translated from the 226 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII French version (1563) of Brother Francis Du Puis, by CHARLOTTE BALFOUR, with an introduction by Father CUTHBERT, London, 1910. The famous chronicle of THOMAS OF ECCLESTON is translated under the title, The friars and how they came to England: being a translation of Thomas of Eccleston's " De adventu F.F. Minorum in Angliam," with an introduction by Father CUTHBERT, St. Louis, 1903. The translator revised his work for the critical student under the title, The cnronicle of Thomas of Eccleston "De adventu Fratrum minorum in Angliam" newly done into English with preface and notes by Father CUTHBERT, St. Louis, 1909. For translations from the interesting chronicle of the gossipy thirteenth century Franciscan, SALIMBENE, see G. G. COULTON, From St. Francis to Dante. Bead in connection with it, E. EMERTON, "Fra Salimbene and the Franciscan ideal, ' ' Harvard theological review, (1915). The rule and the will of Francis may also be found in HENDER- SON, Select documents, 344-349; OGG, Source book, 362-379; EOBINSON, Headings, 387-395; and THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 497- 507. Monastic conditions in England in the twelfth century are well depicted in The Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelonde, translated by L. C. JANE, London, 1907 (Kings classics). Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 94-95, 97. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the general histories of the church, nos. 394498 above, especially those on monasticism, nos. 479487 above. The encyclopaedias of the history of the church and religion, nos. 104-114 above, will be found particularly useful. Monastic orders in general. By far the best general survey of monastic orders is HEIMBUCHER, Die Orden und Congregationen der Tcatholischen Kirche. The history of the orders in England is enshrined in the following old, but famous, works: Monasticon Anglicanum: sive, Pandectae Coenobiorum, Benedictinorum, Clunia- censium, Cisterciensium, Carthusianorum a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem, edited by R. DODSWORTH and Sir W. DUGDALE, 3 vols., London, 1655-1677, new edition by J. CALEY, etc., 6 vols. in 8, Lon- don, 1817-1830; and T. TANNER, Notitia monastica: or, An account of all the abbies, priories, and houses of friers, formerly in England and Wales, and also of all the colleges and hospitals founded before A.D. 1560, London, 1744, reprinted by J. NASMITH, Cambridge, 1787. The former contains many original sources. The following two popular books will serve as an introduction to the Monasticon and NEW MONASTIC MOVEMENT 227 TANNER: F. A. GASQUET, English monastic life, 3rd edition, London, 1905 (The antiquary's books); and A. H. THOMPSON, English mon- asteries, Cambridge University Press, 1913 (The Cambridge manuals). M. DEMIMUID, Pierre le Venerable: ou la vie et I 'influence monastique au Xlle siecle, Paris, 1876. P. OPLADEN, Die Stellung der deutschen Konige zu den Orden im dreizehnten Jahrhundert, Bonn, 1908 (disser- tation). G. SCHREIBER, Kurie und Kloster im 12 Jahrhundert, vol. 1, Stuttgart, 1910 (Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen, 65-66). Hirschau. E. TOMEK, Studien zur Reform der deutschen Kloster im XI Jahrhundert : I, Die Friihreformation, Vienna, 1910. P. GISEKE, Die Hirschauer wdhrend des Investiturstreites, Gotha, 1883. Carthusians. H. LOBBEL, Der Stifter des Carthduser-Ordens : der heilige Bruno aus Koln, Munster, 1899 (Kirchengeschichtliche Studien, V, I). F. A. LEFEBVRE, Saint Bruno et I'ordre des Chart- reux, 2 vols., Paris, 1884. Order of Fontevrault. Histoire de I'Ordre de Fontevrault, 1100- 1908, by the Eeligieuses de Sainte-Marie de Fontevrault de Boulaur, now located in Vera in Navarre, vols. I-III, Auch, 1911-1915. J. v. WALTER, Die ersten Wander prediger Frankreichs: Studien zur Geschichte des Monchtums; part I, Robert von Abrissel, Leipzig, 1903 (Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche, IX, part 3). Cistercians. H. D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, Etat interieur des abbayes cisterciennes et en particulier de Clairvaux au XII e et XIII s siecles, Paris, 1868. L. JANAUSCHEK, Origines Cistercienses, vol. I, Vienna, 1877. F. WINTER, Die Cistercienser des nordostlichen Deutsch- lands, 3 vols., Gotha, 1868-1871. G. HODGES, Fountains abbey: the story of a mediaeval monastery, London, 1904. F. SCHEVILL, "San Galgano: a Cistercian abbey of the middle ages," American his- torical review, XIV (1908), 22-37. La Trappe, the cradle of the modern Trappists, is described at length by H. C. CHARENCEY (Comte de), Histoire de I'abbaye de la Grande-Trappe, 2 vols., Mortagne, 1896-1911. The author also edited the Cartulaire de I'Abbaye de Notre-dame de La Trappe, Alenc.on, 1889. Canons regular. B. WOZASEK, Der hi. Norbert: Stifter des Prd- monstratenser-Ordens und Erzbischof von Magdeburg, Vienna, 1914. MADELAINE, Histoire de saint Norbert, 1887. E. ROSENMUND, Die dltesten Biographien des heiligen Norbert, Berlin, 1874. F. WINTER, Die Prdmonstratenser des 12 Jahrhunderts und ihre Bedeutung fur das nordostliche Deutschland, Berlin, 1865. Forerunners of the mendicants. ELLEN SCOTT DAVISON, Some forerunners of St. Francis of Assisi, Columbia university, 1907 (dis- sertation), discusses Apostolic sects allied to the Cathari; Arnold of Brescia; and The Humiliati. A. HAUSRATH, Die Arnoldisten, 228 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Leipzig, 1895 (Weltverbesserer im Mittelalter, III). ROSE GRAHAM, S. Gilbert of Scmpringham and the Gilbertines: a history of the order, London, 1901, reprinted, 1904. The mendicants in general. J. HERKLESS, Francis and Dominic and the mendicant orders, New York, 1901 (The world's epoch- makers, IX). H. HEFELE, Die Bettelorden und das religiose Volks- leben Ober- und Mittelitaliens im 13 Jahrhundert, Leipzig and Ber- lin, 1910 (part 9 of Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittel- alters und der Eenaissance, edited by W. GOETZ). A series of biographies of famous friars has been published under the gen- eral title, Lives of the friar saints, New York, 1911ff. The follow- ing are some volumes in this series: V. FITZGERALD, Saint John Capistran, New York and London, 1911; CATHERINE WOODCOCK, Saint Antony of Padua, the miracle-worker, 1195-1231, London, 1911; and L. COSTELLOE, Saint Bonaventure, the Seraphic doctor: Minister-general of the Franciscan order, cardinal bishop of Albano [1221-1274], New York, 1911. A. OTT, Thomas von Aquin und das MendiJcantentum, Freiburg, 1908. J. WIESCHOFF, Stellung der Bet- telorden in den deutschen freien Beichsstadten im Mittelalter, Miinster, 1905 (dissertation). Franciscans in general L. WADDING, Annales Minorum seu trium ordinum a. S. Francisco institutorum [1208-1540], 8 vols., Lyons, 1625-1654, 2nd edition, with a syllabus, 17 vols., Eome, 1731-1741, vols. XVIII-XXV by J. DE LUCCA and others, Eome, 1740-1886. K. MULLER, Die Anfdnge des Minoriten-ordens und der Bussbruderschaften, Freiburg, 1885. H. HOLZAPFEL, Handbuch der Geschichte des Franziskanerordens, Freiburg, 1909. E. GEBHART, L' Italic mystique: histoire de la renaissance religieuse au moyen age, Paris, 1890. A. G. LITTLE, The Grey Friars in Oxford, Oxford, 1892 (Oxford historical society, Publications, XX). W. M. BRYCE, The Scottish Grey friars, 2 vols., Edinburgh and London, 1909. Father CUTHBERT, The romanticism of St. Francis and other studies in the genius of the Franciscans, London, 1915. L. RATJRE, Figures franciscaines : Saint Francois d'Assise, Sainte Claire d'Assise, Saint Antoine le Padouan, Paris, 1912. A. FRANZ, Drei deutsche Minoriten prediger aus dem XIII und XIV Jahrhundert [Konrad von Sachsen, Frater Ludovicus, Greculus], Freiburg, 1907. ANNE MACDONELL, The sons of St. Francis, London and New York, 1902. V. KYBAL, Die Ordensregeln des heiligen Franz von Assisi und die urspriingliche Verfassung des Minoritenordens, Leipzig, 1915 (Beitrage zur Kul- turgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Eenaissance). St. Francis. It is entirely beyond the scope of this Guide to indicate and evaluate all the biographies of St. Francis. Only NEW MONASTIC MOVEMENT 229 a few of the most recent or more important attempts in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish are listed below. In English. W. J. KNOX LITTLE, St. Francis of Assisi: his times, life, and work, lectures delivered in 1896, London, 1897, new edi- tion, 1904. O. KUHNS, Saint Francis of Assisi, New York, 1906, is a short but interesting essay. E. W. GRIERSON, The story of St. Francis of Assisi, London, 1912. ANNA M. STODDARD, Francis of Assisi, London, 1903. SOPHIE JEWETT, God's troubadour: the story of Saint Francis of Assisi, London and New York, 1910. Mrs. M. OLIPHANT (WILSON), Francis of Assisi, London and New York, 1871. In French. L. LE MONNIER, Histoire de St. Francois d'Assise, 2 vols., Paris, 1889, 6th edition, 1907, English translation by a Tertiary, London, 1894. GRATIEN, "S. Francois d'Assise," in Etudes Franciscaines, (1907), 359-482. P. HENRY, S. Francois d'Assise et son ecole, d'apres les documents originaux, Paris, 1903. A. BARINE, St. Francois d'Assise et la legende des trois compagnons, 6th edition, Paris, 1910. L. DE CHERANCE, Saint Francois d'Assise, 7th edition, Paris, 1900, translated into English by E. F. O'CONNOR, 3rd edition, London, 1901. F. MORIN, Saint Francois et les Fran- ciscains, Paris, 1858. In German. J. VON WALTER, Franz von Assisi und die Nach- ahmung Christi, Gross-Lichterfelde, 1910. B. CHRISTEN, Leben des heiligen Franciscus von Assisi, Innsbruck, 1899. K. WENCK, Franz von Assisi, Leipzig, 1908. H. TILEMANN, Studien zur Individualitat des Franziskus von Assisi, Leipzig, 1914 (Beitrage zur Kulturge- schichte des Mittelalters und der Eenaissance). W. GOTZ, Quellen zur Geschichte des hi. Franz von Assisi, Gotha, 1904. In Italian. F. TARDUCCI, Vita di S. Francesco d' Assisi, Mantua, 1904. PANFILO DA MAGLIANO, Storia compendiosa di S. Francesco e dei Francescani, 2 vols., Eome, 1874-1876, was left incomplete due to the death of the author. L. PALOMES, Storia di S. Francesco, 2 vols., Palermo, 1873-1874. S. MINOCCHI, La leggenda antica: nuova fonte biograftca di San Francesco d' Assisi, Florence, 1905. In Spanish. PARDO BAZ!N, San Francisco de Assis, new edition, Madrid, 1903. The social work of St. Francis. L. L. DUBOIS, St. Francis of Assisi: social reformer, Washington, D. C., 1904 (dissertation). F. GLASER, Die franzislcanische Bewegung: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte sozialer Eeformideen im Mittelalter, Stuttgart and Berlin, 1903 (in Munchener Volkswirtschaftliche Studien, 59, pp. 11-45). J. GAPP, Der heilige Franciscus von Assisi und die soziale Frage, 2nd edition, Trier, 1898, is a short study of 16 pages. G. EATZINGER, "Die 230 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII soziale Bedeutung des heiligen Franziskus, ' ' in his Forschungen zur bayrischen Gcschichte, Kempten, 1898. Stigmata of St. Francis. K. HAMPE, "Altes und Neaes tiber die Stigmatisation des hi. Franz von Assisi," in Archiv fur Kul- turgeschichte, VIII (1910), 257-290. F. X. SEPPELT, "Die Wund- male des hi. Franz von Assisi," Vortrag vor der Generalversamm- lung der Gorresgesellschaft zu Metz, Koln, 1910, pp. 110-120. J. MERKT, Die Wundmale des heiligen Franziskus von Assisi, Leipzig, 1910, part V of no. 749 above; see the review by M. BIHL, in Archi- vum Franciscanum historicum, III (1910), 393-432. K. HASE, Franz von Assisi: ein Heiligenbild, Leipzig, 1856, new edition, 1892, devotes a large part of his book to the stigmata. Tertiaries of St. Francis. E. DESCLOUX, Le tiers ordre de Saint- FranQois, Fribourg, 1913. P. MANDONNET, Origines de I'Ordo de Poenitentia, Freiburg, 1898. Saint Clare. E. GILLIAT-SMITH, Saint Clare of Assisi: her life and legislation, London, 1914. U. BEAUFRETON, Sainte Claire d'Assise, 1194-1253, Paris, 1916 (Les Saints). L. MOISSON, Une fille de Saint Francois: Sainte Claire d'Assise, sa vie et son oeuvre, Paris, 1912. P. EOBINSON, The Rule of St. Clare and its observance in the light of early documents, Philadelphia, 1912. L. DE CHERANCE, Saint Clare of Assisi, New York, 1910. Assisi and the home of the early Franciscans. LINA DUFF GORDON, The story of Assisi, London, 1900. BERYL D. DE SELIN- COURT, Homes of the first Franciscans in Umbria, the borders of Tuscany, and the northern marches, London and New York, 1905. E. HUTTON, The cities of Umbria, London, 1906. J. JORGENSEN, Pilgrim walks in Franciscan Italy, London, 1908. N. CAVANNA, L'Umbria serafica illustrata parallele alia vita di S. Francesco, Perugia, 1910. Spiritual Franciscans. D. S. MUZZEY, The spiritual Franciscans, New York, 1907. F. EHRLE, "Die Spiritualen, ihr Verhaltniss zum Franziskanerorden und zu den Fraticellen, " in Archiv fur Literatur- und Kirchengeschichte, I, 509-569; II, 106-164; III, 553- 623; IV, 1-190. This fundamental study contains many original sources. K. BALTHASER, Geschichte des Armutsstreites im Fran- ziskanerorden bis zum Konzil von Vienne, Miinster, 1911 (Vorrefor- mationsgeschichtliche Forschungen, 6). Franciscan influence on Italian art and literature. H. THODE, Franz von Assisi und die Anfange der Kunst der Eenaissance in Italien, Berlin, 1885, 2nd edition, 1904, is a work of fundamental importance. EMMA G. SALTER, Franciscan legends in Italian art: pictures in Italian churches and galleries, London and New York, xxm NEW MONASTIC MOVEMENT 231 1905. CLARISSA C. GOFP [Mrs. EGBERT], Assisi of Saint Francis: together with the influence of the Franciscan legend on Italian art, London, 1908. B. BERENSON, A Sienese painter of the Franciscan legend [Sassetta], New York, 1909. N. H. .T. WESTLAKE, On the authentic portraiture of St. Francis of Assisi, London, 1897. A. F. OZANAM, Les poetes Franciscains en Italic, 6th edition, Paris, 1882, translated and annotated by A. E. NELLEN and W. C. CRAIG, The Franciscan poets in Italy of the thirteenth century, Lon- don, 1914. C. MARIOTTI, S. Francesco, i Francescani e Dante Aligh- ieri, Quaracchi, 1912. H. HESSE, Franz von Assisi, Berlin [1904] (Die Dichtung, 13). Periodicals devoted to Franciscan studies. Archivium Fran- ciscanum historicum: periodica publicatio trimestris, begun in 1908 by the Franciscans of Quaracchi near Florence. Etudes Fran- ciscaines, Paris, 1894ff. Collection d'etudes et de documents sur I'histoire religieuse et litteraire du mayen age, edited by P. SABA- TIER, vols. I-V, Paris, 1898-1904, is devoted almost entirely to Franciscan studies and texts. Societe internationale d'etudes Fran- ciscaines a Assise, 1902ff. La France Franciscaine : melanges d'arch- eologie, d'histoire et de litterature relatifs aux ordres de Saint Fran- qois en France, du XIII e siccle, Paris, 1912ff. Fransislcanische Studien : Quartalschrift, Miinster, 1914ff. Bollettino critico di cose Francescane, Florence, 1905ff. Miscellanea Francescana di storia, di lettere, di arte, Foligno, 1886ff. Dominicans in general. M. C. GANAY, Les bienheureuses Domin- icaines, 1190-1577, d'apres des documents inedits, Paris, 1913. E. P. MORTIER, Histoire des maitres generaux de I'ordre des Freres Pr*e- cheurs, vols. I-VI, Paris 1903-1913. A. DANZAS, Etudes sur les temps primitifs de I'ordre de Saint-Dominique: le bienheureaux Jour- dain de Saxe, 4 vols., 1874-1876. AUGUSTA T. DRANE, The spirit of the Dominican order, London, 1896. W. D. G. FLETCHER, The Black Friars of Oxford, Oxford, 1882. E. BARKER, The Dominican order and convocation: a study of the growth of representation in the church during the thirteenth, century, Oxford, 1913. M. D. CHAPOTIN, Histoire des Dominicaines de la provinces de France: le siecle des fondations, Paris, 1898. M. D. SCHOMBURG, Die Dominikaner im Erzbistum Bremen wahrend des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, mit einer einleitenden trbersicht uber die Ausbreitung des Ordens in Deutsch- land bis 1250, 1910 (dissertation, Jena). Quellen und Forschungen sur Geschichte des Dominil'anerordens in Deutschland, Leipzig, 1907ff. E. MARTINEZ VIGIL, La orden de Predicadores : sus glorias en santidad, apostolado, ciencias, artes y gobierno de los pueblos, seguidos de una biblioteca de Dominicos espaiioles, Madrid, 1884. 232 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII St. Dominic. AUGUSTA T. DRANE, History of St. Dominic, founder of the Friars Preachers, London, 1891. H. D. DE LACORDAIRE, Vie de saint Dominique, Paris, 1840, new edition, Paris [1912], trans- lated into English by HAZELAND, London, 1883. J. S. ALEMANY, The life of St. Dominic and a sJcetch of the Dominican order, New York, 1867. E. CABO, Saint Dominique et les Dominicains, Paris, 1853. C. M. ANTONY, In St. Dominic's country, New York, 1912. Original sources. Only the most important large collections of sources on the mendicants are listed below. See the bibli- ographical guides below for details. Much material can also be found scattered in the large collections for church history, nos. 953-964 above. Scriptores ordinis minorum, edited by L. WADDING, Rome, 1650, a new edition, with supplement by J. H. SBARALEA, 2 vols., Rome, 1806, supplements, 1906-1908. Bullarium Francis- canum, edited by J. H. SBARALEA, 4 vols., Rome, 1759-1768, sup- plement, 1780, vols. V-VII by C. EUBEL, Rome, 1898-1904, epitome and supplement to vols. I-IV by C. EUBEL, Rome, 1908. Analecta Franciscana, vols. I-V, Quaracchi, 1885-1912. Documenta antiqua Franciscana, edited by LEMMENS, Quaracchi, 1901-1902. Opuscules de critique historique, edited by P. SABATIER. British society of Franciscan studies, Aberdeen, 1909ff. Monumenta Franciscana, edited by J. S. BREWER, 2 vols., London, 1858 (Rolls Series, no. 4), for the Franciscans in England. The chief collections for the Dominicans are the following: Monumenta ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum historica, edited by B. M. REICHERT, vols., I-XIV, Rome, 1896-1904. Scriptores ordinis prae- dicatorum recensiti, edited by J. QUETIF and J. ECHARD, 2 vols., Paris, 1719-1721, new edition, enlarged, by R. COULON, parts I-VI, Paris, 1910-1913. Bibliographies. In general consult the bibliographies for the history of the church, nos. 49-55 above. Many excellent bibli- ographies are appended to articles in the encyclopaedias listed above, nos. 104-144. On the mendicants in general there is a valuable bibliography in J. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittel- alters, 15-17. For Saint Francis we have an admirable bibliography by P. ROBINSON, A short introduction to Franciscan literature, New York, 1907. The author is preparing a life of St. Francis which will probably contain a complete guide to the literature on St. Francis and the Franciscans. CUTHBERT, Life of St. Francis, in four appen- dixes, 393-446, has a full discussion and bibliography of the orig- inal sources on St. Francis. ROBINSON, in his bibliography just mentioned, pp. 28-29, calls attention to recent summaries of the THE MEDIEVAL CHURCH 233 scholarly work on the history of St. Francis. Add to his refer- ences, R. SEEBERG, "Zur Charakteristik des hi. Franz von Assisi, " in Deutsche Literaturzeitung , XXXII (1911), 1989-1994; 2053-2058. XXIV. THE ORGANIZATION AND WORK OF THE CHRIS- TIAN CHURCH IN' THE TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH CENTURIES A. OUTLINE 1. The character of the church as a state, and the most important state of Europe in these two centuries. It was a splendidly organized absolute monarchy. Its executive, legisla- tive, and judicial powers. Its territorial extent. Conflicts with temporal princes. Spiritual and temporal powers. Regular and secular clergy. This outline deals with the secular clergy. 2. The ecclesiastical hierarchy. Influence of the old Roman officialism in the development of grades among churchmen. Dis- tinctions among the secular clergy, emphasized by titles, dress, residence, ceremonial of investment into office, and order of prece- dence as well as by differences of duties and incomes. The higher ranks of the clergy were classed with the nobles in medieval society; its lower ranks, such as the parish priests, were classed with the common people. Difficulty of fitting the clergy of all ranks into feudal society. Differences between laymen and the clergy. The morals of the clergy. The nature of the evidence concerning the morals of the clergy. Records of episcopal visi- tations. 3. The pope in Rome. The growth of the theory of papal absolutism and infallibility. The Lateran. Disputes about his election even after the erection of the College of Cardinals in 1059. Institution of the two-thirds vote in 1179. The Conclave (cum clave) of the council of Lyons in 1274. Growth of the dignity of cardinals (the red hat bestowed in 1245, and the purple robe in 1297). Their political influence. The Roman curia. The papal chancery. Papal bulls. The decretals of the popes. Legates of the popes. Papal legations and papal visitations. 4. Archbishops and bishops. Provinces and dioceses. Unsuc- cessful efforts to make the rank of an archbishop a very distinct grade above that of a bishop. The pallium. Primates or metro- politans. The exalted power of a bishop in his diocese. Episcopal elections. The Lateran council of 1215 placed the election in the hands of the cathedral chapters. Spiritual and temporal duties of a bishop. Episcopal visitations. 234 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 5. The intermediate clergy. Archdeacons. Canons of the cathedral chapter. Officers of the cathedral chapter, such as the dean (or provost), chancellor, and chanter. Prebends. Conflict between the chapters and archdeacons on the one hand,' and the bishops on the other. Vicars general and "officials." 6. The parish priests. The right of presentation or advowson. Patrons. Cura animarum (French cure). Elaborate parish churches. Social duties of the parish priests. Their work as teachers. Eectors. Vicars. Arch-priests. 7. The legislative bodies of the church. The great universal or oecumenical councils, especially the Lateran council of 1215. Provincial and diocesan councils. The tendency to hold "national" councils, and to limit the absolute power of the pope by conciliar action. Mansi, Concttia. 8. The financial system of the church. The papal exchequer (camera) in Eome. Some of the sources of papal income were: the revenues from the Papal States, feudal dues from vassal states, pious gifts and bequests, fees of all kinds, benefice taxes especially annates, Peter's pence, special levies on the clergy all over Christ- endom, crusading taxes. The income of a bishop. The wealth of some cathedral chapters. The income of a parish. Tithes. The endless complexity of the expenditures of the church. Abuses due to the wealth of the church. Misappropriations by greedy priests. 9. The law and the jurisdiction of the church. The growth of canon law. Gratian's Decrelum (1140-1150). The Corpus iuris canonici. (For details on canon law see outline XX, part III.) The legal status of the clergy. Legal status of university students. Ecclesiastical jurisdiction over non-clerical persons. Multiplicity of cases judicable in church courts. Ceaseless conflicts with secular courts and jurisdiction. The papal curia. The papal penitentiary. Apellate jurisdiction of the pope's courts. Delay of justice and other abuses in the papal judiciary system. The judicial functions of bishops. The judicial work of archdeacons, archpriests, and cathedral chapters. The episcopal courts. The episcopal "officials," and their assistants. Lawyers and notaries. 10. Church discipline and control. Confession and penances, especially pilgrimages. Excommunication and interdict. 11. Heresies. Conditions which gave rise to heresies. Wal- densians and Albigensians. The inquisition. (For details see outline XVI, part III, below.) 12. The Christian cult. The evolution of doctrines and prac- tices. In the thirteenth century most of the doctrines and practices of the medieval church were crystallized. Use of Latin THE MEDIEVAL -CHURCH 235 in the church service. The sacramental system. The eucharist. The revival of preaching. The great hymns. Organs and church music. The ecclesiastical calendar. Saints' days. Patron saints. Canonization of saints. Festivals. Feast of Fools (Festum stul- torum). Miracle plays. Eelies. 13. Ecclesiastical buildings, furnishings, vestment and plate. Eomanesque and Gothic cathedrals. Chapter houses. Baptis- teries. The papal palaces. Episcopal residences. Cemeteries. Dedication of sacred buildings and places. 14. The social and educational work of the secular church. Charitable work of the clergy, especially of the parish priests. The alms of the church. The care of the sick by the secular clergy. The Bequines and Bequins (Beghards). Elementary edu- cation in the parishes. Cathedral schools. 15. The missionary work of the church in the East. "Prester John. ' ' Influence of the crusades, and of the rise of universities. The College of Constantinople (or Oriental College), established in the time of Innocent III, in Paris. The missionary activity of the Franciscans and Dominicans. John of Piano Carpini. Wil- liam Eubruck (Rubruquis). Eaymund Lull. 16. Sources of weakness and decay within the church. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Short general surveys. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, 541-555, 582-592. FLICK, The rise of the mediaeval church, eh. xxin. BEMONT and MONOD, Medieval Europe, 488-514. Longer general accounts. LAVISSE and EAMBAUD, Histoire gene- rale, II, 253-291. MEDLEY, The church and the empire, chs. iv, x-xn, XIV. MILMAN, Latin Christianity, vol. IX, book XIV, chs. i-li. A. LUCHAIRE, Manuel des institutions frangaises, 1-144. E. MICHAEL, Culturzustdnde des deutschen Volkes wahrend des dreizehnten Jahr- hunderts, II, 1-265. E. L. CUTTS, Scenes and characters of the middle ages, 157-265. Financial system of the papacy. W. E. LUNT, "The financial system of the mediaeval papacy, ' ' in Quarterly journal of economics, XXIII- (1909), 251-295. Interdict. E. B. KREHBIEL, The interdict: its history and its operation, with special attention to the time of pope Innocent III. See also A. C. ROWLAND, ' ' The origin of the local interdict, ' ' in Annual report of the American historical association, 1899, vol. I, 431-448. Parish life. F. A. GASQUET, Parish life in mediaeval England, London and New York, 1906, 2nd edition, 1907. E. L. CUTTS, Parish priests and their people in the middle ages in England, London, 1891. 236 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII A. H. THOMPSON, The historical growth of the English parish church, Cambridge, 1911. The Christian cult. Y. HIRN, The sacred shrine: a study of the poetry and art of the Christian church, London, 1912 (see the important bibliography, pp. 555-570). On the Feast of Fools see G. V. HEMMING, "Festum stultorum, " in Nineteenth century, LVII (1905), 1000-1008. Eastern missions. C. R. BEAZLEY, Tlte dawn of modern geog- raphy, 3 vols., London, 1897-1906, especially II, ch. v, III, chs. il-m. L. BREHIER, L'eglise et I'orient au moyen age, 211-214, 268-286, is a short introductory sketch. Inquisition. The standard work on the medieval inquisition is by H. C. LEA, History of the inquisition of the middle ages, 3 vols., Philadelphia, 1888. E. VACANDARD, The inquisition, translated from the 2nd French edition, by B. L. CONWAY, New York, 1908, is a recent short sketch by a Eoman catholic. Original sources. EOBINSON, Eeadings, I, 346-387. Transla- tions and reprints, II, no. 4, ' ' Medieval sermon stories ' ' ; III, no. 6, ' ' Pre-ref ormation period. " G. G. COULTON, A medieval garner, passim. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 46-47, 94-95, 97. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general works on the medieval church are listed above, nos. 394-498. See also the periodicals for church history, nos. 176-180 above, and especially the encyclopaedias, nos. 104-144 above, which are indispensable in studying this outline. The pope and the papal curia. R. L. POOLE, Lectures on the history of the papal chancery down to the time of Innocent III, Cambridge University Press, 1915. P. M. BAUMGARTEN, Aus Kanzlei und Kammer: Erorterungen zur Icurialen Hof- und Verwaltungs- geschichte vm XII, XIV, und XV Jahrhundert, Freiberg, 1907. R. ZOEPFFEL, Die Papstwahlen und die mit ihnen im ndchsten Zusam- menhange stehenden Ceremonien in ihrer Entwickelung vom 11 bis 14 Jahrhundert; nebst einer Beilage: die Doppelwahl des 'Jahres 1180, Gottingen, 1871. E. JUNGFER, Die Untersohiede zwischen der Papstwahl und den Bischofswahlen nach dem gemeinen Kirchen- recht, Borna, 1909 (dissertation, Breslau). F. ROCQUAIN, La cour de Rome et I'esprit de reforme avant Luther, vol. I, La theocratic, Paris, 1893. Cardinals. J. MAUBACH, Die Kardindle und ihre Politik um die Mitte des XIII Jahrhunderts, Bonn, 1902 (dissertation). D. SAG- MULLER, TMtigkeit und Stellung der Cardindle bis Papst Bonifaz VIII, Freiburg, 1896. xxiv THE MEDIEVAL CHURCH 237 Papal legates. H. ZIMMERMANN, Die papstliche Legation in der ersten Halfte des 13 Jahrhunderts, 1198-1241, Paderborn, 1913. K. EUESS, Die rechtliche Stellung der papstlichen Legaten bis Boni- faz VIII, Paderborn, 1912 (Gb'rresgesellschaft; Sektion fiir Eeehts- und Sozialwissenschaft, 13). J. BACHMANN, Die papstlichen Legaten in Deutschland und Skandinavien (1125-1159), Berlin, 1913 (His- torische Studien, 115). Papal Provisions. The situation in Germany may be studied in the following books: H. BAIER, Papstliche Provisionen fiir niedere Pfriinden bis zum Jahre 130-1, Miinster, 1911 ; H. KRABBO, Die Beset- zung der deutschen Bistumer unter der Eegierung Friedrichs II, part I (to 1227), Berlin, 1901 (Historisehe Studien, 25) ; W. FUCHS, Die Besetzung der deutschen Bistumer unter Papst Gregor IX (1227 1241) und bis zum Eegierungsantritt Papst Innocenz IV (1243), Berlin, 1911; P. ALDINGER, Die Neubesetzung der deutschen Bistumer unter Papst Innocenz IV, 1243-1254, Leipzig, 1901. For England the same conditions are described by A. L. SMITH, Church and state in the middle ages, Oxford, 1913 (Ford lectures, 1905) ; and F. A. GASQUET, Henry the Third and the church: a study of his ecclesiasti- cal policy and of the relations between England and Borne, London, 1905. U. STUTZ, Geschichte des kirchlichen Benefisialwesens bis auf Alexander III, part I, Berlin, 1895. The bishop and his diocese. EDITH K. LYLE, The office of an English bishop in the first half of the fourteenth century, Philadelphia, 1903 (dissertation). J. KRIEG, Der Kampf der Bischofe gegen die ArchidiaTcone im Bistum Wurzburg unter Benutzung ungedruclcter TJrTcunden und ATcten dargestellt, Stuttgart, 1914 (Kirehengesehicht- liche Abhandlungen, 82). J. MULLER, Die bischoflichen Diozesan- behorden, Stuttgart, 1905. A. POSCHL, Bischofsgut und Mensa epis- copalis, 2 vols., Bonn, 1908-1909. J. B. SAGMULLER, Die Bischofswahl bei Gratien, Cologne, 1908. P. IMBART DE LA TOUR, Les elections episcopates dans I'eglise de France du IX au XII e siecle (814- 1150), Paris, 1891. NIORTET, Maurice de Stilly (1160-1196) : etude sur I' administration episcopale pendant la deuxieme moitie du XII e siecle, Paris, 1890. A. GREA, "Essai historique sur les archidiacres, " in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des ohartes, XII (1851), 39-67, 215-247. Parish life. OLGA DOBIACHE-EOJDESTVENSKY, La vie paroissiale en France au XIII<> siecle d'apres les actes episcopaux, Paris, 1911. G. A. PREVOST, L'eglise et les campagnes au moyen age, Paris, 1892. A. JESSOPP, Before the great pillage, London, 1901. Church councils. The great authority on the councils is HEFELE, Konziliengeschichte, no. 469 above. A. N. BLATCHFORD, Church coun- cils and their decrees, London, 1909. J. VON DOLLINGER, The popes and the council. 238 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Financial system of the church. M. TANGL, "Das Taxenwesen der papstlichen Kanzlei vom 13ten bis zur Mitte des 15ten Jahrhunderts, ' ' in Mitthcilungen des Insiituts fur osterreichische Geschichtsforschung, XIII, 1^106. W. E. LUNT, "Papal taxation in England in the reign of Edward I," in English historical review, XXX (1915), 398-417; and "The first levy of papal annates," American historical review, XVIII (1912), 48-64. P. VIARD, His- toire de la dime ecclesiastique dans le royaume de France aux XIIc et XIHe siecles, Paris, 1912. W. EASTERBY, The history of the law of tithes in England, Cambridge, 1888. A. GOTTLOB, Die papst- lichen Kreuzzugssteuern des ISten Jahrhunderts: Hire rechtliche Grun-dlage, politiscJie GescJiichte und technische Verwaltung, Heiligen- stadt, 1892. G. SCHNEIDER, Die finanziellen Bezichungen des Floren- tiner Bankiers zur Kirche von 1285-1304, Leipzig, 1899 (Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, 17). Ecclesiastical jurisdiction. E. GOLLER, Die pdpstliche Poniten- tiarie von ihrem Vrsprung bis zu Hirer Umgestaltung unter Pius V, vols. I and II, Rome, 1907-11. H. C. LEA, Formulary of the Papal Penitentiary in the thirteenth century, Philadelphia, 1892. See also his article, ' ' The taxes of the Papal Penitentiary, ' ' in English his- torical review, VIII (1893), 424-438. L. BEAUCHET, "Origine de la jurisdiction ecclesiastique et son developpement en France jusqu'au XIP siecle," in Ncuvette revue historique de droit frangaise et etrangere, VII (1883), 387-477, 503-536. P. FOURNIER, Les official- ites au moyen age, Paris, 1880. Preaching. L'abbe BOURGAIN, La chaire franc.aise au XII e siecle, d'aprcs le manuscrits, Paris, 1879. A. LECOY DE LA MARCHE, La chaire fran^aise au mcyen age, specialement au XIII e siecle: d'aprcs les manuscrits contemporains, Paris, 1868, 2nd edition, 1886. F. R. ALBERT, Dte Geschichte der Prcdigt in Deutschland bis Luther, 3 parts, Giitersloh, 1892-96. A. LINSENMAYER, Geschichte der Predigt in Deutschland von Karl dem Grossen bis zum Ausgang des 14 Jahr- hunderts, Munich, 1886. R. CRUEL, Geschichte der deutschen Predigt im Mittelalter, Detmold, 1879. Pilgrim life. S. HEATH, Pilgrim life in the middle ages, Boston, 1912. J. J. JUSSERAND, Les Anglais au mcyen age: la vie nomade et les rentes d'Angleterre au XIV e siecle, Paris, 1884, translated by L. T. Smith, English wayfaring life in the middle ages, 8th edition, London, 1905, part III, "Religious wayfarers." J. JORGENSEN, Pelerinages franciscains, translated from the Danish by T. DE WYZBWA, Paris, 1910. A. MULLER, Das heilige Deutschland: Geschichte und Beschreibung sdmtlicher im deutschen Seiche be- stehender Wallfahrtsorte, 2nd edition, 2 vols., Cologne, 1897. xxiv THE MEDIEVAL CHURCH 239 Life and morals of the secular clergy. H. C. LEA, An historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy. E. E. SPERRY, An outline of the history of clerical celibacy in western Europe to the council of Trent, New York, 1905 (dissertation). S. SCHELER, Sitten und BUdung der franzosischen Geistlichkeit nach den Brief en Stephens von Tournai [died 1203], Berlin, 1915 (Historisehe Studien, 130). Christian cult. A. J. DORNER, Die Entstehung der christlichen Glaubenslehren, Munich, 1906. M. HEBERT, L' evolution de la foi catholique, Paris, 1905. F. E. VON HURTER, Tableau des institutions et des moeurs de I 'eglise au moyen age, translated from the German by J. COHEN, 3 vols., Paris, 1843. On confession the standard work in English is H. C. LEA, A his- tory of auricular confessicn. G. GROMER, Die Laienbeiohte im Mit- telalter, Munich, 1909. A. M. KOENIGER, Die Beicht nach Casarius von Heisterbach, Munich, 1906. F. GANDERT, Das Buss- und Beicht- wesen gegen Mitte des 13 Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1894. H. J. SCHMITZ, Die Bussbiicher und das Tcanonische Bussverfahren (nach Quellen), 2 vols., Diisseldorf, 1898. T. F. MACKEN, The canonisation of saints, London, 19 10. H. P. BREWSTER, Saints and festivals of the Christian church, New York [1904]. See also KELLNER, Heortologie, no. 258 above. C. J. Cox, The sanctuaries and sanctuary seelcers in mediaeval England, Lon- don, 1911. F. BOND, Dedications and patron saints of English churches, Oxford University Press, 1915. D. H. KERLER, Die Patron- ate der Heiligen, Ulm, 1905. M. BENZERATH, Die Kirchenpatrone der alien Diozcse Lausanne im Mittelalter, Freiburg, 1914. S. BEISSEL, Geschichte der Verehrung Marias in Deutschland wdhrend des Mittelalters, Freiburg, 1909. G. HERZOG, La sainte Vierge dans I'histoire, Paris, 1908. A. FRANZ, Die Messe im deutsohen Mittelalter, Freiburg, 1902. P. J. WAGNER, Geschiohte der Messe [to 1600], Leipzig, 1913 (Kleine Handbiicher der Musikgeschichte, XI, 1). A. FRANZ, Die kirchlichen Bencdiktionen im Mittelalter, 2 vols., Freiburg, 1909. A. MEYER, Das Wcihnacht sfest : seine Entstehung und Entimcklung, Tubingen, 1913. Social work of the church. F. SCHAUB, Die Icatholisc-he Caritas und deren Gegner, Freiburg, 1909. L. LALLEMAND, Histoire de la charite, 3 vols., Paris, 1902-1906. G. UHLHORN, Die christliche Liebestdtigkeit, 3 vols., Stuttgart, 1882-1890, 2nd edition, 1895. E. v. MOELLER, Die Elendenbruderschaften : ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Fremdenfursorge im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1906. J. GREVEN, Die Anfdnge der Beginen, Miinster, 1912 (Vorreformatische Forschungen, 8). 240 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Missions. Bibliotheca bio-bibliografia della Terra Santa e dell' Oriente Francescano, compiled by G. GOLUBOVICH, Quaracehi, 1906- 1913. P. SCHLAGER, Mongolenfahrten der Franziskaner, Trier, 1911. R. P. MARCELLIN DE CIVEZZA, Histoire universelle des missions fran- ciscaines, translated from the Italian by' B. P. BERNARDIN, Paris, 1898. BROU, ' ' L Evangelisation de 1 'Inde au moyen age, ' ' in. Etudes des P. P. dc la Compagnie de Jesus, LXXXVII (1901). EUBEL, "Die wahrend des XIV Jahrhunderts im Missionsgebiet der Domini- kaner und Franziskaner errichteten Bisthiimer, " in Festschrift sum JubUaum des deutschen Campo Santo in Bom, Freiburg, 1897. P. H. KULB, Geschichte der Missionsreisen nach der Mongolei wahrend des IS und 14 Jahrhunderts, Regensburg, 1860. H. MATROD, Le voyage de Fr. Guillaume de Eubrouck, Couvin, 1909; and his Notes sur le voyage de Fr. Jean de Plan-Carpin (1245-1247), Paris, 1912. F. M. SCHMIDT, "ttber Rubrucks Reise von 1253 bis 1255," in Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin, XX (1885), 161-253. L. TINTI, Vita... del beato Odorico, Rome, 1901. F. ZARNKE, "Der Priester Johannes," in Abhandlungen der phttologischen-historischen Klasse der Tconiglichen sdclisiohen GesellscJiaft der Wissenschaften, Leipzig, VII (1879), 627-1030; VIII (1883), 1-186. W. T. A. BARBER, Eaymond Lull, the illuminated doctor: a study in mediaeval missions, London, 1903. S. M. ZWEMER, Eaymund Lull, first missionary to the Moslems, New York, 1902. J. H. PROBST, Caractere et origines des i&ees du bienheureux Eaymond Lulle, Toulouse, 1912. M. ANDRE, Le bienheureux Eaymond Lulle, 3rd edition, Paris, 1900. J. A. GINDRAUX, Histoire du Christianisme dans le monde paien: les missions en Asie, Geneva, 1909. M. R. A. HENRION, Histoire generale des missions catholiques depuis le XIII e siecle, 2 vols., Paris, 1844-47. H. HAHN, Geschichte der Tcatholischen Missionen, 5 vols., Cologne, 1857-73. T. SMITH, Mediaeval missions. G. F. MACLEAR, A history of Christian missions during the middle ages. The ency- clopedia of missions: descriptive, historical, biographical, statistical, 2nd edition, New York and London, 1904. Original sources. The best pictures of the life of the church in the thirteenth century are furnished by bishops who recorded their experiences gained in visitations in their dioceses. The most complete account is by the archbishop of Rouen, EUDE RIGAUD, Registrum visitationum archiepiscopi Eothomagensis [1248-1269], edited by T. BONNIN, Rouen, 1852, analyzed by L. DELISLE, in Biblio- theque de I'ecole des chartes, VIII (1846), 479-499. Next in im- portance is Le livre de Guillaume le Maire, eveque d' Angers, 1291 (part of no. 965 above, Melanges historiques, II), analyzed in xxv MEDIEVAL FRANCE 241 Lavisse. Histoire de France, III, part II, 355-361. Similar informa- tion from England may be gleaned from the letters of ROBERT GROSSETESTE, bishop of Lincoln, 1235-1254, Boberti Grosseteste epis- copi Lincolniensis Epistolae, edited by H. E. LUARD, London, 1861 (Rolls series, no. 25). For sources on the missionary work in Asia see Cathay and the way thither: being a collection of medieval notices of China, edited by H. YULE, 2 vols., London, 1866, new edition, revised by H. CORDIER, 3 vols., London, 1913-15 (Hakluyt society, series 2, vols. XXX, XXXVII-XXXVIII) ; Texts and versions of John de Piano Carpini and William de Bubruquis [Latin and English texts], edited by C. R. BEAZLEY, London, 1903 (Hakluyt society, extra series) ; and The journey of William Eubruk to eastern parts of the world, 1253- 1255, as narrated by himself, with two accounts of the earlier jour- ney of John of Pian de Carpine, translated and edited, with introduc- tory notices, by W. W. ROCKHILL, London, 1900 (Hakluyt society). The accounts of Rubruquis and Pordenone are also translated in an appendix to the Travels of Sir JOHN MANDEVILLE, edited by POLLARD, New York, 1900, which in itself is worthless. Enchiridion symbolorum et definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum, edited by H. DENZINGER, Freiburg, 1908. Liturgische BibliotheJc: Sammlung gottesdienstlicher Biicher aus dem deutschen Mittelalter, edited by A. SCHONFELDER, vols. I and II, Ritualbucher, Paderborn, 1904-1906. For large collections of the sources of church history see nos. 953-954 above. Bibliographies. See the general bibliographies for church his- tory, nos. 49-55 above. XXV. THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF FRANCE, 1108-1328 A. OUTLINE 1. The undisputed leadership of France in western Europe dur- ing this period. The He de France. The importance of Paris. Contrast between French and German political history. The strength and importance of the Capetian line of kings. Their difficulties: feudalism, lack of geographical unity, diversity of peoples, languages, and laws. 2. The real beginning of the French monarchy is the reign of Louis VI (le Gros, the Fat), 1108-1137. He had been made king designate in 1100. His feudal wars. His popularity due largely to his liberal economic policy. A protector of the church. His relations with England. Etienne de Garlande. Suger, abbot of Saint-Denis, the famous minister of Louis VI. 242 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 3. Eetrogression under Louis VII (1137-1180). Weak char- acter of the king. The disastrous second crusade. Louis and St. Bernard of Clairvaux. The divorce of Louis VII from Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1152, and the extension of the Angevin (Norman) empire due to the marriage of Eleanor with Henry (later Henry II) of England. 4. Eapid advance under Philip II, Augustus, 1180-1223. His supremacy over the great feudal lords. Dismemberment of the Norman empire; wars with Henry II, Bichard I, and John; fall of Chateau-Gaillard and the loss of Normandy by John in 1204. The coalition of 1214 and the battle of Bouvines. Philip and pope Innocent III. Beginnings of the Albigensian crusade. Cre- ation of central machinery of government; baillis and senechaux, improvement of finances, justice, and the army. The communes, industry and commerce. The great wall of Philip Augustus around Paris. The real beginnings of a university of Paris in this reign. The short reign of Louis VIII, 1223-1226, witnessed no great changes. Continuance of the Albigensian wars. Appanages. 5. The minority of Louis IX, 1226-1234. Eegency of his mother, Blanche of Castille. Failure of a serious feudal reaction. The migration of the university of Paris in 1229. 6. France at the height of her medieval glory under Saint Louis (Louis IX), 1226-1270. His character and popularity. His foreign policy. Development of central machinery of government. Enqueteurs. Beginnings of the differentiation of the curia regis into a grand conseil, a parlement, and a ohambre des comptes. - The king's interest in justice. His relations with the mendicants. His charitable institutions in Paris. His friends, Joinville and Eobert de Sorbonne. The Sainte Chapelle. The disastrous crusades of Louis in Egypt, 1248-1254, and Tunis, 1270. Death of St. Louis in Carthage, 1270. 7. Philip III (le Hardi, the Bold), 1270-1285. The county of Toulouse was annexed to the French crown. His relations with the Spanish kingdoms, especially after the Sicilian Vespers in 1282. 8. Consolidation of the French absolute monarchy under Philip IV (le Bel, the Fair), 1285-1314. Foreign relations with Flanders, England, and the empire. Eeliance on the Eoman law. Eelations with pope Boniface VIII. The papal bulls Clericis laicos and Unam sanctam. The burning question of taxation. Financial and other administrative reforms. Meeting of the Estates General in 1302 and other internal reforms. The beginning of the "Babylon- xxv MEDIEVAL FRANCE 243 ish Captivity" of the papacy. Anagni. The suppression of the Templars, 1309-1314. 9. Louis X, 1314-1316, Philip V, 1316-1322, Charles IV, 1316- 1328. Charles was the last male descendant of Philip IV and with his death the direct line of Capetians came to an end. The ante- cedents of the Hundred Years' War with England. B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Short general accounts. G. B. ADAMS, The growth of the French nation, 73-107, together with the same author's Civilization during the middle ages, eh. xm. MACKINNON, Growth of the French mon- archy, ch. i. See also the first pages in C. V. LANGLOIS, The historic role of France among the nations. Longer general accounts. LAVISSE and EAMBAUD, Histoire gene- rale II, ch. vn, III, ch. i. MASSON, The story of mediaeval France, chs. iii-vm. TOUT, Empire and papacy, clis. xii, xvii, together with LODGE, The close of the middle ages, eh. in. KITCHIN, History of France, 4th edition, I, 255-413. MACDONALD, A history of France, I, 112-218. J. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittelalters, 44- 52, 149-159, 217-246. Standard work. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 311- 331, and both parts of vol. III. The He de France. M. BLOCK, L'lle-de-F ranee (les pays autour de Paris), Paris, 1913 (vol. IX of Les regions de la France), assembles articles which appeared in the Revue de synthese his- torique. Philip Augustus. W. H. HUTTON, Philip Augustus, London, 1896 (Foreign statesmen). A. LUCHAIRE, La societe francaise au temps de Philippe- Auguste, 2nd edition, Paris, 1909, authorized translation by E. B. KREHBIEL, Social France at the time of Philip Augustus, New York, 1912. Saint Louis. F. PERRY, Saint Louis (Louis IX of France), the most Christian king, New York, 1901 (Heroes of the nations), is a very satisfactory biography. See also MUNRO and SELLERY, Medi- eral civilization, new edition, 366-375; 491-523 (the latter pages being a translation from LAVISSE, Histoire de France, III, part II, 18-40). Templars. The best general account on the suppression of the Templars in 1309 is H. C. LEA, History of the inquisition, III, 238- 334. For other literature see under the outline "Crusades" above. Original sources. Translations of JOINVILLE'S famous Life of St. Louis have been indicated above in the outline on the crusades. Extracts from it may be read in ROBINSON, Readings, I, 198-221; and OGG, Source book, 311-324. 244 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 69, 70-71, 76. For excellent detailed maps see A. LONGNON, Atlas liistorique de la France. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general histories of France are listed above, nos. 508-548. Louis VI. A. LUCHAIRE, Louis VI le Gros: annales de sa vie et de son regne, 1081-1137, avec une introduction historique, Paris, 1890. J. W. THOMPSON, The development of the French monarchy under Louis VI le Gros, Chicago, 1895. Louis VII. A. LUCHAIRE, Etudes sur les actes de Louis VII, Paris, 1885. K. HIRSCH, Studien zur Geschichte Konig Ludwigs VII von Frankreich (1119-1160), Leipzig, 1892. O. CARTELLIERI, Abt Suger von Saint-Denis, 1081-1115, Berlin, 1898 (Historische Studien, 11). A. HUGUENIN, Suger et la monarchic f.rancaise au XII e siecle (1108-1152), Paris, 1857. A. LUCHAIRE, Histoire des institutions monarchiques de la France sous . les premiers Capetiens, 987-1180. E. VACANDARD, "Le divorce de Louis le Jeune [Louis VII]," in Eevue des questions historiques, XL VII (1890), 408-432. E. VACAN- DARD, "Saint Bernard et la royaute franchise, " in Eevue des ques- tions historiques, XLIX (1891), 353^109. E. DUVERNOY, Le Due de Lorraine, Mathieu I er , 1139-1176, Paris, 1904. In his Catalogue des actes des dues de Lorraine de 1048 a 1139 et de 1176 a 1220, Nancy, 1915, the author has supplemented and completed the work begun in the Appendix of the earlier work. Louis VIII. C. PETIT-DUTAILLIS, Etude sur la vie et le regne de Louis VIII (1187-1226), Paris, 1894, no. 101 of no. 888 above. Philip Augustus. A. CARTELLIERI, Philipp II Augustus, Konig von Frankreich, vols. I-III, Leipzig, 1899-1910, is the standard work on this monarch; his, Philipp II August und der Zusammen- bruch des angevinischen Eeiches, Leipzig, 1913, is a short sketch of sixteen pages. F. M. POWICKE, The loss of Normandy (1180-1204). W. WALKER, On the increase of royal power in France under Philip Augustus, Leipzig, 1888 (dissertation). L. DELISLE, Catalogue des actes de Philippe Auguste, avec une introduction sur les sources, les caracteres et I 'importance historique de ces documents, Paris, 1856. L. L. BORRELLI DE SERRES, La reunion des provinces septentrionales a la couronne par Philippe Auguste: Amienois, Artois, Vermandois, Valois, Paris, 1899. E. DAVIDSOHN, PfiUipp II August von Frank- reich und Ingeborg, Stuttgart, 1888 (dissertation). P. SCHEFFER- BOICHORST, Deutschland und Philipp II August von Frankreich 1180-1214, 1868 (Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, 8). C. BEMONT, De la condemnation de Jean-Sans-Terre par la cour des pairs de France en 1202, Paris, 1886. xxv MEDIEVAL FRANCE 245 For the battle of Bouvines see E. ANDOUIN, Essai sur I'armee royale au temps de Philippe- August e, Paris, 1913 ; C. BALLHATJSEN, Die Schlacht bei Bouvines 27 VII 1214, Jena, 1907; A. HORTZ- SCHANSKY, Die Schlacht an der Brucke von Bouvines, 1883 (disser- tation, Halle) ; and H. MALO, Un grand feudataire, Eenaud de Dam- martin, et la coalition de Bouvines: contribution d I 'etude du regne de Philippe- August e, Paris, 1898. Saint Louis. C. V. LANGLOIS, Saint Louis, Paris, 1886. A. LECOY DE LA MARCHE, France sous St. Louis et sous Philippe le Hardi, Paris, 1894. L. S. LE NAIN DE TILLEMONT, Vie de Saint Louis, 6 vols., Paris, 1847-1851. H. WALLON, Saint Louis et son temps, 2 vols., 4th edition, Paris, 1895. M. SEPET, Saint Louis, 7th edition, Paris, 1905 (Les saints), translated by G. TYRRELL, London, 1899. WINIFRED F. KNOX, The court of a saint, London [1909]. E. BERGER, Les dernidres annees de Saint Louis, Paris, 1902. See also his Saint Louis et Innocent IV, Paris, 1893; and his Histoire de Blanche de Castttle, reine de France, Paris, 1895. J. S. DENIEL, Histoire de Blanche de Castille, Tours, 1908. M. GAVBILOVITCH, Etude sur le traite de Paris de 1259, entre Louis IX, roi de France, et Henri III, roi d'Angleterre, Paris, 1899. E. BOUTARIC, Saint Louis et Alphonse de Poitiers, Paris, 1870. A. MOLINIER, "Etude sur 1 'administration de Louis IX et d 'Alphonse de Poitiers (1226-71)" in Histoire generale de Languedoc, VII, 462 ff. C. E. NORTON, St. Louis and Joinville, Boston, 1864. Philip III. C. V. LANGLOIS, Le regne de Philippe III le Hardi, Paris, 1887. L. LECLERE, Les rapports de la papaute et de la France sous Philippe III, 1270-1285, Paris, 1889. Philip the Fair. E. BOUTARIC, La France sous Philippe le Bel, Paris, 1861. F. KERN, Die Anfange der franzosisohen Ausdehnungs- politik bis zum Jahr 1308, Tubingen, 1910; and his Grundlagen der franzosischen Ausdehnungspolitilc, Leipzig, 1910. JOLLY, Philippe le Bel: ses dessins, ses actes, son influence, Paris, 1889. E. KENAN, Politique religieuse du regne de Philippe le Bel, Paris, 1899. F. FUNK-BRENTANO, Les origines de la guerre de cent ans: Philippe le Bel en Flandre, Paris, 1897. P. FOURNIER, Le royaume d' Aries, Paris, 1892. E. HOLTZMANN, Wilhelm von Nogaret: Eat und Gross- siegelbewahrer Plvttipps des Schonen von FranTcreicli, Freiburg, 1898 (dissertation). Finances in the time of Philip the Fair. L. L. BORRELLI DE SERRES, EecJierches sur divers services publics du XIII s au XVII s siecles, 7 vols., Paris, 1895-1909. See also his Les variations mone- taires sous Philippe le Bel et les sources de leur histoire, Paris, 1902. A. VUITRY, Etudes sur le regime financier de la France avant la 246 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII revolution de 1789, 2 vols., Paris, 1877-1883. L. LAZARD, Essai sur la condition dcs Juifs dans le domaine royal au XIII e siecle, Paris, 1887. For the preceding centuries see M. Paou, Esquisse de la poli- tique monetaire des rois de France du X e au XII siecle, Paris, 1901. Estates General. G. PICOT, Histoire des etats generaux, 6 vols., 2nd edition, Paris, 1889. M. ARTONNE, Le mouvement de 1314, et les chartes provinciates de 1315, Paris, 1913. G. PICOT, documents rela- tifs aux etats generaux et assemblies reunis sous Philippe le Bel, Paris, 1901. H. HERVIEU, Recherches sur les premiers etats generaux et les assemblies representatives pendant la premiere moitie du XIV e siecle, Paris, 1879. The Parlement of Paris. F. AUBERT, Histoire du Parlement de Paris de I'origine a Francois l er , L250-1515, 2 vols., Paris, 1894. E. MAUGIS, Histoire du Parlement de Paris, de I'avenement des rois Valois a la mort d'Henri IV, vols. I and II, Paris, 1913-1914. C. V. LANGLOIS, ' ' Les origines du Parlement de Paris, ' ' in Revue his- Torique, XLII (1890), 74-114. F. AUBERT, Le Parlement de Paris de Philippe le Bel a Charles VII, 1314-1422, Paris, 1890. E. PERROT, Les cos royaux: origine et developpement de la theorie aux XII I e et XIVe siecles, Paris, 1910. Philip V. P. LEHUGEUR, Histoire de Philippe le Long, Paris, 1896. Original sources. The large collections of sources for the his- tory of France are listed above, nos. 965-977. Much material of value is in the Rolls Series, no. 995 above. MOLINIER, no. 21 above, is the best guide for original sources on French history. Special mention may be made of the Oeuvres completes de Suger, edited by LECOY DE LA MARCHE, Paris, 1867; and the separate edition of his book on Louis the Fat, Gesta Ludovici regis cognomento Grossi, au Vie de Louis le Gros, edited by A. MOLINIER, Paris, 1887. Ada imperil Angliae et Franciae ab. a. 1267 ad a. 1313, edited by F. KERN, Tubingen, 1910. EtabUssements de Saint Louis, edited by P. VIOLLET, 4 vols., Paris, 1881-1886, part of no. 966 above. H. F. DELABORDE, "La texte primitif des Enseignements de Saint- Louis d son fils," in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des chartes, LXXIII (1912), 73-100, 237-262. Bibliographies. See the general bibliographies for the history of France, nos. 21-27 above. There are excellent bibliographical notes for this period in the footnotes of LAVISSE, Histoire de France, vol. III. For the Angevin (Norman) Empire, see GROSS, no. 36 above. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 247 XXVI. MEDIEVAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS A. OUTLINE 1. Importance of economic history. Until recently, economic history was unduly neglected; now it has gained such prominence that there is some danger of giving it too much emphasis. 2. Prominent features of medieval economic life. Predominance of rural life. Importance of corporations. Comparatively stable conditions. The barter system. 3. Eural life. The manor. The lord of the manor and his free and servile tenants. The duties which tenants owed their lord. Gradual emancipation of the servile population. Chief features of the agricultural system: the demesne land, open fields, the strip system, the three-field system. Crude methods of agri- culture. Difficulty of keeping animals during the winter. Hous- ing and labor conditions, and the amusements of the masses. Peasants' revolts; the J'aequerie in France, 1358, and the Peasants' Bevolt in England in 1381. 4. Urban life. Origin of medieval towns; their relations with feudal lords. Enfranchisement of towns. Town charters. Com- munes, boroughs. Differences of town life in different countries. The inhabitants of towns and their occupations. Aliens, especially Jews. Eegulation of manufacture and trade. Merchant gilds and craft gilds. Social and religious gilds. Mystery plays. City walls, streets, churches, town halls, and markets. Eemarkable growth and improvement of cities in the thirteenth century. The wealthy class in cities. Towns which have preserved their medi- eval character, such as Bruges and Niirnberg. 5. Sufferings from cold, famine, and pestilences. The Black Death of 1348-1349. 6. Money and banking in the middle ages. Disadvantages of the barter system. Eelatively poor system of coinage. Wide- spread privileges of coinage and prevalence of debasement of coin. Italian standard coins, banks, and bills of exchange. Money- lending Jews and Lombards. Medieval ideas about interest. 7. Commerce. Hindrances to commerce in the middle ages. Just price. Forestalling. Sudden increase of business in the twelfth century. The chief Asiatic and European routes. The importance of the Mediterranean and the Baltic and North Seas. Luxuries from the east and raw materials from the north. Mar- kets and fairs. Commercial associations and leagues, especially the Hanseatic League. Importance of the Italian cities. Inter- 248 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII municipal trade. Captains of industry and trade. Jews. In- fluence of the rise of the Ottoman Turks on commerce. 8. The extension of geographical knowledge, due to commerce and other causes, such as missionary endeavor. Marco Polo. The compass. Medieval geographical knowledge and cartography (the portolani) . B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general accounts. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, ch. xv. ADAMS, Civilisation, ch. xn. LUCHAIRE, Social France, translated by KREHBIEL, ch. xm. See the pictures in nos. 187, 188, and 207 above. For particular terms, PALGRAVE'S Dictionary, no. 115 above, is helpful. Longer general accounts. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire gen- erate, II, chs. I, viii, and ix. These three chapters can also be read in English. The first, written by C. SEIGNOBOS, was translated by E. W. Dow, The feudal regime, New York, Holt, 1906. Chapters viii and ix, written by A. GIRY and A. REVILLE, were translated by F. G. BATES and P. E. TITSWORTH, under the titles, Emancipation of mediaeval towns; and, Medieval commerce and industry, both published by Holt in 1908. W. CUNNINGHAM, Western civilization in its economic aspects: medieval and modern, Cambridge, 1900, book IV. H. F. HELMOLT, History of the world, VII, 1-62. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 332-357, III, part I, 390^14. LUCHAIRE, Manuel des institutions franqaises, part III, "Les institutions populaires. " E. MICHAEL, Culturzustdnde des deutschen Vollces wdhrend des drei- zehnten Jahrhunderts, I, 1-85, 129-204. Medieval commerce. E. P. CHEYNEY, European background to American history, New York, 1904 (The American nation series), chs. I-HI. C. DAY, A history of commerce, New York, 1907, part II. A still more elementary account than DAY is H. DE B. GIBBINS, The history of commerce in Europe, London, 1891, 2nd edition, 1896, 27-92. The following are interesting special studies. L. HUTCHINSON, "Oriental trade and the rise of the Lombard communes," Quarterly Journal of economics, XVI (1901-1902), 413-432. H. C. LEA, "Ecclesiastical treatment of usury," in Yale review, II (1893- 1894), 356-385. ALICE LAW, "The English nouveaux-riches in the fourteenth century," in Royal historical society, Transactions, new series, IX (1895), 49-73; and her "Notes on English medieval shipping," in Economic review, VIII (1898), 349-385. On medieval ships and shipping see also LA RONCIERE, Histoire de la marine xxvi ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 249 fraiiQaise, I, 244-298; and ENLART, Manuel d'archeologie, II, 568- 620. Hanseatic League. Short accounts are LODGE, Close of the middle ages, eh. xvm; HENDERSON, Short history of Germany, 181- 202; HELMOLT, History of the world, VII, 10-62; and the article by E. F. GAY in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The following are two short books on the subject: HELEN ZIMMER, The Hansa towns, New York, 1889; and D. SCHAFER, Die deutsche Hanse, Leipzig, 1903, 2nd edition, revised, 1915, part 19 of no. 326 above. . The Black Death. F. A. GASQUET, The Black Death of 1348 and 1349, London, 1908, is a 2nd edition of his Great Pestilence of 1348-49, London, 1893. J. F. PALMER, "Pestilences: their influence in the destiny of nations, as shown in the history of the plague, ' ' Eoyal historical society, new series, I (1884), 242-259. Geographical discovery. C. E. BEAZLEY, "Marco Polo and the European expansion of the middle ages," in Atlantic monthly, CIV (1909), 493-501, will serve as an introduction to his The dawn of modern geography, II, ch. vi, III, chs. iv-v. S. EUGE, GescJiichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen, 35-81. J. B. BROWN, "The last great dreamer of the crusades," in Nineteenth century, X (1881), 701-722. Original sources. Short selections may be found in EOBINSON, Eeadings, I, ch. xviii; THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 545- 612 ; OGG, Source book, eh. xx ; and Translations and reprints, III, no. 2, "Statistical documents of the middle ages," and III, no. 5, ' ' English manorial documents. ' ' On geographic discovery the most important source is The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and mar- vels of the east, translated and edited by Sir H. YULE, 2 vols., Lon- don, 1871, 3rd edition, revised by H. CORDIER, London, 1903. There is a translation of MARCO POLO'S book in Everyman's library. A recent German edition of the work is Die Eeisen des Venezianers MARCO POLO im 13 Jahrhundert, bearbeitet von H. LEMCKE, Gross- borstel, 1907. Next in importance is a book which has been men- tioned before, Cathay and the way thither, also edited by H. YULE. Book of the knowledge of all the kingdoms, lands, and lordships that are in the world, and the arms and devices of each land and lord- ship, edited by Sir C. MARKHAM, London, 1912 (Hakluyt society, 2nd series, XXIX) is an account by a fourteenth century Spanish Franciscan. CHAN Ju-KuA, his work on the Chinese and Arab trade in the 18th and 13th centuries, entitled Chufanchi, translated from the Chinese and annotated by F. HIRTH and W. "v^i EOCKHILL, Leip- zig, 1912. 250 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII For a contemporary account of the Black Death read BOCCACCIO 's introduction to his Decameron, the essentials of which are printed in Source book of the renaissance, edited by M. WUITCOMB, revised edition, 21-24. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 76, 98-99, 102-103, 104, 107-110. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General Books. The general histories of civilization, nos. 729- 738, 751, and 762-781, are especially valuable. Almost all the books on the Jews, nos. 850-884 above, lay stress on their place in economic history, but see especially nos. 857-861. In addition, read H. C. LEA, Inquisition in Spain, I, 81-144. General economic history. M. KOVALEWSKY, Die okonomische Entwicklung Europas bis sum Beginn der kapitalistischen Wirtschafts- form, translated into German from the Russian by L. MOTZKIN and others, vols. I-VII, Berlin, 1901-14. G. D'AVENEL, Histoire eco- nomique de la propriete, des salaires, des denrees, et de tons les prix en general, depuis I 'an 1200 jusqu'en I 'an 1800, 6 vols., Paris, 1894-1912, abridged and altered under the titles, Paysans et ouvriers depuis sept cents ans, Paris, 1899; Les riches depuis sept cents ans : revenus et benefices, appointments et honoraires, Paris, 1909 ; and La fortune privee a travers sept siecles, 3rd edition, Paris, 1895. J. STRIEDER, Studien zur Gesohichte kapitalistischer Organisations- formcn: Monopole, Kartelle und Aktievgesellschaften im Mittelalter und zu Beginn der Neuzcit, Munich, 1914. H. BIKEL, Die Wirt- schaftsverhdltnisse des Klosters St. Gallen von der Griindung bis zum Ende des dreizchnten Jahrhunderts, Freiburg-i-B., 1914. W. T. ASH- LEY, Surveys, historic and economic, London and New York, 1900, deals with the middle ages in the first chapters. Economic history of France. E. LEVASSEUR, Histoire des dosses ouvrieres et de I'industrie en France avant 1789, 2 vols., Paris, 1859, 2nd edition, 1900. AGNES M. WERGELAND, History of the working classes in France : a review of Levasscur 's ' ' Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de I'industrie en France avant 1789," Chicago, 1916. Economic history of Germany. K. T. v. INAMA-STERNEGG, Deutsche Wirthschaftsgcsohichte, 3 vols. in 4, Leipzig, 1879-1901, vol. 1 in 2nd edition, 1909. K. LAMPRECHT, Deutsches Wirtschafts- leben im Mittelalter, 3 vols. in 4, Leipzig, 1885-1886. E. KOTZSCHKE, Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte bis zum 17 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1908, part 2, 1, of no. 331 above. Economic History of England. W. J. ASHLEY, An introduction to English economic history and theory, 2 vols., London, 1888-1893, 3rd edition of vol. I, 1894. J. E. T. ROGERS, A history of agriculture xxvi ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 251 and prices in England, 1259-1793, 7 vols., Oxford, 1866-1902; his Six centuries of work and wages: the history of English labour, 2 vols., London, 1884, llth edition in 1 vol., 1912, is based on the above. See also his The economic interpretation of history, London, 1888, 7th edition, 1909. F. SEEBOHM, The English village com- munity: an essay on economic history, London, 1883, 4th edition, 1890. E. LIPSON, The economic history of England, I, The middle ages, New York, 1915. E. P. CHEYNEY, An introduction to tlie industrial and social history of England, New York, 1901. L. F. SALZMANN, English industries of the middle ages, London, 1913. See also no. 735 above. Agricultural conditions and life of the peasants. L. DELISLE, Etudes sur la condition de la classe agricole et sur I' etat de I' agri- culture en Normandie pendant le moyen age, Paris, 1851. H. SEE, Les classes rurales et le regime domanial en France au moyen age, Paris, 1901. J. M. EICHARD, "Thierri d'Hirec.on, agriculteur arte- sian," in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des chartes, LILT (1892), 383-416, 571-604. A. THIERRY, Histoire du tiers etat, Paris, 1850, translated by F. B. WELLS, The formation and progress of the tiers etat, or third estate in France, London, 1859. M. FOURNIER, "Les affran- chissements du V e au XIII e siecle, ' ' in Revue historique, XXI (1883), 1-58. J. BRAND, Observations on popular antiquities, chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar customs, etc., revised by H. ELLIS, 2 vols., London, 1813, reprinted in 1841-42 and again in 1849, in 3 vols., with additions, new editions by W. C. HAZLITT, 3 vols., London, 1870; 2 vols., 1905. Popular insurrections. G. DES MAREZ, Les luttes sociales en Flandre au moyen age, Brussells, 1900. L. MIROT, Les insurrections urbaines au debut du regne de Charles VI (1380-83), Paris, 1905. G. v. D. ROPP, Sosialpolitische Bewegungen im Bauernstande vor dem Bauernkriege, Marburg, 1899. Medieval towns. See the following three series : Mediaeval towns, London, Dent, 1898 ff ; Historic towns, edited by E. A. FREEMAN and W. HUNT, 9 vols., London, 1887-1893; and Ancient cities, edited by B. C. A. WINDLE, 8 vols., London, 1903-1908. For London see also the profusely illustrated books by Sir W. BESANT, Early London, prehistoric, Roman, Saxon, and Norman, London, 1908; and Medi- aeval London, 2 vols., vol. I, Historical and social, vol. II, Ecclesi- astical, London, 1906. J. M. VINCENT, Municipal problems in mediaeval Switzerland, Baltimore, 1905 (Johns Hopkins University studies, series XXIII, nos. 11-12). H. PIRENNE, "L'origine des constitutions urbaines au moyen age," in Revue historique, LIII (1893), 52-83, LVII (1895), 57-98, 293-327. 252 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAETII French cities. A. LUCHAIRE, Les communes francaises a I'epoque des Capetiens directs, Paris, 1890, new edition by L. HALPHEN, 1911. G. ESPINAS, La vie urbaine de Douai au moyen-dge, 4 vols., Paris, 1913 (vols. III-IV contain "pieces justificatives"). GENEVIEVE ACLOQUE, Les corporations, I'industrie, et le commerce a Chartres du XI e siecle a la Revolution, Paris, 1917. G. BOURGIN, La commune de Soissons, et le groupe communal soissonnais, Paris, 1908, part 167 of no. 888 above. A. GIRY, Les etablissements de Eouen, 2 vols., Paris,' 1883-1885, parts 55 and 59 of no. 888 above. F. B. MARSH, English rule in Gascony, 11991259, with special reference to the towns, Ann Arbor, 1912 (University of Michigan studies). MARY BATESON, ' ' The laws of Breteuil, ' ' in English historical review, XV (1900), 73-78, 302-18, 496-523, 754-7; XVI (1901), 92-110, 332-45. For a detailed bibliography on medieval Paris see outline XIII in part III below. German cities. K. HEGEL, Stadte und GUden der germanischen Volker im Mittclalter, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1891; and his, Die Ent- stehung des deutschen Stadtewesens, Leipzig, 1898. G. VON BELOW, Das dlteste deutsche Stadtewesen und Burgertum, Bielefeld and Leip- zig, 1898, part of no. 326 above; and his Der Ursprung der deutschen Stadtverfassung, Diisseldorf, 1892. E. SOHM, Die Entstehung des deutschen Stadtewesens, Leipzig, 189Q. G. L. v. MAURER, Gesohichtc der Stadteverfassung in Deutschland, 4 vols., Erlangen, 1869-1871. F. W. BARTHOLD, Geschichte der deutscJien Stadte und des deutschen Biirgertums, 4 vols., Leipzig, 1850-1854. B. HEIL, Die deutschen Stadte und Burger im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1903 (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, 43). The following are some interesting special studies on individual cities: W. KING, Chronicles of three free cities, Hamburg, Bremen, Liibeck, London, 1914. W. EEISNER, Die EinwohnerzaM deutscher Stadte in friiheren Jahrhunderten, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Liibecks, Jena, 1903. H. KEUSSEN, Topographic der Stadt Koln im Mittelalter, nebst Karten und Beigaben, 2 vols., Bonn, 1910. W. BEHAGHEL, Die gewerbliche Stellung der Frau im mittelalterliehen Koln, Berlin and Leipzig, 1910. K. BUCHER, Die Berufe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1914. I. KRACAUER, Geschichte der Frankfurter Juden im Mittelalter; aus der inneren\ Geschichte der Juden Frankfurts im 14 Jahrhundert (Judengasse, Handel und sonstige Berufe), Frankfurt, 1913. See also his important source book, Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Frankfurt- am-Main von 1150-1400, vol. I, Frankfurt, 1914. G. SCHMOLLER, Strasburgs Bliite, Strasburg, 1875, eulogizes the remarkable growth of this city in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. P. SANDER, Die xxvi ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 253 Reichsstddtische Eaushaltung Niirnbergs, auf Grund ihres Zustandes von 1431-1440 dargestellt, Leipzig, 1902. See also the literature on the "Eastward expansion of Ger- many, ' ' under outline XXII above. Italian cities. F. SCHEVILL, Siena: the story of a mediaeval commune, New York, 1909. For other literature on Italian cities see outline XXII above and outline XXXII below. . Gilds. C. GROSS, The gild merchant: a contribution to British municipal history, 2 vols., Oxford, 1890. E. E. A. SELIGMAN, Two chapters on the mediaeval guilds of England, Baltimore, 1887 (Amer- ican economic association monographs, vol. II, no. 5). A. H. JOHN- SON, The history of the worshipful company of drapers of London: preceded by an introduction on London and her gilds up to the close of the XVtli century, 2 vols., Oxford, 1914. G. UNWIN, The gilds and companies of London, London, 1908. A. F. JACK, An introduction to the history of life insurance, London and New York, 1912, "The gild-system, ' ' 15-149. R. EBERSTADT, Der Ursprung des Zunftwesens und die dlteren Handwerkerverbande des Mittelalters, Leipzig, 1900 ; see also his Das franzosische Gewerberecht in Franlcreich vom XIII ten Jahrhundert bis 1581, Leipzig, 1899 (in Staats- und Sozialwissen- schaftliche Forschungen, XVII, 2). A. DOREN, Untersuchungen sur Geschichte der KaufmannsgUden im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1893 (Forschungen, edited by Schmoller, 12). M. SAINT LEON, Histoire des corporations des metiers, Paris, 1897, 2nd edition, 1909. Mystery plays. E. K. CHAMBERS, The mediaeval stage, 2 vols., Oxford, 1903. S. TUNISON, Dramatic traditions of the dark ages, Chicago, 1907. D. C. STUART, Stage decoration in France in the middle ages, Columbia University Press, 1910. G. COHEN, Histoire de la mise en scene dans le theatre religieux frangais du moyen age, Paris, 1906, translated into German in an enlarged and improved edition by C. BAUER, Geschichte der Inszenierung im geistlichen Schauspiele des Mittelalters in Franlcreich, Leipzig, 1907 ; see also his ' ' Le theatre a Paris et aux environs a la fin du XIV e sieele, ' ' in Romania, XXXVIII (1909), 587-595. M. HERMANN, Forschungen zur deutschen Theatergeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Berlin, 1914. K. YOUNG, "Observations on the medieval passion play," in Publications of the modern language association, Baltimore, XXV (1910), 309-354. F. J. MONE, Schauspiele des Mittelalters, Carlsruhe, 1846. Epidemics and famines. J. F. K. HECKER, Der schwarze Tod im vierzehnten Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1832, new edition by A. HIRSCH, with the title, Die grossen Volkskrankheiten des Mittelalters, 1865, translated by B. C. BABINGTON, The epidemics of the middle ages, 254 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII London, 1844, 3rd edition, 1859. See also his, The Black Death and the dancing mania, translated by B. G. BABINGTON, New York [1888] (Cassell's national library). E. CRAWFURD, Plague and pestilence in literature and art, Oxford University Press, 1914, has interesting illustrations. G. STICKER, Ablwndlungen aus der Seuchengeschichte und Scuchenlehre, vol. I, Die Pest, erster Theil: Die Geschichte der Pest, Giesen, 1908 ; zweiter Theil : Die Pest als Seuche und als Plage, 1910. C. CREIGHTON, A history of epidemics in Britain [A.D. 664- 1866], 2 vols., Cambridge, 1891-94. E. BASCOME, A history of epi- demic pestilences from the earliest ages, 1495 years before the birth of Our Savior to 1848, London, 1851. K. LECHNER, Das grosse Sterben in DeutscMand in der Jahren 1348 bis 1351 und die folgenden Pestepidemien bis sum Schlusse des 14 Jahrhunderts, Innsbruck, 1884; see also his "Die grosse Geisselfahrt des Jahres 1349," in Historisches Jahrbuch, V (1884), 437-462. R. HOENIGER, Der schwarzc Tod in Deutschland, Berlin, 1882. W. SEELMANN, Die Totentanze des Mittelalters, Norden, 1893 (extract from Jahrbuch des Vercins fiir niederdeutsche Sprachforschung). F. CURSCHMANN, Hungersnote des Mittelalters (8-13 Jahrhundert), Leipzig, 1900 (Leipziger Studien, 6, 1). Money and banking. W. W. CARLILE, Evolution of modern money, London, 1901. W. A. SHAW, The history of currency, 1252 to 1894, New York, 1896. J. SCHOENHOF, History of money and prices: an inquiry into their relations from the 13th century to the present time, 2nd edition, New York, 1897. A. DEL MAR, History of monetary systems, London, 1895; see also his, Money and civil- ization, London, 1886. J. LUBBOCK (Lord Avebury), Short history of coins and currency, New York, 1902. A. DIEUDONNE, "Histoire monetaire du denier parisis jusqu '&. Saint Louis, ' ' in Memoires de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, 1911, pp. 111-147; see also his, "La monnaie royale depuis la rforme de Charles V," in Bibliotheque de I'ecole des chartes, LXXII (1911), 473-499, LXXIII (1912), 263-282. F. SCHAUB, Der Kampf gegen den Zinswucher, ungerechten Preis und unlauteren Handel vm, Mittelalter, Freiburg, 1905. E. J. WHITWELL, "Italian bankers and the English crown," in Boyal historical society, Transactions, new series, XVII (1903), 173-233. O. MELTZING, Das Bankliaus der Medici und seine Vor- Idufer, Jena, 1907. S. L. PERUZZI, Storia del commercio e dei banchieri di Firenze, 1200-1345, Florence, 1868. A. v. KOSTANECKI, Das offentliche Kreditwesen im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1889 (Schmollers Staats- und Sozialwissenschaftliehe Forschungen, 9, i). See also nos. 292-298 above. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 255 General history of commerce. O. NOEL, Histoire du commerce du monde depuis les temps les plus recules, 3 vols., Paris, 1891-1906. G. LUZZATTO, Storia del commercio, vol. I, Dall' antichitd al rinasci- mento, Florence, 1914. A. SEGRE, Manuale di storia del commercio, vol. I, Dalle origini alia rivolusione francese, Turin, 1913. A. SCHAUBE, Handelsgeschic-hte der romanischen Volker des Mittelmerr- gebiets bis zum Ende der Kreuzzuge, Munich, 1906. M. WEBER, Zur Geschichte der Handelsgesellschaften im Mittelalter nach siideuro- paischen Quellen, Stuttgart, 1889. H. PIRENNE, "Villes marches et. marchancls au moyen age," in Revue historique, LXVII (1898), 59- 70. K. JIRECEK, "Die Bedeutung von Ragusa in die Handels- geschichte des Mittelalters, " in Sitzungsberiohte der Tcgl. ATcademie der Wissenscliaften zu Wicn, 1899. F. LUDWIG, Untersuchungen iiber die Eeise- und MarschgeschwindigJceit im XII und XIII Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1897 (dissertation). B. HAGENDORN, Die Entwicklung der wichtigsten Schiffstypen bis ins 19 Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1914. Levant trade. W. HEYD, Geschichte des Levant ehandels im Mittelalter, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1879, translated into French, with additions by the author, by F. EAYNAUD, Histoire du commerce du Levant au mcyen age, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1885-1886. See the review of HEYD 's important book by F. HIRSCH, ' ' Die Eroff nung des inneren Asiens fur den europaischen Handelsverkehr im 13 und 14 Jahr- hundert," in Historische Zeitschrift, XLIV (1880), 385-408; and A. H. LYBYER, ' ' The Ottoman Turks and the routes of oriental trade," in English historical review, XXX (1915), 577-588, who argues that the success of the Turk,s was not the cause of the discovery of new trade-routes in the fifteenth century. Commerce in France. E. LEVASSETJR, Histoire du commerce de la France, 2 vols., Paris, 1911-1912. H. PIGEONNEAU, Histoire du commerce de la France, 2 vols., Paris, 1887-1889. Memoires et docu- ments pour servir a I'histoire du commerce et de I'industrie en France, edited by J. HAYEM, vols. I-IV, Paris, 1911-1916. C. PITON, Les Lombards en France ct a Paris, 2 vols., Paris, 1891-92. H. D. IMBART DE LA TOUR, La liberte commerciale en France aux XII s et XHI e siecles, Paris, 1890. C. D. DE FREVILLE DE LORME, Memoire sur le commerce maritime de Rouen, Eouen, 1857. P. MANTELLIER, Histoire de la communeaute des marchands frequentant la riviere de Loire, vols. I-III, Orleans, 1867-1869. C. ALENGRY, Les foires de Champagne, Paris, 1915. F. BOURQUELOT, Etudes sur les foires de Champagne et de Brie, sur la nature, I'etendue et les regies du com- merce qui s'y faisait aux XII^-XIF 6 siecles, 2 vols., Paris, 1865- 1866 (Memoires, Academic des Inscriptions). J. W. THOMPSON, ' ' The commerce of France in the ninth century, ' ' in Journal of politi- 256 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII cal economy, XXIII (1915), 857-887. A. P. USHER, The history of the grain trade in France, 1400-1710, Cambridge, 1913. Commerce in the Netherlands. R. HAPKE, Briigges EntwicJcelung zum mittelalterlichen WeltmarJct, Berlin, 1908. See also his, Der deutsche Kaufmann in den Niederlanden, Leipzig, 1911. W. STEIN, Die Genossenschaft der deutschen Kaufleute zu Brugge in Flandern, Berlin, 1890. M. ROOSEBOOM, The Scottish staple in the Netherlands, The Hague, 1910. J. FINOT, Etude historique sur les relations com- merciales entre la Flandre et la republique de Genes au moyen age, Paris, 1906; see also his, Etude historique sur les relations com- merciales entre la Flandre et la France au moyen age, Paris, 1894 ; and his, Etude historique sur les relations commerciales entre la Flandre et I'Espagne au moyen age, Paris, 1899. T. WILKINS, "Zur Geschichte des niederlandischen Handels im Mittelalter, " in San- sische Geschichtsbldtter, 1908, 1909. Commerce in Italy. G. YVER, Le commerce et les marchands dans I'ltalw meridionale au 13 e et au 14 siecle, Paris, 1903, part II of no. 887 above. See the Introduction, by R. BROWN, to the Calen- dar of Slate Papers, Venetian, I (1864), for a sketch of Venetian commerce. W. STIEDA, Hansisch-Venezianische Handelsbeziehungen im 15 Jahrhundert, Halle, 1894. A. SCHAUBE, "Die Anfange der venezianischen Galeerenfahrten nach der Nordsee (seit 1314)," in Historiscte Zeitschrift, CI (1908), 28-89. P. H. SCHEFFEL, VerTcehrs- gesohichte der Alpen, vol. II, Berlin, 1914. O. MELTZING, Das Bank- haus der Medici und seine Vorldufer, Jena, 1907. E. FRIEDMANN, Der mittelalterliche Welthandel von Florenz in seiner geographisohen Ausdehnung, Vienna, 1912. G. TONIOLO, Dei remoti fattori della potenza economica di Firenze nel mcdio evo, Milan, 1882. E. DIXON, ' ' The Florentine wool trades in the middle ages, ' ' in Royal historical society, Transactions, new series, XII (1898), 151-79. A. DOREN, Studien aus der Florentiner Wirthschaftsgeschichte, vols. I-II, Stutt- gart and Berlin, 1901-1908. Commerce in Germany. W. VOGEL, Geschichte der deutschen SeeschiffaJtrt, I, Von der Urzeit bis zum Ende des XV Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1915. R. HENNIG, "Zur Verkehrgesehichte Ost- und Nord- europas im 8 bis 12 Jahrhundert," in HistoriscJie Zeitschrift, CXV (1915), 1-30. H. BACHTOLD, Der norddeutsche Handel im 12 und beginnenden 13 Jahrhundert, Berlin and Leipzig, 1910 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Gesehiehte 21). A. SCHULTE, Gesohichte des mittelalterlichen Handels und Verlcehrs zwischen Westdeutschland und Italien mit Ausschluss von Venedig, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1900. H. SIMONSFELD, Der Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venedig und die deutsch- venetianischen Handelsbeziehungen, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1887. E. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 257 NUBLING, Vim's Handel im Mittelalter, Ulm, 1900. F. EAUERS, Zur Geschichte der alien Handelsstrassen in Deutschland, Gotha, 1906. G. STEINHAUSEN, Der Kaufmann in der deutschen Vergangenheit, Leipzig, 1899 (Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte, 2). T. HAMPE, Die fahrenden Leute in der deutschen Vergangenheit, Leipzig, 1902. H. ECKEBT, Die Kramer in suddeutschcn Stadten bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters, Berlin, 1910 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 4). M. SCHELLER, Zoll und Markt im 1% und 13 Jahrhundert, Blankenheim, 1903 (dissertation). J. FALKE, Die Geschichte des deutschen Handels, Leipzig, 1859. Hanseatic League. E. DAENELL, Die Blutezeit der deutschen Hanse: hansische Geschichte von der zweiten Halfte des 14 bis zum letzten Viertel des 15 Jahrhunderts, 2 vols., Berlin, 1905-06; see also his, Geschichte der deutschen Hanse in der zweiten Halfte des 14 Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1896. T. LINDNER, Die deutsche Hanse: Hire Geschichte und Bedeutung, Leipzig, 1898, 4th edition, 1911. W. STEIN, Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Hanse bis um die Mitte des 15 Jahrhunderts, Giessen, 1900. A. KIESSEL- BACH, Die wirtschaftlichcn Grundlagen der deutschen Hanse und die Handelstellung Hamburgs bis in die 2 Halfte des 14 Jahr- hunderts, Berlin, 1907. A. HOLM, Lubeck, die freie und Hanse- stadt, Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1900. F. SCHULZ, Die Hanse und England von Edivards III bis auf Heinrichs VIII Zeit, Berlin, 1911 (Abhandlungen zur Verkehrs- und Seegeschichte, vol. V). F. KEUTGEN, Die Beziehungen der Hanse zu England im letzten Drittel des 14 Jahrhunderts, Giessen, 1890. K. BAHR, Handel und Verlcehr der deutschen Hanse in Flandern wdhrend des 14 Jahr- hunderts, Leipzig, 1911. W. BUCK, Der deutsche Kaufmann in Nov- gorod bis zur Mitte des 14 Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1891. A. WINKLER, Die deutsche Hanse in Eussland, Berlin, 1886. A. AGATS, Der Hansische Baienhnndel, Heidelberg, 1904, describes the activities of the League in Spain and Portugal. H. HARTMEYER, Der Wein- handel im Gebiete der Hanse im Mittelalter, Jena, 1905. Geographical discoveries in the middle ages. J. LELEWEL, Geographic du mcyen age, 4 vols., Brussels, 1850-1852, with an Epi- logue, 1857. J. BENSAUDE, L 'astronomic nautique en Portugal a I'epoque des grandes decouvertes, Bern, 1912, in an appendix gives a chronological list of geographical discoveries from 1290 to 1529. A. BLAZQUEZ, Estudio acerca de la cartografia espanola en la edad media, Madrid, 1906. C. J. BUNDGENS, Was verdanlct die Lander- und Vollcerlcunde den mittelalterlichen Monchen und Missiondren, Frank- furt, 1889. T. FISCHER, fiber italienische Seekarten und Karto- graphen des Mittelalters, Berlin, 1882. O. PESCHEL, Geschichte des 258 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Zeitlaters der Entdeckungen, Stuttgart, 1858. C. ERRERA, L'epoca delle grandi scoperte gcografiche, 1910. S. GUNTHER, Geschichte der Erdkunde, Leipzig, 1904 (vol. I of Die Erdkunde, edited by M. KLAR), see chs. in-iv. F. VICOMTE DE SANTAREM, Essai sur I'his- toire de la cosmographie pendant le moyen age, 3 vols., 1849-1852. L. SALEMBIER, "Pierre d'Ailly and the discovery of America," in Historical records and studies of the United States catholic historical society, VII (1914). S. P. THOMPSON, "The rose of the winds: the origin and development of the compass-card," in Proceedings of the British academy, vol. VI (also printed separately by Oxford Uni- versity Press, 1916). MARGARET B. SYNGE, A book of discovery: the history of the world's exploration from the earliest times to the finding of the south pole, London, 1912. S. HUGE, "Die Literatur zur Geschichte der Erdkunde vom Mittelalter an 1900-03," in Geograph- isches Jahrbuch, XXVI (1903). Medieval industries. E. BENNETT and J. ELTON, History of corn- milling, 4 vols., London, 1898-1904. L. BECK, Die Geschichte des Eisens, 5 vols., Brunswick, 1884-1903, 2nd edition of vol. I [to 1500], 1891. Original sources. Documents rclatifs a I 'histoire de I 'industrie et du commerce en France, edited by G. FAGNIEZ, 2 vols., Paris, 1898- 1900, parts 22 and 31 of no. 968 above. Reglemens sur les arts et metiers de Paris, rediges au 13 siecle et connus sous le nom du livre des metiers d 'ETIENNE BOILEAU, edited by G. B. DEPPING, Paris, 1837, part 31 of no. 965 above (see also part 34), also edited by R. DE LESPINASSE and F. BONNARDOT, Paris, 1879, in Histoire generate de Paris (Portions of this interesting document are translated in Studies in European history, edited by F. M. FLING, II, no. 8). A. GIRY, Choix de documents sur les relations de la royaute avec les villes en France, 1180-1314, Paris, 1895. Cartulaire de I'ancienne estaple de Bruges [862-1492}, edited by L. GILLIODTS VAN SEVEREN, for the Societe d' emulation de Bruges, Eecueil de chroniques, etc., 4 vols., Bruges, 1904-06. WALTER OF HENLEY'S Husbandry, together with an anonymous Husbandry, Scneschaucie, and EGBERT GROSS- ETESTE'S Rules [with a translation], edited by ELIZABETH LAMOND, with an introduction by W. CUNNINGHAM, London, 1890 (Eoyal historical society). Eecueil des monuments inedits de I 'histoire du tiers etat, edited by A. THIERRY, 4 vols., Paris, 1850-1870, part 24 of no. 965 above. For a large collection of medieval chronicles of German cities see no. 982 above. The chief sources for the Hanseatic League are the following. Die Recesse und andere Akten der Hansetage von 1256-1430, 8 vols., Leip- zig, 1870-1897; Hanserecesse, 1431-1524, 15 vols., Leipzig, 1876-1910. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 259 Hansisches UrTcundenbuch, vols. I-X [to 1485], Halle, 1876-1907. Hansische Geschichtsquellen, 7 vols., Halle, 1875-94, neue Folge, Ber- lin, 1899 ff. Hansische Geschiohtsbldtter, 16 vols., Leipzig, 1871- 1900. The following materials will serve as an introduction to the his- tory of geographical discovery in the middle ages. Bec-uett de voyages et memoires public par la Sotiete de geographic, Paris, 1824- 1866. Eecueil de voyages et de documents pour servir a la geographic, Paris, 1890 ff. G. FERRAND, Relations de voyages et textes geograph- iques arabes, persans et turc relatifs a I 'extreme orient, du VII au XVIII sieoles, traduits, revus et annotes, vol. I, Paris, 1913. A. E. NORDENSKIOLD, Facsimile atlas to the early history of cartography, translated from the Swedish by J. A. EKELOF and C. E. MARKHAM, Stockholm, 1889; his Periplus: an essay on the early history of charts and sailing directions, with an atlas, translated from the Swedish, by F. A. BATHER, Stockholm, 1897, is practically a second volume of the Facsimile atlas. K. MILLER, Mappae mundi: die dltesten Welt- Icarten herausgegeben und erldutert, 6 parts, Stuttgart, 1895-98. T. FISCHER, Genoese world map, 1457, with facsimile and critical text, freely translated by E. L. STEVENSON, New York, 1912. E. L. STEVENSON, Marine world chart of Nicolo de Conerio Januensis 1502 (circa), New York, 1908. Sammlung mittelalterlichen Welt- und Seekarten italienischen Ursprungs, edited and elucidated by T. FISCHER, Venice, 1886 (in his Beitrage zur Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Kartographie im Mittelalter). Eine Geographic aus dem dreizehnten Jahrhundert, edited by J. V. ZINGERLE [aus EUDOLF VON EMS Weltkronik], 1865. Die Ebstorfkarte : cine Weltkarte aus dem dreizehnten Jahrhundert, edited by K. MILLER, 3rd edition, Stutt- gart, 1900. Bibliographies. G. ESPINAS, Une bibliographic de I'histoire economique de France au moyen age, Paris, 1907. C. GROSS, Bibli- ography of British municipal history, including gilds and parliamen- tary representation, New York, 1897 (Harvard historical studies, vol. V). H. HALL, A select bibliography for the study, sources, and liter- ature of English economic history, London, 1914. W. STIEDA, Ueber die Quellen der Handelsstatistik im Mittelalter, Berlin, 1903 (Kb'nig- lich- preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Abhandlungeivj 1902). Bibliographic der Volkswirtschaftslehre und Eechtswissen- schaft appears since 1906 as a Supplement to Blatter fur vergleioh- ende Eechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre. Jahrbiicher fur National okonomie und Statistik, Jena, 1863 ff. 260 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAETII XXVII. THE LIFE OF THE NOBLES IN THE MIDDLE AGES A. OUTLINE 1. Essential characteristics of nobility and aristocracy. Chief classes in the middle ages: (1) clergy (some noble, others not), (2) lay nobles, (3) common people (rise of the rich burghers within this class). 2. Origin of a distinct class of nobles in the middle ages. Im- portance of cavalry service or knight's service (caballarius chevalerio chivalry Sitter) . 3. Priviliges and insignia of nobility. Degrees of nobility. The study of genealogy. Almanacli de Gotha. The crusades and the origin of heraldry. Orders of knighthood. 4. Sanctification by the church of many of the customs and practices of the nobles. Peace movements in the middle ages. For the "Peace of God" and "Truce of God" see pp. 161-163. 5. The education of the nobles. Stress on athletics, the use of arms, the practice of courtesy, and the "gay sciences." Pages and squires. The lettered nobility. 6. Position of women in feudal society. Their free, athletic, and often warlike life. Women and chivalry. 7. Life of the nobles in times of peace. Their luxuries and amusements. Importation of spices, rugs, hangings, silks, and other luxuries from the east. Furniture and dress. Their amusements. Jousts and tournaments, feasting, hunting (falconry), minstrelsy and games, especially chess, jongleurs and jesters. Knight-errantry. Attitude of nobles toward business and learning. 8. Homes of the nobles. Manor houses and fortified houses in the towns. Strong wooden towers and palisades in the open country. The gradual evolution of the stone castle, the stone wall and the moat in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Donjons. Keeps. Wonderful castles such as Chateau Gaillard. 9. Feudal warfare. Importance of- defence; the armored man and the fortified house. Arms, armor, and siegeeraft. Influence of the crusades on medieval warfare. Changes brought about by the rise of the common foot-soldier and the use of gunpowder. 10. The decline of chivalry. The influence of the rise of cen- tralized monarchies, the gradual disappearance of serfdom, the rise of a rich merchant and comfortable artisan class in the cities, and of a distinct intellectual class in the universities. Ridicule and satire directed against the nobles, especially in the rising vernacular languages. L IFE OP NOBLES 261 B. SPECIAL KECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Brief general accounts. SEIGNOBOS, The feudal regime, 27-38, 64-65. D. C. MUNRO, A history of the middle ages, eh. xm. BEMONT and MONOD, Medieval Europe, 257-267. HENDERSON, A short history of Germany, I, eh. v. See also the articles ' ' Knighthood and chivalry, ' ' ' 4 Castle, " and "Fortification and siegecraft, " in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Longer general accounts. A. LUCHAIRE, Social France, translated by E. B. KREHBIEL, chs. vm-xn. E. L. CUTTS, Scenes and characters of the middle ages, 311^60. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 14-22, IV, part II, 152-176. Chivalry. The standard works on chivalry are: L. GAUTIER, La chevalerie, 3rd edition, Paris, 1895, translated by H. FRITH, Chivalry, London, 1891 ; F. W. CORNISH, Chivalry, New York, 1901 ; and A. SCHULTZ, Das hofische Leben zur Zcit der Minnesinger, 2 vols., 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1889. TAYLOR, The mediaeval mind, 2nd edition, I, 537-603, attempts to describe the spirit of chivalry. See also MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 240-247. Feudal warfare. C. W. C. OMAN, A history of the art of war, especially book VI. H. DELBRUCK, Geschichte der Kriegskunst, vol. III, especially 235 ff. E. ViOLLET-LE-Duc, Annals of a fortress, translated from the French by B. BUCKWALL, Boston, 1875. Several books listed in this bibliography contain illustrations; see in addi- tion, nos. 187, 188, 200, 202, below. Also see "Development of the castle in England and Wales," in History teachers' magazine, III (1912), 191-200. Original sources. Studies in European history, edited by F. M. FLING, II, no. 4, "Chivalry and the mode of warfare." The best picture of chivalry during the Hundred Years ' War is in FROISSART 's Chronicles. JOINVILLE, Chronicle of the crusade of St. Lewis, reveals the spirit of crusading knights. See in general the literature under ' ' Crusades, ' ' outline XXI above, and under ' ' Medieval French literature, ' ' outline XXIV in part III below, for the life of nobles in the middle ages. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. Histories of civilization, nos. 729-738, 749-755, 762-781 above, are useful. See also the books on genealogy and heraldry, nos. 268-291 above. Origin and nature of medieval nobility. P. GUILHIERMOZ, L'origine de la noblesse en France au moyen age, Paris, 1902. O. HENNE-AM-RHYN, Gesohichte des Eittertums, Leipzig, 1893. K. H. ROTH VON SCHRECKENSTEIN, Die Eitterwiirde und der Eitterstand, 262 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Freiburg, 1886. W. VEDEL, Mittelalterliclie Kulturideale, I, Helden- leben, Leipzig, 1910 (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, 292). A. SCHULTE, Der Adel und die deutsche Kirchc im Mittelalter: Studien zur Social-, Rechts- und Kirchengeschichte, Stuttgart, 1910 (Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen, edited by U. STUTZ, 63-64). N. PAULUS, "Die Wertung der weltliehen Beruf e im Mittelalter, ' ' in Historiches Jahr- buch, XXXII (1911), 725-755. Medieval warfare. G. T. DENISON, A' history of cavalry from the earliest times: with lessons for the future, London, 1877, 2nd edition, 1913, pp. 97-184. G. KOHLER, Die Entwicklung des Kriegs- wesens und der Kriegfuhrung in der Ritterzeit von der Mitte des 11 Jahrhunderts bis zu den Hussitenkriegen, 3 vols., Breslau, 1886- 90. M. JAHNS ; Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften vornehmlicJi in Deutschland, 3 vols., Munich, 1889-91 ; and his Eandbuch einer Geschichte des Kriegswesens von der Urzeit zur Renaissance, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1880. In L'armee a travers les ages: conferences faites en 1898 a I'Ecole speciale militaire de Saint-Cyr, 2nd edition, Paris, 1899, see the articles by C. V. LANGLOIS, "Le service militaire en vertu de 1 'obligation f eodale ' ' ; and ' ' Le service militaire solde ' ' ; and E. GEBHART, "Les armees mercenaires de 1 'Italic, du 14 e siecle a 1527." O. v. DUNGERN, Der Heerenstand im Mittelalter, Papiermiihle, 1908. H. DELPECH, Le tactique au XIII e siede, 2 vols., Paris, 1886, gives particular attention to the battles of Bouvines and Muret. E. BOUTARIC, Les institutions mttitaires de la France avant les armees permanentes, Paris, 1863. H. BELLOC, Warfare in England, London, 1912 (Home university library). C. FOULKES, Armour and weapons, Oxford, 1909. E. PAYNE-&ALLWEY, The crossbow, London, 1903, appendix, 1907. J. SCHWIETERING, Zur Geschichte von Speer und Schwert im 1% Jahrhundert, Hamburg, 1912. Medieval castles. The following are some works pertaining especially to France. C. ENLART, Manuel d 'archeologie franqaise, vol. II, ' ' Architecture civile et militaire. " E. E. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, L' architecture militaire au moyen age, Paris, 1854, translated by M. MACDERMOTT, Military architecture, 1 2nd edition, Oxford, 1879. See also his Cite de Carcassonne (Aude), Paris, 1888. A. DEVILLE, His- toire du Chdteau-Gaillafd, Rouen, 1829; see also his Histoire du chateau d' Argues, Eouen, 1839. M. F. MANSFIELD, Castles and chateaux of old Burgundy, Boston, 1909. For England there are several good books with excellent illustra- tions. A. H. THOMPSON, Military architecture in England during the middle ages, London, 1912. A. HARVEY, The castles and watted towns of England, London, 1911 (The antiquary's books). ELLA S. ARMI- TAGE, The early Norman castles of tJie British Isles, New York, 1912. xxvn LIFE OF NOBLES 263 H. A. EVANS, Castles of England and Wales, London, 1912. G. T. CLARK, Mediaeval military architecture in England, 2 vols., London, 1884. E. B. D'AuVERGNE, The castles of England, London [1907]. J. D. MACKENZIE, The castles of England, London, 1897. For Germany the following works of O. PIPER are authoritative, : Forschungen iiber gesammtes Bauwesen und Geschichte der Burgen innerhalb des deutschen Sprachgebietes, Munich, 1895, 3rd edition, revised, 1914; Osterrewhische Burgen, 1902; and Abriss der Burgenkunde, 2nd edition, Munich and Leipzig, 1904 (Sammlung Goschen). P. SALVISBERG, Die deutsche Kriegsarchitektur von der Urzeit bis auf die Renaissance, Stuttgart, 1887. H. ZELLER-WERD- MULLER, Mittelalterliche Burganlagen der Ostschweiz, Leipzig, 1893 (extract from Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich). Origin of firearms. Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. L. HIME, The origin of artillery, New York, 1915, is a revised edition of a book published in 1904 under the title, Gunpowder and amunition. Here as in his essay, "Roger Bacon and gunpowder," pp. 321-335 in Roger Bacon essays, Oxford, 1914, he gives Bacon credit for the invention of gunpowder ; but see L. THORNDIKE, ' ' Eoger Bacon and gunpowder," in Science, XLII (1915), 799-800. T. F. TOUT, "Fire- arms in England in the fourteenth century," in English historical review, XXVI (1911), 666-702. F. E. SCHNEIDER, Die ArtUlerie des Mittelalters, Berlin, 1910. E. O. v. LIPPMANN, Zur Geschichte des Schiesspulvers und der alteren Feuerwaffen, Stuttgart, 1899. J. F. v. REITZENSTEIN, ' ' Die Sage von der Erfindung des Schiesspulvers und der deutsche Ursprung des abendlandischen Geschiitzwesens, ' ' Allgemeine Mttitarzeitung, 1896, no. 36. L. LACABANE, "De la poudre a canon et de son introduction en France, ' ' in Bibliotheque de I'ecole de chartes, 2nd series, I (1844), 28-57. Chivalry. LA CURNE DE SAINTE-PALAYE, Memoires sur I'ancienne chevalerie : avec une introduction et des notes historiques par C. NODIER, new edition, 2 vols., Paris, 1826. P. LACROIX, L 'ancienrve France: chevalerie et les croisades, feodalite, blason, ordres mili- taires, Paris, 1886. S. LUCE, Histoire de Du Guesclin et de son epoque, 2nd edition, Paris, 1882. HURD'S Letters on chivalry and romance, edited by EDITH J. MORLEY, London, 1911 (the text of the letters reprinted from the first edition, 1762). Women of chivalry. T. KRABBES, Die Frau im altfranzosischen Karls-epos, Marburg, 1884. K. WEINHOLD, Die deutschen Frauen in dem Mittelalter, 2 vols., Vienna, 1851, 3rd edition, 1897. E. L. LINTON, "The women of chivalry," Fortnightly review, XLVIII (1887), 559-579. E. WECHSSLER, " Frauendienst und Vassalitat, " 264 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII in Zeitschrift fur franzosische Sprache und Literatur, XXIV (1902), 159-190. Romances of chivalry. J. ASHTON, Romances of chivalry, New York, 1887. J. B. BURY, Romances of chivalry on Greek soil, Oxford, 1911 (Bomanes lecture for 1911). Sports and pastimes of the nobles. J. J. JUSSERAND, Les sports et jeux d 'exercise dans I'ancienne France, Paris, 1901. J. STRUTT, GHg-gamena Angel-fteod: the sports and pastimes of the people of England, London, 1801, another edition, 1810, often reprinted, new edition, enlarged by J. C. Cox [1903]. H. J. E. MURRAY, A history of chess, Oxford University Press, 1914, is a most excellent book. P. NIEDNER, Das deutsche Turnier vm 12 und 13 Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1881. Life of nobles in the middle ages. C. V. LANGLOIS, La societe frangaise au XIII s siede d'apres dix romans d'aventure, Paris, 1904; and his La vie en France au moyen age, d'apres quelques moralistes du temps, Paris, 1908. E. M. TAPPAN, In feudal times: social life in the middle ages, London, 1913. H. OSCHINSKY, Der Ritter unter- wegs und die Pflege der Gastfreundschaft vm alien Frankreich, Halle, 1900 (dissertation). G. EAYNAUD, "La societe et la vie en France au moyen age," in Journal des savants, new series, 7th year, 1909, pp. 214-223. N. DE PAUW, La vie intime en Flandre au moyen age, d'apres des documents inedits, Brussels, 1913 (extract from Bulletin de la Commission royale d'histoire de Belgique, LXXXII, 1913). L. GARREAU, L'etat social de la France au temps des croisades, Paris, 1899. J. FALKE, Die ritterliche Gesellschaft im Zeitalter des Frauen- cultus, new edition, Berlin [186-?]. L. DELISLE, De I'instruction litteraire de la noblesse frangaise au moyen age, Paris, 1855 (extract of 8 pp. from Journal de 1 'instruction publique, XXIV, no. 46, June, 1855, p. 322). T. WRIGHT, A history of domestic manners and sentiments in England, London, 1862, new edition, The homes of other days, a history of domestic manners, etc., London, 1871. E. E. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Dicticnnaire du mobUier, 2nd edition, Paris, 1868- 1875. C. E. M. LANGLOIS, La vie en France au moyen age, l er serie: la vie seigneuriale au XI lie siede, Paris, 1912 (Enseignement par les projections lumineuses). W. MUNCH, Gedanken uber Furstener- siehung aus alter und ncuer Zeit, Munich, 1909. Bibliography. C. V. LANGLOIS, "Les travaux sur 1'histoire de la societe f ranc.aise au moyen age, d 'apres les sources litteraires, ' ' in Revue historique, LXIII (1897), 241-265. xxvni MEDIEVAL CULTURE 265 XXVIII. CULTUEE IN THE TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH CENTUEIES A. OUTLINE 1. France was the center of culture during these two centuries. The great importance of this era in the history of the culture of western Europe has been overshadowed by the subsequent intense interest in ancient Greek and Eoman literature and art. 2. Sudden increase in learning and education towards the be- ginning of the twelfth century. 3. Eise of a spirit of inquiry, based on logic (dialectic). Abel- ard and Bernard of Clairvaux. 4. The "New Aristotle." Systematizatibn of scholastic theol- ogy and philosophy. Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas. 5. Eise and decline of interest in the ancient classics. The schools of Chartres. John of Salisbury. The schools of Orleans. John Garland of Paris. The Battle of the seven arts. 6. The ars dictaminis, the "business course" in medieval uni- versities. Boncompagno. 7. Eevival of Eoman law. Irnerius at Bologna. The systematic study of canon law. The Decretum of Gratian, ca. 1140-1150. The Corpus iuris canonid. 8. Eise and decline of interest in the natural sciences, including medicine. Eobert Grosseteste and Eoger Bacon. 9. Eise of medieval universities, especially Bologna, Paris, and Oxford. Studies and life of medieval students. 10. The literature of this period: (1) Latin (Goliardic litera- ture, sermon stories, etc.) ; (2) Vernacular literature. 11. The art of the period, especially Gothic architecture. B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOB EEADINQ General accounts. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, ch. XIII, is a short survey in English. Much more satisfactory are: LAVISSE and EAMBAUD, Histoire generale, II, ch. X; and LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 384-411; III, part I, 323-345; part II, 380-429. Portions of the latter, along with other material translated into English, will be found in MUNRO and SELLER Y, Medieval civilisation, enlarged edition, 277-357, 458-490, 524-546. TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, is devoted in large part to the period covered by this outline. SANDYS, A history of classical scholarship, I, is valuable as a work for reference. 266 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Medieval universities. For medieval universities, H. EASHDALL, The universities of Europe in the middle ages, 2 vols., in 3, Oxford, 1895, is the standard work; read especially I, chs. I and II, and II, ch. xiv. A. S. BAIT, Life in the mediaeval university, Cambridge, 1912, is drawn very largely from this last chapter of EASHDALL. For student life, see also C. H. HASKINS, "Life of medieval students as seen in their letters," American historical review, III (1897-98), 203-229, and ' ' The University of Paris in the sermons of the thir- teenth century," ibid, X (1904), 1-27; likewise Translations and reprints, II, no. 3, ' ' The medieval student. ' ' Many additional trans- lations from documents are printed with introductions in A. O. NORTON, Readings in the history of education: mediaeval universities, Harvard University Press, 1909. A readable chapter on the life in the university of Paris in the thirteenth century is in A. LUCHAIRE, La societe franc.aise au temps de PhUippe-Auguste, translated by E. B. KREHBIEL, ch. m. J. McCABE, Peter Abelard, New York, 1901, is an interesting biography. Medieval art. For a very brief sketch of the art of the period, read S. EEINACII, Apollo: an illustrated manual of the history of art, New York, 1907, chs. xii-xin. W. E. LETHABY, Medieval art, London, 1904, new and revised edition, 1912, is a general popular book. C. ENLART, Manuel d'arcJieologie frangaise, is a standard book on the medieval art of France. Original sources. Short extracts, in English translation, of the literature of the period are gathered in G. G. COULTON, A medieval garner, London, 1910. Excellent translations of some medieval students' songs are in J. A. SYMONDS, Wine, women, and song, London, 1907. Probably the most interesting old French tale of the twelfth century is Aucassin and Nicolette, of which the best transla- tion is by A. LANG, London and New York, 1899 (often reprinted). It is announced that L. THORNDIKE will edit and translate selec- tions from Gerbert, Abelard, Eoger Bacon, and the Scholastics, under the title, Medieval thought and culture, in no. 949 above. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY For detailed bibliographies on all the subjects touched upon in the above outline, see part III, Medieval Culture, period II, 1100- 1300, below. XXIX CHURCH AND COUNCILS 267 XXIX. THE CHUECH FROM ABOUT 1300 TO ABOUT 1450 A. OUTLINE 1. Importance of this period in the constitutional history of the church and in the history of medieval political thought. 2. The relations of pope Boniface VIII, 1294-1303, with the rising monarchical states, especially England under Edward I and France under Philip IV, the Fair. Importance of the question of finances. The Papal Jubilee, 1300. The papal bulls, Clericis laicos, issued in 1296, Ausculta fili, 1301, and Unam sanctam, 1302. Action of the Estates General of France in 1302. The scene at Anagni, where Boniface VIII, 86 years of age, was insulted by Nogaret and Sciarra Colonna, 1303. 3. The "Babylonish Captivity" of the papacy, 1305-1377. Election of pope Clement V, archbishop of Bordeaux, 1305-1314, a creature of king Philip IV of France. Eemoval of the papacy to Avignon. The suppression of the Templars, 1312. Evils of the "Babylonish Captivity." The Flagellants. Conflict of the Avignon popes with the empire and their peculiar position at the outbreak of the Hundred Years' War (see the next two outlines). The Stat- utes of Provisors and Praemunire in England, 1351, 1353. 4. Eeturn of the papacy to Eome. Temporary stay of pope "Urban V in Eome, 1367-1370. St. Catherine of Sienna, 1347-1380. The return of pope Gregory XI to Eome in 1377 where he died in 1378. 5. The great western schism, 1378-1418. Double election in 1378 : pope Urban VI at Eome, in April, and pope Clement VII at Fondi in September, elected by cardinals with French sympathies. Political as well as religious division of Europe during the schism. 6. The conciliar movement. Proposals to heal the schism and reform the church. The part played by the university of Paris. Jean Gerson, Pierre d'Ailly, and Conrad of Gelnhausen. The con- stitutional crisis in the history of the church. 7. The council of Pisa, 1409. Attempted deposition of the two rival popes and the election of a new pope, Alexander V (succeeded by John XXIII in 1410). Now there were three rival popes. 8. The council of Constance, 1414-1418, was summoned by the emperor Sigismund and pope John XXIII. Division of the council into "nations." Its chief work: (1) it healed the schism by disposing of the three rival popes, John XXIII, Gregory XII, and Benedict XIII, and by electing Martin V; (2) it tried to stem the tide of heresy, which had set in strong since the time of Wiclif, 268 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PART II especially in Bohemia, by burning John Huss and Jerome of Prague, which resulted in the Hussite wars, 1419 ff (John Ziska, Utraquists, Taborites) ; (3) it made futile efforts to reform the church in ' ' head and members. ' ' The decree Sacrosancta, 1415. The decree Frequens, 1417. 9. The council of Basle, 1431-1449. Conflict between the coun- cil and pope Eugenius IV (1431-1447), who summoned a rival council at Ferrara (later Florence), 1438-1439, which brought about an ineffective union between the Greek and Latin churches. Deposition of Eugenius IV by the council of Basle in 1439 and the election of an anti-pope, Felix V. Cardinal Cesarini, Nicholas Cusa, and Aeneas Sylvius at the council of Basle. Its dissolution, 1449. 10. Failure of the conciliar movement. Sporadic efforts to em- phasize the idea of national churches by the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, 1438, and the Pragmatic Sanction of Mainz, 1439. The Concordat of Vienna, 1448. The bull Execrabilis, issued by pope Pius II, -in 1460. The reaction in favor of the papacy dur- ing the second half of the fifteenth century. 11. Popes, 1276-1503. Innocent V, 1276 Hadrian V, 1276 John XX or XXI, 1276-1277 Nicholas III, 1277-1280 Martin IV, 1281-1285 Honorius IV, 1285-1287 Nicholas IV, 1288-1292 (vacancy, 1292-1294) Celestine V, 1294 Boniface VIII, 1294-1303 Benedict XI, 1303-1304 Clement V, 1305-1314 (vacancy, 1314-1316) John XXII, 1316-1334 (Nicholas V, anti-pope, 1328- 1330) Benedict XII, 1334-1342 Clement VI, 1342-1352 Innocent VI, 1352-1362 Urban V, 1362-1370 Gregory XI, 1370-1378 Urban VI, 1378-1389 (Clement VII, anti-pope, 1378-1394) Boniface IX, 1389-1404 (Benedict XIII, anti-pope, 1394-1415) Innocent VII, 1404-1406 Gregory XII, 1406-1409 Alexander V, 1409-1410 John XXIII, 1410-1415 (Gregory XII, rival pope to 1415) (vacancy, 1415-1417) Martin V, 1417-1431 Eugenius IV, 1431-1447 (Felix V, anti-pope, 1439- 1449) Nicholas V, 1447-1455 Calixtus III, 1455-1458 Pius II, 1458-1464 Paul II, 1464-1471 Sixtus IV, 1471-1484 Innocent VIII, 1484-1492 Alexander VI, 1492-1503 CHURCH AND COUNCILS 269 B. SPECIAL BECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Short general accounts. ADAMS, Civilization, 392-415. HENDER- SON, Short history of Germany, I, ch. ix, 203-227. W. BARRY, The papacy and modern times: a political sketch, 1303-1870, New York, 1911 (Home university library), 1-78. B. L. POOLE, Wycliffe and movements for reform, London, 1889, chs. vil-xn. Longer general accounts. H. BRUCE, The age of schism: being an outline of the history of the church from A D. 1304 to A D. 1503, London, 1907 (The church universal), ehs. i-vin. LODGE, Close of the middle ages, chs. n, ix, x, xi. LAVISSE and BAMBAUD, Histoire generate, III, ch. vi, and ch. xm for the Hussite wars. P. VAN DYKE, The age of the renascence: an outline sketch of the history of the papacy from the return from Avignon to the sack of Some (1377- 1527), New York, 1897 (Ten epochs of church history), chs. i-xi. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, III, part II, 127-200, IV, part II, 260- 274. J. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittelalters, 206-243, 309-312, 385-529 (contains excellent bibliographies). Standard surveys of the period. M. CREIGHTON, A history of the papacy during the period of the reformation, 5 vols., London, 1882- 1894, new edition, A history of the papacy from the great schism to the sack of Eome, 6 vols., London, 1897, vols. I-II. L. PASTOR, Geschichte der Papste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters, vols. I-V (to 1549), Leipzig, 1884-1910, translated by F. I. ANTROBUS and B. F. KERR, The history of the popes from the close of the middle ages, vols. I-XII, St. Louis, 1898-1912, vols. I-II (1305-1458), is the work of a Boman catholic. The standard work on the councils of this period is HEFELE, Conciliengeschichte, VI, 266-1042, and all of vol. VII. GREGOROVIUS, Borne in the middle ages, VI, and VII, part I, 1-185. Council of Constance. J. H. AVYLIE, The council of Constance to the death of John Hus, London, 1900, is an interesting popular book. E. J. KITTS, Pope John XXII and Master John Hus of Bohemia, London, 1910, is another general history of the council to the death of John Huss. A very stimulating short study of the conciliar idea is by J. N. FIGGIS, Studies of political thought from Gerson to Grotius, 1414-1625, Cambridge University Press, 1907 (The Birk- beck lectures, 1900), essay II, "The conciliar movement and the papalist reaction." See also W. A. DUNNING, A history of political theories: ancient and medieval, New York, 1902, ch. x. John Huss. LEA, History of the inquisition, II, 427-567, is a well-known and an interesting account of this martyr. The follow- ing biographies have appeared recently. D. S. SCHAFF, John Huss: 270 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAETII his life, teachings, and death, after five hundred years, New York, 1915. Count Li'TZOW, The life and times of Master John Hus, Lon- don, 1909. W. N. SCHWARZE, John Hus, the martyr of Bohemia: a study of the dawn of protestantism, New York, 1915. Original sources. The papal bulls, Clerids laicos and Unam nanctam, and various other materials, are translated in THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 309-332; KOBINSON, Readings, I, 488-515 (contains the decree Sacrosancta and the decree Frequens) ; HENDER- SON, Historical documents, 432-439, 349-350 (Jubilee of 1300) ; OGG, Source book, 383-397 (includes the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges) ; Translations and reprints, III, no. 6, "The pre-reformation period, " 19-33; II, no. 5, "England in the time of Wycliffe," 5-9 (Statutes of Provisors and Praemunire). The important work of JAN Hus, De ecclesia: the church, has been translated, with introduction and notes, by D. S. SCHAFF, New York, 1915. The account of PooGio, who witnessed the trial and death of Jerome, is translated in A literary source-book of the renais- sance, by M. WHITCOMB, 2nd edition, Philadelphia, 1903, 44-51. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 81, has a map showing the division of Europe during the great schism, 1378-1417. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general histories of the church, nos. 394- 498 above, are most useful, although many histories of the Empire, of France, Germany, and Italy, nos. 499-621 above, are of almost equal value. See also the encyclopaedias for the history of the church, nos. 104-114 above. For the Hussite movement the gen- eral histories of Bohemia, nos. 699-703 above, should be consulted. Church reform in the later middle ages. J. GUIRAUD, L'eglise romaine et les origines de la renaissance, 3rd edition, Paris, 1904, begins with the pontificate of Boniface VIII. F. THUDICHUM, Papst- tum und Reformation im Mittelalter, 1143-1517, Leipzig, 1903. G. FICKER, Das ausgehende Mittelalter und sein VerJuiltniss zur Refor- mation, Leipzig, 1903. F. ROCQTJA-IN, La cour de Rome et I'esprit de reforme avant LutJier, vols. I-III, Paris, 1893-97. J. HALLER, Papsttum und Kirchcnreform : vier Kapitel zur Geschichte des aus- gehenden Mittelalters, vol. I, Berlin, 1903. L. CELIER, "L'idee de reforme a la cour pontificale du concile de Bale au concile de Latran, ' ' in Revue des questions historiques, LXXXVI (1909), 418-435. Vorreformationsgeschichtliche Forschungen, edited by H. FINKE, Minister, 1900 ff. Boniface VIII and Europe. H. FINKE, Aus den Tagen Bonifaz Fill: Funde und Forschungen, Miinster, 1902 (Vorreformationsge- CHURCH AND COUNCILS 271 schichtliche Forschungen, -2). J. DEL LtTNGO, Da Bonifasio VIII ad Arrigo VII, Milan, 1899. L. TOSTI, Storia di Bonifazio VIII, 2nd edition, Cassino, 1886. K. WENCK, "War Bonifaz VIII ein Ketzer?" in Historische Zeitschrift, XCIV (1905), 1-66. B. SCHOLZ, "Zur Beurteilung Bonifaz' VIII und seines sittlich-religiosen Char- akters," Historisclie Vierteljahrschrift, IX (1906), 470-515. W. DRUMANN, Geschichte Bonifacius VIII, 2 vols., Konigsberg, 1852. P. DUPUY, Histoire du differend d'entre le pape Boniface VIII et Philippe le Bel rcy de France, Paris, 1655, contains the most im- portant documents from French archives. L. MOHLER, Die Eardindle Jacob und Peter Calcnna: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Zeitalters Bonifaz VIII, Paderborn, 1914 (Quellen und Forschungen aus dem Gebiete der Gesehichte, XVII). E. SCHOLZ, Die Publizistik zur Zeit Philipps des Schonen und Bonifaz' VIII, Stuttgart, 1903 (Kirchen- reehtliche Abhandlungen, 6-8). F. EHRMANN, Die Bulle "Unam sanctam" des Papstes Bonifacius VIII nach ihrem ' aut hentischen Wortlant erlcldrt, Munich, 1896. J. BERCHTOLD, Die Bulle Unam sanctam : Hire walire Bedeutung und Tragweite filr Staat und Kirche, Munich, 1887. For a short contemporary account of the scene at Anagni see KERVYN DE LETTENHOVE, "Une relation inedite de 1'attentat d 'Anagni, " in Revue des questions historiques, XI (1872), 511-520. The subject is treated in detail by E. HOLTZMANN, Wtthelm von Nogaret, Eat und Grossiegelbewahrer Philipps des Sohonen von Frankreich, Freiburg, 1898 (dissertation). See also C. V. LANGLOIS, Les papiers de Guillaume de Ndgaret et de Guillaume de Plaisians au Trcsor des Chartes, Paris, 1908. "Babylonish Captivity" of the papacy. G. MOLLAT, Les papes d' Avignon (1305-78), Paris, 1912. T. OKEY, The story of Avignon, New York, 1911 (Mediaeval towns). M. SOUCHON, Die PapstwaMen von Bonifaz VIII bis auf Urban VI und die Entstehung des Sohismas 1378, Braunschweig, 1888. H. FINKE, Papsttum und Untergang des Templerordens, 2 vols. in one, Munster, 1907 (Vorreformations- geschichtliche Forschungen, edited by H. FINKE, IV-V) 1 . A. EITEL, Der Kirchenstaat unter Klemens V [1305-1314], Berlin, 1906 (part 1 of Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte). K. JACOB, Studien iiber Papst Benedict XII (1334-42), Berlin, 1910. C. BOUVIER, Vienne au temps du concile, 1311-1318, Paris, 1912. E. MUNTZ, "L 'argent et le luxe a la cour pontificale d 'Avignon," in Revue des questions historiques, LXVI (1899), 5-44, 378-406. Saint Catherine of Siena and pope Gregory IX. E. G. GARDNER, Saint Catherine of Siena: a study in the religion, literature, and history of the fourteenth century in Italy, London, 1907. JERUSHA 272 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII D. RICHARDSON, The mystic bride: a study of the life-story of Cath- erine of Siena, London [1911]. [MARGARET ROBERTS], Saint Cath- erine of Siena and her times, London, 1906. P. GAUTHIEZ, Saint e Catherine de Sienne, 1347-1380, Paris, 1916. K. WENCK, Die Heilige Elizabeth und Pabst Gregor IX, Munich, 1908 (extract from the review Hochhand, November, 1907). F. BLIEMETZRIEDER, "Raimund von Capua und Caterina von Siena zu Beginn des grossen abend- landischen Schismas, " in Historiches Jahrbuch, XXX(1909), 231- 273. The great western schism, 1378-1417. N. VALOIS, La France et le grand schisme d 'Occident, 4 vols., Paris, 1896-1902. L. SALEM- BIER, Le grand schisme d'Occident, Paris, 1900, 4th edition, 1902 (Bibliotheque de 1 'enseignement de 1'histoire ecclesiastique), trans- lated, The great ivestern schism, London, 1907. L. GAYET, Le grand schisme d 'Occident, vols. I and II, Paris, 1889-1890 (see the long review by E. ALLAIN, in Revue des questions historiques, XLVII (1890), 582-596). A. RASTOUL, L'unite religieuse pendant le grand schisme d'Occident (1378-1417), Paris, 1904. C. LOCKE, The age of the great western schism, Edinburgh, 1897 (Eras of the Christian church) . L. SALEMBIER, Deux conciles inccnnus au temps du grand schisme, Lille, 1902. M. SOTJCHON, Die Papstwahlen in der Zeit des grossen Schismas (1378-1417), 2 vols., Braunschweig, 1898-1900. F. J. SCHEUFFGEN, Beitrage zur Geschichte des grossen Schismas, Freiburg, 1887. L. MIROT, La politique pontificale et le retour du Saint-Siege d Eome en 1376, Paris, 1899. J. P. KIRSCH, Die Rucklcelir der Papste Urban V und Gregor XI von Avignon nach Rom, Paderborn, 1898. O. HUTTEBRAUKER, Der Minoritenorden zur Zeit des grossen Schismas. Berlin, 1893 (dissertation). R. P. FAGES, Histoire de Saint Vincent Ferrier, Paris, 1894, 2nd edition, revised, 2 vols., 1901. J. GUIRAUD, L'etat pontifical apres le grand schisme: etude de geographic poli- tique, Paris, 1896, part 73 of no. 887 above. A. BAYOT, "Un traite inconnu sur le grand schisme dans la bibliotheque des Dues de Bour- gogne, " in Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique, Oct. 1908. The conciliar movement. N. VALOIS, La crise religieuse du XV e siecle: le pape et le conctte (1418-50), 2 vols., Paris, 1909. F. BLIEMETZRIEDER, Das GeneraJkonzti im grossen abendldndischen Schisma, Paderborn, 1904. A. KNEER, Die Entstehung der Tconzilaren Theorie, Rome, 1893 (Romische Quartalsehrift, supplement 1). W. THEREMIN, Beitrage zur offentlichen Meinung uber Kirchc und Staat in der stddtischen Geschichtsschreibung Deutsohlands von 1 399-1415, Berlin, 1909 (part 68 of Historischc Studien, edited by E. Ebering). J. H. VON WESSENBERG, Die grossen Kirchenversammlungen des 15 und 16 Jahrhunderts, 4 vols., Constance, 1840. CHURCH AND COUNCILS 273 Following is some biographical material on men who took a prominent part in the movement. A. LAFONTAINE, Jehan Gerson ( 1363-1429), Paris, 1906. A. J. MASSON, Jean Gerson, Lyons, 1894. J. B. SCHWAB, Johannes Gerson, Wiirzberg, 1858. L. SALEMBIER, Petrus de Alliaco, Lille, 1886. P. TSCHACKERT, Peter von Ailli, Gotha, 1877. C. SCHMIDT, Eard. Nikolaus Cusanus, Coblenz, 1907 (for additional literature see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellerikunde, no. 7024). E. KONIG, Kardinal Giordano Orsini: ein Lebensbtid aus dcr Zeit der grossen Konzilien und des Humanismus, Freiburg, 1906. A. BOSLER, Kardinal JoMnnes Dominici 1357-1419 : ein Reformatoren- bild aus der Zeit des grossen Seliismas, Freiburg, 1893. H. V. SAUERLAND, "Cardinal Johannes Dominici und sein Verhalten zu den kirchlichen Unionsbestrebungen wahrend der Jahre 1406-1415, ' ' in Zeitschift fur Kirchengesohichte, IX (1888), 240-292, X (1889), 345-398. P. MANDONNET, "Beitrage zur Gesehichte des Kardinals Dominici," in Historisches Jahrbuch, XXI (1900), 388-402. K. WENCK, ' ' Konrad von Gelnhausen und die Quellen der konziliaren Theorie," in Historische Zeitschrift, LXXVII (1896), 6-61. Council of Pisa. J. LENFANT, Eistoire du concile de Pise, 2 vols., Amsterdam, 1724-1727. Council of Constance. E. J. KITTS, In the days of the councils: a sketch of the life and time of Baldassare Cossa, afterwards pope John XXIII, London, 1908. H. FINKE, Forschungen und Quellen zur Gesehichte des Konstanzer Konzils, Paderborn, 1889 ; and his Bilder vom Konstanzer Konzil, Heidelberg, 1903 (Neujahrblatt der badischen historischen Kommission). H. BLUMENTHAL, Die Vor- geschichte des Konstanzer Konzils bis zur Berufung, Halle, 1897 (dis- sertation). J. KEPPLER, Die Politik des KardinallcoUegiums in Kon- stanz, Jan.-Marz 1418, Minister, 1899. H. DENIFLE, "Les delegues des universites franchises au concile de Constance," in Revue des bibliotheques (1892). B. HUBLER, Die Konstanzer Reformation und die Konkordate von 1418, Leipzig, 1867. L. TOSTI, Storia del con- cilio di Constanza . . . con documenti, 2 vols., Naples, 1853, translated into German by B. ARNOLD, Gesehichte des Konzilium's von Konstanz, Schaffhausen, 1860. J. LENFANT, "Eistoire du concile de Constance, 2 vols., Amsterdam, 1714. Wyclif. G. M. TREVELYAN, England in the age of Wycliffe, Lon- don, 1899, 4th edition, 1909. For other literature on Wyclif and his movement see GROSS, no. 36 above. John Huss. H. B. WORKMAN, The dawn of the reformation, vol. II, The age of Hus, London, 1902. G. VON LECHLER, Johannes Hus, Halle, 1889. J. LOSERTH, Huss und Widif : zur Genesis der husitischen Lehre, Prague and Leipzig, 1884, translated by M. J. 274 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII EVANS, Wiclif and Hus, London, 1884. E. H. GILLETT, TJie life and time of John Huss: or the Bohemian reformation of tlie fifteenth century, 2 vols., Boston, 1863. W. BEBGER, Johannes Hus und Konig Sigmund, Augsburg, 1871. C. HOFLER, Magister Johannes Hus und der Ausgang der deutschen Professoren und Studenten aus Prag 1409, Prague, 1864. J. MARTINU, Die Waldesier und die husitische Reformation in Bohmen, Wien, 1910. Hussite wars. Count LUTZOW, The Hussite wars, London and New York, 1914. E. DENIS, Huss et la guerre des Hussites, Paris, 1878, and his Fin de I'independance de la Boheme, 2 vols., Paris, 1890, which has a full bibliography. J. LENFANT, Histoire de la guerre des Hussites et du concile de Basle, Amsterdam, 1731, sup- plements by J. DE BEATJSOBRE, 1745. F. v. BEZOLD, Zur Geschichte des Husitentums, Munich, 1874. F. PALACKY, Urkundliche Beitrdge zur Geschichte des Husitenkrieges, Prague, 1872. W. W. TOMEK, Johann Zizka, translated into German by V. PROCHASKA, Prague, 1882. Council of Basle. P. LAZARUS, Das Basler Konzil, Berlin, 1912. G. PEROUSE, Le cardinal Louis Aleman, president du concile de Bale, et la fin du grand schisme, Paris, 1905. E. PREISWERK, Der Einfluss Aragons auf den Prozess des Basler Konzils gegen Papst Eugen IV, Basle, 1902 (dissertation). O. KICHTER, Die Organisation und Gcsclidftsordnung des Baseler Konzils, Leipzig, 1877. Council of Ferrara-Florence. E. CECCONI, Studi storici sul con- cilia di Firenze, part I, Florence, 1869. Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges. N. VALOIS, Histoire de la Pragmatique Sanction de Bourges sous Charles VII, Paris, 1906. See the long review of this book by J. HALLER, "Die Pragmatische Sanktion von Bourges," in Historische Zcitschrift, CIII (1909), 1-51. J. SALVINI, L'application de la Pragmatique Sanction sous Charles VII et sous Louis XI au chapitre cathedral de Paris, Paris, 1912. A. WERMINOHOFF, Nationalkirchliche Bestrebungen im deutschen Mittelalter, Stuttgart, 1910, part 61 of no. 491 above. The bull Execrabilis. G. B. PICOTTI, La pubblicazione e i primi effetti della Execrabilis di Pio II, Perugia, 1914 (extract from Archivio della r. Societa romana di storia patria). Papal finances in the 14th and 15th centuries. G. MOLLAT and C. SAMARAN, La fiscalite pontificate en France au XIV siede, Paris, 1905, part 96 of no. 887 above.' E. HENNIG, Die papstlichen Zehnten . aus DeutscMand im Zeitalter des Ayignonesischen Papsttums und wdhrend des grossen Schismas, Halle, 1909. J. P. KIRSCH, Die papst- lichen Annaten in Deutscliland wdhrend des 14 Jahrhunderts, vol. I, Paderborn, 1903 (part 9 of Quellen und Forsehungen, Gorresgesell- xxrx CHURCH AND COUNCILS . 275 schaft). Die Einnahmen der apostolischen Hammer unter Johann XXII [1316-1334], edited by E. GOLLER, 2 vols., Paderborn, 1910. A. ECKSTEIN, Zur Finanzlage Felix V und des Easier Konzils, Berlin, 1912. A. GOTTLOB, Aus der camera apostolica des 15 Jahrhunderts, Innsbruck, 1889. See also under outline XXIV above. Original sources. The great collection of sources for the council of Constance is Magnum oecumenicum Constantiense conailium, edited by H. VAN J>ER HABDT, 6 vols., Frankfort, 1700, with an index vol. by G. C. BOHNSTEDT, Berlin, 1742 (now also reprinted in MANSI, no. 962 above, vols. XXVII-XXVIII). This must be supplemented by Ada concilii Const antiensis, edited by H. FINKE, vol. I, Alcten zur Vorgescliiclite des Konstanzer Konzils, 1410-1414, Miinster, 1896; and ULRICH VON KICHENTAL, Das ConoUiumbucli zu Constanz, edited by N. A. and M. E. BUCK, in Bibliothek des literarischen Vereins, vol. CLVIII, Stuttgart, 1882. For the Council of Basle we have Concilium Basiliense : Studien und Quetten zur Geschichte des Konzils von Basel, vols. I-V, and VII, edited by J. HALLER, and others, Basle, 1896-1910. Monumenta conciliorum generalium seouli XV: Scriptorum I, II, III, edited by O. RICHTER, Vienna, 1857-1895; and AENEAS SYLVIUS PICCOLOMINI, De rebus Basileae ge.ttis, edited by M. CATALAN:, Firmi, 1803, by C. FEA, Rome, 1823. JOANNIS Hus, Opera omnia, edited by W. FLOJSHAUS, vols. I and II, Prague, 1904ff. Beitrdge zur Geschichte der husitischen Bcwegung, edited by J. LOSERTH, 5 parts, Vienna, 1877-95 (Archiv fur ostereichische Geschichte, 55, 57, 60, 75, 82). Literarische Polemik zu Beginn des grossen abendldndischen Schismas (Kard. Petrus Flandrin, Kard. Petrus Amelii, Honrad von Gelnhausen) : ungedrukte Texte und Untersuchungen, edited by F. P. BLIEMETZRIEDER, Vienna, 1910, vol. 1 of no. 900 above. THEO- DORICUS DE NIEM, De schismate libri tres, edited by G. ERLER, Leip- zig, 1890. For the works of such men as PIERRE D'AILLY and JEAN GERSON, see POTTHAST, Wegweiser, no. 18 above, and MOLINIER, Les sources, no. 21 above. See also the great collections of source material for the history of the church, nos. 953-964 above, and for the history of Bohemia, no. 986 note, above. Bibliographies. DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, is the most serviceable bibliography because of its recent date ; see pp. 420423, 429-432, 450-452, 456-460, and especially 503-524. The elaborate bibliographies at the head of chapters in LOSERTH, Gesohichte des spdteren Mittelalters, are valuable. See also the bibliographies for church history, nos. 49-55 above. 276 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII XXX. FRANCE DURING THE HUNDRED YEARS' WAR. A. OUTLINE 1. France at the end of the direct line of Capetian kings, 1328. The strength of the monarchy. Weakness of the feudal nobility. Large extent of the kingdom of France, and the brilliancy of its capital, Paris. Effective monarchial institutions. Dominance of the French kings over the papacy at Avignon. Loyalty and self- effacement of the people. The question of nationality in the middle ages. 2. France under the Valois kings, 1328-1498. A period of retrogression from the glorious position of France under the Capetians. Weakness of the royal line. Trials and mistakes of the period of the Hundred Years' War. Awakening of the bour- geoisie. Renewed strength of the feudal nobility leading to civil war and almost wrecking the monarchy. The decline and deso- lation of the city of Paris an index of the times. 3. The causes of the war: (1) territorial: the standing menace to France of the remnants of the old Norman empire on the con- tinent; (2) dynastic: the claim of king Edward III of France to the French crown; (3) economic: the English wool-trade with Flanders, Jacob van Artevelde of Ghent. Relations of France with Scotland. 4. The succession to the French throne in 1328: Philip III, 1270-1285 1 Philip IV, 1285-1314 1 1 Charles of Valois Philip VI (1328-1350) I Louis X 1314-1316 d. without a son 1 1 Philip V Charles IV 1316-1322 1322-1328 d. without d. without a son a son 1 Isabella m. Edward II of England 1 Edward III of England 5. The periods of the war: (1) 1338-1380, first forty-year period of active war ending favorably for France; (2) 1380-1415, thirty- five year period of disastrous comparative peace; (3) 1415-1453, second forty-year period of active war, ending with the expulsion of the English from France. HUNDRED YEARS' WAR 277 6. The war to 1360. English naval victory at Sluys, 1340. The war in Brittany. Defeat of the French at Crecy, April, 1346. Calais captured by the English in 1347. Overwhelming defeat of the French at Poitiers, 1356, where the French king, John II, was captured. For the Black Death and the Jacquerie see outline XXVI above. The treaty of Bretigny, 1360. 7. Constitutional upheaval in France 1355-1358. The question of taxation and mismanagement of funds before the Estates Gen- eral. Etienne Marcel, provost of the merchants of Paris, and Eobert le Coq, bishop of Laon. The "Great Ordinance" of 1357. Complications caused by the Jacquerie. Failure of the constitutional movement and the execution of Etienne Marcel in 1358. 8. French successes, 1360-1378. The "Great Company" of freebooters in France. Bertrand du Guesclin and the Black Prince. Eenewal of the war in 1369. Gradual recovery of territory by the French until in 1378 the English held only Bayonne, Bordeaux, Brest, Cherbourg, and Calais. 9. France during the great western schism, 1378-1417. Weak- ness of Charles VI, 1380-1422, who became insane in 1392. The defeat of the Flemish under Philip van Arteveld at the battle of Eoosebek, 1382, was an index of the rise of the feudal nobility to old-time power. Riots in Paris. The Marmousets. The Tuchins. The struggle for the regency led to civil war between the Bur- gundians and Orleanists (Armagnacs). Eeign of terror in Paris (Caltocliiens) . 10. The English invasion of France under king Henry V, 1415, aided by the Burgundian party. His claim to the French crown. Victory of the English at Agincourt, 1415. Treaty of Trdyes, 1420. When Henry V of England and Charles VI of France died in 1422, Henry VI, son of Henry V, was proclaimed at Paris king of France and England, according to the terms of this treaty. Weakness of the French king, Charles VII (1422-1461), who was besieged in Orleans, 1428. 11. Joan of Arc. A peasant girl born in Domremy in Lorraine. Her "voices." In 1429 she raised the siege of Orleans and had Charles VII crowned at Eheims. Her capture, trial, and death at the stake, in the market place of Eouen, May 30, 1431, at about nineteen years of age. Her rehabilitation. Joan of Arc and French patriotism. 12. The expulsion of the English from France. The Ecoroheurs. Philip of Burgundy became reconciled with Charles VII by the treaty of Arras. The English lost Normandy in 1450, Guienne in 1453, and retained only Calais. 278 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 13. Results of the Hundred Years' War. Reaction in favor of absolutism. Low state of civilization in France at the end of the war. The projected crusade against the Turks in 1454.- 14. Louis XI, 1461-1483, and Charles the Bold of Burgundy. Leagues of the Public Weal. Death of Charles at Nancy in 1477 and the dismemberment of the Burgundian possessions. The House of Austria in the Netherlands. Autocratic rule of Louis XI. Decline of the feudal nobility. 15. The invasion of Italy by Charles VIII in 1494 began a new era in the history of France. 16. Civilization, learning, and art in France during the four- teenth and fifteenth centuries. 17. The Valois kings of France, 1328-1498: Philip VI, 1328-1350. John II. 1350-1364. Charles V, 1364-1380. Charles VI, 1380-1422. Charles VII, 1422-1461. Louis XI, 1461-1483. Charles VIII, 1483-1498. 18. Kings of England, 1327-1485: Edward III, 1327-1377. Richard II, 1377-1399. Henry IV, 1399-1413. Henry V, 1413-1422. Henry VI, 1422-1461. Edward IV, 1461-1483. Edward V, 1483. Richard III, 1483-1485. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general accounts. ADAMS, Growth of the French nation, 108-146. A. HASSELL, The French people, chs. viii-ix. C. HEADLAM, France, chs. x-xni. For military history, see OMAN, Art of war, book VIII; and MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilisation, 547-574, "The French army in the time of Charles VII." Longer general accounts. KITCHEN, History of France, I, book IV, II, book I. MASSON, Mediaeval France, chs. ix-xvi. LODGE, Close of the middle ages, ehs. rv, xv-xvr. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generate, III, ehs. n-iv. J. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittelalters, 324-342, 541-562, 670-683. The standard account in French is LAVISSE, Histoire de France, IV, both parts. HUNDRED YEARS' WAR 279 The Black Prince and Bertrand Du Guesclin. E. P. DUNN-PAT- TISON, The Black Prince, London, 1910. E. V. STODDARD, Bertrand du Guesclin, constable of France: his life and times, New York, 1897. Joan of Arc. There is an immense amount of literature on the Maid of Orleans. Unfortunately, much of it is marred by bitter polemics. A fairly safe course for the English reader is to approach the subject through the pages of two American writers, H. C. LEA, The inquisition of the middle ages, III, 338-378; and F. C. LOWELL, Joan of Are, Boston, 1896. Following are some of the more recent biographies. A. FRANCE, Vie de Jeanne d'Arc, 2 vols., Paris, 1908, translated by WINIFRED STEPHENS, Life of Joan of Arc, London, 1909. A. LANG, The maid of France: being tlie story of the life and death of Jeanne d'Arc, London and New York, 1908, is in large measure a review of the book by A. France. G. HANOTAUX, Jeanne d'Arc, Paris, 1911. MARY E. BANGS, Jeanne d'Arc, the maid of France, Boston, 1910. GRACE JAMES, Joan of Arc, New York, 1910. Louis XI and Charles the Bold. A. C. S. HAGGARD, Louis XI and Charles the Bold, London, 1913. C. HARE (pseudonym), The life of Louis XI, the rebel dauphin and the statesman king, from his original letters and other documents, London and New York, 1907. E. A. FREEMAN, "Charles the Bold," in his Historical essays, first series, 314-372. ETJTH PUTNAM, Charles the Bold: last duke of Bur- gundy, 1433-1477, New York, 1908. Civilization, learning, and art. The best account is in LAVISSE, Histoire de France, IV, part II, 115-227, 436-452, where an abund- ance of literature is citedj much of which appears in part III below, but cannot be given in detail under this outline. Original sources. The one inimitable contemporary narrator of the first part of the Hundred Years ' War is Sir JOHN FROISSART, The chronicles of England, France, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV, translated from the French by T. JOHNES, 4 vols., London, 1803-1810 (often reprinted). For a rapid survey, sueh condensations as the volume in Everyman's library, London and New York, 1906; and the Globe edition of The chronicles of Froissart, edited by G. C. MACAULAY, London and New York, 1899, do very well. FROISSART 's Chronicles were continued by ENGUERRAND DE MONSTRELET, The chronicles of Monstrelet, containing the cruel wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, 1400 ff., translated by T. JOHNES, 2 vols., London, 1867. For the times of Louis XI and Charles VIII, we have The memoires of PHILIP DE COMMLNES, to which is added the Scandal- ous chronicle, or secret history of Louis XI, by JEAN DE TROYES, 2 vols., London, 1900. 280 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII The chief contemporary materials for Joan or Arc are trans- lated in Jeanne d'Arc, maid of Orleans, deliverer of France: being the story of her life, her achievements, and her death, as attested on cath and set forth in original documents, edited by T. D. MURRAY, new and revised edition, New York, 1907. Interesting extracts from these works, together with some other material, will be found in ROBINSON, Eeadings, I, 466-487; OGG, Source book, 418-443; E. P. CHEYNEY, Eeadings in English history, New York, 1908, 225-305; and W. J. ASHLEY, The wars of Edward III, London, 1887. The best description of the most important contemporary writings of this period is by G. MASSON, Early chroniclers of Europe: France. chs. xi-xvi. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 76-79, 81, 84. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general histories of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands are listed above, nos. 508-559. See also nos. 338, 89, 92-93 above. The Hundred Years' War in general. S. LUCE, La France pendant la guerre de cent ans, 2 vols., Paris, 1890-94, is the funda- mental work. J. LACHAUVELAYE, Guerres des Francois et des Anglais du XI* au XVe siede, Paris, 1875. A. JOUBERT, Les invasions anglaises en Anjou au XlVe et XVe siede, Paris, 1872. The military history of the war is treated in E. HARDY, La guerre de cent ans, 1346-1453, Paris, 1879 (extract from "PHistoire de la tactique"). See also the literature on the art of war, p. 262 above, and for naval battles, EONCIERE, no. 546 above. G. GUIBAL, Histoire du sentiment national en France pendant la guerre de cent ans, Paris, 1875. E. LEVASSEUR, La population franc.aise, 3 vols., Paris, 1889-1892, in vol. I touches upon the depopulation in France and especially Paris during the war. S. B. TERRY, The financing of the Hundred Tears' War, 1337-1360, London, 1914. ELEANOR C. LODGE, The estates of the archbishop and chapter of Saint-Andre of Bordeaux under English rule, Oxford, 1912. P. FOURNIER, Le royaume d' Aries et de Vienne. Great battles of the war. H. BELLOC, Crecy, London, 1912 (Brit- ish battles); and his Poitiers, London, 1913 (British battles). G. WROTTLESLEY, Crecy and Calais, London, 1898. E. CZEPPAN, Die Schlacht bei Crecy, Berlin, 1906 (dissertation). N. H. NICOLAS, History of the battle of Agincourt and of the expedition of Henry V, London, 1827, 3rd edition, 1833. F. NIETHE, Die Schlacht bei Azin- court, 1415, Berlin, 1906 (58 pp.). A. DE LOISNE, La bataille d'Azin- court, Paris, 1898 (15 pp.). HUNDRED YEARS' WAR 281 First period, 1338-1380. H. DENIFLE, La desolation des eglises, mcnosteres et hopitaux en France pendant la guerre de cent ans [to 1380], 2 vols., Paris, 1897-99, is by far the best history of this period. E. DEPREZ, Les preliminaires de la guerre de cent ans: la papaute, la France et I'Angleterre (1328-42), Paris, 1902, part 86 of no. 887 above. J. CORDEY, Les comtes de Savoie et les rois de France pendant la guerre de cent ans (1329-1391), Paris, 1911, part 189 of no. 888 above. C. PETIT DUTAILLIS and P. COLLIER, "La diplomatie frangaise et le traite de Bretigny, " in Le moyen age, X (1897), 1-35. J. VIARD, "La France sous Philippe de Valois, " in Eevue des questions historiques, LIX (1896), 337-402. A. LEROUX, Eecherches critiques sur les relations politiques de I'Allemagne et de la France, 1292-1378, Paris, 1882, part of no. 888 above. F. MICHEL, Les Ecossais en France, les Frangais en Ecosse, 2 vols., London, 1862. Flanders. W. J. ASHLEY, James and Philip van Artevelde, Lon- don, 1883. H. PIRENNE, Le soulevement de la Flandre maritime de 1323-1328: documents inedits publics avec une introduction, Brussels, 1900. F. FUNCK-BRENTANO, Les origines de la guerre de cent ans: Philippe le Bel en Flandre, Paris, 1897. L. VANDERKINDERE, Le siecle des Artevelde, Brussels, 1879, 2nd edition, 1907. Baron KERVYN DE LETTENHOVE, Histoire de Flandre, 7 vols., Brussels, 1846-1850, 2nd edition, 5 vols., 1853-1854; and his Jacques d'Artevelde, Ghent, 1863. Etienne MarceL F. T. PERRENS, Etienne Marcel, prevot des marchands (1354-1358), Paris, 1874 (in Histoire generale de Paris) ; see also his older work, Etienne Marcel et le gouvernement de la bourgeoisie au quatorzieme siecle (1356-58), Paris, 1860, and his La democratic en France au moyen age, histoire des tendances demo- cratiques dans les populations urbaines au XIV e et au XV e siecle, 2 vols., Paris, 1875. L. LAZARD, Un bourgeois de Paris: Etienne Marcel, Paris, 1890. J. TESSIER, La mart d'Etienne Marcel, Paris, 1886. S. LUCE, Histoire de la Jacquerie, d'apres des documents in- edits, 2nd edition, Paris, 1894. N. VALOIS, Le conseil du roi aux XIVe, XVe e t XVI siedes, Paris, 1888. A. DESJARDINS, Les Etats Generaux, 1350-1614, Paris, 1873. See also the literature on the Estates General and the Parlement, outline XXV above. The Black Prince and Bertrand du Guesclin. J. MOISANT, Le Prince Noir en Aquitaine, 1355-70, Paris, 1894. A. DEBIDOUR, His- toire de Du Guesclin, Paris, 1880. D. F. JAMISON, The life and times of Bertrand du Guesdin: a history of the fourteenth century, London, 1864. S. LUCE, La jeuncsse de Bertrand du Guesdin, Paris, 1876. M. BOUDET, La Jacquerie des TucJiins (1363-1384), Paris, 1895. 282 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Charles V, 1364-1380. R. DELACHENAL, Histoire de Charles V, vols. I, II, Paris, 1909. M. PBOU, Etude sur les relations politiques d'Urbain V avec les rois de France Jean II et Charles V, Paris, 1888, part 76 of no. 888 above. E. LAVISSE, "Etude sur le pouvoir royal au temps de Charles V," in Revue historique, XXVI (1884), 233-80. Intermediate period, 1380-1415. N. VALOIS, La France et le grand schisme, is the best general history of France during this period. L. JARRY, La vie politique de Louis de France, due d 'Orleans (1378-1408), Paris, 1889. L. MIROT, "Une tentative d 'invasion en Angleterre pendant la guerre de cent ans, 1385-86," in Revue des etudes historiques. 1915. A. COVILLE, Les Cabochiens et I'ordonnance de 1413, Paris, 1888. Charles VII, 1422-1461. G. DU FRESNE DE BEAUCOURT, Histoire de Charles VII et de son epoque, 6 vols., Paris., 1881-91. A. VALLET DE VIRIVILLE, Histoire de Charles VII et son epoque, 3 vols., Paris, 1862-65. E. GLASSON, Le parlement de Paris: son role politique depuis le regne de Charles VII jusqu'a la 'Revolution, 2 vols., Paris, 1901. A. LEROUX, Nouvelles recherches critiques sur les relations politiques de la France avec I'Allcmagne de 1378 d 1461, Paris, 1882. A. TUETEY, Les Ecorcheurs sous Charles VII, 2 vols., Paris, 1874. H. PRUTZ, Jacques Coeur von Bourges: Geschichte eines patriotisohen Kaufmanns aus dem 15 Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1911 (Historische Studien, 93). P. CLEMENT, Jacques Coeur et Charles VII, ou la France au XV siecle, 2 vols., Paris, 1853, 4th edition, 1874. E. COSNEAU, Le connetable de Richemont (Arthur de Bretagne, 1393 1458), Paris, 1886. J. QUICHERAT, Rodrique de Villandrano, I'un des combattants pour I 'independance frangaise au quinzicme siecle, Paris, 1879. P. CHAMPION, Francois Villon, sa vie et son temps, 2 vols., Paris, 1913, throws interesting sidelights on life in Paris in the fifteenth century. Joan of Arc. The bibliography by P. LANERY D'ARC, Le lime d'or de Jeanne d'Arc: bibliographic raisonnee et ana'ytique des nuvrages relatifs d Jeanne d'Arc, Paris, 1894, has 2102 numbers. U. CHEVALIER, Repertoire: bio-bibliographic, II, 2513-2546, fur- nished a long alphabetical list which brought the bibliography up to the year 1907. Only specialists can use such stupendous lists with profit. Helpful criticism of the more recent literature is furnished by M. SEPET, "Jeanne d'Arc et ses plus recents historiens, " in Re- vue des questions historiques, LXXXVIII (1910), 107-134, who writes from the Roman catholic point of view. The following are some of the most important works by Roman catholics. P. H. DUNAND, Etudes critiques, 5 vols., Paris, 1903-09; and his Histoire complete de Jeanne d'Arc, 3 vols., Paris, 1898-1899. HUNDRED YEARS' WAR 283 J. B. J. AYROLES, La vraie Jeanne d 'Arc, 5 vols, and two supplements, Paris, 1890-1902 (one of the supplements treats L'universite de Paris au temps de Jeanne d'Arc, et la cause de-sa haine contre la liberatrice) . H. DEBOUT, La Jeanne d'Arc, grande liistoire illustree, 2 vols., Paris, 1905-06. H. WALLON, Jeanne d'Arc, Paris, 1860, 7th edition, Paris, 1901, is also illustrated beautifully. J. QUICHERAT, Apergus nouveaux sur I'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc, Paris, 1850. Following is a selection of a few of the more popular or more recent biographies. L. PETIT DE JULLEVILLE, La venerable Jeanne d'Arc, Paris, 1900 (Les Saints), translated into English, London, 1907. M. SEPET, Jeanne d'Arc, Tours, 1885, often reprinted; and his La bienheureuse Jeanne d'Arc: son vrai caractere, Paris, 1909. A. MARTY, L'hfetoire de Jeanne d'Arc d'apres les documents orig- inaux et les oeuvres d'art du XV e au XI Xe siecle, Paris, 1907, has an introduction by M. SEPET. F. DE RicrfEMONT, Jeanne d'Arc d'apres les documents contemporains, Paris, 1913. S. LUCE, Jeanne d'Arc d Domremy, Paris, 1886, 2nd edition, 1887. J. FABRE, Jeanne d'Arc liberatrice de la France, Paris, 1884. A. FABRE, Etude sur Jeanne d'Arc, Paris, 1912. Mrs. MARGARET OLIPHANT, Jeanne d'Arc: her life and death, London, 1896 (Heroes of the nations). R. GOWER, Jean of Arc, London, 1893. J. MICHELET, Jeanne d'Arc, 1412-32, Paris, 1890, is practically a reprint from his Histoire de France, vol. V. A. M. TONNA-BARTHET, Los dos procesos de la Ven^e Juana de Arco, Barcelona, 1904. Lady CHARLOTTE BLENNERHASSETT, Die Jungfrau vcn Orleans, Bielefeld, 1906 ( Frauenleben, vol. IX). E. MAHRENHOLTZ, Jeanne Dare in Geschichte, Legende, Dichtung, auf Grund neuerer Forschung, Leipzig, 1890. K. HASE, Die Jungfrau von Orleans, Leipzig, 1893. On the military career of Joan of Arc see the following: P. MARIN, Jeanne d'Arc: tacticien et strategiste, 4 vols., Paris, 1889- 90. H. BARANDE, Orleans et Jeanne d'Arc: etude critique et strate- gique du siege d'Orleans, Paris, 1910. F. CANONGE, Jeanne d'Arc guerriere, Paris, 1908. L. JARRY, Compte de I'armee anglaise au siege d'Orleans, Paris, 1892. BOUCHER DE MOLANDON and A. DE BEAUCORPS, L'armee anglaise vaincue par Jeanne d'Arc, Orleans, 1892. P. CHAMPION, GuUlaume de Flavy, capitaine de Compiegne: contribution a I'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc, Paris, 1906. A. SOREL, La prise de Jeanne d'Arc devant Compiegne, Paris, 1889. Some special studies on Joan of Arc. C te C. DE MALEYSSIE, Les lettres de Jehanne d'Arc et la pretendue abjuration de Saint-Ouen, with a preface by G. HANOTAUX, Paris, 1911. IRENE M. ROPE, "The letters of Jeanne d 'Arc : an epitome, ' ' in Dublin review, CLVI (1915), 57-72. E. PRUTZ, "Die Brief e Jeanne d'Ares," in Sitzungs- GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII berichte of the Munich Academy, 1914, I; see also his "Die falsche Jungfrau von Orleans (1436-57)," ibid., 1911; and "Studien zur Geschichte der Jun'gfrau von Orleans," ibid., 1913, 2. H. DENIFLE, and E. CHATELAIN, ' ' Le proces de Jeanne d 'Arc et 1 'universitfi de Paris," in Mcmoires de la Societe de I'Mstoire de Paris, XXIV (1897), 1-32. G. GOYAU, Jeanne d'Arc devant I'opinion allemande, Paris, 1907. M. SEPET, "Observations critiques sur I'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc, la relation officielle du proces de condamnation et la diplomatic de 1 'Angleterre, " in Revue des questions historiques, XCVI (1914), 420-439. P. A. PIDOUX, Un precurseur de la bien- heureuse Jehanne d'Arc, le bienheureux Jehan de Gand: sa vie et son culte, Lille, 1912. A. BOULE, Jeans sans Peur et Jeanne d'Arc: cu, derniere periode de la guerre de cent ans, 2 vols., Paris, 1901. A. SARRAZIN, Jeanne d'Arc et la Normandie au XIV e siecle, Paris, 1896; see also his Pierre Cauchon, Paris, 1901. E. BERGOT, Jeanne d'Arc et I'histoire modernc, Paris, 1914. Louis XI, 1461-1483. P. F. WILLERT, The reign of Louis XI, London, 1876 (Historical handbooks). A. DESJARDINS, Louis XI, sa politique exterieure, ses rapports avec I'ltalie, Paris, 1874. M. THIBAULT, La jeunesse de Louis XI (1483-44), Paris, 1906. E. EEY, Louis XI et les Stats pontificaux de France au XV e siecle, d'apres des documents inedits, Grenoble, 1899. H. SEE, Louis XI et les vUles, Paris, 1891. J. COMBET, Louis XI et le saint-siege (1461-1483), Paris, 1903. A. GANDILHON, Contribution d I'histoire de la vie privee et la cour de Louis XI (1423-1481), Bourges, 1906. Burgundy and Charles the Bold. E. PETIT, Dues de Bourgogne de la maison Valois, d'apres des documents inedits, vol. I, Philippe le Hardi, part I, 1363-1380, Paris, 1909, continues his great work, Histoire des dues de Bourgogne de la race capetienne. O. CARTELLIERI, Geschichte der Herzoge von Burgund, 1363-1477, vol. I, Philipp der Kiihne, Leipzig, 1910. A. G. P. B. DE BARANTE, Histoire des dues de Bourgogne, 1364-1477, 13 vols., Paris, 1824 ff., 8th edition, 1858. J. F. KIRK, History of Charles the Bold, 3 vols., London, 1863-1868. P. FREDERICQ, Le role politique et social des dues de Bourgogne dans les Pays-Bos, Ghent, 1875. E. TOUTEY, Charles le Temeraire et id ligue de Constance, Paris, 1902. Charles VIII, 1483-1498. H. F. DELABORDE, L' 'expedition de Charles VIII, Paris, 1888. E. HERBST, Der Zug Karl's VIII nach Italien im Urtett der italienisclien Zeitgenossen, Berlin, 1911 (part 28 of Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte). Original sources. Practically all the essential contemporary sources may be found in the large collections on French history, nos. 965-979 above. Much may also be found in the Eolls Series, xxxi GERMANY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 285 no. 995 above, such as nos. 22 and 32, Letters and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry VI, king of England, 2 vols., London, 18614; and Narratives of the expulsion of tJie English from Normandy, 1449-50, London, 1863, both edited by J. STEVENSON. The treaties of the war are printed in EYMER, Foedera, no 996 above, but we have a better collection by E. COSNEATT, Les grandes traites de la guerre de cent ans, Paris, 1889, vol. 7 of no. 968 above. Almost everything of importance concerning Joan of Arc is in Proces de condamnation et de rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Aro... suivis de tous les documents historiques qu'on a pu reunir et accom- pagncs de notes, edited by J. QUICHERAT, 5 vols., Paris, 1841-1849, part 12 of no. 966 above. The extracts from it, translated into English by MURRAY, have been mentioned above. Similar trans- lations of extracts into French have been made by J. FABRE, Proces de condemnation de Jeanne d'Arc, d'apres les textes authentiques des proces-verbaux officiels, traduction avec eclaircissements, Paris, 1884, and his Proces de rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc, raconte et traduit d'apres les textes latins officiels, 2 vols., Paris, 1888, new edition, Paris, 1913. Bibliographies. MOLINIER, Les sources de I'histoire de France, IV-V, dissects the original sources for this period in great detail. The best practical guide for both sources and secondary works is LAVISSE, Histoire de France, IV (bibliographies in footnotes). For the general bibliographies on France, see nos. 21-27 above, and for Belgium, no. 45 above, which is particularly useful for this period. XXXI. GEEMANY FEOM THE GEEAT INTEEEEGNUM TO MAXIMILIAN I, 1273-1493 A. OUTLINE 1. Contrast between decentralization in Germany and central- ization in France during this period. Persistence of the bond between Germany and Italy based on the idea of universal empire. Importance of the great feudal princes in Germany. The great houses of Ascania, Welf, Wittelsbach, Wettin, and the rising houses of Luxemburg, Hapsburg, and Hohenzollern. The impor- tant ecclesiastical princes, especially the archbishop of Mainz, Cologne, and Trier (Treves). The independent imperial cities such as Liibeck, Bremen, and Eostock in the north, and Niirnberg and Augsburg in the south. 286 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 2. The new empire after the Great Interregnum. Eudolf, count of Hapsburg, elected emperor in 1273 chiefly with the aid of his cousin, Frederick III of Hohenzollern, Burggraf of Niirnberg. The Habichtsburg in Switzerland. Eudolf 's German policy. War with Ottokar of Bohemia. His failure to have his son succeed him. Adolf of Nassau, 1292-1298, intervened between Rudolf and his son, Albert I, 1298-1308. 3. Henry VII of Luxemburg, 1308-1313, and the sporadic re- vival of old imperial claims in Italy. John of Luxemburg, king of Bohemia in 1310. Henry VII descent into Italy where he died in Siena, 1313. Dante's De monarchic/,. 4. Origin of the Swiss Confederacy. The league of 1291 be- tween the cantons Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden. Recognized by Henry VII in 1309. The legend of William Tell and the imperial bailiff Gessler. Victory of the Swiss confederates at Morgarten in 1315 over Leopold of Austria. Gradual expulsion of Austria from Switzerland. Battle of Sempacb, 1386. Practical inde- pendence of Switzerland, which was finally recognized in the Peace of Westphalia, 1648. 5. Disputed election in 1314 and civil war between Louis of Bavaria and Frederick of Austria, son of Albert. The trouble with the pope at Avignon, John XXII. Louis was crowned emperor in Rome, by the anti-pope Nicholas V. The war of pamphlets. Marsiglio of Padua's Defensor pads and the writings of other supporters of Louis against the papacy such as William of Ockam, John of Jandun, and Michael Cesena, the general of the Franciscan order. The Declaration of Rense, 1338. 6. The development of the electoral college. Gradual emerg- ence of the seven electors, three ecclesiastical lords: (1) Arch- bishop of Mainz, (2) Archbishop of Trier, (3) Archbishop of Cologne; and four lay princes: (4) King of Bohemia, (5) Count Palatine of the Rhine, (6) Duke of Saxony, and the (7) Margrave of Brandenburg. 7. Charles IV of Bohemia, 1347-1378, and the Golden Bull of 1356. The establishment of the university of Prague in 1348. The Black Death in Germany. The Flagellants. 8. Decline of imperial power in the period of the great western schism and the conciliar movement. The emperor Sigismund, 1410- 1437, at the council of Constance. The Hussite wars, 1419-1436. 9. Private leagues strove to preserve order. The Hanseatic League and the Swiss Confederation have been treated elsewhere. League of Rhenish cities. The Swabian League of cities. Asso- ciations of lesser nobles. xxxi GERMANY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES. . 287 10. The Hapsburgs in the fifteenth century, beginning with Albert II in 1438. Frederick III, 1440-1493, and his advisor, Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini (pope Pius II). Marriage of Fred- erick 's son, archduke Maximilian, with Mary, the daughter and heiress of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, who died in 1477. The Turkish menace. Futile efforts at constitutional reform. 11. German civilization in the fifteenth century. Conditions which prepared for the protestant revolt in the sixteenth century. 12. German emperors, 1273-1519. Kudolf I (of Hapsburg), 1273-1292. Adolf (of Nassau), 1292-1298. Albert I (of Hapsburg), 1298-1308. Henry VII (of Luxemburg), 1308-1314. Louis IV (of Bavaria), 1314-1347. (Frederick of Austria, rival.) Charles IV (of Luxemburg), 1347-1378. (Giinther of Schwarzburg, rival.) Wenzel (of Luxemburg), 1378-1400. Eupert (of the Palatinate), 1400-1410. Sigismund (of Luxemburg), 1410-1438. (Jobst of Moravia, rival.) Albert II (of Hapsburg), 1438-1440. Frederick III (of Hapsburg), 1440-1493. Maximilian I (of Hapsburg), 1493-1519. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Brief general accounts. BRYCE, Holy Roman empire, chs. xm-xv, xvn. HENDERSON, A short history of Germany, I, chs. vi-x. There are a few stimulating pages in E. LAVISSE, Political history of Europe, 45-57. Longer general accounts. LODOE, The close of the middle ages, chs. i, v-vii, xvii. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generate, III, ch. xu. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters, 177-203, 246-324, 416-452, 643-670. GEBHARDT, Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, I, chs. xn-xiv. W. STUBBS, Germany in the later middle ages, 1200-1500. Marsiglio of Padua. R. L. POOLE, Illustrations of the history of medieval thought, ch. ix, "The opposition to the temporal claims of the papacy. ' ' W. A. DUNNING, A history of political theories, eh. ix, ' ' Theories during the decline of the papal hegemony. " J. N. FIGGIS, The theory of the divine right of kings, Cambridge, 1896, 2nd edition, 1914, ch. in, "The holy Roman empire and the papacy." 288 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Switzerland. W. D. MCCRACKEN, The rise of the Swiss republic, Boston, 1892, 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, New York, 1901 (see 92-104 for the legend of William Tell). K. DANDLIKER, A short history of Switzerland, translated by E. SALISBURY from the 2nd edition of his Lehrbuoh, revised, New York, 1899, second period, pp. 37-125. LINA HUG and E. STEAD, Switzerland, New York, 1890 (Story of the nations), chs. ix-xv. A. SCHULTE, "tiber Staaten- bildung in der Alpenwelt, " in Historisches Jahrbuch (1901), 1-22. Original sources. The Golden Bull is translated in HENDERSON, Select documents, 220-261, and also in THATCHER and McNEAL, Source book, 283-305, along with other material pertaining to this outline on pp. 260-308. A portion of the Golden Bull, showing the seal, is reproduced in facsimile in Weltgeschiohte, edited by J. V. PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, II, 464. The De monarchic of DANTE is translated by AURELIA HENRY, Boston, 1904, and also by R. W. CHURCH, Dante and other essays, London, 1901, 175-308. F. W. COKER, Readings in political philo- sophy, New York, 1914, 139-167, contains some extracts from DANTE'S De monarchia and MARSIGLIO'S Defensor pads. There are also some brief extracts of the latter in ROBINSON, Readings, I, 491-497. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 77-79, 85-88, 91. Special maps for Switzerland are, Historuch-geographischer Atlas der Schweiz, edited by J. C. VOGELIN and others, Zurich (Schulthess) ; and OECHSLI- BALDAMUS, Wandkdrte zur Sch'weizergeschichte, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1902. J . I C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general histories of Germany are listed above, nos. 560-598. See also those of Bohemia, nos. 699-703 above. General surveys. T. LINDNER, Deutsche Geschichte under den Habsburgern und Luxemburgern, 1273-1437, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1888-1893, is continued by V. VON KRAUS, Deutsche Geschichte im Ausgange des Mittelalters, 1438-U17, vol. I (1438-1493), Stuttgart, 1888-1905, both parts of no. 560 above. W. COXE, History of the house of Austria, 1278-1792, 3 vols., London, 1882. O. LORENZ, Deutsche Geschichte im 13 und 14 Jahrhundert, 2 vols., Vienna, 1863-1867. A. SCHULTZ, Deutsches Lcben im 14 und 15 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1892. K. ZEUMER, Heiliges romisches Reich deutscher Nation, discusses the titles applied to the empire during this and earlier periods. W. SCHEFFLER, Die Portrdts der deutschen Kaiser und Konige im spdteren Mittelalter von Adolf von Nassau bis Max- imilian I, 1292-1519 (in Repertorium fur Kunstwissenschaft, 33). xxxi GERMANY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 289 Rudolf I, 1273-1292.' O. EEDLICH, Budolf von Habsburg : das dentsclie Reich nach dem Untergange des alien Kaisertums, Inns- bruck, 1903. H. OTTO, Die Beziehungen Rudolfs von Habsburg zu Papst Gregor X, Innsbruck, 1894. J. HELLER, Deutschland und Frankreich in ihren politischen Beziehungen vom Ende des Inter- regnums bis sum Tode Rudolfs von Habsburg, Gottingen, 1874. Adolf, 1292-1298, and Albert I, 1298-1308. F. W. E. BOTH, Geschichte des romischen Konigs Adolf I von Nassau, Wiesbaden, 1879. A. BERGENGRUN, Die politischen Beziehungen Deutschlands zu Frankreich wdhrend der Regierung Adolfs von Nassau, Strasburg, 1884. H. HENNEBERG, Die politischen Beziehungen zwischen Deutsch- land und Frankreich unter Konig Albrecht I, 1298-1308, Strasburg, 1891 (dissertation). Henry VII, 1308-1314. K. GRAFE, Die Persohnlichkeit Kaiser Heinrichs VII, Leipzig, 1911. M. KRAUSSOLD, Die politischen Bezie- hungen zwischen Deutschland und Franlcreich wdhrend der Regierung Heinrichs VII, Munich, 1900 (dissertation). G. SOMMERFELDT, Die Romfahrt Kaiser Heinrichs VII (1310-1313), Konigsberg, .1888. K. WENCK, Clemens V und Heinrich VII, Halle, 1882. Louis of Bavaria, 1314-1347. E. MOELLER, Ludwig der Bayer und die Kurie im Kampf um das Reich: Forschungen, Berlin, 1914. J. v. DOLLINGER, " Deutschlands Kampf mit dem Papstthum unter Kaiser Ludwig dem Bayer" (in his Akademische Vortrdge, I), translated into English, ' ' The struggle of Germany with the papacy under the emperor Ludwig of Bavaria, ' ' in his Studies in European history, London, 1890. K. MULLER, Der Kampf Ludwigs des Bayer n mit der romischen Kurie, 2 vols., Tubingen, 1879-1880. G. SIEVERS, Die politischen Beziehungen Kaiser Ludwigs des Bayern zu Frankreich, 1314-1347, Berlin, 1896 (part 2 of Historische Studien). W. ALTMANN, Der Ro'merzug Ludwigs des Baiern, Berlin, 1886. K. HOHLBAUM, "Der Kurverein zu Eense, 1338," in Abhand- lungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, VII, 1903. Marsiglio of Padua and political thought in the fourteenth century. 8. EIEZLER, Die literarischen Wiedersacher der Pdpste zur Zeit Ludwig des Bayers, Leipzig, 1874. J. SULLIVAN, ' ' Marsiglio of Padua and William of Ockam, " in American historical review, II (1896-1897), 409-426, 593-610. N. VALOIS, "Jean de Jandun et Marsile de Padoue: auteurs du 'Defensor pacis, ' " in Histoire litteraire de la France, XXXIII (1906), 528-623. E. SCHOLZ, Studien iiber die politischen Streitschriften des 14 und 15 Jahrhunderts, Eome, 1909 (part 12 of Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken), and his " Marsilius von Padua und die Idee der Demokratie, " in Zeitschrift fur Politik, I. L. STIEGLITZ, 290 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Die Staatstheorie des Marsilius von Padua: ein Beitrag zur Kennt- ni&s der Staatslehrc im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1914 (Beitrage zur Kulturgesehichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, edited by GOETZ, 19). M. GUGGENHEIM, "Marsilius von Padua und die Staatslehre des 'Aristoteles, " in Historische Vierteljahrschrift, VII (1904), 343-362. H. FINKE, "Zu Dietrich von Niem und Marsilius von Padua, ' ' in Romische Quartal-Schrift, VII. A. BAUDRILLARD, ' ' Les id6es qu 'on se f aisait au XIV e siecle sur le droit d 'inter- vention du Souverain Pontif dans les affaires politiques, " in Revue d'histoire et de litterature religieuse (1898). B. LABANCA, Marsilio da Padova, Padua, 1882. G. VON LECHLER, Der Kirchenstaat und die Opposition gegen den pdbstlichen Absolutismus im Anfange des 14 Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1870. A. FRANK, Reformateurs et publicistes de I'Europe: moyen age Renaissance, Paris, 1864, discusses Dante and Marsiglio of Padua on pp. 108-151. J. SILBERNAGL, "Wilhelms von Occam Ansichten iiber Kirche und Staat, " in Historisches Jahrbuch, VII (1886), 423-433. Switzerland. K. DANDLIKER, Geschichte der Schweiz, 3 vols., Zurich, 1884-1887, vol I, 4th edition, 1901, vols. II and III, 3rd edition, 1902-1903. There is an abridgment of this work under the title, Auszug aus der Schweiz ergeschichte, Zurich, 1910. The same author's Schweizerische Geschichte, Leipzig, 1904 (Sammlung Goschen), is an earlier abridgment. J. DIERAUER, Geschichte der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, vols. I-IV, Gotha, 1887-1912, part of no. 332 above. H. VULLIETY, La Suisse a, trovers les ages: histoire de la civilisation depuis les temps prehistoriques jusqu'd la fin du XVlII e siecle, Paris, 1902, has many illustrations. J. VON MULLER, Geschichte schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft mit alien Fortsetzungen, 26 vols., Leipzig, 1806-1855, translated into French by C. MONNARD and L. VULLIEMIN, Histoire de la confederation suisse, 18 vols., Paris, 1837-1851. Archiv fur Schweizergeschichte, 20 vols., extends to 1875; followed by Jahrbuch fur Schweizerge- schichte, 1876ff. F. G. BAKER, The model republic: a history of the rise and progress of the Swiss people, London, 1895, is disappointing. W. flCHSLi, Die Anfange der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, Bern, 1891, and his Bausteine zur Schweizergeschichte, Zurich, 1891. W. PLATTNER, Die Entstehung des Freistaats der drei Bunde und sein Verhaltnis zur alien Eidgenossenschaft, Davos, 1895. J. HURBIN, Handbuch der Schweizergeschichte, 2 vols., Stans, 1901-1909. M. DE LA EIVE, Histoire abregee de la confederation suisse, 2 vols., 2nd edition, Geneva, 1907. B. VAN MUYDEN, Histoire de la nation suisse, 3 vols., Lausanne, 1899-1901. A. DAQUET, Histoire de la confedera- tion suisse, 7th edition, revised, 2 vols., Geneva and Paris, 1879. xxxi GERMANY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 291 A. HUBER, Die Waldstdtte Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden Ms zur ersten Begrundung ihrer Eiagenossenschaft, Innsbruck, 1861. A. EILLIET, Les origines de la confederation suisse : histoire et legende, Geneva, 1868, 2nd edition, 1869. L. VULLIEMIN, Histoire de la confedera- tion suisse, 2 vols., revised edition, Lausanne", 1879. O. HENNE-AM- RHYN, Geschichte des Schweizervolkes und seiner Kultur, 3 vols., 'Leipzig, 1865-1866. Special books on the Tell legend are: A. BERNOULLI, Die Sagen von Tell und Stauffacher: eine Icritische Untersuchung, Basle, 1899; and E. L. BOCHOLZ, Tell und Gessler in Sage und Geschichte, Heil- bronn, 1877. Charles IV, 1347-1378, and the Golden Bull. E. WERUNSKY, Geschichte Kaiser Karls IV und seiner Zeit. vols. I-III (1316-1368), Innsbruck, 1880-1892. K. ZEUMER, Die Goldene Bulle Kaiser Karls IV, 2 vols., Weimar, 1908. O. HALM, Ursprung und Bedeutung der goldenen Bulle Karls IV, Breslau, 1902 (dissertation). W. SCHEFF- LER, Karl IV und Innocenz VI: Beitrdge zur Geschichte ihrer Bezie- hungen (1355-1360), Berlin, 1912 (part 101 of Historische Studien). S. GROTEFEND, Die Erwerbungspolitik Kaiser Karls IV, Berlin, 1909. Wenzel, 1378-1400, and Rupert, 1400-1410. T. LINDNER, Ge- schichte des deutschen Eeichs unter Konig Wenzel, 2 vols., Braun- schweig, 1875-1880. C. HOEFLER, Euprecht von der Pfalz, genannt Clem, romischer Konig, 1400-1410, Freiburg, 1861. Sigismund. J. ASCHBACH, Geschichte Kaiser Sigmunds, 4 vols., Hamburg, 1838-1845. O. SCHIFF, Konig Sigmunds italienische Politik bis zur Eomfahrt (1410-1431), Frankfurt, 1909. E. GOLLER, Konig Sigismunds Kirchenpolitilc vom Tode Bonifaz' IX bis zur Berufung des Konstanzer Konzils (1404-1413), Freiburg, 1901. Habsburgs in the fifteenth century- W. WOSTRY, Konig Albrecht II (1437-1439), 2 parts, Prague, 1906-1907. A. BACHMANN, Deutsche Eeichsgeschichte im Zeitalter Friedrichs III und Maximilian I, vol. I (1461-1468), vol. II, parts I and II (1467-1486), Leipzig, 1884- 1894. K. KASER, Deutsche Geschichte zur Zeit Maximilians I, 1186- 1519, Berlin, 1912, part of no. 560 above. C. HARE, Maximilian the dreamer, holy Eoman emperor, 1459-1519, London, 1913. Constitutional history of Germany. O. EBERBACH, Die deutsche Eeichsritterschaft in ihrer staatsrechtlich-politischen Entwicklung von den Anfangen bis zum Jahre 1495, Leipzig, 1913 (in Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Eenaissance). M. KRAMMER, Das Kurfurstenkolleg von seinen Anfangen bis zum Zusammenschluss im Eenser Kurverein des Jahres 1338, Weimar, 1913 (in Quellen und Studien). T. LINDNER, Die deutschen Konigs- wahlen und die Entstehung des Kurfilrstenthums, Leipzig, 1893. O. HARNACK, Das Kurfiirstencollegium bis zur Mitte des vierzehnten 292 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Jnlirhnndcrts, Giessen, 1883. F. SCHONHERR, Die Lehre vom Eeichs- fiirtcnstande des Mittelalters, Leipzig, 1914 (dissertation). H. SPANGENBERG, Vom Lehnstaat zum Standestaat, Munich, 1912. G. SEELIGER, Das deutsche Hofmeisteramt im spdteren Mittelalter, Inns- bruck, 1885. T. LINDNER, Die Verne, Miinster und Paderborn, 1888; and his Der angebliche Ursprung der Vemgerichte aus der Inquisition, Paderborn, 1890. Original sources. The general collections of source materials for this period are listed above, nos. 980-987. To these should be added, Deutsche ReichstagsaTcten, herausgegeben durch die histor- ische Kommission bei der kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, vols. I-XIII, Munich, 1867ff.; and Ada imperil Angliae et Franciae ab anno 1267 ad annum 1313: DoTcumente vornehmlich zur Geschichte der auswartigen Beziehungen Deutschlands, edited by F. KERN, Tubingen, 1911. Extracts from the sources for the study of Switzerland may be found in QueUenbuch zur Schweizergeschichte, edited by W. OECHSLI, 2 vols., 1893, vol. I, in 2nd edition, 1902; and E. GAGLIARDI, Geschichte der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft bis zum Abschluss der maildnd- ischen Kriege (1516) : Darstellung und Quellenberichte, Leipzig, 1914 (Voigtlander 's Quellenbiicher, 67). For large collections see no. 987 above; and Amtliche Sammlung der dlteren eidgenossischen Abschiede 1245 bis 1798, 8 vols., Luzern, Basle, and Zurich, 1839- 1884. MARSIGLIO OF PADUA, Defensor pads, first printed in Basle, 1522, also in Monarchia romani imperil, edited by M. GOLDAST, 3 parts, Hannover and Frankfurt, 1611-1613, part II; in this same publica- tion are the principal works of WILLIAM of OCKAM in which he assails the papacy. Portions of MARSIGLIO 's work have been edited for class use in the following source books: MARSILIUS VON PADUA, Defensor pads, fiir Vbungszwecke, edited by R. SCHOLZ, Leipzig, 1914 (Quellensammlung zur deutschen Geschichte) ; and MARSILIUS VON PADUA, "Defensor pads": erstes Buch nach dem Erstdruck fiir Seminarubungen, edited by A. CARTELLIERI, Leipzig, 1913. See also Unbelcannte kirchenpolitische Streitschriften aus der Zeit Ludwigs des Bayern (1327-1354), 2 vols., edited by R. SCHOLZ, Rome, 1911- 1914, parts of no. 899 above. Bibliographies. The standard bibliography for this subject is DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde, pp. 413-542. The other bibli- ographies for German history are listed above, nos. 29-35. For Bohemia see no. 47 above, and for Switzerland, see nos. 43-44 above. For the Tell legend there is a special bibliography by F. HEIXEMANN, Tell-Bibliographie, Bern, 1907. xxxii ITALY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 293 XXXII. ITALY IN THE FOUKTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CENTURIES A. OUTLINE 1. Italy a "geographical expression," not a political entity in this period. Importance of the papacy and the empire in Italian history. Guelphs and Ghibellines. Predominance of Italian cities which developed a culture as marvellous as the world has ever seen. In this period Italy was the center of European civilization, whereas in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries that center was in France. Italy became the preceptress of modern Europe in politics. "Europe would certainly have learned political knavery without a master, but she profited by the lessons which she received from Italy. She fervently meditated the gospel according to Machiavelli. " E. Lavisse, General view, 82-83. 2. The great states of Italy were the republics of Venice and Florence, the duchy of Milan, the kingdom of Naples, and the Papal States, but there were also many important minor states such as Genoa, Ferrara, Verona, Mantua, Urbino, and Rimini. 3. The Sicilian Vespers, 1282. The misrule of Charles of Anjou in Sicily. The massacre of over 4000 French men, women and children in Sicily on Easter Monday, 1282. Peter III of Aragon, who had married Constance, a daughter of Manfred, became king of Sicily. Sicily and Naples had separate rulers until 1435, when they were united under the king of Aragon, Alfonso V, who was formally recognized as Alfonso I of Aragon in 1442. 4. Rome during the "Babylonish Captivity" of the papacy. The Roman nobility, especially the Orsini and the Calonna. Cola di Rienzo and his buona stato, 1347.. His exile and his return and execution in 1354. Cardinal Albornoz saved the Papal States for the papacy, 1353-136Q. 5. The age of the despots in Italy. The peculiar political con- ditions which created the podesta, the captain of the people, and the condottiere, also gave rise to the tyrant. The condottiere Sir John Hawkwood. Characteristics of typical tyrants. Their role as patrons of scholars and artists. Ezzelino da Romano (died 1259). 6. Milan. Its struggles with the Hohenstaufen. The rise of the Visconti family. Matteo Visconti, a vicar of the emperor, usurped authority in 1311. Gian Galeazzo, 1378-1402, duke of Milan. Filippo Maria, 1412-1447, the last of the Visconti. Attempt to establish a republic, 1447. In 1450, the successful con- 294 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAETII dottiere, Francesco Sforza, became duke of Milan. War with Venice. His relations with France. Galeazzo Maria Sforza, 1466- 1478. Ludovico il Moro called in the French king, Charles VIII, against Naples. This led finally to the expulsion of the Sforzas from Milan by Louis of Orleans. 7. The remarkable growth of Venice in the time of the cru- sades. Her influence and her possessions in the Levant. The com- ing of the Ottoman Turks. Wars with Genoa (war of Chioggia, 1378-1381), Padua and Milan. The constitution of Venice. Grad- ual development of an oligarchy. The doge and the Great Council. The Council of Ten in 1310. Rivalry between Venice and Milan in the fifteenth century (execution of Carmagnola, 1432). Wars with the Turks, 1463-1479, and the subsequent decline of Venice. 8. Florence. Her rise in the time of Matilda of Tuscany (died 1115). Rivalry between the feudal nobles or grandi (Ghibel- lines), and the prosperous burghers (Guelfs). The burghers organ- ized in gilds (arti). Later a distinction between greater and lesser gilds (arti maggiore and arti minore). The clash of the Buondelmonte and the Amidei families in 1215. The first com- monwealth (il primo popolo) in 1251. The Captain of the People. The Parte Guelfa, 1267. The glory of the Trecento (about 1266- 1378). Ordinances of Justice, 1293. Rivalry between two Guelf factions, the Whites and the Blacks (Bianchi and Neri). Exile of Dante (a White) in 1302. The tyrant, Walter of Brienne, duke of Athens, 1342-1343. The Black Death in Florence, 1348. Strife between the old Parte Guelfa and the Signory of Priors, 1378. The rising of the Ciompi, 1378. Oligarchial tendency in Florence which prepared for the rise of the rich Medici family (Giovanni de' Medici, which favored the lesser gilds. Cosimo de' Medici, 1434-1464. Piero de' Medici, 1464-1469. Lorenzo de' Medici, "The Magnificent," 1464-1492. 9. Naples. Endless dynastic rivalries in the southern kingdom which did much to retard its development. In the fourteenth cen- tury, the rivalry between Angevins and Aragonese finally made Alfonso V of Aragon king of Naples and Sicily in 1442 (he was Alfonso I of Naples). Lorenzo Valla at the court of Alfonso. Naples under the rule of Ferrante, 1458-1494. The claims of the second house of Anjou on the crown of Aragon became a prime factor in the invasion of Italy by Charles VIII in 1494. 10. The papal states in the fifteenth century. In this period the history of the papacy is largely thafc of a petty Italian principality. Martin V, 1417-1431, the pope elected at Constance, regained con- trol in Rome and over the Papal States. The unsuccessful plot xxxn ITALY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 295 of Stefano Porcaro in 1453. Nicholas V, 1447-1455, the humanist pope. Pius II, 1458-1464, the famous Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, who issued the bull Execrabilis in 1460, was another typical human- ist pope. Sixtus IV, 1471-1484, was hardly more than a secular prince. His attempt to overthrow the Medici in Florence. The papacy in the hands of the Borgias with the accession of Eodrigo Borgia, pope Alexander VI, 1492. 11. Savonarola (burned 1498) in Florence, and the beginning of foreign domination in Italy, with the invasion of Charles VIII of France in 1494. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING General introductory accounts. J. A. SYMONDS, A short his- tory of the renaissance in Italy, New York, [1893], ch. n-vi. H. ~D. SEDGWICK, A short history of Italy, chs. xvn, xx, xxn-xxin. For the period up to the second decade of the fourteenth century, see P. VILLARI, Mediaeval Italy from Charlemagne to Henry VII, book III; and H. B. COTTERILL, Medieval Italy, part V. A good short survey of Italy in the fifteenth century may be found in P. VILLARI, Niccolo Machiavelli e i suoi tempi, 3 vols., Florence, 1877-1882, tran- slated by LINDA VILLARI, The life and times of Niccolo Machiavelli, 2 vols., London, 1898, 1-62. H. D. SEDGWICK, Italy in the thirteenth century, I, chs. xiil, xiv, xv, xvm, vol. II, chs. n-iv, ix-xi. E. A. FREEMAN, ' ' Ancient Greece and mediaeval Italy, ' ' in his Historical essays, series II, 1-52. More advanced general accounts. LODGE, The close of the middle ages, chs. u, vm, xn-xiv. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, III, ch. x. J. BURCKHARDT, The civilization of the renaissance in Italy, part I. J. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters, 203- 206, 250-255, 306-317. Standard works. J. A. SYMONDS, Eenaissance in Italy, vol. I, The age of the despots. SIMONDE DE SISMONDI, History of the Italian republics in the middle ages, entirely recast and supple- mented by W. BOULTING, London, 1905, see no. 613 above. Cola di Bienzo. M. E. COSENZA, Francesco Petrarca and the revo- lution of Cola di Bienzo: a study in the history of Eome during the middle ages, Chicago, 1913. Rome, the Papal States, and the Papacy. W. MILLER, Mediaeval Eome, chs. v-vm. P. VAN DYKE, Tne age of the renascence, 90-261. GREGOROVIUS, History of the city of Eome, VII, part I. H. C. LEA, ' ' The eve of the reformation, ' ' in Cambridge modern history, I, ch. xix. BBYCE, Holy Eoman empire, ch. xvi, "Rome in the middle ages. ' ' 296 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII The standard works on the humanist popes are CREIGHTON, A history of the papacy, III-IV; and PASTOR, History of the popes, III-V. Pope Pius II (Aeneas Sylvius). W. BOULTING, Aeneas Sylvius (Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini Pitts II) orator, man of letters, states- man, and pope, London, 1908. CECILIA M. ADY, Pius II (Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini) the humanist pope, London, 1913. G. VOIGT, Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini, als Papst Pius II, und sein Zeitalter, 3 vols., Berlin, 1856-1863. A. WEISS, Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini als Papst Pius II, Graz, 1897. Florence. For the early history see P. VILLARI, I primi due secoli della storia di Firenze, Florence, 1893, translated by LINDA VILLARI, The two first centuries of Florentine history: the republic and parties at the time of Dante, 2 vols., London, 1894-1895. A good single volume on Florence is E. G. GARDNER, The story of Florence, London, 1901. A satisfactory book on the most brilliant ruler of Florence is E. ARMSTRONG, Lorenzo de' Medici and Florence in the fifteenth century, New York, 1896 (Heroes of the nations). Venice. For a short general survey see the Cambridge modern history, I, 253-287. A standard work on Venice is W. C. HAZLITT, The Venetian republic: its rise, its growth, and its fall, 409-1797, 2 vols., 4th edition, London, 1915. W. E. THAYER, A short history of Venice, London and New York, 1905. H. BROWN, Venice: an historical sketch of the republic, London, 1893, 2nd, revised, edition, 1895; and his still briefer The Venetian republic, New York, 1902 (Temple primers). ALETHEA J. WIEL, The navy of Venice, London, 1910. Savonarola. For short sketches see the Cambridge modern his- tory, I, 144-189; or LEA, Inquisition of the middle ages, Hi, 209-237. The standard work is by P. VILLARI, La storia di G. Savonarola e de' suoi tempi, 2 vols., Florence, 1859-1861, 2nd edition, 1887-1888, translated by LINDA VILLARI, Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola, 2 vols., London, 1888. Invasion of Charles VIII. Cambridge modern history, I, 104- 117, has a good summary of this event so momentous in the history of Italy. Original sources. For the sources on the coronation of Cola di Kienzo, see DUNCALF and KREY, Parallel source problems, 177- 237. For the history of Florence we have the following in English: Selections from the first nine books of the Chroniche Florentine of GIOVANNI VILLANI, edited by P. H. WICKSTEED and translated by ROSE E. SELFE, London, 1906. The Chronicle of DINO COMPAGNI ITALY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 297 [about 1260-1324], translated by ELSE C. M. BENECKE and A. G. FERRERS HOWELL, London, 1906 (Temple classics). NICOLO MACHIA- VELLI, History of Florence together with The Prince, London, Bonn Library (many editions). Another convenient translation of his Florentine history is in Everyman's library, London [1909]. Lives of the early Medici as told in their correspondence, translated and edited by JANET Boss, Boston, 1911. For an insight into the thought of G. SAVONAROLA, see his Triumph of the cross, translated from the Italian, with an introduction, by J. PROCTOR, London, 1901. M. WHITCOMB, A literary source-book of the renaissance, 66-92, prints various excerpts. AENEAS SYLVIUS (Pius II), "How I became pope," translated in Nineteenth century, XLI (1897), 538-546, is extracted from this pope's autobiographical commentaries. Msps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 90, 96. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general books on Italy are listed above, nos. 599621. See also the literature on the Normans in Sicily and southern Italy, outline XX above, on the Lombard communes, out- line XXII above, and on Italian cities and commerce in Italy, out- line XXVI above. General surveys. C. CIPOLLA, Storia delle signorie italiane dal 1313 al 1530, Milan, 1881, vol. IV of no. 599 above. P. ORSI, Signorie e principati (1300-1530), Milan, 1901. E. SALZER, Uber die Anfange der Signorie in Oberitalien, Berlin, 1900. A. FRANCH- ETTI, I primordi delle signorie e delle compagnie di ventura: la vita italiana nel Trecento, Milan, 1892. G. ARIAS, II sistema della con- stituzione economica e sociale italiana nell' eta dei comuni, Turin, 1905. G. B. FANUCCI, Storia dei tre celebri popoli marittimi dell' Italia, veneziani, genovesi e pisani, 4 vols., Livorno, 1853-1855. E. MELILLO, Le poste italiane nel media evo, alta e media Italia (476- 1600), Eome, 1904. Cola di Rienzo and Rome. E. RODOCANACHI, Cola di Eienzo: histoire de Some de 1342 a 1354, Paris, 1888; see also his "L 'organ- isation municipale de Rome au XIV siecle, " in Le moyen age, VIII (1895), 73-82. F. KUHN, Die EntwicTclung der Biindnisspldne Cola di Eienzos im Jahre 1347, Berlin, 1905 (dissertation). F. HER- MANNI, Die Stadt Eom im 15 und 16 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1911. H. J. WUEM, Kardinal Albornoz, der zweite Begriinder des Kirchen- staates, Paderborn, 1892. A. EITEL, De% Kirchenstaat unter Klemens V, Berlin, 1907 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Ge- schichte, 1). 298 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Condottieri. W. BLOCK, Die Condottieri: Studien iiber die soge- nannten unblutigen Shlachten, Berlin, 1913. A. SEMERAN, Die Con- dottieri, Jena, 1909. F. H. JACKSON, True stories of the Condottieri, London, 1904 (for Sir John Hawkwood see ch. iv). G. TEMPLE- LEADER, and G. MARCOTTI, Giovanni Acuto (Sir John Hawkwood) : storia d'un condottiere, Florence, 1889. Milan. CECILIA M. ADY, A history of Milan under the Sforza, London, 1907. ELLA NOYES, The story of Milan, London, 1908 (Mediaeval towns). W. P. URQUHART, Life and times of Francesco Sforza, duke of Milan, 2 vols., Edinburgh and London, 1852. JULIA CARTWRIGHT, Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475-1497: a study of the renaissance, London, 1912. Among the Italian works G. GIULINI, Memorie spettanti alia storia di Milano, 12 vols., Milan, 1760-1775, new edition, 7 vols., 1854-1857, is still the most important. F. CUSANI, Storia di Milano, 8 vols., Milan, 1862-1884. M. FORMENTINI, II ducato di Milano, Milan, 1877. P. VERRI, Storia di Milano, Florence, 1851ff. Venice. P. G. MOLMENTI, La storia di Venezia nella vita privata, 3rd edition, 3 vols., Bergamo, 1903-1908, translated by H. F. BROWN, Venice: its individual growth from the earliest beginnings to the fall of the republic, 6 vols., London and Chicago, 1906-1908. C. DIEHL, Une republique patricienne: Venise, Paris, 1915. F. C. HODGSON, The early history of Venice -from the foundation to the conquest of Constantinople, London, 1901; and his Venice in the 13th and 14th centuries (1204-1400), London, 1910. F. M. CRAW- FORD, Salve Venetia: gleanings from Venetian history, 2 vols., New York, 1906. J. K. FOTHERINGHAM, Marco Sanudo, conqueror of the Archipelago, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1915. T. OKEY, Venice and its story, revised edition, New York, 1910. H. F. BROWN, Studies in the history of Venice, 2 vols., New York, 1907. H. KRETSCHMAYR, Geschichte von Venedig, vol. 1 (to 1204), Gotha, 1905, part 35 of no. 332 above. H. v. ZWIEDINECK-SUDENHORST, Venedig als Welt- macht und Weltstadt, Leipzig, 1899. E. MUSATTI, La storia politico di Venezia secondo le ullimi ricerche, Padua, 1897. Mrs. MARGARET OLIPHANT, Makers of Venice: doges, conquerors, painters, and men of letters, London, 1889. Mrs. AUBREY RICHARDSON, The doges of Venice, London [1914]. G. B. McCLELLAN, The oligarchy of Venice: an essay, Boston, 1904. A. BATTISTELLA, La repubblica di Venezia, Bologna, 1897. Of the old monumental works the following still have value. S. ROMANIN, Storia docurneiifata di Venezia, 10 vols., Venice, 1853- 1861. P. DARU, Histoire de la republique de Venise, 9 vols., 4th edition, Paris, 1853. ITALY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 299 Following is a selection of some special studies: W. LENEL, Die Entstehung der Vorherrschaft Venedigs an der Adria, Stras- burg, 1897. B. SCHMEIDLER, Der Dux und die commune Venetiarum von 1141-1229, Berlin, 1902. P. M. FERRET, Histoire des relations de France avec Venise du XIHe siecle a Charles VIII, 2 vols., Paris, 1896. M. CLAAR, Die EntwicTcelung der venetianischen Verfassung von der Einsetzung bis zur Schliessung des grossen Eats (1172-1297 ), Munich, 1895 (Historische Abhandlungen). A. SORESINA, II Banco Giro di Venezia, Venice, 1889. E. LATTES, La liberta delle banche a Venezia dal secolo XIII a XVII, Milan, 1869. A. BASCHET, Les archives de Venise: Histoire de la chancellerie secrete, Paris, 1870. W. ANDREAS, Die Venezianischen Eelazionen und ihr Verhdltnis zu Kultur der Renaissance, Leipzig, 1908 (dissertation). Genoa. M. G. CANALE, Nuova istoria della repubblica di Genova, vols. I-IV (to 1528), Florence, 1858-1864. C. VARESE, Storia della repubblica di Genova, 7 vols., Genua, 1835-1837. F. DONOWER, Storia di Genova, Genua, 1890. J. T. BENT, ^enoa: how the republic rose and fell, London, 1881. R. W. GARDEN, The city of Genoa, London, 1908, has an historical sketch of the city. G. CARO, Studien zur Geschichte von Genua 1190- 1257, Strasburg, 1891; and his Genua und die Mdchte am Mittel- meer, 1257-1311, 2 vols., Halle, 1895-1899. E. JARRY, Les origines de la domination frangaise a Genes (1392-1402), Paris, 1896. E. HEYCK, Genua und seine Marine im Zeitalter der Kreuzsiige, Inns- bruck, 1886. Florence. The most important book is by B. DAVIDSOHN, Geschichte von Florenz, vol. I-III [to about 1330], Berlin, 1896- 1912, translated into Italian, with many fine illustrations, Storia di Firenze, vols. I-II, Florence, 1907-1909 (see especially the plan of Florence in the thirteenth century, near the end of vol. II, which is also in vol. I of the original German edition). This great work is supplemented by his Forschungen zur Geschichte von Florenz, vols. I-IV, Berlin, 1896-1908; and "Florenz zur Zeit Dantes," in Deutsche Eundschau, July, 1912. In French the best work is by F. T. PERRENS, Histoire de Florence jusqu'd la domination des Medicis, 6 vols., Paris, 1877-1884; continued by his Histoire de Florence depuis la domination des Medicis jusqu'd la chute de Id republique, 1434-1531, 2 vols., Paris, 1888, translated by HANNAH LYNCH, The history of Florence under the domination of Cosimo, Piero, Lorenzo di Medicis, 1434-1492, London, 1892. G. CAPPONI, Storia della repubblica di Firenze, 3 vols., Florence, 1875-1888. G. THOMAS, Les revolutions politiques de Florence 1177-1530, Paris, 1887. T. A. TROLLOPE, History of the commonwealth of Florence. 300 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 4 vols., London, 1865. H. E. NAPIER, Florentine history, 6 vols., London, 1846-1847. Shorter books. F. A. HYETT, Florence: her history and art to the fall of the republic, London and New York, 1903. J. W. BROWN, The builders of Florence, New York, 1907; and his Florence, past and present, New York, 1911. C. E. YRIARTE, Florence, 3rd edition, Paris, 1881, translated by C. B. PITMAN, Florence: its history, the Medici, the humanists, letters, arts, New York, 1882, new edition, Philadelphia, 1897. Mrs. MARGARET OLIPHANT, Makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola and their city, 3rd edition, London, 1889. BELLA DUFFY, The Tuscan republics: (Florence, Siena, Pisa, Lucca) with Genoa, London, 1892. Special studies. E. STALEY, The guilds of Florence, London, 1906. A. DOREN, Entwickelung und Organisation der Florentiner Ziinfte im 13 und 14 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1897. F. SMITH, Beitrdge zur florentinischen Verfassungs- und Heeresgeschichte, Leipzig, 1914. R. GAGGESE, Firenze dalla decadenza di Boma al risorgimento d'ltalia, Florence, 1913, is on the fourteenth century. G. SALVEMINI, La dignitd cavelleresca nel comune di Firenze, Florence,' 1896; and his, Magnati e popolani in Firenze dal 1280 al 1295, Florence, 1899. C. FALLETTI-FOSSATI, II tumulto dei Ciompi, Florence, 1882. The Medici. G. F. YOUNG, The Medici, London, 1909. W. H. O. SMEATON, The Medici and the Italian renaissance, New York, 1901 (The world's epoch-makers, XII). E. HEYCK, Florenz und die Mediceer, Bielefeld and Leipzig, 1897 (Monographien zur Weltge- schichte). A. CASTELNAU, Les Medicis, 2 vols., Paris, 1879. K. DOROTHEA EWART, (Mrs. H. M. VERNON), Cosimo de' Medici, New York, 1899 (Foreign statesmen). F. KNAPP, Piero di Cosimo, Halle, 1899. Lorenzo the Magnificent. E. L. S. HORSBURGH, Lorenzo the Magnificent and Florence in her golden age, London, 1908. W. ROSCOE, Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, 2 vols., Liverpool, 1795, 10th edition, London, 1851, new edition by HAZLITT, 2 vols., London, 1890. A. v. REUMONT, Lorenzo de 'Medici und seine Zeit, 2 vols., 2nd, revised, edition, Leipzig, 1883, translated by R. HARRISON, Lorenzo the Magnificent, 1883. B. BUSER, Lorenzo de Medici als italianischer Staatsmann, Leipzig, 1879; and his Die Besiehungen der Mediceer zu Frankreich 1434-1494, Leipzig, 1879. Savonarola. E. L. S. HORSBURGH, Girolamo Savonarola, London, 1901, 4th edition, revised and enlarged [1911]. H. LUCAS, Fra Girolamo Savonarola: a biographical study based on contemporary documents, London, 1899, 2nd edition, 1906. G. McHARDY, Savona- rola, New York, 1901 (The world's epoch-makers, XIV). J xxxii ITALY IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 301 SCHNITZER, Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte Savonarolas, vols. I-IV, Munich and Leipzig, 1902-1910. J. A. GOBINEAU, The renaissance: Savonarola, Cesare Borgia, Julius II, Leo X, Michael Angela, English edition by O. LEVY, London, 1913. F. T. PERRENS, Jerome Savonarole, sa vie, ses predications, ses ecrits, 2 vols., Paris, 1856. L. v. EANKE, Savonarola und die florentinische Eepublik gegen Ende des 15 Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1877 (Collected works, 40-41). Sicilian Vespers. M. AMARI, La guerre del Vespro Siciliano, 3 vols., 9th edition, Milan, 1886, translated by the Earl of ELLES- MERE, History of the war of the Sicilian Vespers, 3 vols., London, 1850; see also his Altre narrazioni del Vespro Siciliano, Milan, 1887; and his Eacconte popolare del Vespro Siciliano, Kome, 1882. O. CARTELLIERI, Peter von Aragon und die Sisilianische Vesper, Heidel- berg, 1904 (in Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 7). Naples and Sicily. The following old works are still valuable: P. GIANNONE, Storia civile del regno di Napoli, Naples, 1723, new edition, 5 vols., Milan, 1844-1847, translated in part by J. OGILVIE, Civil history of the kingdom of Naples, 2 vols., London, 1729-1731. A. DI MEO, Annali critico-diplomatichi del regno di Napoli, 13 vols., Naples, 1785-1819. E. DI BLASI, Storia civile del regno di Sicilia, 16, vols., Palermo, 1811, new edition, 22 vols., 1830; see also his Storia del regno di Sicilia, 3 vols., Palermo, 1844-1847. SAN FILIPPO, Compendia della storia di Sicilia, 7th edition, Palermo, 1859. Special works. E. JORDAN, Les ongines de la domination Ange- vine en Italic, Paris, 1909. H. E. EOHDE, Der Kampf um Sizilien in den Jahren 1291-1302, vol. I, Berlin, 1913 (in Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 42). D. SCARPETTA, Giovanna I di Napoli, Naples, 1903. W. ST. CLAIR BADDELEY, Queen Johana I of Naples, Sicily, and Jerusalem, London, 1892; and his Robert the Wise and his heirs 1278-1352, London, 1897. A. D. MESSER, Le codice aragonese, etude generale, publication du manuscrit de Paris: contribution a I'histoire des Aragonais de Naples, Paris, 1912 (in Bibliotheque du XV e siecle, vol. XVII). M. SCHIPA, Contese sociali napoletane nel medio evo, Naples, 1908. P. DURRIEU, Les archives angevines de Naples: etude sur les registres du roi Charles I er (1265- 1285), 2 vols., Paris, 1886-1887, parts 46, 51 of no. 887 above. L. CADIER, Essai sur I 'administration du royaume de Naples sous Charles Ier e t Charles II d'Anjou, Paris, 1891, part 59 of no. 887 above. W. ISRAEL, Konig Bobert von Neapel und Kaiser Heinrich VII, Hers- feld, 1903. D. J. AMETLLER Y VINYAS, Alfonso V de Aragon en Italia y la crisis religiosa del siglo 15, vol. I, Gerona, 1903. F. SCADUTO, Stato e chiesa nelle due Sicilie dai Normanni ai tempi nostri, 302 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Palermo, 1886. S. V. Bozzo, Note storiche siciliane del secolo XIV, Palermo, 1882. Other states of Italy. E. G. GARDNER, The story of Siena and San Gemignano, London, 1902. E. HUTTON, Siena and southern Tuscany, New York, 1910. ELLA NOYES, The story of Ferrara, Lon- don, 1904 (Mediaeval towns). M. ALLEN, A history of Verona, New York, 1910. ALETHEA WIEL, The story of Verona, 2nd edition, London, 1904. C. CIPOLLO, Compendia di storia politico di Verona, 1900. Mrs. JANET A. Ross and NELLY BRICHSEN, The story of Pisa, London^ 1909 (Mediaeval towns). KATHERINE JAMES, The city of contrasts: a story of old Perugia, London, 1915. MARGARET SYMONDS and LINA D. GORDON, The story of Perugia, London, 1900 (Mediaeval towns). VICINI, I podestd di Modena, part I (1156-1336), Home, 1914. E. HUTTON, Sigismundo Pandolfo Malatesta, lord of Bimini: a story of a XV century Italian despot, New York, 1906. JULIA CARTWRIGHT, Isabella D'Este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474-1539, New York,' 1903. H. SPANGENBERG, Can Grande della Scala, 2 vols., Berlin, 1892-1895. J. DENNISTOUN, Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino, illustrating the arms, arts, and literature of Italy, 1440-1639, 3 vols., London, 1853-1854, new edition, 1909. ALETHEA WIEL, The romance of the house of Savoy 1003-1519, 2 vols., New York, 1898. Corsica. A. AMBROSI, Histoire des Corses et de leur civilisation,. Bastia, 1914. L. CAIRO, The history of Corsica, London, 1899. Original sources. The large collections of sources for Italian history are listed above, nos. 988-994 above; see also vols. XII- XIV of no. 986 above. For Italy, the special collections for indi- vidual states are especially important, but no attempt can be made here to list even the most important ones. For details, see the special bibliographies listed below. The letters of COLA DI BIENZO have been edited and studied anew by K. and P. PIUR, Briefwechsel des Cola di Bienzo, Berlin, 1912 (vol. II of no. 750 above). Epistolario di Cola di Bienzo, edited by A. GABRIELLI, Rome, 1890, is an older collection. For Venice, special mention may be made of Calendar of State Papers: Venetian, vol. I, 1202-1607, edited by R. BROWN, London, 1864. For SAVONAROLA, see Scelta di prediche e scritta di Fra Girolamo Savonarola con nuovi documenti intorno alia sua vita, edited by P. VILLARI and E. CASANOVA, Florence, 1898. Bibliographies. The general bibliographies for Italy are listed above, nos. 37-41. See also no. 19 above, 447-449 (a very con- venient summary of the most essential source material), and 479- 503. xxxin RENAISSANCE IN ITALY 303 Special bibliographies. PEDONE LAURIEL. Bibliografia del 6 centenario del Vespro Siciliano, Palermo, 1882; see also C. CIPOLLA, "Les Vepres Siciliennes: compte-rendu des principales publications historiques parues a propos du septieme centenaire celebre a Palerme le 31 mars 1882," in Eevue Mstorique, XXI (1883), 135- 147. G. SCRANZO, Bibliografia Veneziana, Venice, 1885 (see also the bibliography for ch. vni of the Cambridge modern history, I). L. S. OLSCHKI, Bibliotheca Savonaroliana, Florence and Venice, about 1902 (see also the bibliography for ch. v of the Cambridge modern history, I). L. FONTANA, Bibliografia degli statuti dei comuiii dell' Italia superiore, 3 vols., Turin, 1907. XXXTII. THE EEMAEKABLE INTEREST IN ANCIENT CLASSICAL LITERATURE, ART, AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN ITALY DURING THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CENTURIES A. OUTLINE 1. The meaning of "Renaissance" and "Revival of learning." As general historical terms these expressions are rapidly losing the definiteness and color which was given to them by such writers as Burckhardt, Voigt, and Symonds, however useful they may still be in the history of certain branches of literature and art in west- ern Europe. Humanism. Litterae humaniores. The "discovery of man" and the "discovery of the world." Controversies be- tween "ancients and moderns." "Battles of books." 2. Retrospect: interest in these subjects during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. For details see outline XVIII in part III below. 3. Dante, 1265-1321, and the ancient world. For details con- cerning the scholarship of Dante see outline XXVIII in part III below. 4. The place of Petrarch, 1304-1376, in the history of culture. The growth of his interest in the Latin classics. Means by which he interested others in them. His slight knowledge of Greek. His search for manuscripts. The retreat at Vaucluse. His popu- larity as a poet. His famous Letters and other writings, especially the Africa. The influence of the Latin revival on Italian. 5. The feverish search in medieval libraries for the manuscripts of ancient classical belles lettres. Poggio Bracciolini, 1380-1459, at the council of Constance and his subsequent travels. The col- 304 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII lection of Greek books by Aurispa (died 1459) and Filelfo, 1398- 1481. 6. Interest in ancient classical epigraphy and archaeology. Ciriaco, about 1391-1450, "the Schliemann of his time." Flavio Biondo, 1388-1463, and his four great works on the antiquities and history of Rome and Italy. 7. Interest in Greek. The share of Petrarch and Boccaccio, 1313-1375, in creating this interest. Greek scholars from Con- stantinople in Italy. Manuel Chrysoloras (about 1350-1415) in Florence 1396. Gemistos Plethon, about 1356-1450, and Bessarion, 1395 or 1403-1472, at the council of Ferrara-Florence, 1438-1439. Theodorus Gaza, about 1400-1475. Controversies over the merits of Plato and Aristotle. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 did little or nothing to encourage the study of Greek in the west. 8. Florence was the center of humanism. The monastery of Santo Spirito and Luigi de' Marsigli (died 1394). Coluccio Salu- tati, 1330-1406. The Medici as patrons of literature. Niccolo de' Niccoli, 1363-1437, Leonardo Bruni, 1369-1444, in the time of Cosimo de' Medici. The brilliant circle of Lorenzo de' Medici. The Platonic Academy of Florence. Ficino, 1433-1499. Pico della Mirandola, 1463-1494. Politian, 1454-1494. 9. Humanism in Rome. Its effect upon the papacy and on the Christian religion. Popularity of pagan ideas and rites. The humanist popes Nicolas V, 1447-1455, and Pius II (Eneas Sylvius), 1458-1464. The Academy of Rome and Pomponius Laetus, 1425- 1498. 10. The Academy of Naples in the time of Alfonso of Aragon, 1442-1458. Laurentius Valla, 1407-1457, and his criticism of the Donation of Constantine. His famous book On the elegancies of Latin language. Beccadelli, 1394-1471. Pontano, 1426-1503. San- nazaro, 1458-1530. 11. Aldus Manutius, 1449-1515, the printer of Greek texts in Venice. In 1500 he founded the New Academy of Hellenists in Venice. 12. Other centers of humanism. The Visconti and Sforza as patrons of letters in Milan. Cangrande della Scala of Verona. Federigo, count of Montefeltro, and his famous library at Urbino. The humanism of the fierce Sigismondo Malatesta of Rimini. 13. In the schools, humanism brought about a revolution the effects of which have lasted down to this day. Vittorino da Feltre, 1378-1446, in Mantua. Guarino da Verona, 1370-1460, in Ferrara. The De ordine docendi et studendi (1459) of his son, Battista Guarino. Comparative lack of interest in humanism in universities. EENAISSANCE IN ITALY 305 14. Eenaissance art contrasted with medieval art. The wonder- ful development of painting which culminated in the first half of the sixteenth century. Important painters: Cimabue, 1240-about 1302; Giotto, 1276-1336; Masaccio, 1402-1429; Fra Angelico, 1387- 1455; Filippo Lippi, 1406-1469; Botticelli, 1447-1510; Ghirlandajo, 1449-1498; Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519; Eaphael, 1483-1520; Titian, 1477-1576; Correggio, 1494-1534. Important architects: Brunelleschi, 1377-1446; Leo Battista Alberti, 1404-1472; Bramante, about 1444-1514. Important sculptors: Orcagna, 1308-1368, Ghi- berti, 1378-1455; Donatello, 1386-1466; Luca della Robbia, 1400- 1482. The genius of Michael Angelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564. 15. The invention of printing, about 1450. The Gutenberg con- troversy. 16. The spread and .influence of the Italian culture of this period. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general surveys. ADAMS, Civilization, ch. xv. LODGE, The close of the middle ages, ch. xxn. Longer accounts. P. VILLARI, The life and times of Niccolb Machiavelli, I, 63-167. Cambridge modern history, I, chs. xvi-xvil. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, III, ch. xi. J. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters, 613-643. Short books on the subject. J. A. SYMONDS, A short history of the renaissance, abridged by A. PEARSON, New York, 1894. J. E. SANDYS, Harvard lectures on the revival of learning, Cambridge, 1905. EDITH SICHEL, The renaissance, New York, 1914 (Home uni- versity library). W. H. HUDSON, The story of the renaissance, New York, 1912. J. B. OLDHAM, The renaissance, New York, 1912 (Temple primers). Mrs. LILIAN F. FIELD, An introduction to the study of the renaissance, London, 1898. P. SCHAFP, The renaissance, New York, 1891 (also in vol. Ill of the Papers of the American society of church history) is scarcely more than a syllabus with copious references. J. E. SANDYS, A history of classical scholarship, II, is a handy volume for reference. Meaning of "Renaissance." The easiest introduction to the present controversy concerning the "Renaissance" may be got by reading in juxtaposition two articles in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Renaissance" by J. A. SYMONDS, and "Middle ages" by Professor SHOTWELL of Columbia university. Standard works. The popular conceptions of "Renaissance" and "Revival of Learning" were stereotyped chiefly by the follow- ing books. J. BURCKHARDT, Die Kultur der Eenaissance in Italien, 306 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII I860, 10th edition, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1908, translated by S. G. C. MIDDLEMORE, The civilization of the renaissance in Italy, 2 vols., London, 1878, 7th edition in one volume, 1914. G. VOIGT, Die Wiederbelebung des classischen Alterthums, Berlin, 1859, 3rd edition, edited by M. LEHNERDT, 2 vols., 1893. J. A. SYMONDS, The renais- sance in Italy, 5 parts in 7 vols., London, 1875-1881, new edition, 1897-1898, vol. I, The age of the despots; vol. II, The revival of learning; vol. Ill, The fine arts; vols. IV and V, Italian literature; vols. VI and VII, The catholic reaction. L. GEIGER, Eenaissance und Humanismns in Italien und Deutschland, Berlin, 1882, part of no. 313 above. Dante. TAYLOR, The mediaeval mind, II, ch. XLIV. For details about the literature on Dante see outline XXVIII of part III below. Petrarch. The best introduction is J. H. ROBINSON and H. W. ROLFE, Petrarch: the first modern scholar and man of letters, New York, 1898, new edition, 1914, which contains many of his letters in good English translation. Following are some other biographies in English: H. C. HOLLWAY-CALTHROP, Petrarch: his life and times, New York, 1907. Mrs. MAUD F. JERROLD, Francesco Petrarca : poet and humanist, New York, 1909. MAY A. WARD, Petrarch: a sketch of his life and works, Boston, 1891. H. REEVE, Petrarch, London, 1878. P. DE NOLHAC, Petrarch and the ancient world, Boston, 1908, is a translation of an interesting portion of his French work listed below. G. B. ADAMS, "Petrarch and the beginning of modern science," in Tale review, I (1892), 146-161, is a study of Petrarch's historical criticism; the author, indeed, thinks it possible that the renaissance acted as a check on the natural sciences. Greek. LOUISE R. LOOMIS, "The Greek renaissance in Italy," in American historical review, XIII (1908), 246-258. Humanism and education. For a general survey see F. P. GRAVES, A history of education during the middle ages and the transi- tion to modern times, 106-139. W. H. WOODWARD, Vittorino da Feltre and other humanist educators, Cambridge, 1897; and his Studies in education during the age of the renaissance, 1400-1600, Cambridge, 1907. R. C. JEBB, Humanism in education, London and New York, 1899 (Romanes lectures, 1899). Ren n issance art. Readers who have not specialized in the art of this period will find the following guides good introductions to the subject: S. REINACH, Apollo, translated from the French, new edition, New York, 1914; and J. BURCKHARDT, Der Cicerone: eine Einleitung zum Genuss der Kunstwerke Italiens, 9th edition in two RENAISSANCE IN ITALY 307 parts in 4 volumes., Leipzig, 1904, translated by Mrs. A. H. CLOUGH, The cicerone: or, Art guide to painting in Italy, London, 1873, new and illustrated impression, New York, 1908. The following college text -books are useful: J. C. VAN DYKE, A text-book of the history of painting, New York, 1899, new, revised, edition, 1915. A. D. F. HAMLIN, A text-book of the history of archi- tecture, 8th edition, New York, 1911. A. MARQUAND and A. L. FROTHINGHAM, A text-book of the history of sculpture, New York, 1896. J. A. SYMONDS, The fine arts (vol. Ill of his Eenaissance in Italy) gives details. Invention of printing. J. H. HESSELS, The Gutenberg fiction, London, 1912; and his article "Typography" in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, furnish a good bibliography. Excellent work in this field was done by the American -scholar T. L. DE VINNE, Invention of printing, 2nd edition, New York, 1878; and his Notable printers of Italy during the fifteenth century, New York, 1910. Original sources. M. WHITCOMB, A literary source book of the renaissance, 2nd edition, Philadelphia, 1903, part I, The Italian renaissance, translates many extracts. See also ROBINSON, "Readings, I, ch. xxii; and OGG, Source book, ch. xxvi. Petrarch's letters to classical authors, translated from the Latin by M. E. COSENZA, Chicago, 1910. Petrarch's secret: or the soul's conflict with passion, translated from the Latin by W. H. DRAPER, London, 1911. The Triumph of Francesco Petrarch, 'Florentine poet laureate, translated by H. BOYD, London, 1906. Some love songs of Petrarch, translated and annotated, with a biographical introduc- tion, by W. D. FOULKE, Oxford University Press, 1915. BOCCACCIO'S Decameron. G. VASARI (1512-1574), Vite de' piu . eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori, new edition with a summary of the latest researches in the notes, by K. FREY, vol. I, Munich, 1911ff., translated by Mrs. J. FOSTER, Lives of seventy of the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects, complete in 5 vols., London, 1850-1864 (Bohn library) ; another edition of selected lives, by E. W. BLASHFIELD and A. A. HOPKINS, 4 vols., New York, 1902 (Temple classics) ; the first volume of a new English translation by G. DE VERB, to be com- plete in 10 vols., was published by the Medici society of London in 1911, in commemoration of Vasari's fourth centenary. VIT- RUVIUS (first century A.D.), The ten books on architecture, translated by the late M. H. MORGAN, Harvard University Press, 1914, had such a profound influence on the artists of the renaissance period that it must be read in order to understand their art. BALDASSARE 308 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII CASTIGLIONE, The book of the courtier, translated by L. E. OPDYCKE, New York, 1903. The life of Benvenuto Cellini, written by himself, translated out of the Italian by J. A. SYMONDS, 5th edition, New York, 1911; a new version by E. H. H. CUST, 2 vols., London, 1910. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. Among the books on the history of civilization listed above, see especially nos. 729750. Of the general histories of literature, see especially nos. 782-786, 808-811 above. Many of the histories of education, nos. 836-843 above, are useful. See also the literature mentioned under the preceding outline on Italy, especially that on Florence. Meaning of renaissance. At least as early as 1885, with the appearance of the first edition of H. THODE, Franz von Assisi und die Anfdnge der Kunst der Renaissance in Italien, 2nd edition, revised, Berlin, 1904, a reaction set in against the conception of the renaissance which was popularized especially by BURKHARDT. The controversy may be pursued in the following booklets and articles, arranged according to date of publication: C. NEUMANN, "Byzan- tinische Kultur and Eenaissancekultur, " in Historische Zeitschrift, XCI (1903), 215-232 (translated in part by MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, enlarged edition, 524546). W. GOETZ, "Mittel- alter und Eenaissance, " ibid., XCVI1I (1907), 30-54. K. BRANDI, Das Werden des Eenaissance, Gottingen, 1908. K. BURDACH, ' ' Sinn und Ursprung der Worte 'Eenaissance' und ' Bef ormation, ' " in Sitzungsberichte der Berliner ATcademie der Wissenschaften, 1910, I, 595ff. P. WERNLE, Eenaissance und Eef ormation: sechs Vortrdge, Tubingen, 1912. A. PHILIPPI, Der Begriff der Eenaissance: Daten zu seiner Geschichte, Leipzig, 1912. E. HEYFELDER, "Die Ausdriicke 'Eenaissance' und 'Humanismus, ' " in Deutsche Literaturzeitung, September 6, 1913. E. TROELTSCH, "Eenaissance und Eeformation, " in Historische Zeitschrift, CX (1913), 519-556. K. BURDACH, "ttber den Ursprung des Humanismus, ' ' in Deutsche Eundschau, CLVIII, CLIX, 1914. K. FRANCKE, Personality in German literature before Luther, Harvard University Press, 1916. See also the Literatur- bericht of P. FUNK, "Geschichte der geistigen Kultur: Eenais- sance," in Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte, XI, (1913-1914), 377-388. Renaissance in general J. D. SYMON and S. L. BENSURAN, The renaissance and its makers, London, 1913, say in their preface, "this book is intended for the general reader." J. P. HERvAs, Historia del renacimiento, 2 vols., Barcelona, 1916. P. VAN DYKE, Eenascence portraits, New York, 1905. C. HARE, Courts and camps of the Italian renaissance: being a mirror of the life and times of the ideal gentle- xxxin KENAISSANCE IN ITALY 309 man, Count Baldassare Castiglione, London, 1908. E. SAITSCHICK, MenscTien und Kunst der italienischen Renaissance, 2 vols., Berlin, 1903-1904. E. EODOCANACHI, La femme italienne a I'epoque de la renaissance, Paris, 1907. G. MAZZONI, Vita italiana nel rinascimento, Milan, 1899. H. JANITSCHEK, Die Gesellschaft der Renaissance in Italien und die Kunst: vier Vortrage, Stuttgart, 1879. E. GEBHART, Les origines de la renaissance en Italic, Paris, 1879; and his La renaissance italienne et la philosophic de I'histoire, Paris, 1887. O. SCHUTZ, Der grosse Mensch der Renaissance, Bonn, 1906 (disserta- tion, Jena). H. HETTNER, Geschichte der Renaissance: Italienische Studien, Braunschweig, 1879. W. DILTHEY, "fiber die Auffassung und Analyse des Menschen im 15 und 16 Jahrhundert, " in Archiv fiir Geschichte der Philosophie, IV (1891), 604-651, V (1892), 337- 400 (also reprinted in his Gesammelte Schriften, I, Leipzig, 1913). E. GOTHEIN, ' ' Die Weltanschauung der Eenaissance, ' ' Jahrbuch des freien deutschen Hochstifts in Frankfurt, 1904, 95-131. Renaissance and Reformation. E. M. HULME, The renaissance, the protestant revolution, and the catholic reformation in continental Europe, New York, 1914. JEAN M. STONE, Reformation and renais- sance (circa 1377-1610), London, 1904. MARY A. ROLLINGS, Europe in renaissance and reformation, 1453-1659, London, 1909. Humanism in general. E. SABBADINI, Le scoperte dei codici latini e greci ne' secoli XIV e XV, Florence, 1905; and his Storia del ciceronianismo e di altre questione letterarie nell' eta della rinascenza, Turin, 1885. G. FIORETTO, Gli umanisti o lo studio del latino e del greco nel seculo XV in Italia, Verona, 1881. A. EOERSCH, L'hu- manisme beige a I'epoque de la renaissance, Brussels, 1910. T. ZIE- LINSKI, Die Antike und wir, translated into German by E. SCHOLER, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1909; and his Cicero im Wandel der Jahrhun- derte, 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1912. Renaissance literature in general. J. E. SPINGARN, A history of literary criticism in the renaissance, New York, 1899, 2nd edition, revised, 1908. G. KORTING, Die Anfdnge der Renaissanceliteratur (vol. Ill of his Geschichte der Literatur Italiens), Leipzig, 1884. M. MONNIER, La renaissance de Dante a Luther, Paris, 1884; and his Le quattrocento: essai sur I'histoire litteraire du XVe siecle italien, new edition, Paris, 1908. W. EVERETT, Italian poets since Dante, New York, 1904. O. KUHNS, The great poets of Italy, Boston, 1904. FLORENCE TRAIL, A history of Italian literature, 2 vols., New York, 1903-1904. F. J. SNELL, The fourteenth century, New York, 1899 (Periods of European literature). G. G. SMITH, The transition period [15th and 16th centuries], New York, 1900 (Periods of European literature). The renaissance library, New York, Duttoii. 310 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Petrarch. P. DE NOLHAC, Petrarque et I'humanisme, Paris, 1892, new edition, revised, 2 vols., 1907. G. KORTING, Petrarca's Leben und Werke (vol. I of Geschichte der Literatur Italiens im Zeitalter der Renaissance), Leipzig, 1878. G. BOLOGNA, Note e studi sul Petrarca, Berlin, 1913 (Die Eeligion der Klassiker, 3). G. FINZI, Petrarca, Florence, 1900. A. MEZIERES, Petrarque: etude d'apres de nouveaux documents, Paris, 1868, new edition, 1895. A. GRAF, ' ' Petrarchismo ed antipetrarchismo, " pp. 3-86 in his Attraverso il cinquecento, Turin, 1888. B. ZUMBINI, Studi sul Petrarca, Naples, 1878, new edition, Florence, 1895. Following are a few special studies on Petrarch: J. H. ROBIN- SON, "Petrarch's Confessions," in Eomanic review, I (1910), 231- 246, 347-356. F. Lo PORCO, Francesco Petrarca allo studio di Mont- pettier, Rome, 1915 (extract from Rendiconti della r. Accademia dei Lincei: scienze morali). F. Petrarca e la Lombardia, by A. ANTON, H. COCHIN, and others, Milan, 1904, is a collection of mis- cellaneous articles on Petrarch collected and printed by the Societa storica Lombarda. E. F. FUZET, Petrarque a Vaucluse, Rouen, 1904. A. FIORVANTI, F. Petrarca e Eoma, Modena, 1905, is a lecture. H. COCHIN, La frere de Petrarque et le livre du repos des religieux, Paris, 1903; see also his Un ami de Petrarque: lettres de Francesco Nelli d Petrarch, Paris, 1892. G. O. CORAZZINI, La madre di Francesco Petrarca, Florence, 1903. C. SEGRE, Studi Petrarcheschi, Florence, 1903. F. WULPP, Preoccupations de Petrarque, 1359-1369, Lund, 1907. L. MASCETTA-CARACCI, Dante e il dedala pet rarchesco : con uno studio sulle malattie di Francesco Petrarca, Lanciano, 1910. H. SCHMELZER, Petrarcas Verhdltnis zur vorausgehenden christlichen Philosophic des Abendlandes, Bonn, 1912. A. CARLINI, Studio su "I' Africa" di Francesco Petrarca, Florence, 1902. G. P. BUTLER, Echoes of Petrarch, Chicago, 1911. A. FARINELLI, Sulla fortune del Petrarca in Spagna nel quattrocento, Turin, 1904. Boccaccio. E. HUTTON, Giovanni Boccaccio: a biographical study, London, 1910. E. RODOCANACHI, Boccace: poete, conteur, moraliste, homme politique, Paris, 1908. J. A. SYMONDS, Giovanni Boccaccio as man and author, London, 1895. G. KORTING, Boccaccio 's Leben und Werke (vol. II of his Geschichte der Literatur Italiens im Zeit- alter der Renaissance), Leipzig, 1880. M. LANDAU, Giovanni Boc- caccio: sein Leben und seine Werke, Stuttgart, 1877. A. HORTIS, Studi sulle opere Latine del Boccaccio, Trieste, 1879. Pogglo. W. SHEPHERD, The life of Poggio Braocdolini, Liverpool, 1802, 2nd edition, 1837. E. WALSER, Poggius Florentinus: Leben und Werke, Leipzig, 1914. RENAISSANCE IN ITALY 311 Greek. T. KLETTE, Beitrdge zur Geschichte und Literatur der italienischen Gelehrtenrenaissance, 3 vols., Greifswald, 1888-1890, is important for its studies on Greek scholars; also contains documen- tary material. H. VAST, Le cardinal Bessarion, Paris, 1878. E. LEGRAND, Bibliographic Hellenique, XVe et XVI s siecles, 3 vols., Paris, 1884-1885. Florence. C. HARE (pseudonym), Life and letters in the Italian renaissance, London, 1915. G. S. GODKIN, Monastery of San Marco, London, 1901. K. BRANDI, Die Renaissance in Florem und Eom, 4th edition, Leipzig, 1913. F. T. PERRENS, La civilisation florentine du 13 au 16 siede, Paris, 1893. W. B. SCAIFE, Florentine life during the renaissance, Baltimore, 1893. A. DELLA TORRE, Storia dell' Accademia platonica di Firenze, Florence, 1902. G. M. BORDEN, Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on Florence during the tenais- sance : its history, literature, and art, Berkeley, University of Califor- nia Press, 1903, gives selected lists of books for each lecture. Coluccio. A. MARTIN, Mittelaltcrliche Welt- und Lebvnsan- schauung im Spiegel der Schriften Coluccio Salutatis, Munich and Berlin, 1913 (Historisehe Bibliothek, XXXIII), and his Coluccio Salutatis Traktat "Vom Tyrannen" : eine kulturgesohichtliehe Unter- suchung nebst Textedition, mit einer Einleitung iiber Salutatis Leben und Schriften und einem Exkurs iiber seine philologisch-historische Methode, Berlin und Leipzig, 1913 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 47). Marsigli of Florence (died 1394). S. BELLANDI, Luigi Marsili degli Agostiniani apostolo ed anima del rinascimento letterario in Firenze, 1342-1394, Florence, 1911. Rome. GREGOROVIUS, Borne in tlie middle ages, book XII, eh. vii, book XIII, passim. J. STRZYGOWSKI, Cimabue und Bom: Funde und Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und zur Topographic der Stadt Bom, Vienna, 1888. C. v. CHLEDOWSKI, Bom: die Menschen der Benaissance, translated from the Polish by ROSA SCHAPIRO, Munich, 1912. E. STEINMANN, Bom in der Benaissance von Nicolaus V bis Leo X, 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1908 (Beriihmte Kunststatten). J. KLASZKO, Rome and the renaissance: The pontificate of Julius II, translated from the French by J. DENNIE, New York, 1903. R. LANCIANI, The golden days of the renaissance in Borne: from the pontificate of Julius II to that of Paul III, Boston and New York, 1906. Naples. W. GOETZ, Konig Robert von Neapel (1309-1343) : seine Persohnlichkeit und sein Verhdltnis zum Humanismus, Tubingen, 1910. 312 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Laurentius Valla. L. BAROZZI and R. SABBADINI, Studi sul Panor- mita e sul Valla, Florence, 1891 (the portion on Laurentius Valla is by SABBADINI). G. MANCINI, Vita di Lorenzo Valla, Florence, 1891. M. v. WOLFF, Lorenzo Valla: sein Leben und seine Werkc, Leipzig, 1893. W. SCHWAHN, Lorenzo Valla: ein Beitrag zur Gc- schichte des Humanismus, Berlin, 1896 (dissertation, Bostock). Aldus Manutius. A. F. DIDOT, Aide Manuce et I'hellenisme d Venise, Paris, 1875. Religion and humanism. J. OWEN, The skeptics of the Italian renaissance, 2nd edition, London, 1893. E. WALSER, " Christentum und Antike in der Auffassung der italienischen Friihrenaissance, " in Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte, XI (1913), 273-288. C. DEJOB, La foi religieuse en Italic au XlVe siecle, Paris, 1905. Education. E. SABBADINI, La scuola e gli studi di Guarini, Catania, 1896; see also his recent edition of the Letters of Guarino of Verona, vol. I, Venice, 1915. Renaissance art in general. E. MUNTZ, Histoire de I 'art pendant la renaissance, 3 vols., Paris, 1889-95 (contains good bibliographies) ; see also his Les precurseurs de la renaissance, Paris, 1882; Les arts d la cour des popes pendant le XV e et le XVI s siecle, 3 vols., Paris, 1878-1882, parts 4 and 9 of no. 887 above; La renaissance en Italic et en France d I'epoque de Charles VIII, Paris, 1885. A. VENTURI, Storia dell' arte italiana, vols. I-VII, Milan, 1901-1915 (vols. IV- VII treat the art of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries). A. PHILIPPI, Die Kunst der Eenaissance in Italien, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1905. H. WOLFFLIN, Die klassische Kunst: Einfuhrung in die italienisclie Eenaissance, Munich, 1901, translated by W. ARMSTRONG, The art of the Italian renaissance: a handbook for students and travellers, New York, 1903. Mrs. LUCY E. BAXTER, The renaissance of art in Italy: an illustrated sketch, New York, 1883, new edition, 1888. W. H. GOODYEAR, Eenaissance and modern art, Meadville, Pennsylvania, 1894. Many books listed under outline XXVII in part III below, on medieval art, also treat renaissance art. Criticism of renaissance art. W. PATER, The renaissance: studies in art and poetry, London, 1873, newest edition, 1910. J. BUSKIN Mornings in Florence, New York, 1876; and his Modern painters, 4 vols., New York, 1858-1859 ; and his Stones of Venice, 3 vols., New York, 1860. H. TAINE, Philosophic de I'art en Italie, Paris, 1866, 3rd edition, 1880. VIOLET PAGET (VERNON LEE, pseudonym), Euphorion : studies of the antique and the mediaeval in the renais- sance, 2nd edition, revised, London, 1885 ; and her Eenaissance fancies and studies, 1895, 2nd edition, London, 1909. M. CARRIERE, Die Kunst xxxnl RENAISSANCE IN ITALY 313 im Zu-saimnenliang der Culturentwicklung , 3rd, revised, edition, 5 vols., Leipzig, 1877-86, vol. IV, Renaissance und Reformation. Renaissance painting. B. BERENSON, The Florentine painters of the renaissance, New York, 1896, 3rd edition, revised, 1909 ; and his The Venetian painters of the renaissance, New York, 1895, 3rd edi- tion, 1897; The north Italian painters of the renaissance, New York [1907]; and The central Italian painters of the renaissance, 2nd edition, revised, New York, 1909. J. A. CROWE and G. B. CAVAL- CASELLE, A history of painting in north Italy from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, edited by T. BORENIUS, 3 vols., London, 1912; and their A new history of painting in Italy, 3 vols., London and New York, 1908-1909. A. WOLTMANN and K. WOERMANN, Geschichte der Malerei, Leipzig, 1879-1888, translated by CLARA BELL, History of painting, vol. II, The painting of the renaissance. B. MUTHEH, The history of painting from the fourth to the early nineteenth century, translated from German by G. KRIEHN, 2 vols., New York, 1907. Sir W. BAYLISS, Seven angels of the renascence: the story of art from Cimabue to Claude, London, 1905. JULIA ADY, The painters of Florence from the 13th to the 16th century, New York, 1901. M. G. ZIMMERMANN, Giotto und die Kunst Italiens im Mittel- alter, vol. I, Leipzig, 1899. ALICE V. V. BROWN, A short history of .Italian painting, London and New York, 1914. C. H. CAFFIN, How to study pictures by means of a series of comparisons of paintings and painters from Cimabue to Monet, New York, 1906. L. VENTURI, Le origini della pittura veneziana, 1300-1500, Venice, 1907. M. BRYAN, Dictionary of painters and engravers: biographical and critical, 5 vols., London, 1903-1908. Renaissance architecture. W. J. ANDERSON, The architecture of the renaissance in Italy, 4th edition, London, 1909. G. SCOTT, The architecture of humanism, Boston, 1914. A. SCHUETZ, Die Renais- sance in Italien: cine Sammlung der werthvollsten Monumente, 4 vols., Hamburg, 1893-96. L. PALUSTRE, L' architecture de la renais- sance, Paris, 1892. R. EEDTENBACHER, Die Architectur der italien- ischen Renaissance: Entwickelungsgeschichte und Formenlehre der- selben, Frankfurt, 1886. Renaissance sculpture. LUCY J. FREEMAN, Italian sculpture of the renaissance, New York, 1901. G. S. DAVIES, Renascence: the sculptured tombs of the fifteenth century in Rome, London, 1910. D. A. E. L. BALCARRES, The evolution of Italian sculpture, London, 1909. W. BODE, Florentine sculptors of the renaissance, New York, 1909. W. BODE, Die italienischen Bildhauer der Renaissance, Ber- lin, 1887. 314 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Leonardo da Vinci. O. SIREN, Leonardo da Vinci: the artist and the man, Yale University Press, 1915. P. DUHEM, Etudes sur Leonardo de Vinci, ccux qu'il a lus et ceux qui I'ont lu, 2 vols., Paris, 1906-09. E. Mi'NTZ, Leonardo Da Vinci, 2 vols., London, 1898. Michael Angelo. R. ROLLAND, Michaelangelo, translated from the French by F. STREET, New York, 1915, another translation by F. LEES, The life of Michael Angelo, London, 1912. H. THODE, Michelangelo und das Ende der Renaissance, 3 vols., in 4, Berlin, 1902-1912. H. F. GRIMM, Life of Michael Angelo, translated by BUNNETT, new edition, 2 vols., Boston, 1896. Individual biographies of other artists may be found in such series as: Great artists series; Great masters in painting and sculpture, edited by G. C. WILLIAM- SON ; Masters in art, Boston, Bates, 1900 ff . ; and Kiinstlermono- graphien, edited by H. KNACKFUSS, Bielefeld, 1899 ff., translated as Monographs on artists. Original sources. Das Zeitalter der Renaissance: ausgewdhlte Quellen zur Geschiohte der italienischen Kullur, edited by MAUIE HERZFELD, Jena, 1911 ff. Die Renaissance in Brief en von Dichtern, Kiinstlern, Staatsmdnner, Gelehrten und Frauen, edited by L. SCHMIDT, vol. I, Leipzig, 1908, is an uncritical collection for the general public. VESPASIANO DA BISTICCI [died 1498] Vite di uomini tilustri del secolo XV, Florence, 1849, new edition in 3 vols., Bologna, 1892. F. PETRARCH, Epistolae de rebus familiaribus et variae, 3 vols., edited by G. FRACASSETTI, 3 vols., Florence, 1859-1863. These famous letters were also translated into Italian by the same editor, with notes, Lettere di Francesco Petrarca delle cose familiari libri venti- quattro, lettere varie libro unico, 5 vols., Florence, 1892 ; and Lettere senile, 2 vols., Florence, 1892. The most serviceable edition of the famous work of LAURENTIUS VALLA on the Donation of Constantine, De falso credita et ementita Donaticne Ccnstantini, with a French translation, is by A. BONNEAU, La donation de Constantin, Paris, 1879. For a general survey of this question of historical criticism, see C. B. COLEMAN, Constantine the Great and Christianity, New York, 1914, who will publish an English translation of Valla 's work on the Donation in no. 949 above. Thoughts en art and life by LEONARDO DA VINCI, translated by M. BARING, Boston, 1906. Epistolario di COLUCCIO SALUTATI, edited by F. NOVATI, vols. I-III, Eome, 1891-1896, vols. XV-XVII of no. 990 above. Briefwechsel des ENEAS SILVIUS PICCOLOMINI, edited by R. WOLKAN, Vienna, 1909. AusgewaMte Schriften von GIOVANNI xxxiv CHRISTIAN SPAIN 315 Pico DELLA MIRANDOLA, edited, with an introduction, by A. LIEBERT, Jena and Leipzig, 1905. Large collections of sources for the history of Italy in general are listed above, nos. 988-994. Bibliographies. There are general bibliographies in VOIGT, Die Wiederbelebung, II, 511-525, which is especially valuable for original sources; SANDYS, A history of classical scholarship, II, xv-xix; and Cambridge modern history, I, 779-783. E. CALVI, Bibliografia an- alitica Petrarchese, 1877-1904, Borne, 1904, is a very valuable critical bibliography on Petrarch. Now see also the Catalogue of the Petrarch collection bequeathed by Willard FisJce to the Cornell uni- versity library, compiled by MARY FOWLER, Oxford University Press, 1916. XXXIV. CHEISTIAN SPAIN IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES A. OUTLINE 1. The protracted crusade against the Moors was the chief factor which molded the life of Christian Spain in the middle ages. Its effect upon political and social institutions and upon the character of the people. 2. The nuclei of Christian states in northern Spain: (1) Asturias (capital Oviedo), with Cantabria, developed into Leon and Castile (Alfonso III, the Great, 866-910); (2) Navarre (Basques); (3) Aragon; (4) Barcelona (Spanish mark of Charlemagne) developed into the kingdom Catalonia; (5) Galicia (St. James of Compo- stella) gave rise to Portugal, but was itself won by Castile. 3. The breakup of the Ommiad Caliphate of Cordova. Death of the great minister and general Almansor in 1002. The division of the Caliphate into several small states between 1002 and 1031. 4. Union of Castile and Aragon under Ferdinand I of Castile, 1033-1065. The reconquest of Spain. In 1085 Alfonso VI, 1065- 1109, captured Toledo. His famous condottiere, Euy Diaz, the Cid Campeador (died 1099). The Moors invited the Almoravides from Africa, who, under Yussuf, defeated Alfonso at the battle of Zallaca, 1086. Eivalry between the Almoravides and the Almo- hades during the twelfth century. 5. The rise of Aragon. Alfonso I, el Batallador, 1104-1134, took Saragossa in 1118. Union of Aragon with Catalonia or Barcelona, thus giving Aragon access to the Mediterranean and wresting Catalonia from French influence. In 1283 Aragon took Valencia and soon developed a Mediterranean policy under James I, 1213- 1276, the first step being the conquest of the Balearic Islands. 316 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 6. The papacy and the Roman church in Spain. Influence of the crusades in drawing the attention of the papacy to Spain. The Cistercians in Spain. The Cistercian military monastic orders of Calatrava and Alcantara. The order of St. James (Santiago). The great interest of pope Innocent III, 1198-1216, in Spain. In his pontificate was fought the decisive battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, 1212, which finally gave the Christians the upper hand in the peninsula. 7. The constitutional history of Spain. Importance of the burgher class in the struggle against the Moors. The cortes in the twelfth century. The hermandades, or brotherhoods of cities, and the nobles. The peculiar office of the justida in Aragon. Strength of royalty in Spain. The Siete Partidas of Alfonso X of Castille. 8. The predominance of Castile under Saint Ferdinand III, 1214-1252 (a contemporary of Saint Louis IX of France). Final union between Leon and Castile in 1230. The winning of Anda- lusia. Capture of Cordova in 1236, of Seville in 1244, and of Xeres and Cadiz in 1250. The Moors were now confined to Granada, but there they were allowed to remain until 1492. The castles of Alhambra and Generalife. 9. After 1250 interest centers in the balance of power between the Christian states in the peninsula and in their relations with the states of Europe. 10. Castile, 1252-1469. Alfonso X, the Wise, 1252-1284, and Richard of Cornwall became rival Holy Roman emperors during the Great Interregnum. Anarchy after his death. Under Alfonso XI, the Moors laid siege to Tarifa in 1340, but they were badly defeated in the battle of Salado. Alfonso took Algeciras in 1344. The rivalry between Peter I, the Cruel, 1350-1369, and his half- brother Henry of Trastamara led to the battle between Du Guesclin and the Black Prince on Spanish soil, at Najara, in 1367. Castile had a very troublous century under the rule of the house of Trasta- mara, 1369-1468. Marriage of Isabella, with Ferdinand, the heir of Aragon, in 1469. 11. Aragon, 1276-1469. Peter III, 1276-1285, secured Sicily after the Sicilian Vespers, 1282. In the reign of James III, 1327- 1336, Sardinia was taken from Genoa and Pisa and annexed to Aragon. Alfonso V, 1416-1458, wrested Naples from the second house of Anjou. The union with Castile, 1469. 12. Union of Aragon and Castile under Ferdinand II, 1479- 1516, and Isabella, 1474-1504, "the Catholic kings," and the foundation of the kingdom of Spain. The fall of Granada, the expulsion of the Jews, and the discovery of America in 1492. xxxiv CHRISTIAN SPAIN 317 13. Spanish culture in the later middle ages, especially in Catalonia. Heresy and the inquisition. The Jews in Spain. 14. Portugal. Early growth of Portugal around Oporto (Porto Calle) and Coimbra, included in 1064. Establishment of the county of Portugal, 1095. In 1140 count Alfonso became king of Portugal and in 1147, with the help of German and Dutch adven- turers, took Lisbon from the Moors. Thus by 1250 Portugal had reached its present limits. Development of a navy in the twelfth century. Internal organization of Portugal under king Diniz (Dionysius, 1279-1325), "Denis the Laborer." Prince Henry the Navigator, 1394-1460, and the beginnings of Portugal's heroic age. In 1486 Vasco Da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and in 1598 he reached Calicut, India. In 1500 the Portuguese discovered Brazil. 15. Kings of Castile, 1214-1504. Saint Ferdinand III, 1214-1252. Alfonso X, 1252-1284. Sancho IV, 1284-1295. Ferdinand IV, 1295-1312. Alfonso XI, 1312-1350. Peter I (the Cruel), 1350-1369. Henry II, of Trastamara, 1369-1379. John I, 1379-1390. Henry III, 1390-1406. John II, 1406-1454. Henry IV, 1454-1474. Isabella, 1474-1504. 16. Kings of Aragon, 1213-1516. James I, 1213-1276. Peter III, 1276-1285. Alfonso III, 1285-1291. James II, 1291-1327. Alfonso IV, 1327-1336. Peter IV, 1336-1387. John I, 1387-1395. Martin, 1395-1410. Ferdinand I, 1412-1416. Alfonso V, 1416-1458. John II, 1458-1479. Ferdinand II, 1479-1516. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general accounts. HELMOLT, History of the world, IV, 510-540. TOUT, Empire and papacy, 464-477; together with LODGE, 318 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Close of the middle ages, 468-493. History of att nations, X, 336- 357. CLARA C. PERKINS, Builders of Spain, 118-151. LEES, The central period of the middle ages, 239-244, together with ELEANOR C. LODGE, The end of the middle age, 240-254. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittelalters, 52-57, 345-359, 693-707. Longer accounts. M. A. S. HUME, The Spanish people, 103-305. LAVISSE and BAMBAUD, Histoire generate, II, ch. xn, and III, ch. ix. H. E. WATTS, The Christian recovery of Spain : being the story of Spain from the Moorish conquest to the fall of Granada (711-1492 A.D.;, New York, 1893 (Story of the nations). Standard works. U. B. BURKE, A history of Spain, I, 133-141, 152-162, 178-388, and all of vol. II. ALTAMIRA, Historia de Espana, I, 351-646, and all of vol. II. The Cid. H. B. CLARK, The Cid Campcador and the waning of the crescent in the west, New York, 1897 (Heroes of the nations). J. ORMSBY, The poem of the Cid, London, 1879. The cortes. B. B. MERRIMAN, "The cortes of the Spanish king- doms in the later middle ages," in American historical review, XVI (1910-1911), 476-495, contains important bibliographical notes. James the First of Aragon, 1213-1270. F. D. SWIFT, The life and times of James the First tlie conqueror, Icing of Aragon, Valencia, and Majorca, Oxford, 1894. C. B. BEAZLEY, James I of Aragon, Oxford, 1890. Heresy and inquisition in Spain. H. C. LEA, A history of the inquisition of Spain, 4 vols., New York, 1906-1907, I, 1-288; and his The Moriscos of Spain: their conversion and expulsion, Philadel- phia, 1901, chs. i-ii; to which may be added his History of the inquisition of the middle ages, II, ch. in. Portugal and Spain in the age of discovery. E. P. CHEYNEY, European background, 60-103. Cambridge modern history, I ch. I. Portugal. H. M. STEPHENS, Portugal, New York, 1891 (Story of the nations), chs. i-vm, is the best account. V. DE BRAGANQA CUNHA, Eight centuries of Portuguese monarchy: a political study, London, 1911, has a very slight sketch on medieval Portugal in eh. I, but he appends a long list of books, pp. 255-265. Henry the Navigator. E. G. BOURNE, Essays in historical criti- .cism, New York, 1901, "Prince Henry the Navigator," 173-189, is a good short sketch. J. P. OLIVEIRA MARTINS, Os filhos de Dom Joao I, Lisbon, 1891, translated from the 1901 edition by J. J. ABRAHAM and W. E. BEYNOLDS, Tlie golden age of Prince Henry the Navigator, London, 1914. C. B. BEAZLEY, Prince Henry the Navigator, London, 1895. xxxiv CHRISTIAN SPAIN 319 Ferdinand and Isabella. Cambridge modern history, I, ch. xi, ' ' The catholic kings, ' ' will serve as a short introductory sketch. IRENE L. PLUNKET, Isabel of Castile and tJie making of the Spanish naticn, 1451-J504, New York, 1915. Mrs. JULIA (CARTWRIGHT) ADY, Isabella the Catholic, New York, 1914 (Heroes of the nations). C. HAKE, A queen cf queens and the making of Spain, London and New York, 1906. W. H. PRESCOTT, History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella tlie Catholic, 3 vols., London, 1838 (often reprinted). Original sources. The chronicle of James I, king of Aragon [1213-1276], translated, with an historical introduction, by P. DE GAYANGOS, London, 1883. The chronicle of the Cid, translated from the Spanish by R. SOUTHEY, London, 1883 (Morley's universal library), is "based partly upon an Arab contemporary original now lost ' ' BURKE. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 82-83. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general histories of Spain and Portugal are listed above, nos. 622-642. See the books on the church in Spain, nos. 467-468 above. See also nos. 813 and 103 above. For the publications of the Eeal academia de la historia of Madrid, see no. 907 above. General and miscellaneous accounts. M. COLMEIRO, Reyes cris- tianos desde Alfonso VI hasta Alfonso XI en Castttla, Aragon, Navarra y Portugal (1072-1312), vol. I, Madrid, 1891, part of no. 622 above. J. DE DIGS DE LA EADA Y DELGADO, La Espana cristiana (970-1072), Madrid, 1890, part of no. 622 above, is incomplete. L. DOLLFUS, Les Espagnes au XI e siecle, Paris, 1903. A. SALCEDO Y Ruiz, Historia de Espana: resumen critico, Madrid [1914], is illus- trated profusely. A. PAZ Y MELIA, Espana de la edad media, Madrid, 1898. CONDE DE TORREANAZ, Los consejos del rey durante la edad media, 2 vols., Madrid, 1884-1892. E. E. HALE and SUSAN HALE, Spain, New York, 1886 (Story of the nations), is far below the level of other works in this series. DEL CASTILLO, Gran diccionario geo- grdfico, estadistico y historico de Espana, Barcelona, 1890 ff. G. CARO, ' ' Aus der spanischen Geschichte im Mittelalter, ' ' in Historische Vierteljahrschrift, XVI (1913), 161-180. H. FINK.E, "Das Auf- bliihen dt-r Geschichtsforschuug in Spanien, ' ' in Historische Zeit- schrift, CXIII (1914), 70-82, sees hopeful signs of improvement in the study and writing of history in Spain. The Cid. WILLEMAERS, Le Cid: son histoire, ses legendes, ses poetes, Brussels, 1873. B. P. A. DOZY, Le Cid d'apres de nouveaux documents, new edition, Leyden, 1860. 320 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PART Castile. J. CATALINA Y GARCIA, Castillo, y Leon durantc los rein- ados dc Pedro I, Enrique II, Juan I, y Enrique III, vols. I-II, Madrid, 1891-1901, part of no. 622 above. G. DAUMET, Etude sur I'aUiance de la France ct de-la Castille au 14-15 e siecles, Paris, 1898, contains important original sources. C. FERNANDEZ DURO, La marina de Castillo, Madrid, 1894, part of no. 622 above. J. LAUREN-TIE, Saint Ferdinand III (1198?-1%52), Paris, 1910 (Les saints). W. HERRMANN, Alfons X von CastHien als romischer Konig, Berlin [1897] (dissertation). Peter I, the Cruel, 1350-1369, has attracted considerable atten- tion and some attempts have been made to vindicate him, e.g., J. GUICHOT, D. Pedro Primero de Castillo : cnsayo de vindicacion critico-historica de su reinado, Seville, 1878. FERNANDEZ GUERRA, El rey D. Pedro de Castillo, Madrid, 1868. P. MERIMEE, Histoire de Don Pedre I er roi de Castille, Paris, 1848, new edition, 1865. A. FERRER DEL Rfo, Examen historico-critico del reinado de Don Pedro de Castillo, Madrid, 1851. Aragon and Catalonia. V. BALAGUER, Historia de Cataluna y de la corona de Aragon, 2nd edition, 11 vols., Madrid, 1885-1887. J. RIBERA, Origen del Justicia Mayor de Aragon, Saragossa, 1897. E. DE HINOJOSA, El regimen senorial y la cuestion agraria en Cataluna durante la edad media, Madrid, 1905 (Biblioteca de derecho). J. BALARI Y JOVANY, Origenes historicos de Cataluna, Barcelona, 1899. L. KLUPFEL, Die dussere Politik Alfonsos III von Aragonien (1285- 1291), Berlin and Leipzig, 1911-12 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 35) ; and his Verwaltungsgeschichte des Konig- reichs Aragon zu Ende des 13 Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart, 1915 (post- humous work, edited by H. E. ROHDE). K. SCHWARZ, Aragonisohe Hofordnungen im 13 und 14 Jahrhundert, Berlin and Leipzig, 1914. G. DESDEVISES DU DEZERT, Don Carlos d' Aragon, Prince de Viane: etude sur I'Espagne du nord au XFe siecle, Paris, 1889. E. L. MIRON, Tlie queens of Aragon: their lives and times [1035-1468 A.D.], London [1913]. Navarre. J. DE JAURGAIN, La Vasconie: etude historique et critique sur les origines du rcyaume de Navarre, etc., vols. I-II, Pau, 1898-1902. Cortes of Spain. M. DANVILA, Estudios e investigaciones his- torico-criticos acerca de las cortes y parlamentos del antiguo reino de Valencia, Madrid, 1906 (ALTAMIRA says it must be used with caution). V. DE LA FUENTE, Estudios criticos sabre la historia y el derecho de Aragon, 3 vols., Madrid, 1884-1886, is especially impor- tant for the early cortes in Aragon. J. COROLEU and D. J. PELLA Y xxxiv CHRISTIAN SPAIN 321 FORGAS, Las Cortes catalanas, Barcelona, 1876, contains important original sources. Hermandades. J. PUYOL Y ALONSO, Las hermandades de Castillo y Leon, Madrid, 1913. K. HAEBLER, "tiber die alteren Hermandades in Kastilien," in Historische Zeitschrift, LIII (1885)', 385-401, and his "Die kastilischen Hermandades zur Zeit Heinrich's IV (1454- 1474)," ibid., LVI (1886), 40-50. A. SACRISTAN Y MARTINEZ, Muni- cipalidades de Castillo y Leon, Madrid, 1878. Spanish church. M. MENENDEZ PBLAYO, Historia de los hetero- doxos espaTioles, 3 vols., Madrid, 1880-1881, new edition, 1912ff. M. VAN HENCKELUM, Spiritualistische Stromungen an den Hofen von Aragon und Anjou wdlirend der Hohe des Armustsstreites, Berlin, 1912, is a study on the spiritual Franciscans. Q. MORALEDA, El rito mozdrabe, su antigiiedad, vicisitudes, costumbres mozdrabes, Toledo, 1904. K. J. v. HEPELE, Der Cardinal Ximenes, Tubingen, 1851, trans- lated into English, The life of cardinal Ximenez, London, 1860, there is also a French translation, Le cardinal Ximenez, Paris, 1856. Jews in Spain. J. AMADOR DE LOS Efos, Historia social, politico y religiosa de los judios de Espana y Portugal, 3 vols., Madrid, 1875-1876. M. KAYSERLING, Gesohichte der Juden in Spanien und Portugal, 2 vols., Berlin, 1861-1867. See also the general histories of the Jews, nos. 850-884 above, especially 876 and 878. Culture in Spain in the later middle ages. E. P. A. DOZY, Eeolierclies sur I 'histoire et la litterature de I 'Espagne pendant le mcyen age, 2 vols., 3rd edition, Leyden, 1881. J. P. OLIVEIRA MAR- TINS, Historia de la civilizacion iberica, Madrid, 1894. Estado de la cultura espanola y prindpalmente catalana en el siglo XV, by various authors, Barcelona, 1893. H. FINKE, "Die Beziehungen der aragonesischen Konige zur Literatur, Wissensehaft, und Kunst im 13 und 14 Jahrhundert, " in Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte, VIII (1910), 20-42. L. COMENGE, La medicina en el reinado de Alfonso V de Aragon, Barcelona, 1903. M. MENENDEZ Y PELAYO, Antologia de poetas Hricos castellanos, Madrid, 1890, contains introductions which constitute a general history of learning and society in Spain in the later middle ages. See also no. 813 above. Portugal. C. E. PEPPER, Le Portugal : ses origines, son histoire, Paris, 1879. F. KURTH, "Der Anteil Niederdeutseher Kreuzfahrer an den Kampfen der Portugiesen gegen die Mauren, " in Mitteilun- gen des Instituts fur osterreichische Geschichtsforschung, VIII, Erganzungsband, I, 1909. Prince Henry the Navigator. M. BARRADAS, Infante Dom Henrique, Lisdon, 1894. A. ALVES, Dom Henrique o Infante, Oporto, 322 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII 1894. R. H. MAJOR, Life of Prince Henry of Portugal surnamed the Navigator, London, 1868, condensed edition, 1874. Expulsion of the Moors. F. CODERA, Decadencia y desaparicion de los Almoravides en Espana, Saragossa, 1899 (Coleccion de estudios arabos, 3) ; and his Estudios criticos de historia drabe espafiola, Sara- gossa, 1903. D. L. EQUILAZ YANGUAS, Resena historica de la con- quista del reino de Granada, 2nd edition, Granada, 1894. M. GASPAR, Granada en poder de los Reyes Catolicos, Granada, 1912. V. BALA- OUER, Las gucrras de Granada, Madrid, 1898. Ferdinand and Isabella. V. BALAGUER, Los reyes catolicos, vols. I and II, Madrid, 1891-1898, part of no. 622 above. P. BOISSONADE, Histoire de la reunion de la Navarre d la Casiiile, 1479-1521, Paris, 1893. D. F. RUANO-PRIETO, Anexion del reino de Navarra en tiempo del Bey Catolico, Madrid, 1899. J. H. MARIEJOL, L'Espagne sous Ferdinand et Isabelle: le gcuvcrnement, les institutions, les moeurs, Paris- [1892]. G. SELA, Politico internaoional de los Reyes Cato- licos, Madrid, 1905. K. HABLER, Geschichte Spaniens unter den Habsburgern, vol. I, Hamburg, 1907, part of no. 332 above. Original sources. General collections of sources for the history of Spain and Portugal are listed above, nos. 997-1001. Acta Aragonen- sia: Quellen zur deutschen, italienischen, franzosischen, spanischen, zur Kirclien- und Kulturgeschichte, aus der diplomatischen Korre- spondenz Jaymes II, 1291-1327, edited by H. FINKE, Berlin, 1908, is a well-edited collection of documents from the time of Dante which bear some resemblances to the famous Venetian Relations. Documents per I'historia de le cultura catalana mig-eval, edited by A. RuBi<3 Y LLUCH for the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, vol. I, Bar- celona, 1908, throws much new light on the important Catalan culture of the middle ages. See H. FINKE, "Die katalanisehe Renaissance," in Internationale Wochenschrift (1910), 209 ff. See also the article on Catalan language and literature in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Primera cronica general: Estoria de Espana que mando componer Alfonso el Sabio y se continuaba bajo Sanclio IV en 1289, edited by R. MENENDEZ PIDAI,, vol. I, text, Madrid, 1906. Codigos de Espana: coleccion completa dcsde el Fuero Juzgo hasta la novisima recopila- cion, edited by M. MARTINEZ ALCUBILLA, 2 vols., Madrid, 1885-1886, is especially valuable for the study of Roman law in Spain since Visigothie days. Fuentes para la historia de CastUla, edited by L. SERRANO, vol. I, Valladolid, 1906, contains archive material, 1068- 1500. Histoire de I'Afrique et de I'Espagne intitulee Al Baguano 'I Mogrib [of IBNAL IDHAR!], translated and annotated by E. FAGNAN, Algiers, 1901. GOMES EANNES DE AZURARA, Chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea, 2 vols., 1896-1899 (Hakluyt society), is an important source for early Portuguese explorations. xxxv EASTERN AND NORTHERN EUROPE 323 Bibliographies. For general bibliographies see no. 42 above. Owing to the lack of adequate bibliographies for the history of Spain, additional information about books must be sought in the bibliographical notes in BURKE and in lists such as those in the Cambridge mcdern history, I, 749-753 ; LOSERTH, Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters, 52, 345, 693 ; HUME, Tlie Spanish people, 517- 524; and LAVISSE and RAHBAUD, Eistoire generate, II, 719-720, III, 504-506. See also the reports in the Jahresberichte der Geschichts- wissenschaft, no. 13 above. The bibliographies on Mohammedan Spain, outline IX above and outline X in part III below, contain references to some books which are important for Christian Spain. XXXV. EASTERN AND NORTHEEN EUROPE IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES A. OUTLINE 1. The crusades widened the sphere of action of Latin Christen- dom which began to develop world interests and policies in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The chief factors with which it had to deal in the later middle ages were the Slavs belonging to the Greek church, the Asiatic nomads, the Byzantine Greeks, and the Mohammedan Ottoman Turks in the east and the Moors in Spain and northern Africa. 2. The invasion of Russia, Poland, and Hungary by Asiatic nomads in the thirteenth century. A new wave of "Mongols, Tar- tars or Tatars ' ' from the steppes of Asia. Rise of these nomads in Asia under Temujin, 1162-1227, better known as Jenghiz Khan (Genghis Khan), or great Khan, which title he obtained in 1206. He penetrated beyond the great wall of China. His son turned westward and defeated the Russian princes in 1223. His grandson, Batu, took Kiev in 1240, and devastated Hungary and Poland most frightfully. Some bands of nomads came into the neighborhood of Vienna. Batu's realm was called the realm of the "Golden Horde" (from ordu, the camp of the leader, who had a "golden" tent). Most of the nomads returned to Asia, but southern Russia remained in their clutch until 1480, when Ivan III, the Great, overthrew them and united the Russian monarchy. Isolation of Russia from both the Latin West and the Greek East, due to this invasion. Growth of Moscow. 3. The greatness of Poland. Conflict between the Teutonic Order and Poland. Dominance of the order during the grand- 324 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PAKTU mastership of Winzig of Kniprode, 1351-1382. End of the rule of the Piasts in Poland, 1370. Union of Poland and Lithuania under the house of Jagello, 1386-1572. Now there arose a strong anti- German movement in Poland, similar to that in Bohemia (Huss- ites). Defeat of the Teutonic Order by Poland at the battle of Tannenberg, 1410. Peace of Thorn, 1411. The treaty of Thorn, 1466, marked the triumph of Poland over the Teutonic Order. Under Casimir IV, Jagello, 1477-1492, Poland reached the height of her glory. His younger son Ladislas was elected king of Bohemia in 1471 and king of Hungary in 1490. Fatal weakness of the Polish constitution, due to the excessive power of the great nobles. 4. The rise and decline of Hungary. The Golden Bull of 1222, the "Magna Carta" of Hungary. Devastation of Hungary by the nomads, 1241-1242. End of the Arpad dynasty, 1301. Dominance of turbulent nobles. Eegeneration under the house of Anjou (Charles I, 1310-1342, and Louis I, 1342-1382). The coming of the Ottoman Turks. Sigismund, of the house of Luxemburg, king of Hungary, 1387-1437. His successful warfare with the Turks, after his defeat by Bayezid at Nicopolis in 1396. John Hunyadi (ca. 1387-1456), the hero in the struggle against the Turks. The succession of his house to the throne in the person of his son Ma- thias I (Corvinus), 1458-1490, in whose reign Hungary reached the pinnacle of her power. Union of Hungary with Bohemia in 1490 under Ladislas II of the house of Jagello. Sudden decline of Hun- gary. 5. The Greek empire under the Palaeologi, 1261-1453. Eestora- tion of the Byzantine rule with the accession of Michael Palae- ologus, 1261, a prince who had ruled Nicaea. Weakness of his empire. Its diminished territories. Inroads made upon them by the Latins of the west in the Balkan peninsula and the Aegean. The "Grand Company of the Catalans." In 1333, Stephen Dushan, king of Serbia, 1331-1355, was on the point of taking Constan- tinople. Dependence of the empire on the west. Continuous nego- tiations with the papacy concerning the union of the two churches. Council of Ferrara Florence, 1438-1439. The Turkish menace. The coming of the gipsies into Europe. 6. The Ottoman Turks in Europe. The rise of the Ottoman Turks or Osmanlis under Othman, 1307-1326. Nicaea was in their hands in 1330. The Janissaries. In 1354 the Turks took Gallipoli, their first foothold on European soil. In 1361 Murad I took Adria- nople. Emperor John V went to Eome to appeal to pope Urban V for help in 1369. Bayezid I, 1389-1403, actually besieged Con- stantinople when he was diverted by the great nomad hero Timur, EASTERN AND NORTHERN EUROPE 325 or Tamerlane, who defeated him and made him captive in the battle of Angora in 1402. 7. The fall of Constantinople, 1453. Weakness of the Palaeologi and gradual recovery of the Ottoman Turks. They were checked temporarily by the genius of the Hungarian John Hunyadi and by the guerilla warfare of the Albanians under their famous leader, (jreorge Castriot, or Scanderbeg (Iskender Bey, Prince Alexander, a complimentary name given him by the Turks in reference to Alex- ander the Great). Negotiations between the Greek and Latin churches due to the pressure of the Turks. In 1453, Mohammed II captured Constantinople. Importance of this event in the history of Europe. The ' ' Eastern Question. ' ' The fall of Constantinople had little or nothing to do with the revival of the study of Greek in Italy. Did the advance of the Turks lead to the discovery of America and of a new route to India? Decline of the importance of the Mediterranean at the close of the fifteenth century. 8. Palaeologian dynasty in Constantinople, 1259-1453. Michael VIII, 1259-1282 (in Constantinople, 1261ff.) Andronicus II (Elder), 1282-1328. Andronicus III (Younger), 1328-1341. John V, 1341-1391 (non-dynastic). John (Cantacuzenus), 1347-1355. Manuel II, 1391-1425. John VI, 1425-1448. Constantine XI or XII (Dragases), 1448-1453. 9. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Denmark was the leading state during this period. Its expansion and prosperity under Walde- mar I, the Great, 1137-1182, Knut VI, 1182-1202, and Waldemar II, the Conqueror, 1202-1241. Importance of Norway under Hakon IV, 1217-1262. The Speculum regale, "The king's mirror," written about 1250-1260, gives a splendid picture of civilization in the north. Conquest of Iceland (1260) and the submission of Green- land. Eelations of the Teutonic Knights, the Sword Bearers, and the Hanseatic League with the northern states. Waldemar III of Denmark, 1340-1375. Treaty of Stralsund, 1370. The Union of Kalmar, 1397, which united the three Scandinavian kingdoms, and lasted formally till 1524, although actually it was dissolved with the election of Christian I of Oldenburg in 1448. Decline of the importance of the Baltic in the fifteenth century. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general surveys. LODGE, The close of the middle ages, 430- 451, 457-467, 494-514. ELEANOR LODGE, The end of the middle age, chs. xi, xin. 326 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII Longer general accounts. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire gen- erale, II, chs. xiv, xvi ; III, chs. xiv-xvin. HELMOLT, History of the world, II, passim, III, 363-376, V, 106-147, 224-226, 243-268, 288- 302, 338-348, 355-359, 363-367, 380-387, 409-412, 415-424, 461-518, VI, 446-452, 466-471, 478-484. LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittelalters, 57-67, 359-365, 563-567, 107-112, 575-581, 199-203, 369-375, 581-612. Europe and Asia. BEAZLEY, Dawn of modern geography, III, ch. n, "The great Asiatic travellers, 1260-1420." Russia and the nomad Mongols. A. RAMBAUD, History of Russia, I, ehs. x-xni; or V. O. KLUCHEVSKY, History of Russia, I, chs. xii- xx, furnish a general survey of the history of Russia during this period. J. CURTIN, The Mongols in Russia, London, 1908, which is a companion volume to the same author's The Mongols: a history, with a foreword by T. ROOSEVELT, Boston, 190S. See also GIBBON, Decline and fall, eh. Lxrv. L. v. RANKE, Weltgeschichte, 9 vols., Leip- zig, 1883ff., VIII, 417-454, " trberfluthung der asiatischen und osteuropaischen Welt durch die Mongolen. " C. R. BEAZLEY, ' ' Rus- sian expansion toward. Asia and the Arctic in the middle ages (to 1500)," in American historical review, XIII (1907-1908), 731-741. Hungary. A. VAMBERY, The story of Hungary, chs. vn-xi. C. M. KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN, The political evolution of the Hungarian nation, 2 vols., London, 1908. G. G. ZERFFI, " Hungary under Mathias Hunyady, surnamed Corvinus, 1458-1490," in Royal historical society, new series, I (1884), 260-272. A confirmation of the Golden Bull of 1222; the "magna carta" of Hungary, is reproduced in facsimile in HELMOLT, History of the world, V, 380; compare this with the Articles of the Barons of Eng- land, the original draft of the Magna Carta, 1215, reproduced in fac- simile in Weltgeschichte, edited by J. v. PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, II, 208. E. HANTOS, The Magna carta of the English and Hungarian consti- tution, London, 1914. Balkans. W. MILLER, The Balkans, 35-61, 167-193, 272-298, 353- 382. N. FORBES, The Balkans, 41-46, 89-101, 175-181, 256-263, 319-. 332. Serbia. W. MILLER, "The mediaeval Serbian empire," in Quarterly review, CCXXVI (1916), 488-507. Latins in the Levant. J. B. BURY, "The Lombards and Vene- tians in Euboia, 1205-1470, ' ' in Journal of Hellenic studies, VII (1886), 309-352, VIII (1887), 194-213, IX (1888), 91-117. W. MILLER, "The Genoese in Chios, 1346-1566," in English historical review, XXX (1915), 418-432. E. A. FREEMAN, "Mediaeval and modern Greece, ' ' in his Historical essays, third series, 303-378. H. F. TOZER, "The Franks in the Peloponnesus," in Journal of Hel- xxxv EASTERN AND NORTHERN EUROPE 327 lenic studies, IV (1883), 165-236. J. T. BENT, "The lords of Chios," in English historical review, IV (1889), 467-480. See also the literature under "The Byzantine empire and the crusades," in outline XXI above, especially MILLER, FINLEY, and ROOD. Byzantine Empire, 1261-1453. OMAN, Story of the Byzantine empire, 307-350. GIBBON, Decline and fall, chs. LXI-LXVIII. W. H. HUTTON, Constantinople, 119-153. W. NORDEN, Das Papsttum und Byzanz : die Trennung der beiden Mdchte und das Problem ihrer Wiedervereinigung bis zum Untergange des byzantinischen Beichs (1453), books III and IV, is the best authority on the attempts made in this period to unite the Greek and Latin churches: A. WACHTER, Der Verfall des Griechentums in Kleinasien im 14 Jahr- hundert, Leipzig, 1903. Ottoman Turks. S. POOLE, The story of Turkey, London, 1888 (Story of the nations), 1-139. Gipsies. See the article "Gipsies" in the Encyclopaedia Britanniea; and HELMOLT, History of the -world, V, 415-424. FaU of Constantinople, 1453. J. B. BURY, "The fall of Con- stantinople," in Yale review, new series, III (1913-1914), 56-77, is a good short summary. The standard work is E. PEARS, The destruction of the Greek empire and the story of the capture of Con- stantinople by the Turks, London and New York, 1903. H. VAST, ' ' Le siege et la prise de Constantinople par les Turcs, ' ' in Eevue historique, XIII (1880), 1-40. Cambridge modern history, I, ch. in, describes the Ottoman conquests after the fall of Constantinople. See also BURY'S Appendix to his edition of GIBBON, Decline and fall. Ottoman Turks and oriental trade routes. A. H. LYBYER, ' ' The Ottoman Turks and the routes of oriental trade, ' ' in English his- torical review, XXX (1915)," 577-588. See also W. HEYD, Geschichte des Levantehandels. Scandinavia. GJERSET, History of the Norwegian people, I, 410- 492, II, 1-103 (in I, 448-451, there is a good description of the Speculum regale or King's mirror). BOYESON, The story of Norway, 400.-480. L. M. LARSON, "Household of the Norwegian kings in the thirteenth century," in American historical review, XIII (1907- 1908), 459-479. Original sources. The chronicle of Novgorod, 1016-1471, trans- lated from the Eussian by R. MICHELL and N. FORBES, London, 1914 (Camden third series, XXV). Mediaeval researches from east- ern Asiatic sources (13th to 17th century), 2 vols., with a map of middle Asia, edited by E. BRETSCHNEIDER, London, 1910 (the work was completed in 1887, and incorporates the material in three or four of his older works). A history of the Moghuls of central Asia: 328 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII being the Tarikh-i-Rashidi of MIRZA MUHAMMAD HAIDAR, Dughlat, an English version by N. ELIAS, London, 1895. Life and acts of the great Tamerlane: narrative of the Castilian embassy to the court of Timur at Samarcand, by ROY GONSALES DE CLAVIJO, 1403-1406, tran- slated, with notes, by C. B. MARKHAM, London, 1859 (Hakluyt Society). The Mulfuz al Timury: or Autobiographical memoirs of the Moghul emperor Timur, translated into English by C. STEWART, London, 1830. MATTHEW PARIS' English history from the year 1235 to 1273, translated from the Latin by J. A. GILES, 3 vols., London, 1852, vol. I, 467-473, "A shocking letter about the cruelty of the Tartars." "An eastern embassy to Europe, 1287-1288," tran- slated by N. MCLEAN, in English historical review, XIV (1899), 299- 318. The fall of Constantinople, by THEODORA PHRANZA, translated by J. M. NEALE, and reprinted, London, 1913 (Everyman's library). The first nine books of the Danish history of SAXO GRAMMATIOUS, translated and edited by O. ELTON and F. Y. POWELL, London, 1894 (The history was written about 1208). Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 2-3, 77, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 102-103, 107- 110. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The general works on the Byzantine empire and on eastern and northern Europe generally are listed above, nos. 643-728. See also the periodicals for the history of the Byzantine empire, nos. 174-175 above, and the Encyclopaedia of Islam, no. 120 above. For histories of literature see nos. 800-802, and 814 above. Mongol nomads from Asia. L. CAHUN, Introduction a I'histoire de I'Asie: Turcs et Mongols, des origines a 1405, Paris, 1896. G. STRAKOSCH-GRASSMANN, Der Einfall der Mongolen in Mitteleuropa in den Jahren 1241 und 1242, Innsbruck, 1893. H. H. HOWORTH, History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th century, 2 vols., in 3, London, 1876-1880; and his The northern frontages of China, 4 vols., London, 1875-1877 (Journal of the royal Asiatic society of Great Britain, new series, VII-1X). N. ELIAS, A history of the Moghuls of central Asia, London, 1898. E. STUBE, "Tschinghizchan: seine Staatsbildung und seine Persohnlichkeit," in Neuc-Jahr- biicher fur das klassische Altertum, 1908. O. WOLFF, Geschichte der Mongolen oder Tatareiij Breslau, 1872. G. BACHFELD, Die Mongolen in Polen, Innsbruck, 1889. J. v. HAMMER-PURGSTALL, Geschichte der Goldenen Horde in Kiptschack, das ist : der Mongolen in Russland, Budapest, 1840. M. DE GUIGNES, Histoire generale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mongols, 5 vols., Paris 1766. KOUNIK, Renseig- nements sur les sources et recherches relatives d la premiere invasion des Tatars en Russie, Petersburg, 1856 (in Melanges asiatiques). F. xxxv EASTERN AND NORTHERN EUROPE 329 PETIS DK LA CROIX, Histoire du grand Genghiscan, Paris, 1710, tran- slated into English, The history of Genghizcan the Great, London, 1722. See also the literature on the early history of the Asiatic nomads, outline XI above. Hungary. J. ANDR!SSY, The development of Hungarian consti- tutional liberty, translated by C. ARTHUR and ILNOA GINEVER, Lon- don, 1908, extends to 1619. G. BECHMANN, Der Kampf Konig Sigmunds gegen die werdende Weltmacht der Osmanen, 1392-1437, Gotha, 1902. L. KUPELWIESER, Die Kampfe Ungarns mit den Osmanen bis zur Schlacht bei Mohdcs, Vienna, 1895. W. FRAKN6i, Mathias Corvinus, Konig von Ungarn, 1458-1490, a German transla- tion, Freiburg, 1891. Serbia. Prince and Princess LAZAROVICH-HREBELIANOVICH, The Servian people: their past glory and their destiny, 2 vols., New York, 1910. K. JIRECEK, Staat und Gesellschaft im mittelalterlichen Serbien: Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des 13-15 Jahrhundert, part I, Vienna, 1912 (Denkschriften der k. Ak. der Wissenschaften in Wien, phil.- hist. Klasse, 56, vols. II-III). Latins in the Levant. G. SCHLUMBERGER, Expeditions des Almu- gavares ou routiers Catalans en Orient de I'an 1302-1311, Paris, 1902. C. BUCHON, Histoire des conquetes et de I'etablissements des Fran- cois dans les provinces de I'ancienne Grece au moyen age, Paris, 1846. Scanderbeg. J. PISKO, Scanderbeg, Vienna, 1894. G. T. PETRO- VITCH, Scander-beg (Georges Castriota), Paris, 1881. C. PAGANEL, Histoire de Scanderbeg: ou Turcs et Chretiens au XVe siecle, Paris, 1855 (see review of this and other books on Albania and Scander- beg, in Edinburgh review, CLIV (1881), 325-356). Ottoman Turks. N. JORGA, Geschichte des Osmanischen nach den Quellen dargestellt, 5 vols., Gotha, 1908-1913, part of no. 332 above, is now the standard work. It supersedes the following two old standard work on the subject: J. v. HAMMER-PURGSTALL, Geschichte des osmanischen Seiches, 2nd edition, 4 vols., Pesth, 1834- 1836, translated into French by J. J. HELLERT, 18 vols., and an atlas, Paris, 1835-1843; and J. W. ZINKEISEN, Geschichte des osman- ischen Eeichs in Europa, 7 vols., Gotha, 1840-1863, part of no. 332 above. H. A. GIBBONS, The foundation of the Ottoman empire: a history of the Osmanlis up to the death of Bayezid I (1300-1403), New York, 1916. E. A. FREEMAN, The Ottoman power in Europe: its nature, its growth, and its decline, London, 1877. E. S. CREASY, History of the Ottoman Turks, new and revised edition, London, 1878. C. ELIOT, Turkey in Europe, London, 1907, new edition, 1908. Sir M. SYKES, The caliphs' last heritage: a short history of the Turkish 330 GENERAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY PARTII empire, London, 1915. Journal of the Eoyal Asiatic society, London, 1834ff. A. DE LA JONQUIERE, Histoire de ['empire Ottoman depuis les origines jusqu'd nos jours, Paris, 1881, new edition, revised, 2 vols., Paris, 1914. H. GANEM, Les sultans Ottomans, 2 vols., in one, Paris, 1901-1902. T. G. DJUVARA, Cent projets de partage de la Turquie (1281-1913), Paris, 1914. Y. FEHMI, Histoire de la Turquie, with a preface by A. BAUMANN, Paris, 1909. T. LAVALLEE, Histoire de la Turquie, 2nd edition, vols. I and II, Paris, 1859. A. VAMBERY, Das Turkenvolk in seinen ethnologischen und ethnographischen Bezieh- ungen geschildert, Leipzig, 1885. Fall of Constantinople, 1453. C. MIJATOVICH, Constantine, the last emperor of the Greeks: or the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks (A.D. 1453) after the latest historical researches, London, 1892. E. A. VLASTO, Les derniers jours de Constantinople, Paris, 1883. J. H. KRAUSE, Die Eroberungen von Konstantinopel im 13 und 15 Jahrhundert, Halle, 1870. A. D. MORDTMANN, Belagerung und Ero- berung von Konstantinopel durch die Tiirken im Jahre 1453, Stutt- gart, 1858. Scandinavia. P. GIRGENSOHN, Die skandinavische Politik der Hanse 1375-1395, Upsala, 1899. H. DENICKE, Die Hansestadte, Danemark und Norwegen 1369-1376, Halle, 1880. M. OEHLER, Die Bezichungen Deutschlands zu Danemark von der Kolner Konfodera- tion bis zum Tode Karls IF, Halle, 1892. R. USINGER, Deutsch- Ddnische Gcschichte 1189-1227, Berlin, 1863. D. SCHAFER, DdniscTie Annalen und Chroniken von der Mitte des XIII bis zum XV Jahr- hundert, Hannover, 1872; and his, Die Hansestadte und Konig Waldemar von Denmark: Hansische Geschichte bis 1376, Jena, 1879. P. ZORN, Staat und Kirche in Norwegen bis zum Schluss des XIII Jahrhunderts, Munich, 1873. Original sources. The general collections of sources for the east and north of Europe in the middle ages are listed above, nos. 1002- 1011. See also no. 986 above. Documents incdits relativs a I'histoire de la Grcce au moyen age, edited by C. N. SATHAS, first series, 9 vols., Paris, 1880-1890. Ada et diplomata graeca medii aevi sacri et prof ana, edited by F. MIK- LOSICH and J. MULLER, 6 vols., Vienna, 1860-1890. Urkunden zur Geschichte der veneto-byzantinischen Beziehungen, edited by G. L. TAFEL and G. M. THOMAS, Vienna, 1858, in Fontes rerum Austria- carum, 2, XII-XIV. Monumenta spectanta ad unionum ecclesiarum Graecae et Romanae, Vienna, 1872, edited by A. THEINER and F. MIKLOSICH, contains documents from 1124-1582. Chroniques Grcco- Somanes inedites, edited by K. HOPF, Berlin, 1873. Recueil de docu- EASTERN AND NORTHERN EUROPE 331 ments sur I'Asie centrale d'apres les ecrivains chinois, Paris, 1881, edited by C. IMBAULT-HUART, in Bibliotheque de I'ecole des langues orientales, XVI. The tale of the armament of IGOR, A.D. 1185 ; a Russian historical epic, edited and translated by L. A. MAGNUS, London, 1915. The main manuscript of Konung slcuggsja [Icing's mirror} in phototype reproduction with diplomatic text, edited for the university Df Illinois by G. T. FLOM, Urbana, 111., 1915. Professor L. M. LARSON, of the same university, has just finished an English translation of the King 's mirror, New York, 1917. Bibliography. The general bibliographies for eastern and northern Europe are listed above, nos. 46-48. For the Byzantine empire K. KRUMBACHER, Geschichte der Byzantinischen Literatur, no. 800 above, is our great store house of learning, including his- torical bibliography. Good general bibliographies are also to be found at the end of chapters in LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, and the head of the paragraphs indicated above in LOSERTH, Geschichte des spdteren Mittelalters. There is a very good bibliography on the early Ottoman empire in H. A. GIBBONS, The foundation of the Ottoman empire, 319-368. See also the bibliographies under out- lines XI, XVII, XXI, XXII (eastward expansion of Germany), XXIV (missions), XXVI (Levant trade and Hanseatic League) above. PART III MEDIEVAL CULTURE PERIOD I. 500-1100 I. THE TRANSITION FEOM ANCIENT TO MEDIEVAL CULTUEE A. OUTLINE 1. Meaning of "history of culture." How it differs from the German conception of Kulturgeschichte. Current notions about the culture of the middle ages. 2. The transformation of the ancient Graeco-Eoman World into the Greek Christian East and the Latin Christian West. On the difficulty of finding definite lines of division in history see out- line I, part II above. Importance of dwelling long on the stability of the Eoman empire and on its permanent contributions to civil- ization. Eelative importance of the various factors which produced change from the fourth to the sixth century. Pagan and Chris- tian moralists of the time, especially the pagan AMMIANUS MAR- CELLINUS (ca. 320-ca. 395), and the Christians ST. JEROME (331- 420) and SALVIAN (died ca. 484), a presbyter of Marseilles, who wrote the De gubernatione Dei. Danger of resorting to sweeping explanations of the decline of the Eoman empire. 3. The victory of the Latin language in the west. Its introduc- tion and spread in the provinces by soldiers, colons, slaves, officials, teachers, and priests. Difference between spoken and written Latin. The Vulgate of St. Jerome. The relation of Latin to the romanic languages. 4. The decline of the study of Greek in the west and of Latin in the east. Neither one nor the other of these interesting phe- nomena has been investigated thoroughly. Gradual evolution of two clear-cut spheres of Christian culture, the Greek East and the Latin West. Waning interest in the Greek and the Latin classics and in learning in general about 500 A.D. The closing of the School of Athens in 529. 5. The changing Eoman civilization is illustrated best in south- ern Gaul, in the fourth and fifth centuries. Famous schools in Bordeaux, Toulouse, Narbonne, Poitiers, and Angouleme. (Imperial Treves). The program of studies. The study of oratory. Influ- ence of the Institutes of Quintilian (ca. 35-95 A.D.). Increase 334 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in of formalism in education. State support of schools. Ausonius (ca. 310-ca. 393) and his circle. His acquaintance with the Latin classics. His famous poem entitled Mosella. The coming of the barbarians into this region. 6. Prominent Roman nobles in this time of change. Q. Aurelius Symmachus (ca. 345-ca. 405) ; praefect of Rome in 384-385, and consul in 391. His literary learning. Apollinaris Sidonius (ca. 431-ca. 484), a provincial noble of Lyons, bishop of Clermont- Ferrand. His enthusiasm for classical learning in a land over- run by the Visigoths. 7. The conflict of religions. Conflict between Christianity and the worship of Isis, Mithraism (Taurobolium), Manichaeism, and Neo-platonism. Heresies within the church. Arianism and Donatism. The lingering death of paganism. Christian proscrip- tion of paganism. The edicts concerning paganism in the Theo- dosian Code, 438. The emperor Julian, "the Apostate," 361-363. The appeal of Symmachus in 384 for the restoration of the Altar of Victory in Rome. Pagan revivals, especially that after the sack of Rome in 410. 8. Christianity and Graeco-Roman culture. Attitude of the church fathers towards the ancient classics. The fundamental dif- ference of ideals in ancient classical and Christian life and litera- ture. The conversion of Ausonius' pupil Paulinus (353-431), who became bishop of Nola in 409. 9. The barbarians and Graeco-Roman culture. Comparatively small number of invading barbarians. Exaggerated notion of the destruction which they wrought. Their respect for the culture of the Graeco-Roman world. Evidence concerning the sack of Rome in 410 and 455. For the behavior of Theodoric and his Ostro- goths see outline II, part II, above. The Life of Saint Severinus (died ca. 482 in Noricum) by Eugippius. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOB READING Short general surveys. H. O. TAYLOR, The classical heritage of the middle ages, New York, 1901, 3rd edition, 1911, 1-43. J. B. BURY, Later Eoman empire, I, 1-36. Cambridge medieval history, I, 452-597. W. L. WESTERMANN, "The economic basis of the decline of ancient culture," in American historical review, XX (1915), 723-743. Longer general accounts. H. O. TAYLOR, The mediaeval mind, I, 1-123. M. GUIZOT, History of civilisation in Europe, lectures I- III. See also nos. 753 and 763 above. i TRANSITION PERIOD 335 Standard book. By far the best treatment of the subject of this outline is S. DILL, Roman society in the last century of the western empire, London, 1898, second, revised, edition, 1899 (often reprinted). Latin language and literature. MUNKO and SELLERY, Medieval civilisation, 3-17, "Victory of the Latin language," which is a translation of a portion of a chapter in LAVISSE, Histoire de France, I, part II, 385-423. SANDYS, A "history of classical scholarship, I, ch. xiii. E. NORDEN, "Die lateinische Literatur im tibergang vom Alterthum zum Mittelalter, " in Kultur der Gegenwart, 1905, 1:8, 374-411, 2nd edition (1907), 401-438, 3rd edition (1912), 483-522. M. ROGER, L'enseignement des lettres classiques d'Ausone a Alcuin, Paris, 1905, 1-88. D. COMPARETTI, Virgilio nel medio evo, 2 vols., Leghorn, 1872, 2nd edition, Florence, 1896, translated from the first edition by E. F. M. BENECKE, Vergil in the middle ages, London, 1895, chs. iv-v. GRISAR, History of Borne, III, 239-249, "Vulgar Latin. ' ' The triumph of Christianity. Cambridge medieval history, I, ch. iv. E. EMERTON, "The religious environment of early Christian- ity," in Harvard theological review, III, (1910), 181-208. J. B. CARTER, The religious life of ancient Some, Boston, 1911, 95-158. GIBBON, Decline and fall, chs. xx-xxi, xxm, xxvin. Original sources. Short extracts in J. C. AYER, Source boofc for ancient church history, 297-429. The life of Saint Severinus by EUGIPPIUS, translated by G. W. EOBINSON, Harvard University Press, 1914. The letters of Sidonius, translated by O. M. DALTON, Oxford University Press, 1914. Some of his letters are also trans- lated in HODGKIN, Italy and her invaders, II, 314-371. The more interesting writings of St. Jerome are translated in Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2nd series, vol VI. Extracts from the Insti- tutes of QUINTILIAN may be read in English translation in P. MONROE, Source "boolc of the history of education for the Greek and Eoman period, New York, 1901, 445-509. Maps. Study SHEPHERD, Atlas, 38-39, 42-43. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the bibliographies under outlines I and II of part II above. Many histories of the church, nos. 394-478 above, are useful. Intellectual history. J. H. ROBINSON, ' ' Some reflections on intellectual history," in his The new history, 101-131. General accounts. T. E. GLOVER, Life and letters in the fourth century, Cambridge, 1901. A. F. OZANAM, La civilisation au cin- 336 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in quieme siecle, vols. I and II of his Oeuvres computes, Paris, 1855, 5th edition, 1894, translated by A. C. GLYN, History of civilization in the fifth century, 2 vols., London, 1868. O. SEECK, Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt, vols. I-V, Berlin, 1895-1913 (see espe- cially V, 217-259, "Die letzte Erhebung des Heidentums"). Latin language and literature. W. S. TEUFFEL, Geschichte der romischen Literatur, 6th edition, 3 vols., Leipzig and Berlin, 1910- 1913, translated from the 5th German edition by G. C. W. WARE, 2 vols., London, 1900. M. SCHANZ, Geschichte der romischen Literatur bis zum Gesetzgebungswerk des Kaisers Justinian, 4 vols., Munich, 1890-1904 (in I. MULLER, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissen- schaft, VIII), 2nd edition, 1898-1914 (vol. IV extends from Con- stantine to Justinian, but is not complete in the latest edition). A. BAUMGARTNER, Geschichte der Weltliteratur, IV, 84-203, see also 229-241, "Die Erhaltung des Lateins als lebendige Sprache. " A. EBERT, AUgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters, I, book II. E. NORDEN, Die antike Kunstprosa, II," 573-656. F. CUMONT, "Pourquoi le latin fut le seule langue liturgique de 1 'Occident?" in Melanges Paul Fredericq, Brussels, 1904, 63ff. L. HAHN, "Zum Gebrauch der lateinischen Sprache in Konstantinopel, ' ' in Fest- gabe fur Martin von Sshanz, Wiirzburg, 1912, 173-183. F. A. BELIN, Histoire de la latinite de Constantinople, 2nd edition, Paris, 1894. L. VALENTIN, Saint Prosper d'Aquitaine: etude sur la litterature latine au 5 e siecle en Gaule, Paris, 1900. H. GOELZER, Etude lexicographique et grammatical de la latinite de Saint Jerome, Paris, 1884; and his Le latin de S. Avit, eveque de Vienne (450-526), Paris, 1909. A. DUBOIS, La latinite d'Ennodius, Paris, 1903. L. BERGMULLER, Bemer- kungen zur Latinitdt des Jordanes, Augsburg, 1903 (Programm). C. H. GRANDGENT, An introduction to vulgar Latin, Boston, 1907. F. G. MOHL, Introduction a la chronologic du latin vulgaire, Paris, 1899. Greek. K. KRUMBACHER, "Die griechische Literatur des Mittel- alters (324-1453A.D.)," in Kultur der Gegenwart, 1:8 (1905), 237- 285, 2nd edition (1907), 239-290 (see also pp. 200-238). SANDYS, A history of classical scholarship, I, chs. xx-xxi. A. and M. CROISET, Histoire de la litterature grecque, 5 vols., Paris, 1887-1900, 2nd and 3rd editions, 1899-1914, V, last two chapters. See also ch. xxix of their, An abridged history of Greek literature, translated by G. F. HEFFELBOWER, New York, 1904. H. STEINACHER, "Die romische Kirche und die griechischen Sprachkenntnisse des Fruhmittelal- ters, " in Festschrift fur Theodor Gomperz, Vienna, 1902, 324-341. Saint Jerome. G. GRUTZMACHER, Hieronymus: eine biographische Studie zur alien Kirchengeschichte, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1901-1908. E. L. 1 TRANSITION PERIOD 337 CUTTS, Saint Jerome, 4th edition, London, 1897 (The fathers for English readers). Mrs. C. MARTIN, The life of St. Jerome, London, 1888. J. DE SIGUENZA, The life of Saint Jerome, the great doctor of the church, in six books, from the original Spanish . . . 1595, by M. MONTEIRO, London, 1907. A. LARGENT, Saint Jerome, 6th edition, Paris, 1907 (Les saints). J. BROCHET, S. Jerome et ses ennemis, Paris, 1906. J. TURMEL, St. Jerome, Paris, 1906. L. SANDERS, Etudes sur St. Jerome, Paris, 1903. Later Roman education. P. E. COLE, Later Boman education in Ausonius, Capella and the Theodosian Code, New York, 1909. G. EAUSCHEN, Das griechisch-romische Schulwesen zur Zeit des aus- gehenden Heidentum, Bonn, 1901. O. DENK, Geschichte des Gallo- franJcischen Unterrichts- und Bildungsivesens, Mainz, 1892, chs. i-v. G. KAUFMAN, Ehetorenschulen und Klosterschulen oder heidnische und Christliche Cultur in Gallien wahrend des 5 und 6 Jahrhunderts, Leip- zig, 1869 (Historisches Taschenbuch). Ausonius. MARIE J. BYRNE, Prolegomena to an edition of the works of Decimus Magnus Ausoniu-s, Columbia University Press, 1917. E. PICHON, Les derniers ecrivains profanes: les Panegyristes ; Ausone; le Querolus Butilius Namatianus, Paris, 1906 (Etudes sur 1'histoire de la litterature latine dans les Gaules); see also book IV of his Histoire de la litterature latine, 3rd edition, Paris, 1903. P. DE LABRIOLLE, Une episode de la fin du paganisme: la correspond- ence d' Ausone et de Paulin de Nola, Paris, 1910, contains transla- tions into French together with studies. C. JULLIAN, Ausone et Bordeaux: etudes sur les derniers temps de la Gaule romaine, Paris, 1893. Apollinaris Sidonius. P. ALLARD, Saint Sidoine Apollinaris (413- 489), Paris, 1909 (Les saints). T. MOMMSEN, "Apollinaris Sidonius und seine Zeit," Eede zum Geburstsag des Kaisers, 1885, in his Beden und Aufsdtze, Berlin, 1905, 132-143. Conflict of religions in the Roman empire. The fundamental books are those by F. CUMONT, Les religions orientales dans le paganism romain, Paris, 1906, 2nd edition, 1909, translated by G. SHOWERMAN, Oriental religions in Boman paganism, Chicago, 1911; and his Les mysteres de Mithra, Paris, 1900, 3rd edition, 1913, trans- lated from the second edition by J. M. McCoRMACK, The mysteries of Mithra, Chicago, 1910. F. LEGGE, Forerunners and rivals of Chris- tianity: being studies in religious history from 330 B.C. to 330 A. D., 2 vols., Cambridge University Press, 1915, II, ch. xn, ' ' The wor- ship of Mithras, ' ' ch. xm, ' ' Manes and the Manichaeans. " T. E. GLOVER, The conflict of religions in the early Boman empire, London, 1910. C. ELSEE, Neoplatcnism in relation to Christianity: an essay. ;;:{s MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART HI Cambridge University Press, 1908. C. BIGG, Neoplatoniam, London. 1895. The end of paganism. G. BOISSIER, La fin du paganisms, 2 vols., Paris, 1891, 5th edition, 1907. MAUDE A. HUTTMANN, The establish- ment of Christianity and the proscription of paganism, New York, 1914 (Columbia University studies). W. K. BOYD, The ecclesiastical edicts of the Theodosian Code, New York, 1905 (Columbia Uni- versity studies). G. UHLHOKN, Der Kampf des Christentums mit dem Heidentum, Stuttgart, 1875, translated from the 3rd German edi- tion by E. C. SMYTH and C. J. ROPES, The conflict of Christianity with heathenism, New York, 1879, revised edition, 1908. P. D. ScoTT-MoNCRlEFF, Paganism and Christianity in Egypt, Cambridge University Press, 1913. V. SOHULTZE, Geschichte des Untergangs des griechisch-romischen Heidentums, Jena, 1887. G. E. A. GBINDLE, The destruction of paganism in the Boman empire, Oxford, 1892. C. BIGG, The church's task in the Eoman empire, Oxford, 1905. Julian the Apostate. P. ALLARD, Julien I'Apostat, 2 vols., Paris, 1900-1903. ALICE GARDNER, Julian, philosopher and emperor, and the last struggle of paganism against Christianity, London, 1901. G. MAU, Die religionsphilosophie Kaiser Julians in seinen Beden auf Konig Helios und die Gotter-Mutter, Leipzig, 1907, contains trans- lations of the two speeches. G. NEGRI, L'imperatore Giuliano I'Apostata, Florence, 1902, translated by the Duchess LiTTA-Vis- CONTI-ARESE, 2 vols., London, 1905. Arianism. H. M. GWATKIN, Studies of Arianism, 2nd edition, Cambridge, 1900; see also his Arian controversy, London, 1889 (Epochs of church history) ; and his The knowledge of God, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1906. E. L. WOODWARD, Christianity and nationalism in the later Eoman empire, London and New York, 1916. Paulinus of Nola and Paulinus of Pella. J. S. PHILLIMORE, ' ' St. Paulinus of Nola," in Dublin review, CXLVII (1910), 288-305. J. BROCKET, La correspondence de Saint Paulin de Nole et de Sulpice Severe, Paris, 1906. P. REINELT, Studien iiber die Briefe des hi. Paulinus von Nola, Breslau, 1903 (dissertation). J. EOCAFORT, Un type gallo-romain, Paulin de Pella: sa vie, son poeme, Paris, 1896. The church and ancient culture. E. HATCH, The influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church, edited by A. M. FAIRBAIRN, 4th edition, London, 1892. G. HODGES, The early church from Ignatius to Augustine, Boston, 1915. A. H. LEWIS, Paganism surviving in Christianity, New York, 1892. H. v. EICKEN, Geschichte und System der mittelalterlichen Weltanschauung, 109-147. J. A. LALANNE, Influence des peres de I'eglise sur I' education publique pendant les cinq premiers siecles de I 'ere chretienne, Paris, 1850. 11 TYPES OF THE TRANSITION 339 A. HAKNACK, History of dogma, vol. I. G. LOESCHCKE, Jiidisches und heidnisches im christlichen Kult, Bonn, 1910. P. WENDLAND, Die hellenistisch-romische Kultur in ihren Beziehungen zu Judentum und Christentum, Tubingen, 1907 (Handbuch zum neuen Testament, vol. I, part II). E. KENAN, Lectures on the influence of the institutions, thought and culture of Borne on Christianity and on the development of the catholic church, translated by C. BEARD, London, 1880 (Hib- bert lectures, 1880). U. BENIGNI, Storia sociale della chiesa, Milan, 1912. The barbarians and ancient culture. F. LAURENT, Les barbares et le catholicisme, Ghent, 1857, 2nd edition, Brussels, 1864 (Etudes sur 1'histoire de 1 'humanite, 5). See also FUSTEL DE COULANGES, Les institutions de I'ancienne France, vols. I-II. Saint Severinus. ANDRE BAUDRILLART, Saint Severin, Paris, 1908 (Les saints). T. SOMMERLAD, Die Lebensbeschreibung Severins als Jculturgeschichtliche Quelle, Leipzig, 1903. Bibliographies. Cambridge medieval history, I, 624-641, 691- 695. M. EOGER, L'enseignement, pp. ix-xviii. Bibliographical notes in DILL, Eoman society; TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, I, 1-123; SANDYS, Classical scholarship, I, ch. xni; BAUMGARTNER, Geschichte der Welt- literatur, IV, 84-203; W. S. TEUFFEL, Geschichte der romischen Literatur, III (1913), 210-472; and M. SCHANZ, Edmische Literatur- geschichte, IV (1914ff.). The vast literature on the early church is beyond the scope of the above outline. II. TYPES OF THE TEANSITION PERIOD, ABOUT 400-600 A. OUTLINE 1. Necessity of choosing a few guiding threads in a maze of change. The value of biography. 2. St. Augustine (354-430). Born in Tagaste, in Numidia. The Africa of Augustine's youth. His mother Monica. His Con- fessions. His search for the true religion (Neo-platonism, Mith- raism, Manichaeism). Influenced by St. Ambrose in Milan. The "conversion," in 386. Bishop of Hippo and religious arbiter of the west. His City of God (De civitate Dei). OROSIUS' Seven books of history against the pagans (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII, sometimes called Ormista or Ormesta, the meaning of which is unknown). Augustine's attitude toward classical learning, espe- cially Greek. His attitude toward the barbarians and his Welt- anschauung in his old age. He died in Hippo in 430 when the Vandals were before its gates. 340 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII 3. Boethius (ca. 475-524). A type of the old Eoman nobility, more or less unwillingly in the court of a barbarian king (Theo- doric), and scarcely touched by Christianity. His great contribu- tion to the cause of learning. Translations from the Greek. His Consolation of philosophy ( Philosophiae consolatio), composed in prison. His execution by Theodoric. 4. Cassiodorus (ca. 480-490 ca. 575-585; about 95 years old). Contrast with Boethius. Also of old Roman noble stock, but a willing servant of Theodoric, and, in old age, a pious monk, in Vivarium at Squillace in Calabria, his birthplace. His Variae and Institutiones, especially part II, De artibus ac disciplinis liberalium litterarum. His great services for monastic learning. 5. Pope Gregory I, the Great (ca. 540-604). Also a Roman noble, born in Rome; the lord of western Europe as pope. He foresaw the future of the barbarians as faithful sons of the church. His discouragement of secular learning. His very popular works. Gregory's Weltanschauung indicative of a great change in the world since the birth of Augustine. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING St. Augustine. The following are good short biographies in English. L. BERTRAND, Saint Augustin, Paris, 1913, translated by V. O 'SULLIVAN, The life of St. Augustin, New York, 1914. J. McCABE, St. Augustine and his age, New York, 1903. E. L. CUTTS, Saint Augustine, London, 1909 (The fathers for English readers). HARNACK, History of dogma, V, 1-240. For shorter -surveys see FARRAR, Lives of the Fathers, II, ch. xvii ; CARTER, The religious life of ancient Rome, ch. vi; R. EUCKEN, Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker, translated by W. S. HOUGH, The problem. of human life as viewed by the great thinkers, London, 1909, new edition, 1912, 172-248; W. DILTHEY, Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften, Leipzig, 1883, I, 315-337; and M. GRABMANN, Die Geschichte der scholastischen Methode, I, 125-143. For his City of God read BOISSIER, "La cit6 de Dieu de Saint Augustin," in his Fin du paganisme, II, 339-390; and A. ROBERTSON, Begnum Dei, London, 1901 (Bampton lectures). A short apprecia- tion of his Confessions is in F. DRAKE, Masters of the spiritual life, London, 1916, ch. I, "S. Augustine and the Confessions." C. DOUAIS, Les Confessions de St. Augustin, Paris, 1893. Boethius. HODGKIN, Italy and her invaders, III, ch. xn; and his Theodoric the Goth, ch. xni. SANDYS, A history of classical scholar- ship, I, 2nd edition, 251-258. MANITIUS, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, I, 22-36. M. GRABMANN, Geschichte der 11 TYPES OF THE TRANSITION 341 scholastischen Methode, I, 148-177. L. M. HARTMANN, Geschichte Italiens im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1897, vol. I, ch. iv "Romische Kul- tur im Gotenlande. " Cassiodorus. R. W. CHURCH, " Cassiodorus, " in his Miscellaneous essays, London, 1888, 155-204. SANDYS, History of classical scholar- ship, I, 2nd edition, 258-270. HODGKIN, The letters of Cassiodorus, introduction. ROGER, L'enseignement des lettres dassiques, 175-187. MANITIUS, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur, I, 36-52. O. BARD- ENHEWER, Patrologie, 3rd edition, 120. T. HODGKIN, Theodoric the Goth, ch. ix. G. PFEILSCHIFTER, Theodorich der Grosse, ch. vi. Gregory the Great. DUDDEN, Gregory the Great, II, 285-443. ROGER, L'enseignement, 187-195. MANITIUS, Geschichte der latein- ischen Literatur, I, 92-106. For general literature on Gregory the Great see outline V in part II above. Original sources. All the important works of St. Augustine are translated into English. For our purposes the most essential work is his Confessions, of which there is a good translation in the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, first series, vol. I. The original Latin of the Confessions, together with the English translation by W. WATTS (1631), is now in the Loeb classical library, 2 vols., London, 1912. The Confessions are also translated in Everyman's library, London and New York, 1907. The famous City of God (De civitate Dei) is best read in the English translation of J. HEALEY (1610), 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1909. It may also be found in the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, first series, vol. II; and is also translated by M. DODS, 2 vols., London, 1871. Other works of St. Augustine are translated in Nicene and post- Nicene fathers, first series, vols. I- VIII; and in his WorTcs, by M. DODS, 15 vols., Edinburgh, 1872-1882. See also the translation of his Soliloquies, by ROSE E. CLEVELAND, Boston, 1910; and AYER, Source boofc, 429-463. King Alfred 's Anglo-Saxon version of OROSIUS ' Seven "boolcs of history against the pagans is translated into English in G. R. PAULI, The life of Alfred the Great, 1853, 238-582. The best edi- tion of the Latin original is edited by C. ZANGEMEISTER, 1882, in no. 954 above, vol. V. It is also in Migne, no 953 above, vol. XXX. A translation of OROSIUS, by C. J. OGDEN, will appear in no. 949 above. The Consolations of philosophy of BOETHIUS have been translated into good English by H. R. JAMES, London, 1897; and also by W. V. COOPER, London, 1902 (Temple classics). 342 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in For translations of some works of pope GREGORY see Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, second series, vols. XII-XIII. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the bibliographies under outlines II and V of part II above. Saint Augustine. The following are a few of the more general works. W. THIMME, Augustin: ein Lebens- und Charakterbild auf Grund seiner Brief e, Gottiugen, 1910; see also his Augustins geistige Entwickelung in den ersten Jahren nach seiner "Bekehrung," 386- 391, Berlin, 1908 (Neue Studien edited by N. BONWETSCH, 3). P. GEROSA, Sant' Agostino e la decadenza dell' impero Romano, Turin, 1916. G. v. HERTLING, Der Untergang der antiken Kultur: Augustin, Mainz, 1902 (Weltgeschichte in Karakterbildern). E. F. HUMPHREY, Politics and religion in the days of Augustine, New York, 1912 (dissertation, Columbia University). A. DORNER, Augustinus, Leipzig, 1908. A. HATZFELD, Saint Augustin, 6th edition, Paris, 1902. J. MARTIN, Saint Augustin, Paris, 1901 (Grands philosophes). C. WOLFSGRUBER, Augustinus, Paderborn, 1898. Among the many books which treat of the spiritual develop- ment of Augustine are the following: II. BECKER, Augustin: Studien zu seiner geistigen Entwicklung, Leipzig, 1908. J. MAUS- BACH, Die Ethik des heiligen Augustinus, 2 vols., Freiburg, 1909. M. L. BURTON, The problem of evil: a criticism of the Augustinian point of view, Chicago, 1909. W. CUNNINGHAM, S. Austin and his place in the history of Christian thought, London, 1886 (Hulsean lec- tures, 1885). W. MONTGOMERY, St. Augustine: aspects of his life and thought, London, 1914. L. GRANDGEORGE, Saint Augustin et le neo- Platonisme, Paris, 1896, part of no. 888 above. ELLA H. STOKES, The conception of a kingdom of ends in Augustine, Aquinas, and Leibniz, Chicago, 1912 (dissertation). H. REUTER, Augustinische Studien, Gotha, 1887. W. J. S. SIMPSON, St. Augustine and African church divisions, London and New York, 1910. Augustine's De civitate Dei. E. TROELTSCH, Augustin: die christliche Antike und das Mittclalter im AnscMuss an die Schrift " De civitate Dei," Munich and Berlin, 1915 (Historische Biblio- thek, 36). H. SCHOLZ, Glaube und Unglaube in der Weltgeschichte: ein Kommentar zu Augustins De civitate Dei, Leipzig, 1911. B. SEIDEL, Die Lehre des heiligen Augustinus vom Staate, Breslau, 1909 (Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen, 9, 1). O. SCHILLING, Die Staats- und Soziallehre des hi. Augustinus, Freiburg, 1910. S. ANGUS, The sources of the first ten books of Augustine's De civitate Dei, Princeton, 1906. T. KOLDE, Das Staatsideal des Mitlelalters : I. Seine 11 TYPES OF THE TRANSITION 343 Begriindung durch Augustin; wissensehaftliche Beilage zum Jahres- bericht der ersten stadtischen Eealschule zu Berlin, Ostern, 1902. A. NIEMANN, Augustins Geschichtsphilosophie, Griefswald, 1895. Africa in the time of St. Augustine. J. MESNAGE, Le christian- isme en Afrique, 3 vols., Paris, 1915; see also his L'Afrique chre- tienne, Paris, 1912. L. E. HOLME, The extinction of the Christian churches in north Africa, London, 1898. H. LECLERCQ, L'Afrique chretienne, 2 vols., Paris, 1904. F. FERRERE, La situation religieuse de I' Afrique Eomaine, depuis la fin du IV siecle jusqu'd I 'invasion des Vandales, 429, Paris, 1897. Boethius. H. F. STEWART, Boethius, Edinburgh and London, 1891 (Hulsean essay). E. K. BAND, "On the composition of Boethius' Consolatio philosophiae, " in Harvard studies in classical philology, XV (1904), 1-28. V. DI GIOVANNI, Boezio filosofo ed i suoi imitatori, Palermo, 1880. J. G. SUTTERER, Der letste Edmer, Eichstadt, 1852. G. A. L. BAUR, Boetius und Dante, Leipzig, 1873. On the question of Boethius' attitude towards Christianity, see GIOVANNI SEMERIA, II christianesimo di Severino Boezio rivendi- cato, Borne, 1900; G. BOISSIER, "Le Christianisme de Boece, " in Journal des savants, (1889), 449-462; and A. HILDEBRAND, Boethius und seine Stellung zum Christentum, Eegensburg, 1885. Cassiodorus. H. USENER, Anecdoton Holderi: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte Boms in ostgothischer Zeit, Bonn, 1877, is a short but fundamental study on Cassiodorus, Boethius, and Symmaehus. V. MORTET, Notes sur la texte des Institutiones de Cassiodore, d'apres divers manuscrits: recherches critiques sur la tradition des arts liber- aux de I'antiquite au moyen age, Paris, 1904 (in part, a reprint from Eevue de philologie, 1900-1904). A. OLLERIS, Cassiodore: conser- vateur des livres de I'antiquite latine, Paris, 1841. G. MINASI, M. A. Cassiodoro . . . ricerche storico-critiche, Naples, 1895. A. M. FRANZ, Aurelius Cassicdorus Senator, Breslau, 1872. I. CIAMPI, I Cassiodori nel V e nel VI secolo, Eome, 1877. A. THORBECKE, Cassio- aorus Senator, Heidelberg, 1867. Original sources. Almost all the works of these men may be found in nos. 953, 954 and 978 above. They are too numerous to mention in detail. Ample directions for the works of Augustine may be found in TEUFFEL, Geschichte der romischen Literatur, 6th edition, III, 361ff., and for Boethius, Cassiodorus and Gregory in MANITIUS, GescJiichte der lateinischen Literatur, I, and in SANDYS, A history of classical scholarship, I. See also Augustin' 's Enchiridion, edited by O. SCHEEL, Tubingen and Leipzig, 1903 (Sammlung ausgewahlter kirchen- und dogmen- geschichtlicher Quellenschriften, 2nd series, vol. IV). 344 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in Bibliographies. CHEVALIER, no. 16 above, will be found useful. For classified lists of the best recent literature see TEUPFEL, MANI- TIUS and SANDYS just mentioned. For Gregory the Great the best bibliographical guide is DUDDEN, Gregory the Great. III. THE TRANSFORMATION OF ANCIENT ROME INTO A MEDIEVAL CITY A. OUTLINE 1. The enchantment of Rome in the middle ages and in modern times. ' ' O Roma nobilis, orbis et domina, Cunctarum urbium excellentissima, Roseo martyrum sanguine rubea, Albis et virginum liliis Candida: Salutem dicimus tibi per omnia, Te benedicimus: salve per secula. " (This is the first stanza of a poem written between the ninth and eleventh centuries, probably in Verona. See under "TRAUBE" below.) The sentiments which Rome aroused in Poggio Bacciolini, Petrarch, and Rienzo. GIBBON, the author of The decline and fall of the Roman empire, wrote in his Autobiography: "I must not forget the day, the hour, the most interesting in my literary life. It was on the fifteenth of October [1764], in the gloom of evening, as I sat musing on the Capitol, while the barefooted fryers were chanting their litanies in the temple of Jupiter, that I conceived the first thought of my history." 2. The transformation of pagan into Christian Rome. Gradual disuse of pagan temples and other buildings, especially libraries. The rapid decline of the city in the later days of the empire, after it had ceased to be the capital of the world. Causes of the decay of Rome. Lord Byron's line, "The Goth, the Christian, Time, War, Flood, and Fire. ' ' The following saying of St. Benedict was reported by Gregory the Great in his Dialogues, II, 15: "Rome shall never be destroyed by the gentiles, but it shall be shaken by tempests, lightnings, and earthquakes, and shall decay of itself. ' ' 3. Rome and the barbarian invaders. The sack of Rome in 410 by Alaric the Visigoth, in 455 by the Vandal Gaiseric, and in 472 by Ricimer. Comparatively little injury done to buildings and statuary. m TRANSFORMATION OF ROME 345 4. The rejuvenescence of the city in the "golden days" of Theodoric the Great. Archaeological evidence from the works of Cassiodorus. His plan to make Home a great seat of Christian learning. 5. Her subsequent desolation in the period of the Gothic wars, 535-555. Eome was taken by force of arms in 536, 546, 547, 549, and 552. Depopulation of the city. The threat of Totila to destroy her utterly. The destruction of aqueducts. In this dread period Gregory the Great spent his childhood in Eome. 6. Consequences of the Byzantine restoration in 553. Although there was close connection between Eome and Constantinople, the study of Greek in the former city declined very rapidly. 7. The terror of the Lombards who came in 568. Eome now began to look for succor across the Alps. Weakness of the Byzantine hold upon the city. Gradual rise of the pope as real lord of Eome. 8. Topography of Eome at the accession of pope Gregory the Great in 590. Pagan buildings, especially the forums, temples, arches, baths, theatres, the Circus Maximus, Colosseum, Pantheon, the tombs of Hadrian and Augustus, the buildings of the Capitol, the aqueducts and bridges. Christian buildings, especially the five patriarchal churches, the basilicas of St. John Lateran, of St. Peter, of St. Paul outside the wall, of S. Maria Maggiore, and of St. Lawrence. These, 'together with the basilicas of St. Sebastian and S. Croce in Gerusalemme, were the famous ' ' seven churches of Eome. ' ' The ' ' regions ' ' of the city. The Notitia and Curiosum urbis regionum XIV of the fourth century. The Itinerary of the Anonymous of Einsiedeln, the Mirabilia Eomae, and the Graphia aureae urbis Eomae. 9. Eestoration of Eome in the pontificate of Gregory the Great, 590-604. At his death it was "The Eome of the church, of the popes, of the middle ages. ' ' DUDDEN. B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR EEADING The fame of Rome. J. BRYCE, Holy Eoman empire, ch. xvi, ' ' The city of Eome in the middle ages. ' ' GIBBON, Decline and fall, the last chapter of the work, LXXI. F. HARRISON, "Eome revisited," in his The meaning of history, London, 1894, 252-283. General short surveys of medieval Borne. N. YOUNG, The story of Eome, London, 1905 (Mediaeval towns), especially chs. in-v. See also the article "Eome" in the Catholic encyclopedia, and the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Borne in the sixth century. The best brief introductory sketch is in DUDDEN, Gregory the Great, I, eh. n, "The world of Gregory's 346 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PABTIII childhood," especially 42-58. R. LANCIANI, Destruction of ancient Rome: a sketch of the history of the monuments, New York, 1899, especially chs. I, iv-x; and his Pagan and Christian Rome, Boston, 1893; also his Wanderings in the Roman Campagna, New York, 1909, ch. iv, "The land of Gregory the Great." On the disappearance of the great libraries see his Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries, Boston, 1899, ch. vn, "The public .libraries of ancient and mediaeval Eome. ' ' W. G. HOLMES, Age of Justinian and Theo- dora, II, ch. x, "Eome in the "sixth century: war with the Goths in Italy. ' ' Standard works on medieval Rome. GREGOEOVIUS, History of the city of Rome in the middle ages, especially I (entire), II, 1-69. This work is now being superseded by H. GRISAR, History of Rome and the popes in the middle ages, see especially I, chs. iv-v. Original sources. There are practically no contemporary arch- aeological writings concerning Rome about the time of Gregory the Great. We must content ourselves with written evidence before and after his time, and with the present-day archaeological finds which more or less incidentally have revealed a good deal of indisputable evidence concerning the Rome of the popes. The Notitia and Curiosum of the fourth century, the Itinerary of the ANONYMOUS OF EINSIEDELN (ninth century), and the Mirabilia Romae (twelfth century), are edited by H. JORDAN, Topographic der Stadt Rom im Alterthum, 2 vols., Berlin, 1871, II, 539-670. For- tunately we have an English translation of the latter, Mirabilia urbis Romae, the marvels of Rome: or, A picture of the golden city, an English version of the medieval guide-book, with a supplement, by F. M. NICHOLS, London, 1889. The Mirabilia were drawn from an older guide book, probably of the tenth century. The same book probably furnished material for the Graphia aureae urbis Romae (thirteenth century?), which is published by A. OZANAM, Documents inedits pour servir a I'histoire litteraire de I 'Italic, Paris, 1850, 155ff. All of these old descriptions are very difficult for the ordinary student of history. For elucidations see GREGOROVIUS, Rome in the middle ages, III, 516-562; JORDAN, Topographic, II, 313-536 (see also I, 37-104) ; and R. LANCIANI, Pagan and Christian Rome, ch. xin, "The Rome of the Einsiedeln Itinerary"; see also his L'itineraria di Einsiedeln e I'ordine di Benedetto: memoria, Milan, 1891. On the regions of Rome see R. L. POOLE, Papal chancery, 6-12, 170-177. For the poem of which the first of three stanzas is printed at the head of this outline, see L. TRAUBE, "O Roma nobilis: philologische Untersuchungen aus dem Mittelalter, " in Abhandlungen der philo- i 11 TRANSFORMATION OF ROME 347 sophisch-philologischen Classe der Bayrischen Akademie der Wis- senschaften, XIX (Munich, 1892), 299-395. Some evidence concerning pontifical Eome may be found in the Liber pontificalis, the first portion of which is now translated into English by L. B. LOOMIS, see no. 949 note, above. Maps. The best map for our purposes is in H. KIEPERT and C. HUELSEN, Fofmae urbis Eomae antiquae, Berlin, 1912, chart III, ' ' Kome from Constantine to Gregory the Great. ' ' See also the fine plan of Eome in GRISAE, History of Eome, I. For the interpre- tation of these plans some help will be derived from the following panoramic restoration of Eome in the time of Constantine, by J. BUHLMANN and A. WAGNER, Das alte Bom mit dem Triumphzuge Kaiser Constantins im Jahre 312 nach Christo, Munich, 1903. See also SHEPHERD, Atlas, 22-23, 24, and 96. For a detailed study the famous Forma urbis Eomae, edited by E. LANCIANI in 46 sheets and published by the Academy of the Lincei, Milan, 1893-1902, is essential for all periods of old Eome. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See especially the books on the history of the papacy, nos. 439-454 above. In the bibliography below no attempt has been made to include either the innumerable travellers' guide- books or the special treatises on the topography of ancient Eome, some of which are valuable for our purposes, especially for their illustrations. It may be well, however, to call attention to the following guide-book: J. W. and A. M. CRUICKSHANK, Christian Eome, 2nd edition, revised, New York, 1911. General works on medieval Home. O. EOSSLER, Grundriss einer Geschichte Boms im Mittelalter, vol. I, Berlin, 1909. P. ADINOLFI, Boma nell ' etd di mezzo, 2 vols., Eome, 1881-1882. A. VON EEUMONT, Geschichte der Stadt Bom. F. PAPENCORDT, Geschichte der Stadt Bom, Paderborn, 1857. A. PARAVICINI, II senato romano dal 6 al 12 secolo, Eome, 1901. L. POMPILI-OLIVIERI, II senato romano, 1143- 1870, Eome, 1886. O. TOMMASINI, "Delia storia medievale della citta di Eoma e dei piu recenti raccontatori di essa, ' ' in Archivio della Societd Bomana di storia patria, I (1877). Catacombs and early Christians. M. BESNIER, Les catacombes de Eome, Paris, 1909. A. KUHN, Boma: ancient, subterranean, and modern Borne, in work and picture, New York, 1916, is especially valuable for its pictures of the catacombs, pp. 203-310. J. S. NORTH COTE and W. E. B. BROWNLOW, Eoma sotterranea: or, An account of the Roman catacombs, compiled from the works of Com- mendatore DE Eossi, 2nd edition, 2 vols., London, 1879. H. D. M. 348 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART HI SPENCE-JONES, The early Christians in Home, London, 1910. ETHEL R. BARKER, Rome of the pilgrims and martyrs: a study in the mar- tyrologies, itineraries, syllogae, and other contemporary documents, London, 1913. Churches of Borne. M. ARMELLINI, Le chiese di Roma dal secolo IV al XIX, 2nd edition, Eome, 1891. The Lateran. P. LAUER, Le palais de Lateran: etude historique et archeologique, Paris, 1911. Monuments of Christian Borne. E. RODOCANACHI, Les monu- ments de Rome apres la chute de I'empire, Paris, 1914; and his The Roman capital in ancient and modern times, translated from the French by F. LAWTON, New York, 1906. A. L. FROTHINGHAM, The monuments of Christian Rome from Constantine to the renaissance, New York and London, 1908. E. BERTAUX, Rome: de I' ere des cata- combes a I'avenement de Jules II, 2nd edition, Paris, 1908 (Les Villes d'art celebres). H. BERQNER, Rom im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1913 (Beruhmte Kunststatten, 39). T. H. DYER, The city of Rome, its vicissitudes and monuments from its foundation to the end of the middle ages, London, 1883. Roman Campagna. G. TOMASSETTI, La Campagna romana antica, medioevale e moderna, vols. I III, Rome, 1,910-1913. O. KAEMMEL, Rom und die Campagna, Leipzig, 1902 (Land und Leute: Monogra- phien zur Erdkunde, XII). Periodicals for Christian archaeology of Borne. Bullettino di archeologia cristiana, edited by G. B. DE Rossi, 13 vols., Rome, 1863- 1895; followed by the Nuovo bullettino, 1895ff. Bullettino della Commissione arch'eologica comunale di Roma, Rome, 1873ff. Rom- ische Quartalschrift fur Christliche Altertumslcunde, Rome, 1887ff. Original sources. Inscriptions Christianae urbis Eomae VII saeculo antiquiores, edited by G. B. DE Rossi, vols. I-II, Rome 1857- 1888. Iscrizione delle chiese e di altri edifici di Roma dal secolo XI ai nostri giorni, edited by V. FORCELLA, 14 vols., Rome, 1869-1880. Bibliographies. E. CALVI, Bibliografia di Roma nel medio evo (476-1499), Rome, 1906, with an appendix, 1908. F. CERROTI and E. CELANI, Bibliografia di Roma medievale e moderna, vol. I, Rome, 1893. IV. THE CLASSICAL HERITAGE OF THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES A. OUTLINE 1. The three great waves in the continuous flow of classical influences during the middle ages: (1) early middle ages, chiefly language and political and social institutions; (2) twelfth and IV CLASSICAL HERITAGE 349 thirteenth centuries, chiefly Eoman law and Greek philosophy; (3) fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, chiefly Koman and Greek literature and art. 2. Survival of classical forms and ideas of government and social order in church and state. 3. Graeco-Roman influence in art and the crafts of the early mid- dle ages. The importance of medieval archaeology. 4. The seven liberal arts (artes liberates) : trivium grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic; quadrivium arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. The Greek origin and the Eoman elaboration of the idea of liberal arts. The Disciplinarium libri novem (not extant now) of Varro, 116-27 B.C. The De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii of Martianus Capella who wrote in Africa before 330 A.D. Cassio- dorus, in his De ariibus, was the first Christian who used the expres- sion ' ' seven liberal arts. ' ' Changing conception of liberal arts, and differences of meaning and content of each of the arts from age to age. Variation in the popularity of the various arts, e.g., dialectic or logic. 5. The study and use of classical language and literature. Almost total neglect of Greek in the west. Decline of interest in the Latin classics of pagan times. Popularity of the works of Chris- tian poets and of theologians. The text books of Latin grammar. The Ars grammatica minor and Ars grammatica major of Donatus who lived about 350 A.D., and was the teacher of St. Jerome. The Barbarismus. The Institutionum grammaticorum libri XVIII of Priscan who flourished in Constantinople about 500 A.D. The first sixteen of these books were known as the Priscianus major and the last two books as the Priscianus minor. Elementary Latin readers such as Cato (Distichia), Aesopus, and Avianus. 6. Transmission of ancient knowledge of natural sciences, medi- cine, and mathematics. Pliny's Natural history. The Physiologus. Bestiaries and lapidaries. 7. The tiny stream of Roman law in the early middle ages. Neglect of the Corpus iuris civilis in the west. Roman influence in the law of the church. 8. Transmission of ancient philosophy. The services of Boethius as a translator of Aristotle and Plato. Predominance of theo- logical learning, based largely on Jewish thought, but modified decidedly by Greek speculation and Latin practical sense. 9. The encyclopaedia of Isidore of Seville (ca. 570-636), known as the Etymologiae or Origines, in 20 books which were frequently abridged. Isidore 's attitude towards the Latin classics. 10. Monastery and cathedral schools in the early middle ages. 350 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII Contrast with the Eoman schools in the time of Ausouius. The monastic scriptorium and the transmission of classical texts. Ele- mentary instruction by parish priests. 11. Early medieval libraries. The armarium. B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Short general surveys. H. O. TAYLOR, The classical heritage of the middle ages, especially 44-70, and portions of chs. vm-x; see also his Mediaeval mind, I, ch. v. E. NORDEN, "Die lateinische Literatur im tJbergang vom Altertum zum Mittelalter, " in Die Kultur der Gegenwart, I, part 8, (1905), 374-411, 2nd edition (1907), 401-438, 3rd edition (1912), 483-522. M. MANITIUS, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, I, 3-21. For details concerning Donatus, Priscian, Martianus Capella, Cato, etc., see the index of TEUFFEL, Geschichte der romischen Literatur, III, M. SCHANZ, GescMchte der romischen Literatur, IV; as well as SANDYS, A history of classical scholarship, I. The seven liberal arts. P. ABELSON, The seven liberal arts, New York, 1906 (dissertation). H. PARKER, "The seven liberal arts," in English historical review, V (1890), 417-461. A. F. WEST, Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools, New York, 1892, ch. i, "The seven liberal arts." The article "Arts, the seven liberal," by O. WILLMANN, in the Catholic encyclopedia. Attitude towards the Latin classics. D. C. MUNRO, "The atti- tude of the western church towards the study of the Latin classics in the early middle ages," reprinted from vol. VIII of the American society of church history, 1897. D. COMPARETTI, Vergil in the middle ages, especially chs. v and vi. Isidore of Seville. An easy introduction is E. BREHAUT, An encyclopedist of the dark ages: Isidore of Seville, New York, 1912 (dissertation), who translates freely from the Etymologiae. For precise details concerning his life and work consult, MANITIUS, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur, I, 52-70. See also M. ROGER, L'enseignement des lettres classiques d'Ausone a Alcuin, 195-201. Natural sciences and mathematics. F. LAUCHERT, Geschichte des Physiologus, Strassburg, 1889, edited this famous book in the Greek version, with a paraphrase in German, but most of his book consists of introduction and elucidations. M. GOLDSTAUB, "Der Physiologus," in Philologus, Supplementband VIII, 3, Leipzig, 1901. On mathematics see W. R. BALL, A short account of the his- tory of mathematics, 4th edition, London, 1908, ch. vin ; or M. CANTOR, Vorlesungen iiber Geschichte der Mathematik, 4 vols., 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1898-1908, ch. xxxvm. For details concerning natural iv CLASSICAL HERITAGE 351 sciences and mathematics see outline XXI below. For law see outline XX below. Original sources. The Natural history of PLINY, 6 vols., London, 1855-1857. SAN ISIDORO DE SEVILLA, Mapa-Mundi, translated into Spanish by A. BLAZQUEZ Y DELGADO AQUILERA, Madrid, 1908. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See especially the general books on literature, nos. 782-814 above. Much general literature will also be found under outlines XVIII and XXIII below. General surveys. L. FRIEDLANDER, "Das Nachleben der Antike im Mittelalter, " in his Erinnerungen, Eeden, und Schriften, 2 vols., Strasburg, 1905, I, 272-391, is the best systematic account we have at present, but see also G. KORTJNG, Anfdnge der Eenaissance- literatur in Italien (vol. Ill of his Geschichte der Literatur Italiens}, Leipzig, 1884, 1-75, "Die Cultur des spateren Altertums und die Kultur des Mittelalters. ' ' A. GRAF, Eoma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del medio evo, 2 vols., Turin, 1882-1883. Seven liberal arts. A. APPUHN, Dos Trivium und Quadrivium in Theorie und Praxis, part I, Das Trivium, Erlangen, 1900. G. MEIER, Die sieben freien Kiinste im Mittelalter, Einsiedeln, 1886. FERRERE, "De la division des sept arts liberaux, " in Annales de philosophic chretienne, June, 1900. Heritage of classics. K. BORINSKI, Die Antike in Poetik und Kunsttheorie, I, Mittelalter, Renaissance, Baroclc, Leipzig, 1914 (Das Erbe der Alten, IX). J. STIGLMAYR, Kirchenvdter und Klassizi- mus, Freiburg, 1913. H. J. LEBLANC, Essai historique et critique sur I' etude et I'enseignement des lettres profanes dans les premiers siecles de I'eglise, Paris, 1852. J. W. THOMPSON, "Vergil in mediaeval culture," in American journal of theology, X (1906), 648-662. T. ZIELINSKI, Cicero im Wandel der Jahrhunderte, 3rd edition, Berlin, 1912, chs. vn-vm. G. ZAPPERT, Virgil's Fortleben im Mittelalter, Vienna, 1851 (reprinted from DenTcschriften of the Vienna academy.) Natural science. M. P. E. BERTHELOT, "Essai sur la transmis- sion de la science antique au moyen age, ' ' in vol. I of his Histoire des sciences: La chimie au moyen age, 3 vols., Paris, 1893. F. STRUNZ, Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften im Mittelalter, Stutt- gart, 1910, ch. ii. F. DANNEMANN, Die Naturwissenschaften, vol. I, Leipzig, 1910, 213-222. K. BUCK, "Die Naturalis historia des Plinius im Mittelalter," in Sitzungsberichte of the Munich Academy, philos.-philol. Classe, 1898, 203-318. Isidore of Seville. C. H. BEESON, Isidor-Studien, Munich, 1913 (Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des 352 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII Mittelalters, IV, 2). C. CANAL, San Isidoro: exposition de sus obras 6 indicaciones acerca de la influencia que han ejercido en la civili- zation Espanola, Seville, 1897. M. MICHEL, "La livre iliie (Lausanne) XVI (1883), 41-66; and his Histoire de la Vul- gate, Paris, 1893. P. MARTIN, "La Vulgate latine au XIII" siecle d'apres Koger Bacon," in Muscon, VII (1888), 88-107; 169-196, 278-291, 381-393; and his "Le texte Parisien et la Vulgate latine," ibid., VIII (1889), 444-466; IX (1890), 301-316. SALEMBIER, Une page inedite de I'histoire de la Vulgate, Amiens, 1890. F. KAULEN, Geschichte der Vulgata, Mainz, 1868; and his Handbuch der Vul- gata, Mainz, 1870, 2nd edition, Freiburg, 1904. H. A. A. KENNEDY, ' ' The old Latin versions of the Bible, ' ' in Dictionary of the Bible, III (1902), 47-62; and H. J. WHITE, "Vulgate," ibid., IV, 872-890. Original sources. JOHANNIS SARESBERIENSIS, Opera omnia, edited by J. A. GILES, 5 vols., Oxford, 1848, reprinted in no. 953 above, P. L. vol. CXCIX. There is now a good new edition of the Poli- craticus, JOANNIS SARESBERIENSIS Episcopi Carnotensis Policratici sive de Nugis, edited by C. C. J. WEBB, 2 vols., Oxford, 1909. GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS Opera, edited by J. d. BREWER, 8 vols., Lon- don, 1861 (Rolls series, 21). De bibliorum sacrorum textibus original- ibus, versionibus graeca et latino vulgata, edited by H. HODY, Oxford, 1705, published the portions of the works of Roger Bacon referring to the revision of the Vulgate; note that his book dates before JEBB'S edition of the Opus ma jus of BACON. ROGER BACON, Opus ma jus, part III, on the study of language, is the best source of information on textual criticism in the thirteenth century. The Greek grammar of Koger Bacon and a fragment of his Hebrew gram- mar, edited by E. NOLAN and S. A. HIRSCH, Cambridge, 1902. For Roger Bacon and Robert Grosseteste in general see also out- line XXI below. Hebrdische Grammatik aus dem 13 Jahrhundert, edited by S. POZNANSKI, Berlin, 1894. CONRADI HIRSAUGENSIS, Dia- logus super auctores sive Didascalon, edited by G. SCHEPSS, Wiirz- burg, 1889. HUGO OF TRIMBERG, Begistrum multorum auctorum, edited by J. H. HUEMER, Vienna, 1888. NICOLAI DE BIBERA, Carmen satiricum, edited by T. FISCHER, Halle, 1870, translated into German by A. REINACKER, Erfurt, 1871. Bibliographies. There are no systematic bibliographies of this subject which has been sadly neglected until a short time ago. See bibliographies and bibliographical footnotes in the works men- tioned above. XIX ARS DICTAMINIS 417 XIX. THE AES DICTAMINIS AND THE AES NOTAEIA A. OUTLINE 1. The transformation of rhetoric in medieval universities. For the importance of rhetoric in the Eoman schools see outline I above. The comparative unimportance of rhetoric in the early middle ages, when the study of the elements of Eoman law was often a part of it. 2. The art of writing formal letters and legal documents in the middle ages. This art, which had been a very subordinate part of rhetoric in the early middle ages, became an independent branch of learning in some universities, especially those which stressed the study of law. In its earliest form it was called ars dictaminis or dictamen prosaicum. In some places it usurped the whole field of rhetoric and was called rhetorica. 3. The ars dictaminis as a separate branch of instruction origin- ated in Italy. The Formularius tabellionum of Irnerius. Alberich of Monte-Cassino (second half of the eleventh century) was the founder of the art. His Eationes dictandi. Manuals consisting of explanatory text and illustrative material. Formularies and letter- books. Collections of model letters for students and their parents. The cursus. 4. The ars dictaminis in Bologna. Close association with the study of law. Tendency to make the art more and more practical. The famous Boncompagno (ca. 1165-ca. 1240). His Ehetorica antiqua, Novissima rhetorica, Mirrha, Oliva, and Cedrus. Bene of Lucca's Candelabrum (1220-1223). Guido Faba, who wrote about 1225, systematized the art in his Summa dictaminis and Dictamen. 5. The transient character of the ars dictaminis and its trans- formation into the ars notaria in Bologna. Eaynerius, master of the ars notaria in 1219. Degrees in notaria. Eolandinus Passager- ius (died 1300), the most famous doctor of the art. His Summa artis notariae. The faculty of notaria in Bologna in the thirteenth century. The art in other Italian universities. 6. The ars dictaminis and the ars notaria beyond the Alps. The Parisiana of John Garland of Paris. The "Lombard dame, Ehe- toric, ' ' mentioned in the Battle of the seven arts. Laurentius of Aquileia in Paris towards the close of the thirteenth century. The important school of the ars dictaminis in Orleans. The Summa dictaminum of Bernard Silvester of Tours (ca. 1153). Itinerant dictatores such as Ponce of Provence who wrote his Summa de dictamine about 1250. The art in Chartres, Toulouse, Montpellier, and in England and Germany. 418 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART m 7. Changes brought about in the curricula of medieval schools and universities by the popularity of this short-lived "business course." Eivalry of the art with the ancient classics. Causes of its decline in the universities in the fourteenth century. 8. The business world of the graduates of the ars dictaminis and ars notaria. Secretaries and notaries in the chanceries of state and church, especially the papal chancery. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general surveys. P. ABELSON, The seven liberal arts, 52-71. PAETOW, The arts course, 67-91, treats the subject with special reference to medieval universities. Fundamental works. L. ROCKINGER, Briefsteller und Formel- biicher des XI bis XIV Jahrhunderts, in Quellen und Erorterungen zur bayerischen und deutschen Geschichte, IX, in 2 parts, Munich, 1863-1864; see also his "Ueber die ars dictandi und die summae dictaminium in Italien, " in Sitzungsberichte der ATcademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen, 1861, I, 98-151. C. V. LANGLOIS, "For- mulaires de lettres du XII", du XIIP et du XIV siecle, " six articles in Notices et extraits, XXXIV, part I (1891), 1-32, 305- 322; part II (1895), 1-29; XXXV, part II (1897), 409-434, 793- 830. Both of these authors have included many original sources which illustrate their introductions. Model student letters. C. H. HASKINS, "Life of medieval stu- dents as seen in their letters," in American historical review, III (1897-1898), 203-229, has given a fine demonstration of the way in which these model student letters can be used as sources of history. The cursus. R. L. POOLE, Lectures on the history of the papal chancery, ch. iv. A. C. CLARKE, The cursus in mediaeval and vulgar Latin, Oxford, 1910. Boncompagno, Bene of Lucca, and Guido Faba. A. GAUDENZI, "Sulla chronologia delle opere dei dettatori Bolognesi da Buon- compagno a Bene di Lucca," in Bullettino del' Istituto storico italiano, XIV (1895), 85-174. C. SUTTER, Aux Leben und Schriften des Magisters Buoncompagno, Freiburg and Leipzig, 1894. The business world of graduates of the art. L. B. DIBBEN, ' ' Sec- retaries in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, ' ' in English historical review, XXV (1910), 430-444. BRESSLAU, UrTcundenlehre ; and POOLE, Papal chancery, passim. A. GIRY, Manuel de diplomati- que, especially book V, "Les chancelleries," and book VI, ch. i, "Les notaires publics." W. WATTENBACH, Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, 456-466, "Die Kanzleibeamten." P. FOURNIER, Les officialites au moyen age, Paris, 1880. xix ARS DICTAMINIS 419 i C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the books on diplomatics, nos. 238-244 above. General surveys. H. BRESSLAU, Handbuch der Urlcundenlehre, I, first edition, 624-651 (now find the corresponding pages in vol. II, part I of the second edition, which is not in the library of the university of California due to the war). A. BUTOW, Die Entwiclc- hmg der mittelalterlichen Briefsteller bis zur Mitte des 12 Jahr- hunderts besonderer Beriicksicht der ars dictandi, Greifswald, 1909 (dissertation). F. NOVATI, L'influsso del pensiero latino, ch. vin. L. EOCKINGER, Ueber Briefsteller und Formelbucher in Deutsch- land wdhrend des Mittelalters, Munich, 1861; see also his Ueber Formelbucher vom XIII bis sum XVI JahrTiundert als rechtsgeschicht- liche Quelle, Munich, 1855. W. WATTENBACH, "Ueber Briefsteller des Mittelalters," in Archiv filr Kunde osterreichischer Geschichts- quellen, XIV, 29-94, and separately as Iter Austriacum, Vienna, 1855. PALACKY, "Ueber Formelbucher," in Abhandlungen der bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, II (1842), 219-368; V (1847), 1-216. PESCHEK, "Ueber Formelbiicher aus dem Mittel- alter," in Archiv fiir sdchsische Geschichtc, 1843. H. BAERWALD, Fur Char act eristik und Kritik mittelalterliche Formelbucher, Vienna, 1858. F. K. v. SAVIGNY, Geschichte des romischen Eechts, III, ch. XXI. Cursus. N. VALOIS, "Etude sur le rythme des bulles ponti- ficales," in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole de chartes, XLII (1881), 161-198, 257-272, also published separately, Paris, 1881. H. BRESSLAU, Handbuch, I, first edition, 587-592 (now see corresponding pages in the second edition, vol. II, part I). E. NORDEN, Die antike Kunst- prosa, II, 923-960. A. GIRY, Manuel de diplomatique, 454-462. L. COUTURE, " Le ' cursus ' ou rythme prosai'que dans la liturgie et dans la litterature de 1'eglise latine du III 6 siecle a la renaissance," in Bevue des questions historiques, LI (1892), 253-261. L. HAVET, La prose metrique de Symmache et les origines metriques du cursus, Paris, 1892. L. DUCHESNE, "Note sur 1'origine du 'cursus' ou rythme prosaique, " in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des chartes, L (1889), 161-163. Ars not aria. G. POLETTI, II notariato a Bergamo nel seculo XIII: appunti, Bergamo, 1912. V. ROSE, "Ars notaria, Tironische Noten und Stenographic im 12 Jahrhundert, " in Hermes, VIII (1874), 303-326. Ars dictamlnis in France. N. VALOIS, De arte scribendi epistolas apud gallicos medii aevi scriptores rhetoresve, Paris, 1880 (disserta- tion). C. V. LANGLOIS, "Maitre Bernard," in Bibliotheque de 420 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in I'Ecole des chartes, LIV (1893), 225-250, 795; see also SANDYS, A history of classical scholarship, I, 534. A. CLERVAL, Les ecoles de Chartres, 234, 311. Original sources. The Formularius tdbellionum of IRNERIUS and the Ehetorica antiqua of BONCOMPAGNO are published in vols. 1 and II of the Bibliotheca iuridica listed in the following outline under "Original sources." "Notice sur une 'Summa dictaminis' jadis conservee a Beauvais, ' ' in Notices et extraits des manuscrits, XXXVI, part I (1899), 171-205; "Des recueils epistolaires de Berard de Naples," ibid., XXVII, part 2 (1879), 87-149; "Le Formulaire de Clairmarais, " in Journal de savants, 1899, 172-195; and Le Formulaire de Treguier et les ecoliers bretons des ecoles d'Orleans au commencement du XIVc siecle, Orleans, 1890 (in Memoires de la Societe archeologique de 1'Orleanais), all edited by L. DELISLE. L. AUVEAY, Documents orleanais du Xlle et du XIII s siecle extraits du Formulaire de Bernard de Meung, Orleans, 1892 (also ibid., XXIII). Sine Bologneser Ars dictandi des 12 Jahr- hunderts, edited by H. KALBFUSS, Eome, 1914 (extract from Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Biblio- theken). EANIERI DA PERUGIA, Ars notaria, edited by A. GAUDENZI, Bologna, 1890. Ein Donaueschinger Briefsteller, edited by A. CAR- TELLIERI, Innsbruck, 1898. ' ' Formelbiicher und Briefsteller in euglischen Hss, " edited by K. HAMPE, in Neues Archiv, XXII (1897), 609-628. JOHN GARLAND, Parisiana, edited by G. MARI, under the title, "Poetria magistri Johannis Anglici de arte pro- sayca, metrica et rithmica, ' ' in Eomanische Forschungen, XIII (1902), 883-965, except that portion on "Rithmica" which he had previously published in his I trattati medievali di rithmica latino, Milan, 1899, 35-80. Bibliographies. Most of the materials essential for a thorough study of this outline are still in manuscript form and those which have been published are scattered widely in miscellaneous publica- tions. Some help will be obtained from MOLINIER, Les sources, II, 204-206. See also the bibliographical foot-notes in the literature mentioned above, and nos. 20, 24, 25, and 41 above. XX. THE STUDY OF ROMAN AND CANON LAW A. OUTLINE 1. The history of the study and the application of Roman law in the early middle ages (see outline XII of part II above). Causes of the revival of interest in law towards the beginning of the twelfth century. The legend of the discovery of the Digest in Amalfi in 1135. ROMAN AND CANON LAW 421 2. Chief centers of the study of jurisprudence in the second half of the eleventh century, (1) Provence, (2) Lombard cities, (3) Ravenna, (4) Bologna. The Exceptiones Petri. Pepo in Bologna. 3. Irnerius, a master of arts, began to lecture on law in Bologna about 1088. The beginnings of the university of Bologna. The intense study of the Corpus iuris civilis, especially the Digest. The glossators such as Placentius, Azo and Accursius. "In many respects the work of the School of Bologna represents the most brilliant achievement of the intellect of medieval Europe" Rash- dall. Law in other Italian universities. 4. The study of Roman law beyond the Alps. The legal knowl- edge of Ivo of Chartres. Lo Codi in Provence (ca. 1150). Placen- tius in Montpellier. The law school of Orleans. Influence of Roman law upon the law of the rising kingdom of France. Vaca- rius in England in the twelfth century. His Liber pauperum. The vexed question of the degree of influence of the Roman law in England. The remarkable ' ' reception ' ' of Roman law in Germany in the fifteenth century. 5. Influence of the revived interest in Roman law upon the civil and political life in the middle ages. 6. Growth of canon law in the early middle ages from customs, canons of church councils, and decretals of the popes. Influence of the Roman law upon the law of the church. 7. Early compilations of the law of the church. The elementary attempt by Dionysius Exiguus in the sixth century. The Psuedo- Isidorian decretals (see outline XV of part II above). The Decre- tum of bishop Buchard of Worms and the Decretum and the shorter Panormia of Ivo of Chartres (both in the eleventh century). 8. The famous Decretum of Gratian, published between 1139 and 1150 in Bologna, when the study of law was very vigorous there. He called the book, Concordantia discordantium canonum. Origin of its sic-et-non method. The three parts of Gratian 's Decretum. Due largely to this text-book, canon law now branched off from theology and became a special study in medieval universi- ties. 9. Compilations after Gratian. The official collections of popes Alexander III and Honorius III were superseded by the Decretales of pope Gregory IX, issued in 1234. The Sextus collection of pope Boniface VIII, 1297. The Clementinae, 1313. The Extravagantes, added towards the close of the fifteenth century. The council of Trent combined all these with Gratian 's Decretum in the Corpus iuris canonici, which was issued in 1582. In 1904 pope Pius X 422 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART m authorized the publication of a new edition of the canon law which is now in progress. 10. Eelations between the Eoman and the canon law in the uni- versities and in the medieval legal world. The part played by the enthusiasm for law in shaping the curricula of medieval univer- sities. B. SPECIAL KECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general surveys. RASHDALL, Universities, I, 89-143, 254- 268. TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, second edition, II, ch. xxxiv. For Roman and canon law in England, where they made comparatively little impression, see POLLOCK and MAITLAND, History of English law, book I, ch. v, "Roman and canon law." Introductory books on Roman law. R. SOHM, Institutionen : ein Lehrbuch der Geschichte des romischen Privatr edits, 9th edition, Leipzig, 1899, translated into English from the 8th and 9th Ger- man edition, by J. C. LEDLIE, The Institutes, 3rd edition, Oxford, 1907, see especially ch. in. A. STEPHENSON, A history of Roman law, Boston, 1912. P. F. GIRARD, A short history of Eoman law: being the first part of his Manuel elementaire de droit romain, translated by A. H. F. LEFROY, Toronto, 1906. J. HADLEY, Introduction to Eoman law: in twelve academic lectures, New York, 1873 (often reprinted). W. C. MOREY, Outlines of Eoman law, 2nd edition, New York, 1885. H. J. ROBEY, An introduction to the study of Justinian 's Digest, Cam- bridge, 1884. See also under outline III in part II above. Roman law in the middle ages. By far the best account is the little book by P. VINOGRADOFF, Eoman law in mediaeval Europe, London and New York, 1909 (Harper's library of living thought). The Continental legal history series, published under the auspices of the Association of American law schools, 11 vols., Boston, 1912, vol. I, especially, 87-147, 206-213, 334-378, 617-658, contains trans- lations from several European books. TAYLOR, Classical heritage, 56-70, has a very brief sketch. J. BRYCE, The ancient Eoman empire and the British empire in India; and The diffusion of Eoman and English law throughout the world: two historical essays, reprinted and revised from Studies in history and jurisprudence, Oxford Uni- versity Press, 1914. W. GOETZ, "Das Wiederaufleben des romischen Rechtes im 12 Jahrhundert, " in Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte, X (1912), 25-39. Standard work on the history of Roman law. F. C. v. SAVIGNY, Geschichte des romischen Bechts im Mittelalter, 6 vols., Heidelberg, 1815-1831, 2nd edition, .7 vols., 1834-1851; translated into French from the second edition, Histoire du droit romain au moyen age, xx ROMAN AND CANON LAW 423 4 vols., Paris, 1839. "Roman law in the universities of the middle ages, " is an extract from this work translated in H. BARNARD, An account of universities, revised edition, Hartford, 1873, 273-330. Canon law. EMERTON, Mediaeval Europe, 582-592. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, II, 262-265. The articles ' ' Canon law ' ' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and ' ' Law, canon, ' ' in the Catholic encyclopedia. The Continental legal history series, I, 705- 724. M. GRABMANN, Die Geschichte der scolastischen Methode, see index in vol. II under "Kanonisches Eecht. " For the canon law in England see F. W. MAITLAND, Eoman canon law in the church of England, London, 1898; and W. STUBBS, "History of canon law in England, ' ' in his Seventeen lectures, lectures XIII-XIV. Additional material on this subject is listed in GROSS, Sources, no. 767. Original sources. NORTON, Readings, 49-75. BARTOLUS, On the conflict of laws, translated into English by J. H. BEALE, Cambridge, 1914. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. The constitutional histories of the various countries of western Europe are essential for a thorough study of this outline; see nos. 528-536, 578-584, 605-609, and 633-635 above. For the canon law almost all general histories of the church, nos. 395-498 above, are helpful, but see especially no. 462. The encyclopaedias for church history, nos. 104-114 above, are indispensable. See also the literature under outline XII in part II above, and the books on the university of Bologna, under out- line XXII below, and nos. 183 and 937 above. General works on Komrn law. J. FLACH, Etudes critiques sur I'histoire du droit romain au moyen age, avec textes inedits, Paris, 1890. M. A. v. BETHMANN-HOLLWEG, Der Civilprozess des gemeinen Eechts in geschichtlicher Entwiclcelung, 6 vols., Bonn, 1864-1874, vols., IV- VI, traverses the same field covered by SAVIGNY'S great work. H. FITTING, "Zur Geschichte der Rechtswissenschaft im Mittelalter, " in no. 183 above, Romanic division, VI (1885), 94- 186. M. FOURNIER, "L'eglise et le droit romain au XIIP siecle, " in Nouvelle revue historique de droit frangais et Stronger, 1890. H. FITTING, Zur Geschichte der Eechtswissenschaft am Anfange des Mittelalters : eine Eede, Halle, 1875. Sources and literature of Roman law. M. CONRAT (COHN), Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des romischen Eechts im friih- eren Mittelalter, vol. I, Leipzig, 1891. P. KRUGER, Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des romischen Eechts, Leipzig, 1888, 2nd edi- tion, 1912. 424 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII Roman law in Italy. H. FITTING, Die Anfdnge der Bechtsschule zu Bologna, Berlin and Leipzig, 1888. B. BRUGI, Per la storia della giurisprudenza e delle universitd italiane, Turin, 1914. A. PROLOQO, Due grandi giureconsulti del secolo XIII : Andrea de Barulo e Andrea d'Isernia, Trani, 1914. E. BESTA, L 'opera d'Irnerio: contribute alia storia del diritto romano, 2 vols., Turin, 1896. Roman law in France. M. FOURNIER, Histoire de la science du aroit en France, 3 vols., Paris, 1892, especially vol. Ill, which treats of law in the medieval French universities. G. PARIES, La faculte de droit dans I'ancienne universite de Paris, 1160-1793, Paris, 1890. H. FITTING, "Le scuole di diritto in Francia durante PXI seculo, " in Bullettino dell' Istituto di diritto romano, IV (1891-1892). Roman law in England. T. E. SCRUTTON, The Influence of the Eoman law on the law of England, Cambridge, 1885. For special works, see GROSS, Sources, p. 683. Roman law in Germany. G. v. BELOW, Die Ursachen der Eezep- tion des romischen Eechts in Deutschland, Munich, 1906 (Historische Bibliothek, 19). W. MODUERMANN, Die Eezeption des romischen Eechts, translated from the Dutch into German by K. SCHULTZ, Jena, 1875. E. SECKEL, Beitrage zur Geschichte beider Eechte im Mittelalter, Tubingen, 1898. Canon law in general. P. HINSCHIUS, ' ' Geschichte und Quellen des kanonischen Rechts, ' ' and ' ' Das Kirchenrecht, " in F. v. HOLTZENDORPFS, Enzyklopadie der Eechtswissenschaft, Leipzig, 1880- 1890, supplements no. 462 above, which remained incomplete. Abbe DUBALLET, Cours complet de droit canonique et de jurisprudence canon- ico-civile, Paris, 1896ff., will be even more comprehensive than no. 462 above. J. DODD, history of canon law, London, 1884, eh. v. F. LAURIN, Introductio in Corpus juris canonici, Freiburg, 1889. Text-books of church law. E. FRIEDBERG, Lehrbuch des Jcathol- ischen und evangelischen Kirchenrechts, 6th edition, Leipzig, 1909. E. v. SCHERER, Handbuch des Kirchenrechts, 2 vols., Graz, 1886- 1898. A. L. RICHTER, Lehrbuch des Icatholischen und evangelischen Kirchenrechts, Leipzig, 1842, 8th edition by R. W. DOVE and W. KAHL, Leipzig, 1886. J. B. SAGMULLER, Lehrbuch des Icatholischen Kirchenrechts, Freiburg, 1904, 2nd edition, 1909. U. STUTZ, Die Icirchliche Eechtsgeschichte, Stuttgart, 1905. J. HERGENROTHER, Lehr- buch des Icatholischen Kirchenrechts, 2nd edition, Freiburg, 1905, R. SOHM, Kirchenrecht, vol. T, Leipzig, 1892. Sources and literature of canon law. J. F. v. SCHULTE, Die Ge- schichte der Quellen und Literatur des canonischen Eechts von Gratian bis auf die Gegenwart, vols., Stuttgart, 1875-1880 (see the review of this fundamental work .by P. VIOLLET, in Bulletin critique de xx ROMAN AND CANON LAW 425 litterature d'histoire et de philologie, 1881, nos. 23 and 24). A. TARDIF, Histoire des sources du droit canonique, Paris, 1887. P. SCHNEIDER, Die Lehre von den Kirchenrechtsquellen, Eegensburg, 1892. F. MAASEN, Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des canonischen Eechts im Abendlande, Gratz, 1870. A. FRANTZ, Die Literatur des Kirchenrechts, 1884-1894, Leipzig, 1896. F. WALTER, Fontes juris ecclesiastici anfiqui et hodierni, Bonn, 1861. Decretum of Gratian. F. POMETTI, II Decretum di Graziano nei suoi precedenti storici e nelle sue consequence storico-ecclesiastiche, Corigliano Calabro, 1910. F. FOURNIER, "La date du Decret de Gratien, " in Eevue d'histoire et de litterature religieuses, III .(1898). Periodicals on church law. Archiv fiir Jcatholisches Kirchenrecht, Innsbruck, 1857ff., Mainz, 1862ff. (indexes for vols. I-XXVII, XXVIII-LXVI). Zeitschrift fiir Kirchenrecht, Berlin and Tubingen, 1861-1880, 2nd series, Freiburg, 1881-1890, 3rd series with the title, Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Kirchenrecht, Freiburg, 1891ff. See also nos. 183 and 491 above. Original sources. For the Corpus juris civilis see outline III in part II above. The Institutes of Justinian, translated into English, by J. B. MOYLE, 5th edition, Oxford, 1913. The Digest of Justinian, translated by C. H. MONRO, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1904-1909. E. POUND, Headings in Eoman law, 2nd edition, Cambridge, 1914. IRNERIUS, Summa codicis, and Quaestiones de iuris subtilitatibus, both edited by H. FITTING, Berlin, 1894 (Halle Festschriften, part III). Bibliotheca iuridica medii aevi: scripta anecdota glossatorum, vols. I-III, edited by A. GAUDENZI, Bologna, 1888-1901. Juristische Schriften des friiheren Mittelalters aus Ha7idschriften meist sum ersten Mai herausgegeben und erortert, edited by H. FITTING, Halle, 1876. Lo Codi, edited by H. FITTING and H. SUCHIER, 1906. The best edition of the canon law is Corpus juris canonici, edited by E. FRIEDBERG, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1879-1881. Fontes juris canonici selecti, edited by A. GALANTE, Innsbruck, 1906. Kirchliche Eechtsquellen : UrJcundenbuch zur \* orlesungen uber Kirchenrecht, edited by B. HUBLER, 2nd edition, Berlin, 1893. For the Psuedo- Isidorian Decretals see under outline XV in part II above. Bibliographies. See the general bibliographies for church his- tory, nos. 49-55 above. For Eoman law there is a short practical bibliography at the head of chapters in VINOGRADOPF, Roman law, and for canon law a similar bibliography in MATER, L'eglise catholi- que, 19-43. For more detail see the books listed under the head- ings, "Sources and literature" above, and no. 60 above. 426 MEDIEVAL, CULTURE PART in XXI. RISE AND DECLINE OF INTEREST IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES A. OUTLINE 1. Neglect of this field of medieval intellectual life in modern books. Prevalence of misconceptions about it now as in the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries when the legend of friar Bacon and friar Bungay was current. 2. Resume. The transmission of natural sciences from ancient to medieval times (see outline IV above). Neglect of the quad- rivium in western Christendom during the early middle ages. Natural sciences among the Mohammedans (see outline X above). 3. The development of a feeling for nature in the middle ages. 4. Popular notions about nature and the Avorld. Occult science and magic. The tendency to find religious and moral lessons in nature. Bestiaries and lapidaries. 5. Interest of the intellectual class in the natural sciences in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The influence of the New Aristotle together with Ptolemy, Hippocrates, and Galen. The interplay of Mohammedan, Byzantine, and Jewish interests in natural science with those of Latin Christendom. Relations of England with southern Italy and Sicily, and with the Moham- medan world. Adelard of Bath (early twelfth century). Robert of Ketene or of Chester, about 1150. Daniel of Morley (late twelfth century). Alexander Neckam, 1157-1217. Alfred of Sereshel (Alfredus Anglicus, died 1217), John of Toledo (died 1275). Michael Scot, ca. 1190-ca. 1291. 6. The "Oxford school" of scholars who reacted against the prevalent methods in logic, philosophy and theology by stressing the study of the natural sciences and the languages. (For lan- guages see outline XVIII above.) Robert Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln, 1235-1253, Roger Bacon, Adam Marsh. The experimental method. 7. Roger Bacon (ca. 1214-ca. 1292). His tributes to Robert Grosseteste. His Opus mains, Opus minus, and Opus tertium. Danger of overestimating Bacon and of treating him as an isolated phe- nomenon. The mooted question of his imprisonments. The legend of friar Bacon. 8. Other men of the thirteenth century interested in natural sciences. Vincent of Beauvais (died 1264), who wrote a Speculum naturale. Bartholomew the Englishman, who wrote the De proprie- tatibus rerum about 1250. Albert the Great, 1193-1280, and his interest in botany. Thomas of Cantimpre, his pupil. Peter of XXI THE NATURAL SCIENCES 427 Maricourt, praised by Eoger Bacon. Witelo, born about 1230 in Silesia. Henry Bate of Malines, born about 1244. Theocleric of Freiburg, late in the thirteenth and early in the fourteenth century. Eaymund Lull, 1235-1315. Dante (see outline XXVIII below). 9. The fate of the natural sciences in the medieval universities. Considerable interest in them at the university of Paris in the first half of the thirteenth century due especially to the influx of ancient Greek and of Mohammedan learning. Decline of interest in the second half of the thirteenth century. The Paris school of astronomers in the second half of the thirteenth century. Causes of the failure of Roger Bacon to arouse his contemporaries. 10. Geographical study and theory in the middle ages. 11. Mathematics in medieval universities. The introduction of the so-called Arabic numerals into western Europe. 12. Salerno and the beginnings of systematic higher instruc- tion in medicine in the twelfth century. The study of medicine in other universities. Clinics and hospitals. Chirurgy. Dissections. The medical profession. 13. The forces which retarded the progress of the natural sciences in the middle ages. ,-- B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general surveys. E. S. HOLDEN, "The renaissance of science," in Popular science monthly, LXIV (1903), 5-25. L. THORNDIKE, "Natural science in the middle ages," ibid., LXXXVII (1915), 271-291. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generate, II, 566- 568; III, 244-262. T. C. ALLBUTT, Science and medieval thought, London, 1901 (Harveian oration). See also the introduction to ALEXANDER NECKAM, De naturis rerum, edited by T. WRIGHT, London, 1863 (Rolls series). Longer accounts. F. STRUNZ, Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften im Mittelalter: im Grundriss dargestellt, Stuttgart, 1910; see also his Die Vergangenheit der Naturforschung: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des menschlichen Geistes, Jena, 1913, 1-85. DANNEMANN, Die Natur- wissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihren Zusammenhange dargestellt, vol. I, Leipzig, 1910, 258-287. MICHAEL, Culturzustande des deutschen Volkes, III, 395-460. Popular notions about nature and the world. C. V. LANGLOIS, La connaissance de la nature et du monde au moyen age d'apres quel- ques ecrits frangais a I'usage des laics, Paris, 1911. England and Mohammedan natural science. C. H. HASKINS, ' ' The reception of Arabic science in England, ' ' in English his- torical review, XXX (1915), 56-69; see also his "Adelard of Bath," 428 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in ibid., XXVI (1911), 491-498; XXVII /1913), 515-516. L. THORN- DIKE, "Adelard of Batli and the continuity of universal nature," in Nature, XC1V (1915), 616-617. J. W. BROWN, An enquiry into the life and legend of Michael Scot. C. BAEUMKER, "Die Stellung des Alfred von Saresehel (Alfredus Anglicus) und seiner Schrift De motu cordis in der Wissenschaft des beginnenden XIII Jahr- hunderts, ' ' in Sitzungsberichte der bayerischen Akademie, Munich. 1913, 9. H. GRAUERT, " Meister Johann von Toledo," ibid., 1901, 111-325. The "Oxford school." F. A. GASQUET, "English scholarship in the thirteenth century," in his The last abbot of Glastonbury and other essays, 141-165, reprinted from the Dublin review, CXXIII (1898), 356-375. FELDER, Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Studien, 254-304. Roger Bacon. The following are brief sketches. L. THORNDIKE, "The true Koger Bacon," in American historical review, XXI (1916), 237-257, 468-480; see also his "Koger Bacon and experi- mental method in the middle ages, ' ' in the Philosophical review (1914), 271-298. TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, second edition, II, ch. XLII. J. H. BRIDGES, The life and works of Eager Bacon, an intro- duction to the Opus majus, edited, with additional notes and tables, by H. G. JONES, London, 1914; see also his "Roger Bacon," a lecture delivered in 1903 before the university extension students at Oxford, printed in his Essays and addresses, London, 1907. See also the articles "Roger Bacon," in nos. 89, 104, and 109 above. The standard biography is still the dissertation of E. CHARLES, Eager Bacon: sa vie, ses ouvrages, ses doctrines, Bordeaux, 1861; but students should now begin a detailed study of the life and work of Bacon by reading the Eoger Bacon essays, edited by A. G. LITTLE, Oxford University Press, 1914. It is reported that P. MANDONNET is at work on a biography of Roger Bacon. Geographical theory. C. R. BEAZLEY, The dawn of modern geo- graphy, II, ch. VH, III, ch. vi. Mathematics. W. R. R. BALL, A short account of the history of mathematics, ch. vin. See also "Arabic numerals" and "Mathe- matics" under outline X above. Medicine. RASHDALL, Universities, I, 75-86, 253-249, and see "medicine" in his index. T. C. ALLBUTT, On the historical relations of medicine and surgery down to the sixteenth century, New York, 1905, is an address. For a review of the present condition of our limited knowledge of the history of medicine in the middle ages, see the ." Literaturbericht " of P. DIEPGEN, "Geschiehte der Medi- zin," in Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte, X (1913), 465-480. XXI THE NATURAL SCIENCES 429 Original sources. Our best source of information concerning natural science in the thirteenth century is the Opus majus of EOGER BACON, edited by J. H. BRIDGES, 2 vols., Oxford, 1897, new edition, with a supplementary volume containing a "revised text of the first three parts, corrections, emendations, and additional notes," 1900. It is strange that this famous work has never been translated into any modern language. Bridges gives an abstract of it in the introduction to his edition. Part VI of the Opus majus, "On experimental science," has been translated by ALICE E. BELL, The study of natural sciences in the thirteenth century, Berkeley, 1913, a typewritten master's thesis deposited in the library of the University of California. BARTHOLOMEW ANGLICUS, De proprieta- tibus rerum, abridged in English under the title, Medieval lore, translated by R. STEELE, London, 1907. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the general books on medieval culture, nos. 728-849 above, especially those on the history of freedom of thought, nos. 738748. See also the literature on natural science and mathematics under outlines IV and X above, and nos. 188 and 803 above. General accounts. L. DARMSTAEDTER, Handbuch zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technilc in chronologischer Darstell- ung, 2nd edition, Berlin, 1908. C. JOURDAIN, Dissertation sur I'etat de la philosophic naturelle en Occident et principalement en France pendant la premiere moitie du XII e siecle, Paris, 1838. A. DUFOURCQ, "Les origines de la science moderne d'apres les decouvertes recentes, " in Eevue des deux mondes, 6th series, XVI (1913), 349- 378. W. WHEWELL, History of the inductive sciences, from the earliest times to the present time, 2 vols., 3rd edition, New York, 1875. J. J. WALSH, Catholic churchmen in science, 2 series, Phila- delphia, 1906-1909; see also his The popes and science: the history of the papal relations to science during the middle ages and down to our own time, New York, 1908; and his The thirteenth, the greatest of centuries, which are popular books addressed primarily to Boman catholics and make no appeal to the world of scholarship as a whole. Archiv fur die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, edited by K. v. BUOHKA, H. STADLE, and K. SUDHOPF, Leipzig, 1909ff. Feeling for nature. A. BIESE, Die Entwiclcelung des Naturge- fiihls im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1892, translated, The development of feeling for nature in the middle ages, London, 1905. GERTRUD STOCK- 430 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in MAYER, Ueber Naturgefiihl in Deutschland im 10 und 11 Jahrhundert, Leipzig and Berlin, 1910. W. GANZENMULLER, "Die Empfindsame Naturbetrachtung im Mittelalter, " in Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte, XII (1914), 195-228. Popular natural science, occult science, and magic. L. THORN- DIKE, "Some medieval conceptions of magic," in The Monist, XXV (1915), 107-139; see also his The place of magic in the intellectual history of Europe, New York, 1905 (dissertation, in Columbia uni- versity studies, XXIV, 1). A. LEHMANN, Aberglaube und Zauberei, von den dltesten Zeiten, German translation, 2nd edition, Stuttgart, 1908. C. MEYER, Der Aberglaube des Mittelalters und der ndchtsfol- genden Jahrhunderte, Basle, 1884. P. DIEPGEN, Traum und Traum- deutung als medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche.'i Problem im Mittel- alter, Berlin, 1912. L. PANNIER, Les lapidaires fran^ais du moyen age des Xlle, XHIe e t XIV siecles, Paris, 1882. See also the introduc- tion in Leechdoms, wortcunning and starcraft in early England, edited by O. COCKAYNE, 3 vols., London, 1864-1866 (Bolls series); and Popular treatises on science written during the middle ages in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman and English, edited by T. WRIGHT, London, 1841. See also under outline V above. Albert the Great and natural sciences. F. A. POUCHET, His- toire des sciences naturelles au moyen age: ou, Albert le Grand et son epoque consideres comme point de depart de I'ecole experimentale, Paris, 1853. H. STADLER, "Albertus Magnus als selbstandiger Naturf orscher, " in Forschungen zur Geschichte Bayerns,~KIV (1905), 95ff.; see also his " Vorbemerkungen zur neuen Ausgabe der Tier- geschichte des Albertus Magnus, ' ' in Sitzungsberichte der k. bay- rischen Ak. der Wiss., phil.-hist. Classe, Munich (1912), 1-58. S. KILLERMANN, Die Vogelkunde des Albertus Magnus, Regensburg, 1910. M. STEINSCHNEIDER, "Zum Speculum astronomicum des Albertus Magnus: iiber die darin angefiihrten Schriftsteller und Schriften," in Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik, Leipzig, XVI (1871), 357-396. J. WIMMER, Deutsches Pflanzenleben nach Albertus Magnus (11931280) : ein Nachtrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Bodens, Halle, 1908. A. FELLNER, Albertus Magnus als Botaniker, Vienna, 1881. For general books on Albert the Great see outline XVII above. Robert Grosseteste. F. S. STEVENSON, Robert Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln, London, 1899, is the standard biography, but does not lay enough stress on his career as a scholar. L. BAUR, Das philo- sophische Lebenswerk des Robert Grosseteste, Bishofs von Lincoln, Cologne, 1910, is a lecture; now see also his article "Der Einfluss des Robert Grosseteste auf die wissenschaftliche Eichtungen des xxi THE NATURAL SCIENCES 431 Roger Bacon, ' ' in Roger Bacon essays, 33-54. H. S. WILLETT, Robert Grosseteste's interest in natural sciences and languages, Berkeley, 1913, is a typewritten master's thesis deposited in the University of California library. Roger Bacon. In 1914 considerable interest was aroused in Bacon by the celebration at' Oxford of the seventh centenary of his birth. The ceremonies in Oxford are described in Nature, XCIII (1914), 354-355, 405-406, where there is a photograph of a statue of Eoger Bacon unveiled in the University Museum on June 10, 1914. Similar to the Roger Bacon essays noted above are the Scritti vari pub~blicati in occasione del VII centenario della nascita di Ruggero Bacone, edited by A. GEMELLI, Florence, 1914 (Eivista di filosofia neo-scolastica, VI, 6), which contains the following articles: M. BRUSADELLI, "E. Bacone nella storia"; D. FLEMING, "E. Bacone e la scolastica"; M. BRUSADELLI, "Lo Speculum astro- nomiae di E. Bacone"; P. BOBINSON, "Alcune opere recent! su E. Bacone." J. I. VALENTI, "Roger Bacon," in Science catholique, Paris, XVI (1902), 236-271. L. MARCHAL, "Eoger Bacon: sa methode et ses principes, ' ' in Universite catholique de Louvain, seminaire historique, Rapport sur les travaux pendant I'annee acad- emique 1909-1910, Louvain, 1911. A. G. LITTLE, The Grey Friars in Oxford, Oxford, 1892. C. NARBEY, "Le moine Eoger Bacon et le mouvement scientifique au XIII 6 siecle, " in Revue des questions historiques, XXXV (1884), 115-166. L. DOUBLIER, Roger Bacon: cine culturgeschichtliche Studie, Vienna, 1886. J. LANGEN, "Eoger Baco, " in Historische Zeitschrift, LI (1883), 434-450. A. PARROT, Roger Bacon, sa personne, son genie, ses oeuvres et ses contemporaires, Paris, 1894, is an uncritical laudatory essay. H. T. ADAMSON, Roger Bacon : the philosophy of science in the middle ages, Manchester, 1876. L. SCHNEIDER, Roger Boko, Augusburg, 1873. H. SIEBERT, Roger Bacon: sein Leben und seine Philosophie, Marburg, 1861. Following are some important special studies on Eoger Bacon. S. VOGL, Die Physilc Roger Bacos, Erlangen, 1906 (dissertation). P. FERET, "Les emprisonnements de Eoger Bacon," in Revue des questions historiques, L (1891), 119-142. J. E. SANDYS, "Eoger Bacon," in Proceedings of the British academy, vol. VI (1914), also printed separately by the Oxford University Press [no date]. E. DUHRING, "The two Bacons," in Open court magazine, XXVIII (1914), 468-485 (this whole August number of the Open court is devoted to Bacon). A. DORING, "Die beiden Bacon," in Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophic, XVII (1904), 341-348. F. PICAVET, "Deux directions de la theologie catholique au XIIP siecle: Saint Thomas d 'Aquin et Eoger Bacon," in Revue de I'histoire des reli- 432 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII gions, (1905), 172ff. C. BAEUMKER, "Roger Bacons Naturphilo- sophie, insbesondere seine Lehre von Materie und Form, ' ' in Franziskanische Studien, III (1916), 1-40. A. VALDARNINI, Esper- ienza e ragionamento in Eogero Bacone, Eome, 1896, is a pamphlet of 20 pages. S. SCHINDELE, "Vorschlage zur Verbesserung des Studienbetriebs im 13ten Jahrhundert (Roger Bacon)," in Mittei- lungen der Gesellschaft fur deutsche Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte (1908). C. JOURDAIN, "Discussion de quelques points de la bio- graphic de Roger Bacon," in his Excursions historiques, 129-171. K. WERNER, "Die Psychologic, Erkentniss- und Wissenschaftslehre des Roger Baco, " in Sitzungsberichte der philos.-hist. Classe d. k. Akad. der Wiss., Vienna, XCIII (1879), 467-576. O. KEICHER, "Der Intellectus agens bei Roger Baco," in Supplementband (1913), 297- 308, of no. 826 above. For books on Bacon 's interest in textual criticism see outline XVIII above. On the works of Roger Bacon see the following: F. PICAVET, "Pour une future edition des oeuvres de Roger Bacon," in Journal des savants, 1912, 405411, 456-463; see also his "Les editions de Roger Bacon, ' ' ibid., 1905, 362-369. P. MANDONNET, ' ' Roger Bacon et la composition des trois 'opus,' " in Eevue neoscolastique, 1913; see also his "Roger Bacon et le Speculum astronomiae," ibid., XVII (1910), 313-335. F. M. DELORME, "Un opuscule ine'dit de R. Bacon," in Archivum franciscanum historicum, IV (1911), 209-212. V. COUSIN, "Roger Bacon: de 1'Opus tertium, recemment trouve dans la bibliotheque de Douai, ' ' in his Fragments philosophiques, II (1865), 218-310. For the legend of Roger Bacon, see The famous historic of fryer Bacon, written about 1600, first edition, 1630, now in Miscellanea antiqua Anglicana, London, 1816; the play written about 1585 by R. Greene, The honourable history of friar Bacon and friar Bungay ; and A piece of friar Bacon's brazen heade's prophesie, written 1604 and printed in the Publications of the Percy society, XV (1844). Now see also Roger Bacon essays, 359-372. Peter of Maricourt. E. SCHLUND, "Petrus Peregrinus von Maricourt: sein Leben und seine Schriften (ein Beitrag zur Roger Baco-Forschung)," in Archivum franciscanum historicum, IV (1911), 436-455, 633-643; V (1912), 22-40. F. PICAVET, "Nos vieux maitres, Pierre de Maricourt, le Picard, et son influence sur Roger Bacon," in Sevue Internationale de I'enscignement, LIV (1907), 289-315. Witelo. C. BAEUMKER, Witelo: ein Philosoph und Naturforscher des XIII Jahrhundertis, Miinster, 1908, vol. Ill of no. 826 above. Theoderic of Freiburg. E. KREBS, Meister Dietrich (Theodericus Teutonicus de Vriberg) : sein Leben, seine Werke, seine Wissenschaft, x* 1 THE NATURAL SCIENCES 433 in no. 826 above, 1906, V, parts 5-6, Miinster, 1906. DIETRICH VON FREIBERG, Vber den Eegenbogen und die durch Strahlen erzeugten Eindriicke (Theodoricus Teutonicus de Vriberg de iride et radialibus impresionibus), zum ersten Male nach den Handschriften heraus- gegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen, by J. WURSCHMIDT, Miinster, 1914, ibid., vol. XII, parts 5-6. Physics. E. GERLAND, Geschichte der Physik, von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Ausgange des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, Munich, 1913 (Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland, XXIV), pp. 131-219 are on the middle ages. E. GERLAND and F. TRATJMULLER, Geschichte der physikalischen Experimentierlcunst, Leipzig, 1899. A. LALANDE, "Histoire des sciences: la physique du moyen age," in Eevue de synthese historique, VII (1903), 191-218. A. HELLER, Geschichte der Physik von Aristoteles bis auf die neueste Zeit, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1882-1884. Chemistry and alchemy. M. BERTHELOT, Introduction a I' etude de la chimie des anciens et du moyen age, Paris, 1890, translated into German by E. KALLIWODA with notes by F. STRUNZ, Die Chemie in Altertum und Mittelalter, Leipzig and Vienna, 1909. M. BERTHELOT, Histoire des sciences: la chimie au moyen age, 3 vols., Paris, 1893, I, Essai sur la transmission de la science antique au moyen age, II, I'alchimie syriaque, III, L'alchimie arabe; see also his Les origines de I'alchimie, Paris, 1885. F. PICAVET,- "La science experi- mentale au XIII 8 siecle," in Le moyen age, VII (1894), 241-248, is a review of Berthelot 's books which had just appeared at that time. L. MABILLEAU, Histoire de la philosophic atomistique, Paris, 1895. K. LASSWITZ, Geschichte der Atomistik vom Mittelalter bis Newton, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1890. J. C. BROWN, A history of chemistry, London, 1913. E. v. MEYER, Geschichte der Chemie von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart, 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1905. Astronomy and astrology. P. DUHEM, Le systems du monde: histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a Copernic, vols. I-IV, Paris, 19131916, is a work of fundamental importance of which vols. II, 393-501, 1II-IV are on the middle ages; see also his Essai sur la notion de theorie physique de Platon a Galilee, Paris, 1908 (extract from Annales de philosophic chretienne) ; and his Etudes sur Leonard de Vinci. J. L. E. DRYER, History of the planetary sys- tems from Thales to Kepler, Cambridge, 1906. K. SUDHOFP, Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Astronomic im Mittelalter [9th to 15th centuries], Leipzig, 1908 (Studien zur Geschichte der Medizin, 4). R. WOLF, Handbuch der Astronomic: ihrer Geschichte und Literatur, 2 vols., Zurich, 1890-1893. J. P. J. DELAMBRE, Histoire de I'astro- nomie au moyen age, Paris, 1819. 434 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in Geographical theory. K. KRETSCHMER, Die physische Erdkunde im christlichen Mittelalter, Vienna, 1889 (IV, part I, of Geograph- ische Abhandlungen). O. PESCHEL, Geschichte der Erdkunde bis auf Alexander v. Humboldt und Karl Bitter, 2nd edition, Munich, 1878 (Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland, neuere Zeit, IV). P. MANDONNET, "Les idees cosmographiques d 'Albert le Grand et de S. Thomas d 'Aquin et la decouverte de 1 'AmeYique, ' ' in Revue thomiste, I (1893), 46-64, 200-221. C. GUIGNEBERT, De imagine mundi ceterisque Petri de Alliaco geographicis opusculis, Paris, 1902. M. SCHNEID, ' ' Die Lehre von der Erdrundung und Erdbewegung im Mittelalter," in Historisch-politische Blatter, LXXX (1877), II, 433-451. A. BL!SQUEZ, Estudio acerca de la cartografia espanola en la edad media, Madrid, 1906. See also "Geographical dis- coveries," under outline XXVI in part II above. Zoology. J. V. CARUS, Geschichte der Zoologie, Munich, 1872. E. BURCKHARDT, Geschichte der Zoologie, Leipzig, 1907 (Sammlung Goschen). G. LOISEL, Histoire des menageries de I'antiquite d nos jours, 3 vols., Paris, 1912, vol. I covers the ancient, medieval and renaissance periods. Botany. E. L. GREENE, Landmarks of botanical history, part I, prior to 1562, London, 1910. J. E. GREEN, A history of botany in the United Kingdom, from the earliest times to the end of the nine- teenth century, London, 1914. J. SACHS, Geschichte der Botanik, Munich, 1875. Medicine. The study of the history of medicine in the middle ages is still in its infancy. The work that must be done is out- lined by K. SUDHOFF, ' ' Aufgaben und Forschungswege der Medi- zingeschichte im Mittelalter im Abendland, " Vortrag auf der his- torischen Abteilung der 84 Versammlung deutschen Naturforscher und A'rzte in Minister i. W. am 17 September, 1912 (siehe den ' ' Bericht ' ' in den Verhandlungen der Gesellschaf t) . General histories of medicine. M. NEUBURGER, Geschichte der Medizin, vols. I-II, Stuttgart, 1906, 1911, translated by E. PLAY- FAIR, History of medicine, London, 1910. T. PUSCHMANN, Handbuch der Geschichte der Medizin, edited by M. NEUBURGER and J. PAGEL, 3 vols., Jena, 1901-1905. Studien zur Geschichte der Medizin, edited by T. PUSCHMANN and K. SUDHOFF, Leipzig, 1907ff. J. PAGEL, Grund- riss eines Systems der medizinischen Kulturgeschichte, Berlin, 1905. L. MEUNIER, Histoire de la medecine, depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours, Paris, 1911. E. WITHINGTON, History of medicine, London, 1894. Periodicals for the history of medicine. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, edited by K. SUDHOFF, Leipzig, 1908ff. Mitteilungen XXI THE NATURAL SCIENCES 435 zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, edited by S. GUNTHER and K. SUDHOFF, Hamburg and Leipzig, 1902ff. Bulletin de la Societe frangaise de 1'histoire de la medecine. Medicine in tbe middle ages. E. WICKERSHEIMER, Les medecins de la nation anglaise (ou allemande) de I'universite de Paris aux XlVe et XVe siecles, Le Mans, 1913 (from the Bulletin de la Societe franchise de 1'histoire de la medecine). Commentaires de la Faculte de medecine d I'universite de Paris 1395-1516, edited by E. WICKER- SHEIMER, Paris, 1915, part of no. 965 above. F. LAUE, fiber Krankenbehandlung und HeilTcunde in der Literatur des alien Frank- reichs, Arnstadt, 1904. P. DIEPGEN, " Medizinisches aus theolog- ischen Schriften des Mittelalters, " in Medisinische Klinilc, Berlin, 1913, nos. 3, 4. MILLOT-CARPENTIER, "La medecine au XIII e siecle, " in Annales internationales d'histoirc, Congres de Paris, 1900, V e section, histoire des sciences. A. RIEUNIER, Quelques mots sur la medecine au moyen age d'apres le Speculum maius de Vincent de Beauvais, Paris, 1892. L. REUTTER, Des medicaments d'origine humaine et animale presents en Europe au moyen age et au temps de la renaissance, Paris, 1913 (Bibliotheque historique de la France medicale, 51). C. VIEILLARD, Gilles de Corbeil, Paris, 1909. L. KOTEL- MANN, Gesundheitspflege im Mittelalter: kulturgeschichtliche Studien nach Predigten des 13, 14, und 15 Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1890. J. J. WALSH, Old time makers of medicine, New York, 1911; and his Education: hoiv old the new, New York, 1910, are popular books written for Roman Catholic readers. Physicians and surgeons. H. BERTHATJD, Les medecins et chirur- giens des rois capetiens du Xle au XIIIe siecle, Poitiers, 1907 (extract from the Bulletin de la Societe franchise de 1'histoire de la inedecine). L. DUBREUIL-CHAMBARDEL, Les medecins dans I'ouest de la France aux Xle et XII? siecles, Paris, Societe franchise d 'his- toire de la medecine, 1914. A. FRANKLIN, La vie privee d'autrefois: les medecins, Paris, 1892; and his La vie privee d'autrefois: Les chirurgiens, Paris, 1893. J. H. BAAS, Die geschichtliche Ent- wicklung des arztlichen Standes und der medizinischen Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1896. E. GURLT, Geschichte der Chirurgie und ihrer Ausiibung, vols. I and II, Berlin, 1898. MELANIE LIPINSKA, Histoire des femmes medecins depuis I 'antiquite jusqu 'a nos jours, Paris, 1900. Anatomy. K. SUDHOFF, Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Anatomic im Mittelalter: speziel der anatomischen Graphite nach Handschriften des IX-XV Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1908 (Studien zur Geschichte der Medizin, 4). R. v. TOPLY, Studien zur Geschichte der Anatomic im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1898. Hospitals and leprosy. ROTHA M. CLAY, The mediaeval hospitals 436 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in of England, London, 1909 (The antiquary's books). ELIZABETH SPEAKMAN, "Mediaeval hospitals," in Dublin review, CXXXI1I (1903), 283-296. C. MERCIER, Leper houses and mediaeval hospitals, London, 1915 (Fitz-Patrick lectures). L. LALLEMAND, La lepre et les leproseries du X e au XV le siecle (Compte rendu des stances . , . de 1 'Academic des sciences morales et politiques, 1905). E. LESSER, Die Aussatzhauser des Mittelalters, Zurich, 1896. See also "Epidemics" under outline XXVI in part II above, and "Hospitals" under outline XIII above. Mathematics. M. CANTOR, Vorlesungen uber Geschichte der Mathematik, 4 vols., 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1899-1908. FLORENCE CAJORI, A history of mathematics, New York, 1895. S. GUNTHER, Geschichte des mathematischen Unterrichts im deutschen Mittelalter bis sum Jahre 1525, Berlin, 1887, part of no. 1012 above; and his Geschichte der Mathematik, I, .Von den altesten Zeiten bis Cartesius, Leipzig, 1908 (Sammlung Schubert). H. SUTER, Die Mathematik auf den Universitdten des Mittelalters, Zurich, 1887. H. G. ZEUTHEN, Die Mathematik im Altertum und im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1912, in no. 729 above, III, 1, I. D. E. SMITH, Eara arithmetica : a catalogue of the arithmetics written before MDCI, 2 vols., Boston, 1908. R. L. POOLE, The exchequer in the twelfth century, London, 1912; see also the introduction to the Dialogue de Scaccario, by RICHARD [FiTZ- NEALE], son of Nigel, edited by A. HUGHES and others, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1912. J. GIESING, Leben und Schriften Leonardos da Pisa: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Arithmetik des 13 Jahr- hunderts, Dobeln, 1886. G. LIBRI, Histoire des sciences mathemati- gues en Italic, Paris, 1838, 2nd edition, 1865. BJORNBO, "Die mittel- alterlichen tibersetzungen aus dem Griechischen auf dem Gebiete der mathematischen Wissenschaften," in Archiv fur die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und Tecknik, I (1909), 385-394. Biblio- theca mathematica: Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Stockholm, 1884ff. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften. Original sources. FRATRIS RCGERI BACON, ordinis minorum, Opus majus ad Clementem quartum, pontificem Bomanum, edited by S. JEBB, London, 1733, reprinted in Venice, 1750, was the first printed edition of this the most famous work of Roger Bacon. It proved to be incomplete. The modern edition by BRIDGES has been noted above. The Opus tertium, the Opus minus, the Compendium philo- sophiae, and, as appendices, the Epistola de secretis operibus artis et naturae, and the De nullitate magiae, are in FR. ROGERI BACON, Opera quaedam hactenus inedita, edited by J. S. BREWER, with a valuable introduction, London, 1859 (Rolls series, 15). Part of the XXI1 MEDIEVAL UNIVERSITIES 437 Opus tertium of Roger Bacon, including a fragment now printed for the first time, edited by A. G. LITTLE, Aberdeen, 1912 (British society of Franciscan studies, IV); see also the editor's note, "The missing part of Eoger Bacon 's Opus tertium, ' ' in English his- torical review, XXVII (1912), 318-321. Un fragment inedit de I'Opus tertium de R. Bacon precede d'une etude sur ce -fragment, edited by P. DUHEM, Quaracchi, 1909. Opera hactenus inedita KOGERI BACONI, edited by E. STEELE, London, 1905ff., thus far con- tains the Metaphysica and the Communia naturalium. FRATRIS BOGERI BACON Compendium studii theologiae, edited by H. RASH- DALL, Aberdeen, 1911 (British society of Franciscan studies, III). ' ' An unpublished fragment of a work by Roger Bacon, ' ' edited by F. A. GASQUET, in English historical review, XII (1897), 494-517. For Bacon 's Greek grammar see outline XVIII above. In con- nection with the Oxford Bacon celebration in 1914 a new edition of his works was planned, but the war seems to have nipped the project in the bud. The works of the great bishop of Lincoln which touch upon the natural sciences are now well edited in Die philosophischen Werlce des Grosseteste, Bischofs von Lincoln, edited by L. BAUR, Miinster, 1912, part IX of no. 826 above. Bibliographies. The best bibliographies on Roger Bacon are by T. WITZEL, appended to his article on "Roger Bacon'-' in the Catholic encyclopedia, and especially in his article "De Fr. Rogero Bacon," in Archivum franciscanum historicum, III (1910), 9-14. For Bacon 's own works, both in printed and manuscript form, see A. G. LITTLE, "Roger Bacon's works," in Roger Bacon essays, 375-426. See also R. STEELE, "Roger Bacon," in Quarterly review, CCXX (1914), 250-274. Apart from the literature on Roger Bacon, it is very difficult to find bibliographical guidance in this neglected field which is just beginning to attract the attention of serious scholars. See the bibliographical footnotes of the more recent publications listed above. XXII MEDIEVAL UNIVERSITIES A. OUTLINE 1. The institutions of learning, now known as universities, originated in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries; hence such expressions as "the universities of ancient Greece" lead to con- fusion and should be avoided. This outline deals with the outward aspects of medieval universities, and the life of masters and 438 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII students. Their intellectual activities and interests have been dealt with in preceding outlines. 2. How the medieval universities got their name. Studium. Studium generate. The derivation of the word "university" from such phrases in the early university charters as Universitas magis- torum et scolarium Parisiensium, and Universis presentes litteras inspecturis. Foundation charters. Jus ubique docendi. 3. The university of Paris, the typical medieval university. Its legendary history. Gradual evolution from the cathedral school on the island in the Seine. The chancellor and the license to teach. Written statutes of the university. The four nations. Rector and proctors. The chancellor of Ste. Genevieve. Paris was the typical masters' university. The development of a Latin Quarter in Paris. 4. The mendicant friars in the university of Paris. Ecclesias- tical control and influence in medieval universities. Growth of the influence of the mendicants during the great dispersion of 1229. The violent constitutional struggle towards the middle of the thirteenth century. 5. Organization of faculties and branches of study. The arts course and the higher faculties: theology, law, and medicine. "Graduate work." 6. University degrees. The license to teach (licentia docendi). The gild of masters. Inception and the mastership. The terms master, doctor, and professor were synonymous. Gradual evolu- tion of the bachelorship in the thirteenth century. Determinations and responsions. The B.A. degree. Examinations for degrees. The LL.D. degree. The Ph.D. degree was not invented in medieval universities. Academical dress. 7. The evolution of colleges in Paris. The problem of housing the numerous students in Paris. Hospicia and self-government of students. The comfortable houses of the mendicant friars in Paris. Kobert de Sorbonne, the founder of the famous Sorbonne. Multiplication of colleges in Paris in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The colleges entirely transformed the life and work of medieval universities. 8. The enigmatical medical school at Salerno, famous as early as the eleventh century. Constantinus Africanus in Salerno, in the second half of the eleventh century. Frederick II and Salerno. 9. The university of Bologna was the typical law university and students' university. Large numbers of foreigners, especially Germans, in Bologna. The colleges. 10. Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The bishop of xxn MEDIEVAL UNIVERSITIES 439 Lincoln and his Oxford chancellor. The famous old colleges of Oxford, especially Balliol, Merton, and University College. 11. Other important medieval universities. Padua (1222), and Naples (1224) in Italy. Montpellier (twelfth century), Toulouse 1230), and Orleans (thirteenth century), in France. Salamanca, Valladolid, and Lisbon (Coimbra), all of the thirteenth century, in Spain and Portugal. The late rise of German universities. Prague (1348), Vienna (1365), Heidelberg (1385), Leipzig (1409). Louvain (1425). 12. Daily routine in a medieval university. Lectures, disputa- tions, university meetings, festivals, holidays, vacations. Num- bers of students. 13. Life of medieval students. Their average age and previous training. Their food and shelter before and after the growth of colleges. Athletic games and other amusements. Hazing. Privi- leges of students. Their clerical status. Town and gown riots. Migrations of medieval universities. 14. The influence of universities in medieval life and thought. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Brief general surveys. C. V. LANGLOIS, Questions d'Mstoire et d'enseignement, 3-50, "Les universites du moyen age." TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, second edition, II, ch. xxxvni. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, III, part I, 332-345; part II, 380-387. The article ' ' Universities " by J. B. MULLINGER, in the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. Longer accounts. G. COMPAYRE, Abelard and the early history of the universities, New York, 1893. S. S. LAURIE, Lectures on the rise and early constitution of universities, London, 1886, is antiquated and should not be used if the newer literature on medieval univer- sities is accessible. Standard works. H. EASHDALL, The universities of Europe in the middle ages, 2 vols. in 3, Oxford, 1895. H. DENIFLE, Die Ent- stehung der TJniversitdten des Mittelalters Ms 1400, vol. I, Berlin, 1885. This was the epoch-making modern book on the history of medieval universities. The author planned to complete the work in five volumes. He died in 1905. University of Bologna. H. D. SEDGWICK, Italy in the thirteenth century, I, chs. xvi xvn. Life of medieval students. B. S. BAIT, Life in the mediaeval university, Cambridge, 1912, is based on the last chapter in BASH- DALL, Universities, which see. C. H. HASKINS, ' ' Life of mediaeval students as seen in .their letters," in American historical review, 440 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in III (1897-1898), 203-229; see also his "The university of Paris in the sermons of the thirteenth century," ibid., X (1904), 1-27. A. LUCHAIRE, La socictc fraiifaise, translated into English by KREHBIEL, Social France, cli. in. MUNRO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 348-357. J. B. MILBURN, "University life in mediaeval Oxford," in Dublin review, CXXIX (1901), 72-97, is a review of Epistolae academicae, edited by H. ANSTEY, 2 vols., Oxford, 1901, and depicts university life in the fifteenth century. W. T. HEWETT, "University life in the middle ages," in Harper's magazine, XCVI (1898), 945-955. Original sources. A. O. NORTON, Readings in the history of edu- cation: mediaeval universities, Harvard University Press, 1909. DUNCALF and KREY, Parallel source problems, 137-174, "The departure of the university from Paris, 1229-1231." Translations and reprints, vol. II, no. 3, "The mediaeval student." EUTEBEUF'S [thirteenth century] satire on the Parisian student is freely trans- lated under the title, ' ' The song of the university of Paris, ' ' pp. 125-127 in Legends and satires from mediaeval literature, edited by MARTHA H. SHACKFORD, Boston [1913]. SYMONDS, Wine, women and song. Maps. SHEPHERD, Atlas, 100, shows the location of the chief medieval universities. A better map is at the beginning of vol. II, part I of RASHDALL, Universities. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See especially the histories of education, nos. 836-849 above. For literature on the intellectual interests in medieval universities see especially outlines XIV-XV, XVII, XIX- XX above. For general works on medieval Paris, see outline XIII above. University of Paris. Following are the important older works. C. E. DU BOULAY (BULAEUS), Historia universitatis Parisiensis a Carolo Magno ad nostra tempora, 6 vols. in folio, Paris, 1665-1673, which is analyzed in A. FRANKLIN, Les sources de I'histoire de France, 598-603. J. B. L. CREVIER, Histoire de I'universite de Paris depuis son origine jusqu'en I'annee 1600, 7 vols., Paris, 1761. E. DUBARLE, Histoire de I'universite de Paris, 2 vols., Paris, 1844. C. RICHOMME, Histoire de I'universite de Paris, Paris, 1840, is scarcely more than an abridgment of DUBARLE. Among modern special books, the best is still C. THTJROT, De I 'organisation de I'enseignement dans I'universite de Paris au moyen age, Paris, 1850. A. BUDINSKY, Die Universitdt Paris und die Fremden an derselben im Mittelalter, Berlin, 1876. R. DELEGUE, xxn MEDIEVAL UNIVERSITIES 441 L'universite de Paris (1224-1244), Paris, 1902. A. LUCHAIRE, L'universite de Paris sous Philippe- August, Paris, 1889. E. ALLAIN, ' ' L 'universite de Paris aux XIII 6 et XIV* siecles, ' ' in Revue du clerge franc.ais, IV (1895), 193-206, 308-322. C. JOURDAIN, Excur- sions historiques et philosophiques a trovers le moyen age, 247-263, "La taxe des logements dans 1 'universite de Paris"; see also pp. 265, 309, and 337. C. GROSS, "The political influence of the uni- versity of Paris in the middle ages, ' ' in American historical review, VI (1900-1901), 440-445. A. CALLET, Le vieux Paris universitaire, Paris [1907], is a popular sketch. L. LIARD, "La vieille universite de Paris," in Eevue Paris, May, 1908, 85-110. N. VALOIS, Guil- laume d'Auvergne, eveque de Paris, Paris, 1880. P. FERET, "Les origines de 1 'universite de Paris et son organisation aux XII e et XIIP siecles,'.' in Eevue des questions historiques, L1I (1892), 337- 390; this article now is the introduction to his large work entitled, La faculte de theologie de Paris. C. DESMAZE, L'universite de Paris, 1200-1875: La nation de Picardie; les colleges de Laon et de Presles ; la loi sur I'enseignement superieur, Paris, 1876. Abbe PAGUELLE DE FOLLENAY, Notice historique sur I'ecole episcopale de Notre-Dame de Paris, Paris, 1878. See also ASPINWALL, Les ecoles episcopales. Mendicants in the university of Paris. F. X. SEPPELT, ' ' Der Kampf der Bettelorden an der Universitat Paris in der Mitte des 13 Jahrhunderts, " in Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen, III (1905); and his " Wissenschaft und Franziskanerorden, " ibid., IV (1906), 149-179; see also VI (1908), 73-139. FELDER, Geschichte der wissen- schaftlichen Studien im Franziskanerorden. GRATIEN, "Les Fran- ciscaines a 1 'universite de Paris: notes et documents," in Etudes franciscaines, January, 1912. P. MANDONNET, "De 1 'incorporation des Dominicains dans 1 'ancienne universite de Paris, ' ' in Sevue thomiste, IV (1896), 156ff. H. DENIFLE, "Das erste Studienhaus der Benediktiner an der Universitat Paris, ' ' in Archiv fur Litera- tur und Kirchengeschichte, I (1885), 570-583. M. PERROT, Maitre Guillaume de Saint-Amour: I 'universite de Paris et les ordres mendi- ants au 13 siecle, Paris, 1895, was sharply criticised by Mandonnet and Felder. E. BERNARD, Les Dominicains dans I'universite de Paris, Paris, 1883. See also the general literature on the mendicants in outline XXIII of part II above. Sorbonne. Colleges in Paris. O. GREARD, Nos adieux a la vieille Sorbonne, 2nd edition, Paris, 1893; see also his "Derniers sou- venirs de la vieille Sorbonne," in Eevue de Paris, VI (1901), 270- 304, 560-578. A. FRANKLIN, La Sorbonne: ses origines, sa bibliothe- que, 2nd edition, Paris, 1875. E. MERIC, La Sorbonne et son fonda- teur, Paris, 1888. EGBERT DE SORBON, De consciencia et de tribus 442 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in dietis, edited by F. CH AMBON, Paris, 1903 (fasc. 35 of Collection de textes pour servir & 1 'etude et a I'enseignement de 1'histoire), con- tains a sketch of his life and a good bibliography. P. DE LONGUE- MARE, Notes sur quelques colleges parisiens de fondation normande aux Xllle, XlVe et XV siecles, Rouen, 1911. Other French universities. M. FOURNIER, Histoire de la science du droit en France, vol. Ill, Paris, 1892, Les universites franqaises et I'enseignement du droit en France au moyen age. A. MOLINIER, "Etude sur 1 'organisation de 1 'universite de Toulouse, au quator- zieme et au quinzieme siecle (1309-1450)," in DEVIC and VAISS- ETTE, Histoire generate de Languedoc, VII, 570-608. L. SALTET, ' ' L 'ancienne universite de Toulouse, ' ' in Bulletin littcraire eccles- iastique, 1912ff. R. GADAVE, Les documents sur 1'histoire de I 'uni- versite de Toulouse et specialement de sa faculte de droit civil et canonique (1229-1789), Toulouse, 1910 (dissertation). R. CAILLET, L 'universite d' Avignon et sa faculte des droits au moyen age (1303- 1503), Paris, 1907. J. MARCHAND, La faculte des arts de 1'univer- site d' Avignon, Paris, 1897. F. BELIN, Histoire de I'ancienne uni- versite de Provence (Aix) 1400-1793, d'apres les manuscrits et les documents originaux, Aix, 1892. University of Bologna. Among the older works the following still have value. M. SARTI and M. FATTORINI, De Claris archigym- nasii bononiensis professoribus a saeculo XI usque ad saeculum XIV, Bologna, 1769-1772, new edition, 2 vols., 1888-1896. C. GHIRAR- DACCI, Delia historia di Bologna, 2 parts, Bologna, 1596, 1657. SAVIGNY, Geschichte des romischen Eechts, ch. xxi. Much literature was called forth by the great centenary in 1888 described by J. KIRKPATRICK, The octocentenary festival of the university of Bologna, June, 1888, Edinburgh, 1888. See also Catalogo del museo dell' ottavo centenario dello studio Bolognese, Bologna, 1892; and the reviews of the literature called forth by this celebration by A. DEL VECCHIO in Archivio storico italiano, 5th series, II (1888), 394-452; by C. CIPOLLA, in Jahresbericht der Geschichtswissenschaft, XI (1891), III, 5-7; and by LANDSBERG in Zeitschrift der Savignystiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, romanistische Abteilung, neue Folge, IX. Some of the best of those books are the following: H. FITTING, Die Anfdnge der Eechtsschule su Bologna, Leipzig, 1888. C. MALAGOLA, Monografie storiche sullo studio bolognese, Bologna, 1888; and his / rettore delle universita dello studio bolognese, Bologna, 1887. C. RICCI, / primordi dello studio bolognese: nota storica, Bologna, 1887, 2nd edition, 1888. G. CASSANI, Dell' antico studio di Bologna e sua origine, Bologna, 1888. L. CHIAPPELLI, Lo studio bolognese nelle sue origini e nei suoi rapporti colla scienza pre-ireriana, Pistoia, 1888. xxn MEDIEVAL UNIVERSITIES 443 Following are some publications since that date: Studi e memorie per la storia dell' universitd de Bologna, Bologna, 1909ff. G. MANACORDA, Storia della scuole in Italia, vols. I-II [on middle ages], Palermo, 1914. F. CAVAZZA, Le scuole dell' antico studio bolognese, Milan, 1896. A. HESSEL, Geschichte der Stadt Bologna von 1116 Us 1280, Berlin, 1910. Other Italian universities. E. COPPI, Le universitd italiane nel media evo, 3rd edition, Florence, 1886. S. DE EENZI, Storia documen- tata della scuola medica di Salerno, 2nd edition, Naples, 1857. I'Ecole de Salerne, translation of the Ecgimen sanitatis, in French verse, with the Latin text, by C. MEAUX SAINT-MARC, with an intro- duction by C. DAREMBERG, Paris, 1880. English universities. E. V. VAUGHAN, The origin and early development of the English universities to the close of the thirteenth century, University of Missouri, Studies, Social science series, II, no. 2, 1908. J. F. WILLARD, The royal authority and the early English universities, Philadelphia, 1902. H. FLETCHER [delineator], Oxford and Cambridge, with an introduction by J. W. CLARK, London, 1910. University of Oxford. A. A WOOD, The history and antiquities of the university of Oxford, edited by J. GUTCH, 2 vols., Oxford, 1792-1786. H. C. M. LYTE, A history of the university of Oxford to 1530, London, 1886. G. C. BRODRICK, A history of the university of Oxford, London, 1886, 3rd edition, 1894. T. E. HOLLAND, "The origin of the university of Oxford," in English historical review, VI (1891), 238-249. C. HEADLAM, Oxford and its story, 2nd edition, London, 1912. A. LANG, Oxford: brief historical and descriptive notes, London, 1890. C. W. BOASE, Oxford, London, 1887 (His- toric towns). E. A. G. LAMBORN, The story of architecture in Oxford stone, London, 1913. Oxford colleges. The colleges oj Oxford, their history and tradi- tions: twenty-one chapters contributed by members of the colleges, edited by A. CLARK, London, 1891. A. VALLANCE, The old colleges of Oxford: their architectural history, London, 1912, has remarkable illustrations. G. C. BRODRICK, Memorials of Merton college, Oxford, 1885 (Oxford historical society). Foundation statutes of Merton College, 1270, with subsequent ordinances, from the Latin, translated by E. F. PERCIVAL, London, 1887. University of Cambridge. J. B. MULLINGER, The university of Cambridge from the earliest times to 1535, Cambridge, 1873, vol. II, to Charles the First, 1884, vol. Ill, to 1667, 1911; his History of the university of Cambridge, London, 1888 (Epochs of church his- tory), is a popular abridgement. E. WILLIS and J. W. CLARK, The architectural history of the university of Cambridge and of the col- 444 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII leges of Cambridge and Eton, 4 vols., Cambridge, 1886. C. H. COOPER, Annals of Cambridge, 5 vols., Cambridge, 1842-1908; see also his Memorials of Cambridge, 3 vols., new edition, Cambridge, 1884. A. GRAY, Cambridge and its story, London, 1912. J. W. CLARK, Cam- bridge, new edition, Philadelphia, 1908. Spanish universities. V. DE LA FUENTE, Historia de las uni- versidades, colegios y demds establecimientos de ensenanza en Espana, 3 vols., Madrid, 1884-1887. E. ESPERAB^ ARTEAGA, Historia de la universidad de Salamanca, vol. I, Salamanca, 1914. G. EEYNIER, La vie universitaire dans I'ancienne Espagne, Paris, 1902, is chiefly concerned with Salamanca. T. BRAGA, Historia da universidade de Coimbra, 4 vols., Lisbon, 1892-1902, vol. I, 1289-1555. German universities. G. KAUFMANN, Die Geschichte der deutschen Universitaten, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1888-1896. F. v. BEZOLD, "Die altesten deutschen Universitaten in ihrem Verhaltnis zum Staat, ' ' in Historische Zeitschrift, LXXX (1898), 436-467. F. PAULSEN, "Die Grundung der deutschen Universitaten im Mittelalter, " ibid., XLV (1881), 251-311; and his "Organisation und Lebensordnun- gen der deutschen Universitaten im Mittelalter, ' ' ibid., 385-440. J. v. DOLLINGER, Die Universitaten sonst und jetzt, Munich, 1867, trans- lated by APPLETON, The universities new and old, Oxford, 1867. A. THORBECKE, Die dlteste Zeit der Universitdt Heidelberg (1386-1449), Heidelberg, 1886. University of Louvain. P. DELANNOY, L'universite de Louvain, Paris, 1915. L. NOEL, Louvain: 891-1914, Oxford, University Press, 1915. Original sources. Chartularium universitatis Parisiensis, edited by H. DENIFLE and E. CHATELAIN, 4 vols., Paris, 1889-1897; sup- plemented by the Auctarium chartularium universitatis Parisiensis, by the same editors, 2 vols., Paris, 1897-1899, containing docu- ments which were excluded from the Chartularium on account of their length. See also H. DENIFLE, "Documents relatifs a la fonda- tion et aux premiers temps de 1 'universite de Paris, ' ' in Memoires de la Societe de I'histoire de Paris, X (1883), 243ff. See the review of the Chartularium in the Bevue des questions historiques, XLVIII (1890), 577-586. Les statuts et privileges des universites fran^aises depuis leur fondation jusqu'en 1789, edited by M. FOURNIER, 4 vols., Paris, 1890-1894 (see in connection with it H. DENIFLE, Les uni- versites fran^aises au moyen age: avis a M. Fournier, Paris, 1892). Cartulaire de I 'universite de Montpellier, edited by A. GERMAIN, Montpellier, vol. I, 1890, vol. II, 1912. Chartularium studh Bononiensis: documents per la storia dell' universita di Bologna dalle origini fino al seculo XV, edited by L. xxni MEDIEVAL LATIN 445 NORDI and E. ORIOLI, vols. I-III, Bologna and Imola, 1909-1916. Atti della nazione germanica del legisti allo studio di Padova, edited by B. BRUGI, Padua, 1912ff. Atti delta nazione Germanica artistica nello studio di Padova, Padua, 1912; and Atti della nazione Ger- manica di Padova, 2 vols., Venice., 1911, both edited by A. FAVARO. Munimenta academical or, documents relative of academical life and studies at Oxford, edited by H. ANSTEY, 2 vols., London, 1868 (Rolls series). Statutes of the colleges of Oxford, edited by H. ANSTEY, 3 vols., Oxford, 1853. Collectanea, edited by C. R. L. FLETCHER and others, 4 vols., Oxford, 1885-1905 (Oxford historical society, Publications), for contents see GROSS, Sources, no. 2779. Enact- ments in Parliament, specially concerning the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the colleges and halls therein, and the colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminister, edited by L. L. SHADWELL, 4 vols., Oxford, 1912 (Oxford historical society), see especially, I, 1-74. Documents relating to the university and colleges of Cam- bridge, published by direction of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the state, etc., of the university and colleges, 3 vols., London, 1852. R. L. POOLE, A lecture on the history of the university archives, Oxford, 1912. Bibliographies. The best bibliographies of books which appeared before 1895 are at the head of chapters in RASHDALL, Universities. E. CHATELAIN, "Essai d'une bibliographic de 1'ancienne universite de Paris," in Revue des bibliotheques, I (1891). L. FRATI, Opere della bibliografia bolognese che si conservano nella biblioteca muni- cipale di Bologna, 2 vols., Bologna, 1888. L. MANZONI, Saggio di una bibliografia storica Bolognese, part I, Bologna, 1888. W. ERMAN and E. HORN, Bibliographic der deutschen Universitdten, 3 parts, Leipzig, 1904. XXIII. LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH CENTURIES A. OUTLINE 1. The deplorable neglect of these important subjects. Strange to say, there is scarcely anything even approaching a history of medieval Latin. During the last five centuries endless effort has been expended on classical Latin, to the almost utter neglect of the form of the language which was the medium of expression of all western scholars during the middle ages. The efforts of the late Ludwig Traube, and of his successor, Paul Lehmann, in Munich, to arouse interest in medieval Latin philology. The crying need of a modern dictionary of medieval Latin. 446 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in 2. The nature and importance of medieval Latin in western Christendom. Definitions of: classical Latin; vulgar Latin; low, middle, barbarous or medieval Latin; new or modern Latin. 3. The revival of interest in the study of Latin in the twelfth century. The "new grammar." The new grammars, especially the Doctrinale (1199) of Alexander of Villedieu, and the Graecismus (1212) of Eberhard of Bethune. The unpublished grammatical works of John Garland (died ca. 1259 in Paris), especially the Clavis compeiidii, the Compendium grammatice, and the Accentarius. His unavailing efforts to arouse interest in the reform of grammar. The popularity of versified* grammars. 4. The teaching of grammar in medieval universities. The use of the new grammars. Special degrees in grammar in the university of Toulouse and elsewhere. 5. The decline of interest in the study of the Latin language during the thirteenth century. For the failing enthusiasm for the Latin classics and textual criticism see outline XVIII above. 6. The bloom of medieval Latin belles lettres in the twelfth century compared with the decay in the thirteenth century. Popu- larity of poetry. The use of rhyme. Popular poems of the day mentioned in the Battle of the seven arts: the Alexandras of Gautier of Lille (written 1176-1179); the Tobias of Matthew of Vendome (died ca. 1200); the Architrenius, or "Arch-Weeper," of Jean of Hauteville (near the end of the twelfth century) ; the Anti-Claud- ianus of Alain of Lille (ca. 1128-1202) ; and the Aurora, or versified bible, of Peter Riga, a canon of Bheims (died 1209). The fate of this literature in medieval universities. 7. The Carmina burana. The Goliardi. Primat of Orleans (the middle of twelfth century). Primat of Cologne (early thirteenth century) author of the Confessio Goliae episcopi. Walter Map (Mapes), archdeacon of Oxford, 1197. Exempla, or sermon stories. 8. The learned monumental prose works of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries (see outlines XVII, XX-XXI above). Decline of Latin style in these writings and in official correspondence in the thirteenth century. The great Latin hymns. The Legenda aurea of Jacob of Voragine. For history writing see outline XXV below. 9. The relation of Latin with the rising vernacular languages and literatures. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Short surveys of medieval Latin. F. PALGRAVE, The history of Normandy and of England, 2 vols., London, 1851, I, ch. II, "The Roman language." The introduction to Das Doctrinale des Alex- MEDIEVAL LATIN 447 ander de Villa-Dei, edited by D. EEICHLING, Berlin, 1893, vol. XII of no. 1012 above, is the best account of the status of the Latin language at the beginning of the thirteenth century. V. S. CLAEK, Studies in the Latin of the middle ages and the renaissance, Lan- caster, Pa., 1900 (dissertation, Columbia). P. LEHMANN, Vom Mittelalter und von der lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, Munich, 1914. Latin grammar in medieval universities. PAETOW, The arts course, ch. n. ABELSON, The seven liberal arts, passim. Latin literature. TAYLOR, Medieval mind, 2nd edition, II, chs. xxxii-xxxm. SANDYS, Classical scholarship, passim; see also his "English scholars of Paris and Franciscans of Oxford: Latin literature of England from John of Salisbury to Eichard of Bury," in Cambridge history of English literature, I, ch. x. W. STUBBS, ' ' Literature and learning at the court of Henry II, ' ' lectures VI and VII in his Seventeen lectures. E. MICHAEL, Kulturzustdnde des deutschen VolTces, III, 296-319. BAUMGARTNER, Geschichte der Welt- literatur, IV, 378-405. SEDGWICK, Italy in the thirteenth century, II, ch. xvn. Original sources. COULTON, A medieval garner. Translations and reprints, II, no. 4, "Monastic tales of the thirteenth century." Wine, women and song: mediaeval Latin students' songs now first translated into English verse, with an essay, by J. A. SYMONDS, London, 1884. Gesta Eomanorum, translated by C. SWAN, London, 1899 (Bohn library) ; selections from the Gesta along with other material are translated in Mediaeval tales, with an introduction by H. MORLEY, London, 1884. Exempla in French translation are printed in A. LECOY DE LA MARCHE, L' 'esprit de nos aieux, Paris, 1888. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the general histories of literature, nos. 782- 814 above, especially 785-799; also nos. 170, 303, 309-310, and 842-843 above. See also outline XVIII above. Medieval Latin. L. TRAUBE, Einleitung in die lateinische Philo- logie des Mitt.elalters, Munich, 1911, vol. II of his Vorlesungen. Quel- len und Untersuchungen zur lateinische-n PIMologie des Mittelalters, originally edited by L. TRAUBE, Munich, 1906ff. Miinchener Archiv fur Philologie des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Munich, 1913ff. J. FELDER, Die lateinische Kirchensprache nach Hirer geschichtlichen Entwickelung, Feldkirch, 1905 (Programm). B. DE GOURMONT, Le latin mystique: les pcetes de I'antiphonaire et la symbolique au moyen age, Paris, 1913. J. BRUCH, Der Einfluss der germanischen Sprachen auf das Vulgdrlatein, Heidelberg, 1913. On the Latin of medieval 448 MEDIEVAL CULTURE 'PARTIII official documents, see BRESSLAU, Handbuch der Urkundenlehre, I, 555-608 (now soe the first pages in vol. II, part I of the new edition) ; and A. GIRY, Manuel dc diplomatique, 433-476. EDELSTAND DU MKRIL, Melanges archeologiques ct litteraires, Paris, 1850, especially pp. 243- 289, ' ' Des origiues de la basse latinitd et la necessity de glossaires sp6ciaux. ' ' See also outline I above. Medieval Latin dictionaries and glossaries. C. D. Du CANGE, Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis, 3 vols., Paris, 1678, revised edition, 10 vols., Paris, 1733-1766, another edition by G. A. L. HENSCHEL, 7 vols., Paris, 1840-1850, newest edition by L. FAVRE, 10 vols., Niort, 1883-1887. W. H. MAIGNE D'ARNIS, Lexicon manuale ad scriptcres mediae et infimae latinitatis, Paris, 1858, reprinted 1866. L. DIEFENBACH, Glossarium latino- germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis, Frankfurt, 1857; and his Novum glossarium latino-germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis, Frankfurt, 1867. E. BRINKMEIER, Glos- sarium diplomaticum, 2 vols., Gotha, 1850-1855. A. BARTAL, Glos- sarium mediae et infimae latinitatis regni hungariae, Leipzig, 1901. M. A. SCHELER, Lexicographie latine du XII e et du XHIe siccle, trois traites de Jean de Garlande, Alexandre Neckam, et Adam de Petit-Font, Leipzig, 1867 (also in Jahrbuch fur romanische und englische Literatur, VI, 141-162). T. WRIGHT, A volume of voca- bularies, 10th-15th centuries, 2 vols., London, 1857, 2nd edition by R. P. WULKER, Anglo-Saxon and old English vocabularies [Latin- English], 2 vols., London, 1884. E. LITTRE, "Glossaires [XIII 8 siecle]," in Histoire litteraire de la France, XXII (1852), 1-38. Cor- pus glossarium latinorum, vols. II-V1I, edited by G. LOEWE, Leipzig, 1888-1903. Prodromus corporis glossariorum latinorum, edited by G. LOEWE, Leipzig, 1876. C. SCHMIDT, Petit supplement au diction- naire de Du Cange, Strasburg, 1906. Glossaries are often appended to individual editions of works in large collections of source mate- rial like nos. 965-966, 978 and 995 above. Medieval Latin grammar. C. THUROT, Notices et extraits de divers Mss. latins pour servir a I 'histoire des doctrines grammaticales au moyen age, Paris, 1868, vol. XXII, part II of Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale. J. J. BABLER, Beitrdge zur Geschichte der lateinischen Grammatik im Mittelalter, Halle, 1885. C. MARCHESI, Due grammatici latini del medio evo, Perugia, 1910. E. VOIGT, "Das erste Lesebuch des Triviums in den Kloster- und Stiftsschulen des Mittelalters, " in MitteUungen der Gesellschaft fur deutsche Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte, I, Heft I (Berlin, 1891), 42-53. Alexander of Villa Dei. D. REICHLING, Das Doctrinale des Alexander de Villa-Dei, Berlin, 1893, introduction. C. THUROT, De MEDIEVAL LATIN 449 Alexandra de Villa Dei Doctrinali eiusque fatis, Paris, 1850. K. J. NEXJDECKER, Das Doctrinale des Alexanders de Vitta Dei und der lateinische Unterricht wdhrend des spdteren Mittelalters in Deutsch- land, Pirma, 1885 (Programm). L. DELISLE, "Alexandre de Ville- dieu et Guillaume le Moine de Villedieu, " in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des chartes, LV (1894), 488-504, also LXII (1901), 158-159. John Garland. E. HABEL, "Johannes de Garlandia," in Mitteil- ungen der Gesellschaft fiir deutsche Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte, XIX (1909), 1-34, 119-130. B. HAUREAU, "Notices sur les oeuvres authentiques ou supposees de Jean de Garlande, ' ' in Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale et autres biblio- theques, XXVII, part II (1879), 1-86. A. F. GATIEN-ARNOULT, "Jean de Garlande, docteur regent de grammaire a 1'universite de Toulouse de 1229 a 1232," in Revue de Toulouse (1866), 117-137. Medieval Latin literature in general. A. G. LITTLE, fnitia operum latinorum quae saeculis XIII, XIV, XV attribuuntur, Man- chester, 1904. A. FRANKLIN, Dictionnaire des noms, surnoms et pseu- donymes latins de I'histoire litteraire du mcyen age (1100 d 1530), Paris, 1875. J. A. FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca latina mediae et infimae aetatis, 6 vols., Hamburg, 1734-1746, revised edition, by J. D. MANSI, 6 vols., Padua, 1754. P. LEHMANN, " Literatnrgeschichte im Mittel- alter, " in Germanisch-romanisohe Monatschrift, IV (1912), 569-582; 617-630. NOVATI, "Eapports litteraires de 1 'Italic et de la France au XII siecle, " in Academie des inscriptions, Comptes rendus, 1910, 169ff. W. CLOETTA, Beitrdge sur Literaturgesehichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, I, Komddie und Tragodie im Mittelalter, Halle, 1890. G-oliardic literature. C. V. LANGLOIS, "La litterature goliardi- que," in Revue bleue, L (1892), 807-813; LI (1893), 174-180. A. GABRIELLI, Su la poesia dei goliardi: saggia critico, Citta di Castello, 1899. L. DELISLE, "Le poete Primat, " in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des chartes, XXXI (1870), 302-311; see also B. HAUREAU, in Notices et extraits, XXXII, part I (1886), 253-314. N. SPIEGEL, Die Grund- lagen der Vagantenpoesie, Wiirzburg, 1908. S. JAFFE, Die Vaganten und ihre Lfeder, Berlin, 1908. A. STRACCALI, I Goliardi, Florence, 1880. W. MEYER (aus Speyer), Gcsammelte Abhandlungen zur mittel- lateinischen RythmiTc, 2 vols., Berlin, 1905. K. FRANKE, Zur Ge- schichte der lateinischen Schulpoesie des XII und XIII Jahrhund- erts, Munich, 1879. W. WATTENBACH, "Die Anfange lateinischer prof aner Rythmer des Mittelalters, ' ' in Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum, neue Folge, III (1870), 469-506. B. E. LUNDIUS, Deutsche Vagantenlicder in den Carmina burana, Halle, 1907 (dissertation). A. HEINRICH, Quatenus carminum buranorum auctores veterum 450 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART HI poetas imitati sint, Cilli, 1882 (Programm). O. HUBATSCH, Die lateinischen Faganteniieder des Mittelalters, Gorlitz, 1870. Collections of Goliardic poems. Carmina burana: lateinische und deutsche Lieder und Gedichte einer Handschrift des XIII Jahr- hunderts, edited by J. A. SCHMELLER, 3rd, unaltered, edition, Bresslau, 1894 (the first edition appeared in Bibliothek des literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, XVI, 1847, 1-275). Die Gedichte des Archipoeta, edited by M. MANITIUS, Munich, 1913. "Fragmenta burana," edited by W. MEYER (aus Speyer), in Festschrift zum 150jahrigen Bestehen der tresellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, 1901, phil.-hist. Classe ; see also his Carmina burana, Berlin, 1904 ; and his ' ' Die Oxf order Gedichte des Primas (des Magisters Hugo von Orleans)," in Nachrichten der Gottingen Ak., philos.-hist. Kl. 1907, 75-175, 231- 234. Ttie Cambridge songs: a Goliard's song-book of the eleventh century, edited by K. BREUL, Cambridge University Press, 1915. The Latin poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes, edited by T. WRIGHT, Camden society, 1841. Carmina medii aevi, edited by F. NOVATI, Florence, 1883. Carmina burana selecta, 1880; and Ubi sunt qui ante nos? edited by A. P. v. BARNSTEIN, Wiirzberg, 1881. Latin hymns end liturgy. G. M. DREVES, Ein Jahrtausend latein- iseher Hymnendichtung, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1910; see also his Die Kirohe der Lateiner in ihren Liedern, Kempten, 1908. J. PACHEU, Jacopone de Tcdi, frere Mineur Franciscain, 1230-1306, auteur presume du Stabat Mater, Paris, 1914. A. D'ANCONA, Jacopone da Todi, il giul- lare di Dio del seculo XIII, Todi, 1914. C. BLUME, Hymnologie und Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters, Kempten, 1914, 14 pp. J. JULIAN, A dictionary of hymnology, London, 1907. U. CHEVALIER, ' Poesie liturgiquc du moyen age, Paris, 1893. L. GAUTIER, Histoire de la poesie liturgique au moyen age, Paris, 1886. Latin sermons. L. BOURGAIN, La chair e frangaise au X1I siecle d'apres les manuscrits, Paris, 1879. A. LECOY DE LA MARCHE, La chaire fran^aise au moyen age, spedalement au XIII e siecle, Paris, 1868, 2nd edition, 1886. C. V. LANGLOIS, "Sermons parisiens de la premiere moiti6 du XIII 8 siecle, contenus dans la manuscrit 691 de la bibliotheque d 'Arras, " in Journal des savants, Nov., 1916, 488- 494; Dec., 1916, 548-559; see also his "L 'eloquence sacree au moyen age," in Revue des deux mondes CXV (1893), 170-201. P. FUNK, Jacob von Vitry: Leben und Werlce, Leipzig, 1909 (part 3 of Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters). J. M. NEALE, Mediaeval preachers and mediaeval preaching: a series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged, Lon- don, 1856. MEDIEVAL LATIN 451 Exempla, or sermon stories. The Exempla or illustrative stories from the sermon^s vulgares of Jacques de Vitry, edited by T. F. CRANE, London, 1890 (Folk lore society). Die Exempla des Jakob von Vitry: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Erzahlungsliteratur des Mittelalters, edited by G. FRENKEN, Munich, 1914, in Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, V, part I. CAESAR OF HEISTERBACH, Dialogue miraculorum, edited by J. STRANGE, 2 vols., Cologne, 1851. ETIENNE DE BOURBON, Anecdotes historiques, edited by A. LECOY DE LA MARCHE, Paris, 1877. J. A. MOSHER, The exemplum in the early religions and didactic literature of England, New York, 1911. J. T. WELTER, "Etude des recueils d'exempla du moyen age (Positions presentes a la Faculte des lettres, universite de Paris, 1907, 259-265). See the bibliography on Exempla by C. H. HASKINS, in American historical review, X (1904-1905), 4, note 2. Original sources. Grammatical and rhetorical works. Gram- matici latini, edited by H. KEIL, 7 vols., Leipzig, 1857-1880. Une grammaire latine inedite du XIII e siecle, edited by C. FIERVILLE, Paris, 1886. Ehetores latini minores, edited by C. F. HALM, Leipzig, 1863. Poetry. Historia poetarum et poematum medii aevi, edited by P. LEYSER, Magdeburg, 1721, reprinted 1741. Poesies inedites du moyen age, edited by EDELSTAND DU MERIL, Paris, 1854; see also his Poesies populaires latines anterieures au douzieme siecle, Paris, 1843; and his Poesies populaires latines du moyen age, Paris, 1847. Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the twelfth century, edited by T. WRIGHT, 2 vols., London, 1872 (Rolls Series). JOHN GARLAND, De triumphis ecclcsiae, edited by T. WRIGHT, Eoxburghe Club, 1856. The complaint of nature by ALAIN DE LILLE, translated from the Latin by D. M. MOFFAT, New York, 1908. Die zehn Gedichte von WALTHER VON LILLE, edited by W. MULDENER, Hanover, 1859. The liturgical poetry of ADAM OF ST VICTOR, from the text of GAUTHIER; translated by D. S. WRANGHAM, London, contains Latin text with English translation on opposite pages. Prose works. WALTER MAP, De nugis curialium, edited by M. E. JAMES, Oxford, 1914 (Anecdota Oxoniensia, medieval and modern series, XIV), supersedes the edition by T. WRIGHT, Camden society, 1841. Morceaux choisis de prosateurs latins du moyen age, edited by P. THOMAS, Ghent, 1902. A selection of Latin stories from Mss. of the 13th and 14th centuries, edited by T. WRIGHT, London, 1842. Hymns. Analecta hymnica medii aevi, edited by C. BLUME und G. M. DREVES, vols. I-XXIIT, Leipzig, 1886-1911; see also the Hymnologische Beitrage by G. M. DREVES, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1897- 452 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in 1901. Lateinische Hymnen ties Miltrlulhrx, edited by F. J. MONE, 3 vols., Freiburg, 1853-1855. Bepcrtorhim hi/mnolofjicum: catalogue des chants, hymnes, proses, sequences, tropes, en usage dans I'eglise latine dequis les origines jusqu'a nos jours, edited by U. CHEVALIER, 2 vols., Louvain, 1892-1897. The source of "Jerusalem the golden," together with other pieces attributed to BERNARD OF CLUNY, trans- lated by H. PREBLE, with an introduction and notes by S. M. JACKSON, Chicago, 1910. Latin hymns, selected and annotated by W. 'A. MERRILL, Boston, 1904. E. W. BRAINEBD (compiler), Great hymns of the middle ages, New York, 1909. S. W. DUFFIELD, The Latin hymn writers and their hymns, edited and completed by E. E. THOMPSON, New York, 1889. C. C. NOTT, Seven great hymns of the mediaeval church, New York, 1902. Bibliographies. For the Latin languages, see BERNHEIM, Lehr- buch der historischen Methode, 286-288. For Latin literature see footnotes in SANDYS, Classical scholarship, and his bibliography in Cambridge history of English literature, I, 452-457. Also MOLINIER, Les sources, I, 192-213. XXIV. MEDIEVAL FEENCH LANGUAGE AND LITEEATUEE A. OUTLINE 1. Of the rising vernaculars, which were destined to compete with and eventually to outstrip Latin, French is the best type. About 1260-1270, the Italian Brunetto Latini (died 1290) wrote in his Tresor, "Et se aucuns demandoit por quoi cist livres est escriz en romans, selonc le langage des Francois, puisque nos somes Ytaliens, je diroie que ce est por .ij. raisons: 1'une, car nos somes en France; et 1'autre, porce que la parleure est plus delitable et plus commune a toutes gens." 2. The origin of the French language. Its development from the spoken Latin in Gaul, the vulgar or popular Latin. The Celtic and Germanic influence. The earliest texts. Glossaries. The oaths of Strasburg, 842. Various dialects. Chief divisions: Langue d'Oc in the south (oc=Latin hoc) ; Langue d'Oui in the north (oiiZ=Latin hoc Hie). The ultimate predominance of the French spoken in Paris. 3. The influence of French in foreign countries before the end of the thirteenth century, especially in England, Germany, Italy, and the Orient, where it played an important role because France furnished the greatest number of crusaders. 4. The attitude of the learned class towards the vernacular. Evidence from the works of Eoger Bacon. French was used XXIV MEDIEVAL FRENCH 453 rarely even in elementary instruction' and it was never taught in the schools. Before the end of the thirteenth century there was no thought of a conflict between the "ancients and the moderns" such as inflamed Trance in the seventeenth century. 5. The beginnings of French literature in religious narrative poetry. The earliest known piece of French literature is the Vie de saint Alexis, written in the middle of the eleventh century. Other lives of saints in French verse. Pious tales like the Tumbler of Notre-Dame. 6. The great national epics which expressed the life and ideals of the warlike feudal class. The origin of the chansons de geste sung by Jongleurs. The Chanson de Roland. Huon de Bordeaux. 7. The antique epic. Influence of classical history and litera- ture. Epics of Troy, of Julius Caesar, and of Alexander the Great. 8. Epics of gallantry and courtly love. The Arthurian romances. The Holy Grail. Tristam and Iseult. Parzival. This literature was most original in the twelfth century when it reflected the new era of culture in western Christendom which had been ushered in by the crusades. 9. Lyric poetry. The songs of the troubadours in large measure reflect the highly civilized -life in southern France before the Albigensian crusades in the thirteenth century. Aucassin et Nico- lette. In Latin, the Goliardic poetry falls mainly under this head- ing (see the previous outline). 10. Literature of the middle class, especially satirical literature. The Fabliaux bear witness to the sudden rise of the burgher class and the peasants in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Renard the fox. Rutebeuf (middle of the thirteenth century). 11. Didactic and moral literature. Allegory. The Romance of the Rose, in two parts, the first by William of Lorris (first half of the thirteenth century), and the second by John Clopinel, of Meung (about 1277). 12. Historical writing in the vernacular. Villehardouin and Joinville. See the next outline. 13. Vernacular literature as a source for the history of culture during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general surveys. BEMONT and MONOD, Medieval Europe, 527-536. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, II, 568-580, III, 212-218. MUNBO and SELLERY, Medieval civilization, 310-325. H. O. TAYLOR, The mediaeval mind, 2nd edition, I, ch. xxrv, II, ch. xxv. On French in England see F. W. MAITLAND, "The Anglo-French 454 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in law language," in Cambridge history of English literature, I (1908), ch. xx (for other literature on French in England see GROSS, Sources, nos. 200-209). Longer accounts. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part II, 179- 182, 389-399, III, part I, 371-382, 409-414, part II, 372-379, 404- 412. C/ H. C. WRIGHT, A history of French literature, New York, 1912, 1-110. F. BRUNETIERE, Manual of the history of French litera- ture, authorized translation, New York, 1898, book I. G. LANSON, Histoire de la litterature fran^aise, 12th edition, Paris, 1912, part I, ' ' Le moyen age. ' ' Standard accounts. F. E. BRUNOT, Histoire de la langue fran- qaise des origines d 1900, vols. I-IV, Paris, 1905-1913, vol. I on the middle ages. Histoire de la langue et de la litterature franc_aise des origines d 1900, edited by L. PETIT DE JULLEVILLE, 8 vols., Paris, 1896-1899, vols. I-II. G. PARIS, La litterature frangaise au moyen age (XI e -XIVe siecle), 5th edition, Paris, 1914, translated in Everyman's library, Medieval French literature; and his Esquissc historique de la litterature frangaise au moyen age, Paris, 1907, 2nd edition, 1913. Troubadours. LUCHAIRE, Social France, ch. xn. J. H. SMITH, The troubadours at home, 2 vols., New York and London, 1899. H. J. CHAYTOR, The troubadours, Cambridge, 1912 (Cambridge manuals). French literature as a source for the history of medieval culture. C. V. LANGLOIS, La societe frangaise au XIII e siecle d'apres dix romans d'aventure, 3rd edition, Paris, 1911; see also his La vie en France au moyen age d'apres quelques moralistes du temps, 2nd edition, Paris, 1911; and his La connaissance de la nature et du monde, which has been emphasized under outline XXI above. K. VOSSLER, FranJcreichs Kultur im Spiegel seiner Sprachentwiclclung, Heidelberg, 1913. Original sources. Following is a short list of English transla- tions of old French classics: The song of Roland, translated into English verse by L. BACON, Yale University Press, 1914; trans- lated into English verse by A. S. WAY, Cambridge, 1913; translated into English prose by ISABEL BUTLER, Boston, 1904; translated into English verse by J. O'HAGEN, 2nd edition, London, 1883. The romance of Tristam and Iseult, translated from the French of J. BfioiER by FLORENCE SIMMONDS, London, 1910. Aucassin et Nicol- ette, translated by A. LANG, London, 1887, also in Everyman's library, New York, 1910. Of the tumbler of our Lady and other miracles, now translated from the middle French with introduction and notes by ALICE KEMP- WELCH, in The new medieval library, XXIV MEDIEVAL FRENCH 455 which see for other translations of old French classics. W. LORRIS and J. CLOPINEL, The romance of the rose, translated by F. S. ELLIS, 3 vols., London, 1900 (Temple classics). Huon of Bordeaux: done into English by Sir J. BOURCHIER, lord BERNERS, and now retold by E. STEELE, London, 1895; see also E. STEELE'S translations of Eenaud of Montauban, London, 1897; and the Story of Alexander, London, 1894. For the Battle of the seven arts see outline XVIII above. Old French romances, done into English by W. MORRIS, London, 1896. Tales from the old French, translated by ISABEL BUTLER, Boston, 1910. French mediaeval romances from the lays of Marie de France, translated by E. MASON, New York, 1911 (Everyman 's library). Legends and satires from mediaeval literature, edited by MARTHA H. SHACKFORD, New York, 1913. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. Many general histories of literature, nos. 782- 814 above, are useful. Naturally, the great Histoire litteraire de la France, no. 803 above, is most essential. See also nos. 171-172 and 303-306 above, especially GROBER'S Grundriss, no. 305, II, part II, 433-1247. Much of the literature under outline XXVII in part II above is important. For the legend of Charlemagne see outline VIII in part II above. . Grammars of old French. A. DARMESTETER, Cours de grammaire historique de la langue frangaise, 7th to 9th edition, 4 vols., Paris [no date]. E. SCHWAN and D. BEHRENS, GrammatiTc des Altfranz- osichen, 9th edition, Leipzig, 1911, translated into French by O. BLOCK, Grammaire de I'ancien franqais, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1913. K. NYROP, Grammaire historique de la langue frangaise, vols. I-IV, Copenhagen, 1903-1913, vol. I, Histoire generale de la langue fran- c.aise, in 2nd edition, revised, 1904. Dictionaries of old French. F. GODEFROY, Dictionnaire de I'an- cienne langue francaise, 10 vols., Paris, 1881-1902; and his smaller Lexique de I'ancien francaise, Paris, 1901. G. KORTING, Lateinisch- romanisches Worterbuch, 3rd edition, Paderborn, 1907. Histories of medieval French literature. H. SUCHIER and A. BiRCH-HiRSCHFELD, Geschichte der franzosischen Literatur von den (iltesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart, 2nd edition, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1913. P. A. BECKER, Grundriss der altfranzosischen Literatur, Heidel- berg, 1907. See also no. 305 above. Special works on medieval French literature. J. BEDIER, Les legendes epiques: recherches sur la formation des Chansons de geste, 4 vols., vol. I in 2nd edition, Paris, 1909-1913. L. GAUTIER, Les 456 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII epopees franfaises, 2nd edition, 5 vols., Paris, 1878-1897. G. PARIS, Legendes du moyen-dge, 4th edition, Paris, 1912; see also his La poesie du moyen age: lemons et lectures, 2 vols., vol. I in 5th edition, vol. II in 3rd edition, Paris, 1903-1906; and his Melanges de lit- tcrature franqaise du moyen age, Paris, 1912. J. BEDIER, Les fabliaux, Paris, 1893, 2nd edition, 1895. L. FOULET, Le roman de renard, Paris, 1914. E. FARAL, Becherches sur les sources latines des contes et romans courtois du moyen age, Paris, 1913; see also his important study on Les jongleurs en France au moyen age, Paris, 1910, part 187 of no. 888 above. G. E. B. SAINTSBURY, The flourish- ing of romance and the rise of allegory, London, 1897 (Periods of European literature). E. LANGLOIS, Origines et sources du Boman de la rose, Paris, 1891. L. CLEDAT, La poesie lyrique et satirique en France au moyen age, Paris, 1893. E. LANGLOIS, Table des noms propres de toute nature compris dans les chansons de geste imprimees, Paris, 1904. P. MEYER, Alexandre le Grand dans la litterature fran- <;aise du moyen age, Paris, 1886. Troubadours. J. ANGLADE, Les troubadours, Paris, 1908. A. JEANROY, Les origines de la poesie lyrique en France au moyen age, 2nd edition, Paris, 1904. J. BECK, La musique des troubadours, Paris, 1910 (see his bibliography, 121-122). K. BARTSCH, Grund- riss zur Geschichte der provenzalischen Literatur, Elberfeld, 1872. F. DIEZ, Leben und Werke der Troubadours, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1882. P. AUBRY, Trouveres et troubadours, Paris, 1909, 2nd edi- tion, 1910, translated by C. AVELING, Trouveres and troubadours: a popular treatise, New York, 1914. IDA FARNELL, The lives of the troubadours, London, 1896. J. F. ROWBOTHAM, The troubadours and courts of love, London, 1895. F. HUEFFER, The troubadours: a his- tory of Provengal life and literature in the middle ages, London, 1878. J. RUTHERFORD, The troubadours, London, 1873. Periodicals. Romania, Paris, 1872ff. Zeitschrift fur fransosiche Sprache und Literatur, Leipzig, 1879ff. Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie, Halle, 1875ff. The romanic review, New York, 1910ff. Original sources. No attempt can be made in this Guide to list even the most important special editions of the classics of medieval French literature. Most of them are edited in the following series: Societe des anciens textes franc.ais. Classiques frangais du moyen age. Bibliotheque franc.aise du moyen age. Bibliotheca Normannica. Gesellschaft fur romanische Literatur. Bomanische BibliotheJc. Alt- franzosische BibliotheTc. Les anciens poetes de la France. For short selections from old French see the following: Chres- tomathie du moyen age: extraits publics avec des traductions, des notes, une introduction grammatical et des notices litteraires, edited HISTORIOGRAPHY 457 by G. PARIS et E. LANGLOIS, 8th edition, Paris, 1912. Chrestomathie de I'ancien fran^ais (VIII e -XVc siecle), edited by K. BARTSCH, Leip- zig, 1866, llth edition, 1913. La poesie frangaise du moyen age (XI e - XVe siecle) : recueil de textes accompagnes de traductions, de notices et precede d'une etude litteraire, edited by C. OULMONT, Paris, 1913. Bibliographies. L. FOULET, A bibliography of medieval French literature for college libraries, edited by A. SCHINZ and G. E. UNDER- WOOD, Yale University Press, 1915. J. BEDIER and M. ROQUES, Bibliographic % des travaux de Gaston Paris, Paris, 1904. G. RAYNAUD, Bibliographic des chansonniers jrangais des XIII s et XIV e siecles, Paris, 1884. L. SPENCE, A dictionary of mediaeval romance and romance writers, New York, 1914, is unsatisfactory. R. FEDERN, Bepertoire bibliographique de la litterature franqaise, Paris, 1912. XXV. HISTORIOGRAPHY AND POLITICAL THOUGHT A. OUTLINE 1. Unfavorable conditions for good history writing in the middle ages. Almost total absence of historical critical sense and hence a lack of trustworthy texts and bibliographical tools. Compara- tively little interest in the history and historiography of the Greek and Roman world, to say nothing of Egypt or Babylonia. The history of the Jews formed the basis of all study of ancient history. Josephus was much more popular than Livy. There was no systematic study of history as a separate discipline in the schools and universities. Consequent insignificance of all medieval histories properly speaking, that is, those attempting to depict the past from records. On the other hand, the middle ages produced some remarkable chronicles, that is, accounts of contemporary events written up largely from observation and hearsay. 2. Historiography in the early middle ages. For Orosius see outline II above, for Gregory of Tours and Merovingian hagio- graphy, outline VI, for Bede, outline VII, for the Carolingian revival of history writing, outline VIII, and for the ninth, tenth and eleventh centuries see the literature listed under outlines IX and XI above. 3. The remarkable impulse given to history writing by the crusades and by the new intellectual interests of the twelfth cen- tury. For the historiography of the crusades see outline XXI in part II above. 4. The twelfth century. Sigebert of Gembloux (died 1112), Chronographia, and its continuations, notably by Robert of Torigni (died 1186). Ordericus Vitalis (died ca. 1142), Historia eccle- siastica [1-1141 A.D.]. Suger, abbot of St. Denis (died 1151), Vita 458 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII Ludorici Grossi regis. William of Malmesbury (died ca. 1142), De gestis regum Anglorum [449-1127 A.D.], and Historiac novcllae libri ires [1125-1142 A.D.]. Otto of Freising (died 1158), Hixtoria de duabus civitatibus, or Chronica. 5. The thirteenth century. Bigord, a monk of St. Denis (died ca. 1209), Gesta Philippi Augusti [1179-1208 A.D], continued by William of Armorica, or Guillaume le Breton, to 1223. Vincent of Beauvais (died 12G4), Speculum hist oriole. Matthew Paris (died <-:i. 1259), Chronica majora [to 1259]. Eoger of Wendover.(died 1236), Flores historiarum [to 1235]. Salimbene (1221-1288), Chronica. 6. The beginnings of history writing in the vernacular languages. The famous Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Historical elements in the Chan- sons de geste. The Vie de Guillaume le Marechal, written about 1225, in French verse. Villehardouin (died 1213), Conquete de Constantinople. The Grandes chroniques frangaises de Saint-Denis. Jean de Joinville (ca. 1224-ca. 1319), Histoire de Saint Louis. For Froissart and Commines see outline XXX in part II above. 7. Historical criticism in the middle ages. For the textual criticism of Eoger Bacon and other scholars of the thirteenth century see outline XVIII above. Seasons for the decline, in the thirteenth century, of critical interest in the records of the past. 8. Political theory in the early middle ages. The ideas concern- ing the state in the New Testament and in the writings of the church fathers. For St. Augustine and Gregory the Great see out- line II above. Theories concerning church and state in the period of the investiture strife. Sweeping claims made for the authority of the church. Empire versus papacy. 9. Transformation of medieval political thought in the twelfth century by the systematic study of Eoman and canon law (see out- line XX above). The political thought of John of Salisbury (for his Policraticus and other writings see outline XVIII above). 10. Another revolution of political thought came in the thir- teenth century, due largely to the New Aristotle, especially the Politics of Aristotle (see outline XV above). Saint Thomas Aquinas as the interpreter of Aristotelian notions about the state (for gen- eral works on Thomas Aquinas see outline XVII above). For Dante see outline XXVIII below, and for the important political thought of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, outlines XXIX and XXXI in part II above. B. SPECIAL EECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING General surveys of medieval historiography. M. BITTER, "Die christlich-mittelalterliche Geschichtschreibung, " in Historische Zeit- xxv HISTORIOGRAPHY 459 schrift, CVII (1911), 237-305. BAUMSARTNER, Geschichte der Welt- literatur, IV, 353-378. Historiography in France. A. MOLINIER, Les sources de I'histoire de France, vol. V, pp. i-clxxxvii, contains the introduction to the work in the form of a history of history writing in France in the middle ages. Historiography in the vernacular. C. V. LANGLOIS, "L'historio- graphie, " in Histoire de la langue et de la litterature franc,aise, edited by L. PETIT DE JULLEVILLE, II, ch. vi. Historiography in England. W. L. JONES, "Latin chroniclers from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries," in Cambridge his- tory of English literature, I (1908), ch. ix (see also the bibli- ography, 448-451). Historiography in Germany. W. WATTENBACH, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des dreizehnten Jahr- hunderts. O. LORENZ, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter seit der Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. E. MICHAEL, Cultur- zustdnde, III, 320-395, is confined to the thirteenth century. Salimbene. TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, 2nd edition, II, ch. XXH, ' ' The world of Salimbene. ' ' COULTON, From Saint Francis to Dante. Short general surveys of medieval political theories. W. A. DUNNING, A history of political theories ancient and mediaeval, New York, 1902. BRYCE, Holy Soman empire, consult the index. A. J. CARLYLE, ' ' The sources of medieval political theory and its connection with medieval politics," in American historical review, XIX (1913), 1-12. C. D. BURNS, Political ideals: their nature and their development, Oxford, 1915, 92-121. L. GUMPLOWICZ, Geschichte der Staatstheorien, Innsbruck, 1905, 87-126. Standard works on medieval political theory. R. W. CARLYLE, and A. J. CARLYLE, A history of mediaeval political theory in the west, vols. I-III, New York, 1903-1916. P. JANET, Histoire de la science politique dans ses rapports avec la morale, 2 vols., 3rd edition, Paris, 1887, I, 263-489. Medieval theocratic ideas. POOLE, Illustrations of the history of medieval thought, ch. vui, "The hierarchical doctrine of the state." O. GIERKE, Political theories of the middle age, translated by F. W. MAITLAND, Cambridge, 1900. O. GIERKE, "Die theokratische Idee des Mittelalters, " in his Johannes Althusius und die Entwicklung der naturrechtlichen Staatstheorien, 2nd edition, Breslau, 1902. J. N. FIGGIS, "Republica Christiana," in Transactions of the Royal his- torical society, 3rd series, V (1911), 63-88. 460 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII Original sources. Quellen zur Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Geschichtschreibung, I, Geschichtsschreiber des friihen Mittelalters, edited by F. KERN, Leipzig, 1916, II, Deutsche Geschichtsschreiber der Kaiserzeit, edited by F. VIGENER, Leipzig, 1914. It it announced that OTTO OF FREISING'S Chronica will be translated by C. C. MIEROW, in 949 above. Meanwhile it may be well to call attention to the new edition of the Chronica edited by A. HOFMEISTER, Han- over and Leipzig, 1912, part of no. 979 above. F. W. COKER, Read- ings in political philosophy, 121-135, translates from the works of Thomas Aquinas. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. Consult the general histories on church and state in the middle ages, nos. 455459 above; those on the medieval empire, nos. 499-507 above; and also the general histories of litera- ture, nos. 782-814 above. See also nos. 64-67 above. General and miscellaneous accounts of historiography. M. BUDINGER, Die Universalhistorie im Mittelalter, in Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philos.-hist. Klasse, XL VI, Abhandlungen 1 and 2, Vienna, 1900. H. v. EICKEN, Mittel- alterliche Weltanschauung, 641-671, "Die Geschichtsschreibung. " D. EINAUDO, Gli ktudi storici nel media evo, Turin, 1883. E. TEUFFEL, Individuelle Persdhnlichkeitsschilderung in dem deutschen Geschichts- wesen des 10 und 11 Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1914 (Beitrage zur Kul- turgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Eenaissance, XII). G. MISCH, Geschichte der Autobiographic, vol. I, Leipzig, 1907. E. JAHNCKE, Guilelmus Neubrigensis: ein pragmatischer Geschichts- schreiber des zwolften Jahrhunderts, Bonn, 1912. F. v. BEZOLD, ' ' Astrologische Geschichtsconstruction im Mittelalter," in Zeit- schrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft, VIII (1892), 29. M. STEIN- SCHNEIDER, Die Geschichtsliteratur der Juden in Druckwerken und Handschriften, Frankfurt, 1905. For Byzantine historiography see K. KRUMBACHER, Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur, 219-408. For Mohammedan historiography see outline X above. Italian historiography. U. BALZANI, Early chroniclers of Europe: Italy. B. SCHMEIDLER, Italienische Geschichtsschreiber des XII und XIII Jahrhunderts: ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte, Leipzig, 1909 (Leipziger historische Abhandlungen, 11). E. MICHAEL, Salimbene und seine Chronik: eine Studie zur Geschichtschreibung des 13 Jahr- hunderts, Innsbruck, 1889. O. HOLDER-EGGER, "Zur Lebensgeschichte des Bruders Salimbene de Adam," in Neues Archiv, XXXVII (1911-1912), 165-218. Otto of Freising. A. HOFMEISTER, "Studien iiber Otto von Freising," in Neues Archiv, XXXVII (1911-1912), 99-161, 635-768. POLITICAL THOUGHT 461 J. SCHMIDLIN, Die geschichtsphilosophische und Jcirchenpolitische Welt- anschauung Ottos von Freising, Freiburg, 1906, part IV, 2-3, of no. 898 above. J. HASHAGEN, Otto von Freising als Geschichtsphilosopli und Kirchenpolitiker, Leipzig, 1900. Historical criticism in the middle ages. MARIE SCHULZ, Die Lehre von der historischen Methode bei den Geschichtschreibern des Mittelalters, VI-XIII Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1909 (Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, edited by G. v. BELOW, 13). B. LASCH, Das Erwachen und die EntwicTcelung der historischen Kritik im Mittelalter (vom VI-XII Jahrhundert), Breslau, 1887. ANITA M. CRELLIN, Roger Bacon's historical scholarship, with a translation of part III of the Opus majus, Berkeley, 1915, is a typewritten master's thesis deposited in the university of California library. General and miscellaneous works on political thought. J. W. BURGESS, The reconciliation of government with liberty, New York, 1915. H. SIDGWICK, Development of European polity, London, 1903, lectures XITI-XXI. C. N. S. WOOLF, Bartolus of Sassoferrato: his position in the history of medieval political thought, Cambridge, 1913 (Thirwall prize essay, 1913). B. JARRETT, Mediaeval socialism, London, [n. d. ca. 1912] (The peoples books). TROELTSCH, Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen, 178-358. E. MULLER, Peter von Prezza, ein Publizist der Zeit des Interregnums, Heidelberg, 1913 (Heidelberger Abhandlungen, 37). O. SCHILLING, Naturrecht und Staat nach der Lehre der alien Kirche, Paderborn, 1914 (Gorresge- sellschaft, Sektion fiir Eechts- und Sozialwissenschaft, 24). E. CROSA, II principio della sovranitd popolare dal medioevo alia rivolu- zione francese, Turin, 1914 (Biblioteca di scienze moderne, 70). F. v. BEZOLD, ' ' Die Lehre von der Volkssouveranitat wahrend des Mittelalters," in Historische Zeitschrift, XXXVI (1876), 313-367. E. BERNHEIM, "Politische Begriffe des Mittelalters im Lichte der Anschauungen Augustins, ' ' in Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geschichts- wissenschaft, Neue Folge, I (1897), 1-23. V. BRANTS, Esquisse des theories economiques professees par les ecrivains des XIII e et XIVc siecle, Louvain, 1895. IMBART DE LA TOUR, "L 'evolution des idees sociales du XP au XIP siecle," in Seances et travaux de I'Academie des sciences morales, Paris, 1898. Imperial ideas in the middle ages. J. HARTUNG, Die Lehre von der Weltherrschaft im Mittelalter, Halle, 1909. F. KAMPERS, Die deutsche Kaiseridee in Prophetic und Sage, Munich, 1896 (2nd edi- tion of Kaiserprophetieen und Kaisersagen im Mittelalter, Munich, 1895) ; see also his Alexander der Grosse und die Idee des Welt- imperiums in Prophetic und Sage, Freiburg, 1901. M. POMTOW, Vber den Einfluss der altromischen Vorstellungen vom Staat auf die Politik 462 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII Kaiser Friedrichs I, Halle, 1885. A. HAUCK, Der Gedanke der pdpst- lichen Weltherrschaft bis auf Bonifaz VIII, Leipzig, 1904. For other literature see DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Qucllenkunde, no. 1458. Political theories of John of Salisbury. P. GENNRICH, Die Staats- und Kirchenlchre Johannes von Salisbury, Gotha, 1894. E. SCHUBERT, Die Staatslelire Johanns von Salisbury, Berlin, 1897. For other books on John of Salisbury see outline XVIII above. Political theories of St. Thomas Aquinas. A. MALAGOLA, Le teorie politiche di S. Tommaso d' Aquino, Bologna, 1912. J. ZEILLER, L'idce de I'etat dans Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Paris, 1910. J. A. ENDRES, "De regimine principium des hi. Thomas von Aquino," pp. 261-267 in Supplementband (1913) of no. 826 above. E. CRAHAY, La politique de S. Thomas d'Aquin, Louvain, 1896. J. J. BAUMANN, Die Staatslehre des hi. Thomas von Aquino, Leipzig, 1873. C. JOUR- DAIN, La philosophic de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, 2 vols., Paris, 1858. H. B. FEUGUERAY, Essai sur les doctrines politique de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Paris, 1857. For general literature on St. Thomas Aquinas see outline XVII above. Original sources. Almost all the important texts of medieval historians and chroniclers are edited in the large collections such as nos. 953, 963, 965flf., above. See especially the notes under nos. 968, 978, 988, and 997 above. For guides to the works of indi- vidual authors see the bibliographies mentioned below. See also B. SCHMEIDLER, ' ' Neuere Ausgaben mittelalterlicher Geschicht- schreiber, ' ' in Die Geisteswissenschaften, Nov. 26, 1914. Bibliographies. Practically all the bibliographies listed above, nos. 1-61, are valuable for the study of this outline, but see espe- cially MOLINIER, 21, DAHLMANN-WAITZ, 28, WATTENBACH and LORENZ, 29-30, GROSS, 36, and MUHLBRECHT, no. 60 above. XXVI. MEDIEVAL BOOKS AND LIBEAE1ES A. OUTLINE 1. The importance of the invention of printing in the history of culture. The intellectual life of ancient and medieval times was conditioned in large measure by the lack of a cheap and rapid method of multiplying books. 2. Materials for book-making. Papyrus. Parchment and vellum. Waxed tablets. Paper. The introduction of paper into western Europe. 3. Writing implements. Stilus for waxed tablets. Reed (cala- mus), and quill (penna). Black ink (atramentum or incaustum). BOOKS AND LIBRARIES 463 Bed ink (minium or rubrica}. Gold and silver writing on purple vellum. Implements for ruling and erasing. 4. Forms of books. The roll (liber, volumen, rotulus). "Pipe roll." "Master of the Bolls." The codex was the ordinary style of book in the middle ages. Forms of public documents (diplo- matics). Seals (sphragistics). Palimpsests. 5. Latin palaeography. Book-hand and cursive writing. Majuscule writing; capitals and uncials. Minuscule book-hands. The famous Caroline minuscule writing (see outline VIII above). Distinct characteristics of writing in different countries. Elegance of the book-hand in the twelfth century. Compressed ' ' Gothic ' ' writ- ing of the thirteenth century. Increase of abbreviations and con- tractions. Tironian notes or short-hand. Official and legal scripts. Degeneracy of writing in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Beversion of the humanists to older forms of medieval writing, which they called "Boman" script. The effect of style and habits of handwriting upon the art of printing. 6. The ornamentation of books. Illuminated manuscripts. Orna- mental titles and initials, usually in red ink. Bubrics. Ornate margins and miniature paintings. The use of gold and silver in this art. Costly bindings. 7. The making of books and the book trade. Medieval scribes or copyists, especially monks and nuns. The. scriptorium in a mon- astery. Correction of copies. The commonest errors in manu- scripts. The scribes of official documents (see outline XIX above). Professional lay scribes under the jurisdiction of medieval uni- versities. Beginnings of a book -trade in medieval university towns. The stationarii and librarii. The price of books. 8. The love of books in the middle ages. The collection of St. Louis (Louis IX of France) in the Sainte Chapelle. Bichard of Bury (1287-134$), the typical bibliophile, author of the Philo- biblon. 9. The censorship of books before the establishment of the Congregation of the Index in 1571. For the condemnation of books of Abelard and Aristotle see outlines XIV and XV above. 10. The beginnings of medieval libraries. The almost complete disappearance of ancient classical books and libraries. Founda- tion and growth of monastic libraries. Some famous early libraries were, Monte Cassino, Bobbio, Fleury, Cluny, St. Biquier, Corbie, Tours, St. Germain-des-Pres, Fulda, Beichenau, St. Gall, Canter- bury, and York. Libraries attached to cathedrals. 11. Striking increase in the multiplication and collection of books in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Private collections 464 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PAETIII by kings and princes. The beginnings of college libraries in uni- versities. Founders an'd patrons of medieval libraries. The libraries of Paris. 12. Arrangements and rules in medieval libraries. The armarium or book-press. The armarius. Need of a special room set aside for books. The lectern system. The stall system. Chained books. Sources of income. Donors of books. Eeaders in a medieval library. Library hours. The loan of books, especially to uni- versity students. Catalogues of medieval libraries. Their value as sources for the history of culture. The destruction of medieval books and libraries. The dispersion of books which survived. 13. Medieval archives. The papal archives in the Lateran palace. Eemarkable preservation of the contents of English archives. B. SPECIAL KECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEADING Short general account. MICHAEL, Culturzustande des deutschen VolTces, III, 1-62. Books and their makers. G. H. PUTNAM, Books and their makers during the middle ages, 2 vols., New York, 1896-1897, vol. I, part I, ' ' Books in manuscript. ' ' C. DAVENPORT, The book : its history and development, New York, 1908, chs. ii-in. R. PIETSCHMANN, "Das Buch, " in Die Kultur der Gegenwart, I, part I, 2nd edition, Berlin, 1912, 556-580. E. K. EOOT, "Publication before printing," in Publications of the Modern language association, XXVIII (1913), 417-431. Writing in the middle ages. E. M. THOMPSON, Greek and Latin palaeography, chs. ii-v, xm-xix; or see his chapter in A com- panion to Latin studies, 765-791. W. WATTENBACH, Das Schrift- wesen im Mittelalter, 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1896. Stationarii and librarii in Paris. P. DELALAIN, Etude sur le libraire parisien du XIII e su XV e siecle, d'apres les documents publics dans le Cartulaire de 1'universite de Paris, Paris, 1891. See also RASHDALL, Universities, I, 191, 415-418. Censorship of books. G. H. PUTNAM, The censorship of the church of Rome and its influence upon the production and distribution of literature, 2 vols., New York and London, 1907, I, chs. i-m. For additional literature see his bibliography, pp. xvii-xxy of vol. I, and the books under outline XVI above. Short popular sketches of medieval libraries. F. A. GASQUET, The old English bible and other essays, London, 1897, new edition, 1908, "Medieval monastic libraries," 1-34, "The monastic script- orium," 35-53. J. W. CLARK, Libraries in the medieval and renais- BOOKS AND LIBRARIES 465 sance periods, Cambridge, 1894 (The Eede lecture, 1894). E. C. RICHARDSON, "The medieval library," in Harper's monthly maga- zine, CX (1905), 788-798. J. J. WALSH, The thirteenth, greatest of centuries, ch. ix, "Libraries and bookmen." E. A. SAVAGE, The story of libraries and book-collecting, London [no date; after 1908], especially chs. n and HI. Article ' ' Libraries, ' ' in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Cambridge history of English literature, IV (1909), ch. xix, "Foundation of libraries," by J. B. MULLINGER. F. MILKAU, ' ' Die Bibliotheken, ' ' in Die Kultur der Gegenwart, I, part I, 2nd edition, Berlin, 1912, 580-629. Standard works on medieval libraries. J. W. CLARK, The care of books, an essay on the development of libraries from the earliest times, Cambridge, 1901, 2nd edition, 1902, new and cheaper edi- tion, 1909. E. EDWARDS, Memoirs of libraries, 2 vols., London, 1859, I, book II; see also his Libraries and founders of libraries, London, 1864, chs. H-IV. Original sources. The Philobiblon of RICHARD DE BURY, bishop of Durham, treasurer and chancellor of Edward III, edited and translated by E. C. THOMAS, London, 1888 (contains the Latin text also), the translation was issued separately under the title, The love of books: the Philobiblon of RICHARD DE BURY, London, 1902, 2nd edition, 1903 (The king's classics). RICHARD DE BURY, II Philobiblon: testo, note illustrative, traduzione e documenti, edited by M. BESSO, Rome, 1914. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the literature on the largest libraries in the world, nos. 3-6 above; on palaeography, diplomatics, and sphragistics, nos. 212-249 above; also the pictorial works, nos. 187-207, above, particularly 187, 188, and 207. Many of the gen- eral histories of literature, nos. 782-814 above, are useful; see especially 785. Books in the middle ages. A. CIM, Le livre, 5 vols., Paris, 1905- 1908. E. EGGER, Histoire du livre depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours, 2nd edition, Paris, 1880. M. P. LOUISY, Le livre et les arts qui s'y rattachent, depuis les origines jusqu'a la fin du XVIII 6 .siecle, Paris, 1886. G. MEIER, Die Biicher im Mittelalter, Einsiedeln, 1899 (extract from Padagogische Blatter). V. GARDTHAUSEN, Griechische Palaeographie, I, Das Buchwesen im Altertum und im byzantinischen Mittelalter, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1911. F. MADAN, Books in manuscript: a short introduction to their study and use, with a chapter on records, London, 1893. 466 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in I. TAYLOR, A history of the transmission of ancient books to mod- ern times, Liverpool, 1889 (first written about 1828). S. R. MAIT- LAND, The dark ages. P. W. HALL, A companion to classical texts,, Oxford, 1913, ch. iv, "The history of Latin texts from the age of Charlemagne to the Italian Renaissance, " ch ix, "The nomen- clature of Greek and Latin manuscripts with the names of former possessors." C. L, and MARY A. ELTON, The great book-collectors, London, 1893, chs. n-v. W. BLADES, Books in chains and other bibliographical papers, London, 1892 (Book lovers' library). Book-making and book trade. A. A. BJORNBO, "Ein Beitrag zum Werdegang der mittelalterlichen Pergamenthandschriften, " in Zeitschrift fur Biicherfreunde, XI (1907-1908). J. LOUSIER, "Die Herstellung der mittelalterlichen Biicher nach einer Miniatur des 12 Jahrhunderts, " ibid., XII (1908-1909). A. KIRCHHOFF, Die Handschriftenhdndler des Mittelalters, Leipzig, 1852, 2nd edition, 1853, with additions in J. PETZOLDTS, Anzeiger fur Bibliographic und Bibliothekwissenschaft, 1854. E. FOCKE and others, Das Buch- gewerbe und die Kultur, six lectures, Leipzig, 1907. K. J. BENZIGER, Geschichte des Buchgewerbes im furstlichen Benediktinerstife von Einsiedeln, Einsiedeln, 1912. G. J. GRAY, The earlier Cambridge stationers and bookbinders and the first Cambridge printer, Oxford University Press, for the Bibliographical society, 1914, part I, "Stationarii or stationers to the fifteenth century." M. SPIE.GATIS, Personalverzeichniss der Pariser Universitdt von 1464 und die darin aufgefiihrten Handschriften- und Pergamenthdndler, Leipzig, 1888. E. KIRCHNER, Das Papier, Biberach, 1897. Illuminated manuscripts. J. A. HERBERT, Illuminated manu- scripts, New York, 1911. J. H. MIDDLETON, Illuminated manuscripts in classical and mediaeval times, Cambridge, 1892. G. VITZTHUM, Die Pariser Miniaturmalerei von der Zeit des hi. Ludwig bis zu Philipp von Valois und ihr Verhaltniss zur Malerei in Nordwest- europa, Leipzig, 1907. A. MOLINIER, Les manuscrits et les miniatures, Paris, 1892. H. M. E. MARTIN, Les peintures de manuscrits et la miniatures en France, Paris, 1909 (Les grands artistes). A. LABITTE, L'art de I'enluminure: metier, histoire, pratique, Paris, 1914. J. BRADLEY, Illuminated manuscripts, Chicago, 1909; see also his Dic- tionary of miniaturists, illuminators, calligraphers and copyists, 3 vols., London, 1887-1889. W. DE GRAY BIRCH and H. JENNER, Early drawings and illuminations: an introduction to the study of illus- trated manuscripts, London, 1897. E. M. THOMPSON, English illuminated manuscripts, London, 1895. H. SHAW, A handbook of the art of illumination in the middle ages, London, 1866. M. D. WYATT, The art of illuminating as practiced in Europe from the earliest times, XXVI BOOKS AND LIBRARIES 467 London, 1866. H. N. HUMPHREYS, Illuminated books of the middle ages, London, 1848. A. MERTEN, Die Buchmalerie in St. Gallen vom 9 ~bis zum 11 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1912. A. NIEDLING, Biicher- ornamentik in Miniaturen, Initialen usw., in historischer Darstellung vom 9-18 Jahrhundert, 2nd edition, Weimar, 1897. A. LECOY DE LA MARCHE, Les manuscrits et la miniature, new edition, Paris [1884] (Bibliotheque de 1 'enseignement des beaux-arts); in his L'art d'enluminer, Paris, 1890, he prints, with commentary, an ancient Latin tract entitled, De arte illuminandi, dating 1350-1400 A.D. F. WICKHOFF, Beschriebenes Verzeichniss der illuminierten Handschriften in Oesterreich, 5 vols., Leipzig, 1905-1910. Facsimiles of illuminated manuscripts. Reproductions de manu- scrits et miniatures de la Bibliotheque nationale, published under the direction of, and with notices by H. OMONT, Paris, 1901ff.; see also his Listes des recueils de fac-similes et des reproductions de manu- scrits conserves a la Bibliotheque nationale, 2nd edition, Paris, 1912. Societe francaise pour la publication des livres a miniatures, Paris, 1910ff. (interrupted in 1914). Schools of illumiiation : reproductions from manuscripts in the British Museum, part I, Hiberno-Saxon and early English schools, A. D. 700-1000, London, 1915, II, English, 12th and 13th centuries, 1915. Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts in the British Museum, by G. F. WARNER, 3 series, London, 1907- 1908. F. G. KENYON, Facsimiles of biblical manuscripts in the British Museum, London, 1900. Collection d' editions photographiques de la Bibliotheque royale de Bruxelles. Le musee des enluminures, Haarlem, 1904ff. L. v. KOBELL, Kunstvolle Miniaturen mit Initialen aus Hss. des 4-16 Jahrhunderts, 2nd edition, Munich, 1892 (from manuscripts in Munich). A. BOINET, La miniature carolingienne, Paris, 1913. A. DE BASTARD, Peintures et ornements des manuscrits depuis le 14 e siecle jusqu'au fin du 16 e , 2 vols., Paris, 1832ff. J. O. WESTWOOD, Palaeographia sacra pictoria: being a series of 50 illustrations of the ancient versions of the Bible, copied from illuminated manu- scripts executed between the fourth and sixteenth centuries, Lon- don, 1843. J. P. MORGAN, Catalogue of manuscripts of: edited by M. E. JAMES with many plates, New York, 1906. Illustrations from one hundred manuscripts in the library of Henry Yates Thompson, consisting of 82 plates illustrating 16 manuscripts of English origin from the Xllth to the XVth centuries, London, 1914. L. DOREZ, Les manuscrits d peintures de la bibliotheque de lord Leicester d Holkham Hall,- Norfolk, Paris, 1908. P. DURRIEU, Le tres riches heures du due de Berri, Plon, 1914. For a bibliography of other reproductions of individual manuscripts containing miniatures, see J. A. HERBERT, Illuminated manuscripts, 333-337. Most of the gen- 468 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PABTHI eral manuals on illuminated manuscripts also contain good fac- similes. See also nos. 230-237 above. Waxed tablets in the middle ages. EDELSTAND DU MERIL, "Le 1 'usage cles tablettes en cire, " in no. 914 above. L. SERBAT, Tabl- ettes d ecrire du XlVe siecle, Paris, 1914 (extract of Memoires de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, LXXIII). Medieval libraries. F. S. MERRYWEATHER, Bibliomania in the middle ages, with anecdotes illustrating the history of the monastic libraries of Great Britain, London, 1849, reprinted with an intro- duction by C. ORR, New York, 1900. E. A. SAVAGE, Old English libraries: the making, collection, and use of books during the middle ages, London and Chicago, 1912 (Antiquaries books). S. GIBSON, Some Oxford libraries, Oxford University Press, 1914. M. BEAZLEY, ' ' History of the chapter library of Canterbury cathedral, ' ' in Transactions of the Bibliographical society, London, VIII (1904- 1906), 113-185. M. E. JAMES, "On the abbey of S. Edmund at Bury," in Cambridge antiquarian society, Cambridge, 1895. D. R. PHILLIPS, The romantic history of the monastic libraries of Wales: from the fifth to the sixteenth centuries, Celtic and mediaeval periods, London, 1912. E. BEGNI, The Vatican. E. MUNTZ and P. FABRE, La bibliothcque du Vatican au XV e siecle, Paris, 1887, part 48 of no. 887 above. H. OMONT, Eecherches sur la bibliotheque de I'eglise cathedrale de Beauvais, Paris, 1914 (extract from Memoires de 1 'Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres, XL). L. DELISLE, Eecherches sur I'ancienne bibliotheque de Corbie, Paris, 1860. J. A. B. MORTREUIL, L'ancienne bibliothcque de I'abbaye St. Victor [of Mar- seilles], Marseilles, 1854, prints a list of books of this monastery, 1195-1198 A.D., which includes several of the Latin classics. For the transmission of classical books see outline XVIII above. ELLEN JORGENSEN, ' ' Les bibliotheques danoises au moyen age, ' ' in Nordisk Tidskrift for Bok- och Biblioteksvdsen, 1915. K. O. MEINSMA, Mid- deleeuwsche Bibliotheken, Zutphen, 1904. P. LEHMANN, "Johannes Sichardus und die von ihm benutsten Bibliotheken und Hand- schriften, " in Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, IV, part I. A. CZERNY, Die Bibliothek des Chorher- renstiftes St. Florian: Geschichte und Beschreibung, ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte Oesterreichs, Linz, 1874. R. P. M. ZIEGELBAUER, Historia rei literariae Ordinis S. Benedicti, 4 vols., 1754, vol. I, on Benedictine schools and libraries. C. SCHMIDT, "Livres et biblio- theques a Strasbourg au moyen-age, " in Annales de I'est, Nancy, VII (1893), 538-593. L. TRAUBE, "Die Bibliotheken," in his Vorle- sungen und Abhandlungen, I, 103-127. E. G. VOGEL, " Einiges iiber Amt und Stellung des Armarius in den abendlandischen Klostern des Mittelalters," in Serapeum, IV (1843), 17-29, 33-43, 49-55. BOOKS AND LIBRARIES 469 Libraries in medieval Paris. A. FRANKLIN, Les anciennes biblio- theques de Paris, 3 vols., Paris, 1867-1873 (Histoire generate de Paris) ; his La Sorbonne is devoted in large part to the library. L. DELISLE, Le cabinet des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale: etude sur la formation de ce depot, comprenant les elements d'une histoire de la calligraphic, de la miniature, de la reliure, et du com- merce des livres a Paris avant I 'invention de I'imprimerie, 4 vols., Paris, 1868-1881 (Histoire generale de Paris). H. MARCEL and others, La Bibliotheque nationale, 2 vols., Paris, 1907. T. MORTREUIL, La Bibliotheque nationale, Paris, 1878. A. FRANKLIN, Histoire de la bibliotheque de I'abbaye de Saint-Victor a Paris, Paris, 1865; see also his Eecherches sur la bibliotheque de medecine de Paris, Paris, 1864; and his Eecherches sur la bibliotheque publique de Notre-Dame de Paris au Xllle siccle, Paris, 1863. H. MEYER, ' ' Mittelalterliche Bibliotheksordnungen f iir Paris und Erfurt, ' ' in Archiv fur Kul- turgeschichte, XI (1913), 152-165. See also the general books on medieval Paris under outline XIII above. Catalogues of medieval libraries. T. GOTTLIEB, iiber mittelalter- liche Bibliotheken, Leipzig, 1890, additions by G. MEIER, in Central- blatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, XX (1903), 16ff. G. BECKER, Catalogi bibliothecarum antiqui, Bonn, 1885, with additions by G. MEIER, in Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, II (1885), 239-241. M. B. JAMES, The ancient libraries of Canterbury and Dover: the catalogues of the libraries of Christ Church priory and St. Augustine's abbey at Canter- bury and of St. Martin's priory at Dover, now first collected and pub- lished with an introduction and identifications of the extant remains, Cambridge, 1903; see also his "The catalogue of the library of the Augustinian friars at York, now first edited from the manuscript at Trinity college, Dublin," in Fasciculus. lonni Willis ' Clark dicatus, Cambridge, 1909, 2-96. F. EHRLE, "Un cata- logo fin qui sconosciuto della biblioteca papale d'Avignone (1407)," ibid., 97-114. H. DEGERING-BERLIN, "Der Katalog der Bibliothek des Klosters Marienfeld vom Jahre 1185," in Beitrdge zum Biblio- theks- und Buchwesen Paul Schwenke gewidmet, Berlin, 1913, 53-64. A. DANTIER, Les monasteres benedictins d'ltalie, Paris, 1866, de- scribes the contents of the library of Monte Cassino. For Cluny, see SACKUR, Die Cluniacenser. L. DELISLE, "Documents sur les livres et les bibliotheques au moyen age," in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des chartes, 3rd series, I (1849), 216-231. Catalogi veteres librorum, ecclesiae cathedralis Dunelm, edited by B. BOTFIELD, Surtees society, VII (1840) ; see also his Notes on cathedral libraries of England, London, 1849. For other catalogues see Centralblatt fur Biblio- thekswesen, E. EDWARDS, Memoirs of libraries, I, and nos. 951-952 above. 470 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in Medieval archives. See the literature under outline XIX above, especially BRESSLAU and GIRY, nos. 239-340 above. For English archives see GROSS, no. 36 above, pp. 77ff. Bibliographies. A. HORTZSCHANSKY, Bibliographic des Biblio- theks- und Buchwesens, Leipzig, 1905ff., in Beiheften of Centralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen. E. M. THOMPSON, Greek and Latin palae- ography, 571-583. PUTNAM, Books and their makers, I, xvii-xxviii. J. A. HERBERT, Illuminated manuscripts, 331-340. E. A. SAVAGE, Old English libraries, 286-290. XXVII. MEDIEVAL ART A. OUTLINE 1. In the nineteenth century the prejudice against medieval art began to disappear. Today the word ' ' Gothic, ' ' as applied in art, has lost all the connotations of barbarism which it suggested to the architects of the Italian renaissance. Importance of eccle- siastical and military architecture in medieval art. 2. The evolution of Christian art in the Greek East, especially in Constantinople. The influence of Byzantine art in the Latin West, especially in Rome and Ravenna. The basilica. For Rome see outline III above, for Ravenna, outline II in part II above, for Byzantine art, outline III in part II above. 3. Merovingian and Carolingian art. Paucity of remains from the Merovingian period. Byzantine influences in Carolingian art. For Charlemagne's chapel in Aix-la-Chapelle and his other build- ings see outline VIII above. 4. Romanesque art which culminated in the eleventh and early twelfth century. Compare with the evolution of Romanic lan- guages. The finest specimens of romanesque ecclesiastical archi- tecture are abbeys, not cathedrals. The French schools and the German and Lombard schools of romanesque art. The Norman genius exemplified in art. The abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel. 5. Gothic art, the chief glory of the remarkable civilization of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The characteristic elements of the Gothic style are: the pointed arch, the flying buttress, and an original style of ornamentation, derived from nature and not from tradition. Northern France was the chief center of Gothic art. 6. Chief Gothic monuments in France. Notre Dame and the Sainte Chapelle of Paris. ^Amiens. Chartres. Rheims. Beauvais. For the churches of Paris see outline XIII above. 7. Architects and workmen employed in building medieval cathedrals. Masters of masonry. Plans of medieval buildings. MEDIEVAL ART 471 The cost of cathedrals and the methods of raising funds. It usu- ally required many decades and sometimes several centuries to build the large cathedrals, and most of them were left incomplete. 8. Main features of a Gothic cathedral. Nave, aisle, transept, choir, apse, ambulatory, altar, chapel, ribbed vaulting, triforium, clerestory, facade, tower, porch, spire, flying buttress, rose-window, chapter house. 9. Symbolism in medieval art. Educative value of the elaborate medieval cathedrals, which served as important social as well as religious centers in medieval towns. 10. Civil and military architecture. For the latter see outline XXVTI of part II above. 11. Decorative arts. The sudden improvement of sculpture in the twelfth century employed chiefly in the internal and external decoration of cathedrals. The "beau Dieu d 'Amiens. " Gargoyles and grotesque figures on church buildings. Stained glass windows. The wonderful glass of Chartres cathedral and of the Sainte Chapelle in Paris. Mural painting. 12. The minor arts and crafts in the middle ages, carving, metal- work, jewelry, enameling, tapestry-work, needle-work, etc. For the art of illuminating manuscripts see the previous outline. 13. Music. For Gregorian music see outline V in part II above. Music as one of the seven liberal arts in the schools and universi- ties. Musical theory and notation. The thirteenth and fourteenth century witnessed the highest development of medieval music, and its chief center was France. Musical instruments. For the music of the troubadours see outline XXIV above. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general accounts. MILMAN, History of Latin Christianity, IX, 267-342. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, part I, 251-255, 349- 356, part II, 399-411; III, part I, 323-327, part II, 413-429. LAVISSE and RAMBAUD, Histoire generale, II, 580-595. G. GROBER, Grundriss der romanischen Philologie, vol. II, part III, 533-549. S. REINACH, Apollo, chs. XI-XIIL General works on medieval art. C. ENLART, Manuel d'archeo- logie franfaise; see also his paper on "The teaching of mediaeval archaeology," in Annual report of the American historical association (1909), 105-114, and the February, 1914, number of the Eevue de synthese historique, which is devoted entirely to the history of art. W. R. LETHABY, Mediaeval art from the peace of the church to the eve of the renaissance, 312-1350, London, 1904, new edition, revised, 1912, is much inferior to the accurate volumes of ENLART, which, 472 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PARTIII however, are very detailed and somewhat difficult for American students. L. GONSE, L'art gothique; I'architecture, la peinture, le decor, la sculpture, Paris, no date, is better than LETHABY. Brief sketches of medieval architecture. A. D. F. HAMLIN, A text-book of the history of architecture, chs. x xix. A. MICHEL, " L 'art ' Gothique ' oeuvre de France, ' ' in Revue de deux mondes, August, 1917. R. A. CRAM, and others, Six lectures on architecture, Chicago University Press, 1917 (the first lecture is by CRAM, ' ' The beginnings of Gothic art.") Byzantine and Romanesque architecture. T. G. JACKSON, Byzan- tine and romanesque architecture, 2 vols., Cambridge University Press, 1913. G. B. BROWN, From schola to catnedral: a study of early Christian architecture and its relation to the life of the church, Edin- burgh, 1886. Standard works on Gothic architecture. T. G. JACKSON, Gothic architecture in France, England, and Italy, 2 vols., Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1915. A. K. PORTER, Medieval architecture: its origins and development, 2 vols., New York, 1909, new edition, 1912, is not limited to Gothic architecture. C. H. MOORE, The development and character of Gothic architecture, London, 1890, 2nd edition, enlarged, 1899, reprinted, 1904; and his The medieval church archi- tecture of England, London, 1912. F. BOND, An introduction to English church architecture, from the eleventh to the sixteenth cen- tury, 2 vols., London and New York, 1913. Symbolism in Gothic art. E. MALE, L'art religieux du XIII s siecle en France: etude sur I'iconographie du moyen age et sur ses sources d 'inspiration, 3rd edition, revised, 1910, translated by DORA NUSSEY, Religious art in France, London and New York, 1913; and his L'art religieux de la fin du moyen age en France, Paris, 1908 (see the review of this work in Revue de synthese historique, XVIII, 1908, 311-330). Y. HIRN, The sacred shrine. J. EUSKIN, The nature of Gothic: a chapter from The stones of Venice, with a preface by W. MORRIS, Orpington, 1899. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres. H. ADAMS, Mont -Saint -Michel and Chartres, with an introduction by R. A. CRAM, Boston and New York, 1913. E. CORROYER, Description de I'abbaye Mont- Saint-Michel et de ses abords, Paris, 1877, has 130 illustrations. P. GONT, Le mont Saint-Michel: histoire de I'abbaye et de la ville, Paris, 1911. MARGARET and E. MARRIAGE, The sculptures of Chartres cathedral, Cambridge, 1909, with text in both English and French. The Gothic revival. C. L. EASTLAKE, A history of the Gothic revival: an attempt to show how the taste for mediaeval architecture which lingered in England during the two last centuries has since been MEDIEVAL ART 473 encouraged and developed; London, 1872. R. A. CRAM, The Gothic quest, New York, 1907. Thirteenth century art in Italy. H. D. SEDGWICK, Italy in the thirteenth century, I, chs. xix-xxi, xxiv, II, chs. xn-xv. Original sources. Eecueil de textes relatifs a I'histoire de I' archi- tecture* et a la condition des architectes en France, au moyen age, Xle-XIIe siecles, edited by V. MORTET, Paris, 1911, part 44 of no. 968 above. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the pictorial and archaeological works, nos. 187-207, 299-302 above; also nos. 108 and 111. On military archi- tecture, see outline XXVII in part II above; on renaissance art, especially painting, outline XXXIII in part II above. Some works on Christian iconography are listed under outline V above. No attempt is made in the bibliography below to include works on early Christian art. General histories of art. A. MICHEL, Histoire de I' art depuis les temps Chretiens jusqu'd nos jours, vols. I-V, Paris, 1905-1913, vol. II, L'art gothique. W. LUBKE, Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte, 13th edition, 5 vols., Stuttgart, 1904-1907, 14th edition, 1908ff., trans- lated by E. STURGIS, Outlines of the history of art, 2 vols., New York, 1904. A. SPRINGER, Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte, 5 vols., 8th edition, Leipzig, 1905-1909, vol. II, Das Mittelalter. G. CAROTTI, A history of art, revised by Mrs. A. STRONG, vols. I, II, New York, 1908-1909, vol. II, The middle ages. J. PIJOAN Y SOTERAS, Historia del arte: el arte al traves de la historia, vols., I-III, Barcelona [1914ff.]. M. CARRIERS, Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Cultur- geschichte, 3rd edition, revised, 5 vols., Leipzig, 1877-1886, vol. Ill, Mittelalter. C. WOERMANN, Geschichte der Kunst aller Zeiten und Volker, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1901-1911, vol. II, Die Kunst der christ- lichen Volker bis zum Ende des 15 Jahrhunderts. H. KNACKPUSS and M. E. ZIMMERMANN, Allgemeine Kunstgeschichte, 3 vols., Bielefeld, 1897-1903, vol. II, Kunstgeschichte der Gotik und Renaissance. S. SPOONER, A biographical dictionary of the fine arts, 2 vols., New York, 1865. E. BENEZIT, Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays, Paris, 1911ff. U. THIEME and F. BECKER, Allge- gemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kiinstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Leipzig, 1907ff. (in process). Medieval art. A. VENTURI, Storia dell' arte italiana, vol. I- VII, Milan, 1901-1915, vols. II-IV are especially valuable for the middle ages. F. X. KRAUS, Geschichte der christlichen Kunst, 3 vols., Frei- 474 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART HI burg, 1896-1908, vol. II, Mittelaltcr. C. SCHNAASE, Geschichte der bildenden Kunste im Mittelalter, 7 vols., Diisseldorf, 1843-1864, 2nd edition, 8 vols., 1865-1879. B. BURKNER, Geschichte der kirchlichen Kunst, Freiburg, 1903, 3rd edition, Gottingen, 1907. H. v. D. GABE- LENTZ, Die kirchliche Kunst im itaHenischen Mittelalter: Hire Bezieh- ungen zu Eultur und Glaubenslehre, Strassburg, 1907. A. N. DIDRON, Manuel d 'iconographie chretien, Paris, 1843, translated by E. J. MILLINGTON, Christian iconography: history of Christian art in the middle ages, 2 vols., London, 1851. W. H. GOODYEAR, Roman and mediaeval art, New York, 1897, is a brief text-book. Byzantine art. O. M. DALTON, Byzantine art and archaeology, Oxford, 1911. C. DIEHL, Manuel d'art Byzantin, Paris, 1910. J. STRZYGOWSKI, Orient oder Rom: Beitriige zur Geschichte der spdtan- tiken und friihchristlichen Kunst, Leipzig, 1901. A. J. GAYET, L'art byzantin d'apres les monuments de I'ltalie, de I'Istrie et de la Dal- matie, 3 vols., Paris [1901-1907]. C. BAYET, L'art Byzantin, Paris, 1883, new edition, 1892. General histories of architecture. E. STURGIS and A. L. FROTH- INGHAM, A history of architecture, vols., I-IV, 1906-1915, vols. III- IV on Gothic architecture. F. M. SIMPSON, A history of archi- tectural development, 3 vols., London, 1905-1911, reprinted 1913, vol. II, Medieval J. FERGUSSON, A history of architecture in all countries, 3rd edition, revised, 5 vols., London, 1891-1893, vols. I-II, Ancient and mediaeval architecture (Porter says this work does not deserve its good reputation). C. O. HARTMANN, Die Bau- kunst in ihrer Entwicklung von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart, vols. I-III, Leipzig, 1910-1911, vol. II, Die Baukunst des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. E. BORRMANN and J. NEUWIRTH, Geschichte der Baukunst, vol. II, Die Baukunst des Mittelalters, by J. NEUWIRTH, Leipzig, 1904. E. STURGIS, A dictionary of architecture and building, 3 vols., New York, 1901-1902. E. STURGIS, European architecture: an historical study, New York, 1896, new edition under the title, A short history of architecture, 1908; and B. FLETCHER, A history of architecture on the comparative method, for the student, craftsman, and amateur, London, 1896, 5th edition, revised, 1905, are convenient text-books. Medieval architecture. G. DEHIO and G. v. BEZOLD, Die kirch- liche Baukunst des Abendlandes, 2 vols. of text and an atlas in 5 vols. with 601 plates, Stuttgart, 1887-1901. E. S. PRIOR, English mediaeval architecture, London, 1900. V. MORTET, Melanges d'arche- ologie (antiquite, romaine, et moyen age), 2nd series: Histoire de I 'architecture, Paris, 1915. Mrs. ELIZABETH (EoBiNS) PENNELL, French cathedrals, monasteries, abbeys, and sacred sites of France, MEDIEVAL ART 475 New York, 1909. C. WARD, Mediaeval church vaulting, Princeton University Press, 1915. W. E. LETHABY, Westminster abbey and the Icings' craftsmen: a study of mediaeval building, New York, 1906. C. E. NORTON, Historical studies of church-building in the middle ages: Venice, Sienna, Florence, New York, 1880. V. LAM- PERES, Historia de la arquitectura cristiana espaiiola en la edad media, Madrid, 1908-1909. G. HUMANN, Die Beziehungen der Handschrif- tenornamentik zur romanischen Baukunst erl&utert, Strasburg, 1907. C. A. AUBER, De I'an mille ,et de son influence pretendue Sur I 'archi- tecture religieuse, Paris, 1861. Romanesque architecture. A. K. PORTER, Lombard architecture, 4 vols., Yale University Press, 1915-1917. G. T. KIVOIRA, Lorn- bardic architecture: its origin, development, and derivatives, trans- lated from the Italian by G. McN. RUSHFORTH, London, 1910. E. CATTANEO, L'architecttura in Italia del secolo VI al mille circa, Venice, 1888, translated by the Countess ISABEL CURTIS, Architec- ture in Italy from the sixth to the eleventh century, London, 1896. V. RUPRICH-EOBERT, L 'architecture normande en Normandie et en Angleterre, 2 vols., Paris [1884-1889]. C. MARTIN, I 'Art roman in France: I 'architecture et la decoration, Paris, 1910. E. DE LASTEYRIE, L' architecture religieuse en France a I'epoque romane, Paris, 1912. J. BAUM, JRomanische Baukunst in Frankreich, Stuttgart, 1910, edited in English by the author, Romanesque architecture in France, London, 1912. E. CORROYER, L 'architecture romane, Paris, 1888. EDITH A. BROWN, Romanesque architecture, New York, 1910; and her Norman architecture, London, 1907. L. CLOQUET, Les cathedrales et basiliques latines, byzantines, et romanes du monde catholique, Lille, 1912. Gothic architecture. E. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Dictionnaire raisonne de I 'architecture frangaise du XI e au XVI e siecle, 10 vols., Paris, 1854-1868, there is an index to this work by H. SABINE, Table analytique, Paris, 1889; see also his Entretiens sur I 'architecture, 2 vols., Paris, 1863-1872, translated by B. BUCKNALL, Discourses on architecture, 2 vols., London and Boston, 1875. T. F. BUMPUS, A guide to Gothic architecture, New York, 1914. E. A. CRAM, Heart of Europe, New York, 1915. H. STEIN, Les architects des cathedrales gothiques : etude critique, Paris [1909]. L. GILLET, Histoire artisti- ques des ordres mendiants, etudes sur I'art religieux en Europe du XIII<> au XVIIe siecle, Paris, 1912. E. CORROYER, L' architecture gothique, Paris, 1891, translated by W. ARMSTRONG, Gothic architec- ture, New York, 1893. W. H. GOODYEAR, Vertical curves and other architectural refinements in the Gothic cathedrals, New York, 1904; see also his Illustrated catalogue of photographs and surveys of 476 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART in architectural refinements in medieval buildings, Edinburgh, 1905, which contains a bibliography on this subject. A. RODIN, Les cathedrales de France, Paris, 1914. C. MARTIN, L'art gothique en France, Paris, 1911, plates without text. E. A. LEFEVRE-PONTALIS, L ' architecture religieuse dans I'ancien diocese de Soissons au Xle et au Xlle siecle, 2 vols., Paris, 1894-1896. ELSIE W. ROSE, Cathedrals and cloisters of northern France, 2 vols., Lon- don, 1914; and her Cathedrals and cloisters of the Isle de France, 2 vols., New York, 1910. F. MILTOUN, The cathedrals of northern France, London, 1904. T. F. BUMPUS, The cathedrals of northern France, New York, 1910; and his The cathedrals of southern France, New York, 1913. F. BOND, \*othic architecture in England, London, 1905; and his Cathedrals of England and Wales, London, 1899, 4th edition, 1912. E. S. PRIOR, The cathedral builders in England, London, 1905; and his A history of Gothic art in England, London, 1900. H. M. PRATT, The cathedral churches of England, London, 1910. G. H. WEST, Gothic architecture in England and France, London, 1911. W. W. COLLINS, Cathedral cities of Italy, New York, 1911. H. HARTUNG, Ziele und Ergebnisse der italienischen Gotilc, Berlin, 1912. W. W. COLLINS, Cathedral cities of Spain, New York, 1909. C. RUDY, The cathedrals of northern Spain, Boston, 1906. G. E. STREET, Some account of Gothic architecture in Spain, 2nd edition, London, 1869, edited by GEORGIANA G. KING, 2 vols., London, 1914. Great monuments of Gothic architecture. L. DEMAISON, Album de la cathedrale de Eeims, 2 vols., [Paris, 1902]; see also his smaller, La cathedrale de Eeims: son histoire, les dates de sa construction, Caen, 1902. L. BREHIER, La cathedrale de Eeims, Paris, 1916, sup- plemented by the author's "L 'histoire de France a la facade de la cathedrale de Reims," in Eevue historique, CXXII {1916), 288- 300. C. SOHAEFER, Die Kathedrale von Eeims, Berlin, 1898. E. MOREAU-NELATON, La cathedrale de Eeims, Paris [1915]. G. DURAND, Monographic de I'eglise Notre Dame, cathedrale d' Amiens, 2 vols., Amiens and Paris, 1903; and his Description abregee de la cathe- drale d' Amiens, Amiens, 1904. E. LEFEVRE-PONTALIS, Les architects et la construction des cathedrales de Chartres, Paris, 1905. A. GER- MAIN, La cathedrale de Chartres, Paris, 1914. C. HEADLAM, The story of Chartres, London, 1902 (Mediaeval towns). E. POTTET, La Saint e-Chapelle de Paris, histoire, archeologie (1246-1912), Paris, 1913. For other books on the churches of Paris see outline XIII above. Sculpture. A. GARDNER, French sculpture of the 13th century, London, 1915. LOUISE PILLION, Les sculpteurs franc.ais du XIII e MEDIEVAL ART 477 siecle, Paris [1912]. E. DE LAYSTERIE, Etudes sur la sculpture fran- Qaise au moyen age, Paris, 1902 (Monuments et memoires publies par 1 'Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres, VIII). L. G. ADAMS, Becueil de sculptures gothiques en France depuis le onzieme jusqu'au quinzieme siecle, Paris, 1866, 2 vols. of plates, without text. P. VITRY and G. BRIERE, Documents de sculpture frangaise, vol. II, Moyen age, second edition, Paris [1906]. Le musee de sculpture comparee du palais du Trocadero du XI au XV siecle, 3 vols., Paris, no date. E. S. PRIOR and A. GARDNER, An account of mediaeval figure sculpture in England, London, 1912. M. HASAK, Lteschichte der deutschen Bildhauerkunst im ISten Jahrhundert, Ber- lin, 1899. W. H. v. D. MUELBE, Die Darstellung des jiingsten Gerichts an den romanischen und gotischen Kirchenportalen Frankreichs, Leipzig, 1911. A. MARQUAND and A. L. FROTHINGHAM, History of sculpture. Stained glass. H. ARNOLD, Stained glass of the middle ages in England and France; painted by L. B. SAINT, New York, 1913. A. J. DE H. BUSHNELL, Storied windows, a traveller's introduction to the study of old church glass from the twelfth century to the renaissance, especially in France, London, 1914. H. OIDTMANN, Die Glasmalerei, 2 vols., Cologne, 1896-1898. Arts and crafts. Mrs. JULIA ADDISON, Arts and crafts in the middle ages, Boston, 1908. A. D. F. HAMLIN, A history of ornament, ancient and medieval, New York, 1916. J. TAVENOR-PERRY, Didan- derie: a history and description of medieval art worlc in copper, brass and bronze, London, 1910. G. B. BROWN, The arts in early England [to 1066], 2 vols., London, 1903. M. KEMMERICH, Die friihmittel- alterliche Portrdtplastik in Deutschland bis zum Ende des XIII Jahr- hunderts, Leipzig, 1909. E. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier fran^ais de I'epoque carlovingienne a la renaissance, Paris, 1875. History of medieval music. The Oxford history of music, 6 vols., Oxford, 1901-1905, vol. I, to 1600 A.D. H. EIEMANN, Handbuch der M,usikgeschichte, vols. I-II, Leipzig, 1904-1913, vol. I, part II, Mittelalter. G. EAYNAUD, Eecueil de motets frangais des XI le et XIIIe siecles, suivis d'une etude sur la musique au siecle de Saint Louis par H. LAVOIX fils, 2 vols., Paris, 1881-1883. P. AUBRY, La musicologie mcdievale: histoire des methodes, Paris, 1900. E. Cous- SEMAKER, L'art harmonique aux XII e et XIII e siecle, Paris, 1865; and his Histoire de I'harmonie au moyen age, Paris, 1852. E. DICK- INSON, Music in the history of the western church, New York, 1903. Paleographie musicale, Tournai, 1899ff. Script orum de musica medii aevi nova series a Gerbertina altera, 4 vols., edited by E. COUSSE- 478 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PAETIH MAKER, Paris, 1864-1876, reprinted, Graz, 1904. J. COMBAEIEU, "La musique au moyen age," in Revue de synthese historique, I (1900), 84-110, is a very important review of recent literature and methods. For Latin hymns see outline XXIII, and for the music of the troubadours, outline XXIV above. Periodicals for history of art. Revue de I'art ancien et moderne, Paris, 1897ff. Gazette des beaux-arts, Paris, 1859ff. Archivio storico dell' arte, Rome, 1888ff., since 1898, under the title, L'arte. Revue de I'art chrefien, Paris, 1857ff. Zeitschrift fur christliche Kunst, Diisseldorf, 1888ff. Die christliche Kunst, Miinster, 1904ff. Original sources. Quellenschriften fur Kunst geschichte und Kunsttechnik des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, edited by E. EITEL- BEEGER v. EDELBERG, vols. I-XVIII, Vienna, 1871ff., new series con- tinued by A. ILG and C. LIST, Vienna, 1883ff. Bibliographies. The best critical bibliography on medieval architecture, and many an allied subject, is in A. K. PORTER, Medieval architecture, I, 335-450, II, 419-470. Catalogue of books relating to architecture, construction and decoration in the public library of the city of Boston, 2nd edition, Boston, 1914. E. STUEGIS and H. E. KREHBIEL, Annotated bibliography of fine art, Boston, 1897. Internationale Bibliographic der Kunstwissenschaft, Berlin, 1902ff. E. MALE, ' ' L 'art du moyen age en France depuis vingt ans, " in Revue de synthese historique, II (1901), 81-108, is an important review of recent literature. The best collection of books on medieval art is in the Bibliotheque d'art et d 'archeologie in Paris, which contains over 100,000 volumes. XXVIII. THE SCHOLAESHIP OF DANTE A. OUTLINE 1. An inspection of the bibliographies listed below will show how stupendous is the amount of literature on Dante. Petrarch and the medieval scholars who shared his enthusiasm for ancient classical literature have fared almost as well in the modern world of scholarship, whereas many learned men of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are still very shadowy figures. The Opus majus of Koger Bacon, e. g., was not printed until 1733, and even today there is no translation of the work in any modern language, whereas all the works of Dante have been translated into practic- ally all the modern languages and snatches of them even in Vola- piik. In the future the best progress in Dante investigations will be made by means of a closer study of the culture of the twelfth xxvui DANTE 479 and thirteenth centuries which he synthesized even' better than did Thomas Aquinas. 2. The life of Dante Alighieri. Born in Florence, 1265. Dante and Beatrice. For Dante's political career in Florence see out- line XXXII in part II above. In 1302 he was exiled from Florence and never returned. Several years before his exile he married Gemma di Manetto Donati and had four children. , Dante was befriended by Bartolommeo della Scala, lord of Verona, and his younger brother, Can Grande della Scala. Dante seems to have gone to Bologna in 1304, and he may have been in Paris, 1307-1309. For his enthusiastic support of the emperor Henry 'VII see out- line XXXI in part II above. After many wanderings in Italy he went to Ravenna in 1317 where he completed his great poem. He died in Eavenna in 1321 and was buried there. 3. The writings of Dante. His minor works in Italian: Can- zoniere, Convito, and Vita nuova. His minor works in Latin: De monarchia, DC vulgari eloquentia, Quaestio de aqua et terra, Eclogae, and Epistolae. His great masterpiece in Italian, the Divina corn- media, in three parts, Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. 4. Dante's knowledge of theology. His familiarity with the Vulgate, with the works of Augustine and with the Summa theo- logica of Thomas Aquinas. Comparison of the Divine comedy with the Summa. Dante and the mystics. 5. His knowledge of ancient and medieval philosophy and logic. Reference in his works to Aristotle and Plato. His schol- astic method of reasoning, exemplified especially in the De mon- archia. 6. His acquaintance with the Latin classical belles-lettres, espe- cially Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Lucan, Statius, and Cicero. The sources of Dante 's knowledge of the Latin classics in a period when they were so generally neglected (see outline XVIII above). His ignorance of Greek. 7. His interests in history and in political theory. His refer- ences to Livy and to Orosius. The sources of his knowledge of the history of his own time. His De monarchia gives him a very important place in the history of political thought. His ideas of world peace. 8. His acquaintance with the Roman and canon law which were studied so assiduously in Bologna in his day. 9. His knowledge of the natural sciences, especially astronomy and geography. Was he acquainted with the writings on natural sciences by Robert Grosseteste, Albert the Great, and Roger Bacon? 480 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PAETIII 10. The conflict in Dante 's mind concerning the use of Latin and Italian. Evidence from his De vulgari eloquentia. His deci- sion on the question compared with that of Petrarch. Importance of the influence of these two men in bringing about the decline of Latin and the rise of vernaculars as the learned languages of western Europe. 11. Dante's belated but well-deserved fame as one of the great- est of the world's poets. The influence of his Divine comedy on modern learning, literature, and art. B. SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR READING Brief general surveys. TAYLOR, Mediaeval mind, 2nd edition, II, ch. XLIV, "The mediaeval synthesis: Dante." R. W. CHURCH, Dante: an essay, to which is added a translation of De monarchia, London, 1878. J. R. LOWELL, "Essay on Dante," in his Among my books, 2nd series. SANDYS, Classical scholarship, I, 613-616. Short books on Dante. E. G. GARDNER, Dante, London, 1900. P. TOYNBEE, Dante Alighieri, his life and works, New York, 1900, 4th edition, 1910. A. J. BUTLER, Dante: his times and his work, London, 1897, 2nd edition, 1901. L. RAGG, Dante and his Italy, New York [1907]. K. FEDERN, Dante and his time, New York, 1902. C. H. GRANDGENT, Dante, New York, 1916 (Master spirits of litera- ture). C. A. DINSMORE, The teachings of Dante, Boston, 1903. MARIA F. ROSSETTI, A shadow of Dante, Boston, 1886. G. A. SCARTAZZINI, A companion to Dante, London, 1893. V. BOTTA, Introduction to the study of Dante: being a new edition of Dante as philosopher, patriot, and poet, New York, 1895. J. A. SYMONDS, Introduction to the study of Dante, Edinburgh, 1890, 4th edition, London, 1899. K. WITTE, Essays on Dante: being selections from the two volumes of Dante- forschungen, translated by C. MABEL LAWRENCE, London, 1898. Scholarship of Dante. E. MOORE, Studies in Dante, 3 series, Oxford, 1896-1904, see especially I for his knowledge of books, and III for his astronomy and geography. P. H. WICKSTEED, Dante and Aquinas: being the substance of the Joivett lectures for 1911, London and New York, 1913. P. TOYNBEE, Dante studies and researches, London, 1902, treats among other things of his rela- tions with the ideas of Albert the Great and Alfraganus. G. SANTA YANA, Three philosophical poets: Lueretius, Dante, and Goethe, Cambridge, 1910 (Harvard studies in comparative literature, I). For treatises and atlases of medieval geography, which help to explain Dante 's ideas of the world and the universe, see the head- ings "Geographical discoveries," and "Original sources," under outline XXVI in part II above. xxvm DANTE 481 Dante as an historian. H. FINKE, "Dante als Historiker, " Historische Zeitschrift, CIV (1909-1910), 473-503. Dante and the mystics. E. GARDNER, Dante and the mystics: a study of the mystical aspect of the Divina commedia and its relations with some of its mediaeval sources, London and New York, 1913. Early biographies of Dante. The early lives of Dante ( BOCCACCIO and LIONARDO BRUNI), translated by P. H. WICKSTEED, London, 1907 (King's classics). The earliest lives of Dante, translated from the Italian of GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO and LIONARDO BRUNI ARETINO by J. R. SMITH, New York, 1901 (Yale studies in English, X). E. MOORE, Dante and his early biographers, London, 1890. Original sources. Since all the works of Dante may be read in good English translations, students should study his scholar- ship and his thought by the direct method. Following are some of the best translations: The Divine comedy of DANTE ALIGHIERI, translated by C. E. NORTON, 3 vols., Boston, 1891-1892. The Divine comedy of DANTE ALIGHIERI translated by H. F. GARY, together with D. G. ROSSETTI'S translation of the New life, edited by O. KUHNS, New York, 1897. The Divine comedy of DANTE ALIGHIERI, trans- lated by H. W. LONGFELLOW, 3 vols., Boston, 1867-1871. La commedia di DANTE ALIGHIERI: the Divine comedy, translated by H. JOHNSON, Yale University Press, 1916. The Divina commedia of DANTE ALIGHIERI, literally translated into English verse in the hendeca- syllabic measure of the original Italian, by S. W. GRIFFITH, 3 vols., London [1912]. The Divine comedy, translated by C. E. WHEELER, 3 vols., London, 1911. Vision: or Hell, purgatory, and paradise, translated by H. F. GARY, with life of Dante, New York, 1845, revised, with an introduction by P. TOYNBEE, 3 vols., London, 1900- 1902 (The Little library), also in Everyman's library, London, 1910. The Hell of DANTE ALIGHIERI, edited with translation and notes by A. J. BUTLER, London and New York, 1892. DANTE'S Divine comedy: The Inferno, a literal prose translation with the text of the original collated from the best editions, and explana- tory notes, by J. A. CARLYLE, New York, 1849, reprinted in the Temple classics, London, 1903. The Paradiso of DANTE ALIGHIERI, translated by P. H. WICKSTEED, with Italian and English on oppo- site pages, London, 1904 (Temple classics). The Convivio of DANTE ALIGHIERI, translated by P. H. WICK- STEED, London, 1903 (Temple classics). DANTE'S Convivio, trans- lated into English by W. W. JACKSON, Oxford, 1909. The Banquet (II convito) of DANTE ALIGHIERI, translated by KATHERINE HILLARD, London, 1889. II Convito: the Banquet of DANTE ALIGHIERI, trans- lated by ELIZABETH P. SAYER, London and New York, 1887 (Mor- ley's universal library, 49). 482 MEDIEVAL CULTURE PART m DANTE ALIGHIERI, Vita nuova, translated into English by D. G. ROSSETTI in his Dante and his circle, London, 1874, I, 29-109. The New life of DANTE ALIGHIERI, translated by C. E. NORTON, Boston, 1867. The De monarchia of DANTE ALIGHIERI, edited with translations and notes, by AURELIA HENRY, Boston and New York, 1904. DANTE, De vulgari eloquentia, translated with notes by A. G. F. HOWELL, London, 1890. DANTE, Quaestio de aqua et terra, edited and trans- lated, with Latin text and its English translation on opposite pages, by C. L. SHADWELL, Oxford, 1909, who considers it a genuine work of Dante. DANTE ALIGHIERI, Eleven letters, translated with notes and historical comments, by C. S. LATHAM, Boston, 1892. A trans- lation of the Latin works of DANTE ALIGHIERI, by A. G. F. HOWELL and P. H. WICKSTEED, London, 1904 (Temple classics). C. BIBLIOGRAPHY General books. See the general histories of Italian literature, nos. 808-811 above, and the general literature listed under outline XXXIII in part II above. Forerunners of Dante. A. .1. BUTLER, Forerunners of Dante, Oxford, 1910. K. YOSSLER, Die gottliche Komodie, 2 vols., in 4 parts, Heidelberg, 1907-1910, parts I-II. M. DODS, Forerunners of Dante. Edinburgh, 1903. A. D'ANCONA, I precursors di Dante, Florence, 1874. C. S. BOSWELL, An Irish precursor of Dante: a study on the Vision of heaven and hell ascribed to the eighth -century Irish saint, ADAMNAN, with a translation of the Irish text, London, 1908. Dante's political thougfit. F. KERN, Humana civilitas: eine Dante Untersuchung, Leipzig, 1913 (Mittelalterliche Studien, I, part I). F. KAMPERS, Dantes Kaisertraum, Breslau, 1909 (86th Jahr- buch der Schles. Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische Kultur). H. GRAUERT, Dante und die Idee des Weltfriedens, Munich, 1909 (Fest- rede). H. KELSEN, Die Staatslehre des Dante Alighieri, Vienna and Leipzig, 1905 (in Wiener staatswissenschaftliche Studien, VI, 3). F. X. KRAUS, Dante, sein Leben und sein Werk, sein Verhaltniss zur Kunst und zur Politik, Berlin, 1897. DANTE, De monarchia, the Oxford text, edited by E. G. MOORE, with an introduction on the political theory of Dante by W. H. V. EEADE, Oxford University Press, 1916. Dante's philosophy. B. NARDI, Sigieri di Brabante neila Dirnm commedia e le fonti della filosofia di Dante, Firenze, 1912. ( C. BAE- UMKER, ' ' Dantes philosophische Weltanschauung, ' ' in Deutsche Lit- eraturzeitung, 1913, no. 44. A. F. OZANAM, Dante et la philosophic catholique au XlII e siecle, in vol. VI of his Oeuvres completes, Paris, DANTE 483 1872-1881, translated as, Dante and catholic philosophy, New York, 1897. G. BUSHNELL, L'Etica nicomachea e I'ordinamento morale dell' "Inferno" di Dante, Bologna, 1907. W. H. V. EEADE, The moral system of Dante's Inferno, Oxford, 1909. F. PALERMO, San Tommaso, Aristotile e Dante: ovvero della prima filosofia italiana, Florence, 1869. Aids to the study of Dante. E. K. RAND and E. H. WILKINS, Dantis Alagherii operum-latinorum concordantiae, Oxford, 1912. E. S. SHELDON, Concordanza delle opere italiane in prosa e del conzonieri di Dante Alighieri, Oxford, 1905. G. A. SCARTAZZINI, Enciclopedia Dantesca, 3 vols., Milan, 1896-1905. P. J. TOYNBEE, A dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of Dante, Oxford, 1898, republished under the title, Concise dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of Dante, Oxford, 1914. F. J. SNELL, Handbook to the works of Dante, London, 1909. C. A. DINSMORE, Aids to the study of Dante, Boston, 1903. Miscellaneous books. E. T. HOLBRCOK, Portraits of Dante from Giotto to Eaffael, London, 1911. M. A. ORR, Dante and the early astronomers, London [1914]. E. G. GARDNER, Dante's ten heavens, a study of the Paradiso, Westminster, 1898, 2nd edition, 1900. C. MARIOTTI, S. Francesco, i Francescani e Dante Alighieri, Quaracchi, 1913. H. BEATTY, Dante and Virgil, London, 1905. G. FINSLER, Homer in der Neuzeit, von Dante bis Goethe: Italien, Frankreich, England, Deutschland, Leipzig and Berlin, 1912. Periodicals. Annual report of the Dante society, Cambridge, Mass., Cambridge, 1882ff. Societa Dantesca Italiana [of Florence], Bullettino, 1894ff. Original sources. The handiest edition of all the works of Dante in the original is Tutte le opere di DANTE ALIGHIERI, edited by E. MOORE, Oxford, 1894. Bibliographies. T. W. KOCH, Catalogue of the Dante collection presented by W. Fiske to the Cornell University library, 2 vols., Ithaca, 1898-1900; and his A list of Danteiana in American libraries, supplementing the catalogue of the Cornell collection, Boston, 1901. This collection in the Cornell University library is the largest in the world. W. C. LANE, The Dante collections in the Harvard college and Boston public libraries, Cambridge, Mass., 1890; Additions, 1890ff. Catalogue of the Dante collection in the library of the Uni- versity college, London, Oxford, 1910. For the books on Dante in the British Museum, see no. 3 above. Bibliografia dantesca, Cividale del Friuli, 1902ff. INDEX INDEX This index comprises authors, editors, subjects, and the titles of large collections in one alphabet. The black-faced figures refer to numbers in part I; the light-faced figures to pages in parts II and III. Reference is made only to the place where the title of a work is given in full, a, 6, and ii are indexed as a'e, oe, and ue. Abbassides, 145. Abbot, G., Israel, 852. Abbreviations, 224-229. Abdy, J., Feudalism, 162. Abel, S., and Simson, B., Jahrbucher 141. Abelard, Historia calamitatum, 393 ; Love letters, 393; Sic et non, 395; Works, 395. Abelson, P., Seven liberal arts, 350. Abhandlungen, Berlin, 894; Gottingen, 897; Leipzig, 896; Miinchen, 895; zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 436. Abrahams, I., Jewish life, 857. Academic- des inscriptions, 885, 975; des sciences morales, 89 1 ; royale de Belgique, 892. Academies, 885-907. Acloque, G., Corporations a Chartres, 252. Acta et diplomata graeca, 330; imperii, 985 note ; imperii Angliae et Fran- ciae, 292; pontificum Danica, 1008 note; pontificum Romanorum, 960: res Albaniae, 1 006 note'; sanctorum, 963; sanctorum Benedicti, 121. Adamnan, Life of St. Columba, 131. Adams, C., Manual, 14 note. Adams, G., Civilization, 363; European history, 362 note; French nation, 518; Medieval and modern history, 362; Petrarch, 306. Adams, H., Mont-Saint-Michel, 472. Adams, L., Sculptures gothiques, 477. Adamson, H., Roger Bacon, 431. Addison, C., Templars, 208. Addison, J., Arts and crafts, 477. Adelaide, 169, 172. Adinolfi, P., Roma, 347. Adler, E., Auto de f6, 883; Benjamin of Tudela, 884. Adolf of Nassau, 286, 287, 289. Adrian, nee Hadrian. Adrianople, battle of, 108. Ady, C., Milan, 298; Pius II, 296. Ady, J., Isabella the Catholic, 319; Painters of Florence, 313. Aeneas Sylvius, Briefwechsel, 314; De rebus Basiliae gestis, 275; How I became pope, 297. Agats, A., Hansische Baienhandel, 257. Agincourt, battle of, 277, 280. Agriculture, 247, 251. Aidan, 126. Alain de Lille, Complaint of nature, 451. Alaric, 108. Albers, J., Dagobert, 136. Albert I., 286, 287, 289. Albert II, 287, 291. Albert, F., Geschichte der Predigt, 238. Albert-Petit, A., Normandie, 197. Albert the Great, 405, 408, 410; and natural sciences, 426, 430; Opera omnia, 410. Albigensians, 400, 401, 403. Alboin, 114. Albon. marquis d', Cartulaire de 1'ordre de Temple, 211. Album paleographique, 231 note. Alchemy, 433. Alcuin of York, 362, 364, 366, 367. Aldhelm, 362, 364. Aldhoch, Roscelin, 382. Aldinger, P., Bistumer, 237. Aldus Manutius, 304, 307, 312. Alemany, J., St. Dominic, 232. Alengry, C., Foires de Champagne, 255. Alexander of Hales, 405, 406. Alexander of Villedieu, 446, 448. Alexius Comnenus, 186, 191, 201, 207. Alfarabi, 374, 377, 379. Alfred the Great, 150, 152, 368, 370. Alivisatos, H. S., Justinian, 116. Allain, E., University de Paris, 441. Allard, P., Esclaves, 163; Julien 1'Apos- tat, 338: Saint Sidoine, 337; Serv- age en France, 163. Allbutt, T., Medicine and surgery, 428 ; Science, 427. Allen, C., Danemark, 721. Allen, M., Verona, 302. Allen, R., Sylvester II, 176. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, 90 : Encyklopadie, 100; Geschichte, 313; Staatengeschichte, 332. Allies, T. W., Monastic life, 119. Allshorn, L., Stupor mundi, 215. Allstrom, C., Dictionary, 278. Almanach de Gotha, 277. Almaric, 400, 402. Alphandfrv, P., He'tSrodoxes latines, 402 ; Messianisme mdieVal latin, 402. Alsace-Lorraine, 597-598. Altamira, R., Ensefianza de la historia, 42 note; Historia de Espana, 6-8. 486 INDEX Altfranzosische Bibliothek, 456. Altmann, W., Romerzug Ludwigs, 289. Altrnann, W. and Bernheim, E., Ausge- wahlte Urkunden, 578 note. Alves, A., Dom Henrique, 321. Alzog, J., Manual, 401. Amador de los Rios, J., Arte latino- bizantino, 359; Judios de Espana, 321. Amari, M., Biblioteca Arabo-Sicula, 150; Musulmani di Sicilia, 149; Vespro Siciliano, 301. Amatus, L'ystoire de li Normant, 200. Amboesius, F., Petri Abelardi opera, 395. Ambrosi, A., Corses, 302. Ameer Ali Syed, Saracens, 148 ; Islam, 148. Amelineau, E., Egypte, 148. American historical review, 148. Ametller y Vinyas, D., Alfonso V, 301. Amiens cathedral, 470, 476. Amira, K., Grundriss, 163. Ampere, J., Histoire litteraire, 360. Amtliche Sammlung der Abschiede, 292. Anagni, scene at, 267, 271. Analecta Bollandiana, 177; Byzantino- russica, 1003 note; Franciscana, 232; hymnica medii aevi, 451. Anatomy, 435. Anciens poetes de la France, 456. Ancient cities series, 251. Ancona, A., Jacopone da Todi, 450 ; Precursor} di Dante, 482. Ancona, A., and Bacci, O., Manuale, 810. Anderson, W., Architecture, 313. Andouin, E., Arme'e rovale, 245. Andr&ssy, J., Hungarian constitutional liberty, 329. AndrS, M., Raymond Lulle, 240. Andreas, W., Venezianischen Relazi- onen, 299. Andrews, C., Gambrill, J., and Tall, Lida, Bibliographv, 14 note. Angevin empire, 194. Angevins in Naples, 293, 294, 301. Anglade, J., Troubadours, 456. Angles, Saxons and Jutes, 108. Angus, S., Augustine's De civitate, 342. Annalen der deutschen Geschichte, 571. Annuaire-des bibliotheques, 25 note. Annual library index, 8; report of the Dante society, 483. Anrich, G., Mysterienwesen, 356. Anselm, 759 note, 380-382; Proslo- gium, 381. Anstey, H., Epistolae academicae, 440; Munimenta academica, 445 ; Statutes of colleges, 445. Antequera, J. M., Legislaci6n espanola, 633 note. Anthony, Saint, 117. Antichrist, 353, 355. Antiquitates Italicae, 989. Anton, A., Petrarca, 310. Antony, C., In St. Dominic's country, 232. Appuhn, A., Trivium, 351. Aquinas, nee Thomas Aquinas. Arabic numerals, 373, 375, 377. Aragon, 315, 316, 320; and Sicily, 293, 294, 301; kings of, 1213-1516 A.D., 317. Arbois de Jubainville, H., Abbayes cis- terciennes, 227 ; De'clinaison latine, 360; Langue des Francs, 360; Lit- terature celtique, 363. Arbusow, Li., Geschichte von Liv-, Esth- und K ii viand. 691 note. Archaeology, 299-302 ; classical, 303 ; Christian, of Rome, 345, 348. Archer, T., Council of Clermont, 205; Crusade of Richard I, 204. Archer, T., and Kingsford, C., Cru- sades, 204. Architecture, medieval, 470-478 ; re- naissance, 305, 307, 313. Archiv der Gesellschaft fiir altere deutsche Geschichtskunde, 1 67 ; fiir die Geschichte der Naturwissen- schaften, 429; fiir Geschichte der Medizin, 434: fiir Geschichte der Philosophie, 181; fiir Kirchenrecht, 425; fur Kulturgeschichte, 169; fur Literatur- und Kirchengeschichte, 170; fiir Schweizergeschichte, 290; fiir slavische Philologie, 311; fur Urkundenforschung, 248. Archives, 4 note, 5, 6, 20. 25. 83-85, 163. 464, 470. Archives de la France monastique, 121. Archivio Muratoriana, 1 68 ; paleograf- ico italiano, 233 ; storieo dell' arte, 478; storico italiano, 160. Archivium Franciscanum historicum, 231. Arians, 122. 125, 334, 338. Arias, G., Comuni, 297. Aristotle, the New, 396-399. Armbrust, L., Territorialpolitik der Papste, 136. Armellini, M., Chiese di Roma, 348. Armitage, E., Norman castles, 262. Armstrong, E., Lorenzo de' Medici, 296. Arndt, W., Schrifttafeln, 237. Arne, T., Suede et 1'orient, 154. Arnold, F., Casarius von Arelate, 361. Arnold, H., Stained glass, 477. INDEX 487 Arnold, T., Islam, 147; Little Flowers of St. Francis, 225. Arnold of Brescia, 211, 218. Arnoldists, 222, 227. Aronius, J., Regesten, 1013. Ars dictaminis and ars notaria, 417 420. Art, Carolingian, 365, 367; classical, in middle ages, 352; medieval, 470- 478; Mohammedan, 374, 375, 378; of illumination, 466-467 ; renais- sance, 305-307, 312-314. Art de verifier les dates, 255. Artonne, M., Mouvement de 1314, 246. Arts and crafts, 471, 477. Arts, seven liberal, 349-352. Asceticism, 479-487, 353, 354, 356. Aschbach, J., Sigmund, 291 ; West- goten, 112. Ashley, W., Economic history, 250; Edward III, 280; James and Philip van Artevelde, 281 ; Surveys, 250. Ashton, J., Romances of chivalry, 264. Asin Palacios, M., Abenmasarra, 376; Algazel, 376; Averroismo de Santo Tomas, 409. Aspinwall, W., Ecoles episcopates, 371. Asser, Life of Alfred, 370. Assisi, 223, 230. Assizes of Jerusalem, 201, 205. Assmann, W., Geschichte des Mittelal- ters, 342. Astrology, 433. Astronomy, 433. Athanasius, Saint, 117; Life of St. Anthony, 119. Athens, 660. Athos, mount, 117, 120. Atlas des anciens plans de Paris, 388. Atlases, 121-129. Attila the Hun, 108, 112. Auber, C., L'an mille, 475. Aubert, F., Parlement de Paris, 246. Aubert, M., Notre-Dame-de-Paris, 389. Aubry, P., Musicologie me'dievale, 477 ; Trouvferes, 456. Aucassin et Nicolette, 454. Augustine, Saint, 339-343; City of God, 341; Confessions, 341; Solilo- quies, 341 ; Works, 341. Augustine, Saint, of Canterbury, 126, 129, 130. Augustinians, 222. Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, 947. Ausonius, 334, 337. Aussaresses, F., L'armee byzantine, 190. Austin Canons, 222, 227: Friars, 222. Austria, 35, 588-594. 805, 900-902, 986. Auvray, L., Bernard de Meung, 420. Auxiliaries to medieval history, 2l2-> 312. Avars, 156, 159. Avenel, G., EvSques de Paris, 389; Histoire economique, 250 ; La for- tune privee, 250; Les riches, 250; Paysans, 250. Averroes, 374, 376, 379. Averroism, 397, 400, 402. Avicenna, 374, 376, 379. Avignon, popes in, 267, 271. Ayer, J., Source book, 383. Ayroles, J., Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Azarias, Brother, Aristotle, 397. Baas, J., Aerzliche Stand, 435. Babcock, W., Norse visits, 154. Babelon, E., Commerce des Arabes, 149. Babut, E., Saint Martin, 120. Babylonish captivity, 267, 271. Bach, J., Albertus Magnus, 408 ; Dog- mengeschichte, 478. Bacher, W., Moses ben Maimon, 376. Bachfeld, G., Mongolen, 328. Bachmann, A., Bb'hmen, 701 ; Friedrich III und Maximilian I, 291. Bachmann, J., Papstliche Legaten, 237. Bacon, L., Song of Roland, 454. Bacon, Roger, 411, 413, 416, 426, 428, 429, 431-432, 436-437; Communia naturalium, 437; Compendium phil- osophiae, 436; Compendium studii theologiae, 437; De nullitate magiae, 436; De secretis, 436; Greek gram- mar, 416; Metaphysica, 437; Opus majus, 429; Opus minus, 436; Opus tertium, 436-437. Baddeley, W., Queen Johana I, 301 ; Robert the Wise, 301. Babler, J., Grammatik, 448. Bachtold, H., Norddeutsche Handel, 256. Baedeker, K., Paris, 387. Baer, F., Juden, 876. Barnstein, A., Carmina burana, 450 ; Ubi sunt qui ante nos, 450. Baerwald, H., Formelbucher, 419. Baethgen, F., Innocenz III, 218. Baeumker, C., Alfred von Sareschel, 428; Amalricaner, 403; Avence- brolis fons vitae, 379; Beitrage, 826 ; Dantes Weltanschauungen, 482 ; Europaische Philosophic, 831 ; Roger Bacon's Naturphilosophie, 432; Wi- telo, 432. Bahr, K., Hanse, 257. Baier, H., Papstliche Provisionen, 237. Baissac, J., Diable, 355; Sorcellerie, 404. Baist, G., Capitulare de villis, 142. Baker, B., Constantinople, 664. INDEX Baker, E., Guide to fiction, 77. Baker, P., Model republic, 290. Balaquer, V., Calalufia y Arag6n, 320 ; Granada, 322 ; Reyes cat61icos, 322. Balari y Jovany, J., Cataluna, 320. Balcarres, D., Italian sculpture, 313. Balearic islands, 138, 149. IJalfour, C., Life of Saint Clare, 226. Balkans, 706-716, 324, 326. Ball, W., History of mathematics, 377. Ballester y Castell, R., Las fuentes narativas de la historia de Rspaiia, 997 note. Ballhausen, C., Bouvines, 245. Balthaser, K., Armutsstreit, 230. Baltic, 691-692. Baltzer, O., Sentenzen des Petrus Lom- bardus, 408. Balzac, H., Les proscrits, 387. Balzani, V., Chroniclers of Italv. 988 note; Popes and Hohenstaufen, 214. Bangs, M., Jeanne d'Arc, 279. Banking, 247, 254. Bappert, J., Richard von Cornwallis, 220. Barande, H., Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Barante, A., Dues de Bourgogne, 284. Barbarians and ancient culture, 334, 339. Barber, W., Ravmond Lull, 240. Bardenhewer. O.. Patrologie. 123. Barine, A., St. Francois, 229. Baring, M., Russian people, 681 note: Thoughts by Leonardo da Vinci, 314. Baring-Gould, S., Saints, 963 note. Barker, E., Dominican order, 231; Rome of the Pilgrims, 348. Barlow, J., Normans, 199. Barmby, J., Gregory the Great, 123. Barnard, H., Universities. 423. Baronius, C., Annales, 425. Barozzi, L.. and Sabbadini, R., Panor- mita e Valla, 312. Barrndas. M., Don Henrique, 321. Barriere-Flavy, C., Arts industriels, 143. Barroux, M., Bibliographic de Paris, 391. Barrv, W., Papacv and modern times, 269; Papal monarchy, 444. Bartal, A., Glossarium, 448. Barth, F., Hildebert von Livardin. 183. Barth. H.. Bibliographie der Schweizer Geschichte, 43. Barth, H., Constantinople, 667. Barthe'lemy, E., Montmartre, 391. Barthold, F., Deutsche Stadte, 252. Bartholomew Anglicus, De proprieta- tibus rerum, 429. Bartoli, A., Precursor], 413. Bartolus, Conflict of laws, 423. Bartsch, K., Chrestomathie, 457 ; Pro- venzalische Literatur, 456. Bas, H., Saint Martin, 120. Baschet, A., Archives de Venice, 299. Bascome, E., Epidemic pestilences, 254. Basil II, emperor, 156, 186, 189, 191. Basil, Saint, 117, 120. Basle, council of, 268, 274, 275. Bassenge, F., Sendung Augustins, 130. Bastard, A., Peintures des manuscriis. 467. Bastgen, H., Alcuin, 366. Bates, F., and Titsworth, P., Mediaeval towns, 248 ; Mediaeval commerce, 248. Bateson, M., Laws of Breteuil, 252. Batiffol, L., Chatelet de Paris, 389; France, 508 note. Batiffol, P., Inscriptions byzantines, 415; L'abbaye de Rossano, 415; Librairies byzantines, 415. Battistella, A., Venezia, 298. Battle of the seven arts, 411, 413. Baudrillart, A., Dictionnaire, 110: Droit d'intervention, 290; L'figlise, 405 note; Saint Severin, 339. Baudrillart, H., Histoire de luxe, 738. Baum, J., Romanische Baukunst, 475. Baumann, J., Thomas von Aquino, 462. Baumeister, A., Erziehungslehre, 838. Baumgarten, P., Kanzlei und Kammer, 236; Werke von Lea, 401. Baumgartner, A., Lateinische und griechische Literatur, 782; Welt- literatur, 782. Baumstark, A., Palastinerpilger, 205. Baur, F., Kirche, 403. Baur, G., Boetius und Dante, 343. Baur, L., Robert Grosseteste, 430 ; Werke des Grosseteste, 437. Bautz, J., Fegefeuer, 355; Holle, 355. Baxmann, R., Politik der Papste, 124. Baxter, L., Renaissance of art, 312. Bayet, C., L'art Bvzantin, 474. Bayeux tapestry, 202, 194, 199. Bayliss, W., Seven angels, 313. Bayot, A., Grand schisme, 272. Beale, J., Bartolus, On laws, 423. Beale, S., Churches of Paris. 389. Beatty, H., Dante and Virgil, 483. Beauchet, L., Jurisdiction ecclesias- tique, 238. Beaudoin, E., Regime feodal, 162. Beaufreton, V., Sainte Clare, 230. Beaunier, Dom, France monastique, 387. Beaurepaire, E., Paris, 388. Beazley, C., Dawn of modern geogra- phy, 236; Henry the Navigator, 318; James I, 318; Marco Polo, 249; INDEX 489 Russian expansion, 326; Texts and versions, 241. Beazley, M., Library of Canterbury,. 468. Bebel, A., Mohammedanisch-arabische Kulturperiode, 376. Bee, monastery of, 380, 382. Bechmann, G., Kampf Sigmunds gegen Osmanen, 329. Beck, J., Musique des troubadours, 456. Beck, L., Eisen, 258. Becker, C., Geschichte Aegyptens, 149; Islam, 147. Becker, G., Catalog! bibliothecarum, 469. Becker, H., Augustin, 342. Becker, P., Altfranzosische Literatur, 455. Bedarride, I., Les juifs, 856. Bede, the Venerable, 127, 362, 364; Complete works, 363; Ecclesiastical history, 129. Bedford, W., and Holbeche, R., Order of St. John, 208. Bedier, J., Fabliaux, 456; Le'gendes e'piques, 455. Bedier, J., and Roques, M., Bibliogra- phie des travaux de Gaston Paris, 457. Beer, A., Kirche gegeniiber Laien, 178. Beer, R., Handschriftenschatze Span- iens, 42 note. Beeson. C., Isidor-Studien, 351. Beet, "W., Papacy, 454. Begni, E., Vatican, 5 note. Behaghel, W., Stellung der Frau, 252. Beissel, S., Verehrung Marias, 239. Beitrage Paul Schwenke gewidmet, 469 ; zur Geschichte der Philosophic des Mittelalters, 826 : zur Geschiehte des Benediktinerordens, 120 ; zur Kul- turgeschichte des Mittelalters, 749. Belgium, 45. 549-556, 892-893. 977. Belin, F., Latinite' de Constantinople, 336; University de Provence, 442. Belisarius, 113, 115. Bell, A., Saints, 356. Bell, A. E., Natural sciences, 429. Be.ll, K., Mediaeval Europe, 364. Bellandi, S., Luigi Marsili, 311. Belloc, H., Baveux tapestry, 202 ; Crecv, 280; French people, 519: Poitiers, 280 ; Warfare in England, 262. Bellonotto, Storia del medio evo, 354. Below, G. v., Der deutsche Staat, 58 1 : Rezeption des romischen Rechts, 424; Stadtewesen, 252 ; Stadtverfassung, 252. Below, G. v., and F. Meinecke, Hand- buch, 330. Belviglieri, C., Tavole di storia italiana, 603. Bemont, C., Condemnation de Jean- Sans-Terre, 244; Melanges offerts a, 934. Bemont, C., and Monod, G., Europe, 365. Bene of Lucca, 417, 418. Benecke, C., and Howell, A., Chronicle of Dino Compagni, 297. Benedetti, D., Gregorio Magno, 125. Benedict Biscop, 127. Benedict of Nursia, 118, 120. Benefit of clergy, 175. Benezit, E., Dictionnaire des peintres, 473. Benigni, V., Storia sociale della chiesa, 339. Benjamin of Tudela, the itinerary of, 884. Bennett, R., and Elton, J., Cornmill- ing, 258. Bensaude, J., L'astronomie nautique, 257. Bent, J., Genoa, 299 ; Lords of Chios, 327. Bentzinger, J., Adelheid, 172. Benzerath, M., Kirchenpatrone, 239. Benzinger, K., Buchgewerb, 466. Berbers, 145, 148. Berchtold, J., Bulle Unam sanctam, 271. Berengar, 380, 383. Berenson, B., Central Italian painters, 313; Florentine painters, 313; North Italian painters, 313 ; Sienese paint- er, 231; Venetian painters, 313. Bergengriin, A., Adolf von Nassau, 289. Berger, E., Blanche de Castille, 245; Saint Louis, 245. Berger, S., Essais pour corriger le Vul- gate, 415; Histoire de la Vulgate, 416; Quam notitiam linguae Hebra- icae, 415; Vulgate en France, 415. Berger, W., Hus. 274. Bergmann, A., Manfred, 220. Bergmiiller, L., Latinitat des Jordanes, 336. Bergner, H., Rom, 348. Bergot, R., Jeanne d'Arc, 284. BerliSre, TJ., Loup de Ferrieres, 371. Berliner, A., Juden in Rom, 87 1 . Bernard, E., Dominicains, 441. Bernard of Clairvaux, 222, 224, 227, 391-395; Lettres, 393: On consid- eration. 393; Works. 393, 395. Bernhardi, W., Konrad III. 217. Bernheim. E., Lehrbuch der historischen Methode, 84: Politische Begriffe, 461 ; Quellen des Investiturstreites, 184; Wormser Konkordat, 184. 490 INDEX Bernoulli!, A., Tell, 291. Bernoulli!, C., Heiligen der Merovin- ger, 360. Berr, H., Involution de l'humanit, 319. Bertaux, E., L'art dans 1'Italie, 199; Rome, 348. Berthaud, Abbe\ Gilbert de la Porre, 402. Berthaud, H., MMecins, 435. Berthelot, M., Alchimie, 433; Chimie, 433; Chimie au moyen age, 351; Histoire des sciences: la chimie, 433; Transmission de la science, 351. Bertrand du Guesclin, 277, 279, 281. Bertrand, J., Tapisserie brodee de Ma- thilde, 199. Bertrand, L., Saint Augustin, 340. Berty, A., and Legrand, H., Topo- graphic du vieux Paris, 388. Besant, W., Early London, 251 ; Medi- aeval London, 251. Besnier, M., Catacombes, 347. Besse, J., Moines de France, 120; Moines d'Orient, 120; Monachisme Africain, 120. Besso, M., II Philobiblon, 465. Best books, 7. Besta, E., Diritto italiano, 606; L'opera d'Irnerio, 424; Sardegna, 601 note. Bestuschew, K., Geschichte Busslands. 687 ; Quellen und Literatur zur rus- sischen Geschichte, 46. Bethmann-Hollweg. M., Civilprozess, 423 ; Lombardische Stadtefreiheit, 217. Beurlier, E., Raison et la foi, 382. Beuzart, P., Heresies, 402. Bezold, F., Astrologische Geschichts- construction, 460 : Deutsche Univer- sitaten, 444; Husitentum, 274; Selbstbiographie, 394 ; VolksSouve- ranitat, 461. Bibliografla dantesca, 483. Bibliographical works, 1-62, 87-88. 151 note. Bibliographie der deutscben Zeitschrift- enliteratur, 1 ; der f remdsprachigen Zeitschriftenliteratur, I I ; der Kirch- engeschichtliche Litpratur, 54 : der Rezensionen, 87 ; Volkswirtschafts- lehre, 259; zur deutschen Geschichte, 151 note. Biblioteca Arabo-Sicula, 150. v Bibliotheca Arabico-hispana, 150; hagio- graphica, 53; historica, 151 note; iuridica medii aevi, 425 ; mathemat- ica, 436; Normannica, 456; rerum Germanicarum, 983 ; scriptorum medii aevi Teubneriana, 950. Bibliothek der Geschichtswissenschaft, 320 ; des kgl. preussischen histori- schen Instituts in Rom, 899 ; deutscher Geschichte, 560. Bibliotheque d'art et d'arche'ologie, 478 ; de la Facult^ des lettres, 889 ; de 1'Ecole des chartes, 164; de 1'Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes, 888 ; des 6coles franchises d'AthSnes et de Rome, 887, 959; francaise, 456; historique de la ville de Paris, 391. Bibliotheque nationale, 4, 469. Bibliotheques. livres et librairies, 6 note. Bidault des Chaumes, S., Mallum, 164. Biedermann, K., Deutsche Volks- und Kulturgeschichte, 774. Biehringer, F., Friedrich II, 219. Bielowski, A., Monumenta Poloniae, 1004 note. Biese, A., Feeling for nature, 429. Bigg, C., Church's task, 338; Neo- platonism, 338. Bikel, H., St. Gallen, 250. Bikelas, D., Griechen des Mittelalters, 415: La Grece, 659 note. Bilfinger, G., Horen, 267. Binding, C., Burgundisch-Romanisches Konigreich, 112. Biographical dictionaries, 16. 89-95. Biographic nationale, 92 ; universelle, 93. Biographisches Jahrbuch, 95 note; Lexikon, 91. Birch, W., and Jenner, H., Drawings and illuminations, 466. Biron, R., Pierre Damien, 179. Birot, ,T., Le saint empire, 504. Bischoff, H., and Moller, J., Wo'rter- buch, 135. Bishop and his diocese, 233, 237. Bjornbo, A., Pergamenthandschriften, 466 ; Uebersetzungen aus dem Griech- ischen, 436. Black Death, 247, 249, 253. Black Prince, 277, 279, 281. Blades, W., Books in chains, 466. Blanche of Castille, 242, 244. Blanchet, J., and Dieudonn6, A., Man- uel de numismatique, 294. Blasel, K., Langobarden, 116. Blasi, E., Regno di Sicilia, 301. Blfisquez, A., Cartograffa espanola, 257; San Isidoro de Sevilla, Mapa- Mundi, 351. Blatchford, A., Church councils, 237. Blennerhassett, C., Jungfrau von Or- leans, 283. Bliemetzrieder, F., Caterina von Siena, 272 ; Generalkonzil, 272 ; Polemik, 275. INDEX 491 Bloch, H., Heinrich VI, 218; Kaiser- wahlen, 216. Bloch, M., Ile-de-France, 243. Block, H., Geistesleben im Elsass, 367. Block, W., Condottieri, 298. Blok, P., Netherlands, 557. Blondel, G., Frederic II, 219. Blume, C., Hymnologie, 450. Blume, C., and Dreves, G., Analecta hymnica, 451. Blumenthal, H., Konstahzer Konzil, 273. Blumschein, G., Germanisierung, 220. Blythe, E., Jerusalem, 210. Boase, C., Oxford, 443. Bobbio, 126. Boccaccio, G., 304, 310; Dante, 481; Decameron, 250. Bode, "W., Florentine sculptors, 313. Bockh, A., Enzvklopadie, 303. Bohmer, H., Kirche und Staat, 198. Bohmer, J., Acta imperii selecta. 985 note; Fontes rerum Germanicarum, 984; Regesta imperii, 985. Bohringer, F., Vater des Papsttums, 124. Bonhoff, L., Aldhelm, 364. Boer, T., Philosophie im Islam, 376. Boethius, 340-341, 343 ; Consolations of Philosophy, 341. Bottcher, C., Wegweiser, 144. Bogomiles, 156. Bohemia, 47 note, 461 note, 699-703, 986 note, 156, 158, 268, 274. Boileau, Etienne, Reglemens sur arts de Paris, 258. Boinet, A., Miniature, 467. Bois, J., Satanisme, 355. Boissier, G., Christianisme de Boece, 343; Fin du paganism, 338. Boissonade, P., Navarre, 322. Bollandus, J., Acta sanctorum, 963. Bollettino critico di cose Francescane, 231. Bologna, G., Petrarca, 310. Bologna, university of, 438, 439, 442, 444-445. Bonaventura, 406, 409, 410; Life of St. Francis, 225; Opera omnia, 410. Boncompagni, B., Gherardo Cremonese, 399. Boncompagno, 417, 418, 420; Rhetor- ica antiqua, 420. Bond, F., Cathedral churches of Eng- land, 476; Dedications and patron saints, 239; English church archi- tecture, 472 ; Gothic architecture hi England. 476. Bond, J., Handybook, 263. Bongars, J., Gesta dei per Francos, 210. Boniface, Saint, 127-131, 362, 364. Boniface VIII, pope, 267, 268, 270. Bonilla, A., Filosofia espanola, 866 note. Bonnard, F., Honorat de Le>ins, 120. Bonnardot, A., Enceintes de Paris, 388 ; Iconographie du vieux Paris, 388; Plans de Paris, 388. Bonneau, A., Donation de Constantin, 314. Bonnel, H., Anfange des karolingischen Hauses, 136. Bonnet, M., Latin de Grfigoire, 360. Bonnin, T., Registrum visitationum, 240. Bonsmann, T., Gregor der Grosse, 124. Bonwetch, G., Dogmengeschichte, 477. Book of the popes, 949 note. Book review digest, 88. Book reviews, 8788. Books and libraries, 462470. Books of reference, 632 I I . Borden, G., Syllabus on Florence, 311. Bordier, H., Eglises de Paris, 389. Borinski, K., Antike in Poetik, 351. Borrelli de Serres, L., Philippe Ati- guste, 244 ; Services publics, 245 ; Variations monetaires, 245. Borrmann, R., and Neuwirth, J., Bau- kunst, 474. Bosnia, 716. Boswell, C., Irish precursor of Dante, 355. Botany, 434. Botta, V., Dante, 480. Bottfleld, B., Catalog! veteres librorum, 469; Cathedral libraries, 469. Bouard, A., Chatelet de Paris, 390. Boucher de Molandon, and Beaucorps, A., Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Boudet, M., Jacquerie, 281. Bouillart, J., Saint-Germain-des-Pres, 389. Boulay, C. E. du, Historia universi- tatis Parisiensis, 440. Boule, A., Jeans sans Peur, 284. Boulger, D., Belgium, 554. Boulting, W., Aeneas Sylvius 296; Italian republics, 613. Bouquet, M., Rerum Gallicarum et Francicarum scriptores, 967. Bourgain, L., Chaire franchise, 450. Bourgeat, J., Vincent de Beauvais. 414. Bourgeois, E., Capitulaire de Kiersy, 163. Bourges, Pragmatic Sanction of, 268, 274. Bourgin, G., Soissons, 252. Bourne, E., Essays, 318; Henry the Navigator, 318. Bourne, H.. Mediaeval and modern Eu- rope, 366. 492 INDEX Bournou, F., Rectifications, 387. Bourquelot, F., Foires de Champagne, 255. Bourret, E., L'lcole de Seville, 359. Bousquet, G., Peuple bulgare, 712. Bousset, W., Antichrist legend, 355. Boutaric, E., Institutions militaires, 262; Philippe le Bel, 245; Regime feudal, 162; Saint Louis, 245; Vin- cent de Beauvais, 412. Boutell, C., Heraldry, 284. Boutflower, D., Life of Ceolfrid, 131. Boutie, L., Paris, 386. Bouvier, C., Vienne, 271. Bouvines, battle of, 242, 245. Boyd, H., Triumph of Petrarch, 307. Boyd, W., Ecclesiastical edicts, 338. Boyeson, H., Norway, 724. Bozzo, S., Storiche siciliane, 302. Brachet, A., Pathologic mentale des rois de France, 283. Bradley, H., Goths, 110. Bradley, J., Dictionary of miniaturists, 466; Illuminated manuscripts, 466. Braga, T., Universidade de Coimbra, 444. Brainerd, E., Great hvmns, 452. Bramhall, E., Privileges of crusaders, 208. Brand, J., Popular antiquities, 251. Brandenburg, E., and Seeliger, G., Quellensammlung, 980. Brandenburger, C., Polnische Ge- schichte, 698. Brandi, K., Renaissance, 311; Werden der Renaissance, 308. Branford. V., St. Columba, 129. Brants, V., Theories conomiques, 461. Bratke, E.. Wegweiser, 49. Brehaut, E., History of the Franks, 949 note; Isidore of Seville, 350. Brhier, L., Cathedrale de Reims, 476; Colonies d'orientaux, 359; Croisades, 205; L'hagiographie Byzantine, 190; Querelle des images, 142 ; Schisme oriental, 177. Brem, E., Gregor IX, 219. Brequigny, L., Table chronologique, 975 note. Bresslau, H.. Handbuch der Urkunden- lehre, 240 : Jahrbueher, Konrad II, 172; Quellen und Hilfsmittel, 19. Bretholz, B., Geschichte Bohmens und Mahrens, 700 ; Lateinische Palaeo- graphie, 2 1 7. Bretigny, treaty of, 277, 281. Bretschneider, E., Mediaeval researches, 327. Brett. E., Arms and armour, 200. Breul, K., Cambridge songs. 450. Brewer, J., Cistercians, 224 ; Giraldus Cambrensis Opera, 416; Monumenta Franciscana, 232 ; Opera inedita of Bacon, 436. Brewster. H., Saints and festivals, 239. Breyer, R., Arnold von Brescia, 218. Breysig, K., Kulturgeschichte, 732. Breysig, T., Jahrbueher, 136. Bridges, J., Essays, 428; Jews, 857 note; Life and works of Roger Ba- con, 428 ; Opus majus of Huron, 429; Roger Bacon, 428. Bridget, Saint, 126. Bridrey, E., Privilege de la croix, 208. Briele, L., Hopital de Sainte-Catherine, 389; Hotel-Dieu, 389. Briele, L., and Coyecque, E., Hfltel- Dieu, 389. Briggs, M., Heel of Italy, 199. Bright, W., English church, 128. Brinkmeier, E., Chronologie, 266 ; Glossarium, 448. Brischar, J., Innocenz III, 218. Brissaud, J., Droit frangais, 531. British academy, 904. British Isles, learning in the, 361-364. British Museum, 3. British society of Franciscan studies, 232. Brittany, 541, 363. Broadribb, W., and Besant, W., Con- stantinople, 663 note. Brochet, J., Paulin de Nole, 338; S. Jerfime, 337. Brockelmann, C., Arabische Literatur, 378. Brockhaus Konversations-Lexicon, 101. Brodrick, G., Merton college, 443 ; Ox- ford, 443. Broeking, W., Eusebius Bruno, 383. Brogger, A., Osebergfundet, 154. Brom, G., Guide, 5 note. Brook, Z., Investiture struggle, 182. Brooks, E., Arab occupation of Crete, 146; Byzantines and Arabs, 189. Brooks, S., King Alfred, 370. Brosien, H., Karl der Grosse, 142. Brou, L'e'vange'lisation de 1'Inde, 240. Brown, A., Italian painting, 313. Brown, E., Norman architecture, 475; Romanesque architecture, 475. Brown, G., Arts in early England, 477 ; Schola to cathedral, 472. Brown, H., Venetian republic, 296 ; Venice, 298 ; Venice, an historical sketch, 296. Brown, J. B., Last great dreamer of crusades, 249. Brown, J. C., Chemistry, 433. Brown, J. W., Builders of Florence, 300 ; Florence, past and present, 300 ; Michael Scot, 398. INDEX 493 Brown, R., Calendar of State papers: Venetian, 302. Browne, G., Alcuin, 366; Aldhelm, 364; Augustine, 130; Bede, 364; Boniface, 128 ; Christian church, 129; Conversion of Heptarchy, 130; Theodore and Wilfrith, 364. Browning, O., Guelfs and Ghibellines, 618: Condottieri, 618. Bruce, H., Age of schism, 269. Briich, J., Vulgarlatein, 447. Bruckner, A., Geschichte Busslands, 684; Russische Literatur, 814; Slav- enapostel, 158. Brugerette, J., Gregoire VII, 182. Brugi, B., Atti della nazione germanica, 445 ; Giurisprudenza, 424. Bruhnes, G., Foi chretienne, 366. Brunetiere, P., French literature, 454. Brunhild, 133. Brunner, H., Deutsche Rechtgeschichte, 579; Forschungen, 579 note; Grund- ziige der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte, 579 note; Schwurgerichte, 142. Brunot, F., Langue franchise, 454. Brusadelli, M., R. Bacone, 431. Brutails, J., Precis d'archeologie, 299 note. Bryan, M., Dictionary of painters, 313. Brvce, J., Holy Roman empire, 499 ; Iceland, 728 note; Roman and Eng- lish law, 422 ; Studies, 728 note. Bryce,. W., Scottish Grey Friars, 228. Bubnov, N., Gerberti opera mathe- matica, 372. Buchon, C., Franc.ais dans Grece, 329. Buchon, J., Choix de chroniques, 973 ; Collection des chroniques, 972. Buck, M., Conciliumbuch of Ulrich von Richenthal, 275. Buck, \V., Deutsche Kaufmann, 257. Buckley, J., and Williams, W., Guide to fiction, 79. Budge, A., Paradise of the fathers, 119. Budinsky, A., Universitat Paris, 440. Bucher, K., Frankfurt, 252. Biichmann, G., Gefliigelte Worte, 80. Biidinger, M., Allgemeine Geschichte, 106: Universalhistorie. 460. Biihlmann, J.. and Wagner, A., Das alte Rom, 347. Biindgens, C., Landerkunde, 257. Biirkner. R.. Kirchliche Kunst, 474. Biitow, A., Briefsteller, 419. Bugge, A., Icelandic saga, 152; Vik- ingerne, 153. Bulaeus. C., Historia universitatis Parisiensis, 440. Bulfinch, T.. Mythology. 796. Bulgaria, 710-713, 156. Bullarium Franciscanum, 232. Bulletin critique de litterature, d'his- toire, 172; de la bibliotheque et des travaux historique (de Paris), 391; de la Societe 1 francaise de 1'histoire de la medecine, 435; mensuel, 4 note. Bullettino della Commissione archeo- logica comunale di Rome, 348 ; dell' Istituto storico italiano, 1 62 ; di archeologia cristiana, 348. Bumpus, J., Dictionary, 1 08 note. Bumpus, T., Cathedrals of northern France, 476 ; of southern France, 476; Gothic architecture, 475. Burckhardt, F., Bibliographic der Schweizergeschichte, 44. Burckhardt, J., Cicerone, 306 ; Renais- sance, 305. Burckhardt. R., Zoologie, 434. Burdach, K., Humanismus, 308; Re- naissance, 308; Vom Mittelalter zur Reformation, 750. Burgess, J., Reconciliation, 461. Burgundians, 108, 112. Burgundv, 165, 168, 278, 284. Burke, V., Spain, 629. Burns, C., Political ideals, 459. Burnt Njal, story of, 152. Burr, G., Anent the middle ages, 106; Literature of witchcraft, 404; Sources for a history of witchcraft, 404; The year 1000, 171. Burton, M., Problem of evil, 342. Bury,. J., Constitution of later Roman empire. 189: Gibbon's Decline and Fall, 341 ; Eastern Roman empire, 644: Fall of Constantinople, 327; Freedom of thought, 740; Hungari- ans, 159: Imperial administrative svstem, 190; Later Roman empire, 643; Lombards and Venetians, 326; Naval policy of Roman empire, 190; Roman emperors, 189: St. Patrick, 198: Romances of chivalry, 264; The great palace, 661 note. Bury, Richard de, Philobiblon, 465. Buser, B., Lorenzo, 300; Mediceer, 300. Bushnell,. A., Storied windows, 477. Bushnell. G., Inferno di Dante, 483. Busk, W., Mediaeval popes, 216. Buss, F.. Winifrid-Bonifacius. 131. Bussell, F., Roman empire, 648. Butler, A., Dante, 480 ; Forerunners of Dante, 482. Butler. E.. Lausiac history, 119; Sancti Benedict! regula, 121. Butler, G., Echoes of Petrarch, 310. Butler, I., Song of Roland, 454; Tales from old French, 455. Butler. .T.. Walafrid Strabo, 371. 494 INDEX Butler, W., Lombard communes, 215. Byrne, M., Prolegomena to Ausonius, 337. Byzantinae historiae scriptores, 1002. Byzantine art, 470, 472, 474; litera- ture, 800-802; scholarship, 189,190. Byzantine chronical, 175. Byzantine emperors, lists of, 565-1118 A.D., 186-188, 1259-1453 A.D., 325. Byzantine empire, 174-175, 643-679, 800-802, 1003; in sixth century, 113-116; and Charlemagne, 139, 142; and the Mohammedans, 144 146; and pope Gregory VII, 181; from 565 to 1095, 184-191; and the crusaders, 201, 206-207; under the Palaeologi, 324, 327, 330. Byzantine review, 175 note. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 1 74. Cabrol, F., Angleterre chretienne, 130; Dictionnaire, III. Cadier, L., Naples, 301. Caesar of Heisterbach, Dialogus mi- raculorum, 451. Caetani, L., Annali dell' Islam, 147 ; Maometto, 148. Caffin, C., How to study pictures, 313. Cahun, L., Turcs et Mongols, 328. Caillet, R., University d'Avignon, 442. Caird. L., Corsica, 302. Cajori, P., Mathematics, 377. Callet, A., Paris universitaire, 441. Calligraphy, Carolingian, 365, 366. Calmette, J., Diplomatie carolingienne, 167. Calthrop, M., Crusades, 204. Calvert, A., Alhambra, 375; Moorish remains, 375. Calvi, E., Bibliografia di Roma, 348; Bibliografia Petrarchese, 315; Biblio- teca de bibliografia storica italiana, 38. Cam, H., Local government, 534. Camaldolites. 222. Cambridge historical essays, 941 ; his- torical series, 940; history of Eng- lish literature, 812; manuals of sci- ence and literature, 942 ; medieval history, 340. Cambridge, university of, 438, 443, 445. Camerlinck, R., Saint Leger, 361. Campagna, Roman, 348. Campaner, Arabes en Baleares, 149. Canal, C., San Isidoro, 352. Canale, M., Geneva. 299. Canon law. 421-425. Canonge, F., Jeanne d'Arc. 283. Canons Regular, 222, 227. Canossa, 180-183. Cantor, M., Mathematik, 436. Cantu, C., Ezelino da Romano, 219; Storia degli Italiani, 600. Canute the Great, 151, 152. Cnpasso, B., Fonti Napolitane, 40. Capella, Martianus, De nuptiis Phil- ogiae, 352. Capet, Hugh, 166-168. Cappelletti, L., Le chiese d'ltalia, 466; Storia d'ltalia, 601. Cappelli, A., Cronologia, 262 ; Dizionario di abbreviature, 224. Cappello, G., Gregorio I, 124. Capponi, G., Firenze, 299. Garden, R., Genoa, 299. Cardenas, F., Propriedad en Espafia, 635. Cardinals, 174, 178, 233, 236. Carducci. J., Gregorio Magno, 124. Carlile, W., Modern money, 254. Carlini, A., Africa di Petrarca, 310. Carlyle, A., Sources of medieval poli- ical theory, 459. Carlyle, J., Inferno, 481. Carlyle, R. and A., Mediaeval political theory, 459. Carlyle, T., Early kings, 153. Carmelites, 222. Carmichael, M., Ladv Poverty, 225. Carmina burana, 450. Caro, E., Saint Dominique, 232. Caro, G., Genua, 299; Juden, 858: Spanische Geschichte, 319. Caro, J., Geschichte Polens, 697 (see also 696). Carolingian culture, 364368. Carolingians, decline of, 165, 167. Carotti, G., History of art, 473. Carr, A., Church and Roman empire, 418. Carra de Vaux, B., Avicenne, 376; Gazali, 376. Carriere, M., Kunst, 473. Carriere, V., Ordre du Temple, 208. Cartellieri, A., Defensor pacis, 292 ; Donaueschinger Briefsteller. 420; Heinrich VI, 218; Philipp II, 244; Richard Lowenherz, 206. Cartellieri, O.. Herzoge von Burgund, 284; Sizilianische Vesper, 301; Suger, 244. Carter, J., Religious life, 335. Carthusians, 222. 227. Cartography, 248, 259. Cartwright, J., Beatrice d'Este, 298; Isabella D'Este. 302. Carus, J., Zoologie, 434. Carus, P., Devil, 355. Gary, H.. Divine comedv, 481 ; Vision, or Hell, of Dante, 481. INDEX 495 Caspar, E., Pippin, 136; Roger II, 199. Cassani, G., Studio di Bologna, 442. Cassian, of Marseilles, 117. Cassiodorus, 118, 340, 341, 343; Let- ters, 110. Castelnau, A., Medicis, 300. Castiglione, Baldassare, Courtier, 308. Castile, 315, 316, 320; list of kings of, 1214-1504 A.D., 317. Castles, 260, 262. Castro, G., Arnaldo da Brescia, 218. Catacombs of Rome, 347. Catalan culture, 317, 321, 322. Catalan!, M., Aeneas Sylvius, 275. Catalina y Garcia, J., Castilla y Leon, 320. Catalogo del museo dell' ottavo cente- nario dello studio Bolognese, 442. Catalogue des ouvrages Normands de Caen, 201; general der Bibliotheque national, 4 ; general des bibliotheques publiques de France, 4 note; general des manuscrits des bibliotheques de France, 4 note ; of books relating to architecture, 478 ; of printed books in the British Museum, 3; of the Dante collection in University college, 483. Catalogues of libraries and archives, 35 ; of manuscripts, 4 note, 5 ; of medieval libraries, 469. Catalonia, 315, 320. Cathedral schools, 368, 371. Cathedrals, 470-478. Catherine of Siena, 267, 271. Catholic encyclopedia, 104. Cattaneo, R., Architecture in Italy, 475. Caudel, M., Invasions arabes, 148. Cauzons, T., Albigeois, 403; Inquisi- tion, 403; Magie, 404; Vaudois, 403. Cavaignac, E., France, 523. Cavanna, N., Umbria serafica, 230. Cavazza, F., Studio bolognese, 443. Cazenove, J., St. Hilary, 120. Cecchuchi, E., Conciles, 47 1 note. Cecconi, E., Concilio di Firenze, 274. Celano, Lives of St. Francis, 225. Celier, L., Reforme de la cour pontifi- cale, 270. Cellini, Benvenuto, Life, 308. Celtic Christianity, 129. Cenni, Monumenta dominiationis pon- tificae, 960 note. Censorship of books, 463, 464. Centralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen, 6 note. Century dictionary of names, 86. Cerroti, F., and Celani, E., Bibliograna di Roma, 348. Cesare, Fioretti, 225. Chalandon, F., Alexis Comnene, 207; Domination normande, 199; Jean II Comnene, 207. Challamel, A., Peuple franc,ais, 767. Chambers, E., Mediaeval stage, 253. Chambon, F., Robert de Sorbon, 442. Champion, P., Francois Villon, 282 ; Guillaume de Flavy, 283. Chan Ju-Kua, Chinese and Arab trade, 249. Chapotin, M., Dominicaines, 231. Charency, H., Grande-Trappe, 227. Charlemagne, 138-144; age of, in his- tory of culture, 364-368. Charles IV, emperor, 286, 287, 291. Charles V, of France, 278, 282. Charles VI, of France, 277, 278. Charles VII, of France, 277, 278, 282. Charles VIII, of France, 278, 284, 295, 296. Charles, E., Roger Bacon, 428. Charles Martel, 134, 136. Charles of Anjou, 293, 301. Charles the Bold, 278, 279, 284. Charles the Fat, 151, 153, 165. Charmatz, R., Wegweiser, 35. Chartes et diplomes de France, 975. Chartier, F., Notre-Dame-de-Paris, 389. Chartres cathedral, '470, 472, 476; schools of, 380-381, 410, 412. Chartularium studii Bononiensis, 444 ; universitatis Parisiensis, 444. Chassant, A., Dictionnaire des abrevia- tions, 225: Paleographie, 221. Chatelain, E., Bibliographie de 1'uni- versite de Paris, 445; Melanges of- ferts a, 935; Notes tironiennes, 226. Chatelet in Paris, 386, 389. Chaumont, L., Cluny, 177. Chauvin, V., Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes, 379. Chaytor, H., Troubadours, 454. Check-list of collections, 15. Cheetham, *S., Mysteries, 356. Chelard, R., Civilisation franc,ais, 781. Chemistry, 433. Cherance, L., Saint Clare, 230; Saint Fran?ois, 229. Chevalier, A., H6tel-Dieu, 389. Chevalier, E., Marine franc.ais, 547. Chevalier, G., Saint Bernard, 394. Chevalier, U., Posie liturgique, 450; Repertoire des sources historiques, 16, 17; Repertorium hymnologicum, 452. Chevin, 1'abb^, Dictionnaire, 137. Cheyney, E., European background, 248; Industrial history, 251; Read- ings, 280. Chiappelli, L., Studio bolognese, 442. Children's crusade, 202, 207. 496 INDEX Chilperic, 133. Chivalry, 260, 261, 263. Chledowski, C., Rom, 311. Choix de chroniques, 973. Chollet, L'aristotelisme, 398. Chone, H., Friedrich II, 219. Chossat, M., Thomas d'Aquin, 408. Christen, 15., Franciscus von Assisi, 229. Christendom, foes of, 144158. Christian, A., Paris, 388. Christian archaeology, 301-302; cult, 174, 178. Christianity and ancient culture, 334, 338; Celtic, 129; expansion of, 174, 178; expansion of, among the Slavs, 156, 158; triumph of, 334, 335, 338. Christliche Kunst, 478. Chronicles and memorials of Great Brit- ain and Ireland, 995 ; of the cru- sades, 204. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, 982. Chronology, 68-76, 250-267. Chroust, A., Monumenta palaeographica, 232. Church, 49-55, 104-114, 127-128, 176-180, 394-498, 953-964; and Charlemagne, 139, 141; and feudal- ism, 161, 163, 17"4, 178; from the 8th to the llth centuries, 173-179; Greek, 190; in the 12th and 13th centuries, 233-241; from about 1300 to about 1450, 267-275 ; in Spain, 316, 321. Church, A., Stories of Charlemagne, 143. Church, R., Anselm, 381; Beginnings of the middle ages, 335 note; Cassi- odorus, 341 ; Dante, 480. Chwolson, D., Judentum, 874. Ciampi, I., I Cassiodori, 343. Cid Campeador, 315, 318, 319. Cim, A., Le livre, 465. Cipolla, C., Signorie italiane, 297: Storia itnliana, 37 ; Vlpres Sicili- ennes, 303 ; Verona, 302. Cirot, C., Historiographie espagnole, 997 note. Cistercians, 222, 227. Cities, 247, 251-253. Civilization, history of, 729-738, 749- 755. Claar, M., Venetian ische Verfassung, 299. Claparede, H., Burgondes, 112. Clare of Assisi, 223, 225, 230. Clark, A., Colleges of Oxford, 443. Clark, G., Military architecture, 263. Clark, H., Cid Campeador, 318. Clark, J., Cambridge, 444 ; Care of books, 465 ; Libraries, 464. Clark, V., Studies in Latin, 447. Clarke, A., Cursus, 418. Clarke, W., St. Basil, 120. Classical heritage in early middle ages, 348352 ; literature, art, and archae- ology in Italy, 303-315; scholarship, 785-786. Classics, 785-786; in time of Charle- magne, 365, 366; Latin, 349-352; rise 'and decline of interest in the ancient, 410-416. Classiques franc.ais, 456. Clausen, J., Honorius III, 219. Clausier, E., GrSgoire le Grand, 124. Clavel, V., Arnauld de Brescia, 218. Clay, R., Hospitals, 435. Cledat, L., Poesie lyrique, 456. Clemen, P., Plastik, 367; Portraitsdar- stellung Karls, 142. Clement, C., Christian symbols, 356; Constantinople, 666. Clement, P., Jacques Coeur, 282. Clergy, life of, 174, 179. Clerval, A., Arts liberaux a Chartres, 412; Ecoles de Chartres, 371. Cleveland, R., Soliloquies of St. Au- gustine, 341. Clinch, G., Costume, 198. Cloetta, W., Komodie und Tragodie, 449. Cloquet, L., Cathedrales, 475. Clouzot, E., Depouillement d'inventaires, 391 ; Inondations a Paris, 388. Clovis, 132-135. Cluny, monastery of, 173, 176, 177. Cobham, C., Patriarchs, 671. Cochin, H., Ami de Petrarque, 310; Frere de Petrarch, 310. Cockayne, O., Leechdoms, 430. Codera, F., Almoravides, 322; Biblio- theca arabico-hispana, 150; Historia arabe espanola, 322. Codex diplomaticus Hungariae, 1006 note; diplomaticus neerlandicus, 977 note ; diplomaticus Poloniae, 1 005 : diplomaticus Poloniae minoris, 1005 note; diplomaticus regni Croatiae, 1006 note; regularum monasticarum, 964; uiplomaticus, S. Sedis, 960 note. Cohen, G., Theatre a Paris, 253; The- atre religieux, 253. Cohn, W., Normannisch-sizilische Flotte, 200. Coimbra, university of, 439, 444. Coins, 292-298. Coker, F.. Readings, 288. Cola di Rienzo, 293, 295, 297, 302; Briefwechsel, 750 note; Letters, 302. Cole, P., Later Roman education, 337. Coleman, C., Constantine, 136, 314. INDEX 497 Coleccion de documentos, historia de Aragon, 999 note; de documentos ineditos, Corona de Aragon, 999 ; de documentos ineditos, historia de Espana, 997 ; de documentos ineditos, historia de Navarre, 999 note; de las cr6nicas y memories de los reyes de Castilla, 998. Colleccao de historia Portugueza, 1001 note. Collection complete des memoires, 969; des chroniques Beiges inedites, 977 ; de documents inedits sur 1'histoire de France, 965 ; d'editions photo- graphiques de la Bibliothdque royale de Bruxelles, 467 ; des chroniquers et trouveres Beiges, 977 note; des chroniques nationales franchises. 972 ; des meilleurs dissertations, 545 ; des memoires relatifs a 1'histoire de France, 97 1 ; de textes et documents pour 1'etude historique du christian- isme, 955; de textes pour servir & 1'etude et a 1'enseignement de 1'his- toire, 968 ; d'etudes et de documents, 231. Collections of church history, 488- 498; of original sources, 949-1013; of secondary material, 885948. College of cardinals, 174, 178. Colleges in medieval universities, 438, 441, 443, 445. Collignon, A., Petrone, 414. Collinet, P., Droit de Justinien, 116. Collins, W., Cathedral cities of Italy, 476; Cathedral cities of Spain, 476. Colmeiro, M., Constitucion de Leon y Castilla, 633; Cortes, 1000; Derecho administrative espanol, 633 note; Reyes cristianos, 319. Coluccio Salutati, 304, 311; Epistolario, 314. Columba, 126, 129. Columban, 126, 129, 130. Comba, E., Vaudois, 403. Combarieu, J., Musique, 478. Combet, J., Louis XI, 284. Comenge, L., Medicina, 321. Commemorative historical essays. 934- 939. Commerce, 247, 248, 255-257; Arabi- an, 149. Commines, Philip de, Memoires, 279. Compagni, Dino, Chronicle, 296. Comparetti, D., Vergil, 335. Compass, 248, 258. CompayrS, G., Abelard, 393. Conciliar movement, 267, 269, 272. Concilium Basiliense, 275. Conclave, 453. Concordat of Worms, 181, 184. Conde\ J., Arabs in Spain, 149. Conder, C., Latin kingdom, 205. Conrad II, 170, 172, 174. Conrad III, 202, 206, 211, 213, 217. Conrad IV, 213, 214, 219. Conrad, J., Handworterbuch, I 1 6. Conradi Hirsaugensis, Dialogus, 416. Conradin, 213, 220. Conrat, M., Quellen des romischen Kechts, 423. Constance, council of, 267, 269, 273, 275. Constans, L., Les grands historiens du moyen age, 968 note. Constantine (Cyrillus), 156, 158. Constantinople, 661-669; 113-114; Northmen in, 151; and the fourth crusade, 202, 204, 206; Latin em- perors of, 1204-1261, 203; fall of, in 1453 A.D., 325, 327, 328, 330. Consuetudines monasticae, 121. Continental legal history, 943, 422. Conway, M., Demonology, 355. Conway, P., Thomas Aquinas, 406. Conybeare, E., Key of truth, 402. Cook, T., Rouen, 198. Cooke, E., St. Columba, 129. Cooper, C., Annals of Cambridge, 444 ; Memorials of Cambridge, 444. Cooper-Marsden, A., Lerins, 120. Coppee, H., Arab Moors, 149. Coppi, E., University italiane, 443. Corazzini, G., Madre di Petrarca, 310. Corbin, P., France, 537. Cordey, J., Comtes de Savoie, 281. Cornish, F., Chivalry, 261. Cornu, P., Paris, 386. Coroleu, J., and Pella y Forgas, D., Cortes, 321. Corpo diplomatico Portuguez, 1001 note. Corpus iuris civilis, 116; juris canonici, 425; poeticum boreale, 154; scrip- torum christianorum, 121; scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum, 954; scriptorum historiae Byzantinae, 1003. Correa da Serra, Colleccao de livros ineditos, 1001 note. Corroyer, E., Architecture romane, 475; Gothic architecture, 475; Mont-Saint- Michel, 472. Corsica, 302. Cortes de los antiguos reinos de Ara- g6n y de Valencia, 1000 note; de Lion y de Castilla,. 1000. Cortes of Spain, 316. 318, 320. Cosack, H., Konrads III Kreuzzng, 206. Cosenza, M., Petrarca and Cola di Rienzo, 295; Petrarch's letters, 307. 498 INDEX Cosneau, K.. Connltable de Richemont, 282 ; Traiti-s de Guerre de cent ans, 285. Costelloe, L., Bon a venture, 228. Costume, history of, 191-199. Cotterill, H., Italy, 617. Coulanges, Fustel de, see Fustel de Coulanges. Coulton, G., Francis to Dante, 216; Mediaeval garner, 384; Mediaeval studies, 909. Councils, church, 469-471, 962, 234, 237. Courland, 69 1 . Cousin, L., Constantinople, 1 002 note. Cousin, V., Ouvrages d'Abelard, 395; Opera, 395: Roger Bacon, 432. Coussemaker, E., Art harmonique, 477 ; Histoire de 1'harmonie, 477 ; Scrip- torum de musica medii aevi, 477. Couture, L., Cursus, 419. Coville, A., Cabochiens, 282. Cox, C., Sanctuaries, 239. Cox, G., Crusades, 204. Coxe, W., Austria, 288. Coyecque, E., L'H6tel-Dieu, 389. Crahay, E., Thomas d'Aquin, 462. Craigie, W., Icelandic sagas, 154. Cram, R., Gothic quest, 473 ; Heart of Europe, 475 ; Lectures on architec- ture, 472. Cramer, J., De Graecis studiis, 415. Crane, T., Exempla, 451. Crawford, F., Rulers of the south, 197; Salve Venetia, 298. Crawfurd, R., Plague and pestilence, 254. Creasy, E., Ottoman Turks, 329. Crcy, battle of, 277, 280. Creighton, C., Epidemics, 254. Creighton, L., Heroes of European his- tory, 911. Creighton, M., Historical lectures, 910.- Papacy, 269. Creizenach, N., Aeneis im Mittelalter, 414. Crellin, A., Roger Bacon's historical scholarship, 461. Crete, Mohammedans in, 145, 146. Crevier, J., University de Paris, 440. Criticism, historical, 458, 461. Crivellucci, A., Stato e la chiesa, 136. Croiset, A. and M., Abridged history of Greek literature, 336; Litterature grecque, 336. Crosa, E., Sovranit^ popolare, 461. Crowe, E., France, 516. Crowe, J., and Cavalcaselle, G., History of painting, 313. Croznls. J., Lanfranc. 382. Cruel, R., Geschichte der Predigt, 238. Cruickshank, J. and A., Christian' Rome, 347. Crusades, 201-211. Cubberley, E., Syllabus, 59. Cuissard, C., Grec & Orleans, 415; Th6odulfe, 367. Cult, Christian, 234, 239. Culture, history of, 169, 729-848, 333-483. Cumont, F., Latin le langue liturgique, 336; Mysteries of Mithra, 337; Ori- ental religions, 337. Cumulative book review digest, 88. Cunha, V., Portuguese monarchy, 318. Cunningham, W., S. Austin, 342 ; Western civilization, 248. Curcio, G., Q. Orazio Flacco, 414. Curiosum urbis regionum XIV, 345, 346. Curschmann, F., Hungersnote, 254. Cursus, 417-419. Curteis, A., Roman empire, 346. Curtin, J., Mongols: a history, 326; Mongols in Russia, 326. Curtis, E., Roger of Sicily, 197. Cusa, Nicholas, 268, 273. Cusani, F., Storia di Milano, 298. Cust, R., Life of Cellini, 308. Cuthbert, Father, Friars, 226; Romanti- cism of St. Francis, 228; St. Francis, 224. Cutts, E., Parish priests, 235; Saint Augustine, 340; Saint Augustine of Canterbury, 130; Saint Jerome, 337; Scenes and characters, 912. Cyclopedia of education, I 17. Cyprus, 209. Czechs, 155-156. Czeppan, R., Crecy, 280. Czerny, A., Bibliothek St. Florian, 468. Dandliker, K., Geschichte der Schweiz. 290; Schweizerische Geschichte, 290; Switzerland, 288. Daenell, E., Hanse, 257. Daering, O., Deutschlands Kunstdenk- maler, 204. Dagassan, J., Autorit6 publique, 164. Dagobert, 133, 136. Dahlmann, F., Danemark, 722. Dahlmann-Waitz, Quellenkunde, 28. Dahmen, R., Abalardsche Ethik, 394. Dahn, F., KSnige der Germanen, 111; Urgeschichte, 111: Westgothen, 112. Dalton, O., Byzantine art, 474; Letters of Sidonius, 335. Damian, Peter, 174, 179, 380, 382. Danes in England, 150, 152. Daniel, C., Etudes classiques. 413. Danmarks riges historic, 720. INDEX 499 Dann, E., Historical geography, 139 note. Dannemann, F., Naturwissenschaften, 351, 427. Dannenberg, H., Miinzkunde, 293 note. Dante, 478-483 ; Convivio, 481 ; De monarchia, 482 ; De vulgari elo- quentia, 482 ; Divine comedy, 481 ; Letters, 482 : Quaestio de aqua et terra, 482 ; Vita nuova, 482 ; Works, 483. Dante society, Annual report, 483. Dantier, A., Monast&res benedictins, 469. Danvila y Collado, M., El poder civil en Espafia, 634; Cortes, 320. Danzas, A., Jourdain de Saxe, 231. Daquet, A., Confederation suisse, 290. Dareste, M., France, 511. Darmesteter, A., Cours de grammaire, 455. Darmstaedter, L., Naturwissenschaften, 429. Daru, P., Venise, 298. Dasent, G., Burnt Njal, 152. Dates, lists of, 68-71. Daumet, G., France et Castille, 320. D'Auvergne, E., Castles, 263. Davenport, C., The book, 464. Davenport, E., False Decretals, 177. David of Dinant, 400, 402. Davidsohn, .R., Florenz, 299; For- schungen, 299; Philipp II, 244. Davies, G., Renascence, 313. Davis, E., Invasion of Egypt by Louis IX, 207. Davis, H., Charlemagne, 140 ; Medieval Europe, 367. Davis, W., Mediaeval and modern Eu- rope, 368; Roman empire, 109. Davison, E., Forerunners of St. Francis, 227. Day, C., History of commerce, 248. Deane, S., Proslogium of St. Anselm, 381. Debidour, A., Du Guesclin, 281. Debidour, A., and Etienne, E., Chroni- quers francais, 968 note. Debout, H., Jeanne d'Arc. 283. Dechamps, P., Dictionnaire de gogra- phie, 131. Declareuil, O., Epreuves judiciaires, 164. Decretals, pseudo-Isidorian, or False, 173, 177. Dedieu, L., Columban, 130. Degering-Berlin, H., Katalog der Bib- liothek Marienfeld, 469. De Guignes, M., Huns, 328. Dehio, G., and Bezold, G., Baukunst, 474. Dejob, C., Foi religieuse, 312. Delaborde, H., Charles VIII, 284; En- seignements de Saint-Louis, 246; Jean de Joinville, 207. Delabre, Baron de, Rhodes, 208. Delachenal, R., Charles V., 282. Delacroix, H., Philosophie me'dievale, 407. Delalain, P., Libraire parisien, 464. Delambre, J., Astronomic, 433. Delannoy, P., Louvain, 444. Delarc, O., Normands, 199 ; Saint Gregoire VII, 182. Delaunay, H., Societes savantes, 210. Delaville le Roulx, J., Cartulaire des Hospitaliers, 211; France en Orient, 208; Hospitaliers, 208; Ordre de S. Jean, 208. Delbriick, H., Kriegskunst, 115. Del Castillo, Diccionario de Espafia, 319. Delehaye, H., Culte des martyrs, 356; Gregoire le Grand, 125; Legends of the saints, 354; Stylites, 120. Deleque, R., Universite de Paris, 440- 441. Delisle, L., Actes de Henri II, 198; Album paleographique, 231 note; Alexandre de Villedieu, 449 : Berard de Naples, 420 ; Bibliotheque de Corbie, 468 ; Cabinet des manuscrits, 469; Classe agricole, 198, 251; Doc- uments sur les livres, 469 ; Ecole calligraphique de Tours, 366: Ecoles d'Orlgans, 412 ; Formulaire de Clair- marais, 420; Formulaire de Trguier, 420: Instruction de la noblesse, 264; Litterature latine, 797 ; Philippe Auguste, 244 ; Primat, 449 ; Summa dictaminis a Beauvais, 420 ; Tern- pliers, 208. Del Mar, A., Middle ages revisited,, 352; Monetary systems, 254; Money and civilization, 254. Delorme, F., Opuscule de R. Bacon, 432. Delpech, H., Tattique, 262. Demaison, L., Album de la cathodrale de Reims, 476 ; Cathe'drale de Reims, 476. Demay, G., Costume, 1 97. Demimuid, M.. Jean de Salisbury, 414; Pierre le Vne>able, 227. Demonoloerv, 353, 355. Denicke, H.. Hansestadte, 330. Deniel, J.. Blanche de Castille. 245. Denifle, H., Archiv fur Literaturge- schichte. 789 : Benediktiner an der Universitat Paris, 441 ; Bibel-Cor- rectorien, 415: De'le'pue's des univer- site's au concile de Constance, 273; 500 INDEX Desolation des eglises, 281; Docu- ments relatifs a I'universit4 de Paris, 444; Sentenzen Abalards, 394; Uni- versitaten, 439; Universes fran- gaises, 444. Denifle, H., and Chatelain, E., Chartu- larium, 444 ; Jeanne d'Arc et 1'uni- versit4, 284. Denis, E., Boheme, 274; Huss, 274. Denison, G., Cavalry, 262. Denk, O., Unterrichtswesen, 337. Denmark, 720-722, 1007-1008. Dennistoun, J., Dukes of Urbino, 302. Denzinger, H., Enchiridion symbolorum, 241. De Pauw, N., Vie intime, 264. Depoin, J., Charles de Saint-Martin- les-Champs, 390; Questions merov- ingiennes, 137. Depping, G., Juifs, 875; Normands, 153; R6glemens d'Etienne Boileau, 258. D6prez, E., Guerre de cent ans, 281. De Renzi, S., Salerno, 443. Derichsweiler, H., Lotheringen, 597. Der Islam, Zeitschrift, 149. Descloux, E., Tiers ordre, 230. Desdevises du D6zert, G., Croisades, 209; Don Carlos, 320. De Selincourt, B., Homes of Francis- cans, 230. Des Essarts, A., Croisade des enfants, 207. Desiderius, 134, 138. Desjardins, A., Etats generaux, 281 ; Louis, XI, 284. Deslandres, P., Conciles de Latran, 471; Eglise catholique, 460 note; Innocent IV, 219. Des Marez, G., Luttes sociales, 251. Desmaze, C., Sainte Chapelle, 389; University de Paris, 441. Deutsch, S., Abalard, 394; Verurteil- ung Aoalnrd, 395. Deutsche Literaturkalender, 95 note; Reichstagsakten, 292 ; Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswissenschaft, 151 note. Devic, Dom. and Vaissette, Dom, Lan- guedoc, 540. Deville, A., Chateau-Gaillard, 262. Devil-lore, 353, 355. De Vinne, T., Invention of printing, 307; Notable printers, 307. Devrient, E., Genealogisches Handbuch, 273. Dewe, J., Mediaeval and modern his- tory, 337. D'Hozier, Armorial, 291. Dialogue of the Exchequer, 197, 436. Dibben, L., Secretaries, 418. Dickinson, E., Music, 477. Dictatus papae, 180, 183. Dictionaries and encyclopaedias, 86, 89-120, 130-138, 445, 448. Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne, III; de biographic franchise, 93 note; de geographic, 131; d'histoire et de geographic eccl6siastique, 110: de la bible, 1 07 ; de thologie cathol- ique, 109; du droit canonique, 107; topographique de la France, 1 38. Didot, A., Aide Manuce, 312. Didron, A., Iconographie Chretien, 474. Die Kultur der Gegenwart, 729. Die osteuropaischen Literaturen, 312. Die Philosophic der Gegenwart, 57. Dieckhoff, A., Waldenser, 403. Diederichs, E., Deutsches Leben, 203. Diefenbach, L., Glossarium, 448 ; No- vum glossarium, 448. Diehl, C., Etudes byzantines, 674; Ex- archat de Ravenne, 115; Figures byzantines, 673; Justinien, 114; L'Afrique byzantine, 115; L'art byzantin, 199; Manuel d'art Byzan- tin, 474; Palerme, 199: Ravenne, 110; Theodora, 115; Venise, 298. Diepgen, P., Medizin, 428; Medizin- isches, 435; Traum und Traumdeu- tung, 430. Dierauer, J., Eidgenossenschaft, 290. Diercks, G., Geschichte Spaniens, 630; Spanische Geschichte, 630 note. Dierks, F., Araber, 376. Dieterich, K., Byzantinische Charak- terkopfe, 679. Dieterici, F., Alfarabi's philosophische Abhandlungen, 379; Philosophic der Araber, 376. Dietrich, K., Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 116. Dieudonne', A., Denier parisis, 254; Monnaie royale, 254. Diez, F., Troubadours, 456. Digest of book reviews, 88. Di Giovanni, Palermo, 199. Dill, S., Roman society, 335. Dilthey, W., Analyse des Menschen, 309; Geisteswissenschaften, 820; Weltanschauung, 818. Dinsmore, C., Aids to the study of Dante, 483; Dante, 480. Dionysius the Areopagite, 353, 354, 357; Celestial hierarchy, 354; Works, 354. - Dios de la Rada y Delgado, J., Espana cristiana, 319. Diplomatarium Norvegicum, 1009: Suecanum, 101 I. Diplomatics, 238-249. Dixon, E., Florentine wool trades, 256. Dizionario di erudizione, I 14. INDEX 501 Djuvara, T., Partage de la Turquie, 330. Dmitrewski, M., Freiwillige Armut, 179. Dobiache-Rojdestvensky, O., Vie parois- siale, 237. Documenta antiqua Franciscana, 232. Document! di storia italiana, 992. Documents inedits relativs a 1'histoire de la Grece, 330. Documents inedits sur 1'histoire de France, 965. Documents relating to Cambridge, 445. Dodd, J., Canon law, 424. Dods, M., Forerunners of Dante, 482 ; Works of St. Augustine, 341. Dodsworth, R., and Dugdale, W., Mo- nasticon, 226. Dodu, G., Royaume latin de Jerusalem, 206. Doeberl, M., Monumenta Germaniae selecta, 983 note. Dollinger, J. Fables respecting the popes, 445; Griechische Literatur, 414; Jews, 857 note; Ludwig of Ba- varia, 289; Papst und das Konzil, 446 ; Sectengeschichte, 402 ; Studies, 913; Universitaten, 444. Doring, A., Die beiden Bacon, 431. Dogma, history of, 472-478. Doize, J., Gregoire le Grand, 124. Dollfus, L., Espagnes, 319. Domet de Vorges, E., Saint Anselme, 382. Dominicans, 223, 231. Dominici, Cardinal, 273. Donation of Constantino, 134, 135, 136; of Pepin, 139, 141. Donatus, Ars grammatica, 349, 352. Dondorff, H., Normannen, 197. Donower, F., Genova, 299. Dopffel, H., Kaisertum, 176. Dopsch, A., Wirtschaftsentwickelung, 142. Doren, A., Florentiner Wirthschaftsge- schichte, 256; Florentiner Ziinfte, 300 ; Kaufmannsgilden, 253. Dorez, L., Manuscrits a peintures, 467. Dorner, A., Augustinus, 342 ; Glaubens- lehren, 239. Douais, C., Albigeisme, 403 ; Albigeois, 403 ; Bernard Guido, Practica inqui- sitionis, 404 ; Confessions de St. Au- gustin, 340 ; Documents a 1'histoire de 1'inquisition, 404 ; Inquisition, 403. Doublier, L., Roger Bacon, 431. Douglas, N., Calabria, 199. Dow, E., Atlas, 121 note; Feudal re- gime, 161. Dowling, T., and Fletcher, E., Hellen- ism in England, 363. Dozy, R., Cid, 319; Islamisme, 148; Recherches, 321; Spanish Islam, 149. Dozy, R., and Engelmann, W., GIos- saire, 378. Draseke, J., Anselm von Havelberg, 207 ; Johannes Scotus, 372. Drake, F., Masters of the spiritual life, 340. Drake, M. and W., Saints, 356. Drane, A., Christian schools, 845; Do- minican order, 231 ; St. Dominic, 232. Draper, J., Intellectual development, 746. Draper, W., Petrarch's secret, 307. Draycott, G., Mahomet, 146. Drehmann, J., Leo IX, 178. Dresdner, A., Kultur- und Sittenge- schichte, 465. Dreves, G., Hymnendichtung, 450 ; Hymnologische Beitrage, 451 ; Kirche der Lateiner, 450. Driault, E., Histoire de la civilisation, 733 note. Droysen, G., Handatlas, 123. Drumann, W., Bonifacius VIII, 271. Dryer, J., Planetary systems, 433. Duballet, Abb6, Droit canonique, 424. Dubarle, E., University de Paris, 440. Dubnow, S., Jews in Russia, 850 note. Dubois, A., Latinite d'Ennodius, 336. Dubois, G., Historia ecclesiae Parisi- ensis, 389. Dubois, L., St. Francis, 229. Dubois, P., De recuperatione Terra Sanctae, 211. Du Bourg, A., Saint Odon, 178. Dubreuil-Chambardel, L., Mdecins, 435. Du Breul, J., Paris, 388. Du Cange, C., Constantinople, 207; Glossarium, 448. Du Chaillu, P., Viking age, 153. Duchesne, A., Historiae Normannorum scriptores, 200. Duchesne, L., Christian worship, 179; Churches separated from Rome, 177; Cnrsus, 419; Early history of church; 119; Liber pontificalis, 959 note; Temporal sovereignty, 141. Duckett, G., Charters of Cluni, 179. Dudan, A., Monarchia degli Absburgo, 588 note. Dudden, F., Gregory the Great, 123. Diihring, E., The two Bacons, 431. Dummler, E., Alchvin, 367; Anselm, 382 ; Hrabanstudien, 371 ; Ostfrank- ishes Reich, 168. Duff, N., Matilda, 184. 502 INDEX Duffield, S., Latin hymn writers, 452. Duffy, B., Tuscan republics, 300. Dufourcq, A., Christianisme, 426; Saint Anselme, 382 ; Science, 429. Dugdale, W., and Dodsworth, R., Mo- nasticon, 226. Duhem, P., Fragment de 1'Opus ter- tium, 437; Leonardo de Vinci, 314; Physique d'Aristote, 398 ; Systeme du monde, 433 ; Theorie physique, 433. Dulaurier, E., Albigeois, 403. Dumoulin, M., Theodoric, 111. Dunand, P., Etudes critiques, 282 ; Jeanne d'Arc, 282. Dunbar, B., Dictionary of saintly wo- men, 482 note. Duncalf, F., and Krey, A., Parallel source problems, 385. Dungern, O., Heerenstand, 262; War Deutschland ein Wahlreich, 585. Dunham, S., Poland, 694 note; Spain and Portugal, 627. Dunning, W., Political theories, 459. Dunn-Pattison, R., Black Prince, 279. Duns Scotus, John, 405, 409, 410; Opera, 410. Dupuy, A., Alcuin, 367. Dupuy, P., Boniface VIII, 271. Durand, G., Cathe'drale d' Amiens, 476. Durrieu, P., Archives de Naples, 301 ; Heures du due de Berri, 467. Duruy, V., France, 522 ; Moyen age, 369. Dussieux, France, 976 note. Dussieux, L., Hongrois, 159. Duvernoy, E., Due de Lorraine, 244. Dwight, H., Constantinople, 665. Dyer, T., Rome, 348. Dziatzko, K., Terentius, 414. Eales, S., St. Bernard, 394; Works of S. Bernard, 393. Eannes de Azurara, G., Chronicle of Guinea, 322. Easterbv, W., Law of tithes, 238. Eastern empire, see Byzantine empire. Eastern Europe, 311-312, 680-716, 1004-1006, 323-331. Eastlake. C., Gothic revival, 472. Eberbach, O., Reichsritterschaft, 291. Ebersolt, J., Berengar de Tours, 383; Palais de Constantinople, 661 note. Eberstadt. R., Gewerberecht, 253; Zunftwesen, 253. Ebert. A., Literatur des Mittelalters, 788. Ebrnrd, J., Bonifatius, 130; Irosehot- tische Missionskirche, 130. Eckel, A., Charles le Simple, 167. Eckenstein, L., Women under monasti- cism, 482. Eckert, H., Kramer, 257. Eckstein, A., Finanzlage Felix V, 275. Eckstein, F., Lateinischer und griech- ischer Unterricht, 843 ; Lateinischer Unterricht, 842. Koole des chartres, 890. 164. 231; pratique des hautes Etudes, 888. Ecoles franchises d'Athenes et de Rome, 887. 959. Economic conditions, 247-259; history of Jews, 857-861. Edelstand du Meril, M., Etudes, 914: Melanges archeologiques, 915; Poe'sies ine'dites, 451; poesies populaires, 451; Tablettes en cire, 468. Education, history of, 58-59, 117-118. 182. 836-848, 1012, 304, 306, 312. Edward III of England, 276. Edwards, E., Founders of libraries, 465 ; Memoirs of libraries, 465. Effmann, W., Centula, 367. Egger, E., Helle'nisme, 415; Livre, 465. Egidi. P., Colonia Saracena di Lucera, 219. Egli, J., Geographische Namenkunde, 133; Nomina geographica, 132. Ehrhard, A., Mittelalter, 107. Ehrle, F., Augustinismus, 398; Biblio- teca papale d'Avignone, 469; John Peckham, 398; Spiritualen, 230. Ehrmann, F., Bulle Unam sanctam, 271. Eichmann, E., Kirche und Staat, 455. Eicken, H., Weltanschauung, 816; Weltuntergang, 370. Eigl. L., Walahfrid Strabo, 372. Einhard, 140, 143, 364, 367. Eitel, A., Kirchenstaat, 271. Eitelberger v. Edelberg, R., Quellen- schriften fur Kunstgeschichte, 478. Eiten, G., Unterkonigtum, 136. EI-Bokhari, Traditions islamiques, 149. Eleanor of Aquitaine, 242, 244. Elections, ecclesiastical, 175, 178. Electors, the seven, 286, 291. Eleventh century, culture in the, 380- 383. Elias, N., Moghuls, 328. Eliot, C., Turkey in Europe, 329. Ellis, F., Romance of the rose, 455. Elsee, C., Neoplatonism, 337. Elster, L., Worterbuch der Volkswirt- schaf t, I 1 6 note. Elton, C. and M., Book-collectors, 466. Elton, O., and Powell, F., Danish his- tory, 328. Emerton, E., Beginnings of modern Europe, 371 note; Introduction to INDEX 503 the middle ages, 370 ; Mediaeval Eu- rope, 37 1 ; Religious environment, 335; Salimbene, 226. Emperors, lists of German, 887-1056 A.D., 170; 1125-1272 A.D., 213; 1273-1519 A.D., 287. Empire, medieval, 499-507, 139, 141, 169-172. Enchiridion fontium historiae ecclesias- ticae, 384 note: fontium historiae Hungarorum, 159 ; symbolorum, 241. Enciclopedia universel, 1 03. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 96 ; of Islam, 120; of missions, 240; of religion and ethics, 105. Encyclopaedias. 96-120, 193. Encvclopedie des sciences religieuses, 107. Endres, J., Alexander von Hales, 406 ; De regimine principium, 462 ; Dialek- tiker, 382; Manegold von Lauten- bach, 382; Mittelalterlichen Philoso- phic, 832 ; Otloh von St. Emmeran, 382 ; Petrus Damiani, 382 ; Scholas- tische Lehrmethode, 381 ; Thomas von Aquin, 408. Engel, A., and Serrure, R., Traite de ntimismatique, 292. Engelmann, E., Philipp von Schwaben, 218. England, history of, 36. 149, 812, 903- 904, 955-996; economic history of, 250; kings of, 1327-1485 A.D., 278: learning in, 361, 363, 364; natural sciences in, 426, 427428; universi j ties in, 438, 443. Enlart, C., L'art gothiques en Chypre, 209; Manuel d'archeologie, 299: Rouen, 198 ; Teaching of mediaeval archaeology, 471. Ensor. R.. Belgium, 556. Enzyklopadisches Handbuch, 118 note. Epidemics, 247, 253. Epistolae pontiflcum Romanorum, 961. Epochs of church history, 418; of mod- ern historv, 335. Equilaz Yanguas, D., Granada, 322. Erkert, R., Wanderungen, 111. Erman, W., and Horn, E., Bibliogra- phic der deutschen Universitaten, 445. Ernault, E., De Virgilio Marone, 360. Ernst, H., Kolonisation von Ost- deutschland, 220. Errera, C., Scoperte geograflche, 258. Ersch, J., and Gruber, J., Allgemeine Encyklopadie, 100. Erslev, K., Repertorium diplomaticum, 1008. Esmain, A., Droit franchise, 532. Espana sagrada, 467. Espenberger, J., Petrus Lombardus, 408. Esperabe Arteaga, E., Salamanca, 444. Espinas, G., Bibliographie de 1'histoire gconomique, 259; Douai, 252. Essays, historical, 908-939. Essen, L., see Van der Essen, L. Essenwein, A., Kulturhistorischer Bil- deratlas, 1 90. Estado de la cultura espanola, 321. Estates General, 242, 246. Esthonia, 691. Etablissements de Saint Louis, 246. Etienne de Bourbon, Anecdotes his- toriques, 451. Etienne Marcel, 277, 281. Etudes Franciscaines, 231. Eubel, C., Hierarchia catholica medii aevi, 422 : Missionsgebiet der Domi- nikaner, 240. Eucken, R., Problem of human life, 819. Eugippius, Life of Saint Severinus, 335. Evans, H., Castles, 263. Everett, "W., Italian poets, 309. Everyman's library, 944. Ewald, P., Gregorii I epistolae, 125. Ewalt, A., Eroberung Preussens, 221. Ewart, K., Cosimo de' Medici, 300. Exarchate of Ravenna, 114. Execrabilis, the papal bull, 268, 274. Exempla, 446, 447, 451. Faba, Guido, 417, 418. Fabre, A., Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Fabre, J., Philosophic, 824; Proces de condemnation de Jeanne d'Arc, 285 Proces de rehabilitation, 285. Fabre, P., Melanges offerts a, 936. Fabre, P., and Duchesne, L., Liber censuum, 221. Fabricius, A., Normands dans 1'Es- pagne, 153. Fabricius, J., Bibliotheca latina, 449. Facsimiles of manuscripts, 230-237 : 467. Faculty des lettres, Paris, 889. Fages, R.. Saint Vincent Ferrier, 272. Fagnan, E., Histoire de 1'Afrique, 322. Fngniez, G., Documents de 1'industrie, 258; Falke, J., Deutscher Handel, 257. Falke, J. v., Geschichte des Geschmacks, 798: Ritterliche Gesellschaft, 264. Falletti-Fossati, C., Ciompi, 300. Famines, 247, 254. "Famous historic of fryer Bacon, 432. Fangeron, H., Benefices, 163. 504 INDEX Fanuzzi, G., Veneziani, 297. Faral, E., Contes et romans courtois, 456; Jongleurs, 456. Farinelli, A., Petrarca, 310. Farnell, I., Troubadours, 456. Fasciculus lonni Willis Clark dicatus, 469. Favaro, A., Atti della nazione German- ica, 445. Favre, E., Eudes, comte de Paris, 167. Feast of Fools, 235, 236. Febvre, L., Franche-Comte', 542. Fedele, P., Nazionalita, 604. Federn, K., Dante, 480. Federn, B., Repertoire bibliographique, 457. Fehling, F., Friedrich II, 219. Fehmi, Y., Turquie, 330. Fehr, J., Gottesfriede, 163; Staat und Kirche, 136. Feierabend, H., Reichsabteien, 183. Felder, H., Studien im Franziskaneror- den, 406. Felder, J., Kirchensprache, 447. FSlibien, M., and Lobineau, G., Ville de Paris, 388. Fellner, A., Albertus Magnus als Bo- taniker, 430. Felten, J., Gregor IX, 219. Felten, W., Mittelalter, 355. Ferdinand II of Aragon, 316, 317, 319, 322. Feret, P., Emprisonnements de Koger Bacon, 431; FacultS de th6ologie, 397; Sainte-Genevieve, 389; Univer- sit6 de Paris, 441. Fergusson, J., History of architecture, 474. Fernandez Duro, C., Marina de Castilla, 320. Fernandez Guerra, A., Caida del im- perio visig6tico-espafiol, 149; Espana, 111; D. Pedro, 320. Ferrand, G., Relations de voyages, 258. Ferrara, 302. Ferrara-FIorence, council of, 268, 274. Ferrer del Rfo, A., Don Pedro, 320. Ferrere, Sept arts, 351 ; Situation re- ligeuse de 1'Afrique, 343. Festgabe zum Bonifatius-Jubilaum, 130. Feudalism, 159-164, 174, 178. Feugueray, H., Thomas d'Aquin, 462. Ficker, G., Ausgehendes Mittelalter, 270. Ficker, G., and Hermelink, H., Kirchen- geschichte, 429. Ficker, J., Deutsches Kaiserreich, 503 ; Reichsgeschichte Italiens, 607. Ficker, J., and Winkelmann, E., Re- gesta imperii V, 221. Fiction, historical, 77-79. Field, L., Renaissance, 305. Fierville, C., Grammaire latine, 451. Figgis, J., Divine right, 287; Political thought, 269; Republica Christiana, 459. Figuier, L., Vies des savants, 761. Finances of papacy, 274. Financial system of the church, 234, 235, 238. Finch, G., Letters of Hildebrand, 184. Finke, H., Acta Aragonensia, 322 ; Acta concilii Constantiensis, 275 ; Aragonesische Konige, 321 ; Bonifaz VIII, 270 ; Constanzer Konzil, 273 ; Dante als Historiker, 481; Dietrich von Niem, 290 ; Geschichtsforschung in Spanien, 319; Katalanische Re- naissance, 322; Papsttum, 271. Finkel, L., Bibliografia historyj polskiej, 47. Finlay, G., Byzantine empire, 645 ; Greece, 656. Finnland, 692. Finot, J., Flandre et France, 256; Flandre et Ggnes, 256; Flandre et 1'Espagne, 256. Finsler, G., Homer in der Neuzeit, 483. Finzi, G., Petrarca, 310. Fioretto, G., Umanisti, 309. Fiorvanti, A., Petrarca, 310. Firearms, origin of, 260, 263. Fischer, E., Rumanen, 158. Fischer, J., Normannen, 154. Fischer, K., Kreuzzug Friedrichs, I, 206. Fischer, O., Bonifatius, 131. Fischer, T., Genoese world map, 259; Nicolai de Bibera Carmen, 416; See- karten, 257; Welt- nnd Seekarten, 259. Fischer, W., Byzantinische Geschichte, 191. Fish, C., Italian archives, 5 note. Fisher, G., Christian church, 405; Christian doctrine, 474. Fisher, H., Medieval empire, 500. Fisher, J., Bibliography of church his- tory, 50 note. Fisquet, H., France pontificale, 460 note. Fitting, H., Irnerius, Summa codicis, 425; Juristische Schriften, 425; Melanges offerts a, 937; Rechts- schule zu Bologna, 424 ; Rechtswis- senschaft, 423 ; Scuole di diritto in Francia, 424. Fitting, H., and Suchier, H., Lo codi, 425. INDEX 505 Fitzgerald, V., Saint John Capistran, 228. Fitzmaurice-Kelley, J., Spanish litera- ture, 813. Flach, J., Comte de Flandre, 167; Droit remain, 423 ; Origines de France, 167. Flade, P., Inquisitionsverfahren, 404. Flanders, 276, 281. Flateyjarbok, 155. Fleming, D., R. Bacone, 431. Fleming, "W., Mysticism, 409. Fletcher, B., History of architecture, 474. Fletcher, C., Collectanea, 445; Western Europe, 350. Fletcher, H., Oxford and Cambridge, 443. Fletcher, W., Black Friars, 231. Fliche, A., Cardinal Humbert, 178 ; Philippe I, 168; Polemique religi- euse, 184. Flick, A., Medieval church, 428. Fling, F., Studies, 386. Flojshaus, W., Hus, opera omnia, 275. Flom, G., Konung skuggsja, 331. Florence, 294, 296, 299, 304, 311. Florez, H., Espafia sagrada, 467. Floto, H., Heinrich der Vierte, 183. Fliigel, E., Roger Bacon, 413. Focke, R., Buchgewerbe, 466. Foedera, by T. Rymer, 996. Forster, F., Wegweiser, 32 note. Foes of western Christendom, 144-158. Folz, A., Friedrich II, 219. Fontana, L., Bibliografia : comuni dell" Italia, 303. Fontes rerum Austriacarum, 986 ; By- zantinarum, 1003 note; Germani- carum, 984. Fontevrault, Order of, 222, 227. Fonti per la storia d'ltalia, 990. Foord, E., Byzantine empire, 647 ; Re- pulse of the Saracens, 189. Forbes, N., Balkans, 706 note. Forcella, V., Iscrizione delle chiese, 348. Fonnentini, M., II ducato di Milano, 298. Forrest, J., Western civilization, 336. Forschungen zur christlichen Literatur- und Dogmengeschichte, 489. Forst-Battaglia, ' O., Genealogie, 27 I ; Genealogische Tabellen, 271 note. Fortescue, A., Eastern church, 190. Fortescue, G., Subject index . . . Brit- ish Museum, 3 note. Foster, J., Lives of Vasari, 307. Fotheringham, J., Marco Sanudo, 207. Foucault, A., Yves de Chartres, 381. Foulcher of Chartres, Historia Hiero- solymitana, 210. Foulet, L., Bibliography of medieval French literature, 457 ; Roman de renard, 456. Foulke, D., Langobards, 116. Foulke, W., Love songs of Petrarch, 307. Foulkes, C., Armour, 262. Foulques de Villaret, A., L'enseigne- ment des lettres, 412. Fourier-Bonnard, Saint-Victor de Paris, 389. Fournel, H., Berbers, 148. Fournier, E., Enseignes de Paris, 388 : L'esprit dans 1'histoire, 82 ; Paris- capitale, 388 ; Rues de Paris, 388. Fournier, F., Decret de Gratien, 425. Fournier, M., Affranchissements, 251 : Droit remain, 423 ; Science du droit, 424 ; Statuts et privileges, 444 ; Uai- versites franchises, 442. Fournier, P., Aries, 245 ; Joachim de Flore, 409; Officialites, 418; Yves de Chartres, 381. Fowke, F., Bayeux tapestry, 202 note. Fowler, M., Petrarch collection, 315. Fox-Davies, A., Art of heraldry, 285 note ; Guide to heraldry, 285. Fracassetti, G., Epistolae of Petrarch, 314; Lettere, 314. Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum, 1002 note. Frakn6i, W., Mathias Corvinus, 329. France, 21-28. 129.460. 508-548. 762- 767, 803. 885-891. 965-975: North- *men in, 151, 153; beginnings of, 165169; political history from 1108 to 1328 A.D., 241-246; economic history of, 250; cities in, 252; com- merce in, 255 ; Hundred Years' War in, 276-284; kings of, 1328-1498 A.D., 278; culture in, 278, 279; universities in, 439, 442, 444; lan- guage and literature in, 452457. France, A., Jeanne d'Arc, 279. Franrhe-Comte\ 542. Franchetti, A., Signorie, 297. Francis of Assisi, 223-226, 228-233. Franciscans, 223, 228-231. Franck, A., Gerbert, 372. Francke, K., Personality in German literature, 308. Frank, A., Rformateurs, 290. Franke, K., Schulpoesie, 449. Franke, W., Romuald, 179. Franklin, A., Bibliotheque de mdecine, 469; Bibliotheque de Notre-Dame, 469: Bibliotheques de Paris, 469; Bibliotheque ^ie Saint-Victor, 469 ; 506 INDEX Chirurgiens, 435; Corporations de Paris, 390 ; Dictionnaire des arts, 390; Dictionnaire des noms, 449; Guide des savants, 4 note; Mdecins, 435; Plans de Paris, 388; Sorbonne, 441; Sources de France, 23; Vie privle, 390. Franks, 132-138, 357-361. Frantz, A., Kirchenrecht, 425. Franz, A., Benediktionen, 239; Messe, 239; Minoritenprediger, 228. Franz, A. M., Cassiodorus, 343. Franz-Pascha, J., Baukunst des Islam, 379. Franziskanische Studien, 231. Frati, L., Bibliografia bolognese, 445. Fred, W., Briefe von Abalard, 393. Fredegund, 133. Frederick I (Barbarossa), 202, 206, 211, 213, 217. Frederick II, 202, 207, 213, 215, 219. Frederick III, 287, 291. FredSricq. P.. Corpus inquisitionis, 404; Dues de Bourgogne, 284; Histoires catholiques de 1'inquisition, 404; Historiographie de 1'inquisition, 401 ; Inquisitie, 403. Freedom of thought, 739-748. Freeman, E., Charles the Bold, 279; Europe in the 8th century, 137; His- torical essays, 916; Historical geog- raphy of Europe, 139; Mediaeval Greece, 326; Mediaeval Italv, 295; Normans at Palermo, 197 ; Ottoman power, 329 ; Saracens, 148 ; Sieges of Paris, 153; Western Europe in fifth century, 110. Freeman, L., Italian sculpture, 313. Freiburger historische Studien, 488. Frenken, G., Exempla, 451. Fresne de Beaucourt, G., Charles VII, 282. FreVille, R., Organisation judiciaire en Normandie, 198. Freville de Lorme, C., Commerce de Rouen, 255. Frey, K, Vite of Vasari, 307. Frpvtag, G., Deutsche Vergangenheit, 769. Friars, mendicant, 222-223. Friedberg, E., Corpus juris canonici, 425; Kirchenrecht, 424; Lehren iiber Staat und Kirehe, 458; Staat und Kirche, 458. Friedensburg. F., Deutsche Miinzge- schichte, 295; Die Miinze, 296. Friedlander, L., Erinnerungen, 351; Xaehleben der Antike, 351. Friedlander, M., Guide to the perplexed, 379. Friedmann, E., Welthandel von Florenz, 256. Friedrich, J., Kirchengeschichte, 131. Friedrich, R., Canossa, 183. Froissart, J., Chronicles, 279. Frothingham, A., Monuments of Chris- tian Rome, 348. Froude, J., Short studies, 917. Fuente, V. de la, Arag6n, 320. Fulda, 127. Funck-Brentano, F., France, le roi, 535; Guerre de cent ans, 281; Phil- ippe le Bel, 245. Funk, F., Kirchengeschichtliche Ab- handlungen, 497 ; Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte, 409. Funk, P., Jacob von Vitry, 450 ; Re- naissance, 308. Fustel de Coulanges, N., Institutions politiques, 137; Recherches, 137. Fuzet, E., Petrarque, 310. Gabelentz, H., Kirchliche Kunst, 474. Gabotto, F., Storia dell' Italia, 619. Gabrielli, A., Epistolario di Cola di Rienzo, 302 ; Goliardi, 449. Gadave, R., University de Toulouse, 442. Gaggese, R., Firenze, 300. Gaggia, G., Arnaldo da Brescia, 218. Gngliardi, E., Eidgenossenschaft, 292. Gaiseric, 108. Galabert, F., Paleographie, 236. Galante, A., Fontes iuris canonici, 425. Gall, Saint, 126. Gallia Christiana, 460. Gallion, W., Ziinfte in Paris, 390. Galy, C., Famille merovingienne, 360. Gama Barros, H., Portugal, 64 1 . Gams, P., Kirchengeschichte von Spa- nien, 468 ; Series episcoporum, 423. Ganay, M., Dominicaines, 231. Gandert, F., Busswesen, 239. Gandilhon, A., Louis XI, 284. Ganem, H., Sultans Ottomans, 330. Ganzenmuller, W., Naturbetrachtung, 430. Gapp, J., Franciscus von Assisi, 229. Gardner, A., John the Scot, 370; Juli- an, 338; Lascarids, 207; Theodore of Studium, 177. Gardner, A., French sculpture, 476. Gardner, E., Catherine of Siena, 271; Dante, 480; Dante and the mystics, 481 ; Dante's ten heavens, 483 ; Dia- logues of St. Gregory, 118; Florence, 296; Siena, 302. Gardthausen, V., Buchwesen, 465. Garland, John, 446, 449, 451 ; De tri- umphis ecclesiae, 451 ; Parisiana, 420. INDEX 507 Garnett, R., Italian literature, 809. Gamier, C., Tapisserie de la reine Ma- thilde, 199. Garreau, L., Etat social de la France, 264. Garrod, H., and Mowat, R., Life of Charlemagne, 143. Garufi, C., Exhiquier o diwan? 199. Gaskoin, C., Alcuin, 366. Caspar, M., Granada, 322. Gaspary, A., Italian literature, 808. Gasquet, A., Etudes byzantines, 142. Gasquet, F., Biblical criticism, 413 ; Black Death, 249; English scholar- ship, 428 ; Fragment of a work, by Bacon, 437; Henry the Third, 237; Last abbot of Glastonbury, 413 ; Let- ters of St. Bernard, 393; Life of St. Gregory, 124; Monastic libraries, 464; Monastic life, 128; Monastic scriptorium, 464; Old English bible, 464; Parish life, 235; Roger Bacon and the Vulgate, 413 ; Rule of St. Benedict, 119. Gaste, A., Serments de Strasbourg, 167. Gatard, A., Musique, 125. Gatien-Arnoult, A., Jean de Garlande, 449. Gaudenzi, A., Bibliotheca iuridica, 425; Dettatori Bolognesi, 418; Italia e 1'impero d'Oriente, 115; Ranieri da Perugia, Ars notaria, 420. Gaul, L., Alberts des Grossen Verhalt- nis zu Plato, 408. Gaul, Moors in, 145, 149. Gauthier, L., Averroes, 376. Gauthiez, P., Catherine de Sienne, 272. Gautier, L., Chivalry, 261 ; Epopees fran<;aises, 455456. Gavrilovitch, M., Traite de Paris de 1259, 245. Gay, J., L'ltalie meridionale, 149. Gay, V., Glossaire archologique, 300. Gayangos, P., Chronicle of James I, 319. Gayet, A., Art arabe, 379; L'art byzan- tin, 474. Gayet, L., Grand schisme, 272. Gazette des beaux-arts, 478. Gebhardt, B., Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, 562. Gebhart, E., Armees mercenaires de 1'Italie, 262 ; Italie mystique, 228 ; Origines de la renaissance, 309 ; Renaissance italienne, 309. Gee, H., and Hardy, W., Documents, 129. Geiger, A., Mohammed, 148. Geiger, L., Renaissance, 306. Geijer, E., Geschichte Schwedens, 726. Gelzer, H., Ausgewahlte kleine Schrift- en, 649 note; Byzantinische Kaiser- geschichte, 189; Byzantinische Kul- turgeschichte, 649. Gemelli, A., Scritti vari, 431. Genealogy, 268-282. Gengel, A., Feudalismus, 163. Genghis Khan, 323, 326, 328. Gennrich, P., Johann von Salisbury, 414 ; Staatslehre Johannes von Salis- bury, 462. Geographical discoveries, 248, 249, 257-259; theory, 427, 428, 434. Geography and history, 130-146, 107. George, H., Genealological tables, 276 ; Geography and history, 107. Gerard, P., Francs, 136. Geraud, H., Paris sous Philippe le Bel, 390. Gerbert of Aurillac (Sylvester II), 170, 172, 174, 176, 369, 370, 372. Gerdes, H., Geschichte des deutsches Volkes, 574. Gerland, E^, Balduin I, 206. Gerland, E., Physik, 433. Gerland, E., and Traumiiller, P., Ex- perimentierkunst, 433. Germain, A., Cartulaire de 1'universite de Montpellier, 444. Germain, A., Cathgdrale de Chartres, 476. Germany, 28-34, 461-463, 560-587, 768-781, 804-807, 894-899, 978- 985; conversion of, 130; early king- dom of, 165-169; eastward expansion of, 213, 215, 220; economic history of, 250; cities in, 252; commerce in, 256; from the Great Interregnum to Maximilian, 285-292 ; emperors of, 1125-1272 A.D., 213, 1273-1519 A.D., 287 ; constitutional history of, 291 ; universities in, 439, 444. Germon, L. de, and Polain, L., Cata- logue de la bibliotheque de Riant, 211. Gerosa, P., Sant' Agostino, 342. Gerson, Jean, 267, 273, 275. Geschichte der Erziehung, 836; det europaischen Staaten, 332. Geschichtschreiber der deutschen Vor- zeit, 981. Gesellschaft fur romanische Literatur, 456. Gesta Romanorum, 447. Gevaert, F., Chant liturgique, 124. Geyer, B., Stellung Abaelards, 394. Gfrorer, A., Byzantinische Geschichten, 677; Gregorius VII, 182. Ghellinck, J., Liber sententiarum, 406; Litterature pol&nique, 183 ; Mouve- 508 INDEX ment thSologique, 407 ; Pierre Lom- bard, 408. Ghettos, 869-872. Ghibellines, 211. Ghirnrdacci, C., Historia di Bologna, 442. Oiannone, P., Regno di Napoli, 301. Giard, Sainte-Genevieve, 389. Gibbins, H., History of commerce, 248. Gibbon, E., Decline and fall, 341. Gibbons, H., Ottoman empire, 329. Gibson, S., Oxford libraries, 468. Gidel, C., Etudes grecques, 415. Gierke, O., Genossenschaftsrecht, 580 ; Johannes Althusius, 459 ; Political theories, 459. Giesebrecht, W., De litterarum studiis apud Italos, 371; Geschi elite der deutschen Kaiserzeit, 50 1 . Gieseler, J., Church history, 400. Giesing, J., Leonardo da Pisa, 436. Gilbert de la Porree, 392, 396, 399, 402. Gilds, 247, 253. Giles, J., Complete works of Bede, 363; Matthew Paris, English history, 328; Opera omnia of John of Salisbury, 416. Gillet, L., Histoire artistique des ordres mendiants, 475. Gillett, E., Huss, 274. Gilliat-Smith, E., Saint Clare, 230. Gilliodts, van Severen, L., Cartulaire, estaple de Bruges, 258. Gilman, A., Saracens, 148. Gindraux, J., Christianisme dans le monde paien, 240. Ginzel, P., Chronologie, 257. Giordani, F., Storia della Russia, 682 note. Giovanni, V., Boezio, 343. Gipsies, 324, 327. Giraldus Cambrensis, Opera, 416. Girard, P., Roman law, 422. Girgensohn, P., Hanse, 330. Giry, A., Choix de documents, 258 ; Manuel de diplomatique, 239 ; Rouen, 252. Giry, A., and Rfiville, A., Emancipation of towns, 248; Medieval commerce, 248. Giseke, P., Hirschauer, 227. Giudice, P., Diritto in Italia, 111. Giulini, G., Milano, 298. Gjerset, K., Norwegian people, 723. Glaser, F., Franziskanische Bewegung,. 229. Glasson, E., Histoire du droit, 528 ; Parlement, 282. Glossaires, Latin, 448. Glover, T., Conflict of religions, 337; Life and letters, 335. Glyn, A., Civilization in fifth century, 336. Gobineau, J., Renaissance, 301. Godefroy, F., Dictionnaire, 455; Lex- ique, 455. Godkin, G., Monastery of San Marco, 311. Goeje, M., Arabische Literatur, 378. Goller, E., Apostolische Kammer, 275 ; Papstliche Ponitentiarie, 238 ; Sigis- mund, 291. Goelzer, H., LatinitS de Jerome, 336; Latinite de S. Avit, 336. Gorres, J., Mystik, 409. Gorresgesellschaft, 152 note, 898. Goschen Sammlung, 945. Goetz, L., Kiever Hohlenkloster, 158; Konstantinus, 158; Staat und Kirche, 158. Goctz, W., Beitrage zur Kulturge- schichte, 749 ; Franz von Assisi, 229 ; Mittelalter und Renaissance, 308 ; Robert von Neapel, 311; Wiederau- fleben des romischen Rechts, 422. Gb'tz, W., Historische Geographic, 143. Goff, C., Assisi, 231. Gokstad ship, 150, 154. Goldast, M., Monarchia romani im- perii, 292. Golden Bull of 1356, 286, 288, 291. Goldstaub, M., Physiologus, 350. Goldziher, I., Islam, 147 ; Islamische Philosophic, 375. Goliardic literature, 446, 449-451. Golubovich, G., Bibliotheca bio-biblio- grafia della Terra Santa, 240. Gonse, L., L'art gothique, 472. Gont, P., Mont Saint-Michel, 472. Goodyear, W., Architectural refine- ments, 476; Renaissance art, 312; Roman and mediaeval art, 474 ; Ver- tical curves in Gothic cathedrals, 475. Gordon, C., Innocent the Great, 215. Gordon, L., Assisi, 230. Gothein, E., Culturentwicklung Stid- italiens, 197; Renaissance, 309. Gothic art, 470-478. Gottlieb, T., Mittelalterliche Bibli- otheken, 469. Gottlob, A., Camera apostolica, 275; Kreuzzugssteuern, 238. Gottron, A., Ramon Lulls Kreuzzugsi- deen, 208. Gougaud, L., Chretientes celtiques, 129; Scotti, 130. Gourmont, R., Latin mystique, 447. Gower, R., Joan of Arc, 283. INDEX 509 Goyau, G., Jeanne d'Arc, 284. Grabmann, M., Geschichte der scholasti- schen Methode, 830; Mittelalterliche Philosophic, 408 ; Thomas von Aquin, 408. Graf, F., Alessandria, 217. Graefe, F., Friedrich II, 219. Grafe, K., Heinrich VII, 289. Graesel, A., Fiihrer fur Bibliotheksbe- nutzer, 6 note ; Handbuch, 6. Graesse, J., Orbis latinus, 130. Gratz, H., Jews, 850. Graevenitz, G., Deutsche in Rom, 920. Graf, A., Miti, 356; Petrarchismo, 310; Roma, 351. Graham, R., English monasteries, 371; Gilbert of Sempringham, 228. Grammar, Latin, 446-448, 451. Grammont, Order of, 222. Granada, 316, 322. Grandes chroniques franeaises, 458. Grandgent. C., Dante, 480; Vulgar Latin, 336. Grandgeorge, L., Saint Augustin, 342. Grant, A., Charlemagne, 140 ; Europe, 372. Graphia aureae urbis Romae, 346. Gratian, 421, 425. Gratien, Franciscaines, 441 ; S. Fran- cois, 229. Grauert, H., Dante, 482 ; Johann von Toledo, 428. . Graves, F., Education during the mid- dle ages, 841. Gray, A., Cambridge, 444. Gray, G. E., Crusade of children, 207. Gray, G. J., Cambridge stationers, 466. Gra, A., Archidiacres, 237. Greard, O., Sorbonne, 441. Great artists series, 314. Great Interregnum, 213, 214, 220. Great masters in painting, 314. Great peoples, 323. Great western schism, 267, 272. Greece, 656-660. Greek church, 113, 116, 190: East, 113116; in the renaissance, 304, 306, 311; learning in the British Isles, 362-364. Greek, study of, in the middle ages, 333, 336. 411, 412, 414, 416. Green, J., Botany, 434. Green, Mrs. J., Irish world, 129. Greene, E., Botanical historv, 434. Greene, R., Friar Bacon, 432. Greenwood, A., Empire and papacy, 459. Greenwood, T., Cathedra Petri, 443. Gregorian music, 125. Gregorovius, F., Athen, 660 ; Rome, 440. Gregory I (the Great), 121-125, 128, 340, 341, 342; Dialogues, 119, 123; Letters, 123; Pastoral rule, 123; Works, 125. Gregory VII, 180-184. Gregory IX, 213, 214, 219. Gregory XI, 267, 268, 271. Gregory of Tours, 133, 135, 357, 359; History of the Franks, 137. Greinacher, A., Nikolaus I, 177. Grenier, P., L'empire byzantin, 651. Greven, J., Beginen, 239. Grierson, E., Northumbrian saints, 130 ; St. Francis, 229. Griffith, S., Divina comedia, 481. Grimm, H., Michael Angelo, 314. Grimm, J., Gedichte, Friedrich I, 217. Grimme, H., Mohammed, 146, 148. Grindle, G., Destruction of paganism, 338. Grisar, H., Gregorio Magno, 124; His- tory of Rome, 441 ; Mittelalter, 107. Gritzner, M., Heraldik, 287. Groche, B., Renaissancebewegung, 385. Grober, G., Grundriss der romanischen Philologie, 305. Grohler, H., Franzosische *Ortsnamen, 136. Grossler, H., Begriindung der Kirche, 221. Groh, H., Avaren, 159; Justin II, 190. Gromer, G., Laienbeichte, 239. Gross, C., Bibliography of British municipal history, 259; Gild mer- chant, 253 ; Sources of English his- tory, 36; University of Paris, 441. Grosseteste, Robert, 411, 416, 426, 430, 437; Epistolae, 241; Rules, 258; "Works, 437. Grosvenor, E., Constantinople, 662. Grote, G., Aristotle, 397. Grote, H., Stammtafeln, 275. Grotefend, H., Abriss der Chronologie, 252: Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung, 251 : Zeitrechnung, 250. Grotefend, S., Karl IV, 291. Griitzmacher, G., Benedikt, 120; Hie- ronymus, 336; Pachomius, 119. Gruhn, A., Bvznntinische Politik, 207; Kreuzzug Richards I, 206. Grundriss der germanischen Philologie, 307; der Geschichtswissenschaft. 331 ; der romanischen Philologie, 305. Orupp, G., Kulturgeschichte, 751. Guarino of Verona, 304, 312. Gudeman, A., Klassiche Philologie, 785 note. 510 INDEX Giidemann, M., Erziehungswesen der Juden, 868 ; Quellenschriften, Juden, 868 note. Guelfs, 211. Guenin, L., Stenographic, 228. Giinter, H., Mi^elalter, 107. note. Giinther, S., Erdkunde, 258 ; Mathe- matik, 436; Mathematischer Unter- richt, 436. Guerard, B., Cartulaire de Notre-Dame de Paris, 390; Polyptique de Irmion, 164. Guerber, H., Myths, 356. Guerzoni, G., Arnaldo da Brescia, 218. Giiterbock, C., Islam, 148. Giiterbock, F., Friede von Montebello, 217; Prozess Heinrichs des Lowen, 218. Guggenheim, M., Marsilius von Padua, 290. Guglia, E., Geburts- Sterbe- und Grab- statten der romisch-deutschen Kaiser, 507. Guibal, G., Arnauld de Brescia, 218; Sentiment national, 280. Guichot, J., Pedro Primero, 320. Guido, Bernard, Practica inquisitionis, 404. Guignebert, C., De imagine mundi, 434. Guilhermy, F., Monuments de Paris, 388. Guilhermy, F. de, and Lasteyrie, B. de, Inscriptions de Paris, 391. Guilhiermoz, P., Noblesse, 163. Guillaume le Maire, Le livre de, 240. Guilmoto, Navigation de la Seine, 390. Guiraud, J., L'eglise romaine, 270; L'etat pontificate, 272 ; Questions d'histoire, 403 ; Saint Dominic, 224. Guiscard, Robert, 181. Guizot, F., Civilisation en France, 763 ; Collection des mdmoires, 97 1 ; France, 517; History of civilization, 736. Gummere, F., Germanic origins, 111. Gumplowicz, L., Staatstheorien, 459. Gundlach, W., Barbarossalieder, 217; Kirchenstaat, 142. Gurlitt, C., Konstantinopel, 668. Gurlt, E., Chirurgie, 435. Gutsche, O., Deutsche Geschichte, 111. Gutsche, O., and Schultze, W., Deutsche Geschichte, 135. Guttmann, J., Scholastik und Judentum, 408. Guyard, S., Civilisation musulmane, 374. Gwatkin, H., Arian controversy, 338; Arianism, 338; Knowledge of God, 338. Haag, O., Latinitat Fredegars, 360. Habel, E., Johannes de Garlandia, 449. Habershon, A., Miracles, 356. Hablitzel, J., Hrabanus Maurus, 371. Hack-wood, F., Christ-lore, 356. Haddan, A., and Stubbs, W., Councils, 364. Haddon, A., Wanderings of peoples, 111. Hadley, J., Roman law, 422. Hadrian IV, pope, 212, 214, 217. Habler, K., Geschichte Spaniens, 322; Hermandades, 321. Hanlein, T., Bekehrung der Germanen, 131. Hapke, R., Brugge, 256; Deutsche Kaufmann, 256. Hagenbach, K., Christian doctrines, 474 note. Hagendorn, B., Schiffstypen, 255. Hagenmeyer, H., Anonymi gesta Fran- corum, 210; Chronologie de la pre- miere croisade, 205; Ekkehardi Hie- rosolymita, 210; Foulcher of Char- tres, 210; Kreuzzugsbriefe, 210; Peter der Eremite, 209. Haggard, A., Louis XI, 279. Hahn, A., Bibliothek der Symbole, 179. Hahn, B., Die wirtschaftliche Tatigkeit der Juden, 859. Hahn, C., Ketzer, 402. Hahn, H., Bonifaz und Lul, 131; Jahr- biicher, 136; Missionen, 240. Hahn, L., Kaisertum, 506; Lateinische Sprache in Konstantinopel, 336. Halban-Blumenstock, A., Romisches Recht, 164. Halbe, M., Friedrich II, 219. Hale, E. and S., Spain, 319. Halke, H., Numismatik, 293 note. Hall, F., A companion to classical texts, 219. Hall, H., Bibliography, English eco- nomic history, 259 ; English docu- ments, 243 ; Formula book, 243 note. Hallam, H., State of Europe, 348. Hallays, A., Nancy, 168. Haller, J., Concilium Basiliense, 275; Heinrich VI, 218; Karolinger, 142; Papsttum, 270 ; Pragmatische Sank- tion von Bourges, 274; Quellen des Kirchenstaates, 143; Sturz Heinrichs des Lowen, 218. Halm, C., Rhetores latini, 451. Halm, O., Goldene Bulle, 291. Halphen, L., Annales royales, 143 ; Comte d'Anjou, 167; Cour d'Otto III. 172; Paris, 386; Rome, 141. Halphen, L., and Poupardin, R., Chroniques des comtes d'Anjou, 200. INDEX 511 Hamelin, P., Alcuin, 367. Hamlin, A., Architecture, 307; Orna- ment, 477. Hammer-Purgstall, J., Goldene Horde, 328; Literaturgeschichte der Araber, 378; Osmanisches Reich, 329. Hampe, K., Formelbiicher, 420; Fried- rich II, 219; Kaisergeschichte, 171; Konradin, 220; Stigmatisation, 230; Urban IV, 220. Hampe, T., Fahrende Leute, 257. Hampson, B., Medii aevi kalendarium 259. Handbook of learned societies, 208. Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, 562 ; der klassischen Altertumswis- senschaft, 330 note; der mittelalter- lichen und neueren Geschichte, 330. Handworterbuch der Staatswissen- schaften, I 1 6. Haneberg, D., Schulwesen der Muhame- daner, 378. Hannay, J. O., Monasticism, 118. Hanotaux, G., Jeanne d'Arc, 279. Hanseatic League, 247, 257, 258. Hanserecesse, 259. Hansische Geschichtsblatter, 259; Ge- schichtsquellen, 259. Hansisches Urkundenbuch, 259. Hanssen, J., Hexenwahn, 404 ; Zauber- wahn, 404. Hantos, E., Magna carta, 326. Hapsburgs, 286, 289, 291. Harding, S., Medieval and modern his- tory, 373. Hardt, H., Magnum Constantiense con- cilium, 275. Hardwick, C., Christian church, 432. Hardy, E., Guerre de cent ans, 280. Hardy, R., Eastern monasticism, 120. Hare, A., Paris, 387. Hare, C., Baldassare Castiglione, 308; Italian renaissance, 311; Louis XI, 279; Maximilian, 291; Queen of queens, 319. Harnack, A., Dogmengeschichte, 472 ; Monasticism, 118; Reden und Auf- satze, 498. Harnack, O., Beziehungen des frank- isch-italischen zum byzantinischen Reiche, 190 ; Karoli-ngische Reich, 142; Kurfiirstencollegium, 291. Haroun-al-Raschid, 139. Harris, M., Mediaeval Jews, 873. Harrison, F., Byzantine history, 115; Meaning 1 of history, 921 ; Paris, 386; Rome revisited, 345; Thirteenth cen- tury, 385. Hartley, C., Moorish cities, 375. Hartmann, C., Baukunst, 474. Hartmann, L., Byzantinische Verwal- tung, 115; Geschichte Italiens im Mittelalter, 611; Spatantiken Staate, 189. Hartmann, M., Islam, 148. Hartmeyer, H., Weinhandel, 257. Hartung, H., Italienische Gotik, 476. Hartung, J., Weltherrschaft, 461. Hartwig, O., Uebersetzungsliteratur, 399. Harvey, A., Castles, 262. Hasak, M., Bildhauerkunst, 477. Hase, K., Franz von Assisi, 230; Jungfrau von Orleans, 283. Hasenohrl, V., Siidostliche Marken, 220. Hashagen, J., Otto von Freising, 461. Haskins, C., Adelard of Bath, 427; Arabic science, 427; Canterbury monk, 189; England and Sicily, 197; Hugo; Sanctelliensis, 377; Life of mediaeval students, 439; List of text books, 398 ; Moses of Bergamo, 415; Norman institutions, 198; Nor- man jury, 164; Normans, 196; Pos- terior analytics, 398 ; Robert le Bougre, 401 ; University of Paris in sermons, 440 ; Vatican archives, 5. Haskins, C., and Lockwood, D., Sicil- ian translators, 398. Hassall, A., French people, 520; Hand- book, 75. Hassonville, comte, Saint Barnard, 394. Hasting, 151. Hastings, J., Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics, 105. Hatch, E., church institutions, 178; Greek ideas, 338. Hatzfeld, A., Saint Augustin, 342. Hauck, A., Kirchengeschichte Deutsch- lands, 461; Weltherrschaft, 462. Haudecoeur, A., Saint Remi, 361. Haupt, H., Literaturberichte iiber In- quisition, 404; Waldensertum, 403. Haurfiau, B., Charlemagne, 142 ; David de Dinan, 402 ; Hugues de St.-Vic- tor, 395; Jean de Garlande, 449; Langues anciennes, 412; Philosophie scolastique, 829; Primat, 449; Sin gularites historiques, 759. Haury, J., Procopius, 116. Hausrath, A., Abalard, 394; Arnold- isten, 227; Arnold von Brescia, 218. Haverfield, F., Rome and Ireland, 363. Havet, J., He>6sie, 402; Lettres de Gerbert,' 370; Questions mrovingi- ennes, 137; Recueil de travaux d'e>udition di'dii's a, 938. Havet, L., Classiques latins, 366; Prose me'trique, 419. Hawkwood, Sir John, 293, 298. 512 INDEX Haydn's Dictionary of dates, 70. Hayem, J., Mtaioires et documents, 255. Hayes, C., Germanic invasions, 112. Hazlitt, W., Venetian republic, 296. Headlam, 0., Chartres, 476; France, 521 ; Oxford, 443. Healey, J., City of God, 341. Healy, J., Insula sanctorum, 362 ; St. Patrick, 128. Heath, S., Pilgrim life, 238 ; Symbolism, 356. Hebert, M., Foi catholique, 239. Hebrew, study of, 411, 415, 416. Hecker, J., Black Death, 254; Epi- demics, 253. Heeren, A., Classische Literatur, 414. Heeren, A., and Ukert, F., Staaten- geschichte, 332. Heermann, O., Gefechtsfiihrung, 209. Hefele, C., Conciliengeschichte, 469 ; Ximenez, 321. Hefele, H., Bettelorden, 228. Hefner- Alteneck, J., Costumes, 1 94. Hegel, K., Stadte und Gilden, 252; Stadtewesen, 252. Hegira, 144. Heiberg, J., Griechische Grammatik Roger Bacons, 414; Renaissanee- tillob, 413; Syntaxis des Ptolemaios, 415. Heidelberg, university of, 439, 444. Heidelberger, F., Kreuzzugsversuche, 208. Heil, A., Otto und Ludwig IV, 167. Heil, B., Deutsche Stadte, 252; Kolo- nialstadte, 220. Heilprin, L., Historical reference book, 69. Heimbucher, M., Orden und Kongrega- tionen, 483; Papstwahlen, 177. Heimskringla saga, 152. Heinemann, F., Tell-Bibliographie, 292. Heinemann, L., Normannen, 199; Stadtverfassung, 217. Heinrich, A., Carmina burana, 449. Heitz, T., Philosophic et la foi, 395. Hell, J., Kultur der Araber, 374. Heller, A., Physik, 433. Heller, J., Deutschland und Frankreich, 289. Hellmann, S., Grafen von .Savoyen, 168; Gregor von Tours, 359. Hellwald, P., Kulturgeschichte, 733. Helmolt, H., Weltgeschichte, 315. Hemmer, H., and P. Lejay, Collections de textes, 955. Hemming, G., Festum stultorum, 236. Henckelum, M., Spiritualistische Stro- mungen, 321. Henderson, E., Germany in the middle ages, 575; Select documents, 387; Short history of Germany, 563. Henke, E., and Lindenkohl, G., Abe- lard's Sic et non, 395. Henne-am-Rhyn, O., Allgemeine Kultur- geschichte, 734; Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Volkes, 770 ; Kulturge- schichte des judischen Volkes, 854; Kulturgeschichte der Kreuzziige, 209; Rittertum, 261; Schweizervolk, 291. Henneberg, H., Albrecht I, 289. Henner, C., Ketzergericht, 403. Hennig, E., Papstlichen Zehnten, 274. Hennig, R., Verkehrgeschichte, 256. Henri d'Andeli, Battle of the seven arts, 413. Henrion, M., Missions catholiques, 240. Henriot, G., and La Monneraye, J., Societes d'histoire de Paris, 391. Henry I (the Fowler), 165, 168. Henry II, 170, 172, 174. Henry III, 170, 172, 174. Henry IV, 180-184. Henry V, 181, 183. Henry VI, 202, 206, 212, 213, 218. Henry VII, 286, 287, 289. Henry, A., De monarchia of Dante, 482. Henry, P., S. Francois, 229. Henry the Lion, 212, 215, 218. Henry the Navigator, 317, 318, 321. Heraclius, 185, 190. Heraldry, 284-291. Herbert, J., Illuminated manuscripts, 466. Herbst, E., Zug Karl's VIII, 284. Herculano, A., Portugal, 636. Heresies and the inquisition, 399404. Hergenrother, J., Anti-Janus, 446 note; Catholic church, 182; Kirchenge- schichte, 397 ; Kirchenrecht, 424 ; Photius, 177. Herkless, J., Francis and Dominic, 228. -Hermandades, 316, 321. Hermann, M., Theatergeschichte, 253. Hermanni, F., Rom, 297. Hermannson, H., Icelandic collection, 155. Heroes of the nations, 324. Herrad von Landsberg, Hortus deli- ciarum, 206. Herre, P., Deutsche Kultur, 776; Herr- schaft im Mittelmeer, 361 ; Quellen- kunde, 14. Herrmann, E., Hausmeieramt, 136. Herrmann, F., Geschichte des jiidischen Volkes, 853. Herrmann, P., Islam, 728. Herrmann, W., Alfons X, 320. INDEX 513 Hertling, F., Albertus Magnus, 408. Hertling, G., Augustin, 342 ; Wissen- schaftliche Richtungen, 407. Hertslet, W., Treppenwitz, 81. Hertzberg, G., Byzantiner, 652 ; Griech- enland, 658 ; Romisches Kaiserreich, 313 note. Hervas, J., Renacimiento, 308. Hervieu, H., Etats generaux, 246. Hervieux, A., Fabulistes latins, 790. Herzberg-Frankel, S., Landfrieden, 163. Herzfeld, M., Zeitalter der Renaissance, 314. Herzog, G., Sainte Vierge, 239. Herzog, J., Realencyklopadie, 112. Herzog (II), Waldenser, 403. Hesse, H., Franz von Assisi, 231. Hessel, A., Bologna, 443. Hesseling, D., Byzantium, 650. Hessels, J., Gutenberg fiction, 307. Hessling, E., Paris, 388. Hettner, H., Renaissance, 309. Heurtevant, R., Durand de Troarn, 383. Heusler, A., Deutsche Verfassungsge- schichte, 581 note. Heussi, K., Kirchengeschichte, 414. Heussi, K., and Mulert, H., Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte, 127. Hewett, W., University life, 440. Heyck, E., Deutsche Geschichte, 566; Florenz, 300; Genua, 299; Kreuz- ziige, 205. Heyd, W., Levantehandel, 255. Heydenreich, E., Genealogie, 272. Heyfelder, E., Renaissance, 308. Heywood, W., Little Flowers of St. Francis, 225. Hiatt, C., Notre Dame de Paris, 389. Hildebrand (pope Gregory VII), 180, 182. Hildebrand, A., Boethius, 343. Hill, D., Diplomacy, 338. Hill, G., Arabic numerals, 375. Hillard, K., Banquet of Dante, 481. Killer, B., Abalard, 394. Hime, H., Artillery, 263; Roger Bacon and gunpowder, 263. Hitnly, A., Formation territoriale, 140; Wala, 168. Hincmar, 173, 177. Hinneberg, P., Kultur der Gegenwart, 729. Hinojosa, E., Cataluna, 320. Hinschius, P., Decretales pseudo-Isidori- anae, 179; Kanonisches Recht, 424; Kirchenrecht, 462. Him, Y., Sacred shrine, 236. Hirsch, F., Eroffnung Asiens, 255. Hirsch R., Ludwig VII, 244. Hirsch, S., Jahrbucher, Heinrich II, 172. Hirsch, S. A., Early English Hebraists, 415; Essays, 415; Roger Bacon and philology, 413. Hirschau, monastery of, 222, 227. Hirth, F., and Rockhill, W., Chan Ju- Kua, 249. Hispaniae illustratae, 997 note. Histoire de France, edited by Lavisse, 508 ; de France racontee a tous, 508 note; de 1'Ordre de Fontevrault, 227; generale, edited by Lavisse and Ram- baud, 328 ; generale de Languedoc, 540; generale de Paris, 387; litte- raire de la France, 803. Historia general de la Espana, 622. Historic towns series, 251. Historiography, 457462 ; Mohamme- dan, 378; of the crusades, 205. Historische Vierteljahrschrift, 151; Zeitschrift, 150. Historisch - padagogischer Literaturbe- richt, 58, 182. Historisches Jahrbuch, 1 52 ; Literatur- blatt, 154. History for ready reference, 76 ; of all nations, 314. History teachers' magazine, 184. History [teachers' periodical], 185. Hitchcock, F., St. Patrick, 128. Hitti, P., Origins of Islamic state, 150. Hobhouse, W., Church and world, 405 note. Hodges, G., Early church, 338; Foun- tains abbey, 227. Hodgkin, T., Charles the Great, 140; Italy and her invaders, 345 ; Letters of Cassiodorus, 110; Theodoric, 110; Visigothic Spain, 110. Hodgson, F., Early history of Venice, 298 ; Venice in thirteenth and four- teenth centuries, 298. Hody, H., De bibliorum sacrorum texti- bus, 416. Honor, C., Hus, 274; Ruprecht, 291. Hohlbaum, K., Kurverein zu Rense, , 289. Hohne, E., Heinrich IV, 183. Hoeniger, R., Schwarze Tod, 254. Hoffbauer, T., Paris, 386. Hoffmann, M., Geldhandel der Juden, 860. Hofmann, M., Stellung Konigs yon Sizilien, 198. Hofmeister, A., Chronica of Otto of Freising, 460 ; Deutschland und Bur- gund, 168; Genealogie, 281; Otto von Freising, 460. 514 INDEX Hofmeister, G., Bernhard von Clair- vaux, 394. Hohenstaufen und popes, 211221. Holbrook, R., Portraits of Dante, 483. Holden, E., Renaissance of science, 427. Holder-Egger, O., Salimbene, 460; Vita Karoli, 143. Holland, A., Germany, 564. Holland, F., Intellectual liberty, 747. Holland, T., Oxford, 443. Hollings, M., Renaissance and reforma- tion, 309. Hollway-Calthrop, H., Petrarch, 306. Holm, A., Liibeck, 257. Holme, L., Extinction of churches in Africa, 343. Holmes, T., Church in Gaul, 130. Holmes, W., Justinian and Theodora, 114. Holsten, L.. Codex regularum monasti- carum, 964. Holtzendorff, F., Enzyklopadie der Rechtswissenschaft, 424. Holtzmann, R., Franzosische Verfas- sungsgeschichte, 533 ; Wilhelm von Nogaret, 245. Holy Roman empire, 499-507, 170, 171. Holzapfel, H., Franziskanerorden, 228. Holzhey, C., Inspiration der heiligen Schrift, 407. Home university library, 946. Honorius III, 214, 219. Hoops, J., Reallexicon, 587. Hopf, K., Chroniques Greco-Romanes, 330; Geschichte Griechenlands, 659. Hore, A., Greek church, 190. Horsburgh, E., Lorenzo, 300; Savona- rola, 300. Horten, M., Glauben und Wissen im Islam, 379; Hauptlehren des Aver- roes, 379; Metaphysik Avicennas, 376. Hortis, A., Boccaccio, 310. Hortus deliciarum, 206. Hortzschansky, A., Bibliographie des Bibliothekswesens, 470 ; Bouvines, 245. Hosmer, J., Jews, 851. Hospitallers, 202, 208. Hospitals, 427, 435; in Paris, 389. Hotel Dieu in Paris, 386, 389. Houdas, O., and Marcais, W., Tradi- tions islamiques, 149. Houtsma, M., Encyclopaedia of Islam, 120: Seljoukides, 191. Hovgaard, "W., Norsemen, 154. Howard, G., Schism, 177. Howard-Flanders, W., Balkania, 706 note. Howe, S., European history, 374. Howell, A., De vulgar! eloquentia . of Dante, 482 ; Franciscan days, 225 ; Lives of St. Francis, 225. Howell, A., and Wicksteed, P., Latin works of Dante, 482. Rowland, A., Local interdict, 235. Howorth, H., Augustine, 130; Danes and Franks, 153 ; Golden days of English church, 130; Mongols, 328; Northern frontages of China, 328 ; St. Gregory the Great, 123. Huart, C., Arabes, 147; Litterature arabe, 378. Hubatsch, O., "Vagantenlieder, 450. Huber, A., Geschichte Oesterreiehs, 589 ; Oesterreichische Reichgeschichte, 593 ; Waldstatte, 291. Huberti, L., Gottesfrieden, 163. Huddleston, G., Gregory the Great, 124. Huddy, E., Matilda, 184. Hudson, W., Renaissance, 305. Hiibler, B., Kirchenrechtsquellen, 52 ; Kirchliche Rechtsquellen, 425; Kon- stanzer Reformation, 273. Hiibner, J., Genealogische Tabellen, 274. Hueffer, F., Troubadours, 456. Hiiffer, G., Bernhard von Clairvaux, 394. Huemer, A., Zahlensystem, 378. Huemer, J., Registrum of Hugo of Trimberg, 416. Hiirbin, J., Schweizergeschichte, 290. Hiittebrauker, O., Minoritenorden, 272. Hug, L., and Stead, R., Switzerland, 288. Hugh Capet, 166-168. Hughes, A., Dialogus, 436. Hughes, T., Dictionary of Islam, 120 note. Hugo of St. Victor, 392, 395. Hugo of Trimberg, Registrum, 416. Hugo, V., Notre Dame de Paris, 387. Hugonin, Mgr., St. Victor de Paris, 395. Huguenin, A., Stiger, 244. Huillard-Breholles, J., Historia diplo- matica Friderici Secundi, 215; Pierre de la Vigne, 219. Huillier, A. 1', Regie de S. Benoit, 120. Huisman, G., Municipality Parisienne, 390. Huit, C., Philosophie de la nature, 399. Hull, E., Northmen, 153. Hulme, E., Renaissance, 309. Hulme, F., Symbolism, 356. Humanism, 303, 306, 309, 312. INDEX 515 Humann, G., Handschriftenornainentik, 475; Karolingische Baukunst, 367. Hume, M., Spanish people, 631.. Humiliati, 222, 227. Humphrey, E., Politics and religion, 342. Humphreys, H., Illuminated books, 467. Hundred Years' War, 276-284. Hungarian raids, 157, 159. Hungary, 704-705, 1006, 324, 326, 329. Hungerford, E., Arab learning, 374. Huns, 108, 112. Hunt, J., Literature of theology, 50 note. Hunt, W., English church, 128. Huntington, E., Civilization, 107; Pulse of Asia, 158. Hunyadi, John, 324. Hurd, Letters of chivalry, 263. Hurgronje, C., Mohammedanism, 146. Hurst, J., Christian church, 415. Hurter, F., Innocenz III, 218; Institu- tions de rfglise, 239. Hurter, H., Nome'nclator litterarius theologiae, 5 1 . Husik, I., Jewish philosophy, 866 note. Huss, John, 268, 269, 273, 275; De ecclesia, 270; Opera omnia, 275. Hussite wars, 268, 274. Hutchinson, L., Oriental trade, 248. Huttmann, M., Establishment of Chris- tianity, 338. Hutton, E., Attila, 112; Boccaccio, 310; Cities of Lombardy, 218; Cities of Umbria, 230; Siena, 302; Sigis- mundo Pandolfo, 302. Hutton, W., Church and barbarians, 176; Constantinople, 661; Influence of Christianity, 130 ; Philip Augus- tus, 243. Huyskens, A., Karl .der Grosse, 142. Hyett, F., Florence, 300. Hymns, Latin, 446, 450, 451-452. Ibarra y Rodriguez, E., Colecci6n de documentos, 999 note. Iceland, 728. Iconoclastic controversy, 173, 177, 185. Iconography, Christian, 353, 354, 356, 474. Ideler, L., Chronologic, 253. lie de France, 241, 243. Ilgen, T., Sphragistik, 247. Illustrations from manuscripts of H. Y. Thompson, 467. Imbart de la Tour, H., LibertS com- merciale, 255. Imbart de la Tour, P., Elections e'pisco- pales, 237; Idees sociales, 461; Im- munites commerciales, 178; Origines religieuses de la France, 179. Imbault-Huart, C., Recueil de docu- ments sur 1'Asie centrale, 331. Inama - Sternegg, K., Wirtschaftsge- schichte, 250. Indulgences, 433. Industries, 247, 258. Inge, W., Mysticism, 409. Innocent III, 202, 206, 212, 214, 215, 218. Innocent IV, 213, 214, 219. Inquisition, 318, 400, 403, 404. Institutions, early medieval, 159164. Insurrections, popular, 247, "251. Interdict, 175, 176, 234, 235. Internationale Bibliographie der Kunst- wissenschaft, 478 ; Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur, 10, II, 87. Investiture strife, 179-184. lorga, N., Croisades au XV e siecle, 208. Ireland, Christianity in, 126; learning in, 361-364; schools of, 759 note. Irene, empress of Constantinople, 139. Irnerius, 421, 424, 425; Formularius tabellionum, 420 ; Quaestiones, 425 ; Summa codicis, 425. Isabella of Castile, 316, 317, 319, 322. Isidore of Seville, 349-352; Etymo- logiae, 352; Geschichte der Goten, 112. Islam, 144-150. Islamic culture, 373-379. Islandica, 155. Israel, W., Robert von Neapel, 301. Istituto storico italiano, 905, 162, 990, 993. Italia sacra, 464. Italy, 37-41, 464-466, 599-621, 808- 811, 905-906, 988-944; Mohamme- dans in, 145, 146, 149; early king- dom of, 166-168; and the Byzan- tine empire, 188-189; and the Nor- mans, 195, 197, 199; cities in, 253; commerce in, 256; in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, 293-303. Ivo of Chartres, 380, 381, 421. Jack, A., Life insurance, 253. Jackson, F., Condottieri, 298. Jackson, S., Jerusalem the golden, 451. Jackson, T., Bzyantine architecture, 472 ; Gothic architecture, 472. Jackson, W., Dante's Convivio, 481. Jacob, G., Handel der Araber, 149. Jacob, K., Benedikt XII, 271. Jacob, K., Quellenkunde, 34. Jacob, L., Bourgogne, 168. Jacob van Artevelde, 276, 281. 516 INDEX Jacobs, W., Gerold von Jerusalem, 207. Jacquerie, 247, 277, 281. Jacques de Vitry, Exempla, 451. Jager, O., Deutsche Geschichte, 567. Ja'hns, M., Kriegswesen, 262 ; Kriegs- wissenschaften, 262. Jaffe', P., Bibliotheca rerum Germani- carum, 983 ; Regesta pontificum Ro- manorum, 956. Jaflfe, S., Vaganten, 449. Jahn, A., Burgundionen, 112. Jahncke, R., Guilelmus Neubrigensis, 460. Jahrbuch fur Schweizergeschichte, 290. JahrbiicheV der deutschen Geschichte, 570; fiir Nationalokonomie, 259. Jahresbericht der germanischen Philolo- gie, 307 note. Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissen- schaft, 13. Jaillot, Recherches de Paris, 387. James I of Aragon, 315, 317-319. James, G., Joan of Arc, 279. James, H., Consolations of philosophy, 341. James, K., Perugia, 302. James, M. B., Catalogue of the library at York, 469 ; Libraries of Canter- bury and Dover, 469. James, M. R., Abbev of S. Edmund, 468 ; Catalogue of manuscripts of J. P. Morgan, 467 : De nugis by Map, 451 ; Greek-Latin lexicon, 414. James, W., Religious experiences, 354. Jameson, A., Legends, 487. Jamison, E., Norman administration, 198. Janauschek, L., Bibliographia Ber- nardina, 395 ; Origines Cistercienses, 227. Jane, L., Chronicle of Jocelin of Brake- londe, 226. Janet, P., Science politique, 459. Janitschek. H., Renaissance, 309. Jansen, M., and Schmitz-Kallenberg, L., Historiographie, 33. Janssen, J.. German people, 171. Janssens, de, Etienne de Cloves, 207. Jardet, P., Saint Odilon, 178. Jarrett, B., Mediaeval socialism, 461 ; Revision committee of the bible, 413. Jarry, E., Domination franchise & GSnes, 299. Jarry, L., Louis de France, 282 ; Siege d'Orlans, 283. Jastrow, I., and Winter, G., Hohen- staufen, 216. Jastrow, J., Handbuch zu Literaturbe- richten, 147. Jaulmes, A., Satanisme, 355. Jaurgain, J., Vasconie, 320. Jean de Jandun, Kloges de Paris, 387. Jean de Troyes, Scandalous chronicle, 279. Jeanrov, A., Poe'sie lyrique, 456. Jebb, R., Humanism, 306. Jebb, S., Opus majus of Bacon, 436. Jenghiz Khan, 323, 326, 328. Jenkinson, P., Hisperica famina, 364. Jenkinson, H., Palaeography, 242 note. Jenks, E., Law and politics, 164. Jerome of Prague, 268, 270. Jerome, Saint, 117, 333, 335, 336. Jerrold, M., Francesco Petrarca, 306. Jerusalem, kings of, 1099-1284, 203; Latin kingdom of, 201, 205. Jervis, W., France, 524. Jessopp, A., Coming of the friars, 922 ; Great pillage, 237 ; Studies by a re- cluse, 923. Jewett, S., God's troubadour, 229; Normans, 152. Jewish encyclopaedia, 119. Jewries, medieval, 869-872. Jews, 62, 119, 850-884. 1013; and Mohammedan culture, 373, 375, 376; in Paris, 386, 390; in Spain, 317, 321. Jirecek, K., Bulgaren, 713; Serben, 714; Serbien, 329: Ragusa, 255; Romanen in die Stadten Dalmatiens, 707. Joachim of Flora, 406, 409. Joan of Arc, 277, 279, 282, 285. Jocelin of Brakelonde. Chronicle, 226. Jorgensen, E., Biblioth^ques danoises, 468. Jorgensen, J., Franciscan Italy, 230; Pelerinages franciscains, 238; St. Francis, 224. John Garland. 411. John of Salisbury, .410, 412, 414, 416, , 458, 462: Opera omnia, 416; Poli- craticus, 416. John the Deacon, Vita Gregorii, 125. Johnson, A., Drapers of London, 253 ; Normans, 153. Johnson, C., and Jenkinson, H., Eng- lish court hand, 242. Johnson, H., Divine comedy, 481. Johnston, H., Latin manuscripts, 2 1 2 note. Johnston, K., Historical geography, 139 note. Johnstone, P., Muhammad, 148. .lulu villi'. 458; Crusade of St. Lewis, 204. Jollv, Philippe le Bel, 245. Joly, H., Psychology of saints, 356. Jonas, Life of Columban, 128. INDEX 517 Jones, R., Mystical religion, 409. Jones, W., Latin chroniclers, 459. Jonquidre, A., Empire Ottoman, 330. Jordan, E., Domination Angevine, 301. Jordan, H., Topographic, Rom, 346. Jordan, L., Arabische Zahlzeichen, 378. Jordanes, Origin of the Goths, 110. Jorga, N., Civilisation roumaine, 158; Geschichte des rumanischen Volkes, 708; Lateinische Westen, 189; Moyen age, 107; Osmanisches Reich, 329. Joubert, A., Invasions anglaises, 280. Jourdain, A., Traductions d'Aristote, 399. Jourdain, C., Amaury de Chartres, 402 ; Aristote et la decouverte du nouveau- monde, 399; College oriental, 413; Excursions historiques, 924; Philoso- phie naturelle, 429; Roger Bacon, 432; Thomas d'Aquin, 462; Univer- s\t6 de Paris, 441. Journal of Royal Asiatic society, 330. Joyce, P., Irish civilization, 362 ; social history of Ireland, 362. Judson, W., Hroswitha, 370. Julian, J., Hymnology, 450. Julian, the Apostate, 334, 338. Jullian, C., Ausone, 337: Pustel de Coulanges, Institutions, 137. Jundt, A., Walafrid Strabon, 372. Jungfer, E., Papstwahl, 236. Junghandel, M., Baukunst Spaniens, 378. Juritsch, G., Otto I von Bamberg, 221. Jusserand, J., Sports, 264; Wayfaring life, 238. Justinian, 113-116. Kammel, O., Deutsche Geschichte, 568 : Rom, 348: Werdegang des deutschen Volkes, 568 note. Kahn, L., Juifs a Paris, 390. Kaiser, E., Abelard, 394. Kaiserurkunden in Abbildungen, 249. Kalbfuss, H., Bologneser Ars dictandi, 420. Hampers, F., Alexander der Grosse, 461; Dantes Kaisertraum, 482; Kaiseridee, 461 ; Karl der Grosse, 140. Kanitz, F., Serbien, 715. Karst, A., Manfred, 219. Kaser, K., Maximilian I, 291. Kaufmann, G., Deutsche Geschichte, 135; Deutsche Universitaten, 444; Rhetorenschulen, 337. Kaufmann, K., Christliche Archaologie, 302. Kaulen, F., Vulgata, 416. Kayserling, M., Juden in Spanien, 321. Keary, C., Coinages, 298 ; Vikings, 152. Kehr, K., Urkunden der normannisch- sizilischen Konige, 200. Kehr, P., Geschichte Ottos III, 172; Regesta pontificum Romanorum, 958. Keicher, O., Roger Baco, 432. Keil, H., Grammatici latini, 352. Kelle, J., Deutsche Literatur, 807. Kellett, F., Gregory the Great, 124. Kellner, K., Heortologie, 258. Kelsen, H., Staatslehre des Dante, 482. Kelsey, F., Latin and Greek, 412. Kemmerich, M., Portratplastik, 477 ; Portrats deutscher Kaiser, 507 note. Kemp-Welch, A., Tumbler of t>ur Lady, 454. Kempf, J., Grosses Interregnum, 220. Kennedy, H., Latin versions of Bible, 416. Kenyon, F., Biblical manuscripts, 467. Keppler, J., Konstanz, 273. Ker, W., Dark ages, 365; Medieval lit- erature, 793. Kerler, D., Patronate, 239. Kern, F., Acta imperil, 292 ; Franzo- sische Ausdehnungspolitik, 245 ; Ge- schichtschreiber, 460 ; Humana civi- litas, 482. Kerner, R., Bibliography of Slavic Eu- rope, 46 note. Kervvn de Lettenhove, baron, Attentat d'Anagni, 271 ; Flandre, 281 ;' Jacques d'Artevelde, 281. Ketrzynski, W., Deutschen Orden, 221. Ketterer, J., Karl der Grosse, 141. Keussen, H., Koln, 252. Keutgen, F., Hanse, 257; Study of modern nations, 106. Khuda Buksh, S., Islamic libraries, 375. Kiener, F., Provence, 169. Kiepert, H., and Huelson, C., Formae urbis Romae, 347. Kiesselbach, A., Hanse, 257. Kilgenstein, J., Hugo von Saint-Victor, 395. Killermann, S., Vogelkunde des Al- bertus, 430. King, W., Three free cities, 252. King's mirror, 327, 331. Kingslev, C., Hermits, 119; Roman and Teuton, 110. Kington, T., Frederick II, 215. Kirch, C., Enchiridion, 384 note. Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandl u n g e n, 490; Studien, 492. Kirchenlexikon der katholischen The- ologie, I 1 3. Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen, 49 1 . 518 INDEX Kirchhoff, A., Handschriftenhandler, 466. Kirchner, E., Das Papier, 466. Kirk, J., Charles the Bold, 284. Kirkpatrick, J., Octocentenary festival of the university of Bologna, 442. Kirsch, J., Annaten, 274; Riikkehr der Papste, 272; Saints, 356. Kitchin, G., France, 514. Kitts, E., Days of the councils, 273 ; Pope John XXII, 269. Klaic, V., Geschichte Bosniens, 716 note. Klaszko, J., Rome and the renaissance, 311. Kleemann, G., Papst Gregor VIII, 217. Klein, V., Italiens historie, 62 I . Kleinclausz, A., Dijon, 168 ; L'empire carolingien, 141. Kleinpaul, R., Das Mittelalter, 189. Klette, T., Italienischen Gelehrten- renaissance, 311. Klopp, O., Politische Geschichte, 334. Kluchevsky, V., Russia, 681. Kluckholm, A., Gottesfriede, 163. Kliipfel, L., Alfonso III, 320 ; Aragon, 320. Knackfuss, H., and Zimmermann, M., Kunstgeschichte, 473. Knapp, F., Piero di Medici, 300. Knatchbull-Hugessen, C., Hungarian nation, 326. Kneer, A., Konziliare Theorie, 272. Knights of the Sword, 213, 221. Knopfler, A., Kirchengeschichte, 408. Knox, W., Court of a saint, 245. Kniill, B., Historische Geographic, 145. Kobell, L., Kunstvolle Miniaturen, 467. Koch, A., Hermann von Salza, 221. Koch, H., Bonifatius, 364; Pseudo- Dionysius, 357. Koch, T., Catalogue of the Dante col- lection, 483 ; Danteiana, 483. Koebner, R., Venantius Fortunatus, 360. Kohler, C., Friedrich II, 219. Kohler, G., Kriegswesen, 262. Kohler, H., Ketzerpolitik, 404. Konig, E., Orsini, 273. Koeniger, A., Die Beicht, 239. Kopke, R., and Diimmler, E., Jahr- biicher, Otto der Grosse, 172. Korting, G., Boccaccio's Leben, 310; Enzyklopadie der romanischen Philol- ogie, 304 ; Handbuch der roman- ischen Philologie, 304 ; Petrarca's Leben, 310; Renaissance-literatur, 309; Worterbuch, 455. Kotzschke, R., Ostdeutsche Kolonisation, 220; Quellen der historischen Geogra- phic, 1 42 ; Quellen der ostdeutschen Kolonisation, 216; Wirthschaftsge- schichte, 250. Kolde, T., Staatsideal, 342. Konen, W., Heidenpredigt, 131. Konversations-Lexicon, 101-102. Koran, 144, 147, 148. Korrespondenzblatt, 1 55. Kostanecki, A., Kreditwesen, 254. Kotelmann, L., Gesundheitspflege, 435. Kounik, Tatars en Russie, 328. Kovalewsky, M., Oekonomische Ent- wickelung, 250. Krabbes, T., Die Frau, 263. Krabbo, H., Besetzung der Bistiimer, 237. Kracauer, I., Frankfurter Juden, 252; Urkundenbuch, Juden, 252. Krafft, A., Serments de Strasbourg, 167. Kralik, R., Oesterreichische Geschichte, 591. Krammer, M., Kurfiirstenkolleg, 291. Kraus, F., Christliche Kunst, 473; Dante, 482 ; Lehrbuch der Kirchen- geschichte, 4 1 0. Kraus, V., Deutsche Geschichte, 288. Krause, J., Die 1 Byzantiner, 654; Kon- stantinopel, 330. Kraussold, M., Heinrich VII, 289. Krebs, E., Meister Dietrich, 432 ; The- ologie und Wissenschaft, 407. Krehbiel, E., Interdict, 176. Krek, G., Slavische Literaturgeschichte, 814 note. Kremer, A., Europa und Orient, 209 ; Ideen des Islams, 376; Islamic civ- ilization, 375 ; Kulturgeschichte des Orients, 375. Kretschmayr, H., Venedig, 298. Kretschmer, K., Erdkunde, 434; His- torische Geographic, 141. Krey, A., John of Salisbury, 412. Krieg, J., Kampf der Bischofe, 237. Kritischer Jahresbericht, 305 note. Kroeger, A., Guide to reference books, 63. Kroll, M., Immunity 163. Kroener, A., Wahl und Kronung, 172. Krones, F., Geschichte Oesterreichs, 588; Grundriss der osterreichischen Geschichte, 588 note ; Oesterreichische Geschichte, 588 note. Kriiger, G., Papsttum, 452 ; Sammlung ausgewahlter Quellenschriften, 955 note. Kriiger, P., Quellen des romischen Rechts, 423. Krumbacher, K., Byzantinische Litera- tur, 800 ; Byzantinische Zeitschrift, INDEX 519 174; Griechische Literatur, 336; Populare Aufsatze, 675. Krusch, B., Bonnet's Untersuchungen, 360; Sprache Fredegars, 360. Kiich, F., Landfriedensbestrebungen, 163. Kiihn, F., Cola di Rienzo, 297. Kiihne, A., Herrscherideal, 217. Kiihne, E., Antiochia, 200. Kiilb, P., Missionsreisen, 240. Kiinstlermonographien, 314. Kiirschner, J., Literaturkalender, 95 note. Kugler, B., Albert von Aachen, 209; Analekten, 206; Boemund und Tank- red, 200; Kreuzzuge, 205. Kuhlman, B., Bonifatius, 130. Kuhn, A., Roma, 347. Kuhn, L., Petrus Damiani, 382. Kuhns, O., Poets of Italy, 309; Saint Francis, 229. Kultur der Gegenwart, 729. Kulturgeschichtliche Bibliothek, 730. Kunstmann, F., Rhabanus Maurus, 371. Kupelwieser, L., Kampfe Ungarns mit den Osmanen, 329. Kurth, F., Niederdeutsche Kreuzfahrer, 321. Kurth, G., Boniface, 128; Civilisation moderne, 752; Clovis, 135; Gregoire de Tours, 360; Histoire poetique, 360; Moyen age, 107; Notger de Liege, 179; Sainte Clotilde, 361. Kurtz, J., Church history, 407. Kurze, F., Einhard, 367; Karolingische Annalen, 143. Kutschera, H., Chasaren, 158. Kybal, V., Franz von Assisi, 228. Kylie, E., Boniface, 131; Letters of Boniface, 129. Labanca, B., Marsilio da Padova, 290. Labarte, J., Handbook of arts, 207; Histoire des arts, 207. Labitte, A., L'art de 1'enluminure, 466. Laborde, L., Ecoles de droit, 190. Labriolle, P., Ausone et Paulin de Nola, 337. Labutte, A., Dues de Normandie, 198. Lacabane, L., Poudre a canon, 263. Lachauvelaye, J., Guerres des Frangais, 280. Lacordaire, H., Saint Dominique, 232. Lacroix, P., Arts, 188; Chevalerie, 263; Costumes, 192; Manners, customs and dress, 1 88 ; Military and reli- gious life, 188; Science and litera- ture, 188. Lacroix, P., and Se>6, F., Le moyen &ge, 188. La Curne de Sainte-Palaye, Chevalerie, 263. Lafont, G., Nationalite francaise, 137. Lafontaine, A., Gerson, 273. Laforet, J., Alcuin, 367. Laforge, F., Alexander III, 217. La France Franciscaine, 231. Lafuente, M., Historia de Espana, 623. La Fuente, V. de, Historia ecclesiastica de Espana, 467 note; Universidades en Espana, 444. Lagarde, A., Latin church, 43 1 . La grande encyclopedic, 98. Lagreze, G., Normands, 154. Lahargou, P., De scholis Lerinensi, 360. Laing, S., Heimskringla, 152. Lake, K., Mount Athos, 120. Lalande, A., Physique, 433. Lalanne, J., P&res de 1'eglise, 338. Lallemand, L., Charite, 239; Lepre, 436. Lamborn, E., Oxford stone, 443. Lamond, E., "Walter of Henley's Hus- bandry, 258. Lamperez, V., Arquitectura cristiana, 475. Lamprecht, K., Deutsche Geschichte, ' 561; Wirtschaftsleben, 250. Lanciani, R., Ancient Rome, 346; De- struction of ancient Rome, 346 ; Forma urbis Romae, 347 ; Golden days of the renaissance in Rome, 311; L'itineraria di Einsiedeln, 346; Pagan and Christian Rome, 346; Roman Campagna, 346. Landau, M., Boccaccio, 310 ; Holle, 355. Landon, E., Manual of councils, 470. Lane, E., Arabian society, 376; Kuran, 147. Lane, W., Dante collections, 483. Lanery d'Arc, P., Livre d'or de Jeanne d'Arc, 282. Lanfranc, 380, 382. Lang, A., Aucassin et Nicolette, 454 ; Maid of France, 279; Oxford, 443. Lange, C., Diplomatarium Norvegicum, 1009. Langebek, J., Scriptores rerum Dani- carum medii aevi, 1007. Langen, J., Geschichte der romischen Kirche, 427; Roger Baco, 431; R6- mische Kirche, 216. Langenberg, R., Mystik, 409. Langeron, E., Gregoire VII, 183. Langlois, C. R., Vie en France, 264. Langlois, C. V., Connaissance de la nature, 427; Eloquence sacrSe, 450; England and France, 539 ; Etat des 520 INDEX inventaires des Archives nationales, 4 note; Formulaires de lettres, 418; Historic r61e of France, 643; His- toriographie, 459; Inquisition, 401; Lectures historiques, 358 ; Litte'rature goliardique, 449; Maftre Bernard, 419; Manuel de bibliographie his- torique, 12; Nogaret, 271; Parle- ment de Paris, 246; Philippe III, 245; Pierre Dubois, 211; Questions d'histoire et d'enseignement, 925; Saint Louis, 245; Sermons parisiens, 450 ; Service militaire, 262 ; Societ* franchise, 454 ; Travaux sur la so- ci6t6 franchise, 264; Universit6s, 439; Vie en France, 454. Langlois, C. V., and Seignobos, C., In- troduction aux Etudes historiques, 65. Langlois, C. V., and Stein, H., Les ar- chives, 25. Langlois, E., Noms propres dans les chansons, 456 ; Roman de la rose, 456. Language and literature, Latin, 445 452. Language, study of, 304-309, 410-416. Languedoc, 540. Lansdale, M., Paris, 387. Lanson, G., Litte>ature franchise, 454. Lanzani, F., Comuni italiani, 217; I comuni, 620. Lap6tre, A., L'Europe et la Saint-Siege, 177. Largent, A., Saint Je>6me, 337. La Rive, M., Confederation suisse, 290. I/armSe a travers les ages, 262. Lamed, J., History for ready reference, 76. La Ronciere, C., Marine franchise, 546. Larousse Grand dictionnaire, 99. Larson, L., Canute the Great, 152; Household of Norwegian kings, 327 ; King's mirror, 331. L'arte, 478. Lasch, B., Historische Kritik, 461. La Serviere, J., Charlemagne, 141. Lasswitz, K., Atomistik, 433. Lastevrie, R., Architecture religieuse, 475; Cartulaire gendrale de Paris, 390; Sculpture franchise, 477. Lastevrie, R., and Vidier, A., Bibliogra- phie: socieles savantes, 26. La storia d'ltalia, 994. Lateran, 345, 348. Latham, C., Eleven letters of Dante, 482. Latin Christendom, expansion of, 125 131 ; church in middle ages, 424- 429; classical authors in the middle ages, 414; empire of Constantinople, 202, 206; kingdom of Jerusalem, 201, 205 ; language and literature, 333, 335, 336, 445-452; palaeogra- phy, 212-237; West in sixth cen- tury, 107-112. Latin, medieval, 445-452; Merovingian, 358, 360. Latins in the Levant, 324, 326, 329. Latouche, R., comte du Maine, 167. La Trappe, 222, 227. Lattes. E.. Banche a Venezia, 299. Lau, H., Missionsweise, 131. Lauchert, F., Physiologus, 350. Laue, F., Krankenbehandlung, 435. Lauer, P., Lateran, 348 : Louis IV, 167; Robert I er , 167; Tapisserie de Bayeux, 199. Lauer, P., and Samaran, C., Diplfimes des Merovingiens, 138. Launoy, L., L'eglise Gaulois, 120. Laurent, P., Barbares et le catholicisme, 339. Laurentie, J., Ferdinand III, 320. Laurie, S., Universities, 439. Lauriel, P., Bibliografia : Vespro Sicili- ano, 303. Laurin, F., Corpus iuris canonic!, 424. Lavallee, T., Histoire des frangais, 513: Turquie, 330. Lavisse, E., Charles V, 282 ; Decadence meVovingienne, 358 ; Foi des Francs, 358; General view of political his- torv, 328 note; Histoire de France, 508 ; L'entree de la papautfi, 123 ; Saint-Empire, 141. Lavisse, E., and Rambaud, A., Histoire generale, 328. Lavoix, H., Musique au siecle de Saint Louis, 477. Law, bibliography of, 60: canon, 421 425; Germanic, 159, 161, 163; peri- odical for history of, 1 83 ; Roman, 113, 159, 161, 164, 420-425. Law, A., Medieval shipping, 248; Nou- veaux-riches, 248. Lawrence, W., Mediaeval storv, 794. Lazard, L., Etienne Marcel, 281 ; Juifs, 246. Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, prince, Ser- vian people, 329. Lazarus, P., Easier Konzil, 274. Lea, H., Auricular confession, 434 ; In- quisition of middle ages, 401; Inqui- sition of Spain, 318; Moriscoes, 318; Papal Penitentiary, 238 ; Sacerdotal celibacy, 179, 435; Studies, 436: Superstition and force, 161; Usury, 248. Leach, A., Educational charters, 849 : Education in England, 848. INDEX 521 Le Beau, C., Histoire du Bas-Empire, 655. Leber, C., Dissertations, 545. Lebeuf, abbe, Ville de Paris, 387. Le Blanc, H., Lettres profanes, 351. Le Blant, E., Inscriptions chretiennes de la Gaule, 361. Le Bon, G., Civilisation des Arabes, 374. Le Brun, A., Saint-Julien le Pauvre, 389. Lechfeld, 169, 172. Lechler, G., Hus, 273 ; Kirchenstaat, 290. Lechner, J., Regesten, Karolingern, 169. Lechner, K., Grosse Geisselfahrt, 254; Grosse Sterben, 253. Lechner, P., Benedict, 120. Lecky, W., European morals, 753; Rise of rationalism, 741. Leclerc, L., Medecine arabe, 377. Leclercq, H., L'Afrique, 120; L'Afrique chretienne, 343; L'Espagne, 112; Manuel d'archeologie chretienne, 301. Leclere, A., Mysticisme, 409. Leclere, L., Philippe III, 245. Lecoy de la Marche, A., Anecdotes his- toriques, 451; Chaire frangaise, 450; Foundation de la France, 136; L'art d'enluminer, 467; L'esprit de nos ai6ux, 447 ; Manuscrits, 467 ; Oeuvres completes de Suger, 246 ; Predication de la croisade, 208 ; St. Louis, 245; Saint Martin, 120. Lector, L., Le conclave, 453 note. Lee, G., Hincmar, 177. Lee, V., see Paget, V. Lees, B., Central period, 379. Lefebvre, F., Bruno, 227. Lefevre, A., Germains et Slaves, 158. Lefevre, G., Guillanme de Champeaux, 395. Lefevre-Pontalis, E., Cathedrales de Chartres, 476; L'architecture reli- gieuse, 476. Lefranc, A., College de France, 412. Legates of the popes, 233, 237. Legend of the year 1000, 170, 171, 369, 370, 475. Leger, L., Cyrille, 158 ; Etudes slaves, 157; History of Austro-Hungary, 590; Monde slave, 157; Mythologie slave, 157; Serbes, 706 note. Legge, F., Forerunners of Christianity, 337. Legrand, E., Bibliographic Hellenique, 311. Lehmann, A., Aberglaube, 430. Lehmann, E., Mysticism, 409. Lehmann, P., Johannes Sichardus, 468 ; Literaturgeschichte, 449; Vom Mit- telalter, 106. Lehugeur, P., Philippe le Long, 246. Leist, F., Urkundenlehre, 241. Leitschuh, F., Karolingische Malerei, 367. Lelewel, J., Geographic, 257. Lelong, J., Bibliotheque historique, 27. Lembke, F., Spanien, 626. Lemcke, G., Richard von Cornwall, 220. Lemcke, H., Reisen des Marco Polo, 249. Lemmens, L., Bonaventura, 409 ; Docu- menta antiqua Franciscana, 232. Le Monnier, L., St. Francois, 229. Le moyen age, revue d'histoire, 165. Le musee des enluminures, 467. Le Nain de Tillemont, L., Meinoires, 119; Saint Louis, 245. Lenel, W., Venedig, 299. Lenfant, J., Concile de Basle, 274; Con- cile de Constance, 273 ; Concile de Pise, 273. Lenoif, A., Statistique monumentale de Paris, 388. Leo I, pope, 108. Leo III, emperor, 185, 190. Leo III, pope, 139. Leo IX, pope, 173-175. Leonardo da Vinci, 305; 314; Thoughts on art, 314. Leonhardt, W., Kreuzzugsplan Hein- richs VI, 206. Leprosy, 435. Lepszy, L., Cracow, 694 note. L6roux, A., Allemagne et la France, 281; France et 1'empire, 538; Nou- velles recherches, France avec 1'Alle- magne, 282. Le Roux de Lincy, A., and Tisserand, L., Paris, 387. Leroy-Beaulieu, A., Empire of the tsars, 688. ; :..-j Lersch, B., Einleitung in die Chronolo- gie, 254 note. .-.i Les grandes chroniques de France, 974. Lcsne, E., Propri6t6 ecclesiastique, 163. Lespinasse, K., and Bennardot, F., Rglemens d'Etienne Boileau, 258. Lesser, E., Aussatzhauser, 436. < Le Strange, G., Palestine, 210. Lethaby, W., Mediaeval art, 471 ; West- minster abbey, 475. Letters, model, 417, 418, 420. Levant, Latins in, 324, 326, 329. Levant trade, 247, 255. Levasseur, E., Classes ouvrieres, 250 ; Commerce de la France, 255; Popu- lation franchise, 280.: :.1 .'.. 522 INDEX Levillain, A., Lettres de Loup de Fer- rieres, 371. Levison, W., Die Iren, 130. Involution de 1'humanite 1 , 319. Le'vy-Bruhl, H., Elections abbatiales, 178. Lewis, A., Paganism, 338. Lewis, C., Germany, 565. Lewis, G., Bernard's On consideration. 393. Lex Salica, 159. Lexicon abbreviaturarum, "24. Leyser, P., Historia poetamm, 451. L'histoire de France, edited bv Duss- ieux, 976 note; edited by B. Zeller, 976. Liard, L., University de Paris, 441. Liber censuum, 221; diurnus, 958 note; pontificalis, 949 note. Libraries, 3, 4, 5, 6, 83-85, 462-470. Libri, G., Sciences math^matiques, 436. Liebe, G., Judentum, 855. Liebert, A., Ausgewahlte Schriften von Pico della Mirandola, 315. Life of nobles, 260-264. Liliencron, R., Zeit der Scholastik, 407. Lilienfein, H., Staat und Kirche, 141. Linden, H. van der, see Van der Lin- den, H. Lindenschmit, Alterthiimer, 360. Lindisfarne, 126, 150. Lindner, T., Deutsche Geschichte, 288 ; Hanse, 257; Heinrich IV, 183; K6- nigswahlen, 172 ; Kurfiirstenthum, 291; Verne, 292; Vemgerichte, 292; Weltgeschichte, 333; Wenzel, 291. Lindsay, W., Isidori Etymologiae, 352. Linsenmayer, A., Geschichte der Pre- digt, 238. Linton, E., Women of chivalry, 263. Lionardo Bruni, Dante, 481. Lipinska, M., Femmes medecins, 435. Lippert, W., Rudolf von Frankreich, 167. Lippmann, E., Schiesspulver, 263. Lipson, E., Economic history, 251. List of books in reading room in Brit- ish Museum, 3 note; of European historical societies, 208 note; of works on history of Jews, 62. Literature, history of, 170-173, 782- 814; 800-80:; Latin, 445-452; old French, 452-457. Little, A., Grey Friars, 228; Initia opemm latinorum, 449 ; Part of the Opus tertium, 437; Roger Bacon essays, 428 ; Roger Bacon's works, 437. Little, C., Cvclopedia of dates, 71. Little, W., St. Francis, 229. Little Flowers of St. Francis, 225. Littre 1 , E., Glossaires, 448. Lives of friar saints, 228. Livonia, 691. Livret de 1'Ecole des chartes, 164 note. Lizerand, G., Templiers, 208. Locke, C., Great western schism, 272. Lodge, E., End of the middle age, 379 ; Saint-Andr of Bordeaux, 280. Lodge. R., Close of the middle ages, 329 note. Lobbel. H., Bruno, 227. Loebell, .T., Gregor von Tours, 359. Loher, F., Kulturgeschichte, 778. Loeschcke, G., Jiidisches und heid- nisches, 339. Loew, E., Beneventan script, 220. Loewe, G.. Corpus glossarium latinorum, 448; Prodromus, 448. Loewe. V.. Biicherkunde, 32. Loewenfeld, S., Epistolae pontificum, 961. Logic, New, 396, 398; Old, 396; study of, 391-395. Lohmeyer, K., Ostpreussen, 221. Loiseau, A., Litterature portugaise, 8 1 3 note. Loisel, G., Menageries, 434. Loisel, S., Legislation economiques, 143. Loisne, A., Azincourt, 280. Lokvs, G., Kampfe der Araber, 149. Lombard, A., Constantin V, 190. Lombard kings, 568-774 A.D., 114; League, 212, 215, 217. Lombards, 114-116. Loncao, E., Odoacre, 111. Lones, T., Aristotle's natural science, 399. Longfellow, H., Divine comedy, 481. Longman's historical illustrations, 101. Longnon, A., Atlas historique de la France, 129; Geographic de la Gaule, 359; Livre des vassaux, 164; Na- tionalite franchise, 167; Polyptique de Irmion, 164. Longuemare, P., Colleges parisiens, 442. Loofs, F., Dogmengeschichte, 475; Kirchengeschichte, 413. Loofs, F., Nestorius, 376. Loomis, L., Book of the popes, 949 note; Greek renaissance, 306; Medi- eval hellenism, 412. Lo Porco, F., Petrarca, 310. Lorenz, F., Alcuin, 367. Lorenz, O., Deutsche Geschichte, 288 ; Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen, 30 ; Genealogisches Handbuch, 269; Ge- schichtswissenschaft, 106; Lehrbuch der Genealogie, 268. Lorenzo the Magnificent, 294, 296, 300. INDEX 523 Lorraine, 165, 168. Lorris, W., and Clopinel, J., Romance of the rose, 455. Loserth, J., Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters, 347; Husitische Bewe- gung, 275; Huss, 273. Lot, F., Abbaye de Saint-Wandrille, 153; Dernier Carolingiens, 168; Fideles, 162; Histoire bretonne, 167: Hugues Capet, 168; Invasion nor- mande, 153; Migrations saxonnes, 111. Lot, F., and Halphen, L., Charles le Chauve, 167. Loth, J., L'emigration bretonne, 363. Lotharingia, 165, 168. Loubier, J., Mittelalterlichen Biicher, 466. Louergan, W., Churches of Paris, 389. Louis I. the Pious, 165. Louis VI, 241, 244. Louis VII, 202, 206, 242, 244. Louis VIII, 242, 244. Louis IX. Saint, 202, 204, 207, 242, 243, 245. Louis XI, 278, 279, 284. Louis of Bavaria, 286, 289. Louisv, M., Livre, 465. Louvain, universitv of, 439, 444. Love letters of Abelard and Heloise, 393. Lowell, H., Joan of Arc, 279. Lowell. J., Essav on Dante, 480. Lozzi. C.. Bibliotheca della Italia, 39. Luard, H., Robert! Grosseteste epis- tolae, 241. Lubbock. J., Coins and currency, 254. Lucas, H., Savonarola, 300. Luce, S., Du Guesclin, 263: Guerre de cent ans, 280 : Jacquerie, 281 ; Jeanne d'Arc, 283 : Jeunesse de Ber- trand du Guesclin, 281. Luchaire, A., Communes franchise, 252 : Innocent III, 215; Institutions monarchiques, 168: Louis VI, 244; Louis VII, 244; Manuel des institu- tions franchises, 530; Melanges d'histoire du moven age, 926; Social France, 243; University de Paris, 441. Lucius, E.. Heiligenkult, 356. Luck, E., Life of St. Benedict, 118. Ludlow, J., Crusades, 204 ; Epics of the middle ages, 792. Ludwig, F., Reisegeschwindigkeit, 255. Liibke. "W., History of art, 473. Liittich, R., Ungarnziige, 159. Liitzow, F., Bohemia, 702 : Historians of Bohemia, 702 note; Hussite wars, 274; John Hus, 270; Prague, 702 note. Lull, Raymund, 203, 208, 235, 240, 411. Lumby, J., Greek learning, 363. Lundgreen, F., Wilhelm von Tvrus, 208. Lundius, B., Vagantenlieder, 449. Lungo, J., Bonifazio VIII, 271. Lunt, W., Financial system of papacy, 235; Papal annates, 238; Papal tax- ation, 238. Luquet, G., Aristote, 397; Hermann 1'Allemand, 399. Luschin von Ebengreuth, A., Grundriss der osterreichischen Reichgeschichte, 594 note ; Miinzkunde, 293 : Oester- reichische Reichgeschichte, 594. Lux, C., Papst Silvester II, 172. Luxeuil, 126. Luzzatto, G., Storia del commercio, 255. Lvbyer. A., Ottoman Turks, 255. Lvle, E., English bishop, 237. Lyte, H., Oxford, 443. Maflsen, F.. Canonisches Recht, 425. Mabilleau, L., Atomistik, 433. Mabillon. J., Annales, 119; De re dip- lomatica, 238; Etudes monastiques, 760 note. Macaulav, G., Capture of a council, 215: Chronicles of Froissart, 279. McCabe, J., Abelard, 393 ; Crises in the history of the papacv, 450 : Em- presses of Constantinople, 678; St. Augustine, 340. Maccarrone, N., Vita in Sicilia, 199. McCIellan, G., Venice, 298. McClure, E., Historical church atlas, 128. McCracken, W., Swiss republic, 288. Macdonald, D., Muslim theology, 376. Macdonald, J., France, 515. Mncdonell, A.. Sons of St. Francis, 228; Words of Saint Francis, 225. McHardy, G.. Savonarola, 300. Macherl, P., Karl der Grosse, 142. Machiavelli, N., Florence and The Prince. 297. Macken, T., Canonisation of saints, 239. Mackenzie, J., Castles, 263. Mackie. J., Pope Adrian IV, 217. McKilliam, A., Chronicle of the popes, 449. Mackinnon, J., French monarchv, 525. McLaughlin, E., Mediaeval life, 795. Maclear. G., Apostles; Conversion of northern nations ; Conversion of Slavs: Christian missions, 178. Mac Murdo, E., Portugal, 640. 524 INDEX Mac Neal, E., Minores, 163. Madnn, P., Books in manuscript, 465; Palaeographv, 235. Madelaine, Histoire de saint Norbert, 227. Magic. 426, 430. Magnin, M., L'eglise wisigothique, 129. Magnum oecumenicum Constantiense concilium, 275. Magnus, L., Armament of Igor, 331. Magnusson, E., and Morris, W., Vol- sunga saga, 152. Magyars or Hungarians, 157, 159. Mahrenholtz, A., Jeanne Dare, 283. Maigne d'Arnis, W., Lexicon manuale, 448. Ma illet, H., L'eglise et 1'heVesie, 403. Mainz, Pragmatic Sanction of, 268, 274. Maitland. F., Anglo-French. 453; Eng- lish law, 164; Political theories. 580: Roman canon law, 423. Maitland. S.. Dark ages, 760. Maitre, L., Ecoles Episcopates, 366. Major, R., Prince Henrv, 322. Making of the nations, 322. Malagola, A., Tommaso d'Aquino, 462. Malagola, C., I rettore dello studio bolognese, 442 ; Studio bolognese, 442. Male, E., L'art du moven &ge, 478 ; L'art religieux de la fin du moyen ftee, 472 ; Religious art in France. 472. Male'-ssie, C., Jehanne d'Arc, 283. Malfatti, B., Imperatori e papi, 141. Mallet, C., Theodora, 115. Malnory, A., St. Cesaire, 361. Malo, H.. Renaud de Dammartin, 245. Malsch, R., Heinrich Raspe, 219. Manacorda, G.. Scuole in Italia, 443. Mancini. G., Valla, 312. Mandeville, Sir John, Travels, 241. Mandonnet, P., Albert le Grand, 408; Crise scolaire, 385; Dominicains dans universite de Paris, 441 ; Dominici, 273 ; Ecrits de S. Thomas d'Aquin, 408 ; IdEes cosmographiques, 434 ; Ordo de Poenitentia, 230: Roger Bacon, 428; Roger Bacon et le Spec- ulum, 432 ; Roger Bacon et les trois opus, 432; Siger de Brabant, 398. Manegold of Lautenbach, 380, 382. Manfred of Sicily, 213, 219. Manfroni, C., II dominio del Mediter- raneo, 360; Marina italiana, 610. Manichaeism, 334, 337. Manitius, M., Aldhelm urtd Beda, 364; Bibliothekskatalogen, 414; Deutsche Geschichte, 911-1125, 171: Gedichte des Archipoeta, 450 ; Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, 787; Horaz im Mittelalter, 414; Romische Dichter, 414; Romische Prosaiker, 414. Mann, H., Lives of the popes, 439 : Nicholas Breakspear, 217. Manser, G., Scholastik, 407. Mansfield, M., Castles, 262. Mansi, J., Sacrorum conciliorum col- lectio. 962. Mantellier, P., Marchands de Loire, 255. Mantcver, G., Provence, 168. Manuscripts, 4 note, 5. 212-237, 463, 466-467. Manutius, Aldus, 304, 307, 312. Manzikert, battle of, 186. Manzoni, L., Bibliografia storica Bo- lognese, 445. Map. Walter, 446, 449-451 ; De nugis, 451 ; Latin poems, 450. Marcais, G., Arabes en Berberie, 209. Marcais, W., Monuments arabes, 379. Marcel, Etienne, 277, 281. Marcel. H., Bibliotheqne nationale, 469. Marcellin de Civezza, R., Missions franciscaines, 240. Marchal. L.. Roger Bacon, 431. Marchand, J., Faculty des arts, 442. Marches!, C., Due grammatici latini, 448; L'Etica Nicomachea, 399. Marco Polo. 248, 249. Marczali, H., Enchiridion, 159. Marechaux, D., Saint Benott, 120. Margoliouth, D., Mohammed, 146; Mo- hammedanism', 148. Mari. G.. I trattati di rithmica, 420 ; John Garland's Parisiana, 420. Mariana, J., Espana, 625. Marichalar, A., and Manrique. C., Legislaci6n de Espana, 633 note. Marie'jol, J., Ferdinand et Isabelle, 322. Marietan, J., Classification de sciences, 407. Marignan, A., Civilisation franchise, 360. Marigo, A., Cultura letteraria e preu- manistica, 413. Marin, E., De Studio, 177; Moines de Constantinople, 177. Marin. P., Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Mariotti, C., S. Francesco, 483. Markham, C., Book of the knowledge of all the kingdoms, 249. Marquand, A., and Frothingham, A., Sculpture, 307. Marquart, I., Osteuropaische Streifziige, 680 note. Marriage, M. and E., Sculptures of Chartres, 472. INDEX 525 Marsh, F., English rule in Gascony, 252. Marshall, G.. Genealogist's guide, 280. Marsigli of Florence, 304, 311. Marsiglio of Padua. 286-290, 292; De- fensor pacis, 292. Martene, E., and Durand, V., Thesau- rus novus. 951 : Veterum scriptorum . . . collectio, 952 ; Voyage litteraire, 799. Martens, W., Gregor VII. 182. Martin, A., Colluccio Salutatis, 311 ; Mittelalterliche Weltanschauung. 311. Martin, C.. L'art gothique, 476; L'Art roman, 475. Martin, Mrs. C.. St. Jerome, 337. Martin. C. T., Record interpreter. 244. Martin, E., Saint Columban, 130. Martin, H., Charlemagne, 142 ; France, 510. Martin, H. M., Peintures de manuscrits, 466. Martin, J., Snint Angustin, 342. Martin. P., Texte Parisien de la Vul- gate, 416: Vulgate, 416. Martin. Saint, of Tours, 117. Martinez, F.. Asceiicisme, 356. Martinez Alcubilla, M., C6diges de Espafia, 322. Martinez Marina, F.. Legislaci6n de Leon y Castilla. 633 note. Martfnez. Vieil R., Predicadores, 231. Martinu, J.. Waldesier, 274. Martrove, F., Genseric, 112 ; L'occi- dent, 111. Martv, A.. Jeanne d'Arc, 283 ; Notre- Dame de Paris, 389. Marucchi, O., Epigrafia cristiana, 223. Marx, J., Inquisition, 403. Marx, L.. Gesta Normannorum, 200. Mascetta-Caracci, L., Dante e Petrarca, 310. Masius, H., Erziehung, 844. Maskus, C., Otto I von Bamberg, 221. Mas-Latrie, L., Traits de paix, 150; Tresor de chronologic, 256. Mason, A., St. Augustine, 129. Mason, E., French mediaeval romances, 455. Mason, \V., Cistercian order, 224. Masson, A., Gerson, 273. Masson, G., Earlv chronicles: France, 968 note; Medieval France, 526. Masterman, J., Mediaeval Europe, 379. Masters in art, 314. Mater, A., L'eglise catholique, 405 note. Mathematics, 349, 350, 427, 428, 436; Mohammedan, 373, 375, 377. Mathew, A., Hildebrand, 182. Mathews, S., Mediaeval documents, 388. Mathias I (Corvinus), 324, 326, 329. Matilda of Tuscany, 180, 184. Matrod, H., Guillaume de Rubrouck, 240. Mau, G., Kaiser Julian, 338. Maubach, J., Kardiniile, 236. Maugis, E., Parlement de Paris, 246. Maulde la Claviere, A., Juifs, 882. Maurer, G., Frohnhofe, 162; Stadte- verfassung, 252. Maurer, K., Bekehrung des norwe- gischen Stammes, 178; Vorlesungen, 719. Maurice, C., Bohemia, 699. Maurv, L., Croyances, 356. Mausbach, J., Ethik des Augustinus, 342. Mavor, J., Russia, 681 note. Mawer. A., Vikings, 152. Maximilian. I, 287, 291. Maver, E., Italienische Verfassungs- geschichte, 608 : Mittelalterliche Ver- fassungsgeschichte, 584. Mayer, F., Geschichte Oesterreichs, 592. Maver-Homberg. E., Die frankischen Volksrechte. 536. Mayors of the palace, 134, 136. Maywald, M., Lehre von der zwei- fachen Wahrheit, 408. Mazzatinti, G., Archivi della. storia d'ltalia, 5 note; Inventari dei mano- scritti, 5. Mazzoni, G., Rinascimento, 309. Meaux, C., Ecole de Salerne, 443. Mediaeval towns series, 251. Medici familv, 294, 300. Medicine, 427, 428, 434. Mediterranean, 360-361. - Medley, D., Church and empire, 181. Meier. G., Biicher, 465; Sieben freien Kiinste, 351. Meier, P., Ausgewahlte Schriften, 367. Meinsma, K., Bibliotheken, 468. Meister, A., Deutsche Verfassungsge- schichte, 582 : Grundriss der Ge- schichtswissenschaft, 331. Meitzen, A., Ausbreittmg der Deutschen, 220; Siedelung und Agrarwesen, 158. Melanges d'archfoloeie et d'histoire de 1'Ecole de Rome. 887 note: ddie>s ft G. Monod par Prou. 939; Fitting, 937 ; offerts ft M. Charles Bemont, 934: offerts ft M. Emile Chatelain, 935: Paul Fabre, 936. Melillo, E., Poste italiene, 297. Meltzing, O., Bankhans der Medici, 254. Mely, F., Excuviae, 211. Me'moires et documents, commerce en France, 255. 526 INDEX Mendicant friars, 222-223; in univer- sity of Paris, 438, 441; artistic his- tory of, 475. Menfndez Pidal, R., Primera cr6nica general, 322. Menndez y Pelayo, M., Antologia de poetas castellnnos, 321; Heterodoxos espanoles, 321. Mengozzi, G., Citta italiana, 168. Menorval, E., Paris, 388; Promenades a travers Paris, 388. Menzel, V., Lehnswesen, 162. Meo. A.. Rpgno di Napoli, 301. Merbach, H., Slawenkriege, 158. Mercier, C., Leper houses, 436. Mercier, E., Afrique septentrionale, 148. Meric, E., Sorbonne, 441. Mdrimee, P., Don Pedre I er , 320. Merivale, C.. Conversion of northern nations, 178. Merkt, J., Wundmale des Franziskus, 230. Merlet, L. t Lettres de saint Ives, 381. Merovingians, 132-138; learning of, 357. 359, 360. Merrill, W.. Latin hymns, 452. Merriman, R., Cortes, 318. Merrvweather, F., Bibliomania. 468 ; Glimmerings in the dark. 755. Merten, A., Buchmalerei. 467. Mesnage. J., Afrique chretienne, 343 ; Christianisme en Afrique, 343. Messer. A., Codice aragonese, 301. Method, historical. 64-67. Methodius. 156. 158. Meunier, L.. M^decine, 434. Meyer, A., Weihnachtsfest. 239. Mever, C., -Aherglaube, 430. Mever, E., Mormonen und Islam, 148. Meyer, E. v., Chemie, 433. Meyer, G., Jahrbiicher, Heinrich IV, 183. Mever, H., Bibliotheksordnungen, 469. Mever, K., Aberglaube, 356. Meyer, K., Learning in Ireland, 362. Mover, P., Alexandre le Grand, 456. Meyer, R.. Mittelalter. 107. Mever, W., Bernhard gegen Abalard, 395; Carmina burana, 450; Frag- menta burana, 450; Gedichte des Primas, 450 : Ludus de Antichristo, 356; Rvthmik. 449. Mever-Liibke, W., Die romanischen Sprachen, 306. Meyers Historischer Handatlas. 121 note: Konversations-Lexicon. 102. Mevers, P.. Mediaeval and modern his- tory. 375. Mezieres, A., Petrarque, 310. Michael Angelo, 305, 314. Michael, E., Culturzustande des deutschen Volkes, 779; Salimbene, 460. Michael Scot, 396, 398. Michaud, E., Guillaume de Champeaux, 395. Michaud, J., Bibliotheque de croisades, 210; Croisades, 205. Michaud, J., and Poujoulat, P., Nou- velle collection des m&noires, 970. Michel, A., Histoire de 1'art, 473; L'art Gothique, 472. Michel, F., Ecossais en France, 281 ; Portugais en France, 642. Michel, M., Origines d'Isidore, 351. Michel, W., Das Teuflische, 355. Michelet, J., France, 512; Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Michell, R., and Forbes, N., Chronicle of Novgorod, 327. Middle ages as a period, 105-107. Middleton, J., Illuminated manuscripts, 466. Mierow, C., Chronica of Otto of Frei- sing, 460; Origin of Goths by Jor- danes, 110. Migne, J., Patrologia, 953. Mignon, A., Hugues de Saint-Victor, 395. Mijatovich, C., Constantine, 330. Miklosich, F., and Miiller, J., AcU et diplomata graeca, 330. Milan, 293, 298. Milburn, J., University life, 440. Milkau, F., Bibliotheken, 465. Millard, E., Les Beiges, 553. Miller, K., Ebstorfkarte, 259; Mappae mundi, 259; Tabula Peutingeriana, 135. Miller, W., Balkans, 706; Genoese in Chios, 326; Latins in the Levant, 657; Serbian empire, 714 note. Millington, E., Christian iconography, 474. Millot-Carpentier, Medecine, 435. Mills, J., Great days of Northumbria, 130. Milman, H., Latin Christianity, 424. Miltoun, F., Cathedrals of northern France, 476. Milyoukov, ?., Russische Kulturge- schichte, 737. Minasi, G., Cassiodoro, 343. Minerva: Handbuch, 84; Jahrbuch, 83. Minocchi, S., San Francesco, 229. Mirabilia Romae, 346. Miracles and mysteries, 353, 3;">6. Mirbt, C., Publizistik, 183; Quellen, 953 note; Wahl Gregors VII, 183. Miron, E., Queens of Aragon, 320. INDEX 527 Mirot, L., Insurrections urbaines, 251 ; Les inventaires d'archives, 25 note; Politique pontificale, 272 ; Tentative d'invasion, 282. Mirza Muhammad Haidar, Moghuls of central Asia, 328. Miscellanea antiqua Anglicana, 432 ; Francescana, 231. Misch. G., Autobiographic, 460. Missalek, E., Polnische Geschichte, 158. Missionaries in eastern Germany, 213, 220; in the north and east. 174, 178: mendicant, 223, 228, 231; Slavic, 156, 158. Missions, 126, 235. 236, 240. Mithraism, 334, 337. Mitteilungen aus der historischen Lit- eratur, 153: der Gesellschaft fur deutsche Erziehungsgeschichte. 182; des Instituts fur osterreichische Ge- schichtsforschung. 1 66 : zur Ge- schichte der Medizin. 435436: zur vaterlandischen Geschichte, St. Gall. 987 note. Moddermann, "W., Rezeption des ro- mischen Rechts, 424. Mohler, J., Kirchengeschichte, 404. Moeller, C., Moven age, 356. Moeller, E., Elendenbriiderschaften, 239. Moller, N., Johannes Scotus, 372. Moeller, R., Ludwig der Baver, 289. Moeller, W., Christian church, 395. Moeser, H., Villehardouin, 206. Moffat, D., Complaint of nature, 451. Mohammed, 144, 146, 148. Mohammedans, 144-150; and the By- zantine empire, 185, 189; and cul- ture, 375-379. Mohl, F., Latin vulgaire, 336. Mohler, L., Calonna, 271. Moiraghi, P., Lanfranco, 382. Moisant, J., Prince Noir, 281. Moisson, L., Sainte Claire, 230. Molinier, A., Geographic feodale de Languedoc, 163; Gesta Ludovici, 246; Louis IX, 245; Manuscrits, 366; Obituaires franchises, 548; Sources de 1'histoire de France, 21; University de Toulouse, 442. Molinier, C., Heresie et la perscu- . tion, 382: Inquisition, 403. Moll, W., Kerkgeschiedenis van Neder- land, 461 note. Mollat, G., Papes d'Avignon, 271. Mollat, G., and Samaran, C., Fiscalite pontificale, 274. Molmenti, P., Venice, 298. Moltmann, J., Theophano, 172. Mombert, J., Charles the Great, 140 ; Crusades, 204. Mommsen, T., Apollinaris Sidonius, 337; Ostgothische Studien, 111; Reden und Aufsatze, 337. Monaci, E., Archivio paleografico, 233. Monarchies, beginnings of, 165-169. Monarchy and feudalism, 161. Monastery schools, 368, 371. Monasticism, 50, 479-487. 964; in sixth century, 117121; in eleventh to thirteenth centuries, 222-233. Mone. F., Hymnen, 452; Schauspiele, 253. Money and banking, 247, 254. Mongols, in Russia, 323, 326, 328. Monnier, F., Alcuin, 367. Monnier, M., Quattrocento, 309; Re- naissance, 309. Monod, B., Pascal II, Philippe I, 183. Monod. G., Bibliographic de 1'histoire de France, 22; Melanges dediees a, 939; Nationality, 167; Normandie, 198; Renaissance carolingienne, 366; Role de Paris, 386; Sources de 1'his- toire carolingienne, 143. Monographien zur deutschen Kultur- geschichte, 775; zur Weltgeschichte, 326. Monographs on artists, 314. Monro, C.. Digest, 425. Monroe, P., Cyclopedia of education, 117; Source book, history of educa- tion, 335; Syllabus on the history of education, 59 note. Monroe. W.. Bohemia. 703. Monstrelet, E., Chronicles, 279. Montalembert, Monks of the west, 479. Monte Cassino, 118, 119, 145, 195, 200. Montelatici, G., Letterature Bizantina, 802. Montelius, O., Kultur geschichte Schwedens, 153; Sveriges historia, 727. Montgomery, W., St. Augustine, 342. . Montpellier, university of, 439, 444. Mont-Saint-Michel, 194, 197, 470, 472. Mon"menta conciliorum, 275: domini- ationis pontificae. 960 note; Fran- ciscana, 232; Germaniae historica, 978: Germaniae paedngogica, 1012: Germaniae selecta. 983 note; his- toriae Bohemica. 986 note; historiae patriae, 991 ; Hungariae historica, 1006; medii aevi historiae res gestas Poloniae illustrantia, 1004: ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum historica, 232; Poloniae historica, 1004 note: spectantia historiam Slavorum, 1006 note. 528 INDEX Monumentos arqtiitect6nicos de Espafia, 378. Moore, C., Church architecture of Eng- land, 472 ; Gothic architecture, 472. Moore, E., Dante and his early biogra- phers, 481 ; De monarchia of Dante, 482; Studies in Dante, 480; Tutte le opere di Dante, 483. Moors, 144150; expulsion of, from Spain, 315, 316, 322. Moraleda, Q., El rito mozarabe, 321. Morand, S., Sainte Chapelle, 389. Moravia, 700, 703, 156, 158. Mordtmann, A., Esquisse topographique de Constantinople, 663 note; Kon- stantinopel, 330. Morey, W., Roman law, 422. Morf, H., Die romanischen Literaturen, 306. Morflll, W., Poland, 694: Russia, 683; Slavonic literature, 814 note. Morgan, J., Catalogue of manuscripts, 467. Morgan, M., Ten books on architecture by Vitruvius, 307. Morin, F., Saint Francois, 229. Morin, G., Chant gregorien, 125; Etudes. textes, decouvertes, 437 ; L'ideal monastique, 485. Morison, E., Basil, 120. Morison, J., St. Bernard, 393. Morison, M., Time-tables, 73. Morley, E., Kurd's letters on chivalry, 263. Morley, H., Mediaeval tales, 447. Moroni, G., Dizionario de erudizione, 114. Morris, W., Old French romances, 455. Mortet, V., Cathedrale de Paris, 389; Fe'odalite', 161: Institutiones de Cas- sidore, 343 ; Melanges d'archfologie, 474 ; Recueil de textes relatifs a 1'histoire de 1'architecture, 473. Mortier, R., Freres Precheurs, 231. Mortreuil, J., Bibliotheque de St. Victor, 468. Mortreuil, T., Biblioth&que nationale, 469. Moscato, G., Musulmani in Calabria, 149. Moses Maimonides, 373, 376, 379; Guide to the perplexed, 379. Mosher, J., Exemplum, 451. Moslems or Muslims, 144-150. Mourret, F., Histoire de l'glise, 398. Moyle, J., Institutes, 425. Moyne de la Borderie, A., Bretange, 541. Miihlbacher, E., Deutsche Geschichte, 141; Regesten, 143. Miihlbrecht, O., Wegweiser, 60. Muelbe, W., Darstellung des jiingsten Gerichts, 477. Miildener, W., Gedichte von Walther von Lille, 451. Miiller, A., Griechischen Philosophen, 399; Islam, 147; Orientalische Bibli- ographic, 379. Miiller, A., Das heilige Deutschland, 238. Miiller, C., Altgermanische Meeresherr- schaft, 153. Miiller, C., Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum, 1002 note. Miiller, E., Peter von Prezza, 461. Miiller, J., Vereine und Gesellschaften, 211. Miiller, J., Diozesanbehorden, 237. Miiller, J. v., Eidgenossenschaft, 290. Miiller, I., Handbuch, 330 note. Miiller, K., Christentum und Kirche, 406 note; Kampf Ludwigs des Bay- ern, 289; Kirchengeschichte, 406; Minoriten-orden, 228 ; Waldenser, 403. Miiller, M., Averroes, 379. Miiller, S., Nordische Altertumskunde, 153. Miiller-Mann, G., Otto II, 172. Miinch, W., Fiirstenerziehung, 264. Miinchener Archiv fiir Philologie des Mittelalters, 447. Miintz, E., Art pendant la renaissance, 312; Arts a la cour des papes, 312; Cpur d' Avignon, 271; Lgende de Charlemagne, 143 ; Leonardo da Vinci, 314; PrScurseurs, 312; Re- naissance en Italie, 312. Miintz, E., and Fabre, P., Bibliotheque du Vatican, 468. Miinz, J., Moses ben Maimon, 376. Muir, R., Atlas, 121 note. Muir, W., Caliphate, 147; Goran, 148; Mohammed, 146. Mullinger, J., Cambridge, 443 : Founda- tion of libraries, 465; Schools of Charles the Great, 365. Munk, S., Guide des egar6s, 379 ; Philosophie juive, 376. Munoz, A., Iconografia della Madonna, 357. Munro, D., Attitude towards classics, 350; Children's crusade, 207; Mid- dle ages, 376: Renaissance of twelfth century, 384 ; Speech of Ur- ban II, 204. Munro, D., Prutz, H., and Diehl, C., Essays on the crusades, 209. Munro, D., and Sellery, G., Mediaeval civilization, 359. INDEX 529 Muratori, L., Annali d'ltalia, 612; An- tiquitates Italicae, 989; Rerum Itali- carum scriptores, 988. Murko, M., Siidslawischen Literaturen, 158. Murray, H., Chess, 264. Murray, J., Oxford dictionary, 308. Murray, T., Jeanne d'Arc, 280. Musatti, E., Venezia, 298. Musee de sculpture du Trocadero, 477. Museums, 3, 5 note, 83-85. Music, history of, 125, 471, 477-478. Muyden, B. van, Nation suisse, 290. Muzzev, D., Spiritual Franciscans, 230. Mystakidis, B., Byzantinisch-deutsche Beziehungen, 190. Mystery plays, 247, 253. Mysticism, 392, 395, 405, 409. Myths, 356. Naegle, A., Kirchengeschichte Bohmens, 461 note. Nagl, A., Gerbert, 372. Nagl, J., and Zeidler, J., Deutsch- osterreichische Literaturgeschichte, 805. Nansen, P., Northern mists, 154. Napier, H., Florentine history, 300. Naples, 294, 301 ; and humanism, 304, 311. Narbey, C., Roger Bacon, 431: Suppl6- ment aux Acta sanctorum, 963 note. Nardi, B.. Sigieri di Brabante, 482. Nature, feeling for, 426, 429. Navarre, 315, 320. Neale, J., Mediaeval preachers, 450. Neale. J., and Webb, B., Symbolism, 356. Neander, A., Heilige Bernhard, 394. Neander, J., Christian religion, 399. Neckam, Alexander, De naturis rerum, 427. Nesri, G.. Giuliano 1'Apostata, 338. Neilson. G., Trial by combat, 161. Nemecek, O., Samo, 158. Neo-platonism, 334, 337. Neo-seholastieism, 406, 409. Nestorius, 376. Netherlands, 45. 461 note, 557-559, 256. Neuburger, M., Medizin, 434. Neudecker, K., Das Doctrinale. 449. Neumann, C., Bernhard von Clairvaux, 394: Bvzantinische Kultur, 308: Greichische Geschichtschreiber, 205; "Weltstellung des byzanti n i s c h e n Reiches, 191. Neumann, K.. Orientalische Sprach- st.iidien, 415. Neumark, D., Jiidische Literatur, 863 note; Jiidische Philosophie, 866. New international encyclopaedia, 97 ; medieval library, 454; Palaeograph- ical Society : facsimiles, 230 ; Schaff- Herzog encyclopedia, 106. Newman, cardinal, Antichrist, 355. Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 954 note. Nichol, J., Tables, 74. Nicholas I, pope, 173, 176, 177. Nichols, F., Mirabilia urbis Romae, 346. Nicholson, R., Literary history of Arabs, 378. Nicolai de Bibera, Carmen satiricum, 416. Nicolas, N., Agincourt, 280. Niedling, A., Biicherornamentik, 467. Niedner, F., Islands Kultur, 153; Turnier, 264. Niehues, B., Kaiserthum und Papst- thum, 457. Nield, J., Historical novels, 78. Niemann, A., Augustins Geschichts- philosophie, 343. Niese, H., Gesetzgebung, 198. Niethe, F., Azincourt, 280. Niortet, Maurice de Sully, 237. Nitsch, F., Scholastik, 398. Nitzsch, K., Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, 573; Gottesfrieden, 163. Noack. L., Johannes Scotus, 372. NobiH-Vitelleschi, F., Storia del papato, 136. Nobles. 277. 161; life of, 260-264. Noel, L., Louvain, 444. Noel. O., Commerce, 255. Noldeke, T., Leben Muhammed's, 148 ; Qoran, 148. Nolan, E., and Hirsch, S.. Greek gram- mar of Roger Bacon, 416. Nolhac. P., Petrarch and the ancient world, 306; Pelrarque, 310. Nomnds, Asiatic, 155-159, 323, 326, 328. Noorden, C., Hincmar. 177. Norden, E., Antike Kunstprosa, 786; Lateinische Literatur, 350. Norden, W., Otto der Grosse, 172; Papsttum und Byzanz, 447; Vierte Kreuzzug. 206. Nordenskiold. A., Facsimile atlas, 259; Periplus, 259. Nordi. L., and Orioli, E., Chartularium studii Bononiensis, 444. Nordisk Tidskrift for Bok- och Bibli- oteksvasen, 468. Normand, C., Guide artistique de Paris, 388. 530 INDEX Normnndy, 966 note, 194, 197; dukes of, 911-1204 A.D., 196. Normans, 180, 186, 194-201; kings of, in the Two Sicilies, 1130-1250 A.D., 196. Norroena, 154. Northcote, J., and Brownlow, W., Roma sotterranea, 347. Northern Europe, 1007-101 I; 323- 331. Northmen, 150-155. Norton, A., Readings: universities, 440. Norton, C., Church building, 475; Di- vine comedv, 481 ; New life of Dante, 482; St. Louis, 245. Norway, 723-725. 1009, 325. 327.330. Notices et extraits, 4 note, 885. Notitia [of Rome], 346. Notre Dame de Paris, 386, 387, 389. Nott, C., Hymns, 452. Nottrott, L., Wendenmission, 221. Nouveau Larousse illustre', 99 note. Nouvelle collection des memoires, 970. Novakovic, S., Problemes serbes, 7 1 6 note. Novati, F., Carmina medii aevi, 450; Epistolario of Coluccio, 314; Pensiero latino, 758: Rapports litte'raires, 449. Noyen, A., Inventaire des ecrits the'- ologiques, 410. Noves, E.. Ferrara, 302; Milan, 298. Niibling, E., Ulm's Handel, 257. Nueva colecci6n de documentos ineditos, 997. Numismatics, 292-298. Nuova rivista storiea, 161 note. Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristi- ana, 348. Nyrop, K., Grammaire, 455. Oberhummer, E., Constantinopolis, 669 note. Obituaries. 548. Ockam, William of, 405. Odo, count of Paris, 165, 167. Odo of Cluny. 759 note, 173, 178. Odovacar, 108. Oechsli. W., Eidgenossenschaft, 290; Quellenbuch der Schweizerges.ehichte, 292 : Schweizergeschichte, 290. Oechsli-Baldamus Wandkarte zur Schweizergeschichte. 288. Oehl, W., Mystiker, 409. Oehler, M., Danemark, 330; Deutsche Ritterorden, 221. Oelsner, L., Jahrbiicher, 136. Oesterley, H., Historisch-geographisches Worterbuch, 134; Wegweiser. 20. Oesterreiehische Geschichtquellen, 986. Ogden, C., Orosius, 341. Ogg, F., Source book, 389. O'Hagen, J., Song of Roland, 454. Ohnesorge, W., Slawen, 158. Ohr, W., Karolingische Gottesstaat, 141. Oidtmann, H., Glasmalerei, 477. Okey, T., Avignon, 271; Paris, 386; Venice, 298. Oldham, J., Renaissance, 305. Oliphant, M., Francis of Assisi, 229; Jeanne d'Arc, 283 ; Makers of Flor- ence, 300! Makers of Venice, 298. Oliveira Martins, J., Civilizaei6n ibe'rica, 321; Historia de Portugal, 636 note; Prince Henry the Navigator, 318. Olleris, A., Cassidore, 343 ; Oeuvres de Gerbert, 372. Olrik, A., Nordisches Geistesleben, 153. Olschki, L., Bibliotheca Savonaroliana, 303 ; Tdeale Mittelpunkt Frankreichs, 386; Paris, 386. Oman, C., Art of war, 115; Bvzantine empire, 646: Dark ages, 329 note; England, 152. Ommiads. 145. Omont, H., Bibliotheque de Beauvais, 468; Listes des recueils de fac- similed, 467; Reproductions de manu- srrits, 467. Oncken, W., Allgemeine Geschichte, 313. Opd-cke, L., Courtier by Castiglione, 308. Opladen. P.. Stellung der Konige, 227. Ordericus Vitalis, Historia ecclesiastica, 457. Orders of monks, 222, 226. Ordonnances des rois de Franco, 975 note; du Louvre, 975 note. Oriens christianus, 120. Original narratives: Northmen, 155. Origines Islandicae, 154. Orleans, schools of, 411, 412. Ormsby, .T., Poem of the Cid, 318. Orosius. History against pagans, 341. Orr, M., Dante and astronomers, 483. Orsi, P., L'anno mille, 370; Paure del finimondo, 370; Signorie, 297; Storia d'ltalia, 994. Ortega y Rubio, J., Visigodos, 112. Orton, C., House of Savoy, 168. Orvis, J., Poland, 693. Oschinsky, H., Ritter, 264. Oseberg ship, 150, 154. Osebergfundet, 154. Ostrogoths, 108, 111, 113; kings of, 493-553 A.D., 109. Othloh of St. Emmeran, 380, 382. Ott, A., Thomas von Aquin, 228. INDEX 531 Otte, E., Scandinavian history, 717 note. Ottendorff, H., Tancred und Wilhelm III, 199. Ottenthal, E., Regesten, 919-1024 A.D., 169. Otto I, 169-173. Otto II, 170, 172. Otto III, 170, 172, 174. Otto IV, of Brunswick, 212, 213, 218. Otto of Freising, 458, 460-461; Gesta Friderici, 216. Otto, -H., Rudolf von Habsburg, 289; Streben nach der romischen Kaiser- krone, 538 note. Ottoman court, learning in, 368-372. Ottoman Turks, 324, 327, 329. Oulmont, C., Le verger, 409 ; Poesie francaise, 457. Ovennann, A., Mathilde, 184. Owen, J., Skeptics, 312. Oxford English dictionary, 308; history of music, 477. Oxford school, the, 411, 426, 428; uni- versity of, 438, 443, 445. Ozanam, A., Civilisation au cinquieme siecle, 336; Civilisation chretienne, 360; Dante, 482: Documents inedits, 346; Ecoles en Italie, 371; Oeuvres completes, 360 ; Poetes Franciscains, 231. Pace, B., I barbari e i byzantini in Sicilia, 189. Pachomius, 117, 119. Padagogischer Jahresbericht, 58 note. Paetow. L., Arts course, 412 ; Battle of the seven arts, 413. Paganism, end of, 334, 335, 338. Page, R., Alcuin, 367. Pagel, J., Medizinische Kulturgeschichte, 434. Paget. V., Euphorion, 312; Renaissance fancies, 312; Revelations of the monk of Evesham Abbey, 354.. Paguelle de Follenav, Abb6, Ecole epis- copale de Notre-Dame-de-Paris, 441. Pahncke, H., Bischofe Italiens, 178. Painting, renaissance, 305, 307, 313. Palackv. F., Bohmen, 700 note; Formel- biicher, 419; Husitenkriege. 274. Palaeographical societv: facsimiles, 230. Palaeography, 212-237, 365, 366, 463, 464. Palaeologi, 324, 325, 327, 330. Palermo, P., San Tommaso, Aristotile, e Dante, 483. Palestine pilgrims text society, 210. Palgrave, F., Normandy, 198. Palgrave, R., Dictionary of political economy, I I 5. Palhories, G., Saint Bonaventure, 409. Palmarocchi, R., Montecassino, 200. Palmer, E., Koran, 147. Palmer, J., Pestilences, 249. Palomes, A., Nurmanni, 199. Palomes, L., S. Francesco, 229. Palustre, L., L'architecture, 313. Panfilo la Magliano, S. Francesco, 229. Pannier, L., Lapidaires, 430. Pantenius, T., Geschichte Russlands, 686. Pantheon, 85. Papacy, 439-454. 956-961; in sixth century, 121125; and the Normans, 195, 200; curia of, 233, 236; finances of, 274; in later middle ages, 293-295; and humanism, 304, 311. Papers of the American society of church history, 493. Paoli, C., Paleografia, 213. Papencordt, F., Rom, 347. Paravicini, A., Senato romano, 347. Pardo Bazan, San Francisco de Assis, 229. Pargoire, J., L'eglise byzantine, 116. Paris, in the middle ages, 385-391 ; libraries in, 4 note. 469; university of, 438, 440-442, 444. Paris, G., Esquisse de la litterature frangaise, 454; Histoire potique de Charlemagne, 366; Lgendes, 456; L'estoire de la Guerre sainte, 209; Litterature francaise, 454 ; Melanges, 456; Poesie, 456. Paris, G., and Langlois, E., Chresto- mathie, 456-457. Paris, Matthew, Chronica, 216, 328. Parish priests, 234, 235, 237. Parisot, R., Lorraine, 168. Parker, E., Tartars, 158. Parker, H., Seven liberal arts, 350. Parker, ,T., Works of Dionysius, 354. Parlement of Paris, 242, 246. Parmentier, A., Album historique, 187. Parrot, A., Roger Bacon, 431. Parsv. P., Saint Eloi, 361. Pascal, C.. Letteratura latina. 414. Pascheu, J., .Tacopone de Todi, 450. Pastor, L.. Papste, 269. Patarini, 180. Pater, W., Renaissance, 312. Patetta, F., Le ordalie, 164. Patrick, Saint, 126, 128. Patrologia orientalis, 121. Patrologiae cursus completus, 953. Pattison, R., Leading figures, 927. Paul, H., Grundriss, 307. 532 INDEX Paul the Deacon, Langobards, 116; Vita Gregorii, 125. Paul of Thebes, 117. Pauli, G., Alfred the Great, 341. Paulinus of Nola, 334, 338. Paulsen, F., Bildungswesen, 847; Uni- versitaten, 444. Paulus, N., Weltliche Berufe, 262. Payne-Gallwey, B., Crossbow, 262. Paz y Melia, A., Espana, 319. Peace of God, 161-163. Pears, E., Capture of Constantinople, 327; Fall of Constantinople, 206. Peck, H., Classical philology, 785 note. Peddie, R., British Museum reading room, 3 note. Pedrick, G., Heraldry, 289. Peiser, G., Investiturstreit, 183. Pennell, E., French cathedrals, 474. Pepin, 134, 136. Pepper, C., Portugal, 321. Percival, E., Foundation statutes of Merton, 443. Pe>ez Pujol, E., Espafia goda, 112. Paries, G., FacultS de droit, 424. Periodicals, 8-11, 147-186. Periods of European history, 329. Perkins, C., Spain, 632. Pernice, A., L'imperatore Eraclio, 190. Pdrouse, G., Cardinal Louis Aleman, 274. Perrens, F., Civilisation florentine, 311 ; De'mocratie en France, 281 ; Etienne Marcel, 281; Florence, 299; Savona- rola, 301. Perret, P., Venise, 299. Perrier, J., Scholastic philosophy, 407. Perrot, E., Cas royaux, 246. Perrot, M., University de Paris et les mendiants, 441. Perry, F., Saint Louis, 243. Pertbech, M., Statuten des deutschen Ordens, 221. Perthes, J., Geschichts-Atlas, 121 note. Fertile, A., Diritto italiano, 605. Pertz, G., Hausmeier, 136; Monu- menta Germaniae historica. 978. Perugi, G., Note tironiane, 227. Perugia, 302. Peruzzi, S., Storia del commercio, 254. Peschek, Formelbiicher, 419. Peschel, O., Erdkunde, 434; Zeitalter der Entdeckungen, 258. Pessard, G., Dictionnaire de Paris, 388. Pestilence, 247, 253. Peter I. the Cruel, 316, 317, 320. Peter Lombard, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410; Sentences, 407, 410. Peter of Maricourt, 426, 432. Peter the Hermit, 201, 209. Peter the Venerable, 392, 395. Pe'tiet, R., Ordre de Saint-Lazare, 208. P6tis de la Croix, F., Genghizcan, 329. Petit, E., Dues de Bourgogne, 168; Philippe le Hardi, 284. Petit de Julleville, L., Jeanne d'Arc, 283 ; Langue et literature francaise, 454. Petit-Dutaillis, C., Louis VIII, 244. Petit-Dutaillis, C., and Collier, P., Br6- tigny, 281. Petit Larousse illustrd, 99 note. Petitot, C., and Mommerque', M., M6- moires, 969. Petrarch, P., 303, 306, 307, 310, 314, 315; Letters, 306, 307, 314; Love songs, 307; Secret, 307; Triumph, 307. Petrie, W., Migrations, 111. Petrovitch, G., Scander-beg, 329. Petzoldt, J., Anzeiger fur Bibliogra- phic, 466; Bibliotheca Bibliograph- ica, 2. Peyrat, N., Albigeois, 403. Pfahler, P., Bonifacius, 131. Pfeifer, F., Scholastik und Naturwissen- schaft, 408. Pfeilschifter, G., Theodorich, 110. Pflster, C., Alsace, 137; Bapteme de Clovis, 136; Charlemagne, 142; Rob- ert le Pieux, 168. Pfleiderer, O., Das deutsche National- bewusstsein, 586. Pfleiderer, R., Attribute der Heiligen, 357. Pflugk-Harttung, J., Acta pontificum, 960; Great migrations, 110; Irish, 130; Konrad II, 172; Papstwahlen, 182; Weltgeschichte, 318. Pfund, T., Hrotsvitha Gedicht, 171. Philip II, of France, 202, 206, 242, 243, 244. Philip II of Swabia, 212, 213, 218. Philip III, of France, 242, 245. Philip IV, 242, 245. Philip V, 243, 246. Philipp, H., Etymologiae des Isidorus, 352. Philippe, J., Lucrece, 367. Philippi, A., Kunst der Renaissance, 312; Renaissance, 308. Philippson, M., Heinrich der Lowe, 218. Philipson, D., Jewries, 869. Phillimore, J., St. Paulinus of Nola, 338. Phillips, D., Libraries of Wales, 468. Phillips, W., Poland, 695. Philology, 304-309. Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 56. INDEX 533 Philosophy, 56-57, 181, 822-835, 405- 410. Phranza, T., Fall of Constantinople, 328. Physicians, 435. Physics, 433. Piat, C., Aristotle, 397. Picarda, E., Hanse Parisienne, 390. Picavet, F., Abelard, 394; Editions de Roger Bacon, 432; Essais, 407; Ger- bert, 176; Guillaume de Champeaux, 395; Moyen age, 107; Oeuvres de Roger Bacon, 432 ; Esquisse des philosophies medievales, 828 ; Pierre de Maricourt, 432 ; Roscelin, 382 ; Science experimentale, 433 ; Thomas d'Aquin et Bacon, 431. Pichler, A., Kirchliche Trennung, 177. Pichon, R., Litterature latine, 337; Panegyristes, 337. Pico della Mirandola, Ausgewahlte Schriften, 314. Picot, G., Documents relatifs aux etats generaux, 246; Etats generaux, 246. Picotti, G., Execrabilis, 274. Pictorial works, 187-207. Pidoux, P., Jehan de Gand, 284. Pierling, P., Russie, 690. Pierre d'Ailly, 267, 273, 275. Pietschmann, R., Das Buch, 464. Pigeonneau, H., Commerce de France, 255 ; Le cycle de la croisade, 209. Pijoan y Soteras, J., Historia del arte, 473. Pijper, F., Slavery, 163. Pilgrim life, 234, 238. Pilgrimages to Jerusalem, 201, 204, 205. Pillion, L., Sculpteurs frangais, 476. Pingaud, L., Gregoire le Grand, 124. Pinton, P., Donazioni ai papi, 142. Piper, O., Abriss der Burgenkunde, 263; Bnrgenkunde, 263; Oesterreich- ische Burgen, 263. Pirenne, H., Belgian democracy, 550 : Belgique. 549: Bibliographic de Bel- gique, 45 : Constitutions urbaines, 251 ; Soulevement de la Flandre, 281 ; Villes, 255. Pirson, J., Latin de formules me'ro- vingiennes, 360. Pisa, 302; council of, 267, 273. Pisko, J., Scanderbeg, 329. Piton, C., Lombards, 255. Piur, K., Briefwechsel des Cola di Rienzo, 302. Pius II, 295, 296. Pizzi. I, Letteratura araba, 378. Plaine, B., Colonisation de 1'Armorique, 363. Plaine, F., L'an mille, 370. Planche, J., Cyclopaedia of costume, 193. Piano Carpini, John of, 235, 240, 241. Plath, K., Konigspfalzen, 137; Nim- wegen, 367. Plattner, W., Freistaat, 290. Playfair, R., Mediterranean, 107. Pliny, Natural history, 351. Ploetz, C., Epitome, 68. Plummer, C., Alfred the Great, 152; Bedae Opera historica, 363; Church of the early fathers, 418; Churches in Britain, 128. Plunket, L, Isabel of Castile, 319. Poschl, A., Bischofsgut, 237. Poete, M., L'enfance de Paris, 386; Repertoire des sources manuscrits de 1'histoire de Paris, 391 ; Sources de 1'histoire de Paris, 386. Poetry, Latin, 446, 447, 450, 451. Poggio Bracciolini, 303, 310. Pohler, J., Bibliotheca historico-mili- taris, 61. Poland, 47, 693-698, 1004-1005, 156, 323. Poletti, G., Notariato a Bergamo, 419. Political economy, 115-116. Political thought, 457-462; of Dante, 482. Politics, bibliography of, 60. Pollak, J., Arabische Philosophie, 376. Pollock, F., and Maitland, F., English law, 164. Polyptique de 1'abbe Irmion, 164. Pometti, F., Decretum di Graziano, 425. Pompili-Olivieri, L., Senate romano, 347. Pomptow, M., Altromische Vorstell- ungen vom Staat, 461. Pons Boigues, F., Historiadores arabigo- espanoles, 378. Pontificum Romanorum vitae, 961 note. Poole, A., Henry the Lion, 215. Poole, L., Moors in Spain, 146. Poole, R., Atlas, 122: Exchequer, 436; Mediaeval thought. 815: Papal chan- cery, 240 note ; University archives, 445; Wycliffe, 269. Poole, S., Coins, 297; Egypt, 148; Mo- hammedan dynasties, 148 ; Saladin, 206; Speeches of Mohammed, 147. Poole, S., Turkey, 327. Poole's index, 8. Popes and Hohenstaufen, 211-221 ; lists of, 440-604 A.D., 122; 604-816 A.D., 127; 816-1054 A.D., 175: 1124-1276 A.D., 214; 1276-1503 A.D., 268. Pore"e, A., Abbaye du Bee, 382. 534 INDEX Portalie, E., Abdlard, 394. Porter, A., Lombard architecture, 475; Medieval architecture, 472. Porter, G., Biographical works in Brit- ish Museum, 3 note. Porter, W., Knights of Malta, 208. Portolani, 248, 259. Portugal, 636-642, 1001, 317, 318, 321. Portugaliae monumenta historica, 1001. Potter, A., Library of Harvard, 211. Pottet, E., Sainte-Chapelle, 476. Potthast, A., Bibliotheca historica: Wegweiser, 18; Regesta pontificuin Romanorum, 957. Pouchet, F., Sciences naturelles, 430. Pound, R., Readings in Roman law, 425. Poupardin, R., Bourgogne, 168;Chartes de Saint - Germain - des - Pres, 390 ; Provence, 168. Pouzet, T., Succession de Charlemagne, 167. Powicke, F., Loss of Normandy, 198. Poznanski, S., Hebraische Grammatik, 416. Pragmatic Sanctions of Bourges and Mainz, 268, 274. Prague, 702 note. Prantl, K., Logik, 833. Preaching, 235, 238. Preger, W., Mystik, 409; Waldesier, 403. Preiswerk, E., Easier Konzil, 274. Premonstratensians, 222. Prentout, H., Caen, 198; Dudon de Saint-Quentin, 197; Normandie, 197. Prescott, W., Ferdinand and Isabella, 319. Presland, J., Belisarius, 115. Preston, H., Kingdom of Jerusalem, 206. Preuss, H., Antichrist, 355. Prevost, G., L'eglise et campagnes, 237. Primat of Orleans, 446, 449. Primera cr6nica general, 322. Printing, invention of, 305, 307, 462. Prior, E., English mediaeval architec- ture, 474. Priot, E., and Gardner, A., Figure sculpture, 477. Priscian, Institutionum grammaticorum, 349, 352. Probst, J., Raymond Lulle, 240. Procopius, Works, 116. Proctor, J., Triumph of the cross by Savonarola, 297. Prologo, A., Andrea de Barulo, 424. Prost. A., L'immunite', 162. Protois, F., Pierre Lombard, 408. Prou, M., Gaule m^rovingienne, 135; Melanges, dediees a, 939; Paleogra- phie, 214; Politique monetaire, 246; Urbain V, 282. Provence, 165, 168. Provisions, papal, 237. Prussia, 595-596. Prutz, E., Briefe Jeanne d'Arcs, 283 ; Falsche Jungfrau von Orleans, 284 ; Jungfrau von Orleans, 284. Prutz, H., Friedrich I, 217; Heinrich der Lowe, 218; Jacques Coeur, 282; Kulturgeschichte der Kreuzziige, 209 ; Preussische Geschichte, 596 ; Ritter- orden, 207 ; Staatengeschichte des Abendlandes, 343 ; Templerherren- orden, 208. Prutz, H., and Pflugk-Harttung, J., Geschichte des Mittelalters, 344. Psellos, Michael, 380, 381, 396. Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals, 173, 177. Publications de la Societe de 1'histoire de France, 966; de la Societe de 1'histoire de Normandie, 966 note. Publishers' weekly, 8. Publikation des osterreichischen histor- ischen Instituts in Rom, 900. Puschel, A., Deutsche Stadte, 220. Puschmann, T., Handbuch der Medizin, 434. Putnam, G. H., Books and their mak- ers, 464 ; Censorship, 464. Putnam, G. P., Tabular views, 72. Putnam, R., Alsace and Lorraine, 598 ; Charles the Bold, 279. Putzger, F., Sehulatlas, 121 note. Puyol y Alonso, J., Hermandades, 321. Quadro elementar . . . Portugal, 1001 note. Quarterly journal of the Historical as- sociation, 185. Quellen der Religionsgeschichte, 953 note; und Forschungen aus italien- ischen Archiven, 41 ; und For- schungen zur Geschichte des Domi- nikanerordens, 231 ; und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte, 731 ; und Untersuchungen zur Philo- gie des Mittelalters, 447 ; zur Ge- schichte der mittelalterlichen Ge- schichtschreibung, 460 ; zur Ge- schichte des Papsttums, 953 note; zur Schweizer Geschichte, 987. Quellensammlung fur den geschicht- lichen Unterricht, 949 note; zur deutschen Geschichte, 980; zur Ge- schichte der deutschen Reichsverfass- ung, 985 note. Quentin, H., Martyroloees. 356. INDEX 535 Quetif, J., and Echard, J., Scriptores ordinis praedicatorum, 232. Qui etes-vous? 95 note. Quicherat, J., Apergus nouveaux sur Jeanne d'Arc, 283 ; Histoire du cos- tume, 199; Proces de condemnation de Jeanne d'Arc, 285; Rodrique de Villandrano, 282. Quintilian, Institutes, 335. Quoidbach, T., Charlemagne, 142. Babanus Maurus, 368, 371. Racinet, A., Costume, 191. Ragey, P., St. Anselme, 382. Ragg, L., Dante, "480. Ragnisco, Abelardo, 394. Rahn, J., Psalterium aureum, 367. Raine, J., Historians of the church of York, 367. Rait, R., Life in the mediaeval univer- sity, 439. Ralston, W., Early Russian history, 158. Rambaud, .A., Civilisation franchise, 762; Constantin Porphyrogenete, 190 ; Etudes sur 1'histoire byzantine, 676; Russia, 682. Ramin, H., Paris, 388. Rand, E., Boethius' Consolatio, 343 ; Classics, 412 ; Johannes Scotus, 371. Rand, E., and Wilkins, E., Dantis Alagherii operum latinorum con- cordantiae, 483. Ranieri da Perugia, Ars notaria, 420. Ranke, L., Preussische Geschichte, 595 ; Savonarola, 301 ; Weltgeschichte, 316. Rapport . . . Archives nationales, 25 note. Rashdall, H., Compendium of Bacon, 437; Universities, 439. Rastoul, A., Grand schisme, 272 ; Tern- pliers, 208. Ratzel, F., Anthropogeographie, 107; History of mankind, 158. Ratzinger, G., Franziskus, 230. Rauers, F., Handelsstrassen, 257. Raumer, F., Hohenstaufen, 216. Raure, L., Figures franciscaines, 228. Rauschen, G., Griechisch - romische Schulwesen, 337 ; Legende Karls des Grossen, 143. Ravenna, 114. Rnwnsley, canon, Sacrum commercium, 225. Raynaud, G., Bibliographie des chan- sonniers frangais, 457 ; Motets fran- cais, 477; Socie'te en France, 264. Raynerius of Perugia, 417, 420. Reade, W., Moral system of Dante, 483; Political theory of Dante, 482. Readers' guide, 9. Real academia de la historia, Madrid, 907. Reale academia dei Lincei, 906. Realencyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie, I 1 2. Reason and faith, 380, 382, 395. Reber, F., Karolingische Palastbau, 367. Recesse der Hansetage, 258. Reckendorf, H., Mohammed, 148. Records of civilization, 949. Recueil de chroniques de la Flandre, 977 note; de fac-similes a 1'usage de 1'Ecole des chartes, 231; de travaux d'erudition dedies & la memoire de Julien Havet, 938 ; de travaux . . . University de Louvain, 893 ; de voy- ages, 259; des historiens des croi- sades, 210; des historiens des Gaules et de la France, 967 ; general des anciennes lois francaises, 975 note. Redlich, O., Rudolf von Habsburg, 289. Redtenbacher, R., Architectur, 313. Reeb, W., Russische Geschichte, 689. Reeve, H., Petrarch, 306. Reeves, W., Life of Columba, 131. Reference books, 63-2 I I . Reformation and renaissance, 309. Regesta chartarum Italiae, 993 ; diplo- matica historiae Danicae, 1008 note; imperil, 985; pontificum Romanorum, by P. Jaffe, 956; pontificum Roman- orum, by P. Kehr, 958 ; pontificum Romanorum, by A. Potthast, 937. Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden, 1013. Regne, J., Juifs, 878. Reich, E., Select documents, 390. Reichert, B., Monumenta Fratres Prae- dicatorum, 232. Reichling, D., Das Doctrinale, 448. Reinach, S., Apollo, 266 ; Orpheus, 394. Reinaud, M., Sarrazins en France, 149. Reinelt, P., Paulinus von Nola, 338. Reinhold, P., Emporung Konig Hein- richs, 219. Reinstadler, A., Elementa philosophine scholasticae, 407. Reisner, W., Einwohnerzahl deutscher Stadte, 252. Reitzenstein, J., Schiesspulver, 263. Relics, 353, 356. Religion and humanism, 304, 312. Remusat, C., Abelard, 394; Saint An- selme, 382. Renaissance, 303-315. Renaissance library, The, 309. 536 INDEX Ronan, E., Averroes, 376; Etudes d'his- toire religieuse, 419; Influence of in- stitutions, 339; L'lslamisme et la sci- ence, 374; Philippe le Bel, 245. Repertoire bibliographique des revues francaises, I I note; des travaux his- toriques, 305 note. Repertorium diplomaticum regni Danici, 1008. Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scrip- tores, 995; Gallicarum et Franci- carum scriptores, 967 ; Italicarum scriptores, 988. Rettberg, F., Kirchengeschichte, 131. Reumont, A., Geschiehte der Stadt Rom, 442 : Lorenzo, 300. Reusens, E., Elements de paleographie, 215. Reuter, H., Augustinische Studien, 342T Geschiehte Alexanders des Dritten, 217; Geschiehte der religib'sen Auf- klarung, 817. Reutter, L., Medicaments, 435. Reverdy, G., Childebert II et Byzance, 189. Review of books, 87-88. Reville, A., Diable, 355. Revista de archivos, 163; italiana di filosofia neo-scholastica, 410; storica italiano, 161. Revival of learning, 303. Revue critique d'histoire et de litte'ra- tnre, 159; de 1'art ancien et mod- erne, 478 ; de 1'art Chretien, 478 ; de 1'histoire des religions, 180; de 1'his- toire litteraire de France, 171 ; de svnthese historique, 1 58 ; d'histoire ecclesiastique, 178; des eludes his- toriques, 156 note; des questions his- toriques, I 57 ; historique, 1 58 ; nfio- scolastique, 409; Thomiste, 409. Rev, G., Colonies franques, 206; Monu- ments des croisades, 209; Normans in Syria, 200. Rey, R., Louis XI, 284. Reynaud, L., Influence frangaise en Allemagne, 765. Revnier, G., Vie universitaire dans 1'ancienne Espagne, 444. Rheims cathedral, 470, 476. Rhetoric, 417. Rhoen, C., Karolingische Pfalz zu Aachen, 367. Riant, P., Catalogue de la bibliotheque de, 211; Excuviae, 211; Pelerinages, 205; Quatrieme croisade, 207. Riat, G., Paris, 388. Ribeiro, J., Dissertagoes sobre a his- toria de Portugal, 637. Ribera, J., Bibli6filos en la Espana nuisultnana, 378; Ensenanza entre los Musulmanes, 378 ; Justicia Mayor, 320. Ricci, C., Studio bolognese, 442. Richard de Bury, Philobiblon, 4(i.">. Richard, E., German civilization, 771. Richard, J., Thierri d'Hirecon, 251. Richard the Lion-Hearted, 202, 206. Richardson, A., Doges of Venice, 298. Richardson, E., Medieval library, 465. Richardson, J., Mystic bride, 272. Richemont, F., Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Richental, U., Conciliutnbuch, 275. Richomme, C., Universite de Paris, 440. Richter, A., Kirchenrecht, 424. Richter, G., Annalen, 135. Richter, G., and Kohl, H., Annalen der deutschen Geschiehte, 57 I . Richter, O., Baseler Konzil, 274 ; Monu- menta conciliorum, 275. Richterich, J., Nikolaus I, 177. Rickaby, J., Scholasticism, 835. Riemann. H., Musikgeschichte, 477. Rienzo, Cola di, 293, 295, 297, 302. Ries, J., Bernhard, 394. Rieunier, A., Medecine, 435. Riezler, S., Wiedersacher der Papste, 289. Rigaud, Registrum visitationum, 240. Rigg, J., S. Anselm, 381. Riguet, I'abbe, Saint Patrice, 128. Riley, A., Athos, 120. Rilliet, A., Confederation suisse, 291. Rinaudo, D., Studi storici, 460. Ringholz. O., Odilo von Cluny, 178. Ripley, W., Races of Europe, 107. Ritter, M., Christlich-mittelalterliche Geschichtschreibung, 458. Rivoira, G., Lombardic architecture, 475. Robert de Sorbon, De consciencia, 441. Robert, G., Ecoles, 385. Robert Guiscard, 195, 199. Robert, II., Signes d'infamie, 872. Roberts, M., Catherine of Siena, 272. Robertson, A., Regnum Dei, 340. Robertson, J., Christian church, 424 note; History of free thought, 742. Robev, H., Justinian's Digest, 422. Robinson, G., Life of Boniface, 129 ; Life of Saint Severimus, 335. Robinson, J., History of western Eu- rope, 377 note; Intellectual history, 335; Medieval and modern times, 377; New history, 106; Petrarch's Confessions, 310; Readings, 391. Robinson, J., and Rolfe, H., Petrarch, 306. INDEX 537 Robinson, P., Franciscan literature, 232; Life of Saint Clare, 225; R. Bacone, 431; Rule of St. Clare, 230; Writings of St. Francis, 225. Rocafort, J., Paulin de Pella, 338. Rochegude. marquis de, Guide a travers Paris, 387. Rocholz, E., Tell, 291. Rockhill, W., Journey of William Ru- bruk, 241. Rockinger, L., Ars dictandi, 418 ; Briefsteller, 418; Briefsteller in Deutschland, 419; Formelbiicher, 419. Rocquain, F., Cour de Rome, 236 ; Nic- olas I", 177; Papaute, 451. Rodd, R., Princes of Achaia, 207. Rodenberg, A., Innocenz IV, 219. Rodin, A., Cathedrales, 476. Rodocanachi, E., Boccace, 310; Cola di Rienzo, 297; Monuments de Rome, 348; Renaissance, 309: Roman capi- tol, 348: Rome au XIV siecle, 297; Sainte-Si&ge et les juifs, 870. Rodwell, J., Koran, 147. Rohricht, R., Beitrage Kreuzziige, 209: Fiinfter Kreuzzug, 207 ; Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges, 205; Kinder Kreuzzug, 207; Konigreich Jersualem, 206: Kreuzfahrt Friedrich II, 207; Kreuzpredigten, 208 : Kreuzziige, 205 ; Regesta regni Hierosolymitani, 210. Rohricht, R., and Meisner, H., Deutsche Pilgerreisen, 210. Romische Quartalschrift, 179. Roepell, R., Geschichte Polens, 696. Roersch, A., Humanisme, 309. Rosier, A., Johannes Dominici, 273. Rosier, M., Erziehung in England, 363. RSssler, O., Geschichte Roms, 347. Roger Bacon essays, 428. Roger, M., L'enseignement, 192. Rogers. J.. Agriculture, 250: Economic interpretation, 251: Holland, 558: Work and wages, 251. Rohde, H., Sizilien, 301. Rohner, A., Schb'pfungsproblem, 408. Rolf or Rollo. 151, 153. Rolland. R., Michaelangelo, 314. Rolls series, 995. Roloff, G.. Frankisches Heer, 137. Roman, J., Manuel de sigillographie, 246. Roman Question, 139, 141. Romances of chivalry, 260, 264. Romania, 456. Romanic review, 456. Romanin, S., Venezia, 298. Romanische Bibliothek, 456. Romano, G., Dominazioni barbariche, 168. Rome, 440-442, 870-871; transforma- tion of, into a medieval city, 344- 348 ; and the Mohammedans, 145, 146, 149 ; in later middle ages, 293, 295, 297; and humanism, 304, 311. Romey, M., Espagne, 624 note. Romuald, 174, 179. Romulus Augustulus, 107. Roncesvalles, 138. Roos, W., Swedish part in viking ex- peditions, 153. Rooseboom, M., Scottish staple, 256. Root, R., Publication, 464. Rope, I., Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Ropp, G., Deutsche Kolonien, 220; Sozialpolitische Bewegungen, 251. Roscelin, 380, 382. Roscoe, W., Lorenzo, 300. Rose, E., Cathedrals of northern France, 476; cathedrals of the Isle de France, 476. Rose, V., Ars notaria, 419; Liicke im Diogenes Laertius, 399 ; Ptolomaus, 399. Rosenberg. A., Kostum, 196. Rosenmund, R., Diplomatik. 238 note. Rosenstock, E., Konighaus in Deutsch- land, 171. Rosiferes, R., Lgende de 1'an mil, 370; Societe francaise, 764. Roskoff, G., Geschichte des Teufels, 355. Ross, J., Medici, 297. Ross, J., and Brichsen, N., Pisa, 302. Rosseeuw, Saint Hilaire, Espagne, 624. Rossetti, D., Dante and his circle, 482 ; New life, 481. Rossetti, M., Shadow of Dante, 480. Rossi, G., Bnllettino di archeologia cristiana, 348 ; Inscriptiones Christi- anae urbis Romae, 348; Roma sot- terranea, 347. Roswitha, 369, 370, 372; Gandersheims Griindung, 171. Roth, F., Adolf I, 289. Roth, K., Geschichte des byzantinischen Reiches, 653. Roth. P., Beneflzialwesen, 162; Feu- dalitat, 162. Roth von Schreckenstein, K., Ritter- wurde, 261. Rousselot, P., Saint-Thomas, 408. Rowbotham, J., Troubadours, 456. Roy, J., L'an mille, 370; St. Nicholas I", 176. Roy Gonsales de Clavijo, Tamerlane, 328. Roval historical society: Transactions, 903. 538 INDEX Royalty, 277, 278, 282. 283. Roziere, E., Formules, 164. Ruano-Prieto, D., Navarra, 322. Rubi6 y Lluch, A., Cultura catalana, 322. Rubruck, William, 235, 240; Journey, 241. Rudolf I of Hapsburg, 286, 287, 289. Rudwin, M., Der Teufel, 355. Rudv, C., Cathedrals of northern Spain, 476. Riick, K., Plinius im Mittelalter, 351. Ruckert, H., Kulturgeschichte, 360. Riihl, F., Chronologie, 254. Ruling, J., Eschatologie des Islam, 376. Ruess, K., Papstliche Legaten, 237. Ruffini, F., Religious liberty, 744. Rvge, S., Entdeckungen, 313 note (gee also 249) ; Literature der Erd- kunde, 258. Rule, M., St. Anselm, 381. Rumania, 708-709, 158. Rupert, 287, 291. Ruprich-Robert, V., Architecture nor- mande, 475. Rural life, 247, 251. Rurik, 151, 152, 154. Ruskin, J., Modern painters, 312; Mornings in Florence, 312; ^Nature of Gothic, 472 ; Stones of Venice, 312. Russia, 46, 681-690, 814, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 186, 323, 326, 328. Rutebeuf, 453 ; Song of the university of Paris, 440. Rutherford, J.. Troubadours, 456. R'-dberg, V., Magic, 354. Rve, W.. Records, 279. Rymer, T., Foedera, 996. Saavedra, E., Arabes en Espafta, 149. Sabatier, P., Floretum S. Francisci, 225; Franciscan essays, 224; Opus- cules de critique historique, 232 : St. Francis, .224. Sabbadini. R.. Ciceronianismo. 309 ; Guarini, -312; Letters of Guarino, 312; Scoperte dei codici, 309. Sachs, J.. Botanik, 434. Sachse, W., Canossa, 183. Sacken, E., Heraldik, 290. Sackur. E., Cluniacenser, 177. Sacristan y Martinez. A., Municipali- dades de Castilla, 321. Sacrorum conciliorum collectio. 962. Siisrmiiller, D.. Cardinale. 236. Sagmiiller, J., Bischofswahl, 237; Kirchenrecht. 424. Saga book of Viking societv, 154. s, 150, 152, 154-155. Saint-L6on, M., Corporations, 253. Saint-Rene Taillandier, Scot Erigene, 372. Sainte-Chapelle, 470, 476. Saints. 353. 354, 356, 358, 360; lives of the, 963. Saintsburv, G., Flourishing of romance, 456: History of criticism, 783. Saintvves, P., Miracle, 356; Reliques, 356; Saints, 356. finiterhick. R., Renaissance, 309. Snlndin, 202, 206. Saladin, H., and Migeon, G., Art mu- sulman, 378. Salamanca, universitv of, 439, 444. Salcedo y Ruiz, A., Historia de Espafia, 319. Rnle, G., Koran, 147. Salembier, L., Deux conciles, 272; Grand schisme, 272 : Petrus de Alli- aco. 273: Pierre d'Ailly, 258; Vul- eate, 416. Salerno, university of, 438, 443. Salic law, 135. Salimbene, Chronica, 458. 459. Salter, E., Franciscan legends. 230 : Legend of St. Francis, 225; Life of St. Francis, 225. Saltet. L., Rordinations, 184; Univer- sit6 de Toulouse, 442. Snlvavre. G.. Saint Bernard, 394. Sfllvemini. G.. Firenze, 300. Snlvini. ,T.. Pragmatique Sanction, 274. Salvioli, G.. L'istruzione in Italia, 371 ; Sullo stato d'ltalia, 111. Snlvisbere, P.. Kriegsarehitektur, 263. Snlzer, E., Signorie, 297. Salzmnnn, L.. English industries, 251; Mediaeval V-wa-'-s. 928. Sammlung ausgewahlter kirchen- und dogmpnsreschichtlicher Quellpnschrift- en, 966 note; gemeinverstandlieher Vortrasre, 197. Samo, 156, 158. Samnelson. J., Bulgaria, 711. Sander. P.. Niirnberg. 252; Wirth- schaftspntwioklung, 142. Sanders, L., St. ,Te>6me. 337. Sandvs, .T.. Classical scholarship. 785: Companion to Latin. 212 note.; Re- vival of learning. 305: Rocrer Bacon. 431: Short history of classical schol- arship 785 note. San Filippo, Storia di Sicilia. 301. Santarem. F.. Cosmoeranhie, 258 ; Quadro elementar. 1001 note. Santavana, G.. Life of reason. 743: Poetrv and religion, 354: Reason in Religion, 354; Three philosophical poets: Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe, 480. INDEX 539 Saranzo, G., Bibliografia Veneziana, 303. Sarrazin, A., Jeanne d'Arc, 284; Pierre Cauchon, 284. Sarti, M., and Fattorini, M., De Claris bononiensis professoribus, 442. Sathas, C.; Documents inedits, 330. Sauerland, H., Johannes Dominici, 273. Sauter, C., Avicennas Bearbeitung der Aristotelischen Metaphysik, 376; Peripatetische Philosophic, 376. Sauvage, R., L'abbaye de Saint-Martin, 198. Sauval, H., Ville de Paris, 388. Savage, E., Libraries, 465; Old Eng- lish libraries, 468. Savigny, F., Geschichte des rb'mischen Rechts, 422. Savio. F., Gli antichi vescovi d'ltalia, 464. Savonarola, 295, 296, 300, 302, 303; Prediche e scritta, 302 ; Triumph of the cross, 297. Saxo Grammaticus, Danish history, 328. Sayer, E., Banquet of Dante, 481. Sayous, E., Hongrois, 705. Sbaralea, J., Bullarium Franciscanum, 232. Scaduto, F., Due Sicilie, 301. Scaduto, L., Stato e chiese, 456. Scaife, W., Florentine life, 311. Scanderbeg, 325, 329. Scandinavia, 814 note, 717-728, 325, 327, 328, 330,. 331. Scarpetta, D., Giovanni I, 301. Scartazzini, G., Companion to Dante, 480 ; Enciclopedia Dantesca, 483. Schaarschmidt, C., Johannes Saresberi- ensis, 414. Schack, A., Normannen, 199; Poesie der Araber, 378. Schaefer, C., Kathedrale von Reims, 476. Schafer, D., Danische Annalen, 330; Deutsche Geschichte, 569 ; Hanse, 249 ; Hansestadte und Konig Walde- mar, 330. Schafer, H., Portugal, 639. Schaff, D., Jan Hus, De ecclesia, 270; Jews, 857 note; John Huss, 269. Schaff, P., Christian church, 396: Creeds of Christendom, 179 ; Renais- sance, 305. Schaff, P., and Wace, H., Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 954 note. Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia, 106. Schalck de la Faverie, A., Normnnds, 154. Schanz, M., Romische Literatur, 336. Scharnagl, A., Investitur, 184. Schaub, F., Caritas, 239; Sklaverei, 163; Zinswucher, 254. Schaube, A., Galeerenfahrten, 256; Handelsgeschichte, 255. Scheel, O., Augustin's Enchiridion, 343. Scheer, J., Germania, 773. Scheffel, P., Verkehrsgeschichte der Alpen, 256. Scheffer-Boichorst, P., Geschichte des XII und XIII Jahrhunderts, 217; Philipp II, 244. Scheffler, W., Karl IV, 291 ; Portraits deutscher Kaiser, 288. Scheler, M., Lexicographic, 448. Scheler, S., Franzosische Geistlichkeit, 239. Scheller, M., Zoll und Markt, 257. Schemmel, F., Hochschule von Kon- stantinopel, 190. Schenk, K., Leo III, 190. Schepss, G., Conradi Hirsaugensis Dia- logus, 416. Scherer, H., Padagogik, 840. Scherer, R., Kirchenrecht, 424. Scherer, W., German literature, 804. Scheuffgen, F., Grosses Schisma, 272. Schevill, F., San Galgano, 227; Siena, 253. Schiemann, T., Russland, 313 note; Russland, Polen, und Livland. 685. Schilling, O., Naturrecht, 461; Staats- lehre Augustinus, 342. Schindele. S., Studienbetrieb, 432. Schipa, M., Contese sociali napoletane, 301. Schipper, I., Kapitalismus bei den Juden, 861. Schirmer, F., Friedrich II, 219. Schirrmacher, F., Friedrieh der Zweite, 219; Letzten Hohenstaufen, 219. Schism between Greek and Latin churches, 173, 177; great western, 267, 272. Schiwietz, S., Monchtum, 120. Schlager, P., Mongolenfahrten, 240. Schleiden, M., Jews, 862. Schlockwerder, K., Gerbert, 372. Schlosser, J., Schriftquellen, karoling- ischen Kunst, 368. Schlumberger, G., Almugavares, 329 ; Amaury I, 206; Byzance et des croi; s.'idrs. 207; Deux chefs normands. 200; Fin de la domination franque, 206; L'pope byzantine, 191; Nic- phore Phocas, 191 ; Principaut&i franques, 206; Renaud de Chfttillon, 206. Schlund, E., Petrus Peregrinus, 432. Schmaus, J., Franken, 135. 540 INDEX Schmeidler, B., Briefwechsel, Abalard und Heloise, 393; Dux Venetiarura, 299; Geschichtschreiber, 462; Italien- ische Geschichtsschreiber, 460. Schmeller, J., Carmina burana, 450. Schmelzer, H., Petrarca, 310. Schmid, J., Die Osterfestberechnung, 260. Schmid, K., Erziehung, 836. Schtnidlin, J., Otto von Freising, 461. Schmidt, A., Sprache Einhards, 367. Schmidt, C., Cathares, 403 ; Cusanus, 273; Livres, 468. Schmidt, Ch., Supplement au Du Cange, 448. Schmidt, F., Kolonisation, 220; Ru- brucks Reise, 240. Schmidt, G., and Riat, G., Paris, 388. Schmidt, K., Enzyklopadie des Erzie- hungswesens, I 1 8. Schmidt, L., Deutsche Stamme, 110; Germanischen Reiche, 111; German- ischen Volker, 111; Wandalen, 112. Schmidt, L., Heilige Ivo, 381; Renais- sance, 314. Schmidt, O., Hugo von St.-Victor, 395. Schmidt, R., Inquisitionsprozess, 404. Schmitt, J., Chronicle of Morea, 211. Sehmitz, H., Bussbucher, 239. Schmitz, W., Alcuins ars grammatica, 367; Chrodegangi Regula, 179. Sohmoller, G., Strassburgs Bliite, 252. Schnaase, 0., Bildende Kiinste, 474. Schneid, M., Aristoteles, 398 ; Erdrun- dung, 434. Schneider, A., Abendlandische Speku- lation, 398 ; Psychologie Alberts des Grossen, 408. Schneider, F., Friedrich II, 219. Schneider, F. R., Artillerie, 263. Schneider, G., Florentiner Bankiers, 238. Schneider, G. A., Theodor von Studion, 177. Schneider, L., Roger Bako, 431. Schneider, P., Kichenrechtsquellen, 425. Schneiderhan, J., Roswitha, 372. Schnitzer, J., Berengar von Tours, 383 ; Savonarola, 301. Schniirer, G., Bonifatius, 130 ; Franz von Assisi, 224; Kirchenstaat, 141. Schober, G., Wahldekret von 1059, 178. Schonfelder, A., Liturgische Bibliothek, 241. Schonherr, F., Reichsfiirstenstand, 292. Schoenhof, J., Money and prices, 254. Scholasticism, 826-835, 397, 398, 405, 407, 409. Scholz, H., Glanbe nnd Unglaube, 342. Scholz, R., Bonifaz VIII, 271 ; Defensor pacis, 292 ; Marsilius von Padua, 289; Publizistik, 271; Streitschriften, 289; Unbekannte Streitschriften, 292. Schomburg, M., Dominikaner, 231. Schools of illumination, 467. Schott, A., Hispaniae illustratap, 997 note. Schottmuller, K., Templerorden, 208. Schrader, F., Atlas, 124. Schram, R., Kalendariographische Ta- feln, 261. Schreiber, G., Kurie und Kloster, 227. Schreuer, H., Die rechtlichen Grund- lagen, 525 note. Schroder, R., Rechtsgeschichte, 583. Schrors, H., Friedrich I, 217 ; Hinc- mar, 177. Schubert, E., Johann von Salisbury, 462. Schubert, H., Church history, 411; Staat und Kirche im Reiche Chlod- wigs, 135; Staat und Kirche von Constantin, 136. Schiipferling, M., Templerherren Orden, 208. Schuetz, A., Renaissance, 313. Schiitz', L., Thomas von Aquin, 415. Schiitz, O., Renaissance, 309. Schulte, A., Adel, 262 ; Alpenwelt, 288 ; Handel und Verkehr, 256. Schulte, J., Canonisches Recht, 424. Schultess, K., Silvester II (Gerbert), 372. Schultz, A., Deutsches Leben, 288 ; Hofische Leben, 261. Schultze, V., Untergang des Heiden- tums, 338 ; Konstantinopel, 669. Schultze, W., Iroschottischen Monche, 363. Schulz, F., Hanse, 257. Schulz, M., Historische Methode, 461. Schulze, E., Kolonisierung, 220. Schumann, O., Papstliche Legaten, 183. Schupfer, F., Diritto italiano, 609. Schwab, J., Gerson, 273. Schwab, M., Bibliographic d'Aristote, 399. Schwahn, W., Valla, 312. Schwan, E., and Behrens, D., Gram- matik, 455. Schwartz, C., Robert Guiscard, 200. Schwarz, Aragonische Hofordnungen, 320. Schwarze, W., John Hus. 270. Schwarzlose, K., Bilderstreit, 177. Schweitzer, P., Skandinavische Liter- atur, 814 note. Schwemer, R., Innocenz III, 218. INDEX 541 Schwenkow, L., Eroberung Spaniens, 149. Schwietering, J., Speer und Schwert, 262. Schybergson, M., Finlands historica, 692. Science and learning in France: a handbook, 4 note. Science, history of natural, 739-748, 373, 377, 396, 399, 426-437. Scott, G., Architecture, 313. Scott, S., Moorish empire, 149. Scott-Moncrieff, P., Paganism and Christianity, 338. Scotus Eriugena, 368, 369, 371. Scriptores ordinis minorum, 232; ordi- nis praedicatorum, 232 ; rerum Dani- carum medii aevi, 1 007 ; rerum Ger- manicarum in usum scholarum, 979 ; rerum Polonicarum, 1 004 note : rerum Suecicarum medii aevi, 1010. Scritti vari in occasione della nascita di Buggero Bacone, 431. Scrutton, T., Roman law, 424. Scully, V., John Ruysbroeck, 409. Sculpture, medieval, 471, 476-477; re- naissance, 305, 307, 313. Seals, 197, 246-247. Sebicht, R., Ostmarkenpolitik, 220. Seckel, E., Geschichte beider Rechte, 424. Sedgwick, H., Italy in thirteenth cen- tury, 214; Short history of Italy, 602. Sedillot, J., Instruments astronomiques, 377. Sedillot, M., Sciences mathematiques, 378. S6e, H., Classes rurales, 163; Louis XI, 284. Seebass, O., Columba, 130. Seeberg, R., Franz von Assisi, 233; Glauben und Wissen, 409; Grundriss der Dogmengeschichte, 476 note; Jo- hannes Duns Scotus, 409; Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, 476. Seebohm, F., English village community, 251. Seeck, O., Untergang der antiken Welt. 336. Seeliger, G., Hofmeisteramt, 292; Ka- pitularien, 142. Seelmann, W., Totentanze, 254. Segre, A., Storia del commercio, 255. Segre, C., Studi Petrarchesehi, 310. Seidel, B., Lehre des Augustinus, 342. Seignobos, C., Feudal 'regime. 161; Mediaeval and modern civilization, 378 ; Moyen age, 357 ; Regime feodal. 163. Sela, G., Reyes Cat61icos, 322. Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 954 note. Seligman, E., Mediaeval gilds, 253. Seljuk Turks, 186, 191. Sell, E., Quran, 148. Sell, K., Christentum, 430. Sellar, A., Bede's Ecclesiastical history, 354. Semeran, A., Condottieri, 298. Semeria, G., Christianesimo di Boezio, 343. Semichon, E., Paix de dieu, 163. Semper, H., Fortleben der Antike, 352. Semple, E., Geographical environment, 107. Sepet, M., Jeanne d'Arc, 283 ; Jeanne d'Arc et historiens, 282 ; Observa- tions sur Jeanne d'Arc, 284; Saint Louis, 245. Seppelt, F., Bettelorden an der Unir versitat Paris, 441 ; Papsttum und Byzanz, 448; Wissenschaft und Franziskanerorden, 441 ; Wundmale des Franz von Assisi, 230. Seraphim, E., Baltische Geschichte, 691 note; Liv- Esth- und Kurland, 691 ; Livland, 691 note. Serbat, L., Tablettes a ecrire, 468. Serbia, 714-716, 324, 326, 329. Serfdom, 161, 163. Sergeant, The Franks, 135. Sermons, Latin, and sermon stories, 446, 447, 450, 451. Serrana, L., Fuentes para la historia de Castilla, 322. Sertillanges, A., Thomas d'Aquin, 408. Servatus Lupus, 368, 371. Sesan, V., Kirche und Staat, 670. Seton-Watson, R., Racial problems, 158. Setterwall, K., Svensk hist, bibliografl, 48. Severinus, Saint, 334, 335, 339. Seyfarth, E., Frankische Reichsver- sammlungen, 142. Se-ler, G., Heraldik, 288. Sforza family, 294, 298. Shackford, M., Legends and satires, 455. Shadwell, C., Quaestio de aqua et terra by Dante, 482. Shadwell, L., Enactments in Parliament concerning Oxford and Cambridge, 445. Shahan, T., Middle ages, 929. Shapiro, I., Koran, 148. Shaw, H., Art of illumination, 466. Shnw, W.. Currency, 254; Knights of England, 284 note. Sheldon, H., Christian church, 402. 542 INDEX Shelley, . H., British Museum, 3 note. Shepherd, W., Poggio, 310. Shepherd, W. R., Historical atlas, 121. Sheppard, ,T., Fall of Rome, 353. Shorthand, 228-229. Shotwell, J., Middle ages, 106; Records of civilization, 949. Shute. R., Aristotelian writings, 397. Sichel, E.. Renaissance, 305. Sicilian Vespers, 293, 301, 303. Sicily, 145, 146, 149, 189, 195, 197, 199, 293, 294, 301, 303. Sidgwick, H., European polity, 461. Sidonius, Apollinaris, 334, 335, 337; Letters, 335. Siebeck, H., Aristoteles, 397 ; Roger Bacon, 431. Siena, 302. Sieniawski, Otto von Bamberg, 221. Sievers, G., Ludwig der Bayer, 289. Siger de Brabant, 482. Sigiienza, J., Saint Jerome, 337. Silbernagl, J., Wilhelm von Occam, 290. Silesia, 703. Silvestre, J., Paleographie universelle, 235. Simeon Stylites, Saint, 117. Simmonds. F., Tristam and Iseult, 454. Simonsfeld, H., Jahrbiicher, Friedrich I, 217; Tedeschi in Venedig, 256. Simony, 175, 178. Simpson, F., Architectural development, 474. Simpson, W., St. Augustine, 342. Simson, B., Jahrbiicher, Ludwig, 168. Sinding, P., Scandinavian races, 718. Siragusa, G., Guglielmo I, 199. Sirn, O., Leonardo da Vinci, 314. Sismondi, J., Histoire des frane.ais, 509; Italian republics, 613; Litera- ture of the south of Europe, 784. Sitzungsberichte der k. Akad. der Wiss- enschaften zu Berlin, 894: der k. bayerischen Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen, 895; der kaiserlichen Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 901; der koniglichen bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Prag, 902. Six ages of European history, 379 ; English chronicles, 370. Skrine, F., and Ross, E., Heart of Asia, 158. Slavery and serfdom, 161, 163. Slavs, 155-159, 323-331. Smeaton, O., Gibbon, Decline and fall, 341 note. Smeaton, W., Medici, 300. Smedt, C., Introductio generalis, 50. Smith, A., Church and state, 237. Smith, D., Rara arithmetica, 436. Smith, D., and Karpinski, L., Hindu- Arabic numerals, 375. Smith, E., Dictionary of dates, 70 note. Smith, F., Florentinische Verfassungs- geschichte, 300. Smith, G. B., Guide to the study of the Christian religion, 405 note. Smith, G. G., Transition period, 309. Smith, I., Christian monasticism, 119. Smith, J. A., and Ross, W., Aristotle's works, 398. Smith, J. H., Troubadours, 454. Smith, J. R., Earliest lives of Dante, 481. Smith, L. M., Cluny, 177. Smith, M., Paris, 387. Smith, R., Mohammed, 148. Smith, T., Mediaeval missions, 178. Smith, W., and Cheetham, S., Diction- arv of Christian antiquities, 108. Smith,, W., and Wace, H., Dictionary of Christian biography, 94. Snell, F., Fourteenth century, 309; Handbook to the works of Dante, 483. Snopek, F., Konstantinus, 158. Snorro Sturleson, Heimskringla, 152. Social England, bv Traill, 735. Societ^ Dantesca Italiana, 483. Societe de 1'histoire de France, 886. 966. 974; de 1'histoire de Normandie. 966 note; de 1'histoire de Paris, Bulletin, Memoires, and Documents, 387 ; de 1'Orient latin, Publications, Archives, and Revue, 210; des anciens textes frangais, 456; franchise pour la pub- lication des livres a miniature, 467 ; Internationale d'etudes Franciscaines, 231. Societies, learned, 885-907. Sohm, R., Church history, 412; Insti- tutes, 422; Kirchenrecht, 424; Stadtewesen, 252. Soldan, W., Hexenprocesse, 404. Sommerard, L., Anne Comn^ne, 205. Sommerfeldt, G., Romfahrt Heinrichs VII, 289. Sommerlad, T., Lebensbeschreibung Severing, 339; Wirthschaftliche Tha- tigkeit der Kirche, 178. Songeon, R., Bulgarie, 710. Sonnenschein, W., Best books, 7. Sorbonne, 438, 441. Sorel, A., Jeanne d'Arc, 283. Soresina, A., Banco Giro di Venezia, 299. Sortais, G., Philosophie ancienne, 407. Souchon, M., Papstwahlen, 271 ; Papst- wahlen in der Zeit des Schismas, 272. Source books, 383-393. INDEX 543 Sources, collections of original, 949- 1013. Southey, R., Chronicle of the Cid, 319. Souttar, R., Mediaeval peoples. 35 1 . Spain, 42, 467-468. 622-635. 813, 907, 997-1000; Visigoths in, 108, 110; Moors in, 145, 146, 149; Vik- ings in, 151, 153; Normans in, 195, 197; in the later middle ages, 315 323 ; universities in, 439, 444. Spangenberg, H., Can Grande della Scala, 302 ; Lehntsaat zum Stande- staat, 292. Speakman, E., Mediaeval hospitals, 436. Specht, F., Unterrichtswesen, 846. Speculum regale, 327, 331. Spence, L., Dictionary of mediaeval romance, 457. Spence-Jones, H., Early Christians in Rome, 348. Sperry, E., Clerical celibacy, 239. Sphragistics, 246-247 Spiegel, N., Vagantenpoesie, 449 Spingarn, J., Literary criticism, 309. Spirgatis, M., Personalverzeichniss, 466. Spiritual Franciscans, 223, 230. Spooner, S., Biographical dictionary of fine arts, 473. Sports of nobles, 260, 264. Sprenger, A., Mohammad, 148. Springer, A., Kunstgeschichte, 473 ; Nachleben der Antike, 352 ; Paris, 386. Spruner, K., and Menke, T., Hand- atlas, 125. Stadler, H., Albertus Magnus, 430. Stained glass, 471, 477. Staley, E., Guilds of Florence, 300. Stanley, A., Eastern church, 190. State and church, 455-459. Statuts et privileges des universites franchises, 444. Staudenmaier, F., Johannes Scotus, 372. Stead, M., Manegold of Lautenbach, 184. Steele, F., Hildegarde, 409. Steele, R., Huon of Bordeaux, 455 ; Medieval lore, 429; Mirror of per- fection, 225; Opera hactenus inedita of Bacon, 437; Renaud of Montau- ban, 455; Roger Bacon, 437; Story of Alexander, 455. Steenstrup, J., Danmarks riges historic, 720; Normannerne, 152. Stefansson, J., Denmark and Sweden, 717; Viking Club, 155. Steffens, F., Lateinische Palaographie, 216; Proben aus Handschriften, 216 note. Steiger, A., Bernhard von Clairvaux, 394. Stein, H., Bibliographie generale des cartulaires franc.ais, 24; Manuel de bibliographie, I . Stein, H., Architects des cathedrales, 475. Stein, W., Hanse, 257; Kaufleute zu Brugge, 256. Steinacher, H., Griechische Sprachkent- nisse, 336. Steinberg, A., Juden, 879. Steindorf, E., Jahrbiicher, Heinrich III, 172. Steinhausen, G., Archiv fur Kulturge- schichte, I 69 ; Geschichte der deutsch- en Kultur, 768 ; Geschichte des deutschen Briefes, 780 ; Kaufmann, 257; Kulturgeschichte, 777; Mono- graphien zur Kulturgeschichte, 775; Privatbriefe, 780 note. Steinmann, E., Rom in der Renais- sance, 311. Steinschneider, M., Al Farabi, 377; Arabischen Uebersetzungen, 377; Ge- schichtsliteratur der Juden, 865; Hebraischen Uebersetzungen, 864 ; Speculum des Albertus, 430; Ueber- setzungen aus dem Arabischen, 377. Stengel, E., Den Kaiser macht das Heer, 505. Stenography, 228-229. Stephen, J., France, 544. Stephen, L., and Lee, S., Dictionary of national biography, 89. Stephens, H., Portugal, 638. Stephens, W., Hildebrand, 182. Stephenson, A., Roman law, 422. Stern, M., Stellung der Papste zu den Juden, 881. Sternfeld, R., Ludwigs des Heiligen Kreuzzug, 207. Stevenson, E., Marine world chart, 259. Stevenson, F., Robert Grosseteste, 430. Stevenson, J., Expulsion of the Eng- lish, 285; Wars of English in France, 285. Stevenson, W., Crusaders, 204. Stewart, A., Buildings of Justinian, 116. Stewart, B., Cyprus, 209. Stewart, C., Mulfaz al Timury, 328. Stewart, H., Boethius, 343. Sticker, G., Die Pest, 254. Stieda, W., Handelsstatistik, 259; Hansisch-Venezianische Handelsbe- ziehungen, 256. Stieglitz, L., Marsilius von Pndua, 289. Stieve, F., Ezzelino von Romano, 219. 544 INDEX Stiglmayr, J., Kichenvater, 351; Pseudo- dionysischen Schriften, 357. Stigmata of St. Francis, 223, 230. Stilte, C., Studies, 930. Stobbe, O., Juden, 880. Stockmayer, G., Naturgefiihl, 429-430. Stockvis, A., Manuel de genfalogie, 270. Stoddard, A., Francis of Assisi, 229. Stoddard, E., Bertrand du Guesclin, 279. Stockl, A., Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, 834. Stolzle, R., Abaelards de imitate et trinitate divina, 395. Stokes, E., Kingdom of ends, 342. Stokes, G., Celtic church, 129; Greek in Ireland, 363. Stokes, M., Three months in forests of France, 130; Six months in Apen- nines, 130. Stone, J., Reformation and renaissance, 309. Storia della letteratura italiana, 811; politica d'ltalia, 599. Storrs, R., Bernard of Clairvaux, 393. Story of the nations, 321. Straccali, A., Goliardi, 449. Strakosch-Grassmann, G., Mongolen, 328. Strange, J., Dialogiis miraculorum of Caesar of Heisterbach, 451. Strasburg oaths, 165, 167. Strathman, H., Askese, 356. Straubinger, J., Kreuzzauffindungs- legende, 209. Strauss, R., Juden, 877 ; Juden in Sizilien, 199. Street, G., Gothic architecture in Spain, 476. Streit, L., Vierte Kreuzzug, 206. Strieder, J., Kapitalistische Organisa- tionsfonnen, 250. Strunz, F., Naturforschung, 427; Na- turwissenschaften, 427. Strutt, J., Sports, 264. Strzvgowski, J., Cimabue und Rom, 311; Orient oder Rom, 474. Stuart, D.. Stage decoration, 253. Stubbs, "W., Canon law in England, 423; Cyprus, 209: Constitutional history of England, 578 note; Euro- pean history, 931; Germany in the early middle ages. 576: Germany in the later middle ages. 577: Literature and learning at court of Henry II, 447: Select charters, 578 note; Sev- enteen lectures, 932. Stndi e memorie, universita de Bologna, 443. Studi medievali, 173. Studien Benediktinerordens, 120; urd Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete aer Geschichte, 898; nnd Mitteilungen der theologischen Fakultiit zu Wien, 494 ; zur Geschichte der Medizin, 434 ; zur Geschichte der Theologie, 495. Stiibe, R., Tschinghizchan, 328. Stuhlfath, W., Gregor I, 124. Sturgis, R., Dictionary of architecture, 474 ; European architecture, 474. Sturgis, R., and Frothingham, A., His- tory of architecture, 474. Sturgis, R., and Krehbiel, H., Bibliog- raphy of fine art, 478. Stutz, U., Benefizialwesen, 163 ; Rechts- geschichte, 424. Suchier, H., and Birch-Hirschfeld, A., Franzosische Literatur, 455. . Sudendorf, H., Berengarius Turonen- sis, 383. Sudhoff, K., Anatomic, 435; Astrono- mie, 433 ; Medizingeschichte, 434. Suger, abbot of Saint-Denis, 241, 244, 457; Gesta Ludovici, 246; Oeuvres completes, 246. Sullivan, J., Marsiglio of Padua, 289. Surgeons, 435. Suter, H., Araber, 375; Mathematik, 436; Mathematiker der Araber, 377. Sutter, C., Buoncompagno, 418. Sutterer, J., Letzte - Romer, 343. Sven Hedin, Central Asia, 158. Svenskt diplomatarium, 1 1 I . Swan, C., Gesta Romanorum, 447. Sweden, 48. 726-727. 1 010-101 I. Sweetser, S., Theology and free in- quiry, 392. Swift, F., James the First, 318. Switzerland, 43-44, 987, 286, 288, 290, 292. Sybel, H., Entstehung des deutschen Konigthums, 136; Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges, 205. Sybel, H., and Sickel, ' T., Kaiserur- kunden, 249. Svdow, O., Tancred, 200. Sykes, M., Caliph's last heritage, 329. Symbolism, 353; in Gothic art, 471, 472. Symon, J., and Bensusan, S., Renais- sance, 308. Symonds, J., Boccaccio, 310; Dante, 480; Life of Cellini, 308; Renais- sance, 306: Short history of the re- naissance, 305; Wine, women and song, 447. Symonds, M., and Gordon, L., Perugia, 302. Synge, M., Book of discovery, 258. INDEX 545 Syria and the Normans, 200. Syrians in Gaul, 357, 359. Table chronologique des diplomes, 975 note. Tables of events and date, 68-76. Tacitus, Germania, 110. Tafel, G., Komnenen, 200. Tafel, G., and Thomas, G., Urkunden: veneto - byzantinische Beziehungen, 330. Taine, H., Philosophic de 1'art, 312. Talamo, S., Aristotelismo, 398. Tamassia, N., Lanfranc, 382 ; Saint Francis, 224. Tamerlane, 324, 328. Tancred of Hauteville, sons of, 196. Tangl, M., Briefe des Bonifatius, 129; Taxenwesen, 238. Tanner, T., Notitia monastica, 226. Tanon, L., Inquisition, 403. Tappan, E., Feudal times, 264. Tardif, A., Droit canonique, 425. Tardif. J., Etymologies d'Isidore, 359 ; Institutions de la France, 137. Tarducci, F., Francesco d'Assisi, 229. Tarducci, T., Gregorio Magno, 124. Tavenor-Perry, J., Didanderie, 477. Taylor, A., Aristotle, 397. Taylor, H., Antecedents of the quattro- cento, 384; Classical heritage, 334; Medieval mind, 756. Taylor, I.. Transmission of books, 466. Taylor, W., History of education, 59 note. Teachers, periodicals for, 184-186. Tell legend. 286, 288, 291, 292. Templars, 202, 208, 243. Temple-Leader, G., and Marcotti, G., Giovanni Acuto, 298. Ten Brink, B., and Scherer, W., Quell- en und Forschungen. 731. Tennyson, A., St. Simeon Stylites, 118. Terry, C., History of Europe, 380. Terry, S.. Financing the Hundred Years' War, 280. Tertiaries of St. Francis, 223, 230. Tcssier, J., Etienne Marcel, 281 ; Quatrieme croisade, 206. Testa, G.. Communes of Lombardy, 217. Teuffel, R., Persohnlichkeitsschilderung; 460. Teuffel, W., Romische Literatur, 336. t Teulet, A., Lavettes. 164. Teutonic Kniehts. 202, 207, 213, 221. Textbooks, 354-357. 362-382. 405- 416. 428-432. 562-569, 629-631. Textual criticism in thirteenth century, 411, 413, 415. Thalloczy, L., Geschichte Bosniens und Serbiens, 716. Thaner, F., "Abalard, 394. Thatcher, O., Adrian IV, 217; Latin sources of first crusade, 205. Thatcher, O., and McNeal, E., Source book, 392. Thatcher, O., and Schwill, F., Europe in the middle age, 381. Thayer, J., Evidence, 161. Thayer, "W., Venice, 296. Theiner, A., Codex diplomaticus, 960 note. Theiner, A., and Miklosich, F., Monu- menta spectanta ad uniorum ecclesi- arum, 330. Theloe, H., Ketzerverfolgungen, 403. Theocracy, ideas about, 458, 459. Theoderic of Freiburg, 427, 432. Theodora, 113-115. Theodore of Tarsus, 127, 361, 364. Theodoric, the Ostrogoth, 108-111, 132. Theodoricus de Niem, De schismate, 275. Theodoricus Teutonicus, De iride, 433. Theodulf, bishop of Orleans, 759 note, 364, 367. Theologischer Jahresbericht, 55. Theologv, and science. 739-748 : and philosophy, 405410. Theophano, 169, 172. The'remin, W., Kirche und Staat, 272. Thesaurus linguae latinae, 309; novus anecdotorum, 951. Thevenin, M., Textes, 164. Thibault, M., Louis XI, 284. Thiel. J., Bernhard von Clairvaux, 394. Thieme, IT., and Becker, F., Lexikon der bildenden Kiinstler, 473. Thierrv, A., Attila, 159; Remits de 1'histoire romaine, 110; R4cits de temps me'rovingiens, 137; Recueil du tiers at. 258;*Tiers tat, 251. Thimme, W., Augustin, 342; Augustins geistige Entwickelung, 342. Thirteenth century in history of culture, 384. Thode, H., Franz von Assisi, 230; Michelangelo, 314. Thoemes, N., Albertus Magnus, 408. Thomas, E., Philobiblon of Richard de Bury, 465. Thomas, G., Florence, 299. Thomas, P., Morceaux ohoisis, 451. Thomas a Kempis, De imitatione Christi, 409. Thomas Aquinas, 405-410, 458, 462; Of God and his creatures, 407: Opera omnia, 410; Summa theologica, 407. 546 INDEX Thomas of Eccleston, De adventu Frat- rum minorum, 226. Thommen, R., Schmitz-Kallenberg, L., and Steinacker, H., Urkundenlehre, 240 note. Thompson, A., English monasteries, 227; English parish church, 236; Military architecture, 262. Thompson. E., Handbook of palaeogra- phy, 212; Illuminated manuscripts, 466; Introduction to palaeography, 212. Thompson. J., Commerce of France, 255: German church, 220; Louis VI, 244: Missi dominici, 167; Refer- ence studies, 210; Vergil, 351. Thompson, S.. Rose of the winds, 258. Thompson, T., Aristotle, 399. Thompson, V., Russia and Scandinavia, 154. Thorbecke, A.. Cassiodorus, 343 ; Hei- delberg, 444. Thorndike. L., Adelard of Bath. 428 : Conceptions of magic, 430; Magic in intellectual history, 430: Medieval Europe. 381 note: Medieval thought, 266: Natural science, 427: Roger Bacon and experimental method, 428 ; Roger Bacon and gunpowder, 263 ; True Roger Bacon, 428. Thousand and one niehts tales. 379. Thovts, E., How to decipher old manu- scripts, 212 note. Thubert, E., Northmen. 153. Thudichum, F., Papsttum, 270. Thurot, C.. De Alexandri de Villa Dei. 448: Doctrines grammaticales, 448; University de Paris, 440. Ticknor, G., Spanish literature, 813 note. Tiede, C., Beziehungen Carls des Grossen zu Ost-Rom. 190. Tilemann, H., FraHziskus von Assisi, 229. Timur, 324, 328; Mulfaz al Timury, 328. Tinti, L.. Odorico, 240. Tiraboschi, G., Letteratura italiana, 811. Tironian notes. 226-229. Tixeront, J.. History of dogmas, 473. Tocco, F.. Eresia, 402. Toeche, T., Heinrich VI, 218. Toplv, R.. Anatomie, 435. Tomassetti, G., Campagna romana. 348. Tomek, E., Reform der Kloster, 227. Tomek, W., Johann Zizka, 274. Tommasini, O., Roma, 347. Toniolo, G., Potenza economica di Firenze, 256. Tonna-Barthet, A., Juana de Arco, 283. Torre, A. della, Accademia platonica, 311. Torreanaz, conde de, Consejos del rey, 319, Tosti, L., Bonifazio VIII, 271; Con- cilio di Constanza, 273 ; San Bene- detto, 120. Totila, 113. Touflet, J., Mill^naire de la Normandie, 198. Tougard, A., Hellnisme, 415. Toulouse, manuscripts in, 236; uni- versity of, 439, 442. Toustain and Tassin, Nouveau traite de diplomatique, 238 note. Tout, T., Empire and papacy, 329 note; Firearms, 263. Toutey, E., Charles le T6me>aire, 284. Towns, 247, 251-253. Toynbee, P., Dante Alighieri, 480 ; Dante studies, 480 ; Dictionary of Dante, 483. Tozer, H., Church and eastern empire, 190; Franks in the Peloponnesus, 326; Greek-speaking population of Italy, 415. Trail, F., Italian literature, 309. Traill, H., Social England, 735. Transactions of the Royal historical society, 903. Transition period 400-600, types of the, 339-344. Translations and reprints, 393. Translations from the Arabic, 373,377; of Aristotle, 396, 399. Trappists, 222, 227. Traub, E., Kreuzzugsplan Heinrichs VI, 206. Traube, L., Latoinisphe Philologie, 397; O Roma nobilis, 346 ; Perrona Scot- torum, 363; Zur Palaographie, CIS. Trench, R., Lectures on church his- tory, 438. Trevelyan, G., Wvcliffe, 273. Troels-Lund. T.. Himmelsbild, 821. Troeltsch, E., Augustin, 342 ; Renais- sance, 308: Soziallehren, 816 note. Trollope, T., Florence, 299. Troubadours, 453, 454, 456. Trova, C., Storia d'ltalia, 614; Studi agli Annali del Muratori, 612 note. Truce of God, 161, 163. Tschackert. P., Peter von Ailli, 273. Tiirnau, D., Rabanus Maurus, 371. Tuetey, A., Ecorcheurs, 282. Tunison, S., Dramatic traditions, 253. Turks, Seljuk, 186, 191; Ottoman, 324, 327, 329. Turmel, J., St. Jerome, 337. INDEX 547 Turner, S., Charlemagne, 140; Ger- manic constitution, 162. Turner, W., History of philosophy, 822 note; Irish teachers, 366; John the Scot, 369. Tuttle, H., Prussia, 596 note. Twelfth and thirteenth centuries in history of culture, 384. Two Sicilies, Kingdom of, 195, 197, 199, 212-213, 218-219. Uebersicht der staatswissenschaftlichen Literatur, 60 note. Ueberweg, F., History of philosophy, 822. Ughelli, F., Italia sacra, 464. Uhde, C., Baudenkmaler in Spanien, 379. Uhlhorn, G., Conflict of Christianity, 338; Liebestatigkeit, 239. Uhlirz, K., Jahrbucher, Otto II und Otto III, 172. Underbill. E.. Mvsticism, 409. Undset, I., Viking ship. 154. Universities, 83-84. 437-445. Unsere religiosen Erzieher, 417. Unwin, G., Gilds, 253. Urban II and the first crusade, 201, 204. Urban life, 247, 251-253. Urbat. R.. Latein der Historia Fran- corum, 360. TIrquhart. \V., Francesco Sforza. 298. Usener, H., Anecdoton Holderi, 343. Usher, A., Grain trade, 256. Usinger, R.. Deutsch-Danische Ge- schichte, 330. Uspenski, M., Russie et Byzance, 158. Vacandard, E., Abelard, 394 ; Arnauld de Brescia, 218: Divorce de Louis le Jeune, 244; Etudes de critique et d'histoire religieuse, 420; Inquisi- tion, 401; L'idolatrie en Gaule, 359: St. Bernard. 393 ; Saint Bernard et la royaute, 244; Saint Ouen, 361; Scola du palais, 359. Vacant, A., Morale a Nicomaque, 399. Vacant, A., and Mangenot, E., Diction- naire. 109. Valdarnini, A., Esperienza in Bacone, 432. Valenti, J.. Roger Bacon, 431. Valentin, L., Saint Prosper, 336. Valin, L., Due de Normandie, 198. Valla, Laurentius, 304, 312. 314; De falso Donatione Constantini, 314. Vallance, A.. Colleges of Oxford, 443. Vallet de Viriville, A., Charles VII, 282. Vallombrosians, 222. Valois, N., Conseil du roi, 281; De arte scribendi epistolas, 419; France et le grand schisme, 272; Guillaume d'Auvergne, 441; J.ean de Jandun, 289; Pape et le concile, 272; Prag- matique Sanction de Bourges, 274; Rythme des bulles pontificales, 419. Vambery, A., Central Asia, 158j Hun- gary, 704; Magyaren, 159; Tiirken- volk, 330. Van Cauwenbergh, P., MoJnes d'Egypte, 119. Vandals, 108, 112, 113. Van den Gheyn, J., Charles Martel, 136. Van der Essen, L., Belgium, 555; Vitae des saints, 360. Vanderkindere, L., Artevelde, 281; Principautes beiges, 552. Van der Linden, H., Histoire de Bel- . gique, 551 : Normands, 153. Van der Linden, H., and Obreen, H., Album historique, 205. Van Dyke, J., Painting, 307. Van Dyke, P., Renascence, 269; Re- nascence portraits, 308. Van Milligen, A., Byzantine Constanti- nople, 663. Van Weddingen, A., St. Anselme, 382. Varangians, 151. Varese, C., Genova, 299. Vasari, G., Lives, 307. Vast, H., Bessarion, 311; Prise de Constantinople, 327. Vatican, 5 note. Vaucelle, E., Colllgiale de Martin de Tours, 361. Vaughan, E., English universities, 443. Vaughan, R., Mystics, 409; Thomas of Aquin, 406. Vedel, W., Heldenleben, 262. Venantius Fortunatus, 358, 360. Venice, 294, 296, 298, 302, 303. Venturi, A., Arte italiana, 473; Pit- tura veneziana, 313. Verdun, treaty of, 165. Vere, G., Lives of Vasari, 307. Vergangenheit nnd Gegenwart, 186. Vernet, Cathares, 403. Veroffentlichungen aus dem kirchen- historischen Seminar zu Munchen, 496. Verona, 302. Verri, P., Storia di Milano, 298. Vespasiano da Bisticci, Uomini illustri, 314. Vetault, A., Charlemagne, 142. Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum amplissima collectio, 952. 548 INDEX Vetusta monumenta, 202 note. Viard, J., Philippe de Valois, 281. Viard, P., Dime ecelsiastique, 238. Vicini, Modena, 302. k Victorines, 222. Vidal, J., Inquisition, 403 ; Jean Gal- land, 403. Vidal de la Blache, P., Atlas, 128; Geographic de la France, 1 46. Vidier, A., Repertoire methodique, 165 note. Vieillard, C., Gilles de Corbeil, 435. Vigener, F., Geschichtschreiber, 460. Vigfusson, G., and Powell, F., Corpus poeticum, 154; Origines Islandicae, 154. Vigna, L., San Anselmo, 382. Vignati, C., Lega Lombarda, 217. Vikings, 150-155. Vildhaut, H.. Quellenkunde, 31. Villani, G., Chroniche, 296. Villari, P., Barbarian invasions, 615; Florentine history, 296; Machiavelli, 295; Mediaeval Italy, 616; Savona- rola, 296; Storia politics d'ltalia, 599. Villari, P., and Casanova, E., Prediche e scritta di Savonrola, 302. Villehardouin, Chronicle of fourth cru- sade, 204, 458. Villemain, A., Gregoire VII, 182. Vincent, J., Municipal problems, 251. Vincent, J. H.. Historical research, 67. Vincent, M., Hildebrand, 182. Vincent of Beauvais, 411, 412, 414, 426, 435, 458. Vinogradoff, P., Roman law, 422. Viollet, P., Droit public, 529; Etablis- sements de Saint Louis, 246 ; His- toire du droit fran?ais, 529 note. Viollet-le-Duc, E.. Annals of a fortress, 261; CM de Carcassonne, 262; Dic- tionnaire de 1'architeeture, 475; Dic- tionnaire du mobilier, 477: Discourses on architecture, 475 ; Military archi- tecture, 262. Visconti family, 293, 298. Visigoths, 108, 110, 111, 126, 129, 132; kings of, 415-711 A.D., 109; faith, morals and learning of, 357 361. Visitations, episcopal, 233, 240. Vitruvius, Ten books of architecture, 307. Vitry, P., and Briere, G., Sculpture franchise, 477. Vittorino da Feltre, 304, 306. Vitzthum, G., Pariser Miniaturmalerei, 466. Vivell, C., Gregorianische Gesang, 125. Vizantijskij vremenik, 175. Vizantijskoe obozrienie, 175 note. Vladimir, the "Clovis" of Russia, 156. Vlasto, E., Derniers jours de Con- stantinople, 330. Vogelin, J., Atlas der Schweiz, 288. Vogel, E., Armarius, 468. Vogel, M., and Gardthausen, V., Griech- ische Schreiber, 415. Vogel, W., Normannen, 153; Seeschif- fahrt, 256. Vogl, S., Physik Roger Bacos, 431. Vogt, A., Basile I", 190. Vogt, F., and Koch, M., Deutsche Lit- er atur, 806. Voigt, E., Lesebuch des Triviums, 448. Voigt, G., Enea Silvio, 296; Wieder- belebung, 306. Voigt, H., Adalbert von Prag, 221 ; Brun von Querfurt, 221. Voigt, J., Hildebrand, 183. Volk, O., Kr^uzzugsidee, 209. Volpe, G., Comuni italiani, 217. Volsunga saga, 152. Vom Mittelalter zur Reformation, 750. Vorreformationsgeschichtliche Forsch- ungen, 270. Vossler, K., Frankreichs Kultur, 766; Gottliche Komodie, 482. Voyage litteraire de deux Benedictines, 799. Vuitry, A., Regime financier de la France, 245. Vulliemin, L., Confederation suisse, 291. Vulliety, H., Suisse, 290. Waal, Kirchengeschichtliche Festgabe, 421. Wace, H., and Piercy, W., Dictionary of Christian biography, 94 note. Wadding, L., Annales Minorum. 228 ; Scriptores ordinis minorum, 232. Wadstein, E., Eschatologische Ideen- gruppe, 356. Wachter, A., Verfall des Griechentums, 327. Waern, C., Mediaeval Sicily, 197. Wagner, A., Normannen, 200. Wagner, P., Messe, 239. Wailly, N., Paleographie, 222. Waitz, G., Jahrbiicher, Heinrich I, 168; Lehnwesen, 162; Vassalitat, 162; Verfassungsgeschichte, 578. Walafrid Strabo, 368, 371, 372. Waldensians, 400, 403. Waliszewski, K., LittSrature russe, 814 note. Walker, W., Philip Augustus, 244. INDEX 549 Wallon, H., Jeanne d'Arc, 283 ; Saint Louis, 245. Walser, E., Christentum und Antike, 312; Poggius, 310. Walsh, J., Churchmen in science, 429; Education: how old the new, 435; Makers of medicine, 435; Popes and science, 429; Thirteenth, greatest of centuries, 385. Walter, P., Fontes iuris ecclesiastic!, 425. Walter, J., Lexicon diplomaticum, 245. Walter, J. v., Franz von Assisi, 229; Robert von Abrissel, 227. Walter of Henley, Husbandry, 258. War, bibliography of, 61. Ward, C., Church vaulting, 475. Warfare, 185, 189, 190, 209, 260- 263. Warner, G., Reproductions from illu- minated manuscripts, 467. Warr, C., Writings of St. Francis, 225. Watson, C., Jerusalem, 209. Watson, J., Christianity and idealism, 354. Wattenbach, W., Deutschlands Ge- schichtsquellen, 29 ; Germanisierung der Grenzmarken, 220; Iter Austria- cum, or Briefsteller, 419; Palaeo- graphie, 212 note; Profaner Ryth- mer, 449 ; Schriftwesen, 464. Watterich, J., Pontificuin Romanorum vitae, 96 1 note. Watts, H., Christian recovery of Spain, 318. Watts, W., Confessions of St. Augus- tine, 341. Waxed tablets, 462, 468. Way, A., Song of Roland, 454. Webb, C., John of Salisbury, 412; Policraticus of John of Salisbury, 416; Scotus Erigena, 371; Studies in natural theology, 8 1 5 note. Weber, G., Weltgeschichte, 317. Weber, M., Handelsgesellschaften, 255. Wechssler, E., Frauendienst, 263. Wedgewood, E., Memoirs of the lord of Joinville, 204. Wegele, F., Historiographie, 106. Weil, G., Chalifen, 148. Weimann, K., Sittliche Begriffe in Gregor von Tours, 360. Weingarten, H., Zeittafeln zur Kirchen- geschichte, 416. Weinhold, K., Deutsche Frauen, 263. Weise, G., KSnigtum und Bischofswahl, 178. Weiss, A., Aeneas Sylvius, 296. Weissenborn, F., Gerbert, 372. Welch, A., Anselm, 381 ; Six mediaeval women, 370. Wellhausen, J., Arabisches Reich, 147; Muhammed in Medina, 150. Wells, C., Charlemagne, 140. Welschinger, H., Strasbourg, 168. Weltanschauung, edited by W. Dilthey, 818. Weltanschauung, medieval, 8 1 4-82 I , 352-357. Welter, J., Exempla, 451. Weltgeschichte, by Helmolt, 315; bj J. v. Pflugk-Harttung, 318. Weltgeschichte in Karakterbildern, 327. Wenck, K., Bonifaz VIII, 271: Franz von Assisi, 229; Heilige Elizabeth, 272; Heinrich VII, 289; Konrad von Gelnhausen, 273. Wendland, P., Hellenistisch-rb'mische Kultur, 339. Wendt, G., Germanisierung, 220. Wenzel, 287, 291. Wenzelburger, K., Niederlande, 559. Wergeland, A., Slavery, 163; Working classes, 250. Wer ist's ? 95 note. Werken uitgegeven door het Historisch Genootschap te Utrecht, 977 note. Werminghoff, A., Deutsche Orden, 221 ; Kirchenverfassung, 463 ; National- kirchlich Bestrebungen, 274; Ver- fassungsgeschichte der deutschen Kirche, 463 note. Werner, A., Bonifacius, 131. Werner, K., Alcuin, 367; Beda, 364; Duns Scotus, 409; Gerbert, 372; Roger Baco, 432. Wernle, P., Renaissance, 308. Werunsky, E., Karl IV, 291. Wessely, J., Ikonographie Gottes, 357. Wessenberg, J., Kirchenversammlungen, 272. West, A., Alcuin, 350. West, G., Gothic architecture, 476. West, W., Modern world, 382. Westcott, R., Dionysius the Areopagite, 354. Westermann, W., Economic basis of de- cline of ancient culture, 334. Westlake, N., Portraiture of St. Francis, 231. Weston, J., Romance cycle, 143. Westwood, J., Palaeographia sacra pic- toria, 467. Wetzer, H., and Welte,, B., Kirchen- lexikon, 113. Wheeler, C., Divine comedy, 481. Wheeler, E., Women, 482 note. Wherry, E., Quran, 147. 550 INDEX Whetham, W. and C., Science and the human mind, 745. Whewell, W., Inductive sciences, 429. Whishaw, B. and E., Arabic Spain, 379. Whit comb, M., Source book of the re- naissance, 307. White, A., Warfare of science with the- ology, 739. White, H., Vulgate, 416. Whitwell, R., Italian bankers, 254. Who's who, 95. Wiart, R., Precaria, 162. Wickersheimer, E., Faculte de medecine, 435; Medecins, 435. Wickhoff, F., Illuminierten Hand- schriften, 467. Wicksteed, P., Chroniche of Villani, 296; Convivio of Dante, 481; Dante and Aquinas, 480 ; Early lives of Dante, 481; Paradise, 481. Wiclif, 267, 273. Widukind, 138. Wieck, H., Die Teufel, 355. Wiedemann, E., Alchemie bei den Ara- bern, 377 ; Chimie bei den Arabern, 377; Geschichte des Kompasses, 377; Naturwissenschaften bei den Arabern, 377. Wiel, A., House of Savoy, 302; Navy of Venice, 296; Verona, 302. Wieschoff, J., Bettelorden, 228. Wiesener, W., Kirche in Pommern, 221. Wietersheim, E., Volkerwanderung, 111. Wilde, A., Ecoles du palais, 359; Learn- ing in Gaul, 359. Wilken, F., Kreuzziige, 205. Wilkins, T., Niederlandische Handel, 256. Willard, J., English universities, 443. Willemaers, Le Cid, 319. Willert, P., Louis XI, 284. Willett, H., Robert Grosseteste, 431. William, E., Lombard towns, 218. William of Champeaux, 391, 395. William of Conches, 759 note. William of Jumieges, Gesta Norman- norum, 200. William of Ockam, Works against the papacy, 292. Williams, H., Christianity, 129. Williams, H. S., Manuscripts, 234. Williamson, J., St. Boniface, 131. Willibald, Life of Boniface, 129. Willis, R. and Clark, J., Cambridge, 443. Willmann, O., Didaktik, 837. Willson, T., Church in Norway, 725. Wilmans, R., Jahrbucher, Otto III, 172. W T ilser, L., Germanen, 111. Wimmer, E., Adelheid, 172. Wimmer, J., Pflanzenleben, 430. Winckler, A., Gregor VII und die Nor- mannen, 200. Windelband, W., History of philosophy, 823. Winkelmann, E., Angelsachscn, 313 note; Friedrich II, 219; Philipp von Schwaben, 218. Wii'kler, A., Hanse, 257. Winter, F., Cistercienser, 227; Pra- monstratenser, 227. Winterfeld, P., Hrotsvithae opera, 372 ; Hrotsvits Stellung, 372. Wirth, A., Geschichte Asiens, 680. Wisbaum, W., Gregor der Grosse, 124. Wishart, A., Short history of monks, 480. Wislicenus, W., Chronologie, 264; Der Kalender, 265. Wissenschaft und Bildung, 948. Witch persecutions, 401, 404. Witelo, 427, 432. Withingtoh, ET, Medicine, 434. Witijds, 113. Witte, H., Germanisation unseres Os- tens, 220. Witte, K., Essays on Dante, 480. Wittmann, M., Avencebrol, 376; Thomas von Aquin, 408. Witzel, P., De Fr. Rogero Bacon, 415. Wolfflin, H., Klassische Kunst, 312. Woermann, C., Geschichte der Kunst, 473. Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft, 116 note. , Wolf, G., Studium der neueren Ge- sehichte, 66. Wolf, R., Astronomie, 433. Wolff, M., Valla, 312. Wolff, O., Mongolen, 328. Wolfsgruber, C., Augustinus, 342 ; Gregor der Grosse, 124. Wolkan, R., Aeneas Sylvius, 314. Wollschack, T., Gregor I, 124. Woltmann, A. and Woermann, K., His tory of painting, 313. Women of chivalry, 260, 268. Wood, A., Oxford, 443. Woodcock, C., Saint Anthony of Padua, 228. Woodhouse. F., Military orders, 208; Monasticism, 486. Woods. F., Heredity in rovaltv, 282. Woodward, E., Christianity and nation- alism, 116. Woodward. J. and Burnett, G., Her- aldry. 286. Woodward. W., Studies in education, 306; Vittorino da Feltre, 306. INDEX 551 Wooley, R., Coronation rites, 339. Woolf, C., Bartolus of Sassoferrato, 461. Workman, H., Christian thought, 757 ; Hus, 273; Monastic ideal, 481. World histories, 313-327. World's epoch-makers, 325. Worms, Concordat of, 181, 184. Worsaae, J., Pre-historv of north, 153. Wostry, W., Albrecht II, 291. Wozasek, B., Norbert, 227. Wrangham, D., Liturgical poetry, 451. Wright, C., French literature, 454. Wright, G., Asiatic Russia, 158. Wright, R., Respublica Romana, 176. Wright, T.. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 451; Archaeological subjects, 754; De naturis rerum by Neckam, 427: De triumphis ecclesiae of John Gar- land, 451; Domestic manners, 264; Early travels in Palestine, 210; Homes of other days, 264; Latin poems of Walter Mapes, 450; Latin stories, 451 ; Popular science, 430 ; Vocabularies, 448. Wright, T. and Halliwell, J., Reliquae antiquae, 933. Wroth. W., Byzantine coins, 191. Wrottlesley, G., Crcy, 280. Wurschmidt, J., Regenbogen of Dietrich von Freiburg, 433. Wiistenfeld, F., Academien der Araber, 378; Arabische Aerzte, 377; Ge- schichtschreiber der Araber, 378; Uebersetzungen arabischer Werke, 377. Wulf, M., History of medieval phil- osophy, 827 ; Philosophic scholastique dans les Pays-Bas, 825; Scholastic- ism, 406. Wulff, F., Petrarque, 310. Wurm, H., Albornoz, 297 ; Papstwahl, 453. Wvatt, M., Art of illuminating, 466. Wylie, J., Council of Constance, 269. Xenopol, A., Roumains, 709. Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain, 209. Yellin, D. and Abrahams, I., Maimon- ides, 867. Young, G., East and west, 349; Medici, 300. Young, K., Passion play, 253. Young, N., Rome, 345. Vriarte. C., Florence, 300. Yule, H., Book of Marco Polo, 249; Cathay, 241. Yver, G., Commerce dans 1'Italie, 256. Zachariae von Lingenthal, K., Geschichte des griechisch-romischen Rechts, 672. Zangemeister, C., Orosius, 341. Zappert, G., Virgil's Fortleben, 351. Zarnke. F., Priester Johannes, 240. Zechbauer, F., Inquisitionsverfahren, 404. Zehetbauer, F., Kirchenrecht, 130. Zeiller, J., Thomas d'Aquin, 462. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung, 1 83 : fur christliche Kunst, 478 ; fiir franz- osische Sprache, 456 ; fiir Geschichte der Erziehung, 182; fur Kirchenge- schichte, 176; fiir Kirchenrecht, 425; fiir Kulturgeschichte, 169 note; fiir ' romanische Philologie, 456. Zeller, B., L'histoire de France, 976. Zeller, E., Aristotle, 397. Zeller, J., Frederic II, 219; Histoire d'Allemagne, 572 : L' empire german- ique et 1'eglise, 572 ; L'empire ger- manique sous les Hohenstaufen, 216- 217; Otton le Grand, 171. Zeller-Werdmiiller, H., Burganlagen, 263. Zeno, eastern emperor, 108. Zerffi, G., Mathias Hunyady, 326. Zeumer, K., Formulae Merovingici, 164; Goldene Bulle, 291 : Heiliges ro'm- isches Reich, 502 ; Quellensammlung, 985 note; Westgothische Gesetzge- bung, 359. /euthen, H., Mathematik, 436. Zharski, E., Slawenkriege, 158. Ziegelbauer. R., Historia rei literariae S. Benedict!, 468. Ziegler, T., Padagogik, 839. Zielinski, T., Antike und wir, 309; Cicero, 351. Zimmer, H., Beriihrungen der Iren, 363: Celtic church, 129; Handelsverbind- ungen Westgalliens mit Irland, 363 ; Irische Heldensage, 363 : Irish ele- ment, 128; Keltische Studien, 363. Zimmer, Helen, Hansa towns, 249. Zimmermann, A., Stenographie, 229. Zimmermann, H., PSpstliche Legation, 237. Zimmermann, M., Giotto, 313. Zingerle, J.. Geographie. 259. Zinkeisen, J., Osmanisches Reich, 329. Zirbt. C., Bibliografle ceske historie, 47 note. Ziska. John, 268, 274. Zockler, O., Askese und Monchthum, 484 ,- Beziehungen zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaften, 748. Zopf. L- Heiligenleben, 179; Margaretha Ebner, 409. Zoepffel, R., Papstwahlen, 236. 552 INDEX Zoology, 434. Zwemer, S., Raymund Lull, 240. Zorn, P., Staat und Kirche in Norwegen, Zwiedeneck-Siidenhorst, H., Bibliothek 330. deutscher Geschichte, 660; Venedig, Zotenberg, M., Visigoths et Arabes en 298. France, 149. Zycha, A., Ursprung der Stadte in Boh- Zumbini, B., Petrarca, 310. men, 700 note. Zur Geschichte der Costume, 195. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SYLLABUS SERIES 1. Economics 1. Introduction to Economics. Topical Outline and References. 1905. [Eevised, 1910.] Price, 50 cents. 3. Economics SB. Money. Topics and Eeferences. 1906. Price, 50 cents. 6. Economics 43. History of Social Reform Movements. Topics and References. 1907. Price, 50 cents. 7. English IA. Sections I-II. Narration and Description. Outline of the Course. 1908. Price, 10 cents. 11. Mathematics. Syllabus of Mathematics for Engineering Students. 1909. Price, 5 cents. [Revised, 1910.] 12. Anthropology 20. Outlines of Ethnology. 1909. Price, 10 cents. 13. Synopsis of the Families of Insects Inhabiting California. 1909. Price, 5 cents. 14. English 13A. Analysis of the Sources of Accented Vowels in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, B 4011-4060. 1909. Price, 25 cents. 15. Syllabus of Historical Geography. 1908. Price, 25 cents. 16. Exercises for Economics 8. Theory and History of Banking. 1910. Price, 15 cents. 17. Economics 151M. Crime as a Social Problem. 1910. Revised, 1912. Price, 35 cents. 19. Laboratory Instructions in Physiological Chemistry. 1910. Price, 20 cents. 20. Synopsis of Lectures in Palaeontology 1. 1913. Revised August, 1916. Price, 50 cents. 21. Specimen Themes. English 1. 1911. Price, $1. 22. Laboratory Instructions in Experimental Biology. 1911. Price, 25 cents. 24. Hygiene. The Biological Interpretation of Public Health. 1911. Price, 25 cents. 25. Laboratory Instructions in Introductory Physiology. Revised 1916. Price, 25 cents. 27. Outline of Lectures in General Science 1. 1911. Price, 50 cents. 30. Outline of Lectures in General Science 2. 1912. Price, 45 cents. SYLLA8US SERIES-CONTINUED 31. Economics 119. The Care of Dependents. 1912. Price, 80 cents. 34. Agricultural Education. Lesson Exercises. 1912. Price, 25 cents. 35. Home Economics. Recipes. 1912. Price, 25 cents. 39. Contemporary Political Questions. 1912. Price, 50 cents. 41 A. Hydraulic Tables. 1913. Price, 15 cents. 45. Economics 113s. Labor Organizations in Great Britain and the United States. 1914. Price, 60 cents. 47. Agricultural Chemistry 1. Application of Chemistry to Agricul ture. 1914. Price, 30 cents. 48. Economics 113A. Labor Problems. September, 1914. Price, 25 cents. 51. Zoology 108. Embryology. Laboratory Exercises. 1914. He- vised August, 1916. Price, 25 cents. 53. Money and Banking. Economics 108. Eevised August 1916. Price 15 cents. 55. Economics 118. The Control of Poverty. 1914. Mimeographed edition, 1916. Price, 40 cents. 58. Education 14. Social Aspects of the Liquor Problem. 1915. Price, 75 cents. 59. Economics 101. Economic and Commercial History. Revised August, 1916. Price, 20 cents. 60. Shakespeare and Modern Prose and Nineteenth Century Prose. English S15, S117A and S126. 1915. Price, 10 cents. 61. Outline of Combined Courses in Pathology, including: Bac- teriology and Protozoology. Infection and Immunity. Ex- perimental Pathology. Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy. 1915. Price, $1.50. 64. Political Science 101. Theory of the State. 1915. (Reprinted August, 1917.) Price, 75 cents. 65. Anthropology IB. Origin and Development of Civilization. 1916. Price, 15 cents, o :. English 2B. Analysis of Milton's "Paradise Lost." 1916. Price, 15 cents. H9. Physics IA Lectures on Mechanics, Properties of Matter and Heat. August, 1916. Price, 30 cents. 70. Laboratory Directions in Physiology. August, 1916. Price, $1. 73. Problems for Economics 14A. August, 1916. Price, 20 cents. 74. Biochemistry. Revised, January, 1917. Price, $1. SYLLABUS SERIES-CONTINUED 75. Physics IB. January, 1917. Price, 50 cents. 76. Anthropology IB. Origin and Development of Civilization. Ee- vised January, 1917. Price, 25 cents. 77. Selected Headings in Anthropology. January, 1917. Price 35 cents. 78. Political Science 112. Legislative Failure and Eeform. 1917. Price, 10 cents. 79. Elementary Mathematics for Prospective Teachers. April, 1917. Price, 10 cents. 80. Jurisprudence 18A. Problems in Commercial Law. June, 1917. Price, 35 cents. 81. Jurisprudence 18B. Problems in Commercial Law. June, 1917. Price, 30 cents. 82. English S130, 14, and S117A. Studies in American Literature and Biography, Modern Drama, and Shakespeare. June, 1917. Price, 25 cents. 83. Anthropology IA. August, 1917. Price, 25 cents. 84. Notes on Crime and Delinquency. July, 1917. Price, 50 cents. 85. Topics for Lectures on the Greeks in Literature and Life. August. 1917. Price, 5 eenrs. 86. The Short Story, Medieval and Modern. August, 1917. Price. 35 cents. 87. Zoology IA. General Zoology. August, 1917. Price, 60 cents. 88. Elements of Law Latin. Latin L. August, 1917. Price, $1.00. 89. Selected Headings in Anthropology. Series A. August, 1917. Price, 75 cents. 90. Guide to the Study of Medieval History. Louis John Paetow. xvi + 552 pages. November, 1917. Price, bound in cloth, $2.00. DATE DUE 19*8 RECD D Fr ' ! . ; ; :t; WJU '6 8 KECD FED l 11368 las n fi A win * * /y/u 3 UC 1970 f 4. 1972 GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S.A. A 001393883