»* ^ %^....^eXSî^KeJ ^Hjft i . X vz ':r:^ THE BOOT PRINTERS, ii^LUSTRMORt AND BINIOF-RR '"' i'"rilÉ'"r lYI'-^""----" ^ Fac-similé of the t\vcnt3--eighth page of the Biblia Paiipautii, representing, with the text trom the Old Testament, David prevailing over Goliath, and Christ delivering the souls of the patriarchs and prophets from limbo. [Frontispiece. The BOOK: ipxxwUxef ^^^uBivatoxe^ an^ (§inUxQf GUTENBERG. TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY HENRI BOUCHOT, Of the National Library^ Pa-tts. WITH A TREATISE ON THE act of Collecting anu àDcacnbi'no; Carlj^ pcintcti Sooks, l.ATIN-ENGLISII AND ENGLISH-LATIN TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF TIIIC EARLIEST PRINTING PLACES. Edited by H. GREVEL. CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO FACSIMILES OF EARLY TYPOGRAPHY. BOOK-ILLUSTRATIONS, PRINTERS' MARKS, BINDINGS, NUMEROUS BORDERS, INITIALS, HEAD AND TAIL PIECES, AND A FRONTISPIECE. NEW YORK : SCRIBNER AND WELFORD. i8go. PREFACE HE first edition of M. Henri Bouchot's fascinat- ing volume, Le Livre, translated and enlarged by Mr. E. C. Bigmore, under the title of ?? The Printed Book, having become exhausted, I have availed myself of the opportunity to subject the work to a careful revision. The extensive additions, which include sixty-five new illustrations, and the entirely fresh matters treated of in this edition, make it practically a new work, while under the process it has grown to nearly double its original size. Considering the wide range of the subject, this work can claim to be no more than a summary and condensed survey of the history of The Book, and of the arts involved in its production. At the same time, it may be found to prove a useful compendium of the thousands of unknown and forgotten essays that have been published on the history of The Book, and which M. Bouchot has so skilfully contrived to condense into a single volume. The technical aspect of the subject has not been Ibrgotteh either, and is dealt with in separate chapters, which have vi PREFACE. had the advantage of being revised by specialists in the several subjects. This has been particularly the case with the chapters on Types and on Binding, which have received a careful treatment ; although, considering the importance of each subject, a whole volume might hardly have been sufficient to treat these topics exhaustively. A special chapter, based on a treatise by M. A. Einsle, of Vienna, has also been added, on the art of collecting and describing early printed books. This will doubtless be welcomed by many students who have no access to such recondite information. For the same reason the bibliographer will be glad to have the appended Topographical Index, by which he will be enabled at once to discover the English names of the towns on the early Latin titles. H. G. CONTENTS CHAPTER I 14 . .TO 1462. I Origin of the Book — Engravers in relief — The St. Christopher of 1423 — Origin of the Xylographs — The Xylographs, Donatus and Speculum — Tlie Laurent Coster legend — From block books to movable characters — John Gensdeisch, called Gutenberg — The Strasburg trial — Gutenberg at JNIayence — Fust and Schoeffer — The letters of indulgence — The Bible — The Catholicou — The Mayence Bible — Causes of the dispersion of the first Mayence printers — General considerations . CHAPTER II. 1462 TO 15OQ. The Book and the printers of the second generation — The German workmen dispersed through Europe — Caxton and the introduction of printing into England — Nicholas Jensen and his supposed mission to Mayence — The first printing in Paris ; William Fichet and John Heinlein — The first French printers ; their installation at the Sorbonne and their publications — The movement in France — The illustration of the Book commenced in Italy — The Book in Italy ; engraving in relief and metal plates — The Book in Germany : Cologne, Nuremberg, Basle — The Book in tiie Low Countries — French schools of ornament of the Book ; Books of Hours ; booksellers at the end of the fifteenth century — Literary taste in titles in France at the end of the fifteenth century — Printers' and booksellers' marks — The appearance of the portrait in the Book 42 CHAPTER in. 1500 TO 1600. French epics and the Renaissance — Venice and Aldus Manutius — Italian illustrators — The Germans : Thcuerdanch, Schaufelein — The Book in other countries — COXTE.VTS. PAGE French books at the beginning of the centurj-, before the accession of Francis I. — English printers and their work — Engraved plates in English books — Geoffroy Tory and his works — Francis I. and the Book — Robert Estienne — Lyons a centre of bookselling: Holbein's Dances of Death — School of Basle — Alciati's emblems and the illustrated books of the middle of the century — The school of Fontainebleau and its influence — Solomon Bernard — Cornells de la Haye and the Promptuaire — Jean Cousin — Copperplate engraving and metal plates — Woériot — The portrait in the book of the sixteenth century — How a book was illustrated on wood at the end of the centurj- — Influence of Plantin on the Book ; his school of engravers — General considerations — Progress in England — Coverdale's Bible .... 107 CH.A.PTER IV. 1600 TO 1700. Tendencies of the regency of Marie de Medici — Thomas de Leu and Leonard Gaultier — J. Picart and Claude Mellan — Lyons and J. de Fornazeris — The Book at the beginning of the seventeenth century in Germany, Italy, England, and Holland — • Crispin Pass in France — The Elzevirs and Enschedé and their work in Holland — Sebastian Cramoisy and the Imprimerie Royale — Illustration under Callot, Delia Bella, and Abraham Bosse — The publishers and the Hotel de Rambouillet — The reign of Louis XIV., Antoine Vitré syndic at his accession — His works and mortifications ; the Polyglot Bible of Le Jay — Art and illustrators of the grand century — Sébastien Leclerc, Lepautre, and Chauveau — Leclerc preparing the illustration and decoration of the Book for the eighteenth century . . . 161 CHAPTER V. The Book in the Eighteenth Century. The Regency — Publishers at the beginning of the eighteenth century — Illustrators in France ; Gillot — The school of Watteau and Boucher — Cars — The younger Cochin ; his principal works in vignettes — French art in England ; Gravelot — Eisen — Choffard — The Baisers of Dorat ; the Contes of Lafontaine — The pub- lisher Cazin and the special literature of the eighteenth century — The younger Moreau and his illustrations — The Revolution — The school of David — Duplessi- Bertaux — The Book in Germany; Chodowiecki — In England; Boydell and French artists — Caslon and Baskerville — English books with illustrations — Wood engraving in the eighteenth century ; the Papillons — Printing offices in the eighteenth century 194 Contents. ix CHAPTER VI. The Book in the Nineteenth Century. PAGE The Didots and their improvements — Tlie loHo Racine — The school of Didot — Fine pubhcations in England and Germany — Literature and art of the Restoration- Romanticism — -Wood engraving — Bewick's pupils, Clennell, etc. — The illustrators of romances — The generation of 1840 — The Book in our days in Europe and America ............... 330 Type, Presses, and P.-\per 250 Bookbinding. Early bindings ; superiority of English work — Panel-stamps invented in the Low Countries — The binding of the first printed books — French binding in the time of Louis Xn. — Influence of German and Netherlandish binders on the art in other countries — Italian bindings — Aldus — Maioli — Grolier — Francis I. — Henry II. and Diana of Poitiers — Catherine de Medici — Henry III. — The Eves — The " fanfares" — Louis XIII. — Le Gascon — Florimond Badier — Louis XIV, — Morocco leathers — Cramoisy — The bindings of the time of Louis XIV. — The Regency — Pasdeloup — The Deromes — Dubuisson — Thouvenin — Lesné — The nineteenth century — English binders — Roger Payne — Francis Bedford — Blocking ...... 262 Libraries 307 The Art of Describing and Cataloguing Incunabula 322 The Method of Collecting Them 352 Latin-English and English-Latin ToroGEArnicAL Index 3^7 General Index 375 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. i'AGK 1. The Fool; Playing Card of Taroc (fifteenth century) ....... 3 2. St. Christopher (1423) 4 3. X}-lographic Plate, cut in Flanders ( 1440), representing Jesus after the flagellation . 5 4. Xj-lographic Plate, representing St. John. CroH>- o/rtc Jfoc/rf ...... 49 21. William Caxton, from Rev. J. Lewis's Life ......... 50 22. Fyshing with an Angle 51 23. Mark of Wynkyn de Worde 52 24. Mark of Richard Pynson ............ 53 25. Imprint of Nicholas Jenson to a y;(s^/«;(7H, printed in 1470 at Venice . ■ . . 55 26. Z.f«f»s of Gasparin of Bergamo. First page of the first book printed at Paris, in 1470 58 27. Colophon in distichs in the Letters of Gasparin of Bergamo, first book printed at Paris, at the office of the Sorbonne ........... 59 xii List of Illustrations. I'AGE 28. jÇAf/o);7i/i? of Fichet, printed at Paris in 147 1 60 29. Mark of Guerbin, printer at Geneva, 14S2 63 30. Wood engraving in Matteo Pasti, for Valturius' Dc Re Militari (Verona : 1472) . . 64 31. Title-page of the Crtto/n'»™, first ornamental title known 66 32. Engraving on metal by Baccio Baldini for £/ iWo/i/f Srt«/o rf»£)/o, in 1477 ... 68 33. Metal engraving by Baccio Baldini from the Z)«»/c of 14S I 6g 34. Plate from the i/Vj*"<^''oto'«fff/!<'n Po/'^/'"'/, printed by Aldus Manutius, in 1499 . . 71 35. The planet Mercury and the City of Rome, engraving from the Diviim Couicdia (Venice, 149') 72 36. Plate from Bonino de Bonini's Dante, at Brescia, in 14S7 ...... 73 37. The creation of woman, plate from the Schat:bcliaitcr, engraved after Michael Wohlgemuth 74 38. The daughter of Jephthah, plate taken from the Sclmtzbclmller, engraved after Michael Wohlgemuth 76 39. Title of the A'ioYwiicjjo' C/»'o«n;'/; of Guyot Marchant in i486. The Pope and the Emperor . . .101 61. Mark of Guy Marchant, printer at Paris, 14S5 ........ 102 62. Frontispiece to Terence, published by Treschel at Lj'ons in 1493. The author writing his book . , 104 63. Mark of Treschel, printer at Lyons, 1489 105 64. The anchor and dolphin, mark of Aldus Manutius, after the original in the Terse Rime o( 1^20 .............. I09 65. Aldus Manutius . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ill 66. Mark of Lucantonio Giunta, of Venice . . . ' . . . . . . .112 67. Title of the Theuerdanck 114 LfST OF lUMSTRAT/OA'S. r. Qiiee eng 6S. Plate taken from the Tliciieyrlaitck, representing Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy . 69. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth from the Book of Chiislinii Piaicrs, printed by John Day, 15-S 70. Woodcut from Coverdale's Bible, 1535. Cain killing Abel . 71. Woodcut by Hans Holbein from Cranmer's Catec/iisiii, 154S 72. Mark of Philippe le Noir, printer at Paris, 1536 73. Vignette taken from the ///iislinti'oiis lie la Gaule el SingtiUvlle: de Tro_ Anne of Brittany as Juno 74. Mark of François Juste, printer at Lyons, 1526 ..... 75. Mark of Guillaume Eustace, 151", binder and bookseller at Paris 76. Title of the Enlre'c tl' Ele'oiiore d'Aidiiche à Paiia, by Guillaume Bochetel 77. Mark of Geofi'roy Tory, printer at Paris, 1529 ..... 78. Full page of the Heures of Simon de Colines, by Tory .... 79. Hemes of Geoffroy Tory. The Circumcision 80. Mark of Simon de Colines, printer at Paris, 1527 ..... 81. Hemes of Simon de Colines, with the mark of the Cross of Lorraine . 82. Emblematical letter Y. taken from the ChniiifiJIemy of Geofi'roy Tory . 83. Macault reading to Francis \. his translation of Diodorus Siculus. Wood attributed to Tory .......... 84. Robert Estienne, after the engraving in the Chro)iologie Collée 85. Mark of Robert Estienne, printer at Paris, 1541 . 86. Mark of François Estienne, printer at Paris, 153S . .... 87. Printing office of Josse Badius of the commencement of the sixteenth century 88. Portrait of Nicholas Bourbon. Wood engraving of the commencement of the sixteenth century ..........■■■ 89. King and Death. Vignette from the Danee of Death by Holbein . 90. Page of the jl/c/«)no)-/'/ioscs of Ovid, by Petit Bernard. Edition of 1564 91. Portraits of Madeleine, Queen of Scotland, and of Marguerite, Duchess of Savoy the originals of Cornelius of Lyons ........ 92. Portraits of Francis, Dauphin, and of Charles, Duke of Angoulême, after the ori of Cornelius of Lyons .......... 93. Captain of foot, from the Entree de Henri //. a Lyon, 1549 • - • • 94. Title of Jean Cousin's Livre de Portraiture, published in 1593 by Le Clerc . 95. Engraving by P. Woeriot for Georgette de Montenay's Emblèmes 96. Portrait of Christopher Plantin, printer of Antwerp 97. Plantin's Mark 98. Frontispiece of a book from Plantin's printing office 99. Mark of Etienne Dolet, printer at Lyons, 1542 100. Letter engraved by A. Bosse .... lOr. Title of the 71/c?rtKf'iri/o_§'/(7, engraved by Leonard Gaultier .... 102. Title engraved by Claude Mellan for Urban VIIl.'s Poesies, printed at the Printing House, in 1642 .......... 103. Title of Pluvinel's Manège Royal, engraved by Crispin Pass in 1624 . 104. Title of the /;»('<(t/ioh of the Elzevirs 105. Mark of Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevir, printers at Leyden. 1620 . 106. Plate taken from the Lumière dn Cloistre. Copperplate by Callot afte: inal: Royal PAGB "5 n" iiS 120 '23 124 125 126 127 1 28 129 130 131 132 '33 135 137 13S 139 140 141 142 144 146 146 ■47 149 152 155 156 159 160 161 ■63 167 171 172 '73 17b ;iv Z/57- OF iLI.L'STRATIOyS. PAGE 07. Title of the A/n«;t7r i/»/;Va-5(-//r, by Desargues, in 1643, by Abraham Bosse. . . 17S 08. Print by Abraham Bosse, representing the booksellers of the Palace under Louis XIII. 179 09. Frontispiece of the Dictionnaire de I'Academie, 1st edition 1694 ..... 1S3 10. Antoine Vitré, printer to the King, by Ph. de Champagne 184 11. Tailpiece of .Sébastien Leclerc for the PjoH/tv/ffrf^fl'i? S/. Gf);;)r7/<( .... 186 12. Small figure of Sébastien Leclerc for Richesource's pamphlet ..... 1S8 13. Frontispiece by C. Le Brun, for the first edition of Racine, 1676 ..... 189 14. Letter by Cochin for the il/«i/02>fs f/'.-ir/iV/cnV of Suvirey de St. Remy . . . 194 15. Vignette by Gillot for the Chieii et le Chat, fable by Houdart de la Motte, in 17 19 . 197 16. Vignette for Dnphnis ci Chloe by Cochin, for Coustelier's edition 201 1 7. Title-page engraved by Fessard after Cochin for the works of Madame Deshoulieres, 1747 203 18. Vignette taken from P. Corneille's Theatre, bj' Gravelot 204 19. Border designed by Choflfard, in 1758 205 20. Frontispiece by Eisen for the I'bj'n^c by l'Abbé de la Porte, 1 751 . . . . 206 21. Vignette by Eisen for the Quiproquo in the Contes of Lafontaine, in the edition of the Fcrtiiiers Genermtx ............. 20S 22. Card of the publisher Prault, uncle by marriage of Moreau le Jeune .... 210 23. Tailpiece from the jWiv/cc/h i-IR'8t'UMH'«"Pf«^tli8>^'5''f''nio'"B|j;cn;a^ ^m3iftc«fll^o plcifimâ Mm pctôii fuom ^: quibjoic iftfli 1 w!^c JlJiti fii«ri InSuljSiâ oc plcalij tcmirtoil'titid l..-^JIUil S}iiw«tl''flS>ml'''■'' WiM xctoc^jalcat-Satifucfoc e >-o6 fcfa fi fuEuwuiit aui j con bcicScs fi luni: nàfiainl Slo :jg_^jj,fji;;j,^t<û jttiW-E'Oiiii 'Î"" rnmulU n»i4 rini^^cl quj^j alia 5ic inuiici-lcgiiro imprtioictJ cc-lcfic f .-cpw R.-(vubn «b&uj:ifa,pitû iiiiiku^J.'» uclalia» non obfuii.et ipF» imprtltis mSicio ûiio lit( cms patit Simo flqucmi ucli.r.jjq,inro œlmrtp^-'i.-iint u-wii.ibum.6t n faliquo Sno!(^)d œ^ pane Siciii iciuniû cômoic ^^^lrapl«c iicquiucnm Col■fd^^a^ liciiïM bt cfii?mUtaKpor.-!i< tonlaris opoa que ipF facac clui icticSf DumoN> tii cji jftSoiria téifioins bm.-i quoJ abfit pccciif ron Sisfunuiit alioqui'Mcia wiusiTiofquo a5 plmaiiâ tcmilTionf in mojns lUtioi!» ct tctnillw quo a> pcfJ ck jhStntià'Sjt tu£tn' BmilknulWri"lt>'b<'n«uclm.'mfHGtquu»ciwtic» K«i«ui Ott \«n.C)»(faA »v v»^. -••x. >»«»-»-»v"^"~"V'"* Wta 5U-Û mtulwm 5c f.icult.mbia fuis p.c cjosai «A. .moieo l)uiiul(iotriK gauîicjc îicbtt Jii-«cnM06 fcitmo .S«m&i5i»umA5t«0!5iiM™rnpKfoinb)l.iicii6tcrtimmnalil^tftaH«>*-u«>vn-.«e-/..V^ • ïf oîràa plmiCfimc abfolutioms araraffumiB m Dira .w^v-ÏTCCCatUr tUi ut DHj nf itxruc ;tp» e fuarcnrnman piffiwo *û;«i'aW*mté(ancK ipi7b^»laprlCcrcfc^uAntO«>lOMa<^UlbBrcûqiCl^cCKatK-lmrufpcJIrlo^ctl^tc^h^ atuTqi funs ccfuns i pcnuccduttius a iurc -^jcl ab bofc ymuljalis fi qviae iiioutirii >aiiW iibî plcillimS oim pcfMfoiou inSut ■ (SOUlâ •a tsjniiTuîm ]uquâifi tloM?» fanctc nwiiiitccctic m bac ek ft cvccii5St.lii nomme patti» i filu a fpuitMs (àrnti ûnun . A]/\ ^ rfouiiaplraayt Ktniffimiîsînnuniiôartitula 3§lê^îfrtt(ItltrIU't'lt OnfmiJtetuifiipjaejciKabriluoaEomih-pcITs.misJftilis jfcffis ToHiVisrcInWoiSoIe-omta o fiJeliii •» iâsamoiiie ecttic Rcmi»oi5o iibîpcilas puigawni quae pwptcr cMipas et offciirai^inciurjrii JaiiN? iibi ploia:iaji pno j!.rua rilrfniottirqm £|ODU0 flflirilat laxiua uaçccrazm i Immt?» ftuart? uaguate::qu£ nunrnj uora^ nm0.Êuit9riliaîïîabÉrim:qîeufon0^ xm pnotatJiîji If ijuîtp librt morû: fetdm^pBaîi miïîmMfitrtt rariiS^ unt a $u &lio namtipn apim tlloQ ioTm bititium &îat« 2SatuX£ rubtc^t IbptJtimi în tB: îuDitû lib]|:£r in aîtmt tSpmgût rudi^iiuia in \à&& iutàai : ïm vd natcat Ififtoria, ïcmuô ftquî^ tur fammkquau uoo rcgnoç pmiî i 6dm Dîam^.ftuart? matadfim iti f Fig. 1 1.— Fragment of the Gutenberg Bi'jle, printed in two columns. Beginning of the text in the second co'umn ; original size. the type less irregular. Thus the original inventor, in his con- nexion with Fust, made an unfortunate competition for hmiself. W'c give here a fragment of this celebrated book, a kind of mute witness of the science and mortifications of the first printer. 24 The Book. It is also called the Mazarine Bible, from the fact that De Bure discovered the first copy in the Mazarine Library, and was the first to give evidence concerning it. The book was issued at the end of 1455 or beginning of 1456, for a manuscript note of a vicar of St. Stephen at Mayence records that he himself finished the binding and illuminating of the first volume on St. Bartholomew's Day, 1456, and the second on the 15th of August. St. Bartholomew's Day is the 13th of June, and not the 24th of August, as the catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale has it. Mr. Bernhard Ouaritch gives a resu»ic of arguments put forth by foreign writers, tending to clear up the claims of Guten- berg to the first Bible, and as the subject is of very high importance we cannot do better than here reproduce, with his permission, the arguments in favour of Gutenberg. He says : — " A late critic who first believed in the Coster legend, then recanted, then believed again and still believes in it, on the faith of three things, namely (i) the actual existence of undated Donatus fragments evidently early and of Dutch origin ; (2) a phrase used in the Cologne Chronicle of 1499 ; (3) the Junius story printed in 1588 — has discussed the history of the first press of Mayence in a very acute and able essay on Gutenberg. His conclusion is that no Book is known earlier than the above forty-two line Bible, and that it was printed about 1454-55 by Peter Schoeffer ; that there exists no trace of Gutenberg as a printer ; that the thirty-six line Bible printed in types used by Pfister at Bamberg in and after 1461 may have been produced at Mayence before 1460. This judgment is unconsciously biassed by a certain patriotic animtis against the name of the man to whom the invention of Printing is usually ascribed on sufficient evidence. It may not be amiss, therefore, TlIK GVTEXHERG BlIU.E. 25 to quote a succession of accessible authorities on thi: subject for those who are not in immediate possession of the facts. " 1454. An Indulgence of this date is printed in the type of the forty-two line Bible. " 1456. The rubrication of the Paris copy of the forty-two line Bible proves it anterior to this year. " 1457. The Psalter of this date bears the names of John Fust and Peter Schoeffer. " 1468. Peter Schoeffer, surv^iving [ohn Fust, prints the Institutes of Justinian, with a statement that a different John had preceded Jolin and Peter in the practice of printing at Mayence. " 1465-99. Ulrich Zell, who left Mayence in 1462, declares plainly the absolute priority to all other typographers of John Gutenberg, who made experiments in printing from 1440 to 1450, and began to print a Bible in missal-type in 1450. " 1470. Pierre Fichet, in the Paris edition of Gasparinus of this year, states that John Gutenberg invented typography at Mayence. " The specific information in the Cologne Chronicle is the most valuable of all the early e.xternal evidences, for which reason I quote it in full below. Of the printed monuments themselves, all persons on all sides are agreed that no Book is now in existence except the forty-two line Bible, to which we can with documentary certitude assign so early a date as M55-56- A work of such magnitude, as well as earliness, must have occupied some years in its production. With all the practical facilities of our own time, two such volumes, in such type, so carefully worked by means of assiduous revision and rearrangement, could hardly be printed by a London printer now, with less than a year's effort ; at the infancy of printing. 26 The Book. we may reckon four or five years for the time that was necessary. If Schoeffer printed it, he (who, by his own statement, was the third Mayence typograjDher) must have begun the work in 1450, and must have prej^ared himself for it by several years' preliminary studies (in the choosing and making of types, the elaboration of the j^rocess, the construction of machinery and appurtenances, the gathering of material, etc.). Consequently, if Schoeffer was the printer of the forty-two line Bible, he must have begun his practical career as a typographer not later than 1445. This logical conclusion is a clear redttctio ad absurduni. We do not know when Schoeffer was born ; most authorities say between 1420 and 1430. We do know that he was alive and still printing at the end of the year 1502, that in 1465 Fust called him 'puer meus,' that in 1449 he was a student and callgrapher at Paris. Men began earlier and finished sooner in those days than now ; old age was considered to have set in at fifty : few persons reached the age of seventy. The probability is that Schoeffer was about eighteen years of age in 1445 ; but it is sufficient for our purpose to know that he could have had nothing to do with typography in 1449 when he wrote and ornamented a manuscript in Paris. It is utterly imjDossible that a young student in Paris, so engaged in that year, could have produced the two volumes of the forty-two line Bible at Mayence between 1450 and 1456, without any preparation or training — e.xcept by a miracle, which does not usually happen in the workaday world. "We reproduce here, out of the Cologne Chronicle (printed in 1499 by Johann Koelhof), the passage referring to the inven- tion of printing : " ' Of the Art of Bookprinting. The Grri:.\iiERG Bible. 27 " ' Wlien, where, and by wliom was invented the inexpressibly useful art of printing books ? -* * ^- ^ * * " ' //('.». This highly valuable art aforesaid was invented first of all in Germany at Mayence on the Rhine. And it is a great honour to the German nation that such ingenious men are to be found therein. And that happened in the year of our Lord a.d. 1440; and from that time onward until the date of (14)50, the art, and what appertains to it, were investigated and essayed. And in the year of our Lord 1450, it was then a golden year, it was then begun to print, and the first book that was printed was the Bible in Latin, and it was printed with a massive character such as the letter in which Mass-books are now printed. Item, whileas the art was invented at Mayence as aforesaid in the mode in which it is now commonly used, the first prefigurement was, however, invented in Holland, in the Donatiiscs which were formerly printed there. And from and out of them the beginning of the aforesaid art was taken, and it was much more masterly and subtilely invested than the same manner was ; and the longer it has been practised the more artistic has it become. Item, there is one named Omnebonus who writes in a preface to the book named Quintilianus, and also in many other books, that a foreigner from France named Nicolaus Genson was the first who invented this masterly art, but that is manifestly false, since there are yet alive those who testify that books were printed at Venice before the aforesaid Nicolaus Genson came thither, where he began to cut and prepare letters (t3'pes). But the first inventor of Printing was a citizen of Mayence, and was born at Strassburg, and was named junker Johan Gudenburch. Item, from Mayence the aforesaid art came first to Cologne, next to Strassburg, and then to Venice. The worthy man. Master Ulrich Tzell of Hanau, still a printer at Cologne at the present time in the year 1499, by whom the aforesaid art was brought to Cologne, has related verbally to me the beginning and progress of the aforesaid art. Item, there is also a set of wrong-headed men, and they say that books were printed former!}' also ; but that is not true, since there are found in no lands any of the books which were printed at those times.' " If we analyse the above statement — which, though dated ■ 1499, must be regarded as the result of conversations between 1465 and 1472 — we find the following points : — 28 The Book. "(i) Johann Gutenberg was the actual inventor of printing, in 1440. " (2) The first book printed by him, after preliminary essays in 1440-50, was a Bible, in missal-type, printed (or begun) in 1450; "(3) There had been a foreshadowing or suggestion of printing in the Donatus sheets impressed in Holland before Gutenberg's time ; " (4) There had been no typography anywhere before the time of Gutenberg ; notwithstanding the assertions of some wrong-headed and perverse persons ; " (5) A reiteration of the statement concerning Gutenberg. " If No. (3) could possibly have referred to typography at Harlem or elsewhere in Holland, it would have stultified all the rest of the chapter, (i), (2), (4), and (5) being in direct contradiction to such an interpretation. Only a rash man will see in it anything else but an allusion to the printing of engraved blocks or Xylography, which was an invention of great utility for multiplying school-books, cheaper and easier than the old way of having copies multiplied by penmen ; but not equal to the masterly and subtle invention of movable types. "The Harlem story, beginning with Coornhert and Junius in the fifteen-sixties (just a hundred years after Zell's removal to Cologne), is seen to be pure fable when unassociated with the above paragraph (3). The perverted ingenuity which has frequently torn that paragraph away from its context, and used it as a confirmation for the Coster legend, cannot be too strongly deprecated." Of the copies of the Gutenberg Bible which turned up during the last forty years the following recapitulation may not be uninteresting : — The Gutenberg Bible. 29 "1847. A copy sold in London; bought by Wiley and Putnam against Sir Thomas Phillipps for Mr. Lennox of New York, for ^500. Now in the Lennox library. " 1 858. The duplicate from the Munich library, sold at Augsburg, bought for the Emperor of Russia for 2,336 florins, about ^245. " 1S58. The Bishop of Cashel's copy, sold in London ; bought by Mr. Ouaritch for ^595. Passed into Lord Crawford's library, and was bought by him again at Lord Crawford's sale in 18S7 for ;^2,650. " 1872. An imperfect copy, with seventeen leaves in fac-simile, appeared for sale in Berlin by Mr. Albert Cohn at 4,000 thalers (about ;^6oo), and after passing through the hands of two purchasers successively, was bought at about .;^ 1,800 for a New York library, in which it now remains. " 1873. Mr. Henry Perkins' copy, sold at Hanworth Park, near London, in 1S73 ; bought by Mr. Ouaritch for ^2,690. Now in Mr. Huth's library. The Perkins' copy on vellum (two or four leaves in fac-simile), bought for Lord Ashburnham for ^3,400. Now at Battle. " 1878. A copy on vellum, with painted initials and miniatures, was found in Spain by 1\L Bachelin. He had it restored by Pilinski in fac-simile, and sold it (after offering it to Mr. Ouaritch for ^2,000) to Mr. Albert Cohn, who resold it to the late Mr. H. Klemm of Dresden. It is the most 30 THE Book. interesting copy now in evidence, being the only one with contemporary miniatures, and is now deposited for exhibition in the new Buchhandler- Borse at Leipzig. " 1884. In February, the Kamensky copy of the Old Testament portion bought by Mr. Ouaritch at Sotheby's for £'j6o. Now in America. "In May, an odd volume belonging to Lord Gosford fetched .^500. " In December, Sir John Thorold's copy was bought by Mr. Ouaritch at Sotheby's for ^3,900. It still remains in Great Britain. " 1887. Mr. Ouaritch bought Lord Crawford's copy, as men- tioned above, for ^2,650. " 1889. February. Lord Hopetoun's copy bought by Mr. Ouaritch at Sotheby's for ^2,000." But so many copies absolutely similar in aspect, and of so regular a style, put in the market from day to day by Fust and Schoeffer, gave rise to protests from the caligraphers. Criticism always attends upon success, but having once obtained the result, the two associates did not hesitate to proclaim them- selves as the printers of the Bible. On the publication of the Psalter, which followed the Bible at a year's interval, they gave their names and added a date, 1457, the first instance of a date being recorded in a book. This second work, which preceded the Gutenberg Bible, was of so skilful a typography, that it might have been passed as the work of an expert caligrapher ; the faults remarked in the letters of indulgence are no longer perceptible ; type had attained perfection ; in two years printing had reached its culminating point. The Psai.ter. 31 We here reproduce a facsimile of the second edition of this celebrated work printed in 1459, two years later. The Bibles, like the Dtirandus of 1459 and the Catholicon of 1460, had an interest for many purchasers, while the Psalter would have concerned only a few wealthy churches. All the existing emte fgultemtte tomîuo^ Xultate XM' ftiintmoitr ôfitemîî) pfalteao îierf Fig. 12.— Fac-simile of the Psalter, 1459. copies of both Psalters indicate that they were adapted simply to Mayence uses, and until one is found which conforms to the use of some church outside that city, we shall be inclined to consider that the book was privately printed in the modern sense, and that the issue was extremely limited. It is not the sort of book which would have been wilfully destroyed, or which could 32 The Buuk. have perished from decay. Many an honest man might have been tempted to steal it, but its obvious splendour and value would have made it safe even in the hands of a plunderer. The cost of production must have been enormous, and could only have been paid for by private munificence. The sale of copies, as ordinary book-ware, could never have reached any possible figure high enough to cover such an expense. This explains the extraordinary scarcity and enormous price of the Psalter, a copy of the second edition of which was sold at Sir John Thorold's sale for the extraordinary sum of ^4.950. In spite of his disappointments, Gutenberg did not rest idle. If he had seen his two enemies rob him of his claim of priority in the invention, he wanted to show that, reduced to his own exertions and to the restricted means furnished him by charitable people, he also could print well. Two years after the Bible another dated book, set up in Gothic letters, appeared at Mayence ; this was the Catholicon of John Balbus, of Genoa. It had not yet occurred to these first printers to exercise their art otherwise than on religious works. It is admitted by general opinion that the Catholicon issued from the press of Gutenberg ; on the other hand, M. Bernard believes that it ought to be attributed to a printer of Eltvil, who published in 1467 a vocabulary called the Vocabularium ex qîio with the same types. The former theory may be sus- tained by the words of the colophon of the book, which is a sort of hymn to God and a recognition to the city of Mayence without any mention of the name of the printer. Now in the situation in which Gutenberg found himself, in the face of his rivals, would he not have claimed the great discovery as his own ? But if M. Bernard is mistaken, and if our supposition The Cathoucox. 33 has no foundation, what a beautiful act of humility, what a noble idea of his character, Gutenberg gives us when he writes : " With the aid of the Most High, Who unlooses the tono-ues of infants and often reveals to babes that which is sealed to learned men, this admirable book the Catholicon was finished in the year of the incarnation of our Saviour MCCCCLX. in the mother-country of Mayence, famous city of Germany, which God, in His clemency, has deigned to render WlHfTimJ pjtfiofo niiuc nuhi mfanHum lin^iic fi lïtir ojfôrre.Qu) eg mlolcpo ipuulio rcucl.xt quoo ftpientibuo ccbr.bic liber ogttijiuo.catboliron. Onicc Tncarnaaonio ^inni^ 00 vczc Ix /llm«a m ur bo maçuntind narionio mdire c«rmrio l UtiftrifTim i budg ?'CÇCc-{) C)cÎ3q- bic tltimo tn^ttfig tnûti' gequocriilPo mane hjioiu. igugctglozi a p:r fccufozum {tax\a Fig. 15. — Imprint of Arnold Ther Hoernen, printer, of Mayence. It is, however, to be remarked that the Mayence men did not branch out in Holland. Is it that they found there the descendants of Laurent Coster firmlv established in their workshops ? Must we admit then the co-existence, the simul- taneous advance, of the invention in Germany and in the Low- Countries ? It is a problem for us as for many others. Let us state, however, that Flemish printers were established at Utrecht in 1473, '^^ Delft, Bruges, Gouda, Zwoll, Antwerp, and Brussels. 46 The Book. At Louvain there was a Conrad of Westphalia, who published an undated work, the type of which denotes a very early age, but this seems an isolated instance of a German printer being :(fait ft ^mpnme inatifiot)fohçtt(mt bffufDis ^ ' Fig. i6. — Mark of Colard Mansion, established in the Netherlands, and perhaps he was only a simple dealer. La Serna-Santander does not think it unlikely that Conrad was the father of John of Westphalia, whose principal works, Cicero de claris oratorihus, 1475, llj^gilit Of era, 1476, Jf«; «« xi fcntôtsp xi tBa« fb*^ ^im^ Co cn»t) m fon) ^tuou« fcw^n» ^ii^ fb«éo gate %i^ pKx» a«t>j> au^iotcs Q(tnb2 6abp fe our o^Ç^ fÇof» 6> Ç^i) f€^ %fti( offé tBe fe (cffé Çi« fxà Ç^») pje^e Out ope Çx^ (Çè tS«^t« fo* 56 afiPé ^tt prcéfi qtio^ ^ noiB ^ir moo^ gou 6e(n0p6 Fig. 17. — Specimen of Caxton's type, Ironi tlie Cuiiterbiii'y Talcs, I-176. Jtvvenalis et persii satyrec and Johannis de Milis repertoriiiiu in jure canonico (sic), both of 1475, were all printed at Louvain. Colard Mansion, who came from France and learned the art of printing either in Mayence or Cologne, was printing at Bruges William Caxtox. 47 about 1476. His first work was Le Jardin de Devotion, and his type is an imitation of the peculiar French type called Grosse bâtarde. He was also employed by William Caxton, who had been for some years trading as a merchant in the Low Countries, to print the Recuyell of the Histories of Ti'oy, by Raoul Le Fevre, which Caxton had translated into English AVv^^U^'.A^U^^^^xx'.'.kkkxvkUkkk^vUk' Fig. iS. — Woodcut from Caxton's"G(n;;c. ii;/(/ Plcnc oj the Clu^it. at the command of Queen Margaret. This was issued in 1474, and was the first book printed in the English language. In 1475 or 1476 Caxton returned to England with a fount of types, which he had employed Mansion to cut and cast for him, and established himself as a printer in the precincts of Westminster Abbey. In 1477 he produced the first book printed in England, 48 THE Book. The Dictes and Sayijigs of the Philosophers (a copy sold lately from the Duke of Buccleuch's library for £6yo), followed by a large number of important works, amongst which we may mention : Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (no date) ; Moral Proverbs, 1478 ; Cordyoile, 1479 ; Chronicles, ist éd., 1480 (a copy sold for ^470 at the Duke of Buccleuch's sale); Myrrour of the World, 1480 ; Tully, Of Old Age {a copy from Lord Crawford's library sold lately for ^320) ; Godefrey of Boulogne, 148 1 ; Higden's Fig. 19. — The Knight, a woodcut I'rom Ca.xton's Gnitie and Plajc of the C/icssc. Polycronyco7t, 1482 ; Pilgrimage, — Festival, — Confessto, — Golden Legend, 1483; Knight of the Tour, — ALsop, — Order of Chivalry, 1484; King Art Jiur, — Charles, — Paris and Vienne, 14S5 ; Good Manners, 1487; Directorium, 1489; Fayts, 1490. For further particulars about England's greatest printer, we must refer the reader to the excellent work by Mr. W. Blades, The Life and Typography of W. Caxton, 1863. William Caxton produced over sixty works, the colophons William Caxtox. 49 of many of them revealing much of the personal life and character of the first English printer. Some of them were ornamented with woodcuts ; we reproduce two from the Game and Playc of the Cliessc, printed in folio about 1474. The first represents a king and another person playing at chess ; the smaller cut is a representation of the knight, who is thus described in Caxton's own words: "The knyght ought to be maad al armed upon an hors in suche wise that he have Fig. 20. — Music, a woodcut from Caxton's Alhruiir of the World, an helme on his heed and a spere in his right hond, and coverid with his shelde, a swerde and a mace on his left syde, clad with an halberke and plates tofore his breste, legge harnoys on his legges, spores on his heelis, on hys handes hys gaunte- lettes, hys hors wel broken and taught, and apte to bataylle, and coveryd with hys armes." The other Caxton block which we reproduce is a representation of music from the Myrrour of the World, a thin folio volume of one hundred leaves printed 4 50 The Book. in 1480, with thirty-eight woodcuts. These specimens will serve to show the rudimentary character of English wood engraving in the fifteenth century. No authentic portrait of Caxton is known, and the one that is generally accepted is really a portrait of an Italian poet, Burchiello, taken from an Fig. 21. ^William Caxton, fiom Rev. J. Lewis's Life. octavo edition of his work on Tuscan poetry, printed 1554; this was copied by Faithorne for Sir Hans Sloane as the portrait of Caxton, and was reproduced by Ames in his Typographical Antiquities, 1749. Lewis prefixed the portrait here given to \\\s Life of Mayster Willyam Caxton, 1737, which H'):VA-1'.\" DE WORDK. 5 1 is a copy of Faithorne's drawing with some alterations. John Lettou and William INIachlinia, both contemporaries of Caxton, issued various statutes and other legal works. Wynkyn de Worde. a native of Lorraine, and one of Fig. 22.— Fj'shing with an Angle. Caxton's earliest co-operators, was the first who used Roman- type in England. Four hundred books were printed by him, among them \'oragine's Legenda aiirea, with woodcuts, 1498 ; Huoti de Bordeaux (from which Shakespeare derived his 52 THE Book. Midsummer Night's Dreani), and, perhaps his best known, Treatyses perteynynge to Hawkynge mid Huiityngc, Fysyhing with an Angle, by Dame Juliana Barnes, or Berners, 1496, from which we reproduce here the man with the angle. A copy of this book sold lately for ^120. Richard Pynson, who died in 1529 or 1531. was Henry VIII.'s first printer. There are more than two hundred of his works still extant, mostly in Old English and pro- fusely illustrated, such as the Descrypcyon of Englonde, fol., and he also was among the first who used Roman type in tig. 23. — Mark of Wynkyn de Worde. England. From Westminster the art spread in England to O.xford, where Theodoricus Rood, from Cologne, printed an Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi in 1478; and to St. Albans in 1480 by a printer who has never been identified, and who produced the famous Chronicle of England, fol., 1483, and Boke of St. Albans, fol., i486. Wynkyn de Worde used no less than nine different marks, all of them bearing Caxton's initials, — evidencing the regard of the pupil for his master ; the mark which we reproduce is one of rare occurrence. Richard Pynson began in 1493. and continued well into the sixteenth century, and was Richard Pvxsox. S3 one of the first of the " privileged " printers, authorized to issue the legal and parliamentary publications. One of the marks used by him is here reproduced. Julian Notary began to print in 1498, and established an office in London in conjunction with Jean Barbier 1499. There are twenty-three books traced to Notary's office. The only style of illustration used by any of these early printers was the woodcut, and of this there was very little beyond the title-page and printer's mark. The artistic Fig. 24. — Mark of Richard Pynson. form of the Book originated on the Continent, but England was not slow to adopt it and fashion it to her own ends. The invasion, we see, had been most rapid. In less thcUi fifteen years every important city had followed the movement, and was ready to establish printing offices. If we may credit a certain doubtful document, Charles W\. had on the 3rd of October, 1458, sent to Mayence one of the best medal engravers of the Mint of Tours to study the process of which marvels were spoken. "The 3rd of October, 1458, the King 54 The Book. having learned that Messire Guthenberg, living at Mayence, in the country of Germany, a skilful man in cutting and making letters with a punch, had brought to light the invention of printing by punches and types, desirous of inquiring into such a treasure, the King has commanded the directors of his mints to nominate persons well instructed in the said cutting and to send them secretly to the said place to inform themselves of the said mode and invention, to understand and learn the art of the same, in order to satisfy the said Lord King. Thereupon was pointed out to the said King and was under- taken by Nicholas Jenson, who took the said journey to bring intelligence of the said art and of the execution of it in the said kingdom, which first has made known the said art of impression to the said kingdom of France" {^Bibliothèque de V Arsenal, Hf 467, pp. 410, 411). Nicholas Jenson on his return met with a cool reception from Louis XL, who did not care to propagate the works of his father. It may be supposed that this coolness was the cause of his expatriating himself and retiring to a place where he could find freer scope for the exercise of his industry. Ten years after the above mission we find him established at Venice, his art of engraver of letters joined to that of printer. His Prceparatio Evangelica by Eusebius, translated by Trape- zuntius, and \ns Justinian, were composed in 1470, with such mar- vellous and clear Roman types that from that day the best typo- graphers have imitated his founts. In spite of its success, he did not confine himself to these letters, but he made also Gothic ones, in which by preference he printed theological books. Notwithstanding the attempts of Jenson in the name of the King of France — that is, if these attempts ever took place in the manner indicated above — the invention was not known to have Nicholas Jkxsux. 55 commended itself to the powerful University of Paris. It was very difficult to introduce innovations into that learned body, unless one had some powerful influence in the university. We have seen John Fust, compelled suddenly to retake the road to Germany, in a fair way to find himself taxed with sorcery, — at that time no slight matter. For unauthorised barbarum ac feruin îegibys adcultioréuitx.ufum. traducftû in forma prouirida;rcclegiti ..FINIS. Hiftonas ueteres peregrinaqj geffa reuofuo luftmus.lege me:fum. trogus ipfe breuis* Me gallus ueneca lenfon Nicolaus in urbe Formauic;Mauro principe Chnftophorc^ IVSTINIHISTORICICLARISSIMIIN TROGI POMPEII HISTORIAS LIBER XLIJII. FELICITER EXPLICIT, .M.CCCCLXX. Fig. 25. — Imprint of Nicholas Jenson to a Justinian, printed in 1470 at Venice. This type has prevailed up to now. persons the sale of unlicensed books had had most unhappy consequences, and Parliament was not able to interfere. Thus ten years had passed since the journey of Jenson, and ten or twelve since the first manifestations of typography at Mayence, and yet the diabolical discovery had not found admittance to the Sorbonne. What was still more extraordinary, a Cologne printer issued about 1472 a small folio in Gothic 56 The Book. type, thirty-one long lines to a page, which was a work written in French. The Histoires de Troy es of Raoul Le Fevre, chaplain to the dukes of Burgundy, first found a publisher in Germany, and soon after another in England, before a single press was definitely installed at Paris. As we have said of Peter Schoeffer, German students came in numbers to the university, where they pursued their studies, and frequently remained later as professors. It has been found that in 145S a former student of the University of Leipzig named John Heinlein, a native of Stein, in the diocese of Spire, entered as director of the college of Burgundy, from whence he passed to the Sorbonne in 1462, the year of the troubles in Mayence. After the mania for latinising names so common at that time, he called himself Lapidanus, from the name of his native place, which means Stone in German. Heinlein met in Paris a Savoyard, William Fichet, born in 1433 at Petit Bornand, who becam.e an Associate of the Sorbonne about 1461, and finally Rector, as he himself was in 146S. These two men, bound together with great friendship, and possessed of that instinct inherent to men of elevated studies, guessed at once what enormous help printing would bring to bear on their work. Besides, it grieved them to see through the whole of France, especially in Touraine, German canvassers carrying about their goods in bales under cover of other commerce, a practice from which the most grave inconveniences might result. It occurred to them that to prevent fraud they would themselves create a printing establishment; but if they deliberated on it, it must have been done secretly, for the registers of the Sorbonne are silent on their enterprise. If Fichet conceived the idea, it may be believed that Heinlein, owing to his German connections, put it into GKKIXC, FREV/SUKGER, A.\J) Kraxtz. 57 execution. M. Philippe thinks th;it he was formerly at Basle. In all probability it was from that city he tried to obtain his workmen. It was in 1466, after six years had elapsed since the printers were dispersed and fled from Mayence. At all events, it was from Basle that Ulrich Gering, Michael Frey- burger, and Martin Krantz, printers recommended to the two Sorbonnists, started, and in due course arrived in Paris. Of these three men, who were the first to establish a printing office on the French side of the Rhine, Ulrich Gering was a student as well as a printer, and so was Freyburger, a native of Colmar. As for Krantz, he probably was a letter-founder, and the only real workman of the three companions. It is often regretted that there are no authentic portraits of these men, nor of Gutenberg, Fust, and Schoeffer, to transmit their features to us. As regards Gutenberg, every one will recall the fur cap and the tight breeches of Thorwaldsen's statue at Mayence, but there is really no genuine portrait of Gutenberg, e.xcept the traditional features of the inventor reproduced in the previous chapter. As to Gering, M. Philippe, in his Histoire de l'Origine de r Imprimerie à Paris, publishes a grotesque figure muffled in the ruff of the sixteenth century, after a picture preserved at Lucerne, but it is not remarkable as a work oi art. The printing office of the three Germans was set up within the walls of the Sorbonne — in cedibus Sorbonnicis — in 1469. There they set to work at once, — no difficult matter, seeing that at that time a printing establishment consisted simply of a room, none too light, a table, and press, and some forms. Krantz ■ doubtless cast the types chosen by the Sorbonnists; for there were then two sorts of letters in use, the German Gothic and the Roman. They kept to the Roman, as being more round 58 The Bouk. and clear ; and when once the matrices were obtained and their type was cast, they entered on their task with ardour. The tendencies of Fichet and Heinlein had no leanino; ISafprim pcrgamenfis ctanOfimi onto' nf/Cpidola^ Uber Focliciter incipit/ J Audco pluuimitm ac Isetor in [ca tc fcntentia efTe.'ut nihil a J me ficui fine caufa putef.]|^go |eni ctfi multoç^ uercbac fufpi;^ tionef |Cf a me fcmproniu anriquu fami'v Uarc mcG rciici^bâ-came cû ad inacdibi/ le animi tui fapictià iudiciû mcû refj^rc''/ bà- nihil eratijre id a tc improbart pu' tavcm-Nam œm âc mcof nôffef moucT-'d lUius narurâ ti ignoravcs-'n dubitabâ od de hoc fàcfto meo iudicaturus cftcs* îslou igit haf ad tc fcabo Irâf^quo nouam. tibt de vcbuf a me gcflif opinioncm facia.ïed lit fi quando aliter homlef nolltof de me fctivc intelligcs- ta q probe caufam mea noftiydcfcnf lonê mca fufcipiaf'Mcec fi io cevLS»' nihil efi; quo ultevius cflïcium tu'' um icquiram* Valc ; Fig. 26. — Letters of Gasparin of Bei game. First page of the first book printed at Paris, in 1470. towards transcendental theology, but rather towards the literature of the ancients and contemporary rhetorical works. Besides, it may be said, considering that men are far from perfect, Fichet counted on making the authorised presses serve his own purpose \ GEKIXG, FREVBURGKK, AM) KRAXT/.. 59 We find him publishing a treatise on Rhetoric in quarto in 1 47 1, and always engaged in supervising the work confided to his artists. The partners commenced with a large volume of Letters of Gasparin of Bergamo, which was set up in quarto with the Roman type, the character of which had then been accepted. At the end of the work, the production of which took much time — possibly a year — the three printers placed a quatrain in dJoetix ïptaçi Caf parmi f'lni^* (I.Vt fol lumen'fic docftclnam fundif i.n orbem Mtif arum nutciXyuegia pactfiuf ; (fMincpropc dluînam,tu qua gcrmanla nouit A. Item fccibcndi'Tufcipe promerita; #0*vimos cccc librof-quos b^ec Lnduftcia f'lnxit fra ncoi-um in tcraf«a:dibuf atc^ tuif • ^,icbael VcfAlcicufyMartmufci magifin Mof impreffcrunt-ac facient aliof; Fig. 27. — Colophon in distichs in the Letters of Gasparin of Bergamo, first book printed at Paris at the office of the Sorbonne. Latin distichs, which is at once a statement of identity and a promise for the future : — " Primos ecce libros quos hroc iiidustria finxit Francorum in terris asdibus atque tuis ; Michael, Udalricus, Martinusque magister Hos impresserunt, ac facient alios.'' If we try to apportion to each of the three printers his share in the production of the book, it may be supposed that the intellectual part of the composition and the correction fell to Michael Freyburger and to Ulrich Gering, while the heavier work of founding, placing in forms, and press work fell to 6o The Book. Krantz. This essay, satisfactory as it appeared, was far from perfect. The first Parisian printers had multiplied abbrevia- tions and irregular contractions, and enormous difficulties and inevitable faults ensued. Further, either they had more than one punch, or the matrix got deformed, for the characters y^ "De qu'tncp vhet02iâs elemëtif artem exttin^ Jecus compaehendcndbus omnetn^ ' Rt'ifidofe dicendi rado^qus Udf-» fimf patet^uincg rebus ad funr mum confiC(£-6acultatC(fme^o6Eido • lateriayCt inftcumenco» Nam to' 2; » Idem vebus'qui veliquis airibus dcledlanc I ic^lirrntcs ftbi defmiunt; '\^%3^^ LTAS(qu5e cfl: ccrtayfadltS/CÎ pzo '^^'^ ' pta dtcendi potcfta's)tribus rebus coftat-'artC; imitadoneyec exerdtatione; ^ES cfl: p2ÇCcpdo'qua£ dat ccrtam uUmyt*' tione mcg dtcendi; '\ MITATIO efl:.'qua impelUmur cû diU' genti cadonCyqueyquidyet quâtam imitemur' - ut aliquo^ fi miles in djcêdo ualcamus effe; ^J^\'^ERC1TAT10 eft affiduus ufusycofuc- ^^^ tudc q; dicendi; J^^NIS eft qus fit difténe perfuafto; C|f FICIVM eft-'appfite dicere ad perfua fioncm- Quod opus partibus fuis quincp con' funiitMSslwcr'doneydifpofidoncyelocudoncy Fig. 28. — Rhétorique of Fichet, printed at Paris in 1471. Tlie marginals are drawn by hand. frequently differ. In spite ot these objections, we must com- mend them for having used, before all others, the tr and a\ which were uniformly written e in the manuscripts, thus giving rise to errors without number. Their punctuation was the comma, semicolon, and the full stop. FICIIET AM) HKLXI.EIX. 6i Fichet and Heinlein had become the modest librarians of the Sorbonne, and this new employment gave them greater facilities for superintendence. The printing office did not remain inactive. It issued successively the OrthograpJiy of Gasparin of Bergamo, the Letters of Phalaris, two books of .(^neas Sylvius, the Conspiracy of Catiline of Sallust, the Epitome of Titus Liviiis of Florus, and finally the Rhetorics of William Fichet, which, if we may credit a letter addressed to Bessarion, was finished in 1471. Afterwards they produced the Letters of Bessarion, the Eles^antia Latincc Lino-ucr of Valla (the first folio volume issued from the Sorbonne presses), and many others; to wit, thirteen volumes in 1470-71 and seventeen in 1472. At the end of 1 742 the workshop was somewhat broken up, Fichet having left for Rome and Heinlein having gone to preach in Germany. The three printers had sufficiently shown by their works that they were in earnest ; in addition, they had from the first presented gratuitously copies of their works to the nobles, who, being accustomed to pay highly for manuscripts, did not fail to note the difference. The Associates then resolved to quit the Sorbonne and to found an establishment for themselves, their patrons being no longer there to sustain them in case of failure ; and if we judge by the sacrifice they made in giving up their presses and types they were not without anxiety on their new venture. Their oldest dated books, the Jllaniiaic Con/essoruiu 1473 (March) and the Manipulus Cnratorniu of Montrocher 1437 (May), were also the first that they printed in their new quarters, at the sign of the " Golden Sun " in the Rue St. Jacques. They remained there as partners up to the year 1477, when Gering 62 The Book. alone signed at the " Golden Sun." Afterwards he took in associates, George Mainyal in 1480 and Berthold Rembold in 1494, who lived with him in the Rue de la Sorbonne, where he established himself on leaving the Rue St. Jacques. Ulrich Gering died on the 23rd of August, 15 10, after a half-century of work. The movement inaugurated by the Sorbonne was promptly followed. German workmen opened their printing offices nearly everywhere in France ; then the French themselves took the same course. At Lyons in 1472 a Frenchman was established, the same at Angers, Caen, Metz, Troyes, Besançon, and Salins. But in the central provinces we find Henry Mayer at Toulouse, John Neumeister at Albi ; in the east, Metlinger at Dijon ; and Michael Wensler, of Basle, at Macon, without counting others, between 1470 and 14S0. We have now arrived at an epoch of greater efforts. The Lyons printers used ornamental letters, from which engravings in the Book were developed. Since the block books, illustrations had been neglected, as the means were wanting to distribute the plates here and there in the form ; Schoeffer still employed initial letters in metal very like vignettes, like many others. If we search for the precise epoch in which illustration appeared in the history of the Book, we shall perhaps have to go back to the time of Albert Pfister, printer of Bamberg, who issued in 1461 an edition of the Fables of Ulrich Boner with a hundred and one figures on wood, and the first book printed in the German language. This may be said to be the unconscious combination of xylography with typography, a kind of transformation of old elements to new things without any importance, for art counted for nothing in this adaptation. Up to this time Germany had not, in its school of painters or illuminators, men capable of giving a personal impulse to Book Illustratiox i.\ Italy. 63 ornamentation. In the German editions of the block books the influence of Van Eyck was remarkable, and the German printers who went to seek their fortunes in Italy fell into the midst of a circle admirably prepared to impart their ideas to them. It appears that the first book printed in Italy with woodcuts in the text and with an ascertained date is the work of a German established at Rome, namely Ulrich Hahn, in 1467. If we may believe an account in the Annuaire du Bibliophile, — which, being without citation of authority, we quote for what it is worth — but is no doubt a fable, as J oh. Winterberger 1482 is Fig. 29. — Mark of Guerbin, printer .it Geneva, 14S2. acknowledged as the first Vienna Printer, — Ulrich Hahn established a press at Vienna about 1462, but was driven thence by the publication of a pamphlet against the burgomaster of the city. Under these unfortunate circumstances, he was attracted to Rome by the famous Torquemada, who confided to him the impression of his work the Medilationes, which he wanted to adorn with illustrations. Hahn was himself an engraver, as were also most of his confreres at that time — that is, he cut in relief the design already drawn on wood so that it could be inter- calated in the te.xt like a large letter. Passavant relates that the designs of the Medilationes were taken from compositions 64 The Book. of Fra Angelico, who died in 1455. It is now impossible to verify this fact, so much did the German artist preserve the crude manner of his country in wort:ing these plates. Be that as it may, the book, the printing of which was finished on St. Sylvester's Day, 1467, is the first known with engravings printed in Italy, and only three copies of it exist: (^fnrrifn ^syVl ûsAii/j Pig. 30. — Wood engraving in Matteo Pasti, for Valturius' D: Re Militari (Verona : 1472). one at Vienna, one at Nuremberg, and one in Lord Spencer's library ; it is printed in Gothic type in folio. Illustration found a true artist at Verona, in Matteo Pasti, who furnished designs for a volume on military art by Valturius, printed in Roman characters in folio, at the expense of John of Verona, and dedicated to Sigismond Pandolfi. Fasti's eighty- two wood engravings are simple outlines, cleverly executed, of which we here reproduce one of the principal —an archer Early Book Ii.i.vstratiox. 65 shooting at a butt. Published in 1472, the volume of Valturius thus followed very soon after the ]\Ieditationes, but the engravings enable us already to see how the Italian process, consisting mostly of lines without shadows, differed from the Dutch and German. One thing to be remarked here is also the purity of the design, as compared with a certain irregularity of the engraving ; we feel in these figures Italian art at its height, despite the somewhat coarse translation of the wood-engraver. At Venice the German discoveries had borne fruit. At the end of the fifteenth century, fifty years after the invention of typography, the printing offices and booksellers' shops were counted by hundreds. It was in this city that for the first time a title with frontispiece giving the contents, the place, the date, and the name of the printer, was given to the Book. We give here this ornamental title, placed before a Calendario of John de Monteregio, printed by Pictor, Loslein, and Ratdolt in 1476, folio. The German Erhardt Ratdolt was probably the promoter of these innovations. He soon afterwards published the first geometrical book with figures, the Elements of Euclid, 1482, folio ; in the same year he produced the Poelicon Astronomicuvt of Hyginus, previously printed at Ferrara, in which he displayed illustrations on wood of excellent design, but heavily and comparatively unskilfully engraved. Yet the art of the Book could not remain inferior in this city, where so many artists were piling up marvels. Nicholas Jenson, the emigrant from PVance, of whom we have spoken above, had, in imitation of Italian manuscripts, introduced that Roman letter, the primitive type of which has come down to our time pretty well untouched. At the death of Jenson in 1481, his materials passed into the 5 66 The Book. hands of Andrew d'Asola, called Andrea Torresani, who did not neglect the good traditions of his master, and who produced before anyone else a book bearing signatures, catchwords, and pagination {^Letters of St. Jerovie, 14SS). Torresani was the father-in-law of Aldus Manutius, who was to be for ever illus- trious in the art of printing at Venice, and to conduct his art to the highest pitch of perfection. fT^-<::£^-- Vcftacpiai.iOk^ni parte e un lilTrodoio Non fijpuj precioUgcinmïmai Dil kalendario . ct?c trjcucole alii Con gran facilitj : ma gran lauorc Quinumefo'aureo ; e tutti i fegni fuoro Ddcripudilgran polodaogniUr OiiandotiTole : c luna cclipli fai Qu-incctcnetcrcçea ft-oibcx-oio in uninfrantitufaicjualborafi.i • Qlial fata lanno : giomo ; tempo icmexe-* Ci-'Ctutu ponn Ton daftrologis loar.hc dc monte rcgio queflp fcxc Cogliertal huctoacionon grauefii In treue tempo: ccon pocbipcnexc- 0>i ccfnccotaHpex; Scampaoinu I nomidi imprelTon Son qui da bAlTo di toHicalon Vcncajs. 14. r*. , Bcmarriiispiclordî Aug-jire |f?^ Pctrus luHci Eabartlo^iJfdol. dc Aogi He Laiiçcncen p^^^^^\ >l dc KmpxAU ^^2J^ -t^ Fig. 31. — Title-page of the Cahndario^ first ornamental title known. Printed in 1476 at Venice. But if decoration by means of relief blocks found a favour- able reception in Italy, and, above all, a group of artists capable of carrying it to success, there were at the same time other experiments which originated in a different direction. The discovery of Maso Finiguerra gave to the art a new process of reproduction, and printing presses were now able to make the working of engraved plates possible and practicable. In order to make that which follows comprehensible, we must enter ILLUSTRAT/OX ().\ METAL PLATES. 6/ into a few technical details, the whole subject having been so admirably and fully treated by MM. Delaborde and Duplessis. In the engraved wood block, as in the printing type, it is a projection in the wood or metal which, being inked and passed under a press, leaves on paper its lines in black. Naturally then the intercalation of an engraving of this kind in typographical composition is made without difficulty, as the impression of both is taken at one pull. On the other hand, a line engraving is obtained from incised lines on a plate of copper ; that is, an instrument called a burin traces the lines, which are filled with greasy ink. These incised lines are only inked. The surface of the plate is then cleaned off to avoid smudging. The sheet of paper destined for the impression has then to be made very pliable and pulpy, so that at the striking of the press it runs, so to speak, to find the ink in the lines and to reproduce them. It is therefore impossible to make simultaneous im- pressions from both raised and incised plates. This kind of reproduction, however, which, contrary to that from wood, allowed of half-tints or shading, attracted in good time the workers in the production of the Book. It appeared to them possible to reconcile the two printings by the successive passage of the same sheet of paper through the press, to receive at first the impression from the type, and afterwards from the ink in the incisions of the copper plate. The first manifestation of this new method of illustration was made at Florence, the home of line engraving, by Nicholas di Lorenzo in 1477, for the work of Antonio Bettini, of Siena, called El Monte Santo di Dio. Here the artists were not the first in the field. If we accept the common opinion, Baccio Baklini borrowed from Sandro Botticelli the subjects of his plates. 68 THE BOOK. In any case, Italian engraving seeks its source in Pollajuolo, Botticelli, and Baldini. It is not the simple work of a niellist, but it had not yet reached its perfect expression either in the work <^i^^ Fig. 32. — Engraving on metal bj- Baccio Baldini for El Monte Santo di Dio, in I-1.77- or in the impression ; the illustrations of the Moiitc Santo are proof of this, as are also those of the Dante, by Baldini, in 14S1, for the same Nicholas di Lorenzo. From this we reproduce the Misers. Early Illvstratiox ix Italy. 69 At this epoch engravings by the burin were taken with a pale ink, the composition of which is not anything Hke the fine black ink of Schoeffer or of the old Italian printers. And besides in most cases the proofs were obtained by rubbing [au frottoti) like the ancient block books, an eminently defective process. The press was not yet well adapted to the delicate work of line engraving, and the workmen, who did not insert the plates until after the text was printed, preferred not to risk the loss of their sheets by the use of inappropriate presses. These, with the insignificant attempts made by the Germans in Fig. -Metal engraving by Baccio Baldini from ths Dante of 1481. 1479,* are the beginnings of the process of line engraving in the ornamentation of the Book. In fact, the process failed to take the position which was expected of it, owing to the incon- venient mode of working. Relief engraving still made great advances ; with it the sheets used for the impression did not require working more than once to produce the illustrations with the text ; in a word, the labour was not so great. A century elapsed before line engraving completely dethroned the vignette * Breznariuin ccclesie HirbiJ>olensis : Kt, Dold., i-j^g, fo'.io, copperplate engravings. •JO The Book. on wood, and a century in which the latter attained its height, and showed what able artisans could make of a process apparently the least flexible. Not to leave Italy, which had the honour of making the book with engraved illustrations known to the world, we pass over some years, during which Arnold Bucking brought out at Rome a Cosmographia of Ptolemy, 1478, with incised plates, which is the first printed atlas that was produced, while as regards ordinary publications there appeared in all parts classical and Italian works, such as Cicero, Virgil, Tacitus, Pliny, Eusebius, among the ancients, and Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, etc., as regards the modern authors. Among the editions of Dante, we may cite that of Peter of Cremona, dated iSth of November, 1491 (Fig. 35), with one wood-engraving to each canto, of which the earlier ones are after Botticelli, and perhaps even drawn by him directly on the wood. Passavant believes these figures to be cut in relief in the metal. On some of the plates there is a signature, a Gothic .ft, the signification of which leaves a free field for conjecture, and perhaps for error. There is also another edition containing twenty plates printed, 1481, ten years before the woodcut edition, which is extremely rare ; one in the Hamilton Palace Library sold in May 1884 for /380 ; the Royal Library of Berlin recently agreed to pay ^1,200 for a proof set of these plates. As we shall see later apropos of German vignettes of the same period, the characteristic feature of Italian engraving was sobriety, the complete absence of useless work, and the great simplicity of the human figure. This special manner will be found in the famous first edition of Francesco Colonna's Hypnero- tomachia Poliphili. printed in 1499 by Aldus, which has been frequently reproduced, and even copied sixty years after its first Ear/.v I/j.rsTA'.ir/o.v /.v Italy. 71 publication by a French printer, a rare occurrence in the book trade. On account of its exquisite woodcuts this wori< has always been a great favourite with booi<-collectors, especially with artists, notwithstanding its continual increase in price. Mr. Beckford's copy sold for ^130. The Italian illustrators, whether they operated simply on wood, or, as some writers have it, engraved their cuts in relief Fig. 34. — Plate from the Hypnerotomachia Puliphili, printed by Aldus Manutius, in 1499. on metal, always brought their figures conspicuously forward, by making the surroundings more accentuated and often dotted over, thus forming a dark background. This was also the ordinary process in their ornaments, among the most interesting of which are the borders of the plates to an edition of Dante by Bonino de Bonini, Brescia, 14S7, of which a specimen is here reproduced. If we return from Italy, which then took the lead, to The Book. Germany, we find at Augsburg about the year i -i 70 a school of Forrnschneiders, whose obscure workshops were of no great advantage to the booksellers. These ill-advised artists went even further Apparently furious at seeing printing so widely spread as to render their bad woodcuts difficult to pass off as original designs, they united in a body to forbid Giinther ^ ^ "^ -^r TfCRCVMO ^ * * * ^1 f^ \f^. ^K" y^ \J^ /(s "3^ -yfr ^ ^'§' 35' — The planet Mercury and the city of Rome, engraving from the Dii'iua Coiiiec^ia (Venice, 1491). Zainer and Schussler to put engravings into their books. They must nevertheless have come to an ultimate arrange- ment, for Zainer printed in 1477 a BooA ou Chess by Jacopo da Cessole, with vignettes. He was besides one of the few German printers who employed Roman characters in place of the Gothic of Peter Schoeffer. At Cologne in 1474 Arnold Ther Hoernen published a work entitled Fasciculus Tcmporiim^ EARI.V ll.l.rSTRATlOX I x Germa.w. n with small illustrations engraved on wood. A Bible without date contained most interesting illustrations. As to the celebrated Todtcntantz, or Dance of Deatli, published about 1485, it contains forty-one plates in relief of the most ordinary Fig. 36. — Plate from Bonino de Bonini's Dan'.c, at Brescia, in 1487. kind and the least personal mark, the same as in the Chronicle of Cologne of 1499, of which the figures, though less German and less distorted, do not come up to the more German, but more artistic Nuremberg books. 74 THE BUOK. At Nuremberg, Antony Koberger, called by Badius the prince of booksellers, directed an immense establishment, employing more than a hundred workmen, without counting Fig. 37. — The creation of woman, plate from tlie Sclial:bchiiltci, engraved after Michael Wohlgemuth. smaller houses at Basle and Lyons. At Basle Johannes Froben, born 1460, at Hammelburg in Franconia, established a printing press in 1491, and printed chiefly the works of Early I/j.cstratio.x /x Ckrmanv. 75 Erasmus and the Latin Fathers, particularly the fine edition of St. Augustin. To many of his titles and borders Hans Holbein lent his hand. Koberger was a capable and a for- tunate man. He had at first put forth a Bible very indifferently illustrated with the cuts of the Cologne Bible, but he had some- thing better in view than copying others. Michael Wohlgemuth, born at Nuremberg in 1434, was then in the full vigour of his talent. To his school the young Albert Durer came to study ; and as his business was to draw on wood as well as to engrave on copper and paint on panel, Koberger was attracted to him, and engaged him to make a set of illustrations for a book. The projected work was the Schatzbehalier, a sort of ascetic com- pilation, deficient both in interest and in arrangement. Michael Wohlgemuth set to work ; and, thanks to the ability of his engravers, of whom William Pleydenwurff was probably one, Koberger was able to issue the book in the course of 1491 in three hundred and fifty-two folios of two columns. Without being perfection, the designs of Wohlgemuth, very German, very striking, present the vigour and merit of the future school of Nuremberg. The figure is no longer a simple line, in the manner of the block books, but a combination of inter- laced cuttings, intended to imitate shades. Such are those representing The Creation of Eve ■A.wà The Daughter of Jcphthah reproduced here. If we were to look for harmony between the text and engravings of this curious work, we should find grace and gaiety laid aside ; on the other hand, we should perceive a freedom and boldness that would fascinate and permit us to appreciate at their value the Nuremberg artists and Koberger, the printer. In fact, the German artists are here more individual, each one taken by himself, than the Italian illus- trators could be, condemned as thev were to the hierarchical 76 The Book. commonplace and to a certain form of forced idealism into which the art of Italy was dragged little by little. The German painters, naturalists and believers, presented their heroes in the Fig. 38. — The daughter of Jeplithah, plate taken from the Scluilzbelialtcr, engraved after Michael Wohlgemuth. image of that robust nature that was before their eyes. It was in this rude and unpolished spirit that Michael Wohlgemuth illustrated the Schatzbehaltcr ; he also designed the illustrations Early Illustration /x Germany. jj for the Nu7'eniberg Chronicle of Dr. Hartman Schedel, printed by Koberger in 1493 (Fig. 39). With Diirer, at the latter end of the fifteenth century, the Book was no more than a pretext for engravings. Thausing, his biographer, says that the great artist felt the necessity of designing an Apocalypse at Rome at the time when Luther was premeditating his religious revolution in face of the worldly splendours of the pontifical court. The Apocalypse, published in 151 1 in Latin, with Gothic characters, was an album of ftntfabmirioimUiK Fig. 39. — Title of the N itrcniberg Chronklf, printed by A. Koberger, 1493. Fol. fifteen large wood engravings. The Four Horsemen is the best of these plates, and the boldest ; but in this gross fancy, in these poor halting old hacks, the fantastic and grand idea which the artist meant to convey can hardly be seen. It may be said the genius of Diirer was little adapted to vignettes, so large they were, and did not easily lend itself to the exigencies of a spun-out subject. The title of his Apocalypse is of its kind a curious example of German genius, but, in spite of its vigour, it does not please like an Italian headpiece or like a French or 78 The Book. Flemish frontispiece. The other works of Diirer published in the fifteenth century, The Life of the V^irgin and The Passion, ^^K^^^& (mm i'^m/ Fig. 40. — Title cl'tlie Ajoinlypsc, by Albert Diirer, printed in 149S. First edition without text. were also sets of prints to which the text was afterwards added The ''Ship of Fools." 79 For the rest of his illustrations Diirer belongs to the sixteenth century, and we shall have occasion to recur to his works. At present it remains to mention a curious work printed at Basle by Bergman de Olpe in 1497, which appears to be the ëmlriferalHauijî. IHarragonirf ^fr rtionia mini fatis laudata iNauis: per Sebafti'anû Brant: vcmacufovoii gariq; fermoneSC rhythino^cûdtoçemortaliumfatuicati's femitas effugere cupiétm direfti'one/ fpeculo /cômodocp 8C falutc : procpinertisignâuf ^ f 3** «^ Pii i m Fig. 49. — Ornament of Simon Vostre. According to his wants, Simon Vostre designed new series of ornaments. Among them were histories of the saints, biblical figures, even caricatures directed against Churchmen, after the 88 The Book. manner of the old sculptors, who thought that sin was rendered more horrible in the garb of a monk. " Honorés sont saiges et sots, Augustins, carmes et bigots," says the legend. Then there were the Dance of Dcatli and m iirnot) toffie pcfratilrtit3:(iquatc no») fcrs imquifatc mcû-f i6f cc nunc i») puf- uetc î>r>jmio:{i fi mane mc qncfictie no fu6 " fianj.tg: . £.tt^a ^ tebêptoi mcue 'Smit ; ii^nouiflimo bic fte tf tta futtcctume fti Éiiçranicmca^ibcBo beurt) fafuatoic mcû.'J'.Ciuc^ifutue fil c^oipfc ^^ no afi' (t ocu fi mci ofpccftici futjEt î canw. £.11. H^^^bct aiflrt) mc(î "Sitemcc : bitnittiî l^^abuctfun^mccfoquiiimeuti;. So'. quat it) amarifubinc aie mce.bic3 bco.ICo fi mc conbcnatc. Jnbica miffii:cuc me rta mOicce. îfiimqiiib 6oniî ti6i 'Sibctur fi ra^ filniccte (J oppximae mc opue manufl tua rurt):^î conf ifiii ipioiii abiuuce';! 12unquib Of ufi f amci ti6i funtiaut firut^ibtt Çomo (I hî 'Bibcemr'iautiguib finiebiee Commie bic6 fui (z anni tui (if ut Çumana j'unt (e»ij^ poia-f Jfflt qucroe iniquitatê mc ef per fa? tun) mcfl /ftuteti6.^tff lae g; nit^if ipiii fcf en»») f il fit nemo qui be manu tua pop fit ctucrc. ÎÇt. Siui faîatum tcfuff itafîi a monumcfo fctibilïlu eie biie bona requic (t for il mbufscntie.*. Siui "Setutue ee lu bieacc "Bmoe (Z moxtuoe ji fecuf il pec i^nc %\\ CIS bomme bona tcquie»t).(if . riLiii. "1? I m îA"? I r"'g- S°- — Border in four separate blocks in the Heures à l'Usaige de Rome, bj- Pigoucliet, for Simon Vostre, in 14SS. Small figures from the Dance of Death. sibyls, allying sacred with profane, even the trades, all forming a medley of little figures in the margins, in the borders, nestled among acanthus leaves, distorted men, fantastic animals, and saints piously praying. The Middle Ages live again in BOOK'S OF HOURS. 89 these bright and charming books, so French in their origin, yet withal imbued with good sense and a tolerant spirit. fjSSn , .^g^^^ : .y X V r T i-'v i - T j - v ' rr ^ r^ n ry a'T it 1 '^- rro 0mac\^n mca aperies [1^^,# et« 0(3 meu annunciabit ifer^ ~\ J^^g E à b Fig. 51. — Plate copied from Schongauer's Carrying of the Cross, taken from the //cures of Simon Vostre. The Book rose under Simon Vostre and Philip I'igouchet to the culminating point of ornamentation. Here design and engraving are at their proper value and sustain each other. 90 The Book. It is not only the stippled backgrounds of the borders that please the eye, but the whole effect is such as to compel the question, Who was this unknown designer, this painter of bold conceptions, whose work is so complete ? However, some of Fig. 52.— The Death of the Virgin, plate taken from the Heures of Simon Vostre, printed in 1488. The border is separate. the large full-page illustrations have not an originality ot their own, nor the French touch of the borders. Thus the plate of the Passion here reproduced (Fig. 51) is inspired line for line by the German, Martin Schongauer. Are we to suppose then that already the trade with cliches from the original blocks was BOOK'S OF Hours. 91 established between France and Germany, or was it that a copy was made of it by a French designer? It is difficult to say. Still the coincidence is not common to all the missals of the great Parisian bookseller. The Death of the Virgin (Fig. 52) here reproduced is an evident proof of it. It forms part of the 1488 book, and is certainly a truly French work. It may be said that from the artistic association of Phili[) &0 PRovo# M n^R^maE i Fig. 53. — Mark ot" Antoine Verard, printer at Paris, 149S. Pigouchet and Simon Vostre emanated the art of book illus- tration in France ; they worked together for eighteen years, in steady collaboration, and, as far as we know, without a cloud. When Vostre started in business in 1488 he lived in the Rue Neuve Notre Dame, at the sign of " St. Jean I'Evangeliste ; " and in 1520 he was still there, having published more than three hundred editions of the Hotirs for the use of the several cities. 92 THE Book. Contemporary with Simon Vostre, another pubHsher was giving a singular impulse to the Book by his extreme energy, true taste, and the aid of first-class artists. Antoine Verard, the most illustrious of the old French booksellers, was a cali- grapher, printer, illuminator and dealer (Fig. 53). Born in the second half of the fifteenth century, he established himself in Paris on the Porit Notre Dame, both sides of which were then covered with shops, and about 1485 commenced his fine editions with a Decameron in French by Laurent de Premier- fait. M. Renouvier remarks in his notice of Verard that his first books were not good ; the plates were often unskilful, and were probably borrowed or bought from others. This may be very well understood in a beginner whose modest resources did not permit bold enterprises ; moreover, the figures were in most cases groundworks for miniatures, outlines and sketches rather than vignettes. Antony Verard was accustomed to take a certain number of fine copies on vellum or paper of each book published by him, in which qualified painters added miniatures and orna- ments. It is curious now to find what the cost to one of the great lords of the court of Charles \TII. was of one of these special copies in all the details of its production. We find it in a document published by jNI. Senemaud in a provincial journal [Biiiietin de la Société Archéologique de la Charente, 1859, part 2, p. 91), which enables us at the same time to penetrate into a printing office of a great French publisher of the fifteenth century. According to this docu- ment, Verard did not disdain to put his own hand to the work, even to carrying the book to the house of his patron if he happened to be a man of consequence. It is an account of Charles de Valois- Angouléme, father of Francis I. He Books of Hours. 93 was then living at Cognac ; and he ordered Verard to print separately for him on vellum the romance of Tristan, the Book of Consolation of Boetius, the Ordinaire dit Chretien, and l^ŒS ^^s*^.i and binding [egoîioiminirt y 3fiugrtiiiatççi!? the Heures en François, each with illuminations In the detail of expenses \'erard omits nothing. He reckons the parch- ment at three sous four deniers the sheet, the painted and illuminated figures at one ecu the large and five sols the small. We give here the outline of one of the plates of the Tristan, '•Jobicrtrwttfctio J memrc-fopfiii'/ ■ §i6ifrafTi!rciJ ■SctufiiStrffiiw tcrti3c.§ II fpm lîocciSiîtfmiVÇù'i f I'eSmieert quia I ^riflSif refutgct î~ig. 54. — Border of the Grandes Hemes of Antony Verard : Paris, 1498 (?). ordered by the Due d'Angoulème, reduced by two-thirds, and from its work (Fig. 55) it may be judged that the profession of the illuminator, even for the time, was by no means brilliant. The binding was in dark-coloured velvet, with two clasps 94 The Book. with the arms of the Duke, which cost sixty sous each. The work finished, Vérard took the road for Cognac, carrying the precious volumes. He was allowed twenty livres for his travelling expenses ; and this brings the total to two hundred and seven livres ten sous, equivalent to ^200 to ,^240 of present money. Fig. 55- — Plate fiom the Tn's/nii published by Antoine Vérard, a copy of which was illuminated for Charles of Angoulême. Vérard had preceded Simon Vostre in the publication of Books of Hours, but his first volume, dated 1487, was not successful, owing to the want of borders and frontispieces. At the most he had introduced coarse figures intended for illumi- nation, which were rather wooden daubs than vignettes. In Books of Hours. 95 1488, the same year that Simon Vostre commenced his publications, Vérard put forth, by "command of the King our Fig. 56. — Page of the Grandes Heures of Antoine Vérard : Paris, fifteenth century. lord," the book called the Grandes Hcitrcs, which is in quarto, Gothic letter, without paging, twenty lines to the full page. go The Book. This Grandes Hanxs contained fourteen engravings, large borders in four compartments, smaller subjects and initials rubricated by hand. He thus published more than two hundred editions between 1487 and 15 13, and among them the Mystère de la Passion, with eighty figures ; the Grandes Chroniques, in three folio volumes, printed by Jean Maurand ; the Biitaille Jnddiqiie of Flavius Josephus ; the Légende Doree of Yoragine, all books for which he called to his aid rubri- cators, illuminators and miniaturists. From the outset he had two shops where he published his productions : one on the Pont Notre Dame, the other at the Palace of Justice, "au premier pilier devant la chapelle où l'on chante la messe de messeigneurs les présidents." After 1499, when the Pont Notre Dame was burned Vérard transported his books to the Carrefour St. Severin. At his death in 15 13 he resided in the Rue Neuve Notre Dame, "devant Nostre-Darae de Paris." Besides Vérard, Vostre, and Pigouchet, many others will be found who imitated them in the publication of Books of Hours. The first was Jean du Pré, who published a Paris missal in 14S1, and who was at once printer and bookseller. Like Pigouchet, Du Pré printed Books of Hours for provincial publishers, without dreaming of the competition he was creating for himself. It is not the least curious feature in connection with the study of the History of the Book, to notice the encroachments of the publishers upon one another, as well as the friendly exchanges, the loans even of plates and type. Thielman Kerver, a German, also began to put forth Books of Hours in 1497 in Paris, ornamenting them with borders and figures on wood, and modelling his work completely upon that of Simon Vostre. But after having imitated him, he became Books of Hours. 97 associated with him in the publication and sale of the Paris A/zssa/. The competition of these men was evidently an honest one, also the sale of pious works was sufficient to maintain all engaged in it. Established on the Pont St. Michel, at the sign of the " Unicorn," he sold his stock to Gilles Remade about the beginning of the sixteenth century. Thielman Kerver in his own works shows himself as the rival of Simon Vostre. The Hardouins, who followed the same Fig- 57. — Typographical mark of Thielman Kerver. profession, do not appear to have attained the success of their predecessors ; and, if we except the Heiti-es à F Usage de Rome, published in 1503 by Gilles Hardouin on the Pont au Change, at the sign of the " Rose," they servilely imitated their predecessors. There was also among the disciples of Vostre, Guillaume Eustache, bookseller to the king, "tenant la boutique dedans la grant salle du palais du costé de messeigneurs les presidens, ou sur les grans degrés du costé de la conciergerie 98 The Book. à I'ymage St. Jean I'Evangeliste." Eustache made use of the work of Pigouchet and Kerver, not to mention the printers of the end of the fifteenth century. We have named the principal and the fortunate ones ; but Fig. 58. — Plate from a Book of Hours of Simon Vostre, representing the Massacre of the Innocents. what has become of the crowd of other publishers whose ambition was equally aroused before the success of \'ostre and Vérard ? There were Denis Meslier, with his quarto Heures de Bourges, and \'incent Commin, bookseller of the Rue Neuve Notre Dame, who thus appealed to his customers : — The Dances of Death. 99 "Qui veult en avoir? On en treuve A très grand marché et bon pris A la Rose, dans la rue Neuve De Nostre-Dame de Paris." There were also Robin Chaillot, Laurent Philippe, and a hundred others whose names have died with them or are robbed of the fruit of their works. But if pious books of this kind found vogue and a large Fig. 59. — Dance of Dfalli, said to be by Verard. Ttie Pope and the Emperor. .sale at this epoch, the dealers did not keep to ascetic publica- tions only. By a singular mixture of the sacred and the profane, the book-men displayed also on their stalls the Decameron of Boccaccio as well as the Hours of the hnmaculate Virgin, and the purchasers took an interest in the one as well as in the other. Besides, the end of the fifteenth century had its literary preferences, its alluring tides, its attractive frontispieces. At the commencement of the present century double titles — Atala ; or, The Child of Mystery : Waverley ; or, ' Tis Six/y Years Since — were common, although now out of fashion. loo The Book. Afterwards came books of \.x-dM (As— Voyages au Pays des Milliards, Voyages aux Pays des Rcvolutionnaires, etc. Also in the fifteenth century, and even from the fourteenth, a series of titles was in public favour. There was first the Débats, or "Dialogues:" Débat de la Dame et de F Escuyer, Paris, 1490, folio ; Dialogue of Dives and Pauper, London, Richard Pynson, 1493 ; and many other eccentric titles. There appeared also thousands of complaintes, a kind of lay in verse or prose ; blasons, light pieces describing this or that thing ; doctrinals, that had nothing to do with doctrine. And among the most approved subjects, between the piety of some and the gaiety of others, the Dances of Death established themselves firmly, showing, according to the different spheres of society then prevalent, Death taking the great ones of the earth, torturing alike pope, emperor, constable, or minstrel, grimacing at youth, majesty, and love. Long before printing appeared, the Dances of Death found their delineators ; they were some consolation for the wretched against their powerful masters, the revenge of the rabble against the king. They may be seen painted, sculptured, illuminated, when engraving was not there to multiply their use ; they may be seen largely displayed on walls, sombre and awe-inspiring, at Dresden, Leipzig, Erfurt, Berne, Lucerne, Rouen, Amiens, and Chaise-Dieu. It was the great human equality, which first tempted the French, then the inimitable Holbein. Death cries to the lords and fortunate of this world : — " Et après quant vous serez morts Tout ainsy que poures truans, Vous serez hydeus et puans, Des nostres et de noz livrées ! . . . Il ne soufBst assez de dire De voz meschans corps la misère, Qui ne sont pas d'autre matera, Certainement, que nous ne sommes." The Daxces of Death. ioi We can imagine the impression these bitter ironies made on the oppressed and disdained lower classes. The first Dance of Death was produced by Guyot Marchant in 1485, in ten leaves and seventeen engravings, in folio, with Gothic cha- racters. Marchant describes himself as " demeurant en Champ Gaillart à Paris le vingt-huitiesme jour de septembre mil quatre cent quatre vingtz et cinq" (Fig. 60) The book must have gone off rapidly, for it was republished in the following year, with additions and new engravings. French illustration was Fig. 60.— Diriice of Death of Guyot Marchant in 14S6. The Pope and the Emperor. already moving forward, as may be judged by the reproduc- tions here given from the folio edition of i486. It is the pope and emperor, glory and power, that are led and plagued by Death, hideous Death, with open body and frightful grin. We could wish that the tendencies and processes of what may be called the second generation of printers were well understood. In a few years they surmounted the difficulties of their art, and made the Book a model of elegance and simpli- city. The smallest details were cared for, and things apparently the most minute were studied and rendered significant. 102 The Book. Speaking of titles, an enormous progress was here made in the publications of the end of the century. In Italy subjects of decoration were used as a framework for the front page, wherein were included useful indications. The most ancient specimen of this kind has already been referred to. A model of this species is the St. Jet'ouie, published at Ferrara by Lorenzo Rossi, of Valenza, in 1497, folio; the title, much adorned, is in Gothic letters ; the engraved initial is very adroitly left in outline, so as not to burden or break the text. In Germany bad taste and prodigality already began to be Fig. 61. — Mark of Guy Marchant, printer at Paris, 1485. apparent ; the letters become interlaced, the Gothic type is covered with useless fantastic appendages and gets bewildering, and the titles become intricate ; later they became illegible even to the Germans themselves. "In France the front page gave the most circumstantial indications of the contents of the work, with the name and abode of the printer and bookseller. These titles were often ornamented with moveable frameworks, printed in Gothic, sometimes in two colours, which necessitated two printings, one for the black and one for the red ink. The mark of the printer or publisher generally appeared, and it was nearly always a charming piece of work. These French marks were PRINTERS' MARKS. 103 all treated more or less heraldically ; that is to say, the initials occupy a shield, sustained by supporters and cut with extreme care. The first was that of Fust and Schoeffer at Mayence, of admirable simplicity and grace. In France this early specimen of the trade mark took with Simon Vostre and Vérard the shape of delicate illustrations, finely designed and carefully engraved ; but the custom of allusive marks did not prevail, as we shall have occasion to see, until the sixteenth century. The marks of Pigouchet, Vostre, and Vérard have already been given ; that of Thielman Kerver is conceived in the same principles of taste and art. The sign of his house being the " Unicorn," Kerver took as supporters to his shield two unicorns affrontées. In these colophons are sometimes found philosophic aphorisms, satirical remarks, marvels of poetry. One bookseller pays homage to the powerful university, which dispenses glory and riches to the poor tradesmen by buying many books. Andrew Bocard engraved on his mark this flattery as a border : — " Honneur au Roy et à la court. Salut à l'Université Dont nostre bien procède et sourt Dieu gart de Paris la cité ! " The Germans introduced into their colophons some vain- glorious notices. Arnold Ther Hoernen, already mentioned, who printed the Theiitonista at Cologne in 1477, boasted in it of having corrected it all with his own hands. Jean Treschel (Fig. 63), established at Lyons in 1493, proclaims himself a German, as the Germans were the inventors of that art which he himself possessed to an eminent degree. He prided himself on being what we may call a skilled typographer ; " viruni hujus artis solertissimum," he writes without false I04 The Book. modesty. At times, in the colophons of his books, he at- tempted Latin verse, the Sapphic verse of Horace, of a playful turn, to say that his work was perfected in 1494. " Arte et expensis vigilique cura Treschel explevit opus hoc Joannes, Mille quingentos ubi Christus annos Sex minus egit. Jamque Lugduni juvenes, senesque, Martias nonas célèbres agebant Magna Reginae quia prepotenti Festa parabant.'' Fig. 62. — Frontispiece to Terence, published by Treschel at Lj'ons in 1493. The author writing his book. The portrait is another element of illustration, the figure of the author is prefixed to his work. It had already been a custom in the manuscripts to paint on the first leaf of the work the likeness of him who wrote it, frequently in the act of presenting his book to some noble patron ; and in this way is often preserved the only known portrait of either patron or author. Printing and engraving rendered these effigies more The Portrait ix the Book. 105 common, the portraits of one often served for another, and the booksellers used them without very much scruple. As we shall see later, this became in the sixteenth century a means of illustrating a book in the most simple manner, but only at the time when the portrait, drawn or painted, commenced to be more widely used. Previously the cliches of which we spoke went everywhere, from the Italians to the French, from /Esop to Accursius ; these uncertain features date back from the manuscrijDt romances of chivalry, from whence they were Fig. 63. — Mark of Trescliel, printer at Lyons, 14S9. servilely copied in typography. The Italians from the first mixed the ancient and the modern. Thus in a Breviarmm des Décrets, printed in 1478, there is an engraved portrait of Paul Florentin. In France the author is often represented writing, and it was so up to the middle of the sixteenth century. In an edition of Die Cas des Nobles Hommes, by Jean Dupré, in 1483, Boccaccio is represented seated, having before him his French translator, Laurent de Premierfait. This plate is one of the. oldest representations of authors in French books. In the io6 The Book. Roman de la Rose, first edition of Paris and Lyons, in folio, probably published by Guillaume Leroy about 1485, Guillaume de Lorris, the author, is shown in his bed : — " Une nuyt comme je songeoye, Et de fait dormir me convient, En dormant un songe m'advint. . . ." There is also a portrait of Alain Chartier in his Faits, printed in 1489. In the Terence of Treschel, of Lyons, in 1493, we see a grammarian (Fig. 62) of the fifteenth century in a furnished room of the time, occupied in writing at a desk ; this is Guy Jouvenal, of Le Mans, the author of the commentary. Thus was printing developed, carrying with it to the countries where it was established the rules of an unchangeable principle ; but, according to its surroundings, it was so trans- formed in a few years that its origin was no longer recognised. It was light in Italy, heavy in Germany, gay in France. Painting, of which it was accidentally the outcome, returned to it under the form of illustration a short time after its first and fruitful essays. The Gothic character which was general in Germany, continued to be used in P'rance by the Vostres, the Vérards, and others up to the middle of the sixteenth century, although the earliest printers before this used Roman type ; it was also the prevailing type used in English books. In Italy it was Jenson, a Frenchman, who introduced the alphabet preserved to the present time ; and it was the Venetians and Florentines who were the first to learn the art of judicious orna- mentation of the Book. The French came very near perfection, thanks to their printers and booksellers, at the end of the century ; and the Germans found illustrious artists to scatter their compositions in their large, heavy works. CHAPTER III. 1500 TO 1600. French epics and the Renaissance — Venice and Aldus Manutius — ItaHan illus- trators — The Germans : Theuerdanck, Schàufelein — The Book in other countries — French books at the beginning of the century, before the accession of Francis I. — English printers and their work — Engraved plates in English books — Geoffroy Tory and his works — Francis I. and the Book — Robert Estienne — Lyons a centre of bookselling : Holbein's Dances of Death — School of Basle — -Alciati's emblems and the illustrated books of the middle of the century — The school of Fontainebleau and its influence — Solomon Bernard — Cornells de la Haye and the Promptuaire — Jean Cousin — Copperplate engraving and metal plates — Woériot — The portrait in the Book of the six- teenth century — How a book was illustrated on wood at the end of the century — Influence of Plantin on the Book; his school of engravers— General con- siderations — Progress in England — Coverdale's Bible. UR simple division into chapters, it will be understood, does not exactly correspond with the most momentous epochs in the history of the Book in France and abroad. Doubtless it would be easy for France alone to find some limits and to supply a framework within which contem- porary publishers might be grouped. But in order to present, as in a synoptical table, an essential and abridged sketch of the Book in all European countries, it appeared to us more convenient to take the confused and tangled notions by centuries and to unfold them conjointly in Italy, Germany, io8 The Book. England and France, in taking up by the way the most salient features. Moreover, after the sixteenth century neither Italy nor Germany counts for much in comparison with France, which, less fortunate, perhaps, at the beginning than her neighbours, surpassed them in all the pride of her genius. The commencement of the sixteenth century found the French army in Italy, under the command of Louis XII. Led from glory to glory, the French successively visited Pisa, Capua, and Naples, and that which has since been called the Renais- sance impressed itself little by little on the conquerors. At Venice there lived Aldus Pius Manutius, then the greatest printer of the entire world. Aldus became proprietor of the celebrated printing office of Nicholas Jenson, through his father- in-law, Andrea Torresani, of Asola, who himself acquired it on the death of the French printer ; and he had in a few years conducted it to a position without a rival. We have seen him already printing, at the end of the fifteenth century, the admirable volume Hypnerotomachia, the renown of which became universal. Aldus was fifty-two years of age, having been born in 1447 ; and his learning was increased by daily intercourse with learned Italians, among others with the cele- brated Pico de la Mirandola. His establishment at Venice ever since the year 14S8 had for its object the creation of a chair in ■Greek, in which language he was well instructed from his youth. The idea having come to him of issuing editions of the prin- cipal Greek writers, which up to then remained in manuscript, he was induced to start a printing office with that purpose. He first published the Hero and Leander of Musœus in 1494. quarto, in a Greek character apparently designed by him, and engraved perhaps by Francisco da Bologna ; then the Greek Grammar Aldus Manutius. 109 of Constantine Lascaris, with the date of 1494 ; and the Works of Aristotle in five folio volumes. At the time of the Italian wars, Aldus was making a revolution in typography, by produc- ing more compact sizes and finer characters, which would permit a volume of the smallest height to contain the matter of a folio printed with large type. Legend says that the new letters were copied exactly from the handwriting of Petrarch (of which author he published an edition in 1501, the first Italian work printed in Italic type), inclining like all cursive Fig. 64. — The anchor and dolphin, mark of Aldus Manutius, after the original in the Tcvze Rime of 1520, where it appears for the first time. writing ; the name of Italic was given to this character, which was also called Aldinc, from its inventor. It was engraved by Francisco da Bologna. Aldus also published in octavo size, with this kind of letter, an edition of Virgil in 1501. To procure a perfect copy of this first Aldine Virgil is almost hopeless, and the somewhat defective copies which lately turned up at the Sir John Thorold's and Wodhull's sale brought ^145. Then he produced a Horace, a Juvenal, a Martial, etc. The following year, 1502, he gave an edition of the Terze Rime of Dante no The Book. and for the first time took as his typographical mark an anchor encircled by a dolphin.* His marriage with the daughter of Andrea Torresani, of Asola, brought together into his possession two printing houses. The burden became too heavy for Manutius to think henceforth of doing all the work himself Besides, the wars did not allow him any repose, of which he bitterly complained in his prefaces. He therefore attracted young Greek scholars, who supervised, each one in his specialty, the works in progress, and founded a society, a kind of Aldine academy, in which the greatest names of the epoch were united. Aldus conveys the perfect idea of a great printer at those times, doing honour to celebrated men, in the midst of business preoccupations and of the annoyance caused by the war. It is said that Erasmus, passing through Venice, called on him, and as he was not duly announced to him, was rather badly received by the powerful printer. All at once, at the name of the distinguished visitor being mentioned, Aldus, for an instant taken aback, rose at once and showed him how highly he appreciated men of letters. The war resulted in the alteration of this state of affairs. In 1505 Aldus quitted \'enice to travel over the world, and on his return he found himself poorer than when he went away. Andrea Torresani, his father-in-law, came to his aid ; but the great printer had received his death-blow ; and in spite of the activity which he brought to the new establishment, he went from bad to worse until 15 15. when he expired, leaving to his son Paul his affairs in a state of inextricable confusion. • Tory in his Champfleury explains thus the mark of Aldus and his device, which was in Greek the "Make haste slowly" of Boileau : "The anchor signifies tardiness, and the dolphin haste, which is to say that in his business he was moderate." Aldcs MAxmcs. Ill He had early abandoned book illustration to devote himself to the scientific and useful in his publications ; moreover, the size of book chosen by him was badly suited for the introduction of plates ; but other publishers employed artists in the orna- mentation of the Book. Lucantonio Giunta, the most celebrated Fig. 65. — Aldus Manutius. among them, was at once printer and engraver, a striking example of the affinity of the two trades from their origin. In 150S Lucantonio Giunta, or Zonta, as he then spelt his name, published a Roman Breviary in large quarto, with twelve engravings in Lombardo-\'enetian manner, signed " L. A.," in very good style. The s;ime artist-publisher cut a portrait of 112 The Book. Virgil for an edition of that poet about 1515. Furthermore, Giunta did not alone illustrate the book from the resources of his own office. Other designers lent him their assistance. We find evidence of this -in the Bible printed by him in 15 19 in small octavo. The most meritorious of the artists of Venice at this tiniî was John Andrea, known as Guadagnino. He designed the vignettes for Floriis s Epitome in T. Livl Hist, lib., and for Aretinus de Primo Bello Punico, printed at Venice for Melchior Fig. 66. — Mark ot Lucantonio Giuata, of Venice. Sessa and Peter of Ravenna (1520, folio); in 1516 he copied the plates of Ulirer's Apocalypse for the edition of Alexander Paganini, of Venice. One of the Venetian works which signalised the beginning of the sixteenth century was the Trion/o di Fortuna of Sigismond Fanti, of Ferrara, printed by Agostino da Portese in 1527. Venice was the home of Titian, and at the time which occupies us now, the great artist was at the height of his glory. In 15 18 two brothers, Nicholas and Dominic dal Gesu, published a translation of the celebrated Golden Legend of ITAI.IAX ILLVSTRATORS. 1 13 Voragine, the success of which was enormous in France. The plates which were added to the work were manifestly inspired by the school of the Venetian master. Unfortunately the engravers were not always equal to the genius of the drawings. To resume, the city of Venice was, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, one of the most prolific in publishers and artists of talent. Since the first establishments of the Germans, typography had successively employed in Venice Nicholas Jenson, a Frenchman, the inventor of the Roman character ; Erhard Ratdolt, the first to employ illustrations there ; and Aldus Manutius, scholar and printer, whose progress in printing elevated that art to the highest rank among human discoveries ; there were also remarkable engravers and draughtsmen, among others John Andrea and Giunta, without mentioning the anonymous masters of the school of Titian. The part of Venice in the movement was thus great, but it may be explained by the riches of its citizens, the extent of its commerce, and the genius of its own artists. If we now return from Venice to the north, to Milan, we find the school of Leonardo da Vinci making itself apparent in the Book. In order of date we will mention the Mysterii Gesta Bcatœ ]^eronicœ Vïrginis, published by Gotardo de Ponte, 15 18, small quarto, with figures in the style of Luini, and Vitruvms in Italian by Cesariano. On the testimony of the author, the wood engravings in a book of Fra Luca Pacioli, De Divina Proportione, are even attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. But M. Delaborde, in spite of the declaration in the preface of Pacioli, does not believe in the direct collaboration of the master, although M. Passavant does. In Germany, Nuremberg continued, with Albert Durer and the artists of his school, to supply illustrations for books at the 8 114 The Book. beginning of the century. The master reprinted his valuable engravings of the Life of the Virgin in 151 1, and also those of the Apocalypse. But after him the art already began to decline ; a hundred years later nothing remained of the honour and glory gained by Germany in the commencement. Among the most interesting of the Nuremberg publications is a chivalric poem by Melchior Pfinzing, composed for the marriage of Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy. As M. Delaborde in his Debuts de I' Impriineine well remarks, this was not a book intended to be sold by a bookseller ; it was a work of art imwx Fig. 67. — Title of the TJteucrdmick. The flourishes of the letters are printed. destined originally by an emperor for his friends, and he took care that it should be an unapproachable work. Bold strokes, majestic letters, intertwined ornaments, are here multiplied. Three persons worked upon it for five years ; these were, if we credit Peutinger, Hans Leonard Schaufelein, the painter, Jost Necker, the engraver, and Hans Schonsperger, the printer of Augsburg, who must have changed his native city for Nuremberg. When they were able to take a proof experts would hardly take it for a book composed in movable characters ; they were sure, on the contrary, that it was a true xylograph, cut in wood ; and, in fact, from the title here reproduced, the error was excusable. This The " THEUERDANCK." 115 work, which is now called the Theucrdanck, from the name of the hero of the romance, is ornamented with a number of wood engravings, numbered by Arabic figures. We reproduce one of the last plates, in which Theuerdanck — Maximilian — is con- ducted to the presence of the Queen — Mary of Burgundy. The designs of Schaufelein almost recall the work of Albert Diirer, his master ; but, as we said of him, these works, heavy and lid Fig. 68. — Plate taken from the Theuerdanck, representing Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy. Engraved on wood after Schaufelein. broad, although very clever, do not always suit as cuts inserted in the text. However, our criticism does not refer so much to the Theuerdanck, where the letters, excessively ornamented and overwhelming, furnish a framework more suitable for the engravings than to other works of a more slender character, where the German plate completely overshadows the text. When we have mentioned the Passionale Christi of Lucas ii6 The Book. Cranach, published by Johannes Griinenberg at Wittemberg in 1 52 1 — twenty-six inferior wood engravings — we shall have men- tioned the most important of the interesting and rare volumes published in Germany at the commencement of the sixteenth century. The Netherlands, Spain, and England were working, but without great success. In the Low Countries Plantin and his gigantic enterprises may be recalled. In Spain the taste had hardly developed itself ; and although the drawing of illus- trations may be careful enough, the wood-cutting is pitiable. We will mention the Seneca of Toledo in 1510, and the Chronicle of A7-agon in 1523. Typography and the illustration of the Book in England in the sixteenth century did not make the same progress as in France and Italy. Much good work was done, but it was mostly with foreign material. Type was obtained from French and Dutch founders, and most of the woodcuts had the same origin. In the early part of the century most of the publica- tions were translations of popular foreign books, such as Voragine's Golden Legend, Caxton's translations of Cicero, Boetius, etc. The numerous restrictions and privileges re- strained the establishment of an English school, which was to come later with the spread of wealth and education. Books were mostly printed in Gothic type, or '" black letter," and the woodcuts were of the coarsest kind. An exception was the beautiful Prayer-book of John Day, 1578, known as Queen Elizabeth's Prayer-book, from the fine portrait of the Queen, which we reproduce ; but in this the woodcuts were designed by Albert Diirer and Hans Holbein. Pynson was the first to use Roman type in England, in the Oratio in pace miperrimâ, 151S, quarto; and the first English Bible in OUEEX ELI /^A BE TH 'S PRA 1 IIR-BOUK. 117 Roman type was printed at Edinburgh in 1576. It is thought that until about 1600 printers were their own Fig. 69. — Portrait of Queen Elizabeth Ircm the Book rf Christian Plains, printed by John Daj", 157S. type-founders, as no record exists of founding as a separate trade until that time The greatest achievement of the sixteenth century in ii8 The Book. England was the printing of the first English Bible, in Cover- dale's translation, in 1535, folio, but even this was printed abroad, the latest investigation giving it to Van Meteren at Antwerp. The woodcuts in it are by Hans Sebald Beham ; we reproduce one representing Cain killing Abel. Tyndall had previously printed abroad an English New Testament. Another importation was Brandt's Shyp of Folys, printed by Pynson, 1509, and John Cawood, 1570, the woodcuts in both being copied from the originals before referred to. Fig. 70. — Woodcut lioni Coverdale's Bible, 1535. Cain killing Abel. .The size usually adopted was in folio, and in this size the series of Chronicles appeared : Froissart, by Pynson, in two volumes, 1523-5; Holinshed, in two volumes, 1577 — the first and genuine edition of this chronicle, with numerous woodcuts. In the same size Chaucer was first given to the world entire by T. Godfray in 1532, and many times reprinted, and Sir Thomas More's JîorÂs in 1557. Polemical and religious treatises were mostly printed in quarto, as were the poets: Spenser's Faerie Qiiccne. in 1590; Langland's Pierce Plowman, in 1550; and Sidney's Arcadia, in 1590. The Exglish Prixtkrs. 119 Plays were also printed in quarto, in which shape at the end of the century some of Shakespeare's single plays were issued. Richard Grafton, the leading English printer, first printed the English Bible, in an edition of 2,500 copies, at Paris, in connection with Edward Whitchurche (1538-9), which was confiscated by Francis I. ; then Cranmer's Bible, 1539-41 ; Edw. Halle's Chronicle and first Common Prayer Book, 1549; and he also printed Lady Jane Grey's proclamation of the first English Common Prayer Book, known as Edward VI.'s (a copy was sold lately from Lord Crawford's library for ^155). Edward's book is curious as having on the last page a royal order as to the price at which it was to be sold : " No maner of persone shall sell the present Booke vnbounde aboue the price of two shillynges and two pence. And bound in Forell for ii^-. x^^., and not aboue. And the same bound in Shepes Lether for iii.c iiic/., and not aboue. And the same bounde in paste or in boordes, in Calues Lether, not aboue the price of iiii.T. the pece " Cranmer's Catechism was printed by Nicholas Hill in 1548, with twenty-nine woodcuts by Hans Holbein, one of which we reproduce, representing Christ casting out devils. The Stationers' Company was founded in 1556, in the reign of Queen Mary, and was chiefly composed of printers. By Act of Parliament every book printed in England was to be entered at Stationers' Hall. Hugh Singleton established a printing office in the City of London 1553, and was appointed printer to the City of London 1584. Humphrey Powell carried on the first printing office at Dublin, 1551-66. From the great perfection to which the liturgies, or books 120 The Book. of hours, had been brought by Vostre, Verard, and others in France, it is not perhaps extraordinary that the service books for English use should have been mostly printed abroad. Those for Salisbury and York were produced at Paris, Rouen, and Antwerp. A Salisbury Primer in English was printed by John Kyngston and Henry Sutton in 1557, and Wynkyn de Worde printed a York Manual in 1509. >— 1 ^ "1 ; 1 111!!'' t 1 Iv V) m H \ ^.*--lT1 |iMKM^//| ^^ ^^^^^^^^ "^^^s^ " - HANS'HOIBEK QS*^^ - Fig. 71. — Woodcut by Hans Holbein from Cranmer's Catechism, 1 548. Translations from the classics were popular, and in the second half of the century arose that passion for voyage and travel which has so largely contributed to the wealth and extension of England. This was begun by Eden's translation of Peter Martyr's Decades of flie New World; or, West India, London, 1555, quarto, followed by Hakluyt's Pi'incipall Naviga- tions, Voyages, and Discoveries, 15 89, folio. Many accounts of single voyages and discoveries were issued, and the taste thus created culminated in the establishment of the East India Company in the last year of the century. The first specimen of copperplate engraving for books in England is a frontispiece to Galen's De Teviperamentis, printed at Cambridge 1521 ; but the number of books containing The Exglish Prixters. 121 copperplates engraved before 1600 is extremely limited, the most notable being portraits of Queen Elizabeth, Lord Leicester, and Lord Burleigh in Archbishop Parker's Bible of 1568; Saxton's Atlas, 1579, the first atlas in England; Harrington's translation of Ariosto, 1591, vvith forty-seven engraved plates. The first printer at Cambridge was John Siberch, 1521. Peter of Treves established himself at Southwark in 15 14. Among his productions is a Higden's Polych7'onicon, 1527, folio. John Oswen printed at Ipswich 1538, and among the English towns in which printers established themselves in the century were York, Canterbury, Tavistock, Norwich, and Worcester. The establishment of the Reformed Church, and the diffusion of education among the people which followed, created an original English school of literature in the sixteenth century, and this gave employment and great impetus to typography in England, so that by the time we reach the end of the century we find a great improvement in the art of the Book, to be carried to still greater perfection in the next. In France, on the contrary, we find an enormous commerce in books at the commencement of the sixteenth century. All the publishers mentioned in the preceding chapter were still living, and labouring under the effects of the French con- quests in Italy. The dithyrambic literature then inaugurated, and which reached its zenith under Louis XIV., exercised a bad influence equally upon the printers and decorators of the Book. Doubtless the composition of the text and engravings was done hastily, for the great people did not like to wait for this kind of books. Le Vergier d Honneur, written by Octa- vian de St. Gelais and Andry de la Vigne, was thus published 123 • The Book. about the end of the fifteenth century and ornamented with hasty vignettes, probably at the expense of Antoine Vérard. Upon the accession to the throne of Louis XII., Claude de Seyssel, his master of council, composed Les Louenges du Roy Lotas XII. in Latin, and soon after translated it into French for the same Vérard, who printed it in 1508. The taste for the history of the Gauls induced the pub- lishers to reproduce La Mer des Histoires, which had already been published in the fifteenth century ; Thielman Kerver put forth the Compendium of Robert Gaguin in 1500 on account of Durand Gerlier and Jean Petit. The French version of this work was given in 15 14 by Galliot du Pré, with vig- nettes, and afterwards under the name of Mirouer Historial, by Renaud Chaudière in 1520, by Nyverd, and others; the same with the Rozier Historial, with figures, in 1522 and 1528. Among the most popular works was the Illustrations de la Cattle et Singularitez de Troys, by Jean le Maire de Belges, printed everywhere in Paris and ornamented. In 15 12 it was published by Geoffroy de Marnef, in 15 15 by Jean and Gilbert de Marnef, by Regnault, by Philippe le Noir (whose curious mark we here reproduce, and who also printed a hundred admoni- tions in four hundred lines of verse, for the guidance of a true knight, viz.. Les Cent Hystoires de Troye, 1522, and a Hystoire dti Sainct Greaal, 1523), and others, always in the Gothic characters which still prevailed in France at the beginning of the sixteenth century. We give from the Illustrations de la Cattle of Jean le Maire an interesting woodcut (Fig. •]-^ representing Queen Anne of Brittany as Juno, in which we can without much difficulty trace the hand of a Bourdichon or a Perréal. The truly French style of this figure leaves no doubt as to its origin. At the same The Frexch Book Illustrators. I -'3 time, it may possibly have been inspired by the Virgin of a German master, say one of 1466, judging from the accessories, and even from the pose. This engraving will be found in the edition of 1512 of Gilbert de Marnef, in Gothic letter, quarto. On the reverse are the arms and device of Jean le Maire de Belges. The time that elapsed from the death of Louis XI. until the accession of Francis I. — that is to say, from 1483 to 1515 — Fig. 72. — Mark of Philippe le Noir, printer at Paris, 1536. was, to employ an old expression, the golden age of French printing and illustration. Under Charles VIII. and Louis XII. the designers on wood were not yet affected by the neighbour- ing schools ; neither the accentuated Italian influence nor the German processes had reached them ; they reproduced what they saw, and they did it in their own fashion and manner, without foreign influence. Neither did the kings ignore them, for Louis XII. preserved to the printers of the 124 The Book. university all their rights and privileges in a magniloquent ■ordinance, in which the art of typography was extolled in the pio-. 7j. — Vignette taken from the Illustrations dc la Gallic ct Sfiigiilan'te: de Tioye. Queen Anne of Brittanj- as Juno. highest terms. It restores to them all the advantages they had lost. For instance, it recites, "In consideration of the great The Frexch Book Illustrators. 125. benefit that has come to our kingdom by means of the art and science of printing, the invention of which seems more Divine than human, which, thanks to God, has been invented and found in our time by the help and industry of booksellers, by which our holy Catholic faith has been greatly augmented and strengthened, justice better understood and administered, and Divine service more honourably and diligently made, said, and celebrated, ... by means of which our kingdom precedes all others," etc., etc. (Blois, 9th April, 1513). Certainly Louis made the best of himself and his kingdom Fig. 74. — Mark of François Juste, printer at Lyons, 15-6. Printer of i?rtif/«îi. in this preamble, but it must be recognised that F"rance already held a predominant rank in the new industry, and that except from the Italians she had no fear of serious rivalry. The school of ornamentists made constant progress, not to forget Guillaume Eustace, who published some very fine works, missals and books of hours, with woodcuts ; and François Juste, the printer of Rabelais and a translation of Sebastian Brandt's La Grâd nef des fob du Monde. Before the books of hours, the booksellers contented themselves with miserable blocks, placed side by side, forming a framework of good and bad together ; but after Simon Vostre, Vérard, and the others thev had 126 The Book. remarkably improved. The borders, at least in the books of hours, had become the principal part of the book ; they were composed of flowers, architectural, complicated, and simple sub- jects, all of perfect taste and extreme elegance ; and, as we have observed with regard to the representation of Anne of Brittany in the Illustrations de la Gaulc, the figure subjects were no longer mechanical, commonplace, and tiresome blocks, but, Fig. 75. — Mark of Guillaume Eustace, 1517, binder and bookseller at Paris. on the contrary, more often works specially designed and engraved by artists of merit. Geoffroy Tory, born at Bourges in 1480, continued after Vostre and Vérard the onward march of illustration of the Book. He was a sort of encyclopsedist, who knew and fore- saw everything, but with a singularly subtler and finer genius than his predecessors. There is now very little doubt that by Geoffroy Tory. 127 trade Tory was an engraver and printer. However, he pub- lished with Jean Petit one of his first volumes, The Geography of Pomponiiis Mela, in 1 507, and Gilles de Gourmont printed it. Tory was thus an erudite and diffusive commentator. Fig. 76. — Title of tlie Entree d'Eleonorc d'Autriche à Paris, by Guillaume Bochetel. Printed by Geoffroy Tory in Maj', 1531, quarto. He published later a book with poor engravings, entitled. Valent Probi Grainniatici Opusczilum, 1510, waiting until his good star should place him on the right road. He had for his mark, say the bibliographers, the cross of 128 The Book. Lorraine (jl), small enough to be lost in the ornamentation of his plates. In fact this sign is to be found again in Tory's mark — the " Pot Cassé " — the broken jar — and also sometimes in the letter G, which was his ordinary signature. This opinion, which we will not try to contradict in a popular work like this, appears to us to err, as others used this mark, as may be judged from the essentially different touches of engravings bear- ing the cross of Lorraine, and particularly those of Woériot in the middle of the century. Fig. 77.— Mark of Geoflroy Tory, printer at Paris, 1529. If M. A. Bernard* may be crediteJ, Geoffroy Tory culti- vated all the sciences with equal success. For our purjDose, suffice it to assign to him the first place in the art of decora- tion of books of hours. Doubtless his travels in Italy had contributed to modify his taste and to draw him aside from the sober and simple manner that then characterised French engraving ; but he nevertheless preserved the indelible * Geoffroy Tory, Peintre et Graveur, Premier Imprimeur Royal, Réformateur de r Orthographe et de la Typographie : Paris, 1S57, 8^"0- Geoffroy Tory 129 traces of his original style, in the same way as some people can- not divest themselves of their pro\incial accent. The Heures de Fig. 7S. — Full page of the Heures of Simon de Colines, b3- Tory. la Vicrgc, which he designed, and which he had engraved about 1520, for account of Simon de Colines, is marvellously surrounded by ornaments, until then unknown in France ; at the same time, 130 The Book. and in spite of other tendencies, it is purely a French work, and the specimen given here is a convincing proof. We should not here omit to mention the remarkable collection of Voyages, in fact the first which deserves this designation, printed by Fig. -Heures of Geoffroy Tory. The Circumcision. Simon de Colines, under the title of Extrait 07i Recueil des tôles nouvellement tj-ojivées en la grand mer Oceatie on temps du roy Despaigne Fernâd et Elisabeth sa femme {1532). This rare work fetched at the Eeckford Sale _;^ 126. Geoffroy Tory wrote a curious book, half poetic and half Geoffroy Tory. 131 learned, in which he studied at the same time tlie form of the letter from the typographic and the emblematic point of view, and also the French orthography of the time.- He tells us himself that he set about to commence this book on the twelfth night, 1523, when, after a frugal repast, he was, he says, "dreaming on my bed and revolving my memory, thinking of a thousand little fancies, serious and gay, among which I thought of some SDECOLINES Fig. 80. — Mark of Sirron de Colines, printer at Paris, 1527. antique letters that I had made for Monseigneur the treasurer for war, Master Jehan Grolier, councillor and secretary of our lord the King, amateur of fine letters and of all learned per- sonages." Tory called his book Chaynpfleury, auquel est contenu tart et science de hi deue proportion des lettres . . . se/ou le corps et le visage humain, and he published it himself in small folio, putting upon it the sign of Gilles de Gourmont, in 1529. In reality Tory had been fascinated by the theories of 132 THE Book. Dilrer on the proportions of the human body ; for he says, "Albert Durer, the noble German painter, is greatly to be praised in that he has so w(;ll brought his skill in painting to I Fig. 8l. — Hemes of Simon de Colines, with tlic mark of the Cross of Lorraine. bear on the designing of geometrical forms, the ramparts of war, and the proportions of the human body." He wished thus to indicate to his contemporaries the true measure of letters, " the number of points and turns of the compass that each Geoffroy Tory. ' 133 one requires." The most amusing part of this curious treatise is his short academical preface, where, with sportive fancy, the great pubHsher studies the orthography of his time, and exclaims against the coiners of new words, the Latinisers of the language, "the skimmers of Latin, jesters and gibberers, . . . who mock not only their shadows, but themselves." The entire passage was copied by Rabelais, nearly literally, and he Fig. 82. — Emblematical letter Y, taken fron the Clmmpflenry of Geoffroy Tory. indicates that its author was possessed of good sense, which, unhappily, all his contemporaries were not. He added to his theories a number of designs of geometrical letters, technically considered, but he was afterwards carried away in the train of the Greeks and Romans, as was then the fashion, perhaps a little further than he meant, losing him- self in a crowd of idle dissertations. To these geometrical engravings he added small and charming figures, which he said were by Jean Perréal, as well as emblematical letters of the 134 The Book. nature of the Y which is here given, with explanatory text and commentary. His Y had two branches : one of virtue and the other of vice ; that of virtue carries palms, crowns, a sceptre, and a book ; that of vice, birches, a dagger, a gallows,, and fire. With the importance that cannot be denied to his works, Geoffroy Tory founded a school ; and it was from his work- shop that the plates came for the book of Paulus jovius on the dukes of Milan, published by Robert Estienne in 1549, 4to. The portraits of the dukes in this work have been attributed to Tory himself, but he died in 1533, and there is not the least indication that he engraved these sixteen portraits with his own hand sixteen years before their publication. Besides, our doubt as to the cross of Lorraine being the exclusive signature of Tory, as has been believed, leads us to think it the collective mark of a workshop, for we meet it on works long after the death of the master. As a proof the mark is found on the engravings of L' Entrée du Roi à Pans (Roffet in 4to) in 1549, which cannot be taken as a posthumous work of Tory, for these engravings had their origin at a certain particular date. But in spite of the absence of the monogram, the admirable block from the Diodorus Siculus of Antoine Macault might, from its design and engraving, be considered as by Tory himself. Holbein — who, about the same time, designed a some- what similar scene, where the King of France, seated on a throne, received poison from the hands of Death — never did anything better. Within the scanty proportions of the design, all the figures are portraits. Duprat, Montmorency and the three sons of the King may be recognised ; Macault, on the left, is reading his translation to a circle of nobles and men of letters. This admirable woodcut, too little known, is one of the truest and Geoffroy Tory. 135 most skilful of the monuments of French engraving ; it is equal to the best inventions of Holbein, which have never exceeded it, and it marks the culminating point of the illustration of the Fig. S3. — Macault reading to Francis 1. his translation of Diodorus Siculus. Wood engraving attributed to Tory. Book before the exaggerations of the school of Fontainebleau. Geoffroy Tory was not the publisher. The Diodorus Siculus, doubtless prepared two or three years before, was not published 136 The Book. until 1535, in quarto, with his ordinary mark of the Pot Cassé. The original magnificent manuscript on vellum, trom the Hamilton collection, of this celebrated book, with the minia- tures by Geoffroy Tory, was sold lately for the sum of ^r.ooo. We have now arrived through him to the middle of the reign of Francis I., who was called the father of letters, and who for various reasons favoured the arts. Doubtless grand paintings and the decoration of the royal palaces attracted him more than vignettes in books or the efforts of printers ; but, at the same time, books interested him. He studied much, and even had books sent after him in his travels. An account in the French National Archives shows that Claude Chappuis, his librarian, and bookseller, packed entire cases, which were sent after him to Dauphiné at the time of the wars of Piedmont, the carriage costing twenty livres tournois. Francis was subject, moreover, to sudden outbreaks of curious fits of wantonness and mischief It was perceived a little later that the doctrines of Luther were propagated by the Book ; and the Sorbonne was up in arms. She even attempted to impose her own expurgated text of the Bible on the publishers, to the exclusion of all others. Theodore Beza, an enemy of the Sorbonnists, said with regard to this, with all the amenity which characterizes him : " Nos grandz docteurs au chérubin visage Ont défendu qu'homme n'ait plus à voir La Saincte Bible en vulgaire language Dont un chascun peut congnoissance avoir ; Car, disent ils, désir de tout savoir N'engendre rien qu'erreur, peur et souci . . . Argtio sic, s'il en est doncques ainsi Que pour l'abus il faille oster ce livre, Il est tout clair qu'on leur devroit aussi Oster la vin dont chascun d'eux s'enivre." Robert Estiexxe. . 137 This piece is only cited to show to what lengths matters had gone, thanks to printing. It is very certain that all the pamphlets, placards, and other horrors published to raise religious warfare, did not at all further the progress of the Book. The king was not, however, indifferent to the technical question ; books merited encouragement, at least as much as chastisement, and besides, as time passed on, gradually trans- formed men and ideas. In spite of his apparent severities, was not the King himself a little affected by coming in contact with the new religion, like his sister Marguerite, or his sister- in-law, Renée of Ferrara ? Fig. 84. —Robert Estienne, after the engraving in the Chronologie Colke. However that may be, he twice showed himself a resolute partisan of the celebrated Robert Estienne, son-in-law and associate of Simon de Colines, whose work in point of erudition and typography assumed from day to day more importance. Robert Estienne had the great honour of being chosen from all his contemporaries by King Francis as the royal printer. This prince had ordered him to have engraved by Claude Garamond, after the caligraphic design of Ange V^ergèce, the first cutter of matrices of his time, a special Greek character in three sizes, which was used in 1544 to compose the Ecclesias- tical History of Eusebius. These were the famous royal types — iypi regii — the use of which Estienne did not fail to mention 138 The Book. on the title-pages of his works. These types gave room for reflection and something to write about, since Francis I. founded the Royal Printing House, but the truth is that Estienne kept these characters in his own office for use in the royal editions ; and they may now be seen in the Imprimerie Nationale at Paris, where they are kept. Robert Estienne married the daughter of Josse Badius of Asch — Badius Asccncianiis, one of the first Parisian typographers Fig. 85. — Mark of Robert Estienne, printer at Pans, 1541. of the time. We reproduce the mark of Badius (Fig. 87), representing the interior of a printing house, and shall return in a special chapter to the functions of these workshops. Meantime it appeared proper to present to the reader a printing office at the time of Robert Estienne and Geoffroy Tory. Robert Estienne does not appear to have concerned himself much about the decoration of the Book. The purity of the text and the characters were essentials with him, erudition, and Robert Est/exxi-:. 139 not art. He published many works in Latin and Greek, among them the T/iesauriis, a great Latin dictionary published in 1532, also a Bible, with notes by Vatable, revised by Leon de Juda. Hence his trouble! Leon de Juda being a partisan of Zwingli, the Sorbonne accused the Bible of leaning towards the Huguenots; Francis L took the part of Estienne, but when that prince died Estienne fled to Geneva, where he was accused of having taken the royal types with him. The truth was that he simply carried off the matrices. Kig. 86. — Mark of François Estienne, printer at Paris, 1538. At this time everything served for the decoration of the Book : there were portraits, blazons, topographical plates, costumes, and emblems. Small portraits engraved on wood usually ornamented the works of the poets, like that of Nicholas Bourbon, for example, a marvel of truth and skill. The blocks of frontispieces in the folios were multiplied ; large initial letters, ingeniously engraved and stippled, like that at the commencement of this chapter, were used. Jacques Kerver reproduced in 1545 for himself, and with plates made for him,. 140 The Book. the famous Songe de Foliphile, published by Aldus in 1499. The widow of the publisher Denis Janot, Jeanne de Marnef, published one of the most delightful books of the time, L'Amour de Cupidon et de Psyche of Apuleius, with delicious figures on wood after Italian engravings. How many more might we not name in the extraordinary profusion of charming books ! Without entering into detail, something must be said about Pig. 87. — Printing office of Josse Badius at the commencement of the sixteenth century. Lyons, then a most extensive and prosperous centre of book- selling. Lyons had the signal honour of being the first to publish in France the celebrated cuts of the Dance of Death of Holbein, the Basle painter. Doubtless Treschel, the printer, was not the first, although a copy of a German edition is not known, because in the Lyons edition the cuts are already worn and broken. However, the Cabinet d'Estampes of Paris has some of the figures of the Dance with a German text, probably printed from the type of Froben at Basle. Treschel's title was The School of Bas/j:. 141 Les Simulachres ct Historiées Faces dc la Mort agitant clegam- iiiciit poîtrtraictes que artificiellement imaginées, and the volume in quarto was printed by Frelon. The Icônes veteris Testa- metiti which preceded the publication of the Dance of Death, had also been printed at Basle with those of Lyons, as M. Georges Duplessis states in a notice on the different editions of this work. With Holbein, as with Geoffroy Tory, we arrive at . the Fig. SS. — Portrait of Nicholas Bourbon. Wood engraving ot the commencement ot the sixteenth century'. zenith of illustration and marvellous skill of the engraver. It was Hans Lutzelburger who cut the blocks after the designs of the Basle master, but, if we were to institute comparisons, contrary to what generally happens, the translator reaches almost to the height of his model ; the line is perfection itself, it is precise and intelligent, simple, and, withal, e.xplicit. If the work of Lutzelburger be admitted, it must also be admitted that Holbein designed his cuts on wood before 1526, the date of the death of the Basle engraver, for it was immediately before 142 THE Book. 1526 that Holbein lived in Basle, and it was afterwards that he travelled. We can add nothing to the universal praise of the book of Treschel, of Lyons ; every detail has been written of Holbein, and repetitions are unnecessary. We would ask the reader to compare the Francis I. of Tory and the King in Holbein's Dance of Death ; there is a certain family resemblance between the two cuts, which is a singular honour for Tory. At the commencement of the century Basle must have had Fig. 89. — King and Death. Vignette from the Dance of Dentil by Holbein. a school of Forinschneiders working for export. Besides the numerous products used at Lyons, it had also a trade in cliches, illustrations, which, having been used, were sold again. Among these exchanges of engravings were many plates of Brandt's Ship of Fools, sold in 1520 to Galliot du Pré, publisher, of Paris, who used them in the Eloge de la Folie of Erasmus. It must be admitted that these blocks had a singular life, and a great success, for Galliot du Pré builds his hopes upon them : A LCI ATI s Emblems. 143 "Va et cours selon tes fortunes, Follie ! simulant tes faces ; Mais quelques choses que tu fasses, Rapporte force de pécunes." The reign of Francis I. saw a great advance in the national art of illustration. The arrival at the court of Italian artists of the decadence, such as Rosso and Primaticcio, produced a revolution in taste. The exaggerated slightness of the figures brought by these artists from beyond the Alps was considered as of supreme distinction ; one saw in their twisted draperies and mannered poses some undefined and precious beauty that tempted the ready intelligence of the court of France. The simple and ingenuous figures of the old French artists were ranked among the refuse of another age, and their compositions were regarded with contempt, and deemed antique. The rage for emblems and for allegories and mythological figures generally was well suited to these eccentric and bizarre inventions. On the other hand, an entire class of artists or artisans, book illustrators first, then enamellers and jewellers, seized on these Italian models, with which the King encum- bered his galleries, and which, at great expense, covered the walls of Fontainebleau. One can understand what skilful men could make of such a movement and of so thoughtless an infatuation. The publishers put themselves to work, and composed works of which the sale was assured from the ideas that they furnished to other designers. This explains the quantity of Alciati's Emblems and Ovid's Hfeiainorpkoses, published at Lyons and Paris, and copied and recopied by the art industries of the time Without it the enormous success of such mediocre productions as the Emblems, in which the meaning of the enigma or rebus cannot always be graspd, is ill 144 IHE BOOK. understood. It was Alciati who made this literature the fashion. He was a sort of Epicurean jurisconsult and miser, at once a Gargantua and a Harpagon, who had as many lords and %^^\ Fig. 90.— Page of the Metamorphoses of Ovid, t j' Petit Bernard. Edition of 1564. masters on earth, as there were kings and princes who would bid against each other to engage him. He had quitted Italy, seduced by the offers of Francis I., but when Sforza paid him ''Le Petit Berxard." 145 a larger sum, he returned, giving as reason for his vacillation that the sun had to travel round the earth and warm it by its rays ; this was an emblematic answer, for his emblems had all the coarse, sceptical, facetious humour of which few were then the dupes. At most these philosophical aphorisms, when they represented to be serious, have their droll side in that their author often practised the reverse of his teaching. A miser himself, he abuses the avaricious ; leaving his country for the love of gain, he blames those to whom " a better condition is offered by foreigners." Yet he is sometimes logical and consis- tent, as when he assures us that " poverty hinders genius to succeed," and when, finally, lover of good cheer, he died of indigestion in 1550. His book of Emùicins had a vogue that lasted until the seventeenth century, and repetitions were infinitely multiplied : at Paris by Wechel in 1534 ; at Lyons by Hans de Tornes, who came from Suabia, one of the greatest Lyons publishers ; by Roville, also one of the first Lyons publishers, and by Bonhomme ; at Venice by the Alduses ; in fact, everywhere, translated into French, Spanish, and Italian. Bernard Salomon, called Le Petit Bernard, born at Lyons, was one of the designers of the school of Fontainebleau — that is to say, of the Franco-Italian school of which we have spoken above — who furnished many of the engravings for books printed at Lyons. He illustrated the edition of Alciati's Eiiibleins published by Bonhomme in 1560 ; and designed skilful little plates, which, with the te.xt, were surrounded by a border from the workshop of Geoffroy Tory, for Ovid's j\Ictamorphoses, published by Hans de Tornes in 1564. Bernard had all the defects and all the good qualities of those of his time, from Jean Cousin to the least of them ; he was 10 146 Tue Book. a Primaticcio on a small scale, but agreeably so. His designs for the y^t'zi' Testament were also very careful, but in them more than elsewhere the manner and the affectation of the school of Fontainebleau are apparent. Fig. 91. — Portraits of Madeleine, Queen of Scotland, and of Marguerite, Duclicss of Savoj- after the originals of Cornelis of Lyons. The workshops of the second city of France, we see, had at this time attained considerable importance ; but before the books of which we are about to speak, Roville published two anonymous books, one L'Entrée du Roi Henri II. à Lyon, in Fig. 92. — Portraits of Francis, Dauphin, and of Charles, Duke of Angouleme, after the originals of Cornelis of Lyons. Woodcuts taken from Roville's Promptiiairc des Médailles. 1549, ornamented with very graceful woodcuts, the other the Promptnaire des Médailles, comprising a series of charming por- traits under the guise of reproductions from the antique. The designs of the Entree are often attributed to Jean Cousin, as CORXEUS DE LA HAVE. 147 it is a rule with certain amateurs to give a known name to a work ; but it must be remembered that Lyons then had cele- brated artists, the Petit-Bernard, alluded to above, and Cornelis de la Haye, of whom we shall have more to say ; and it is therefore not necessary to go to Paris or to Rome to find the author of these illustrations. Cornelis de la Haye was a painter who executed nearly the Fie-. 93. — Captain of foot, from the Entree ilc Henri II. n Lyon, 1549. same work as François Clouet in Paris, portraits on panel, in a clear and harmonious tone, then much the fashion. During a journey of the King, he had, if Brantôme may be credited, portrayed the entire court, keeping the sketches for himself. Ten or fifteen years after, Catherine de Medicis, passing through Lyons, saw these portraits again and highly praised them, recognising her old costumes, wondering at the courtiers 148 The Book. of the day, who had never seen her in such attire. This artist is now known, thanks to various works that have been found, among others two portraits of the sons of Francis I., preserved by Gaignières, who attributed them resolutely to Cornelis, doubtless on the faith of inscriptions that have disappeared. Both of them were engraved on wood at Lyons, and published in Roville's book the Promptuaire des Médailles, mentioned above, with small differences of detail altogether insignificant. It is not impossible then that Cornelis designed these portraits and that they were drawn by him on wood after the cabinet models spoken of by Brantôme. The delicate figures of the Promptiiaire are the work of a master ; the differences men- tioned are those of the artist, not of the copyist, who would not be permitted to make any alterations. It is the first time, we believe, that these comparisons have been made ; they will perhaps help the learned Lyonnais to pierce the mystery, but in any case our suppositions are more favourable to Cornelis de la Haye than to the fancies of Robert Dumesnil {^Peintre- graveur Fra-nçais, tome vi., p. 343). To judge by the four little medallions here reproduced (Figs. 91, 92) the art of engraving on wood was rarely more skilful than in these portraits. What is there astonishing if a man like Cornelis had designed the figures of the Entree de Henri II. ? In any case, why should we choose Jean Cousin rather than Le Petit-Bernard ? At this time, we know, the kings had their ordinary painters in their suite ; but we do not know that Jean Cousin ever followed the court to Lyons in 1549, as he did not hold an official position, like Clouet. This artist, however, produced well-authenticated works ; one of them is signed and initialed, and leaves no doubt it is the Livre de Fersfectivc de Jehan Cousin Senonois, Maistre ]EAN COUSIX. 149 Painctre, published in 1560 by Jean le Royer, printer to the King for mathematics. This profession of printer for mathe- matics had its difficulties of engraving, for Le Royer tells us in his preface that he had himself to finish the plates com- menced by Albin Olivier. In another practical treatise, entitled Livre de Pot'traùure, published in 1593, Jean Cousin is styled Fig, 94. — Title of Jean Cousin's Livre de Poitiaitnie, published in 1593 by Le Clerc. (The spot on the title is in the original, preserved among the prints of the Bibliothèque Nationale.) "peintre gêometrien." It is beyond doubt that this master produced figures and ornaments for many works, but what books were they? The custom was then to repeat the engraved borders of titles, the compartments, that is to say, the passc- parto7it, in the middle of which the text was printed. Cousin must have designed many of these title-pages on wood, for that of the Livre de Portraiture affords a curious element of ISO The Book. comparison ; but he was not by any means the inventor. In 1555 was sold at Antwerp a book printed from engraved plates after John Vriedman, by Gerard Juif, which is simply a collection of compartments for title-pages for the use of publishers. It is about this time that metal plates may be seen in con- junction with wood engraving in the illustration of the Book, and the best artists soon attached their names to important publications of this kind. We have explained in a former chapter in what this process is least convenient in the impres- sion of a book. In fact, two successive printings, that of the plates and that of the te.xt, were additional trouble and a frequent cause of errors ; but wood-cutting was in some measure abandoned in the middle of the sixteenth century, especially for separate plates, and engraved plates took a considerable importance under different artistic influences. The first was the facility of etching a metal plate compared to the difficulty of cutting a wood block. It thus naturally happened that the artists of the burin wished to employ their art in illustration, and taste was soon drawn to the new process. In France the first volume of this kind was printed at Lyons, in 1488, by Topie de Pymont in folio: this was the Peregrinations en Terre Sainte of Bernard de Breydenbach, with figures on engraved plates copied from the Mayence edition of i486. Since, then, this process was abandoned until about 1550, as much for the reasons given above as for others, we only meet with a stray plate in a book now and again, which remains as a bait, and has but little reference to the text. Under the reign of Henry II. the smallness of the volumes did not always admit of wood engrav-ings, and the artists in copper found a footing among illustrators ; they made attempts, such as Peter Wok riot. 151 that of the Histoire de Jason of René Boivin in 1 563, which brought about under Charles IX. a charming volume of en- graved plates by P. Woériot. The Einbleins of Georgette de Montenay were also in the nonsensical style of those by Alciati, but they had an advan- tage, as the author assures us : — " A'.ciat fist des emblèmes exquis, Lesquels, voyant de plusieurs requis. Désir me prist de commencer les miens, Lesquels je croy estre premiers chrestiens." This pretension does not make them more intelligible, but the engravings of Woériot, unskilful as they are, import an element of interest which makes the rest passable. It was also at Lyons, the rival and often the master of Paris in typography, that the author printed his work. By the privilege dated 1566, five years before publication, we see that it empowered Peter Woériot, engraver to the Duke of Lorraine, to portray, engrave, and cut in copper the said figures called emblems for the time and terms of five years (October i8th, 1566). Peter Woériot sometimes signed his prints with the small Lorraine cross adopted by Geoffroy Tory's workshop, as may be seen in our engraving. Copperplate engraving had by this time established itself, and the works that were so illustrated increased. The archi- tect, Du Cerceau, published his admirable collection of Les Ph(s Beaux Bastinicnts de France in folio 1576-79, in which he had lavished numerous plans and views of the royal and princely castles. Thevet put forth his Cosmographie Universelle and his Hommes Illnstrcs, the latter adorned with skilfully en- graved portraits. In Paris the publishers Mamert Pâtisson, who married the widow of Robert Estienne, the type and mark of 152 THE BOOK. whom he took, Adrien le Roy, and Robert Ballard, his confreres, published the celebrated Ballet Comique de la Royne Faict aux Nopccs de lilonsieiir le Dnc de Joye7ise, composed by Balthasar de Beaujoyeux, page to Henry III. ; and in this book, in which were thrown slight etchings, the King displayed all his im- modesty and lasciviousness. The Book has often had the uncon- scious mission of transmitting to posterity the unworthiness of Fig. 95. — Engraving ty P. Woériot for Georgette de Montenay's Eiiiblciiies. its author or of its heroes. From this time the Book has left its golden age to enter into the vanities of courtiers and political abstractions. Among the publications opposed to the Government of the time, the two associates Jacques Tortorel and Jean Perrissin, of Lyons, had published a celebrated collection of plates on the religious wars that stained the reign of Charles IX. with blood. At first engraved on metal, these plates were worn out, and The Portrait i.\ the Book. 153 were gradually replaced by others engraved on wood, on which several artists worked, among them Jacques le Challeux and also Jean de Gourmont, one of the most celebrated wood- cutters of the sixteenth century. This was a work composed of single leaves in folio size, which had an extraordinary sale among the religious people of the time. At the same time, illustration on wood did not stand still. The portraits of authors produced by the pencil of Clouet and his school were commonly put at the head of their works. We cannot say whether Clouet himself designed the portraits of Tiraqueau and of Taillemont in 1553 ; of Du Billon, the author of the Fort Inexpugnable, in 1555 ; Papon and Ambroise Pare in 1561 ; Grevin, Ramus, and others; but the precision of these physiognomies recalls the peculiar manner of the French artists of the sixteenth century. The Poems of Ronsard in 1586 contains a series of very clever portraits, among them that of Muret, his commentator, one of the most perfect of its kind. Christopher de Savigny, author of the Tableaux Accomplis de Toîis les Arts LAberanx, ijublished by Jean and François de Gourmont in 15S7, is represented at full length in the frontispiece of his work, offering the book to the Due de Nevers, to whom it was dedicated. This plate in folio, pro- bably engraved by Jean de Gourmont, is the best finished that can be seen. The work of Savigny, forgotten as it may be now, had a great reputation in its own time ; and Bacon took from it the idea of his celebrated cyclopaedia, Advancement of Learning: London. Speaking of the Due de Nevers, it will not be without interest to our readers to mention here a manuscript found in the Bibliothèque Nationale, which enables us to give an account of the work then necessary for the publication of an 154 The Book. illustrated book. In 1577 the Duke arranged for the impression of an apologetic book, of which, however, no trace remains ; and his intendatit writes a long letter to him on the subject of composition and bindings. It was necessary that the work should be produced quickly, bound and gilt, for presents. The intendant thinks calf would be the most expeditious covering. "It would be much the best to use black or red calf, . . . well gilt above, and not vellum, which is a thin parchment that quickly shrinks." The statements of this man of business show that five proofs of each sheet were taken for typo- graphical correction, and that twelve full days were wanted for the binding. The most interesting part of this memoir is that which treats of the engraving on wood of the portrait. The plate was designed by an artist who had afterwards gone away. If it was not satisfactory, but the ornaments would pass, the intendant proposes to "fix a little piece of wood in the block for another portrait to be drawn upon." Here we see correction by elimination. " The pear- wood on which the original figure was engraved was to be taken out and substi- tuted by another piece of wood of harder material. The portrait of the Duchesse de Nevers was better, yet the pear-wood had given way under the work. That of Madame is more passable. Nevertheless, there is still some- thing to say to one eye. The wood cannot carry the subtlety of the line." Here, in a few clear and explicit lines by a man of the time, we see the arrangement of a publication of the sixteenth century, at a time when wood engraving was declining, to give way to engraving on metal, which was soon to reign supreme, through the most important publishing house of the century, the Plantins of Antwerp. Christoi^her Plantin, like Jenson, came originally from ClIRISTUPIIKR P/.AXT/X. I 55 Tours. After havino- learned his art with Mace at Caen, he went to Paris, from which the wars soon drove him. He left for the Low Countries, and there Philip 1 1 . nominated him as chief printer — architypographus. Established at Antwerp in £.«Mî> "UtJUV feck. *~lmcis cfiim vatrris , Piantine , tuasque (a fares ^jrEterrium crtermim^ Jama Coquetur anus. 'f~!)^cùuii'arv opuj InritûiZ til tunderis czfïu. lilujiiri tantum tundit ct ifle vtros . Fig. 96. — Portrait of Christopher Plantin, printer of Antwerp. Engraved by Wicri-i. 1555, he surrounded himself as had done the Estiennes and Alduses, with most of the learned and literary men of his time, among them Justus Lipsius, to whom Balzac attributed the Latin prefaces signed by Plantin. It is certain, however, that he was neither an Estienne nor an Aldus. His artistic 156 The Book. probity caused him to submit the proofs of his works to strangers, with promise of recompense for faults indicated ; the Estiennes also had employed the same system. Plantin, not to be behind any of his contemporaries in typographical perfection, brought from France the celebrated type-founder Guillaume Lebé, and charged him to supply him with a special fount.* Under the orders of Philip II., he printed the cele- Fig. 97. — Plantin's mark. brated Polyglot Bible, in eight folio volumes, absolutely perfect in its execution ; unfortunately the Spanish Government, having * In the Bibliothèque Nationale is a copy of an octavo A/bum de Caractères, in which Lebé has written, "This gloss, made in Paris (1574) by me, is my fourteenth letter, and the text is made on the pattern of the preceding- one for size, but of a better art ; and from this was printed the great Bible of Antwerp by Plantin, to whom I sold a fount" (folio 6). On folio 20 he wrote, "I do not know whence came this small Hebrew that I received from Plantin to make a smaller one for him. He sent me this half-sheet, and I have not seen at Venice another part." CHRISTOPHER P/..L\T/.V. 1 57 advanced him funds in the course of publication, prosecuted him with the utmost rigour to obtain repayment. This very nearly shut up his printing house, but he took courage and overcame his difficulties, and set his affairs in order, until he became, in 1589, the year of his death, the principal publisher of Flanders. His mark was a hand holding a compass, with the motto Lahore et constantia. Plantin, who died at the age of seventy-four, left a prosperous business to be divided between his three daughters. There was first the house at Antwerp, which employed seven- teen presses even at the time when he was in trouble, and there were further branches at Paris and Leyden, of less consequence. His second daughter married Jean Moret, called Moretiis, and to him descended the Antwerp establishment ; he and his descendants continued the printing house until recendy ; in the present day the house of the great printer and publisher is a typographical museum. The Plantin printing office — Officina Plantiniana — is understood to apply to the founder as well as to his descendants. The fashion of engrav- ing in metal spread itself before the death of the head of the house, and his successors continued it. The principal engravers with the burin of the Low Countries were employed by them : the Wierix, the Galle, the Pass, the Mallery, the Van Sichem ; it was a real school of illustration, that created by degrees a precious and sustained style, not without influence on the artists of that epoch. It was from this particular manner that came Thomas de Leu and Leonard Gaultier in France ; and it is from Antwerp that came those small religious engraved figures that have lasted to our time in their incomprehensible mysticism. The title-pages of the Plantin printing office inaugurated 158 The Book. the passe-partout engraved by the burin, overloaded and com- plicated, of which the seventeenth century took advantage. To tell the truth, these elaborate displays, blackened by ink, do not well accord with the titles ; and there is a long distance between this decadence and the books ornamented with wood blocks by the Italians and French of the com- mencement of the century. E.xception must be made in favour of Rubens, who made the designs for many of these titles. The heavy and squat architecture of the time was least of all appropriate to these decorations, which wanted grace. It passed from Plantin into France through the engravers ; it went to Rome with Martin de Vos and Jean Sadeler ; it made its way everywhere ; and from that day to this it has never ceased. At the time of which we write it had taken its flight in France, and spread itself in Europe with extra- ordinary success. Engraving in relief, holding its own until then, gave way little by little before this invasion. When Henry I\^ mounted the throne wood engraving had well-nigh finished its upward movement ; it still remained in the canards, or popular pieces sold at low prices, but it is easy to see what these hasty cuts are worth. We have now seen, in broad outlines, the history of the Book and its decoration in the sixteenth century in France : at first there were the French epics in Italy, the Books of Hours, the Romances of Chivalry ; then about 1550, with the reign of Henry II., the religious pamphlets commenced, book- selling spread itself ; the strife between illustrations on metal plates and those in relief assumed shape, it continued under Henry III., and terminated abruptly by the victory of the first at the extreme end of the century. With political passions, printing has become a weapon of warfare, which it will never Christopher Pj.axtjx. 159 cease to be. They knew in the sixteenth century what perfidious accusations or excessive praises were worth. The Fig. 98, — Frontispiece of a book from Plantin's printing office. Metal engraving. Book followed, besides, the fate of its author. If the writer was burned, so was his book, as was the case with Etienne' Dolet, born 1509 at Orleans, who having learnt typography i6o The Book. at Gryphius's office, Lyons, and established a printing office at Lyons, 1537, was burnt in Paris for his heterodox publi- cations 1546. Witness also the Christianisiiii Restitutio of the Catholic Servetus, printed at Vienne, in Dauphiné, and Fig. 99. — Mark of Etienne Dolet, printer at Ljons, 1542. consigned to the flames with its author at Geneva in 1553. A single copy was saved from the fire, and is now preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale ; it is the identical copy annotated by Colladon, the accuser of the unhappy Servetus, and still bears traces of fire on its leaves. CHAPTER IV. 1600 TO 1700. Tendencies of the regency of Marie de Medici — Thomas de Leu and Leonard Gaultier — J. Picart and Claude Mellan — Lyons and J. de Fornazeris — The Book at the beginning of the seventeenth century in Germany, Italy, England, and Holland — Crispin Pass in France — The Elzevirs and Enschedé and their work in Holland — Sebastian Cramoisy and the Imprimerie Royale — Illustration under Callot, Delia Bella, and Abraham Bosse — The publishers and the Hotel de Rambouillet — The reign of Louis XIV., Antoine Vitré syndic at his acces- sion — His works and mortifications ; the Polyglot Bible of Le Jay — Art and illustrators of the grand century — Sébastien Leclerc, Lepautre, and Chauveau — Leclerc preparing the illustration and decoration of the Book for the eighteenth century. EVER did the art of printing pass through a more critical period than that at which we have now arrived, when the science of the old printers assumed a commercial character, in which taste lost itself under the influence of religious architecture. Changed into cathedral porticos, the Book is crowded with un- sightly columns, mitred and crossed saints. Figures on copper plates replaced the foliage and the arabesques of the older booksellers. Through the Plantins and their imitators, the architectural passion was far spread. It inundated France, ran through Germany and Italy, and reigned 1 1 Fig. 100. — Letter engraved by A. Bosse. 102 The Book: pre-eminent in Holland. Literary taste also underwent a change ; manners were no longer those of the sixteenth century, bold, free, and gay ; from the religious wars a certain hypocrisy arose ; bombast replaced the natural ; the gods were preparing, as a contemporary said, to receive Louis XIV. and his genius. It is not that artists were wanting at the opening of the seventeenth century who could, in giving free scope to their talent, show themselves worthy successors of those who went before them. Unhappily the booksellers had no longer a loose bridle on their neck ; they rather had the rope round it, for they were hung or burned at the least infraction of political or religious propriety. Yet the reign of Henry IV. was relatively an easier period for the workers at the Book, in which they were less confined to the strict terms of excessive regulations ; but after this prince severity increased, and during the year 1626 a new law was promulgated punishing with death the printers or distributers of prohibited books. Doubtless the books that were thus secretly sold, and prohibited in defence of good manners, were neither typographical nor artistic cJicfs-d œuvre. The author displays the indecencies by which he hoped to make profit and fame, regardless of type or illustration. But during the regency of Marie de Medici, it was not only the authors of a bad standard that were in danger of being hung ; the printer or seller of the pamphlet or book of a reputed heterodox author was also hung, and it became difficult to steer safely among these prohibitions. The consequence was, that enormous numbers of works were made with frontispieces decorated with colon- nades and mitred saints, and displaying high-sounding titles of sound orthodoxy. The somewhat gross mysticism, from the office of Plantin, formed the most solid stock of every respectable dealer. Thomas de Lev. 1 6^ Under Henry IV. as well as under the minority of Louis XIII., two French illustrators received from the school of ^-A. PaJXIS, Chez^ Pitirc Chciuillicr rue S,'Iat:q"cs a I'miuje SlPierr;^^ Fig. lOI. -Title of the Mctanéalogic, engraved by Leonard Gaultier. Antwerp their inspiration for the ornament of the Book. Thomas de Leu, probably from Flanders, was allied with the 104 The Book. old Parisian painter and engraver of celebrated portraits, Antoine Caron, in furnishing the engraved plates for the Images dc Plate Peinture des Deux Philostrates, Sophistes Grées, Paris, Claude Cramoisy, 1609, folio; and Leonard Gaultier, his con- temporary worker in company with Jaspar Isaac and other artists in the Book. Leonard Gaultier contributed most to spread in France the Plantinian style, and his somewhat cold but characteristic talent suited this art more than that of any one else then could. He was also an engraver of portraits, now rare and valuable, in the style of Wierix or of Thomas de Leu ; but, at the demand of publishers and booksellers, he composed other plates, at first historical figures representing the royal family and the nobles for the publisher Leclerc, in a simple and natural manner ; he also designed pious figures, recording a miracle or representing the ceremonies of a jubilee and other devo- tional things. But he made his great success in the composition of frontispieces to theological and pious works, printed by nearly all the booksellers. Leonard Gaultier had a knack of his own for pilasters and Grecian columns, under which he boldly placed entire councils of cardinals and bishops, as in the heading of the BibliotJieea J^eterum Patruni, into which he crowded nearly forty figures. He blended also with a certain grace the sacred and the profane, placing among ideal saints the wanton fine ladies of the time, with their large collarettes and jewels falling down on their naked breasts. The work of André Valladier, chaplain to the King, entitled Alctandalogie Sacrée, published by Peter Chevalier in 1609, was adorned with a title of this particular kind, in which Gaultier had no rival, and which preserves the precision of Flemish masters in the detail of ornaments of the toilet. He was one of the first who worked for Sebastien Cramoisy, Leoxard Gaultier. 165 printer and publisher, who had established his shop in the Rue St. Jacques at the sign of the Stork. We shall have occasion to speak of him later in connection with the Royal Printing House, of which he was the first director ; he is mentioned now because in 161 1 Leonard Gaultier engraved for him the frontispiece of L'Aigle Finançais, a collection of sermons by Thomas Girault. The publisher made a kind of passe-partout of it, for he used the same plate in 16 18 for the Sermons of Raymond de Hézèque. Besides the publications of Sebastien Cramoisy and Cheval- lier, Leonard Gaultier illustrated also those of Nicholas Buon and many other publishers of the time in Paris and Lyons. With such a profusion of works emanating from a single artist without reckoning those which were produced in great quantity by men of less note, wood engraving was dead. At most they ventured to put a wood block of a printer's mark on a title ; more ordinarily this mark was not alone sufficient, and showed the disdain in which taste then held wood-cutting. Such is fashion, heedless of the most elementary rules of art. To put type within an engraved title, or to ornament a printed text with engravings, is a heresy of principle that was established in the eighteenth century, by dint of its cleverness and talent. But at the beginning of the seventeenth, in spite of Leonard Gaultier or Thomas de Leu, these overloaded titles, over- powering the very front of the Book, offend the eye by their excessive blackness, and incontestably make us regret the admirable frontispiece on wood of the preceding century. This is, properly speaking, all the ornament at the acces- sion and during the reign of Louis XIII. Leonard Gaultier composed also some small vignettes for an edition of Homer, but they are mediocre and but little to the point. The 1 66 The Book. frontispiece was the resource of the unoccupied engraver, and many others followed the same path. Jean Picart made a frontispiece with architecture and figures for the Histoire de la Jlfaison de Chàtillon-sur-Marnc for Sebastien Cramoisy. A cold and hard artist he was, the rival of Gaultier, and one of the most employed of the vignette engravers of Paris. There was also Jaspar Isaac, a mediocre craftsman, but a designer of clever titles, among which is that of the continua- tion of the Annales of Baronius for the publisher Denis de la Noue. Then Claude Mellan, whose great and clever talent did not disdain second-rate works, in which he gave free play to his burin. It must be said, however, that his bold touch did not accommodate itself well to reduced spaces, and that he was not working in the field which suited his inventive powers. We mention his portrait of Louis XIV. at the head of the Code Louis XIV. ; the title of the Per/eclion du Chrestien, in which is included a portrait of Cardinal Richelieu, A. Vitré, 1647, folio ; that of the Instruction dtt, Dauphin for Cramoisy, 1640 ; that of the Works of St. Bernard for the Royal Printing House ; and, lastly, perhaps the best of all, the Poesies of Pope Urban VIII., of which we here give a copy. Lyons did not remain long behind in the movement, but how changed from its great reputation of the sixteenth century ! J. de Fornazeris engraved the frontispieces to Justus Lipsius, published by Horace Cardon in 16 13. Peter Favre and Audran imitated them. C. Audran designed for Claude Landry the Theologia Nattiralis of Theophilus Reynaud, and the bookseller Picquet ordered from him the title for the Annales Minorum in 1628. Everywhere taste was modelled on the works of the capital, to name only the principal ExGRAVEi) Titles ix Frexcii Books. 167 centres, Rouen, Rheims, Sens, down to Venes, a small town of the Department of Tarn, where Guillaume de Nautonnier published in 1603 his curious book Ml' come' trie, whose frontis- Fig. 102. — Title engraved by Claude Mellan for Urban VIII. s Poesies, printed at the Roya' Printing House, in 1642. piece was bordered by views of cities, with an equestrian portrait of King Henry. And if we pass to Germany, we find at Mayence mediocre engravings for titles according to the pattern then prevalent everywhere. The title of the Eroit Civil of Aymar 1 68 The Book. Vailius, that of the works of St. Bonaventura in 1609 for the bookseller Antoine Hiérat, and that of the Viridarhmi Virtutûm, rather cleverly treated by the burin in i6io. What a period had passed since Gutenberg, Fust, and Schoeffer ! There was still one Ivo Schoeffer at Mayence, but only the name lived ; no trace remained of the old printers of the other century. It was the same at Bamberg, Cologne, Nuremberg, and Basle, in all the cities that were an honour to typography in former times. Cologne was neither better nor worse favoured than others. The booksellers Boetzer, Kinck, and De Binghy had passable engravings for their titles ; and the Commentaries of Salmeron may be mentioned, with portraits alter the original Germans of the fifteenth century. At Nuremberg we may cite a curious specimen treating of natural history by Basil Besler, in which the artist gives the interior of a zoological cabinet of the time ; but what has become of the blocks and the typography in the city of Koberger t Basle held its own later in relief engraving. In the mean- time there was a mediocre set of the Dance of Death on copper, published by Miegen, 162 1. At Jena and Frankfort-on-the-Main were prosperous print- ing houses, but engravings and ornamentation were neglected. Frankfort, however, employed the frontispiece in the Traité du Commerce of Sigismond Scaccia, published by Zuner in 1648; it was divided into compartments, in which the Bourse, the E.xchange, and the quay of the city were represented. It is hardly necessary to mention the Italian cities which followed the movement. Venice from the middle of the sixteenth century had used engraved frontispieces, among which was that of Domenic Zenoi for the Portraits des Hommes Iliicstres of Nicholas Valegio. In the same city James Piccini worked for Cj^/sp/x Pass. 169 Sgava in 1648, but he was equally at the service of Roman publishers, for whom he designed a number of titles. By the side of him Frederic Greuter adorned the publications of Alexander Zanetti, not without talent, but without individuality. Bologna, Brescia, Florence, and Naples, had no original senti- ment ; they followed indifferently the manner of the day. In Holland, artists were somewhat numerous. The family of the Passes designed vignettes for books, and engraved frontis- pieces, admirably studied and composed. The clear and truly individual style of their works places their illustrations in the first rank among those of their time. They had, at the same time, the genius that created and the intelligent burin that faithfully repre.sented an idea. They imagined with skill the scenes that they depicted without borrowing much from their predecessors. From 1599, the date of the publication of the Hortus Deliciarum, one of their best works, up to about 1623, they were in Holland, at Arnheim and at Amsterdam. In 1623 we find one of them, the most celebrated, Crispin the younger, designing figures for the Manege Royal of Pluvinel, published by Angelier in Paris, and for another edition, with folding plates, in 1624 for Guillaume Lenoir, at the sign of the White Rose Crowned. This mag- nificent work, in which the King, Louis XIII., is represented receiving lessons from the riding master Pluvinel, appeared in a third and more complete reimpression in 1625 with another publisher, Michel Nivelle. Here we see the Dutch appreciated in France, in Paris, at that time the city the most ready to understand and pay for the works of eminent artists. In 1624 Gombauld published an Endymion — Boileau later associated Gombauld with other poets to dub him a maker of pitiable sonnets — Nicholas Buon, the bookseller named above, undertook the publication, and employed Pass, Leonard Gaultier, and J. Picart I/O The Book. to furnish plates in octavo size. Heavy and black as were these vignettes, they none the less make a good appearance in the edition of the forgotten poet ; and it is due to truth to recognise how much Pass was above his collaborators. The followina: year, 1625, he engraved the Dionysiaques of Nonus, for Robert Fouet, and the Roman des Romans of Du Verdier, comprising more than ten engravings, in a very free and bold manner. The Berger Extravagant and the Académie de I'Espde came in 1628, among numerous others. In point of fact, Crispin Pass did not devote himself entirely to Parisian publishers ; he always kept up his interests in Flanders so as to return there from time to time ; but he did not find in his own country the ready and assured sales of Paris. Still the city of Leyden had then one of the most renowned workshops of typography; the Elzevirs had commenced to make a good place for themselves among the printers of Europe by the extreme correctness of their editions, the distinctness of their work, and their marvellous art in the taste and arrangement of the Book. In reality, the sizes and characters of their books were too small, but if the smallness of the page did not allow room for vignette or ornament, they bore a certain practical elegance that was not without charm. The origin of the printing house was due .to Louis Elzevir, who published in 1592 an edition of Eiitropiiis ■sX Leyden. He left sons, who went into j^artnership, and founded, as we know, a house which was unrivalled. Bonaventure Elzevir, grandson of Louis, was the most illustrious of this family, so remarkably devoted to its art. He took Abraham as partner, and together they published those little Latin classics in duodecimo of which the value is now so great. Among others, Pliny issued from their presses in the year The Elzevirs. 171 1635, in three volumes, Virgil in 1636, and Cicero in 1642. To-day amateurs, above all those afflicted with bibliomania, hunt for unbound Elzevirs when they have full margins. From about 1633 to 1639 these volumes were composed of paper of rather small size, making a page of a hundred and thirty to a hundred and thirty-three millimetres; from 1639^ onwards the Fig. 103. — Title of Pluvinel's Manege Royal, engraved by Crispin Pass in 1624. paper was larger, and the page in i2mo measured] from about a hundred and thirty-five to a hundred and thirty-seven. One must be a book-lover to understand the interest attaching to these figures, and employ his entire activity in the discovery of these undiscoverable books, which are zealously kept under lock and key as soon as they are found. One of the most esteemed of their works is the De Iinitatione 172 The Book. of Thomas à Kempis, printed by Jean and Daniel Elzevir about 1653, and known as the edition without date. But as the association of Jean and Daniel is known to have lasted only from 1652 to 1654, the date 1653 appears to be most plausible. We reproduce the entire title of this typographical bijou, which merited a cleverer engraver. Fig. 104. — Title of the /;;;//(i//o/i of the Elzevirs. The rarest of all the numerous Elzevirs, possibly by reason of the popularity of its subject, is the Pastissier Francois, Louis and Daniel Elzevir, Amsterdam, 1655, of which M. Morgand had an uncut copy, measuring a hundred and forty-three milli- metres, in 1878. The Benzon copy sold in 1875 for ^140, and The Elzemrs. 1/3 another copy which lately turned up at M. Techener's Sale brought ^96. It is to be remarked that the Elzevirs frequently avoided dating or even signing their books, for reasons easily understood. Publishing numerous works, they were afraid of compromising themselves in the eyes of the powerful, and they let them go forth without any trade mark. These artists in typography were, besides, the most prudent and subtle of men. Working at a time when bookselling had become an acknowledged commerce, and a trade requiring all the skill and resources of others, they wisely availed themselves of these resources, gathering for Fig 105. — Mark of Bonaventiire and Abraham Elzevir, printers at Leyden, 1620. themselves honour and profit without having done anything more than seizing their opportunity. Using, as they did, the characters of Claude Garamond, of Jacques Sanlecques, and the paper of Angoulême, M. Didot thence claims them as French publishers. After the Elzevirs another celebrated printer's family made its mark in Holland, who afterwards acquired the Elzevir fount, viz., the Enschedé family, who carried on a flourishing printing office and type foundry. Isaak, born in 1681, printed, in con- junction with his son John, a folio Bible. John began already as a boy of nine years, under the supervision of his father 174 The Book. to cut types in wood, and published in 1777 several classical works and a pattern book of types, Proef van Lettern, which even now is considered a very important contribution to the history of printing. In France the Elzevirs had no rivals ; but a fashion was introduced towards the end of the sixteenth century for the association of several publishers in the production of important and costly books. There were, among others, the company of the Grand N'avire in 1610, of the Source in 1622, and of the Soleil in 1629. In 1631 several publishers united and founded a second company of the Grand Navire. These were the two Cramoisys, Sebastien and Gabriel, Denis Béchet, Jean Branchu, Denis Moreau, Claude Sonnius, and Denis Thierry. The associates took a ship as their mark, but without putting their names on the masts, as the original company of the Grand Navire had done. They published, at mutual expense and divided profits, great works, of which each one of them had the right of sale, but of course reserving to themselves the right to publish such others as they pleased. Sebastien Cramoisy passes as the chief, the moral director of another company, formed to publish the Fathers of the Church, with the royal types, a company affiliated to the Grand Navire and signed in 163S by Denis ^Nloreau, Gille Morel, Etienne Richer, Claude Sonnius, and Gabriel Cramoisv. But as rerards their personal works, if they had neither the perfection nor the aspect of those of Froben, Aldus, the Estiennes, or even of Plantin, they at least surpassed the French books of the time. Formerly syndic of the Corporation in 1602, twenty-nine years before the constitution of the Grand N'avire, Cramoisy was also sheriff of Paris, and carried on his trade in a shop in the Rue St. Jacques which had been that of Father Nivelle, Cramoisy. 175 the doyen of booksellers, who died in 1603 at the age of eighty years. The position of Cramoisy made it natural that Cardinal Richelieu should fix his eyes on him for the direction of the Royal Printing House. This establishment, founded by the King in 1640, was installed within the Louvre, in a long series of consecutive rooms which formed a workshop without rival in the world. Sublet des Noyers was named superinten- dent, Trichet du Fresne corrector ; and under this triple direction the presses set to work. The first book was the Imitation de Jésus-Christ, dated 1640, folio, a fine book enough, but not to be compared to the Elzevir editions. The types used in this book are attributed to Claude Garamond, founder of the sixteenth century, to whom are due the Greek types of Francis I. With the Royal Printing House, as often happens with State enterprises, the cost was great, and the return nothing. Only a few years after its foundation it had swallowed up nearly 400,000 livres, a very heavy sum for a badly balanced treasury ; it had produced sixty or seventy volumes of moderate value ; and after Cramoisy the manage- ment was so little in earnest that it turned the workshops into a stable, called "the little stable of the King," at the commencement of the eighteenth century. To return to the artists of the Book under Louis XIII. and Cardinal Richelieu, we must go back a little, before the foundation of the Royal Printing House, and we shall take up the French school of illustration at a time when Jacques Callot was giving it a vigorous lift and trying to do away with its affected and hard style. It must be acknowledged that Callot was not a vignettist, a special designer ; his art aimed higher, and in most cases succeeded better ; yet he did not disdain 1/6 The Book. frontispieces, and made some for the Coustumier de Lorraine, the Harpalice of Bracciolini, and for a crowd of others of which the enumeration would be tedious. Certain of his works passed into Italy, where they helped to raise the debased level of the Book. He then adorned several works with etchings, among them the Lunncre du Cloistre, published by François Langlois 1646. This was again one of the symbolic and sententious works with which the public taste is never satiated, and a kind Fig. 106. — Plate taken from the Liiiiiuic du Cloistic. Copper-plate by Callot. of guide for the priest. At the bottom of the little etching here given, representing birds falling from a tree, we read, — " Ses petits hors du nid Ie_courbeau jette en bas, Lorsque par leur blancheur ils lui sont dissemblables. Le bon prélat de mesme au cloistre n'admet pas Ceux qui n'ont rien d'esgal à ses mœurs vénérables." Callot also made another set of emblems on the life of the Virgin Mary, and even published in 1620 a series of prints in quarto for the tragedy of Soliman of Bonarelli, for Cecconnelli. France imposed herself on fallen Italy, where she dispersed her works, and if an engraver arose there, he did Callot. 177 not disdain to be consecrated in France. Witness Delia Bella, who went from Italy to France, where he was taken under the protection of Cardinal Richelieu. This was about the time of the establishment of the Royal Printing House, and it was expected that employment would be found for him sooner or later. Callot was the model chosen by the young Italian artist, and this choice might have been less happy. Delia Bella took from his master the philosophic vein, the drollery of design, which he exercised from the outset in humorous frontispieces, among others that of Scarron's works, where nine fish-women, taking the place of the Muses, dance around the poet. But he passed from gay and pleasant to severe, and made large designs of architectural titles. In 1649 he designed the plates for the large and ill-arranged volume of Valdor on Louis XIII., published by Antoine Estienne at the Royal Printing House. His success was not in that direction ; Delia Bella was a painter of groups, of ornaments, of subjects somewhat heavy and laboured, but which, after numerous transformations, opened a new road to the vignettists of the eighteenth century. With Abraham Bosse the decoration of the Book took a wider range. Numerous and charmingly ornamented letters, heads of pages, and tailpieces appear. There are few artists that have done so much for graceful illustration and harmony between the vignette and the printed page. His prodigious fecundity made him attempt every style ; and after the gaieties of the prints in which he laughed with his contemporaries, he adopted a graver mood and designed more serious sub- jects on copper. However, the book entitled La Manih'e Universelle, by Desargues, with numerous geometrical figures and a pleasing frontispiece, bearing the dedication to the 12 178 The Book. Seigneur de Noyers, superintendent of the Royal Printing House, was a critical work, in which Bosse, under serious pretence, did not spare an enemy. They were not, however. Fig. 107. — Title of the Manière Universelle, by Desargues, in 1643, by Abraham Bosse. angry with the artist, for the following year Bosse published fourteen plates for the Sicioniiis printed at the Louvre. He successively designed plates for the Histoire de Si. Abraham Bosse. "79 Louis, numerous vignettes for books of piety, figures for the Pucellc of Chapelain and for the Larcins de la Fortune. He was always himself, refined and ingenious, even in the most barren or the most complicated subjects. Fig. loS. — Print by Abraham Bosse, representing the booksellers of the Palace under Louis XIII. He has left us in a celebrated print a representation of a bookseller's shop of his time. It is for us an interesting work, inasmuch as it shows us in a simple and naïve manner the picturesque side of these stores, where the dealer and his wife i8o The Book. offered and displayed new works to their customers. The shop is compact, and very much like the open-air stalls of to-day ; posting-bills placed above the shelves indicate the " new books ; " and if the inscriptions given by Bosse be credited, the Palace dealer offered his books with singular eclecticism : Boccaccio, Aretin, the Asti'ee of D'Urfé, the Bible, or Machia- velli. In the hands of the woman is seen the romance Marianne '■ " Icy les cavaliers les plus adventureux En lisant les romans s'animent à combattre ; Et de leur passion les amants langoureux Flattent les mouvements par des vers de théâtre," says the text of Bosse. What was commonly done then is still done ; they went shopping and rummaging the stalls, and those of the Palace were particularly attractive. If we credit Sauvai, the increase in the number of booksellers, in the middle of the century, was due to the wits of the Hotel de Rambouillet. The passion for novelty, for recent works, had produced that quantity of publishers, he says, that we have seen on the Pont Neuf, and that w^e still see to-day at the Palace and the University, the number of whom is so multiplied in all these places that in the Palace they amount to more than other dealers ; and as to the neighbourhood of the University, they are obliged, in order to lodge the rest, to extend the ancient bounds from St. Yves to the river (Sauvai, Antiquités de Paris, viii., 354). In fact, each year saw an increase in the number of pub- lishers in corporation, with syndic and adjuncts. During the reign of Louis XIII., the single year 16 10 saw fifty new houses started, and among them Antoine Vitré, who was to become the most illustrious of his contemporaries. But, as there were AXTOIXE I'/TRK. l8l no more than six printers, it may be inferred that all the rest were booksellers, in the true sense of the word, to begin with those who encumbered afterwards the great salk of which Sauvai speaks. Antoine Vitré was syndic in May, 1643, on the acces- sion of Louis XIV. He had four adjuncts. With him the Book marked the solemn style that the commencement of the century had imparted to it. Appointed royal printer for the Oriental languages in 1621, he undertook a Syriac work, the first that ever was attempted in Paris. The project of a Polyglot Bible suggested to him the idea of acquiring for the King the Oriental manuscripts and matrices of .Savary de Brèves. The King left to him the care of negotiating the business, but did not reimburse him without numerous difficulties, in the midst of which the printer almost lost the means of conveniently continuing his trade. The advocate Le Jay charging himself with the enormous expenses necessitated by the Polyglot Bible, it was set up in the hope that Cardinal Richelieu would pay the cost. He was willing to do so, but required that his name should figure on the book ; and as Le Jay, an independent man, formally opposed it, Vitré met with ill-will from the Minister, which increased from day to day. In 1645 the impression was finished, but Le Jay was ruined, and though we admire the paper, the type, and the extraordinary size of the nine volumes of the Polyglot Bible, we find in it so many faults, errors, and misprints that it has become almost valueless, being hardly worth its binding. There were terrible mortifications in the business, and Vitré had to bear the brunt of them more than any one. Nevertheless he did not let his presses stand still, but published successively Arabic, Turkish, and Persian works. His action against the Savary heirs, as representing the King, in the acquisition mentioned above, continued also after the printing of the Bible, and 1 82 The Book. hindered its progress. He struggled on ; and the Assembly of Clergy, of which he was the printer, sought to help him out of his difficulties. The matter being once terminated, the Cardinal being dead, and Vitré having been named by Colbert director of the Royal Printing House in place of Cramoisy, he also died, and was accused later of having destroyed the types and matrices of the Polyglot Bible, so that they should not be used after him. This fable, long accredited, has since been ascer- tained to be false, for the punches and matrices passed to the Royal Library, thence to the Royal Printing House, which was reorganised in 1691. Antoine Vitré, in spite of his misfortunes, was a great personage. He was painted by Champagne and engraved by Morin, as was Richelieu himself. The portrait, which we here reproduce (p. 184), is from the book of M. Delaborde, La Gravure. Such was the man whom we meet at the beginning of the reign of Louis XIV. as syndic of booksellers ; and it was by no means a sinecure, a canonry giving honour and profit ; quite the other way. With the Draconian rules on the subject, the syndic assumed a heavy burden towards the King, as well as towards its confreres. Religious quarrels envenomed every question, and the revocation of the Edict of Nantes had ior its immediate result new and more severe royal ordinances. The reign of Louis XIV. saw the zenith of engraving with the burin, but not that of printing or illustration. Doubtless it would be puerile to pretend that typography had not made any material progress ; it had done so in engraving and in setting up the type ; work was done more quickly, because the presses had become more perfect. But the wise harmony of the old printers, their sure taste, even up to their old irregular The Reign oe Louis xiv. 183 clichés, were no longer there to form a graceful and charming Fig. 109. — Frontispiece of the Dictionnaire de V Académie^ 1st edition, 1694. whole, which to modern precision is as different as a picture 1 84 The Book. by Van Eyck from a chromo-lithograph. Under Louis XIV., titles became regular, following, as we have said in the beginning, and modelling themselves on, the affected and peruked people who read them. All art entered on this path of sublimity and grandeur. The painter Le Brun is the iiiiitiliiiiiiftàiyfeÉiiiikÉLiAiiÉiw Fig. I lo. — Antoine Vitré, printer to tlie King, by Ph. de Champagne. highest exponent of this false Olympus, where an heroic pose became necessary for the most simple movements. Made popular by engraving by Pesne, Audran, Poilly, Edelinck, and a hundred others, this tendency overran everything : art and industry, painting and tapestry, illustration and typography SÉBASTIE.X LECLERC. 185 itself. All was grand, in reverse of other times, when all was small and mean. The embellishments of the Book were full of gods in perukes and goddesses in armour, Louis XIV. as Apollo, as the sun illuminating the world, as we see in the frontispiece to the first edition of the Dictionnaire de r Académie'. " Nee pluribus impar " was not the device of one man ; it was the haughty and glorious cry of a whole people, from great to small, from the sublime painter to the modest printer. In most cases these e.xaggerations are not beneficial to the art. Here they were. But, for the matter that specially occupies us, it does not appear that the Book was much advanced. It approached a marvellous epoch of a delicate and graceful art ; but it did not find its true expression ; it dragged painfully after the works of Plantin, throwing its etchings and line engravings heavily in the middle of texts, in gross and bad taste. Yet taste in literature had an onward tendency ; Molière and La Fontaine produced on their contemporaries the effect that in our day the naturalists have produced on the romanticists ; but this was not for long. Majesty recovered its rights with Bossuet, Boileau, and the others. Sébastien Leclerc was one of the rare artists of the end of the seventeenth century who gave thought to the vignette in the midst of this outbreak of pompous commonplace. A successor of Callot in manner, sought after by the publishers, he began this style with a romance of La Calprenède, and continued with the Promenade de St. Germain of Louis le Laboureur, hailly de Montmorency, to whom Boileau said such curious things. This bleuette is one of the rarest books of Leclerc, and we reproduce one of the pages, with a charming tailpiece, which comes very near those of the eighteenth century. There was, moreover, the charm of this ingenious designer ; he adorned the works 1 86 The Book. of his contemporaries with graceful vignettes and decorations full of suppleness. It may be believed, besides, that he did not remain behind his confrères in figure composition or allegorical and Divine emblems. His art did not go far enough to throw off the errors of the existing school ; he was content not to copy any one and to make his works truly his own. JE laboure un champ plein crépines Qui ne rapporte frmt ny fieuY ^ Et me fens ptcjuer jufûu^au cœtsr Par mille pointes ajja fines. Que mon defiin à de malheur i Ce nefi que labeur ^ douleur Fig. III. — Tailpiece of Sébastien Leclerc for the Pronicnailc lie St. Gcriimin. Such were, for example, the vignettes of the Histoire de Turenne, where the heads of the chapters, the ornamented letters, and the tailpieces, harmoniously blend with each other, and make the book, although a little heavy as to impression, a most agreeable work. Leclerc then found himself ready to design vignettes for the works of Racine for the publisher Claude SÉBASTIEX LECLERC. 187 Barbin, another name frequently encountered in Boileau. The title of Vol. ii. merits attention. The same year of this last publication, 1676, Sébastien Leclerc illustrated the Metamorphoses of Ovid for Benserade, the engraving of which cost the King more than 10,000 livres. Thus adorned, the book had not a bad appearance, but a satirist of the time, Hardin very probably, made on it this quatrain : — ■ " Mais quant à moi j'en trouve tout fort beau ; Papier, dorure, images, caractère. Hormis les vers qu'il fallait laisser faire A La Fontaine." It m.ay be imagined what an engraver could produce working ever since 1650 and dying in 1715, that is, a life of work as long as could be hoped for. Leclerc was the absolute contemporary of the King. He died, like him, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, leaving work widely scattered among books, funeral orations, and placards. After the example of Callot and Bosse, he did not disdain satire. One of his prettiest vignettes served to illustrate some pamphlet of Richesource against the journalists of his time ; it represents a dandy of about 1679 offering his gazette: " Venez, savans ; venez me faire vos avances D'un louis tous les ans de contribution ; Vous aurez les lundis nouvelles conférences Dans des cayers volans de cette impression ; Je l'ai jusques icy pratiqué de la sorte, Et comme ce bâton soutenu qui me porte." This proves that already the young pamphleteers understood the means how to frighten the authors of their time. By the side of this unrivalled combatant we may be per- mitted to place Lepautre, twenty years older than Leclerc, whose 1 88 The Book. studies had been principally directed on architecture. In the moments of leisure from his special work he devoted himself to frontispieces and vignettes ; nevertheless, although he had before him the charming designs of Leclerc, he confined him- self to a cold and hard manner, keeping, indeed, as much as Fig. 112. — Small figure of Sébastien Leclerc for Richesource's pamphlet. possible to titles, in which his particular talent could find scope. He designed also the Chartreux Missal of 1679, the Gallia Christiana after Marot, the Dioptrique Oadaire of P. Chérubin engraved by Edelinck, and a thousand other works of small repute. Very different was François Chauveau, who, without having SÉBASTIKX LECLERC. 189 the delicacy of Sébastien Leclerc or his art of arrangement, treated at least with grace small figures and illustrations. Certainly there is an enormous distance between these correct and commonplace engraved plates and the delightful wood Fig. 1 13. — Frontispiece by C. Le Erun, for the first edition of Racine,^ 1Ô76. engravings of the time of Geoffroy Tory, for example. But, be their worth what it may, they were in excellent keeping ; and even with Molière they did not cut such a bad figure. Chauveau was associated with many of the works of Leclerc, who induced 190 The Book. him often to be less heavy, inasmuch as Leclerc corrected many of his compositions in engraving them. It was so with Molière, and still more so with Racine in the plate of the Plaideurs, in which Chauveau revealed himself a precursor of the eighteenth century. Unhappily he did not always follow this manner. Consecutively, and with various success, he illustrated Alaric, Andromaque, and the Metamorphoses of Ovid by Benserade, with Leclerc ; the Pucellc of Chapelain, and the Tragédies of Racine, to which Le Brun did not disdain to put his hand. In short, the connecting link between the beginning of the seventeenth and that of the eighteenth century in the develop- ment of illustration is Sébastien Leclerc. He had known the artists of the first period ; he lived to see appear one of the precursors of the vignettists of the following century, Claude Gillot. Thanks to him, overloaded titles and unskilful vignettes underwent a gradual transformation. In the delicacy and slightness of his designs may be seen the dominant note of the eighteenth century, coquetry, and we get already a foretaste of Choffard. He was nearly the only one who did not fall into the exaggerations of the engravers of the time ; he ran parallel with them without touching them, anxiously guarding his own well-accentuated personality. By the smallness and slenderness of his figures, Leclerc recalls somewhat the school of Fontainebleau ; but he is above all the reflection of Callot, a Lorrainer like himself. In Holland, a Frenchman, Bernard Picart, son of Etienne and pupil of Leclerc, was making a great name as an illus- trator. He established himself as a print-seller at Amsterdam at the sign of L Etoile, and successively designed vignettes for many works, among others the Boileau of 171S. His vignettes EXGUSH J FORK'S. 191 and tailpieces, without possessing either the spirit of Leclerc or the grace of the eighteenth century, express an ingenious and inventive art that had broken with the strained traditions of preceding epochs. From these two artists the decoration of the Book rapidly- advanced. The true form is found, and charming designers are not wanting to apply it. The troubled state of England during the greater part of the seventeenth century no doubt accounts for the fact that the art of the Book made but very little progress. Theological controversies, the persecutions by the Puritans, and, above all, the great civil war and its antecedents and results, gave rise to a flood of publications of an ephemeral kind, which from their nature were hurriedly produced ; and there was little room tor pure literature and art. In the early part of the century, under the influence which Elizabeth left, and which James fostered, some important works were issued, with finely engraved illus- trations ; but wood engraving declined further and further, until it was artistically dead, to be revived in the next century. The works of the numerous poets and dramatists were printed in quarto, and collected editions of them in folio. Thus were issued the works of Shakespeare, first collected by Jaggard and Blount, 1623, folio, with an engraved portrait by Droeshout, the faithfulness of which was vouched in an opposite page of verse signed by Ben Jonson. Don Quixote first appeared in an English dress in 1612-20, published by E. Blount in quarto ; and Jaggard, Blount's partner in the Shakespeare, published Boccaccio's Decameron, in two volumes folio, 1620. Among other notable works of the early part of the century were Drayton's Polyolbion, 161 3; Chapman's Ho?nei\ 161 1-15, folio, three volumes ; Lord Bacon, whose essays and other 192 The Book. single publications appeared in the seventeenth, to be collected as his Works in the next century ; and William Prynne, whose Histrio JMastrix, 1633, so offended Charles I. by its references to the Queen and the court ladies, that the author had to undergo a severe and degrading punishment. Many of these works were illustrated with engravings of merit on steel and copper by W. Hollar, P. Lombart, W. Marshall, Hole, W. Pass, W. Faithorne, and R. Vaughan. So that here were all the materials for the foundation of an English school, to be cruelly broken up shortly afterwards by the distractions of civil warfare. In 161 1 Robert Barker first printed the Authorised Version of the Holy Bible, which has been more often reprinted than any other book, and which e.xists to this day as the great standard of the English language. The taste for books of travel which arose in the last century was largely increased by the voyages and discoveries of the English in North America and the subsequent Puritan exodus there. These early accounts of Virginia and New- England, many of which are tracts of a few leaves only, now fetch fabulous prices. The great collection of voyages under the name of Piirchas : his Pilgrimes, was printed in five folio volumes, 1625-26, while De Bry, Hulsius, and Linschoten were enriching the world with their collections of travels, printed in Germany and Holland. All of these works were adorned with finely engraved plates, those to Purchas being engraved by Elstrack, and, besides, it had a famous map of the world, engraved by Hondius. The controversial spirit engendered by the religious quarrels of the century and by the great civil war gave incessant work to the printers ; and the many tracts and pamphlets thus produced EXGIJSH IVOR AS. 193 were frequently illustrated by crude and coarse woodcuts, of no value from an artistic point of view, but curious from the indications they afford of the costumes and manners of the time. The first edition of Walton's Angler was printed by R. Marriott in 1653, i6mo, with plates in the text, engraved on steel by Lombart. Butler's Hmiibras appeared in 1663-78, and Milton's Paradise Lost in 1667, quarto. Fuller's Worthies of England was printed 1662, folio. We have roughly men- tioned the principal English books of the century, and ne.xt approach the revival of literature and art in the eighteenth century. 13 CHAPTER V. THE BOOK IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. The Regency — Publishers at the beginning of the eighteenth century — Illustrators in France ; Gillot — The school of Watteau and Boucher — Cars — The younger Cochin ; his principal works in vignettes — French art in England ; Gravelot — Eisen — Choffard — The Baisers of Dorat ; the Contes of Lafontaine — The publisher Cazin and the special literature of the eighteenth centur)' — The younger Moreau and his illustrations — The Revolution — The school of David — Duplessis- Bertaux — The Book in Germany; Chodowiecki — In England ; Boydell and French artists — Caslon and Basker\-ille — F^nglish books with illustrations — Wood engraving in the eighteenth century; the Papillons — Printing offices in the eighteenth century. ATER on, about the beginning of the eighteenth century, the manners and tastes of the French produced an unconscious but tenacious reaction. It seemed as if the conceptions of romanticism had lasted long enough, and that the cycle of chevaliers {ox ù\^ Mmioires d' Ar- ^^id lords of the Middle Ages had passed st'^Remy "^''^ "^ away, and that a return to what is called the Natural was effected in literature and art. At the death of Louis XIV. the Olympes and its gods, the majestic poses and suns, had become wearisome. By a little half-open door, gaiety escaped from its prison and fled. For the Book that door was opened by the engraver Sébastien Leclerc. EEG/X.WXG OF THE ElGHTEEXTH CEXTURV. 195 The ancient school was replaced. Constrained during three quarters of a century, French manners began to be joyous under the regency of the Due d'Orleans. The representatives of another age still lived, Rigaud still painted his portraits in wigs, but there were new comers, enlivened by the new fashions, less solemn and more bewitching. Le Brun was then far in the past, and as amusing to the ladies of the regency as are now to us the fashions of the Second Empire. The Book, as its manner was, followed the movement, and gradually found the ■ elements of its decoration in the tenden- cies of the day. Small sizes were multiplied, types showed elegance, and vignettes became more and more agreeable and spirited. Amateurs had their ex-libris or book-plates engraved. The smallest pamphlets were covered with ornamental letters, head and tailpieces, already very clever. Costume also, in its lighter form, gave to designers a means of agreeably com- posing a page of illustration and disseminating fancy in the figures. These revolutions were simply brought about from day to day, as taste became more pronounced and found its expression. The commerce of the Book was still extending from the end of the preceding century ; and if the number of printers was limited and arrested by certain somewhat hard laws, production in Paris was enormous. Among regulations that weighed most heavily on publishers figured the obligation put upon them by the ordinance of 1713 to deposit eight copies of illustrated books. In 1725 the King issued other regulations to affirm the rights of the university over the corporation, forcing the masters to assist in a body at the processions of the Sorbonne and to offer on the Day of the Purification a candle to the rector. In spite of this ordinance, more religious 1 96 The Book. than useful to commerce, the fashion of vignettes increased. The principal shops were ransacked, as they are still, for novel- ties ; the Rue St. Jacques and the Quai des Augustins, v^rhere they were grouped, were resorted to. The most important booksellers in 1727 were Coignard, the Barbous — who essayed afterwards, with Lengley Dufresnoy, to copy the Elzevirs, — Cavalier, Robustel, Fournier, Ballard, and D'Houry. Of the two last, D'Houry printed the calendars, and Ballard had the privilege for music. Another, Léonord, published the books of the Dauphin. At these and other publishers', recent works were examined, those who did not buy gave their advice and took ideas, and so this fashion slowly set in. It was thus that Houdart de la Motte published with G. Dupuis in 1719 a collection of fables, with illustrations by Claude Gillot, which was the talk at the booksellers'. All was original in this book : the author, who had formed, five years before, the eccentric idea of translating the Iliad without knowing a word of Greek ; the text, a kind of imitation of Lafontaine, without salt or savour ; the size, quarto, admir- ably printed by Dupuis, in the Rue St. Jacques, with plates by Coypel, Massé, and, above all, the charming vignettes of Gillot, the most pleasing and clever of all his collaborators, a sort of Callot fallen into the eighteenth century, and who ought to take the first place in it by primogeniture. Gillot has been called, not without reason, "the last pagan of the Renaissance;" and this pagan had the honour to give us Watteau. The Count de Caylus tells the story. Gillot had resigned the pencil for the etching needle on seeing the work of his pupil. He had no reason to complain ; his pictures were of no value, and his prints gave other artists the idea of imitating them. The whole French school of the eighteenth century Claude Gii.lot. 197 may have had its origin in this forgotten bool<, illustrated by the master of Watteau. In fact, in the manner of the little etching here given we may easily perceive the coquetry and affectation that were later the dominant tone of vignettes. For, it may well be said, the graceful, feminine, and arch manner of which we are going to speak was, above all, con- ventional and false. In opposition to the designers and engravers of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth Fig. 115.— Vignette by Gillot for the Chicn d k Uiat, fable by Houdart de la Motte, in 1719. century, who reproduced naturally scenes of daily life even if somewhat idealized, it came to pass that, through the moral education of the artists, they put forth the ideal in the most ordinary things of life. Shepherds were no longer the gross and rustic peasants that we find in primitive Flemish paintings or in the Hours of Simon Vostre ; they were coxcombs, pomaded and adorned with ribbons, playing the bagpipes, and making love to court shepherdesses. At first it was Watteau who influenced all the engravers 198 Tue Book. in the pretty and the smart ; Boucher did the rest ; and fatally the Book followed, and followed impetuously, surpassing, if possible, the painted works. If the severe poses, the grave touch, of the preceding century are no longer found, they often go too far in the contrary direction. It may be well said here that the arts are ordinarily the result of the manners of an epoch. The financial scheme of Law was not without influence on the entire eighteenth century, by the terrible manner in which it upset fortunes, awoke appetites, gave rein to aspirations hitherto held in check. Claude Gillot, the designer, was one of the first victims of the Scotch banker ; he lost his fortune on the Exchange ; but who may say what his artistic ambition dreamt of in the midst of all these disorders ? One thing is certain : that Watteau, his pupil, broke abruptly with the style of the seventeenth century. Laurent Cars was the engraver who multiplied the com- positions of Boucher, and set the fashion. He engraved also, after the painter of shepherds and nymphs, illustrations to Molière, the most agreeable that there are for style and spirit. In engraving certain works of Lemoyne, Cars did not com- pletely desert the ancient school. He appears thus at the beginning of the eighteenth century as if divided between two manners, each equally possible to him. The work of these engravers was almost exclusively done by etching, biting with acid a copper plate covered with varnish, on which the drawing was made by means of a point. This process, always previously used for sketches, served also for finishing vignettes, which up to then had been finished by the burin. The suppleness of the work was greater, and the artist remained more himself than he could be with the stiff cutting instrument of the seventeenth century. Cars— The Quarto Muijere. 199 The sizes of books had not yet all come to octavo or duodecimo. The Œuvi'cs de Molière published by Prault in 1734 in six volumes quarto, under the direction of Marc Antoine Joly, give the idea of an enormous work, not at all of theatrical pieces. To tell the truth, these somewhat ex- aggerated dimensions gave artists more room for illustration ; later, when smaller forms predominated, text and engravings were so compressed that they were not always clear and readable to every eye. However, the quarto was not graceful, it was not in harmony with the delicate, the pastoral pieces, then in vogue, and as a current size it had to disappear in illustrated publications. The class of artisans employed on the Book is hardly identical in the eighteenth century with that of printers and publishers. In the beginning, as we have seen, the engravers of wood blocks and the printers were often the same people, preparing their characters or their blocks, and afterwards putting them under the press. The great printing offices had very quickly changed that. Each particular work had its special workman. Typography had its type-founders, com- positors, forwarders, inkers, and pressmen. In the eighteenth century this was supplemented by designers, engravers, plate- printers ; and these different professions occupied themselves on the Book in manipulating the sheets in their turn. In the midst of this crowd, the designers and engravers, esteemed as was their collaboration, were not the most honoured. Their homes often reflected their life as reckless artists, quick to spend the money earned during the week ; and we shall have occasion to name some of the more miserable among them. The booksellers, on the contrary, had become great person- ages. In the preceding chapter we have seen Cramoisy and 200 THE BOOK. Vitré, to name only these two, acquire the greatest honours, the latter even having been painted by Philippe de Champagne, with many other lords of the court. In the eighteenth century there were Brunet, Ballard, Mariette, Chardon, François Didot, and a host of others, during the time of Watteau, Boucher, and Cars, of which we have just spoken ; and these several publishers had houses of their own, and furnished shops and printing offices with the best appurtenances. Saved from falling into negligences by royal regulations on printing, they composed imperishable works, with admirable characters, on paper of the first quality ; and, usual consequence of their high position, they paid the artists charged with their work badly. It would be long and tedious to enter into this matter in detail. They made progress by slow degrees, and in good time they united marvel- lously copperplate engraving to printed text, so marvellously that in comparing their works with the wood blocks of the sixteenth century, it may be asked which of the two styles is superior in elegance and good taste. One of the ancestors of this group of vignettists was the younger Cochin, who had engraved the plate of the sparrows in the fables of Houdart, illustrated by Gillot. Cochin, in spite of his passion for allegory and his very marked taste for aftecta- tion, gave, it may be said, with the designer-engraver Saint- Aubin, an enormous impulse to the art of adorning books. From the beginning of his career he worked for the publishers, designing frontispieces, ornamented letters, and tail-pieces, or transferring to copper the drawings of others. Singular type of artist, educated, well brought up, epicurean and spendthrift, friend of great lords, and protected by IMadame de Pompadour, whose young brother Abel Poisson he conducted over Italy, Cochin did everything, was ready at the least request, inventing Cochin. 20I curious menus, giving representations of fêtes, and yet finding the time to lavish on books and vignettes. He worl^ed chiefly for Jombert, a sort of learned bookseller, King's printer to the artillery, who dates from July 1736. Jombert held receptions to painters, gave little private soirées, which Cochin attended, and there he daily made numerous friends. It was in this house, of so special a character, and, it may be said, so little artistic at first sight, that Cochin Fig. 116. — Vignette for Daphnis et Chloc by Cochin, for Coustelier's edition. invented his best frontispieces, among them that of the Calatl Différentiel, that of the Astronomie Physique, and the plates of the Méthode de Dessin, after Boucher. He was one of the first to produce engraved titles, with which the publisher Prault ornamented his dainty volumes, and which were imitated, up to the end of the eighteenth century, by all the illustrators who followed. In the title to the works of Madame Deshoulières the letter itself is engraved. Since then the open letter has 203 THE Book. been employed in typography. These vignettes were used many times by publishers, sometimes simply effacing the inscription, sometimes reproducing the original design by a different artist. The cupid with the swan was used in 1744 to decorate a Jeriisalem Delivered in Italian, by the same publisher, Prault ; it was then engraved by Aveline. Fessard engraved the second plate, which is here reproduced. Nearly all the frontispieces of the Book with vignettes of the eighteenth century preserve this arrangement ; an ornamented and draped border, with garlands of roses, symbols, and cupids, in the middle of the title, in red and black, composed in open letter, often a scroll with the address of the publisher, but rarely a mark. It was the time of little winged cupids, god- desses, and gods. The goddesses were the favourites of the kings, Madame de Pompadour or the princesses, but rarely of the virtuous Marie Leczinska, too plain and too much ignored to tempt the artists ; the kings or the princes were the gods. After Jombert, Prault, and Coustellier, Cochin worked for François Didot, syndic of the printers, for whom he prepared a set of illustrations for Molière. Unfortunately Didot died in 1757, and the project fell with him. Of the work of Cochin there only remains the set of Tartufe etchings in octavo. In the vortex into which he was plunged, he successively illustrated the Œuvres de Roîisseau, published at Brussels, quarto ; those of Boileau, published by David and Durand, octavo ; and Henault's Histoire de France, in the same size, with numerous vignettes. One of these should be noted in a book treating on printing ; it is that in which Cochin pretends to show to his contemporaries the interior of a workshop in 1470. Without doubt the sketch of this print was taken in one of the houses frequented by him — at Jombert's, Didot's, or Grave LOT. 203 David and Durand s — for that room in which compositors are working and printed sheets drying was not an invention of Cochin, and served to reproduce a printing office of the eighteenth century, such as it existed. Around Cochin soon worlced a number of designers and Fig. 117. — Title-page engraved by Fcssard after Cochin for the works of Madame Deshoulières, 1747. etchers, too prudent to lose the opportunity. The fashion set in for bool:s beribboned, festooned, and flowered. Hubert François Gravelot had carried to London this style of new works, for he knew, better than any one, how to decorate with letters, figures, and tailpieces. He did not engrave much himself, leaving this work to lesser artists, and contenting himself with 204 The Book. subtle invention and graceful subjects. With Eisen, Cochin, and Moreau, he is the French artist in the sense of the time, ^^^JÎrtTjSv' It ùrAWht tnVCR' Fig. Ii8. — Vignette taken from P. Corneilles Theatre, by Gravelot. free, bold, and ingenious, but perhaps a little out of place in England. He published, nevertheless, his illustrations to the Decameron in 1757-61, five vols, royal 8vo, one of his most curious Choffard. 20S sets of plates, and a hundred various vignettes. On his return to France he designed the Théâtre of P. Corneille, from which the Galerie de Palais is here reproduced, on account of the f. ^:: <4 m i'^i illustration of book- selling which it represents. In 1764 the large salon of the Palace was still, as in the time of Abraham Bosse, a place where shops were fitted up, and the new books dis- cussed. Side by side with the dressmakers and merchants of every category, the bookseller offers to his customer the recent products of Parisian presses. Cer- tain works were sold under cover and not shown ; there is here ■If^j something to pique the curiosity m M ^ 17^ -^ Fig. 119. — Eorder designed bj- Choffard in 175S. of idle young seigneurs whose strolls in the galleries were protracted. Eisen has a simplicity, a good taste, and a special and 2o6 The Book. singularly perfect dash for artistic effect in combination with typography. It is a pity that this designer had no consultative voice in the choice of impression and getting up of the Book. TOmGE De Oclui L 1/ Fig. 120. — Frontispiece by Eiscn for the Voyage by l'Abbé de la Porte, 1751. The union of these two forces, the vignette and the composition, is so close that we are tempted to believe that one was made for the other, neither venturing to assert itself. In the pretty and elaborate inventions of the artists reigned a lackadaisical Lafoxtalxe's CoyTES. 207 affectation that was delightfully becoming ; the rock-work, which it still had, suited admirably the borders of the first page. The Lettres d'une Péruvienne has a very pleasing title, differing little, on the whole, from that of Madame Deshoulicres, by Cochin. It is the same with the Lettres Turques, published at Amsterdam in 1750, and generally with all the frontispieces signed by him. As to the other decorations of the Book, there were also a number of ingenious artists, combining cupids and flowers, heaping up blazons, delighting in playing with accu- mulated difficulties. Under this assuredly involuntary but real direction, publications attained proportions of luxury and co- quetry until then unknown. The volume of Les Baisers by Dorat (La Haye et Paris, 1770) would not have lived but for Eisen and the delightful fancies with which he adorned it. At the same time, we find Choffard, another designer and etcher of much repute, and the most sought after by the booksellers. Under his pencil the vignette became a c/ief- d'œuvre, the tailpiece was a delightful compound of judicious and sportive ornament, the taste for which grew more and more. From delicate foliage are suspended roses, shepherds' pipes, lyres, and zithers. With the zephyrs scrolls or ribbons float, carried by winged cupids. The initial letters are real pictures, of such fineness and precision that the difficulties of their reproduction prevent us from putting them before the reader. When the Fermiers généraux, those great amateur financiers of the last century, conceived the idea of an edition of Les Contes of Lafontaine at their expense, their eyes naturally fell upon Eisen and Choffard, the artists best qualified to illustrate the inimitable fancies of the great poet. The first had ■ for his task the composition of the separate plates, Choffard 2o8 The Book. the general decoration. Ficquet was added for the portrait of the bonhomme Lafontaine — Ficquet, whose specialty in this genre was dazzling in its delicacy and spirit ; Diderot wrote a short introduction ; the composition was confided to a printer of the first order, and it was put on sale by Barbou (Paris, 1762). Fig. 121. — Vignette by Eisen for the Quiproquo in the Contes of Lafontaine, in the edition of the Ferniieis Ge'ncraitx, It is not a book to be recommended from a moral point of view, but never did typographical art, in combination with that of designers and engravers, obtain a more complete success : the size in octavo, the clear impression, united with the dimensions of the plates in a harmonious elegance, well calculated to please The Younger M ore au. 209 the very rich personages and the joyous amateurs to whom Les Contes address themselves. Although Eisen has dressed the greater part of the characters in the costume of his time, which is a little hurtful to one's feelings to-day, it might be imagined that it was Lafontaine who was mistaken, so com- pletely do these delicate, equivocal tales appear to have been created for the seigneurs of the time of Louis XV. All the special literature sought for then by rich people had not the value of the Contes. There was at Rheims a person, who has to-day become à la mode, as he was in the time of Louis XVI., who sold under cover of secrecy a quantity of licentious books of the better kind, adorned with figures by Eisen, Marillier, or Cochin ; this was Cazin. an artist in his way, although his good name suffered under a scandalous trial. An order of the Council of State in 1764 enjoined him to cease his trade in the Place Royale at Rheims, where he sold his particular merchandise. It appears that the sentence was not without appeal, for we find Cazin at Paris about 1785. He was one of those who were ruined by the Revolution, after he had popularised the editions known as Petits Formats, printed by Valadel, of Paris. We have come to the most beautiful illustrated books of the eighteenth century. To the illustrious artists of whom we have just spoken are to be added the younger Moreau, and St. Aubin, the former nephew by marriage of the publisher Prault, and therefrom a decorator of the Book, the other, thrown by Gravelot into full work, rapidly became the most subtle and clever of the etchers of the time. Moreau did not wait long after his marriage before setting to work. He began with ornaments destined for the Histoire de France 14 !IO The Book. of President Hénault ; then he composed, in his own particular manner, titles and tailpieces for his uncle by marriage. In the Book he is the cultivator of garlands of roses, which he grouped with an ideal grace ; he twined them round the borders of his frontispieces, and applied them judiciously in his tailpieces. He excelled in inventing subjects referring to the text which were not merely commonplace ornaments suitable for anything. The tailpiece on p. 213, taken from Liia'aiFe Oit.-iy des Amoisllins /' ) o 1' ^ r- '' la Mu.riaiK' noiititjiii: it^ifé La rui Lru-L<:c In France, Germany, and the Netherlands it developed more slowly, but continued to progress during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Fig. 149. —Bookbinder's sliop in the sixteenth century. Engraving by .lost Amman. The invention of printing led to a great increase in the number of books produced, and as a consequence stimulated the art of bookbinding. When books were produced singly by copying, the binder could devote more time to the covering; but in the Netherlandish monasteries and towns where there were a large number of copyists, it was found that the orna- mentation of the covers by means of small tools absorbed too EARLY Examples. 265 much time, and this led in the fourteenth century to the '■'( ' .iW ^^llii''^'' "Ê^. '/k-\ W-^^. 'Mfej hh-- 'I -\ 1 "^' I h 1 . (• iv~^ -, 11' I A.V1[JL r F . Fig. 150.— Cover of the Evaiigclinrium of Noyon, made of skin, copper and horn, with reliquaries. invention of panel-stamps. These very commonly bore an inscription with the name of the binder, who was generally a 266 The Book. bookseller as well. Each bookseller applied himself to the work, or at least covered in his own house books intended for Fig. 151. — Cover of a book in enamelled goldsmith work of Limoges, fifteenth ccnturj', representing Merlin l'Enchanteur transformed into a scholar. sale. The fashion was not then to expose for sale, as now, unbound books. Purchasers wanted an article easy to handle, Early Examples. 267 which they were not obliged to return for ulterior em- bellishment. So to the public the first printed books were presented bound in wooden boards covered with calfskin. At the four corners of the larger sized volumes, brass bosses prevented rubbing against the shelves of the bookcase, for at that time books were ranged on their sides, and not as they are to-day. We must return to the bibliomaniac of the Ship of Fools Fig. 152. — Bibliomaniac of the Ship 0/ Fools. (Fig. 152), to get an idea of these depositories; before him may be seen ranged on a desk large folios, with bosses on their sides, in the shelves, so defying the dust, instead of being placed upright on their edges, which rendered them liable to spots and stains. Unhappily the wooden sides had in themselves a germ of destruction, the worm, capable first of reducing the sides to powder and then ravaging the body of the work. Certain 268 The Book. preparations destroy the insect, but the precaution often has no effect, and this may to some extent account for the dis- appearance of volumes formerly abundant, but now almost impossible to find. From the beginning the operations of the binder were what they still are, except for improvements. They consist in the gathering and collation of the sheets of a book, folding them, beating them to bring them together and give them solidity, and sewing them on to the strips of strong leather or the cords, which form the four, five or six bands seen on the backs. Primitively these bands were brought into horizontal slots cut in the thickness of the wooden boards, fastened down with little pegs, or sometimes with brass nails; the head-bands into similar diagonal slots. Over both boards was placed a résistent skin, on which, from metal or wooden stamps cut in intaglio, were struck the most pleasing decorative subjects. Calfskin, brown and fine, lent itself especially to ornamentation of this kind. In Central and Northern Germany pigskin was more generally employed. The inside of the board was generally lined with parchment, vellum or paper. We reproduce here the binding of a volume in purely French style (Fig. 154), belonging to the late M. Dutuit, of Rouen, executed at the commencem.ent of the sixteenth century for Louis XII. and his Queen, Anne de Bretagne; not more than nine or ten specimens of such bindings remain. They are of coarse aspect. The workman who tooled them crowded his subjects one upon another. Coats of arms, porcu- pines, ermines, are treated so as to be confusing, and form a medley that is not pleasing. Very similar bindings were executed for Francis I., but with the salamander and an F surmounted by a royal crown in the place of the porcupine and ermine. EARLY EXAèIPLES. 2C9 The workmen who introduced printing into the other countries of Europe were either Germans or Netherlanders, Fig. 153. — Binding in gold, ornamented vvitli precious stones, having been used for a cover of an EvangcliaiiiDii of the eleventh century (Louvre) who lor a long time were the chief dealers in boolvs. These printers were either themselves bookbinders, or were accompanied . in their migration by binders. In France the ornamentation of 270 The Book. binding was influenced and modified to a very great extent by both Netherlanders and Germans. In Italy there was no national style of binding, what little there was of ornamental leather binding being" a mere servile imitation of Arabian work. The influence of German, especially of Swabian, binders made itself felt there until well into the first quarter of the sixteenth century, when Oriental designs again prevailed. These were often richly gilt and coloured, so much so that the leather itself was almost completely covered, as on the binding of a Koran (p. 275). Into Spain the Germans introduced their system of ornamentation, which, however, was quickly modified by the adoption of Moorish details. In no country, however, was the style of ornamentation so completely denationalised as in England. Towards the middle of the second half of the fifteenth century a charming innovation was introduced, by whom we know not, perhaps by an Italian, more probably by a German working in Italy. This is now known as gold-tooling. i\t first it was confined to gold dots sprinkled here and there in the openings of interlaced work ; then to leaves or flowers in the angles formed by the borders ; then the borders were adorned alternately with plain and gilt ornaments ; but the gilt work was, during the remainder of the fifteenth and the earlier years of the sixteenth century, generally used with moderation and good taste. Venice quickly gained pre- eminence over the other towns of Italy; this is easily accounted for when we call to mind the number of foreign printers, artists and craftsmen gathered together in that city, where bindings in the Persian, Arabian, Greek and Swabian styles were produced at the same time. The art of decorative bookbinding was greatly developed Developmext oe Decorative Blxdixg. 271 by Aldus Islanutius. The covers of books issued from his press and bound in his offices before 1502 were all bordered with a rectangular frame adorned with designs in gold, in imitation of Persian or Arabian work produced by the repeti- tion of a stamp. Fig. 154. — Binding for Louis XII. Collection of M. Dutuit, of Rouen. About 1 5 1 2 Aldus made the acquaintance of a wealthy iinancier employed as French treasurer and receiver-general of the Duchy of Milan. This distinguished lover of books, named -Jean Grolier, was, above all his contemporaries, even 2/2 The Book. King Francis, the greatest patron of the art of binding. It is not too much to say art, for if better had not been done before, it may safely be said that nothing better has been done since ; and the boolis of Grolier remain as the most perfect and most admirable types of this kind of decoration. Born of a Veronese family established at Lyons, Jean Grolier had the good fortune to succeed his father, Etienne Grolier as treasurer and receiver-general of the Duchy of Milan. The position of the treasurers during the campaigns of the French in Italy was important ; they handled the pence levied with great trouble in the cities of France " for making war." Many abused their trust, and were punished, and among others the Lallemants, whom documents show us to have been in con- nection with Grolier, and who suffered, with Semblancay, the most terrible trials of the time. Italian art then treated the decoration of books with the greatest freedom. Of the interior we have spoken in our first chapters on wood engravings ; for the exterior, the cover of the volume, foliage, golden flowers worked with a hot iron, and polychromatic compartments obtained by coloured pastes were multiplied. Thus was produced on the outside that which it was no longer sought to obtain in the interior, the variation of tints so highly prized during the middle age, but generally forsaken since the invention of printing. In the midst of these literary men was a lover of books and fine connoisseur who, not content with choosing the best editions, such as those of Ferrara, Venice, and Basle, bound them superbly, with compartments of admirable taste, and had his name and device inscribed on the sides in the fashion of the time. He was named Thomas Maioli, and following the TiioM. IS Ma/ou. 273 custom of the book-lovers of the time, he offered the enjoy- ment of his library to his friends. " Tiio. maioli et amicorvm," he inscribed, as did later Mark Lauweryn of Watervliet, Grolier, and others, but he somewhat modified the enthusiasm of his friendship by a sceptical device, " ix(;ratis skkvirl; Fig. 155. — Arms of the University of Oxford, in whicli a bound book appears. NEPHAS," which might very well be the cry of the owner of books betrayed by his borrowers. Maioli more often inscribed on his book-covers the phrase "iNiiMici MEi MEA MiCHi, NGN ME MiCMi." He also some- times used a cypher, which was composed of all the letters of his name. The relations of Grolier with this unknown and mysterious 18 274 The Book. book-lover, whose name is not always found outside his volumes, are not doubtful. Brunet possessed a volume that had belonged to Maioli and had passed through the hands of Grolier. What better proof could be wished of the com- munion of ideas and tastes between the two collectors ? But these book-lovers were not alone. Beside them were princes and great lords, lay and ecclesiastic. From the commencement of the sixteenth century bookbinding had received an enormous impulse from the tastes and the pre- dilections of these wealthy collectors. And it cannot be ascribed to the simple skill of the workmen experimenting in that line. The century that saw Italian artists occupied in making designs for raised pies, painting beautiful ladies and the courtesans of Florence, could not be alarmed at finding them painting models for bindings, with compartments of varied tone and style. Maioli affected white on a background of dark leather. His book- covers are adorned with scrolls of foliage in white or clear paste with a very happy effect (see Fig. 157). This was the time when Grolier travelled in Italy, sojourning sometimes at Naples, but generally at Milan, and often visiting Venice. He had already acquired the reputation of being a great lover of books, and was soon in communication with the Alduses, and through them with the principal learned men and binders of the time. Following the fashion, Grolier put his name on the obverse side of his books — " 10. grolierii et amicorvm " — in gold letters, and on the reverse the pious ejaculation of the Royal Psalmist : " portio mea domine sit in terra vivENTiVM." Generally all the Grolier books which came from the Alduses have the name on the obverse and the motto Fig. 156. — Cover of an old Koran. 2/6 The Book. on the reverse side ; the title was placed above the name and often disposed in rows. Some large volumes had the cover ornamented with an architectural design, like the lamblichus of the Libri collection, which had on the front the façade of a temple, with the title in rows on the door. This volume was printed by Aldus in 1516, and probably decorated by him for the great French amateur. Jean Grolier is said to have himself designed some of the subjects of his ornaments, and their perfection indicates an active and enlightened supervision. He returned to France in 1530, took up his abode at Paris, in a house near the Porte de Bucy, before 1537, when he held the office of treasurer of the king's finances in the Isle of France and the district beyond the Seine and Yonne, until 1545, when he became treasurer-general of France, which office he held until his death. At Paris he came into relation with Geoffroy Tory, the artist best fitted to understand him, and who was himself painter, engraver, printer, and binder. It was there that, in the leisure of his financial functions, between two projects for revictualling the forts of Outre Seine and Yonne, Grolier invented combinations, sought interfacings, and laid out foliage. Tory himself tells us of these works undertaken in common. It was for Grolier, as he relates in his Chavip- fleury\ that he invented antique letters. It was for him, too, that he interwove so finely his designs in compartments for binding, and that he reproduced the delightful ornaments of his Books of Hours in golden scrolls. As we have said, Grolier placed his titles on the sides of his books on account of the arrangement of the works on the shelves of the library where they were laid. For this reason also the back was neglected, and no ornament JEAX GROUER. 277 used upon it ; thick and heavy with its projecting bands, without any decoration between them, this part of the bound volume was a kind of waste in a splendidly cultivated garden. i^The profusion of books brought about a revolution. There was no longer room to place on their sides the innumerable books that were produced ; they were then placed Fig._157. — The fourth part of a binding for Thomas Maioli (sixteenth centurj). on their edges, as now, and the back also was decorated. For this the bands were made to disappear, and were replaced by decorative subjects in compartments like the sides. Then with Grolier the bands reappeared, and the title was placed between them, as it still is. In the centre of each side was almost always a square. 278 The Book. lozenge or shield-shaped space reserved for the title on one side and for his motto on the other ; at the foot of the obverse, between the lines of the border, was printed in small Roman capitals : lo. grolierii et amicorvm. Sometimes, how- ever, this was placed immediately beneath the title ; in four instances on the obverse side, and in three on the back. On two others a second motto is inscribed : taxova.m \ entvs est VITA .MEA. The books of Grolier have been divided into two series : those bound for himself, and those originally bound for others, but which he subsequently acquired by gift or purchase. The bindings of many of these were too remarkable to be destroyed, and he merely had his name and motto impressed on them, or if this could not well be done, he wrote them on the fly-leaf The volumes bound expressly for him are all covered either with morocco or yellow or brown calf, and may be grouped in four classes : first, those ornamented in compartments, with scrolls, full-gilt or adorned with parallel gilt lines. After these come the bindings in the style of Geoffroy Tory, with gilt compartments ; then, the polychromatic bindings, in which, by the aid of colour or mastic, the alternating tones are mixed. Grolier also had some mosaic bindings, composed of little pieces of leather connected by incrustation or paste, pure Italian bindings ; but these were not numerous, especially if compared with those conceived in the manner of Geoffroy Tory. One of these latter works is here reproduced from a beau- tiful volume in the collection of the late M. Dutuit. This copy has the back flat, and the interlacings of the decoration are most complicated and clever. Grolier got his Levant moroccos through the dealers of Jean Grolier. 279 Venice, to make sure of the excellence of the material he employed. Born in 1479, the treasurer-general of France 'lived until Fig. 15S. — Binding for Grolier in the collection of IVI. Dutuit. 22nd October, 1565. In 1563 an original manuscript shows him much occupied with finance at over eighty-four years of age ; but his passion for bindings had cooled down, for few 28o The Book. book-covers bearing his name are found the execution of which can belong to a later date than the reign of Henry II. After Fig 159. — Binding for Francis I., \vi[h the arms ot France and the salamander. great trials, after having seen Semblancay suffer at Montfaucon, Jean Lallemand beheaded, and himself having narrowly escaped losing life and fortune at one blow, Grolier passed away quietly GUYOT MARCHAXT. 281 in his house, having collected most of the fine books of the time and many curious medals. Christophe de Thou, his friend and confrère in the love of books, had saved his reputation before the Parliament of Paris. After his death his library was transported to the Hotel de V'ic, and from thence dispersed in 1675, a hundred years after. Fig. 160. — Mark of Guyot Marchant, printer and bookbinder. He published the Danse Macabre of 1485. Thus from Italy came a change in the style of French binding, which, however, still remained original. The kings did not fail to follow the movement, and even to anticipate it, thanks to the means at their disposal. We shall see Prancis 1. occupied with bindings, and we know the name of one craftsman who worked for that monarch ; but Geoffroy 282 The Book. Tory must have been his principal inspirer, and who knows but that he also himself carried out the best work executed for the prince, as he did for the great financier ? Fie -Binding for Henrj- II., with the " H " and crescents. We have said that Louis XII. knew nothing of fine bindings. During his travels in Italy he had received presentation copies of magnificently covered books, and among others the potms B/.\7J/.\GS FUR HEXRY 11. 283 of Faustus Atidrelinus, bound in calf in his honour. He, who knew so httle of the fine arts, purchased the entire Hbrary of Louis de la Gruuthuuse, and substituted his own emblems for Fig. 162. — Binding for Henry II. (Mazarine Library). those of that wealthy Fleming. Francis I., with innate senti- ment for masterpieces and the powerful protection he had given them, did not allow the experiments of Grolier to pass un- noticed. The kincj did not wish to be behind the treasurer. 284 The Book. and so the binders were set to work for him. He had adopted the salamander as his badge ; this emblem he used on his ■castles and furniture and the liveries of his people ; he lavished it also on the sides of his books, together with an " F " en- signed with a crown, and the arms of France with the collar •of the order of St. Michael. The design of the binding here represented (Fig. 159), if not by Geoffroy Tory himself, was cer- tainly suggested by his works. It must not be thought that this ornamentation was produced at a single blow by means of an engraved plate or a block. On the contrary, every detail was separately impressed by a hot tool applied by the work- man's hand to the gold laid on in advance, making it, so to speak, enter into the skin or morocco. That was art binding ; blocks were only used for commercial bindings, quickly im- pressed and intended for ordinary purchasers. During the reign of Francis I. the binders were the book- sellers, as Vérard and Vostre had been. The king generally employed a publisher named Pierre Roffet, and it is his name that most frequently figures in the accounts that have been pre- served. Roffet not only bound, but it appears also rebound books to patterns which the king desired. Philippe Lenoir and Guyot Marchant were also royal workmen. The latter, placed beneath his mark, here reproduced (Fig. 160), the figures of Saints Crispin and Crispinian, patrons of the leather-dressers, who prepared the leather for the binder. The binders in Grolier's time had not much time to be idle. Thousands of volumes were then destroyed to make the boards for sides. Owing to this, many discoveries are made in our days by pulling to pieces sixteenth century work, — unknown playing cards and portions of early printed works. To mention only one instance, twentv leaves of the Perspective of Viator B/\DJ.XG FOR CATHKRIXK DE MEDICI. 28^ were discovered in the binding of a volume in tlie National Library at Paris. The board thus formed was covered in- differently with sheepslcin, parchment, calf, morocco, or goatskin ; the books were sewn on bands or cords, according to the Fig. 163. — Italian binding for Catherine de Medici, with the initials " C. C." owner's taste ; the edges were gilt, sometimes gauffered, and designs often impressed upon them to match those of the sides. For large folios wooden boards were still used, more solid, and protected from rubbing by nails in relief But the inside of 286 The Book. the cover was as yet only covered with paper. Leather linings were extremely uncommon. The reign of Henry II. increased yet more the importance of bindings ; it was the time when Grolier collected, and clever artists came from all parts. Geoffroy Tory had given the best models for letters and interlacings. The Queen, Catherine, derived from her parents the taste for decoration in gold and colours, and patronised the artists called by her trom the court of Florence ; and the favourite, Diana of Poitiers, Duchess of Valentinois, rivalled her in luxury and expenditure. Henry II. in the decoration of his castles, as well as his books, introduced doubtful emblems. He interlaced two reversed " D's " with an " H," in the form shown in the border on page 283. Strictly speaking, we ought to see there two " C's " back to back; but as we find the "D" on all the bindings dis- playing the arms of Diana, there can be little doubt. Other emblems of Diana are to be found in the bows and crescents that are plentifully displayed. The library of Diana was large, owing to the king not hesitating to take valuable books for her from the royal collections. Two centuries after her death it was dispersed, and the greater part of the books belonging to the royal collections were restored on the deaths of those who then purchased them. Hence the largest number of the bindings of Henry II. and Diana of Poitiers will be found in the National Library of Paris. Queen Catherine also had special patterns with a monogram identical with the double " D " nientioned above, but the branches of the " C " were a little longer than the branches of the "H ;" she also used a "K" on the sides of her books. The specimen which we reproduce (Fig. 163), is a purely Italian work. Pli 1 1 'A TE Colite ctors. 287 Frcm kings and queens the fashion passed to the great lords, it having come to the kings and queens from a private individual. The Constable Anne de Montmorency adorned his jp n B JM Bl i |k| ^j . FO RC E- M E S T ■ T R p • '^ ^hB| 1 1 ' ^N. i ^9 1 jB^jMbIi t^'V ^Jy / <^V V -K ■MBMBHIIBHBBI ig u^sfvK^,^! ^ ^^ 0H i 1 m ^ ^ II^^SSsf^H "^ -0': p SlIlK C 7^ ^ ^ ;V. ^^^ nSSk % ' *. ' *.'■*'.' ^H |^'^>|^Rs^^Rf^.?vl -^ |^f?|^ ^^9 V^^^^^i^^^afl^^l S ^^ ■tSV^^R^^^^B^^B^^ IK^^ ! •MA Ni F E"l'f s Fig. 164. — Binding with the arms of Mansfeldt, with Une J scroll work, from the Didot ccUection. bindings with a cross and spread eagle. Among the book- lovers of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries using distinctive marks, we may mention Philippe Desportes, the 288 The Book. poet, who used two «t enlaced, as did also Superintendent Fouquet in the seventeenth century. The brothers Dupuy adopted the double A, arranged as a star. Colbert had a curled snake {coluber for Colbert !), the Gondis two war-maces, Madame de Pompadour three towers, etc. Fouquet beside the 4> used a squirrel on some of his bindings. In Germany, Count Mansfeldt adopted the ornamental style with arms (Fig. 164), of which a specimen is here given. Among the lords of the French courts who favoured polychromatic ornament and bold compositions were the young Valois, Louis de Sainte Maure, Marquis of Nesle, and Henri de Guise, called " Le Balafré." Charles IX. had his emblems and devices, the double " C " crowned the legend " Pietate et jvstitia," but his brother, Henry HI., loved the decoration of books more than he did. The passion of this king for miniatures which he cut out of books is known ; his love of golden things showed itself also on bindings, for which he chose special designs. Henry III. was an amateur of dances of death ; he visited cemeteries, attended funerals, and took a death's-head for his emblem. This em- blem was, however, not his invention ; long before him Marot had addressed an epigram to a lady in which he brought love and death into close conjunction. However that may be, the king chose skeletons and penitents' tears to ornament his books. He also tolerated diamonds, although he absolutely prohibited them in the adornment of ladies or fixed the number pro rata with the rank of the authorised person. There was in this prince a singular mi.xture of taste and artistic acuteness by the side of a mania or hallucination which was reflected on the most intimate objects of his apparel or of his furniture. Thus if we find, at the end of the sixteenth century, a death's-head JACQUES DE Thou. 289 Fig. 165.- Part of a binding having belonged to Jacques de Thou (sixteenth century^. 19 290 The Book. on the sides or the back of a volume, the binding is of the period of Henry III. The binders of his time are known by the mention that is made of them in the royal accounts ; the Eves were the most celebrated among them all. Nicholas Eve was charged with the binding of the Statutes of the Order of the Holy Ghost, with which the king gratified his friends. Mention of this work is found in the Clairambault manuscripts, where we read, "To Nicholas Eve, washer and binder of books and bookseller to ^^^^^^^^ \^^1^^^^^^^^^^ \ ^B^SV ^\^^^^ 1 Fig i66. - Mark of Nicholas Eve, binder of Henry 111. and Henry IV. the king, forty-seven and a half escus for washing, gilding, and squaring the edges of forty-two books of statutes and ordinances of the Order, bound and covered with orange Levant morocco, enriched on one side with the arms of the king, fully gilt, and on the other with those of France and Poland, with cyphers at the four corners, and flames on the rest of the ground, with orange and blue ribands," etc. Louisa of Lorraine, wife of Henry III., counted for little in the life of her husband ; nevertheless she had a certain number of books decorated with their united escutcheons. Nicolas Eve. 291 The bindings attributed to Eve were decorated all over the sides and back with inter'acing patterns of geometrical character, Fig 167. — Sixteenlh century binding, called 11 /« /"rtH/(7;f. In the Dutuit collection. the spaces between the parallel lines and in the middle of the figures left at first quite blank, but afterwards filled in with 292 The Book. palm branches and wreaths of foliage ; to these delicate and elaborate yet brilliant toolings have been given the name of bindinp-s à la fanfare. The origin of this designation is doubtful, and is a good example of the peculiar terminology adopted by modern amateurs. The fine work of that time prepared the way for the coming in the seventeenth century — about 1620 — of the artist known as Le Gascon, with whom in our days are connected the bindings executed during the reign of Louis XIII. Under Henry IV. the fleur-de-lys occupied most of the covers of the royal books, from vellum to Levant morocco ; works in this class had nothing very remarkable. The first years of Louis XIII. revealed a new process, inspired by the Eves. Le Gascon embroidered delightfully on the fanfare ornaments ; showing the fibres of the leaves, he made a new kind of ornament, consisting of minute gold dots elaborated into lines and curves of singular brilliancy and elegance. Of this style, called pointillé, we give a specimen from the collection of M. Dutuit (Fig. 168). The fashion had sprung up all at once ; lace, banished from clothing by severe edicts, found a refuge on the covering of books. The times were hard then for binders in France ; they were constrained to live in the university and to employ only its workmen. A binder was never his own gilder ; he employed the gatifreurs of shoe-leather, more expert and bolder, to gild his leather. Among these artisans at Paris was one named Pigorreau, whom the edict found living in the midst of publishers and working for them ; he was compelled to choose either to remain a bootmaker or become a bookseller ; he chose the latter, against the wish of the syndics of the trade, against everyone, and he so made enemies for himself. Le G.'iscnx B/.\/)/.\G. 293 He revenged himself by turning the masters into ridicule in a placard. Le Gascon was probably the assumed name of an artist Fig. 168.-- Le Gascon binding. in this style, perhaps of Clovis Eve, son of Nicholas. The Guirlande de Julie, tooled by him for Mademoiselle de Rambouillet, gave him great honour in the .special circle of this 294 The Book. Httle literary court. It was the fashion then for poor authors to put a fine covering on their works and to offer them to the great for their own profit. Tallement des Reaux notably signalises the poet Laserre, who displayed his luxury in irreproachable bindings. And then the farmers of the revenue, successors of Grolier in financial trusts, formed libraries for pure fashion's sake, never opening the volumes covered for them in sumptuous attire. If we may believe Sauvai, author of the Antiquités de Paris, they went further, and on the covers of sham books inscribed imaginary titles and fantastic squibs to mislead their visitors. The bookcase being carefully closed, it was difficult to discover the imposition. Sauvai writes, " In pbce of books, they are content with covers of levant morocco, on the backs of which, in gold letters, are inscribed the names of the most celebrated authors. A binder of the university assured me that not long since he and his confreres had made sham books for a single financier to the amount of 10,000 crowns Q I" The bindings of Le Gascon will be found more often covering books belonging to great personages than to this class of collectors, who did not appreciate their grace and charm. The king's brother Gaston possessed them, as did Mazarin, an example from whose library is here reproduced (Fig. 170). On this binding Le Gascon worked gilt compartments and elaborate arabesques ; in the middle of the sides are the arms of the Cardinal and his pretentious device: "arma ivlii ORNANT FRANCiAM ! " — "The amis of Julius adorn France!" In spite of the profusion of subjects, nothing could be pro- duced better calculated to please the eye or indicate a man of taste. But if Le Gascon be a legendary personage, he had an Le Gascux BixDixc. 295 imitator or rival, very near to him, named Florimond Badier, whose worlvs had at least the advantage of being signed. At the bottom of the inside cover of an inlaid morocco binding Fig. 169. — Binding executed by Le Gascon for the MS. of Lafontaine's.^f/oH('s, liaving belonged to Fouquet (seventeenth century). in the National Library at Paris is the inscription " Florimond Badier fee, inv." The analogy between this work and those known as Le Gascon's is palpable; inside and outside, the cover is stippled with small tools {an petit fer) in the same 296 The Book. manner. Florimond Badier was not appointed bookseller until 1645, and so could not have composed earlier bindings attri- buted to Le Gascon, but this resemblance of style proves the existence of a Parisian school, the adepts of which copied one another, as they do nowadays. The work was soon simplified ; pallets and wheel-shaped tools were invented to produce that which was improperly called dentelle ; this mechanical work was done by a wheel- shaped tool, previously heated, on sized gold leaves, on which it impressed its projections. With Louis XI\'. the passion for gilding increased. Charming festoons were designed, but they were soon abused, and inundated the libraries. On the sides were seen rising suns, arms, and golden garlands. Cramoisy directed the royal bindings, the king having devoted large sums to the purchase of Levant leathers. In 1666 the Director of Works ordered red moroccos ; in 1667 he received twenty-two dozen skins, amounting, with the expenses of transport, to i,C20 livres tournois. Successive supplies were obtained, and were used for the royal library, sixty-nine dozen in 1667, forty-six dozen in 1668, and three hundred and thirty-three dozen in 1670, costing the king more than 12,000 livres. On these admir- ably dressed skins, which, in spite of incessant use, still remain now as in their first days, the king caused to be applied tools of borders, and placed in the middle the arms of France, with the collar of the Order of the Holy Ghost. Among the binders mentioned in the very useful work of M. J. J. Guiffrey on the expenditure of Louis XIV., we find Gilles Dubois, who died before 1670; Levasseur, binder to Huet, Bishop of Avranches ; La Tour, Mérins or Merius, who died before 1676; and also Ruette, the reputed inventor Le Gascon Bixdixg. 297 of marbled paper for fly-leaves of books : to him the bindings of the Chancellor de Séguier, with their ornament of the golden fleece, and of Madame de Séguier, are attributed. It ilflflff ^^ff!ffyP ^yfPl » TT;«MiiM!!W^ Fig. 170. — Le Gascon binding for Cardinal Mazarin. was probably these men who decorated the books of the brothers Dupuy, Fouquet, and Colbert, marvellous works of solidity, if not always of elegance, which have resisted all assaults. Unhappily, in many instances the mechanical dentelle 298 THE Book. overburdened the work, and gave it a commonplace regularity. In the Condé, Colbert, and perhaps even Madame de Longue- ville's collections, there are many specimens of this kind with two or three filleted borders. We have come to an epoch when the difficulties resulting from confusion between the booksellers' and binders' trades began to be understood. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes entailed a crowd of measures and rules in all branches of national industry. It was a good occasion to prevent the artisans of binding from unduly parading themselves as booksellers and selling merchandise of which they understood nothing ; Louis XIV^. interfered, and separated the two com munities. The binders then became the relieiirs-dorciirs of books ; they had their own organisation, but remained subject to the university ; the heads of the fraternity were called the " guards. " The principal arrangements of the regulation of 1 749 were : the members of the corporation had the sole right to bind books, from the elegant volume to registers of blank paper. Five years of apprenticeship and three of fellow- ship were necessary to obtain the freedom and the right to hold a shop. Moreover, no one could become a master-binder unless he could read and write. One regulation ordained that the workman should be " able to bind and ornament ordinary books or others, to return them in perfect order, to sew the sheets with thread on real bands, with joints of parchment, and not of paper ; and in case of noncompliance, the said books were to be re -bound at the expense of the offender, who was besides condemned to a penalty of thirty livres for each volume." Their establishment was confined to the quarter from the Rue St. André des Arts to the Place Maubert ; they regulated the sale of calfskin and of tools ; in a word, Mosaic B/.\'jj/\g. 299 they were surrounded by precautions by which the production remained always under the supervision of the masters and ^.* . A^S^ul, . J,i ï'ig. 171. — Mosaic binding cfthe ei^jhteenth centi:ry for the Spnccio dc la Bcst.'a Tn'oiifnnte. completely satisfied the client. This exacting policy was, in fact, a close imitation of the royal ordinance of 16S6. The mosaic bindings used from the end of the reign of 300 THE Book. Louis XIV. were an application of pared leathers of colours different from the background, pasted on to the side. The binders of the regency executed a great number, now attributed to Pasdeloup, just as all the crayons of the sixteenth century are called Clouets, and the panels on wood, Holbeins. It is not that there was great originality or any particular art in these works ; more often the workman did no more than imitate Le Gascon or Eve or the older binders, and accommo- dated the processes of these artists to the fashion of his time. Of bindings in this style we may cite the Spaccio de la Bcstia Trionfante (Fig. 171), printed at Paris in 15S4, for which the binder designed a cover of doubtful taste and undeniably wanting in proportion. The tendency was then to flowers occupying three-fourths of the page, to compartments too large, to seeded pomegranates, as on the binding of the Spaccio here reproduced. Had Pasdeloup himself invented these mediocre combinations, he could not be proclaimed the regenerator of a fallen art. The bastard style of these works may be compared to their mosaics, constructed of pieces ; it is a little of everything, and as a whole it is nothing. However, in the midst of a vast amount of very inferior work, some pleasing decoration is from time to time met with ; the design of a volume with the arms of the. Regent (Fig. 172), and his wife, Mademoiselle de Blois, is neither wanting in elegance nor in taste ; though far from perfection, it has better proportion and balance. We should, however, hesitate to give names to all these works. Besides the Pasdeloups, there were the Deromes, partly abandoning the mosaics, devising flowers and dentelles in com- bination, and no longer the simple products of the fillet. They formed quite a dynasty ; and if there were at least twelve Pasdeloup a.\d Derome. 301 Pasdeloups, there were not less than fourteen Deromes all booksellers and binders from the reign of Louis XIV. The most celebrated was Jacques Antoine, who died in 1761. Fig. 172. — Mosaic binding oi the; eightLtnth century, witli tlie arms ot the Regent. M. Morgand's collection. Pierre Paul Dubuisson was not only a binder ; he was also a draughtsman. He designed heraldic ornaments, and models for gilding tools, in which his contemporaries emulated him. He 302 The Book. was intimate with the delicate vignettist Eisen, and the counsels of an artist of his merit could not but be useful to him. It is an extraordinary thing that in this world of celebrated printers, amateur financiers, and notable painters and engravers, not a single man should have been found to give a real impulse to the art of which we speak, and to prevent the dull continuance of experiments on the whole so poor. Doubtless the dentelles of Derome had a certain air of gaiety, to which the books of the eighteenth century accommodated themselves perfectly ; the tools of Dubuisson produce most pleasing designs ; but the old, the great binders, had altogether disappeared. Besides, Derome massacred without pity the rarest works. He loved edges very regularly cut, and he did not fail to hew down margins opposed to his taste. He sawed books as well ; that is to say, in place of sewing the sheets on to projecting bands, he made a groove in the back, in which the cord was embedded. The books bound by him have no wear. To these celebrated names of French binders of the eigh- teenth century we may add Le Monnier, who worked for the Orleans princes ; Tessier, his successor ; Laferté, who decorated the small volumes of the Due de la Vallière as Chamot covered the large ones ; in 1 766 Chamot was royal binder. There was also Pierre Engerrand, then, Biziaux, an original, who worked for Madame de Pompadour and Beaumarchais. Boyet, or Boyer, worked (1670-80) in the style of Le Gascon, with the same minute tooling, but simpler in character. Duseuil put very elaborate and delicate tooling on his covers from about 1710 to 1720. The Revolution destroyed many of the fine works which displayed the symbols of royalty or nobility, and Mercier wrote certain wicked little poems against binding. Lesné was the BOOKB/XDI.XG JX EXGLAXD. 303 poet of bookbinding, and he invented the process of bare limp calf without boards. Certainly from Grolier to Lesne there were numerous changes, so numerous that, in spite of the bare calf, it may be said that the art was nearly dead. In our days it has a little recovered. Amateurs have found new names, and often artists, to patronise : Trautz-Bauzonnet, Cape, Duru, Lortic, Marius-Michel, in France ; Bedford, Rivière (whose tree-calf bindings deserve to be mentioned), Zaehnsdorf (who is justly renowned for his excellent workmanship, and has himself written a work on the Art of Bookbinding), Pratt, etc., in England ; Matthews, Bradstreet, Smith, in the United States ; and many others. Unhappily, fortune does not permit evefyone to furnish his library luxuriously ; the true connois- seur searches rather for Groliers, Eves, and Le Gascons, than concerns himself about modern workmanship. Whatever may be its value, it is only fit to clothe the works of the present time. A book published by Lemerre and bound by Petit is in true character, but a fifteenth or sixteenth century book that has passed under the hands of Trautz- Bauzonnet, or Lortic, will be very much like an ancient enamel in a modern frame newly gilt. An old book in its original binding, even if shabby, has a certain charm and character of its own, which is quite wanting when presented in a modern dress. Bookbinding in England has, with very few exceptions, never attained the artistic excellence reached in France. From the fifteenth century to the end of the sixteenth all the best work was executed by foreigners ; amongst the most note- worthy of these were Thomas Berthelet, printer and binder to Henry VI IL and Edward Y I., and the unknown binder ' employed by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. John Gibson 304 The Book. of Edinburgh, who was appointed bookbinder to James VI., King of Scotland, in 1581 ; Robert Barker and John Norton, binders to James after his accession to the EngHsh throne ; Samuel Mearne, binder to Charles II.; and Zuckerman, were all good binders, but most of their work is a mere imitation of foreign designs. The one purely original English binder is Roger Payne, who learnt his craft from Mr. Pote, book- seller to Eton College, and from about 1767 worked for thirty years in London, performing with his own hands every stage of the work, even to cutting his own tools. The result was good, solid work, with perfectly original and often beautiful decoration, appropriate to the character of the work itself His favourite style was drooping lines of leaf ornaments in the borders and geometrical patterns produced by small tools. After him came C. Kalthoeber, a German, who worked much in the same style ; Charles Lewis, who was an artist in the true sense of the word, and, coming down to our own time, Francis Bedford, who, never pretending to originality, copied the best designs of the French and Italian binders of the Renascence and later periods. His full calf books, with handsomely tooled backs, are models of solidity and taste ; and his decorations on the sides of morocco-bound books are always in good taste, and often of great elegance. Parallel with the lu.xurious bindings with which we have been exclusively occupied, there has always been the com- mercial work, prepared in numbers for the trade. In the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, panel stamps were much used for this class of work. Later on plates were engraved with imitations of tooled work, and applied to the sides by a press, parts being sometimes afterwards finished by hand to make the work appear to have been executed by the Modern Workmaxship. 305 skill of the craftsman. The interfacings of Grolier and the delicate work of the Eves and the Parisian binders of the seventeenth century were imitated in this manner. If bindings adorned with panel stamps can hardly be considered works of art, they were at least honest work, and when the stamps were well designed and engraved and skilfully applied, the effect was often excellent ; but the blocking of later times is hateful. Liturgical books, on which in old times so much loving care was expended, are now almost always bound in this manner, their purchasers apparently being satisfied so long as the covers are gorgeously gilt. The interest in Fine Bindings seems, however, to be reviving, if we may judge from the number of the following important works which have lately appeared on this fascinating subject, viz. : — Remarkable Bindings in the British Museum, with 60 monotint plates, de- scribed by H. B. Wheatley. 4to. London, 1SS9. Manuel Historique et Bibliographique de l'Amateur de Reliures, par Le'on Gruel. With 66 plates, 4to. Paris, 1887. Facsimiles of Choice Examples of Historical and Artistic Bookbinding, by B. Quaritch. In parts of ten coloured plates each. Royal 8vo. London, 1889. La Reliure Française depuis l'Invention de F Imprimerie jusqu'à la Fin du 18'' Siècle, par Marius-Michel. With 22 plates. 4to. Paris, 1880. Les Reliures de l'Art à la Bibliothèque Nationale, par H. Bouchot. With 80 plates. Royal 8vo. Paris, 18S8. Album de Reliures Artistiques et Historiques, par le Bibliophile Julien. With plates. 4to. Paris, 1869-72. La Reliure de Luxe, par L. Derome. With 63 plates. Royal 8vo. Paris. La Reliure Moderne Artistique et Fantaisiste, par Octave Uzanne. With 72 plates. Royal 8vo. Paris. La Reliure Ancienne, par Gustave Brunet. With 113 plates. Royal Svo. Paris. 20 306 The Book. The Art of Bookbinding, by J. W. Zaehnsdorf. 8vo. London, 1879. On Bookbindings Ancient and Modern, by J. Cundall. With 28 facs.-plates of bookbinding. 4to. London, 1881. Facsimiles of Old Bookbinding in the Collection of James Gibson Craig. With 27 beautiful plates in chromolith. Folio. Edinburgh, 1S82. L Ornamentation des Reliures Modernes, by Marius Michel. With numerous illustrations and 16 plates of reproductions. 8vo. Paris, 1889. Armorial du Bibliophile, by Joannis Guigard. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1873. Nottvel Armorial dit Bibliophile, by Joannis Guigard. 2 vols. Svo. With 2,500 Armoiries. Paris, 1S89. 3o8 The Book. three hundred works constituted ordinary collections ; the powerful abbeys found in their staff the means of enriching their libraries, and the products of the skill of the scribe and the illuminator were objects of commerce. Some of the MSS. were magnificent in their costly beauty. Excepting kings and some princes, few people possessed a library. The great expense of transcription, the want of facility for procuring originals, and the enormous price of manuscripts left no hope to bibliophiles of moderate fortune. Typography, on the contrary, having multiplied books and put at relatively modest prices reproductions formerly inaccessible, private collections commenced. We have had occasion to speak before of Grolier and Maioli ; they were the most illustrious, but not the only ones. At first a public library was an unknown thing. There was a greater dearth of readers than of books, and yet the needs of students and scholars led to devices in which the principle of the modern library is involved. Perhaps the richest library of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was that of the King of France, but it was a private and not a public library. Since the time of Jean le Bon the acquisitions had been numerous, and Gutenberg's invention contributed to augment the stock oi volumes everywhere. Charles VIII. and Louis XII. found or "conveyed" in their expeditions in Italy, and were able to add to the original nucleus, many rare editions, especially from the Sforzas at Pavia, who had in their collections marvels without number. Brought together at Blois, under the care of Jean de Labarre, the royal library did not yet occupy a very large space, in spite of its increase. Under Charles V. the number of books was about a thousand; about i soo or isio thev were The Royal Lihrary, Paris. 309 nearly doubled, but the printed books did not number more than two hundred. So restricted, the royal library travelled with the other treasures of the Crown; Francis I. transported it from Blois to Fontainebleau, and parts of it even went with the King to the Italian wars, as related above. In its new quarters the royal collection, in spite of the successive accessions of the books of Jean d'Angoulême, grandfather of the King, and of those of the dukes of Orleans, counted but 1,781 manuscripts and a hundred and nine printed books on the shelves. The King, ambitious in literature no less than in arts, nominated an illustrious savant, Guillaume Budé, to the office of keeper of his library ; and this office was maintained by his successors until the fall of the royal power. With Budé commenced the system of continuous acquisitions. The treasury was liberally opened to vendors of rarities. At this time the books, placed upon their sides, one upon another, gave no idea of a modern library, with its volumes ranged on end, having their titles between the bands of the back. In speaking of Grolier, we remarked that the sides of a binding alone had importance on account of their place on the shelves ; it was the same with Francis I. Under Henry II. the Fontainebleau collection was some- what pillaged for Diana of Poitiers, but, as a corrective for this dilapidation, the King adopted a measure, since pre- served, which substituted for acquisitions a regular and uninterrupted supply ; this was the contribution by publishers to the library of one bound copy on vellum of all the works printed under privilege. The ordinance was made in 1556; the successors of Henry II. had only this means of increasing the number of their volumes, with the exception 310 The Book. that Charles IX. expended a large sum in the purchase of Grolier's collection of medals. Such was the working of the royal library for about a half-century, but the idea of making it public had not come. Diffused as was then the passion for books, it had not yet been popularized to the point of being understood by the public at large. Amateurs and lovers of reading formed special collections in their houses, at times rivalling that of the King. Then the fashion was no more to lay the books on their sides, but they were now ranged to allow room for new acquisitions. Henry IV., who had not his great-uncle's predilection for Fontainebleau, commanded the removal to Paris of the books buried in the castle. He added to them those of Catherine de Medici coming from Marshal Strozzi ; and as the college of Clermont had become vacant by the dispersion of the Jesuits, he lodged the library in 1599 in one of the rooms of that establishment, under the care of Jacques Auguste de Thou, keeper of the library. We now see the royal collection brought to Paris, which it has never quitted ; but before its definitive installation, before it was made public, it passed through a century, during which additions were made, purchases increased, and the number of manuscripts and printed books augmented in enormous propor- tions. Henry lY. desired to place it near the court, to avoid pillage and to have the chief librarian near to him. The return of the Jesuits in 1604 upset the first establishment a little ; the college of Clermont was evacuated ; the books were transported to the Cordeliers and distributed in rooms on the ground and first floors, whence the names of upper and lower libraries. There was a mass of volumes very little used, for the public did not enjoy them, and the King held them as his The Mazarixe Library. 311 own ; but the time was near when the collection was to take a very serious step under the influence of the brothers Dupuy in 1645, and afterwards of Jerome Bignon. Always shut up in the incommodious chambers of the Cordeliers, the library con- tained 5,259 volumes, manuscript and printed, perhaps less than some private libraries ; after the Dupuys it had at least 10,329 printed books. Mazarin was the first to comprehend the natural use of collections of books : publicity. His private library, placed before 165 1 in his magnificent house in the Rue Richelieu, where later the royal library was definitively lodged, was opened to readers every Tuesday, from eight to eleven and two to five. Dispersed in 1651, at the fall of the Cardinal, it was later reconstituted, and in less than ten years afterwards the former minister was able to open it in its new quarters, the College of the Four Nations, where it is still. While the Mazarine library was administering liberally to the wants of the public, that of the King remained closely shut up in the rooms of the Cordeliers. To remedy this state of things, Colbert offered two houses in the Rue Vivienne to the King, where the books could find a more convenient lodging, and allow room for increase. The removal was made in 1666. The royal collection for fifty-five years was lodged only a few steps from its final resting-place, the Hôtel de Nevers. So was called at the end of the seventeenth century the splendid mansion of Mazarin, situated near the Porte de Richelieu, in the street of the same name, whence his books had been previously torn and sold to all the dealers. Divided into two parts at the death of the Cardinal in 1661, the palace fell to his nephews, one part to the Due de Mazarin, the other to the . Due de Nevers. At first the King dreamed, under the advice 312 The Book. of Louvois, of acquiring the land in the neighbourhood of the Rue Vivienne and of elevating a monument for his library, for the thought of putting the Hotel de Nevers to this use had not then occurred to him ; but the Due de IMazarin having alienated his part of the palace in favour of the Company of thfe Indies, Abbé Bignon, then royal librarian, understood the advantage h.e could derive from the acquisition. Thanks to the administration of Colbert and the liberalities of the King, the collection had been augmented threefold. At the time of the removal to the Rue Vivenne, Nicolas Clément worked at the classifying and cataloguing of 35.000 volumes. He distributed them into methodical classes, and devoted nine years — 1675 to 1684 — to his work. But this first arrangement was soon insufficient. Less than four years after, he com- menced a new inventory in twenty-one volumes, which occupied thirty years, having been finished in the course of March, 1714. This time the numbers amounted to 43,000 printed volumes ; his twenty-three principal divisions, containing all the letters of the alphabet, are very nearly preserved up to our day. In 1697 the question of publishing this enormous work was agi- tated, and on this point Clément had a curious correspondence with a learned Dane named Frederick Bostgaard ; he also, in a celebrated pamphlet. Idée d'une Nouvelle Manière de dresser le Catalogue dune Bibliothèque, made some practical observa- tions. He resolved this arduous question in favour of arrange- ment of important collections by difference of sizes ; but his project was not executed, although favoured from the first by Abbé Bignon. As the collection was not available for workers, the work of Clément had only a relative importance. A councillor of the Prince of Waldeck, a German of the name of Nemeitz, The National Library, Paris. 313 who travelled in France in the beginning of the eighteenth century, having seen it in the houses of the Rue Vivienne, says that the library occupied then twenty-six rooms and con- tained 75,000 volumes in all ; it was shown readily to visitors, but not to the general public. Nemeitz gives some other curious particulars as to the libraries of Paris {Séjour à Paris ■ Leyde, 1727, 8vo). The bank of Law, that had been lodged for some time in the Hotel de Nevers, alienated by the heirs of Mazarin, soon disappeared with the ruin of his system. As we have said above, Bignon appreciated the importance of the neglected palace for commodiously lodging the royal collections. This was in 1721. The collection was about to be subdivided into four sections, or, as they were then called in the administrative style, four distinct departments : manuscripts, printed books, titles, and engraved plates. The keeper of the library pressed the Regent to profit by the occasion, to which he agreed. In the month of September the removal commenced, and from the Rue Vivienne, the royal library, the first in the world and the most valuable, as Naudé says, entered the former palace of the Cardinal, which it was never to quit again. We approach the epoch when the private character of this great scientific establishment was definitely to cease, and it was to open its doors to the learned of all countries. In 1735 it was decided to print the catalogue of some divisions only : theology, canonical law, public law, and èe//es lettres. This resolution coincided precisely with the opening of the doors which took place in 1737, in which year appeared the first volume of the catalogue comprising the sacred Scriptures. At the end of the eighteenth century the royal library was finally established ; the printed books then comprised about 200,000 314 The Book. volumes, and access was had by a staircase leading to six grand saloons, which were surrounded by galleries. From this moment the rooms became too small. At the Revolution the number of books had increased to 300,000, and projects of enlargement commenced and have continued to our time ; but, in spite of these proposals, the surface occupied by the library has remained the same since the time of Louis XV. Enlargements and alterations have been made year after year on the same ground without much new construction. But how the treasures have been augmented to this time ! If the printed books at the Revolution represented a little more than 300,000 volumes, to-day they exceed two millions; the prints number two and a half millions; the medals 100,000; the manuscripts, something over 90,000. If we have thus brought the summary history of the National Library of Paris to our days, it was to avoid mixing it with other matters. We have entered into such detail regarding it as is fitting to an institution which is, next to the British Museum, the most important library in the world. We now return to the seventeenth century. At the time when Henry IV. carried from Fontainebleau to Paris the nucleus of volumes that was to have so brilliant a destiny, the passion for books had singularly spread itself in France. W'e have already' spoken of Mazarin ; after him Cardinal Richelieu designed to open his private collection to the public, and in his will he manifested his clearly held intention. He went further in his last wishes : he pre- scribed the daily sweeping and dusting of the precious collection, and its augmentation by a thousand livres tournois each year. The great personages of the time were not behind ; and Sauvai says that in the seventeenth century Public Libraries. 315 there were 1,000 or 1,200 private libraries in Paris, numbering 1,700,000 volumes. In the provinces there were few public libraries. The com- munities and learned Societies, the Jesuits and other religious houses, and the universities had collections. At Orleans a library was opened for Germans, and the students of that country were able to work at their ease under the supervision of two librarians. At the end of the eighteenth century the number of libraries had increased in large proportions ; the amateurs had made their influence felt. The Book was not sought only for what it contained, but also for its exterior clothing. Only the great libraries open to everybody remained eclectic, and provided a litde of everything. Besides the royal library, there were in Paris a great number of other collections, many of which the revolutionary storm upset or destroyed. That of St. Germain des Près was burnt in 1794. That of St. Geneviève, founded in 1625, had benefited by celebrated donations, among others those of the cardinals De Berulle and de la Rochefoucauld ; the Arsenal, created by the Marquis de Paulmy, was successively enriched by important acquisitions, among which was the collec- tion of the Due de la Vallière. These collections still exist, and are open to the public, as also are the National Library, the Mazarine, the Sorbonne, the Museum, the School of Fine Arts, the City of Paris, the Institute, the Louvre, and the several scientific faculties. The provinces have not been behind in the movement. Many of the great cities contain a considerable number of books easily accessible, among them the libraries of Bordeaux and Rouen, amounting to 150,000 volumes ; Troyes and Besançon, 100,000, etc. Few important centres have less than 3i6 The Book. 20,000. These collections have been generally founded by the acquisition of the books of those of the religious establishments closed by the Revolution. In our time public libraries are augmented by the legal deposit, gifts of the State, legacies of private persons, and purchases. The legal deposit in France relates almost exclu- sively to the National Library, and proceeds from the measures taken by Henry II. in 1556. Each French printer has now to deposit a certain number of copies of the works that he issues, and these volumes go to swell the number of books in the Rue de Richelieu. At the rate of 30,000 a year, the time is easily anticipated and very near when the space will be found insufficient. Some measures will have to be taken. Germany, the cradle of printing, was not favoured in the beginning. There was, however, at the close of the sixteenth century, in Wolfenbuttel, a little town in the duchy of Bruns- wick, a curious collection of books, in a detached building. The engraver Merian has preserved for us the physiognomy of this library, which in his time contained nearly 200,000 volumes. The rather low rooms were shelved all round ; in the middle were cases of the height of a man, also filled with books ; the readers helped themselves, and were seated for working. The exterior of the building, without being sump- tuous, was isolated and detached. This collection now possesses the Bible, glass, and inkstand of Luther and his portrait by Lucas Cranach. Another curious library, dating from 1575, is that of the university of Leyden. An engraving by W^oudan shows its state in 16 10, with its classifications and divisions. The books were ranged in cases provided with breast-high desks. The books were placed with the edges in front, and not as The British Museum. 317 now, and were so attached that they could only be consulted in their place. Each body of shelving contained a series of authors : Theology, philosophy, mathematics, history, medicine, law, and literature. The room, of square shape, was lighted by windows right and left. Between the bays were portraits, views of cities, and maps. On the right, in a shrine, was enclosed the legacy of Joseph Scaliger. Communication was less liberal than at Wolfenbuttel ; the readers were obliged to take the books from the shelves themselves and read them standing before the desks. In England the opportunity of forming a great national collection at the period of the dissolution of the monasteries was neglected. Even later, when much literary treasure might easily have been secured, the suggestions of Dee were unheeded, and it was not until the closing years of Elizabeth that the first great English library arose through the generosity of Sir Thomas Bodley, who in 1597 offered to the library of the university the volumes collected by him during his travels on the Continent, whose value exceeded ^io,ooo. The first stone of a .new building was laid in 16 10, but from 1602 the collection was open to readers in a provisional locality. David Loggan, the engraver, has preserved for us interior views of the Bodleian of the seventeenth century. The rooms are disposed in the form of the letter H, with pavilions to east and west, united by a gallery. The books were and are still in the body of the library, placed against the walls, with tables and immovable seats. The volumes were not displaced ; they were consulted in their own place. Each room had two floors, with access to the second by stairs. In London it was Sir Hans Sloane who had the idea oi founding a great collection by offering to the State for ^"20,000 3i8 THE Book. his collection of books, which was valued at ^50,000. Created in 1753 by an Act of Parliament, the British Museum, as it was named, was quickly augmented by many private libraries, among which was the library of printed books and manu- scripts collected by the kings of England from Henry \'1I. to William III., which was added in the reign of George II. The very extensive and valuable library formed by George III., and amounting to 250,000 volumes, was added by George IV. The Harleian collection added 7,500 volumes, and Sir Robert Cotton's manuscripts, which had been purchased by the nation in 1700, served to add to the importance of the new institution. To-day the printed books amount to 1,300,000, and are only surpassed by the National Library of France as well in number of books as in number of readers. This immense collection increases at a great rate, one source being the compulsory deposit of a copy of every new book in order to secure copyright. Donations and legacies are constantly being made, and an annual sum for purchases is voted by Parliament. The arrangements of the British Museum are on a most liberal scale for the convenience of the readers. The general catalogue, extending to more than 7,000 MS. volumes, is now in process of printing. The British Museum is the only one of the libraries of the first class that has undertaken such a gigantic task. Besides the copy deposited by publishers in the British Museum, the law of copyright compels the deposit of four other copies, which go to augment the collections of the Bodleian Library of Oxford, the University Library of Cambridge, and the libraries of Edinburgh and Dublin. For the Fine Arts the National Art Library, founded in 1S52 at the South Kensington Museum, ought to be mentioned. FoREiGX Libraries. 319 which contains now the most important collection of Fine Art books in the world. If we search among the cities of Europe where establish- ments of this kind are most honoured, Berlin will take the third place with 900,000 printed books and 20,000 manuscripts, pre- served in the Royal Library. The building, constructed between 1775 and 1 7S0, owes its special form to Frederick II., who desired that it should take the form of a chest of drawers. On the façade an inscription in the Latin tongue, suggested to the king from the Abbé Terrasson's Romance Sc'thos (1731), indicates that here is a spiritual refectory — nutrimentiini spiritiis. Following come Munich, with Soo,ooo printed books ; Vienna, 400,000 ; Dresden, 300,000 ; then the universities : Leipzig, whose library, founded in 1409 and reorganised in 1830, contains 150,000 books and 2,000 manuscripts ; Heidelberg ; Gottingen, etc. In Italy, Florence has, in the National Library, 400,000 volumes, which was formed in 1 86 1 by the union of the famous Magliabecchi and the equally celebrated Laurentian, created by Cosmo de' Medici in the middle of the fifteenth century, and containing more than 8,000 manuscripts of an incalculable value. Milan has at the Brera a collection of 162,000 books and 50,000 medals, and at the Ambrosian, due to Cardinal Frederick Borromeo, 164,000 printed books and 8,000 manuscripts. Rome possesses a dozen collections and celebrated deposits. The Vatican, not numerous, is most choice ; the importance of its manuscripts is known to the entire world, but only a part of the 220,000 printed books are catalogued. The Library of Victor Emmanuel, formerly of the Jesuits, amounts to about 360,000 volumes. At Venice the Biblioteca Marciana has 260,000 volumes of printed books and some thousands of- MSS. and documents. 320 The Book. The magnificent educational establishments in the form of public libraries provided in the United States deserve special mention. Nearly every city has its public library, supported by a small tax ; and many large libraries are wholly supported by private munificence. The first to be established was founded in 1732 by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia, and still exists as the Library Company ; many important bequests have been made to it, the latest being ^200,000 by Dr. Richard Rush. The library now numbers 150,000 volumes. The Congressional Library of Washington, besides its annual income from Govern- ment, receives by deposit for copyright a copy of every work published in the United States ; it now has 565,000 volumes. There are next in importance the Boston Library with 450,000 and the Boston Athenseum with 220,000 volumes. The Astor Library and the Lenox Library of New York were both founded and endowed by the families whose name they bear ; the former has 223,284 volumes, the latter 25,000. The city of Chicago recently fell heir to the magnificent sum of over one million sterling, bequeathed by Mr. Newberry for the establishment of a library of reference, and New York was benefited by the late Mr. Tilden to the extent of ^800,000 for a public library. When we have named the libraries of St. Petersburg and Moscow for Russia, Stockholm for Sweden, and the Escurial for Spain, we shall have mentioned very hastily the most important establishments in the world. For more than four centuries the love of books has preserved and fortified itself, and increases each day. If we were to endeavour to approximately imagine the number of printed books diffused, we should be frightened at it. It is by miles that to-day are counted the shelves of the National Library or of the British Museum ; and each Free Public Librak/es. 321 year the production is accelerated, as is also the number of readers. In conclusion we ought to mention the modern development of Free Public Libraries in England, and the popularisation of learning resulting from the introduction of the Public Libraries Act. The Free Libraries generally consist of a lending depart- ment with a reference library, which latter, in the case of the wealthier institutions, such as those in the great towns of Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham, is very important indeed, and lends a special interest to the collection. There are also Subscription, Collegiate and Learned Society Libraries, all of which, in addition to those which we have mentioned, have made the treasures of literature accessible to the many, which formerly were reserved for the few. 2 1 The Art of Describixg axd Cataloguing Ixcuxaiwla. 323 such first impressions, but also a thorough acquaintance with the history of media;val printing in general. Doubtless this latter branch already forms the subject of a comprehensive literature ; but it is precisely this very literature, teeming as it does with all kinds of errors, that causes the greatest embarrassment to the bibliographer, not unfrequently leading to absolutely false conclusions. An experience spread over many years is a fundamental condition of any really solid performance in this department. Antiquarian lore of a scientific character and instinct must of course work in all directions, and can only incidentally e.xpect to light upon incunabula, if only because of their greater rarity. Still certain definite rules and principles should be observed in the bibliographical descriptions which have to be made in trade or library catalogues of such first impressions as may occasionally come to light. The object of the present chapter is to establish some norma or standard, which may be capable of general application, and of throwing as full a light even on apparently minute points, as is required for really important features in the descrip- tion of incunabula. The whole subject is here treated entirely from the practical standpoint, and in such a way as to prove a welcome aid both to librarian and collector. In descriptive catalogues of early books two points above all others should be attended to and kept carefully distinct. These are the statements that will have to be made : — {a) Regarding the printed work as such, that is, as repre- senting its class, as a copy of the edition ; and {b) Regarding the book in question specially and individually. It is evident that the properties characteristic of the pj'iiUed work as such, {a), v/ill be equally characteristic of 324 The Book: each and every copy of the same work. These are the points more lully detailed in the following enumeration. On the other hand, the special qualities possessed by the particular copy of the work to be catalogued, are peculiar to the said copy alone, occurring in no other, or only in a very few still extant specimens of the same issue. Before proceeding to describe an early impression, it will be well under all circumstances to consult the subjoined biblio- graphical works, and first ascertain whether the work in question has been previously described. Nor should a mere casual agree- ment of authorities be always accepted as conclusive, unless they are found to be fully applicable to the copy in question. Slight differences may of course occur, but only such as regard the number of sheets, or trifling variations in the te.xt. Should all statements accord, we may then rest satisfied with a brief summary, of which more further on. The most valuable bibliographical aids for preparing cata- losfues of incunabula are the following ; — . o o Hail!, L., Repertorium Bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typo- graphica inventa usque ad annum MD. typis express! . . . recensentur. 2 vols, in 4 torn., 8vo. Stuttgartias, 1826-38. Panzer, G. W., Annales Tjpographici ab artis inventse origine ad annum MD. Vols, i.-v., 4to. (Vols, vi.-xi. only contain works printed since 1501, hence need not here be considered.) Nurembergœ 1793-97. Panzer, G. IV., Annalen der alteren deutschen Literatur. With supplts. Nurnberg and Leipzig, 1788 — 1802 Campbell, F. A. G., Annales de la typographie néerlandaise au xv' siècle With 2 suppls. 8vo. The Hague, 1874-84. Brunei, J. Ch., Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres. 6 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1860-65. Giacssc, J. G. Th., Trésor de livres rares et précieux ou nouveau diction- naire bibliographique. 6 vols, and suppl., 4to. Dresden, 1859-69. Uollrop, Joli. Giisl. Monuments tj'pogr. des Pays-Bas au XV"'° siècle. Collection de facsimile d'après les originaux conservés à la Bibl. Roy. The Art of Descrip.ixg axd Catalogcixg Ixcuxabvla. 325 de la Haye et ailleurp. Avec 130 planches et i carte. XIII et 138 pp. Fol. La Haye, 1868. Ebot, F. A. Allgem. bibliograph. Le.xikon. 2 vols., 4to. Lpz., 1821-30. Loiviiifes, IV. Th. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, contain- ing an account of books published in Great Britain and Ireland since the invention of printing, with notes and prices. New edition, revised and enlarged by H. G. Bohn. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1864. And numerous special Bibliographies, which need not here be mentioned. Foremost stands Hain's Repei'toriuvi, but for which, all biblio- graphical research in this domain would be seriously hampered. Those articles which in this work are marked by an * preced- ing the consecutive numbers, were seen and described by Hain himself. W'ith extremely few exceptions these descriptions are made with minute accuracy, and may be regarded as the most trustworthy of their kind. The other articles are quotations from other sources, which however are not mentioned. The work itself, however, is no library catalogue, but should rather be described as a theoretical catalogue ; hence all particulars bearing on other copies than those under e.xamination are omitted. Next in importance comes Panzer's Annales, which also offers valuable and welcome aids, but which should be consulted with some caution. It is especially defective in not giving perfectly accurate copies of titles, the linear divisions not being retained, and the abbreviations being given in full. On the other hand, the alphabetical arrangement according to the place of printing presents many advantages. Brunet's and Graesse's large bibliographical works are very incomplete as regards early books, although still valuable as supplements to Hain and Panzer. Campbell's Annales comprises Netherlandish works alone, but for this group it may be described as an e.xcellent work of ■ reference, fulfilling all reasonable requirements. 326 The Book. The present essay is intended not only to guide professional librarians and booksellers in preparing systematic catalogues of incunabula on a uniform plan, but also to indicate the right road to tyros in this field. Hence divers matters will have to be touched upon with which many must be familiar, while other points will be dealt with in detail which may in themselves seem trivial. In studies needing minute accuracy, things apparently insignificant are often of great importance. We will now discuss more fully each separate point in those researches which have to be made with a view to correct and complete descriptions of incunabula. Here the student will find many practical hints which will enable him the more easily to grapple with certain technical and other difficulties. I. The Author's Name. Titles, or title pages as now understood, do not, strictly speaking, occur in early printed books, although there are some fifteenth-century books with title pages, but they are the minority. The typographers of the fifteenth century began their works just as in mediaeval manuscripts, which start at once with the text proper, the first words alone indicating the contents of the book. We often meet with such expressions as " Incipit liber ..." or " Here begins . . . ." A preface, an epistle, a register, or the like, very frequently precedes the text itself, and here as a rule will be found the name of the author. Frequently it is to be found in the summary at the beginning of the text. But should the beginning of the book be searched in vain, then the concluding page must be consulted for title and author. It was in fact a universal practice to introduce at the end title, author, printing place, printer, and date ; and such con- Tni.E OF THE Work. 327 eluding paragraphs were known by the name of "Colophon" or " Rubrum." The latter term was due to the fact that in manuscripts such endings were sometimes written in red ink. They were also, especially during the first period, impressed in red in printed works, after the work was finished. These concluding paragraphs, however, are frequently absent, or else are limited to a few words, such as ''Finis" ''Explicit liher" " Hie est Finis," " Here ends," and so on. When a name has at last been discovered, no time should be lost in consulting Hain's Repertorium. Then the title of the work will soon be found, even though the same incunabulum may not be indicated. The name of the author (always in the nominative case and independently of the form in the text) must then be entered in such a way that the by-name or surname, by which the author is actually known, shall always stand first. Then should follow the Christian name, which it will be best to give in full, without abbreviation. Owing to the numerous homonymous names current in mediaeval times, it will be further necessary to add in brackets the author's position or distinctive title. For instance : Antoninus [Archiep. Florent.] ; Antonio S. de Padova ; Antonio Bettini de Siena [Vescovo di Fuligno], etc. 2. Title of the Work. The title of the work will also for the most part be found simultaneously with the name of the author. Where any of the above-mentioned bibliographical woiks, and especially Hain and Panzer, give a full description of the incunabulum, including an accurate reproduction of the initial and final lines with all abbreviations and linear divisions, it will suffice to give in full those words alone that constitute 328 The Book. the title of the work, according to modern usage and ortho- graphy. For instance : Augustinus, S. Aurel, De Civitate Dei libri xxii. ; or, Breydenbach, Bern, de, Heihge Reisen, etc. In this case we may dispense with a complete copy of the initial and final lines, and for all the rest refer the reader to Hain or Panzer. But where the work has not yet been accurately described, it must here be at once dealt with more fully, without prejudice to the reproduction of the title, which has to be given later on. For instance : Ailliaco, Petrus de, Tractatus de anima, editus a dno petro de Ailliaco. 3. The Dating. By the dating of an incunabulum is understood the indication, mostly contained in the colophon, of the place, printer and year of issue. The dating may be ; {a) Complete, when all three of these points are in evidence ; or, (3) Incomplete, when one or two of these statements are missing ; or, {/) The dating may be absent altogether. In the first case these data (place, printer, and year) must be briefly mentioned. Thus: Breydenbach, Bern, cle, Heilige Reisen. Augsburg, Anton Sorg, 148S. In the second case the absence of one or other of these particulars must be specified, for which purpose the following abbreviations are employed : — 1. If the place alone be missing, >;. /. (sine loco). 2. If the printer alone be missing, s. /. (sine typographe). 3. If the year alone be missing, s. a. (sine anno). 4. If both place and printer, s. a. et t. (sine anno et typographo). THE SIXE. 329 5. It" both place and year, s. /. et. a. (sine loc3 et anno). 6. If printer and year, .-;. /. r/ a. (sine typographe et anno). 7. It' all, 5. u. (sine nota, or absque uUa nct/i). Now it is the business of bibliographers to supply these missing data. In many cases the bibliographical works of reference give the required information ; but in many cases they fail to do so. When the data in question have been determined, the names of place, printer and year are to be added in brackets. For more easy reference round brackets ( ) are recommended to be used in the first instance, square [ ] in the second. Thus : Biblia latina ( ) [Strassburg, Joh. Mentel, circa 1463]. 4. The Size. The determination of the size may present difficulties, inas- much as small folio and quarto, or small quarto and octavo, may be confounded. But a sure means of distinguishing between these several forms is afforded by the position of the wire-lines of the paper. When held to the light the paper shows the thin narrow laid wires which are divided by a number of straight lines standing wider apart, called chain luires ; when the chain wires run horizontally the book is a quarto, vertically a folio or an octavo. This principle is simply explained from the fact that the mould used by the old paper makers was a wire sieve, in which the vertical and thicker chain wires reappear in the paper. The chain wires always running from top to bottom, the sheet when folded makes a folio with straight lines, and when the folio is folded again it makes a quarto with horizontal lines. 330 Tue Bock. 5. Detailed Reproduction of Title. Should the particulars given in Hain or Panzer not fully accord with the printed work in hand, or should the said work not be mentioned at all, then, besides the above-described short statement of the title to be alv/ays given for the synoptic arrangement, a complete copy must be made both of the initial lines and of the colophon. Attention must be paid to the orthography, the abbreviations, the disposition of the lines (these being indicated by a vertical stroke | ), the over and under-lined letters, the marks of abbreviation (for instance a reversed C for COU, a 9 fo"" ^'•5> the sign U, resembling the figure 4, for TUM, I for ct, 3 '^'^'^ ^^^% ^""^ ^o on), and all must be faithfully copied. When the catalogue has to be printed, these signs must be specially cast, as they are not often found in our modern printing offices. To spell out the abbreviations, as French bibliographers are especially fond of doing, is the one sure means of making " confusion worse confounded." Let this practice be there- fore carefully avoided. Those who have much to do with early books will soon learn to decipher the abbreviations, which in fact present not the slightest difficulty. On the other hand, the restoration of the abbreviations from the reduced texts is often impossible, because they are frequently used in a perfectly arbitrary way. For instance, domini may be shortened dni, or daini, or domJi, and such trivial dis- crepancies may easily lead to mistakes. Obvious misprints in the text as well as in the date must of course be also accurately reproduced ; attention however may as a rule be drawn to such errors by appending a {sic .'), or at least (!). The misprints are often so incredibly Detailed Reprodvctiox of Title. 331 naive, that one feels inclined to suspect a mistake in the rendering rather than in the original. Here it will suffice to mention the glaring instance of the colophon in the Mayence Breviary of 1457, where "spalmorum (!) codex" occurs instead of " psalmorum codex." Between initial lines and colophon should be inserted : At the cud, which in manuscript are underlined, and in print italicised. When title and final 23aragraph are very lengthy, words or clauses not needed for the understanding of the context may be omitted and indicated by dots, without how- ever changing aught in the construction. It is also well to avoid substituting dots for the last words of lines, so that the linear division may remain perfectly clear. To illustrate the foregoing with an example, we give here the description of Sc/iedeTs Nuremberg Chronicle. This well- known and widely-dispersed early book, which still frequently turns up, at once presents certain difficulties to the tyro. No author's name is to be found either at the besfinningf or in the colophon, and this is true both of the Latin and the German edition. The original Latin edition, printed in 1493 by Koberger in Nuremberg, begins with an alphabetical register; but no author's name can be discovered either in it or in the initial lines of the Chronicle itself while the concluding paragraph is also silent on the point. Nevertheless the author gives his name, which occurs on p. 266z'. Now the descrip- tion of the work is to be made as follows : — Schedcl, Dr. Hartmau, Liber chronicarum. Nuremberg, Ant. Koberger, 1493. Large FoL Leaf i;-. (woodcut title) (R)Egillrum | huius ope- | ris libri cro- | nicaruni I CÛ figuris et ymagi- | bus ab inicio mundi : | L. i — 20, Register : L. zir (with ■ Nr. I) : Epitoma operii fex dierû de mûdi fabrica Prologus | L. 2661', line 23 : 332 THE Book. Complcto in famofiffinia Nurembergenfi vrbe Operi | de hyftorijs etatum mundi. ac defcriptione vrbium fe- | lix imponitur finis. CoUectum breui tempore Auxilio docto I ris hartmâni Schedel. qua fieri potuit diligentia. Anno xpi | Millefimo quadringentefimo nonagefimotercio. die quarto | menfis lunij. | At the end, L. 320^: (A) Deft nunc ftudiofe lector finis libri Cronicarum per | viam epithomatis 2 bre- viarij compilât! opus qdem | preclarum J a doctiffimo quoqz comparandum. Continet | ■ . • Ad in j tuitû autem 2 preces prouidorû ciuiû Sebaldi Schreyer | \ Sebaftiani kainermaifler hunc libruni dominus Antho | nius koberger Nuremberge impreffit. Adhibitis tame vi | ris. . . . Michaele | wolgemut et wilhelmo Pleyden- wurff. quaru folerti acu- | ratiffiniaqr animadverfione turn ciuitatum turn illuftrium I virorum figure inferte funt. Confummatû autem duodeci | ma menfis lulij. Anno falutis nre. 1493. | L. 32 ir: De Sarmacia regione Europe. L. 325?', last line : Laus deo. 6. The Collation .^nd the Numi'.er of Leaves. It will not suffice simply to count the leaves of the book as it stands, which would in fact be quite useless. We must also ascertain whether the work is complete. For this purpose a careful examination must be made ot the collation of the sheets. Even in the case of bound books this can be quite easily done by slightly bending them somewhat further back at the places corresponding with the several sections ; it can then be quite clearly seen at the upper or lower edge of the back whether all the leaves of each sheet are perfect. These sheets naturally consist always of a number of leaves divisible by two. There are sections of three, four, five or six sheets, making six, eight, ten or twelve leaves ; but less than three or more than six sheets very seldom occur in a section. In one and the same book, the number of sheets to the section is usually the same. Very frequently there occurs at the beginning or end a blank leaf, which when forming part of the section is reckoned in, but must be indicated as S/OXArURES, CATCH-UVKDS, AM) PAGINATiOÀ. 333 such. Thus : 316 leaves [of which one blank]. If the number of leaves in the collation is odd, we may be sure that a leaf is missino-. But to ascertain whether any leaf is missing it will be necessary to see that the te.xt is consecutive at the end of one and the beginning of the ne.xt page. This plan is available in the case of incunabula which bear neither signatures, catch-words nor pagination. After ascertaining that the sheets are complete, the leaves must be separately counted, in doing which the pages must always be completely turned over. This will also aftbrd an opportunity of noticing whether any leaves happen to be torn, soiled or imperfect. It will be well to number each leaf with a pencil in one corner, by which it will also be possible in the description to refer to any particular leaf or leaves. The front is indicated with ;- [rec/o), the reverse with v [verso), as for instance on L. 1 76;' woodcut. If the book is perfect it will suffice to give the number of leaves; thus, (12S LI., the last blank). If any leaves be missing, the fact should be indicated in this same place ; thus, 125 instead of 127 LI., of which 11 and the last [blank] L. missing. Should the number of leaves not corre- spond with that given for instance by Hain, this fact must also be stated. Thus: 130 [not 128] LI. ; or 174 [not 175 as stated by Hainj, and so on. Here also a fi.xed form of expression should be adhered to throughout. The test of completeness will be greatly facilitated when the work has 7. Signatures, Catch-words, and Pagination. The sheets are signed, that is to say, below the text at the foot of the page there occurs a letter which is repeated 334 Tui^^ Book. on each consecutive sheet with a continuously increasing index number : A„ A^, A,, and so on. Should a section consist, for instance, of three sheets, the signature on the first half of the first sheet will be A ; on the first half of the second sheet, A, ; on the first half of the third sheet, A^ ; on the second half of the third sheet, A^ ; on the second half of the second and first sheet there will be no signature. With sections consisting of four sheets the signatures run to A.; of five sheets to Ag ; of six sheets to Aj. But it should be noticed at once that the signature is not always present on the second half of sheets 3, 4, 5, or 6, but that the sheets are frequently signed on their first half alone. Many incunabula give at the end (often on a separate leaf) a register containing the first words of each page (of the first halves of the sections), as well as their signatures. From the foregoing it will be easy to collate a book with signed sheets. The signatures run through the alphabet, U and W always omitted, and begin again with A (usually Aa or AA). Even should the leaves be numbered, it is still desirable to verify the signatures, as the numbering is very often wrong, whereas in the signatures misprints are scarcely ever found. It may happen, however, that the signatures are placed so far below the text that they have been cut away by the binder, in which case the book may appear to be without signatures. We may give as a case in point Duxs Joh. Scotus, Qnotlibeta quœstioniim : \'enice, Alb. de Stendal, 1474. Hain, 6,433, says expressly without signatures ; Panzer, III., p. 104, cum sign. In some incunabula we also occasionally come upon an apparently different kind of signature. Instead of letters numbers are used, so that, for instance, the hrst halt ot the section is numbered with i, 2, 3, 4 ; the first half of the second, with 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. Or else instead of the ciphers The Spac/.xg. 335 continuous letters, as, for instance, on the first section A, B, C, D ; on the second, E, F, G, H, etc. ; and at times other combina- tions. As an interesting example, we may mention the following Viennese work : — Gerson, Joii., De confessione et absolutione. A/ the end : Impressum wienne anno domini Mccccl.xxxii. 4to. This work consists altogether of fourteen sheets, of which the first eight form a section. Leaves 1,2, 3, and 4 bear the signatures A, B, C, D ; the second section consists of six sheets, of which the first halves are signed E, F, G. All such deviations from the usual system of signing must be expressly specified. When pagination occurs, it must of course be verified ; when folio numbers are partly present, partly absent, both must be accurately stated, as must also be the presence or absence of catch-words, that is, the first word of the next page below the text. Thus : 212 LI. sigt. without catch-word and pagination ; or, 172 LI. without sigt. catch-word and pagination; or, when pagination alone is given, 1 1 2 nos. LI. no sigt. and catch- word, etc. 8. The Spacing. By spacing is understood the manner of dividing the com- position. The lines may run across the whole page (continuous lines), or they may be disposed in 2, 3 or 4 columns. In theo- logical and legal works it very frequently happens that the matter is so arranged that the text proper appears enclosed by the commentary, the latter in smaller type, but both arranged in columns. Thus : 315 Ls. sigt. no catch-word and pagination 2 col. text enclosed by the comment. Moreover there not seldom occur side-notes, which run down the outer edse of O 336 The Book. the leaf, and which indicate the substance of the text. The presence of these marginal notes, as they are called, must be indicated in all cases. Lastly, it must be ascertained whether the width of the columns (length of the lines) is uniform on all the pages. Here also there often occur remarkable discrepancies. The above- mentioned Gerson, De Coiifessionc, presents an interesting example of this point also. On the first sheet the width of the composition is 91 mm ; on sheets 2 to 7 from loi to 102 mm; on sheet 8 again 91 mm; on sheet 9, 107; sheet 10, 112; sheets 11 and 12, 121 ; sheet 13, 112; and sheet 14, 106 mm. 9. The Numuer of Lines. Special importance attaches to the number of lines in a full page of text. W'e start from the assumption that the lines are not interrupted by the heading of chapters, sections or remarks (commentaries, interlinear versions, etc.). In the case of type varying in size, that of the text proper, and not that of the commentary is alone considered. Turn over the pages until you hare found a full clear page of text, and then count the lines. It may happen that a work with running commentary may present not a single page of uninterrupted text. In this case the lines of the commentary running down the edge (not the marginal notes) are to be counted, and then it must be expressly stated that the given number is that of the commentary, not of the text. Thus : 315 Ls. sigt. no catch-v/ord and pagination ; 2 cols. 54 lines [of the commentary]. Nor should you rest satisfied with counting one page, but test several in diiTerent parts of the book. The number of lines even in one and the same work is not always alike, and many discrepancies occur, The Forms of Type. 337 especially in the earlier issues. The number of lines as determined must be recorded. Thus: 315 Ls. no sigt. catch- word and pagination ; 2 cols. 27 and 28 lines. The larger or smaller number of lines on a full page of type often deter- mines the age of a printed work. It is a curious fact, highly interesting in the history of printing, that the number of lines increases with the development of the typographic art. It will suffice here to refer, for instance, to the first Bibles. Pfister's Bible has 36 lines ; the Gutenberg Bible 42 ; that of Fust and Schoeffer (1462) 48 lines. This remark applies also to the number of lines in the old Donatus editions. Altogether it is evident that the number of lines plays an important part in determining or identifying imperfect incunabula. 10. The Form.s of Type. The types of incunabula have either a Gothic or a Roman form, or else are a combination of both ; in which case they are called half or semi-Gothic. From the form of the Black- letter or Gothic has been derived the later " Swabian," and the modern German character, the " Fracturschrift," as it is called from its angular, jagged, pointed, broken forms. The semi-Gothic consists of Roman capitals and small letters of Gothic shape. The type used by Peter Schoeffer in his Ci-otiik der Sassen, Ctiba, Hortus saiiiiatis, Breydenbach's Reisen, has lost the black-letter or Gothic character, and should be called "Swabian." II. Majuscules, Minuscules, Abbreviations, Punctuation. Connected with the form of the types are the questions, whether different kinds of type are used, and if so how many 338 The Book. kinds ; whether the initial letters (at the beginning of the sentence) appear printed off with the rest, or whether the space was reserved to be afterwards filled in by the " rubric-writer ; " to what extent abbreviations are employed ; whether several kinds of orthographic stops occur ; whether the spacing or general arrangement of the composition presents any peculiar features. Should a printed work begin with a wood-cut initial, or with any ornamental majuscule distinct from the type in the text, but printed with the rest, and not painted or sketched in afterwards, in the copy of the title the fact must be at once recorded by bracketing all such initials. Thus, as already indicated in SchedeP s Chronicle : (R)Egistrum ... or (A)D est . . . ). But when the space has been left free for the initial to be afterwards painted in, in the place of this initial we simply put an empty bracket, for instance, ( )Egi9trum; ( )Dest; and this is done even when the initial in question has been de facto painted in the copy of the work to be catalogued. Instead of the full stop Linhard Holl of Ulm, for instance, used little crosses, as did also Joh. Medemblick of Cologne and the Brothers of Common Life in Bruxelles ; and Goetz of Cologne substituted for the dot a letter z, taken from a smaller fount, while John Zainer of Ulm used in his first issues a full stop in the form of a little star, introducing it according to his own "sweet will." Frequently the punctuation is omitted altogether, as in the first Viennese work: Meyger, Tractatus distinctioiiuni 14S2. Frequently also the lines are not quite straight, but uneven, and of unequal length, or else the register is crooked, the first and second forms do not coincide, and so on. Features such as these often give a clue to the age of the printed work. MAJUSCULES, Mf.XUSCU/.ES, A/l/lA'ElV.lT/O.yS, PUXCTUATloX. 339 Many letters have unusual forms, which point to particular printing offices. We may refer to John Mentelin of Strasburg with his " eccentric R ; " to Nic. Goetz of Cologne with his Gothic \' always set up awry ; to Peter Friedberg of Mayence with his thick antique S introduced into the Gothic text ; to George Huszner of Strasburg, who used a Roman H with a boss on the [lower side of the cross stroke; to Michael Reyser of Eichstadt and later of Wiirzburg, who used an identical H, but with the boss on the upper side of the cross-stroke ; lastly to Gunther Zainer of Augsburg, who applied similar bosses to his Roman H, I, L, M, N, and T. A remark- able Gothic S with two oblique cross-strokes distinguishes the types of the Strasburg printer, Joh. Prys, while Johann Schaffler of Ulm employs a reversed Gothic S when he runs short of D. Heinr. Ouentel of Cologne scatters a thick half- Roinan D over his Gothic printed matter. In the Latin and Greek works printed by Ch. Beyamus and J. Glim of Savigliano, the d has invariably a Gothic character. The dotted i is absent in Gering, Krantz and PVeyburger's first Paris issues, as well as in those printed by Berth. Guldinbeck in Rome. We find this dot replaced by a half-crescent like a hood in the works issued by Alb. Pfister of Bamberg, and B. Gothan of Lubeck, as well as in the first ?*Iayence publications. John of Spire, the first Venetian printer, uses the stroke for the hyphen and ^, & for the final syllable et, as in /«r&, //r&, for tacet, licet. In many printed works we are struck by the variety of forms for one and the same letter, which would seem to point to a limited stock of type. Many offices, such as those of Conn Zeninger of NUrnberg and Joh. Gruninger of Stras- burg, were noted for the e.xc'eptional number of misprints in the works issued by them. All this makes it abundantly 34° The Book. evident how important is the accurate observation of seem- ingly trivial points in identifying incunabula. 12. The Printer's Inks and Printer's Marks. Fust and Schoeffer already began to print in two colours, using even four in the Psalterium of 1457. The device was employed for emphasizing certain passages of the text, chapter headings, initial and final paragraphs and the like. As has already been explained, a large number of scribes and manu- script writers were thrown out of employment by the dis- covery of typography, and it may well be imagined that those early printers were exposed to serious agitation on the part of the writers' guilds. It is highly probable that some kind of compromise was arranged, the typographers, for instance, consenting to secure the writers some source of income by leaving the rubrics to be filled in by them ; still we can readily understand that not all printers would be induced to yield even this point. Hence many printed works are found provided by the rubric writers with initial and final paragraphs, chapter headings, initial letters and stops, while others were simply printed off in red and black. In others again there occur at the end, after the colophon, emblematic or symbolic representations, which were chosen by the respective offices as trade or printers' marks. The book- sellers or publishers on their part adopted certain corresponding marks. Even so early as the fifteenth century the printer of a work was not always, as we mentioned before, its publisher. We often meet with the intimation that such-and-such a work has been printed by So-and-so at the charge of So-and-so. These circumstances may be mentioned in the general remarks whenever they are not implied in the detailed copy of the The Artistic Get-up. 341 title-page. But from our standpoint the first consideration must always be for the printer. The points in question may be specified in the following way: 127 Ls. sigt. no catch-word and pagination, 2 cols. 30 lines Goth., with woodcut initials, red and black print; on L. 1271' the printer's mark. A special embellishment much affected by the Italian printers were the so-called " literœ florentes " ("flourishes"), which were first employed by the Augsburg typographer Erhard Ratdolt (at work in Venice from 1476 till i486). These are initial letters elegantly formed of floral scrolls and ornaments, which Ratdolt borrowed from the Italian manuscripts and had carved in wood. They appear both in red and black print. As many incunabula owe their value to these " literae florentes," prominence should be given to them in descriptive catalogues. 13. The Artistic Get-ut. Pictorial decoration still plays the same part as in medieval times. Illustrated works always found more admirers and purchasers than others, apart even from those for the under- standing of which illustrations were absolutely indispensable. Hence it is incumbent on the compiler of catalogues not only to indicate the kind of artistic embellishment, but also the number of woodcuts, initials (printed), borderings, etc. Where the re- spective wood engravers or draughtsmen are known, their names and monograms must of course also be mentioned. Should the work present no special interest as regards its general get-up (initials, borderings, etc.), it will be unnecessary to enumerate all the ornamental letters occurring in the text, the mere mention of the fact being in this case quite sufficient. With many incunabula ornamented with woodcuts the interest 342 The Buuk. in the printed text falls into the background, the essential value of the work consisting in the illustrations. In this department protracted experience alone, combined with a taste for such things and a natural appreciation of the beautiful, can develop the genuine connoisseur. Hence special attention must be given to those incunabula which are adorned with wood or metal engravings. Let monograms and other marks be studied, the literature of the subject e.xplored. or more experienced persons consulted. R. Muther's Deutsche Biichcrilluslration dcj' Gothik nnd Friihrenaiisance , 1460 to 1530, fol. (Leipzig, 1884), may be recommended as a very valuable recent publica- tion calculated to afford useful aid, especially to the young student. Care, however, should be taken to avoid basing on mere conjectures and the like, positive statements or conclusions, which may afterwards prove to be groundless. 14. Bir.LIOGRAl'lIICAL DIRECTIONS. The beginner would create many difficulties for himself by seeking for incunabula in the bibliographical works of refer- ence above mentioned. In these works the arrangement of the title shows great diversity, and each system has its own justifica- tion. Thus Hain and Campbell give the authors in alphabetical order ; Panzer in the Annales the arrangement according to localities, but in the German Annaleti the chronological order ; while some catalogues of antiquarians adopt that of the typo- graphers and the period of their activity. Research would be greatly facilitated by a work comprising all four of these systems. When the title in question has been determined and found to be in complete agreement with the work to be catalogued, the reference is made in the following way. In the case of Hain QUALITY OF THE PAPER— PRIXTIXU UX VEI.IAM. 343 and Campbell, quote the number, taking care not to omit the above-mentioned*. Thus: Hain 3756; or, Hain *537o. In the case of Panzer quote the number of volume and page, thus: Panzer, iii., p. 560 ; or, Panzer, Deutsche Ann., p. ~2, ; Panzer, Supplement, p. 15, etc., etc. But references will also have to be made to other bibliographical works, Hain and Panzer being in many respects defective. Recent investigation has given rise to numerous monographs on particular printing places, printers, etc. These monographs contain much useful material, and conse- quently should be consulted in descriptions of incunabula laying claim to scientific value. 15. Ou.\LIT\ OF THE PaPKR EkITIONS ON VeLLUM. At all times the bitterest enemies, while on the other hand the greatest embellishers, of the book have been the binders ! They must be reproached with incredible sins against good taste, as well as pitiless inroads on the artistic equipment. With Vandalic barbarism they have cut away the most lovely miniatures, initials, borders, woodcuts, and not seldom even a slice of the te.\t itself But they were not the only criminals, and many "collectors" of the choicest typographical treasures have also deserved to be impaled. Who has not heard of the abbot with "symmetry" on the brain, who ruthlessly caused the incunabula of the convent library to be all bound of one size, so that the book-shelves might present a symmetrical appear- ance ? Those that were found to be too big had to be cut down ! Ne.xt to these foes the greatest havoc has been made by "the tooth of time." Hence it is always to be regarded as a rare chance when an otherwise well-preserved incunabulum has also retained its wide paper margin and rough edges, and this point should always be mentioned. But most precious of 344 The Book. all are those incunabula that have remained uncut, thou^rh such cDses are doubtless excessively rare. The sheets seldom pre- serve their natural edge, which, in the case of hand-made paper, is of course never a straight line, and which, owing to its scrubby appearance, is said to be with rough edges or "bearded" {cum barbis). All such specimens are highly prized. Besides the paper edition, at most a few copies were struck off on vellum, and these, owing to the small number printed and the high price of the material, were always very costly. In this connection a few words may be devoted to the water- marks, which have also not unfrequently considerable weight in determining a printed work of the fifteenth century. The paper mills made use of certain signs as marks for the various descrip- tions of paper produced by them, and these marks were impressed on each sheet while being manufactured. The number of such marks is legion. Unfortunately no systematic work has yet appeared on the water-marks ("filigree") peculiar to German papers. For France, an excellent work is the Etude sur les Filigrans des Papiers Employes en France aux 14' et 15'' Siècles, by Midou and Alatton (Paris: 1S6S), and La Légende Paléographique du Papier de Coton, par C. M. Briquet (Genève : 1S84). The subject of watermarks has, however, been incidentally discussed by B. Hausmann {Albert Diirer s Copper- plates) ; by Dr. Fr. Wibiral {Anthony van Dyck) ; by Weigel and Zestermann {Anfcinge der Druckerkunst) ; by C. M. Briquet {Papiers et Filigranes des Archives de Gènes 1 1 54 — 1 700. Basle : 18S8) ; and in many earlier works, such as B. G. Fischer's J'ersuch die Papierzeichen als Kennzeichen der Alterthumskunde anzu- zuenden (Niirnberg : 1084), as well as sporadically in monographs and periodicals [Gazette des Beaux Arts, \ols. ii.-iv., viii. and ix.), Rl7iK/CS, COLOURLXG, M/XlArCRES. 345 and in cyclopedias, as, for instance, the article on Jl'assci'iiiarke in Ebert's Bibliograpli. Lexicon. Meanwhile it will be advisable to specify the kind of watermark or watermarks in the case of all undated and hitherto undescribed incunabula. There is, however, amongst bibliographers a temptation to exaggerate the use and import- ance of watermarks as evidence of the date of undated docu- ments, as the manufacture of paper was sometimes post-dated or represents the makes of many mills through many years. 1 6. RuiiRics, Colouring, Miniatures. As already stated, the printer often left a part of his work to be completed by the scribe. In the first years of the new invention, the typographers were fain to make their products resemble as closely as possible the manuscripts hitherto in vogue. Every invention has always been and is still looked upon with a certain degree of suspicion ; so difficult is it to break with long-standing usages to which people have become ■endeared. With all the more hostility must an invention have been regarded, which was calculated to direct intellectual life and work into new channels. The view, as mentioned before, that the first typographers issued their printed works as manuscripts, although questioned by many, may nevertheless be accepted as prevalent. The Psaltcriuin of 1457, one of the masterpieces of the Fust-Schoeffer press, can in fact at the first glance scarcely be distinguished from a manuscript. Hence before being exposed for sale, the first books were handed over to the scribe (Clericus, Rubricator), who filled in the spaces reserved in the printing with the required letters, sentences, headings, signatures, etc., in coloured ink. This work, we call rubricking, because usually executed in a red [niôer) 346 Tue Book. colour. Many printing offices kept their own rubricators, and the work was also carried on in the monasteries. But it absorbed much time, and could not always be got through rapidly enough to meet the demand for the new^ work, and thus it happened that non-rubricated copies got into circulation. Nor is it improbable that the price of rubricated and non-rubricated books varied ; many buyers, especially monasteries which pos- sessed every facility for supplying the rubrics themselves, would in fact prefer the non-rubricated copies, owing to their lower price. At the end of many rubricated incunabula, we often find notices introduced by the scribe giving information on the date, the owner, the place, the price, and so on. Such notes are also called hand rubrics ; nor is it necessary specially to dwell on the great value these notes must often have had, and still have, in determining or identifying undated incunabula. The process was executed in divers ways. Doubtless as a rule the scribe was satisfied with filling in the missing initial letters, stops, beginning of chapter, sentence or verse, after numbering of the pages and so on. But we frequently come upon old printed works with initials, borderings, and lastly, whole pictures, in fact miniatures, all beautifully ornamented in gold and various colours. In these incunabula veritable works of art have often been preserved, which, thanks to their execution and state of preservation, represent a considerable value. It will be the duty of the compiler of the catalogue to describe the manner and style of these artistic embellishments, to determine the school of art to which the painting belongs, and where needed to explain the composition. In the case of incunabula ornamented with woodcuts, it should be specified whether the woodcuts are coloured, and if so, to what period the colouring should be assigned. The HAM) Rubrics. 347 17. The Hand Rur.Rics. It has already been stated in dealing with the rubrics, that the notices made by the rubricators are deserving of attention. But we occasionally meet with notes by another contemporary or later hand, the intrinsic value of which as bearing on the subject under discussion will have to be tested. Hand rubrics of this class often give useful information regarding the former owner of the work, its price, date and place. 18. Detailed Description oe the Bindinc. Bindings remarkable for their artistic execution, or other- wise presenting features of historical interest, will require a more detailed description. Many bear, as we have seen in the chapter on Bindings, on the outside fine impressions of family arms, portraits, dates, mottoes, etc., all of which are to be mentioned according to their importance. Extant book plates [ex libris), occurring mostly on the inside of the front cover, library stamps and similar indications, should be noted. For bindings of French origin, most valuable information is given in J. Guigard's excellent work, Anuorial du Bibliophile, 2 tom. (Paris: 1S70 73). But our attention should not be exclusively devoted to the beauty of the binding, for there are other standpoints from which old bindino-s have to be considered. And first and fore- most there is the age, the approximate determination of which is, however, a question of experience. In the case of undated works, the source and origin of the binding often present numerous clues for their identification. In general it must be 348 THE Book. assumed that during the fifteenth century scarcely any except bound books were exposed for sale. The modern intermediate process of stitching in wrappers was scarcely convenient, if only because of the very bulk of the incunabula. Smaller issues alone in 4to or Svo, and then only when limited in size to a single sheet, can have been disposed of in the stitched form, and even these were doubtless protected by stout wrappers. But here also the monastic establishments may have made an exception to the general rule. To these places the books were presumably consigned in crudo, that is, in the rough state, or in sheets, for one or more of the inmates would doubtless be skilled in the bookbinder's art. It may accordingly be assumed that the original bindings of incunabula date from the time of their issue. In the case of collective volumes v/hose contents date from the period, we may without risk of error take it for granted that the dated and undated printed works forming part of the volume all belong to about the same period. In such cases we have often at hand the means of forming an estimate of the date of a work. In the same way the character (style) of the binding will often afford a clue to the country, and even to the very town, where the work has been printed. Besides its age, we are also interested in the material of the binding. Incunabula were mostly bound in wood, which was entirely or half covered with leather, hogskin, or parchment. To attach the cover to the book itself, strips of parchment were used, and for this purpose were generally utilized useless or superfluous manuscripts, Donatus, Almanacks, letters of indulgence, stock inventories, etc. This explains how it happens that in taking old bindings to pieces, many a valuable find has been and may still be made. But in saying this, we do not of course recom- CoxDiTiox AXD State OF the Copy. 349 mend the wholesale destruction of old bindings with the probable result of finding nothing after all. But on this point a few remarks may be found useful. Slips pasted to the insides of the covers, or even used as fly-leaves, have already yielded many treasures, such as leaflets, woodcuts, enamels, presentations, almanacks, playing-cards. We may refer to the first dated woodcut, " The St. Christopher" of 1423, mentioned in the first part of this work, which was discovered by the bibliographer Heinecken on the inside of a cover (the Laiis Virginis, a manuscript of 141 7) in the library of the Carthusian monastery at Buxheim. Unfortunately the days of such discoveries are well-nigh over ; there are already too many vigilant eyes about. Still w'e would recommend bindings in boards to be always carefully examined, even when more recent than the fifteenth century. The old boards were mostly prepared by pasting together damaged sheets, many materials being thus used up which would at present possess some historic value. Lastly, attention should be directed to the clasps, corner- pieces, hasps, fragments of chains, etc., as valuable specimens of the mediaeval mechanical arts have often been preserved in such objects. It may be mentioned that in many libraries of the Middle Ages the books were secured with chains, a practice which naturally disappeared with the spread of typo- graphy and the consequent increased facilities for procuring books. 19. Condition and State of the Copy. What is understood by the good condition of an early printed work will scarcely need any detailed explanation. In the preparation especially of sale catalogues it should be 350 Til F. Book. conscientiously stated whether and to what extent there may be damp or water stains ; how far the state of the book may have been affected by any other outward influences ; whether there are any leaves either torn or partly or altogether abstracted, or whether the book has suffered injury of any other kind. In the case of incunabula with woodcuts, the condition of the impression should be stated, — whether, for instance, any colouring has been attempted by an unskilled hand, etc. 20. Rakk CoriES ; Editio Prixceps ; Price. The rareness or frequent occurrence of an incunabulum will naturally depend in general on its actual supply and demand. Statements of this sort should be made with caution. In many countries certain incunabula are frequent, which elsewhere are considered rare. Here, again, long years of experience, with an accurate knowledge of the markets of the world, can alone secure correct information. The case is somewhat different when we have to ascertain whether a gi\-en incunabulum is the first edition or not of the work in question. This is a fact which must be decided by consulting the literature bearing on the subject. Regarding the price which the bookseller expects for his copies of incunabula, no definite rules can be laid down. Here it is impossible to give trade prices in the modern sense of the term, nor even approximate current prices. Apparently the only course open to the beginner is to glean all the information he can bv sedulous consultation of English and Foreign sale catalogues, the catalogues of the leading dealers, or by referring to the Book Prices Citririit, published by Elliot Stock. One and the same book may bring totally Historical axd Literary Notices. 351 different prices according to tlie general appearance and condition of the copies offered for sale, and the library it comes from. In Brunet's and Graesse's large bibliographical works the prices realized at famous sales or demanded by antiquarians of repute are quoted ; but such figures are nowadays quite illusory. 21. HiSTOUICAL AM) LiTERARV NoTICES. A catalogue of incunabula, whether prepared by antiquarians or for sale purposes, will acquire the greater permanent value the richer it is on the one hand in descriptions of the printed works, on the other in notices bearing on such works. We will here refer only to the catalogues of Bernhard Ouaritch, London, and Albert Cohn, Berlin, which are at present eagerly collected by all book-lovers and librarians, precisely because they present such varied bibliographical explanations. Everything known to the compiler himself of the catalogue regarding the contents, the author, the printer, the work, or the given specimen, should be faithfully recorded. The cul- tured antiquarian should not shirk the slight e.\tra expense which may be entailed by the somewhat richer contents of the catalogue, for which a permanent value may be thus secured even long after the stock has been disposed of. But in all cases let the fundamental principle be scrupulously adhered to of stating only what is certainly known and true, and can at any time be verified. Let all vagueness and ambiguity be avoided, and let truth alone be still your watchword. THE METHOD OF COLLECTING. O early as the seventeenth century the posses- sion of incunabula, that is, of works dating from the decades immediately following the invention of the typographic art, was highly valued by all important libraries and amateurs. The fact is explained on the one hand by the comparative scarcity of such works, by far the greater portion of which have perished during the wars and civil strife ; on the other by the consideration that these venerable monuments from the first years of an invention affecting the whole world possess a high historical and antiquarian interest and fascination which cannot but be more and more recognised with the increasing importance of the art itself. Nevertheless it was long before any steps were taken to systematically arrange these treasures, to determine undated issues by all the resources of comparative bibliography, — in a word, to critically study the still e.xtant incunabula. At first sight it might seem incumbent on us first of all to come to a clear understanding on the temporal limitation of this term " incunabulum." But the following inquiry appears so intimately bound up with the essence of the subject, that for the present purpose it becomes a matter of indifference whether we regard as incunabula the works of the fifteenth century alone, or with former bibliographers include those The MF.riioi) of Collectixg. 353 issued before 1520, or even before 1535. But in any case both extrinsic and intrinsic reasons suggest that the term be limited to the year 1500, with which both the century of the invention and the infancy of the art itself were brought to a close. The collecting of incunabula may from the very nature of the case be viewed from the most diverse standpoints. But even an absolutely unsystematic collection, that is, the acquisition of the greatest possible number of incunabula, without regard to all the other points to be mentioned further on, need by no means exclude a systematic arrangement and cataloguing of all the works thus brought together. At the same time, such a method of collecting cannot be recommended even in the case of the exceptional pecuniary resources at the command of the great public libraries and amateur millionaires. For with such a method it becomes a pure matter of chance whether the collection acquire any considerable completeness in any given direction, or whether the whole shall ever possess any great bibliographical value. It cannot however be denied that this plan, however irrational it may otherwise appear, is so far the most economical that by its means a large collection of incunabula may be most rapidly and cheaply brought together. But this method, if it at all deserves to be so described, must be absolutely set aside in the case of small and average collections. Whoever with rather limited means sets about scraping together the largest possible number of incunlabula at random, without troubling himself about their origin, rarity, contents and so forth, will not acquire a real library of early works, but merely a wilderness of musty old scholastic books mainly of no bibliographical value. This at least will be the 23 354 THE BOOK. result, unless he should happen to be favoured by such a run of lucky hits as are daily becoming more improbable. The reason is because by pursuing such a course pretty well every- thing turns on the question of cheapness, which by no means excludes relative excessive prices. As in other domains, here also is applicable the maxim : Quality, not quantity. It follows that a certain limit must be absolutely assigned to the extent of the collection. In coimection with such a limitation there must at the same time be adopted for the several cases a corresponding system of fitting lip, arranging, enlarging, and cataloguing a really genuine library of incunabula. In the following remarks it will be our endeavour to establish the principles which seem to us applicable in all such cases. Our treatise naturally makes no claim to completeness, es here the broad features of the subject can alone be touched upon, without however excluding the subdivisions of particular classes, which may form the material of numerous special collections. Nor do we pretend to give any opinion as to the most desirable standpoints to be kept in view in making collections. This must depend on the one hand on the preferences and previous culture of the individual collector, on the other on the extent of his available means, points on which it would be absurd to lay down any general laws. In these things there can be no common standard applicable to all ! Only we would venture to point out that the various methods of collecting give occasion to all sorts of combinations, and that in fact for many of these methods it seems scarcely advisable absolutely to exclude some such combination. It might also be pointed out that the features to be Dated or I'x dated Works. 355 developed in special cases should also be kept in view in the arrangement, cataloguing and completing of general libraries of incunabula, nay, that some of these principles cannot be at all overlooked in any rational method of cataloguing. The collection of incunabula may be divided into the following classes, and based upon the collection of : I. Dated or UNnATEn Works. Till about the year 14S0 works either not at all or only imperfectly dated were far more numerous than those which gave the printing-place, printer and year of issue. Especially during the first years after the invention the names of place and printer were frequently omitted. Absolutely undated works we call those which give neither place, printer nor year ; imperfectly dated, those which give at least one of these particulars. Here occur the most diverse combinations, as mentioned in the previous chapter, some very frequently. Such are : {a) works giving printer and year, but no place ; {b) works with printer's name, but without place or year ; {c) works without year, but with place and printer ; id) works with place alone ; (r) printer alone ; (/) year alone. Of most frequent occurrence are the forms under b, c, and f. Works fully dated so far as in general to leave no doubt regarding their origin (exceptions however occur even here, as in pirated editions) take on the whole a higher place as bibliographical documents than those altogether or partly un- dated. But here if anywhere is applicable the saying, " No rule without an exception." The very finest treasures of this sort are undated, whereas hundreds of very inferior worth display a full date. Of many printers we possess scarcely any dated, or at 356 The Book. least any fully dated works. Hence a library excluding un- dated, or at all events incompletely dated works, easily acquires a certain one-sided character, without thereby neces- sarily gaining in material value. Apart from this point, modern science presents so many aids for the absolute identification of undated or imperfectly dated works, that there is no intrinsic justification for a systematic under-estimation of such works. The further question arises, how should the collector act in the case of such undated works as cannot be identified, or identified beyond all doubt .^ In principle such works should be excluded by those bibliophiles who from the character of their collection must attach importance to the undoubted determination of the origin of each .printed work, and who have neither time nor means themselves to remove all doubts on these heads. But for large libraries such a limitation would be altogether misplaced ; for the accurate investigation of undated incunabula has already led to the most une.xpected results. 2. Works in Particul.\r Languages. By far the greater number of all incunabula are in the Latin language. From this fact alone it at once follows that early printed works in all modern languages must be more or less rare. Hence collectors excludino: Latin incunabula will obviously be restricted to those in their own mother-tongue, or else in such other modern languages as take a prominent position in a geographical, historical or linguistic sense. As a rule English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish incunabula are only to be procured with such difficulty, and on such unfavourable conditions, that with relatively limited means it would be beside the purpose to think of acquiring them. Works from Particular Covxtries. 357 ;,. Works from Particular Countries. As already pointed out, in all civilised lands far more was printed in Latin than in the vernacular, a fact that can cause no surprise considering the state of science and letters, as well as the slight development of the modern European languages at that time. Thus German, for instance, is represented bv scarcely one-eighth of the books printed in Germany before 1500. On the other hand it not unfrequently happened that German books were printed abroad by German printers, by whom the young art was rapidly spread throughout other lands. Hence collections of incunabula from any particular countries can by no means consist exclusively of works in the respective languages. They should in fact rather e.xclude such works, as even so the restriction to the Latin language will still leave a very wide field to the collector's activity. By far the relatively largest portion of all incunabula belong to Italy, where the art was early developed, and more particularly to Rome and Venice, whose incunabula alone would form a large library. The result is a comparative cheapness of most incunabula printed in Italy, and especially in Venice, the more so that during the last twenty years many of them have been thrown on the market by the sequestration of the Italian monastic estates and the dispersion of private collections. Hence those who may not have previously limited their operations to some other particular region, will as a rule find themselves the owners of a preponderating number of Italian incunabula. But rational collectors, especially when not guided by the question of quality as is usually the case in this domain, will 358 THE Book. probably soon discover that it is better to secure a relatively rich collection from a more or less restricted field, than to possess a correspondingly smaller number of specimens from several different countries. All alike aim at the greatest possible completeness within the region to which they have chosen to confine themselves. In the case of such restricted collections the first con- sideration will naturally be for the collector's native land, whether this expression be taken in a narrower or a wider sense, as for instance according to the political frontiers of the fifteenth century, or of the jsresent time. For such lands how- ever as can show but few incunabula, such a voluntary limitation will not always be found convenient. In this case specimens from rxher fields will doubtless be also admitted. For the rest incunabula from Germany, as the home of the invention of printing, will always possess a paramount interest even for foreigners, especially if they are anxious to secure copies from the oldest places where the art was practised. 4. Works from Particular Periods. We have already pointed out that from the material stand- point it is difficult to assign definite temporal limits to the term " incunabula." Hence it must be left to each individual collector to decide on the period to which he will extend its use, and also whether he will limit his collection to any and what particular year within that period. There is undoubtedly a certain justification for including on principle those works alone that fall within a given period not far removed from the date of the invention. Other temporal limitations might also be suggested ; these however would presuppose an arrangement of the collection IVORKS BELOXGING TO A PARTICULAR BRA.XCH OF LITERATURE. 359 according to place. Such a combination of territorial and temporal standpoints leads, for instance, to a collection limited to places where the art was introduced before a given year, or, say, to the ten, fifteen, twenty, etc., earliest places, or else to the oldest places of a given country, but within each of these places down to the year 1500. Such combinations are historically so far justified that those places form in a measure the landmarks in the victorious career of this far-reaching invention. Considerations of space and economy may under certain circumstances render it advisable to restrict the collection from more important places to works comprised within a certain date. 5. Works belonging to a Particular Branch of Literature. The great majority of all incunabula are devoted to theology, and all other branches of letters taken together are not half so numerously represented as this one subject. Hence, owing to their relative rareness, incunabula dealing with worldly matters possess a certain outward interest, apart altogether from the contents of each individual work. But on the other hand, within this general category every branch is more or less fully represented according to the stan- dard of contemporary knowledge. Classical subjects naturally take the foremost position. But we also meet with numerous chronicles, fugitive pieces, polemical writings, popular treatises on natural history, descriptions of travels, almanacks, occasional verses and other poetical effusions of later mediaeval times, grammars, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, musical works, etc. In short, for the history of every science, as well as of literature in 36o The Book. its narrower sense, the printed works of the fifteenth century present rich stores of information that have hitherto been little utilized. It is obvious that the use of such treasures would be im- mensely facilitated by bringing together special collections of incunabula for the several branches, or at least by thoroughly cataloguing from this standpoint the already existing general libraries of early printed works. 6. Works whose Contents present Special Curious Interest. Besides these special libraries, for which the greatest possible completeness will naturally be aimed at within the respective branches, others might be suggested, which, whether limited or not to special branches, would consist only of those incunabula whose contents are specially remarkable on account of their curious contents, in fact " curios " of literary or historic interest. Such early works which apart from their age and scarcity as early is'-.ues, are in themselves of peculiar interest, and would accordingly deserve to be re-issued either wholly or in part do occur sometimes. The acquisition, however, of these works, being for the most part very scarce, would involve a considerable outlay. 7. Works of Special Importance for the History of tvpographv. Apart from the "incunabula'' there are here to be considered: (a) Works in which, absolutely or within a given region, there occur for the first time place, privte^' avd year, or one alone or any two of these data ; works in which catch-words, pagination, title page occur for the first time ; works which are the oldest specimens of a particular form of type ; works in Works Illustrated with Woodcuts. 361 which initial letters or marginal embellishments were printed for the first time. (/;) Works which are of importance for the development of contractions or abbreviations. {c) Works containing particular Haws calculated to throw light on the contemporary technical processes. id) Works in which are for the first time noticed certain technical improvements, etc., etc. 8. Works Illustrated with Woodcuts. A few years after the issue of the first book printed with movable types, we meet the first rude beginnings of book illustration by means of woodcuts, an art which later acquired such importance. Gradually the draughtsmanship becomes more artistic, the technique freer and surer, until towards the close of the fifteenth century we find in the Italian School and in Schedel's Chronik woodcuts which recall the first masters of the following century. Hence a special collection of incunabula with woodcuts presents great interest for the history of art, and to a less extent for the aesthetic side of art. At the same time such illustrated incunabula are very numerous, some seven hundred being known froni Germany alone. In recent years, however, these, like all other wood-engravings, have risen in price to such an extent that a special collection of this sort is about one of the most costly things in the world. 9. Perfectly Preserved Copies. Such specimens naturally command all the higher price, in- asmuch as the condition of most extant incunabula leaves much to be desired. Besides the frequent absence of particular 302 The Book. leaves, they are largely damaged by worms, or disfigured by the gnawings of mice, by damp stains, reckless cutting down in binding, etc. Each collector will best know how far he should go in respect of the condition of a given incunabulum. Anyhow, wealthy bibliophiles are perfectly justified in seeing on principle that the book is as flawless as possible. It would be a mistake, however, to ride this hobby too far. An imperfect and worm-eaten unicuvi is far more valuable than a spotless perfect specimen of an issue, of which some sixty copies are known to exist. Hence, when it is a question of securing specially rare copies, we cannot always insist upon their perfect and flawless state. The foregoing remark leads to the consideration of lo. Extremely Rare Works. Certainlv the terms rare or scarce are somewhat vague. There are incunabula of which formerly only a few copies were known, but of which in recent years several others were offered for sale in rapid succession. Has the book on that account ceased to be rare .'' Anyhow there are several degrees of rareness to be distinguished. Apart from other considerations, it will be judicious to include in the collection only such in- cunabula as are at least to a certain extent scarce, even though it be impracticable to confine ourselves to rarities of the fii'st order, all of these being, of course, already bought up. II. Impressions on Vellum — Works Exceptionally Rich IN Artistic Embellishments, Initial Letters and the Like. What has been said respecting scarce specimens in general, naturally applies also to particular groups of the same category COLLECTIOXS ACCORDING TO PLACE, PR/XTF.R, ETC. 363 consequently also for works with an unusual wealth of artistic ornamentation in initials, borderings, miniature painting, etc. But it applies still more especially to works printed on vellum, all the more that but few of these are extant, while some are absolutely unique. In fact, works on vellum were issued only by a very small number of early printing offices. 12. Collections according to Place, Printer anh Varieties of Types. Those confining their purchases to incunabula of some particular country, but who are at the same time anxious to have as complete a representation as possible of the earliest development of the typographic art in that region, should make every effort to secure incunabula from all the printing establish- ments of the countries in question. Among the productions issued by each of these places such a collection will pay attention to the several printers, as well as to the varieties of types employed by each of them. Owing to the extreme scarcity of the specimens from certain offices absolute complete- ness in this respect is of course practically out of the question. But it may not be so difficult to form a relatively complete collection, that is, one in which shall be represented the majority of the printing places and printers of a given country. At least this may be possible, provided other considerations be kept mainly in abeyance, and the collector be satisfied with one specimen of each printer, as well as of each kind of type. For collectors of limited means this method is perhaps to be preferred before all others. In this way each distinct book becomes in fact an illustration in the history of the development of the typographic art. At the same time this method is also the best for everv 364 The Book. collection that has to be made from the typographical stand- point, whether such a collection is to embrace the productions of one country only, or those of all the regions with which we are here concerned. The same method also facilitates more than any other the identification of undated works. Collecting according to typographical specialities, as this method might be called, may of course be brought into harmony with all others hitherto touched upon, although in such cases the fundamental principle cannot always be strictly adhered to. It would lead us too far to enter in detail on all the combinations that are here possible. It will suffice to state that a collection made from this point of view will acquire a fair completeness all the more easily the less it aims at securing dated works, and especially such as bear the printer's mark. The creation of an ideal library of incunabula, in which every place, printer and form of type shall be represented by both dated and undated copies, will always present extreme difficulties. Still more difficult must be a collection of " incunabula " of every place and every printer, especially as these belong for the most part to the category of rarities. As a rule it will be found impossible to procure the first issue of each particular form of type. 13. Concluding Remarks. The foregoing remarks may suffice to give the reader some idea of the numerous points to be considered in making collections of incunabula. Much that has here been stated may look like so many truisms. Nevertheless the points touched upon may not seem quite suj^erfluous in the absence of a thoroughly systematic bibliographical treatment of the COLLECTIOXS ACCORDIXG TO PLACE, PKLXTEK, ETC. 365 subject. Nor can this essay pretend to supply the phice of such a work, especially when we consider how often both public libraries and private collectors have gone blindly to work in forming their collections. We have already mentioned that the principles or guiding rules here severally developed are also applicable for the systematic cataloguing of already existing general libraries of incunabula. L A T I N - E N G L I s H . Aarhusum, Aarhus 151Q. Abbatis Villa, Abbeville 14.86. Abredonia, Aberdeen 15 19. Alatum Castrum, Edinburgh 1509. Alba Bulgarica, Belgrade 1552. Aldenarda, Audenardc 1480. Aldenburgum, AUenburg 1523. Aiepum, Aleppo 1706. Alostum (Alost), Aaht 147J. Alta Villa, Eltivyl 1462. Aquae Bonse, Bonn 1543.* Aquincum, Buda {Ofen) 14; 2. Araugia, Aarau 1511. Argentoratum, Strasburg 1466. Arosia, Mj/caw 1621. Asculum Picenum, ^kW/ 1477. Augusta Bracara, Braga 1494. Augusta Nem3tum, Spire {Speier) 1477. Augusta Tiberii, Ratisbon {Regensburg) 1490. Augusta Vindelicorum, Augsburg 1472. Aurelia, Orléans 1490. Avenio, Avignon 1497. Bacoduram, Passa u 1482. Bamberga, Bamberg 1450. Bancona, Oppenheim 1494. Barcino, Barcelona 1478. Basilea, ^a'A' or ^iona 1473. Culemburgum, Cidtiiikirg 1483. Cutna, KiitUnbcrg 1489. Damascus, Damascus 1605. Darmstadium, Darmstadt 1 6 r i . Laventria, Dcvcnier 1477. Debrecinum, Dcbreczin 1565. Delfi, 7?,//"/ 1477. Derbatum, Dorpat 1642. Divio, />//();; 1491. Dresda, Dresden 1524. Dublinum, Dublin 1551. Eboracum, iorX- 1509. Edinum, Edinburgh 1509. Einsilda, Einsicddn 1664. Emmerani Coeaob., Ratisbon {Regcnsburg) J490. Eng'olisma, AngouUme 1491. Erfordia, Erfurt 1494. Ezelinga, Esslingen 1473. Fanum Fortunse, /(7«o 1475 Fanum St. Galli, S7. G/tf 1484. Lemovicum, Limoges 1495. Leopolis, Lemberg 1593. Leovardia, Letnvarden 1485. Letbes fl., Lima 1585. Leuphana, Lunelnug 1493. Limonum, Poitiers J 47 9. Lipsia, Leipzig 1479. Lobavia, Liibau 1718. Londinium, London 1477. Londinium Gothorum, /.;/«(/ 1663. 24 370 Topographical Ixdex. Loudeacum, Lmuh'ac 1484. Lovania, Louvain {Lœwen) 1473. Lubeca, IJihcck 1498. Lucerna Helvetiorum, Lucerne 1524. Lug^dunum, L.yons {Lyon) 1473. Lugdunum Batavorum, Leyden 1483. Luneburgum, Lunehurg 1493. Madritum, Madrid 1500. Magdeburgum, Magdeburg 1488. Manilla, Manila 1590. Mantua, ^Lanlua 1472. Marionis, Hamburg 1491. Marionis Altera, Liiheck 1498. Marsiburgum, Meneburg 1473. Mediolanum, Milan 1469. Memminga, Memmingen 1482. Messina, Messina 1473. Mesuium, Brunsivick 1509. Misna, Meissen 1508. Mogontiacum, Afayence {Mainz) 1448. Mohilavia, Mohileff idi-]. Monaehium, Munich 1482. Monasterium, Munster 1485. Monasterium B. Mariae de Monserrato, Xuestra Sehora de ^Lonserrale 149g. Monasterium Tavistock, Tavistock 1525. Monasterium Wadstenense, Wadstenia '495- Mens Regalis, Monte Reak 1472. Mons Regalis, Monterey 1494. Mens Serratus, Monserrate 1499. Monyorokerekinum, Eberau (Hungary) 1589. Moscovia, Moscmv 1553. Murcia, Murcia 1487. Mutina, Modena 1480. Namnetus Portus, Nantes 1493. Neapolis, A\iples 1472. Neoburgum, Neufchâtd 1530. Norimberga, Nurenbcrg 1470. Noviomagus, Ximeguen 1479. Novum Eboracum, TVt^i» iVX' 1693. Novum Londinium, .Avw London 170g. Ocellodurum, Zanwra 1482. OfFenburgum, Uffenlurg 1494. Olisipo, Lisboa 1495. Othania, Odcnse 1482. Pampalona, Pampelona 1489. Panormus, Palermo 1477. Parisius, Z',;/-/.? 1470. Parma, Parma 1473. Perusia, Perugia 1475. Petropolis, .S"/. Petersburg 17 10. Philadelphia, Pliiladelpliia i686. Piacentia, Piacenza 1475. Pintia, Valladolid 1493. Pons Neviae, Puebla de Navia 1612. Posnania, /'ot<'« 1577. Praetorium, Kingston 1720. Probatopolis, Sehaffhausen 1577. Provinum, Provins 1496. Eedones, Rennes 1484. Regiomontium Borussiae, Klmigsberg i. Pr. 1523. Regiopolis, Kingston 1720. Rhegium, Reggio 1498. Ripa, 7?/& 1508. Roe Fontes, Rôskyld 1534. Roma, /?()/«(■ 1467-68. Romano via, Romanoff 16 19. Rostochium, Rostock 1496. Rotomagus, Rouen 1487. Ruotlinga, Reutlingen 1500. Salmantica, Salamanca 1485. Sarvarinum, UJ-Szigeth-Sân\ir 1539. Schiedamum, Schiedam 1483. Schoonhovia, Schoenhooven 1495. Sedinum, Stettin 1577. Sentice, Zamora 1482. Singidunum, Belgrade 1552. Slesvicum, Schlesnvig 1485. Smyrna, Smyrna 1658, Stutgardia, Stuttgart i486. TOPOGRAPHK :\I. IXDF.X. 371 Sublacense Cœnob., Sulnaco 1+64. Szegedinum, Szigtdin 1567. Ternobum, Tymau 1578. Ticinum, Pavia 1476. Tigurum, Zurich 1504. Timalinum, Pucbla de Xavia i6iz. Toletum, Tolcdj i486. Tolosa, Tolosa 1480. Tolosa Tectosagum, Toulouse 1479. Trajectum Inferius, Utncht 1473. Trecae, Troy {Troyes) 1483. Tridentum, 'Trent {Trient) 1475. Tubinga, T a h in gen 1498. Tzernigovia, Tse/iemigo-iv ( Czer?iigoiv), 193- Ulma, CTw 1470. Upsalia, Upsnla 1510. Valentia, J'^a/eneia 1474. Varadinum, Grossivartfein 1585. Varsavia, If'^/.vfw 1580. Venetia, Venice 1469. Venta, Winchester 1545. Verona, Verona 1470. Vesontio, Besançon 1487. Viburgus, PViwg' 1528. Vigornia, ffî^^rcjAv- 1548. Vilna, f [/■/«« 1525. Vindabona, Vienna {Wien) 1482. Vinterberga, Winterherg 1484. Vratislavia, B resta ti 1538. Zamoscium, Zamosc 1557. ZwoUa, Z7f'o//f 1479. ENGLISH-LATIN Aalst, Alostum 1473. Aarau, Araugia 151 1. Aarhus, Aarhusum 15 19. Abbeville, Abliatis Villa i486. Aberdeen, AhreJonia 1519. Adrianople, HadrianopoUs 1554. Aleala de Henares, Complutum 149g. Aleppo, Alepum, Chalyhon, Halehian 1706. Alost, Alostum 1473. Altenburg (German)-), Aldenhurgum 1523. Altenburg (Hungary), Chrysii Auraria 1538. Angouleme, Engolisma 1 49 1 . Ascoli, Aseiilum Pieeniim 1477. Audenarde, Aldenarda 1480. Augsburg, Augusta Vindelicorum 1472. Avignon, Avenio 1497. Bale (Basle), Basilea 1470. Bamberg, Bamberga 1450. Barcelona, Barcino 1478. Batavia, Batavia 1668. Belgrade, ^Az Bulgarica, Singidunum '552- Berlin, Berolinum 1540. Berne, Bern a 1525. Beromunster, Berona 1470. Bois-le-Duc, Buscoduca 1484. Bologna, Bononia 1471. Bonn, Aquœ Bonœ, Bonna 1543. Bordeaux, Burdigala i486. Braga, Augusta Bracara 14Q4. Bresoia, Brixia 1473. Breslau Vatnslavia 1538. Bruges (Brugge), Brugœ Beamiœ 1475 Biiinn, Br una 1 49 1. Brunswick, Brunsviga, JAsninoi 1509. Brussels, Bruxella 1476. Buda Ofen\ Aijuineum 1472. Burgdorf, Burgdorfiuni 1475. Burgos, j^///-^7 14S5. Caen, Cadomum 1480. 3/2 Topographical Index. Cagli, Calitun {ad Calan) I47S- Cambridge, Camhon'cum, Capitahriga 155O. Canterbury, Can/uan'a 1549. Casole, Casulœ 1475. Cassel, Cassella, Casselelum 1 6 1 1 . Chablis, Cahelia 1478. Christiana, Christiana 1643. Cluny, Climacum 1493. Coimbra, Conimhrica 1536. Cologne, Colonia 1470. Como, Comum 1474. Copenhagen, Hafnia 1490. Cordova, Corduba 1495. Cracow, Cracovia 1491. Cremona, Cremona 1473. Culemborg, Cuhnhurgiim 1483. CzernigOW, Tzenwgavia 1493. Damascus, Damascus 1605. Darmstadt, Darmstadiuvi 1 6 1 1 . Debreczin, Dcbrecinum 1565. Delft, Z)./A 1477. Deventer, Davenlria \\ii. Dijon, Z)/?'/» 1 49 1. "DovÇdX, Dtiiialum 164Z. Dresden, Dn-sda 1524. Dublin, Diiblinum 1551. Eberau (Hungary), Monyorokerekinum ■589- Edinburgh, Alalum Cast rum, Edinum 1509- Einsiedeln, Einsilda 1664. Eltwyl, ^/A/ F///(7 1462. Erfurt, Erfordia 1494. Esslingen, Ezdinga 1473. Fano, Fanum ForluiuT 1475. Ferrara, Fcrrara 1471. Fivizzano, Fivizanuvi 1472. Formosa, Formosa 1661. Frankfort-on-the-Main, Francofurlum ad I\Lrnum 1 5 3 i . Frankfort-on-the-Oder, Francofurlum ad Odcram 1567. Freiberg (Freyburg), Frciberga in i\Iisnia 1495. Freiburg i. Br., Friburgum 1493. Freysingen, Frisinga 1494. Fribourg (Freiburg) in Switzerland, Friburgum Hdv. 1585. GalgOCZ, Galgocinum 1584. Geneva, Gmcva 1478. Genoa, Genua 1472. Gerona, Gerunda 1483. Ghent, Ganda 1483. Goslar, Goslaria 1604. Gothenburg, Gothoburgum 1650. Gouda, Gow^/iz 1477. Greenwich, Gronaicum 1564. Gross wardein, Varadinum 1585. Hagenau, Hagctioa 1500. Hague, The, /^<7^i7 Com His 15 16. Hamburg, Hamburgum, RIarionis 1491. Hasselt, Hasseletum 1480. Hermannstadt, Cibinium 1575. Ingolstadt, Ingolsladium 1490. Ipswich, Gippesvicum 1538. Karlsruhe, Caroli Hcsychium, Hesychia Carolina 1545. Kingston, Prœlorium, Regiopolis 1720. Kbnigsberg i. Pr., Rcgiomonlium Borussiœ 1523- Kralitz (Moravia), À'ra/Ziz 1579. Kuttenberg, Cutna, Kutlcnlnrga 1489. Laugingen, Lauginga 1473. Lausanne, Lausanna iSS^- Leipzig, Z/'^j/tf 1479- Leiria, Leiria 1484. Lemberg, Lcopolis 1593- Lerida, //m/a 1479. Leuwarden, Leovardia 1485. Topographical Ixdex. 373 Leyden, Lugditnum Bal«^ Regalls 1494. Moscow, Moscovia 1553. Miinchen. See Munich. Munich (Miinchen), Monachium 1482. Miinster, Munaslcrium 1485. Murcia, Munia 1487. Nantes, Xanmclus Partus 1493. Naples, Xca polls 1472. Neufchâtel, Xeohurguni 1530. New London, Xovum Londinium 1709. New York, Novum Ehoracum 1693. Nimeguen, Xovlomagus 1479. Nurenberg (Nurnberg), Norlmherga 1470. Odense, Othanla 1482. OfFenburg, Offcnhurgum 1494. Oppenheim, Bancona 1494. Orléans, Aunlla 1490. Palermo, Panomm i\'J1- Pampelona, Pampalnna 1489. Paris, Parlslus 1470. ParJia, Parma 1473. Passau, Bacodurum 14S2. Pavia, Jiclnum 1476. Perugia, Pcrusia 1475. Philadelphia, Philadelphia 1686. Piacenza, Placentia 1475. Poitiers, Llmonum 1479. Posen, Posnania 1577. Provins, Provinum 1496. Puebla de Navia, /"o^j- A'f?';«, Timallnum 161 2. Ratisbon, Augusta Tibcrli, Emmeranl Cœ- nob., Hyctopolls ad [strum 1490. Regensburg. See Ratisbon. Reggio, Rhtglum 1498. Rennes, Redone s 1484. Reutlingen, Ruotlinga 150c. Ribe, yv'//<7 1508. Romanoff, Romanojw. Spire, Augusta Xtinetum J.^.J'J. 374 TOPOGRAPHICAL IXDEX. St. Gall, Fannm Si. Galli, Gnlli Faiiiim St. Petersburg, PdropoUs 1710. Stockholm, Holmia 1474- Strasburg, Argenioralian 1466. Stuttgart, Stilt gardia i486. Subiaeo, Suhhuense Ca-noh. 1464. Szegedin, Szcgcdinum 1567. Szigeth (Uj-Szigeth-Sârvâr), Sarvarinum 1539- Tavistock, Monastcrium Tcivistoik 1525. Toledo, Toletum i486. Tolosa, Tolosa 1480. Toulouse, Tolosa Teclosagiim 1479. Trent Trient), Trident um 1475. Troy Troyes), TnriC 1483. Tschernigow, Tzeniigovia 1493- Tubingen, Tuhinga 1498. Tyrnau, Tnwhiim 1578. Ulm, ^7///i? 1470. TJpsala, Upsalia 15 10. Utrecht, Trajeitum In/iiiiis 1473. Valencia, Valentia 1474. Valladolid, Pintia 1493 Venice, Vcnetia 1469. Verona, Verona 1470. Viborg, Vibiirgus 1528. Vienna, Vindabona 1482. Wadstenia, jl/(?«(7.f/tv'/«;« Wadstenense 1495. Warsaw, Varsavia 1580. Westeras, Arosia 1621. Wilna, r7/«a 1525. Winchester, Pfv/A? 1545. Winterberg, Viriterberga 1484. Worcester, Brangonta, Vigomia 1548. Wiirzburg, Herbipolis 1479. York, Eboraciim. Zamora, Ocellodnrum, Sent fee 1482. Zamose, Zamoscium 1557. Zurich, Tigurum 1504. ZwoUe, Zwolla 1479. GENERAL INDEX. Abbreviations, 330, 337. Adolph of Nassau, 36. /Elius Donatus, 8. ^sop's Fables, first Dutch translation, 1485, 82. Alciati's Emblems, 143. Aiding, Henry, printer in Sicily, 44. Aldus Manutius, 66, 108, 113, 252, 271. America, North, printing in, 228. Ames' Typograph. Antiquities, 50. Amman, Jost, 251. Andrea, John, 112, 113. Angoulême, Jean d', 309. Anne de Bretagne, 268. Anopistographs, printed on one side onl)', 18. Antwerp, early printing at, 155. Apuleius' L Amour de Cupidon et de Psvchc, 140. Ars Memorandi, block book, 1 3. An Mon'eudi, block book, 10. Art au Marier, block book, 12. Artistic get-up, 341. Asola, Andrew (A. Torresani), 66. Astor Library, 320. Audran, C, engraver, 166. Author's name, 326. Bacon's Advancement of Learning, 153. Badier, Florimond, binder, 295. Badius, Josse, of Asch, printer in Paris, 138, 257. Balbus'i John, Catholicon, printed by Guten- berg, 33. Baldini, Baccio, designs for early Italian books, 67. Ballard, Robert, printer for music, 152, 196. Barbier, Jean, printer, 53. Barbin, Claude, publisher, 187. Barbou, bookseller of Paris, 196, 208. Barker, Robert, binder, 304. ,, Robert, first authorized version of the Bible, 192. Barnes, Dame Juliana, Treatyses perteyn- yngc to Fyshing, 52. Bartolozzi, engraver, 219. Baskerville, John, printer of Birmingham, 218, 254. Bâtarde la Grosse, 47. Bechtermunze, Henry, pupil of Gutenberg, 34 ; his Vocabularium, 44. Bedford, Francis, binder, 303. Belfort, Andrew, 44. Bergman de Olpe, printer of Seb. Brandt's Ship of Fools, 79. Bernard, Le Petit, or Bernard Solomon, designer, 145. Berthelet, Thomas, binder, 303. Bewick, Thomas, engraver, 224. Beyamus, C, of Savigliano, 339. Beza, Theodore, 1 36. Bible, the first English in Roman type, 1 17. ,, the Gutenberg, 23. „ the Mayence of 1462, 35. ,, the thirty-six line, by A. Pfister, 34. Biblia Paiiperiim, block book, 10. Bibliographical directions, 342. Biblioteca Marciana, Venice, 319. Bignon, Abbé, 312. Bill of type, 255. Bindings, descriptions of, 262, 347. Biziaux, binder, 302. Blades, 'W., 48. Blake, William, 221. Blanc, Charles, 241. Block books, the, 10. Boccaccio's Z'^crtwf /■<>«, ffjl., 1620, 191. 376 General Index. Bodley, Sir Thomas, 317. Bodoni, printer, 254. Boner's, Ulrich, /^rfWt-j, by A. Pfister, 1461,62. Bonhomme, printer at L)-ons, 145. Book trade of the fifteenth century, 42. Books of Hours, 85. Bookworms, 268. Borel, Petrus, 238. Borromeo, Cardinal, 31g. Bosse, Abraham, engraver, 177. Bostgaard, Fred, 312. Boston Library, 320. Botticelli, Sandro, plates to Dante, 67. Boucher, François, designer, 19S. Bourdichon, Jean, designer, 83. Boy dell's. Alderman, Shakespeare, 219. Boyet, binder, 302. Bradstreet, binder, 303. Brandt's, Seb., Shyp of Folys, by Pynson.l 18. Brandt's, Sebastian, Ship of Fools, by Berg- man de Olpe, 79. Breydenbach's Pérégrinations en Terre Sainte, printed by Topic de Pymont, 150. British Museum, 314, 317. Brocard, Andrew, bookseller, 103. Brothers, The, of Common Life, 45, 338. Brown, H. K., designer, 245. Brunet's Manual, 325. Bucking, Arnold, printer at Rome, 70. Bude, Guillaume, 309. Buon, Nicholas, bookseller, 165, 169. Butler's Htidibras, 1663, 193. Caesaris, Peter, Paris printer, 82. Caldecott, Randolph, designer, 246. Callot, Jacques, engraver, 175. Campbell's Atittales, 325. Cape, binder, 303. Cardon, Horace, publisher, 166. Caron, Antoine, engraver, 164. Cars, Laurent, engraver, 198. Caslon, William, type-founder, 21S, 254. Catch-vvordS; 333. Catherine de Medici, 286. Catholicon, The, printed by Gutenberg, 33. Cawood, John, printer, 118. Caxton, William, first English printer, 47-50, 253- Cazin, publisher, 209. Chaillot, Robin, publisher, gg. Cliamflciiry, by G. Tory, 131. Chamot, binder, 302. Chatnpavert, Contes Immorean.r, 238. Chapman's /^o;«(?/', 161 i, 191. Chappuis, Claude, bookseller to Francis L, 136. Charles V., 308. Charles VIL, 53. Charles V'lll., 123, 308. Charles IX., 288, 310. Chaucer, printed by T. Godfray, 1532, 118. Chauveau, François, engraver, 188. Chevalier, Peter, publisher of the Mctanéa- logie, 164. Chicago Library, 320. Chodowiecki, D. N., designer, 216. Choffard, engraver, 190, 207. Chronicle of Aragon, The, 1523, 116. Cicero, De Officiis, 4to, by Fust and Schoeffer, 1465, 38. Claude's Liber Vcritatis, 1777, 2ig. Clement, Nicolas, 312. Clennell, Luke, engraver, 224, 244. Clouet, François, 147, 153. Clousier, royal printer, 227. Cochin, vignettist, 200. Cohn, Albert, bookseller of Berlin, 29, 351. Coignard, bookseller, 196. Colard Mansion, printer at Bruges, 46, 81. Colbert, 288, 312. Colines, Simon de, printer at Paris, 1527, 129, 131. Cologne Chronicle, The, 1499, 24, 26, 73. Common Prayer Book (the first), known as Edward VI.'s, 1 19. Colonna's, Francesco, Poliphili's Hypnero- tomachia, 70. Colophon, the, 327. Collation, the, 332. Collections according to place and printer, 363. Combe's Dr. Syntax's Three Tours, 245. Commin, Vincent, bookseller in Paris, 98. Condition of the copy, 349. Congress Librarj' of Washington, 320. Constitutioncs of Pope Clement \ .. 35. Cornells de la Haye, 147. Coster, Laurent, 9. Gexeral Ixdex. m Cotton, Sir Robert, 31S. Cousin, Jean, designer, 145, 14S, 151. Coverdale's English Bible, 118. Cramoisy, Sébastien, printer of Paris, 164, 174, 296. Cranacli, Lucas, 116, 316. Crannier's Bible, 119. ,, Catechism, 1 19. Cruikshank, George, 245. Curmer, publisher of Paris, 240. Dances of Death, The, 73, 100. Danic, by Bonino de Boni, i, 1487, 71. Dated and Undated Works, 355. Dating, the, 528. Daumier, designer, 242. David, J. L., designer, 212, 214. Day, John, printer, 116, 253. De Bry, 192. De Lormel, 211. De Norvins, Hist, de Napoléon, illustrated by Raffet, 242. Decameron, illustrated by Gravelot, 204. Del'a Bella, engraver, 177. De la Marche, Olivier, 82. Denis de la Noue, 166. Derome, binder, 301. Desarques, La Manière Universelle, 177. Desenne, 230. Desportes, Philippe, 2S7. Devéria, designer, 237. D'Houry, 196. Diana of Poitiers, 286, 309. Dickens, Charles, 245. Didot, Ambroise Firmin, 233. ,, family, the, 231, 254. ,, François, 202. „ Pierre François, 227. Diodoriis Sictiliis, by Geoffroy Tory, 1 34. Dolet, Etienne, 159. Donatus, the, 8, 10. Dorat, Les Baisers, 1770, 207. Doré, Gustave, designer, 243. Doyle, Richard, 246. Dritzehen, Andrew, 16. ,, Nicolas, 17. Dubochet, publisher of Paris, 239. Du Cerceau, Les Plus Beaux Bastiments de France, 151. Dubois, Gilles, binder, 296. Dubuisson, Pierre Paul, binder, 301. Duc d'Orléans, 195. Duchesne, 236. Dumesnil, Robert, 14S. Diinne, goldsmith, 17. Duplat's relief engraving on stone, 223. Duplessi-Bertaux, 214. Duplessis, George, 141. Du Pré, Galliot, 142. „ „ Jean, printer, 96, 105. Dupuy Brothers, librarians, 31 1. Durandus' Rationale, 34. Diirer's, Albert, Apocalypse, 75, 77, 113. ,, ,, Life of tlie ]'irgin,yi. „ „ Passion, 78. Duru, binder, 303. Duseuil, binder, 302. Dutuit, E., Manuel de Estauipes, 39. Earlom, Richard, 219. East India Company, 120. Eisen, 204, 302. Elizabeth's, Queen, Prayer Book, 116. Elzevir, Abraham, 170. ,, Bonaventure, 170. ,, Daniel, 172. ,, Louis, 170. Engerrand, Pierre, binder, 302. Enschedé family, the, 173. Entrée, I', du Roi Henri IL à Lyon, 146. Erasmus' Eloge de la Folie, 142. Etienne, Robert, 134, 137, 13S, 253. Euclid, Elements of, 1482, 65. Eustace, Guillaume, 97, 125. Eve, Clovis, 293. ,, Nicholas, 290. Eyck, Van, g. Faithorne, W., 192. Fanti's, Sigismond, Trionfo di Fortuna, 112. Fasciculus Temporum, by John V'eldener, 81. Fasciculus Temporum, printed by Arnold Ther Hoernen, 72. Fermiers Généraux, Les, 207, 209. Fichet, Guillaume, 39, 56, 58, 61. ,, Pierre. 25, Finiguerra, Maso, 66. Flaxman, 230. 378 Ge.xeral Index. Formschneiders, the. 142. Fornazeris, J de, 166. Foster, Birket, 246. Foucquet, Jean, 83, 288. Fouet, Robert, 170. Foulis Press, Glasgow, the, 2i8. Fount of type, 255. Fournier, 254. Fra Angelico, 64. Francesco da Bologna, 108. Francis I., 123, 136, 268, 281, 283, 309. Franklin, Benjamin, 228, 320. Frederick II., 319. Free Public Libraries, 321. Frelon, 141. Freyburger, Michael, 57, 59. Friedberg, Peter, Mayence, 33g. Froben, Johannes, 74, 140, 253. Froissart s Chronicles, 118. Fuller's Worthies of England, 193. Fume, publisher of Paris, 241. Fuseli, 230. Fust, John, 15, 18, 39, 260. Gaguin, Robert, 39. Gaguin's Compendium, 122. Galen's />(? Temperamentis, 1521, 120. Galliot du Pré, 142. Garamond, Claude, 137, 173, 253. Gasparin of Bergamo, Letters, 59. Gaston de Foix, 2. Gaultier, Léonard, 157, 164. Gavarni, designer, 243. Gensfleisch, John, 15. Gérard, 230. Gérard de Leeu, 82. Gering, Krantz, and Freyburger, 339. Gering, Ulrich, printer in Paris, 57, 59, 62 Gesi'i, Nicholas and Dominic Dal, 112. Gibson, John, binder, 303. Gigoux, Jean, the younger, 238, 239. Gilbert, Sir John, 246. Gilles Remade, 97. Gillot, Claude, 190, 196, 198. Girodet, 230, 234. Giunta, Lucantonio, iii, 113. Glim, J., of Savigliano, 339. Goetz, Nicholas, of Cologne, 338. Gombauld, 169. _ Gothan, B., of Lubeck, 33g. Gourmont, Gilles de, 127. ,, Jean de, 153. Graesse's Trésor, 325. Grafton, Richard, 119. Grandes Chroniques, Les, 96. Grandes Heures, Les, by Vérard, 95. Grandjean, 254. Grand Navire Publishing Company, the, 174- Grandville, designer, 243. Gravelot, H. F., engraver, 203, 21g. Greuter, Fred, 169. Grolier, Jehan, 131, 271, 276, 308. Grosse la Bâtarde, 47. Griinenberg, John, 116. Gruninger, John, of Strasburg, 33g. Gruuthuise, Louis de la, 283. Guadagnino, John Andrea, 112. Guiffrey, J. J., 296. Guise, Henri de, 288. Guldinbeck, Berth., of Rome, 339. Gutenberg, John, 2, 15, 17. 54, 255. Gutenberg's Bible, 22, 23. Guy Jouvenal, 106. Hacliette, L., publisher at Paris, 243. Hagenbach, Peter, 44. Hahn, Ulrich, 44, 63. Main's Repertorium, 325. Hakluyt's Principall Navigations, 1 20. Halles Chronicle, iig. Harding, S. and E., 220. Hardouin, Gilles, 97. Harleian Collection, 318. Heilmann, Andrew, 16. Heinecken, bibhographer, 34g. Heinlein, John, 56, ;8, 61. Henri II., 280, 286, 30g. Henri III., 158, 288, 290. Henri IV., 162, 163, 292, 310, 314. Heures à l'Usage de Rome, Bvo, 1488, 86. Hiérat, Antoine, 168. Wxgàen's Polychronicon, 1527, 121. Histoire du Cosiume, by Moreau, 211. Historical notices, 351. Hoernen, Arnold Ther, 44, 73. Hogarth, 'William, 219. Holbein's Dance 0/ Death, 140. GESEKAI. IXDKX. 379- Holbein, Hans, 75, 100. Holinshed's Chronicles, 118. HoU, Linhard, of Ulm, 33S. Hollar, \V., 192. Hortiis Dclkianim, 169. Houbrakeii, 219. Houdard de la Motte, 196. Hiilsius, 192. Hussner, George, of Strasburg. 339. Hyginus' Pocticon Astronomicutii, 65. lamblicluis, the, of the Libri collection, S76. Illustrated London Xcivs, 236. Image makers, 5. Imposition of pages, 255. Imprimerie Nationale, 138. Incunabula, 8, 321. Isaac, Jasper, 164, 166. Isenburg, Diether von, 36. Jackson, J., engraver, 244. Jacob, bibliophile, 238. Jenson, Nicolas, 54, 65, 66, 113, 252, 261. Johannot, the brothers, 237. Johannot, Tonj-, 225. Joly, Marc Antoine, 199. Jombert, printer, 201. Juda, Leon de, 139. Juif, Gerard, 150. Junius, Hadrian, 8, 9, 15. Juste, François, 125. Kalthoeber, C, binder, 304. Kaulbach, W. von, 248. Kempis, Thomas à. De Iinilalione, b}- J . and D. Elzevir, 172. Kerver, Jacques, 139. ,, Thielman, 96, 122. Koberger, Antony, 44, 74. Koelhof, first printer to use signatures, 44. Koenig, Fr., inventor of steam press, 257. Krantz, Martin, 57, 60. Kyngston, John, 119. Labarre, Jean de, 308. Lacroix, Paul, 238. Laferté, binder, 302. Lafontaine, Les Contes, 207. Lahure, printer, Paris, 244. Lallemant, Jean, 272, 280. hangland's Pierce Plowman, 1530, 118. Langlois, François, 176. Lanvveryn, Mark, 273. Lascaris' Greek Grammar, 1494, 109. La Tour, binder, 296. Le Bon, Jean, 308. Le Brun, painter, 184. Le Challeux, Jacques, 153. Le Fevre, Malheurs de Troye, 81. Le Gascon, binder, 292, 294. Le Maire's, Jean, Illustrations de la Gaule, 122. Le Rouge's La Mer des Histoires, 84. Le Roy, Adrien, 152. Le Royer, Jean, 149. Lebé, Guillaume, 156, 254. Leclerc, Sebastien, 185. Leech, John, 246. Lemonnier, binder, 302. Lenoir, Philippe, 284. Lenox Library, 320. Leonardo da Vinci, 1 13. Léonord, 196. Lepautre, engraver, 187. Leroy, Guillaume, 106. Lesné, binder, 303. Letters of indulgence, 20. Lettou, John, 51. Levasseur, binder, 296. Leu, Thomas de, 157, 163. Lewis, Charles, binder, 304. Leyden Library, 316. Libraries, 307. Linschoten, 192. Lipsius, Justus, 155. Livre de Perspective, by Jean Cousin, 148. Livre de Portraiture, by Jean Cousin, 149,. 151. Loggan, David, 317. Lorenzo, Nicholas di, 67. Lorris, Guillaume de, 106. Lortic, binder, 303. Loslein, Peter, 44. Louis XL, 54, 123. Louis XII., 108, 123, 268, 282. Louis XIII., 169, 175, 163, 165, 292. Louis XIV., 162, 182, 296, 298. Louis XV., 209, 226, 314. ?8o General Ixdex. Louis XV'L, 209, 227. Louis XVIII., 227. Louisa of Lorraine, 290. Louvre editions, 231. Luther, Martin, 21. Lutzelburger, Hans, 141. Macault, Antoine, 134. Mace at Caen, 155. Machlinia, William, 51. Magasin Pittoresque, 236. Mainyal, George, 62. Maioli, Thomas, 272, 308. Majuscules, 337. Manipulus Ciiratoniin, 61. Mansfeldt, Count, 288. Mansion, Colard, printer at Bruges, 46, Si, 253- Manutius, Aldus, 66, 108, 113, 252, 271. Marchants, Guyot, Datice of Death, 1485, 101, 284. Marius-Michell, binder, 303. Marnef, Geoffroy de, 122. ,, Jeanne de, 140. Martyr's, Peter, Decades of the New World, 120. Master, the, à la Navette, 81. Matthews, binder, 303. Matthias van der Goes, 82. Mayer, Henry, 62. Mazarin, Due de, 311. Mazarine Library, 311. Mearne, Samuel, binder, 304. Medemblick, John, of Cologne, 338. Medici, Marie de, 162. „ Catherine de, 310. ,, Cosmo de, 319. Meissonier, 240. Mellan, Claude, 166. Mentelin, John, of Strasburg, 339. Menzel, Adolph, 248. Mer, la, des Histoires, 1488, 84, 122. Merian, engraver, 316. Merlus, binder, 296. Meslier, Denis, 98. Meteren, Van, 118. Method of collecting books, the, 352. Metlinger at Dijon, 62.' Miegen, 168. Milton, Paradise Lost, 193. Miniatures, 345. Minuscules, 337. Mirror makers, 16. Misprints, 330. Missale Herbipolense, 1479, 81 Molière Œuvres, by Prault, 199. Montenay's, Georgette de. Emblèmes, 151. Monteregio, John de, Caleudario, 65. Montmorency, Anne de, 287. More, Sir Thomas, 118. Moreau, the younger, 204, 209. Moretus, Jean, 157. Mosaic binding, 299. Mospach, Josse Ott von. 20. Movable type, 9. Moxon, publisher, 254. MxxssËUS Hero and Leande?; 1494, 108. Muther's Deutsche Buchcrillustration, 342. Mystère de la Passion, 96. Napoleonic era, 234. National Library, Florence, 319. „ ,, Paris, 316. Nautonnier, Guillaume de, 167. Necker, Jost, 114. Nemeitz, 312. Nesle, Marquis de, 2S8. Neumeister, John, 44, 62. Nevers, Due de, 153, 311. Nicholas V., Pope, 20. Nivelle, Michel, 169, 174. Norton, John, binder, 304. Notary, Julian, 53. Number of lines in a page, 336. Nuremberg Chronicle, 77, 331. Olivier de la Marche, 82. Os, Peter van, 81. Oswen, John, 121. Ovid's Metamorphoses, Leclerc, 187. by Sebastien Pacioli, Fra Luca, Dc Divina Proporlione, II3- Pagination, 333. Palmart, Lambert, 46. Panel-stamps, 265. Gexeral I.xdex. 3SI Paunartz and Sweynheim, printers at Rome, 44- Panzer, .Innalen, 325. Paper-making, 259. Papillon, Jean, 222. ,, Jean Baptiste, 222. Paris, ]ean de, S3. „ Libraries, 315. ,, Missal, the, 97. Pasdeloup, binder, 300. Pasquier-Bonhomme, 83. Pass, Crispin, 169. Passe-Partout, the, 158. Passioiialc Cliristi, of Lucas Cranach, 115. Pasti, Matteo, 64. Pastissicr François, by the Elzevirs, 172. Pâtisson, Mamert, 1 51. Paulin, publisher, 238. Payne, Roger, binder, 304. Perréal, Jean, 83, 133. Perrissin, Jean, 152. Peter of Cremona's Daiiic, 1491, 70. Peter van Os, 81. Petit, Jean, 122, 127. Petrarch's IVorks, 1 501, 109. Pfennigthurm, the, of Strasburg, 16. Pfinzing. Melchior, 114. Pfister, Albert, 34, 37, 62, 339. Philippe IL, 155. Philippe, Laurent, 99. Philippe le Noir, 122. " Phiz" (H. K. Browne), 245. Pliotography as means of illustration, 243- Picart, Bernard, 190. Jean, 168. Piccini, J., 168. Pico de la Mirandola, loS. Pictor, Bernard, 44. ,, Loslein and Ratdolt, 65. Pigorreau, gilder, 292. Pigouchet, Philippe, 83, 85. Plantin, Christopher, Ii5, 154, 253. Platen, the, of the press, 257. Plaj-ing cards, 5. Pleydenu-urff, William, 75. VluxmeXs lilancge Royal, 169. Poliphili's Hypiicrotomachia, 70. Pollajuolo, 68. Polyglot Bible by C. PlaiUin, i 56. ,, by Vitré, 181. Pompadour, M. de, 202, 288. Ponte, Gotardo de, 113. Portese, Agostino da, 112. Portrait, the, in the book, 104. Pou-ell, Humphrey, lig. Pratt, binder, 303. Preller, Fried, 246, 248. Price of rare books, 3 50. Primaticcio, 143. Printer's ink, 340. „ marks, 103, 340. Promptuairc des Médailles, 146. Prud'hon, 230. Prynne, William, 192. Prys, John, of Strasburg, 339. Psalter, second edition of 1459, 31. the, of 1457, 340, 345. Ptolemy's Cosmograpliia, 1478, 70. Punctuation, 337. Purchas : his Pilgrimcs, 192. Pymont, Topie de, 1 50. Pynson, Richard, 52, 116, 118, 253. Ouaritch, Bernard, bookseller of London, 24, 351- Quentel, Henry, of Cologne, 339. Raffet, designer, 241. Rahmenschneiders, the, 82. Raoul le Fevre, Histoires de Troves, 56. Rare books, 362. Ratdolt, Erhard, 44, 65, 113, 341. Rationariiim Evangel istantm, 14. Ravenna, Peter of, 112. Remade, Gilles, 97. Rembold, Berthold, 62. Renée of Ferrara, 137. Retzsch, Moritz, designer, 246. Reyser, Michael, of Eichstadt, 339. Richter, Ludwig, designer, 247. Riviere, binder, 303. Roffet, Pierre, 284. Rogers' Poems, 244. Roman, Le, de la Rose, 105. Rood, Theodoricus, first printer at O.xford, 52- 382 General Ixdex. Rossi, Lorenzo, St. Jerome, 1497, 102. Rosso, 143. Roville, printer at Lyons, 145, 146. Rowlandson, Thomas, 244. Royal Library, Berlin, 319. Paris, 309. Royal Printing House, Paris, 165, 175, 225. Rubens, Peter Paul, 158. Rubrics, 345, 347. Ruette, binder, 297. Riippel, Berthold. 44. Sadeler, Jean, i 58. Saint-Aubin, designer, 203, 209. ■Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 234. St. Albans, Boke of, 52. St. Christopher, 1423, xylographie block, 4, 349- St.Gelais, Octavian de, Le Vcrglcr d' Honneur, 121. St. Jerome, Letters, 148S, 66. Salisbury Primer, 119. Salomon, Bernard, 145. Sanlecquss, Jacques, 173, 254. Sauvai, 294. Savary de Breves, 181. Saxton's Atlas, 1579, 121. Scaliger, Joseph, 317. Scarron's Works, 177. Schaffler, John, of Ulm, 339. Schatzbehalter, the, 1491, 75. Schàufelin, Hans Leonard, 114. Schedel's, Dr. Hartmann, Xuremberg Clironhic, 77. Schnorr von Carolsfeld, designor, 247. Schoeffer, Peter, 19, 39, 56. Ivo, 168. Schoepflin, 16. Schongauer, Martin, 14. Schonsperger, Hans, 114. Schwind, Moritz von, designer, 246. Séguier, Chancellor, 297. Semblancay, 272, 280. Seneca of Toledo, 15, 10, 116, Servetus, 160. ' Sessa, Melchior, U2. Seyssel, Claude de, 122. Sforza, 144, 308. Shakespeare, Boydells edition, 1791, 219. Shakespeare, quarto edition, 119. Sliakespeare's Works, by Jaggard and Blount, 1623, 191. Sliip of Fools, 79. Siberch, John, printer at Cambridge, 121. Sidney's Arcadia, 1 590, 1 1 8. Signatures, 333. Signs-manual, 3. Singleton, Hugh, 119. Size, the, 329. Sloane, Sir Hans, founder of Britisli Museum, 50. Smirke, Robert, 220, 317. Songe de PoUphilc, Le, 140. South Kensington Museum Art Library. 318. Spacing, the, 335. Speculum Hum. Salvationis, 7, 9. Spens&is FaeHe Queene, 1590, 118. Spiegelmachers, 16. Spiess, Weigand, 34. .Spindeler, Nicolas, 44. Spira, Johannes de, 44, 339. ,, Vendelin de, 44. Stanhope Press, the, 257. Stationers' Company, the, 119. Stol, John, 82. Stothard, Thomas, 220, 244. Strange, .Sir Robert, 219. Sturt's Common Prayer Book, 219. Sublet des Noyers, 175. Sutton, Henry, 119. Sweynheim, Conrad, printer at Rome, 44. Tailleurs d'images, 4. Tallemant des Reaux, 294. Tessier, binder, 302. Ther Hoernen, Arnold, first printer using Arabic numerals, 103. Tlieuerdanck, The, 114, 115. Thevet, Cosmograpliic Universelle, 1 5 1. Thompson, John, engraver, 235, 244. Thou, Christoplie de, 281. „ Jacques de, 289, 310. Times, The, 227. Title, the, 327, 330. Todtentants, Tlie, 73. Tooling, gold, 270. Topograpliical index, 366. Tomes, Hans de, 145. Gk.\/:ra/. Ixdex. 383 Torqueinada, Cardinal, 42, 63. Torresani, Andrea, 66, loS. Tortorel, Jacques, 152. Tory, Geoffroy, 126, 253, 276, 278, 2S2. Trautz-Bauzonnet, binder, 303. Traviès, designer, 242. Tresciiel, Jean, 103, 140, Treves, Peter of, 121. Tritenheim, Jolin of, ig. Tyndall's English New Testament, llS. Type casting, 251. Type, forms of, 337. Types, presses, paper, 250. University Library, Cambridge, 31S. Valadel's editions, Petits Formats, 209. V'aldarfer, Christopher, 44. Valla, Etcgantia Latina IJngutT, 61. Valladier, André, 164. Valturius, De Re Militari, 64. Van der Goes, Matthias, 82. Van Dyck, Christopher, 254. Van Meteren, 1 1 8. Vatican Library, 319. Veldener, John, 81. Vellum, editions on, 343, 362. Vérard, Antoine, 82, 92, 284. Vergèce, Ange, 137. Verona, John of, 64. Viator, Perspective, 284. Virgil's [r'w^'.ç, by Aldus Manutius, 1501, 109. Vitré, Antoine, 166, 180. VitrKviits, by Cesariano, 113. Vocabitlarium ex quo, the, 32. Vollehoe, John of, 82. Voragine's Golden Legend, 96, 112. Vos, Martin de, 1 58. Vostre, Simon, 82, 85, 86, 87, 2S4. Vriedman, John, 150. Vyel, Andrew, 44. Walchius' Dcras Hiimani, 36. Faludannn Generis Walter, John, 227. Walton's Complete Angler, 193. ^Vater-marks, 259, 34^. Watteau, 196. Wechel, printer at Paris, 145. Wencker, 16. Wensler, Michael, printer, 62. Werner, Anton von, designer, 246. West, Benjamin, designer, 236. Westall, Richard, designer, 220. Westphalia, Conrad of, 46. ,, John of, printer at Louvain, 46, 81. Whitchnrche, Edward, 119. Wierix, engraver, 157, 164. Winterberger, J., printer of Vienna, 63. Woeriot, P., engraver, 1 28, 151. Wohlgemuth, Michael, 75, 76. Wolfenbiillel Library, 316. Works belonging to a particular brandi of literature, 339. Works illustrated with wood-cuts, 361. Works in particular languages, 356. Works of importance for tlie history of printing, 360. Works of particular countries, 357. Works of particular periods, 358. Works whose contents present special interest, 360. Wynkyn de Worde, 51, 52, 119. Xylographs, 4, 10. Zaehnsdorf, J., binder, 303. Zainer, Gunther, of Augsburg, 72, 339. ,, 's Book on Clicss by Jacopo da Cessole, 72. ,, ; John, of Ulm, 338. Zell, Ulrich, 25, 34, 44. Zeninger, Conr., of Nurnberg, 33g. Zenoi, Domenic, 168. Zonta, L. (Giunta), iii. Zuckermann, binder, 304. Zum Jungcn at Mayence, 18. Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. I University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY -p, 305 De Neve Drive - Parking^Lo* y^^^^^^^îa LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Rrtiirn this material to the library from which it was borrowed. H/'>/ 0\) i Series 9482 UGSOUWEBNntGIONMl 000 334 790 3_