UC-NRLF 501 Electrical Wires Cables nd Handbook .4 :: >:::",'::.:.: St^-el ^o \\ r i.i ; e Ca GIFT OF Electrical Wires and Cables Errat a Page 21. Title underneath illustration should read Micrometer Calipers. Page 54. Diameter 1 has been omitted in first column of first table. Page 56. Fourth line should read 980 cm. per second. Page 80. Fourth line from bottom should read rope wire instead of piano wire. Page 100. Each of last 5 lines of 8th and 16th columns should read pounds instead of feet. Page 114. Second line from top should read No. 32 B. & S. instead of No. 81. Page 145. Second paragraph, first line, 145 should read page 144. Page 164. Title under first illustration should read served in place of sewed. Page 165. Second line should read " taped over all. " Page 178. In first column of table, list number opposite I/O should read 262 S instead of 250 S. Page 56. Under caption Electrical Data, equations should read as follows : The ampere " ohm 14 volt " henry " farad : : 10" 1 cm. 5 g. 5 sec." 1 : 10* cm. sec." 1 : 10 s cm. 3 g. % sec." 2 : 10 9 cm. = 10~ 9 cm." 1 sec. 2 Electrical Wires and Cables Sales Offices CHICAGO 115 Adams Street NEW YORK 30 Church Street WORCESTER North Works BOSTON 120 Franklin Street PITTSBURG . Frick Building CLEVELAND Western Reserve Building ST. LOUIS Third National Bank Building MONTREAL Bank of Ottawa Building ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS . Pioneer Press Building, St. Paul DENVER, COLO First National Bank Building SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . . 736 South 3 d West Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. . . . i6th and Folsom Streets PORTLAND, ORE Ninth and Irving Streets SEATTLE, WASH. . Fourth Ave., S., and Connecticut St. LOS ANGELES, CAL 160 Central Avenue LONDON, ENG 36 New Broad Street, E. C. EXPORT SALES AGENTS United States Steel Products Company 30 Church Street, New York, N. Y. Catalogue and Handbook of Electrical Wires and Cables American Steel & Wire Company Chicago New York Worcester Denver San Francisco -r Copyright 1910 by American Steel and Wire Company * * . '-' : r r /-l '''' r i- Preface THIS Catalogue-Handbook presents in serviceable form information interest- ing to customers, engineers and students. All types of bare and insulated electrical wires and cables now in com- mon use are fully described herein. A con- siderable amount of engineering data and descriptive matter, including an abridged dictionary of electrical terms, has been in- troduced for the purpose of making the book a fairly complete treatise on electrical con- ductors. Much of the information may be found in books of reference, but some of it is published here for the first time. The data have been carefully compiled and arranged with a view of rendering the customer all possible assistance in select- ing and specifying the material best suited to his requirements. 270317 Contents THIS book conveniently and logically divides into nine sections, the first of which contains in descriptive and tabulated form general engineering data relating to copper, iron and alu- minum electrical conductors. PAGE GENERAL DATA . . . . . n The following seven sections constitute the cata- logue portion of the book, in which is given not only a complete list of all bare and insulated electrical wires and cables manufactured by this company, but also some general information regarding standard specifications and the uses and construction of con- ductors. PAGE BARE WIRES AND CABLES 57 MAGNET WIRE ..... 83 ANNUNCIATOR AND OFFICE WIRES . 93 WEATHERPROOF WIRES AND CABLES . 97 LAMP CORD PRODUCTS . . . 107 RUBBER-COVERED WIRES AND CABLES 115 LEAD ENCASED WIRES AND CABLES AND THEIR INSTALLATION . . . 147 The final section has been compiled with consider- able care for use as a dictionary of electrical terms. ABRIDGED ELECTRICAL DICTIONARY OF PAGE COMMON WORDS, TERMS AND PHRASES 183 The book concludes with a very complete index, having conveniently arranged cross references to materials used specially for electric light, electric railway and telephone and telegraph work. PAGE INDEX ....... 229 Facilities HE first electrical wire factory of the American Steel and Wire Company, estab- lished in 1834, is here represented. In this and in later buildings, the most im- portant improvements in the manufactur- ing of all kinds of wire were invented and adopted. The business and the plant have developed rapidly. About twenty years ago preparations were made for producing our first insulated electrical wire. Shortly after this the first enlarged terminal stud rail bonds were made in these works. Since that date vast changes and advances have taken place in every branch of electrical engineering, and these have been accompanied by a corresponding growth in our man- ufacturing facilities. Reinforcing our extensive factory equipment, there are well equipped chemical, physical and electrical laboratories, wherein the problems incident to the solution of every difficulty encountered are handled by thoroughly reliable experts and up - to - date methods. All steel and copper used by us is rolled and drawn in our own mills and under our own super- vision throughout every operation. All raw materials are tested and inspected before being used, the manufacturing processes are constantly checked, and finally the finished material is subjected to an exhaus- tive series of tests that determine beyond question whether or not it is of proper quality. With such facili- ties at our disposal we are enabled to manufacture electrical conductors of all kinds to the severest speci- fications, and to give to the users of our product a standard of quality that is unexcelled. I Regarding Orders N order to avoid errors, delays and misunder- standings, purchasers should carefully note the following: 1. Orders and correspondence regarding orders should always be sent to the nearest sales office, list of which is given on page 4. 2. Describe fully material ordered. List numbers are provided in this catalogue to facili- tate ordering. 3. When referring to orders always give the number or date of the order. 4. State distinctly how goods are to be shipped, whether by freight, express or mail. If any special route is preferred it should be men- tioned in the order. We reserve the right to route all shipments upon which we pay or allow freight. 5. Before returning reels or other material, please secure from us shipping directions. 6. No claims for allowances will be enter- tained unless made within ten days after arrival of the goods, and no allowance will be made beyond the original invoice price of material. 7. All prices are subject to change without notice. 8. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents or other causes beyond our control. General Data Page Conductance and Resistance 12 Physical Properties of Conductors 14 Temperature Effects on Resistance .... 15 Carrying Capacities of Conductors .... 18 Resistance of Copper at Different Temperatures and Conductivities 17-19 Alternating Current Heating Effects .... 19 Measurements of Wires, Wire Gauges ... 21 Comparative Table of Wire Gauges .... 22 Wiring Formulae and Tables 22-26 Strands 27 Concentric Cables . 32 Rope Strands 32 The Manufacture of Wire 35 Copper 35 Iron and Steel 39 Wire Drawing 42 Tinning and Galvanizing Wire .... 44 Packing and Shipping 44 Coils 45 Reels 49-50 Miscellaneous Tabulated Data . . 52-56 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY General Data Conductance and Resistance ELECTRICAL energy is always transferred from the generating source to the receiving device through, or by means of, some form of conductor. This is one of the three necessary parts of any electrical circuit. With the various kinds of metallic conductors we shall be chiefly concerned in this catalogue. Electricity may be transmitted through any substance, though in widely vary- ing degrees. The following table gives a list of materials which are arranged approximately in order of their conducting powers : Conductors Non-Conductors or Insulators All metals Dry air Ebonite Well-burned charcoal Shellac Gutta-percha Plumbago Paraffin India rubber Acid solutions Resins Silk Metallic ores Sulphur Dry paper Living vegetable substances Moist earth Wax Glass Dry leather Porcelain Water Mica Oils The conducting power of any substance depends largely upon its physical state. For instance, the conductivity of air decreases very rapidly as its pressure increases, while rarefied air makes a good conductor of electricity. The conduc- tivity of all substances materially alters with change of temperature. The number of substances which are used for conductors of electricity in commercial work is, however, limited to three of the useful metals, copper, iron and aluminum. Of these, the first is pre-eminently the best, while next in order come aluminum and iron. Pure copper possesses many physical properties of great engineering value in addition to that of its high conductivity. It has to a very high degree the qualities of malleability and ductility which make it an ideal metal for wire drawing. Its strength and hardness are greater than that of any other metal except iron and steel. It has the power of resisting oxidation, it takes a fine polish, is easily worked, and can be forged more easily than iron. The precious metals, platinum, gold and silver, are used as conductors only to a limited extent in laboratories and for scientific purposes. A list of the common metals, arranged in order of their relative conducting properties, is given in the following table : Relative Conductivity of Pure Metals (Matthiessen's Standard) Metals Relative Conductivity Metals Relative Conductivity Silver, annealed 108 Iron, wrought 17.6 Copper, annealed 102 Nickel 13.0 Gold, annealed 78 Tin 120 Aluminum, annealed 63 Lead 8.0 Zinc 28 Mercury 1.7 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES Since the conductivity of any one wire will in general differ from that of any General other, it becomes necessary in comparing or specifying wires to refer to some Data standard or system of units. We cannot describe anything except by comparing it with some standard which is recognized by and familiar to all. The conducting power of a substance is usually expressed in terms of its electric resistance rather than in terms of conductivity. The resistance of a wire is the reciprocal of its conductivity. A wire that is high in conductivity is low in resistance and vice versa. Resistance is that property of a conductor by virtue of its form and molecu- lar structure which modifies the strength of current flowing through it. It is an inherent property of all electrical conductors; even the best conductors possess appreciable resistance. The commercial standard of conductivity in this country is the one established by Dr. Matthiessen in 1861. It is that of a piece of supposedly pure copper wire of constant cross-section having the following specifications: Specific gravity, 8.89. Length, 1 meter or 39.8704 inches. Weight, 1 gram or 15.432 grains. Resistance, 0.141729 ohms at C. Specific resistance, 1.594 microhms per cubic centimeter, or Specific resistance, 0.6276 microhms per cubic inch at C Much of the copper now being made is higher in conductivity than Dr. Matthiessen's standard by one or two per cent., owing to improved methods of refining copper. It is usual, however, to specify that soft drawn copper shall have 98 per cent, conductivity and hard drawn copper 97 per cent, of Matthiessen's standard. The practical unit of resistance is the International Ohm, which is the resist- ance offered to an unvarying electric current by a column of pure mercury at a temperature of melting ice, 14.4521 grams (0.51 ounces) in mass, of a constant cross-sectional area, and 106.3 centimeters (41.85 inches) in length. To obtain a concrete idea of this unit it may be remembered that a copper wire having a diameter of one tenth of an inch, has at 68 F. a resistance of approximately one ohm per thousand feet, or 5.28 ohms per mile. Resistance varies greatly with different metals and is in general less for a pure metal than for any of its alloys. Its value will in every case depend upon the relation of three factors. The length of the wire, its cross-sectional area, and the nature or chemical composition of the metal, all of which vary with temperature. Increasing or decreasing the length (L) of any conductor will increase or decrease the resistance (R) of the conductor in direct proportion. Increasing or decreasing its sectional area (A) will inversely affect its resistance, that is, as the section of the conductor increases the resistance becomes proportionately less, and conversely. The term conductor as used in this connection should be taken in its broadest sense, meaning the whole length of any circuit or any portion of a circuit under consider- ation, whether it be in a straight line or wound in a coil. For example: One mile of any given wire will have twice the resistance of one-half mile of the same wire, or 5.28 times the resistance of 1,000 feet. Again, if we have two wires of equal length, one of which has a sectional area five times as great as that of the other, then, assuming uniform quality and treatment, the elec- trical resistance of the larger wire will be one-fifth that of the smaller, and as the AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY weight per unit length varies directly as the sectional area, it follows that the resistance of a wire weighing, for example, 500 pounds per mile, will equal one-fifth the resistance of a wire weighing 100 pounds per mile, assuming uniform quality and treatment as before. Algebraically, these relations may be expressed thus: R = K^ A Where (K) is a constant for any metal and represents its resistivity or specific resistance. Resistivity, a factor depending only on the material or structure of the metal as compared with pure copper as unity, may be expressed in a number of different ways, all being equivalent to the resistance of some unit of cross-section. This unit may be expressed either in linear dimensions or as a combination of weight and dimensions. It may represent the resistance measured between opposite faces of a unit cube of the metal. Or, another and more common way of expressing resis- Physical Properties of Copper, Aluminum, Iron and Steel Wire Copper Aluminum no T> r* * Iron Steel Physical Properties Annealed Hard Drawn yy .rer Cent. Pure (Ex. B. B.) (Siemens Martin) Conductivity , Matthiessen's st&ndHTcl 99 to 102 96 to 99 61 to 63 16.8 8.7 Ohms per mil-foot at 68 F. = 20 C. (K) 10.36 10.57 16.7 62.9 119.7 Ohms per mile at 68 F. - 20 C. ( 54,600 ' cir. mils 55,700 88,200 332,000 632,000 cir. mils cir. mils cir. mils cir. mils Pounds per mile-ohm at 68 F. = 20 C. 875 896 424.0 4700 8900 Temperature co-efficient per degrees F. Mean values . .00233 .00233 .0022 .0028 Temperature co-efficient per degrees C. Mean values . .0042 .0042 .0040 .0050 Specific gravity. Mean values Pounds per 1,000 feet per cir- 8.89 8.94 2.68 7.77 7.85 cular mil .003027 .003049 .000909 .002652 .002671 Weight, in pounds per cubic inch .320 .322 .0967 .282 .283 Specific heat Mean values . . .093 .093 .214 .113 .117 Melting point in degrees F. Mean values 2012 2012 1157 2975 2480 Melting point in degrees C. Mean val 1fS 1100 1100 COX 1635 1360 Mean co-efficient of linear ex- pansion. Degrees F. . . . .00000950 .00000950 .00001285 .00000673 .00000662 Mean co-efficient of linear ex- pansion. Degrees C. . . . .0000171 .0000171 .0000231 .000120 .000118 Tensile strength i 30,000 to i 42,000 45,000 to 68,000 20,000 to 35,000 50,000 to 55,000 100,000 to 120,000 SOLID WIRE Pounds per Elastic limit . . 1 6,000 to / 16,000 25,000 to 45,000 j- 14,000 -j 25,000 to 30,000 50,000 to 72,000 square inch Modulus of elas- ticity .... { 7,000,000 to 1 17,000,000 13,000,000 to 18,000,000 10,500,000 to 11,500,000 22,000,000 to 27,000,000 22,000,000 to 27,000,000 CON- Tensile strength I 29,000 to / 37,000 43,000 to 65,000 j- 25,800 | . . . 98,000 to 118,000 CENTRIC STRAND Elastic limit . . 1 5,800 to "| 14,800 23,000 to 42,000 [ 13,800 \ ... 45,000 to 55,000 Pounds per square inch Modulus of elas- ticity .... I 5,000,000 to "/ 12,000,000 12,000,000 to 14,000,000 Approx. 10,000,000 16,000,000 to 22,00,000 ELECTRICAL \V RES AND CABLES 15 tivity is in terms of ohm s per mil-foot, meaning the resistance of a round wire one foot long, having a diameter of one mil or .001 inch and an area of one circular mil. With this unit, the resistance of any wire is found by multiplying its length (L) by its resistivity (K see page 14) in ohms per mil-foot and dividing this product by the section area expressed in circular mils. For telephone and telegraph conductors it is customary to use still another unit of resistivity weight per mile-ohm. This is the weight of a conductor one mile in length, which has a resistance of one ohm. It equals the product of the resistance per mile and the weight per mile. However great may be the variation in weight of wires of different sizes, the variation in resistance is equally great inversely, and so the balance is preserved. To illustrate: If the mile-ohm be 5,000, the resistance of a wire weighing 1,000 pounds per mile will be 5 ohms, while a similar wire weighing 5 pounds per mile will have a resistance of 1,000 ohms. This method of expressing resistance is more direct than the others, which require interpretation before the results may be used in any calculation. Values for these various units will be found tabulated on page 14. Temperature Effects on Resistance The question of temperature bears an important part in all tests and calcula- tions of electrical conductors, as the resistance varies directly with temperature. The resistance of copper wire increases about twenty-three one-hundredths and that of iron wire about twenty-eight one-hundredths per cent, for each additional degree F. Dr. Matthiessen, while experimenting with copper conductors, derived the fol- lowing formula for the change of resistance with temperature in copper wire : R=R (1 + .00387t+ .0000059t 8 ) Later experiments have shown that for practical engineering purposes all terms below the second may be dropped, and that the above equation for temperature changes in copper wire may now be written : R t =R (l + .0042t) for t in degrees C. or Rt=R (l-l- .0023t) for t in degrees F. Where R = Resistance at C. R t = Resistance at any temperature t The general equation for any conductor is usually written: Rt=R (l + at), where a is called the temperature coefficient of the conductor. These coefficients vary considerably with the purity of metals, and they change slightly even in the purest metals. The following average values of the temperature coefficient have been found experimentally, at C. Metals Centigrade Fahrenheit Aluminum .0040 .0022 Copper, annealed Gold .0042 .0038 .0023 .0021 Mercury .0007 .0004 Platinum .0025 .0014 Silver, annealed .0040 .0022 Soft iron .0050 .0028 Tin .0044 .0025 Zinc .0041 .0023 For convenience in determining the resistivity of copper conductors at vari- ous temperatures, we give on page 17 the resistance per mil-foot at temperatures AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY General ranging from -10 C. to 45C. at 97 per cent., 98 per cent, and at 100 per cent. Data conductivity Matthiessen's standard. We also give, on page 19, the weight per mile-ohm at various temperatures and conductivities within practical limits. If a continuous current of electricity flows through any conductor, a certain definite portion of the electrical energy supplied to the conductor will be required to overcome its resistance and transmit the current between any two points in the conductor. This energy of transmission, as it is called, is never lost, but is trans- formed into heat energy. Heat will be developed whenever any electric current flows through any conductor, or part of conductor, the amount of heat being directly proportional to the resistance of the conductor and to the square of the current flowing. The amount of heat measured in calories will equal H=0.24IRt Where H represents calories of heat produced I " current in amperes R ' ' resistance of conductor in ohms, and t ' ' time in seconds that the current flows. If heat be developed in the conductor faster than it can be dissipated from the surface by radiation and convection the temperature will rise. The allowable safe temperature rise is one of the limiting features of the current carrying capacity of any conductor. Since the rate at which heat will be dissipated from any conductor will depend upon many conditions, such as its size and structure, the kind and amount of insulation, if any, and its location with respect to other bodies, it is not possible to give any general definite rule for carrying capacity that will be true for all conditions. The following empirical formula* will give approximate values for the current I flowing through a solid conductor, or through each conductor of a multiple conductor cable which will cause a rise in temperature of t degrees C. 1= Tc In this, d represents the diameter of the bare wire or strand, K is the resistance per mil-foot of the wire at allowable elevated temperature t taken from the curves given on next page, and C is a constant having the following values for different conditions. Location and Kind of Conductor Values of A/ d 3 Constant C in Expression Cf/ * "^ Solid Conductor Stranded Conductor Bare overhead wires out of doors Bare wires in doors, exposed Single conductor rubber covered cable in still air . Single conductor rubber covered lead sheathed cable in underground single duct conduit Single conductor paper covered lead sheathed cable in underground single duct conduit Three-conductor rubber covered lead sheathed cable in underground single duct conduit Three-conductor paper covered lead sheathed cable in underground single duct conduit 1250 660 530 530 470 400 350 1100 610 490 490 370 * Taken by permission from Foster's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book published by D. Van Nostrand Company, New York. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 17 General Data Resistance per Mil- Foot of Pure Copper at Various Temperatures and Conductivities Values of K in expression C j/ t ^ IV The heat radiating surface of any conductor varies as the diameter of the con- ductor, while the current carrying capacity, depending on the number of circular mils, will vary as the square of the diameter. In consequence, the current density in large conductors will be less than in small conductors for an equal temperature rise. It has been found impracticable on this account to use insulated conductors larger than 2,000,000 c. m., except in special cases. (See page 172.) 18 E R I C A N STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY General Data Carrying Capacities of Insulated Wires and Cables Published in National Electrical Code of 1909 B. & S. Gauge Number Capacity Circular Mils. Amperes Rubber Insulation Weatherproof Insulation 18 1,624 3 5 16 2,583 6 8 14 4,107 12 16 12 6,530 17 23 10 10,380 24 32 8 16,510 33 46 6 26,250 46 65 5 33,100 54 77 4 41,740 65 92 3 52,630 76 110 2 66,370 90 131 1 83,690 107 156 105,500 127 185 00 133,100 150 220 000 167,800 177 262 200,000 200 300 0000 211,600 210 312 .... 300,000 270 400 ... 400,000 330 500 500,000 390 590 600,000 450 680 700,000 500 760 800,000 550 840 900,000 600 920 .... 1,000,000 650 1,000 1,100,000 690 1,080 .... 1,200,000 730 1,150 .... 1,300,000 770 1,220 .... 1,400,000 810 1,290 1,500,000 850 1,360 .... 1,600,000 890 1,430 .... 1,700,000 930 1,490 1,800,000 970 1,550 1,900,000 1,010 1,610 .... 2,000,000 1,050 1,670 Drop of potential is not taken into consideration in the above table. These amperages for rubber-covered wires are adopted because to exceed them may cause gradual deterioration of the insulation even though the chance of ignition from overheating may be small. Wires smaller than No. 14 should not be used except as prescribed in Underwriters' rules. For aluminum wire the carrying capacity of any given size should be taken as 84 per cent, of the value given in the above table. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES Pounds per Mile-Ohm of Copper Wire at Various Temperatures and Conductivities General Data Per Cent. Pounds per Mile-Ohm Per Cent. Pounds per Mile-Ohm Conductivity Matthiessen's Standard Conductivity Matthiessen's Standard At 32 F. 0C. At 60 F. 15.6 C. At 68 F 20 C. At 104 F. 40 C. At 32 F. C. At 60 F. 15. 6 C. At 68 F. 20 C. At 104 F. 40 C. 96.0 841.9 893.4 908.7 980.8 99.0 816.4 866.3 881.1 951.0 .2 840.2 891.5 906.8 978.7 .2 814.8 864.6 879.4 949.1 .4 838.4 889.7 904.9 976.7 .4 813.1 862.8 877.6 947.2 .6 836.7 887.8 903.0 974.7 .6 811.5 861.1 875.8 945.3 .8 835.0 886.0 901.2 972.7 .8 809.9 859.4 874.1 943.4 97.0 833.2 884.2 899.3 970.6 100.0 808.2 857.6 872.3 941.5 .2 831.5 897.4 968.7 .2 806.6 855.9 870.6 939.6 .4 829.8 880^5 895.6 966.7 .4 805.0 854.2 868.8 937.8 .6 828.1 878.7 893.8 964.7 .6 803.4 852.5 867.1 935.9 .8 826.4 876.9 891.9 962.7 .8 801.8 850.8 865.4 934.1 98.0 824.7 875.1 890.1 960.7 101.0 800.2 849.2 863.7 932.2 .2 823.1 873.4 888.3 958.8 .2 798.7 847.5 862.0 930.4 .4 821.4 871.6 886.5 956.8 .4 797.1 845.8 860.3 928.5 .6 819.7 869.8 884.7 954.9 .6 795.5 844.1 858.6 926.7 .8 818.1 868.1 882.9 953.0 .8 794.0 842.5 856.9 924.9 102.0 792.4 840.8 855.2 923.1 Alternating Current Heating Effects If an alternating current be transmitted through a conductor, portions of the electrical energy supplied may be transformed into heat in four different ways, each resulting in an energy loss and in a corresponding reduction of the current carrying capacity of the conductor. 1. A definite amount of electrical energy will be required to overcome the ohmic resistance of the conductor, just as in the case with continuous currents. This is commonly known as the PR loss, where I is the effective current. 2. Under certain conditions there will be loss of energy due to the skin effect of alternating currents. A current induced in a conductor builds up from the surface, and an appreciable period of time is required for the current to penetrate to the interior portions of the conductor. If the frequency be high the central por- tion of large conductors may contribute nothing to the conducting powers of the conductor. This is equivalent to increasing the resistance of the conductor, or in effect the conductor will have a spurious resistance which will be greater than its real resistance. The effect is much greater in iron than in copper, owing to the high magnetic permeability of iron. It also increases directly with the frequency of alternations. With the two standard frequencies now being used, 25 and 60, the skin effect in copper does not become appreciable until a diameter of conductor of about three- quarters of an inch has been reached. In distribution systems which conduct heavy currents of high frequency, the conductor wires may be built up into cables about a hemp core, thus offering a greater amount of surface by placing the copper where it will do the greatest service without increasing its weight. AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY General Approximate values of the effective resistance of straight copper conductors Data at 68 degrees F. can be obtained by multiplying the actual ohmic resistance by factors given in the following table: Factors to Obtain Effective Resistance from Ohmic Resistance Diameter Bare Approxi- mate Area Frequency Diameter Bare Approxi- mate Area Frequency Conductor Inches in Circular Mils 25 60 130 Copper Conductor Inches in Circular Mils 25 60 130 2.00 4.000000 .265 .826 2.560 1.000 1,000,000 1.020 1.111 1.397 1.75 3,062,500 .170 .622 2.272 .75 563,500 1.007 1.040 1.156 1.50 2,500,000 .098 .420 1.983 .50 250,000 1.002 1.008 1.039 1.25 1,562,500 .053 .239 1.694 .46 211,6UO 1.001 1.006 1.027 1.125 1,265,825 1.0.J5 .168 1.545 3. Foucoitlt or eddy currents may be induced in the conductor itself, or in the lead sheathing or in the steel armor wires by the rapidly changing alternating mag- netic flux. Foucoult currents are produced at the expense of energy supplied the conductor, and they are dissipated in the form of heat. This loss would be much greater in single-conductor cables carrying alternating current than in two-conduc- tor or three-conductor cables, in which the outer resultant magnetic field should be very small. Placing a single-conductor alternating current cable in an iron conduit would very greatly increase the energy loss, and for that reason it is seldom done. This loss will be greater in solid conductors than in stranded conductors of equal section, and it will increase with thickness of lead sheath and with the diameter of the armor wires. 4. Dielectric hysteresis losses in the insulating material. This loss is some- what similar in kind to the magnetic hysteresis loss in iron. A dielectric is a poorly conducting material used for insulating conductors, through which an electro- motive force establishes a molecular strain or an electro-static field of flux. The total dielectric loss is due to the sum of a direct PR leakage of current through the dielectric and to the dielectric hysteresis loss, which is thought to be a function of the insulation resistance, varying inversely. The hysteresis loss in the dielectric of a cable is constant and independent of load. It increases with voltage, with the length of cable and with frequency. It may be lessened by increasing the thickness of the dielectric, by using a dielectric of low specific inductive capacity and by working at low voltage and low frequency. The loss is thought to be negligible in direct current systems and in low voltage alternating current distribution systems. While the amount of heat developed under ordinary service conditions by any one of the last three mentioned causes would probably be small, yet the ag- gregate amount tends to increase the temperature of the conductor, which increases its resistance, reduces its carrying capacity and shortens the life of the insulation. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES Measurements of Conductors General Data The diameter of a conductor is usually expressed in mils. A mil is a thou- sandth part of an inch. The direct measurement of diameters in mils is made by wire gauges, of which there are several different types on the market. One type in common use is shown in the cut below. Micrometer Screw The circular mil is very generally taken as the unit of area in considering the cross-section or capacity of electrical conductors. This is the area of a circle whose diameter is one mil, or one-thousandth of an inch. It equals .7854 of a square mil. This unit area possesses several advantages in making wiring calculations and in determining the relations between different wires having known diameters. The cross-section of any solid round wire in circular mils is found by squaring the diam- eter of the wire in mils, and conversely, the diameter of a wire in mils is obtained by extracting the square root of the section expressed in circular mils. The constant -, which expresses the ratio between the circumference and diameter of any circle, does not enter into these calculations, thus greatly simplifying them. Circular mils square inches .0000007854 = (diameter in mils) 2 Square inches = circular mils X .0000007854 One circular mil = .0005067087 square millimeters One square millimeter = 1,973 circular mils The weight in pounds per 1,000 feet of any conductor may be found by multi- plying its area in circular mils by the "pounds per 1,000 feet per circular mil," tabulated on page 14. Wire Gauges The sizes of wires are ordinarily expressed in certain gauge numbers arbi- trarily chosen. There are unfortunately several independent gauge systems, and it is necessary in each case to specify the particular wire gauge used. Though the gauge numbers have the advantage of enabling manufacturers to carry wires in stock from which purchasers may choose with a reasonable assurance of quick de- livery, there is nevertheless a tendency to do away with all gauge numbering methods and to distinguish different electrical wires by their diameters expressed in mils. The Brown & Sharpe gauge is used in America as the standard for copper wire vised for electrical purposes. In this gauge both the sizes and the areas vary in geometrical progression. The diameters of wires are obtained from the geometric series, in which the first number, No. 4/0, = 0.46 inch in diameter, and No. 36 = .005 inch, the nearest fourth significant figure being retained in the areas and diameters AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY General so obtained. It will be seen upon examining a wiring table that' an increase Data of three in the wire number corresponds to doubling the resistance and halving the cross-section and weight. Also, that an increase of ten in the wire number increases the resistance ten times and diminishes the cross-section and weight to one-tenth their original values. The American Steel and Wire gauge is used almost universally in this country for steel and iron wires. The Birmingham gauge is used largely in England as their standard, and in this country for steel wires, and for other wires not used especially for electrical purposes. The following table gives the numbers and diameters in decimal parts of an inch for the various wire gauges used in this country and England: Comparative Sizes Wire Gauges in Decimals of an Inch g & s l .y ? So *j Mg , h hf\ 3 31 ! &% A . . lg.6 h s3l jig _; oj Ss*3 11 |II OX) -^ .Sw s IS.-S M 6 $ M C/3 5 H 28 50 .875 22.2245 9 .140625 8.5718 25 .390625 9.9216 41 .640625 16.2715 57 .890625 22.6214 10 .15625 8.9686 18 .40625 10.3185 21 42 .65625 16.6684 29 58 .90625 23.0183 11 .171875 4.8655 27 .421875 10.7154 48 .671875 17.0653 59 .921875 23.4151 12 .1875 4.7624 IS 14 28 .4875 11.1122 ft 22 44 .6875 17.4621 u 80 GO .9375 23.8120 18 .208125 5.1592 29 .458125 11.5091 45 .708125 17.8590 01 .953125 24.2089 14 .21875 5.5561 15 30 .46875 11.9060 28 40 .71875 18.2559 81 02 .96875 24.6057 15 .284875 5.9530 31 .484875 12.3029 47 .734875 18.6527 08 .984375 25.0026 16 .25 6.8498 1/4 16 32 .5 12.6997 1/2 24 48 .75 19.0496 K 82 04 1. 25.3995 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 55 Fundamental Units General Data The electrical units are derived from the following mechanical units : The centimeter, the unit of length. The gramme, the unit of mass. The second, the unit of time. The centimeter equals .3937 of an inch, or one thousand-millionth part of a quadrant of the earth. The gramme is equal to 15.432 grains, the mass of a cubic centimeter of water at 4 C. The second is the time of one swing of the pendulum, making 86,464.09 swings per day, or the 1-86400 part of a mean solar day. Mensuration Circumference of circle whose diameter is 1 = TT = 3. 14159265. Circumference of any circle = diameter x T. Area of any circle = (radius) 3 X T, or (diameter) 8 X 0.7854. Surface of sphere = (diameter) 2 X TT, or = circumference X diameter. Volume of sphere = (diameter) 3 X 0.5236, or = surface X i diameter. Area of an ellipse = long diameter X short diameter X 0.7854. 7T 2 = 9.8696; Tri = 1.772454; J = 0.7854. VT = 0.31831; logTr = 0.4971499. Basis of natural log ? = 2.7183; log f = 0.43429. Modulus of natural logarithm M = ,-i - = 2.3026. 144 Ib. per sq. foot. 51.7116 mm. of mercury. 1 Ib. per sq. inch = 2.30665 feet of water. 0.072 ton (short) per sq. foot. 0.0680415 atmosphere. One mile = 320 rods = 1760 yards = 5280 feet - 63,360 inches. One fathom = 6 feet ; 1 knot = 6080 feet. 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot. 231 cubic inches = 1 liquid gallon = 0.134 cubic foot. 1 pound avoirdupois = 7000 grains = 453.6 grammes. The angle of which the arc is equal to the radius, a Radian = 57.2958. Physical Data The equivalent of one B.t.u. of heat = 778 foot-pounds. The equivalent of one calorie of heat = 426 kg-m., = 3.968 B.t.u. One cubic foot of water weighs 62.355 pounds at 62 F. One cubic foot of air weighs 0.0807 pound at 32 F. and one atmosphere. One cubic foot of hydrogen weighs 0.00557 pound. One foot-pound 1.3562 X 10 7 ergs. One horse-power hour 33,000 X 60 foot-pounds. 56 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY General One horse-power = 33,000 foot-pounds per min. =550 foot-pounds *per second = Data 746 watts = 2545 B.t.u. per hour. Acceleration of gravity (g) = 32.2 feet per second. = 980 mm. per second. One atmosphere = 14.7 pounds per square inch. = 2116 pounds per square foot. = 760 mm. of mercury. Velocity of sound at cent, in dry air = 332.4 metres per sec. = 1091 feet per sec. Velocity of light in vacuum = 299,853 km. per sec. = 186,325 miles per sec. Specific heat of air at constant pressure = 0.237. A column of water 2.3 feet high corresponds to a pressure of 1 pound per square inch. Coefficient of expansion of gases = ^l r$ = 0.00367. Latent heat of water = 79.24. Latent heat of steam = 535.9 CENTIGRADE DEGREES. To convert into the corresponding one in Fahrenheit degrees, multiply by 9 / 5 and add 32. To convert it into the one in Reaumur degrees multiply by */-. To convert it into the one on the Absolute scale, add 273. FAHRENHEIT DEGREES. To convert into the one in Centigrade degrees, subtract 32 and then multiply by 5 / <) , being careful about the signs when the reading is below the melting point of ice. To convert it into the one in Reaumur degrees, subtract 32 and multiply by 4 / 9 . To convert it into the one on the Absolute scale, subtract 32, then multiply by 5 / 9 and add 273; or multiply by 5, add 2297, and divide by 9. Electrical Data The ampere, I = unit of current = 0.1 cm. 1 / 2 g.^ sec. 1 . The ohm = unit of resistance = 10. !) cm. sec. 1 . The volt, U = unit of e. m. f. = 10. 8 cm. I g.^ sec. 8 The henry, L = unit of inductance = 10. 9 cm. l sec. - The farad, C = unit of capacity = 10 6 cm. l ( = unit of electric power = h. p. X 746. Watts ] = current X volts X power factor. ( = foot pounds per sec. -f- 1.355. Joules, W = work done = watts X seconds. f 3412 B. t. u. I 2,654,536 foot-pounds. 1 kw. hour = -! 3.53 pounds water evaporated at 212 F. I 22.8 pounds water raised from 62 to 212 F. t 0.235 pounds carbon oxidized at 100 per cent. eff. Bare Wires and Cables Page Copper Trolley Wire 58 Wire and Cables 64-65 Hemp Core Cables 65 Extra Flexible Cables 66 Specifications for H. D. Copper Wire . . 66 Rail Bonds 67-70 Iron or Steel Telephone and Telegraph Wires . . . 7 1 -74 Specifications for galvanized Telephone and Telegraph Wires 72 Bond Wire, extra galvanized .... 74 Steel Signal Wire, extra galvanized ... 75 Standard Steel Strand 75 Special Steel Strands 76 Galvanized Strand Clips 79 Resistance Wire 80 Armature Binding Wire 80 Armor Wire 81 Pole Steps 81 Silico-Magnetic-Core Steel 82 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables Bare Conductors We make copper wire for all purposes in any required shape or size ; copper cables of all capacities and degrees of flexibility ; hard drawn or annealed, bare or insulated. We also make galvanized iron and steel wire in all shapes and sizes, bare or insulated, and for all purposes; telephone and telegraph wires, armor wires, strand and wire rope of all kinds. Copper Trolley Wire Since a trolley wire serves a double purpose, as conductor and as feeder to the moving current collector, it must be of high conductivity, and strong and durable. Copper can be readily drawn into any desired section and can be easily handled. Trolley wire is generally made of hard drawn copper in three shapes, round, grooved and figure 8. The latter form is not extensively used for two principal reasons. Owing to its unsymmetrical section, it is difficult to handle and to place in position. The non-uniformity in section, as made by different wire manufacturers, has rendered it impossible to make a uniform style of mechanical clamping ear for supporting the trolley. Though seldom called upon to make trolley wire larger than 4/0 or smaller than 1/0 B. & S. gauge, we are prepared to make other sizes. The various styles and sizes are shown dimensioned below: Round Grooved Figure 8 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 59 Dimensions of Hard Drawn Copper Trolley Wire Section of Trolley Wire Size B.&S. Sectional Area in Cir. Mils. Approximate Dimensions (See Figure, Page 58) A B C D E F G R Round 00 000 0000 105,600 183,200 168,100 211,600 .325 .365 .410 .460 .1625 .1825 .2045 .230 Grooved "American Standard" 00 000 0000 133,200 168,100 211,600 .392 .430 .482 .196 .215 .241 | 20 22 25 78 78 78 27 27 27 51 51 51 .015 .015 .015 Figure 8 00 000 0000 138,200 168,100 211,600 .480 .540 .600 .852 .400 .450 .108 .130 .150 196 222 250 Specifications for Hard Drawn Copper Trolley Wire 1. Conductivity, weight and strength. Round, Grooved and Figure 8 Copper Trolley Wire Size B. & S. 00 000 0000 Approximate Weight, Pounds Electrical Conductivity (Minimum) Per Mile Per 1,000 Feet 1685 2132 2690 3386 319 404 509 641 Mile ohm @ 68 degrees Fahr. not to exceed 890.1 equals 98$ Matthiessen's Standard Round Trolley Wire Size B. & S. Tensile Strength, Pounds Size B. & S. Tensile Strength, Pounds Actual Per Square Inch Actual Per Square Inch 00 4522 5550 54500 52800 000 0000 6735 8140 51000 49000 The physical tests of all shapes shall be made in the same manner as those upon round wire. The tensile strength of grooved wire shall be at least 95 per cent, of that required for round wire of the same sectional area ; the elongation shall be the same as that required for round wire of equal sectional area, given on page 67. 2. Sizes 1/0 and 2/0 approximately one mile on each reel; size 3/0 and 4/0 approximately one-half mile on each reel. 3. Round wire is to be cylindrical in form and of uniform size throughout. All forms to be uniform in quality, free from scale, flaws, splits and other defects inconsistent with the best commercial practice. 4. Round trolley wire may vary in diameter one per cent, either way. Shaped trolley wire may vary in diameter four per cent, over or under in weight per unit length from standard. 5. Wire to be shipped on firmly built reels suitable for proper handling and for the efficient protection of the wire in transit. Base and Advances on Trolley Wire Round hard drawn copper Grooved and figure 8 Base cent per pound advance over round AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE C O M P A N Y Bare Wires and Cables Trolley Construction Notes A mile of trolley wire strung in position is generally figured in calculations as 5350 feet, allowing 70 feet for sag and waste. The trolley wire is usually suspended about 20 feet above the center of the track or to one side. It may be supported either from steel strands spanning the track between two side poles, from brackets extending out from the poles or from catenary construction. The trolley wire is supported by trolley "ears" which mechanically clamp the shaped wire, or which are soldered to the round wire. The trolley ears are attached to the supports by means of insulated trolley hangers. P, A Overhead Construction, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. The following extracts from the specifications adopted by a leading railway company for overhead trolley construction are fairly representative of American electric railway practice. Poles, Pole Framing and Pole Setting Poles shall be of commercially straight, round chestnut, and shall conform to the dimensions shown in following table. Holes for the poles shall be excavated as here tabulated : Round Pole Data Length in Feet Circumference Top in Inches Depth in Earth in Feet Circumference 5 Feet from Butt in Inches Depth in Rock in Feet 30 22 6.0 36 5.0 35 22 6.0 38 5.5 40 22 6.5 44 5.5 45 22 6.5 47 6.0 50 22 7.0 50 6.5 55 22 7.5 53 6.5 60 22 8.0 56 7.0 65 22 8.5 58 7.0 70 22 9.0 58 7.0 ELECTRICAL WIRE AND CABLE Poles are to be delivered barked and with knots trimmed. Bare Wires They shall be sound and free from butt rot or hollows in butts which would and Cables impair strength above ground. They shall be free from unsound knots and shall have no more than one crook, this crook to be in one way only. Contractor shall point the tips, saw the butts off square, smooth all knots with draw knife, shave the entire pole, if so directed by the engineer, and paint the tips and gains of each pole with two coats of an approved metallic paint before installation. Pole Setting Poles shall be spaced 100 feet apart on tangents, and shall have a rake of 6 inches away from track at a height of 24 feet above top of track rail with bracket construction. With span construction the rake shall be 12 inches at same height above top of rail. Poles to have above rakes after taking final strain. For longer poles and on side banks and fills, depths will be determined by inspect- ing engineer. Face of pole shall be spaced at a minimum distance of 5 feet from outside of rail head, and shall not exceed this measurement to appreciable extent unless conditions so require. The earth around poles shall be thoroughly tamped with suitable tampers. When poles are set in concrete, the concrete shall consist of one part of an approved brand of Portland cement, three parts clean sharp sand and five parts broken stone, which will go through a 2-inch ring. Amount of concrete to be determined by inspecting engineer, and concrete to be put on in layers of 6 inches and each layer thoroughly tamped. Top of concrete filling to be above ground and sloped off from pole with smooth finish so as to shed water. Curve Construction Pull-offs on curves shall be spaced according to following table: Radius of Curve in Feet Distance between Hangers in Feet Radius of Curve in Feet Distance between Hangers in Feet Radius of Curve in Feet Distance between Hangers in Feet Radius of Curve in Feet Distance between Hangers in Feet 40 5.0 85 7.0 400 20.0 900 40.0 50 5.5 100 7.5 550 25.0 1000 45.0 (50 6.0 200 10.0 680 30.0 1500 60.0 75 0.5 300 15.0 800 35.0 1910 80.0 The distance between poles on curves is dependent on weight of feed wire, length of curve, and in towns, on local conditions. In general, the minimum distance between poles shall be 50 feet. Up to 1910 feet radius, space poles from 50 to 90 feet. Above 1910 feet radius, space poles 100 feet apart. Span Construction On single-track street railway lines use -j^-inch extra galvanized steel strand, tensile strength not less than 3300 pounds ; on double-track street railway lines and on electrified steam lines, use -Hi-inch extra galvanized steel strand, tensile strength not less than 4700 pounds, and use ^-inch x 16-inch galvanized eye-bolts with thread cut 5 inches. All spans to be installed with eye-bolts at same level and allowance made for sag of 1 foot in 20 feet of span, with eye-bolts at full length. AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables | - MACH. BOLTS 10 X-|- ' CROSS ARM a"x 4-r-x 34" Side Pole Bracket Construction GALV BRACES \ " ' LAG SCREWS 4 H. BOLTS 1o"xf" - CROSS ARMS 6 X4|'x 3-|" i r r^\ _L Span Construction ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES I ^ o^ CROSS ARM 8 " x *T" 3 l" 1 ^ ' '-^ -* - CGE. BOLTS 4i'x|/' Bare Wires and Cables ^N/- M . - ___y'g^ .-_>] jt '" i 1- ,- : Center Pole Construction Recent Catenary Construction on N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., near Glenbrook, Conn. (54 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables Bare Copper Wire and Cables Made in all sizes, hard drawn or annealed, and for all purposes. For telephone and telegraph, high voltage long distance transmission, and industrial purposes in general. Full information concerning the properties of bare copper wire with tabulated data is given in the foregoing section, pages 14 and 25. Bare Copper Wire Advances Advances per pound over and above base prices for annealed and hard drawn copper wire : B. & S. Gauge Number Advance per Pound Cents 0000 to 8 Base 9 and 10 Add y 8 11 and 12 Add y. 13 and 14 Add y. 15 and 16 Add X 17 and 18 Addl 19 and 20 Addl^ 21 and 22 Add \y z 23 and 24 Add 2^ For wire finer than 24 B. & S. gauge, special prices on application. Orders for copper wire will be filled by standard B. & S. gauge un- less otherwise specified. Tinned Copper Wire Advances Advances per pound over and above prices for corresponding sizes of annealed bare copper wire. B. & S. Gauge Number Advance per Pound Cents B. & S. Gauge Number Advance per Pound Cents 0000 to 8 H 18 and 19 1# 9 and 10 H 20 lj 11 and 12 % 21 I 3 / 13 and 14 i 22 2 15 and 16 i 23 2K 17 i 24 3 Hard Drawn Copper Telegraph and Telephone Wire Size B. & S. Gauge British Imperial, or English Legal Standard Gauge Number Diamc.er in Decimal of an Inch Approximate Weight per Mile in Pounds Number Diameter in Decimal of an Inch Approximate Weight per Mile in Pounds 8 .1285 264 8 .160 409 9 .1144 209 9 .144 331 10 .1019 166 10 .128 262 12 0808 104 12 .104 173 14 .0641 66 14 .080 102 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CARLES 66 Cutting to Lengths Bare Wires For lengths less than 20 feet, add a minimum of y 2 cent per pound to the schedule ; an< * Cables 20 feet or over, add X cent P er pound. For very short lengths of fine wire, such as tag wire, the price increases rapidly as the length decreases. Reels Will be charged at prices quoted on page 50. When returned in good condition, with slats, within six months from date of shipment, freight prepaid to the factory, customers will receive credit for the full amount originally charged. Bare Copper Cables, Annealed and Cleaned, or Hard Drawn These extras apply both on concentric and rope laid conductors. See pages 29 and 34 for wiring tables, giving complete information about copper cables. To determine the price of any bare stranded cable, add to the price for the wire of which the strand is composed the extras as given below. When the following sizes of wire, B. & S. gauge, are used: Number Advance per Pound Cents Number Advance per Pound Cents 8 or coarser 9 to 13 inclusive 14 to 16 inclusive l| 17 to 20 inclusive 21 to 24 inclusive 25 and smaller 2 5 Prices on request Intermediate sizes of wire take extra applying to next smaller gauge. For example, in determining prices of cables 500,000 circular mils, 61 wires concentric strand. Each wire has 8196 circular mils and is approximately 12 B. & S. gauge. Price bare wire, base size $15.00 per 100 pounds Advance for size (12 B. & S. gauge) . .25, see page 64 Advance for stranding .75, see above Freight Hemp Core Cables In order to reduce the skin ef- fect in conductors carrying heavy alternating currents of high fre- quency, it is customary to use a specially constructed cable having a hemp center. This style of cable is also required in many long distance transmission lines in order to in- crease the diameter enough to pre- vent corona effects due to very high potentials. We are prepared to manufac- ture this style of cable to any speci- fications. 66 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires Extra Flexible Cables and Cables We manufacture bare copper cables having a high degree of flexibility due to their being made up of a large number of small wires. These cables are for flexible connectors, for commutator brushes, third rail shoes and similar purposes. They are made both concentric and rope lay and price is figured from same schedule of advances. Specifications for Hard Drawn Copper Wire 1. The material shall be copper of such quality and purity that when drawn hard it shall have the properties and characteristics herein required. 2. These specifications cover hard drawn round wire and hard drawn cable or strand as hereinafter described. 3. The wire in all shapes must be free from all surface imperfections not con- sistent with the best commercial practice. 4. (a) Package sizes for round wire and for cable shall be agreed upon in the placing of individual orders. (b) The wire shall be protected against damage in ordinary handling and shipping. 5. For the purpose of calculating weights, cross-sections, etc., the specific grav- ity of copper shall be taken as 8.90. 6. All testing and inspecting shall be made at the place of manufacture, and when the wire is found to meet specifications it shall then and there be accepted by purchaser. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector representing the purchaser all reasonable facilities to enable him to satisfy himself that the material conforms to the requirements of these specifications. Hard Drawn Round Wire 7. (a) Sizes shall be expressed as the diameter of the wire either in decimals of an inch or in mils, or in the B. & S. gauge. (b) Permissible variations from actual gauge diameter shall be as shown in the table, page 24. 8. The wire shall be so drawn that its tensile strength and elongation shall be at least equal to the value stated in the following table. Tensile tests shall be made upon fair samples and the elongation shall be determined as the permanent increase in length, due to the breaking of the wire in tension, measured between bench marks placed upon the wire originally 10 inches apart. The fracture shall be between the bench marks and not closer than 1 inch to either mark. If upon testing a sample from any coil of wire, the results are found to be below the values stated in the table, tests upon two additional samples shall be made, and the average of the three tests shall determine acceptance or rejection of the coil. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 67 Properties of Hard Drawn Copper Wire (Adopted by the A. S. T. M.) Bare Wires and Cables Size B. & S. Diameter Inches Area Circular Mils Tensile Strength Pounds per Sq. Inch Per Cent. Elongation in 10 Inches Size B. & S. Diameter Inches Area Circular Mils Tensile Strength Pounds per Sp. Inch Per Cent. Elongation in 10 Inches 0000 0.460 211,600 49,000 3.75 8 0.128 16,380 63,400 1.4 000 0.410 168,100 51,000 8.20 9 0.114 12,996 64,200 1.8 00 0.365 133,200 52,800 2.70 10 0.102 10,404 64,800 1.2 0.825 105,600 54,500 2.4 11 0.091 8,281 65,400 1.1 1 0.289 83,520 56,000 2.1 12 0.081 6,561 65,700 1.0 2 0.258 66,560 57,500 2.0 13 0.072 5,184 66,000 0.9 3 0.229 52,440 58,500 1.9 14 0.064 4,096 66,200 0.9 4 0.204 41,620 59,500 1.8 15 0.057 3,249 66,400 0.8 5 0.182 83,120 60,500 1.7 16 0.051 2,601 66,600 0.8 6 0.162 26,240 61,500 1.6 17 0.045 2,025 66,800 0.7 7 0.144 20,740 62,500 1.5 18 0.040 1,600 67,000 0.7 For wire whose nominal diameter is between listed sizes, the requirements shall be determined by interpolation from those included in the table. 9. Electrical conductivity shall be determined upon fair samples by resistance measurements at a temperature of 20 C. (68 F.). The wire shall not exceed the following limits: For diameters 0.460 to 0.325 inch, 890.1 pounds per mile-ohm at 20 C., equal to 98 per cent. Matthiessen's standard. For diameters 0.324 to 0.102 inch, 899.3 pounds per mile-ohm at 20 C., equal to 97.0 per cent. Matthiessen's standard. For diameters 0.101 to 0.040 inch, 908.7 pounds per mile-ohm at 20 C., equal to 96.0 per cent. Matthiesson's standard. Hard Drawn Copper Wire Strand 10. For the purpose of these specifications, standard strand shall be that made up of hard drawn wire laid concentrically about a hard drawn wire center. Cable laid up about a hemp center or about a soft wire core is to be subject to special specifications to be agreed upon in individual cases. 11. The wire entering into the construction of strand shall, before stranding, meet all the requirements of round wire hereinbefore stated. 12. The tensile strength of standard strand shall be at least 90 per cent, of the total strength required of the wires forming the strand. 13. Brazes, made in accordance with the best commercial practice, will be per- mitted in wire entering into strand. The brazed joint shall have at least 95 per cent, of the strength specified for the wire. 14. The lay of standard strand shall not be less than 12, nor more than 16 diameters of the strand. Rail Bonds The subject of rail bonds is properly included with that of other bare electrical conductors. We are exceptionally well equipped to make rail bonds of any de- sired type, capacity or length to meet any requirements. We manufacture all standard types of terminal stud bonds from which any particular style of 68 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires bond can be selected that will best serve for any given set of track conditions. Our and Cables bonds are distinguished by accurate workmanship, superior grade of material and simplicity of design, qualities which will insure lasting and economical service. We make four styles of rail bonds : Crown rail bonds, with round wire conductors ; United States rail bonds, with flat wire conductors; Twin Terminal bonds to be attached to the heads of rails, and Soldered rail bonds. Only pure annealed copper of high conductivity is used in any portion of these bonds. The solid terminals, after being forged to shape from rolled copper rods, are heated and drop forged to the flexible conductor portion, producing a union having all the merits of homogeneous copper. There are two styles of stud terminals shown on the Crown and on the United States bonds. One is a tubular terminal, and is applied by driving a long taper punch through the hollow terminal, distending it radially, after which a short drift pin is driven into the terminal, expanding it J -inch more. The other style of terminal has a solid stud and is installed with a compressor. When correctly installed, either style will give equally good results. The stud portion of all terminals is milled smooth and accurate to size, thus insuring a most efficient and lasting contact. The Twin Terminal bond is applied by hammer compression. This makes an ideal bond in all respects for exposed T-rail joints. We make two styles of Rail Bond Testers, each having special merits. The A. S. & W. tester is suitable for very accurate measurements. The Crown is very easily handled, less expensive and is used to indicate the presence of poor bonding. The durability and efficiency of a bond installation will depend largely upon the effectiveness of the tools used. Even the best workmen cannot do good work with poor bonding tools. In developing our bonding tools no expense has been spared nor time considered. First and foremost, the aim has been to produce tools of the greatest effectiveness and perfect suitability for the service to which they were to be put ; to make them as perfect in every detail as possible, and to make them light, durable and reasonable in cost. A new and revised rail bond catalogue describing our complete bonding equip- ment will be sent on request. Correspondence is solicited, and data and estimates will gladly be furnished. Only a few of the bonds and tools which we make are shown below and on next page. Crown Rail Bond,-Type C P-03 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES Crown Rail Bond, Type C P S United States Rail Bond, Type U S 1 Bare Wires and Cables * '* Twin Terminal Rail Bond, Form B Soldered Stud Rail Bond Twin Terminal Bond Applied 70 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables Bonding Tools We make and constantly keep in stock, special high grade tools for the correct installation of each type of rail bond. For ease of handling and adjusting, rapidity of action and general effectiveness, these bonding tools have no equal. We also contract for the complete installation of any type of bond manufactured by us. Single Spindle Drill, No. 21 This drill should always be used in connection with our Crown and United States bonds. The machine grips the rail head rigidly and is fed automatically. In con- sequence the hole is true to size and has a smooth wall. It is light and durable, easily operated by one man and is driven forward by each stroke of the lever. No. 61. Screw Hydraulic Compressor ( Patented ) Four-Spindle Motor Drill Used with Installation of Twin Terminal and Soldered Stud Bonds (Patented) ELECTRICAL WIRES AND C A H L E S Extra Galvanized W. & M. Telephone and Telegraph Wire There are three standards of extra galvanized telephone and telegraph wire in general com- mercial use: " EXTRA BEST BEST" (E.B.B.). Made by improved continuous pro- cess and stands highest in con- ductivity of any telegraph wire with a weight per mile ohm of from 4700 to 5000 pounds. Uniform in quality, pure, tough and pliable. It is largely used by telegraph companies and in railway telegraph service. "BEST BEST" (B.B.). Superior to theE.B.B. in mechanical quali- ties and equal in galvanizing, but of somewhat lower electrical value. Weight per mile ohm, 5600 to 6000 pounds. This grade is used very largely by telephone companies. "STEEL "(or homogeneous metal). More expressly designed for short-line telephone service, where a measure of conductivity can be exchanged for high tensile strength in a light wire. Weight per mile-ohm, 6500 to 7000 pounds. Around each bundle is securely riveted a metal seal stamped W. & M. E. B. B., W. & M. B. B., or W. & M. Steel, as follows: Bare Wiies and Cables Seals for Telephone and Telegraph Coils of Wire The arbitrary designation of these different qualities, as E. B. B., B. B., and Steel, was adopted several years ago. The three grades are all made from the very best materials by improved processes under the careful supervision of skilled and experienced men. 7:2 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires While these three grades differ in physical characteristics, there is fio difference and Cables in the standard as regards galvanizing. All grades are galvanized to the highest commercial standard a standard which is the result of more than half a century's experience. A complete description of the processes involved in the manufacture of W. & M. Iron and Steel Telephone and Telegraph Wire is given on pages 39 to 44. Every bundle of wire before shipment is tested physically and electrically to insure a uniform product of high standard and the galvanizing is tested to determine that the zinc coating is continuous, is elastic and of sufficient thickness and fully up to the highest commercial standard. The latter test is a chemical, not merely a visual, one. The life of a galvanized wire depends primarily upon the thickness and grade of galvanizing and not upon the color of the galvanizing. No greater mistake could be made than to buy telephone wire on what is properly termed "looks." Under the corroding influences of smoke and air, the "looks" of the wire soon fade and something other than this is required in order that efficient and economical service and long life be rendered. Machine for Testing Telegraph Wire Specifications for Galvanized Telephone and Telegraph Wire Testing Facilities, The manufacturer shall provide suitable facilities for making the tests hereinafter specified. Finish. The wire shall be cylindrical in form and free from scales, inequalities, flaws, splints and other imperfections. The finish of the wire shall be in accordance with the best commercial practice. Each coil shall be warranted not to contain any weld, joint or splice in the rod before drawn. Galvanizing. The wire shall be well galvanized in accordance with the fol- lowing specifications: The galvanizing shall consist of a continuous coating of pure zinc of practically uniform thickness, and so applied that it adheres firmly to the surface of the wire. No. 12 B. W. G. and coarser sizes of wire shall be capable of withstanding the following test : TESTING SOLUTION. A standard solution shall be prepared by selecting from commercial sulphate of copper crystals, those which are clean and LECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES have a clear blue color, and dissolving them in lukewarm water. The solution shall be allowed to stand for at least twelve hours with occasional stirring. Some undissolved crystals should remain at the bottom of the vessel at the end of this time. The solution shall be neutralized by the addition of an excess of cupric oxide. The neutralized solution shall then be filtered before using. (See note below.) METHOD OF TESTING. Samples of wire previously cleaned with gasoline or benzine shall be immersed, to a distance of at least four inches, in a glass vessel containing not less than one pint of the standard solution and allowed to remain for one minute. They shall then be removed, washed in clear water and wiped dry with soft cotton cloth or waste. This process shall be repeated three times, making four immersions in all. Note. A saturated solution of sulphate of copper thus prepared should have a specific gravity of 1.186 at a temperature of 65 degrees F. In case of No. 14 B. W. G. wire, the fourth immersion shall be of one-half minute duration instead of one minute. The temperature of the solution during the test shall not be above 68 degrees F. or below 62 degrees F. Not more than seven samples of wire shall be immersed at one time, and no solution shall be used for more than one set of four immersions. If a bright copper deposit appears on the steel after the fourth immersion, thus indicating that the wire is exposed, the galvanizing of the lot of wire represented by the samples shall be considered faulty. Copper deposits on zinc or within one inch of the cut end shall not be considered causes for rejection. Physical and Electrical Requirements. The galvanized wire shall conform to the following physical requirements with respect to resistances, weights and breaking strains. Torsion. The wire shall be capable of withstanding at least fifteen (15) twists in a length of six (6) inches. In the case of wire less than 0.134 inch in diameter one-third (y) of the coils may have two (2) pieces to a coil joined by the ordinary twist joint carefully soldered and galvanized. In the case of wire 0.134 inch in diameter and larger, each coil may consist of two pieces only joined by the ordinary twist joint carefully soldered and galvanized. Binding. Each coil of wire shall be securely bound in at least four places with galvanized iron wire. A tag shall be attached to each coil, giving the size and grade of wire in the coil. Bare Wires and Cables Properties of Galvanized Telephone and Telegraph Wires Based on Standard Specifications Size Diameter in Area />:,., .1^*. Approximate Weight in Pounds Approximate Breaking Strain in Pounds Resistance per Mile ( Interna- tional Ohms) at 68 F. or20C. B. W. G Mils=^ in Circular Mils=^ 2 Per 1000 Feet Per Mile Ex. B. B. B. B. Steel Ex. B. B. B. B. Steel 340 115,600 313 1,655 4,138 4,634 4,965 2.84 3.38 3.93 1 300 90,000 244 1,289 3,223 3,609 3,867 3.65 4.34 5.04 2 284 80,656 218 1,155 2,888 3,234 8,465 4.07 4.85 5.63 8 259 67,081 182 960 2,400 2,688 2,880 4.90 5.83 6.77 4 238 56,644 153 811 2,028 2,271 2,433 5.80 6.91 8.01 5 220 48,400 131 693 1,732 1,940 2,079 6.78 8.08 9.38 6 203 41,209 112 590 1,475 1,652 1,770 7.97 9.49 11.02 7 180 32,400 87 463 1,158 1,296 1,389 10.15 12.10 14.04 8 165 27,225 74 390 975 1,092 1,170 12.05 14.86 16.71 9 148 21,904 60 314 785 879 942 14.97 17.84 20.70 10 184 17,956 49 258 645 722 774 18.22 21.71 25.29 11 120 14,400 39 206 515 577 618 22.82 27.19 31.55 12 109 11,881 32 170 425 476 510 27.65 32.94 38.23 13 95 9,025 25 129 310 347 372 37.90 45.16 52.41 14 83 6,889 19 99 247 277 297 47.48 56.56 65.66 15 72 5,184 14 74 185 207 222 63.52 75.68 87.84 16 65 4,225 11 61 152 171 183 77.05 91.80 106.55 74 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables W. & M. Telephone Wire Continued Prices quoted on application Sizes Birming- ham Wire Gauge Diameter in Decimals of an Inch Bdls. per Mile Weight 1000 6 Feet in Pounds Weight per Mile in Pounds Sizes Birming- ham Wire Gauge Diameter in Decimals of an Inch Bdls. per Mile Weight lOOoVeet in Pounds Weight per Mile in Pounds 4 0.238 4 153 811 10 0.134 2 49 258 6 0.203 3 112 590 11 0.120 2 39 206 8 0.165 2 74 390 12 0.109 2 32 170 9 0.148 2 60 314 14 0.083 2 19 99 Data Concerning Telephone and Telegraph Poles Length of Pole, Feet Diameter Six Inches from Butt Inches Diameter at Top Inches Depth Pole Should be Placed in Ground, Feet Length of Pole, Feet Diameter Six Inches from Butt Inches Diameter at Top Inches Depth Pole Should be Placed in Ground, Feet 25 9 to 10 6 to 8 5 55 16 to 17 6 to 8 7% 30 9 to 11 6 to 8 5* 60 16 to 18 6 to 8 VA 35 9 to 12 6 to 8 5K 65 16 to 19 6 to 8 8 40 9 to 13 6 to 8 6 70 16 to 20 6 to 8 8 45 9 to 14 6 to 8 6^ 75 16 to 21 6 to 8 8^ 50 9 to 15 6 to 8 7 80 16 to 22 6 to 8 9 Sizes and Weights of White Cedar Poles (Northwestern Cedarmen's Association specifications) Description Length Feet Top Diameter Inches Weight Pounds Length Feet Top Diameter Inches Weight Pounds Length Feet Top Diameter Inches Weight Pounds 20 4 100 35 6 450 55 6 1,850 20 5 130 35 7 600 55 7 1,700 20 6 190 85 8 850 55 8 2,200 25 4 150 40 6 625 60 6 1,700 25 5 200 40 7 850 60 7 2,200 25 6 250 40 8 1,100 60 8 2,500 25 7 350 45 6 900 65 6 2,200 30 5 275 45 7 1,100 65 7 2,500 30 6 350 45 8 1,350 65 8 3,000 30 7 450 50 6 1,150 70 6 2,500 30 8 575 50 7 1,350 70 7 3,000 85 5 876 50 8 1,700 70 8 4,000 Extra Galvanized Bond Wire Used for signal bonding on steam roads. Extra B. B. extra galvanized telephone wire is nearly always used for this purpose. Cut and straightened to lengths at a small extra charge. Usually 3 to 5 feet long, and of any gauge number desired. LECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES Extra Galvanized Steel Signal Wire This wire is used as a connection from a lever or other pulling device to a semaphore signal which is operated mechanically. The two sizes of Extra Galvan- ized Signal Wire in common use are : No. 8 B. W. gauge, with an approximate breaking strength of 2350 pounds. No. 9 B. W. gauge, with an approximate breaking strength of 1900 pounds. The wire is made especially to meet the important requirements of this service. It is extra galvanized, and of a quality that possesses high strength and as low elong- ation as is practicable without sacrificing toughness. The coils are 5 feet in diam- eter, and approximately one-half mile in length without welds or joints. Bare Wires and Cables Steel Strand for Guying Poles and for Span Wire Galvanized or Extra Galvanized Seven Steel Wires Twisted into a Single Strand Standard Steel Strand Galvanized or Extra Galvanized Diameter in Inches Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds Approximate Strength in Pounds List Prices 100 P Feet Diameter in Inches Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds Approximate Strength in Pounds List Prices 100 Feet ! 510 415 295 210 125 8500. 6500. 5000. 3800. 2300. |4.50 3.75 2.75 2.25 1.75 1 95 75 55 32 20 1800. 1400. 900. 500. 400. $1.50 1.25 1.15 1.00 .80 This strand is used chiefly for guying poles and smoke stacks, for supporting trolley wire, and for operating railroad signals. For overhead catenary construction suspending trolley wire, the special grades of strand are considered preferable because they possess greater strength and toughness. 76 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables Extra Galvanized Special Strands Seven Steel Wires Twisted into a Single Strand We manufacture three special grades of Extra Galvanized Strand which will meet all requirements for durability, strength, toughness and light weight. Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand. Extra Galvanized High Strength (crucible steel) Strand. Extra Galvanized Extra High Strength (plow steel) Strand. Strands of all three grades are composed of seven wires each, and they have a very heavy coating of galvanizing, which insures long life. Extra Galvanized Siemens- Martin Strand Extra Galvanized High Strength Strand Extra Galvanized Extra High Strength Strand c 1 C M C jy v IfJ S .gta 3 H-3 III Sjj a!- 1 - ^'ScS |fa E +: j S . c S S-2-g ^ 7,300 1.75 55 6 10,900 2.10 60 4 i^ 3,060 1.00 50 10.0 K 5,100 1.50 55 6 M 7,600 1.90 60 4 i 3 s 2,000 .85 50 10.0 T 3 B 3,300 1.30 55 6 T 3 S 4,900 1.60 60 4 Mi 900 .55 50 10.0 1^ 1,500 .80 55 6 y& 2,250 1.05 60 4 Special A 6,000 1.35 When intermediate sizes or strengths are called for, if they are exactly midway between two sizes provided for, the average price of the two sizes shall apply, other- wise the price of the nearest size and strength shall apply. The use of these special grades of Extra Galvanized Strand is constantly increas- ing. We will consider briefly some of the principal uses to which they are par- ticularly adapted. MESSENGER STRAND. The heavy encased telephone cables are not in themselves sufficiently strong, without an unusual deflection, to safely withstand the strain incident to stringing these cables between poles at considerable distances apart. It is common practice now to stretch from pole to pole, with very little sag, T \-inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand ; or Extra Galvanized High Strength Strand of ^ inch or ^ inch diameter, and from this messenger strand the heavy telephone cable is suspended by means of clips, wire, cord, or marline ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 77 at short intervals. The messenger strand thus sustains most of the stress due to Bare Wires weight of cable, wind or ice load. We have mentioned the sizes and qualities now and Cables generally employed by the largest telephone companies. The Extra Galvanized Extra High Strength Strand, while affording the greatest strength for its weight, is naturally stiff and springy and not so easy to fasten. The so-called common gal- vanized strand should never be used for messenger lines, as it does not possess the requisite strength and uniform toughness of the special grades of steel. CATENARY METHOD OF SUPPORTING TROLLEY WIRE. In the ordinary electric railway overhead construction, the copper trolley wire dips and sags between the supporting points, which are opposite poles, and from 100 to 125 feet apart. The catenary method of carrying the trolley wire consists of one or more messenger strands stretched over the center of the tracks. Every few feet along the mes- senger strand are pendant hangers that clamp on the trolley wire and retain it in a rigid, straight horizontal line, an especially desirable feature for the operation of electric cars at high speed. The catenary construction also makes it possible to space the poles at greater distances apart, but this necessarily causes great tension on the messenger strand and poles. The common galvanized strand is not suitable for this work. The selection of the best size and quality of strand depends upon the length of span, the deflection of the messenger strand, and the weight of the trolley wire. In general, however, for a single messenger strand carrying a 4/0 copper trolley wire, we would recommend the following : For spans 125 to 150 feet, ^g-inch or T 7 ^-inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens- Martin Strand. For longer spans up to 225 feet, ^-inch or T 7 ^-inch Extra Galvanized High Strength Strand. These two grades have been found the best for catenary work. The messenger strand and trolley wire may be made to follow track curves by increasing the number of poles at the curves, but this is obviated by attaching to the hangers near the center of span what are known as "pull-off" strands. Our ^-inch or T \-inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand is usually employed for this purpose. For reasons already explained, the poles should be well guyed, especially at the curves, with %-inch or T 5 -inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand. LIGHTNING PROTECTION FOR TRANSMISSION LINES. In erecting high-tension current transmission lines on tall steel towers, it is customary to stretch between the highest points of the towers a ^-inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens- Martin Strand, known as an "overhead ground wire." This strand is employed almost invariably for such purposes. LONG SPANS IN HIGH-TENSION CURRENT TRANSMISSION LINE. Long spans cannot always be made with copper cables, because hard drawn copper has a strength of only 65,000 pounds per square inch. Where it is necessary to cross over rivers, lakes and bays with power transmission lines, the current may be conducted through an extra galvanized strand of one of the three special grades of steel above described, of such size and strength as will show a safety factor of at least five. It is not necessary to suspend bare copper cables beneath a steel messenger strand, as the steel strand itself will serve as the conductor. An entire power transmission line of very high potential could be economically constructed with Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand, the adop- tion of which in place of copper cable would reduce the number of supporting towers which are often the cause of energy loss and trouble. 78 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables Steel Strand Used as Conductors on Long Distance Transmission Line Properties of Special 'Grades Extra Galvanized Special Strands Diameter of Strand, Inches Number of Wires in Strand Strength S. M. Strand Tons Strength Crucible Strand Tons Strength Plow Strand Tons Approximate Weight per Foot Pounds 61 55 91.5 121 4.75 la 61 45.5 76 100 8.95 JT/ 37 38 63.5 85 3.30 iVg 37 32.5 54 72 2.62 1 37 25.5 43.7 60 2.25 % 19 19 32 45 1.70 % 19 14.2 23.7 35 1.25 y* 19 10 16.5 23.5 .81 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 79 "Crosby" Wire Rope Clip Light, durable and convenient. Easily applied. These are galvanized drop- forged clips that securely hold wire rope or strand. List Prices Bare Wires and Cables Inch Price Inch Price Inch Price Inch Price Inch Price Inch Price I ':! 16 jl $ .45 .45 H % .65 .75 1/^8 1*4 $ .95 1.10 1% w% $1.50 3.50 2 V/4 $ 7.50 9.50 H .40 y* .55 1 .85 1& 1.25 IK 5.50 v/ 2 11.50 " Crosby " Wire Rope Clip Galvanized Three-bolt Strand Clamp Three-bolt Strand Clamp This is known as the standard A. T. & T. Co. hot galvanized rolled steel strand clamp or guy clamp; made from open hearth bar steel. Will hold any size of strand from %-inch to ^-inch diameter. Prices on application. AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables Resistance Wire In conductors used for transmission or distribution purposes, the specific resistance has to be very low so as to avoid consumption of electric energy and a consequent heavy voltage drop in the line. In some constant potential devices, however, such as electric heaters and rheostats, it is desirable to have conductors of very high specific resistance for the express purpose of transforming electrical energy into heat. We handle a high grade of nickel-steel resistance wire known to the trade as Tico Resistance Wire, made for such purposes where a high specific and uniform resistance is required. In addition to this standard resistance wire, we make many grades and sizes of steel wire that can be used where close regulation is not an essential feature. Tico Resistance Wire B. & S. Gauge Price per Pound Diameter in Mils Area Circular Mils Area Square Inches Weight Pounds 1000 6 Feet Feet per Pound Resistance Ohms per Foot Ohms per Pound Feet per Ohm Pounds per Ohm 4 $1.10 204.81 41743 .032784 110.5 9.05 .0124 .112 80.9 8.94 5 1.10 181.94 33102 .025999 87.7 11.40 .0156 .178 64.2 5.63 6 1.10 162.02 26250 .020618 69.54 14.4 .0197 .283 50.8 3.53 1.10 144.29 20820 .016351 55.14 18.1 .0248 .450 40.3 2.22 8 1.10 128.49 16510 .012967 43.73 22.9 .0813 .715 82.0 1.40 9 1.10 114.42 13092 .010283 34.68 28.8 .0394 1.14 25.4 .879 10 1.15 101.90 10384 .008155 27.50 36.4 .0497 1.81 20.1 .553 11 1.15 90.74 8234 .006467 21.81 45.8 .0627 2.88 16.0 .348 12 1.15 80.81 6530 .005129 17.70 57.8 .0791 4.57 12.6 .219 13 1.20 71.96 5179 .004067 13.72 72.9 .0997 7.29 10.0 .137 14 1.20 64.08 4107 .003225 10.88 92 .1257 11.6 7.95 .0865 15 1.20 57.07 3257 .002558 8.625 116 .1585 18.4 6.31 .0544 16 1.25 50.82 2583 .002029 6.842 146 .2000 29.2 5.00 .0342 17 1.25 45.26 2048 .001609 5.425 184 .252 , 46.5 3.97 .0215 18 1.80 40.30 1624 .001276 4.302 232 .318 73.9 3.15 .0135 19 1.30 35.89 1288 .001012 8.411 293 .401 117 2.49 .00851 20 1.30 31.96 1022 .0008023 2.707 369 .505 187 1.98 .00535 21 1.35 28.46 810.1 .0006363 2.146 466 .638 297 1.57 .00337 22 1.35 25.35 642.5 .0005046 1.702 588 .804 473 1.24 .00212 23 1.35 22:57 509.5 .0004002 1.350 741 1.014 751 .986 .00133 24 1.40 20.10 404.1 .0003173 1.070 934 1.278 1194 .782 .000837 Armature Binding Wire We manufacture tinned steel Armature Binding Wire in large quantities. This is made in four grades designated as A, B, Cl and C2, which vary in tensile strength. Grade A. Used to bind armatures of small motors and dynamos. Grade B. Commercial grade. Used on motors and dynamos of ordinary commercial size and speed. Grade C 1. Made of high grade piano wire and used where great strength is required. Grade C 2. Used when very high tensile strength is required, as on motors and dynamos of unusual size and high speed. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES Tensile Strength of Tinned Steel Armature Binding Wire Tensile Strength in Pounds. (Minimum) B. & S. Gauge Diameter in Mils "A" Grade " B " Grade " C 1 " Grade " C 2 " Grade Actual Per Sq. In. Actual Per Sq. In. Actual Per Sq. In. Actual PerSq.In. 10 101.9 938 1631 1957 2447 11 90.7 743 1292 1551 1938 12 80.8 590 1026 1231 1538 13 72.0 468 814 977 1221 14 64.1 371 645 774 968 15 57.1 294 512 615 768 16 50.8 233 405 486 608 17 45.3 185 322 387 484 18 40.3 147 115,000 255 - 200,000 806 240,000 383 - 300,000 19 35.9 116 202 248 804 20 32.0 92.5 161 193 241 21 28.5 73.4 128 153 191 22 25.3 57.8 101 121 151 23 22.6 46.1 80.2 96.3 120 24 20.1 86.5 63.5 76.2 95.2 25 17.9 28.9 50.3 60.4 75.5 26 15.9 22.8 39.7 47.7 59.6 Bare Wires and Cables Extra Galvanized Steel Armor Wire for Cables Made of medium strength steel, extra galvanized, in any size or quantity speci- fied. Used as a protection to the insulation of cables, or to the lead sheathing. This wire is made to conform to the standard specifications of the United States Signal Corps. Pole Steps Plain and Extra Galvanized Button Head Pole Step AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Bare Wires and Cables Pole Steps Continued Prices Quoted on Application Sizes Approximate Weight per 100 Pole Steps Sizes Approximate Weight per 100 Pole Steps Plain Galvanized Plain Galvanized 8 x %inch 9 x % inch 10 x ^i inch 10K x % inch 73 pounds 78 pounds 85 pounds 89 pounds 75 pounds 81 pounds 88 pounds 93 pounds 8 l / 2 x & inch 9 x ^g inch W/ 2 x T 9 B inch 9 x y 2 inch 58 pounds 62 pounds 71 pounds 51 pounds 61 pounds 65 pounds 74 pounds 54 pounds For the use of electric light, street railway and telephone companies. The above are with our regular spike and button heads. Lengths given are measurements over all. Each step carefully threaded with screw thread. Special shapes or lengths of heads made to order. A keg of pole steps weighs about 200 pounds. Silico- Magnetic-Core Steel This special silicon steel is the best known material for all magnetic core purposes. The permeability of this steel at densities of 12,000 lines per square centimeter or under, is extremely high, thus making it possible to obtain a high magnetization from any given number of ampere turns. Its hysteresis constant is low, and the specific resistance is high four to five times higher than that of other grades. These properties result in a very low combined hysteresis and eddy current loss. The material is non-ageing. If anything, it improves with age, so that the efficiency of the material remains unimpaired with time of service. These properties combine to make an excellent core material for all kinds of electro-magnets, induc- tion coils, spark coils, and so on. Drawn to any size, and supplied in any quantities required. Prices quoted on application. Magnet Wire Page Cotton -covered 85-87 Silk-covered 88 Asbestos and Cotton-covered 89 Rectangular Magnet Wire 89-90 Square Magnet Wire 90 Paper-covered 91 Special Magnet Wire 91 Specifications 9 1 84 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Magnet Wire Magnet Wire All copper wire drawn for magnet purposes is thoroughly annealed by processes which insure uniform and extreme softness, highest conductivity and ease of hand- ling. Before the cover is applied all wire is carefully inspected for size and uniformity of dimensions, and to see that it is free from scale and all surface im- perfections. All magnet wire is insulated in special machines by skilled operators. We are not only prepared to produce large quantities of the ordinary commercial sizes of cotton-covered magnet wire, but we are also in a position to and do furnish large amounts of fine and special work, both silk and cotton. The magnet wire is not only inspected during process, for knots, skips, smoothness and evenness of insula- tion, but it is also given a final thorough inspection and test for continuity before packing. A large supply of the common sizes of magnet wire is con- stantly kept in stock in our various warehouses. We cover magnet wire with single, double or triple cotton or silk, with asbestos and cotton and with paper. We also are prepared Magnet Wire Covering Machim ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 85 Magnet Wire to make special kinds of magnet wire which may be specified. The effectiveness of these materials for dielectric purposes depends very largely upon their quality and their freedom from foreign or gritty substances. The covers are wound spirally about the wire, successive layers being wound in opposite directions. Magnet yarn is composed of a number of unit threads called "ends up," which are laid on par- allel about the wire. The thickness and evenness of the cover will depend not only upon the quality and size of the thread, but also upon its lay, and this is governed by the relative speed of the spindles and the travel of the wire through the machine. Cotton. While there are five or six species of cotton having commercial value, the bulk of the product may be divided into two kinds, Upland and Sea Island cotton. The former, which grows over a very wide range of tropical country, has a comparatively coarse staple that seldom reaches \y 2 inches in length. The Sea Island species alone is used for magnet purposes, and furnishes the finest and most valuable fibre grown. The staple in this is from \y 2 inches to 2^ inches long, and is of a very soft, hairy texture. It produces a soft and even yarn that makes an ideal magnet covering. Cotton yarn is numbered according to the number of hanks contained in a pound of 7000 grains. \*/i yards =. 1 thread or round of the cotton yarn. 120 yards = 80 threads = 1 skein, ley or lea. 840 yards = 560 threads = 7 skeins = 1 hank. The number of hanks in one pound is the number of the cotton yarn, or the number of cotton yarn equals the number of yards that weigh 8.33 grains. An Italian Tram Silk composed of the finest selected fibres is used to cover all of our silk magnet wire. The silk-worm forms a cocoon of two parallel filaments of silk ; three to six cocoons are usually reeled off together, making a thread of raw silk containing six to twelve filaments. One authority states that 500 yards of five twin filaments weigh about 2.5 grains. The number of drachms (27.34 grains) that 1000 yards of this raw silk weighs is the number of the silk. Full dimensions and all properties of copper used for magnet wire will be found fully described on pages 14 and 26. D. C. C. Magnet Wire AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Magnet Wire Round Cotton-covered Magnet Wire Advances on Coarse Sizes Single Cotton Covered Double Cotton Covered Tiiple Cotton Covered Approxi- Number ~r Size B. &S. List Number Advances Over Base per 100 Approxi- mate Pounds per 1000 List Number Advances Over Base per 100 Approxi- mate Pounds per 1000 List Number Advances Over Base per 100 mate Quantity on Reels Pounds OI Reel (See Page 50) Pounds Feet Pounds Feet Pounds 5000 Base 321 5100 Base 322 6000 Base 150 321 1 5001 Base 254 5101 Base 256 6001 Base 150 313 2 5002 Base 202 5102 Base 203 6002 Base 150 313 3 5003 Base 160 5103 Base 161 6003 Base 150 313 4 5004 Base 127 5104 Base 128 6004 Base 150 313 5 5005 Base 101 5105 Base 101.5 6005 Base 150 313 6 5006 Base 80.1 5106 Base 80.6 6006 Base 150 313 7 5007 $0.25 63.6 5107 $0.25 64.1 6007 $0.25 150 313 8 5008 .50 50.4 5108 .75 50.9 6008 .75 150 313 9 5009 .75 40.1 5109 1.25 40.4 6009 1.25 150 313 10 5010 1.00 31.9 5110 1.75 32.1 6010 2.00 150 313 11 5011 1.50 25.3 5111 2.25 25.5 6011 2.75 150 313 12 5012 2.00 20.1 5112 2.75 20.3 6012 3.50 150 313 13 5013 2.50 16 5113 3.50 16.2 6013 4.75 150 313 14 5014 3.00 12.7 5114 4.25 12.9 6014 6.00 150 318 15 5015 3.50 10.1 5115 5.00 10.3 6015 7.25 150 313 16 5016 4.00 7.99 5116 5.75 8.15 6016 8.50 50 338 17 5017 4.50 6.36 5117 6.75 6.51 6017 10.00 50 838 18 5018 5.25 505 5118 7.75 5.19 6018 11.50 50 338 19 5019 6.00 4.04 5119 8.75 4.15 6019 13.00 15 343 Fine Sizes Round Magnet Wire List Price per Pound Single Cotton Covered Double Cotton Covered Triple Cotton Covered Approxi- Size mate Quantity Number of B. & S. List List Price Appro x. Pounds List List Price Appro x. Pounds List List Price on Spools Spool Number per Pound per 1000 Feet Number per Pound per 1000 Feet Number per Pound Pounds 20 5020 $0.58 3.22 5120 $0.64 3.33 6020 $0.76 14 343 21 5021 .60 2.57 5121 .70 2.66 6021 .90 18J4 343 22 5022 .62 2.03 5122 .74 2.12 6022 .98 13 343 23 5023 .65 1.68 5128 .78 1.70 6023 1.04 12 343 24 5024 .68 1.30 5124 .84 1.37 6024 1.16 11 343 25 5025 .73 1.04 5125 .92 1.11 6025 1.30 4^ 347 26 5026 .80 .822 5126 .00 .898 6026 1.40 4 347 27 5027 .86 .662 5127 .10 .730 6027 1.58 4 347 28 5028 .92 .526 5128 .20 .588 6028 1.76 4 347 29 5029 .98 .428 5129 .30 .485 6029 1.94 4 847 30 5030 1.08 .337 5130 .42 .388 6030 2.22 2 845 31 5031 1.19 .274 5131 .54 .318 6031 2.38 2 345 32 5032 1.27 .222 5132 .64 .264 6032 2.44 2 345 33 5033 1.44 .181 5133 .88 .221 6033 2.76 2 345 34 5034 1.64 .148 5134 2.20 .186 6034 3.32 1% 345 35 5035 1.86 .122 5135 2.50 .147 6035 8.78 V/2 345 36 5036 2.12 .101 5136 3.00 .126 6036 4.76 IX 845 37 5037 2.70 .080 5137 4.30 .109 6087 7.50 IK 345 38 5038 3.60 .066 5138 5.70 .0884 6038 9.90 1 345 39 5039 4.70 .056 5139 7.20 .0762 6039 12.20 1 345 40 5040 6.00 .048 5140 9.00 .0665 6040 15.00 1 345 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES Round Cotton-covered Magnet Wire Coarse Sizes Magnet Wire Single Cotton Covered Double Cotton Covered Allowable Rated Area Approximate Values Approximate Values Size B &S. Diameter Inches Variation Either Wav in Per Cent. in Cir. Mils. Outside Diameter Inches Feet per Pound Outside Diameter Inches Feet per Pound 0.3249 Kofi 105,625 .333 3.1 .339 3.1 1 .2893 Ysof 1 83,694 .297 3.9 .303 3.9 2 .2576 Kofi 66,358 .266 5. .272 4.9 3 .2294 3of 1 52,624 .237 6.2 .243 6.2 4 .2043 -Kofi 41,738 .212 7.8 .218 7.8 5 .1819 Kofi 33,088 .190 9.9 .196 9.9 6 .1620 Kofi 26,244 .170 12.5 .176 12.4 7 .1443 Kofi 20,822 .152 15.7 .158 15.6 8 .1285 1 16,512 .136 19.8 .142 19.6 9 .1144 1 13,087 .121 24.9 .125 24.7 10 .1019 1 10,384 .108 31.4 .113 31.1 11 .0907 1 8,226 .097 39.5 .102 39.1 12 .0808 1# 6.528 .087 49.6 .092 49.2 13 .0720 ig 5,184 .078 62.5 .083 61.7 14 .0641 IK 4,108 .070 78.6 .075 77.5 15 .0571 IK 3,260 .063 98.9 .068 97 16 .0508 IK 2,580 .056 125 .060 122 17 .0453 IK 2,052 .050 157 .054 153 18 .0403 IK 1,624 .045 198 .050 192 19 .0359 IK 1,288 .041 248 .045 240 Fine Sizes Single Cotton Covered Double Cotton Covered 0' _ Allowable Rated Area Approximate Values Approximate Values bize B. & S. Diameter Inches Variation Either Way in Per Cent. in Cir. Mils. Outside Diameter Inches Feet per Pound Outside Diameter Inches Feet per Pound 20 21 0.0320 .0285 51 1,024 812.2 0.0365 .0330 311 389 .0410 .0375 300 376 22 .0253 IK 640.0 .0298 492 .0343 473 23 .0226 2 510.7 .0271 613 .0316 588 24 .0201 2 404.0 .0246 769 .0291 729 25 .0179 2 320.4 .0224 961 .0269 900 26 .0159 2 252.8 .0204 1217 .0249 1114 27 .0142 2 201.6 .0187 1510 .0232 1370 28 .0126 2 158.7 .0171 1900 .0216 1700 29 .0113 2 127.6 .0158 2336 .0203 2060 30 .0100 2 l / 2 100.0 .0140 2967 .0190 2611 31 .0089 3 79.74 .0129 3650 .0179 3144 32 .0080 3 63.20 .0120 4504 .0169 8788 33 .0071 3 50.13 .0111 5525 .0160 4520 34 .0063 3K 39.69 .0103 6756 .0153 5376 35 .0056 4 31.47 .0096 8197 .0141 6803 36 .0050 4K 25 .0090 9901 .0135 7937 37 .0045 5 19.80 .0084 12500 .0129 9174 38 .0040 6 15.68 .0085 15151 .0119 11310 39 .0035 7 12.46 .0075 17857 .0115 18120 40 .0031 8 9.860 .0071 20833 .0111 15037 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Magnet Wire Fine Sizes Silk-covered Round Magnet Wire List Price per Pound Single Silk Double Silk Triple Silk Size Approx- imate List Approx- imate List List Number of Spool Two Covers B. & S. List Quantity Price List Quantity Price List Price (See Silk and Number on Spools per Pound Number on Spools per Pound Number per Pound Page 50) Cotton Pounds Pounds 20 5220 14 $0.88 5320 13 $1.12 6120 $1.24 343 $0.94 21 5221 13K .90 5321 12 1.15 6121 1.26 343 1.00 22 5222 13 .92 5322 11 1.22 6122 1.34 343 1.04 23 5223 12 .96 5323 10 1.28 6123 1.44 343 1.09 24 5224 11 1.02 5324 9 1.88 6124 1.62 343 1.18 25 5225 6 1.10 5325 5 1.48 6125 1.88 347 1.29 26 5226 6 1.20 5326 5 1.65 6126 2.10 347 1.40 27 5227 5 1.30 5327 4 1.85 6127 2.38 347 1.54 28 5228 45* 1.40 5328 4 2.00 6128 2.76 347 1.66 29 5229 1.53 5329 4 2.22 6129 8.40 847 1.80 80 5230 2K 1.70 5830 2 2.56 6130 4.48 345 2.00 31 5231 2^ 1.92 5331 2 3.08 6131 5.72 345 2.18 32 5232 2 2.16 5332 IK 3.40 6182 6.24 345 2.38 38 5283 2 2.46 5333 IK 4.00 6138 7.52 345 2.68 34 5234 IK 2.90 5334 1J4 4.60 6134 8.72 345 3.10 35 5235 iu 8.38 5335 1% 5.28 6135 9.24 845 3.52 36 5286 \i/ 2 3.93 5336 \\/ 5.98 6136 10.00 345 4.28 37 5237 1 V 4.66 5337 1 7.37 6137 11.40 345 5.80 38 5238 \i/ 5.58 5338 1 8.43 6138 12.40 345 7.00 39 5239 1 6.76 5839 K 9.75 6139 14.60 345 8.70 40 5240 1 8.14 5340 B 11.53 6140 16.40 345 11.00 Properties of Fine Sizes Silk-covered Round Magnet Wire Single Silk Double Silk Size B.& S. Diameter Inches Area Cir. Mils. Maximum Outside Approxi- mate Approxi- mate Maximum Outside Approxi- mate Approxi- mate Diameter Feet per Pounds per Diameter Feet per Pounds per Inches Pound 1000 Feet Inches Pound 1000 Feet 20 .0820 1,024 .0340 316 3.160 .0360 313 3.190 21 .0285 812.2 .0305 398 2.510 .0325 393 2.543 22 .0253 640.0 .0273 502 1.990 .0293 492 2.013 23 .0226 510.7 .0246 632 1.581 .0266 623 1.604 24 .0201 404 .0221 796 1.257 .0241 781 1.280 25 .0179 320.4 .0199 1000 1.000 .0219 977 1.023 26 .0159 252.8 .0179 1258 .794 .0199 1233 .811 27 .0142 201.6 .0162 1569 .637 .0182 1531 .653 28 .0126 158.7 .0146 1996 .501 .0166 1934 .517 29 .0118 127.6 .0138 2463 .406 .0153 2380 .420 30 .0100 100.0 .0120 3125 .320 .0140 3003 .833 31 .0089 79.70 .0109 3906 .256 .0129 8731 .268 32 .0080 63.20 .0100 4878 .205 .0120 4651 .215 83 .0071 50.13 .0091 6060 .165 .0111 5714 .175 34 ,0068 39.69 .0083 7575 .132 .0103 7092 .141 35 .0056 31.47 .0076 9433 .106 .0096 8695 .115 36 .0050 25 .0070 11627 .086 .0090 10637 .094 87 .0045 19.80 .0065 14492 .069 .0085 12987 .077 38 .0040 15.68 .0060 17857 .056 .0080 15625 .064 89 .0035 12.46 .0055 22222 .045 .0075 18518 .054 40 .0031 9.860 .0051 27027 .037 .0071 22222 .045 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 8'. Asbestos and Single Cotton-covered Round Asbestos and S. C. C. Magnet Wire Order by List Numbers Magnet Wire 1 Round Round Asbestos and Size B. & S. List Number for Asbestos and Single Cotton Cover Approximate Pounds per 1000 Feet Approximate Diameter Over Insulation Inches Approximate Quantity on Reels Pounds Asbestos and Single Cotton Covered Advances Over Base 100 Pounds Double Cotton Covered Advances Over Base 100 Pounds Shipped on Reels Number Special 0000 5440 .482 150 Base Base 321 000 5430 .432 150 Base Base 321 00 5420 .387 150 Base Base 321 5400 325 .347 150 Base Base 321 1 5401 258 .311 150 Base Base 313 2 5402 205 .280 150 Base Base 313 3 5403 163 .251 150 Base Base 313 4 5404 130 .226 150 Base Base 313 5 5405 103 .204 150 Base Base 313 6 5406 82 .184 150 Base Base 313 7 5407 66 .166 150 $0.25 $0.25 313 8 5408 52 .150 150 .75 .75 313 9 5409 42 .136 150 1.25 1.25 313 A very thin asbestos tape is first applied to the wire. This tape is strong and flexible and uniform in texture. It serves as an excellent fire protection. Over this asbestos is wound one or sometimes two covers of cotton. This magnet wire is used largely for railway motor purposes. For information regarding reels, see page 50. Rectangular Magnet Wire Double Cotton-covered 90 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Magnet Wire Rectangular Magnet Wire Continued Size Square Mils Advances per 100 Pounds Size Square Mils Advances per 100 Pounds Size Square Mils Advances per 100 Pounds 30,001 and over Base 8,001 to 9,000 $4.75 2,501 to 3,000 $1(5.75 25,001 to 30,000 $0.25 7,001 to 8,000 5.75 2,001 to 2,500 21.75 20.001 to 25,000 .75 6,001 to 7,000 6.75 1,501 to 2,000 28.75 15,001 to 20,000 1.75 5,001 to 6,000 8.75 1,001 to 1,500 43.75 10,001 to 15,000 2.75 4,001 to 5.000 10.75 501 to 1,000 63.75 9,001 to 10,000 3.75 3,001 to 4,000 13.75 500 and under 88.75 To obtain size in square mils, when width and thickness are given, multiply the dimensions in mils. Example. 340 mils wide X 40 mils thick =13, 600 square mils. Circ. mils is obtained by dividing square mils by 0.7854. Square Magnet Wire f Square Magnet Wire D. C. C. Order by List Numbers Size B. & S. List Number Approximate Radius of Corners Inches Approximate Diameter Over Insulation Double Cotton Covered Approximate Quantity on Reel Pounds Square Double Cotton Covered Advances Over Base per 100 Pounds Square Triple Cotton Covered Advances Over Base per 100 Pounds Shipped on Reel Number 0000 5540 ! .481 150 Base Base 321 000 5530 X .431 150 Base Base 321 00 5520 X .386 150 Base Base 321 5500 X .346 150 Base Base 321 1 5501 In .310 150 Base Base 813 2 5502 .279 150 Base Base 313 3 5503 I .250 150 Base Base 313 4 5504 B 3 ! .225 150 Base Base 813 5 5505 6 .200 150 Base Base 313 6 5506 V .180 150 $0.25 $0.25 313 7 5507 A .163 150 .75 .75 313 8 5508 *\ .146 150 1.25 1.25 313 9 5509 .02 .130 150 1.75 2.00 313 10 5510 .02 .117 150 2.25 2.75 313 11 5511 .02 .106 150 2.75 3.50 313 12 5512 .02 .096 150 4.00 5.25 313 18 5513 .02 .087 150 4.75 6.50 313 Each side measures the same as the diameter of round wire of corresponding gauge number. Copper 98 per cent, conductivity and annealed extremely soft. Used largely in street railway motors. Full dimensions of reels given on page 50. LECTRICAL W I R E AND C ABLE Paper-covered Magnet Wire To reduce the amount of space taken up by the insulation of double cotton- covered magnet wire, we have perfected machinery for covering wire with a very thin paper insulation. The space required by this paper insulation is less than half that required for a double cotton covering, thus allowing more ampere turns in a given space. The paper remains in place when the wire is bent to a short radius and does not readily carbonize. Magnet Wire Paper-covered Magnet Wire The very best grade of manila rope paper is used, containing no particles of iron or wood pulp and no trace of alkali or acid. Cheap paper means low dielectric strength and rapid deterioration due to the presence of chemicals in the paper. This makes a very fine magnet cover, and paper covered magnet wire is used in large quantities for various purposes. Special Magnet Wire We are well prepared to supply special magnet wire that may be required for any unusual purpose. We mention here only a few of such types which we make. Round duplex magnet wire in which both conductors either bare or insulated , are laid parallel and covered with one, two or three coverings of silk or cotton. Magnet wire also furnished with stranded conductor, if desired. We supply tinned magnet wire in any shape. We solicit your correspondence and shall be pleased to quote you on magnet wire made to any of the above special requirements. Special attention given to the manufacture of magnet wire to the customers' own specifications. Specifications for Cotton-covered Magnet Wire ANNEALING. All wire must be thoroughly and uniformly annealed, so as to show the following characteristics on tensile test. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. The wire must be clean and free from all roughness, cracks and laminations, due to making joints or other causes. Diameter of Wire Ultimate Tensile Strength per Square Inch Pounds Elongation in 10 Inches Per Cent. .0179 inch and smaller Larger than .0179 inch and smaller than .0508 inch .0503 inch and larger Not more than 38,000 Not more than 36,000 Not less than 25 Not less than 30 Not less than 32 92 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Magnet CONDUCTIVITY. The conductivity of the copper used must not be less than 98 Wire per cent., 100 per cent, conductivity being based on copper having a resistance of 9.59 ohms per circular mil-foot at O C. INSULATION. The insulation wrappings shall consist of a good quality of cotton yarn. These wrappings must be firmly applied, and free from "skips," and must form a smooth, continuous and uniform insulation at all points on the wire. Suc- cessive layers to be wound in opposite directions. VARIATION IN DIMENSIONS. Bare copper wire must not vary either way from the diameter specified, in excess of the amounts tabulated on page 24. INSULATION. The insulated diameter of the wire must not be greater than that given in the table for cotton-covered wire, page 87. JOINTS. It is preferred that all wires be furnished in continuous lengths, free from joints ; any necessary joints must be so made that the wire at these points is identical in strength, softness and dimensions with the rest of the wire. Annunciator and Office Wire 94 A M K R I C A N STEEL AND WIRE C O M P A N Annunciator and Office Wire Annunciator Wire This wire as its name implies, is used in primary battery circuits, for call bell or annunciator wiring in hotels, offices or houses. Commercially pure, soft copper wire varying in size from No. 14 B. & S. to No. 22 B. & S. is used. This is insulated with two firm winds of cotton, applied in opposite directions and saturated with our specially prepared paraffine wax compound. The outside wrap is made of any color or combination of colors, the most common being bright and fast red or blue with white. This wire is put up on spools weighing about seven pounds net. Annunciator Wire Order bv List Number Size List Advance over Base Approximate Length Size List Advance over Base Approximate Length B. & S. Number per 100 Pounds in One Pound Feet B. & S. Number per 100 Pounds in One Pound Feet 14 3114 $3.00 67 20 3120 $6.00 221 16 3116 4.00 101 22 3122 8.00 311 18 8118 5.00 155 " Black Core " or " Damp-proof " Annunciator Wire Finished in colors as above, shipped on spools of about seven pounds net. This wire is made with the inside wind saturated with our Weatherproof Compound. This permits its use in damp places. The outside wind of cotton which is made in colors is saturated with our special paraffine wax compound, and finished so as to present a smooth and highly polished surface, that will not catch dust. Order by List Number Size B. & S. List Number Advance over Base 100 Pounds Approximate Length in One Pound Feet Size B. & S. List Number Advance over Base 100 Pounds Approximate Length in One Pound Feet 14 3214 $3.00 60 20 3220 $6.00 200 16 3216 4.00 90 22 3222 8.00 280 18 3218 5.00 130 ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES Office Wire Our standard grade of office wire consists of a copper conductor, in size varying from 14 B. & S. to 20 B. & S., insulated with one wind and one braid of cotton both of which are applied tight and even. These two cotton covers are thoroughly saturated with our special paraffine wax compound. The outer braid is given a high polish and is made in any color or combination of colors specified. The standard colors are red and white or blue and white. This wire is put up in coils of about 20 pounds. It is used largely by telephone and telegraph companies for inside wiring, extending from the instruments to the junction where they connect with the outside wires and cables as they enter a building. The wire is also used as a high grade bell and annunciator wire. Annunciator and Office Wire Office Wire Order bv List Numbers Size B. & S. List Number Advance over Base per 100 Pounds Approximate Length in One Pound Feet Size B. & S. List Number Advance over Base 100 Pounds Approximate Length in One Pound Feet 14 16 3314 3316 $3.00 4. DO 56 80 18 20 3318 3320 $5.00 6.00 115 154 "Black Core" or "Damp-proof" Office Wire Black Core" Office Wire Order by List Numbers Size B. & S. List Number Advance over Base per 100 Pounds Approximate Length in One Pound Feet Size B. & S. List Number Advance over Base per 100 Pounds Approximate Length in One Pound Feet 14 16 3414 3416 $3.00 4.00 53 72 18 20 3418 3420 $5.00 6.00 98 135 Damp-proof office wire has two inside cotton winds applied in opposite directions which are thoroughly impregnated with black weatherproof compound. The outside braid is finished as described above for the regular office wire. This wire is used where a higher grade of insulation is required. It is packed the same as regular office wire. 96 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Annunciator and Office Wire Special Annunciator and Office Wire We are prepared to furnish such special kinds of annunciator or office wire as may be specified. While we have mentioned standard sizes, we can furnish conductors of other sizes, either solid or stranded. Untinned copper wire is used in our regular product, but tinned wire will be furnished if required. Annunciator and office wire can be shipped in special sized packages, ranging from a half-pound to five pounds or over, as may be required, or in coils of specified weights, in cartons, or wrapped in paper and packed in boxes or barrels. Multiple Conductors We can supply any of these insulated wires, two in parallel or twisted in pairs, in three-conductor cables or in cables having any number of conductors. Same can be covered with one or more braids or with tape and braid and finished in any manner specified. Annunciator Wire Made in any color or combination of colors. Placed on spools containing about seven pounds net Reliance Weatherproof and Slow Burning Wires and Cables Copper and Iron AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Reliance Weather- proof and Slow Burn- ing Wires and Cables Weatherproof Wires and Cables There is a large demand for electrical wires and^cables having a moderate degree of insulation and which are less expensive than rubber insulated conductors. For outdoor service our double and triple braid "Reliance" Weatherproof wire meets these requirements in every particular, while for indoor purposes we offer a superior grade of Slow Burning wire. We make wires and cables in strict accordance Reliance Weatherproof Feeder Cables Stranded Copper Conductor Triple Braid Black Finish with all the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, the sizes vary- ing from No. 20 B. & S. to the largest feeder cables used. Sizes 4/0 B. & S. and smaller are usually made of solid wires, while larger sizes have stranded conductors. Unless hard drawn copper be specified, wires of the purest grade of annealed copper, uniform in softness and having a minimum conductivity of 98 per cent. Matthiessen's standard will be used. All the wire used, whether copper or iron, is uniform in section and free from surface imperfections. Complete information regarding the dimensions and properties of bare copper wire will be found on pages 14 and 25, while iron wire will be found fully described on pages 71 to 74. The insulating material on this class of wire, as will be more fully described below, consists of two or three covers of closely braided fibrous yarn, thoroughly saturated with weatherproof or slow-burning compounds. To combine the three elements, the wire, the braided coverings and the saturating compound so as to produce wires and cables perfectly uniform in weight throughout all portions, would require many refinements which would make the cost prohibitive. In practice it is reasonable and to the advantage of both consumer and manufacturer to allow a vari- ation in weight of approximately 3 per cent, from the tabulated data of weights. While the National Board of Fire Underwriters specify that the insulation of this class of wire must consist of at least three braids, there are many conditions in which a wire having a good quality of two-braid insulation can be used to advantage. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 9'.) Reliance Weatherproof Insulation. The wires are first covered by two or three closely and evenly woven braids of strong fibrous material, after which they are placed in a hot bath of weatherproof insulating compound. They remain in this bath long enough to completely and thoroughly satu- rate the fibrous insulation. After thoroughly drying, the wire then receives a dressing of mineral wax, after which the surface is thoroughly burnished and polished, reduc- ing to a minimum trouble from sleet and ice. The superior grade of compounds used in our Reliance Weatherproof insula- tion for wires and cables imparts a high degree of dielectric strength, and overcomes the destructive action of the elements. This insulation is firm, durable and tough and possesses great mechanical strength, which enables it to withstand pressure and mechanical abrasion. The compounds con- tain no solvents which subsequently evap- orate, leaving the compound to dry and fall out, thus destroying the insulation. They will withstand all ordinary climatic condi- tions. This wire is for use outdoors where moisture is certain and where fireproof qualities are not necessary. Also where, on account of small separation, bare wires would be liable to swing into contact with each other or with other low tension cables. Reliance Weather, proof and Slow Burn- ing Wires and Cables Braiding Machine Extracts from the National Board of Fire Underwriters' Rules (1909) 44. Weatherproof Wire. a. The insulating covering shall consist of at least three braids, all of which must be thoroughly saturated with a dense moisture-proof compound, applied in such a manner as to drive any atmospheric moisture from the cotton braiding, thereby securing a covering to a great degree waterproof and of high insulating power. This compound must retain its elasticity at degrees Fahr. (minus 18 degrees Cent.) and must not drip at 160 degrees Fahr. (71 degrees Cent. ). The thickness of insulation must not be less than that given in the table page 100, and the outer surface must be thoroughly slicked down. 100 AMERICA STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Reliance Weather- proof and Slow Burn- ing Wires and Cables I 3.S 1C 1C 1C W5 < TO 5? 5? 5s ' Cfl t/5 5 t/3 t/3 fo'o'c'o'o OOOOO i-r^r^-Tof of so ic -. .=1 3 ^ 'i.y f M 51 I-H -T-I 1-1 K M M ffl P2 PC CQ M M D5 .^ < > 8 o~ ( ll Ill u tCtCICiCt 5? io 5? 5? e ^ ,2,^2 g 8S88SSSSSSS88888S TH i-i T- o T-I 01 co ~f i ELECTRICAL W I R K S O o I - ~ 'x^/c SSS^SSw-S 3888j,88||8 : 11- If3 rH oc4x;Z TO TH CX xi- ?C > TH co m t- a*offlinc:r-ic-no' ^^^^ = Si;^s^^n:2; OO 2 o o o c s. si 00 c III ' Is? 102 A fc - . * 3 o 3 Fll fill ? (0-213 U2 t/) tfl CO CO O O O O O oouuo 'r-i C-i M tf O 3D < X' X X* r-t-t-os zz 11 o S s Ssooooooo OCJOOOUO u-r! u^= .OCQ< "Sj-S .-S3 gggg^gggggg** 5 **** c SS-^'S SSSSSSSwSSSSSS^S 2 S ssssssssssssss; >oo^ Rubber- covered Wires and Cables \i .-) C ^ Z* *3!&i tin I! ! > r! ^ o:^ . * AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber- covered Wires and Cables S 2 >2 > & # 1 fe O T3 ^5 o fc 'H S X.A 8 ss I: II ii i Iii C/3 I* "OOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO x' ' x' * x' x x x x' x' ) 03 CO SO! XXXXXXXXXXX cococococoSSSSSS 8-3 M i> g cc" -d 111 * .2^- X 3 'C .2 > o ."o fiJ8|| ^|pg S |i^2^4 IlliP .-:- .SS.SZ ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 127 Globe Duplex Wires and Cables Rubber- covered Wires and Cables Tinned Copper Conductors, Insulated and Braided, Black Finish Two insulated conductors are laid paralled with one braid over all National Electrical Code Standard For low potential, 0-600 volts Order by List Numbers. Prices Quoted on Application. Thickness Approximate Diameters over Single Braid List Number Shipped Size of on B & S. Rubber Reel Inches Solid Inches Strand Inches Solid Strand Number 0000 5-64 48-64 x 91-64 52-64 x 99-64 1280C 1300C 1020 000 5-64 44-64 x 82-64 48-64 x 92-64 1280B 1300B 1013 00 5-64 41-64 x 77-64 44-64 x 83-64 1280 A 1300A 1013 5-64 38-64 x 71-64 41-64 x 78-64 1280 1300 1013 1 5-64 35-64 x 66-64 38-64 x 72-64 1281 1301 1002 2 4 64 31-64 x 58-64 34-64 x 63-64 1282 1302 1002 3 4-64 29-64x54-64 31-64 x 58-64 1283 1303 1002 4 4-64 28-64 x 51-64 30-64 x 54-64 1284 1304 325 5 4-64 26-64 x 48-64 27-64 x 50-64 1285 1305 335 6 4-64 25-64 x 45-64 26-64 x 48-64 1286 1306 335 8 3-64 21-64 x 31-64 22-64 x 39-64 1288 1308 1004 10 3-64 19-64 x 33-64 20-64 x 35-64 1290 1310 Coils 12 3-64 17-64 x 81-64 18-64 x 32-64 1292 1312 Coils 14 3-64 16-64 x 28-64 17-64 x 29-64 1294 1314 Coils 16 2-64 13-64 x 22-64 14-64 x 23-64 1296 1316 Coils 18 2-64 12-64 x 21-64 1298 Coils Specifications. Tinned annealed copper wires or strands of highest conductivity, each conductor insulated with code thickness of vulcanized rubber and protected by saturated tape or braid ; two finished conductors laid parallel, covered with a heavy cotton braid over all, saturated in black weatherproof compound. Special finish for conduit work. Sizes 14 B. & S. and larger, inspected and tested by the Wire Inspection Bureau. The underwriters' rules permit the use of these wires in conduits, sizes No. 14 and larger. No. 8 and larger shipped on reels containing approximately 1,000-foot lengths, No. 10 and smaller shipped in approximately 500-foot coils. Regarding reels see page 50. 128 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber- covered Wires and Cables Globe Fixture Wire Light Insulation Solid Tinned Copper Conductor, Rubber Insulation, Single Braid Black Finish Size B. & S. Thickness of Rubber Inches Approximate Diameter over Braid Inches List Number Standard Coils Approximate Quantities Feet 12 14 16 18 19 20 1-64 1-64 1-64 1-64 1-64 1-64 9-64 8-64 6-64 5-64 5-64 5-64 1362 1364 1366 1368 1369 1370 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 Specifications. Solid tinned annealed copper wire of highest conductivity, insulated with ^ inch vulcanized rubber, covered with single braid of cotton, saturated in black weatherproof compound, and smoothly polished. Used only in arms of fixtures not exceeding 24 inches in length, and to supply not more than one 16 candle-power lamp. For heavy insulation fixture wire, see page 125, list Nos. 312 to 318 inclusive. Rubber-covered Copper Telephone Wire While there are many sizes and kinds of conductors under this heading, the following are considered standard by the larger telephone companies : No. 14 B. & S. Twisted Pair "Outside Distributing 'Wire " Each conductor hard drawn tinned copper wire, insulated to a diameter of 3% of an inch over rubber and covered with a cotton braid, saturated with black weatherproof compound, wax finish, one conductor having a raised tracer to dis- tinguish it from the other. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES No. 18 B. & S. Twisted Pair "Bridle Wire" Rubber- covered Wires and Cables Each conductor soft drawn tinned copper wire, insulated to a diameter of ^ 7 of an inch over rubber and covered with a cotton braid, saturated with black weather- proof compound, wax finish, one conductor having a raised tracer to distinguish it from the other. No. 19 B. & S. Single Conductor, Twisted Pair, and Triple Conductor "Inside" or "Sub-station" Wire Conductors soft drawn tinned copper insulated to a diameter of ^ of an inch over rubber, covered with a single hard glazed cotton braid. Single conductors are braided with plain colored cotton, while in the twisted pair one conductor contains a differently colored tracer thread, and in triple conductor two of the three wires contain different colors or different design of tracer threads, thus making no two of the conductor braids alike. Sometimes a differently colored cotton braid is used, one for each conductor, for purposes of distinction. "Pot Head" Wires, Plain Telephone Conductors Furnished in the smaller sizes, 18, 19, 20 or 22 B. & S. gauge, either single con- ductor or twisted pair. Soft tinned copper conductors insulated to a diameter of /g of an inch over rubber without any outer braid or protection. In case of twisted pairs, one conductor is sometimes made of a differently colored rubber than the other so as to discriminate between them. 130 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber- The following table includes the foregoing telephone wires and others not other- covered wise described. Any of the sizes can be furnished in single or multiple conductors. Wires and Cables Telephone Wires, Twisted Pairs 5 List Numbers Size B. &S. Finish Over Rubber Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet No Test 100 Megohms Over 100 Megohms 14 Braided 11-64 9141 9040 9040A 75 14 Braided 5-32 9145 9045 9045A 68 16 Braided 5-32 9165 9065 9065A 72 16 Braided 9-64 9169 9069 9069A 55 16 Braided 4-32 9164 9064 9064A 40 18 Braided 4-32 9184 9084 9084A 35 18 Braided 7-64 9187 9087 9087A 82 19 Braided 7-64 9197 9097 9097A 30 19 Braided 3-32 9193 9098 9093A 28 20 or 22 Braided 3-32 (9120 19122 9020 9022 9020A ) 9022A) 26 19 Plain 3-32 9193 P 9093 P 9093 B 20 20 or 22 Plain 8-32 (9120P \9122P 9020 P 9022 P 9020 B ) 9022B } 24 Telephone Cables These are made to include any number of single conductors or twisted pairs of telephone wires either plain or braided, bunched together or laid up con- centrically, with a tape or cotton braid or other fibrous covering over all. They are frequently encased in a lead sheath, or armored. These cables vary greatly in construction and are furnished to buyers' requirements and specifications. Rubber -covered Iron Telephone Wire Single Conductor These conductors are generally No. 12 or No. 14 B. W. G. galvanized iron wire insulated with code thickness of vulcanized rubber, either single or double cotton braid weatherproof saturated and wax polished. Thickness Single Braid Double Braid B. W. G. Rubber Inches List Number Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet List Number Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet 12 B 3 1512 100 1512A 140 14 1514 75 1514A 100 When furnished in twisted pairs, one conductor contains a raised tracer thread to distinguish it from the other conductor. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 131 In addition to the above styles of telephone wire, we manufacture the following: Spider Wire The accepted interpretation of this term is synonymous with Bridle wire, except that it is used singly instead of in pairs. Braids and finish are the same. Rubber- covered Wires and Cables Drop Wire No. 14 B. & S. twisted pair, 5 inch over insulation, with black saturated weatherproof braid, and raised marker in one conductor. Hard drawn copper. This service involves the drop from the pole terminal to the house bracket. No. 16 B. & S. insulated to 3% inch is extensively used, but on account of the severe service to which this type of wire is put, necessitating great resistance to climatic conditions, No. 14 B. & S. is considered the standard, because of its in- creased tensile strength. Jumper Wire This is often confused with Spider and Bridle wire in outside construction, but by the more general acceptance of the term, it applies to the wire used for cross- connecting service on the main distributing frame. It is usually a No. 20 or No. 22 B. & S. wire insulated to \ inch with flame-proof braids ; if twisted pair, one is red and one white. Packing House Cord For Low Potential, 0-600 Volts Order by List Number Prices Quoted on Application Size B. &S. Thickness of Rubber Inches List Number Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds Size B. &S. Thickness of Rubber Inches List Number Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds 10 3-64 4950 142 16 2-64 4956 52 12 3-64 4952 107 18 2-64 4958 41 14 3-64 4954 84 20 2-64 4960 33 Specifications. Each conductor made up of a seven-tinned copper wire strand, insulated with code thickness of vulcanized rubber, covered with a cotton braid, saturated with weatherproof compound. Two such finished conductors twisted into pairs, the interstices of which are filled with jute laterals to make the whole cylindrical, and then braided over all with two heavy cotton braids, saturated with a weatherproof compound, and given a wax polish finish. Used for incandescent lighting in packing houses and similar places. AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber - covered Elevator Lighting Cable This consists of two No. 14 B. & S. rubber insulated and braided conductors, d C bl twisted into a cable (with cushioned steel supporting strand if required) and finished with three hard glazed or weatherproof saturated cotton braids. Brewery Cord For Low Potential, 0-600 Volts Size B. & S. Thickness of Rubber Inches List Number Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds Size B. &S. Thickness of Rubber Inches List Number Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds 10 3-64 4930 120 16 2-64 4936 39 12 3-64 4932 89 18 2-64 4938 30 14 3-64 4934 (.8 20 2-64 4940 23 Specifications. Each conductor made up of a seven-tinned copper wire strand, insulated with code thickness of vulcanized rubber, covered with a cotton braid and saturated with weather- proof compound, wax polish finish. Two such finished conductors are then twisted into pairs, forming a flexible cord. Border Light Cables The construction of these cables corresponds exactly with that of Theater or Stage cables (see next page), but consists of more than two conductors. Deck Cables Each conductor made up of a seven-tinned copper wire strand insulated with code thickness of vulcanized rubber and covered with a cotton braid. Two such conductors are then twisted into pairs (the interstices of which are filled with jute laterals to make the whole cylindrical), over which is placed a supplementary layer of vulcanized rubber -^ inch thick, then braided over all with one cotton braid saturated with weatherproof compound, wax polish finish. Size B. & S List Number Size B. & S List Number 10 12 14 4960 4962 4964 16 18 4966 4968 Elevator Control Cable This consists of any number of stranded copper conductors insulated with vul- canized rubber, braided, all stranded into a cable and covered over all with three strong cotton braids saturated with weatherproof compound, wax polish finish. Steel supporting strands can be included if desired. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 133 Theater or Stage Cables Rubber- covered Wires and Cables Consists of two extra flexible strands of tinned copper wires, each strand in- sulated with code thickness of vulcanized rubber, protected with a cotton braid saturated with weatherproof compound. Two such finished conductors are then twisted into pairs, the interstices of which are filled with jute laterals to make the whole cylindrical, and over which is then placed two heavy cotton braids, saturated with a weatherproof compound, wax polish finish. Size, B. & S. Number of Wires in Strand List Number Size, B. & S. Number of Wires in Strand List Number 1 259 4971 8 49 4978 2 210 4972 10 31 4980 3 151 4973 12 21 4982 4 133 4974 14 14 4984 6 49 4976 Crown Rubber Insulated Wires and Cables For Incandescent Lighting, Telegraph and Telephone Service, Street Railway Feeders and Power Transmission Lines. Recommended Specially for Office Buildings and Municipal Wiring A High Grade Rubber Insulation for Electrical Code Standard National Crown wire has an insulation which has made a record for long life and for high insulating qualities. The thickness of rubber placed on all code wires and cables provides a wide margin of safety and gives a high grade insulation for all voltages up to 3500, and for arc light circuits of 7000 volts or less. The conductors are made of tinned annealed copper, of highest conductivity. Covered with code thickness of rubber, protected with one or two closely woven strong and elastic cotton braids, or with tape and braid, saturated in a weather- proof preservative compound and smoothly finished. Purple distinguishing tracer thread embedded in rubber lengthwise of wire and under braid. 134 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber- covered Wires and Cables o -g A . o a O . 1 I a id - ca 33-8 3 S < Q W^ i tai .f? J2,2 jf? 'o 'o'o'o ) CD < :si3S3&53i ) eo coeo co co >oo^ (M CO * 10 CO 00 O "2 "'7 ""T ' | I 1 I I | | | ,go^c |6j- SB9S S HI ' - , aSS'3 82 i a'd ^ T^-j tw >-4-l O m 0^5 o o l^la^ $3 a> o JVC rt a -a>;~ cj^]^3^ pj _^-H "o ~ J 3 ? '3.9 .81M3I ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 135 w 2 o s I 1 I lliil T3 jtf ^ PH BIJgs Cfl PH <3 ^-^ ai W ^ fa 33 s e-6 a, W * ^^uooo i i i , i i i i i i i i *4-OCDCOOt--lOCOOJ> ^^ CCOO5OCD5OCOCOCOi3DtOC0'.O ^Hl*-COOI^-'Tt ( G^Or^rG oo o X.A g OJ II I ill EH S^^ > o c o o "JUOO ooooggggggoc,^ i-rH-^Tt-^-^Tf-^rtiTf-^ & 11!? Sill Rubber- covered Wires and Cables 136 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber- covered Wires and Cables , atf S Ssl *i c/i 'tl o Hf^ -|J Ji'o^ S .a -S^ s - o o Nil "S 8 x- ni M o -^1 ^ C i3 ill! 3 O O O O O "CJUOOU ^, v; > CO CD C j co S : ?????f??Sij isssr- Iff}; oqoooqooooo XXXXXXXXXXX ragg o e cr> X. -"-> n+Jo'S "8 M w fl-S CM g oT "2^2 I- W ^$3 53 05 ilia d o a; - ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 137 I -O CO CO CO C ^> 'SSSSS ,5000 '-'OOO ) K> CO CO CO CO CO < ) CO CO CO CO CO CO ! b II u w . > O O O O O 'UUOOU 300^t< ! OJ N(M ( xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ThTt inches instead of 2^ inches, and the stretch before breaking shall be 8 inches instead of 9 inches. For the purpose of these tests, care must be used in cutting to obtain a proper sample, and the manufacturer shall not be responsible for results obtained from samples imperfectly cut. These tests are made at a temperature not less than 50 degrees F. For high tension service, it is recommended that the above mechanical require- ments of the rubber be eliminated. Electrical Each and every length of conductor shall comply with the requirements given in the following table. The tests shall be made at the works of the manufacturer when the conductor is covered with vulcanized rubber and before the application of other covering than tape or braid. Tests shall be made after at least twelve hours' submersion in water and while still immersed. The voltage specified shall be applied for five minutes. The insulation test shall follow the voltage test, shall be made with a battery of not less than 100 nor more than 500 volts, and the reading shall be taken after one minute's electrifi- cation. Where tests for acceptance are made by the purchaser on his own premises, such tests shall be made within ten days of receipt of wire or cable by purchaser. Inspection The purchaser may send to the works of the manufacturer, a representative who shall be afforded all necessary facilities to make the above specified electrical and mechanical tests, and also to assure himself that the 30 per cent, of the rubber above specified is actually put into the compound, but he shall not be privileged to inquire what ingredients are used to make up the remaining 70 per cent, of the compound. 142 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber- covered Wires and Cables Specifications Continued Voltage Test for Five Minutes For Thirty Minutes' Test, Take 80 Per Cent, of These Figures Size Thickness of Insulation in Inches A A 6 5 J A 6 7 5 A A A 7 32 A 1000000) to V 550000 i 6000 8000 12000 16000 19000 22000 500000) to V 250000 j 5000 7000 9000 13000 16000 19000 22000 4/0 1 to > 4000 6000 8000 10000 13000 16000 19000 22000 to [ 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 14000 16000 18000 20000 8 | to [ 14 f 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 10000 11000 12000 Megohms per Mile 60 Degrees F. One Minute Electrification Thickness of Insulation in Inches Size A A A A A A A A A 8 1000000 C. M. 300 840 420 490 560 630 900000 C. M. 320 360 440 510 590 660 800000 C. M. 330 380 460 540 610 690 700000 C. M. 350 400 490 570 650 730 600000 C. M. 380 430 520 610 690 770 500000 C. M. . . 360 410 460 570 660 750 830 400000 C. M. 400 450 510 620 720 820 910 300000 C. M. | ' 450 520 580 700 810 910 1010 250000 C. M. 490 560 630 750 870 980 1090 4/0 Strand 450 530 610 680 820 940 1060 1170 3/0 Strand 500 590 670 740 890 1020 1150 1270 2/0 Strand . . 560 650 740 820 980 1130 1260 1380 1/0 Strand 600 710 800 890 1060 1210 1350 1470 1 Solid 750 870 970 1080 1270 1440 1600 1740 2 Solid . . 680 820 950 1070 1170 1380 1560 1720 1870 3 Solid 750 900 1040 1160 12SO 1490 1680 1850 2000 4 Solid 820 980 1130 1260 1380 1610 1800 1980 2140 5 Solid 910 1070 1230 1370 1500 1740 1940 2180 2290 6 Solid 990 1160 1330 1480 1610 1860 2070 2260 2430 8 Solid 950 1170 1370 1560 1720 1870 2140 2360 2570 2750 9 Solid 1040 1280 1490 1680 1850 2000 22SO 2520 2730 2910 10 Solid 1130 1390 1610 1810 1990 2150 2440 2680 2890 3000 12 Solid 1340 1620 1860 2080 2270 2440 2750 3000 3220 3420 14 Solid 1550 i860 2120 2360 2560 2740 3060 3320 3550 3750 ELECT RICAL WIRES AND CABLES 143 Signal Wires and Cables Rubber- covered Wires and Cables Solid Conductor, Insulated and Braided Duplex Signal Wires, Insulated and Braided Armored Torpedo Cable Wires and cables under this head are made to meet, in every respect, the rigid specifications of the Railway Signal Association. They are insulated with 30 per cent. Para rubber or a higher grade, as may be required by the leading railroads of the country. These signal wires and cables may consist of single rubber-covered conductors or of any number of such conductors stranded into a cable. While the construction used by one railroad may differ in some minor respects from that re- quired by another company, in the main, the following extracts from the Railway Signal Association specifications fairly represent standard practice : CONDUCTORS are of soft drawn copper of 98 per cent, conductivity or higher, thoroughly annealed and well tinned, in sizes generally from No. 6 to No. 18 B. & S. inclusive, though other sizes are made to order. 144 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber- Specifications for Signal Wires and Cables Continued ^ ver RUBBER INSULATION to consist of vulcanized rubber compound containing not * re !, less than 30 per cent, of fine dry Para rubber carefully selected and prepared. The conductors are insulated to the required thickness, depending on whether for aerial or underground use, as per the following tables: Wires for Aerial Cables Wires for Underground Cables Size B. & S. Diameter Mils Thickness of Insulation, Inches Size B. &S. Area Cir. Mils Thickness of Insulation, Inches 6 8 . 10 12 14 16 18 162 129 114 102 80.8 64.1 50.8 40.3 5-64 5-64 5-64 1-16 1-16 1-16 3-64 8-64 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 26,250 16,509 13,090 10,380 6,530 4,107 2,583 1,624 3-32 3-32 5-64 5-64 5-64 5-64 1-16 1-16 Taping and Braiding (a) The rubber insulation is protected with a layer of cotton tape thoroughly filled with a rubber insulating compound, lapped one-half its width and so worked on as to insure a smooth surface. (b) The outer braid consists of one layer of closely woven cotton braiding at least one thirty-second ( 1-32) of an inch thick, saturated with a black insulating weatherproof compound which shall have no injurious effect upon the braid at a temperature of 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Electrical Tests of Rubber Insulation The circular mils cross-section, the thickness of the rubber insulation (measured at the thinnest point) , the minimum insulation resistance in megohms per mile and the dielectric strength for the various sizes of wire conform to the following table : Size B. & S. Area in Cir. Mils Thickness of Insula- tion, Inches Insulation Resistance Megohms per mile Test Voltage Alter- nating Current 6 26,250 3-32 1300 9,000 8 16,509 3-32 1600 9,000 9 13,090 5-64 1500 7,000 10 10,380 5-64 1600 7,000 12 6,530 5-64 1900 7,000 14 4,107 5-64 2100 7,000 16 2,583 1-16 4,000 18 1,624 1-16 4,000 Specifications for Multiple Conductor Aerial Signal Cables, Braided Conductors furnished in cables must conform to the above table, without tape or braided covering, except tracing wire, which may be taped or braided. The core of the cable must be made up cylindrical in form, with one wire in each layer taped or braided for tracer. Each layer of core must have a spiral lay, each consecutive layer being spiraled in reverse direction from the preceding one. All interstices between conductors in each layer to be filled with jute, each layer of cable to be wrapped with one layer of over-lapping tape. Tape must be of closely woven ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 145 cotton, saturated with a permanent moisture- repelling compound which shall not Rubber- act injuriously on the insulating compound, cotton tape or braid. Over the taped covered core shall be wrapped a bedding of jute not less than 1-16 inch thick, saturated with Wires tar, one layer of over-lapping tape laid on in reverse order to winding of jute, and a and Cables closely woven braid saturated with a permanent weatherproofing compound which is not soluble in water. Cables of more than three and less than seven conductors must be made up with a jute or sisal center. Underground Multiple Conductor Signal Cables, Braided Conductors furnished in cables must conform to the table, page 145, each conductor to be taped or braided, tracing wire to be marked in such a manner as to be readily identified. The core of cable must be made up cylindrical in form, with one wire in each layer marked for tracer ; each layer of core must have a spiral lay, each consecutive layer being spiraled in reverse direction from the preceding one. Cables of more than three and less than seven conductors must be made up with a jute or sisal center, each layer of cable to be wrapped with one layer of over-lapping tape. Tape must be of closely woven cotton, saturated with a permanent moisture- repelling compound and which shall not act injuriously on the insulation compound, cotton, tape or braid. The taped core shall be covered with a closely woven braid saturated with a permanent weatherproofing compound which is not soluble in water. Lead Encased Signal Cables for Aerial Use Cables to be constructed under specifications for aerial cables, except that the outside wraps of jute and braid are omitted and the cable protected by a lead sheath of not less than the thickness indicated below: Diameter of Taped Cable Thickness of Lead, Inches If inch or smaller 1 16 Larger than i| inch and not exceeding Ij 5 6 inches Larger than Ij 5 ,, inches and not exceeding 2 inches Larger than 2 inches 5-64 3-32 1 8 Automobile Ignition Wires and Cables We are prepared to manufacture automobile wires and cables for both primary and secondary circuits to customers' specifications or samples. These wires are made by the most approved methods and of carefully selected insulating materials. They are designed not only to withstand the severe electrical stresses met with in automobile service, but also the unusual physical conditions that are encountered, such as heat, oil, etc. All of the materials entering into these wires, as well as the finished wires themselves, are carefully tested in our laboratories so that we can guarantee for our automobile wires and cables long life and efficient service. 146 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Rubber- coveted Wires and Cables 8.3 l 1 - - OS S w S "53 "S N ' I! ill gS S jii T- f*O^O^ iSSgl > j> n co i^< > O O O O ( Lead Encased Wires and Cables Page Multiple Conductor Cables 148 Lead Sheaths 148-158 Rubber Insulated Lead Encased Cables . . 150 Paper Insulated Lead Encased Cables . . . 155 Specifications for Paper Lead Cables . . 157 Varnished Cambric Cables 163 Submarine Cables 164 Installation of Underground Cables . . . 166 148 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Lead En- cased Wires and Cables Electric Light and Power Cables, Lead Encased or Armored We are extensive makers of lead encased or armored electric light and power cables of all types, aerial, underground and submarine. We are thoroughly equipped to make these to the most rigid specifications, in any quantity, size or length, for any voltage, and finished for any service, single or multiple conductor or concentric laid. Only the very best of materials, selected and prepared with the greatest of care and skill, enter into the construction of these cables. When left to us, we use that particular thickness and arrangement of insulating material, and apply it in such manner as our extensive experience has shown to be best for the purpose for which the cable is to be used. We also contract for the complete installation of underground or submarine cables, or superintend installations as may be required, having a large and well equipped department for this class of work, as fully described on page 166. Multiple Conductor Cables In the construction of multiple conductor cables, insulated with rubber, paper or varnished cambric, lateral fillers of jute are generally used to make the conduc- tor solid and cylindrical in form, and to avoid open spaces between insulation and sheath, through which static discharges could take place. The required thickness of insulation can be placed about each separate conductor before it is laid up into the core, or, as is more general, especially with paper and varnished cambric, a portion of the required amount of insulation can be placed in the form of a belt about the assembled conductors. This latter method makes a more even distribu- tion of the insulating material. When a three-conductor cable is used in a star-connected A. C. circuit with grounded neutral, the thickness of insulation between conductors and ground need be but 0.6 of that between conductors. Separately insulated pressure wires can be incorporated in the core of any form of multiple or single conductor or concentric cable, as may be required. These are used mostly in low tension distributing systems to enable the station attendant to readily determine the voltage at outlying points of the system. Lead Sheaths ELECTRICAL % WIRES AND CABLES 149 In general, cables are sheathed with lead for the purpose of excluding moisture Lead En- and for protection of the insulation against mechanical injury and other destructive casedWires agencies. The purest lead possible to obtain is used for sheathing. It is some- and Cables times required to harden and strengthen the lead sheath by the addition of one, two or three per cent, of tin. It is a question among engineers as to whether much is gained by the addition of tin to the lead. The two metals do not alloy uniformly and in consequence when much tin is used, hard or brittle sections may develop, due to the segregation of one of the metals. The following thicknesses of lead are generally used on our rubber and varnished cambric cables, unless otherwise speci- fied. For paper cables, the sheath should be from one to two sixty-fourths thicker, as specified on page 158. Outside Diameter of Core (or Inside Diameter of Lead Pipe), Inches Thickness of Lead Sheath Inches Outside Diameter of Core (or Inside Diameter of Lead Pipe), Inches Thickness of Lead Sheath Inches Up to % X tO S/ 8 H to \y 4 ! Ifc to 15/s Ifjj and larger A '/s to & This company will not be responsible for the failure of any cable which may be due to openings in the lead sheath caused by electrolysis or other means beyond its control. Extra Galvanized Steel Armor Wire for Cables Armor wire is used as a mechanical protection either to the sheath, or as in case of rubber or varnished cambric cables, it is sometimes used to protect the insulation without the sheath. In places where severe vibration would crystallize and break the sheathing, it is customary to use armor wire as a substitute for the sheathing. Heavily galvanized and pliable medium strength steel is used for armor wire. The particular size of wire and the number of wires best to use, the length and angle of lay, will in every case depend upon conditions of service and installation, matters that are determined by experience. See page 81. One, two or three layers of jute heavily saturated in petroleum compounds are usually placed over the sheathing or the armor to lessen electrolytic action of stray earth currents and to prevent corrosion from acids. Inquiries We make such a great variety of electric light and power cables, they are made in so many different sizes and with so many different thicknesses of insula- tion, and finished in so many different ways that it would be impracticable to attempt to tabulate them all. Hence only a few of the more common sizes will be listed. This class of our product is making an enviable record, and is well and favorably known in all parts of the country. We solicit inquiries containing full information. In making inquiries for special cables please state : (a} Quantity and size of conductor, and construction of the conductor, solid or stranded. (b) If it is to be a multiple conductor cable, give the number and arrangement of conductors desired. 150 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Lead En- ( c) Kind of insulation, whether rubber, paper, or varnished cambric. casedWires (d) Thickness of insulation about each conductor, and of supplementary and Cables insulation. (e} Finish of cable, whether braided, plain lead sheath, lead and jute, armor, armor and jute, etc. (f) Kind of current to be transmitted, whether D. C. or A. C., and amount of current. (g) The normal working voltage of the circuit, and if three-conductor A. C., whether connected in Y or A . Also full requirements regarding the test pressure. (^) Purpose for which the cable is intended, whether aerial, underground, submarine, station wiring, arc light, etc. ( /') Number and location of pressure wires, if any. Rubber Insulated, Lead-covered Cables We make a specialty of heavy rubber cables, lead sheathed, armored, or lead- encased and armored, for all services and voltages, and finished in any style. These are made to meet the most exacting requirements, such as those specified for govern- ment and for railway signal service, underground, submarine, or aerial. While taped and braided rubber wires and cables are used for inside and submarine service with entire satisfaction without any lead sheathing, experience has demon- strated the advisability of enclosing the cable in a sheath whenever it is to be used in conduits for underground work, or where it would be exposed to acids, gases, extreme temperature changes, or other destructive agencies. The composition and properties of our rubber insulations have already been described on pages 116 to 122. Great care is taken in the preparation of our rubber compounds, and in the selection of the rubber and the necessary mineral ingredients. The rubber compound is applied to the conductor in layers under great pressure, thus insuring the centralization of the conductor, and also preventing the formation of air holes in the body of the dielectric. Any number of conductors thus insulated can be stranded into a core or cable, the interstices between the conductors usually being rounded out with jute fillers. In this condi- tion, the cable is ready for the application of the tape and lead sheath, or as some- times required, a supplementary belt of rubber insulation, and then the tape and sheath or other protection as shown below. All copper conductors are annealed thoroughly and heavily and evenly tinned, and have a guaranteed conductivity of 98 per cent, or better. Rubber insulated cables may be finished in any one of the following ways, as may be specified : Taped and leaded. Taped, leaded and braided, weatherproof, soapstone or flame- proof finish. Taped, leaded and juted. Taped, leaded, juted and armored. Taped, leaded, juted, armored and juted. Taped, juted and armored. Taped, juted, armored and juted. A tracer thread is always laid underneath the tape. Cables may be taped and braided instead of taped, and in each case one, two or three reverse layers of jute can be used. Other combinations are sometimes required which can be made as specified. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 151 iiffl ill 3^ = Ho >^-j4O t>t J< O <0 10 1 - t-t-l> GOOC GOGOGC n s ?o -r-t m m t- i-H GO to g op oo 55 * o: -^ J> 1-1 1> os os o 35 55 j>5ir^ 1-1 O 00 t- Tf CO (M (N 1-1 1-1 O5 t- S 3K: 444- iiH-*rt P. P 152 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Lead En- cased Wires and Cables Crown Lead-covered Cables Stranded Tinned Copper Conductor Rubber Insulated Taped and Lead Encased Order by List Number Prices quoted on Application Size in Circular Mils Number of Wires in Stranded Conductor Approx. Diameter of Stranded Conductor Inches Thickness of Rubber Inches Approx. Thickness of Lead Inches List Number Approx. Diameter Over Lead Inches Approx. Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds 250,000 37 .575 3-32 8-32 801 63-64 2,236 800,000 37 .630 3-32 3-32 802 67-64 2,523 350,000 37 .681 3-34 3-32 803 70-64 2,773 400,000 37 .728 3-32 3-32 804 73-64 3,004 450,000 3? .772 3-32 3-32 805 76-64 3,212 500,000 61 .814 3-32 3-32 806 79-64 3,479 250,000 37 .575 5-32 3-32 1075 72-64 2,576 300,000 37 .630 5-32 3-32 1076 74-64 2,809 350,000 37 .681 5-32 3-32 1077 76-64 3,041 400.000 37 .728 5-3:2 3-32 1078 82-64 3.344 450,000 37 .772 5-32 3-32 1079 84-64 3.568 500,000 61 .814 5-32 3-32 1080 86-64 3,819 500000 61 .814 5-32 4-32 1081 91-64 4483 600,000 61 .892 5-32 4-32 1083 96-64 4,983 750,000 61 .998 5-32 4-32 1085 102-64 5.696 1,000,000 61 1.152 5-32 4-32 1087 112-64 6,891 1,250,000 91 1.289 5-82 4-32 1089 120-64 7,940 1,500,000 91 1.413 5-32 4-82 1091 128-64 9,005 2,000,000 127 1.631 5-32 4-32 1093 142-64 11,091 B-LECTR1CA WIRES AND CABLES 153 Crown Lead Encased Cables Order by List Number Prices Quoted on Application Lead En- cased Wires and Cables Size in Circular Mils Number Wires in Stranded Conductor Approx. Diameter of Stranded Conductor Inches Thickness of Rubber Inches Approx. Thickness of Lead Inches Approx. Diameter Over Lead Inches List Number Approx. Weight lOOO^eet Pounds Approx. Length on a Reel Feet SoO.OOO 37 .575 4-32 3-32 66-64 1050 2379 1000 300,000 37 .630 4-32 3-32 70-64 1051 2711 1000 350.000 37 .681 4-32 3-32 74-64 1052 2980 1000 400.000 37 .728 4-32 3-32 78-64 1053 3190 1000 450,000 37 .772 4-32 3-32 80-64 1054 3357 1000 500,000 61 .814 4-32 3-32 83-64 1055 3668 1000 500000 61 .814 4-32 4-32 87-64 1056 4317 1000 600.000 61 .892 4-32 3-32 87-64 1057 4078 1000 600,000 61 .892 4-32 4-32 91-64 1058 4755 1000 750,000 61 .998 4-32 3-32 94-64 1059 4745 1000 750,000 61 .998 4-32 4-32 98-64 1060 5470 1000 .000000 61 .152 4-32 3-32 104-64 1061 5938 750 .000,000 61 .152 4-32 4-32 108-64 1062 6719 750 1.250.000 91 .289 4-32 3-32 113-64 1063 6904 750 ,250 000 91 .289 4-32 4-32 117-64 1064 7780 750 ,500,000 91 .413 4-32 3-32 120-64 1065 8010 500 ,500,000 91 .413 4-32 4-32 124-64 1066 8945 500 2.000,000 127 1.631 4-32 3-32 135-64 1067 9890 500 2,000,000 127 1.631 4-32 4-32 189-64 1068 10932 500 We are prepared to manufacture wires and cables of any style or to any ifir>a firm specification. Four-conductor, Stranded, Rubber, Tape, Jute and Lead 154 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE C O M P A N Y Lead En- cased Wires and Cables TJ 03 !=! 111 H o 111 H *> s? g co too to co< cSjooTHob in < 5OiO O ^*Tf ' XX XXX XXXXX XXXXX > ^3 50 < M ^cititJ. SScitLt!. >oo^ Qoaoooaooo lid 111 zj rTJ r* 1 * ^ OO ^O OO XXXX (^CD^O^O tt Tfl Tt 533 ,go ^< >go ^ ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 155 Paper Insulated Lead Sheathed Cables Lead En- casedWires For many years past we have manufactured large quantities of paper cables, a nd Cables single and multiple conductor. Our factory equipment is unexcelled for making this class of material to the most exacting specifications. In the construction of paper cables, for electric light and power purposes, narrow and very thin strips of pure Manila paper are wound spirally about the conductor in sufficient number of layers for the required dielectric strength. The material which we use is the very best grade of Manila rope paper, uniform in texture, containing no particles of mineral substances, wood pulp or low grade materials, no pin holes and no trace of alkalies or residual chemicals. The selec- tion of a high grade paper is most essential for permanence and for good dielectric properties. After the paper covering has been applied to the single conductor, or to the core of conductors in the form of a belt, every trace of air and moisture is removed from the cable by special processes, and while in this condition the core is thor- oughly saturated and all interstices completely filled with hot insulating compounds. The cable is then put through a hydraulic press and covered with a closely fitting lead sheathing so as to exclude all air and moisture and to retain the insulating compound. A tracer thread is placed lengthwise of all cables underneath the sheath. The dielectric value of paper not only depends upon the quality of the paper and the manner of applying it to the conductor, but to a great extent upon the com- position of the insulating compound. Increasing the fluidity of the compound within certain limits will improve the puncture test and increase the flexibility of the cable, but will reduce the megohm test, and vice versa. A dense thick com- pound will result in a very stiff cable, but one having a higher insulation resistance. The insulation of such a cable would be very liable to crack or break if bent at a low temperature, and this would lead to burn-outs. Paper cables are generally cheaper and have a lower electro-static capacity than rubber or varnished cambric cables. The insulation is strong and uniform in quality, and except when frozen solid, is quite flexible. Paper cables can be worked safely at a higher temperature than can other kinds, and experience has demon- strated that their useful life is practically determined by the integrity of the sheath- ing. For this reason the thickness of the lead sheath should in general be greater than for corresponding sizes of rubber or cambric cables, by one or two sixty-fourths of an inch. See page 149. Paper is less liable than rubber to deterioration from excessive electro-static strains. In short, the paper insulated cable when properly constructed and sheathed can be recommended as one of the best for most conditions. 156 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Lead En- cased Wires and Cables (Actual Size) Three-conductor Paper Insulated Lead Encased Cable 4/0 three-conductor, 87 wires each; diameter of each copper conductor, .53 inch ; thickness of paper over each conductor, ^ inch ; thickness of supplementary paper, -fa inch; thickness of lead, % inch; diameter over lead, 2.281 inches. ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 157 General Cable Specifications for Paper Insulated Lead-covered Cables for Electric Light, Railway and Power Service Lead En- cased Wires and Cables Rating of Cable The rating of a cable shall be understood to be the highest E. W. P. (equiva- lent working pressure) in volts corresponding to any of the specified conditions of service or test. Such rating shall be determined from the following Rating Table, all unlisted intermediates taking the next higher listed figure. Working Pressure in Volts Test at Factory in Volts Test After Installation by Manufacturer in Volts 5 Minutes 30 Minutes 60 Minutes 5 Minutes 30 Minutes 60 Minutes 500 1000 1500 1250 2500 3750 1000 2000 3000 1000 1600 2400 1000 2000 3000 1000 1600 2400 1000 1300 1950 2000 2500 3000 5000 6250 7500 4000 5000 6000 3200 4000 4800 4000 5000 6000 3200 4000 4800 2600 3250 3900 4000 5000 6000 10000 12500 15000 8000 10000 12000 6400 8000 9600 8000 10000 12000 6400 8000 9600 5200 6500 7800 7000 8000 9000 17500 20000 22500 14000 16000 18000 11200 12800 14400 14000 16000 18000 11200 12800 14400 9100 10400 11700 10000 11000 12000 25000 27500 30000 20000 22000 24000 16000 17600 19200 20000 22000 24000 16000 17600 19200 13000 14300 15600 13000 14000 15000 32500 &5000 37500 26000 28000 30000 20800 22400 24000 26000 28000 30000 20800 22400 24000 16900 18200 19500 16000 17000 18000 40000 42500 45000 32000 34000 36000 25600 27200 28800 32000 34000 36000 25600 27200 28800 20800 22100 23400 19000 20000 21000 47500 50000 52500 38000 40000 42000 30400 32000 33600 38000 40000 42000 30400 32000 33600 24700 26000 27300 22'JOO 23000 24000 55000 57500 60000 44000 46000 48000 35200 36800 38400 44000 46000 48000 35200 36800 38400 28600 29900 31200 25000 26000 27000 62500 65000 67500 50000 52000 54000 40000 41600 43200 50000 52000 54000 40000 41600 43200 32500 33800 35100 28000 29000 30000 70000 72500 75000 56000 58000 60000 44800 46400 48000 56000 58000 60000 44800 46400 48000 36400 37700 39000 Factors 2.5 2.0 1.6 2.0 1.6 1.3 For street railway service (nominal 500-volt D. C.), the E. W. P. shall be 2500 volts for all cables to be operated with a maximum regular working voltage not exceeding seven hundred and fifty (750) volts D. C. and a maximum momentary pressure (thirty (30) seconds or less) not exceeding fifteen hundred (1500) volts D. C. 158 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Lead En- cased Wires and Cables Conductors Each conductor shall consist of soft drawn copper wires having at least ninety- eight (98) per cent, conductivity based upon Matthiessen's standard (as printed in the supplement to the "Transactions" A. I. E. E., October, 1903), concentrically stranded together and having an aggregate cross-sectional area when measured at right angle to the axes of the individual wires at least equal to that corresponding to the specified size. Insulation The insulation shall consist of paper applied helically and evenly to the conductor, and shall be capable of withstanding the test and service conditions corresponding to the highest E. W. P. as determined from the Rating Table set forth on page 157. In the case of cables consisting of more than one (1) conductor (except concentric cables and figure eight (8) or flat form of duplex cables) the separately insulated conductors shall be twisted together with a suitable lay, and the interstices rounded out with jute before the belt insulation is applied. The minimum insulation thickness or thicknesses shall in no case be less than ninety (90) per cent, of the agreed average thickness or thicknesses. All of the insulation shall be thoroughly saturated with an insulating compound. Sheath The sheath shall have an average thickness of approximately that indicated in the tabulation next following, and the minimum thickness shall in no place be less than ninety (90) per cent, of the required average thickness. Diameter of Core in Mils Corresponding Thickness of Sheath in Inches Diameter of Core in Mils Corresponding Thickness of Sheath in Inches 0- 299 800- 699 700-1249 5-34 3-32 7-64 1250-1999 2000-2699 2700- over 1-8 9-64 5-32 The sheath shall consist of commercially pure lead for all cables having a core diameter (i. e., internal diameter of the sheath) less than two inches (2000 mils) ; for cables having a core diameter equal to two (2) inches or more, the sheath shall consist of an alloy of lead and tin containing not less than ninety-eight (98) per cent, of commercially pure lead and not less than one (1) per cent, of commercially pure tin. Factory Tests The manufacturer shall, when so stipulated in the order, notify the company in writing when the cables are ready for test, so that proper tests may be made at the works of the manufacturer by the duly accredited representative of the company. Free access to the testing department shall be given to said representative at all times while cables are being tested hereunder, and the requisite facilities and apparatus for the tests described in these specifications shall be supplied by the manufacturer without extra charge. In case the representative appointed by the company to make factory tests is not wholly and permanently in the employ of the company, said appointment shall be subject to the approval of the manufacturer. DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: Each length of cable shall withstand a test at factory of a voltage corresponding to the rating (highest E. W. P.) of the cable as detemined from the Rating Table set forth on page 157. Unless otherwise specified by the company at or prior to time of test, the latter shall be the listed five (5) minute ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 159 factory test set forth in said Rating Table. The conditions and conduct of test Lead En- shall conform to the recommendations of sections 227 to 259, both inclusive, of cased Wires the Standardization Rules of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, as and Cables adopted June 21, 1907. INSULATION RESISTANCE: The insulation resistance shall be determined on each length of cable and shall not be less than fifty (50) megohms per mile when measured at, or corrected to, 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This test shall be made subsequent to the test for dielectric strength, at the end of one minute electrification. TESTING APPARATUS AND METHODS: Any disagreement as to the accuracy of testing apparatus or methods not specifically covered by this specification, shall be referred to the Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Paper-insulated and Lead-covered Cables i a Size B. & S. Number and Diam. of Wires in Strand Inches Thickness of Paper Insulation Inches Approx. Outside Diameter Inches Thickness of Lead Inches List Number Approx. Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds 0000 37 x .0756 3-32 .937 7-64 1800 2161 000 37 x .0673 3-32 .879 7-64 1801 1919 00 37 x .0599 3-32 .796 3-32 1802 1518 19 x .0746 3-32 .750 3-32 1803 1357 1 19 x .0663 3-32 .708 3-32 1804 1221 2 19 x .0592 3-32 .641 5-64 1805 947 3 19 x .0526 3-32 .608 5-64 1806 858 4 7 x .0772 3-32 .577 5-64 1807 783 5 7 x .0687 3-32 .551 5-64 1808 722 6 7 x .0612 3-32 .498 1-16 1809 547 8 7 x .0485 3-32 .460 1-16 1810 472 4 Solid 3-32 .550 5-64 1811 742 5 Solid 3-32 .527 5-64 1812 685 6 Solid 3-32 .476 1-16 1813 518 8 Solid 3-32 .443 1-16 1814 451 0000 37 x .0756 4-32 1.031 1-8 1820 2553 000 37 x .0673 4-32 .941 7-64 1821 2061 00 37 x .0599 4-32 .890 7-64 1822 1851 19 x .0746 4-32 .812 3-32 1823 1678 1 19 x .0663 4-32 .771 3-32 1824 1342 2 19 x .0592 4-32 .735 3-32 1825 1222 3 19 x .0526 4-32 .702 3-32 1826 1123 4 7 x .0772 4-32 .639 5-64 1827 882 5 7 x .0687 4-32 .614 5-6* 1528 819 6 7 x .0612 4-32 .591 5-64 1829 769 8 7 x. 0485 4-32 .558 5-64 1830 681 4 Solid 4-32 .612 5-64 1831 839 5 Solid 4-32 .590 5-64 1882 781 6 Solid 4-32 .570 5-64 1833 738 8 Solid 4-32 .536 5-64 1834 656 Shipped on reels containing approximately 1000-foot lengths. 160 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Lead En- cased Wires and Cables Paper Insulated and Lead Encased Cables Order by List Number Prices Quoted on Application Size B.&S. Number and Diam. of Wires in Strand Inches Thickness of Paper Insulation Inches Approximate Outside Diameter Inches Thickness of Lead Inches List Number Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds 0000 37 x .0756 5-32 1.093 1-8 1840 2,717 000 37 x .0673 5-32 1.035 1-8 1841 2,454 00 37 x .0599 5-32 .952 7-64 1842 1,995 19 x .0746 5-32 .906 7-64 1843 1,819 1 19 x .0663 5-32 .864 7-64 1844 1,668 2 19 x .0592 5-32 .798 3-32 1845 1,344 3 19 x .0526 5-32 .765 3 32 184(5 1.212 4 7 x .0772 5-32 .733 3-32 1847 1.159 5 7 x .0687 5-32 .708 3-32 1848 1,090 6 7x .0512 5-32 .654 5-64 1849 869 8 7x .0485 5-32 .616 5-64 1850 780 4 Solid 5-32 .706 3-32 1851 1,108 5 Solid 5-32 .652 5 64 1852 882 6 Solid 5-32 .632 5-64 1853 831 8 Solid 5-32 .599 5-64 1854 754 0000 37 x .0756 6-32 1.156 1-8 1860 2,882 000 37 x .0673 6-32 1.098 1-8 1861 2,619 00 37 x .0599 6-32 1.046 1-8 1862 2,390 19 x .0746 6-32 .968 7-64 1863 1.980 1 19 x .0663 6-32 .927 7-64 1864 1.808 2 19 x .0592 6-32 .891 7-64 1865 1.677 3 19 x .0526 6-32 .858 7-64 1866 1,566 4 7 x .0772 6-82 .796 3-32 1867 1.279 5 7x .0687 6-32 .770 3-32 1868 1,208 6 7 x .0612 6-32 .748 3-32 1869 1,148 8 7x .0485 6-32 .710 3-32 1870 .047 4 Solid 6-32 .768 3-32 1871 .226 5 Solid 6-32 .746 3-32 1872 ,160 6 Solid 6-32 .726 3-32 1873 .104 8 Solid 6-32 .691 3-32 1874 .017 Shipped on reels containing approximately 1000-foot lengths. We are prepared to manufacture wires and cables of any style or to any specification. See page 50 for prices of reels. Duplex Lead Encased Paper Cable ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 161 L- s ~sw-s Us* .-s3s 833.3 IS~ j> i co sfeo of ) O 01 Tj* to O 00 < ) OC QO S QC S QO C Lead En- cased Wires and Cables AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Lead En- cased Wires and Cables JI o -o 2 as ^3 5**? ct U *~ a -a JI M | |?ii 2^8 &>l^ <^^ al |ilj g^2 E-g 111! S S C3 O5 (J3 l> *O < tja >Q- I 1CQOC5 ( ' T? CO CO ( >^ t-(N * O iO(ftt ;t-iOC4 OO^^t^; " "co'co'co" I- l-C 7J i s5 w i-i i QO CO CC O5 QO XXXXXX XXXXXX 333333 SeooSwcooo ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CABLES 163 Varnished Cambric Cables Lead En- cased Wires and Cables A single-conductor varnished cambric cable is made by winding tapes of thin varnished cotton or muslin cloth spirally about the conductor in a sufficient number of smooth, tightly drawn layers to make the required thickness of dielectric. The cotton fabric is saturated with several applications of special non-hardening insulating varnish. The dielectric strength of this material is very high, as a single thickness of cotton well treated with our special varnish will withstand a stress of from eight to twelve thousand volts for five seconds, depending upon the number of coats of varnish with which the cloth has been treated. The varnish prevents the tape from unwrapping when the cable is cut, and permits the adjoining layers of varnished cambric to slide upon each other, thus insuring a concentric condition when the cable is bent. This compound of varnish prevents capillary absorption of moisture between the layers of tape, seals any possible skips in films and precludes air spaces. In multiple-conductor cables, it is usual to place a portion of the required thick- ness of insulation in the form of a belt about the core of conductors, as in the case with paper cables. (See page 155. ) This class of cables is in general more flexible than paper cables, more imper- vious to moisture, reasonable in cost, and can be used in dry places such as for station wiring without lead sheathing. When no sheathing is required the cable is protected by a cotton braid, or with an asbestos braid for fire protection. These braids are saturated in weatherproof compounds or in slow-burning compounds, as may be required. We make these cables in any quantity, of any size or type and for any voltage or service condition, to the most rigid specifications. Inquiries containing full information as to working conditions are solicited and prices will be quoted on application^ 164 AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY Lead En- cased Wires and Cables Submarine Cables Two-conductor Submarine Cable, Lead Encased, Jute Sewed and Armored Multiple Conductor Rubber Insulated Signal Cable We manufacture and install large quantities of submarine cables of every class, for street railways, telegraph and telephone companies and electric light and power plants. These are used for crossing rivers, bays, ponds or lakes. We are well prepared for furnishing this class of material to the most exacting specifications. Full information as to the purpose for which the cable is to be used, location, depth of water and working conditions should accompany requests for prices. Inquiries solicited. ELECTRICA WIRES AND CABLES 165 % I I | j S'S ^ 5H 2 1 o - O ^ 3 c fd o d . 0) 0) Lead En- o cased Wires 'S and Cables