UC-NRLF CATALOGUE OF THE Y5.I. LINONIAN AND BROTHERS' LIBRARY YALE COLLEGE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR. PRINTERS. V,-. The last printed catalogue of the Linonian Library, in i860, gives a total of 1 1300 volumes, and the last Brothers' Library Catalogue, in 1851, 11652 volumes. In 1871, when by a vote of the two Societies, the care of their Libraries was transferred to the College Library Committee, the number had increased to about 13500 each. In the consolidation of the two Libraries, and the rearrangement for the present Catalogue, many useless duplicates and many worn-out and valueless books have been thrown out, and other volumes more appropriate in character to the College Library have been transferred ; so that the present number of volumes is 17000. Books are generally entered under the name of the author, and also under subjects. Novels appear under they?rf/ word of the title (except an article or preposition), as well as under the author. In consulting the catalogue it should be remembered that when more than one copy of a work is in the Library, only one copy is referred to under the title or subject, but all the different copies will be found under the author's Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflinonOOyalerich CATALOGUE Abbot, The. Scott. Edinb.. 1870. 8*. . . Jlli b atiiftTid , Visit to. Inring. Philad^ 1835. is*. Abbott, B. A. Shakespearian Giannar. yd cd. LoocL, 1871. 16*. 1477 and Soalny, J. R. EngiiA Lessons for Englisfa Ptople. Bosu 187*. 16* . 6« Abbott, Jnodb. Coraer-Stone. BosL, 1834. 12*. Hist, of Cleopatra. N. Y. [1851.] i6*. Hoaxybead. Bost., 1838. I3* Sommer in Scotland. N. Y., 1848. 13*. The Teacher. Bosl., 1834. la* Waj to do Good. Bosu 1836. 12* Young Christian. N. Y., 1834. I2* Abbott, John 8. O. Empire of Austria. N. Y.. 1859. 12*. Russia. N. Y.. 186a 12* Hist. oT the Ciril War. N. Y.. i863-«6. 2 v. 8'. Italy. N.Y. [i860.] I2*. . JosephiDe. N. Y. [1851.] i6*. . Napoleon I. N. Y^ 18SS-56. 2 ▼. 8*. Napoleon III. (2 copies.) Bosc 1868-69. 8*- Romance of Spanish Hist. N. Y., 1869. 12*. . Death oC [R Allen.] N. Y.. 1814. 12*. See Beckkt. A'Bec^ett, O. A. Coouc BUckslone. Lood. 16*. . Hist, of England. Lond.. 186$. S'. of Rome. Lond. 8*. Aboel, O. Residence in China, etc. N. Y.. 1834. 12*. P^ and Helotse. Hist, ot Berington. Philad., 1819. 8 J. Essays. N. Y.. 1S45. 12* Inquiries concerning Intellectual Powers. N. Y., 1841. 12 Philosophy of Moral Feelings. N. Y.. 184OL 12'. . Abipones of Panguar. Account oL Dobriibofer. Load., 1822. 3v. 8-.* Abolitaaii. See Slavbkt. Abovit, B. F. ▼. The Fellah. LowL. 1870. 8*. ... Gennaine. Bost.. i86a 12* Man wish «be Broken Ear. N. Y.. 1867. 12*. The Roman Question. Bost., 1859. fs*. .... 9994 7497 27*5 16742 17039 9995 9993 5812 6443 6275 5450 5712 57M 6«os 4*74 4314 16477 16407 9^5 11041 11278 S8a8 «395 «S97 «394 4689 Abraham — Adams. Abraham, Lectures on Hist. of. Blunt. Philad., 1839. Abraham, C. J. Unity of History. Eton, 1845. 8°. . Abraham Page, Esq. A Novel. [Holt.] Philad., 1868. Abrantes, Duchesse d'. See Mme. Junot. Abruzzi, Excursions in the. Craven. Lond., 1838. 2 v. Abyssinia, Hist., etc., of. Russell. N. Y., 1840. 12°. Journal in, 1830-32. Gobat. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Life in, 1847-50. Parkyns. N. Y., 1854. 2 v. 12' Abyssinia. See, also, Egypt ; Dongola. Academician, The. Ed. Picket. N. Y., 1820. v. i. 8°. Acoustics. See Sound. Across the Continent. Bowles. Springfld, 1865. 12''. Acting ; Actors. See Drama ; Theater. Actress of Padua. [R. P. Smith.] Philad., 1836. 2 v. N. Y., 1841. 3d ed. Lond Acts of the Apostles, Notes on. Barnes AdFidem. Burr. Bost., 1871. 12°. . Adam, A. Summary of Geography and History 1802. 8° Adam Bede. M. J. Lewes, N. Y., 1871. 12°. Adam Blair. [Lockhart.] Bost., 1822. 12°. Adams, Mrs. A. Letters. Bost., 1840. 16°. Adams, Miss A. Journal and Correspondence. N. Y., 1841. i Adams, O. J. and H. Chapters of Erie and other Essays. Bost 1871. 12° Adams, F. O. Justice in the By-Ways. N. Y., 1856. 12 Adams, Hannah. Compendium of Religious Sects. Bost., 1784 Hist, of New England. Dedham, 1799. 8°. Adams, H. G. Cyclopaedia of Female Biography. Lond., 1869. [Adams, Rev. John.] Hist, of Spain. Lond., 1793. 3 v. 8°. Adams, Prest John. Defence of Constitutions of U. S. 3d ed Philad., 1799. 3 V. 8° Letters to his Wife. Bost., 1841. 2 v. 16°. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. i.) N. Y., 1854. Works, ed. C. F. Adams. Bost., 1850-56. 10 v. 8°. CoNTRKTs.— 1. Life, by editor. 2, Diary, 1755-T7; Notes of Debates in Congress biography for 1775-76. 3, Autobiography for 1775-77 ; Diary, 1778-96 ; Essays and Papers or the Revolution. 4, Xovanglus ; Works on Government. 4-6. Defence of the Const! tutlons. 6, Discourses on Davila ; Letters, etc. 7-9, Oflacial Letters, Messages, etc. 9, 10, Qten eral Correspondence : Index. 17353 4087 15643 16715 11281 8251 7978 14079 8414 15644 9860 9990 16322 2529 15359 7217 7220 8643 15727 16465 5848 6675 16156 6138 7218 6200 9688 1775-76; AntO- Controversial 16° Lecture on. Theodore Parker. Bost., 1870. 12 . . and Cunningham, W. Correspondence. Bost., 1823. 8°. Adams, John Q. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. Cambr., i{ 2v. 8° Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. i.) N. Y., 1854. 8' Poems. Auburn, 1854. 16° Life of. Seward. Auburn, 1849. 12°. .... Adams, John S. Town and Country. Bost Adams, M. New Biographical Dictionary. 1855. Lond. V. I. 8°. . Adams, S., Life of. Wells. Bost., 1865. 3 v. 8°. Adams, W. H. D. Lighthouses and Lightships. N. Y., 1870. 12' The Queen of the Adriatic. Lond., 1869. 8°. . 7409 7344 17527 6200 719 7325 14594 16399 7444 10132 8213 Adamson — iEsop. 7 Adamson, J. Memoirs of Camoens. Lond., 1820. 2 v. 8". . 7695 Addington, J. F. Poetical Quotations. Philad., 1829. 4 v. 12°. 4320 Addison, C. G. Damascus and Palmyra. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. 8099 Knights Templars. 2d ed. Lond., 1842. 8° 4617 Addison, J. Cato. (Brit. Drama, v. i.) Lond., 1804. 8°. . . 1629 Criticism on Paradise Lost. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1868. 16°. . 3887 Miscellaneous Works. Lond., 1830. 4 v. 12°. . . . 3991 C0KTENT8.— 1, Poems ; Essay on Georgics ; Discourse on Ancient and Modem Learning- t, Dramas ; Whig Examiner: Lover. 3, Evidences of Religion ; Dialogues on Medals ; State of the War ; Trial of Count Tariff. 4, Remarks on Italy. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24° 270 Poetical Works. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24°. . 10 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8\ . . 15098 Works. N. Y.. 1855. 3 v. 8° 3791 CosTENTS.— 1, 2, The Spectator. 3, Tatler ; Guardian ; Freeholder ; Whig-Examiner ; Lover ; Dialogues on Medals Remarks on Italy ; State of the War ; Evidences ; Poems ; Dramas, etc. Works. Ed. G. W. Greene. N. Y., 1856. 6 v. 12°. . . 3995 Contexts.—!, Poems ; Dramas. 2, Dialogues on Medals : Remarks on Italy ; Essay on Geor- gics : Discourse on Ancient and Modem Learning ; of the Christian Religion ; Letters ; Political writings. 3, Freeholder; Plebeian ; Old Whig; Lover. 4, Tatler; Goardian. 5, 6, Spectator. Works, except the Spectator. N. Y., 1811. v. 1-5. 12°. . 3816 Contexts.— 1, 2, Tattler. 8, Guardian. 3, Freeholder: Whig Examiner ; Lover. 4, Dialogues on Medals ; Remarks on lUly. 5, Present State of the War ; Evidences ; Poems. Life of. Aikin. Lond., 1843. 2 v. 12° 6993 See, also. The Spectator. Addisoniana. Lond. [1804.] 2 v. 16° 3808 Adela Cathcart. MacDonald. Host. 12°. 2584 Adeline Mowbray. Opie. Bost., 1827. 12° 14439 Adirondacks, Adventures in the. Murray. Bost., 1869. 16°. . . 8226 Admirals, British, Lives of. Southey. Lond.. 1833-40. 5 v. 16°. . 5171 Adolphus, J. Memoirs of Bannister. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8°, . 7996 Memoirs of the French Revolution. Lond., 1799. 2 v. 8°. . 5563 The same 16248 [Adolphus, J. I*.] Letters to Heber on the Waverley Novels. Host., 1822. 12° 15227 Adshead, J. Prisons and Prisoners. Lond., 1845. 8°. . . . 17097 Adultery, Essay on. Polwhele. Lond., 1823. 12° 17006 Advent; a Mystery. Coxe. N. Y., 1837. 12°. .... 801 Adventvirer, The. Ed. Hawkesworth. Lond., 1823. 3 v. 12° 3128 Essays illustrating the. Drake. Lond., 1809-10. 2 v. S". . 3236 Adventiires of Harry Franco. [Briggs.] N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12^. . 15646 of .Verdant Green. [Bradley.] N. Y., 1870. 12°. . . . 9250 of a Younger Son. [Trelawny.] N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12°. . 15360 Aeronauts. See Air ; Balloons. iEschylus. Agamemnon and Choephorae, tr. Potter. Philad., 1823. 24". 245 Prometheus Bound, transl. by E. B. Browning. N. Y., 1851. 16°. 1150 Tragedies, transl. by Plumptre. Lond., 1868. 2 v. 8°. . . 873 transl. by Potter. N. Y., 1839. 12°. . 4520 The same. N. Y., 1834. 12°. . . 4541 for English Readers. Copleston. Philad., 1871. 12°. . 77 aiaop. Fables, ed. Croxall. N. Y., 1861. 12°. .... 1924 8 JEsop— Agrippa. JBsop Junior in America. N. Y., 1834. 12° T5652 JEsthetic Letters and Essays. Schiller. Bost., 1845. 16°. . . 8847 JEsthetic Works. F. v. Schlegel. Lond., 1849. 8°. ... 431 JSIsthetics. See, also, Beauty, Taste. Afghanistan, Journal of Disasters in, 1841-42. Sale. Lond., 1843. 12°. 7975 Memoir of. Harlan. Philad., 1842. 12° Afghans, Rohilla, Hist, of the. Hamilton. Lond., 1787. 8°. . . 16052 Africa and the American Flag. Foote. N. Y., 1854. 12°. . . 8572 Discovery in. Murray, etc. N. Y., 1840. 12°. . . . 11016 Hist, of Discoveries and Travels in. Murray. Edinb., i8i8. 2 V. 8° 8088 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 3 v. 12°. . . 7848 Researches on Nations of. Heeren. Oxfd., 1832. 2 v. 8°. . 4117 Central, Journey to, 1851-52. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1867. 12°. 8281 Travels in, 1780-85. Le Vaillant. Dubl., 1790. 8°. . 16523 Travels in, 1795-97. Park. Philad., 1800. 8°. . . 16526 Equatorial, Explorations in, 1856-59. DuChaillu. Lond., 1861. 8°. 8090 Northern and Central, Travels in, 1822-24. Denham & Clap- perton. Bost., 1826. 8° 16530 Southern, Five Years in, 1843-48. Cumming. N. Y., 1851. 2 v. 12° 7980 Hist, of Brit. Colonies in. Martin. Lond., 1843. i6°.. 7898 Missionary Labors in. Moffat. N. Y., 1843. 12°. . 16521 Missionary Travels in. Livingstone. N. Y., 1868. 8°. 8124 Residence in, 1820-25. Pringle. Lond., 1840. 8°. . 8101 Travels in, 1797-98. Barrow. N. Y., 1802. 8°. . . 16534 Wanderings in. Steedman. Lond., 1835. 2 v. 8°. . . 16527 South-Western, Explorations in, 1850-54. Andersson, N. Y., 1857. 8° 8091 Western, Condition of. East. Lond., 1844. 12°. . . . 16472 Exc. in, 1834-35. Alexander. Lond., 1840. 2 v. 8°. 8114 Hist, of Brit. Settlements in. Martin. Lond,, 1837. 16°. 7905 African Cruiser, Journal of an. [Bridge.] N. Y., 1845. 12°. . . 16291 Slaver, Twenty Years of an. Canot. N. Y., 1866. 12°. . . 8573 Africa. See, also, the Nile, Egypt, etc. After Dark; a Novel. Collins. N. Y. 8° 2298 Agassiz, E. O. and A. Seaside Studies in Nat. Hist ; Radiates. Bost., 1865. 8° 9002 Agassiz, L. Geological Sketches. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866-70. 12°. 8955 Methods of Study in Natural Hist. Bost., 1864. 12°. . " . 8835 Structure of Animal Life. N. Y., 1866. 8° 9099 and Eliz. C. Journey in Brazil. (2 copies.) Bost., 1868. 8°. 8461 and Gould, A. A. Principles of Zoology. Pt. i. (2 copies.) Bost., 1848. 12° ■ . . . . 8890 Agatha's Husband. Craik. N. Y., 1871. 12° 2485 Agnes de Mansfeldt. Grattan. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . . 15362 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe. Bost., 1862. 12° 2962 Agriculture 'on the Rhine. Banfield. Lond., 1846. 12°. . , . 8795 Agrippa, H. Cornelius, Life of. Morley. Lond., 1856. 2 v. 8°. 7766 AguesMau — Alcock. 12 . 1816. 2 Evans. (2 copies 1831-39 1824. Aguesseau, H. F. d', Memoir of. Rutler. Lond., 1830. 8' Aguilar, O. Days of Bruce. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 12". Home Influence. N. Y., 1850. 12°. . Home Scenes. N. Y., 1853. 12°. Mother's Recompense. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1856-68. Vale of Cedars. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1851-68, 12'. Woman's. Friendship. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1851-57. Women of Israel. N. Y., 1851. 2 v. 12^ Ahaauerus; a Poem. [Tyler.] N. Y., 1842. 12°. Aids to Faith. Ed. W. Thomson. N. Y., 1862. Aikin, J. Annals of Reign of Geo. III. Lond Essays on Song-Writing, with Songs. Ed Lond., i8io. 8° Letters on English Poetry. Bost., 1806. 12°. from a Father to his Son. Lond., 1838. 16 Lives of Selden and Usher. Lond., 1812. 8". . Select Works of Brit. Poets. (2 copies.) Philad Memoir and Miscellanies of. L. Aikin. Philad, Aikin, Ij. Court of Chas. I. Philad., 1833. 2 v. 8". of Elizabeth. Philad., 1823. 8°. of James I. Bost,, 1822. a v. 8°. Life of Addison. Lond., 1843. 2 v. 12°. Ainslie, H. The Pilgrim and the Shrine. Lond., 1871. Ainsworth, W. P. Researches in Assyria, etc. Lond., 1838. 8 Ainsworth, W. H. The Tower of London. Lond. 8" Air, The. Mudie, Lond. 1835. I2^ Queen of the. Ruskin. N. Y., 1869. 12". Travels in the. Ed. by Glaisher. Lond., 1871, See, also, Balloon. Aird, T. The Old Bachelor in the Old Scottish Villagre. 1845. 16° Othuriel ; and other Poems. Edinb., 1840. 8°. Akenside, M. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. . Select Poems. Ed, Walsh, Philad., 1822. 24°. The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804, 8°. . Alain Family, The. Karr. Lond., 1853. 8° Alaska, Travel and Adventure in. Whymper. N. Y., 1869. 12" Albergati-Capacelli, F. Pleasures of Beneficence. (Ital. Novelists, 4. Lond., 1836. 12° Alberoni, J., Life of. James. Lond., 1837. 16°. Albert, Prince. Speeches and Addresses. Lend., 1862. 8°. Early Years of. Queen Victoria. N. Y., 1868. 12°. Albert N'yanza, The. Baker. Lond., 1866. 8°. Albigenses, Crusades against the. Sismondi. Lond., 1826. 8° See, also, Waldenses. Alchymista, The, • Mackay. Lond., 1869. 8°. . Alcibiades, a Tragedy. Otway, (Works, v. i.) Lond,, i8i2. ! Alciphron j or the Minute Philosopher. Berkeley. Lond., 1837 Alcock, R. Three Years in Japan. N. Y., 1863. a v. ia°. 8". Edinb. 7682 2525 2418 2527 2516 2520 2518 2523 15039 9955 5322 1210 60 9133 7116 1304 7170 5302 5295 5300 6993 9814 804a 3661 14632 9047 9093 15531 15076 539 22 15101 2646 8399 ) 1902 5769 5337 5336 8118 6343 8525 1475 8759 7952 xo Alcott — Alison. N. Y., 1841. 12' Ed Alcott, L. M. Hospital Sketches. Bost., 1863. 12°. . Little Men. Bost., 1871. 16°. . . . . Little Women. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. 2 v. 16°. . Old-Fashioned Girl. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. 16°. . Alcott, W. A. Confessions of a School Master. Andover, 1839 House I live in. 2d ed. Bost., 1837. 12°. Moril Reformer. Bost., 1835. v. i. 12°. The Sabbath School as it should be. Vegetable Diet. Bost., 1838. 12°.^ Young Man's Guide. Bost., 1835. i The same. Bost., 1837. 12°. Young Wife. Bost., 1837. 12°. . Alcuin, Life of. Lorenz. Lond., 1837. 16° Alderbrook. [Mrs. Judson,] Bost., 1850. 2 v. 12° . Alec Forbes. M^c Donald. Lond. 8° Alexander the Great, Life of. Williams. N. Y., 1841. 12°. Alexander, James E. Exc. in W. Africa. 2d ed. Lond., 1840. 2 Travels from India to England. Lond., 1827. 4°. through Russia and the Crimea. Lond., 1830. 2 Alexander, Joseph A. The Psalms. N. Y., 1851. 3 v. 12°. Alexander, Wm. (Earl of Stirling.) Select Poems, with Life Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24° Alexander, Wm., M.D. Hist, of Women. Lond., 1782. 2 v. 8°. Alexandra, Empress of Russia, Mem. of. Grimm. Edinb., 1870. 2 v. 8' Alfieri, V. Autobiography, ed. Lester. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . , Alford, H. Abbot of Muchelnaye, Sonnets, etc. Lond., 1841. 12°, How to study the N. T. Lond., 1865-70. 3 v. 16°. . Plea for the Queen's English. Lond., 1866. 16°. Alfred the Great. T. Hughes. Lond. 8° (An historical Play.) Knowles. (Works, v. i.) Lond., 1841. 12" Life of. Asser. Lond., 1848. 8° The same. Dunham. Lond., 1840. 16°. The same ; with version of Orosius. Pauli. Lond 1857. 8° Alfred Hagart's Household. A.Smith. Bost., 1865. I2^ . Alger, W. R. Hist, of Doctrine of a Future Life. N. Y., 1869. 8°. Friendships of Women. Bost., 1870. 16°. Poetry of the East. Bost., 1856. 12°. .... Solitudes of Nature and Man. (2 copies.) Bost. Algeria, A Whirl through. Browne. N. Y., 1866. 12' Algerine Captive, The. [Tyler.] Hartfd, 1816. 12° . Algic Researches. Schoolcraft. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12 Algiers, with Notices of Barbary. Lord. Lond., 1835. The French in, 1836-41. Lamping and de France. N. Y. Sketches of. Shaler. Bost., 1826. 8°. . . . Alhambra, The. Irving. Philad., 1872. 12°. Ali Pacha, of Jannina, Life of, Lond., 1823. 8°. Alice ; or, the Mysteries. Bulwer. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 12°. Alison, Rev. A. Essay on Taste. Bost., 1812. 8°. 1867. 16°. 2 V. 12 . [845. Alison — Amelia. 4 V. 1861. 3v. 8" 8 V. 1835. Alison, Sir A. Hist, of Europe, 1789-1815. (2 copies.) Edinb., 1839-42. 10 V. 8° The same, 1815-52. N. Y., 1855-60. Lives of Castlereagh and Stewart. Edinb., Miscellaneous Essays. Philad., 1845. 8°. The same. N. Y., i860. 8°. . All the Year Round. New Series. Lond., 1868-72. Allan, G. Life of Sir W. Scott. (2 copies.) Philad. Allen, B. Death of Abdallah. N. Y., 1814. 12°. Urania. N. Y., 1814. 24° Allen, D. O. India, Ancient and Modern. Bost., 1856. Allen, Ethan. Narrative. Bost., 1845. 12 . Life of. Sparks. (Amer. Biogr., i.) Bost., 1834. Memoir of. Moore. Plattsburgh. 1834. 12°. Allen, P. Hist, of Amer. Revolution. Bait., 1822. 2 v, Exped. of Lewis and Clarke. Philad., The same. (Abridged.) N. Y., 1842. [6°. 8^ [814. 2V. 8°. . 1797- 3 V Allen, W. Book of Christian Sonnets. Northampton, i860. Wunnissoo ; a Poem, Bost., 1856. 12°. . Allen, Z. Practical Tourist. Prov., 1832. 2 v. 12°. . Allen Prescott. [Mrs. Sedgwick.] N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 12°. Allston, W. Lectures on Art, and Poems. N. Y., 1850. 12' Monaldi. Bost., 1841. 12° Sylphs of the Seasons, with other Poems. Bost., 1813. Almack's. A Novel. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. 12°. Almack's revisited. [White.] N. Y., 1828. 2 v. 12°. Almanac, Tribune. 1838-68. N. Y. 2 v. 12°. [Almon, J.] Anecdotes of Pitt. Lond., 1792. 4 v. Biogr. Anecdotes of Eminent Persons. Lond. Almost a Heroine. [Sheppard.] Bost., i860. 12°. Alone to the Alone. Cobbe. Lond., 1871. 8°. . Alonzo and Melissa. Jackson. Hartfd. 1853. 16°. . Alps, Glaciers of the. Tyndall. Bost., 1861. 8°. The High, without Guides. Girdlestone. Lond., 1870. Hours of Exercise in the. Tyndall. N. Y,, 1872. 12°. Scrambles amongst the, 1860-69. Whymper. Lond., 1871 Sketches of the. Headley. N. Y., 1846. I2^ . Vacation Rambles in the, 1841-43. Talfourd. Lond., 1845 Alroy, Tale of. Disraeli. Lond., 1833. 3 v. 12°. [Altop, R., and Dwight, Th.] The Echo. N. Y., 1807. 8°. Altanesi, Q. F. Novels. (Roscoe, Ital. Novelists, 4.) Lond., 1836 Alson Locke. Kingsley. N. Y., 1861. 12°. Alves, R. Hist, of Literature. Edinb., 1794. 8°. Amadis of Gaul. Trans, by Southey. Lond., 1872. 3 v. 16° Amaranth, The. Philad., 1842. 12° Amazon R., Voyages up the, 1846. Edwards. N. Y., 1847. 12 Amazonian Republic, The. Savage. N. Y., 1842. 12°. Amber Witch, The. Meinhold. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . Amelia. Fielding. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. 8°. 12 4636 4804 6790 3462 3461 12404 7174 12924 12925 6559 7494 7250 7495 6156 16867 11756 15046 14969 16766 15654 8885 15744 14970 15364 15366 6103 6795 16372 2512 9967 15656 8957 8383 8382 8380 16574 8381 2124 814 1902 2562 209 2007 1488 1 1 7 140 1 709 1 3044 1983 IB America. America and the Amer. P«ople. v. Raumer. N. Y,, 1846. 8°. . 6172 and her Commentators. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1864. 12°. . , 6183 and England. A Comparison. N. Y., 1834. 8°. . . , 5860 and Europe. Gurowski. N. Y., 1857. 12° 6101 before Europe. Gasparin. N. Y., 1862. 12° 8560 Account of European Settlements in. Burke. Bost., 1835. 8°. 5946 Annals of, to 1826. Holmes. Cambr., 1829. 2 v. 8°. . . 5966 Democracy in. De Tocqueville. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. 8°. . 6134 historical and descriptive. Buckingham. Lond., [1841.] 3 v. 8°. 5857 Hist, of [Disc, and Conq. of]. Robertson, Lond., 1792. 3 v. 8°. 16138 Myths of. Brinton. N. Y., 1868. 8° 1925 Realities and Resources of. Wyse. Lond., 1846. 3 v. 8°. . 5892 The Spanish Conquest in. Helps. N. Y., 1856-68. 4 v. 12°. 5820 Survey of Polit. Situation of. [A. H. Everett.] Philad., 1827. 8°. 16126 Travels in, 1791-92. Chateaubriand. Lond., 1828. 2 v. 8°. . 16898 British. Hist., etc., of. Murray. Edinb., 1839. 3 v. 16°. . 5716 Central, Inc. of Trav. in, 1839-40. Stephens. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 8°. 8454 Travels in, 1850. Froebel. Lond,, 1859. 8°- • • 8437 Travels in. Morelet. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . . 8431 Voyages in, 1816. Roberts. Edinb., 1827. 12°. . 4479 New. Dixon. Philad., 1867. 12° 8427 North, Anti-Slavery Mission to, 1863. Massie. Lond., 1864. 8°. 8555 Description of. Conder. Lond. 2 v. in i. 12°. . . 7857 Diary in. Marryatt. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . . 16800 The same. 2d series. Philad., 1840. 12°. . . 16803 France and Eng. in. Parkman. Bost., 1865-69, 3 v. 12°. 6131 COKTXNTs.— 1, Pioneers of France in the Kew World. 2, The Jeanits in the 17th century. 8, Discovery of the Great West. Hist, of Disc, and Trav. in. Murray. Lond., 1829. 2 v. 8°. 16782 Dispute with, 1754-74. J.Adams. (Works, v. 4.) Bost., 1851. 8° 9691 European Settlements in. Raynal. Lond., 1776. 5 V. 8° 16149 Impressions of, 1833-35. Power. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. 16796 Journey through, 1819-21. Hodgson. N. Y., 1823. 8°. 16781 Men and Manners in. Hamilton. Edinb., 1843. 16°. . 8222 New Tracks in, 1867-68. Bell. Lond., 1869. 2 v. 8°. 8422 Rambler in, 1832-33. Latrobe. N. Y., 1835. 2 v. 12°. 16804 Residence in Deserts of. Domenech. Lond., i860. 2 v. 8°. 8497 Rule and Misrule of the English in. Haliburton. N. Y., 1851. 12° 6025 Society in. Martineau. N. Y., 1837. 2 v. 12°. . . 5998 Stranger in. Lieber. Philad., 1835. 8°. . . * 16780 Three Years (1828-31) in. Stuart. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. 16790 Travels in, 1776-81. [Anburey.] Lond., 1791. 2 v. 8°. 16784 in 1827-28. B. Hall. Philad., 1829. 2 v. 12°. 16786 in 1841-42. Lyell. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. in i. 12°. 8410 in 1834-36. Murray. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . 16788 1825-26. Duke of Saxe-Weimar. Philad., 1828. 8° 16924 America. 1 3 America, North, Travels in, 1861. A. Trollope. N. Y., 1862. i2\ . 8413 South, Letters on the United Prov. of. Pazos. N. Y., 1819. 8°. 17138 Life and Nature under the Tropics of. Myers. N. Y., 1871. 12° 8433 Voyage to, 18 1 7- 18. Brackenridge. Bait., 1819. 2 v. 8°. 17127 1735. Juan and Ulloa. Lond., 1772. 2 v. 8°. 17125 Wild Scenes in. Paez. N. Y., 1862. 12°. . . . 8434 Spanish, Outline of Revolution in. N. Y., 1817. 12°. . . 5735 American Adventure by Land and Sea. N. Y. [1841.] 2 v. 12°. . ii775 Antiquities. Bradford. N. Y., 1843. 8° 5954 Artist Life. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1867. 8° 8126 Biblical Repository. See Biblical. Biography. Belknap. N. Y., 1846. 3 v. 12° 11762 Library of. Sparks. Bost., 1834-48. 25 v. 16°. 7250 For Contents, see Sparks. Colleges and the Amer. Public. Porter. N. H., 1870. 12\ . 9254' Criminal Trials. Chandler. Bost., 1844. v. 2. I2°. . . 9226 Eclectic. See Eclectic. Eloquence. Ed. Moore. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 8\ . . . 9432 Specimens of. Middletown, 1837. 12°. . . 9291 Facts. Putnam. Lond., 1845. 12° 6184 Female Poets. Griswold. Philad., 1849. 8° 924 Journal of Science. N. H., 1818-45. 49 v. 8° 17545 Index (v. 50). N. H., 1846. 8°. The same. 2d Series. N. H., 1846-70. 50 v. 8°. . . 17594 The same. 3d Series. N. H., 1871-72. v. 1-4. 8°. . 17644 Law, Commentaries on. Kent. N. Y., 1840. 4 v. 8^. . . 9356 Library of Useful Knowledge. Bost., 1831-32. 5 v, 12°. . 8824 Life, Traits of. Hale. Philad., 1835. 12° 15805 Literary Magazine, ed. Sprague. Albany & Hartfd. 1847-49. 5 V. in 3. 8°. . 13254 Literati, The. Poe. N. Y., 1857. 12° 4378 Literature and Manners. Chasles. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . . 124 Cyclopaedia of. Duyckinck. N. Y., 1866. 2 v. 8°. 234 Views and Reviews in. [Simms.] N. Y., 1845. 12°. 3587 Lounger, The. [Ingraham.] Philad., 1839. 12°' . . . 15657 Military Biography. 1825. 12° 16434 Monthly Magazine. N. Y., 1817-18. v. 1-4. 8°. . . . 13558 The same. Ed. N. P. Willis. Bost., 1829. v. 1. 8°. . 131 13 The same. New Series. N. Y., 1836. v. 1, 2. 8°. . 13114 Museum. Ed. Carey. 1787-98. Philad. v. 1-9, 11-13. 8°- ^4758 Naval Battles. Bost., 1837. 12°. 16120 Officers, Lives of. J.F.Cooper. Philad., 1846. 2 v. l2^ 7275 For Contents, see Cooper, Newspaper Literature, Specimens of. Buckingham. Bost., 1850. 2 V. 12°. 125 Note Books. Hawthorne. Bost., 1868. 2 v. 8°. . . , 8388 Notes. Dickens. N. Y., 1865. 2 v. 16°. .... 2164 Orator, The. Ed. Munn. Wore, 1855. 12° 9292 3 14 American — Anatomy. American Oratory, Selections from. (2 copies.) Philad., 1836-40. Painters, Sketches of. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1847. 12°. . Poetry, Selections of, N. Y., 1794. 12°. Specimens of. Kettell. Bost., 1829. 3 v. 12°. Poets. Keese. N. Y., 1841-42. 2 v. 12°. and Poetry. Griswold. Philad., 1855. 8°. . Golden Leaves from. Hows. N. Y., 1865. 12 Selections from. Bryant. N. Y., 1841. 12°. Politics, Issues of. Skinner. Philad., 1872. 12°. Prose Writers. Griswold. Philad., 1855. 8°. Pulpit, Annals of the. Sprague. N. Y., 1857-69. 9 v. Quarterly Observer. (2 copies.) Bost., 1833-34. 3 v- Review. Philad., 1827-37. 22 v. 8°. The same. v. 3-7, 9-20. Rejected Addresses. [Bigelow.] N. Y. [1855.] 12°. Review. Ed. R. Walsh. (2 copies.) Philad., 1811-12. v. 1-4. 8" Revolution. See United States History, Society. Towle. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8°. . Speeches, Select. Carpenter. Philad., 1815. 2 v. 8°. Theatre, Hist. of. Dunlap. N. Y., 1832. 8°. . Theatrical Management. Sol. Smith. N. Y., 1868. 8" Whig Review. N. Y., 1845-52. 16 v. 8°. The same. v. 3-10, 12-16. .... Women, Noble Deeds of. Clement. Buffalo, 1851. i; Year Book. Camp. Hartfd, 1869. 8°. . Americanisms. Scheie de Vere. N. Y., 1872. Diet. of. Bartlett. 3d ed. Bost., i860. American's Guide, The ; the Constitutions, etc Own Book, The ; the Constitution, etc. 12 . . 8°. Philad., 1832. N. Y. 12°. Americans, in moral, social, and political relations. Grund. 1837. 12° of Recent Times, Famous. Parton. Bost., 1869. 12°. Domestic Manners of. Mrs. TroUope. N. Y., 1832. 8° Notions of the. J. F. Cooper. N. Y., 1859. 12°. Ames, F. Works, with Life. Bost., 1809. 8°. . The same. [2d ed.] Bost., 1854. 2 v. 8°. . Among the Pines. [Gilmore.] N. Y., 1862. 12°. Amoor, Russians on the. Ravenstein. Lond., 1861. 8°. . Travels in the Regions of the. Atkinson. Lond., i860. Amusements. See Games ; Sports. Amyas Leigh. Kingsley. Lond., 1871. 8°. Anacharsis, Travels of. Barthelemy. Lond., 1798. 8°. Anacreon. Odes, transl. by Bourne. N. Y., 1837. 12°. by T.Moore. Philad., 1804. 8 in Dublin. 2d ed. Lond., 1814. 12°. Analectic Magazine. Philad., 1814-20. 16 v. 8°. Anastasius. [Hope.] N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12°. Anatomy, Wonders of. Le Pileur. N. Y., 1870. 12°. of Melancholy. Burton. N. Y., 1870. 3 v. 12°. Bost Anburey — Animals. 15 Anburey, T. Travels in America. Lond., 1791. 2 v. 8°. Ancient Regime, The. James. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12°. Andersen, H. O. The Improvisatore. N. Y., 1869. 8°. O. T. A Danish Romance. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 8 Only a Fiddler. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 8°. . Only a Fiddler ! and O. T. N. Y., 1845. 8°. . A Poet's Bazaar. N. Y., 1871. 8" In Spain and Portugal. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 8°. Stories and Tales. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1871. 8°. Story of My Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1871. 8°. Two Baronesses. N. Y., 1869. 8 Anderson, Adam. Hist, of Commerce. Dubl., 1790. 6 v. 8°. Anderson, JEneas. Narrative of Embassy to China. N. Y., 1795 Anderson, F. Zenaida. Philad., 1858. 12" Anderson, James. The Bee. Edinb., 1791-93. 18 v. 8°. Anderson, John. Course of Creation. Cincinn., 1851. 12''. Anderson, R. Foreign Missions. N. Y., 1869. 8°. . The Hawaiian Islands. Bost., 1864. 12°. Andersson, C. J. Lake Ngami. N. Y., 1857. 8°. Andes and the Amazon, The. Orton. N. Y., 1870. Andre, J. Life of. Sargent. Bost., 1861. 12°. . Andrews, A. Hist, of British Journalism. Lond., 1859. 2 v. Andrews, J. R. 2 v 5 V Life of Cromwell. Lond., 1870. 8°. Andrews, S. J. Life of our Lord. N. Y., 1862. 8°. . Andryane, A. Memoirs of a Prisoner of State. Lend., 1840. Anecdotes of Churches and Sects. Lond., 1825. 3 v. 16°. of Distinguished Persons. Seward. Lond., 1795-97. Encyclopaedia of. Oxberry. Lond., 1821. 3 v. 12". for the Family. N. Y. 16" Book of 1000. Byrn. Bost., 1859. 12° . Common-Place Book of. N. Y., 1830. 16°. Cyclopaedia of. Arvine. Bost., 1856. 8°. , Moral and Religious, Cyclopaedia of. Arvine. N. Y. [1848 Religious, Moral, and Entertaining. Buck. N. Y., 183 Angelo, MichaeL See M. A. Buonarroti. Angels, On. Tonna. N. Y., 1842. 12° Angler, Complete. Walton and Cotton. N. Y., 1848. 2 v. in i, Anglo-Saxon and Early Eng., Hand-Book of. Corson. N. Y., 1871 Chronicle. Ed. Giles. Lond., 1847. 8°. . Home, The. Thrupp. Lond., 1862. 8°. . Anglo-Saxons, Hist, of the. Turner. Paris., 1840. 3 v. 8' Animal Kingdom, The. Cuvier. N. Y., 1831. 4 v. 8°. . Life, Structure of. Agassiz. N. Y., i866. 8°. Magnetism. See Magnetism ; Mesmerism. Mechanism and Physiology. Griscom. N. Y., 1840. 12° Animals under Domest., Variation of. Darwin, N. Y. [1868]. 2 v in Menageries. Swainson. Lond., 1838. 16". Geography and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., 1835. Habits and Instincts of. Swainson. Lond., 1840. 16 . 16' ]8^ 8°. 16^ 16784 15213 2602 2606 2608 2652 2614 2604 2612 2610 2603 4067 16480 15S20 1 3041 16946 6289 8330 8091 8432 7307 5273 53" 9907 7683 13184 13202 4331 15830 4319 15831 4432 4341 15826 15170 3920 94 497 5264 5075 16954 9049 II 409 8930 6053 6056 6054 i6 Axdmals — Apocryphal. Animals, Hist., Habits, etc., of. Kirby. Philad., 1837. 8°. . . 16984 Instinct in. Chadbourne. N. Y., 1872. 12°. .... 8946 Intelligence of. Menault. N. Y., 1869. 12° 10119 Animated Nature, Hist. of. Goldsmith. Philad., 1823-25. 5 v. 8°. 16925 See, also, Birds ; Fishes ; Natural History; Quadrupeds, etc. Annals of the Parish. Gait. Philad., 1821. 12°. .... 2365 of a Quiet Neighborhood. MacDonald. N. Y., 1867. 12°. . 2578 Anne of Austria, Memoirs of. De Motteville. Lond., 1726. 5 v. 12°. 14627 Anne of Geierstein. Scott. Bost., 1845. 12° 1837 Anne Grey. [Lister.] N. Y., 1835. 12° 15111 Anne Severin. Craven. N. Y., 1869. 12° • . 2391 Annihilation Theory, Refutation of the. Bartlett. Bost. [1866.] 12°. loooo Annual Review, The. Ed. A. Aikin. Lond., 1802-04. v. 1-3. 8°. 14536 Scrap-Book. Lond., 1838. 16°. 15828 Anquetil, L. P. Memoirs of Court of Lewis XIV. Edinb., 1791. 2 v. 8° 16199 Anson, G. Voyage round the World. Edinb., 1776. 2 v. 12°. . . 16317 The same. (Mavor, v. 4.) Lond., 1796. 12'' . . 13847 Life of. Barrow. Lond., 1839. 8° 6850 Anspach, Eliz., Margavine of. Memoirs of, by herself. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8° 16355 Ansted, D. T. The Ancient World. Philad., 1847. 12°. . . . 8983 Anster Fair. [Tennant.] Bost., 1815. 12°. 14893 Antelope, Shipwreck of thS. [Constable's Misc., v. 4.] Edinb., 1827. 12°. 4466 Antenor, Travels of. Lantier. Lond., 1799. 3 v. 8°. . . .16513 Anthon, O. E. Pilgrimage to Treves. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . . . 16704 Antidote to Miseries of Human Life. [Carp.] N. H., 1809. 12°. . 15368 Sequel to. [Carp.] N. Y., 1810. I2°. . 15369 Anti-0'acobin, or Weekly Examiner. [Ed. W. Gifford.] 4th ed. Lond., 1799. 2 V. 8° 11300 Review and Magazine. Lond., 1798-1800. v. 1-5. 8". . . 11302 Antiquary. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8". 1863 Antiquities, American. Bradford. N. Y., 1843. 8 ' 5954 British. Brand. Lond., 1848-49. 3 v. 8° 504 Christian. Coleman. Andover, 1841. 8°. . . • . . 10014 Northern. Mallet. Lond., 1859. 8° 507 Popular. Chambers. Edinb., 1863-64. 2 v. 8°. . . . 4437 Roman. Fuss. Oxfd, 1840. 8" 4751 Anti-Slavery Conflict, Recollections of our. May. Bost., 1869. 12°. 8545 Measures in Congress, 1861-64. H. Wilson. Bost., 1864. 12°. 8579 Mission to America, 1863, Massie. Lond., 1864. 8°. . . 8555 Papers. Thoreau. Bost., 1866. 8° 3556 Society, Inquiry into Character of the. Jay. N. Y., 1835. 12°. 8549 See, also. Slavery. Antommarchi, P. Derniers momens de Napoleon. Paris, 1825. 2 v. 8°. 5632 Antonia. G. Sand. Bost., 1870. 16° 2350 Antoninus. M. Aurelius. Meditations, tran si. by Graves. Bath, 1792. 8". 4231 Thoughts, transl. by Long. Bost., 1864. 12° 4232 Apician Anecdotes. N. Y., 1836. 12°. 16963 Apocryphal N.T., The. N. Y. 8 10003 Apostles — ^Architecture. 17 Apostles, Hist, of the. Renan. N. Y., 1866. 12°. Lives of the. [Bacon.] N. H. [1835.] 8°. ... Cave. Oxfd, 1840. 8^ Apparitions, Hist. of. DeFoe. Oxfd, 1840. 16°. See, also, Demonology ; Ghosts ; Magic. Appletons' Cyclopaedia of Biography. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1856. 8' Journal. N. Y., 1869-72. v. 2-8. 4° New American Cyclopaedia. N. Y., 1864. 16 v. 8°. Annual Cyclopaedia, for 1861-71. N. Y., 1864-72. 11 v. 8' Aquarelles. Samuel Sombre. (Pseud.) N. Y., 1858. 12°. Arabia, Hist., etc., of. Crichton. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 12°. . Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 12°. . Travels through, 1761-63. Niebuhr. Edinb., 1792. 2 v. 8 Petraea, Impressions of Travel in, 1830. Dumas. N. Y., 1839. See, also. Exodus; Sinai. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. (2 copies.) N. Y,, 1831. 8'. . The same, transl. by Lane, Lond., 1840-41. 3 v. 8". The same. 2d ed. Lond., 1847. 3 v. 8° Tales from the. Hanley. N. Y., 1869. 16". Arabs under the Caliphs, Hist, of the. De Marigny. Lond., 1758. 4 V. 8° in Spain, The. Lond., 1840. ' 2 v. 12°. Hist, of [710-1493]. Conde. Lond., 1854. 3 v. 8°. See, also, Saracens ; Spain. Ararat, Journey to. Parrot. N. Y., 1846. 16°. . Aratra Pentelici. Ruskin. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Araucanians, The. E. R. Smith. N. Y., 1855. Arber, E. English Reprints. Lond., 1868-71. [2 . 14 V. 16°. 9895 16463 10009 3878 6909 14392 15035 11286 7843 8246 ■ 7973 1674 1671 2002 1907 16055 6399 424 16278 9048 17131 3885 CoNTBNTS.— 1, Mllton'8 Arcopagltica ; Latimer's Sermon on the Ploughers ; Goeson's Schoole of Abuse. 2, Sidney's Apologie for Poetrie ; Webbe's Travailes ; Selden's Table-Talk. 3, Ascham's Toxophilus ; Addison on ' Paradise Lost.' 4, Lyly's Euphues. 5, Villiers' Rehearsal ; Gascoifrne's Steele Glas, etc.: Earle's Micro-Cosmographie. 6, Latimer's Seven Sermons ; More's Utopia. 7, Puttenham's Arte of Engl. Poesle; 8, Howell's Instructions for Travell ; Udall's Roister Doister ; Revelation to Monk of Evesham ; James I., Essayes in Poesie, and Counterblast to To- bacco. 9, Naunton's FraRmenta Regalia ; Watson's Poems ; 10, Habington's Castara ; Ascham's Scholemaster. 11, Tottel's Miscellany, by Surrey, Wyatt, Grimald, etc. 12, Lever's Sermons ; Webbe's Discourse of Poetrie. 13, Bacon s Essays. 14, Roy and Barlow's Rede me and be nott Wrothe, etc.; Raleigh, Markham, and van Linschoten's Last Fight of the Revenge ; Googe's Eglogs, etc. Arblay. See D'Arblay. Arc. See Joan of Arc. Arcadia, The. Sidney. Lond., 1867. 8°. . Archaeology. See Antiquities. Archer, Maj. Tours in Upper India and the Himalayas. 1833. 8° Architects, Lives of. Vasari. Lond., 1850-52. 5 v. 8°. Architecture, Gothic. F. v. Schlegel. Lond., 1849. 8°. Hist. of. Memes. Bost., 1831. 12°. Lectures on. Ruskin. N. Y., 1859. 12°. . Rural. Downing. N. Y., 1844. 8°. . Seven Lamps of. Ruskin. N. Y., 1849. 12°. Wonders of. Lef^bre. N. Y., 1870. 12''. . See, also. Art. Philad., 3940 15356 474 431 8858 9034 9084 9031 10121 1 8 Arctic — Arnold. Arctic Adventure, Hist of. Sargent. Bost., 1857. 12°. . . . 8294 Expedition in Search of Franklin, The U. S. (1850-51.) Kane. Philad., 1856. 8° 8106 Explorations ; Second Expedition in Search of Franklin, 1853- 55. Kane. Philad., 1857. 2 v. S"" 8107 Journal, Leaves from an, 1850-51. Osborn. N. Y., 1852. 12°. 8295 Land Expedition, Narrative of the, 1833-35. Back. Lond., 1836. 8°. . , 8105 Researches, 1860-62. Hall. N. Y., 1865. 8° 8113 Voyage, Journal of Parry's, 1818. [Fisher.] Lond., 1819. 8°. 8051 Letters written during Parry's, 1819-20. (Voyages, v. 5.) Lond., 1821. 8° 8055 Narrative of Second, 1829-33. Ross. Philad., 1835. 8°. 8104 Voyages, 1818-39. Abridged by Barrow. N. Y., 1846. 16°. . 7906 See, also. Polar Regions. Arcturus. N. Y., 1841-42. v. 3. 8° 12768 Argenson, M. P. d'. Essays. Wore, 1797. 12°. " . . -15251 Argentine Republic, 24 Years in the. King. N. Y., 1846. 12°. . 5736 Argosy, The. Lond., 1866-67. 4 V. 8° 14388 ArgyU, Duke of. Reign of Law. 5th ed. Lond., 1868. 16°. . . 8839 Ariosto, Ij. Orlando Furioso: transl, by Hoole. Philad., 1816. 6 v. 12°. 567 The same. Lond., 1783. 5 v. 8° 901 The same : transl. by Rose. Lond., 1823-31. 8 v. 8°. . 893 Stories. (Hunt's Ital. Poets.) N. Y., 1846. 12°. . . .887 Aristocracy. Brougham. (Polit. Philos., v. 2.) Lond., 1844. 8°. . 8681 Aristophanes. Wasps, tr. by Mitchell. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. 36 Aristotle. Ethics and Politics, tr. by Gillies. 3d ed. Lond., 1813. 2 v. 8\ 8705 Arithmetic, Comic. [Forrester.] Lond., 1843. 12° 4278 Treatise on. Lardner. Lond., 1836. 16". .... 6048 Arkansas Territory, Journal of Travels in, 1819. Nuttall. Philad., 1821. 8° 16866 Armadale. Collins. N. Y.. 1866. 8°. 2301 Armata. 2d ed. N. Y., 1817. 12° I5370 Arminius, J., Life of. Bangs. N. Y., 1843. 12". .... 7514 Armstrong, John, M.D. Art of Preserving Health. Walpole, 1808. 12°. 14807 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. . . . 543 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. ... 25 Armstrong, Gen. John. Life of Montgomery. (Sparks, v. i.) Bost., 1834. 16° 7250 of Wayne. (Sparks, v. 4.) Bost., 1835. 16''. . . . 7253 Notices of the War of 1812. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. 6081 Army. See Military ; also, names of Countries. Arnault, V., etc. Memoirs of Napoleon. Bost. 1839. 2 v. 12". . 5444 Ame. Bjornson. Bost., 1869. 16° 2615 Arnold, B., Life of. Sparks. (Amer. Biogr., 3.) Bost., 1835. 16°. 7252 Arnold, G. Poems grave and gay. Bost., 1867. 16°. . . . 777 Arnold, H. P. European Mosaic. Bost., 1864. 16" 8205 The Great Exhibition, etc. N. Y., 1868. 16" S206 Arnold — Art. 19 Arnold, J. L. Poems. Prov., 1797. 12' 14968 Arnold, M. Culture and Anarchy. Lond., 1869. 8°. ... 3736 Essays in Criticism. (2 copies.) Bost., 1865. 12°. . . . 3734 New Poems. Bost., 1867. 16° 1193 Poems. Bost., 1856. 16° 1192 St. Paul and Protestantism. Lond., 1870. 8^ ggio Arnold, S. J. Shipwreck. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 7.) Bost., 1822. 24°. 1351 Arnold, T. Christian Life ; and Sermons at Rugby. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Lond., 1843. 8°. 10050 Hist, of the later Roman Commonwealth. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846. 8° 4748 Hist, of Rome. 2d. ed. Lond., 1840-45. 3 v. 8 '. . . . 4743 The same. N. Y., 1846. 2 v. 8° 4746 Lectures on Modern History. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Lond., 1843. 8\ 4718 The same, ed. H. Reed. (2 copies). N. Y., 1845. 12". 4567 Miscellaneous Works. N. Y., 1845. 8" 3426 Sermons at Rugby. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846. 16". . . . 9823 Life and Correspondence of. Stanley. Lond,, 1844. 2 v. 8'. 7130 Arnold, W.D. Oakfield. Bost., 1855. 12° 15528 Arr^vabene, O. Italy under Victor Emmanuel. Lond., 1862. 2 v. 8". 4777 [Arrom, O. Bohl de.] La Gaviota. N. Y., 1864. 12°. . 2601 Art, a Dramatic Tale. Reade. Bost., 1855. 12' 2096 Art Criticism, Elements of. Samson. Philad., 1867. 12°. . . 9057 Criticisms on. Hazlitt. Lond., 1843-44. 2 v. 16°. . . 8856 Education. W. Smith. Bost., 1872. 8° 9054 in England. Waagen. Lond., 1838. 3 v. 12°. . . . 9068 Essays on. Goethe. N. Y., 1862. 16° 8846 The same. Palgrave. N. Y., 1867. I6^ . . . 8859 in Europe. Wallace. Philad., 1857. 12°. .... 8886 European, Wonders of. Viardot. N. Y., 1871. 12^. . . 10124 Fine: Hist., Theory, Practice, etc. of. Wyatt. Lond., 1870. 8". 9076 in Greece. Taine. N. Y., 1871. 12° 8850 Handbook to the Galleries of, in and near London. Jameson. Lond., 1842. 2 V. 12° 8874 Hist, of, in the Schools of Italy. Fuseli. (Works, v. 3.) Lond,, 1831. 8° 9053 The Ideal in. Taine. N. Y., 1869. 12° 8848 Italian, Wonders of, Viardot. N. Y„ 1870. 12°. . . . 10122 Lectures on. Allston. N. Y,, 1850, 12°. .... 8885 The same, Ruskin. Oxfd, 1870. 8° 8884 Memoirs and Essays on. Jameson. N. Y., 1846. 12°. . . 3954 Monuments of. Liibke, etc. N. Y. 8°. and 2 v. of plates. 4°. in the Netherlands. Taine, N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . . 8849 Political Economy of, Ruskin. N. Y., i860. 12°. . . . 9041 Rhymes on. Shee. Philad., 1815. 12° 14845 Sacred and Legendary. Jameson. Bost., 1865. 2 v. 16". . 8854 Studies. Jarves. N. Y., 1861. 8° 9067 Thoughts. Jarves. N. Y., 1869. 12° 8888 Thoughts about. Hamerton. Bost., 1871. 16°. . . . 8858 20 Artevelde — Asia-Minor. Artevelde, Philip van; a dramatic romance. Taylor. Cambr., 1835. 2 V. 16° lOOI ArUdea, The. Jarves. N. Y., 1864. 16° 8861 Art-Journal, The. Lond., 1852-60. 8 v. 4° Artist's Tour in England. Passavant. Lond., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . . 17121 Arthur, King, Story of. Cox and Jones. (Popular Romances.) Lond., 1871. 8° 2010 and his Knights. Bulfinch. Bost., 1861. 12° 1910 Book of. Malory. Lond., 1868. 12". . . 1912 Arthur, T. S. Illustrated Temperance Tales. Philad., 1850. 8°. . 15305 Sketches of Life and Character. Philad., 1850. 12°. . . 15304 Arthur, Wm. Etymological Diet, of Names. N. Y., i860. 12". . 102 Arthur, Wm. Italy in Transition, i860. 2d ed. Lond., i860. 8°. . 4593 Arthur Arundel. [Horace Smith.] N. Y., 1844. 8°. ... 2328 Arthvur denning. [Flint.] Philad., 1828. 2 v. 12°. . . . 15659 Arthur Mervyn. C.B.Brown. Bost., 1827. 2 v. 12°. . . . 1529? Arts and Artists, The. Elmes. Lond., 1825. 3 v. 16°. . . . 8851 Ancient, Hist. of. Rollin. Lond., 1768. 3 v. 8°. . . . 15898 Dictionary of. Ure. N. Y., 1847. 8° Domestic and Mechanic, Science applied to the. Potter. Bost., 1841. 12° 17002 of the Greeks and Romans. Fosbrooke. Lond., 1833-35. 2 v. 16°. 4869 The Fine. (From Encycl. Britannica.) Hazlitt. Edinb., 1838. 12°. 8876 Contributions to Literature of. Eastlake. Lond., 1870. 2 V. 8" 9074 Discourses on. Reynolds. Lond., 1852. 2 v. 8°. . 482 Imitation in. Quatremere de Quincy. Lond., 1837. 8°. 9071 Origin, etc., of, in Gt. Britain and Ireland. Taylor. Lond., 1841. 2 V. 12° 8872 Outline Hist. of. Lossing. N. Y., 1840. 12°.. .11427 The Useful. Bigelow. Bost., 1840. 2 v. 12° 17003 Cyclopaedia of. Tomlinson. Lond., 1854. 2 v. 8°. See, also. Architecture ; Manufactures ; Painting. Arundel. Vincent. Lond., 1840. 3 v. 8° I537i Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes, 3d ed. Bost., 1856. 8°. . 4432 Moral and Relig. Anec. N. Y. [1848.] 8°. . 4341 Arwed Gyllenstiema. Van der Velde. Bost., 1837. 12°. . 3029 Aryan Nations, Mythology of. Cox. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8°. . , 4103 Ascham, R. The Scholemaster. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1870. 16". . 3894 Toxophilus. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1868. 16° 3887 Asgard, Heroes of. Keary. Lond., 1871. 12° 1700 [Ash, E.] The Speculator. Dubl., 1791. 12° 13037 Ashango-Land, Journey to. 1863-64. Du Chaillu. N. Y., 1867. 8°. 8122 Asia, Hist, of Discoveries and Travels in. Murray. Edinb., 1820. 3 V. 8° , . . . . 8060 Central, Travels in, 1863. Vambery. N. Y., 1865. 8°. . . 8141 Asia-Minor, Travels in, 1864. Van Lennep. N. Y., 1870. 2 v. 12°. 8244 See, also, Syria. Asiatic — Auerbach. 31 Asiatic Nations, Ancient, Researches on. Heeren. Oxfd., 1833. 3 v. 8"^ Aslauga's Knight. La Motte Fouque. Tr. Carlyle. Bost., 1841. 12°. Asmodeus at large. Bulwer. Philad., 1833. 12°. Aspendale. Preston. Host., 1871. 16°. Assent, Grammar of. Newman. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Asser. Annals of Alfred. Ed. Giles. Lond., 1848. 8 Assyria, Hist., etc.. of. Fraser. N. Y., 1845. 12°. Researches in. Ainsworth. Lond., 1838. 8° Assyrian Monarchy, The. Rawlinson. (v. i, 2.) N. Y., 1871. 8°. Astoria. Irving. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Astronomer, Practical. Dick. N. Y., 1846. 16°. Astronomy of the Bible. Mitchel. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Discourses on the Christian Revelation in connexion with Bridgep't. 12°. . Mitchel. [2°. Whewell. 12°. 16°. [829. 8^ N. Y., 1863. Chalmers. (Works, v. Letters on. Olmsted. Bost., 1841 Parish. [Burr.] Bost., 1870. 12°, Planetary and Stellar, Worlds of. Popular. Mitchel. N. Y., i860. with reference to Natural Theology. Solar System of. Hind. N. Y., 1852 Treatise on. Herschel. Lond., 1839 Atala. Chateaubriand. Lond., 1825. 24°. Athanasion. [Coxe.] N. Y., 1842. 12° Atheism, Polit., Lectures on. L. Beecher (Works, i). Bost., 1852 Philad., 1836. 8° 12" Sermons on Folly of. Bentley (v. 3). Lond., 1838. 8°. Atheists, Voltaire and Rousseau against the. Ed. Akerly. N. 1845- 12° Athelwold J a Tragedy. W.Smith. Lond., 1842. 8°. Athenaeum, The. N. H., 1814. v. i. 8° Athenaid, The. Lond., 1787. 3 v. 12° Athenexmi, The. Bost., 1817-25. i6 v. 8°. ... Athens, Public Economy of. Boeckh, tr. by Lewis. Lond., 1842. 8' Atkinson, T. W. Upper and Lower A moor. Lond., i860. 8' Atlantic Club Book, The. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 12°. Monthly. Bost., 1857-70. 26 v. 8° The same. v. 1-30. .... Telegraph, Hist, of the. H. M. Field. N. Y., 1866. 12°. Atlas, Family. Johnson. N, Y., 1866. 4° General. Colton. N. Y., 1868. 4° Atmospheric System, The. Butler. Hartfd., 1870. 12°. . Atonement, The ; a Story. Hook. N. Y., 1839. 12°. Attila. A Romance. James. N. Y., 1837. 2 v. 12°, Atwater, O. Tour to Prairie du Chien. Columbus, 1831. 12°. Aubigne, J. H. Merle d'. See Merle. Aubigne, T. A. d', Life of. [S. Scott.] Lond., 1772. 8°. Audubon, J. J., Life of. By his Widow. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Auerbach, B. Black Forest Village Stories. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 12 Coui\try House on the Rhine, Lond., 1870. 3 v. 8°. Edelweiss. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. 12° 4 4114 3107 2147 2744 9599 499 11759 8048 4063 8403 16974 8915 9633 1697 1 8917 8912 8913 16983 8845 6045 2346 803 12753 17229 9979 845 17475 14867 14578 4430 8136 14879 13429 13455 8900 8919 2594 15211 16818 7646 73" 3024 3026 2710 22 Auerbach — Azeglio. Auerbach, B. On the Heights. (2 copies.) Bost., 1868-69. 16°. Auf der Hohe. 6 te. Aufl. Stuttg., 1868. 2 Bde. in i. 16°. . Schwarzwalder Dorfgeschichten. Stuttg., 1861-62. 6 Bde. in 3. 16° Augustine, St. Confessions. N. Y., 1844. 12° Aumale, H. E. P. L., Due d'. Hist, of the Princes de Cond^. Lond., 1872. 2 V. 8° Aurelius Antoninus. See Antoninus. Aurora Floyd. Braddon. N. Y., 1863. 8° Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey. (2 copies.) Philad., 1833. 2 v. 12°. Novels. Philad., 1838. 2 v. in i. 8° Persuasion. N.Y., 1832. 2 v. 12° Pride and Prejudice ; Northanger Abbey. Bost., 1863. 12°. . Memoir of. Austen-Leigh. Lond., 1870. 8° Austin, James T. Life of Gerry. Bost., 1828-29. 2 v. 8°. Austin, S. Characteristics of Goethe. (2 copies.) Lond., 1833. 3 v. 12°. The same. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 12° Fragments from German Prose Writers. (2 copies.) Lond., 1841. 12° The same. N. Y., 1841. 16° Austin, W. Letters from London. Bost., 1804. 8° Austin, Elliot. H. Kingsley. Bost., 1863. 12° Australasia, Hist. of. Martin. Lond., 1839. ^^° Australia, Expeditions in, 1831-36. Mitchell. Lond., 1839, 2 v. 8°. Felix, Impressions of, 1839-44. Howitt. Lond., 1845. 16°. Southern, Expeditions in, 1828-31. Sturt. Lond., 1834. 2 v. 8". Austria as it is. Lond., 1828. 8°. in 1848-49. Stiles. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 8° and the Austrians. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 8° Empire of. J. S. C. Abbott. N. Y., 1859. 12°. Hist, of House of (1218-1792). Coxe. 3ded. Lond., 1847. 3 v. 8°. Travels in, 1834-36, etc. TurnbuU. Lond., 1840. 2 v. 8°. Authors, Calamities and Quarrels of. L Disraeli. N. Y., 1841. 12°. See, also. Literature. Autobiographers, Half-Hours with. Knight. Lond., 1867. 8°. . 3769 Autobiography. Lond., 1826-31. v. 1-32. 12° 6639 Contents.— 1, Gibber. 2, Hume ; Lilly ; Voltaire. 3, 4, Marmontel. 5, R. Drury. 6, White- field : J. Ferguson. 7, Mrs. M. Robinson ; Mrs. Charke. 8. Lord Herbert of Cherbury : Eugene of Savoy. 9, 10, Kotzebue. 11, Creichton ; W. Gifford ; Ellwood. 12, Holberg. 13, J.H.Vaux. 14. 15, Gibbon. 16, 17, Cellini. 18, J. Lackington. 19, T. W. Tone. 20, 21, Margravine of Bareith. 22, G.B.Doddington. 23, 24, Goldoni. 2.^28, Vidocq. 29-32, Mme. Du Barri. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Holmes. Bost., i860. 12°. . Ava, Embassy to, 1795. Symes. Edinb., 1827. 2 v. 12°. Avesta, Studies on the. Whitney. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Axel and Anna. Bremer. Lond., 1853. 8°. .... Aytoun, W. E. Lays of Scottish Cavaliers, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1866. 12° , . 1097 Life of Richard L Lond., 1840. 16° 5128 Azarian. H. P. SpofFord. Bost., 1864. 8° 3011 Azeglio, M. d'. Ettore Fieramosca, or the Challenge of Barletta. N. Y., 1845. 12° 15171 Babbage— Baillie. «3 [840. 8^ B. Babbage, O. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. A Fragment. Lond 1837. 8° Babo, J. M. Otto of Wittlesbach ; Dagobert. Transl. by Thompson. (German Theatre, v. 4.) Lond., 181 1. 12°. Babylonia, Researches in. Ainsworth. Lond., 1838. 8' Babylonian Monarchy, The. Rawlinson. N. Y., 1871. Bacchus: an Essay on Intemperance. Grindrod. N. Y., Bachelor of the Albany. [Savage.] N. Y., 1848. 12°. of Salamanca. Le Sage. Philad., 1854. 2 v. 12° Bachelors, The. Knapp. N. Y., 1836. 12°. Back, G. Narrative of Arctic Expedition. Lond., 1836. Bacon, David F. Lives of the Apostles. N. H. [1835.] [Bacon, Delia.] Bride of Fort Edward. N. Y., 1839. 12° Tales of the Puritans. (2 copies.) N. H., 1831. 12 Bacon, F. Essays. Lond., 1801. 16°. The same. Philad., 1818. 2 v. 24°. The same. Bost., 1820. 16°. The same. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . The same. The same. Bost., 1868. 16°. . The same. Ed. B. Montagu. Lond., 1836. The same. Ed. by Whately. N. Y., 1857. The same. Revised ed. Host., 1861 The same. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1871. 16°. Works. Lond., 1824. 10 v. 8°. ... The same The same. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. . Life of. Campbell (Ld. Chancellors, v. 2). "Lond., 1845. Novum Organon of. Account of. [Hoppus.] Lond., 1829 Personal History of. Dixon. Bost., i86i. 12°. Bacon, J. Life of Francis L 2d ed. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 8 Bacon, L. Historical Discourses at N. Haven. N. H., 1839. 8°. Slavery discussed in Occasional Essays. N. Y., 1846. 12°. Bacon, N., Memoir of. Ware. Bost., 1844. 16°. Bacon, W. T. Poems. N. H., 1839. 8° The same. Bost., 1837. 12° Bagehot, W. Physics and Politics. N. Y., 1873. 12°. Bagg, J. BL Magnetism. Detroit, 1845. 12° [Bagg, L. H.] Four Years at Yale. (2 copies.) N. H., 1871. 8°. Bailey, P. J. The Angel World, etc. Bost., 1850. 16°. . Festus. N. Y. i6° The Mystic, etc. Bost., 1856. 16° [Bailey, 8.] Essays on Formation, etc., of Opinions. Philad. 1831. 12° Baillie, J. Complete Poetical Works. Philad., 1832. 8°. . Plays. Lond., 1821. 3 v. 8" 16°. 8°. 16989 1359 8048 4064 16967 15374 1691 15662 8105 16463 15666 15799 3523 3524 3843 11772 12285 3155 3154 3394 3395 3897 9678 9621 9738 6867 16468 6755 5651 5897 8570 7262 15047 14971 10183 8527 9275 832 981 831 3165 1655 1592 24 Baillie — Bandinel. Baillie, R. Letters and Journals, 1637-62, Ed. Laing. Edinb., 1841-42. 3 V. 8° Bainbridge, W., Life of. Cooper (Naval Biogr., v. i). Philad. 1846. 12° The same. Harris. Philad., 1837. 8°. . Baines, E. Hist, of the French Revolution. Philad., 1835. 2 v. and I V. maps. 8° Baird, H. M. Modern Greece. N. Y., 1856. 12°. Baird, R. Protestantism in Italy. Bost., 1847. 12°. . Visit to Northern Europe. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12°. . Baker, H. The Universe. 2d ed. Lond. 8°. . Baker, S. W. The Albert N'yanza. (2 copies.) Lond., 1866. Philad., , 1868. 1869. 12°. N. H., 1839. 1786 8°. 6.) Bost., 16^ Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon. Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. Lond The same. Hartfd., 1868. 8°. Baker, W. M. The New Timothy. N. Y., 1870. Bakewell, R. Introd. to Geology. Ed. Silliman Balboa, V. N. de, Life of. Bost., 1840. 12°. Baldwin, E. Annals of Yale College. N. H., 1831. 8°. Baldwin, J. D. Pre-Historic Nations. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Baldwin, T. Airopaidia ; a Balloon Excursion. Chester Bale, J. God's Promises. (Old Plays, v. i.) Lond., 1825. Balearic Islands, Hist. of. [Dameto and Mut] Lond., 1719. 8 Ball, A. M. W. Claim to the Authorship of " Rock Me to Sleep N. Y., 1867. 8° Ball, a, Life of. Fisher. N. Y., 1837. 12°. Ballads, Ancient, Imitations of. Sir W. Scott. (Poems, v. 1871. 16° Ancient Spanish. Lockhart. N. Y., 1842. 8°. . English and Scottish. Child. Bost., 1857-59. 8 v. Old. Evans. Lond., 1810. 4 v. 16°. Pictorial Book of. J. S. Moore. Lond., 1847-48. 2 relating to Robin Hood. Ritson. [Lond., 1845.] 8° Scottish. Chambers. Edinb., 1829. 12°. . See, also, Minstrelsy ; Poetry ; Songs. Ballard, G. Memoirs of Learned Ladies of Grt. Brit. Oxf d Balloon Ascents. Marion. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Excursion, Narrative of Baldwin. Chester, 1786, See, also. Air. Ballston Springs. Poems. N. Y,, 1806. 12° Balmes, J. L. Protestantism and Catholicity compared. Bait., 1851. 8' Baltic, Letters from the Shores of the. 2d ed. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 12' Balwhidder, Micah. Annals of the Parish. [Gait.] Philad., 1821. 12' Bancroft, A. Life of Washington. Bost., 1826. 2 v. 12°. Bancroft, G. Hist, of the U. S. (2 copies.) Bost., 1841-66. 9 v. 8' The same. v. 2, 3 Literary and Historical Miscellanies. (2 copies.) N. Y., Bandello, M. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., 1836. Bandinel, J. Trade in Slaves from Africa. Lond., 1842. 8" 752. 4 8°. 1855- 12°. 7213 7275 7458 5671 8323 17263 16597 14806 8118 7909 8120 8121 2852 9008 7511 9322 15936 16944 1508 16163 15048 8569 1076 913 1038 1089 1205 948 955 16030 10116 16944 14965 6492 16613 2365 7490 6203 6221 3473 1 901 8753 Banditti — Bamaby. 25 Philad., 1839. 2 V. 12' Lond., 12°. 2 V. 12' 12°. Banditti, Lives of. MacFarlane. See, also, Brigands. Banfield, T. C. Agriculture on the Rhine. Lond., 1846. 12' Bangs, N. Life of Arminius. N. Y., 1843. [Banim, J.] The Croppy. Philad., 1839. The Mayor of Wind-Gap. N. Y., 1835. The Smuggler. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12^^ Banker's Wife, The. Gore. N. Y., 1843. 8" Banking in America, Hist. of. Gilbart. Lond., 1837. 8°. Treatise on. Raguet. Philad., 1839. 8°. Bankrupt Stories. [Briggs.] N. Y., 1844. 8°. Banks, W. English Master. Lond., 1823. 8°. Banks, Hist. of. Goddard. N. Y., 1831. 8°. Theory of. Tucker. Bost., 1839. 12". Bannister, J., Memoirs of. Adolphus. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8°. . Bannockbum J a Novel. Porter. Philad., 1822. 2 v. 12°. Banvard, J. Life of Webster. Bost., 1853. 16°. Baptist Pulpit, Annals of the American. Sprague. N. Y., i860. Barbacovi, F. V. Literary Hist, of Italy. Edinb., 1835. 12°. . Barbary States, Hist., etc., of the. Russell. N. Y., 1835. 12°. See, also, Algiers. Barbauld, A. L. Works. N. Y., 1826. 2 v. Barber, John W. 12 . Wore. 1841. 1841. .8' 8°. Hist. Collections of Mass. Hist, of N. E., N. Y., and N. J. Wore, Interesting Events in U. S. History. N. H., 1829. 12°. and Howe, H. Hist. Collections of N. J. N. Y., 1844. Barber, Jos. Crumbs from the Round Table. N. Y., 1866. 12°. Bareith, F. S. W., Margravine of. Memoirs of. By herself. Lond., 1827. 2 V. 12° Bargagli, S. A^ovel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., 1836. 12°. Barham, R. H. Ingoldsby Legends. Philad., 1844. 12°. . My Cousin Nicholas ; Rubber of Life. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 12' Baring-Gould, S. Curious Myths of Middle Ages. 2 Series in i. New ed. Lond., 1869. 16° The same. 2d Series. Lond., 1868. 8°. . In Exitu Israel. N. Y., 1870. 8° Legends of Patriarchs and Prophets. N. Y., 1872. 8°. . Origin and Development of Religious Belief. N. Y., 1870. 2v. 12° Barker, Lady F. N. Spring Comedies. Lond., 1871. 8°. . Station Life in N. Zealand. Lond., 1870. 8°. . . " . [Barker, M. H.] The Warlock. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Barlow, Joel. Vision of Columbus. Hartfd., 1787. 8°. . The same. 2d ed. Hartfd., 1787. 12°. . Barlow, J. Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy ; Man's Power over himself to control Insanity. (Small Books, v. i.) Philad., 1847. 12° Bamabee's Journal. [Braithwait.] Lond., 1818. I2°. Bamaby Rudge. Dickens. N. Y.. 1871. 16° 6705 8795 7514 15408 15505 15159 2313 8649 8755 15078 17528 8650 8648 7996 15192 7541 7735 112 11290 13672 5937 5936 16050 5938 3579 6658 1902 4255 15519 1915 1916 2442 1914 9959 2515 7988 15633 14926 688 8496 148 10 2173 26 Barnard — Barry. [Barnard, O. P.] The Soprano. Bost. [1869.] 12°. , Barnes, A. Inquiry into Scriptural Views of Slavery. Philad., 1846, 12° Lectures on Evidences of Christianity. N. Y., 1868. Notes on Isaiah. Bost., 1840. 3 v. 8°. . The same. 3d ed. N. Y., 1851. 2 v. 12°. Notes on Job. 5th ed. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847. 2 v. Notes on the N. T. N. Y., 1836-52. 8 v. 12°. . 3012 8577 9998 10016 9856 9852 9858 Contents.— 1, 2, Gospels. 3, Acts. 4, Romans. 5, 1 Corinthians. 6, II Corinthians, Galatians. 12^ 7, Hebrews. 2 V. 12 869. 1863. 3, kevelauon. The same. Gospels to Hebrews. The same. Romans ; I Corinthians. Practical Sermons. Philad., 1841. 12°. Sermons on Revivals. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . Barnes, R. Writings. Lond. 12°. Bamett, F., Memoirs of. By himself. Bost., 1823 Barney, J., Biogr. Memoir of. Bost., 1832. 8°. . Bamum, H. L. The Spy Unmasked. N. Y., 1828. 8 Bamum, P. T. Humbugs of the World. N. Y., 1865. Life of. By himself. N. Y., 1855. 12°. Bamum, S. W. Comprehensive Diet, of the Bible. N Baron, J'. Life of Jenner. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. Barr, W. Journal of March to Cdbul, etc. Lond., 1844. 12°. Barren Honour. [Lawrence.] N. Y. 8° Barrera, Mme. de. Memoirs of Rachel. N. Y., 1858. 12°. Barrett, E. G. Poems. N. Y., 1866. 12° Barrett, Walter. Old Merchants of N. Y. [Scoville.] N. \ 2 v. 12° Barrington, D. Possibility of approaching the N. Pole. N. Y., il Barrington, G. Voyage to New South Wales. N. Y. 8°. . Barrington, J. Personal Sketches of his Times. PhilSid 2 V. in I. 8° Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. N. Y., i860. 12°. Barrow, I. Works, ed. Hughes. Lond., 1830. 5 v. 12°. Barrow, Sir John. Life of Lord Anson. Lond., 1839, Life of Earl Howe. Lond., 1838. 8°. Memoir of Peter the Great. N. Y., 1841. 12 The same. N. Y., 1834. 12°. . Pitcairn's Island, and Mutiny of the Bounty. Travels in China. Philad., 1805. 8°. in S. Africa. N. Y., 1802. 8°. Voyages in Arctic Regions. N. Y., 1846. 16°. Barrow^, John, Jr. Tour round Ireland. Lond., 1836. 12^^ Visit to Iceland. Lond., 1835. 12°. Barruel, A. Hist, of Jacobinism. N. Y., 1799. 4 v- ^°- of the Clergy during the French Revol. Dubl., 1795. 12° Barry, J., etc. Lectures on Painting. (2 copies.) Lond., 1848. Barry, L. Ram-Alley. (Old Plays, v. 5.) Lond., 1825. 8°. N Y., 1840. :827. 9866 9873 17360 17271 9482 16384 7418 6124 17104 10058 7160 7939 2311 7965 14972 7415 16593 16288 16341 5253 12756 6850 6849 11285 12115 11033 16520 16534 7906 8307 8292 16201 16220 8881 1512 Barry — Beard. 27 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 8° Barthelemy, J. J. Travels of Anacharsis. Lond., 1798. 8°. Bartholomew, Massacre of St. White. N. Y„ 1868. 12°. . Bartlett, D. W. What I saw in London. Auburn, 1852. 12°. . Bartlett, J. Familiar Quotations. (2 copies.) 5th ed. Bost. 1868-69. 16" Bartlett, J. R. Diet, of Americanisms. 3d ed. Bost., i860 Narrative of Explor. in Texas, etc. N. Y., 1854. 2 v. in i. 8' Bartlett, S. O. Life and Death Eternal. Bost. [1866.] 12" Bartlett, W. H. Pictures from Sicily. Lond., 1869. 8°. Barton, B. Poems. Philad., 1821. I2^ Barton, W., Life of. Williams. Prov., 1839. 12°. Bascom, J. Science, Philosophy and Religion. N. ¥., 187: Bashan, Giant Cities of. Porter. N. Y., 1866. 12°, . Basil Barrington and his Friends. Lond., 1830. 3 v. 8°. Baskerville, A. Poetry of Germany. 3d ed. (2 copies.) Philad. 1856. 8" Bass Rock, Geology of the. Miller. N. Y., 1851. 12°. Bassompierre, F. de. Embassy to England. Lond., 1819. 8°. , Bastile, Hist, of the. Davenport. Lond., 1839. 16° Bates, W. Spiritual Perfection unfolded. Lond., 1834. 16°. Bathing, Hist. of. Mahomed. Lond., 1843. 12° Bathurst, liOrd H., Observations on Speech of. N. Y., 1818. 12°. Battle of the Books. Swift. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., 1812. 12°. . Battles of the World, Decisive. Creasy. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Baur, W. Religious Liie in Germany. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8°. . Bausset, L. F. de. Life of Fenelon. Lond., 1810. 2 v. 8°. Bausset, Ij. F. J. de. Memoirs of Court of Napoleon. Philad., 1828. 8° Bautain, L. B. M. Art of Extempore Speaking. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1859-67. 12° Baviad, The. Gifford. N. Y., 1800. 12° Baxter, G. R. W. Humour and Pathos. Lond., 1842. 12°. Baxter, R. Call to the Unconverted. N. Y. 12° Dying Thoughts. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., 1834. 16°. Jesuit Juggling. N. Y., 1835. 12° The Reformed Pastor. Ed. Park. Andover, 1845. 12°. . Bay Path, The. Holland. N. Y., 1862. 12° Bayley, F. W. N. New Tale of a Tub. N. Y., 1854. 12°. Bayley, J. Hist, of Tower of London. (2 copies.) Lond., 1830. 8°, Bayne, P. The Christian Life, Bost., i860. 12° Essays on Biography and Criticism. Bost., i860. 2 v. 12°. . Life of H. Miller. Bost., 1871. 2 v. 12° Testimony of Christ to Christianity. Bost., 1862. 16°. Bazar Book of Decorum. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 16°. . Beach, S. B. Escalala. Utica, 1824. 12" Beale, T. Nat. Hist, of the Sperm Whale ; Sketch of a Whaling Voy- age. Lond., 1839. 12° Beard, J. R. Schools. Lond., 1842. 12° 2192 15953 6327 16759 4348 212 8087 lOOOO 8352 819 16430 8512 8256 15375 857 8829 5073 5512 9487 9230 16222 3849 4572 6323 7672 5590 9294 14823 4264 9807 9489 9580 9913 2918 15049 5II6 9975 3729 7101 9901 9131 14973 16330 9107 28 Beatrice — Beecher. Beatrice. Sinclair. N. Y. 12°. . , Beattie, J. Essays on Poetry, Music, etc. 3d ed. Lond., 1779. 8' The Minstrel ; with other Poems. N. Y., 1802. 16°. Poetical Works. Philad., 1842. 8° Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. Works. Philad., 1809. 10 v. 12°. . . • . Life, etc., of. Forbes. N. Y., 1807. 8° Beattie, W. Life of Campbell. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850. 2 v. 12" Beaumarchais, P. A. O. de, and his Times. De Lomenie. N. Y., 1857. 12° Beaiimont, F., and Fletcher, J. Selected Works. Ed. L. Hunt. Lond., 1855. 8° Works. Lond., 1711. v. i, 3-7. 8°. .... Works, ed Darley. Lond., 1840. 2 v. 8°. Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., 1843-46. 11 v. 8°. . Contents 15378 214 14808 945 26 12287 16354 7038 7623 449 1426 1625 1497 '^Kjai.i^aj^^.—L, iT^,=u.wx. , ., vy^»^-Jater; Thierry and Theodoret; Philaster; Maid's Tragedy. 2, Faithful Shepherdess ; Kt. of Burning Pestle ; King and No King ; Cupid's Kevenge ; Masque ; Four Plays in One. 3, Scornful Lady ; Coxcomb ; Captain; Honest Man's Fortune ; French Law- ■ ns : wit without Money ; Faithful Friends ; Widow ; Custom of of Malta ; Valentinian ; Laws of Candy ; Q. of Corinth. 6, Loyal Subject : Mad Lover ; False One ; Double Marriage ; Humorous Lieutenant, 7, Women Pleased ; Woman ^8 Prize ; Chances ; M. Thomas ; Island Princess. 8, Pilgrim ; Wlld-Goose-Chase ; Pronhetess; Sea-Voyage; Spanish Curate. 9, Beggars' Bush; Love's Cure; Maid in the Mill; Wife for a Month ; Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. 10, Fair Maid of the Inn ; Noble Gentleman ; Elder Brother ; Nice Valour ; Bloody Brother, or Rollo, D. of Normandy. U, Lover's Progress ; Nigh t- Walker ; Love's Pilgrimage ; Two Noble Kinsmen; Poems; Index. the Coimtry. 5, Bonduca ; Kt, ;; Ma Beaumont, G. de. Ireland. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . Beautiful, Origin of Ideas of the. Burke. Bost., 1839. 8°. See, also, Esthetics ; Taste. Beauty and the Beast. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Beazley, S. Is he Jealous ? (Oxberry's Plays, v. 8.^ Bost., 1822. 24' Becker, W. A. Charicles, tr. by Metcalfe. Lond., 1845. 12''. . Gallus, tr. by Metcalfe. Lond., 1844. 12°. The same. 3d ed. N. Y., 1866. 8°. ... Becket, Thomas a 5 a Drama. Darley. Lond., 1840. 8°. . Life of. Campbell (Ld. Chancellors, v. i). Lond., 1845. 8°. Beckford, W. Excursion to Monasteries of Alcobaca, etc. Philad 1835. 12° Hist, of Vathek. N. Y., 1869. 12° Italy, Spain and Portugal, Philad., 1834. 2 v. 12°. Beckman, J. Hist, of Inventions. Lond., 1817. 4 v. 8°. The same. (2 copies.) Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8°. Beckwourth, J. P., Life and Adventures of. N. Y., 1856. 12°. Becon, T. Writings. Lond. 12° Bede, Cuthbert. (Pseudonym.) See E. Bradley. Bede, Venerable. Eccl. Hist, of England. (2 copies.) Lond., 1847. 8' Bedell, W., Life of. Burnet. Lond. 24°. . . . , . Bedford Row Conspiracy. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond., 1872. 8' Bee, The ; or, Literary Weekly Intelligencer. Anderson. Edinb., 1791-93. 18 V. 8° Beecher, C. B. Essay on Slavery. Philad., 1837. 12°. Beecher, H. W. Eyes and Ears. Bost., 1863. 12°. . Freedom and War. Bost., 1863. 12°. .... 5419 9649 2941 1352 4326 4324 4325 844 6866 8317 10078 8217 15854 354 7407 9481 497 6677 2197 1 304 1 8470 3592 3593 Beecher — Bell. 29 2 V. 8°. . Y., 1872. 12°. . (2 copies.) N. Y., 1835. 12°. 2 V. 16°. Beecher, H. W. Lecture Room Talks. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Lectures to Young Men. Salem, 1846. 12°. The same. Revised ed. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866-68. 12' Life of Jesus. N. Y., 1871. v. i. 8° Life Thoughts. (2 copies.) Bost., 1858. 12°. . Norwood. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1868. 12° Sermons. N. Y., 1869. 2 v. 8°. Sermons (" Plymouth Pulpit "). N. Y., 1869. Star Papers. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1855. 12°. Yale Lectures on Preaching. (2 copies.) N. Beecher, L. Autobiography, Correspondence, etc. 1864-65. 2 V. 12° Lectures on Scepticism. (2 copies.) Cincinn., Plea for the West. Cincinn., 1835. 12°. Works. Bost., 1852-53. 3 v. 12° Beecher, T. K. Our Seven Churches. N. Y., 1870. 16°, . Beechey, H. W. Life and Works of Reynolds. Lond., 1835. Bees, Natural Hist. of. Huber. Lond., 1841. 12° Beethoven, L. v. Letters. N. Y., 1868. 2 v. in i. 16°. . Life of. Moscheles. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 12" Beets, N. Life of van der Palm. N. Y., 1865, 8° Behemoth; a Legend. [Mathews.] N. Y., 1839. 12°. Belcher, Lady. Mutineers of the Bounty. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . Belden, K W. Account of a Somnambulist. Springfld., 1834. 12°. Belford Regis. Mitford. Philad. 8° Belgian Traveller, in Holland, France and Switzerland. Middletown, 1807. 8° Belgiqjoso, O. T. de. Oriental Harems and Scenery. N. Y., 1862. 12°. Belgium. Tennent. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 12° in 1833. Mrs. Trollope. Philad., 1834. 8° Belgravia. Lond., 1870-72. v. 10-14, 17. 8° Belinaye, H. Sources of Health and Disease. Bost., 1833. 12°. Belinda. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 3.) Bost., 1824. 8°. . . . Belisarius. A Tale. Marmontel. Lond., 1794. BeUsarius, Life of. Lord Mahon. Philad., 1832. Belknap, J. Amer. Biography, ed. Hubbard. N. The same. N. Y., 1844. 3 v. 12°. . Hist, of N. Hampshire. Bost., 1792. 3 v. 8°. . The same. 2d ed. Bost., 1813. 3 v. 8°. Bell, Acton. (Pseudonym.) See A. Brontj^. Bell, Chas. The Hand, as evincing Design. Philad., 1836. 8' Letters. Lond,, 1870. 8° Bell, Ourrer. (Pseudonym.) See C. BRONxi. Bell, Ellis. (Pseudonym.) See E. Bront^. Bell, H. G. Birmese War, etc. Edinb., 1827. 12°. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. Edinb., 1828. 2 v. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1831-44. 2 v. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1837. 2 v. 12°. . The same. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. . 5 [2". 12= Y., 1846. 3 V. 12' 9879 9179 9180 6539 3588 2943 10053 10055 3590 9919 7634 9811 17303 12753 9833 8879 8893 7880 7961 7770 15663 8324 8483 2675 16658 8252 16654 16656 17757 9169 15337 2355 7576 1 1 762 12278 16133 5861 16983 7105 4471 4486 1 1023 1 1949 1 195 1 30 Bell — Bentley. Bell, James S. Residence in Circassia. Lond., 1840. 2 v. 8°. . . 8040 Bell, John. (Born 1691.) Travels to Asia. Edinb., 1788. 2 v. 8°. , 16509 Bell, John. Poets of Great Britain. [Bagster's ed.] Lond., 1807. 62 double vols. 24°. (10 v. wanting.) 246 Contents.— V. ii-v, vil, Chaucer, vili-xi, Spenser, xil, Denham. xiii, Waller, xiv, xv, Mil- ton, xvii, Butler, Dillon (Earl of Roscommon), xvill, xix, Cowley, xix, Wilmot (Earl of Rochester), xx-xxlv, Dryden. xxv, W. King, xxvi, xxvii, Prior, xxvli, Granville (Lord Lans- downe). xxxi, Addison, xxxli, xxxiii, Rowe. xxxiv, xxxv, Watts, xxxv, J. Philips, E. Smith, xxxvi Parnell. xxxvii, Garth, Fenton. xxxviii, Somerville. xl-xlii, xliv. Pope, xliv, A. Phil- ips, xlv, xlvi. Gay. xlvl, Tickell. xlvil, Broome. Pitt, Green, xlvlii, xlix, Young. 1, Savage, li, J. Thomson. lii. Dyer, G. West, Lyttelton. liii, Hammond, Collins, E. Moore, liv, Shen- stone. Iv, Mallet, Gray, R. West. Ivi, Akenside. Ivii, Iviii, Churchill. Iviii, Jenyns. lix. Fal- coner, J. (junningham. Ix, Armstrong, Goldsmith, Johnson. Bell, R. Hist, of Russia. (2 copies.) Lond., 1836-38. 3 v. 16°. . 5480 Life of Canning. N. Y., 1846. 16° 6695 Lives of English Poets. (2 copies.) Lond., 1839. 2 v. 16°. . 5777 Contents.— 1, Drayton; Cowley; Waller; Milton; Butler. 2, Dryden; Minor Poets; Prior; Pope ; Young ; Akenside. Bell, W. A. New Tracks in N. A. Lond., 1869. 2 v. 8°. . . 8422 Bellows, H. W. The Old World in its New Face. N. Y., 1869. 2 v. 12°. 8273 Beloe, W. The Sexagenarian. 2d ed. Lond., 1818. 2 v. 8°. . . 3487 Belsham, W. Memoirs of Geo. I, II, and III. Dubl., 1796. 3 v. 8°. 5282 Belton Estate, The. A. Trollope. N. Y., 1866. 8° 2290 Beltz, G. F. Memorials of Order of the Garter. Lond., 1841. 8°. , 5114 Ben Brace. Chamier. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. .... 15379 Bench and the Bar, The. [Grant.] Philad., 1837. 2 v. 12°. . . 6605 [Benedict, F. L.] Miss Van Kortland. N. Y., 1870. 8°. . . 2688 Benevolence, Philosophy of. Church. N. Y., 1836. 12°. . . . 17356 Systematic, Essays on. N. Y., 12° 9803 Benger, E. O. Memoirs of A. Boleyn. Philad., 1822. 8°. . . 5239 Benjamin, S. G. W. The Turk and the Greek. N. Y., 1867. 16°. . 8198 Bennet, J. H. Winter and Spring on Mediterranean Shores. 4th ed. N. Y., 1870. 8° 8375 Bentham, J., Select Extracts from. Ed. Burton. Philad., 1844. 12°. 9589 Works. Edinb., 1838-43. 11 v. in 22 pts. 8° 9700 Contents.— 1, Principles of Morals and Legislation ; on the Promulgation of Laws ; Specimen of a Penal Code ; Inlluence of Time and Place in Legislation ; Table of Springs of Action ; Fragments on Government. 2, Principles of the Civil Code ; Principles of Penal Law. 3, Tlie Hard-Labour Bill; Panopticon, etc.; Plea for the Constitution; Draught of Code for a Judicial Establishment in France, 4, Organization of Judicial Establishments ; Eman- cipate your Colonies; on Houses of Peers and Senates; Papers on Codification. 5, Scotch Reform ; Plan of a Judicatory : Art of Packing Juries ; Swear not at all ; Truth vs. Ashurst ; The King against Edmonds, etc.; the King against Wolseley; Official Aptitude maximized. 6, The last, continued ; on Humphreys' Real Property Code ; Plan of a General Register of Real Prop- erty ; Justice and Codification Petitions ; Ld. Brougham displayed. 7, Principles of Judicial nopoW. 9, Defence of Usury ; Manual of Polit, Economy ; Restrictive Commercial System ; Circulating Annuities ; View of a Complete Code of Laws ; Pannomial Fragments : Nomo- graphy ; Logical Arrangements. 10, Equity Dispatch Court Proposal,— and Bill ; Plan of Parlia- mentary Reform ; Radical Reform Bill ; Radicalism not dangerous. 11-14, Rationale of Judicial Evidence. 15, Chrestomathia ; Ontology ; Logic ; Language. 16, The last, continued ; Universal Grammar ; Poor Laws and Pauper Management ; Tracts on Spanish and Portuguese AflTairs ; Let- ters to Toreno on the Spanish Penal Code; Reformation in Tripoli. 17,18, The Constitutional Code. 19-21, Memoirs by Bowring. 21, 22, Index. 22, Introd. to Study of Bentham, by J. H. Burton. Bentley, R. Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., 1836-38. 3 v. 8°. . . 17227 Essay on. De Quincey. (Works, v. 7.) Edinb., 1858. 8°. . 3280 Life of. H. Coleridge (Worthies). Lond., 1836. 8°. , . 6904 Bentley's Miscellany. Lond., 1837-44. v. 1-3, 5-10, 13-16. 8°. . 14212 The same. N. Y. v. 8, 9. 14225 Benton — Bible. 31 Benton, T. H. Examination of the Dred Scott case. N. Y., 1858. 8°. 8679 Thirty Years' View. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1854-56. 2 v. 8°. . 6244 Benyowsky, M. A. de. Memoirs and Travels. Dubl., 1790. 2 v. 8°. 16294 Beranger, P. J. de. Lyrical Poems, transl. by Young. N. Y., 1850, 12°. 919 Songs. Philad., 1844. 12°. 918 Berber, The. Mayo. N. Y., 1850. 12° 15664 Berg, J. F. Lectures on Romanism. Philad., 1840. 12°. . . 9605 Berger, E. (Pseudonym.) See E. S. Sheppard. Berington, J. Hist, of Abeillard and Heloisa. Lond., 1815. 4°. , 16036 The same. Philad., 1819. 8° 16407 Hist, of Henry II, Richard I, and John. Dubl., 1790. 2 v. 8°. 5255 Lit. Hist, of Middle Ages. (2 copies.) Lond., 1846. 8°. . . 321 Berkeley, G. Works. Lond., 1837, 8° 8759 The same. Lond., 1820. 3 v. 8° 8760 Berkeley, H. Memoirs of Mme. D'Arblay. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. in i. 12°. 6987 Berlin and Sans-Souci. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y», 1869. 8°. . 3079 Bermingham, J. Memoir of Father Mathew. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . . 16336 Bemadotte, O. J., Memoirs of. Philippart. Bost., 1815. 8°. . .16172 Bernard of Cluny. O Mother Dear Jerusalem, ed. Prime. N. Y., 1865. 12° 292 Bernard, F., and Whiteing, R. Wonderful Escapes. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 10129 Bemays, L. J. Goethe's Faust, pt. 2, with other Poems. Lond., 1839. 8° 1300 Bemi, F. Orlando Innamorato, transl. by Rose. Lond., 1823. 8'. 892 Bemier, F. Travels in the Mogul Empire. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. 16541 Berri, Duchess of, in La Vendue. Dermoncourt. Lond., 1833. 8°. 5666 Berry, M. Journals and Correspondence. 2d ed. Lond., 1866. 3 v. 8°. 7065 Bertha and Lily. E.O.Smith. N. Y., 1854. 12° 15665 Berthre de Boumisseaux, P. V. J. Hist, of the Vendue War. Paris, 1802. 8'' 16251 Bertrams, The. A. Trollope. N. Y., 1859. 12°. . . . ' . 2107 Bertrand de Moleville, A. P. Memoirs of last year of reign of Louis XVI. Lond., 1797. 3 V. 8° 16183 Bethune, G. W. British Female Poets. Philad., 1848. 8". . 946 Lays of Love and Faith, etc. Philad. [1847.] 8°. . . . 15050 Memoir of. Van Nest. N. Y., 1867. 12° 7643 Bethune, J. B. D. Lives. (Libr. of U. K.) Lond., 1833. 8°. . , 6751 Specimens of Swedish and German Poetry. Lond., 1848. 8°. 921 Betrothed, The. Scott. Edinb., 1871. 8° 1888 Betterton, T. Hist, of the English Stage. Bost., 1814. 8°. . . i6io Beveridge, W. Private Thoughts on Religion. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., 1834. 2 V. 16" 9492 Beyond the Breakers, Owen. Philad,, 1870. 8° 2693 Beza, T. Life of Calvin. (2 copies.) Philad., 1836. 12°. . . 7667 Biber, E. Life of Pestalozzi. Philad., 1833. 8" 15356 Bible, Apology for the. Watson. N. Y., 1835. 8° 17269 Astronomy of the. Mitchel. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . . . 8915 Bards of the. Gilfillan. N. Y., 1851. 12° 9886 Biography. Sears. N, Y„ 1842, 8" 17511 32 Bible. Bible, Commentary on the. Clarke. N. Y., 1840. v. i, 3-5. 8°. . 17325 Comprehensive Diet, of the. Smith and Barnum. N. Y., 1869. 8°. 10058 Concordance to the. Cruden. Lond., 1867. 8°. . . . 9836 Cottage ; with Notes by Williams and Patton. Hartfd., 1834. 2 V. 8° 17315 Evidences of the. Burr. Bost., 1871. 12° 9990 Exposition of the. Henry. N. Y., 1831. 6 v. 8°. . . . 17309 Historical Geography of the. Coleman. Philad., 1850. 12°. 9884 Hist, of the. Gleig. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12° 11012 Hist, of the. Sears. N. Y., 1845. 8° looii Legends of Patriarchs and Prophets of the. Baring-Gould. N. Y., 1872. 8° 1914 Night Scenes in the. March. Philad., 1869. 8°. . . . 10012 Notes on the, Pres. Edwards. (Works, v. 9.) N. Y., 1830. 8°. 17184 The same. T. Scott. Bost., 1830. 6 v. 8°. . . . 17330 Obligations of the World to the. Spring. N. Y., 1854. 12°. 17166 Opinions of Eminent Men on the. Lond., 1839. 12°. , . 9887 in our Public Schools, Right of the. Cheever. N. Y., 1854. 12°. 9146 and the School Fund, The. Clark. Bost., 1870. 16°. . . 9147 Smaller Diet, of the. W. Smith. Bost., 1866. 8°. . . . 9881 in Spain, The. Borrow. Philad., 1843. 8° 2308 Old Testament, History of the. W. Smith. N. Y., 1866. 12°. 9837 Notes on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Joshua, Judges. Bush. N. Y., 1841-44. 7 V. 12°. . . . 9845 Speaker's Commentary. Lond., 1871. v. i in 2 pts. 8°. 10267 CONTKNTS^— Pt. 1, Genesis, Exodus. 2, Leviticus-Deuteronomy. Notes on Isaiah. Barnes. Bost., 1840. 3 v. 8°. . . 10016 New Testament, transl. by Tyndale, 1526, ed. Dabney. Andover, 1837. 12°. 9890 Hist, of Books of the. Stowe. Hartfd., 1867. 8°. . 10020 How to study the. Alford. Lond., 1865-70. 3 v. 16°. 9838 Notes on the. Barnes. N. Y., 1836-52. 8 v. 12°. . 9858 Revision of English Version of. Lightfoot, Trench, and Ellicott. Ed. Schafr. N. Y., 1873. 8°. . . . 10263 Synonyms of the. Trench. N. Y., 1855. 12°. . . 9891 Gospels, Origin of the. Tischendorf. Bost. [1867.] 16°. 9802 Studies in the. Trench. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . 10008 Paraphase and Notes on Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians. Locke. Lond., 1801. 8°. . . . 9597 Lectures on Romans. Chalmers. N. Y., 1843. 8°. . looio Sermons on Corinthians. Robertson. Bost., i860. 12°. 9927 Commentary on I Peter. Leighton. Edinb., 1840. 8°. . 10068 See, also. Gospels ; Palestine ; Scripture. Biblical Archaeology. Jahn. N. Y., 1832. 8° 10015 Legends of Mussulmans. Weil. N. Y., 1846. 12°. . . 9548 Repository. Andover and N. Y., 1831-50. 30 v. in 3 series. 8°. 12776 The same, ist series, v. 1-7, 11, 12 ; 2d series, v. 1-9, 11, 12. 3d series, 6 v 12821 Index, V. 1-24. (2 copies.) Biblical— Biography. 33 Biblical Studies. Plumptre. Lond., 1870. 8°. .... 9889 Bibliotheca Sacra. Andover, 1844-72. 29 v. 8° 1285 1 The same. v. 9-26 12803 Index, V. 1-13. . • Bickerstafi^ L Dr. Last ; Love in a Village ; Maid of the Mill ; Pad- lock ; Sultan. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond,, 1804. 8°. . 1633 Hypocrite ; Maid of the Mill ; Lionel and Clarissa ; Love in a Village. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 2.) Bost., 1822. 24°. . 1347 Love in a Village; Lionel and Clarissa; Maid of the Mill. (Brit. Theatre, v. 27.) Lond. 12° 1345 The Padlock ; Maid of the Mill ; Hypocrite. N. Y. 8°. . 1669 Bickersteth, B. H. Two Brothers, etc. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . 822 Yesterday, To-day, and Forever. 2d ed. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . 823 Bigelcw, Jacob. Eolopoesis. American Rejected Addresses. N. Y. [1855.] 12° 686 The Useful Arts. Bost., 1840. 2 v. 12°.^ 17003 Bigelow, John. Jamaica in 1850. N. Y., 1851. 12° 8547 Memoir of Fremont. N. Y., 1856. 12° 7397 Bigland, J. Letters on History. Philad., 1806. 8° 15878 Sketch of Hist, of Europe. Lond., 1810. 2 v. 8°. . . . 15915 Biglow Papers. [Lowell.] Cambr., 1848-67. 2 v. 16°. . . . 729 Bingham, H. 21 Years in the Sandwich Islands. 3d ed. Hartfd., 1849. 8° 8082 Biographical Anecdotes of Eminent Persons. [Almon,] Lond., 1797. 3 v. 8° 16372 Dictionary. Blake. Bost., 1848. 8° 6908 of Scotsmen. Chambers. Glasgow, 1835. 4 v. 8°. 6862 Essays. Tuckerman. Bost., 1857. 8° 3475 Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. Lamartine. N. Y., 1854-56. 3 V. 12° 6725 For Contents, see Lamartine. Sketches. Knapp. Bost., 1821. 8° 7471 The same. H. Martineau, N. Y., 1869, 12°. . . 6748 of American Artists. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1867. 8°. 8126 of living characters of France, [de Lomenie.] Philad., 1841. 12° 7612 Biography, American. Belknap. N. Y., 1846. 3 v. 12°. . . 11762 Library of. Sparks. Bost., 1834-48. 25 V. 16*. 7250 For contents, see Sparks. Military. 1825. 12° 16434 Naval. Cooper. Philad., 1846. 2 v. 12°. . 7275 of Famous Americans of Recent Times. Parton. Bost., 1869. 12° . 7410 Appleton's Cyclopaedia of. N. Y., 1856. 8° 6909 Bible. Sears. N. Y., 1842. 8° 17511 British Naval. Charnock. Lond., 1794-98. 6 v. 8°. . . 6897 of Brit. Painters and Sculptors. Cunningham. N. Y., 1839-40. 5 V. 12° II0I7 of the British Stage. N. Y., 1824. 12° 7895 34 Biography — Biology. Biography of Celebrated Women. Ed. G. P. R. James. Philad., 1839. 2 V. 12° . . . 6701 Cottage Cyclopedia of. Pierce. Hartfd., 1867. 8°. of Distinguished Men of Modern Times. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. 11598 Eccentric. Bost., 1825. 12°. ....... 6608 The same. Lond., 1826. 12° 6703 of Eminent Christians. Frost. Hartfd., i860. 8°. . . 16400 of Eminent Englishmen [to 1688]. Cunningham. Glasg., 1836. 3 V. in 6. 8° 6886 of Eminent Persons. (Libr. of Useful Knowledge.) Lond., 1833. 8° 6751 COKTKNTs.— Galileo, Kepler, Sir I. Newton, Mahomet, Wolsey, Sir E. Coke, Lord Somers, Caxton, Admiral Blake, Adam Smitli, C. Niebuhr, Wren, Michael Ansrelo. of Eminent Women of the Age. Hartfd., 1868. 8°. . . 6905 of English Poets. Gary. Lond., 1846. 16° 6599 The same. Johnson. Lond., 1831. 16°. . . . 6598 Exemplary and Instructive. Chambers. Edinb., 1836. 16''. . 6680 Female. Hays. Lond., 1803. 6 v. 12° 14426 The same. Knapp. Philad., 1836. 12° 16303 Cyclopaedia of. Adams. Lond., 1869. 16°. . . . 6675 of Female Sovereigns. Jameson, N. Y., 1845-48. 2 v. 12°. 12095 of French Writers. Mrs. Shelley, etc. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. 7615 of Georgian Era in Grt; Brit. Lond., 1832-34. 4 v. 8°, . . 6721 of Great Commanders. James. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . 6699 of Great Men, Lectures on. Myers. Lond., 1856. 8°. . . 6711 of Illustrious Men, New. (From Encyl. Brit.) Bost., 1857. 12°. 6715 Imaginative. Brydges. Lond., 1834. 2 v. 12°. . . . 3406 Indian. Thatcher. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12° 11049 of Italian Poets. Stebbing. Lond., 1831. 3 v. 12°. . . 7775 of literary and scientific men of Italy. Mrs. Shelley, etc. Philad., 1841. 2v. 12° 7773 of Learned British Ladies. Ballard. Oxfd., 1752. 4°. . . 16030 of Pious Women. Burder. Philad. [1836.] 8°. . . . 16361 of the Players. Gait. Bost., 1831. v. i. 12°. . . . 16402 Popular. Peter Parley. N. Y., 1854. 12° 6604 of Public Characters of 1800-1801. Lond., 1801. 8°. . . 16359 Romance of; Women Loved by Poets. Jameson. Lond., 1837. 2 V. 8° 6709 Romantic, of Age of Eliz. Taylor. Philad., 1842. 2 v. I2^ 6746 of Scottish Poets. Lond., 1822. 3 v. in 4. 24°. . . * 6609 of Scottish Writers. Irving. Edinb., 1839. 2 v. in i. 12°. . 6714 of Self-taught Men. Edwards, etc. Bost., 1846-47. 2 v. 12°. 6672 of Travellers. St. John. N. Y., 1841. 3 v. 12°. . . . 12097 Universal. Lempriere, ed. Lord. N. Y., 1825. 2 v. 8°. . 16315 Hand-Book of. Godwin. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . 6716 chronologically arranged [to 1600]. Platts. Lond., 1825-26. 5 v. 8° 6892 of Wonderful Characters. Wilson. N. Y., 1834. 8°. . . 6906 Biology, Principles of. H. Spencer. N. Y., 1866-67, 2 v. 12°. . 8599 Bird — Blanchard. 35 Bird, R. M. Adventures of Robin Day. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12' Calavar. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12° The Hawks of Hawk-Hollow. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. The Infidel. 2d ed. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . Sheppard Lee. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Birds, Architecture, Domestic Habits, and Faculties of. [Rennie.] Lond., 1831-35. 3 V. 12°. Natural Hist. of. [Rennie.] N. Y., 1840. 12°. Nat. Hist, and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., 1836-37. 2v. 16° Popular Account of the Orders of. Figuier. Lond. [1869.] Water, of U. S. and Canada. Nuttall. Bost., 1834. 12°. Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Hook. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12°. Bisaccioni, M. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., 1836. 12' Bishop, S. Poetical Works. Lond., 1796. 2 v. 4°. . Bismarck, K. W. F. v.. Life of. Hesekiel. N. Y., 1870. 8' Bisset, R. Hist, of Reign of Geo. HL Bait., t8io. 4 v. 8°. Life of Burke. 2d ed. Lond., 1800. 2 v. 8°. . Bits of Travel. [H. Hunt.] Bost., 1872. 12°. . £(jomson, B. Arne. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. 16°. The Happy Boy. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. 16°. Love and Life in Norway. Lond. 16°. The Railroad and Churchyard, etc. Bost., 1870. 16° Black Dwarf, The. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8°. . . Black-Forest Village Stories. Auerbach. N. Y., 1869. 12 Black Watch, The. Picken. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. Blackgown Papers. Mariotti. Lond., 1846. v. 2. 12°. Blacklock, T. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. Blackmore, R. Creation. Philad., 1806. 12°. . The same. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., i 24 ii9. Lond, 24 . 783. Blackstone, W. Commentaries on the Laws of England v. 2-4. 8° The same. N. Y., 1845. v. 2. 8° The same. Ed. Sharswood. N. Y., 1872. 2 v. 8°. Blackstone, The Comic, k Beckett. Lond. 16° Blackwood's Magazine. Edinb. & N. Y., 1817-72. v. 1-4, 6-30, 32-112. The same. v. 1-18, 21, 24-26, 28, 33-91, 93-106. Blair, H., Account of Life of, etc., of. Hill. Philad., 1808. 8°. Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. Dubl., 1789. 2 v. 8°. The same. N. Y., 1815. 8° Blair, R. The Grave. Bost., 1808. 16° Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1819. 24°. Blake, J. L. Biographical Diet. 8th ed. Bost., 1848. 8°. Blake, R., Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.). Lond., 1833. 8°. Blakeman, R. Essay on Credulity and Superstition. N. H., 1849. 12°. Blakiston, T. W. 5 Months on the Yang-Tsze. Lond., 1862. 8°. Blanc, L. History of 1830-40 ; or, France under Louis Philippe. (2 copies.) Philad., 1848. 2 v. 8° Blanchard, A. Book of Martyrs. Buffalo, 1852. 8° 15648 15670 15714 15724 15775 8821 11422 6058 8997 8892 15381 1902 15084 7758 16105 16342 8167 2615 2617 2715 2619 1870 3024 15384 15383 29 14809 9328 9331 9395 4274 11620 "957 16352 17524 17526 820 15 6908 6751 8613 8008 5575 16401 36' Blanchard — ^Bonaparte. Blanchard, li. Life and Remains of L. E. L. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 12'. 15239 Sketches from Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846. 2 v. in i. 12°. 3959 Blaquiere, E. Letters from Greece. Lond., 1828. 8°. . . . 16027 Bleak House. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. 16° 2179 Bleecker, A. E. Posthumous Works. N. Y., 1793. 12". . . . 15273 Bleek, W. H. I. Reynard the Fox in S. Africa ; Hottentot Fables. Lond., 1864. 8° 1891 Blennerhassett, H., Life of. Safford. Cincinn., 1853. 12°. . . 7357 Blessington, Lady. See M. Gardiner. Blindness. Kitto. Lond., 1845. 12° 8487 Blindpits. A Story of Scottish Life. N. Y., 1869. I2^ . . . 15386 Blithedale Romance. Hawthorne. Bost., 1862. 16°. . . . 2889 Blockade of Phalsburg. Erckmann-Chatrain. N. Y., 1871. 12". . 2363 Bloomfield, R. Poems & Remains. Lond., 1822-27. 5 v. in 4. 12°. ioo8 Blucher, G. L. v., Life and Campaigns of. Gneisenau and Marston. Lond., 1815. 8° 7759 Blunt, H. Lectures on Abraham and Jacob. Philad., 1839. 12". . 17353 on Hist, of St. Paul. Philad., 1839. 12°. . . 9909 Blunt, J. J. Essays. Lond., i860. 8° 3430 Sketch of the Reformation in England. Philad., 1837. 12°. . 6312 Boaden, J. Memoirs of Kemble. Philad., 1825. 8°. . . . 7998 Mrs. Siddons. Lond., 1827. 2 v. 8°. . 7969 The same. Philad., 1827. 8°. . . 7971 Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the Counting-House. Philad., 1859. 12°. 17305 The Bible in the Family. Philad., 1859. 12° 17306 The Great Question. Philad. [1855]. 12°. . , , . 17346 Boardman, W. E. He that overcometh. Bost. [1869.] 12°. . . 17342 Boat Races, Oxford and Cambridge, 1829-69. Macmichael. Cambr., 1870. 16° 9116 Boccaccio, G. The Decameron. Lond. (Bohn'sed.) 8°.. . . 473 Selected Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. i.) Lond., 1836. 12°. . 1899 Boeckh, A. Public Economy of Athens, ed. Lewis. 2d ed. Lond., 1842. 8° 4430 Boelte, A. Mme. de Stael : a Novel. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . . . 3023 Boiardo, M. M. Orlando innamorato, transl. by Rose. Lond., 1823. 8°. 892 Stories. (Hunt's Ital. Poets.) N. Y., 1846. 12°. . . .887 Boissy, T. G., Marquise de. Recollections of Byron. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 12° 7096 Boker, G. H. Poems of the War. Bost., 1864. 8° 773 Bokhara, Mission to, 1843-45. Wolflf. N. Y., 1845. 8°. . . . 8049 Boleyn, A., a dramatic poem. Milman. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., 1839. 16°. 997 Life of. Strickland. Philad., 185 1. 8° 5229 Memoirs of. Benger. Philad., 1822. 8°. .... 5239 Bolingbroke, Lord. See H. St. John. Bolivar, S., Memoirs of. Ducoudray-Holstein. Bost., 1829. 8°. . 7699 Bombet, L. A. C. Lives of Haydn and Mozart, etc. Bost., 1839. 16°. 7881 Bonaparte Family, Hist, of the. [Lester.] N. Y., 1852. 8°. . . 5600 Bonaparte, Louis. On the Gov't of Holland. Lond., 1820. 3 v. 8°. 5877 Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon HL Bonaparte — Botany. 37 The same. Dubl., 1792. 3 V. The same. Lend., 1840. 16°. The same. Ed. Croker. N. Y The same. V. 2. N. Y., 1840. . 1837. 8°. . Tour to the Hebrides. Philad., i8io. 8°. . Botanic Garden, The ; a Poem. Darwin. Dubl., Botanical Harmony. St. Pierre. Wore, 1797. 8°. Text-Book. Gray. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Botany, Physiological and Descriptive. Henslow. of Northern U. S., Manual of. Gray. N. Y. 6 1790-93. 2 V, Lond., 1836. 16°. 1869. 8°. . N. Bonaparte, Lucien. Charlemagne ; an Epic. Philad., 1815. 2 v. 16". Memoirs of himself. Pt. i. N. Y., 1836. 12°. . Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. Boniface, J. X. Picciola. N. Y., 1861. 12° Bonneau, A. Life of Mme. de Miramion. Lond., 1870. 8°. Bonneville, B. L. E. Adventures. See W. Irving. Bonnycastle, R. H. The Canadas in 1841. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 12°. Bonstetten, O. V. de. The Man of the North and of the South Y., 1864. 12° Book of Common Prayer, Illustration of. Wheatley. Lond., 1849. Book-Hunter. Burton. Ed. R. G. White. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Book without a Name, The. Morgan. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12' Book of Snobs. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond., 1872. 8° Books and Reading. Porter. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Ancient, Hist, of transmission of. I. Taylor. Lond., 1827 See, also, Reading. Boone, D., Adventures of; a Poem. Bryan. Harrisburg, 1813. Life of. Peck. (Sparks, v. 23.) Bost., 1847. 16°. . Booth, D. Art of Brewing. (Libr. of U. K.) Lond. [1835.] I Principles of English Composition. Lond., 1831. 12°. Boothby, H. Letters to Dr. Johnson. Lond., 1805. 16°. . Border Wars of Amer. Revolution. Stone. N. Y., 1845. 2 v Borneo, Expedition to, 1843. Keppel. N. Y., 1846. 16°. . Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. Philad., 1843. 8°. Lavengro. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1851. 12°. . The Romany Rye ; Sequel to Lavengro. N. Y., 1859. 8° The Zincali ; or, Gypsies of Spain. Lond., 1841. 2 v. i; Boscana, G. Chinigchinich. N. Y., 1846. 12°. , Bossuet, J. B. Hist, of France. Edinb., 1762. 4 v. 12°. Universal History. Dubl., 1785. 8°. ... Boston Bard, Poems of the. [Coffin,] Prov., 1826. 8°. Book, The. Ed. Thatcher. Bost., 1836-37. 2 v. 12°. Lectures, 1870. Christianity and Scepticism. (2 copies.) 1870. 12' Miscellany. Ed. Hale. Bost., 1842. v. i. 8°. Tea-Party, Retrospect of the. N. Y., 1834. 12°. Trip to, in 1838. [Wines.] Bost., 1838. 12°. . Boswell, J. Account of Corsica. Glasg., 1768. 8°. . Life of Johnson. (2 copies.) Bost., 1824. 5 v. 12°. 2 V. 8' 12^ Bost. 13829 5507 2596 7676 16771 8552 496 142 15387 2197 122 244 14928 7272 16468 9187 6925 12282 8195 2308 2157 2316 17115 16888 5523 15934 15052 15065 9996 14519 6013 16846 16718 6926 7119 6936 7209 7211 8354 14791 16976 8986 6064 8985 38 Both— Boyle. Both Sides of the Sea, On. [Charles.] N. Y., 1868. I2\ . . 2469 Botta, A. C. L. Hand-Book of Universal Literature, Bost., 1863, 12°. 137 Rhode Island Book. Prov., 1841. 12° 15004 Botta, O. Hist, of Italy under Napoleon. Lond., 1828. 2 v. 8°. . 4775 War of Independence. N. H., 1842. 2 v. 8°. . 6119 The same. Philad., 1820-21, 3 v. 8°. . 6121 Botta, V. Dante. N. Y., 1865. 12° 7751 Bottari, G. A Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., 1836. 12°. . 1902 Bounty, Mutineers of the. Lady Belcher. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . 8324 Mutiny of the. [Barrow.] N. Y., 1840. 12° 11033 Bourdaloue, L., in the Court of Louis XIV. Bungener. Bost., 1853. 12". 9968 Bourgoing, J. F. de. Travels in Spain. Lond., 1789. 3 v. 8°. . 16665 Bourne, G. Picture of Slavery. Middletown, 1834. 12°. . . . 8468 Bourne, V. Poetical Works. Oxfd., 1826. 8° 818 Bourrienne, F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon. Philad., 1832. 8^, , 5631 Bouterwek, F. Hist, of Spanish Literature. Lond., 1847. 8". . 323 Bowditch, N., Memoir of. By his Son. Bost., 1841. 12°. , . 7552 Bowdler, E. Poems and Essays. N. Y., 1811. 12° 14776 Bowen, F. American Polit. Economy. N. Y., 1870. 8°. . . . 8640 Life of B. Lincoln. Bost., 1847. 16°. 7272 Otis. Bost., 1844. 16° 7261 Sir W. Phips. Bost., 1837. 16° 7256 Steuben. Bost., 1838. 16° 7258 Bowen, H. L. Memoir of T, Burges. Prov., 1835. 8°. . . . 7362 Bower, A. Life of Luther. Philad., 1824. 8° 6429 The same 6512 Bower of Spring, The. Philad., 1817. 12°. 14906 Bowles, O. See C. B. Southey. Bowles, S. Across the Continent. (2 copies.) Springfld., 1865. 12°. 8414 Our New West. Hartfd., 1869. 8° 8416 The Switzerland of America. Springfld., 1869. 12". . . 8169 Bowles, W. L. Scenes of Days departed ; with Poems. Lond., 1837. 16°. 1179 Bowman, S. M., and Irwin, R. B. Sherman and his Campaigns. N. Y., 1865. 8° 7402 Bowring, J. Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. (2 copies.) Lond., 1824. 8°. 915 Memoirs of Bentham. Edinb., 1842. 3 v. S°. . . . 9718 Specimens of Russian Poets. Lond., 1821-23. 2 v. 12°. . 288 Boyd, A. K.H. Autumn Holidays. (2 copies.) Bost., 1865. 8°. . 3685 Counsel and Comfort. (2 copies.) Bost.. 1864. 8°. . . 3683 Every-Day Philosopher. (2 copies.) Bost., 1863. 8°. . . 3681 Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. (2 copies.) Bost., 1863-65. 2 V. 8° 3677 Leisure Hours in Town, (2 copies.) Bost., 1862. 8°. . . 3675 Recreations of a Country Parson. (2 copies.) Bost,, 1861. 2 v. 8°. 3671 Boydell, J. Illustrations of Shakspeare. N. Y., 1852. fol. Boyhood of Extraordinary Men. Russell. Lond., 1853. 12°. . . 6754 Boyle, R. Treatise on Veneration, Things above Reason, and Style of the Scriptures. Ed. Rogers. Lond., 1835. 16°. . . . 9500 Boyse — Brazil. 39 Boyse, S. Deity, a Poem. Lond., 1752. 8°. The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24^ Boz. See C. Dickens. Brace, O. L. Hungary in 1851. N, Y., 1852. 12°. The New West. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . The Norse-Folk. N. Y., 1857. 12°. . Races of the Old World. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Bracebridge Hall. Irving. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Brackenridge, Henry M. Hist, of the late War. Philad., Voyage to S. America. Bait., 1819. 2 v. 8°. . Brackenridge, Hugh H. Modern Chivalry. Philad., 1804. Bracket!, A. G. Hist, of U. S. Cavalry. N. Y., 1865. 12 Braddon, M. E. Aurora Floyd. N. Y., 1863. 8". Dead-Sea Fruit. N. Y., 1868. 8°. . . . Lady Audley's Secret. N. Y. 8°. . . . Bradford, Alden. Hist, of Mass., 1775-89. Bost., 1825. Bradford, Alex. W. Am. Antiquities, etc. N. Y., 1843. Bradford, J. Writings. Lond. 12° 836. 2 V, Bradford, W. J. A. Notes on the Northwest. N. 1846. 12 copies.) N. Y. 12 , 1822 1818 . 8\ 12°. [Bradley, E.] Adventures of Verdant Green. 1860-70. 12° Nearer and Dearer. N. Y., 1864. 12°. Brahe, T., Life of. Brewster. N. Y., 1841. 12°. Brain, Functions of the. Gall. Bost., 1835. 6 v and Mind. Laycock. N. Y., 1869. 2 v. S°. . Brainard, J. G. C. Literary Remains. Hartf'd. [1832]. li Occasional Pieces of Poetry. N. Y., 1825. 12". Poems, with Memoir. Hartf'd., 1846. 12". Brainerd, D., Life of. Peabody. Bost., 1837. 16'. Memoirs and Journal of. Edwards, ed. Dwight. N. H [Braithwait, R.] Barnabee's Journal, ed. Haslewood. Lond Brambletye House. H. Smith. N. Y., 1835. 12°. Brand, B. [Lady Dacre.] Tales of Peerage and Peasantry. N. Y., 1835. 2 V. 12" Brand, J. Popular Antiquities of Grt. Brit. Lond., 1810. 8°. The same. Ed. Ellis. Lond., 1841-42. 3 v. 8°. , The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1848-49. 3 v. 8° Brande, W. T. Diet, of Science, Literature, and Art. (2 copies N. Y., 1848. 8° Brandenbvurg, Memoirs of House of. [Frederick H.] Lond., 1751 Brant, J., Life of. Stone. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. r Brassey, T. Work and Wages. N. Y., 1872. Brave Lady, A. [Craik.] N. Y., 1870. 8". Bravo, The. Cooper. Philad., 1831. 2 v. 12 Brawnville Papers. Tyler. Bost., 1869. 12°. Bray, A. E. The Protestant. N. Y., 1829. 2 v. 12°. Traditions of Devonshire. Lond., 1838. 3 v. 12°. Trials of the Heart. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12". Brazil and ihe Brazilians. Ki.ldci aiul Fletcher. Philad., 1857. 12^ 14806 25 8316 8426 8303 8965 4361 6002 17127 15742 6102 2311 2674 2673 5849 5954 9476 16863 9249 2431 1 1605 12761 8581 14975 14974 806 7257 7632 14810 15111 15598 16117 5138 504 16456 5952 8628 2682 2771 3566 15557 5266 15614 40 Brazil — Bridgewatex*. Brazil, Description of. Conder. Lond,, 1825. 2 v. 12°. Geology and Phys. Geogr. of. Hartt. Bost., 1870. 8°. . Journey in, 1865. Agassiz. Bost., 1868. 8°. . Notices of, in 1828-29. Walsh. Bost., 1831. 2 v. 12°. . Travels in, 1815-17. Prince Maximilian. Lond., 1820. 8°. Travels in, 1817-20. Spix and Martius. Lond., 1824. 2 v. 8 Breckenridge, J. Discussion with Hughes. Philad., 1836. 8°. Breitmann, Hans. Ballads. [By C. G. Leland.] Philad., 1869. 12 Bremer, F. A Diary ; and Strife and Peace. N. Y., 1844. 8°. Four Sisters. Philad. 12°. H Family ; Tralinnan ; Axel and Anna. N. Y., 1844 The same. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . Hertha. N. Y., 1856. 12° The Home. N. Y., 1843. 8°. . . • The same. N. Y., 1844. 8°. . The same. N. Y. 8°. . . . The Midnight Sun. N. Y. 8°. . The Neighbours. N. Y., 1844. 8°. . The same. N, Y., 1850. 12°. . President's Daughters. Bost., 1843. 12°. . The same. N. Y,, 1843. 2 pts. in i. 8 Strife and Peace. Lond., 1844. 16°. . , Works, tr. by Howitt. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1852-53. 4 v Contents —1, The Neighbours; Hopes: the Twins: the Solitary; the Comforter ; Letter about Suppers; Tralinnan. 11, The President's Daughters ; Nina. Ill, ' ~ ~" "* 7860 9013 8461 17134 8053 8435 9606 4293 2652 15136 2654 2657 2623 2656 2653 2657 2655 2654 2622 2621 2653 2714 468 Peace, iv, A D'lary ; the H- Life, Letters, etc., Family ; Axel and Anna, of. C. Bremer. N. Y. The Home ; Strife and 1868. 8' Bremner, R. Excursions in Russia. Lond., 1839. 2 v. Brenton, B. Brevio, G. Brewer, A. Brewer, G. Brewer, J. 8°. P. Naval. Hist, of Grt. Brit. Lond., 1837. 2 v. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1836, 12°. Lingua. (Old Plays, v. 5.) Lond., 1825. 8°. Hours of Leisure. Lond., 1806. 12°. Patmos and the Seven Churches. Bridgep't., 1851. Residence at Constantinople. N. H., 1830, 12°. Brewing, Art of. [Booth.] Lond. [1835.] 8°. , Brewster, A. H. M. Compensation. Philad., i860. 12°. . St. Martin's Summer. Bost., 1866. 8°. . . . Brewster, D. Letters on Natural Magic. N. Y. [1840.] 12°. The same. N. Y., 1832. 12° Life of Newton. N. Y., 1840. 12° The same. N. Y., 1833. 12° Martyrs of Science. N. Y., 1841. 12°. The same Treatise on Optics. Lond., 1838. 16°. Bride of Fort Edward. [D. Bacon.] N. Y., 1839. 12°. . Lammermoor. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8°. [Bridge, H.] Journal of an African Cruiser. N. Y., 1845. 12° Bridgewater Treatises. Philad. and Lond., 1836-37. 7 v. 8°. Contents.— 1, Chalmers, Adaptation of Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man ; Prout, Chemistry, Meteorology, and Digestion. 2, Kldd, Adaptation of Nature to Physi- cal Condition of Man ; Whewell, Astronomy and General Physics : Bell, The Hand. 3, Kirby, Habits, etc., of Animals. 4, 5,Koget, Animal and Vegetable Pnysiology. 6, 7, Buckland, Geol- ogy and Mineralogy. 7586 8296 5338 1900 1512 15176 6450 16636 16468 2982 821I I1270 12106 1 1028 "955 1 1605 12272 6050 15666 1875 16291 16982 Brierre— British. 41 . 1855 8° . 8763 5640 • • 8347 2 V. [2°. 15646 15078 7339 1833. [2". 9171 2°. . 17351 Brierre de Boismont, A. J. F. Hist, of Dreams, etc. Philad. Bri£fault, F. T. The Prisoner of Ham. Lond., 1846. I2^ Brigands, Italian. Moens. N. Y., 1866. 12°. See, also. Banditti. [Briggs, O. F.] Adventures of Harry Franco. N. Y., 1839. Bankrupt Stories. N. Y., 1844. 8° Briggs, G. N., Memoir of. Richards. Bost., 1856. 12°. Brigham,A. Influenceof Mental Cultivation on Health. Bost., Religion on Health. Bost., 1835. i Bright, J. Speeches on the American Question. (2 copies.) Bost., 1865. 12° on Questions of Public Policy. Lond., 1868. 2 V. 8° Bright, Miss. [Lyndon.] Margaret. N. Y., 1868. 12°. Brightwell, D. B. Concordance to Tennyson. Lond,, 1869. 8°. Brindley, O. Stable Talk and Table Talk. Philad., 1845. 12°. Brinton,D. G. Myths of the New World. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1868. 8". Brisbane, A. Social Destiny of Man. Philad., 1840. 12°. Brissot de Warville, J. P., and Olaviere, £. Commerce of America with Europe. N. Y., 1795. 12° Bristed, O. A. Five Years in an English University. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12°. The same. v. 2 The same. 3d ed. N. Y., 1873. 12° Interference Theory of Gov't. N. Y., 1867. 12°. The same. 2d ed. N. Y., 1868. 12" Bristed, J. Resources of the Brit. Empire. N. Y., 1811. 8°. . of the U. S. N. Y., 1818. 8^ Britain, Ancient, under the Romans. F.Thackeray. Lond., 1843. 2 v. 8° Hist, of Celt, Roman, and Saxon. T. Wright. Lond., 1861. 8°. British Admirals, Lives of; with Naval Hist, to 1816. Campbell. Lond., 1817. 8 V. 8° Lives of. Southey. Lond., 1833-40. 2 v. 16°. , Antiquities. Brand. Lond., 1848-49. 3 v. 8°. Cicero, The ; a Selection of Speeches. Browne. Philad., 1810. 3v. 8° Colonies, Description of. Martin. Lond., 1836-44. 10 v. 16°. For Contents, see Martin. Commerce, Hist. of. Craik. Lond., 1844. 3 v. 12"^ Constitution, The. Brougham. Lond., 1861. 16°. Costume, Hist. of. Planch^. Lond., 1846. 12°. Drama, The ; a Collection. Lond., 1824. 2 v. 8°. The same. Philad., 1833. 2 v. 8^ Drama, The. [Ed. W. Scott. ?] Lond., 1804. 5 v. 8°. . For Contents, see Drama. Eloquence, Common-place Book of. (2 copies.) Lond., 1827. 24 Select. Goodrich. N. Y., 1861. 8°. Essayists. Ed. J. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 40 v. 12''. 42 British — Brockway. 1865. 1847. 12 . 2 V. British Female Poets. Bethune. Philad., 1848. S\ . and Foreign Review. Lond., 1835-44. v. 1-16. 8''. Military Commanders, Lives of. Gleig. Lond., 1831-32. 3 v. 16 For Contents, see Gleig. Novelists. Masson. Bost., 1859, 12° Orators of the Age. Francis. N. Y., 1847. 16°. Painters and Sculptors, Lives of. Cunningham. N. Y., 1839-40, 5 v. 12° Plutarch, The. 3d ed. Lond., 1791. 8 v. 12°. Plutarch, The Modern. Taylor. N. Y., 1846. 16°. Poets. Ed. J.Bell. Lond., 1807. 52 V. 24°. . For Contents, see Bell. Golden Leaves from. Hows. N. Y., Homes and Haunts of. Howitt. N. Y Lives and Works of. S. Johnson. Dubl. For Contents, see Johnson. Selections from. Halleck. N. Y., 1840, Select Works of, Chaucer to Jonson. Lond., 1831. 8° Select Works of, Jonson to Beattie. Aikin. 1839. 8° Select Works of, Falconer to Scott. Ed. Frost. Philad 1838. 8° The same. Southey to Croly. Ed. Frost. Philad 1843. 8'^ Works of. Sanford & Walsh. Philad., 1819-23. 50 v. 24' For Contents, see E. Sanford. Portraits. Lodge. Lond., 1849-50. 8 v. 8°, . Prose Writers. Bost., 1820. 8 v, 16° [804. 8 v. 8' 2 v. 12°. Ed. Southey, Philad 946 1 1440 5771 51 6697 11017 14006 6678 246 1099 6600 15095 11587 1302 1304 1306 1308 I 515 3839 CONTBNTS.— 1, H. Walpole, Reminiscences and "Walpoliana. 2, Burns, Letters. 3, Goldsmith, Essays and the Bee. 4, T. Gray, Letters. 5, Bacon and Clarendon, Essays. 6, Lady Russell, Let- ters. 7, Cowley and Shenstone, Essays. 8, S. Johnson, Sermons. Reformers, Writings of the. Lond. 8 v. 12° 9476 Contents.— 1, Bradford. 2, Latimer. 3, Ridley; Philpot. 4, Hooper. 5, Knox. 6, Becon. 7, Tindal ; Frith ; Barnes. 8, Cranmer ; Rogers ; Saunders ; Taylor ; Careless. Senate, Eloquence of the, 1625-1802. Ed. Hazlitt. Brooklyn, 1810. 2 V. 8" 9423 Spy, Letters of the. Wirt. N. Y., 1832. 12° 6074 Stage, Biogr. of the. N. Y., 1824. 12°. . ' . . . 7895 Statesmen, Lives of. Forster, etc, Lond., 1831-39. 7 v. 16°. 5759 For Contents, see Forster. of time of Geo. HL See Brougham. Theatre. See Theatre. Tourists, The. Mavor. Lond., 1798. 5 v. 12°. . . . 8181 Worthies, Cabinet Portrait Gallery of. Lond., 1845-46. 8 v. 12°. 6615 See, also, England ; Great Britain. Brittany, Ramble into, 1869. Musgrave. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8^. . 8371 Broad Stone of Honour. Digby. Lond., 1844. 12° 4620 Brocklesby, J. Elements of Meteorology. N. Y., 1849. ^2°. . . 8894 [Brockway, T.] The Gospel Tragedy. Wore, 1795. 12". . . 14976 Brockwell— Brown. 43 Brockwell, O. Hist, of Portugal. Lend., 1726. 8 16165 [Bronte, A.] Tenant of Wildfell Hall. N. Y., 1857. 12". . . 2557 Bronte, O. Jane Eyre. (4 copies.) N. Y., 1869-72. 12°. . . 2546 The Professor. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1861-68. 12°. . . . 2555 Shirley. Lond., 1870. 16° 2550 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1856-60. 12°. . . . 2551 Villette. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1856. 12° 2553 Life of. Gaskell. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. I2^ ' . . . . 6985 [Bronte, E.] Wuthering Heights. N. Y., 1857. 12', . 2419 [Brooke, F. M.] History of Emily Montague. Lond. 4 V. 12". . 15422 Brooke, H. Brookiana. Lond., 1804. 2 v. 16° 3810 Fool of Quality. Lond., 1777. 5 v. 12° 1701 The same. Ed. C. Kingsley. Lond., 1859. 2 v. S". . 201 1 Gustavus Vasa. (Brit. Drama, v. i, pt. 2.) Lond., 1804. 8°. . 1630 Brooke, S. A. Life of Robertson. (2 copies.) Bost., 1865. 2 v. 12''. 7603 Brooke, T. H. Hist, of St. Helena. Lond., 1808. 8°. . . . 16168 Brooke and Brooke Farm. Martineau. Bost., 1832. 12°. . . . 14610 Brooks, O. S. The Gordian Knot. N. Y., 1868. 8'' 2308 Brooks, J. G. and M. E. Rivals of Este and other Poems. N. Y., 1829. 12° 14977 Brooks, Maria. Zophiel. Bost., 1834. 16" 720 Brooks, N. O. Literary Amaranth. Philad., 1840. 12°. . . . 15274 Scriptural Anthology. Bait. [1836.] 12° 14927 Broome, R. The Jovial Crew. (Old Plays, v. 10.) Lond., 1826. 8°. 1517 Broome, W. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. . . 530 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. . . . 15099 Brothers in Unity. See Yale College. Brougham, H. The British Constitution. 2d ed. Lond., 1861. 16°. 4854 Crit. and Miscellaneous Writings. (2 copies.) Philad., 1841. 2 V. 12° 3202 Dialogues on Instinct. Lond,, 1844. 12" 8488 Discourse of Natural Theology. Philad., 1835. 12°. . . 16981 Discourse on the Objects, etc., of Science. N. Y. [1840.] 12°. 11779 Hist. Sketches of Statesmen of the Time of Geo. HL 1st Series. Philad., 1840. 2 V. 12° 6733 The same, ist and 2d Series. Philad., 1839. 4 v. 12°. 6735 The same. 3d Series. New ed. Lond., 1845. 2 v. 12°. 6613 Letters and Speeches. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . . . 9271 Lives of Men of Letters and Science of Time of Geo. HL Philad., 1845-46. 2 V. 12° 6739 Opinions of, as exhibited in his writings. Paris, 1841. 8°. . 9341 Political Philosophy. Lond., 1844. 3 v. 8° 8680 Sketches of Public Characters, Discourses, etc. Philad., 1839. 2 V. 12° 6741 Speeches on Questions relating to Public Interests ; with Dis- sertation on Eloquence of the Ancients. Edinb., 1838. 4v. 8° 9337 Life and Times of. By himself. N. Y., 1871-72. 3 v. 12°. . 6772 Brown, O. B. Edgar Huntly. Philad., 1799. 3 v. 12°. . . . 15293 44 Brown — Browning. Brown, C. B. Novels. Bost., 1827. 7 v. 12" [5296 CONTKNTS.— 1, Wieland. 2, 3, Arthur Mervyn. 4, Ormond. 5, Jane Talbot. 6, Clara Howard. 7, Edgar Huntly. Wieland. N. Y., 1798. 12" Life of. Prescott. Bost., 1834. 16^ Brown, Captain John., Public Life of. Redpath. Best., i860. 12". . See, also. Harper's Ferry. Brown, John (of Cambr., Engl.). Gleanings from Life's Harvest. N. Y., 1859. '2^ Brown, John, M.D. Horse Subsecivae. Edinb., 1859-61. Spare Hours. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866. 2 v. 8°. Brown, John W. Life of L. da Vinci. Lond., 1828. 8°. Brown, Samuel G. Life of Choate. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Bost., 1870. 15292 7250 7393 2 V. Bost. 12°. 12 1862. 2V. 8' H. 1818. 16358 3687 3689 7919 7333 9668 14979 1 505 1 14978 8728 17061 6978 4291 16568 8315 8080 8238 215 17288 3906 3902 3986 CoNTBKTS.— 1, Life ; Letters ; Journals. 2, Religio Medici. 2, 3, Pseudodoxia Bpidemica (Vul- gar Errors). 8, Garden of Cyrus ; Hydriotapliia (Urn-Burial), etc. 4, Repertorium, or Antiquities of Norwich : Letter to a Friend ; Christian Morals ; Miscellanies. Works of Choate, with Memoir. (2 copies.) Brown, Solyman. Dental Hygeia. N. Y., 1838 Dentologia. N. Y., 1840. 8° Essay on Amer. Poetry, with Miscellaneous Pieces. N 12° Brown, Thos. Inquiry into Cause and Effect. Andover, 1822 Lectures on Philosophy of the Mind. Hallowell, 1829. 2^ Brown, Thos. N. Life of Hugh Miller. N. Y., i860. 12°. [Browne, C. F.] Artemus Ward ; his Travels. N. Y., 1865. 12 Browne, Dunn, in Foreign Parts. [Fiske.] Bost., 1857. 12" Browne, J. Ross. American Family in Germany. N. Y., : Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, etc. N. Y., 1846. 8°. Yusef ; a Crusade in the East. N. Y., 1855. 12°. Browne, M. Chaucer's England. Lond., 1869. 2 v. 16°. Browne, Sir T. Christian Morals. Lond., 1756. 12". Miscellaneous Works. [Ed. Young.] Cambr., 1831. Religio Medici, Christian Morals, Urn-Burial, etc. Bost. Works, ed. Wilkin. Lond., 1835-36. 4 v. 8°. . 866 12^ 1862. The same. v. i. Lond., 1836. 8°. . Browne, Thos. The British Cicero. Philad., 18 10. 3 v. 8°. [Brownell, H. H.] Lyrics of a Day. N. Y., 1864. 12°. Browning, E. B. Aurora Leigh. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1857. 16' Drama of Exile: and other Poems. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. 12 Essays on the Poets. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1863. 16°. . Last Poems. With Memorial, by Tilton. (2 copies.) N. Y 1862. 16° Poems. N. Y., 1858. 2 v. 12° Prometheus Bound, Casa Guidi Windows, etc. N. Y., 1851. i6' Browning, R. Balaustion's Adventure. Bost., 1871. 16°. Bells and Pomegranates. Lond., 1841-46. 8 pts. in i. Dramatis Personae. Bost., 1864. 16°. Fifine at the Fair, etc. Bost., 1872. 16°. . Men and Women. Bost., 1869. 16° 3990 9415 772 1 148 39 "53 1 146 1150 "43 1259 1 138 "45 "34 Browning — Bubbles. 45 Browning, R. Paracelsus. Lond., 1835. 16" 1135 Poems. Bost., 1850. 2 v. 16° 1132 Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. Lond., 1871. 16". . . . 1144 The Ring and the Book. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. 2 v. 16°. . 1139 Sordello. Lond., 1840. 16° 1136 Sordello, Strafford, Christmas-Eve, and Easter-Day. Bost., 1864. 16° • . . 1137 Browning, W. S. Hist, of the Huguenots in the i6th Century. Lond., 1829. 2 V. 8° .... 6485 The same. 1598-1838. (2 copies.) Paris, 1839. 8' 6487 Brownlee, W. O. Letters on the Rom. Cath. Controversy. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1834. 8° 9607 Brownlow, W. G. Rise and Decline of Secession. Philad., 1862. 12°. 6108 Brownson, O. A. The American Republic. N. Y., 1866. 8". . 6177 Charles Elwood. Bost., 1840. 16" 15676 Quarterly Review. Bost., 1844-46. 3 v. 8° 14251 The same. New Series. Bost., 1849-50. v. 3, 4. 8°. . 14256 Bruce, James, Life of. Head. N. Y., 1841. 12" 11603 The same. St. John. N. Y., 1841. 12" 11043 Travels to Source of the Nile. Dubl., 1790-91. 6 v. 8°. . 8092 The same. (Mavor, v. 14.) Lond., 1797. 12°. . . 13857 Bruce, James, (Earl of Elgin,) Mission of, to China, etc. Oliphant. Edinb., 1859. 2 v. 8° . . 8006 Bruce, M. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. 31 Bruce, P. H., Memoirs of. By himself. Dubl., 1783. 8°. . . . 16375 Bruce, Days of ; a Story. Aguilar. N. Y., 1857. ? v. 12°. . 2525 [Bruen, M.] Journal of a Tour in Italy. N. Y., 1824. 8°. . 16736 Brununell, G., Life of. Jesse. Philad., 1844. 8° 6826 Brunei, I. K., Life of. By his Son. Lond., 1870. 8° 7159 Brunton, M. Emmeline, etc. With Memoir. N. Y., 1819. 12°. . 15426 Brutus. Foreign Conspiracy against U. S. [Morse.] N. Y., 1835. 12°, 17278 Brysm, D. Mountain Muse. Harrisonburg, 1813. 12°. . . . 14928 Bryant, E. What I saw in California. N. Y., 1848. 12°. . . 16889 Bryant, J. D. Redemption. Philad., 1859. I2° 17543 Bryant, W. O. The Fountain and other Poems. N. Y., 1842. 12°. . 693 Letters from the East. N. Y., 1869. 12° 8239 of a Traveller. 2d ed. N. Y., 1850. 12°. . . . 8320 Poems. N. Y., 1832. 12° 689 The same. Bost., 1834. 12° 690 The same. 4th ed. Philad., 1848. 8° 927 The same. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 12° 691 Selections from American Poets. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . . . 11586 Thirty Poems. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1864. 12° 694 etc. The Talisman. N. Y., 1833. 3 v. 12° 4132 Brydges, Sir B. Autobiography. Lond., 1834. 2 v. 8°. . . 7136 Imaginative Biography. Lond., 1834. 2 v. 12°. . . . 3406 Brydone,P. Tour through Sicily and Malta. Edinb., 1791. 2 v. 12°. 16731 Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. [Head.] N. Y., 1845. 12°. . 8366 7 46 Buccaneers — Bulwer-L3rtton. Buccaneers, The. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. 12° 15667 of America, Hist, of the. N. Y., 1826. 3 v. 12°. . . . 6009 The same 13842 Buchanan, G. Hist, of Scotland. Continued by Watkins. Lond. 2 v. 8°. 5406 Buchanan, Jas. Sketches of the Indians. N. Y., 1824. 2 v. in i. 12°. 5749 [Buchanan, Pres't. Jas.] Mr. Buchanan's Administration. N. Y., 1866. 8° 6192 Life of. Horton. N. Y., 1856. 12° 7332 Buck, Rev. Chas. Anecdotes. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. in i. 8°. . . 15826 The same. N. Y., 1841. 12° 15827 Bucke, Chas. Beauties and Sublimities of Nature. Lond., 1837. 3 v. 8°. 16990 The same. Ed. Page. N. Y., 1842. 12°. . . . 11747 Book of Human Character. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 16°. . . 4329 of Table-Talk. Lond., 1836. 2 v. 16° 4327 Ruins of Ancient Cities. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12°. . . . 11609 Buckingham, Duke of. See G. Villi ers. Buckingham, J. S. America. Lond. [1841.] 3 v. 8°. . . . 5857 The same. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 8° 16843 Notes on Lectures of. Hildreth. N. Y., 1838. 12°. . . . 16279 Buckingham, Joseph T. Specimens of Newspaper Literature. Bost., 1850. 2 V. 12° 125 Buckland, W. Geology and Mineralogy. Philad., 1837. 2 v. 8°. . 16987 Buckle, H. T. Essays, with Biogr. Sketch. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . . 3219 Hist, of Civilization in England. (2 copies.) N. Y,, 1858-66. 2 V. 8° 5065 Buddhist Nihilism, with transl. of Buddha's " Path of Virtue." N. Y., 1872. 8° ■ 3733 Budget of the Bubble Family. Lady Bulwer-Lytton. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. 12° 15389 Biichner, L. Man in the Past, Present, and Future. Lond., 1872. 8°. 8993 Buenos Ayres, Five Years (1820-25) in. Lond., 1825. 8°. . . . 17132 See, also, Brazil, Biisching, J. G. G. Popular Traditions. (German Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1826. 12'' 1896 Bufiiim, E. G. Sights and Sensations in France, Germany, etc. N. Y., 1869. 12° 8272 Buffon, G. Ij. Ij. de, etc. Natural Hist. Ed. J. Wright. Lond., 1831. 4 v. 8° Bulfinch, T. Age of Chivalry. Bost., 1861. 12°. Fable. Bost., 1863. 12°. . Legends of Charlemagne. Bost., 1864. 12°. BuU, L. O. A Child's Poems. Hartfd., 1872. 12°. Bulla. (Pseudonym.) Beauties of Brother Bullus. N Bulls, Irish, Essay on. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 2.) Bost., 1824. 8°. 15336 Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Alice, (2 copies.) N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 12^. . 2072 Asmodeus at large. Philad., 1833. 12° 2147 Caxtoniana: a Series of Essays. N. Y., 1864. 12°. . . . 3216 The Caxtons. N, Y., i860, 12°, , . • 2133 The same. Philad., i860. 2 v. 12°. . * . , 2134 . 8801 . 1910 . 1909 . 1911 . 14929 Y., 1812. 12°. 15658 Bulwer-Lytton. 47 Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Chairolas. Philad., 1836. 12°. Crit. and Misc. Writings. (2 copies.) Philad., 1841. Devereux. (2 copies.) N. Y,, 1829. 2 v. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1829. 2 v. in i. 12°. . The Disowned. Philad., 1868. 12°. . Dramas and Poems. Bost., 1863. t6°. Dramatic Works. Leipz., i860. 2 v. in i. 16°. Duchess de la Valliere : a Play. (2 copies.) N. Y., 2 V. 12 1836 1833. 2 V. 12 837. 12. N. Y. [832. 2 V. 12° 12 . 12". . 16°. . 2 V. 2 V. in England and the English. N. Y. The same. Ernest Maltravers, N. Y. The' same. 2 v. in i Eugene Aram. (2 copies.) Falkland. N. Y., 1830. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1835 Godolphin. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. Harold. Lond., 1853. 8'. . The same. Philad., 1871. Last of the Barons. Philad., 186 The same. Philad., 1867. Last Days of Pompeii. Lond., 1854. 12°. . The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1835. 2 v. in i. Leila ; Calderon, the Courtier ; Pilgrims of the Rhine i868. 12" Lost Tales of Miletus. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1866. 12° Lucretia. Lond., 1853. 8° Miscellaneous Prose Works. N. Y., 1868. 2 v. 12° My Novel. N. Y. 8' The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., i860. 2 v. 12 The same. N. Y. 8°. [Imperfect.] . The New Timon. Philad., 1847. 12°. Night and Morning. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. in i. 12°. The Oxonians. N. Y., 1830. 2 v. 12°. Paul Cliflford. N. Y., 1830. 2 v. 12°. The same. Philad., 1868. 12°. . Pelham. Lond. 12° The same. Leipz., 1842. 16". . Pilgrims of the Rhine. N. Y., 1834. 12°. . The Rebel, and other Tales, etc. N. Y., 1835. 12°. Rienzi. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in i. 12°. . The same The same. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Siamese Twins, with other Poems. N. Y., 1831. 12" Strange Story. Bost., 1862. 12°. Strange Story ; the Haunted and the Haunters. Philad. The Student. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in i. 12°. The same, v. 2. N. Y., 1832. 12°. What will he do with it? Philad., i860. 3 v. 12''. The same. (2 copies.) Philad., 1871-72. 2 v. 12^ Philad., [868 16' 2149 3212 2052 2056 2038 976 1446 1443 3209 4828 2069 2071 2059 2050 2150 2153 2152 2037 2081 2083 2064 2065 2036 837 2144 3217 2315 2136 2309 836 2151 2145 2057 2035 2051 2034 2063 3211 2078 2148 2079 835 2143 2084 2068 2067 2140 2039 48 Bulwer-Lytton — Burke. 1853. 12' 8^ 12 Bnlwer-Lytton, E. L. Zanoni. N. Y., 1842. 2 v. 12°. . Bulwer-Lytton, Robert. (Owen Meredith.) Lucile. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866. 16° New Poems. Bost., 1868. 2 v. 16°. Ring of Amasis. N. Y., 1863. 12° Serbski Pesme ; National Songs of Servia. Lond., 1861. i6°. Bulwer-Lytton, Lady Rosina. Budget of the Bubble Family. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. 12° Cheveley. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12° Bulwer, H. L. E. France, social, literary, political. N. Y., 1834 12" The same. Lond., 1834. 2 v. 12°. . Life of Palmerston. Philad., 1871. 2 v. 12°. . Bungener, L. F. The Preacher and the King. Bost The Priest and the Huguenot. Bost., 1856. 2 v Bunn, A. The Stage. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . Bunsen, O. O. J. Life of Niebuhr. N. Y., 1852. 12° Memoir of. By his Widow. Lond., 1868. 2 v. Bunyan, J. Holy War. Ed. Burder. Hartfd., 1850. Jerusalem Sinner Saved, etc. N. Y., 1846. 16°. Pilgrim's Progress. Ed. T. Scott. Hartfd., 1833. The same. Northampton, 1826. 8°. . Lectures on, and on Pilgrim's Progress. Cheever. N. Y., 1845. 8 Life and Times of. Philip. N. Y., 1839. 12°. . Buonarotti, Michael Angelo, und Raphael. Grimm. Bost. 12 considered as a Poet. Taylor. Lond., 1840. 12°. Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8°. . The same. Duppa, Lond., 1846. 8°. The same. Grimm. Bost., 1866. 2 v. 12°. . The same. Harford. Lond., 1858. 2 v. 8°. . F. Mental Discipline ; Hints to Theol. Students. 1830. 12° Memoirs of Pious Women. Philad. [1836.] 8°. [Burdett, O. D.] English Fashionables abroad. Burges, T., Memoir of. Bowen. Prov., 1835. Burghley, W. Cecil, Lord, Life of. Lond., 1831 Burgoyne, J. Dramatic and Poetical Works. Burder, H. Burder, S. Bost., 1828. 2v 16°. Burke, E. Correspondence, 1744-97. Lond. 17035 16361 15427 7362 5759 Lond., 1808. 2v. 12°. 1450 1844. 4 V. 8°. . . 7197 2 V. 8°. . 16129 . 5946 ■ 9740 • 9560 . 9649 Observations — ., .^v„«^ V,* ...^ ^,„v.w„ .Cause of the Present Discontents ; Speech on Amer. )eeches at Bristol and on E. India Bill, and on Nabob of Arcot's Debts. 3, Speech European Settlements in America. Lond., 1757. The same. (2 copies.) Bost., 1835. 8°. . Works. Bost. & N. Y., 1806-13. 6 v. 8°. . The same. N. Y., 1837. 3 v. 8°. . The same. Bost., 1839. 9 v. 8°. 2076 1 180 1182 2154 1184 15389 15396 5527 5451 6775 9968 2647 1614 7762 7756 9948 9545 9813 17267 10037 7597 9614 7506 6751 345 7957 7989 N. Y., Contents.— 1, Vindication of Natural Society; on the Sublime and Beautiful; on "The Present State of the Nation"; " - .. -. . -^. . . „ Taxation. 2, on Letters on me irisn v^ainoncs. 4, un ii5 Champion — Charles. 59 Champion, The. [Fielding, etc.] 2d ed. London, 1743. 2 v. 12°. . 13035 Champions of Freedom. Woodworth. N. Y., 1816. 12°. . . .15675 Chandler, P. W. American Criminal Trials. Bost., 1844. v. 2. 12" . 9226 Channing, E. T. Lectures [on Rhetoric and Oratory.] Bost., 1856. 12°. 9306 Life of W. Ellery. (Sparks, v. 6.) Bost., 1836. 16°. . . 7255 Channing, Rev. W. B. The Perfect Life. Bost., 1873. 12°. . . 10264 Slavery. (2 copies.) Bost., 1835. 16" 8550 Works. Bost., 1841. 6 v. 12° 9568 Contents.— 1, Remarks on Milton: on Napoleon; on Fenelon: Moral Argument against Cal- vinism ; National Literature ; Associations ; The Union ; Education. 2, Slavery, etc. ; Annexa- tion of Texas ; Catholicism ; Creeds ; Temperance ; Sell-Culture. 3, 4, Discourses. 5, Kemarks on the Slavery Question ; Lecture on War ; Lectures on the Elevation of Laborers; Discourse on Dr. Follen ; Ordination Charges : Miscellanies. 6, Emancipation ; Discourse on Dr. Tucker- man ; The Present Age ; The Church ; Duty of the Free States ; Address at Lenox. The same. v. 1-5 9574 Memoir of. W. H. Channing. 2d ed. Bost., 1848. 3 v. 12°. 7607 Channing, W. B. Poems. Bost., 1843. 16° 721 Channing, W. H. Memoir of J. H. Perkins. Bost., 1851. 12°. . 3637 Chaplet of Pearls. Yonge. N. Y., 1869. 8° 2665 Chapman, G. All Fools ; Eastward Hoe. (Old Plays, v. 4.) Lond., 1825. 8° 1511 Widow's Tears. (Old Plays, v. 6.) Lond., 1825. 8°. . . 1513 Chapman, N. Select Speeches. Philad., 1808. 5 v. 8°. . . . 9418 Chapone, H. Letters on Improvement of the Mind. Bost., 1834. 12°. 9182 Chapsal, C. P. Le9ons et modules de litt^rature fran9aise. N. Y., 1845. 12° 9620 Character. Smiles. N. Y., 1872. 12°. 3703 and Characteristic Men. Whipple. Bost., 1866. 12°. . . 3544 Human, Book of. Bucke. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 16°. . . . 4329 National, Essay on. Chenevix. Lond., 1832. 2 v. 8°. . . 8670 Charcoal Sketches. Neal. Philad., 1838. 12° 2868 Chardin, J. Travels. (Mavor, v. 11.) Lond., 1797. 12°. . . . 13854 Charicles; Private Life of the Greeks. Becker. Lond., 1845. 12°. 4326 Charity, The Romance of. De Liefde. Lond., 1867. 8°. . . . 8542 Charke, C, Life of. By herself. Lond., 1829. 12° 6645 Charlemagne, Hist. of. James. N. Y., 1841. 12° 11280 Legends of. Bulfinch. Bost., 1864. 12° 1911 Charles L of England. Eikon Basilike [by Gauden]. Lond., 1824. 12°. 4906 a Tragedy. Mitford. Philad. 8° 2675 Life of. Harris. Lond., 1814. 8° 5305 Memoirs of Court of. Aikin. Philad., 1833. 2 v. 8°. . . 5302 The same. Jesse. Philad., 1840. 12° 5212 Charles n, Preservation of ; also, Letters. By himself. Lond., 1766. 8°. 5151 Beauties of Court of. Jameson. Philad., 1834. 8°. . . 6907 Life of. Harris. Lond., 1814. 2 v. 8° 5306 Memoirs of Court of. Jesse. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . . 5213 Personal Hist. of. [Bohn.] Lond., 1846. 8° 4836 Charles V. of Germany. Autobiography. (1516-48.) Lond., 1862. 8°. 6408 Cloister Life of. Stirling. Lond., 1853. 8° 6409 Hist, of Reign of. Robertson, ed. Prescott. Phil., 1872. 3 v. 8°. 10335 Charles Xn. of Sweden, Hist. of. Voltaire. Otsego, 1811. 12°. . 5818 6o Charles — Chaucer. 8^ N. Y. Charles XIV., Memoirs of. Philippart. Bait., 1815. 8^ . Charles the Bold (of Burgundy), Hist. of. Kirk. Philad., 1864. 2 v. 8°. [Charles, E.] On both Sides of the Sea. N. Y., 1868. 12°. Chronicles of Schonberg-Cotta Family. Lond., 1868. 8°. The same. N. Y., 1864. 12° The same. N. Y., 1865. 16° Diary of Kitty Trevelyan. Lond., 1866. 8°. . . . The same. N. Y., 1864. 8° The Draytons and Davenants. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1866. 12°. . The Early Dawn ; Christian Life in England in the Olden Time. N. Y., 1864. 12° Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord. N. Y., 1865. 12°. Winifred Bertram. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1866. 12'' Charles Auchester. [Sheppard.] N. Y„ 1862. 8°. Charles Elwood. Brownson. Bost., 1840. 16°. Charles Lever; a Tale. Gresley. N. Y., 1843. 12°. Charles O'Malley. Lever. Dubl., 1841. 8°. Charmed Sea, The. Martineau. Bost., 1833. 12°. Chamock, J. Naval Biography. Lond., 1794-98. 6 v Chartism. Carlyle. Lond., 1869. 8°. . Chase, L. B. Hist, of the Polk Administration. N. Y., 1850. Chase, M. M., Life and Writings of. Bost., 1855. 12°. Chase, T. Hellas. Cambr., 1863. 16°. Chasles, V. E. P. Anglo-Amer. Literature and Manners. 1852. 12° Chastity, Lecture on. Graham. Bost., 1847. 12°. Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Atala. Lond., 1825. 24°. . Celuta ; or, the Natchez. 2d ed. Lond., 1832. 3 v. Congress of Verona. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. The Martyrs. N. Y., 1812. 3 v. 12°. Recollections of Italy, England, America, etc. Philad Sketches of English Literature. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 8°. Travels in America and Italy. Lond., 1828. 2 v. 8°. in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, etc. Philad., 1816. Chateauvieux de Lullin, J. F. Travels in Italy. Lond., 1819. Chatfield, C. Teutonic Antiquities. Lend., 1828. 8°. Chatham, Earl of. See W. Pitt. Chatham and Mary Kay. Martineau. Hartf d., 1845. Chatterton, T. Poetical Works, with Life and select (2 copies.) Cambr., 1842. 2 v. 16°. Poetical Works, ed. Skeat and Bell. Lond, Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. Works, with Life by Gregory. Lond., 1803. Biogr. of. Wilson. Lond., 1869. 8°. ... Life of. Davis. Lond. 16°. . . . * . The same. Dix. Lond., 1851. 16°. Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales, ed. T. Wright. €.ond. 8°. Canterbury Tales, Selections from. Ed. Saunders. 1845. v. I. 24°. 16° 1816. 8' 12^ Prose Works. ,1871 24°. 3v. Lond., 16172 5653 2469 2463 2464 2424 2465 2466 2467 2472 9842 2470 2666 15676 15395 2318 14620 6897 4029 6272 14980 8208 124 17024 2346 2387 4656 15133 16286 226 16898 16724 8051 4675 14624 661 665 23 1244 6998 6939 6956 1261 951 Chaucer— Child. 6r Chaucer, Q. Legende of Goode Women, ed. Corson. Philad., 1864. 12°. 1023 Poems, modernized. Lond., 1841. 16° 1016 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 14 v. in 7. (v. i, * 6, wanting.) 24°. 246 The same, with Tyrwhitt's Essay, etc. Lond., 1847. 8°. 1260 The same, with Life by H. Nicolas. Lond., 1845. 6 v. 16°. 1017 Co»TBKT8.— 1, Memoir ; Essay on Language and Versification of Chaucer by Tjrwhitt ; In- trod. to Canterbury Tales. '^, 3, Canterbury Tales. 4, Bomaunt of the Rose; Troflus and Cre- seide. 5, The Last Concluded ; Legend of Good Women, Goodly Ballade ; Booke of the Dutch- esse ; Assembly of Foules. 6, Miscellaneous. The Prologue, the Knightes Tale, the Nonne Prestes Tale. Ed. Morris. 2d ed. Oxfd., 1869. 16° 1015 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24^. . i Chapters on. Hippisley. Lond., 1837. 12° 163 The same. Morley. (v. 2, pt. i.) Lond., 1867. 8°. . . . 160 Pictures of English Life from. Saunders. Lond., 1845. 24°. . 44 Chaucer's England. M. Browne. Lond., 1869. 2 v. 16°. . . 215 Cheetham, J. Life of T. Paine. Lond., 1817. 8° 7419 Cheever, Q. B. Amer. Common-Place Book of Prose. Bost., 1832. 12°. 4347 Bible in our Schools. N. Y., 1854. 12° 9146 Lectures on Pilgrim's Progress. 3d ed. N. Y., 1845. 8°. . 10027 The Pilgrim in Shadow of Mont Blanc. N. Y., 1846. 12"^. . 16554 Punishment by Death. N. Y., 1842. 12° 17080 The same. N. Y., 1849. 12° 17079 Studies in Poetry. Bost., 1830. 12° 293 Cheever, H. T. Life in the Sandwich Islands. N. Y., 1851. 12°. . 8329 Chelaea Hospital, and its Traditions. [Gleig.] Lond., 1838. 3 v. 12°. 16067 Chemical Manufactures of Grt. Brit. Dodd. Lond., 1844. 16°. . 8787 Chemistry of Common Life. Johnston. N. Y., 1863. 2 v. 12°. . 8948 and Digestion. Prout. Philad., 1836. 8° 16988 Treatise on. Donovan. Lond., 1837. i6°. .... 6041 Chenevix, R. Essay on National Character, Lond., 1832. 2 v. 8°. 8670 Chenier, L. S. de. State of Morocco. Lond., 1788. 2 v. 8°. . . 16532 Cherbuliez, V. Joseph Noirel's Revenge. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1872. 12"". 2392 Cherry, A. Soldier's Daughter. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 4.) Bost., 1822. 24° 1348 Chess-Games, Morphy's. N. Y., i860. 12°. 10175 Player's Companion. Staunton. Lond., 1849. 8°. . . . 10173 Chester, J. L. Greenwood Cemetery and other Poems. N. Y., 1843. 12°. 14981 Chesterfield, Earl of. See P. D. Stanhope. Chevalier, M. Society, etc., in the U. S. Bost., 1839. 8°. . . 6191 Cheveley. Lady Bulwer-Lytton. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . . 15396 Chicago and the Great Conflagration. Colbert and Chamberlin. Cincinn., 1872. 12° 6092 Chief Justices of England, Lives of. Campbell. Philad., 1851. 2 v. 8°. 6873 U. S., Lives of. Flanders. Philad., 1855. 8°. . 7473 Child, F. J. English and Scottish Ballads. Bost., 1857-59. 8 v. 16°. 1038 Child, L. M. Autumnal Leaves. N. Y., 1857. 12° 15661 Biogr. of Mme.de Stael and of Lady Russell. Edinb., 1836. 16°. 6633 Hist, of Condition of Women. Bost., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . . 9193 62 Child— Chivalry. Child, L.M. Hobomok. Bost., 1824. 12°. I. T. Hopper ; a true Life. Bost., 1854. 12°. - Letters from N. Y. N. Y., 1844-45. 2 V. 12°. . Memoirs of Mme. de Stael,and of Mme. Roland. N. Y., 1854. 16 The Oasis. Bost., 1834. 12° Philothea. Bost., 1836. 12° The Rebels. Bost., 1825. 12° A Romance of the Republic. Best., 1867. 12°. Chili, Journal on Coast of, 1820-22. Hall. Lond., 1840. 8°. Tour among the Araucanians of. E. R. Smith. N. Y., 1855. 12 Travels in, 1819-25. Miers. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. China and the Chinese. Nevius. N. Y. 1869. 12°. and the English. N. Y., 1835. 12° Commercial Intercourse with. Lond., 1842. 12''. Elgin's Mission to, 1857-59. Oliphant. Edinb., 1859. Embassy to, 1792. Staunton. Dubl., 1798. 2 v. 8°. Hist., etc., of. Gutzlaflf. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 12°. Journal in, 1829-33. Abeel. N. Y., 1834. 12°. Journal of Embassy to, 1816-17. Ellis. Lond., 1840. The last year [1841-42] in. Philad., 1843. 8°. . Memoirs of Residence in, 1706-19. Ripa. N. Y., 1846. 12°. The Middle Kingdom ; A Survey of. Williams. N. Y., 1849 2 V. 12° 2 V. Narrative of Embassy to, 1792-94. Anderson. N. Y., 1795 Sketches of. Wood. Philad., 1830. 12°. . State and Prospects of. Medhurst. Lond., 1838. 8' Travels in, 1803. Barrow. Philad., 1805. 8°. . The same, 1844-46. Hue. Lond., 1856. 8°. Visit to, 1853. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1855. 12°. Visit to Consular Cities of, 1844-46. G. Smith. N. Y., 1847 Voyage to, 1816. Hall. Lond., 1840. 8°. Voyages along Coast of, 1831-32. GutzlafF. N. Y., 1833. 12 North, Journeys in, 1865-69. Williamson. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8 Chinese as they are. The. Lay. Lond., 1841. 8°. . . . Description of the. Davis. Lond., 1844. 4 v. 12°. Dissertations on the. De Pauw, Lond., 1795. 2 v. 8°. . Social Life of the. Doolittle. N. Y., 1865. 2 v. 12°. Empire, Journey through the, 1846-52. Hue. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. i View of the. Winterbotham. Lond., 1795. 8°. Expedition, Six Months with the, 1840. Jocelyn. Lond., 1841. 16 Chittenden, L. E. Debates, etc., of Conference Convention in 1861 N. Y., 1864. 8° Chivalry, Age of. Bulfinch. Bost., 1861. 12°. . Hist. of. James. N. Y., 1840. 12°. . The same. Mills. Philad., 1825. 8°. Letters on. [Hurd.] Lond., 1762. 8°. True Sense and Practice of. Digby. Lond., 1844. 12 Ancient, Memoirs of. La Curne de Ste. Palaye. Lond., 1784. 8° See, also, Knights. Choate — Christianity. 63 Ohoate, R. Works, with Memoir. (2 copies.) Bost., 1862. 2 v. 8°. Life of. Brown. 2d ed. Bost., 1870. 12°. Ohorley, H. F. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans, N. Y., 1836. 2v. ini. 12' Sketches of a Sea-Port Town. Phiiad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . Choules, J. O. and T. Smith. Hist, of Missions. Bost., 1837. 2 v. 4" Chris and Otho. J. P. Smith. N. Y., 1870. 12°. ... Christ of the Gospels, The. Schaflf and Roussel. N. Y., 1869. 16°. of History, The. Young. N. Y., i860. 12°. . the Life and Light of Men. Young. Lond., 1866. 8°. and his Salvation. Bushnell. N. Y., 1864. 12°. in Theology. Bushnell. Hartfd., 1851. 12°. . God in. Bushnell. Hartfd., 1849. 12°. . Imitation of. Thomas k Kempis. Bost., 1861. 12°. . Kingdom of, delineated. Whately. N. Y., 1842. 12°. Testimony of, to Christianity. Bayne. Bost., 1862. 8°. Vicarious Sacrifice of. Bushnell. N. Y., 1866. 8°. . Witness of History to. Farrar. Lond., 1871. 8°. See, also, Jesus. Christian, The Young. Abbott. N. Y., 1834. 12°. . Ballads. [Coxe.] N. Y., 1840. 12° Character, Formation of. Ware. Cambr., 1831. 12°. Church. See Ecclesiastical History. Denominations, Book of the. Lond., 1837. 16°. Doctrine and Practice in 2d Century. Phiiad., 1846. 12 Treatise on. Milton. (Works, v. 4, 5.) Lond., 1868-70 Life, Lond., The. Bayne. Bost., i860. 12°. in Early and Middle Ages. Neander. Lond., 1852 Endeavors after the. Martineau. Bost., 1858. 12°. Nurture. Bushnell. N. Y., i86i. 12°. Philosophy. Knox. Lond., 1835. 16°. Professor, The. James. N. Y., 1838. 12°. Religion, Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties of. Gregory 1851. 8° Institutes of the. Calvin. Lond., 1838. 2 v. J Truth of the. Grotius. Lond., 1825. 12°. Sects in 19th Century. Phiiad., 1846. 12°. Spectator, Monthly. N. H., 1819-28. 10 v. 8°. Quarterly. (2 copies.) N. H., 1829-38. 10 v. Christianity and Positivism. M'Cosh. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . and Scepticism. Boston Lectures, 1870. Bost. 12°. Ancient, and the Oxford Tracts. Taylor. Phiiad., 1840. Apology for. Watson. N. Y., 1835. 8°. . Evidences of. Barnes. N. Y., 1868. 12°. . The same. Chalmers. N. Y., 1840-41. 2 v. 12°. The same. Gurney. Bost., 1833. 12°. . The same. Paley. Phiiad., 1831. 8°. The same, abridged by Wrangham. Edinb., 1828. 12' Latin, Hist, of, to 1854. Milman. N. Y., 1860-61. 8 v. 8°. 9668 7333 16379 15584 , 6596 15677 9896 9899 9900 9941 9939 9935 9947 9953 9901 10025 9906 9993 802 9808 6352 8497 457 9975 487 9974 9940 9501 17349 486 10034 9810 8498 12940 12950 9999 9996 9541 17269 9998 9518 17292 9631 4488 6391 64 Ohristianity — Ohurches. Ohristianity, Meditations on Essence of. Guizot. N. Y., 1865. I2^ 9982 Origins of. Renan. N. Y., 1866-69. 3 v. 12°. . . . 9893 Contents.— 1, Life of Jesus. 2, The Apostles. 8, St. Paul. Primitive. Cave. Lond., 1834-35. 2 v. 16° 9494 Reasonableness of. Locke. (Works, v. 7.) Lond., 1801. 8°. . 9596 Spiritual. L Taylor. N. Y., 1841. 12° " . 9542 Supernatural Origin of. Fisher. N. Y., 1866. 8°. . . . 10026 Women of. Kavanagh. N. Y., 1852. 12° 7568 See, also, Ecclesiastical History. Ohristian's Defensive Dictionary. Sleigh. Philad., 1837. 12°. . . 17304 Christian's Mistake. A Novel. Craik. N. Y., 1866. 12°. . . 2486 ChristiEins, Eminent, Lives of. Frost, Hartfd., 1850. 8°. . . 16400 Professing, Lectures to. Finney. N. Y., 1837. 12°. . . 17352 Christie, R. Military Operations in the Canadas. Quebec, 1818. 12°. 5720 Christie, W. D. Life of Earl of Shaftesbury. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. 6624 Christie Johnstone. Reade. Bost., 1871. 16°. .^ . . . . 2094 Christmas, Book of. Hervey. N. Y., 1845. 12° 3899 Stories. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. 16°. 2174 Christopher Eenrick. Hatton. N. Y., 1869. 12° 2432 Christus. Longfellow. Bost., 1872. 3 v. 12° 715 Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott. Bost., 1834-45. 4 v. in 2. 12°. 1833 Clovernook. Jerrold. Lond., 1846. 16°. . . . 4251 Schonberg-Cotta Family. Charles. Lond., 1868. 8°. 2463 Chronology of History, The. Nicolas. Lond., 1838. 16°. . . 4855 Haydn's Diet, of, with Amcr. Supplement. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . 4066 The World's Progress of. Putnam. N. Y., 1851. 12°. . . 4605 Chrysostom, Life of. Neander. Lond., 1845. 8° 7700 Chubbuck, E. See Mrs. E. C. Judson. Chunder, B. Travels of a Hindoo. Lond., 1869. 2 v. 8°. . . 8018 Church, P. Philosophy of Benevolence. N. Y., 1836. 12°. . . 17356 Church, T. Hist, of the Indian War, 1675-76, and of French and Indian Wars, 1689-1704. Ed. Drake. Hartfd. [1845.] 8°. 5957 The same. Exeter, 1834. 12°. 5748 Church, Antiquities of the. Coleman. Andover, 1841. 8°. . . 10014 in the Catacombs, The. Maitland. Lond., 1846. 8°. . . 6451 Doctrine, Bible Truth. Sadler. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . . . 9821 Government, Reason of. Milton. Lond., 1848. 8°. . . . 455 History. See Ecclesiastical History. Music, Our. Willis. N. Y., 1856. 12° 8866 and State. Coleridge. (Works, 6.) N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . 4018 The same. Gladstone. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 8°. . . 8693 Early English. Churton. N. Y., 1852. 16° 6311 Eastern, Hist, of [to i860]. Stanley. N. Y., 1870. 8°. . . 6418 of England, Essays on. Stanley. Lond., 1870. 8° 3436 Jewish. See Jewish. Lectures on the. Hyacinthe. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . . . 9984 Churches, Lectures on Reunion of. Dollinger. N. Y., 1872. 12°. . 10266 Our Seven. Beecher. N. Y., 1870. 16° 9833 See, also, Christianity. Ohurchill— Clara. 65 Ohurchill, O. Poems. The same. The same. The same. Lond., 1763. 4" 3d ed. Lond., 1766. 2 v. 8\ Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 3 v. in 2. 24' Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. Ohurchill, J. (Duke of Marlborough,) Life of. Gleig. Lond., 1831-32. 2 V. 16° Memoirs of. Coxe. Lond., 1847-48. 3 v. 8° Ohurchill, S. (Duchess of Marlborough.) Correspondence, etc. 2d ed. Lond., 1838. 2 V. 8° Ohurchyards, Chapters on. C. Southey. N. Y., 1842. 12". Ohurton, E. The Early English Church. N. Y., 1842. 16°. Oibber, O. Dramatic Works. Lond., 1777. 5 v. 12°. She Would and She Would Not ; Love makes a Man ; Careless Husband. (Brit. Theatre, v. 17.) Lond. 12°. Apology for Life of. By himself. Lond., 1750. 8". . The same. Lond., 1826. 12° Oicero, M. T. Letters to Friends, transl. by Melmoth. Dubl., 1753. 3 V. 12° The same. Lend., 1803, v. 2, 3. 8° Orations, Offices, Cato, and Laelius, translated. N. Y., 1840-45. 3 V. 12° Tusculan Questions, transl. by Otis. Bost., 1839. 12°. Works, translated. Lond., 1804-08. 11 v. 8° C0NTBKT8.— 1-8, Letters. 4-<, EptetleB to AttlcuB. 7, 8, Orations. 9, 10, De Oratore. Senectnte and De Amicltia. Life of. Forsyth. N. Y., 1866 The same. Middleton. Oid, Chronicle of the. Ed. Southey. Romance of the, Analysis of. N. Y., 1842, Translations from. Dennis. Lond., 1845. Oinq-Mars; an Historical Romance. De Vigny. Oircassia, Residence in, 1837-39. Bell. Lond., Tour to, 1847-48. Ditson. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Travels in, 1836. Spencer. Lond., 1839. 2 v. See, also, Caucasus. Oircumnavigation of the Globe, Hist. of. N. Y., 1840. See, also, Voyages. Oities and Principal Towns of the World, The. Lond., 1830. COKTINTB.— Grt. Britain ; Netherlands ; France ; Spain. Moral Influence of. Todd. Northampton, 1841 Ancient, Ruins of. Bucke. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. Oity of the Saints, The. Burton. Lond., 1861. 8°. . Oivil Liberty and Self-Government. Lieber. Philad., 1859. 8 Oivilization, Hist. of. Guizot. Lond., 1846. 3 v. 8°. Origin of. Lubbock. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . in England, Hist. of. Buckle. N. Y., 1859-66. Olara; or. Slave Life in Europe. Hacklander. N. Y. Olara Howard. C. B. Brown. Bost., 1827. 12°. 2 v. 8". . Lond., 1837. 8°. (2 copies.) Lowell, 1846. 8°. 24°. Lond., 1847. 840. 2 V. 8' 12' V. I 12 12', 2 V. 1856. 16° 15086 1242 540 1 5 102 21 5771 369 7164 3746 6311 1454 1341 7991 6639 13995 15859 4515 4623 4624 11, De 7744 7743 1676 913 284 472 8040 16489 8042 1 1407 5789 17290 1 1 609 8417 8686 326 4073 5065 15130 15301 66 Clarence— Clemens. Clarence. Sedgwick. Lond,, 1830. 3 v. 12° 15310 Clarendon, Lord. See E. Hyde. Clarissa Harlowe. Richardson. Lond., 1811. 8 v. 16°. . . . 1931 Clark, John A. Glimpses of the Old World. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. 16576 Clark, L. G. Knick-knacks. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1853. 12°. . . 4299 Clark, N. G. Elements of the English Language. N. Y., 1863. 16°. 63 Clark, R. W. The Bible and the School Fund. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. 16° 9147 Clark, V. Rhyming Geography. Hartf 'd., 1819. 12°. . . . 14982 Clark, W. G. Literary Remains. N. Y., 1844. 8° 3660 The same 15079 Clarke, Adam. Commentary on the Bible. N. Y., 1840. v. i, 3-5. 8°. 17325 Life of. N. Y., 1833. 12° 16338 Clarke, A. B. Travels in Mexico and California. Bost., 1852. 12°. 16896 [Clarke, C] Three Courses and a Dessert. (2 copies.) Lond., 1850-67. 8° 523 Clarke, Chas. C. Wonders of the World. N. H., 1821. 12°. . .16941 Clarke, E. A. Tales and Sketches. Lond., 1838. 8°. ... 15348 Clarke, Edward D. Travels. Lond., 1816-24. 11 v. 8°. . . 8020 C0NTBNT8.— 1, 2, Russia, Tahtary, Turkey. 8-8, Greece, Egypt, Holy Land. 9-11, Scandinavia. Life and Remains of. Otter. N. Y., 1827. 8°. . Clarke, F. J., and Dunlap, W. Life of Wellington. N. Y., 1814. Clarke, James F. Eleven Weeks in Europe. Bost., 1852. 12°. Ten Great Religions. Bost., 1871. 8° Letters to a Student. Bost., 1796. 12°. C. Concordance to Shakspere. N. Y., 1846. 8°. The same. Bost. 8° The Iron Cousin. N. Y., 1862. 12° Portia, and other Stories of Shakespeare's Heroines. N. Y. 1868. 12° Shakespeare Proverbs. Lond., 1848. 16° Clarke, S. R. Vestigia Anglicana. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. Clarkson, T. Hist, of Abolition of Slave Trade. (2 copies.) Lond 1808. 2 V. 8° Classical Studies. Sears, Edwards, and Felton. Bost., 1843. 12°. Study, Method of. Taylor. Bost., 1861. 12°. . Value of, illustrated. Taylor. Andover, 1870. 12°. Claveringi, The. A. Trollope. N.Y., 1866. 8°. ... Clavers, Mary. (Pseudonym.) See CM. Kirkland. Clavigero, F. S. Hist, of Mexico. Philad., 1804. 3 v. 8°. Claxton. T., Memoir of. By himself. Bost., 1839. 12°. Clay, CM. Writings. N. Y., 1848. 8° Clay, H. Speeches. Philad., 1827. 8° Biogr. of. Prentice. Hartf 'd., 1831. 12°. . . . Life of. Sargent and Greeley. Auburn, 1852. 12°. . and Speeches of. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1843. 2 v. 8°. The same, ed. by D. Mallory. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. 8' and Times of. Colton. N. Y., 1846. 2 v. 8°. [Clemens, S. L.] Innocents Abroad. (2 copies.) Hartf 'd., 1869. 8' 7151 16353 16579 10265 17023 1657 1658 15463 1493 1366 5102 8672 9259 9273 9263 2291 5974 6941 17163 9434 7327 7326 9437 9435 7429 4285 Olemeus — Oobbett. 67 Buffalo, 1851. [827. 12°. [to 1800]. [Clemens, S. L.] Mark Twain's Autobiography. N. Y., 1871. 12 Roughing it. Hartf d., 1872. 8° Clement, J. Noble Deeds of American Women. Clement Falconer. Bait., 1838. 2 v. 12°. . Cleopatra, Hist. of. Abbott. N. Y. [185 1.] 16°. Clergy, Book about the. Jeaffreson. Lond., 1870. 2 v. Clerical Manners and Habits, Letters on. Miller. N. Y., Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of English Literature Philad., 1847. 12° Concordance to Poet. Works of Milton. Lond., 1867. 1 English Literature of 19th century. Philad., 1865. 12". Cleveland, H. R. Life of Hudson. Bost., 1839. i^°- The same. Bost., 1839. 12° Clever Woman of the Family. Yonge. N. Y., 1865. 8°. . Cliffton, W. Poems. N. Y., 1800. 12° Climate, Influence of. De Bonstetten. N. Y., 1864. 12°. . Clinton, D. Letters on Nat. Hist., etc., of N. Y. N. Y., 1822. Speeches and Messages, as Governor. Albany, 1825. 8 Life of. Renwick. N. Y., 1841. 12°. Tribute to Memory of. [Staats.] Albany, 1828. 12°. [CUve, C] Paul Ferroll. N. Y., 1856. 12°. Clive, Lord R., Life of. Gleig. Lond., 1832. 16°. Cloister and the Hearth. Reade. N. Y., 1868. 8°. . Cloney, T. Personal Narrative of Transactions in 1798 Cloquet, J. Private Life of Lafayette. N. Y., 1836. Cloudesley. Godwin. N. Y., 1830. 2 v. 12°. . Clouds and Sunshine. Reade. Bost., 1855. t2°. Clough, A. H. Poems, with Memoir by Norton Poems and Prose Remains, Lond., 1869. Club-Book, The. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. 12°. . Cobb, J. Wife of 2 Husbands ; Ramah Droog. Lond., 1811. 12° Cobbe, F. P. Alone to the Alone : Prayers for Theists. Lond Broken Lights. 2d ed. Lond., 1865. 8°. . Darwinism in Morals, and other Essays. Dawning Lights. Lond., 1868. 8°. Hours of Work and Play. Lond., 1867. Italics. Lond., 1864. 12° Studies of Ethical and Social Subjects. Lond., 1865. 8°. Cobbe, T. Hist, of Norman Kings of England. Lond., 1869. i Cobbett, W. Advice to Young Men, etc. N. Y., 1831. 12°. Bloody Buoy. By Peter Porcupine. 2d ed. Philad., 1796 Grammar of the English Language. N. Y., 1846. 12°. Hist, of the Reformation in England and Ireland. N. Y., 34. 2 V. 12° Legacy to Parsons. N. Y., 1844. 12°. Paper against Gold. Lond., 1815. 2 v. 8°. The same. N. Y., 1834. 12° Porcupine's Works. Lond., 1801. 12 v. 8°. Dubl., 1832. 8' 2 V. 12"^ Bost., 1862. 2 V. 16°. (Mod. Theatre, 16° 87 Lond., 1872. 8 V. 6.) 1832- 4287 4288 9208 15678 7497 6456 9828 139 1203 140 7259 16314 2664 14930 8552 16847 17538 1 1600 7551 11534 5773 2279 5244 7624 15398 2096 980 846 14638 1332 9967 9965 10028 9966 3984 8348 3985 5285 17025 16223 90 6369 17283 8655 8465 17210 68 Oobbett — Coleridge. Cobbett, W. Thirteen Sermons. N. Y., 1846. 12° 17282 Life of. Philad., 1835. 12°. 6692 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., 1869. 8° 6731 Cobden, R. Political Writings. Lond., 1867. 2 v. 8°. . . . 9587 Biography of. McGilchrist. N. Y., 1865. 16°. . . . 6688 Cochin, A. Results of Emancipation. (2 copies.) Bost., 1863. 12°. 8562 of Slavery. (2 copies.) Bost., 1863. 12°. . . 8564 Cochin-China, Embassy to, 1832. Roberts. N. Y., 1837. 8°. . . 16499 Cochrane, Q. Wanderings in Greece. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 8°. . . 8321 Cochrane, J. D. Journey through Russia, etc. Edinb., 1829. 2 v. 12°. 4498 Cochrane, Lord T., Trial, etc., of. N. Y., 1814. 12° 9152 Cockbum, G. Diary of Voyage to St. Helena. Bost., 1833. 12°. . 5438 Cockbum, H. T. Life of Lord Jeflfrey. Philad., 1852. 2 v. 12°. . 7014 Codman, J. Visit to England. Bost., 1836. 12°. .... 16760 Coelebs deceived. [Carp.] Philad., 1817. 12° 15400 in search of a Wife. More. N. Y., 1809. 2 v. 12°. . . 2403 Coffey, O. Devil to pay. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond., 1804. 8°. . 1663 Coffin, C. C. Our New Way round the World. Bost., 1869. 8°. . 8059 [CoflSn, Robert B.] Castles in the Air, etc. N. Y., 1871. 8°. . . 2928 Matrimonial Infelicities. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1865-66. 12°. . 2925 My Married Life at Hillside. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1865. 12°. . 2923 Out of Town. N. Y., 1866. 8° 2927 [Coffin, Robert S.] Poems of the Boston Bard. Prov., 1826. 8°. . 15052 Coghlan, M., Memoirs of. By herself. N. Y., 1795. 12°. . . 16433 Cogswell, W. Letters to Young Men. Bost., 1837. 12°. . . . 17036 Cohen, M. M. Florida and the Campaigns. (2 copies.) Charleston, 1836. 12° 5732 CoitjT. W. Puritanism. N. Y., 1845. 12° 6332 Coke, Sir E., Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8°. . 6751 Life of. Campbell (Chief Justices, v. i.) Philad., 185 1. 8°. . 6873 Coke, E. T. A Subaltern's Furlough. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. . 16794 Colbert E. and Chamberlin, E. Chicago and the Great Conflagration. Cincinn., 1872. 12° 6092 Colbert, J. B., Life of. G. P. R. James. Philad., 1837. 2 v. 12°. . 7613 Colden, C. D. Life of Fulton. N. Y., 1817. 8° 16423 [Cole, M.] Rutledge. N. Y., i860. 12° 2985 St. Philip's. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . \ 2986 Cole, S. W. The Muse. Cornish, 1827. 12°. . . • . . 14967 Coleman, Ij. Antiquities of the Christian Church. Andover, 1841. 8°. 10014 Historical Geography of the Bible. Philad., 1849. 12°. . . 9883 The same. New ed. Philad., 1850. 12°. . . . 9884 Coleridge, Hartley. Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Leeds, 1836. 8° 6904 Coleridge, Henry N. Introd. to Greek Poets. (2 copies.) Philad., 1831. 12°. 41 Coleridge, J. T. Memoir of Keble. 2d ed. Oxf d,, 1869. 2 v. 8°. 7003 Coleridge, Samuel T. Aids to Reflection, ed. Marsh. Burlington, 1829. 8° 8729 The same, ed. McVickar. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . . . 8603 r Coleridge — Collins. 69 Coleridge, Samuel T. Biographia Literaria. N.Y., 1834. 8°. The same. New ed. N. Y., 1847. v. i. 12". Church and State ; Lay Sermons. Lond., 1839. 16°. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Bost., 1841. 16°. The Friend. Burlington, 1831. 8° Idea of Life. Philad., 1848. 12° Letters, Conversations, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1836. 12' Literary Remains. Lond., 1836-39. 4 v. 8°. 4005 3983 8538 9834 3425 16948 3980 4006 Contents.— 1, Fall of Robespierre; Poems; Lectures; Notes and Frai 2, Notes on Shakespeare, Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, Prometheus, etc. _ ^ ents; Omniana 2, Notes on Shakespeare, Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, Prometheus, etc. 3, Notes on Hooker, Field, Donne, Jer. Taylor, etc. 4, Notes on Luther, Baxter, Leighton, Sherlock, Waterland, etc, The same. v. i, 3, 4 Poetical Works. Lond., 1829. 3 v. 16°. . The same. Lond., 1840. 3 v. 16°. . Poetical and Dramatic Works. Bost., 1864. 24". Specimens of Table Talk. N. Y., 1835. 2 v. in i Statesman's Manual. Burlington, 1832. 12°. Works, ed. Shedd. N. Y., 1868-71. 7 v. 12°. Contents.— 1, Introd. Essay ; Aids to Reflection ; Statesman's Manual 4010 848 967 975 3982 8629 Life of. Gillman. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. . Reminiscences of. Cottle. N. Y., 1847. 12°. . [Coleridge, Sara H.] Phantasmion. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. Colin Clink. Hooton. Philad., 1840-41. 2 v. 12°. . College, Letters to Sons in. Miller. Philad,, 1843. 12°. Courant, The. N. H., 1867-70. v. 3-7. (2 copies of v. 3-5.) 4' Words and Customs. Hall. Cambr., 1856. 12°. Colleges, American. Porter. N. H., 1870. 12°. Songs of. Waite. Bost. [1868.] I Collegiate Addresses. Maxcy. Lond. 16°. System in U. S., Thoughts on. Wayland. Bost., 1842. 16°. . See, also. Education ; Universities. Collier, J. P. Annals of the Stage. (2 copies.) Lond., 1831. 3 v. 16°. Notes to Shakespeare. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1853. 12° Poetical Decameron. Lond., 1820. 2 v. 16°. . Reasons for new ed. of Shakespeare. Lond., 1842. 8°. Collins, L. Hist. Sketches of Ky. Cincinn., 1850. 8°. Collins, Wm. Poetical Works. Philad., 1842. 8°. The same. Bost., 1854. 16°. The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1857. 24°. The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1819. 24°. Collins, Wm. L. Ancient Classics f»)r English Readers. (2 copies.) Philad., 1870-71. 8 v. 16°. Contents.- 1, Homer's Iliad. 2, Homer's Odyssey. 3, Herodotus. 4, Caesar, Horace. 7, -W. Discussions on Philosophy, etc. N. Y., 1861. 8°. 8769 Lectures on Logic. Bost., i860. 8°. 8742 Metaphysics. (2 copies.) Bost., i860. 8°. . . . 8740 Hamlets, The. Martineau. Bost., 1836. 12° 14625 Hanmier and Anvil. A Novel. Spielhagen. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . 3022 Hammond, H., Life of. Fell. Lond. 24°. 6677 Hammond, Jabez D. Hist, of Political Parties in N. Y. Albany, 1842. 2 V. 8° 5900 Hammond, James. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. 536 The same, with Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24°. . 13 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. ... 15099 Hampden, J., Life of. Forster. Lond., 1837. 16° 5761 Memorials of. Nugent. Lond., 1832. 2 v. 8°. . . . 6842 Hampden — ^Rart. 141 Hampden in the 19th Century. Lond., 1834. 2 v. 8°. Hancock, T. Principles of Peace. Philad., 1829. 12°. Hand, The, as evincing Design. Bell. Philad., 1836. 8°. Handy Andy. Lover. Lond. 8"^ HanMn, C. C. Life of Mrs. Schimmel Penninck. Lond., 1858. 2 v. 8' Hankins, O. Dakota Land. 2d ed. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Hanley, S. Caliphs and Sultans. N. Y., 1869. 16°. Hannah, J. Courtly Poets from Raleigh to Montrose. Lond 1870. 16°. Hannah. [Mrs. Craik.] N. Y., 1872. 12°. . Hannah Thurston. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1864. 12 Hans of Iceland. Hugo. N. Y., 1862. 8°. Happy, Art of being. Droz. Bost., 1832. 12°. . Harbaugh, H. Poems. Philad., i860. 16°. Hardenberg, F. v. Henry of Ofterdingen. Cambr., 1842. 12°. Harding, R. B. See Mrs. R. H. Davis. Hardinge, G. Miscellaneous Works. Lond., 1818. 3 v. 8°. . Hard Times. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. 16° Hardwicke, Z<7n/ (P. Yorke), Life of. Campbell. Philad., 1848. 8 Hare, A. J. O. Walks in Rome. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. . Harford, J. S. Life of M. Angelo. 2d ed. Lond., 1858. 2 v. 8°. Harlan, J. Memoir of India and Avghanistaun. Philad., 1842. Harland, Marion. (Pseudonym.) See M. V. Terhune. Harold. Bulwer-Lytton. Lond., 1853. 8° Haroon Er-Rashid and Zobeideh. Lond., 1840. 12°. . Harper, R. Q. and Walsh, R. Correspondence, Russia. Philad., 1813. 8°. Harper's Classical Library. N. Y. 31 v. 12°. . Family Library. N. Y. 182 v. 12°. Ferry, Echoes of. Redpath. Bost., i860. 12° New Monthly Magazine. N. Y., 1850-72. 45 The same. v. 1-36, 38-42. .... Index, V. 1-40. 2 copies. Harpe's Head, The. J. Hall. Philad., 1833. 12°. Harrington ; a Tale. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 8.) Bost., 1825. Harris, James (ist Earl of Malmesbury). Letters of himself, his Family, and Friends. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8° Harris, John. The Pre-Adamite Earth. Bost., 1850. 12 Harris, S. Zaccheus ; or, the Scriptural Plan of Benevolence. N. Y. 12° Harris, T. Life of Bainbridge. Philad., 1837. 8°. Harris, Wm. Lives of James I, etc. Lond., 1814. 5 v. 8°. CONTBNTS.— 1, Hugh Peters ; James I. 2, Chas. I. 8, Cromwell. 4, 5, Chas. 11 The same. v. 2. Harris, Wm. C. Highlands of Ethiopia. N. Y. [1845.] 8°. Harrison, W. H., Memoir of. Hall. Philad., 1836. 12°. Sketch of. Todd & Drake. Cincinn., 1847. 16°. Harsha, D. A. Eminent Orators and Statesmen. N. Y., 1855. 8 Hart, A. M. Hist, of Discov. of Mississippi Valley. St. Louis, 1852. 12° 12 etc., respectmg 8= I 19 3481 8473 16983 2659 7051 8429 1907 1005 2494 2934 2635 17032 775 3014 17206 2181 6870 8349 7989 6417 2152 15479 16173 4510 IIOOO 8575 I3I2I I329I 15712 15342 6830 16947 9803 7458 5304 5309 16525 7279 7496 6875 16876 142 Hart — Hawkinst. Hart, J. S. Essay on Spenser. N. Y., 1847. 8°- Harte, F. Bret. Condensed Novels. Bost., 1871. 8°. East and West Poems. Bost., 1871. 12°. . Luck of Roaring Camp, etc. Bost., 1871. 8°. . Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands, etc. Bost., 1873. 12°. Poems. Bost., 1871. 12° Harte, W. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. 2d ed. Lond., 1767. 2 v. 8' The same. 3d ed. Lond., 1807. 2 v. 8°. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. Hartford Convention, Hist. of. Dwight. N. Y., 1833. 8° Letters in Defence of. Otis. Bost., 1824. 8°. . Hartson, H. Countess of Salisbury. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., 1804. Hartt, O. F. Geol. and Phys. Geogr. of Brazil. Bost., 1870. Hartwig, G. The Polar World. N. Y., 1869. 8°. . Harvard, Fair ; a Story. [Washburne.] N. Y., 1869. 12' University, Hist. of. Quincy. Cambr., 1840. 2 v. Lyceum. Cambr., 1810-11. 8° Magazine. (2 copies.) Cambr., 1855-60. v. 1-6. I [Harvey, C] The Synagogue. Lond., 1838. 16°. Haskins, J. Poetical Works. Hartfd., 1848. 12°. Haskins, R. W. Hist, of Phrenology. Buffalo, 1839. ^2°. Hastings, — . A Winter in the W. L and Florida. N. Y., 1839. 12°. Hastings, W., Impeachment of. (Burke's Works, v. 6-8.) Bost., 1839. 8' Memoirs of. Gleig. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 8°. Trial of. Lond., 1796. 8° Hatfield, E. F. Universalism. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1841. 12' Hatton, J. Christopher Kenrick. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . Haunted Hearts. Cummins. Bost., 1864. 12°. Hauser, C, Account of. Feuerbach. Bost., 1832. 12°. Haussez, O. d'. Great Britain in 1833. Philad., 1833. 12°. Havelock, H., Life of. Headley. N. Y., 1861. 12°. . Haverhill; or, Memoirs of an Officer in Wolfe's Army. Jones. N. Y., 1831. 2 V. 12° Hawaiian Islands, Hist. of. Jarves. Bost., 1843. 8°. Life in. Cheever. N. Y., 1851. 12°. Past and Present of. Hunt. San Francisco, 1853. 16° Progress and Condition of. Anderson. Bost., 1864. 12 Residence in, 1823-25. Stewart. Bost., 1839. 12°. . 21 years in. Bingham. Hartfd, 1849. 8°. Mission, Hist. of. Dibble. N. Y., 1839. 12°. . Haweis, H. R. Music and Morals. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Hawes, J. Lectures to Young Men. 3d ed. Hartfd Travels in the East. Hartfd., 1847. 12°. . Life of. Lawrence. Hartfd., 1871. 8°. Hawkesworth, J. The Adventurer. Lond, Hawkins, B. Germany. Lond., 1838. 8° Hawkins, Sir John. Hist of Music, ed. Busby. Lond., 1819. 2 v. 8' Life of Johnson. Dubl., 1787. 8° Hawkins, John H. W., Life of. By his son. Bost., 1859. 12°. 1829. 12°. [823. 3 V. 12' Hawks — Hazlitt. 143 Hawks, F. L. Monuments of Egypt. Narrative of Perry's Expedition. Hawks of Hawk Hollow, The. Bird. Hawley, Z. Journal of Tour. N. H., Hawthorne, N. Blithedale Romance. 2d ed. N. Y., 1850. 8^ N. Y., 1857. 8^ . Philad., 1835. 2 V. 12°. 1822. 12°. (2 copies.) Bost., 1852-62. 16' House of Seven Gables. (2 copies.) Bost., 1851-60. 16° Marble Faun. (3 copies.) Best., 1860-69. 2 v. 16° Mosses from an Old Manse. N. Y., 1846. 12°. The same. Bost., i860. 2 v. 16°. . The same. vol. i. Bost., 1865. 16°. Our Old Home. Bost., 1863. 8°. ... Passages from American Note-Books. (2 copies.) Bost., 1868. 2 v. 8° 2 v. 12°. Bost., 1872. English Note-Books. Bost., 1870 French and Italian Note-Books. 2 v. 12° Scarlet Letter. (4 copies.) Bost., 1850-66. 16°. Septimius Felton. (2 copies.) Bost., 1872. 16°. The Snow-Image, and other twice-told Tales. Bost., The same. Bost., 1857. 12°. . Twice-Told Tales. (2 copies.) Bost., 1842-45. 2 v. Hawthorne, S. Notes in England and Italy. (2 copies.) 1869. 12° Hay, J. Castilian Days. Bost., 1871. 8° Haydn, F. J., Life of. Bombet. Bost., 1839. ^6°. Haydn and other Poems. N. Y., 1870. 16°. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. Vincent. N. Y., 1867. 8°. Haydon, B. R. Autobiogr. and Journals. Ed. Taylor. Lond., 3 V. 8° 1852 16° N. 5 V. 16 16"= 1853. Painting. (2 copies.) Edinb., 1838. 12°. Hayes, I. L Open Polar Sea. N. Y., 1867. 8°. Hayley, W. Life of Cowper. Bost., 1803. 2 v. 12°. The same. Ed. Grimshawe. Lond., 1835. Life of Milton. Dubl., 1797. 8° Triumphs of Temper. Newburyport. 12°. Hays, M. Female Biography. Lond., 1803. 6 v. 12°. Ha3rti. See Saint Domingo. Ha3rward, O. Life of S. Cabot. (Sparks, v. 9.) Bost., 1838 The same. Bost., 1837. 12° Hazen, B. Popular Technology. N. Y., 1842. 2 v. 12°. Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. Bost., i8i8. 12 Conversations of Northcote. Lond., 1830. 12°. Criticisms on Art. Lond., 1843-44. 2 v. 16°. Eloquence of Brit. Senate. Brooklyn, 1810. 2 v. The Fine Arts. (2 copies.) Edinb., 1838. 12°. Lectures on Dramatic Literature of Age of Eliz. Lond. 1840. 16° on English Comic Writers. Lond., 1819. The same. 3d ed. Lond., 1841. 16°. 4456 8135 15714 16890 2889 2887 2892 2879 2880 2882 8357 8388 8358 8203 2883 2898 2722 2891 2875 8360 8210 7881 812 4066 7934 8876 8111 16381 624 7110 14798 14426 7258 16314 11751 1485 3421 8856 9423 8876 69 162 68 144 Hazlitt — Heartsease. 16"^ The same. N. Y., 1849. 12°. Life of Napoleon. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847-49. 3 v. 12' Literary Remains. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1836. 8°. Notes of Journey through France and Italy. Philad., 1833 Plain Speaker. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. Round Table. 3d ed. Lond., 1841. 16°. . Sketches and Essays. Lond., 1839. 16°. Spirit of the Age. 2d ed. Lond., 1825. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1849. 12° Table-Talk. Lond., 1846-57. 2 v. 16°. . The same. N. Y., 1847. 2 pts. in i. 12°. The same. 2d series. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846. in I. 12° View of the English Stage. Lond., 1818. 8°. . Hazlitt, W. O. English Proverbs. Lond., 1869. 8°. [Head, Miss.] Rybrent de Cruce. N. Y., 1829. 2 v. 12°. Head, F. B. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. (2 copies.) 1845. 12° A Faggot of French Sticks. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . Life of Bruce. N. Y., 1841. 12° A Narrative [of Affairs in Canada]. Lond., 1839. 8°. Rough Notes in Journeys across the Pampas. Lond., 1826 Head of the Family, The. [Mrs. Craik.] N. Y., 1864. 8°. Headley, J. T. The Alps and Rhine ; and Letters from Italy 1846. 12° Life of Havelock. N. Y., 1861. 12° Napoleon and his Marshals. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846-47. Sacred Mountains. N. Y., 1851. 12°. Scenes and Characters. N. Y., 1851. 12°. Washington and his Generals. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847. Headlong Hall. Peacock. N. Y., 1845. 12°. Heads, Lecture on. Stevens. Lond., 1795. 12°. Heads of the People. Philad., 1841. 8° Headsman, The. Cooper. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . Health, Code of. Sinclair. Lond., 1844. 8°. . . . and Disease in Communities. Belinaye. Bost., 1833. 12 Economy of. Johnson. N. Y., 1837. 12°. Effects of the Trades,etc., on. Thackrah. Philad., 1831, Herald of. N. Y., 1867-70. v. 43, 44, 49, 50 (in 2 v.) 8°. Influence of Mental Habits on. Brigham. Bost., 1833. of Religion on. Brigham. Bost., 1835. 12°. Philosophy of. S. Smith. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 12°. . Public. Guy. Lond., 1870. 8°. . . Heard, F. F. Curiosities of Law Reporters. Bost., 1871. 16 Heard, I. V. D. Hist, of Sioux War. N. Y., 1864. 12°. . Heart of the Continent, The. Ludlow. N. Y., 1870. 8°. . of Mid-Lothian. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8°. Heartsease. Yonge. N. Y., 1871. 2 v. 12°. N. Y. N. Y. 2 V pts. 12 Heat— Helps. 145 ., 1868. 12' Y., 1869. 16°. [870. 8°. Heat as a Mode of Motion. Tyndall. N. Y Phenomena and Laws of. Cazin. N Treatise on. Lardner. Lond., 1833. Heaton, M. M. Life of A. Diirer. Lond., Heavens, The. Mudie. Lond., 1835. 12°. Wonders of. Flammarion. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . Heber, R. Journeys through India, etc. Philad., 1828 Life of Jer. Taylor. Lond., 1824. 2 v. 16°. Palestine and other Poems. Philad., 1828. 12°. Poetical Works. Philad., 1839. 8°. . Life of. By his Widow. N. Y., 1830. 2 v. 8°. Hebrew Poetry, Spirit of. Taylor. N. Y., 1862. 12°. Hebrews, Notes on Epistle to the. Barnes. N. Y., 1844. 12°. Hebrides, Cruise of the Betsey in the. Miller. Bost., 1862. 12°. Journey to the, 1773. Boswell. Philad., 1810. 8°. . The same. Johnson. (Works, v. 4.) Dubl., 1793. 8° Voyage to the. Necker de Saussure. Lond., 1822. 8°. . Heck, J. G. Iconographic Encyclopaedia. N. Y., 1851. 4 v. 8° and 2 V. 4°. Hedge, F. H. Prose Writers of Germany. Philad., 1849. 8". . The same. N. Y.. 1856. 8° Hedged in. Phelps. Bost., 1870. 12° Heeren, A. L. H. Historical Researches on Asiatic Nations. Oxf d. 1833. 3v. 8° on Nations of Africa. Oxf d. 1832. 2 V. 8° Historical Treatises ; on the Reformation ; Political Theories Continental Interests of Grt. Brit. Oxf d., 1836. 8°. Hist, of Polit. System of Europe. Oxfd., 1834. 2 v. 8°. The same. Northampton, 1829. 2 v. 8°. of States of Antiquity. Northampton, 1828. 8°. Manual of Ancient History. Oxfd., 1833. 8°. Reflections on Politics of Ancient Greece. Bost., 1824. 8°. Heidenmauer, The. Cooper. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . . Heine, H. Book of Songs, transl. by Leland. (2 copies.) Philad. 1864. 16° Letters on Modern Literature in Germany. Bost., 1836. 16° Reisebilder. Philad., 1865. 12°. Heir of RedclyfFe. Yonge. N. Y., 1871. 2 v. 12°. of Wast Wayland. Howitt. N. Y., 1851. 12°. Heiress of Bruges. Grattan. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. 12°. He knew he was right. Trollope. N. Y., 1869. 8°. . Hellas, Monuments and Scenery of. Chase. Cambr., 1863. 16°. Hellbom, K. v. Life of Schubert. Lond., 1869. 2 v. 8°. Heloise, Hist. of. Berington. Philad., 1819. 8°. . . . Helen's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Strauss. Bost., 1835. 12°. . Helper, H. R. Impending Crisis of the South. N. Y., 1857. 12°. Helps, A. Brevia. Bost. Casimir Maremma. 1871. Bost. 16°. 1870. 16' 8902 lOIII 6047 8125 14634 10114 8016 7559 14825 1247 7705 9544 9864 8980 8354 3751 8058 242 243 2977 4114 4117 4713 4716 4714 4112 4113 4406 2777 868 43 9613 2495 15445 15446 2293 8208 7920 16407 6306 8574 3699 2377 146 Helps — Henry. Helps, A. Companions of my Solitude. Bost., 1852. 16°. . 3695 Conversations on War and Culture, (2 copies.) Bost., 1871. 16°. 3700 Essays written in Intervals of Business. Lond., 1843. 16°. . 3693 The same. And Essay on Organization. Bost., 1871. 16°. 3698 Friends in Council. 2d Series. Bost., and N. Y., 1860-63. 2 V. 16° 3696 Fruits of Leisure : or, Essays written in Intervals of Business. N. Y., 1851. 12° 3694 Life of Columbus. Lond., 1869. 16°. 7822 of Cortes. N. Y.. 1871. 16° 7692 of Pizarro. Lond., 1869. 16° 7691 Realmah. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. 16° 2450 Spanish Conquest in America. N. Y., 1856-68. 4 v. 12°. . 5820 Thoughts on Government. Bost., 1872. 8° 8620 Helvetic Union. See Switzerland.' Hemans, O. J. Hist, of Mediaeval Christianity and Sacred Art in Italy. Lond., 1869. 8° 6309 Hemans, F. D. Poems. Bost., 1827. 2 v. 8° 1255 Poetical Works. Philad., 1836. 8° 15087 Records of Woman : with other Poems. N. Y., 1828. 12°. . 14826 Works, with Memoir, by her sister. Philad., 1840. 7 v. 12°. 668 Memorials of. Chorley. N. Y., 1836. 12° 16379 Henderson, E. Iceland. 2d ed. Edinb., 1819. 8° 8293 Journal in Iceland ; abridged. Bost., 1831. 12°. . . . 16599 Henderson, J. Observations on New South Wales, etc. Calcutta, 1832. 8° 16287 Henningsen, O. F. Campaign with Zumalacarregui. Philad., 1836. 12° 16161 Henrietta Temple. Disraeli. Philad., 1837. 2 v. 12°. . . . 2127 Henry I., of England, Hist. of. Cobbe. Lond., 1869. 8°. . . 5285 Henry II, Hist. of. Lyttelton. Lond., 1769-73. 6 v. 8°. . . 16109 Henry VH., Hist, of England under. Bacon. (Works, v. i.) Lond., 1838. 8° 9738 Henry Vm., Memoirs of Court of. Thomson. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. 5289 and his Court ; a Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1868. 12°. . 3102 Henry IV., of France, Life of. James. N. Y., 1850. v. i. 12°. . 5537 Memoirs of, and of his Court. [Ireland.] Lond., 1824. 2 V. 8° 5538 Henry, J. J. Campaign against Quebec, 1775. Lancaster, 1812. 12°. 5721 Henry, M. Exposition of the Bible. N. Y., 1831. 6 v. 8°. . . 17309 Henry, P., Life of. A. H. Everett. Bost., 1844. 16°. . . . 7260 Sketches of Life of. Wirt. Ithaca, 1850. 8° 7342 Henry, R. Hist, of Grt. Brit. Lond., 1788-95. 12 v. 8°. . . 4973 Henry Esmond. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 8° 2192 Henry of Guise: a Novel. James. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . . 15205 Henry Milner. Sherwood. (Works, v. i, 15.) N. Y., 1837. 12°. .15113 Henry of Ofterdingen ; a Romance, v. Hardenberg. Cambr., 1842. 12° 3014 Henry Powers (Banker). Kimball. N. Y., 1868. 12°. . . . 15716 Henslow — Hess. 147 Lond., Henslow, J. S. Descriptive and Physiological Botany. 1836. 16° [Hentz, N. M.] The Valley of Shenandoah. N. Y., 1824. 2 v. Herald of Health. N. Y., 1867-70. v. 43, 44, 49, 50 (in 2 v.) 8°. Herbert, O. Italy and Italian Literature. Lond., 1835. 12°. Herbert, Z^r^ E., Life of. By himself. Lond., 1830. 12°. . Herbert, G. The Country Parson, ed. Park. Andover, 1845. 12 The Temple. Sacred Poems. Lond., 1838. 16°. Writings, with Life. Lowell, 1834. 16° Life of. Walton. [Lond. 1845.] 8° [Herbert, H. W.] Cromwell. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 12°. Field Sports of U. S. N. Y., 1849. v. i. 8°. . Manual for Young Sportsmen. N. Y., 1857. 12°. Sporting Scenes and Characters. Philad. [1857.] 2 v. 12° Contents.— 1, My Shooting Box. 2, Warwick Woodlands. Herbert Lacy. [Lister.] Philad., 1828. 2 v. 12°. . Hereditary Genius. Galton. N. Y., 1870. 8°. . Hereward the Wake. C. Kingsley. Lond., 1867. 8°. Hermann, C. F. Polit. Antiquities of Greece. Oxf 'd., 1836. 8 Hermann Agha. Palgrave. N. Y., 1872. 16°. . Hermit in the Country, The. N. Y., 1820. 2 v. 12°. . London, The. Philad., 1820. 2 v. 12°. Hermits, Lives of the. Kingsley. Philad., 1868. 8°. Herodotus. History, transl. by Beloe. N. Y., 1836-41. 3 v. i The same. N. Y., 1836-44. 3 v. 12°. . The same. Lond., 1821. v, 1-3. 8°. The same. Lond., 1791. v. i, 2, 4. 8°. . transl. by Gary. (2 copies.) Lend., 185c Abstract of. Swayne. Philad., 1870. 16°. Geography of. Niebuhr. Oxf 'd., 1830. 8°. Heroes and Hero-Worship. Carlyle. Lond., 1870. 8°. Herrick, R. Hesperides. Bost., 1856. 2 v. 16°. Herschel, J. P. W. Discourse on Study of Nat. Philosophy. 1835. 16° Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects. Lond., 1869. 8 Treatise on Astronomy. Lond., 1839. 16°. Hertha. Bremer. N. Y., 1856. 12° Hertz, H. King Rene's Daughter. N. Y., 1867. 12°. Hervey, James. Meditations. N. Y., 1824. 2 v. in i Hervey, Lord John. Memoirs of Reign of Geo. II. 2 V. 12° Hervey, T. K. The Book of Christmas. N. Y., 1845. 12°. Herzen, A. My Exile. Lond., 1855. 2 v. 12°. . Hesekiel, J. G. L. Life of Bismarck. N. Y., 1870. 8°. Hesiod. Works and Days, transl. by Chapman. Ed. Hooper. 1858. 16° Hesperus. Richter. Bost., 1865. 2 v. 8° Hess, J. G. Life of Zwingle. Lond., 1812. 8°. . The same 12^ 12". Philad.. Lond., 1848. Lond. 6064 15808 17488 III 6646 9913 1024 1025 948 15685 10207 10160 10161 15448 8992 2570 4431 2371 15249 15247 6315 4536 4552 16023 15875 4233 73 4442 4031 1036 6042 8898 6045 2623 14883 17296 5215 3899 7584 7758 993 3059 7555 7630 148 Hetherington— Historical. Hetherington, W. M. Hist, of Westminster Assembly. N. Y., 1843. 12° 6313 Hetty. H. Kingsley. N. Y., 1869. 8° 2330 Hewitt, M. E. Songs of Our Land and Other Poems. Bost., 1846. 12°. 14999 Hey, W., Life of. Pearson. Lond., 1827. 2 v. 8° 7569 Heyse, P. Anfang und Ende ; Die Einsamen. Bost. 12°. . . 9615 Heywood, J. The Four P's. (Old Plays, v. i.) Lond., 1825. 8°. . ^508 Life of. Dunham. Lond., 1840. 16° 5774 Heywood, T. Plays. See Dodsley's Old Plays, v. 6, 7. Hiatt, J. M. Hibemicus. Hickey, W. 2d ed. Voter's Text-Book. (2 copies.) Indianapolis (Pseudonym.) See D. Clinton. Constitution of the U. S., etc. (3 copies.) Philad., 1847. 12° The same. 6th ed. Philad., 1853. 12°. . Hide and Seek. Collins. N. Y. 8° Hieover, Harry. (Pseudonym.) See C. Brindley. Hiestand, H. Travels. N. Y., 1837. 12°. . Higgins, W. M. The Earth. N.Y., 1840. 12°. . Higginson, T. W. Out-Door Papers. Bost., 1863. 8°. High Life below Stairs. Townley. N. Y. 8°. . Highland Widow, The. W. Scott. Edinb., 1871. 8°. Highlanders. See Scotland. Highways and Byways. Grattan. Bost., 1840. 3 v. 12°. Hildreth, R. Hist, of the U. S. N. Y., 1849-52. 2 Series in 6 The same. [Revised ed. of 2d Series.] N. Y., 1849-60. 6 v. Lives of Atrocious Judges, from Lord Campbell. N. Y 1856. 12° Hill, A. Zara. (Brit. Drama, v. i, pt. 2.) Lond., 1804. 8°. Hill, Geo. Ruins of Athens ; and other Poems, Bost., 1839. \ [Hill, Geo. 0.] Homespun. By Thomas Lackland. N. Y., 1867 Hill, J. Life of Dr. Blair. Philad., 1808. 8°. . Hill, R., Life of. Sidney. N. Y., 1834. 12°. Hillard, G. S. Life of McClellan. Philad., 1864. 12°. of Capt. J. Smith. Bost., 1834. 16 The same. Bost., 1839. 12°. Six Months in Italy. Bost., i860. 12°. HUlhouse, J. A. Dramas, Discourses, etc. Bost., 1839. Hadad. N. Y., 1825. 8° Percy's Masque. N. Y., 1820. 12°. Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner. N. Y., 1857. 12°. . Hind, J. R. The Solar System. N. Y., 1852. 12°. Hindostan. See India. Hinman, R. R. Conn, during the Revolution. Hartfd., 1842. 8°. Hinton, J. H. Hist, and Topography of the U. S. Bost., 1850-51. 2 v. 4° The same. Lond., 1830. 3 v. 4° Hints to my Countrymen. N. Y., 1826. 12°. .... Hippisley, J. H. Chapters on Early Eng. Lit. Lond., 1837. 12°. Historical Causes and Effects, 476-1517. Sullivan. Bost., 1838. 12 1868. 12°. 6017 V. 16 12^ 6028 6031 2297 16584 1 1403 3559 1669 i888 15450 6228 . 6234 6759 1630 15059 3564 16352 16337 7281 7251 16313 8341 796 798 795 3004 8845 6295 6289 6286 15276 163 4569 Historical — History. 149 Bolingbroke. (Works, v. 3, 4.) (A. D. 476-1789). Miller. Lond., Historical Parallels. [Malkin, etc.] Lond., 1846. 3 v. 12*^ Proof, Process of. I. Taylor. Lond., 1828. 8°. History, Dark Scenes of. James. N. Y., 1850. 12°. . Great Events in. Lieber. Bost., 1840. 12°. Lectures on Study of. Goldwin Smith. N. Y., 1866. Letters on Study and Use of. Lond., 1809. 8°. pl^ilosophically illustrated 1848-49. 4 V. 8° Philosophy of. v. Schlegel. Lond., 1835. 2 v. 8°. The same. Shedd. Andover, 1856. 12°. Sketches of. Lord Kames. Edinb., 1813. 3 v. 8°. of Society, Natural. Taylor. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12' Unity of. Abraham. Eton, 1845. 8°. Use and Study of. McCullagh. Dubl., 1842. 8°. Ancient. Fredet. Bait., 1851. 12°. . The S5ime. Raleigh. Edinb., 1820. 6 v. 8°. The same. Rollin. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 8°. . The same. P. Smith. N. Y., 1870-72. 3 v. 8". The same. Tylor. 2d ed. Lond., 1870. 8°. Lectures on. Niebuhr. Philad., 1852. 3 v. 12' Manual of. Heeren. Oxfd., 1833. 8 The same. Rawlinson. Oxfd., 1869. Outline of. [Ellis.] Libr. of Useful Knowl., v. i Lond., 1831 of the East. Lenormant and Chevallier. Lond 1869-70. 2 V. 8°. . of the Minor Kingdpms. Lond., 1845 Modern, 18 Christian Centuries of. White. N. Y., 1863 A. D. 1-1850. Fredet. Bait., 1850. 12" Student's Manual of, 340-1840. Taylor. Lond 1841. 12° (1453-1789.) Michelet. N. Y., 1843. 12 1520-1815. Lord. Philad., 1862. 12°. of the i8th Century. Miller. N. Y., 1803. 2 v. The same. Schlosser. Lond., 1843-45. 6 v. 8°. 1800-1850. Davis. Bost., 1851. 12°. of Our Own Times. Lond., 1843-45. 2 v. 12°, Lectures on. Arnold. Lond., 1843. 8°. The same. W. Smyth. Cambr., 1841. 2 v. 8°. Universal, to 800. Bossuet. Dubl., 1785. 8°. . to 1783. V. Miiller. Lond., 1818. 3 v. 8°. to 1801. Mavor. N. Y., 1803-05. 25 v. 12°. to 1820. Tytler. N. Y., 1840. 6 v. 12°. [to 1840.] V. Rotteck. Philad., 1840-41. 4 v. to 1857. Goodrich. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 8°. Essay on. Voltaire. Edinb., 1777. 4 v. 12°. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of. Creasy. N. Y., 1863. i Outlines of [to 1815]. Keightley. Lond., 1830. 16°. 20 4555 4573 15930 4581 3796 358 4100 4584 4097 4562 4087 4090 4054 4077 4124 4119 4074 4059 4113 4062 16468 4057 4096 4566 4570 4564 11771 4565 15902 4798 4606 461 1 4718 4808 15934 4107 13497 11410 4083 4122 14014 4571 4856 150 History — Hogg. History, Universal, Outlines of, to 1872. Freeman. N. Y., 1872. 12°. System of. Whitaker. Lond:, 1821. 4 V. 4°. Hitchcock, D. Poetical Dictionary. Part 1. Lenox, 1808. 12°. Hitchcock, E. Connection of Geology and Natural Religion. Edinb., 1835. 16° Dyspepsy forestalled and resisted. Amh., 1830. 12°. Elementary Geology. 30th ed. N. Y., 1856. 12°. Hist, of a Zoological Temperance Convention. Northampton, 1850. 16° Life of Mary Lyon. Northampton, 1851. 12° Religion of Geology. Bost., 1851. 12° Religious Lectures on the Seasons. Bost., i86i. 12°. Truth illustrated from Science. Bost., 1857. 12°. Sketch of Scenery of Mass. Northampton, 1842. 4°. Hitherto. Whitney. Bost. 12° Hittel, J. S. Resources of California. S. Francisco, 1863. 12°. Suspicious Husband. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., 1804. 8°. 4561 16038 14935 9137 16969 8981 9121 16417 8840 16994 17354 2969 8402 1632 2725 7562 9673 Contents.— 1, Elements of Philosophy, concerninR Body. 3, Leviathan. 4, Discourses on Human Nature, on the Elements of Law, and on Liberty and Necessity ; Answers to Bramhall '" ■ " .. " . -.- ofT. Hobbes. 5, Questions concerning Hoadly, B. Hoaryhead. Hobart, N. Hobbes, T. Abbott. Bost., 1838. Life of Swedenborg. English Works, ed. V. I, 3-6. 8°. 12". Bost., 1845. Molesworth. I2\ . Lond., 1839-41. Heresy; on the Reputation ;y, and Chance^ debated oy "" etc. Bramhall. 6, Dialogue of {he Common Law of England; and Davenant , Necessity, and Chance, debated Behemoth ; Rhetoric ; Sophistry. Hobomok. Child. Bost., 1824. 12° Hochelaga. [Warburton.] N. Y., 1846. 12°. Hodgson, A. Journey through N. America. N. Y., 1823. 8° Hofer, Andreas. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1868. 8°. . Hoihnan, O. P. Administration of Leisler. (Sparks, v. 13.) Bost., 1844. 16° Greyslaer. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12° A Winter in the West, 2d ed. N. Y., 1835. 2 v. 12° Hoffinsin, D. Chronicles of Cartaphilus. Lond., 1853. 2 v. Course of Legal Study. 2d ed. Bait., 1836. 2 v. 8°. Thoughts, by A. Grumbler. Bait., 1841. 12°. . Hoffinann, E. T. W. The Golden Pot, transl. by Carlyle. 1841. 12° Holland, B. Tales of the Manor. N. Y., 1822. 2 v. 12°. Hogarth, G. Memoirs of the Musical Drama, Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. Musical History, Biography and Criticism, N, Y,, 1845. 8°. . Hogarth, W. Works, in a Series of Engravings, with Descriptions. Lond., 1833, 2 V. 4°. Hogg, Jabez. The Microscope. 7th ed. Lond., 1869, 8°. Hogg, James. Familiar Anecdotes of Scott. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1834. 12° Poet, Works, with Autobiogr, Glasg,, 1838-40, 5 v. 12°. The Queen's Wake, Bost,, 1815. 16° Songs. N, Y„ 1832, 12° Tales and Sketches, Glasg., 1836-37, 6 v, 12°. Liberty, a: Bost. I5717 8370 16781 3088 7262 15708 16859 10059 9354 15275 3108 15594 9080 9077 8899 6921 573 14827 608 578 Hogg— Holy. 51 (Mod. Hogg, T. J. Life of Shelley. Lond., 1858. 2 v. 8°. Hohensteins, The. Spielhagen. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . Holberg, L., Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., 1830. 12 Holcombe, J. P. Literature in Letters. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1866 Holcroft, T. Duplicity ; School for Arrogance ; Seduction Theatre, v. 4.) Lond., 1811. 12°. Holland, H. Essays. Lond., 1862. 8° Recollections of past Life. N. Y., 1872. 12°. . Holland, John. On Manufactures in Metal. Lond., 1831-34. 3 v Holland, Josiah G. The Bay Path. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1862. Bitter-Sweet : a Poem. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1862. 12°. Gold-Foil, hammered from Proverbs. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Kathrina: a Poem. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867-69. 12°' Lessons in Life. (2 copies.) N. Y,, 1862. 12°. Letters to the Joneses. N. Y., 1863. 12°. to Young People. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1862-63. i! Life of Lincoln. Springfield, 1866. 8"^. . . . Miss Gilbert's Career. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1860-62. 12°. Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. N. Y., 1866. 12°. Holland, Lady S. Memoir of Sydney Smith. (2 copies.) N. Y. -56. 2 V. 12°. Holland, W. M. Life of Van Buren. (3 copies.) Hartfd., 1835. Holland, The Gov't, of. L. Bonaparte. Lond., 1820. 3 v. 8°. See, also, Dutch ; Netherlands. Hollister, G. H. Mount Hope. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1851. 12°, Holman, J. G. Votary of Wealth. (Mod. Theatre.) Lond., 1811 Holmes, A. American Annals. Cambr., 1805 The same. 2d ed. Cambr., 1829. The same. (2 copies.) Life of Stiles. Bost., 1798. 8° Holmes, E. Life of Mozart. N. Y., 1845. 16°. Holmes, O. W. Astraea. Bost., 1850. 12°. Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Bost., i860. 12°. Border Lines of Knowledge in Medical Science. 1862. 12° Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science, etc 1861. 12° Elsie Venner. Bost., 1861. 2 v. 16°. The Guardian Angel. Bost., 1871. 12°. Mechanism in Thought and Morals. Bost., 1871. 16°. Poems. Bost., 1861. 16° The same. New ed. Bost., 1864. 16°. . Poet at the Breakfast-Table. Bost., 1872. 12°. Professor at the Breakfast-Table. (2 copies.) Bost.,' 1860-68 Soundings from the Atlantic. (2 copies.) Bost., 1864. 12 Holmes, W. The Camp Meeting. Bost., 1842. 12°. . [Holt, J. S.] Abraham Page, Esq. Philad., 1868. 12°. . [Holthaus, P. D.] Wanderings of a Tailor. Lond., 1844. 16 Holy War, The. Bunyan. Hartfd., 1850. I2^ 1855 12^ 2 V. 2 V. Bost. Bost., 7001 3021 6650 7162 1330 9001 7106 6037 2918 760 3642 762 3643 3646 3640 7405 2920 3645 7010 7322 5877 15749 1329 16141 16143 5966 9274 7882 748 3606 8947 3605 2720 2900 10107 746 747 3609 3607 3610 14936 15643 8194 9948 52 Home — Honeywood. Home, D. D. Incidents in my Life. 2d Series. N. Y., 1872. 12° Home, H. {Lord Karnes.) Elements of Criticism. Edin., 1769 2 V. 8° The same. Ed. Boyd. N. Y., 1855. 12°. ( Loose Hints on Education. Dubl., 1782. 12°. . Sketches of Hist, of Man. Glasg., 1802. 4 v. 16°. The same. Edinb., 1813. 3 v. 8°. . Life of. Smellie, Edinb., 1800. 8°. Home, J. Douglas : a Tragedy. N. Y. 8°. The same. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., 1804. 8°. The same. (Brit. Drama.) Philad., 1833. 8°. Works. Edinb., 1822. 3 v. 8°. Home. A story. Mrs. Ellis. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in i. 12°. The ; a Tale. F. Bremer. N. Y., 1843. 8°. Education. Taylor. N. Y., 1838. 12°. as Found. Cooper. Philad., 1838. 2 v. in i. 12°. Influence. Aguilar. N. Y., -1850. 12°. Life of English Ladies in XVII. century. Lond., i860. 12' and Social Philosophy. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12°. Homer, Iliad, transl. by Cowper. N. Y., 1850. 8°. The same. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 24°. transl. by Earl of Derby. N. Y., 1865. 2 transl. by Pope. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 2 The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad. 2 V. 24°. Abstract of. Collins. Philad., 1870. 16°. Flaxman's Illustrations of. Lond,, 1805. 4°. Iliad and Odyssey, transl. by Cowper. Lond., 1837. 4 v. 16° The same. Lond., 1854-55. 2 v. 8°. The same, transl. by Bryant. Bost., and N. Y., 1870-72 4v. 8° Odyssey, transl. by Pope. Philad., 1822. 24°. Abstract of. Collins. Philad., 1870. 16°. Works, transl. by Chapman, ed. Hooper. Lond., 1857-58 V. I, 2, 4, 5. 16°. C0NTBNT8.— V. 1, 2, Iliad. 4, Odyssey. 5, Hymns, etc. and the Homeridae. De Quincey. (Works, v. 6.) Edinb. 1857. 8° Introduction to. H. N. Coleridge. Philad., 1831. 12 On Translating. M. Arnold. Bost., 1865. 12°. Homes Abroad. Martineau. Bost., 1833. 12°. . without Hands. Wood. N. Y., 1866. 8°. Homespun; or, five and twenty years ago. [Hill.] N. Y., 1867. 8" Homeward Bound. Cooper. N. Y., 1865. 12°. Homilist, The. Editor's Series. Lond., 1870-71. 4 v. 8°. W. Holmes. Bost., 1861. 12' , 1827-28. V. I, 2, in I. 8°. V. a 24° 1822 8524 Homoeopathy, Lectures on. O. Hone, W. Table-Book. Lond. Year Book. Lond., 1838. Honeywood, St. J. Poems, etc. N. Y., 1801. 12' Honor — Home. 153 Honor O'Hara. A. M. Porter. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. I2^ Hood, E. P. Milton : the Patriot and Poet. Lond., 1852. 12' Hood, Robin, Poems, etc., relative to. Ritson. [Lond., 1845.] Hood, T. Hood's Own. Selected Papers. N. Y., 1852. 12°. Poetical Works. Bost., 1859-66. 5 v. 16°. Tylney Hall. N. Y., 1835. 12° Up the Rhine. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12°. The same. Lond., 1869. 8°. . Whims and Oddities. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1861-67. Works. N. Y., 1861. 6 v. 8° 15196 6953 948 4268 1061 15110 4269 4271 4272 3961 Memorials of. By his children. Bost., 1861. 2 v. [Hook, J.] Pen Owen. N. Y., 1822. 2 v. I2°. Percy Mallory. Philad., 1824. 2 v. 12°. . Hook, T. E. Adventures of an Actor. Lond., 1842. 2 ^ The Atonement. Philad., 1839. 12°. Births, Deaths and Marriages. Philad., 1839. 2 v. The Humorist. Philad., 1837. 12°. . Hooke, N. Roman Hist. Lond. 3 v. 8°. Hooker, R. Eccl. Polity and other Works. Ed. Hanbury 1830. 3 V. 8° Works. Oxf d., 1843. 2 v. 8° Life of. Walton. [Lond., 1845.] 8°. Lond. Hooker, W. Hooper, J. Hooper, L. Hooton, O. [Hope, T.] Hist, of Medical Delusions. N. Y., 1850. i Writings. Lond. 12° Poetical Remains. N. Y., 1842. Colin Clink. Philad., 1840-41. Anastasius. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12" Contents.— 1-3, Poems. 4, Whims and Oddities ; National Tales ; Humorous Tales. 5, Up the Rhine ; Romances and Extravaganzas. 6, Our Family ; Comic Miscellany ; Autoblogr. 6983 15538 15540 1608 2594 15381 4256 15998 8688 8691 948 16970 9479 15000 1 5401 15157 15314 9609 8607 8606 7521 5314 12750 7610 16331 8362 16468 16587 4525 4546 76 14887 16167 9510 3423 12 2 v. 12°. Hope Leslie. Sedgwick. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. 12°. Hopkins, J. H. Hist, of the Confessional. N. Y., 1850. Hopkins, M. Law of Love and Love as a Law. N. Y., Moral Science. Bost., 1865. 12". Hopkins, Rev. Sam'L, Reminiscences of. Patten. N. Y. Hopkins, Sam'l. The Puritans. Bost., 1860-61. 3 v. 8°. Hopkinson, P. Miscellaneous Essays, etc. Philad., 1792. Hopper, I. T., Life of. Child. Bost., 1854. 12°. Hoppin, J. M. Notes of a Theol. Student. N. Y., 1854. 12 Old England. 4th ed. N. Y., 1872. 16 Hoppus, J. Account of Bacon's Novum Organon. Lond. [ The Continent in 1835. Lond., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Horace. Works, transl. by Francis. N. Y., 1835-44. 2 v The same. N. Y., 1835-40. 2 v. 12°. for English Readers. Martin. Philad., 1871. 16°. Horace in London. [H. and J. Smith.] Lond., 1815. 12°. Hordynski, J. Hist, of the Polish Revolution. Bost., 1833 Home, G. Commentary on Psalms. With Memoir by W. Jones. Lond., 1836. 3 v. 16° Home, R. H. New Spirit of the Age. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1844. 12". 869. 843 3 V, 829 16" 1 54 Home — Howe. Home, T. H. A Protestant Memorial. N. Y., 1844. 12°. . . . 17279 Home Tooke, J. See Tooke. Horner,|;F., Memoirs of. Edinb., 1849. 16° 6691 Homer, S. A Century of Despotism in Naples and Sicily. Edinb., i860. 16° 4592 Horry, P., and Weems,M. L. Life of Marion. Philad., 1839. 12°. . 16395 Horse, The. Youatt. Lond., 1842. 12° 1695 1 Adventures in search of a. [Stephens.] Philad., 1836. 12°. . 10169 Art of taming. Rarey. Lond., 1862. 16°. .... 10168 Hist, of the. Martin. Lond., 1845. 12° 8782 See, also. Stable ; Sports. Horse Shoe Robinson. Kenned)^ Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . . 15718 Hortense, Queen. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1870. 8°. . . . 3076 Horton, R. G. Life of Buchanan. N. Y., 1856. 12°. . . . 7332 Hosack, J. Mary Queen of Scots and her Accusers. 2d ed. Edinb., 1870-73. 2 V. 8° 5240 Hospital Sketches. Alcott. Bost., 1863. 12° 6106 Hot Corn. Robinson. N. Y., 1854. 12° 15722 Hottentot Fables and Tales. Bleek. Lond., 1864. 8°. . . . 1891 Hours at Home. N. Y., 1865-70. 11 v. 8° 13397 The same. v. 4, 5, 7 13408 House of Commons, Random Recollections of. Grant. Philad., 1836. 12° 4845 of Lords, Random Recollections of. Grant. Philad., 1836. 12°. 4846 I live in, The. Alcott. Bost., 1837. 12° 9126 on the Moor, The. [Oliphant.] N. Y., 1861. 12°. . . . 2514 of the Seven Gables, The. Hawthorne. Bost., i860. 16°. . 2888 Housekeeper, Recollections of a. [Gilman.] N. Y., 1836. 12°. . 15766 Household Words. Ed. Dickens. Lond. and N. Y., 1850-59. v. 1-4, 15, 16, 18. 8° 17497 The same. v. i. 17496 Chapters reprinted from : or. Home and Social Philosophy. N. Y., 1862. 2 V. 12° 3353 Housman, R. P. Collection of English Sonnets. (2 copies.) Lond. [1835.] 12° 1093 Houssaye, A. Philosophers and Actresses. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12°. 3737 Houston, S., Life of. N. Y., 1855. 12°. 7328 Houstoun, Mrs. Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. Philad., 1845. 12°. 16881 Howard, E. Jack Ashore. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . . . 2437 Outward Bound. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12°. .... 2439 Howard, G. Lady Jane Grey, and her Times. Lond., 1822. 8^. . 5209 'O.o^dccd^'El, {Earl of Surrey.) Poems. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1870. 16°. 3895 Poet. Works, with Memoir. Bost., 1854. 16° . . . . 1052 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24°. . i Howe, H. Hist. Collections of the Great West. Cincinn., 1851. 8°. 16145 Howe, John. Theological Treatises. With Memoir by T. Taylor. Lond., 1835. 16° 9502 Works, with Memoirs by Calamy. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 8°. . 10065 Howe, Julia W. From the Oak to the Olive. Bost., 1868. 16°. . 8207 Howe — Hudson. ns Howe, R., Life of. Barrow. Lond., 1838. 8°. . Howe, S. G. Hist, of the Greek Revolution. 2d ed. N. Y. Howell, J. Instructions for Forreine Travell, ed Arber. 1869. 16°. . . . . Howells, W. D. Italian Journeys. Bost,, 1872. 12''. Their Wedding Journey. Bost., 1872. 12°. Venetian Life. 2d ed. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . Howison, J. European Colonies. Lond., 1834. Howison, R. R. Hist, of Va. Philad., 1846-48. 1828. Lond, 2 V. 2 V. Y., 1847. 8". 8°. 12°. 16' Howitt, M. Ballads and other Poems. N The same. N. Y., 1848. I2^ ... Birds and Flowers, etc. Bost., 1839. ^^°' Heir of Wast-Wayland. N. Y., 1851. 12°. Strive and Thrive. Bost., 1840. 12°. Wood Leighton. N. Y., 1847. 8°. The same. Philad., 1837. 3 v. I2\ Howitt, R. Impressions of Australia. Lond., 1845. 16° Howitt, W. Book of the Seasons. 6th ed. Lond., 1840. Colonization and Christianity. Lond., 1858. 12°. Country Year Book. N. Y., 1850. 13°. . German Experiences. 2d ed. Lond., 1844. 16°. Homes of British Poets. (2 copies.) N. Y.. 1847. 2 v. 12 Land, Labor and Gold ; or. Two Years in Victoria. Bost. 1855. 2 V. 12° Popular Hist, of Priestcraft. 7th ed. Lond., 1845. 16°. . Rural and Domestic Life of Germany. Philad., 1843. 8°. The same Rural Life of England. (2 copies.) Lond., 1840. 8°. Student-Life of Germany. Philad., 1842. 8°. . Traditions of Ancient Times. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 12°. Visits to Remarkable Places. 2d ed. Lond., 1840. 8°. . Woodburn Grange. Philad. 12° Howleglass. Transl. by Roscoe. (German Novelists.) Lond., 1826. Hows, J. W. S. Golden Leaves from Amer. Poets. N. Y., 1865. from Brit. Poets. N. Y., 1865. from Dramatic Poets. N. Y., 1865. Hoyt, J. Q. Miscellaneous Writings. Bost., 1863. 12°. . Hubbard, F. M. Life of W. R. Davie. (Sparks, v. 25.) Bost., 1848. 16°. Huber, F. Nat. Hist, of Bees. Lond., 1841. 12°. Huber, V. A. The English Universities. Ed. Newman. Lond 1843. 2 V. in 3. 8° Hue, E. R. Journey through the Chinese Empire. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 12 Recollections of Journey through ^artary, Thibet, and China. Condensed transl. by Mrs. Sinnott. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 16°. 7915 Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China. Tr. by Hazlitt. 3d ed. Lond., 1856. 8°. 7945 Hudson, C.F. Doctrine of a Future Life. 2d ed. Bost., 1858. 12°. 9911 Hudson, F. Journalism in the U. S. N. Y., 1873. 8°. . . . 10209 Hudson, Henry, Life of. Cleveland. Bost., 1839. i6°- • • • 7259 6849 12°. 4560 ' 3892 10238 2952 8212 47II 5898 II68 II67 14799 15445 I559I 2313 15635 7985 8797 15886 16978 8220 6600 t-l 7986 6331 8050 8310 5260 9397 1893 8353 15638 12°.' 1895 12°. 687 12°. 1099 12°. 1403 3656 16°. 7274 8893 ■' 9283 12°. 7946 156 Hudson — Hume. Hudson, Henry N. Lectures on Shakspeare. 1848. 2 V. 12°. (2 copies.) N. Y., [872. 12''. 2 V. 12 1819. 24 Shakespeare : his Life, Art, and Characters. Bost, Hudson River, Legends and Poetry of the. N. Y., 1868 Letters about the. [Hunt.] N. Y., 1836. 12°. Hudson's Bay, Voyage to, 1812. McKeevor. Lond., 1819, Hughes, Mrs. Memoir of Mrs. Hemans. Philad, 1839. 12 Hughes, John. Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. Siege of Damascus. (Brit. Drama, v. i.) Lond., 1804. 8°. Hughes, Abp. John. Discussion with Breckenridge. Philad., 1836. 8 Hughes, Thos. Alfred the Great. Lond. 8° Scouring of the White Horse. Bost,, 1859. 12°. Tom Brown at Oxford. Lond., 1870. 8° The same. Bost., 1870. 2 v. 8° Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. (2 copies.) Bost., 1864-70. 8° Hughes, Thos. S. Hist, of England, 1760-1835. Paris, 1836. 5 v. i Hugo, V. M. The Destroyer of the Second Republic, Napoleon the Little. N. Y., 1870. 12° Hans of Iceland. N. Y., 1862. 8° L'Homme qui rit. N. Y., 1869. 8° The Man who laughs. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 8°. Les Mis^rables, transl. by C. E. Wilbour. (3 copies.) N 1862-63. 8° The Rhine. N. Y., 1845. 12° William Shakespeare. Lond., 1864. 8°. . Slave-King. Lond., 1833. 16° Toilers of the Sea. (2 copies.) N. Les Travailleurs de la Mer. Brux Life of. By his Wife. (2 copies.) Huguenot, The : a Tale. James. N. Y., Galley-Slave, The. Marteilhe. N, and Priest. Bungener. Bost., 1856. 2 v. 12 Huguenots in England and Ireland, The. Smiles, Lond., 1867 in France and America, The. [Mrs. Lee,] Cambr., 1843. 2v Hist, of, in the i6th Century. Browning. Lond., 1829. 2 1598-1838. Browning. Paris, 1839. 8°. See, also, France. Hull, T. Henry II. (Mod. Theatre, v. 9.) Lond., 18 11 Hull, W. Defence of himself. Bost., 1814. 12°. Humboldt, A. v. Cosmos. Lond. and N. Y., 1849-68. Letters to Varnhagen. N. Y., i860. 12°. . Views of Nature. (2 copies.) Lond., 1850. 8°. Travels and Researches of. Macgillivray. Lond., : Humbugs of N. Y. Reese. N. Y., 1838. 12°. . of the World, The. Barnum. N. Y., 1865. 12°. Hume, D. Hist, of England. (2 copies.) Bost., 1849-50, The same, abridged and continued to 1858. (" The Student's Hume.") N. Y., 1862-63. 12°. Y., 1866. 8°. , 1866. 8°. . N. Y., 1863-64. 1839. 2 v. 12° Y., 1867. 12°. 5 V, :852. 6 v. 12 (2 copies.) 4904 Hume — Hunt. t57 Continued by Smollett. Lond., 1825. Hughes. Paris, Hume, D. Hist, of England. V. 3. 5-13. 8° The same, continued by Smollett and 1835-36. V. 2-15. 8° The same, continued by Smollett and Miller. 1836-37. 4 V. 8° Philosophical Essays. (2 copies.) Georgetown, 1817. 2 Works. Edinb., 1826. 4 v. 8°. CONTBNTB.— 1, Life. 1, 2, Treatise of Human Nature. 2, Dialogues on Natural Rell Essays. 4, Inquiry concerning the Understanding ; Inquiry concerning Morals Religion ; Additional Essays. Philad. Nat. I2^ Edinb., 12°. , 1846. 2 V [872, 2 V Life of. By himself. Lond., 1829, Life of. Smellie. Edinb., i8oo. 8°. Life and Correspondence of. Burton Humor and Pathos. Baxter. Lond., 1842. Humorist, The. Hook. Philad., 1837. 12". Humorists, English, of i8th century. Thackeray. Lond., Humphrey, H. Great Brit., France, and Belgium. N. Y., 1838 Letters to a Son in the Ministry. Amh., 1842. 12°. . The same. N. Y., 1845. 12° Miscellaneous Discourses, etc. Amh. Humphreys, D. Life of Putnam. N. Y., 18 The same. N. Y., 1835. 12°. The same. Bost., 1818. 12°. Miscellaneous Works. (2 copies.) N Humphry Clinker. Smollett. N. Y., i860. Himgary in 1835. Paget. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8°. in 1851. Brace. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . and Kossuth. Tefft. Philad., 1852. 12°. . Revolution in, 1849. Pragay. N. Y., 1850. 12 and its Revolutions [to 1853 ; with Memoir of Kossuth.] Lond 1854. 8° Himt, O. H. Life of E. Livingston. N. Y., 1864 1834. 12' [5. 12°. . Y., 1790-1804. 12°. N. Y., 12°. [836. 12' 12". 2d ed. Lond., 1828. 2 Himt, F. Letters about the Hudson R. Hunt, H. Bits of Travel. Bost., 1872. Hunt, li. Autobiography. Lond., 1870 Book for a Corner. N. Y., 1852. Byron and Contemporaries, etc. The same. Philad., 1828. 8°. . Correspondence. Lond., 1862. 2 v. 8°. A Day by the Fire, etc. Bost., 1870. 16°. Imagination and Fancy. (2 copies.) N. Y. The Indicator and Companion. (2 copies.) in I. 12° Men, Women, and Books. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847. Poetical Works. (2 copies.) Lond., 1832. 8°. Rimini and other Poems. Bost., 1844. 16°. The Seer. Bost.. 1865. 2 v. 16°. The same. v. i. 1845- N. Y., 12 . 1845. 2 v. 12°. 5379 5365 5389 3399 8735 Son. 3, [ist. of 6640 7138 7128 4264 4256 2198 16549 9917 17034 17359 1 643 1 16432 7538 14595 1965 1 661 7 8316 5815 5816 422 7457 16849 8167 7047 3228 7187 7189 7048 3171 1234 3226 3229 1257 1220 3168 3170 158 Hunt — Hyde. Hunt, L. Stories from Italian Poets. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846. 3 pts. in I. 12° 887 Wit and Humor. N. Y., 1847. 12° 1234 and Lee, S, A. Book of the Sonnet. Bost., 1867. 2 v. 16°. . 294 Hunt, R. The Poetry of Science. Bost., 1850. 12° 16993 Hunt, Thornton. The Foster-Brother. N. Y., 1846. 8°. . . . 2686 Hunt, Timothy D. Past and Present of the Sandwich Isl. S. Fran- cisco, 1853. 16° 16303 Hunter, T. Reflections on Letters of Lord Chesterfield. Lond., 1777. 8° 17044 Hunter, W. P. Expedition to Syria. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 12°. . . 5160 Hunting Grounds, Adventures on. Meunier. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . 10120 Huntington, S. S. H., Comttess of. Life and Times of. Lond,, 1844. 2 V. 8° 7678 Huntington, F. D. Christian Believing and Living. Bost., i860. 12°. 9976 Home and College. Bost,, i860. 16° 9185 Huntington, G. The Shadowy Land, and other Poems. N. Y., 1861. 8°. 15060 Huntington, J. V. The Forest. N. Y., 1852. 12°, .... 15698 Huntley, L. See Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. N. Y., 1839-59. v. 1-5,8-13,20-40. 8°. 13525 Hurd, J. O. Jurisprudence of Freedom and Bondage. N. Y., 1856. 8°. 9282 Hurd, R. Letters on Chivalry and Romance ; Dialogues on Travel. Lond., 1762, 8° 15932 Moral and Polit. Dialogues, etc. 3d ed. Lond., 1765. 3 v. 16°. 15844 Hurdis, J. Lectures on Poetry. Bishopstone, 1797. 4°. . . . 15083 Hurst, J. F. Hist, of Rationalism. N. Y., 1865. 8°. ... 6519 HusMsson, W. Select Speeches. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1837. 8°. . 9367 Speeches, with Memoir. Lond., 1831. 3 v. 8°. . . . 9364 Huss, J., Life and Times of. Gillett. Bost., 1863. 2 v. -8°. . . 6509 Husson, . Report on Magnetical Experiments. Bost., 1836. 12°. 8526 Hutchinson, Anne, Life of. Ellis. Bost., 1845. 16°. . . . 7265 Hutchinson, J., Memoirs of. By his Widow. Lond., 1808. 4°. . 6911 The same, (Bohn's ed,) 2 copies, Lond., 1846. 8°. . 367 Hutchinson, T. Hist, of Mass., 1628-1750. 3d ed. Bost., 1795. 2 v. 8°. 5836 Hutton, O. Oak wood Hall. Philad., 1819. 2 v. 12°. . . . 15529 Hutton, R. H. Essays. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8° 37o8 Huyshe, G. L. The Red River Expedition. Lond., 1871. 8°. . . 8396 Huxley, T. H. Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. N. Y., 1871. 12° 8941 Man's Place in Nature. N. Y., 1863. I2° 8939 More Criticisms on Darwin, and Administrative Nihilism. N. Y., 1872. 12° 8942 Origin of Species. N. Y., 1863, 12° 8940 Hyacinthe, Pere. See C. Loyson. Hyde, E., Lord Clarendon. Essays. Bost., 1820. 16°. . . . 3843 The same. Lond., 1815. 2 v. 12° 3530 Hist, of the Rebellion. (2 copies.) Bost., 1827. 6 v. 8°. ' 5340 Life of. Campbell. (Ld. Chancellors, v. 3.) Lond., 1845. 8*. 6868 The same. Lister. Lond., 1837-38. 3 v. 8°. . . 6846 Hyder — Incognito. 159 Hyder Ali, Life of. Robson. Lond., 1786. 8°. . Hydrostatics, Treatise on. Lardner. Lond., 1836. 16' Hymns, National. White. N. Y., 1861. 8°. Hypatia. C. Kingsley. Bost., 1859. 12°. . Hyperion. Longfellow. Bost., 1853. 16°. . 16414 . 6044 . 925 . 2564 . 2723 8°. [81: I I says, says L A Novel. Bost., 1812. 12°. lanthe. (Pseudonym.) See Mrs. Embury. Icebergs with a Painter, After. Noble. N. Y., 1862. 12". Iceland, Hist, and Description of. [Russell.] N. Y., 1841. 12' Journey to, 1845. Pfeiffer. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . Letters on, 1772. von Troil. Lond., 1780. 8°. . Residence in, 1814-15. Henderson. Edinb., 1819. Visit to, 1834, Barrow. Lond., 1835. 12°. A Winter in, 1834-35. Dillon. Lond., 1840. 8°. See, also, Edda ; Scandinavia. Icon Basilike. [Gauden.] Lond., 1824. 12°. Ida May. [Pike.] Bost., 1855. 12°. Idle Man, The. [Dana.] N. Y., 1821. 8°. Word, The. Goulburn. N. Y., 1866. 12°. Idler, The. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 12°. . Essays illustrating. Drake. Lond., 1809-10. 2 v. If, Yes, and Perhaps. Hale. Bost., 1868. 16°. . Iffland, A. W. Conscience. (German Theatre, v. 5.) Lond., Ihne, W. Hist, of Rome. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. Eiad, The. See Homer. of the East ; Selections from the Ramayana. Lond., 1870 niicini, B. Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1836. 12°. . Imagination and Fancy ; Selections from English Poets. Hunt. N. Y., 1845. 12° Imitation of Christ, The. Thomas k Kempis. Bost., 1861. 12 in the Fine Arts, Essays on. Quatrern^re de Quincy. Lond., 1837. 8° Imitations of Celebrated Authors. H. and J. Smith. Lond., 1844. 8°. Imlay, Q. Description of Western N. America. Lond., 1792. 8°. . Immola, and the Two Milanese : Tragedies. 1835. 12°. Immortality of the Soul, Discourses on. Richter. Bost., 1864. 8°. Impending Crisis of the South. Helper. N. Y., 1857. 12°. Improvisatore, The. Andersen. N. Y., 1869. 8° Inchbald, E. British Theatre. Lond. v. 11-13, 16-19, 23, 27. 12°. For Contents, see Theatre. Modern Theatre ; a Collection. Lond., 181 1. v. 2-10. 12°. . For Contents, see Theatre. The Mourning Ring. N. Y., 1821. 12° Inchiquin. (Pseudonym.) See C. J. Ingersoll. Incognito, The. De Trueba y Cosio. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. 12°. . 15459 8112 1 1606 8200 16596 8293 8292 8290 4906 15723 15303 9817 3127 3236 2945 1360 4729 1906 1900 1234 9947 9071 3258 16814 1448 3056 8574 2602 1337 1328 15516 15142 i6o India — Ingelow. India, Considerations on Polit. State of. Tytler. Lond., 1815. 2 v. 8°. 16446 Hist, of [to 1761]. Elphinstone. Lend., 1841. 2 v. 8°.. . 6500 977-1669, Ferishtah. Dubl., 1792. 3 v. 8°. . . 16448 Hist., etc., of. Rickards. Lond., 1829-32. 2 v. 8°. . . 6502 of Burmese War in, 1824-26. Snodgrass. Lond., 1827. 8°. 6504 Journeys through, 1824-26. Heber. Philad., 1828. 2 v. 8°. 8016 Letters from, 1828-31. Jacquemont. Lond., 1835. 2 v. 16°. 791 1 Manners and Customs of. Dubois. Philad., 1818. 2 v. 8°. 16504 A Memoir of. Harlan. Philad., 1842. 12° 6417 Origin of Burmese War in, 1851-52. Cobden. Lond., 1867. 8°. 9588 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 4 v. in 2. 12°. . 7841 Scenes and Characteristics of. Roberts. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. 16502 Travels of a Hindoo in, 1845-66. Chunder. Lond., 1869. 2 V. 8° 8018 Visit to, 1853. Bayard Taylor. N. Y.. 1855. 12°. . . . 8283 Ancient, Disquisition concerning. Robertson. Dubl., 1791. 8°. 16451 and Modern. Allen. Bost., 1856. 8°. ... 6559 British, and the Decline of Hindooism. Campbell. Lond., 1839. 8° 16498 Hist of. Martin. Lond., 1835. 8°. .... 16116 [to 1805.] Mill. Lond., 1826. 6 v. 8°. . . 6464 and Description of. Murray, etc. N. Y., 1840. 3 V. 12° 11267 Lectures on. Thompson. Pawtucket, 1840. 12'. . 16500 See, also. East Indies. Indian Archipelago. See Malay Archipelago. Biography of N. A. Thatcher. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . . 12104 Sketches, among the Pawnees. Irving. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12''. 5752 Wars of U. S. Moore. Philad., 1840. 12° 5747 1675-1 704, Hist. of. . Church. Hartfd. [1845.] 8°. . 5957 Indians of N. Amer., Book of. Frost. Hartfd., 1852. 12°. . . 5746 Essays on Condition of. [Evarts.] Bost., 1829. 8°. . . 5895 Notes on Manners, etc., of. Catlin. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. 8°. . 5948 Researches respecting. Schoolcraft. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12°. 5755 into Origin and Hist. of. Bradford, N. Y., 1843. 8°. 5954 Sketches of. Buchanan. N. Y., 1824. 2 v. in i. 12°. . . 5749 Speeches on Removal of. Bost., 1830. 12° 5754 Travels among. McKenney. N. Y., 1846. 2 v. in i. 8°. . 5950 of Conn., Hist. of. De Forest. Hartfd., 1851. 12°. . . 5847 Indicator, The. L. Hunt. N. Y., 1845. 12° 3226 Industry of Nations, Treatise on. Eisdell. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8°. 8661 Infidel, The : a Romance. [Bird.] Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . . 15724 Infidelity, Cause and Cure of. Nelson. N. Y. 12°. . . . 9880 Counsels to Young Men on. Morison. N. Y. 12°. . . 17018 Difficulties of; Faber. Philad., 1829. 12° 9912 Lives of Converts from. Crichton. Edinb., 1827. 2 v. 12°. . 4468 Sermons on. Thomson. Windsor, 1833. 12° 17270 Ingelow, J. Monitions of the Unseen, and Poems of Love and Childhood. (2 copies.) Bost., 1871. 16°. . . .117$ Ingelow — Irby. i6i 16'= [845. V. I. 8 Bost Ingelow, J. Off the Skelligs. Bost., 1872. 16' Poems. Bost., 1863. 16°. . The same. New ed. Bost., 1869. Studies for Stories. Bost., 1865. 16°. Ingersoll, O. J. Hist, of War of 1812. Philad. Inchiquin's Letters. N. Y., 1810. 8°. Remarks on a Review of. [Dwight.] 1815. 8° Ingham Papers, The. Hale. Bost., 1869. 16°. . Inglis, H. D. Journey through Norway, etc. Edinb., 1829. 12 Rambles in Footsteps of Don Quixote. Philad., 1840. i Spain in 1830. Lond., 1831. 2 v. 8°. Ingoldsby Legends. Barham. Philad., 1844. 12". [Ingraham, J. H.] The American Lounger. Philad., 1839. 12 Initials, The. Tautphoeus. Philad. 12° Innisfoyle Abbey. Moriarty. Lond., 1840. 3 v. 12°. Innocents Abroad, The. Mark Twain. Hartf 'd., 1869. 8°. Inquisition Unmasked, The. Puigblanch. Lond., 1816. 2 v. of Spain, Hist. of. Llorente. Lond., 1826. 8°. Insanity, Man's power to control. Barlow. Philad., 1847. 12° Shakspeare's Delineations of. Kellogg. N. Y., 1866. 16 Insect Architecture, Ravages, etc. Rennie. Lond., 1845. 2 v Miscellanies. [Rennie and Westwood.] Bost., 1832. 12 Transformations. [Rennie and Westwood.] Bost., 1831. World, The. Figuier. Lond., 1868. 8°. . Insects, Nat. Hist. of. [Rennie and Westwood.] N. Y.. 1840. 2\ See, also. Zoology. Inspiration of the Scriptures. Gaussen. N. Y., 1842. 12°. Instinct in Animals and Men. Chadbourne. N. Y., 1872. Dialogues on. Brougham. Lond., 1844. 12°. . Insurance, Probabilities in. De Morgan. Lond., 1838. 16°. Intellectual Qualities, Transmission of. N. Y., 1843. 12°. Powers, Inquiries concerning the. Abercrombie. N. 1841. 12"^ Intemperance, Essay on. Grindrod. N. Y., 1840. 12°. Lectures on. L. Beecher. (Works, v. i.) Bost., 1852. 12°. Plea for. Reese. N. Y., 1841. 12° See, also. Drunkenness ; Temperance. Interest. See Usury. Intermarriage. Walker. N. Y., 1839. 12°. .... International Law, Elements of. Wheaton, ed. Dana. Bost., 1866. 8° Introd. to. Woolsey. N. Y., 1864. 8°. Principles of. Bentham. (Works, pt. 8.) Edinb. 1839. 8° Inventions, Hist. of. Beckmann. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8°. . The same. Williams. Lond., 1820. 2 v. 8°. Ionian Islands, Hist., etc., of. Martin. Lond., 1837. 16°. . Visit to, 1836. Giffard. Lond., 1837. 12°. Irby, O. L., and Mangles, J. Travels in Egypt, etc. Lond., 1844. 16° 12 12^ 10297 "73 1 174 2421 5990 6227 16810 2947 4500 16680 8450 4255 15657 2505 15460 4285 6426 6425 8496 1482 8793 8816 8810 8999 1 1007 9981 8946 8488 6043 8530 11041 16967 12753 9122 16959 8704 8702 9707 354 4105 7902 16647 8197 1 62 Ireland — Irving. Ireland. A Tale. Martineau. Bost., 1833. 12°. .... 14616 Biogr. Diet, of Worthies of. Ryan. Lond., 1821. 2 v. 8°. . 6876 The English in, in i8th century. Froude. N. Y., 1873. v. i. 12°. 10233 Hist, of [to 1545]. T.Moore. Lond., 1837-40. 3 v. 16°. . 5176 [to 1700]. Mac Geoghegan. N. Y. 8°. ... 541 1 to 1801. Gordon. Lond., 1806. 2 v. 8°. . . . 5412 to 1803. Taylor. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12°. . . . 12107 Journals, Essays, etc., relating to. Senior. Lond., 1868. 2 v. 8°. 5245 Legends of Wars in. Joyce. Bost., 1870. 16°. . . . 2366 Scenery, Character, etc., of. Hall. Lond., 1841-43. 3 v. 8°. . 8441 social, polit., and religious. Beaumont. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 12°. 5419 Songs of. Croker. Lond., 1839. 12° 1204 State of, to 1652. Clarendon. (Hist., v. 6.) Bost., 1827. 8°. . 5345 State of, to 1801. Plowden. Philad., 1805-06. 5 v. 8°. . . 5414 Tour in, 1805. Carr. N. Y., 1807. 12° 16770 Tour round, in 1835. Barrow. Lond., 1836. 12°. . . . 8307 Travels in, 1843. Kohl. N. Y., 1844. 8° 1670 Views of. O'Driscol. Lond., 1823. 2 v, 8° 16744 [Ireland, W. H.] Memoirs of Henry the Great. Lond., 1824. 2 v. 8°. 5538 of Jeanne d'Arc. Lond., 1824. 2 v. 8°. . 5534 Irish Bar, Sketches of the. Shiel. N. Y., 1858. 2 v. 12°. . . 6744 Bulls, Essay on. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 2.) Bost., 1824. 8°. . 15336 character, etc.. Observations on. Dewar. Lond., 1812. 8°. . 16746 Sketches of. Mrs. Hall. N. Y., 1829. 12°. . . 15583 Confederates, The, and the Rebellion of '98. Field. N. Y., 1851. 12° 5243 Eloquence, Specimens of. Phillips. N. Y., 1820. 8°. . . 9427 Life, Lights and Shadows of. Mrs. Hall. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12°. 15487 Realities of. Trench. Lond., 1869. 8° 5252 Nation, Rise and Fall of. Barrington. N. Y., i860. 12°. . . 5253 Peasantry, Traits and Stories of. Carleton, Lond., 1836. 5 v. 16°. 2017 Rebellion of 1798, Narrative of. Cloney. Dubl., 1832. 8°. . 5244 The same. Jones. Cambr. 12° 5242 Sketch Book of 1842. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 8°. . . . 2195 Irishmen, The United. Madden, [ist Series.] Philad., 1842. 2 v. 12°. 5247 The same. 3d Series. Dubl,, 1846. 3 v. 12°. . . 5249 Proceedings of Dublin Society of. Philad., 1795. 12°. . . 16063 Iron and Steel Manufactures. Holland, (v. i, 2.) Lond., 1831-33. 2 V. 16° 6037 Iron Cousin, The. M. C. Clarke. N. Y., 1862. 12° 15463 Irvine, W. Letters on Sicily. Lond., 1813. 8° 16714 Irving, D. Lives of Scotish Writers. Edinb., 1839. 2 v. in i. 12"^. . 6714 Irving, E. Orations, for the Oracles of God, for Judgment to come, and for Missionaries. N. Y., 1825. 8° 9969 Life of. Oliphant. N. Y., 1862. 8°. 7739 Irving, J. T. Indian Sketches. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . . . 5752 Irving, T. Conquest of Florida. (2 copies.) Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. 5728 Irving, W. Adventures of Capt. Bonneville in Rocky Mts., etc. Philad., 1837. 2 V. 12" 8404 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850-51. 12°. . . . 8406 Irving — Italian. Irving, W. The Alhambra. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . The same. Philad., 1872. I2^ Astoria. N. Y., 1850. I2°. . . . . . The same. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 8°. . Biogr. of M. M. Davidson. 2d ed. Philad., 1841. 12°. Bracebridge Hall. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850. 12°. Conquest of Granada. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1860-68. 12°. Crayon Miscellany. N. Y., 1850. 12°. The same. Philad., 1835. 3 v. 12°. [63 Contents.— 1, Tour on the Pralrlea. Conquest of Spain. 2, Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. 4363 4364 8403 8424 770 4361 6406 4367 4243 8, Legends of the The same. v. 2, 3 Goldsmith : a Biography. (2 copies.) N. Y. Knickerbocker's Hist, of N. Y. N. Y., 1824. The same. Philad., 1834. 2 v. 12°. The same. Philad., 1835. 2 v. in i. 12 851-60. 2 V. 12' 12^ The same. Revised ed. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle. N. Y., 1824. 8°. Life and Voyages of Columbus. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1828. 3 v. 8 The same. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. 8° The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850-51. 3 v. 12°. The same, abridged. N. Y., 1829. 12°. . The same. Bost., 1839. 12° Life and Select Writings of Goldsmith. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12 Life of Washington. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1856-59. 5 v. 12°. Mahomet and his Successors. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1859-60. 2 v. 12 The same. N. Y., 1850-68. 2 v. 12° and 16°. Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. Philad., 1834. 2 v. 12 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1851-53. 12°. . The same. Philad., 1871. 12° Spanish Papers and Miscellanies. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1866. 2 r. 12 Voyages of Companions of Columbus. Philad., 1831. 8". Wolfert's Roost, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1855-61. 12°. Life and Letters of. P.M.Irving. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1864. 4 v. u Isabel. (Pseudonym.) See W. G. Simms, Isabella and Elizabeth, Review of Prescott's comparison of. Bost 1841. 12°. See, also, Ferdinand. Isaiah, Notes on. Barnes. N. Y., 1851. Israel, Land of. Keith. N. Y., 1844. 12 Israel Potter. Melville. Italian Art, Wonders of. Brigands. Moens Journeys, 1864-65. Life and Legends. Note-Books, Passage 1872. 2 V. 12°. Novelists, transl. by Roscoe. L6nd. For Contents, see Roscoe. Poets, see Poets. 4246 6995 4239 4237 4356 4357 16779 7807 7813 7816 7554 7587 1 1 596 7283 • 7577 7581 4241 4358 4360 '. 436S 7815 4365 . 7376 16164 2 V. 1844. 12°. . N. Y., 1855. 12°. Viardot. N. Y., 1870. N. Y., i866. 12°. Howells. Bost., 1872. Ritchie. N. Y., 1870. from (1858-59). [836. 12°. . . 9856 . . 16275 . 15726 12°. . 10122 . . 8347 12°. . 10238 12°. . 8342 Hawthorne. Bost., . . 8203 4 V. 12°. . 1899 164 Italian— Italy. Italian Schools of Painting, 2 V. 8°. Handbook of. Kugler. Lond., 1869. Italics 5 Brief Notes on Italy, 1864. Cobbe. Lond., 1864. 12°. Italy [in 1864]. Taine. N. Y., 1868-69. 2 v. 8° CoNTBNTs.— 1, Borne and Naples. 2, Florence and Venice. in 1819-20. Lady Morgan. N. Y.. 1821. 2 v. 8°. . Antiquities, Arts and Letters in, 1802. Forsyth. Lond., 1835. i6° The Awakening of, 1864. Wylie. N. Y. [1866.] 12°. . Celebration of Unity of, 1871. N. Y., 1871. 8° The Classic and Connoisseur in, 1826. Evans. Lond., 1835, 3v. 8° Classical Tour through, 1801. Eustace. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 12°. Description of. Conder. Lond., 1839. 3 v. 12°. . Diary of an Ennuy^e in. [Jameson.] Philad., 1826. I2°. General Views of. Mariotti. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 12°. Hist, of., to 1831. Sforzosi. N. Y., 1839. 12°. to 1840. Spalding. N. Y., 1842. 3 v. 12°. to i860. Abbott. N. Y. 12° 476-1789. Procter. Lond., 1844. 8". . . . under Napoleon, 1799-1814. Botta. Lond., 1828. 2V. 8° Literary [to iioo]. Barbacovi. Edinb., 1835. 12°. . Christianity and Sacred Art in, 90Q-1350. Hemans. Lond., 1869. 8° of Painting in. Lanzi. Lond., 1847. 3 v. 8°. of the Reformation in. McCrie. Edinb., 1827. 8 of Republics in. Sismondi. Lond., 1832. 16°. Idler in, 1822-27. Lady Blessington. Paris, 1839. 8°. and the Italians [in 1839]. v. Raumer. Lond., 1840. 2 v and Italian Literature. Herbert. Lond., 1835. 12°. Journal of Tour in, 1821. [Bruen.] N. Y., 1824. 8°. Journals in, 1850-51. Senior. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. Letters on, 179-. Castellan. Lond., 1820, 8°. . Letters from, 1780. Beckford. Philad., 1834. 2 v. 12°. The same, 1842. Headley. N. Y., 1846. 12°. Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of. Shelley. Lond., 1835. 2 V. 16° For Contents, see Shelley. Notes in, 1858. Mrs. Hawthorne. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Notes on, 1829-30. Peale. Philad., 1831. 8°. Pictures from, 1844-45. Dickens. N. Y., 1873. 16°. Political State of. Lyman. Bost., 1820. 8°. Remarks on, 1701-3. Addison. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., 1855 Sentimental Letters on, 1785. Du Paty. Lond., 1789. 2 v Six Months in, 1847-48. Hillard. Bost., i860. 12°. Sketches of Protestantism in. Baird. Bost., 1847. 12°. Tour in, 1817-18. Simond. Lond., 1828. 8°. . in Transition, i860. Arthur. Lond., i860. 8°. 82] 5783 8360 16735 10220 15997 3793 16723 8341 17263 16717 4593 Italy — James. t65 Italy, Travels in, in i6th Century. Ducas. Lond., 1822. 2 v. 8°. 16733 [1786-87]. Goethe. Lond., 1849. 8°. . . . 445 1803. Chateaubriand. Lond., 1828. 8^. . . . 16899 1812-13. Lullin de Chfiteauvieux. Lond., 1819. 8°. 8051 View of Society and Manners in, 177-. J. Moore. (Works, V, 2.) Edinb., 1820. 8° 17318 Views in, 1815-16. Friedlander. Lond., 1821. 8°. . . . 8055 under Victor Emmanuel. Arrivabene. Lond., 1862. 2 v. 8°. . 4777 Visit to, 1841-42. Mrs. Trollope. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 8°. . 8339 Ancient, Mythology of. Keightle)\ Lond., 1838. 8°. . . 4425 Ivanhoe. Scott. Edinb., 1871. 8°. ...... . 1877 Ives, C. Chips from the Workshop. N. H., 1843. 12". . . . 15001 Ivimey, J. Milton. N. Y., 1833. 12° 6952 Jack, Colonel, Life of. De Foe. Edinb., 1810. 2 v. 16° Jack Adams. Chamier. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12°. Jack Ashore. Howard. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. Jack Tier. Cooper. N. Y., 1848. 12°. Jackson, A. Messages. Concord, 1837. 12°. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual.) N. Y., 1854. 8' Life of. Parton. N. Y., 1861. 3 v. 12°. . The same, condensed. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Memoirs of. Waldo. Hartfd., 1819. 12°. Pictorial Life of. Frost. Hartfd., 1847. 8°. . Jackson, D. Alonzo and Melissa. Hartfd., 1853. 16°. Jackson, J. R. What to Observe. Lond., 1841. 12°. Jackson, T. Curiosities of the Pulpit. N.Y. [1868.] 16°. Jacksonism, Review of. N. Y., 1835. 12°. . Jacob, Lectures on Hist. of. Blunt. Philad., 1869. 12°. Jacob Faithful. Marryatt. N. Y., 1835. 12°. . Jacobinism, Hist of. Barruel. N. Y., 1799. 4 v. 8°. See, also, France. Jacqueline of Holland. Grattan. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. 12°. Jacquemont, V. Letters from India. 2d ed. Lond., 1835. 2 v. Jacquerie, The. James. N. Y., 1842. 12°. Jahn, J. Biblical Archaeology, ed. Upham. 3d ed. N. Y., 1832. Jamaica in 1850. Bigelow. N. Y., 1851. 12°. . Past and Present of. Phillippo. Philad., 1843. 8°. Tour through, 1823. Williams. Lond., 1827. 8°. See, also. West Indies. James L, of England. Essayes, in Poesie ; Counterblaste to Tobacco. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1869. 16° Character of. I. Disraeli. (Misc., v. 3.) N. Y., 1841. 12°. Court of. Goodman. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8° Memoirs of. Aikin. Bost., 1822. 2 v. 8°. . The same. Jesse. Philad., 1840. 12°. 22 16°. 8' 4164 15466 2437 2832 6023 6201 7318 7321 16394 7425 15656 8952 9831 6016 17353 15110 16201 15469 791 1 15204 10015 8547 16921 16920 3892 3393 5298 5300 5211 166 James. James L, Life of. Harris. Lond., 1814. S"". . James n., Hist, of part of reign of. Fox. Lond., 1846. 8' Memoirs of Court of. Jesse. Philad., 1840. 12°. James, G. P. R. The Ancient Regime. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. Attila. N. Y., 1837. 2 V. 12°. . Blanche of Navarre, a Play. N. Y., 1S39. 12°. Corse de Leon. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 8°. Dark Scenes of History. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Darnley. N. Y., 1830. 2 v. 12°. The Desultory Man. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Forest Days. N. Y. 8° Gentleman of the Old School. N. Y., 1839. 2 The Gipsy. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in i. 12°. . The same The same. N. Y., 1864. 12°. . Henry of Guise. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . Hist, of Charlemagne. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . The same. N. Y., 1833. 12°. . The same. N. Y., 1837. 12°. . of Chivalry. N. Y., 1840. 12°. . The same. (2 copies.) N. Y. [83] of Edward the Black Prince. 2d ed. . 12^ Lond 12 1839. 2 V of Richard Coeur-de-Lion. N. Y., 1842. 2 v. 12" The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1854. 2 v. 8°. The Huguenot. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . The Jacquerie. N. Y., 1842. 2 v. 12°. The same. 2 v. in i The King's Highway. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1840. Life of Henry IV. of France. N. Y., 1850. v. i of John Marston Hall. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. of Louis XIV. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1851. 12 2 v. . 12' 12°. 2 v. Lives of de Retz, Colbert, de Witt, and de Louvois 1837. 2 V. 12°. Margaret Graham. N. Y., 1847. 8°. . Mary of Burgundy. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. Memoirs of Great Commanders. Philad., 1835. 2 v. Old Oak Chest. N. Y., 1850. 8°. . . . One in a Thousand. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in i. 12^. Richelieu. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . The same. N. Y., i860. 2 v. in i. 12°. The Robber. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 12°. . Rose d'Albert. N. Y. 8°. . . . I Russell. N. Y., 1847. 8° String of Pearls. N. Y., 1833. 12°. . A Whim, and its Consequences. N. Y., 1848. and others. Lives of Eminent Foreign Statesmen. Lond 1833-38, 5 V. 16° 16°. Philad. 12 Contents.— 1, (by K. E. Crowe) Amboise ; Xiinenes ; Leo X.: Cardinal Granvelle, and Maurice of Saxony ; Barneveldt ; Sully ; Duke of Lerma ; Duke of Ossuno ; Lorenzo de' Medici. 2, James — Japan. 167 Richelieu; OxenBtlern ; OUvarez: Mazarln. 3, deRetz; Colbert; John de Witt; Marquis de Louvois. 4, de Haro : Cardinal Dubois ; Alberoni ; Duke of Ripperda. 5, Fleury ; Zlnzendorf ; Marquis of Pombal; Count of Florida Blanca; Duke of Choiseul; Necker. James H. Substance and Shadow. 2d ed. Bost., 1866. 8°. . . 9985 James, J. A. The Anxious Enquirer. N. Y., 1834. 12°. . . . 17293 The Christian Professor. N. Y., 1838. 12° 17349 Young Man from Home. N. Y. 12°. 17056 Young Man's Friend. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1852. 12°. . . 9144 James, J. Travels in Sicily, Italy and France. Albany, 1820. 12°. . 16730 James, M. Elder Sister. N. Y., 1855. 12° 15419 Ethel. N. Y., 1855. 12° 15429 James, W. Military Occurrences of the late War. (2 copies.) Lond., 1818. 2 V. 8° 5868 Naval Occurrences of the late War. Lond., 1817. 8°. . . 5872 Jameson, A. Beauties of Court of Chas. II. Philad., 1834. 8°. . 6907 Characteristics of [Shakspeare's] Women. N. Y., 1833. 12°. . i486 The same. Bost., 1866. 16° 1487 Diary of an Ennuy^e. Philad., 1826. 12°. .... 16722 Handbook to Public Galleries. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 12°. . . 8874 Memoirs and Essays. N. Y., 1846. 12° 3954 The same 8368 of Female Sovereigns. N. Y., 1845-48. 2 v. 12°. .11037 The same. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12^ 12095 Romance of Biography ; or, Women loved by Poets. 3d ed. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 8° 6709 The same 16311 Sacred and Legendary Art. Bost., 1865. 2 v. 16°. . . . 8854 Visits and Sketches at home and abroad, with Tales, and Diary of an Ennuy^e. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 12°. . . . 8318 Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada. N. Y., 1839. 2 V. 12° 16773 Jamieson, A. Grammar of Rhetoric. N. H., 1821. 12°. . . . 17531 Jamieson, R. Eastern Manners and the Gospels. Edinb., 1837. 12°. 9841 Jane Bouverie. Sinclair. N. Y., 1851. 12° 15471 Jane Eyre. Bront^. N. Y., 1872. 12" 2549 Jane Lomax. [Horace Smith.] Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12°. . . . 15472 Jane Talbot C. B. Brown. Bost., 1827. 12° 15300 Janin, J. G. The American in Paris. N. Y., 1844. 8°. . . . 16699 Janney, S. M. Life of G. Fox. Philad., 1853. 8° 6825 Janus. The Pope and the Council. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. 16°. . 9514 Japan, Elgin's Mission to, 1857-59. Oliphant. Edinb., 1859. 2 v. 8°. 8006 Hist., etc., of. Dickson. Edinb., 1869. 8° 6505 Narrative of Perry's Exped. to, 1852-54. Hawks. N. Y., 1857. 8°. : 8135 in our day. Ed. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1872. 12°. . . . 10177 Our Life in (1866-67). Jephson and Elmhirst. Lond., 1869. 8°. 801 1 Ten Weeks in (i860). G. Smith. Lond., 1861. 8°. . . . 8012 Three Years in, 1859-62. Alcock. N. Y., 1863. 2 v. 12°. . 7952 Visit to, 1853. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1855. 12°. . . . 8283 [68 Japan — Jeffireys. Thunberg. (Travels, v. 3, 4.) Lond., 2 V. 1872. [841. 12^ 12°. 1835. 12° Bost Lond Japan, Voyage to, 1775-76. 1795. 8° Old, Tales of. Mitford. Lond., 1871. Japanese in America, The. Lanman. N. Y Manners and Customs of the. Lond., The same. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . Japhet in Search of a Father. Marryat. Philad., [Jardine, D.] Criminal Trials. Bost., 1832. v. i Jarves, J. J. The Art-Idea. N. Y., 1864. 16°. . Art Studies. N. Y., 1861. 8° Art Thoughts. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 12°. . Hist, of Sandwich Islands. Bost., 1843. 8°. Why and What am I ? Confessions of an Inquirer. 1857. 12° Java, Hist, of (to 181 1). Raffles. Lond., 1830. 3 v. 8°. Illustrations to the same 1844. 4°. Voyage to, 1816. Hall. Lond., 1840. 8°. Jay, J., Life of. Flanders. Philad., 1855. 8°. . W. Jay. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. S\ Renwick. N. Y., 1841. 12°. Jay, W. Inquiry into Colonization and Anti-Slavery Societies N. Y.. 1835. 12° Life of John Jay. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 8". . Jeaffireson, J. O. Annals of Oxford. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. Book about the Clergy. 2d ed. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8°, about Doctors. N. Y., 1862. 12°. about Lawyers. 2d ed. Lond., 1867. 2 v. 8°. Not Dead Yet. N. Y., 1864. 8° Jeanne d'Arc. See Joan of Arc. Jefferson, T. Manual of Parliamentary Practice, Philad., Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. i.) N. Y. Notes on Virginia. Bost., 1829. 12°. Character of, from his Writings. Dwight. Domestic Life of. Randolph. N. Y., 1871. Lecture on. Theodore Parker. Bost., 1870. Life of. Randall. N. Y., 1858. 3 v. 8°. . Rayner. Bost., 1834. 12°. . Tucker. Philad., 1837. 2 v. 8°. Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, ed. Randolph ed. (2 copies.) Bost., 1830. 4 v. 8°. Memoirs of. [Carpenter.] N. Y., 1809. 2 v. 8°. . Private Life of. Pierson. N. Y., 1862. 8°. Jeffirey, P. Contributions to the Edinb. Review. N. Y., 1864 in T. 8° The same. Lond., 1844. v. 2-4. 8°. Life of. Cockburn. Philad., 1852. 2 v. I2°. . Jefi&eys, ^udge G., Life of. Campbell. (Ld. Chancellors, v. ♦ Lond., 1845. 8° 3d ed. Bost. 12°. 12°. 1840 , 1854 1839. 12". 8°. 2d 4 V. 3.) 16263 2005 7955 7954 1 1607 2090 8820 886i 9067 8888 6506 15680 6496 8101 7473 7363 [1604 8549 7363 9287 6456 8988 9218 2332 8474 6200 5743 7224 7351 7409 7440 7223 7345 9636 7349 7443 3463 3464 7014 6868 Jeffireys — Jesus. 169 I Jeffreys, Judge G. Memoirs of. Woolrs'ch. Lond., 1829. 8 Jenkin, O. Madame de Beaupre. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Jenkins, E. The Coolie. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Ginx's Baby. N. Y., 1871. 12° Jenkins, J. S. Life of Calhoun. Auburn. [1850.] 12°. of Polk, Auburn. [1850.] 12°. of S. Wright. Auburn, 1850. 12°. JenMnson, R. B. (-fi'ar/ c/ Liverpool), Public Life of. Lond., 1827. 8° Jenner, B., Life of. Baron. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. . Jenyns, S. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. Works. Dubl., 1790. 2 v. 8° Jephson, R. Law of Lombardy ; Braganza. (Mod. Theatre.) Lond. 1811. 12° Jephson, R. M., and Elmhirst, E. P. Our Life in Japan. Lond., 1869. 8°. . Jericho, Going to. Swift. N. Y., 1868. 12° Jemingham, E. Poems. Lond., 1767. 12°. .... Jeronimoj Part i. (Old Plays, v. 3.) Lond., 1825. 8°. Jerrold, D. Chronicles of Clovernook. Lond., 1846. 16°. Hist, of St. Giles and St. James. N. Y., 1845. 8°. . Men of Character. N. Y. 12° Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. N. Y., 1867. 16°. . Punch's Complete Letter Writer. Lond., 1845. 16°. Specimens of Wit of. Bost., 1858. \tr Jerrold, W. B. The Disgrace to the Family. Lond., 1848. 8°. Jersey Prison-Ship, Recollections of the. Dring. Prov., 1829. 12' Jesse, J. H. Court of England under the Stuarts, etc. Lond., 1840. 2 V. 8° The same (with continuation). Philad., 1840. 4 v. 12' Jesse, W. Life of Brummell. Philad., 1844. 8\ . . . Jest Book. Lemon. Cambr., 1865. 16° Jesuit Juggling. Baxter. N. Y., 1835. 12° Missions in N. America, Early. Kip. N. Y., 1847. 12°. Hist, of the. Poynder. Lond., 1816. 2 v. 8°. The same. Steinmetz. Philad., 1848. 2 v. 8°. A Night with the. Farrenc. N. Y., 1853. 12°. in N. America, in the 17th century, The. Parkman. Bost., 1868. 12° Provincial Letters exposing the. Pascal. N. Y., 1828. 12°. at Rome, Mornings among the. Seymour. N. Y., 1849. 12' Travels of the. Lock man. Lond., 1762. 2 v. 8°. . A Year among the English. Steinmetz. N. Y., 1846. 12°. See, also, Loyola ; Roman Catholic. Jesus Christ, Character of. Bushnell. N. Y., 1861. 16°. . Life of. Andrews. N. Y., 1862. 8°. ... The same. Beecher. N. Y., 1871. v. i. 8°. The same. Eddy. Springfld., 1870. 8°. The same, Ellicott. Bost., 1862. 12°. . 6757 2423 6470 8541 7330 7331 7329 6783 7160 541 26 13252 1332 801 1 8240 14828 1510 4251 2321 4254 4253 4250 4252 2453 16121 5296 5211 6826 4276 9580 6098 6423 6421 17258 6132 9586 9582 16324 17274 9804 9907 6539 6541 6420 no Jesus — Johnson. N. Y., 1848. 8°. . . . The same. Renan. N. Y., 1869. 12°. The same. Jer. Taylor. Lond., 1835. 3 v. 16°. . and Doctrine of. (Ecce Deus.) [Parker.] Bost., 1867. iC"" and Work of. Crosby. N. Y., 1871. 8°. The same. (Ecce Homo.) [Seeley.] Bost., 1866. 16° Modern Representatives of Life of. Uhlhorn. Bost., 1868. 16'' See, also, Christ. Jew, The. A Novel. Spindler. N. Y. 8° Je-wett, I. A. Passages in Foreign Travel. Bost., 1838. 2 v. 12°. Jewett, Mrs. S. W. From Fourteen to Fourscore. N. Y., 1871. 12' Edinb. Lond., 1847. Jewish Church, Hist, of the. Stanley. N. Y., 1866-67. 2 v. Jews, Antiquities of the. Josephus. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 8' Hist, of the. Ed. by Berk. Bost., 1844. 12°. . The same. Enlarged ed. Bost., 1847. 12°. . The same. Milman. N. Y., 1864. 3 v. 8°. . in Spain and Portugal. Finn. Lond., 1841. 12°. Jewsbury, M. J. Three Histories. Bost., 1831. Joan of Arc. De Quincey. (Miscellanies, v. 3.) [a Novel.] Serle. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 12°. [a Poem.] Southey. Lond., 1838. 16°. The Maid of Orleans : a Drama. Schiller. Life of. Parr. Lond., 1866. 2 v. in i. 16°. Memoirs of. [Ireland.] Lond., 1824. 2 v. 8°. The same. Ed. G. P. R. James. Philad., 1839. Trial of. (Celebrated Trials, v. i.) Lond., 1825. 8°. Joanna of Naples. A Tale. Park. Bost., 1838. 12°. Job, Notes on. Barnes. N. Y., 1847. 2 v. 12°. Jobsiad, The. Kortum. Philad., 1863. 12°. Jocelin. Life of St. Patrick. Philad., 1823. 12°. Jocelyn, Lord. Six Months with the Chinese Expedition. Lond., 1841. 16° John, 5/., Pupils of. Yonge. Lond. [1868.] See, also, Bible. [John, B.] Countess Gisela. Philad., 1869. Gold Elsie. Philad., 1868. 12°. The Old Mam'selle's Secret. Philad., John Brent. Winthrop. Bost., 1862. 12°. John Bull and Brother Jonathan. Paulding. 8^ 858 12 8^ [868. N. Y., 1835. 12' John of Gaunt, Adventures of. J. White. Dubl., 1790. 2 v. i John Godfrey's Fortunes. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1864. 12°. John Halifax, Gentleman. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., 1872. 12°. John Marston HaU. G. P. R. James. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 12°. Johnson, A. J. Illustrated Family Atlas. N. Y., 1866. 4" Johnson, C. Hist, of the Pirates. Norwich, 1814. 12°. Johnson, G. W. Memoirs of Selden. Lond., 1835. 8°. Johnson, J. Economy of Health. N. Y., 1837. 12°. . Johnson, Richard M. Biography of. N. Y., 1833. 12°. Johnson, R. Introd. to Study of Hist. Lond., 1772. 12°. 4th ed. Johnson — Jones. 171 Johnson, S. History of Rasselas. Lend., 1838. 16° The Idler. Lend.. 1823. 16°. Irene. (Brit. Drama.) Lend., 1804. 8". Lives of the Poets. Lond., 1831. 16". Lives and Works of Brit. Poets. Dubl., 1804. 2385 3127 1630 6598 ^5095 C0NTBNT8.— 1, Lives. 2, Cowley, Denham, Milton, Butler, Rochester^ " ■" ~ epney, J. Philips, Walsh. 3, Dryden oprat, Montagu. 4, uartii, Kowe, Addison, Hughes, Shelfleld, Prior, Congre vllle, YaUlen, Tlckell, Hammond, Somerville, Savage, Swift, Broome, Parnell. 6, Pope. 7, E. Waller, Pomfrct, C. Sackvllle Sprat^^lontagu. 4, Garth, Rowe , *.„^..^„„..., Roscommon, Otway, 3, Dryden, E. Smith, Duke, King, reve, Fenton. 5, Gran- Moore, Cawthorne, Collins. Dyer, Slienstone, Mallet, Akenside, Gray, Lyttleton, Gay. 8 Church- ill, Falconer, Lloyd, Young, Thomson. Poetical Works. The same The Rambler. Lond., 1823 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Sermons. Bost., 1820. 16°. Table-Talk. Lond., 1798. 8°. Works. Dubl., 1793. 6 v. 8' Contents Lond., 1789. 16". . Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. 3 V. 12°. Philad., 1822. 24°. 14829 543 3124 25 3846 3759 3748 ay on his Life and Genius, by Murphy ; Poems ; Philological Tracts ; Political and Miscellaneous Essays. 2, Greek Comedy, etc.; Observations on Macbeth ; Papers from the Adventurer ; Rasselas. 2, 3, The Rambler. 4, The Idler : Essays ; Political Tracto ; Journey to ' of English Poets. 6, Lives of Eminent Persons ; Let- Western Islands of Scotland, ters ; Prayers. The same. The same. 5, 6, Lives ( v. I, 3-6. . Lond., 1816. V. I, 2, 4-1: 12^ 3754 3828 2, Philological Tracts ; Political Essays, f-6. The Rambler. 7, «, ^.Dv.^..»..--vr^ mi-ooays ; Journey to tl " "" -- . -. - .. ^ lish Poets. 12. Lives of Eminent Persons ; Letters ; Contents.— 1, Life ; Poems. *, * .^..'^.v.b*'-— ^.-^.v- , * w— .^-. ^^ The Idler. 8, Miscellaneous Essays ; Journey to the Hebrides ; etc. •• • " - - • - - • »- , .. Prayers. lays. The Lives of the Eng- Life of. Boswell, ed. Croker. N. Y., 1837. 2 v. The same. Hawkins. Dubl., 1787. 8°. to his iitb year. By himself. Lond., 1805. 16°. 2 V 12°. Lond., 1848 12" Life and Select Writings of. Ed. Page. N. Y., 1844. The same. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12°. . Literary Life of. Drake. Lond., 1809. 8°. Tour to the Hebrides with. Boswell. Philad., 18 10. Johnsoniana. Ed. Croker. Philad., 1842. 12°. . The same Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of Common Life. N. Y., 1863. Johnstone, Mrs. Elizabeth de Bruce. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. Joinville, J. de. Memoirs of Louis IX. (2 copies.) Joly, Q. and O. Memoirs. Lond., 1775. 3 v. 12°. . Jomini, H. de. Hist, of Campaign of Waterloo. N. Y., i860 Jonathan Wild. Fielding (v. 4). Lond., 1871. i Jones, B. Life of Faraday. Philad., 1870. 2 v. Jones, G. Sketches of Naval Life. N. H., 1829. Jones, James A. Haverhill. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. Jones, J. Narrative of the Irish Rebellion. Camb. 12 Jones, John. Attempts in Verse. Ed. Southey. Lond., 1831 Jones, John Paul, Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biog.) Philad., 1846. The same. Mackenzie, N. Y., 1846. 2 v. 16°. The same. Sherburne. Wash., 1825. 8°. and Correspondence of. N. Y., 1830. Memoirs of, from his Journals. Lond., 1843. 2 v. in i. 12' Jones, Ij. Memoir of Mrs. Taylor. N. Y., 1847. 12°. 8°. 2 v. 12°. 12^ 7209 7122 6925 "433 12126 3236 8354 3760 6924 8948 15420 512 7498 5572 1979 7156 16272 15720 5242 305 7276 7536 7360 7361 7535 7525 172 JTones — Judsoii. Jonson, B. Jortin, J. Joseph IL, Jones, P. My Uncle Hobson and I. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . . . 15751 Jones, Samuel. Treatise on Right of Suffrage. Bost., 1842. 12°. . 8537 [Jones, Stephen.] Hist, of Poland. Dubl., 1795. 8°. ... 16054 Jones, Sir Wm. Poetical Works, with Life. Lond., 1810. 2 v. 12°. 14830 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. ... 29 Memoirs of. Teignmouth. Philad., 1805. 8°. . . . 7146 [Jones, Rev. Wm.] Observations in Journey to Paris. Lond., 1777. 2v. t6° 8188 Jones, Wm. Hist, of England, under Geo. IH. Lond., 1825. 3 v. 8°. 4985 Jones, Rev. Wm. Hist, of the Christian Church. Philad., 1832. 8°. 16466 Jones, Wm. Biogr. Sketches of Reform Ministers. Lond., 1832. 8°. 5330 The same, in 2 v. 5331 Works. Lond., 1716. 6 v. 12° 1420 The same, with Memoir by B. Cornwall. Lond., 1842. 8°. 1607 Life of Erasmus. Lond., 1808. 3 v. 8° 7687 and his Court. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1867. 8°. . 3084 Joseph Andrews. Fielding, (v. 5.) Lond., 1871. 8°. . . . 1980 Joseph and his Friend. A Story. B. Taylor. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . 2939 Joseph Noirel's Revenge. Cherbuliez. N. Y., 1872. 12°. . . 2392 Josephine, Empress. Correspondence with Napoleon. N. Y., 1856. 12° 5447 Historical Sketch of. N. Y., 1867. 8° Hist. of. Abbott. N. Y. [1851.] 16° 5450 Memoirs of. Le Normand. Philad., 1848. 2 v. 12.° . . 5448 The same. Memes. N. Y., 1834. 12° 11030 Josephus. Works, transl. by L'Estrange. Philad. and N. Y., 1773-75. 4 V. 8°. 15964 transl. by Whiston. N. Y., 1824. 6 v. 12°. . 15968 The same. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 8°. . . . 4407 Joshua, Notes on. Bush. N. Y., 1844. 12° 9850 Joshua MarveL Farjeon. Bost., 1871. 8°. 2335 JoufEroy, T. S. T. Introd. to Ethics, tr. by Channing. Bost., 1840. 2 V. 12° 8586' Philosophical Miscellanies, tr. by Ripley. Bost., 1838. 2 v. 12°. 8584 Journalism, British, Hist. of. Andrews. Lond., 1859. 2 v. 8°. . 5273 in the U. S., 1690-1872. Hudson. N. Y., 1873. 8°. . . 10209 See, also, Newspapers. Joyce, R. D. Legends of Wars in Ireland. Bost., 1870. 16°. . . 2366 Juan, G., and Ulloa, A. de. Voyage to S.America. Lond., 1772. 2 v. 8°. 17125 Judeea capta. Charlotte Elizabeth. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . . . 14916 Judah's Lion. Charlotte Elizabeth. N. Y., 1843. 12°. . . . 15166 Judd, S. Margaret. Bost., 1845. 12°. 2953 Philo. Bost., 1850. 12° 15002 Judges, Notes on. Bush. N. Y., 1844. 12° 9851 Judges, Atrocious, Lives of. Campbell, ed. Hildreth. N. Y., 1856. 12". 6759 See, also. Chief Justices. Judicial Establishments, etc. See Bentham's Works. Judiciaxy, Debates in U. S. Senate on the. Philad., 1802. 8°. . . 9353 Judson, Adoniram, Memoir of. Wayland. Bost., 1853. 2 v. 12° . 7638 Judson— Kay. 173 Judaon, Amos M. The Wanderer and other Poems. Philad., 1859. 12°. 15003 Judson, Ann BL, Memoir of. Knowles. Bost., 1820. 12°. . . 16421 Judson, E. O. Alderbrook. Bost., 1850. 2 v. 12° 15650 Judson, S. B., Memoir of. E. C. Judson. N. Y., 1849. 12°. . . 7524 Jukes, J. B. Excursions in Newfoundland. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 12°. 16777 Julia de Roubigne. Mackenzie. N. Y., 1837. 12° 1992 Julian: or, Scenes in J udea. Ware. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12°. . . 2864 Julian Home. Farrar. N. Y., 1866. 12°. ...... 2428 Junius, Letters of. N. Y., 1821. 2 v. 12° 6635 The same. Bost., 1826. 2 v. 12° 6637 The same. With additional Letters. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 8°. 6854 The same. Ed. by Wade. Lond. (Bohn), 1855-68. 2 v. 8°. 464 Posthumous Works. With Sketch of Home Tooke. N. Y., 1829. 8° 6859 Enquiry regarding the Author of. Coventry. Lond., 1825. 8°. 6857 Essay on. Waterhouse. Bost., 1831. 8° 6858 Identity of with [Sir P. Francis]. Taylor. N. Y., 1818. 8°. . 6856 Junkin, G. Political Fallacies. N. Y., 1863. 12° 6105 Junot, L. P. Memoirs of Napoleon. N. Y., i860. 2 v. 8°. . . 5543 Juries, Art of Packing. Bentham. (Works, pt. 5.) Edinb., 1838. 8°. 9704 Juvenal. Satires, transl. by Badham. N. Y., 1837. 12°. . . . 4539 Juventus Mundi. Gladstone. Lond., 1869. 8°. .... 4235 Kalevala, Selections from the. Transl. by Porter. N. Y., 1868. 16°. 290 Kaloolah. Mayo. N. Y., 1849. 12° 7984 Karnes, Lord. See H. Home. Kamtschatka, Travels in, 1787-88. De Lesseps. Lond., 1790. 2 v. 8°. 16507 Kane, E. K. Arctic Explorations ; the Second Expedition in search of Franklin. (2 copies.) Philad., 1857. 2 v. 8°. . . 8107 U. S. Expedition in Search of Franklin. Philad., 1856. 8°. . 8106 Biogr. of. Elder. Philad., 1858. 8° 7475 Kansas, The Englishman in, 1856. Gladstone, N. Y., 1857. 12°. . 16855 Life of. Robinson. Bost., 1857. 12° 16856 Kant, L Critick of Pure Reason. Lond., 1838. 8° 8732 The Metaphysic of Ethics. Tr. by Semple. Edinb., 1836. 8°. 8733 Metaphysical Works, ed. Richardson. (2 copies.) Lond., 1836. 8°. 8730 Last Days of. De Quincey. (Miscellanies, v. 3.) Edinb., 1858. 8°. 3276 Life of. Stapfer. Edinb., 1836. 16° 6633 Karr, A The Alain Family. Lond., 1853. 8° 2646 Kater, H. and Lardner, D. Treatise on Mechanics. Bost., 1831. 12°. 8825 The same. Lond., 1837. 16° 6046 Kaulbaoh, W. Drawings of Female Characters of Goethe. N. Y. fol. Kavanagh, J. Dora. N. Y., 1868. 8° 2685 Women of Christianity. N. Y., 1852. 12° 7568 Kay, J. Social Condition and Education of the English. N. Y., 1864. 12° 5276 23 174 Eean — ^Kennedy. Eean, E., Life of. [Procter.] N. Y., 1835. 12°. Eeary, A. and E. Heroes of Asgard. [2d ed.J Lond., 1871. 12°. Keate, G. Sketches from Nature. 3d ed. Lond., 1782. 2 v. 12°. Seats, J. Poetical Works, with Life. Bost., 1859. ^^ Life, Letters, etc., of. Milnes. N. Y., 1848. 12 Eeble, J. The Christian Year. [Ed. Doane.] Philad., 1834. Miscellaneous Poems. N. Y., 1869. 16°. . Memoir of. Coleridge. Oxfd., 1869. 2 v. 8°. Eeeler, R. Vagabond Adventures. Bost., 1870. 12". Eeese, J. Poets of America. N. Y., 1841-42. 2 v. 12 Keightley, T. The Crusaders. Lond., 1834. 2 v. 16°. Fairy Mythology. Lond., 1833. vol. 2. 16°. Revised ed. Lond., i860. (2 v. in i.) N. Y., 1840. 5 v. 12°. The same. Hist, of England. The same. The same. The same. Ed. J. T. Smith. Bost., 1840. 2 V. 1840. 2 V, Bost. 12°. of the Roman Empire. Bost., 1841. 8°. Mythology of Greece and Italy. 2d ed. Lond., Outlines of History. Lond., 1830. 16°. Tales and Popular Fictions. Lond., 1834. 12°. Keith, A. Land of Israel. N. Y., 1844. 12°. Signs of the Times. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12°. Kellogg, A. O. Shakspeare's Delineations of Insanity, 1866. 16" Kellogg, E. Labor and other Capital. N. Y., 1849. 8 Kelly, H. School for Wives. Lond., 1811. 12°. Kelly, M. Reminiscences. N. Y., 1826. 8°. Kelly, W.K. Hist, of Russia. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1854-55. 2 v. Syria and the Holy Land. Lond., 1844. 8°. . . . 1838 etc. N. Y 16' 8° Kemble-Butler, F. A. Journal [in the U. S.] Philad., 1835. 2 v. in i. 12 Journal on a Georgian Plantation. N. Y., 1863. 12" Star of Seville. N. Y., 1837. 12°. The same A Year of Consolation. N. Y., 1847. 2 v. in i. 12 Kemble, J. P. Memoirs of. Boaden. Philad., 1825. 8°. Kempis, Thomas d. See Thomas. Kendall, E. A. Travels in U. S. N. Y., 1809. 3 v. 12°. Kendall, G. W. Narrative of Texan Santa Fe Exped. N. Y., 1844 2 V. 12° Kenilworth. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8°. ... Kenilworth Castle, Pageants at, 1575. Laneham. Philad., 1822. 12' Kennan, G. Tent-Life in Siberia. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . Kennedy, G. The Decision ; Profession is not Principle ; Father Clement. N. Y., 1829. 12°. Dunallan. Bost., 1827. 2 v. 12°. Kennedy, James. Conversations with Byron. (2 copies.) Philad., 1833. 12° Kennedy — Eingsley. 175 Kmmedy, John P. Annals of Quodlibet. Philad., 1840. Horse Shoe Robinson. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Memoirs of Wirt. Philad., 1850. 2 v. 8°. Rob of the Bowl. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12°. Swallow Barn. Philad., 1832. 2 v. 12°. Kent, J. Commentaries on Amer. Law. 3d ed. N. Y., 1836. 4 v. 8 The same. 4th ed. N. Y., 1840. 4 v. 8' Course of Reading. N. Y., 1840. 12°. The same. Ed. King. N. Y., 1853. 12 . 1850. Kentucky, Hist. Sketches of. Collins. Cincinn. Kepler, J., Life of. [Bethune.] Lond., 1833. 8°. The same. Brewster. N. Y., 1841. 12°. Keppel, Q. Journey from India. 2d ed. Lond., 1827. 2 v. 8°. Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo. N. Y., 1846. 16°. Kerr, Orpheiis O. (Pseudonym.) See R. H. Newell. Kett, H. Flowers of Wit. Hartf 'd., 1825. 12°. . Kettell, S. Specimensof Amer. Poetry. (2 copies.) Bost., 1829. 3 v. 12' Key, F. S. Poems. N. Y., 1857. 12° Khalif Haroon Er-Rashid and Princess Zob^id^h. Lond., 1840. 12' Kidd, J. Adaptation of Nature to Man. Philad., 1836. 8' Kidder, D. P., and Fletcher, J. O. Brazil and the Brazilians. Philad. 1857. 8° Killegrew, T. The Parson's Wedding. (Old Plays, v. 11.) Lond. 1827. 8° Kimball, R. B. Cuba and the Cubans. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Henry Powers, (Banker.) N. Y., 1868. 12°. • . Romance of Student Life Abroad. N. Y., 1862. 12' Saint Leger. N. Y., 1862. 12° In the Tropics. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Undercurrents. N. Y., 1862. 12°. [Kimber, L] Life of Cromwell. Lond., 1724. 8°. King, O. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Bost., 1872. 8°. King, J. A. 24 years in the Argentine Republic. N. Y., 1846. 12°. King, (Lord) P. Life of Locke. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 8°. King, T. Starr. Patriotism, and other Papers. Bost., 1864. 12°. The White Hills. N. Y., 1870. 8° King, Wm. (born 1663.) Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24' The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. King, Wm., LLJ3. (born 1685.) Anecdotes of his Times. Bost., 1819. 12° Kinglake, A. W. Eothen. N. Y., 1850. 12° The same. N. Y., 1846. 12° The same. Auburn, 1845. 12". .... Invasion of the Crimea. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1863-68. 2 v. 12' King's Highway, The. James. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. King's Own. Marryat. N. Y., 1837. 12° Kingsford, Jane. (Pseudonym.) [C. F. Bariiard.] The Soprano. Bost. 12° Kingsley, O. Alton Locke. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1850-61. 12°. . 4292 15718 7420 15771 15788 9356 9360 298 299 5891 6751 1 1605 8035 8195 4284 678 14938 15479 16983 8460 1518 16917 15716 15784 15773 16895 15806 5225 8401 5736 7126 3594 8392 267 15097 16377 8255 8369 7974 4613 15198 2111 3012 2560 176 Eingsley — Knapp. Kingsley, C. Andromeda, and other Poems. Bost., 1858. 16°. Glaucus. (2 copies.) Bost., 1855. 16°. Hereward. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866. 12°. . The same. Lond., 1867. 8°. . The Hermits. Philad., 1868. 8°. ... Hypatia. (2 copies.) Bost., 1859-64. 12°. The same. Leipzig, 1866. 2 v. 16°. At Last: Christmas in the W. I. Lond., 1871. 8°. New Miscellanies. Bost., i860. 12°. Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., 1856. 16°. Sir Walter Raleigh, etc. (2 copies.) Bost., 1859. 12 Two Years Ago. Bost., 1857. 12°. . Westward Ho ! or, Sir Amyas Leigh. (2 copies.) Bost., 1857 The same. Lond., 1871. 8°. , Yeast. N. Y., 1864. 12° Eingsley, H. Austin Elliot. Bost., 1863. 12°. . Hetty. N. Y., 1869. 8° The same Leighton Court. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866. 12°. Ravenshoe. (2 copies.) Bost., 1862-66. 12°. . Stretton. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 8°. . . Tales of Old Travel. Lond., 1869. 8°. Eingsley, J. L. Hist. Discourse at New Haven. N. H., 1838. Life of Stiles. (Sparks, v. 16.) Bost., 1845. 16°. Eingston, W. H. Q. Lusitanian Sketches. Lond., 1845. 2 Eip, W. I. Catacombs of Rome. N. Y., 1854. 12°. . Christmas Holydays in Rome. N. Y., 1846. 12°. Early Jesuit Missions to N. America. N. Y., 1847. The same. N. Y., 1848. 12°. . Eirby, W. Hist., Habits, etc., of Animals. Philad., 1837. Eirk, E. N. Sermons. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . Eirk, J. F. Hist, of Charles the Bold. (2 copies.) Philad., 1864 Eirke, Edmund. ( Pseudonym J See J. R. Gilmore. Eirkland, O. M. Holidays abroad. N. Y., 1849. 2 v. 12°. A New Home. Who'll Follow? N. Y., 1839. 12°. Patriotic Eloquence. N. Y., 1866, 12°. Western Clearings. N. Y., 1846. 12°. Eirkland, S., Life of. Lothrop. (Sparks, v. 25.) Bost., 1848. 16°. Eitchi-Gami. Kohl. Lond., i860. 8° Eitto, J. The Lost Senses. Lond., 1845. 2 v. 12°. . Scripture Lands. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1850. 8°. Elopstock, F. G. Odes, transl. by Nind. Lond., 1848. 16' and M., Memoirs of. 2d ed. Bath, 1809. 8°. . Elosterheim. De Quincey. Bost., 1855. 8°. . . , Enapp, G. O. Lectures on Christian Theology. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. 8' [Enapp, J. li.] Journal of a Naturalist. Philad., 1831. 12' Enapp, S. L. Advice in Pursuits of Literature. N. Y., 1832. i The same The Bachelors, and other Tales. N. Y., 1836. 12°. Enapp— Knox. 177 Knapp, S. L. Biogr. Sketches. Bost., 1821. 8° 747i Female Biography. Philad., 1836. 12° 16303 Memoir of Webster. Bost., 1831. 12° 7308 Sketches of Public Characters. N. Y., 1830. 12°. . . . 16443 Tales of the Garden of Kosciusko. N. Y., 1834. 12°. . . 15797 Knickerbocker, The. N. Y., 1833-62. 59 v. 8° 14457 The same. v. 2-5, 7, 8, 10-25, 27-30, 32, 35, 36, 38-41, 43- 45. 47-66 14640 Knickerbocker, Diedrich. (Pseudonym.) See W. Irving. Knight, O. W. Caxton : a Biography. Lond., 1844. 12°. . . . 6914 Half-Hours with the Best Authors. Lond., 1865-67. 2 v. 8°. 3764 The same. N. Y., 1848-49. v. 2-4. 8° 3766 Half-Hours with Letter-Writers and Autobiographers. Lond., 1867. 8° 3769 Hist, of England. (2 copies.) Lond. 8 v. 8°. . . . 5049 London. Lond., 1841-44. 6 v. 8° 5118 The same. 6 v. in 3. 8° 5124 Penny Magazine. Lond., 1846-47. 2 v. in i. 8°. . . . 14597 Pictorial Hist, of England. See G. L. Craik. A Volume of Varieties. Lond., 1844. 12°. .... 2379 [Knight, Henry O.] Letters from the South and West. By A. Single- ton. Bost., 1824. 8°. 16779 Poems. 2d ed. Bost., 1821. 2 v. 12° 14939 Knight, Henry G. Eastern Sketches. Lond., 1819. 16°. . . . 14800 Knight, R. P. Inquiry into Principles of Taste. Lond., 1808. 8*. . 17066 Knight, T. Honest Thieves. (Oxberry's Plays, v, 6.) Bost., 1822. 24°. 1350 Knight, W. Oriental Outlines. Lond., 1839. ^6° 8196 Knighton, Sir W., Memoirs of. Lady Knighton. Philad., 1838. 8°. 6836 Knights and th^ir Days. Doran. Lond., 1856. 8° 5141 of Malta, Achievements of the. Sutherland. Philad., 1846. 12°. 4618 Templars, The. Addison. Lond., 1842. 8° 4617 See, also, Chivalry ; Garter. Knorring, A. v. The Peasant and his Landlord. N. Y., 1848. 12°. . 2658 Knowledge, Human, Treatise concerning the Principles of. Berkeley. Lond., 1837. 8° 8759 Science of. Fichte. Philad., 1868. 12° 8583 Knowles, James D. Memoir of Mrs. Judson, Bost., 1829. 12°. . 16421 Memoir of R. Williams. (2 copies.) Bost., 1834. 12°. . . 7548 Knowles, James S. Dramatic Works. Lond., 1841-43. 3 v, 12°. , 1432 The Love Chase. N. Y., 1838. 12° 1441 The Magdalen, and other Tales. N. Y., 1835. 12°. . . . 15110 Select Dramatic Works. Bait., 1835. 12°. .... 1364 Select Works. Bost., 1833. 2 v. in i. 16° 1392 The same. Bost., 1836. v. i. 12° 1393 The Wife. Philad., 1833. 12° 13356 Woman's Wit. N. Y., 1838. 12° 1449 Knowles, John. Life of Fuseli. Lond., 1831. 3 v. 8°. . . 9051 Knox, J. Hist, of Reformation in Scotland. Ed. McGavin. Glasg., 1832. 8° 6478 178 Knox — La Oume. Philad., 1833. 2 V. 12' Lond., 1827. 2 V. 8°. Knox, J. Writings. Lond. 12°. Life of. McCrie. Edinb., 1839. 8°. . . Knox, V. Christian Philosophy. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., 1835. 16' Essays. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 3 v. 12° Liberal Education. 7th ed. Lond., 1785. 2 v. 12°. Winter Evenings. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 3 v. 12°. Koch, O. W. Hist, of Revolutions in Europe. Hartf'd., 1849. 8°. The same. Edinb., 1828. 3 v. 12" Keck, O. P. de. The Modern Cymon. Komer, C. T., Life of. By his Father. Kohl, J. G. Ireland. N. Y., 1844. 8°. ... Kitchi-Gami. Lond., i860. 8°. . Russia and the Russians in 1842. Philad,, 1843. Kohlraiisch, F. Hist, of Germany. Lond., 1844. 8°. The same. N. Y., 1845. 8°. . Koningsmarke. Paulding. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 12°. Koran, The. Transl. by Sale. Lond., 1825. 2 v. 8°. Kortnm, O. A. The Jobsiad, transl. by Brooks. Philad., 1863. 12°. Kortz, J. Hist, of Eudoxia. Hudson, 1816. 12° Kosciusko, Tales of the Garden of. Knapp. N. Y., 1834. 12°. Kossuth, Ii. See Hungary. Kotzebue, A. F. F. v. 7 Plays, transl. by Thompson. (German The- atre, v. 2-5.) Lond., 1811. 12°. Life of. By himself. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 12° Kotzebue, O. v. Voyage of Discover)\ Lond., 1821. 8". Krasinski, V. Hist, of the Reformation in Poland. Lond., 1838-40. 2 V. 8° Krilof, L A., and his Fables. Ralston. Lond., 1869. 8°. . Kugler, F. T. Handbook of Painting : Italian Schools. Lond., 1869. 2 V. 8° Kunst, P. J. English and German Dictionary. Harrisburg, 1847. Kuzzilbash, The. [Eraser.] N. Y., 1828. 2 v. 12° Kyd, T. Cornelia, and the Spanish Tragedy. (Old Plays, v. 2, 3.) Lond., 1825. 8° Ed. Eastlake. 12^ 9480 7702 9501 3143 9108 3146 15858 4495 15137 7797 1670 8421 16615 5874 5875 15283 10032 870 16180 15797 1357 6647 8056 6454 2624 9058 9619 15481 1509 Ij. B. L. See L. E. Landon. Liabaume, E. Narrative of Campaign in Russia. Philad., 1815. 8''. 16190 Labor and other Capital. Kellogg. N. Y., 1849. 8°. ... 8623 Essays on. Lieber. N. Y., 1841. 12° 11748 See, also, Work. Laboulaye, ES. Paris in America. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . . 2649 Labrador, Summer Voyage to, 1859. Noble. N. Y., 1862. 12°. . 8112 Lackington, J., Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., 1830. 12°. . . 6656 Lackland, Thomas. (Pseudonym.) See G. C. Hill. Laconics. Philad., 1829. 3 v. 12° i3370 La Cume de Ste. Palaye, J. B. Memoirs of Chivalry. Lond., 1784. 8°. 4619 Xiadd— Lamon. 179 Ladd, J. B. Literary Remains. N. Y., 1832. 12° 15007 Lady Audley's Secret. Braddon. N. Y. 8° 2673 Lady of the Manor, The. Sherwood. N. Y., 1837. 4 v. 12 . Lady Willoughby's Diary. [Rathbone.] N. Y., 1845. 12°. Lafayette, G. de M. de, Journey of, in America, 1824-25. Levasseur. Philad., 1829. 2 V. 12° Memoirs of. Bost., 1824. 12^ The same. Hartfd., 1825. 12° The same. Ducoudray-Holstein. N. Y., The same. Sarrans. Lond,, 1832. 2 v. Memoirs, Correspondence and MSS. of. N. Y., Private Life of. Cloquet. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 1824. 8°. . 1837. 12°. . 12 2V. 8"= 843. 2 V. 15I2I 2558 16831 7594 7592 7593 7724 7726 7624 985 1327 16622 8301 8302 2347 5557 382 385 . 6725 CoNTXKTS.— 1, Nelson ; Heloise ; Columbos ; PaliMy ; RooBtam ; Cicero. 2, Socrates ; Jac* guard ; Joan of Arc ; Cromwell ; Homer ; Gateaberg ; Fenelon. 3, Tell ; Mme. de Seylgne ; Milton ; Antar ; Bossoet. Bost. 8°. . Philad., 1846 , 1837. 8°. La Fontaine, J. de. Fables, tr. by Wright. The same. Bost., 1841. v. i. Laing, S. Notes of a Traveller in Europe. Residence in Norway. 2d ed. Lond, Tour in Sweden. Lond., 1839. 8° Lamartine, M. L. A. P. de. Fior d'Aliza. N. Y., 1868. 16°. . Hist, of the Girondists. (2 copies.) N.Y., 1848-68. 3 v. 12°. The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1848-49. 3 v. 8°. Hist, of the Restoration. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1854. 4 v. 8°. Memoirs of celebrated characters. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1854-56. 3 V. 12° ^ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. Lamb, Lady Caroline. Glenarvon. Philad., 1816. 2 v. 12°. Lamb, Charles. Eliana. Bost., 1864. 8° Essays of Elia. Philad., 1828. 2 v. 12°. . Last Essays of Elia. (Period. Libr., i.) Philad., 1833. 8 Letters, with Life by Talfourd. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 12°. The same, with Poems. N. Y., 1838. 12°. Poetical Works. Lond., 1836. 16° The same. Philad., 1830. 8° The same. ........ Prose Works. Lond., 1836. 3 v. 12°. Specimens of Engl. Dramatic Poets. Lond., 1813. 16' The same. N. Y., 1845. 2 pts. in Works. N. Y., 1871. 5 v. 12°. . 1813. 12°. 8229 1 5441 3979 3528 15356 3970 3972 632 947 944 3967 1402 1436 3974 Contents.— 1, 8. Life, Letters, and Final Memorials, by Talfourd. 8, Elia. 4, Rosamond Gray ; Essays ; Letters, from the Reflector jMr. H ; Poems. 5, Eliana ; Uncollected Essays ; Pawn* broker's Daughter ; Adventures of Ulysses ; Tales ; Poems ; Letters. Final Memorials of. Talfourd. N. Y., 1849. 12°. . . . 3973 Memoir of. Barry Cornwall. Bost., 1866. 16°. . . . 6959 Lamballe, M. T. L. de. Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family. (2 copies.) Philad., 1826. 8° 5694 Lambert, E. R. Hist, of Colony of N. Haven. N. H., 1838. 12°. . 5727 Lambeth and the Vatican. Lond., 1825. 3 v. 16° 13184 Lamon, W. H. Life of Lincoln. Bost., 1872. 8° 7406 i8o Lamothe-Langon — Langsdorff. Lamothe-Langon, B. L. de. Evenings with Prince Cambacer^s. Lond., 1837. 2 V. 8^ . . . Memoirs of Court of Louis XVIII. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 8°. La Motte Fouque, F. de. Aslauga's Knight, transl. by Carlyle. Bost., 1841. 12°. Popular Traditions. (German Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1826. 12° Thiodolf the Icelander. Philad., 1863. 12°. Thiodolf the Icelander. And Aslauga's Knight. (2 copies. N. Y., 1845-48. 12° Undine. N. Y., 1857. 12° The same, with Sintram. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1862. 8°. The same. N. Y., 1845. 12° Lampadius, W. A. Life of Mendelssohn. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1865. 16° Lamping, O. and France, A. de. The French in Algiers. N. Y., 1845. 12° Lancashire, Popular Traditions of. Roby. Lond., 1343. v. 2, 3. 12° Worthies of. H. Coleridge. Lond., 1836. 8°. . Land we Love, The. Charlotte, N. C, 1866-69. v. 1-6. 8°. Lander, R. and J. Journal of Niger Expedition. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12° Lando, O. Novels. (Roscoe's Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., 1836. 12° Landon, L. E. (Mrs. Maclean.) The Golden Violet: and other Poems. Philad., 1827. 12° Poetical Works. Philad., 1838. 8° The Troubadour ; Catalogue of Pictures, etc. Philad., 1825. 12° Works. Philad., 1838. 2 v. in i. 8° Life and Remains of. Blanchard. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 12°. Lander, E. W. Adventures in North of Europe. Lond., 1836. 2 v. 12° Landor, W. S. Exam, of Shakspeare before Sir T. Lucy, etc. Lond., 1834. 16° Gebir, Count Julian, and other Poems. Lond., 1831. 8°. Imaginary Conversations. 2 Series. Lond., 1826-29. 5 v. 8^ The same, ist Series. Lond., 1826-28. 3 v. 8°. . Pericles and Aspasia. (2 copies.) Philad., 1839. 2 v. 8°. Biogr. of. Forster. Bost., 1869. 8° Landscape Gardening. Downing. N. Y., 1844. 8°. . Lane, B. L Mysteries of Tobacco. N. Y., 1846. 12°. Responses on the Use of Tobacco. N. Y., 1846. 12°. Lane, E. W. Modern Egyptians. Lond., 1836-37. 2 v. 12°. . The same. 3d ed. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 8°. The same. Lond., 1846. 3 v. 12° Laneham, R. Letter describing Pageants at Kenilworth. Philad., 1822. 12° Lanfrey, P. Hist, of Napoleon I. Lond., 1871-72. 2 v. 8°. . Langbein, A. F. E. Novels. (German Nov., v. 4.) Lond., 1826. 12' Langdon, Mary. (Pseudonym.) See M. H. Pike. Langhome, J. Fables of Flora. N. Y., 1804. 12°. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. Langon, L. See Lamothe-Langon. Langsdorff, G. v. Voyages. Carlisle, 1817. 8° 16300 Language — la. Rochefoucauld. tdt Language. By a Heteroscian. Prov., 1836, 12°. Essay on. Bentham. (Works, pts. 15, 16.) Edinb., 1841. 8° Science of. Max Miiller. N. Y., 1862-65, 2 v. 12°. and the Study of Language. Whitney. N. Y., 1867. 12°. Theory of. Beattie. (Works, v. 2.) Philad., 1809. 12°. . English, Dissertations on. Webster. Bost., 1789. 8°. Elements of. Clark. N. Y., 1863. 16°. Hand-Book of. Latham. N. Y., 1852. 12°. Lectures on. Marsh. N. Y., 1863. 8°. Origin and Hist. of. Marsh. N. Y., 1862. 8°. . past and present. Trench. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Studies in. Scheie de Vere. N. Y., 1867. 12°. . Synonymes of. Crabb. N. Y., 1839. 8°. . Selection of. [Whately.] Bost., 1832. 12° Words of, Diet, of Archaic and Provincial. Halliwell Lond., 1855. 2 V. 8°. Rambles among. Swinton. N. Y., 1859. 12° Select Glossary of. Trench. N. Y.,1859. 12° Study of. Trench. N. Y., 1856. 12°. Thesaurus of. Roget. Bost., 1856. 12°. and their Uses. White. N. Y., 1870. 12° See, also, English ; Grammar ; Philology. Lanman, O. The Japanese in America. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Private Life of Webster. N. Y., 1852. 12°. Lanman, J. H. Hist, of Michigan. N. Y., 1841. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1843. 12° The same. N. Y., 1839. 8° La Noye, F. de. Egypt 3300 years ago. N. Y., 1870. 12°. The Sublime in Nature. N. Y., 1871. 12° Lansdowne, Viscount. See Granville. Lantier, B. F. Travels of Antenor. Lond.. 1799. 3 v. 8°. Lanzi, L. Hist, of Painting in Italy. Lond., 1828. 6 v. 8°. , The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1847. 3 v. 8°. Lapland, A Winter in, 1836. Dillon. Lond., 1840. 8°. La Plata, Travels in, 1819-25. Miers. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. . See, also, Argentine Republic. [La Rame, L. de.] Tricoirin. Philad., 1869. 12°. Lardner, D. The Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Lond. 171 v. 16°. The Steam Engine. 7th ed. Lond., 1840. 8°. . Treatise on Arithmetic. Lond., 1836. 16°. on Heat. Lond., 1833. 16° on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. Bost., 1832. 12° The same. Lond., 1836. 16°. on Mechanics. Lond., 1837. 16°. ... Larke, J. K. Grant and his Campaigns. N. Y., 1864. 12°. La Rive, O. de. Reminiscences of Cavour. Lond., 1862. 8°. . La Rochefoucauld, F. de. Moral Reflections, Sentences and Maxims N. Y., 1853. 12^ 24 15006 9714 130 134 12288 230 63 92 169 170 106 99 173 lOI 171 95 103 104 96 97 7955 7221 11614 12276 5890 10128 10117 16513 9085 479 8291 8463 15618 4855 17005 6048 6047 8827 6044 6046 7399 7788 4334 I82 La Rochefoucauld-Iiiancourt — Law. La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, F. A. F. de. etc. Lond., 1799. 2 v. 4°. La Rochegaquelein, Marquise de, Memoirs of. 1827. 12° La Salle, R. C. de, Life of. Sparks. Bost., 1844 Travels through U. S., By herself. Edinb., 16°. Las Cases, M. J. E. D. Journal of Napoleon at St. Helena. Lond., 1823. 8 V. 8° Last of the Barons. Bulwer. Philad,, 1861. 2 v. 12°. Last Chronicle of Barset. Trollope. N. Y., 1867. 8°. Last Days of Pompeii. Bulwer.' Lond., 1854. 12°. . Last of the Lairds. Gait. N. Y., 1827. 12° Last of the Mohicans. Cooper. N. Y., 1873. 12°. Last of the Plantagenets. N. Y., 1829. 2 v. 12°. Latham, R. G. Hand-Book of the English Language. N. Y., 1852. 12 Man and his Migrations. N. Y., 1852. 12°. Lathy, T. P. Memoirs of Court of Louis XIV. Lond., 1819. 3 v. 8 Latimer, H. Select Sermons. Ed. A. Young. Cambr., 1832. 12°. and Letters. Lond., 12°. Sermon on the Ploughers. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1868. 16° Seven Sermons before Edw. VL Ed. Arber. Lond,, 1869 Latin Christianity, Hist, of, to 1454. Milman. N. Y., 1860-61. 8 Etymology. Peile. 2d ed. Lond., 1872. 16°. See, also, Italy ; Rome. Latrobe, C. J. 12 . 2 V. 8°. The Rambler in Mexico. N. Y., 1836. in N. Amer. N. Y., 1835. Laud, W. Autobiography. Oxfd., 1839. 16°. . Life and Times of. Lawson. Lond., 1829. 2 v. Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., 1870. 8°. Laughter, Essay on. Beattie. Lond., 1779. 8°. Laurent, Paul M. Hist, of Napoleon. N. Y., 1842. 2 v Laurent, Peter B. Classical Tour through Greece, etc. Lond 1822. 8° La Valliere, Duchess de ; a Play. Bulwer. N. Y., 1836. 12°. Lavengro. Borrow. N. Y., 1851. 12° Law, J., Memoir of. Thiers. N. Y., 1859. 12°. Law, Elements of. Hobbes (v. 4). Lond., 1840. 8°. . of Love and Love as a Law, The. Hopkins. N. Y., 1869 Principles of, etc. See Bentham's Works. Reform. Brougham. (Speeches, v. 2.) Edinb., 1838. 8° Reign of. Duke of Argyll. Lond., 1868. 16°. Reporters, Curiosities of the. Heard. Bost., 1871. 16°. Studies, Popular Introd. to. Warren. Lond., 1835. 8° Tracts. Lord Bacon. (Works, v. i.) Lond., 1838. 8°. American, Commentaries on. Kent. N. Y., 1840. 4 v. Ancient. Maine. N. Y., 1864. 8° Criminal, Principles of. Philad., 1846. 12°. English, Commentaries on. Blackstone, ed. Sharswood. N. Y. 1872. 2 V. 8° Common, Dialogue of the. Hobbes. Lond., 1840. 8 16^ 16033 4467 7260 16212 2081 2288 2064 15235 2842 15485 92 17107 5635 3910 9477 3885 3890 6391 93 16909 16804 6671 6819 6732 214 5603 1 664 1 1443 2157 6634 9675 8607 Law — Lee. ^83 Law, Natural and Politic, Principles of. Burlamaqui. Philad 1830. 8° Roman and Canon. Butler. Lond., 1830. 8°. See, also, International Law ; Legal; Trials. Lawrence, A. Diary and Correspondence. Bost., 1856. 8°. Lawrence, B. A. Life of J. Hawes. Hartfd., 1871. Systematic Beneficence. N. Y. 12°. . [Lawrence, G. A.] Barren Honour. N. Y. 8°. Guy Livingstone, N. Y., 1871. 12°. Maurice Dering. N. Y., 1865. 8°. Lawrence, H. London in the Olden Time. Lawrence, J. Biography of. N. Brunswick Lawrie Todd. Gait. N. Y., 1830. 2 ^ Lond., 1827 [813. 16°. 12°. 2 V. 8°. Edinb 829, 849. I6^ V. 8' Laws, Spirit of. Montesquieu. Lond., 1766. Lawson, J. P. Hist, of European Conspiracies Life of Abp. Laud. Lond., 1829. 2 v. 8°. Lawyers, Book about. Jeaffreson. Lond., 1867. 2 v. 8° Lay, G. T. The Chinese as they are. Lond., 1841. 8°. Lay of the Scottish Fiddle. [Paulding.] N. Y., 1813. 24 Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its Remains. (2 copies.) N 2 V. 8° The same. N. Y., 1849. 2 v. 12°. Laycock, T. Mind and Brain. 2d ed. N. Y., 1869. 2 ^ Lea, H. O. Studies in Church Hist. Philad., 1869. 12°. Superstition and Force. 2d ed, Philad., 1870. 12° Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal, Whittier, Bost,, 1849 Le Bas, O. W. Life of Cranmer. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12" of Wiclif. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1832. 12° Lecky, W. E. H. Hist, of European Morals, N, Y., 1869, 2 1 of Rationalism in Europe. N, Y,, 1866, 2 Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland, N, Y,, 1872. 12' Ledyard, J., Life of. Sparks, Bost,, 1847. 16°, . Lee, A., Life of, R, H. Lee, Bost,, 1829, 2 v, 8°. Lee, Chas^ Life of. Sparks, Bost,, 1846, 16°. . Life and Memoirs of, N, Y., 1813. 12°. Memoirs, Letters, etc., of. [Langworthy.] Dubl., 1792. Lee, Ohas. A. Elements of Geology. N, Y. [1846,] 12°. . Lee, E. B. Life of Jean Paul, (2 copies,) Bost,, 1842. 2 v. 16°. The same. 3d ed. (2 copies.) Bost,. 1864, 8°. [Lee, Hannah F.] Hist, Sketches of old Painters. Bost., 1841 Huguenots in France and America. Cambr., 1843. 2 v. Life of Cranmer. Bost,, 1841, 16° and Times of Luther. Bost., 1841. 16°. Three Experiments of Living, etc. Bost., 1837. 12°. The World before you. Philad., 1844. 12°. Lee, Harriet Canterbury Tales. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 12°. . Lee, Henry. Campaign of '81 in the Carolinas. Philad., 1824. Lee, N. Alex, the Great. (Oxberry's Plays.) Bost., 1822. 24° Rival Queens. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., 1804. 8°. 12 12° 8635 7682 7644 7712 9803 2311 2462 2331 15495 7489 15237 14771 4505 6819 9218 8005 14947 8137 8014 8581 6314 3657 2950 7518 7516 4709 6320 6743 7273 7453 7267 7553 7450 11778 7799 7803 8878 6353 7556 6347 15804 15819 15393 6117 1351 1629 i84 lioe — lie Pileur. Lond., 12^ Lond., Lee, R. H., Memoir of. By his Grandson. Philad., 1825. 2 v. 8^ Lee, Sarah. Memoirs of Cuvier. N. Y., 1833. 12°. . Lee, Sophia. Chapter of Accidents. (Mod. Theater, v. 9.) 1811. 12° Lee, W. Defoe's Life and Writings. Lond., 1869. 3 v. 8°. Leech, H. H. Letters of a Sentimental Idler. N. Y., 1869. 12 Lefanu, A. Memoirs of Mrs. Sheridan. Lond., 1824. 8°. Lefebre. Wonders of Architecture. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Legal Study, Course of. Hoffman. Bait., 1836. 2 v. 8°. . and Political Hermeneutics. Lieber. Bost., 1839. Legare, H. S. Writings. Charleston, 1845-46. 2 v. 8°. Legend of Montrose, The. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8°. Legendary, The. Ed. Willis. Bost., 1828. 2 v. I2^ Legends of Patriarchs and Prophets. Baring-Gould. N. Y., 1872 Legge, A. O. Temporal Power of the Papacy. Lond., 1870. 8°. Leggett, W. Political Writings. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . Legislative Assemblies, Law and Practice of. Gushing. Bost 1866. 8° Legrand d'Aussy, P. J. B. Fabliaux, transl. by Way. Lond., 1815. 3 V. 16° Leigh, P. Mr. Pips, hys Diary. Lond. 2 v. 4°. Leighton, J. Paris under the Commune. Lond., 1871. 8°. Leighton, R. Expositions on the Creed, Lord's Prayer, etc 1835. 16° Works, with Life by Aikman. (2 copies.) Edinb., 1835-40, Leighton Court. H. Kingsley. Bost., 1866. 12°. Leila. Bulwer-Lytton. Philad., 1868. 12°. Leipoldt, W. Memoir of Rauschenbusch. Lond., 1843. 16°. Leisler, J., Administration of. Hoffman. Bost., 1844. 16°. Leisure Hours. Bost., 1835. 12° Leland, O. G. Hans Breitmann's Ballads. Philad., 1869. 12 Sunshine in Thought. N. Y., 1862. 12°. Leland, H. P. Americans in Rome. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Leland, T. Hist, of Philip of Macedon. Lond., 1820. 2 v. Lemaistre, J. G. Travels through France, etc. Lond., 1806. 3 v Lemon, M. The Jest Book. (2 copies.) Cambr., 1865. 16°. Lempriere, J. Universal Biography. Ed. by E. Lord. N. Y., 2 V. 8° Lempriere, W. Tour to Morocco. 2d ed. Lond., 1793. 8°. Lennox, C. R. Shakspeare Illustrated, ed. Noah. Philad., 1809. v Le Normand, M. A. Memoirs of Josephine. Philad., 1848. 2 v Lenormant, F., and Chevallier, E. Ancient Hist, of the East. 1869-70. 2 v. 8° Lent, Sermons for. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., 1835. 16°. Leo X., Life of. Roscoe. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8°. Leonora. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 2.) Bost., 1824. 8°. Leonowens, A. H. English Governess at the Siamese Court. 1870. 12° Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the Human Body. N. Y., 1870. 12 7451 7629 1825. . 8= 12°, Lond., Bost., Les — Lewes. * iS;; Las Miserables, iransl. by Wilbour. Hugo. N. Y., 1863. 8". . Lesage, A. R. Bachelor of Salamanca. Philad., 1854. 2 v. 12°. Gil Bias. (2 copies.) Lond. and N. Y., 1863. 8°. . The same. N. Y., 1824. 3 v. 8° Leslie^ O. R. Autobiogr. Recollections, ed. Taylor. Bost., i860, 8° Leslie, E. Mr. and Mrs. Woodbridge. Prov., 1841. 12°. . Pencil Sketches. Philad., 1833-37. 3 v. 12°. . Leslie Linkfield. Roch., 1826. 2 v. 12° Lesseps, J. B. B. de. Travels in Kamtschatka. Lond., 1790. 2 v. 8° Lessing, G. E. Emilia Galotti. (German Theatre, v. 6.) Lond., 181 1 12° Life and Works of. Stahr. Bost., 1866. 2 v. 12°. Lester, O. E. Condition and Fate of England. N. Y., 1843. 2 v. 12° Glory and Shame of England. N. Y., 1841-42. 2 v. 12°. The Napoleon Dynasty; Hist, of the Bonaparte Family. N. Y. 1852. 8° and Poster, A. Life of Americus Vespucius. N. H., 1852. 8 Letters, Familiar, on Public Characters. [Sullivan.] Bost., 1834. 12 Literature in. Holcombe. N. Y., 1866. 8°. Letter-Writers, Half-Hours with the best. Knight. Lond., 1867. 8 Letter- Writing, Young Man's Book of. Philad., 1835. 12°. See, also. Correspondence. Le Vaillant, F. Travels in Interior of Africa. Dubl., 1790. 8°. Levana J or, the Doctrine of Education. Richter. Bost., 1863. 8°. Levant, Tour in the, 18 1 2-1 5. Turner. Lond., 1820. 3 v. 8°.. Travels in the, 1817-18. Forbin. Lond., 1819. 8°. . Visit to Monasteries in the, 1833. Curzon. N. Y., 1849. ^2" Levasseur, A. Lafayette in America. Philad., 1829. 2 v. 12°. Le Vassor, M. Hist, of Reign of Lewis XHL Lond., 1700. 8°. Lever, O. J. Charles O'Malley. Dubl., 1841. 2 v. in i. 8°. . Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Lond. 8". . Maurice Tiernay, the Soldier of Fortune. N. Y., 1863. 8°. The Nevilles of Garretstown. N. Y., 1846. 8°. The O'Donoghue. N. Y., 1847. 8° Tony Butler. N. Y., 1865. 8° Lever, T. Sermons, ed. Arber. Lond., 1870. 16°. Leviathan. Hobbes. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., 1839. 8°. Leviticus, Notes on. Bush. N. Y., 1843. 12°. .- Lewes, Q. H. Biogr. Hist, of Philosophy. Lond., 1846. v. 3, 4. 12 The same. [2d ed.] N. Y., 1859. 8°. . The same. 4th ed. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. Physiology of Common Life. N. Y., i860. 2 v. 12°. Sea-Side Studies. Edinb., 1858. 8° [Lewes, M. J.] (George Eliot.) Adam Bede. (4 copies.) N. Y., 1868-71. 12° Felix Holt, the Radical. N. Y., 1866. 12°. The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1866. 8°. . Middlemarch. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1872-73. 2 v. 12°. Mill on the Floss. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1872. 12°. 2636 1691 1997 1999 7937 14923 15758 15730 16507 1361 7791 4833 4830 5600 7782 7277 7162 3769 17026 16523 3067 16629 8051 8254 16831 16198 2318 2660 2319 2317 2317 2320 3896 9674 9849 8489 8723 8724 8950 9003 2529 2539 2676 2540 2533 i86 Lewes — Life. [Lewes, M. J.] Romola. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1872. 12°. . . . 2537 The same. N. Y., 1863. 8°. 2678 Scenes of Clerical Life ; Silas Marner. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . 2528 Silas Marner. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1861. 12° 2535 The Spanish Gypsy, a Poem. (2 copies.) Bost., 1868, 16°. . 1171 Lewis, D. The New Gymnastics. Bost., 1862. 12° 9228 Weak Lungs. Bost., 1864. 12° 9229 Lewis, Matthew G. Rugantino. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 11.) Bost., 1822. 24° 1355 Life, Correspondence, etc., of. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8°. . . 7089 Lewis, Meriwether, and Clarke, W., Hist, of Exped. of. Allen. Philad., 1814. 2 V. 8° 16867 Travels of. Philad., 1809. 12° 16869 Liberty, On. J. S. Mill. Bost., 1863. 16° 3714 and Necessity. Hobbes. (Works, v. 4, 5.) Lond., 1840-41. 8°. 9675 of the Press. R. Hall. Lond., 1846. 8° 493 and of Discussion. Bentham. (Works, pt. 7.) Edinb., 1838. 8° 9706 of Printing. Milton. Lond., 1848. 8°. of Rome, etc.. Hist of. Eliot. N. Y., 1849. 2 See, also. Toleration. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Bost., 1830-32. . 455 8°. . . 16028 [6 V. 12°. . 8805 Contents.— 1, The Menageries; Quadrupeds. 2, Vegetable Substances; Trees, Fruits. 8, Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, v. 1. 4, Insect Architecture. 5, The New Zealanders. 6, Insect Transformations. 7, The Menageries ; Elephant. 8, Pursuit of Knowledge under Diffi- culties, v. 2, 9, Architecture of Birds. 10, Paris audits Historical Scenes, v. 1. 11, Historical Parallels. 12, Insect Miscellanies. 13, Pompeii. 14, Paris and its Historical Scenes, v. 2. 15, Vegetable Substances ; Food. 16, Criminal Trials. -32. 5 V. 12". N. Y., 1850. 12' Bost., T867. 8' Bost., 1837. 12' 3d ed. Philad 1859. 8°. . 12°. . of Useful Knowledge, American. Bost., 183 Libyan Desert, Adventures in the, 1847. St. John. License Law, Reports to Mass. Legislature on the. Lichfield, Siege of. Gresley. Lond,, 1841. 12°. Lichtensteins, The. van der Velde. (Tales, v. 2.) Liddell, H. G. Hist, of Rome. N. Y., i860. 12°. Lieber, F. Character of the Gentleman. (2 copies.' 1864. 12°. ...... Civil Liberty and Self Government. Philad., Essays on Property and Labour. N. Y., 1841. The same Great Events by Great Historians. Bost., 1840. Legal and Political Hermeneutics. Bost., 1839. Manual of Political Ethics. Bost., 1838-39. 2 v. 8°. The same. Lond., 1839. v. i. 8° Reminiscences of Niebuhr. Philad., 1835. 12°. The Stranger in America. Philad., 1835. 8°. . and others. Encyclopaedia Americana. Philad., 1830-33. 13 v. 8 Liefde, J. de. The Romance of Charity. Lond., 1867. 8°. Life as it is. Leslie, etc. Prov., 1841. 12°. .... below : in 7 Poems. N. Y., 1868. 16° Christian Thought on. Giles. Bost., 1851. 8°. . here and there. Willis. N. Y., 1850. 12°. . . . 12 . 12^ 8824 16522 9323 15580 3030 4725 9129 8686 11748 12277 15930 8621 8683 8685 7763 16780 8542 14923 811 3547 15331 Life— Literature. 187 Life, Idea of. Coleridge. Philad., 1848. 12°. on the Lakes. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . for a Life, A. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . The Transmission of. Napheys. Philad., 1871. 12' View of. Petrarch. Lond., 1791. 8°. in the Wilds. Martineau. Bost., 1833. 12°. Liffith Lank. Webb. N. Y., 1866. 12°. . Lifting the Veil. N. Y., 1870. 16° Light of Nature pursued. Tucker. Lond., 1807. 8°. See, also. Optics. Lightfoot, J. B. Revision of the English N.T. 2d ed. N. Y., 1873. 8° Lighthouses and Lightships. Adams. N. Y., 1870. 12° and Smeaton. Lond., 1844. 12°. Lights and Shadows of Domestic Life, etc. Bost., 1850. 16°. of Irish Life. Hall. Philad., 1838. 2 v. of Scottish Life. Wilson. Philad. 16°, Ligne, O. J. de. Letters and Reflections. Philad., 1S09. 12°. . Lillo, Q. Dramatic Works, ed. Davies. 2d ed. Lond., 1810. 2 v in I. 12° LUly, J. Alexander and Campaspe. (Old Plays, v. 2.) Lond., 1825. 8° Dramatic Works, ed. Fairholt. Lond., 1858. 2 v. 16°. . Euphues ; the Anatomy of Wit ; Euphues and his England Ed. Arber. Lond., 1868. 16° Lilly, W. Hist, of my Life and Times. Lond., 1829. 12°. Lincobi, A. The President's Words. Bost., 1865. 16°. Life of. Holland. Springfld., 1866. 8°. . to i86i. Lamon. Bost., 1872. 8°. Six Months at the White House with. Carpenter. N. Y., 1866, and Douglas, S. A. Political Debates. Columbus, Lincoln, B., Life of. Bowen. Bost., 1847. 16°. Lingard, J. Hist, of England. Lond. and Philad., 1823-30, The same. Philad., 1827-30. 12 v. in 11. 8° Linonian Society. See Yale College. Lionel Lincoln. Cooper. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . Lionel Wakefield. [Massey.] Philad., 1837. 2 v. 12°. [Lippincott, S. J.] Records of Five Years. Bost., 1867. Lippincott's Magazine. Philad., 1868-72. 9 V. 8 Listener, The. Fry. Philad., 1837. 2 v. Lister, T. H. Anne Grey. N. Y., 1835. Granby. N. Y., 1826. 2 v. 12°. Herbert Lacy. Philad., 1828. 2 v. Life of Clarendon. Lond., 1837-38. 12 12°. 12 . 3 V. 8^ Literary Character, The. I. Disraeli. Lond., 1839. 16° Gem, The. Bost., 1827. 12°. Portfolio. Philad., 1830. v. i. 4°. . and Theological Review. N. Y., 1834-38. v. 1-5. Literature, Amenities of. Disraeli. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 860. 8' 12 V. 8' 8°. 16948 16853 2493 9167 3949 14608 4301 2728 17082 10263 10132 8799 15732 15487 2023 15843 1363 1509 1390 3888 6640 7513 7405 7406 7542 9388 7272 4950 4962 2753 15490 3558 13373 15172 15111 15455 15448 6846 3187 13841 14412 12771 3412 i88 Literature — Locke. Edinb, N Y. Literature, Characteristics of. Tuckerman. Philad., 1849. ^2' Curiosities of. Disraeli. N. Y. 8°. Essay on Study of. Gibbon. Dubl., 1788. 12°. Flowers of. Gait. Lond., 1803. 12°. Hist. of. F. von Schlegel. Philad., 1818. 2 v. 8°. to the 15th century. Tannehill. Nashville, 1827. Sketches of. Alves. Edinb., 1794. 8°. Miscellanies of. I. Disraeli. N. Y., 1841. 3 v. 12° Pursuits of. [Mathias.J Lond., 1798. 8°. Advice in. Knapp. N. Y., 1832. 12°. National, Importance and Means of a. Channing 1835. 16° Universal, Hand-Book of. Botta. Bost., 1863. 12°. See, also. Books ; Poetry. Also, American, English, German, etc. Littell's Living Age. Bost., 1844-72. v. 1-14, 16-103, 105-107, 109-, 114. 8° Little Dinner at Timmins's. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond 1872. 8" Dorrit. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. 16°. Gentleman, The. N. H., 1831. 12°. . Henry and his Bearer. Sherwood. (Works, v. 3 1836. 12° Men. Alcott. Bost., 1871. 16°. Savage, The. Marryat. N. Y., 1849. 8°. . . Women. Alcott. Bost., 1869. 2 v. 16°. . Liturgy, Apology for Forms of. Jer. Taylor. Lond., 1836. Live and Let Live. Sedgwick. N. Y., 1837. 12°. Liverpool, ^ar/ £|/, Public Life of. Lond., 1827. 8°. . Liverpool to St. Louis, From. N. Hall. Lond., 1870. 16 Living Beings, Lectures on Physical Phenomena of. Philad., 1848. 12° and the Dead, The. [Neale.] N. Y., 1827. 12°. Livingston, R, Life of. Hunt. N. Y., 1864. 8°. Livingston, W., Memoir of. Sedgwick. N. Y., 1833. 8°. Livingstone, D. Travels in S. Africa. N. Y., 1858. 8°. How I found. Stanley. N. Y., 1872. 8°. Livy. Hist, of Rome, transl. by Baker. N. Y., 1823. 6 v The same. N. Y., 1841-63. 5 v. 12°. Liza. Turg^nieflf. N. Y., 1872. 12° Llorente, J. A. Hist, of the Inquisition of Spain. Lond. Lloyd, R. Poems. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. . Lobeira, V. Amadis of Gaul, tr. by Southey. Lond., 1872 [Locke, D. R.] (P. Nasby.) Ekkoes from Kentucky. Bost " Swingin Round the Cirkle." Bost., 1867. 12°. Locke, J., Beauties of. Lond. 16° Conduct of the Understanding. N. Y., 1845. 12°. The same The same. Chiswick, 1829. 12°. Matteucci 1826 3 V. 1868 Locke — London. 189 Locke, J. Essay concerning Human Understanding. Lond., 1753. 2 V. 8° 9590 The same. N. Y., 1824. 2 v. 8° 8757 Reasonableness of Christianity, etc. Ed. St. John. Lond., 1836. 16° 9507 Two Treatises of Government. Lond., 1772. 8°. . . . 17198 Works. loth ed. Lond,, 1801. v. 3-8. 8° 9592 Contents.— 3, Letters ; Constitution of Carolina : Vine and Silk Culture ; Hist, of Naviaration ; Catalogue of Voyages. 4. Answers to Remarks on Essay of Human Understanding. 5, Of lower- ing of Interest, and raising the Value of Money ; of Government. 6, Letters on Toleration. 7, Reasonableness of Christianity. 8, Paraphrase and Notes on Paul's Epistles. Life, Correspondence, etc., of. King. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 8°. . 7126 Locke Amsden. Thompson. Bost., 1856. 12° 15734 Lockhart, J. Q. Ancient Spanish Ballads. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1842. 8°. 913 Hist, of Napoleon. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12° 11003 The same. N. Y., 1830. 2 v. 12° 11932 Life of Burns. Edinb., 1828. 12° 4485 The same. N. Y., 1831. 12° 6951 Memoirs of Scott. (2 copies.) Bost. and Philad., 1837-38. 7 V. 12° 6961 Passages in Life of Adam Blair. Bost., 1822. 12". . . . 15359 Valerius. Bost., 1821. 2 v. 12°. ...... 15625 and others. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1820. 8° 3396 Lockman, J. Entertaining Instructor. Lond., 1765. 12°. . . 15829 Travels of the Jesuits. 2d ed. Lond., 1762. 2 v. 8°. . .16324 Lockwood, J. D., Memoir of. By his father. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . 7527 Lodge, B. British Portraits. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1849-50. 8 v. 8°. 515 Lodge, T. Wounds of Civil War. Lond., 1825. 8° 1515 Lodoli, O. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., 1836. 12°. . . 1902 Logan, J. The Scotish Gael. Hartfd., 1846. 8° 5410 Logan, O. Before the Footlights and Behind the Scenes. Philad., 1870. 8° 1618 Logan. [J. Neal.] Philad., 1822. 2 v. 12° 15735 Logic. Kant. Lond., 1819. 8° 8730 Essay on. Bentham. (Works, pt. 15.) Edinb., 1841. 8°. . 9714 Lectures on. Hamilton. Bost., i860. 8°. .... 8742 System of. J. S. Mill. N. Y., 1864. 8° 8743 Lomenle, L. de. Beaumarchais and his Times. N. Y., 1857. 12°. . 7623 Sketches of living characters of France. Philad., 1841. 12°. . 7612 London Art-Galleries, Handbook to the. Jameson. Lond., 1842. 2 V. 12° 8874 Bridge, Chronicles of. [Thomson.] Lond., 1839. 16°. . . 5143 Daily News, War Correspondence of, 1870-71. Lond., 1871. 2v. 8° 5551 the Great Metropolis. [Grant.] N. Y., 1837. 2 v. 12°. . 5144 Life in. Egan. Lond., 1823. 8° 16713 Nights' Entertainments. Ritchie. Philad., 1833. 2 v. 12°. . 15493 in the Olden Time ; tales. Lawrence. Lond., 1827. 8°. . 15495 pictorially illustrated. Knight. Lond., 1841-44. 6 v. in 3. 8°. 5118 25 I IgO London — Lordnz. 12 London, Pulpit of. [Grant.] N. Y., 1839. 12°. The Seven Curses of. Greenwood. Bost., 1869. 12 Sketches of. Grant. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . Society. Lond., 1868-71, v. 13, 14, 16-19. 8°. Stage, The ; a Collection of Tragedies, etc. Lond. [1830.] 4v. 8° The same. v. 4. ...... Times, Essays from the. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12°. Tower of ; a Romance. Ainsworth. Lond. 8°. Her Majesty's. Dixon. N. Y. and Philad., i 2 V. 12° Hist. of. Bayley. Lond., 1830. 8°. . What I saw in. Bartlett. Auburn, 1852. 12°. Londonderry, Marquis of. See C. W. Vane. Long, G. Civil Wars of Rome. Lond., 1844-46. 3 v. 12°. Decline of the Roman Republic. Lond., 1864-72. 4 V. Grammar Schools. Lond., 1842. 12°. Standard Library Cyclopaedia. Lond., 1848-49. 4 v. 8° Long Look Ahead, A. Roe. N. Y., 1856. 12°. . Longevity, Code of. Sinclair. Lond., 1844. 8°. Longfellow, H. W. Christus, a Mystery. Bost., 1872. 3 v C0NTEHT8.— 1, Divine Tragedy. 2, Golden Legend. 3, New England Tragedies Courtship of Miles Standish, etc. (2 copies.) Bost., 1859, The Divine Tragedy. Bost., 1871. 16°. Evangeline. (2 copies.) 6th ed. Bost., 1848. 16°. . Hyperion. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12° The same. Bost., 1853. 16° New England Tragedies. (2 copies.) Bost., 1868 Outre-Mer. N. Y., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . The same. (2 copies.) Bost., 1850. 16°. Poems. Bost., 1856. 2 v. 16° The same. v. 2. Bost., 1852. 16°. . The same. Bost., 1857. 2 v. 16°. . Poets and Poetry of Europe. (2 copies.) Philad., 1845-47 Song of Hiawatha, (2 copies.) Bost., 1856. 16°. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Bost., 1863. 12°. Three Books of Song. Bost., 1872. 16°. . Voices of the Night. (2 copies.) Cambr., 1839-40. Longman, W. Life of Edward HL Lond., 1869. 2 v. 8°. [Longstreet, A. B.] Georgia Scenes. 2d ed. N. Y., 1843. 12 Looker-On, The. Ed. Roberts. Philad., 1796. 4 v. in 2. 12°. Lord, J. Modern History. Philad., 1862. 12°. . The Old Roman World. N. Y„ 1867. 8°. . Lord, P. B. Algiers and Barbary. Lond., 1835. 2 v. 12°. Lord Chancellors and Keepers of England, Lives of. Campbell Lond. and Philad., 1845-48. v. 1-7. 8^ Lord Nial, etc. N. Y., 1834. 12°, LordRoldan. Cunningham, N, Y., 1836, 12°. Lorenz, F. Life of Alcuin. Lond., 1837. 16°. . 869. 16° 16° 16^ Lorgnette — Lowell. 191 Lorgnette, The. [D. G. Mitchell.] N. Y., 1854. 2 v. 12°. Loring, F. W. The Boston Dip, and other Verses. Bost., 1871. 16°. Lorrequer, Harry. (Pseudonym.) See C. Lever. Lossing, B. J. Outline Hist, of the Fine Arts. N. Y., 1840. 12°. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1855-59. 2 V. 8° Hist, of the Civil War. Philad., 1866-68. 3 v. 8°. . Lothair. Disraeli. N. Y., 1870. 12° Lothrop, S. K. Life of Kirkland. Bost., 1848. 16° Lotus-Eating. Curtis. N. Y., 1856. 12° Loudon, J. W. Gardening for Ladies. N. Y., 1843. 12°. . Louis IX., of France, Memoirs of. De Joinville. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1848. 8° Louis XTTT., Hist, of Reign of. Levasseur. Lond., 1700. 8°. . Louis XrV., Age of. Voltaire. Lond., 1779-81. 3 v. 8°. . and his Court. Pardee. N. Y., 1847-48. 2 v. 12°. Life and Times of. G. P. R. James. Lond., 1851. 2 v. 8°. Memoirs of Court of. Anquetil. Edinb., 1791. 2 v. 8°. The same. [Lathy.] Lond., 1819. 3 v. 8°. . Louis XVL Correspondence, ed. H. M. Williams. Lond., 1803. 3 v. 8°. Memoirs of Reign of. Soulavie. Lond., 1802. 6 v. 8°. Memoirs of last year of reign of. Bertrand de Moleville. Lond., 1797. 3 V. 8° Louis XVm., Memoirs of Court of. De Lamothe-Langon. Lond., 1830. 2 V. 8° Louis Philippe, France under, 1830-40. Blanc. Philad., 1848. 2 v. 8°. Last Days of Reign of (1840-48). Guizot. Lond., 1867. 8° Life and Times of. Wright. Lond. 8°. . Louisa of Prussia and her Times. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1867 Louisiana, Colonial Hist, and Romance of. Gayarr6. N. Y., 185 Loimger, The. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 2 v. 12°. L'Ouverture, T., Biography and Autobiography of. Bost., 1863. Louvois, F. M. le T. de. Life of. James, Philad., 1837. 12°. Lovat, Z^r^/ (S. Fraser), Life of. Burton. Lond., 1847. 8°. Love, Anecdotes of. Lola Montez. N. Y. [1858.] 12°. Love me little, love me long. Reade. N. Y., 1859. 12°. . Lovejoy, E. P., Memoir of. By his Brothers. N. Y., 1838. 12' Loveyoy, J. O. Memoir of Torrey. Bost., 1847. 12°. Lovel the Widower. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 8°. . Lover, S. Handy Andy. Lond. 8° The same. N. Y. 8° Songs and Ballads. 3d ed. N. Y., 1847. 12°. Love's Progress. Gilman. N. Y., 1840. 12°. Lovibond, E. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. Lovzinski, Baron de., Hist of. By himself. Hartfd., 1800. 24' Low, S. Poems. N. Y., 1800. 2 v. in i. 12°. . Lowell, J. R. Biglow Papers. Camb., 1848-67. 2_v. 16°. Among my Books. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. 12°. I. 8" 3603 807 1 1427 6291 6269 2131 7274 3585 16979 512 16198 5540 5428 375 16199 5635 5624 16192 16183 5638 5575 5583 5584 3085 5992 3138 7698 7614 6762 15824 2102 8546 8566 2199 2659 2310 1233 15738 31 7533 15008 729 3616 \ 192 liowell — Lyly. Lowell, J. R. The Cathedral. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. 12°. Conversations on Old Poets. Cambr., 1845. 16°. Fable for Critics. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1848. 12°. Fireside Travels. (2 copies.) Bost., 1864. 8°. . My Study Windows. Bost., 1871. 8°. Poems. 2d ed. Camb., 1844. 16°. The same. [Revised ed.] 2 copies. Bost., 1849. 2 v. 16°. Under the Willows, and other Poems. Bost., 1869. 12°. liOwell, R. New Priest in Conception Bay. Bost., 1864. 2 v. in i. 8°. liOwell Offering, Selection from the. Lond., 1845. 12°. Lowth, R. Life of William Wykeham. Lond., 1758. 8°. . . Loyola, L, and the Early Jesuits. Rose. Lond., 1870. 8^. and Jesuitism. L Taylor. N. Y., 1851. 12° See, also, Jesuits. Loyson, O. (P^re Hyacinthe.) Discourses. N. Y., 1869. 12°. The Family and the Church. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Lubbock, J. W. Origin of Civilization, etc. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Pre-Historic Times. N. Y., 1872. 8° and Bethune, J. E. D. On Probability. Lond. [1835.] 8°. Lucan. Pharsalia, tr. by Rowe. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 2 v. 24°. [Luchet, J. P. L., etc.] Gallery of Portraits of the Nat. Assembly. Dubl., 1790. 2 V. in i. 12°. Luck of Barry Lyndon. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 8°. of Roaring Camp. Bret Harte. Bost., 1871. 8°. Lucretia. Bulwer. Lond., 1853. 8° Ludlow, F. H. The Heart of the Continent. N. Y., 1870. Liibke, W., etc. Monuments of Art. N. Y. 8°. and 2 v. of plates. 4°. Luke, St. See Bible. Lullin de Ohdteauvieuic, J. F. Travels in Italy. Lond., 1819. 8°. Lungs, Weak, and how to make them strong. Lewis. Bost., 1864. 12°. Lusitanian Sketches, 1843. Kingston. Lond., 1845. 2 v. 12°. Luther, M. Select Treatises, in German. Ed. Sears. Andover, 1846. 12° Table Talk. Ed. Hazlitt. (2 copies.) Lond., 1848. 8' and the Lutheran Reformation. Scott. N.Y., 1833. 2 v. and his Times. Riddle. Lond., 1837. 16°. Life of. Bower. Philad., 1824. 8°. . The same, by himself. Michelet. Lond., 1846. 8 The same. Meurer. N. Y., 1848. 8°. . The same. Sears. Philad. [1850.] 8°. . The same. Tischer. Hudson, 1818. 12°. Life and Times of. [Lee.] Bost., 1841. 16°. . Lutheran Pulpit, Annals of the American. Sprague. N. Y., 1869 Lyell, C. Antiquity of Man. (2 copies.) Philad., 1863. r" Principles of Geology. From 5th ed. Philad., 1837. Second Visit to the U. S. N. Y., 1850. 2 v. 12°. . Travels in N. A. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. in i. 12°. . Lying, Illustrations of. Opie. Bost., 1827. 12°. Lyly. See Lilly. Iiyman — McCullagh. 193 [Ijyman, S. P.] Life and Memorials of Webster. N. Y., 1853. 2 v. 16°. 7539 Lyman, T. Diplomacy of the U. S. Bost., 1826. 8°. ... 6160 The same. 2d ed. Bost., 1828. 2 v. 8°. . . . 6161 Polit. State of Italy. Bost., 1820. S° 15997 Lynch, A. O. See Mrs. Botta. L3rndon. (Pseudonym.) See Miss Bright. Lyon, G. F. Journal in Mexico. Lond., 1828. 2 v. in i. 8° . . 16910 on Parry's Voyage. Bost., 1824. 12°. . . 16592 Lyon, M., Life of. N. Y. [1858.] 12° 16418 The same. Hitchcock. Northampton, 1851. 12°. . 16417 Lyttelton, G. (^Z^rflf^. Dialogues of the Dead. 5th ed. Lond., 1768. 8°. 15241 Hist, of Henry IL Lond., 1769-73. 6 v. 8° 16109 Letters. 8th ed. Lond., 1793. 2 v. 16° 15847 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. . . -535 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. . . . 15101 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. ... 25 Lyttelton, Lord T. Letters. Philad., 1821. 24° 15849 M. Mabinogion. Bulfinch. (Age of Chivalry.) Bost., 1861. 12°. . . 1910 Macaulay, O. Hist, of England. Lond., 1769-72. 5 v. 8*. . . 16095 Macaulay, T. B. Biographical and Historical Sketches. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1857. 12° 3243 Essays, critical and miscellaneous. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867- 68. 8° 3468 The same. Philad. and N. Y., 1841-60. 5 v. 12°. . 3238 The same. v. 2-4 3245 The same. v. 2, 3 3248 The same. N. Y.. 1871. 6 v. 12°. .... 3252 Essays and Poems. (2 copies.) N. Y., i860. 12°. . . . 3250 Hist, of England. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1849-71. 5 v. 8° and 12°. 5025 Speeches. N. Y., 1853. 2 v. 12° 9345 and others. New Biographies. (From Encycl. Brit.) Bost., 1857. I2^ 6715 McCarthy, D. The Siege of Florence. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 12°. . 15575 McCarty, W. Songs, etc., on National Subjects. Philad., 1842. 3 V. 12° 592 McClellan, G. B., Life and Campaigns of. Hillard. Philad., 1864. 12°. 7281 MacColl, M. Ober-Ammergau Passion Play. 4th ed. Lond., 1871. 16°. 1453 McCosh, J. Christianity and Positivism. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . 9999 M'Crie, T. Hist, of the Reformation in Italy. Edinb., 1827. 8°. . 6452 in Spain. Edinb., 1829. 8°. . 6453 Life of Knox. N. Y., 1813. 8°. . . . . - . . . 7701 The same. 6th ed. Edinb., 1839. 8° 7702 McOullagh, W. T. Use and Study of Historj'. (2 copies.) Dubl., 1842. 8° 4090 [94 MuCulloch — Mackenzie. N. Y., 1867. 12^ McCuUoch, J. R. Statistical Account of Brit. Empire. Lond., 1837 2 V. 8° Universal Gazetteer, ed. Haskel. N. Y., 1847-48. 2 v. 8°. MacDonald, G. Adela Cathcart. Bost. Alec Forbes. Lond. 8°. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. David Elginbrod. Bost. 12° Robert Falconer. Bost. 12° Seaboard Parish. Lond., 1869. 8°. . Vicar's Daughter. Bost., 1872. 12°. . Wilfrid Cumbermede. N. Y., 1872. 12°. . Within and Without. [A Poem.] N. Y., 1872. 16' MacFarlane, O. Camp of Refuge. Lond., 1844. 2 v. i: The Dutch in the Medway. Lond., 1845. 12°. Legend of Reading Abbey. Lond., 1845. 12°. Lives of Banditti and Robbers. Philad., 1833. 12°. The same. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12°. Romance of Eastern Travel. Lond., 1846. v. i. 12 Macfie, M. Vancouver Island and Brit. Columbia. Lond., 1865 McGee, T. D. Poems. N. Y., 1869. 8° MacGeoghegan, J. Hist, of Ireland. N. Y. 8°. McGUchrist, J. Richard Cobden. N. Y., 1865. 16". Macgillivray, W. Travels of Humboldt. Lond., 1852. 8°. The same. N. Y., 1840. 12° The same. N. Y., 1833. 12° Macgregor, J. A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe. 1871. 16° McGuire, E. O. Religious Opinions of Washington. (2 copies Y., 1836. 12° McHarg, O. K. Life of Talleyrand. N. Y., 1857. 12°. McHenry, J. Pleasures of Friendship and other Poems. Philad 1836. 12°. . Machiavelli, N. Hist, of Florence Lond., 1847. 8°. .... Story of Belphagor. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Machin, L. The Dumb Knight. (Old Plays, v. 4.) Mackay, O. Collected Songs. Lond., 1859. 16°. Memoirs of Popular Delusions. Lond., 1869. 8 Voices from the Mountains, etc. [Poems.] Bost MoKeevor, T. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. Lond., 1819. McKenney, T. L. Memoirs : with Travels among the Indians Y., 1846. 2 V. in I. 8°. Tour to the Lakes. Bait., 1827. 8°. . Mackenzie, A. S. The American in England. Life of Decatur. (Sparks, v. 21.) Bost Life of Paul Jones. N. Y., 1846. 2 v. Life of Perry. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. Spain Revisited. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . A Year in Spain. 3d ed. N. Y., 1836. 3 v. 12' Bost. the Prince ; etc. (2 copies Lond., 1836 Lond., 1825 1853. N. Y., , 1846. 16°. 1835. 16°. 2 V ) N 16°. 12 Mackenzie — Madden. tQ5 Mackenzie, C. Notes on Haiti. Lond,, 1830. 2 v. 12°. . Mackenzie, H. Man of the World. Philad., 1799. 12°. . Miscellaneous Works. N. Y., 1837. 12° Works. Glasg., 1818. 3 v. 12° C0NTBNT8.— 1, Man of Feeling, etc. 2, Man of the World. 3, Julia de Roublgne. Mackenzie, R. S. Life of Dickens. Philad., 1870. 12°. . Mackenzie, W. L. Lives of Butler and Hoyt, etc. Bost., 1845. 8 MacMe, J. M. From Cape Cod to Dixie. N. Y., 1864. 12°. Life of Gorton, (Sparks, v. 15.) Bost., 1845. 16°. . of Tai- Ping- Wang. N. Y., 1857. 12°. Mackintosh, 6'z> J. Dissertation on Progress of Ethical Philosophy, 2d ed. Philad., 1834. 8° The same. Ed. by Wetherell. Edinb., 1837. 8°. . Hist, of the Revolution in 1688. (2 copies.) Philad., 1835. 8° Life of Sir T. More. Lond., 1831. i6° Miscellaneous Works. Philad., 1847. 8°. ... 'the same. Lond., 1846. 3 v. 8° Vindiciae Gallicae. Defence of the French Revolution. 4th ed Lond., 1792. 8°. Memoirs of. R. J. Mackintosh. 2d ed. Lond., 1836. 2 v. 8° and others. Hist, of England. Lond., 1830-40. 10 v. 16°. The same. v. 1-9 Maclaren, A. A System of Physical Education. Oxf d., 1869. 16° Maclear, G. F. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. Lond., 1869. 8°. McLellan, H. Journal in Scotland, etc. Bost., 1834. 12°. McLellan, J. Mount Auburn, and other Poems. Bost., 1843. 12°. Macleod, N. Eastward. (2 copies.) Lond., 1866. 8°. Macmichael, W. P. Oxford and Cambridge Boat Races. Cambr. 1870. 16° Macmillan's Magazine. Lond., 1859-72. v. 1-8, 16-26. 8°. McMurtrie, H. Scientific Lexicon. Philad., 1847. 12°. . Macnally, L. Fashionable Levities. (Mod. Theatre, v. lo.) Lond. 1811. 12° Macneill, H. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. . Macnish, R. Anatomy of Drunkenness. N. Y., 1835. 12°. Philosophy of Sleep. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1834. 12°. Philosophy of Sleep ; Anatomy of Drunkenness. Hartford 1842. 8° Tales, Essays, and Sketches. With Life, by Moir. 2d ed. Lond., 1844. 2 V. 16° Macready, W. The Bank Note. (Mod. Theatre, v. 9.) Lond., 1811. 12 Madagascar and its People. Sibree. Lond. [1870.] 8°. Hist. of. Ellis. Lond. [1838.] 2 v. 8°. . Madame de Beaupr4 Jenkin. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Madame Therese. Erckmann-Chatrain, N. Y., 1869. 12 Madden, R. R. Infirmities of Genius. Philad., 1833. 2 v. 12 Life of Countess of Blessington. N. Y., 1856. 2 v. 12° The Mussulman. Philad., 1830. 2 v. 12°. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, etc. Lond., 1829. 2 v in i. 8 1 691 3 15500 1992 13992 7019 7433 8409 7264 6477 8721 8722 5013 5759 3470 9658 5565 6834 4882 5162 9118 6317 16743 14941 8073 91 16 12155 16936 1336 33 9324 17076 3472 2367 • 1335 7983 6494 2423 2361 3181 7076 15517 8067 196 Madden — Malibran. Madden, R. R. Twelvemonth in the W. I. Lond., 1835. v. i. I2^ 16916 The United Irishmen, [ist Series.] Philad., 1842. 2 v. 12°. 5247 The same. 3d Series. Dubl., 1846. 3 v. 12°. . . 5249 Madeline. Opie. Bost., 1827. 12° 14438 Madge. Goodwin. N. Y., 1863. 12" 2988 Madison, J. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. i.) N. Y., 1854. 8° 6200 Papers. (2 copies.) Wash., 1840. 3 v. 8° 6163 Contents.— 1, Debates in 1776; Debates in Congress, 1782-83 ; Letters, 1780-83. 2, Debates in Congress, 1787 ; Letters, 1787-88. 2, 3, Debates in Federal Convention, 1^7, Life and Times of. Rives. Bost., 1859-68. 3 v. 8°. . . 7447 Madrid in 1835. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in i. 8° 16661 Magalotti, L. Sigismond and Claudia. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., 1836. 12° 1902 Magellan, Voyage to Strait of. Lond., 1819. 8° 8052 Magic, Narratives of. Wright. N. Y., 1852. 12° 8614 Philosophy of. Salverte. N. Y., 1847. 2 v. 12°. . . . 8520 System of. De Foe. Oxfd., 1840. 16° 3877 Natural, Letters on. Brewster. N. Y. [1840.] 12°. . . 11270 See, also. Apparitions ; Demonology ; Necromancers. Magie, D. Spring-Time of Life. N. Y., 1853. 12° 17053 Maginn, W. Shakespeare Papers. Ed. Mackenzie. N. Y., 1856. 12°. 1484 Maglathlin, H. B. The National Speaker. Bost., 1851. 12°. . . 9304 Magnetical Experiments, Report on. Husson. Bost., 1836. 12°. . 8526 Magnetism, or the Doctrine of Equilibrium. Bagg. Detroit, 1845. 12°. 8527 See, also. Mesmerism. Magoon, E. L. Living Orators in America. N. Y., 1849. 12°. . 7412 Orators of the Revolution. N. Y., 1848. 12° 7411 Mahomed, H. The Bath. Lond., 1843. 12° 9230 Mahomet. See Mohammed. Mahon, Lord. See P. H. Stanhope. Mahoney, S. L Six Years in Monasteries of Italy. Bost., 1845. 12°. 9583 Maine, H. S. Ancient Law. N. Y., 1864. 8° 8687 Village Communities in East and West. Lond., 1871. 8°. . 4102 Maine Woods. Thoreau. Bost., 1864. 8° 10226 Mainstone's Housekeeper. Meteyard. Bost., 1864. 12°. . . . 15497 Maintenon, F. d'Aubigne, Mme. de, Memoirs of. Philad., 1839. 12°. 6702 Maistre, X. de. Journey round My Room. N. Y., 1871. 16°. . 3198 Maitland, O. Church in the Catacombs. Lond., 1846. 8°. . . 6451 Maitland, F. L. Narrative of Surrender, etc., of Bonaparte. Bost., 1826. 12° 16221 Malacology. Swainson. Lond., 1840. 16° 6062 Malay Archipelago, The. Wallace. N. Y., 1869. 8°. . . . 8032 Voyages in, 1832-34. Earl. Lond., 1836. 8°. . 8031 Malcolm, J. Sketches of Persia. Lond., 1828. 2 v. 8°. . . . 8231 Malcom, H. Travels in S. E. Asia. Bost., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . .16511 Malespini, O. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., 1836. 12°. . 1901 De Merlin. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12° 7923 Malkiu— Mankind. 197 [Malkin, F.] Hist, of Greece. Lond., 1829. 8°. [Malkin, J. H., etc.] Historical Parallels. Lond., 1846. 3 v. The same. v. i. Bost., 1831. 12°. Mallet, D. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. . Mallet, P. H. Northern Antiquities. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1859, Mallet du Pan, J. Hist, of Destruction of the Helvetic Union. Bost., 1799. 12°. 1870. Lond. 2 V [847 2". 16°. of. Y., 12- 1870. Malmesbury, Earl of. (J. Harris.) Letters. Lond Malmesbury, William of. Chronicle. (2 copies.) Malone, E. Life of Dryden. Lond., 1800. 8°. . Malory, T. Morte d'Arthur. Lond., 1868. 12°. Malta, Achievements of Knights of. Sutherland. Philad., 1846 Hist. of. Martin. (Colonial Libr., v. 7.) Lond., 1837. Malthus, T. R Essay on Population. Wash., 1809. 2 v. 8 The same. 6th ed. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. Principles of Polit. Economy. Bost., 1821. 8°. Mammalia, Orders and Habits of. Figuier. Lond., 1870. 8' Man, Adaptation of Nature to moral and intellectual constitution Chalmers. Philad., 1836. 8°. . to Physical Condition of. Kidd. Philad. 1836. 8°. ... Antiquity of. Lyell. Philad., 1863. 8°. . with the Broken Ear, The. About. N. Y., 1867. 12". Constitution of. Combe. Hartf'd., 1842. 8°. . Descent of. Darwin. N. Y., 1871. 2 v. 12°. . of Feeling. Mackenzie. N. Y., 1837. 12°. in Genesis and in Geology. Thompson. N. and his Migrations. Latham. N. Y., 1852. and his Motives. Moore. N. Y., 1848. 16°, and Nature. Marsh. N. Y., 1867. 8°. in the Past, Present, and Future. Biichner. Physical Structure of. Mudie. Bost., 1838. Place of, in Nature, Evidence as to. Huxley Primitive. Figuier. Lond., 1870. 8°. Condition of. Lubbock. N. Y., 1870. 12 Culture of. Tylor. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8° about Town, The. Webbe. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 12°. who laughs, The. Hugo. N. Y., 1869. 8°. and Wife. W. Collins. N. Y., 1870. 8°. . of the World. Mackenzie. N. Y., 1837. 12°. . See, also, Race. Manchester Strike, A. Martineau. Bost., 1833. 12°. Mancur, J. H. Constance. Philad. 8°. . . . Mandeville, Sir J. Voiage and Travaile. Ed. Halliwell. Lond 1839. 8° Mandeville. Godwin. Philad., i8i8. 2 v. 12°. Mankind, Types of. Nott and Gliddon. Philad., 1855. 26 Lond. 12°. N.Y. [872 1863 8'. 8°. 16022 4555 8815 538 20 I5IOI 507 16162 6830 508 3772 I9I2 4618 7902 8657 8659 8634 8996 16982 16983 8989 2394 3472 8932 1992 8959 1 7 107 8517 8966 8993 9117 8939 8994 4073 4075 15498 2642 2304 1992 14614 2313 8034 15501 9094 198 Mann — Markham. 16°. 1854. Lond. :753-54 16°. 2 V 1833-35. :2 . Mann, E. J. The Deaf and Dumb. Bost., 1836. 12°. Mann, H. Slavery : Letters and Speeches. Bost., 1853. 12' Thoughts for a Young Man. Bost., 1850. 16°. . Life of. By his Wife. Bost., 1865. 8°. . . . Manni, D. M. Ginevra. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., 1836. 12 [Manning, A.] Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell. N. Y Mansfield!, E. D. Life of Gen. Scott. N. Y., 1848. 12" Political Grammar of U. S. Cincinn., 1836. 12° Mansfield, Earl of. See W. Murray. Mansfield Park. Austen. Philad., 1838. 8°. Mansie Wauch. [Moir.] N. Y., 1828. 12°. Manufactures, Cyclopaedia of. Tomlinson. Lond. Philosophy of. Ure. Lond., 1835. 12°. . British. Dodd. Lond., 1844-46. 6 v. 12°. of the Greeks and Romans. Fosbrooke. 2 v. 16° See, also. Arts. Manzoni, A. I Promessi Sposi. Wash., 1834. 8°. [Marana, J. P.] Letters by a Turkish Spy. Lend., Marble Faun, The. Hawthorne. Bost., i860. 2 v. March, D. Night Scenes in the Bible. Philad., 1869.* 8°. Yankee Land. Hartfd., 1840. 12°. . Marcy, R. B. Army Life on the Border. N. Y., 1866. 12 Margaret: a Story. Lyndon. N. Y., 1868. 12°. a Tale. Judd. Bost., 1845. 12°. of Anjou, Life of. Strickland. Philad., 1847. 8°. Memoirs of. Ed. G. P. R. James. Philad., 1839. 12 Graham. G. P. R. James. N. Y., 1847. 8°. . Lyndsay. [Wilson.] N. Y., 1823. 12°. . Ravenscroft. St. John. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Marguerite of Valois ; a Romance. Dumas. N. Y., 1846 Maria del Occidente. See M. Brooks. Marie Antoinette, Memoirs of. Campan. Philad., 1823. 8°. . The same. Weber. Lond., 1805-25. 3 v. 8°. and her Son. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1867. 8°. Marigny, A. de. Hist, of the Arabians. Lond., 1758. 4 v. 8°. Mariner, W. The Tonga Islands, ed. Martin. 3d ed. Edinb., 1827. 2 V. 12° Mariner's Chronicle, The. N. H., 1835. 12° Marion, Gen. Francis, Life of. Horry and Weems. Philad,, 1839. 12°. The same. Simms. N. Y., 1845. 12° Marion, F. Wonderful Balloon Ascents. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . Wonders of Optics. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 12°. . of Vegetation. N. Y., 1872. 12° Mariotti, L. The Blackgown Papers. Lond., 1846. v. 2. 12°. Italy. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 12° Mark, St. See Bible. Markham, O. R. Life of Lord Fairfax. Lond., 1870. 8°. Markham, G. Tragedy of Sir R. Grenville. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1871. 16° 8^ 17075 8578 9114 7371 1902 2420 7394 6020 2663 15236 1 7001 8786 4869 2650 13682 2892 10012 15010 6129 15739 2953 5234 6701 2313 2460 15503 2630 5630 5627 3072 16055 4475 16255 16395 7305 10116 10109 10148 15383 4686 6821 3898 Marlborough — Marshall. 199 Marlborough, Duke of, and Duchess. See Churchill. MarUtt, E. (Pseudonym J See E, John. Marlowe, C. Works, ed. Dyce. Newed. Lend., 1870. 8°. The same. [Ed. Robinson.] Lond., 1826. v. i, 2. Marmion, S. The Antiquary. (Old Plays, v. 10.) Lond., 1826. Marmontel, J. F. Belisarius. Lond., 1794. 12°. Memoirs of. By himself. Philad., 1807. 2 v. 12' The same. Lond., 1826-30. 2 v. 12°. Moral Tales. Lond., 1800. 2 v. 12°. MaronceUi, P. See S. Pellico. Marot, O., and other Studies. Morley, Marquette, J., Life of. Sparks. Bost. Marriage. A Novel. Ferrier. N. Y. Married State, Duties of the. Foster. Marryat, P. Diary in America. Philad., 1839 The same. N. Y., 1839. 12° The same. 2d series. Philad., 1840. I2°. Jacob Faithful. N. Y., 1835. 12° The same. (2 copies.) Philad., 1834. 3 v. 12' Japhet, in search of a Father. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12" The same. 2 v. in i. 12°. .... The King's Own. N. Y., 1836. 12° The same. N. Y., 1837. 12° The Little Savage. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1849. 12°. The Naval Officer; or, Frank Mildmay. N. Y., 1835. 12 Pacha of Many Tales ; the Three Cutters. N. Y., 1836. The Phantom Ship. Philad., 1839. 12°. . The Pirate, and the Three Cutters. (2 copies.) Philad 2 v. in I. 12° 16". 8°. Lond., 1871. 1839. 16°. 1847. 8°. N. Y., 1845. 2 V. 12". 12' Cutters.) N. 3d ed. N. Y., Snarleyyow. Philad., 1837. 2 v. in i. 12°. Stories of the Sea. (Pirate, and Three 1836. 12° Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the English Language i860. 8° The same. 4th ed. N. Y., 1863. 8°. Man and Nature. N. Y., 1864. 8°. . The same. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . Origin and Hist, of the English Language. N. Y., 1862. 8°. Marsh, J. Epitome of Eccl. Hist. N. Y., 1828. 12°. Temperance Recollections. An Autobiography. N. 1866. 12° Marsh-Caldwell, A. The Reformation in France. Lond., 1847. 2 V. 8° Tales of the Woods and Fields. N. Y., 1836. 12 Marshall, O., Passages from the Remembrancer of. Philad., 1839. 12' Marshall, E. O. Hist, of U. S. Naval Academy. N. Y., 1862. 12' Marshall, J. Life of Washington. Philad., 1804-07. 5 v. 8°. The same. Philad., 1833. 2 v. and Atlas. 8°. Writings on the Federal Constitution. (2 copies.) Bost 1839. 8° 1836. 1572 1473 1517 2355 7590 6641 15131 3740 7259 2672 17016 16800 16802 16803 15110 2116 2090 2092 15480 2111 2122 15522 15112 15546 2112 2115 2114 168 169 9092 8966 170 16462 16425 6431 15603 6034 7476 7481 6283 Marston — Martyrs . Lond., 1842. Bost., 1871. 12^ Marston, John. The Malcontent. (Old Plays, v. 4.) Lend., 1825. Works. Lond., 1856. 3 v. 16°. . . . Marston, John W. Gerald ; and other Poems Marston, P. B. Song-Tide, and other Poems. Marston. [Croly.] Philad., 1845. 8°. Marteilhe, J. The Huguenot Galley-Slave. (2 copies.) N.Y., 1867 Marten, H., Life of. Forster. Lond., 1838. 16°. Martin, A. Natural History. N. Y., 1861-62. 2 v. 12 Martin, J. Account of the Tonga Islands. 3d ed. Edinb., 1827. 2 V. 12° Martin, R. M. British Colonial Library. Lond., 1836-44. 10 v. 16 12^ 1511 1417 [4847 1 194 2325 6355 5762 8953 4475 7896 Contents.— 1, The Canadas. 2, Austral-Asia. 8, Southern Africa. 4, 5, West Indies. 6, Nova Scotia, etc. 7, Mediterranean Possessions. 8, 9, Atlantic Oceans. ast Indies. 10, Possessions in the Indian and Hist, of Brit. Possessions in Asia. 2d ed. Lond., 1835 Hist., etc., of Canada. 2d ed. Lond., 1838. 16°. Martin, W. C. L. Hist, of the Horse. Lond., 1845. 12°. . Martin Ohuzzlewit Dickens. Bost., 1869. 2 v. 8°. Martinean, H. Biogr. Sketches. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . The Charmed Sea : a Tale. Philad. 8°. . The Crofton Boys. N. Y., 1867. 12°. Eastern Life. Philad., 1848. 8° Feats on the Fiord. Lond. The Hamlets. Bost., 1836. Hist, of England, 1800-54. Bost.; N. Y. 1864-66. 4 V. 1838. 12°. 16116 5719 8782 2204 6748 2312 1462 1 8098 14622 14625 4916 16329 14608 16°. 12°. (2 copies.) How to observe Morals and Manners. Illustrations of Polit. Econ. Bost. and Lond., 1832-33. 13 v. 12 CoNTBNTS.— 1, Life in the Wilds. 2, Hill and Valley. 3, Brooke and Brooke Farm, rara. 5, Ella of Garveloch. 6, Weal and Woe in Garveloch. 7, A Manchester Strike. 8, Cousin Marshall. 9, Ireland. 10, Homes Abroad. 11, For Each and All. 12, French Wines and Politics. 13, The Charmed Sea. Miscellanies. (2 copies.) Bost., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Prize Essays. Bost., 1836. 12°. Retrospect of Western Travel. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. The Settlers at home. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . .Sickness and Health in Bleaburn. Bost., 1853. 16° ' Society in America. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1837. 2 v. Deme- Cousin 3346 9799 16821 14623 15777 5998 Sowers not Reapers, or Chatham and Mary Kay. Hartf d., 1845. 12° 14624 Traditions of Palestine. 2d ed. Lond., 1843. 12°. . . . 14626 Martineau, J. Endeavours after the Christian Life. Bost., 1858. I2^ 9974 Essays. Bost., 1868-70. 2 v. 8° 37i2 Martins, O. F. P. v., and Spix, J. B. v. Travels in Brazil. Lond., 1824. 2 v. 8° 8435 Martyn, H. Journal and Letters, ed. Wilberforce. (Abridged.) N. Y., 1851. 12° 7601 Memoir of. Sargent. Bost., 1831. 12° 7565 Martyndale, H. F. Analysis of the Church-Calendar. Lond. 12°. . 4622 Martyrs, The. De Chateaubriand. N. Y., 1812. 3 v. 12°. . . 15133 Book of. Blanchard. Buffalo, 1852. 8° 16401 The same. Fox. Philad., 1830. 4° 17329 Marvel — Masuccio. 20I Marvel, Ik. (Pseudonym.) See D. G. Mitchell. Marvell, A. Poetical Works, with Memoir. Bost., 1857. 16°. . The same Life of. H. Coleridge. (Worthies.) Leeds, 1836. 8°. . Mary of Burgundy. G. P. R. James. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. . Mary I., Queen of Engl., Life of. Strickland. Philad., 1847. 8° Mary H., Q. of Engl., Life of. Strickland. Philad., 1851. 8°. Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord. [Mrs. Charles.] N. Y., 1865. Mary Powell. [Manning.] N. Y. 16° Mary, Queen of Scots. Letters. Ed. A. Strickland. Lond., 1843. 2v and her Accusers. Hosack. Edinb., 1870-73. 2 v. 8°. and Elizabeth, v. Raumer. Lond., 1836. 12°. . and her latest Historian (Froude). Meline. N. Y., 1872. Life of. Bell. N. Y., 1837- 2 v. 12°. The same. Strickland. N. Y., 1855-59. 5 v. 12°. Mary Stuart : a Tragedy. Schiller. Lond., 1847. 8°. Mason, B. P., Life and Writings of. Olmsted. N. Y., 1842. 12 Mason, Major John, Life of. Ellis. Bost., 1844. 16°. Mason, Rsv. John. Treatise on Self-Knowledge. Hartf 'd., 1842 Mason, John M. Comments on [Reed's] Shakespeare. Lond., 1785. 8° Mason, L. Manual of Vocal Music. Bost., 1834. 12°. Mason, W. Memoirs of Whitehead. Lond., 1788. 8°. Works. Lond., 1811. 4 v. 8° Masonry. See Free Masonry. Massachusetts, Conference on Society and Manners in. Bost., 1820. 12° Historical Collections of. Barber. Wore, 1841. 8°. Hist, of, 1628-1750. Hutchinson. Bost., 1795. 2 v. 8°. 1748-65. Minot. Bost., 1 798-1803. 2 v. in i. 8 1775-89. Bradford. Bost., 1825. 8°. . Quarterly Review. Bost., 1847-49. v. i, 2. 8°. Scenery. Hitchcock. Northampton, 1842. 4°. See, also. New England. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. White. Massey, G. Poems. Bost., i860. 16° Poems and Ballads. N. Y., 1854, Shakspeare's Sonnets interpreted [Massey, M.] Lionel Wakefield. Philad., 1837. Massie, J. W. Anti-Slavery Mission to America. 12 8°. N. Y., 1868. 12 . Lond. [866. 8°. 2 V. 12°. Lond., 1864. Massillon, J. B. Sermons. Dundee, 1803. 3 v, 12°. The same, ed. Dickson. Philad., 1818. 2 v. 8°. Massinger, P. Dramatic Works, ed. H. Coleridge. (2 copies.) Lond., 1840. 8° Plays : abridged ed. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1831. 3 v. 12°. Masson, D. British Novelists. (2 copies.) Bost., 1859. ^2°. Life of Milton. Lond., 1859-71. 2 v. 8°. Recent British Philosophy. N. Y., 1866. 12°. . Masuccio, Q. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. i.) Lond., 1836. 12°. 971 1057 6904 2086 5235 5232 9842 2420 . 5152 5240 5210 10237 II 949 5201 439 1 644 1 7262 3472 1589 17118 6955 17237 14962 5937 5836 5835 5849 12769 6327 977 856 1636 15490 8555 13522 10039 1627 1683 51 7112 8580 1899 202 Mathematical — Mayer. Philad. Mathematical Sciences, Hist, of the. Powell. Lond., 1837. 16°. Study, Advantages of. Young. Lond., 1846. 12". . Mathematics, Recreations in. Enfield. Lond., 1825. 12°. Mather, O. Magnalia ; Eccl. Hist, of N. E. (2 copies.) Hartf 'd. 1820. 2 V. 8° Life of. Peabody. Best., 1836. 16°. . Mathew, T., Memoir of. Bermingham. N. Y., 1841. [Mathews, A.] Walter Ashwood. N. Y., i860. 12°. Mathews, Ohas., Memoirs of. By his widow. Philad., 1839. 4 v. Mathews, Cornelius. Behemoth. N. Y., 1839. 12°. Writings. N. Y., 1843. 8° Mathias, G. H. D. A Tutor's Counsel to his Pupils. 1867. 16° [Mathias, T. J.] The Pursuits of Literature. 7th ed. Lond., 1798. 8°." The same. Philad., 1800. 8°. . Matrimonial Infelicities. Barry Gray. N. Y., 1866. 12' Matteucci, C. Physical Phenomena of Living Beings. Philad., 1848. 12° Matthew, St. See Bible. Matthews, H. Diary of an Invalid. Paris, 1836. 12° Maturin, E. Montezuma. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. 12°. Maunder, S. Treasury of History. N. Y., 1847. 2 v Mauprat. G. Sand. Bost., 1870. 16°. Maurice Bering. [Lawrence.] N. Y., 1865. 8°. Maurice Tiemay. Lever. N. Y., 1863. 8°. Mauritius, Hist. of. Martin. (Colonial Library, v. 3. (2 copies.) Lond., 12°. 1843 16° Maury, J. S. Principles of Eloquence. N. Y., 1848 Maury, M. F. Physical Geography of the Sea. N. Y., 1857. 8 Mavor, W. British Tourists. Lond., 1798. 5 v. 12°. Hist, of Voyages. Lond., 1796-97. v. 4-20. 12 Universal History. N. Y., 1803-05. 25 v. 12° CONTBKTS.— V. 1-9, Ancient : 10-25, Modern. Max Kromer. Stretton. N. Y., 1871. 16°. Maxcy, J. Collegiate Addresses. Lond. 16°. ,. Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Recollections of my Life. Lond., 1868. 3 v. 8° Maximilian, Prince of Neuwied. Travels in Brazil. Lond., 1820. 8°. Maxwell, J. S. The Czar ; his Court and People. N. Y., 1848. 12°. [Maxwell, W. H.] Memoirs of Peel. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 12°. May, S. J. Recollections of our Antislavery Conflict. Bost., 1869. 12°. May, Thos. Plays. See Dodsley's Old Plays, v. 8, 10. May, Thos. E. Constitutional Hist, of Engl. (2 copies.) Bost., 1862-63. 2 V. 8° Mayer, B. Captain Canot. N. Y., 1866. 12° Mexico as it was and as it is. N. Y., 1844. 8°. . . . Aztec, Spanish and Republican. Hartf d., 185 1. 2 v. in I. 8° Mayer, J. B., etc. Correlation and Conservation of Forces. N. Y., 1869. 12° 6049 9253 16943 5958 7255 16336 15811 7930 15663 1 5091 9M3 15088 15089 2926 1 696 1 8187 15745 15890 2349 2331 2319 7898 1 1926 9103 8181 13847 13497 2425 9128 8258 8053 16604 6779 8545 4912 8573 5977 5978 8895 Mayflower — Memes. io^ Mayflower, The ; or Sketches. H. B. Stowe. N. Y., 1844. 12°. . 2734 Mayhew, H. German Life and Manners. Lond., 1864. 2 v. 8°. . 8313 Mayne, J. The City Match. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond., 1825. 8°. . 1516 Maynwaring, A., Life and Posthumous Works of. Lond., 1715. 8°. 16362 [Mayo, L F.] The Crust and the Cake. N. Y. 8° 2436 Occupations of a Retired Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 8°. . 2434 White as Snow. N. Y. 12°. 2441 Mayo, W. S. The Berber. N. Y., 1850. 12° 15664 Kaloolah. N. Y., 1849. 12°. . 7984 Mayor of Wind -Gap. [Banim.] N. Y., 1835. 12° 15505 Mazzini, G., Life, Writings, and Principles of. N. Y., 1872. 8°. . 7787 Mechanics, Illustrations of. Moseley. N. Y., 1844. 12°. . . 11780 Treatise on. Kater and Lardner. Lond., 1837. 16°. . . 6046 Medals, Dialogues on Ancient. Addison. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., 1855. 8° 3793 Medbery, J. K. Men and Mysteries of Wall Street. Bost., 1870. 12°. 8647 Medhurst, W. H. China. Lond., 1838. 8° 8004 Median Monarchy. Rawlinson (v. 2, 3). N. Y., 1871. 8°. . . 4064 Medical Delusions, Lessons from the Hist. of. Hooker. N. Y., 1850. 12° 16970 Science, Border Lines of Knowledge in. Holmes. Bost., 1862. 12° 3605 Medici, Lorenzo de'. Life of. Roscoe. Lond., 1847. 8°. . . 400 Medici Family, Memoirs of the. Pignotti. Lond., 1826. 4 v. 8°. . 4680 Mediterranean, Hist, of Brit. Possessions in the. Martin. Loud., 1837. 16° 7902 Shores, Winter and Spring on the. Bennet. N. Y., 1870. 8°. 8375 Meeker, N. O. Life in the West. N. Y., 1868. 12° 16871 Meinhold, J. W. The Amber Witch. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1845. 12°. 3044 Melancholy, Anatomy of. Burton. N. Y., t87o. 3 v. 8°. . . 3941 Melanchthon, P., Life of. Cox. Lond., 1817. 8° 7665 Melanie. Willis. N. Y., 1837. 12° 792 Melboiime House. S. Warner. N. Y., 1868. I3° 3001 Meline, J. P. Mary, Q. of Scots, and her latest Historian. N. Y., 1872. 12° 10237 Melish, J. Description of the U. S., etc. N. Y., 1826. 8°. . . 16824 Mellen, G. W. F. Unconstitutionality of Slavery. Bost., 1841. 12°. 8571 MeUen, Grenville. The Martyr's Triumph, and other Poems. Bost., 1833. 12° 15011 Melmoth, W. Fitzosborne's Letters ; and Dialogue on Oratory. Bost., 1815. 12° 17029 Melville, H. The Confidence-Man. N. Y., 1857. 12 Israel Potter. N. Y., 1855. 12°. Omoo. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847-68. 12°. . Redburn. N. Y., 1849. 12°. Typee. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846-47. 12°. . White-Jacket. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Memes, J. S. Hist, of Sculpture, Painting, etc. Edinb The same. Bost., 1831. 12°. . . 15683 . 15726 . 8325 . 15768 . 8327 • . 15813 1829. 12°. . 4501 . 8868 204 Memes — Metaphysic. Mem^s, J. S. Memoirs of Josephine. N. Y., 1832. 12°. . . . 11030 The same. N. Y., 1834. 12°. 11956 Men, Women, and Ghosts. Phelps. Bost., 1869. 12°. . . . 2975 Menageries, The. [Ogilby.] v. i. (Quadrupeds.) Bost., 1830. 12°. 8805 The same. v. 2. (The Elephant.) Bost., 1832. 12°. . 8811 Animals in. Swainson. Lond., 1838. 16° 6053 Menault, E. The Intelligence of Animals. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . . 10119 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Letters, 1833-47. (2 copies.) Philad., 1864-66. 16° 7889 from Italy and Switzerland. (2 copies.) Philad., 1863-65. 16° 7887 Life of. Lampadius. N. Y., 1865. 16° 7885 Recollections of. Devrient. Lond., 1869. 8° 7922 Men's Wives. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond., 1872. 8°. . . 2198 Mental Action, Imperfect and Disordered. Upham. N. Y., 1841. 12°. 11424 Discipline. Burder. N. Y., 1830. 12° 17035 Hygiene. Ray. Bost., 1863. 12° 8513 See, also, Mind ; Philosophy : Psychology. Menzel, W. Europe in 1840. Edinb., 1841. 8°. .... 4635 German Literature, transl. by Felton. Bost., 1840. 3 v. 12°. 119 The same, transl. by Gordon. Oxfd., 1840. 4 v. 16°. 115 Hist, of Germany. (Bohn's ed.) 3 copies. Lond., 1848-53. 3 V. 8° 404 Mercedes of Castile. Cooper. Philad., 1840. 12° 2794 Merchant of Berlin. Miihlbach. N. Y., 1867. 12° 3104 and the Friar, The. Palgrave. Lond., 1844. 16°. . . . 2369 Merchant's Clerk, The. Warren. N. Y., 1836. 12°* .... 15506 Merchant's Magazine. See Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. Meredith, Owen. (Pseudonym.) See R. Bulwer-Lytton. Merimee, P. 1572. A Chronicle. N. Y., 1830. 12°. . . . 2645 Merivale, O. Conversion of the Northern Nations. N. Y., 1866. 8°. 6319 of the Roman Empire. N. Y., 1865. 8°. . 6318 Hist, of Romans under the Empire. N. Y., 1863-65. 7 v. 8°. 4702 Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Hist, of Reformation in i6th century. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1842-61. 5 v. 12°. .... 6371 The same. Philad. and N. Y., 1844-66. v. 1-4, in 2. 8° and 12° 6482 Hist of Reformation, in time of Calvin. N. Y., 1863-72 Miscellany. N. Y., 1845. 12° The Protector. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850-57. 12°. Merlin, M. J. de. Memoirs of Malibran. Philad., 1840. Merry Tales of Wise Men of Gotham. [Paulding.] N. Y., Mesmerism, Facts in. Townshend. N. Y., 1848. 12°. See, also. Magnetism ; Somnambulism. Mesopotamia, Hist., etc., of. Eraser. N. Y., 1845. 12°. Metal, Manufactures in. Holland. Lond., 1831-34. 3 v. Manufactures of Grt. Brit. Dodd. Lond., 1845. 12' Metaphysic of Ethics, The. Kant. Edinb., 1836. 8°. See, also. Philosophy. . 5v. 12°. 6386 9806 . 5312 2 v. 12°. 7923 1826. 12°. 15287 • 17105 11759 16°. 6037 . 8788 . 8733 Mdtastaaio— Michigan. 205 Metastasio, P. Dramas and Poems. Transl. by Hoole. Lond., 1800. 3 V. 8° 906 Meteorology, Elements of. Brocklesby. N. Y., 1849. 12°. . . 8894 Meteors, etc. Ziircber and Margolle. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . . . 10146 Meteyard, B. Mainstone's Housekeeper. Bost., 1864. 12°. . . 15497 Methodist Pulpit, Annals of the American. Sprague. N. Y., 1859. 8°. 7736 Metropolis, The Great. [Grant.] N. Y,, 1837. 2 v. 12°. . . . 5144 Metropolitan Magazine. N. Y., 1836-42. 13 v. 8° 14520 Metropolitan Pulpit, The. [Grant.] N. Y., 1839. 12°. . . . 9914 Meunier, V. Adventures on Hunting Grounds. N. Y., 1869, 12°. . 10120 Meurer, M. Life of Luther. N. Y., 1848. 8° 6511 Mexican Revolution of 1810-19, Memoirs of. Robinson. Philad., 1820. 8° 16148 War of 1846-47, Notes for Hist of. Ed. Ramsey. N. Y., 1850. 12°. 5824 Service afloat and ashore during. Semmes. Cincinn,, 1851. 8° 5825 Mexico. Ward. 2d ed. Lond., 1829. 2 v. 8°. . . . . 5979 in 1842. [Folsom.] N. Y., 1842. 12° 16911 Adventures in, 1846. Ruxton. N. Y., 1848. 12°. . . . 16923 as it was and is. Mayer. N. Y., 1844. 8°. .... 5977 Aztec, Spanish and Republican. Mayer. Hartfd., 185 1. 2 v. in I. 8° 5978 Description of. Conder. Lond. 12°. 7858 Diary in, 1867. Salm-Salm. Lond., 1868. 2 v. 8°. . , 5826 Hist. of. [to 1 521.] Clavigero. Philad., 1804. 3 v. 8°. . 5974 of Conquest of. Diaz del Castillo. Salem, 1803. 2 v. 8°. 5972 The same. Prescott. Philad., 1871. 3 v. 8°. . 10327 The same. Wilson. Philad., 1859. 8°. . . 5971 Journal on coast of, 1820-22. Hall. Lond., 1840. 8°. . . 8ioi Journal in, 1826. Lyon. Lond., 1828. 8°. .... 16910 Life in, 1839-41. Calderon de la Barca. Bost., 1843. 2 v. 12°. 16905 Rambler in, 1834. Latrobe. N. Y., 1836. 12°. . . . 16909 Recollections of, 1842-44. Thompson. N. Y., 1847. I2°. . 16907 Travels in, 1846-47. Carpenter. N. Y.^ 1851. 12°. . . 16908 Michael Armstrong. Mrs. TroUope. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . . 15507 Michailow, — . Adventures in Tartary. Lond., 1822. 8°. . . 8057 Michel-Angelo. See Buonarroti. Michelet, J. Hist, of France [to 1453.] Tr. by Kelly. Lond., 1844- 46. 2 V. 8° 5648 The same [to 1380]. Tr. by G. H. Smith. N. Y., 1845. I V. 8° 5650 Hist, of Roman Republic, (2 copies.) Lond., 1847. 8°. . . 324 Modern History. N. Y., 1843. 12° 11771 The same 12284 Priests, Women and Families. Also, The People. Lond., 1846. 16° 9513 Michell, R. Honesty: a Poem. Lond., 1769. 8° 14806 Michigan, Hist, of., to 1837. Lanman. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . . 11614 27 2o6 Michigan — Miller. Michigan, Sketches of. Detroit, 1834. 12°. .... Mickle, W. J. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. Microcosm, The. N. H., 1836-37. v. 3, N. S. 8°. . . . Microscope, The. Hogg. Lond., 1869. 8°. .... Microscope, The. [A periodical.] N. H., 1820. 2 v. in i. 8°. Middle Ages, Literary Hist. of. Berington. Lond., 1846. 8°. . Romances of the. Cox and Jones. Lond., 1871. 8°. See, also, Crusades ; Europe (History of). Middle Kingdom, The. Williams. N. Y., 1849. 2 v. 12°. Middlebury College. The Philomathesian. 1833-34. v. i. 8°. Middlemarch. George Eliot. N. Y., 1872. 2 v. 12°. Middleton, C. Life of Cicero. Lond., 1837. 8°. ... Middleton, T. Plays. See Dodsley's Old Plays, v. 5, 6, 11. Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., 1840. 5 v. 8°. Midshipman's Expedients, and other Tales. Philad., 1837. 2 v. 12' Midsummer Eve ; a Fairy Tale. Hall. N. Y., 1848. 8°. . Miers, J. Travels in Chile and La Plata. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. Mignet, F. A. M. Hist, of French Revolution. N. Y., 1827. 8°. The same. (Bohn's ed.) 3 copies. Lond., 1846-56. 8' Milbiim, W. H. The Rifle, Axe, and Saddle-Bags, etc. (2 copies, N. Y., 1857. 12° Miles Wallingford. Cooper. N. Y., 1856. 12°. Milford, J. Norway, and her Laplanders, Lond., 1842. 8°. Military Commanders, British, Lives of. Gleig. Lond., 1831-32 3 V. 16° For Contents, see Gleig. Sketch-Book, The. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. 12°. Mill, James. Elements of Polit. Economy. 3d. ed. Lond Hist, of British India. 3d ed. Lond., 1826. 6 v. 8' Mill, John Stuart Dissertations and Discussions. Bost, 4v. 8° The same. v. i, 2. . . Liberty. 2d ed. Bost., 1863. 16°. Positive Philosophy of Comte. Bost., 1871. 12°. Principles of Polit. Economy. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 2 v. 8' Representative Government. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1862-67. 12' Subjection of Women. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 12°. System of Logic. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1848-64. 8°. . Mill on the Floss. George Eliot. N. Y., i860. 12°. . Millar, John. Hist. View of the Engl. Gov't. Lond., 1803. 4 v. 8' Origin of Ranks. 4th ed. Edinb., 1806, 8°. . Miller, G. History, philosophically illustrated. Lond., 1832. 4 v. 8' The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1848-49. 4 v. 8°. Miller, Hugh. Cruise of the Betsey ; Rambles of a Geologist. Bost 1862. 12° Essays. (2 copies.) Bost., 1865. 12° First Impressions of England. (2 copies.) Bost., 1851-56. 12' Foot-Prints of the Creator. (2 copies.) Bost., 1850. 12°. Geology of the Bass Rock. N. Y., 1851. 12°. . Miller— Milton. 207 Miller, Hugh. My Schools and Schoolmasters. Best., 1855 Old Red Sandstone. (2 copies.) Bost., 1851. 12°. . Popular Geology. (2 copies.) Bost., 1860-65. 12°. . Scenes and Legends of Scotland. (2 copies.) Cine, 1851-52 Tales and Sketches. Bost., 1863. 12°. Testimony of the Rocks. (2 copies.) Bost., 1857. 12°. Life and Letters of. Bayne. Bost., 1871. 2 v. 12°. Life and Times of. T. N. Brown. N. Y., i860. 12°. Miller, James. Mahomet. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., 1804. 8°. Miller, Joaquin. Songs of the Sierras. (2 copies.) Bost., 1871 Miller, Jona. P. Greece in 1827-28. N. Y., 1828. 12°. Miller, J. R. Hist, of Great Britain. Philad., 1837. 8°. . Miller, L. W. Notes of an Exile. Fredonia, 1846. 12°. . Miller, S. Letters on Clerical Manners and Habits. N. Y., 1827 to Sons in College. Philad., 1843. 12°. Life of J. Edwards. Bost., 1837. 16°. Retrospect of i8th century. N. Y., 1803. 2 v. 8°. . Miller, T. Lady Jane Grey. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. Rural Sketches. Philad., 1842. 12° Miller of Angibault, The. George Sand. Bost., 1871. i6°. Miller's Story of the War, A. Erckmann-Chatrain. N. Y., 1872 Millingen, J. G. Hist, of Duelling. (2 copies.) Lond., 1841. 2 Millot, O. F. X. Elements of Hist. Wore, 1789. 5 v. 8°. Mills, A. Literature of Grt. Brit, and Ireland. N. Y., 1856. 2 v Mills, O. Hist, of Chivalry. Philad., 1825. 8°. . of the Crusades. Philad., 1824. 8°. . of Muhammedanism. 2d ed. Lond., 1818. 8'' Milman, H. H. Annals of S. Paul's. 2d ed. Lond., 1869. 8° Hist, of Christianity [to 412]. Lond., 1840. 3 v. 8°. of the Jews. Enlarged ed. N. Y., 1864. 3 v. 8°. The same. N. Y., 1840. 3 v. 12°. . The same. N. Y., 1830. 3 v. 12°. . of Latin Christianity. N. Y., 1860-61. 8 v. 8°. Life and Correspondence of Gibbon. Lond., 1839. 8°. Poetical Works. (2 copies.) Lond,, 1839. 3 v. 16°. Samor, Lord of the Bright City. N. Y., 1818. I2°. . Savonarola, Erasmus, and other Essays. Lond., 1870. 8 MUner, J. Hist, of the Church. Bost., 1822. 5 v. 12°. . Milnes, R. M. Life and Letters of Keats. N. Y., 1848. 12°. Poems of Many Years. New ed. Bost., 1846. 16°. Milns, W. The Well-bred Scholar. Lond., 1794. 8°. Milton, J. Areopagitica. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1868. 16°. . Comus, as performed at the Theatre. Edinb., 1782. 12 Poetical Works. Philad., 1842. 8° The same. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. in i. 12°. The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1817. 2 v. 24°. The same, with Life. Ed. Mitford. Bost., 1839. The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. The same. Ed. Sanford. Philad., 1819. 2 v. 24" 16° 12^ V. 8' 2v. 8" 7100 8972 8978 2586 2588 8976 7101 6978 1630 766 15952 5392 16256 9828 17031 7257 15902 15483 15570 2352 2364 15148 15879 228 4737 4738 1003 1 6419 6568 6303 IIOOO 1 1929 6391 7123 995 14835 3435 6334 7000 1212 17532 3885 1404 945 958 257 1251 15096 4 208 Milton — Miscellaneous. Milton, J. Prose and Poetical Works. Lond., 1844. 8°. . . 3789 Prose Works. Lond., 1844. 8°. 3788 The same. (Bohn's ed.) 2 copies. Lond., 1848-70. 5 v. 8°. 454 Contents,— 1, Defences of People of England; Eikonoklastes. 2, Tenure of Kings and Magis- trates ; Areopa^tica ; Tracts on the Commonwealth ; On Ormond's Peace ; Letters of State; Of Reformation in England ; Reason of Church Gov't, against Prelaty, etc. 3, Smectynuus Pieces ; On Divorce ; Tetrachordon ; Colasterion ; On Education ; Familiar Letters, etc. 4, 5, On Chris- tian Doctrine. 5, Hist, of Britain ; Hist, of Moscovia ; Latin Grammar ; Index. 12^ N. Y., 1849. 12' Select English Prose Works. (2 copies.) Bost., 1826. 2 v. 12 Character and Writings of. Channing. Bost., 1841. 12°. Concordance to Poems of. Cleveland. Lond., 1867. 16°. Criticism on Paradise Lost of. Addison. Ed. Arber. Lond. 1868. 16° Life of. Bell. Lond., 1839. 16° The same. Hayley. Dubl., 1797. 8°. . Life and Times of. Ivimey, N. Y., 1833. 12°. Life of, with Hist, of his Time. Masson. Lond., 1859-71. 2 v. 8 Life and Writings of. Todd. Lond., 1826. 8°. the Patriot and Poet. E. P. Hood. Lond., 1852. 12°. and his Times. A Novel. Ring. N. Y., 1868. 8°. Mind and Brain. Laycock. N. Y., 1869. 2 v. 8°. . Improvement of the. Watts. Bost., 1826. amongst the Spindles. Lond., 1845. 12°. Use of the Body in relation to the. Moore, See, also. Mental. Mineral Kingdom. The. Lond., 1842. 12°. Mineralogy, Manual of. Dana. N. H., 1851. 12°. Minister's Family, The. Mrs. Ellis. N. Y., 1844. 12°. Wooing, The. Mrs. Stowe. Bost., 1868. 12°. . Ministry, Letters on the. Wayland. Bost., 1863. 16°. to a Son in the. Humphrey. N. Y., 1845. 12' to Young Men preparing for the. Cogswell. 1837. 12° Minot, G. R. Hist, of Mass., 1748-65. Bost., 1798-1803. 2 v. in Minstrelsy: ancient and modern. Motherwell. Bost., 1846. 2 v, of Scottish Border. Scott. Lond., 1839. 8°. See, also. Ballads ; Poetry ; Songs. Mirabeau, H. G. Riquetti de. Gallery of Portraits. See Luchet. Secret Hist, of Court of Berlin. Dubl., 1789. 8°. Life-History of. [Pipitz.] Philad., 1848. 12°. Memoirs of. By himself, etc. Lond., 1835-36. v. 1-4. 8 Recollections of. Dumont. Lond., 1835. 8°. . Mirabeau. An historical Novel. Mundt. Miracles, past and present. Mountford. of our Lord, Notes on the. Trench Miramion, M. B. de, Life of. Bonneau. Miriam Coffin. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 12°. Mirror, The. [A Periodical.] 6th ed. Lond., 1786. 3 v. The same. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 2 v Mirror Library, The. N. Y. 3 v. 8°. Miscellaneous Works, by a Young Gentleman. N. Y., 1795. 12 Bost., N. Y., 1868. 8 Bost., 1870. 12*" N. Y., 1858. ? Lond., 1870. 8' 12^ 12' I. 8" 16'= 3944 9568 1203 3887 5777 7110 6952 7112 7111 6953 3093 8581 8493 2727 8515 16942 8921 15509 2961 9832 17034 17036 5835 824 1309 16460 7622 7717 7721 3092 9908 10004 7676 15740 13038 3136 15092 15306 Miscellanies — Moffat. 209 12 . . ., 1862. 12°. N. Y , 1857- , 1871. 8°. N. Y., 1825. 12". 8°. 821. Miscellanies. Bost., 1821. 12°. Miserrimus. [Reynolds.] N. Y., 1833. Miss Gilbert's Career. Holland. N, Y Miss Ravenel's Conversion. DeForest. Miss Van Kortland. [Benedict.] Bost. Missionaries, Orations for. E. Irving. Missions, History of. Smith and Choules. Bost., 1837. 2 v. Relations and Claims of. Anderson. N. Y., 1869. 8°, Mississippi Bubble, The. Thiers. N. Y., 1859. 12°. Valley, Hist, of Discovery of. Hart. St. Louis, 1852. Recollections of ; 1814-24. Flint. Bost., 1826. Missouri, Journal of Tour in, 1818-19. Schoolcraft. Lond., Mrs. Jerningham's Journal. N. Y., 1870. 16°. . Mistress and Maid. A Story. Craik. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . Mitchel, O. M. Astronomy of the Bible. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1863-67 Planetary and Stellar Worlds. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1851-63. Popular Astronomy. N. Y., i860. 12°. ... Mitchell, D. G. The Battle Summer. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850-53 Doctor Johns. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1866. 2 v. 8°. Dream Life. N. Y., 1868. 12° Fresh Gleanings. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847-56. 12°. Fudge Doings. N. Y., 1855. 2 v. 12°. The Lorgnette. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1851-54. 2 v. 12' My Farm of Edgewood. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1863. 12 Reveries of a Bachelor. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850-51, The same. New ed. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . Rural Studies. N. Y., 1867. 12° Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic. Wet Days at Edgewood. (2 copies.) N Mitchell, James. Tour through Belgium, etc. Mitchell, John. Life of Wallenstein. 2d ed. Mitchell, T. L. Expeditions in Australia. 2d ed. Lond. Mitford, A. B. Tales of Old Japan. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. Mitford, M. R. Our Village. N. Y., 1828-30. 4 v. 12°. . The same. v. 1-3 Works. Philad. 8° Life and Letters of. N. Y., 1870. 2 v. 12°. Mitford, W. Hist, of Greece. Lond., 1820. 10 v. 8°. Mivart, St. G. Genesis of Species. (2 copies.) Lond., 1871. Modem Accomplishments. Sinclair. N. Y., 1836. 12°. Chivalry. Brackenridge. Philad., 1804. 2 v. 12°. . Cymon, The. Kock. Philad., 1833. 2 v. 12°. Griselda, The. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 9.) Bost., 1825, Society. Sinclair. N. Y., 1837. 12°. Women. N. Y., 1868-70. 2 v. 12° The same. v. i. Mollhausen, B. Journey to the Pacific. Lond., 1858. 2 v. 8°. Moens, W. J. O. English Travelers and Italian Brigands. N 1866. 12° Moffat, R. Missionary Labors in S. Africa. N. Y., 1843. 12°. . N. Y., 1864. Y., 1865. 12°. Lond., 1816. Lond., 1840. [839. 12 . 12 12'' 12^ V. 8"= 8°. Y., 15323 15510 2920 2942 2688 9969 6596 6299 6634 16876 16861 . 8054 1195 2310 . 8914 891 1 8913 5545 2909 3598 8270 2907 3599 8922 3595 3597 8926 2913 8924 16657 7790 8085 2005 2409 2413 2675 7053 15954 8943 15511 15742 15137 15343 15512 9206 9205 8419 8347 16521 2IO Mogul — Montesquieu. Mogul Empire, Travels in the, 1655-68. Bernier. Lend Mohammed. The Koran. Tr. by Sale. Lond., 1825. Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. The same. Bush. N. Y., 1841. 12°. and his Successors. Irving. N. Y., i860. 2 v. Lives of. Ockley. Lond., i , 1826. 2 v. 12" 847. A Romance. [Mundt.J N. Y Mohammed All and his House 1872. 8°. • Mohammedanism, Hist. of. Mills. Lond., 1818. 8°. Moir, D. M. Life of Macnish. (Tales, v. i.) Lond., 1844. Mansie Wauch. N. Y., 1828. 12°. . [Moir, G.] Treatises on Poetry and Romance. Edinb., 1839. MoUien, G. Travels in Africa. (Voyages, v. 3.) Lond., 1820, MoUoy, G. Geology and Revelation, N. Y., 1870. 12°. . Mommsen, T. Hist, of Rome. N. Y., 1869-70. 4 v. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1871. 4 v. 8°. . Monaldi. Allston. Bost., 1841. 12°. . Monarchs retired from business. Doran. N. Y., 1857 16^ 12^ (Polit. Philos., V. I.) Edinb., 1870. 8°. . Lond. 14 ) N Edinb 2 1844 V. 12 3091 1003 1 2367 15236 164 8053 8982 4694 4698 15744 6752 8680 1881 8648 2809 6626 6822 15126 6489 10127 6200 16393 2351 5700 3957 3917 15097 6731 1590 3802 13208 3403 . 6489 8054 14771 9522 Contents.— 1, 2. Spirit of Laws. 3, Grandeur and Declension of the Koman Empire ; Persian 4, Familiar Letters ; Miscellanies ; Analysis of Spirit of Laws by d'AIembert, ' Y.,1837. 12^ 1861. 2 V. 8' 1854. 8^ ) Lond., Moneirchy. Brougham, Monastery, The. Scott. Money, Theory of. Tucker. Bost., 1839. 12' Monihins, The. Cooper. Philad., 1841. 12°. Monk, G., Life of. Skinner. Dubl., 1724. 8°. Memoirs of. Guizot. Lond., 1838, 8°. Monk of Cimi^s, The. Sherwood, (Works, v. Monks of the West. (500-700.) Montalembert Monmouth, Geoflfrey of. See Geoffrey. Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii. N, Y., 1870. 12 Monroe, J. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. i.) N. Y Tours of, in 1817-18. Waldo. Hartfd., 1818. 12" Monsieur Sylvestre. Sand. Bost., 1870. 16°. . Monstrelet, E. de. Chronicles, tr. by Johnes. (2 copies 1840. 2 V. 8° Montagu, B. Selections from Taylor, Hall, etc. (2 copies.) 1845. 12° ' The same. Lond., 1839. 16°. . Montagu, O. (Earl of Halifax). Poems, ed. Johnson. Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., 1869. 8°. [Montagu, E.] Essay on Shakespeare. Lond,, 1769. Montagu, M. W. Letters and Works. Philad., 1837. Works. Lond,, 1803, 5 v. 12°. Montaigne, M. de. Essays. Lond., 1759. 3 v. 8°. Montalembert, O. F. de. The Monks of the West. Edinb., 1861. 2 v. Montenegro, Travels in, 1810-12. Vialla de Sommi^res. Lond., 1820. 8° • . . . . Montesquieu, C. de Secondat de. Spirit of Laws. Lond., 1766. 2 v. Works. Lond., 1777. 4 v. 8"" Dubl 2 V. N. Y., 1804. 8' Letters Index. etc.; Montez — Moore. 211 Montez, Lola. Anecdotes of Love. Lectures and Autobiography. 12 N. Y. [1858.] 12°. N. Y., 1859. 12°. Montezuma; a Romance. Maturin. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. Montgomery, C. Eagle Pass. N. Y., 1852. 12°. Montgomery, G. W. Journey to Guatemala. N. Y., 1839 Montgomery, J. Lectures on Literature, Poetry, etc. N. Y., The same. N. Y., 1833. 12°. . Poetical Works. Philad., 1830. 8°. . The same The same. Bost., 1825. 4 v. 24°. . The same The same. Bost., i860. 5 v. 16°. . Prose, by a Poet. Philad., 1824. 2 v. in i. 12°. The Wanderer, and other Poems. Philad., 181 1. 12' Montgomery, R., Life of. Armstrong. Bost., 1834. 16° Month, The. Lond., 1870-71. New Series, v. 1-4. 8°. Monthly Magazine. Lond., 1 796-1825, 60 v. 8°. Review. Lond., 1817-33. v. 82-129, 131. ^3^- 8°. 1840, 12^ N. Y., 1850. 12^ 2.) Lond., 1804. 8' 24°. . . 24°. Montholon-Semonville, O. T. de. Hist, of Captivity of Napoleon. N. Y., 1846. 8° Memoirs of Hist, of France. See Napoleon L Montrose, Marquis of. See J. Graham. Montsalvatge, R., Life of. N. Y., 1845. 12° Montul6, E. de. Travels in Egypt ; Voyage to N. America, etc. Lond., 1821. 8° Moon, Or. W. The Dean's English. 4th ed. [Lond., 1865.] 16°. Moon, Wonders of the. Guillemin. N. Y., 1873. 12°. Moonstone, The. Collins. N. Y., 1869. 8° Moore, O. O. G. Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg Moore, E. The Gamester. (Brit. Drama, v. i, pt, Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1819. The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. . Moore, F. American Eloquence. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 8°. Diary of the American Revolution. N. Y., i860. 2 v. 8°. The Rebellion Record. N. Y., 1861-64. v. 1-7. 8°. Moore, G. Man and his Motives. N. Y., 1848. 16°. Power of the Soul over the Body. N. Y., 1847. 12°. Use of the Body in relation to the Mind. N. Y., 1849. 12°. Moore, H. Memoir of Ethan Allen. Plattsburgh, 1834. 12°. . Moore, J. S. Pictorial Book of Ballads. Lond., 1847-48. 2 v. 8 Moore, John. View of Society and Manners in Italy. 3d ed. Lond 1783. 2 V. 8° Works. Edinb., 1820. 7 v. 8°. Moore, T. The Epicurean. Bost., 1827. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1862. i2°. . Fudge Family in Paris. N. Y., 1818. 12 Hist, of Ireland. (2 copies.) Lond., 1836-40. 3 v. 16^" Lalla Rookh. Philad., 1817. 12° 15824 15825 15745 16882 16900 1 1284 12114 944 947 544 13834 1066 3172 14848 7250 17778 J4152 14300 5598 17281 8055 58 10150 2303 7583 1630 536 17 15101 9432 6189 6262 8517 8516 8515 7495 1205 16737 17317 2022 2461 14837 5176 994 212 Moore — Mor6. 12". National Airs Moore, T. Lalla Rookh. N. Y., 1849. 12°. The same. Philad., 1849. 8°. Life of Byron. Philad., 1869. 2 v. 8 The same. Lend., 1844. 8°. of Fitzgerald. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. Melodies, Songs, Sacred Songs, and 1821. 12° The same Memoirs of Sheridan. Philad., 1826. 2 v. 12' Poetical Works. Bost. [1864.] 24°. . The same. Lond., 1840-44. v. 1-9. 16°. Contents.— 1, Odes of Anacreon ; Juvenile Poems. 2, Juvenile Poems N. Y. America. 3, Corruption and Intolerance ; The Sceptic ; Twopenny Post-Baj Humorous Poems ; Irish Melodies. 4, Irish Melodies ; National Airs ; Sacred Songs ■ " Ballads ; Songs ; Miscellaneous Poems. 652 1278 7184 7186 6684 602 14836 6912 974 643 Poems Relating to Satirical and I.. v,vx w^..gs : Summer 6, 7, Lalla Rookh. 7, Fete. 5, Evenings in Greece ; ' Satirical Poems j ^ — & on the Road ; Miscellaneous Poems. 8, Loves of the Angels ; Miscellaneous Poems ; k^^w^v,-. and Humorous Poems. 9, Satirical and Humorous Poems ; The Fudges in England ; Songs from M. P., or the Blue Stocking ; Miscellaneous Poems. Political and Satirical Poems : Fudge Familyln Paris ; Fables for the Holy Alliance ; Rhymes " ~ Satirical Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress. N. Y., 1819. 12°. Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence of. Russell. 1857. 2v. 8° Moore, W. V. Indian Wars of the U. S. Philad., 1840. 12' Moors. See Saracens ; Spain. . 14838 N. Y., Moraes, F. de. ed. Southey. Lond., 1807. N. Y., 1840. 12 3v. 12 8^ Palmerin of England, 4v. 24° Moral Feelings, Philosophy of the. Abercrombie Philosophy. See Philosophy. Reformer, The. Ed. Alcott. Bost., 1835. v. i Science, Elements of. Beattie. Philad., 1809 The same. Wayland. N. Y., 1835. 8^ . Lectures on. Hopkins. Bost., 1865. 12°. Sentiments, Theory of. A. Smith. Lond., 1853. 8°. Morality, Essays on Principles of. Dymond. N. Y., 1844. Morals, European, Hist, of, from Augustus to Charlemagne N. Y., 1869. 2 V. 8° See, also. Philosophy. Mordaunt. J. Moore. (Works, v. 7.) Edinb., 1820. 8°. More, Hannah. Coelebs in search of a Wife. N. Y., 1809. Sacred Dramas ; Sensibility. 2d ed. Lond., 1782. 16°. , Search after Happiness ; Armine and Elvira. Philad., 1774 Works. Bost., 1827. 2 v. 8° Philad., 1818. V. 1-5, 7, 8. 12° Life of. Thompson. Philad., 1838. 2 v. Memoirs of. Roberts. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. More, Sir T. Utopia, transl. by Burnet. Lond. The same, tr. by R. Robinson. Ed. 1869. 16° Life of. Campbell. (Ld. Chancellors, v. i.) Lond., 1845. The same. Mackintosh. Lond., 1831. 16°. . More, Sir Thomas; or, Colloquies on Society. Southey. Lond., 1831. 2V. 8° 12^ Lecky. 2 V. 12 12 . . . 12°. . 1850. 12°. \rber. Lond 7178 5747 1694 11278 16966 12293 8739 8606 485 17069 4709 17323 2403 14849 14850 1 5 103 13674 16107 16105 3953 3890 6866 5759 3479 Moreau— Morris. StJ More^u, J. V., Life and Campaigns of. N. Y., 1806. 12°. . . . 7501 Memoirs of. Philippart. Philad., 1816. 8° 16404 Moredun. N. Y., 1855. 8° 2309 Morelet, A. Travels in Central America. N, Y., 1871. 12°. . . 8431 Morell, Sir O. ( Pseudonym. J See J. Ridley. Morell, J. D. Hist, of Speculative Philosophy of Europe in 19th century. N. Y., 1848. 8° 8726 Philosophy of Religion. N. Y., 1849, 12° 9952 Morell, Thos., D.D. Poems on Divine Subjects. Lond., 1732. 8°. . 14851 Morell, Rev. Thos. Elements of Hist, of Philosophy and Science. Lond., 1827. 8° 8720 Morgan, D., Life of. Graham. N. Y., 1859. 12° 7306 Morgan, Q. Q. W. Poems. 2d ed. Bost., 1855. 12°. . . . 14942 Morgan, Lady S. O. Book of the Boudoir. N. Y., 1829. 2 v. 12°. . 4344 Dramatic Scenes. N. Y., 1833. 12° 1440 France [in 1816]. Philad., 1817. 8° 8448 France in 1829-30. N. Y., 1830. 2 v. 12° 16692 Italy. N. Y., 1821. 2 v. 8° 8337 Lay of an Irish Harp. N. Y., 1808. 12" 14839 Wild Irish Girl. N. Y., 1807. 12° 2405 Morgan, Sir T. O. and Lady S. O. Book without a Name. N. Y., 1841. 2v. 12° 15387 Mori, A. de'. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., 1836. 12°. . 1901 Moriarty, D. L Innisfoyle Abbey. Lond., 1840. 3 v. 12°. . .15460 [Morier, J.] Adventures of Hajji Baba in England. N. Y., 1828. 2 V. 12° 15443 Zohrab. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. I2° 15641 Morison, J. Counsels to Young Men on Modern Infidelity. N. Y. 12". 17018 Morley, H. English Writers. Lond., 1866-67. 2 v. in 3. 8°. . . 158 CONTKNTS.— 1, pt. 1, Celts and Anglo-Saxons. 1, pt. 2, from the Conquest to Chaucer. «, pt. 1, Chaucer to Dunbar. Life of Cornelius Agrippa. Lond., 1856. 2 v. 8°. . . . 7766 Life of Palissy. Lond. [1869.] 16° 7879 Clement Marot and other Studies. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. . 3740 Morley, J. Edmund Burke. Lond., 1867. 8° 681 1 Voltaire. N. Y., 1872. 8°. 10296 Mormonism in all ages. Turner. N. Y. [1842.] 12°. . . . 10029 Origin and Progress of. Tucker. N. Y., 1867. 12°. . . 10030 See, also, Burton's City of the Saints. Morocco, Present State of. De Chenier. Lond., 1788. 2 v. 8°. . 16532 Tour to, 1789. Lempriere. Lond.. 1793. 8° 16531 Morphy, P., Games played by. N. Y., i860. 12° 10175 Morrell, B. Narrative of Voyages. N. Y., 1832. 8°. ... 8077 [Morris, B.] Derrick and Drill. N. Y., 1865. 12° 17000 Morris, Q. P. Little Frenchman with his Water Lots, etc. Philad., 1839. 12" , . . . 4294 Morris, J. M. See W. A. Croffut. Morris, W. Earthly Paradise. (2 copies.) Bost., 1868-71. 3 v. I2°. 1225 Life and Death of Jason. Bost., 1867. 12° 1224 28 214 Morris — Mudie. Morris, W. Love is Enough. Bost., 1873. i6\ .... Morrison, R., Memoirs of. By his Widow, Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8°. . Morse, J., and Parish, E. Hist, of N. England. Charlestown, 1804. 12°. Morse, O. A. Vindication of Mr. Ball. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . [Morse, S. F. B.] Foreign Conspiracy against the U. S. N. Y., 1835. 12° Morton, S. W. My Mind and its Thoughts. Bost., 1823. 8°. . Morton, T. Zorinski ; Secrets worth knowing. Lond., 1811. 12°. . Morton's Hope. [Motley.] N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12° Moscheles, J. Life of Beethoven. (2 copies.) Lond., 1841. 2 v. 12°. Moseley, H. Illustrations of Mechanics. N. Y., 1844. 12°. Mosheim, J. L. v. Commentaries on Eccl. Hist., 1-200. Lond., 1813. 2v. 8° Institutes of Eccl. Hist., tr. by Murdock. (2 copies.) N. H., 1832. 3v. 8° Mosses from an Old Manse. Hawthorne. Bost., i860. 2 v. 16°. . Mother's Love, A. [Mrs. Hallock.] N. Y., 1867. 12°. Recompense, The. Aguilar. N. Y., 1868. 12°. Mothers of England, Influence of the. Ellis. N. Y., 1844. 12°. Motherwell, W. Minstrelsy : ancient and modern. Glasg., 1827. 8°. The same. Bost., 1846. 2 v. 16° Poems narrative and lyrical. (2 copies.) Bost., 1841. 16°. Poetical Works. With Memoir. Bost., 1847. 16°. . Posthumous Poems. Bost., 185 1. 16° Motley, J. L. Hist, of the United Netherlands. (3. copies.) N. Y., 1861-68. 4v. 8° Morton's Hope. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12° Rise of the Dutch Republic. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1856-61. 3 v. 8°. Mott, V. Travels in Europe and the East. N. Y., 1842. 8°. . Motteville, F. B. de. Memoirs of Anne of Austria. Lond., 1726. 5v. 12° Mount Hope ; a Romance. Hollister. N. Y., 185 1. Vernon Papers. Everett. N. Y., i860. 12°. Washington in Winter. Bost., 1871. 12°. . Mountain Decameron, The. Downes. Lond., 1836. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. King. Mountford, W. Miracles. Bost., 1870. 12°. Mourning Ring. Mrs. Inchbald. N. Y., 1821 Mourt, G. Relation, ed. Cheever. (2 copies.) 12". Bost., 12°. , N. Y., 3 V. 1872. 12". 8°. [849. Mouse-Trap, The ; with other Poems. N. Y. [1840.] I2°. Mowatt, A. C. See A. C. M. Ritchie. Mozart, J. O. W. A. Letters, 1769-91. N. Y., 1866. 2 v. 16". Life of. Bombet. Bost., 1839. 16° Life and Correspondence of. Holmes. N. Y., 1845. 16° Mozart; a biographical Romance. Rau. N. Y., 1868. 12" Mudie, R. The Air. Lond., 1835. 12°. The Earth. Lond., 1835. 12°. . The Heavens. Lond., 1835. 12°. Man, in his Physical Structure. Bost., 1838. 12°. 10306 7777 16046 15048 17278 15308 1329 15747 7961 11780 6591 6585 2879 17047 2517 9201 942 824 826 828 829 5912 15747 5903 16621 14627 15749 3578 8393 15513 8401 9908 15516 6007 14963 7883 7881 7882 3035 14632 14633 14634 9117 Mudie — Munter. 215 Lond. N. Y., 1822. 8 1869-7 N. Y.. 1862- N.Y V. I. 8' Mudie, R. Popular Guide to Observation of Nature. N. Y 1839. 12° The Sea. Lond., 1835. 12° Miiller, O. Journey through Greece. (Voyages, v. 8.) Miiller, F. Max. Chips from a German Workshop. 3 V. 12° Lectures on Science of Language. (2 copies.) 65. 2 V. 12° on Science of Religion ; Papers on Buddhism. 1872. 8° Miiller, Fritz. Facts and Arguments for Darwin. Lond., 1869 Miiller, G. The Life of Trust. Bost., 1862. 12°. Miiller, J. v. Universal Hist. Lond., 1818. 3 v. 8°. The same. Bost., 1831. v. i. 12°. The same. v. 2. 12°. The same. Bost., 1840. 4 v. 12°. . Miiller, K. O. Hist, of Literature of Greece. Lond., 1840. Miiller, O. Dr. Goethe's Courtship. Lond., 1866. 16°. Muhlbach, L. (Pseudonym.) See C. M. Mundt. Muley liiezit, Emperor of Morocco, Life of. Lond., 1797. 12° Mulford, E. The Nation. N. Y., 1870. 8°. ... Mullen, S. Pilgrim of Beauty, and other Poems. Lond., 1845. Muloch, D. M. See D. M. Craik. Munchausen, Baron, Travels of. N. Y., 1862. 12°. The same. Lond., 1869. 8° [Mundt, O. M.] {Mrs. Muhlbach.) Andreas Hofer. N. Y., 186 Berlin and Sans-Souci. N. Y., 1867. 12°. . The same. N. Y., 1869. 8° The Daughter of an Empress. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. The Empress Josephine. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. 8°. Frederick the Great and his Court. (3 copies.) N. Y., 68. 12° and his Family. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867 Goethe and Schiller. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1868. 8°. . Henry VHL and his Court. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867-68 Joseph n. and his Court. N. Y., 1867. 8°. Louisa of Prussia and her Times. N. Y., 1867. 8°. Marie Antoinette and her Son. (2 copies.) N. Y., Merchant of Berlin. N. Y., 1867. 12°. Mohammed Ali and his House. N. Y., 1872. 8°. Napoleon and Blucher. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. and the Queen of Prussia. N. Y., 1867. Old Fritz. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1868. 8°. . Prince Eugene and his Times, Queen Hortense. (2 copies.) Mundt, T. Count Mirabeau. N. Y Munera Pulveris. Ruskin. N. Y., Munn, L. C. The American Orator. 1866- 1867. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. , 1868. 8°. . 1872. 12°. . Wore, 1855 N. Y. 8°. 1869. Bost., 1853. 16°. 8° 11277 14635 8058 3710 130 9958 8945 7765 4107 8826 8828 15925 197 3046 16410 8696 1223 4279 4280 3088 3105 3079 3089 3070 3099 3080 3086 3102 3084 3085 3072 3104 3091 3074 3078 3082 3068 3076 3092 8631 9292 7561 21 6 Murdock — Musical. Murdock, J. Sketches of Modern Philosophy. Hartfd., 1842. 12°. 8494 Murphy, A. All in the Wrong ; Way to keep him. Lond., 1804. 8°. 1632 Apprentice ; Citizen ; Old Maid ; 3 Weeks after Marriage ; Up- holsterer. Lond., 1804. 8° 1633 The Gray's-Inn Journal. Lond., 1756. 2 v. 12°. . . . 13031 Grecian Daughter ; All in the Wrong ; Way to Keep him ; Know your own Mind. Lond. 12°. .... 1338 Life of Garrick. Lond., 1801. 2 v. 8° 7967 Orphan of China ; Zenobia ; Grecian Daughter. Lond., 1804. 8°. 1630 Murray, O. A. Travels in N. Amer. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . . 16788 Murray, H. Adventures of Brit. Seamen. Edinb., 1827. 12°. . . 4466 British America. Edinb., 1839. 3 v. 16°. .... 5716 The same, abridged. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . . 11425 The same 12122 Encyclopaedia of Geography. Philad., 1849. 3 v. 8°. . . 8145 Hist, of Discoveries in Africa. 2d ed. Edinb., 1818. 2 v. 8°. 8088 in Asia. Edinb., 1820. 3 v. 8°. . . 8060 in N. Amer. Lond., 1829. 2 v. 8°. . 16782 and others. British India. N. Y., 1840. 3 v. 12°. . . . 11267 Discovery in Africa. N. Y., 1840. 12°. . . 11016 in the Polar Regions. N. Y., 1840. 12°. 11014 Murray, J. B. O. Hist, of Usury. Philad., 1866. 8°. ... 8651 Murray, T. Life of Rutherford. Edinb., 1828. 12° 7515 Murray, Wm. (Z<7r(/ Mansfield), Life of. Campbell. Philad., 1851. 8°. 6874 Miirray, Wm. H. H. Adventures in the Adirondacks. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. 16° 8226 Music-Hail Sermons. Bost., 1870. 12° 9829 Musaus, J. O. A. Dumb Lover. (German Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., 1826. 12° 1897 Popular Tales. Transl. by Carlyle. Bost., 1841. 12°. . . 3108 The same. Lond., 1871. 8° 4053 Muscipula; the Mouse-Trap ; with other Poems. N. Y. [1840.] 12°. 14961 Museum, The. Lond., 1746-47. 3 v. 8° 12742 of Foreign Literature. Philad., 1822-39. ^- 1-26, 28-29, 31-33. 35-37. 8° 14046 Musgrave, G. A Ramble into Brittany. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8°. . 8371 Music, English Church, Essays on. Mason. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., 1811. 8° 17239 and Friends. Gardiner. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. . . . 9082 Hist. of. Hawkins, Burney, and Busby. Lond., 1819. 2 v. 8°. 9078 Lessons in. Warner. N. Y., 1845. 12° 17119 and Morals. Haweis. N. Y., 1872. 12° 8865 Our Church. Willis. N. Y., 1856. 12° 8866 Vocal, Manual of. Mason. Bost., 1834. 12° 17118 Musical Cyclopedia, The. Porter. Bost., 1834. 12°. . . . 8862 Drama, Memoirs of the. Hogarth. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. . 9080 Grammar. Callcott. Bost., 1833. 12° 17117 History, Biography, and Criticism. Hogarth. N. Y., 1845. 8°. 9077 Sketches. Polko. N. Y., 1866. 16° 8867 Mussulman — Naples: 217 Mussulman, The ; a Tale. Madden. Philad., 1830. 2 v. 12°. Mussulmans, Biblical Legends of the. Weil. N. Y., 1846. 12 My Aunt Margaret's Mirror. Scott. Edinb., 1871. 8°. My Cousin Nicholas. [Barham.] Lond., 1841. 2 v. 12°. My Discontented Cousin. Bost., 1871. 16°. My Little Lady. N. Y., 1872. 16° My Married Life at Hillside. Barry Gray. N. Y., 1865. 12°. My Novel. Bulwer. N. Y., i860. 2 v. 12°. My Southern Friends. Gilmore. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . My Summer in a Garden. Warner. Bost., 1871. 8°. My Uncle Hobson and L P. Jones. N. Y., 1845. 12°. My Wife and L Stowe. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Myers, F. Lectures on Great Men. Lond., 1856. 8°. Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. Life and Nature under the Tropics Y., 1871. 12° [Myers, P. H.] Ensenore. N. Y., 1840. 8°. . . . Mysteries of Udolpho. RadclifFe. N. Y., 1861. 12°. Mystery, Philosophy of. Dendy. N. Y., 1847. 12°. Mythology, Beauties of. Bulfinch. Bost., 1863. 12°. of Aryan Nations. Cox. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8°. of Greece and Italy. Keightley. Lond., 1838. 8°. . Metamorphoses in. Ovid. N. Y., 2 V. 12°. Scandinavian. Pigott. Lond., 1839. 8°. . Tales from. Keary. Lond., 1871. 12°. Zoological. De Gubernatis. Lond., 1872. 2 v. 8°. Myths of Middle Ages, Curious. Baring-Gould. Lond., 1869. and Myth-Makers. Fiske. Bost., 1873. 16°. . of the New World. Brinton. N. Y., 1868. 8°. See, also, Edda ; Fairy. N. 1836. 16°. 15517 9548 1889 15519 2378 2372 2923 2136 2931 3639 15751 2964 6711 8433 15061 2513 8519 1909 4103 4425 4527 1919 1700 10341 1915 10262 1925 N. Nabbes, T. Microcosmus. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond., 1825. 8°. . 15 16 Nack, J. E^rl Rupert, etc. N. Y., 1839. 12° 15012 Nala and Damayanti, etc. Transl. by Milman. Lond., 1839. i6°- • 997 Names, Etymological Diet. of. Arthur. N. Y., i860. 12°. . . 102 Napheys, G. H. The Transmission of Life. Philad., 1871. 12°. . 9167 Napier, E. Wild Sports. Lond., 1844. 2 v. 8° 10166 Napier, M. Life of Montrose. (2 copies.) Edinb., 1840. 8°. . . 6760 Napier, W. F. P. Hist, of War in the Peninsula. 4th ed. Brussels, 1839. 3v. 8° 6524 Naples, A Century of Despotism in, 1759-1856. Horner. Edinb., i860. 16° 4592 Excursions in Northern Province^ of. Craven. Lond., 1838. 2 V. 8° 16715 2i8 Napoleon. Napoleon I. Confidential Correspondence with his brother Joseph. N. Y., 1856. 2 V. 12°. . 5498 with Josephine. Ed. Abbott. N. Y., 1856. 12°. . 5447 Memoirs of Hist, of France during my Reign. Lond., 1823-24. 2 pts. in 7 V. 8°. [Dictated to Montholon and Gourgaud.] 5591 Military Maxims. N. Y., 1845. 12° 5446 Campaigns of. Bost., 1835. 12°. 5500 in Council, Opinions of. Pelet. Edinb., 1837. 8°. . . . 5443 Court and Camp of. N, Y., 1841. 12° 11031 The same. N. Y., 1832. 12° 12094 Derniers momens de. Antommarchi. Paris, 1825. 2 v. 8°. . 5632 in Exile : or, a Voice from St. Helena. O'Meara. Bost., 1823. 2 V. 12° 5441 Historic Doubts relative to. Whately. N, Y., 1835. 8°, . . 17269 Historical Memoirs of. O'Meara. Philad., 1820. 12°. . . 5440 Hist. of. Abbott. N. Y., 1855-56. 2 v. 8° 5712 The same. Lanfrey. Lond., 1871-72. 2 v. 8°. . . 5586 The same. Laurent. N. Y., 1842. 2 v. 8°. . . . 5603 The same. Lockhart. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . . 11003 Hist, of Waterloo Campaign of. Jomini. N. Y., i860. 12°. . 5572 of Captivity of. Montholon. N. Y., 1846. 8°. . . 5598 Letters describing Conversations of. Warden. N. H., 1817. 12°. 5439 Life of. By an American. Elizabeth-Town, 1820. 8°. . . 16209 The same. Hazlitt. N. Y., 1847. 3 v. 12°. . . . 5492 The same. Scott. Philad,, 1827. 3 v. 8°. . . . 5605 and his Marshals. Headley. N. Y., 1847. 2 v. 12°. . . 5434 Memoirs of. Arnault, etc. Bost., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . . . 5444 The same. Bourrienne. Philad., 1832. 8°. . . . 5631 The same. Rapp. Lond., 1823. 8° 5599 Memoirs of Court of. Bausset. Philad., 1828. 8°. . . . 5590 Memoirs of, and of his Court and Family. Mme. Junot. N. Y., i860. 2 V. 8° 5543 Narrative of Surrender, etc., of. Maitland. Bost., 1826. 12°. 16221 Remarks on Life and Character of. Channing. (Works, v. i.) Bost., 1841. 12°. , 9568 Russian Expedition of. Segur. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. 12°. . . 16252 at St. Helena. N. Y., 1815. 12° 16224 Journal of. Las Cases. Lond., 1823. 8 v. 8°. 16212 Observations on Ld. Bathurst's Speech on. N. Y., 1818. 12° 16222 Sayings and Deeds of. Vieusseux. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 12°. . 5505 Sketch of. De Cormenin. (Orators of France.) N. Y., 1849. 12° and his Times. De Caulaincourt. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12°. . 5503 Voyage of, to St. Helena ; Cockburn's Diary, etc. Bost., 1833. 12° 5438 Napoleon and Blucher. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1867. 8°. . 3074 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1867. 8°. . 3078 Napoleon — Naval. ii^ Napoleon HI. Hist, of Julius Caesar. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1865- 66. 2 V. 8° 4779 the Destroyer of the Second Republic. Hugo. N. Y., 1870. 12°. 5547 Hist. of. Abbott. Bost., 1869. 8° 5714 The same. Smucker. Philad., i860. 12°. . . . 5548 The Prisoner of Ham. BrifFault. Lond., 1846. 12°. . . 5640 Napoleon Dynasty, The. [Lester.] N. Y., 1852. 8°. ... 5600 Nasby, P. V. (Pseudonym.) See D. R. Locke. Nash, T. Summer's Last Will. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond., 1825. 8°. 1516 Nassau, Bubbles from the Brunnen of. [Head.] N. Y., 1845. 12°. . 8366 Nation, The. A Weekly Journal. N. Y., 1865-72. v. 1-15. 4°. Critical and Social Essays from. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. 12°. 3562 Nation, The. Mulford. N. Y., 1870. 8° 8696 National Character, Essay on. Chenevix. Lond., 1832. 2 v. 8°. . 8670 Tales. N. Y., 1825. 2 v. 12° 14913 Natural History. Buffon, ed. Wright. Lond., 1831. 4 v. 12°. . 8801 The same. Martin. N. Y., 1861-62. 2 v. 12°. . 8953 Discourse on Study of. Swainson. Lond., 1839. 16° 6055 Methods of Study in. Agassiz. Bost., 1864. 12°. 8835 Philosophy of. Smellie. Bost., 1832. 8°. . . 16935 Seaside Studies in. Agassiz. Bost., 1865. 8°. . 9002 of Selborne. White. Lond., 1851. 8°. . . 525 See, also, Animals ; Zoology. Philosophy, Discourse on Study of. Herschel. Lond., 1835. 16°. 6042 Letters on. Euler. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . . 11275 Theology, Bridgewater Treatises on. Philad. and Lond., 1836-37. 8 V. 8° 16982 For Contents, see Bridgewater. Discourse of. Brougham. Philad., 1835. 12°. . 16981 Naturalist, Journal of a. [Knapp.] Philad., 1831. 12°. . . . 8830 Voyage of a. Darwin. N. Y., 1846. 2 v. 16°. . . . 8831 Nature, Beauties, Harmonies and Sublimities of. Bucke. Lond., 1837. 3 V. 8° 16990 Guide to Observation of. Mudie. N. Y„ 1839. ^2°. . . 11277 Remarkable Phenomena of. Ed. Bell. Edinb., 1827. 12°. . 4474 The Sublime in. De la Noye. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . . 10117 and the Supernatural. Bushnell. N. Y., 1859. 8° . . . 10023 Views of. Humboldt. Lond., 1850. 8° 8841 Naunton, R. Fragmenta Regalia. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1870. 16". . 3893 Naval Academy, U. S., Hist, of the. Marshall. N. Y., 1862. 12°. . 6034 Battles, American. Bost., 1837. 12° 16120 Biogr. of Grt. Brit., from 1660. Charnock. Lond., 1794-98. 6v. 8° 6897 Heroes, American, Biogr. of. Waldo. Hartfd., 1823. 8°. . 7472 Hist, of England [to 1400.] Southey. Philad., 1835. 12°. . 4847 of Grt. Brit., 1783-1836. Brenton. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 8°. 5338 with Lives of Admirals, to 1816. Campbell. Lond., 1817. 8 V. 8° 6878 220 Naval — Nelson. Naval Life, Sketches of. G. Jones. N. H., 1829. 2 v. 12°. . . 16272 Magazine. Ed. C. S. Stewart. N. Y., 1836. v. i. 8°. . . 13557 Occurrences of the late War. James. Lond., 1817. 8°. . . 5872 Officers, American, Lives of. J. F. Cooper. Philad., 1846. 2 V. 12° 7275 For Contents, see Cooper. Navigation, Hist, of, to 1704. Locke. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., 1801. 8°. 9592 Navigators, Early, Lives of. N. Y., 1840. 12° 11032 Navy of the U. S., Hist. of. Cooper. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 8°. . . 6146 Neal, D. Hist, of the Puritans. Ed.Toulmin. Newburyp't., 1816-17. 5 V. 8° 6459 Neal, John. Battle of Niagara ; and Goldau. Bait., 1818. 12°. . 14943 The Down-Easters, &c. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. . . . 15689 Errata. N. Y., 1823. 2 v. 12° 15691 Logan. Philad., 1822. 2 v. 12° 15735 Rachel Dyer. Portland, 1828. 12° 157^4 Wandering Recollections of a Busy Life. Bost., 1869. 16°. . 7545 Neal, Joseph O. Charcoal Sketches. (2 copies.) Philad., 1838. 12°. 2868 Neale, A. Travels in Germany, Poland, and Turkey. Lond., 1818. 4°. 16037 [Neale, B.] The Living and the Dead. N. Y., 1827. 12°. . . 15492 Neale, F. A. Residence in Siam. Lond., 1852. 8° 8009 Neander, J. A. W. Hist, of the Christian Religion and Church, 1-300. Tr. by Rose. Philad., 1843. 8° 6560 The same. Lond., 1841-42. 2 v. 8° 6561 The same [to 1073]. Tr. by Torrey. Bost., 1848-50. 3v. 8° 6563 Hist, of Planting and Training of the Church. Edinb., 1842. 2 V. 16° 6339 Life of Chrysostom. Lond., 1845. 8° 7700 of Jesus Christ. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1848. 8°. . . . 6537 Memorials of Christian Life. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1852. 8°. . 487 Nearer and Dearer. [Bradley.] N. Y., 1864, 12° 2431 Necker, J., Life of. James. Lond., 1838. 16° 5770 Memoirs and Miscellanies of. Mme. de Stael. Lond., 1818. 8°. 7651 Necker de Saussure, L. A. Travels in Scotland. Lond., 1821. 8°. 8056 Voyage to the Hebrides. Lond., 1822. 8° 8058 Necromancers, Lives of the. Godwin. N. Y., 1835. 12°. . . 6707 See, also, Apparitions ; Demonology ; Magic. Ned Myers. Cooper. N. Y., 1854. 12° 2818 Neele, H. Lectures on English Poetry, etc. Lond., 1829. 12°. . 165 Literary Remains. N. Y., 1829. 8° 15109 Romance of Engl. Hist. Philad., 1828. 2 v. 12°. . . . 15563 Neflf, F., Memoir of. Gilly. Bost., 1832. 12° 7572 The same. Philad., 1832. 12° 7520 Negris, A. Lit. Hist, of Modern Greece. Edinb., 1835. 16°. . . 9137 Negroes, Moral Faculties and Literature of. Gregoire. Brooklyn, 1810. 8° 17113 Neighbours, The. Bremer. Lond., 1852. 8° 468 Nelson, D. Cause and Cure of Infidelity. N. Y., 1837. 12°. . . 9880 The same 9835 Nelson — New. 22 1 Nelson, H., Life of. Southey. N. Y., 1841. 12°. The same. Tucker. Lond. 8°. . . . Nemours, M. de Longueville de. Memoirs. Lond., 1775. i Nennius. Hist, of the Britons. Ed, Giles. Lond., 1848. 8°. Netherlands, Annals of, 1 506-1629. Romans. Hartfd., 1778-82. Art in the. Taine. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . Hist, of the [to 1831]. Grattan, Lond., 1838. 16°. . of Revolt of. Schiller. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8°. of the United, 1584-1609. Motley. N. Y., 1861-68. 4 v. 8' Observations on the, to 1672. Temple. Lond., 1814. 8° Austrian, Sketches of the. Shaw. Lond., 1788. 8°. See, also, Dutch ; Holland. Nettleton, A., Memoir of. Tyler. Hartfd., 1845. 12°. Never too late to mend. Reade. Bost., 1869. 16°. Nevilles of Garretstown, The. Lever. N. Y., 1846. 8°. Nevius, J. L. China and the Chinese. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 12' New Brunswick. See Nova Scotia. N. England, Eccl. Hist, of, to 1698. C. Mather. Hartfd., 1820. 2 v. 8 Hist, of, to 1689. Palfrey. Bost., 1859-64. 3 v. 8°. The same, abridged and continued to 1727. Bost. -72. 3 V. 12°. to 1776. Elliott. N. Y., 1857. 2 V. ? [to 1783.] Barber. Wore, 1841. 8°. to 1791. Adams. Dedham, 1799. 8°. and her Institutions. Bost., 1835. 12". The same Legends of. Whittier. Hartfd., 1831. 12°. Magazine. Ed. Buckingham. (2 copies.) Bost., 1831-34. 7 Northmen in. J. T. Smith. Bost., 1839. 12°. . Sketches of. Carver. N. Y., 1842. 12°. . Summer Cruise on Coast of. Carter. Bost., 1864. I Travels in. Dwight. N. H., 1821. 4 v. 8°. New Englander, The. N. H., 1843-72. v. 1-24, 26-36. 8' The same. v. 2-5, 7-28. 8°. . Index, V. 1-19. 2 copies New Hampshire, Hist, of, to 1790. Belknap. Bost., 1813. New Haven, Hist. Discourse at. Kingsley. N. H., 1838. Hist. Discourses at. Bacon. N. H., 1839. 8°. Colony, Hist. of. Lambert. N. H., 1838. 12°. Records of, 1638-49, 1653-65. Hartfd., 1857-58. 2 New Home, A. [Kirkland.] N. Y., 1839. 12°. . New Jersey, Hist. Collections of. Barber and Howe. N. Y New Mirror. Ed. Morris & Willis. N. Y., 1843-44. 3 v. New Mirror for Travellers. [Paulding.] N. Y., 1828. 12° New Monthly Magazine. Bost., 1823-24. v. 6-8. 8°. New Purchase, The. Carlton. N. Y., 1843. 2 v. 12°. New S. Wales, Observations on. Henderson. Calcutta Voyage to. Barrington. N. Y. 8°. . New Testament. See Bible. 29 V. 8 3 V, 8°. 832. 8°. [866 V. 8' 1844. 8' iioos 6851 7500 499 5811 8849 5474 436 5912 17197 16053 7633 2097 2317 7948 5958 6241 6076 6175 5936 5848 5724 16809 2949 13864 5997 15780 16808 16839 12997 12971 5861 5896 5897 5727 5932 15752 5938 14516 15289 14350 15753 16287 1628S 2U Nevr — Nicholas. 12". Hartf'd. V. I. New Timon, The. Bulwer-Lytton. Philad., 1847. 12°. New Timothy, The. Baker. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . New York Book of Poetry. N. Y., 1837. 8° N. Y. City Exhibition, 1853-54, Illustrations of the. N. Y., 1854. 4' Humbugs of. Reese. N. Y., 1838. 12°. . Knickerbocker's Hist. of. Irving. N. Y., 1850. Letters from. Child. N. Y., 1844-45. 2 v. 12 Old Merchants of. [Scoville.] N. Y., 1863. 2 Police Reports. Skillman. N. Y., 1830. 8°. Sunshine and Shadow in. M. H. Smith. 1869. 8° Literary Gazette. Ed. J. G. Brooks. N. Y., 1825-26. Quarterly. N. Y., 1854-55. v. 3. 8° Review. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1837-42. 10 v. 8°. ... State during the Revolution, Border Warfare of. Campbell. N. Y., 1849. 12° Hist, of, to 1825. Eastman. N. Y., 1828. 12°. Polit. Parties in, to 1840. Hammond. Albany, 1842. 2 V. 8° Nat. Hist, and Internal Resources of. [D. Clinton.] N. Y., 1822. 12° Notes on. Seward. (Works, v. 2.) N. Y., 1853. 8°. Speeches of Governors of, 1777-1825. Albany, 1825. 8°. Tribune Almanac, 1838-68. N. Y., 1868. 2 v. 12°. . New Zealand, Station Life in, 1865-68. Lady Barker. Lond., 1870. 8°. New Zealanders, The. Bost., 1830. 12° Neixrcomes, The. Thackeray. Lond., 1871. 8°. .... Newell, O. Hist, of the Revolution in Texas. N. Y., 1838. 12°. Newell, H., Memoirs of. Woods. Bost., 1814. 12° [Newell, R. H.] Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. N. Y., 1862-65. 3 v. 12°. Newfoundland, Excursions in, 1839-40. Jukes. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 12°. Newman, J. H. Apologia pro Vita sua. N. Y., 1865. 12°. Essays, critical and historical. Lond., 1872. 2 v. 8°. Grammar of Assent. N. Y., 1870. 12° Newman, S. P. Elements of Polit. Economy. Andover, 1835. 12°. Practical System of Rhetoric. Portland, 1827. 12°. . Newspaper Literature, Specimens of. Buckingham. Bost., 1850. 2 v. 12° See, also, Journalism. Newstead Abbey. Irving. Philad., 1835. 12° Newton, L, Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8°. The same. Brewster. N. Y., 1840. 12°. Newton, J. Works. Philad., 1834. 2 v. 8° Ney, M., Memoirs of. Philad., 1834. 2 v. in i. 8° Ngami, Lake. Andersson. N. Y., 1857. 8° Niagara, Battle of. [Neal.] Bait., 1818. 12° Nicaragua, People, Monuments, etc., of. Squier. N. Y Nicholas L, Emperor of Russia, and Eastern Europe. 3v. 12° 1856. Lond. 8°. . 1846. 836 2852 15064 17103 4357 16851 7415 15835 16837 12577 13338 12914 5726 6012 5900 16847 9646 17538 6103 7988 8809 2191 5734 7522 4302 16777 9598 9600 9599 17096 17529 125 4244 6751 1 1028 17541 16406 8091 14943 8459 16175 Nicholas — North. 223 Nicholas I., Life and Reign of. Smucker. Philad., i860. 12°. . 6446 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. 16" 2170 Nichols, G. W. Story of the Great March. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . . 6109 Nicholson, W. British Encyclopaedia of Arts and Sciences. Philad., 1819-21. 12 V. 8° Nidolas, N. H. The Chronology of History. 2d ed. Lond., 1838. 16°. 4855 Nicolay, O. Q. The Oregon Territory, Lond., 1846. 12°. . . 8161 Niebuhr, B. G. Geography of Herodotus, etc. Oxfd., 1830. 8°. . 4442 Hist, of Rome. (2 copies.) Philad., 1835. 2 v. 8°. . . 4739 Lectures on Ancient Hist. Philad., 1852. 3 v. 12°. . . 4059 Life and Letters of. Bunsen, etc. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . . 7762 Reminiscences of. Lieber. Philad., 1835. 12°. . . . 7763 Niebuhr, O. Travels through Arabia. Edinb., 1792. 2 v. 8°. . 8246 Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8°. . . 6751 By his Son. Edinb., 1836. 16° 6633 Niger Expedition, Journal of, 1830-31. Lander. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. 12°. 11039 Night and Morning ; a Novel. Bulwer. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. in i. 12°. 2151 Scenes in the Bible. March. Philad., 1869. 8°. . . .10012 Side of Nature, The. Crowe. N. Y., 1850. 12°. . . .8615 Nightmare Abbey. Peacock. N. Y., 1845. 12°. .... 3956 Nile, Great Basin of the ; The Albert N'yanza. Baker. Lond., 1866. 8°. 81 18 Journal of Discov. of Source of, 1859-63. Sp«ke. N. Y., 1864. 8°. 81 16 Notes of a Howadji. [Curtis.] N. Y., 1852. 12°. . . . 8235 Travels to discover the source of the, 1768-73. Bruce. Dubl., 1790-91. 6 V. 8° 8092 Tributaries of Abyssinia, The. Baker. Lond., 1868. 8°. . 8120 See, also, Egypt. Niles, H. Principles and Acts of the Revolution. Bait., 1822. 8°. 6297 Niles, J M. Life of Comm. Perry. Hartf d., 1820. 12°. . . . 16427 Niles' Weekly Register. Bait., 1816-37. 52 v. 8° and 4°. . . 14553 Nineveh and its Remains. Layard. N. Y., 1849. 2 v. 8°. . . 8014 No Fiction. Reed. N. Y., 1835. 12° 16383 Hero of. Barnett. Bost., 1823. 2 v. 12°. . . . 16384 No Name. Collins. N. Y., 1863. 8° 2299 Noah, M. M. Travels in Europe and Africa. N. Y., 1819. 8°. . 16540 Noble, L. L. After Icebergs with a Painter. N. Y., 1862. 12°. . 8n2 Noble Life, A. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., 1868. 12° 2484 Noctes Ambrosianae. Wilson, etc. N. Y., 1857. 5 v. 12°. . . 3336 Nordhoff, O. California. N. Y., 1873. 8° 10241 Cape Cod and all along shore. N. Y., 1868. 12°. . . . 2951 Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan. N. Y., 1843. 8°. . . . 8458 Norman Conquest. See England. Normandy, The Dukes of. Duncan. Lond., 1839. 12°. . . . 5422 Norse-Folk, Visit to the. Brace. N. Y., 1857. 12° 8303 North, Christopher. (Pseudonym.) See John Wilson. North America. See America. American Review. Bost., 1815-72. v. 1-102, 104-115. 8". . 12425 The same. v. 2-45, 47-54. 56-67, 69-102, 104-108. . . 12579 Index, V. 1-25. (2 copies.) 224 North — Nuttall. North British Review. Edinb. and N. Y., 1844-71. 53 v. 8°. . . 11684 The same, v, 10-37, 42-49. 11713 Briton, The. [With Notes, etc.] Wilkes. Dubl., 1765. 3 v. 12°. 5155 Carolina, Hist, of (to 1776). Williamson. Philad., 1812. 2 v. 8°. 5864 Northanger Abbey. Austen. Bost., 1863. 12° 2479 Northcote, J. Memoirs of Reynolds. Philad., 1817. 8°. . . . '7992 Conversations of, by Hazlitt. Lond., 1830. 12°. . . . 3421 Northmen in N. England. J. T. Smith. Bost., 1839. 12°. . . . 5997 Northmore, T. Washington ; a Poem. Bait. 12° 14840 Norton, O. E. S. The Child of the Islands. N. Y., 1846. 12°. . . 14853 The Dream ; and other Poems. Bost., 1851. 12°. . . . 1166 Poems. Bost., 1833. 12° 14852 Norway, and her Laplanders, in 1841. Milford. Lond., 1842. 8°. . 8300 Residence in, 1834-36. Laing. Lond., 1837. 8°. . . . 8301 See, also, Scandinavia ; Sweden. Norwich, Hist. of. Caulkins. [ist ed.] Norwich, 1845. 12°. . .6113 Norwood. H. W. Beecher. N. Y., 1868. 12° 2943 Not Dead Yet. Jeaffreson. N. Y., 1864. 8° 2332 Nothing, by Nobody. Philad., 1827. 12° 15755 Nott, E. Counsels to Young Men. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . . . 9177 Nott, J. C, and Gliddon, J. R. Indigenous Races of the Earth. Philad., 1857. 8° 9095 Types of Mankind. 7th ed. Philad., 1855. 8°. . . . 9094 Nourmahal. Quin. Lond., 1838. 3 v. 12° 15523 Nova-Scotia, Hist, and Statistics of. Haliburton. Halifax. [1829.] 2 v. 8° 5888 New Brunswick, etc.. Hist. of. Martin. Lond., 1837. 16°. . 7901 Novalis. (Pseudonym.) See F. v. Hardenberg. Novelists, Biogr. Notices of. W. Scott. Bost., 1829. 12°. . . 3190 British. Masson. Bost., 1859. ^^2° 51 German, Translations from. Roscoe. Lond., 1826. 4 v. I2°. 1895 Italian, transl. by Roscoe. Lond., 1836. 4 v. 12°. . . . 1899 Novels and Novelists of i8th century. Forsyth. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . 231 See, also. Fiction ; Romance. Now and Then. Warren. N. Y., 1848. 12° 15526 Nowrojee, J., etc. Journal of Residence in Grt. Brit. Lend., 1841. 12°. 16765 Noyes, J. O. Roumania. N. Y., 1858. 12° 16620 Nubia, Hist., etc., of. Russell. N. Y., 1840. 12° 11281 See, also, Egypt. Nugent, Lord. See G. N. T. Grenville. Nuts to Crack ; Quips, etc., of Oxford and Cambridge. (2 copies.) Philad., 1835. 12° 9234 NuttaU, T. Ornithology of U. S.; Water Birds. Bost., 1834. 12°. . 8892 Travels into Arkansa Territory. Philad., 1821. 8°. . . . 16866 O.— Old. 225 O. T. A Danish Romance. Andersen. N. Y., 1870. 8 Oak to the Olive, From the. Howe. Bost., 1868. 16°. Oak-Openings, The. Cooper. N. Y., 1857. 12°. Oakes, W. Scenery of the White Mts. Bost., 1848. 4°. Oakfield. Arnold. Bost., 1855. 12° Oakwood Hall. Hutton. Philad., 1819. 2 v. 12°. . Oasis, The. Child. Bost., 1834. 12° Oaths. See Swearing. Ober-Ammergau Passion Play. MacColl. Lond., 1871. 16° Observe, What to. Jackson. Lond., 1841. 12°. Observer, The. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 3 v. 12°. . O'Oallaghan, J. C. The Green Book. Philad., 1842. 12°. O'Cataract, Jehu. (Pseudonym.) See J. Neal. Occult Sciences, The. Smedley, etc. Glasg., 1855. 8°. Occupations of a Retired Life. Garrett. N. Y., 1869. 8°. Ocean Harp, The. Philad., 1819. 12°. .... Scenes. N. Y., 1848. 12° World, The. Figuier. Lond. [1869.] 8°. . See, also, Sea. Ockley, S. Hist, of Saracens. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1847. 8° The same. Cambr., 1757. 2 v. 8°. . O'Connell, D., Sketch of. Lecky. N. Y., 1872. 12° [O'Connor, T.] Hist, of the late War. 3d ed. N. Y., 1816, Odd Whims. Repton. Lond., 1804. v. 2. 12**. Odds, At. Tautphoeus. Philad., 1863. 12°. Odds and Ends. Cincinn., 1868. 16°. . by a Droll Fellow. N. Y., 1830. 12' Odes on Cash, Corn, Catholics, etc. Philad., 1828. 12' Odiome, T. Poems. Bost., 1792. 12°. O'Donoghue, The. Lever. N. Y., 1847. 8°. O'Driscol, J. Views of Ireland. Lond., 1823. 2 v. Odyssey, The. See Homer. [Ogilby, W.] The Elephant. New ed. Lond., 1844. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1844. 12° The Menageries ; Quadrupeds, v. i. Bost., 1830. 12°. The same, v. 2. (The Elephant.) Bost., 1832. 12' Natural Hist, of Quadrupeds. N. Y., 1840. 12°. Ogilvies, The. [Mrs. Craik.] N. Y., 1864. 8°. . Oglethorpe, J., Life of. Peabody. Bost., 1844. 16°. . O'Haloran, J. O. Life of St. Patrick. Philad., 1823. 12°. . O'Hara Family, The. (Pseudonym.) See J. Banim. Wild Oats. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 7.) Bost. Old Age, Essay on. Cicero. Lond., 1807. 8°. . Bachelor, The. Aird. Edinb., 1845. 16°. . Curiosity Shop. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. 16 Lond., I 1822. 24° 811. 12 2606 8207 2828 15528 15529 8466 1453 8952 3140 5254 8616 2434 14961 16260 8998 423 16059 6743 5725 3955 2509 15832 15833 14865 14944 2317 16744 8792 II 765 8805 88ii 1 1428 2680 7261 16339 1336 1351 4634 15531 2172 226 Old — Opera. 12 2 V I, 2. 8 Edinb., 859. Old-fashioned Girl, An. Alcott. Bost., 1870. 16°. . Fritz. [Mundt.] N. Y., 1868. 8°. , . Humphrey's Addresses. [Mogridge.] N. Y., 1841. 12°. Observations. [Mogridge.] N. Y., 1841. 12°. Mam'selle's Secret, The. [John.] Philad.. 1868. 12°. Mortality. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8°. .... and New. Bost., 1870-72. 5 v. 8° Oak Chest, The. G. P. R. James. N. Y., 1850. 8°. Olaf. Thoresen. Bost., 1870. 16° Red Sandstone, The. Miller. Bost., 1851. 12°. Whig, The. Addison. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., 1856. 12°. World, Letters from the. By a Lady of N. Y. N. Y., 1840, 2 V. 12° Oldbug, John. (Pseudonym.) See L. Withington. Oldstyle, Jonathan. (Pseudonym.) See W. Irving. Oldtown Folks. Mrs. Stowe. Bost., 1869. 12°. Olin, S. Travels in Egypt, etc. 3d ed. N. Y., 1843. Olio, The ; or. Museum of Entertainment. Lond. v Oliphant, L. Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. 2 V. 8° Oliphant, M. Francis of Assisi. Lond. 8°. Hist. Sketches of Reign of Geo. H. Bost. House on the Moor. N. Y., 1861. 12°. Life of E. Irving. N. Y., 1862. 8°. . Olive. A Novel. [Mrs. Craik.] N. Y., 1864. i OUve Branch, The. Carey. Philad., 1818. 8°. Oliver, I. Poems. Carlisle, 1805. 12°. OUver, J. Wreck of the Glide. N. Y., 1848. 12 Oliver Twist. Dickens. Bost., 1868. 8°. . Olmsted, D. Letters on Astronomy. Bost., 1841. 12°. Life and Writings of E. P. Mason. N. Y., 1842. 12 Olmsted, Francis A. Incidents of a Whaling Voyage 12° Olmsted, Fred. L. The Cotton Kingdom. N. Y., 1861. 2 Journey in the Back Country. N. Y., 1861. 12°. in the Seaboard Slave States. N. Y., 1856. through Texas. N. Y., i860. 12°. Olney, J., and Barber, J. W. Family Book of History. [1839.] 8° Olney, S., Life of. Mrs. Williams. Prov., 1839. 12°. O'Meara, B. E. Historical Memoirs of Napoleon. Philad. Napoleon in Exile. Bost., 1823. 2 v. 12°. Omoo : Adventures in the South Seas. Melville. Once a Week. Lond., 1870-71. v. 6, 7. 8°. One in a Thousand. James. N. Y., 1836. 12°. . Onea; an Indian Tale. Charleston, 1820. I2°. . Only a Fiddler. Andersen. N. Y., 1870. 8°. Opera, Hist of the. Edwards. Lond., 1862. 2 v. See, also. Drama ; Music. N N. Y.. 1868 N. 182a 1841. 12^ H. 12^ 16302 6093 6097 6095 6096 15889 16430 5440 5441 8326 17856 15221 15044 2608 8863 Opie — Osbo] mc Bost., 1839. I rov. 12°. 227 . 14922 • 14438 Tales of Real Life. 6, 7, Opie, A. Cure for Scandal. Works. Bost., 1827. C0NTKNT8.— 1, Madeline. 2, Adeline Mowbray. 3, 4, Simple Tales. 5, Tale New Tales. 8, 9, Temper. 10, Father and Daugnter ; Illustrations of Lying. Opie, J. Lectures on Painting. Lond., 1848. 8°. Opinions, Formation and Publication of. [Bailey.] Philad., 1831 Opium-Eater, Confessions of an. DeQuincey. Edinb., 1856. 8 Habit, The. [Day.] N. Y., 1868. 12°. . Optics, Notes of Lectures on. Tyndall. N. Y., 1871. 12' Treatise on. Brewster. Lond., 1838. 16°. Wonders of. Marion. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . Optimist, The. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1850. 12°. . Orator, The American. Ed. Munn. Wore, 1855. 12°. The Christian. Bost., 1818. 12". Orators of the Age, Lives of. Francis. N. Y., 1847. 16°. in America, Living. Magoon. N. Y., 1849. 12°. of the Amer. Revolution. Magoon. N. Y., 1848. ] of France, The. De Cormenin. N. Y., 1849. 12°. and Statesmen, Eminent. Harsha. N. Y., 1855. 8° Oratory, Lectures on. Channing. Bost., 1856. 12°. . and Orators, On. Cicero. Lond., 1808. 2 v. 8°. American, Golden Age of. Parker. Bost., 1857. 12°. Selections from. Philad., 1840. 8°. See, also. Elocution ; Rhetoric ; Speeches. Ord, M. Essay on Law of Usury. Hartf d., 1809. 8°. Oregon, Geogr., etc., of. Nicolay. Lond., 1846. 12°. . Hist. of. Greenhow. Bost., 1845. 8°. ... Hist, and Discovery of. Twiss. N. Y., 1846. 12°. . Oriental Harems and Scenery. Belgiojoso. N. Y., 1862. 12°. and Linguistic Studies. Whitney. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Outlines. Knight. Lond., 1839. 16". Origin of Species. Darwin. N. Y., 1871. 12". . Huxley. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Orleans, P. J. Revolutions in England under the Stuarts. Lond 1722. 8° Orleans, Memoirs of House of. Taylor. Philad., 1850. 2 v. 12' Orley Farm. A. Trollope. N. Y., 1863. 8°. . . . Ormond. C. B. Brown. Bost., 1827. 12° Ormond; a Tale. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 8.) Bost., 1825. 8° Ornithology. See Birds. Orosius, P. Hist., transl. by King Alfred. Lond., 1857. 8°. Orsua, P. de, Expedition of. Southey. Philad., 1821. 12°. Ortmar. Popular Traditions. (Germ. Nov., v. 2.) Lond., 1826 Orton, J. The Andes and Amazon. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Osander. Miscellaneous Poems. N. Y., 1812. 12°. . The same. Hudson. 1811. 12°. Osbom, Selleck. Poems. Bost., 1823. 12°. Ogbom, Sherard. Leaves from an Arctic Journal. N. Y., 1852. 12' Osborne, T., Earl of Danby. Life of. Courtenay. Lond., 1838. 16' 8881 3165 3278 9233 8907 6050 10109 3573 9292 17365 6697 7412 741 1 7611 6875 9306 4632 7413 9431 17094 8161 5993 5744 8252 136 8196 8929 8940 16066 5520 2287 15299 15342 402 5805 1896 8432 14946 15013 15014 8295 . 5763 228 Osgood — Oxford. Osgood, F. S. Poems. N. Y., 1846. 12° Osgood, S. American Leaves. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. 12°. Osier, E. Life of Admiral Exmouth. N. Y., 1835. 12°. . Osma and Almeria. Roche. Philad., 1810. 12°. Ossian. Poems, transl. by Macpherson. Lond., 1785. 2 v. 8°, Ossoli, M. F., Memoirs of. Bost., 1857. 2 v. 12°. O'Sullivan, J. L. Report on Capital Punishment. N. Y., 1841. O'Sullivan, M. Guide to an Irish Gentleman in his Search for ligion. Philad., 1833. 12° Otis, H. G. Letters on the Hartford Convention. (2 copies.) 1824. 8° 8°. . a Re- Bost., 2 V 12". 2. 8' 12". Otis, J., Life of. Bowen. Bost., 1844. 16". The same. Tudor. Bost., 1823. 8°. Otter, W. Life of E. D. Clarke. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1827. Otto, F. Hist, of Russian Literature. Oxfd., 1839. 8°. Ottoman Empire, Hist, of the, to 1828. Upham. Edinb., 1829 Otway, T. Orphan ; Venice Preserved ; Lond,, 1804. 8°. The same. Philad., 1833. 8° Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. Works. Lond., 1812. 2 v. 8° Ouida. (Pseudonym.) See L. de La Rame. Our Family. Hood. (Works, v. 6.) N. Y., 1861. 8°. Mutual Friend. Dickens. N. Y., 1868. 16°. . New West. Bowles. Hartfd., 1869. 8°. . Village. Mitford. Philad. 8° Ouseley, W. G. Remarks on Statistics, etc., of U. S. Philad., 183 Outward Bound. Howard. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12°. [Ouvilly, G. G. d'.] The False Favourite Disgrac'd. Lond., 1657 Overland. A Novel. De Forest. N. Y. [1871.] 8°. Overland Monthly. San Francisco, 1870-72. v. 4-8. Ovid. Metamorphoses and Epistles, translated. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 12 The same Owen, J. Fashionable World displayed. N. Y„ 1806. 12°. Owen, Robert. New View of Society. N. Y., 1825. 12°. . Life of. [Packard.] Philad., 1866. 12°. . Owen, Robert D. Beyond the Breakers. (2 copies.) Philad., 1870. 8' Owen, W. F. W., Voyages of. Robinson. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. Owenson, S. See S. O. Morgan. Oxberry, W. Flowers of Literature. Lond., 1821. 3 v. 12°. Plays. Bost., 1822-23. v. i, 2, 4-12. 24°. For Contents, see Plays. Oxford, Annals of. JeaiFreson. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. and Cambridge Boat Races, 1829-69. Macmichael. Cambr., 1870. 16° Scholars, Quips, etc. of. Philad., 1835. 12°. delineated ; with a Series of Views. Oxfd., 1831. 4°. English Prize Essays. (2 copies.) Oxford, 1830-36. v. i, 3-5. 12' The same. v. 3, 4 15015 3580 16370 15458 14801 7391 17272 6141 7261 7341 7151 205 4502 1629 1662 7 15096 1475 3966 2184 8416 2675 6282 2439 13354 2697 13690 . 4527 4548 17048 17090 6945 2693 16289 4331 1346 9287 9116 9234 5113 3260 3268 Oxford— Palfrey. ^ Oxford Essays for 1855, 1856. Lend. 2 v. 8°. Recollections of, 1789-1860. Cox. Lond., 1868. 8 Sausage, The; Select Poetical Pieces. Lond., 1815 Tom Brown at. [Hughes.] Lond., 1870. 8°. . Oxonians, The. [Bulwer.] N. Y., 1830. 2 v. 12°, . 3270 9246 949 9245 2145 P. Pacha of Many Tales. Marryat. N, Y., 1836. 12° 15112 Pacific, Three Years in the. [Ruschenberger.] Philad., 1834. 8°. . 16305 Packard, Clarissa. ( Pseudonyjn.) See C. H. Oilman. [Packard, F. A.] Life of R. Owen. Philad., 1866. 12°. . , . 6945 Paddock, J. Narrative of Shipwreck of the Oswego. N. Y., 1818. 8°. 16283 Paez, R. Wild Scenes in S. America. N. Y., 1862. 12°. . . . 8434 Page, H., Memoir of. Hallock. N. Y. 12° 7523 Paget, J. Hungary and Transylvania. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8°. . 16617 Paine, R. T. Works. Host., 1812. 8° 937 Paine, T., Life of. Cheetham. Lond., 1817. 8° 7419 Painters, American, Sketches of. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1847. 12°. . 7917 Eminent Brit., Lives of. Cunningham. N. Y., 1839-40. 5 v. 12°. 11017 Lives of. Vasari. Lond., 1850-52. 5 v. 8° 474 Modern. Ruskin. N. Y., 1857-62. 5 v. 12°. . . . 9014 Old, Hist. Sketches of the. [H.F.Lee.] Bost., 1841. 12°. . 8878 Painting. (From the Encycl. Brit.) Haydon. Edinb., 1838. 12°. . 8876 Art of. Du Fresnoy, tr. by Mason. Lond., 181 1. 8°. . . 17239 Discourses on. J. Reynolds. Lond., 1852. 2 v. 8°. . . 8879 Handbook of Italian Schools of. Kugler. Lond., 1869. 2 v. 8°. 9058 Hist. of. Memes. Bost., 1831. 12° 8868 in Italy. Lanzi. Lond., 1847. 3 v. 8°. . . . 479 Lectures on. Barry, Opie, and Fuseli. Lond., 1848. 8°. . 8881 The same. Ruskin. N. Y., 1859. ^2° 9034 Lectures on Hist, and Principles of., Phillips. Lond., 1833. 8°. 9073 Rise and Progress of. Bost., 1846. 12° 8887 See, also. Art. Palestine, Hist., etc., of. Russell. N. Y., 1840. 12° 11029 Pilgrimage to, 1832-33. Lamartine. Philad., 1835. 2 v. I2°. 8229 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 12° 7846 Remarkable Characters and Places of. Elliott. Hartf 'd., 1867. 8°. 10013 Sketches of Travel in, 1849. Spencer. N. Y., 1850. 8°. . .. 8069 Traditions of. Martineau. Lond., 1843. 12° 14626 Travels in, Early. Ed. Wright. Lond., 1848. 8°. . . . 514 1844. Lord Nugent. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 12°. . 8162 See, also, Syria. Paley, W. Natural Theology, ed. Potter. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . 11420 Works. Philad., 1831. 8" 9631 Palfrey, J. G. Hist, of N. England. Bost., 1859-64. 3 v. 8". . 6241 The same, abridged and continued. N. Y. and Bost., 1866-72. 3 v. 12° « . 6076 30 230 Palfrey— Paris. Palfrey, J. Q. Life of W. Palfrey. Bost., 1845. 16°. . Palfrey, W., Life of. J. G. Palfrey. Bost., 1845. 16°. Palgrave, F. Hist, of the Anglo-Saxons. Lond., 1837. 16°. . The Merchant and Friar. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Lond., 1844. 16 Rise of the English Commonwealth : Anglo-Saxon Period. Lond., 1832. 2 V. 4°. Palgrave, F. T. Essays on Art. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. 16°. Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. Cambr., 1863. 16°. Palgrave, W. Q. Hermann Agha. N. Y., 1872, 16°. Palissy, B., Life of. Morley. Lond. [1869.] 16°. Palm, J. H. V. d., Life of. Beets. N. Y., 1865. 8°. . Palmer, E. H. Desert of the Exodus. Cambr., 1871. 2 v. 8°. [Palmer, J. W.] The Golden Dagon. N. Y., 1856. 12°. . Palmer, W. Eccl. History. N. Y., 1841. 12° Palmerin of England. De Moraes, ed. Southey. Lond., 1807. 4 v, 24' Palmerston, Lord. See H. J. Temple. Palmyra, Letters from. [A Tale.] Ware. N. Y., 1837. 2 v. 12°. Pamela. Richardson. Lond., 181 1. 4 v. 16° Pamphleteer. Lond., 1813-28. v. 1-4, 6-24, 29. 8°. . Panics, The Three. Cobden. Lond., 1867. 8° Papacy. See Popes. Paper against Gold. Cobbett. Lond., 1815. 2 v. 8°. Parables of our Lord, Notes on the. Trench. N. Y., 1859. 8°. Parabosco, G. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1836. 12°. Paraguay, The Abipones of. Dobrizhoffer. Lond., 1822. 3 v. 8°. Four Years (1810-14) in, Robertson. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12" Francia's Reign in. Robertson. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12°. The same. (1819-25.) Rengger. Lond., 1827. 8°. Pardee, J. City of the Sultan. Philad., 1837. 2 v. 12°. . Court and Reign of Francis L Philad., 1849. 2 v. 12°. Louis XIV. and his Court. N. Y., 1847-48. 2 v. 12°. . Traits and Traditions of Portugal. Philad., 1834. 2 v. 12°. Parent's Assistant, The. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 10.) Bost., 1826. 8' Pariah, A. (Pseudonym.) See C. F. Cornwallis. Paris, J. A. Life of Davy. Lond., 1831. 2 v. 8°. Paris J or, the Book of the Hundred-and-one. Bost., 1833. v. 2. 12 in America. Laboulaye. N. Y., 1863. 12°. The American in. [Sanderson.] Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12° during the Winter. Janin. N. Y., 1844 The Battle Summer in, 1848. Ik. Marvel. N. Y., 1853. i Commune, Hist, of the. Vesinier. Lond., 1872. 8°, and its Historical Scenes. Bost., 1831. v. i. 12°. . The same. Bost., 1832. v. 2. 12°. . Life in. N. Orleans, 1837. 2 v. in i. 12°. Observ. on a Journey to, 1776. [W.Jones.] Lond., 1777. 2 v. 16' and the Parisians in 1835. Trollope. N. Y., 1836. 8°. and its People. Grant. Lond., 1844. 2 v. 12°. Sketch Book. Thackeray. (Works, v. 7.) Lond., 1872 Sketches of, 1835-36. Philad., 1838. 12". Parish-Side — Parties. 231 Parish-Side, The. [Elliot.] N. Y., 1854. 12°. . [Park, Ii. J.] Joanna of Naples. Best., 1838. 12°. Park, M. Travels in Africa. Philad., 1800. 8°. Life of. Edinb., 1835. 12° Life and Travels of. N. Y., 1844. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1840. 12°. . Parker, A. A. Trip to the West and Texas. Concord, 1835. (2 copies.) 12 . Bost., Parker, E. G. Golden Age of Amer. Oratory. 1857. 12° [Parker, J.] Ecce Deus. Bost., 1867. 16° Parker, S. Journal of Exploring Tour. Ithaca, 1838. 12°. Parker, Theodore. Additional Speeches, Addresses, and Sermons. Bost., 1861. 2 V.' 12° Historic Americans. Bost., 1870. 12° Life and Correspondence of. Weiss. N. Y., 1864. 2 v. 8°. Parkes, J. and Merivale, H. Memoirs of Sir P. Francis. Lond., 1867. 2 V. 8° Parkman, F. France and England in N. America. Bost., 1865-69. 3 V. 12° 15756 2731 16526 6631 1 1429 12124 16873 7413 9905 16870 9296 7409 7710 6852 6131 CoiTTBKTs.— 1, Pioneers of France in the New World. 2, The Jesuits in N. America in the 17th century. S, Discovery of the Great West. The same. v. i 6130 Hist, of Conspiracy of Pontiac. Bost., 1851. 8°. . . . 5956 Parkyns, M. Life in Abyssinia. N. Y., 1854. 2 v. 12°. . . , 7978 Parley, Peter. (Pseudonym.) See 8. G. Goodrich. Parliamentary Practice, Manual of. Gushing. Bost., 1857. 16". . 8475 The same. Jefferson. Philad., 1840. 12°. . . . 8474 Reform, Plan of. Bentham. (Works, pt. 10.) Edinb., 1839. 8°. 9709 Parliaments, Judicature in. Selden. Lond. [1681.] 16°. . . 5150 See, also, Speeches ; Oratory ; Eloquence. Parnassian Garland, The. Evans. Philad., 1814. 12°. . . . 14905 Pamell, T. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. . . 275 Poetical Works, with Life by Goldsmith. Bost., 1854. 16°. , 1055 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. ... 15099 Parodies. See Poetic Mirror: and Authors, as J. Bigelow ; C. S. Calverley ; P. Gary ; F. Bret Harte ; H. & J. Smith ; Thackeray. Parr, H. Life of Jeanne d'Arc. Lond.. 1866. 2 v. in i. 16°. . . 5536 Parr, S. Characters of Fox. Lond., 1809. 2 v. 8° 6793 Essay on. De Quincey. Bost., 1854. 16°. .... 3327 Parricide, The. [Reynolds.] Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . . . 15532 Parrot, F. Journey to Ararat. N. Y., 1846. 16° 16278 Parry, W. E. Three Voyages of Discovery. Lond., 1835. 4 V. 12°. 7872 The same. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. 12° 11431 Parsons, T. Essays. Bost., 1845. 12° 17355 Parterre, The. Lond., 1834-35. v. 1-3. 8° "744 Parties, Dissertation on. Bolingbroke. (Works, v. 2.) Philad., 1841. 8° 10313 Hist, of, in England. Cooke. Lond., 1836-37. 3 v. 8°. , 4991 232 Partington — Paulding. Partington, Mrs., Life and Sayings of. Shillaber. N. Y., 1854. 1864 2°. Famous Americans of Recent Times. Bost., 1869 Life of Burr. N. Y., 1858. 12° of Franklin. N. Y., 1864. 2 v. 12°. . of Jackson. N. Y., 1861. 3 v. 12°. . The same, condensed. N. Y., 1863. 12°. [Parton, S. P.] Fern Leaves. Auburn, 1854. 12°. . Partridge, J. A. Democracy. Philad., 1866. 8°. Pascal, B. Provincial Letters. N. Y., 1828. 12°. The same Thoughts on Religion, etc. Amh., 1829. 12°. . Thoughts, Letters, etc. N. Y., 1861. 12°. . Pascal Bruno. Dumas. Philad., 1839. 12°. Passavant, J. D. Tour of a German Artist in England. Lond., 2 V. 12° Passion-Play, The Ober-Ammergau. MacColl. Lond., 1871. [Passmore, J. O.] Footprints ; or, Fugitive Poems. Philad., 1843 Paston Letters. Ed. Fenn and Ramsey. Lond., 1841. 2 v. in i The same. Lond., 1849. 8°. Pastor's Sketches, A. Spencer. N. Y., 1854. 12°. Patchwork. B. Hall. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 12°. . Pater Mundi. Burr. Bost., 1870. 12°. Pathfinder, The. Cooper. N. Y., 1873. 12°. Patience Strong's Outings. Whitney. Bost., 1870. Patmore, O. Faithful for ever. Lond., i860. 16°. Patmos, and the 7 Churches. Brewer. Bridgep't., 1851. 8 Paton, A. A. Servia. Lond., 1845. 12° Patrick, St, Life of. Jocelin, ed. O'Haloran. Philad., 1823 Patronage. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 7.) Bost., 1825. Patten, W. Reminiscences of Dr. Hopkins. N. Y., 1843. 12°. Pattison, W. Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819 Patton, J. H. Hist, of the U. S. N. Y., 1862. 8°. Paul, St., Character and Practical Writings of. H. More v. 2.) Bost., 1827. 8° Hist. of. Blunt. Philad., 1839. 12°. Renan. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . Life and Epistles of. Conybeare and Howson. N 2 V. 8° and Protestantism. Arnold. Lond., 1870. 8°. See, also, Bible. Paul Oliflford. Bulwer-Lytton. Philad., 1868. 12'*. . Paul Fane. Willis. N. Y., 1857. 12°. Paul Ferroll. [Clive.] N. Y., 1856. 12°. . Paul Jones. Cunningham. Philad., 1827. 3 v. 12°. Paul and Virginia. Saint-Pierre. Philad., 1856. 16°. Paulding, H. Journal of Cruise of the Dolphin. N. Y. 16"^ Y.. 1836. 12 24 (Works, 1866. Paulding, J. K. Lay of the Scottish Fiddle. N. Y., 1813. 1831. 24° 12" Paulding — Peile. 233 Paulding, J. K. Letters from the South. N. Y., 1817. 2 v. 12 Life of Washington. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. The same. N. Y., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . Merry Tales of Wise Men of Gotham. N. Y., 1826. 12' New Mirror for Travellers. N. Y., 1828. 12°. . Sketch of Old England. N. Y., 1822. 12°. Slavery in the U. S. N. Y., 1836. 12°. Tales of the Good Woman. N. Y., 1829. 12°. . Westward Ho ! N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12°. . Works. N. Y., 1835. 9 v. 12°. 15290 1 1 291 12117 15287 15289 15286 8467 15288 15161 15277 Literary Life of. By his Son. N. Y., 1867. 12° Contents.— 1-4, Salmagundi. 6, 6, Letters from the South. 7, 8, Eoningsmarke. 9, John Bull and Brother Jonathan. . 7390 Lond. (Bohn) 1857. 8°, . . 402 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. W. Scott. Bost., 1829. 12°. . . 16697 Pauw, O. de. Dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese. Lond., 1795. 2 v. 8° 16169 on the Greeks. Lond., 1793. 2 v. 8°. . 15871 Payne, A. R. M. The Geral-Milco. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . . . 17139 Payson, E., Memoir of. Portland, 1830. 12° 7574 The same. Cummings. Bost., 1830. 12°. . . . 16420 Pazos, V. Letters on United Provinces of S. A. N. Y., 1819. S". . 17138 Peabody, A. P. Reminiscences of European Travel. N. Y., 1868. 16°. 8209 Peabody, O. W. B. Life of Putnam. (Sparks, v. 7.) Bost., 1837. 16°. 7256 The same. Bost., 1839. 12° 16314 Life of J. Sullivan. (Sparks, v. 13.) Bost., 1844. 16°. . . 7262 Peabody, W. B. O. Life of Brainerd. (Sparks, v. 8.) Bost., 1837. 16°. 7257 The same. Bost., 1839. 12° 16313 Life of C. Mather. (Sparks, v. 6.) Bost., 1836. 16°. . . . 7255 of Oglethorpe. (Sparks, v. 12.) Bost., 1844. 16°. . . 7261 of A. Wilson. (Sparks, v. 2.) Bost., 1834. 16°. . . . 7251 Peace, Manual of. Upham. N. Y., 1836. 8° 8699 Principles of. Hancock. Philad., 1829. 12° 8473 Peacock, T. L. Headlong Hall, and Nightmare Abbey. N. Y., 1845. 12° 3956 Peale, R. Notes on Italy. Philad., 1831. 8° 16735 Pearl, O. Youth's Book on the Mind. Portl'd., 1847. 12°. . . 17065 Pearson, J. Life of Hey. New ed. Lond., 1827. 2 v. 8°. . . 7569 Peasant and his Landlord, The. v. Knorring. N. Y., 1848. 12°. . 2658 Peck, Jesse T. Hist, of the Great Republic. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1868. 8°. 6277 Peck, John M. Life of Boone. (Sparks, v. 23.) Bost., 1847. 16°. . 7272 Peculiar. A Tale. Sargent. N. Y., 1866. 12° 2917 Peel, 5?>R., Life of. From the "Times." (2 copies.) N. Y., 1852. 12°. 6689 Memoirs of. [Maxwell.] Lond., 1842. 2 v. 12°. . . . 6779 Peele, G. Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., 1829-39. 3 v. 8^. . . . 1463 Peg Woffington. Reade. Bost., 1871. 16°. 2094 Peile, J. Introd. to Greek and Latin Etymology. 2d ed. Lond., 1872. i6° 93 234 Peirce — Percy's. N.Y. [1866.] 16°. . Edinb,, 1837. 12^ Peninsular War. 12^ Philad. 3 V. 8' Peirce, B. K. Trials of an Inventor Pelayo. Simms. N. Y., 1836. 12''. Pelet de la Lozere, J. Napoleon in Council Pelham. Bulwer, Lond. 12° PeUeyxr^ E. {Viscount Exmouth), Life of. Osier. N. Y., 1835. Pellico, S. My Prisons. Ed. Maroncelli. Cambr., 1836. 2 v The same. Transl. by Roscoe. N. Y., 1833. Pen Owen. [J. Hook.] N. Y., 1822. 2 v. 12°. . Penal Law. See Bentham. Pencil Sketches. Leslie. Philad., 1833-37. 3 v. 12°. Pencillings by the Way. Willis. Philad., 1836. 2 v. Pendennis, History of. Thackeray. Lond., 1871. 8°. Campaigns, Annals of the. [Hamilton.] 3 V. 12° Hist, of the. Napier. Brussels, 1839. 3 v. 8°. The same. Southey. Lond., 1828. v. 1-4. 8°. Memoirs of the. Suchet. Lond., 1829. 2 v. 8°. Memorials of the. [Constable's Misc.] Edinb 2v. 12° See, also, Spain. Penn, J. Poems. Lond., 1801. 2 v. 8° Penn, Wm., Select Works. 4th ed. Lond., 1825 Biogr. of. Dixon. Philad., 1851. 12°. Life of. Weems. Philad., 1836. 12°. Penn, Wm. (Pseudonym.) See J. Evarts. Pennington, M. Memoirs of Eliz. Carter. Bost Pennsylvania, Historical Collections of. Day. Hist, of, to 1770. Proud. Philad., 1797-98 to 1776. Gordon. Philad., 1829. 8°. Constitution and Gov't, of, to 1759. Franklin. 1836. 8° Insurrection in, 1794. Findley. Philad., 1796. Penny Magazine. Lond., 1832-41. 10 v, in 11. fol. . Knight's. Lond., 1846-47. 2 v. in i. 8°. Pepys, S., Memoirs of; Diary and Correspondence. 2d ed. Lond 1828. 5 V. 8° The same. 3d ed. Lond., 1848-49. 5 v. Perceval, S. Writings. Lond., 1791-1809. 8°. . Life of. Williams. Philad., 1813. 12°. Percival, J. G. Clio. N. Y., 1827. 12°. . Dream of a Day, etc. (2 copies.) N. H., 1843. Poetical Works. Bost., 1859. 2 v. 16°. . Report on Geology of Conn. N. H., 1842. 8°. . Life and Letters of. Ward. Bost., 1866. 12°. . Percy, S. and R. Anecdotes. Lond., 1823. 20 v. 12' Percy, T. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Lond The same. (2 copies.) Philad., 1823. 3 v, Percy Mallory. [J. Hook.] Philad., 1824. 2 v. 12°. Percy's Masque. [Hillhouse.] N. Y., 1820. 12°. 1809. : Philad. 2 V. [1843 8°. 1840. 8°. 831. 1828. Bost. 7028 7033 17209 16380 696 697 590 9102 7387 4138 1312 1313 15540 795 Perdicaris — Periodicals. 235 Perdicaris, G. A. Greece of the Greeks. N. Y., 1845. 2 v Peregrine Pickle. Smollett. N. Y. 8°. . . . Pericles and Aspasia. Landor. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 8°. Peril, Narratives of. Davenport. Lend., 1:840. 2 v. Perils of Pearl Street. [Greene.] N. Y., 1834. 12°. Periodical Library, Greenbank's. Philad., 1833. 3 v Literature, Index to. Poole. N. Y., 1853. 8°. Periodicals : — 6°. . 16645 . 1989 • 3450 . 8164 . 15761 . 15356 2. 4 Academician, The. N. Y., 1820. v. i. 8° All the Year Round. Lond., 1868-72. 8 v. 8°. American Journal of Science. N. H., 1818-72. 104 v. 8°. Literary Magazine, Sprague's. Albany and Hartfd., 1847-49. 5 V. in 3. 8° Monthly Magazine. N. Y., 1817-18. 4 v. 8°. The same. Ed. Willis. Bost., 1829. v. i. 8°. The same. New Series. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 8°. American Museum, Carey's. 1787-98. Philad. v. 1-9, 11-13. 8°. Quarterly Observer. (2 copies.) Bost., 1833-34. 3 v. 8°. Review. Philad., 1827-37. 22 v. The same. v. 3-7, 9-20 American Review, Walsh's. (2 copies.) Philad., 1811- Whig Review. N. Y., 1845-52. i6 v. 8° The same. v. 3-10, 12-16. Analectic Magazine. Philad., 1814-20. 16 v. 8°. Annual Review. Ed. Aikin. Lond., 1802-04. 3 v. Anti-Jacobin. 4th ed. Lond., 1799. 2 v. 8°. Review and Magazine. Lond., 1798-1800. 5 Appletons' Journal. N. Y., 1869-72. v. 2-8. 4°. Arcturus. N. Y., 1841-42. v. 3. 8°. Argosy. Lond., 1866-67. 4 v. 8°. . Art-Journal. Lond., 1852-60. 8 v. 4°. Athenaeum. N. H., 1814. v. i. 8°. . Atlantic Monthly. Bost., 1857-72. 30 v. 8°. The same. v. 1-26 Bee. Ed. Anderson. Edinb., 1791-93. 18 v. 8°. Bentley's Miscellany. Lond., 1837-44. v. 1-3, 5-10, The same. v. 8, 9. N. Y. 8°. Biblical Repository. Andover and N. Y., 1831-50. The same. v. 1-7, 11-21, 23-30. Index to v. 1-24. (2 copies.) Bibliotheca Sacra. Andover, 1844-72. 29 v. 8°. The same. v. 9-26 Index to v. 1-13. Blackwood's Magazine. Edinb. and N. Y., 1817-72. 6-30, 32-112. 8°. .... The same. v. 1-18, 21, 24-26, 28, 33-91, 93-106, British and Foreign Review. Lond., 1835-44. 16 v. Brownson's Quarterly Review. Bost., 1844-46. 3 v. 8°. The same. New Series. Bost., 1849-50. v. 3, 4. 8°. Christian Spectator, Monthly. N. H., 1819-28. 10 v. 8°. Quarterly. (2 copies.) N. H., 1829-38. 10 V. 8°. Contemporary Review. Lond., 1866-72. 20 v. Continental Monthly. N. Y., 1862-64. 6 v. i Cornhill Magazine. Lond., 1867-72. v. 16-25. Craftsman. Lond., 1731. 7 v. 12°. . Democratic Review. Wash, and N. Y., 1837-52. v. 1-21, 23-31. 8°. The same. v. 1-5, 9-21, 23-25, 27-31 Publin University Magazine. D., 1841-72. v. 18-22, 79. 8°. . 13-16 30 V 8=. 1-4, 14079 12404 17545 13254 13558 13113 13114 14758 13880 13213 13235 14038 12561 12723 14235 14536 11300 1 1 302 14392 12768 14388 17475 13455 13429 1 3041 14212 14225 12776 12821 12851 12803 1 1620 11957 1 1440 14251 14256 12940 12950 12231 13332 17666 12025 13059 13089 1 7691 236 iPeriodicals. Periodicals : — Eclectic, American. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1841-42. 4 v. Magazine. N. Y., 1844-72. v. 1-9, 11-79. 8° The same. v. 1-33^64-71. .... Eclectic Museum. N. Y., 1843. 3 v. 8°. . Review. Lond., 1805-10. 6 v. in 11. 8". . Edinburgh Annual Register, for 1808-15. E., 1810-17. 8 v. in 13. 8° Edinburgh Monthly Review. Edinb., 1819-21. 5 v. 8' Review. E. and N. Y., 1802-72. v. 1-22, 24-38,40- 83, 86-130, 133-136. 8° The same. v. 1-17, 19-90, 93-122, 125-132. Index to v. 1-20. (2 copies.) Also, Index to v. 21-50. Selections from. Lond., 1833, and Paris 1835. 7v. 8' Edinburgh Weekly Magazine. E., 1771-72. v. 14, 15 (in i). 8° Foreign Quarterly Review. Lond. and N. Y., 1827-46. v. 1-3 5-37. 8° The same. v. ii, 12, 14-23, 26-30, 32-36. . Foreign Review. Lond., 1828-30. 5 v. 8°. Fortnightly Review. Lond., 1865-72. 18 v. 8°. Eraser's Magazine. Lond., 1830-72. 85 v. 8°. Galaxy. N. Y., 1868-72. v. 6-10, 12-14. • The same. v. 5-8 Good Words. Lond., 1866-67. v. 7, 8. 8°. Halcyon Luminary. N. Y., 1812. v. i. 8°. Harper's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., 1850-72. 45 v. 8' The same. v. 1-36, 38-42 Harvard Lyceum. Cambr., 1810-11. 8°. . Magazine. (2 copies.) Cambr., 1855-60. 6 v. 8°. Herald of Health. N. Y., 1867-70. v. 43, 44, 49, 50 (in2 v). 8 Homilist, The. Lond., 1870-71. 4 v. 8° Hours at Home. N. Y., 1865-70. 11 v. 8°. . The same. v. 4, 5, 7 Household Words. Lond. and N. Y., 1850-59. v. 1-4, 15, 16, 18. 8° Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. N. Y., 1839-59. v. 1-5, 8-13 20-40. 8° Knickerbocker. N. Y., 1833-62. v. 1-59. 8°. . The same. v. 2-5, 7, 8, 10-25, 27-30, 32, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43 -45,47-66 Knight's Penny Magazine. Lond., 1846-47. 2 v. in i. 8°. Land we Love, The. Charlotte, N. C, 1866-69. 6 v. 8°. Lippincott's Magazine. Philad., 1868-72. 9 v. 8°. . Literary Portfolio. Philad., 1830. v. i. 4°. . . . Literary and Theological Review. N. Y., 1834-38. 5 v. 8°. Littell's Living Age. Bost., 1844-72. v. 1-14, 16-103, 105-107 109-114. 8° London Society. Lond., 1868-71. v. 13, 14, 16-19. 8°. . Macmillan's Magazine. Lond., 1859-72. v. 1-8, 16-26. 8°. Mass. Quarterly Review. Bost., 1847-49. 2 v. 8°. . Metropolitan Magazine. N. Y., 1836-42. 13 v. 8°. Microcosm. N. H., 1836-37. v. 3, New Series. 8°. Microscope. N. H., 1820. 2 v. in i. 8° Month. Lond., 1870-71. 4 v. New Series. 8°. Monthly Magazine. Lond., 1796-1825. 60 v. 8°. Monthly Review. Lond., 1817-33. v. 82-129, I3i. ^3^- 8°. Museum. Lond., 1746-47. 3 v. 8° of Foreign Literature. Philad., 1822-39. v. 1-26, 28 -29, 31-33, 35-37. 8" . . . Nation. N. Y., 1865-72. 15 v. 4° l^eriodicals. *39 Periodicals : 7 V, 8^ 8°. fol. 6 V. 8 12 V. 8' Naval Magazine. N. Y., 1836. v. i. 8°. . New England Magazine. (2 copies.) Bost., 1831-34. New Englander. N. H., 1843-72. v. 1-24, 26-36. 8°. The same. v. 2-5, 7-28 Index, V. 1-19. (2 copies.) .... New Mirror. N. Y., 1843-44. 3 v. 8°. . . . New Monthly Magazine. Bost., 1823-24. v. 6-8. 8°. New York Literary Gazette. N. Y., 1825-26. v. i. 8 New York Quarterly. N. Y., 1854-55. v. 3. 8°. New York Review. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1837-42. 10 v Niles' Register. Bait., 1816-37. 52 v. 8° and 4°. North American Review. Bost., 1815-72. v. 1-102, 104-11 The same. v. 2-45, 47-54, 56-67, 69-102, 104-108. Index, V. 1-25. (2 copies.) .... North British Review. Edinb. and N. Y., 1844-71. 53 v. The same. v. 10-37, 42-49. .... Old and New. Bost., 1870-72. 5 v. 8°. . Olio, The. Lond. v. i, 2. 8° Once a Week. Lond., 1870-71. v. 6, 7. 8°. Overland Monthly. S. Francisco, 1870-72. v. 4-8 Pamphleteer. Lond., 1813-28. v. 1-4, 6-24, 29. Parterre. Lond., 1834-35. v. 1-3. 8°. Penny Magazine. Lond., 1832-41, 10 v. in 11. Philomathesian. Middlebury, 1833-34. v. i. 8 Port Folio. 2d and 3d Series. Philad., 1809-14. Portico. Bait., 1816-17. v. 2-4, in i. 8°. . Putnam's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., 1833-58. The same. v. i-ii The same. New Series. N. Y., 1868-70. 6 v. 8 The same. v. 1-5 Quarterly Review. Lond. and N. Y., 1809-72. v. 1-12, 30-33. 35-38, 40-122, 124-132. 8°. . The same. v. 1-16, 18-48, 50-81, 84-122, 124-127. Also, Indexes to v. 1-60, in 3 v. 8°. . Retrospective Review. Lond., 1820-26. 14 v, Rural Magazine. Hartf d., 1819. v. 1. 8°. Sabbath at Home. Bost., 1867. v. i. 8°. . St. James' Magazine. Lond., 1869-71 Saint Paul's Magazine. Lond., 1872. Scribner's Monthly. N. Y., 1870-72. Select Journal of Foreign Period. Lit. Sharpe's London Magazine. Lond., 1870. v. 36. 8°. Southern Literary Messenger. Richmond, 1835-59. \ 22, 24-28. 8° The same. v. 7, 17-20 Southern Review. Charleston, 1828-32. 8 v. 8°. The same. v. 1-4, 6, 8 Student's Companion. N. H., 1831. v. 1. 8°. . Tait's Edinburgh Magazine. E., 1842-43. v. 9-10, in 4. Theological Review. Lond., 1870. v. 7. 8°. . Union Review. Lond., 1870-71. 2 v. 8°. University Quarterly. N. H., 1860-61. 4 v. 8°. Westminster Review. Lond. and N. Y., 1824-72. v. 1-45 84, 86-98. 8° The same. v. 1-17, 20-54, 57-92. Yale Courant. (2 copies.) N. H., 1865-67. 2 v. 4°. Literary Magazine. N. H., 1836-72. v. 1-37. 8 The same. v. 2-15, 17-26, 28, 29. . . . The same. v. 1-6, 8-12 Index to v. 1-33. N. H., 1868. 8°. . 31 5. 8' 8°. 8' V. 3-7. v. 10. 4 v. 8°. . Bost., 1833-34. 4v 14-28, 1-20, 47- 13557 13864 12997 1 297 1 145 16 14350 12577 13338 12914 14553 12425 12579 11684 11713 13711 11307 17856 13690 14353 11744 14413 17473 12736 12578 13257 13274 13285 13269 11470 11310 11456 13879 13878 17835 17815 13411 14231 17480 14539 14728 14024 14032 17393 13823 17736 12902 17476 11853 12032 17393 17367 17451 238 Perkins — Ffeififer. 12 12 12° 2 V. 1820. Perkins, J. H., Memoir and Writings of. Bost., 185 1. 2 v. 12°. Perkins, S. Historical Sketches of the U. S. (2 copies.) N.Y„i83o Hist, of the late War. N. H., 1825. 8°. Perry, A. L. Elements of Polit. Economy. N. Y., 1866 Perry, M. C. Narrative of Expedition to Japan. N. Y., 1857. 8°. Perry, O. H., Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr., v. 2.) Philad., 1846. 12° The same. Mackenzie. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12" The same. Niles. Hartfd., 1820. 12°. Perry, W. O. German University Education. Lond., 1845. Persia, Hist, and Description of. Eraser. N. Y., 1841. 12°, Narrative of Tour in. Southgate. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 2 v. in i. Sketches of. Malcolm. Lond., 1828. 2 v. 8°. Persian Adventurer, The. Eraser. Philad., 1831. 2 v. 12' Letters. Montesquieu, (v. 3.) Lond., 1777. 8°. Monarchy, The. Rawlinson. (v. 3.) N. Y., 1871. 8° Persius. Satires, transl. by Drummond. N. Y., 1837. 12°. by GifFord. Lond., 1821. 8°. The same. Philad., 1822. 24°. Perspective, Elements of. Ruskin. N. Y., i860, 12°. Persuasion. Austen. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12°. . Perthes, F. C, Memoirs of. C. T. Perthes. Edinb., 1856. Pertusier, O. Promenades round Constantinople, etc. Lond., Peru, Description of. Conder. Lond. 12°. Hist, of Conquest of, Prescott. Philad,, 1871. 2 v. The same. Trueba y Cosio. Edinb., 1830. 12 Journal on coast of, 1820-22. Hall. Lond,, 1840, 8° Travels in, 1838-42. v. Tschudi. N. Y., 1847. 12°. Pestalozzi, J. H., Life of. Biber. Philad., 1833, 8°. . Peter, St. See Bible. Peter I. of Russia (the Great), Anecdotes of. Staehlin. Dubl Hist. of. De S^gur. Philad., 1833. 8°. . Life of. Fontenelle. Lond., 1728. 12°. Peter, W. Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome. (2 copies.) Philad,, 1847-48. 8° Peter Pindar, Works of. [Wolcott.] Philad,, 1835. 8 [Peters, S.] Hist, of Conn. N. H., 1829. 12°. . Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. [Lockhart, etc.] N. Y., 1820. 8 Petherick, J. Egypt, the Soudan and Central Africa. Edinb., 1861 Petrarch, P., Translations from. By J. Penn. Lond., 1801. 8°. View of Human Life, transl. by Mrs, Dobson. Lond., 1791. Life of. Dobson. Philad., 1817. 8°. The same. Stebbing. Lond., 1831. 12°. Life and Times of. Campbell. Lond,, 1843. 2 v. £ Petroleum, Discovery, etc., of, [Morris.] N. Y., 1865. 12 Peveril of the Peak. Scott. Bost., 1845, 2 v, in i. 12°. Pezron, P. Antiquities of Nations. Lond., 1809, 16°. Pfeiffer, I. Journey to Iceland, and Travels in Sweden and Norway, N. Y., 1852. 12° 8200 1789, Pfeiflfer— Philology. 239 Pfeiffer, I. Second Journey round the World. N. Y., 1856. 12°, . 8033 A Woman's Journey round the World. Lond., 1852. 8°. , 8265 Phaedrus. Fables, transl. by Smart. N. Y., 1835. 12°. . . . 4536 The same 4547 Phalaris, Dissertation on Epistles of. Bentley. Lond., 1836. 2 v. 8°. 17227 Phantasmion. [S. H. Coleridge.] N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . . 15544 Phantom Ship, The. Marryat. Philad., 1839. 12° 15546 Phelps, A. The Still Hour. Bost., 1861. 16° 9551 Phelps, E. S. Gates Ajar. (3 copies.) Bost., 1869. 12°. . . , 2972 Hedged In. (3 copies.) Bost., 1870. 12° 2977 Men, Women, and Ghosts. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. 12°. . 2975 The Silent Partner. (2 copies.) Bost., 1871. 12°. . . . 2980 Phelps, Samuel M. Triumphs of Divine Grace. N. Y., 1835. 12°. . 15017 Phelps, Sylvanus D. Holy Land, Europe and Egypt. N. Y., 1863. 12°. 16276 The Poet's Song. N. Y., 1867. 12° 15019 Sunlight and Hearthlight. N. Y., 1856. 12° 15018 Phenix, The ; a Collection of Fragments. Gowan. N. Y., 1835. 12°. 9531 Phi Beta Kappa Orations and Poems, Yale College, 1802-46. 8°. . 9321 Philadelphia Book, The. Philad., 1836. 12° 15067 Souvenir, The. Philad., 1826. 12° 13839 Philadelphus. (Pseudonym.) See S. Whelpley. Philip of Macedon, Hist. of. Leland. Lond., 1820. 2 v. 8°. . . 4428 Philip n. of Spain. Gayarr^. N. Y., 1866. 8° 6584 Hist, of Reign of. Prescott. Philad., 1871. 3 v. 8°. . . 10338 and m., Hist, of Reigns of. Watson. Dubl., 1777-83- 3 v. 8°. 6556 Philip, King (Indian Chief), Hist, of War of, 1675-76. Church. Hartfd. [1845.] 8° 5957 Philip, R. Life of Bunyan. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1839. 12°. . . 7597 of Whitefield. N. Y., 1838. 12° 7599 Manly Piety. N. Y., 1833. 12° 17017 Philippart, J. Campaign in Germany and France. Lond., 1814. 2 v. 8°. 16186 Memoirs of Charles John of Sweden. Bait., 1815. 8°. . . 16172 of Moreau. Philad., 1816. 8° 16404 Philips, A. Distressed Mother. (Brit. Drama, v. i.) Lond., 1804. 8°. 1629 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24° 281 Philips, G. The Country Sketch Book. Lond., 1851. 12°. . . 8186 PhiUps, J. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. . . 274 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8° 15096 PhiUippo, J. M. Jamaica. Philad., 1843. 8° 16921 Phillips, O. The Emerald Isle. Philad., 1816. 24° 14841 Recollections of Curran, etc. N. Y., 1818. 8° 6804 Specimens of Irish Eloquence. N. Y., 1820. 8°. . . . 9427 Speeches. Saratoga, 1820. 8° 17536 Phillips, G. S. Gypsies of the Danes' Dike. Bost., 1864. 12°. . 2851 Phillips, J. Treatise on Geology. Lond., 1837-39. 2 v. 16°. . . 6051 Phillips, T. Lectures on Painting. Lond., 1833. 8°. ... 9073 Phillips, WendelL Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. Bost., 1863. 8°. 9326 Philology, Modern. Dwight. N. Y., 1864-65. 2 v. [v. i, 2d ed.] 8°. 178 See, also, Language. 240 Philomathesian — Phrenology. Philomathesian. Middlebury, 1833-34. v. i. 8°. . . . Philosophers and Actresses. Houssaye. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12' Ancient, Lives of the. Fenelon. N. Y., 1842. 12°. Philosophical Dictionary. Voltaire. Lend., 1824. 6 v. 12°. . Miscellanies. Cousin, Jouffroy, and Constant. Tr. Ripley, Boston, 1858. 2 V. 12° Theories and Experience. [Cornwallis.] Philad., 1847. 12°. Philosophy of Active and Moral Powers. Stewart. Philad., 1866. 12' Ancient, Hist. of. Ritter. Oxfd., 1838-39. v. 1-3. 8^ . Discussions on. Hamilton. N. Y., 1861. 8°. . Ethical, Dissert, on Progress of. Mackintosh. Edinb., 1837. 8' Introd. to. Jouffroy. Bost., 1840. 2 v. 12°. First Principles of. H. Spencer. N. Y., 1864. 12°. Greek, Brief View of. [Cornwallis.] Philad., 1846. 12°. Hist, of, to 1700. Enfield, from Brucker. Lond., 1837. 8°. from Thales to Comte. Lewes. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8' Elements of, to 1700. T. Morell. Lond., 1827. 8°. Epitome of. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. 12°. Introd. to. Cousin. Bost., 1832. 8°. . Manual of, to 1828. Tennemann. Oxfd., 1832. 8°. Intellectual, Lectures on. Young. Glasg., 1835. 8°. of Life, and of Language. F. v. Schlegel. Lond., 1847. 8°. Mental, Bearings of, on Science and Religion. Bascom. N. Y 1871. 12° Elements of. Upham. N. Y., 1848. 2 v. 12°. Metaphysical. Kant. Lond., 1836. 8°. Lectures on. Hamilton. Bost., i860. 8°. Modern, Hist. of. Cousin. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 8°. . Sketches of. Murdock. Hartfd., 1842. 12°. Moral. Combe. N. Y., 1844. 12° Lectures on. Follen. Bost., 1841. 12". Sketches of. Sydney Smith. N. Y., 1850. 12°. and Mental. Chalmers. N. Y., 1840. 12°. . and Political. Paley. (Works.) Philad., 1831. 8' and Morals, Recent Discussions in. H. Spencer. N. Y., 1871 12° Natural. See Natural. of the Plan of Salvation. [Walker.] Bost., 1856. 12°. Positive, of Comte. Mill. Bost., 1871. 12°. Recent British. (1835-65.) Masson. N. Y., 1866. 12' Speculative, Hist, of, in 19th century. Morell. N. Y., 1848. 8' See, also. Metaphysics ; Psychology. Philothea. Mrs. Child. Bost., 1836. 12° Philpot, J., Examinations and Letters of. Lond. 12°. Phineas Finn. A. Trollope. N. Y., 1869. 8°. . Phips, ^tV W., Life of. Bowen. Bost., 1837. 16°. Phoenix, John. (Pseudonym.) See G. H. Derby. Phrenological Works. Gall. Bost., 1835. 6 v. 12°. . Phrenology. Spurzheim. Bost., 1832. 2 v. 8°. Phrenology — Pilgrim. 241 Phrenology in connexion with Physiognomy. Spurzheim. Bost. 1833. 8° Examination of objections to. Spurzheim. Bost., 1833. 12° Hist, of Progress of. Haskins. Buffalo, 1839. 12°. Illustrations of. Ed. by Calvert. Bah., 1832. 12°. known by its Fruits. Reese. N. Y., 1836. 12°. System of. Combe. Bost., 1834. 8°. . Physical Education, A System of. Maclaren. Oxf 'd., 1869, Exercises, Manual of. Wood. N. Y., 1867. 12" Geography. See Earth ; Geography. Sciences. See Science. Theory of another Life. Taylor. N. Y., 1836. Physics. See Natural Philosophy. Physiognomy, System of. Redfield. N. Y., 1849. 8°. See, also, Phrenology. Physiology, Animal and Vegetable. Roget. Philad., 1836. 2 v of Common Life. Lewes. N. Y., i860. 2 v. 12°. . and Intellectual Philosophy. Barlow. Philad., 1847. 12 Principles of. Combe. N. Y., 1840. 12°. . Wonders of. Le Pileur. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Piatt, J. J. Western Windows and other Poems. N. Y., 1869. Picciola. Boniface. N. Y., 1861. 12° Picken, A. The Black Watch. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. . Pickering, E. The Fright. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . The Grandfather. N. Y., 1845. 8° The Secret Foe. Philad., 1845. 8° The same. Lond., 1841. 3 v. The Squire. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12' Picket, A. & J. W. The Academician. N. Pickwick Papers. Dickens. N. Y., 1872. Pic Nic Papers. Ed. by Dickens. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 12 Pictiiresque, Essays on the. Price. Lond., i8io. 3 v. 8' Piemont, Excursion to. Gilly. Lond., 1824. 4°. Pierce, E. M. Cottage Cyclopedia of Hist, and Biogr. Hartf'd. 1867. 8 Pierce, G. A., 12". . Y., 1820. 16°. . and Wheeler, W. A. Dickens Dictionary. Bost. 1872. 12° Pierce, W. L. The Year. N. Y., 1813. 12°. Pierpont, J. Airs of Palestine. 2d ed. Bost., 181 7. 12' and other Poems. (2 copies.) Bost. 1840. 16°. Pierson, H. W. Jefferson at Monticello. N. Y., 1862. 8°. Pignotti, L. Hist, of Tuscany and the Medici. Lond., 1826. 4 Pigott, G. Scandinavian Mythology. (2 copies.) Lond., 1839. Pike, A. Prose Sketches and Poems. Bost., 1834. 12° [Pike, M. H.] Ida May. Bost., 1855. Pike, Z. M., Life of. Whiting. Bost., Pilgrim Good-Intent, Progress of the. Pilgrim and the Shrine, The. Ainslie. 12". . 1845. i6°. N. Y., 1802. Lond., 1871. 16°. 8779 8611 8609 8610 8608 8780 9118 9268 9540 17078 16985 8950 8496 9125 10131 785 2596 15384 15434 2656 2670 15577 15586 14079 2168 2166 17072 16035 2212 14948 815 816 7443 4680 1919 15324 15723 7264 17307 9814 242 Pilgrim's — Plantagenets. Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan. Hartfd., 1833. 12°. Pilgrims, Chronicles of the. Young. Bost., 1844. 8°. [Mourt's] Journal of the. Ed. Cheever. N. Y., 1849. 12°. of the Rhine. Bulwer. Philad., 1868. 12°. of Walsingham, The. Strickland. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12''. Pilkington, J. C, Real Story of. By himself. Lond., 1760. 4°. Pillet, R. M. Views of England. Bost., 1818. 12°. . Pilot, The. Cooper. N. Y., 1856. 12° Pindar. Odes, transl. by Wheelwright. N. Y., 1837. 12°. Pindar, Peter, Works of. [Wolcott.] Philad., 1835. 8°. . Pines, Among the. [Gilmore.] N. Y., 1862. 12° Pink and White Tyranny. Mrs. Stowe. Bost., 1871. 16". Pinkerton, R. Russia. Lond., 1833. 8° Pinkney, W., Life of. Wheaton. (Sparks, v. 6.) Bost., 1836. 16°. Life and Writings of. Wheaton. N. Y., 1826. 8°. . Pioneers, The. Cooper. N. Y., 1870. 12° Piozzi, H. Ii. (Thrale). Autobiography, Letters, etc. Bost., 1861. 12' Love Letters, to W. A. Conway. Lond., 1843. 8°. . Recollections of. Lond., 1833. 8° [Pipitz, F. E.] Mirabeau. Philad., 1848. 12° Pips, Mr., hys Diary. Leigh, Lond. 2 v. 4° Pirate, The. Marryat. Philad., 1836. 12° Scott. Edinb., 1871. 8° Pirates, Hist, of the. Johnson. Norwich, 1814. 12°. See, also. Buccaneers. Pitcaim's Island, Description of. [Barrow.] N. Y., 1840. 12°. Pitkin, T. Hist, of U. S., 1763-97. (3 copies.) N. H., 1828. 2 v. 8' Statistics of Commerce, etc., of U. S. N. H., 1835. 8°. . Pitt, O. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24°. . Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1819. 24°. "PitiyVfva..^ (Earl of Chatham. J Correspondence, 1741-78. Lond., 1838-40. 4 V. 8° Letters to his Nephew. N. Y., 1804. 12°. Anecdotes of Life of. [Almon.] Lond., 1792. 4 v. 8°. Pitt, Rt. Hon. Wm. Speeches in House of Commons. Lond., 1806. 4v. 8° Lectures on. Goldwin Smith. N. Y., 1867. 12°. Life of. Philad., 1806. 12° The same. Stanhope. Lond., 1861-62. 4 v. 8°. . Memoirs of. Tomline. Philad., 1821. 2 v. 8°. Pizarro, F., Life of. Bost., 1840. 12° The same. Helps. Lond., 1869. 16°. . Pizarro, a tragedy. Sheridan. Lond., 1854. 12°. Plague in London, Hist, of the. De Foe. Lond.. 1855. 8°. Plain Speaker, The. Hazlitt. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8°. Planche, J. R. British Costume. (2 copies.) Lond., 1836-46. 12° Planchette, the Despair of Science. [Sargent.] Bost., 1869. 16°. Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Mitchel. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Plantagenets, Last of the. N. Y., 1829. 2 v. 12°. Plants — Pocock. 243 Plants, Hist. of. Figuier. Lond., 1869. 8° 9000 Plato and the Companions of Sokrates. Grote. Lond., 1867. 3 v. 8°. 4443 Life of. Tennemann. (German Selections.) Andover, 1839. 8°. 10061 Piatt, J. O. Hist, of the Corn-Laws. Lond., 1842. 12°. . . . 8479 Platts, J. Universal Biography. Lond., 1825-26. 5 v. 8°. . . 6892 Plautus. Mensechmi, transl. by C. R. Lennox. Philad., 1809. 8°. . 1591 Plays. Ed. Oxberry. Bost., 1822-24. v. i, 2, 4-12. 24°. . . 1346 Contents.— 1, Diatrest Mother, by A. Philips ; She Stoops to Conquer, by .Goldsmith : New Way to pay Old Debts, by Massinger ; Woodman's Hut. 2, Hvpocrite, Maid of the Mill, Lionel and Clarissa, Love in a Village ; all by Bickerstaff. 4, Soldier's Daughter, by Cherry ; Provoked Husband, by Vanbrugh and Cibber • Belle's Stratagem, by Cowley; Suspicious Husband, by Hoadly. 5, Beaux' Stratagem, Recruiting Officer, Inconstant, by Farquhar ; Tobacconist, from Jonson, by Gentleman; Rosina, by Brookes. 6, West Indian, She Would and She Would Not, Wheel of Fortune, by Cumberland ; Honest Thieves, by Knight. 7, Alex, the Great, by N. Lee ; Wild Oats, by O'Keeffe; The Wonder, by Centlivre: Shipwreck, by Arnold. 8, Jane Shore, by Rowe ; Magpie ; Evadne, Damon and Pythias, by Shiel ; Is he Jealous, by Beazley. 9, Guy Man- nering,by Terry ; Rob Roy Macgregor, by Pocock; Deserter, Quaker, by C.Dibdin; Mayor of Garratt, by Foote. 10, Grecian Daughter, Way to Keep him, Know your own Mind, Three Weeks after Marriage, Citizen, all by Murphy. 11, Jealous Wife, by Colman. Busy Body, by Centlivre ; Barber of Seville, from Rossini ; Rugantino, by M. G. Lewis. 12, Duenna, and Rivals, by Sheri- dan ; Beggar's Opera, by Gay ; Midnight Hour, by Inchbald. Living. N. Y., 1824-25. 8 v. 16° 13346 Old, Dodsley's Select Collection of. [Ed. Collier.] Lond., 1825-27. 12 v. 8° 1508 Contents.— 1, God's Promises, by Bale ; The Four P's, by Heywood ; Ferrex and Porrex, by Sackvllle ; Damon and Plthlas, by Edwards ; New Custome. 2, Gammer Gurton's Needle: Alex- ander and Campaspe, by Lyly; Tancred andGlsmunda, by Wilmot; Cornelia, by Kyd; Edward II., by Marlowe. 3, George a Greene; Jeronimo, pt. 1; Spanish Tragedy, by Kyd; Honest Whore, by Dekker. 4, Malcontent, by Marston ; All Fools, by Chapman ; Eastward Hoe, by Jonson, Marston. and Cliapman ; Revenger's Tragedy, by Tourneur ; Dumb Knight, by Machln. 5, Miseries of Iniorced Marriage, by Wilkins ; Lingua, by Brewer ; Merry Devil of Edmondton ; A Mad World, my Masters, by Middleton ; Ram-Alley, by Barry. 6, Roaring Girl, by Middleton and Dekker: Widow's Tears, by Chapman; White Devfl. by Webster; The Hog hath lost his Pearl, by Tailor ; Four Prentices of London, by Heywood. 7, Green's Tuquoque, by Cook ; Al- bumazar, by Tomklns ; Women klU'd with Kindness, by Heywood ; Match at Midnight, by Row- ley ; Fulraus Troes, by Fisher. 8, Wounds of Civil War, by Lodge ; The Heir, by May; Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, by Greene; Jew of Malta, by Marlowe; The Wits, by Davenant. 9, Summer's Last Will, by Nash ; Mlcrocosmus, by Nabbes; Muse's Looklng-Glass, by Randolph; City Match, by Mayue ; Queen of Arragon, by Habington. 10, Antiquary, by Marmlon ; Goblins, by Suckling; The Ordinary, by Cartwrlght: Jovial Crew, by Broome; Old Couple, by May. 11, Edward I., by Peele ; Mayor of Qulnborougn, by Middleton ; Grim, the Collier of Croydon ; City Night-Cap, by Davenport ; Parson's Wedding, by KiUegrew. 12, Adventures of Five Hours, by Tuke ; Elvira, by Digby ; The Widow, by Jonson, etc.; Aplus and Virginia ; Notes ; Index. Old English, Diet. of. Halliwell. Lond., i860. 8°. . . 1635 See, also, Drama ; Stage ; Theater. Pleasures, Book of. Campbell, Rogers, Akenside. Philad., 1836. 12°. 14902 Plebeian, The. Steele. (Addison's Works, v. 3.) N. Y., 1856. 12°. 3997 Plowden, F. Review of State of Ireland. Philad., 1805-06. 5 v. 8°. 5414 Plumptre, E. H. Biblical Studies. Lond., 1870. 8°. ... 9889 Plutarch. Lives, ed. by Clough. Bost., 1872. 5 v. 8°. . . . 4127 transl. by Langhorne. Ithaca, 1838. 8^ . . 4126 The same. Philad. and N. Y., 1822-34. 8 v. 12°. . 13998 Select Lives, tr. by Long. Lond., 1844-46. 3 v. 12°. . . 4594 Plutarch, The British. Lond., 1791. 8 v. 12° 14006 Plymley, Peter. Letters on the Catholics. See Sydney Smith's Works, v. 3. Pljnnouth. See Pilgrims. Pneumatics, Treatise on. Lardner. Lond., 1836. 16°. . . . 6044 Pocahontas: a Drama. N. Y., 1837. 12° 15043 Pocket Magazine. Lond., 1829-30. 3 v. 12° 15821 Poco Mas. (Pseudonym.) Scenes and Adventures in Spain., Philad., 1846. 12° 8190 Pocock, J. Rob Roy Macgregor. Bost., 1823. 12° 13355 244 iPococke — l^oets. 12^ 12°. 8°. Pococke, R. Travels through Egypt. (Mavor, v. 13.) Lond., 1797. 12" Poe, B. A. The Literati. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850. 12°. . Narrative of A. Gordon Pym. N. Y., 1838. 12°. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. Philad., 1840. v. i. 12° Works. N. Y., 1856-58. 4 v. 12° Contents.— I, Tales. 2, Poems and Tales. 3, The Literati. 4, A. Gordon Pym ; Miscellanies. The same. vol. i. (2 copies.) The same. vol. 3 The same. N. Y., 1850-52. 2 v. 12°. Contents.— 1, Tales. 2, Poems ; Miscellanies. Poems, Collection of, Dodsley. Lond., 1770. v. 2-6. 12". Select Collection of. Edinb., 1768. v. i Poetic Mirror. Philad., 1817. 12° Poetical Decameron, English. Collier. Lond., 1820. 2 v. 16°, Poetry, American, Selection of. N. Y., 1794. 12°. Specimens of. Kettell. Bost., 1829. 3 v. 12° of the East. Alger. Bost., 1856. 12° English, Anthology of. [Ritson.] Lond., 1793-94. 3 v. i Beauties of. Albany, 1814. 12°. Elegant Extracts in. Lond., 1816. 2 v. 8°. [Another collection.] Bost., 1826. 6 v. Essay on. T. Campbell. Bost., 1819. Hist. of. Warton. Lond., 1840. 3 v. Lectures on. Neele. Lond., 1829. 12°. Letters on. Aikin. Bost., 1806. 12°. Reliques of. Percy. Lond., 1840. 8°. Sacred, of XVIL century. Ed. Cattermole. 1835. V. I. 16° The same. Lond., 1836. v. 2. 16°. Essay on. Beattie. Lond., 1779. 8°. of France, Early. Costello. Lond., 1835. 8°. . German, Historic Survey of. W. Taylor. Lond., 1830. Translations from. Baskerville. Philad., Hebrew, Spirit of. Taylor. N. Y., 1862. 12°. . Household Book of. Dana. N. Y., 1867. 8°. Lectures on. Montgomery. N. Y., 1840. 12°. on the sources of Pleasure from. Hurdis stone, 1797. 4° of Life, The. Mrs. Ellis. Philad., 1835. 2 v. 12°. Proven9al, History of. Fauriel. N. Y., i860. 8°. Scottish, Selection of. Ritson. Lond., 1785. 16°. of Spain, Ancient. Bowring. Lond., 1824. 8°. Studies in. Cheever. Bost., 1830. 12°. Tragic, as illustrated by Shakspeare. Reed. Philad., 1857. 16' Treatise on ; from Encycl. Brit. [Moir.] Edinb., 1839. 12°. See, also, Ballads ; Literature ; Rhythms ; Songs ; Sonnets Poet at the Breakfast-Table. Holmes. Bost., 1872. 12°. . Poets of America. Keese. N. Y., 1841-42. 2 v. 12°. and Poetry of. Griswold. Philad., 1855. Lond. Poets — Polar. 245 Poets of America, Female. Griswold. Philad., 1849. 8°. . . 924 Selections from. Bryant. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . 11 586 British. Ed. J. Bell. Lond., 1807. 52 v. 24° 246 For Contents, see Bell. Female. Bethune. Philad., 1848. 8°. ... 946 Golden Leaves from. Hows. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . 1099 Homes and Haunts of. Howitt. N. Y., 1847. 2 v. 12". 6600 Lives and Works of. S.Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8 v. 8°. 15095 Select Works of. Chaucer to Jonson. Ed. Southey. Lond., 1831. 8° 1302 Jonson to Beattie. Ed. Aikin. Philad., 1839. 8*. . . 1304 Falconer to Scott. Ed. Frost. Philad., 1838. 8°. . . 1306 Southey to Croly. Ed. Frost. Philad., 1843. 8°. . . 1308 Selections from. Halleck. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. . 11587 of Connecticut. Everest. Hartf 'd., 1843. 8° 926 English, Beauties of. J. E. Taylor. Lond., 1824. 12". . . 14908 Courtly. Ed. Hannah. Lond., 1870. 16°. . . . 1005 Early, Specimens of. Ellis. Lond., 1845. 3 v. 16°. 1083 Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics of. Palgrave. Cambr., 1863. 16° 954 English, Lectures on. Hazlitt. N. Y., 1849. ^2°. ... 67 Lives of. Bell. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 16°. . . . 5777 For Contents, see Bell. The same. Cary. Lond., 1846. 16° 6599 The same. Johnson. Lond., 1831. 16° 6598 and Poetry of Europe. Longfellow. Philad., 1845. 8°. . . 218 and Poetry of Greece and Rome, Specimens of. Peter. Philad., 1848. 8° 240 Greek Christian and English, Essays on. Browning. N. Y., 1863. 16° 39 Italian, Lives of. Stebbing. Lond., 1831. 3 v. 12°. . . 7775 Stories from. Hunt. N. Y., 1846. 12°. . . .887 Old, Conversations on. J. R. Lowell. Cambr., 1845. 16°. . 53 Russian, Specimens of. Bowring. Lond., 1821-23. 2 v. 12°. 288 Scottish, Lives of. Lond., 1822. 3 v. in 4. 24°. . . . 6609 Thoughts on the. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1848. 16°. ... 54 Poland, Hist, of, to 1795. [S. Jones.] Dubl., 1795. 8°. . . . 16054 [to 1830.] Dunham. Lond., 1836. 16°. . . . 5478 The same. Fletcher. N. Y., 1840. 12° H026 of the Reformation in. Krasinski. Lond., 1838-40. 2 V. 8° 6454 ofthe Revolution in, 1830-31. Hordynski. Bost., 1833. 8°. 16167 Travels in, 1778. Coxe. Lond., 1802. 8° 16605 Polar Expedition, Narrative of, 1820-23. v.Wrangell. Lond., 1844. 16°. 7907 1825-27. Franklin. Philad., 1828, 8°. 8103 Regions, Discovery in the. Murray, etc. N. Y., 1840. 12°. . 11014 32 246 Polar — Polk. Polar Regions explored. Snelling. Bost., 1831. 8°. ... Sea, Journeys to, 1819-27. Franklin. Lond., 1829, 4 v. 12°. The Open ; a Voyage of Discovery, 1860-61. Hayes. N. Y., 1867. 8° Voyage, Journal of Parry's, 1821-22. Lyon. Bost., 1824. Voyages, Northern, Hist. of. Forster. Dubl., 1786. 8°. Three, 1819-27. Parry. Lond., 1835. 4 v. 12' World, The. Hartwig. N. Y., 1869. 8°. . Pole, Possibility of approaching the. Barrington. N. Y., 1818. See, also, Arctic. Police Reports, N. Y. City. Skillman. N. Y., 1830. Polish Tales. Mrs. Gore. Lond., 1833. 3 v. 12°. Politeness, Book of. Celnart. Bost., 1833. 12°. Political Class Book, The. Sullivan. Bost., 1831. ] Economy. Chalmers. N. Y., 1832. 12°. . A. Potter. N. Y. [1841.] 12°. American. Bowen. N. Y., 1870. Dissertation on. Rousseau. Lond., 1767. I2*. Elements of. James Mill. Lond., 1844. 8°. The same. Newman. Andover, 1835. 12°. . The same. Perry. N. Y., 1866. 8° The same. Wayland. N. Y., 1837. 8°. . . . Essays on. Ruskin. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Illustrations of. H. Martineau. Bost. and Lond., 1832-33. 13 v. 12° For Contents, see Martineau. Logic of. De Quincey. Edinb., 1844. 8°. Manual of. Bentham. (Works, pt. 9.) Edinb., 1839. 8° The same. Fawcett. 3d ed. Cambr., 1869. 12°. New Principles of. Rae. Bost., 1834. 8°. . Principles of. Malthus. Bost., 1821. 8°. The same. John Stuart Mill. N. Y., 1870. Treatise on. Say. Philad., 1836. 8°. See, also, Wealth. Essays. P. Godwin. N. Y., 1856. 12°. Ethics, Manual of. Lieber. Bost., 1838-39. 2 v. Hermeneutics. Lieber. Bost., 1839. 12°. Knowledge, Standard Library Cyclopaedia of. [Long.] 1848-49. 4 V. 8° Mirror ; or, Review of Jacksonism. N. Y., 1835. 12°. Philosophy. Brougham. Lond., 1844. 3 v. 8°. Tactics. Bentham. (Works, pt. 8.) Edinb., 1839. 8°. . Politics, American, Issues of. Skinner. Philad., 1872. 12°. Physics and. Bagehot. N. Y., 1873. 12° See, also, Government. Polk, J.K. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. 3.) N. Y., 1854. 8°. Hist, of the Administration of. Chase. N. Y., 1850. 8°. and Hist, of his Administration. Jenkins. Auburn. [1850.] 12°. 2 V. 8° 8°. Lond. 16591 7868 8111 16592 16594 7872 8102 16593 15835 15550 1 705 1 6015 8543 11925 8640 13189 8625 17096 8639 8667 8631 14608 8624 9708 10206 8754 8634 8663 8652 3560 8683 8621 350 6016 8680 9707 10205 10183 6202 6272 7331 ]Polko — fopd. M7 . 8867 . 14854 . 1247 . 6937 • "774 . 12286 Lond. 24^ Polko, E. Musical Sketches. N. Y., 1866. 16°. Pollok, R. Course of Time. Bost., 1828, 12°. . The same. Philad., 1839. 8°. . Life of. D. Pollok. Edinb., 1843. 8°. Polo, M. Travels, ed. Murray. N. Y., 1845. 12°. The same Polwhele, R. Essay on Marriage, Adultery, Divorce, etc. 1823. 12° The Old English Gentleman. Lond., 1797. 8°. Traditions and Recollections. Lend., 1826. 2 v. 8' Polynesia, Hist. of. Russell. N. Y., 1845. 12°. Pomfret, J. Poems and Remains. Philad., 1791. 12°. Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. PompeiL (2 copies.) Bost., 1833. 12°. The same Last Days of. Bulwer. Lond., 1854. 12°. Wonders of. Monnier. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Ponsonby, O. The Countess d'Auvergne. Edinb., 1841. 16°. Ponte, L. da. Hist, of the Florentine Republic, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1833. 2 V. 12° Pontiac, Hist, of Conspiracy of. Parkman. Bost., 1851. S". Poole, M. B. Pictures of Cottage Life. Lond., 1870. 8°. Poole, S. Englishwoman in Egypt. Lond., 1844-46. 3 v. 12°. Poole, W. F. Index to Periodical Literature. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1853. 8° Index to Subjects in Reviews in Bros. Library. N. Y., 1848. 8°. Poor Laws and Pauper Management. Bentham. (Works, pt. 16.) Edinb., 1841. 8° 9715 . 17006 . 14804 . 7141 . I I 760 . 14842 7 . 15096 . 8214 . 8817 . 2064 . 10127 . 15405 • 4587 . 5956 . 15547 . 8151 Poor Miss Finch. Collins. N. Y., 1872. 8°. . . . Pope, A. Essay on Man. Lond., 1786. 12°. The same. Lond., 1806. 12° The same. Hartfd., 1844. 12°. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. v. 2, 3, 4, 6. Ed. Carruthers. Lond., 1853. v. i- Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1819. 24°. . with Life by Johnson. Philad., 1839. The same. Dubl., 1804. 8° Works. Ed. Elwin. Lond., 1871-72. v. i, 2, 6-8. 8°. . The same. With Life by Johnson. Lond., 1812. v. i, 3-8. 12° 2306 14855 14856 603 278 1 105 15 1284 15100 1285 3821 COWTBNTS.— 1, Life ; Panegyrical Poems ; Pastorals : Messiah ; Windsor Forest ; Odes ; Essay on Criticism. 3, Essay on Man ; Universal Prayer ; Moral Essays ; Satires and Epistles. 4, The Danciad ; Guardians. 5, Memoirs of M. Scriblerus ; Memoirs of P. Py, Clerli of this Parish. Key to the Lock. Miscellaneous Thoughts, etc. "" ^ -^--— - ^^ ...-_o 24". -3. 16° 8= ft-8, Let'ters to and ft-om i^riends. Essay on Genius of. Warton. Lond., 1806. 2 v. 8° Life and Last Will of. Lond., 1744. 16°. . Pope, 5z> T., Life of. Warton. Lond., 1772. 8°. Pope Leo X., Life of. Roscoe. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8°. Pope and the Council, The. Janus. Bost., 1870. 16". 3483 6946 16367 396 9514 248 Popery — Portugal. 2.) Lend 836. 8' Lond., 1870. Milman. N. Popery. Rogers. Lend., 1839. 12°. . Dissuasive from. Jer. Taylor. (Works, v Hist. of. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1834. 12°. Text-Book of. Cramp. N. Y., 1831. 12°. Variations of. Edgar. Lond., 1838. 8°. . Popes, Growth of Temporal Power of the. Legge. Hist, of the, and of Latin Christianity, to 1454. 1860-61. 8 V. 8° Hist, of the, 1 500-1 700. Ranke. Lond., 1847-48. 3 v. last four. Recollections of the. Wiseman. Lond. [1859.] Origin of the. Guett6e. N. Y., 1867. 12°. Population, Essay on the Principle of. Malthus. Lond., 1826. 2 v, Porcelain. See Glass. Porcupine, Peter. (Pseudonym.) See W. Cobbett. Porsoniana. Lond., 1856. 8° Port Royal, Memoirs of. Schimmel-Penninck. Lond., 1858. 3 v. Porter, A. M. Coming Out. N. Y., 1828. 8°. Y.. 8°. 8°. 2 V. 2 V. 12°. ,0 12^ 2V. 12' Y., 1831. Fast of St. Magdalen. Bost., 1819, Honor O'Hara. N. Y., 1827, 2 v. Recluse of Norway. Wash., 1834. 12 Village of Mariendorpt. Bost., 1821. 4 v. in 2. 12 Porter, D. Journal of Cruise to the Pacific. N. Y., 1822. 2 v. 8' Voyage in the South Seas. Lond., 1823. 8°. . Porter, E. Lectures on Eloquence and Style. Andover, 1836. 8°. Principles of Rhetorical Delivery. Andover, 1827. 12°. . Porter, G. R. Treatise on Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. Lond 1832. 16° Treatise on Silk Manufacture. Lond., 1831. 16°. Porter, Jane. Duke Christian of Luneburg. Bost., 1824 Field of the Forty Footsteps. N. Y., 1828. 12°. Scottish Chiefs. (2 copies.) Philad., 1867-69. 12°, Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative of his Shipwreck. N 3 v. 12° Thaddeus of Warsaw. N. Y., 1858. 12°. . The same. Philad., 1868. 12°. Porter, John L. The Giant Cities of Bashan. N. Y., 1866. Porter, N. American Colleges and the American Public. N. Y., 1870. 12° Books and Reading. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1871. 12°. Addresses at Inauguration of. N. Y., 1871. 8°. Porter, Robert K. Travels in Russia and Sweden. Philad Porter, Rose. Summer Drift-wood. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Porter, W. S. The Musical Cyclopedia. Bost., 1834. 12°. Porteus, B. Death, a poem. Lond., 1803. 8°. Port Folio, The. 2d and 3d Series. Philad., 1809-14. 6 v. 8°. Portico, The. Bait., 1816-17. v. 2-4, in i. 8°. . Porto, Ii. da. Juliet. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1836. 12° Portraits, British. Lodge. Lond., 1849-50. 8 v. 8°. Portugal, Civil War in, etc. [1820-33.] Lend., 1836. 12°. 12". (2 copies.) 1809. 8' 9602 10063 9603 9610 6491 6326 6391 391 7677 9579 8659 3208 6328 15179 15194 15196 15186 15184 17123 8058 17521 17366 6040 5790 15182 15181 1 5 190 15187 15178 15177 8256 9254 122 9281 16603 15787 8862 14806 12736 12578 1900 515 6415 Portugal — Prentiss. 349 Portugal, Hist, of, 1090-1725. Brockwell, Lend., of Revolutions in, to 1683. Vertot. 1726. 8°. Lond., 1754. 2 V. 12*^ Traits and Traditions of. Pardoe. Philad., 1834 See, also. Peninsular War ; Spain, Posey, T., Memoir of. Hall. Bost., 1846. 16°. . Positive Philosophy of Comte. Mill. Bost., 1871. 12°. Positivism and Christianity. Hopkins. N. Y., 1871. 12 Post, H. A. V. Visit to Greece, etc. N. Y., 1830. 8°. Posthumous Records of a London Clergyman. N Post-Office, The. Lond., 1842. 12°. Potiphar Papers. Curtis. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Potomac, Campaigns of Army of the. Swinton. Potter, A. Handbook for Readers. N. Y., 1845. Polit. Economy. N. Y. [1841.] 12° Science applied to the Arts. Bost., 1841. 12° Potter, J. Antiquities of Greece. N. Y,, 1825. 8° Pouqueville, F. O. H. L. Travels in Greece. (Voyages, v. 4, 7.) Lond., 1820. 8° Powell, B. Hist, of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Lond., 1837. 16° Power, T. Poynder, J. [836. N. Y., 1866. 12°. Impressions of America. Philad., 1836. 2 v. Hist, of the Jesuits. Lond., 1816. 2 v. 8°. . Literary Extracts. Lond. [1844.] 2 v. 8°. Pradt, D. D. de. The Congress of Vienna. Philad., 1816. Europe and America in 1821. Lond., 1822. 2 v. 8°. after the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle. Philad, Praed, W. M. Poems. With Memoir by D. Coleridge. N 2 V. 12° Poet. Works. Ed. Griswold. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1844. Pragay, J. The Hungarian Revolution. N. Y., 1850. 12°. Prairie, The. Cooper. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. Prairie Land, Life in. Farnham. N. Y., 1847. 16°. . Prairies, Commerce of the. Gregg. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. 12°. Tour on the. W. Irving. Philad., 1835. 12°. . Prayer, Method of. Mme. Guyon. Bait., 1812. 12°. . Prayers of the Ages. Ed. Whitmarsh. Bost., 1868. 8°. . for Theists. Cobbe. Lond., 1871. 8°. . . . Preacher and the King, The. Bungener. Bost., 1853. and Pastor, The. Ed. by Prof. Park. Andover Preaching, Aids to. Skinner. N. Y., 1839. 12°. Extemporary. Zincke. N. Y., 1867. 12°. Yale Lectures on. Beecher. N. Y., 1872. 12°. See, also. Pulpit. Preble, E., Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr., v. i.) The same. Sabine. (Sparks, v. 22.) Precaution. Cooper. N. Y., 1855. 12°. Preferment. Mrs. Gore. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°. Prentice, Q. D. Biogr. of Clay. Hartfd., 1831. 12°. [Prentiss, O.] Life of Gen. Eaton. Brookfield, 1813. 8' 1820. 8°. Y., 1865. 12 12". [845. 12^ Philad., 1846. 12' Bost., 1847. 16°. 16165 16166 16671 7268 8590 9999 16627 17286 8478 2872 6196 II 766 11925 17002 15867 8054 6049 16796 6423 4339 15920 15884 15921 841 839 5816 2759 16865 16878 4243 17294 9818 9967 9968 9913 9918 9915 9919 7275 7271 2799 15553 7327 16396 dso Prentiss — Prior. Prentiss, E. Stepping Heavenward. (2 copies.) N. Y. [1869.] 12° Prentiss, S. S., Memoir of. By his Brother. N. Y., 1861. 2 v. 12° Pre-Raphaelitism. Ruskin. N. Y., i860. 12°. . . Sprague. N. Y., N. Y 3v Presbyterian Pulpit, Annals of American 2 V. 8° Prescott, H. E. See Mrs. H. (E.) P. Spofford. Prescott, W. H. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. 1845. 8° The same. New ed. Bost., 1855. 8°. Hist, of Chas, V. See W. Robertson. Conquest of Mexico. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1844 The same. Philad., 1871. 3 v. 8°. . Hist, of Conquest of Peru. Philad. and N. Y., 1848-68. 2 The same. v. 2. N. Y., 1848. 8°. . The same. Philad., 1871. 2 v. 8°. of Ferdinand and Isabella. 2d ed. Bost., 1838. 3 v The same. Philad., 1871. 3 v. 8°. The same. 5th ed. Bost., 1839. v. 2, 3. 8°. . of Philip n. Bost., 1855-58. 3 V. 8°. . The same. v. i, 2 The same. Philad., 1871. 3 v. 8°. . Life of C. B. Brown. Bost., 1834. 16°. Life of. Ticknor. Bost., 1864. 12° Review of part of Hist, 'of Ferdinand and Isabella by 1841. 12° President's Daughters, The. Bremer. Lond., 1852. 8°. Press, Liberty of the. See Liberty. Pressense, E. de. Early Years of Christianity ; Apostolic ] Y., 1870. 12" Preston, H. W. Aspendale. Bost., 1871. 16°. . Pretension. Ellis. Philad., 1837. 2 v. 12°. Price, U. Essays on the Picturesque. Lond., 1810. Pride and Prejudice. Austen. Bost., 1S63. 12°. Priest and Huguenot. Bungener. Bost., 1856. 2 v Priestcraft, Popular Hist. of. Howitt. Lond., 1845. Priestley, J. Lectures on Hist, and Policy. Philad Priests, Women, and Families. Michelet. Lond., 1846. 16°. Prime, W. O. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. N. Y., 1857. 12 O Mother Dear Jerusalem. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . Princes of Wales, Lives of. Williams. Lond., 1843. v. i Pringle, T. Residence in S. Africa. Lond., 1840. 8°. Prior, J. Life of Goldsmith. Philad., 1837. 8^ The same. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 8°. . The same Memoir of Burke. Philad., 1825. 8°. The same. Lond., 1839. 8°. Voyage along E. Coast of Africa, etc. Lond., i in the Indian Seas. Lond., 1820. 8°. . Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 2 v. 24' Bost 3 V. 12°. 16°. 1803. [9. 8= 1859 Prior — Psalms. 251 Prior, M. Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24°. 11 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8°. . . . 15098 Prison, Voices from ; a Selection of Poetry. Bost. [1847.] 12°. . 14904 Prisons and Prisoners. Adshead. Lond., 1845. 8° I7097 Probabilities, Essay on. De Morgan. Lond., 1838. 16°. . . . 6043 Probability. [Lubbock and Bethune.] Lond., 1835. 8°. . . . 16468 Problematic Characters. Spielhagen. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . . . 3020 Probus. Ware. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 12° 2866 [Procter, B. W.] (Barry Cornwall.) Dramatic Scenes, with other Poems, Bost., 1857. 16° 1201 English Songs, etc. Bost., 1844. 16° 1200 Life of Kean. N. Y., 1835. 12° 7927 C. Lamb : a Memoir. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866. 16°. . . 6959 Songs and Miscellaneous Poems. N. Y. 8° 15092 Procter, G. Hist, of the Crusades. Edinb., 1854. 8°. . . . 4621 of Italy. 2d ed. Lond., 1844. 8°. . . . 4812 Proctor, E. D. Poems. N. Y., 1866. 16° 778 Proctor, R. A. Light Science for Leisure Hours. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 8897 The Sun. Lond., 1871. 8° 8909 Profession is not Principle. [Kennedy.] N. Y., 1829. 12°. . . 15410 Professor, The. A Tale. C. Bronte. N. Y., 1868. 12°. . . . 2556 at the Breakfast-Table. Holmes. Bost., 1868. 12°. . . 3607 Promessi Sposi, I. Manzoni. Wash., 1834. 8° 2650 Property, Essays on. Lieber. N. Y., 1841. 12° 11748 Prophecy, Hints on Interpretation of. Stuart. Andover, 1842. 12°. 17266 Prose, by a Poet. [Montgomery.] Philad., 1824. 12°. . . . 3172 Protection protect. Does. Grosvenor. N. Y., 1871. 8°. . . . 8669 Protestant, The ; a Tale. [Bray.] N. Y., 1829. 2 v. 12°. . . 15557 and Catholic Nations compared. Roussel. Bost., 1855. 12°. 6433 Memorial. Home. N. Y., 1844. 12° 17279 Protestantism and Catholicity compared in Effects on Civilization. Balmes. Bait., 1851. 8° 6492 Proud, R. Hist, of Penns. Philad., 1797-98. 2 v. 8°. . . . 5841 Prout, W. Chemistry, Meteorology, and Digestion. Philad., 1836. 8°. 16982 Proven9al Poetry, Hist. of. Fauriel. Transl. by Adler. N. Y., i860. 8°. 241 Proverbs, English. Hazlitt. Lond., 1869. 8° 4439 Lessons in. Trench. N. Y., 1855. 12° 43^6 National, in 5 Languages. Ward. Lond., 1842. 16°. . . 4318 Shakspeare. Clarke. Lond., 1848. 16° 1366 See, also. Quotations. Provincial Letters. Pascal. N. Y., 1861. 12°. . . , . . 9584 Provost, The. Gait. N. Y., 1822. 12°. 15232 Prue and I. Curtis. N. Y., 1857. 12° 2870 Prussia, Hist, of, 1740-78. Frederic II. Lond., 1789. 4 v. 8°. . 17244 Secret Hist, of Court of. Mirabeau. Dubl., 1789. 8°. . . 16460 See, also, Frederic II. and III. ; Germany. Psalms, Commentary on the. Home. Lond., 1836. 3 v. 16°. . 9510 translated and explained by J. A. Alexander. N. Y., 1851. 3v. 12° 9875 359 Psychology — Pycroft. Psychology, Elements of. Cousin. Hartfd., 1834. 8°. . . . 8588 Principles of. H. Spencer. N. Y., 1871. v. i. 12°. . . 8601 See, also, Philosophy. Public and Private Economy. Sedgwick. N. Y., 1836-39. 3 v. 12°. 8644 Puckle, J. The Club. Ed. Singer. Chiswick, 1834. 16°. . . 4158 Piickler-Muskau, H. v. Tutti Frutti, transl. by Spencer. N. Y., 1834. 12° 3790 Putter, J. S. Hist, of Constitution of the Germanic Empire. Lond., 1790. 3 V. 8° 16457 Puffendorf, S. Introd. to Hist, of Europe. Lond., 1764. 2 v. 8°. . 15912 Puigblanch, A. The Inquisition Unmasked. Lond., 1816. 2 v. 8°. 6426 Pulaski, C, Life of. Sparks. Bost., 1845. 16° 7263 Pulci, L. Stories. (Hunt's Italian Poets.) N. Y., 1846. 12°. . . 887 Pulpit, Curiosities of the. Jackson. N. Y. [1868.] 16°. . . . 9831 Eloquence of XIX. century. Fish. N. Y,, 1857. 8°. , . 10057 The Metropolitan. [Grant.] N. Y., 1839. 12°. . . . 9914 Power of the. Spring. N. Y., 1854. 12°. .... 17173 Pungencies. N. Y., 1866. 12° 9973 See, also. Preaching. Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. N. Y., 1870. 8°. . . 8081 Punch, Cartoons from. Tenniel. Lond. 4° Punch's Complete Letter-Writer. Jerrold. Lond., 1845. 16°. . . 4250 Pocket-Book of Fun. N. Y., 1857. 16° 4249 Punohard, G. Hist, of Congregationalism. Salem, 1841. 12°. . . 6310 Punctuation, English. Wilson. Bost., 1862. 16° 61 Pimning, Art of. Swift. (Works, v. 24.) N. Y., 1813. 12°. . . 3870 Puritan, The : Essays. [Withington.] Bost., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . . 16320 Puritanism, A Churchman's Defence against the Aspersions of. Coit. N. Y., 1845. 12° 6332 Puritans, Anecdotes of the. N. Y., 1849. 12° 6351 Hist, of the. Neal. Newburyp't., 1816-17. 5 v. 8°. . . 6459 and their Principles. Hall. N. Y., 1846. 8° 6458 and Q. Elizabeth. Hopkins. Bost., 1860-61. 3 v. 8°. . . 5314 Purley, Diversions of. Home Tooke. Ed. Taylor. Lond., 1829. 2v. 8° 210 Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. [Craik.] Lond., 1845. 3 V. T2° 9104 Put yourself in his place. Reade. N. Y., 1870. 8° 2284 Putnam, G. P. American Facts. Lond., 1845. 12° 6184 Chronology. N. Y., 1833. 12° 15935 The World's Progress: a Diet, of Dates. N. Y., 1851. 12°. . 4605 Putnam, I., Life of. Humphreys. Bost,, 1818. 12° 7538 The same. Peabody. Bost., 1837. 16° 7256 Putnam's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., 1853-58. 12 v. 8°. . . . 13257 The same. v. i-ii 13274 The same. New Series. N. Y., 1868-70. 6 v. 8°. . 13285 The same. v. 1-5 13269 Puttenham, G. Arte of English Poesie, ed. Arber. Lond., 1869. 16°. 3891 Pycroft, J. Course of English Reading. Ed. Spencer. N. Y., 1857. 12°. 56 l^ym— Quotations. i§5 P3nn, A. Gordon. (Pseudonym.) See E. A. Poe. P3rm, J., Lecture on. Goldwin Smith. N. Y., 1867. 12°. . . . 6749 Life of. Forster. N. Y., 1846. 8° 6903 Q. Q., Contributions of. Jane Taylor. N. Y., 1826. 2 v. 12®. . 3371 Quadrupeds, Natural Hist. of. Fennell. Lend., 1843. 8°. . . 9004 The same. [Ogilby.] N. Y., 1840. 12° 11428 and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., 1835. 16° 6057 See, also, Animals ; Natural History. Quakers, Hist, of the (to 1717). Sewel. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. in i. 8°. 6594 Quarterly Christian Spectator. (2 copies.) N. H., 1829-38. 10 v. 8°. 12950 Observer, American. Bost., 1833-34. 3 v. 8°. . . . 13880 Review. Lond. and N. Y., 1809-72. v. 1-12, 14-28, 30-33, 35- 38, 40-122, 124-132. 8° 11470 The same. v. 1-16, 18-48, 50-81, 84-122, 124-127. . . 11310 Also, Indexes to v. 1-60. 3 v. 8° Papers from the. N. Y., 1852. 12° 11309 Quatrem^re de Quincy, A. O. Hist, of Raflfaello. Lond., 1846. 8°. . 345 Imitation in the Fine Arts. (2 copies.) Lond., 1837. 8°. . 9071 Quebec, Campaign against, 1775. Henry. Lancaster, 1812. 12°. . 5721 Tour to, 1819. Silliman. N. H., 1820. 12° 16776 Queechy. Warner. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12* 2997 Queen's Necklace, The. Dumas. Philad. 8° 2627 Quentin Durward. Scott. Bost.. 1845. 12^ 1816 Quin, M. J. Nourmahal. Lond., 1838. 3 v. 12° 15523 Steam Voyage down the Danube. N. Y., 1836. 12°. . . 16619 Quincy, J., Junior, Memoir of. By his son. Bost., 1825. 8®. . . 7340 Quincy, Pres't. J. Hist, of Harvard University. (2 copies.) Cambr., 1840. 2 V. 8° 9398 Life of. E. Quincy. (2 copies.) Bost., 1868. 8°. . . . 7436 Qiuntana, M. J. Lives of celebrated Spaniards. Lond., 1833. 12°. . 7690 Quintilian. Institutes of the Orator, transl. by Patsall. Lond., 1774. 2 V. 8° 15995 Quintus Fixlein, Life of. Richter. Bost., 1864. 8°. . Quite Alone. Sala. N. Y. 8° Quits. V. Tautphoeus. Philad., 1867. 2 v. in i. 12°. Quiz. Sketches of Young Ladies and Gentlemen. N. Y., Quodlibet, Annals of. [Kennedy.] Philad., 1840. 12°. QuoUtions, Classic. Elmes. N. Y., 1863. 16°. . Common-Place Book of. Southey. N. Y., 1849-50. Dictionary of Latin, etc. Philad., 1834. 12°. Familiar. Bartlett. Bost., 1869. 16°. Literary. Poynder. Lond. [1844.] 2 v. 8°. or. Pocket Lacon. Taylor. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12^ 33 . 3056 • 2334 . 2508 838. 12". 4313 . 4292 . 4337 2 v. 8°. 4433 . 4336 . 4349 . 4339 • 4353 H4 Quotations — Ramsay. Quotations, Poetical. Addington. Philad., 1829. 4 v. or, Results of Reading. Caldwell. Lond., 1843. i or, World's Laconics. Edwards. N. Y., 1856. 12' See, also, Proverbs. 4320 4335 4338 Ph 12". . :83o. 2 V. 8°, Lond., 1844. 12^ lad. Rabelais, F. Works. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1863. 2 v. 8°. Race, The Coming. [Bulwer-Lytton.] N. Y., 1871. 12°. . Races of the Earth, Indigenous. Nott and Gliddon. Philad., 1857. 8°. of the Old World, The. Brace. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . See, also, Man. Rachel Felix, E., Memoirs of. Mme. de Barrera. N. Y., 1858. Rachel Dyer. Neal. Portl'd., 1828. 12° Radau, R. Wonders of Acoustics. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Radcliffe, A. Gaston de Blondeville ; St. Alban's Abbey ; etc. 1826. 4 V. 12° Mysteries of Udolpho. N. Y., 1861. 12®. . Radiation, Lecture on. Tyndall. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . Rae, J. New Principles of Polit. Economy. Bost., 1834. 8 Rae, W. F. Westward by Rail. N. Y., 1871. Rafifaello. See Raphael. RaflSes, T. S. Hist, of Java. 2d ed. Lond., Illustrations to. Memoir of. By his Widow. Lond., 1835. 2 v. 8°. Raguet, O. Treatise on Currency and Banking. Philad., 1839. Raikes, T. Journal. Lond., 1856. 2 v. 8°. Visit to St. Petersburg. Lond., 1838. 8°. . Railroad, N. Y. and Erie. See Erie. Rale, S., Life of. Francis. Bost., 1845. 16°. Raleigh, W. Hist, of the World ; Voyages to Guiana. Edinb., 6v. 8° Last Fight of the Revenge. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1871. 16' Poetry. Ed. Hannah. Lond., 1870. 16°. . Life of. Tytler. Philad., 1833. 8°. . Life and Letters of. Edwards. Lond., 1868. 2 v. Memoirs of. Mrs. Thomson. Philad., 1831. I2°. and his Time. C. Kingsley. Bost., 1859. 12°. Trial of. (Celebrated Trials, i.) Lond., 1825. 8°. Ralph the Heir. A. Trollope. N. Y., 1871. 8°. Ralston, W. R. S. Krilof and his Fables. (2 copies.) Lond., 1869. 8' Ramayana, Selections from. Richardson. Lond., 1870. Rambler, The. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 3 v. 12°. The same Essays illustrating. Drake. Lond., 1809-10. 2 v. Ramsay, Alex. S. Butler and his Works. Lond., 1846. Ramsay, Allan. Poems. Edinb., 1728. 2 v. 4°. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24". 8°. 820. 502 9202 9095 8965 7965 15764 10108 15436 2513 8904 8754 8394 6496 6498 8755 7144 8445 7266 4077 3898 1005 15358 6814 6632 3762 9220 2295 2624 1906 3124 3498 3236 6954 15080 20 Ramsay, Allan. 4 V. Ramsay — Ravenstein. Tea-Table Miscellany of Songs, in 2. 12° Berwick, 1793 Ramsay, D. Hist, of the Amer. Revol. 2 V 12". N. Y Philad., 1789. The same. Trenton, 181 1. v. i. 8°. Hist, of S. C. Charleston, 1809. 2 v. 8°. of the U. S. 2d ed. Philad., 1818. 3 v. 8°. Life of Washington. N. Y., 1807. 8°. Ramsay, B. B. Scottish Life and Character. Bost., 1861. Ramsey, A. O. The Other Side. Hist of Mexican War. 1850. 12° Randall, H. S. Life of Jefferson. N. Y., 1858. 3 v. 8°. . Randolph, J. Letters to a young relative. Philad., 1834. 8°. Life of. Garland. N. Y.. 1851. 2 v. 12°. Randolph, S. N. Domestic Life of Jefferson. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Randolph, T. Muse's Looking Glass. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond 1825. 8° Ranke, L. Hist, of the Popes. Lond., 1840. 3 v. 8°. The same. 2d ed. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 8°. The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1847-48. 3 v. 8° The same. v. i, 3 Hist, of Servia, and Bosnia. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1853. ' Rankin, A. Hist, of France. Lond., 1801-22. 9 v. 8°. Rankin, J. Letters on Slavery. Bost., 1833. 12°. Ranks, Origin of Distinction of. Millar. Edinb., 1806. 8°. Raphael Sanzio, Hist. of. Quatrem^re de Quincy. Lond., 1846 Life and Works of. v. Wolzogen. Lond., i866. 8 und Michael Angelo. Grimm. Bost. 12°. Rapin Thojrras, P. de. Hist, of England, continued by Tindal. Lond 1757-62. 21 V. 8° Rapp, J. de. Memoirs. Lond., 1823. 8° Rarey, J. S. Art of taming Horses. Lond., 1862. i6°. [Rathbone, H. M.] Diary of Lady Willoughby. N. Y., 1848. The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1845. 12°. Rationalism, Hist. of. Hurst. N. Y., 1865. 8°. . in Europe, Hist, of Rise and Influence of. Lecky. N. Y 2 V. 8° Ran, H. Mozart, a Romance. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1868. 12°. Raumer, F. v. America. N. Y., 1846. 8° Contributions to Hist, of Eliz. and Mary Q. of Scots, 1836. 12° England in 1835. Philad., 1836. 8° Fred'k H. and his Times. Lond., 1837. 12°. Hist, of XVI. and XVII. Centuries. (2 copies.) Lond., 2 V. 12° Italy and the Italians. Lond., 1840. 2 v. 8°. . Political Hist, of England. (2 copies.) Lond., 1837. 2 v Rauschenbiisch, H. E., Memoir of. Leipoldt. Lond., 1843. 16°. Ravenshoe. H. Kingsley. Bost., 1862. 12° Ravenstein, E. G. The Russians on the Amur. Lond., 1861. 8°. 12 1866 Lond. 1835 3SS 14911 16123 6118 5866 5850 16388 5277 5824 7440 7417 7309 7351 1516 6513 6516 391 394 419 16227 8469 17086 345 7918 9614 16074 5599 10168 2558 3957 6519 6320 3035 6172 5210 5334 5802 4607 4692 4996 7532 2573 8013 *Ji» fiawlinson — Redbum. Rawlinson, G. Five Great Monarchies. 2d ed. N. Y., 1871. 3 v. 8°. 4063 Hist. Evidences of the Truth of Scripture Records. Bost i860. 12° Manual of Ancient History. Oxfd., 1869. 8°. . Ray, I. Mental Hygiene. (2 copies.) Bost., 1863. 12°. Ray, W. Poems. Auburn, 1821. 12°. Ra3rnal, T. G. F. Hist, of E. and W. Indies. Lond., 1776. 5v, The same. Edinb., 1782. 6 v. 12°. Rayner, B. L. Life of Jefferson. Bost., 1834. 12°. Reach, A. B. Claret and Olives. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . Read, T. B. The New Pastoral. Philad., 1855. 12°. . A Summer Story, Sheridan's Ride, etc. (2 copies.) Philad. 1865. 12° Sylvia, and other Poems. Philad., 1857. 12°. . Reade, C. Christie Johnstone. Bost., 1868. 16°. The Cloister and the Hearth. N. Y., 1868. 8°. . Clouds and Sunshine ; and Art. Bost., 1855. I2°. Foul Play. Bost., 1869. 16° The same. Bost., 1868. 8°. . . . Griffith Gaunt. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866. 8°. It is never too late to mend. Bost., 1869. 16°. . Love me little, love me long. N. Y., 1859. 12°. The same. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. 16°. Peg Woffington. Bost., 1868. 16°. Peg Woffington, Christie Johnstone, etc. Bost., 1871. 16' Put Yourself in his Place. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 8°. A Terrible Temptation. Lond., 1871. 3 v. 8°. Very Hard Cash. N. Y., 1868. 8°. . White Lies. (3 copies.) Bost., 1860-69. 16°. . Readers, Handbook for. Potter. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . Reading, English, Course of. Kent. Ed. by King. N. Y., 1853. 12' The same. Pycroft. N. Y., 1857. 12°. . Two Lectures on. Ruskin. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . See, also, Books. Reading Abbey, Legend of. | MacFarlane.] Lond. 1845. Real Folks. Whitney. Bost., 1872. 8°. . . . Realmah. Helps. Bost., 1869. 16° Rebecca and Rowena. Thackeray. (Works, v. 8.) Lond., 1832 Rebellion Record, The. Ed. F. Moore. N. Y., 1861-64. v. 1-7 Rebels, The. Child. Bost., 1825. 12° Recamier, J. F. J. A., Memoirs and Correspond, of. Bost., 1867 Recantation. Ed. Kip. N. Y., 1846. 16° Reclus, E. The Earth : Continents. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8°. Recluse of Norway, The. A. M. Porter. Wash., 1834. 12°. Recollections of a Housekeeper. Gilman. N. Y., 1836. 12°. of a Southern Matron. Gilman. N. Y., 1838. 12°. . Red River Expedition, The, 1870. Huyshe. Lond., 1871. 8°. Red Rover, The. Cooper. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Redbum. Melville. N. Y., 1849. 12° Redding — Rejected. ^57 Redding, C. Hist, of Shipwrecks. Lond., 1835. 4 v. 16' 786a Redfield, J. W. Outlines of System of Physiognomy. N. Y., 1849. 8°. 17078 Redgauntlet. Scott. Bost., 1845. 12° 1823 Red-Jacket, Life of. Stone. N. Y., 1841. 8*" 5951 Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Bost., i860. 12°. . . 8575 Life of John Brown. Bost., i860. 12° 7393 Redskins, The. Cooper. N. Y., 1855. 12° 2824 Redwood. Sedgwick. N. Y., 1850. 12° 15319 Reed, A. No Fiction. N. Y., 1835. 12° 16383 and Matheson, J. Visit to the Amer. Churches. N. Y., 1835. 2 V. 12° 16829 Reed, H. Lectures on Engl. Hist, and Tragic Poetry, illustrated by Shakspeare. (2 copies.) Philad., 1856-57. 16°. . . 1478 English Literature. 4th ed. Philad., 1858. 12°. 65 The same. 5th ed. Philad., 1863. 12° 66 Life of J. Reed. (Sparks, v. 18.) Bost., 1846. 16°. . . . 7267 Reed, J., Life of. H. Reed. Bost., 1846. 16° 7267 Reed, R. T. Six Months in a Convent. Bost., 1835. 12°. . . 17275 Supplement. Bost., 1835. 12° 17276 Reese, D.M. Humbugs of N. Y. N. Y., 1838. 12°. . .17103 Phrenology known by its Fruits. N. Y., 1836. 12°. . . 8608 Plea for the Intemperate. N. Y., 1841. 12° 9122 [Reeve, O.] The Two Mentors. Lond., 1783. 2 v. 12°. . . . 15621 Reflection, Aids to. Coleridge. N. Y., 1871. 12° 4013 Reform Ministers, Biogr. Sketches of the. Jones. Lond., 1832. 8°. 5330 Reformation, The. Fisher. N. Y., 1873. 8° 10260 Essay on Spirit and Influence of the. Villers. Philad., 1833. 12°. 6344 Hist, of the. Stebbing. Lond., 1836-37. 2 v. 16°. . . 5757 on the Continent. Waddington. Lond., 1841. 3 V. 8° 6479 in i6th Century. Merle d'Aubign^ N. Y., 1842- 61. 5 V. 12° 6371 in Time of Calvin. Merle d'Aubign^. N. Y., 1863-72. 5 V. 12° 6386 Political Consequences of the. Heeren. Oxfd., 1836. 8". . 4713 See, also, Luther ; and the various European Countries. Reformers, British, Writings of the. Lond. 8 v. 12°. . . . 9476 For Contents, see British. Reforms, Hints towards. Greeley. N. Y., 1850. 12°. . . . 86f9 Refugee, The. [God wine.] N. Y., 1825. 2 v. 12° 15769 in America. Mrs, Trollope. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. . . 15559 Reid, T. Essays on Powers of the Human Mind. Lond., 1827. 8°. 8764 Works. Charlestown, 1813-15. 4 v. 8°. . . . . . 8765 Contents.— 1, Life, by D. Stewart; Account of Aristotle's Log^ic; Inquiry into the Human Mind. 2, 8, Essays on Intellectual Powers. 8, 4, Essays on Active Powers. Reign of Law. Duke of Argyll. Lond., 1868. 16° 8839 Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow-Shoes. Bush. N. Y., 1871. 8°. . . 8299 Rejected Addresses. H. and J. Smith, ed. Sargent. N. Y., 1857. 12°. 1221 American. [Bigelow.] N. Y. [1855.] 12°. . 686 9S9 Religio — Representative. Religio Medici. Browne. Lond., 1835. 8° 3987 Religion, Authority in. Bolingbroke, (Works, v. 3, 4.) Philad., 1841. 8° 10314 and Culture. Shairp. N. Y., 1871. 16°. . • . . . 9819 Influence of, on Health. Brigham. Bost., 1835. 12". . . 17351 Lectures on Science of. Max Miiller. N. Y., 1872. 8°. . . 9958 Personal, Thoughts on. Goulburn. N. Y., 1866. 12°. . . 9816 Philosophy of. Dick. Brookf'ld., 1830. 12° . . . . 17363 The same. Morell. N. Y., 1849. 12° 9952 and Science, Connexion of. Wiseman. Andover, 1837. 8°. . 10036 Religions, Pictorial View of. Goodrich. Hartf d., 1851. 12°. . . 6298 Ten Great. Clarke. Bost., 1871. 8° 10265 Religious Belief, Origin and Development of. Baring-Gould. N. Y., 1870. 2 V. 12°. 9959 Courtship. De Foe. (Works, v. 14.) Oxfd., 1840. 16°. . 3879 Faith, Condition and Prospects of. Cobbe. Lond., 1865-66. 2 V. 8° 9965 Truth illustrated from Science. Hitchcock. Bost., 1857. 12°. 17354 Sects. See Sects. Reminiscences of half a century. Lond., 1838. 12° 16378 Renan, E. The Apostles. N. Y., 1866. 12° 9895 Constitutional Monarchy in France. (2 copies.) Bost., 1871. 16°. 5573 Life of Jesus. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1864-69. 12°. . . . 9893 Saint Paul. N. Y., 1869. 12° 9897 The Romance of. Roussel. N. Y., 1869. 16°. . . . 9896 Rengger, J. R. Reign of de Francia in Paraguay. Lond., 1827. 8°. 5741 Rennie, J. Architecture of Birds. Lond., 1831. 12°. . . . 8821 The same. Bost., 1831. 12° 8813 Domestic Habits of Birds. Lond., 1832. 12° 8822 Faculties of Birds. Lond., 1835. 12° 8823 Insect Architecture, etc. New ed. Lond., 1845. 2 v. 12°. . 8793 [and Westwoodj J. O.] Insect Architecture. Bost., 1830. 12°. 8808 Insect Miscellanies. Bost., 1832. 12° 8816 Insect Transformations. Bost., 1831. 12°. . . . 8810 Nat. Hist, of Birds. N. Y., 1840. 12° 11422 [and Westwood, J. O.] Nat. Hist, of Insects. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. 12° 11007 Renwick, H. B. and J. Lives of Jay and Hamilton. N. Y., 1841. 12°. 11604 Renwick, J. Life of Dewitt Clinton. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . . . 11600 of Fulton. (Sparks, v. 10.) Bost., 1839. 16°. . 7259 The same. Bost., 1839. 12° 16313 D. Rittenhouse. (Sparks, v. 7.) Bost., 1837. 16°. 7256 The same. Bost., 1839. 12° 16314 Count Rumford. (Sparks, v. 15.) Bost., 1845. 16°. 7264 Repealers, The. Lady Blessington. (Works, v. i.) Philad., 1838. 8°. 2668 Representative Government. Mill. N. Y., 1867. 12°. . . . 8619 in Europe, Hist. of. Guizot. Lond., 1852. 8° 362 Men. Emerson. Bost., 1861. 12° 3630 1 Reptiles— Rhetoric. •59 8' 12' Reptiles, Nat. Hist, and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., 1838-39, 2 V. 16° Popular Account of. Figuier. Lond. [i86g.] Repton, H. Odd Whims. Lond., 1804. v. 2. 12°. . Responsibility, Human, Limitations of. Wayland. Bost., 1838 Resurrection, Sermons on the. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., 1835. 16 Retrospective Review. Lond., 1820-26. v. 1-14. 8°. Retz, J. P. P. de Gondi, Cardinal de. See Gondi. Reumont, A. v. The Carafas of Maddaloni. Lond., 1854. 8° Reuter, P. In the Year '13. Leipz., 1867. 16°. . Seed-Time and Harvest. Philad., 1871. 8°. Revelation, Notes on the Book of. Barnes. N. Y., 1852. I2°. of Nature, The. N. Y. 12° Reveries of a Bachelor. Mitchell. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Revival of 1740, Hist, of the. Tracy. Bost., 1842. 8°. Thoughts on the. Pres. Edwards, (v. 4.) N. Y., 1830. Revivals, Lectures on. Finney, N. Y., 1835. 12°. . Sermons on. Barnes. N. Y., 1841. 12°. . Revolutionary Plutarch, The. [Stewarton.] Lond., 1805. 3 v. Revolutionary War. See U. S. History. Reynard the Fox. Goethe, transl. by Arnold. Lond., i860. 8°. Hist. of. Lond., 1844. 16°. The same. Transl. by Roscoe. (German Novelists.) Lond., 1826. 12° in S. Africa. Bleek. Lond., 1864. 8° Reynolds, B. Hints on use of the Eyes, and on Physical Culture Edinb., 1835. 16°. Re3rnolds, Fredlc. Speculation ; Delinquent ; Laugh when you can Fortune's Fool ; Folly as it flies ; Werter. (Mod. Theatre, V. 2, 3.) Lond., 181 1. 12° Life of. By himself. Philad., 1826. 2 v. in i. 8°. . [Reynolds, P. M.] Miserrimus. N. Y., 1833. 12°. . The Parricide. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12°. . Reynolds, G. W. M. Modern Literature of France. Lond., 1839, 2 V. 12° Reynolds, John N. Voyage of the Potomac. N. Y., 1835. 8°. Re3rnolds, ^^y Joshua. Literary Works. With Memoir. Lond., 1835 2v. 16° The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1852. 2 v. 8°. Memoirs of. Northcote. Philad., 1817. 8°. Rhetoric, Art of. Hobbes. (Works, v. 6.) Lond., 1840. 8°. Elements of. Day. N. Y., 1854. 12°. The same. Whately. Cambr., 1834. 12°. . Grammar of. Jamieson. N. H., 1821. 12°. Lectures on. Adams. Cambr., 1810. 2 v. 8°. The same. Blair. N. Y., 1815. 8°. The same. Channing. Bost., 1856. 12°. Outlines of. Theremin, ed. Shedd. Andover, i860. 12 Philosophy of. Campbell. Edinb., 1816. 2 v. 8°. . 6060 8997 3955 8535 9498 11456 403 2707 10299 9865 3597 3597 6493 1 71 79 17300 17271 5509 1 301 1693 1895 1891 9137 1328 8127 15510 15533 109 8078 8879 482 799a 9677 9305 9300 17531 17527 17526 9306 9293 17519 i6o Hhetoric — Richter. 12 Rhetoric, Suggestions on. De Quincey. Edinb. 8°. System of. S. P. Newman. Portl'd., 1827. 12°. Treatise on ; from Encycl. Brit. [Spalding.] Edinb., 1839. Rhetorical Delivery, Principles of. Porter. Andover, 1827. 12 Grammar. Walker. Bost., 1822. 8°. See, also, Elocution ; Oratory ; Speech. Rhind, W. Age of the Earth. Edinb., 1838. 16°. Rhine, Agriculture on the. Banfield. Lond., 1846. 12' Legends and Hist, of the. Snowe. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8 Tour on the, 1839. Hugo. N. Y., 1845. 12°. . Up the. Hood. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12°. . Rhode-Island Book, The. Mrs. A. C. L. Botta. Prov., 1841. Rhythms, English, Hist. of. Guest. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. Ribault, J., Life of. Sparks. (Amer. Biogr., v. 17.) Bost., 1845. Rice, E. L. Introd. to Amer. Literature. Cincinn., 1846. 12°. Rich, E., etc. The Occult Sciences. Glasg., 1855. 8°. Richard L, of England (Coeur-de-Lion), Life of. G. P. R. James. Lond., 1854. 2 V. 8° Life and Times of. Aytoun. Lond., 1840. 16°. See, also, Crusades. Richard m. Halsted. Philad., 1844. 8°. . Historic Doubts on. Walpole. Lond., 1768. 4 Richard of Cirencester. Ancient State of Britain. Lond., 1848 Richard of Devizes. Chronicle. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1848. Richards, W. O. Memoir of G. N. Briggs. Bost., 1866. 12 Richardson, A. D. The Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon the Escape. Hartf d., 1865. 8°. Richardson, P. Iliad of the East. Lond., 1870. Richardson, G. F. Sketches in Prose and Verse. [Richardson, J.] Wacousta. Philad., 1833. 2 v. Richardson, S. Works. (2 copies.) Lond., 1811. Contents.— 1-4, Pamela. 5-12, Clarissa Harlowe. ia-19, Sir Charles Grandison. Richelieu, A. J. D., Cardinal de. Life of. James. Lond., 1836. Richelieu; a Drama. Bulwer-Lytton. Bost., 1863. 16°. . Richelieu; a Tale. G. P. R. James. N. Y., i860. 2 v. in i. 12' Richmond, L., Memoir of, abridged. Grimshawe. N. Y., 1829. Richter, J. P. P. The Campaner Thai, Life of Quintus Fixlein, Bost., 1864. 8° Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces. (2 copies.) Bost., 1845 2 V. 8° Hesperus. (2 copies.) Bost., 1865. 2 v. 8°. . Levana. Bost., 1863. 8° Reminiscences for the hour of death. N. Y., 1863. 16°. . Schmelzle's Journey to Flaetz, and Life of Quintus Fixl Transl. by Carlyle. Lond., 1871. 8°. . . . The same. Bost., 1841. 12° Titan. (2 copies.) Bost., 1863-64. 2 v. 8°. Walt and Vult ; or the Twins. N. Y., 1863. 2 v. 8°. Life of. Lee. Bost., 1864. 8° Lond., 12°. 19 v. 1838. [2°. and 12". 16°. 12 . etc. ■63. 3284 17529 164 17366 9299 16945 8795 8311 8365 4269 15004 174 7266 15005 8616 5129 5128 5288 5074 499 512 7339 6197 1906 15353 15628 1927 5767 976 2162 7563 3056 3052 3059 3067 17297 4053 3108 3063 3057 7803 Rickards — Robertson. 261 Rickards, R. India. Lend., 1829-32, 2 v. 8° 6502 Riddle, J. E. Luther and his Times. Lond., 1837. 16°. . . . 6346 [Ridley, J.] Tales of the Genii. N. Y., 1825. 2 v. 12°. . . . 2013 Ridley, N. Treatises and Letters. Lond. 12° 9478 Riedesel, F. O. L. de. Letters and Memoirs. N. Y., 1827. 12°. . 6014 Rienzi, N. G., Life and Times of. Ducerceau. Philad., 1836. 12°. . 7750 Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes. Bulwer. N. Y., 1836. 12°. . . 2078 Rienzi, a Tragedy. Mitford. Philad. 8° 2675 Riesbeck, O. v. Travels through Germany. Dubl., 1787. 2 v. 8°. . 1665 1 Riley, J. Narrative of Loss of the Commerce. Hartf'd., 1817. 8°. . 16299 Ring, M. John Milton and his Times. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1868. 8°. 3093 Ring of Amasis, The. R. Bulwer-Lytton. N. Y., 1863. 12°. . . 2154 Rip Van Winkle, illustrated by Darley. N, Y., 1848. 4°. . Ripa, — . Memoirs of Residence at Peking. N. Y., 1846. 12°. . 8365 Ritchie, A. O. M. Italian Life and Legends. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . 8342 Ritchie, L. The Game of Life. Philad., 1833. 8° 15356 London Nights' Entertainments. Philad., 1833. 2 v. 12°. . 15493 Romance of French Hist. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. 12°. . . . 15565 Russia and the Russians. Philad., 1836. 12° 16616 Ritson, J. The Caledonian Muse. Lond., 1785. 16°, . . . 1096 English Anthology. Lond., 1793-94. 3 v. 16°. . . . 1086 Robin Hood Ballads, etc. [Lond., 1845.] 8°. . • . . 948 Rittenhouse, D., Life of. Renwick. Bost., 1837. 16°. . . . 7256 Ritter, O. Geographical Studies. (2 copies.) Bost., 1863. 12°. . 8970 Ritter, H. Hist, of Ancient Philosophy. (2 copies.) Oxf d., 1838-39. V. 1-3. 8° 8707 Rivals, The. [Griffin.] N. Y., 1830. 12° 15561 Rivers, Rambles by. Thome. Lond., 1844. 12° 8149 Rives, W. O. Life of Madison. Bost., 1859-68. 3 v. 8°. . . 7447 Rob of the Bowl. Kennedy. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 13°. . . . 15771 Rob Roy. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8° 1866 Canoe, A thousand miles in the. Macgregor. Bost., 1871. 16°. 8221 Macgregor ; an Opera. Pocock. Bost., 1803. 12°. . . . 13355 Roba di Roma. Story. Philad., 1867. 2 v. 12° 8345 Robber, The. James. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 12° 15207 Robbers. See Banditti ; Brigands. Robbins, A. Journal of Loss of the Commerce, etc. Roch., 1818. 12°. 16293 Robbins, R. Outlines of Anc. and Mod. Hist. Hartfd., 1830. 12°. 15929 Robert Falconer. MacDonald. Bost. 12'. 2581 Roberts, Edmund. Embassy to Cochin-China, etc. N. Y., 1837. 8°. 16499 Roberts, Emma. Scenes and Characteristics of Hindostan. Philad., 1836. 2 V. 12° 16502 Roberts, O. W. Voyages in America. Edinb., 1827. 12°. . . 4479 Roberts, Wm. The Looker-On. Philad., 1796. 4 v. in 2. 12°. .13033 Memoirs of H. More. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. 12° 15105 Roberts, Wm. H. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24°. . 31 Robertson, F. W. Lectures and Addresses. Bost., 1859. 12°. . . 9931 Sermons. Bost., 1859-64. 5 v. 12° 9924 The same. Bost., 1869. 5 v. in 2. 12° 9929 34 262 Robertson — Rogers. Robertson, F. W. Life and Letters of. Brooke. Bost., 1865. 2 v. 12°. 7603 Robertson, I. L. (Pseudonym.) See S. L. KnaPp. Robertson, S. P. and W. P. Four years in Paraguay. Philad., 1838. 2v. 12° 5739 Francia's Reign of Terror. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12°. . . 5741 Robertson, W. Historical Disquisition concerning Ancient India. Dubl., 1791. 8°. 16451 Hist, of America. Dubl., 1777. 2 v. 8° 16136 The same. 6th ed. Lond., 1792. 3 v. 8°. . . . 16138 The same, abridged. N. Y., 1848. 12° 11927 of Ancient Greece. Edinb., 1821. 8° 16026 of Chas. V. [Philad.] 1770. 3 v. 8' 6543 The same. Basil., 1788. 4 v. 8° 6547 The same. (2 copies.) Albany, 1822. 3 v. 8°. . .6550 The same, ed. W. H. Prescott. Philad., 1872. 3 v. 8°. . 10335 The same. Bost., 1857. v. 2, 3. 8° 6577 of Scotland, 1 542-1603. With Life. Philad., 1811. 2 v. 8°. 5404 Life of. D. Stewart. (Works, v. 7.) Cambr., 1829. 8°. . . 8776 Robespierre, Fall of. A Drama. Coleridge. (Remains, i.) Lond., 1836. 8° 4006 Robin Day. Bird. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12° 15648 Robin Hood, Poems, etc., relative to. Ritson. [Lond., 1845.] 8°. . 948 [Robinson, A.] Life in California. N. Y., 1846. 12°. . . . 16888 Robinson, E. Universities and Theol. Education in Germany. Edinb., 1835- 16° 9137 Robinson, H. B. Narrative of Owen's Voyages. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. 12°. 16289 Robinson, Henry Orabb. Diary and Correspondence. (2 copies.) Best., 1869. 2 V. 12° 7005 Robinson, Mary, Memoirs of. By herself. Lond., 1830. r2°. . . 6645 Robinson, P. Immortality. N. Y., 1846. 12° 15021 Robinson, Sara T. L. Kansas. Bost., 1857. 12° 16856 Robinson, Solon. Hot Corn. N. Y., 1854. 12° 15722 Robinson, Therese A. L. v. J. Fifteen Years. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . 15696 Languages and Literature of Slavic Nations. N. Y., 1850. 12°. 113 Robinson, Thos. R. Poems. Brooklyn, 1808. 12° 14857 Robinson, W. D. Memoirs of the Mexican Revol. Philad., 1820. 8°. 16148 Robinson Crusoe. DeFoe. Cambr., 1866. 16° 1706 Robison, J. Proofs of Conspiracy by Free Masons, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1798. 8° 17110 Robson, F. Life of Hyder Ally. Lond., 1786. 8° 16414 Roby, J. Popular Traditions of Lancashire. Lond., 1843. v. 2, 3. 12°. 5269 Roche, R. M. Contrast. N. Y., 1828. 2 v. 12° 15403 Houses of Osma and Almeria. Philad., 1810. 12°. . . . 15458 Rochester, £ar/