THE LIVE AND TRAVELS OF MUNGO PARK. ALSO, AN ACCOUNT OF THE PROGRESS OF AFRICAN DISCOVERY EDINBURGH: PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM AND ROBERT CHAMBERS. 1842. EDINBURGH : TV. AND R. CHAMBERS. NOTICE. THE present number of the " PEOPLE'S EDITIONS" of approved works in all departments of literature, comprises an Original Memoir of the early life of Park, a Reprint of the " Travels in the Interior of Africa," written by himself, and published as an expensive quarto volume in 1798 ; and an Original Narrative of his second journey. To these has been added an Original Account of the Progress of African Discovery from the death of the traveller till the year 1838. The work, therefore, is believed by the publishers to be the most complete which has yet appeared on the subject of the much-lamented Mungo Park, and the objects of his enterprise. CONTENTS. Page EARLY LIFE OF PARK ..---- 5 TRAVELS IN AFRICA COMMENCED - - - - 6 Arrival in Africa -...-- 7 Account of the Country and Natives - . - 9 Sets out from Pisania - - - - - -11 Tisits the King of Woolli - ... 13 Reaches Bondou ...... 14 Proceeds for Fatteconda ----- 15 The Foulahs of Bondou 17 Arrives at Kajaaga ------ 18 Distressing situation kindness of a Slave - - 19 Arrival at Teesee 20 Robbed on the Journey by Tiggity Sego - - 21 Arrival at Kooniakary ----- 22 Travels over the Plains of Kaarta - - - 23 Visits the King at Kemmoo 24 Journey from Kemmoo to Funingkedy - - 25 Enters Ludamar Proceeds to Jarra - - 26 Account of Jarra and the Moors - - - 27 Deserted by his Companions Arrives at Dalli 28 The Camp of Ali at Benowm - - - - 29 Bad Treatment by Ali 30 Kept at Benowm 31 Occurrences at Benowm 32 Distress from Hunger ----- 33 Continues in Captivity at Benowm 34 Manners of the Moors Queen Fatima - - 35 Proceeds with Ali to Jarra 37 Escapes from Captivity ----- 39 Arrives at Wawra ------ 41 Wassiboo Galloo Datliboo - - - - 42 Sansanding .-.---.45 Encounters a Lion ------ 45 Information regarding Tombuctoo 47 Commences his Return ----- 48 Travels Westward on the Niger - - - - 49 Pago Arrives at Taffara 50 Plundered by Banditti 52 Forlorn Condition Health Declines - - - 63 Arrives at Kamalia ------ 54 Climate, Seasons, Productions - - - - 55 Manners of Mandingoes - - - - - 57 State and Sources of Slavery - - - - 61 Mode of Collecting Gold Dust 63 Trade in Ivory ...... -65 Negro Schools and Education 67 Departure from Kamalia - - - - - 68 Travels with a Slave Coffle 69 Reaches Malacotta ----.. 71 Return to the Gambia ----- 74 Arrival in England ------ 75 RESIDENCE IN BRITAIN FROM 1797 TILL 1805 - 76 Practises as a Surgeon at Peebles - - - 77 NARRATIVE OF SECOND TRAVELS IN AFRICA - 78 Troubles on the Journey - - - - - 79 Loss of Companions Reaches the Niger - 80 Death of Park his Cliaractcr - - - - 81 PROGRESS OF AFRICAN DISCOVERY FROM THE DEATH OF MUNGO PARK ------ 82 Expeditions of Hornemann, Nicholls, Adams, Ri- ley, Tuckey, Peddie, Campbell, Gray, and Ritchie -------82 Denham and Clapperton's Expedition - - 83 Clapperton Laing Caillie* 84 Expedition of the Brothers Landers - - - 85 Mouth of the Niger discovered by the Landers 85 Laird, Oldfield, and Richard Lander's Expedi- tion -...-... 87 Death of Lander ------ 87 Conclusion --------88 LIFE AND TRAVELS OF MUNGO PARK. EARLY LIFE. MUNGO PARK was born, on the 10th September 1771, at Fowlshiels, a farm held by his father on the estate of the Duke of Buccleugh in Selkirkshire, and situated not far from Selkirk, a small burgh town in the south of Scotland. The elder Park, who bore the same name which his sou afterwards rendered so illustrious, had a family of thirteen children, of whom the subject of this memoir was the seventh in order of birth. The mother of this numerous offspring was named Hislop, and was a woman of remarkable sense and prudence. Her husband died, after a long and exemplary career, in the year 1792. The early education of Mungo Park was received in his father's house of Fowlshiels, where a private tutor was for some years employed. The legends of border daring and chivalry, with which his ear was in these juvenile days familiar, and of which he retained in after times a vivid impression, may have had some in- fluence in instilling into his young mind that love of adventure which modified so strongly the tenor of his life. After acquiring the ordinary rudiments of edu- cation at home, mingled with the traditional lore al- luded to, Mungo was removed to the grammar school of Selkirk, at which he remained for several years, and distinguished himself above all his boyish compeers by his application and success in his studies. At this, as at every other period of his life, he was noted for the modest gravity, and even reserve, of his manners and disposition. He was fond of reading and solitude, and used to indulge these propensities conjointly, by long companionless rambles on the banks of his native Yar- row. In Mungo Park's reserve of temperament, how- ever, no suspiciousness or hauteur was ever observed to mingle ; and, with all his quiet thoughtfulness, occa- sional gleams of spirit and ambition were seen to burst forth, indicative of the latent fire that burned beneath his cold and composed exterior. Though intended originally for the church, Mungo, on reaching the age of fifteen, showed a decided preference for the medical profession, and was apprenticed, in conse- quence, to Mr Thomas Anderson, a respectable surgeon in Selkirk. After spending three years under this gentle- man's charge, Park, in the autumn of 1789, went to Edin- burgh, and began the usual course of professional study at the University of that city.* Upon the whole, little is known respecting his college life, excepting that he showed, during his three years' attendance on the medical classes, a marked predilection for botanical pursuits. Fortunately, his brother-in-law, Mr James Dickson, was a person peculiarly qualified to assist Park in his prosecution of the science in question, the knowledge of which proved afterwards so useful. Though filling originally the situation of a labouring * He not only proved a diligent student in the way of his pro- fession, but evinced, at various times, a very considerable degree of literary taste. AVe have been informed that on one occasion he was a candidate for a medal, offered for the best poem on the comparative merits of Allan Ramsay and Robert Fergusson. The prize was awarded by the votes of a society, and Mungo stood second by the decision. But the winner's personal popularity, it was very generally admitted, was the cause of his success Park's being much the better poem, in the estimation of those most capable of judging. Such a circumstance as this is scarcely worthy of notice, except in so far as it testifies to the general ability displayed in youth by the subject of tin's memoir. gardener, Mr Dickson had raised himself into consider- able distinction as a botanist, both in Edinburgh and London, to which latter city he had gone in the humble capacity alluded to. When resident there, his profes- sional skill and enthusiasm had procured for him the notice of Sir Joseph Banks ; and this circumstance en- abled Mr Dickson to do his young relative a still greater favour than even the furtherance given to his studies in natural history. After Park had completed his term of attendance at the University, and had procured his surgical diploma, he went to* London, in the hope of obtaining some employment either at home or abroad. A recommendation which he bore with him from Mr Dickson to Sir Joseph Banks, procured the young surgeon the object of his wish. By Sir Joseph's interest, Park received, shortly after his application, the appointment of assistant medical officer on board of the Worcester East Indiaman in which vessel he sailed for the East Indies in the month of February 1792. Having made a voyage to Bencoolen, in the island of Sumatra, he returned to England in the fol- lowing year. Park brought with him many proofs of the ardour with which he had pursued, during his absence, his favourite scientific studies. To Sir Joseph Banks he presented some rare and valuable specimens of plants which he had discovered abroad ; and he communicated to the Linnaean Society a paper, de- scribing several hitherto unobserved fishes of the Indian seas. This contribution was afterwards published in the society's Transactions. These, and various other observations of importance, made by Park on his voy- age, confirmed him in the favour and friendship of S'ir Joseph Banks, and led to habits of frequent intercourse between them, as well as to the introduction of the young Scotsman into the society of all the eminent scientific men of the day in the metropolis. This was, doubtless, of great influence in arousing Park's thirst for distinction, and directing his mind to loftier objects than any within the scope of his professional pursuits. Nor did any length of time elapse, after his return to England in 1793, ere these ambitious views assumed a definite form and aim ; and this was brought about chiefly by certain circumstances which had taken place in the scientific world shortly before this period. A number of distinguished individuals in Britain, some years prior to Mungo Park's Indian voyage, had formed themselves into an association for the purpose of promoting discoveries in Africa, the interior of which remained almost entirely a blank in modern geography. Indeed, the knowledge of the civilised world upon the subject of the African continent, was actually more extended and more accurate two thou- sand years back, than it was towards the close of the eighteenth century. This stigma the founders of the African Association proposed to wipe away ; and, as it proved, the hour, and the man for the task, soon came. Under the auspices of the society, Mungo Park un- dertook the task of penetrating into the interior of Af- rica. The great light which he threw upon this long obscure subject, will best appear from the records of his travels. Full justice, however, cannot be done to his exertlons^unless some explanation be given of the actual state of ouxjcnowledge respecting African geo- graphy, previous to Iii$ entrance on the field of discovery. Herodotus, the oldest historian of ancient Greece, and who flourished between two and three thousand MOTIVES FOR UNDERTAKING THE EXPEDITION. years ago, describes a large inland river of Africa, named the Niger, which flowed, according to his ac- count, from west to east that is, from the western coast into the centre of the country. Of the existence of this stream, Herodotus was made aware by the personal communications of some travellers belonging to the northern regions of the African continent, and who stated themselves to have seen the river in ques- tion. Several succeeding writers confirmed the rela- tion of Herodotus ; but the geographers of the middle ages, and particularly certain Arab writers, denied the existence of any large river in the interior of Af- rica, with such a course as that ascribed to the Niger. They admitted that a river of that name existed, but described it as flowing from east to west. As two large streams, the Gambia and Senegal, do really flow from the interior into the sea in this direction, at the part of Africa in question, it appeared an easy solution of the matter to regard the course, and even the existence, of the Niger as altogether a mistake, springing out of some confused notions relative to one or other of the two streams alluded to. This conclusion was, in reality, the one adopted by the majority of the geographers of the eighteenth century, though some of the most dis- tinguished, such as D' Anville and Rennel, were inclined to put faith in the statement of Herodotus. The vast breadth of the African continent from west to east, more especially in its central latitudes, together with the absence of any visible outlet on the eastern coast, constituted the main argument against admitting the existence of a large inland river, with the course attri- buted to the Niger. The Nile was the only stream issuing from the interior of the continent, with such a mass of waters, and with such a course, as to permit the possibility of some one of its upper streams being regarded as the river called the Niger. Herodotus himself was of opinion that the Niger was identical with the Nile ; and, upon the whole, this was the belief most generally entertained by those of the moderns who allowed the Niger's existence. But so many difficulties opposed this identification of the two rivers, that the greater number of the geographers of the eighteenth century preferred, as has been said, to regard the story of the Niger as altogether fabulous, or, at the least, as founded in mistake. Such was the uncertainty in which this matter was involved ; and the same ignorance pre- vailed with respect to other particulars connected with the African continent. The character of the interior, its products, and its people, were all points wrapt in the profoundest mystery, and were the subject of fre- quent and earnest disputations. Nor are these questions to be viewed in the light of mere objects of scientific curiosity ; they were questions of the deepest general interest to humanity, and their solution of the highest consequence to the ultimate spread of civilisation over the earth. How much Mungo Park did to solve them, the sequel of this work will sufficiently show. The enlightened society under whose auspices he entered on the enterprise of African disco- very, had sent out several travellers on the same mis- sion, previous to their employment of him. John Ledyard, a man with some oddities in his character, but with high physical and mental endowments for the task, undertook, at the society's request, to penetrate into the interior of Africa, by way of Egypt. He died, however, at Cairo, ere his journey was well begun. Shortly after, Mr Lucas made a similar attempt, in a more westerly quarter of the north of Africa, but suc- ceeded only in entering the interior to the distance of five days' journey southward of Tripoli. Another ad- venturer, Major Houghton, made the endeavour to accomplish the same enterprise by ascending the Gam- bia. After suffering severely from the natives (Moors), lie died at Jarra, a town in the district of Ludamar, about half way between the coast and Lake Dibbie. His fate was unknown, until ascertained by Park. All has now been said that seems necessary to explain the position of matters at the time when Mungo Park presented himself to the African Association, and of- fered his services to promote the great objects the body had in view. No ordinary degree of boldness and ardour of spirit was necessary to prompt such an offer, after the unhappy end of Ledyard, and the disappear- ance of Major Houghton only two years before. Park's motives for making the offer are affectingly described by himself, in the first chapter of his travels. After some inquiries into his qualifications, the association readily agreed to make use of his services. From the strength, vigour, and hardihood of his frame, as well as from his mental qualities (though these were, as yet, but partially known), he was, indeed, as fit a man for their purpose as probably ever breathed. It was not, however, until the summer of 1 795, that all things were in readiness for Park's departure. With the exception of a brief sojourn with his relatives in Scotland, the interval was spent by him in London, chiefly in acquiring the knowledge, and making the preparations, necessary for the prosecution of his peri- lous enterprise. The association had determined upon the same route for him as that which Major Houghton had attempted the ascent, to wit, of the Gambia, which seemed, undoubtedly, the shortest path to the regions to be explored. All instructions being received, and every, preparation completed, in May 1795, Park took his leave of England. His own narrative, which fol- lows in an entire form, will give the history of his ad- ventures up to the period of has return from this his first journey. TRAVELS IN THE INTERIOR OF AFRICA. CHAPTER I. The Author's Motives for undertaking the Voyage His Instruc- tions and Departure Arrives at Jillifree, on the Gambia River Proceeds to Vintain. Some Account of the Feloops. Pro- ceeds up the River for Jonkakonda Arrives at Dr Laidley's. Some Account of Pisania, and the British Factory established at that place. The Author's Employment during his stay at Pisania His Sickness and Recovery The Country described Prepares to set out for the Interior. SOON after my return from the East Indies in 1793, having learned that the noblemen and gentlemen as- sociated for the purpose of prosecuting discoveries in the interior of Africa, were desirous of engaging a per- son to explore that continent, by the way of the Gambia river, I took occasion, through means of the President of the Royal Society, to whom I had the honour to be known, of offering myself for that service. I had been informed, that a gentleman of the name of Houghton, a captain in the army, and formerly fort- major at Goree, had already sailed to the Gambia, under the direction of the association, and that there was reason to apprehend he had fallen a sacrifice to the climate, or perished in some contest with the na- tives. But this intelligence, instead of deterring me from my purpose, animated me to persist in the offer of my services with the greater solicitude. I had a passionate desire to examine into the productions of a country so little known, and to become experimentally acquainted with the modes of life, and character of the natives. I knew that I was able to bear fatigue ; and I relied on my youth, and the strength of my con- stitution, to preserve me from the effects of the climate. The salary which the committee allowed was sufficiently large, and I made no stipulation for future reward. If I should perish in my journey, I was willing that my hopes and expectations should perish with me ; and if I should succeed in rendering the geography of Africa more familiar to my countrymen, and in opening to their ambition and industry new sources of wealth, and new channels of commerce, I knew that I was in the hands of men of honour, who would not fail to bestow that remuneration which my successful services should appear to them to merit. The committee of the asso- ciation having made such inquiries as they thought necessary, declared themselves satisfied with the qua- lifications that I possessed, and accepted me for the service ; and, with that liberality which on all occasions distinguishes their conduct, gave me every encourage* DEPARTURE FOR AFRICA. ARRIVAL AT THE GAMBIA. ment which it was in their power to grant, or which I could with propriety ask. It was at first proposed that I should accompany Mr James Willis, who was then recently appointed consul at Senegambia, and whose countenance in that capacity, it was thought, might have served and protected me ; but government afterwards rescinded his appointment, and I lost that advantage. The kindness of the committee, however, supplied all that was necessary. Being fa- voured by the secretary of the association, the late Henry Beaufoy, Esq., with a recommendation to Dr John Laidley (a gentleman who had resided many years at an English factory on the banks of the Gam- bia), and furnished with a letter of credit on him for 200, I took my passage in the brig Endeavour a small vessel trading to the Gambia for bees' wax and ivory, commanded by Captain Richard Wyatt and I became impatient for my departure. My instructions were very plain and concise. I was directed, on my arrival in Africa, " to pass on to the river Niger, either by the way of Bambouk, or by such other route as should be found most convenient that I should ascertain the course, and, if possible, the rise and termination, of that river that I should use my utmost exertions to visit the principal towns or cities in its neighbourhood, particularly Tombuctoo and Houssa and that I should be afterwards at liberty to return to Europe, either by the way of the Gambia, or by such other route, as under all the then existing cir- cumstances of my situation and prospects should ap- pear to me to be most advisable." We sailed from Portsmouth on the 22d day of May 1795. On the 4th of June, we saw the mountains over Mogadore, on the coast of Africa; and on the 21st of the same month, after a pleasant voyage of thirty days, we anchored at Jillifree, a town on the northern bank of the river Gambia, opposite to .James's Island, where the English had formerly a small fort. The kingdom of Barra, in which the town of Jillifree is situated, produces great plenty of the necessaries of life ; but the chief trade of the inhabitants is in salt which commodity they carry up the river in canoes as high as Barraconda, and bring down in return Indian corn, cotton cloths, elephants' teeth, small quantities of gold dust, &c. The number of canoes and people constantly employed in this trade, makes the king oi Barra more formidable to Europeans than any other chieftain on the river ; and this circumstance probably encouraged him to establish those exorbitant duties, which traders of all nations are obliged to pay at entry, amounting to nearly 20 on every vessel, great and small. These duties, or customs, are generally col- lected in person by the Alkaid, or Governor of Jilli- free, and he is attended on these occasions by a nume- rous train of dependents, among whom are found many who, by theh- frequent intercourse with the English have acquired a smattering of our language : but they are commonly very noisy, and very troublesome beg- ging for every thing they fancy with such earnestness and importunity, that traders, in order to get quit o: them, are frequently obliged to grant their requests. On the 23d we departed from Jillifree, and proceedec to Vintain, a town situated about two miles up a creek on the southern side of the river. This place is mucl resorted to by Europeans, on account of the grcai quantities of bees' wax which are brought hither for sale : the wax is collected in the woods by the Feloops a wild and unsociable race of people. Their country which is of considerable extent, abounds in rice ; anc the natives supply the traders, both on the Gambia anc Cassamansa rivers, with that article, and also witl goats and poultry, on very reasonable terms. The honey which they collect is chiefly used by themselve in making a strong intoxicating liquor, much the sarne as the mead which is produced from honey in Grea Britain. In their traffic with Europeans, the Feloops gene rally employ a factor, or agent of the Mandingo nation who speaks a little English, and is acquainted with th trade of the river. This broker makes the bargain nd, with the connivance of the European, receives a ertain part only of the payment, which he gives to his mployer as the whole ; the remainder (which is very ruly called the cheating money) he receives when the "eloop is gone, and appropriates to himself as a reward or his trouble. The language of the Feloops is appropriate and pe- uliar; and as their trade is chiefly conducted, as hath >een observed, by Mandingoes, the Europeans have no inducement to learn it. The numerals are as follow : One, Enory. Two, Siokaba, or Cookaba. Three, Sisajee. Four, Sibakeer. Five, Footuck. Six, Footuck-Enory. Seven, Footuck-Cookaba. Eight, Footuck-Sisajee. Mine, Footuck -Sibakeer. Ten, Sibankonyen. On the 26th we left Vintain, and continued our course up the river, anchoring whenever the tide failed us, and "requently towing the vessel with the boat. The river s deep and muddy ; the banks are covered with impe- netrable thickets of mangrove ; and the whole of the adjacent country appears to be flat and swampy. The Gambia abounds with fish, some species of which are excellent food ; but none of them that I recollect are known in Europe. At the entrance from the sea, sharks are found in great abundance ; and, higher up, alligators and the hippopotamus (or river horse) are very numerous. The latter might with more propriety e called the river-elephant, being of an enormous and .nwieldy bulk, and his teeth furnish good ivory. This animal is amphibious, with short and thick legs, and loven hoofs ; it feeds on grass, and such shrubs as the banks of the river afford, boughs of trees, &c. seldom venturing far from the water, in which it seeks refuge on hearing the approach of man. I have seen many, and always found them of a timid and inoffensive dis- position. In six days after leaving Vintain, we reached Jonka- konda, a place of considerable trade, where our vessel was to take in part of her lading. The next morning, the several European traders came from their different factories to receive their letters, and learn the nature and amount of the cargo ; and the captain dispatched a messenger to Dr Laidley to inform him of my arrival. He came to Jonkakonda the morning following, when I delivered him Mr Beaufoy's letter, and he gave me a kind invitation to spend my time at his house until an opportunity should offer of prosecuting my journey. This invitation was too acceptable to be refused, and being furnished by the Doctor with a horse and guide} I set out from Jonkakonda at daybreak, on the 5th of July, and at eleven o'clock arrived at Pisania, where I was accommodated with a room, and other conveni- ences, in the Doctor's house. Pisania is a small village in the king of Yany's do- minions, established by British subjects as a factory for trade, and inhabited solely by them and their black servants. It is situated on the banks of the Gambia, sixteen miles above Jonkakonda. The white residents, at the time of my arrival there, consisted only of Dr Laidley, and two gentlemen who were brothers, of the name of Ainsley ; but their domestics were numerous. They enjoyed perfect security under the king's protec- tion, and being highly esteemed and respected by the natives at large, wanted no accommodation or comfort which the country could supply ; and the greatest part of the trade in slaves, ivory, and gold, was in their hands. Being now settled for some time at my ease, my first object was to learn the Mandingo tongue, being the language in almost general use throughout this part of Africa, and without which I was fully convinced that I never could acquire an extensive knowledge of the country or its inhabitants. In this pursuit I was greatly assisted by Dr Laidley, who, by a long residence in the country, and constant intercourse with the na- tives, had made himself completely master of it. Next to the language, my great object was to collect infor- mation concerning the countries I intended to visit. On this occasion I was referred to certain traders called slatees. These are free black merchants, of great con- COUNTRY DESCRIBED. HABITS OF THE NATIVES. .sideration ill this part of Africa, who come down from the interior countries, chiefly with enslaved negroes for sale ; but I soon discovered that very little depend- ence could be placed on the accounts which they gave ; for they contradicted each other in the most important particulars, and all of them seemed extremely unwill- ing that I should prosecute my journey. These cir- cumstances increased my anxiety to ascertain the truth from my own personal observations. In researches of this kind, and in observing the manners and customs of the natives, in a country so little known to the nations of Europe, and furnished with so many striking and uncommon objects of nature, my time passed not unpleasantly ; and I began to flat- ter myself that I had escaped the fever, or seasoning, to which Europeans, on their first arrival in hot climates, are generally subject. But on the 31st of July I im- prudently exposed myself to the night dew, in observing an eclipse of the moon, with a view to determine the longitude of the place : the next day I found myself attacked with a smart fever and delirium ; and such an illness followed, as confined me to the house during the greatest part of August. My recovery was very slow ; but I embraced every short interval of conva- lescence to walk out, and make myself acquainted with the productions of the country. In one of those ex- cursions, having rambled farther than usual, in a hot day, I brought on a return of my fever, and on the 10th of September I was again confined to my bed. The fever, however, was not so violent as before ; and in the course of three weeks I was able, when the weather would permit, to renew my botanical excur- sions ; and when it rained, I amused myself with draw- ing plants, &c. in my chamber. The care and attention of Dr Laidley contributed greatly to alleviate my suf- ferings ; his company and conversation beguiled the tedious hours during that gloomy season when the rain falls in torrents, when suffocating heats oppress by day, and when the night is spent by the terrified tra- veller in listening to the croaking of frogs (of which the numbers are beyond imagination), the shrill cry of the jackall, and the deep howling of the hyaena a dis- mal concert, interrupted only by the roar of such tre- mendous thunder as no persons can form a conception of but those who have heard it. The country itself being an immense level, and very generally covered with wood, presents a tiresome and gloomy uniformity to the eye ; but although nature has denied to the inhabitants the beauties of romantic land- scapes, she has bestowed on them, with a liberal hand, the more important blessings of fertility and abundance. A little attention to cultivation procures a sufficiency of corn ; the fields afford a rich pasturage for cattle ; and the natives are plentifully supplied with excellent fish, both from the Gambia river and the Walli creek. The grains which are chiefly cultivated are Indian corn, xea mays; two kinds of holcus spicatus, called by the natives soono and sanio ; holcus niger, and holcus bicolor the former of which they have named bassi woolima, and the latter bassiqui. These, together with rice, are raised in considerable quantities ; besides which, the inhabitants in the vicinity of the towns and villages have gardens which produce onions, calavances, yams, cassavi, ground nuts, pompions, gourds, water melons, and some other esculent plants. I observed likewise, near the towns, small patches of cotton and indigo. The former of these articles sup- plies them with clothing, and with the latter they dye their cloth of an excellent blue colour, in a manner that will hereafter be described. In preparing their corn for food, the natives use a large wooden mortar called a paloon, in which they bruise the seed until it parts with the outer covering, or husk, which is then separated from the clean corn by exposing it to the wind, nearly in the same manner as wheat is cleared from the chaff in England. The corn thus freed from the husk, is returned to the mortar, and beaten into ineal, which is dressed variously in different coun- tries ; but the most common preparation of it among the nations of the Gambia, is a sort of pudding, which they call kouskous. It is made by first moistening the flour with water, and then stirring and shaking it about in a large calabash, or gourd, till it adheres together in small granules, resembling sago. It is then put into an earthen pot, whose bottom is perforated with a num- ber of small holes ; and this pot being placed upon an- other, the two vessels are luted together, either with a paste of meal and water, or with cow's dung, and placed upon the fire. In the lower vessel is commonly some animal food and water, the steam or vapour of which ascends through the perforations in the bottom of the upper vessel, and softens and prepares the kouskous, which is very much esteemed throughout all the coun- tries that I visited. I am informed, that the same manner of preparing flour is very generally used on the Barbary coast, and that the dish so prepared is there called by the same name. It is therefore pro- bable, that the negroes borrowed the practice from the Moors. For gratifying a taste for variety, another sort of pudding, called nealing, is sometimes prepared from the meal of corn ; and they have also adopted two or three different modes of dressing their rice. Of vege- table food, therefore, the natives have no deficiency ; and although the common class of people are but spa- ringly supplied with animal food, yet this article is not wholly withheld from them. Their domestic animals are nearly the same as in Europe. Swine are found in the woods, but their flesh is not esteemed : probably the marked abhorrence in which this animal is held by the votaries of Mahomet, has spread itself among the pagans. Poultry of all kinds, the turkey excepted, is every where to be had. The guinea fowl and red partridge abound in the fields ; and the woods furnish a small species of antelope, of which the venison is highly and deservedly prized. Of the other wild animals in the Mandingo countries, the most common are the hyrena, the panther, and the elephant. Considering the use that is made of the latter in the East Indies, it may be thought extraordinary that the natives of Africa have not, in any part of this immense continent, acquired the skill of taming this powerful and docile creature, and applying his strength and faculties to the service of man. When I told some of the natives that this was actually done in the coun- tries of the East, my auditors laughed me to scorn, and exclaimed, tobaubo fonnio .' " a white man's lie !" The negroes frequently find means to destroy the elephant by fire-arms ; they hunt it principally for the sake of the teeth, which they transfer in barter to those who sell them again to the Europeans. The flesh they eat, and consider it as a great delicacy. The usual beast of burden in all the negro territories, is the ass. The application of animal labour to the pur- poses of agriculture, is nowhere adopted ; the plough, therefore, is wholly unknown. The chief implement used in husbandry is the hoe, which varies in form in different districts ; and the labour is universally per- formed by slaves. On the 6th of October, the waters of the Gambia were at the greatest height, being fifteen feet above the high water mark of the tide, after which they began to sub- side at first slowly, but afterwards very rapidly, some- times sinking more than a foot in twenty-four hours : by the beginning of November the river had sunk to its former level, and the tide ebbed and flowed as usual. When the river had subsided, and the atmosphere grew dry, I recovered apace, and began to think of my de- parture for this is reckoned the most proper season for travelling : the natives had completed their harvest, and provisions were every where cheap and plentiful. Dr Laidley was at this time employed in a trading voyage at Jonkakonda. I wrote to him to desire that he would use his interest with the slatees, or slave merchants, to procure me the company and protection of the first coffle (or caravan) that might leave Gambia for the interior country ; and, in the meantime, I re- quested him to purchase for me a horse and two asses. A few days afterwards the Doctor returned to Pisania, and informed me that a cofHe would certainly go for THE FELOOPS, JALOFFS, FOULAHS, AND MANDINGOES. 9 the interior in the course of the dry season ; but that, us many of the merchants belonging to it had not yet completed their assortment of goods, he could not say at what time they would set out. As the characters and dispositions of the slatees, and people that composed the caravan, were entirely un- known to me and r.s they seemed rather averse to my purpose, and unwilling to enter into any positive engagements on my account and the time of their departure being withal very uncertain, I resolved, on farther deliberation, to avail myself of the dry season, and proceed without them. Dr Laidley approved my determination, and pro- mised me every assistance in his power, to enable me to prosecute my journey with comfort and safety. This resolution having been formed, I made prepara- tions accordingly. And now, being about to take leave of my hospitable friend (whose kindness and solicitude continued to the moment of my departure*), and to quit, for many months, the countries bordering on the Gambia, it seems proper, before I proceed with my narrative, that I should, in this place, give some ac- count of the negro nations winch inhabit the several banks of this celebrated river, and the commercial in- tercourse that subsists between them and such of the tuitions of Europe as find their advantage in trading to this part of Africa. The observations which have oc- curred to me on both these subjects, will be found in the following chapter. CHAPTER II. Description of the Feloops, the Jaloffs, the Foulahs, and Man- dingoes. Some Account of the Trade between the Nations of Europe, and the Natives of Africa, by the way of the Gambia, and between the Native Inhabitants of the Coast and the Na- tions of the Interior Countries Their mode of Selling and Buying, &c. THE natives of the countries bordering on the Gambia, though distributed into a great many distinct govern- ments, may, I think, be divided into four great classes the Feloops, the Jaloffs, the Foulahs, and the Man- dingoes. Among all these nations, the religion of Ma- homet has made, and continues to make, considerable progress ; but in most of them, the body of the people, both free and enslaved, persevere in maintaining the blind but harmless superstitions of their ancestors, anc are called by the Mahomedans kafirs, or infidels. Of the Feloops, I have little to add to what has beer observed concerning them in the former chapter. They are of a gloomy disposition, and are supposed never to forgive an injury. They are even said to transmi' their quarrels as deadly feuds to their posterity inso much that a son considers it as incumbent on him from a just sense of filial obligation, to become thi avenger of his deceased father's wrongs. If a man loses his life in one of those sudden quarrels whicl perpetually occur at their feasts, when the whole part} is intoxicated with mead, his son, or the eldest of hi sons (if he has more than one), endeavours to procur- his father's sandals, which he wears once a-year, on th anniversary of his father's death, until a fit opportunity offers of revenging his fate, when the object of his re sentment seldom escapes his pursuit. This fierce am unrelenting disposition is, however, counterbalances by many good qualities they display the utmost gra titude and affection towards their benefactors and th fidelity with which they preserve whatever is entruste to them is remarkable. During the present war, the have more than once taken up arms to defend ou merchant vessels from French privateers ; and Englis property, of considerable value, has frequently bee left at Vintain, for a long time, entirely under the car of the Feloops, who have uniformly manifested, on sue * I>r Laidley, to my infinite regret, has since paid the debt c nature. lie left Africa in the latter end of 1797, intending t return to Great Britain by way of the West Indies ; and die boon after his arrival at Barbadocs. Seven, Jndom Yar. Eij:ht, Judom Yat. Nine, Judom Yanet. Ten, Fook. Eleven, Fook aug Wean, &e. ccasions, the strictest honesty and punctuality. How reatly is it to be wished, that the minds of a people so etermined and faithful, could be softened and civilised y the mild and benevolent spirit of Christianity ! The Jaloffs (or Yaloffs) are an active, powerful, and arlike race, inhabiting great part of that tract which es between the river Senegal and the Mandingo states n the Gambia ; yet they differ from the Mandingoes, ot only in language, but likewise in complexion and eatures. The noses of the Jaloffs are not BO much epressed, nor the lips so protuberant, as among the enerality of Africans ; and although their skin is of le deepest black, they are considered by the white raders as the most sightly negroes in this part of the ontinent. They are divided into several independent states or ingdoms, which are frequently at war, either with tieir neighbours, or with each other. In their nian- ers, superstitions, and government, however, they have greater resemblance to the Mandingoes (of whom I hall presently speak) than to any other nation ; but xccl them hi the manufacture of cotton cloth spinning lie wool to a finer thread, weaving it in a broader loom, nd dyeing it of a better colour. Their language is said to be copious and significant, ind is often learnt by Europeans trading to Senegal. cannot say much of it from my own knowledge, but iave preserved their numerals, which are these : One, Wean. Two, Yar. Three, Yat. Four, Yanet. Five, Judom. Six, Judom Wean. The Foulahs (or Pholeys), such of them at least as reside near the Gambia, are chiefly of a tawny com- plexion, with soft silky hah", and pleasing features. They ire much attached to a. pastoral life, and have intro- duced themselves into all the kingdoms on the windward coast as herdsmen and husbandmen, paying a tribute to the sovereign of the country for the lands which they hold. Not having many opportunities, however, during my residence at Pisania, of improving my ac- quaintance with these people, I defer entering at large into their character until a fitter occasion occurs, which will present itself when I come to Bondou. The Mandingoes, of whom it remains to speak, con- stitute, in truth, the bulk of the inhabitants in all those districts of Africa which I visited ; and their language, with a few exceptions, is universally understood, and very generally spoken, in that part of the continent. Their numerals are these :* One, Killin. Seven, Oronglo. Two, Foola. Eight, Sie. Three, Sabba. Nine, Conunta. Four, Nani. Ten, Tang. Five, Loolo. Eleven, Tan ning Killin, &e. Six, Woro. They are called Mandingoes, I conceive, as having originally migrated from the interior state of Manding, of which some account will hereafter be given ; but, contrary to the present constitution of their parent country, which is republican, it appeared to me that the government in all the Mandingo states near the Gambia is monarchical. The power of the sovereign is, how- ever, by no means unlimited. In all affairs of impor- tance, the king calls an assembly of the principal men, or elders, by whose councils he is directed, and without whose advice he can neither declare war nor conclude peace. In every considerable town there is a chief magis- trate, called the alkaid, whose office is hereditary, and whose business it is to preserve order, to levy duties on travellers, and to preside at all conferences in the exercise of local jurisdiction and the administration of justice. These courts are composed of the elders of the town (of free condition), and are termed palavers ; * In the travels of Francis Moore, the reader will find a pretty copious vocabulary of the Mandingn language, which in general ia Correct. 10 MANNERS OF THE NEGROES. and their proceedings are conducted in the open air, with sufficient solemnity. Both sides of a question are freely canvassed, witnesses are publicly examined, and the decisions which follow generally meet with the ap- probation of the surrounding audience. As the negroes have no written language of their own, the general rule of decision is an appeal to ancient cus- tom ; but since the system of Mahomet has made so great progress among them, the converts to that faith have gradually introduced, with the religious tenets, many of the civil institutions of the prophet ; and where the Koran is not found sufficiently explicit, recourse is had to a commentary called Al Sharra, containing, as I was told, a complete exposition or digest of the Ma- homedan laws, both civil and criminal, properly ar- ranged and illustrated. This frequency of appeal to written laws, with which the pagan natives are necessarily unacquainted, has given rise in their palavers to (what I little expected to find in Africa) professional advocates, or expounders of the law, who are allowed to appear and to plead for plaintiff or defendant, much in the same manner as counsel in the law courts of Great Britain. They are Mahomedan negroes who have made, or affect to have made, the laws of the prophet their peculiar study; and if I may judge from their harangues, which I frequently attended, I believe, that in the forensic qualifications of procrastination and cavil, and the arts of confounding and perplexing a cause, they are not always surpassed by the ablest pleaders in Europe. While I was at Pisania, a cause was heard which fur- nished the Mahomedan lawyers with an admirable op- portunity of displaying their professional dexterity. The case was this : An ass belonging to a Serawoolli negro (a native of an interior country near the river Senegal) had broke into a field of corn belonging to one of the Mandingo inhabitants, and destroyed great part of it. The Mandingo having caught the animal in his field, immediately drew his knife and cut its throat. The Serawoolli thereupon called a palaver (or in Euro- pean terms, brought an action) to recover damages for the loss of his beast, on which he set a high value. The defendant confessed he had killed the ass, but pleaded a set off, insisting that the loss he had sustained by the ravage in his corn was equal to the sum demanded for the animal. To ascertain this fact was the point at issue, and the learned advocates contrived to puzzle the cause in such a manner, that after a hearing of three days, the court broke up without coming to any determination upon it ; and a second palaver was, I suppose, thought necessary. The Mandingoes, generally speaking, are of a mild, sociable, and obliging disposition. The men are com- monly above the middle size, well shaped, strong, and capable of enduring great labour ; the women are good natured, sprightly, and agreeable. The dress of both sexes is composed of cotton cloth, of their own manu- facture that of the men is a loose frock, not unlike a surplice, with drawers which reach half way down the leg ; and they wear sandals on their feet, and white cotton caps on their heads. The women's dress con- sists of two pieces of cloth, each of which is about six feet long, and three broad ; one of these they wrap round the waist, which, hanging down to the ancles, answers the purpose of a petticoat the other is thrown negligently over the bosom and shoulders. This account of their clothing is indeed nearly ap- plicable to the natives of all the different countries in this part of Africa ; a peculiar national mode is obser- vable only in the head dresses of the women. Thus, in the countries of the Gambia, the females wear a sort of bandage, which they call jalla. It is a narrow stripe of cotton cloth, wrapped many times round, immediately over the forehead. In Bondou, the head is encircled with strings of white beads, and a small plate of gold is worn in the middle of the fore- head. In Kasson, the ladies decorate their heads, in a very tasteful and elegant manner, with white sea- shells. In Kaarta and Ludamar, the women raise their hair to a great height by the addition of a pad (as the ladies did formerly in Great Britain), which they decorate with a species of coral, brought from the Red Sea by pilgrims returning from Mecca, and sold at a great price. In the construction of their dwelling-houses, the Mandingoes also conform to the general practice of the African nations on this part of the continent, con- tenting themselves with small and incommodious hovels. A circular mud wall about four feet high, upon which is placed a conical roof, composed of the bamboo cane, and thatched with grass, forms alike the palace of the king and the hovel of the slave. Their household fur- niture is equally simple. A hurdle of canes placed upon upright sticks, about two feet from the ground, upon which is spread a mat or bullock's hide, answers the purpose of a bed ; a water jar, some earthen pots for dressing their food, a few wooden bowls and cala- bashes, and one or two low stools, compose the rest. As every man cf free condition has a plurality of wives, it is found necessary (to prevent, I suppose, matrimonial disputes) that each of the ladies should be accommodated with a hut to herself; and all the huts belonging to the same family are surrounded by a fence, constructed of bamboo canes, split and formed into a sort of wicker-work. The whole inclosure is called a sirk, or surk. A number of these inclosures, with narrow passages between them, form what is called a town ; but the huts are generally placed with- out any regularity, according to the caprice of the owner. The only rule that seems to be attended to, is placing the door towards the south-west, in order to admit the sea breeze. In each town is a large stage called the bentang, which answers the purpose of a public hall or town-house ; it is composed of interwoven canes, and is generally shel- tered from the sun by being erected in the shade of some large tree. It is here that all public affairs are transacted and trials conducted ; and here the lazy and indolent meet to smoke their pipes, and hear the news of the day. In most of the towns the Mahomedans have also a missura, or mosque, in which they assemble and offer up their- daily prayers, according to the rules of the Koran. In the account which I have thus given of the na- tives, the reader must bear in mind, that my observa- tions apply chiefly to persons of free condition, who constitute, I suppose, not more than one-fourth part of the inhabitants at large ; the other three-fourths are in a state of hopeless and hereditary slavery, and are employed in cultivating the land, in the care of cattle, and in servile offices of all kinds, much in the same manner as the slaves in the West Indies. I was told, however, that the Mandingo master can neither deprive his slave of life, nor sell him to a stranger, without first calling a palaver on his conduct or, hi other words, bringing him to a public trial ; but this degree of pro- tection is extended only to the native or domestic slave. Captives taken in war, and those unfortunate victims who are condemned to slavery for crimes or insolvency and, in short, all those unhappy people who are brought down from the interior countries for sale have no se- curity whatever, but may be treated and disposed of in all respects as the owner thinks proper. It sometimes happens, indeed, when no ships are on the coast, that a humane and considerate master incorporates his pur- chased slaves among his domestics ; and their offspring at least, if not the parents, become entitled to all the privileges of the native class. The preceding remarks concerning the several na- tions that inhabit the banks of the Gambia, are all that I recollect as necessary to be made in this place, at the outset of my journey. With regard to the Mandingoes, however, many particulars are yet to be related, some of which are necessarily interwoven into the narrative of my progress, and others will be given in a summary, at the end of my work, together with all such observa- tions as I have collected on the country and climate, which I could not with propriety insert in the regular detail of occurrences. What remains of the present chapter will therefore relate solely to the trade which THE SLAVE TRADE. 11 tho nations of Christendom have found means to esta- blish with the natives of Africa, by the channel of the Gambia, and the inland traffic which has arisen, hi consequence of it, between the inhabitants of the coast and the nations of the interior countries. The earliest European establishment on this cele- brated river was a factory of the Portuguese, and to this must be ascribed the introduction of the nume- rous words of that language which are still in use among the negroes. The Dutch, French, and English, after- wards successively possessed themselves of settlements on the coast ; but the trade of the Gambia became, and continued for many years, a sort of monopoly in the hands of the English. In the travels of Francis Moore is preserved an account of the Royal African Company's establishments in this river in the year 1730 ; at which time, James's factory alone consisted of a governor, deputy governor, and two other principal officers; eight factors, thirteen writers, twenty inferior attendants and tradesmen; a company of soldiers, and thirty-two negro servants besides sloops, shallops, and boats, with their crews ; and there were no less than eight subordinate factories in other parts of the river. The trade with Europe, by being afterwards laid open, was almost annihilated the share which the sub- jects of England at this time hold in it, supports not more than two or three annual ships ; and I am in- formed that the gross value of British exports is under 20,000. The French and Danes still maintain a small share, and the Americans have lately sent a few vessels to the Gambia by way of experiment. The commodities exported to the Gambia from Eu- rope consist chiefly of fire-arms and ammunition, iron ware, spirituous liquors, tobacco, cotton caps, a small quantity of broad cloth, and a few articles of the manu- facture of* Manchester ; a small assortment of India goods, with some glass beads, amber, and other trifles : for which are taken in exchange slaves, gold dust, ivory, bees' wax, and hides. Slaves are the chief article, but the whole number which at this time are annually ex- ported from the Gambia by all nations, is supposed to be under one thousand. Most of these unfortunate victims are brought to the coast in periodical caravans ; many of them from very remote inland countries, for the language which they speak is not understood by tho inhabitants of the mari- time districts. In a subsequent part of my work, I shall give the best information I have been able to collect concerning the manner in which they are obtained.- On their arrival at the coast, if no immediate oppor- tunity offers of selling them to advantage, they are dis- tributed among the neighbouring villages, until a slave ship arrives, or until they can be sold to black traders, who sometimes purchase on speculation. In the mean- while, the poor wretches are kept constantly fettered, two and two of them being chained together, and em- ployed in the labours of the field ; and, I am sorry to add, are very scantily fed, as well as harshly treated. The price of a slave varies according to the number of purchasers from Europe, and the arrival of caravans from the ulterior ; but in general, I reckon that a young and healthy male, from sixteen to twenty-five years of age, maybe estimated on the spot from 18 to 20 sterling. The negro slave-merchants, as I have observed in the former chapter, are called slatees ; who, besides slaves, and the merchandise which they bring for sale to the whites, supply the inhabitants of the maritime districts with native iron, sweet smelling gums and frankincense, and a commodity called sheatoulou, which, literally translated, signifies tree-butter. This commodity is extracted, by means of boiling water, from the kerne] of a nut, as will be more particularly described here- after : it has the consistence and appearance of butter, and is in truth an admirable substitute for it. It forms an important article in the food of the natives, anc serves also for every domestic purpose in which oi would otherwise be used. The demand for it is there- fore very great. In payment of these articles, the maritime states supply the interior countries with salt a scarce and valuable commodity, as I frequently and painfully ex- icrienced in the course of my journey. Considerable juantities of this article, however, are also supplied to he inland natives by the Moors, who obtain it from he salt-pits in the Great Desert, and receive hi return corn, cotton cloth, and slaves. In thus bartering one commodity for another, many nconveniences must necessarily have arisen at first 'roni the want of coined money, or some other visible and determinate medium to settle the balance, or dif- ference of value, between different articles to remedy which, the natives of the interior make use of small shells called kowries, as will be shown hereafter. On ;he coast, the inhabitants have adopted a practice which I believe is peculiar to themselves. In their early intercourse with Europeans, the ar- iicle that attracted most notice was iron. Its utility, hi forming the instruments of war and husbandry, made it preferable to all others, and iron soon became :he measure by which the value of all other commodi- ties was ascertained. Thus, a certain quantity of goods, of whatever denomination, appearing to be equal in value to a bar of iron, constituted, in the trader's phra- seology, a bar of that particular merchandise. Twenty [eaves of tobacco, for instance, were considered as a bar of tobacco ; and a gallon of spirits (or rather half spi- rits and half water) as a lar of rum a bar of one commodity being reckoned equal in value to a bar of another commodity. As, however, it must unavoidably happen, that ac- cording to the plenty or scarcity of goods at market in proportion to the demand, the relative value would be subject to continual fluctuation, greater precision has been found necessary ; and at this time, the current value of a single bar of any kind is fixed by the whites at two shillings sterling. Thus, a slave whose price is 15, is said to be worth 150 bars. In transactions of this nature, it is obvious that the white trader has infinitely the advantage over the Afri- can, whom, therefore, it is difficult to satisfy ; for, con- scious of his own ignorance, he naturally becomes ex- ceedingly suspicious and wavering : and indeed so very unsettled and jealous are the negroes in their dealings with the whites, that a bargain is never considered by the European as concluded, until the purchase money is paid, and the party has taken leave. Having now brought together such general observa- tions on the country and its inhabitants, as occurred to me during my residence in the vicinage of the Gambia, I shall detain the reader no longer with introductory matter, but proceed, hi the next chapter, to a regular detail of the incidents which happened, and the reflec- tions which arose in my mind, in the course of my painful and perilous journey, from its commencement until my return to the Gambia. CHAPTER III. The Author sets out from Pisania His Attendants Reaches Jincley. Story related by a Mandingo Negro. Proceeds to Me- dina, the capital of Woolli. Interview with the King. Saphies or Charms. Proceeds to Kolor Description of Mumbo Jumbo. Arrives at Koojar Wrestling Match. Crosses the AVilder- ness, and arrives at Tallika, in the Kingdom of Bondou. Ox the 2d of December 1795, 1 took my departure from the hospitable mansion of Dr Laidley. I was fortu- nately provided with a negro servant, who spoke botli the English and Mandingo tongues. His name was Johnson. He was a native of this part of Africa ; and having hi his youth been conveyed to Jamaica as a slave, he had been made free, and taken to England by his master, where he had resided many years ; and at length found his way back to his native country. As he was known to Dr Laidley, the Doctor recommended him to me, and I hired him as my interpreter, at the rate of ten bars monthly, to be paid to himself, and five bars a-month to be paid to his wife during his absence. Dr Laidley furthermore provided me with a 12 SETS OUT FOR THE INTERIOR. negro boy of his own, named Deniba- a sprightly youth, who, besides Mandingo, spoke the language of the Sera- woollies, an inland people (of whom mention will here- after be made), residing on the banks of the Senegal ; and to induce him to behave well, the Doctor promised him his freedom on his return, in case I should report favourably of his fidelity and services. I was furnished with a horse for myself (a small, but very hardy and spirited beast, which cost me to the value of 7, 10s.), and two asses for my interpreter and servant. My baggage was light, consisting chiefly of provisions for two days ; a small assortment of beads, amber, and to- bacco, for the purchase of a fresh supply as I pro- ceeded ; a few changes of linen, and other necessary apparel ; an umbrella, a pocket sextant, a magnetic compass, and a thermometer ; together with two fowl- ing pieces, two pair of pistols, and some other small articles. A free man (a bushreen or Mahomedan), named Madiboo, who was travelling to the kingdom of Bam- bara, and two slatees, or slave merchants, of the Sera- woolli nation, and of the same sect, who were going to Pondou, offered their services as far as they intended j espectively to proceed ; as did likewise a negro named Tanri (also a Mahomedan), a native of Kasson, who had been employed some years by Dr Laidley as a black- smith, and was returning to his native country with the savings of his labours. All these men travelled on foot, driving their asses before them. Thus I had no less than six attendants, all of whom had been taught to regard me with great respect ; and to consider that their safe return hereafter, to the countries on the Gambia, would depend on my preser- vation. Dr Laidley himself, and Messrs Ainsley, with a num- ber of their domestics, kindly determined to accompany me the two first days ; and, I believe, they secretly thought they should never see me afterwards. We reached Jindey the same day, having crossed the Walli creek, a branch of the Gambia, and rested at the house of a black woman, who had formerly been the paramour of a white trader named Hewett ; and who, in consequence thereof, was called, by way of dis- tinction, seniora. In the evening we walked out to see an adjoining village, belonging to a slatee named Je- maffoo Mamadoo, the richest of all the Gambia traders. We found him at home ; and he thought so highly of the honour done him by this visit, that he presented us with a fine bullock, which was immediately killed, and part of it dressed for our evening's repast. The negroes do not go to supper till late ; and in order to amuse ourselves while our beef was preparing, a Mandingo was desired to relate some diverting stories in listening to which, and smoking tobacco, we spent three hours. These stories bear some resemblance to those in the Arabian Nights' Entertainments ; but, in general, are of a more ludicrous cast. I shall here abridge one of them for the reader's amusement. " Many years ago," said the relator, " the people of Doomasansa (a town on the Gambia) were much an- noyed by a lion, that came every night and took away some of their cattle. By continuing his depredations, the people were at length so much enraged that a party of them resolved to go and hunt the monster. They accordingly proceeded in search of the common enemy, which they found concealed in a thicket ; and imme- diately firing at him, were lucky enough to wound him in such a manner, that, in springing from the thicket towards the people, he fell down among the grass, and was unable to rise. The animal, however, manifested such appearance of vigour, that nobody cared to ap- proach him singly ; and a consultation was held con- cerning the most proper means of taking him alive a circumstance, it was said, which, while it furnished undeniable proof of their prowess, would turn out to great advantage, it being resolved to convey him to the coast, and sell him to the Europeans. While some persons proposed one plan, and some another, an old man offered a scheme. This was to strip the roof of a house of its thatch, and to carry the bamboo frame (the pieces of which are well secured together by thongs), and throw it over the lion. If, in approach- ing him, he should attempt to spring upon them, they had nothing to do but to let down the roof upon them- selves, and fire at the lion through the rafters. This proposition was approved and adopted. The. thatch was taken from the roof of a hut, and the lion- hunters, supporting the fabric, marched courageously to the field of battle ; each person carrying a gun in one hand, and bearing his share of the roof on the. op- posite shoulder. In this manner they approached the enemy ; but the beast had by this time recovered his strength, and such was the fierceness of his counte- nance, that the hunters, instead of proceeding any far- ther, thought it prudent to provide for their own safety, by covering themselves with the roof. Unfortunately, the lion was too nimble for them ; for, making a spring while the roof was setting down, both the beast and his pursuers were caught in the same cage, and the lion devoured them at his leisure, to the great astonishment and mortification of the people of Doomasansa at which place it is even dangerous at this day to tell the story ; for it is become the subject of laughter and de- rision in the neighbouring countries, and nothing will enrage an inhabitant of that town so much as desiring him to catch a lion alive." About one o'clock in the afternoon of the 3d of De- cember, I took my leave of Dr Laidley and Messrs Ainsley, and rode slowly into the woods. I had now before me a boundless forest, and a country, the inha- bitants of which were strangers to civilised life, and to most of whom a white man was the object of curiosity or plunder. I reflected that I had parted from the last European I might probably behold, and perhaps quitted for ever the comforts of Christian society. Thoughts like these would necessarily cast a gloom over my mind ; and I rode musing along for about three miles, when I was awakened from my reverie by a body of people, who came running up and stopped the asses, giving me to understand that I must go with them to Peckaba, to present myself to the king of Walli, or pay customs to them. I endeavoured to make them comprehend that the object of my journey not being traffic, I ought not to be subjected to a tax like the slatees, and other merchants, who travel for gain ; but I reasoned to no purpose. They said it was usual for travellers of all descriptions to make a present to the king of Walli, and without doing so I could not be per- mitted to proceed. As they were more numerous than my attendants, and withal very noisy, I thought it pru- dent to comply with their demand ; and having pre- sented them with four bars of tobacco, for the king's use, I was permitted to continue my journey, and at sunset reached a village near Kootacunda, where we rested for the night. In the morning of December 4th, I passed Koota- cunda, the last town of Walli, and stopped about an hour at a small adjoining village to pay customs to an officer of the king of Woolli ; we rested the ensuing night at a village called Tabajang ; and at noon the next day (December .5th) we reached Medina, the capital of the king of Woolli's dominions. The kingdom of Woolli is bounded by Walli on the west, by the Gambia on the south, by the small river Walli on the north-west, by Bondou on the north-east, and on the east by the Simbani wilderness. The country every where rises into gentle acclivities, which are generally covered with extensive woods, and the towns are situated in the intermediate valleys. Each town is surrounded by a tract of cultivated land, the produce of which, I presume, is found sufficient to supply the wants of the inhabitants ; for the soil ap- peared to me to be every where fertile, except near the tops of the ridges, where the red ironstone and stunted shrubs sufficiently marked the boundaries between fertility and barrenness. The chief produc- tions are cotton, tobacco, and esculent vegetables ; all which are raised in the valleys, the rising grounds being appropriated to different sorts of corn. The inhabitants are Mandingoes ; and, like most of VISITS THE KING OF WOOLLI. tho Mandingo nations, are divided into two great sects the Mahomedaiis, who are called bushreens, and the pagans, who are called indiscriminately kafirs (unbe- lievers) and sonakies (i. e. men who drink strong liquors.) The pagan natives are by far the most numerous, and the government of the country is in their hands ; for though the most respectable among the bushreens are frequently consulted in affairs of importance, yet they are never permitted to take any share in the executive government, which rests solely in the hands of the mansa, or sovereign, and great officers of the state. Of these, the first in point of rank is the presumptive heir of the crown, who is called the farbanna; next to him are the alkaids, or provincial governors, who are more frequently called keamos. Then follow the two grand divisions of freemen and slaves ;* of the former, the slatees, so frequently men- tioned in the preceding pages, are considered as the principal : but, in all classes, great respect is paid to the authority of aged men. On the death of the reigning monarch, his eldest son (if he has attained the age of manhood) succeeds to the regal authority. If there is no son, or if the son is under the age of discretion, a meeting of the great men is held, and the late monarch's nearest relation (com- monly his brother) is called to the government, not as regent, or guardian to the infant son, but in full right, and to the exclusion of the minor. The charges of the government are defrayed by occasional tributes from the people, and by duties on goods transported across the country. Travellers, on going from the Gambia towards the interior, pay customs in European mer- chandise. On returning, they pay in iron and shea- toulou. These taxes are paid at every town. Medina/t* the capital of the kingdom, at which I was now arrived, is a place of considerable extent, and may contain from eight hundred to one thousand houses. It is fortified in the common African manner, by a sur- rounding high wall built of clay, and an outward fence of pointed stakes and prickly bushes ; but the walls are neglected, and the outward fence has suffered consider- ably from the active hands of busy housewives, who pluck up the stakes for firewood. I obtained a lodging at one of the king's near relations, who apprised me, that at my introduction to the king, I must not presume to shake hands with him. " It was not usual," he said, " to allow this liberty to strangers." Thus instructed, I went in the afternoon to pay my respects to the sovereign, and ask permission to pass through his territories to Bondou. The king's name was Jatta. He was the same venerable old man of whom so favourable an account was transmitted by Major Houghton. I found him seated upon a mat before the door of his hut : a num- ber of men and women were arranged on each side, who were singing and clapping their hands. I saluted him respectfully, and informed him of the purport of my visit. The king graciously replied, that he not only gave me leave to pass through his country, but would offer up his prayers for my safety. On this, one of my attendants, seemingly in return for the king's conde- scension, began to sing, or rather to roar, an Arabic song ; at every pause of which, the king himself, and all the people present, struck their hands against their foreheads, and exclaimed, with devout and affecting solemnity, Amen, amen.'$ The king told me further- more, that I should have a guide the day following, who would conduct me safely to the frontier of his kingdom. I then took my leave, and in the evening sent the king an order upon Dr Laidley for three * The term which signifies a man of free condition is horea; that of a slave, jong. t Medina in the Arabic signifies a city ; the name is not uncom- mon among the negroes, and has probably been borrowed from the Mahomedans. \ It may seem from hence that the king was a Mahomedan ; but I was assured to the contrary. He joined in prayer on this occasion probably from tho mere dictates of his benevolent mind ; considering, perhaps, that prayers to tho Almighty, offered up with true devotion and sincerity, were equally acceptable, whether from bushvcen or pngan. gallons of rum, and received in return great store of provisions. December 6th. Early in the morning I went to the king a second time, to learn if the guide was ready. I found his majesty sitting upon a bullock's hide, warm- ing himself before a large fire ; for the Africans are sensible of the smallest variation in the temperature of the air, and frequently complain of cold when a Euro- pean is oppressed with heat. He received me with a benevolent countenance, and tenderly entreated me to desist from my purpose of travelling into the interior ; telling me that Major Houghton had been killed in his route, and that if I followed his footsteps, I should probably meet with his fate. He said that I must not judge of the people of the eastern country by those of Woolli: that the latter were acquainted With white men, and respected them, whereas the people of the east had never seen a white man, and would certainly destroy me. I thanked the king for his affectionate solicitude, but told him that I had considered the mat- ter, and was determined, notwithstanding all dangers, to proceed. The king shook his head, but desisted from farther persuasion, and told me the guide should be ready in the afternoon. About two o'clock, the guide appearing, I went and took my last farewell of the good old king, and in three hours reached Konjour, a small village, where we de- termined to rest for the night. Here I purchased a fine sheep for some beads, and my Serawoolli attend- ants killed it with all the ceremonies prescribed by their religion. Part of it was dressed for supper, after which a dispute arose between one of the Serawoolli negroes, and Johnson, my interpreter, about the sheep's horns. The former claimed the horns as Ins perquisite, for having acted the part of our butcher, and Johnson con- tested the claim. I settled the matter by giving a horn to each of them. This trifling incident is mentioned as introductory to what follows : for it appeared on inquiry that these horns were highly valued, as being easily convertible into portable sheaths, or cases, for contain- ing and keeping secure certain charms or amulets called saphies, which the negroes constantly wear about them. These saphies are prayers, or rather sentences, from the Koran, which the Mahomedan priests write on scraps of paper, and sell to the simple natives, who con- sider them to possess very extraordinary virtues. Some of the negroes wear them to guard themselves against the bite of snakes or alligators ; and on this occasion the saphie is commonly inclosed in a snake's or alliga- tor's skin, and tied round the ancle. Others have re- course to them in time of war, to protect their persons against hostile weapons ; but the common use to which these amulets are applied, is to prevent or cure bodily diseases to preserve from hunger and thirst and gene- rally to conciliate the favour of superior powers, under all the circumstances and occurrences of life.* In this case, it is impossible not to admire the wonder- ful contagion of superstition ; for, notwithstanding that the majority of the negroes are pagans, and absolutely reject the doctrines of Mahomet, I did not meet with a man, whether a bushreen or kafir, who was not fully persuaded of the powerful efficacy of these amulets. The truth is, that all the natives of this part of Africa consider the art of writing as bordering on magic ; and it is not in the doctrines of the prophet, but in the arts of the magician, that their confidence is placed. It will hereafter be seen that I was myself lucky enough, in circumstances of distress, to turn the popular credulity in this respect to good account. On the 7th I departed from Konjour, and slept at a tillage called Malla (or Mallaing); and on the 8th about 110011 1 arrived at Kolor, a considerable town near the entrance into which I observed, hanging upon a tree, a sort of masquerade habit, made of the bark of trees, which I was told, on inquiry, belonged to Mumbo Jumbo. This is a strange bugbear, common to all the Mandingo towns, and much employed by tho pagan natives in * I believe that similar charms or amulets, under the names of donrini, grigri, fetich, &c., &c., are common in all parts of Airlca. 14 BEACHES BONDOU. keeping their women in subjection ; for as the kafirs are not restricted in the number of their wives, every one marries as many as he can conveniently maintain and as it frequently happens that the ladies disagree among themselves, family quarrels sometimes rise to such a height, that the authority of the husband can no longer preserve peace in his household. In such cases, the interposition of Mumbo Jumbo is called in, and is always decisive. This strange minister of justice (who is supposed to be either the husband himself, or some person instructed by him), disguised in the dress that has been mentioned, and armed with the rod of public authority, announces his coming (whenever his services are required) by loud and dismal screams in the woods near the town. He begins the pantomime at the approach of night ; and as soon as it is dark, he enters the town, and pro- ceeds to the bentang, at which all the inhabitants imme- diately assemble. It may easily be supposed that this exhibition is not much relished by the women ; for as the person in dis- guise is entirely unknown to them, every married female suspects that the visit may possibly be intended for her- self ; but they dare not refuse to appear when they are summoned ; and the ceremony commences with songs and dances, which continue till midnight, about which time Mumbo fixes on the offender. This unfortunate victim being thereupon immediately seized, is stripped naked, tied to a post, and severely scourged with Mum- bo's rod, amidst the shouts and derision of the whole assembly ; and it is remarkable, that the rest of the women are the loudest in their exclamations on this oc- casion against their unhappy sister. Daylight puts an end to this indecent and unmanly revel. December 9th. As there was no water to be pro- cured on the road, we travelled with great expedition until we reached Tambacunda ; and departing from thence early the next morning, the 10th, we reached in the evening Kooiiiakary, a town of nearly the same magnitude as Kolor. About noon on the llth we ar- rived at Koojar, the frontier town of Woolli, towards Bondou, from which it is separated by an intervening wilderness of two days' journey. The guide appointed by the king of Woolli being now to return, I presented him with some amber for his trouble : and having been informed that it was not pos- sible at all times to procure water in the wilderness, I made inquiry for men who would serve both as guides and water-bearers during my journey across it. Three negroes, elephant hunters, offered their services for these purposes, which I accepted, and paid them three bars each in advance ; and the day being far spent, I determined to pass the night in my present quarters. The inhabitants of Koojar, though not wholly unac- customed to the sight of Europeans (most of them hav- ing occasionally visited the countries on the Gambia), beheld me with a mixture of curiosity and reverence, and in the evening invited me to see a neobering, or wrestling match, at the beutang. This is an exhibition very common in all the Mandingo countries. The spec- tators arranged themselves in a circle, leaving the in- termediate space for the wrestlers, who were strong active young men, full of emulation, and accustomed, I suppose, from their infancy to this sort of exertion. Be- ing stripped of their clothing, except a short pair of drawers, and having their skin anointed with oil, or shea butter, the combatants approached each other on all-fours, parrying with, and occasionally extending a hand for some time, till at length one of them sprang forward, and caught his rival by the knee. Great dexterity and judgment were now displayed, but the contest was decided by superior strength ; and I think that few Europeans would have been able to cope with the conqueror. It must not be unobserved, that the combatants were animated by the music of a drum, by which their actions were in some measure regulated. The wrestling was succeeded by a dance, in which many performers assisted, all of whom were provided with little bells, which were fastened to their legs and arms ; and here, too, the drum regulated their motions. It was beaten with a crooked stick, which the drum- mer held in his right hand, occasionally using his left to deaden the sound, and thus vary the music. The drum is likewise applied on these occasions to keep order among the spectators, by imitating the sound of certain Mandingo sentences : for example, when the wrestling match is about to begin, the drummer strikes what is understood to signify all bee see sit all down ; upon which the spectators immediately seat themselves, and when the combatants are to begin, he strikes arnuta, amuta ! take hold, take hold ! In the course of the evening I was presented, by way of refreshment, with a liquor, which tasted so much like the strong beer of my native country (and very good beer too), as to induce me to inquire into its composition ; and I learnt, with some degree of sur- prise, that it was actually made from corn which had been previously malted, much in the same manner as barley is malted in Great Britain a root "yielding a grateful bitter was used in lieu of hops, the name of which I have forgot ; but the corn winch yields the wort is the holcus spicatus of botanists. Early in the morning (the 12th), I found that one of the elephant hunters had absconded with the money he had received from me in part of wages ; and in order to prevent the other two from following his example, I made them instantly fill their calabashes (or gourds) with water ; and as the sun rose, I entered the wilder- ness that separates the kingdoms of Woolli and Bondou. We had not travelled more than a mile before my attendants insisted on stopping, that they might pre- pare a saphie, or charm, to insure us a safe journey. This was done by muttering a few sentences, and spit- ting upon a stone, which was thrown before us on the road. The same ceremony was repeated three times, after which the negroes proceeded with the greatest confidence ; every one being firmly persuaded that the stone (like the scape-goat) had carried witli it every thing that could induce superior powers to visit us with misfortune. We continued our journey without stopping any more until noon, when we came to a large tree, called by the natives neema taba. It had a very singular ap- pearance, being decorated with innumerable rags or scraps of cloth, which persons travelling across the wilderness had at different times tied to the branches probably at first to inform the traveller that water was to be found near it ; but the custom has been so greatly sanctioned by tune, that nobody now presumes to pass without hanging up something. I followed the ex- ample, and suspended a handsome piece of cloth on one of the boughs ; and being told that either a well, or pool of water, was at no great distance, I ordered the negroes to unload the asses, that we might give them corn, and regale ourselves with the provisions we had brought. In the meantime, I sent one of the elephant hunters to look for the well, intending, if water was to be obtained, to rest here for the night. A pool was found, but the water was thick and muddy, and the negro discovered near it the remains of a fire recently extinguished, and the fragments of provisions, which afforded a proof that it had been lately visited, either by travellers or banditti. The fears of my attendants supposed the latter ; and believing that robbers lurked near us, I was persuaded to change my resolution of resting here all night, and proceed to another watering place, which I was assured we might reach early in the evening. We departed accordingly, but it was eight o'clock at night before we came to the watering place ; and being now sufficiently fatigued with so long a day's journey, we kindled a large fire, and lay down, surrounded by our cattle, on the bare ground, more than a gunshot from any bush the negroes agreeing to keep watch by turns to prevent surprise. I know not, indeed, that any danger was justly to be dreaded ; but the negroes were unaccountably appre- hensive of banditti, during the whole of the journey. As soon, therefore, as daylight appeared, we filled our soofroos (skins) and calabashes at the pool, and set out PROCEEDS FOR FATTECONDA. for Tallika, the first town in Bondou, which we reached about eleven o'clock in the forenoon (the 13th of De- cember). I cannot, however, take leave of Woolli, without observing that I was every where well received by the natives, and that the fatigues of the day were generally alleviated by a hearty welcome at night ; and although the African mode of living was at first un- pleasant to me, yet I found, at length, that custom surmounted trifling inconveniences, and made every thing palatable and easy. CHAPTER IV. Some Account of the Inhabitants of Tallika. The Author pro- ceeds for Fatteconda Incidents on the Road. Crosses the Neriko, and arrives at Koorkarany Reaches the River Faleme^ Fishery on that River Proceeds along its Bank to Naye or Nayemow Crosses the Faleme, and arrives at Fatteconda, Has an Interview with Almami, the Sovereign of Bondou. Description of the King's Dwelling Has a second Interview with the King, who begs the Author's Coat. Author visits the King's Wives Is permitted to depart on friendly terms. Journey by Night Arrives at Joag. Somo Account of Bondou, and its Inhabitants the Fouluhs. TALLIKA, the frontier town of Bondou towards Woolli, is inhabited chiefly by Foulahs of the Mahomedan re- ligion, who live in considerable affluence, partly by fur- nishing provisions to the cofHes, or caravans, that pass through the town, and partly by the sale of ivory, ob- tained by hunting elephants ; in which employment the young men are generally very successful. Here an officer belonging to the king of Bondou constantly re- sides, whose business it is to give timely information of the arrival of the caravans, which are taxed according to the number of loaded asses that arrive at Tallika. I took up my residence at this officer's house, and agreed with him to accompany me to Fatteconda, the residence of the long, for which he was to receive five bars ; and before my departure I wrote a few lines to Dr Laidley, and gave my letter to the master of a cara- van bound for the Gambia. This caravan consisted of nine or ten people, with five asses loaded with ivory. The large teeth are conveyed in nets, two on each side of the ass the small ones are wrapped up in skuas, and secured with ropes. December 14th. We left Tallika, and rode on very peaceably for about two miles, when a violent quarrel arose between two of my fellow-travellers, one of whom was the blacksmith, in the course of which they be- stowed some opprobrious terms upon each other ; and it is worthy of remark, that an African will sooner for- give a blow than a term of reproach applied to his ancestors : " Strike me, but do not curse my mother," is a common expression even among the slaves. This sort of abuse, therefore, so enraged one of the dispu- tants that he drew his cutlass upon the blacksmith, and would certainly have ended the dispute in a very seri- ous manner, if the others had not laid hold of him, and wrested the cutlass from him. I was obliged to inter- fere, and put an end to this disagreeable business, by desiring the blacksmith to be silent, and telling the other, who I thought was in the wrong, that if he at- tempted in future to draw his cutlass, or molest any of my attendants, I should look upon him as a robber, and shoot him without farther ceremony. This threat had the desired effect, and we marched sullenly along till the afternoon, when we arrived at a number of small villages scattered over an open and fertile plain ; at one of these, called Ganado, we took up our residence for the night : here an exchange of presents and a good sup- per terminated all animosities among my attendants and the night was far advanced before any of us thought of going to sleep. We were amused by an itinerant singing man,* who told a number of diverting stories, and played some sweet airs by blowing his breath upon * These are a sort of travelling bards and musicians, who sing extempore songs in praise of those who employ them. A fuller cccoimt of them will be given hereafter. a bow-string, and striking it at the same time with a stick. December 15th. At day-break- my fellow-travellers, the Serawoollies, took leave of me, with many prayers for my safety. About a mile from Ganado, we crossed a considerable branch of the Gambia, called Neriko. The banks were steep and covered with mimosas ; and I observed in the mud a number of large muscles, but the natives do not eat them. About noon, the sun being exceedingly hot, we rested two hours in the shade of a tree, and purchased some milk and pounded corn from some Foulah herdsmen, and at sunset reached a town called Koorkarany, where the blacksmith had some re- lations ; and here we rested two days. Koorkarany is a Mahomedan town, surrounded by a high wall, and is provided with a niosque. Here I was shown a number of Arabic manuscripts, particularly a copy of the book before mentioned called A IShara. The maraboo, or priest, in whose possession it was, read and explained to me in Mandingo many of the most remark- able passages ; and in return I showed him Richardson's Arabic Grammar, which he very much admired. On the evening of the second day (December 1 7th) we departed from Koorkarany. We were joined by a young man who was travelling to Fatteconda for salt ; and as night set in we reached Dooggi, a small village about three miles from Koorkarany. Provisions were here so cheap that I purchased a bullock for six small stones of amber ; for I found my company increase or diminish according to the good fare they met with. December 18th. Early in the morning we departed from Dooggi, and being joined by a number of Foulahs and other people, made a formidable appearance ; and were undeY no apprehension of being plundered in the woods. About eleven o'clock, one of the asses proving very refractory, the negi-oes took a curious method to make him tractable. They cut a forked stick, and put- ting the forked part into the ass's mouth, like the bit of a bridle, tied the two smaller parts together above his head, leaving the lower part of the stick of sufficient length to strike against the ground, if the ass should attempt to put his head down. After this, the ass walked along quietly and gravely enough, taking care, after some practice, to hold his head sufficiently high to prevent the stones or roots of trees from striking against the end of the stick, which experience had taught him would give a severe shock to his teeth. This contrivance produced a ludicrous appearance ; but my fellow-travellers told me it was constantly adopted by the slatees, and always proved effectual. In the evening we arrived at a few scattered villages, surrounded with extensive cultivation ; at one of which, called Buggil, we passed the night in a miserable hut, having no other bed than a bundle of corn stalks, and no provisions but what we brought with us. The wells here are dug with great ingenuity, and are very deep. I measured one of the bucket ropes, and found the depth of the well to be twenty-eight fathoms. December 19th. We departed from Buggil, and travelled along a dry, stoney height, covered with mimosas, till mid-day, when the laud sloped towards the east, and we descended into a deep valley, in which I observed abundance of whinstone, and white quartz. Pursuing our course to the eastward, along this valley, in the bed of an exhausted river course, we came to a large village, where we intended to lodge. We found many of the natives, dressed in a thin French gauze, which they called lyqui; this being a light airy dress, and well calculated to display the shape of their per- sons, is much esteemed by the ladies. The manners of these females, however, did not correspond with their dress for they were rude and troublesome in the highest degree ; they surrounded me in numbers, beg- ging for amber, beads, &c. ; and were so vehement in their solicitations, that I found it impossible to resist them. They tore my cloak, cut the buttons from my boy's clothes ; and were proceeding to other outrages, when I mounted my horse and rode off, followed for half a mile by a body of these harpies. 16 ARRIVES AT FATTECONDA. In the evening we reached Soobrudooka, and as my company was numerous (being fourteen), I purchased a sheep and abundance of corn for supper ; after which we lay down by the bundles, and passed an uncomfort- able night in a heavy dew. December 20th. We departed from Soobrudooka, and at two o'clock reached a large village situated on the banks of the Faleme' river, which is here rapid and rocky. The natives were employed in fishing in various ways. The large fish were taken in long baskets made of split i-,ane, and placed in a strong current, which was created by walls of stone built across the stream, cer- tain open places being left, through which the water rushed with great force. Some of these baskets were more than twenty feet long, and when once the fish had entered One of them, the force of the stream prevented it from returning. The small fish were taken in great numbers in hand-nets, which the natives weave of cotton, and use with great dexterity. The fish last mentioned are about the size of sprats, and are pre- pared for sale in different ways ; the most common is by pounding them entire as they come from the stream, in a wooden mortar, and exposing them to dry in the sun, in large lumps like sugar loaves. It may be sup- posed that the smell is not very agreeable ; but in the Moorish countries to the north of the Senegal, where fish is scarcely known, this preparation is esteemed as a luxury, and sold to considerable advantage. The manner of using it by the natives is, by dissolving a piece of this black loaf in boiling water, and mixing it with their kouskous. I thought it very singular, at this season of the year, to find the banks of the Faleme every where covered with large and beautiful fields of corn ; but, on exami- nation, 1 found it was not the same species of grain as is commonly cultivated on the Gambia it is called by the natives manio, and grows in the dry season, is very prolific, and is reaped in the month of January. It is the same which, from the depending position of the ear, is called by botanical writers holcus cernuus. On returning to the village, after an excursion to the river side to inspect the fishery, an old Moorish shereeff' came to bestow his blessing upon me, and beg some paper to write saphies upon. This man had seen Major Houghton in the kingdom of Kaarta, and told me that he died in the country of the Moors. I gave him a few sheets of paper, and he levied a similar tribute from the blacksmith ; for it is customary for young Mussulmen to make presents to the old ones, in order to obtain their blessing, which is pronounced in Arabic, and received with great humility. About three in the afternoon we continued our course along the bank of the river to the northward, till eight o'clock, when we reached Nayemow ; here the hospi- table master of the town received us kindly, and pre- sented us with a bullock. In return, I gave him some amber and beads. December 21st. In the morning, having agreed for a canoe to carry over my bundles, I crossed the river, which came up to my knees as I sat on my horse ; but the water is so clear, that from the high bank the bot- tom is visible all the way over. About noon we entered Fatteconda, the capital of Bondou, and in a little time received an invitation to the house of a respectable slatee : for as there are no public houses in Africa, it is customary for strangers to stand at the bentang, or some other place of public resort, till they are invited to a lodging by some of the inhabitants. We accepted the offer ; and in an hour afterwards, a person came and told me that he was sent on purpose to conduct me to the king, who was very desirous of seeing me immediately, if I was not too much fatigued. I took my interpreter with me, and followed the messenger till we got quite out of the town, and crossed some corn fields ; when, suspecting some trick, I stop- ped, and asked the guide whither he was going. Upon which he pointed to a man sitting under a tree at some little distance, and told me that the king frequently gave audience in that retired manner, in order to avoid a crowd of people ; and that nobody but myself and my interpreter must approach him. When I advanced, the king desired me to come and sit by him upon the mat ; and, after hearing my Story, on which he made no observation, he asked if I wished to purchase any slaves or gold : being answered in the negative, he seemed rather surprised, but desired me to come to him in the evening, and he would give me some provisions. This monarch was called Almami a Moorish name, though I was told that he was not a Mahomedan, but a kafir or pagan. I had heard that he had acted to- wards Major Houghton with great unkindness, and caused him to be plundered. His behaviour therefore towards myself at this interview, though much more civil than I expected, was far from freeing me from uneasiness. I still apprehended some double dealing ; and as I was now entirely in his power, I thought it best to smooth the way by a present : accordingly, I took with me in the evening one canister of gunpowder, some amber, tobacco, and my umbrella ; and as I con- sidered that my bundles would inevitably be searched, I concealed some few articles in the roof of the hut where I lodged, and I put on my new blue coat, in order to preserve it. All the houses belonging to the king and his family are surrounded by a lofty mud wall, which converts the whole into a kind of citadel. The interior is sub- divided into different courts. At the first place of en- trance, I observed a man standing with a musket oil his shoulder ; and I found the way to the presence very intricate, leading through many passages, with senti- nels placed at the different doors. When we came to the entrance of the court in which the king resides, both my guide and interpreter, according to custom, took off their sandals ; and the former pronounced the king's name aloud, repeating it till he was answered from within. We found the monarch sitting upon a mat, and two attendants with him. I repeated what I had before told him concerning the object of my jour- ney, and my reasons for passing through his country. He seemed, however, but half satisfied. The notion of travelling for curiosity was quite new to him. He thought it impossible, he said, that any man in his senses would undertake so dangerous a journey, merely to look at the country and its inhabitants. However, when I offered to show him the contents of my port- manteau, and every thing belonging to me, he was convinced ; and it was evident that his suspicion had arisen from a belief that every white man must of ne- cessity be a trader. When I had delivered my presents, he seemed well pleased, and was particularly delighted with the umbrella, which he repeatedly furled and un- furled, to the great admiration of himself and his two attendants, who could not for some time comprehend the use of this wonderful machine. After this I was about to take my leave, when the king, desiring me to stop a while, began a long preamble in favour of the whites, extolling their immense wealth and good dis- positions. He next proceeded to an eulogium on my blue coat, of which the yellow buttons seemed particu- larly to catch his fancy ; and he concluded by entreating me to present him with it assuring me, for my con- solation under the loss of it, that he would wear it on all public occasions, and inform every one who saw it of my great liberality towards him. The request of an African prince, in his own dominions, particularly when made to a stranger, comes little short of a com- mand. It is only a way of obtaining by gentle means, what he can, if he pleases, take by force ; and as it was against my interest to offend him by a refusal, I very quietly took off my coat, the only good one in my pos- session, and laid it at his feet. In return for my compliance, he presented me with great plenty of provisions, and desired to see me again in the morning. I accordingly attended, and found him sitting upon his bed. He told me he was sick, and wished to have a little blood taken from him ; but I had no sooner tied up his arm, and displayed the lancet, than his courage failed ; and he begged me to postpone the operation till the afternoon, as he felt DESCRIPTION OF BONDOU. 17 himself, he said, much better than he had been, and thanked me kindly for my readiness to serve him. He then observed, that his women were very desirous to see me, and requested that I would favour them with a visit. An attendant was ordered to conduct me and I had no sooner entered the court appropriated to the ladies, than the whole seraglio surrounded me some begging for physic, some for amber ; and all of them desirous of trying that great African specific, blood-letting. They were ten or twelve in number, most of them young and handsome, and wearing on their heads ornaments of gold, and beads of amber. They rallied me with a good deal of gaiety on diffe- rent subjects ; particularly upon the whiteness of my skin, and the prominency of my nose. They insisted that both were artificial. The first, they said, was produced when I was an infant, by dipping me hi milk ; and they insisted that my nose had been pinched every day, till it had acquired its present unsightly and un- natural conformation. On my part, without disputing my own deformity, I paid them many compliments on African beaut}'. I praised the glossy jet of their skins, and the lovely depression of their noses ; but they said that flattery, or (as they emphatically termed it) honey- mouth, was not esteemed in Bondou. In return, how- ever, for my company or my compliments (to which, by the way, they seemed not so insensible as they af- fected to be), they presented me with a jar of honey and some fish, which were sent to my lodging ; and I was desired to come again to the king a little before sunset. I carried with me some beads and writing paper, it being usual to present some small offering on taking leave : in return for which, the king gave me five drachms of gold ; observing, that it was but a trifle, and given out of pure friendship, but would be of use to me in travelling, for the purchase of provisions. He seconded this act of kindness by one still greater ; politely telling me, that though it was customary to examine the baggage of every traveller passing through his country, yet, in the present instance, he would dis- pense with that ceremony ; adding, I was at liberty to depart when I pleased. Accordingly, on the morning of the 23d, we left Fat- teconda, and about eleven o'clock came to a small vil- lage, where we determined to stop for the rest of the day. in the afternoon my fellow-travellers informed me, that as this was the boundary between Bondou and Ka- jaaga, and dangerous for travellers, it would be neces- sary to continue our journey by night, until we should reach a more hospitable part of the country. 1 agreed to the proposal, and hired two people for guides through the woods ; and as soon as the people of the village were gone to sleep (the moon shining bright), we set out. The stillness of the air, the howling of the wild beasts, and the deep solitude of the forest, made the scene solemn and impressive. Not a word was uttered by any of us but in a whisper; all were attentive, and every one anxious to show his sagacity by pointing out to me the wolves and hyaenas, as they "glided, like shadows, from one thicket to another. Towards morning, we arrived at a village called Kimmoo, where our guides awakened one of their acquaintances, and we stopped to give the asses some corn, and roast a few ground nuts for our- selves. At day-light we resumed our journey; and in the afternoon arrived at Joag, in the kingdom of Ka- jaaga. Being now in a country, and among a people, differ- ing in many respects from those that have as yet fallen under our observation, I shall, before I proceed farther, give some account of Bondou (the territory we have left), and its inhabitants the Foulahs, the description of whom I purposely reserved for this part of my work. Bondou is bounded on the east by Bambouk, on the south-east and south by Tenda and the Simbani v, il- deniess, on the south-west by Woolli, on the west by Foota Torra, and on the north by Kajaaga. The country, like that of Woolli, is very generally covered with woods, but the land is more elevated, and, towards the Faleme" river, rises into considerable hills. In native fertility, the soil is not surpassed, I believe, by any part of Africa. From the central situation of Bondou, between the Gambia and Senegal rivers, it is become a place of great resort, both for the slatees who generally pass through it, in going from the coast to the interior countries and for occasional traders, who frequently come hither from the inland countries to purchase salt. These different branches of commerce are conducted principally by Mandingoes and Serawoollies who have settled in the country. These merchants likewise carry on a considerable trade with Gedumah, and other Moor- ish countries, bartering corn and blue cotton cloths for salt ; which they again barter in Dentila, and other districts, for iron, shea-butter, and small quantities of gold-dust. They likewise sell a variety of sweet-smell- ing gums, packed up in small bags, containing each about a pound. These gums, being thrown on hot embers, produce a very pleasant odour, and are used by the Mandingoes for perfuming their huts and clothes. The customs, or duties on travellers, are very heavy ; in almost every town an ass-load pays a bar of European merchandise, and at Fatteconda, the residence of the king, one Indian baft, or a musket, and six bottles of gunpowder, are exacted as the common tribute. By means of these duties, the king of Bondou is well sup- plied with arms and ammunition a circumstance which makes him formidable to the neighbouring states. The inhabitants differ in their complexions and na- tioiuil manners from the Mandingoes and Serawoollies, with whom they are frequently at war. Some years ago the king of Bondou crossed the Faleme river with a numerous army ; and, after a short and bloody cam- paign, totally defeated the forces of Samboo, king of Bambouk, who was obliged to sue for peace, and sur- render to him all the towns along the eastern bank of the Faleme. The Foulahs in general (as has been observed in a former chapter) are of a tawny complexion, with small features and soft silky hair ; next to the Mandingoes, they are undoubtedly the most considerable of all the nations in this part of Africa. Their original country is said to be Fooladoo (which signifies the country of the Foulahs) ; but they possess at present many other kingdoms at a great distance from each other : their complexion, however, is not exactly the same in the different districts ; in Bondou, and the other kingdoms which are situated in the vicinity of the Moorish terri- tories, they are of a more yellow complexion than in the southern states. The Foulahs of Bondou are naturally of a mild and gentle disposition, but the uncharitable maxims of the Koran have made them less hospitable to strangers, and more reserved in their behaviour, than the Maudin- goes. They evidently consider all the negro natives as their inferiors ; and, when talking of different nations, always rank themselves among the white people. Their government differs from that of the Mandin- goes chiefly in this, that they are more immediately under the influence of the Mahomedan laws ; for all the chief men, the king excepted, and a large majority of the inhabitants of Bondou, are Mussulmen, and the authority and laws of the Prophet are every where looked upon as sacred and decisive. In the exercise of their faith, however, they are not very intolerant to- wards such of their countrymen as still retain their ancient superstitions. Religious persecution is not known among them, nor is it necessary; for the system of Mahomet is made to extend itself by means abun- dantly more efficacious. By establishing small schools in the different towns, where many of the pagan as well as Mahomedan children are taught to read the Koran, and instructed in the tenets of the Prophet, the Maho- medan priests fix a bias on the minds, and form the character, of their young disciples, which no accidents of life can ever afterwards remove or alter. Many of these little schools I visited in my progress through the country, and observed with pleasure the great docility and submissive deportment of the children, and heartily 18 ARRIVES IN KAJAAGA. wished they had had better instructors, and a purer religion. With the Mahomedan faith is also introduced the Arabic language, with which most of the Foulahs have a slight acquaintance. Their native tongue abounds very much in liquids, but there is something unpleasant in the manner of pronouncing it. A stranger, on hear- ing the common conversation of two Foulahs, would imagine that they were scolding each other. Their numerals are these : One, Go. Two, Deeddee. Three, Tettee. Four, Nee. Five, Jouee. Six, Jego. Seven, Jedeeddee. Eight, Je Tettee. ' Nine, Je Nee. Ten, Sappo. The industry of the Foulahs, in the occupations of pasturage and agriculture, is every where remark- able. Even on the banks of the Gambia, the greater part of the corn is raised by them, and their herds and flocks are more numerous and in better condition than those of the Maudingoes ; but in Bondou they are opulent in a high degree, and enjoy all the neces- saries of life in the greatest profusion. They dis- play great skill in the management of their cattle, making them extremely gentle by kindness and fami- liarity. On the approach of night, they are collected from the woods and secured in folds, called korrees, which are constructed in the neighbourhood of the different villages. In the middle of each korree is erected a small hut, wherein one or two of the herds- men keep watch during the night, to prevent the cattle from being stolen, and to keep up the fires which are kindled round the korree to frighten away the wild beasts. The cattle are milked in the mornings and evenings : the'milk is excellent ; but the quantity obtained from any one cow is by no means so great as in Europe. The Foulahs use the milk chiefly as an article of diet, and that not until it is quite sour. The cream which it affords is very thick, and is converted into butter by stirring it violently in a large calabash. This butter, when melted over a gentle fire, and freed from impuri- ties, is preserved in small earthen pots, and forms a part in most of their dishes ; it serves likewise to anoint their heads, and is bestowed very liberally on their faces and arms. But although milk is plentiful, it is somewhat re- markable that the Foulahs, and indeed all the inha- bitants of this part of Africa, are totally unacquainted with the art of making cheese. A firm attachment to the customs of their ancestors, makes them view with an eye of prejudice every thing that looks like innovation. The heat of the climate, and the great scarcity of salt, are held forth as unanswerable objec- tions ; and the whole process appears to them too long and troublesome to be attended with any solid advan- tage. Besides the cattle, which constitute the chief wealth of the Foulahs, they possess some excellent horses, the breed of which seems to be a mixture of the Arabian with the original African. CHAPTER V. Account of Kajaaga Serawoollies Their Manners and Language. Account of Joag. The Author is ill-treated, and robbed of half of his effects, by order of Batcheri, the King. Charity of a Female Slave. The Author is visited by Demba Sego, Nephew of the King of Kasson, who offers to conduct him in safety to that Kingdom. Offer accepted. The Author and his Protector, with a numerous Retinue, set out and reach Samee, on the Banks of the Senegal. Proceed to Kayee, and, crossing the Senegal, arrive in the Kingdom of Kasson. THE kingdom of Kajaaga, in which I was now arrived, is called by the French Gallam ; but the name that I have adopted is universally used by the natives. This country is bounded on the south-east and south by Bam- bouk, on the west by Bondou and Foota-Torra, and on the north by the river Senegal. The air and climate are, I believe, more pure and sa- lubrious than at any of the settlements towards the coast ; the face of the country is every where interspersed with a pleasing variety of hills and vallies ; and the windings of the Senegal river, which descends from the rocky hills of the interior, make the scenery on its banks very picturesque and beautiful. The inhabitants are called Serawoollies, or (as the French write it) Seracolets. Their complexion is a jet black : they are not to be distinguished in this respect from the Jaloffs. The government is monarchical ; and the regal au- thority, from what I experienced of it, seems to be suf- ficiently formidable. The people themselves, however, complain of no oppression, and seemed all very anxious to support the king in a contest he was going to enter into with the sovereign of Kasson. The Serawoollies are habitually a trading people ; they formerly carried on a great commerce with the French in gold and slaves, and still maintain some traffic in slaves with the Bri- tish factories on the Gambia. They are reckoned to- lerably fair and just in their dealings, but are indefa- tigable in their exertions to acquire wealth, and they derive considerable profits by the sale of salt, and cot- ton cloth, in distant countries. When a Serawoolli merchant returns home from a trading expedition, the neighbours immediately assemble to congratulate him upon his arrival. On these occasions the traveller dis- plays his wealth and liberality, by making a few pre- sents to his friends ; but if he has been unsuccessful, his levee is soon over, and every one looks upon him as a man of no understanding, who could perform a long journey and (as they express it) " bring back no- thing but the hair upon his head." Their language abounds much in gutturals, and is not so harmonious as that spoken by the Foulahs : it is, how- ever, well worth acquiring by those who travel through this part of the African continent it being very gene- rally understood in the kingdoms of Kasson, Kaarta, Ludamar, and the northern parts of Bambarra. In all these countries the Serawoollies are the chief traders. Their numerals are : One, Bani. Two, Fillo. Three, Sicco. Four, Narrate. Five, Karrago. Six, Toomo. Seven,' Nero. Eight, Sego. Nine, Kabbo. Ten, Tamo. Twenty, Tamo di Fillo. We arrived at Joag, the frontier town of this king- dom, on the 24th of December, and took up our resi- dence at the house of the chief man, who is here no longer known by the title of alkaid, but is called the dooty. He was a rigid Mahomedan, but distinguished for his hospitality. This town may be supposed, on a gross computation, to contain two thousand inhabitants. It is surrounded by a high wall, in which are a number of port-holes for musketry to fire through, in case of an attack. Every man's possession is likewise sur- rounded by a wall the whole forming so many distinct citadels ; and amongst a people unacquainted with the use of artillery, these walls answer all the purposes of stronger fortifications. To the westward of the town is a small river, on the banks of which the natives raise great plenty of tobacco and onions. The same evening Madiboo the bushreen, who had accompanied me from Pisania, went to pay a visit to his father and mother, who dwelt at a neighbouring town, called Dramanet. He was joined by my other attendant the blacksmith ; and as soon as it was dark, I was invited to see the sports of the inhabitants, it being their custom, on the arrival of strangers, to wel- come them by diversions of different kinds. I found a great crowd surrounding a party who were dancing, by the light of some large fires, to the music of four drums, which were beat with great exactness and uni- formity. The dances, however, consisted more in wanton gestures than hi muscular exertion or graceful attitudes. The ladies vied with each other in displaying the most voluptuous movements imaginable. December 25th. About two o'clock in the morning DISTRESSING SITUATION KINDNESS OF A SLAVE. 19 a number of horsemen came into the town, and, having awakened my landlord, talked to him for some time in the Serawooui tongue ; after which they dismounted, and came to the bentang, on which I had made my bed. One of them, thinking that I was asleep, attempted to steal the musket that lay by me on the mat ; but, find- ing that he could not effect his purpose undiscovered, he desisted ; and the strangers sat down by me till day- light. I could now easily perceive, by the countenance of my interpreter, Johnson, that something very un- pleasant was in agitation. I was likewise surprised to see Madiboo and the blacksmith so soon returned. On inquiring the reason, Madiboo informed me, that as they were dancing at Dramanet, ten horsemen be- longing to Batcheri, king of the country, with his second son at their head, had arrived there, inquiring if the white man had passed ; and on being told that I was at Joag, they rode off without stopping. Madiboo ad- ded, that on hearing this, he and the blacksmith has- tened back to give me notice of their coming. Whilst I wa-; listening to this narrative, the ten horsemen mentioned by Madiboo arrived ; and, coming to the bentang, dismounted and seated themselves with those who had come before the whole being about twenty in number, forming a circle round me, and each man holding his musket in his hand. I took this oppor- tunity to observe to my landlord, that as I did not understand the Serawoolli tongue, I hoped, whatever the men had to say, they would speak in Mandingo. To this they agreed ; and a short man, loaded with a remarkable number of saphies, opened the business in a very long harangue, informing me that I had entered the king's town without having first paid the duties, or giving any present to the king, and that, according to the laws of the country, my people, cattle, and baggage, were forfeited. He added, that they had received orders from the king to conduct me to Maana,* the place of his residence ; and if I refused to come with them, their orders were to bring me by force upon his say- ing which, all of them rose up and asked me if I was ready. It would have been equally vain and impru- dent in me to have resisted or irritated such a body of men ; I therefore affected to comply with their com- mands, and begged them only to stop a little until I had given my horse a feed of corn, and settled matters with my landlord. The poor blacksmith, who was a native of Kasson, mistook this feigned compliance for a real intention, and, taking me away from the company, told me, that he had always behaved towards me as if I had been his father and master, and he hoped I would not entirely ruin him by going to Maana ; add- ing, that as there was every reason to believe a war would soon take place between Kasson and Kajaaga, he should not only lose his little property, the savings of four years' industry, but should certainly be de- tained and sold as a slave, unless his friends had an opportunity of paying two slaves for his redemption. I saw this reasoning in its full force, and determined to do my utmost to preserve the blacksmith from so dreadful a fate. I therefore told the king's son that ] was ready to go with him, upon condition that the blacksmith, who was an inhabitant of a distant king- dom, and entirely unconnected with me, should be al- lowed to stay at Joag till my return ; to this they al" objected, and insisted that as we had all acted contrary to the laws, we were all equally answerable for our conduct. I now took my landlord aside, and giving him a smal present of gunpowder, asked his advice in so critical a situation. He was decidedly of opinion that I ought no to go to the king : he was fully convinced, he said, tha if the king should discover any thing valuable in mj possession, he would not be over scrupulous about th means of obtaining it. This made me the more solici tous to conciliate matters with the king's people ; an( I began by observing, that what I had done did 110 proceed from any want of respect towards the king * Maana is within a short distance of the ruins of Fort St Jo eeph, on the Senegal river, formerly a French factory. icr from any wish to violate his laws, but wholly from my own inexperience and ignorance, being a stranger, otally unacquainted with the laws and customs of their ountry : I had indeed entered the king's frontier, vithout knowing that I was to pay the duties before- and, but I was ready to pay them now ; which I bought was all they could reasonably demand. I hen tendered them, as a present to the king, the five irachms of gold which the king of Bondou had given me ; this they accepted, but insisted on examining my iaggage, which I opposed in vain. The bundles were pened ; but the men were much disappointed in not inding in them so much gold and amber as they ex- Dected: they made up the deficiency, however, by tak- ng whatever things they fancied ; and after wrangling and debating with me till sunset, they departed, having irst robbed me of hah my goods. These proceedings dispirited my people, and our fortitude was not strength- ened by a very indifferent supper, after a long fast. Vladiboo begged me to turn back ; Johnson laughed at ;he thought of proceeding without money ; and the Blacksmith was afraid to be seen, or even to speak, est any one should discover him to be a native of Kasson. In this disposition, we passed the night by the side of a dun fire, and our situation the next day was very perplexing : it was impossible to procure pro- visions without money, and I knew that if I produced any beads or amber, the king would immediately hear of it, and I should probably lose the few effects I had concealed. We therefore resolved to combat hunger for the day, and wait some favourable opportunity of purchasing or begging provisions. Towards the evening, as I was sitting upon the ben- tang chewing straws, an old female slave, passing, by with a basket upon her head, asked me if I had got my dinner. As I thought she only laughed at me, I gave lier no answer ; but my boy, who was sitting close by, answered for me, and told her that the king's people had robbed me of all my money. On hearing this, the good old woman, with a look of unaffected benevolence, immediately took the basket from her head, and show- ing me that it contained ground nuts, asked me if I could eat them ; being answered in the affirmative, she presented me with a few handfuls, and walked away, before I had time to thank her for this seasonable sup- ply. This trifling circumstance gave me peculiar satis- faction. I reflected with pleasure on the conduct of this poor untutored slave, who, without examining into my character or circumstances, listened implicitly to the dictates of her own heart. Experience had taught her that hunger was painful, and her own distresses made her commiserate those of others. The old woman had scarcely left me, when I re- ceived information that a nephew of Demba Sego Jalla, the Mandingo king of Kasson, was coming to pay me a visit. He had been sent on an embassy to Batcheri, king of Kajaaga, to endeavour to settle the disputes which had arisen between his uncle and the latter ; but, after debating the matter four days without suc- cess, he was now on his return and hearing that a white man was at Joag, on his way to Kasson, curiosity brought him to see me. I represented to him my situation and distresses, when he frankly offered me his protection, and said he would be my guide to Kasson (provided I would set out the next morning), and be answerable for my safety. I readily and gratefully accepted his offer, and was ready, with my attendants, by daylight on the morning of the 27th of December. My protector, whose name was Demba Sego, pro- bably after his uncle, had a numerous retinue. Our company, at leaving Joag, consisted of thirty persons and six loaded asses ; and we rode on cheerfully enough for some hours, without any remarkable occurrence, until wo came to a species of tree, for which my inter- preter, Johnson, had made frequent inquiry. On find- ing it, he desired us to stop ; and, producing a white chicken, which he had purchased at Joag for the pur- pose, he tied it by the leg to one of the branches, and then told us we might now safely proceed, for that our journey would be prosperous. This circumstance is 20 ARRIVAL AT TEESEE. Inentioned merely to illustrate the disposition of the negroes, and to show the power of superstition over their minds ; for although this man had resided seven years in England, it was evident that he still retained the prejudices and notions he had imbibed in his youth. He meant this ceremony, he told me, as an offering, or sacrifice, to the spirits of the woods, who were, he said, a powerful race of beings, of a white colour, with long flowing hair. I laughed at his folly, but could not condemn the piety of his motives. At noon we had reached Gungadi, a large town, where we stopped about an hour, until some of the asses that had fallen behind came up. Here I observed a number of date trees, and a mosque built of clay, with six turrets, on the pinnacles of which were placed six ostrich eggs. A little before sunset we arrived at the town of Samee, on the banks of the Senegal, which is here a beautiful but shallow river, moving slowly over a bed of sand and gravel. The banks are high, and covered with verdure -the country is open and cultivated and the rocky hills of Fellow and Bambouk add much to the beauty of the landscape. December 28th. We departed from Samee, and ar- rived in the afternoon at Kayee, a large village, part of which is situated on the north, and part on the south side of the river. A little above this place is a consi- derable cataract, where the river flows over a ledge of whinstone rock with great force : below this the river is remarkably black and deep ; and here it was proposed to make our cattle swim over. After hallooing, and firing some muskets, the people 011 the Kasson side ob- served us, and brought over a canoe to carry our bag- gage. I did not, however, think it possible to get the cattle down the bank, which is here more than forty ieet above the water; but the negroes seized the horses, and launched them, one at a time, down a sort of trench or gully, that was almost perpendicular, and seemed to have been worn smooth by this sort of use. After the terrified cattle had been plunged in this manner to the water's edge, every man got down as well as he could. The ferryman then taking hold of the most steady of the horses by a rope, led him into the water, and pad- dled the canoe a little from the brink ; upon which a general attack commenced upon the other horses, who, finding themselves pelted and kicked on all sides, unanimously plunged into the river, and followed their companion. A few boys swam in after them ; and, by laving water upon them when they attempted to return, urged them onwards ; and we had the satisfaction, in about fifteen minutes, to see them all safe on the other side. It was a matter of greater difficulty to manage the asses; their natural stubbornness of disposition made them endure a great deal of pelting and shoving before they would venture into the water ; and when they had reached the middle of the stream, four of them turned back, in spite of every exertion to get them forwards. Two hours were spent in getting the whole of them over ; an hour more was employed in transporting the baggage ; and it was near sunset before the canoe re- turned, when Demba Sego and myself embarked in thi dangerous passage-boat, which the least motion was like to overset. The king's nephew thought this a pro- per time to have a peep into a tin box of mine, that stood in the fore part of the canoe ; and in stretching out his hand for it, he unfortunately destroyed the equilibrium, and overset the canoe. Luckily we were not far advanced, and got back to the shore without much difficulty ; from whence, after wringing the water from our clothes, we took a fresh departure, and were Boon afterwards safely landed in Kasson. CHAPTER VI. Arrival at Tecsee. Interview with Tiggity Sego, the King'b Brother The Author's Detention at Teesee. Sets out for Koo niakary, the Capital of the Kingdom. Arrival there. WE no sooner found ourselves safe in Kasson, thai Demba Sego told me that we wore now in his uncle'; dominions, and he hoped I would consider, being now ut of danger, the obligation I owed to him, and make rim a suitable return for the trouble he had taken on ny account by a handsome present. This, as he knew low much had been pilfered from me at Joag, was rather an unexpected proposition, and I began to fear ;hat I had not much improved my condition by cross- ing the water ; but as it would have been folly to com- plain, I made no observation upon his conduct, and gave lini seven bars of amber and some tobacco, with which iie seemed to be content. After a long day's journey, in the course of which I observed a number of large loose nodules of white granite, we arrived at Teesee on the evening of Decem- ber 29th, and were accommodated in Demba Sego's lint. The next morning he introduced me to his father, Tiggity Sego, brother to the king of Kasson, chief of Teesee. The old man viewed me with great earnest- ness, having never, he said, beheld but one white man before, whom by his description I immediately knew to be Major Houghton. I related to him, in answer to his inquiries, the motives that induced me to explore the country. But he seemed to doubt the truth of what I asserted, thinking, I believe, that I secretly meditated some project which I was afraid to avow. He told me, it would be necessary I should go to Kooniakary, the residence of the king, to pay my respects to that prince, but desired me to come to him again before I left Teesee. In the afternoon one of his slaves eloped ; and a general alarm being given, every person that had a horse rode into the woods, in the hopes of apprehend- ing him, and Demba Sego begged the use of my horse for the same purpose. I readily consented ; and in about an hour they all returned with the slave, who was severely flogged, and afterwards put in irons. On the day following (December 31st), Demba Sego was ordered to go with twenty horsemen to a town in Gedu- mah, to adjust some dispute with the Moors, a party of whom were supposed to have stolen three horses from Teesee. Demba begged a second time the use of my horse, adding, that the sight of my bridle and saddle would give him consequence among the Moors. This request also I readily granted, and he promised to re- turn at the end of three days. During his absence I amused myself with walking about the town, and con- versing with the natives, who attended me every where with great kindness and curiosity, and supplied me with milk, eggs, and what other provisions I wanted, 011 very easy terms. Teesee is a large unwalled town, having no security against the attack of an enemy except a sort of citadel, in which Tiggity and his family constantly reside. This town, according to the report of the natives, was for- merly inhabited only by a few Foulah shepherds, who lived in considerable affluence by means of the excellent meadows in the neighbourhood, in which they reared great herds of cattle. But their prosperity attracting the envy of some Mandingoes, the latter drove out the shepherds, and took possession of their lands. The present inhabitants, though they possess both cattle and corn in abundance, are not over nice in ar- ticles of diet ; rats, moles, squirrels, snakes, locusts, &c. arc eaten without scruple by the highest and lowest. My people were one evening invited to a feast given by some of the townsmen, where, after making a hearty meal of what they thought fish and kouskous, one of them found a piece of hard skin in the dish, and brought it along with him, to show me what sort of fish they had been eating. On examining the skin, I found they had been feasting on a large snake. Another custom still more extraordinary, is, that no woman is allowed to eat an egg. This prohibition, whether arising from ancient superstition, or from the craftiness of some old bushreeii who loved eggs himself, is rigidly adhered to, and nothing will more affront a woman of Teesee than to offer her an egg. The custom is the more singular, as the men eat eggs without scruple in the presence of their wives, and I never observed the same prohibition in any ether of the Mandingo countries, ROBBED ON THE JOURNEY BY TIGGITY SEGO. 21 The third day after his son's departure, Tiggity Sego hold a palaver on a very extraordinary occasion, which I attended ; and the debates ou both sides of the ques- tion displayed much ingenuity. The case was this : A young man, a kafir, of considerable affluence, who had recently married a young and handsome wife, ap- plied to a very devout bushreen, or Mussulman priest, of his acquaintance, to procure him saphics for his pro- tection during the approaching war. The bushreen complied with the request ; and in order, as he pre- tended, to render the saphies more efficacious, enjoined the young man to avoid any nuptial intercourse with his bride for the space of six weeks. Severe as the in- junction was, the kafir strictly obeyed ; and, without telling his wife the real cause, absented himself from her company. In the mean time it began to be whis- pered at Teesee that the bushreen, who always per- formed his evening devotions at the door of the kafir's hut, was more intimate with the young wife than he ought to be. At first, the good husband was unwilling to suspect the honour of his sanctified friend, and one whole month elapsed before any jealousy rose in his mind ; but hearing the charge repeated, he at last inter- rogated his wife on the subject, who frankly confessed that the bushreen had seduced her. Hereupon the kafir put her into confinement, and called a palaver upon the bushreen's conduct. The fact was clearly proved against him ; and he was sentenced to be sold into slavery, or to find two slaves for his redemption, according to the pleasure of the complainant. The injured husband, however, was unwilling to proceed against his friend to such extremity, and desired rather to have him pub- licly flogged before Tiggity Sego's gate. This was agreed to, and the sentence was immediately executed. The culprit was tied by the hands to a strong stake ; and a long black rod being brought forth, the executioner, after flourishing it round his head for some time, ap- plied it with such force and dexterity to the bushreen's back, as to make him roar until the woods resounded with his screams. The surrounding multitude, by their hooting and laughing, manifested how much they en- joyed the punishment of this old gallant ; and it is worthy of remark, that the number of stripes was pre- cisely the same as are enjoined, by the Mosaic law, forty, save one. As there appeared great probability that Teesee, from its being a frontier town, would be much exposed dur- ing the war to the predatory excursions of the Moors of Gedumah, Tiggity Sego had, before my arrival, sent round to the neighbouring villages, to beg or to pur- chase as much provisions as would afford subsistence to the inhabitants for one whole year, independently of the crop 011 the ground, which the Moors might destroy. This project was well received by the country people, and they fixed a day on which to bring all the provisions they could spare to Teesee ; and as my horse was not yet returned, I went, in the afternoon of January 4th, 1796, to meet the escort with the provisions. It was composed of about 400 men, marching in good order, with corn and ground nuts in large calabashes upon their heads. They were preceded by a strong guard of bowmen, and followed by eight musicians or singing men. As soon as they approached the town, the latter began a song, every verse of which was answered by the company, and succeeded by a few strokes on the large drums. In this manner they proceeded, amidst the acclamations of the populace, till they reached the house of Tiggity Sego, where the loads were deposited; and in the evening they all assembled under the ben- tang tree, and spent the night in dancing and merri- ment. Many of these strangers remained at Teesee for three days, during which time I was constantly attended by as many of them as could conveniently see me ; one party giving way to another, as soon as curiosity was gratified. On the 5th of January, an embassy of ten people be- longing to Almami Abdulkadcr, king of Foota-Torra, a country to the west of Bondou, arrived at Teesee; and, desiring Tiggity Sego to call an assembly of the inha- bitants, announced publicly their king's determination to this effect : " That unless all the people of Kasson would embrace the Mahomedan religion, and evince their conversion by saying eleven public prayers, he, the king of Foota-Torra, could not possibly stand neuter in the present contest, but would certainly join his arms to those of Kajaaga." A message of this nature, from so powerful a prince, could not fail to create great alarm; and the inhabitants of Teesee, after along consultation, agreed to conform to his good pleasure, humiliating as it was to them. Accordingly, one and all publicly offered up eleven prayers, which were con- sidered a sufficient testimony of their having renounced paganism, and embraced the doctrines of the Prophet. It was the 8th of January before Dernba Sego re- turned with my horse; and being quite wearied out with the delay, I went immediately to inform his father that I should set out for Kooniakary early the next day. The old man made many frivolous objections ; and at length gave me to understand, that I must not think of departing without first paying him the same duties he was entitled to receive from all travellers ; besides which he expected, he said, some acknowledgment for his kindness towards me. Accordingly, on the morn- ing of the 9th, my friend Demba, with a number of people, came to me, and said that they were sent by Tiggity Sego for my present, and wished to see what goods I had appropriated for that purpose. I knew that resistance was hopeless, and complaint unavailing ; and being in some measure prepared, by the intimation I had received the night before, I quietly offered him seven bars of amber, and five of tobacco. After sur- vey ing these articles for some time very coolly, Demba laid them down, and told me, that this was not a present for a man of Tiggity Sego's consequence, who had it in his power to take whatever he pleased from me. He added, that if I did not consent to make him a larger offering, he would carry all my baggage to his father, and let him choose for himself. I had no time for reply ; for Demba and his attendants immediately began to open my bundles, and spread the different articles upon the floor, where they underwent a more strict exami- nation than they had done at Joag. Every thing that pleased them they took without scruple ; and amongst other things, Demba seized the tin box which had so much attracted his attention in crossing the river. Upon collecting the scattered remains of my little fortune after these people had left me, I found that, as at Joag I had been plundered of half, so here, without even the shadow of accusation, I was deprived of half the re- mainder. The blacksmith himself, though a native of Kasson, had also been compelled to open his bundles, and take an oath that the different articles they con- tained were his own exclusive property. There was, however, no remedy and having been under some ob- ligation to Demba Sego for his attention towards me in the journey from Joag, I did not reproach him for his rapacity, but determined to quit Teesee, at all events, the next morning. In the meanwhile, in order to raise the drooping spirits of my attendants, I purchased a fat sheep, and had it dressed for our dinner. Early in the morning of January 10th, therefore, I left Teesee, and about mid-day ascended a ridge, from whence we had a distant view of the hills round Koonia- kary. In the evening we reached a small village, where we slept, and, departing from thence the next morning, crossed in a few hours a narrow but deep stream called Krieko, a branch of the Senegal. About two miles farther to the eastward, we passed a large town called Madina ; and at two o'clock came in sight of Jumbo, the blacksmith's native town, from whence he had been absent more than four years. Soon after this, his brother, who had by some means been apprised of his coming, came out to meet him, accompanied by a sing- ing man : he brought a horse for the blacksmith, that he might enter his native town in a dignified manner ; and he desired each of us to put a good charge of powder into our guns. The singing man now led the way, followed by the two brothers ; and we were pre- sently joined by a number of people from the town, all of whom demonstrated great joy at seeing their old 22 ARRIVAL AT KOONIAKARY. acquaintance the blacksmith, by the most extravagant jumping and singing. On entering the town, the sing- ing man began an extempore song in praise of the blacksmith, extolling his courage in having overcome so many difficulties ; and concluding with a strict in- junction to his friends to dress him plenty of victuals. When we arrived at the blacksmith's place of resi- dence, we dismounted, and fired our muskets. ' The meeting between him and his relations was very ten- der ; for these rude children of nature, free from restraint, display their emotions in the strongest and most expressive manner. Amidst these transports, the blacksmith's aged mother was led forth, leaning upon a staff. Every one made way for her ; and she stretched out her hand to bid her son welcome. Being totally blind, she stroked his hands, arms, and face, witn great care, and seemed highly delighted that her latter days were blessed by his return, and that her ears once more heard the music of his voice. From this inter- view I was fully convinced, that whatever difference there is between the negro and European in the con- formation of the nose and the colour of the skin, there is none in the genuine sympathies and characteristic feelings of our common nature. During the tumult of these congratulations, I had seated myself apart by the side of one of the huts, being unwilling to interrupt the flow of filial and pa- rental tenderness ; and the attention of the company was so entirely taken up with the blacksmith, that I believe none of his friends had observed me. When all the people present had seated themselves, the black- smith was desired by his father to give them some account of his adventures ; and silence being com- manded, he began and, after repeatedly thanking God for the success that had attended him, related every material occurrence that had happened to him from his leaving Kasson to his arrival at the Gambia his employment and success in those parts and the dan- gers he had escaped in returning to his native country. In the latter part of his narration, he had frequently occasion to mention me ; and after many strong ex- pressions concerning my kindness to him, he pointed to the place where I sat, and exclaimed, Affille ibi siring! (" See him sitting there !") In a moment all eyes were turned upon me I appeared like a being dropped from the clouds every one was surprised that they had not observed me before ; and a few women and children expressed great uneasiness at being so near a man of such an uncommon appearance. By degrees, however, their apprehensions subsided ; and when the blacksmith assured them that I was perfectly inoffensive, and would hurt nobody, some of them ventured so far as to exa- mine the texture of my clothes ; but many of them were still very suspicious and when by accident I happened to move myself, or look at the young children, their mothers would scamper off with them with the greatest precipitation. In a few hours, however, they all be- came reconciled to me. With these worthy people I spent the remainder of that, and the whole of the ensuing day, in feasting and merriment and the blacksmith declared he would not quit me during my stay at Kooniakary ; for which place we set out early on the morning of the 14th of January, and arrived about the middle of the day at Soolo, a small village three miles to the south of it. As this place was somewhat out of the direct road, it is necessary to observe, that I went thither to visit a slatee, or Gambia trader, of great note and reputa- tation, named Salim Daucari. He was well known to Dr Laidley, who had trusted him with effects to the value of five slaves, and had given me an order for the whole of the debt. We luckily found him at home, and he received me with great kindness and atten- tion. It is remarkable, however, that the king of Kasson was, by some means, immediately apprised of my mo- tions ; for I had been at Soolo but a few hours, before Sambo Sego, his second son, came thither with a party of horse, to inquire what had prevented rne from pro- ceeding to Kooniakary, and waiting immediately upon the king, who, he said, was impatient to see me. Salim Daucari made my apology, and promised to accompany me to Kooniakary the same evening. We accordingly departed from Soolo at sunset, and in about an hour entered Kooniakary. But as the king had gone to sleep, we deferred the interview till next morning, and slept at the hut of Sambo Sego. My interview with the king, and the incidents which occurred to me in the kingdoms of Kasson and Kaarta, will be the subject of the ensuing chapter. CHAPTER VII. The Author admitted to an Audience of the King of Kasson, whom he finds well disposed towards him. Incidents during the Author's stay at Kooniakary. Departs thence for Kemmoo, the Capital of Kaarta. Is received with great kindness by the King of Kaarta, who dissuades him from prosecuting his Jour- ney, on Account of approaching Hostilities with the King of Bambarra. The Author determines, notwithstanding, to pro- ceed ; and the usual Routes being obstructed, takes the Path to Ludamar, a Moorish Kingdom. Is accommodated by the King with a Guide to Jarra, the Frontier Town of the Moorish Territories ; and sets out for that Place, accompanied by three of the King's Sons, and two hundred Horsemen. ABOUT eight o'clock in the morning of January 15th, 1796, we went to an audience of the king (Demba Sego Jalla) ; but the crowd of people to see me was so great, that I could scarcely get admittance. A passage being at length obtained, I made my bow to the monarch, whom we found sitting upon a mat, in a large hut. He appeared to be a man of about sixty years of age : his success in war, and the mildness of his behaviour in time of peace, had much endeared him to all his sub- jects. He surveyed me with great attention ; and when Salim Daucari explained to him the object of my jour- ney, and my reasons for passing through his country, the good old king appeared not only perfectly satisfied, but promised me every assistance in his power. He informed me that he had seen Major Houghton, and presented him with a white horse ; but that, after cross- ing the kingdom of Kaarta, he had lost 'his life among the Moors, in what manner he could not inform me. When this audience was ended, we returned to our lodging, and I made up a small present for the king out of the few effects that were left me ; for I had not yet received any thing from Salim Daucari. This pre- sent, though inconsiderable in itself, was well received by the king, who sent me in return a large white bul- lock. The sight of this animal quite delighted my at- tendants ; not so much on account of its bulk, as from its being of a white colour, which is considered as a particular mark of favour. But although the Icing himself was well disposed towards me, and readily f ranted me permission to pass through his territories, soon discovered that very great and unexpected ob- stacles were likely to impede my progress. Besides the war which was on the point of breaking out between Kasson and Kajaaga, I was told that the next kingdom of Kaarta, through which my route lay, was involved in the issue; and was furthermore threatened with hostilities on the part of Bambarra. The king himself informed me of these circumstances, and advised me to stay in the neighbourhood of Kooniakary, till such time as he could procure proper information respecting Bambarra, which he expected to do in the course of four or five days, as he had already, he said, sent four messengers into Kaarta for that purpose. I readily submitted to this proposal, and went to Soolo, to stay there till the return of one of those messengers. This afforded me a favourable opportunity of receiving what money Salim Daucari could spare me on Dr Laidley's account. I succeeded in receiving the value of three slaves, chiefly in gold dust ; and being anxious to pro- ceed as quickly as possible, I begged Daucari to use his interest with the king to allow me a guide by the TRAVELS OVER THE PLAINS OF KAARTA. 23 wav of Fooladoo, as I was informed that the war had already commenced between the kings of Bambarra and Kaarta. Daucari accordingly set out for Koonia- kary ou the morning of the 20th, and the same evening returned with the king's answer, which was to this purpose that the king had, many years ago, made an agreement with Daisy, king of Kaarta, to send all merchants and travellers through his dominions ; but that if I wished to take the route through Fooladoo, I had his permission so to do ; though he could not, con- sistently with his agreement, lend me a guide. Having felt the want of regal protection in a former part of my journey, I was unwilling to hazard a repetition of the hardships I had then experienced, especially as the money I had received was probably the last supply that I should obtain ; I therefore determined to wait for the return of the messengers from Kaarta. In the interim, it began to be whispered abroad that I had received plenty of gold from Salim Daucari, and on the morning of the 23d Sambo Sego paid me a visit, with a party of horsemen. He insisted upon knowing the exact amount of the money I had obtained, declar- ing, that whatever the sum was, one-half of it must go to the king ; besides which, he intimated that he expected a handsome present for himself, as being the king's son, and for his attendants, as being the king's relations. The reader will easily perceive, that if all these demands had been satisfied, I should not have been overburdened with money ; but though it was very mortifying to me to comply with the demands of injustice, and so arbitrary an exaction, yet, thinking that it was highly dangerous to make a foolish resistance, and irritate the lion when within the reach of his paw, I prepared to submit ; and if Salim Daucari had not interposed, all my endeavours to mitigate this oppressive claim would have been of no avail. Salim at last prevailed upon Sambo to accept sixteen bars of European merchandise, and some powder and ball, as a complete payment of every demand that could be made upon me in the kingdom of Kasson. January 26th. In the forenoon, I went to the top of a high hill to the southward of Soolo, where I had a most enchanting prospect of the country. The number of towns and villages, and the extensive cultivation around them, surpassed every thing I had yet seen in Africa. A gross calculation may be formed of the num- ber of inhabitants in this delightful plain, by consider- ing that the king of Kasson can raise four thousand fighting men by the sound of his war drum. In travers- ing the rocky eminences of this hill, which are almost destitute of vegetation, I observed a number of large holes in the crevices and fissures of the rocks, where the wolves and hyaenas take refuge during the day. Some of these animals paid us a visit on the evening of the 27th ; their approach was discovered by the dogs of the village ; and on this occasion it is remarkable that the dogs did not bark, but howl in the most dismal manner. The inhabitants of the village no sooner heard them, than, knowing the cause, they armed themselves ; and, providing bunches of dry grass, went in a body to the iuclosure in the middle of the village where the cattle were kept. Here they lighted the bunches oi grass, and, waving them to and fro, ran hooping and hallooing towards the hills. This manoeuvre had the desired effect of frightening the wolves away from the village ; but, on examination, we found that they had killed five of the cattle, and torn and wounded many others. February 1st. The messengers arrived from Kaarta, and brought intelligence that the war had not yet com- menced between Bambarra and Kaarta, and that ] might probably pass through Kaarta before the Bam- barra army invaded that country. February 3d. Early in the morning, two guides on horseback came from Kooniakary to conduct me to the frontiers of Kaarta. I accordingly took leave of Salim Daucari, and parted for the last time from my fellow- traveller the blacksmith, whose kind solicitude for my welfare had been so conspicuous, and about ten o'clock departed from Soolo. We travelled this day through a rocky and hilly country, along the banks of the river \ricko ; and at sunset came to the village of Soomo, where we slept. February 4th. We departed from Soomo, and con- ;inued our route along the banks of the Krieko, which are every where well cultivated, and swarm with inha- Ditants. At this tune they were increased by the number of people that had flown thither from Kaarta, on account of the Bambarra war. In the afternoon we reached Eimo, a large village, the residence of Madi Konko, governor of the hilly country of Kasson, which is called Sorroma. From hence the guides appointed by the king of Kasson returned, to join in the expedition against Kajaaga ; and I waited until the Cth, before I could prevail on Madi Konko to appoint me a guide to Kaarta. February 7th. Departing from Kimo, with Madi Konko's son as a guide, we continued our course along the banks of the Krieko until the afternoon, when we arrived at Kangee, a considerable town. The Krieko is here but a small rivulet ; this beautiful stream takes its rise a little to the eastward of this town, and descends with a rapid and noisy current, until it reaches the bottom of the high hill called Tappa, where it becomes more placid, and winds gently through the lovely plains of Kooniakary ; after which, having received an addi- tional branch from the north, it is lost in the Senegal, somewhere near the falls of Felow. February 8th. This day we travelled over a rough stony country ; and having passed Seimpo and a number of other villages, arrived in the afternoon at Lackarago, a small village which stands upon the ridge of hills that separates the kingdoms of Kasson and Kaarta. In the course of the day, we passed many hundreds of people flying from Kaarta with their families and effects. February 9th. Early in the morning, we departed from Lackarago, and a little to the eastward came to the brow of a hill, from whence we had an extensive view of the country. Towards the south-east were per- ceived some very distant hills, which our guide told us were the mountains of Fooladoo. We travelled with great difficulty down a stony and abrupt precipice, and continued our way in the bed of a dry river course, where the trees, meeting over head, made the place dark and cool. In a little time we reached the bottom of this romantic glen, and about ten o'clock emerged from between two rocky hills, and found ourselves on the level and sandy plains of Kaarta. At noon we ar- rived at a korree, or watering place, where, for a few strings of beads, I purchased as much milk and corn- meal as we could eat ; indeed, provisions are here so cheap, and the shepherds live in such affluence, that they seldom ask any return for what refreshments a traveller receives from them. From this korree, we reached Feesurah at sunset, where we took up our lodging for the night. February 10th. We continued at Feesurah all this day, to have a few clothes washed, and learn more ex- actly the situation of affairs before we ventured towards the capital. February llth. Our landlord, taking advantage of the unsettled state of the country, demanded so extra- vagant a sum for our lodging, that, suspecting he wished for an opportunity to quarrel with us, I refused to sub- mit to his exorbitant demand ; but my attendants were so much frightened at the reports of approaching war, that they refused to proceed any farther, unless I could settle matters with him, and induce him to accompany us to Kemmoo, for our protection on the road. This I accomplished with some difficulty ; and by a present of a blanket which I had brought with me to sleep in, and for which our landlord had conceived a very great lik- ing, matters were at length amicably adjusted, and he mounted his horse and led the way. He was one of those negroes who, together with the ceremonial part of the Mahomedan religion, retain all their ancient su- perstitions, and even drink strong liquors. They are called Johars, or Jowars, and in this kingdom form a very numerous and powerful tribe. We had no sooner got into a dark and lonely part of the first wood, than he made a sign for us to stop, and, taking hold of a hollow piece of bamboo, that hung as an amulet round his neck, 24 VISITS THE KING AT KEMMOO. whistled very loud three times. I confess I was some what startled, thinking it was a signal for some of his companions to come and attack us ; but he assured me that it was done merely with a view to ascertain what success we were likely to meet with on our present journey. He then dismounted, laid his spear across the road, and having said a number of short prayers, concluded with three loud whistles ; after which he listened for some time, as if in expectation of an answer, and receiving none, told us we might proceed without fear, for there was no dauger. About noon we passed a number of large villages quite deserted, the inhabi- tants having fled into Kasson to avoid the horrors oi war. We reached Karankalla at sunset : this formerly was a large town, but having been plundered by the Bambarrans about four years ago, nearly one half of it is still in ruins. February 12th. At daylight we departed from Ka- rankalla, and as it was but a short day's journey to KemmoOj we travelled slower than usual, and amused ourselves by collecting such eatable fruits as grew near the road-side. In this pursuit I had wandered a little from my people ; and being uncertain whether they were before or behind me, I hastened to a rising ground to look about me. As I was proceeding towards this eminence, two negro horsemen, armed with muskets, came galloping from among the bushes : on seeing them I made a full stop ; the horsemen did the same, and all three of us seemed equally surprised and confounded at this interview. As I approached them, their fears in- creased, and one of them, after casting upon me a look of horror, rode off at full speed ; the other, in a panic of fear, put his hand over his eyes, and continued mut- tering prayers until his horse, seemingly without the rider's knowledge, conveyed him slowly after his com- panion. About a mile to the westward, they foil in with my attendants, to whom they related a frightful story : it seems their fears had dressed me in the flow- ing robes of a tremendous spirit, and one of them af- firmed, that when I made my appearance, a cold blast of wind came pouring down upon him from the sky, like so much cold water. About noon we saw at a dis- tance the capital of Kaarta, situated in the middle of an open plain the country for two miles round being cleared of wood, by the great consumption of that article for building and fuel and we entered the town about two o'clock in the afternoon. We proceeded, without stopping, to the court before the king's residence ; but I was so completely surrounded by the gazing multitude, that I did not attempt to dis- mount, but sent in the landlord and Madi Konko's son, to acquaint the king of my arrival. In a little time they returned, accompanied by a messenger from the king, signifying that he would see me in the evening ; and in the meantime, the messenger had orders to pro- cure me a lodging, and see that the crowd did not molest me. He conducted me into a court, at the door of which he stationed a man, with a stick in his hand to keep off the mob, and then showed me a large hut in which I was to lodge. I had scarcely seated myself in this spacious apartment, when the mob entered ; it was found impossible to keep them out, and I was sur- rounded by as many as the hut could contain. When the first party, however, had seen me, and asked a few questions, they retired to make room for another com- pany; and in this manner the hut was filled and emptied thirteen different times. A little before sunset, the king sent to inform me that he was at leisure, and wished to see me. I fol- lowed the messenger through a number of courts sur- rounded with high walls, where I observed plenty of dry grass bundled up like hay, to fodder the horses, in case the town should be invested. On entering the court in which the king was sitting, I was astonished at the number of his attendants, and at the good order that seemed to prevail among them : they were all seated the fighting men on the king's right hand, and the women and children on the left, leaving a space between them for my passage. The king, whose name was Daisy Koorabarri, was not to be distinguished from his sub- jects by any superiority in point of dress ; a bank of earth, about two feet high, upon which was spread a leopard's skin, constituted the only mark of royal dig- nity. When I had seated myself upon the ground before him, and related the various circumstances that had induced me to pass through his country, and my reasons for soliciting his protection, he appeared perfectly satis- fied ; but said it was not in his power at present to afford me much assistance, for that all sort of commu- nication between Kaarta and Bambarra had been inter- rupted for some time past ; and as Mansong, the king of Bambarra, with his army, had entered Fooladoo in his way to Kaarta, there was but little hope of my reaching Bambarra by any of the usual routes, inas- much as, coming from an enemy's country, I should certainly be plundered, or taken for a spy. If his country had been at peace, he said, I might have re- mained with him until a more favourable opportunity offered ; but, as matters stood at present, he did not wish me to continue in Kaarta, for fear some accident should befal me, in which case my countrymen might say that he had murdered a white man. He would therefore advise me to return into Kasson, and remain there until the war should terminate, which would pro- bably happen in the course of three or four months, after which, if he was alive, he said, he would be glad to see me, and if he was dead, his sons would take care of me. This advice was certainly well meant on the part of the king, and perhaps I was to blame 5n not following it ; but I reflected that the hot months were approach- ing, and I dreaded the thoughts of spending the rainy season in the interior of Africa. These considerations, and the aversion I felt at the idea of returning without having made a greater progress in discovery, made me determine to go forwards ; and though the king could not give me a guide to Bambai'ra, I begged that he would allow a man to accompany me as near the fron- tiers of his kingdom as was consistent with safety. Finding that I was determined to proceed, the king told me that one route still remained, but that, he said, was by no means free from danger which was to go from Kaarta into the Moorish kingdom of Ludamar, from whence I might pass, by a circuitous route, into Bambarra. If I wished to follow this route, he would appoint people to conduct me to Jarra, the frontier town of Ludamar. He then inquired very particularly how I had been treated since I had left the Gambia, and asked, in a jocular way, how many slaves I ex- pected to carry home with me on my return. He was about to proceed, when a man mounted on a fine Moor- ish horse, which was covered with sweat and foam, entered the court, and signifying that he had something of importance to communicate, the king immediately took up his sandals, which is the signal to strangers to retire. I accordingly took leave, but desired my boy to stay about the place, in order to learn something of the intelligence that this messenger had brought. In about an hour the boy returned, and informed me that the Bambarra army had left Fooladoo, and was on its march towards Kaarta ; that the man I had seen, who had brought this intelligence, was one of the scouts, or watchmen, employed by the king, each of whom has his particular station (commonly on some rising ground), from whence he has the best view of the country, and ivatches the motions of the enemy. In the evening the king sent me a fine sheep, which was very acceptable, as none of us had tasted victuals during the day. Whilst we were employed in dressing supper, evening prayers were announced not by the call of the priest, as usual, but by beating on drums, and blowing through large elephants' teeth, hollowed out in such a manner as to resemble bugle horns. The sound is melodious, and, in my opinion, comes nearer to the human voice than any other artificial sound. As the main body of Daisy's army was, at this juncture, at Kemmoo, the mosques were very much crowded ; .uid I observed, that the disciples of Mahomet com- posed nearly one-half of the army of Kaarta. February 13th. At daylight I sent my horse-pistols JOURNEY FROM KEMMOO TO FUNINGKEDY. 25 and holsters as a present to the king, and being very (k-sirous to get away from a place which was likely soon to become the seat of war, I begged the messenger to inform the king that I wished to depart from Kemmco as soon as he should find it convenient to appoint me a guide. In about an hour the king sent his messenger to thank me for the present, and eight horsemen to conduct me to Jarra. They told me that the king wished me to proceed to Jarra with all possible expe- dition, that they might return before any thing decisive should happen between the armies of Bambarra and Kaarta. We accordingly departed forthwith from Kem- moo, accompanied by three of Daisy's sons, and about two hundred horsemen, who kindly undertook to see me a little way on my journey. CHAPTER VIII. Jmr.iiey from Kemmoo to Funingkedy. Some Account of the Lotus. A Youth Murdered by the Moors Interesting Scene at his Death. Author passes through Simbing. Some Parti- culars concerning Major Houghton. Author reaches Jarra Situation of the surrounding States at the period of his Arrival there, and a brief Account of the War between Kaarta and Bambarra. O.N the evening of the day of our departure from Kem- moo (the king's eldest son and great part of the horse- men having returned), we reached a village called Marina, where we slept. During the night some thieves broke into the hut where I had deposited my baggage, and having cut open one of my bundles, stole a quan- tity of beads, part of my clothes, and some amber and gold, which happened to be in one of the pockets. I complained to my protectors, but without effect. The next day (February 14th) was far advanced before we departed from Marina, and we travelled slowly, oil ac- count of the excessive heat, until four o'clock in the afternoon, when two negroes were observed sitting among some thorny bushes, at a little distance from the road. The king's people, taking it for granted that they were runaway slaves, cocked their muskets, and rode at full speed in different directions through the bushes, in order to surround them, and prevent their escaping. The negroes, however, waited with great composure until we came within bowshot of them, when each of them took from his quiver a handful of arrows, and putting two between his teeth and one in his bow, waved to us with his hand to keep at a dis- tance, upon which one of the king's people called out to the strangers to give some account of themselves. They said that " they were natives of Toorcla, a neighbour- ing village, and had come to that place to gather torn- bcroiu/s." These are small farinaceous berries, of a yellow colour and delicious taste, which I knew to be the fruit of the rhamnus lotus of Linnseus. The negroes showed us two large baskets full, which they had col- lected in the course of the day. These berries are much esteemed by the natives, who convert them into a sort of bread, by exposing them for some days to the sun, and afterwards pounding them gently in a wooden mortal 1 , until the farinaceous part of the berry is sepa- rated from the stone. This meal is then mixed with a little water, and formed into cakes, which, when dried in the sun, resemble in colour and flavour the sweetest gingerbread. The stones are afterwards put into a vessel of water, and shaken about so as to separate the meal which may still adhere to them : this communi- cates a sweet and agreeable taste to the water, and, with the addition of a little pounded millet, forms a pleasant gruel called fondi, which is the common breakfast in many parts of Ludamar, during the months of February and March. The fruit is collected by spreading a cloth upon the ground, and beating the branches with a stick. The lotus is very common in all the kingdoms which I visited ; but is found iu the greatest plenty on the sandy soil of Kaarta, Ludamar, and the northern parts of Bambarra, where it is one of the most common shrubs of the country. I had observed the same species at Gambia As this shrub is found in Tunis, and also in the negro kingdoms, and as it furnishes the natives of the latter with a food resembling bread, and also with a sweet liquor, which is much relished by them, there can be little doubt of its being the lotus mentioned by Pliny as the food of the Lybian Lotophagi. An army may very well have been fed with the bread I have tasted, made of the meal of the fruit, as is said by Pliny to have been done in Lybia ; and as the taste of the bread is sweet and agreeable, it is not likely that the soldiers would complain of it. We arrived in the evening at the village of Toorda ; when all the rest of the king's people turned back ex- cept two, who remained with me as guides to Jarra. February 15th. I departed from Toorda, and about two o'clock came to a considerable town, called Funing- kedy. As we approached the town, the inhabitants were much alarmed ; for, as one of my guides wore a turban, they mistook us for some Moorish banditti. This misap- prehension was soon cleared up, and we were well re- ceived by a Gambia slatee, who resides at this town, and at whose house we lodged. February 16th. We were informed that a number of people would go from this town to Jarra on the day following ; and as the road was much infested by the Moors, we resolved to stay and accompany the travel- lers. In the meantime we were told, that a few days before our arrival, most of the bushreens and people of property in Funingkedy had gone to Jarra, to con- sult about removing their families and effects to that town, for fear of the approaching war ; and that the Moors, in their absence, had stolen some of their cattle. About two o'clock, as I was lying asleep upon a bul- lock's hide behind the door of the hut, I was awakened by the screams of women, and a general clamour and confusion among the inhabitants. At first I suspected that the Bambarrans had actually entered the town ; but, observing my boy upon the top of one of the huts, I called to him to know what was the matter. He in- formed me that the Moors were come a second time to steal the cattle, and that they were now close to the town. I mounted the roof of the hut, and observed a large herd of bullocks coming towards the town, fol- lowed by five Moors on horseback, who drove the cattle forward with their muskets. When they had reached the wells, which are close to the town, the Moors se- lected from the herd sixteen of the finest beasts, and drove them off at full gallop. During this transaction, the townspeople, to the number of five hundred, stood collected close to the walls of the town ; and when the Moors drove the cattle away, though they passed within pistol-shot of them, the inhabitants scarcely made a show of resistance. I only saw four muskets fired, which, being loaded with gunpowder of the negroes' own manufacture, did no execution. Shortly after this I observed a number of people supporting a young man upon horseback, and conducting him slowly towards the town. This was one of the herdsmen, who, attempting to throw his spear, had been wounded by a shot from one of the Moors. His mother walked on before, quite frantic with grief, clapping her hands, and enumerat- ing the good qualities of her son. Ee maff'o fonio ! (" He never told a lie !") said the disconsolate mother, as her wounded son was carried in at the gate Ee ma ffo fonio abada ! (" He never told a lie ; no, never !".) When they had conveyed him to his hut, and laid him upon a mat, all the spectators joined in lamenting his fate, by screaming and howling in the most piteous manner. After their grief had subsided a little, I was desired to examine the wound. I found that the ball had passed quite through his leg, having fractured both bones a little below the knee : the poor boy was faint from the loss of blood, and his situation withal so very precarious, that I could not console his relations with any great hopes of his recovery. However, to give him a possible chance, I observed to them that it was necessary to cut oil' his leg above the knee : this proposal made every 26 one start with horror ; they had never heard of such a method of cure, and would by no means give their con- sent to it ; indeed, they evidently considered me as a sort of cannibal for proposing so cruel and unheard-of an operation, which, in their opinion, would be attended with more pain and danger than the wound itself. The patient was therefore committed to the care of some old bushreens, who endeavoured to secure him a pas- sage into paradise, by whispering in his ear some Arabic sentences, and desiring him to repeat them. After many unsuccessful attempts, the poor heathen at last pronounced, La illah el allah, Mohamet rasowl allahi ; (" There is but one God, and Mahomet is his Prophet") and the disciples of the Prophet assured his mother that her son had given sufficient evidence of his faith, and would be happy in a future state. He died the same evening. February 17th. My guides informed me, that in order to avoid the Moorish banditti, it was necessary to travel in the night ; we accordingly departed from Funingkedy in the afternoon, accompanied by about thirty people, carrying their effects with them into Ludamar, for fear of the war. We travelled with great silence and expedition until midnight, when we stopped in a sort of inclosure, near a small village ; but the thermometer being so low as 68 degrees, none of the negroes could sleep on account of the cold. At daybreak on the 18th, we resumed our journey, and at eight o'clock passed Simbing, the frontier village of Ludamar, situated in a narrow pass between two rocky hills, and surrounded with a high wall. From this village Major Houghton (being deserted by his negro servants, who refused to follow him into the Moorish country) wrote his last letter with a pencil to Dr Laidley. This brave but unfortunate man, having surmounted many difficulties, had taken a northerly direction, and endeavoured to pass through the kingdom of Ludamar, where I afterwards learned the following particulars concerning his melancholy fate : On his ar- rival at Jarra, he got acquainted with certain Moorish merchants who were travelling to Tisheet (a place near the salt pits in the Great Desert, ten days' journey to the northward) to purchase salt; and the Major, at the expense of a musket and some tobacco, engaged them to convey him thither. It is impossible to form any other opinion on this determination, than that the Moors intentionally deceived him, either with regard to the route that he wished to pursue, or the state of the intermediate country between Jarra and Tombuc- too. Their intention probably was to rob and leave him in the desert. At the end of two days he suspected their treachery, and insisted on returning to Jarra. Finding him persist in this determination, the Moors robbed him of every thing he possessed, and went off with their camels ; the poor Major being thus deserted, returned on foot to a watering-place in possession of the Moors, called Tarra. He had been some days without food, and the unfeeling Moors refusing to give him any, he sank at last under his distresses. Whether he actually perished of hunger, or was murdered out- right by the savage Mahomedans, is not certainly known ; his body was dragged into the woods and I was shown at a distance the spot where his remains were left to perish. About four miles to the north of Simbing, we came to a small stream of water, where we observed a num- ber of wild horses : they were all of one colour, and galloped away from us at an easy rate, frequently stopping and looking back. The negroes hunt them for food, and their flesh is much esteemed. About noon we arrived at Jarra, a large town situ- ated at the bottom of some rocky hills. But before I proceed to describe the place itself, and relate the various occurrences which befel me there, it will not be improper to give my readers a brief recital of the origin of the war which induced me to take this route an unfortunate determination, the immediate cause of all the misfortunes and calamities which afterwards be- fel me. The recital which I propose to give in this place, will prevent interruptions hereafter. This war which desolated Kaarta, soon after I had left that kingdom, and spread terror into many of the neighbouring states, arose in the following manner : A few bullocks belonging to a frontier village of Bam- barra having been stolen by a party of Moors, were sold to the dooty, or chief man, of a town in Kaarta. The villagers claimed their cattle, and being refused satisfaction, complained of the dooty to their sovereign, Mansong, king of Bambarra, who probably beheld with an eye of jealousy the growing prosperity of Kaarta, and availed himself of this incident to declare hostilities against that kingdom. With this view he sent a messenger and a party of horsemen to Daisy, king of Kaarta, to inform him that the king of Bambarra, with nine thousand men, would visit Kemmoo in the course of the dry season, and to desire that he (Daisy) would direct his slaves to sweep the houses, and have every thing ready for their ac- commodation. The messenger concluded this insulting notification by presenting the king with a pair of iron sandals, at the same time adding, that " until such tune as Daisy had worn out these sandals in his flight, he should never be secure from the arrows of Bambarra." Daisy, having consulted with his chief men about the best means of repelling so formidable an enemy, re- turned an answer of defiance ; and made a bushreen write in Arabic, upon a piece of thin board, a sort of proclamation, which was suspended to a tree in the public square, and a number of aged men were sent to different places to explain it to the common people. This proclamation called upon all the friends of Daisy to join him immediately, but to such as had no arms, or were afraid to enter into the war, permission was given to retire into any of the neighbouring kingdoms ; and it was added, that provided they observed a strict neutrality, they should always be welcome to return to their former habitations: if, however, they took any active part against Kaarta, they had then " broken the key of their huts, and could never afterwards enter the door." Such was the expression. This proclamation was very generally applauded ; but many of the Kaartans, and amongst others the powerful tribes of Jower and Kakaroo, availing them- selves of the indulgent clause, retired from Daisy's dominions, and took refuge in Ludamar and Kasson. By means of these desertions, Daisy's army was not so numerous as might have been expected ; and when I was at Kemmoo, the whole number of effective men, according to report, did not exceed four thousand ; but they were men of spirit and enterprise, and could be depended on. On the 22d of February (four days after my arrival at Jarra), Mansong, with his army, advanced towards Kemmoo, and Daisy, without hazarding a battle, retired to Joko, a town to the north-west of Kemmoo, where he remained three days, and then took refuge in a strong town called Gedingooma, situated in the hilly country, and surrounded with high walls of stone. When Daisy departed from Joko, his sons refused to follow him, alleging that "the singing men would pub- lish their disgrace, as soon as it should be known that Daisy and his family had fled from Joko without firing a gun." They were therefore left behind, with a num- ber of horsemen, to defend Joko ; but, after many skirmishes, they were totally defeated, and one of Daisy's sons taken prisoner. The remainder fled to Gedingooma, which Daisy had stored with provisions, and where he determined to make his final stand. Mansong, finding that Daisy was determined to avoid a pitched battle, placed a strong force at Joko to watch his motions, and, separating the remainder of his army into small detachments, ordered them to overrun the country, and seize upon the inhabitants before they had time to escape. These orders were executed with such prompitude, that in a few days the whole kingdom of Kaarta became a scene of desolation. Most of the poor inhabitants of the different towns and villages, being surprised in the night, fell an easy prey; and their corn, and every thing which could be useful to Daisy, was burnt and destroyed. During these trans- ACCOUNT OF JARRA, AND MOORISH INHABITANTS. 27 actions, Daisy was employed in fortifying Gedingooraa. This town is built in a narrow pass between two high hills, having only two gates, one towards Kaarta, and the other towards Jaffnoo ; the gate towards Kaarta was defended by Daisy in person, and that towards Jaffnoo was committed to the charge of his sons. When the army of Bambarra approached the town, they made some attempts to storm it, but were always driven back with great loss ; and Mansong, finding Daisy more for- midable than he expected, resolved to cut off his sup- plies, and starve him into submission. He accordingly sent all the prisoners he had taken into Bambarra; and, having collected a considerable quantity of provisions, remained with his army two whole months in the vicinity of Gedingooma, without doing any thing deci- sive. During this time, he was much harassed by sallies from the besieged ; and his stock of provisions being nearly exhausted, he sent to Ali, the Moorish king of Ludamar, for two hundred horsemen, to enable him to make an attack upon the north gate of the town, and give the Bambarrans an opportunity of storming the place. Ali, though he had made an agreement with Mansong, at the commencement of the war, to afford him assistance, now refused to fulfil his engage- ment, which so enraged Mansong, that he marched pai-t of his army to Funingkedy, with a view to surprise the camp of Benowm ; but the Moors having received intelligence of his design, fled to the northward ; and Mansoug, without attempting any thing farther, re-- turned to Sego. This happened while I was myself in captivity in Ali's camp, as will hereafter be seen. As the king of Kaarta had now got quit of his most formidable antagonist, it might have been hoped that peace would have been restored to his dominions ; but an extraordinary incident involved him immediately afterwards in hostilities with Kasson, the king of which country dying about that time, the succession was dis- puted by his two sons. The younger (Sambo Sego, my old acquaintance) prevailed ; and drove his brother from the country. He fled to Gedingooma ; and being pursued thither, Daisy, who had lived in constant friendship with both the brothers, refused to deliver him up at the same time declaring that he would not support his claim, nor any way interfere in the quarrel. Sambo Sego, elated with success, and proud of the ho- mage that was paid him as sovereign of Kasson, was much displeased with Daisy's conduct, and joined with some disaffected fugitive Kaartans in a plundering ex- pedition against him. Daisy, who little expected such a visit, had sent a number of people to Joko, to plant corn, and collect together such cattle as they might find straying in the woods, in order to supply his army. All these people fell into the hands of Sambo Sego, who carried them to Kooniakary, and afterwards sent them in caravans to be sold to the French at Fort Louis, on the river Senegal. This attack was soon retaliated ; for Daisy, who was now in distress for want of provisions, thought he was justified in supplying himself from the plunder of Kas- son. He accordingly took with him eight hundred of his best men, and marching secretly through the woods, surprised in the night three large villages near Koonia- kary, in which many of his traitorous subjects who were in Sambo's expedition had taken up their residence ; all these, and indeed all the able men that fell into Daisy's hands, were immediately put to death. After this expedition, Daisy began to indulge the hopes of peacemany of his discontented subjects had returned to their allegiance, and were repairing the towns which had been desolated by the war the rainy season was approaching and everything wore a favour- able appearance, when he was suddenly attacked from a different quarter. The Jowers, Kakaroos, and some other Kaartans, who had deserted from him at the commencement of the war, and had shown a decided preference to Man- song and his army during the whole campaign, were now afraid or ashamed to ask forgiveness of Daisy, and being very powerful in themselves, joined together to make war upon him. They solicited the Moors to assist them in their rebellion (as will appear hereafter), and having collected a considerable army, they plundered a large village belonging to Daisy, and carried off a number of prisoners. Daisy immediately prepared to revenge this insult ; but the Jowers, and indeed almost all the negro inha- bitants of Ludamar, deserted their towns and fled to the eastward ; and the rainy season put an end to the war of Kaarta, which had enriched a few individuals, but destroyed the happiness of thousands. Such was- the state of affairs among the nations in the neighbourhood of Jarra, soon after the period of my arrival thei-e. I shall now proceed, after giving some description of that place, with the detail of events as they occurred. CHAPTER IX. Some Account of Jarra, and the Moorish Inhabitants. The Author applies for and obtains permission from Ali, the Moor- ish Chief or Sovereign of Ludamar, to pass through his Terri- tories. Departs from Jarra, and arrives at Deena 111 treated by the Moors. Proceeds to Sampaka Finds a Negro who makes Gunpowder. Continues his Journey to Samee, where he is seized by some Moors, who are sent for that purpose by Ali Is conveyed a Prisoner to the Moorish Camp at Benowm, on the Borders of the Great Desert. THE town of Jarra is of considerable extent the houses are built of clay and stone intermixed the clay an- swering the purpose of mortar. It is situated in the Moorish kingdom of Ludamar ; but the major part of the inhabitants are negroes, from the borders of the southern states, who prefer a precarious protection under the Moors, which they purchase by a tribute, rather than continue exposed to their predatory hos- tilities. The tribute they pay is considerable ; and they manifest towards their Moorish superiors the most un- limited obedience and submission, and are treated by them with the utmost indignity and contempt. The Moors of this, and the other states adjoining the country of the negroes, resemble in their persons the Mulattoes of the West Indies, to so great a degree as not easily to be distinguished from them ; and, in truth, the pre- sent generation seem to be a mixed race between the Moors (properly so called) of the north, and the ne- groes of the south, possessing many of the worst quali- ties of both nations. Of the origin of these Moorish tribes, as distinguished from the inhabitants of Barbary, from whom they are divided by the Great Desert, nothing farther seems to be known than what is related by John Leo, the Afri- can, whose account may be abridged as follows : Before the Arabian conquest, about the middle of the seventh century, all the inhabitants of Africa, whether they were descended from Numidians, Phoe- nicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, or Goths, were comprehended under the general name of Mauri, or Moors. All these nations were converted to the reli- gion of Mahomet, during the Arabian empire under the Kaliphs. About this time many of the Numidian tribes, who led a wandering life in the desert, and sup- ported themselves upon the produce of their cattle, retired southward across the Great Desert to avoid the fury of the Arabians ; and by one of those tribes, says Leo (that of Zanhaga), were discovered, and con- quered, the negro nations on the Niger. By the Niger is here undoubtedly meant the river of Senegal, which in the Mandingo language is called Bafing, or the Black River. To what extent these people are now spread over the African continent, it is difficult to ascertain. There is reason to believe, that their dominion stretches from west to east, in a narrow line or belt, from the mouth of the Senegal (on the northern side of that river) to the confines of Abyssinia. They are a subtle and treacherous race of people, and take every opportunity of cheating and plundering the credulous and unsus- 28 DESERTED BY HIS COMPANIONS ARRIVES AT DALLL pecting negroes. But their manners and general habits of life will be best explained, as incidents occur in the course of my narrative. On my arrival at Jarra, I obtained a lodging at the house of Daman Jumma, a Gambia slatee. This man had formerly borrowed goods from Dr Laidley, who had given me an order for the money, to the amount of six slaves ; and though the debt was of five years' standing, he readily acknowledged it, and promised me what money he could raise. He was afraid, he said, in his present situation, he could not pay more than two slaves' value. He gave me his assistance, however, in exchanging my beads and amber for gold, which was a more portable article, and more easily concealed from the Moors. The difficulties we had already encountered the unsettled state of the country and, above all, the sa- vage and overbearing deportment of the Moors had so completely frightened my attendants, that they declared they would rather relinquish every claim to reward, than proceed one step farther to the eastward. Indeed, the danger they incurred of being seized by the Moors, and sold into slavery, became every day more appa- rent ; and I could not condemn their apprehensions. In this situation, deserted by my attendants, and re- flecting that my retreat was cut off by the war behind me, and that a Moorish country of ten days' journey lay before me, I applied to Daman to obtain permission from Ali, the chief or sovereign of Ludamar, that I might pass through his country unmolested into Bam- barra ; and I hired one of Daman's slaves to accom- pany me thither, as soon as such permission should be obtained. A messenger was dispatched to Ali, who at this time was encamped near Benowm ; and as a pre- sent was necessary in order to insure success, I sent him five garments of cotton cloth, which I purchased of Daman for one of my fowling-pieces. Fourteen days elapsed in settling this affair ; but on the evening of the 26th of February, one of Ali's slaves arrived with directions, as he pretended, to conduct me in safety as far as Goomba, and told me I was to pay him one gar- ment of blue cotton cloth for his attendance. My faithful boy, observing that I was about to proceed without him, resolved to accompany me ; and told me, that though he wished me to turn back, he never en- tertained any serious thoughts of deserting me, but had been advised to it by Johnson, with a view to in- duce me to return immediately for Gambia. February 27th. I delivered most of my papers to Johnson, to convey them to Gambia as soon as possible, reserving a duplicate for myself in case of accidents. I likewise left in Daman's possession a bundle of clothes, and other things that were not absolutely necessary ; for I wished to diminish my baggage as much as pos- sible, that the Moors might have fewer inducements to plunder us. Things being thus adjusted, we departed from Jarra in the forenoon, and slept at Troomgoomba, a small walled village, inhabited by a mixture of negroes and Moors. On the day following (February 28th) we reach- ed Quira; and on the 29th, after a toilsome journey over a sandy country, wo came to Compe, a watering place belonging to the Moors ; from whence, on the morning following, we proceeded to Deena, a large town, and, like Jarra, built of stone and clay. The Moors are here in greater proportion to the negroes than at Jarra. They assembled round the hut of the negro where I lodged, and treated me with the greatest inso- lence : they hissed, shouted, and abused me ; they even spit in my face, with a view to irritate me, and afford them a pretext for seizing my baggage. But, finding such insults had not the desired effect, they had recourse to the final and decisive argument, that I was a Chris- tian, and of course that my property was lawful plunder to the followers of Mahomet. They accordingly opened my bundles, and robbed me of every thing they fancied. My attendants, finding that every body could rob me with impunity, insisted on returning to Jarra. The day following (March 2d) I endeavoured, by all the means in my power, to prevail upon my people to go on, but they still continued obstinate ; and having reason to fear some farther insult from the fanatic Moors, I resolved to proceed alone. Accordingly, the next morning, about two o'clock, I departed from Deena. It was moonlight ; but the roaring of the wild beasts made it necessary to proceed with caution. When I had reached a piece of rising ground about half a mile from the town, I heard somebody halloo, and, looking back, saw my faithful boy running after me. He informed me that Ali's man had gone back to Benowm, and that Daman's negro was about to de- part for Jarra ; but he said he had no doubt, if I would stop a little, that he could persuade the latter to ac- company us. I waited accordingly, and in about an hour the boy returned with the negro ; and we con- tinued travelling over a sandy country, covered chiefly with the asclepias gigantea, until mid-day, when we came to a number of deserted huts ; and seeing some appear- ances of water at a little distance, I sent the boy to fill a soofroo ; but as he was examining the place for water, the roaring of a lion, that was probably on the same pursuit, induced the frightened boy to return in haste, and we submitted patiently to the disappointment. In the afternoon we reached a town inhabited chiefly by Foulahs, called Samaming-koos. Next morning (March 4th) we set out for Sampaka ; which place we reached about two o'clock. On the road we observed immense quantities of locusts : the trees were quite black with them. These insects devour every vegetable that comes in their way, and in a short time completely strip a tree of its leaves. The noise of their excrement falling upon the leaves and withered grass, very much resembles a shower of rain. When a tree is shaken or struck, it is astonishing to see what a cloud of them will fly off. In their flight they yield to the current of the wind, which, at this season of the year, is always from the north-east. Should the wind shift, it is difficult to conceive where they could collect food, as the whole of their course was marked with de- solation. Sampaka is a large town, and when the Moors and Bambarrans were at war, was thrice attacked by the former ; but they were driven off with great loss, though the king of Bambarra was afterwards obliged to give up this, and all the other towns as far as Goomba, in order to obtain a peace. Here I lodged at the house of a negro who practised the art of making gunpowder. He showed me a bag of nitre, very white, but the crys- tals were much smaller than common. They procure it hi considerable quantities from the ponds, which are filled in the rainy season, and to which the cattle resort for coolness during the heat of the day. When the water is evaporated, a white efflorescence is observed on the mud, which the natives collect and purify in such a manner as to answer their purpose. The Moors supply them with sulphur from the Mediterranean ; and the process is completed by pounding the different articles together in a wooden mortar. The grains are very unequal, and the sound of its explosion is by no means so sharp as that produced by European gunpowder. March 5th. We departed from Sampaka at day- light. About noon we stopped a little at a village called Dangali ; and in the evening arrived at Dalli. We saw upon the road two large herds of camels feeding. When the Moors turn their camels to feed, they tie up one of their fore legs to prevent their straying. This happened to be a feast-day at Dalli, and the people were dancing before the dooty's house. But when they were informed that a white man was come into the town, they left off dancing, and came to the place where I lodged, walking in regular order, two and two, with the music before them. They play upon a sort of flute ; but in- stead of blowing into a hole in the side, they blow ob- liquely over the end, which is half shut by a thin piece of wood ; they govern the holes on the side with their fingers, and play some simple and very plaintive airs. They continued to dance and sing until midnight : dur- ing which time I was surrounded by so great a crowd, as made it necessary for me to satisfy their curiosity bv sitting still. THE CAMP OF ALT AT BENOWM. 29 March 6th. We stopt here this morning, because some of the townspeople, who were going for Goomba on the day following, wished to accompany us ; but in order to avoid the crowd of people which usually as- sembled in the evening, we went to a negro village to the east of Dalli, called Samee, where we were kindly received by the hospitable dooty, who on this occasion killed two fine sheep, and invited his friends to come and feast with him. March 7th. Our landlord was so proud of the ho- nour of entertaining a white man, that he insisted on my staying with him and his friends until the cool of the evening, when he said he would conduct me to the next village. As I was now within two days' journey of Goomba, I had 110 apprehensions from the Moors, and readily accepted the invitation. I spent the fore- noon very pleasantly with these poor negroes : their company was the more acceptable, as the gentleness of their manners presented a striking contrast to the rude- ness and barbarity of the Moors. They enlivened their conversation by drinking a fermented liquor made from corn the same sort of beer that I have described in a former chapter; and better I never tasted in Great Britain. In the midst of this harmless festivity, I flattered myself that all danger from the Moors was over. Fancy had already placed me on the banks of the Niger, and presented to my imagination a thousand delightful scenes in my future progress, when a party of Moors unexpectedly entered the hut, and dispelled the golden dream. They came, they said, by Ali's orders, to con- vey me to his camp at Benowm. If I went peaceably, they told me, I had nothing to fear ; but if I refused, they had orders to bring me by force. I was struck dumb by surprise and terror, which the Moors observ- ing, endeavoured to calm my apprehensions, by repeat- ing the assurance that I had nothing to fear. Their visit, they added, was occasioned by the curiosity of Ali's wife Fatima, who had heard so much about Chris- tians, that she was very anxious to see one : as soon as her curiosity should be satisfied, they had no doubt, they said, that Ali would give me a handsome present, and send a person to conduct me to Bambarra. Find- ing entreaty and resistance equally fruitless, I prepared to follow the messengers, and took leave of my landlord and his company with great reluctance. Accompanied by my faithful boy for Daman's slave made his escape on seeing the Moors we reached Dalli in the evening ; where we were strictly watched by the Moors during the night. March 8th. We were conducted by a circuitous path through the woods to Dangali, where we slept. March 9th. We continued our journey, and in the afternoon arrived at Sampaka. On the road we saw a party of Moors well armed, who told us that they were hunting for a runaway slave ; but the townspeople in- formed us, that a party of Moors had attempted to steal some cattle from the town in the morning, but were repulsed and, on their describing the persons, we were satisfied that they were the same banditti that we had seen in the woods. Next morning (March 10th) we set out for Samam- ing-koos. On the road we overtook a woman and two boys, with an ass ; she informed us that she was going for Bambarra, but had been stopped on the road by a party of Moors, who had taken most of her clothes, and some gold from her ; and that she would be under the necessity of returning to Deena till the fast moon was over. The same evening the new moon was seen, which ushered in the month Khamadan. Large fires were made in different parts of the town, and a greater quan- tity of victuals than usual dressed upon the occasion. March llth. By daylight the Moors were in readi- ness ; but as I had suffered much from thirst on the road, I made my boy fill a soofroo of water for my own use, for the Moors assured me that they should not taste either meat or drink until sunset. However, I found that the excessive heat of the sun, and the dust we raised in travelling, overcame their scruples, and made my soofroo a very useful part of our baggage. On our arrival at Deena, I went to pay my respects to one of Ali's sons. I found him sitting in a low hut, with five or six more of his companions, washing their hands and feet, and frequently taking water into their mouths, gargling, and spitting it out again. I was no sooner seated, than he handed me a double-barrelled gun, and told me to dye the stock of a blue colour, and repair one of the locks. I found great difficulty in persuading him that I knew nothing about the matter. However, says he, if you cannot repair the gun, you shall give mo some knives and scissors immediately ; and when my boy, who acted as interpreter, assured him that I had no such articles, he hastily snatched up a musket that stood by him, cocked it, and putting the muzzle close to the boy's ear, would certainly have shot him dead upon the spot, had not the Moors wrested the musket from him, and made signs for us to retreat. The boy, being terrified at this treatment, attempted to make his escape in the night, but was prevented by the vigilance of the Moors, who guarded us with strict attention and at night always went to sleep by the door of the hut, in such a situation that it was almost impossible to pass without stepping upon them. March 12th. We departed from Deena towards Be- nowm, and about nine o'clock came to a korree, whence the Moors were preparing to depart to the southward, on account of the scarcity of water ; here we filled our soofroo, and continued our journey over a hot sandy country, covered with small stunted shrubs, until about one o'clock, when the heat of the sun obliged us to stop. But our water being expended, we could not prudently remain longer than a few minutes to collect a little gum, which is an excellent succedaneum for water, as it keeps the mouth moist, and allays, for a time, the pain hi the throat. About five o'clock we came in sight of Benowm, the residence of Ali. It presented to the eye a great num- ber of dirty-looking tents, scattered without order over a large space of ground ; and among the tents appeared large herds of camels, cattle, and goats. We reached the skirts of this camp a little before sunset, and, with much entreaty, procured a little water. My arrival was no sooner observed, than the people who drew water at the wells threw down their buckets ; those in the tents mounted their horses ; and men, women, and children, came running or galloping towards me. I soon found myself surrounded by such a crowd that I could scarcely move ; one pulled my clothes, another took off my hat, a third stopped me to examine my waistcoat buttons, and a fourth called out, La ilia el allah Mohamet rasowl allahi (" There is but one God, and Mahomet is his prophet") and signified, in a threatening manner, that I must repeat those words. We reached at length the king's tent, where we found a great number of people, men and women, assembled. Ali was sitting upon a black leather cushion, clipping a few hairs from his upper lip; a female attendant holding up a looking-glass before him. He appeared to be an old man, of the Arab cast, with a long white beard ; and he had a sullen and indignant aspect. He surveyed me with attention, and inquired of the Moors if I could speak Arabic : being answered in the nega- tive, he appeared much surprised, and continued silent. The surrounding attendants, and especially the ladies, were abundantly more inquisitive : they asked a thou- sand questions; inspected every part of my apparel, searched my pockets, and obliged me to unbutton my waistcoat, and display the whiteness of my skin : they even counted my toes and fingers, as if they doubted whether I was in truth a human being. In a little time the priest announced evening prayers ; but before the people departed, the Moor who had acted as interpreter, informed me that Ali was about to present me with something to eat ; and looking round, I observed some boys bringing a wild hog, which they tied to one of the tent strings, and Ali made signs to me to kill and dress it for supper. Though I was very hungry, I did not think it prudent to eat any part of an animal so much detested by the Moors, and therefore told him that I never ate such food. They then untied the hog, in 30 BAD TREATMENT BY ALL hopes that it would run immediately at me for they believe that a great enmity subsists between hogs and Christians but in this they were disappointed ; for the animal no sooner regained his liberty, than he began to attack indiscriminately every person that came in his way, and at last took shelter under the couch upon which the king was sitting. The assembly being thus dissolved, I was conducted to the tent of All's chief slave, but was not permitted to enter, nor allowed to touch any thing belonging to it. I requested something to eat, and a little boiled corn, with salt and water, was at 'length sent me in a wooden bowl; and a mat was spread upon the sand before the tent, on which I passed the night, surrounded by the curious multitude. At sunrise, Ali, with a few attendants, came on horse- back to visit me, and signified that he had provided a hut for me, where I would be sheltered from the sun. I was accordingly conducted thither, and found the hut comparatively cool and pleasant. It was constructed of corn stalks set up on end, in the form of a square, with a flat roof of the same materials, supported by forked sticks ; to one of which was tied the wild hog before mentioned. This animal had certainly been placed there by All's order, out of derision to a Christian ; and I found it a very disagreeable inmate, as it drew toge- ther a number of boys, who amused themselves by beat- ing it with sticks, until they had so irritated the hog that it ran and bit at every person within its reach. I was no sooner seated in this my new habitation, than the Moors assembled in crowds to behold me ; but I found it rather a troublesome levee, for I was obliged to take off one of my stockings, and show them my foot, and even to take off my jacket and waistcoat, to show them how my clothes were put on and off: they were much delighted with the curious contrivance of buttons. All this was to be repeated to every succeeding visitor ; for such as had already seen these wonders, insisted on their friends seeing the same ; and in this manner I was employed, dressing and undressing, buttoning and un- buttoning, from noon till night. About eight o'clock, Ali sent me for supper some kouskous and salt and water, which was very acceptable, being the only victuals I had tasted since morning. I observed that in the night the Moors kept regular watch, and frequently looked into the hut, to see if I was asleep ; and if it was quite dark, they would light a wisp of grass. About two o'clock in the morning, a Moor entered the hut, probably with a view to steal something, or perhaps to murder me ; and groping about, he laid his hand upon my shoulder. As night visitors were at best but suspicious characters, I sprang up the moment he laid his hand upon me ; and the Moor, in his haste to get off, stumbled over my boy, and fell with his face upon the wild hog, which returned the attack by biting the Moor's arm. The screams of this man alarmed the people in the king's tent, who imme- diately conjectured that I had made my escape, and a number of them mounted their horses, and prepared to pursue me. I observed upon this occasion that Ali did not sleep in his own tent, but came galloping upon a white horse from a small tent at a considerable dis- tance : indeed, the tyrannical and cruel behaviour of this man made him so jealous of every person around him, that even his own slaves and domestics knew not where he slept. When the Moors had explained to him the cause of this outcry, they all went away, and I was permitted to sleep quietly until morning. March 13th. With the returning day commenced the same round of insult and irritation the boys as- sembled to beat the hog, and the men and women to plague the Christian. It is impossible for me to de- scribe the behaviour of a people who study mischief as a science, and exult in the miseries and misfortunes of their fellow-creatures. It is sufficient to observe, that the rudeness, ferocity, and fanaticism, which distinguish the Moors from the rest of mankind, found here a pro- per subject whereon to exercise their propensities. I was a stranger, I was unprotected, and I was a Chris- tian. Each of these circumstances is sufficient to drive [ every spark of humanity from the heart of a Moor ; \ but when all of them, as in my case, were combined in the same person, and a suspicion prevailed withal that I had come as a spy into the country, the reader will easily imagine that in such a situation I had every thing to fear. Anxious, however, to conciliate favour, and, if possible, to afford the Moors no pretence for ill treating me, I readily complied with every command, and patiently bore every insult; but never did any period of my life pass away so heavily from sunrise till sunset was I _ obliged to suffer, with an unruffled countenance, the insults of the rudest savages on earth. CHAPTER X. Various Occurrences during the Author's Confinement at Benowm Is visited by some Moorish Ladies. A Funeral and Wedding. The Author receives an extraordinary Present from the Bride. Other Circumstances illustrative of the Moorish Cha- racter and Manners. THE Moors, though very indolent themselves, are rigid task-masters, and keep every person under them in full employment. My boy Demba was sent to the woods to collect withered grass for Ali's horses; and after a variety of projects concerning myself, they at last found out an employment for me : this was no other than the respectable office of barber. I was to make my first exhibition in this capacity in the royal pre- sence, and to be honoured with the task of shaving the head of the young prince of Ludamar. I accordingly seated myself upon the sand, and the boy, with some hesitation, sat down beside me. A small razor, about three inches long, was put into my hand, and I was ordered to proceed ; but whether from my own want of skill, or the improper shape of the instrument, I un- fortunately made a slight incision in the boy's head at the very commencement of the operation ; and the king, observing the awkward manner in which I held the razor, concluded that his son's head was in very im- proper hands, and ordered me to resign the razor and walk out of the tent. This I considered as a very for- tunate circumstance ; for I had laid it down as a rule to make myself as useless and insignificant as possible, as the only means of recovering my liberty. March 18th. Four Moors arrived from Jarrawith Johnson my interpreter, having seized him before he had received any 'intimation of my confinement, and bringing with them a bundle of clothes that I had left at Daman Jumma's house, for my use in case I should return by the way of Jarra. Johnson was led into Ali's tent and examined ; the bundle was opened, and I was sent for to explain the use of the different articles. I was happy, however, to find that Johnson had com- mitted my papers to the charge of one of Daman's wives. When I had satisfied Ali's curiosity respecting the different articles of apparel, the bundle was again tied up, and put into a large cow-skin bag that stood in a corner of the tent. The same evening Ali sent three of his people to inform me that there were many thieves in the neighbourhood, and that to prevent the rest of my things from being stolen, it was necessary to convey them all into his tent. My clothes, instruments, and every thing that belonged to me, were accordingly carried away ; and though the heat and dust made clean linen very necessary and refreshing, I could not procure a single shirt out of the small stock I had brought along with me. Ali was however disappointed, by not finding among my effects the quantity of gold and amber that he expected ; but to make sure of every thing, he sent the same people, on the morning follow- ing, to examine whether I had any thing concealed about my person. They, with their usual rudeness, searched every part of my apparel, and stripped me of all my gold, amber, my watch, and one of my pocket compasses ; I had fortunately, in the night, buried the other compass in the sand and this, with the clothes I had on, was all that the tyranny of Ali had now left me. The gold and amber were highly gratifying to Moorish avarice, but the pocket compass soon became an object KEPT A PRISONER AT BENOWM. of superstitious curiosity. Ali was very desirous to Tbe informed why that small piece of iron, the needle, always pointed to the Great Desert ; and I found my- self somewhat puzzled to answer the question. To have pleaded my ignorance, would have created a suspicion that I wished to conceal the real truth from him ; I therefore told him that my mother resided far beyond the sands of Sahara, and that whilst she was alive the piece of iron would always point that way, and serve as a guide to conduct me to her, and that if she was dead it would point to her grave. Ali now looked at the compass with redoubled amazement ; turned it round and round repeatedly ; but observing that it always pointed the same way, he took it up with great caution and returned it to me, manifesting that he thought there was something of magic in it, and that he was afraid of keeping so dangerous an instrument in his possession. March 20th. This morning a council of chief men was held in Ali's tent respecting me : their decisions, though they were all unfavourable to me, were differently related by different persons. Some said that they in- tended to put me to death ; others that I was only to lose my right hand : but the most probable account was that which I received from Ali's own son, a boy about nine years of age, who came to me in the evening, and, with much concern, informed me that his uncle had persuaded his father to put out my eyes, which they said resembled those of a cat, and that all the bush- reens had approved of this measure. His father, how- ever, he said, would not put the sentence into execution until Fatima the queen, who was at present in the north, had seen me. March 21st. Anxious to know my destiny, I went to the king early in the morning ; and as a number of bushreens were assembled, I thought this a favourable opportunity of discovering their intentions. I therefore began by begging his permission to return to Jarra, which was flatly refused : his wife, he said, had not yet seen me, and I must stay until she came to Benowm, after which I should be at liberty to depart ; and that my horse, which had been taken away from me the day after I arrived, should be again restored to me. Un- satisfactory as this answer was, I was forced to appear pleased ; and as there was little hope of making my escape at this season of the year, on account of the excessive heat, and the total want of water in the woods, I resolved to wait patiently until the rains had set in, or until some more favourable opportunity should pre- sent itself. But " hope deferred maketh the heart sick." This tedious procrastination from day to day, and the thoughts of travelling through the negro kingdoms in the rainy season, which was now fast approaching, made me very melancholy ; and having passed a restless night, I found myself attacked, in the morning, by a smart fever. I had wrapped myself close up in my cloak with a view to induce perspiration, and was asleep, when a party of Moors entered the hut, and, with their usual rudeness, pulled the cloak from me. I made signs to them that I was sick, and wished much to sleep ; but I solicited in vain : my distress was matter of sport to them, and they endeavoured to heighten it by every means in their power. This studied and degrading in- solence, to which I was constantly exposed, was one of the bitterest ingredients in the cup of captivity, and often made life itself a burden to me. In those dis- tressing moments I have frequently envied the situation of the slave, who, amidst all his calamities, could still possess the enjoyment of his own thoughts a happi- ness to which I had for some time been a stranger. Wearied out with such continual insults, and perhaps a little peevish from the fever, I trembled lest my passion might unawares overleap the bounds of pru- dence, and spur me to some sudden act of resentment, when death must be the inevitable consequence. In this perplexity, I left my hut, and walked to some shady trees at a little distance from the camp, where I lay down. But even here persecution followed me; and solitude was thought too great an indulgence for a dis- tressed Christian. Ali's son, with a number of horse- men, came galloping to the place, and ordered me to rise and follow them. I begged they would allow me to remain where I was, if it was only for a few hours ; but they paid little attention to what I said ; and, after a few threatening words, one of them pulled out a pistol from a leather bag, that was fastened to the pommel of his saddle, and, presenting it towards me, snapped it. twice. He did this with so much indifference, that I really doubted whether the pistol was loaded ; he cocked it a third time, and was striking the flint with a piece of steel, when I begged them to desist, and returned with them to the camp. When we entered Ali's tent, we found him much out of humour. He called for the Moor's pistol, and amused himself for some tune with opening and shutting the pan ; at length, taking up his powder-horn, he fresh primed it ; and, turning round to me with a menacing look, said something in Arabic, which I did not understand. I desired my boy, who was sitting before the tent, to inquire what offence I had committed ; when I was informed, that having gone out of the camp without Ali's permission, they suspected that I had some design of making my escape ; and that, in future, if I was seen without the skirts of the camp, orders had been given that I should be shot by the first person that observed me. In the afternoon the horizon, to the eastward, was thick and hazy, and the Moors prognosticated a sand wind ; which accordingly commenced on the morning following, and lasted, with slight intermissions, for two days. The force of the wind was not in itself very great it was what a seaman would have denominated a stiff breeze ; but the quantity of sand and dust carried before it, was such as to darken the whole atmosphere. It swept along from east to west, in a thick and constant stream, and the air was at times so dark and full of sand, that it was difficult to discern the neighbouring tents. As the Moors always dress their victuals in the open air, this sand fell in great plenty amongst the kouskous : it readily adhered to the skin, when moist- ened by perspiration, and formed a cheap and universal hair powder. The Moors wrap a cloth round their face, to prevent them from inhaling the sand, and always turn their backs to the wind when they look up, to prevent the sand falling into their eyes. About this time, all the women of the camp had their feet, and the ends of their fingers, stained of a dark saffron colour. I could never ascertain whether this was done from motives of religion, or by way of orna- ment. The curiosity of the Moorish ladies had been very troublesome to me ever since my arrival at Be- nowm ; and on the evening of the 25th (whether from the instigation of others, or impelled by their own un- governable curiosity, or merely out of frolic, I cannot affirm), a party of them came into my hut, and gave me plainly to understand that the object of their visit was to ascertain, by actual inspection, whether the rite of circumcision extended to the Nazarenes (Christians), as well as to the followers of Mahomet. The reader will easily judge of my surprise at this unexpected declaration ; and in order to avoid the proposed scru- tiny, I thought it best to treat the business jocularly. I observed to them, that it was not customary in my country to give ocular demonstration in such cases, before so many beautiful women; but that if all of them would retire, except the young lady to whom I pointed (selecting the youngest and handsomest), I would satisfy her curiosity. The ladies enjoyed the jest, and went away laughing heartily ; and the young damsel herself to whom I had given the preference (though she did not avail herself of the privilege of inspection), seemed no way displeased at the compli- ment ; for she soon afterwards sent me some meal and milk for my supper. March 28th. This morning a large herd of cattle arrived from the eastward ; and one of the drivers, to whom Ali had lent my horse, came into my hut with the leg of an antelope as a present, and told me that my horse was standing before Ali's tent. In a little time Ali sent one of his slaves to inform me, that in the afternoon, I must be in readiness to ride out 32 OCCURRENCES AT BENOWM CONTINUED. with him, as he intended to show me to some of his women. About four o'clock, Ali, with six of his courtiers, came riding to my hut, and told me to follow them. I readily complied. But here a new difficulty occurred. The Moors, accustomed to a loose and easy dress, could not reconcile themselves to the appearance of my nan- keen breeches, which they said were not only inelegant, but, on account of their tightness, very indecent ; and as this was a visit to ladies, Ali ordered my boy to bring out the loose cloak which I had always worn since my arrival at Benowm, and told me to wrap it close round me. We visited the tents of four different ladies, at every one of which I was presented with a bowl of milk and water. All these ladies were re- markably corpulent, which is considered here as the highest mark of beauty. They were very inquisitive, and examined my hair and skin with great attention, but affected to consider me as a sort of inferior being to themselves, and would knit their brows, and seem to shudder, when they looked at the whiteness of my skin. In the course of this evening's excursion, my dress and appearance afforded infinite mirth to the company, who galloped round me as if they were bait- ing a wild animal, twirling their muskets round their heads, and exhibiting various feats of activity and horsemanship, seemingly to display their superior prowess over a miserable captive. The Moors are certainly very good horsemen. They ride without fear their saddles being high before and behind, afford them a very secure seat ; and if they chance to fall, the whole country is so soft and sandy, that they are very seldom hurt. Their greatest pride, and one of their principal amusements, is to put the horse to his full speed, and then stop him with a sudden jerk, DO as frequently to bring him down upon his haunches. Ali always rode upon a milk-white horse, with its tail dyed red. He never walked, unless when he went to say his prayers ; and even in the night, two or three horses were always kept ready saddled, at a little distance from his own tent. The Moors set a very high value upon their horses ; for it is by their superior fleetness that they are enabled to make so many predatory excursions into the negro countries. They feed them three or four times a-day, and ge- nerally give them a large quantity of sweet milk in the evening, which the horses appear to relish very much. April 3d. This forenoon a child, which had been some time sickly, died in the next tent ; and the mother and relations immediately began the death-howl. They were joined by a number of female visitors, who came on purpose to assist at this melancholy concert. I had no opportunity of seeing the burial, which is generally performed secretly, in the dusk of the evening, and frequently at only a few yards' distance from the tent. Over the grave they plant one particular shrub ; and no stranger is allowed to pluck a leaf, or even to touch it so great a veneration have they for the dead. April 7th. About four o'clock in the afternoon, a whirlwind passed through the camp with such violence, that it overturned three tents, and blew down one side of my hut. These whirlwinds come from the Great Desert, and at this season of the year are so common, that I have seen five or six of them at one time. They carry up quantities of sand to an amazing height, which resemble, at a distance, so many moving pillars of smoke. The scorching heat of the sun, upon a dry and sandy country, makes the air insufferably hot. Ali having robbed me of my thermometer, I had no means of forming a comparative judgment ; but in the middle of the day, when the beams of the vertical sun are se- conded by the scorching wind from the desert, the ground is frequently heated to such a degree as not to be borne by the naked foot ; even the negro slaves will not run from one tent to another without their sandals. At this time of the day the Moors lie stretched at length in their tents, either asleep, or unwilling to move ; and I have often felt the wind so hot, that I could not hold my hand in the current of air which came through the crevices of my hut without feeling sensible pain. April 8th. This day the wind blew from the south- west ; and in the night there was a heavy shower of rain, accompanied with thunder and lightning. April 10th. In the evening the tabula, or large drum, was beat to announce a wedding, which was held at one of the neighbouring tents. A great number of people of both sexes assembled, but without that mirth and hilarity which take place at a negro wedding ; here was neither singing nor dancing, nor any other amuse- ment that I could perceive. A woman was beating the drum, and the other women joining at times like a chorus, by setting up a shrill scream, and, at the same time, moving their tongues from one side of the mouth to the other with great celerity. I was soon tired, and had returned into my hut, where I was sitting almost asleep, when an old woman entered, with a wooden bowl in her hand, and signified that she had brought me a present from the bride. Before I could recover from the surprise which this message created, the woman discharged the contents of the bowl full in my face. Finding that it was the same sort of holy water with which, among the Hottentots, a priest is said to sprinkle a newly married couple, I began to suspect that the old lady was actuated by mischief or malice ; but she gave me seriously to understand that it was a nuptial bene- diction from the bride's own person, and which, on such occasions, is always received by the young unmarried Moors as a mark of distinguished favour. This being the case, I wiped my face, and sent my acknowledg- ments to the lady. The wedding drum continued to beat, and the women to sing, or rather whistle, all night. About nine in the morning, the bride was brought in state from her mother's tent, attended by a number of women, who carried her tent (a present from the husband), some bearing up the poles, others holding by the strings ; and in this manner they marched, whistling as formerly, until they came to the place appointed for her residence, where they pitched the tent. The husband followed, with a number of men leading four bullocks, which they tied to the tent strings ; and having killed another, and distributed the beef among the people, the ceremony was concluded. CHAPTER XI. Occurrences at the Camp continued. Information collected by the Author concerning Iloussa and Tombuctoo ; and the Situation of the latter. The Route described from Morocco to Benowm. The Author's Distress from Hunger. AH removes his camp to the Northward. The Author is carried Prisoner to the new Encampment, and is presented to Queen Fatima. Great Distress from the want of Water. ONE whole month had now elapsed since I was led into captivity, during which time, each returning day brought me fresh distresses. I watched the lingering course of the sun with anxiety, and blessed his evening beams as they shed a yellow lustre along the sandy floor of my hut ; for it was then that my oppressors left me, and allowed me to pass the sultry night in solitude and reflection. About midnight, a bowl of kouskous with some salt and water was brought for me and my two attendants. This was our common fare, and it was all that was allowed us to allay the cravings of hunger, and support nature for the whole of the following day ; for it is to be observed that this was the Mahomedan lent, and as the Moors keep the fast with a religious strictness, they thought it proper to compel me, though a Christian, to a similar observance. Time, however, somewhat re- conciled me to my situation : I found that I could bear hunger and thirst better than I expected ; and at length I endeavoured to beguile the tedious hours by learning to write Arabic. The people who came to see me soon made me acquainted with the characters ; and I dis- covered, that by engaging their attention in this way, they were not so troublesome as otherwise they would THE AUTHOR'S DISTRESS FROM HUNGER. 33 have been : indeed, when I observed any person whose countenance I thought bore malice towards me, I made it a rule to ask him, either to write in the sand himself, or to decipher what I had already written ; and the pride of showing his superior attainments generally induced him to comply with my request. April 14th. As queen Fatima had not yet arrived, Ali proposed to go to the north, and bring her back with him ; but as the place was two clays' journey from Benowm, it was necessary to have some refreshment on the road ; and Ali, suspicious of those about him, was so afraid of being poisoned, that he never ate any thing but what was dressed under his own immediate inspection. A fine bullock was therefore killed, and the flesh being cut up into thin slices, was dried in the sun; and this, with two bags of dry kouskous, formed his travelling provisions. Previous to his departure, the black people of the town of Benowm came, according to their annual cus- tom, to show their arms, and bring their stipulated tribute of corn and cloth. They were but badly armed ; twenty-two with muskets, forty or fifty with bows and arrows, and nearly the same number of men and boys, with spears only. They arranged themselves before the tent, where they waited until their arms were examined, and some little disputes settled. About midnight on the 16th, Ali departed quietly from Benowm, accompanied by a few attendants. He was expected to return in the course of nine or ten days. April 18th. Two clays after the departure of Ali, a shereef arrived with salt, and some other articles, from Walet, the capital of the kingdom of Biroo. As there was no tent appropriated for him, he took up his abode in the same hut with me. He seemed to be a well-in- formcd man, and his acquaintance both with the Arabic and Bambarra tongues enabled him to travel with ease and safety through a number of kingdoms ; for though his place of residence was Walet, he had visited Houssa, and had lived some years at Tombuctoo. Upon my in- quiring so particularly about the distance from Walet to Tombuctoo, he asked me if I intended to travel that way ; and being answered in the affirmative, he shook his head, and said, " it would not do ;" for that Christians were looked upon there as the devil's children, and enemies to the Prophet. From him I learned the fol- lowing particulars : That Houssa was the largest town he had ever seen : that Walet was larger than Tom- buctoo, but being remote from the Niger, and its trade consisting chiefly of salt, it was not so much resorted to by strangers : that between Benowm and Walet was ten days' journey ; but the road did not lead through any remarkable towns, and travellers supported them- selves by purchasing milk from the Arabs, who keep their herds by the watering-places : two of the days' journies was over a sandy country, without water. From Walet to Tombuctoo was eleven days more ; but water was more plentiful, and the journey was usually performed upon bullocks. He said there were many Jews at Tombuctoo, but they all spoke Arabic, and used the same prayers as the Moors. He frequently pointed his hand to the south-east quarter, or rather the east by south ; observing, that Tombuctoo was situ- ated in that direction ; and though I made him repeat this information again and again, I never found him to vary more than half a point, which was to the south- ward. April 24th. This morning Shereef Sidi Mahomed Moora Abdalla, a native of Morocco, arrived with five bullocks loaded with salt. He had formerly resided some months at Gibraltar, where he had picked up as much English as enabled him to make himself under- stood. He informed me, that he had been five months in coming from Santa Cruz ; but that great part of the time had been spent in trading. When I requested him to enumerate the days employed in travelling from Mo- rocco to Benowm, he gave them as follows : To Swera, three days ; to Agadier, three ; to Jinikin, ten ; to Wa- denoon, four ; to Lakeneig, five ; to Zeeriwin-zerhnan, five ; to Tisheet,ten ; to Benowm, ten in all, fifty days : but travellers usually rest a long while at Jinikin and Tisheet at the latter of which places they dig the rock salt, which is so great an article of commerce with the negroes. In conversing with these shereefs, and the different strangers that resorted to the camp, I passed my time with rather less uneasiness than formerly. On the other hand, as the dressing of my victuals was now left en- tirely to the care of All's slaves, over whom I had not the smallest control, I found myself but ill supplied, worse even than in the fast mouth : for two successive nights they neglected to send us our accustomed meal ; and though my boy went to a small negro town near the camp, and begged with great diligence from hut to hut, he could only procure a few handfuls of ground nuts, which he readily shared with me. Hunger, at first, is certainly a very painful sensation ; but when it has continued for some time, this pain is succeeded by langour and debility; in which case, a draught of water, by keeping the stomach distended, will greatly exhilarate the spirits, and remove for a short time every sort of uneasiness. Job nson and Demba were very much dejected. They lay stretched upon the sand, in a sort of torpid slumber ; and even when the kouskous arrived, I found some difficulty in awakening them. I felt no inclination to sleep, but was affected with a deep con- vulsive respiration, like constant sighing ; and, what alarmed me still more, a dimness of sight, and a ten- dency to faint, when I attempted to sit up. These symptoms did not go off until some time after I had received nourishment. We had been for some days in daily expectation of All's return from Saheel (or the north country) with his wife Fatima. In the meanwhile Mansong, king of Bambarra, as I have related in Chapter VIII., had sent to Ali for a party of horse to assist in storming Gedin- gooma. With this demand Ali had not only refused to comply, but had treated the messengers with great haughtiness and contempt ; upon which Mansong gave up all thoughts of taking the town, and prepared to chastise Ali for his contumacy. Things were in this situation when, on the 29th of April, a messenger arrived at Benowm with the dis- agreeable intelligence that the Bambarra army was ap- proaching the frontiers of Ludamar. This threw the whole country into confusion ; and in the afternoon, Ali's son, with about twenty horsemen, arrived at Be- nowm. He ordered all the cattle to be driven away immediately, all the tents to be struck, and the people to hold themselves in readiness to depart at daylight the next morning. April 30th. At daybreak the whole camp was in motion. The baggage was carried upon bullocks the two tent poles being placed one on each side, and the different wooden articles of the tent distributed in like manner ; the tent cloth was thrown over all, and upon this was commonly placed one or two women ; for the Moorish women are very bad walkers. The king's favourite concubines rode upon camels, with a saddle of a particular construction, and a canopy to shelter them from the sun. We proceeded to the northward until noon, when the king's son ordered the whole com- pany, except two tents, to enter a thick low wood, which was upon our right. I was sent along with the two tents, and arrived in the evening at a negro town called Farani : here we pitched the tents in an open place, at no great distance from the town. The hurry and confusion which attended this de- campment, prevented the slaves from dressing the usual quantity of victuals ; and lest their dry provisions should be exhausted before they reached their place of desti- nation (for as yet none but Ali and the chief men knew whither we were going), they thought proper to make me observe this day as a day of fasting. May 1st. As I had some reason to suspect that this day was also to be considered as a fast, I went in the morning to the negro town of Farani, and begged some provisions from the dooty, who readily supplied my wants, and desired me to come to his house every day during my stay in the neighbourhood. These hospi- table people are looked upon by the Moors as an abject 34 CONTINUES IN CAPTIVITY AT BENOWM. race of slaves, and are treated accordingly. Two of Ali's household slaves, a man and a woman, who had come along with the two tents, went this morning to water the cattle from the town wells, at which there began to be a great scarcity. When the negro women observed the cattle approaching, they took up their pitchers and ran with all possible haste towards the town ; but before they could enter the gate, they were stopped by the slaves, who compelled them to bring back the water they had drawn for their own families, and empty it into the troughs for the cattle. When this was exhausted, they were ordered to draw water until such time as the cattle had all drunk ; and the woman slave actually broke two wooden bowls over the heads of the blade girls, because they were somewhat dilatory in obeying her commands. May 3d. We departed from the vicinity of Farani, and after a circuitous route through the woods, ar- rived at Ali's camp in the afternoon. This encamp- ment was larger than that of Benowm, and was si- tuated in the middle of a thiek wood about two miles distant from a negro town, called Bubaker. I imme- diately waited upon Ali, in order to pay my respects to queen Fatima, who had come with him from Sa- heel. He seemed much pleased with my coming shook hands with me and informed his wife that I was the Christian. She was a woman of the Arab cast, with long black hair, and remarkably corpulent. She appeared at first rather shocked at the thought of hav- ing a Christian so near her : but when I had (by means of a negro boy, who spoke the Mandingo and Arabic tongues) answered a great many questions, which her curiosity suggested, respecting the country of the Chris- tians, she seemed more at ease, and presented me with a bowl of milk, which I considered as a very favour- able omen. The heat was now almost insufferable all nature seemed sinking under it. The distant country presented to the eye a dreary expanse of sand, with a few stunted trees and prickly bushes, in the shade of which the hungry cattle licked up the withered grass, while the camels and goats picked off the scanty foliage. The scarcity of water was greater here than at Benowm. Day and night the wells were crowded with cattle, lowing and fighting with each other to come at the troughs. Excessive thirst made many of them furious ; others, being too weak to contend for the water, endea- voured to quench their thirst by devouring the black mud from the gutters near the wells which they did with great avidity, though it was commonly fatal to them. This great scarcity of water was felt severely by all the people of the camp, and by none more than myself; for though Ali allowed me a skin for containing water, and Fatima, once or twice, gave me a small supply when I was in distress, yet such was the barbarous disposition of the Moors at the wells, that, when my boy attempted to fill the skin, he commonly received a sound drubbing for his presumption. Every one was astonished that the slave of a Christian should attempt to draw water from wells which had been dug by the followers of the Prophet. This treatment, at length, so frightened the boy, that I believe he would sooner have perished with thirst than attempted again to fill the skin ; he therefore contented himself with begging water from the negro slaves that attended the camp and I followed his example but with very indifferent success ; for though I let no oppor- tunity slip, and was very urgent in my solicitations, both to the Moors and negroes, I was but ill supplied, and frequently passed the night in the situation of Tan- talus. No sooner had I shut my eyes, than fancy would convey me to the streams and rivers of my native land : there, as I wandered along the verdant brink, I sur- veyed the clear stream with transport, and hastened to swallow the delightful draught but alas ! disappoint- ment awakened me, and I found myself a lonely cap- tive, perishing of thirst amidst the wilds of Africa ! One night, having solicited in vain for water at the camp, and being quite feverish, I resolved to try my fortune at the wells, which were about half a mile dis- tant from the camp. Accordingly, I set out about mid- night, and being guided by the lowing of the cattle, soon arrived at the place where I found the Moors very busy drawing water. I requested permission to drink, but was driven away with outrageous abuse. Passing, however, from one well to another, I came at last to one where there was only an old man and two boys. I made the same request to this man, and he immediately drew me up a bucket of water ; but, as I was about to take hold of it, he recollected that I was a Christian, and fearing that his bucket might be polluted by my lips, he dashed the water into the trough, and told me to drink from thence. Though this trough was none of the largest, and three cows were already drink- ing in it, I resolved to come infer my share; and kneel- ing down, thrust my head between two of the cows, and drank with great pleasure, until the water was nearly exhausted, and the cows began to contend with each other for the last mouthful. In adventures of this nature, I passed the sultry month of May, during which no material change took place in my situation. Ali still considered me as a law- ful prisoner ; and Fatima, though she allowed me a larger quantity of victuals than I had been accustomed to receive at Benowm, had as yet said nothing on the subject of my release. In the meantime, the frequent changes of the wind, the gathering clouds, and distant lightning, with other appearances of approaching rain, indicated that the wet season was at hand, when the Moors annually evacuate the country of the negroes, and return to the skirts of the Great Desert. This made me consider that my fate was drawing towards a crisis, and I resolved to wait for the event without any seem- ing uneasiness ; but circumstances occurred which pro- duced a change in my favour, more suddenly than I had foreseen, or had reason to expect. The case was this : The fugitive Kaartans, who had taken refuge in Ludamar, as I have related in Chapter VIII., finding that the Moors were about to leave them, and dreading the resentment of their own sovereign, whom they had so basely deserted, offered to treat with Ali for two hundred Moorish horsemen, to co-operate with them in an effort to expel Daisy from Gedingooma ; for until Daisy should be vanquished or humbled, they considered that they could neither return to their native towns, nor live in security in any of the neighbouring king- doms. With a view to extort money from these people by means of this treaty, Ali dispatched his son to Jarra, and prepared to follow him in the course of a few days. This was an opportunity of too great consequence to me to be neglected. I immediately applied to Fatima (who, I found, had the chief direction in all affairs of state), and begged her interest with Ali to give me pel-mission to accompany him to Jarra. This request, after some hesitation, was favourably received. Fatima looked kindly on me, and, I believe, was at length moved with compassion towards me. My bundles were brought from the large cow-skin bag that stood in the corner of Ali's tent, and I was ordered to explain the use of the different articles, and show the method of putting on the boots, stockings, &c. with all which I cheerfully complied, and was told that, in the course of a few days, I should be at liberty to depart. Believing, therefore, that I should certainly find the means of escaping from Jarra, if I should once get thither, I now freely indulged the pleasing hope that my captivity would soon terminate ; and happily not having been disappointed in this idea, I shall pause, in this place, to collect and bring into one point of view, such observations on the Moorish character and coun- try as I had no fair opportunity of introducing into the preceding narrative. CHAPTER XII. Containing some farther miscellaneous Inflections on the Moorish Character and Manners. Observations concerning the Great Desert, its Animals, wild and domestic, &c. &c. THE Moors of this part of Africa are divided into many separate tribes, of which the most formidable, accord- MANNERS OF THE MOORS QUEEN FATIMA. ing to what was reported to me, are those of Trasart aiul 11 Brakeu, which inhabit the northern bank of the Senegal river. The tribes of Gedumah, Jaffnoo, and Ludamar, though not so numerous as the former, are nevertheless very powerful and warlike, and are each governed by a chief, or king, who exercises absolute jurisdiction over his own horde, without acknowledging allegiance to a common sovereign. In time of peace, the employment of the people is pasturage. The Moors, indeed, subsist chiefly on the flesh of their cattle, and are always in the extreme of either gluttony or absti- nence. In consequence of the frequent and severe fasts which their religion enjoins, and the toilsome journies which they sometimes undertake across the desert, they are enabled to bear both hunger and thirst with sur- prising fortitude ; but whenever opportunities occur of satisfying their appetite, they generally devour more at one meal than would serve an European for three. They pay but little attention to agriculture, purchasing their corn, cotton cloth, and other necessaries, from the negroes, in exchange for salt, which they dig from the pits in the Great Desert. The natural barrenness of the country is such, that it furnishes but few materials for manufacture. The Moors, however, contrive to weave a strong cloth, with which they cover then- tents ; the thread is spun by their women from the hair of goats ; and they pre- pare the hides of their cattle so as to furnish saddles, bridles, pouches, and other articles of leather. They are likewise sufficiently skilful to convert the native iron, which they procure from the negroes, into spears and knives, and also into pots for boiling their food ; but their sabres, and other weapons, as well as their fire-arms and ammunition, they purchase from the Europeans, in exchange for the negro slaves which they obtain in their predatory excursions. Their chief com- merce of this kind is with the French traders on the Senegal river. The Moors are rigid Mahomedans, and possess, with the bigotry and superstition, all the intolerance, of their sect. They have no mosques at Benowm, but perform their devotions in a sort of open shed, or inclosure, made of mats. The priest is, at the same time, schoolmaster to the juniors. His pupils assemble every evening before his tent ; where, by the light of a large fire, made of brushwood and cow's dung, they are taught a few sentences from the Koran, and are initiated into the principles of their creed. Their alpha- bet differs but little from that in Richardson's Arabic Grammar. They always write with the vowel points. Their priests even affect to know something of foreign literature. The priest of Benowm assured me, that he could read the writings of the Christians : he showed me a number of barbarous characters, which he as- serted were the Roman alphabet ; and he produced another specimen, equally unintelligible, which he de- clared to be the Kallam il Indi, or Persian. His library consisted of nine volumes in quarto ; most of them, I believe, were books of religion for the name of Maho- met appeared, in red letters, in almost every page of each. His scholars wrote their lessons upon thin boards ; paper being too expensive for general use. The boys were diligent enough, and appeared to possess a considerable share of emulation carrying their boards slung over their shoulders, when about their common employments. When a boy has committed to memory a few of their prayers, and can read and write cer- tain parts of the Koran, he is reckoned sufficiently instructed; and, with this slender stock of learning, commences his career of life. Proud of his acquire- ments, he surveys with contempt the unlettered negro ; and embraces every opportunity of displaying his supe- riority over such of his countrymen as are not distin- guished by the same accomplishments. The education of the girls is neglected altogether : mental accomplishments are but little attended to by the women ; nor is the want of them considered by the men as a defect in the female character. They are regarded, I believe, as an inferior species of animals ; and seem to be brought up for no other purpose than that of administering to the sensual pleasures of their imperious masters. Voluptuousness is therefore con- sidered as their chief accomplishment, and slavish sub- mission as their indispensable duty. The Moors have singular ideas of feminine perfec- tion. The gracefulness of figure and motion, and a countenance enlivened by expression, are by no means essential points in their standard with them corpu- lence and beauty appear to be terms nearly synonymous. A woman, of even moderate pretensions, must be one who cannot walk without a slave under each arm to support her ; and a perfect beauty is a load for a camel. In consequence of this prevalent taste for unwieldiness of bulk, the Moorish ladies take great pains to acquire it early in life ; and for this purpose many of the young girls are compelled, by their mothers, to devour a great quantity of kouskous, and drink a large bowl of camel's milk, every morning. It is of no importance whether the girl has an appetite or not the kouskous and milk must be swallowed, and obedience is frequently en- forced by blows. I have seen a poor girl sit crying, with the bowl at her lips, for more than an hour, and her mother, witli a stick in her hand, watching her all the while, and using the stick without mercy, whenever she observed that her daughter was not swallowing. This singular practice, instead of producing indigestion and disease, soon covers the young lady with that de- gree of plumpness, which, in the eye of a Moor, is per- fection itself. As the Moors purchase all their clothing from the negroes, the women are forced to be very economical in the article of dress. In general, they content them- selves with a broad piece of cotton cloth, which is wrapped round the middle, and hangs down like a pet- ticoat almost to the ground ; to the upper part of this are sewed t\vo square pieces, one before, and the other behind, which are fastened together over the shoulders. The head dress is commonly a bandage of cotton cloth, with some parts of it broader than others, which serve to conceal the face when they walk in the sun : fre- quently, however, when they go abroad, they veil them- selves from head to foot. The employment of the women varies according to their degrees of opulence. Queen Fatima, and a few others of high rank, like the great ladies in some parts of Europe, pass their time chiefly in conversing with their visitors, performing their devotions, or admiring their charms in a looking-glass. The women of infe- rior class employ themselves in different domestic duties. They are very vain and talkative ; and when any thing puts them out of humour, they commonly vent their anger upon their female slaves, over whom they rule with severe and despotic authority, which leads me to observe, that the condition of these poor captives is deplorably wretched. At daybreak, they are compelled to fetch water from the wells in large skins, called girbas; and as soon as they have brought water enough to serve the family for the day, as well as the horses (for the Moors seldom give their horses the trouble of going to the wells), they are then employed in pounding the corn and dressing the victuals. This being always done in the open air, the slaves are exposed to the combined heat of the sun, the sand, and the fire. In the intervals, it is their business to sweep the tent, churn the milk, and perform other domestic offices. With all this they are badly fed, and oftentimes cruelly punished. The men's dress, among the Moors of Ludamar, dif- fers but little from that of the negroes, which has been already described, except that they have all adopted that characteristic of the Mahomedan sect, the turban, which is here universally made of white cotton cloth. Such of the Moors as have long beards, display them with a mixture of pride and satisfaction, as denoting an Arab ancestry. Of this number was Ali himself ; but, among the generality of the people, the hair is short and bushy, and universally black. And here I may be permitted to observe, that if any one circumstance ex- cited among them favourable thoughts towards my own ] T.-:.!!, it was my beard, which was now grown to an 36 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE MOORS. Enormous length, and was always beheld with approba- tion or envy. I believe, in my conscience, they thought it too good a beard for a Christian. The only diseases which I observed to prevail among the Moors, were the intermittent fever and dysentery for the cure of which, nostrums are sometimes admi- nistered by their old women, but in general nature is left to her own operations. Mention was made to me of the small-pox, as being sometimes very destruc- tive ; but it had not, to my knowledge, made its appear- ance in Ludamar, while I was in captivity. That it prevails, however, among some tribes of the Moors, and that it is frequently conveyed by them to the negroes in the southern states, I was assured on the authority of Dr Laidley, who also informed me that the negroes on the Gambia practise inoculation. The administration of criminal justice, as far as I had opportunities of observing, was prompt and decisive : for, although civil rights were but little regarded in Lu- damar, it was necessary, when crimes were committed, that examples should sometimes be made. On such occasions, the offender was brought before Ali, who pronounced, of his sole authority, what' judgment he thought proper. But I understood that capital punish- ment was seldom or never inflicted, except on the ne- groes. Although the wealth of the Moors consists chiefly in their numerous herds of cattle ; yet, as the pastoral life does not afford full employment, the majority of the people are perfectly idle, and spend the day in trifling conversation about their horses, or in laying schemes of depredation on the negro villages. The usual place of rendezvous for the indolent is the king's tent, where great liberty of speech seems to be exercised by the company towards each other ; while, in speaking of their chief, they express but one opinion. In praise of their sovereign they are unanimous. Songs are composed in his honour, which the company fre- quently sing in concert but they are so loaded with gross adulation, that no man but a Moorish despot could hear them without blushing. The king is distinguished by the fineness of his dress which is composed of blue cotton cloth, brought from Tombuctoo, or white linen or muslin from Morocco. He has likewise a larger tent than any other person, with a white cloth over it ; but in his usual intercourse with his subjects, all dis- tinctions of rank are frequently forgotten. He some- times eats out of the same bowl with his camel driver, and reposes himself, during the heat of the day, upon the same bed. The expenses of his government and household are defrayed by a tax upon his negro sub- jects, which is paid by every householder, either in corn, cloth, or gold dust ; a tax upon the different Moorish korrees, or watering-places, which is com- monly levied in cattle ; and a tax upon all merchandise which passes through the kingdom, and is generally collected in kind. But a considerable part of the king's revenue arises from the plunder of individuals. The negro inhabitants of Ludamar, and the travelling mer- chants, are afraid of appearing rich ; for Ali, who has spies stationed in the different towns to give him in- formation concerning the wealth of his subjects, fre- quently invents some frivolous plea for seizing their property, and reducing the opulent to a level with their fellow-citizens. Of the number of Ali's Moorish subjects, I had no means of forming a correct estimate. The military strength of Ludamar consists in cavalry. They are well mounted, and appear to be very expert in skir- mishing and attacking by surprise. Every soldier fur- nishes his own horse, and finds his accoutrements, con- sisting of a large sabre, a double-barrelled gun, a small red leather bag for holding his balls, and a powder horn slung over the shoulder. He has no pay, nor any re- muneration but what arises from plunder. This body is not very numerous ; for when Ali made war upon Bambarra, I was informed that his whole force did not exceed two thousand cavalry. They constitute, how- ever, by what I could learn, but a very small propor- tion of his Moorish subjects. The horses are very beautiful, and so highly esteemed, that the negro princes will sometimes give from twelve to fourteen slaves for one horse. Ludamar has for its northern boundary the great desert of Sahara. From the best inquiries I could make, this vast ocean of sand, which occupies so large a space in northern Africa, may be pronounced almost destitute of inhabitants, except where the scanty vegetation which appears in certain spots, affords pasturage for the flocks of a few miserable Arabs, who wander from one well to another. In other places, where the supply of water and pasturage is more abundant, small parties of the Moors have taken up their residence. Here they live, in independent poverty, secure from the tyrannical go- vernment of Barbary. But the greater part of the desert, being totally destitute of water, is seldom visited by any human being, unless where the trading cara- vans trace out their toilsome and dangerous route across it. In some parts of this extensive waste, the ground is covered with low stunted shrubs, which serve as landmarks for the caravans, and furnish the camels with a scanty forage. In other parts the disconsolate wanderer, wherever he turns, sees nothing around him but a vast interminable expanse of sand and sky a gloomy and barren void, where the eye finds no parti- cular object to rest upon, and the mind is filled with painful apprehensions of perishing with thirst. " Sur- rounded by this dreary solitude, the traveller sees the dead bodies of birds, that the violence of the wind has brought from happier regions ; and, as he ruminates on the fearful length of his remaining passage, listens with horror to the voice of the driving blast the only sound that interrupts the awful repose of the desert."* The few wild animals which inhabit these melancholy regions are the antelope and the ostrich ; their swift- ness of foot enabling them to reach the distant water- ing-places. On the skirts of the desert, where water is more plentiful, are found lions, panthers, elephants, and wild boars. Of domestic animals, the only one that can endure the fatigue of crossing the desert is the camel. By the particular conformation of the stomach, he is en- abled to carry a supply of water sufficient for ten or twelve days ; his broad and yielding foot is well adapted for a sandy country ; and, by a singular motion of his upper lip, he picks the smallest leaves from the thorny shrubs of the desert as he passes along. The camel is, therefore, the only beast of burden employed by the trading caravans, which traverse the desert in diffe- rent directions, from Barbary to Nigritia. As this use- ful and docile creature has been sufficiently described by systematical writers, it is unnecessary for me to en- large upon his properties. I shall only add, that his flesh, though to my own taste dry and unsavoury, is preferred by the Moors to any other ; and that the milk of the female is in universal esteem, and is indeed sweet, pleasant, and nutritive. I have observed that the Moors, in their complexion, resemble the Mulattoes of the West Indies ; but they have something unpleasant in their aspect, which the Mulattoes have not. I fancied that I discovered in the features of most of them a disposition towards cruelty and low cunning ; and I could never contemplate their physiognomy, without feeling sensible uneasiness. From the staring wildness of their eyes, a stranger would immediately set them down as a nation of lunatics. The treachery and malevolence of their character, are manifested in their plundering excursions against the negro villages. Oftentimes without the smallest pro- vocation, and sometimes under the fairest professions of friendship, they will suddenly seize upon the negroes' cattle, and even on the inhabitants themselves. The negroes very seldom retaliate. The enterprising bold- ness of the Moors, their knowledge of the country, and, above all, the superior fleetness of their horses, make them such formidable enemies, that the petty negro states which border upon the desert are in continual terror while the Moorish tribes are in the vicinity, and are too much awed to think of resistance. * Proceedings of the African Association, Part I. PROCEEDS WITH ALI TO JARRA. Like the roving Arabs, the Moors frequently remove from one place to another, according to the season of the year, or the convenience of pasturage. In the month of February, when the heat of the sun scoi-ches up every sort of vegetation in the desert, they strike their tents, and approach the negro country to the south, where they reside until the rains commence, in the month of July. At this time, having purchased corn, and other necessaries, from the negroes, in ex- change for salt, they again depart to the northward, and continue in the desert until the rains are over, and that part of the country becomes burnt up and barren. This wandering and restless way of life, while it inures them to hardships, strengthens at the same time the bonds of their little society, and creates in them an aversion towards strangers which is almost insur- mountable. Cut oft' from all intercourse with civilised nations, and boasting an advantage over the negroes, by possessing, though in a very limited degree, the knowledge of letters, they are at once the vainest and proudest, and perhaps the most bigoted, ferocious, and intolerant of all the nations on the earth combining in their character the blind superstition of the negro, with the savage cruelty and treachery of the Arab. It is probable that many of them had never beheld a, white man, before my arrival at Benowm ; but they had all been taught to regard the Christian name with inconceivable abhorrence, and to consider it nearly as lawful to murder a European as it would be to kill a dog. The melancholy fate of Major Houghton, and the treat- ment I experienced during my confinement among them, will, I trust, serve as a warning to future travellers to avoid this inhospitable district. The reader may probably have expected from me a more detailed and copious account of the manners, cus- toms, superstitions, and prejudices, of this secluded and singular people ; but it must not be forgotten, that the wretchedness of my situation among them afforded me but few opportunities of collecting information. Some particulars, however, might be added in this place ; but being equally applicable to the negroes to the southward, they will appear in a subsequent page. CHAPTER XIII. Ali departs for Jarra, and the Author allowed to follow him thither. The Author's faithful Servant, Demba, seized by Ali's order, and sent back into Slavery. Ali returns to his Camp, and permits the Author to remain at Jarra, who thence- forward meditates his Escape. Daisy, King of Kaarta, ap- proaching with his Army towards Jarra, the inhabitants quit the Town, and the Author accompanies them in their Flight. A Party of Moors overtake him at Queira. He gets away from them at Daybreak. Is again pursued by another Party, and robbed ; but finally effects his Escape. HAVING, as hath been related, obtained permission to accompany Ali to Jarra, I took leave of Queen Fatima, who, with much grace and civility, returned me part of my apparel ; and the evening before my departure, my horse, with the saddle and bridle, were sent me by Ali's order. Early on the morning of the 26th of May, I departed from the camp of Bubaker, accompanied by my two attendants, Johnson and Demba, and a number of Moors on horseback ; Ali, with about fifty horsemen, having gone privately from the camp during the night. We stopped about noon at Farani, and were there joined by twelve Moors riding upon camels, and with them we proceeded to a watering-place in the woods, where we overtook Ali and his fifty horsemen. They were lodged in some low shepherds' tents near the wells. As the company was numerous, the tents could scarcely accommodate us all ; and I was ordered to sleep in the open space, in the centre of the tents, where every one might observe my motions. During the night, there was much lightning from the north-east ; and about daybreak a very heavy sand-wind commenced, which continued with great violence until four in the afternoon. The quantity of sand which passed to the westward, in the course of this day, must have been prodigiously great. At times it was impossible to look up ; and the cattle were so tormented by the particles lodging in their ears and eyes, that they ran about like mad creatures, and I was in continual danger of being trampled to death by them. May 28th. Early in the morning the Moors saddled their horses, and Ali's chief slave ordered me to get in readiness. In a little time the same messenger re- turned, and, taking my boy by the shoulder, told him in the Mandingo language, that " Ali was to be his master in future ;" and then turning to me, " The busi- ness is settled at last," said he ; " the boy, and every thing but your horse, goes back to Bubaker, but you may take the old fool (meaning Johnson the interpreter) with you to Jarra." I made him no answer ; but being shocked beyond description at the idea of losing the poor boy, I hastened to Ali, who was at breakfast before his tent, surrounded by many of his courtiers. I told him (perhaps in rather too passionate a strain), that whatever imprudence I had been guilty of in coming into his country, I thought I had already been suffi- ciently punished for it by being so long detained, and then plundered of all my little property ; which, how- ever, gave me no uneasiness, when compared with what he had just now done to me. I observed, that the boy whom he had now seized upon, was not a slave, and had been accused of no offence : he was indeed one of my attendants, and his faithful services in that station had procured him his freedom : his fidelity and attachment had made him follow me into my present situation ; and as he looked up to me for protection, I could not see him deprived of his liberty, without remonstrating against such an act as the height of cruelty and in- justice. Ali made no reply, but with a haughty air and malignant smile, told his interpreter, that if I did not mount my horse immediate!}', he would send me back likewise. There is something in the frown of a tyrant which rouses the most secret emotions of the heart : I could not suppress my feelings ; and for once enter- tained an indignant wish to rid -the world of such a monster. Poor Demba was not less affected than myself : he had formed a strong attachment towards me, and had a cheerfulness of disposition which often beguiled the tedious hours of captivity; he was likewise a pro- ficient in the Bambarra tongue, and promised on that account to be of great utility to me in future. But it was in vain to expect any thing favourable to humanity from people who are strangers to its dictates. So, having shaken hands with this unfortunate boy, and blended my tears with his, assuring him, however, that I would do my utmost to redeem him, I saw him led off by three of Ali's slaves towards the camp at Bubaker. When the Moors had mounted their horses, I was ordered to follow them ; and after a toilsome journey through the woods, in a very sultry day, we arrived in the afternoon at a walled village called Doombani, where we remained two days, waiting for the arrival of some horsemen from the northward. On the 1st of June, we departed from Doombani towards Jarra. Our company now amounted to two hundred men, all on horseback for the Moors never use infantry in their wars. They appeared capable of enduring great fatigue ; but from their total want of discipline, our journey to Jarra was more like a fox- chase than the march of an army. At Jarra, 1 took up my lodging at the house of my old acquaintance, Daman Jumma, and informed him of every thing that had befallen me. I particularly requested him to use his interest with Ali to redeem my boy, and promised him a bill upon Dr Laidley for the value of two slaves, the moment he brought him to Jarra. Daman very readily undertook to negotiate the business, but found that Ali considered the boy as my principal interpreter, and was unwilling to part with him, lest he should fall a second time into my hands, and be instrumental in conducting me to Bambarra. Ali therefore put off the matter from day to day, but withal told Daman, that if he wished to purchase the 38 DISTRESSING SITUATION AT JARIIA. boy for himself, ho .should have him thereafter at the common price of a slave, which Daman agreed to pay for him whenever Ali should send him to Jarra. The chief object of Ali, in this journey to Jarra, as I have already related, was to procure money from such of the Kaartans as had taken refuge in his country. Some of these had solicited his protection, to avoid the horrors of war, but by far the greatest number of them were dissatisfied men, who wished the ruin of their own sovereign. These people no sooner heard that theBam- barra army had returned to Sego without subduing Daisy, as was generally expected, than they resolved to make a sudden attack themselves upon him, before he could recruit his forces, which were now known to be much diminished by a bloody campaign, and in great want of provisions. With this view, they solicited the Moors to join them, and offered to hire of Ali two hundred horsemen, wliich Ali, with the warmest professions of friendship, agreed to furnish, upon condition that they should previously supply him with four hundred head of cattle, two hundred garments of blue cloth, and a considerable quantity of beads and ornaments. The raising this impost somewhat perplexed them; and in order to procure the cattle, they persuaded the king to demand one-half of the stipulated number from the people of Jarra, promising to replace them in a short time. Ali agreed to this proposal, and the same even- ing (June 2d) the drum was sent through the town, and the crier announced, that if any person suffered his cattle to go into the woods the next morning, before the king had chosen his quota of them, his house should be plundered, and his slaves taken from him. The people dared not disobey the proclamation ; and next morning about two hundred of their best cattle were selected, and delivered to the Moors : the full comple- ment was made up afterwards, by means equally unjust and arbitrary. June 8th. In the afternoon, Ali sent his chief slave to inform me that he was about to return to Bubaker ; but as he would only stay there a few days to keep the approaching festival \banna salee), and then return to Jarra, I had permission to remain with Daman until his return. This was joyful news to me ; but I had experienced so many disappointments that I was un- willing to indulge the hope of its being true, until Johnson came and told me that Ali, with part of the horsemen, were actually gone from the town, and that the rest were to follow him in the morning. June 9th. Early in the morning the remainder of the Moors departed from the town. They had, during their stay, committed many acts of robbery ; and this morning, with the most unparalleled audacity, they seized upon three girls, who were bringing water from the wells, and carried them away into slavery. The anniversary of banna salee at Jarra, very well deserved to be called a festival. The slaves were all finely clad on this occasion, and the householders vied with each other in providing large quantities of victuals, which they distributed to all their neighbours with the gi-eatest profusion : hunger was literally banished from the town ; man, woman, and child, bond and free, all had as much as they could eat. June 12th. Two people, dreadfully wounded, were discovered at a watering-place in the woods ; one of them had just breathed his last, but the other was brought alive to Jarra. On recovering a little, he in- formed the people that he had fled through the woods from Kasson ; that Daisy had made war upon Sambo, the king of that country ; had surprised three of his towns, and put all the inhabitants to the sword. He enumerated by name many of the friends of the Jarra people, who had been murdered in Kasson. This in- telligence made the death-howl universal hi Jarra for the space of two days. This piece of bad news was followed by another not less distressing. A number of runaway slaves arrived from Kaarta on the 14th, and reported that Daisy, having received information concerning the intended attack upon him, was about to visit Jarra. This made the negroes call upon Ali for the two hundred horse- men, which he was to furnish them, according to en- gagement. But Ali paid very little attention to their remonstrances, and at last plainly told them, that his cavalry were otherwise employed. The negroes, thus deserted by the Moors, and fully apprised that the king of Kaarta would show them as little clemency as he had shown the inhabitants of Kasson, resolved to collect all their forces, and hazard a battle before the king, who was now in great distress for want of provi- sions, should become too powerful for them. They therefore assembled about eight hundred effective men in the whole, and with these they entered Kaarta on the evening of the 1 8th of June. June 19th. This morning the wind shifted to the south-west ; and about two o'clock in the afternoon we had a heavy tornado, or thunder-squall, accompanied with rain, which greatly revived the face of nature, and gave a pleasant coolness to the air. This was the first rain that had fallen for many months. As every attempt to redeem my boy had hitherto been unsuccessful, and in all probability would con- tinue to prove so whilst I remained in the country, I found that it was necessary for me to come to some determination concerning my own safety, before the rains should be fully set in ; for my landlord, seeing no likelihood of being paid for his trouble, began to wish me away and Johnson, my interpreter, refusing to proceed, my situation became very perplexing. If I continued where I was, I foresaw that I must soon fall a victim to the barbarity of the Moors ; and yet, if I went forward singly, it was evident that I must sus- tain great difficulties, both from the want of means to purchase the necessaries of life, and of an interpreter to make myself understood. On the other hand, to return to England without accomplishing the object of my mission, was worse than either. I therefore deter- mined to avail myself of the first opportunity of escap- ing, and to proceed directly for Bambarra, as soon as the rains had set in for a few days, so as to afford me the certainty of finding water in the woods. Such was my situation, when, on the evening of the 24th of June, I was startled by the report of some muskets close to the town, and, inquiring the reason, was informed that the Jarra army had returned from fighting Daisy, and that this firing was by way of re- joicing. However, when the chief men of the town had assembled, and heard a full detail of the expedition, they were by no means relieved from their uneasiness on Daisy's account. The deceitful Moors having drawn back from the confederacy, after being hired by the negroes, greatly dispirited the insurgents, who, instead of finding Daisy with a few friends concealed in t!:o strong fortress of Gedingooma, had found him at a town near Joka, in the open country, surrounded by so nu- merous an army that every attempt to attack him was at once given up ; and the confederates only thought of enriching themselves by the plunder of the small towns in the neighbourhood. They accordingly fell upon one of Daisy's towns, and carried off the whole of the inha- bitants ; but lest intelligence of this might reach Daisy, and induce him to cut off their retreat, they returned through the woods by night, bringing with them the slaves and cattle which they had captured. June 26th. This afternoon, a spy from Kaarta brought the alarming intelligence, that Daisy had taken Simbing in the morning, and would be in Jarra some time in the course of the ensuing day. A number of people were immediately stationed on the tops of the rocks, and in the different passages leading into the town, to give early intelligence of Daisy's motions, and the women set about making the necessary prepara- tions for quitting the town as soon as possible. They continued beating corn, and packing up different ar- ticles, during the night; and early in the morning, nearly one-half of the townspeople took the road for Bambarra, by the way of Deena. Their departure was very affecting the women and children crying the men sullen and dejected and all of them looking back with regret on their native town, and on the wells and rocks, beyond wliich their ambi- ESCAPES FROM CAPTIVITY. 39 tion had never tempted them to stray, and where they had laid all their plans of future happiness all of which they were now forced to abandon, and to seek shelter among strangers. June 27th. About eleven o'clock in the forenoon, we were alarmed by the sentinels, who brought informa- tion that Daisy was on his march towards Jarra, and that the confederate army had fled before him without firing a gun. The terror of the townspeople on this occasion is not easily to be described. Indeed, the screams of the women and children, and the great hurry and confusion that every where prevailed, made me suspect that the Kaartans had already entered the town ; and although I had every reason to be pleased with Daisy's behaviour to me when I was at Kemmoo, I had no wish to expose myself to the mercy of his army, who might, in the general confusion, mistake me for a Moor. I therefore mounted my horse, and taking a large bag of corn before me, rode slowly along with the towns- people, until we reached the foot of a rocky hill, where I dismounted, and drove my horse up before me. When I had reached the summit, I sat down, and having a full view of the town and the neighbouring country, could not help lamenting the situation of the poor inhabitants, who were thronging after me, driving their sheep, cows, goats, &c., and carrying a scanty portion of provisions, and a few clothes. There was a great noise and crying every where upon the road ; for many aged people and children were unable to walk, and these, with the sick, were obliged to be carried, otherwise they must have been left to certain destruction. About five o'clock we arrived at a small farm be- longing to the Jarra people, called Kadeeja ; and here I found Daman and Johnson employed in filling large bags of corn, to be carried upon bullocks, to serve as provisions for Daman's family on the road. June 28th. At daybreak we departed from Kadeeja, and, having passed Troongoomba without stopping, ar- rived in the afternoon at Queira. I remained here two days in order to recruit my horse, which the Moors had reduced to a perfect Rosinante, and to wait for the arrival of some Mandingo negroes, who were going for Bambarra in the course of a few days. On the afternoon of the 1st of July, as I was tending my horse in the fields, Ali's chief slave and four Moors arrived at Queira, and took up their lodging at the dooty's house. My interpreter, Johnson, who suspected the nature of this visit, sent two boys to overhear their conversation ; from which he learnt that they were sent to convey me back to Bubaker. The same even- ing, two of the Moors came privately to look at my horse, and one of them proposed taking it to the dooty's hut, but the other observed that such a precaution was unnecessary, as I could never escape upon such an ani- mal. They then inquired where I slept, and returned to their companions. All this was like a stroke of thunder to me, for I dreaded nothing so much as confinement again among the Moors, from whose barbarity I had nothing but death to expect. I therefore determined to set off im- mediately for Bambarra a measure which I thought offered almost the only chance of saving my life, and gaining the object of my mission. I communicated the design to Johnson, who, although he applauded my re- solution, was so far from showing any inclination to accompany me, that he solemnly protested, he would rather forfeit his wages than go any farther. He told me that Daman had agreed to give him half the price of a slave for his service to assist in conducting a coffle of slaves to Gambia, and that he was determined to em- brace the opportunity of returning to his wife and family. Having no hopes, therefore, of persuading him to ac- company me, I resolved to proceed by myself. About midnight I got my clothes in readiness, which consisted of two shirts, two pair of trousers, two pocket handker- chiefs, an upper and under waistcoat, a hat, and a pair of half-boots ; these, with a cloak, constituted my whole wardrobe. And I had not one single bead, nor any other article of value in my possession, to purchase victuals for myself or corn for my horse. About daybreak, Johnson, who had been listening to the Moors all night, came and whispered to me that they were asleep. The awful crisis was now arrived when I was again either to taste the blessing of free- dom, or languish out my days in captivity. A cold sweat moistened my forehead as I thought on the dreadful alternative, and reflected, that, one way or the other, my fate must be decided in the course of the ensuing day. But to deliberate was to lose the only chance of escaping. So, taking up my bundle, I stepped gently over the negroes, who were sleeping in the open air, and having mounted my horse, I bade Johnson farewell, desiring him to take particular care of the papers I had entrusted him with, and inform my friends in Gambia that he had left me in good health, on my way to Bam- barra. I proceeded with great caution surveying each bush, and frequently listening and looking behind me for the Moorish horsemen until I was about a mile from the town, when I was surprised to find myself in the neighbourhood of a korree belonging to the Moors. The shepherds followed me for about a mile, hooting and throwing stones after me ; and when I was out of their reach, and had begun to indulge the pleasing hopes of escaping, I was again greatly alarmed to hear some- body holloa behind me, and, looking back, I saw three Moors on horseback, coming after me at full speed, hooping and brandishing their double-barrelled guns. I knew it was in vain to think of escaping, and there- fore turned back and met them : when two of them caught hold of my bridle, one on each side, and the third, presenting his musket, told me I must go back to Ali. When the human mind has for some time been fluctuating between hope and despair, tortured with anxiety, and hurried from one extreme to another, it affords a sort of gloomy relief to know the worst that can possibly happen : such was my situation. An in- difference about life, and all its enjoyments, had com- pletely benumbed my faculties, and I rode back with the Moors with apparent unconcern. But a change took place much sooner than I had any reason to ex- pect. In passing through some thick bushes, one of the Moors ordered me to untie my bundle, and show them the contents. Having examined the different articles, they found nothing worth taking except my cloak, which they considered as a very valuable acqui- sition, and one of them pulling it from me, wrapped it about himself. This cloak had been of great use to me it served to cover me from the rains in the day, and to protect me from the musquitoes in the night ; I therefore earnestly begged him to return it, and fol- lowed him some little way to obtain it ; but without paying any attention to my request, he and one of his companions rode off with their prize. When I at- tempted to follow them, the third, who had remained with me, struck my horse over the head, and, present- ing his musket, told me 1 should proceed no farther. I now perceived that these men had not been sent by any authority to apprehend me, but had pursued me solely with the view to rob and plunder me. Turning my horse's head therefore once more towards the east, and observing the Moor follow the track of his confederates, I congratulated myself on having escaped with my life, though in great distress, from such a horde of bar- barians. I was no sooner out of sight of the Moor, than I struck into the woods to prevent being pursued, and kept pushing on, with all possible speed, until I found myself near some high rocks, which I remembered to have seen in my former route from Queira to Deena ; and directing my course a little to the northward, I fortunately fell in with the path. CHAPTER XIV. The Author feels great Joy at his Deliverance, and proceeds through the Wilderness, but finds his Situation very deplor- able. Suffers greatly from Thirst, and faints on the Sand. Recovers, aod makes another Effort to push forward. Is pro- 40 ADVENTURES ON ESCAPING FROM CAPTIVITY. videntially relieved by a full of Rain. Arrives at a Foulah Village, where he is refused Relief by the Dooty, but obtains Food from a poor Woman. Continues his Journey through the Wilderness, and the next Day lights on another Foulah Village, where he is hospitably received by one of the Shepherds. Arrives on the third Day at a Negro Town called Wawra, tributary to the King of Bambarra. * Ix is impossible to describe the joy that arose in my mind, when I looked around and concluded that I was out of danger. I felt like one recovered from sickness ; I breathed freer ; I found unusual lightness in my limbs ; even the desert looked pleasant ; and I dreaded nothing so much as falling in with some wandering parties of Moors, who might convey me back to the land of thieves and murderers from which I had just escaped. I soon became sensible, however, that my situation was very deplorable, for 1 had no means of procuring food, nor prospect of finding water. About ten o'clock, perceiving a herd of goats feeding close to the road, I took a circuitous route to avoid being seen ; and con- tinued travelling through the wilderness, directing my course, by compass, nearly east-south-east, in order to reach, as soon as possible, some town or village of the kingdom of Bambarra. A little after noon, when the burning heat of the sun was reflected with double violence from the hot sand, and the distant ridges of the hills, seen through the ascending vapour, seemed to wave and fluctuate like the unsettled sea, I became faint with thirst, and climbed a tree in hopes of seeing distant smoke, or some other appearance of a human habitation but in vain: nothing appeared all around but thick underwood, and hillocks of white sand. About four o'clock I came suddenly upon a large herd of goats, and, pulling my horse into a bush, I watched to observe if the keepers were Moors or negroes. In a little time I perceived two Moorish boys, and with some difficulty persuaded them to ap- proach me. They informed me that the herd belonged to Ali, and that they were going to Deena, where the water was more plentiful, and where they intended to stay until the rain had filled the pools in the desert. They showed me their empty water-skins, and told me that they had seen no water in the woods. This account afforded me but little consolation ; however, it was in vain to repine, and I pushed on as fast as possible, in hopes of reaching some watering-place in the course of the night. My thirst was by this time become insuffer- able ; my mouth was parched and inflamed ; a sudden dimness would frequently come over my eyes, with other symptoms of fainting ; and my horse being very much fatigued, I began seriously to apprehend that I should perish of thirst. To relieve the burning pain in my mouth and throat, I chewed the leaves of different shrubs, but found them all bitter, and of no service to me. A little before sunset, having reached the top of a gentle rising, I climbed a high tree, from the topmost branches of which I cast a melancholy look over the barren wilderness, but without discovering the most distant trace of a human dwelling. The same dismal uniformity of shrubs and sand every where presented itself, and the horizon was as level and uninterrupted as that of the sea. Descending from the tree, I found my horse devour- ing the stubble and brushwood with great avidity ; and as I was now too faint to attempt walking, and my horse too much fatigued to carry me, I thought it but an act of humanity, and perhaps the last I should ever have it in my power to perform, to take off his bridle and let him shift for himself; in doing which I was suddenly affected with sickness and giddiness, and, falling upon the sand, felt as if the hour of death was fast approach- ing. Here, then, thought I, after a short but ineffec- tual struggle, terminate all my hopes of being useful in my day and generation : here must the short span of my life come to an end. I cast (as I believed) a last look on the surrounding scene, and, whilst I reflected on the awful change that was about to take place, this world with its enjoyments seemed to vanish from mv recollection. Nature, however, at length resumed it's functions, and on recovering my senses, I found myself stretched upon the sand, with the bridle still in my hand, and the sun just sinking behind the trees. I now summoned all my resolution, and determined to make another effort to prolong my existence ; and as the evening was somewhat cool, I resolved to travel as far as my limbs would carry me, in hopes of reaching (my only resource) a watering-place. With this view, I put the bridle on my horse, and driving him before me, went slowly along for about an hour, when I perceived some lightning from the north-east a most delightful sight, for it promised rain. The darkness and lightning increased very rapidly, and in less than an hour I heard the wind roaring among the bushes. I had already opened my mouth to receive the refreshing drops which I expected, but I was instantly covered with a cloud of sand, driven with such force by the wind as to give a very disagreeable sensation to my face and arms, and I was obliged to mount my horse, and stop under a bush, to prevent being suffocated. The sand continued to fly in amazing quantities for nearly an hour, after which I again set forward, and travelled with difficulty until ten o'clock. About this time I was agreeably surprised by some very vivid flashes of lightning, followed by a few heavy drops of rain. In a little time the sand ceased to fly, and I alighted, and spread out all my clean clothes to collect the rain, which at length I saw would certainly fall. For more than an hour it rained plentifully, and I quenched my thirst by wringing and sucking my clothes. There being no moon, it was remarkably dark, so that I was obliged to lead my horse, and direct my way by the compass, which the lightning enabled me to observe. In this manner I travelled with tolerable expedition until past midnight, when, the lightning becoming more distant, I was under the necessity of groping along, to the no small danger of my hands and eyes. About two o'clock my horse started at some- thing, and looking round, I was not a little surprised to see a light at a short distance among the trees ; and supposipg it to be a town, I groped along the sand in hopes of finding corn-stalks, cotton, or other appear- ances of cultivation, but found none. As I approached, I perceived a number of other lights in different places, and began to suspect that I had fallen upon a party of Moors. However, in my present situation, I was re- solved to see who they were, if I could do it with safety. I accordingly led my horse cautiously towards the light, and heard, by the lowing of the cattle, and the clamo- rous tongues of the herdsmen, that it was a watering- place, and most likely belonged to the Moors. De- lightful as the sound of the human voice was to me, I resolved once more to strike into the woods, and rather run the risk of perishing of hunger than trust myself again in their hands ; but being still thirsty, and dread- ing the approach of the burning day, I thought it pru- dent to search for the wells, which I expected to find at no great distance. In this pursuit, I inadvertently approached so near to one of the tents as to be per- ceived by a woman, who immediately screamed out. Two people came running to her assistance from some of the neighbouring tents, and passed so very near to me that I thought I was discovered, and hastened again into the woods. About a mile from this place, I heard a loud and confused noise somewhere to the right of my course, and in a short time was happy to find it was the croak- ing of frogs, which was heavenly music to my ears. I followed the sound, and at daybreak arrived at some shallow muddy pools, so full of frogs that it was diffi- cult to discern the water. The noise they made fright- ened my horse, and I was obliged to keep them quiet, by beating the water with a branch, until he had drunk. Having here quenched my thirst, I ascended a tree, and the morning being calm, I soon perceived the smoke of the watering-place which I had passed in the night, and observed another pillar of smoke east-south- east, distant twelve or fourteen miles. Towards this I ADVENTURES CONTINUED ARRIVES AT WAWRA. 41 directed my route, and reached the cultivated ground a little before eleven o'clock, where, seeing a number of negroes at work planting corn, I inquired the name of the town, and was informed that it was a Foulah village belonging to Ali, called Shrilla. I had now some doubts about entering it ; but my horse being very much fatigued, and the day growing hot not to mention the pangs of hunger which began to assail me I resolved to venture ; and accordingly rode up to the dooty's house, where I was unfortunately denied admittance, and could not obtain even a handful of corn, either for myself or horse. Turning from this inhospitable door, I rode slowly out of the town, and, perceiving some low scattered huts without the walls, I directed my route towards them, knowing that in Africa, as well as in Europe, hospitality does not always prefer the highest dwellings. At the door of one of these huts, an old motherly-looking woman sat, spin- ning cotton. I made signs to her that I was hungry, and inquired if she had any victuals with her in the hut. She immediately laid down her distaff, and de- sired me, in Arabic, to come in. When I had seated myself upon the floor, she set before me a dish of kouskous that had been left the preceding night, of which I made a tolerable meal ; and in return for this kindness I gave her one of my pocket handkerchiefs, begging at the same time a little corn for my horse, which she readily brought me. Overcome with joy at so unexpected a deliverance, I lifted up my eyes to heaven, and, whilst my heart swelled with gratitude, I returned thanks to that gra- cious and bountiful Being whose power had supported me under so many dangers, and had now spread for me a table in the wilderness. Whilst my horse was feeding, the people began to assemble, and one of them whispered something to my hostess which very much excited her surprise. Though I was not well acquainted with the Foulah language, I soon discovered that some of the men wished to appre- hend and carry me back to Ali, in hopes, I suppose, of receiving a reward. I therefore tied up the corn ; and lest any one should suspect I had run away from the Moors, I took a northerly direction, and went cheerfully along, driving my horse before me, followed by all the boys and girls of the town. When I had travelled about two miles, and got quit of all my troublesome attendants, I struck again into the woods, and took shelter under a large tree, where I found it necessary to rest myself a bundle of twigs serving me for a bed, and my saddle for a pillow. I was awakened about two o'clock by three Foulahs, who, taking me for a Moor, pointed to the sun, and told me it was time to pray. Without entering into con- versation with them, I saddled my horse, and continued my journey. I travelled over a level, but more fertile country, than I had seen for some time, until sunset, when, coming to a path that took a southerly direction, I followed it until midnight, at which time I arrived at a small pool of rain-water, and the wood being open, I determined to rest by it for the night. Having given my horse the remainder of the corn, I made my bed as formerly ; but the musquitoes and flies from the pool prevented sleep for some time, and I was twice dis- turbed in the night by wild beasts, which came very near, and whose howlings kept my horse in continual terror. July 4th. At daybreak I pursued my course through the woods as formerly ; saw numbers of antelopes, wild hogs, and ostriches but the soil was more hilly, and not so fertile as I had found it the preceding day. About eleven o'clock I ascended an eminence, where I climbed a tree, and discovered at about eight miles dis- tance an open part of the country, with several red spots, which I concluded were cultivated land, and, di- recting my course that way, came to the precincts of a watering place about one o'clock. From the appear- ance of the place, I judged it to belong to the Foulahs, and was hopeful that I should meet a better reception than I had experienced at Shrilla. In this I was not deceived, for one of the shepherds invited me to come into his tent, and partake of some dates. This was one of those low Foulah tents in which there is room just sufficient to sit upright, and in which the fa- mily, the furniture, &c., seem huddled together like so many articles in a chest. When I had crept upon my hands and knees into this humble habitation, I found that it contained a woman and three children, who, together with the shepherd and myself, completely oc- cupied the floor. A dish of boiled corn and dates was produced, and the master of the family, as is customary in this part of the country, first tasted it himself and then desired me to follow his example. Whilst I was eating, the children kept their eyes fixed upon me, and no sooner did the shepherd pronounce the word Naza- rani, than they began to cry, and their mother crept slowly towards the door, out of which she sprang like a greyhound, and was instantly followed by her children. So frightened were they at the very name of a Christian, that no entreaties could induce them to approach the tent. Here I purchased some corn for my horse, in exchange for some brass buttons, and having thanked the shepherd for his hospitality, struck again into the woods. At sunset, I came to a road that took the di- rection for Bambarra, and resolved to follow it for the night but about eight o'clock, hearing some people coming from the southward, I thought it prudent to hide myself among some thick bushes near the road. As these thickets are generally full of wild beasts, I found my situation rather unpleasant sitting in the dark, holding my horse by the nose with both hands, to pre- vent him from neighing, and equally afraid of the natives without and the wild beasts within. My fears, however, were soon dissipated for the people, after looking round the thicket and perceiving nothing, went away, and I hastened to the more open parts of the wood, where I pursued my journey east-south- east, until past midnight, when the joyful cry of frogs induced me once more to deviate a little from my route, in order to quench my thirst. Having accomplished this from a large pool of rain water, I sought for an open place, with a single tree in the midst, under which I made my bed for the night. I was disturbed by some wolves towards morning, which induced me to set forward a little before day and hav- ing passed a small village called Wassalita, I came about ten o'clock (July 5th) to a negro town called Wawra, which properly belongs to Kaarta, but was at this time tributary to Mansong, king of Bambarra. CHAPTER XV. The Author proceeds to Wassiboo. Is joined by some fugitive Kaartans, who accompany him in his Route through Bam- barra. Discovers the Niger. Some Account of Sego, the Ca- pital of Bambarra. Mansong, the King, refuses to see the Author, but sends him a Present. Great Hospitality of a Negro Woman. WAWRA is a small town surrounded with high walls, and inhabited by a mixture of Mandingoes and Foulahs. The inhabitants employ themselves chiefly in cultivating corn, which they exchange with the Moors for salt. Here, being in security from the Moors, and very much fatigued, I resolved to rest myself ; and meeting with a hearty welcome from the dooty, whose name was Flancharee, I laid myself down upon a bullock's hide, and slept soundly for about two hours. The curiosity of the people would not allow me to sleep any longer. They had seen my saddle and bridle, and were assembled in great numbers to learn who I was, and whence I came. Some were of opinion that I was an Arab ; others insisted that I was some Moorish sultan: and they continued to debate the matter with such warmth that the noise awoke me. The dooty (who had for- merly been at Gambia) at last interposed in my behalf, and assured them that I was certainly a white man ; but he was convinced, from my appearance, that I was a very poor one. In the course of the day, several women, hearing that I was going to Sego, came and begged me to inquire of Mansong, the king, what was become of their children. 42 WASSIBOO GALLOO DATLIBOO. One woman, hi particular, told me that her son's name was Maraadee that he was no heathen, but prayed to God morning and evening and had been taken from her about three years ago by Mansong's army, since which she had never heard of him. She said, she often dreamed about him ; and begged me, if I should see him, either in Bambarra or in my own country, to tell him that his mother and sister were still alive. In the afternoon, the dooty examined the contents of the leather bag in which I had packed up my clothes ; but finding nothing that was worth taking, he returned it, and told me to depart in the morning. July 6th. It rained very much in the night, and at daylight I departed, in company with a negro, who was going to a town called Dingyee for corn ; but we had not proceeded above a mile, before the ass upon which he rode threw him off, and he returned, leaving me to prosecute the journey by myself. I reached Dingyee about noon ; but the dooty and most of the inhabitants had gone into the fields to cultivate corn. An old Foulah, observing me wandering about the town, desired me to come to his hut, where I was well entertained : and the dooty, when he returned, sent me some victuals for myself, and corn for my horse. July 7th. In the morning, when I was about to depart, my landlord, with a great deal of diffidence, begged me to give him a lock of my hair. He had been told, he said, that white men's hair made a saphie, that would give to the possessor all the knowledge of white men. I had never before heard of so simple a mode of education, but instantly complied with the request ; and my landlord's thirst for learning was such, that, with cutting and pulling, he cropped one side of my head pretty closely ; and would have done the same with the other, had I not signified my disapprobation by putting on my hat, and assuring him, that I wished to reserve some of this precious merchandise for a future occasion. I reached a small town called Wassiboo about twelve o'clock, where I was obliged to stop until an oppor- tunity should offer of procuring a guide to Satile", which is distant a very long day's journey, through woods without any beaten path. I accordingly took up my residence at the dooty's house, where I staid four days, during which time I amused myself by going to the fields with the family to plant corn. Cultivation is earned on here on a very extensive scale ; and, as the natives themselves express it, "hunger is never known." In cultivating the soil, the men and women work to- gether. They use a large sharp hoe, much superior to that used in Gambia ; but they are obliged, for fear of the Moors, to carry their arms with them to the field. The master, with the handle of his spear, marks the field into regular plats, one of which is assigned to every three slaves. On the evening of the llth, eight of the fugitive Kaartans arrived at Wassiboo. They had found it im- possible to live under the tyrannical government of the Moors, and were now going to transfer their allegiance to the king of Bambarra. They offered to take me along with them as far as Satile", and I accepted the offer. July 12th. At daybreak we set out, and travelled with uncommon expedition until sunset. We stopped only twice in the course of the day ; once at a watering- place in the woods, and another time at the ruins of a town, formerly belonging to Daisy, called Illa-Compe (the corn town). When we arrived in the neighbour- hood of Satile', the people who were employed in the corn fields, seeing so many horsemen, took us for a party of Moors, and ran screaming away from us. The whole town was instantly alarmed, and the slaves were seen, in every direction, driving the cattle and horses towards the town. It was in vain that one of our com- pany galloped up to undeceive them it only frightened them the more ; and when we arrived at the town, we found the gates shut, and the people all under arms. After a long parley, we were permitted to enter ; and as there was every appearance of a heavy tornado, the dooty allowed us to sleep in his balom, and gave us each a bullock's hide for a bed. July 13th. Early in the morning we again set for- ward. The roads were wet and slippery, but the country was very beautiful, abounding with rivulets, which were increased by the rain into rapid streams. About ten o'clock we came to the ruins of a village which had been destroyed by war about six months before ; and in order to prevent any town from being built there in future, the large benta'ng tree, under which the natives spent the day, had been burnt down, the wells filled up, and every thing that could make the spot desk-able com- pletely destroyed. About noon, my horse was so much fatigued that I could not keep up with my companions ; I therefore dismounted, and desired them to ride on, telling them that I would follow as soon as my horse had rested a little. But I found them unwilling to leave me ; the lions, they said, were very numerous in those parts, and though they might not so readily attack a body of people, they would soon find out an individual : it was therefore agreed, that one of the company should stay with me to assist in driving my horse, while the others passed on to Galloo to procure lodgings, and collect grass for the horses before night. Accompanied by this worthy negro, I drove my horse before me until about four o'clock, when we came in sight of Galloo, a con- siderable town, standing in a fertile and beautiful valley surrounded with high rocks. As my companions had thoughts of settling in this neighbourhood, they had a fine sheep given them by the dooty ; and I was fortunate enough to procure plenty of corn for my horse. Here they blow upon elephants' teeth when they announce evening prayers, in the same manner as at Kemmoo. Early next morning (July 14th), having first re- turned many thanks to our landlord for his hospitality, while my fellow-travellers offered up their prayers that he might never want, we set forward, and about three o'clock arrived at Moorja, a large town, famous for its trade in salt, which the Moors bring here in great quantities, to exchange for corn and cotton cloth. As most of the people here are Mahomedans, it is not allowed to the kafirs to drink beer, which they call neo- dollo (corn spirit), except in certain houses. In one of these I saw about twenty people sitting round largo vessels of this beer with the greatest conviviality, many of them in a state of intoxication. As corn is plentiful, the inhabitants are very liberal to strangers. I believe we had as much corn and milk sent us by different people as would have been sufficient for three times our number ; and though we remained here two days, we experienced no dimimition of their hospitality. On the morning of the 16th we again set forward, accompanied by a coffle of fourteen asses, loaded with salt, bound for Sansanding. The road was particularly romantic, between two rocky hills; but the Moors some- times lie in wait here to plunder strangers. As soon as we had reached the open country, the master of the salt cofHe thanked us for having staid with him so long, and now desired us to ride on. The sun was almost set before we reached Datliboo. In the evening we had a most tremendous tornado. The house in which we lodged, being flat-roofed, admitted the rain in streams ; the floor was soon ankle-deep, the fire extinguished, and we were left to pass the night upon some bundles of firewood that happened to lie in a corner. July 17th. We departed from Datliboo, and about ten o'clock passed a large coffle returning from oego, with corn-hoes, mats, and other household utensils. At five o'clock we came to a large village where we in- tended to pass the night, but the dooty would not re- ceive us. When we departed from this place, my horse was so much fatigued that I was under the necessity of driving him, and it was dark before we reached Fanim- boo, a small village ; the dooty of which no sooner heard that I was a white man, than he brought out three old muskets, and was much disappointed when he was told that I could not repair them. July 18th. We continued our journey; but, owing to a light supper the preceding night, we felt ourselves rather hungry this morning, and endeavoured to pro- DISCOVERS THE NIGER. cure some corn at a village, but without success. The towns were now more numerous, and the land that is not employed in cultivation affords excellent pasturage for large herds of cattle ; but, owing to the great con- course of people daily going to and returning from Sego, the inhabitants are less hospitable to strangers. My horse becoming weaker and weaker every day, was now of very little service to me ; I was obliged to drive him before me for the greater part of the day, and did not reach Geosorro until eight o'clock in the evening. I found my companions wrangling with the dooty, who had absolutely refused to give or sell them any provisions ; and as none of us had tasted victuals i'or the last twenty-four hours, we were by no means disposed to fast another day, if we could help it. But finding our entreaties without effect, and being very much fatigued, I fell asleep, from which I was awakened about midnight with the joyful information, Kinne nata ! ("The victuals are come !") This made the remainder of the night pass away pleasantly ; and at daybreak, July 19th, we resumed our journey, proposing to stop at a village called Doolinkeaboo for the night following. My fellow-travellers, having better horses than myself, soon left me ; and I was walking barefoot, driving my horse, when I was met by a coffle of slaves, about seventy in number, coming from Sego. They were tied together by their necks with thongs of a bullock's hide, twisted like a rope seven slaves upon a thong, and a man with a musket between every seven. Many of the slaves were ill conditioned, and a great number of them women. In the rear came Sidi Mahomed's servant, whom I remembered to have seen at the camp of Be- r.owm : he presently knew me, and told me that these slaves were going to Morocco, by the wr.y of Ludamar and the Great Desert. In the afternoon, as I approached Doolinkeaboo, I met about twenty Moors on horseback, the owners of the slaves I had seen in the morning ; they were well armed with muskets, and were very inquisitive concern- ing me, but not so rude as their countrymen generally .ire. From them I learned that Sidi Mahomed was not at Sego, but had gone to Kancaba for gold dust. When I arrived at Doolinkeaboo, I was informed that my fellow-travellers had gone on ; but my horse was so much fatigued that I could not possibly proceed after them. The dooty of the town, at my request, give me a draught of water, which is generally looked upon as an earnest of greater hospitality, and I had no doubt of making up for the toils of the day by a good supper and a sound sleep : unfortunately I 'had neither one nor the other. The night was rainy and tempes- tuous, and the dooty limited his hospitality to the draught of water. July 20th. In the morning I endeavoured, both by entreaties and threats, to procure some victuals from the dooty, but in vain. I even begged some corn from one of his female slaves, as she was washing it at the well, and had the mortification to be refused. However, when the dooty was gone to the fields, his wife sent me a handful of meal, which I mixed with water, and drank for breakfast. About eight o'clock I departed from Doolinkeaboo, and at noon stopped a few minutes at a large korree, where I had some milk given me by the Foulahs ; and hearing that two negroes were going from thence to Sego, I was happy to have their com- pany, and we set out immediately. About four o'clock we st pped at a small village, where one of the negroes met with an acquaintance, who invited us to a sort of public entertainment, which was conducted with more than common propriety. A dish, made of sour milk and meal, called sinkatoo, and beer made from their corn, was distributed with great liberality, and the women were admitted into the society a circumstance I had never before observed in Africa. There was no com- pulsion every one was at liberty to drink as he pleased they nodded to each other when about to drink, and on setting down the calabash, commonly said Berka. ("Thank you.") Both men and women appeared to be somewhat intoxicated, but they were far from being quarrelsome. Departing from thence, we passed several large vil- lages, where I was constantly taken for a Moor, and became the subject of much merriment to the Bambar- rans, who, seeing me drive my horse before me, laughed heartily at my appearance. He has been at Mecca, says one, you may see that by his clothes : another asked me if my horse was sick : a third wished to pur- chase it, &c. so that, I believe, the very slaves were ashamed to be seen in my company. Just before it was dark, we took up our lodging for the night at a small village, where I procured some victuals for myself and some corn for my horse, at the moderate price of a but- ton ; and was told that I should see the Niger (which the negroes call Joliba, or the Great Water) early the next day. The lions are here very numerous : the gates are shut a little after sunset, and nobody allowed to go out. The thoughts of seeing the Niger in the morning, and the troublesome buzzing of musquitoes, prevented me from shutting my eyes during the night ; and I had saddled my horse, and was in readiness before daylight but, on account of the wild beasts, we were obliged to wait until the people were stirring, and the gates opened. This happened to be a market-day at Sego, and the roads were every where filled with people carrying dif- ferent articles to sell. We passed four large villages, and at eight o'clock saw the smoke over Sego. As we approached the town, I was fortunate enough to overtake the fugitive Kaartans, to whose kindness I had been so much indebted in my journey through Bambarra. They readily agreed to introduce me to the king ; and we rode together through some marshy ground, where, as I was anxiously looking around for the river, one of them called out, Geo affilli! (" See the water !") and, looking forwards, I saw with infinite plea- sure the great object of my mission the long-sought- for majestic Niger, glittering to the morning sun, as broad as the Thames at Westminster, and flowing slowly to (he eastward. I hastened to the brink, and having drunk of the water, lifted up my fervent thanks in prayer to the Great Ruler of all things, for having thus far crowned my endeavours with success. The circumstance of the Niger's flowing towards the east, and its collateral points, did not however excite my surprise for, although I had left Europe in great hesitation on this subject, and rather believed that it ran in the contrary direction, I had made such frequent inquiries during my progress concerning this river, and received from negroes of different nations such clear and decisive assurances that its general course was toicards the rising sun, as scarce left any doubt on my mind, and more especially as I knew that Major Houghton had collected similar information, in the same manner. Sego, the capital of Bambarra., at which I had now arrived, consists, properly speaking, of four distinct towns two on the northern bank of the Niger, called Sego Korro, and Sego Boo ; and two on the southern bank, called Sego Soo Korro, and Sego See Korro. They are all surrounded with high mud walls. The houses are built of clay, of a square form, with flat roofs some of them have two stories, and many of them are whitewashed. Besides these buildings, Moor- ish mosques are seen in every quarter ; and the streets, though narrow, are broad enough for every useful pur- pose, in a country where wheel carriages are entirely unknown. From the best inquiries I could make, I have reason to believe that Sego contains altogether about thirty thousand inhabitants. The king of Bambarra constantly resides at Sego See Korro. He employs a great many slaves in conveying people over the river, and the money they receive (though the fare is only ten kowrie shells for each individual) furnishes a con- siderable revenue to the king in the course of a year. The canoes are of a singular construction, each of them being formed of the trunks of two large trees rendered concave, and joined together, not side by side, but end- ways the junction being exactly across the middle of the canoe : they are therefore very long, and dispropor- tionably narrow, and have neither decks nor masts : they are, however, very roomy, for I observed in one 44 DEPARTURE FROM SEGO. of them four horses, and several people, crossing over the river. When we arrived at this ferry, with a view to pass over to that part of the town in which the king resides, we found a great number waiting for a passage : they looked at me with silent wonder, and I distin- guished with concern many Moors among them. There were three different places of embarkation, and the ferrymen were very diligent and expeditious ; but, from the crowd of people, I could not immediately obtain a passage, and sat down upon the bank of the river to wait for a more favourable opportunity. The view of this extensive city the numerous canoes upon the river the crowded population, and the cultivated state of the surrounding country formed altogether a pro- spect of civilisation and magnificence which I little ex- pected to find in the bosom of Africa. I waited more than two hours without having an opportunity of crossing the river, during which time the people who had crossed carried information to Mansong, the king, that a white man was waiting for a passage, and was coming to see him. He immediately sent over one of his chief men, who informed me that the king could not possibly see me, until he knew what had brought me into his country ; and that I must not presume to cross the river without the king's permis- sion. He therefore advised me to lodge at a distant village, to which he pointed, for the night, and said, that in the morning he would give me further instruc- tions how to conduct myself. This was very discourag- ing. However, as there was no remedy, I set off for the village, where I found, to my great mortification, that no person would admit me into his house. I was regarded with astonishment and fear, and was obliged to sit all day without victuals in the shade of a tree ; and the night threatened to be very uncomfortable for the wind rose, and there was great appearance of a heavy rain and the wild beasts are so very numerous in the neighbourhood, that I should have been under the necessity of climbing up the tree, and resting amongst the branches. About sunset, however, as I was preparing to pass the night in this manner, and had turned my horse loose that he might graze at liberty, a woman, returning from the labours of the field, stopped to observe me, and perceiving that I was weary and dejected, inquired into my situation, which I briefly explained to her ; whereupon, with looks of great compassion, she took up my saddle and bridle, and told me to follow her. Having conducted me into her hut, she lighted up a lamp, spread a mat on the floor, and told me I might remain there for the night. Finding that I was very hungry, she said she would procure me something to eat. She accordingly went out, and returned in a short time with a very fine fish, which, having caused to be half broiled upon some embers, she gave me for supper. The rites of hospi- tality being thus performed towards a stranger in dis- tress, my worthy benefactress (pointing to the mat, and telling me I might sleep there without apprehension) called to the female part of her family, who had stood gazing on me all the while in fixed astonishment, to resume their task of spinning cotton, in which they continued to employ themselves great part of the night. They lightened their labour by songs, one of which was composed extempore, for I was myself the subject of it. It was sung by one of the young women, the rest joining in a sort of chorus. The air was sweet and plaintive, and the words, literally translated, were these : " The winds roared, and the rains fell. The poor white man, faint and weary, came and sat uuder our tree. He has no mother to bring him milk no wife to grind his corn. Chorus. Let us pity the white man no mother has he," &c. &c. Trifling as this recital may appear to the reader, to a person in my situation the circum- stance was affecting in the highest degree. I was op- pressed by such unexpected kindness, and sleep fled from my eyes. In the morning I presented my com- passionate landlady with two of the four brass buttons which remained on my waistcoat the only recompense I could make her. July 21st. I continued in the village all this day in conversation with the natives, who came in crowds to see me, but was rather uneasy towards evening to find that no message had arrived from the king ; the more so, as the people began to whisper that Mansong had received some very unfavourable accounts of me from the Moors and slatees residing at Sego, who, it seems, were exceedingly suspicious concerning the mo- tives of my journey. I learnt that many consultations had been held with the king concerning my reception and disposal ; and some of the villagers frankly told me that I had many enemies, and must expect no favour. July 22d. About eleven o'clock a messenger arrived from the king, but he gave me very little satisfaction. He inquired particularly if I had brought any present, and seemed much disappointed when he was told that I had been robbed of every thing by the Moors. When I proposed to go along with him, he told me to stop until the afternoon, when the king would send for me. July 23d. In the afternoon, another messenger ar- rived from Mansong, with a bag in his hands. He told me, it was the king's pleasure that I should depart forth- with from the vicinage of Sego ; but that Mansong, wishing to relieve a white man in distress, had sent me five thousand kowries,* to enable me to purchase pro- visions in the course of my journey: the messenger added, that if my intentions were really to proceed to Jenne, he had orders to accompany me as a guide to Sansanding. I was at first puzzled to account for this behaviour of the king ; but from the conversation I had with the guide, I had afterwards reason to believe that Mansong would willingly have admitted me into his presence at Sego, but was apprehensive he might not be able to protect me against the blind and inveterate malice of the Moorish inhabitants. His conduct, there- fore, was at once prudent and liberal. The circum- stances under which I made my appearance at Sego, were undoubtedly such as might create in the mind of the king a well-warranted suspicion that I wished to conceal the true object of my journey. He argued, probably, as my guide argued, who, when he was told that I had come from a great distance, and through many dangers, to behold the Joliba river, naturally in- quired if there were no rivers in my own country, and whether one river was not like another. Notwithstand- ing this, and in spite of the jealous machinations of the Moors, this benevolent prince thought it sufficient that a white man was found in his dominions, in a condition of extreme wretchedness, and that no other plea was necessary to entitle the sufferer to his bounty. CHAPTER XVI. Departure from Sego, and Arrival at Kabba. Description of the Shea, or vegetable Butter Tree. The Author and his Guide arrive at Sansanding Behaviour of the Moors at that Place. The Author pursues his Journey to the Eastward. Incidents on the Road. Arrives at Modiboo, and proceeds for Kea, but obliged to leave his Horse by the way. Embarks at Kea in a Fisherman's Canoe for Moorzan ; is conveyed from thence across the Niger to Silla. Determines to proceed no farther Eastward. Some Account of the farther Course of the Niger, and the Towns in its Vicinage, towards the East. BEING, in the manner that has been related, compelled to leave Sego, I was conducted the same evening to a village about seven miles to the eastward, with some of the inhabitants of which my guide was acquainted, and by whom we were well received.-}' He was very friendly and communicative, and spoke highly of the hospitality of his countrymen, but withal told me, that if Jenne * Mention has already been made of these little shells, which pass current as money in many parts of the East Indies, as well as Africa. In Bambarra, and the adjacent countries, where the necessaries of life are very cheap , one hundred of them would com- monly purchase a day's provisions for myself, and corn for my hor^e. I reckoned about two hundred and fifty kowries equal to one shilling. 1 1 should have before observed, that I found the language of Bambarra a sort of corrupted Mandingo. After a little practice, I understood, and spoke it without difficulty. SANSANDING. 45 was the place of my destination, which he seemed to have hitherto doubted, I had undertaken an enterprise of greater danger than probably I was apprised of ; for, although the town of Jerine" was nominally a part of the king of Bambarra's dominions, it was in fact, he said, a city of the Moors the leading part of the inha- bitants being bushreens, and even the governor himself, though appointed by Mansong, of the same sect. Thus was I in danger of falling a second time into the hands of men who would consider it not only justifiable, but me- ritorious, to destroy me and this reflection was aggra- vated by the circumstance, that the danger increased as I advanced in my journey, for I learned that the places beyond Jenne were under the Moorish influence in a still greater degree than Jenne" itself, and Tombuctoo, the great object of my search, altogether in possession of that savage and merciless people, who allow no Chris- tian to live there. But I had now advanced too far to think of returning to the westward on such vague and uncertain information, and determined to proceed ; and being accompanied by the guide, I departed from the village on the morning of the 24th. About eight o'clock, we passed a large town called Kabba, situated in the midst of a beautiful and highly cultivated country, bearing a greater resemblance to the centre of England than to what I should have supposed had been the middle of Africa. The people were every where em- ployed in collecting the fruit of the shea trees, from which they prepare the vegetable butter mentioned in former parts of this work. These ti'ees grow in great abundance all over this part of Bambarra. They are not planted by the natives, but are found growing na- turally in the woods ; and in clearing wood land for cultivation, every tree is cut down but the shea. The tree itself very much resembles the American oak, and the fruit from the kernel of which, being first dried in the sun, the butter is prepared by boiling the kernel in water has somewhat the appearance of a Spanish olive. The kernel is enveloped in a sweet pulp, under a thin green rind ; and the butter produced from it, besides the advantage of its keeping the whole year without salt, is whiter, firmer, and, to my palate, of a richer flavour, than the best butter I ever tasted made from cow's milk. The growth and preparation of this commodity seem to be among the first objects of Afri- can industry in this and the neighbouring states, and it constitutes a main article of their inland commerce. We passed in the course of the day a great many villages inhabited chiefly by fishermen, and iu the even- ing about five o'clock arrived at Sansanding a very large town, containing, as I was told, from eight to ten thousand inhabitants. This place is much resorted to by the Moors, who bring salt from Beeroo, and beads and coral from the Mediterranean, to exchange here for gold dust and cotton cloth. This cloth they sell to great advantage in Beeroo, and other Moorish countries, where, on account of the want of rain, no cotton is cultivated. I desired my guide to conduct me to the house in which we were to lodge, by the most private way pos- sible. We accordingly rode along between the town and the river, passing by a creek or harbour, in which I ob- served twenty large canoes, most of them fully loaded, and covered with mats to prevent the rain from injur- ing the goods. As we proceeded, three other canoes arrived, two with passengers, and one with goods. I was happy to find that all the negro inhabitants took me for a Moor ; under which character I should pro- bably have passed unmolested, had not a Moor, who was sitting by the river side, discovered the mistake, and, setting up a loud exclamation, brought together a number of his countrymen. When I arrived at the house of Counti Mamadi, the dooty of the town, I was surrounded with hundreds of people, speaking a variety of different dialects, all equally unintelligible to me. At length, by the assist- ance of my guide, who acted as interpreter, I under- stood that one of the spectators pretended to have seen me at one place, and another at some other place ; and a Moorish woman absolutely swore that she had kept my house three years at Gallam, on the river Senegal. It was plain that they mistook me for some other per- son, and I desired two of the most confident to point towards the place where they had seen me. They pointed due south ; hence I think it probable that they came from Cape Coast, where they might have seen many white men. Their language was different from any I had yet heard. The Moors now assembled in great number, with their usual arrogance, compelling the negroes to stand at a distance. They immediately be- gan to question me concerning my religion, but finding that I was not master of the Arabic, they sent for two men, whom they call Ilhuidi (Jews), in hopes that they might be able to converse with me. These Jews, in dress and appearance, very much resemble the Arabs ; but though they so far conform to the religion of Mahomet as to recite, in public, prayers from the Koran, they are but little respected by the negroes ; and even the Moors themselves allowed, that though I was a Christian, I was a better man than a Jew. They, however, insisted that, like the Jews, I must conform so far as to repeat the Mahomedan prayers ; and when I attempted to waive the subject, by telling them that I could not speak Arabic, one of them, a shereef from Tuat, in the Great Desert, started up and swore by the Prophet, that if I refused to go to the mosque, he would be one that would assist in carrying me thither ; and there is no doubt but this threat would have been immediately executed, had not my landlord interposed in my behalf. He told them that I was the king's stranger, and he could not see me ill treated whilst I was under his protection. He therefore advised them to let me alone for the night, assuring them, that in the morning I should be sent about my business. This somewhat appeased their clamour, but they compelled me to ascend a high seat, by the door of the mosque, in order that every body might see me ; for the people had assembled in such numbers as to be quite ungovern- able climbing upon the houses, and squeezing each other, like the spectators at an execution. Upon this seat I remained until sunset, when I was conducted into a neat little hut, with a small court before it, the door of which Counti Mamadi shut, to prevent any per- son from disturbing me. But this precaution could not exclude the Moors. They climbed over the top of tho mud wall, and came in crowds into the court, " in order," they said, "to see me perform my evening devotions, and eat eggs" The former of these ceremonies I did not think proper to comply with, but I told them I had no objection to eat eggs, provided they would bring me eggs to eat. My landlord immediately brought me seven hen's eggs, and was much surprised to find that I could not eat them raw; for it seems to be a prevalent opinion among the inhabitants of the interior, that Europeans subsist almost entirely on this diet. When I had succeeded in persuading my landlord that this opinion was without foundation, and that I would gladly partake of any victuals which he might think proper to send me, he ordered a sheep to be killed, and part of it to be dressed for my supper. About midnight, when the Moors had left me, he paid me a visit, and with much earnestness desired me to write him a saphie. " If a Moor's saphie is good," said this hospi- table old man, " a white man's must needs be better." I readily furnished him with one, possessed of all the virtues I could concentrate, for it contained the Lord's Prayer. The pen with which it was written was made of a reed ; a little charcoal and gum- water made very tolerable ink, and a tiiin board answered the purpose of paper. July 25th. Early in the morning, before the Moors were assembled, I departed from Sansanding, and slept the ensuing night at a small town called Sibili, from whence, on the day following, I reached Nyara, a large town at some distance from the river, where I halted the 27th, to have my clothes washed, and recruit my horse. The dooty there has a very commodious house, flat-roofed, and two stories high. He showed me some gunpowder of his own manufacturing ; and pointed out, as a great curiosity, a little brown monkey, that was 40 ENCOUNTERS A LION. tied to a stake by the door, telling me that it came from a far distant country called Kong. July 28th. I departed from Nyara, and reached Nyamee about noon. This town is inhabited chiefly by Foulahs, from the kingdom of Masina. The dooty, I know not why, would not receive me, but civilly sent his son on horseback to conduct me to Modiboo, which he assured me was at no great distance. We rode nearly in a direct line through the woods, but in general went forwards with great circumspection. I observed that my guide frequently stopped and looked under the bushes. On inquiring the reason of this caution, he told me that lions were very numerous in that part of the country, and frequently attacked people travelling through the woods. While he was speaking, my horse started, and looking round, I observed a large animal of the camelopard kind, standing at a little dis- tance. The neck and fore legs were very long ; the head was furnished with two short black horns, turning backwards ; the tail, which reached down to the ham joint, had a tuft of hair at the end. The animal was of a mouse colour, and it trotted away from us in a very sluggish manner moving its head from side to side, to see if we were pursuing it. Shortly after this, as we were crossing a large open plain, where there were a few scattered bushes, my guide, who was a little way before me, wheeled his horse round in a moment, call- ing out something in .the Foulah language which I did not understand. I inquired in Mandingo what he meant ; Wara billi billi ! ("A very large lion !") said he, and made signs for me to ride away. But my horse was too much fatigued ; so we rode slowly past the bush, from which the animal had given us the alarm. Not seeing any thing myself, however, I thought my guide had been mistaken, when the Foulah suddenly put his hand to his mouth, exclaiming Soubah an allahi ! (" God pre- serve us !") and to my great surprise, I then perceived a large red lion, at a short distance from the bush, with his head couched between his fore paws. I expected he would instantly spring upon me, and instinctively pulled my feet from my stirrups to throw myself on the ground, that my horse might become the victim rather than myself. But it is probable the lion was not hungry ; for he quietly suffered us to pass, though we were fairly within his reach. My eyes were so rivetted upon this sovereign of the beasts, that I found it im- possible to remove them until we were at a consider- able distance. We now took a circuitous route through some swampy ground, to avoid any more of these dis- agreeable rencounters. At sunset we arrived at Modi- boo a delightful village on the banks of the Niger, commanding a view of the river for many miles, both to the east and west. The small green islands (the peaceful retreat of some industrious Foulahs, whose cattle are here secure from the depredations of wild beasts), and the majestic breadth of the river, which is here much larger than at Sego, render the situation one of the most enchanting in the world. Here are caught great plenty of fish, by means of long cotton nets, which the natives make themselves, and use nearly in the same manner as nets are used in Europe. I ob- served the head of a crocodile lying upon one of the houses, which they told me had been killed by the shepherds in a swamp near the town. These animals are not uncommon in the Niger, but I believe they are not oftentimes found dangerous. They are of little account to the traveller when compared with the amaz- ing swarms of musquitoes, which rise from the swamps and creeks in such numbers as to harass even the most torpid of the natives ; and as my clothes were now al- most worn to rags, I was but ill prepared to resist their attacks. I usually passed the night without shutting my eyes, walking backwards and forwards, fanning my- self with my hat ; their stings raised numerous blisters on my legs and arms, which, together with the want of rest, made me very feverish and uneasy. July 29th. Early in the morning, my landlord, ob- serving that I was sickly, hurried me away sending a servant with me as a guide to Kea. But though I was little able to walk, my horse was still less able to carry me; and about six miles to the east of Modiboo, in crossing some rough clayey ground, he fell, and the united strength of the guide and myself could not place him again upon his legs. I sat down for some time beside this worn-out associate of my adventures ; but finding him still unable to rise, I took off the saddle and bridle, and placed a quantity of grass before him. I surveyed the poor animal, as he lay panting on the ground, with sympathetic emotion ; for I could not sup- press the sad apprehension that I should myself, in a short time, lie down and perish in the same manner, of fatigue and hunger. With this foreboding, I left my poor horse, and with great reluctance followed my guide on foot, along the bank of the river, until about noon, when we reached Kea, which I found to be no- thing more than a small fishing village. The dooty, a surly old man, who was sitting by the gate, received me very coolly ; and when I informed him of my situa- tion, and begged his protection, told me with great indifference, that he paid very little attention to fine speeches, and that I should not enter his house. My guide remonstrated in my favour, but to no purpose, for the dooty remained inflexible in his determination. I knew not where to rest my wearied limbs, but was happily relieved by a fishing canoe belonging to Silla, which was at that moment coming down the river. The dooty waved to the fisherman to come near, and de- sired him to take charge of me as far as Moorzan. The fisherman, after some hesitation, consented to carry me, and I embarked in the canoe, in company with the fisherman, his wife, and a boy. The negro, who had con- ducted me from Modiboo, now left me ; I requested him to look to my horse on his return, and take care of him if he was still alive, which he promised to do. Departing from Kea, we proceeded about a mile down the river, when the fisherman paddled the canoe to the bank, and desired me to jump out. Having tied the canoe to a stake, he stripped off his clothes, and dived for such a length of time that I thought he had actually drowned himself, and was surprised to see his wife be- have with so much indifference upon the occasion but my fears were over when he raised up his head astern of the canoe, and called for a rope. With this rope he dived a second time, and then got into the canoe, and ordered the boy to assist him in pulling. At length they brought up a large basket, about ten feet in dia- meter, containing two fine fish, which the fisherman after returning the basket into the water immediately carried ashore, and hid in the grass. We then went a little farther down, and took up another basket, in which was one fish. The fisherman now left us, to carry his prizes to some neighbouring market, and the woman and boy proceeded with me in the canoe down the river. About four o'clock we arrived at Moorzan, a fishing town on the northern bank, from whence I was con- veyed across the river to Silla, a large town, where I remained until it was quite dark, under a tree, sur- rounded by hundreds of people. But their language was very different from the other parts of Bambarra and I was informed, that in my progress eastward the Bambarra tongue was but little understood, and that when I reached Jenne, I should find that the majority of the inhabitants spoke a different language, calle'd Jenne Kummo by the negroes, and Kalain Soudan by the Moors. With a great deal of entreaty, the dooty allowed me to come into his baloon to avoid the rain, but the place was very damp, and I had a smart paroxysm of fever during the night. Worn down by sickness, exhausted with hunger and fatigue, half naked, and without any article of value by which I might procure provisions, clothes, or lodging, I began to reflect seriously on my situation. I was now convinced, by painful experience, that the obstacles to my farther progress were insur- mountable. The tropical rains were already set in with all their violence the rice grounds and swamps were every where overflowed and, in a few days more, travelling of every kind, unless by water, would be com- pletely obstructed. The kowries which remained of tho king of Bambarra's present were not sufficient to enable INFORMED OF TOMBUCTOO AND PLACES ADJACENT. me to hire a canoe for any great distance and I had but little hopes of subsisting by charity, in a country where the Moors have such influence. But above all, I per- ceived that I was advancing, more and more, within the power of those merciless fanatics ; and from my recep- tion both at Sego and Sansanding, I was apprehensive that, in attempting to reach even Jenu (unless under the protection of some man of consequence amongst them, which I had no means of obtaining), I should sacrifice my life to no purpose, for my discoveries would perish with me. The prospect either way was gloomy. In returning to the Gambia, a journey on foot of many hundred miles presented itself to my contemplation, through regions and countries unknown. Nevertheless, this seemed to be the only alternative, for I saw inevi- table destruction in attempting to proceed to the east- ward. With this conviction on my mind, I hope my readers will acknowledge that I did right in going no farther. I had made every effort to execute my mis- sion in its fullest extent, which prudence could justify. Had there been the most distant prospect of a success- ful termination, neither the unavoidable hardships of the journey, nor the dangers of a second captivity, should have forced me to desist. This, however, neces- sity compelled me to do ; and whatever may be the opinion of my general readers on this point, it affords me inexpressible satisfaction, that my honourable em- ployers have been pleased, since my return, to express their full approbation of my conduct. Having thus brought my mind, after much doubt and perplexity, to a determination to return westward, I thought it incumbent on me, before I left Silla, to collect from the Moorish and negro traders all the in- formation I could concerning the farther course of the Niger eastward, and the situation and extent of the kingdoms in its vicinage and the following few notices I received from such various quarters as induce me to think they are authentic : Two short days' journey to the eastward of Silla, is the town of Jenne', which is situated on a small island in the river, and is said to contain a greater number of inhabitants than Sego itself, or any other town in Bum- barra. At the distance of two days more, the river spreads into a considerable lake, called Dibbie (or the Dark Lake), concerning the extent of which, all the information I could obtain was, that in crossing it from west to east, the canoes lose sight of land one whole day. From this lake, the water issues in many diffe- rent streams, which terminate in two large branches, one whereof flows towards the north-east, and the other to the east, but these branches join at Kabra, which is one day's journey to the southward of Tombuctoo, and is the port or shipping-place of that city. The tract of land which the two streams encircle is called Jinbala, and is inhabited by negroes ; and the whole distance by land from Jeuue'to Tombuctoo is twelve days' journey. From Kabra, at the distance of eleven days' journey down the stream, the river passes to the southward of Houssa, which is two days' journey distant from the river. Of the farther progress of this great river, and its final exit, all the natives with whom I conversed seem to be entirely ignorant. Their commercial pur- suits seldom induce them to travel farther than the cities of Tombuctoo and Houssa ; and as the sole object of those journies is the acquirement of wealth, they pay but little attention to the course of rivers or the geography of countries. It is, however, highly pro- bable, that the Niger affords a safe and easy commu- nication between very remote nations. All my informants agreed, that many of the negro merchants who arrive at Tombuctoo and Houssa from the eastward, speak a different language from that of Bambarra, or any other kingdom with which they are acquainted. But even these merchants, it would seem, are ignorant of the termination of the river, for such of them as can speak Arabic describe the amazing length of its course in very general terms saying only, that they believe it runs to the world's end. The names of many kingdoms to the eastward of Houisa are familiar to the inhabitants of Bambarra. I was shown quivers and arrows of very curious work- manship, which I was informed came from the kingdom of Kassina. On the northern bank of the Niger, at a short dis- tance from Silla, is the kingdom of Masina, which is inhabited by Foulahs. They employ themselves there, as in other places, chiefly in pasturage, and pay an annual tribute to the king of Bambarra for the lands which they occupy. To the north-east of Masina is situated the kingdom of Tombuctoo, the great object of European research the capital of this kingdom being one of the principal marts for that extensive commerce which the Moors carry on with the negroes. The hopes of acquiring wealth in this pursuit, and zeal for propagating their religion, have filled this extensive city with Moors and Mahomedan converts. The king himself, and all the chief officers of state, are Moors ; and they are said to be more severe and intolerant in their principles than any other of the Moorish tribes in this part of Africa. I was informed by a venerable old negro, that when he first visited Tombuctoo, he took up his lodging at a sort of public inn, the landlord of which, when he con- ducted him into his hut, spread a mat on the floor, and laid a rope upon it, saying, " If you are a Mussulman, you are my friend sit down ; but if you are a kafir, you are my slave and with this rope I will lead you to market." The present king of Tombuctoo is named Abu Abrahima he is reported to possess immense riches. His wives and concubines are said to be clothed in silk, and the chief officers of state live in consider- able splendour. The whole expense of his government is defrayed, as I was told, by a tax upon merchandise, which is collected at the gates of the city. The city of Houssa (the capital of a large kingdom of the same name, situated to the eastward of Tom- buctoo) is another great mart for Moorish commerce. I conversed with many merchants who had visited that city, and they all agreed that it is larger, and more populous, than Tombuctoo. The trade, police, and go- vernment, are nearly the same in both ; but in Houssa the negroes are in greater proportion to the Moors, and have some share in the government. Concerning the small kingdom of Jinbala I was not able to collect much information. The soil is said to be remarkably fertile, and the whole country so full of creeks and swamps that the Moors have hitherto been baffled in every attempt to subdue it. The inhabitants are negroes, and some of them are said to live in con- siderable affluence, particularly those near the capital which is a resting-place for such merchants as trans- port goods from Tombuctoo to the western parts of Africa. To the southward of Jinbala is situated the negro kingdom of Gotto, which is said to be of great extent. It was formerly divided into a number of petty states, which were governed by their own chiefs ; but their private quarrels invited invasion from the neighbour- ing kingdoms. At length a politic chief, of the name of Moossee, had address enough to make them unite in hostilities against Bambarra ; and on this occasion he was unanimously chosen general the different chiefs consenting for a time to act under hia command. Moos- see immediately dispatched a fleet of canoes, loaded with provisions, from the banks of the lake Dibbie up the Niger towards Jenne, and with the whole of his army pushed forwards into Bambarra. He arrived on the bank of the Niger opposite to Jenne", before the townspeople had the smallest intimation of his approach. His fleet of canoes joined him the same day ; and hav- ing landed the provisions, he embarked part of his army, and in the night took Jenne by storm. This event so terrified the king of Bambarra, that he sent messengers to sue for peace ; and in order to obtain it, consented to deliver to Moossee a certain number of slaves every year, and return every thing that had been taken from the inhabitants of Gotto. Moossee, thus triumphant, returned to Gotto, where he was de- clared king, and the capital of the country is called by his name. 48 RETURNS WESTWARD. On the west of Gotto is the kingdom of Baedoo, which was conquered by the present king of Bambarra about seven years ago, and lias continued tributary to him ever since. West of Baedoo is Maniana, the inhabitants of which, according to the best information I was able to collect, are cruel and ferocious carrying their resentment to- wards their enemies so far as never to give quarter, and even to indulge themselves with unnatural and disgusting banquets of human flesh. i am well aware that the accounts which the negroes give of their enemies ought to be received with great caution ; but I heard the same account in so many dif- ferent kingdoms, and from such variety of people, whose veracity I had 110 occasion to suspect, that I am dis- posed to allow it some degree of credit. The inhabi- tants of Bambarra, in the course of a long and bloody war, must have had frequent opportunities of satis- fying themselves as to the fact ; and if the report had been entirely without foundation, I cannot conceive why the term ma dummulo (man eaters) should be applied exclusively to the inhabitants of Maniana. CHAPTER XVII. The Author returns Westward. Arrives at Modiboo, and re- covers his Horse. Finds great Difficulty in travelling, in con- sequence of the Rains, and the overflowing of the River Is informed that the King of Bambarra had sent Persons to apprehend him. Avoids Sego, and prosecutes his Journey along the Banks of the Niger. Incidents on the Road. Cruelties attendant on African Wars. The Author crosses the River Frina, and arrives at Taffara. HAVING, for the reasons assigned in the last chapter, determined to proceed no farther eastward than Silla, I acquainted the dooty with my intention of returning to Sego, proposing to travel along the southern side of the river ; but he informed me, that from the number of creeks and swamps on that side, it was impossible to travel by any other route than along the northern bank, and even that route, he said, would soon be impassable, on account of the overflowing of the river. However, as he commended my determination to return westward, he agreed to speak to some one of the fishermen to carry me over to Moorzan. I accordingly stepped into a canoe about eight o'clock in the morning of July 30th, and in about an hour was landed at Moorzan. At this place I hired a canoe for sixty kowries, and in the after- noon arrived at Kea, where, for forty kowries more, the dooty permitted me to sleep in the same hut with one of his slaves. This poor negro, perceiving that I was sickly, and that my clothes were very ragged, hu- manely lent me a large cloth to cover me for the night. July 31st. The dooty's brother being going to Mo- diboo, I embraced the opportunity of accompanying him thither, there being no beaten road. He promised to carry my saddle, which I had left at Kea when my horse fell down in the woods, as I now proposed to present it to the king of Bambarra. We departed from Kea at eight o'clock, and about a mile to the westward observed, on the bank of the river, a great number of earthen jars piled up together. They were very neatly formed, but not glazed ; and were evidently of that sort of pottery which is manu- factured at Dovvnie (a town to the west of Tombuctoo), and sold to great advantage in different parts of Bam- barra. As we approached towards the jars, my com- panion plucked up a large handful of herbage, and threw it upon them, making signs for me to do the same, which I did. He then, with great seriousness, told me that these jars belonged to some supernatural power ; that they were found in their present situation about two years ago ; and as no person had claimed them, every traveller as he passed them, from respect to the invisible proprietor, threw some grass, or the branch of a tree, upon the heap, to defend the jars from the rain. Thus conversing, we travelled in the most friendly manner, until unfortunately we perceived the footsteps of a lion, quite fresh in the mud, near the river side. My companion now proceeded with great circumspec- tion ; and at last, coming to some thick underwood, ho insisted that I should walk before him. I endeavoured to excuse myself, by alleging that I did not know the road ; but he obstinately persisted, and, after a few high words and menacing looks, threw down the saddle and went away. This very much disconcerted me ; but as I had given up all hopes of obtaining a horse, I could not think of encumbering myself with the saddle, and, taking off the stirrups and girths, I threw the saddle into the river. The negro no sooner saw me throw the saddle into the water, than he came running from among the bushes where he had concealed him- self, jumped into the river, and, by help of his spear, brought out the saddle, and ran away with it. I con- tinued my course along the bank ; but as the wood was remarkably thick, and I had reason to believe that a lion was at no great distance, I became much alarmed, and took a long circuit through the bushes to avoid him. About four in the afternoon I reached Modiboo, where I found my saddle. The guide, who had got there before me, being afraid that I should inform the king of his conduct, had brought the saddle with him in a canoe. While I was conversing with the dooty, and remon- strating against the guide for having left me in such a situation, I heard a horse neigh in one of the huts ; and the dooty inquired, with a smile, if I knew who was speaking to me ? He explained himself, by telling me that my horse was still alive, and somewhat recovered from his fatigue ; but he insisted that I should take him along with me adding, that he had once kept a Moor's horse for four months, and when the horse had reco- vered and got into good condition, the Moor returned and claimed it, and refused to give him any reward for his trouble. August 1st. I departed from Modiboo, driving my horse before me, and in the afternoon reached Nyamee, where I remained three days, during which time it rained without intermission, and with such violence that no person could venture out of doors. August 5th. I departed from Nyamee; but the country was so deluged that I was frequently in danger of losing the road, and had to wade across the savan- nahs for miles together, knee-deep in water. Even the corn ground, which is the driest land in the country, was so completely flooded that my horse twice stuck fast in the mud, and was not got out without the greatest difficulty. In the evening of the same day I arrived at Nyara, where I was well received by the dooty; and as the 6th was rainy, I did not depart until the morning of the 7th but the water had swelled to such a height, that in many places the road was scarcely passable, and though I waded breast-deep across the swamps, I could only reach a small village called Nemaboo, where, however, for an hundred kowries, I procured from some Foulahs plenty of corn for my horse, and milk for myself. August 8th. The difficulties I had experienced the day before made me anxious to engage a fellow- traveller, particularly as I was assured, that, in the course of a few days, the country would be so com- pletely overflowed as to render the road utterly im- passable ; but though I offered two hundred kowries for a guide, nobody would accompany me. However, on the morning following (August 9th), a Moor and his wife, riding upon two bullocks, and bound for Sego with salt, passed the village, and agreed to take me along with them ; but I found them of little service, for they were wholly unacquainted with the road, and being accustomed to a sandy soil, were very bad travel- lers. Instead of wading before the bullocks to feel if the ground was solid, the woman boldly entered the first swamp, riding upon the top of the load ; but when she had proceeded about two hundred yards, the bullock sunk into a hole, and threw both the load and herself among the reeds. The frightened husband stood for some time seemingly petrified with horror, and suffered TRAVELS WESTWARD ON THE NIGER, 49 his wife to be almost drowned before he went to her assistance. About sunset we reached Sibity, but the dooty re- ceived me very coolly ; and when I solicited for a guide to Sansanding, he told me his people were otherwise employed. I was shown into a damp old hut, where I passed a very uncomfortable night ; for when the walls of the huts are softened by the rain, they frequently become too weak to support the weight of the roof. I heard three huts fall during the night, and was appre- hensive that the hut I lodged in would be the fourth. In the morning, as I went to pull some grass for my horse, I counted fourteen huts which had fallen in this manner since the commencement of the rainy season. It continued to rain with great violence all the 1 Oth ; and as the dooty refused to give me any provisions, I purchased some corn, which I divided with my horse. August llth. The dooty compelled me to depart from the town, and I set out for Sausanding, without any great hopes of faring better there than 1 had done at Sibity for I learned, from people who came to visit me, that a report prevailed, and was universally be- lieved, that I had come to Bambarra as a spy ; and as Mansong had not admitted me into his presence, the dooties of the different towns were at liberty to treat me in what manner they pleased. From repeatedly hear- ing the same story, I had no doubt of the truth of it ; but as there was no alternative, I determined to pro- ceed, and a little before sunset I arrived at Sansanding. My reception was what I expected. Couiiti Mamadi, who had been so kind to me formerly, scarcely gave me welcome. Every one wished to shun me ; and my land- lord sent a person to inform me that a very unfavour- able report was received from Sego concerning me, and that he wished me to depart early in the morning. About ten o'clock at night Counti Mamadi himself came privately to me, and informed me that Mansong had dispatched a canoe to Jenne to bring me back ; and he was afraid I should find great difficulty in going to the west country. He advised me therefore to depart from Sansanding before daybreak, and cautioned me against stopping at Diggani, or any town near Sego. August 12th. I departed from Sansanding, and reached Kabba in the afternoon. As I approached the town, I was surprised to see several people assembled at the gate ; one of whom, as I advanced, came run- ning towards me, and taking my horse by the bridle, led me round the walls of the town, and then, pointing to the west, told me to go along, or it would fare worse with me. It was in vain that I represented the danger of being benighted in the woods, exposed to the incle- mency of the weather and the fury of wild beasts. *' Go along !" was all the answer ; and a number of people coming up, and urging me in the same manner, with great earnestness, I suspected that some of the king's messengers, who were sent in search of me, were in the town, and that these negroes, from mere kindness, con- ducted me past it, with a view to facilitate my escape. I accordingly took the road for Sego, with the uncom- fortable prospect of passing the night on the branches of a tree. After travelling about three miles, I came to a small village near the road. The dooty was split- ting sticks by the gatej but I found I could have no admittance ; and when I attempted to enter, he jumped up, and, with the stick he held in his hand, threatened to strike me off the horse, if I presumed to advance another step. At a little distance from this village (and farther from the road), is another small one. I conjectured, that being rather out of the common route, the inhabitants might have fewer objections to give me house-room for the night ; and having crossed some corn fields, I sat down under a tree by the well. Two or three women came to draw water, and one of them perceiv- ing I was a stranger, inquired whither I was going. I told her I was going for Sego, but being benighted on the road, I wished to stay at the village until morning, and begged she would acquaint the dooty with my situa- tion. In a little time the dooty sent for me, and per- mitted me to sleep in a large baloon, in one corner of p which was constructed a kiln for drying the fruit of the shea trees ; it contained about half a cart-load of fruit, under which was kept up a clear wood-fire. I was in- formed, that in three days the fruit would be ready for pounding and boiling, and that the butter thus manu- factured is preferable to that which is prepared from fruit dried in the sun, especially in the rainy season, when the process by insolation is always tedious, and oftentimes ineffectual. August 13th. About ten o'clock I reached a small village within half a mile of Sego, where I endeavoured, but in vain, to procure some provisions. Every one seemed anxious to avoid me ; and I could plainly per- ceive, by the looks and behaviour of the inhabitants, that some very unfavourable accounts had been circu- lated concerning me. I was again informed that Man- song had sent people to apprehend me ; and the dooty's son told me I had no time to lose, if I wished to get safe out of Bambarra. I now fully saw the danger of my situation, and determined to avoid Sego altogether. I accordingly mounted my horse, and taking the road for Diggani, travelled as fast as I could until I was out of sight of the villagers, when I struck to the westward, through high grass and swampy ground. About noon, I stopped under a tree to consider what course to take, for I had now no doubt that the Moors and slatees had misinformed the king respecting the object of my mis- sion, and that people were absolutely in search of me to convey me a prisoner to Sego. Sometimes I had thoughts of swimming my horse across the Niger, and going to the southward for Cape Coast ; but re- flecting that I had ten days to travel before I should reach Kong, and afterwards an extensive country to traverse, inhabited by various nations with whose lan- guage and manners I was totally unacquainted, I re- linquished this scheme, and judged that I should better answer the purpose of my mission by proceeding to the westward along the Niger, endeavouring to ascertain how far the river was navigable in that direction. Hav- ing resolved upon this course, I proceeded accordingly, and a little before sunset arrived at a Foulah village called Sooboo, where, for two hundred kowries, I pro- cured lodging for the night. August 14th. I continued my course along the bank of the river, through a populous and well-cultivated country. I passed a walled town called Kamalia,* without stopping ; and at noon rode through a large town called Samee, where there happened to be a mar- ket, and a number of people assembled in an open place in the middle of the town, selling cattle, cloth, corn, &c. I rode through the midst of them without being much observed, every one taking me for a Moor. In the afternoon I arrived at a small village called Binni, where I agreed with the dooty's son, for one hundred kowries, to allow me to stay for the night, but when the dooty returned, he insisted that I should instantly leave the place ; and if his wife and son had not inter- ceded for me, I must have complied. August 15th. About nine o'clock I passed a large town called Sai, which very much excited my curiosity. It is completely surrounded by two very deep trenches, at about two hundred yards distant from the walls. On the top of the trenches are a number of square towers, and the whole has the appearance of a regular fortifi- cation. Inquiring into the origin of this extraordinary entrenchment, I learned from two of the townspeople the following particulars, which, if true, furnish a mournful picture of the enormities of African wars : About fifteen years ago, when the present king of Bam- barra's father desolated Maniana, the dooty of Sai had two sons slain in battle, fighting in the king's cause. He had a third son living ; and when the king demanded a further reinforcement of men, and this youth among the rest, the dooty refused to send him. This conduct so enraged the king, that when he returned from Ma- niana, about the beginning of the rainy season, and found the dooty protected by the inhabitants, he sat down before Sai with his army, and surrounded the town with the trenches I had now seen. After a siege * Thore is another town of this name, hereafter to be mentioned. 50 ARRIVES AT TAFFARA. of two months, the townspeople became involved in all the horrors of famine ; and whilst the king's army were feasting in their trenches, they saw with pleasure the miserable inhabitants of Sai devour the leaves and bark of the bentang tree that stood in the middle of the town. Finding, however, that the besieged would sooner perish than surrender, the king had recourse to treachery. He promised, that if they would open the gates, no person should be put to death, nor suffer any injury, but the dooty alone. The poor old man determined to sacrifice himself for the sake of his fellow-citizens, and immediately walked over to the king's army, where he was put to death. His son, in attempting to escape, was caught and massacred in the trenches, and the rest of the townspeople were carried away captives, and sold as slaves to the different negro traders. About noon I came to the village of Kaimoo, situated upon the bank of the river ; and as the corn I had pur- chased at Sibili was exhausted, I endeavoured to pur- chase a fresh supply, but was informed that corn was become very scarce all over the country, and though I offered fifty kowries for a small quantity, no person would sell me any. As I was about to depart, however, one of the villagers (who probably mistook me for some Moorish shereef) brought me some as a present, only desiring me in return to bestow my blessing upon him, which I did in plain English, and he received it with a thousand acknowledgments. Of this present I made my dinner and it was the third successive day that I had subsisted entirely upon raw corn. In the evening I arrived at a small village called Song, the surly inhabitants of which would not receive me, nor so much as permit me to enter the gate but as lions were very numerous in this neighbourhood, and I had frequently, in the course of the day, observed the impression of their feet on the road, I resolved to stay in the vicinity of the village. Having collected some grass for my horse, I accordingly lay down under a tree by the gate. About ten o'clock I heard the hollow roar of a lion at no great distance, and attempted to open the gate, but the people from within told me, that no pei-son must attempt to enter the gate without the dooty's permission. I begged them to inform the dooty that a lion was approaching the village, and I hoped he would allow me to come within the gate. I waited for an answer to this message with great anxiety, for the lion kept prowling round the village, and once advanced so very near me that I heard him rustling among the grass, and climbed the tree for safety. About midnight the dooty, with some of his people, opened the gate, and desired me to come in. They were convinced, they said, that I was not a Moor, for no Moor ever waited any time at the gate of a village without cursing the inhabitants. August 16th. About ten o'clock I passed a consider- able town, with a mosque, called Jabbee. Here the country begins to rise into hills, and I could see the sum- mits of high mountains to the westward. I had very disa- greeable travelling all this day, on account of the swam- piness of the roads for the river was now risen to such a height as to overflow great part of the flat land on both sides and from the muddiness of the water, it was difficult to discern its depth. In crossing one of these swamps, a little to the westward of a town called Gangu, my horse being up to the belly in water, slipt suddenly into a deep pit, and was almost drowned before he could disengage his feet from the stiff clay at the bottom. In- deed, both the horse and his rider were so completely covered with mud, that in passing the village of Calli- mana, the people compared us to two dirty elephants. About noon I stopped at a small village near Yamina, where I purchased some corn, and dried my papers and clothes. The town of Yamina, at a distance, has a very fine appearance. It covers nearly the same extent of ground as Sansanding, but having been plundered by Daisy, king of Kaarta, about four years ago, it has not yet re- sumed its former prosperity nearly one half of the town being nothing but a heap of rums : however, it is still a considerable place, and is so much frequented by the Moors that I did not think it safe to lodge in it ; but in order to satisfy myself respecting its population and extent, I resolved to ride through it, in doing which I observed a great many Moors sitting upon the bentangs, and other places of public resort. Every body looked at me with astonishment, but as I rode briskly along, they had no tune to ask questions. I arrived in the evening at Farra, a walled village, where, without much difficulty, I procured a lodging for the night. August 17th. Early in the morning I pursued my journey, and at eight o'clock passed a considerable town called Balaba, after which the road quits the plain, and stretches along the side of the hill. I passed in the course of this day the ruins of three towns, the inhabi- tants of which were all carried away by Daisy, king of Kaarta, on the same day that he took and plundered Yamina. Near one of these ruins I climbed a tamarind tree, but found the fruit quite green and sour, and the prospect of the country was by no means inviting for the high grass and bushes seemed completely to obstruct the road, and the low lands were all so flooded by the river, that the Niger had the appearance of an exten- sive lake. In the evening I arrived at Kanika, where the dooty, who was sitting upon an elephant's hide at the gate, received me kindly, and gave me for supper some milk and meal, which I considered (as to a person in my situation it really was) a very great luxury. August 18th. By mistake I took the wrong road, and did not discover my error until I had travelled nearly four miles, when, coming to an eminence, I ob- served the Niger considerably to the left. Directing my course towards it, I travelled through long grass and bushes with great difficulty, until two o'clock in the afternoon, when I came to a comparatively small but very rapid river, which I took at first for a creek, or one of the streams of the Niger. However, after I had examined it with more attention, I was convinced that it was a distinct river ; and as the road evidently crossed it (for I could see the pathway on the opposite side), I sat down upon the bank, in hopes that some traveller might arrive who would give me the neces- sary information concerning the fording place for the banks were so covered with reeds and bushes that it would have been almost impossible to land on the other side, except at the pathway, which, on account of the rapidity of the stream, it seemed very difficult to reach. No traveller, however, arriving, and there being a great appearance of rain, I examined the grass and bushes for some way up the bank, and determined upon enter- ing the river considerably above the pathway, in order to reach the other side before the stream had swept me too far down. With this view I fastened my clothes upon the saddle, and was standing up to the neck in water, pulling my horse by the bridle to make him fol- low me, when a man came accidentally to the place, and seeing me in the water, called to me with great vehemence to come out. The alligators, he said, would devour both me and my horse, if we attempted to swim over. When I had got out, the stranger, who had never before seen a European, seemed wonderfully surprised. He twice put his hand to his mouth, exclaiming in a low tone of voice, " God preserve me ! who is this ?" but when he heard me speak the Bambarra tongue, and found that I was going the same way as himself, he promised to assist me in crossing the river, the name of which he told me was Frina. He then went a little way along the bank, and called to some person, who answered from the other side. In a short time, a canoe with two boys came paddling from among the reeds. These boys agreed for fifty kowries to transport me and my horse over the river, which was effected with- out much difficulty ; and I arrived in the evening at Taffara, a walled town, and soon discovered that the language of the natives was improved, from the cor- rupted dialect of Bambarra, to the pure Mandingo. CHAPTER XVIII. Inhospitable reception at Taffara. A Negro Funeral at Sooha. The Author continues his Route through several Villages along INHOSPITABLE RECEPTION AT TAFFARA. 51 the Banks of the Niger, until he comes to Koolikorro.Sup- ports himself by writing Saphies Reaches Maraboo. Loses the Road, and after many difficulties arrives at Bammakoo. Takes the Road for Sibidooloo Meets with great kindness at a Village called Kooma Is afterwards robbed, stripped, and plundered by Banditti. The Author's Resource and Consola- tion under exquisite Distress. He arrives in safety at Sibi- dooloo. ON my arrival at Taffara I inquired for the dooty, but was informed that he had died a few days before my arrival, and that there was, at that moment, a meeting of the chief men for electing another there being some dispute about the succession. It was probably owing to this unsettled state of the town that I experienced such a want of hospitality in it ; for though I informed the inhabitants that I should only remain with them for one night, and assured them that Mansong had given me some kowries to pay for my lodging, yet no person invited me to come in, and I was forced to sit alone under the bentang tree, exposed to the ram and wind of a tornado, which lasted with great violence until midnight. At this time the stranger who had assisted me in crossing the river, paid me a visit, and observing that I had not found a lodging, invited me to take part of his supper, which he had brought to the door of his hut ; for, being a guest himself, he could not, without his landlord's consent, invite me to come in. After this, I slept upon some wet grass in the corner of a court. My horse fared still worse than myself the corn I had purchased being all expended, and I could not procure a supply. August 20th. I passed the town of Jaba, and stop- ped a few minutes at a village called Somino, where I begged and obtained some coarse food, which the na- tives prepare from the husks of corn, and call loo. About two o'clock I came to the village of Sooha, and endeavoured to purchase some corn from the dooty, who was sitting by the gate, but without success. then requested a little food by way of charity, but was told he had none to spare. Whilst I was examining the countenance of this inhospitable old man, and en- deavouring to find out the cause of the sullen discon- tent which was visible in his eye, he called to a slave who was working in the corn-field at a little distance, and ordered him to bring his hoe along with him. The dooty then told him to dig a hole in the ground, point- ing to a spot at no great distance. The slave, with his hoe, began to dig a pit in the earth, and the dooty, who appeared to be a man of a very fretful disposition, kepi muttering and talking to himself until the pit was almosi finished, when he repeatedly pronounced the words dankatoo (" good for nothing") jankra lemen (" a rea plague") which expressions I thought could be appliec to nobody but myself ; and as the pit had very much the appearance of a grave, I thought it prudent to mount my horse, and was about to decamp, when the slave, who had before gone into the village, to my sur prise returned with the corpse of a boy about nine or ten years of age, quite naked. The negro carried the body by a leg and an arm, and threw it into the pi with a savage indifference, which I had never before seen. As he covered the body with earth, the doot; often expressed himself, naphula atliniata (" mone; lost") whence I concluded that the boy had been one of his slaves. Departing from this shocking scene, I travelled bj the side of the river until sunset, when I came to Koo likorro, a considerable town, and a great market fo salt. Here I took up my lodging at the house of 2 Bambarran, who had formerly been the slave of a Moor and in that character had travelled to Aroan, Towdinn: and many other places in the Great Desert ; but turn ing Mussulman, and his master dying at Jenne, he ob tained his freedom, and settled at this place, where h carries on a considerable trade in salt, cotton-cloth, &c His knowledge of the world had not lessened that su perstitious confidence in saphies and charms which h had imbibed in his earlier years ; for when he hear that I was a Christian, he immediately thought of pro curing a saphie, and for this purpose brought out hi alha, or writing-board assuring me, that he would ress me a supper of rice, if I would write him a saphie o protect him from wicked men. The proposal was of 00 great consequence to me to be refused. I there- ore wrote the board full, from top to bottom, on both sides; and my landlord, to be certain of having the ^hole force of the charm, washed the writing from the ioard into a calabash with a little water, and having aid a few prayers over it, drank this powerful draught ; fter which, lest a single word should escape, he licked tie board until it was quite dry. A saphie writer was j, man of too great consequence to be long concealed he important information was carried to the dooty, vho sent his son with half a sheet of writing-paper, .csiring me to write him a naphula saphie (a charm to )i-ocure wealth). He brought me, as a present, some neal and milk ; and when I had finished the saphie, md read it to him with an audible voice, he seemed ighly satisfied with his bargain, and promised to bring me in the morning some milk for my breakfast. When had finished my supper of rice and salt, I laid myself lown upon a bullock's hide, and slept very quietly until morning this being the first good meal and refreshing Jeep that I had enjoyed for a long time. August 21st. At daybreak I departed from Kooli- orro, and about noon passed the villages of Kayoo and Doolumbo. In the afternoon I arrived at Marraboo a large town, and, like Koolikorro, famous for its trade n salt. I was conducted to the house of a Kaartan, of the tribe of Jower, by whom I was well received. This man had acquired a considerable property in the slave trade ; and, from his hospitality to strangers, was called, by way of pre-eminence, jatee (the landlord), and his house was a sort of public inn for all travellers. Those who had money were well lodged, for they always made him some return for his kindness, but those who had nothing to give were content to accept whatever lie thought proper ; and as I could not rank myself among the monied men, I was happy to take up my lodging in the same hut with seven poor fellows who had come from Kancaba in a canoe. But our landlord sent us some victuals. August 22d. One of the landlord's servants went with me a little way from the town to show me what road to take ; but, whether from ignorance or design 1 know not, he directed me wrong, and I did not dis- cover my mistake until the day was far advanced, when, coming to a deep creek, I had some thoughts of turning back ; but as, by that means, I foresaw that I could not possibly reach Bammakoo before night, I resolved to cross it, and leading my horse close to the brink, I went behind him, and pushed him headlong into the water, and then, taking the bridle in my teeth, swam over to the other side. This was the third creek I had crossed in this manner since I had left Sego ; but having se- cured my notes and memorandums in the ci'owri of my hat, I received little or no inconvenience from such ad- ventures. The rain and heavy dew kept my clothes constantly wet ; and the roads being very deep, and full of mud, such a washing was sometimes pleasant, and oftentimes necessary. I continued travelling through, high grass, without any beaten road, and about noon came to the river, the banks of which are here very rocky, and the force and roar of the water were very great. The king of Bambarra's canoes, however, fre- quently pass these rapids, by keeping close to the bank ; persons being stationed on the shore with ropes fas- tened to the canoe, while others push it forward with long poles. At this time, however, it would, I think, have been a matter of great difficulty for any European boat to have crossed the stream. About four o'clock in the afternoon, having altered my course from the river towards the mountains, I came to a small pathway which led to a village called Frookaboo, where I slept. August 23d. Early in the morning I set out for Bammakoo, at which place I arrived about five o'clock in the afternoon. I had heard Bammakoo much talked of as a great market for salt, and I felt rather disap- pointed to find it only a middling town, not quite so large as Marraboo : however, the smallness of its size PLUNDERED BY BANDITTI. is more than compensated by the richness of its inha- bitants ; for when the Moors bring their salt through Kaarta or Bambarra, they constantly rest a few days at this place, and the negro merchants here, who are well acquainted with the value of salt in different king- doms, frequently purchase by wholesale, and retail it to great advantage. Here I lodged at the house of a Serawoolli negro, and was visited by a number of Moors. They spoke very good Mandingo, and were taore civil to me than their countrymen had been. One of them had travelled to Rio Grande, and spoke very highly of the Christians. He sent me in the evening some boiled rice and milk. I now endeavoured to pro- cure information concerning my route to the westward from a slave merchant who had resided some years on the Gambia. He gave me some imperfect account of the distance, and enumerated the names of a great many places that lay in the way, but withal told me, that the road was impassable at this season of the year : he was even afraid, he said, that I should find great diffi- culty in proceeding any farther ; as the road crossed the Joliba at a town about half a day's journey to the west- ward of Bammakoo, and there being no canoes at that place large enough to receive my horse, I could not pos- sibly get him over for some months to come. This was an obstruction of a very serious nature ; but as I had no money to maintain myself even for a few days, I resolved to push on, and if I could not convey my horse across the river, to abandon him, and swim over my- self. In thoughts of this nature I passed the night, and in the morning consulted with my landlord how I should surmount the present difficulty. He informed me that one road still remained, which was indeed very rocky, and scarcely passable for horses ; but that if I had a proper guide over the hills to a town called Sibi- dooloo, he had no doubt but with patience and caution I might travel forwards through Handing. I imme- diately applied to the dooty, and was informed that a jilli kea (singing man) was about to depart for Sibidoo- loo, and would show me the road over the hills. With this man, who undertook to be my conductor, I tra- velled up a rocky glen about two miles, when we came to a small village ; and here my musical fellow-traveller found out that he had brought me the wrong road. He told me that the horse-road lay on the other side of the hill, and throwing his drum upon his back, mounted up the rocks, where indeed no horse could follow him, leaving me to admire his agility, and trace out a road for myself. As I found it impossible to proceed, I rode back to the level ground, and directing my course to the eastward, came about noon to another glen, and discovered a path on which I observed the marks of horses' feet : following this path, I came in a short time to some shepherds' huts, where I was informed that I was in the right road, but that I could not pos- sibly reach Sibidooloo before night. Soon after this I gained the summit of a hill, from whence I had an ex- tensive view of the country. Towards the south-east appeared some very distant mountains, which I had formerly seen from an eminence near Marraboo, where the people informed me that these mountains were situated in a large and powerful kingdom called Kong, the sovereign of which could raise a much greater army than the king of Bambarra. Upon this height the soil is shallow ; the rocks are ironstone and schistus, with detached pieces of white quartz. A little before sunset I descended on the north-west side of this ridge of hills, and as I was looking about for a convenient tree under which to pass the night (for I had no hopes of reaching any town), I descended into a delightful valley, and soon afterwards arrived at a romantic village called Kooma. This village is sur- rounded by a high wall, and is the sole property of a Mandingo merchant, who fled hither with his family during a former war. The adjacent fields yield him plenty of corn, his cattle roam at large in the valley, and the rocky hills secure him from the depredations of war. In this obscure retreat he is seldom visited by strangers, but whenever this happens, he makes the weary traveller welcome. I soon found myself sur- rounded by a circle of the harmless villagers. They asked a thousand questions about my country ; and, in return for my information, brought com and milk for myself, and grass for my horse, kindled a fire in the hut where I was to sleep, and appeared very anxious to serve me. August 25th. I departed from Kooma, accompanied by two shepherds who were going towards Sibidooloo. The road was very steep and rocky, and as my horse had hurt his feet much in coming from Bammakoo, he travelled slowly and with great difficulty ; for in many places the ascent was so sharp, and the decli- vities so great, that if he had made one false step, he must inevitably have been dashed to pieces. The shep- herds being anxious to proceed, gave themselves littlo trouble about me or my horse, and kept walking on at a considerable distance. It was about eleven o'clock, as I stopped to drink a little water at a rivulet (my companions being near a quarter of a mile before me), that I heard some people calling to each other, and presently a loud screaming, as from a person in great distress. I immediately conjectured that a lion had taken one of the shepherds, and mounted my horse to have a better view of what had happened. The noise, however, ceased, and I rode slowly towards the place from whence I thought it had proceeded, calling out, but without receiving any answer. In a little tune, however, I perceived one of the shepherds lying among the long grass near the road, and though I could see no blood upon him, I concluded he was dead. But when I came close to him, he whispered to me to stop, telling me that a party of armed men had seized upon his companion, and shot two arrows at himself as he was making his escape. I stopped to consider what course to take, and looking round, saw at a little dis- tance a man sitting upon the stump of a tree : I dis- tinguished also the heads of six or seven more, sitting among the grass, with muskets in their hands. I had now no hopes of escaping, and therefore determined to ride forward towards them. As I approached them, I was in hopes they were elephant-hunters ; and by way of opening the conversation, inquired if they had shot any thing, but, without returning an answer, one of them ordered me to dismount, and then, as if recollecting himself, waved with his hand for me to proceed. I accordingly rode past, and had with some difficulty crossed a deep rivulet, when I heard somebody holloa, and looking behind, saw those I had taken for elephant-hunters running after me, and calling out to me to turn back. I stopped until they were all come up, when they informed me that the king of the Fou- lahs had sent them on purpose to bring me, my horse, and every thing that belonged to me, to Fooladoo, and that therefore I must turn back, and go along with them. Without hesitating a moment, I turned round and followed them, and we travelled together nearly a quarter of a mile without exchanging a word ; when coming to a dark place in the wood, one of them said, in the Mandingo language, " This place will do,' : and immediately snatched my hat from my head. Though I was by no means free of apprehension, yet I resolved to show as few signs of fear as possible, and therefore told them, that unless my hat was returned to me, I should proceed no farther. But before I had time to receive an answer, another drew his knife, and seizing upon a metal button which remained upon my waistcoat, cut it off, and put it into his pocket. Their intentions were now obvious, and I thought that the easier they were permitted to rob me of every thing, the less I had to fear. I therefore allowed them to search my pockets without resistance, and examine every part of my apparel, which they did with the most scrupulous exactness. But observing that I had one waistcoat under another, they insisted that I should cast them both off; and at last, to make sure work, they stripped me quite naked. Even my half boots (though the sole of one of them was tied on to my foot with a broken bridle-rein) were minutely inspected. Whilst they were examining the plunder, I begged them, with great earnestness, to return my pocket compass ; FOKLORN CONDITION HEALTH DECLINES. but when I pointed it out to them, as it was lying on the ground, one of the banditti, thinking I was about to take it up, cocked his musket, and swore that he would lay me dead upon the spot, if I presumed to put my hand upon it. After this, some of them went away with my horse, and the remainder stood considering whether they should leave me quite naked, or allow me some- thing to shelter me from the sun. Humanity at last prevailed : they returned me the worst of the two shirts, and a pair of trousers ; and, as they went away, one of them threw back my hat, in the crown of which I kept my memorandums, and this was probably the reason they did not wish to keep it. After they were gone, I sat for some time looking around me with amazement and terror. Whichever way I turned, nothing appeared but danger and difficulty. I saw myself in the midst of a vast wilderness, in the depth of the rainy season naked and alone, surrounded by savage animals, and men still more savage. I was five hundred miles from the nearest European settlement. All these circum- stances crowded at once on my recollection, and I con- fess that my spirits began to fail me. I considered my fate as certain, and that I had no alternative but to lie down and perish. The influence of religion, however, aided and supported me. I reflected that no human prudence or foresight could possibly have averted my present sufferings. I was indeed a stranger in a strange land, yet I was still under the protecting eye of that Providence who has condescended to call himself the stranger's friend. At this moment, painful as my re- flections were, the extraordinary beauty of a small moss in fructification irresistibly caught my eye. I mention this to show from what trifling circumstances the mind will sometimes derive consolation ; for though the whole plant was not larger than the top of one of my fingers, I could not contemplate the delicate conforma- tion of its roots, leaves, and capsula, without admira- tion. Can that being, thought I, who planted, watered, and brought to perfection, in this obscure part of the world, a thing which appears of so small importance, look with unconcern upon the situation and sufferings of creatures formed after his own image ? Surely not ! Reflections like these would not allow me to despair. I started up, and, disregarding both hunger and fatigue, travelled forwards, assured that relief was at hand ; and I was not disappointed. In a short time I came to a small village, at the entrance of which I overtook the two shepherds who had come with me from Kooma. They were much surprised to see me ; for they said, they never doubted that the Foulahs, when they had robbed, had murdered me. Departing from this village, we travelled over several rocky ridges, and at sunset arrived at Sibidooloo, the frontier town of the kingdom of Manding. CHAPTER XIX. G overnment of Manding. The Author's Reception by the Mansa, or chief man, of Sibidooloo, who takes Measures for the Reco- very of his Horse and Effects. The Author removes to Wanda Great Scarcity, and its afflicting Consequences. The Author recovers his Horse and Clothes presents his Horse to the Mansa, and prosecutes his Journey to Kamalia Some Account of that Town. The Author's kind Reception by Karfa Taura, a Slatee, who proposes to go to the Gambia, in the next dry Sea- son, with a Caravan of Slaves. The Author's Sickness, and Determination to remain and accompany Karfa. THE town of Sibidooloo is situated in a fertile valley, surrounded with high rocky hills. It is scarcely acces- sible for horses, and during the frequent wars between the Bambarrans, Foulahs, and Mandingoes, has never once been plundered by an enemy. When I entered the town, the people gathered round me, and followed me into the baloon, where I was presented to the dooty or chief man, who is here called mansa, which usually signifies king. Nevertheless, it appeared to me that the government of Manding was a sort of republic, or rather an oligarchy every town having a particular mansa, and the chief power of the state, in the last re- sort, being lodged in the assembly of the whole body. I related to the mansa the circumstances of my having been robbed of my horse and apparel ; and my story was confirmed by the two shepherds. He continued smoking his pipe all the time I was speaking ; but I had no sooner finished, than, taking his pipe from his mouth, and tossing up the sleeve of his cloak with an indignant air " Sit down," said he ; " you shall have every thing restored to you ; I have sworn it :" and then, turning to an attendant, " Give the white man," said he, " a draught of water ; and with the first light of the morn- ing, go over the hills, and inform the dooty of Bamma- koo that a poor white man, the king of Bambarra's stranger, has been robbed by the king of Fooladoo's people." I little expected, in my forlorn condition, to meet with a man who could thus feel for my sufferings. I heartily thanked the mansa for his kindness, and ac- cepted his invitation to remain with him until the return of the messenger. I was conducted into a hut, and had some victuals sent me, but the crowd of people which assembled to see me all of whom commiserated my misfortunes, and vented imprecations against the Fou- lahs prevented me from sleeping until past midnight. Two days I remained without hearing any intelligence of my horse or clothes ; and as there was at this time a great scarcity of provisions, approaching even to fa- mine, all over this part of the country, I was unwilling to trespass any farther on the mansa's generosity, and begged permission to depart to the next village. Find- ing me very anxious to proceed, he told me that I might go as far as a town called Wonda, where he hoped I would remain a few days until I heard some account of my horse, &c. I departed accordingly on the next morning of the 28th, and stopped at some small villages for refresh- ment. I was presented at one of them with a dish which I had never before seen. It was composed of the blos- soms or antherce of the maize, stewed in milk and water. It is eaten only in time of great scarcity. On the 30th, about noon, I arrived at Wonda a small town with a mosque, and surrounded by a high wall. The mansa, who was a Mahomedan, acted in two capacities as chief magistrate of the town, and schoolmaster to the children. He kept his school in an open shed, where I was desired to take up my lodging until some account should arrive from Sibidooloo concerning my horse and clothes ; for though the horse was of little use to me, yet the few clothes were essential. The little raiment upon me could neither protect me from the sun by day, nor the dews and musquitoes by night : indeed, my shirt was not only worn thin like a piece of muslin, but withal was so very dirty that I was happy to embrace an opportunity of washing it, which having done, and spread it upon a bush, I sat down naked in the shade until it was dry. Ever since the commencement of the rainy season my health had been greatly on the decline. I had often been affected with slight paroxysms of fever ; and from the time of leaving Bammakoo, the symptoms had con- siderably increased. As I was sitting in the manner described, the fever returned with such violence that it very much alarmed me : the more so, as I had no medicine to stop its progress, nor any hope of obtaining that care and attention which my situation required. I remained at Wonda nine days, during which time I experienced the regular return of the fever every day. And though I endeavoured as much as possible to conceal my distress from my landlord, and frequently lay down the whole day out of his sight, in a field of corn conscious how burdensome I was to him and his family, in a time of such great scarcity yet I found that he was apprised of my situation ; and one morning, as I feigned to be asleep by the fire, he observed to his wife that they were likely to find me a very trouble- some and chargeable guest ; for that, hi my present sickly state, they should be obliged, for the sake of their good name, to maintain me until I recovered or died. The scarcity of provisions was certainly felt at this time most severely by the poor people, as the following 54 ARRIVES AT KAMALIA. circumstance most painfully "convinced me : Every evening, during my stay, I observed five or six women come to the mansa's house, and receive each of them a certain quantity of corn. As I knew how valuable this article was at this juncture, I inquired of the mansa, whether he maintained these poor women from pure bounty, or expected a return when the harvest should be gathered in. " Observe that boy," said he (pointing to a fine child, about five years of age) ; " his mother has sold him to me, for forty days' provision for herself, and the rest of her family. I have bought another boy in the same manner." Good God ! thought I, what must a mother suffer before she sells her own child ! I could not get this melancholy subject out of my mind; and the next night, when the women returned for their allowance, I desired the boy to point out to me his mother, which he did. She was much emaciated, but had nothing cruel or savage in her countenance ; and when she had received her corn, she came and talked to her son with as much cheerfulness as if he had stil] been under her care. September 6th. Two people arrived from Sibidaoloo, bringing with them my horse and clothes ; but I found that my pocket compass was broken to pieces. This was a great loss, which I could not repair. September 7th. As my horse was grazing near the brink of a well, the ground gave way, and he fell in. The well was about ten feet diameter, and so very deep, that when I saw my horse snorting in the water, I thought it was impossible to save him. The inhabitants of the village, however, immediately assembled, and having tied together a number of withes,* they lowered a man down into the well, who fastened those withes round the body of the horse ; and the people having first drawn up the man, took hold of the withes, and, to my surprise, pulled the horse out with the greatest facility. The poor animal was now reduced to a mere skeleton, and the roads were scai'cely passable, being cither very rocky, or else full of mud and water, therefore found it impracticable to travel with him any farther, and was happy to leave him in the hands of one who I thought would take care of him. I accord- ingly presented him to my landlord, and desired him to send my saddle and bridle, as a present, to the mansa of Sibidooloo, being the only return I could make him for having taken so much trouble in procuring my horse and clothes. I now thought it necessary, sick as I was, to take leave of my hospitable landlord. On the morning of September 8th, when I was about to depart, he pre- sented me with his spear, as a token of remembrance, and a leather bag to contain my clothes. Having con- verted my half boots into sandals, I travelled with more ease, and slept that night at a village called Ballanti. On the 9th I reached Nemacoo ; but the mansa of the village thought fit to make me sup upon the camelion's dish. By way of apology, however, he assured me the next morning, that the scarcity of corn was such that he could not possibly allow me any. I could not accuse him of unkindness, as all the people actually appeared to be starving. September 10th. It rained hard all day, and the people kept themselves in their huts. In the afternoon I was visited by a negro, named Modi Lemina Taura, a great trader, who, suspecting my distress, brought me some victuals, and promised to conduct me to his own house at Kinyeto the day following. September llth. I departed from Nemacoo, and arrived at Kinyeto in the evening; but having hurt my ancle in the way, it swelled and inflamed so much, that 1 could neither walk nor set my foot to the ground the next day, without great pain. My landlord ob- serving this, kindly invited me to stop with him a few days, and I accordingly remained at his house until the 14th, by which time I felt much relieved, and could walk with the help of a staff. I now set out, thanking my landlord for his great care and attention ; and being accompanied by a young man who was travelling the * From a plant called kabba, that climbs like a vine upon the trees. same way, I proceeded for Jerijang, a beautiful and well-cultivated district, the mansa of which is reckoned the most powerful chief of any in Manding. On the 15th I reached Dosita, a large town, where I staid one day on account of the rain ; but I con- tinued very sickly, and was slightly delirious in the night. On the 17th I set out for Mansia, a consider- able town, where small quantities of gold are collected. The road led over a high rocky hill, and my strength and spirits were so much exhausted, that before I could reach the top of the hill I was forced to lie down threo times, being very faint and sickly. I reached Mansia in the afternoon. The mansa of this town had the character of being very inhospitable ; he, however, sent me a little corn for my supper, but demanded some- thing in return ; and when I assured him that I had nothing of value in my possession, he told me (as if in jest) that my white skin should not defend me if I told him lies. He then showed me the hut wherein I 'was to sleep, but took away my spear, saying that it should be returned to me in the morning. This trifling cir- cumstance, when joined to the character I had heard of the man, made me rather suspicious of him, and I privately desired one of the inhabitants of the place, who had a bow and quiver, to sleep in the same hut with me. About midnight I heard somebody approach the door, and observing the moonlight strike suddenly into the hut, I started up, and saw a man stepping cau- tiously over the threshold. I immediately snatched up the negro's bow and quiver, the rattling of which made the man withdraw; and my companion looking out, assured me that it was the mansa himself, and advised me to keep awake until the morning. I closed the door, and placed a large piece of wood behind it, and was wondering at this unexpected visit, when somebody pressed so hard against the door that the negro could scarcely keep it shut ; but when I called to him to open the door, the intruder ran off as before. September 16th. As soon as it was light, the negro, at my request, went to the mansa's house and brought away my spear. He told me that the mansa was asleep, and lest this inhospitable chief should devise means to detain me, he advised me to set out before he was awake, which I immediately did, and about two o'clock reached Kamalia, a small town, situated at the bottom of some rocky hills, where the inhabitants collect gold in con- siderable quantities. The bushreens here live apart from the kafirs, and have built their huts in a scattered manner, at a short distance from the town. They have a place set apart for performing their devotions in, to which they give the name of missura, or mosque but it is in fact nothing more than a square piece of ground made level, and surrounded with the trunks of trees, having a small projection towards the east, where the marraboo, or priest, stands when he calls the people to prayers. Mosques of this construction are very com- mon among the converted negroes, but having neither walls nor roof, they can only be used in fine weather. When it rains, the bushreens perform their devotions in their huts. On my arrival at Kamalia, I was conducted to the house of a bushreen named Karfa Taura, the brother of him to whose hospitality I was indebted at Kinyeto. He was collecting a coflle of slaves, with a view to sell them to the Europeans on the Gambia, as soon as the rains should be over. I found him sitting in his baloon, surrounded by several slatees who proposed to join the coffle. He was reading to them from an Arabic book, and inquired, with a smile, if I understood it ? Being answered in the negative, he desired one of the slatees to fetch the little curious book which had been brought from the west country. On opening this small volume, I was surprised and delighted to find it our Book of Common Prayer, and Karfa expressed great joy to hear that I could read it : for some of the slatees, who had seen the Europeans upon the coast, observing the colour of my skin (which was now become very yellow from sickness), my long beard, ragged clothes, and extreme poverty, were unwilling to admit that I was a white man, md told Karfa that they suspected I was some Arab ATTACKED WITH FEVER AT KAMALIA. 55 in disguise. Karfa, however, perceiving that I could read this book, had no doubt concerning me, and kindly promised me every assistance in his power. At the same time he informed me, that it was impossible to cross the Jallonka wilderness for many months yet to come, as no less than eight rapid rivers, he said, lay in the way. He added, that he intended to set out him- self for Gambia, as soon as the rivers were fordable and the grass burnt, and advised me to stay and ac- company him. He remarked, that when a caravan of the natives could not travel through the country, it was idle for a single white man to attempt it. I readily ad- mitted that such an attempt was an act of rashness, but I assured him that I had now no alternative for having no money to support myself, I must either beg my subsistence, by travelling from place to place, or perish for want. Karfa now looked at me with great earnestness, and inquired if I could eat the common victuals of the country, assuring me he had never be- fore seen a white man. He added, that if I would re- main with him until the rains were over, he would give me plenty of victuals in the meantime, and a hut to sleep in, and that after he had conducted me in safety to the Gambia, I might then make him what return I thought proper. I asked him, if the value of one prime slave would satisfy him. He answered in the affirma- tive, and immediately ordered one of the huts to be swept for my accommodation. Thus was I delivered, by the friendly care of this benevolent negro, from a situation truly deplorable. Distress and famine pressed hard upon me. I had before me the gloomy wilds of Jallonkadoo, where the traveller sees no habitation for five successive days. I had observed at a distance, the rapid course of the river Kokoro. I had almost marked out the place where I was doomed, I thought, to perish, when this friendly negro stretched out his hospitable hand for my relief. In the hut which was appropi'iated for me, I was provided with a mat to sleep on, an earthen jar for holding water, and a small calabash to drink out of and Karfa sent me, from his own dwelling, two meals a-day, and ordered his slaves to supply me with fire- wood and water. But I found that neither the kind- ness of Karfa, nor any sort of accommodation, could put a stop to the fever which weakened me, and which be- came every day more alarming. I endeavoured as much as possible to conceal my distress but on the third day after my arrival, as I was going with Karfa to visit some of his friends, I found myself so faint that I could scarcely walk, and before we reached the place, I staggered and fell into a pit from which the clay had been taken to build one of the huts. Karfa endeavoured to console me with the hopes of a speedy recovery, as- suring me, that if I would not walk out in the wet, ] should soon be well. I determined to follow his advice, and confine myself to my hut, but was still tormentec with the fever, and my health continued to be in a very precarious state for five ensuing weeks. Sometimes J could crawl out of the hut, and sit a few hours in the open air ; at other times I was unable to rise, and passec the lingering hours in a very gloomy and solitary man- ner. I was seldom visited by any person except HP benevolent landlord, who came daily to inquire aftei my health. When the rams became less frequent, an< the country began to grow dry, the fever left me, bu in so debilitated a condition that I could scarcely stanc upright ; and it was with great difficulty that I couh carry my mat to the shade of a tamarind tree, at a shor distance, to enjoy the refreshing smell of the corn fields and delight my eyes with a prospect of the country. '. had the pleasure at length to find myself in a state o convalescence, towards which the benevolent and simpli manners of the negroes, and the perusal of Karfa' little volume, greatly contributed. In the meantime, many of the slatees who resided a Kamalia having spent all their money, and become in a great measure dependent upon Karfa's hospitality beheld me with an eye of envy, and invented man; ridiculous and trifling stories to lessen me in Karfa' esteem. And in the beginning of December, a Sera oolli slatee, with five slaves, arrived from Sego : this nan, too, spread a number of malicious reports con- erning me, but Karfa paid no attention to them, and ontinued to show me the same kindness as formerly. As I was one day conversing with the slaves which this latee had brought, one of them begged me to give lira some victuals. I told him I was a stranger, and lad none to give. He replied, " I gave you victuals vlien you was hungry. Have you forgot the man who wrought you milk at Karrankalla? But," added he, vith a sigh, " the irons were not then upon my legs /" I mmediately recollected him, and begged some ground uts from Karfa to give him, as a return for his former dndness. He told me that he had been taken by the iambarrans the day after the battle at Joka, and sent o Sego, where he had been purchased by his present master, who was carrying him down to Kajaaga. Three more of these slaves were from Kaarta, and one from >Vassela, all of them prisoners of war. They stopped 'our days at Kamalia, and were then taken to Bala, vhere they remained until the river Kokoro was ford- ble, and the grass burnt. In the beginning of December, Karfa proposed to complete his purchase of slaves, and for this purpose collected all the debts which were owing to him in his own country ; and on the 1 9th, being accompanied by ;hree slatees, he departed for Kancaba, a large town on the banks of the Niger, and a great slave-market. Most of the slaves who are sold at Kancaba come from Bam- aarra ; for Mansong, to avoid the expense and danger of keeping all his prisoners at Sego, commonly sends them in small parties to be sold at the different trading :owns and as Kancaba is much resorted to by mer- chants, it is always well supplied with slaves, which are sent thither up the Niger in canoes. When Karfa departed from Kamalia, he proposed to return in the course of a month, and during his absence I was left to the care of a good old bushreen, who acted as school- master to the young people of Kamalia. Being now left alone, and at leisure to indulge my own reflections, it was an opportunity not to be neglect- ed of augmenting and extending the observations I had already made on the climate and productions of the country, and of acquiring a more perfect knowledge of the natives than it was possible for me to obtain in the course of a transient and perilous journey through the country. I endeavoured likewise to collect all the information I could concerning those important branches of African commerce, the trade for gold, ivory, and slaves. Such was my employment during the remain- der of my stay at Kamalia ; and I shall now proceed to lay before my readers the result of my researches and inquiries, avoiding, as far as I can, a repetition of those circumstances and observations which were related, as occasion arose, in the narrative of my journey* CHAPTER XX. Of the Climate and Seasons. Winds. Vegetable Productions. Population. General Observations on the Character and Dis- position of the Mandingoes, and a summary Account of their Manners and Habits of Life, their Marriages, &c. THE whole of my route, both in going and returning, having been confined to a tract of country bounded nearly by the 12th and 15th parallels of latitude, the reader must imagine that I found the climate in most places extremely hot, but no where did I feel the heat so intense and oppressive as in the camp at Benowm, of which mention lias been made in a former place. In some parts, where the country ascends into hills, the air is at all times comparatively cool, yet none of the districts which I traversed could properly be called mountainous. About the middle of June, the hot and sultry atmosphere is agitated by violent gusts of wind (called tornadoes), accompanied with thunder and rain. These usher in what is denominated "the rainy season," which continues until the month of November. During this time the diurnal rams are very heavy, and the pre- vailing winds are from the south-west. The termination 56 CLIMATE POPULATION. of the rainy season is likewise attended with violent tornadoes, after which the wind shifts to the north- east, and continues to blow from that quarter during the rest of the year. When the wind sets in from the north-east, it pro- duces a wonderful change in the face of the country. The grass soon becomes dry and withered, the rivers subside very rapidly, and many of the trees shed their leaves. About this period is commonly felt the harmat- tan, a dry and parching wind, blowing from the north- east, and accompanied by a thick smoky haze, through which the sun appears of a dull red colour. This wind, in passing over the great desert of Sahara, acquires a very strong attraction for humidity, and parches up every thing exposed to its current. It is, however, reckoned very salutary, particularly to Europeans, who generally recover their health during its continuance. I experienced immediate relief from sickness, both at Dr Laidley's and at Kamalia, during the harmattan. Indeed, the air during the rainy season is so loaded with moisture that clothes, shoes, trunks, and every thing that is not close to the fire, become damp and mouldy, and the inhabitants may be said to live in a sort of vapour bath ; but this dry wind braces up the solids, which were before relaxed, gives a cheerful flow of spirits, and is even pleasant to respiration. Its ill effects are, that it produces chaps in the lips, and afflicts many of the natives with sore eyes. Whenever the grass is sufficiently dry, the negroes set it on fire ; but in Ludamar, and other Moorish countries, this practice is not allowed, for it is upon the withered stubble that the Moors feed their cattle, until the return of the rains. The burning the grass in Manding ex- hibits a scene of terrific grandeur. In the middle of the night, I could see the plains and mountains, as far as my eye could reach, variegated with lines of fire, and the light reflected on the sky made the heavens appear in a blaze. In the day time, pillars of smoke were seen in every direction, while the birds of prey were observed hovering round the conflagration, and pouncing down upon the snakes, lizards, and other rep- tiles, which attempted to escape from the flames. This annual burning is soon followed by a fresh and sweet verdure, and the country is thereby rendered more healthful and pleasant. Of the most remarkable and important of the vege- table productions, mention has already been made ; and they are nearly the same in all the districts through which I passed. It is observable, however, that al- though many species of the edible roots which grow in the West India islands are found in Africa, yet I never saw, in any part of my journey, either the sugar-cane, the coffee, or the cocoa tree, nor could I learn, on in- quiry, that they were known to the natives. The pine- apple, and the thousand other delicious fruits, which the industry of civilised man (improving the bounties of nature) has brought to so great perfection in the tropical climates of America, are here equally unknown. I observed, indeed, a few orange and banana trees near the mouth of the Gambia, but whether they were indigenous, or were formerly planted there by some of the white traders, I could not positively learn. I suspect that they were originally introduced by the Portuguese. Concerning property in the soil, it appeared to me that the lands in native woods were considered as be- longing to the king, or (where the government was not monarchical) to the state. When any individual of free condition had the means of cultivating more land than he actually possessed, he applied to the chief man of the district, who allowed him an extension of territory, on condition of forfeiture if the lands were not brought into cultivation by a given period. The condition being fulfilled, the soil became vested in the possessor, and, for aught that appeared to me, descended to his heirs. The population, however, considering the extent and fertility of the soil, and the ease with which lands are obtained, is not very great in the countries which I visited. I found many extensive and beautiful districts entirely destitute of inhabitants, and, in general, the borders of the different kingdoms were either very thinly peopled or entirely deserted. Many places ara likewise unfavourable to population from being un- healthful. The swampy banks of the Gambia, the Sene- gal, and other rivers towards the coast, are of this description. Perhaps it is on this account chiefly that the interior countries abound more with inhabitants than the maritime districts ; for all the negro nations that fell under my observation, though divided into a num- ber of petty independent states, subsist chiefly by the same means, live nearly in the same temperature, and possess a wonderful similarity of disposition. The Man- dingoes, in particular, are a very gentle race, cheerful in their dispositions, inquisitive, credulous, simple, and fond of flattery. Perhaps the most prominent defect in their character was that insurmountable propensity, which the reader must have observed to prevail in all classes of them, to steal from me the few effects I was possessed of. For this part of their conduct no com- plete justification can be offered, because theft is a crime in their own estimation ; and it must be observed, that they are not habitually and generally guilty of it towards each other. This, however, is an important circumstance in mitigation ; and before we pronounce them a more depraved people than any other, it were well to consider whether the lower order of people in any part of Europe would have acted, under similar circum- stances, with greater honesty towards a stranger than the negroes acted towards me. It must not be forgotten that the laws of the country afforded me no protection ; that every one was at liberty to rob me with impunity ; and, finally, that some part of my effects were of as great value in the estimation of the negroes, as pearls and diamonds would have been in the eyes of a Euro- pean. Let us suppose a black merchant of Hindostan to have found his way into the centre of England, with a box of jewels at his back, and that the laws of the kingdom afforded him no security ; in such a case the wonder would be, not that the stranger was robbed of any part of his riches, but that any part was left for a second depredator. Such, on sober reflection, is the judgment I have formed concerning the pilfering dis- position of the Mandingo negroes towards myself. Not- withstanding I was so great a sufferer by it, I do not consider that their natural sense of justice was per- verted or extinguished : it was overpowered only, for the moment, by the strength of a temptation which it required no common virtue to resist. On the other hand, as some counterbalance to this depravity in their nature, allowing it to be such, it is impossible for me to forget the disinterested charity and tender solicitude with which many of these poor heathens (from the sovereign of Sego to the poor women who received me at different times into their cottages when I was perishing of hunger) sympathised with me in my sufferings, relieved my distresses, and contributed to my safety. This acknowledgment, how- ever, is perhaps more particularly due to the female part of the nation. Among the men, as the reader must have seen, my reception, though generally kind, was sometimes otherwise. It varied according to the various tempers of those to whom I made application. The hardness of avarice in some, and the blindness of bigotry in others, had closed up the avenues to com- passion ; but I do not recollect a single instance of hard-heartedness towards me in the women. In all my wanderings and wretchedness, I found them uniformly kind and compassionate ; and I can truly say, as my predecessor Mr Ledyard has eloquently said before me, " To a woman I never addressed myself in the lan- guage of decency and friendship, without receiving a decent and friendly answer. If I was hungry, or thirsty, wet, or sick, they did not hesitate, like the men, to perform a generous action. In so free and so kind a manner did they contribute to my relief, that if I was dry, I drank the sweetest draught, and if hungry, I ate the coarsest morsel, with a double relish." It is surely reasonable to suppose that the soft and amiable sympathy of nature, which was thus sponta- neously manifested towards me in my distress, is dis- played by these poor people, as occasion requires, much MANNERS OF THE MANDINGO WOMEN. more strongly towards persons of their own nation and neighbourhood, and especially when the objects of their compassion are endeared to them by the ties of con- sanguinity. Accordingly, the maternal affection (neither suppressed by the restraints, nor diverted by the soli- citudes of civilised life) is every where conspicuous among them, and creates a correspondent return of tenderness iu the child. An illustration of this has been already given : " Strike me," said my attendant, " but do not curse my mother." The same sentiment I found universally to prevail, and observed in all parts of Africa, that the greatest affront which could be offered to a negro was to reflect on her who gave him birth. It is not strange that this sense of filial duty and af- fection among the negroes should be less ardent towards the father than the mother. The system of polygamy, while it weakens the father's attachment by dividing it among the children of different wives, concentrate's all the mother's jealous tenderness to one point the protection of her own offspring. I perceived with great satisfaction, too, that the maternal solicitude extended not only to the growth and security of the person, but also, in a certain degree, to the improvement of the mind of the infant ; for one of the first lessons in which the Mandingo women instruct their children, is the practice of truth. The reader will probably recollect the case of the unhappy mother, whose son was mur- dered by the Moorish banditti at Funingkedy. Her only consolation in her uttermost distress was the re- flection that the poor boy, in the course of his blameless life, had never told a lie. Such testimony from a fond mother on such an occasion, must have operated power- fully on the youthful part of the surrounding spectators. It was at once a tribute of praise to the deceased, and a lesson to the living. The negro women suckle their children until they are able to walk of themselves. Three years' nursing is not uncommon, and during this period the husband devotes his whole attention to his other wives. To this practice it is owing, I presume, that the family of each wife is seldom very numerous. Few women have more than five or six children. As soon as an infant is able to walk, it is permitted to run about with great freedom. The mother is not over solicitous to preserve it from slight falls, and other trifling accidents. A little prac- tice soon enables a child to take care of itself, and ex- perience acts the part of a nurse. As they advance iu life, the girls are taught to spin cotton, and to beat corn, and are instructed in other domestic duties, and the boys are employed in the labours of the field. Both sexes, whether bushreens or kafirs, on attaining the age of puberty are circumcised. This painful operation is not considered by the kafirs so much in the light of a religious ceremony as a matter of convenience and utility. They have, indeed, a superstitious notion that it contributes to render the marriage state prolific. The operation is performed upon several young people at the same time, all of whom are exempted from every sort of labour for two months afterwards. During this period they form a society called solimana. They visit the towns and villages in the neighbourhood, where they dance and sing, and are well treated by the inha- bitants. I had frequently, in the course of my journey, observed parties of this description, but they were all males. I had, however, an opportunity of seeing a female solimana at Kamalia. In the course of this celebration, it frequently hap- pens that some of the young women get married. If a man takes a fancy to any one of them, it is not con- sidered as absolutely necessary that he should make an overture to the girl herself. The first object is to agree with the parents concerning the recompense to be given them for the loss of the company and services of their daughter. The value of two slaves is a common price, unless the girl is thought very handsome, in which case the parents will raise their demand very considerably. If the lover is rich enough, and willing to give the sum demanded, he then communicates his wishes to the damsel ; but her consent is by no means necessary to the match, for if the parents agree to it, and eat a few kolla nuts, which are presented by the suitor as an ear- nest of the bargain, the young lady must either have the man of their choice, or continue unmarried, for she cannot afterwards be given to another. If the parents should attempt it, the lover is then authorised, by the laws of the country, to seize upon the girl as his slave. When the day for celebrating the nuptials is fixed on, a select number of people are invited to be present at the wedding a bullock or goat is killed, and great plenty of victuals dressed for the occasion. As soon as it is dark, the bride is conducted into a hut, where a company of matrons assist in arranging the wedding- dress, which is always white cotton, and is put on in such a manner as to conceal the bride from head to foot. Thus arrayed, she is seated upon a mat in the middle of the floor, and the old women place themselves in a circle round her. They then give her a series of instructions, and point out, with great propriety, what ought to be her future conduct in life. This s*cene of instruction, however, is frequently interrupted by girls, who amuse the company with songs and dances, which are rather more remarkable for their gaiety than delicacy. While the bride remains within the hut with the women, the bridegroom devotes his attention to the guests of both sexes who assemble without doors, and by distributing among them small presents of kolla nuts, and seeing that every one partakes of the good cheer which is provided, he contributes much to the general hilarity of the evening. When supper is ended, the company spend the remainder of the night in singing and dancing, and seldom separate until daybreak. About midnight, the bride is privately conducted by the women into the hut which is to be her future residence, and the bridegroom, upon a signal given, retires from his com- pany. The newly married couple, however, are al- ways disturbed towards morning by the women, who assemble to inspect the nuptial sheet (according to the manners of the ancient Hebrews, as recorded in Scrip- ture), and dance round it. This ceremony is thought indispensably necessary, uor is the marriage considered as valid without it. The negroes, as hath been frequently observed, whe- ther Mahomedan or pagan, allow a plurality of wives. The Mahomedans alone are by their religion confined to four, and as the husband commonly pays a great price for each, he requires from all of them the utmost defe- rence and submission, and treats them more like hired servants than companions. They have, however, the management of domestic affairs, and each in rotation is mistress of the household, and has the care of dressing the victuals, overlooking the female slaves, &c. But though the African husbands are possessed of great authority over their wives, I did not observe that in general they treat them with cruelty, neither did I per- ceive that mean jealousy in their dispositions which is so prevalent among the Moors. They permit their wives to partake of all public diversions, and this indul- gence is seldom abused, for though the negro women are very cheerful and frank in their behaviour, they are by no means given to intrigue I believe that in- stances of conjugal infidelity are not common. When the wives quarrel among themselves a circumstance which, from the nature of their situation, must fre- quently happen the husband decides between them, and sometimes finds it necessary to administer a little corporal chastisement, before tranquillity can be re- stored. But if any one of the ladies complains to the chief of the town that her husband has unjustly pu- nished her, and shown an undue partiality to some other of his wives, the affair is brought to a public trial. In these palavers, however, which are conducted chiefly by married men, I was informed that the complaint of the wife is not always considered in a very serious light, and the complainant herself is sometimes con- victed of strife and contention, and left without re- medy. If she murmurs at the decision of the court, the magic rod of Mumbo Jumbo soon puts an end to the busines-. The children of the Mandiugoes are not always named NOTIONS AND BELIEF OF THE MANDINGOES. after their relations, but frequently in consequence of some remarkable occurrence. Thus, my landlord at Kamalia was called Karfa, a word signifying to replace, because he was born shortly after the death of one of his brothers. Other names are descriptive of good or bad qualities as Modi, a good man ; Fadibba, father of the town, &c. : indeed, the very names of their towns have something descriptive in them as Sibidooloo, the town of ciboa trees ; Kenneyeto, victuals here ; Dosita, lift your spoon. Others appear to be given by way of reproach as Bammakoo, wash a crocodile ; Karrankalla, no cup to drink from, &c. A child is named when it is seven or eight days old. The ceremony commences by shaving the infant's head ; and a dish called dega, made of pounded corn and sour milk, is prepared for the guests. If the parents are rich, a sheep or a goat is commonly added. This feast is called ding koon lee (the child's head shaving). During my stay at Kamalia, I was present at four different feasts of this kind, and the ceremony was the same in each, whether the child belonged to a bushreeu or a kafir. The schoolmaster, who officiated as priest on those occasions, and who is necessarily a bushreen, first said a long prayer over the dega, during which every person present took hold of the brim of the calabash with his right hand. After this, the schoolmaster took the child in his arms, and said a second prayer, in which he repeatedly solicited the blessing of God upon the child, and upon all the company. When this prayer was ended, he whispered a few sen- tences in the child's ear, and spat three times in its face, after which he pronounced its name aloud, and returned the infant to the mother. This part of the ceremony being ended, the father of the child divided the dega into a number of balls, one of which he distributed to every person present ; and inquiry was then made if any per- son in the town was dangerously sick, it being usual in such cases to send the party a large portion of the dega, which is thought to possess great medical virtues.* Among the negroes every individual, besides his own proper name, has likewise a kontong, or surname, to denote the family or clan to which he belongs. Some of these families are very numerous and powerful. It is impossible to enumerate the various kontongs which are found in different parts of the country, though the knowledge of many of them is of great service to the traveller, for as every negro plumes himself upon the importance or the antiquity of his clan, he is much flattered when he is addressed by his kontong. Salutations among the negroes to each other, when they meet, are always observed, but those in most general use among the kafirs are Abbe haeretto, Ening sent, Anawari, &c., all of which have neai'ly the same meaning, and signify " Are you well ?" or to that effect. There are likewise salutations which are used at diffe- rent times of the day, as Ening somo (" Good morning"), &c. The general answer to all salutations, is to repeat the kontong of the person who salutes, or else to repeat the salutation itself, first pronouncing the word Marhaba ("My friend.") CHAPTER XXI. The Account of the Mandingoes continued. Their Notions in respect of the Planetary Bodies, and the Figure of the Earth. Their Religious Opinions, and Belief in a Future State. Their Diseases and Methods of Treatment. Their Funeral Ceremonies, Amusements, Occupations, Diet, Arts, Manufac- tures, &c. THE Mandingoes, and I believe the negroes in general, have no artificial method of dividing time. They cal- culate the years by the number of rainy seasons. They portion the year into moons, and reckon the days by so many suns. The day they divide into morning, mid- day, and evening ; and farther subdivide it, when ne- cessary, by pointing to the sun's place in the heavens. * Soon after baptism, the children are marked in different parts of the skin, in a manner resembling what is called taiooing in the South Sea Islands. I frequently inquired of some of them what became of the sun during the night, and whether we should see the same sun, or a different one, in the morning ; but I found that they considered the question as very child- ish. The subject appeared to them as placed beyond the reach of human investigation they had never in- dulged a conjecture, nor formed any hypothesis, about the matter. The moon, by varying her form, has more attracted their attention. On the first appearance of the new moon, which they look upon to be newly created, the pagan natives, as well as Mahomedans, say a short prayer ; and this seems to be the only visible adoration which the kafirs offer up to the Supreme Being. This prayer is pronounced in a whisper the party holding up his hands before his face : its purport (as I have been assured by many different people) is to return thanks to God for his kindness through the existence of the past moon, and to solicit a continuation of his favour during that of the new one. At the conclusion, they spit upon their hands, and rub them over their faces. This seems to be nearly the same ceremony which prevailed among the heathens in the days of Job.* Great attention, however, is paid to the changes of this luminary in its monthly course, and it is thought very unlucky to begin a journey, or any other work of consequence, in the last quarter. An eclipse, whether of the sun or moon, is supposed to be effected by witch- craft. The stars are very little regarded ; and the whole study of astronomy appears to them as a useless pursuit, and attended to by such persons only as deal in magic. Their notions of geography are equally puerile. They imagine that the world is an extended plain, the termi- nation of which no eye has discovered it being, they say, overhung with clouds and darkness. They describe the sea as a large river of salt water, on the farther shore of which is situated a country called Tobaubo doo (the land of the white people). At a distance from Tobaubo doo, they describe another country, which they allege is inhabited by cannibals of gigantic size, called komi. This country they call Jong sang doo (the land where the slaves are sold). But of all countries in the world their own appeal's to them as the best, and their own people as the happiest ; and they pity the fate of other nations, who have been placed by Providence in less fertile and less fortunate districts. Some of the religious opinions of the negroes, though blended with the weakest credulity and superstition, are not unworthy attention. I have conversed with all ranks and conditions upon the subject of their faith, and can pronounce, without the smallest shadow of doubt, that the belief of one God, and of a future state of reward and punishment, is entire and universal among them. It is remarkable, however, that except on the appearance of a new moon, as before related, the pagan natives do not think it necessary to offer up prayers and supplications to the Almighty. They re- present the Deity, indeed, as the creator and preserver of _ all things; but in general they consider him as a being so remote, and of so exalted a nature, that it is idle to imagine the feeble supplications of wretched mortals can reverse the decrees, and change the pur- poses, of unerring wisdom. If they are asked, for what reason then do they offer up a prayer on the appear- ance of the new moon, the answer is, that custom has made it necessary they do it because their fathers did it before them. Such is the blindness of unassisted na- ture ! The concerns of this world, they believe, are com- mitted by the Almighty to the superintendence and di- rection of subordinate spirits, over whom they suppose that certain magical ceremonies have great influence. A white fowl, suspended to the branch of a particular tree, a snake's head, or a few handfuls of fruit, are of- ferings which ignorance and superstition frequently present, to deprecate the wrath, or to conciliate the favour, of these tutelary agents. But it is not often that the negroes make their religious opinions the sub- ject of conversation : when interrogated, in particular, concerning their ideas of a future state, they express * Chap. xxxi. ver. 26, 27, 28. MUSIC OF THE MANDINGOES. 59 themselves with great reverence, but endeavour to shorten the discussion by observing, Mo o mo into, ullo (" No man knows any thing about it.") They are con- tent, they say, to follow the precepts and examples of their forefathers, through the various vicissitudes of life ; and when this world presents no objects of enjoyment or of comfort, they seem to look with anxiety towards another, which they believe will be better suited to their natures, but concerning which they are far from in- dulging vain and delusive conjectures. The Mandingoes seldom attain extreme old age. At forty, most of them become grey-haired and covered with wrinkles, and but few of them survive the age of fifty-five or sixty. They calculate the years of their lives, as I have already observed, by the number of rainy seasons (there being but one such in the year), and distinguish each year by a particular name, founded on some remarkable occurrence which happened in that year. Thus, they say, the year of the Farbanna war the year of the Kaarta war the year on which Gadou was plundered, &c. &c. ; and I have no doubt that the year 1796 will in many places be distinguished by the name of tobaubo tambi sang (the year the white man passed), as such an occurrence would naturally form an epoch in their traditional history. But notwithstanding that longevity is uncommon among them, it appeared to me that their diseases are but few in number. Their simple diet, and active way of life, preserve them from many of those disorders which embitter the days of luxury and idleness. Fevers and fluxes are the most common and the most fatal. For these they generally apply saphies to different parts of the body, and perform a great many other su- perstitious ceremonies some of which are, indeed, well calculated to inspire the patient with the hope of re- covery, and divert his mind from brooding over his own danger but I have sometimes observed among them a more systematic mode of treatment. On the first attack of a fever, when the patient complains of cold, he is frequently placed in a sort of vapour bath. This is done by spreading branches of the nauclea orientalis upon hot wood embers, and laying the patient upon them, wrapped up in a large cotton cloth. Water is then sprinkled upon the branches, which descending to the hot embers, soon covers the patient with a cloud of vapour, in which he is allowed to remain until the embers are almost extinguished. This practice com- monly produces a profuse perspiration, and wonderfully relieves the sufferer. For the dysentery, they use the bark of different trees reduced to powder, and mixed with the patient's food ; but this practice is in general very unsuccessful. The other diseases which prevail among the negroes are the yaws, the elephantiasis, and a leprosy of the very worst kind. This last-mentioned complaint ap- pears at the beginning in scurfy spots upon different parts of the body, which finally settle upon the hands or feet, where the skin becomes withered, and cracks in many places. At length, the ends of the fingers swell and ulcerate the discharge is acrid and fetid the nails drop off, and the bones of the fingers become carious, and separate at the joints. In this manner the disease continues to spread, frequently until the patient loses all his fingers and toes. Even the hands and feet are sometimes destroyed by this inveterate malady, to which the negroes give the name of balla jou (incurable). The guinea worm is likewise very common in certain places, especially at the commencement of the rainy season. The negroes attribute this disease, which has been described by many writers, to bad water, and allege, that the people who drink from wells are more subject to it than those who drink from streams. To the same cause they attribute the swelling of the glands of the neck (goitres), which are very common in some parts of Bambarra. I observed also, in the interior countries, a few instances of simple gonorrhoea, but never the confirmed lues. On the whole, it appeared to me that the negroes are better surgeons than phy- sicians. I found them very successful in their manage- ment of fractures and dislocations, and their splints and bandages are simple and easily removed. The patient is laid upon a soft mat, and the fractured limb is fre- quently bathed with cold water. All abscesses they open with the actual cautery, and the dressings are composed of either soft leaves, shea butter, or cow's dung, as the case seems, in their judgment, to require. Towards the coast, where a supply of European lancets can be procured, they sometimes perform phlebotomy, and in cases of local inflammation a curious sort of cupping is practised. This operation is performed by making in- cisions in the part, and applying to it a bullock's horn, with a small hole in the end. The operator then takes a piece of bees' wax in his mouth, and putting his lipa to the hole, extracts the air from the horn, and, by a dexterous use of his tongue, stops up the hole with the wax. This method is found to answer the purpose, and in general produces a plentiful discharge. When a person of consequence dies, the relations and neighbours meet together, and manifest their sor- row by loud and dismal howlings. A bullock or goat is killed for such persons as come to assist at the fu- neral, which generally takes place in the evening of the same day on which the party died. The negroes have no appropriate burial places, and frequently dig the grave in the floor of the deceased's hut, or in the shade of a favourite tree. The body is dressed in white cotton, and wrapped up in a mat. It is carried to the grave, in the dusk of the evening, by the relations. If the grave is without the walls of the town, a number/ of prickly bushes are laid upon it to prevent the wolves from digging up the body, but I never observed that any stone was placed over the grave as a monument or memorial. Hitherto I have considered the negroes chiefly in a moral light, and confined myself to the most promi- nent features in their mental character ; their domestic amusements, occupations, and diet, their arts and manufactures, with some other subordinate objects, are now to be noticed. Of their music and dances, some account has inci- dentally been given in different parts of my journal. On the first of these heads, I have now to add a list of their musical instruments, the principal of which are the koonting, a sort of guitar with three strings ; the korro, a large harp, with eighteen strings ; the simbing, a small harp, with seven strings ; the balafou, an in- strument composed of twenty pieces of hard wood of different lengths, with the shells of gourds hung under- neath to increase the sound; the tangtang, a drum, open at the lower end ; and, lastly, the tabala, a large drum, commonly used to spread an alarm through the country. Besides these, they make use of small flutes, bowstrings, elephants' teeth, and bells ; and at all their dances and concerts, clapping of hands appears to con- stitute a necessary part of the chorus. With the love of music is naturally connected a taste for poetry ; and fortunately for the poets of Africa, they are in a great measure exempted from that ne- glect and indigence which in more polished countries commonly attend the votaries of the Muses. They con- sist of two classes ; the most numerous are the sing- ing men, called jilli kea, mentioned in a former part of my narrative. One or more of these may be found in every town. They sing extempore songs in honour of their chief men, or any other persons who are willing to give "solid pudding for empty praise." But a nobler part of their office is to recite the historical events of their country : hence, in war they accompany the soldiers to the field, in order, by reciting the great actions of their ancestors, to awaken in them a spirit of glorious emulation. The other class are devotees of the Mahomedan faith, who travel about the country sing- ing devout hymns, and performing religious ceremonies, to conciliate the favour of the Almighty, either in avert- ing calamity, or insuring success to any enterprise. Both descriptions of these itinerant bards are much employed and respected by the people, and very liberal contribu- tions are made for them. The usual diet of the negroes ia somewhat different MANUFACTURES OF THE MANDINGOES. in different districts ; in general, the people of free con- dition breakfast about daybreak upon gruel made of meal and water, with a little of the fruit of the tamarind to give it an acid taste. About two o'clock in the after- noon, a sort of hasty-pudding, with a little shea butter, is the common meal ; but the supper constitutes the principal repast, and is seldom ready before midnight. This consists almost universally of kouskous, with a small portion of animal food or shea butter mixed with it. In eating, the katirs, as well as Mahomedans, use the right hand only. The beverages of the pagan negroes are beer and mead, of each of which they frequently,drink to excess. The Mahomedan converts drink nothing but water. The natives of all descriptions take snuff and smoke tobacco ; their pipes are made of wood, with an earthen bowl of curious workmanship. But in the interior countries the greatest of all luxuries is salt. It would appear strange to a European to see a child suck a piece of rock-salt as if it were sugar. This, however, I have frequently seen, although, in the inland parts, the poorer class of inhabitants are so very rarely indulged with this precious article, that to say a man eats salt with his victuals, is the same as saying, he is a rich man. I have myself suffered great inconvenience from the scarcity of this article. The long use of vegetable food creates so painful a longing for salt, that no words can sufficiently describe it. The negroes in general, and the Mandingoes in par- ticular, are considered by the whites on the coast as an indolent and inactive people, I think without rea- son. The nature of the climate is, indeed, unfavour- able to great exertion ; but surely a people cannot justly be denominated habitually indolent, whose wants are supplied, not by the spontaneous productions of nature, but by their own exertions. Few people work harder, when occasion requires, than the Mandingoes, but not having many opportunities of turning to advan- tage the superfluous produce of their labour, they are content with cultivating as much ground only as is necessary for their own support. The labours of the field give them pretty full employment during the rains, and, in the dry season, the people who live in the vici- nity of large rivers employ themselves chiefly in fish- ing. The fish are taken in wicker baskets, or with small cotton nets, and are preserved by being first dried in the sun, and afterwards rubbed with shea butter, to prevent them from contracting fresh mois- ture. Others of the natives employ themselves in hunt- ing. Their weapons are bows and arrows ; but the arrows in common use are not poisoned.* They are very dexterous marksmen, and will hit a lizard on a tree, or any other small object, at an amazing distance. They likewise kill guinea-fowls, partridges, and pigeons, but never on the wing. While the men are occupied in these pursuits, the women are very diligent in manu- facturing cotton cloth. They prepare the cotton for spinning, by laying it in small quantities at a time upon a smooth stone or piece of wood, and rolling the seeds out with a thick iron spindle ; and they spin it with the distaff. The thread is not fine, but well twisted, and makes a very durable cloth. A woman with common diligence will spin from six to nine garments of this cloth in one year, which, according to its fineness, will sell for a minkalli and a half, or two miukallies each.f The weaving is performed by the men. The loom is made exactly upon the same principle as that of Europe, but so small and narrow, that the web is seldom more thau four inches broad. The shuttle is of the common * Poisoned arrows are used chiefly in war. The poison, which is said to be very deadly, is prepared from a shrub called koona (a species of echites), which is very common in the woods. The leaves of this shrub, when boiled with a small quantity of water, yield a thick black juice, into which the negroes dip a cotton thread : this thread they fasten round the iron of the arrow in such a manner that it is almost impossible to extract the arrow, when it has sunk beyond the barbs, without leaving the iron point and the poisoned thread in the wound. f A minkalli is a quantity of gold nearly equal in value to ten ehillings sterling. construction, but as the thread is coarse, the chamber is somewhat larger than the European. The women dye this cloth of a rich and lasting blue colour, by the following simple process : The leaves of the indigo, when fresh gathered, are pounded in a wooden mortar, and mixed in a large earthen jar, with a strong ley of wood ashes ; chamber-ley is sometime3 added. The cloth is steeped in this mixture, and allowed to remain until it has acquired the proper shade. In Kaarta and Ludamar. where the indigo is not plentiful, they collect the leaves and dry them in the sun ; and when they wish to use them, they reduce a sufficient quantity to powder, and mix it with the ley as before mentioned. Either way the colour is very beautiful, with a fine purple gloss, and equal, in my opinion, to the best Indian or European blue. This cloth is cut into various pieces, and sewed into gar- ments with needles of the natives' own making. As the arts of weaving, dyeing, sewing, &c. may easily be acquired, those who exercise them are not consider- ed in Africa as following any particular profession, for almost every slave can weave, and every boy can sew. The only artists which are distinctly acknowledged as such by the negroes, and who value themselves on exercising appropriate and peculiar trades, are the manufacturers of leather and of iron. The first of these are called karrankea (or, as the word is sometimes pro- nounced, gaungay). They are to be found in almost every town, and they frequently travel through the country in the exercise of their calling. They tan and dress leather with very great expedition, by steeping the hide first in a mixture of wood-ashes and water until it parts with the hair, and afterwards by using the pounded leaves of a tree called goo as an astringent. They are at great pains to render the hide as soft and pliant as possible, by rubbing it frequently between their hands, and beating* it upon a stone. The hides of bullocks are converted chiefly into sandals, and there- fore require less care in dressing than the skins of sheep and goats, which are used for covering quivers and saphies, and in making sheathes for swords and knives, belts, pockets, and a variety of ornaments. These skins are commonly dyed of a red or yellow colour ; the red, by means of millet stalks reduced to powder, and the yellow, by the root of a plant, the name of which I have forgotten. The manufacturers in iron are not so numerous as the karrankeas, but they appear to have studied their business with equal diligence. The negroes on the coast being cheaply supplied with iron from the European traders, never attempt the manufacturing of this article themselves ; but in the inland parts, the natives smelt this useful metal in such quantities, as not only to sup- ply themselves from it with all necessary weapons and instruments, but even to make it an article of commerce with some of the neighbouring states. During my stay at Kamalia, there was a smelting furnace at a short distance from the hut where I lodged, and the owner and his workmen made no secret about the manner of conducting the operation, and readily allowed me to examine the furnace, and assist them in breaking the ironstone. The furnace was a circular tower of clay, about ten feet high, and three feet in diameter, sur- rounded in two places with withes, to prevent the clay from cracking and falling to pieces by the violence of the heat. Round the lower part, 011 a level with the ground (but not so low as the bottom of the furnace, which was somewhat concave), were made seven open- ings, into every one of which were placed three tubes of clay, and the openings again plastered up in such a manner that no air could enter the furnace but through the tubes, by the opening and shutting of which they regulated the fire. These tubes were formed by plas- tering a mixture of clay and grass round a smooth roller of wood, which, as soon as the clay began to harden, was withdrawn, and the tube left to dry in the sun. The ironstone which I saw was very heavy, of a dull red colour, with greyish specks ; it was broken into pieces about the size of a hen's egg. A bundle of dry wood was first put into the furnace, and covered with a con- STATE AND SOURCES OF SLAVERY. 61 siderable quantity of charcoal, which was brought, ready burnt, from the woods. Over this was laid a stratum of ironstone, and then another of charcoal, and so on, until the furnace was quite full. The fire was applied through one of the tubes, and blown for some time with bellows made of goats' skins. The ope- ration went on very slowly at first, and it was some hours before the flame appeared above the furnace ; but after this, it burnt with great violence all the first night, and the people who attended put in at times more charcoal. On the day following the fire was not so fierce, and on the second night some of the tubes were withdrawn, and the air allowed to have freer access to the furnace ; but the heat was still very great, and a bluish flame rose some feet above the top of the furnace. On the third day from the commencement of the operation, all the tubes were taken out, the ends of many of them being vitrified with the heat ; but the metal was not removed until some days afterwards, when the whole was perfectly cool. Part of the fur- nace was then taken down, and the iron appeared in the form of a large irregular mass, with pieces of char- coal adhering to it. It was sonorous ; and when any portion was broken off, the fracture exhibited a granu- lated appearance, like broken steel. The owner in- formed me that many parts of this cake were useless, but still there was good iron enough to repay him for his trouble. This iron, or rather steel, is formed into various instruments by being repeatedly heated in a forge, the heat of which is urged by a pair of double bellows, of a very simple construction, being made of two goats' skins ; the tubes from which unite, before they enter the forge, and supply a constant and very- regular blast. The hammer, forceps, and anvil, are all very simple, and the workmanship (particularly in the formation of knives and spears) is not destitute of merit. The iron, indeed, is hard and brittle, and requires much labour before it can be made to answer the pur- pose. Most of the African blacksmiths are acquainted also with the method of smelting gold, in which process they use an alkaline salt, obtained from a ley of burnt corn- stalks evaporated to dryness. They likewise draw the gold into wire, and form it into a variety of ornaments, some of which are executed with a great deal of taste and ingenuity. Such is the chief information I obtained, concerning the present state of arts and manufactures in those re- gions of Africa which I explored in my journey. I might add, though it is scarce woi'thy of observation, that in Bambarra and Kaarta the natives make very beautiful baskets, hats, and other articles, both for use and ornament, from rushes, which they stain of differem colours ; and they contrive also to cover their calabashe: - with interwoven cane, dyed in the same manner. In all the laborious occupations above described, the master and his slaves work together, without any dis- tinction of superiority. Hired servants by which ] mean persons of free condition, voluntarily working foi pay are unknown in Africa ; and this observation na turally leads me to consider the condition of the slaves and the various means by which they are reduced to so miserable a state of servitude. This unfortunati class are found, I believe, in all parts of this extensivi country, and constitute a considerable branch of com merce with the states on the Mediterranean, as wel as with the nations of Europe. CHAPTER XXII. Observations concerning the State and Sources of Slavery in Africa. A STATE of subordination, and certain inequalities of rank and condition, are inevitable in every stage of civil society ; but when this subordination is carried to so great "a length that the persons and services of one part of the community are entirely at the disposal of another part, it may then be denominated a state of lavery, and in this condition of life, a great body of he negro inhabitants of Africa have continued from he most early period of their history, with this aggra- y ation, that their children are born to no other in- icritance. The slaves in Africa, I suppose, are nearly in the jroportion of three to one to the freemen. They claim 10 reward for their services except food and clothing, and are treated with kindness or severity, according to lie good or bad disposition of their masters; Custom,, lowever, has established certain rules with regard to the treatment of slaves, which it is thought dishonour- able to violate. Thus, the domestic slaves, or such as ire born in a man's own house, are treated with more enity than those which are purchased with money. The authority of the master over the domestic slave, as I ,iave elsewhere observed, extends only to reasonable correction ; for the master cannot sell his domestic, ivithout having first brought him to a public trial be- 'ore the chief men of the place.* But these restrictions on the power of the master extend not to the case of prisoners taken in war, nor to that of slaves purchased ivith money. All these unfortunate beings are con- sidered as strangers and foreigners, who have no right :o the protection of the law, and may be treated with severity, or sold to a stranger, according to the pleasure of their owners. There are, indeed, regular markets, ivhere slaves of this description are bought and sold, and the value of a slave, in the eye of an African pur- chaser, increases in proportion to his distance from his native kingdom ; for when slaves are only a few days' journey from the place of their nativity, they frequently effect their escape, but when one or more kingdoms intervene, escape being more difficult, they are more readily reconciled to their situation. On this account, the unhappy slave is frequently transferred from ono dealer to another, until he has lost all hopes of return- ing to his native kingdom. The slaves which are pur- chased by the Europeans on the coast are chiefly of this description. A few of them are collected in the petty wars, hereafter to be described, which take place near the coast, but by far the greater number are brought down in large caravans from the inland coun- tries, of which many are unknown, even by name, to the Europeans. The slaves which are thus brought from the interior may be divided into two distinct classes first, such as were slaves from their birth, having been born of enslaved mothers secondly, such as were born free, but who afterwards, by whatever means, became slaves. Those of the first description are by far the most numerous, for prisoners taken in war (at least such as are taken in open and declared war, when one kingdom avows hostilities against another) are generally of this description. The comparatively small proportion of free people to the enslaved through- out Africa, has already been noticed ; and it must bo observed, that men of free condition have many ad- vantages over the slaves, even in war time. They are in general better armed, and well mounted, and can either fight or escape with some hopes of success ; but the slaves, who have only their spears and bows, and of whom great numbers are loaded with baggage, be- come an easy prey. Thus, when Mansong, king of Bambarra, made war upon Kaarta (as I have related in a former chapter), he took in one day nine hundred prisoners, of which number not more than seventy were freemen. This account I received from Daman Jumma, who had thirty slaves at Kemmoo, all of whom were made prisoners by Mansong. Again, when a freeman is taken prisoner, his friends will sometimes ransom him, by giving two slaves in exchange ; but when a slave is taken, he has no hopes of such redemption. * In time of famine, the master is permitted to sell one or more of his domestics, to purchase provisions for his family ; and in case of the master's insolvency, the domestic slaves are some- times seized upon by the creditors, and if the master cannot re- deem them, they are liable to be sold for payment of his debts. These are the only cases that I recollect in which the domestic slaves are liable to be sold, without any misconduct or demerit of their own. 62 STATE AND SOURCES OF SLAVERY. To these disadvantages, it is to be added, that the sla- tees, who purchase slaves in the interior countries, and carry them down to the coast for sale, constantly prefer such as have been in that condition of life from their infancy, well knowing that these have been accustomed to hunger and fatigue, and are better able to sustain the hardships of a long and painful journey, than free- men ; and on their reaching the coast, if no opportunity offers of selling them to advantage, they can easily be made to maintain themselves by their labour ; neither are they so apt to attempt making their escape, as those who have once tasted the blessings of freedom. Slaves of the second description generally become such by one or other of the following causes : 1. Cap- tivity ; 2. Famine ; 3. Insolvency ; 4. Crimes. A free- man may, by the established customs of Africa, become a slave, by being taken in war. War is of all others the most productive source, and was probably the origin, of slavery, for when one nation had taken from another a greater number of captives than could be exchanged on equal terms, it is natural to suppose that the con- querors, finding it inconvenient to maintain their pri- soners, would compel them to labour at first, perhaps, only for their own support, but afterwards to support their masters. Be this as it may, it is a known fact, that prisoners of war in Africa are the slaves of the conquerors ; and when the weak or unsuccessful warrior begs for mercy beneath the uplifted spear of his oppo- nent, he gives up at the same time his claim to liberty, and purchases his life at the expense of his freedom. In a country divided into a thousand petty states, mostly independent and jealous of each other, where every freeman is accustomed to arms, and fond of mili- tary achievements, where the youth who has practised the bow and spear from his infancy, longs for nothing so much as an opportunity to display his valour, it is natural to imagine that wars frequently originate from very frivolous provocation. When one nation is more powerful than another, a pretext is seldom wanting for commencing hostilities. Thus, the war between Kajaaga and Kasson was occasioned by the detention of a fugi- tive slave that between Bambarra and Kaarta by the loss of a few cattle. Other cases of the same nature perpetually occur, in which the folly or mad ambition of their princes, and the zeal of their religious enthu- siasts, give full employment to the scythe of desolation. The wars of Africa are of two kinds, which are dis- tinguished by different appellations ; that species which bears the greatest resemblance to our European con- tests is denominated killi, a word signifying "to call out," because such wars are openly avowed and previ- ously declared. Wars of this description in Africa commonly terminate, however, in the course of a single campaign. A battle is fought the vanquished seldom think of rallying again the whole inhabitants become panic-struck and the conquerors have only to bind the slaves, and carry off their plunder and their victims. Such of the prisoners as, through age or infirmity, are unable to endure fatigue, or are found unfit for sale, are considered as useless, and, I have no doubt, are fre- quently put to death. The same fate commonly awaits a chief, or any other person who has taken a very distin- guished part in the war. And here it may be observed that, notwithstanding this exterminating system, it is surprising to behold how soon an African town is re- built and repeopled. The circumstance arises probably from this: that their pitched battles are few the weakest know their own situation, and seek safety in flight. When their country has been desolated, and their ruined towns and villages deserted by the enemy, such of the inhabitants as have escaped the sword and the chain generally return, though with cautious steps, to the place of their nativity for it seems to be the universal wish of mankind to spend the evening of their days where they passed their infancy. The poor negro feels this desire in its full force. To him no water is sweet but what is drawn from his own well, and no tree has so cool and pleasant a shade as the tabba tree* of * This is a large spreading tree (a species of stercutia) under which the beating is commonly placed. his native village. When war compels him to abandon the delightful spot in which he first drew his breath, and seek for safety in some other kingdom, his tune ia spent hi talking about the country of his ancestors ; and no sooner is peace restored than he turns his back upon the land of strangers, rebuilds with haste his fallen walls, and exults to see the smoke ascend from his na- tive village. The other species of African warfare is distinguished by the appellation of tegria (plundering or stealing). It arises from a sort of hereditary feud, which the in- habitants of one nation or district bear towards another. No immediate cause of hostility is assigned, or notice of attack given, but the inhabitants of each watch every opportunity to plunder and distress the objects of their animosity by predatory excursions. These are very common, pax-ticularly about the. beginning of the dry season, when the labour of the harvest is over and pro- visions are plentiful. Schemes of vengeance are then, meditated. The chief man surveys the number and activity of his vassals, as they brandish their spears at festivals, and, elated with his own importance, turns his whole thoughts towards revenging some depreda- tion or insult, which either he or his ancestors may have received from a neighbouring state. Wars of this description are generally conducted with great secrecy. A few resolute individuals, headed by some person of enterprise and courage, march quietly through the woods, surprise in the night some unpro- tected village, and carry off the inhabitants and their effects, before their neighbours can come to their as- sistance. One morning during my stay at Kamalia, we were all much alarmed by a party of this kind. The king of Fooladoo's son, with five hundred horse- men, passed secretly through the woods, a little to the southward of Kamalia, and on the morning following plundered three towns belonging to Madigai, a power- ful chief in Jallonkadoo. The success of this expedition encouraged the gover- nor of Bangassi, a town in Fooladoo, to make a second inroad upon another part of the same country. Having assembled about two hundred of his people, he passed the river Kokoro in the night, and carried off a great number of prisoners. Several of the inhabitants who had escaped these attacks were afterwards seized by the Mandingoes, as they wandered about in the woods, or concealed themselves in the glens and strong places of the mountains. These plundering excursions always produce speedy retaliation ; and when large parties cannot be collected for this purpose, a few friends will combine together, and advance into the enemy's country, with a view to plunder or carry off the inhabitants. A single indivi- dual has been known to take his bow and quiver, and proceed in like manner. Such an attempt is doubtless in him an act of rashness ; but when it is considered that in one of these predatory wars he has probably been deprived of his child or his nearest relation, his situation will rather call for pity than censure. The poor sufferer, urged on by the feelings of domestic or paternal attachment, and the ardour of revenge, con- ceals himself among the bushes, until some young or unarmed person passes by. He then, tiger-like, springs upon his prey, drags his victim into the thicket, and in the night carries him off as a slave. When a negro has, by means like these, once fallen into the hands of his enemies, he is either retained as the slave of his conqueror, or bartered into a distant kingdom ; for an African, when he has once subdued his enemy, will seldom give him an opportunity of lift- ing up his hand against him at a future period. A con- queror commonly disposes of his captives according to the rank which they held in their native kingdom. Such of the domestic slaves as appear to be of a mild dispo- sition, and particularly the young women, are retained as his own slaves. Others that display marks of discon- tent, are disposed of hi a distant country ; and such of the freemen or slaves as have taken an active part in the war, are either sold to the slatees, or put to death. War, therefore, is certainly the most general and most MODE OF COLLECTING GOLD DUST. 63 productive source of slavery, and the desolations of war often (but not always) produce the second cause of slavery, famine; in which case a freeman becomes a slave to avoid a greater calamity. Perhaps, by a philosophic and reflecting mind, death itself would scarcely be considered as a greater calamity than slavery, but the poor negro, when fainting with hunger, thinks like Esau of old : " Behold I am at the point to die, and what profit shall this birthright do to me ?" There are many instances of free men volun- tarily surrendering up their liberty to save their lives. During a great scarcity which lasted for three years, in the countries of the Gambia, great numbers of people became slaves in this manner. Dr Laidley assured me that at that time many free men came and begged, with great earnestness, to be put upon his slave-chain, to save them from perishing of hunger. Large families are very often exposed to absolute want ; and as the parents have almost unlimited authority over their children, it frequently happens, in all parts of Africa, that some of the latter are sold to purchase provisions for the rest of the family. When I was at Jarra, Da- man Jumma pointed out to me three young slaves whom he had purchased in this manner. I have already related another instance which I saw at Wonda ; and L was informed that in Fooladoo, at that time, it was a very common practice. The third cause of slavery is insolvency. Of all the offences (if insolvency may be so called) to which the laws of Africa have affixed the punishment of slavery, this is the most common. A negro trader commonly contracts debts on some mercantile speculation, either from his neighbours, to purchase such articles as will sell to advantage in a distant market, or from the Eu- ropean traders on the coast payment to be made in a given time. In both cases, the situation of the adven- turer is exactly the same. If he succeeds, he may se- cure an independency : if he is unsuccessful, his person and services are at the disposal of another ; for in Africa, not only the effects of the insolvent, but even the in- solvent himself, is sold to satisfy the lawful demands of his creditors.* The fourth cause above enumerated is, the commission of crimes on which the laws of the country affix slavery as a punishment. In Africa, the only offences of this class are murder, adultery, and witchcraft, and I am happy to say that they did not appear to me to be com- mon. In cases of murder, I was informed that the nearest relation of the deceased had it in his power, after conviction, either to kill the offender with his own hand, or sell him into slavery. When adultery occurs, it is generally left to the option of the person injured either to sell the culprit, or accept such a ransom for gjiim as he may think equivalent to the injury he has sustained. By witchcraft is meant pretended magic, by which the lives or healths of persons are affected ; in other words, it is the administering of poison. No trial for this offence, however, came under my obser- vation while I was in Africa, and I therefore suppose that the crime, and its punishment, occur but very seldom. When a free man has become a slave by any one of the causes before mentioned, he generally continues so for life, and his children (if they are born of an en- slaved mother) are brought up in the same state of * When a negro takes up goods on credit from any of the Euro- peans on the coast, and does not make payment at the time ap- pointed, the European is authorised, by the laws of the country, to seize upon the debtor himself, if he can find him, or, if he cannot be found, on any person of his family; or, in the last re. sort, on any native of the same kingdom. The person thus seized on is detained, while his friends are sent in quest of the debtor. When he is found, a meeting is called of the chief people of the place, and the debtor is compelled to ransom his friend by fulfill- ing his engagements. If he is unable to do this, his person is im- mediately secured and sent down to the coast, and the other re- leased. If the debtor cannot be found, the person seized on is obliged to pay double the amount of the debt, or is himself sold into slavery. I was given to understand, however, that this part of the law is seldom enforced. servitude. There are, however, a few instances of slaves obtaining their freedom, and sometimes even with the consent of their masters, as by performing some singular piece of service, or by going to battle and bringing homo two slaves as a ransom ; but the common way of regaining freedom is by escape, and when slaves have once set their minds on running away, they often succeed. Some of them will wait for years before an opportunity presents itself, and during that period show no signs of discontent. In general, it may be remarked, that slaves who come from a hilly country, and have been much accustomed to hunting and travel, are more apt to attempt their escape than such as are born in a flat country, and have been em- ployed in cultivating the land. Such are the general outlines of that system of slavery which prevails in Africa, and it is evident, from its nature and extent, that it is a system of no modern date. It probably had its origin in the remote ages of antiquity, before the Mahomedans explored a path across the desert. How far it is maintained and sup- ported by the slave traffic, which, for two hundred years, the nations of Europe have carried on with the natives of the coast, it is neither within my province nor in my power to explain. If my sentiments should be required concerning the effect which a discontinu- ance of that commerce would produce on the manners of the natives, I should have no hesitation in observing, that, in the present unenlightened state of their minds, my opinion is, the effect would neither be so extensive or beneficial as many wise and worthy persons fondly expect. CHAPTER XXIII. Of Gold Dust, and the Manner in which it is Collected Process of Washing it Its value in Africa. Of Ivory Surprise of the Negroes at the Eagerness of the Europeans for this Commodity. Scattered Teeth frequently picked up in the Woods. Mode of Hunting the Elephant. Some Reflections on the unimproved State of the Country, &c. THOSE valuable commodities, gold and ivory (the next objects of our inquiry), have probably been found in Africa from the first ages of the world. They are reckoned among its most important productions in the earliest records of its history. It has been observed, that gold is seldom or never dis- covered, except in mountainous and barren countries- nature, it is said, thus making amends in one way for her penuriousness in the other. This, however, is not wholly true. Gold is found in considerable quantities throughout every part of Handing, a country which is indeed hilly, but cannot properly be called mountain- ous, much less barren. It is also found in great plenty in Jallonkadoo (particularly about Boori), another hilly, but by no means an infertile, country. It is remarkable that in the place last mentioned (Boori), which is situ- ated about four days' journey to the south-west of Kamalia, the salt-market is often supplied at the same time with rock-salt from the Great Desert and sea-salt from the Rio Grande ; the price of each, at this distance from its source, being nearly the same, and the dealers in each, whether Moors from the north or negroes from the west, are invited thither by the same motives that of bartering their salt for gold. The gold of Handing, so far as I could learn, is never found in any matrix or vein, but always in small grains nearly in a pure state, from the size of a pin's head to that of a pea, scattered through a large body of sand or clay, and in this state it is called by the Mandingoes sanoo munko (gold powder). It is, how- ever, extremely probable, by what I could learn of the situation of the ground, that most of it has originally been washed down by repeated torrents from the neighbouring hills. The manner in which it is collected is nearly as follows : About the beginning of December, when the harvest is over, and the streams and torrents have greatly sub- sided, the mansa or chief of the town appoints a day to 64 MODE OF COLLECTING GOLD DUST. begin sanoo koo (gold washing), and the women are sure to have themselves in readiness by the time appointed. A hoe or spade for digging up the sand, two or three calabashes for washing it in, and a few quills for con- taining the gold dust, are all the implements necessary for the purpose. On the morning of their departure, a bullock is killed for the first day's entertainment, and a number of prayers and charms are used to ensure success, for a failure on that day is thought a bad omen. The mansa of Kamalia, with fourteen of his people, were I remember so much disappointed in their first day's washing, that very few of them had resolution to persevere, and the few that did had but very indifferent success ; which indeed is not much to be wondered at, for instead of opening some untried place, they con- tinued to dig and wash in the same spot where they had dug and washed for years, and where, of course, but few large grains could be left. The washing the sands of the streams is by far the easiest way of obtaining the gold dust ; but in most places the sands have been so narrowly searched be- fore, that unless the stream takes some new course, the gold is found but in small quantities. While some of the party are busied in washing the sands, others em- ploy themselves farther up the torrent, where the rapi- dity of the stream has carried away all the clay, sand, &c., and left nothing but small pebbles. The search among these is a very troublesome task. I have seen women who have had the skin worn off the tops of their fingers in this employment. Sometimes, however, they are rewarded by finding pieces of gold, which they call sanoo birro (gold stones), that amply repay them for their trouble. A woman and her daughter, inhabitants of Kamalia, found in one day two pieces of this kind ; one of five drachms, and the other of three drachms weight. But the most certain and profitable mode of washing is practised in the height of the dry season, by digging a deep pit, like a draw-well, near some hill which has previously been discovered to contain gold. The pit is dug with small spades or corn hoes, and the earth is drawn up in large calabashes. As the negroes dig through the different strata of clay or sand, a calabash or two of each is washed by way of experiment ; and in this manner the labourers proceed, until they come to a stratum containing gold, or until they are ob- structed by rocks, or inundated by water. In general, when they come to a stratum of fine reddish sand, with small black specks therein, they find gold in some pro- portion or other, and send up large calabashes full of the sand, for the women to wash ; for though the pit is dug by the men, the gold is always washed by the women, who are accustomed from their infancy to a similar operation in separating the husks of corn from the meal. As I never descended into any one of these pits, I cannot say in what manner they are worked under ground. Indeed, the situation in which I was placed made it necessary for me to be cautious not to incur the suspicion of the natives, by examining too far into the riches of their country ; but the manner of sepa- rating the gold from the sand is very simple, and is frequently performed by the women in the middle of the town ; for when the searchers return from the valleys in the evening, they commonly bring with them each a calabash or two of sand, to be washed by such of the females as remain at home. The operation is simply as follows : A portion of sand or clay (for the gold is sometimes found in a brown-coloured clay) is put into a large calabash, and mixed with a sufficient quantity of water. The woman whose office it is, then shakes the calabash in such a manner as to mix the sand and water toge- ther, and give the whole a rotatory motion at first gently, but afterwards more quick, until a small por- tion of sand and water, at every revolution, flies over the brim of the calabash. The sand thus separated is only the coarsest particles mixed with a little muddy water. After the operation has been continued for some time, the sand is allowed to subside, and the water poured off; a portion of coarse sand, which is now uppermost in the calabash, is removed by the hand, and fresh water being added, the operation is repeated until the water comes off almost pure. The woman now takes a second calabash, and shakes the sand and water gently from the one to the other, reserving that portion of sand which is next the bottom of the calabash, and which is most likely to contain the gold. This small quantity is mixed with some pure water, and being moved about in the calabash, is carefully examined. If a few particles of gold are picked out, the contents of the other calabash are examined in the same man- ner ; but in general the party is well contented, if she can obtain three or four grains from the contents of both calabashes. Some women, however, by long prac- tice, become so well acquainted with the nature of the sand, and the mode of washing it, that they will collect gold where others cannot find a single particle. The gold dust is kept in quills stopped up with cotton ; and the washers are fond of displaying a number of these quills in their hair. Generally speaking, if a person uses common diligence, in a proper soil, it is supposed that as much gold may be collected by him in the course of the dry season as is equal to the value of two slaves. Thus simple is the process by which the negroes ob- tain gold in Handing ; arid it is evident, from this ac- count, that the country contains a considerable portion of this precious metal, for many of the smaller particles must necessarily escape the observation of the naked eye ; and as the natives generally search the sands of streams at a considerable distance from the hills, and consequently far removed from the mines where the gold was originally produced, the labourers are some- times but ill paid for their trouble. Minute particles only of this heavy metal can be carried by the current to any considerable distance ; the larger must remain deposited near the original source from whence they came. Were the gold-bearing streams to be traced to their fountains, and the hills from whence they spring properly examined, the sand in which the gold is there deposited would no doubt be found to contain particles of a much larger size ;* and even the small grains might be collected to considerable advantage by the use of quicksilver, and other improvements, with which the natives are at present unacquainted. Part of this gold is converted into ornaments for the women, but in general these ornaments are more to be admired for their weight than their workmanship. They are massy and inconvenient, particularly the ear- rings, which are commonly so heavy as to pull down and lacerate the lobe of the ear ; to avoid which, they are supported by a thong of red leather, which passes over the crown of the head from one -ear to the other. The necklace displays greater fancy, and the proper ar- rangement of the different beads and plates of gold is^ the great criterion of taste and elegance. When a lady' of consequence is in full dress, her gold ornaments may be worth altogether from fifty to eighty pounds sterling. A small quantity of gold is likewise employed by the slatees, in defraying the expenses of their journeys to and from the coast, but by far the greater proportion is annually carried away by the Moors in exchange for salt and other merchandise. During my stay at Ka- malia, the gold collected by the different traders at that place, for salt alone, was nearly equal to one hundred and ninety-eight pounds sterling ; and as Kamalia is but a small town, and not much resorted to by the trading Moors, this quantity must have borne a very small pro- portion to the gold collected at Kancaba, Kankaree, and some other large towns. The value of salt in this part of Africa is very great. One slab, about two feet and a half in length, fourteen inches in breadth, and two inches in thickness, will sometimes sell for about * I am informed that the gold mine, as it is called, in Wicklow, in Ireland, which was discovered in the year 1795, is near the top, and upon the steep elope, of a mountain. Here pieces of gold of several ounces' weight were frequently found. What would have been gold dust two miles below, was here golden gravel ; that is, each grain was like a small pebble in size, and one piece \vas| found which weighed near twenty-two ounces troy. TRADE IN IVORY. 65 two pounds ten shillings sterling, and from one pound fifteen .shillings to two pounds may be considered as the common price. Four of these slabs are considered as a load for an ass, and six for a bullock. The value of European merchandise in Handing varies very much, according to the supply from the coast, or the dread of war in the country, but the return for such articles is commonly made in slaves. The price of a prime slave, when I was at Kamalia, was from nine to twelve min- kallies, and European commodities had then nearly the following value : If) gun flints, ") 48 leaves of tobacco, , ,. ' , } one minkalh. 20 charges of gunpowder, I A cutlass, J A musket, from three to four minkallies. The produce of the country, and the different neces- saries of life, when exchanged for gold, Sold as follows: Common provisions for one day, the weight of one teeleekissl (a black bean, six of which make the weight of one minkalli) a chicken, one teelee-kissi a sheep, three teelee-kissi- a bullock, one minkalli a horse, from ten to seventeen minkallies. The negroes weigh the gold in small balances, which they always carry about them. They make no diffe- rence, in point of value, between gold dust and wrought gold. In bartering one article for another, the person who receives the gold always weighs it with his own teelee-kissi. These beans are sometimes fraudulently soaked in shea-butter to make them heavy, and I once saw a pebble ground exactly into the form of one of them ; but such practices are not very common. Having now related the substance of what occurs to my recollection concerning the African mode of obtain- ing gold from the earth, and its value in barter, I pro- ceed to the next article of which I proposed to treat, namely, ivory. Nothing creates a greater surprise among the negroes OTI the sea-coast, than the eagerness displayed by the European traders to procure elephants' teeth it being exceedingly difficult to make them comprehend to what use it is applied. Although they are shown knives with ivory hafts, combs, and toys of the same material, and are convinced that the ivory thus manufactured was originally parts of a tooth, they are not satisfied. They suspect that this commodity is more frequently con- verted in Europe to purposes of far greater importance, the true nature of which is studiously concealed from them, lest the price of ivory should be enhanced. They cannot, they say, easily persuade themselves, that ships would be built, and voyages undertaken, to procure an article which had no other value than that of furnish- ing handles to knives, &c., when pieces of wood would answer the purpose equally well. Elephants are very numerous in the interior of Africa, but they appear to be a distinct species from those found in Asia. Blumenbach, in his figures of objects of natural history, has given good drawings of a grinder of each, and the variation is evident. M. Cuvier also has given, in the Magazin Encyclopedique, a clear account of the difference between them. As I never examined the Asiatic elephant, I have chosen rather to refer to those writers than advance this as an opinion of my own. It has been said that the Afri- can elephant is of a less docile nature than the Asiatic, and incapable of being tamed. The negroes certainly do not at present tame them ; but when we consider that the Carthaginians had always tame elephants in their armies, and actually transported some of them to Italy in the course of the Punic wars, it seems more likely that they should have possessed the art of taming their own elephants, than have submitted to the expense of bringing such vast animals from Asia. Perhaps the barbarous practice of hunting the African elephants for the sake of their teeth, has rendered them more un- tractable and savage than they were found to be in former times. The greater part of the ivory which is sold on the < Gambia and Senegal rivers, is brought from the interior country. The lands towards the coast are too swampy, and too much intersected with creeks and rivers, for so bulky an animal as the elephant to travel through without being discovered ; and when once the natives discern the marks of his feet in the earth, the whole village is up in arms. The thoughts of feasting on his flesh, making sandals of his hide, and selling the teeth to the Europeans, inspire every one with courage, and the animal seldom escapes from his pursuers ; but in the plains of Bambarra and Kaarta, and the extensive wilds of Jallonkadoo, the elephants are very numerous, and, from the great scarcity of gunpowder in those districts, they are less annoyed by the natives. Scattered teeth are frequently picked up in the woods, and travellers are very diligent in looking for them. It is a common practice with the elephant to thrust his teeth under the roots of such shrubs and bushes as grow in the more dry and elevated parts of the country, where the soil is shallow. These bushes he easily overturns, and feeds on the roots, which are hi general more tender and juicy than the hard woody branches or the foliage ; but when the teeth are partly decayed by age, and the roots more firmly fixed, the great exertions of the animal in this practice frequently cause them to break short. At Kamalia I saw two teeth, one a very large one, which were found in the woods, and which were evidently broken off in this manner. Indeed, it is difficult otherwise to account for such a large proportion of broken ivory as is daily offered for sale at the different factories, for when the elephant is killed hi hunting, unless he dashes himself over a precipice, the teeth are always extracted entire. There are certain seasons of the year when the ele- phants collect into large herds, and traverse the coun- try in quest of food or water ; and as all that part of the country to the north of the Niger is destitute of rivers, whenever the pools in the woods are dried up, the elephants approach towards the banks of that river. Here they continue until the commencement of tho rainy season, in the months of June or July, and dur- ing this time they are much hunted by such of the Bambarrans as have gunpowder to spare. The ele- phant-hunters seldom go out singly a party of four or five join together, and having each furnished himself with powder and bail, and a quantity of corn-meal in a leather bag sufficient for five or six days' provision, they enter the most unfrequented parts of the wood, and examine with great care every thing that can lead to the discovery of the elephants. In this pursuit, notwithstanding the bulk of the animal, very great nicety of observation is required. The broken branches, the scattered dung of the animal, and the marks of his feet, are carefully inspected ; and many of the hunters have, by long experience and attentive observation, become so expert in their search, that as soon as they observe the footmarks of an elephant, they will tell almost to a certainty at what time it passed, and at what distance it will be found. When they discover a herd of elephants, they follow them at a distance, until they perceive some one stray from the rest, and come into such a situation as to be fired at with advantage. The hunters then approach with great caution, creeping amongst the long grass, until they have got near enough to be sure of their aim. They then discharge all their pieces at once, and throw themselves on their faces among the grass. The wounded elephant immediately applies his trunk to the different wounds, but being unable to extract the balls, and seeing nobody near him, he becomes quite furious, and runs about amongst the bushes, until by fatigue and loss of blood he has exhausted himself, and affords the hunters an opportunity of firing a second time at him, by which he is generally brought to the ground. The skin is now taken off, and extended on the ground with pegs to dry ; and such parts of the flesh as are most esteemed are cut up into thin slices, and dried in the sun, to serve for provisions on some future occasion. The teeth are struck out with a light hatchet, which the hunters always carry along with them, not only for that purpose, but also to enable them to cut down such trees as contain honey ; for though they carry with them 66 SCRIPTURAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE NEGROES. only five or six days' provisions, they will remain in the woods for months, if they are successful, and support themselves upon the flesh of such elephants as they kill, and wild honey. The ivory thus collected is seldom brought down to the coast by the hunters themselves. They dispose of it to the itinerant merchants, who come annually from the coast with arms and ammunition to purchase this valuable commodity. Some of these merchants will collect ivory in the course of one season sufficient to load four or five asses. A great quantity of ivory is likewise brought from the interior by the slave coflies; there are, however, some slatees of the Mahomedan persuasion, who, from motives of religion, will not deal in ivory, nor eat of the flesh of the elephant, unless it lias been killed with a spear. The quantity of ivory collected in this part of Africa is not so great, nor are the teeth in general so large, as in the countries nearer the line : few of them weigh more than eighty or one hundred pounds, and, upon an ave- rage, a bar of European merchandise may be reckoned as the price of a pound of ivory. I have now, I trust, in this and the preceding chap- ters, explained with sufficient minuteness the nature and extent of the commercial connection which at pre- sent prevails, and has long subsisted, between the negro natives of those parts of Africa which I visited, and the nations of Europe ; and it appears, that slaves, gold, and ivory, together with the few articles enumerated in the beginning of my work, viz. bees' wax and honey, hides, gums, and dye-woods, constitute the whole catalogue of exportable commodities. Other productions, however, have been incidentally noticed as the growth of Africa, such as grain of different kinds, tobacco, indigo, cotton- wool, and perhaps a few others ; but of all these (which can only be obtained by cultivation and labour), the na- tives raise sufficient only for their own immediate ex- penditure, nor, under the present system of their laws, manners, trade, and government, can any thing farther be expected from them. It cannot, however, admit of a doubt, that all the rich and valuable productions, both of the East and West Indies, might easily be natural- ised, and brought to the utmost perfection, in the tro- pical parts of this immense continent. Nothing is want- ing to this end but example to enlighten the minds of the natives, and instruction to enable them to direct their industry to proper objects. It was not possible for me to behold the wonderful fertility of the soil, the vast herds of cattle, proper both for labour and food, and a variety of other circumstances favourable to co- lonisation and agriculture and reflect, withal, oil the means which presented themselves of a vast inland na- vigation without lamenting that a country so abun- dantly gifted and favoured by nature, should remain in its present savage and neglected state. Much more did I lament, that a people of manners and dispositions so gentle and benevolent, should either be left as they now are, immersed in the gross and uncomfortable blindness of pagan superstition, or permitted to become converts to a system of bigotry and fanaticism, which, without enlightening the mind, often debases the heart. On this subject many observations might be made, but the reader will probably think that I have already di- gressed too largely ; and I now, therefore, return to my situation at Kamalia. CHAPTER XXIV. Transactions at Kamalia resumed. Arabic MSS. in TJ;o among the Mahomedan Negroes. Reflections concerning the Conver- sion and Education of the Negro Children. Return of the Author's benefactor, Karfa. Farther Account of the Purchase and Treatment of Slaves. Fast of Rhamadan, how observed by the Negroes. Author's Anxiety for the Day of Departure. The Caravan sets out. Account of it on its Departure, and Proceedings on the Road, until its arrival at Kinytakooro. THE schoolmaster to whose care I was intrusted during the absence of Karfa, was a man of a mild disposition and gentle manners ; his .name was Fankooma, and although he himself adhered strictly to the religion of Mahomet, he was by no means intolerant in his prin- ciples towards others who differed from him. He spent much of his tune in reading, and teaching appeared to be his pleasure as well as employment. His school consisted of seventeen boys, most of whom were sons of kafirs, and two girls, one of whom was Karfa's own daughter. The girls received their instructions in the daytime, but the boys always had their lessons by the light of a large fire before daybreak, and again late in the evening ; for being considered, during their scholar- ship, as the domestic slaves of the master, they were employed in planting corn, bringing firewood, and in other servile offices, through the day. Exclusive of the Koran, and a book or two of com- mentaries thereon, the schoolmaster possessed a variety of manuscripts which had partly been purchased from the trading Moors, and partly borrowed from bushreens in the neighbourhood, and copied with great care. Other MSS. had been produced to me at different places in the course of my journey ; and on recounting those I had before seen, and those which were now shown to me, and interrogating the schoolmaster on the subject, I discovered that the negroes are in possession, (among others) of an Arabic version of the Pentateuch of Moses, which they call Taureta la Moosa. This is so highly esteemed that it is often sold for the value of one prime slave. They have likewise a version of the Psalms of David (Zabora Dawidi) ; and, lastly, the book of Isaiah, which they call Lingeeli la Isa, and it is in very high esteem. I suspect, indeed, that in all these copies there are interpolations of some of the peculiar tenets of Mahomet, for I could distinguish in many passages the name of the Prophet. It is possible, how- ever, that this circumstance might otherwise have been accounted for, if my knowledge of the Arabic had been more extensive. By means of those books, many of the converted negroes have acquired an acquaintance with some of the remarkable events recorded in the Old Testament. The account of our first parents, the death of Abel, the deluge, the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the story of Joseph and his brethren, the history of Moses, David, Solomon, &c., all these have been related to me, in the Mandingo language, with tolerable exactness by different people, and my sur- prise was not greater on hearing these accounts from the lips of the negroes, than theirs on finding that I was already acquainted with them ; for although the ne- groes in general have a very great idea of the wealth and power of the Europeans, I am afraid that the Mahomedan converts among them think but very lightly of our superior attainments in religious know- ledge. The white traders in the maritime districts take* no pains to counteract this unhappy prejudice, always performing their own devotions in secret, and seldom condescending to converse with the negroes in a friendly and instructive manner. To me, therefore, it was not so much the subject of wonder as matter of regret, to observe, that while the superstition of Mahomet has in this manner scattered a few faint beams of learning among these poor people, the precious light of Chris- tianity is altogether excluded. I could not but lament, that although the coast of Africa has now been known and frequented by the Europeans for more than two hundred years, yet the negroes still remain entire strangers to the doctrines of our holy religion. We are anxious to draw from obscurity the opinions and re- cords of antiquity, the beauties of Arabian and Asiatic literature, &c. ; but while our libraries are thus stored with the learning of various countries, we distribute with a parsimonious hand the blessings of religious truth to the benighted nations of the earth. The natives of Asia derive but little advantage in this respect from an intercourse with us ; and even the poor Africans, whom we affect to consider as barbarians, look upon us, I fear, as little better than a race of formidable but ignorant heathens. When I produced Richardson's Arabic Grammar to some slatees on the Gambia, they were astonished to think that any European should NEGRO SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. 67 understand and write the sacred language of their re- ligion. At first, they suspected that it might have been written by some of the slaves carried from the coast, but, on a closer examination, they were satisfied that no bushreen could write such beautiful Arabic, and one of them offered to give me an ass, and sixteen bars of goods, if I would part with the book. Perhaps a short and easy introduction to Christianity, such as is found in some of the catechisms for children, ele- gantly printed in Arabic, and distributed on different parts of the coast, might have a wonderful effect. The expense would be but trifling ; curiosity would induce many to read it ; and the evident superiority which it would possess over their present manuscripts, both in point of elegance and cheapness, might at last obtain it a place among the school-books of Africa. The reflections which I have thus ventured to submit to my readers on this important subject, naturally sug- gested themselves to my mind on perceiving the en- couragement which was thus given to learning (such as it is) in many parts of Africa. I have observed that the pupils at Kamalia were most of them the children of pagans their parents therefore could have had no predilection for the doctrines of Mahomet. Their aim was their children's improvement; and if a more enlightened system had presented itself, it would pro- bably have been preferred. The children, too, wanted not a spirit of emulation, which it is the aim of the tutor to encourage. When any one of them has read through the Koran, and performed a certain number of public prayers, a feast is prepared by the school- master, and the scholar undergoes an examination, or (in European terms) iakes out his degree. I attended at three different inaugurations of this sort, and heard with pleasure the distinct and intelligent answers which the scholars frequently gave to the bushreens, who as- sembled on those occasions and acted as examiners. "When the bushreens had satisfied themselves respect- ing the learning and abilities of the scholar, the last page of the Koran was put into his hand, and he was desired to read it aloud : after the boy had finished this lesson, he pressed the paper against his forehead, and pronounced the word Amen, upon which all the bushreens rose, and shaking him cordially by the hand, bestowed upon him the title of bushreen. When a scholar has undergone this examination, his parents are informed that he has completed his educa- tion, and that it is incumbent on them to redeem their son, by giving to the schoolmaster a slave, or the price of a slave, in exchange, which is always done, if the parents can afford to do it ; if not, the boy remains the domestic slave of the schoolmaster until he can, by hi own industry, collect goods sufficient to ransom himself About a week after the departure of Karfa, three Moors arrived at Kamalia with a considerable quantity of salt, and other merchandise, which they had obtaine " on credit from a merchant of Fezzan, who had lately arrived at Kancaba. Their engagement was to pay him his price when the goods were sold, which they expectec would be in the course of a month. Being rigid bush- reens, they were accommodated with two of Karfa's huts, and sold their goods to very great advantage. On the 24th of January, Karfa returned to Kamalia with a number of people, and thirteen prime slave? whom he had purchased. He likewise brought with hiir a young girl whom he had married at Kancaba, as his fourth wife, and had given her parents three prim slaves for her. She was kindly received at the door o the baloon by Karfa's other wives, who conducted theii new acquaintance and copartner into one of the bes huts, which they had caused to be swept and white washed on purpose to receive her.* My clothes were by this time become so very ragge that I was almost ashamed to appear out of doors, bu Karfa, on the day after his arrival, generously presente me with such a garment and trousers as are commonh worn in the country. The slaves which Karfa had brought with him wer * The negroes whitewash their huts with a. mixture of bone ashes and water, to which is commonly added a little g\im. 11 of them prisoners of war ; they had been taken by lie Bambarra army in the kingdoms of Wassela and Caarta, and carried to Sego, where some of them had emained three years in irons. From Sego they were ent, in company with a number of other captives, up he Niger in two large canoes, and offered for sale at Yamina, Bammakoo, and Kancaba; at which places he greater number of the captives were bartered for gold dust, and the remainder sent forward to Kankaree. Eleven of them confessed to me that they had been laves from their infancy, but the other two refused o give any account of their former condition. They vere all very inquisitive, but they viewed me at first vith looks of horror, and repeatedly asked if my country- ncn were cannibals. They were very desirous to know what became of the slaves after they had crossed the salt water. I told them that they were employed in cultivating the land ; but they would not believe me, and one of them, putting his hand upon the ground, said with great simplicity, " Have you really got such ground as this to set your feet upon 1" A deeply-rooted dea that the whites purchase negroes for the purpose of devouring them, or of selling them to others, that they may be devoured hereafter, naturally makes the slaves contemplate a journey towards the coast with Treat terror, insomuch that the slatees are forced to