T F UC-NRLF GIFT OF 'V Nl Library Bureau of Railway Economics <** Washington, D.C. April List of References on Railroad Terminals- S- GENERAL A-T-T ican railway engineering association. Committee on yards and terminal?. Reports in proceed i r.^s of the Association. B has Proceedings 1900,1901,1904,1909,1914,191$. Report to 1 Q 15 convention, in Railwav are gazette , v. 60:626-32 ; .23,1915. Amrr.ann, Otto. .Die le istungsjfahigkeit von ablauf anlagen auf verschiebebahnhof en in ihrer abhSngigkeit von den ge.f allsverhaltnissen. Berlin, T ".Hceser,[l91l] 27 p. 4* B A14-1850. Architectural beauty' in tlate ai-sric giteivay of to-day. (Craftsman, v.28:7?-/l, 118; Apr. 1915) ' B,LC,NY. / : Archiv fur e isenbahnv/esen. Ueber bahnhoBstreppen, ohre bewahrung und ausbesserung. (Archiv fUr <-- i senbahnwesen, 27th year : 3 74-98 ;Mar-Apr . 1904^ B. Urgile, T. E. The operation of a goods shed. 'J&altt&y gazette, v. 22 :307-10, 332-35, 357-61; Mar . 19 , 26, Apr . 2 , 1915 ) B. Arn, W< G. Freight house design and operation. Cost and methods of handling f re ight . (Engineering nev/s,v.68: 798-802; Oct. 31, 1912) B. Baker, Charles rr . The cost of handling freignt at tern.inaxS compared v/ith the cost of hauling by rail or by water. [1910?]. 12 p. NY Reprinted fror Engineer ir.g news , Mir . 3 , 1910. irney, " t.l14) >it, G. T'he traffic-capacity of terminus stations for urban and suburban traffic. ( Inter^at ional railway c.o ng-r ess, Bullet i n, v. 27[.Eng . ed . ] : 914-21 ; Nov* 1913) B,LC,NY. Brooke, G. D. How the operation of one terminal was improved. Continued serious congestion over core by change in organization, better methods and improved discipline. (Railv/ay age gazette, v.- 58 : 1121-24; May 28,1915) Reprinted in Baltimore Ohio emploves magaz ine , v. 2 : Jul, 1915 : 35-42* B. , Burt, Benjamin C. Railv/aV station service, 1st ed. New York , Wiley , 1911, 292 p. 12 Busfield, J. L. Terminal passenger stations. . Their design and operation. (Canadian engineer, Uay 29,1913) Serial, 1st Bush, I r v i r. g T . Freight terminal facilities in large cities. Address at Harvard University, Hov.9,1914. 9 typewritten leaves. 4 B. . Ca-pbell, J. E., and others. Troublesome problems of terminal operations. Three short articles*' (Railway age gazette, v. 58 : 595-9S; Mar. 26, 1915) O.ittenden, H. M. Public wharves and terminals. Statement of the modern theory cf ownership and control of port facilities deduced from public utter- ances and from correspondence' of leading American authorities, (Railway and marine news, v. 10: 11-15; May 1,1912) B, Congestion at goods terminals. (Railway news, v. 104: 569; Oct. 9, 1915) B,LSE,LC,NY. Corthell, Elmer L. Railway passenger stations of t.ie world* (j_n Encyclopedia Americana, v. 13 : [47-52] Illus, plates. B Corthell, Elmer L. Railroad terminals. (Railway and engineering revi e\- , v. 44 : 719-23; Oct. 8, 1904} r before International engineering c ongress, St . Louis , Oct .4 . Crabbs, F. 'E. ^inter work on terminals*' (Railway age gazette, v. 52 : 309-10; Feb. 16, 1912) Cresson, B . F. Railway terminals. [1915] 37 p. fclu.rr.aps. 8 B. Paper before International engineering congress, San Francisco, Sept,1915. RR- terminals -3). General ( c or;t . ) Cross land, James. The placing and design of railway termini. (Railway news , v. 104 : 868-59, 901 7 02 ;Dec .18, 1915 ) B, LC,LSE,NY. Gushing,' George H. Cities in steel corsets, (Technical worldly. 20: 557-66; Jan. 1914) B,LC,NY. Delano, Frederic A. Ad'dress to the Chicago real -estate board, Jan, 25, 1906. [Chicago, [190S] 22 p. 8 B,HU [Relative to railroad terminals.] The Design a.--,d construction of small stations. Resume of current practice on several roads in the selection, of materials and the arrangement of f ac ilit ies. (Railway age gazette, v. 58 : 1065-71; May 2-1,1915) Droege, John Albert. Freight terminals and trains, including a revision of Yards and terminals. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1912. 465 p* - lans, tables, 8 B,CalSL,MassPS,StLPI>,UP,LC. 12-20319. Droege, John Albert, Yards and terminals and their operation* New York .Railroad gazette, 1906. 285 p. 8 illus. BPL,Cleve?L, DCL, HU, ICC, LC.MIT, PrU, OnahaPL,UCal,UP,U^. 6-13191. Dunn, Samuel 0. The problem of the modern' terminal, (Scribner's magaz ine v. 52 : 416-42; Oct. 1912) B,LC,NY. -lin, Harold D. Recent railway stations in'American cities, (Architectural record, v. 36: 99-122; Aug. 1914) B,LC. El iott, Howard. o Address ... Eastern Connecticut .development committee of the oivic assoc iat icns^of Norwich, New London, Wjllimantlc , Putnam and Danielson. Norwich, Apr .8, 1915, [Boston? 1915] 39 p. 8 Terminals, p. 22. B,LC,NY. A15-791. Engineering news [Editorial] Railway terminals in large cities and the latest Chicago terminal project. . . (Engineering news,v. Feb*27,1913) LC. Escher, Franklin. The problem of the railways. IV: Current " traff ic demands and freight f aci li ties. (Harper's weekly, v. 54: 22; Sept .21, 1912 ) B,LC,MY. Financial aspect of railway' terminal electrification. (Engineering news f v. 69: 475-76; Mar. 6, 1913) B,LC. RR- terminals -4 ) General ( c ont . ) Fi+oh, George. Railway s tat long. (Illinois central magaz ine, v. 3 : May 1915: 15) B. Fr i i c. h-, L . C . Railway terminal facilities. (JLS. B'ewsnup: Railway organization and' working, Chicago, 1906, p. 175. -9 5 ) B Fritch, L. C. RaiJ'vay terrrdnals. (Canadian railway club, Proceedings, Jan. 1913) Abstract inRailwav age gazette , v\ 54 *.- 109-10 ; Jan . 17, 1913 , 38, E. and Dr. Blum. Passenger stations and train yards in -the United States. (International railway congress, Bulletin, v21:[Eng*ed. ] 1110-53; No-/. 1907) B, ICC, NY. "''ith sone German comparisons* Gilbert, Bradford Lee. * Sketch portfolio of railroad stations and kindred structures... York, Railroad gazette, 1895, 3 p,' 66 plates. B, / Gordon, Reginald. Gilded stairs and marble halls," (Engineering magazine, v. 50: 708-21; Feb. 1916) B,LC,NY. An argument against expensive terminals. Hill, James Jerome. Added terminal facilities needed. (Railway j ournal, v. 20: Aug. 1914: 5-6) B. Reprinted from Chicago Herald. Hill, Ja.^es Jerome. The country's need of greater railway facilities aid terminals. Address at annual dinnsr of Railway business assoc iat i on, Dec .19, 1912. . [n.p.-,1913j 28 p. 8 B,CdlSL, IndSL, PF, StLPL, LC, UCal . A13-241. ; . H i' .1 1^ J a r u e s J e i-or: e . .liicrsased traffic roads' peril. Menace found in increasing business /dependent *on lir.es unable to expand. '( Amarican ^shippers f gaze tte, v. 1 : Jan. 31 , 1913 : 2-4) B. 'Hill, Jares Jer-onie. Traffic growth and terminal needs. Paper before Millers' national feu-erat ion, . Minneapolis, June 1910. [ivlinneapol is?l?10] 11 p. -B,LC. 11-22188 Hill, J ar.e P J e r*oiae . Th? transport-Tit ion problem of the United Stat-as. Letter to Governor John A.Jonnson of Minnesota. Jan. 14, 1907, [St . Paul? 1907] & p. 8 'B, ICO, NY. .'' RR- Terminals- 5) General (cont.) Hill, T. E. Relation of terminal organization to traffic department. (Illinois centra.! magaz ine ,v*3 : Jan. 1915: 63-64) B. Himmelberger > C, M. The freight terminal. (Nsw York railroad club, P roceed ings, v.25 :4044-51; Sept.17,1915) B, Discussion, p4051-64, Abstract in Railway age gazette, v. 59 : 564-64; Sept. 24, 1915 , Hood, Robert Jacomb, On the arrangement and construction of railway stations. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper, London, W.Clowes & sons, 1858, 36 p. 12 B. A15-1752 "Excerpt Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of civil engineers, v. 17 . Session 1857-58." Hortter, Fred A. The problem of terminal freight congestion and its solution, (Stone & Webster public service j ournal, v* 15: 12 3-3 1; Aug*1914) B. Hungerford, Edward. Gateways of American cities. (Outing, v, 54: 718-32; Sept, 1909) B, Hungerford, Edward. The modern railroad. Chicago, A 4 C.McClurg & co . ,1911. 476 p. 8 B,BA,BPL,CalSL,ClevePL,DCL,LC,NJSL,StLPL,TrentPL,UCal. 11-29705 Freight terminals and yards, p, 107-18. Hungerford, Edward. The terminal, (Harper's monthly magaz ine, v. 118 : 413-25; Feb. 1909) B.LC.NY. Jaggard, H, A, Report no. 3. [America] on the question of la rg estations . [Subject IX for discussion at the 8th session of the railway congress.] (international railway congress, Bulletin, v, 24, pt. 1:2075-2128; May 1908. Eng.ed.) B, ICC, NY.. Jenkins, H. D. Railway stations. (Overland monthly,v,7: $13-17; Oct,187l) B. Johnson, Emory R. and Grover G. Huebner. Railroad traffic and rates. New York & London, Appleton, 1911. 2 vols. Found in most libraries, 11-1844 Journal of commerce [Ed itorial] A railroad terminal monopoly, (Journal of commerce, Apr. 24, 1912: p.8 t col,3) B,LC,NY. Large railway stations. (in The Railway lib rary,1914, p. 317. 6h ic ago , 1914) Found in most libraries. ' V - R^-terminals-6) General ( cont. ) Latest passenger terminal train shad. Summary of advantages and disad- vantages of various types of train 'shed and illustrated description of continuous low-roof sheds at Jersev City and Ottawa, (Engineering record, Jan. 4, 1913) . 3000. v-ords. -LC. Lee, E. H. . 'Notes on L.'C.L. freight houses. Suggestions for arrangements to secure the rapid handling of freight.'- / \ (American railva- engineering association, Bullet in, Mar .1914 ; 7500 words; LC Abstract in Railway age gazette , v. 56 : 785-87; Apr. 3 , 1914. Edit-orial comment , p. 769* Railroad station improvement. (Cnautauquan, v.39: 368; Jun.1904) B,TLC,HY. McFarland, J v Horace. hov; to improve, railroad stations and their surroundings* (American city,v/9: 440-4.4 ; -Nov 1913 ) B,LC. McGlothlin, J\ C. Operation of terminal*. (Railroad her%ld,v.!8: 22 "-30; Nov. 1914) B. Malto ie,. Kilo R. Transportation facilities and city planning. (Engineering n?v;s,v.S9; 1025-26; Hay 15,1913) B,LC. Abstract of paper before City planning c onference , Chicago, May 5-7. Also in Traffic world, v. 11": 1084-35; May 17,1913. B Meyer, Frederic L. 'wentieth century manual of railway station service. Chicago, .New York, Rand, Mc'Nally, [1906] 216. p. 8 Mitchel, John Purrov, Transportation, po~t and terminal facilities, (Academy of political science in New York, Proceedings, v. 5 :238-59 ; Apr. 1915) B,NY. Oder, -M. Betr iebskosten auf versch iebebahnhof en. ' (Archiv fur e isenbahnwesen, Nov. -Dec . 1904 : 1328-76; Jan. -Feb .195 : 15-7) B. Pennington, C . A. . . r Sorr.e difficult phases of terminal ooeratlon. [Yards] (Railway -age. gazette, v. 57: 1091-92; Dec. 11, 1914) * Piiill ips , J. H. The evolution of the suburban station. (Architectural record, v,36: 123-28; Aug. 1914) B,LC. RR-t3rininal3-7) . ' . General ( corit, ) Prall, W. M, . . . . Terminal servi.se* (Pittsburgh rai r-.v.club,' Proceedings, Jan. 24, 1913) .B. Abstract, Railway acre gazette, v. 54: 249-50;Feb. 7, 1913 . * * Principles covering design h ia, 1908,' 10 p. 12 B, Ri'chards.on, ?' . Symmes. The terminal',- the gate of the city. (Scribner's magazine, v. 52: 401-16; Oct. 1912) .B,LC,KY. Roberts, W. 9. The qualifications of a terminal superintendent* An analvsis of the essential elements necessar^ tc secure maximum results' from his organizat'ion. (Railway age gazette, v. 5.9 t 434-35; Sept. 3, 1915) Sammet.. ' . Betriefcskosten -auf einseitig entwiekelten rangierbahnhcf en. (Archiv flir e i^enbahnwesen, Mar -Apr. 1913 : 341-42) B. ," * Schrand, G. B. *" The public and the terminal. Railway age gazatte-, v..'58 : 241; Feb. 5, 1915) Sib ley, Frank P, A hive, cf passage. (Railroad telegrapher , v. 15 : Jan. 1898: 31-42) B. A modern railroad 'station and terminal. General '( cent. ) Spink, -Frank A. I-i3' industrial terminal. Its' evolut ion: ana its mis'sion. (St. Lou is railway cl ub , 'Proceed in ~s, v. 20 : 51-54; -Jul.9,1915} B. . Discussion, p55-6.? Abstract in Railroad herald, v. 1'9 : 175-78; Aug.l9l5. B. Spink, Frank A. The railway .terminal and its relations to industrial development, {Trade and transportation, *vl6: .Mar. 1.915 : 12) B. Stone, A-. H, Practical considerations- in design of large stations. Features v-hich sho-uld be studied in planning a' large passenger terminal to reduce operating costs. (Railway, age gazette, v. 57: 555-58; " Sept-.25, 1914 ) Stuart, Francis Lee. '''* Port development and" its crcblerr.s. (Railway review, v, 55 :*387'-39^ Sept'-. 26 j 1914). -B. Address before Nat i c.nal .assoc^i it ion of port authorities, Baitimore,.Md. , Sept .8, 1914. " Abstracted in Railwav world, v. 58 ' 809-11 ; Oct- 1914, B. 'erminal costs of a railroad. Analvtical discussion of tne dominating factors, with special reference to local railroads. Boston globe, Ivlety 28,4-914) B, T>is Times, London. Aroericanrai.lv/ay number,' June 23,1912, London, J. P. Bland, 1SP12. 245 p. -4 B, A13-S94. '. Terminals, p. 181-86. Tomlinson, D. A. The location of the 'freight house. Railway age -gazette, v. 60: Jan. 7, 1916: 8-9) l.c.l. freiht. Traffic world [Editorial] An adequate remedy needed. ^Transportat io-n & terminal facilities] (Traffic world, v. 13: 1093; May 30,1914) U.S. Interstate commerce commissi.cn. . In the matter of rartes, facilities, and practices applied in the transportation, handling, . and storage of grain .and grain products carried from- western points to Atlantic s aboard*.. Orders and testi"- ^ mony, Washington, l'90i. ' 311 p. 784,1915, Chicago & North'-'eatern $23,600,000 passenger terminal. (Live stock journal, v. 51: Jul. 5,1911: 1,5") B, RR.-terminala-ia) Chicago, Ill.(cont'. ) Ghici^c slectrif icatiofl sstimate-'. at -150,000. Commission expected' shor.tly to report results of its four v^ar study, with recommenda-' ticns arid T>lans. (v r all street journal, Jan. 1,1913, p. 7, col. 5 ) B,NY. "^ : o, i'ilwaukee c": St. Paul railway co. Chicago's new sixty million dollar union passenger terminal. L1916J 6 p. folder. 8 B. The Chicago railway terminal problerr. (St>3U!i shovel and dredge, v.13: 596-38; Jul.1913) B. Chicago terminals. One passenger station proposition turned down by four lines* (Railway record, v. 5: May 24,1913", p*l) B. Chicago's greatest passenger station, fin The Railway librarv, 1911. Chic ago, 1912, p. 307-14) B. Chicago's terminal problems absorb attention of many, (Railway record, v*5: Dec. 20, 1913: 4-5) B, council advised by association t/iat committee on smoke abatement. and electrification will report constructive conclusions by January 1, 1914, (Chicago commerce, v. 9: May 16,1913: 11-14) B. learing interchange yard for Chicago district. Reconstruction of big hump yard bv belt railway to relive downtov/n terminals of transfer freight. (Railway age gazette, v, 57: 603-05; Oct. 2 ,1914) Dela.no, Frederic A. the Chicago pla-n, with particular reference to' the railway terminal problem. [n. p. ,1913] "p. 819-31. 8 B. Reprinted from the Journal of political economy, v. 21 :819-31; Nov.lc-13. B,LC,NY. F/ie Delivery of package freight. Railroads bv using belt line can relieve Chicago industries of expense 'and avo id congest i on, . ." (Manufacturers' nevs,v.4: Dec . 18 > 1913 : 13-15) B. Electric railway journal [Editorial] 'lee t-f icat ion of steam railroad terminals in Cnicctgo. (Electric railway j ou.-nal, v. 32 : 1290-91; Oct. 31, 1908} B. Electrification cf Chicago rarlway terr inals . (Railway and engineering revi -:' , v . 53 : 459-61; Hay 17,1913) lements of Cnicago's riilw^xy terminal prco.lem as'a-fuieJ by tersiiijil comm-ission before leaving for tour cf Europe. (Chicago commerce, v. 10: Jul.10, 1914: 19-21) HR-terminals-13) Chicago, tll (cont, ) ' Engineering news [Editorial]] [Comment on electr if ic .ition' of Illinois central terminal lines in Chic_igo3 (Engineering news, v. 62: 467; Oct. 28,1909) B,LC,NY. Engineering record [Editorial] Comprehensive investigation of the Chicago terminal -situation.. (Engineering record, v.68: 226; Aug. 30, 1913) B,LC,NY. First unit of Chicago's new freight yard cost $5,000,000... street journal, Mar. 20, 1913, p,S,col.3) B,LC,NX. Freight interchange at Chicago. (Engineering news, v. 67: 902-05; May 9,1913) B^LC^NY. Goss, Vf. F. M, Electrification of railway terminals. An outline of the invsstigd* tion being made at Chicago and discussion of the proposed change of power . (Railway age gazette, v. 52 : 1347-49; Jun*14, 1912 ) Great new terminal project for Chicago. (Santa Fe magazine, v 7: Jan, 1913: 39-40) B. History of Chicago's acquisition of expert advisers in railway terminal commiss ion. (Chicago comrerce,v.lO: Jul.10,,] 914 : 15-18) B. 'Holland 1 writes of electrification of vast railroad terminals'. Chicago plans perfected. (Washington, [D.C.]. Post, Feb. 25,1914) B. * Hooker, George Ellsworth. Through routes for Chicago's steam railroads. The b- st is e ins for- attaining popular and comfortable travel for Chicago and suburbs. [Chicago] The Citv club, 1914, 39 p. f illus. ~B. Abstract in Railway world, v, 58: 631-34; Aug. 1914) B. Hunt, Jarvis. New terminal plan for Chicago. (Railway and engineering review, v. 52 : 1067-69; Nov. 23, 1912) Abstract in Rai Iway. record, v. 4 : Nov,23,1912: 9)' B. Abstract in Scientific American supplement, v, 75: 37-36; J^.n.18, 1913 .B Hunt, Jar vis, Flan ... for great central union terminal for passenger and freight traffic. [Chicago] (Chicago commerce, v. 8: Jan, 31, 1913: 22-27) B. Hunt, Jarvis. Plans to straighten the Chicago River.' (Manufacturers' news, v, 11: Nov. 21, 19 c2: 5-7) B, Hunt, Jarvis. Proposal for a cer.trdl passenger and freight terminal for Chicag&'s railrcads. Address to City club, Jar. 4, 1913) (City club of Chicago. Bulletin, v. 6: Jan. 2 3 . i 9i:i : 1-13) T* RR-terminals-14) Chicago, III. (coat* ) Hunt, Jarvis. Remaking . Chica :o . (Metropolitan, v. 37: Apr. 15, 1913: 23-24, 54-55) B,LC. Improvements at the K.v.-leY'ood locomotive terminal and car repair plant, Lake Shore & Michigan southern railway, Chicago. (Railway review, v, 55: 579-83; Dec .5, 1914) A Lar^e city freight terminal. (Engineering news, v* 70: 378-33; Aug. 21, 1913) B f LC,NY. Nev; terminal of the Soo line at Chicago* Lemmerich, Gustave E. One plan for solving the Chicago terminal problem* (Railway age gazette, v. 55 : C>20; Aug. 22, 1913) Lord, Arthur R. Mew "Soo" freight terminal at Chicago* (Railv:ay age gazette, v. 55 : 321^25; Aug. 22, 1913) Lyford, W. H. The complicated terminal problem of Chicago, Plans for reorganizing Chicago terminals. Proposed operation of clearing yards and L.C,l. clearing house. (Railway age gazette, v. 56 : 579-81 ;' Mai. 20, 1914 ) Reprinted in The Fay -b ill, v. 4: Mar. 1914: 2-3,5.. B. Moulton, Robert H. The largest freight yards in the world. (Technical world, v. 19: 522-24; Jun.l913> B,LC,NY. Chicago & North western yards at Proviso, 111. New Soc line freight terminal in Chicago. (Railway review, v. 54: 600-03; Apr, 18, 1914) New transfer station 'at Gibson, Ind. How the New York Central lines are avoiding Chicago's crowded business area in handling package freight. (Manufacturers' news, v. 4: Apr, 2, 1914: 9-10) B, New Union station for Chrcago. (Railway and engineering review, v. 52: 478-79; May 24,1913) The New union station at Chicago. (Cassier's magaz ine , v. 44 : Jul. 1.913: 88-90) B. Ordinance passed for new union station in Chicago. (Railway review, v, 54 : 404-96; Mu.r .28, 1914 ) Flan$ for new union station at 'Chicago. (Railway age gazette, v. ,4: 1147-49; May 23,1913) Produce market and .railway terminal for Chicago. (Engineering news, v. 73: 845; Apr. 29,1915) B,LC,NY. Chicago, 111, (cent. ) Proposed rearrangemew? o^ rarity terminals i?. ^C'nica^o." (Engineering nevrs,V. 63 t-^Hj Fee ,24, 1910). . '.'/S,LC' f J?T. it public, policy for City council to await report of association. '(Chicago commerce, v. 9: i-iav 16,1?I3: l.v-20) B. Railra.^ and engineering rev:--; [[Ed tuSl&l."' The Chicago problem. [Terminals] (Railway and engineering review, v. 52 : 491; Jun. 1,1912) Railv/ay terminals in. Chicago. (Engineering news , Jul . 31, 19 13 ) 5500 words, Relocating of Caicj-^o railway terminals. (Railvrav age gazette, v. 54: 1184-87; May 30, 1913 ) Sattley, R. C. Proposed plan of one central railway ' terminal for Chicago. (Railvray a,id engineer i -.g revi^F, v. 53: 666-71; Jul. 12, 1913) Soo line freight terminal in Chicago, (Engineering rec ord , Aug. 16, 193.3 ) 2500 words* Technical nature of electrification problem and importance of complete survey before action by City council. (Chicago commerce, v. 9 : May lj,l?13: 15-18) B. Tentative designs for terminal facilities in the electrification of Chicago railways. (Railway review, v. 58: 98-401; Jan. 15, 1916) Union terminal plans. [With mar> of Union terminal district] (Chicago. comr.erce,v. 9: Apr/3,1914: 20-21) B. ^ r A liar. 1 , John Findla\r. -j-,ort to Coramittj.o on rai3yv/ay tjrjnir.ala of the City council of 3hitsagc, Barnard ft Millar, 1913] 36 p, 4 B. A16-45J Abstract in Railmy ag j gaz jtt j ,v ,55 : 745-48; ^ct, 24, 1913) Evans ton. Gre i f enhagen, F. -0. Trie desi i of the stations en the Ev.-.hston track elevation \vor3t, ChicagjO-, Milwaukee St.?*^..- railway. (Engineer 'S,v63-: 101-92; Feb. 17, 1910) B,LC,NY. i on ' at 'Joli -5t ,111, diV.6.7: 74.-7SJ Jari.18, 1913) B,LC,HY. DIANA 9-10)' crowded ousiness a.rea in RR -Terininals-16) t KANSAS Wichita. Skinner, C . J. The new union station and track elevation at Wichita.. (Santa Fe magaz i ne, v, 8 : Apr. 1914: 57-59)- B. Skinner, C. J. Union station and track elevation at Wichita. Four roads have united to eliminate the grade crossings and to provide joint terminal facilities. (Railway age gazette, v. 56 : 470-73; Mar. 6,1914) Skinn-r, C. J. The . T > rr ichita union station. (Engineering news, v. 71: 553-58; liar. 25, 1914 ) B f LC,NY. "ichita wins." New union station open to public* (Rock Island employes' magaz ine , v.7: Apr. 1914: 15-19) B. Wichita's nev union station (Travel, v.23: Jul.1914: 40, 64) B. KENTUCKY Loui sville . Railway record [Editorial] Popular sentiment vs. individual ownership. (Railway record,v.4: 2: Dec. 7, 1912) Louisville & Nashville terminal situation. LOUISIANA Ne;" Or leans.. Cotton warehouse and terminal of the state of Louisiana, Built and operated by the Board of c ommissi o /jers of the Port of New Orleans. Ford, Bacon & Davis, engineers, [n. p. ,1915] 5 p. f B "Reprinted fron- Manufacturers ' record, Jan. 7, 1915" Dance, M. H. Development of freight terminals at New Orleans. (Illinois central employes' nidgaz ine, v .4 : Jun.1912: 18-21) B. lodge,' Lods A. The public belt railroad of New Orleans. A broad and permanent s ' which furnishes terininal facilities to railroads, industries and watercraft without discrimination, restriction or dela^. (American city, v, 5 : 328-31; Dec, 1911) B , LC . Ne 1 - concrete warehouses and terminal plant at Nev; Orleans will cover 100 acres, (Engineering r 3C ord , war , 2 7, 1915 ) 1500 words. LC , NY Rapid progress being in construction of -t::e Trans-Mississippi terminals at tne port of New Orleans. (Texas c Pacific rcontnl 1 ' nagaz ir, e, v. 3 : Sept. 1915: 4-5^ B. RR-Terminals-1?) MARYLAND Baltimore Beacham, Robert J. Baltimore's terminals. [Capacity] (Traffic world, v. 14: Jul. 4,1914: 34-36) B, Davis, J. H. Electrified terminal' of the B. & 0, R. R. at Baltimore. (Railway review, v. 55: 652-57; Nov. 28, 1914) P oners, R. C. Cumberland terminal of the Baltimore & Ohio. (Railwav age gazette, [Mech. Ed .]., Nov. 1913) 1800 vrords. . MASSACHUSETTS Bost on. Beaton, Josiah H Closing argument .. .before the joint railroad committee Massachu- setts legislature, Apr . 13, 14 ,1896, upon the bill to provide for a southern union passenger station in Boston. Bos ton, A.C . Getchell, 1896. 95 p. 8 B. A15-2181 Boston pocket manual company. Boston terminal guide, Vol.2,no21, Jul. 24,1899. 64 p. 48 B. Cole, John C. Boston transportation needs. Address before Massachusetts public service commission, Nov. 24, 1914. 10 p. 8 B. Ilectric, 4 railway journal [Editorial] Boston railroad terminals and electrification. (Electric railway j our nal , v. 34 i 389; Sept k 11, 1909 ) B. Engineering ne"'s [Editorial] A stop to ralv/ay electrification. (Engineering nev.-sy, v. 71 : 135; Jan. 15, 19 14) B , LC , NY . Plans for electrification of .Boston terminals halted for lack of funds. Hearing on Boston railroad terminals. (Railway review, v. 57: 695-96; Nov. 27, 1915) Kimfcall, George H. A study for unifying the freight terminals of Buffalo. (Railway and engineering review, v. 53: 1168-73; Dec. 20, 1913) Massachusetts, Board of harbor commissioners Reports on the subject of the terminal facilities of the railroads on the northerly side of Boston. Boston, 1870. 36 p. 8 B. Reports bv Mr. Appleton and Mr. Adams, Massachusetts. Directors of the port of Best on. Report upon the use of water terminals and railroad connections. Jan. 1914, Boston, 1914. 27 p. 8 (Gen. Cou"t. 116 ) Lehigh Valley passenger a:.id freight terminal at Buffalo, (Railway age gazette, v. 59 : 158-59; Jul.23,1915) See also Railway age gazette ; v. 57 : 153-67 ;Jul . -A, 1914 .md Railway revis--.-, v.5o :35; -40 ;. .' .r . 13 , 1915 . ^-Terminals -2 2) NEW YORK (cont.) . r New York City. American society of civil engineers. New York tunnel extension, the Pennsylvania railroad; description of the work and facilities. Transactions of the soc i ety, 1910. [New York, The Soc iety, 1910] 2 vols. 8 [oeing vols.58 & 69, Sept. & Oct. 1910] ASCE,B',LC,NY. 12-20255 American society of civil engineers. Rapid transit and terminal freight facilities. Report of committee appointed Sept, 3, 1874, to investigate the best means of rapid transit and of handling f rei~ht in and about the c it" of Nevr York* [New York] 1875. 81 p. 8 ASCE,B,LC 8-37314 Balliet, K. 3. [Lecture on the signals and interlocking system of the Grand central t errn i nal , I T ev Y or Is . j (Richmond, Va, railroad club, Proceed i ngs, v. 14 : Feb. 8, 1915 :5-24 ) B. Baltimore and Ohio twenty -sixth street stores, Inc. Local tariff naming rates of storage and labor;.. Aug. 19, 1915, effective Sept .20, 1915 . 22 p. map. FYIIR Barrett, R. V. In the matter of the investigation and suspension of lighterage and storage regulations at 1'ev- York. Brief for trunk lines. Ne 1 York, [1915] 151 p, 8 ICC I&S docket 572. B. Cost cf loadin and transfer. Black, v 'illiay- Te Railway .terminals and Nav'' York harbor. (Engineering magaz ine , v. 5 : 631-39; Aug. 1893) B,LC,NY. Bonner, Francis A. New York's grand central terminal. In Railv/ay liVr .ry, l c 12, p. 151-57. Brooklynite [pseud] The marginal freight railroad plan analyzed 1^ one of its opponents. (Brockl-n tiae, Apr. 12, 1915) B. Buck, L. L. A railroad approach to'Kev York it-'. (Railroad gazette, v. 22: 751; Oct. 31, 1090) A? 90 in Scientific A.^ericiin srp -le^ent , . v. 30 :1?425 ;Nov, 2 , 190. B. Calf as, P, La ncuvelle g^re ceat''"-^l terminus ue To '-^ (Genie civil, ?Uy 10,1913) 4500 Carpenter, T^arv-'ick ?- T ^rk's ne v ' railvav tvrr; inal, (industrial magaz in e, v, 7: 342-4"; ; \;t,1907) B. RR-Terminals-24) New York City (cont.) Carter, Charles Frederic. 'ost marvslpus of 1 terminals. [Grand central! (Technical world magas ine , v . 17 : 441-45; Jun.1912) B,LC,NY. Chknute, 0., and others. Rapid transit and terminal freight facilities. (American society of civil engineers, Transactions, v.4: 43,46jl874) Proposal for belt railroad. ASCE Clarke, T. 0. The New York and New Jerse}' br idge -route , union station and terminals (Scientific American supplement , v. 34 : 14010-11; Oct. 22,1892) B,LC. Clinton, Harper. New York terminal f or ' bus i --'ess houses. (Technical world,v. 21-: 535-38; Jun.1914) B,LC,NY* Cochr-ine, Chirles H. Two billions in engineering works. (Van Garden's magaz ine, v. 2 : Aug,1907: 27-48) B,LC. Completion of the Pennsylvania railroad tunnels and terminal station. (Scientific Arner ican, v. 102 : 393-401; May 14,1910) B,LC. Construction of the New York cdnnecting railroad. (Railway age . gazette , v. 57 : 888-92; Nov. 13, 1914) '3 Cost o:' terminal freight handling in the port., of Ne\v York, (Engineering r .news,y.63: 350-61; Liar . 3 1, 1910) B,LC. Croy, H oilier, Ne\v York's $200,000,000 gateway. (Leslie's weekly , v. 115 : 414, 42; Oct. 24, 1912) B,LC. Developments at the Grand" central terminal in New York. (Railway review, v. 57:' 22 a -34; Aug. 21, 1915) Donahue, Robert T. Traffic conditions in New York citv.' (Railway and engineering review, v. 52 : 998-1000; Nov. 2,1 C 12) From an address before the Traffic club of "\v York, Oct. 29, 1912. Golden, E. L. The operation of trains in tlie grand central terminal. (Railroad men, v. 28: 240-43; Jun.1915)' B The Grand central station of New York. (Commercial and financial chronicle, Railway & industrial section v. 96.: Feb. 22, 1913: 3-4) B,LC,NY. The Grand central terminal building. (Architecture and bui Iding, v, 45 : 140-52; Apr. 1913) B,LC, t i R H -T e r rn i nal s - 2 5 ) Nsv York 'City (cent. ) f Grand central terminal in New York. .(Steam shovel* & dredge , v, 17 : 937-38; Nov. 1913) B. Grand central ^rminai, New York city. (Railway and engineering revieWjV.53* 77-78; Jan. 25, 1913) Grand central terminal, New York. (Railway age gazette, v. 54: 279-84 ; Tab ,14, 1913 ) Harahan, '' r . J. New York city's vrest'-side freight problem in the view of a railway operating official,- (Ene; in ering nevm,v.66: 91-92; Jul.20, 1911> B,LC,NY. HarcUn;:, B.-.UcL, " Mechanical transshipment of railway and waterborne freight; with special reference to the port of New York. (Nev-r Y.or t k railroad club, Official proceedings, v.2Q- 1612*73; Nov. 19, 1909) B,NY. Harper's weekly [Editorial] Our beautiful n3w railroad station. [Grand central terminal J (Harper's weekly, v.57: Feb. f,1913: 5) B,LC,NY. A History of the grand central terrni hals -in NSW York. - (Architecture and 'building, v. 45 : 137-40; Apr. 1913) B,LC,NY, Hobart, James F, The railrqad terminals of Hew York'- lH The Pennsylvania and the Grand central. ' (Ra-ilway magazine, [NY, ] -v. 3: 1Q-S3-73; Nov,1897)B*. Continued... Holland, [pseud] Holland's letter, A. J.Cassatt ' s foresight in securing a terminal on Long Island will mean- much to Pennsylvania system. Wall street journal, Sept . 11, 1912 : 1, c ol . 3 ) B. Holland, [pseud] Holland writes. of colossal railway projects of New York. (Washington I-D,C.] Post, Jan. 25, 1913) B, Hunger ford, Edward, The greatest railway terminal in' the --orld [Grand Central] Outlook, v. 102: $01-11; Dec . 28 , 19 12 ) ' B,LC,NY. Hungerford, Edrard. Important chinges in railroad terminals, (Travel, v.21: Se-ot.1913: 43-44) -B. Improvement of the terminal '^fac ili'ties at the' port of I^w York. (Engineering news, v. 39: 154; Kir. 10 ,1898) LC,NY, Inglis, Wi New York's nev/- gateway, [Grand central terminal] (Harperfs weekly , v. 57: Feb. 1, 1913 : 13-15, 20| B,LC,NY.- &R -Terminals -2 6.) New Yo.rk.Tity (pent. '5, I Ire ton/ R- E. Improving New York harbor*' (Goody's magazine, v.l?: 309-13; Jun.1914) B, Jamaica improvement of the Lon^ Island railroad. (Engineering record, Jan. 11, 1913) 2000 words. LC,NY. Journal of commerce [Editorial,] New York central and other terminals. '(-Journal of commerce, Jan .29,1915: p. 4, col, 2) B,NY. Journal of commerce [Editorial] New York freight terminals. (Journal of 'commerce, Mar. 8,1915, p. 4, col. 2-3') B,NY. Journal of confine r'ce . [Ed it orial ] Railroad and 'river front parks, (Journal of commerce, Mar. 28,1913, p,6,col.l) B,NY. Journal of ^commerce [Editorial] The railroads and the water front. (Journal of commerce, Sept . 30, 1910 ) B,NY. Terminals in New York city. Journal of compere e [Editorial] The Terminal bills, [New York city terminals] (Journal of commerce, Apr . 28, 19 13, p. 4, col. 2) B,NY, Keys, G. I.I. The fjatev/a-y of a nation. How New York handles half the foreign commerce of thg country. 7 v e greatest traffic problem in the United States. (World's work, v, 18: 12010-24 ;. Sept. 1909 ) B,LCNY. Lane,' PVanc is V^ A "proposed freight subway belt 'line for louver New York city* . (Engineering news, Oct. 15, 1908, .p. 403-03) NY I/vdecker, Ch-irles E., and others. In the matter of the municipal marginal freight terminal railway in th* B'orough of Brooklyn. -To the coramitte- *n terminal improvements O f ^-he Board of esth;at.? anu apportioinen-t . [Letter , Juii. 23 , 19i3j o p. ,r.ap. 'Copy in Merchants Assbcicttien of ^ew York. McCain, Tilliam B. x- i ' The -.Pennsylvania railroad's New York improvement. .Passenger 8tatio.nj (Engineers society of Fennsylvania, Journal, v.3: 405-3i; Pec, 1911) B. Manhattan 'freight terminals* (New Tor K chamber of commerce, Annual repor i ,1911-12, pt . 1 . 8/ New York tity/ Bulkh^ *6r* on waterfront. . - ord Jun.. 2 7, 1914) 120^ words. LC,NY. RR-Terrninals-27) . New York City (cont.) A Marvelous transformation.' [Grand central terminal] (Leslie's weekly , v. 118 : 139; Feb. 5, 1914) B , LC , NY . Merchants association of New York. Connecting railroad will aid industrial plans. New lines will link three great boroughs. Prepared by industrial bureau. (Greater New York, Feb. 10, 1913 , ~p* 10-12 ) map. B,NY. Merchants association of Ne\v York, Disposal of West side railroad tracks. Report by the committee... No*-. 25, 1.908, 19 p. map. B,NY,NYMR. Merchant association of New York. Rail terminal facilities in Greater New York. map- [1914] B,NY. Merchants association of New York. Re-organization of the waterfront railroad terminals* (Merchants association o " New York, Proceedings, Apr. 1911: 120-23) NY. Mitchell, -John Purrov, Transportation, port and terminal facilities. (Academy of political science, Proceedings, v.5: 23:':-52; Apr*1915) B,LC,NY. Discussion, p. 731-59. Monumental gateway tc a great citv.. [Grand central terminal] Scientific- Americanly. 107: 484-89, 499, 501; Dec. 7, 1912) B,LC,NY Mordecai, Grat z. A report on the terminal facilities for handling freight of the railroads entering the port of New York. .New York, Railroad Gazette, 1885. 68 p. 8 B , CU, ICC, LC , NY, HIT, UC , 6-30518 v freight terminal warehouse 'on the Baltimore & ohio railroad in ew Yrk city. (Railway review, v. 54: 722-25; May 16,1914) The New Grand central terminal station in New York city; an underground double -deck terminal. : (Engineering news, v. 69: 883-95; May 1,1913) B,LC,NY. Nsw offices in the Grand central terminal area. (Railway master mechanic , v. 39 : 290-92; Sept. 1915) . B,LC,NY New railroad plan for the Bronx trade. Three-loop road on waterfronts connecting with main trunk lines suggested. (New York Tines, Feb. 6,1916, p. 5, col. 3-4) . B,LC,NY- ANew $200,000,000 railway station. (Leslie's weekly , v, 115 : 677; Dec. 26, 1912) B,LC. frK-Terminale-28) N^w York City (cent*) New York (City) Board of estiraats and apportionment. [interim report -of special committee upon readjustment of the tracks of the New York central & Hudson River railroad company along the West side of the Borough of Manhattan and a portion of the Borough of the Bronx.] Oct. 3, 1912. 9 tvpewritten leaves. In Merchants association of New York. New York (City) Board of est irnate. and apportionment. Report of Bureau of franchises upon application of the Jay street connecting rail- road for an amendment of the contract dated Jun. 29,1911, granting the c om-pany a franchise. V^ith proposed form of contract. Jul. 23, , 1-915. 30 p. map. NYMR Map shows existing terminal and desired track extensions, New York '('City) Board of estimate and apportionment. Report of committee on terminal improvements u,oon organization of rail terminal facilities upo/i the west side of Manhattan Island and the elimination of surface ope -at :i onby the .New York centra railroad company upon the streets of the city. [Mar, 27, 1913] 47 p. 8 NYMR New York (City) Board of estimate and apportionment. Report upon the removal of the New York central railroad tracks from the surface of Eleventh avenue and -the improvement of the New York central railroad tracks, between West 60th Street. and Spuyten Puyvil ; also the relation of these improvements to the general question of freight handling on. the 'Test side. Submitted by Ernest C.Moore, Dec, 1910. 24 p. 8 NYMR Same in City record, Apr. 6, 1911, p. 2946-48. NY, NYMR Ne<:/ York (City) Board of estimate and apportionment Report, upon the elimination of surf -j.ee freight railroad tracks of the New York central and Hudson -River railroad and a general scheme of improved freight handling facilities at the port -of New York. By E. P. Goodrich and B.P. Nichols. . .Mar .13,1911. 107 p. mips. 8* B. NY, NYMR, Same with preliminary report of the B card , I'Ur . 2 7 3 1911, in City record, %r. 6, 1911, p.2939-45. NY, NYMR. New York. Borough of Queens. Chamber of commerce. Queens Borough: be in,:; a descriptive and illustrated book of the Borough. .. sett i r^: f ; -.rth its many, advantages. [1913] 110 p. B,NY. Long Island RR, , p. 30-38; Connecting RR., p. 40-41; ^"aterfront . developments, p, 59-63. Same for 1915, B,NY. See pages 54-60, 62-63, 65-74, 75-76. Hew York, Department cf docks and ferries. [Correspondence between Calvin To IT. kins, LUvor Gaynor =md Irvin T. Bush, in regard to 'the Bush terrainkl cofpjtnv and a South Brooklyn terminal. Sept . 30, Oct. 2, 1912] b mil . vapned sneets f B, RR-Terminals-29) New York city (cont,) New York. Department of docks and ferries, [Letter to the Board of estimate, from Calvin Tcrnkins, discussing the maiority report of the committee of engineers upon the elimina- tion of surface freight railroad tracks of the New York central and Hudson River railroad.] Mar. 29,1911* (City record, Apr. 6, 1911: 2945-46) NY.NYMR. New York. Department of docks and ferries. [Letter to the Board of estimate from Calvin Torrkins, submitting report of E . P .Cresson, Jr . , entitled "Studies, plans, &c ., together with Operating costs' of handling railroad freight on the westerly side of Manhattan under proposed plans."] Feb .10, 1913. 7 typewritten sheets. In Merchants association of New' York- Hew York. Department of doc*ks and ferries Map of South Brooklyn railroad, adopted by Board of estimate and apportionment Jul.30,1914. NYI1R, New- York, Department of docks and ferries* . A plan for the comprehensive organization and connection of the interstate terminals 'of the port of New York, outlined to the committee on the harbor and shipping of the Chamber of commerce* Submitted, by Calvin Tomkins, Dec. 2, 1911. [New York., M.E. Brown, 1911] 6 p. 3 B,LC. 12-3467 New York. Department of docks and ferries. Report a<5 company ing submission -of plans for an elevated freight railroad connecting Manhattan .terminals at the port of New York, .Submitted by Calvin Tomkins. Jan. 26, 1911. [Brooklyn, 191l] 11 p. R,LC,NY. 11-8023 New York. Department of docks and ferries. Report on the plans of the New York cent'al and Hudson R.iver r ailro ad .c ornpany referred to the Dock commissioner by the Board of estimate and appor tionrcit under date of Sept .28, 1911, and their relation to a general system of freight terminals. Nov.2,lll, 23 p. maps.. (Report no. 14) B,NY,NYHR. New York". Department of docks and ferries, Report on transportation conditions at the port of New York, with especial reference to a joint railroad terminal in Manhattan on the North River above 25th street. [Hew York, 1910] 23 p. 8 B,NY. New York, Department of docks and ferries. Report on went Manhattan water front. [Feb .24, 1913] [New York, H.B.Bro^-n, 1913] 13 p. 8 B,LC,NY, 13-16087. r T sw York. Department of docks and ferries, A -report on wholesale terminal markets at the port of New York. Submitted to the New York food investigation commission by Calvin Tomkins. My 7,1912. 21 p. maps, (Report no. 20) NY. Contains Report descriptive of terminal conditions, by r.G.Rainsford,p.9-21. PR-Terminals -3 . ) York Cit- (cent*)' jj evr York. D^cartment of docks and ferries. Reports of board ot consulting engineers, Nov. 11, 1895 to Dec. 15, 1897. New York, 1897. 25 p.. 8 Plan for a marginal railroad on v 'est Street, - York. Department of docks and ferries. Studies for c'o-binod'-aterfront and terminal industrial development artplicabl-e to frontage on different parts of New York harbor. S^bmittea by Calvin Tomkins, Aug. 1,1911, [Nev/ YcrK, ii.B .Brown, 1911J 4 11 p. 5 B,-LC,Nt. 11-28131 ork* Mayor's market cor;:mis3i o.'. Report, Dec .'.1913* 311 p. 8 Existir.o- steamship and railroad terminals, Dy W.G. Rains ford, p. 2 9 -3 9. "ork. Municipal reference library srminal facilities of the port of New" York. (Municipal refsrance library notes,v;2: 51-80; Oct. 20, 1915) B,NY. A classified bibliography. York (State) Chamber of commerce. [Report on Brooklvn waterfront terminals. Jan.2,1913J In \is Annual report, 1912/13, p. 145-49. NY.NYMR. - York [State) Food investigating conu-'ission. Revert cf co^ittee on terminals and transportation, 39 p. J NY. New York, Lav^, statutes, etc. An Act to provide for tne regulation and improvement of tne railroad, t err:, i -rials and approaches thereto... of the New York central and Hudson River railroad company in the city of New York. New York, Lav;s of 1911, chap*777, approved Jul. 25,1511. HY,NYMR. Nev; York (State) Eublic service coiii.uiss ion, 1st distradt. Re.:crt upon Eleventh avenue franchise in New York of t.ie - -/ -r*K cent --.j.1 - -:' -udson River railroad cor.panv. Mar* 8, 1909. 51 p. B. Ccp<- in Merchants association of New York, Bibliography, p,4c--51. . York ana :,v.rine terminals. Flan far elevated freightway. Railroads and particular shipping interest in opposition to plans for city terminal expansions-. ( r ull street journal, Get, 2,1912, p. 3, col. 2) B,NY. Ne 1 " Y cJr ana ^arinE terniir.als. The Treirle^' site developiuc it Partial solution of the transporta- tion problem in pl...n proposed for -^ont ^o.T.erv terminal at Arthur Kill. Article 2, ,11 street journal, Sept, 27, 1912, p.2,col.-2-3) B,NY. New Ycr>" cent" al 1 and Kuuscn ^iver railro;i>': cor.panv. cf the terminal facilities of N*j%v York, Nevr York, 1914, B. RR-Termi'nals-31) New York Citv (cont) New York central and Hudson River railroad. [Plans for re-adjustment of lir est side tracka doid terminals* 1913] 38 sheets. In New York Merchants association. New York central and Hudson River railroad company- Statement of tonnage and traffic, at freight depots... for years ending June . 30, 1911-12. blueprint. In Merchants association of New York. New York central and Hudson River railroad. T "est side tracks, City of New York. [Correspondent. . .1906-07] With report of a special committee' of the Rapid Transit railroad commissions -s , Feb. 25, 1907, favoring a subway from 30th to 60th streets,] 29 p. In Merchants association of New York. New York central's new station; (Railway j ournal, v, 19 : Mar. 19 c3: 7-8) B. New York cheap transportation association. Report of committee on termi- nal facilities, Jan. 29, 1874. New York, Nesbit, 1874* 35 p, New York city terminal stations. (Railway news, v. 99: 265-65; Fei. 1,1913) B,LC,LSE,NY. New York Evening post. New York's newest structural wonder, [Grand central terminal] (The Evening post, New terminal supplement. Feb. 1,1913) B,NY. New 'York freight terminals, 1914. (Railway age gazette, v. 59 : 395-97; Aug. 27, 1915) New York's freight terminal problem. Necessity for a new policy... (Railwav acre gazette, v. 54: 843-45; Apr . 11, 1013 ) New York's greatest gateway. [Grand central terminal] (Literary digest, v. 46: 330-31; Feb. 15, 1913) . B,LC,NY. Nouvelle gare centrale de New York. (Revue generale des chemins de fer, 36th vr : 137-48; Sept. 1913) B. Opening of the Pennsylvania terminal station in Ne'w York, How a great railroad system was brought into t'-e metropolis. (Scientific Amer ican, v.103 : 200-01; Sept . 10, 1910) B,LC,NY. Outlook [Editorial] The new Pennsylvania station in New York citv. (-Outlook, v. 96: 55-56; Sept . 10, 1910 ) B , LC , NY- Outlook [Editorial] New York's terminal problem. (Outlook, v.103: 238; Feb. 1,1913) B,LC,NY Outlook [Editorial] New York's transportation problem. (Outlook, v.103: 830-31; Apr. 19 ,1913) B , LC , NY RR- Terminals- 3 2) ' New York City (cont.) The Pennsylvania ra ilr oad - term inal in New' York, (Scientific American supplement ,v. 69 : 306-13; May 14,1910) B,LC,NY. Pierce, Henry J. The freight problem on Manhattan Island* (Railroad age gazette , v. 45 : 1257-60; Oct ,30, 190.8) Progress on the Grand central .terminal. Description*.. (Railway age gazette ,v. 52 : 981-86; Nov. 22,1912) Proposes industrial railroad- to boom Bronx borough. (New York Herald, Feb. 6, 19 16, p.2,2d section) B,NY 4 Public opinion, A great railroad station* [Grand central terminal] (Publi c opinion, v, 38: 130-31; Jan ,26, 1905) B,LC,NY. Railroad gazette [Editorial] Water frront railroads for New York. (Railroad gazette ,v .29 : 347; May 21,1897) Re a, Samuel. Pennsylvania railroad; New York tunnel extension. Historical outline. Remarks of Mr. Samuel Rea, second vice-president, at the annual dinner to the president, . , Pennsylvania railroad company, Dec. 15,1909* [Philadelphia, 1909?] 81 p. .8 B A14-1870, rr ith appendix report on system of underground transit in London. Reid , Sydney. The new Grand central terminal, (Independent, v, 7-2: 550-55; Mar.14,191^ B,LC,NY. Revue generale des chemins de fer. Nouvelle gare centrale de New York, (Revue generale des chemins de fer, 36th year, 2d sem , Sept. 1913, p. 137-48) B. Roads to discuss Hew York central's plans. [Terminal problem j (Journal of commerce, Jaaa .27, 1916 , p.3,col,l) Robert, H. D, The New York central 1 s magn if ic ent terminal. (Leslie's weekly ,v .116: 166; Feb. 13, 1912) B.LC.NY. Editorial comment, p. 16 5. Seeberger, Charles !> The convenience of the public, [P-enns vlv ania station, New York] (Gassier 's ragaz ine , v .39 ; 465-70; Mar, 1911) B. Sixty-ninth street car- transfer bridge of the New York central & Hudson River railroad at New York. (Engineering n ews , Dec .28, 1911 , p. 770-74) LC,NY, Solution of West side trackage problem*. (New York evening post, Sept .25, 1915, p. 5,}.: B,LC,NY RR-Tsrminals-33) ' N ev; Yo rk C i t y ( con t . ) S t ar r e 1 1 , Theodore* The Grand central terminal station. (Architecture and building, Apr. 1913) 1200 \vords. LC,NY. Terminal facilities of the port of New York, discussed by railroad engineers and representatives of the shipping, warehousing and rcantile interests. A series of articles reprinted from the Journal of Commerce, Feb. 23, to l.'ar *22 , 1898, 25" p. NY. Thompson, Hugh. "The greatest railroad 'terminal in the world.." [Grand central terminal, New York] 16 p. 8 [Mew York , 191 1] B From April 1911 issue of Kunsey's magazine. Time lost at freight terminals :' delays in loading and unloading. A general summary of conditions at a tvpical New York City freight terminal, accompanied by tabulations showing the loss of time, over which the railroad, the merchant and the driver have control* (Commercial vehicle, Tar, 1913, p. 22-25) NY Tcrnkins, Calvin. Improved methods for the transfer of freight between the waterfront he railway and the warehouse. 22 p. plans , diagrs . In Permanent international association of navigation congresses. 12th Congress, Philadelphia, 1912. 1st section, 3d question. NY Tomkins, Calvin, Mew York's port problem; railroad monopoly vs * city control* Argu- ment before the Board of est imat e. . .upon the report of its Terminal committee on Manhattan west side (Mew York) read j us tment. May 27, \ 1913. 15 p. NY.NYl'R Tomkirs, Calvin. Remarks [on the New York terminal situation] (New York chamber of commerce, Annj.al report, 1911/12, pt.l: 9-10) B,NY n Norman, Louis E A new transportation era for Mew York. (American revisxv of reviews, v % 42: 433-4-1; Oct. 1910) B,LC,NY. Wall street journal [Editorial] New York's water front. (Waiirstreet journal, O c t.9,1912, p. 1, col. 2) B,LC,NY. Wall street journal [Editorial] t side freight, terminals. (Wall street, journal, Jan, 24,1916, p.l,coll2) B,LC,NY, Washington Heights taxr ^ers ' association, New York City. The railroad grab of the West side waterfront. 1911. 24 p. map. Copy in Merchants association of New York. RR- Terminals- 34) J New York City (contj ""est End association, New York Cit^, In the matter of the proposed p,-lans and agreement beirween Hew central & Hudson Rivor railroad" company and the City of *, affecting Rivsrside Park and the North River waterfront, .epo: c omir.it t 93 on legislation, ... [Mar. 3, 1913] 36 p. We sting ho use Church Kerr & co, The N ?w York passenger terminal and improvement of the Pennsylvan and Long Island railroads... [N ew York , 1910] 61 p. 8 ^"heatley, W. W. New York's transportation problem, A discussion of plans for handling + he-passenger traffic fen and about Greater New York* (Engineering magazine, v. 25: 752-54; Aug. 1903) B,LC,NY. V r ilgus, William J, Proposed nev; freight subway,, New York city and po-^t. (Railroad age gazette, v.45 : 1150-57; Dct, 16,1908) ^ilgus, William J % .Proposed new railway system for the transportation and distribution of freight by improved methods in the city and port of New York. Se-~t,25,1908, [New York, 1908] 108 p. 8 8-33175 ASCE,E,CU,ICC,LC,NY,UW % B ibliography ,p .29-31 , V r illoughby, C. C, Proposal and plan for the construction and operation of a subway rail- and- water freight, terminal on the marginal way of West street, Manhattan; Apr % 3,1913. 38 p. pians. NYMR. Winslow, Grant. The biggest- railroad station in the world* [Pennsylvania stationj (Railroad man's magaz ine, v.l: Oct. 1906: 54-61) B,LC,NY. 'aiders of the stairless station just completed. [Grand central terminalj (New York sun, Jan. 26,1913) B,LC,NY, World's greatest railway terminal. New York central's,,. (Bankers home . magazine, Sept.1910: 8-15) B. d RR-Terrninals-35) NEW YORK STATE (cont.) Rochester The New station at Rochester, (Travel, v, 22: Mar. 1914: 39-41) B,LC,KY. New York central station at Rochester, N*Y. Construction of new building and improved passenger facilities... (Railway age gazette , v. 56 : 317-19; Feb k 13,1914) Ut i c a. The New York central's impro/vements at Utica,N*Y. Construction of new . passenger station, freight house, classification yards and engine te rminal. (Railway age gazette , v. 57 : 47-52; Ju 1.10, 19 14) New York central passenger station and yards, Utica,N.Y. (Railway engi neering , v. 29 : 364-67; Sept. 1914) B. Fat ervliet Chappie, J. C. ''atervli et terminal, Delaware & Hudson company. (Railxiay engineering and maintenance of way, Dec. 1912) 4500. words* Illustrated description of an extensive modern plant five miles from Albany*. OHIO A_ijr jjjne Jun ct i on, New freight and engine terminals, Air Line Junction, 0., Lake 1 Shore and Michigan Southern railwa3r. (Railway review,v,54: 664-67; May 2,1914) u ^shtabula freight car repair facilities, Lake Shore & Michigan southern r a i I\vay , A s ht ab ul a , (Railway review,v,54: 635-36; Apt.25 , 1914) Cj.nc inn at i Arnold , B i on J * Report on an in ^er urban electric railway terminal system for the city of Cincinnati, submitted to the Cincinnati interurban rapid transit commission,,. Oct. 1912, 164 p, 8 maps, tables. B, Cleveland The Cleveland & Youngstown railroad freight terminal project in Cleveland. (Railway revi e\v, v .57: 781-84; Dec .18, 1915) PENNSYLVANIA Conway., Pennsylvania Companjr, A history of Conway yard development, Conway,Pa. From the beginning to September 1905. [^Pittsburgh, V^, Johnston & co.,1905] 53 p, 8 B. A15-2210 RR- Terminals -3 6) ' Penna. (c ont .) Philadelphia Kelly, N. B, What is Philadelphia doing to provide for the transportation of freight by rail. (Philadelphia City club bulleti n, v.4 : 215-25; May 4,191l) B. Address before City c lub , Ap r.25 , 1911. Philadelphia a port of entry. (Scientific American supplement , v. 31: 12642; Feb. 28, 1891) B,LC,NY. Rodgers, J . G , Pennsylvania railroad passenger terminal facilities in Philadelphia. Address before Philadelphia City club , J.an .28, 1911. [Philadelphia, 1911] 13 p. 8 B.PRR Wilson, Joseph iv r , The Philadelphia and Reading terminal railroad and station in Philadelphia*,. Discussion and correspondence . *ll895j (American society of civil engineers, Trans act ions , v. 34 1 115-84; Aug. 18955 ASCE,NY. B has separate, p,[l!5]-184. Pittsburgh Double-deck freight station at Pittsburgh. Office and station for Pennsylvania Conemaugh division* (Engineering news, Sept, 9, 1915) 1400 words. LC,NY. New freight and transfer station at Pittsburgh, Pa. Pennsylvania R.R* (Railway revi ev;, v. 56 : 278-80; Feb. 27, 1915) P helps , Hartley M, New Pittsburgh north side freight station of the Pennsylvania railroad. (Railway age gazette, v. 59 : 245-50; Aug. 6, 1915) Reprinted in Railway gazette, v. 24 : 41-42; Jan. 14,1916, Phelps, Hartley M. _ Palace depot for two trains a day. [Wabash terminal at PittsbuirghJ (Technical world t magazine,v. 19: 94-96; Mar. 1913) B,LC,NY. TENNESSEE M emp h is Central station, Memphis , Tenn. (Architecture and bui Iding ,y.46 : 476-78; Dec. 1914) B,LC,Ny, Kungerford, Edward. Memphis also gains a new station, (Travel, v. 24:' Jan, 1915: 39-40) B,LC,NY, New freight terminals at Memphis, (Rock Island employes' magazz in e, v. 8: Mar, 1915: 23-25) B. The Illinois central new central station and track elevation, Memphis. (Railway engineering and maintenance of way, Oct. 1914) 3000 words, New Illinois central station and track elevation at Memphis. Passenger terminal for four railways,.. IRailwav aee gazette , v. 58 : 179-81; Jan, 29, 1915) RR-Terminals-37) TEXAS Beaumont . Harding, H. I- cL . Combined r - and marine -terminal at B eaumont,Tex . (Railway review, v.57: 679-81; Nov. 27,1915) Dallas Barrett, T, K % Great new terminal facilities for Dallas under way, (Santa Fe magaz i ne ,v .9 : May 1915: 33-35) B. New passenger terminal at Dallas, Tex- (Railway age gazett e , v. 57 : 252-53; Aug. 7, 1914) Union station at Dallas, Tex. (Engineering news,v71: 1416-17; Jun.25,1914) B,LC,NY. Freep ort Davis , A, W. A new port and ^ailroad terminal on the Gulf - Freeport, Tex. (Railway and engineering review, v, 53: 499-501; May 31,1913) Texas C i ty Thomas, Harvey A. Railway and water terminal construction at Texas City. (Railway and engineering review, v.5 2: 1051-54; Nov. 16, 19 12) WASHINGTON Are Canadian railroads seeking Seattle terminals? (Railway and marine news, v. 11: Apr* 15, 1913: 5-6) B, Estep, H, Cole. Improving railway terminals at Seattle. (Railway age gazette, v. 51: .1044-51; .Nov. 24, 1911) Grand Trunk Pacific terminal destroyed by fire. (Railway and marine news, v. 12: Sept. 1914: 15-16) B. i New railway terminals, Seattle , Wash, (Engineering news, v. 68: 256-58; Aug. 8, 1912) B,LC,NY. Valentine, A. L. Seattle's plan fair economic terminal facilities. (Railway and marine news/,v,13: Mar. 19 15: 16-17) B. Spokane St. Paul an d Oregon-Washington joint terminals in Spokane. Extensive ^rade separation work required,.. (Railway age gazette , v. 58 : 85-88; Jan. 15, 1915) Spokane terminal improvement invo'1-ved variety of engineering construction (Engineering record, Feb. 20, 1915) 2000 words, LC,NY. Spokane t s great terminal successiullv opened. (Railway and marine news,v.!2: O l ct.l914i 15-17) B. RR-Terminals-38) Spokane ,Wash. (c ont,) Union terminal construction in Spokane. (Railway review, v. 55: 435-38; Oct, 10,1914) Tacoma Northern Pacific railway station, Tecoma. (^Engineering news, v. 63: 102-04; Stun*18,1912) B.LC.Ny. WISCONSIN Milwaukee Hinrichs, W % S, Operqtins the Milwaukee terminals of the St. Paul. (Railway age gazette, v. 57 : 1050-51; Dec. 4*1914) The St. .Paul improvements at Milwqukee* The new terminal and hump yard (Railway age gazette , v ,55 : 19-21; Jul.4,1913) RR-Terminals-39) FOREIGN Argent ine Republ ic The Central Argentine new terminal station, Buenos Ayres . (Railway gazette, Oct. 3, 1913) 2000 words. New terminal station, Central Argentine railway. (Railway gazette , v , 23 : 271-73; Sept .17 ,1915) Australia New railway stations, Melbourne. (Scientific American supplement ,v,.17: 6775; Feb. 23, 1884) B , LC Belgium New railway stations and six-track tunnels at Brussels, (Engineering news, v. 70: 160-61; Jul.24,1913) B,LC,NY. Canada A Notable group of railway terminals.. Canadian Pacific railway terminals at Quebec, Montreal, Winnipeg and Vancouver. (Canadian engineer, Sept . 23 , 1915) '2500 words, Kirby, Frank E and Filliam T. Donnelly. The marine terminal of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, Prince Rupert, B C . (Engineering news,v.67: 1-3; Jan. 4, 19 12) B,LC,NY. Bengler, E. J. New passenger terminal at Vancouver, B.C. (Engineering news ,v. 68: 85-86; Jul. JL1, 1912) B,LC,NY. Canadian Pacific terminal improvements at Vancouver. (Railway gazette, v. 23: 210-12; Aug. 27, 1915) B Canadian Pacific terminal improvements at v ancouver. A passenger station and pier for coast steamships with supplementary facilities,., (Railway age gazette ,v. 58: 614-16; Mar. 19, 1915) Terminal improvements of the Canadian Pacific railway at Vancouver ,B .C. (Engineering news, v. 73: 340-41; Feb. 18, 1915) B,LC,NY, Also in Railway review,v56: 380-85; Mar. 20, 1915 Vancouver terminal improvements, [.Passenger terminal, Canadian Pacific Ry] (Railway world, v, 58: 396-97; May 1914) B. Grand Trunk terminal at Ottawa, Ont . The new union passenger station,., (Railway age gazette, v. 54: 435-40; Mar .7 , 1913) The New union station at Toronto, (Railway news, v. 102: 129-30; Jul.11,1914) B,LC, Bro\vn, S, P. The Montreal tunnel and terminal. (Engineering news, v. 70: 62-67; Jul.10 , 1913) B,LC,NY, Canadian Northern Montreal terminal. (Railway age gazette, v. 55 : 651-54; Oct. ,10 , 1913) RR-Terminals-40) Foreign (cont.) Carada (cont,) Illumination features of ^ontreal station. (Electrical world, v. 65 : 5^4-35; Feb. 6, 1915) B. Lancaster, W, C. Electrification of the Canadian Northern Montreal tunnel and terminal* (Electric railway j ournal, v.43 : 572-75; Mar, 14, 1914) B. Lancaster, W. C, Tunnel and terminal electrification of the Canadian Northern railway. (Railway review, v. 55: 710-15; Dec ,12, 1914) C ub a Hungerford, Edward % Havana's union terminal, (Travel, v. 22: F Jan. 1914: 39-40) B,LC,NY Fournier, Lucien. The Place de 1'Opera station. A complex engineering feat.,, (Scientific American supplement ,v. 70 : 35: Jul,16,1910) B,LC. Germ any Schroeder [Dr,] Berlin terminus stations and their traffic-capacity* (international railwa}?" congress, Bulletin, Eng,ed. f v.26: 678-94; Jun.1912) B. The New central railway station at Frankfort on the Main, (Scientific American supplement ,v26i 10605-^7; Sept .22 , 1888) B.LC,, Translated from Illustrie rte zeitung, The Largest railway station in Europe, [Leipzig] (Scientific American supplement ,v fc 74: 68; Aug. 3, 1912) B,LC. Great Br itain An English railway trains bed. (Engineering news, v, 73: 1112-14; Dec. 3, 1914) B,LC,NY, Foxlee, William Theodore, , - .Railroad terminals, British railroad terminals, [l905J p. 441-91, 8 plates. B. Reprinted from Transactions, American Society of. Civil Engineers, v.54, pt,F,,, 1905, Reconstruction of Aberdeen joint station, (Railway news, v, 104: 322-25; Aug. 21, 1915) B,LC, Cardiff railway company. .* .Description, rates, etc,, of the Bute docks, [Cardiff, 1908] 60 p. illus," 8 B. Neele, C w P, Eustis station - a rereospect, (London & North western railway gazette, v. 4: 136-3.9; Ma 3^ 1915) B. Rea, Samuel . The railways terminating in London.,, New York, 1888* 56 p. 8 B,LC. 7-10121 RR-Terminals-41) Foreign (cont.) I nd i a The New great Indian peninsular railway Victoria terminal buildings, B ornb ay . (Scientific American supplement ,v. 26 : 10815-16; Dec ,?2 , 1888) B,LC. Reprinted from the London Graphic* Japan Potter, Charles* The Central railway station at Tokyo, Japan. (Engineering news ,v. 74: 1214-15; Dec. 23,1935) B,LC,NY. Mexic o Whitaker, R. W. Reinforced concrete work at the railway terminals, Vera Cruz,Mex % (Engineering news, v. 66: 655; Nov,30,191l) B,LC,NY, Panama Karnopp, E. B % Angular loading-track arrangement for Panama railroad docks at Cristobal, (Engineering news, v. 64: 331; Sept .29, 1910) B,LC,NY- Mew station for Panama rrilroad at Panama. (Railway review, v, 54: 637-38; Apr. 25, 19 14) INCREASE TO 5 C E M* E PENA <-TY AND TO $100 ON TM% THEF URTH OVERDUE. N THE SEVENTH DAY YE 17168 438.136 ~~T f- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY