BANCROFT LIBRARY PRICE SO At CLAUDE DUVAL OF CALIFORNIA] **V5 \S I Vrv zoom- ^nRTHE'V^^ Y>v\^o V,\i \Jt\ I lit ^2^ ^.^ MARAUDER OF THEMINES PIERCE EGAFS~STOgjg THK author of the following great books has attained a success as genuine, a nounced, m h,s pecuhar field, as either Marryatt, Bulwer or Dickens. He ha, he ^ rous fixity of .mpamng an intense and absorbing interest to his varied charact are real miracles of mgenious complication, their denoumenta bein. riddle po-ible of .olufaon by the. most penetrating of novel readers; and yet all Is oond to a natural and probable explanation. P 1EK c* E