Uft-ANttl lL . .-^ "SftlBAINIHtf^ ^timKaoe. ^wimat i3 i i< ' * tf I I f I 3 t * H-" K5 % f i I i s II I I & 3 I ? 1 I I i ft Si i 8 s s i 1 S9 SOl^ * *' -1 ! 3 S v | I P 1 I l^iLlJ ^ ^ * S ^ 18 5 v . OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE TASMANIAN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION HELD AT LAUNCESTON, 1891-92. TASMANIA I PRINTED FOR THE COMMISSIONERS AT THE "LAUNCESTON EXAMINER OFFICE. S MDCCCXCIII. T PREFA CE. In compiling the Official Record of the Tasmanian Inter- national Exhibition I have to offer my thanks to Mr. Fenton (author of the " History of Tasmania ") and Mr, R. M. Johnston, Government Statist, for much of the information contained in this volume, and to acknowledge the assistance which the excellent reports published in the " Launceston Examiner" have afforded me. From Mr. Jules Joubert I have had ready and willing help in the compilation of the work. RONALD W. SMITH. 1166665 INDEX. PAGE PREFACE iii. LIST OF OFFICIALS vii. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TASMANIA i PHYSICAL FEATURES, NATURAL PRODUCTS, ETC ... 8 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONER 16 THE OPENING CEREMONIES ... ... ... 19 THE PROCESSION ... ... ... ... ... 22 WITHIN THE ALBERT HALL 25 THE LUNCHEON 29 THE EVENING'S PROCEEDINGS 37 INAUGURAL CANTATA ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF THE INTERIOR ... 42 DEATH OF THE DUKE OF CLARENCE 46 ThE MINERAL ARCH . ... ... ... ... 48 THE FERNERY 49 THE MODEL DAIRY 50 LIST OF JURORS ... ... 51 AWARDS ... ... ... ... 58 REPORT OF THE SPECIAL JURY in REPORT OF CHAIRMAN OF JURORS ... 114 THE CLOSING CEREMONY 115 THE BRITISH "AT HOME" ... 119 THE MAYORAL PICNIC ... 120 AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SHOW ... 126 BALANCE SHEET AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 135 LIST OF OFFICIALS. PATRON: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR, SIR ROBERT GEORGE CROOKSHANK HAMILTON, K.C.B. VICE-PATRONS: The hon P. O. Fysh, Premier and Chief Secretary ; the hon. A. I. Clark, Attorney-General ; the hon. W. Moore, President of the Legislative Council ; the hon. B. S. Bird, Treasurer ; the hon. A. T. Pillinger, Minister of Lands and Works ; the hon. N. J. Brown, Speaker of the House of Assembly. PRESIDENT: The hon. Win. Hart, M.L.C. VICE-PRESIDENTS: The hon. G. P. Fitzgerald, M.H.A. ; J. G. Davies, Esq.; the Mayor of Hobart ; Richard Green, Esq. ; the Mayor of Launceston ; W. H. D. Archer, Esq. ; William Gibson, Esq. ; the hon. Adye Douglas, M L.C. ; the Members of both Houses of Parliament ; the Aldermen of Launceston Messrs. H. J. Dean, R. H. Price, S. J. Suttcn, H. Edgell, David Scott, E. H. Panton, P. Barrett, W. I. Thrower. EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONER : S. J. Sutton, Esq., M.H.A. COMMISSIONERS : Hon. Adye Douglas, M.L C.. Chairman ; Messrs. Alex. Webster, J Brickhill, W. H. Knight, J Gunn, F. G. Duff, J. Campbell, W. R. Marsh, R. H. Price, M. E. Robinson, W. W. Stewart. S. J. Sutton, B. P. Farrelly, Jules Toubert, C.M.G. GENERAL COMMITTEE: Hon. W. Hart, M.L.C., President; S. J. Sutton, Esq., Executive Commissioner; Alex. Webster, Esq., Treasurer ; Messrs. A. W Birchall, J. Brickhill, Henry Button, J. Campbell, Jos E. Clarke, D. H. Connolly, C Dodgshun, F. Gee Duff, H. Edgell, J. C. Ferguson, J. T. Farmilo, B. P. Farrelly, J. Galvin, H. Gatenby, Richard Green, J. Gunn, F. Hart, jun., A. Haywood, W. Home J. S. Kerr, W. H. Knight, A. E. Luttrell, W. R. Marsh, T. W. Monds, G. Paton, W. F. Petterd, R. H . Price, M. E. Robinson, C. W. Rocher, Aug. Simson, W. W. Stewart, J. B. Waldron, J. Wallace, C. Dempster, P. O. Fysh, jun., W. L. Stokes. HOBART COMMITTEE: Hon. G. P. Fitzgerald, Chairman ; Hon. N. J. Brown, M.H.A. ; Messrs. W. H. Burgess, J. Ba'ly, J. Maughan-Barnett, J. Cooke, Alfred Crisp, M.H.A., J. G. Davies, M.H.A., D. Johnson, R. M. Johnstone, J. C. Paton, C. A. J. Piesse, J. W. Syme, J. B. Walker, C. E. Walch, H. Wright. Hon. Secretary Alex. Morton, Esq., F.L.S. viii. LONDON COMMITTEE Chairman The hon. Sir Edward Braddon, K.C.M.G., Agent-General. Members Sir Philip Cunliffe Owen, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.S.I. ; Sir Douglas Galton, K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S. ; Colonel Sir Herbert Bruce Sandford, K.C.M.G., R.A.; Sir Frederick Young, K.C.M.G. ; Sir James Youl, K.C.M.G. ; Sir Henry Trueman Wood ; Prof. W. C. Roberts- Austen, C.B., F.R.S.; A.J. R.Trendell, Esq., C.M.G.; Prof. C. LeNeve Foster, D.Sc. ; James Dredge, Esq. ; D. Larnach, Esq. ; W. J. Last, Esq., M.I.C.E. ; James Paxton, Esq. Secretary R. Hewlett, Esq. OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES: New South Wales W. H. Vivian, Esq., Executive Commissioner; Louis Saber Esq., Official Agent. Great Britain Arthur Day, Esq. ; Austria and Germany Herr Bossomaier ; France M. Victor Laruelle; Victoria D. Fergus Scott, Esq.; South Australia H. J. Scott, Esq. ; Queensland H. C. Luck, Esq. ; Western Australia H. J. Scott, Esq. ; New Zealand D. H. Hastings, Esq. GENERAL MANAGER: Jules Joubert. SECRETARY: Herbert A. Percy. STAFF: Superintendent, Mr. E. H. Sutton, juri. ; Comptroller of Admissions, Mr. Louis Saber ; Clerk and Accountant, Mr. W. H. Twelvetrees ; Official Photo- grapher, Mr. R. J. Nicholas ; Architect, Mr. A. E. Luttrell. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TASMANIA. THE history of Tasmania is an oft told tale. Its past is full of stirring and pathetic events from which it emerged under a more fan- tastic name than which it had previously borne to be regarded as the Cinderella of the colonies endowed with great natural beauty and attractions, but for some unexplained reason kept in the background in the race for progress. The events of the last twenty years, however, have effected a marvellous change, and the display of mineral and other products made at the exhibition just closed affords ample proof that the future of the colony is great with promise of abundant prosperity. In days to come, and not far distant days either, it will attract attention rather by its commercial status, mineral output, and fruitful fields, than for its lovely scenery and superb climate. The discovery of the island was made by Tasman in 1642, and he named it Van Diemen's Land in honour of Anthony Van Diemen, Governor of Batavia, under whose directions the expedition was formed. Tasman first sailed from Batavia to Mauritius, thus for some unexplained reason forsaking the object of his voyage, and on the 8th October, 1642, he left Mauritius in the Heemskirk with his brother Gerritt Tasman in the fly-boat Zeehaan'm company, and steered in a south-easterly direc- tion in search of the " Great South Land." Travelling over an unknown sea to an unknown port Tasman decided that that course was the most likely one to enable him to ascertain how far the land extended to the south which had already been followed by the pioneer Dutch navigators along the west and south-west coasts of Western Australia. At four o'clock on the 24th November, 1642, in about 42^ south latitude Tasman sighted the island which years afterwards was named after him. The land sighted was a spot not far distant from Macquarie Harbour. As the vessels approached the coast the outlines of lofty mountains rising in majestic stateliness discovered themselves in the back-ground. Two of these were in 1 798 named by Flinders Mounts Heemskirk and Zeehan, after Tasman's ships, and it is beneath their shadow that the most exten- sive mining operations which have yet been undertaken in the colony are now being conducted. On December i Tasman's ships anchored in a bay on the East Coast, now marked on the maps as Marion Bay, north of Forestier's Peninsula. On the following day the explorers proceeded on shore, but saw no natives. " I fancied I heard the sound of people upon the shore," wrote Tasman, " but I saw none. ... I observed smoke in several places ; however, we did nothing more than set up a post on which everyone cut his name or his mark, and upon which I 2 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE hoisted a flag." The voyager did not further explore the land he had discovered, but proceeded along the coast and steered in the direction of New Zealand, which he discovered and named Nova Zeelanda, after which he returned to Batavia. For more than a century after this no white man set foot on Tas- mania, but one hundred and thirty years after Tasman's discovery Marion du Fresne, a French captain, arrived with two discovery ships, and anchored in Marion Bay on the 4th March, 1772. The natives were then seen for the first time. They proceeded with confidence to meet the boats, and with their children and wives remained close to the strangers. Some misunderstanding, however, took place, and the result was that the natives retired and threw a volley of stones at the French- men, who repelled the attack by a discharge of firearms, killing and wounding some of the blacks. Marion du Fresne was afterwards killed by the more warlike natives of New Zealand. In the following year (1773) the island was visited by Captain Furneaux, in the Adventure, who was accompanying Captain Cook, of the Resolution, into more southerly latitudes in search of what was then supposed to be an unknown continent. The vessels separated in a fog, and Furneaux entered Storm Bay, anchoring in Adventure Bay, which he called after his ship. This occurred during Cook's second voyage. On his third and last voyage, in January, 1777, Captain Cook called in to Adventure Bay with the Resolution and Discovery. He had friendly interviews with the natives while he remainded. Twelve years elapsed before Van Diemen's Land attracted other visitors, and at that time the infant colony of New South Wales had been established. In July, 1789, Captain Cox, in the brig Mercury, sailed inside Schouten and Maria Islands, and discovered Oyster Bay. Later on in the same year Lieutenant Bligh, in the Bounty, spent twelve days at Adventure Bay, Brown, the botanist, accompanying him. Bligh re- turned to England, and on his second voyage (1792) again called, and planted several trees on the south side of the island. At this time the French displayed some anxiety to become better acquainted with the " Great South Land," and fully intended forming colonies there. Instructions were given in 1 785 to La Perouse to explore the extreme southern point of New Holland, which at that time was supposed to extend to the land discovered by Tasman. It is unknown whether the navigator carried out his instructions, for he lost his ship in Vanikoro, in the Santa Cruz Group, and no tidings of the disaster reached France for nearly forty years. In 1791 the National Assembly of France sent out another expedition under command of Admiral Brune D'Entrecasteaux, to search for Count de la Perouse, and continue his explorations. D'Entrecasteaux spent four weeks in 1792, and five weeks in the following year, making the most minute surveys of the bays, rivers, and harbours on the south side of Van Diemen's Land, several of which still bear the names of the explorers and their ships. Again, in 1802, when Napoleon was ruler of France, Commodore Baudin sent two ships and a corvette to execute further surveys, which were carried out, and extended to the East Coast. These expeditions were happily conducted in a manner which materially assisted scientific re- search. The most cordial relations existed between the natives and the French, but a variety of causes prevented the Government of France from carrying out its original intention of founding colonies to the south. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 3 The ships of both expeditions were singularly unfortunate. Out of 219 men who sailed with D'Entrecasteaux 89 died before they returned to Mauritius. The Admiral himself died at sea, off the Admiralty Isles, and his second in command, Huon Kermadec, at New Caledonia. Baudin, commander of the second expedition, died at Mauritius on the voyage home. There were twenty-three scientific men on board his ships, of whom only three returned home. There was not one in either vessel free from scurvy in its most malignant form ; not more than twelve men were capable of doing duty. Added to those disasters France was involved in internecine troubles both at home and abroad. The nation groaned beneath the burden of Buonaparte's ambitious designs ; there was no leisure for the furtherance of peaceful conquests in the south. To these circumstances may be ascribed the dominancy of the British flag in Australasia. The existence of a strait dividing Tasmania from the mainland was discovered by Lieutenant Flinders and Mr. George Bass, a surgeon in the Royal Navy, in 1798, six years after D'Entrecasteaux's visit, and two years prior to that of Commander Baudin. Flinders and Bass sailed through that channel, and circumnavigated the island in a little sloop of 25 tons, called the Norfolk. In the afternoon of November 3, 1798, they discovered the estuary of the Tamar, and sailing up the river re- mained sixteen days. They named many places in the river and along the coast, rounded Cape Grim, and entered the Derwent on the i8th December. The immense value of such an important marine highway as Bass Strait did not fail to arrest the attention of Governor King, of New South Wales. He had observed the proceedings of the French in Van Diemen's Land, now that it was found to be a separate island : he feared that unless prompt action were taken it would be occupied by France, and thus lost to the British Crown. Accordingly King communicated to the Home authorities, strongly recommending settlements to be formed in various parts, in order to secure the right of Great Britain to the country on either side of Bass Strait. COLONISATION. The prompt action taken by Governor King led to the despatch of Lieutenant-Colonel David Collins in order to found a settlement on the newly discovered shores of Port Phillip. On the 24th April, 1 803, he sailed from Spithead with H.M.S. Calcutta, and the transport ship Ocean, 481 tons. The former ship carried the Lieutenant Governor, Rev. R. Knopwood, Mr. L'Anson, principal surgeon, Lieutenant Sladden, 307 male convicts, and a military guard. The Ocean carried seven officers of the civil establishment, two officers of marines, 13 free settlers and their families, and stores to the value of 1 0,000. When Governor Collins arrived at Port Phillip, near the present township of Sorrento, it was found that the natives were hostile, water scarce, the soil barren and sandy, and snakes and insects innumerable. Altogether fate seemed to be averse to the foundation of a settlement in that country, which is now so famous for its wealth and continued progress. Collins searched both sides of the bay without finding what appeared to him the neccessary elements of colonisation. He appealed to Governor King, who had authority to sanction a change of locality, with the result that Port Phillip was abandoned, and Collins and his party removed to the Derwent, in Van Diemen's Land. B] 4 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE In the meantime Governor King, with admirable foresight, had sent a small party, under Lieutenant John Bowen, to occupy a position at the Derwent, on or in the neighbourhood of Risdon Creek, a place which was so named by Captain Hayes in 1794, and was again visited by Flinders and Bass in 1798. Dr. Bass wrote favourably of Risdon Creek as a future settlement " preferable to any other place on the banks of the Derwent." Bowen arrived at Risdon with a small party of convicts and military, in the Albion and Lady Nelson, on i2th September, 1803, one month before Collins landed at Port Phillip. " Lieutenant- Governor " Bowen 's salary was 55. a day ! His short term of office was most unsatisfactory. On one occasion he abandoned his post and sailed for Sydney (gth January, 1804) with a prisoner in charge to have him tried for a robbery. The settlement was in a highly disorganised state, and during his absence a large party of natives were cruelly massacred. This state of affairs was terminated by the timely arrival of Lieutenant-Governor Collins on the 15th February, 1804. Collins was eminently fitted from his ability and experience to found a new colony. He had been Judge Advocate in Sydney for eight years, and was one of the passengers to New South Wales by the first fleet. On returning to England, and before his appointment as Lieutenant-Governor, he wrote " An account of the English colony in New South Wales," which was favourably received in England. Collins spent a few days examining sites for a town on the river Derwent, and finally decided to establish his head-quarters on the spot which is now the City of Hobart. It was named Hobart Town by Collins, but Bowen had already, at Governor King's request, named the Risdon settlement Hobart, in honour of Lord Hobart, who was then Secretary of State for the Colonies. The popula- tion of the Australian colonies at this period (1803) was as follows : New South Wales ... 7134 Norfolk Island ... 1200 Van Diemen's Land ... ... 49 Total 8383 In July, 1804, a return of the inhabitants at the Denvent River, Van Diemen's Land, was published. It does not include the people belonging to Bowen's Risdon Creek Settlement, who had been sent back to Sydney by the Ocean, Men. Women. Children. Civil Department ... ... ... 18 Military Department 48 Prisoners ... ... ... ... 279 Prisoners' wives and children Settlers 13 Total A few months only elapsed between the founding of the Hobart Town settlement, and the occupation of another in the northern portion of the colony. King was determined to keep the French out of Van Diemen's Land, and acting with the approval of Lord Hobart appointed Lieutenant-Colonel W. Paterson, of the New South Wales Corps, Lieutenant- Govenor of a new colony at Port Dalrymple (River Tamar). The armed colonial cutter Integrity, 56 tons, was fitted for sea, and a TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 5 small vessel of 25 tons, called the Contest, was chartered to assist in conveying Paterson and his party from Sydney to the new settlement. They were to take 20 convicts and a force of 34 soldiers in all 56 persons. On the morning of the 7th June, 1804, the New South Wales Corps was drawn up on the Government Wharf, at Sydney, as a guard of honour, and Lieutenant-Governor Paterson proceeded on board his vessel ; the battery fired a salute, and according to the Sydney Gazette, "the most animated acclamations issued from the shore." But the wisest schemes of man are often frustrated. It was midwinter. The Integrity battled in vain against head winds, and in a fortnight's time returned to Sydney, whilst the Contest, after beating about for a month, was obliged to follow her consort's example. It was not.until the end of September that arrangements were again made for the conveyance of Paterson to the Tamar. H.M.S. Buffalo was fitted out for sea; the armed tender Lady Nelson, and the colonial schooners Francis and Integrity, were to accompany her to assist in carrying the people and stores. The Governor's salary was fixed at ^"250 per annum. There were 74 convicts, 64 non-commissioned officers and privates of the New South Wales Corps, besides a few civil and military officers, and one free settler in all 146 persons. The troops embarked on 3rd October, " The music of the band being only interrupted by the reiterated peals of acclamation from the spectators" (Sydney Gazette). On the i4th the Lieutenant-Governor embarked under a salute of 1 1 guns. On this occasion, as in the former attempts, heavy gales were experienced. Most of the live stock died. A fortnight after leaving Port Jackson the Buffalo anchored at Kent's Group, where she found the Francis. Remaing there for six days while it was blowing a strong gale, the vessels then sailed for Port Dalrymple. On the following day the Buffalo entered Tamar Heads, and came to anchor below Green Island. It blew hard during the night, and harder in the morning, until the ship was driven ashore on the eastern shoals. She lay there in a helpless condition for three days, when at length the Integrity came in, lightened the ship of part of her cargo, and got her off on the fourth day without much damage. The Buffalo then came to anchor in Outer Cove {George Town), where the military, prisoners, and stores were landed, tents were pitched, and on the nth November possession was formally taken by hoisting His Majesty's colours under a royal salute from the man-of-war, and three volleys from the troops. The two other vessels did not arrive until the 2ist. The Lady Nelson suffered much damage by the storm, having her decks swept, and having lost all her live stock. Thus, after a long chapter of accidents and misfortunes, the first settle- ment in northern Tasmania was established. Paterson made his head-quarters at York Town, a most unsuitable spot up a western arm of the river, difficult of approach, and without any advantages for settlement. He soon discovered the mistake he had made. On the 28th November, 1804, he sailed up the Tamar in the -Lady Nelson, and anchored at the junction of the two rivers which now form part of Launceston. The Governor and his party proceeded up the North Esk in two boats as far as they could go at high tide, and made excursions on foot several miles into the country. On returning they visited the Cataract Gorge, and were delighted with all that they saw. Paterson named the South Esk and the Tamar. He wrote enthusiasti- cally about the park-like scenery, the rich plains, the beautiful rising 6 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE ground covered with wattles, and the verdant hills in the vicinity of Launceston. This city he founded, and moved his head-quarters there in March, 1806, Government House being for many years situated in a portion of what is now the City Park, in which the exhibition buildings are erected. The history of the colony for the first forty years of its existence is a sad, dark tale of hardship, privation, guerilla warfare, cold-blooded retaliation, and murder. The blacks smarting under a sense of cruel illusage became the white man's enemy. The convict bushrangers were a terror to the country. Savages and outlaws were often masters of the situation. Not until the natives were exterminated, and the miserable remnant removed to Flinders Island in 1833-5, together with the abolition' of transportation in 1852, did Tasmanian colonists breathe the air of freedom. There is no room here to describe the heartrending scenes that transpired during the early days of the colony. The governors had the power of despots, and too often used that power freely. The first settlers received grants of land in proportion to the capital they possessed, the maximum area being 2560 acres (four square miles), but this rule was subject to the will of the Governor. In this manner the fine grass- covered pastures of the midland districts were alienated prior to 1830, when the system of free grants ceased. Responsible Government was introduced in 1856, and since that period the progress of the colony has been more rapid. Launceston itself stands on the River Tamar, about 40 miles from its mouth, at the conflux of the North and South Esk rivers. The Tamar is navigable for vessels of 4000 tons the whole distance at high tide. The city lies in a valley enclosed by hills, known as the Wind- mill and Cataract hills, and derives its name from Launceston in Cornwall, England. It is distant 120 miles (133 by rail) from Hobart. The buildings and lands assessed number 4272. The annual value of rateable property is ^"135,168. Extent of roads and streets, 45 miles. Area of town, 3440 acres. The town is well laid out, is lighted with gas, and has a good supply of water (derived from St. Patrick's river, 15 miles east of the city), with streets of ample width, in which are numerous fine public buildings as well as substantial theatres, stores, public halls, etc. The City Council has decided to light the city with electricity, there being ample water supply for the motive power, and the work is likely to be advanced during the current year. The principal ecclesiastical edifices are St. John's (foundation stone laid on December 28, 1824), Trinity, and St. Paul's (Episcopal), St. Andrew's and Chalmers' Church (Presbyterian), two Wesleyan churches in Patterson and Margaret streets, the Roman Catholic Church of the Apostles, two Congregational churches, Christ Church in Prince's Square, another in Tamar street, the new Baptist Tabernacle in Cimitiere street, and a Christian Mission church in Wellington street. The Salvation Army has a large wooden building in Elizabeth street west, which is used as a hall for meetings. It has accommodation for about 1500 persons. There is also a Primitive Methodist Church in, Frederick street. The General Hospital has accommodation for 92 patients. The building has cost ,"25,000. The Invalid Depot has an average of 150 inmates. The Mechanics' Institute is well patronised, and has a library of 17,000 volumes. The Town Hall is an elegant and spacious building. The TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 7 Albert Hall newly erected in the City Park has cost ,"14,000, and will seat 2500 people. The Government buildings in St. John street are also above the average order. There are a Grammar School (Church of England), Wesleyan Ladies' College, numerous private schools, two public schools under the Board of Education, and a convent of the Presentation Order, with day school attached. The banks are the Commercial, National, Union, and the Bank of Australasia. There are also the Launceston Bank for Savings and the Post Office Savings Bank ; the new Post and Telegraph Office has been erected, at a cost of 20,000, also a Custom House erected at a cost of ,10,000. These buildings torm a group worthy of remark. The Academy of Music, a newly-built theatre, is the best and mostcommodiousbuildingof the kind in the colony. The Mechanics' Institute has a hall suited for festive gatherings or minor entertainments. The Market is in Lower Charles street. A handsome Fire Brigade Station with tower is in Brisbane street. The city was incorporated November i, 1858, and is governed by a mayor and eight aldermen. The City Park, extending over an area of nine acres, is much frequented. The Prince's Square is permanently improved as a recreation ground or public garden. A new park has been opened in Inveresk, and is the largest in the city. The Racecourse is at Mowbrary, about two miles from the city. The land under cultivation in the district is principally for wheat, oats, peas, and potatoes. Fruit also is grown in yearly increasing quantities. Corra Linn, about six miles from the city, is much visited for its romantic scenery, being a deep gorge, through which the North Esk rushes. The Punch Bowl and the Cataract Gorge are also favourite places or resort, the latter being within five minutes walk of the city, and so called from the falls of the South Esk immediately above its junction with the North Esk. The City and Suburban Improvement Association has constructed a new and picturesque walk along the gorge, from which a splendid view of its beauties can be obtained. Invermay, a village on the east bank of the Tamar, Distillery Creek, and Clarke's Ford, are also favourite picnic places. The population, including suburbs, is 20,358. The newspapers published at Launceston are the Launceston Examiner and the Telegraph, daily; and The Tasmanian and Democrat, weekly ; and the Tasmanian Catholic Standard, monthly. OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE PHYSICAL FEATURES, NATURAL PRODUCTS, ETC. ON the north coast of Tasmania are several rivers, falling into Bass Strait. The principal one is the Tamar, navigable for 40 miles inland to the city of Launceston, where it is fed by two considerable freshwater streams, the North and South Esks. The former takes its rise (as also a large tributary, the St. Patrick) in the broken, mountainous country to the east of Launceston ; the South Esk and some of its tributaries rise within four or five miles from the East Coast at St. Patrick's Head, and father to the north. In its winding course it receives the Macquarie and Lake Rivers from the South, and the Meander from the west, thus draining a considerable area of the midland districts as far as the vicinity of Oatlands and the Western Tiers, when it at length falls into the Tamar at the Cataract Gorge. The Mersey, a good port for large steam- ships, Forth, Leven, Emu, Inglis, Detention, Black, Duck, and Montague, all with bar harbours, are considerable streams falling into Bass Strait on the west side of the Tamar ; the Piper, Forester, and Ringarooma on the east side. The western side of the island abounds with rivers of considerable size, but they are all bar harbours, fit only for the reception of vessels of light draft. On the south side the noble Derwent takes its rise from Lake St. Clair, receiving in its course, the Nive, Dee, Ouse, Clyde, Russell Falls, Styx, Jordan, and numerous smaller streams, when it empties itself into Storm Bay, below the City of Hobart. The Huon is also a river of large size in the South. There are no rivers of importance on the East Coast, but the country in that direction is well watered by small streams. The Lakes form a peculiar feature in the hydrography of Tasmania,, as a glance at the accompanying map will show. Unlike such reser- voirs in other parts, where they mostly lie in the valleys, the Tasmanian lakes occupy the mountain tops ! The Great Lake, in Westmoreland, covers an area of 28,000 acres ; Arthur's Lake, 8000 acres ; Lake Sorell (County of Somerset), 12, 300 acres; and Lake Crescent, 4400; Lake Echo (Cumberland), 8500 acres; and Lake St. Clair, 9400 acres. Altogether the lakes occupy 82,500 acres, or 129 square miles. The Great Lake stands at an elevation of 3822 feet from the sea level ; Lake St. Clair, 3230 feet ; Lake Arthur, 3388 feet. Mountains of moderate height rise from the valleys in several parts of the island, chiefly the western side. Only a few of these attain an altitude exceeding 5000 feet. Extensive caves of very beautiful forma- tion exist in the Western mountains near Chudleigh, which can be reached by railway to within a short distance of the entrance. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 9 The geological features of the island are largely diversified and some- what eccentric. Basaltic rocks occur mostly in Devon, Wellington, and Russell, where they are covered (as a rule) with a rich chocolate soil, suitable for agricultural purposes. Other igneous formations (green- stone, etc.) are found on the banks of the Tamar, in Glamorgan, round the lakes to a large extent, running down to Franklin, Bruny Island, and Tasman's Peninsula. Granite occurs in places along the East Coast, at Cape Barren Island, Gould's Country, Scottsdale, Hunter Islands, Meredith Range, and a few small spots in the Western Districts, on either side of Mount Zeehan. Stratified rocks, including metamorphic schists, clay slates, quartzites, sandstones, and Silurian limestone occupy nearly the whole of the Western Districts, from South Cape to Wool- north. The upper and lower coal measures, including the associated greywackes, fossiliferous mudstones, sandstones, and limestones of Palcezoic and possibly Mesozoic Age, exist at Port Frederick (Lower Mersey), and through to the Tamar via Franklin Rivulet; again along the Western Mountains, Bothwell, Apsley, Oatlands, and down to Brighton, Richmond, Hobart, and Sorell ; also in the Huon District, and part of Glamorgan. The Tertiary formations extend along the water- sheds of the South Esk River and its tributaries, as far west as Deloraine and Chudleigh ; also along parts of the Nort-East and North- West Coasts, and Macquarie Harbour. The flora and fauna of Tasmania are, with little exception, synony- mous with the vegetable and animal products of Australia. The eucalyptus is monarch of the forests. There are no less than eighteen varieties of the eucalyptus, and twelve varieties of the acacia family. The following list of indigenous forest trees, tree-ferns, etc., was compiled by Mr T. C. Just for the Tasmanian Committee of the Imperial Institute, and published recently by order of Parliament. It contains the names of most of the larger vegetation : Acacia melanoxylon ") Blackwood* ,, > Lightwood ) Pencil Cedar dealbata Silver Wattle mollissima Black wattle ,, verticillata Prickly Mimosa decurrens ,, sophora Boobyalla maritama Boobyalla or discolor (Benth) ,, sp. Rosewood of Norfolk Island saligna (Wendl) Weeping salicina (Lindley) Willow Acacia Anopterus glandulosa Native Laurel* Alsophila Australis Prickly Fern Tree Anodopetalum biglandulosum Hori- zontal Scrub Athrotaxis cupressoides King William Pine sulaginoides Red Pine ,, sp. Cedar or Pencil Wood Alyxia buxfolia Scentwood Aster argophylla Musk-wood* Atherosperma moschatum Sassafras Bursaria spinosa Native Box Banksia Australis Honeysuckle Bedfordia salicina Dogwood Beyeria viscosa(s? Croton) Pinkwood Callitris cupressiformis or Australis or Frenella rhomboidea (Endl.) Oyster Bay Pine Casuarina quadrivalvis She-oak* Casuarina suberosa He-oak* Cibotium Billardieri Fern-tree Croton viscosum Pinkwood Darcrydium Franklinii Huon Pine* Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum ,, obliqua Stringy-bark Gum ,, leucoxylon Iron Bark a gigantea Stringy-bark var. Gunnii Swamp Gum Stuartiana Apple-scented Gum viminalis White Gum or Manna Tree * Ornamental, suitable for veneering. OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE with Hakea lissosperma Native Pear Lyonsia straminea Creeper fibrous bark Lagunsea White Oak of Norfolk Island Lepidosperma squamatum Tea-tree with fibrous leaves Lepidosperma gladiatum ditto Melaleuco ericsefolia Swamp Tea-tree Notelsea Hgustrina Ironwood Olea apetela Ironwood of Norfolk Island Phyllocladus (rhomboidailis Rich as- plenifolia) Celery-topped Pine Pittosporum bicolor Whitewood Plagianthus sidoides Currajong (shrub) Zieria Smithii vul. Stinkwood Eucalyptus amygdalina Peppermint Gum* ,, haemastoma Gum-topped Stringy-bark Sieberiana var. Iron-bark pauciflora Weeping Gum Muelleri Mueller's Gum resinifera sp. White Gum Eucalyptus coccifera Dwarf Gum-tree cordata Gum-tree urnigera ditto vernicosa ditto Risdoni ditto Exocarpus cupressiformis Native Cherry Eucryphia Billardieri Pinkwood var. Eurybia argophylla sp. Muskwood Fagus Cunninghamii Myrtle, Red and White There are many interesting bush animals in Tasmania, including 1 9. varieties of mice, of which 10 are marsupial or pouched not including- the opossum mouse {Dromicia nana). The following are marsupials : Tiger or Hyena (Thylacinus cynocephalus) ; Native Devil (Sarco- philus ursinus) ; Native Cat (Dasyurus vivirrimus) ; Tiger Cat (Dasyurus maculatus) ; Ring-tailed Opossum (Phalangista Cookii) ; Common Opossum (Pha. vulpina) ; Bandicoot (Perameles obesula) ; Striped Bandicoot {Per. Gunnii} ; Wombat (Phascolomys wombat} ; Red Kangaroo Rat (Potorous rufus) ; Forester Kangaroo (Macropus major} ; Brush Kangaroo (Halmaturus Bennettii) ; Wallaby {Hal. Billardieri); Jerboa Kangaroo (Bettongia cumculus). Platypus (Ornithorynchus anatinus) is an exceeding curious specimen of the freaks of Nature. This little creature is about 23 inches long including bill and tail. Besides the characteristics of the Monotremata the Platypus exhibits other anatomical pecularities which resemble those of birds, and some which even resemble those of saurian reptiles. The young are produced in a very imperfect state. The foetus receives no> nutriment from the parent before birth, except what it derives from the ovum, which, however, is hatched within the body of the parent ; but the young are suckled, the mouth being curiously adapted to this method of sustaining infant life by the shortness of the bill and the greater length of the tongue at this period of its life. The Flying Fox (Pteropus foliocephalus) is found occasionally on the banks of the Tamar, and along the North Coast ; but there is reason to believe that it was imported from Australia, and is not indigenous to Tasmania. Mr. R. M. Johnston, in his valuable " Tasmania Official Record, 1891," says that the Flying Fox inhabits Kent's Group, and probably King's Island. The mineral deposits are only in course of development. Gold was found in many parts of the island between the years 1852 and 1869; but there was not much done before the latter date, when the quartz reefs of Fingal and Waterhouse came into notice. The Lefroy and Cab- bage Tree Hill (Beaconsfield) goldfields were discovered in the early part of 1870. Large yields were obtained from these mines. Gold also exists over a large extent of country at the Pieman River and its * Ornamental, suitable for veneering. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. II tributary streams, near the West Coast. The celebrated " Tasmania" mine, at Beac9nsfield, continues to give large returns. Mr. R. H. Price, the manager of this company, has kindly supplied the following information: Crushed to the 5th October, 1891 232,163 tons of quartz, yielding 301,23102. 2dwt. I4gr. retorted gold ; net value, ^1,082,596 33. |d.; total average per ton, roz. 5dwt. 2oigrs. ; amount paid in dividends, ^"574,625. Neighbouring mines are developing riches which had hitherto lain dormant. The auriferous country round Lefroy, Lisle, the Denison, and Golconda, from which considerable quantities of gold were taken in past years, is again showing sings of vitality, and many of the mines are yielding ore which, for richness and value, cannot be surpassed in any country. The largest nuggets of gold yet unearthed in Tasmania were found at the Whyte River a stream falling into the Pieman. In 1883 a party of three found, within a few weeks, one lump of pure gold weighing ^4302. idwt., another 3902. rodwt., and a third 902. xodwt., besides a number of smaller nuggets, varying from two to three ounces each, and aggregating about 60 ounces. In the same district two men obtained nuggets weighing altogether 14402., and also 50 oz. of alluvial gold. Since that time quantities of coarse gold have been obtained, but, on account of the inaccessible nature of the Western districts, little more than crude surface work has yet been done. The first discovery of tin in Tasmania was made by Mr. James Smith, of West Devon. On Monday, 4th December, 1871, he came upon the rich deposits at Mount Bischoff, aptly described as "the mountain of tin," and " the richest tin mine in the world." This fortunate discovery, after much toil and perseverance on the part of the explorer, had a sensible effect on the fortunes of Tasmania. A large area of stanniferous country was discovered shortly afterwards at George's Bay (East Coast), Mount Cameron, the upper branches .of the Ringarooma River, and other places. In 1875 several companies were engaged in working stream tin in the N.E. quarter of the Island. Again, in 1876 tin was found to exist over a large area at Mount Heemskirk, near the West Coast, but the claims were abandoned without, perhaps, having been fairly tested, owing to the place being so remote and unin- habited at that time. The Mount Bischoff mine still produces a most extraordinary yield of tin. The following interesting particulars are supplied by the manager, H. Ritchie, Esq. : " Ore raised to 3 2 36 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE ones. That was the reason that the colony now possessed so many old types of artillery. If the colony of Tasmania could afford to arm her forces with new guns, he (Colonel Warner) would for one be very glad ; but there was one matter of greater importance, and that was to get a' sufficient number of men to man the guns. At present the defence forces of Tasmania were not as liberally supported as the forces in the neighbouring colonies, and the men did not get enough of daylight training, except at the camps. They were expected to learn everything at night drills, and only received pay for four days in the year. In New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia the forces were paid for a large number of daylight drills. There was ample material of excellent physique in this colony, particularly in the country districts, where there were 1 500 men all well equipped and armed, and he felt confident that if occasion arose, and they were put to the test, they would equal the deeds of armies in other parts of the world. (Cheers.) Mr. Henry Button proposed the toast "The Government and Parliament of Tasmania." He said he was placed in a very awkward position after the remarks which had fallen from Lieutenant-Colonel Warner regarding the inadequate support which the Government had given to the Tasmanian defences. He was confident, however, that if Parliament provided the means the volunteers would be a credit to the colony, though there would be many demands on the finances when Parliament again met. The representative system of government had been in force for many years in Tasmania, but, on the whole, Tasmania had reason to be proud of her Parliament, which, after all, was what the people made it. The present Government had taken office at a time of financial embarrassment, but they had applied themselves to bringing about an improvement, and it was for the electors to say whether they had succeeded. He thought that on the whole they must give the Government credit for disinterestedness, and a desire to advance the welfare of the colony. They must remember that Parliament was what the people made it, and that as the Ministry was formed from the ranks of members of Parliament, if they traced back to the origin of things, they must admit that the Government was also what the people made it. Tasmania was now in the best position of any of the colonies, but he deprecated the practice of attributing improper motives whenever any hitch occurred in public affairs. The Premier, in responding on behalf of the Government, alluded to the true ring of honest hearty loyalty which he thought existed in the hearts of Tasmanians, spite of what was said by those who came amongst them and wrote books ; and to the great privileges and blessings which they enjoyed, and which they could hand down to posterity. The hon. W. Moore, President of the Legislative Council, expressed pleasure at the manner in which the Exhibition had been carried out. The hon. A. T. Pillinger, Minister of Lands, also responded, and apologised for the unavoidable absence of the hon. N. J. Brown, Speaker of the House of Assembly, through illness. He (Mr. Pillinger) had been struck with the progress made by the colony during the past two years. Mr. P. Barrett, M.H.A., proposed the toast of "The British and Foreign Representatives," and referred to the liberal manner in which TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 37 Great Britain, the neighbouring colonies, and foreign countries, had supported the Exhibition. He also eulogised the energy displayed by Sir E. Braddon. Mr. Arthur Day, in responding to the toast, referred to the kindness and courtesy which he had received as the representative of the mother country, which he thought should have precedence. He also spoke in high terms of the exertions of the Mayor, and predicted a brilliant success for the Exhibition. Mr. W. Hussey Vivian also responded on behalf of New South Wales, and said he felt in the position of a parent celebrating the coming of age of her youngest son. He referred to the opening of the Exhibition as a marvellous and magnificent spectacle, and eulogised the enthusiastic loyalty which had characterised the proceedings. He might mention, as showing the deep interest New South Wales felt in the Exhibition, that he was the only representative present besides the Mayor of Launceston who held the position of executive commissioner under the great seal of the colony. In a few minutes after the close of the proceedings he would telegraph to his Government, intimating that the Exhibition had been a splendid success. Mr. D. F. Scott (official agent for Victoria) spoke of Tasmania as the worthy old mother of Victoria, who had colonised it. Mr. H. J. Scott acknowledged the toast on behalf of South Australia. Mr. M. E. Robinson gave " Our Visitors," which was responded to by Mr. Campbell. The hon. B. S. Bird proposed "The Mayor and Aldermen of Launceston," and in a felicitous speech expressed the opinion that they should be regarded as a model Corporation; speaking in eulogistic terms of the way in which they conducted business and the improvements effected under their administration. The Mayor returned thanks on behalf of the Council, and alluded to the past history of the Exhibition, expressing the gratification which he in common with his fellow commissioners experienced at the success which he felt sure would accrue from their endeavours. The following were the remaining toasts : " The Ladies," by Alder- man B. P. Farrelly, responded to by the City Clerk, Mr. C. W. Rocher ; "The Press," proposed by the hon. A. T. Pillinger, responded to by Mr. Jas. Brickhill ; " Success to the Tasmanian Exhibition," proposed by hon. P. O. Fysh, responded to by the Executive Commissioner (Mayor Sutton) and the general manager, Mr. Jules Joubert. The company sang "AuldLang Syne," after which the proceedings terminated. THE EVENING'S PROCEEDINGS. In the evening the interior of the Exhibition Buildings was seen to marked advantage, the display by gas and electric light being brilliant. The attendance was very large, an almost constant flow of visitors passing the turnstiles from the opening hour until nine o'clock. The fernery, into which portion of the building the visitor first enters, 38 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE constitutes a most charming feature of the Exhibition, the atmosphere inside proving delightfully cool, while the giant ferns lend their aid in imparting a thoroughly sylvan air to the whole surroundings. Upon entering the portion of the building devoted to the many and various exhibits, the scene was striking in the extreme, the contents, generally speaking, showing to advantage. The passages were crowded by admiring throngs of sightseers, and loud praises of the Exhibition were to be heard upon all sides. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 39 INAUGURAL CANTATA. The Inaugural Cantata for the Tasmanian International Exhibition, composed by Mr. John Plummer, of Sydney, is as follows : OPENING CHORUS. Of Tasman's Isle the children, we Step forth this day to take our stand With those earth's truly great and free Who seek to crown each smiling land With laurels gained in braver strife Than that in which the sword hath part ; The fruitage of a people's life. Of willing hand and earnest heart, Of patient skill, heroic deed, Of thought unbound by error's thrall, Of quenchless faith in Nature's creed "T is toil that e'er ennobleth all." RECITATIVE. But yesterday we had no place On history's board and varied page ; But yesterday a savage race Dominion owned where now we wage The arts that from a grateful soil Abundance bring, or proudly rear The shrines wherein the priests of toil Hold worship through the changing year ; The arts unknown to people rude Yet can the poorest nation bless, And make the wildest solitude A world of light and loveliness. Three hundred years ! how short the span ! A drop in time's eternal sea ! Yet scarce three hundred years have ran Their silent course, no more to be, Since he, the bold explorer, came The future's sturdy pioneer A new Columbus, borne to fame, To bring two worlds to each more near, Like wandering knight, in fable old, Impelled by love's consuming drouth, He found, enrobed in green and gold, The sleeping beauty of the south. OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE QUARTET OR TKIO. A land of sunny warmths and flowers Than poet's dream more fair and bright, Where gaily dance the laughing hours, Enwreathed with garlands of delight ; Where stately hills and spangled plains Are kissed by soft and cooling breeze, And silvery streams breathe glad refrains, Beneath the broad o'er-reaching trees ; A land encircled by a zone Of purple seas and golden skies, Where freedom finds a stainless throne And freedom's sons a paradise. SOLO (SOPRANO). But oft the brightest eyes are those That weep the saddest tears of pain ; And oft the heart that warmest glows Is chilled by sorrow's icy rain. And so with us : not always bright Hath been our ceaseless onward way, But hope hath borne us through the night, Into the realms of cheery day, Till with the cross we gained the crown That none but freedom's sons may wear, And sternly cast our burden down In God our trust, to God our prayer. QUARTET AND CHORUS. Then stouter grew the arms that bore, With brawny strength, the axe and spade Through regions strange, where mountains hoar Rose high o'er wood and ferny glade. To where the pastures, spreading wide, In silence yearned for sheep and kine ; To where the upland's sloping side Concealed the wealth-producing mine ; And soon was heard the stockman's cheer, The shearer's song, the anvil's clang, Where oft was hurled the cruel spear, Or snake-like hissed the boomerang. SOLO (TENOR OR BASS). As tender shoot from acorn small In time becomes the lordly tree, Whose leafy branches shelter all, So have we grown, a nation free ; A people strong in loving faith, Which of the future hath no fear, And to its distant kinsman saith TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 41 " Come, come, for ye are welcome here ; No longer sad and weary pine, No longer fate and hungered moil, But come where hearts with gladness shine, And roses strew the paths of toil." QUARTET. Oh, sturdy toil ! Thy aid divine Hath blessed the field, the farm, the fold ; Bade fruit the orchards rich entwine, And brought us store of wool and gold. To thee we owe the storeyed mill, The dainty wonders of the loom, The workshop where the sculptor's skill Bids shapless blocks with beauty bloom ; The shelving mine, the iron way O'er which the harnessed engine roars, The busy mart, the crowded bay Where float the flags of distant shores. CHORUS. No ingrates we. Behold this fane To which we votive offerings bring, And aid to swell the glory strain That heralds toil as lord and king. Around are ranged the trophies vast Of art and science, brain and hand The present, learning from the past, Calm building up a future grand ; A time when hate and strife shall cease To mar the beautiful and good, When all mankind shall dwell in peace In close unbroken brotherhood. GRAND FINALS. So shall it be. Though some may sneer At truths they cannot comprehend, Still onward will we persevere Still angel-heights our hearts ascend ; Still undeterred by scoff or scorn, Prepared to battle for the right, We '11 fearless wait the promised dawn, Through trouble's dark and gloomy night, Till all the world be filled with love, By war unstained the grassy sod, The ancient curse a blessing prove, And man be reconciled to God. OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF THE INTERIOR. The public entrance was through the fernery, which, under the unremitting supervision and artistic skill of Mr. M'Gowan and his assistants, was a veritable fairy scene, the beautiful specimens of the Dicksonia, Alsophilus, Amtralis, Tomarias, and other specimens from Denison Gorge, the staghorns and elkhorns from Queensland, birds' nest ferns from Sydney, Australia. Todea from the Forth, and Cyathea Medularis from Stanley, are specially conspicuous. Right in the centre, and in the best position which could have been possibly selected for it, was the unmatched trophy composed of specimens of the native timbers of Tasmania, beautifully polished, and effectively arranged, and indicating the capabilities of the indigenous woods of the colony for ornamental, industrial, and commercial purposes. Emerging from the cool shades of the fernery into the annexes, the eye was charmed with a variety of brilliant colours, formed by a profusion of flags, ornamental trophies, kiosks, and pavilions, amongst which the splendid pyramid of the Mount Bischoff Tin Mining Company shone in all its silvery splendour. At the first glance the effect was somewhat confusing, the various exhibits being so closely grouped that the colours blended into each other. One of the first objects on the left of the entrance was Mr. F. Jackson's exhibits, of patent locks, and on the right the Launceston Examiner and Tasmanian section, which displayed a large variety of samples of the printing trade in all its branches. To the right the beautiful stained window representing the ''Calling of St. Matthew," made by Messrs. Brooks and Robinson, Melbourne, for Christ Church, Launceston, at once attracted attention ; and on the same side were the exhibits of Messrs. F. and W. Stewart, jewellers, of Charles street, who performed the work of stamping the award medals for exhibitors. Adjoining this was the section of Mr. Storrer, among whose exhibits were a beautiful sideboard, made from the wood of an English oak grown in the City Park ; the first article of the kind made from that brave old tree of colonial growth. In front of these exhibits were show cases containing specimens of flowers cut with the scissors from rice paper, dahlias made from coloured paper, and waxen paper flowers, shown by Mrs. D. Room, of Mayfield, and so closely resembling nature's handiwork as to at the first glance be mistaken for real flowers. Next these were some neat exhibits from the Kindergarten School, held by Miss Fletcher, all the work of children ranging from four to six years of age. Immediately on the left of the Avenue of All Nations were to be found the pretty models and photographs of the crack steamers of Messrs. Huddart and Parker's fleet, and on the right TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 43 the collection of pianos and organs shown by Messrs. Walch Bros, and Birchall. Further on the left the fine exhibits of pottery, pipes, and tiles from Mr. Campbell's works, the trophies from the Cornwall and the Esk Breweries, pyramids of bottles of tomato sauce, Peacock's jams, an artistic arrangement of the manufactures of the Tasmanian Soap and Candle Factory, and the important section of the Launceston Gas Company, with a varied collection of gas stoves, lamps, globes, and lighting appliances, commanded attention. Mr. Russen's confectionery works, situated in the model bakery close by, were contiguous, exhibiting all the latest appliances for producing the delicacies of the trade. Behind these, on the right of the entrance to the Albert Hall, the model dairy was at work, under Mr. Bartlett, the appliances of which were run by a Victory gas machine, which was started by his Excellency the Governor. The trophy shown by Messrs. Monds and Son, Carrick Roller Mills, also attracted favourable notice. In the Tasmanian Court the most conspicuous features were some fine specimens of tweeds, etc., from the Waverley Mills, Cornish American organs shown by Newton and Son, a case of medicines from the establishment of Mr. J. D. Johnston, and a very fine exhibit of electro- plate ware exhibited by Messrs. Hart and Sons. The mining exhibits next deserve a passing notice. Among these the Balstrup's mine showed specimens of ore, and the Sylvester S.M. Company, Mount Zeehan, some rich samples. Mr. J. T. Blackman, Invermay, had a very interesting and well-arranged show of paints and pigments manufactured from Tasmanian products. A pyramid from the Cornwall Coal Mine led the way to the magnificent locally built boarding boat of the Marine Board, showing to advantage the capabilities of our Tasmanian woods. Near this were appropriately placed some specimens of skilfully-made mats, and further on mineral exhibits from the Comet (Dundas), Whyte River S.M. Company, and Great Republic T.M. Company. Mr. J. Barclay exhibited a collection of safes, cooking ranges, baths, etc., and further on in the same avenue of the Tasmanian Court were specimens shown by the Western S.M. Company, Mount Zeehan Silver-Lead Mining Company, Fahl-Ore Company. Heazlewood S.M. Company Limited, and rocks and minerals from Mount Claud exhibited by Mr. C. W. J. Mansfield. Messrs. Bernacchi and Co., of Maria Island, had a number of fine exhibits of patent natural cement, white freestone, specimens of silver and gold, kaolin clay, and other products ; and adjacent was the fine trophy of the Mount Bischoff Tin Mining Company. Quibell's pagoda, with its rich scarlet curtains and gilt poles, was also a prominent feature of this part of the annexes. The New South Wales Court made a splendid show, being artistically arranged and varied. The mineral resources of Broken Hill and other mining districts of the parent colony, including some splendid specimens of coal from the mines of the Wickham and Bullock Coal Company Limited, formed, of course, a prominent feature in this court, and were aptly illustrated by photographs. The cycloramaic view of Broken Hill, with a most realistic foreground, was one of the pieces de resistance, and attracted a large number of visiters. The aviary, filled with birds indigenous to New South Wales, the Fallon (Albury) wine exhibits, specimens of printing, bookbinding, and endless rolls of paper, from the Sydney Morning Herald office, funny sketches from the Bulletin, and an jnnumerable variety of other exhibits, combined to render this court one 44 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE of the best in the building. Messrs. J. C. Ludovici and Sons' exhibits of leather belting, oak tanned belting, and other goods of the same kind for engineering purposes, were one of the features of this court. A pretty entrance from the Avenue of All Nations, an effective arrange- ment of ferns, a ceiling in harmony with the general colour, a profusion of shields, banners, and flaglets, and a general study of completeness and method, showed that the staff under the Executive Commissioner, Mr. Vivian, worked with energy and enthusiasm to maintain the credit of the pioneer colony. In the next bay the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand displayed some fine models of their steamboats, together with photographs and water-colour pictures of the places included in the extensive routes served by this enterprising company. One of the most interesting features of this section was a chart table depicting the routes from New Zealand to Australia, Tasmania, Fiji, and other parts of the Southern Hemisphere served by this company's magnificent fleet of fifty- three steamers, all represented in the exact positions they occupy every morning, and giving at a glance a bird's-eye view of the regularity and extent of the service. The larger models of the Company's steamers included the Mararoa, Waikatipu, and Rotomahana. Continuing pro- gress along the Avenue of Nations, were found the Fine Art Galleries, in which the British, Australasian, and Tasmanian Courts had many admirable exhibits. Outside, the Technical Schools of Hobart and Launceston made a fine display of samples of really meritorious work, having regard to the short period that they have been established. On the left were the South Australian wine rooms, with a very handsomely furnished sitting-room, and an assortment of the best viticultural products of that colony. Coming to the Victorian Court, which shows well, thanks to private enterprise and the admirable arrangements of Mr. D. Fergus Scott, the official agent, were well-made exhibits by Messrs. Danks and Son, Perry and Co., the well-known coach builders, Falshaw Bros., Bowling of South Melbourne, Tech, Morgan, M'Laren, Greer, wine merchants, Jack Frost freezing appliances, Alcock's billiard tables, V. Pride's (Geelong) saddlery, Carter and Werner's optical goods, and Braybrook Company's Phoenix Fireworks manufactures, Brache's varied and well got-up samples of wine, Mephan-Ferguson's iron water- pipes and fluming, Thompson's (Castlemaine) machinery, Pearson's Richmond Brewery stout, Farrow and Company's cocoa and whiskey (a novel combination), Sargood, Butler, and Nichol's exhibits of clothing, and the very interesting and valuable exhibits of the Australian India- rubber Company. Messrs. Swallow and Ariel had a very cleverly rranged trophy composed of their celebrated biscuits, and there were also Morgans tents and flags, the Australian Wine Company, A. Weigel Co.'s champagne bar, Donaghy and Son's (Geelong) rope and twine exhibits, and Budam's Microbe Killer. In the British Court, Mr. Arthur iJay s exhibits at once commanded attention by the superior appearance the show cases, and the effective arrangement of the section. The models of the steamers Ophir and Ormuz, in the centre of the main venue, were magnificent samples of marine architecture. A note- >rtny feature at this point was the fountain, which assumed quite an imposing appearance with its coating of bronze, and artistic setting off of flowers, ferns, and evergreens. Mr. A. Munnew's pretty pavilion, 1 the effective display of Messrs. Collard and Collard's fine pianos and American organs, attracted much attention, and were a credit to the firm, TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 45 the decorations having been most artistically done by Mr. Little, scenic artist, the pavilion being surmounted by a pretty tapestry design with the motto "Packard's Fort Wayn American Organs" suspended on gold- tipped spears. In the foreign courts, to the left, Mr. Singer's mannikins excited some amusement, and the Bohemian glassware was much admired. Mr. Nason's beautiful ware and the varied exhibits of M. Bossomaier could not be passed without appreciation of their beauty. The French Court did not make any elaborate display, though M. V. Laurelle had a fair stock of exhibits. Opposite this court, on the right of the Avenue of Nations, Mr. Saunders, the representative of a large number of leading English firms, made a creditable display in the absence of some of his principal exhibits, and Mr. Jacob Hillman had a thoroughly typical example of British industry in Messrs. Clark and Company show case of cottons from the Anchor Mills, Paisley, the reels being built up in artistic coloured designs. There were also in the same case novelties in the shape of globes, containing winds of cotton for ladies' work tables. Mr. Hillman also exhibited some very fine samples of pottery from designs by Sir Edward Elton, Bart., of the Clevedon Court Estate, Somerset. Further on in the main avenue, Messrs. James Miller and Company showed several samples of the manufactures of the Victoria Rope, Twine, and Mat manufactory, Melbourne, arranged in cases and in pillars ; and Messrs. Craddock and Company, Wakefield, one of the most genuine samples of the durability and compactness of British workmanship, in the form of a trophy composed of samples of cables, wire ropes, etc. The Machinery and Implement Court made an excellent show, and though the space had been extended there was hone too much room. OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE DEATH OF THE DUKE OF CLARENCE. On the 1 6th January news was received of the death of H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence, and the various sections of the Exhibition were draped in black, the British Court being closed until after the funeral, and some of the mourning manifestations, especially those made by Mr. Arthur Day, official agent for Great Britain, and Mr. D. Fergus Scott, official agent for Victoria, were costly and elaborate. On the 1 8th of the same month, the date of the late Prince's funeral, a solemn requiem service was held in the Albert Hall. It was, as Mr. Sutton remarked, " peculiarly fitting that a requiem should be sounded within the walls of the Exhibition " for the late Duke of Clarence, and it was equally fitting that the address upon the occasion should have been delivered by the gentleman who was mainly instrumental in calling the Tasmanian International Exhibition into existence. It was a happy inspiration, then, which prompted the gathering, and the large attendance endorsed the action taken by Mr. Sutton and Mr. Joubert, and rewarded the efforts of those who planned out the requiem and brought it to a successful issue. The building was tastefully draped in black, and the ladies in the choir wore mourning sashes. The audience was an exceedingly large one, and the programme commanded respectful attention from its commencement to its close. The arrangement of the order of the ceremony was excellent, and the selection of the various items set down in the programme was in the best possible taste. Miss Frost having played an organ voluntary, " Eternal Rest," Mr. S. J. Sutton, M.H.A., delivered the following panegyric: "The Great Angel who is ever calling over the muster roll of human names came on Wednesday last to that of Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, second in right of succession to the Crown. The nation upon which the sun never sets is plunged in grief at the decease of one so near the throne ; and we, in common with other parts of the empire, pay our tribute of respect to his memory. It seems to me that it is peculiarly fitting that a requiem should be sounded within the walls of the Tasmanian International Exhibition, because, as you will all remember, it was the late Duke's illustrious grandfather who conceived and worked out the scheme which led to the inauguration of the system of exhibitions which we are perpetuating here. Of the late Prince I need say little. His career was finished almost before it was begun. It is enough for us to remember that those who knew him best loved him best, and the British people all over the world honour the Queen, and love the stricken mother who so tenderly nursed the dying Prince. The cablegrams this morning especially draw our feelings to the young Princess who was so shortly to consummate by marriage the love of many years. That the joys of her approaching wedding should so suddenly be changed into bitter mourning over the bier of her betrothed is a circumstance of so extremely pitiful a TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 47 character as to demand our heartfelt sympathy. Let us then place our mourning wreath the waratah, the clematis, and our own sweet wild flowers of affection upon the tomb of the Prince's memory, in the full assurance that they will be deemed worthy of a place beside those from the old historic world, and let us hope that our present sorrow will bind closer the bonds which unite the empire." The " Dead March in Saul" was then rendered by the City Band, after which the Exhibition Choir sang that sweetly pathetic hymn from the "Ancient and Modern" collection, " Now the labourer's task is o'er." Mr. O. B. Balfe followed with a reading comprising selections from Tennyson's " In Memoriam " and the concluding portion of the dedication to the Idylls, given in magnificent style, the lines breathing a prayer for comfort for the sorrowing Queen being rendered with splendidly pathetic effect. The choir followed with the hymn " God moves in a mysterious way," after which the band played the Requiem March ; the service was then concluded with the National Anthem, rendered by the choir, Miss Cox singing the solo in her usual finished style. The Requiem service was a credit to the management of the Exhibition and an additional testimony of the loyalty of the people of this city. 48 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE THE MINERAL ARCH. This handsome structure at the main entrance to the Exhibition, and composed entirely of Tasmanian material, stone, brick, terra-cotta, cement, lime, minerals, etc., was supplied gratuitously by manufac- turers, quarry owners, and mining companies. As it is intended that the Arch shall be a permanent structure, more care was expended in its erection than is usual with Exhibition work of this character. Conse- quently, it reflects much credit upon its designer, Mr. A. E. Luttrell, architect, of Cameron street, and builder, Mr. J . T. Farmilo, of Cimitiere street. The following is a list of the donors and materials supplied by them : LAUNCESTON CORPORATION. Bluestone. MESSRS. JORY AND CAMPBELL, LAUNCESTON. 1. Fire-clay brick, manufactured by the firm of material lately discovered by them. 2. Machine-made plain and moulded bricks. 3. Terra-cotta. T. B. INNOCENT, LAUNCESTON. Hand-made and machine pressed and moulded bricks. BERNACCHI AND COMPANY, MARIA ISLAND. Native cement. COSGROVE BROS., LAUNCESTON. Hand-made bricks. SHERIFF AND JARVIS, LATROBE. Ditto. J. BLENKHORN, RAILTON. Lime. FYSH BROS., OATLANDS. Brown stone. J. WALKER, Ross. White and light brown stone. The mineral specimens in the panels were received from various nmg companies and others, and represent but a few of the many nmerals found in Tasmania, and which were seen to the best advantage in the Mineral Section of the Tasmanian Court TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 49 THE FERNERY. {From the " Launceston Examiner!") " On entering the Fernery for the first time the visitor might imagine himself suddenly transported to some quiet cool sylvan glade in the depths of the forest primeval, far away from the haunts of men, so realistic is the scene presented and so complete and effective the coup (Fceil. By an ingenious arrangement of ' wood borders ' the harmony is preserved between the natural foliage and the ceiling, and a pretty piece of Tasmanian landscape at the far end of the fernery, with waterfalls and a range of mountains in the distance make a most effective background and give depth to the view. The sides of the fernery are also effectively painted in harmony with the trees, opening up vistas which seem to recede away into the distance. The artistic accessories are so blended with the real as to perfectly harmonise with the natural foliage, the waterfalls in the background descending into a rustic structure repre- senting cliffs over which three natural cataracts tumble down through masses of creepers and rock lilies. On either side of the avenue the fernery is planted with splendid specimens of the common Dicksonia and Ahophilus Australis, Lomarias and other varieties from Denison Gorge, the beautiful staghorn and elkhorn ferns from Queensland, bird's nest ferns from Sydney, and several very fine specimens of the Australia Todea from the Forth' Intermingled with these are rock lilies, creepers, and dwarf ferns, which form the undergrowth to the tree ferns with their spreading fronds, and on one side is a bit of natural forest. At intervals are arranged little rivulets, water-falls, fountains and jets, which will serve to keep the air deliciously cool during the summer months The splendid specimens of the staghorn ferns received from Sydney were very skilfully packed under the superintendence of Mr. C. Moore, director of the Botanical Gardens. All the ferns and plants wear a healthy and thriving appearance, and the whole of the work reflects much credit on the artistic taste and energy of Mr. McGowan and his assistants." There was also to be noticed a very interesting fern (Cvalhea Medularis} which although fairly plentiful in New Zealand and some other colonies is confined to a very limited area near Stanley, in Tasmania. 150 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE THE MODEL DAIRY. On the visitor's left hand after passing through the Fernery was to be found the Model Dairy in full working, butter and cheese being made by machinery. It was equipped with a complete plant, such as is now in use in almost every farming district in Victoria. The full working capacity of the Dairy was 960 Ibs. of butter per week, the advantages of machinery over the old style being apparent. The Alexandra Sepa- rator at a speed of 6000 revolutions per minute will separate 100 gallons of milk per hour; the cream can be made either thick or thin, and the separated milk being sweet is far superior for most purposes than the majority of that skimmed by hand. The churn employed was what is known as a concussion churn, the interior being devoid of beaters and agitators. Finer grained, better flavoured, and better keeping butter results from this method. The next utensil, the butter worker, is the most important in a dairy. Good butter may be made in almost any churn, but its keeping depends entirely on the thoroughness of the working and washing, which operations are admirably performed by the use of the butter worker. A butter press and printer was to be found in close proximity to the foregoing. The advantages obtained by the use of this machine are considerable. By extreme pressure of the screw a large percentage of the remaining moisture runs out, and the butter on being forced through the opening is stamped and formed into long cubes uniform in shape and size. The cutting frame is then brought into action, and the cube by one operation divided into pounds or half- pounds as desired. Hot water, so indispensable in a dairy, is obtained by the employment of a patent steam generator, which with other plant -was supplied by Messrs. A. G. Webster and Son, of Hobart. By the use of this patent 2 50 gallons of water can be raised to boiling point in 25 minutes. The Cheese-making Plant in the Model Dairy was complete in every detail, manufactured by Messrs. Lister and Co., of England. The motive power was furnished by means of a " Victory " gas engine of four-horse power. This engine is an improvement on the well known " Otto," and is manufactured in Melbourne by Messrs. J. A. Brierly and Co. In addition to demonstrating the science and practice of butter and cheese making, the Manager, Mr. A. P. Bartlett, delivered a course of Lectures, illustrated by means of diagrams and the use of the various appliances, on subjects of interest to dairy farmers. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 51 LIST OF JURORS. Group A. Works of Art. Class i. Oil paintings on canvas, panel, or other grounds. Class 2. Miniatures, water-colour paintings, pastels, and drawings of every kind. Class 3. Sculpture and die sinking, medals, cameos, engravings, etc. Class 4. Architectural drawings and models, elevation and plans of buildings. Class 5. Engraving and lithographing, chromo-lithographs, etc. Messrs. GEORGE COLLINS, HEXRY EDGELL, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Group B. Education and Instruction ; Processes of the Liberal Arts. Class 6. Plans and models of schools, asylums, furniture for same ; ditto for blind, and deaf mutes ; work of pupils of both sexes. Class 7. Stationery, bookbinding, painting and drawing materials. Messrs. S. HOPWOOD, J. N. CLEMOXS, E. H. SUTTOX, JUN., Chairman. Class 8. Photographs on paper, glass, wood, and enamel ; heliographic engravings, photo-lithographic specimens, enlargements, coloured photographs, instruments, apparatus, chemicals, and all materials used in photography. Messrs. J. G. S. FAWXS, A. J. ALLOM, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 9. Musical Instruments. Messrs. ALEX. WALLACE, T. H. Bosworth, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 10. Medicine, hygiene, and public relief. Dr. L. G. THOMPSOX, Mr. JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. E2 52 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Class ii. Mathematical and philosophical instruments. Class 12. Maps, geographical and cosmographical apparatus. Messrs. S. HOPWOOD, J. N. CLEMONS, E. H. BUTTON, JUN., Chairman. Group C. Furniture and Accessories. Class 13. Cheap and fancy furniture. Class 14. Upholsterers' and decorators' work. Messrs. C. W. JOSCELYNE, W. COOGAN, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 15. Crystal glass, and stained glass. Messrs. W. R. Marsh, HERBERT SAUNDERS, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 1 6. Pottery, including bricks, tiles, drain and other pipes, etc. Messrs. A. E. LUTTRELL, J. T. FARMILO, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 1 7. Carpets, tapestry, and other stuffs for furniture. Messrs. C. W. JOSCELYNE, W. COOGAN, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 1 8. Paper-hangings. Class 19. Cutlery. Messrs. ALEX. WEBSTER, J. R. MASON, JULES JOUBERT. Chairman. Class 20. Gold and silver smith's work. Class 2 1 . Bronzes, art castings, and repouss work. Class 22. Clocks and watches. Messrs. J. G. PIPER, J. M. PROCTER, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 23. Apparatus and process for heating and lighting, matches, etc. Messrs. A. E. LUTTRELL, J.T. FARMILO, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 24. Perfumery, toilet, and other soaps. Messrs. F. K. FAIRTHORNE, C. RAWSON, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 53 Class 25. Leather and basket work and fancy articles, including pipes, ivory, and tortoiseshell, bone, and wood work. Miss KATE FARRELL, MRS. MOSER, Mr. JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Group D. Textile Fabrics, Clothing, Etc. Class 26. Cotton, cotton fabrics (pure and mixed). Class 27. Flax, hemp, and linen fabrics Class 28. Wool and all woollen fabrics, flannels, blankets, tweeds, etc. Messrs. J. W. PEPPER, A. BOSSOMAIER, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Special Jury for Wool. Messrs. J. B CURRAN, E. WHITFELD, G. P. HUDSON, W. R. MARSH, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 29. Silk and all silk fabrics. Class 30. Hosiery and underclothing. Messrs. J. W. PEPPER, A. BOSSOMAIER, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 3 1 . Clothing for both sexes, boots and shoes, artificial flowers, hair, wigs, etc. Messrs. W. F. PETTERD, J. H. ROOM, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 32. Jewellery (other than gold and silver) ; plated ware ; jet, amber, coral, mother-of-pearl, steel ; precious stones, real and imi- tation. Messrs. N. ARONSON, O. MOSER, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 33. Portable weapons guns, pistols, side-arms ; hunting and sporting equipments. Messrs. T. S. CLEMINSHAW, Louis SABER, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 34. Travelling and camp equipage tents, tent furniture, ham- mocks, beds, camp stools, trunks, valises, bags, rugs, cushions, equipments, and all implements for geologists, mineralogists, naturalists, etc. Messrs. M. SINGER, L. R. CASTRAY, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. 54 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Class 35. Toys, dolls, and playthings; games for adults and children. Messrs. CHAS. DAY, HERBERT SAUNDERS, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Group E Mining ; Mining Industry ; Raw and Manu- factured Products. Class 36. Collections of rocks, mineral ores, stones, refractory substances, earths and clays, rock salt, mineral fuels, asphalt, bitumen, mineral tar, petroleum, etc. ; process of washing and extracting precious metals; metals in crude as well as manufactured ; tools, and all kinds of hardware. Messrs. Alex. MONTGOMERY, M.A., W. F. PETTERD, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 37. Products of forestry : specimens of timber; wood for cabinet work, for building and other purposes ; barks for tanning or textile purposes; colouring and resinous substances; charcoal, dried wood, potash ; turnery ; straw work, etc. Messrs. D. SCOTT, J. T. FARMILO, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 38. Products of hunting, fishing, etc. : collections or drawings of terrestrial and amphibious animals; birds' eggs, fishes, mollusca, and Crustacea ; furs and skins ; undressed feathers ; horn, teeth, ivory ; tortoiseshell ; sponges ; gums ; traps, snares, fishing nets, lines, hooks, etc., etc. Messrs. HOWARD E. WRIGHT, W. F. PETTERD, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 39. Agricultural products NOT used for food : raw cotton, flax, hemp, and other fibres Rope. Capt. BARWOOD, Messrs. WM. GURR, JULES JOUBERT. Class 39. Wool, washed and greasy ; pharmaceutical substances; tobacco, raw and manufactured; tanning and dyeing substances; preserved fodder, and substances for feeding cattle, sheep, dogs, etc. Messrs. GEO. E. HARRAP, GEO. P. HUDSON, W. R. MARSH, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 55 Class 40. Leather and skins : raw and salted hides ; tanned, curried, dressed, and dyed leather ; varnished or patent leather ; morocco and sheepskin ; skins grained, chamoyed, tanned, dressed, or dyed. Messrs. H. #. HARDT, JOSEPH C. GENDERS, JULES JOUBKRT, Chairman. Group F. Apparatus and Processes used in Mechanical Industries. Class 41. Mining and metallurgy : boring machines; artesian, diamond d i ills, etc., for cutting coal, rocks, etc. ; for .working mines or quarries ; appliances for lowering and hoisting miners, pumping water, ventilating shafts, etc. ; safety lamps ; apparatus for saving life ; apparatus for the mechanical dressing of ores ; fuel for metal work of all kinds. Messrs. JAS. SCOTT, \V. R. MARSH, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 42. Agricultural implements : tools ; machines used in the cultiva- tion of fields and forests, in all branches of husbandry, sowing, planting, or harvesting, whether worked by hand, horse, or steam-power ; carts and other rural means of trans- port ; manures, organic or mineral. Messrs. JAS. SCOTT, WM. LUCK, W. R. MARSH, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 43. Apparatus and processes used in agricultural work and used for the preparation of food, including milling flour, kneading, baking, ice-making, and refrigerating machines. Messrs. JAS. SCOTT, W. R. MARSH, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 44. Machines and tools in general, not specified. Typewriters. Messrs. T. S. CLEMIXSHAW, W. PAXM\N, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Oils and Tallow. Messrs. W. R. MARSH, JAS. SCOTT, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 45. Carriages and wheelwrights' work. Class 46. Harness and saddlery. Messrs. W. R. MARSH, J. T. SMITH, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. 5 6 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Class 47. Railway apparatus : engines, carriages, etc. Messrs. W. R. MARSH, JAS. SCOTT, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 48. Telegraphic appliances electric and all appertaining to electricity. Messrs. E. WHITFELD, W. R. MARSH, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 49. Building materials of all kinds; drawings, models, etc., of public buildings, mansions, cottages, lighthouses, industrial dwellings, etc. Messrs. A. E. LUTTRELL, J. T. FARMILO, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 50. Navigation : drawings or models of ships, boats, steamers, floating docks ; materials for rigging ; apparatus for saving life at sea ; diving bells ; rocket apparatus ; flags and signals. Capt. W. R. BARWOOD, Messrs. W. R. MARSH, E. WHITFELD, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 51. Material and apparatus for military purposes, engineering, fortifications, artillery, guns and gun carriages, military equipment, clothing, military transport service, armaments, Group G. Alimentary Products. Class 52. Cerals, farinaceous products ; wheat, rye, barley, rice, maize, millet, and other cereals, in grain and in flour ; grain with- out husk, and groats ; bread and pastry ; biscuits, etc. Cereals and Farinaceous Products. Messrs. S. J. SUTTON, W. H. GIBSON, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Bread, Pastry, and Biscuits. Messrs. S. J. BUTTON, W. G. PORTER, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 53. Fatty substances and oils good for food; milk, fresh and preserved ; butter, fresh, salt, or tinned ; cheese. Class 54. Meat and fish, salt, preserved, smoked, and salted. Messrs. J. N. SERGEANT, A. MURRELL, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 57 Class 55. Vegetables and fruit, fresh, dried, and preserved. Class 56. Condiments : sugar and confectionery, including jams, preserves, sauces, etc. Messrs. R. F. IRVINE, J. N. SERGEANT, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Cocoa and Chocolate. Messrs. T. H. GOULD, W. R. MARSH, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 57. Fermented drinks: wines, still and sparkling; beer; cider, perry ; brandy, whiskey, gin ; liqueurs, etc., etc. Wines, Spirits. Messrs. W. R. MARSH, E. WHITFELD, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Beers. Messrs. W. R. MARSH, JOHN MORTON, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Aerated Waters and Cordials. Messrs. W. R. MARSH, E. WHITFELD, D. FERGUS SCOTT, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Special Jury for Adjudicating upon Unclassified Exhibits. Messrs. W. R. MARSH, E. WHITFELD, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Class 58. Horticulture; floriculture; arboriculture; flowers, etc. Messrs. P. LORD JOHNSTONE, E. WHITFELD, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. Group H. Music and Singing. Mrs. A. MUNNEW, Messrs, W. W. THORNTHWAITE, JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. 58 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE AWARDS. GROUP A. FINE ARTS. The Fine Art collection, though somewhat limited in the number of exhibits, was a main feature in the display. The collection occupied a capital position in spacious galleries facing the main avenue, whilst a magnificent collection of choice Italian Statuary was displayed in the Fernery, and materially added to the beauty of that picturesque section of the Exhibition. The Fine Arts Gallery proper was divided into three sections, viz. British, Foreign, and Tasmanian. And in the first department the choice oil paintings procured by Sir Edward Braddon, including the full length portrait of Queen Victoria, lent by her Majesty, were a source of never-failing interest to the visitors ; whilst the works of Tasmanian and intercolonial artists were very greatly admired, and the Austrian pictures displayed by Herr Bossomaier attracted considerable attention. It is hoped that the exhibition of such magnificent works of art will confer material benefit upon the people by increasing an appreciation of the beautiful, and making art and its softening and subduing influences part and parcel of the daily life of the community. The work of the judges was long and arduous, and the following are their awards : CLASS I. Brent, Rose T., Invermay. Chess table top, two views painted in Indian ink Second award. Burrowes, Mrs. A. E., Launceston. Small folding screen, four panels, painted in oils on canvas, Tasmanian lake scenery, native flowers, etc. Second award. Fire screen, transparent painting on glass in oils,, fuchsias and poppies Highly commended. Large folding screen, four panels, painted in oils on canvas ; views of Hobart and Launceston, also miscellaneous subjects Highly commended. Browne, F. Styant, Launceston. Original oil painting, the work of exhibitor, " S.S. Oonah leaving the River Tamar on a misty morning " Second award. Bates, Edward S. Designs in oil for decorating ball room, dining room, and hall Highly commended. Barrett, Alfred Warshop, Trevallyn, Launceston. " Fruit "Second award. Dodery, Emmeline, Lauraville, Longford, " Scene on Upper Yarra Highly commended. " Scene on Goulburn, N.S.W." Highly com- mended. 8 J TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 59 Farrelly, B. P., Launceston. " Landscape " Highly commended* "The Magdalen Reclining" Highly commended. Gurr, M. E., Launceston. Group of flowers painted on ground glass, in oils Second award. Greig, Mrs. C. G., Launceston. " Scene, River Ouse " Highly com- mended. " Lake St. Clair" Second prize. Halligan, Mrs.G. H., Riversleigh, Hunter's Hill, Sydney. Oil painting, " Queen of White Flowers" Second award. Higgs, Joshua, jun., Trevallyn. " Low Head, River Tamar " Highly commended. " Don Plains, River Mersey " Highly commended. Hall, Alfred J., Launceston. " Victoria River, Huon Morning," by W. C. Piguenit First award. Kenworthy, Miss Rosina, Launceston. Hand-painted table top in oils ; half wreaths of genuine blossoms on a black ground Second prize. Hand-painted door in oils, Tasmanian wild flowers and berries, taken from nature First prize. Mace, Miss Kate Lee, Hobart. Hand-painted screen and several oil paintings Second award. Maxwell, Mrs. P. C., Latrobe. " A bush road near Port Sorell " Highly commended. " Spring in the Tasmanian bush " Third award. Miniature views of Tasmanian scenery Highly commended. Hand- painted walnut screen of " Tasmanian river scenery " in brown and white oils, with " native flowers " on the back in colours Second award. Nicholas, R. J., Launceston. Oil painting on canvas of Cataract Gorge in flood Second award. "Eventide," painted entirely with the palate knife Second award. " Corra Linn" Highly commended. Oil paintings from life No. i, His Worship the Mayor of Launceston, S. J. Sutton, Esq. ; No. 2, Mrs. S. J. Sutton ; No. 3, J. Joubert, Esq. ; No. 4, G. Home, Esq. Oil painting on canvas from photograph (not on photograph), Mrs. Nicholas, sen. (collective exhibit) First award. Purdue, Ralph, Launceston. Oil paintings (40) of prominent Laun- cestonians, including previous mayors and present aldermen Second award. Pousty, William, Launceston. " Corra Linn " Highly commended. "Glen Fallon, etc., Scotland" Second award. Scott, Mary Teresa, Launceston. " Entrance to the Huon " Highly commended. "Freycinet Peninsula" Highly commended. Smith, Henry E., Hobart. Oil painting, " The Sly Glass " Highly commended. Walker, Mary, Longford. Copy of painting, racehorse " Camel " Highly commended. Williams, Maud Marion, Hobart. Black octagon table top, in oils ; Tasmanian native flowers and berries First award. Weetman, Mabel L., Launceston. Collection of oil paintings Highly commended as a collection. Colonial Architects' Department, Sydney. Oil paintings of old N.S.W. identities Second award. 60 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE New South Wales Fisheries Department. Paintings of edible fish First award as a collection. Piguenit, William C., Hunter's Hill, Sydney. Oil painting, "Out West, during the flood, 1890" (the Gundabooka Range, N.S.W.) Special first award. Anscombe, Eliza, Dunedin, N.Z. Oil painting, "Lawyer's Head above St. Clair, Dunedin " H.C. " Holly Branch " on wooden panel Second award. Gibb, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Wellington Harbour First prize. "A bush saw pit Second award. Murray, Geo. Read, Port Chalmers, N.Z. " Mount Cook, Middle Island, N.Z. Second award. " Dusky Coast, West Coast "Second award. Binney, Florence Walker, Moonee Ponds, Victoria. "Through Morley's Track, Fernshaw, Victoria " Second award. Binney, Catherine, Footscray, Victoria. Hand-painted dessert ser- vice ; waterpot, portrait, etc. Very highly commended. Coulson, G. J. R., Mercer road, Melbourne, Victoria. " Sunset at Lome, Victoria "Second award. Creed, Lila, Victoria. Oil paintings, " Single white roses " First award. "Rhododendrons" Second award. "Study of foliage" Second award. " Waratah " Second award. Irvine, John L., St. Kilda. Rolando's oil painting " Sunset on the Buffalo Ranges " First award. Rolando's oil painting " Mount Feather- top " First award. Lyall, Alex. S., St. Kilda, Victoria. Picture of New Zealand Second award. Maffey, Mabel, Melbourne. "Moonlight" Highly commended. " Dog's Head " Highly commended. " Eucalyptus " on glass in plush frame Highly commended. Sinclair, Catherine S., Kew. Oil painting " French poppies " Highly commended. Weir, Elizabeth P., Prahran, Victoria. "Sunshade and shower," Whittlesea, Victoria Highly commended. " Sunset near Van Yean," Whittlesea, Victoria Highly commended. Cuban and Follerman, Vienna. Oil paintings Second and third awards. Robitsek, H., and Co., Vienna. Collection of oil paintings Very highly commended. CLASS II. Miniatures, Water-colour Paintings, Pastels, and Drawings of every kind. Allom, Albert J., Launceston. View on River Esk, South Wales Second award. Archibald, Carl, Warrnambool, Victoria. Frame containing series of illustrations of Eureka Stockade riot ; series original drawings of Aus- tralian explorations, illustrating incidents in Australian history First award. Archibald, Lucy, Warrnambool, Victoria. Water-colour sketches from life (collective exhibit) Highly commended. Barrett, Walter, Launceston. Water-colour, " On the Tamar," Tas- maniaHighly commended. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 6l Boyd, Allan, West Melbourne. Design for certificate Highly com- mended. Bates, S. E., Launceston. Designs for decorations of ball-room, dining-room, and hall Second award. Bell, Lionel E., Ross. Three crayon drawings of animals Highly commended. Cathcart, May, Invermay. Two pen and ink sketches Two first awards. Entwistle, Arthur, Hobart. Pen and ink drawings from a copy titled "Surrender" Highly commended. Charlton, Arthur Esam, St. Kilda. Collection of water-colour paintings Highly commended. Ford, William, Bracknell. Lightning flourished bird sketch and cards Highly commended. Ferguson, Ethel May, Launceston. Three crayon drawings Second award. Gravatt, Emma Jane, East Devonport. Two water-colour paintings Highly commended. Gurr, L. R. and E. E., Launceston. Crayon drawings (2), " Moon- light on the Alps " Second award. Godfrey, Charles D., South Melbourne. " Ill-fated Steamships " First award. Home, Nellie C., Quamby, Hagley, Tasmania. Hand-painted screen from nature, centre " Arum lilies," side panels " Poppies and chrysanthe- mums" Second award. Hand-painted fire screen, " Tasmanian flowers and berries," from nature Highly commended. Group of lemons painted from nature on wood panel First award. Hudson, Kate, Launceston. Four hand-painted vases Second award. Hopkins, Maggie, Launceston. Crayon drawing enlarged from a painting of Mary Anderson as " Parthenia," from " Ingomar/' a drama by Mrs. Lovell Highly commended. Crayon drawing enlarged from a photo of Mr. Hopkins's dog "Laddie" Highly commended. Hall, Alfred J., St. John street, Launceston. " Three scenes on the Upper Yarra, near Kew, Victoria," by the late T. S. Hall One first and two second awards. Halligan, Mrs. G. H., Hunter's Hill, Sydney. " Spring flowers " (in white and black), " Tasmanian waratah and arbutus" (in white and black), " Tasmanian gorse tree " Two first awards and one second. Huddart, Parker, and Company, Melbourne. Pictures of steamers Second award. Kent, David, St. Kilda. Pen and ink drawing, " Lioness and cubs " First award. Design for a certificate of merit Second award. Kildea, Francis T., New Town. Crayon, " Modern Heroes " Second award. Lawrence, Edgar, Launceston. Water-colour, " Lake Arthur," Tas- maniaHighly commended. Lloyd, H. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Collection of water-colours Highly commended. Long, C. Edward, Launceston. Illuminated address to the Governor Second award. Mansell, Hunt, Catty, and Company, London. Collection of etchings Special first award. 62 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Marchant, Annie Ellen, Mole Creek. Poonah painting of a group of roses (on silk) ; also, wreath or spray of roses (painted on velvet) Highly commended as collective exhibit. Sinclair, Catherine P., Kew. Chalk drawing, " Letter from Home " -Highly commended. Shearn, Percy C., Launceston. Chrystoleum, subject, "Basket of flowers " Highly commended. " Likeness of Mrs. Langtry "Highly commended. " Scene on the Scottsdale road " Highly commended. Union Steam-Ship Company of New Zealand. Two water-colour paintings First award. Vellacott, John W. Water-colour paintings on opal (2), "Clipper ship Sobraon," " R.M.S. Victoria " Two second awards. Waldron, Mabel Ethel, Launceston. " Lilies and dielytra " Second award. " White violets, primrose, and ivy " First award. Weetman, Mabel L., Launceston. Collection of water-colour pictures Highly commended. Weetman, H. J., Launceston. Patch-board, consisting of pen and ink sketches, with tiled background First award. Willis, Helen. Study of nasturtiums Second award. " Study of actimostus" (flannel flower of N. S. Wales) First award. Wilson, Mrs. L. S., Port Sorell. Portfolio of water-colour paintings Tasmanian wild flowers First award. CLASS III. Sculpture and Die Sinking, Medals, Cameos, Engraving, etc. Cecchini, G., Pisa, Florence, Italy. Carrara marble statuary (collec- tive exhibit) First award. Entwistle, Arthur, Hobart. General engraving on gold, silver, ivory, brass, steel, and wood : coats of arms, crests, monograms, cyphers, brass name and memorial plates, etc. First award. Fontana, Signer, Chelsea, England. Sculpture Special first award. Killalea, Henry, E., Launceston. Marble statue of the Lady of Lourdes, and marble cross and figure of the Crucifixion (collective exhibit) Third award. Warrington, S. A. and E., Launceston. Stone altar, stone bridge, stone lighthouse Third award. Watson, Charles C., Hobart. Carving in stone representing tree, ivy, and birds Second award. Doulton and Co., London. Terra-cotta sculpture, by George Tin- worth Special first award. Sculpture in Doulton ware, by George Tin- worth First award. Moran, A. W., Melbourne. Medal making and die sinking First award. CLASS IV. -- Architectural Drawings and Models, Elevation and Plans of Buildings. Science and Art Department, South Kensington, series of 37 draw- ings (collective exhibit) Special first award. Scholars' Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Isabella L. Bebb Inrst award. E. Piper Special first award. D. S. Grubb Special first award. T. W. Cole Special first award. J. M Dunlop TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 63 First award. C. D. Hodder First award. Isabella L. Bebb Special first award. A. G. Scrange Special first award. Frank W. Wood Hon. mention. T. W. Cole First award. W. J. Merriot First award. W. M. Grubb First award. J. T. Cook Special first award. C. Cortinoss First award. Alfred Lewis Hon. mention. M. A. Heath First award. F. Brown First award. M. A. Heath First award. Agnes G. Farmer First award. John Lee First award. J. T. Cook Special first award. W. M. Grubb Special first award. Rider Haywood Special first award. Arthur Legge Hon. mention. C. S. Perkin First award. C. S. Millard Hon. mention. A. C. C. John Special first award. G. W. Harley Special first award. A. C. C. John Special first award. W. M. Grubb First award. Arthur Whitehead Special first award. Launceston Technical School. Sheets of workings in solid geometry and projection, 14 original designs modelled in clay and re-produced in plaster and terra cotta ; or carvings in wood, original designs ; five models, door, photo frame, mantelpiece, gate, circular staircase (col- lective exhibit) Special first award. Scholars of the Launceston Technical School. A. E. Morgan, original designs modelled in clay and re-produced in plaster Hon. mention. S. Morgan, frieze and scrolls modelled in clay and re-produced in plaster Hon. mention. C. Tyson, original designs modelled in clay and re-produced in plaster First award. R. Gow, mantelpiece, original design, modelled in clay and re-produced in plaster Special first award. C. Beaufoy, carved front of chiffonnier, original design (biackwood and Huon pine) First award. A. E. Evershed, carved coat of arms in Huon pine Special first award. C. Sargeant, biackwood mantelpiece Hon. mention. T. Earley, model of circular-staircase Special first award. Machine Construction Class, Launceston Technical School. 18 draw- ings to scale from fully dimensioned sketches supplied, five drawings being designs of details of machinery from data supplied ; 1 1 drawings, full size, and to scale from data supplied by student himself ; 1 2 draw- ings, shaded and coloured from copy (collective exhibit) Special first award. Scholars' Machine Construction Class, Launceston Technical School. John Clark, drawings to scale from fully dimensioned sketches supplied, being Tasmania Gold Mine pumping engine and marine engine First award. Thomas Turner, drawings to scale from fully dimensioned sketches supplied, being marine engine and cylinder marine engine Special first award. John Wilson, drawing to scale from fully dimensioned sketches supplied, being safety valve for marine boiler Hon. mention. John Batchelor, drawings full size and to scale, details of machinery from data supplied by the student himself, being loco- motive connecting rod and locomotive cross-head First award. James B. Massey, drawing full size and to scale from data supplied by the student himself , being marine boiler Hon. mention. H. R. Evershed, detail drawings, shaded and coloured, from copy, being plummer block, bevel wheel gearing, connecting rod, crane hook Special first award. Allen, Albert G. H., Invermay. "Collection of architectural designs and sketches Second award. 64 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Hardt, H. B. Designs of the arches, all decorations, and allotments of space in N.S.W. Court of the Exhibition First award. [The jurors- consider that the design and especial care shown in the setting out of the N.S.W. Court entitle it to special notice by the commissioners, and therefore suggest a first award be granted.] Luttrell, Alfred E., Cameron street, Launceston. Perspective drawing, Marine Hotel, pen and ink isometrical perspective drawing of Tasma- nian Exhibition and surroundings Second award. Pen and ink drawing (first prize Exhibition certificate competition) First award. Maurice, F., Melbourne, Victoria. Plan (in relief) of Tasmania, showing by scale (horizontally and vertically) rivers, mountains, roads, railway lines, towns, townships, divisions, etc. Second award. M'Kinnon, Gordon, Parramatta, N.S.W. Front elevation design ot the Albert Hall, Launceston First award. Fagg, Mr., Hobart. Two architectural drawings Second award. Warry, D. R., Greenwich, London. Architectural design for cathe- dral Special first award. CLASS V. Engraving and Lithographing, Chromo- Lithographs, etc. Bulletin Newspaper Company, Sydney. Original " Bulletin " draw- ings by Livingstone, Hopkins, and Phil May ; 38 engravings, zinco- graphy, photo-negative drawing, print on negative on silver zinc ready for engraving, zinc block engraved ready for printing First award . Dunlop and Brown, Melbourne. Show case or frame of window tickets Second award. Milne, Angus, Footscray, Victoria. Picture, freehand Second award. Osborn, Alf. P., Christchurch, N.Z. General engraving on brass plates, copper, gold, silver, and wood First award. Caligraphv Second award. Waterworth, John J., Hobart. Collection of engravings Second award. Patent Borax Company, Birmingham, England. Collection of artistic show cards Second award. Keen, Robinson, and Belville, London. Collection of artistic show cards Second award. Birmingham Vinegar Brewery Company, Birmingham, England. Collection of artistic show cards Second award. CLASS Va. Amateur Photographic Exhibits. c Er T Vne ; F / Styant ' Laun ceston. Bromide enlargement, untouched, .udy of a head "Second award. Frame of landscapes of Tasmanian scenery and portraits First award. Northern Tasmanian Camera Club. Frame of platinotype prints, trame of silver prints, the work of members of the Club -First award. ..runcell Charles, Hobart. Tasmanian views Second award. P 'TK-^' S S Kilda ' Victoria ' Landscape photos of Victorian scenery Third award. Parker R L Launceston. Collection of photos of Tasmanian scenery (platma) First award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 65 Roome, Dr. H. A., Westbury. Photograph in platinotype, " Scenes in the Alps" Second award. Ditto, "Studies on Lake Como, Italy" First award. Ditto, "An Italian Peasant" Special first award. Photograph in platinum, " Springtime in Surrey " Special first award. Colliver, N., Ballarat, Victoria. Cabinet of photographs Fourth award. Kermode, Robert, Mona Vale, Ross. Photographs of Tasmanian views Second award. Photographs of Tasmania and Australia First award. Grange, John Stuart. Photographs of Tasmanian scenery Second award. New South Wales Government Railway Department. Amateur photo- graphy Hon. mention. CLASS VI. Plans and Models of Schools, Asylums ; Furniture for the same ; ditto for Blind and Deaf Mutes ; Work of Pupils of both sexes. Easton, Thomas J., Venus School, Zeehan. Oil paintings of maps of Tasmania and Australia, poetry, pen and pencil sketches, mechanical drawings, collection of specimens, flowers, ferns, etc., mounted Com- mended. Corp, John Francis, Commercial College, Latrobe, Tasmania. Work done in school, maps of New Zealand (by pupils over 14), Australia (under 14), Tasmania (under 12), plan (under 15) Special mention for plans and maps. Fletcher, Mary A., Launceston. Kindergarten system, occupations done by the children First award. Nathan, E. A., High School, Launceston. Plain penmanship by the pupils Highly commended. Fancy penmanship by the pupils Com- mended. Mapping by the pupils Highly commended. Rees, John D., State School, Lilydale. Three maps of Tasmania and writing cards Commended. Stopford's Preparatory School, Bellerive. Copy slip and angle in use at Hobart Junior School, with samples of writing to show the improve- ments made in six months Commended. Government Technical School, Hobart. Work by students in art, modelling, and maritime construction classes First award. Phillips, James, Launceston. Map of New Zealand, ornamental and plain writing Highly commended. Launceston Technical School. Modelling, " Survival of the Fittest,'' from Illustrated London News First award. Scholars of Hobart Technical School. G. Howe, iron gutter Special first award. [The jurors beg to note the excellent workmanship of the student in this exhibit.] R. Green, details of roof, two boxes, bread platter First award. Glastonbury chair Special first award. Model of staircase First award. C. Green, folding shutter window First award. Hobart Technical School. Four paintings First award. F 66 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE CLASS VI. Maps and Penmanship. Lilydale State School. Work done by scholars. Coloured map of Tasmania by George Proctor, aged 1 2 years ; ditto by Elsie Proctor, aged 12 years; specimen of writing by Robert Arnold, aged 13 years; Grace Erb, 13; Elsie Proctor, n; Margaret Brewer, 15; Hannah Proctor, 15 ; Louisa Brooks, 12 ; Amy Christie, 12 ; Robert Power, 13 ; and Matthew Phillips, n Hon. mention. CLASS VI. School Exhibits. Corp, John Francis, Latrobe. Collective school exhibit Very highly commended. Ford, W. (over 16). Ornamental penmanship Special first award. West, V. B. Map of New Zealand Highly commended. Orna- mental penmanship First award. Addison, H. W. Map of New Zealand First award. Phillips, J. Plain penmanship First award. Kelly, W. Map of Australia First award. Kildea, F. J. Crayon drawings First award. Jones, H. Fancy penmanship First award. M'llwaine, J. Map of Tasmania First award. Sidebottom, . Plain penmanship First award. Kidd, R. A. Plain penmanship Second award. Beck, Ernest. Plain penmanship First award. Jackson, L. Plain penmanship First award. Ferguson, J. Plain penmanship Commended. Nathan, E. A. Collective school exhibit First award. CLASS VII. Stationery, Bookbinding, Painting, and Drawing Materials. Button, Henry, proprietor of the Launceston Examiner and The '1 asmanian. Specimens of materials used in various stages of paper- making, from Messrs. J. Spicer and Sons, London, and J. Joynson and Sons, London First award. Demy folio "Quadrat" cylinder machine (in operation) First award. Specimens showing progressive stages in the manufacture of black lead pencils, from Mr. B. S. Cohen, London First award. Specimens showing progressive stages in the manufacture of steel pens, from a sheet of metal to the finished pen, from Mr. William Mitchell, London Highly commended. Specimens of paper-ruling, done by the exhibitor Highly commended. Specimens showing pro- gressive stages in the manufacture of steel pens, from a sheet of metal to the finished pen, from Messrs. G. Brandauer and Co., London First award. Post octavo "Model" platen machine (in operation) First award. Specimens of printing, letterpress, lithographic, embossing, etc. First award. Specimens of account books made by the exhibitor Highly commended. Specimens of photo-engraving, plates etched and mounted by the exhibitor Highly commended. Specimens of stereo- typing, moulds, plates, as cast and mounted by exhibitor First award. Bookbinding in morocco First award. Bellett, S. J., St. Kilda, Dunedin. Black, blue black, and copying tttk, scarlet ink, gold paint, raven black, cold water ink First award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 67 Meek, W. J M Dunedin. Blue black, copying, and coloured inks First award. Walch Bros., and Birchall, Launceston. Finest pencils, Johann Faber, Nuremburg, Bayern ; steel pens and method of manufacture, G. Bran- dauer and Co., Birmingham ; Swan Quill steel pens, A. E. Lamdin, Liverpool ; sealing wax, Bee brand, George Waterston and Sons, Lon- don ; steel pens and method of manufacture, Joseph Gillott, Birming- ham ; frames steel pens, John Heath, Birmingham First award for collection. Manufactured account books, made by J. Walch and Sons, Hobart First award. Reeves and Sons, London (Artistic Stationery Company, Melbourne, agents). Artists' materials, water and oil colours, brushes, etc., easels, canvases, drawing boards, studies, drawing paper, oil and water colour blocks, architects' instruments, etc. First award. Orient Steam Navigation Company. " The Orient Line Guide " First award. Hinton, T. H., Chelsea, England. " Some of the postage stamps of the British Empire " First award. Mines Department, Victoria. Mining reports and publications First award. Government Statist's Department, Victoria. Statistics, handbook, and large statistical table showing progress of the colony Special first award. Lands Department, Victoria. Reports and publications First award. " Year Book of Australia " Publishing Company, Limited, Melbourne. The " Year Book of Australia " Special first award. Strutt, W. T., Hobart. Specimens of bookbinding done at the Government Printing Office, Hobart Highly commended. Walch Bros, and Birchall, Launceston. "Walch's Red Book" (Tas- manian Almanac) First award. Victorian Postal and Telegraph Department. Two frames, containing No. i frame, view of Melbourne General Post Office in the year 1853, and view of Melbourne General Post Office in the year 1890, hand- somely illuminated and surrounded with revenue and postage stamps of Victoria of denominations up to ^"9, stamps entwined amidst Australian foliage ; No. 2 frame : views of the principal post and telegraph buildings in Victoria, surrounded with stamps of current issue in Victoria ; both frames are in Tasmanian figured blackwood Special first award. CLASS VIII. Photographs on Paper, Glass, Wood, and Enamel ; Heliographic Engravings, Photo-litho- graphic Specimens, Enlargements, Coloured Photos, Instruments, Apparatus, Chemicals, and all materials used in Photography. Fairfax, John, and Sons, Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney. Illus- trations of daily and pictorial newspaper work, stereotype and rare specimens of printing, newspaper literature, engraving, and typographical art Special first award. Skinner, J. H., and Co., East Derham, Norfolk. Photographic appa- ratusFirst award. Patent photographic turntable First award. 68 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Nicholas, R. J., Launceston. Photographic portraits First award. Christmas, New Year, and birthday cards First award. Water-colour enlargements of photographs of the late Judge Giblin, and Miss Simon- son and child ; plain enlargements of photos of Sir R. G. Hamilton, S. J. Sutton, Esq., and Miss Tulloch Special first award. Doulton and Co.. Lambeth, London. Series of 19 photographs of the works of George Tinworth in terra cotta Special first award. Wherrett Bros, and Co., Hobart. Photographic portraits in platinum and silver First award. New Zealand Midland Railway. Collection of photographs of New Zealand scenery First award. Union Steam-Ship Company of New Zealand. Collection of photo- graphs of New Zealand scenery First award. Government Printer, New South Wales. Photographs of New South Wales scenery Special first award. Colonial Secretary, New South Wales. Photograph of delegates to the National Convention, 1891 Hon. mention. CLASS IX. Musical Instruments. Fincham and Hobday, Richmond, Victoria. Organ First award. Gee, Richard, Launceston. The Bell and Company American cabinet organ Second award. Karrer, S., Teufeuthal, Switzerland. Musical boxes First award. Munnew, A., Launceston. Packard's cottage and parlour organ First award. Milner and Thompson, Christchurch. Thompson's patent tuning attachment Special first award. Patent piano, with new tuning attach- ment Second award. Walch Bros, and Birchall, Launceston Set of brass band instruments -First award. Two upright grand pianos by Kanhauser First award. I 1 our American organs by Mason and Hamlin First award for church organ. Kanhauser cottage pianos First award. Young, Alexander, Trevallyn, Launceston. i violincello, i viola 2 violins Special first award. Broadwood, John, and Sons, London, England. Cottage pianoforte, with complete metal frame, patent tuning pins, full trichord stringing and improved front, in early English design, of the choicest satinwood, with handpamted centre panel -Special first award for quality of tone and superior workmanship and material. CLASS X. Medicine, Hygiene, and Public Relief. f B l St - a , nd C " Richmond > Victoria. Preparations obtained chiefly ?rTlvn f C if ?", S Ve S etation of Australia, consisting of essential oils, eucalyptus, alkaloids, gums, and resins First award S n> Melb urne ' Microbene and closet disinfectant- *** Co " ^on. Kepler's cod-liver oil- award - Medicine asthma remedy-Highly com- TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 69 Kearsley, C. and J., Westminster. Pills Highly commended. Hatton and Laws, Launceston. Drugs, chemicals, patent and pro- prietary medicines First-class award for collection. Chassaing and Co., Paris. Pharmaceutical and physiological produce, pepsine drug and medicine First award. Cornu, Ch., Paris. Medicinal capsules First award. Browne, F. Styant, Launceston. Pyramid of proprietary medicines manufactured by exhibitor Highly commended. Carter and Werner, Ballarat, Victoria. Scientific optical instruments to measure sight, etc. Special first award. Spectacle and other lenses in all stages of manufacture Special first award. Binoculars, microscopes, etc. First award. Evans, Lischer, and Webb, London. Capsules and patent medicine First award. Coco wine First award. Gould, H.T., and Co., Hobart. Oil, extract, and various preparations of eucalyptus globulus First award. Johnston, J. D., Launceston. Articles for the toilet and proprietary medicines Second award. Jessop and Co., London. Chemicals First award. Paints First award. Oilmen's stores First award. Radman's Microbe Killer, Melbourne. Patent medicine First award. Spreadborough, John, Launceston. Mechanical dentistry First award. Timbury Eucalyptus Oil Company, Gladstone, Queensland. Essen- tial oils distilled from the eucalyptus citriodora, the tea-tree, eucalypt lozenges Special first award for collection. The essential oil distilled from the leaves of the eucalyptus melaleuca leucadendiam First award. CLASS XL Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments. Gunn, W. R., and Co., Melbourne. Surgical instruments for the cure of various deformities, artificial limbs, trusses, belts, etc. First award. Figure of child, showing appliances for every description of deformity fitted to it First award. CLASS XII. Maps, Geographical and Cosmographical Apparatus. Aikenhead, A., Malunnah, West Devonport. Map of Australia, done while at Horton College Commended. Williams, H. W., Geelong, Victoria. Specimen of phonography Commended. Maurice, F., Melbourne. Relief plan of Tasmania, showing, by scale, rivers, mountains, railways, roads, etc. Special first award. Williams, A. C., Launceston. Map of Australia Commended. Wilson, W. D., State School, Pyengana, George's Bay. Map of Tas- mania Commended. Nicholson, G. G., Launceston. Map of Tasmania Special first award . Mabin, R. D., Old Beach, Tasmania. Map of Tasmania Com- mended. 70 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Fenton, James, Launceston. Pen and ink sketch showing the rise and progress of Tasmania First award. Dories, Joseph, Beaconsfield. Geological maps of the Beaconsfield district Commended. Robinson, Edgar, Melbourne. Shorthand Special first award. Mines Department of Victoria. Geological maps of various mining districts, geological map of Australia- Special first award. Lands Department of Victoria Map of Victoria (divisional) Special Kuhn, A. A., East St. Kilda, Victoria. Map of Tasmania Very highly commended. Midland Railway Company Limited, New Zealand. Map of Canter- bury and Westland Highly commended. Bardou, J., Perpignan, France. Cigarette papers Special first award. Brickhill, James, Launceston. Map showing chromo-lithographic work First award. Government Printer, New South Wales. Books, bookbinding, printing, etc. Special first award. GROUP C. FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES. This may be looked upon as the most elastic group in the whole of the Exhibition, inasmuch as it comprises almost every article of art or manu- facture used in the household. The first class deals with cheap and fancy furniture, which was fairly represented by some of the local manufacturers, who displayed to the very best advantage the artistic taste of their workmen, not only in the carving and tastefully ornamented woodwork, but also in the upholster- ing and decorative work which comes under Class 14. In Class 1 5 (Crystal Glass and Stained Glass) Tasmania had to make room for other and older countries Bohemia, Austria, Germany, and France being well to the fore, Victoria showing some artistic church windows of great merit. The wonderful collection of Bohemian glass exhibited by Mr. Bossomaier, Mr. Singer, and Mr. Moser was, through- out the whole period of the Exhibition, one of the main attractions, and caused many visitors to wend their way through the Avenue of Nations to the spot allotted to these enterprising exhibitors. In Class 1 6 our local manufacturers again took a leading part. Mr. Campbell showed some excellent and most promising potteryware from the Sandhill kilns : the bricks, drain pipes, and ordinary potteryware could not be excelled, whilst his attempts at superior work are most encouraging ; indeed, some specimens of Mr. Campbell's work would hold their place in any part of the world. McHugh Bros, also exhibit first-class drain pipes and other ironstone ware. In Class 24 some creditable exhibits were shown in the British and Foreign courts, Colonial productions being mostly confined to household soaps, perfumery, and essences, made here from imported materials. Class 25 embraced a multitude of fancy articles, needlework, em- broidery, etc., which occupied a large space, and from its endless TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 7! variety attracted much attention, not only from the exhibitors, but from their friends. The long list of awards made in that class will show that the competition was keen, and the labour of the jury was taxed to the utmost to deal fairly with the articles they had to adjudicate upon. CLASSES XIII., XIV., and XVII. Cheap and Fancy Furniture, Upholsterers' and Decorators' Work, Carpets, Tapestry, and other stuffs for Furni- ture. Alcock and Co., Melbourne. Billiard tables Special first award. Billiard cues First award. Patent automatic billiard marker and indi- cator First award. Pool and pyramid marker First award. Dempsters, Launceston. Dining-room furniture, manufactured by the exhibitors from specially-selected Tasmanian blackwood, velvet pile carpet, medicine cupboard in oak, oil paintings, landscapes, and fes- tooned decorotions of silk tapestry and Roman satin Special first award for collective exhibit. Lawrance, G. R., Launceston. Ceiling decoration for dining-room Special first award. Lawrie and Bishop, Birmingham. Patent wire meat safes, rat traps, birdcages, door mats, etc , in wire, also wove wire for mining and sewing purposes Special first award for collective exhibit. Tear, Henry, and Co., Sydney. Cheap fancy drawing-room and dining-room suites Second award. Perry, John, Melbourne. Furniture turnery First award. McLean Bros, and Rigg Limited, Sydney. Patent theatre and opera house seats First award. Rawson, C., Launceston. Mantelpieces and hall stand First award. Fallshaw Bros., North Melbourne. Billiard table and accessories First award. The Midland Perambulator Company, Birmingham. Perambulators and patent safety mail or go-cart on rubber wheels First award for collective exhibit. Colonial Architects' Department, New South Wales. Carved golden fleece, coat of arms, busts of Nelson and Justice Windeyer First award. Miller, James, and Co., Melbourne. Cocoanut matting, fibre mats, fibre, and wool mats Special first award. M'Caw, Stevenson, and Orr, Belfast, Ireland. " Glacier " for window decoration Commended. Kennerley, Thomas J., Sydney. Patent pipe (anti-nicotine) First award. David Storrer, Launceston. Drawing-room suite First award. Side- board of oak grown in Tasmania (first sideboard made of oak grown in Australasia) First award. Warrington, S. V. and E. A., Launceston. Photo frames, doll tables, dressing table, three pairs oxhorns, one cabinet of foreign coins Com- mended. French, G. J., Launceston. Woods in various grainings and various marbles ; embossed, stained, and ornamental glass work ; ainter's and decorator's work, paperhangings, etc. Special first award for collective exhibit. 7 2 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Chatteris, Mrs. Henry, Sydney. " Left at home," a picture worked by hand in silk Highly commended. Clegg, J., Christchurch, New Zealand. Rubber tyre perambulators with steel bodies First award for workmanship and finish. Catley, R. W., New Town, near Hobart. Table and workbox to match of Tasmanian wood Commended. Coombe, Joseph, Campbell Town. Fancy table Highly commended. Hall, James, Hobart. Music cabinet made of old fruit cases, original design First award. Gagel, Conrad, Coburg, Germany. Basketware First award. Forsyth, Richard, Sandhill, Launceston. Collection of picture frames made by the exhibitor of Tasmanian clays First award. Polglase, J. H. P., North Melbourne. Eider-down and kapok venti- lated patent bed quilts First award. Sharman, Howard, Launceston. Hearthrug Commended. Beadle, Joseph, Trevallyn, Launceston. Picture frame made of glass Second award. Munnew, A., Launceston. Ottoman music stools in Tasmanian black- wood, with patent raising movement First award. CLASS XV. Crystal and Stained Glass. Webb, Thomas and Son, Limited, Stourbridge, England. Ornamental glass Special first award for chaste design and high finish. Friebner, Ens, and Eckert, Volkstedt, Germany. Dresden biscuit china Special first award. Walsh, Walsh John, Birmingham. English flint glass and delicate colouring and cutting, cut table glass and fancy glass Special first award. Brooks, Robinson, and Co., Melbourne. Stained glass window, " The calling of St. Matthew," designed and executed for Christ Church, Laun- ceston Special first award. Embossed decorative glass for halls, etc. First award. Embossed staircase window First award. Von Fischer, J., Buda-Pesth, Hungary. Artistic china and majolica ware Special first award for high finish and artistic ornamentation. Holmes, John, Bagshot, Surrey. Glass and china engraving First award for general household glass engraving. Hughes, Rogers, and Co., Melbourne. Stained glass window for church ("St. Agnes"), and domestic mosaic and leaded work First award. Moser, Ludwig, Carlsbad, Austria. Carlsbad jewel glass, with solid gold decorations and raised enamel figures Special first award for jewelled glass and enamelled glass, artistic ware of the highest finish. Kister, A. W. Fr , Scheibe. Ivory glass Special first award for ivory glass, beautifully embellished and artistically ornamented. Montgomery, William, Melbourne. Two panels, "Bowling" and " Hunting," and one panel, " Parable of the talents" Second award. Rachmann, B., Berlin. Handpainted Bohemian glass Special first award for speciality in handpainted placques. Spitzer, C., Paris. Handpainted Bohemian glass Special first award for delicate colour and ornamentation. Singer, Maurice, Haide, Bohemia. Bohemian glass Special first aWard for collective exhibit. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 73 Webb, Frank, South Melbourne. Engraving on glass and photo- engraving on glass Special first award. Zeckert, Johann, and Sohn, Meisterdorf, Bohemia. Brass-mounted glass goods First award. Bay, G., Paris. Triplicate mirror First award. Schmid, Er., Vannes-C-Chatel, France. Ordinary glass Hon. men- tion. Boussard, Paris. China flowers Special first award. CLASS XVI. Pottery, including Bricks, Tiles, Drain and other Pipes. Webb, Thomas, and Sons, Stourbridge, England. Artistic white china Special first award. Price's Patent Candle Co., Limited, London. Earthenware china for holding nightlights Hon. mention. Doulton and Co., Lambeth Pottery, London. Artistic pottery Special first award for collective exhibit. Whitfield, Mabel, Carrick. Handpainted drain tile Hon. mention. Whitfield, Eveline, Carrick. Handpainted jar containing pot with ferns Hon. mention. Jory and Campbell, Launceston. Plain and ornamental bricks, fire bricks, white enamelled bricks, and terra cotta First award. Hall, W., Yokohama, Japan. Handpainted china First award for collective exhibit of Japanese art china. Elton, Sir E. B., Bart., Clevedon Court, England. Elton ware art pottery Special first award. Campbell, John, Launceston. Handpainted earthenware, majolica and decorated ware, made by exhibitor Special first award for collective exhibit of colonial-made china, majolica, and decorated ware, showing great progress, and deserving every encouragement. Bristol, cane, and Rockingham ware First award. Campbell and Jory, Sandhill. Machine-made bricks, moulded bricks, terra-cotta panels Special first award. Cosgrove, Bros., Punchbowl. Hand-made bricks Hon. mention. Innocent, T. B., Glen Dhu. Hand-made, machine-pressed bricks, hand-made and machine-made bricks First award. Sheriff and Jarvis, Latrobe. Hand-made bricks Hon. mention. Campbell, John, Potteries, Launceston. Collective exhibit of every description of earthenware made by exhibitor Special first award for collective exhibit. Sanitary ware, drainpipes, tiles, and terra cotta, including flower-pots and art ware First award. Dripstone filters Special first award. Fulham Ptttery and Cheavin Filter Company Limited, Fulham. Rapid water filters and pocket filters First award. Newey, R., and Sons, George Street, Launceston. Collection of garden pottery, flower-pots and saucers, seed pans (round and square), orchid pots and pans, fancy garden potteryware First award. Doulton and Co., Lambeth, England. Filters First award. McHugh Bros, and Jackson. General assortment of drainpipes, bends, junctions, traps, and other connections for sanitary arrangements ; also drain, garden, and gutter tiles, and agricultural pipes for farm drainage First award. 74 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Adams, R. T., City Road, Melbourne. Improved patent carbon fil ters _First award. Syphon and high pressure filter First award. CLASSES XX., XXL, and XXII. Gold and Silver Smiths' Work, Bronzes, Art Castings, Repousse Work, Clocks and Watches. Stewart, F. and W., Launceston. Sterling silver cradle Special first award. Exact copy of wager boat in silver and gold Special first award! Model of old Tamar Rowing Shed in sterling silver First award. Horse's hoof mounted in sterling silver as inkstand First Addis, G., Launceston. Jewelry in process of manufacture, and manufactured watches, clocks, etc. Highly commended. Hart, W., and Sons, Launceston. One case platedware Second award. Stenning and Seaton, London. The patent pickle fork and other similar articles, and Alpha pickle fork holders Special first award. [For ingenious and useful requisites, and superior workmanship and finish, these goods command attention.] Lange, M., Berlin. Simili diamonds set in gold and silver Special first award. [Best imitation diamonds and pearls, and setting in sterling metal.] Barclay, James, Launceston. Plated goods Special first award. Hahn and Weiss, Vienna. White-metal goods First award. Robottom, H. J., Prahran, Victoria. Embossing on silver and copper by chasing punches Special first award. Fr. Kister, A. W., Schiebe, Germany. Biscuit figures and china and gold decorations Special first award. Hawley, John, and Sons, Coventry. Silver watches Second award ; Gold watches First award. Lohmann, C., London. Clocks and bells First award for best col- lective exhibit. Macfarlane Bros, and Co., Hobart (agents for the Rockford Watch Manufacturing Co., Rockford, Illinois, US.A.). Speciality in railroad watches, also works ot the same Special first award for best commercial value and collective exhibit for silver watches. Lang, Martin, Berlin. Imitation jewelry, set in gold First award. Curtis, Frank, Dunedin. Lion brand non-mercurial plate powder, for cleaning silver and electroplated ware Special first award. Walker and Hall, Sheffield. Silver-plated goods, spoons and forks, table cutlery, and Sonora silver spoons and forks Special first award for collective exhibit ; first award for spoons, forks, table cutlery, and Sonora silver spoons and forks. Bay, Gustav, Paris. Wire cutter First award. Spoons Commended. CLASS XXIII. Apparatus and Processes for Heating and Lighting, Matches, etc. Webb, Thomas, and Sons, Limited, Stourbridge, England. Lamps- Special first award. Smith-Harvey Patent Lighting Company, 453 Collins Street, Mel- bourne. Patent gas-making apparatus First award. Portable gas TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 75 lamps First award. Smith-Harvey patent kerosene burner Special first award. Wright and Butler, Limited, Birmingham. Table lamps First award. Hanging lamps First award. Hand lamps First award. Brass hall or stand lamps Special first award. Stable, police, railway, and ship lanterns (collectively) Special first award. Dowling, George, and Co., South Melbourne, Victoria. Hot water cylinder Special first award. Alsing and Co., Limited, 27 Leadenhall Street, London. Matches- First award. Brandwood, Joseph, Brisbane Street, Launceston. Portable copper Special first award. Fire and burglar proof safes Special first award. Ovens First award. Cook, J., and Sons, Birmingham. Patent mining lamps Special first award. Mine lamps First award. Launceston Gas Company. Apparatus used in the manufacture, dis- tribution, and use of gas, gasaliers, globes, burners, gas engines, cooking and heating stoves, etc. First award for the collection ; and Special first award for " Shamrock" cooking stove. Worsnop, C. H., Halifax. Patent oil stoves Special first award. Patent oil lamps First award. CLASS XXIV. Perfumery, Toilet and other Soaps. Price's Patent Candle Company Limited, London. Toilet soap First award. Styant-Browne, F., and Co., Launceston. Case of perfumes manu- factured by exhibitors ; also samples of Fluide d'Hiver, Floraline, Vege- table Dentifrice, and other toilet articles Highly commended as a collective exhibit. Bouquet perfumes Second award. Hatton and Laws, Launceston. Perfumery (Corra Linn, Telingha, Imperial Bouquet) Highly commended. Australian Perfume Company, Sydney. Assorted perfumes and essences Second award. Sardon, H., and Co., London. High class perfumes, speciality, Fragrant Ozone Highly commended. Ant Adamck, Vienna. Fancy perfumery First award for exhibit in artistic imitation of natural fruits. Moll, F. S., London. Toilet soap of all kinds Highly commended. Warrick Bros., London. Perfumed lozenges First award. Hinks, Underwood, and Co., Bournemouth. Rock plate powder, royal metal polishing paste, Stainaline First award. Furniture polish First award. Crown Perfumery Co., London. Perfumery and toilet soaps. Speciality, Crab Apple Blossom and Lavender Salts First award for Crab Apple Blossom and Lavender Salts, and Special first award for collective exhibit. Wilson, A., London. Preparations for the teeth, Bunter's Nervine, Dentine First award for Bunter's Nervine and Dentine. Gosnell, John, and Co., London. Cherry tooth paste First award. Cherry Blossom perfume First award. Cherry Blossom powder Highly commended. 7 6 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Burroughs, Welcome, and Co. Pinol soap, Pinol -First award. Lanoline soap and other toilet preparations Special first award. Euca- lyptus soap First award. Manola Perfume Company, London. Manola perfume First award. CLASS XXV. Leather and Basket Work and Fancy Articles, including Pipes, Ivory and Tortoise- shell, Bone, and Wood Work. Mariner, Ethel, Launceston. Plush cushion with roses and wattle. Highly commended. Brickhill, Frank L., Launceston. Macrame bracket drape Highly commended. Venus, May, Launceston. Crotchet wool tea cosey Highly com- mended. Pascoe, Ella, Launceston. Child's shirt Highly commended. Vincent, Miss, Launceston. Fancy and plain needlework by children under 13 years of age First award. Hutchinson, May, Hobart. Child's dress and hat First award. Hutchinson, Eva J., Hobart. Two knitted guernseys and a crotchet tea cosey First award. Barton, Mary, Ravenswood. Lady's set of handsewn underlinen. Special first award. Styant-Browne, Mrs. Emma, Launceston. Woolwork picture from painting by Landseer First award. Dunning, Mrs., sen., Launceston. Handworked quilt First award. Fletcher, Clara Kate, Launceston. Gum and wattle mantel drape on plush First award. Murrell, Mrs. Winifred, Launceston, Cone frame First award. Penneyston, Mrs., Beaconsfield. Two patchwork counterpanes First award. Pagan, Mrs. Alicia, Launceston. Picture needlework, blue gumtree blossom First award. Picture needlework, wattle blossom Highly commended. Shearn, Mrs. M. A., Launceston. Tablecover knitted in one piece without seam or join First award. Knitted curtain made with crotchet cotton First award. Knitted counterpane without seam or join Second award. Tapp, Katie Venetia, Oatlands. Embroidered handkerchief mounted on yellow cushion First award. Percy, Amy L., Scottsdale. Necklace made of vertebrae of Tasmanian black snake Highly commended. Knight, Olive May, King's Road, Chelsea, England. Hospital scrip- ture text quilt First award. Gill, H. H., Hobart. Electric body belts for therapeutic purposes Special first award. McDonald, Mrs. J. T., Launceston. Berlin woolwork, " Rebecca at the Well," and " The Huguenots "Highly commended. Price, Mary, Launceston. Crazy patchwork counterpane and afternoon tea cosey Special first award. Stabb, Alma, Hobart. Worked fan pockets, cushion, and mantel drape First award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 77 Beadle, J. Glass picture frame, showing the art of making an orna- mental frame from coloured glass First award. [The jurors in Class A. awarding a commendation for the picture, a group of flowers, whereas the exhibitor intended the frame only to be adjudicated.] Chatteris, Mrs. Henry, Paddington, Sydney. " Lett at home," a picture worked by hand in silk First award. John Earle and Jas. Billings, Hobart. Group of horns and hoofs First award. Whitfeld, Mabel. Handpainted (draped) gipsy table, variegated blackberry leaves and views Commended. Badcock, Kate, Glenore. Crochet antimacassar First award. Earle, John, Hobart. Stag's head First award. Robertson, C. E., Carrick. "Abraham offering Isaac," on satin Hon. mention. Matthews, Miss, Melbourne. Embroidered handkerchief Com- mended. Marchant, A. E., Mole Creek. Model of a lady's boot carved in coal with a penknife ; cork model of the Clifton Rocks, England Highly commended. Twomey, J., Melbourne. Christmas, New Year, and other cards, made of Australian and New Zealand ferns First award. Stewart, Mrs. James, Scottsdale. Crazy patchwork quilt First award. Wellwisher, H., Carrick. Birdcage Highly commended. Jones, Esther T., George Town. Fancy work First award. Marsh, W. R., Launceston. Specimens of silk weaving, " Exhibition, 1851," " Portrait of the Duke of Wellington" First award. Devall, M. F., Launceston. Collection of shells arranged as a picture frame First award. Group of waterlilies and foliage worked in arascene Highly commended. Symons, Mrs., Victoria. Artificial flowers in wax and paper First award. Gow, David, Sydney. Dairy utensils, butter prints (designs carved by hand), butter pats, etc. Special first award. Davies, Ann Jane, Launceston. Knitted counterpane Special first award. Room, Mrs. D., Mayfield. Wax flowers Special first award. Orna- mental shells and seaweed First award for collective exhibit. Macrame mantel drape Highly commended. Drewery, Annie L., General Hospital, Launceston. Cotton crochet bed quilt First award. Dobson, Mrs. A., Deloraine. Crochet work First award. Webb, Mrs. Nina, South Melbourne. Machine work, embroidery Special first award. Lace making Special first award. Crewel work Special first award. Writing on handkerchiefs Special first award. [The judges make special reference to embossing on net, also to speed attained by the exhibitor in performing allotted task, viz., 59 seconds, and to her excellent writing.] Nichols, Mabel C. B., Blackwood Park, Castra. Patchwork quilt First award. Mansell, Hunt, Catty, and Co., London. Paper table decorations, lace papers, dish collars, ice cups, bottle caps, etc. Special first award. Webb, Thomas, and Sons, Stourbridge, England. Lamp shades made of the new pleated paper Special first award. 7 g OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Howard, Mary Flora, Launceston. Arascene sunflower cushion First award. Warland, Ruth M., Mount Stewart Road, Hobart. Plain and fancy knitting First award. Whitfeld, Septima, Silwood,Carrick. Drawing-room ornament covered with moss and stones Highly commended. Evans, Isaac, Birmingham. Registered designs in ladies' belts made of best English leather, men's belts, rug straps, cigar and cigarette cases, purses, etc. Special first award. Kirkby, Beard, and Co., Birmingham. Needles, hairpins, pins (speciality, the self-threading needle and the scientific hairpin) Special first award. Hudson, Kate, Launceston. Handpainted vases First award. Mitchell, Mrs. Mary, Deloraine. Knitted counterpanes, antimacassars, pillowcases, and sachets to match First award. Kenworthy, Rosina, Launceston. Raised wattle blossom, worked in wool and silk on velvet First award. Irvine, Mrs. C. J., Launceston. Collection of shells, seaweed, and pebbles from Tamar Heads and East Beach ; group of seaweed and wild flowers from Tamar Heads ; group of ferns from Hokitika, New Zealand ; group of wild flowers from Brighton, Victoria Special first award. Frost, L. M., Launceston. Patchwork counterpane of silk, containing 1050 pieces Special first award. Koch, Julius, Melbourne. Embroidery by machine First award for moss embroidery. Cutler, M. S. and E., Hamilton-on-Forth. Writing on pocket hand- kerchief by embroidery machine First award. Embroidery crazy cover (outlining in colours on net) by embroidery machine Special first award. Zech, A. J., Fitzroy, Victoria. Embroidery- writing on handkerchiefs, executed by Miss Eldred, 16 years of age Second award. Holmes, Miss, Melbourne. Writing on handkerchiefs by embroidery machine Highly commended. Paton, R. P., Hobart. Beadwork pockets First award. Paton, S., Hobart. Gum and wattle cushion top First award. Potts, Dorothy, Launceston. Wool cushions, plush bracket, satin bracket, tea cosey (beaded) Hon. mention. Hunt, Mrs., Launceston. A bead vase First award. GROUP D. TEXTILE FABRICS, CLOTHING, ETC. The entries in this Group were not as numerous as they might have been. In Class 26 Clark and Co., of Paisley, Scotland, had the monopoly, showing, as they do at all International Exhibitions, a most complete collection of sewing cottons of every possible kind, whether for hand or machine work. Messrs. Farrelly, Stewart, and Co., of Brisbane Street, Launceston, and Messrs. R. F. Forster and Co., of Birmingham, exhibited trunks, portmanteaus, hat boxes, and a variety of travelling appliances. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 79 Victoria contributed some excellent exhibits in tents, tarpaulins, water bags, canvas hose, and well-finished oilskin clothing. A grand show of ready-made clothing from Sargood, Butler, and Co., of Melbourne, and another from Dodgshun, Sons, and Co., of Launces- ton, have taken high-class awards. In boots and shoes Mr. Coutts, of Brisbane Street, displayed a collec- tion showing that there are workmen in Tasmania capable of turning out first-class articles, quite equal in finish or style to any of the imported goods. CLASS XXVI. Cotton, Cotton Fabrics, pure and mixed. Clark and Co., Paisley, Scotland. Sewing cotton for hand or machine use, knitting, crochet, embroidery, macrame, darning, and every variety of cotton thread First award. CLASS XXVIII. Wool, and all Woollen Fabrics, Flannels, Tweeds, etc. Bulman, Peter, Launceston. Collection of woollen goods, blankets, twilled and plain flannels, tweeds, shawls, etc. Special first award. Hamlyn Bros., England. Serges and estamenes Special first award. Appleby, Curtis, and Co., England. Woollen and worsted suitings Special first award. MERINO WOOL, UNWASHED. Section i. Six Fleeces, Unskirted, Ewes of any age. Lewis, William, Stoneleigh, Beaufort, Victoria. Wool from sheep bred from the Studley stud flock, bred by exhibitor ; 368 days growth, paddocked ; age of sheep, 2 years and 3 months Special first award. Russell, Philip, Carngham, Victoria. Wool from pure Merinos bred by exhibitor ; 371 days growth ; housed 6 months ; age of sheep, over i-fc years First award for Victoria. Clarke, George C., East Talgai, Hendon, Queensland. Wool from pure Merinos bred by exhibitor from pure Tasmanian blood, principally from the St. Johnstone and Mona Vale studs; about 360 days growth; mixed ages First award for Queensland. Gibson, James, Belle Vue, Epping, Tasmania. Wool from sheep descended from German sheep imported about 50 years back, and improved by selection ever since ; bred by exhibitor ; 370 days growth ; about 1 5 months old ; paddocked Special first award for Tasmania. Archer, Joseph, Panshanger, Longford, Tasmania. Wool from sheep in Panshanger stud flock; 365 days growth ; age of sheep, 2 years and 2 months; paddocked, housed from September 24, 1891; bred by exhi- bitor First award for Tasmania. Section 2. Six Fleeces, Unskirted, from two-toothed Ewes which have been shorn as lambs. Clarke, George C., East Talgai, Hendon, Queensland. Wool from pure Merino sheep bred from pure Tasmanian blood, principally from St. Johnstone and Mona Vale studs ; about 360 days growth ; mixed ages Hon. mention for Queensland. 80 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Gatenby, Herbert, Rhodes, Longford, Tasmania. Wool from sheep by pure Merino rams and pure Merino ewes; 371 days growth; 15 months old ; paddocked ; bred by exhibitor First award for Tasmania. Gatenby, Herbert, Rhodes, Longford, Tasmania. Wool from sheep by pure Merino rams and pure Merino ewes; 371 days growth; 15 months old ; paddocked ; bred by exhibitor Honourable mention for Tasmania. Gibson, James, Belle Vue, Epping, Tasmania. Wool from sheep descended from German sheep imported about 50 years back, and improved by selection ever since ; bred by exhibitor ; 370 days growth ; about 1 5 months old ; paddocked Special first award for Tasmania. Gibson, James, Belle Vue, Epping, Tasmania. Wool from sheep descended from German sheep imported about 50 years back, and improved by selection ever since ; bred by exhibitor; 370 days growth ; age of sheep, about 15 months; paddocked Second award for Tas- mania. Lewis, William, Stoneleigh, Beaufort, Victoria. Wool from sheep bred from the Studleigh stud flock; bred by exhibitor; 369 days growth; paddocked ; age of sheep, i year and 7 months Special first award for Victoria. Section 3. Six Fleeces of Rams' Wool, Unskirted. Russell, P., Carngham, Victoria. Wool from pure Merino sheep bred by exhibitor ; 371 days growth ; age of sheep, over i years ; housed six months Special first award for Victoria. Lewis, William, Stoneleigh, Beaufort, Victoria Champion Prize for all the Colonies. Younghusband and Co. Limited, Melbourne. 30 samples of wool, season 1891-92 ; collective exhibit Special first award. CLASS XXX. Hosiery and Underclothing. Thompson, W. S., and Co., Limited, London. Corsets, busks, and hosiery First award. CLASS XXXI. Clothing for both sexes, Boots and Shoes, Artificial Flowers, Hair, Wigs, etc. India-rubber and Gutta-percha Telegraph Works, Melbourne. General collection of india-rubber goods First award. Farrelly, Stewart, and Co., Launceston. Two complete suits of livery Second award. Sargood, Butler, and Nichol, Melbourne. Men's and boys' manufac- tured clothing, shirts, hats, and ties Special first award. Newton, E. E., and Sons, Cressy, Tasmania. Boots, leather, leggings, etc. Highly commended for imported and colonial goods. Dempster and Co., Launceston. Bridal costume First award. McLaren and Co., Melbourne. Waterproof oilskin clothing First award. Dodgshun, Sons, and Co., Launceston. Clothing First award. * Cputts, George, Launceston. Boots and shoes First award. Wemgott and Sons, Sydney. Waterproof clothing, cloaks, and leg- gingsSpecial first award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 8l CLASS XXXII. Jewelry, other than Gold and Silver, Platedware, Jet, Amber, Coral, Mother-of- Pearl, Steel, Precious Stones (real and imita- tion). Angelo, Santfftnaria, and Co. (of Rome), London. Cameo shells First award. Koch, Julius, Melbourne. Agate jewelry First award. Thuriet and Bardach, Vienna. Imitation jewelry First award. Zech, A. T., Victoria. Amber jewelry First award. Patent revolving pins Special first award. Collard and Renon, Paris. Gold jewelry First award. Lazard, Paris. Watch chains First award. Plumet, Paris. Jewelry mounted in imitation, diamonds, enamel flowers, bracelets, lockets First award. Caron, P., Paris. Jewelry mounted in imitation, precious stones, etc. First award. Regad, A., Fils^ Paris. Imitations of all known precious stones First award. CLASS XXXIII. Portable Weapons (Guns, Pistols, Sidearms) ; Hunting and Sporting Equipments. Ferguson, J. C., and Co., Brisbane Street, Launceston. Case of guns by W. W. Scott and Co. First award. Case of guns and rifles by W. W. Greener First award for breechloaders. Joyce, F., and Co. Limited, Waltham Abbey Works, London. Sporting ammunition Special first award. Ward and Sons, Birmingham. Sporting rifles First award. Ferguson, John C., and Co., Launceston. One case guns and revolvers made by William Cashmore, Birmingham, showing variety of grade in breechloading hammer and hammerless guns Special first award. [The jurors draw attention to the excellence of workmanship in these guns.] CLASS XXXIV. Travelling and Camp Equipage, Tents, etc. Farrelly, Stewart, and Co., Launceston. Travelling bags, portman- teaus, trunks, etc. First award. Hall, A. J., Launceston. Opossum rugs Second award. Hart Cycle Company Limited, Wolverhampton. Bicycles First award for cheapness of exhibit. Foster, R., and Co., Birmingham. Trunks and safes First award. Bicycles Special first award. McLaren and Co., Melbourne. Tarpaulins, canvas hose, and water bags First award. Morgan, Wm., Melbourne. Tents, camp equipments, and flags First award. Cook, J., and Sons, Limited, Glenorchy. Furs and rugs First award. 8 2 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE CLASS XXXV. Toys, Dolls, Playthings, etc. Perry, John, Limited, Melbourne. Indian clubs of colonial woods First award. Crouiser Aine, Paris. Animal toys First award. Martin Oreste, Paris. Musical balloons First award. Barre, M., Paris. Toys First award. White, R. P., Fitzroy, Victoria. Tops, etc. First award. Zech A. J., Fitzroy, Victoria. Patent tops, etc. First award. GROUP . MINERALS, ORES: CRUDE AND SMELTED. This portion of the Exhibition presented a thoroughly representative collection, both as regards quality and the quantity of the various forms in which metallic minerals occur in this island. The intention from the first was to make it essentially of an economic character, so that the public at large could appreciate the stability of our mining industry. With this object in view, elaborate scientific detail in the classification of the various exhibits was looked upon as of secondary importance. The court, as a whole, clearly establishes the extensive and varied auriferous resources of the colony ; and there is every reason to believe that a vast amount of good has already resulted from the display it presented in the Exhibition. It is certainly gratifying to know that the large amount of attention paid to it both by the local public and visitors from the other colonies clearly indicated the interest it created. The massive exhibits shown must have resulted in permanent benefit to Tasmania, whilst those of a scientific character were critically examined by many educated people who were comparative strangers to the colony, including a num- ber of visitors to the Science Congress which was held in Hobart in the early part of the year. The high praise so generally bestowed clearly proves that the Commissioners acted wisely in proportioning so large an extent of space for this important display. A thoroughly qualified mining authority was in constant attendance (at the expense of the companies exhibiting), and he furnished valuable information to enquirers in regard to the extent as well as the values of the ores exhibited. It is satisfactory to think that in all cases the awards were given with justice and discretion, and met with the approval of the various companies and private individuals exhibiting. They were con- sidered purely on their merits, so that a fairly equitable arrangement was adopted, and where an exhibit was not of really first-class character as regards display, bulk, and apparent intrinsic value, the record of the claim and locality from which it was obtained were not taken into con- sideration. GOLD. Unfortunately but few of our companies were fairly represented, but the display made by the leading company the Tasmania was of a comprehensive character. The exhibit comprised a large gilded obelisk representing the bulk amount of gold obtained from the mine since its TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 83 commencement. This was erected on a base on which was displayed a varied assortment of the auriferous matrix, such as is the average derived from the mine ; whilst there were also shown cards giving full statistics of the returns from this our most important gold mine. Close by was shown a large bulk sample of the same material, much of which gave abundant evidence of its rich character. The New Golden Gate Com- pany, Mathinna, exhibited lode stuff, and the New Castray Company, Whyte River, showed an instructive series, displaying the peculiar auriferous tufaceous rock and alluvial drift overcapping the same, and also an ingot of retorted gold. The New Pinafore Company, Lefroy, exhibited from time to time ingots of gold produced from the mine, the last of which represented the bulk weight of 1,020 tons of quartz, being an average of iQdwts. iSgrs. to the ton. The Volunteer, Lefroy, one of the most recent additions to the long list of mining companies in this island, exhibited some interesting samples from their property, being portions of a bulk quantity taken out of the claim, 33 tons of which gave a return of 241 ozs. 8 dwts., or an average of 7 oz. 6 dwt. i gr. to the ton. It is to be regretted that many other prominent companies were no^ represented, and that a few of those which were did not display anything like the exhibits that the occasion warranted. At the same time, suffi- cient examples were shown, and satisfactory information was diffused, to prove beyond all doubt that Tasmania is richly endowed with the precious metal. SILVER. In this division a display worthy of the marvellous developments of the last three years was shown, and a great many companies, at con- siderable trouble and expense, combined and made an impressive exhibit of their argentiferous wealth ; and where such general unanimity existed, it would be invidious to particularise that of any one company. It was considered advisable to erect a large massive trophy, so that, simultaneously, solid bulk samples, as well as the diverse nature of the ore, could be displayed, and this was so satisfactorily carried out that the conjoint effort of the companies presented a huge mass weighing con- siderably over 80 tons. This was made the more valuable by being flanked with elaborate glass cases displaying an educational series of the more valuable and associated minerals peculiar to a silver field. A large quantity of the ore thus shown, and the cases just referred to, were provided at the expense of the Department of Mines, and the thanks of the community are due to that branch of the Civil Service for the valuable assistance rendered, both in this special feature and in other portions of the Tasmanian Mineral Court. An interesting feature in the Court was a very neat and instructive display, of a somewhat novel nature, made by the Bank of Australasia. The happy idea occurred to Mr. O. C. Williams, manager of the Launceston branch of the institu- tion, that corresponding collections from the Broken Hill and Tasmanian silver fields, if shown in juxtaposition, would be interesting. This was acted upon, and the public verdict has been that a more thoughtful arrangement could scarcely have been made ; whilst many visitors were impressed with the peculiar similitude of the silver-bearing samples from Broken Hill and those of the silver field on the west coast of this island. Messrs. Stitt and Collingswoith, of Zeehan, at some consider- G2 84 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE able amount of trouble and pecuniary outlay, got together an elaborate series of all the mineral species hitherto discovered in that portion of the colony, and with commendable generosity presented it to the Mines Department. TIN. The display made in this section was individually small, but the world- famed Mount Bischoff Company made a representation which was in every way worthy of its wealth and position as the foremost mining company in Tasmania. The exhibit was highly interesting to the general public, and instructive to more studious visitors. The display consisted of a huge pyramidal structure, adorned with splashings of frondose metallic tin, around the base of which was arranged a wall-like mass of ingots, and on the top of these were glass cases showing the various grades of dressed black tin and crushed lode stuff. There was a further display of the peculiar forms of lode stuff occurring at Mount Bischoff. The mineral associates and country rocks were exhibited in huge bulk samples, of great scientific importance, many of which, in a few years time, will become most difficult to duplicate. The company also exhibited ingeniously-constructed models of the ore-crushing and tin-dressing appliances used at the mine, and excellent portraits of Mr. F. W. Kayser, the manager, and Mr. James Smith, the discoverer, of the mine. The Great Republic Company, Ben Lomond, made a nice display, which at a glance gave a clear idea of the tin-bearing lode stuff crude, dressed, and prepared for market, with an illustrative series of lode associations peculiar to the district in which the mine is situated. Displays of a creditable character were also made by the Granite Bar, Great Western, Lone Hand, Fly-by-Night, and other companies, but it is to be regretted that many prominent properties were not represented. To Mr. H. Grant, of St. Helens, thanks are due for procuring what was termed the Portland Mineral Trophy. This really valuable display com- prised samples from many lode and alluvial mining companies working in the north-eastern portion of the colony, systematically and neatly arranged, so as to form an instructive whole. Had it not been for the foresight of this gentleman, many interesting features in our tin mining industry would have been wanting in the Exhibition. CLASS XXXVI. Collection of Rocks, Mineral Ores, Stones, Refractory Substances, Earths and Clays, Rock Salt, Mineral Fuels, Asphalt, Bitumen, Mineral Tar, Petroleum, etc.; Process of Washing and Extracting Precious Metals ; Metals in Crude as well as Manufactured ; Tools, and all kinds of Hardware. Castray Gold Mining Company, Launceston. Gold matrix in lode and alluvial, with samples of gold extracted therefrom Hiffhlv com- mended. Tasmania Gold Mining Company Limited, Launceston. Trophy, specimens of ore, gold, etc., from the Company's lode at Beaconsfield Special first award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 85 Tasmanian Gold and Bismuth Association. Native bismuth, horn- blendic matrix Highly commended. Petterd, W. F., Launceston. Tasmanian gems, cut and in the rough native condition Special first award. General collection of minerals, principally Tasmanian First award. Bank of Australasia, Launceston. Collection of Broken Hill (N.S.W.) and West Coast (Tasmania) mineral specimens Second award. Comet Prospecting Association. Samples of argentiferous ores from the Company's claim at Dundas First award. Heazlewood Silver Mining Company, Burnie. Silver-lead ore from the Company's sections Third award. New Silver Stream Silver Mining Company, Zeehan. Fine grained galena ore from the Company's mine Second award. North Grubb Silver Mining Company, Zeehan. Ore from the Com- pany's mine Second award. North Silver Stream Silver Mining Company, Zeehan. Ore from the Company's mine Second award. Oceana Silver Mining Company, Zeehan. Mineral specimens from the Company's claim Commended. Silver Queen Prospecting Association, Zeehan. Silver-lead ore from the mine Second award. Western Silver Mining Company. Argentiferous galena and associated minerals First award. Success Extended Silver Mining Company, Dundas. Silver ore in galena Third award. Sylvester Silver Mining Company, Zeehan. Silver-bearing ore First award. Whyte River Silver Mining Company. Samples of argentiferous ores First award. Grant, Henry, St. Helens. Specimens representative of the tin deposits of the Blue Tier First award. Great Republic Tin Mining Company. Cabinet containing stone from the lode, dressed ore, and metal First award. Lone Hand Tin Mining Company. Blocks of lode from the Com- pany's mine at Ringarooma Commended. Mount Bischoff Tin Mining Company. Trophy Special first a\vard. Cornwall Coal Company, Launceston. Coal pyramid Second award. Wickham and Bullock Island Coal Company Limited, Newcastle, N.S.W. Two sections of coal, weight four tons First award. Blackman, J.T., Launceston. Collection of paints, pigments, chrome, etc., purely Tasmanian products First award. Hematite iron ore Hon. mention. Glenarnock Iron and Steel Company, Glenarnock. Pig iron, steel, etc. First award. Purified Coal and Coke Company, N.S.W. Purified or washed coal and coke Second award. Kalsomine and Metallic Faint Company, N.S.W. Paint, ochres, and disinfecting kalsomine Third award. Australian Kerosene Oil and Mineral Company, N.S.W. Kerosene shale and stearine retorted from the shale First award. Minister of Mines, Sydney. General collection of economic minerals and collection of alluvial and reef gold Special first award. 86 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Carter, Robert, Launceston. Specimens of silver from Balstrup's Manganese Silver Mining Company Second award. Price, Robert H., Launceston. Collection of mineral specimens Third award. Whittle, B. H., Evandale. Collection of ores and minerals Third award. Bernacchi, Signor, Spring Bay. Natural Portland cement, crude and prepared First award. Edgell, B. H. and L. V., Launceston. Mineral and geological speci- mens Commended. Mintaro Slate Quarry Company, Melbourne. South Australian slate Highly commended. Mudgee Sharpening Stone Company, Sydney. Carpenters' sharpening stones, slip stones, shearing and grinding wheels, etc. First award. United Asbestos Company, London. Italian asbestos and all kinds of asbestos goods First award. Keen, Robinson, and Bellville, London. Keen's Oxford blue, A.D. 1742 First award. Patent Borax Company, Birmingham. Borax crystals, prepared Californian borax, borax starch glaze, borax sanitary powder First award. Clausen, Chr., Hamburg. Patent asphalt Highly commended. Stokes's Patent Nail Company, N.S.W. Nails First award. Executive Commissioner for N.S.W. Cheap tools for carpenters and bushmen Highly commended. Sybry, Searls, and Co., Sheffield. Steel and steel goods First award. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for T. and W. Smith) . Wire ropes and cables for hauling, winding, and other purposes First award. Melbourne Glass Bottle Company, Spottiswoode. Glass bottles First award. Jackson, F., Launceston. Brass locks, tills, cupboards, iron safes, padlocks, etc. First award. Bernacchi, Signor, Maria Island. White freestone First award. Blenkhorn, James, Railton. Lime First award. Fysh Bros., Oatlands. Brown freestone Hon. mention. Walker, J., Ross. White freestone Hon. mention. Launceston City Corporation. Bluestone Hon. mention. Blackman, James Thomas. Hematite iron or oxide of iron First award. Kalsomine Metallic Paint Company, Sydney, N.S.W. Kalsomine First award for New South Wales. Purified Coal and Coke Company, N.S.W. Coke Special first award. [The jurors beg to note the excellent quality of this coke, as being well adapted for smelting purposes.] The Mole Creek and Zeehan Mineral Prospecting and Exploration Company Limited. Blocks of cannel coal or mineral oil shale from the Company's claim, Barn Bluff, near Mount Pelion Special first award for Tasmania. Mahony Myles, Westbury. One ton of copper ore from the Pandora Company, Frankford Highly commended. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 87 CLASS XXXVII. Products of Forestry, Specimens of Timber ; Wood for Cabinet-work, for Building and other purposes ; Colouring and Resinous Substances, Charcoal, Dried Wood, Potash, Turnery, Straw Work, etc. Trustees Tasmanian Museum, Hobart. Tasmanian Timber Trophy, designed by G. S. Perrin, F.L.S., Conservator of Forests of Victoria, late Conservator of Forests of Tasmania Special first award. Von Mueller, Baron F., P.H. and M.D., Phytologic Museum, Vic- toria. Samples of woods Special first award. [The jurors desire to place on record the excellent manner in which the various woods of the Colonies have been exhibited by Baron Von Mueller.] New Zealand Midland Railway, New Zealand. Marketable timbers, rough and polished, veneering woods, picture frames, Venetian blinds, bent timbers, etc. Special first award. Skinner, J. T. H., and Co., East Dereham. Fretwork materials, three-ply wood First award. Cotton, A. B., Riversdale, Tasmania. Bark for tanning purposes, i sack First award. Cotton, Joseph, Glen Heroit, Cranbrook, Tasmania. Black wattle bark for tanning purposes Hon. mention. Sidebottom, W., Launceston. Wattle bark samples Special first award. CLASS XXXVIII. Products of Hunting, Fishing, etc. ; Collections or Drawings of Terrestrial and Amphibious Animals, Birds' Eggs, Fishes, Mollusca, and Crustacea ; Furs and Skins, Undressed Feathers, Horn, Teeth, Ivory, Tor- toiseshell, Sponges ; Guns, Traps, Snares, Fishing Nets, Lines, Hooks, etc. Bartleet and Son, Abbey Mills, Redditch, England. Fishing tackle, needles, etc. Special first award. New South Wales Executive Commissioner, Sydney. Cockatoos, cockatoo parrots, Blue Mountain and other New South Wales live birds, exhibited in aviary of New South Wales Court First award. Rohn, A. T., Sydney. Two glass cases of New South Wales birds, rug made of 145 opossum tails, white kangaroo, rock wallaby, two stuffed diamond snakes, native bear and young, kangaroo rat, twenty- three pieces assorted curios Special first award. New South Wales Government Fisheries Department, Sydney. Pho- tographs of New South Wales fish, set of paintings of New South Wales food fishes, prepared maps showing the oyster fisheries of New South Wales, collection of New South Wales fish preserved in spirits (to be judged as a collective exhibit) Special first award. Carr, Thomas, Brisbane Street, Launceston. Trout from Great Lake Hon. mention. Collective exhibit, stuffed fish and birds First award. 88 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE CLASS XXXIX. Agricultural Products not used for food ; raw Cotton, Flax, Hemp, and other Fibres ; Wool, washed and greasy ; Pharma- ceutical substances ; Tobacco, raw and manu- factured ; Tanning and Dyeing substances ; Preserved Fodder, and substances for Feeding Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, etc. Miller, James, and Co., Melbourne. Manilla rope, rope from N.Z. flax, shop twine, mats and matting, hemp, jute First award. Tarred rope, coir Second award. Reaper and binder twine First award. Donaghy, M., and Sons, Geelong. Manilla rope, rope from N.Z. flax Second award. Reaper and binder twine First award. Coir rope, bolb rope, halyard line, and deep sea line First award. Cleghorn, W., jun., Dundee. Jute and oakum First award. Engine- cleaning waste First award. Brain, E., Tunbridge. Rope halters made from N.Z. rope Second award. M'Connaghy, Michael, Invalid Depot, Launceston. Rope halters First award for excellence of workmanship. Tasmanian Soap and Candle Company Limited, Launceston and Hobart. "Aame"' stearine candles, " R. D." stearine candles, finest stearine especially made for miners' use Special first award for quality and cheapness. Fluted and plain " Owl'' wax candles, composite can- dles ("Emu "brand, made of wax and stearine) First award. Soda crystals (washing soda) Second award. Laundry soap, " Marvel " soap, " Gold Medal " soap, blue mottled soap First award. Imm-anuel and Duswald, Frankfort. Perfumery and toilet soaps in artistic designs First award. Alsing and Co., Limited, London. Paper made from wood pulp Special first award. Clarkson, A., and Co., West Cowes, England. Ointment and cattle medicine First award. Patent medicine, " Painkiller "First award. Moslem Cigarette Company Limited, London. Turkish cigarettes- Special first award. Cut tobacco, Turkish tobacco Special first award. Cigars First award. Ness and Co., Darlington. Disinfectant powder First award. Hemo- Cresol, the universal purifier First award. ^ Nicholls, William, and Co., Chippenham. Fluid extract of annatto First awa^d. Solomon, Cox, and Co., Melbourne. Solution for horses, cattle, and dogs ; also for human application First award. Rosenthal, Aronson, and Co., Launceston. Olfato cigars First award. McLaren and Co., Melbourne. Canvas Special first award. Morgan and Co., Melbourne. Canvas First award. Prices Patent Candle Company, Battersea, London. Cloth oils, machinery oils First award. Stearine, paraffine, ceratine First award tor collective exhibit. Candles in all forms and qualities, hand-painted candles, nightlights Special first award for collective exhibit. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 89 Lloyd, Frank, and Co., New South Wales. Horse and cattle food First award. Walden, J., Launceston. Naphthaline First award. Samples of oils First award. Gould, H. T., and Co., Hobart. Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum) distilled from Tasmanian trees, and various preparations of E. globulus Special first award for Tasmania. [The jurors are pleased to call special attention to the above exhibit as being a new industry in Tas- mania, calculated to be of general service in medicine, and a valuable item of export.] Bosisto, J., and Co., Richmond, Victoria. Acacia mollissima catechu for tanners First award. [The jury are of opinion that if the above could be supplied at a reasonable price it would be most advantageous to tanners.] Eucalyptus balsam, for veterinary purposes First award. Bigg, Mr. Sheep dip, specific for scab Second award. Draper and Jones, Melbourne. Hakeman's sheep dip Hon. men- tion. Walden, J., Launceston. Grass-tree gum, exuded from the tree, habitat Northern Tasmania, soluble in alcohol, and then forms a polish for furniture First award. Hart, W., and Sons, Laumceston. Quibell's sheep dip Special first award. Ness and Co., Darlington. Sheep dip Second award. CLASS XL. Leather and Skins : Tanned, Curried, Dressed, and Dyed Leather ; Varnished or Patent Leather ; Morocco and Sheepskins ; Skins Grained, Chamoyed, Tanned, Dressed, or Dyed. Walden, James, Launceston. Collection of skins, raw and manufac- tured First award for collection of skins, pelts, etc. Cook, J., and Sons Limited, Glenorchy. Leather in various branches tanned, dressed, and dyed Special first award for the varied and excellent collection of leather, from the hide to the finished basils. Dale, John T., London. Dubbin for softening and preserving leather First award. Kid reviver for boots and shoes First award. High preservative for leather bags, trunks, etc. First award. Arnold's Compressed Leather Company, N.S.W. Compressed leather First award for an excellent process for utilising refuse leather. Radke, A. W., near Sydney. Leather mill belting, wire and hemp stitched or lace sewn, belt leather, and lace leather Special first award for mill belting only. Ludowici, J. C., and Son Limited, Sydney. General collection of belting Special first award for collective exhibit of leather work of all descriptions. go OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE GROUP F. MACHINERY, ETC. This section of the Tasmanian International Exhibition, which occu- pied the large transversal annexe at the end of the Avenue of Nations, was undeniably the most complete and most attractive part of the whole. In this Group Great Britain and the Australian Colonies occupied a large space; here, also, some local firms made a most creditable display. Messrs. Davey, Paxman, and Co., of Colchester, Tangye and Co., Hornsby, Ransomes and Sims, and other British firms, were duly and largely represented. Victoria, South Australia, and New Zealand held their own in agricultural as well as mining machinery. In that line there was a grand display made by Messrs. A. G. Webster and Co., of Hobart, Messrs. Ferguson and Co. and Hart and Sons, of Launceston. Canada had a separate court for the display of agricultural imple- ments, which took high honours. In ploughs, Tasmania ran a close race with some Victorian exhibitors. In conclusion, a special notice must be taken of the exhibits from Mr. W. H. Knight, of the Phoenix Foundry, Launceston, who had a col- lection of locally-made engines of various descriptions, as well as first- rate specimens of castings, which deservedly won Speeial first class awards. One of the most interesting collections of useful machinery was that exhibited by Joseph Baker and Sons, of Flinders Lane, Melbourne, which was, during the whole period of the Exhibition, shown in full operation at Mr. Russen's Model Bakery. The Bailey-Baker patent continuous oven and the complete plant of biscuit-making machinery and baking appliances was one of the attractions of the Exhibition. Both the exhibitor of the machinery and the enterprising manufacturer who kept it at work for nearly four months deserved all the awards they have received. CLASS XLI. Mining and metallurgy; Boring Machines (Artesian, Diamond Drills, etc., for cutting Coal, Rocks, etc., for working Mines or Quar- ries ; appliances for Lowering and Hoisting Miners, Pumping Water, Ventilating Shafts, etc.; Safety Lamps, Apparatus for Saving Life, Apparatus for the Mechanical Dressing of Ores, Fuel for Metal Work of all kinds. Hornsby, Richard, and Sons Limited, Grantham, England. New Colonial winding and hauling engine Special first award for excellence of workmanship, strength, and quality of material. Knight, W. H., Launceston. One 4 h.p. vertical engine and steel boiler, with patent high speed governor and new and improved injector TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 91 First award. One 4-h.p. horizontal steam engine and steel boiler First award. One 1 4-h.p. horizontal steam engine " Phoenix" Special first award. Cradock, George, and Co., Wakefield, England. Steel and iron wire r opes Special first award. McLaren and Co., Melbourne. Canvas buckets with valve at bottom, for mining purposes First award. Wallbridge and Co., Launceston. Water engine manufactured by A. T. Burt, Dunedin, New Zealand First award. Thompson and Co., Castlemaine, Victoria. Patent safety mining cage First award. Winding gear First award. Tangyes Limited, Melbourne. Tangye's improved patent sight-feed lubricator Special first award. Tangye's Tool holder First award. Amateur's lathe Highly commended. Engine for electric lighting, vertical engine with reversing gear, " Archer " engine coupled to cen- trifugal pump, centrifugal pump coupled to a Floyd's engine, circular saw, 4-h.p. Soho engine (used for dairying purposes) , two duplex pumps First award. Special pump with Holman's valves, Mark's double- purchase winch, single and double purchase winch, tripod jack, bottle jack, ratchet jack, bottle traverse jack 'Highly commended. Radial drilling machine, portable drilling machine, bench drilling machine, hydraulic jacks, and punching bear First award. Davey, Paxman, and Co., Colchester. Winding engine and winding drums Special first award. Smith, F. and W., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Wire ropes and cables for hauling and other purposes, ensilage stack press First award. Rand Drill and Rackarock Company, Melbourne. Little Giant rock drill Special first award. Acrobat Drill and stand for popping, No. 3 Slugger mounted on column, pulveriser First award each. Fulton, G. E., and Co. Limited, Adelaide. Two 8-h.p. hoisting engines with double drums, fitted complete on cast-iron bed-plate. (Engines of this type are made up to 25-h.p.) First award for com- pactness of design and stability. Flood, Frederick, Melbourne. Patent waterlift and self-acting wind- mill sail First award. Evans, Joseph, and Sons, Wolverhampton. Steam pumps and hand pumps First award. Davidson and Brown, Hobart. Grinding and amalgamating pans. The tailings being crushed to a fine powder, all gold is saved and amal- gamated First award for wet grinding. Clarkson-Stanfield Concentrators, Limited, London. Clarkson-Stan- field dry ore concentrator and classifier, with working model of same First award. Bickford, Smith, and Co., Tucking Mill, Cornwall, England, and Sandhurst, Victoria. Bickford's patent safety fuse for use in all blasting operations, Bickford's patent ignitors and instantaneous fuse for firing simultaneously any number of holes Special first award. g 2 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE CLASS XLII. Agricultural I mplements,Tools, Machines, used in the Cultivation of Fields and Forests, in all branches of Husbandry (Sowing, Plant- ing, or Harvesting), whether worked by Hand, Horse, or Steam power ; Carts and other rural means of transport ; Manures, Organic or Mineral. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for Reid and Gray, Dunedin) . Chaffcutter First award. Disc narrow First award. Seed drill Special first award. Ploughs and harrows Special first award for col- lection. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for Pulsometer Engineering Company. Pulsometer First award. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for Bickle rock drill). Rock drill First award. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for R. Hornsby and Sons, Limited). Collection of single and double furrow ploughs First award as a collective exhibit. Strawsoniser First award. Traction engine First award. Portable engine First award. Colonial engine First award. Reaper and binder First award. Mowers Second award. Reapers and mowers Second award. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for S. L. Allan and Co., Philadelphia, U.S.A.) Planet Junior implements for field and garden First award. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for Barnard and Lake, England). Thatchmaker First award. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for the Aspinwall Manufac- turing Company, U.S.A.) Potato planter and fertiliser Special first award. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for Murray and Co., Scot- land). Crown threshing machines Highly commended. Harrap, Alfred, and Son, Launceston (agents for Booth, McDonald, and Co., New Zealand). Disc seed harrows First award. Iron wind- mill, built entirely of iron and steel Special first award. Deering all steel chain drive reaper and binder First award for durability and lightness of construction in steel and special bearings, with improved binder. Booth-McDonald double-furrow plough First award. Deering mower Special first award Ferguson, Mephan, Carlton, Victoria. Iron gates Highly com- mended. Water supply and irrigation pipes Special first award for collective exhibit. Beal, G. W., Melbourne. Automatic railway carriage lock Special first award. Davey, Paxman, and Co., Colchester, England. Portable single cylinder steam engine, with patent automatic governor Special first award. Trewhella Bros., Newbury, Victoria. Single and double purchase log jacks First award. Ross, E. W., and Co., New York. Chaff and fodder cutters Highly commended. TASMAN1AN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 93 Morgan and Co., Melbourne, Victoria. Canvas hose and couplings Highly commended. Gymnasium fittings Highly commended. Titmus, L., Ulverstone. Iron plough Special first award. Wooden plough Excellent workmanship and high finish. Garde and Crystal, North Melbourne. Three-furrow plough First award. Double-furrow plough and single-furrow plough Second award each. Mitchell and Co., Melbourne. Double-furrow plough First award. Lennon, Hugh, Melbourne. Single-furrow plough for contractors' purposes First award. Ransomes, Sims, and Jeffries, Ipswich, England (Hinman and Wright, Launceston, agents). Lawn mowers First award. New Australasian threshing drum Special first award. Vertical engines Special first award. Portable engine Second award. Andrews and Beaven, Christchurch, New Zealand. Patent travelling self-bagging chaffcutter, horse gear, corncrushers, cleaners Special first award for collective exhibit. Blackwell, Henry, Bishopsbourne. Iron swing plough, made by exhibitor Highly commended. Danks, John, and Sons, Limited, Melbourne. Pumps First award. Sheet lead and pipes, engineers' and plumbers' brass-foundry First award for collective exhibit. Engineers' and plumbers' brass work First award. Sheet lead and pipes First award. Bells First award. Patent lawn sprinkler First award. Salisbury, Scott, and Co., Launceston. Fine perforated castings Special first award. Heavy mine pump machinery Special first award. Mason, F., Sydney. Langley wool press Special first award. Koerstz double acting pump Special first award. Hart, William, and Sons, Launceston. Walter A. Wood's reaper and binder First award. W. A. Wood's enclosed gear mower with reaping attachments Special first award. Buckeye Harvesting Company, Launceston. Reaper and binder First award for simplicity of construction and lightness of draught. Ferguson, J. C., and Co., Launceston. McCormick reaper and binder Special first award for construction and strength, coupled with sim- plicity. Harrison McGregor reaper and mower First award. McCor- mick iron mowing machine First award. Massey Manufacturing Co., Melbourne. Reaper and binder First award. Allen, Thomas, Emu Bay. The " Bushman's Friend," being a model showing how the " Shoe " used for felling trees is fixed to trees First award. Gow, William, Sydney. Butter prints, dairy utensils, and general wood turnery Special first award Anglo-Continental Guano Company, London. Ohlendorff's guano and manures First award for best collection of manures. Turner, Thos., and Co., London. First award for chemical artificial manures. Newey, R., and Sons, Launceston. Collection of manures and fer- tilisers Highly commended for the collection of various patent horti- cultural manures. Massey Manufacturing Company, Melbourne. Side delivery harvester First award. Sharp's self-dumping horse hayrake First award. 94 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Lennon, Hugh, Spottiswoode, near Melbourne. Single-furrow plough, cast D shares, made by exhibitor First award for excellent quality of material and manufacture. Double-furrow ploughs made by exhibitor Highly commended, the share being of superior manufacture, ensur- ing durability. CLASS XLIII. Apparatus and Processes used in Agri- cultural Work, and used for the Preparation of Food, including Milling Flour, Kneading, Baking, Ice-making, and Refrigerating Ma- chines. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart (agents for R. A. Lister and Co., Dursley). " Alexandra" centrifugal cream separators, for hand, horse, or steam power Special first award. " Triplex " horse gear for fast running machinery First award. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart. Cheese plant complete, by Lister and Co., Dursley, England Special first award. Jack Frost Freezing Company, Melbourne. Freezing machine for making ice, ice creams, fruit ices, etc. First award. Hunt, R., and Co., Earl's Colne, Essex. Atlas and Colonial chaff- cutter, for hand, horse, and steam power ; pony and horse gears, corn grinders, root slicers and graters Special first award for collective exhibit. Baker, J., and Sons, Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Bailey-Baker patent continuous oven First award. Russen, Charles, and Co., Wellington street, Launceston. Complete plant for biscuit manufacture, exhibited in motion and at work, from the mixing of the dough to the finish of the goods for market Special first award. Baker, Joseph, and Sons, Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Bailey-Baker patent plant of biscuit machinery, bread and cake machinery and bakery appliances, confectionery and ice cream machinery First award. Lempriere, W. J., and Co., Melbourne (agents for F. Selby and Co., Birmingham). Axles, springs, lamps, etc. First award. Buncle, John, and Son, North Melbourne. Combined crusher First award. Chaffcutter and bagfiller combined First award. Bark cutting machinery and disintegrator First award. Corncrushing machinery First award. Tobacco cutting machine Highly commended. Circular saw (for timber) with patent teeth to economise time and labour in set- tingHighly commended. Circular saw (for firewood) with patent teeth Highly commended. Andrews, Charles, Geelong. Patent cooking ranges First award. Cherry, E., Gisbome, Victoria. Concussion churn, butter worker, butter printer, and weigher (in Model Dairy) First award. Rice, Whiteacre, and Company, U.S.A. Steam generators for cooking food for stock, boiling water, heating rooms, and cleansing purposes First award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 95 CLASS XLIV. Machines and Tools in general not specified. Walden, James, Launceston. Oils and skins First award. Knight, W. H., Launceston. One i-h.p. horseworks of new design, made by exhibitor Highly commended. One hand-power brick press for moulded and plain bricks First award. Jones and Co., Melbourne. Patent "Eureka" hot air oven First award for cheapness. Davey, Paxman, and Co., Colchester, England. One " Essex " patent vertical boiler Special first award. Compound undertype engine, with automatic extension gear Special first award. Jackson, F., Launceston. Brass locks Special first award. Mundlos and Co., Madgeburg. Sewing machines Special first award for collection from the same maker. Funchen Bros., Aachen. Sewing machine needles First award. Melson and Griffin, London. " Bear " high pressure semi-metallic steam pump packing and jointing material Special first award. Kemp, R. V., Hobart. Working model vertical steam boiler First award. Winter, F. A., Sydney. Centrifugal dish washer First award. Pitman, W., Rushcutters' Bay, New South Wales. Horse shoes Special first award for excellent display of collective exhibits, the work- manship being exquisite. Taylor Limited, Liverpool. Disinfectant First award. Automatic disinfector First award. Salisbury, Scott, and Co., Launceston. Compound marine engine in motion Special first award. Paton, John, Launceston. Model lathe Special first award. Osborn, J. Lee, Sydney. Pooley's patent weighing machines First award. Stewart, F. and W., Launceston. Dies, die-sinking, and general medal striking First award. Moran, A. W., Melbourne. Medal presses, die-sinking, and medal making First award for collective exhibit. Lamson Service Limited, Sydney. Cash railways Special first award. Lamson cash check and self-adding cash register Special first award. Dainton, George, and Co., Melbourne. Fancy and plain brass and copper work Special first award. Baths Highly commended. Ven- tilators Highly commended. Portable copper and range boilers Highly commended. Dowling, George, and Co., South Melbourne. Refrigerators for milk and beer First award. Cashel, Barter, and Co., Melbourne. Lubricating machine oil Special first award. Butler, W. H., Melbourne. Portable coppers Highly commended. Colonial ovens Highly commended. Brierly, John A., and Co., Melbourne. "Victory" gas engines First award. Bain, Williams, and Co., Coatbridge, Scotland. Bain's winder for wire fencing First award. 96 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Ferguson, J. C., and Co., Launceston. Implements for field and garden First award. Stott and Hoare, Melbourne. Remington typewriter First award for durability, easy manipulation, simplicity, ahd workmanship. Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, Sydney. The English type- writerSecond award for simplicity of parts and for working in view of the operator. Cunningham, J. E., Sydney. No. 2 and 3 Caligraph writing machine Special first award, gold medal. Edison's Mimeograph copying machine Highly commended. Saunders, H., London. Neo-Cyclostyle First award for great sim- plicity and perfect reproduction. Yost typewriter Special first award for mechanical construction, quality of material, durability, and effective working. Knight, W. H., Launceston. Wrought-iron double riveted high pres- sure navigation tubes Special first award. Banks, John, and Son, Melbourne. Patent pickling pump Special first award. Patent spray pump First award. Grigor, D., Melbourne. Fancy bandsawing woodwork Special first award. United Horseshoe and Nail Company, Cubit Town, London. Machine-made horsehoes and nails First award. CLASS XLV. Carriages and Wheelwrights' Work. Webster, A. G., and Son, Hobart. Tire benders, to bend tires up to 1 6 in. x i in. First award. Adams, Griffiths, and Dudley, Launceston. Bent wood for carriage work, manufactured from Tasmanian blue gum, blackwood, and other woods Special first award for collective exhibit. Burton and Knox, Burwood Road, Hawthorn, Victoria. Goddard buggy and lady's pony carriage Special first award. [The jurors express their thorough satisfaction at the excellence of the workmanship and machines.] Perry, John, Melbourne. Bent timber, shafts, poles, etc., turnery work, spokes, felloes, hubs, pickhandles, etc. Special first award for bent wood ; First award for shafts and poles. Selby, Frederick, and Co., Birmingham. Carriage axles, lamps, etc. First award. CLASS XLVI. Harness and Saddlery. Pride, William, Geelong. Set carriage harness, gent's saddle and bridle, lady's saddle and bridle, stock saddle and bridle First award. Power, T. P., Melbourne. Collection of saddlery and harness- Special first award for excellent workmanship and superiority of the material used. Newton, E. E., and Sons, Cressy. Harness and saddlery Second award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 97 CLASS XLVII. Railway Apparatus, Engines, Carriages, etc. Hart, William, and Sons, Launceston. Traction engine Special first award. Bloomfield Brothers, Melbourne. Patent portable tramway and rolling stock (Bochum Union) Special first award. Ferguson, J. C., and Co., Launceston (agents Patent Nut and Bolt Company, Birmingham, England). One case, containing samples of this company's manufactures, from raw material to finished goods First award for collection. CLASS XLVIII. Telegraphic Appliances, Electric and all appertaining to Electricity. Bates, William, Gasworks, Hobart. Electric battery Hon. mention. [The jurors regret that owing to the unfinished manner in which this exhibit is presented they are unable to give it a first-class certificate.! The Crompton Electric Supply Company, New South Wales, i 110- volt 65-amp. compound dynamo, i2O-light machine (16 candle power) ; i no-volt 45-amp. compound dynamo, So-light machine; i 2-h.p. motor, i table motor for ventilation : cables, wires, pendants, brackets, etc.; instruments for electrical purposes, viz., 2 volt meters, 2 ammeters, i galvanometer, switches, main, branch, etc.; fuses, main, branch, etc.; lamp holders, shades, carbons, and petty material connected with elec- trical work ; medical battery, indicator, and bell, with samples of pushes, cells, etc. Special first award. Spencer-Canning, W. E., Melbourne. Electric lighting dynamos, 24 lights each 16 candle power First award. India-rubber, Gutta-percha Telegraphic Company, Silvertown, Lon- don. Rubber goods for telegraphic, electrical, and telephone engineers Special first award. Rubber goods for hospital purposes Special first award. Rubber goods for ironmongers, gasfitters, plumbers, and house- hold purposes Special first award. India-rubber, gutta-percha, ebonite, and vulcanised fibre goods, etc. Special first award. English oak- tanned Avonside and Hepburn's pump leather First award. Submarine cables and torpedo-firing apparatus, also artistic tiling Special first award. Rubber goods for athletic clubs Special first award. Diving dress and apparatus for under-water work Special first award. Collec- tive exhibit Special first award. CLASS XLIX. Building Materials of all kinds ; Draw- ings, Models, etc., of Public Buildings, Man- sions, Cottages, Lighthouses, Industrial Dwell- ings, etc. Draper and Sons, Melbourne. Patent automatic flap-action earth closet, and microbine disinfectant, deodoriser, and antiseptic, fluid, powder, and soaps, non-poisonous and stainless First award. [Special notice given to the exhibitors' patent sealed pans.] Faija, Henry, London. Cement testing plant First award for tensile tests. gg OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Gurm, J. and T., Launceston. Building requisites Special first award foi first-class joiners' work, and first award for imported building requisites. Knight, William Henry, Phoenix Works, Launceston. Iron verandah and balcony posts, panels, brackets, frieze, balcony chairs and seats, and ornamental castings, made by exhibitor First award for chairs and iron furniture, and second award for balcony and verandah castings. Lysaght, John, and Co. Limited, Bristol and London. Galvanised iron, galvanised wire netting (colonial made) First award. Matthews and Yates, Manchester. Air propellers for ventilation Special first award for simplicity, cheapness, and efficiency. Saupe and Busch, Dresden, Radebeul. Patent embossed metal plates for advertising Special first award. Lempriere, W. and J., Melbourne (agents for St. Pancras Iron Com- pany, London). Model of stable fitted up First award. Wallbridge and Co., Launceston. Sanitary appliances, specimens of plumbers' work, plumbers' fittings First award. Gunn, J. and T., Launceston. Samples of timbers, mantelpieces, etc. Special first award. The "Invincible" open and close fire range First award. Panelled blackwood dado bookcase Special first award. Staircase of Tasmanian blackwood and Huon pine, also one of kauri pine and Tasmanian blackwood Special first award. CLASS L. Navigation : Drawings or Models of Ships, Boats, Steamers, Floating Docks ; Materials for Rigging, Apparatus for Saving Life at Sea, Diving Bells, Rocket Apparatus, Flags and Signals. Wyrill, Captain. Self-acting model yacht Hon. mention. Huddart, Parker, and Co., Limited. Model of s.s. Burrumbeet, Corrangamiie, and Elingamite, fitted as armed steamers for Victorian Government First award. Model of s.s. Coogee, running between Melbourne and Launceston First award. Model of s.s. Courier, speed 21 knots an hour (in Geelong trade) First award. Model of s.s. Hygeta, specially built for the Hobson's Bay excursion trade (beauti- fully fitted, and attaining a very high rate of speed) Special first award. Model of modern cargo steamer for intercolonial trade First award. Bowling, George, and Co. Model of Eagle (tug), a very fast and powerful boat Special first award. Union Steam-Ship Company of New Zealand. Full model of s.s. Rotomahana Special first award. Full model of s.s. Mararoa First award. Full model of s.s. Wakatipu Hon. mention. Half models of s.s. Monowai and Takapuna Hon. mention. Chart table, showing position of fleet of 53 steamers First award. Edwards, F., Melbourne. Rob Roy canoe, built by exhibitor at the age of 17 Special first award. Fraser, Alex. A., Inveresk, Tasmania. Model cutter yacht First award. Orient Steam Navigation Company, London. Half model of the new twin screw steamer Ophir Special first award. Half model of the R.M.S. Ormuz First award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 99 Home, Louis, Launceston. Pearl cruising canoe First award. Launceston Marine Board, A. Evershed, secretary. Harbour boarding boat, length 28ft., beam 6ft. 4 in., built of Huon pine and other Tas- manian woods, copper fastened, built by H. T. Moore, Launceston Special first award. Phoenix Fireworks Company, Braybrook, England. Fancy fireworks and illumination lights, marine rockets, life-saving rockets, distress signals, light and fog signals Special first award. Mortars for firing rockets First award. Ross and Duncan, Glasgow. Model of tug Wybia First award. Turk, R. J., Kingston-on-Thames. Model of double-sculling skiff Special first award. CLASS LI. Military Clothing. Jones, W., and Co., London, Government contractors. Helmets, outfits, official book, etc. Special first award. GROUP C. ALIMENTARY PRODUCTS. Cereals, flour, and meals made as much show as could be expected at a time when old grain was out of date and the new was still in the field : nevertheless, a fair collection was entered and filled a sufficient area of space. Our millers had well-fitted trophies, where flour and meal could be seen in great variety. Grass and other seeds were also sent in to prevent the great firms from Great Britain taking all the honours. Sutton and Sons, of Reading, and James Carter and Co., of London, certainly exhibited wonderful trophies, and displayed the scores of medals awarded to their respective firms at all former exhibitions throughout the world. But if our own exhibitors had not so ostentatious a display, they took away well-deserved honours for their exhibits of Tasmanian seeds for the variety as well as the utility of the goods shown. The exhibits of aerated and self-raising flour caused some keen com- petition. The jurors were not satisfied with the ordinary tests, and even after many trials they were compelled to give an equal award to C. Russen and Co., of Launceston, and Swallow and Ariell, of Melbourne. The two firms had a further contest for biscuits, cakes, and similar preparations, and here also the jurors have had a difficult task in arriving at a satisfactory conclusion. The same difficulties arose in the judging of chocolates, cocoas, etc., where the well-known firms, Taylor, Symington, Fry, and Cadbury had entered the lists. In preserved meats, fish, and other edibles, the entries were both numerous and varied. Beers, cordials, and aerated waters were principally represented by Tasmanian exhibitors, and were of excellent quality. Wines are dealt with separately by the Wine Jury, whose report follows. H 2 100 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE CLASS LII. Cereals, Farinaceous Products, Wheat, Rye, Barley, Rice, Maize, Millet, and other Cereals, in Grain and in Flour ; Grain without husk, and Groats ; Bread and Pastry, Biscuits, etc. Keen, Robinson, and Bellville, London. Pearl barley First award. Robinson's patent groats First award. Robinson's patent barley First award. White groats First award. Oats Special first award. Birmingham Vinegar Brewery Co. (Holbrook and Co.), Birmingham. Blancmange powder, egg powder, baking powder, custard powder First award. Holbrook and Co.'s essence of coffee First award. Hol- brook and Co.'s essence of coffee and chicory First award. Dean, T. B., York Street, Launceston. Bread First award. Knaggs, }. B., Elizabeth Street, Launceston. Wedding cake First award. Russen, C., and Co., Wellington Street, Launceston. Biscuit trophy, fancy and plain biscuits, wedding, birthday, and christening cakes, con- fectionery, ice-creams, etc., showing the process of manufacture in their various branches Special first award for collective exhibit, and the fact of the exhibits being manufactured at the Exhibition. Special first award for Tasmanian made biscuits. Swallow and Ariell Limited, Port Melbourne, Victoria. Biscuits of every description, wedding and other cakes Special first award for excellent quality of biscuits and cakes, and for their manufacture. Wigram Bros., Christchurch, New Zealand Malt Special first award. [The jury beg to note the excellent quality and high condition of this malt.] Brunton and Co., Melbourne. Flour Championship of the colonies for highest points in manufacture, colour, and strength. Victory steel roller flour Special first award for Victoria. Wood Bros., Christchurch, New Zealand. Roller flour First award for New Zealand. T. W. Monds and Son, Carrick. Roller flour Highly commended. Pearl barley First award. Oatmeal First award for Tasmania. Milling oats First award. Flaked oats First award. Split peas Commended. Wheat (winter) First award. Spring wheat First award. Luck, John, and Co., West Devonport. Roller flour Special first award for Tasmania. Digestive meal Highly commended. Ruby digestive meal Commended. Wheat Commended. Newey, R., and Sons, Launceston. Linseed meal Highly com- mended. English barley First award. Collection of cereals First award. Wheat (white) - First award. Tuscan wheat First award. Prolific wheat First award. Ritchie, David, and Son, Launceston. Pearl barley Commended. Digestive meal Commended. Flaked oats Highly commended. Split peas Highly commended. Oatmeal Commended. Swallow and Ariell Limited, Port Melbourne. Digestive meal First award for Victoria. Affleck, Thomas, and Sons, Launceston. Digestive meal First award for Tasmania. Farrar, H. W., and Co., Melbourne. Duryeas' maizena First award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. IOI Scott, Jas., and Sons, River Forth, Tasmania. Oatmeal Highly commended. Oats Highly commended. Milling oats Commended. Roberts, James, Cootamundra, New South Wales. Wheat (purple straw) Highly commended. Fyansford Manufacturing Company, Geelong, Victoria. Snowflake crystal starch Special first award. Hurst and Son, London. Collection of cereals First award. Carter, London. Wheat Highly commended as a collective exhibit Moore Bros., New South Wales. Wheat Commended. Loiterton, Charles, New South Wales. Wheat First award for New South Wales. Wood Bros., Christchurch, New Zealand. Semolina grain (fine and coarse) First award. Maconochie Bros., Lowestoft. Oatmeal First award. Swallow and Ariell Limited, Port Melbourne. Beef biscuits First award. Pilot bread First award. Dog's bread First award. Whole meal biscuits First award. Aerated flour First award. CLASSES LIIL, LV., LVI. Fatty substances and Oils for food ; Milk, fresh and preserved ; Butter, fresh, salt, or tinned ; Cheese ; Vegetables and Fruit, fresh, dried, and preserved ; Condiments, Sugar and Confectionery, including Jams, Sauces, etc.; Liqueurs, etc., etc. Maconochie Bros., Lowestoft, England. Malt and other vinegars First award. Sublime olive oil First award. Curry powder Hon. mention. Table salt First award. Flavouring essences First award. Lemon peel First award. Salad cream First award. Concentrated lemonades First award. Seidlitz powder First award. Sherbet First award. Mixed pickles First award. Golden Syrup First award. Yorkshire sauce First award. Baking powder First award. Australian Perfumery Company, Sydney. Essences of vanilla, lemon, and almond Special first award. Hinds and Co., Coventry. Phosphorzine, the great brain, nerve, and constitutional invigorator Highly commended. Evans, Sons, and Co., Liverpool. Compressed lime tablets and other medical sweets First award. Montserrat sauce First award. Mont- serrat lime juice First award. Bosisto, J., and Co., Richmond, Victoria. Essential oils from indige- nous trees of Australia Special first award. [The jurors have carefully tested the whole of the oils in this exhibit, and were greatly satisfied with the quality and excellence; they therefore have no hesitation in awarding a special first-class certificate for the collection.] Red gum lozenges First award. Lloyd, Frank, and Co., Sydney. Horse and cattle food First award. Birmingham Vinegar Brewery 'Company, Birmingham, England. Holbrook and Co.'s pure malt vinegar First award. Holbrook and Co.'s Worcestershire sauce, pickles, sauces, anchovy, etc. Special first award. [The jurors desire to call special attention to the superior quality of the productions of this firm, and also to the manner in which they have been displayed and brought before the public.] I02 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Swallow and Ariell Limited, Port Melbourne. Icing sugar Special first award. Milk food Special first award. Champion and Co., Limited, London. Brown and crystal vinegar and genuine mustard Special first award. Gaylard, John C., Windsor Plantation, Bundaberg, Queensland. Collective exhibit of sugars of varieties (yolbs. in each) Special first award. Irvine and McEachern, Launceston. Oilmen s stores and jams Special first award. Keen, Robinson, and Bellville, London. Keen's mustard, A.D. 1742 Special first award. Thrower, W. I., Launceston. Tomato sauce, Shamrock baking powder, egg powder, Klelum Bux and Co.'s curry powder First award for mild sauce ; second award for hot sauce ; hon. mention for remainder of exhibit. Tatlow, Charles J., Launceston. Genuine tomato sauce First award. Mild sauce Second award. CLASS LIV. Meat and Fish, preserved, smoked, and salted. Higgins, Henry, Hobart. German sausages First award. Hams and bacon Special first award. Castle Co-operative Salt Company, Adelaide. Salt Special first award for collective exhibit. [This being a new Australian industry, the jurors desire to record their high opinion of the success achieved by the exhibitors.] Coleman and Company, Norwich. " Winecarnis," Liebig's extract of meat and malt wine First award. Williams, F., Auckland, New Zealand. Tinned schnapper (smoked), tinned mullet (fresh) Special first award. Maconochie Bros., Lowestoft, England. Flake tapioca First award. Macaroni First award. Mushroom catsup First award. Red herring First award. Mock turtle and other soups First award. Cod roes First award. Digby chicks First award. Dried sprats First award. Haddock roes First award. Bologna sausages First award. Camp pie First award. Scotch salmon First award. White herrings and tinned herrings in sauce First award. Bloater paste First award. Mortadella sausage First award. Ham, chicken, and tongue First award. Devilled ham and tongue First award. Rolled ox tongue First award. Sweetbread First award. Veal and ham First award. Plum pudding First award. Suffolk brawn First award. Devilled tongue First award. Russian caviare First award. Oxford sausage First award. Soles in cream, haddocks First award. Anchovies First award. Collective exhibit as above Special first award. [The jurors desire to place on record the high opinion they have formed of the goods exhibited by this firm, and also to the high standard to which they have brought the art of preserving food for the million, and the low prices charged for the same.] Skinner, B., Brisbane, Queensland. Turtle soup, beche-de-mer soup (preserved), potted dugong, preserved meats Special first award for collective exhibit. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 103 Swallow and Ariell Limited, Port Melbourne. Mince-meat, etc. Special first award. [The jurors desire to direct attention to the superior quality of this exhibit, and feel assured that if more general attention were drawn to this class of goods housewives would economise and be able to place on their tables an article superior to the usual home-made mince-meat.] Idris and Co., London. "Viking" food preparations for invalids Special first award. CLASS LVI. Cocoas and Chocolate. Fry, J. S., and Sons, Bristol (represented by Messrs. R. Green and Co., Launceston). Fry's homoeopathic cocoa Special first award. Fry's concentrated cocoa Special first award. Fry's Ceylon chocolate Special first award. Fry's Caraccas chocolate Special first award. Exhibits of cocoas Special first award for each variety exhibited. Col- lection of fancy chocolates Special first award. A collective exhibit of cocoas and chocolates Special first award. Taylor Bros., London. A collective exhibit of cocoa and free restau- rant Special first award. Symington, T., and Co., Edinburgh. Exhibit of coffee essence and free restaurant Special first award. Essence of coffee and chicory First award. Farrar, H. W., and Co., Melbourne, Victoria. Taylor Bros.' soluble pure cocoa, condensed First award. Cadbury Bros., Bowinville, near Birmingham. Essence of cocoa Special first award. Smith, T. and H., and Co., Edinburgh and London. Essence of coffee with chicory, essence of coffee pure Special first award. Choco- late and milk, cocoa and milk Special first award Maconochie Bros., Lowestoft. Cocoa, soluble Special first award. Macfarlane Bros, and Co., Hobart. Essence of coffee and chicory Highly commended. CLASS LVI. Vegetables and Fruit, fresh, dried, and preserved, etc. Saratoga Packing Company, Saratoga, U.S.A. Californian prunes Special first award. [This exhibit is well worthy of the award, and there is no doubt in the minds of the jurors that the fruit which is now allowed to go to waste in this colony might, if judiciously treated, be made available for export.] Maconochie Bros., Lowestoft, England. Dried herbs First award. Spanish olives First award. Bottled fruits Special first award. Jams First award. Skinner, B. (Queensland Preserving Company), Brisbane. Queens- land preserved pine-apple and Queensland preserved guava, etc. Special first award. Murrell, Mrs. Winifred, Launceston. Preserved jams and jellies Special first award. Newball and Mason, Nottingham, England. Dried herbs Special first award. Birmingham Vinegar Brewery Company, England. French olives Special first award. 104 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE MaconochieBros.,Lowestoft, England. Fresh mackerel First award. Potted venison First award. Potted woodcock First award. Scotch herring First award. West India pickles First award. Candied peel First award. Burroughs, Welcome, and Co., London. Kepler's extract of malt Special first award. CLASS L VI I. Wines. " In handing over to the Commissioners the awards made in this section of the Tasmanian Exhibition, we desire to call their special attention to the footnotes we have appended to each colony or country represented. In addition to this, we deem it our duty to state that the whole of the wines submitted to us point to the great future of the vine-growing industry of Australia, more especially as regards its trade with Tasmania. The consumption of pure, wholesome, and non-intoxicating wines should be encouraged in a colony which cannot produce such an article. That a large trade could be opened for Australian wines in this island is beyond a doubt, provided the Government be prevailed upon to reduce the prohibitive rate of duty now in force. Steps have already been taken to bring this matter before the Tasmanian Government, and it is now under consideration. We would fail in our duty if we did not at this juncture express an opinion on so important a subject, which affects not only the trade of the country, but also the sobriety and morality of the people. It is beyond dispute that in all countries where pure wines are to be had at a low price intemperance is very much minimised. Wines such as we have had to judge with an alcoholic standard varying from 15 to 21 per cent. are being retailed in the Australian colonies at from IDS. to 153. per dozen quarts. Such wines do not exceed 35. to 43. per gallon, if purchased in bulk from wholesale dealers, and even much less from the growers. All these wines are taxed indiscriminately in this colony 6s. per gallon in bulk and 8s. per gallon if bottled. Hence the small quantity imported. It is our opinion that if the duty were reduced to one fourth of the present rate the revenue would be benefited by the large increase in the consumption of such wines. We cannot conclude without congratulating the various colonies which have sent wines to this Exhibition for the careful selection of the samples forwarded. It is to be regretted that France has not competed in this group. Germany is represented by one exhibitor only, and this one has taken the highest award. Of Tasmanian wines we have had only one exhibitor, Mr. William Ricketts, who produces from fruit grown in the island a most creditable beverage, for which we have awarded a first-class prize." NEW SOUTH WALES. MEMO. The jurors have much pleasure in recording their full appre- ciation of the whole of the wines submitted from New South Wales. Their character is totally distinct from the South Australian wines the jurors tasted last week. The wines from the Hunter River district are exceptionally good some of them being quite equal to French or German vintages. The sweet wines are rich, full-flavoured, and in excellent condition. Lindeman, H. J., Cawarra. Full-bodied wines (red) : Shiraz First award Burgundy Special first award; Madeira First award. Light TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 105 wines (white) : Hock Special first award, and Champion prize for all the Colonies ; Reisling First award ; Chablis First award. Light wines (red) : Hermitage Second award ; Claret Special first award ; Bur- gundy First award. Sweet wines, or vin de liqueur (white) : Muscat First award ; Verdeilho Special first award ; Tokay First award. Sweet wines, or vin de liqueur (red) : Madeira Special first award ; Lachrymse Christi First award ; Port Special first award. Harbottle, Allsop, and Co., Sydney. Light wines (red): "Etta- mogah '' Second award. Light wines (white): "Ettamogah" First award ; Reisling First award. Fallon, J. T., Albury. Light wines (red) : Burgundy First award. VICTORIA. MEMO. The jurors regret that some of the wines were out of condi- tion ; as a whole, however, the samples submitted were first class. The Clarets, Burgundy, and Hermitage were excellent ; the sweet wines were good, sound articles ; some of the Sherry wines, with age, will make their mark in the English markets. Brache" and Co., Melbourne. Chasselas First award. Reisling Special first award. Hock First award. Claret, '88 vintage First award. Claret, '86 vintage Special first award, and Champion prize for all the Colonies. Carbinet First award. Burgundy Special first award. Verdeilho Second award. Port Special first award. Fron- tignac First award. Greer, E., and Co., Melbourne. Madeira Second award. Port First award. Shiraz First award. The Australian Wine and Fruit Agency Company Limited, Melbourne. Hermitage (grower, J. Hamilton, of Rutherglen) First award as a sweet wine. Pedro (J.Hamilton, grower) First award. Pedro (J. Hamilton) Special first award. Sherry (grower, J. Thompson, of Dookie) Special first award. Wodonga Winegrowers' Association. Muscat (Martin Kelly, grower) Special first award. White, full-bodied (P. Adams, grower) First award. Dry old (same grower) First award as a dry sherry. Light Red (James Tenner, grower) Highly commended. Light Red (A. Schlink, grower) Highly commended. Red light dry (G. S. Manns, grower) Highly commended. Red light dry (same grower) First award. Red light (A. Schlink, grower) Special first award. The fol- lowing were each highly commended as young wines : James Tenner, Red light dry ; Robert Peoples, dry full-bodied ; A. Schlink, Red sweet ; Robert Peoples, dry full-bodied Red. Weigel, A., and Co., Limited, Melbourne. Australian champagne Special first award. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. MEMO. The jurors wish to record the fact that all the wines forwarded by South Australia are of a high class, exceptionally sound, and that there is a great future before the wine industry of that colony. Cleland, G. F., and Co. Limited, Adelaide. Old Port wine Special Champion prize for all the Colonies. Chablis Second award. Reisling First award. Sauterne Second award as Madeira. Tokay First award. Madeira First award. Frontignac Special first award. Con- stantia First award. Very old Port Special first award. 106 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Adelaide Wine Company. Collection of wines Special first award. Auld, W. P., Adelaide. Claret Special first award. Crozier, H. and E., Oaklands, Adelaide. Sherry First award. Port First award. Dunstan, H., and Co., Stonyfell, Adelaide. Sherry Second award. Old Port Special first award. Muscat First award. Foureur, J. H , Hindmarsh, Adelaide. Champagne Special first award. Hardy, Thos., and Sons Limited, Adelaide. Chablis First award. Claret Special first award. Angaston Port First award. Very old Port First award. Muscat Second award. Sage, S. and W., Angaston, Adelaide. Chablis Highly commended. Claret First award. Frontignac First award. Sweet Constantia Special first award, a first-class liqueur wine. Scott, H. J., and Co., Adelaide. Chablis First award. Reisling Second award. Madeira Special first for Davenport's Madeira. Fron- tignac Special first award. Constantia First award. Stonyfell Mus- cat Special first and Champion prize against all the Colonies. Smith, S., and Son, Angaston, Adelaide. Chablis Special first award. Reisling Special first award. Claret Second award. Very old Sherry Special first award. Frontignac First award. Constantia Special first award. Family Port Second award. Very old Port First award. Muscatel Highly commended. Young, E. B., and Co., Adelaide. Hock Second award. TASMANIA. Ricketts, William, Big Oyster Cove. Fruit wines, Tasmanian Port, Black Currant wine, Sherry wine, Apple wine Special first award for the excellence and high condition of the exhibits, which are most credit- able, and deserve the highest commendation. FOREIGN WINES. Still Wines. Braumeberger Special first award ; Josefshofer First award. Sparkling Wines. Scharlachberger, sparkling Moselle First award ; Moigneau Pere et Fils, Epernay, France, Champagne Special first award. CHAMPION PRIZES. The Wine Jury asked for the Special Prized wines to be submitted again for a Champion award, when the following result was obtained : Class i Light White Wine, Lindeman's Hock, New South Wales. Class 2 Light Red Claret, Brache"'s Claret, Victoria. Class 3 Full-bodied Red Wine, G. F. Cleland and Co. Limited, South Australia. Class 4 Liqueur Wine, H. J. Scott and Co., South Australia. LIQUEURS. Duhr and Co., German Wine Company, Cologne. Benecalo Punch Special first award. Seide and Co., Breslau. Assortment of liqueurs Special first award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. IOJ CLASS LVIL Beer. Boag, James, and Son, Esk Brewery, Launceston. Tasmanian ales and stout, draught beer First award. Bottled ale Special first award. Bottled stout Special first award. Bulk ale Special first award. Hops Special first award. Malt First award. Fawns, J. G. S., Cornwall Brewery, Launceston. Bottled ale Special first award. Bottled stout Special first award. Bulk beer Special first award. Bulk ale (full body) First award. Malt Special first award. Hops First award. Abbott, W. H., Phoenix Brewery, Launceston. Ale in bottle First award. Light running beer on draught Second award. Ale on draught (good bitter) First award. Lindsay Brewery Company Limited, Orange, New South Wales. Bulk stout Special first award. Bulk ale First award. Button, Charles S., Ellesmere. Bottled ale, strong XXX, light body Highly commended. Younger and Son, George, Alloa, Scotland. Bottled ales and stout, Revolver brand Special first award. Pearson, George, Richmond, Victoria. Bottled Victorian stout First award. White, Edward, and Co., Dublin Brewery, Richmond, Victoria. Pale ale First award. Lager beer Special first award. Stout Second award, not being in condition. The above are all Victorian manufac- ture. Ehrenfried Bros., Auckland. Stout in bulk Special first award. Light ale in bottle First award. Stout in bottle Special first award. Australian Brewery and Wine and Spirit Company, Sydney. Beer and stout in bulk and bottle Special first award as a collective exhibit. Toohey, J. T. J., Sydney. Ales and porters First award as a collec- tive exhibit. CHAMPION PRIZES. Boag, James, and Son, Launceston. Stout in bottle and ale in bulk Champion prize for Tasmania. Fawns, J. G. S., Launceston. Ale in bottle Champion prize for Tasmania. White, Edward, and Co., Richmond, Victoria. Victorian lager beer in bottle Champion prize. Ehrenfried Bros., Thames, Auckland. Light running ale in bulk not exceeding 22lb. gravity, stout in bulk and bottle Champion prize against the whole of the Colonies. CLASS LVIL Fermented Drinks : Wines (still and sparkling), Beer, Cider, Perry, Brandy, Whisky, Gin, Liqueurs, etc. Button, C. S., Ellesmere. Ginger wine Hon. mention. CLASS LVIL Whisky and Brandy. M'Nab, Andrew, and Co., Leith, Scotland. Galley brand old High- land whisky, in bottle Second award. Galley brand old Highland whisky, in bulk Special first award. I0 8 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Scott, H. J., South Australia. G. R. Scott and Co.'s old Highland whisky,'in bottle First award. Farrar, H. W., and Co., Melbourne. Greenlees Bros. Claymore whisky, in bottle First award. Dewar, John, and Sons, Perth, North Britain. Old Highland whisky Special first award. Saunders, Herbert, Yardley. Dawson and Co. s Claich Mohr fine old Highland whisky Highly commended. Delaage and Fils and Co., Cognac, France. Brandy Special first award. Duhr and Co. (German Wine Company), Cologne. Brandy First award. Irvine and McEachern, Launceston. Wines and spirits and oilmen's stores First award for collective exhibit. Coleman's Irish whisky First award. CLASS LVIL Cordials. Bosisto, J., and Co., Richmond, Victoria. Liquor eucalypto, an aromatic tonic and stomachic rarity Special first award. Ferguson, George Alfred, Excelsior Cordial Words, Dubbo, New South Wales. Aromatic quinine wine Special first award. Orange bitters Special first award. Peppermint First award. Lime juice cordial Special first award. Staughton bitters Special first award. Pine-apple cordial Special first award. Cloves cordial Special first award. Lemon syrup Highly commended. Ginger wine Special first award. Raspberry syrup First award. Sarsaparilla Highly com- mended. Hop bitters Highly commended. Newball and Mason, Nottingham, England. Ginger wine extract, etc. Highly commended. Wine essences, hop beers, etc. Highly commended. Todd, J. W., and Co. Limited, Melbourne. Lime juice First award for Victoria. Collection of oilmen's stores manufactured by the exhibitors Highly commended as a collective exhibit. Cornwall Company, per Hatton and Laws. Lime juice cordials, raspberry syrup, cherry syrup Highly commended. Hatton and Laws, Launceston. Collection of summer fruit drinks Special first award. Abbott, Mrs. M. E., Phoenix Cordial Factory, Launceston. Dark bitters (tonic) Special first award. Hop bitters (tonic) Special first award. Cloves cordial Fir-st award. Quinine wine cordial Special first award. Peppermint cordial Special first award. Raspberry vinegar Special first award. Ginger brandy cordial Second award. Ginger wine cordial First award. Lemon syrup cordial Second award. Sarsaparilla cordial First award. Lime juice cordial First award for Tasmania. Aerated hop ale Special first award. Aerated dandelion ale Special first award. Aerated hop beer First award. Orange bitters Second award. Collective exhibit Special first award. Button, Charles S.,Ellesmere. Cordials Hon. mention for collective exhibit. Hop bitters Second award. Peppermint Second award. Orange bitters First award. Ginger brandy First award. Lemon syrup Special first award. Raspberry vinegar Second award. Lime juice Second award. Square Sarsaparilla Special first award. Cloves TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 109 Special first award. Hop tonic First award. Lemon squash Highly commended. Sodawater Highly commended. Ginger ale Highly commended. Lemonade Highly commended. Thrower, W. I., Launceston. Cordials First award as a collective exhibit. Maconochie Bros., Lowestoft, England. Lime juice cordial Special first award for Great Britain. CHAMPION FOR THE COLONIES. Ferguson, G. A., Excelsior Cordial Works, Dubbo, N.S.W. Lime juice cordial. CLASS LVII. Aerated Waters. Evans, Sons, and Co. Limited, Liverpool. Raspberry cordial Highly commended. Sarsaparilla cordial First award. Birmingham Vinegar Brewery Company, England. Holbrook's ginger beer powder Special first award. Maconochie Bros., Lowestoft, England. Lime juice Special first award for Great Britain. Button, Charles S., Ellesmere. Aerated waters Highly commended as a collective exhibit. Ungar and Son, Buda-Pesth. Bitter natural mineral water Special first award. Victoria natural mineral water Special first award. [The jurors strongly recommend these natural mineral and bitter waters to the notice of the medical profession.] Thrower, W. I., Launceston. Aerated waters First award as a col- lective exhibit. Egyptian bitters Special first award. Peppermint First award. Orange bitters Special first award. Ginger brandy Special first award. Lemon syrup First award. Raspberry vinegar First award. Cherry brandy Special first award. Square sarsaparilla Second award. Cloves Second award. Ginger wine Second award. Hop bitters First award. Lime juice Special first award. Hop beer Special first award. Lemonade dash Highly commended. Mont- serrat Highly commended. Tangerine Highly commended. Templar ale Highly commended. Cider First award. Lemon squash Highly commended. Ginger punch First award. Orange champagne First award. Jargonelle pear Highly commended. Pine-apple champagne Highly commended. Lemonade Highly commended. Sodawater First award. Ginger ale First award. Erp, John, and Sons, Hobart. White and brown vinegar Special first award. [The jurors make special note of its excellent quality.] Idris and Co., London. Kolozine First award. Ginger beer Special first award for Great Britain. Ginger ale Special first award for Great Britain. Olympic waters First award. Mammoth waters First award. Seltzer water First award. Sodawater Special first award for Great Britain. Potash Special first award. Lithia water Special first award. Lemonade Special first award. Quinine tonic water Special first award. [The jurors make special mention of the high quality of this tonic.] Mineral waters Hon. mention as a collec- tive exhibit. Birmingham Vinegar Brewery Company, England. Holbrook's fruit salt Special first award. HO OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Hinds and Co., Coventry, England. Aerated waters Hon. mention as a collective exhibit. Seltzer water First award. Kolozine First award. Ginger ale Second award. Ginger beer First award. Lemon squash Highly commended. Abbott, Mrs. M. E., Launceston. Syphons sodawater Special first award Syphons kali water Special first award. Lemonade Special first award. Ginger ale Special first award. Sodawater Special first award. Sarsaparilla First award. Fruit champagne Special first award! Kali water Special first award. Syphon seltzer water Special first award. Syphons lithia water Highly commended. CHAMPION PRIZE. Abbott, Mrs. M. E., Launceston. Champion prize for sodawater against all other samples submitted. CLASS LVIII. Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, Flowers, etc. Hurst Bros., Houndsditch, London. Vegetable seeds in glass bottles Hon. mention. Grasses (natural) mounted Hon. mention. Agri- cultural seeds in glass bottles Hon. mention. Flower seeds in glass bottles Hon. mention. Newey, R., and Sons, Launceston. Collection of preserved vegetable models Hon. mention. Collection of floral decorations Hon. men- tion. Collection of garden syringes or pumps Hon. mention. Carter, Jas., and Co., High Holborn, London. Collection of English seeds, collection of preserved vegetables, roots, etc. First award. Newey, R., and Sons, Launceston. Collection of agricultural seeds, fertilisers, heating apparatus, handlights, preserved vegetables, roots, etc. First award. Collection of grass and clover seeds First award. Hurst and Son, London. Collection of flower, vegetable, and agri- cultural seeds and garden requisites Second award. Sutton and Sons, Queen's seedsmen, Reading, England. Collection of horticultural seeds Special first award. Collection of vegetables and roots, modelled from nature First award. Collection of vegetable and flower seeds, showing the purity of the samples as supplied to the exhibitors' customers throughout the world First award. Collection of agricultural seeds as exhibited in educational cabinet First award. Sutton's seed germinators, literature, educational cabinet of grasses, flax in its various stages, knives and garden cutlery, hygrometer, fumigator, etc. First award. Sutton's concentrated manure First award. Natural grasses for permanent and temporary pastures First award. Three cabinets of garden requisites First award. Cabinet of garden cappers, including the Averruncator for pruning all trees First award. Spray diffuser First award. Garden syringes First award. Garden tools First award. Sutton's lawn mower First award. Keen, Robinson, and Bellville, London. Mustard seed First award. Canterbury Seed Company, Christchurch, New Zealand. English rye grass seed First award. Red clover First award. Cow grass and meadow fescue First award. Cocksfoot grass seed First award. [The above seeds were all grown in Canterbury, New Zealand.] Yates, Richard A., Launceston. Ladies' sprays, buttonhole bouquets First award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. Ill REPORT OF THE SPECIAL JURY. Having been appointed by the Commissioners to deal with the pro- tests entered by discontented exhibitors, and also to adjudicate on any exhibits which had not been judged, or had been entered in wrong classes, we beg to report that we have completed our task, and submit our decisions as under : 1. In the case of protests, two only could be entertained, being duly entered in conformity with the Rules and Regulations (17 and 18, page 23 of Catalogue). 2. One protest was entered by Messrs. Munnew and Co. against the award of H.C. to Messrs. Broadwood and Sons for a pianoforte, which the protest alleges had not been properly examined. At our suggestion an expert Mr. Thornthwaite was called. In our presence he examined all the instruments entered for compe- tition in the same Class, and at his recommendation we have raised Broadwood's piano from H.C. to a First Class Special. Mr. Thornthwaite certifies that this instrument is by far the best in the Exhibition. 3. The other protest was in the Type-writing Machine Class. In this case we referred to the jurors who made the awards, and rinding that they declined to alter their decision, promised to examine the whole of the exhibits critically ; and we have, after mature consideration, decided to award to the Yost typewriter a First Class Special for its perfect construction and simplicity of action. 4. In the New South Wales Court, amongst the mineral exhibits, we have raised the classification of the New South Wales shale and oil, the coke and calcinium paints, which we considered had been seriously underrated. 5. In the matter of Mr. Farrant's indiarubber exhibits, over which there has been unnecessary friction owing to that gentleman having from the outset acted in contravention with the rules, we called upon the jury appointed to judge the waterproof clothing (Messrs. Petterd and Room) to deal separately with that exhibit. After close inspection they awarded a First Class certificate for that exhibit, leaving it for another set of jurors to deal with the other indiarubber goods belonging to the same firm. Mr. Farrant failing to attend a summons, the jurors declined to act. We, therefore, had to take the matter in hand, and awards in this instance were made with the utmost care, and we trust that they will end this long-pending grievance. 6. The judging of wrongly classed exhibits and articles omitted or passed by the jurors, occupied the whole of last week. We are, however, glad to be able to report that our labours are now at an 112 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE end ; the awards have been handed over to the Secretary, and we trust that the Commissioners will approve of the manner in which we have dealt with both the protests as well as the com- plaints lodged in the Office either verbally or by letter. In conclusion, we beg to state that in all cases in which we have given redress the exhibitors have expressed to us their entire satisfaction. (Signed) W. R. MARSH E. WHITFELD JULES JOUBERT, Chairman. March 9, 1892. MISCELLANEOUS EXHIBITS. Petterd, W. F., Launceston. Design and erection of united silver trophy, and general arrangement of Mineral Court Special first award. Technological Museum, Sydney (T. H. Maiden, F.R.S., Curator). Scientific collection of New South Wales wool samples Special first award. Price's Patent Candle Company Limited, Battersea, London. Collec- tion of artistic show cards Second award. Monds, T. W., and Son, Carrick. Trophy as a collective exhibit Special first award. Walch Bros, and Birchall, Launceston. " Walch's Handbook of Gardening for Tasmania" First award. Clausen, C., Hamburg. Pavement of iron and asphalt, duly regis- tered and patented Hon. mention. [The special jury regret that in the absence of a practical test being made they cannot give a higher award.] Government Astronomer of New South Wales. Publications of scien- tific and astronomical observations Special first award. Munnew, A., Launceston. Pavilion made of Tasmanian woods Hon. mention. Cross, W., Liverpool. Water-colour painting descriptive of a natural- ist's business Hon. mention. The Australasian Special first award. Canterbury Times, New Zealand. Copy of that journal First award. Ttwn and Country Journal First award. The Queenslander First award. Publisher of Bell's Weekly Messenger. Copy of that journal First award for Great Britain. Publisher of Farm, Field, and Fireside. Copy of that journal Hon. mention for Great Britain. Publisher of Mark Lane Express. Copy of that journal First award for Great Britain. Sergeant, J. S., Sydney. Stain eradicator Hon. mention. White, R. P., Melbourne. Eradicator for removing stains Hon. mention. Federal cement Hon. mention. Huddart, Parker, and Co., Melbourne. Photographs of steamboats and saloons of same First award. Wacksmuth, R., Launceston. Samples of red-skinned potatoes First award. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 113 Walch Bros, and Birchall, Launceston. " Fenton's History of Tas- mania " Special first award. Price's Patent Candle Company, London. Model of the " Statue of Liberty " in stearine First award. Blackman, J. Thomas. Samples of paint, colours, etc. Special first award. Brach6 and Co., Melbourne. Trophy and collective exhibit Special first award. Binney, Catherine, Footscray. Portraits, etc., collective exhibit Special first award. Swallow and Ariell, Melbourne. Trophy and collective exhibit Special first award. Newton, E. E., and Sons, Launceston. Pegless clothes line Hon. mention. Adams, Griffiths, and Dudley, Launceston. Model of geometrical staircase for public buildings First award. Deane and Sons, Launceston. Samples of grainings Special first award. Munnew, Arthur, Launceston. For introducing into England native blackwoods of Tasmania in the construction of high-class pianofortes and music stools Special first award. Evans, Sons, and Co., Liverpool. Montserrat lime fruit juice cordial First award for Britain. Carter, Jas., and Co., London. Collection of seed grain and specimens of natural grasses First award. Edwards, A. E., Hobart. Working model of double cylinder steam engine First award. Butler, W. H., and Co., Melbourne. Portable selectors' oven First award. Mikolay, Gustav, Vienna. Pipes and cigarette holders First award. 114 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF JURORS. To the Commissioners of the Tasmanian Exhibition. GENTLEMEN, I have the honour to report that the judging and awards has been practically concluded. At the beginning of our labours I submitted to the juries the rules passed by the Commissioners for their guidance, and throughout their work the juries have implicitly followed the wishes of the Commis- sioners. The selection of jurors in some instances proved to be a work of time and patience, partly owing to the fact that many of the persons elected declined to act for various reasons. The total number of juries appointed was 50, and the number of jurors 101. We commenced our work on the 25th January, and com- pleted it on the i8th March. The exhibits were grouped alphabetically from A to H, but there were 59 classes to be adjudicated upon. The total number of awards made is 1451, of which 398 are Special, 672 First, 126 Second, and 255 Highly Commended. There were only two protests against the decision of the juries. These have been carefully investigated and satisfactorily adjusted. A Special Jury was appointed to deal with exhibits which had been erroneously classified. This jury also has dealt with complaints which were not actual protests, but merely slight errors in the awards. In all such cases this jury has dealt fairly with the complainants, and has given entire satisfaction. At the request of the Commissioners I have solicited and obtained from the juries separate prefatory reports, which will be found at the head of each of the groups. It would be invidious to mention any particular exbibit ; in fact, it would be difficult to say which of the Courts deserved the greatest credit. The number of awards may be taken as a criterion of the excellence of the exhibits, and a careful perusal of the award list will be the best guide in this matter. The valuable assistance I have received from the members of the various Juries, more especially from Messrs. Marsh, Whitfeld, and D. F. Scott, have materially lessened my work and responsibility. I have the honour, etc., JULES JOUBERT, Chairman of Juries. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 115 THE CLOSING CEREMONY Was performed by His Excellency the Governor on March 22nd, in the presence of a brilliant assemblage, comprising Cabinet Ministers, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, delegates to the Postal Conference, the Commandant, the Sheriff of Tasmania, the leading residents of Launceston, and a number of visitors from Hobart and the country districts. The arrangements made by Mr. Joubert were, like all that gentleman's work, exceedingly complete. A dais had been erected opposite to the main entrance to the Albert Hall for the accommodation of the vice-regal party, and space was reserved immediately in front of it for those ladies and gentlemen possessing the right of private entree, the season ticket- holders being also provided for, whilst the general public were seated in the galleries. The choir occupied the stage, the tasteful dresses of the lady members adding materially to the attractiveness or the scene. Punctually at three o'clock His Excellency the Governor, accom- panied by Lady Hamilton and Mr. Harry Hamilton, the Mayor (Mr. S. J. Sutton) wearing his official chain and robes, and the Mayoress, arrived, and was received by the Commissioners and the leading Exhibition officials. A guard of honour, composed of members of the Launceston Rifle Regiment, under Captain Sadler, with Lieutenant Burrows as subaltern, were drawn up on either side of the passage leading from the main entrance to the dais, where seats were provided for them. The following members of the Postal Conference, with ladies, were also accommodated with chairs on the dais : Hon. John Kidd, M.P., and Mrs. Kidd, New South Wales ; Hon. J. Gavan Duffy, M.P., and Mrs. and Miss Duffy, Victoria ; Hon. Theodore Unmack, M.P., and Mrs. Unmack, Queensland; Mr. and Mrs. J. Smibert, Melbourne ; Hon. Wm. Copley, M.P., Adelaide ; Hon. R. A. Sholl, West Australia ; Mr. S. H. Lampton, New South Wales ; and Mr. T. C. Just, Secretary to the Conference ; also the members of the Tasmanian Ministry, Hons. B. S. Bird, Treasurer ; A. T. Pillinger, Minister of Lands ; and A. I. Clark, Attorney-General ; the Commandant, Colonel Warner ; and the Staff- Adjutant, Major Wallack. The hall was crowded, there being over 2000 present, including the Mayor of Hobart, Mr. T. A. Reynolds, with Aldermen G. Hiddlestone, G. S. Crouch, J. Baily, W. Smith, and J. W. Johnson, with the Town Clerk, Mr. W. H. Smith ; the Aldermen of Launceston, hon. Adye Douglas, M.L.C., Messrs. H. Edgell, D. Scott, E. H. Panton, P.Barrett, i 2 Il6 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE M.H.A., W. I. Thrower, H. J. Dean, and R. H. Price, and the Town Clerk, Mr. C. W. Rocher ; and many of the leading citizens of Hobart and Launceston. The interior of the hall presented a very brilliant and animated appear- ance, this effect, of course, being due, to a considerable degree, to the large attendance of ladies, without whom the imposing ceremony would have lost much of its interest. The dais upon which the vice-regal party were seated was tastefully draped and furnished, the surroundings being in keeping with the occasion. The Exhibition orchestra and choir mus- tered in force, and the assemblage altogether may be said to have been save for the absence of representatives of H.M. Navy on a par with that of the opening ceremony. Upon the arrival of His Excellency, the regimental band played the National Anthem, and this was taken up by the orchestra and choir, the solos being rendered by Misses Ida Cox and Alice Grant. The Executive Commissioner (Mr. S. J. Sutton) opened the proceed- ings by offering the following prayer : " Almighty God, the Creator and Preserver of all things in heaven and earth, we, the creatures of Thine hand, desire to render in all humility the homage due to Thee. We thank Thee for the gifts of understanding and knowledge by which Thou hast taught us to search and apply the wondrous products of the arts and industries of men for the ultimate benefit of Thy creatures. Accept, we beseech Thee, our heartfelt thanks and gratitude, especially at this time when we are about closing this great gathering from all nations in the midst of the people of this island. Subdue in us all pride and vanity for the great success we have achieved, and teach us so to labour and use the knowledge we have acquired through this Exhibition of the work and handicraft of mankind that we may ever after benefit by the same, and in so doing work out the purposes of Thy holy will. Kindle our brotherly affection and gratitude towards all those who have assisted us in this great under- taking. Extend Thy blessing and Divine protection on all those who are about to leave our shores to return to their distant homes. We offer unto Thee our praise and prayer for a continuance of the further pro- gress and advancement of that knowledge and wisdom which have led to the achievements in skill, handicraft, and discoveries which have been displayed within these walls beseeching Thee to accept and bless them to our use. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who, with Thee and the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth ever one God, world without end. Amen." The choir then rendered in a very impressive manner Mr. Brunton Stephens' Australasian National Anthem. The Executive Commissioner read the following address : " To His Excellency Sir Robert George Crookshank Hamilton, K.C.M.G. " YOUR EXCELLENCY, "We, the Commissioners for the Tasmanian Exhibition, desire once again to welcome you within these walls, and repeat to you, as the representative of Her Most Gracious Majesty, the assurance of our devoted loyalty to Her Majesty's crown and person. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. IIJ "On the 25th of November last your Excellency was pleased to declare this Exhibition open to the public. " For the warm interest manifested by your Excellency from the in- ception of the undertaking we have to express to your Excellency our deep gratitude. " The Commissioners have much pleasure in stating that universal satisfaction was expressed by the Press and the public with all the arrangements in connection with the opening ceremony, the general working of the Exhibition, the jury work, and, indeed, everything in connection with this great undertaking. " The duties of the Commissioners have been made easy, owing to the willing co-operation of the official and other representatives from Great Britain, the Continent of Europe, and the sister colonies, as well as the exhibitors from our own island. " We are glad of an opportunity to tender here publicly our thanks to those gentlemen with whom it has been our privilege to come in contact, and with whom we have become better acquainted since the opening of this Exhibition. We hope that they will, one and all, carry with them to their distant homes a pleasing recollection of their stay in Tasmania. We also trust that commercially they will reap the benefit of the con- nections they may have formed in this colony. " One of the attractions of this Exhibition has been the music in the Albert Hall. We would fail in our duty if we omitted to thank the ladies and gentlemen of the choir, who, under the conductorship of Mr. A. Wallace, have done such good service. " We have to record our recognition of the arduous work of the jurors who have awarded prizes in the several groups, with so much care and attention that the protests have been so few and so readily adjusted that we may justly say that the awards have given universal and unanimous satisfaction. "The attendance from the day of opening to the closing numbers 243,000, which, taken as compared with the total population of this city (17,248), or that of Tasmania (146,667), compares more than favour- ably with the records of previous Exhibitions in any part of the globe. " It is gratifying to state that amongst the visitors a fair number came from Europe, and a very large proportion from the sister colonies. " Thanks to the liberality of the Government and of the chief of the Railway Department, arrangements were made by the railway for a very large number of our fellow-colonists from almost every part of the island, and nearly all the State-school children have had an opportunity of visiting the Exhibition. " Financially, we think that the Tasmanian Exhibition will prove an exception to the general rule, and leave a balance in the hands of the Commissioners. n8 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE " Prior to calling on your Excellency to declare the Exhibition closed we beg to hand yom the following list of awards which have been made, as under : Country. Special First. First. Second. Hon. mention. Total. Great Britain i*3 2IO 12 28 363 France 4 13 2 19 Germany II 6 2 '9 Austria 7 6 I 2 16 Italy 3 3 Switzerland ... 1 i i United States 5 5 10 Victoria 70 133 20 37 260 New South Wales ... 40 34 II 12 97 South Australia 17 18 8 3 46 Queensland ... 4 3 i 8 New Zealand H 22 6 6 48 Tasmania "3 218 68 .162 561 Total 398 6 7 2 126 255 1451 His Excellency, in reply, said : Commissioners of the Tasmanian International Exhibition : Before declaring this Exhibition closed in accordance with your desire, I wish to express my high appreciation of the labours of those gentlemen upon whom the conduct of it has devolved, and to congratulate all concerned upon the wonderful success this Exhibition has attained. (Cheers.) Undertakings of this sort have become an important factor in this age of progress, and I join with you in the hope that the community of Tasmania will reap substantial benefit from the Tasmanian International Exhibition of 1891-92. (Cheers.) I rejoice to hear that everything connected with this Exhibition has been so satisfactory, and that such ready and efficient help has been afforded to the undertaking by all connected with it, as well as by the Press, who have given to its proceedings the prominence they deserve. Having regard to the population of Launceston and of Tasmania generally, the TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 119 number of admissions is, I believe, unprecedentedly numerous, and your anticipation that this great undertaking will not only be accom- panied by no financial loss, but that a substantial balance will remain in the hands of the Commissioners, is matter for the greatest congratula- tion. (Cheers.) I now declare this Exhibition closed. His Excellency then resumed his seat amidst cheers. The official representatives of the various countries exhibiting occupied seats on the left side of the dais, and at the conclusion of the addresses and reply they were called upon by His Excellency to receive the declara- tion of awards in the following order : Great Britain, Mr. Arthur Day ; France, M. Victor Laruelle ; Germany, Austria, and Italy, Herr Bossomaier ; Victoria, Mr. D. Fergus Scott ; New South Wales, Mr. H. B. Hardt ; South Australia, Mr. F. Notley Meadows ; Queensland, Mr. Louis Saber; New Zealand, Mr. F. Notley Meadows; Tasmania, Mr. Alex. Morton. Switzerland and the United States were not repre- sented. As each representative stepped to the dais to receive the awards he was accorded a cordial round of applause, considerable enthusiasm being manifested at the appearance of Mr. Arthur Day and Mr. D. Fergus Scott. "The Old Hundredth," sung by the choir, brought the proceedings to a close. It may be added that the singing was excellent throughout, and that Mr. A. Wallace as usual conducted, Miss Frost presiding at the organ. THE BRITISH ' 1 AT HOME." On the evening of the closing date Mr. Arthur Day, the Official Agent for Great Britain, gave an " At Home" in the building. The Court was closed to the public, and was adorned with choice flowers and fairy lights, whilst tables laden with light refreshments were placed in various parts of the room for the space, with its nicely-grouped chairs and sparkling ornaments, really resembled a drawing-room. The names of the guests were announced as they entered the Court, and the guests were received by the genial host with that cordiality with which he always greets his visitors. The popularity of the Official Agent for Great Britain was testified to by the number of ladies and gentlemen who accepted his invitation, amongst whom were His Excellency the Governor and Lady Hamilton, Cabinet Ministers of Tasmania and the Colonies, the Executive Commissioner, the Official Agents for Austria, Germany, France, Victoria, New South Wales, and New Zealand, Mr. Ford (representing the New South Wales Department of Mines), and the leading citizens of Launceeton. A string band played musical selec- tions in the early part of the evening, and later on the services of St. Joseph's Band were engaged. The " At Home " was in every respect a thorough success. It opened with a hearty British welcome, and closed with a cordial greeting from one who has made many friends in this city. At the termination of the " At Home," the Mayor called for three cheers for Mr. Day, which were very heartily given, the building echoing 120 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE again and again with the tribute of respect and warm feeling shown to the British representative. After this the good old chorus " He's a jolly good fellow " was given. Mr. Arthur Day, in acknowledging the compliment, said that he was exceedingly glad to have been present at the Tasmanian International Exhibition. He had made many new friends while he had been in Launceston, and he had renewed his acquaintance with many he had met in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, and Dunedin. To all those friends he extended his most hearty thanks for the kindly courteousness they had displayed towards him. He had spent a pleasant time while in Tasmania. There might be some people here who considered he "pushed" Great Britain too much (cries of "No, no! It is our mother country!") but he would, wherever he was, endeavour to for- ward the interests of that dear land, and unless he in his position as its representative came first in connection with exhibitions he would not go at all. England was justly proud of the little colony in which he was at present representing her. She knew that the resources of the island were great, and that her people were right loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen. Some insignificant and ill-advised people in the Colonies endeavoured to raise the cry of separation from the mother land (inter- jections of " No, never !") but that could never be, for if they ever seriously attempted such a course they must sink. He would like all to be unanimous in wishing to keep Great Britain and her dependencies united as one whole nation, with the same sympathies and destiny. The standard of Great Britain could not be lowered, and they, as subjects, should do all in their power to maintain its historic glory. In conclusion, he again thanked those from whom he had received so many kindnesses in Launceston. THE MAYORAL PICNIC. The official closing of the Tasmanian International Exhibition formed the occasion of an exceedingly pleasant picnic at Denison Gorge on March 23rd, when 161 guests assembled at the invitation of the Mayor, Mr. S. J. Sutton, M.H.A. A special train left the Launceston railway station at eleven o'clock, and arrived at its destination a couple of hours later, having made a short stay at one of the wayside stations, where the fragrant weed was distributed to smokers amongst the party. A large marquee had been erected at the Gorge, and was tastefully decorated with flags and evergreens, whilst a recherche luncheon was spread beneath its shelter. Denison Gorge is a romantic spot, and the minds of those present could not but contrast the present with the past, and speculate upon the surprise which the pioneer residents of the district would have experienced at seeing tables laden with choice viands at the Denison Gorge. The catering was all that could be desired; indeed, it was in keeping with the reputation for princely hospitality which Mayor Sutton has acquired. His Worship was untiring in his endeavours to promote the pleasure and comfort of his guests, and was ably assisted by the Town Clerk, Mr. C. W. Rocher, to whose excellent arrange- ments much of the success of the gathering must be attributed. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 121 Very soon after the arrival of the train the guests sat down to partake of the good things provided. The chair was occupied by Mayor Sutton, who had on his right the Treasurer (Hon. B. S. Bird), Attorney-General (Hon. A. I. Clark), Minister of Lands (Hon. A. T. Pillinger). Mr. P. Barrett, M.H.A., and Mr. Henry Button ; and on his left the Mayor of Hobart (Mr. Reynolds), the Speaker of the House of Assembly (Hon. N. J. Brown), Hon. Adye Douglas, and Hon. W. Dodery, M.L.C. After ample justice had been done to the viands, The Mayor proposed the usual loyal toasts, "The Queen," "The Prince and Princess of Wales," and "His Excellency the Governor" who was unavoidably absent and made feeling reference to the recent royal bereavement. The toasts were loyally honoured. Mr. H. Button proposed " The Ministry." In doing so he said under the British Constitution the Sovereign, the Lords, and the Commons had to form the laws ; but Gladstone had told them that a fourth estate had grown up, and that was the Ministry, who were charged with the respon- sibility of seeing that the laws were duly carried out, that the subordi- nate departments were worked properly, and to endeavour by every possible means to advance the interests of the country, and to advise measures for the achievement of these advantages. In some of the British Colonies lately Canada especially there had been an amount of corruption that had brought discredit upon some of their institutions ; certainly upon the Administration in Canada ; but it had never been the misfortune of Tasmania, throughout all the changes of Administration, to record anything approaching what had occurred there ; and he thought that they could all give the Government of the day credit [for having acted according to the best of their judgment. (Cheers.) It was necessary that opinions should differ, for a conflict of opinion generally led to bringing out the truth (hear) and Tasmania had had the good fortune to have a succession of Ministries who had certainly not brought disgrace upon the colony. (Cheers.) There were very often outside influences which were prejudicial to the administration of the law. Personal interests were sometimes antagonistic to the general interests of the community, and it was possible to take advantage of the " powers that be" to carry them out ; but he thought they had very little to complain of in that respect, and he was quite sure that their popula- tion would continue to maintain that vigilance in regard to the administration of the affairs of the country which, he believed, had had a great deal to do with their present position. (Cheers.) Mill said " The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." Whatever confidence they might have in the Ministry, however they might admire them, they must watch them (a voice : "We do") and watch others outside as well. (Hear.) He thought the present Ministry had really played a very important and successful part in our little politics, and at any rate in the great event which had brought them together to-day the celebration of the close of the Tasmanian International Exhibition, which owed a con- siderable amount of its success to the assistance afforded by the Ministry of the day. They had required a little pressure, no doubt (Hear, hear, and laughter) but it was their duty to require pressure. If every project that human ingenuity could devise were to receive aid from the Treasury by merely proposing it they would be involved in endless I22 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE expenditure. Holding these views he had great pleasure in proposing " The health of the Ministry." The toast was enthusiastically drunk, the company singing " For they are jolly good fellows." The Treasurer (Hon. B. S. Bird), who was received with loud and continued cheering, in responding to the toast, expressed regret that his hon. colleague the Premier (Hon. P. O. Pysh) was not present, for, knowing the flights of eloquence into which he could rise, he (Mr. Bird) felt at a disadvantage. However, he had to thank them, and he did thank them, on behalf of the Ministry, very heartily for the very kind way in which the toast had been received, and would endeavour to cut his remarks, as his colleague, the Premier, always did, very short. (Laughter.) They were supposed to be celebrating the funeral of the Tasmanian International Exhibition. (Cries of "No, there is a big kick in it yet.") Well, there were evidently believers in resurrection, but in what form the Exhibition was going to live after its closing he did not know. However, they were celebrating the official closing, and they all felt that it had been prosperous. Many in Hobart had looked forward with a large amount of interest to the opening, and many doubted whether it would be a success, but all were gratified to see that the attendance had been good, and the efforts of the Commissioners had been so successful, and the show what it ought to have been. (Cheers.) Indeed, they all felt that it had exceeded their most sanguine anticipa- tions. He was wondering what the Commissioners were going to do with the surplus. (A voice : " Give it to the Treasurer. 5 ') He was trying to remember whether the Government had paid over the whole of the ^4000 that Parliament had so generously voted for the Exhibition. There was to be a surplus of some 2000 (a voice : " ^"3000 ") and the Mayor was very reticent about this sum. But he had been giving him some advice concerning it. There was a lot of depression in some of the colonies at the present time, and he could hardly hope, sanguine as he was in most things, to do without " putting on the screw," as Treasurer, and a thousand or two would be acceptable from the surplus (a voice : " Don't you wish you may get it ?" and laughter) if the Mayor, with his well-known generosity, would hand it over. (Laughter.) For the very kind things that had been said of the Ministry he and he was sure he spoke for his colleagues was very grateful. He thought it might be said that all the Ministries who had held office in the colony had endeavoured honestly and earnestly to do their best for the colony, and trusted that the time was far distant when men would hold office who would be actuated by any other motives. (Cheers.) As for the present Ministry, they all knew that they administered the laws so well that nothing was ever said against them ; they did all things so well, even down to the minor details of customs in relation to customs. (Laughter.) It was a good thing that the Ministry had a watchful Opposition, both in the Parliament and the Press, and he always tried to profit by fair criticism, and tried to show it up if it was not fair. (Hear, hear.) He concluded by expressing the hope that the Govern- ment would profit by past experience, and that in the present Ministry the people of this colony had a Government in whom they might worthily place their confidence. (Cheers.) Mr. Alex. Webster (one of the Commissioners) proposed the toast of " The Parliament of Tasmania." As treasurer of the Exhibition, he said TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 123 he would know pretty clearly where the money was going before he signed a cheque. (Laughter.) He thought the Parliament of Tasmania would bear very favourable comparison with those of the adjoining colonies. They had their " ins and outs," and those who were out did all they possibly could to change places with those who were fortunate enough to be in, and so Parliament ran on. There were many who criticised their Parliament, and sometimes the criticism was deserved, but he thought members were entitled to their thanks for the services they had rendered to the colony. Alluding to the Exhibition, he paid a tribute to the Mayor, who had taken so active a part in it, and to all those who had assisted in making it the most successful Exhibition in the colonies. He was sure that the Government would be recouped for the amount of money they had advanced, and that the country generally would derive immense benefit from the Exhibition. (Cheers.) The Hon. Wm. Dodery briefly responded on behalf of the Legislative Council. The Hon. Nicholas Brown (Speaker of the House of Assembly) in responding on behalf of that body expressed his thanks for the manner in which the toast had been received. They had often been told, he said, that Parliament was what the people made it ; but while that was per- fectly true, it was only a half truth, for Parliament was very much what members themselves made it. (Hear, hear.) So long, however, as they recognised the truths and doctrines which underlaid the constitu- tion, then Parliamentary institutions would be a success, and as far as Tasmania was concerned, it would, as Mr. Webster had said, bear favourable comparison with other colonies. Where they had failed it was owing to a want of recognition of the laws of the foundation of the Constitution. He alluded to the work done by the present Ministry, and passing on to the Exhibition expressed the opinion that its good results would be felt for many years. One of the results, it was hoped, would be the removal of the restrictions which had been gradually built up against each other's commerce. With regard to the Mayor of Launceston, when the future historian of Tasmania recorded the events of 1891-92, amongst the names of those who had done good service to the country would be that of Samuel J, Sutton. (Loud and continued cheering.) He again thanked them for the way in which the toast had been honoured, and wished the Exhibition a successful issue. (Cheers.) The Hon. Adye Douglas proposed "The Municipal Institutions throughout Tasmania," and in doing so alluded to the great amount of good derived by the people from Municipal government, and the assistance the various Councils, Trusts, and Boards were to the Parlia- ment. At the same time he would like to see the system extended in Tasmania, so that the people would better understand the power they possessed having a voice in the election of members of Parliament. The toast was enthusiastically drunk. The Mayor of Hobart (Mr. T. A. Reynolds), in responding, alluded to the criticisms to which members of Municipal Institutions and Par- liament were subjected, and expressed the opinion that although com- plaints were made of the taxies levied, the results of the Corporation expenditure were sufficient return for the money paid by the citizens in this form. Hon. A. I. Clark (Attorney- General) proposed the health of the Commissioners of the Tasmanian International Exhibition. He had not 124 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE the pleasure of being present at the opening, but was pleased at witness- ing the ceremony which took place at the close of a career of success. He believed the Commissioners had done the whole colony good a good which would be felt outside the colony. The Exhibition had effectually removed the slur cast upon Tasmania by people who called it " Sleepy Hollow," for it had shown that its people could do as well as -any others, and perhaps better. (Cheers.) One .particular feature of the Exhibition was that the Commissioners exactly measured what could be done they had not fallen into contempt by making it too small, nor had they brought about a fiasco by attempting too much. The Exhibi- tion would be long remembered in the history of the colony, and the Commissioners also, who had rendered a national service. The Mayor, who was received with cheers, in responding, said the Commissioners had adapted themselves to circumstances. But they owed a very great debt to several factors the principal of which was the Municipal Council, who had built the Albert Hall, without which the Exhibition could not have succeeded (hear) the next was the fact that the Tasmanian Government had contributed ^4000 towards the object, and he believed that from the Premier downwards the Parliament were satisfied with the result of their liberality, for the Commissioners had done their best, and the result financially and otherwise was good. (Hear.) He was one of those who expected great results from the Exhibition, both in this and the other colonies (cheers) and, moreover, it would stimu- late the southern capital to hold a similar Exhibition in future years. (Hear.) The results of the Exhibition would not only be enjoyed by themselves, for some of them would soon shuffle off this mortal coil, but by their children, who would reap the lull advantage. His brother Commissioners had also been stimulated by the same idea. They had played their little game, and let them hope there were better things to follow. If there were any dissatisfied people in the community let them ask themselves if it was possible that a body of less than a quarter of a million of people could carry out such an institution without good results following ? (Cheers.) Mr. Jules Joubert (General Manager) who, in rising to respond, was received with loud and continued cheering, said he had been nine or ten months in Launceston, having come at the solicitation of his friend Mr. Sutton, and at the suggestion, when he was in Dunedin, of his friend Mr. A. Barrett. He had always been told that Tasmania was a little paradise, and after ten months residence he must tell them that he had travelled the world over and never was in a country more charming, oth in regard to climate and people. Certainly the people were some- times slow to move, but when they did move it was for a good purpose. It was a matter for wonder how warmly the Commissioners had plunged into the project for the Exhibition. They did not join the eight hours movement, but had worked many hours a day ; and though he had been connected with forty-seven exhibitions, he had never seen one so suc- cessful as that which had just closed. (Cheers.) It was successful, in the first instance, because wisdom had selected for it a site which, geographically, was the most acceptable in the colony, being easily accessible to the larger sister colonies ; and then it was carried out by earnest men whose hearts were in the right place. (Cheers.) As the chairman had told them, the Corporation had erected a magnificent building, which for years to come would be an ornament to the city ; TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 125 and as for the money they had borrowed for it was really borrowing it had been returned, for the Treasurer would find that the increase of traffic on the railways and the increase of revenue from the Customs duties would amply repay the Government. (Hear, hear.) Moreover, the extension of the trade of the colony with the world at large would be a great benefit to the Treasurer. They knew that a great many visitors had taken an interest in the mining industry, and he believed that nine-tenths of the money realised by some of those who were connected with the Exhibition had been invested in mining in the colony. The views of the people had been expanded, and the results of the Exhibition, far from dying out, would remain a permanent benefit to the colony. As for himself, he had not benefited pecuniarily largely, but he had benefited in having made a large number of staunch friends, and when he left Tasmania the list of his friends would be largely increased. There were some people could regret him, and he asked whom on earth the statesman he meant the Democrat, and all democrats thought they were statesmen would have to abuse when he had gone. That was not a lapsus lingua, and he would like to have the Democrat sent to him after he left the colony, because qui bene amat bene castigat if it did not like him it would not chastise him. (Laughter and cheers.) The Hon. A.T. Pillinger (Minister of Lands), in an appropriate speech, proposed the health of the Mayor, alluding in happy terms to the fact that much of the success of the Exhibition was due to that gentleman's energy. The Mayor briefly returned thanks. Mr. Peter Barrett proposed the toast of " The Exhibitors and Visitors," and in doing so alluded in flattering terms to the visiting representatives, and to the excellent taste which had been displayed in the arrangement of the products of the various countries. He referred to the difficulty which had existed in the primary negotiations in connection with the Exhibition, and said when the Ministry were approached first they were the most unbelieving set that he had ever met with. (Laughter). How- ever, they had redeemed their reputation, and he was glad that all had ended well. The toast was cordially honoured. Mr. D. Fergus Scott responded, and regretted that Mr. Arthur Day and the representatives of foreign countries, South Australia, New Zealand, and New South Wales were absent. On behalf of Victoria he returned hearty thanks for the manner in which the company had honoured the toast, and in a few happy remarks referred to the pleasant relations which had always existed between the exhibitors and the Com- missioners, and hoped that the Exhibition would more closely federate the colonies. Mr. H. Nicholls (editor of the Hobart Mercury) also responded, and referred to the fact that when he was approached by the Executive Commissioner to give his support to the Exhibition he had consented to do so, and done so without any jealousy as to North and South. (Cheers.) He was present to offer his congratulations upon the success of the Exhibition, and not to speak paltry nonsense of North or South. The success of the Exhibition had been splendid ; they had accom- plished more than he could have believed possible under the most favourable circumstances, and he congratulated them heartily upon it. (Cheers.) 126 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Mr. A. Barrett proposed the toast " The Ladies," and in doing so accorded a graceful and happy tribute to the Lady Mayoress (Mrs. S. J. Sutton). Hon. H. I. Rooke appropriately responded. The remaining toasts were "The Press," proposed by Mr. John Henry M.H.A., responded to by Mr. Ronald W. Smith (Launceston Examiner'), Mr. J. W. McWilliams (Daily Telegraph), Mr. H. Nicholls (Hobart Mercury), and Mr. Sharpe (Democrat}, and "The Host" (Mayor Sutton) . Luncheon over, the visitors divided themselves into parties, and strolled up the Gorge until the bell sounded for the return trip, but before taking their seats in the train their thoughtful host had provided tea and biscuits for their delectation. The weather, which was somewhat threat- ening in the morning, did not fulfil the apprehensions which were enter- tained, the clerk, no doubt, feeling that when the sun of prosperity had beamed so continuously on the Tasmanian International Exhibition it would be bad taste on his part to throw a damper on its concluding incident. The special left the Gorge at 5' 15 p.m., and reached the terminal station at 7 p.m., and the hearty cheers which the guests, when they alighted upon the platform, tendered to the -Mayor and Mayoress constituted a compliment as well deserved as it was hearty and 'spon- taneous. AGRICULTURAL & HORTICULTURAL SHOW. On April i and 2 an Inter-Tasmanian Agricultural and Horticultural Show was held in the Exhibition building, which resulted in the best and most comprehensive display yet made in the colony. The southern societies and residents, notably Mr. C. E. Davies, Secretary to the Tas- manian Pastoral and Agricultural Association, entered heartily into the project, and contributed largely to the success which fittingly crowned the career of the Exhibition. The following were the judges : GROUPS A. and B. CEREALS, GRASS and OTHER FARM SEEDS. Messrs. S. J. Sutton, E. Gaunt, G. P. Hudson. GROUP C. ROOTS. Messrs. E. H. Sutton, sen., D. Burke, James Lamont. GROUPS D., E., and G. VEGETABLES, FRUIT, HOPS, and HORTICUL- TURAL. Messrs. Box, Stewart, T. Wade, Robertson, M. E Robinson E. Whitfeld. DAIRY PRODUCE. Messrs. Johnston, sen. (Hobart), R. Douglas Harris, W. R Marsh. POULTRY. Messrs. George Padman, W. McElwee, H. Heald. DOGS. Messrs. T. H. Bosworth, T. Carr, H. Weedon. GROUP I. MACHINERY. Messrs. A. Webster, Wm. Luck, Jas. Scott. APICULTURE. Messrs. W. Smith and S. Bendall. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 127 F :R i z E LIST. GROUP A. CEREALS. Winter Wheat First prize, 2 ; second, i. T. W. Monds and Son, Carrick, 2\ bushels, grown by John Friend, Glenore, 67^1b., i ; W. H. D. Archer, Brickendon, Longford, Braemar Velvet, 65|lb., 2 ; York, Schmidt, and Company, Sheffield, Kentishbury, Boutcher's Velvet, grown by George Morris, f>^\b., H.C. Spring Wheat First prize, 2 ; second, i. T. W. Monds and Son, 3^ bushels, grown by John Hall, Blshopsbourne, 6g^\b., i ; R. Newey and Sons, Launceston, i bag, 681b., 2. Wheat in sheaf, 6 sheaves First prize, \. York, Schmidt, and Co., Boutcher's Velvet, grown by Messrs. C. and W. Banfield, 681b., i. Chevalier Barley First prize, i. W. F. B. French, Glenore, 6olb. English Barley First prize, i. R. Newey and Sons. Cape Barley First prize, \ ; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i bag, i ; W. H. D. Archer, from half an acre of land, yield 32 bushels, 2. Tartarian Oats First prize, i. R. Newey and Sons. Milling Oats, any variety, name of oats to be stated First prize, i ; second, medal. T. W. Monds and Son, 54ilb., i ; J. Scott and Son, Leith Mill, River Forth, 52^5., 2; York, Schmidt, and Co., Sheffield, Kentishbury, grown by Mr. A. G. Peart, 53ilb., H.C. Oats in sheaf, 6 sheaves First prize, i ; second, certificate of merit. York, Schmidt, and Company, Sheffield, Kentishbury, grown by David Hope. Rye Prize, medal. R. Newey and Sons, 2. Golden Tares Prize, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i ; A. Harrap and Son, Cameron Street, 2. Grey Tares Prize, medal. R. Newey and Sons. Grey Peas Prize, medal. W. F. B. French, Glenore, i ; York, Schmidt, and Co., grown by John Hope, 2 ; R. Newey and Sons, H.C. Dun Peas Prize, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i ; A. Harrap and Son, 2. 1 Any other Cereal, not otherwise enumerated Prize, medal. Henry Williams, Hillside, Ulverstone, i bag white peas, i ; F. W. Briggs, Scottsdale, bag of Johnson's Wonderful beans, i and 2 ; R. Newey and Sons, bag blue peas, H.C. Flour (Roller), i sack, from Tasmanian wheat First prize, 2 ; second, i. John Luck and Co., West Devonport, i ; T. W. Monds and Son, 2 ; Thomas Affleck and Son, Longford, H.C. Oatmeal, i cwt. First prize, i ; second, medal. T. W. Monds and Son, i ; J. Scott and Son, 2. Rolled Oats, i cwt. First prize, i. T. W. Monds and Son. Pearl Barley, i cwt. First prize, i. T. W. Monds and Son. Milling Wheat, i sack. Special prize by Daniel Archer, Esq., Long- ford Hall, /i is. W. H. D. Archer. i bushel White Wheat, i bushel Tartarian Oats, i bushel Cape Bar- ley, i bushel Italian Grass Seed shown collectively, and grown in Tasmania Special prize, by George F. Thirkell, Esq., Darlington Park, i is. R. Newey and Son, Launceston. Extra. A. Harrap and Son, Cameron Street, Launceston, blue peas. 128 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE GROUP B. GRASS SEEDS AND OTHER FARM SEEDS. English Rye Grass Seed First prize, IDS.; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i ; A. Harrap and Son, 2. Italian Rye Grass Seed First prize, IDS.; second, medal. John Langdon, Eskavillaton, King's Meadows, i and 2. Cocksfoot Grass Seed First prize, IDS.; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i ; F. W. Briggs, 2. Meadow Fescue Grass Seed First prize, IDS. R. Newey and Sons. Timothy Grass Seed First prize, los. R. Newey and Sons. Prairie Grass Seed First prize, IDS.; second, medal. A. Harrap and Son, i ; R. Newey and Sons, 2. Rib Grass Seed First prize, IDS. R. Newey and Sons, i and 2. White Clover Seed First prize, ios.; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i and 2. Red Clover Seed First prize, ios.; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i and 2. Hop Clover Seed First prize, ios. ; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons. Lucerne Seed First prize, ios. R. Newey and Sons. Trefoil First prize, ios.; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons. Any species of grass or Clover Seed not otherwise enumerated First prize, ios. ; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i bag Cow Grass Clover, English, i; R. Newey and Sons, i bag Hungarian Forage Grass, 2 ; R. Newey and Sons, i bag Alsyke Clover, English, H.C. Canary Seed First prize; ios. R. Newey and Sons. Hemp Seed First prize, ios. R. Newey and Sons. Rape Seed First prize, ios. R. Newey and Sons. Linseed First prize, ios.; second, medal. Hatton and Laws, i and 2 ; R. Newey and Sons, H.C. Meadow Soft Grass. R. Newey and Sons. Collection of Agricultural Seeds Prize, i. R. Newey and Sons. Extra. Thomas Affleck and Son, Longford, Digestive Meal. GROUP C. ROOTS. Long Mangolds, 6 First prize, ios.; second, medal. W.E. Shoobridge, I ; J. Marshall, Strath, Hagley, 2. Yellow Globe Mangolds, 6 First prize, ios.; second, medal. R. Newey and Sons, i and 2 ; W. E. Shoobridge, H.C. Swede Turnips, 6 First prize, ios.; second, medal. J. Woolnough, Evandale Junction, i ; York, Schmidt, and Co., grown by Joseph Cox, area under crop 2 acres, average yield 10 tons, 2. Field Carrots, i sack First prize, ios.; second, medal. W. E. Shoobridge, i ; R. Newey and Sons, 2. Garden Carrots, i sack First prize, ios.; second, medal. W. E. Shoobridge, i ; W. Ling, 2 and H.C. Parsnips, i sack First prize, ios.; second, medal. W. E. Shoobridge, i ; J. Marshall, 2 ; J. H. Huett, Harbourne, near Elizabeth Town, H.C. Onions, i sack First prize, ios.; second, medal. W. Ling, i and 2 ; R. Hall, H.C. Potatoes, i sack First prize, ios.; second medal. James A. Fogg, Ulverstone, i bag "Redskin," grown on 12 acres, digging 6 tons of marketable potatoes, i ; John Lade, St. Mary's, H.C. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. I2g Potatoes, collection 3 varieties, i sack of each First prize, i ; second, IDS. York, Schmidt, and Co., Kentishbury, grown by E. Sulli- van, 2 ; F. Rees, H.C. Turnips and Chicory First prize, ios.; second, medal. W. E. Shoobridge. Collection or Trophy of Roots, not less than 6 sorts First prize, i. W. E. Shoobridge. GROUP D. VEGETABLES AND HOPS. Cabbage, 3 heads First prize, 55.; second, Certificate of Merit. W. E. Shoobridge, i ; F. Walker, 2. Red Cabbage, 3 heads First prize, 55.; second, Certificate of Merit, W. E. Shoobridge, i ; W. McOrmond, 2. Cauliflower, 3 heads First prize, 53. W. E. Shoobridge. Peas, half peck First prize, 55. Frank Walker and Co., H.C. French Beans, 3lb. First prize, 55. F. Walker, 2. Runner Beans, 3lb. First prize, 53. W. Ling. Celery, 3 heads First prize, 53.; second, Certificate of Merit. W. Ling, i ; Frank Walker and Co., 2. Vegetable Marrows, 3 First prize, 55.; second, Certificate of Merit. Frank Walker, i ; W. Ling, 2 ; Charles Wathen, H.C. Pumpkin, i First prize, 53. ; second, Certificate of Merit. Robert Headlam, Vaucluse,Conara,i; Frank Walker, 2 ; W. E. Shoobridge, H.C. Lettuce, 3 First prize, 53.; second, Certificate of Merit. Frank Walker, i ; W. E. Shoobridge, 2. Tomatoes, 3lb. First prize, 53.; second, Certificate of Merit. Wm. Ling, i and 2. Spinach, half peck First prize, 53.; second, Certificate of Merit. Frank Walker. Any other Culinary Vegetable not otherwise enumerated First prize, 53.; second, Certificate of Merit. R. Newey and Sons, i and 2. Collection of Vegetables, 8 sorts First prize, /"i ; second, ios. W. E. Shoobridge, i ; Wm. Ling, 2 ; Frank Walker, V.H.C.; Sutton and Son's collective exhibit, First-class Certificate of Merit; F. Abbot, Hobart, Certificate of Merit. Hops, i bale First prize, ^2 ; second, i. C. E. Knight and Co., Dunn Street, Hobart (1892, H. Nicholson), i ; T. Nicholson, jun., 2 ; Rufus Jeffry, 3. GROUP E. FRUIT. Apples, Culinary, soft, i plate of 5 Apples First prize, ios.; second, medal. Frank Walker, i ; George Wm. Salier, Vine Grove, Scottsdale, 2 ; J. N. Palmer, Bagdad, Com. Apples, Culinary, keeping, i plate of 5 apples First prize, ios.; second, medal. Dr. Benjafield, Hobart, i ; C. G. H. Lloyd, Bryn Estyn, New Norfolk, 2 ; F. W. Briggs, Scottsdale, 3. Apples, Dessert, soft, i plate of 5 apples First prize, ios.; second, medal. Robert C. Gatenby, Stewarton, i ; Frank Walker, 2 ; F. W. Briggs, H.C. Apples, Dessert, keeping, i plate of 5 apples First prize, ios.; second, medal. N. Turner, Lilydale, i ; Dr. Benjnfield, 2 ; C. G. H. Lloyd, Bryn Estyn, New Norfolk, H.C. 130 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Pears, Culinary, i plate of 5 pears First prize, ios.; second, medal. Alex. W. Millar, Glen Hope, Carrick, i and 2; J. McLennan and Sons. H.C. Pears, Dessert, i plate of 5 pears First prize, ios.; second, medal. Dr. Benjafield, i ; J. McLennan and Sons, 2 ; W. Ling, H.C. Quinces, i plate of 5 quinces First prize, ios.; second, medal. W. Bald, i ; C. B. Watchorn 2. Damsons, i plate First prize, ios. ; second, medal. Mary C. Dun- ning, Elphin Road, i ; R. Brooks, Longford, 2. Plums, i plate First prize, ios.; second, medal. Wm. Ling, i ; Dr. Benjafield, 2. Medlars, i plate First prize, ios.; second, medal. Mary C. Dunning, i ; Wm. Ling, 2. Walnuts, i plate First prize, ios.; second, medal. Louis Home, i; J. McLennan and Sons, 2. Almonds, i plate First prize, ios. Mary C. Dunning, i. Grapes, Tasmanian, i plate Special prize of i is., presented by Messrs. C. H. Smith and Co. Joseph Galvin, H.C. Collection of Apples, 12 plates of 5 apples each First prize, i ; second, IDS. J. N. Palmer, i ; W. E. Shoobridge, 2 ; Anthony D. Raymond, Ulverstone, H.C. Case of Apples, any variety, packed for export First prize, i ; second, ios. Dr. Benjafieid, i ; W. E. Shoobridge, 2. Collection of Pears, 6 plates of 5 pears each. First prize, i; second, ios. Dr. Benjafield, i ; W. E. Shoobridge, 2. Trophy of Apples, Pears, and other fruits First prize, <$ ; second, 2. W. E, Shoobridge. Trophy of apples from Lilydale Fruit Board, Award of merit. Any Fruit not otherwise specified First prize, ios.; second, medal. W. Ling, Preserving Melons, i, 2, and 3 ; John Roberts, Bella Vista, Scottsdale West, i plate of Cape Gooseberries; F. Littler, Lyttelton Street, plate Peaches, i, 2, and 3 ; Dr. C. J. Pike, Strawberries; C. S. Agnew, collective exhibit, Award of merit. Collection of Jams, 6 varieties First prize, ios. ; second, medal. Mrs. Winnifred Murrell, Cataract Hill, i ; Mrs. F. Littler, 2 ; Mary C. Dunning, H.C. Collection of Jellies, 6 varieties First prize, ios.; second, medal. Mrs. C. W. Heyes. Preserved Fruit, dry, 3 varieties First prize, ios.; second, medal. May Benjafield, Hobart. Preserved Fruit, in syrup First prize, ios.; second, medal. Mrs. F. Littler, i ; May Benjafield, 2 ; R. Hall, H.C. Preserved Fruit, Tart, 3 varieties First prize, ios.; second medal. Mary C. Dunning, i ; Mrs. F. Littler, 2 and H.C. Wine, 3 bottles First prize, ios. C. Delger, Swansea. GROUP F. DAIRY PRODUCE. Tub or crock of Butter First prize, \. W. Fair and Co., Dunorlan. Fresh Butter, in plain pound rolls, made from hand-skimmed cream, 3lb. First prize, ios.; second, Certificate of Merit. Miss E. Phillips, Westbury, i ; F. W. Briggs. 2 Mrs. Donald McLennan, Cairn Brae, Scottsdale, H.C. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. Fresh Butter, in plain pound rolls, made from machine-separated cream, 3lb. First prize, IDS.; second, Certificate of Merit. A. Harra and Son, i ; W. E. Shoobridge, 2. Fresh Butter, in plain pound rolls, made from hand-skimmed or machine-separated cream, 3lb. First prize, ios.; second, Certificate of Merit. Mrs. Donald McLennan, i ; F. W. Briggs, Scottsdale, 2. Cheese, not less than lolb. First prize, i ; second, ios. John Lade, St. Mary's, i, 2, and H.C. Bacon, i flitch First prize, i; second, IDS. Henry Higgins, Hobart, i ; Charles Bryant, Launceston, 2. Ham, i ham First prize, i ; second, ios. Henry Higgins. Hen Eggs First prize, 55. ; second, Certificate of Merit. W. McOrmond, Campbell Town, i ; Henry Higgins, 2. Round of Corned Beef Special prize by R. Wacksmuth, Esq., ios. 6d. Henry Higgins. Butchers' Small Goods First prize, 2. Henry Higgins. Bread, home-made, not less than 2lb. First prize, 55.; second, Cer tificate of Merit. Mrs. C. W. Heyes, i ; Alex. W. Millar, 2. Best Collection of home-made Pickles First prize, \ ; second, Cer- tificate of Merit. Mrs. C. W. Heyes, i ; Mrs. Winnifred Murrell, 2 ; Mrs. Frank Williams, H.C. Fowls, i pair, trussed First prize, 53. ; second, medal. Henry Higgins, i and 2. Ducks, i pair, trussed First prize, 55. ; second, medal. Henry Higgins, i and 2. Geese, i goose, trussed First prize, 53. ; second, medal. Henry Higgins, i and 2. Turkeys, i turkey, trussed First prize, 55.; second, medal. Henry Higgins, i and 2. GROUP F. POULTRY. Brahma, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. Wm. Pickford, Launceston, i ; J. A. Bain, Launceston, 2. Cochin, cockerel, or pullet, any colour First prize, 53. and bronze medal; second, 23. 6d. H. N. Hulme, Launceston, i ; Frank G. Cutts, Launceston, 2. Game, cockerel or pullet, any colour (Wright's) First prize, 53. and bronze medal ; second, 23. 6d. R. Richardson, Launceston, i ; R. Brooks, Longford, 2. Game, cockerel or pullet, any colour (Tegetmeier's) First prize, 55 and bronze medal ; second, 25. 6d. R. Richardson. Dorking, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 53.; second, 2S. 6d. Richard Moore, Providence Valley, i and 2. Plymouth Rock, cockerel or pullet, any colour. First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. W. McOrmond, Campbell Town, i ; John Hutchinson, Launceston, 2. Andalusian, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 53. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. John Hutchinson, i ; Wallace and Jowett, Pen quite, 2. Minorca, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. W. McOrmond, i ; Wallace and Jowett, 2 Extra Mrs. J. F. Irvine, blue bonnet parrot, j 2 132 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Leghorn, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 55. and bronze medal; second, zs. 6d. Wallace and Jowett, i and 2. Houdan, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 58.; second, 2S. 6d. O. S. Morrison, Invermay. Crevecceur, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 53.; second, 2s. 6d. J. W. Kerslake, Launceston, i ; Wallace and Jowett, 2. Wyandotte, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 53.; second, 2s. 6d. R. W. Stokell, Launceston, i and 2. Malay, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 55.; second, 2s 6d. Edmund Jewis, Launceston, i and 2. Orpington, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 55.; second, 2S. 6d. F. Mervin Littler, i and 2. Hamburgh, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 53.; second, 2s. 6d. George Shepherd, i ; W. McOrmond, 2. Bantam, Game, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 53. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. R. Brooks. Bantam, any other variety, cockerel or pullet, any colour First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. J. Kerslake. Turkey, any colour First prize, 53.; second, 2s. 6d. W. V. Field, Bishopsbourne, i ; R. Brooks, 2. Geese, gander or goose, any colour First prize, 53.; second, 2s. 6d. R. Brooks. Duck, duck or drake, any colour First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. R. Brooks, i ; W. V. Field, 2. Heaviest pair of Chickens, any variety First prize, IDS.; second, 55. Edmund Jewis, 2. DOGS. St. Bernard, dog or bitch First prize, IDS. and bronze medal. Bos- worth and Cato, Launceston, Lord Byron. Newfoundland, dog or bitch First prize, 53.; second, 2s. 6d. Joseph Dodgshun, St. Leonards, 2. Collie, dog or bitch First prize, IDS. and bronze medal ; second, 55. R. B. Bidencope, Brisbane street, Launceston, 2 ; G. C. Gilmore's Gelert, H.C. Greyhound, dog or bitch First prize, IDS. and bronze medal ; second, 53. W. V. Field, i ; C. Bryant, 2 ; George Robinson, jun., Laun- ceston, V.H.C.; J. McKinstry, V.H.C. Pointer, dog or bitch First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2S. Hon. Thomas Reibey and J. Bracken, equal firsts. English Setter, dog or bitch First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. Thomas Carr, i ; George Scott, 2 ; Hon. Thomas Reibey, V.H.C. Gordon Setter, dog or bitch First prize, 53. and bionze medal; second, 2s. 6d. William Russell, Perth, i ; Charles A. Stewart, St. Leonards, 2 ; James Lamont, H.C. Irish Setter, dog or bitch First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. C. E. Ritchie, i and 2. Retriever, dog or bitch First prize, 5 s. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. W. Collings, 2. Field Spaniel, dog or bitch First prize, 55. and bronze medal; second, 25. 6d. J. A. Bain, i ; W. R. Kilby, 2. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 133 Water Spaniel, dog or bitch First prize, 53. and bronze medal; second, 2s. 6d. R. Brooks, 2. Beagle, dog or bitch First prize, 55.; second, 23. 6d. Hon. Thomas Reibey, i. Fox Terrier, dog First prize, IDS. and bronze medal ; second, 55. George E. Harrap, i ; Edmund Jewis, 2 ; A. G. Cox, 3 ; R. Foster, V.H.C. Fox Terrier, bitch First prize, IDS. and bronze medal; second, 55. J. Stuart Grange, i ; George Cox, i and 2 ; C. Bryant, V.H.C. Irish Terrier, dog or bitch First prize, 55.; second, 2S. 6d. P. B. Banks, Waverley, Oatlands, i and 2 ; R. Cameron, Clairville, Evandale, i ; W. V. Field, Bishopsbourne, 2. English Terrier, dog or bitch First prize, 55.; second, 2s. 6d. G. Searle, Clairville, Evandale, 2. Rough-coated Terrier, dog or bitch First prize, 55. and bronze medal ; second, 2s. 6d. F. Littler, i ; A. Scott, 2 ; J. McKinstry, 3. Toy Spaniel, dog or bitch First prize, 53. ; second, 2s. 6d. H. Crocker, jun. Staghound, dog or bitch First prize, IDS.; second, 53. Richard Graves, i ; Robert J. Ellis, 2. Extra J. Herbert Cato, 2 St. Bernard pups, i ; Mrs. J. F. Irvine, lady's lapdog, i ; J. W. Emms, Cocker Spaniel slut, i ; P. B. Banks, Irish Terrier pups, i and 2. GROUP G HORTICULTURE. Pox PLANTS. Stove or Greenhouse Plants, 12 First prize, 2. Frank Walker. Tuberous-rooted Begonias, in flower, 24 First prize, $. J. McLen- nan and Sons. Fibrous-rooted Begonias, in flower, 4 First prize, IDS. ; second, medal. Frank Walker, i and 2. Fibrous-rooted Begonias, foliage only, 4 First prize, IDS. ; second, medal. Frank Walker, i ; J. McLennan and Sons, 2. Fuchsias, Double, 4 First prize, IDS. J. McLennan and Sons. Fuchsias, Single, 4 First prize, zos. J. McLennan and Sons. Ornamental Foliage Plants, 4 First prize, ros. Frank Walker. Ferns, 4 First prize, IDS.; second, medal. Frank Walker, i and 2. Lycopods, 4 First prize, ios.; second, medal. Frank Walker, i and 2. Palms, 4 First prize, ios.; second, medal. Frank Walker, i and 2. Collection of Pot Plants First prize, /"i. Frank Walker. CUT FLOWERS. Dahlias, 24 First prize, ios. J. McLennan and Sons. Dahlias, 12 First prize, 55. J. McLennan and Sons. Pinks, Carnations, and Picotees, 6 First prize, 55. C. F. Pitt, Campbell Town. Miscellaneous Garden Flowers, 6 species First prize, 55. ; second, Certificate of merit. Frank Walker, i ; W. Ling, 2. Phlox Drummondi, 6 First prize, 55. W. McOrmond, Campbell Town. Chrysanthemums, 6 First prize, 55. J. McLennan and Sons. 134 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Any Flower not otherwise specified, 6 blooms First prize, 55.; second, Certificate of merit. W. Ling, Zinnias, i ; C. F. Pitt, Campbell Town, specimen Cosmos Bipinnatus, 2. Bridal Bouquet First prize, 53. Frank Walker. Hand Bouquet First prize, 53. Frank Walker. Table Bouquet First prize, 55. Frank Walker. Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Seeds First prize, / 1 . R. Newey and Sons. Forest Seeds First prize, los. R. Newey and Sons. Models of Edible Roots First prize, 53. R. Newey and Sons. Collection of Garden Requisites First prize, 53. R. Newey and Sons. Any other exhibit relating to Horticulture, not otherwise specified First prize, 55. R. Newey and Sons. Extra. James Lamont, Boronia, Invermay (for exhibition only), growing plant of native Sweet-scented Vernal Grass, the original plant being found and brought from the Western Tiers, H.C. GROUP I. IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY, ETC. Buggy First prize, \ ; second, IDS. John C. Ferguson and Co., built by A. W. Marshall and Co., Latrobe. Pagnal First prize, i ; second, IDS. John C. Ferguson and Co., built by H. W. Marshall and Co. Iron Plough First prize, i ; second, IDS. Levi Titmus, Leven, i ; H. Blackwell, Bishopsbourne, 2 ; John Drake, Evandale, H.C. Wooden Plough First prize, i ; second, IDS. Wright and Wad- dington, Hagley, i ; Levi Titmus, 2 ; John Drake, H.C. Double-furrow Plough First prize, /i ; second, IDS. John C. Ferguson and Co., H.C.; A. Harrap and Son, H.C. Subsoil Plough First prize, i. Levi Titmus. Set Heavy Harrows First prize, IDS. John Drake. Set Light Harrows First prize, IDS. John Drake. Extra John C. Fergusou and Co., Launceston, Farmer's Favourite Forced Feed and Manure and Seed Drill. GROUP K. APICULTURE. Bee-keeping appliances W. and T. Newman, George street, Laun- ceston, collection of apiarian requisites. Honey W. and T. Newman, honey and comb honey, i ; Alfred Mornington, Bitteswell, Burnie, honey, 2. EXTRAS. Home-made Cake Mrs. C. W. Heyes, Evandale. Tomato Sauce Mrs. C. W. Heyes, i ; R. H. Ingamells, Longford, 2 ; Mrs. F. Williams, 3. Plum Sauce Mrs. C. W. Heyes. Swiss Roll Mrs. Frank Williams. Tomato Chutney Mrs. F. Williams. Preserved Fruits R. Miller and Co. TASMAN1AN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 135 00 N OVO OVOOVOOOOVO o\ t*s * co o >o o o o Ooo * o o\o oco o OOO O O 0\0 ! U ll tc rt nW KH * I * too o I 1000 COOO O O\ O * N txOO OO VOOOON CTi : :8 j K D 136 OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE t ^ - " ~ vo o N n I 2 I . . ** eg ~ "- 31 OOOOOO ON- INTANT. 8 t,'O W a, >J 5 c H 9 : 1 . . aj s 1 : : . 'O 3 TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1891-92. 137 Explanatory of the above accounts, the item Government Subsidy comprises the parliamentary votes of ^"1000 and ^"3000 respectively, to which is also added the sum of ^"271 i8s. Qd., being the amount claimed by the Treasury for Wine Duties (^"250 of which has been paid to the Launceston City and Suburbs Improvement Association), together with ^"85, the cost of printing the Official Record and ^50 cabled to the Agent-General. In the Revenue account is a sum of ^"955 i6s. 3d.; this represents the book value of articles which have been handed over to the Launceston Municipal Council in satisfaction of all claims against the Commissioners in respect to buildings and grounds erected at a cost of fourteen thousand pounds and occupied by them during the period of the Exhibition. The credit balance of ^180 2s. 8d., less expenses and some possible charges not yet ascertained, is available for a pro rat a distribution amongst exhibitors in accordance with the provisions of Rule 6. The consent of exhibitors is being solicited to the appropriation of their shares to the Launceston City and Suburbs Improvement Association for the purposes of the Exhibition Park. As soon as all have signified their wishes in regard to this matter the sums in question will be handed over. The sum of ^"1500 subscribed by the citizens of Launceston as a guarantee fund does not appear in the balance sheet, the Commissioners deeming it advisable, as the guarantee was not required, to return the same to the several guarantors. (Signed) SAMUEL J. SUTTON, EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONER. August 2, 1892. PRINTED BY H. BUTTON, "LAUNCESTON EXAMINER" OFFICE. * % MJNIVERJ/^. /LIBRARY^ .UBRARY0/-. ^ v r .. & \\r\ , f**~~l A ' (5 ffrESfr g i I g ^^^s.^ s > 1 & S I 'Odmo-jo^ ^Kwnva-jo^ ^UDNV-SOI^ i 5 fCAll F0fi5^ ^ME-UNIVCR^ HHIVEKfe. * \ \ i lOrf ffl ^ JUIT I CD LL. I % "004951 77