UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY At the General Affembly of the Governor and Company of the Englifli Colony of Rhode-IJlani and Providence Plantations in Ne'vo- England in AMER ICA, be- gun md held at SiutbKtKgJtoun within and for faid Colony, on the lad Wcdnefday in OSfo(>er, in the Twenty firft Year of the Reign of his moft Sacred Majefty, George the Second, by the Grace of G O D King of GriJ.' Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, (j^c. Prefent, The honorable William Rohiiifon Efq ; Deputy Governor, B'KJamin Hazard Efi •, Affift. ") Benjamin Tucker Ejq ; Afllft* George Wanton Efq j AfTilt. ( Epbraim Gardner Ejq ; Aflift. William Rhodes Efq\ AlTift. ( Jeremiah Niles Efq; Aflllt. Jonathan Randal Efq ; Afiia. J fViliiam Richmond Efq j Afllfl. Ths Secretary. Deputies of the feveral Towns. Newport, NTr Thsmas ff^ickham. Captain Walter Cbaloner, Mr. Thomas Critrfton, Mr. Jrbr. Cbahning, Providence, Daniel Jenks, Efq ; Colonel William Hopkins, Mr. John Paper iun. Mr. Pcleg Williams jun. Pi)rrfmoi.ith, Mr. John Allen, Mr. Jonathan Freeborn^ Mr. Thomat Sbjarmat], Mr. William Earl. VVatA-ick, Major James Arnold, Colonel Benoni Waterman^ Mr. Samuel Hreene, Mr. Jojfph Lippit. Weftcrly, M^jor William Pdndlelon Ne-v-Shorham, None. North Kmgftown, Mr. Congdon, Mr. John Spink. South Kin^^ftown, Capt. Robert Hazard, Colonel Jhoti,as Hazard. Eaft Gr.-enwich, Mr. Giles Pearce^ Cape. Jhemns Sptncer. JamcftowB, Mr. John Martin. SmithScld, Mr. Jonathan Arnold. Scituate, Captain Job Randal, Mr. John Fisk. Glocclter, Captain Richard Smith, Mr. Abner Bartlet. Ch:irk-l"lo'.vn, Colonel Jo[epb Stanton, Mr. James Congdon. Weft- Greenwich, Capt.iin Ihrntel Spink, Captain Charles Carr, Coventry, Captain A^el Potter, Mr. George Hall. E.d Bayley, Mr. John Wcbjler. Tb: honorable D.iniel Tenks Efq ; was cbofen Speaker, and Mr,, Jofias Lvndon Clerk of the Houfe gj Deputies. A His (O His Honor the Governor ts hereby Roqucfbcti, to write to RiibarJ Pitririiig: El'q v the Colony's Agent in Great Britain, and defire that Gcntlenun to fend him over all his Accounts with tlie Colony, and ihc Particulars of ilicm, during the Time he has been in the Colony's Service. Mefs. Boiiamin ILzard, Ibomas Crtnjion, and Joljr Cbarning^ being appointed to receive o^ Jonathan Niihols £/j ; who was late one o[ the Grand Committee, and acted as their Trealurcr, all the Colony's Money in his Hands, that hath b^en paid in for Tenths, and burn the fame, and alio to takt and receive of the faid Jonmhan^ all Mortgages, Bor.ds and other Papers belonging to the Colony, which were depofited witli him in his faid OfBcc, and deliver the lame to his SuccelTur tUn'.atnin Nichols Efq ; Reported, Th.u they liad rereivcd of the f.iid Joitc.'bm Nichols TiViniy on: 'ThoufanJ, 7ziO HuudrtJ and Forty PoiinJi^ Tbirtecn SbHiings and jive Pence old Tenor ; whereof, they hnd burnt Fifteen llotij(2nd and One Pound, Eleven SkilliH^s, and the Remain- der being Six 7houJan:i T'-xo Hundred and Thirty nine Pounds, Tzlo Slil- tings and Five Pence, was by them delivered to the aforeiaid Benjamin Niclols, for which they produced his Reccit. And, That they had alfo received of faid Jccr.'hcin Nichols, all the Mortgages, tyc. belorcmcntion- cd, and delivered them to the faid Benjamin NicboU, wlio gave thcin thr Reccit for the f.imt, which they delivered in with their Rej>ort. And new the faid Report Heing taken into Confideration, and it ap- pcaring to this A(T;-mbly, thai the faid Bevjamin Nichols hath given Bond accordin^; to Law for the faithful Perfornuncc and Difcharge ot hiJ Duty in faid Office : It is voted and rclolved. That the Report of the faid Committee, be an, I it is hereby accepted. And, That they be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury, the Sum of Sixteen Pounds len Shillings Old Tenur, for tl^ir Labor and Care in the Picmifcs. A'; the Colony is divided into Four Counties, and Superior Courts of Ju.lictturc, Courts of AfTi/.c and General Goal Dr!ivcry creJlcd and cdablithcd in each of them, it will be moft convenient to have their Records kept apart. Therefore, Mr. ff'ard the prefcnt Clerk of ihofc Courts, is dircdlcd to draw a fufftcicnt .Sum of Money out of the General Treafury, and therewith puiciiafc Four Books luiiablc to .-kiifwer the Purpofc aforcfaid, Ax\ Aift in Addition to an Aft, m'de and p.-n by the General AT- fcmMy at thv'ir Seflion in SoiibKn jl'.'jcn on the laft ffcdiujdc^r of 0:llier, i;4/;. Fntituled, /l; /l:l for the regubmiJ mending of HiJ'^ •u/rys within the Colony. Bl it Eniiiled /y the Genera! AjTimlly of this Cchny, and ly lU 4uihortiy (f the j,me it is Fnaiicd, That from -.uid after tlie Pni.- liration of this A(fl, when and as often as Surveyors of Hii^hways fluil be chofcn in the Towns of this Colo; y, and have taken «hc Oath or F.ngjpfn»cnt faithfully to do their Duty in that O.'Ticc, the Town Council of every rclpetflivc To*n (hall and ihey are hercb,- inn>')vrcr-'l »n.l dircfl-'d to app.)iru and detcrmiic each Survcyot's niOn^l, and rro- pouion the Numkr of Perfoiis lu v,oik under them A A /) ( ? ) /f ?V D be it farther tnaHed by the Aulhorily aforefuiJ, That if any Ferfon IhiU hereafter be chofon an Overfcer of the Highways in any Town within the Colony, and fhall rcfufe to take his Oath or En-^- gagcment to the faithful Difchargc of his Duty in that Office, he fliall be fined the Sum ol Five Pounds old Tenor, to be recovered by a Warrant of Diftrefs from any Aflillant, or from n Juflice of the Peace or Warden of the Town where the Party to rtTuiing dwelicth; Which Wa^rrnt fliall be directed to the Town-Scijcant, or either of the Conftables of faiJ Town, to be levied on the Goods and Chatties of fuch Perfon who fhill fo rcfufe as aforcfaidi and the Money thus levied fhall be paid into the Town-Trcafury, to and for tlie Town's Ufc. An A£l for Printing all the public Law's and Acts that fhall be hereafter, made and paft by the General Affembly. WHEREAS there are feveril Inccnvcniencies attending the Method now uled to communicate the public Laws and Affts of the General Allcmbly to the fcveral Towns, by tlie Secretary's tranfcribing and fending each Town a Copy j for the Length of the Lawi and AAs, foraetimcs pafTed at one or more SefTions, often caufci great Delay, and the Towns are not fupplied with Copies fo ibon as they arc wanted. Moreover it is conceived that it will be clicaper to the Colony to have them printed. For Remedy whefeof BE IT EnaHed by the General /1ff(mll)\ ant". In tb; Amhority thereof it ts Enaiied, That the Srcrctary for the Time being, Ihall for the iuturc draw up in Form all the public 1-aws anti Orders of the Ge- neral AfTcmbly, immediately after the Rifing of each AfTcmbly, and v/hen he liath lo done, agree with the Printer refiding or dwelling ia "Newport, upon the belt Terms he can, to provide Paper and forthwith print as many Copies of the faid Laws and Orders as there arc or Ihall be Towns in this Colony, at the Colony's Charge. And, That the Secretary make Report of his Agreement, from Time to Time, to the General Aflcmbly at their next SefTions after: where alfo the Printer fhall exhibit his or her Account '"or Paper and Printing of what fhall be done at the Colony's Charge, in order for Allowance. A'NB Be it further EnaHcd iy the Authority aforefaid^ That the Printer fhall have Liberty to make as many more Copies as he or fhe fhall think fit, and dilpofe of the lame for his or her private Profit or Advantage. AND Be it farther EnaiJed by the Avthcrity aftrefaid. That as foon as the Secretary fhall have regillercd the Ac'ts and Orders of Allcmbly in the Colony's Book of Records, he fhall forthwith deliver the Priiutr the fird Draught, and fhall attend the Prcfs, and examine every Sheet to make the fame corredt .• And when a IbfHcienc Number of Copies Ihall be printed, to fujiply each 7"own with a Copy, the Sc- Cicrary fliail Sign and atteft lb many r.s fhall be needful, and there- unto fix tlie Colony's S;;a!, and fund the Tr>v*n Clerk of e:ich Town (4) a Copy to sod for the LTe of his Town, and that within fo many Days after the Riling ot fuch Adembly, as fhall bs by tbcm appointed. AND te it Jartber Enailed iy the Authority afcrcjaid, Tlut the Se- rrci-ry fliall be allowed and paid out of the General Trealury for pcr- foriDing his Duty as by this Aft is required. To wit. Foi drawing up the Adts and Orders of the General AflTcmbly in Fcrm, and rcgiftring thrm as aforefaid. the fame Fees by the Page .^i is already Hated by Law For publiihing the Afts and Orders of AfTembly in the Town of Ni'^^port ■ ^ 2-0-0. Per attending and correcting the Prefs, One Shilling ^ f.nd Sixpence for every Page which he mult have copi^dC and fcnc to the fcvcral Towns, had not theAfts and OrdersC of Aflcmbly been hereby direded to be printed. Fi^r Signing, atrefting, and fixing the Colony's Seal to a Copy for each of the Town- ■ jC -0-5.0 An A(5l dire(5ling all the public Law», row in Force in this Colony, ■v^hich have been rundc fincc the Laws were lall reviled, to be put in Print. BE it EnafJcd iy the General yfffemhly^ and hi the Authority thereof it ii EncHcd, That all the public La^s now in Force in this Colony •wt-.ich have been made fmce the Laws were laif revifed, be put m Print ai the C harge of the Colony as foon as conveniently may bt : And that EuV.ard Scott Efq v with the Secretary, be a Committer to procure ir done, and to agree wit]> the Printer upon the bed Terms they can for Paper and Printing as many Copies as there ire Towns in the Colony ; And, that when the fame is done, the Sccrcury fend a Copy to each Town-Clerk, to and for the Ufc of each rcfpcc- tive lown WHEREAS David Lake of Pcrter Province.' And his Honor the Governor is defircd to in- form liKir E:frt Hajzard^ Col. Thsmas Hafzari. Eaft- Greenwich, Mr. Giles Pejrce^ Capt. Thomas Spenfer. Jameftown, Mr. John Martin, Cap: Samael Skcum. bmithficki, Mr. Jonathan Arnold. Scituate, None. Glocefter, Capt. Richard Smth. Charlcftown, Col, Jofeph Stanton, Mr. James Ctngdcn. Wcft-GrtLrtwich, Capt. Iflmael Srpir.k. Coventry, Mr. George Hall Exeter Mr. Job Trip, Capt John Reynoldi. Middletown, Mr. John Taylor. Briltol, Capt. Jonathan Peck, Major Thomat Gr£in« Spencfr of Ee/l-Crtenwich ) amounting to SfVfW Pcunds, for notifying or warning feveral Mennbers both of the Upper and Lower Houte, to meet in General Afiembly, in the Month of Nov^im^ir 174.6, be and ic i;; hrrebr allowtd, and that the faid Sum of Stvtn Pcundi be paid the laid Tbomas Spencer out of the General Treafury. It is Voted and Relo'.red, That the Accouni of Thcmas Hafzsrd,Ktcper of hi"} Majc'.ly's Goal in Kings-Ccuniy, amounting to Stventeen Pounds Ihree Shillingi and Fotirptr.a tor the Board, lad Sickncfs and Funeral Chargff, &:c. of John Albro, who flood committtd ro faid Goal ( where he died ) on an Execution, fucd out againft him by the General Treaf- urcr, for Money due tothe Colony, be allowed j and that the faid Sum of SevenKcn Potinas, Thirteen Shillings and Four Pfnc, be paid to the faid Thomas Hajzard. out of the General Trealury. It is Voted And Re'nlvtd, That Bcnid Dunham^ and Jofepb Bennet be allowfcQ and paid, Ten Ycttnds each out of the General Trealury, for ihtir Trouble, in cleaning the Colony-Houfe in Newport^ the Year paR which Trouble was vaflly more than common, by Rcafon of the Carp^-ntcr: and Mafons being a confiderable Time at "Work in finifhing faid Houfc. ar.d the Court's letting in that Time. An A(fl for the Anendnient of, and in AddiiieH to rho Law, mads and paft in this Colony, m the Second Year of his prefent Majcfty's Reign.. Entitulcd, /In jiii enabling iht Town Council of each Town to grant Licences fer the tttailini Strong Liquors, and to prevent the felling cf fucb Liquors by Retail with'ot Licence firjl obtained WHEREAS it apppears to this Ajfembiy, That the good De/tgn oj the Second Paragropb in faid AH, jcr convitiing and pur.ifuing fucb Perfons as are, or bcreafttr may be guifty cf violating faid A51, bath bere- icfcre ben much violated, ar.d likely hereafter to be fo -, by Rcr.fcn the Methtd tor coKviHing cf Perfons guilty cf jelling Strong Liquors cor.trcry to fata Acl^ is too loo fe end uncertain, i.vd the Finecf ihoje ?trfons convi Hid fofntitll [bat Pcrlons ufiully guilty cf fid Offence do not regard the famt. For regulating amending, and in Addition to the Second Paragraph in che Afl aforefaid. BE it EnnSled by this AJfemMy, and Ifj the Authotily of the fame it ii EnaUed, That from and after the Publication of this Aft, That if any Pcrfon or Perfons fliall be iound guilty of retailing of any Sort of Strong Liquors, mentioned in faid Aft, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, either by his he* or their own Confcflion, or hj tlid Tcftimony of one or more crcdiblt Wltnefs or WitnefTes on Oath or Engagement, before any two of more of hii Majcfty's Jufticcs of the Peace c 5) Peace or "WardcTiS in ciny Town in this Colony wluere fu^h Offence, fliall bo committed. He She or Thry fbill tWfcit and piy a$ a finue-, the Sjm of Twiulj Poands (Old Tenor J to be recovered and dif^ofcd or according to the aforefaid AiSt. A'ND Be it farther EHaHed hy ibe Authority aferfjaid^ That wjicn any Pcrfon or Perfons fliall be ^grieved at any Sentence or Judgment "ivcn againft them, by the Jlillices or Wardens, for the Breach of ihe a^lorcfaid Adt, Me She or Ihey have Liberty of an Appeal to the next General ScfTions of the Peace, to be held in the County where fuch Sentence or Judgment ap- pealed from fhall be given, altvays jrcvided fucit Appeal ^e asked ax the Time (uch Sentence fhall be g,iven. He She or They fo appealing p-xying dowQ the Colt taxed by the Court appealed from, aud entcring^into Rccogni.' fance In the Sum of fifty Poundi (Old Tenor) with one lulBcient Surety, tor His her or their profecuting fuch Appeal with Effcdb, and paying fuch farther Colls as may be by the Court appealeu to taxed, in cafe the Judgment be affirmed, and to be of good Brhavior in the mean Time •. ^Z- ways provided, the Appellant or Appellants file tncir Rcafons of Appe;ih with the Clerk ol the Court appealed to, the Day before the Cetting thereof. An A<^ enabling the fcveral Towns in this Colony to make fuch Town A(5ts, as to them may fccm meet, for the raifing of Monies to defray the Charges of each Town. WHEREFORE, Be it EnaHed by the General Affemih, and Ij the Authority of the Jame it is EnaHed, That eoch and every Tovrn imhij Colony hive, vjud they have hereby full Power and Authority to make fuch Law or Laws, Aft and Aib, in each and every Town in this Colony, to raife fuch and lo much Money, as nuy be by them refptfdively thought fufficicnc to defray th: C'liPj^c* thit hi:h already arifen or hereafter may arife m each or any fuch Town, as may have Occafion for Money as aforefaid, cither by Rating re^I or p^rfonal Eilates, or both, or on the Poles of the Inhabitants, as to them or the major part of the Freemen, may fecm proper : Any Law or Ufage to the Contrary notwithftanding' An Ad m Addixion to an Aft, Entituled, An A£l direHing ihe At- tendance of the Pet it- Jurors and JFitnefjes at the Superior and Inferior Courts in this Colony : And at ihe Time of making the faid A£l, ihert were but Ibree Countys in this Colony, and ibe feveral Times fei for the Jurors and IVtlneffes to give their At tendance at each of the tefpe^ive Courts : And neiv there being another Cennty tn.tde in this Coltny^ md no Time prefixt for Jurors and Witniffes to give their Attendance, fia etbtrivife than en thefirfl Day of the Court's Sitting. D BE (6) BE it Enalifd hi the General AjJ'emhly »/ this CoUny, and ly /be Autbjrity tbtnof it is EnaHtd^ That the Pctic- Jurors, who fhall be chof- en or cir;\wn for the Superior Courts of Judicature, and Interior Courts of Con-mon Fleas, &c. m the County of briflel in this Colony, fhall not be obligcil to attend cither of the laid Courts, until the lecond Day of the Courts Sitting ; and that in the mean Time the faid Courts go on with the dilatory fleas and cill out Defaulters : And that no VVitncflcs be rumniof;*d to appear at either of the faid Courts, to give in Evidence to the llFuc of any Caulc, until lach Time as the Jurors arc to attend. TllJHERE/JS there is no regular Cartel fcttlfd betiorn bis mojt V V Gracious Majefiy King GEORGE the Second, Km^ of Great Britain, isc. and the fiench King, ixnd his mcjl Calholick MajeTiy the King of Spam, (^c. for the exchanj^ing of Prifontrs of IFary bis SuLjcHs belcngini to this his MaiejWs Colony^ when takin by either of the Pcjiers if the af;refaid Princesy novu cur mofi Gracious MojtHy^s open and declared Enemies, and at If^ar^ to the great Annoyance and Peace of this his molf Li^al and Dutiful Colony : fFhich renders thi Redeeming his Majejly'' Sub- jelh hrloiging to the fame InpraHicable, by any o'her Method or Means hut by Way if F'lag of Truce, either from this Colony to cither of the of or efaid Princes, Enemies of our Sovereign, or from thence to this Colony : IFhich if prevented cr difccuraged under proper Regulations, would ir greatly againjl Hs Mfjftys Inter (jt, and unjpealietblt Hardjbtp of bis Subjiils belonging to this Colony For Regulating whereof for the Future. BE it Enatled by tbi' Affimhly, emJ by the Authority of the famt il is Eni-iied, That when any Perlbns, Prifoners of War be brought into ^liis Colony belonging toeithcr of the laid Princes, his faid Majcfty's Enemies 3S aforeCaid, when there be to the Number of Fifteen or more of fuch Prifoners, their Names and by whom, and when takei> being full certitied by the Secretary of thii Cclony, who is hereby required to k''<.-p an exaft Regiftcr of all fuch Prifoners, to be tiken from the Oath ot the Cipiors, the Confcflion o'^ fuch Prifoners or Deere?, or Certificate from the Admiralty Office, that then and in fucfv Cai"e» his Honor, the Governor ot this Colony, for the Time being, may CommifTionatc a proper I'crlbn and VcfTe! at the Charge of this. Colony j unlels lomc private Mcrchiiu will offer to do the fime at his own Expencc: Pri/iided alu.'iys, that fuJi I'erfon fo CommiRionarcd fhall, before fuch Vcfici fails out of any i larlor in this Colony, produce a Certificate, from the Admir.'.lty or Cu tonvHoufe Office, tlut fuch VefTcl has not on board any more Provifions tlun me by them thought to be fufficicnt for Viftaaling fuch V'l-fTcIs Crew, iml fuch Prifoners, ami as many Englifls Prijc.xers .■« fuch Vcffe! is capable of bringing back from the Dominions ot cither of the atorctaid Prinas with Conveniency ; And that fuch Pcrfons fo Comminionated give Bond to his Ntaicfty, in the Sum ot One 7hju/ayid Pounds Sterling, to produce a Cert ficate from the Governor or other commanding Officer of the FUcr, where fucl> Prifoners are to be de- livered, oi fuch Delivery, and that he will bring bacK as many Englifh Prijomn r 7 ; prifoHCrSt as fuch Vcflel will carry with Convcniency, if ihcy arc lo be had at fuch Place. AND Bi it farlhir Ena[itd, That no Flag of ^ run bt grantrd contrary to the Tenor of this A(5l. It is Voted and Rclolved, that the Account of Major tV^illiam Pendleton, amounting to thirly fix Pounds Five Shillings^ for repairing one half o*" the great Britlge between this Colony and that of Conntili- cufy be allowed ; and that the faid Sum be paid the Major out of the General Treafury. It is Voted and Refolved, that the Sum of Seventy three Pounds be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury to the Committee, who were appointed to proportion the Rate, for their Time and Expence, C«?r. (n doing that Bufincfs : To wit, to George Brown ^ Fourteen Pounds, to John Holdon, Thirteen Pounds Ten Shillings, to Robert liajzard Eleven Pounds, lo John f^eigbt^ Twelve Pounds, to John Mancbejier, Twelve Pounds, Ten Shillings, and lo Samuel JViekham Ten Pounds. It is Voted and Refolved, that the Sum of Fuur Pounds 7en Shi/lings &nd Jix pfnce be allowed and paid, out of the Gcreral Treafury, unto Capt. Jo/epb Olnef^ Jor repairinj^ the Windows of the County Houfe in Previdtnce, WH E R E J S Jonathan Jcncks was apptinteJ te repair one Half of Patucket-Bridgc, and has neglefied the fame : // is therefore Feted and Refolved, that Colonel William Hopkins U appointed tn bis Room, for the Purpoje aforejaid •, provided, the ctter Half be repaired bi Subfrription or otherwife : A)ui when the whole is repaired. That faid William Hopkins, lay the jiceounts of the whole Charge of repairing the faid Bridge before ihe /ijjemblyy in oraer ti l>e paid one Half thtrecf. WHEREAS John Gardner of South -King flown hath reprefcnted unto this Afl'embly, That the Inhabitants Trade and Commerce of this Colony have fo far cncreafed of lace, that the Ferries, cftablifhed on the J^a^raganfet Shoar, and the Boats employed, in that Service, arc not fufficknc to tranfpori, with Convenience, the numerous Paficngcrs, their large Droves, various Effcfts and Mcrchandtle^ the Boats being often crooded witl\Men,Won)cn, Children, Horfes.HogSjShtep and Catdc to the intoUerable Inconvenience, Annoyance and Delay of Men and Bufincls : That he the i^\<^ John Gardner 'i^, provided with a good Wharf and Pier, fci- tuatc in a convenient and commodious Place for keeping a FVrry hzx.vizf:nSouth-Kingneni.nd JatneSlown, and thereupon prayed this AlTcmbly to grant him the Liberty of keeping a Ferry between the aiorcfsid Town» South, Kingjtewn and Jatru/icwn. On Confidcration whereof, This Affcmbly do Vote and Refolvc, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That the Petitioner luvc the I^iberty of keeping a Fcrr<, Agreeable to his Petition, he complying with the Lawi regulating Ferries, It (8) It is Voted and Refolvcd, That the Sum of Twenty four Pounds Scvmtein SHUings and Sixpence Old Tenor be allowed and paid out of the General Trcaiurv uniojamcs Angel for Money he ctisburflcd ac Loufiimr^h, on Accoimt of the Colony, and for a Journey by him made CO Boflon in the Govrnmeni's Service. Upon the Petition of James yingel, who was fometime fince the Colony's CommiflTiiry at Lcuiibiir^b. k is Voted and llcfolved. That he be allowed and paid the Sum of Nifseteen Pcunds, out of the General Trcafury, in Addition to what he was formerly allowed by ihc Aflcmbly for his Service in that Refpcifl, It is Voted and Refolved, That the Honorable TVillinm Robinfon, Efq ; Gecrge fyanion, Elq -, Jeremiah T^Ules, Efq -, Cape. Rolen Hajza>d and Col. Benoni IVaferman^ be a Committee to confider of the beft Mctliod, that may be for Payment of the Officers and Soldiers, raifcd by this Colony in the intended Expedition againft Canada ; and nuke Report as foon as may be. It is Voted and Refolved, That Capt. Jojepb Stautcn Jun. be a Town's Committee Man for CbarUnown \ and Capt. Richard Bayley^ and Mr. John V/cbJler Committee Men, for Rickmcnd, for exchanging Mortgage Deeds, &c. "Whereas Benjamin Hyams, late of Exeter, in King's Connty, repre- fented unto this AflTcmbly, That he is now confined in his Majfty's Goal, in Scutb-KingHo-xn, upon two Executions, at the Suit of the Grand Committee of the Colony, for Eighty nine Pounds Five SbilUngs znd Six fence, thztht is a together unable to pay the Money, and being a Cripple {v/ ere heat Liberty) is unable to cam any thing more than a bare Subfiftance for himfclfi and fuch is his F*nveriy, That unlefs he be relieved by Cha- rity, he mu(t pcrifli in Goal : And thereupon the fatd Benjamin fupplicated this AlTembly, that he might be difcharged from the Executions aforc- faid i and that the Deed of the Lands which w<;re mortgaged for faid Monev may be put in Suit. On Confidcration whereof, This ACTembly do Vote and Kefolve, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, that the faid Benjamin Hyams ' be, and he is hereby difcharg- ed from the faid Exccur:ons; and that the Deed of the Linds which were mortgaged for faii Money be put in Suit. Whereas a Petition was was prefrrr'd to this AfTembly, fubfcribcd by .» Number of Gentlcmt'n. fomc living in Neupert, and others elfwherc, fctting forth, that fhtrc is a great Ncccflity of paving the Streets of Newport, more efpccially the Street leflding to the Colony Houl'e, and therefore prayed this AlVcmbly to grant the Liberty of putting forth a Lottery, agrrcc.ible to the Scheme prefcntcd with faid Petition, for paving faid Streets, and appoint Directors. which ( 9 ) Which being duly copfidcred. This Aflembly do Vote and Refolve, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That the faid Petition be granted, and that MelTrs Stephen f'FantoH, Evan Mallbene^ fFilliam EHerj, Jofeph Jncoh^ "-Tbomas Cranileu, Satnud PFickkam and John Cbnnniti^^ be Diredors of faid Lottery, and that they c the major Part of them put forch faid Lottery as foon as coni'cniently may be-, and that they begin to draw the fams on the fecond Monday of JuHf next, and that the faid Diret^rs giv^ Bond wich Surety, in the Sum of Sixty Thcufand Pounds to tlic General Treafiircr of this Colony for the faithful Performance of their faid Truft, and that faid Bond be given before the Scheme be put forth. Here follows the Scheme rcfert'd to above. - ^. icoo each is £, 4000-0-0 4 6 8 Tickets of of of 10 of ao of 53 100 200 2950 I*rizes, of of of of 335' 6649 Bbnks 500 — 3000 -0-0 400 — - - 3200 .0-0 300 5000 - . 200 . . . 4000 • - 100 5300 - -G 50 5000 - - 25 16 ' „ - 5000 - - 47000 -0-0 £,• 79500-0-0 Fir(\^ drawn, 200-0-0 Laft drawn _3oo- o - o 10000 Tickets at ;^. 8 - • o each, Old Tenor is 8y,ooo -0-0 Twelve and an half per ctnt. to be dcduded from the Prizes, is l_ 10,000 which i? to be applyed in paving the Streets of Neivport. I'he Managers are to undertake the whole without any Reward for tlicir Trouble. W' ' H K R E A S ittre an many Pieces of Upland and Meadows, Salt and FreJ}:, lying in fcveral Towns in this Colony, (yjb'ned and improved by the Inhabitants ef other Governments and Icit'ns ; and many cf them m/ike no ither Improvement of their Land, hut by tutting and carrying off the Grafs, Hay er Corn, and that but cnce in a Tear ; 'xbicb renders it difficult to colle£i the Rates or 1 axes of fuch Lands : And tbtre lacing no AD of ibis Colony felling Jortfj ho'jj the Rates cr Taxes fher/l 'be -levied, and colleifed fjr fucb Lands er Stock o-J^ned and improved as afcrejaid. BE ii Enailtd by the General Affembly of this Cotcny, ojid ly the Authority 0! the fame it is EnaSed, That where the Owner or Tenant ot any fuch Lands that is liable to public Rate? or Taxes, -fhall nor re- fide or be an Inhabitant of this Colony or Town in which fucJi Lands lye, that Irom Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, Tiiat the Aflcfi- ora or Rate-makers of eack rcfpeftive Town ia this Colony, v/here E any ( lo ) any fuch Lands are owned as aforef.iid, fiuH rate oraJTefs all the Owners or Occupants of fuch Lands or Stock, their dut and equal Propomoa in all R-iics to be by them made i and %Thcn and fo often as any Conftable or ColIc(ftor, the Town may clioofc for that Service, fhall re- ceive their R.uc Lift or Liils, may diftrain fucfi Owner or Occupant by his Goou's or Chattels, Corp, Hay or Grafs, within the fame County where fuch Lands lye ; and fuch Diftrtfs or DiftreflTci fo taken to be dilpofed o[ as is already provided by the Law of this Colony in Cafe of Diftrcfs for Rates ; unlefs the Owner or Occupant of fuch Lands, upon Demand or Sight of the Lift or Lifts, pay down the Sum or Sums of his AnclTment, or ^ivc fufficicnt Security under his Hand to pay to the Conftable or Collcftor, the full Sum or Sums, to which he was aiTefrcd and fct in the faid Lift or Lifts in the Space of Tea Days ; and upon Refulal, or Negleft, to pay down, or give Security as uforefaid, it fhall be lawful for the Conftablc or Coilcdor to feife the Body or Bodies of fuch Perfon or Perfons, and him or them com- mit to the Goal of the County, thfrc to remain until He or They pay and fatisfic the Sum or Sums fo aficfled on them with the Charges. It is Voted and Rcfolvcd, That the Sum of Tir!£ Hundred and twenty ftx Pcuttds, Iwelve Shillings and Six ptnce, be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury unto the Committe that procured the Ma- terials, and rarryed on the Building of the Colony-Houfc, it being their Commiffio/ii at Two and an half per cent, on the Sum of 'IhirKm Ihoufand, and Sixfy three Pounds^ which paft through their Hands in performing that Service. It is Vot€d and Rcfolv^ed, That the Rate of Five Theufaad Pounas New Tenor, to be levied on this Colony, {or the Year 1747, be pro- portioned to each Town as followcth ; and that the fame be levied as foon as may be, viz. To the Town of Newport, £.815-0-0. Glocefitr £. iiy - 15 -o Prez'idence, - - . 550 -0-0 Charlejiou-n, 75-00 - o Pcrtjmoulb — 275 - 15-0 fVeJl -Greenwich 79-05 - o IVarwtck ■ ■ 239- lO-o CcVtniry — 59 - 10 - o JVeJierly 2 70- 00 o Exeter - - 125-00-0 Ntw-Sbarebam 8^ -000 Middletown - 149 • 00 - o l^erthKin^crwn 325 -00-0 BriSial 174 - JO - © Scutb Ktngftotvn 450 - oo-o Ti'verttm 140 - 00 • Eaft -Greenwich 125 : OO-O Liltle-Ctmpton 167 ; 10 : o Jamtjlovjn • 100 .- o^^-o Warren 1 15 : 00 : o Smithfield • 274:00-0 CitmbtrlaKd 83 : lO : a Sciluate 1:^2 : oO-o Hickmond 64. ; 10 .• o It ts Voted and Rrfolved, That Gtorge fFantcfi, Efq ; Mr. Jmnes Sbrffidd, Stephen Ihpkrns, Efq , and Capt. Robert Hsi^zard, Or themajot Pan of tliem be, and thc-y arc lureby appointnd a Committee to pT\T off the OfRcen and Soldicn raHiwi In this Colony, for the iiifcndtd Expctlirion r^gainft Canada, C " ) Canada, upon the Credit of his Majcfty, what yet remains unpaid of their Wages: and for that Purpofe, that the Sum of Seven Tbouf^na znd Fivt Hundred Pounds, in Bills of Credit, of the New Tenor, be fortliwitti ftruck off and Signed by the Grand Committee, and delivered to the •faid Committee, or a lefs Sum, if ihe whole (hall not be wanted-, and that the fame be funk when it is repaid by his Majelly. It is Voted & Refolvcd, That the Secretary be cited to appear at the next ScfRon of Afltmbly, to anfvvfcr for his Conduct in refpcft eo the Acl, paflcd laft SelTion of Affcmbly, on Confideration of the Ext raffs of the Duke of AVt* Ca/Ilc's Letter to Governor Shirley, rcfpecling the Dif- mifFion of the Troops raifed in uimerica, for the Expedition againft Canada, &c. It is Voted and Refo'ved, That the Account of Stephen Tcf:, amount- ing to Fifteen Pounds, be allowed and paid him out of th** General Trcafury, it being lor his Attendance on the General Aflembly at the laft and this prefcnt ScfTion, and for a Journey, G?f. by him made to Jiewpnrt in rhe Colony's Service. It isVoted &Rerolv'd,That5('n>m/« H,iJzf!rd,E(q ; MefTrs. James She^ild, and Thomas Cranjlon, or the major Part of them, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee to burn what Money is in the Hands of the Grand Committee, paid in for Tenths, and what Money is in the General Trcafury, paid in of the Rate ■, and make Report to the next Seffion of Affcmbly. It is Voted and Refolved, That the fcvcral Towns in this Colony be, and they arc hereby impowercd to apppoinr One or more fuicablc Perfons in each Town lefpcdively, to colled the Colony's Rates, and fuch Perfons fo appointed, to be accountable in the fame Manner as the Conlltnblcs have been heretofore by the Laws of this Colony ; and that the leveral Towns choofe (uch Perfons as aforefaid, as foon as conveniently may be, and that the Town Clerks of each refpeiftivc Town fend to the General Trcafureri he Names of the Perfons fo chofcn. It is Voted and Refolved, thai the Account o^ John Martin, ^moMnr.' ing to Six Pounds, for his Expences and Attendance on the Houfc of Deputies, this Seffion of the Affcmbly, be allowed, and that the faid Sum of Six Pounds be paid him out of the General Trealury. It is Voted and Refolved, that the Account of 5^«/ffr(/ CS''li. Joseph Edmonds, Efq; a Jeremiah Niles, Efq; >/^5f. William Richmond. EfqA The Hon. WILLIAM ROBINSON, Efq; Dcp. Governor. Benjamin Haszard, Efq; George Wanton, Efq; Benjamin Tucker, Efq; GlDEOM DURFEY, Efq; The SECRETARY. DEPUTIES for the ftveral Towns.- The Hon. DANIEL JENCKS, Efq; chofen Speaker. Newport ; Capt. Thomas fVickbam, Capt. fVaher Cbaloner, Mi\ Thomas Cranfton, Mr. John Channin^, Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Mr. James Sheffield. Providence ; The Speaker, Mr. John Anjel, Mr. Henry Harris: A Portsmouth ; Mr. Daniel Howlandy Mr. Oliver Early Mr David Anthem, Mr. Jonathan Freeborn. Warwi CK ; Col. Benoni fValerman., Mr. Samuel Green, Mr. Jofeph fippit, Mr. Samuel Barton, Westerly ; None. Newshoreham 5 [^] Nkwshoreham ; Mr. Nalbaniel Littlefidd, Mr. John Littlefidd. North-Kingston ; Col. Immannd ^ortbup^ Edward D)re, Efq; South-Kingston ; Mr. Bc>!Jamiit Hnj'zard. East-Greenwich ; Mr. Giles Pearce, Capt. Thomas Spencer, J A M ESTOWN ; Mr. John Eldrid, Mr. George Franklin. Sm ITHFIELD ; Mr. Jonathan Arnold, Mr. Ifrad Willdnjcn. Scituate ; None. Gloucester •, None. CHARLEsTowNi None. West-Greenwich -, Mr. Jeremiah Ellis, Mr. George Gardner. Coventry ; Mr. Aaron Bowen^ Mr, Elijha Johnfon. Exeter ; Capt. Job Trippt Mr. Simon Smith. MiDDLETOWN •, Mr. John Refers y Mr. John Taylor. Bristol ; Jonathan Peck, Efq; Major Thomas Green, TlVERToy ; Capt. John Mancbejler, John How land, Efq^ Little Comptow ; Wdliam Hall, Efq^ Mr. Jofepb Wood. Warren ; Matthew Allen, Efq-, Capl. Benjamin Barton. Cumberland j Mr. Ifrael IVhipple^ Mr. Job Bar tie t. Richmond ; Capt. Richard Baley, Mr. John fVebpr. Mr. Joftas Lyndon, chofen Clerk of the Houfe of Deputies. The Perfons whofe Names here follow, having taken the 0?th or Affirmation prefcribed by the Law of this Colony, agninft Bribery and Corruption, are hereby admitted to give their Votes to choofe Officers lor their relpedive Towns ^ and alfo to ^ive their Votes for the Choice of the General Officers of the Colony. N E H^ P RT', Henry Bull, John Clarke (Mariner) Eliffia Gibbs, William Dyre, Caleb Godfrey, Mathias King, Jofeph Stacey, Thomas Borden, Mofes Pitman, Jonathan Sabin, Jahlcei Brenton, Ebens^er F agg, William VVeeden, William Jimes, John Dennis (Mariner), Bh Smith, William Bates, Beadle, Nathan Staples, Ii>ael Wilkinion, Jofeph Hf-rrendcn, jun. Peter Barns, Robert Latham, Preferved Harris, John Saylcs, jun. Peter Ballow, jun. Uriah Arnold, John Walavcry, Valentine Whiteman, jun. Job Angel, Daniel Cumftock, jun. Elijah Cook» Henry Bl.ickman, Sylvanus Sayles, Thomas Hcrrenden, Stephen Sly, Eli(ha Arnold, Samuel Aldrich, jun. William Olney, Caleb Arnold, job Arnold, Jonathan H.irris, Benjamin Cook, William Brown, Thomas Arnold, John Man, jun. Eliflia Mowrey, Daniel Sayles, Richard Arnold, Ebcnezer Cafs, Oliver Mowry, Samuel Aldrich, and Daniel Cumflock. S C I TV A T E ', Amos Hopkins, Henry Randal, jun. William Hammon, JamesThorrrton, John Smith, Jofeph VVeathcrhead, Ezekiel Hopkins, jun. Joleph Tucker, Oziel Hopkins, Charles Hopkins, Stephen Willbore, Ezekiel Hopkins, John Taylor, John Herrendcn, Eliza Collins, jun. William Sheldon, Thomas B/irns, Nchrmiah Angell, Chodd Aylworth, David Spmguc, Joflnia An>j;ell, Amos Hammon, William Salfhury, llaiah Argtll, George Stone, Fillicr Patten, Jonathan Mowry, Jonathan Cole, Nathan Bates, Jofeph Kimbell, Jofiah Herrendcn, Joleph Guile, Benjamin Bcnnet, Jonathan Bcnnet, John Howland, Jofeph Hopkins, Simon Davis, Robert Wliitman, Thomas Realph, John Wight, job Shippee, Chrirtophcr Rcalph, George Willbour, Jonathan Pray, John Seamons, Samuel Wilkinion, Thomas Colins, William Seamons Timothy Hopkins, Jofiah Hcnnct, Henry AVhitman, Jofeph Wilkinion, Alexander Lovcl, William Corey, Richard CalwclJ, John Lovcl, and Samuel Perkins. GLOUCESTERi in GLOUCESTER; Stephen Inman, Zachariah Jencks, Job Phettiplace, Stephen Smith, Robert Sinitli, Jofeph Winfor. Abraham Smith, Eliflu Herrendcn, Wil- liam Herrenden, John Whipple, and Edward Birtiop. CHARLESrOlVN; Daniel Peckham, Thomas Kinyon, Jofeph Johnfon, John Millard, John Halls, )un. Peter Halls, Nathaniel Lewis, John Congdon, and Daniel Peckham, jun. fVEST-G R E E NfTIC H; Daniel Hill, jun. Hczekiah Mattefon {Son of Henry), Jofliua Gardner, Paica Whitford, Thomas Jodin, John Green, Nicholas Whitford, Abraham Mattifon, David Whitford, Ifaac Johnfon, Griffen Sweet, Samuel Reynolds. H.irris Weaver, William Sweet, John Weaver, Elifha Weaver, Chriftopher Hall, John Hopkins, John Gardner, John Cafs, jun. Thomas Cumftock, Samuel Niles, Jolcph Dolliver, John Reynolds {Son 0/ Samuel), and Ben- jamin Rcgers. C O V E N T R r-, Caleb Colvrn, Benjamin Gorton, Jofias Colven, Adam CaflTon, Francis Brayton, Ephraim Tinglcy, Joleph Tiilinghaft, Daniel Cummins, Jonathan Nichols {Son oj Richard;, Ichabod Potter, Charles Andrew, and John Lee. EXETER; Thomas Gardner, Robert Moon, James Moon, Samuel Eldred, Philip Greene, John James, Samuel Weight, John Dawley, John Albro, Benjamin Potter, Samuel Dawley, John Rathbun, William Sunderlin, JefFcry Champ- lin, Joieph Rathbun, jolVph Rathbun, jun. Nathan Dawley, John Sweet, William tidred, Samuel B^ker, Robert Sweet, James Nichols, John Cole- grove, and Jcffry Wilcox. M I D D L E T O fr N; Nicholas Brown, J^mes Barker, Eaward Tew, Cornelius Clarke, Robert Lawton, William Barker, Jodiua Coggelhall (Hon of James), James Barker, {Sin 0/ James, jun.), Lawrence Clarke, William Peckham, Samuel Peckham, William Peckham, jun. Jeremiah Barker, Willidm Wood William Brown, William Barker, Samuel Rogers, jun. William Lawton, Jofhua Coggefliall, (Son 0/ }\mc%), and Robert Lawton. BRISTOL; Mark Anthony D'Woolf, John Raynolds, Daniel Bradford, Samuel Clark, Ifaac Wheeton, John Gladding, jun. William Oldrig, Jeremiah Bolworth, Michael Pi.illips, Jonathan Wuodberry, jun. Williaai Lindzey, James Gibbs, and Henry bragg. T I y E R T N , John Manchtder, Efq, Samuel Sncll, Jofeph Anthony, Roger Cory, Thomas Cook, 1 homas Weight, Edward Wanton, John Bor- don, Samuel Hix, Samuel Durfte, Wefton Hix, Stephen Cook, Tho- mas Howland, John Taber, Ephnim Wilcock, John Almy, Eben- e/cr Tabcr, Cornelius Soule, Philip Cory, Thomas Cook {Son of Jofeph;, George Cook, William Willcock, John Beiinit, Benjamin Durlie, Peter Talman, John Jennings, Abraham Barker, Samuel Bor- den, Reftcome Sandford, Oliver Bcaley, Samuel Snell, jun. Jofeph Taber, John Taber (Son of}ohr\), Samuel Hart, Jonathan Hart, Wil- liam Sandlord, Thomas Weight, jun. Peleg Sandford, Jofhua Dwelly, BJake Peary, John Cojk [Son of Thomas), Thomas Mofher, William B Woodle, [«] Woodlf, John Bowcn, Samuel Sherman, William Shrieve, William Fifn, William Mancheftcr (Sort c/" Stephen), Jofiah Sawyer, David Lake, Jofcph Jcnning, Benjamin M.icombcr, Fliilip Taber, Jafepli Taber (5e« c/ Philip), Benjamin Chafe, j'.in. William Fifk, Thomas Fifli, William Cory, Jonathr.n Davel, Ilaac IlosvlanJ, George Wellgute, Benjamin Brayton, Thomas Anthony, Caleb Cory, Philip Gray, Thomas Gray, Eiiward Gray, Wil- liam Gray, John IJrown, Thomas Wilcock, Jofhua Dwclly, juii. Jofepii Wanton, John Cook, John Pearce, Benjamin Chafe, IVtcr Davel, Daniel Earl, David Diirhe, Samuel Harr, jun. Smiton Hart, Job Durfic, Jofeph Stafford, David StaiTord, Abraham Stafford, Abner Chafe, Jofiah Wiicock, Giles Brownel, William Springer, Gerllnm Woddel, Richard Tripp, James Wecden, Thomas Cook (Son of ]ohr\ Cook), jofeph Seaberry, Samuel Almy, Thomas Crandal, Paul Taber, Benjamin Hambly, job Almy, William Mancheltcr (^^03 0/ John), Daniel Earl, jun. John Sawyer,- Oliver Cook, ahd John Thomas. LITTLECOMPTON; John Palmer, William Richmond, Samiiel Gray, Caleb Church, William Simmons, Nathanit-l Searls, jun. Henry Wood., George Roule, Silvcder Woodman, William Davis, Richard Hart, Jofeph Pcckcom, Robert Woodman, Samuel Tomkins, James Pearce, Benjamin Simmons, Samuel "Wilbor, George Pearce, Robert Carr, William Grinell, Richard Grinell, Eliiha Clap, Enos GifFord, William Simmons, jun. Edward Irifh, Samuel Cook, Jofeph Tomkins, Henry Wood, jun. Jephtha Pierce, Willia.m Pierce, John Palmer, jun. John Price, Thomas Balcy, John Brownel (Son of Margaret), William Price, John Simmons {Son of JolcphJ, William Hall, Robert laylor, John Hunt, Thomas IJrowncll, Ifaac Willbor, Jofeph Brigjis, Thomas Burgefs, Lemuel Shaw, W^alter Wilbor, Jcrnniah Brjggs, Jonathan Brownel, Conftant Southworth, John Taylor, Thomas Stoddard, Henry Head, Jofeph Woo.l, William Shaw, Jofeph Daven- port, William Wilbor, William Wilbor {Sun of Szmuc]), John Brow- nel, Elidu Woodworih, Elihu Woodworth, William Briggs, Jofeph Wilbor, Thomas Wilboi, Jofeph Coe, Jeremiah Brownell, Anthony Shaw, John Gifford, Stephen Hart, Jofeph Simmons, John Woodman, Samuel Gray, jun. Daniel Grinell, John Pabodie, Jeremiah Shaw, Ch.;rhs Brownel, Oliver Hillard, John Wood, William Briggs (".W e/ Job), Sil- vefter Palmer, Jofeph Wilbor {Son of Williamj, Peter Shaw, Benjamin Church, Thomas Palmer, Samuel Baley, John Haley, Benjamin Shaw, Jofeph Burgcfs, Richard Brownel!, George Baley, George Pcircc, jun. Wil- liam Head, Fobes Little, Thomas Little {Son of Robert), Peter Taylor, Jofeph Palmer, John Bay ley {Son of William), Willmm Head {Son of Henry), John Horfwell. William Hunt, John Irifh, Benjamin Seabury, William Taylor, John Irifh {Son of David j, John Shricve, Edwaid Churcli, Job Hunt, and Aaron Wilbor. JV A R R E N •■, Matthtw Allen, Pcleg Heath, Ebenezcr Allen, Nathaniel Peck, Tames Smith, Jofiah Humphry, lohn Adams Benjamin Miller, Walter Hail, Jofeph Allen {the ffcond), Elijah Rawfon, Ebenezer G«rpfty, John Kinnicut» James Mafon, William F'"allabroke, Jo!m Eattabrokc, Ebenezer Cole, Benjamin Cole, N.itlian Miller, Jofeph Biittcrworth, Calfb Carr, Solomon Perk, Samuel Barns, Samuel Low, James Brown, Jofeph Mafon, Ebenezer Adams, Jofeph Vial, Daniel Peek, Samuel Allen, Ebenezer Allen, jun. Barnard Hail, Barnard Hail, jun. Hookor Low, Caleb Eddy, John Mafon, Matthew Watfon, Benjamin Birton, John Wheaton, John Cole, jun. Oliver Salfbury, Jofhua Smith. Benjamin Smith, Richard Thoma;, Jknjamm Drown, [-] Drown, John Ealtabrookc dhs fecond), John Luther, Philip Shorr, Jamss Bowen, Jonas Humphry, Binjamin butterworth, Edward Luther John Bittervvorth, William Salfbury, Edward Bofworth, Samuel Miller, jun. Jofiah Humphry, jun. [nhn Kelly, John ChilJ, John Martin, Njthuiiel Eiltabrook, Nathaniel Biwen, Samuel Bowen, Cendant Vial, Jofuh Kent, Jofeph Grant, Ebcnezer Martin, Jofhua Bicknal, Jofhua Bicknal, jun. Amos Thomas, Ifrael Peck, Thomas Cole, Ebenczer Luther, Ephraim Tiffany, Thomas Barns, Ebenezer Luther, jun. Richard Hail, Hczekiah Tiffany, John Allen, Richard Bullock, and Robert Eaftabrokc. CUMBERL/iNDi Jofeph Brown, Jaint-i Ballow, Obcdiah B.illow, Jofiah Cook, Samuel Bartlet, Job Bartlct, William Wallcor, Daniel Peck, Daniel Jcncks, Na- thaniel Jillfon, jun. Joleph Staples, John Bartlet, Jeremiah Bartlet, Ifrael Whipple, Gideon Tower, Daniel Wilkinfon, Richard Aldrich, Daniel Whipple, Jeremiah Wilkinfon lofhua Hall, Daniel Smith, David Whipple. Jeremiah Whipple, Richard Darling, Benjamin Raze, Edward Smith, David Raze, Benjamin Brown, John Grant, Richard Efties, William Car- penter, John Dexter, Gideon Bilhop, Benjamin Brown, jun. Peter Whip- ple, Samuel Whipple, Benjamin Tower, Daniel Whipple, jun. jofeph Raze, Jofeph Brown, jun. William Wallcot, jun. John Bilhop, Jofeph Whipple, Stephen Spraguc, Solomon Aldrich, John Cafs, Nathaniel Cook, Uriah Jillfon, John Tower. Ichabod Peck, Banfield Capron, Elifha Newel, Peter Darling, Arial Ballow, Ezckiel Bdllow, Aniriah Ballow, Ichabod Peck, jun. Daniel Peck, jun. Richaid Aldrich, jun. Benjamin Davel, Ebenezcr Barras, jun. Noah Bartlet, jun. Francis Inman, Stephen Brown, Jonathan Armfby, Jeremiah Inman, David Hogg, Jonathan Sprague, John *'V hip- pie, ichabod Bofworth, Abraham Barras, Charles CaprcXn. and Daniel Weatherhed. R I C H M O N Di John Stanton, David Kinyon, John B^ntley, David Kinyon, jun. John Tanner, JohnTefr, Tnomas Rogers, Oliver Mius, Simeon Watfon, Robert Moor, and John Enos,jun. gtv?a^ «^^>SJ gr.i >^ 5i^« I/aj ««C S3} *>94^ *^ f^T 1 1 T^f 1 1 '^ /jT theGEszviAL Assembly of thi G TE R N R and C O M PA N T "^ •* of the Englilh Colony cf Rhodc-Illand, anA Providence Plantations in New -England, in America, hegun ani held at NEWPORT, in [aid Colony, on the firji IVednelday of May, in the Twenty-firfl Tear of the Rei^n of His Moji Sacred Majpfty GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD. X/«g^ «/ Great-Britain, i^c. PRESENT, The Honourable GIDEON W A N T N, Efq, Governor. The Honourable William Robinson, Efq; Dep. Governor. Benjamin Haszard, Efq-, j Joseph Edmonds Efq; "j George Wanton, Efq; / Ephraim Gardner, Eiq- Lj/r,7 William Rhoades, Efq; />4^. Jfr lm i ah Ni l es, Efq, ? m'J ' Benjamin Tucker, Elq, I William Richmond, Efq;) Gideon DuRPty, Eli:^; / The Sec retarv. DEPUTIES for the fevcral Town?- The The Honourable DANIEL JENCKS, Efqi chofcn Speaker. Nfwport ; Capt. Thcmai JVickbam, Capt. fi^iflur Cbaloner, Mr. Thomas Cranjlortj Mr. John Cbanniu^, Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Mr. James Shtfful.t. Providence •, The Speaker, Mr. John Angel , Mr. Henry Harris, Mr. John Poll(r,]un. Portsmouth ; Mr. Daniel Holland. Mr. OliVir Earl, Mr. D^vid Anthony, Mr. Jonathan Freeborn Warwick •, Col. Benoni Waterman, Mr. Samuel Green, Mr. Jofeph Lippit, Mr. Samuel Barton. W ESTKRLY i Jo/fjua Bibcock, Efq-, Major IVitlirm Pendleton. N E WS H O R E H A M i Mr. Nathaniel Littltfield, Mr. 7ffi« Littltfield. NORTH-KINCSTON \ Col. Immanuel Northup, Edward Lhre, Elq; South-Kingston j Col. Thomas Hafzard, Mr. Benjamin hafzard. East-Greenwich ; Mr. G/Yci Pearce, Capt. Thomas Spencer. Jamestow* ; Mr. John Eldred, Mr. George Franklin. Smitrf I tLD v Mr. Jonathan Arnold., Mr. Jfrael fVilkinjen. ScITUATE ; Capt. Jo/- i?a«^'<7/, Capt. Charles Harris. Gloucester •, Mr. Richard Steere, Capt. Richard imith. Ch \r lestown -, Col. Jo eph lanton, Mr. J ernes Ccngdm. W tST- G R K t N W I C H Mr. Jeremiah Ellis, Mr. Gearge Gardner. Coventry •, Mr. Aaron Btwen, Mr. £/r)llia Jobnjon. Exktek i Capt. Job Tripp, Mr. Simon Smith. MiDDLKTOWM i Mr. John Rogers, Mr. John Taylor. Br istol ; Jonathan Peck, Efq-, Major Thomas Green. Tiverton •, Cape. John Manchejlt, , John Howland, Et'q; Little Compton •, ly.lliam Hall, Efq-, Mr. Jofepb IVoed. War RE N ; Matthew Allen, Efq; Capt. Benjamin Barton. CCMBERL and; Mr. Jlrael IVbippU^ Mr. Job Bar tie t. ; RiCHMOtVO , Capt. Richard Bjnley^ Mr. John IVcbfter. Mr. Jojias Lyndon, chofcn Clerk of the Houfc of Deputies. This being the Anniverfary Eledlion of Officers, both Civil and Mili- tary, the Gentlemt n whofe Names hereafter follow, were cholen to fcrvc the Colony in the rcfpedtive Offices afcribcd to thoir Names. The Vion. WILLIAM GREEN, Efq; Governor ^ Engag'cl. The Ho.i. William Eilfry, Efq-, Dep. Governor ^ Engag'd. Peter Burs, Efq; firft AITillant ; En(:ag,'d. Abralatii Redwood, Efq; fccond Affirtant ; who abfolutely rcfufing, John Garilner, Eiq, was chofen in his Room, and Engag'd. Robert Gibbs, Efq; third Affiftant ; Engag'd. William Burton, Ffq; fourth AfTiftant ; Engag'd. Stephen Brcwnel, Efq fitih Affiltant •, EngagM. Rgbert Lawton, Efq; fixth AfTiftant ; Engag'd. James eirnoll, Efq; fcvcnih AfTillant ; Engag'd. William Richmond, E(q; eighth AfTiftant ; Engag'd. Dainel Cogge/hall, Efq; ninth AfTiftant :, Engag'd- Jeoffry Watfan, Efq; tenth A(TiT>ant ; Engag'd. Thomas Wari, Efq; Secretary ; Engag'd. Daniel Updike, Efq; Attorney General. Thom.Ji Richard fon, Efq; General Treafurer ; Engag'd. Samuel Lyndon, jun. Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Ne-xport. Col. [9] Col. Bcnoni H^'atcrman, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Providince. Licuc. Col. Tbomas Hafzard, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the Councy ot Kin^s County. Lieut. Cul. Jeremiah Laivton, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Newport. Lieut. Col. fViUiam Brc/wn., Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Mi- litia in the County of Providence. Major PFilliam Pnidleton, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County ot Knigs County. Major Wing Spooner, Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Netvport. Capt. Richard Smith, Major of rhe Regiment of Militia in the County of Providence. Capt. Richard Baylty., Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kings County. Gideon Cornel., Stephen Hopkins, Jofloua Babccck, Jofiah Arnold, and 'John Howland, Efqrs. Ju.l^es of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of AlFizc, and General Goal Delivery, in and throughout the whole Colony. Samuel Wickham, Gideon Freeborn, Ed-ward Scott, Daniel Gould, and Daniel Huwland, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General ScfTions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Newport. Daniel Jencks, Jeremiah Lippit, Job Randall, Jofeph Nichols, and David Cumjlock, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SefTions ot the Peace, in and tluougho'Jt the County of Pro- vidence. Stephen Hafzard, JVilliam Spenlcr, Job Tripp^ jun. Ihcmas Brawn, and Bertoni Hall, Efqrs. Juftices of the Interior Court of Common Pleas, and General SefTions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Kings County. Jonathan IVoodberry, Jonathan Peck, Matthew Allen, Jofeph Ruffel^ and James Mafon, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court of Common Plea.i, and General SefTions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Briftol. Tbomas Ward, Efq-, Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of AfTize, and General Goal Delivery, in and throughout the Colony. Mr. Jofias Lyndon, Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SefTions of the Peace, in the County oi Newport. George Brown, Efq; Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SclTions of the Peace, in the County ot Providence. Mr Benjamin Peckham, jun. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas, and General SelTions of the Peace, in the County of Kings Cousry. Mr. Thomas Tkroop, jun. Clerk of thelnferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SefTions of the Peace, in the County of Bri^ol. Jofeph Scott, Efq; Sheriff of the County of Ne-iiport. John Mawney, Efq; SherilTof the County of Providence. Beriab Brown, Efq; Sheriff of the County of Kings County. Thomas Green, Elq-, Sheriff of the County oi Briftol. C JUSTICES JUSTICES of the Feace for the fevenil Toivns throughcut the Colony, NfwpoRT ; Thonvis WafLi, Abraham Borden, Samuel Collins, I'.benezer RiclKirdfon, Birnabas Hargilj, Nathaniel Coggediair Jonuhan Tillinghall, Jeremiah Clark, Jolhua Saycr, Providence -, Henry Harris, Chriflopher Harris, Jabe/ Bowen, Kbcnezcr Jcncks, Zuriel Waterman, Jofcph Potter, Jeremiah Field, John Burton, jun. Gcor;^e Taylor, Jolcpli Harris, Henry Paget, Joleph Snow, Edward Sheldon. Portsmouth ; William Sanford, Benjamin Hickes, Thomas Shearman, Giles Siocum, jun. Jonathan Pcarce . Warwick ; Samuel Stafford, John Warner, Samuel Greene, John Walton, James Green {Son of William), Jeremiah Randal, Jabc/. Green, Malachi Rhoadcs. Westkrly ; William B.ibcnck, W'illiam Hero, W'illiam Pendleton. Benjamin Randal, Eliflia Lewis, Joleph Crandal, jun. North-Kingston \ Robert Hall, Edward Dyre, jun. Thomas Spcnfer, Joleph CaCe, Robert Hafzard, Thomas Phillips, James Gardner. South-Kingston ; Ifaac Sheldon, Samuel Tift, jun. John Cafe, Thomas Hafzard {Son of Robert), Robert Brown. East-Greenwich ; William Spenler, John Langford, John Olin, Henry Tibbits, Samuel Sowle, Rufus Greene, Sm ITIll I kld , William Arnold, Thomas Laphani, Thomas 5ailes, William Jencks, Thomas Steere. Sc ITUATE ; Benjamm Fifk, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, John Edwards. G Lore ESTER •, Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John SmitI), Abraham Tourtelor. Ch ARLESTOW.V ; John Hill, Junes Cong-ion, jun. Bcn;amin Hjxfie. WrST Gr Kt NWICH Tliomas (Carpenter, Samuel Hopkins, Prelervcd Hall, William Cumrtock. Coventry •, Eliflia lohnlbn, Randal Rice. Thomas Mattefon, John Waterman, Robert Green, Samuel Bayley, E.xkter ; Nicholas Gardner, Jeoffry Champlin, Peleg Tripp, George Reynolds. MiDDLtTOWN i Thomas Gould, Edward Eafton, John Green, Edward Tew. Br istol 1 Samuel Howland, George Dunbar, Nathaniel Bofwortl Nathaniel Pearce, William Munro. Tiverton ; Jofeph Anthony, Philip Tabor, Rertcomc Sanford, Wefton Hickcs. LittleComptoNj William Hall, Robert Taylor, Samuel Willbore, Joftph Wood, Nathaniel Searls, jun. Warren i James Smith, Benjamin Millar, Samuel Low, John Kiiinicut. CtMBERI, A ND . Job Barrier, Samuel Bartlet, liVael Whipple. Rich mono ; James Roger?, John Webiler. Joleph Clark, Samuel Telr, Stephen RiJirnond. Walter I ■' ] Walter Chaloncr, Captain of Fore George, on Goat-IJland; Samuel Freebody^ Lieutenant of the fame Fort. John Gardner, E-fq, Comniiflary. James Holmes, Captain o\ the Colony's Sloop Tartar. Daniel Vaugban, Lieutenant of the faid Sloop. The Honourable Gideon IVantou, Efq; and Benjamin Nichols, James Sheffield, Daniel Updike, Edward Scott, James /Irnold, George Brown, and Gideon Cornell, Efqis. the Grand Committee or Trultecs of the Colony, tor the Signing of Bills of Publick Credit, ijc. Benjamin Nichols, Efq-, oue of the Grand Committee, or Colony's Tru- ftees, is chofen and appointed to take and have the Care and Charge of the Colony's Bonds and Mortgages, and to receive the Monies due, and to be due thereon. And he is alio hereby impowered to make and give proper Acquittances and Dilcharges on the Mortgages, or otherwife upon his Re- ceipt of any of the Colony's Money ; and in Cafe ot Nonpayment, he is likcwife hereby impowered to put in Suit the Bonds and Mortgages of all luch as fhall rcfufc or omit to make due Payment. It is Voted flnd Refohed, Th:it John Gardner, Efq-, Capt Thomas IVickham. and Cape. lValt;r Ckaloticr, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to wait on the Honourable Gideon Wanton, Efq; late Governor, in order tc receive of him the Colony's Chartcc, Seal, ;xjid whatever ellehehath in his Hands belonging to the Government ; and when received, to deliver the lame to his Honour the prefent Governor, giving and taking Receipts, Whereas this Adembly have detei mined to reftr the Choice of Officers of the feveral Companies or train'd Bands in the Colony, until their next SelTions •, yet as it is necedary the Companies or train'd Bands fhould have Officers to command them^ // is Voted and Refolved^ That all thole Officers now in CommifTion, be and they are hereby continued in their refpeflive Offices until the ncxtSefTion ot this AfTcmhly. // Is aljo Voted and Rejolved, That the Committees of the feveral Towns chofen lafl Year for the Management of the Colony's Money, let, and to be let, be, and they are hereby continued in their Offices until the next Seffion of this AlFcmbly. Whereas Meflfrs. Benjamin Hafzard, James Sheffield, and Thomas Cranjion* ■were by the General Aflembly, at their laft Seffion, appointed, they, or the major Fart of them, to be a Committee to burn the Money in the Hands of the Grand Committee, paid in for Tenths, and the Money in the Gieneral Trcafurv, paid in of the Rate, and make Report to this AfTembly at this prefent SelTion : But the faid Committee having informed that they Ind not perfcfted thar Bufinefs, // /; therefore Voted and Refolved, That the faid Committee be, and they are hereby continued for the Purpofe atcre- faid •, and they, or any two of them, enabled to finilh and complcat the Affair, and make Report thereof to :his Aflembly at their next Seffion. It is Voted and Re/ched, That Capt. John Brown i" Merchant;, Capt.' Thomas Witkham, and Mr. James Sheffield, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee to infpeft and examine the Stores at Fort George, and lee what Neceflarics are wanting, and make Report of their Doings to this Aflembly at their dl-xc Seffion. [ '^ ] 7; ii Voted and Rifol-j:d, Thac his Honour th^ Deputy Governor, hamuli Wtckbam, Efq; Cape. IValKr Cbalontr, McflVs. Thomas Crunjlon, and James ibefieid, be a Committee, and they, or rhc major Part of them, are hereby autnoriz^d to audit the Accounts of the late General Treafurcr, and receive of him all and every the Bonds, Monic;, Books, Papers, and whatever clfc he i>ath in his Curtody belonging to the Colony, and deliver ihz lame to the prei'cnt General Treafurer, giving and taking Receipts. And they, or the major Part of them, arc hereby alio impowcrcd to audit the Commifi'ary's Accounri, and ir.akc Report of their Doings to this Allbmbly, at its iicxc btfT.on. It is Voled and Rejohed^ That the Cape, of Fort George inlirt: as foon as po(T;ble, thirty Men to fcrve at faid Fort as Soldiers j and that upon the fame I'erms Uich Soldiers were inlifted the laft Year. And \\ h rtull fo happen, that a fufficient Number be not inlifted within fifteen Days ?.lter the Rifing ot this AfTcmbly, that then the Field Officers of the County of Nfiuporl, lliall by his Honour the Governor's Warrant, caufe lo many Men as v/ill makeup that Number, to be impreffed within the County of Neiv- port, lor that Purpofe. // // Voted and Rofohed, That the Troops raifed in this Colony for the Expedition intended againfl Canada^ and lately difbandtd, fhall be paid their Arrears in Dills of Publick Credit, ac Nine Hundred fer Cent. Ad- vance, upon the Sterlincr Wages. It is Voted ^nd Refohed. That the Colony's Sloop Tar/ar, Hull be forth- with put in Commidiorv. ar»d mann'd with ninety efledlivc Men. incl'iding Officers, who fhall be allowed and have the lame Wages as were paid the laft Year. And that the Commiffary purchafe iix Months Provifio.-^ tor the •Sloop, and put on board her not lefs thereof than will be fufficient for fix Weeks at one Time. And that the Sloop cruifc according to the Orders and Dircillions of hr. Honourthe Governor, until thelirft Day ot Otlober next, or longer, if his Honour fliall think proper. And the Geneial Trealurcr is hereby dirc(5tcd and ordered to fupply ciie Commiir.iry with fuch Sums of Money as Ih-ill be ncccfTary to equip faid Sloop, and purchafe the Provifions aforefiid ; asalfo Ncccflarics for Fort Czorge. It is Voted aud R:folvfd, That all Bufinefs lying before this AtTcmbly un- ftniflicd, t»c, and the fame is hereby referred until the next ScJion thereof; which is hereby appomtcd to be at Newpcr:, on the fecond Monday of June next. Jt [ ^3] jit the General Assembly of the G O V E R N R ^«/<2;« ; Nathan Gardner, L/ai/;»^(: Thomas Taylor, Enfign. EAST-GREENWICHs Firft Company : Jofeph StalTord, Captain j Abicl Hall. Lieutenant: RufuS Spencer, Enfign. SecondCompany: Caleb Vaughan, Captain: William Spencer, jun. Ueutenant •, Caleb Baykv, Enfign. JAMESTOWN Company^ Samuel Slocum, Captain j George Franklin, Lieutenant \ Edward Carr* jun. Enfign., SMITHFIELD\ Firft Company : Richard Harris, jun. Captain j John Angell, lieutenant \ William Brown, Evfign. SecondCompany : Daniel Arnold, Crtp/i'iC)xo\i, Captain ; Alexander Dixon, Z,/VK/tf- nant \ John Wickcs, Enfign. E X E T E R; Firfi Company : Samuel Gardner, Captain ; George Weight, Lieutenant % Jofeph Potter, Enfign. SeccndCompany : Peleg Thomas, Captain \ George Codner. Lieutenant \ John Rathbun (the third;, Enfign. MIDDLETOWN Company ; John Barker, Captain j Benjamin Smith, Lifutenant ; Nicholas Brown» Enfign. BRISTOL ; Nathaniel Pearce, Captain ; Bcnnct Munro, Lieutenant ; John Throop, jun. Enfign. TIVERTON; Firjt Compitny : Giles Brownel, Captain; William Manchcfter fSon of John), Lieutenant ; Corn'-lius Sowle, tvfign. Second Company : Jofeph Stafford, Captain ; Jonathan Davel, Lieutenant; William Cook ^Son of lofcph), Enfign. LITTLE-CO M P70 :^ Company; Benjamin Scabury, Captain ^ Jonathan Brownel, Lieutenant ; Edward h\(h, Enfign. IV A R R E N Company j Bcnj. Barton, Captain \ John Adams, Lieutenant ; Solomon Peck, Enfign. CUMBERLAND Company; Ifracl Whipple, Laptam ■, Gideon Towtr, Lieutenant -, Daniel Wilkinfon, Enfign. RICHMOND Company; Jofeph Enos, jun. Captain ; James James, Lieutenant : Thomas Rogers, Enfign. Troop of Hcrfe in the County of Newport ; Silvcfter Woodm.u), Captain ; Richard Grinncl, Lieutenant ; Samuel Baylcy (ot Little Compton;, Cornet. Troop cf licr/e in the County of Providence ; Jeremiah Whipple, Captain -, Joan Lcvally, Lieutenant ; Henry Gard- ner, Cornet. The [ ■? J The Committees chofcn for the Man.igement let, or to be let, Wf. in the fcveral Towns, are Newport ; Benjamin Nichols, Nicholas Eafton. Providence j Ezckiel Warner, Jonathan Randal, Portsmouth ; John Coggefhall, Benjamin Hix. Warwick j Jeremiah Lippit, Elifha Greene. Westerly ; William Babcocic, Silas Greenman. Newshoreham Robert Hull, Nathaniel Littlefield. NoRTH-KlNCbTON } John Congdon, Edward DyTe,Jurt. South-Kingston ; Jeoffry Watfon, Stephen Hafzard, jun. East-Greenwich ; Thomas Spencer, Abner Spencer (^Son of MichaelJ. Jamestown ; Jofeph Clark, Jofeph Underwood. Smithfield 1 Thomas Stecre, Thomas Lapham. SciTUATt ; Job Randal, Charles Harris. Gloucester ; Richard Stecre, Abr.^ham Tourtclot. Charlestown ; James Congdon, Jun. Jofeph Stanton, jun. West-Gkeenwich ; Jeremiah Ellis. George Gardner. Coventry j Caleb Green, George Hall. of the Colony*! Money, as foUoweth. Exetee i Benoni Hall, John Weight, Middletown Daniel Gould, John Rogers. Bristol j Jonathan Peck, Thomas Green; Tiverton ; John Manchefter, Thomas Howland. Little Com p ton j John Hunr, William Willbor, jun. Warren , Matthew Allen. Benjamin Barton. CumbeelaND-, Job Bartlet, Samuel Bartlet. Richmond j Richard Baley, John Webfter. Edward Ihurfton^ chofcn General Sealet of Weights and Meafurcs throughout the Colony. Titer Eajlon^ Kendal Nichols, jun. Handley Cbipman, and Andrew Hunter, chofen Juftices of the Peace for the Town of Newport. Benjamin Potter, chofen a Jultice of the Peace for the Town of South' Kinglien, in the Room of Ifaac Sheldon, Efq^ who refufed. Caleb Allen, chofen a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of Portfmoutb. Daniel Howland, jun. chofen a Jutlicc of the Peace for the Town laft mentioned, in the Room oi J bomas Shearman, Efq-, who refufed. Matthew Mancbejler, chofen a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of Pre- vidence, in the Room of John Burton, jun. Efqi who refuted. John Holden, jun. chofen a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of fFiar- wick, in the Room of Samuel Green, Elq; who refufed. Richard Smith, chofen a juftice of the Peace for the Town of Gloucefte. Robert Moon, chofcn a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of Exeter. Edward Luther, chofen a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of PFarr en. Robert Lillibridge, chofen a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of Richmond, in the Room of James Rogers, Efq-, who refufed. It is Fated and Refolved, That the Sum of Seven Pounds Fourteen Shillings in Old Tenor Bills, be paid out of the General Trcafury to Mrs. /hrn Franklin, it being the Amount of her Account againft the Colony, for furnifhing P.ipcr, and printing twenty-four Copies of the Acls and Orders of the General AfTembly, made and pafs'd at their SefTion in OJtoter laft. jfnd it is alfo Ffted and Refolved, That the Sum of Nineteen Pounds of like Money, [ ^°1 Money, be paid the faid Mrs. Ann Franklin^ out of the General Treafufy, it bf ing the Amount of one other Account of hers againft the Colony, for furnifhing Paper, and printing twenty-four Copies of the Ads and Orders ot the General Allembiy, made and part at their Scffion in February laft. Whereas a Committee was appointed by the General AfTembly to receive and burn fome ot the Colony's Money, I'lz. What was paid in to the Grand Committee tor Tenths, and to the General Treafurer towards the Rate ; who having performed that Service, Mclfrs. James Shefidd, and Thomat Cranfion, being the major Part of them, made Report to this AlTembly, that they had received of Benjamin Nichols, Elqj Treafurer of the Grand Com- miucc. Sixteen Ihoujand Sezen Hundred Pounds, of which they had burnt Fourteen Ttoufand Two Hundred and Eighty -fix Pounds, Nine Shillings and Two PiKce, and the Remainder, being Two Ihoujand Four Hundred and Thirteen Pounds^ Ten Shillings and Ten Pence, made up of Bills emitted by the Province of the Majfjclujetts-Bny, and by the Colony of Conncilicut, and fome new Bills emitted by this Colony, they had rcturn'd to the Grand Committee, judging it will be belt to exchange it for old broken Money : And that they had received ot John Gardner, Efq; late General Treafurer, One Thcu/and Three Hundred and Eight Pounds, Four Shillings, part of the Kate that was paid in, which they had burnt alfo. And the laid Reporc being taken into Confidcration, It is Voted and Rejolved, That the fame be, and It IS hereby a».cepted, and the Committee aforelaid, is appointed to ex- change the above-mentioned Two Thou/and Four Hundred and Thirteen Pounds, Ten Shillings and Ten Pence, for old torn Money ot this Colony, and burn the fame, and make Report ot their Doings to this Airimbly, at their next ScfTion. y^nd it is aljo Voted and Refolved, That the faid Committee receive of his Honour the Deputy Governor, the Bills in his Hands, which he re- ceived in Lieu of the Bills dcpofued with him, tor exchanging the Bank emitted in 1740, and burn the fame, and make Report thereof to the Ge- neral AfTembly. And that the faid Committee receive alio ot his Honour the Deputy Governor, what remains of the new Money put into his Hands, for exchanging as atorefaid, together with the Bills unfigncd in his Hands, and deliver the fame to the General Treafurer (giving and taking Receipts for the fame), who is hereby dircdled to proceed in making Exchange as aforelaid, as far as the Money to be put into his Hands will go. It is Voted and Refolved, That William Barton, U'illiam Richmond, Jopua Babcock, and Immanuel Northup, Efqrs. be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to take into Confideration the fubjcCt Matter of his Excellency Governor Shirley*^ Letter to the Gcvernment, and make Report thereof to this Aficmbly. Whereas it hatb been rq^rcfented unto this Aflembly, that James Holmes^ Captain of the Colony's Sloop Tntar, rotwithfianding the Veflel was not to go on a Cruize 'till mann'd with ninety effective Men, including Officers, on or about the twcnty-firtt Day of A/^y h{\, went to Sea with the bloop, having but about fixty-five Hands on board : And that of his own Accord, having no Order nor Inftrucftions from his Honour the Go- vernor, that in his Cruize, on or about the twenty- ftcond of May, he gave Chace to a Schooner not tar from Block-IJland, and came up with her near Point Judith. After a couple of Shot were fired, the Schooner Aruck, Capt. Holmes took PoflTclTion of her, and put his Lieutenant on board, with Orders to bring her in : That thereupon the Schooner (which wus prcicr.dcd pretended to be a Flag of Truce, almoft loaden, from Leo^an on Flifpaniold, to fome of the Northern Colonics), fail'd on the Weft Side of Conannicutf came round and anchor'd at a Place called Coddington's Ccvf, where flie was unladen of a Carp^n of Sugar, Cdc. and afterwards brought publirkly into this Port : Which Conduift of the Cpptain and Lieutenant of the Colony's Sloop, demand the Notice of this Affenibly, IVbo tbercupcn Vote and Relohe^ and it is hereby Voted and Refchcd, That Peter Bours, Stephen Browtiel, Daniel CoggejJoall, and William Hell, Eiqrs. together with iVlelfrs. Waller Chaloner^ James Sbejjield, Bcioni Waterman^ and John Eldred, or the major Part of ihem, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to examine into the Conduil of the faid Capt. HJlmes^ refpcding the Premifes : And if it fhall appear to them, that he merits to be lufpended the Colony's Service, that they fufpend him until next Scffion of Affembly, and appoint another in his Room to command (aid Sloop in the mean Time : And alio to examine and deal wich Daniel Vaughan, Lieutenant of the Tartar, in the fame Man- ner. And that the faid Committee have full Power to fummon Perfons l^forc them, to give Evidence concerning the Premifes : And if the faid Officers fhall be found to have been guilry ot male -conduct, that the Com- mirtee have, and Power is hereby given them, to commit the Offender or Offenders to Goal, or admit him or them to Bail, for his or their Appear- ance before this Affembly, at its next Seffion. And that his Honour the Governor commiffionare luch Captain and Lieutenant as fhall be appointed hj the Committee, if they fnall appoint any. It is Voted and Rejohed, That Peter Bours, and Jeotfry Watjon^ Efqrs. Mr. John Channin^, William Hall, and Jolhua Babcsck, Ejqrs. be, and they* or tlif" major Part of them, are hereby conftituted Committee, to confidcr of the prefent Fees, Wages, ifc. ftated or allowed, and fuch others as may be thought proper to be (fated and allowed by this Colony, to the fevcral Ofhcers that tranfaift the Bufinefs of the Publick within the fame, and there- upon make a new Table of Fees, as they m their Dilcretion, fhall think proper, and prefent the fame to this Affembly, at their next Seffion, Whereas Thomas Nichols, of Eaft Greenwich, in the County of Providence, reprcfcnted unto this Affembly, that one James Broadfoot, an Indian, one of the Soldiers railed in •^his Colony for the Service of His Majefty, in the Ex- pedition intended z^3.\ri^.Canada, who aflually was embarked, and proceed- ed to Marthu\ Vineyard ; from whence he return' d fick to the faid Thomas's Houfe, and fo continued from the Eighteenth Day of January, 1 746, until the Twenty-fixth Day of 7«''i^ following, when he died -, during all which Time, the faid 7^(?»;.«, at thcRcqueflof the faid 5rofli:^i7ff/'s Lieutenant, took Care of him, and fupply'd him with Neceffaries : And thereupon prayed this Affembly, that the Sum of Forty-four Pounds, One Shilling and Six Pence^ may be allowed and paid him out of the General Treafury, as being a rea- fonable Charge, for his Trouble and Expenccs, and finding Houle-room and Fire-wood for the faid Indian. And this Affembly having ferioufly con- fider'd the Premifes, Do Vote ard Re/olve, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That the aforefaid Sum of Forty four Pcunds, One Shilling and Six Pence, be allowed and paid the faid Thsmas Nichols out of the General Treafury accordingly. "Whereas this Affembly, at their lafl: Sclfion, appointed a Committee to audit the Accounts of the late General Treafurer, and receive of him all the Bonds, Money, Books, Papers, and other Things in his Cuflody, belonging F to ["] to the Colony, and deliver the fame to the prefent General Treafurer, giv- ing and taking Receipts : And the faid Cornmittee were alio appointed to audit the Conuniflary's Accounts, and make Report ot their Domgs to this AJTcmbly, at their prefent Scdion : But as the Committee have not enter'd upon that Bufincfs, and two of them, viz. His Honour the Deputy Go- vernor, 2ind Samuil H^ickbaw, E\q; decline afling therein, It is Voted and Refohed by this yljjembly. That Jofeph Whiffle, asd Peter Bcurs, Efqrs. dpi. Walter Cbaloner, Mr. Thomas Cranjlon, and Mr. James Shejjield, be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby conflituted a Committee, to tranlaift and perform the Matters and Things aforcfaid, and nuke Report thereof to this Afiembly, at their next Scflion. It is Voted and Refohed, That the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds, be al- lowed and paid out of the General Treafury, to Gideon Wanton, Efq; late Governor of this Colony, for his laft Year's Salary, and extraordinary Service. // is Voted and Refohed, That the Sum of Fifty Pounds be allowed and paid out of the General Trealury, to William Robinjon, Efq; late Deputy Governor, for his lait Year's Salary, and extraordinary Service. // is Voted and Refohed, That Jeofry Watjtn, Efq; and Col. Thomas Hazard, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to wait on the late Deputy Governor Robinfon, to receive of him the Duplicate of the Co- lony's Charter, and the fame, when received, depofite with his Honour tiic prefent Deputy Governor, giving and taking Receipts, and make Re- port to this AlTcmbly, at their next SelTion. It is Voted and Refohed That the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds^ Old Tenor Bills, be allowed and patd out of the General Treafury, to the Gentlemen of the Grand Committee, whole Names hero follow, viz. Gideon Wanton, Thomas Richardfon, Edward Scott, Gideon Cornel, Benjamin f/icbols, and Daniel Updike, Efqrs. for their figning, is^c. Seven Thoujand Five Hundred Pounds, in Bills of the new Tenor, ordered to be made by an Adt ot the General Afiembly, paffed ziSoutb-KingJlon, in February laft. // is Voted and Refohed, That John Cranjion, George Wanton, Peter Bours^ Samiiel Wickham, and Jonathan Nichols, Efqrs. five of the Committee of War, be allowed One Hundred and Fifty Pounds each, out of the General Treafury, in full Satisfadion, for their Time and Trouble in that Employ- ment, to be paid when they fhall have thoroughly audited and compleated fuch of the Accounts relating to the Expedition intended againlt Canada., as yet remain unfettled ; for which Purpofc, the faid Committee is farther continued by this AfTtmbly. Whereas Col. William Hopkins reprcfented to this AfTcmbly, that it is imprad^icablc to repair Pautucket Bridge, agreeable to the Vote ot laft Fe- bruary ScfTions of AfTcn-vbly, /; is therefore Voted and Refohed, That the faid William Hopkins be continued, and that he repair faid Bridge j and that for that Purpofc, he draw One Hundred Pounds out of the General Treafury. Whereas the Superior Court of this Colony, which fat the firft Tuefday \n /iprtl \a(\, in A'/n^'s County, was adjourned to the T wcnty-third Day of May following, at which Time the faid Court fell, for want of Appear- ance of the Judges, and fo all Bufmefs lying before faid Court, is fiagna- tcd. It is therefore Vtled and Refohed^ That the faid Court be held on the third [Ml third Tuifday o^ July next •, and that all Aflions, and other Bufinefs, lying before laid Court, unfiniflied, be heard, tried, dctermin'd, and finilh'd, in the Tame Manner, and as fully and compleatly, as if the faid Court had let at the Time to which the fame was adjourned : And that the fame Ju- rors that Were to attend at the Adjournment of faid Court, be notified, by a Precept from the Town Clerk to the Town Serjeant of each refpedive Town, to appear, and attend at the laid Court, at the Time the fame is to be held as above. William Richmond, Efq; chofen one of the Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of AHize, and General Goal Delivery, in and through- out the Colony, in the Koomoi John Howland, Efq; who refufed. Mattbevj Borden {Son oi Jofepb), chofen a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of Newport. It is Voted and Refohed, That the Wages of the Soldiers at Fort George., be augmented to Eighteen Pounds per Month, including Board Wages. // is Voted and Refolved, That the Name of John Bullifon, one of the Sol- diers of the Company of the late Capt. William Rict, which was accident- ally omitted in the Muffer Roll of faid Company, be inferred therein -, and that the faid John Bullijon be paid his Wages, it appearing to this Affcm- bly, that he hath done his Duty. It is Voted and Refolved, That Robert Gilbs, Stephen Hopkins, and George Broun, Efqrs. be I'ucd by Benjamin Nichols, of Newport, one of the Grand Committee, or Colony's Trullees, in Behalf of the Colony, in an Adlion oi One Hundred Thou/and Pounds Damage, for Breach of Truft, in receiving of the General Affembly, fundry Papers of great, coniequcncc, and negleft- ing to return the fame : And that he employ one or more Attorneys in faid Cafe : And that the Adion be brought to the next Inferior Court of Common Pleas, to be held in the County of King's County : And that the (aid Benjamin Nichols draw Money out of the General Treafury, to de- fray the Charge of faid Suit. // is Voted and Refelved, That the Rates ordered to be levied on this Co- lony, be flop'p'd 'till next Sedion of AfTembly. // is Voted and Refclvcd, That all Bufinefs lying before this AfTembly, unfinifhed, be'^eferred to next ScfFion of Affembly -, and that the Secretary proclaim the Afts. and Orders of this Afiembly, pafl at this and die la(l ScfTion, by Beat of Drum, in Newport, within ten Days after the Rifingof this Anfembiy, and fend Copies to each Town in this Colony, agreeable to Law, within Forty Days after the Rifing of this AfTembly : And thflt this AlTembly be adjourned 'til the Fourth Monday of /luguji next, to Newport. GOD Save the King. Puhlijhed according to Order, by Newport, July 27. 1748, t, . wr „„ c,^,, f ^ '' J 1 '^ Thomas Ward, Sccry. ^/^^^^^ 5^^-^/*^^^-^ [^5] jit the Ge^ilr AL Assembly of the GOVERNOR and COMPANY of the Fnglifli Colony of- Rhode-Ifland, and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in America, hegun and held by Ad, journmem h the Authority cf ore/aid. That if any Per- foii or Pertons offending as atorcfaid, fhall not bt able, or (hall not pay immediately ilie laid Charges and Expcnces, it fhall and may be lawful for the AlTub.uu, Jultice, or Warden, before whom fuch Offender has beea convicted, to lend him to the Stocks, there to remain at his Difcrction, not exceeding three Hours. BE IT tURTHER ENACTED by the jfutbority cforefaidy That m cafe any Perfoii or Perlbns (hall profanely curfeorfwear in the Prc- fence or Hearing cf any Sheriff", Deputy Sheriff, Town Serjeant, or Con- ftable, it fhall and may be lawful for any and every fuch SherilT, Deputy Sheriff", Town Serjeant, or Conftable ; and they, and each of them, are hereby authorized and required to feize, fecurc, and detain fuch Offender or Offenders, it unknown, and forthwith to carry him or them before the next Affiftant, Juftice, or Warden, for fuch Town or Place where fuch Offence (liall be committed ; and the laid AfTiftant, Juflice, or Warden, is hereby authorized and required, on the Oath of fuch Sheriff, Deputy She- riff, Town Serjeant, or Conftable, to convidt fuch Offender, in Manner and Form as herein is before diredted. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforefaidi That two lawful WitnelTcs fhall convid any Pcrfon or Ferfons offending as aforelaid, before any AfTidant, Juftice, or Warden as aforefaid : And henceforward no Perlon whatever fhall have the Liberty of appealing from any Judgment given againft him by any AfTiftant, Juftice, or Warden, on being conviice may be done the Government. [^9] 7/ is Voted and Refohed, That the Sum of Forty Shillings be allowed Job Tripp, hCq; and paid him out of the General Treafury, for his Labour, Time, and Expence, in notifying Capt. Champltu, and his fecond Lieute- nant, in the Year 1744. Whereas Robert Kelly, of Neuport, in the County of Newport, Rigger, rcprefentcd unto this Aficmbly, That Bryant Conner, one of His M^jcfty'S Subjedls, who was late a Prifoner at Ltogan, in the French King's Domi- nions, on Hifpaniola, was brought from thence in a Flag of Truce {Robert Durfey MafterJ, to Newport aforel'aid : And on his Arrival came to the faid Robert's Houfe very ill, and unable to go farther ; where he ibid un- til he died : And that as the faid Bryant had neither Money nor Friends, the faid Robert was obliged, at his own Expence, to furnilh Necedaries, i^c. whilft he lived, and after Death, to bury him -, whereupon the faid Robert prayed for Relief: On Coiilidrration whereof, this Ajfembly do Vote and R'.fotve, and it is hereby Voted and Rejolved, That the Account of the faid Robert, relpedling the Premifes, amounting to Fifteen Pounds Four Shillings, be allowed and paid him out of the General Treafury. And it is alfo Voted and Rcfolved, That the Sum of Two Pounds Ten Shillings be allowed Dr. Norbert IVigneron, and paid him out of the Ge- neral Treafury, for Medicine exhibited to, and Attendance on the afore* named Bryant Conner, during the Sicknefs whereof he died. // is Voted and Refohed, That the Sum of Seventeen Pounds be allowed Peleg Brozvn, Efq; late Sheriff of the County of Newport, and paid him out of the General 1 reafury, it being the Amount of tour Aceouhts by him charged againft the Colony, for his Service in notifying feveral Members of the Council and Haufe of Deputies, four feveral Times in the Year 1746, to give their Attendance in General Affenrtbly, purfuant to Warranto from his Honour the Governor, and his Honour the then Depaty Go- vernor. // is Voted and Rejolved, That the Sum of Five Pounds in Bills of Credit of the New Tenor, be allowed MefTrs. John f-VebJier and Stephen Hex/ey, and paid them out of the General Treafury, for their Fees, Trouble, C^c. in re- ceiving and letting out the Town of Cbarlejiown'% proportionable Part, being Two Thoufand Pounds New Tenor, of the laft Bank Money, emit- ted in the Year 1743, and making Return of the Sureties for the fame» unto the Grand Committee. MelTrs. James Sheffield, and Thomas Cranjion, being the major Part of the Committee which by a Vote of the laft AfTembly was continued for the Ends and Purpofes therein mentioned, made the following Report, to wit, •' We the Sublcribers, being continued a Committee by the General ** AfTembly in June Scdions lafl to exchange and burn Two Thoufand •' Four Hundred and Thirteen Pounds Ten Shillings and Ten Pence, «' which was Part of the Tenth Money, do report. That we have ex- " changed the abovefaid Two Thoufand Four Hundred and Thirteen •' Pounds Ten Shillings and Ten Pence, and have burnt the fame. — ♦' And likewife we were appointed a Committee at the above SefTions, to «' receive of his Honour the Deputy Governor, what Bills were in his *' Hands, which he had received in Exchange for the Bills lodged with " him, for exchanging the Bank emitted in the Year 1740. and to burn ♦' the fame : And alfo to receive what remained of the new Money that H ** was [3°] *' was put into his H.-rnds to exchange as aforcHiicl ; and alfo Bills *' were unfigned in his Hands, and deliver the fame to the General Trca- •' furer, do Report, Thar wc have received of his Honour the Deputy *' Governor, One Hundred and Seventy-two Pounds Three Shillings and *• Six Pence, which we have burni -, and alio Three Hundred and Sixty- •• four Pounds Nine Shillings, with four Sheets ot Faces, and four Sheets *' of Backs, of unfigned Money, and have delivered the lame to the Ge- *' neral Treafurer according to his Receipt herewith prtfented. Witncfs *• our Hands, this 23d of 7«6'> '74'^' " James Sheffield, " Thomas Cranston." And now, this Afiemblv h.aving taken the faid Report into Confideration, Jt is Voted and Re/clved, That the fame be, and it is hereby accepted and approved ; and that the Sum of E'gHty Pounds Five Shillings, be allowed the faid James Sheffield and Thomas CrariHon, and paid them out of the Ge- neral Trcafury for the Service by tnem done the Colonv, in their Com- mittcefhip. It is Voted and Refohedy That Jn/tah Arnold, Efq; and Mr, John Hell, both oijamefiowry; and Mr. John Gardner, (.A SsutbKirgJien, bea Commit- teOi they, or the major Part of them, to purchafe for the Colony's Ufe, the two Ferry-Places on the Weft Side of Ja*neJloivn, with the two Ferry- Boats, and all other Appurtenances, if the fame may be had at a reafonable Rate, and cheaper than to Ixiild new ; and take a good Deed of the fame to the Colony, and draw Money out of the General Treafury to pay therctor ; Bur if laid Ferry-Placer, Boats, (^i. cannot be purchafed upon better Terms than ta build, then the faid Committee, or the major Part ot them, arc hereby impowered and directed to build a good and fuirable Peer or WharfF, for a Ferry Place, at the Weft End of (he Highway which runs acrofs frtid Jamfjlown, from Ferry to Ferry and ered a luitable Houfe on faid Highway, and purchafe two luitable Ferry-Boats, as foon as conveni- ently may be, for the Ufe of the Colony, and draw Money out of the Ge- neral Treafury to defray the fame; and immediately to hire one or two luitable Boats for tranfporting over the Ferry, and appoint proper Perlons ro tend the fame, until good Boats may be purchas'd : And that no other Pcrfons be licenced to keep a Ferry on the Weft Side oijamejivwn. Whereas Jofeph Whipple, and Peter Bours, Efqrs. Capt. IValter Chakner, MelTrr. CranHon, and James Sheffield, were by the General AfTcm- bly, at their lall Scffion, appointed, and they, or the major Part of them, conftituted a Committee to audit the Accounts of John Gardner, Efq-, late General Treafurer, and to receive of him all the Bonds, Money, Books, Papers, and other Things inhisCuftody, belonging to the Colony, and deliver the lame to the prcfent General Trraturcr, giving and taking Re- ceipts : And alfo to audit the Accounts of the faid John Gardner, Efq; as CommifTary. And the aforefaid Jofeph fVhipple, Peter Bours, IValter Cba- loner, and Thomas Cranjion, having affamed that Province, made Report to this Affembly, as follows, to wit. That they had examined the faid Ge- neral Treafurer and CommifUry's Accounts, and found a Ballancc of Three Thoufand Eight Hundred and Thirty-one Pounds and Nineteen Shillings, due from the faid John CarJn-r to the Colony, which Ballance was paid to 7bomJS Richardjon, Efq-, the prelent General Treafurer, in their Prefenre : That they had alfo received of the faid Jcbn Gardner, all the Bonds, Books, Papers, and other Thing?, ap^jcrtaining to the Gmcral Trcalury, and had given tS'J given him a Receipt for the fame : And that they had delivered the faid Bonds, Books, Papers, and all other Things belonging to faid 0/ncc, to the aforcfaid Thomas Richard fotiy and had taken his Receipt for the fame, according as they arc particularly mentioned and cxprcflcd in the laid Receipt, which was by them delivered with their Report. And the faid Jofcpb IVhippU, Peter Bcun, IFalter Chaloner, and Tbonas Cranjlon, la'iher reported, 1 hat they had alfo examined the faid Jcbn Gardner^s Ac- count concerning the Ten Thnuland Pound Rate, which by an Aft of Aflcmbly made and pall: at Netvpcri, the Nineteenth Day oi June, Or.c Thouland Seven Hundred and Forty-tour, was ordered to be levied on this Colony -, That on their Examination ot faid Account, they found a Bal- lance of Two Hundred and Sixty-thrtc Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Two Pence, due from the faid yahn Gardner to the Colony, which they received of him, and paid Mr. Ricbardjony oblerving withal, that Pi'.rtof faid Rate llill remains unpaid by fevcral Towns, as appears from the Account of Particulars, to which they had fubjoin'd their Report, feparatc from that firft above-mentioned. All and every whereof being tahcn into Confi- deration, is accepted and approved by this Aflembly, Who thereupon Voti and Refohe, and it is hereby looted and Rejohed, That the Account by them charged againlt the Colony, for their Labour, Pains, C^e. in tranfafting the Bufinefs, be allowed, and Sixty-four Pounds, the Amount thereof, paid them out of the General Trealury. Whereas John Eajlon. Town Serjeant of Newport, exhibited to this Affcmbly, a Bill of Charges, amounting to Thirty Pounds Nine Shillings, by him drawn up againlt the Colony, for publick Services performed, and Money expended by him, i^c. in June, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty-five : And the Affembly having taken the faid Bill or Account into Confidcration, and duly examined the fame, Do Fote and Refahe, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved. That Twcnty-hve Pounds thereof be allowed and paid the faid John Eafion out ol the General Trcafury. // is Voted and Refolved, That the Sum of thirty Pamds be allowed and paid out of the General Trealury, to Peter Bours, Samuel JVirkbam, and Edward Scott, Efqrs. for their Time and Cure in direfting the ffating the Accounts of the Canada Expedition, and examining and infpefting into the fame, in order that they might be tranfmittcd to the Agent, and to Governor Shirley and Commodore Kneii-ks (by Order of the General AfTcm- bly), in the Year 1747. Whereas there has been prefentcd to this Aflcmbly, an Account, in the Hand-writing of the late Secretary Martin, of Services by him done the Colony, in 1744 and 1745, but no Price affixed to any of the Articles, and it feems no Satisfaction was ever made the Secretary in his Life, or his E.xecutors fincc his Death ; the Affembly therefore do conflitutc and make, and MefiVs. John Cbanning and Jcftas Lyndon, are hereby conftitutcd and made a Committee, to examine theaforefaid Account, and report to the AflTcmbly what ch;y Ihall think ought to be allowed thereon. Whereas Ed-j;ard Scott, Lfq; and the Sfcretary, were apnointed a Com- mittee to procure the Printing of all the Publick Laws now in Force, in this Colony, that have been made fince the laft Rcvifal and Printing th Laws, but have hitherto omitted doing the li^me, and the Secretary alto- gether [30 gcther dtclines engaging in tlutBiiriiicfs, being in a bad State of Health j Whtrefort this Alfembly do conftitutc and appoint Mr. Jama Gould of Newport, to join Mr. Scott in the Sccrttary'sRoom. "Whereas Col. Baioni JVaterman, and Mr, Jofeph Lippit, reprefented unco this Afiembly, That the Bridge over Pautuxit River, commonly cal- led Capt. Binjamtn Green's BriJge, is very much out of Repair : And as the fame is in the Country Road, and of great Service to the Fublick, they prayed a Grant of about Seventy Pounds out of the General Trcalury, for repairing faid Bridge. On Confideration whereof, // is Voted and Re- folvedly the Ajjembl)', That the faid Benoni fV^termnn, ana Mr. Samuel Green^ be, and they are hereby conllitutcd a Commirtee, to repair the Bridge aforc- laid i and when ir is compleated, thar they draw out of the General Trea- fury, the S\jmoi Seventy Pounds^ towards paying the Charge thereof. Whereas the Comminioners that were appointed to run the dividing Line between the Province of the .Ma(facbujetts-Bay, and this Colony, did not go through thaV Work in every Part thereof ; Whereupon, // is Voted and Enailed ij the A^emhly, That Daniel Jcncks, Henry Harris, and Stephen Hopkins, Efqrs. be, and they, or the major Fart of them, are hereby ap- pointed CommifTioners to finilh the running laid Line, in Manner follow- ing, viz Beginning at the Monument in the North-Eaft Corner of the Colony, fee up by the formci CommifTioners, where they left off, and from thence to run Wefttrly to Conncilicut Line, agreeable to the Charter of this Colony i and that thty rr.cet the third Tuefday oiOHober next, at Twelve o'clock, it Maxe*i, \n Attleborough, in order to begin faid Work. And it isfur:b;r Voted and EnaSJed, That his Honour the Governor write- to his Excellency the Governor of the Majfacbufetts, informing hinh of this Resolution, and to rcqueft that Commilfioners may be appointed on the Part of the Province, to join with the Comminioners of the Colony, in order to perform the Bu.'inels aforefaid. // is Voted and Refolved, That the Sum of Four Pounds be allowed and paid out of the General Trcalury, to Mr. Benjamin Peckbam, jun. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, (iff. within and for the County of A'/ng't County, for hi'. Trouble in bnngine; from his Office fevcral Papers belong- ing to the Colony, and delivering tliem to this Aflembly. f/ is Voted and Refolved, That Mr. Benjamin Wyatt, one of the Com- mittee appointed to build the Colony Houfc, deliver to Mr. Jo/tas Lyndon, the faid Committee's Clerk, all the Accounts, Papers, and Vouchers, which he hath in his Hands, concerning the Building faid Houfe, to be lodged with the reft ot the Accounts an-j Papers thereunto relating. Whereas Job Randal, oiScituate,'E.\c[\ reprefented unto thisAfTcmbly, that the twoBridgcs over the Rivers cx\\ri.\/lr gel's and Mattbeu-fon'i, on the great Road leading from Provideme to Plainfidd, are in fo bad a Condition, that it is dangerous for Travellers to pals over them ; and alfo, that there it Rcafon to fear the Bridges will m a little Time go intircly to Ruin, if lome proper Pcrfon is not appointed to repair the fame : On Confideration whcrcot, /; is Voted and Refolved, That the Sum o\ Fifty Pounds be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury, for ana towards repairing the bridges aforefaid ; that the (aid Job Randal, Efqi be, anU he is hereby appointed [33 ] appointed to perform that Service : And that when it fhall be coinpleated, he then draw the aforefaid Sum out of the General Treafury. /; is Voted and Ena^ed, That Benjamin Nichols, of Newport, Efq; one of the Grand Committee, or Colony Truftees, be, and he is hereby impow- ered anddircdlcd to die Jableel Brenton, Efq; late one of the Grand Com- mittee or Colony's Truftees, to next Novembrr Court, at Newport, to ren- der an Account of the Mortgage Bonds, and Bills of Publick Credit he hath received, belonging to the Colony ; And that faid Benjamin Nichols be, and he is hereby dircCled and impowered to employ one or more At- torneys to manage the Suit, and to draw what Money fhall be neceiVary for that Purpofe, out of the General Treafury. Whereas the General Aflembly, at their lafl: ScfTion in Neivport, ap- pointed Peter Bours, Stephen Brownel, Daniel Coggefhall, and IVtlliam Hall, Efqrs. together with Meffrs. Waller Chaloner, James Sheffield, Benoni IVater man, and John Eldrcd, or the major Part of ihem, a Committee, to en- quire into the Conduft of the Captain and Lieutenant of the Colony's Sloop, eff. And the major Part of the Hxid Committee, having affumed, and gone through the Burthen of that Province, made Report as folioweth, to wil \ * To the Honour ahlt General Assembly. ' T7\7 K the Subfcribers, being appointed a Committee to inquire into ' V V theConducl' of Capt. /^/w^j Holmes, Commander of the Colony ' Sloop Tartar, charged with Mifdcmeanours in his faid OfTice ; and alfo ' into the Conduift of Mr. D^'nV/ ^iTKj'i&aw, Lieutenant of faid Sloop, with ' full Powers to contmue or lulpend faid Officers, as fhould be found ac-rec" * able to Juitice : In Purfuance of which, we have met, and had before us ' the faid Capt. Holmes, and Nix. Daniel Vaughan, and on examining them, ♦ and feveral Evidences fummoned before us, came to the following Refo- ' lucions. which we now Report. * Firjt. That as to Capt. //?/;»?j'3 going out without Orders or Inflruc- ' tions from the Governor, // was Refohedby the Committee, That his go.^ ' ing out without Orders or Inftructions from the Governor, or the Deputy ' Governor, was a great Mifdcmeanour ; But it appear'd to thr Com- ' mittee, that it was without any Defign, and principally to keep hifs ' Men on Board, from deferting their Service. ' Secondly. As to his Gonduft in bringing too the Schooner referr'd to by * Aft of Afl'embly, and what was Confequent thereupon. The Committee Re- « folv^J, That ii did not appear by the Evidences, that Cape. Holmes knew ' the faid Schooner was a Flag of Truce at that Time ; but as flie had been ♦ at Jamaica, and was furnilhed with a Clearance from the Cuftom-Houfe ' of that llland fwhich was produced to the Committee), there is Room ' to allow, that Cape. Holmes might fuppofe her to come diretffly from ' thence: But the Committee was of Opinion, that he greatly erred, in ' putting his Lieutenant, Mr, Daniel Vaughan, on board faid Schooner, as ' a Pilot tc brmg her in, as faid Vaughan had the fecond Command on ' board tlie Colony Sloop. ' Thirdly. As to the faid Capt. Holmes'^ not waiting upon the Governor, ' or in his Abfence, the Deputy Governor, on his Return .from his Cruize, ' Ihe Committee Refoiv'd, That ic was a i3re.ich of Duty, and that he ought on ' his Return, to have waited on the Governor, ot in his Abfence, the De- ' puty Governor, to have informed him of what had occur'd in faid Cruize. * Upon the whole, tho' it appeat'd to the Committee, that Capt. ' Holmes had been guilty of feveral Mifdemeanours in his Condufl, as I Captain [ 34 1 « Captain of faid Sloop, yet it was Refolv'd by them, that th;y did not ' amount to kifficient Caule for a Sulpenfion from his aforefaid Poll:, o( ' Captain of faid Sloop. ' With Refpsct to Mr. Daniel Vaugk an, the Lieutenant of the Sloop, it ' appeared to the Commictae, that he was put on Board faid Schooner, * by Order of Capt. Holmes, his fuperior Officer : And altho' he declared ' to the Committee, that one Mr. Right on board her (who had with him ' a Copy of one Capt. Haydon's CommilTion to command a Privateer ' VclTel, and which was produced to the Committee), ordered him to ♦ carry the Schooner to Ccddriig'.cr.''s Cove, yet the Committee were of ' Opinion, that he erred in complying with f^id Rigki's Orders, and in ' not bringing her into the Harbour of Niwpcri : But on confidering the ' whole ofhis Condudl, and the Circumltances attending it, on Board laid ' Schooner, 7hd Committee Refohed, That there was not fufficicnt Caufe ' for to fufpend him from his aforelaid Office, of Lieutenant of faid Sloop. ' Peter Hours, ' Stephkn Brownel, Newport, Augujt Z'^. 1745. ' William H.^ll., ' Walter Chaloneh, ' Ben ON I Watfrman.* And now this AfTembly having taken the Report aforefaid into Conli- deration. Do Vole and Refohe, and it is herel)y Voted and Rejolved, That the taid Report Hull be, and is accepted of It is Voted and Refblved, That the Sums following be allowed and paid out of the General 1 rcatury, viz. Three Pounds to Peter Bcurs, E(q-, Four Pounds to Stifben Browne!, Elq ■, to Daniel Coggefhfll, and WiUiam Hall, Efqrs. Four Pounds each ; tc Capt. fVa'.ter Chaloner, Three Pounds ; and Col. Benoni JVaterman, Four Pounds -, it being for their Time, Trouble, and Ex- pences, as a Commutee. for examining into the Conduct of the Captain and Lieutenant of the Colony Sloop : And it is alfo Voted and Refohed, That the Sum of Four Pounds be allowed and paid out of rhe General Treafury, to M r. Mattbevj Robin/on, who acted as Clerk to tlic faid Committee. It is Voted and Refohed, That the Bond given by John Gardner, Efq; late General Treafurer of this Colony, for the faithful Performance of his faid Office, be delivered by the Secretary to Mr, James Sheffield, and that he deliver the fame to the laid John Gardner. It is Voted and Refohed, That the Committee appointed to build a Peer and Ferry-Houfe on ihe Weft Side oi Jameftown, and procure Boats, (fc. or the major Part of the faid Committee, treat w'nh John Martin, ofjamejlown, or whoever owns the Peers, or WhartFs, and Ferry-Houfcs, on the Weft Side of JamsfhwH, and purchafc or hire of him (aid Peers, 01 Wharfts, and Ferry- Houfes and Boats, for the Ufc of tlic Colony, until thofc they arc appointed to build, are fit for Ufc : And if he refule to let the Colony have them upon rcalonable Terms, that faid Committee take PoiTcfilon of the Southermolt ot faid Peers, or WhartFs, on the Welt Side of Jamefioxvn, and improve them for the Ule of ihs Colony, and for accommodating ihc Inhabitants thereof ; and tha: reafon.nblc Damages be allowed by the Co- lony to the 0>vner3 thereof, for the fame, during the Time they Ihall b- improvcd for the U(c of the Colon/. [35] Thomas Remington ii chofen l.ieutenant and JofepbWickes Enfign of the fecond Company, or Train'd Band, in the Town oi fFanvick. John Dfxtir, ]\in. ischoU-n Cipu'in, Samuc! At:;-?:, jun. Lieutenant, and Stephen Huzikim, Enfign of the Fourth Company, or Train'd Band, in the Town of Providence. Jeremiah' Ni'^s, ECq; is chofen a Judge of the Superior Court of Judi- cature, Court of AiTize, and General Goal Delivery, throughout the Co- lony, in the Roomof ^C/z-^i' Arnold, Efq-, who rcfufcd. IVilliam Hall, and John Chavnir.g, Efqrs. are chofen fpecial Judges of the Superror Court ot Judicature, i^c. to be Iield zi South- King^fion, witliin and ior the County ot King's County, in a Cafe there pending upon a Writ cf Review brought by Elias Thor,!p/o>!, oiJVeJtcrly, againit Daniel Stauton, ot Philadelphia. Whereas Cape, Thomas La'wton, of BriJiaL in the Colony aforcfaid, pre- fcnted this Atrembly v/ith an Account amountmg to Seventy-two Pounds by him drawi^ up againtt the Colony, for attending on the Governor and Council, and the Superior Courts, in the Alfair oi Dr. Stephen Tallman ; which being duly confidcrcd, Ihis Ajjembk do Vote and Refche., and it is herel/y Voted and Refohed., That Forty-eight Pounds thereof be allowed and paid the laid "-Ibomas Lawton out of the General Treafury. // is Voted and Re/ahed, That the Sum of Fifty Pounds be allowed and paid Dr. John Brett, out of the General Treafury -, it being the Amount of his Account againft the Colony, for Medicines, and Attendance on the Soldiers at Fort George, beginning the tenth Day oi April, 1747, •'"^^^ end- ing the twentieth oi July lalL It is Voted and Refohed, That Forty Shillings be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury to Si}non Smith, for notifying the Grand and Petit Jurors of the Town of Exeter, to give their Attendance at the Superior Court of Judicature, lately held in Scuth-Kingflcn, by Virtue of an A6t of the General AfTcmbly, made and paft for that Purpofe. // is Voted and R.tfolv:d. That all Bufinefs lying before this Airembly, unfininied,be rcferr'd toncxtSefiionsot Aflembly : And that the Secretary proclaim the Ads and Orders of this Aflfembly, by Beat of Drum, within ten Days after the Rifing of this Afiembly, and fend Copies to eachTown in the Colony, agreeable to Law, within Thirty Days after the Rifmg of this Aflembly : And that this Aflembly be adjourn'd 'til the Fourth Monday ol Ohober next, if call'd at faid Time by his Honour the Governor, or Deputy Governor •, but it not called before, nor at faid Time, then to be diirolv'd : And that the Afls refpeCling the Ferries on the Weft Side of JatneJtowH, be immediately proclaimed. GOD Save the KING. Newport, Auguft 29. 1748. The ABs cf Ajfembly reJpeUing the Ferries on the IVeJl Side of }[ow It, zoere proclaimed this Day, according lo Order i as were the reji on the fixih Day <)/ September /c//oii7'«f, vy Thomas Ward, Sary. ^-^l^iii^^^^ari^ / /^^:W6^ 'jL-e.^ [ 37 ] ^f //?^ G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y of the GOVERNOR dHi COMPANY d/rk EngliOi Colony 0/ Rhocle-lfland, and Providence Plantations, /;» New-England, in AniCrica, begun and held at Providence on the laji Wednefday 0} O£tober, in the Twemy-fecond Tear of the Reign of His Mofi Sacred MajeUy GEORGE the Seconds by the Grace of GOD, of Grcat-Brirain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith,- ^c. And in the Tear of Ow Lord, One Thoiifand Seven Hundred and Forty- eight, PRESENT. The Honourable WlLLlAhi GHEENE, Efq; Governor, The Hon. William Ellery, Efq; Dcp, Governor, Pbter Boufs, ECq; "^ Robert Lawton, Efq; ifoBERT GiBBs, Klq; ( James Arnold, Efq-, \ jrrir "Willi AM BuRTO>j, Efq-,! ^ ' W n.Li am Ricomond, Efq-, ' Stephen Brownel. Efq-,) Daniel Goggeshall, Eiq; The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the fcvcral TOWNS. "Newport ; Providence ; ^\r. Gideon freehir}t,]\in; George JVanten, Efq; Daniel jftncki, Efq-, Mr. John Allen, apt. V/alier Chaloncr, Jonathan Randal, Efq; Boijamin Tucker, Efqj Mr. Thomas Cran/ton, Stephen Hopkins, Efq; CoJ Hezekiah Carpenter, George Brown, Efq; Mr. I^ichohs Eafton, Portsmouth ; Mr. Jamei Shejield. Mr. Oliver Eorl, Warwick. •, Philip Gnem, Efq; Mr. Samuel Barton, John P'/alkin, Efq; WtSTERLr ; Wksterly J SciTUATEi Mr. JcKa/baii Eo/lo/j. Mr. John Larkin, Capt. Job Randal, Bristol \ Mr. Benjamin Brown. Capr. Charles Harris. Jonathan Peck, Efqi Nkwskoh FHAM i Gloucestkr i Hipr Thovuis Grtettt, None. Mr. Richard Stare. Tiverton-, NoRTH-Ki NGSTON ; Charlestown; None. Co\. Immanutl Northup. Co\.ChriJioph(rCha>nplin, Llttle Compton ; Sou TH-K I NORTON •, Capt. Naihata;l Lrx'ts. fVilUam Hall, tl'q; Col. -Thjmas Hafzard, Wkst-Greenwich ; Natbanael Sec.rl, Efq; Mr. Binjamin Hafzard. Mr. John Greene, Warren ; £ A « r -G R E K N w I c H ; Mr. George Gardner. CApt. Btrjamin Barton t Jofepb Nichols, Efq; Coventry ; Maithew AUeyt, Efq; Capt. Ibomas Spencer. Mr. A.iron Bowen. CuMBtKLANu ; Jamestown; Exetkr; Job Barilet, V.W\, Mr. Jain .Martin. Mr. Benoni Gardner, Ifrael fVbipple, Efq; S,\i IT H f 1 E L D ; Mr. Pedigrecn Trip. Rich mon d ; Mr. Jonathan. yirno/d, Middletown ^ Mr. John Hickcs. Mr. Ilrael (filkinfon Capt. Robert Barker, The Honourable Thomas Cranston was chofen Speaker. And Mr. Jc/ias Lyndon Clerk of the Hoiife of Deputies. An A C T in Addition to an Ad. made and pad by the General Aflcmbly at their Stlfion b/ Adjournment at Sotith-Kingflon, tlie Fourtecntri Day oi Febru/try, in the Seventeenth Year of his prcfcnt Majefty'8 Reign, entituled, *' An Acl to prevent the " fpreading of the Small Pox, and other contagious Sickncfs in " this Colony. TJ/H E R E A S there is no Penalty provided in cr h faid A£f, for any '' Phyjidan. Surgeon, or other Per [on or Per fans, who (hall nfuft to do bis, her, or their Duty, ■wheri lawjulfy required thereto. Tjy HEREFORE be il Enabled by the General AJfembly, and by the *^ Authority of the fame. It is Enallcd, That from and immediately after the Publication of this Ad. if any Phyfician, Surgeon, or any other Perlon or Pcrl'ons whatfoever, who fhall be lawfully required by either of their Honours the Governor, or Deputy Governor, or by any two AfTilUntE, Judices, or Wartlcns, or by any Town Council in this Colony, to do any Duty nil.itin;? to prevent the iprcadiiig of 'he '""mall Pox, or executing; any Part of the aforementioned r\i:t, fhall refufe or ncqlcifl to perform the fame (the Performance thereof beinj^ in hi^ her, or their Power), fuch Phyfician, Surgeon, and afl and every other Pcrfon and Perfof.s whatfoever, that Hull lo refufe or neglec^t, fhall tor evtr'r fuch OfTi- nee, forfeit the Sum of One Hi.indrcd Pounds, bwfnl Money of this Colony ; to be recovered in the lame Manner as ihe other Fines and forfeitures arc by the afureiaid A6k dirrOed lo be recovcrtU. [39] And it is Voted and Refohed by this JJfembly, Tluc this Adl fhall be forthwith proclaimed : — fVhicb was accordingly done by the Secretary, on the fecond Day of November, 1748. It is Voted and Refolvedy That his Honour the Governor draw Bills of Exchange on Mr. Partridge, the Colony's Agent in Great-Britain, for all thcT Money in his Hands : And that Peter Bcurs, Edward Scott, and Gearge ff-^anton, Efqrs. Mr. James Sheffield ; The Speaker, and Stephen Hop- kins. E(q; be, and they, or the major Part of them., are hereby conftitutcd. a Committee, to fell laid Bills to the be(t Advantage, for readv Money : Tliat when they have (o done, they exchange all the Bills of Credit of the neighbouring Governments they receive in Pay, for Bills of Credit of this Colony, and bring the whole to the General Afiembly at their next SefTion, that the lame may be burnt, in order to link fuch of this Colony's Bills, as by Aifls of Affembly are to be firft: funk. /1/}d it is alfo Voted and Rojolved, That if Meffrs, Oliver and Phillips apply to the aforcfaid Committee, refpedling the Bill of Exchange drawn on them by the Agent, and will pay that Bill at the fame Rate as the Committee fell to other Perfons, that then they receive the fame j othcr- wifc that laid Bill be lent back to the Agent. It is Voted and Refolvtd. That the Sum of Twenty eight Pounds in Bills of Credit of the Old Tenor, be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury, to PViiliam Ho/den, Efq-, and Major Jofepb Stafford, for their letting out Two Thouiand Eight Hundred Pounds in Bills of Credit of the New Tenor, in the Year 1745. It is Voted and Refolved, That Bantel Jenckj, Henry Harris, and Stephen Hopkins, Efqrs. be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby ap- pointed CommifTioners, to run the Northern Boundary Line of the Colony, from the Stake fetup by Nathan ae I fVoodward -And Solomon Saffery, in the Year ^642, upon IVrentham Plain Wcflerly, fo as it may (at Cn : And that his Honour the Governor draw Bills k)r Payn'.tnt of the above-mentioned Pay, to the Agent. It is Voied and Rejohtd, Thar Robert Gibhs, JVilliam Hopkins ^ Daniel Jencks, Stephen Hcpkins, and George Broum, E'.fqrs. be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby appointed a Committee, to take into Con fide ration the Queries fcnt from the Board of Trade to this Colony, and prepare an Anfwcr thereto, and lay the lame before this AiTembly at their next SefTion : That in the mean Time the Town Council of each refpe(5live Town in the Colony, be, and they arc hereby directed to ap- pomt a proper Perfon to rake an Account of the Inhabitants of each Town, Whites, Indians, and Blacks, and deliver faid Account to the faid Com- mittee : And that the fame Committee take intoConfideration the Letter from Chambers Rujfel, Efq; Judge of the Vice Admiralty, and Report thereupon to this Aflembly ac their next SefTion : And that the Secretary Iranfmit a Copy of this Vote to each Town Clerk in this Colony. Whereas William Hall and John Chaf.nin^, Efqrs. were by the General Aflenibly* at their SelTion in Newport, the fourth Monday of Augujt iaft< chofep and appointed fpecial Judges of the Superior Cou;t of Judicature, in the County of Km^S County, in a Cafe there pending upon a Writ of Review brought by Elias Thempfon oi IVefterly, againfl Daniel Stanton of Philadelphia, but were not impowered to confider, a(ft upon, and pertcft any Thing tormtrly done in the Cafe : This AJfenbly therefore do Fete and £nafty and i: is hereby Voted and EncHed, That the iaid fVillian: Hall and John Charming, be, and ihcy are hereby impowered to hear, dclermine, and finifh all and every the Matters and Things proper for the Court to do, refpefting faid Cafe, from the original Commencei^.ient thereof hf the faid Diiniel Stanton againfl the faid Elias Thempfon and others, until the Cafe fiiall be finally determined : And that the faid f-Filliam Hall and John Channing be commifTioned accordingly* Whereas Jeftak Arnold, Efq-, and Mr. John Hull, both g{ J awejlown ^ and Mr. John Gardner, o'i Scuih-Kmgficn, were by the General AfTcmbly appointed a Committee, they, or the major Part of them, to purchafe for the Colony's Ufe, the two Ferry Places on the Weft Side of Jamejio-ii^n^ with the two Ferry Boats, and all other Appurtanances, if the iamc might be had at a reafonable Rate, and cheaper than to build new, Ife. and having undertaken and gone thro'.igh that Work, made the following Report of their Doings, {^c. " Colony of Rhade-IJland, Jamello-^n,Onol>sr ii. 1748. «« Tr)URSUANT to an Aft of the General Afiembiy of this *♦ j[ Colony, held at iVt'U'/'^r/ by Adjournmrnr, the 2S[h of //w^(/?, *' J.D. 1748, Wc the Subfcribcrs do Report as foilowcth, ivz. That we *• having met and duly confidered the Expencc of Buildings fuitablc for «» Fcrrymg from the Weft Side of Jameftcwn to the Main, and the Sca- L ion [ 4-' ] " fon being fo far fpent, that we had no Hopes of compleating the fame. " fo as to accommodate the Country this Winter, thought ic bcft to buy " thoie already creded there ; and have purchafed the fame of IVilliam •' ALinin, for the ConfiJeration of Tnree Thoufand One Hundred and " Fifty -five Pounds, in Bills of Publick Credit, and have taken a Deed. *' of the fame, made to the Governor and Company of the Colony of " Rhode- JJland ■, which Deed we have iodg'd in the Clerk's Office, in •' order to be recorded, but the fame cannot be done at prefent, there " being no Money in the Treafury to difchargc thofe Bonds and Mort- *• gage for which the Land is Surety, or we ihnuld have prcfenrcd your " Honours with the Deed ; One Hundred and Fifty-fivc Pounds of the " above Sum being in Tenth Bonds, tlie remaining Sum of Three Thou- *' fand Pounds we have given Bond for Payment in two iVIonths, with " Intercft, at Ten per Cif«/. which we hope your Honours will take into "■ Confideration, and order the Money rais d to aifcharge the fame, left " we fliould be Sufferers in the Affair, " We alfo acquaint your Honours, that we have agreed with Thomas " Spencer to keep the Ferries two Months, at the Rare of Two Hundred " Pounds fir Annum, he being a Pcrfon who wc well know i? capable of " tendmg and taking proper Care of the Boats in llormv Weatherv and " as your Honours are well fenlible, thu the purchafingof the Prrries was " for the better accommodating of the Publick, we doubt not but your " Honours will be of Opinion, that nor every Perfon who may appear " eager to give the grcatelt Kent for the Ferries, and perhaps for want of " Care and Judgment in the Affair, may lofc one or boch the Boars, will " be fo I'uitable to lerve the Publick, as one who is capable of carrying *' PaflTengcrs with Safety, and taking that due Care of the Boats which " fomctimes requires a good deal of Judgment in bad Storms. We ♦' would further inform your Honours, that botlitlie Wiiarvcs want feme " Repairs, the Norihcrmoft not being lufRcienr to land at low Water, " fo that all the Boats arc obliged to come to the South Wharff, which " oftentimes is attended with a good deal of Difficulty, by running c-irh " other on Shore, and Paflengcrs oblig'd ro iump theii Horfcs into the " Water, and oftentimes land and take on board through two or three " Boats, fo that Travelleri Horf'esarc many Tim^s lam'd by that Means ) " all which wc thought proper to inform your Honours of " JosiAtt Arnold, " John Hull, *' JoH N Gapdner." Which Report being duly confidercd. This yljjemhly do Vote and Refolve^ That the lame be, and it is hereby accepted : And that the Ccmmittee aforefaid be ffill continued ; that they make fuch Repairs at the afore- mentioned Ferry-places, as are necelT-iry at prefent ; that they let out faid Ferry-placcs until the ScfTion of Affcmbly in May next \ and draw Money out of the General Trcafury, and difcharge the aforefaid Bonds and Mortgage of the Prcmiles, as well as the rcil of the purchafc Monev. Whereas the Keeper of His Majefly's Goal in the Town of Providence, and other.-,, have reprcfented unto this AflTemblv, that by Reafon of the Shailowncfs of the Prifon Well, Water is got thee with great Difficulty one half of the Year, which Inconvenience mav b<* remedied by digging the Well deeper : On Confidcraiion whereof, This /fffcmblj do Vote and Re/olve, [43 ] Refolve, and it is hereby Voted and Rofolved, That rhe Sherlffof the County ot Providence infpccl the aforcfaid Well ; and if he Hull think it bell thac faid Well b^ dug deeper, that he order the fame tube done, -nd lay the Charge thereof before the General Aflfembly. // is Voted and Rejohed, That the Sum of Sixteen Pounds Seventeea Shillings and Nine Pence, be allowed Capt Jojeph Olncy, and paid him out of the- General Trcafury, for making and mending Glalii Windows in the County Huufc and Goal in Providence. It is Voted and Refolved, That the Secretary put forth a Citation againft Mr. Richard Fenner, to caufe him to appear before this Aifcmbly at their nexcSeffion, to account for the Money which he drew out of the General Treafury, for building a Bridge over Pcchnjjet River in Plainjield Road. WherCrtS Thomas Rowland and Company, Owners of the Sloop Rebeccnk, have reprefented unto this AflTembly, That thfc Sloop aforcfaid being ac Sea, under the Command of Mr. Gideon IVanton, }\in. on the fifieentli Day ot laft September, was attacked and taken by an armed VcfTel, com- manded by SanBo Jago de Reach, a Subjecl of the King oi Spain, and by him carried as Prize into the Dominions ot the King of Spain in the fVtJt~ Indies, and thrre detained contrary to the late Treaty ot yitx ta ChapeUe : Tliat they being apprehenfive that the Veflel will not only be c.ciaincd. there a long Time, but alfo be (Iript of her Cargo and Appurtenances, unlcfs they can find a Wiiy to apply to the Spanijh Government in the fVejh Indies iov Rclncucion : Whereupon they prayed to have a Com- mifTion from his Honour the Governor, under the Seal of rhe Colony, witti Leave and Power to carry unto the Spani/h Governor, or other Minifter by v/hom faid VefTcl is detained, atieftcd Copies of the Treaty aforcfaid, and to demand that the faid VefTel be reflored, ^c. On Confideration whereof, This jljjembly dc/b Vote and Rejolvc, and it is hereby Voted and Refohed, That his Honour the Governor be, and he is hereby impowcred and requeOed to qualify a proper VcfTei, and Pcrfons for the Purpofe aforefaid : That all Perfons in this Colony, under the fame Circumftances with the Petitioners, have the Privilege of joining with them, in feeding proper Perfons, Papers, fee. in the fame Vclfei, for recovering their Rights : And that the Proof of all Matters and Things ncceilary to be done, in order to obtain the Ends aforefaid, be made before his Honour the Governor, and by him certified under the Seal of the Colony. // ;j Voted (tnd Refolved, That the Account of John Hoyle, Town Ser- jeant of Providence, wherein he hath charged for his Attendance on the General AfTembly, this prefent SfcfTion, for Wood, and cutting the fame, tor Nails and Candles by him provided for the Ufe of the Publick, be al- lowed, and the Amount thereof, being Nine Pounds Seventeen Shillings, paid out of the General Treafury. // is Voted end Refohed. That the Suit brought agalnfl: Stffben Hopkins and G:or^e Brown, E;qrs. by Benjamin Nichols, Efq; in Behalf of the Colony, at Kin^s County Court, be, and thr. fame is hereby difcon- tinued. tt [14 ] It ii Voted and Refohed, That th° Sam of One Hundred and Three Pounds Ten Shillings, he allowed Janus Arnold^ Elq; and paid him ouc of the General Trcalury, it being the Amount of his Account, for his Trouble and Expences in repairing the great tiridgc at Pa«/«x/V Falls. /.' .'J Voted and Refolved, That the Sum of Eleven Pounds be allowed Btnjamin Gorbam, and paid him out of the General Treafury ; Four Pounds of it lor attending on the General AfTcmbly, begun and held at Previdtnce, the Twenty-feventh Day of January, 1746, and the Re- mainder for the like Service, thisprcfcnt SefTion. /; is' Voted and Refohed, That all Bufinefs lying before this AfTembly unfinifbed, be referred unto the next Seltion : That the Secretary pro- claim by Beat of Pnim, in the Town of Newport, all the Ads and Orders now made and part, within ten Days after tne Rilmg of this AfTembly, and within thirty (end Copies thereof to each Town in the Colony, ac- cording to Law : And that this AfTcmbly be, and it is hereby Adjourned until the Fourth Monday in February next, and then be held it, Providence^ GOD Save ihe KING. Publtfiied according to Order, by THOMAS WARD, Seery: t 45 ] Jt theGE'^EK AL AssEMELY of the GOVERNOR and COMPANY o///x EnglHh Colony of JRhode-Hland, and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in America, held at Providence, within and for the Colony aforefdid, on the ffjl Tuesday of- January, bein^ the Third Day of faid Months in the Twemy-fecoiid Tear of the Reign of His Mofi Sacred Ma jelly GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD, King 0/ Oreat-Brirain, (J^c. being fpedally called by a Warrmt under the Hand and Seal of his Honour the Governor. PRESENT. The Honourable WILLIAM GREENE, Efq; Governor. The Hon. William Ellery, Efq; Dcp. Governor. John Gardner, Efq; R0B£RT GraBs, Efq; "WiLLiAM Burton, Efq; I James Arnold, Efq; ) >^/- JEOFKKY Watson, Elq-. ?^^J^' DEPUTIES of the fcveral TOWNS. The Hon. Thomas Cranston, Newpoj^T ; The Speaker. Providence i Daniel Jeyicks, Efq -, Jonathan Randal, Efq; Stephen Hopkins, Efq; George Brown, Efq; Portsmouth ; M r . Gideon Freeborn , j n 11 . U^. John Allen. Warwick ; Philip Greene, Efqj John IValton, Efqi Capt. Amos Lockwood. Westerly ; Mr. Jchn Larkin, Mr. Benjamin Brozvn. NEWSHOiiEHAM i None. Speaker. NoRTK-KlNCSTON ; Col. Immanuel Nor: hup. Capt. Dcniil Font!. SouTH-KlNGSTOM i None. East -Greenwich i Jofepb Nichols, Efq; Capt. Ihomas Spencer, Jamestown ; Mr. CeorsiC Franklin. ML SMITHFIBLDj [4«] SmithfiELD ; Mr. Jonathan Arnold^^ Mr. Ifrad mikmfon, Sc ITUATE ; Capt. Job Randal, Opt. Charlis Harris. Gloucester ; Mr. Richard Sttcre, Mr. Jojej'h H^indlor. Ch.-vrLestown ; Coi.C/jiiJhpberCbainpliH, Capt. l^aibanael Lcivis. Mr. Jojias Lyndon, C W est-Gp e enw I c h Nont. Coventry ; Mr. jiaron Bouen. Exeter •, Mr. Bitisni Gardner. Mi DOLE TOWN ; Capt. Rcl'ert Barker, Mr. Jonathan Eajicn. Bristol j None. Tiverton ; None. LiTTLE-CoMPTDN ; Note. Warren -, Cape. BeHJanin Barton^ Cu MCER I. AND ; Job Bartlet, Efqj Ifracl tybippU, Elq-, Rl CHMONU ; Mr. Jofeph Clarke, Mr. John Hicks. lerk of the Houfc of Deputies. /T is Voted and Refolved, That Robert Gihbs, Stephen Hopkins, Daniel Jencks, and George Bro'xn, Elqrs. be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to take into Confidcration the Letter from his Excellency Governor Shirley, with the other Papers relating to the Paper Currency, and make Report thereon to this Aflcmbly, at their next SelTion. "Whereas 7homas Fry, jun. one of the Deputy Sheriffs of the County of Providence, exhibited to this AlTembly, an Account, amounting to the Sum of Twenty-fix Pounds and Six Pence, by hinr. charged againft the Colony, for his Horle-hireand Exptnccs, and four Days by him Ipcnt in warning Ibmc of the Magiftrates and Deputies, to give their Attendance, and mike this prcCcnt Seflion of Affembly ; which being taken into Confir deration, // is Voted and Re/ohed, That Sixteen Pounds (and no more^, of the faid Account, be allowed and paid the faid Thomas Fry, out of the General Trcafury. // is Vond and Re/ohed, That the Account of Capt. Thomas Sptnctr^ charged againft the Colony, for his Time, Trouble, Horfe-hirc, and Ex- ptnjccs, in going a Journey on the Publick Service, to Jofbua Balcock, and Jeremiah Niles, Efqrs. be allowed, and the Amount thereof, bting Seven- teen Pounds Twelve Shillings, be paid him out ot the General Trcafury. Whereas fVilliam Dean exhibited to this Aflcmbly, an Account, amount- ing to the Sum of Ten Pounds, by him charged againft the Colony, for his Time and Expenccs in going to Ntwport, for Judge Cornel, in the Month of September laft ; which being taken into Confidcration, /; is Voted and Rej'olved, That Eight Pounds fancj no more), of the faid Ac- count, be allowed and paid the faid (i'lllicm, out of the General Treafury. jfn J C -T far ihs Relief ANY of the Englifh Q>h/}y iled, That from and after the Publication of A(fl, no Perfon dwelling in the compaft Parts ot the Towns of Newport and Providence, within this Colony, fhall permit any Hog or Swine to run at large in any of the Streets, Highways, or Commons, within the the cotnpa£l Parts of faid Towns, or either of them, upon Pain of forfeit- ing all and every fuch Hog or Swine fo going, or running at large. And it ftall be lawful for any Pcrlon or Perfons whatfoever, being a P"rccm;in or Freemen of cither o( W\d Towns, upon finding any Hog or Swine run- ning or going at large in any of the Streets, Highways, or Commons, within the compaiil Parts of fa id Towns, or any ot them, to fcizc and take all Hogs and Swine, fo found, and them, and every of them, to convert fo his, her, and their ov/n proper Ule, as they may think fit, without being any Way anlwerablc, or accountable for the fame. /!nd be it further EnaHed by the Au'.hority aforefaiJ, That the compaft Part of the Town of NeH'porl, fhall in, and by this Ail, be iinderilood to be within a Line drawn from the South Wert Corner of Samuel Dyre\ Land, to the South Eaft Corner of faid Samuel Dyre\ Land % from thence to the Houfe commoniy known by the Name of Richard Long's ; from thence to the Eaft End of Jaylor's Lane ^ and from thence Well, into the Harbour or Salt Water : And the compaft Part of the Town of Pro- videnct, ftail be underftood by this Aft, to comprehend all the Lands to the Southward of a Wc(^ Line, from the Wcflern End of the Lane called Herenden's Lane, to the Mill River ; and an EaCt Line from the Eaft End of laid Lane, to Seaconk RWer \ and lying between faid Rivers, to the Southward, till they muft and ftull extend Wcftward, over Ifey- bojfet Bridge, on both Sides the Highway, as far as the parting of rhc Roads by Mr. John Hoyk's Hoafc. jin u4 C T to prevent the Fijb being Jopp'd in their Cotirfe up Paucatucic Ktver. DT IT ENACTED by the General AJfembly of the Cohny afore/aid, and by the Authority thereof, it is EnaHed, That from and after the Publication hereof, no Perfon or Perfons whatfocvcr, owning Land in this Colony, adjoining to faid Paucatuck River, or pofTefilng the fame, Ihall fuffer any Damor Ware to be erefted, or extended acrofs faid River, to their Land, or the. Land in their PoflefTion, in this Colony, or fhall fufTcr any Saync or Ware to be extended acrofs faid River, and there to ftand for more than two whole Days in one Week -, which Days fhall be Tuefdays and Fridays, and no other Days-, or fhall any other Ways ob- ftru6l the Courle of faid Fifh, otherwifc than by haling aitar the common Manner of Sayning Fifh, on the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds ; to be recovered by Bill, Plaint, or In^ormation, at the General ScfTions of the Peace \n the County of A'/;;_g'< County, where the Parties offending, /hall be liable to be bound to by any AlTiftant or Juflicc to whom Complainc is made. And be it further Ena£ied In the Authority afore faid. That all Perfons having Dams already creftcd acrofs faid River, fliall from the Twentieth Day of March, to the Twcnt cth Day of May annually, leave a Space or Breach in each and every Dam, ten Feet wide to the bottom of the River or Mud-Sill, if rcquit'd thereto, for the Fifh to take their Courfe through, upon [ 53 ] upon tl :: Pcnalry arorcfaicl, to be recovered as aforcfnid, on Failure oi opening, and keeping open fuch Dam, for rhe Time aforef^id \ one half to the Informer, and the other half to the General Treafury. j^)id he it EnaHed by the Authority afore faid, Tiiat upon Complaint being ni.i.le to any Afiirtaiu or Juttice, againft any Pcrfon, for the Breach of this Aci, or any CLiufe thereof, it fhall be lawful for fuch Afiiftant, or Jrifticc, by Warrant under his Hand and Seal, to order the Perfon com- plained of, to be d; ought before him ; and it upon Examination, the Complainant flull not be able to produce any other Evidence againft him, thf.n fuch Circumf^iiicea as render it highly probable, in the Judgment of luc!i AfTiflant, or Jul^ice, yet faid AfTiftant or Juftice Hiall bind the fiid Perton complained of as alorcfaid, in Bond, w^ith fufficicnt Sureties, to anfwer rhe faid Complaint, at the then next General ScfTions of the Peace, to be held for laid County ; where if the Complainant fliall not be able to proJuce pofui'.'c Evidence againd him, and yet it fliall appear to (aid Courr by Gircumftanccs, that it is highly probable that the Pcrfon fo complained of, is guilty •, that then, and in every fuch Cafe, he (hall be deemed guilty, anii Judgment fhall be made up againft him, for the Pe- nalty of this A6t, And he it further Enabled ly the Authority aforefcid. That every Acl h-ere- toforemade, to prevent the Fifli being f>opp>ed hi their Courfe up Pauca- juck River, b:;, and hereby is repealed. M ACT jor the farther Relief cj itifuhei)t Debtors^ that are, or fhjll be imp ijotiedt WHEREAS the Allowance for the Relief of infolvent Debtors, who arc, or fhal! be imprrfoncd lor their Debts, either by original Procefs, or by Execution, is but Twelve Shillings, Money of the Old Tenor, ^^r Week, which is hifufKcicnt to procure the NecefTariesof Life, for their Subfiftsnce in Goal, and oftentimes expofcth the Pfifon Keepers to great Expcnces, to provide for the faid poor Prifoncrs. For Remedy whereof, T^E n EN AC^ ED by this Ajjembly, and by the Authority of the Jame, it is Enacted, That for the future, the aforefaid Sum of Twelve Shillings />^r Week, fhall be augmented to the Sum of Eighteen Shillings of fud BUls, />« Week, to be recovered in the fame Manner, an.l under the fame Regulations, as the aforefaid Twelve Shillings per Week, was recovered. It is Voted and Refolved, That John Gardner, Robert Gibbs, Daniel Jencks, George Brawn^ Jcfeph Nichols, and Philip Greene, Efqrs. together with Col. Edward Kinnicut, and Mr. Samuel Chace, be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby conftituted a Committee, to receive of the Com- mittee, who fold the Colonv's Bills of Exchange, the Bills of Credit thofc O Gentlemen [ 54] Gentlemen have receiv'd therefor ; and al(o to tell the fame, and bring than to this Allcmbly, that they may be burnt in their Prefcnce. "Whereas "John Mazcney, Efq; Sheriff of the County of Providenct, exhi- bited to this Alfembly, an Account by him charged againft the Colony, for his, and his Aids Time, Trouble, Horfe-hire, and Expcnces, in go- ing aittr 7»wja«, /F^j//;^^^, and others, tor Boards ind Nails to repair the County Goal in Providence •, and for notifying the Judges of the Superior Court, Attorneys, and Jurors, in the County of Providence ; and fctting lip Notiticatioiis in every Town in laid County, purfuant to an A(5l of the General Affcmbly, pxii a.t Providence the third Day of Jinnuary \a{\i, for the meeting and fitting of the Superior Court, (S'c. in Providence, for the County of Providence : And this AfTembly having faker^ the faid Account into Confideration, Do Vote and Refolve, and ii is hereby Voted and Refohed^ That the fame be allowed, and the Amount thereof, being Seventy- four Pounds Five Shillings, paid unto the faid John Maivney^ out of the Ge- neral Trealury. Whereas Beriah Brozvn, Efq; Sheriff of the County of A'rn^'s County, exhibited to this Affembly, an Account by him charged againll the Co- lony, for notifying fach of the Members of the General Council, and Houfe of Deputies, as live in that County, s.r\da.\fo Jeremiah Niles, Eiq; to give thair Attendance refpedtivcly, on the General Affembly that lat at Providence on the third Day of January laft ; as alfo for notifying Jo/hua B^-bcock, Elq; to give his Attendance at the Superior Court of Judicature, fcft. which was held at Providence on the fourth Monday of the fame TVlonth : And this Afiijmbly having taken the faid Account into Confi- deration, Do Vote and Re/eJve, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That the fame be allowed, and the Amount thereof, being Twerfty-two Founds, paid unto the laid Beriab Brovtn, out of the General Trcafury. Whereas Jacob TVhileman exhibited to this Affembly, an Account by him charged againlt the ColtJny, for Labour done, and Iron- Work pro- vided for the County Goal in Providence, at lundry Times, beginning the Twenty-futth Day of July, 1745, and ending on the eighth Day of OHober lart : And now this Affembly having taken the laid Account into Confi- deration, Do Vote and Refolve, and it ts hereby Vsted and Rejolvfd, That the fame be allowed, and the Amount thereof, beifig Fourteen Pounds One Shilling and Ten Pence, paid untothc faid Jacob Wbiteman, out of the General Treasury, deducting allfuch Grants as have been tnadcof any Part of niid Account. Whereas Ann and James Franklin exhibited unto this Affembly, an Ac- 5 -- 77 -- 60- - 200 - - 200 - - 200 - - 5C0 - - 200 - - 500 -. 34- - 100 - - 62 -- 200 - - 200 - - 200 - - 2QO - . 130 - - d referred to in the above Report. N" 26 Ihomas Greene, jT. 250 - . 27. Jofhua Cherjer, 200 - 28. John Memtt, 500 - 29. Napbtalj Hart, 200 - 30. Napbtali Hart, 100 - 31. Jojeph Bull, 50 - 32. Jofeph Scott, 143 - 33. Jolhua Bakcock, 200 - 34. Jofeph Lee, 200 - 35. Edward Kinnicut, 100 - 36. Samuel Chace, 50 - 37. fValter Cranfton, 50 - 38. Charles Sherman, 50 - 39. Henry Collins, 100 - 40. Daniel Greenleaf, 50 - 41. Robert Gibbs, 150 - 42. Thomas Richard/on, 50 - 43. Thomas Richard/on, 50 - 44. Jofepb tV hippie, 120 - 45. Thomas Moffat t, 33 - 46. Gideon IVanton, 226 - ^.4928-. Advance on £. 7800 I. 7800 - . at {,. 950 per Cent. 74100 - - ^. 819CO - Rcc' of MeflTrs Oliver & Phillip for the Agent's Bill on them, 3 « 5^ ' Carried over, P Brought [ 58 ] Brought over, — — — — — ;C- 85050 o O Caih recciv'd ofDcmiciyenckSt Efq; for £. 350 Sterl- ing, he is to have, — _ _ 3^75 o ° I.2S72S c o To 'jchich Report and Account y "what follows was fiihjoined. tj r~r-iHE CQ\ony o{ Rhode Ijland, &c. to Pettr X Bcurs^ Edward Scott, George IVantcn, Stephen Hopkins, James Sheffield, and Thomas Cranjlcn, Dr. 748. To CommilTions for felling the above and within mentioned Bills of Exchange, for New- England Money, and exchanging the fame for Bills of Credit emitted by thrs Colony, amounting to ^,88725 at One and a Qi_iarter/)^r Cf«;. — f^. 1109 1 3 To Cafh paid Jofepb Fox, for copying 50 Sets of Bills of Exchange, — — — — 800 To Ditto, for Brown Paper, Twine, and Poftage of Letters to and from Bofion, — — — 240 To the Charge of conveying the Chefl from AVw- port to Providence, • • 2 lO o Peter Bours, George Wanton, jT. 1121 15 3 James Sheffield, oThPHEN Hopkins, Thomas Cranston.'' And now this AfTcmbly having duly confidcred the Prcmifcs, Bo Vott and Refolve, and it is hereby Voted and Rejolved, That the atorel'aid Rpport and Account, made and exhibited to this AlTcmbly, be, and the lame is hereby accepted. And it is alfo Voted and Rejckcd, That the Sum oi One Thoufand and Twelve Pounds Fourteen Shillings, be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury, to the aforefaid Committee (who ibid the aforefaid Bills of Exchange), for their Time, Trouble, and Charge, in iranfa/^^ W ivt I AM Burton, Efqi r' -^-^ "Daniel Cocgkihah., Elq^^ Stephen Brownel, Efqi) The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the Icvcial TOWNS. Newport; Providence; M.t. Gideon Freehniyjun. George Wor.ton, Efq; Jonathan Randal, Efq; Mr. John Alien. Mx.JoJfpk JVhipfk,\\\n. Siepben Hopkins, Efq; Warwick ; Mv. Thomas Cranft on, Mr Eli/ha Brown, PItilip Greene, ES([i Mr. John 7ilH>fghaJt, Daniel Jencks, Efq; Mr. John Holdeny Mr. Nicholas Ecflon, Portsmouth •, Mr. John Greene, Mr. James Sbtffield. Mr. Oliver Early C.ipc. Amos Lockwood,. A Wcilcrly j r^] Wksterly ; Capt. Si!c2i Greinm.iTiy Jajbua Babcock, El'qi Newshor eh am 1 Mr, Jcbn Littlffirtd, K1 r. Mtl Franklin. NoKTH-KlNGSTOW , None. South-Kingston -, Capt. Robtrt Ha/zard, Mr. Row/and Robin fon. EaST-Grb hNWICH i Jo/(pb I^icbols, Efqi Capt. Thomas Spencer. Jamestown ■, Mr. Jo/epb Clark. Smithf I FLD ; fbomas Lapbam, Efq; Mr. John yildrick. Sc ituate i Mr. Thomas Ralpby Mr. Thomas Hudfon. Glouc ester. '> Maj. Richard Smith. Ch ARL ESTOWN' i Col. Jojtpb Stamen^ Mr. James Congdon. West Gkienwich Mr. Jeremiah EHis^ Mr. George Gardner. Coventry ; Mr. JamesColven, Mr. Benjamin Nichols. ExtTER i Capt. John fVeigbt, Mr. Benoni Gardner. MiDDlETOW!? ; Capt. Roben Barker^ Mr. Jonathan Eaflon, Br isTOL ; Thomas Greene, £fq; Tiverton j None. Little-Compton i V/,lliam Hall, Efq; Naibanatl Searls, Efqj Warrkn i James Smith, Elq; Capt. Benjamin Barton. C U .M B t: R L A N D i None. R ICHMO.ND I Jojepb CLrk, Efq; James Rogers, Efq; And The Hon. Stf.phkm HoPitiMi, Efq; chofcn Speaker: Mr. Jofias Lyndon Clerk of the Houfc of Deputies. TH E Pcrfons whofc Names hereafter follow, having taken the OiLhor Affirmation prcfcribcd by the Law ot this Colony, sgainl Bribery and Corruption, arc hereby admitted to give their Votes to choote Officers lor their refpcclive Towns, and aUo to give their Votes for the Choice of the General Officers of the Colony. N E w ^ R r \ "William Redwood, Benjamin Johnfon, Jofcph Rider, John B»- nider, Charles Rardifi, David Moore, George Gardner, Ephraim Harris, Clarke, Jamts Perrin, Samuel Eafton, Andrew Hunter, Henry Tifdale, Bt-njamin Ellery, James Gardner, William Gardner, Samuel Marr)0tt, Zebulon Spinney, Daniel Ruffcl, jun. Solomon Senter, Thomas Creapman, John Spooncr, Charles Dyrc, Timothy Hill, John W'buing, Simeon Price, Robert Robinfon, Benoni Gardner, and Jofeph Turner. ^ R V I D E.N C E; Jonathan Sheldon, David Wilkinfon, Jofhua Turner, Richard Brown, Niciiolas Cook, Samuel Congdon, Bcnpmiu Carv, Caleb Potter, Edward Arnold, Richard Bowen, |ohn Field, jun. William Dean, Rufus Hop- kins, Williim Antram, jun. Jonathan Jencks, Peter Burlmgime, jun. Zephaniah Peck, William Smith, deorge Laws, Daniel OIncy, Jol'eph Hawkins, Jofcph Waterman, jun. Richard Smith, Thomas Hirkct, John Burlingamc, jun. Jacob Whitman. Jdlhua Turner, jun. Benjamin Whip- ple, jun Gideon Manchcftcr, Olivtr Angel, Afaph Bowcn, Gideon ijihith. And William Carpenter, (bon of Wiititm.J P ORTS- [5] (PORTSMOUTH; Caleb Allen, Samuel Aibro, Michael Cory, George Shearman, John Allen, jun. Jofeph Shearman, Thomas Siflbn, Robert Dennis, John Lawcon (Son of Jojeph)^ and Enoch Butts. IV yl R IV I C K; George Wightman, John Wightman, jun. ]o\\n Grtcn {Son of Richard) Thomas Price, Matthew Price, Ebcnczer Green, Daniel Budlong, Jofeph, and Ebciiezcr King. IV E S T E R L T; Chrlftopher Sugar, Ichabod Proflcr, Benjamin Brown, William Bur* dick, Thomas Burdick, Nicholas Vmccnt, and Oliver Chafe. N E h'. S H R E H J M ; Edward Sands, Robert Hull, John Dodge, Nathanael Littlcfield, Stephen Franklin, John R.uhburn, Thomas Pain, John Pain, Jonathan Mitcliell, jofeph Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, Jofeph Mitchell, jun. Edward Bali, Thomas Dickens, William Dodge, Samuel Dodge, Abel Eranklin, Daniel Role, John Motf, Nathanael Mott, John Ball, Caleb Liltlencld, John Littlcfield, Samuel Rathburn, and Samuel Champlin. NO R r H-K I N G S T W N \ Peter Reynolds, jun. William Hall {Son of John), Benjamin Cole, Samuel Rione, John Allen, William Clarke, Philip Card, Pclcg Card, Henry Spencer, Thomas Biffcl, Thomas Havens, Samuel Shearman, Edward Gardner, Jeremiah, and John Wightman. SOVTH-KlNGSrOWN\ Latham Clark, Beniamin Potter, Nicholas Watfon, Ebcnezer Tcffc, James Shearman, Robert Potter jun, and Jofeph CongJon. E J S T~G R E E N W I C H\ Jeremiah Pain, jun. John Giftord, John Mancheller, Yclvcrton Gifford, Ifaac Gardner, John Gilford, Daniel Howland, jun. Thomas Shippv, James Fowler, David Vaughan (Son of Robert )y Nicholas Goddard, John Andrew {Son of Bcnonij, and Colonel Carpenter. y J M E S'T M'' N; Benjamin Carr {Son af Thomas), and Benjamin Sheffield. S M I T H F I E L D : William Sprague, Richard Sayles, jun. Samuel Aldrich the 3c/, Thomas Shippy, jgn. Daniel Smith (Son of fVilliam), Samuel Bayley, Amo3 Arnold, William Whipple, jun. Jofeph Carpenter, Azariah Cumftock, John SmiUi, iaii. Jeremiah Arnold, jun. Thomas Smith, Htzckiah Sccerc, Chnftophci Brown, Jeremiah Harris, and Job Potter. SCI' [^] S C T TU J r E', Thomas Hudfon, Thomas Bennct, jun. Thomas Brown, Obadiah Jencks, David Young, Samuel Robins, Benjamin Weight, jun. Oliver Perkins, Thomas Collins, jun. Thonias Lee, and Thomas Aylfworth. G L U C E S T E R ; Joffph Olncy, John Blackman, Anthony Spraguc, Thomas Barns, and liaac Richardfou. C H J R L E S T H' N; Jonathan Kinyon, jun. Jeremiah Wordcn, Jofhua Card, and John Hox. ir ES7-GREENfVlCH; James Reynolds, Amos Mattclon, James Mattefon, Chriftopher Garpcnier, Jo eph Mattclon, Charles Andrew, Tipets, James Hopkins, David Hopkins, James Willfon, Robert Willlon, William Willfon, Jofcph Niles, and Thomas Draper COVE N r R r- Amos Stafford, jun. Archibald Dickfon, Francis Bates, Henry Gretm, and Robert Havens, jun. EXETER; Newman Perkins, Williim Tripp, Daniel Dawlcy, John Cafey, William Tanner, Jofcph Tanner, Benjamin Bently. and Robert Hill. MIDDLETOJVN'y Jonathan Eafton. and Thomas Durtcy. B R I S r L; Shcajalhub Bourn, And Thomas Church. r I V E R T N; John Mancheftcr, Samuel Snell, Jofeph Anthony, Roger Cory, Thomas Cook, Thomas Wait, Edward Wanton, John Borden, Samuel Hicks, Samuel Durfce^ Wcfton Hicks, Stephen Cook, Thomas How- land, John Tabcr, Ephraim Willcock, Cornelius Sowle, Philip Gray, Thomas Cook {Sen of jofepb), GeorgcCook, William Willcock, John Almv, Philip Cory, Ebcnczer Tabcr, John Bennct, Benjamin Durfcc, Peter Talman, Johu Jennings, Abraham Barker, Samuel Borden, Reft- come Sandford, Oliver Bcaly, Samuel Sntli, jun. Jofcph Taber, John Taber {Son of Jcbn), Samuel Hart, Jonathan Hart, William Sanford, Thomas Wait, jun. Pcleg Sanford, JolTiua Dwclly, Jofhua Dwelly, jun, Blake Perry, John Cook (Son of Thomas), William Woddlc, John Bowen, Samuel Shearman, William Shreve, William Filh, William Manchcfter Ow ^/.S/^/ii/;;), Joleph Crandal, Jofiah Sawyer, David Lake, Jofcph Jennings, Thomas Mofhcr, Benjamin Maccombcr, Philip Tabcr, Jofcph [ 5] Jofeph Taber ('Jofl JuHN Garunek, Efq; / William Richmond, Efq;/ --- William Burton, Efq; W^^/^.Daniel CocctSHALL, EiqJ^^' Stephen Brownhl, Elqj( Jeoffry Watsou, Elq; j Robert Lanvton, El'4; ) The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the fcveral T O WN S. Newport ; Mr. yliel Franklin. Mr. Ceor^e Gardner. George Wanton, 'E['c[-j North-Ki N gstom j Coventry; Mr. Jde-ph lVb:p-ple,]\ix\.Q.o\. Immaimu l^criLuf, Mr. James Cohtn, Mr. Ihomas CianJloA, Capt. Daniel tones. Mr. Benjamin Isicbols. Mr.JchnliliingbaJl^ Sou T h-Ki N cston ; Exetfr; Mr. Nicholas Eajton^ Capt. Robert Hajzard, Capt. John Weight., Mr. James Sheffield. Mr. Roivland Robinjcn. Mr. Btnznt Carumr. pRoviDCNCE -, East-Greenwich i N-iddletown; Jonathan Randal, Efq; Jofepb Nichols, Efqj Capt. Roberi Barker ^ Stephen Hopkins, Efq; Capt. Ibomas Spencer. Mr. Elifi:>a BrciL'n, Jamestown ) Danii"! J^ncks, Efq; Mr Daniel Weeden, Portsmouth ; Mr. Jo/eph Clark. Mr. Oliver Early bMiTHFiELD ; Mr. Gidion Freeborn, ]Qn7hcmas Lapbam. Elqj Mr. John Allen. Mr. John Aldricb. Benjamin 1 uiker, Efq; Sci t u a t E ; Mr. Thomas Ralph, Mr. Thomas Hudfon. Gloucfstk r -, Richard Steere, Efq; iVlaj. Richard Smith. Ch ARLESTOwrf ; Col. Jc/epb Stamen, Mr. James Cor.gdon. West Greenwich Mr. Jeremiah Ellis, Warwick Philip Green \ Eiq-, Mr. John Holder., Mr. John (jreene, Capt. Amos Lock-wood. W K ST F. R. L Y ; Capt. Silas Greenman, Jo/hua Br.lcock, Efq-, NF.wsHor; EH AM ; Mr. John Linlefeld, The Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Efq; was chofcn Speaker Mr. Jonathan Eaji/>n Bristol •, Thomas Greene, Efq: Tiverton ; John Holland, Efq-, M r. Edward Wantcv.. LlTTLE-CoMflOS ; William Hall, Eiq-, Nathanael Searle, Efqi W ARREN i James Smith, Efq; Capt. Benjamin Bar ten. Cumber land ; Jfrael Whipple, Efq; Job Bartlet, Efq; R ICHMOND i Jcjepb Clerk, Efq; James Rogers, Efq; And Mr. Joftas Lyndon., Clerk of the Houfc of Deputies. TH IS bring the Annivcrfary Eledlion of Officers, both Civil and Military, the Gentlemen whofc Names hereafter follow, were chofen to ferve the Colony in the refpedtive 0[Hce» afcribed to their Names. The Hon. William Grkeni, Efq- Governor-, Engag'd. The Hon. William tilery, Efq; Dcp. Governor ; Engag'd. Peter Bours, V\\, firU AITiihint ; tingag'd. Sir>y»n Peaje, Ffq-, ftcond AfTiftant ; Ertgefd. William Burltn. Efq; third AITiftant j Engag'd. Edward [7] Edward KltiHici'.l, Efq-, fourth AfTiftant ; Engaged. Stephen Browne!, Efq; fifth Afliftant ; Engag'd. Robert Lavtcji, Efq, fixth Affiftant ; Engag'd. James /Irnold, Efq-, feventh Aflifiant -, Engag'd. (Vtiliam Richmond, Efqi, eighth AfTiftant •, Engag*a. Bart i el Ccggejhall, Efq, ninth AlTirtant ^ Engag'd. Jeoffry ff^atjon^ Lfq^ tenth AfTiftant ^ tngag'd. Themas JVard, Ffq; Secretary ; Engag'd. DaxielUpdike, Elq^ Attorney General ; Engag'd. Ihomai RichavAjoy., Efq General Treafurer -, Rngeg'd. Col. Samuel Ly»don, jun. Colonel of the Regiment of Militia, in the County cf Newport. Col. Benoni tyaterman. Colonel of the Regiment of Militia, in the County o[ Providence. Col. Thomas Ha/zard, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia, in the County of Kings-Count)'. Capt. John Burrir.gtcn, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Militia, in the County of Ne-ifpori. Lieut. Col. William Brcwn, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Militia, In the County oi Providence. Lieut. Col. William Pendleton, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment ot Militia, in the County of Kings County. Major IVing Spooney, Major of the Regiment of Militia, in the County of Netrport. Major Richard Smith, Major of the Regiment of Militia, in the County of Providence. Major Richard Batley, Major of the Rcgimtnt of MHitia, in the County of Ktngs County. jo(hua Babccck, Jonathan Randal, IVilliam Hopkins, William Hall, and John JValicn, Efqrs. Juc^ges ot the Superior Court of Judicature, Court ofAfiize, and General Goal Delivery, in and throughout the Colony. Samuel IVickbatn, Edifard ScctI, Daniel Could, JVilliam Anthony, jun. 3r.d Caleb Hill, EfqTi. Juflices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Stflicnb of the Pcr.ce, in and throughout the County of Newport. Daniel Jencks, Jeremiah Lippitt, Job Randal, Jojcpb Nichols, and David Cuwftcck, Efqrs. Juifices ot the Inferior Court of Common Picas, and General Seflions ot the Peace, in and throughout he County of Providence. Stephen Hafzard, Inmamel Northup, JcbTripp, jun. Thomas Brown, and Benoni Hall, Efqrs, Jufticcs of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SefTions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Kings County. Jonathan Woodberry, Jonathan Peck, Matthew Allen, Jofeph Rujfel, and ya»j« Smz//:', Efqrs. Jufticcs of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SefTions ot the Peace, in and throughout the County of BriftoJ. Thomas JVard, Efq; Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Aflir.e, and General Goal Delivery, in and throughout the Colony. Mr. [8 1 lAT.Jc/i.^sLyndor.^ Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pless, and General StfTions of the Peace, la the Cciinty of Newpcrt. George Brown, Efq; Clerk of the Inferior Court oh Common Pleas, and General Seflions cf the Peace, in the County oi Frc-jideiue. Mr. Benjamin Peckham^ Clerk of the Inferior Court olCommcn Pleas, and General ScflTions of tire Pc^te, in the County of Kings. County. Mr. Ibomailbroof^'xcits. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SelTions of the Peace, in the County of .fir/Z/c/. Jofefh Scott, Efq-, Sheriff of the County oi Neufort. Joim Mawney, Efq-, Sherifl of the County of Providence. Beriab Bro-an, Efq-, SiicrifFof the County of Kings County. Tbnnas Green. Efq, Sheriff" of the County oi' Brifiol. JUSTIC ES of ths Peace for the jsieral Towns throughout the COLON T. Neii'port ; fi'^arz^kk:, John Olin, Abraham Borden, S?mu<.l Stafiord, Samuel Sowle, Samuel Collins, John Warner, Rufus Grccre. Ebcncztr Richardfon, James Grccu (Son of SrnithJUld :^ Barnabas HargilJ, (Kil/iani), Williana Arnold, Jeremiah Clark, Jeremiah Randal Thomas Lapham, Thomas Ward, WeJIerly ; Thomas Sayles, Handlcy Chiptnan, William Babcock, William Jcncks, Perer Fafton, William Htrn, Thomas Stccrc, Martin Howard. Benjamin Randal, John Aldrich. 'providence -.y Joleph Crandal. ^a/;. Scitucte ^ Henry Harris, North- Kingito-wn ; Benjamin Fisk, Chri(\ophcr Harris, Edward Dyrc, ;«/;. John Tyler, Edward Sheldon, Jofcph Cafe, Gideon Harris, Tabcz Bowen, Robert Halzard, John Edwards. Zuricl Waterman, Jamcb Gardner, Gkucejier • Jofeph Harris, Joh" Congdon, Richard Stccre, John Burton, ;«». South -Kwgstvwn- Andrew BrowD, George Taylor, Samuel Tift'r, yrt«. John Smith, Jofeph Snow, John Cafe, Abraham Tcurtclot, Ebcnezer Jencks, Thomas Hafzard (5o/jRichard Smith. John Andrews cf RjhertJ, Char/e/Ioivn -y 'Vortfn.cuih • Benjamin Potter, John Hill, William Saiidford, Robert Brown. James Congdon, yc//i. William HaJl ; Eafi-Greersw/ch ; Benjamin Hoxfcy, Giles Slocnm,;«w. William Spenfer, Nalhanad Lewis. Gskb Allen. John Langford, mf. [9] We/l-Grcenwhh -^ Edward Eafton, Samuel Willbor, Jeremiah Ellis, John Green, Jofeph Wood, Samuel Hopkin-s Edward Tew, Nathanael Searlc,y«/T. William Cumftocfc, JofhuaCop;geIhall,yi/». IVarreti ; George Gardner. Brifiol -^ Benjamin Miller, Coventry • Sheerjafliub Bourn, Samuel Low, Elifha Johnfon, George Dunbar, John Kinnicur, Thomas Matthcwfon, Jeremiah Finney, Edward Luther. Samuel Cooper, Nathanael Pcarce, Cumberland ; Caleb Grcent^ William Munro. Job BartltT, George Hall. Tiverton ; Samuel Bartlct, Extter\ Jofeph Anthony, Ifrael Whipple, Nicholas Gardner, Philip Taber, John Dexter. Jcoffry Champlin, Abraham Barker, Richmond'^ Pelcg Tripp, Wefton Hicks, John Webftcr, George Reynolds, Reftcomc Sandfordi Jofeph Clark, Robert Moon, Little-Compton j Samuel Tiffc, MiddUtowii ; Robert Taylor, Stephen Richmond. Thomas Gould, OFFICERS to command the feteral^ompanies of Militia, or Train d Bands^ in each Town throughout the Colony, N E IF^ R T; Firji Company : Jonathan Heath, Captain^ James Tanner, Lieutenant, Chriftopher Lindfev, Enfign. Second Company : Benjamin Shcrburn, Captain, Kendal Nichols, jun. Lieutenant, John Simpfon, jun. Enfign. Third Company : Daniel Dunham, jun. Captain, John Pitman, Lieu- tenant, Henry Blifs, Enfign. Eourih Company : John Bciitho, Captain, Oliver Bccre, Lieutenant, Richard Whitehorn, tnjign. PROVIDENCE; Fir ft Company : Roger Kinnicut, Captain, Benjamin Eddy, Lieutenant, Jacob Hartihorn, Enjign. Second Company : John Clark, Captain, John Warner, Lieutenant, "William Dyre, Enfign. Third Company : Jonathan Olney, Captain, John Waterman (Son of Refolved), Lieutenant, Amos Weftcott, Enfign. Fourth Company : John Dexter, jun. Captain, Samuel Aborn, jun. Lieutenant, Stephen Hawkins, Enfirn. Fifth Company : Matthew Manchefter, Captain, Jonathan Knight, jun. Lieutenant, Daniel Burlincame, Enfzn. C PORTS' [ '°] 'PORTSMOUTH; Clark Cornel, Captain^ John FiiTi, Lieutenani., John Shrlevc, jun. WAR if'lCK; Firft Company : John Green (Son of Peter), Captain, John Wells, Lieutenant, James Arnold, iun. Enfign. Second Company : Thomas Wickes (Son of Thomas), Captain, Thomas Remington, Lieutenant, John, Enfign. Third Company : Jofeph Edmonds, jun. Captain, Mofes Endlong, Lieutenant, Richard £ftis, Enfign. IF E S T E K L T; Firft Company : Elias Thompfon, Captain, Jofeph Lewis, jun. Licut!;\2ni, Fliflia Clark, Enfign. Second Company : Benjamin Randal, Captain, Jonathan Wells, Lieu' tenant, Jofeph Maccoon, Enfign. Ihird Company : S.imuel Gavit, Captain, Jofeph Crandal fSon of Jofeph }, Lieuttnant, Stephen Saunders, E.nftgn. Fourth Company : Thomas Folter, Captain, Matthew Green, Lieutenant, Edward Robinlon, Enfign. N E H''- S H R. E H J M : Robert Hull, Captain, John Dodge, Lieutenant, John Littlcficld, Eiifign. NORTH-KINGSTOWN, Ftrjl Corr^pam : Jonathan Allen, Captain, Arthur Aylfworth, Lieutencott, Philip Card, Enfign. Second Company : S*muel Albro, Captain, Samuel Bro>rning, jun. Lieutenant, Ebcr Shearman, jun. Enfign. Third Company : Samuel Thomas, Captain, Bcnedid Eld red. Lieutenant, Ebenezer Brown, Enfign. S U TH-K I NG STO JFN; Firfl Company .- Thomas Browning, Captain, John Stcadman, Lieutenant, Williatn Congdon, (Son of Jofeph j, Enfign. Second Company : Latham Clark (Son of William, dcccai'd), Captaifff Jirah Mumford, Lieutenant, Tencnt Tift, Enfign. Third Company : Samuel Gardner, Captain, Nathan Gardner, Lieute- nant, Thomas Taylor, tnfign. E J ST-G R E E NIVI C H ; Firft Company : Jofeph StafTord, Captain, Abicl Hall. Licutuant, Rufus Spcnfer, Enfign. Second Company : Richard Weaver, Captain, David Vaughan (Son of Robert), Lieutenant, Colonel Carpenter, tnfign. JAMESTOWN; Samuel Slocum, Captain, George Franklin, Lieutenant, Edward Carr, Enfien. SMITH. ["] S M r r H F I E L D ■ Fir ft Compatjj : Richard Harris, jun. Captain^ Joho Angel, Litutcnant, William Brown, Enfign. Second Company : Daniel Arnold, Cap^aiity Thomas Arnold. Lieutenant^ Stephen Slyc, Enfign. Third Company : Daniel Mowry, Captain, William Bates, Lieutenant, Refolved Waterman, tjifign. S C I 7 U J T E ; Fir ft Company : Silvanus White, Captain, Nehcmiah Angel, Lieutenant, Eliza Collins, jun. Enfign. Second Company : James Brown, Captain, Samuel Dorrence, Lieutenant^ George Dorrence, jun. Enfign. Third Company : John Hulct, Captain, Jofeph Wilkinfon, Lieutenantt Ezckicl Hopkins, jUQ. Enfign. GLOUCESTE R ; Fir ft Company .- Timothy Wilmoch, Captain, Silas Williams, Lieutenant, James Cowen, Enfign. Second Company : John Smith, Captain, Ezekiej Smith, Lieutenant, Jofeph Olney, Enftgn. C H J R L E S T O ir N ; Peleg Crofs, Captain, Enoch Kinyon, jun. Lieutenant, Samuel Stanton, l^fign. WES7-G R E E^WI C H ; Ftrft Company : Ezckiel Whitford, Captain, Daniel Hill, jun. Lieutenant, John Albroj Enfign. Second Company : John Weight, Captain, Jofeph Nichols, Lientenant, Griffcn -Sweet, Enftgn.' COVENTRY; Ftrjl Company : John Allerton, jun. Captain, Stephen Colvin, Lieutenant, William Nichols, Enfign. Second Company : Benjamin Nichols, Captain, Alexander Dickfon, Lieutenant, John Wickcs, Enfign. E X E T E R ; Fir ft Company : Samuel Gardner, Captain, Benjamin Lawton, Lieutenant, Jofeph Potter, Enfign. Second Company : Peleg Thomas, Captain, John Rathburn the Third, Lieutenant, Stephen Auftin, Enfign. M I n D L E r JV N ; John Barker, Captain, Benjamin Smith, Lieutenant, Nicholas Brown, Enjign. BRISTOL; Nathaniel Pearce, Captain, Bcnnct Munro, Lieutenant, John Throop, jun. Enfign. TIVERTON; [ 'O T 1 V E K r N ; Fir/} Company : Giles Brownel, Captain, 'WiHiam Manchefter ("Son of John), LiiUtenanty Cornelius Sowle, Ev/tgn. Second Company : William Cook, Captain, John Thomas, Lieutenant, BcP'amin Hambly, knftgn. LITTLE-GO M^rON; Benjamin Scabury, Captain, Edward Irifh, Lieutenant, Benjamin Sim- monds, Enftgn. W J K B. E Is ; Benjamin Barton, Captain, John Adams, Lieutenant, Solomon Peck, Enfign. C U M E E R L J N D ; Daniel Wilkinfon, Captain, Benjamin Razey, Lieutenant, Nathanael Whipple, Enfign. RICHMOND; Jofcph Enos, jun. Captain, James James, Lieutenant, Thomas Rogers, Enfgn. N EfV^P RT Troop of Hor/e ; Sylvcfter Woodman, Captain, Richard Grecnhill, Lieutenant, Samuel Bayley (ot Litile-Compton), Cornet. PROVIDENCE Troop of Horfe ; Jeremiah Whipple, Captain, John Lcvally, Lieutenant, Henry Gard-o ner. Cornet. TH E Hon. Gideon Wanton, Efq-, and Benjamin Nichols, James Sheffield, Daniel Updike, Edward Scott, James Arnold, George Brown, and Gideon Cornell, Elqrs. the Grand Committee, or Truftecs of the Colony, for Signing the Bills of Publick Credit, Cs^f. Binjamin Nichols, Efq; one ot the Grand Committee, or Colony's Trullee':, is chofcn and appointed to take, and have the Care and Charge of the Colony's Bonds and Mortgages, and to receive the Monies due, and to be due thereon : And he is alfo hereby impowered to make and give proper Acquittances and Difcharges on the Mortgages, orotherwife, upon the Receipt of any of the Colony's Money : And m Cafe of Non- payment, he IS likewife hereby impowered to put in Suit the Bonds and Mortgages of all fuch as fliall relufe or omit to make due Payment. COM- ['3] COM Ml TTE E S chofenfor the feveral^owm, for the Management oj the Colony's Money ^ let, or to he let ok Loan. Eaft-Greenzvich ; Exeter; Thomas Spencer, Benoni Hall, Abner Spencer (Son John Weight. of Michael). Middktown ; Jamepwti ; Daniel Gould, Newport ; Benjamin Nichols, Nicholas Eafton. Providence ^ Fzckiel Warner, Jonathan Randall, '■'Portfrnouth ; John Coggefhall, Benjamin Hix. pyaiwick \ Jeremiah Lippit, Elifha Green. Weferly ; William Babcock, Silas Grcenman. Neiv-^.bvyebiim^-^ Robcri: Hnll, NachanaclLittlefield North- Kingstown -, John Congdon, Edward Dsrc,jfJn. South- KiKgstown ; Jeoft>y Watfon, Jofeph Clark, Jofepb Underwood. Smithfiild ; Thomas Stecrc, John Aldrich ScJtuati j Job Randal, Charles Harris. Gloucejter j Richard Steerc, Abraham Tourlelot. Chjrk/lo-un ; John Congdon, jrin. Jol'eph Sr.inton, /«« Weji-Qreenwich j Jeremiah Ellis, George Gardner. Coventry j Caleb Greene, Stephen Hafzard,////*. George Hall. Jotin Rogers. Eriftol ; Jonathan Peck, Thomas Green. Tiverton ^ John Manchefter, Thomas Howland. Little-Comftun ; John Hunt, William Willbor,;V7;. fVarreh , Matthew Allen, Benjamin Barton. Cumberland j Job Bartlet, Samuel Bartlet. Richmond ; Richard Baley, John Webfter. Edward Tburjion, General Sealer of Weights and Mcafures, through- out the Colony. /T is Voted and Rejoivcd^ 1 hat Simon Peafe^ James Honyman, Daniel Jencks, Jofkua Babcock, DanieiUpdike, -und Edward ScoK, Efqrs. or the major Pare of them, be, and they are hereby ronftituted a Committee, to dr.iw up (uch In Itrucflions, to be lent to the Agent, refpeifting the Bill lying before the I'arliameiu, relating to the Paper Currency, as may be moflforihe Intcrcft and Advantage of'tliis Colony ^ and make Report to this A.TembI)', at thisScfllon, or next. Wherens the Cellar under the Colony Houfe in Newport, might be hired out to Advantage, if put in good Order ; but at prefent is altoge- ther ulelcrs : It IS therefore Voted and Refohed, That the Committee that was appointed to l)ui!d laid Houfe, Icafe out the faid Cellar (taking the bcft Care for the Prelcrvntion and Safety of the Houfe) for the Space or Scycn Years, unto fuch Perfon or Perlons as tliey {hall think proper, on D this [ >4] this Condition, to wit. The Lefi'ce or LefTccs fhall be obliged to divide the Cellar into four Apartments with Plank •, to pave one Part thereof, snd Floor the other with Plank \ to lupply thcW indows with Safli Ghfs, and fecurc thecn with good Shutters \, and at the Expiration of the a'orefaid Term, peaceably to lurrender and deliver up the faid Cellar, thus 5tted and finifnei', unto the Colony, or kich Perlbn or Perions as fbal! be authorized to take PofTcflion thereof, in good and tencntable Repair. It is Voted and Re/ohed, Thar for the future there be annually chofcn one Captain for ^oriGcorge fand no other CommifTion Officer j : And that the Captain's Allowar:cc for his Service, be One Hundred Pounds fer Year : That he keep there continually Four Soldiers, and no more : That they, boarding themfelves, be allowed Eighteen Pounds each, per Month: And that the Gunner of Fort George^ be allowed Eighteen Pounds per Month rbefides his other Perquifites) for his Wages, and Board Wages It is Voted and Refolved, That the Sheriff of the County of ^ewport^ provide Liquor to the AmouiU of Fifty Pounds, to entertain thofc Gcn- ileiTicn that ihill attend the Solemnity of proclaiming Peace. // is Voted and Refohed, That Peter Hours, Edward Scott, Samuel Wick- ham, Stephen Hopkins, and George IVanton, Efqrs. McfTrs. Jau:cs- Sheffidd, and Thomas Crattflon, be, and t.hey, or the major Part of them, are hereby conftituted a Committee, to audit all the Agent's Accounts, down to this Day ; and to inquire whether all the Vouchers ncceflary to fupport the Colony's Accounts, of the Charge of the Canada Expedition, are fcnc Home v it nor, that they procure what arc flill wanting, and make Report lo this AlTcmbly, at their next Scffion. Whereas Benjamin Tucker, of Pcrt/maiiib, in the County o^ Newport, Efq; did, by Petition, rcprefcnt to this Aflembly, That Jonathan Childs failed from the Harbour oi Tiverton, the fourteenth Day oi May, J.D. 1747. in the Schooner Succefs, as Mate, Cltomas Cafe, Mafferj, bound unto the Ifland of Niiv-Providence, in the fVeJi-lndies : That in their Return Home, they were ta!;en by a SpanOJ} Privateer belonging to the ILrjanna : That foon after th_- Capture, the iaid Cafe ranfomcd his Veflcl, and put the faid Childs on board the Spaniftj Privateer, by Way of Hoftage ; and fince the Arrival of the aforefaid Schooner, neither the faid Caje, nor the Owners of faid Schooner, have ever ranfomed faid Childs : And the faid Berijamin fuggeding ( by the Preliminary Articles fign'd at Aix la Chapelte, the Nineteenth Day of jlpril, A. D. 1/48), all Hoftagcs arc to be given up without Ranfom, they paying the Debts they have contraftcd fince their Confinement in the Country where they have been detaineQ ; prayed, that Maithew Bcrden, Mailer of the Slo9p E'izakih, might have a CommifTion under the Seal of the Colony, to proceed unto the Havanna, in order to bring him the faid Jonathan Childs thence, out of his Confine- ment ; and that the fame Ihould be performed, and no Coll accrue to the Colony thereby ■. And that the aforclaid Matthew (liould be under any fufh Reft riiff ions as this Affcmbly (hould enjoin, upon the Account of Trade and TrafTick. o« C'O On ConfjJeraiion whereof, This Ajfembly do Vote and Ke/ilve, and it is hereby Voted and Refohed, That the Prayer ot the atorelaid Petition, be, and it hereby is granted j and that a CommifTioii be ilTued unto the faid Matthew Borden, under the Seal of the Co!ony, for the End and Purpofc aforefaid. // ij Voted and Refolved, That Jofeph IVbippk, and Peter Bours, Efqrs. Mcffrs. Thomas Cranficn, Janus Sheffidd, and John TiUingbaJi, be, and they arc hereby conflituted a Committee, to audit the General Trcafurcr's and Commiflary'i Accounts, and muke Report to this Affcmbly, at their next Scflion. // is Voted and Re/olvrd, Th;it Medrs. Ihomr.s Cranjlon, James Sheffieldy and Jcbn Tillivgbajl,, be, and they are hereby conllituted a Committee, to take an Account of the Warlike, and other Stores and Materials, be- longing to the Colony, and make Report to this Affembly, at their next ScfTion. // is Voted and Refchcd, That the Speaker of the Houfe of Deputies, MefTrs. Thomas Cranjton, and James SheJieU, be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby conltituted <-i Committee, to afTift the Attorney in ihc Cafe the Governor and Company of this Colony againft Jahleel Brenion, Eiq; in procuring Evidences, and all other Requifites neceffary to be laid before the Audit, to fct the Cale in a true Light. Whereas Beriah Bro-un, Efq; SheriiT of the County of Kings-County, prayed this AfTembly toappoict a Committee of a proper Pcrfon orPcrfons, to repair the Goal and Goal Houfc in faid Kings-County : On Confidcra- tion whereof. This jijjembiy do Vote and Rejohe, and it is hereby Voted and Re/ohed, That Capt. Robert Hafzard, and the faid Beriah Brown, be, and they are hereby conftitutcd a Committee, to repair the Goal and Goal Houfe afoiefaid, at the Charge of the Colony. Whereas Thomas Rowland and Company, Merchants, by Petition, reprefentcd to this Affembly, That Ctdecn IVanton, jun. late Commander of the Sloop Rebecca, fiil'd from the Harbour of Tiverton, the 14th Day of July laft, bound to the Leeward I/lands : That in Profccution of his intended Voyage, on the 15th Day of September following, being fix Leagues to the Wcfiv/ard oi- Cape Donna Maria, he was furpriz'd and taken by an armed Brigantine belonging to the Subjeds of the King of Spain, who carried the fiid Gideon and Sloop, into the Pore of Leogan, on the IQand of Hi/paniola ; and after a (hort Stay of about three or four Hours, forced the faid Gidcon M^anton on Shore, with all his Men, fave one, and then carried the faid Sloop into St. Jcigc de Cuba, where faid Sloop and Cargo were condemned as lawful Prize •, which the faid Thomas and Company fuggefted, was in open Violation to the Ccffation of Hofti- lities by Sea and Land, agreed on between His Britannick Majefty and the French King, ac Aix la Cbapelle, the Nineteenth Day ot April (Old Stile^, ji. D. 1748, and afterwards acceeded to by the Kingof 5^ Settlement of St. Jagod: Cuba^ in order to make a Demand of faid Sloop and her Cargo : But that upon his Arrival there, the Spaniards treated him in a moil barbarous and arbitrary Manner, torcing him our of the FJaibour, and threai'ning to fink his VofTci, not fuflering him to (p'.ak with the Governor of the Place, nor any of the chief Ofilcers, pre- tending that the aforcfaid Sloop Rebfcai was taken before the Ccfiation of Arms took Place. And the f.'.iri Thsmas and Company, farther allcdged. That they eaa fi'liy prove, that the faid G'/d:cii M'^ciusn, was with the aforcfaid Sloop Rebecca under his Command, at the Port of Pcli: Goavon, on Hifpcniola, two Days prececdin;:; the Capture, and there had Liberty ta Wooa and Water, from the Commanding Officer, which was fomc con- fiderable Time after the afo'-c-recitcd CefTation of Arms took Place. Anvl the'cupon, they, the laid 7't'COT(.'j and Company, fupplicated ihis AOtmblv* thsE a Cummiina-i might be to th.m granted, under the Seal of thir. Co!o,iy, iaipowering thcr.i to proceed lor the ifland of Hi/panicla aforc- faid, there to take fuch Evidence as they can obiain, that they may be enabled to lay the whole AtTair before His Majefty in Council, for Rc- drels . And that the Voyage, fhall be pcrform'd without any Charge ca the Government ; they fubmitting themlclves to any Reftriftior.s thi"; AiTembly fhould think proper to impofe. On Confidcration whereof. This yi(f:mhly do Vote and Ena^, and it is hereby Voted and EnaHed, That the Prayer of the aforcfaid Petition, be, and it is hereby granted ; provided, no Provifions or Merchandize be exported in faid Vcflel, to traffick with, more thnn is abfolutely necefTary for fuftainirg the People that Ihallgo in faid Vcfiel, and to pay the Charges of faid Voyage. Whereas William Hopkins, Efq; who was by this A/Tembly, again cho- fen Third Judge of the Superior Court, (sc. rcfoTed to f.tve any longer la thatO'Tice ^ whereupon Jo!mEreebody,]\in. Efq^ waschofen in his Room, who likevvife refufing, This AfTcmbly do choofe and appoint Stephen P4i/)!C, Efq: third Judge of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of AfTize, and General Goal Delivery, in and throughout the Colony. EH^a Sbearmt'n, Efq, i^ chofcn a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of T^cijvpTrt, &CC Capt. IVuller Chakncr, is cholen Captain cf Fort G::r^s for the Year cnfuing. Mntthew Manchefter, and Jofepb Potter, Efqrs. are chofen Jufticcs of the Peace for the Town of Providence. Jt is Voted and Refclved, That all Bufincfs before this Afiembly. thac rcmaineth unfinillied, be referred to the next Scfuon thereof, which is hereby appointed to be at Newport, or the fecond Monday of June next. GOD Scne the KtNG. [ '7 ] uit the G R N E R A L A S S E M B L Y of thc GOVERNOR ^nd COMPANY of the EnglHh Colony of Rhode-Iiland, and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in America, begun and held by Jdjournmenty at Newport, the jecond Monday of June, in the Twentythird Tear of the Reign of His Mofi Sacred MajeUy GEORGE the Second^ by the Grace of G Dy of Great-Brirain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of thc Faith, &c. And in the Tear of Our LORD, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty-nine, PRESENT, The Honourable IflLLIJM GREENE, Efq; Governor. The Hon. William Ellery, Efqj Deputy Goycrnor. Peter Bours, Efq-, ^ James Arnold, Efq; "N Simon Pease, Efq-, / William Richmond, Efq-.^.-^ Edward Kinnicut, Efq A ^5/?. Daniel Coggeshall, Efqj( ^-^ ' Stephen Brownel, EfqA Jeoffry Watsos, Efq; j Robert Lawton, Efq; ) The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the leveral TOWNS, The Hon. STE'PHEN H09KINS, Efq^ Speaker. Newport ; George Wanton, Efq; yix.J ofeph Whipple, j u n . Mr. Thomas Crafijlon, Mr. John TiI!i}ighaJ}, Mr. Nicholas Eajton, Mr. James Sheffield. Providence ; Jonatha7i Randn!, Efq; The Speaker. Portsmouth ; Mr. Oliver Earl, Mr. John J Hen, Benjamin liitker, Efq; Warwick ; Philip Greene, Efq; Mr. John Holden, Capc. Amos Lockwood. Westerly ; Capr, Silas Grcenmar,, E Jtjhua Babcock, Efq; Newshoreham i None, NORTH-Kl NCSTON J Col. Immanuel Northupy Capt. Daniel Fonts. South-Kingston ; Capt. Robert Hafzard, Mr. Rowland Robinfon. East- [ '8 ] East-Greei^wich Jofepb Nichols, Efqi Capt. Ibomas Spencer. Jamestown ; Mr. Da>tiel IVeederij Mr. fcfipb dark. SmITHFI ELD ; Ihomai Lapbam. Efq; Mr. John AldrifJ). S C I T U A T E ; Mr. Thomas Ralph. Glouc ester -, Ma). Richard Smith. CHARLESTOW^f ; Col. J'/jipb Stanton, Mr. James Ccngdon. WistGreen wicH ; Mr. Jeremiah Ellis, Mr. George Gardner. Cove ntr y ; None. Exeter \ Capt. Jobn fVeigbt, Mr. Benoni Gardner. Middletown ; Capt. Robert Barker, Mr. Jonathan EaftoH. Bristol -, Jonathan Peck, Efq; Thomas Greene, Efq; TlVERTOH ; Johr, Uovoland^ Efq; Mr. Edward Jpantcn. LiTTLE COMPTON ] William Hall, Efq-, Nalhanael Sccrliy Efqv Warren •, James Smith, Efq; Capt. Benjamin Barton. Cumberland ; r/rael Whipple, Efq, Job Bart let, Efq-, Richmond ; Jofepb Clark, Efq-, James Rogers. Efq-, Mr. Jojtas Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Houfe. An ACT for the Ellabiijhing and Regulaiing of F E E S. n E IT EN ACTED by the General /^Jfembly of this Colony, and by the A'.ilhority of the Jams, it ts Enabled, Thac the Ertablifhmcnc of the Fees ot the Icvcral OtBccrs in this Colony, (hall be as foiloweth. In the Superior Court. Jufticc's Fees. FO R Entry of every Aftion for Tryal, For the taking every Special Bail, For allowing of i Writ of Error, For allowing a Habeas Corpus, For confefTing Judgment, For acknowledging Satisfaiflion of Judgment upon Record, In all criminal Cales where a Fine is fet. For Ti.^ing every Bill of Cort, Ckrk'i Fees. FO R Entry of every Aiftion,, For filing Reafons of Appeal, or Anfwcr, For all Copies not exceeding one Page, If above one Page, for the firft Page, For every Page ibovc one. Twenty-five Lines in a Page, and eight Words in a Line, For every Adtion call'd. For ? Scire Farias and Seal, For Recording Judgment, For fwcaring every Witnefs, s. d. o o For [ '9] c J. d. o lO o + o o 4 o o 4 o o 3 + o 2 o o I o 2 © o I o o 3 o 4 o o 4 o o 4 o o 2 o o 2 o o 2 o I O o o £ o For a Writ of Execution, For vfriting Evidences, the fame as copying, For Acquittal of Felony, or Sufpicion thereof. For Entring a Rule of Court, For every Bond taken. For Entring Traverfe upon lndi(5l:ment. For Filing an Inventory of Goods taken by Execution, For every Perfon fummoned. For filing every Return in Court, For every Paper or hvidence in a Cafe, For withdrawing an Adion, For Dilcharge of every Perfon upon Bail to the Peace, Cs^c. For every Petition read in Court, For Order thereon. For Hxamining every Bill of Coft, For Searching of Records, If above one Hour, for every Hour above one, For attending the Court, by the Day, For a Writ of Review, Secretary's Fees. FO R EngrofTing the Afls or Laws of the General Aflembly, each ; to be paid out of the General Trea- fury, o lo o For every CommifTion for the Juftices of each County ; to be paid out of the General Treafury, o lo o For every CommilTion tor a Military Officer ; to be paid out of the General Treafury, o 6 o For a Special Warrant or Mittimus, by Order of the Go- vernor and Council, o 6 o For every Commifiion under the Colony's Seal, for Places of Profit, o lo o For every Bond, o 6 o For every Order of Council, to the Benefit of particular Per- fons, 050 For every Petition to the Governor and Council, or General AfTembly, o 40 And where there is an Adverfe Party, 060 For tranfcribing the A, for emitting of One Hun- dred Thouland Pounds in Bills of publick Credit, it was ordered, Th?.t the L '-1 ] the third Yeat's latereil: of faidSum, fliould be appropriated to the build- ing a f.igh:-Ho'.ile at B^avfr-fail ; which Buddmg being poltpon'd, the one Halfof ra:d Year's Intcreft was {)aid into tlie Icveral Towns in this Colony : But as the General Affembly has lately ordered the building faid Light-Houlc to be procf eded on. It is therefore Voted and Refolved, That the Tcnrhor latl Year's Inteicll of faid Sum of One Hundred Thou- jand Pounds, be appropriated to building faid Light-Houfe -, and that if any particular Towns have rcceiv'd their half I'art of laid lafl; Year's Intercft, that fo much be flopc out of whar they are hereafter to receive of the Intcrclt of the Bank emitted in the Year 1743. 7T rS VOTED AND RESOLVED, T\-\At Mr. Richard Par- i tridge. Agent for this Colony, be allowed the Sum of One Hundred Pounds Sterling, for his Extraordmary Trouble m the Affair of the Controverlv refpecting the Boundary Line between the Province of the AlaJJachuJftts-Bjy and this Colony : And that he be allow'd Two per Cent. for receiving the Money granted by the Crown to this Colony, for repay- ing the Charge of the Canada Expjdition : And that the Agent give this Colony Credit ior the Four Hundred Pounds Sterling, by him ch;>.ro'd the Twenty-firlt: Day of November, One Thouland Seven Hundred and Forty- four, for future Services, i^c. And that the Chsrgc of Eighty-two Pounds Sterling in hij Account, for the Lots m the Bills drawn on this Colony, in Favour of Olii-er and Phillips, be not allow'd, until it be further ex- plain d by the Asj;ent -, andxhat the rcit at tiis whole Account be allow'd : And that Peter BvurS, Efq; McfTr;. Thcmas CranJLn, and Jefepb IVbipple^ jun. be, and they are iiereby conftituted s Committee, to draught a Letter to be peras'd by this AiTcmbly, and fign'd by his Honour the Governor, and fent to the Agent : And that he be properly impowcred by this Co- lony, to receive the Money from the Lords of the Treafury, or from ■whomfoever clfe it Ihall be due, for the Bills of Exchange that this Go- vernment fhall have a Right to draw for what they have paid the Soldiers raifed for the intended Expedition againft Canada, that hath not been already refunded this Colony. Whereas Jofpph H^hipp/<', Efq-, exhibited to this AfTembly, r.n Account bv Solomon Gardnfr c\\\r^d againft him, for Entertaining the Honourable Sir Petir IVarrcn at Neivpori, in the Year 1746 ; which being t-tken into Confideration, /; is Voted and Rejohed, That faid Account be allow'd, and that the Amount thereof, being Forty-fix Pounds Ten Shillings, be paid the aiorelaid Jofeph JVhippk out of the General Treafurv : It appear- ing by a Receipt under the Hand of the aforefaid Solomgn, that laid Sum hath already been paid him by the laid Jefepb lVh:pp!e. Whereas Richard Ho)!e of Providence, in the County of Providence. bv Petition, rcprcfcnted to this Aflcmbly, That while he was employed in the Colony's Service, at the Siege of Lcufhourg., in the Year 1745. and no Commifrary appointed by this Colony, at tnat Time, he the faid Richard Hoyle id-cd as I'uch, from thr; lixteenth Dajot^K/v, to the eiglutcnth Day of [ ^^ ] of r^cvffnJjer following, when a CommilTijry was appointed anJ fent : And thereupon prayM this Aflcmbly to allow him a Reward adequate to flic Service perform'd. On Confideration whereof, T'his jijjembly do Vote and Rejohe, and it is hereby Voted and Refohed^ That the Sum o\ Thirty Pounds be allowed, and paid the faid Richard out of the General Trealury, tor his alorclaid Service. // is Voted and Refchcd, That his Honour the Governor write a Letter in Behalf of the Governracnt, to Sir Peter IVarren, requeuing that he would certity to the l^ords ot the Trealury, or where eilc it ni.-\y be neccl- lary, what may be within his Knowlcdg'% of this Government's lending the three Companies rais'd for the intcivded Expcditioa againft Canada, to ytnnapcHs-Roya!, by his and Governor .S^/V/iTt's Requeft : And that he would be plea/d to ufe his kind Offices in procuring for this Government, a Reimburlcmcnt of their Exptnce. Whereas ^imon Peafe, John Banifter, and IVilliam Paul, all of Newport aforefaid. Merchants, and liege Subjcds of otir Sovereign Lord the now King, teprelcntcd to this Aifcmbly, That they weie folc Owners of the Snow IVilliani, late of this Fort, Plantation built Ccommandcd by Jojcpb Carpenter, and navigared with E)ig!tflj Sailors, all Subjcifts of our fiiid Lord the King) -, which faid Snow was cleared out at the proper Offices in NeiJU- port aforelaid, the 22d D^y ot September, 1748, for the Ifland of Burbados, having her rej^ Papers properly authenticated : And in Prolecution of her IntencfedVoyagc, cm the "joch Day of Oilober tollowing, fhe fell in with the Ifland o\ Martinique (Diltancc more than two Leagues^, early in the Morning, when it tell calm, and coiTtinued fo until Noon ; during which Time they difcovcrcd a VefTcl under the Land, rowing towards the Snow ; on which the aforefaid Capt. Carpenter threw out his Enghlh Colours, as is cuf^omary in the like Cafes. Said Vtffcl belonged to the aforefaid Ifland of Marttnique, and was tittcd out in a warlike Manner ; who, after having come up with faid Snow, ordered her Boat out, in which they entcr'd her, took out the aforefaid Matter and his Mate, intircly dilpoffcffing them of the Command aforelaid ; the Snow being at that Time on the high Seas as aforefaid. And they, the aforefaid Simon, John and H''i!liam, further repretenred. That by thcfc illegal Proceedings, they are deprived, and gricvoufly Ipoil'd of their Snow and her Cargo, to their Dam.ige Thirty Thoujand Pounds : That in this Cafe, the Proceedings of the French King's Subje(fts, are contrary to the Law of Nations, and a high Contempt and Violation of the late Ceffation of Arms then fubfifting between the Powers at War ; ami that all Perlons of Circumilance in this Colony, are Virtually concerned in thisCaie fiho' in a more particular Minner thofe immctiiatcly in Navigation j, as the Continuation of fuch Hodilicies inulf in a great Mcafure dellroy their Trade, as they are obliged oftentimes to pals and fepafs in their Voyages to and from the En^^liih Illands, by both French and Spaniflj I'orts -, therefore they intreated in Behalf of thcmlelves and others concerned as aforefaid, the AfTiffance of this Affembly, to di reft Mr. Agent Partridge to make a proper Reprelentation and Complaint at Home, before the proper Pcrlonsjfor thefc Purpofes (for that they are well aware. aware, as in the Cafe of Capt. Cain, that no Regard will be had to private Reprefentations'^ : That ihey the laid Simon, John and l-niliam, may have Reparation, and other Eng/tJJj Subjects may not for the future be treated with the like Severities. They alfo further prayed Liberty to reprcfent to t!iis AfTcrnbly, That ihcy were in May lalV, advifcd from Si. Eujtalia, to fend Capt. Carpenter, for that the General of Martinique liad dircdted all the Captains that had been taken, to appear : Therefore they prayed this AfFembly would permit them to have aCommilTion for a Flag of Truce, at their proper Colt and Charge, with a Letter from his Honour Governor Greene, upon the Prcmifes. On Confideration whereof; This AJfemhly do Vote and Refolve. and it is hereby Voted and Refohed, That their, the faid Simon, John and fViIiimn's iaft Requcft, to wit, a Com- irilfion for a Flag of T ruce, and a Letter froni his Honour the Governor, be, and it is hereby granted ; and that the Confideration of the other Part of this Petition, be referred to the next Scfilon of this Afll-mbly. It is Voted and Rejohed, That the Sum of Twenty Pounds he allowed and paid Daniel Dunham, and Jejeph Bennet, out of the General Tfeafury ; it being for fweeping the t.'nlony Houle, ^(. fot two Years paft*. // is Voted and Refohed, That the Sum of Nine Pounds be allowed and paid Francis Skinner out of the General Trcalury •, it being the Ballance of \\\t Account againff the Colony, tor fuur Bnoks by him provided for the pubiick. Records of the Superior Court, {^ir't-. in the feversi Counties of this Colony. Jt is Voted a>td Refohed, That the Sum of Twenty-one Pounds Elcvea Shillings and Six Pence, be allowed and paid George Lawtcn out of the General Trealury ; it being the Amount of h/s Account againft the Colony, for White-wadiing, mending the Windows, and other Neccf- faries by him found and provided for His Majcfty's Goal in the County of Newport. It is Voted and Refohed, That iheSum of Six Pounds Ten Shillings and Six Pence, New Tenor, be allowed and paid to Daniel Coggelhall, Efq; and Mr. George Tibbits, out or the General Trealury ; it being the Amount of their Account tor receiving and letting out the Town of Ncrtb-Ktngs- town's p.-oportionable Part of the lalt Bank, emitted in the Year 1743, being Two Thoufand Six Hundred and Ten Pounds New Tenor, and making Return of the Sureties for the fame, to the Grand Committee. It is Voted .ind Refohed, That the Sum of Fifty tv;o Pounds Seventeen Shillings, be allowed and paid 10 Jolsph Scott, Kfq; Sheriff of the County of Newport, out of the General Treafury -, it being the Amount of his Account, for Monies by him expended at Entertaining thofe Gentlemen that gave their Attendance at the Proclamation of Peace, // /; Voted and Rejohed, That the Sum of Twenty-eight Pounds Seven Shillings arid Six Pence, be allowed and paid Anneinil James Franklin out H of [ 3°] of the General Trcafiiry ; it being the Amount of their Account for print- ing the Votes and Proceeding;, ot the Gcneril AUcmbly, at their ScfTions in 'January and Fibruary lall, and for P.iper by tlicm furriifhcd for the i'ame. It is Voted and Refolved, That the Sum of Ninety Six Pounds Two Shillings, be allowed and paid to Jofepb Scfti, Elq; out of the General Treafury ; it bL-ing the Amount of his Account for Fire-Wood, and fjiv-iry other I^cccffaries for the Colony Uoufe, for Rugs lor the Goal; for \virning the Members ot the General AlTcmbly for the County of Nrxport, to nvjct at Providence on the 3d Day o'i January, 1748, with Horfe-hire, "xnd Expences on the fame, and for warning Judge Ricbmondi and all the Attorneys in the County of Nexifort, to attend on the Supe- rior Court at Providence, in Obedience to a Warrant irom ins llonour tlie Governor. "W herds Mefirs. 7(?i&« 7il!ifighajt, Thomns Cranjlcn, and James Shejfield, were by the General AfTcmbly, at their lalt Scinon, appointed a Com- ni:Ctcc, to take an Account of the warlike, and other Stores, and Mate- rials, belonging to the Colony, and make Report to this Affembly at their now Scllion ; and ihey having performed that Bufinefs, made Report as follows : ' TTCTE. the Subfcriber-i, being appointed by the General Affembly, * V V ;o t.'.kc ar" Inventory of the Warlike Stores, ^c. belonging to * the Colony, do Report, nccording to laid Appointment, as followeth ; ' We viewed at Fort G EO R G E, in the lower Battery, z':z. ' Twenty-five Cannon in Carriages, twenty-live Spunges with Staffs, ' thirty- fix Crab Handfpikes, four Ladles for the Cannoti, and four ' Cannon Wormers, Eight I lundrcd and feventy-four Cannon Shot. ' On the Platform, C^c. ' Twelve Cannon in Carriages, fix Worms and two Ladles for Ditto, * eleven Spunges one Speaking Trumpet, 25 Handfpikes, one Flag, ' and one Pendant, fivu fp;:rc Carnage Wheels, two Pickaxes, two * Woodaxes, one drindllone, one lion Crow, one Wooden Horfe, one * Wncelbarrow, Nine Hundred and twenty-eight Shot, eight Iron Pots, ' one Fi yan Pan. ' In the Magazine, viz. ♦ Seven 30 Gallon Cafks of Powder, one Barrel Ditto, and five Half ' Barrels Diiic-, twenty-three Cartridges fiU'd for the J4 Pounders, one ' Ditto fiU'd tor tiie 18 Pounders. ' In the Chamber •, ' Three Gun Ladles, three Worms, feventeen Sheepfkini. twenty-eight ' Piilols, feventeen Small Arms, twenty-eight Linftocks, one old * Drum, nine Cartridge Boxes, nine Powder Horns, I'eventeen Cartouch ' Boxes, four HalfBirrels fill'd with Granada Shells, one fmall CalTc of ' Muiqujt Cartridges, five Cartridge Formers, a Parcel of Match, ?. ' Qijantity ot empty Cartridges, four Cannon, four CutlalTcs, a Parcel * ot Mufquct Ball. •In [3- J ' In the State Room ; ' Thirteen Chairs, and one Tabic. One Triangle Gin outfide the Fort, one Boa: with two Malts and Sails, one new Barge, one old Barge at the Wharff. ' In the Gun Houfc on Fort IQand : • Sloop Tartar's Stores, viz. ' Fourteen Carriage Guns and the Carriages, twelve Swivel Guns, one Piir Gun Slings, twcnty-eighi. Gun Taklc?, fourteen Gun Breechings, One Hundred and ninety-two Round Shot, thirteen Sliding Shot, eighty-three Double-headed Shot, thirty Grape Shot, thirteen Bags Langrage, feven Lead Aprons tor Carriage Guns, bvcDiilo for Swivel Guns, (even fparc Trucks, feven fpare Axletrees, one large Ladle, two large Worms, one large Spunge, one fmall Worm, one fmall Ladle, two Iron Crows. ' Twenty-tour Tents, litty Tentpoles, for Soldiers. ' In the CommitTary's Warehoufe, Sloop Tartar''^ Store?, jiz. ' Ninety-three Small Arms, cighty-fevcn Fiftols, feventy-eight Cuc- lalVes, twelve Poleaxes, thirty-fix Pikti, ten Cartridge Boxcj, one fmall Cafk ot Mufquet Ball, Taklc Hooks, and Worms, a Parcel of Match, one Drum, one old Cafe, one Jug, two Jars, five Chells, one Cheft of Medicines, twenty-four Granada Shells, tv.elvc Linftocks, nineteen Handfpikes, thirty-nine Spungcs, Rammers, Ladles, and Worms, a fmall Parcel of Ropes and Blocks • A Parcel of old Tentr, two Field Bedfteads, one Cheit Medicines, ninety-three Small Arms, two Chcfts, two Cafk of old Provifionj, twelve Cartouch Boxes, for Soldiers. ' At Thomas Stevens Shop ; • One Hundred Fifty-nine Piflols, One Hundred and one CutlafTes, Governments. ' In the Powder Houfe, viz. • Thirty-five Half Barrels of Powder, feven Barrels of Powder, fix Quarter Calks of Powder, one Chert' of Cartouch Boxes till'd with Fowder and Ball. ' In Mr. George fVauton'^ Store, viz. ' Eighty-three Small Arms, thirty-one Cartouch Boxes, fixty-fivc Tcnt- poies. Soldiers. ' In the Colony Houtc, viz. ' Fifteen Half Barrels of Powder, one Cheft of Cartouch Boxes fill'd with Powder and Ball, uAe Calk half full of Mufquet Ball, One Hun- dred and Forty. eight Small Arms in 4 Chefti. At Capt. Sayer's ; ' Fifty Small Arms, feventy-levcn Cartouch Boxes, three Cutlafles j tor Soldiers. At Henry Tifdale'i ; • Twenty.fivc Small Arms, feven Dd cxccu'.cd by him, for laid Mortgage Monc>, pk-dging all the Fee Simple El'ate laid Brenton then had in faid larger Tra(?-, which is all that in FaQ was mortgaged to the Government ; for he could mortgige no more than he had. Now the laid Matihew prayed thi't this Aflernbly would order the Committee appointed in l'\;d Town of South- Kingjl own ^ to receive laid Morrgrge in Exchange for the other ot laid Brfuroii's,, and get the old Mortgage dilcharg'd, and the Bonds cx- chang'd ("he the faid Matthew paying what is already become due). On Conlideraiion whereof. Ihis /IJfetKbyJo Vote and Refolve, and it is berth Voted and Rtfolvcd, That the Pra^erot the alorclaid Alattbew'% ?tiii\oni be, and it hereby is granted. As thi=; Afl'cmbly have recciveO and accepted the Report of Peter Bours, Sarpuel IVtckharrf, and Edward Scoit, Hfqi-s MeiTrs. George IVantOK, James Shtffield, and Ibomas Cranjlon^ the major Part of the Committee by this Affcmbly appointed at their lad Seflion to audit the Accounts ot Mr Par- nid^e thf Colony's Agtnt, // is Voted and Refotved, That the Account of the Gentlemen above-named, be allowed, and the Amount thereof, being Twenty-four Pounds, paid out of the General Treafutv, for their Labour and Pains in performing that Service refpedivcly, to wit, 10 iMr Bours., Six Pound."; ; ro Mr. Wtikbatn, Two Pounds ; to Mi. Scott , Four Pounds ; to Mr. fV^icnrcn, Four Pounds^ to Mr. Shtffiddy Four Pounds ; and to Mr. Crarjisn, Four Pounds. Whereas Peter Bours, Efq; MefTrj. Thomai Cranfton, and "Joftph Whfpple, jun. were conltitutcd a Committee, to draught a Letter to be perus'd by this AfTcmhly, hgn'd by his Honour the Governor, and lent to the Agent ; and having perlorm'd the fame, exhibited tlieir Draught, // /.* Voted and Refohed, That a Letter of the lame Purport, be drawn, hgn'ci by his Honour the Governor, and fent to the Agent, together with a Copv of the Record of the Money burnt at the !all SefTion of AfTemblv held at Providence, and likcwife a Copycfihe ACt impow- crlng his Honour the Governor to draw Bills for what lias by the Colony been paid the Soldiers railed lor the intended Expedition againit Canada. It is Voted and Refohed by this AJfemhh, That all Bufinefs lying before them unfinilTied, be, and the fame is hereby referred to the next SefTion : That the Secretary, by Beat of Drum, proc'aim in Newport ail the A(5l.? and Orders now made and paff, together with thofe of their )a(t SclTion, within Ten Days, and fend a Copy of the Ads and Orders aforefaid, to each Town in the Colony, made according to Law, within Forty Days jilter the RiHngof this AfTembly ; which is hereby adjouincd to the third Monday of Auguft next. GOD Save the KING. /^/fc- Publijhed according to Order^ June 19th, 1749, by Thomas Ward, Stcrtiarj. /^/^0/l/^^-^ i'^/>*i t 37] jit /^^ G E N E R A L Assembly of the GOVERNOR and CO MP ANT of the Englifli {Colony of Rhode-lfland, and Providence-Plantations, in New-England, in America ; hepm and held by jjdjcruritmefit at Newport, ths third Monday of AugulV, in the Twenty-thrd Trar of the Reign of His Mojl Sacred Maie^y GE O Pv G E the Second, by the Grace of GODy of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King^ De» fender of the Faith, &:c. And in the Tear of our LORD, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty P R E S E N T, The Hpn. lyiLLlJM GREENE, E% Governor, The Hon. William Ellery, E% Dep. Goy. Pethr Bovrs, Efq-, Si mom PtASE, Efqi William Burton, Eiq-,^ Stephen Brownel, EfqO >4P. Robert Lawtoh, Efq; "> William Richmond, Efq-, (j/r» Daniel Couceshall, Efqj (* The Secretary, deputies of the icveral TOWNS. NEWPORT i Gierke IVanlon, Efq^ Mr Je/fpb^'biffk, jun. Mr. Thomas Cranjicn, Mr. John JiiUngbs/l, Mr. Nicholas Eafion^ Mr. James Sheffield. Pkovidencf. •, Jonathan Randal, Efq-, Mr. El'ilha Jircwn, Daniel Jencks^ Efq: Portsmouth j Mr. Oliver Earl^ Mr. John Allen, BenjawtJi Tucker, Efq; Warwiojc ; Philip Greene, El'q; Mr, Jahn Hclden, Mr. John Gr(ent, Capt Amos Lcckwood. WtSTEftLY ; Capt. iilas Greenman, K Jefhua Babcockf Efq; NewshorehaM ; Mr. John Littlefield^ Mr. Abel Franklin. North-Kingston i Capt. Daniel Hones. South Kingston \ Capt. Robert Hafzard^ Mr. Rowland Robinjetu Eats- [38] East-Grkf.nwicii Jejtpb Nicho!.!, Efq^ Capt. Ibtmas Sptncer. Jam v.i^ own j Mr. Daniel IVreden, Mr. Jojcpb Clarke. SmITHFI ELD i Tbcmas Lapbam, Efq; Ml. John Aldriib. be ITU AT E i Mr. Ihomai Re/pb, Mr. Ibomai Hv.dfun. GlOUC ESTE R •, Richard Steere, Elq; Maj. Richard Smith. Charlestown; Col. J of epb Stanton^ Mr. James Congdon. West-Green wich Mr. Jeremiah Ellis, Mr. George Gardner. Coventry j Mr. James Colvin, Mr. Benjamin l^icbcls. Exeter ; Cppt. John U^eight. M 1 DDLETOWN ; CapC. Robert Barker, Mr. Jonathan Eajicn. Bristol ; None. Tiverton ; John Howlands Elq; Mr. Edivard fVanton. LlTTLE-CoMPTON i miltam Hall, Efq-, Nathan ad Searle, Efqj Wa RREN •, James Smith, E(q; Cumber i. A>fD j 7/r^jf/ ff^hippfe, Efq: 7?^ ^ar/Zt-/, Elq; Richmond ; Jcfepb Clark, Efq, James Rogers, Efq; The Hon. JoP)4a Bibcock, Efq; was chofcn Speaker, during the Ab- fencc of the Hon. Stephen Hopkins^ Efq; Mr. Jofias Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Houfc. lfA7 HEREAS Peter Bours, Simon Peafe, and Gesrge IVantoH, Efqrs, W Mc(^t!>.fhomasCranJio», and James Shejiefd, were by this Aflcm- bly, at iheir laft Seflion, conllituted a Committee, to audit the Grand Committee's AccQunrs, and to receive of them what Money was in their Office, paid in for Tenths : And alfo to receive ot Jonathan Nichols, Efq-, the Three Ihoufand Pounds delivered to him by a former Committee lo be exchanged, and burn the whole of faid Monies when by them fo re- ceived, and to make Report of their Doings to this AflTtmbly. And rhofc Genilemen having pcrform'd that Work, exhibited an Account of the fame by them flated, with their Report thereon, as follows, lo wit ; Mr. Benjimin Nichols, one ef the Grand Committee, Rhode-lfland, i74f-6 ftt. To Cafh paid by ^jahleel Brenton, tfq; 174/. Jitnt. To Ditto paid by Meflrs. Benjamin Haiz'2rd, Thomas Cranfton, and John Cbanning, x Committee appointed by the AlTembly, — — • To Morigagcs and Bonds, agrfeing of of the thiid Bank, deliver'd by Jahltel Brenton, Efq; • To Mortgages and Bonds, agreeing of the icurth, delivered by faid Bremen, — — To a Number of Bonds without Mort- gages, of the the third and lourth Banks, Tn Morigagesand Bonds of the fifth Bank, To Mortgages &i Bonds of ihc fixih Bank, fv the Colony of Dr. L 1600 s. d. o o 6139 22394 17 3 36648 8 o 2383 101397 101966 To [39] L .. J. To Mortgages and Boncjs of the fcventh Bank, in New Tenor, £. 20,078 u. reckon'd in Old Tenor, ■ ■ 80312 4, O To Mortgages and Bonds of the eighth Bank, in New Tenor, _^. 40,001 reck- on'd in Old Tenor, 1 60004 o o To a Number of Bonds delivered by Daniel Updike, E^ci; in May \J46, 12029 12 o £■ 524975 '3 4 Mr. Benjamin Nichols, one cf the Grand Commiltee, to the Colony of Rhodc-inar.d, — — — — Cr. /. s. d. 1746. > By Cafh paid to Mcffrs. Samuel fVickbam, May 26. > and Abraham Redwood, a Committee appointed by the General Affembly, who burnt the lame, as per Report made, 1600 o 1747. > By Ditto paid to MeflTrs. Benjamin Haf- zard, Thomas Cranfton, and John Chan- II. s WHt III ' T J '^ a Committee appointed by the General AlTembly, who burnt the fame, as -per Report, ■ 2 1 241 13 o 1748. ) By Ditto paid to Meffrs. James iheffield^ ^ y arid 7homas CranJIon, a Committee ap- ^ " ^ pointed by the General AfTemhly, who burnt the fame, as /)fr Report made, 1 6700 o o 1749. 2 By Ditto paid to Mcffrs. Peter Bours, J r Simon Peaje, George Wanton, Thomas ^' ^'^ Cranjlon, and James Sheffield, a Com- mittee appointed by the General Affembly, to receive and barn the fame, — — — 26722 2 10 Ballance in Mr. Benjamin Nichols's Hands, 458 7 1 1 '7 6 /• 5M975 '3 4 hill:ngs and Tefi Pence, Old Tenor, as he is credited for in the aforegoing Account ("including in laid Sum, Eighty-eight Pounds faid 5^«- jamin Nuhots paid to Jofefb Turpin by Order of AflVmbly, for the fame .Sum lort by him of this Colony's Moneyj v.liich wc have burnt purfuant to the Act of Affembly : And that wc can::ot tind that there was Three Thoufand Pounds delivered toCapt. Jonathan Nickoh by any former Com- mittee i but fuppofe the Miftake to anic from the Article of Six Thou- fand Two Hundied and Thirty-nine Pounds Two Shillings and Six Pence, paid to Mr. Benjamin Sicbols, as he ftar,d; charged wiih in the Account above ftatcd. All which wc fubmit to chc Honourable General AfTcmbl^. Pkter Roi/Rs. Simon Pkase, Newprl^ Auguji 19. 1749. Thomas Cranston, Cjkorgk Wainton, James Sh^ff i elu." And now this AfTcmbly havins; taken the faid Report into Confidera- tion, Ds Vote end Rifohe, and it is bsrety Voted and Rephed, That the fame be, and it hereby is accepted •, and that the Account by laid CommiTtee ciiarged againft the Colony, for their Time, Trouble, (iff. in auditing the atorementiiincd Accounts, be allowed, and the Amount thereof, being One Hundred and Twelve Founds Ten Shillings, paid them out of the Licneral Trcalury. It n Voted and Rcfahedy That Peter Boars, Sirnrn Peafe, and George fVanlcn, El'^rs. MefTrs. Tbtm/is Cranjlon, and James ibtffield, or the .maior Part of them, be, and they are hereby conftitutcd a Commiftec, to fcnic with Bcrjamin Nicbds^ Eiq; (one of the Grand Commiaee, who is ap- pointed to keep the Colony's Mortgages, Tenth Bonds, and to receive the Tenth Money, (j^c.) refpccfling nil the Tenth Bonds, and the Mone\r received theicon, to ihe End of the Ycir i 74S, and make Report thereof to the Geneial Aflcmbly; And that faid Committee procure a luitablc Book at the Colony's Charge, to enter (uch Settlements in from time to time. And that the fame Committee be alfo impowcrcd to inlpc(ft into the Circumltances of all the Mortgages and Bonds in the Grand Committee's O.^ice. And wiiereas many Pcrfons who took up Money of the Banks cmirtcvi in the Year 1715, iT'iS, and 1731, have ncglcfled to give Tenth Bonds agreeable to Ad of Aflcmbly ; // is therefore furiber Voted and Rejched, That faid Committee notify all the Inhabitants of this Colony, by printed Advcrtilements, that if all the Pcrfons who have not given in Tenth Bonds as aforcfaid, do not forthwith pay what Money is due already, and give in Bonds tor the Remainder, they may depend upon having their Mortgages put in Suit : And that a Lift of all the Perfons who have ncglcc^vcd ;o give Bond as aforefaid, be infcrtcd in faid I 4' ] faid Advertifemcnt ; and that the fame be put up at all the Places where the Town Meetings are held in the feveiii Towns : An.1 that all Perfojis who have any Rc-alons to give why they have not given Bonds as aforefaid, jollify thcmldves ifi laid Committee, that their jMortgagcs may be laid afide, and not put in Suit. Whereas it hath been made evident unto this Aflembly, That Wi'Jiam Retd,oi Rcchefiir, had a Forty Shilling Bill ot the New Tenor, emitted by this Colony, burnt : /; is therefore Voted and Rejohed^ That the Sum oi1-dU9 Pounds New Tenor be paid to the faid IVtliiam Reed, or his At- loracy, by Befijamin I^ichc'.s, Keeper of the Giand Committee's Office, T)ut of the Tenth Money paid into his Hands to be burnt. Whereas Job Bennet, lun. exhibited to this Affembly, an Account of Charges againlt the Colony, amounting to Etghtyfix Pounds, for his own, and his Aid's affilliny the CoUeftor, purfuant to a Warrant from his Ho- nour the Governor : But it appearing, by his Acknowledgment, that faid Service was performed in one Day and and an half, this AfTcmbly are of Opinion, that Twerly Shillings per Day for the Pcrfons taken up, is fufS- cient, as their Charges were born ; that Eight Pounds is fufficient for the Ufe of the Boat ; and Fi-ve Pcunds for the Officer, // is thctrjore Voted 'and Refohed, That Fifty-four Pounds Jen Shillings of faid Account, be allowed arnd paid the aiorcfaid 'Joi> Bennet, jun, out of the General Treaiury. Whereas Jofeph Iref'^n, exhibited to this Affcjubly, an Account by him charged againft the Colony, amounting to ^hirtteA Pounds Kineteen Shil- lings and Six Pence^ for pub'irlc Servicc-s by him perfbrm'd, at the Requelt of their Honours the Governor and Deputy Governor : And this Affem- bly taking laid Account into Confideration, Do Vne and Refelve, and it is hertby Voted and Re/ohed, T hat Tea Founds of faid Account, and no more, be allowed and paid him out of the General Treafury. // Is Voted and Refclvcd, That Fifty. feven Pounds be allowed and paid Ann and "James Franklin out ot the Gtneral Trtalury ; it being the Amount of their Accourit, for printing the Votes and Proceedmgs of the General AfTembly, at their Scl^'ions in May and June laft ; and lor Paper by them furnifhed for the fain^-. Whereas Joh Bennet, jun. exhibited to this AfTcmbly an Account or Lift of Monies expended, and Charges, zvnoununs, to One Hundred and Four Pounds EiJevttt Shillings, which accrued on two Anions profecutcd againfl him by benjamin Norton, George Geulding, and John Clark, on Account of fcveral Negroes which v/ere brought into this Colony, and difpofed of as Slaves ; which Negroes faid 7»i, by Virtue of an Aift of the General AflTemhly of this Colony, took up as Prifoners of War ; On Con- /ideratton -whereof. This Aflembly adjudge Twenty eight Pounds to be a fufRcient Reward for Col. Updike and Thirty Pounds for Mr. Robinfon (who were the Attornies employed m defending againfl faid Suits/ It is therefore Voted and Refohed, That Eighty -eight Pounds and Three Shillings of faid Account be allowed and paid the aforefxid Jcb out of the General Treaiury. [ 4^] It is Voted and Re/ghtd, That Forty Six Pjiunds be allowed and paid Peter Bcurs, and Stmon Fta/e, Efqrs. and Mr. Thomas Cranjlon, out ot the; General Trealiiry -, it being the Amouni of their Account charged againft thcColorry, for exchanging Four Thoujand Srx Hundred Founds of the Colony's Tqnth Money, tor Bills of this Colony, which was paid in Bill* of the other Governments, Whereas Benjamirt NuhoJs, of Coventry, Yeoman, by Petition, rcpre- fcnted unto this AlTcmbly, That he took upon Loan out of the U(l Bank» a certain Sum oi Money, and gave a Mortgnge and Sett of -Bonds to the Gmnd Committee, and another to the General Trcal'urer, to fecure the Principal and Intereil agreeable tu Law, which were left by him in the CurtoJy ot the Commi[tce of laid Town o\ Co-jentry, who returned the fame into the proper O.Tices : Now the laid ^enjj^^An avcred. That laJd Mortgage and Bonds he hath fince difcovercd, a by I'omc wicked-minded Pcrfon or [""erfons to'ged, by altering both Mortgage and Bond?, by in- creafing the Sum whicti was payable therein, to a much largtr Sum than was mentioned to be due : And the faid B^r^jamin hath been twice fuadac Law already, upon two of laid Bonds, which he would not pay, becaule they were altered as abovefaid, and Itood Tryal, and finally recovered Colls. Now there are two more going to be put in Suit, the Time of Payment being elapicd. And as the laid Benjamin hath been put to great Charge and Trouble in the former Suits, he therefore prayed, that laid Matter might be cxamln'd into by this AlTcmbly ; and 'til that can bcdoae, that the Committee and Trealurtr may be ftopt fuing out any more of laid Bonds : ADd that this Afiembly would cancel laid lorg'd Mortgage and Bonds, and give Order that the taid Mortgage bcdilchar-ged on the Record"; of the Town cf Cevtniry, where 'tii recorded. Ajid the faid Benjamin further ofler'd to give a new Mortgage of the fame, ur other Land of equal Value, for the true Sum that he had, and to give new Bonds for fecuring the Principal and Intereil, according to Law -, provided this General Alfembly will order him to be reimburfed and paid what it has al- ready coft him in Money, Trouble and Attcntlance on laid Suits, wrongfully brought againfl him, which he apprehends to bcjufl, fince he was always ready and willing to pay what was really due on each Bond without Suit, and no more. On Conftder.nion ivkcreof. This ^jj'entbly do Vote and Refolve^ and It is hereby Voted and Rejclved, That Peicr Bours, Simon Peafe, and George fVanton, Elqrs. MeflTrs. Ihcmas Cranjlon, and James She^idd, be, and they, or the major Part of them, arc hereby conltiturcd a Committee to infpefb into the Premiles aforementioned, and make Report to next Seffion ot AITembly. yind it is al[o fcrlh;r Voted and Refoiied, That the Grand Committee and General Trcafurtr, be, and they arc hereby forbid bringing any Anions on the atorememioncd Mortgage or Bonds, 'til further Orders from the General Aircmbly, Whereas James Muffcy, of Alendon, reprefentcd to tliis AfTcmbly, That at the ScfTion thereof in Au^ujl znd Oiloier, 174S, Daniel J/ncks, Henry Harris, and Stephen Hopkim, Elqrs. were appointed Commiflioners, they, or the major Part of thcni, to run the Northern Boundary Line of this Colony, from the Stake fct up by Ntttbanacl JVcodward, and Solemcn Saffery, in the Year 164:, as by laid Afts may appear : But as the faid Com- t 4J ] Commiffioncrs have liitherio negiet^ed to perform faid Work, according to the Intent of laid Ads, the aiorcididjames Alulffv. and others, who are now untlcr the Jurifdiclion andGovcrnment of the J^rovinceot tbf A] ^Jjachu/el is - i><7y(as thc>- apprehend wrongfully^ pray'd that this AflVmbly would at their prefent SelTion, be pleis'd to appoint threc-or more fuch Gcntknncn, Com- rnidioners to run the Northern Boundary Line of tirr. Colon/, according to the Charter, who will underrake/uid Bufinefs, and go through with it. according to an Agreement ma'.le between the Coinrhiirioners ot this Co- lony, and one of«nd for the (aid Province, y^a«. ig. 1710-11 ; that they maybe iint3er the Jurifdidion and Government of this Colony, as they think by Charter they ought. On Ccvfidcration ivhereof. It is Voted and Re/olved, That the aforefaid Petition be, and it is hereby grajited ; And that Jonathan Randal^ Thomas Lapham, and Richard Sieere, Efqrs. be, and they, or the msjor Part of thein, are hereby conllituted a Commitiec to run the above mention'd Line: And they alfo are tully impowrred to appoint a Surveyor, or Surveyors, and Chainmen ; and to appoint Time and Place to begin laid Work : And thar the Secretary acquaint the Pro- vince of the :^/i?/rdri;(/ir//j-fi^v, ot this Afts beinpc part ; and to requelt tlieni to appoint a Committee to join \vith ours, in running faid Line : And that if no;ie be appointed by laid Province, that our Committee pro- teed and run laid Line ex Parte. ^^'[^tvtei^John Cranjlon, o^ Newport, Efq; reprefcnted to this AfTcnibiy, That while he wa"; one u{ the Committee for fitting out the Colony Sloop lartttr, Edward Kirbey lupply'd her with Meat : And while faid Kirbey was a Privateering, his Book-keeper ^avv in his Account, which was dilcharg'd by tHc faid yo^« ; but Ionic Time after, faid ATrV^i;)' coming Home, found his Book Jceeper had given in an Account (hort of what was due to him, and thereupon be apply'd to the faid John for the Re- mainder ; but he having nothing to do in the Affair (a CommilTary being chofe) he advifed him to apply to the AlTembly, who put him o?i for lome Time, throjgh the Hurry of Bufinefs, or fome other Caufe ; Where- upon the faid Edward lucd the aforefaid John Cranfton, lo that he has been obliged to pay Twelve Pounds Six Shillings and Six Pence, which he prayed he might be reirnburfcd out oi the General Treafury. On Con- /ideratioH whereof. It is Vtled and Re/olifed, That the faid John Cranjlon's Petition be, and it is hereby granted : And that fftid Money by him paid on the Suit ot the aforefaid Edward Kirbey, be to hiVn refunded out of the General Treafury. "Whereas James Daniel, an Jndicui Man, late of Scuth-Kingjlon, now ieC\d\n2 ^t CharlfJlowM, in the County of A7«^j-Coi<.'J/v, in the Colony aforefaid, by Petition, reprefcnted to this Aflembly, That on Sunday the 13th o'i No-jemker, A. D. 1748, while he with his Eamily were at the Pub- lick Worffiipof God in C^rt;/i»y?(;:f« aforefaid, his fVigwam in faid Charle- Jlown took Fire, and was in a few Minutes, with all his Goods, confumcd : That he had therein about Eighty Pounds, in Bills of Publick Credit of the fcveral Governments ; Forty-eight Po«ff(/.f whereof fat Icaft) he knows were in Bills of Publick Credit of the Colony of RJjode-I/tand, having received them but a few Days before faid Accident happen'd ; all which Bills ffave a few fcorch'd Piecesj were burnt to Alhes : That inafmuch as fo much of [44] of the current publick Rills of this Colony is aftually burnt and confumed, he prayed this AlVrmbly to order that lb much of the Money in the Hands ct the Giand Conimiuec, which is to be burnt, may in Lieu thereof, be given him. And whereas fcvcral of the Inhabitants oi did Soluh-KingJlewH, have under their H.intis, certified. That they are well acquainted with the aforrUid 'Jamci Daniel, and know him to have been an honeft induifrious Fellow, aii0 tiiat fhcy believe the Fads mentioned in his Petition to be true ; and therefore join'd with him in defiring his Petition might be granted. On Confidcraiion whereof, and it being made manifefl, that the aforefaid James Dari el hid Forty-eight Pounds m Bills of Credit of this Colony burnt -, 7/ h iberefcre Voted and Rffolved, That faid Sum be paid him by Benjanuti Nicheh, keeper of the Grand Committee's Office, out of the Tenth Monty in his Hands which was paid in to be burnt. Whereas Martha Straight, Widow of Samuel Straight, dcceafed, by Petition, reprefentrd to this AflVmbly, That her late Hulband inlifted into His M^jcfty's Service, to p:octcd on the intended Expedition againft Cc.nndr, uiider ihe Comnund of Capt. fVilTt.-un Rice : That her fa!d Hulband, In Confcquencc thereof, v>asfcnt with the Troops to Miirtha'a Vineyard, ar.d returned Home iick from thence, the tlurd Day of Jan. A. L. 1746, and fo con:inu'd fixteen Days, and then ended this Lite. The Ciiari;e ot Barial, and Doctor's Bill, wirh other NccefTaries in his faid Sickncis, coif the afortiaid MarihaTh\ny Pounds. And now upon the whole, fhspraved. Tliat as the fame had been allowed to feveral in the fame Situation, fhe might be reimburfcd laid Sum. On Cen/idira- ticn tihcreof^ '■This /tjjcmlh ^0 ^'^t^ t''d Rfjolvt, anJL tl is hereby Wottd and R'-folvcJ, Tf'ac Ikiriy Pounds be allowed and, paid out ol the General iVeafury, to ihe aforefaid Martha Straight. It is Voted and Refolve^f, That Forty five Pounds be allowed and paid'out of the General Trealury, to Dr.fV^lier Rodman, for Remedies, Drcflings, and Attendance on one /larav ftckin, an Indian Man belonging to Capt. Hepicins's Company, in the Year 1 743. It is Voted and Refalved, That Jofiab Arnold, Efq; and Mr. John Hull^ cSJameflown, be, and tbey arc hereby conflituted a Committee to make luch Repairs on the Ferry Houfes and Wharves belonging to the Colony, on the Weft Side of Jameflovcn, as are ncceflary, -and draw Money out of the General Trcafury to defray the Charge thereof. And it is alfo Voted and Rcfolvsd, That faid Committee be, and they are hereby impowercd to leafe out faid Ferries for one Year, tofome fuitahle Perfon or Perlons, upon rcafonable Terms ; and the Rent to be paid Quarterly. // is Voted and Refohed, That Eight Pounds be allowed and paid Samuel Lyndon, jun. out ot the General Trcafury ; it being the Amount of his Account for Powder by him provided for the General Elcclion. It is Voted and Refohed, That Mi. Eli/ht Brown, Capt. Jofepb Nicbolsy atid Mr. Ezekicl fVarnir, be, and they, or the major Part of them, arc hereby [45 ] hereby conftitiitfd a Committee to audit the Account? of the Managers of the Pravidtnci Lottery, in relpcd (o building Waybofftl Bridge, and pav- ing off the Benefit Tickets j and that they make Report to this AJtcmbly at their next ScfTion. // is Voted and Rffohed-, That the Sum of One Hundred Peunds be aJ lowed and paid out of the Genera] Treafiiry, towards repairing the great Bridge in Ne-wport^ called the Point Bridge : That faid Money be drawn out of ilit- Treat'ury when the lame is compleaied, by the Committee appointed by the aforelaid Town ot Nrofpcrl, to repair faid Bridge. An ACT for Regulating the Light-Houfe, Szc. WHEREAS this Colony hath erefted a Light-Houfe upon Btaver Tail, for the Benefit of Shipping coming into and going out of this Colony -, and it being ncccflary to eltablifh the Rules of keeping and fupporting the fama ; D E it ibfrcfore Enanedby iht General Jffembly, and by the Authority thereof ^ *^ it is Ena^cd, That there be a proper Perlon appointed by rhe Com- mittee who built the Light- Houfe, to be Keeper ot (aid Light-Houfe > and agree with him upon the bed Terms they can : And that he be under the particular Infpedlion of faid Committee, who arc hereby fully impowered, upon fuch Perfon's failing in his Duty, to remove him, and put another in his Room irom time to time. And faid Keeper fhall carefully and diii- geoily attend Kts T)iJty at all Times, td kindlin-y the Lights tromSun-fet- ting to Sun rlfrnp;, and placing them fo a? they tnay be moft fe^n by Vcffels coming into or going outtrom this Colony ; And upon Convidtion of NegleJt of his Duty, l)cfore the Court of General Seffions of the Peace within thi; County, fhall be liable to be fined according to the Degree and Circumftances of his Offence, not exceeding One Hundred Pounds Old Tenor -, two Third'; thereof to be to his Majcffy, to and for the Supporc of the Governmenr of this Colony, ?.nd the other third Part thereof to the Perfon or Perfons that fliall inform of fuch Neglcft ; to be recovered by Bill, Piainr, or Information. And be it further Enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That after the Pub- lication oftliis Aft, there lliall be paid to the Naval-Officer for the Time being, by the Mafler of all Ships and Veffels ("except Coaftcrs., Fifhing Veffels, Wood Sloops, and Veffels employed in bringing of Stones and Sand) the Duty of Eighteen Pence Old Tenor />(rr Ton, for every Ton, according to the Regifter of faid Veffcl : And the Naval-Officer for the Time being, is hereby mipowcred and required to demand and receive of every Maftcr of every fuch Ship or V^effcl, the Duty aforelaid, before he clears out faid Veffcl \ and to certify that he has received the fame, in the Pafs-port delivered to (aid Martcr : And faid Naval-Officer fliall keep a Book, wherein he (hall enter the Name, Burthen, and Matter's Name, of every Veffcl that fhall clear at his Office, which is fubjed: to this Duty. For alt which Services, he fhall be paid out of the Revenue arifing Irom faid Light- Houfe, fnv;'?rC/»/. and fhall Account to the General Affcmbly whenever they fhall require it. M ybid • [46] ^nd be it f/.fo EnaileJ by the Authority aforefnid. That all VefTels which Jhall ufc th'j Coafting Trade between this Colony and the Province of the Mafachu/eils-Bay, Conneiiicut, Nivj-2'ork, and Philaddphia, and all fuch Vcflcls as fh.iU import Spars, Piink, and IJonrds from the Province of Niw-Hampjhire, and all fuch as (hall import Provifions of any Kind from Maryland inA Virginia^ fhall by this Aci be deemed Coafters, and none othfrs : And that all iuch Coalters Ihall pay Ttn Sbillings Old Tenor, each Time they clear out. Ana be it further Enacted by the Authority aforef aid. That the Nnva'- OfRccr from time to time, be, and he is hf-a-by appointed to provide all Neceflaries tor the Light-Houfe , to be paid for oiifof the Money to be paid in t>/ the Mafters of Vcflcls. for the Support of faid Light-Houfc. w An ACT for hying a Drift-Way through Part of Middlcccwn- H E R E A S it is ncceffary that there Oiould be a Way for His _ , Maielty's Subjects to pals and rrpal's from that Part of Middlctczvii, in the County ot Newport, called Sachueajt Bead), acrofs to EaJion''% Beach ; for the Want of which, the Inhabitants of Little-Comptcn and Aiiddlelown , are greatly hindcr'd in pafTing to and from Newport, no pubhck. Way having ever yet been provided and laid out. T^E it therefore Fnailea, and it is hereby F.naEled by the Authority sf this *^ General Ajfimbly, That there fhall be a Drift-Way of a convenient Breadth laid out by the Town of MJddletown, from the double Gate on the Welt- fide to another Gate on the Eafl-fide or Eafisn's Neck (being the old accuftom'd Way) ; And that the Town Council of Middletown, are hrrcby required to Jay out laid Drift-Way, within one Mor."h from the Riling of this Cieneral Aflembly, in the Manner, and under the Direc- tions, that High-ways are laid out m this Colony, agreeable to the Laws now in Force in this Colony : And that the fame fhall be done at the Charge of the faid Town o\ Aliddletown. And that if there be any Pcrfons Land to be run through, in laying our faid Way, who will not grant the fame for the faid Publick Ufe, that the faid Town Council do proceed to agree with laid Proprietor or Owner thereof, anc pay therefor in the fame Manner as is dircftcd by othct Laws made for laying out High-ways in this Colony. And he it Enailed, That the faid Drift-way fo to be laid, fhall when laid out, be and remain a publick Drift-way for the Ufc of His Majefly's Subjects forever. 17 IS VO'/ ED AND RESO Ll'ED, That Peter Bours, Stmon Peafe, and George fVanton, Elqrs. MclTrj. Thomas Cranjlon, and James Sheffield, be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby conflituted a Committee, to receive of Daniel Updike, Efq; all his Accounts with the Colony, and examine them. That they alio examine into the Circum- flanccs t 47] fiances of th: Three Thoufdnd Pounds wliich was let out by the Colony to IViUiam Borden, and Report up(>n the whole to this Affcmbly, at their next Scfrion. And it is alfo Voted and Refolved, That Daniel Updike, Efq; be, and he is hereby required lo render his Accounrs to faid Committee. And the Prrfon in whole Hsnds the aforefaid Three Thoulund Pounds now lie, is likcwifc requfred to render an Account (hereof to laid Committee, // is Voted and Re/o'vfd, That the General Treafurer hire of fome pri- vate Perlbns, as much Money as is neceflary for compleating the Light* Houie, not exceeding the Sum granted for that Purpol'e ; including what hath by hiin been already expended : And that he repay the Money he fliall lb hire, with the firft Money thit fhall be paid into the General Treafury. Whereas Col. Benoni JVaterman, and Samuel Green, Efq; were by the General Airembly in Au^ujl, 1748, confi'uuted a Committee to repair the Bridgt' over Pa'.uxit River, called C.\pt. Benj. Grtvw's Bridge ; and for that Purpofe were iiiipowcred to draw Seventy Founds out of the General Trcalury, to de'ray the Charge and Expencc thereof : Who now (lowil) the /aid Beno»i IVaterman reported, That he, with the aforefaid Samuel Green, Efq; proceeded and made a thorough Search in :he Frame of faid Bridgf, and found one. Half the llring Pieces dcfeiftive, and a Thoufand of Plank wanting ; That they judged the Sum then granted, too incon- fiderable for the Puf pofe ; and thereupon concluded to proceed no further in the AfFiir. On Conjtderatien whereof^ Tbii /IJfcmbly do Vete .ind Refolve , and it is hereiiy Voted and Rejohed, That an a'.Witional Sum of Sixty Pounds be allowed and paid to faid Committee out of the General Treal^ury, to* wards repairing the aforefaid Bridge, when it is complcated, who are continued tor that Purpole. Whereas 5/;w« Peafe, John Bani/ler, md fVil'iam Paul, all 0^ Newport aforefaid, Merchants, and liege Subjeds of our Sovereign Lord the now King, reprefented to this AlTembly, at their lall SefTion, That they were fole Osvners of the Snow fViHiam, late of this Port, Plantation built, (commanded by Jo/eph Carpenter, and navigated with Englijh Sailors, all Sub'iects of our laid Lord the King) ; which faid Snow was cleared out at the proper OiTices in Neivpcrt dkiaxt^md, the ;2d Day of September, 1 740, for tlie Iiland of Barbados, having her regular Papers properly authenti- cated : And in Profecution of her intended Voyage, on the 30th Day of Oclober following, fl;e fell in with the Ifland of Martinique ('Diftance more tiian two Leagues), early in the Morning, v^hcn it fell calm, and conti- nued To until Noon ; during which Time, they difcovered a VefTel under the Land, rowing towards the Snow ; on which the aforefaid Capt. Car- penter threw out his E.igliJJj Colours, as is cuflomary in the like Cafes. Said VefTel belonged to the aforefaid Ifland oi' Martinique, and was fitted out m a warlike Manner ; who, after having come up with faid Snow, ordered her Boat out, in which they enterM her, took out the aforefaid Maffcr .and his Mate, intirely difpoflliring them of the Command afore- faid ; the Snow being a': that TinjC on the high Seas as aforefaid. And ihcy, the aforefaid Simo?t, John and fViIliam, further reprefented. That by f 4«] by thefe illegal Proceedings, thty are depriv'd, and gnevoufly fp'oil'd of their Sncw and her Cargo, to their Damage Thirty Thouland Pounds : That in this Cafe, the Pioccedijigs' of the FroicbKing'i Subjects are con- trary to the Law of Natiorv-s. and a high ContcrTpt and Violation of the Jate CelTation of Arms then lubfifting between the Powers at War -, and that all Pcrfoni of CircumftanCe in this Colony, are virtually concern,ed in this Cafe (tho in a more jiartitular Manner, thole immediately m Navi- gation j, as the Continuation of fuch Hollilitics, muft in a great jMeafure cleflroy their Trade, as they nrr obliged oftentimes to pafs and repafs in" their Voyages to and (roni thtf EnoUih Ifiands, by both French and Spen-Jo Ports ; therefore they intreatcci in ^rhalf of thtmlclves, and others con- cerned as alorcfaid, the Affiftance or this Aflcmbly, to direct Mr. Agent Partridge to make a pcopcr Repirlciuation and Complaint at Home, be- fore the proper Pcrions, for thefe Piirpoles (lor that they arc well aware,. 35 in iheCafcofCapr. Cain, that no Regard will be had tc private Rcprc- fentarions), that they, the faid Simon, Jvh/i, and IVilliam, may have Re- paration, and other Engl:Dj Sub|Cifls may not for the ftiturc, be treated with the like Sever i tics. They alfo furtlier pr.iycd Liberty to reprclcnt to faid APicmbly, That ttiey were in A/<2v lall, advik-d from St. Eufistia, to fend Cap:. Carf'tnier', for that the General of Alartnmjue had direc^^cd all the Capta'r.5 ihst Irad been taken, to aj'pear : Ihereforc they prayd thac this AlTenibly would permit ihem to have a CommrfTion for a Hag ot Truce, at their proper Co(r aiulCh.Ti^a, witli a Letter horn bis Horsoiir Governor Greene, upon the Premiles. Which being t:ikcn into Confidira- :ion by taid Aflembly, they ^*oted atnl Rejolved^ Thau fhr faid Simon, Jcbn, ind fri,'h<^e)i's l.\{{ Rcqueft . lo lail, A Gommiffion for a Flag of True?, !lnd a Letter from his Honcur the Governor, fhould be granted thtm •. But that the Confiderati'on of the other Part fhould be retorr'd to the prefent Sclfion ot AfTembly. AncJ now the fame being accordingly taken into Conlidcralion. This Ajfembly do Vote and Rejoive, and it is hereby Voted and Rej'civid^ That his Honour the Governor do, and he is hereby re- queued, in Behalf of this Colony, to reprefent the aforementioned Affair at Home ; provided the aforeiaid Snncn, John, and fVilltam, fee Caufc to prolecute the fame, and pay all the Charge fhall thereon accrue. L ii Voted anJ Rijolved h this /ijiemliy. That all Bufinefs lying loefore them, unfinifhed, be, and ih'; fame is hereby relcir'd to the next Scflion : That ihc Secretary, by Beat of Drum, proclaim in Newptrl, all the Afts and Orders now made and pafl, withm ten Days, and fend a Copy of the Adsanu Orders aforeiaid, tc each Town in the Colony, made according to Law, within thirty Davs after the Rifing ot this Alfembly ; which is liercby Adjourn'd to the F"ourth Monday ot Oilobtr next, if call'd at faid Time, by either of their Honour; the Governor or Deputy Governor : But if not call'd before, or then, that it be, and it is hereby Diffolv'd. GOD Save the KING. Ptihlifhtd according tt Order, By Thomas Ward. Seen. I 49 ] j4t the General Assembly of iJje GOVERNOR and CO MP ANT of the Englifli Colony of Rhode-liland, and ProvidencC'Planiation?, iri New-England, in America ; he^un and held at South- Kin gflon m faid Colony, the laH Wedntjd'iy of Oflober, in ihe Tear of our LORD, One Ihou- fund Seven Hundred and Forty Nine. A d in ihe Tn-enty-third Tear of the Reign of His Mofi Sacred MajeOy GEORGE the Second, h the GrAce of GOD, of Gfeat-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Dc* fender of the faith, &:c. PRESENT, The Hon. WILLIJM GREENE, Efq; Governor. The Hon. William Ellsry, Efqj Dcp. Gov. Peter Bours, Efq-, Simon Pease, Efq-, "V^'lLLIAM BURTOH, Efq ; ^ ■^ RoBip.T Lawton, Efq; Daniel LoGOESHALL, Elq; JfcOFfRV Watsoh, Efq; >m' Stivhiu Browkel, Eiq DEPUTIES of the llveral TOWNS NEWPORT; George ff^anicn, Elq; M r . Jojrp/t IV hippie, j u n . Mr. Thomas Cra»/l6n, Mr. J/fhn Tillingbajl, Mr. Nicholas Eafion. Providence ; Jonathan Randr.l, Efq; Sfffben Hopkin, Efq; Mr, Eli(ha Brown, Capt. John Greene (of Daniel Jencks, Efq; Cowjil), Portsmouth ; Mr. Jnhn fVarner. Caleb Htll, Efq; Westerly; fVtll. yintbony, jun. Efq; Capt. Silas Greenman^ Mr. Jchn Allen. Jo/hua Babcock, Efq; ^yARWICK ; NeWSHORFHAM J Pbilip Greene, Efq; Nonc. Mr. Jcbn Hclden,]\iv\. N North-" NoRTH-KlNOSTON V Col. Immanud Norlhup, Mr. Rcbtrt Eldnd. South-Kingston ; Cape. Robert Ilafzard, Mr. Roithnd Rebiujtn. EaST-GrEFM WICH ; Jofefh Nichols, Efq-, Mr. Duty Jerrauld. Jam tsTowN ; Mr. John Pain, Mr. Abel Franklin. Sm ITHFI ELD i Mr. 'Thomas /irnold. SciTUATK ; CapC. ^ob Randal, Mr. Gideon Hammond. [ 50 3 GlOC ESTER ■, Mr. JtfepB Windfir, Mr. Benjarrin Smith. CharlestowN ; Cape. Nathanael Lewis, Mr. Benjamin Ilex/n. We5T-Gr EFNWICH •, Mr. IVilliamC.umJicok. COV E K T P Y i Mr. John Greene^ Mr. John Ellertin. EXETKR •, Capt. John fVeighl, Mr. Benoni Gardner. MiDDLFTOWN ^ Mr. Jonathan Eajion, Capt. IVilliam Jurmr. Bristol ; Jcnathan Peck, Efqj Thomas Green, Efq; Tiverton •, Mr. Edu'crd Wanton ^ Mr. Abraham Barker. Little. CoMPTONj William Hall, Elq^ Mr. Jofepb Pukham. \\' A R R E M ; Capt. Benjamin Batten, James Smith, Efq; CUMBF Rl. AND ; Mr. Jofeph Brown, Capt. Edward Smith. RtCHMOND ; NTr. /*>;/' Clark, Capt. fames Risers. Jajhiia Babcock, Efq; was chofcn Speaker. And Mr. Jo/ias Lyndon, Clerk of tlic Houfc of Dtputics. WHEREAS Daniel Dunham, of Newport, exhibited to this Affcmbly, an Accouiu by him charged agaiflft the Colo.Ty, for his wilting twelve Days on the Committee of War, in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty-fcvcn ■, which being duly examined and confidered, fits AjTembly do Vote and Rejclve, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That the faid Account be Allowed, and the Amount thereof, being Twelve Pounds, paid unto the hid Daniel Dunham, out of the General Treafury. Whereas Cornelius ff^'aldron, of Brijlol, in the County of Brijlel, exhi- bited to this AlTcmbly, an Account by him charged againft the Colony, for repairing the Glafs Windows, (Jc. of the County-Houfe in Brijicl ; which Account was certified by Thomas Greene, Elq^ Sheriff of that County, under his Hand : And this Affembly having duly examined and confidered thi- faid Account, Do Vote and Rcfolvc, and it is hereby Voted and Rejolved, That the finne be rillowed, and the Amount thereof, being Eleven Found: Thirteen Shillings, paid unto the faid Cornelius TValdron out of the General Treafury. Whereas there was an Account prpfented to this AflTembly, charged againit John Mawney, Kfq; ShcrifFof the County of Providence, by Capt. Jofeph Olney, for repairing the GUfs Windows of his Majefty's Goal in Providence : And this Affembly having duly examined and conlidcred the fame, Do Vott and Rejtlvi, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby illowed ■■, and that the /mount thereof. t 5. ] thereof, being Six Pounds and Four Pence, be paid unto the faid Joftfh Olney out of the General Trf^fury, Whereas Brriab Brown, ETq-, Sheriff of the County of Kings County, exhibited to this Affembly, an Account by hinn charged agr^inft rhc Colony, for Money which he had paid fthn ff^ilfon, for repairing the Glafs Windows of the County-Houfc in that County : And this AfTem- bly having duly examined and confidercd the lame, Do Voit and Rifolve^ andit is her(h) Voted and Rt/olvid, That the laid Account be allowed, and the Amount thereof, being Nine Pounds Eleven Shillings, piid unto the faid Beriab Brown out of the General Treafury, /; is Voted and Re/ohed, That the Sum of Fifty Pounds be allowed and paid his Honour tht; Deputy Governor, out ol the General Treafury, for hi? hit Year's Salary, and extraordinary Service. 7/ is Voted and Re/ohed, That the Sum of Fifty Pounds be allowed and paid his Honour tlie Governor out of the General Treafury, for his fign- ing the Bills of Exchange drawn on the Agent, in the Colony's Behalf. "Wherens Pelt-g Brown, Efq; late ShcrifFof the Coanty of Ntwport, re- prcfented unto this Aflcmbly, That in the Year 1746, whilft he fuftaincd that OfHcc, one Robert Stevens, who had inliiled to go to Cape-Breton, in the Q^ulity of a Soldier, was committed to Goal in Newptrt, by Reafon it was difcovered he was a Sailor that bclong'd to one of His Majefty'a Ships of War, then in B«/?ck- Harbouf : In Goal he was taken fick, and a Phyfician wjs fcnt to him, who declared that he defpaired of his Recovery unlefs the Man was removed ro private Lodgings, there to be attended by a Nurfc ; whereupon Mr. brovon applied himlclf to his Honour the late Deputy Governor H^hippk, who dire^ited that he fhould be removed ; and John Eajton, Town Serjeant ot Newport, by Order of the faid Mr. Brown, removed him to the Houfe of Z,yir« Ladd \ fince which he hatli paid the Doftor his Bill, amounting to Seven Pounds ; and the faid Lydia Lddd hath brought an Action againfl: the aforefaid John Eafion, in order to recover of him Eight Pounds for the Board of the faid Robert Stevens z And upon the whole, the faid Peleg Brown prayed, that he might be rcimburfed what he hath paid, and that the Money for wh'ch the Town Serjeant is fued, with the Cofts thereon already accrued, may be paid unto the faid Lydia Ladd out of the General Treafury. On Confideration whereof, 7bis AJfemhly da Vste and Rejcht, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That the Sum of Seventeen Pounds be paid unto the faid Peleg Brown out of the General Treafury -, Seven thereof to repay what he hath advanced, and the Rcm»inder to fatisfy and pay the aforefaid Lydia Ladd her Debt and Cofls. Whereas Meffr3 D/inielUpdike, James Honyman , jnn. Matthew Rob in/on ^ and John Aplin, Attorneys at Law, by a Memorial under their Hands, have reprefentcd unto this Aflembly, That the Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature, ^c. in this Colony, have of late judicially deter- mined, that the Statutes of that Part of Great-Britain, formerly called England, [ sn England, are not in Force in this Government, except fuch a? arc intro- duced by lome Law of the Colony •, and thii, notwithftafiding that in all Time heretofore, the Courts throughout the Colony, both Superior and Inlerioi, have admitted fuch ot the faid Statutes as relate totheCocn- mOn Law to be in Force here, and have adjudged upon them as fuch, fo that ihrre has been no Occalion of an Aft of AfTcmbly for the formal Introduction of thole Statutes : But as the Cale now flands, the Laws ot this Colony ara .tltogcther inipcrfett, and fcarcely any one Liw-pro- cecdir.gcan he commenced or brought to Uruc. And now this Aflcmbly having taken the Prcmifet into Confideration, De Fete and Re/nlvc, and 11 IS hiTcby Votfd and Rifolvtd, That the Mcmorialifts be, and they are hereby conftitutcd a Coinmiueetc prepare l Bill for introducing into this Colony, fuch of the Statutes of £«^/c3»ia« are agreeable to the Conltitu- tion, and prcfcnt the fame to this Affemblv at their next SefTion. Whereas Ann and James Franklin exhibited unto this AlTembly an Ac- count by thetn charged againft the Colony, for printing the Adts and Orders o\ the General AlTcmbly, nude and part at their SeiTion in Au^ujt .'aft, and for turnifhing I'-iper for that Work : And this Affembly hav- ing duly examined the faid Account, Do Fo:e and Rcfohe, and it is hereby Voted and Re/olz'eti, That the lame be allowed, and Nmcteea Pounds, the Amount ihcreot, j^aid them out of the General Trcafurv. AVhereas Jofeph Smith, nf Smitl field, in the County of PreviJence, re- prefentcd unro this AfTenibly, that he gave a Sett of Bonds to the General Treafurcr, to pay the Intfrcft of feme EVonev by him hired of the Co- lony ; that a< the Bonds bccamr due he paid them, 'till onr: appear*!! with a Condition tor the Payment of a Sum equal to that mentioned and cxprelTcd m the Obligation, which is double the Sum that oughr to have been infcried in the laid Condition ; As this was an evident Miftake, the faid Jof'ph lome Years paff, when the Bond became due, paid the true Sum that ought to have been cxprels'd in the Condition ^ notwithftand- ing which, the laid Jofefb was fued at the lalt Interior Court of Common Pleas held ?.t Providence, upon the faid erroneous Bond, and Judgmcne •was given agairll him tor fo much thereof as had not been paid ; where- upon the faid Jofeph prayed for Relief: And this Aflembly having duly examined and confidcrrd the Prcmifci, Do Voti and Refohe, end it is hereby Voted and Refohed, That the faid Judgment of the atorefaid Inferior Court of Common Plea^ be. ?.nd it is hereby vacated and annulled j whereof the Clerk of faid Court, and all others whom it doth or may con- cern, arc to take Notict and govern themfelvcs accordingly. "Whereas feveral Bills of Exchange drawn by his Honour the Governor in Behalf of this Colony, on Mr. Agent Partridge, were protclkd : // is therefore Voted and Refohed, That hii Honour the Governor draw new Bills on the Agent, for the Sums contained in thofe Bills which already have been, or hereafter may he protefted, together with the lawful Da- mages and Intereft accruing thereon, and lodge them with the General Treifurer. It is alfo Voted and Refohed, That the Proprietors of faid prntcilcd Bills, receive of the Treafurer thole new Bills, m Lieu of the old Ones, if ihcy think proper : But if any of the Proprietors of faid pro* [53] protcftcd Bills, fhill chufe to have our Currency for them, they flull be paid by the Trcafurcr, at the Rate of 950 fir Cent. Advance ; and for raifing faiJ Money, thefe new Bills, if refufed by the Proprietors of the old Ones, fhall be difpofcd of by the Treafurer to other Perloni. And it is further Voted and Refolved, That his Honour the Governor write to the Agent, directing him to Honour thofe new Bills which fhall be drawn on him as aforefaid -, and if he has not Cafh in his Hands belonging to the Government, fufRcient to pay the fame, that he hire what (hall be want- ing upon the bcfl Terms he can, until he be in Cafh of the Colony's for paying the fame. An A CT againjl Adultery^ Polygamy^ and unlawfully mar* Tying Persons j and for the Relief of juch Perjons as are injured by the Breach of Marriage Covenants, J^E IT ENACTED by the General Ajfembly, and hj the Authority tj thereof. It is EnatJed, That if any Man or Woman in this Colony, fhall commit the Crime of Adultery, and be thereof lawfully con- rifted before the Court of Afllze in the County where the Crime Ihall be committed, every fuch Perlon iTiall be punifhed, by being fet publickly on the Gallows in the Day-time, with a Hope about his or her Neck, for the Space of one Hour ; and in his or her Return from the Gallows to the Goal, ftiall be publickly whipped on his or her niked Body, not exceeding thirty Stripes ; and that fuch Perfon or Perfonsfhail ftand com* mitctd to the tjoal of the County wherein convifted, until he or (he ftiall pay all Cofts of Profccution. And he it further EnaHedhy the Authority afcrefaid. That if any Man or "Woman in this Colony, having a Hufband or Wife alive, fhall marry another Woman or Man, and be thereof lawfully convidcd, in Manner as abovcfaid, the Perfon or Pcrfons fo otiending, fhall futfer the fame Pains and Punifhmcnt, as in cafe of Adultery, And he it further EnaHtd by the Authority aferefaid. That if any Officer or Minifter in this Colony, having lawful Authority to marry, fhall prefume to marry any Man or Woman that ht knows hath a Wife or Hufband living, or hath h?,d a Wife or Hufband within his Knowledge, and doth not know that faid Hufband or Wife is dead, or that the Per- fon offering to be married, hath been lawfully divorced, fuch Officer or Minifter fo offending, and being thereof lawfully convitlcd before faid Court of AfTize, fhall pay as a Fme to and for the Ufc of the Colony, the Sum of Five Hundred Founds, lawful Money of faid Colony, and be rendered utterly incapable of fuflainiiig any OfTice in this Colony. And he it further Eneiled by the Authority efsrefcid. That the Juftices or Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Afllze, andGener&l Goal Delivery, of this Colony, arc hereby authorized and fully impow- ered to hear and determine all Matters and Caufe: relating to, or O co/»- [ 54] concerning the of the Marriage-Covenant, by.any Pcifor. what- fotvtr, that is in 3 married State in this Colony ; and upon due Proof thereof, made againft any married Man or Woman, thar he or flic do, or hath wilfully and wiclcedly broken and violated the Marriagc-Covr- n?.nt, cither by nny Adt done and committed, or by a continual Abfcncc from nii or her Hufband cr "Wife, withour any juft CauIc, by the fpacc of ftven Years, then, and in every I'uch Cafe, to pronounce Sentence of Divorce, in F.ivour of fuch Man or VVomsn who fhall be injured by fuch Violation of the Marriage-Covenant ; ate. Degree, or Condition foev.r, to ufe or play at any of the fsid Gimc cr Ganu'i, in his, her, or their Houfe, Oiithoufe, Yard, Garden, or other Place or Places in hir, her, or their PolTtfTion or Improvement, Ihall for rvtry fuch OfTtnct, forfeit Jnd pay as a Fine, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, in Bills of Credit es afore- foid, for the fir fl Otftncr, and lor the fecond Offenct One Hundred and Fifty Pounds m the liki Bills ; And upon Convtftion thereof, if the Offender be a Rct.iiltr, Tavcrn-kcvper, or Innholi'er, or Keeper of any other of the Publick Houfci brfore- mentioned, his or htr Licence fhall be declared null and void by the Cour: where ht or fhe fh/tll be convidted. JrJ [55 ] And be it farther Ena[ltd hy the Authority aforefoid^ That all Perfons Betting at any of the alorelaid Game or Garner, flull be liable to the fame Fines and Penalties as. Perfons playing at any of the fsid Games, ?.rc by ihis Ad. And be it farther EnaHid bs the Aulbority aforijaid. That all Bills, Bonds, Notes, Judgments, Moitgages, Deeds, or other Securities, given tor Money, or Land, Houfcs, or other Thing's, won by playing at any of the afoielaid Game or Games, or by Retting on either Side of fuch ;\s play at any of the atortfaid Games, or for Repiyment of any Money lent, knowingly for fuch Gaming or Betting, fhsll be utterly Void : And that all the Town t ouncils in this Colony, be, and they art hereby required and commanded to take good Security of all Pcrfonr, that thc-y fhall hereafter grant Licence to, for Tavern-keeping, Innholding, or retailing ftrcng Drink, to comply with this A nnd Ireland> Kingy Defender of the Faith, &c. PRESENT. The Hon. WILLIJM GREENE, £fq; Governor The Hon. William Ellbry, Efq; Dep. Gov. Peter Bours. Efq; SiMOM Pease, Efq-, ( Sttphen Brown el, Efq-,] >yif}J}. James ARr.OLO, Efq-, Daniel Cocses Jkoffry Watson, Th OM AS W A K D, Efq ; Secret. Efq. ^ HALL, Efqj >^^. N, Efq; > Robert Lawton, Efq-, D E P UT I E S of the fcvtral TOWNS. The Hon. JOSHUA BJBCOCK, Efq; Speaker. NEWPORT; m Providence i George H^antcn, Efq; m Jonathan Randal, Efq Mr. Jofeph fFbipp'.!, j un. ^ Stefbcn Hopkins, Efq» Mr. Thomas Cranfltn^ ?s Mr. Elifho BrcwTit Mr. John ^ilUKghafi m Daniel Jentks, Efq; Mr. Nicholat Ealicn, Portsmouth s James Sheffield^ Efq-, sS CaUb Hill, Efq; mUiam Cs8 3 William ^ntbeny, jun. Efq; Mr. Jcbn /illtn, Mr. Thomas Brovinel. Warwicic j Philip Grecm, Efqj Mr. 'foim HjUtn, Jan. Capt. Jobn Grant, oiCoweftt. Westiillv ; The Speakci. NfWSHOREHAM * None, North Kinostowmj Col. Immtnuel I^orihup, Mr. Robert Eldrcd. SOUTH-Kl NCSTOWH ; Capr. Robert Hajzardy Mr. Rowland Kobinjon. East.Greekwich » Jofefb Ntcbch, Efq; IV Jr. Duly Gerald. Jamestown j Mr. Jobn Pattty Mr. Jtbel Franklin. Smitnfield } Mr. "fbcmas Arnold y Mr. Jobn Aldrich. SciTUATE Capt. Job Randal, Mr. Gideon hlammend. Gloucestek ; Mr. Jofefb fVindjory Mr. Benjamin Smith. Charlvstown ■- Capt. Nathanael Lewis, Mr. Benjamin Hoxfte, West-Greenwicm ) Mr. Samuel Hopkins ^ Mr. fVilliam Cumjloch. Coventrt i Mr. Jobn Greene, Mr. Jobn EUerton. Exetef i Capt. Jobn JVeigbt^ Mr. Benoni Gardner. MiDDLETOWh ; Mr. Jonathan Eaflon. Capt. JVilliam Turner. Bristol } Jonathan Peck, Efq; TlVIRTOM I Mr. Edward fVanten, Mr. Abraham Barker. LiTTLE-CoMPTON J None. Warren ; Capt. Benjamin Barton, Cunxerlamo i Mr. Jofttb Brown, Capt. Edward Smttb. Richmond i Mr. Jofepb Clark, Capt. y^wfj Refers. Mr. 7"/''^ Lyndon^ Clerk of the Lower Houfe. WHEREAS Jonathan Randal, Thomas Lapbam^ and Richard Sttere, Efqrs. were by the General AlTtmbly of thii Colony, »t th*ir SefTion in Newport, the third Monday of Augujl laft, appointed a Committee to run the Northern Boundary Line of this Colony, accord- ing to the Charter, (Jc. and the Gentlemen afore-named, having gone through that Work, made the following Report of rheir Condudt : * To the Hoo. General AfTetnbly fitting at iioutb'Kit)gJl»n, in ' and ior the Colony of Rhode-l/Jatidy on the lafl Tucfday of * February, Jnno Dom. i 7 4y. • TN Pjrfuanceof aCommifTion louigiven, for running the Northern • 1 Boundary Line of this Colony, according to Charter, (s'f. the Com- • mifTion bearing Date Sept. the 25th, 1749. we did feafonably inform: • the Secret.iry of this Colony, that vre had appointed to meet at Man'i in • fFrtntban, on the ninth Day of Ollober next following, when we would * meet LS9l • meet with vill be finilhcd in * the Year 1751. Q_ « And L«^2 3 And in t!)s Year 1733, the Colony emitted One Hundred Tiioufsnd ' Poundi in Bills ot publick. Credit, equal to Twcnc)-fi?e Thoufand Three Hundred and Ninety-fix Pounds Sixteen Shillings Sterling, fo be let out on Loan on Land Security of double cht Vilue, and at Five per Ctnt.per Annum Intereft, for ten Years : The Interell was to be ap- propriated tc purfhifing of Cannon for Fort George^ and erefting a Ficr at Block-ljlaiid ; the i^ to be funk by ten equal annual Pay- mcntj, four of which are yet outltanding, equal to Three Thoufand Six Hundred and Twcnty-feven Pounds Five Shillings and Six Pence Sterl- ing ; and the finlting of this Sum will be compleatcd in the Year 1753. • Again in the Year 1733, tiie Colony emitted One Hundred Thouland Pound; in Bills of publick Credit, equal then to Nineteen Tlioufand Seven Hundred and P'ifty-three Pounds One Shilling and Four Pence Sterling, to be let on Loin on Land Security of double the Value, ac ¥wtp(r Cent, pir Annum Interefl, for ten Years : Tlie Intereft was ap- propridied to the building of a State-Houfe for the Colony, and a Light Houfe ior the Benefit ot Navigation j the Principal to be funk by ten equal annual Payments, nine of which, arc yet outftanding. equal now to Eigne Thnu'and One Hundred and Eighty-one Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Four Pence Sterling •, and the finking this Sum will be complcated in the Year I7';8. Again in the Year 1740, the Colony emitted Twenty Thoufand Pounds in Bills of a New Tenor, equal to Eighty Thoulano Pounds of tlieir formet Bills, and to Fifteen Thoufand Eight Hundred and Two Pounds Eight Shillings Sterling, to be let out on Loan or Land Secu- rity of double the Value, on Intercfl, for ten Years, at Four p^r Ctnt. per Annum : The Intereft appropriated to building a guard Sloop for the Colony, and paying the Colony's Expences in the Expedition to the fVefihJifs ; the Principn! to be funk by ten equal annual Payments, the whole of which is now outflanding, and is now equal to Seven Thouland Two Hundred and Seventy-two Pounds Fourteen Shillinga and Six Pence Sterling -, the finking this Sum will hs compleatcd in th'' Year 1760. •• And lallly, in the Year 1743, the Colony emitted Forty Thoufand Poun.'i^ of the New-I eimr Bills, cqua, to One Hundred and Sixty Thouiand Pounds in Bills of the Old-Ttnor and to Twrnty-eighr Thoufand Four Hundred and Forty-four Pounds Five Shillings and ' Four P.ncc Sterling, to be let out on Loan on Land Security of double ' the Value, to p»y Intereil ten Years, at Four ptr Cent, per Annum •, • which was appropriated to puc the Colony in a Pofture of Defence. ■• during the War; the Principal to be paid in ten equal annual Payments ; ' and the v/holc of this Sim is now oucftanding, and is now equal to ' Fourteen Thoufand Five Hundred and Forty-five Pounds Nine Shillings • and a Penny Sterling ; and the finking of if will be compleatcd in the ' Year 1763. ' At divers Times, from the Year 1710, to the Year 1747, the Colony ' jus emitted Bills of publick Credit for fhc Supply of the Treai'ury, to • the Amount of Three Hundred and Twelve Thoufand Three Hundred • Pounds Old-Tenor 5 and tiiere hath been called in and burnt at Icveral Times. C ^3 ] * Times, from the Ysai 172S to 1748, One Hundred and Seventy-fix ' Thoufand Nine Hundreil -.nd Sixty-tour Pounds Six Shillings and Ten * Prnte Half-penny -, and by the lall Settlfmcnt of the General Trca- * furer's Account, it appears chat there was then in the publrck Treafury, ' Twenty 'four Thoufand Eight Hundred and Ninety-one Pounds Ten * Shillings and Ten Pence : From all which it appears, that there is now * outftanding of the Bills iifued to fupply the Treafury^ One Hundred * and Ten Thoufand Four Hundred and Forty-four Pounds Two Shillings ' and Three Pence Halt- penny •, the whole of which ovitltanding Sum, ' was iffued in the Years 1 746 and 1747, and is equal to Ten Thoufand *• and Forty Pounds Seven Shillings and Five Pence Sterling. • And the Parliament having granted to this Colony, for their Services ' in the Cape-Brctcn Expedition, Six Thoufand Three Hundred and * Thirty-two Pounds Twelve Shillings and Ten Pence Sterling, and the * Colony having paid by Order of the Crown, the Wages of the Officers * and Soldiers railed for the Canada Expedition, Three Thoufand Pounds * Sterling, the laid two Sums being Nine Thoufand Three Hundred and * Thirty- two Pounds Twelve Shillings and Ten Pence Sterling, are a * Fund for finking fo much of the Colony's outllanding Bills, and the * Reniainder, being Srven Hundred and Eight Pounds Fourteen Shillings * and Seven Pence sterling, is to be called in and funk, by a Tax on the ' Inhabitants of this Colcny. ' Th'j Reafon of the great Depreciation obfcrvable in the Bills iffued by * the Colcny, is, becaufe the Inhabitants of New-Engla»J conftantly * confumc a much greater Quantity of Brili/h Manufactures, than their * Exports are able to pay for, which makes luch a continual Demand for ' Gold, Silver, and Bills of Exchange, to make Remittances with, that the * Merchants to procure them, are always bidding one upon another, and ' thereby daily fink the Value of Paper Bills, with which they purchafc * them : And it is plain, that where the Ballance of Trade is againft any * Country, that f.ich Pan of iheir Medium of Exchange as hath a univerfal * Currency, will leave ihcm ; and furh Part ol their Medium as is confined * to that Country, will fink in its Value, ia Proportion as ihe Ballance * agamft them is to their Trade : For what hath been the Cafe with ' Rhode-JJland Bills, hatli alio been the Common Fate of all rhe Paper * Bills ifl'ued by the other Colonies in TJtw-Erglatid ; they having been ' all emitted at near equal Value, and have always paffed ar par one with * another, and confequentlj have equally funk in their Value : And this ' will always be the Cafe v;ith Infant Countries, that do not raiie fo much * as they confume, either to have no Money, or if they have, it muft be * worfe than that of their richer Neighbours, to compel ic to llay with * rhem.' Which Report being duly confidered, 7r.'is JJjembly do Vet: and Refolve, i\nd it is hereby Voted and Rrfotved, That his Honour the Governor tranlmic the Subftance thereof under his Hand, to Mr. Agent Partridge, to be by him delivered to his Grace the Duke of Bedford, one of His Majelly's Principal Secretaries of Stare, in Anfwtr to his Gracc'i Letter to this Colony, about the Bills of piibiick Credit emitted here, fjc. And alfo that a Duplicate thereof be fcnt to the iaid Agent for his own Ufc. And [64 3 And at the Reporr, what Dr. ■ J 710. May. — 10. OSiober — lO. l^cv. — II. June. — II. hhv. — 26. June, — 28. Juni, — 30. Feb. —37. June. —38. Mof, — 40. Sept. — 41. May. —41. 05lob. — 44. March. — 45. May. -45- ^n-'- — 46. June. —46. Feb. — 47. Feb. fame Time, the Committee aforefaid, prcfcnted with thfir foUowi . Ihe Colony for all Money emitted fcr TO Cafh emitted, To Ditto, • To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, —— To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, — To Ditto, ■ To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, " To Ditto, ■ To Ditto, To Ditto, Supply of the Ireafury. (,. 5000 ■ 1000 1000 6000 • 300 46000 tooo 1000 • 4000 30000 • iccoo 10000 • 8000 8000 lOOOO 15000 • 20000 45000 ' 60000 30COO /,. 3x2,300 1728 —29 —30 -3« — J2 —33 —34 -36 — 37 -3" —39 ■ For what has been bumt^ ~ — \^l'j.June. "DY Cafli burnt at fcvcral Times* Jj before this Date, as appears by< a Settlement of the General Trea-( furer's Account, — — By Ditto burnt this Year, By Ditto burnt this Year, B/ JD///(? burnt this Year, — — By Ditto burnt this Year, . Cr^ By Ditto burnt this Year, ■ By Ditto burnt this Year, By Ditto burnt this Year, By Ditto burnt this Year, ' By Dittc burnt this Year, By Ditto burnt this Year, By Ditto burnt this Year, By Ditto burnt this Year, 12550 — — 9019 16 10 360+ 7 9 6430 10 J T •376 J3 6 2381 6 I T 394« 2 6 1017 '3 I 35*5 9 1 4042 2 5 2626c »5 10 14077 9 2 88725 — — Ballance due from the Colony, £. 176964 6 10 T 135335 »J » T ^.312300 — — Wc [65] « TICTE the Subfcribers, being appointed a Committee to enquire into • V V the State of the Bills ot pubMck Credit that have at any Time ' been emitted by the Colony of Rhode-JJiand, do Report, That the Colony ' hath iffaed for the Supply of the General Treafury, at the Timej noted » on the Debc-fide of the above Account, Three Hundred and Twelve • Thoufand Three Hundred Pounds -, and that there hath been burnt at » the Times noted on the Credic-fide of this Account, One Hundred and ' Seventy -fix Thoufand Nine Hundred and Sixty-four Pounds Six Shil- ' lings and Ten Pence Half-penny ; and that there is now circulating of • Bill* of Credit emitted by the Colony, for a Supply of the Trcjfury, ' One Hundred and Thirty-jrve Thouland Three Hundred and Thirty-five « Pounds Thirteen Shillings and a Penny Half- penny. ' Peter Bourj, Ntwport, February 2'/. 1749. ' Stephen Hopkins, ' Daniel Jehckes.' And this Aflembly having taken the faid Report into Confideration. Do Vote and Refolve, That the fame be, and it is hereby accepted. Whereas Daniel Jenckes and Stephen Hopkins, Efqrs. exhibited to 'his Aflembly an Account by them charged againfl the Colony, for their Ex- pences, Time, and Horfehi.e, in atrending on the Colony's Bufinefs, relating the State of Paper Bills, (ic. On Confidcrarion whereof, Thti jljjembly do Vote and Refalve, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved. That faid Account be. and it is hereby allow'd •, and that Fifty-fcvcn Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Daniel and Stephen out of the General Treafury. Whereas Peter BaufSy Efq; exhibited to thi? Aflembly, an Account by him charged againft the Colony, tor his Trouble in ffating the Paper Currency, in the Letter fent the Colony by his Grace the Duke ot Bedford : On Confideration whereof. This /ijfembly do Vote and Refelve^ and ii is hereby Voted and Refolvedy That faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and tUe Amount thereof, being Fifteen Pounds, paid him out of the General TreafUry. Whereas Peter Eafton, Efq-, exhibited to this AlTembly an Account by him charged againft chc Colony, for Glafs, and new Leading the Win- dows at the Goal-Houfe in the Counry of Newport ; and the Truth of faid Account bemg attefted to by Joftph Scoti, Eiq-, Sherif? of faid County, this Aflembly, on Confideration of the AiTair, Do Vote and Refoive, and it is berei^y Voted and Replved, That faid Account be, and it is hereby al- low'd, and that Ten Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Six Pence, the Amount thereof, paid the faid Peter Eafion out of the General Treafury. "Whereas y^nne and James Franklin exhibited to this AfTembly an Ac- count by them charged againlt the Colony, for printin<; the Afts and Orders of this Affembry. at their laft SefTion made ; and alfo for Paper by thetn furnifh'd for printing the <.-ime : On Confideration whereof, This jijjimbh ds Vote and Re/ohe, and it fs hereby Voted and Refolved, That faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and the Amount thereof, bein^ Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings, paid them out of the General Treafury. R "Whereas 166 1 "WtvereM this General Aflcmbly, at their ScfHon in 08obtr laft, ap- pointed Mr. Elilha Bwvn, Jofefb Nicbols, Efqv and Mr, Samuel Cbace, Of tht major Par: of ihcm, a Committee to audit the Accounts of the Managers or Dircdors of the Providence Lottery, in Refpcdl to the build- ing ^^/'"'i^/ Bridge, and paying the Benefit Tickets j and alfo to receive fuch Benefit Ticketb at have been paid, (^c. In Confequence of which Appointment, tht Committee made the following Report unto this Affembly : "W E the SubfcriDtrs, being chofcn a Committee by the Honourable Affembly, in Oiioter lalt, to examine 'he Direftors Accounts, concerning the Providence Lottery, do find them thus : The fever a I Gentlemen, Director s^ ... Dr, TO Cafh obuined by them, in the Lottery granted by the Affembly, — — /. 1 2000 — — Contra. ^ - - - Cr, BY at many Benefit Tickets paid to the feveral Adventurers, as amount to the Sum of — £. 11650 — — And for which we have given Receipts to the feveral Direftors. The Ballance yet due to the other Adventurers, not paid bv fiid Dire<5tors, amounts to the Sum of » 350 — — Providence, Feb. 26. 1749. I' »tooo Elisha Brown, Errors Excepted, fir SamuilChacs, ^Cowmittti, Joseph Nichols, -s,\ The f'^veral Gentlemen, DiteflorSy ... Dr. Ca(h lodged in their Hands, by Mi-ans of the Lottery for building fVayboJftt Bridge, — ^. 30O0 rpo i 1 Contra. - - - - Cr. BY the whole of their Accounts for Work done on faid Bridge, as now complcat, examined, amount- ing to the Sum of £• 1610 7 4. The Ballance yet in their Hands, due to the Bridge, is 1389 11 8 Providence, Feb. 26. 174-0. EttSMA Browk, 1 (ACE, >( Errori Excepted, per Samuel Ch ace, >Committte. Joseph Nichols, S And now this Affembly having tiken faid Report into Confideration, Do Vole and Rifolve, and it it Voted and Refolvcd, That the faid Report be, ind ic is hereby accepted. , [67] And tt ti alfo farther Voted and Rcfolvtd, That the Md. Committet be, and tVicy arc hereby directed and impowered :o burn the Benefit Tickets by them received of the atorefaid Managers or Direflors ot the Providence Lottery, in Refpcft to the building H^aybcjjtt Bridge : And that there- upon they be difcharged from the Receipt they gave the laid Managers or Dircftors tor the faid Tickeu. Whereas the General Aflembly, *t their Scfllon in Hewporl, on the third Monday of /Jugujl laft, appointed Peter Bours, Simon Pea/e, and George fVanton, Efqrs. McfTrs. Thomas Cranjten, and fames SbffficlJ, or the major Part of them, a Committee for the Ends and Purpofes men- tioned in that Act, made to this Aflembly the following Report of their Condud, to wit \ Newport, Feb. 22. 1749-50 * To the Honoiirdbls General Ajfembly. * \\7E the Subfcribers, being a Committee appointed by the General * ' ' AfTembly to fettle with Benjamin Nicbo!s, Elqj his Account with * the Colony, rcfpedling the Tenth Money ; and to examme into the * Circumftanccs attending the Mortgage: and Bonds in his Hands, bc- ' longing to the Colony, Report as tollowcth, viz. That there is in faid * MVZWj's Hands, a Number of «c« (/f Bonds, and others, now due to ' the Colony, amounting to Eight Thoufand One Hundred and Fifty '• Three Pounds and Thirteen Shillings. We alfo find, that faid Mcboh ' has delivered to Mr. Peleg Peckbam, as by his Receipt, dated December 27. * L749. * Number of Tenth Bonds due from the County oi Kings County, ' to be put in Suit, amounting to Seven Thoufand and Seventy Pounds * Eighteen Shillings and Eight Pence ; and alfo a Mortgage Deed from * Henry Knowles to the Colony, for Three Thouland Founds, due in the ' Vear 1746, to be put in Suit, it being for a bum of Money formerly ' lent by the Government to IVilliam Borden. Said Nichols hath alfo ' fhewed us a Rcccipr from George Brown, Efq; dated OHober 25. 1749. * for a Number of Tenth Bonds due from the County of Providence, to * he put in Suit, amounting to Seven Thoufand Three Hundred and ' Twenty Pounds Seven Shillings and Five Pence ; and alio informs lu ' that there is due to him from the aforefaid Getrge Brown, Efq; on Ac- ' count of fome Tenth Bonds heretofore put into his Hands to fuc, the * Sum of Three Thoufand and Twenty-feven Pounds and Six Pence. We further Report, Thar we have received of the faid Benjamin Nichols, * Twelve Thoufand Nine Hundred and Twenty-two Pounds Eighteen ' Shillings and Seven Pence Old Tcnorj including in faid Sum, two ' Orders of Aflembly, for faid Nichols to pay Forty-Eight Founds to ' James Daniel, and Eight Pounds to fVilliam Reed ; of which Sum, we * have burnt Nine Thoufand Five Hundred and Sixty-eight Pounds One * Shilling and Seven Pence •, the Remainder, amounting to Three Thou- ' fand Two Hundred and Ninety-eight Pounds and Seventeen Shillings, * h^mg Bill* emitted by New-Hampfhire and Ccxw^if^/cjr/ Governments : ' Eleven Hundred and Ninety-four Poundi Sixteen Shillings and Six * Pence of it, is in the Hands of Peier Bours, Efq; One Thoufand and * Thirty-five Pounds and Sixteen Shillings of it, is in the Hands of Sirncn ' P'aje, Efq; and Ont Thoufand and Sixty-eight Pounds Four Shillings » and [68] lO » ana Six Pence, in the Hands of Mr. Jama Sheffield, to cxchinge Tor ' Bills of this Colony, to burn, or to be othcrwile difpofed of, as the • General AlTembly (hall order. ' We likcwifc Report, That wc difcovercd a Number of Mortgage * Deeds of the third and fourth Banks, that no Bonds appear as yet to be • given with them, amounting to Fourteen Thoufana Five Hundred and * Fifteen Pounds ; a Lift of which we herewith prefent. ' We alio Report, That Daniel Updike, Elq; was called upon to Ac- * count to us, who informed us that he wai noi quite ready : All which is • humbly fubmitted, by Gentlemen, ' Tour humble Servants^ * Peter Hours, • Simon Pease. ' Thomas CramsTom, ' George Wanton, ' James Shefheld.' To which Report, the fald Committee fubjoined the following Account. The Colony to the above iommhtee^ - - Dr. TO our Time and Trouble i-n fettling the above-men- > ^ „ tioncd Account, leven Days each, at Fifty Shillings, S ^' ' Peter Bours, Simon Peafe, •Thomas Cranfton. Gtorge JVantony 'James Sheffield. And this AfTembly having tnken the faid Report into Confideration, Do Vote and Refdve, and it is htrihy I'o'.ed and Refc'.vcd, That it be accepted, and that they, the fjiJ Committee, burn the Sum within men- tioned, in their Hands, as foon is ttiey have exchanged the fame into the Bills of this Colony ; and thereof make Report ro this Aflembly at their next SefTion. // is c.lfo Voted and Refolved, That the 'foregoing Account, by rhc faid Committee charged againft the Colony, be allowed, and the Amounc thereof, being Eighty-feven Pounds Ten Shillings, paid them out of the General T;ea;'ury. Whereas the General AfTembiy, at their Seffion in Stutb-KingflevKy on the lift Monday of February, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fctv-fcven, chole and appointed Gfcrge IVanlsn, Elq; McfTrs. James Sheffield, and Thomas Crcznjton, a Committee to infpcift into the double Mortgages in the Grand Committee's Office, and alfo to infped into the Bonds in faid Ofhct? : In Conlc.;uence of which Appointment, the faid George fVanton, James Sheffield, and Thomas CranHor.. having undertaken theBufincfs, madethc following Report of their Proj;refs therein. ' MemorAndum of Mortgage/ and Bonds. 1747-8. March 14. ' \\ 7 E find one Mortgage of Mr. 7"'"«'<2^5r(?«'», 'of Sctttb-KiHgslow>i, with feven Indorfments ' upon the back ; but laid Brown produced the whole ten Bonds, which ' makes it appear that the Mortgage is paid, and ought to bcdifcharged. 1748. [6-9] 1748. ■W'9' 3^. • We hrtd a Mortgage /or T\w) Hundred Founds, * given by Mr. Jablul BrcnUiUy deceai'd, ind three htonds given by ' Mrs Martha Church, for the Tiitw Sum (which are now in Suit) ; wlu.n ' paid, we think the Mortgage ought to be difchargcd. J748. Nov. 8. ' Wc find a Mortgage of 5dWH^/I>)r<'s, of Norfb Kings- * (ttvn, in the fccond Bank, with nine Inaorfmcnts *, and faid Dyre pro- ' diicing the Tenth Bond, wf: think the Mortgage ought to be difchargcd. 174^. Nov. 8. - We fii)6 a Mortage of Oliver /trnofd't, of Nfiuoporf, * in the firft Bank, with ail iht Indorfinents en the back, and a Receipt ' wrote in InWbj J ahletl Bfeirton^ but noi figoM ; vyc think laid Mortgage * pyght to be dtichargtd. 1749. Junt ^. » We find A Mortgage Deed of Jofrpb Hull, jun. of * H^tjtcrly, with but four Indorfmcnts UDon it \ and the faid Hull produced ' the laft. Tenth Bond paid, and no Bonds appearing in the Office, wc * arc of Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be difchargcd. 1749. June in. ' Wc find a Mortgage of ^oiiw 7>Ar/rr*s, of Smithficldt * with five Indorfmcnts upon the back ; but the faid Dexter produced the * two laft Tenth Bonds paid • We 3re of Opinion faid Mortgage ought * to-be difchargcd, Newport, Ju^ 14. 1749. * We find fix Bonds for Eight Pounds Ten * Shillings each, given by Daniel Knowles ; and the fame Bonds wc find * were exchanged by Jenffrj Hafzard, he having given fix Bonds in their * Rooni ; which fix Bunds of Daniel f^nowles, wc think ought to be * difchargcd * We the Subfcrlbcra being appointed a Committee In Fehvory Seflions, * in 1747-8, by the General AHembly, to infpeft into Mortgages and * Bonds in the Grand Committee's Office, do Report, That aecofding * to faid Appointment, we have attended faid Truft from time to time, * and have examined all the Mortgages and Bonds prefentcd to our View, * and have laid rhf-m by in faid 0on of Ste^phcn), ^ndBeri.ib Brown, Efqrs. ex- iubited to this ATembly an Account by them charged againft; the Colony, for Cafh by them advanced for repAiring the Goal in Kiugs County : On Confideration whereof, Tfis JjJ'ctnbly dc Vote and Refclvt, and it -j hereby Voted and Rejclved, That laid Account be, and it is hereby allowed 1 and that Thirty-one Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Nine Pence, ii being the Amount thereof, be paid them the (i\S Robert and Beriah, out of the General Trcafury. Whereas Thomas Hafzard, Keeper of the Goal \n Kings County, exhi- bited to this AlTcmbly an Account by him charged againit the Colony, for In ] for mending the Windows of faid Goal : On Confideration whereof, Jbis JJfcmbly do Vote and Refolve^ and it is hereby Voted andRefo/ved, That faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed ; and that Four Pounds Five Shillings and Six Pence, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Ttomas OMi of the General Trcafury Both Houfcs refolved into a Grand Committee, and chofc Bcnjamn Hafzard, Elqi a Judge of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Allize, and General Goal Delivery, to fupply rhc Vacancy made by the Dcach of Stephen Paine^ Efq; late one of the Judges of faid Court. It is Voted and Refolved, That the Judges of the Superior Court of Judi- cature, Uc Ihall fet and take Place in the following Order : JOSHUA BJBCOCK, Efq; Firft and Chief Judge. JONATHAN RANDAL, Eiq; Second Judge. fyiLLIAM HALL, Efq; Third Judge. JOHN PFALTON, Elq; Fourth Judge, BENJAMIN HASZARD, Efq; Fifth Judge. Whereas fundry of the Inhabitants of this Colony, rtprefented unto this 4iTembly, that the greac Bridge at Pauiuxet Falls, in the County of Providence, is very much decayed, the long String-pieces and Caps being fo rotten, that it will not be fafc to pafs over it in a little Time ; and as the i\\\jd Bridge ftands on the main Country Road, much ufed by the InSabitants,as well as other Tnivellers, and the Poft, it isabfolutely nc- ceflary that Something fhould be done concerning the fame : Whereupon thev prayed a publick Lottery might be fet up, in order to raife a Sum of Money fufficicnt to build a new Bridge with Stone Abutments at each End, and a Stone Cage in the middle of the River, which will be durable and laft a long while, with but little Charge to maintain it afterwards. And ihisAflcmbly confulering the abfolute Neceffityof keeping up a good Bridge at Patuxet Falls, Do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Re/ehed, That the faid Petition be, and it is hereby granted : And to that End, a publick Lottery thall be fet up, according to the following Scheme. The Lottery fhall confiftof 6000 Tickets, at Four Pounds Old-Tenor each 5 1652 of which to be fortunate, in the following Manner. Number ef Prizes. Valut of each. total Value. I of c 1000 is £. 1000 2 of 500 are 1000 4 of 200 are 800 10 of 100 are 1000 20 of 50 are 1000 30 of 40 are 1200 50 of 30 arc 1500 60 of 25 are 1500 100 of 20 are 2000 200 of 15 are 3000 300 of to are 3000 875 of 8 are 7C00 /. 1651 JL' *400'> .. T All C74 3 All the Frizes fhill be fubjeft to a Dcduifllon of Ten per Ctnt. to be applied to and for building the Bridge, and defraying the Chargci of the Lottery. And it is farihcr Vatti and, Re/ohed, That James Arnold, John Dexter, and Jeremiah Li f pit, Efqrs. with Meflfrs. Jama Rhodes, snd EliJJ^a Brown, be, and they arc hereby appointed Direiftors of the faid Lottery, and fh?" be allowed Three /»fr Cent for theii Trouble as Diredton. and for build- ing the Bridge : They (hali give Bond in the Sum of Thirty Thouland pounds, for the faithful Performance of their Truft, in the fame Manner as the Dirc<5tors of the hrovidinci Lottery ga?e Bond ; and render an Account ot the whole when finifhed The Time of Drawing the Lottery (hall begin the laft Monday of June not, at PaSuxst, if filled : Wheieof the Directors fliall give Notice in the publick Prints, ten Days before the Drawing. An ACT for Reiulaiion of th Money raifed by Lottery y to build WeybofTec Bridge. WH ER E AS there is now in the Hands of the Dircifio7k is hereby impowered to draw fo much Money out f^f the General Trealuty, as will be fufficicnt to pay tor il^e Tran- fporiA^ion of five Priloncrs only, Jacob Judah^ the other, not belonging to this Colony. And when Mr. Cranflon fhall have rtceiv'd faid Maney- he is to deliver it to his Honoar the Governor, who is hereby requefttd to tranfmit the fame to the aforrfaid Upencer Phip, Efq; \\h(^'(e?sJofeph Holxaay and Thomas liafzard, exhibited to this AfTembly an Account by them charged againft the Colony, for their Attendance on rhiv AfYcrobly, at their laft and the prefeni ScfTion : On Confideration V.' hereof. This Ajjembly do Vote and Refolve, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved. That laid Accoui.c be, and it is hereby allowed ; and thau Thirteen Pounds T en Shillings, be paid to each of ihem out of the General Trealury. "Whereas the Town of 'North-Kingnnwn, at a Meeting had on the Twenty- fixth Day oi /iu^uji, 1746, appointed MelTrs. Francis fVillet^ Roijofe Helfiie, jun. and James JVi^htman, a Tommittee to confider fome Propofals made by Mr. Benjamin Ctngdon, of faid North- KingHown, for exchanging a Highway on the great Plain, (£c. And the Gentlemen having ^fTumcd that Province, made Report to the Town Meeting held in North- Kingflown, the Twnty-ninth Day of Augujl, 1749- to wit. That " having viewed the High-way that leads froni Mr. Jeremiah Gardner'^, " and fo acrofs the Hills to the High-way leadmg to Rclert EUred'i, they " iound the Highway acrofs the Hills Ca'i it was fhcwn them by '• Mr. Congdon), to be in fome PUccs I'o very ftecp, that it is not pjf- " fable, elpecially with Carts -, and were of Opinion the bcfl Method of " exchanging faid Way, would b-,* from the Hich-way. that leads to " Mr, C 70 " Mr 1<^ 'rrtppSy and to go by Mr. Congdn's Horiie on ttie Flam, to «' thcHigh-way that leads to Mr. Robtrt Eldred's, according to* Draught •' made by Mr. Bmoni Hall, Surveyor, whicii Mr. Cofigdon would fubmit " to provided he m)ght have tlic Librriy ot hanging Gates, and making " Ba'rs at his Corner Houle, and at the Plain where the Hit^h-way turns *« to the Southward." Which Report was accepted by the faid Town, at the;r laft-mcntion'd Meeting : And afterwards, at another meeting of tnc faid Town, on the fifth Day oi December laft, // was Voted, That the Report ot the aforcfaid Framii FAlUt. Row/e Helme, and James Wtgbtman,, Ihould be laid before the General AflTembi,, for a further Santftion, and a more furc t:{l:ibli(hment -, which was accordingly done thisScffion, by the Deputicr of the laid Town of Norlb-KingniKv>t. And now this Affembly having taken the Premifcs into ConliJcration. Do Vote and Rejolve, and it is Voted and Rejclved, That the Exchange of 'he High-way, as fet down in the Report of the aforclaid Commictcc, be, and the lainc is hereby conhrmed. // is Voted im Refohed, That all Bufmefs lylne; before this AnTcmbly, unfinifhcd, be, and the fame Is hereby referred unto the next Seffion, to be held on the laft Monday ot ^pril next, if called cither by his Honour the Governor, or his Honour the Deputy Governor : If not called before nor a: that Time, then this AiTcmbly fhall be D-flolved. And that the Secretary proclaim in Nczvpcrt, by Beat of Drum, the Afts and Orders now made and pafs'd, within ten Days, dod fend Copiei of the lame, according to Law, unto the fcveral Towns, within Thirty Days after the RuTflg of this AiTembly, GOD fave the KING. Newport, March 12.1749. ^ulUJbedaccordhg to Order, hf Thomas Ward, ^cret. C I ] Jt the Gene R Ah Assembly of ihe G y E R N R ^nd CO M P A N r of the En^lifti Colony of Rhode-llldiud, and Providcnce-Planta- rions, in New-England, in America ; begun ay>d held at Newport, in (aid Colony, on Tuefday the JirU Day 9f May, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifty ; and in the Ttrenty -third Tear of the Reign of His Mofl Sacred M' GEORGE the Setond, by the Grace of GOD, of Grear-8ricain, France, and Ire- land, King, Defender ef the faith, &c. PRESENT, The Hon. WILLIAM GREENE, Efq; Governor. Peter Bours, Efq; Simon Pfase, Efq: William Burton, Efq;^ ") Stephek Brownel, Efq; >/^.WtLLiAM Richmond, Efq;^A0 Dakjel Cogo£sha.ll, Elqr The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the fcvcral TOWNS. NEWPORT; Mr. Natbanael Cc^ge/hall, Mr. Jafeph fFbipple, jun. Mr. Thomas Cranflony Mr. John Jillingbaji, Mr. Nicholas Eajion^ Ci^l.' Job Bennet. Providence •■, Mr. El^ia Bro-wn. Portsmouth ; JVilUam Anthony, jun. Efq; John Alkn^ Efq-, Mr. Thomas Br own el, Bmjfifain hickes. Efqj Warwick ; Philip Greene y Efq; Mr. Jofefb Lippit. West [2] "WtsTERLy ; Col Joj^ph Pendleton, Capt. Calel> Church. Newshoreham I None. NCTH Kl N CSTON ; Col. Immanuel Norlhup, Beriah Bro-wn^ Efq; South Kingston ; Mr Henry Gardner, Mr. Rowland RcHnfon. East-Greenwich ; None. Jamestown ; Mr. Eiiward Carr, Mr. Jofepb Chirk. Sm ITHFIFLD ; None. Scituat E i "Joh Randal, Efqi Mr. Gidfon HamvJond. Gloc ester •, ^gjor Richard Smith, Mr. Benjamin Smith. CHARLEiTDwK « Mr. James Congdon, Capt. Nathanael Lewis. West-Greenwich s Mr. 'Samuel Hopkins, Mr. H^ilUam Cum/lock. Cove ntrv ; Elijha 'Johr.jon, t-fq; Samuel Cooper, tlq; ExE T ER ; Capt. Wtlltam Tripp, M I ddletown t Mr. Jonathan Eailon, Capt. IVilliam Turner. Brtstol -, Jonathan Peck, Efq; Major Thomas Greene^ TivEB ton ; Capt. John Manchefter, Abraham Barker, Efq-, Little Compton Capr. John Hum, Mr. Jofeph Pcckham. "Warren ; None. Cu MB Eg LAN D } None. Richmond \ Capt. James Adams, The Honoarable Mr, Thomas Cranston was qhofen Speaker ; And Mr. Jos i as Lyndon Clerk of the Lower Houfe. /f is Voted and Refolved, That all and every of the Perfons, whofe Names hercaUer follow, having taken the Oath or Affirmation prcfcribed by the Law of this Colony, againft Bribery and Corrup. tion, be, and tncy are hereby admitted to give their Votes to choofe Officers for the relpedtivfe Towns ; and alfo to give their Votes tor the Choice of the General Officers of the Colony. NEWPORT; James Eafton, Clothier Pearce, Chriftopher Bennet, Gideon SifTon, Joieph Jacob, Daniel Amory, Daniel Ayrault, Benjamin Almy, John M'q'iellam, Jonathan Thurfton, Samutl ThurRon (Son of Edward), Ifrael Brayton, William Redwood, Ebenezer Davenport, jun. Aaron Sheffield, John Thurfton (Ta> /or;, John Harris, John Riderj Thomas Rodman, John Chadwick, Chniiopher Hargil, Jonathan Barney, John Jepfon, John King, Jacob Wilkey, William James (Son of 7o/;»), Benjamin Borden, Daniel Coggefhall, Benjamin Johnfon, Edward Church, Peleg Cranflon, Jolcph Tillinghaft, John Proud, Jofeph Proud, James Green, John Clarke (Blackfmith), Walter Rodmaji, Edward Belcher, and Samuel Greene. P R 0- c n PROriBENCE; Nathan Pearch, Joleph Turpin, BarzllUi Richmond, Benoni Williams, Pelcg Dexter, Philip Roberts, Jonathan Burllngame, Samuel Windfor,jun. Uriah Arnold, Thomas Angel. Edward Man- ton, Jonathan Pike, Henry Randal (Son of Jofepb), Jofeph Randal (Son of PnUiam), James Clark, Thomas Olney (Son of Thomaj), John Rutenburge, Jofeph Nafh, Jofeph Whipple, Henry Efton, Nicholas Brown, Charles Smith, Gideon Brown, Jabez Gorham, Abel Peacy, David Tift, Jofeph Kelton, Timothy Williams, Ebenezer Tyler, Charles Hickinbotham, John Owen, John Scott, jun; Stephen Angel, Stukely Weftcot ibe third, William Hammond, Jeremiah Hawkins, and Stephen Rawfon. PORTS M0U7 Hi Robert Burrington, jun. and Jofeph Cook. fVJ R W 1 C Ks Daniel Remington, Ifrael Arnold (Son of Elifha)^ James Cook, Pentecoft Sweet, Benjamin Sweet, Peleg Cook, Nathanael Millard, Randal Holden, jun. Samuel Gorton, Ttiomas Tiohits, Amos Lock- wood, jun. Thomis Stone, William Wood, and Anthony Huldon. IVESrERLT; Ifaac Babcock, Robert Burdick, Jan. Joleph Witwr, Jonathan Bur- dick, Jofeph Burdick, Hubbard Burdick (Son ot Robert). Thomas Fofter, Thomas Brand, Ezckicl Gavcr, jun. EdwarJ Kobinfori, Ben- jamin Hill, Jonathan Palmittar, John Weft, John Maxfon, jun. JohnCottril, William Hera, jun. John Witter, jun. Jedediah Davis, Nathan Lanphear, John Lanphear, jun. Daniel Lanphcar, William Clark, George Stillman, jun. John Stillman, Eliflia Scillman, Thomas SiflTon, Jonathan Palmittar, jun. Joleph Lewis, William Thompfon, John Chapman, William Chapman, lonathan Weaver, JeremiaK Crandel, Theo.laty Vars, Cornelius Srutfon, Roger White, Jnfias Hill, jun. John Feckcom, John Pooler, John Hill, Chnltopher Edwards, Thomas Weaver, William Saunders, Jonathan Brown, Ebenezer Burdick, and Samuel Maxfon. N O R T H-K f N G S 7 Ns Jofeph Northup, jun. John Briggs, Philip Tourje, and George Northup. S O U r H-K I N G S T Ni John Watfon, Nathanael Gardner, Jeremiah Wilcox, Jonathati Shearman, Moles Barber, Samuel Barber, Samuel Whaley, Peter Crandal, Stephen Cottril, jnn. Caleb Hafzard, Ebenezer Brenton, John Rofe, Jofeph Hafzurd, Benjamin Perry, Jonathan Hafzard, Thomas Haf/.ard [Sm of J^nalhan, deceased), Jeremiah Hafxard, and James Barber. E A S T-G R E E N JV 1 C H s Benjamin Spenfer, Jonathan Nicliols, Jeremiah Spenfer, William Davis, Samuel Sweet, Silas Jones, Jeremiah Spenfer, and Caleb Briggs. JAMES' C 43 yjMEsrofTNi Ger(hom Remington, John Remington {Son of Gtrjhom)^ and Benja- min Carr \Son of Edward, diceas'd). SMITHFIELD; Jofhua Smith, Jofcph Latham, Ananias Mowrey, John Wilkinfon, jun. Ifaac Mcdberry, Richard Aldrich, and Noah Whitman, S C I 7 U A T E ; Peter Parker, Henry Randal, Samuel Smith, Charlei Beers, John Young, Daniel Hopkins, Thomas Matthewfon, William Young, Jo- nathan '\ngel, Jeremiah Brownel, Jofcph jencks, John Randal, Jolrph Knight, John Potter, Caleb Pearce, Benjamin Daley, Samuel Daley, Caleb ( orey, Daniel Titt, David Brown, Elifha Barnes, Daniel Scott, Daniel Scott, jun. Job Wilbore, and William Aldrich. GLOUCESTER; James King. jun. David Thornton, Thomas King, Thomas Pollock, Samuel Short, John Benfon, Benjamin Phetteplace, Elias bmith, Henja- niia Mackintire, Titus ihornton, John Rofs, Benjamin Warner, Nathanael Kinibeli, Valentine Inman, John Thornton, Noah Aidnch, Nehemiah Lewis, Ebenezer Cooke, William Colwell, Jeremiah Bellue, and Jofcph Eddy. CHJRLES70fFNi Benjamin Braman, Confider Halls, Stephen Johnfon, Ezekiel John- fon, Robert Auftm, jun. and Job Taylor. IV E S T-G R E E N fr T C H; John Weaver {Son cffVilliam), Anthony Goffe, Abncr GofFe, Ben- jamin Sweet, jun. John CafeCi'ow ofjofeph)., and John Cafe (sc« ofjobn. Son of Jojeph). COVE N 7 R 2"^ Jofeph Edmond.cGESHALt.,Erqi( ^' Jeoff RY Watson, Efqj The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the feveral TOWNS. NEWPORT; Mr. Naibanael Coggefhall^ Mr. Jolq:h fVhJpp^e, jun. Mr. Thomas CranSJon, Mr. John lillinghajt, Mr. Nicholas Eafton^ Capt. "Job Btnnet. Providence •, Mr. EUfha Brown, Capt. Cbrifiopber Harris, John Andrews, Efqj Portsmouth \ William Anthony, jun. Efq; John Allen, Elq; Mr. Thomas Broivnel, Bmjamin hickes, Efq-, Warwick ; Philip Greene, Efq; Mr. Jofepb Lippit, William Holder, Efq^ John Wtflton, Efq^ WESTEBLr J Col. Jofeph Pendleiony Capt. Caleb Church. Newshoreham ; None. NoRTH-K I NORTON 5 Col. Immanuel Northup. Beriab Brown, Efq; Sou rH-KiNGSTOH ; Mr. Henry Gardner, Mr. Rowland Rjobinfon. East* C 7] East-Grefkwicm •, gg Jofcfb Nichols, Efqj g^ Cape, nomas Spenfer. M< Jamestown i ^- Mr. Edward Carr, *T* Mr. Jo/eph Clark. ^ Sm ITHFI ELD ; y.t Thomas Lapham, Efq^ gj^ Mr. Thomas /Arnold. ^_^ SciTTJATS i ^ Joi Randal, Efqv |tj Mr. Gideon Hammond. gg GlOC ESTER ; ^J Major Richard Smith, *^ Mr. Benjamin Smith. g?^ Charlestown ) ^ Mr. James Congdon, g^ Capt. Nathanael Lewis. J^ West-Greenwich ; ^| Mr. Samuel Hopkins, gg Mr. fFilliom Cumftock. m Cove ntry ; tj^ fl///*a Johnfon. Efqi gj Samuel Cooper, Efq; EXET F» J Capt. William Tripp, M1DDLETOWN5 Mr. Jonathan EaSioitf Capt. William Turner. BarsTOL ; Jonathan Peck, Efq^ Major Thcmas Greene, Tiverton ; Capt. John Manche/ier, Al>raham Barker, Elq; Little-Comptom j Capt John Hunt, Mr. Jifeph Peckham. Warren -, Mr. P^/cr Bicknel, Capt. Benjamin BartoMi Cumberland •, Jol> Bart let, Efq^ /o^« Dexter, Elq-, RliJHMOND t Capt. James Alams. The Hoivourable Thomas Cranston was chofen Speaker j iijvd Mr. Jos I AS Lyndon Clerk of the Lower Houfe. THIS being the Anniverfary Elcfbion of Officers, both Civil and Military, ilic Gentlemen whofe Names hereafter follow, were chofen to ferve the Colony in the refpeftivc Offices afcribed to their Names. The Hon. W ILLIAM GREENE, Efq; Governor -, Engafd. The Hon. Robert Haszard, Efq, Deputy Governor : Engag'd. George Wanton, t fq-, firfl: Affiftant ; Engag'd. Jonathan Nichols, Lfq: fecond Affiftant ; Engaged. John Potter, Elq-, third Affiftant •, Engag'd. J»/eph Olney, Elcii fourth Affiftant, who refufed •, and thereupon Jakz Bowen, t-fq^ was chofen in his Room, and Engag'd. Benjamin lutker, Elq-, fifth Affiftant; Engag'd. Robert Lawten, Efq; iijcth Affiftant ; Engag'd. James Arnold, Efq, fevemh Affiftant ; tngag'd, William Richmond, Efq; eighth Affiftant •, Engaged. Daniel Coggefhall, Efq, ninth Affiftant ; Engag'd, Jeoffry Wat/on, Efq^ tenth Affiftant; Engag'd. Thomas Ward, Efq, Secretary ; Engag'd. Daniel Updike, Elq-, Attorney General; Engag'd. Thomas Richard/on, Efq; General Treafurer j Engag'd, JSdiaard [81 Edward fhurjlan. General Scaler of Weights and Meafures, Col. Samuel Lyndon, jun. Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County bt Newport. Col. Beuoni fVatermaii, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Providence. Col. Thomas Hajzardy Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kings County, who refuted \ and thereupon Lieutenant Colonel fVilliam Pendleion, was chofen Colonel of that Regiment in his Room. Capt. John Hunt, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Newport. Lkut. Co], ff^illiam Brown, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Providence. tphraim Gardner, Efq-, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kings County. Major fying Speoner^ Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of IScwport. Major Richard Smith, Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Providence. . Cape. Latham Clark (Son of Mr. William Clark, dectas'd), Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kings County. Jo/hua Babcock, Jonathan Randal, Witltam Richmond, John Walton, and Benjamin Hafzard, Efqrs. Judges of the Superior Court of Judica- ture, Court of Affizc, and General Gual Delivery, in and throughout the Colony. Samuel Wickbam, Edwerd Scott, Daniel Gould, fVilliam Anthony, ]\in. and Caleb Hill, Ffqrs. Judges of the Interior Court of Common Pleas, and General Scflions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Netapoft, Daniel Jencks, Jeremiah Lippel, Job Randal, Jofeph Nichols, and Ihomas Lapham, Efqrs. Jufticc-s of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of t"hc Peace, in and throughout the County of Providence. Stephen Hafzard, Immanuel Northup, Jeremiah. Niles, Thomas Brown, and Benoni HaH, Elqrs. jtullices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General ScfTions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Ktngs County. Jonathan Peck, Matthew /tllen, 'Jofeph Rujfel, James Mafon, and James Smith, Efqrs. Jufticcs of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General ScfTions of the Peace, in and throughout the Coijaty of Bripl. Thomas Ward, Efq-, Clerk of th^ Superior Court of Judicatare, Court of AfTize, and General Goal Delivery, in and throughout the Colony, ' Mr. Jcfias Lyndon, Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Picas, and General SefTions of the Peace, in the County of Newport. George Brown, Efq; Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SefTions of the Peace, in the County of Providence. Mr. Benjamin Peckbam, jun. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General ScfTions of the Peace, in the Courvty of Kings County. Mr. [93 Mr. Ihomas Tbroop, ]un. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in the County of Briflol. Jofeph Scott, Efq-, Sheciff of the County of Newport. John Mawney, Efq; SherifFof the County of Providence. Mr. Rowland Rohinfon, Sheriff of the County of Kings County. Natbanael Bofworth^ Efq-, Sheriff of the County of Briftol. The Hon. Gideon Wanton, Benjamin Nichols, James Sheffield, Daniel Updike, Edward Scott, James Arnald, George Brown, and Gideon Cornell, Efqrs. the Grand Committee, or Truftees of the Colony, for figning the Bills of Publick Credit, err. And the aforefaid Benjamin Nichols^ Efq; is alfo chofen and appointed to take the Care and Charge of the Colony's Bonds and Mortgages, and to receive the Monies due and to be due thereon ; and alfo to make and give proper Acquittances and Dif- charges on the Mortgages ; orotherwife, upon the Receit of any of the Colony's Money : And in Cafe of Non-payment, to put in Suit the Bonds and Mortgages of all fuch as fhall refufe or omit to make due Payment. JUSTICES of ihe Peace for the feveral Totpns iti the Colony. NEPFPORT; Abraham Borden, Samuel CoHJns, Ebenezcr Richardfon, Barnabas Hargil, Jeremiah Clark, Thomas Ward, Handicy Chipman, Peter Eafton, Martin Howard. Providence ; George Taylor, Henry Harris, Chriftopher Harris, Edward Sheldon, Zuricl Waterman, Jofeph Harris, John Burton, Jofeph Snow, Eberiezer Jencks, John Andrews, Jofeph Potter, Matthew Manchefter, Richard Waterman. Port/mouth ; "William Sanford, William Hall, Stephen Brayton, Benjamin Fifh, Colcb AlUo, Thomas Siffon, IVarwick ; Samuel Stafford, John Warner, James Green (Son William). Weprly ; William Babcock, William Hern. Benjamin Randal, Jofeph Crandal, Benoni Smith, John Larkin, Daniel M'Koon. Nortb-KingHown ; Edward Dy re, jun. Jofeph Cafe, Robert Hafzard, James Gardner, John Congdon, Samuel Thomas. South-Kingftown ; Samuel Tift, jun- John Cafe, C Benjamin Potter. Eajt Greenwich ; "William Spenfer, John Langford, John Olin, Samuel Sowle, Thomas Spencer (Son of of John). Smiihfield ; William Arnold, Thomas Saylcs, Thomas Steer, "William Jencks, Thomas Arnold, Thomas Owens. Scituate j Benjamin Fiflc, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, John Edwards. Glocejitr -, Richard Steer, John Smith, Andrew Brown, Abraham Tourtelott, Richard Smith. Charles. [ 10] Charlidowu ; John HiJ!, Benjamin Hoxfey, John Congdon. JFeJl-Cinenuiicb , Jeremiah Ellis, Samu:l Hopkins, WUliam Cumftock, George Gardner. Coventry ; Eliflia Johnfon, Samuel Cooper, Caleb Greene, George Hall, Thomas Macthewfon, Randal Rice. Exeter ; Nicholas Gardner, Jcoffry Champlin, Peleg Tripp, George Reynolds, Robert Moon. Middletown j Thomas Gould, Joihua Coggelhall {Son of Thomas^, Joihua Coggefnall (Son of James). Brijlol ; Shcerjafhub Bourn, George Dunbar, Nathanael Fales, Nathanael Pearce, William Munroe, Tiverton \ Jofcph Anthony, Philip Tabor, Abraham Barker, Wefton Hickcs, ReftcomcSanford. Little- Campion •, Samuel Wilbore, Jofeph Wood, Nathanael Scarl, Jeremiah Brownel. JVcrren j Benjamin Miller, John Kinnicutt, Edward Luther, Peter Bicknel, Ebenezer Allen. Cumberland i Job Bartlet, Samuel Bartlet, Ifrael Whipple, John Dexter. Richmond ; Stephen Richmond, Jofcph Clark, Samuel Tift, Robert Lillibridge. Capt. JValter Chaloner chofen Captain of Fort George, on Goaz-Ifland. o FFICEE.B to command tKt' Cav-eral Connpanica ofMilitin, OF train'd Bands, in each Town throughout the Colony. N E PF P O R T; Firji Company : Jonathan Htath, taptainy James Tinner, Lieutinant, Chriftophcr Lindfey, Enjf^n. Seeon-^ Company : Benjamin Sherburn, Captain, Kendal Nichols, jun, lieutenant, John Simplon, jun. tnjlgn. Third Company : Daniel Dunham, jun. Captain, John Pitman, Ueu- tenant, Henry Blifs, Enfign. Fourth Company : John Belitho, Captain, Oliver Betrc, Lituttnant, Richard Whitehorn, En/ign. PROVIDENCE'. Firjl Company : Roger Kinnicut, Captain, Benjamin Eddy, Lieutenanty Thomas Olncy (Son of Thomas j, Enfign. Secjnd Company : John Clark, Captain, John Warner, Lieutenanty William Dyrc, tn/ign. Third Companj ; John Water.ran (Son of RcfolvcdJ, Qtptaso, Amos Weftcot, Lieutenant, Daniel S ' ague, Enfign. Fourth Company : John Dexter, jun. Captain, Samuel Aborn,jun» Lieutenant, Stephen Hawkin?, Enfign, Fifth Company : Matthev/ Manchefter, Captain, Jonathan Knight, juiu Lieutenant. Daniel Burlinj^ame, Enfign, PORTS' [ II : P R 7 S MO V f Hi Clark Cornel, Captain^ John Fiih, Lieutena»ty Henry Brightmanj En/ign, W A RW ICKs Firji Company : John Green CSon of Peter), Captain, John Wells, Lieutenant, James Arnold, jun. Enji^n. Second Company : Thomas Wickes (Son of Thomas), Captain, Tho- mas Remington, Lieutenant, John Wickes, Enfign. Ihird Company : Mofes Budlong, Captain, Richard Eftis, Lieutenant, Thomas Rice, jun. Enfign. WEsTERLT'y FirJi Company : Elias Thompfon, Captain, Jofeph Lewis, jun. hieU' tenant, Eliiha Clark, Enfign. Second Company : Benjamin Randal, Ca//fl/"», Jonathan Wells, LjVk- tenant, Jofeph Maccoon, Enfign. Third Company : Samuel Gaver, Captain, Jofeph Crandal ("Son of Jofeph), Lieuteitant, Stephen Saunders, Enjtgn. Fourth Company : Thomas Folter, Captain, Matthew Green, Lieu* tenant, Edward Robinfon, tnjign. N E WS H R E HA Mi Robert Hull, Captain, John Dodge, Lieutenant, John Littleficld, En^figH. N R7 H-K I N G S 7 O ^■, JurJ} Ctmfanj . ]oa*tlia.a Allen, Ca^cairty ArtbUF AyllWOrth, Ltm" tenant Philip Card, Enfign. iecond Company : Samuel Albro, Captain, Samuel Browning, jun. Lieutenant, Eber Shearman, jun. Enfign- Third Company : Samuel Thomas, Captain, Bencdift Eldrcd» Liiti* lehont, Ebenezcr Brown, Enfign. S OUT H-K I N G S 7 O Ni FirJi Company : Ihomas Browning, Captain, John Steadnun, Lieu- tenant, William Congdon (Son cf Jofeph), Enfign. Setond Company : Jirah Mumford, Captain, Nathan Tift, Lkutenanl, Samuel Bibcock, jun- Enfign. Third Company : Paul Woodbridge, Captain, Henry Gardner (the third). Lieutenant , Miichel Cafe, Enfign. EAST-GREENWICH; Firft Company : Jofeph Stafford, Captain, Abiel Hall, Lieutenant, Rufus Spencer, Enfign, S-'cond Compa)^ : Richard Wearer, Captain, Benjamin Corey, IrfVtf- tenant, John GifFord, Enfign. JAMESTOWN', Samuel Slocum, Captain, George Franklin, Ueuttnani, Benjamin Carr ("Son of Edward, deceas'dj, Etj/ign^ [ la] S M I r H F I E LB% Firff Company • John Angel, Capt-ain, William Brown, Licutenanti Daniel "Wilbore, Enftgn, Second Company : Daniel Arnold, Captain^ Stephen Sly, Lieutenant, Jeremiah Cumftock, Enji^n. Ibird Company : Refolvcd Waterman, Captain^ Elnoch Barnes, Lieu- tenant, Abraham Windlor, Enfign. S C I 1 U AT E; Firfi Company : Amos Hammond, Cflp/flj», John Filk, L/«/f»fl»;, Chriftophcr Relph, Enftgn. Second Company : Samuel Dorrence, Captain, George Dorrence, jun. Lieutenant, William Tyler, £»/7^«. 7bird Gcmpany : John Hulet, Captain, Jofeph W Ukinhn, Lieutenant, Ezekiel Hopkins, jun. En^gn. GLOCESTER; Firji Company : Timothy Wilmoth, Captain, Silas Williams, Lieu- tenant, James Cowen, F.njign, Second Company : Ezekiel Smith, Captain, Elias Smith, Lieutenant, John Rofs, Enftgn. CHARLESTOrVN; Peleg Crofs, Captain, Enoch Kinyon, jun. Lieutenant, Samuel SiantOD, -£»/%«• PT E S T-G R E E N IV I C H; Firft Company : Ezekiel Whitford, Captain, Daniel Hill, jun. ZiV«- tenant, John Albro, b.nflgn. Second Company : John Weight, Captain, Jofeph Nichols, Lieutenant, Griffcn Sweet, Enfign. C V E N 7 R T; Firft Company : John Allerton, jun. Captain, Stephen Colvin, Lieu- tenant, William Nichols, Enfign. Second Company : Benjamin Nichols, Captain, Alexander Dixfon, Lieutenant, Thotrws Nichols, Enfign. EXETER-., Firft Company : Samuel Gardner, Captain, Benjamin Lawton, Lieu- tenant, John Cafey, tnfign. Second Company : Peleg Thomas, C/7/)/(J;«, John Rathburn (/£>* /ifc/W), Lieutenant, Stephen Auftin, Enfign. MIDDLETOJVNs John Barker, Captain, Benjamin Smith, Lieutenant, Nicholas Brown, Enftgn. BRISTOL; Nathanael Pearce, Captain, Bcnnet Munro, Lieutenant, JohnThroop, jun. Enfign. TIVERTON; Firft Company: William Manchefter (Son of John), Gap/tf;», Jofeph Cfandal, Lieutenant, Cornelius Soule, Enfign, Sicond C 13 ] Second Company : William Cook, Captain, John Thomas, Lieutenant^ Oliver Cook, Etiff^n, LITTLE. GOMPION; Edward Irifh, Captain^ Benjamin Simmonds, Lieutenant, Jonathan Records, ttifign. WA R R E N; John Adams, Captain, Solomon Feck, Lieutenant, John Eftabrook, CUMBERLAND; Gideon Tower, Captain, John Nicholfon, Lieutenant, David Raze, En^gn. R I C H M O 10 D; Jofcph Enos, jun. Captain, James James, Lieutenant, Thoma* Rogers, Enfign. N EfrPO RT Traop of Horfe ; Sylvefter Woodman, Captain, Richard Grcenhill, Lieutenant. Sa- muel Buyhy (of Litt/e-Cempion), Cornets /T is Voted and Refohed, That the Choice of CommilTion Officers Tor the Troop of Horfe in the County of Providence, b;, and the lame is hereby referred unto the next aeflion ot this Aflembl/. It is Voted and Refolved, That the Choic* of Committees of the feve« fal Towns, for the Management of the Colony's Money let or to be let on L.oan, be, and the fame is hereby referred unto the next Scffion of this AlTcrabljr. "Whereas Anne and Jamis Frcnklin, exhibited to this AfTembly ati Account by them charged againll the Colony, for printing the Adts and Orders of the General Aflcmbly, made and paft at their Sefiion held in South.Kingjlon the laft Tuefday of February lall, and for Paper by them furnifhed for that Service : Which being duly examined, This AJfembly do Vote and Rejolve, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That the (aid Account be allowed, and Thirty-fix Pounds Nineteen Shillings, the Amount thereof, paid unto the faid Anne and James Franklin out of the General Tresfury. The Gentlemen appointed by the AfTembly, at their Scffion in February lalt, to fettle the Account of Daniel Updike, Efqj with the Colony, i^c. made the following Report : ' To thf Honourable General Affemhly : •' TTIT^ ^^^ Subfcribers, being appointed a Committee by the •' VV General AfTembly, at iheir laft Scflions, to fettle the Ac- " count of Daniel Updike, Efq-, with the Colony, and to receive of D " him C 14] " him what Tenth Money he has in his Hands, and to burn the fame, '* Report, That \vc have nui yet received his Account, nor any of *' the Tenth Money in his Hands. " Peter Bours^ " Simon Peajty Newport y May ^. 1750. " Thanias Cranlfctty " Gecrge tVanton, " James SbeJJicld " And now this AlTcmbly having taken the faid Report into Confi- dcration. Do Vote and Refolve, andit is hereby Vsted and Rejolv^d., That the fame be, and it is hereby accepted : And it is alfo Voted and Re- foLvedy That the faid Committee be farther continued for che Ends and Purpofes above-mentioned, and make Report to this Affembly at their next Seflion. It is Voted and Refolved, That all Proceedings refpefling the turning the Courfe of i'aucaluck River, be Itayed until the next Seffion of this Affembly. Aa ACT -providing in Cafe of Fire breaking out in the Jorvn of Nc\vpt)rr, cmd for the more jpeedy exiingiiijlnng thereof ; and for pejerring of Goods endangered thereby, WHEREAS by Reafon of the Contiguity and Adjoining of the Houfes and Dwellings within the Town o'i Newport , Per- fons arc under great Stn^«'ia« and jHurry upon the breaking out of Fire ; and not only the Pcrfons in whofe Houfe the Fire firft breaks out, but the Neighbourhood are concerned to employ their utmofl: Dili- gence and Application to cxtinguifh che Fire, and prevent the Progrcft thereof, and p cferve their Subftance, by the Removal of th»ir Goods, being glad of the Afliftanceof othrrs in that Regard : And divers evil minded and wicked Perfons, on Pretence of charitably offering their Help, taking the Advantage of fuch Cbnfufion and Calamities, to rob, plunder, and imbczel, carry away, and conceal the Goods and Effe^ of their diltrcffed Neighbours. For Preventing whereof, n£ IT EN ACT ED by the General Affembly y and ly the Autborily *-^ of the fame. It is Enabled, That when any Fire (hall happen xxi break out in the Town of N^vcforty the Governor or Deputy Go- vernor, and the Affiftants for th- 1 ime being, or any Two of them, fiiall it may, and are hereby im powered to give Direftions for the pul- ling down or blowing up any kich Houfe or Houfes as fllall be by them adjudged meet to be pulled down ot blown up, for the (lopping and preventing the farther ipreading of the fame : And if it fhall happen that the pulling down or blowing up any fuch Houfe or Houfes by the Diredions aforefaid, (hall be the Occafion of (loppmg the faid Fire, or that the Fire ftop before it comes to the lame, that then all and erery [ IS] every Owner offuch Houfc or Houfcs, Ihall receive reafonable Satis- fadlion, and be paid for the fame by the reft of the Inhabitants of iaid Town, whofe Houfes (liail not be burnt, who are hereby impowercd to make luch Rate or Rates for the Raifing and Levying fuch iium and Sums of Money as (hall be by them thought convenient for that End. Froviiied always. That if the Houfes where the Fire fhall firft begin and break out, fiiall be adjudged fit to be pulled down or blown up, to hinder the further Spreadmg and Increafc ot the fame, that then the Owner offuch Houfc fhall receive no Manner of batisfadfion for the fame : Any Thing in this A£t contain'd, notwithftanding. Jnd he it further Enaifed by the Authority aferefaid. That it (hall and may be lawful to and tor the faid Town of Neuport, from time to time, to appoint fuch Number of prudent Perfons, of known Fidelity, in the fevcral Parts of the Town, as they may think fir, who fhill be denominated and called Fircwards, and have a proper feadge afTigned, todift inguifh them in their Office, viz, a Speaking-Trumpet coloured red, and at Times of the breaking forth ot Fire, and during the Con- tinuance thereof, fhull anci hereby are fully authorized and impowered to command and require AfTiftance for the excinguifhiBg and putting out the Fire, and for removing Houfhold Stuffs and Furniture, Goods and Merchandizes, out of any Dwelling Houfes, Store Houfes, or other Buildings, adually on Fire, or in Danger thereof, and Guards to fecure and take Care of the fame ; as alfo to require Afliftance for the pulling down or blowing up any Houles, orServicc relating thereto, by the Direction of the Governor or Deputy Governor, and Affiftants* or any two of them, to flop and prevent the farther fpreading of the Fire, and to fupprefs ail Tumults and Diforders. And the OfBcers from time to time appointed asatbrefaid, are required upon the Notice of Fire breaking forth, taking their Badge with them, immediately to repair to the Place, and vigoroufly exert :hcir Authority for requiring of Afliffance, and ufing utmolT: Endeavours to extinguifh or prevent the fpreadmg of the Fire, and to prefervc and fecure the Eftates of the Inhabitants, and due Obedience is required to be yielded to them, and each of them accordingly, for that Service ; and all Dilobcdicncc, Ncgleft, or Refufal in any Perfon, fhall be inform'dof to fome of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace of faid Town, within two Days next after, and the Offenders therein, upon Conviction thereof before any two Jufficcsof the Peace, fhall forfeit and pay as a Fine, the Sum of Twenty-five Pounds each, to be levied and diftributed at the Difcretion of the Town Council of faid Town oi Nev^ort, among the Poor moft diftrefled by the Fire : And in Cafe the Offender or Offenders are unable to fatisty the Fine, then to fuffcr ten Days Imprifonmcnt, Jnd he it farther Enacted by the Jutherity aforefaid. That if any evil minded, wicked Perfons fhall take Advantage of fuch Calamity, to rob, piundcr, purlom, embezii, convey away, or conceal any Goods, Mer- chandize, or Effcds of the diftreiled Inhabitants, whofe Koafcs are on Fire, [ lo Fire, or endangered] thereby, and put upon removing their Goods, and fhall not reKorc and give Notice thereo'f to the Owner or Owners, ii known, or bring them into fuch publick Place as iTiall be appointed and afTigned by the (jovernor or Depiicy Governor, and AfTiftants, or tny one of them, within the fpace of two Days next after Proclamation made for that Purpofe, the Perfon or Perfons fo offending, and being chereof fo convi£led, ihall be deemed Thieves, and fufFer the utmolt Severities of the Pamsand Penalties by Law provided againft luch. An ACT for ^.ppointin^ CommilJion^rs^&:c. to run and fetth the 'Northern Boundary Line of- this Colony , according to Charter, WHEREAS the Northern Boundary Line of this Colony hath never yet been fettled according to the Royal Charter : And whereas divers Perfons have made Application to this AfTcmbly, and have fet forth their juft Right to be under the Juriidittion of this Go- vernment, as dwelling v/ithin the Bounds thereof ^ and that the Pro- vince of the MnjJ'acbufests-Bay hare, and do unjultly exercife Jurifdidion over them ; In order therefore to have the laid Line rightly run and fettled, and to prevent any further Difputes thereupon between the faid Province and this Colony, n £ IT ENAC1 ED by the GenemMJJemhly, and by the Authority ^ thereof^ It is Ena5ied, That as foon as may be, the Northern Boundary Line of ihis Colony fh^ll be run and iettled according to the Royal Charter granted by King Charles the Second, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Six Hundred and Sixty- three. Be it alfo Enabled, That to the F.nd the fame may be perfc(5led and compleated, Jonathan Randnl, Richard Steere, and Thomas Lapbam, Efqrs. and Capt. Jofeph Harri/on, and Mr. Matthew Robinfoti, are hereby appointed Commifiioners, and they, or the major Part ot them, arp fully authorized and impowered to run and fettle faid Line accord- ing to the Royal Charter aforefaid, as near as may be : And that they the fdid CommifTioners, be commiffionated by his Honour the Gover- nor : And that the faid ComminTioners, or the major Part of them, are fully authorizta and impowered to appoint Times and Places when and where to meet any Commiffiancrs that are or (hall be appointed on the Pare of faid Province. And the faid Jcmuhan Randal, Richard Steere, Thomas Lapham, Jofeph Harrifon, and Matthew Robinfon, or the major 'Part of them, are hereby fully authorized and impowered to ao- point a Surveyor or Surveyors, and Chainmen, and in general to adl and do all and every other Matter and Thing whatever, for or con- cerning the aforefaid Settlement of faid Line. And that in Cafe nu CommiHioncrs on the Part of faid Province, (hall and do on the firft Tuefday C n ] Tucfday in OSlohi'r next, or ac any other Time as fhsll be agreed on, meet the i'aid Comminioncrs toi this Colony, and agree to run and Icttle fdid Line as atorclaid, then and in that Cafe, the laid Commif- fioners, on the Part ot this Colony, or the major Part of them, fhall, and are hcreoy required to proceed to the running and fettling /aid Line tx Parti. Be it aifo EnaSi:d, That the Secretary of this Colony fend a Copy of this A<51 to the Secretary ot the Province of the Mafachufetts-Bayy withal defiring that the faid Province would lufpend ail AflclTments upon the People and Inhabitants included within this Colony, by the Line already run by Jonathan Randal, Thomas L being appointed by the General Aflembly *• V V a Committee to exchange Three Thonfand Two Hundred *' and Ninety-eight Pounds and Seventeen Shillings, Tenth Money *' in our Hand,"!, of Bills emitted by the Governmcnti oi NcwHump- ** /hire ^na Conne^icut, for Bills emitted by this Colony, and to burn *' the fame, Rkport, That we have receiv'd of Peter B$urs, Efq^ *' Eleven Hundred arid Ninety-four Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Six *• Pence; of Simon PeafCfRi'q:, One Thouland and Thirty-five Poundis *' and Sixteen Shillings ; and of Mr. Javifs SheffifU, One Thoufand " and Sixty-eight Pounds Four Shillings and Six Pence, making in *' the whole, the above Sum ot Thret Thoufand Twx3 Hundred and " Ninety-eight Pounds and Seventeen Shillings, in Bills of Credit *' emitted by this Colony i all which we have burnt, as Witnels our *♦ Hinds. " Peter BourSy " Simon Feafe, ''James Shiffitld:'' " Ihe Colony to the Commtttee. • • ' Dr. " ' I ^O Exchanging the above Sum, ^. 15 each, ^. 45 o o *' JL " Peter Boun^ " Simon Peaft^ " James Sheffield." E And C i8 1 And now this Affembly ^aking fhe faid Kcport and Account into Confideration, Do /'ote and Refohe, and it is bertby Vcted and Refohedf That the faiJ Report be, and the fame is accepted y and that their Ac- count, amounting to Forty-five Pounds, be allosved and paid them out of the General Treafury. Ji is Voted and Refolved, That the Committee appointed at the laft Sefiion of Ailembly, to receive of the Gentlemen Cwho were formerly appointed to pay off the Soldiers raifed for the Expedition intended againft Canada)^ their Accounts with the Colony, and to adjuft the fame, and receive the Ballance, be dill continued for that Purpofe ; and that they, or the major Part of them, receive of the above-men- tioned Gentlemen, their faid Accounts with the Colony, and adjutt the fame, and receive the Ballance due from them. It is Voted and Refolved, That his Honour the Governor be, and he is hereby dcfired to write as foon as may be, unto the Government of Conne^icut, and requcft their Adiftancc in fettling the Northern Boun- dary Line of this Colony, and fend with his Letter a Copy of the Aft paft by this AfTembly at their prefcnt Seffion, for appointing Com- milTuners to run and, fettle faid Boundary Line. "Wherezi Humphrey 4v(ry, o^ Freflan, miht County o^ New.Londia, and Colony of ConneiJicut, rcprefcntcd unto this Affembly, that about the middle ofDtceml/er, OneThoufand Seven Hundred and Forty-eight, his Dwelling Houfc was burnt in the Night, and almoft every Thing therein confumcd, fcvcral of ihc Family very narrowly cfcaping with their Lives, being very much burnt •■, and that he had at that Time con- fumed by the Fire in his faid Houfe, the: Sum of Thirty-feven Pounds Ten Shillings in Bills of Publick Credit iffaed by this Colony, of the Old Tenor, or of the New Tenor equivalent thereto •, whereupon he prayed the above-mentioned Sun-, might be paid him out of the Grand Committee's Office : Wluch fufhciently appearing by the Oath of the laid Humphrey Avery, This Ajfi'mbly do Vote and Rejoive, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That Benjamin Nichols, Efq. one of the Grand Com- jnittec, pay unto the (nd Humphrey, the above-mentioned Sum of Thirty-feven Pounds Ten Shillings, out of the Money in his Hands paid in for Tenths, and charge the Government therewith. // is Voted and Refolved, That all Bufinefs lying before this AlTcmbly, unfinilhcd, be refvrgd ynto tt-,c next SefTion : That the Secretary publifh bv Beat of Drum in/}'<«]^cr/V'wMthin ten Days after the Rifing of this Aflfcmbly, which is hereby adjourned to rhe icc«nd Monday in June next. And it isfartbrr Voted and Refolved, That all Executions which were Itayed until this SclTion of AfTembly, be, and they arc hereby further ftaycd until the next. GOD Save the K [ N g. Nawport, May 7. 1750. Puili/hed accsrding fo Order, by Thomas Warp, Secret. L 19] At the G E N E R A L A s s E M B L Y of the GOVERNOR cind COMPANTof the Englifti Colony of Rhode-Iilincl, and Providcnce-Planta- cif ns, in New.England, in America ; be^an and held at Newport h AdSournment^ on the fecond Monday in Jurie, One Tkoujand Seven Hundred and fifty ; and in the Twenty' fourth Tear of the Reign of Bis Mofi Sacr-ed Miije^ly, GEORGE the Second) by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France> and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faitby &c. PRESENT, The Hon. WILLIJM GKEE NE, Efqj Governor. The Hon- Robert Haszard, Efq^ Dtp. Gov. George Wanton, Efq^ -\ Robert Lawtov, Efq; Jonathan N icho/.s, Efqj/ James Arnold, Efq; John Potter, E(q-, S/^'i'.WiLLi am Richmond, Ei Jabsz BowEN, Efq; { DanielCoggeshall,E1 Benjamin Tucker, Efqi) Jeoffry Wavson, Efq} The S E c 1^ E T a R V. DEPUTIES of the Ibveral TO WNS. The Honourable Thomas Cranston, Speaker. NEWPORT; ^ Capt. Chriftopher HarriSt Mr, Nat h ana el Cogge/hall, m John Andrews, Efq-, Mr. Jofeph Whipple, Portsmouth ; The Speaker, §1 William Anthony, jun. Efq; Mr. John 7illingbq/f, ?s John Allen, Efqj Mr. Nicholas Eajlon, w Mr. Thomas Brownel, Capt. Job Bennct. Benjamin Hickes, Efq; ^tj Warwick i Providence ; u Philip Greene, Efq-, 'Jonathan Ramlal, Efqj m, Mr. Jofeph Lippity Mr, EliJIja Brcvjn, ^ John Walton, Efq^ West- [20] "Westerly j C6\. Jofrph Pindietotfy Capt. Caleb Church. New-Shoreham j None. NOXTH-Ki NGSTOW •, Col. Immemuel Northup, Beriab Brown, Elq; Sot TH-KlNOSTOM -, Mr. Henry G^rJnn, Rowland kobinfon Efq; EAi>T-GREE?iWlCh •, Jofeph hichois, Efq-, Capt. Thomas Spenjer. J AMESTOW.N ; Mr. Edvuard Cnrr, Mr. Jojepb Clark Sm ITHFl FLD ; ^loomai Lnpham, Elq-, Ibomas Arnold, Elq-, Sc ITU ATE i Job Randal, Efq; Mr. Gideon Hammond. GlOC ESTER ; Major Richard Smith, Mr. Benjamin Smiti. Charlkstowm ; Mp. "jfames Cdngim, Capt. NathoHcel Lewis. West-Greenwich ; Mr. Samuel Hopkins, Mr. William CuniJiockr> Coventry ; Elijha Johnfon, Efq* Samuel Cooper, Efqi Ex E T E R ; Mr. Benoni Gardner, Capt. Williaifi Tripp. Mi ddletown; Mr. Jonathan Eaflon, Capt. fVtlliam Turner. Bristol -, Jonathan Peck, Efq; Major Thomas Crfe^e, 7 IVERTON ■, Capt. John Manchefter^ Abraham Barker^ Ela; LlTTLE-CoMPTON Lieut. Col. John Hunt, "Warren j Mr. Peter Bichiel, Capt. Betijamin SdrtoiU Cumberland j John Dexiery^ Elq; RlCHMDND i Mr. Samuel Tifr, M. Jo/icts Lpiin, Clerk of the Lower Houfe. An ACT to frevent Delays in the feveral Courts of Trials in this Colony. WH E R E A. S there is a general Delay (rf Bufincfs, and much Incertainty to the Parties attending tne feveral Courcs of Trials, as well 35 much Time of the Court needlefly taken up, through the Omifiion of the Entries of the feveral Adtions brought to faid Court in the beginning of the Term. For Remedy whcrc'of ior the Future, n £ IT EN ACT ED by th: General AJfembly of this Colony, atfd ii xJ is hereby Enaffed, That every Perfon or Pcrfons bringing any Aftion or Suit, cither in its firft Commcnctmeur, or by Appeal, Review, or in any otiier Form, that the fame (hall be entered on the firft or fccor>d Day of faid Term, on the Penalty of being difcontinued ; and all Complaints to the refpcdive Courts of Trials, fhall be filed during the fctting of faid Court : Any Law, Cuftom, or Ufege, to the contrary, in anywife, notwithftanding. Whereas [21 ] Whereas fundry of the Inhabitants of the Town oF Exeter^ repre* fenced unto this Afletnbly, that an Highway was laid out in faid Town by a Jury, acrofs the Lands of Getrge R^nolds, John Reynolds, Benja- min^ Mowrey, and others, to the great Damage of the faid George Rey- nolds, John Reynolds, and Benjamin Mawrey \ who thereupon made Ap- pHcation to the aforefaid Town o( Exeier, in one of their Town Meet- ings, to have the faid Highway altered from the Place where it was laid, about a Quarter of a Mile farther Weft ward, which continues to be upon the Lands of the faid George Reynolds, John Reynolds, and Benjamin Mowrey, ^ and the Town confidering it would be greatly to the Advantage of the faid Applicants, and no Difadvantage to the Town or Country, appointed a Committee to exchange faid Way j and accordingly the fiid Committee exchanged the fame, and made Report thereof to the faid Town, which was accepted, and they have done a great deal of Labour on the faid new Highway, in order to make it fit for the Country to pafs and repafs therein : And thereupon they prayed this Afiembly to confirm and eftablifli the Exchange of the Highway made as aforefaid ; who taking the fame into Confideration, Tio Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refolved, That the Exchange of the Highway made as aforefaid, be, and the iame is hereby eftabli* fhcd according to the Prayer of the Petitioners. Whereas Capt. Job Bennet exhibited to this Affembly an Account by him charged againfl the Colony, for Work and Materials done and provided for repairing his Majefty's Goal in the Town of Newport i Which being duly examined, // is Voted and Refolved, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that the Sum of Twenty-five Founds Filteen Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid yoi Bennet out of the General Treafury. Whereas the Direftors of the Lottery lately allowed by Aft of Affembly, for raifing a Sum of Money to build a Bridge over Patuxtt River, have reprefenccd unto this Affembly, that the Time affixed for drawing faid Lottery, is too Ihort for filling up the fame : It is there- fore Voted and Refolved, That the Time for drawing faid Loctciy be, and it is hereby lengthen'd out to the third Monday in July next, It is Voted end Refehid^ That Meffrs, Thomas Cranjlmt, Ptter Botcrt, John Tillinghafi, and James Sheffield be, and they, or the major Part of them, arc hereby conftituted a Committee to audit the General Treafurer's Accounts, the Account of Col. John Gardner wJdi the Co- lony, and alfo the Accounts of the Comraittcc that was appointed to build the Light- Houle, and make Report of th«ir Doings to this Affembly at their next Seffion. An An ACT relating to the taking Bail in Citil A6lions, p£ IT EN ACT EB by the General Affembly of this Colony, and by tJ the Authority thereof. It ts Ena^eJ, That the St^'utc o^ ll^cjtminfier the firft, introduced into this Colony by an Aft of Allembly made at Soutb-Kingifon, in and for faid Colony, on the Jait Tnefday ot February, A. D. 1749, ^^ "o^ conftrued lb as to alter or difannul the Method and Praftice of taking Bail in Civil Anions, by the Tcrfon's indorfing his Name as Bail, on the Back of the Plaintiff's Writ, who becomes Bail ; but that faid Method of taking Bail by Endorfment as aforefaid, be held as good and valid in all Courts in Civil Anions pending, or hereafter brought, as if Bond was given under Hand and Seal, for the Obliging fuch Perfon (o becoming Bail by Endorfmenc as aforefaid, to pay the Debt anct Coft obtained againtl the Principal, as has been the Ufage and Practice of Courts heretofore, in fuch Cale. An ACT jor Explainir.g^ Jheritig, and Jmending ati J!i made and puj} by the Geueral j^Jflmbly cj thts Colony^ at their Seffion in Newport, vn the jecond Monday of June, Cne ^houfand Seven Hundred and Forty-nine, entilukd, An Ad for ihc Efta- blifhing and Regulating of Fees. WHEREAS (undry Difputcs have arofe concerning the true Intent and Meaning of feveral Parts of the aforefaid Ad ; For the fettling vvhereof. This /IJfertjMy do Vote, Hejohe, and Declare, and it is hereby Voted, Refol-veJ, and Declared, That ic is the true Iiiccnc and Meaning of the aforefaid Aft, that the Article of One Shilling and Four Pence, allowed to the Clerks of the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, for every Return to Court, is for the Return of Executions only ; and that the travelling Fees of the Sheriffs for ferving Writs and Summonfes, and the Fees of the Town Serjeants and Conffabies, for ferving War- rants and Summonfes, is no more than Six Fence /fr Mile out and Six Pence per Mile Home again. And this AJfembly do aljo Vote, Refolve, and Declare, That thofc Parts of faid Aft allowing the Fse of Eight Shillings per Day for Attendance, and Twelve Pence per Mile for the Travel of every Evidence fum- inoncd to attend on the feveral Courts and Eight Pence /^r Mile for the Travel of every Witnefj i'ummoned to attend laid Courts, be, and the fame arc lifeby repealed ^ and ihat for the future every W^itncfs fommoncd to attend any of the i ourts of Trials in this Colony, be allowed Eight Shillingi pifr Diy tcr Attendance, and One Shilling /) fife of any Goods or Merchandize within the fante WHEREAS there has been of late, fundry Perfons who are Inhabitants of other Towns and Governments, from time to time tranfporting of Goods and Merchandize into many Towns in this Government, who fhelter themfelves from the Law made againft Hawkers and Pedlars, by hiring a Shop or Hoom of fome of the In- habitants thereof, ta vend their Goods in, by their Agents, who con- tinue to feiVand djfpofeas aforefaid ; whofe Continuance may be for a Ihort Time, and they reap conliderable Profit and Advantage thereby, snd are prot«ded by the Laws aforefaid. G And [26] And Forafmuch as fuch Perfons ought to contribute to the Support of fuch Town where fuch Goods are vended and fold, and for the Defraying chc contingent Charges arifing within the fame, D £ IT EN/iCTED by the General Apmbly, and by the Authority '-* cf the fame, It is Enacted, That from and after the Publication of this Ad, it fhall and may be lawful for the AfTeflTors of any Town iri this Colony, after Notice being given them by two or more Freeholders, to meet together, and inquire into the Quantity of Eu- ropean Goods and Merchandize fo vended and iold, and aiTcfs the Vciiders.thereof accordingly, if Strangers, at their Difcrction, accord- ing ro the Largcnefs of their Trade, for the Ufe of fuch Town where fuch Goods and Merchandize were vended and fold : Any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage, to the contrary hereof, in anywife, notwichftanding. And be it further Enailed by the Authority afcrefaid. That If any of the AlTelTors aforefaid, Ihould fail in their Duty, after Notice given them as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay a Fme not exceeding Fifty Pounds, at the Difcretion of the Court of General Seffions of the Peace in the fame Cuunty, being thereof conviiled before the faid Court, at the Suit or Complaint of the Treafurer of faid Town where the Goods are fold, or any other Perfon in the Treafuier's Behalf, to profecute chc Suit : And fuch AffefTor or Aflefibrs fhiil be dilcharged by faid Court from their Office ^ and fuch Town fhall be called by Warrant forthwith by the Clerk, to meet together to choofe one or more in their Room. And be it further EnaiJed by the Authority r.ferefaid. That when any Perfon is aflfrrned as aforefaid, one or more AffcfTors Ihall demand fuch Affeffment, and upon Rtfufal of Payment, any one of faid AfTefTors Ihall and may grant forth a Warrant, direcfted to the Serjeant of the Town, or any one Conftable, impowerin^ him to take the Goods of fuch Perfon foaficfTed, if to be found, and cxpofc them to pubiick Sale, and difpofe of the Money according to the Law in fuch Cafe made j and if no Eftate can be found, to take the Body of fuch Perfon afTefTed, and him to commit to Goal until he pay the Money affelTed : And that this A6t be pubiiihed in three Days after the Rifing of this Affcmbly. i'KJ H E R E A S Richard Ihornton, of Providince, in the County VV oi Providence, reprcftnted unto this AfTrmbly, that there are fcveral Bonds againlt him for Monty due to the Colony ^ for Pare whereof he hath been already, and lor the Remainder is liable to be fucd, and if fucd he mtifl inevitably be committed to Goal, he being at prefcnt in poor Circumftances, and altogether unable to pay them \ and thereupon prayed that all Procefs againfl: him may be Ifaycd for the prcfent : And this Affcmbly having confidercd the Premifes, Do Vote and Refolve, r.nd it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That all Execu- tions on the Colony's Behalf, againft the faid Richard Tbomtcn, be flayed, and that no more Atffions be brought againlf him on Bcbalf of the Colony, 'till farther Orders from the General AfTembly. // C ^7 ] li is Voted and Refohed, That there be allowed and paid out of the Genera! Treafury, the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds to his Honour the Governor, and Fifty Pounds to his Honour the late Deputy Go- vernor /^///w»; £//c-ry, Efq; for their laft Year's Salary, and extraordi- nary Service. Whereas Nathan Tanner prefented to this AflTcmbly a Mortgage-Deed by him executed and delivered to the Colony's Truttces, for a Piece of i^nd in South Kingjhn^ which Was intended to fecure to the Colony the Sum of One Hundred and Four Pounds FourShiilingsi but by Miftake there was entered in faid Mortgage-Deed, the Sum of One Hundred and Forty-four Pounds and Four Shillings, which Deed is entered upon Record : And as faid Tanner hath fince made another Mortgage Deed of faid Lands, in which the true Sum is inferred, and delivered the fame to the Town Clerk to be recorded, he prayed the fiirft men- tioned Deed ihould be difcharged : On Confideration whereof, Ibis Jjfemhly do Vote and Refolve, and it is hereby Voted and Refohed, That the Town Clerk ot .?ff«/i-/r/«f/7(?w« be, and he is hereby direded to difcharge fhc firfl-mentioncd Mortgage, by entering the fame in the Margin of the Records where faid Mortgage-Deed is recorded. "Whereas Thomas Richardfon, Efq-, General Treafurer of the Colony, reprefentcd unto this Afiembly, that the Salary now allowed him, is not equal to the Dignity of the Office, aud the Service he does j in Support whereof, he afTigned many Reafons, and thereupon prayed, that as former Aflemblies have heretofore granted reafonable Rewards to the Treafurer, as well as to other Perfons, for extraordinary Ser- vices, he might have a farther Allowance for W\s laft Year's Service j and that the Treafurer's Salary be augmented for the future : On Con- fideration whereof, ^his AJJembly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Veted and Refolved, That the faid Thomas Richardfon pay himfcif out of the General Treafury, the Sum of Fifty Founds, for his extraordinary S^ervice, fince he hath been Genera! Treafurer, over and above his Yearly Salary, Whereas John Rice, of fVarivick, in the County of Providence, Yeoman, reprefentcd unto this Afiembly, that at the laft Superior Court of Judicature, \\t\Azt Providence, in and for the County of Pro- vidence, on the fecond Tuefday o'i September, A.D. 1749, he had de- pending vi\i\\John Pearce and Thomas Pearce, both of Eajl -Greenwich, in the faid County of Providence, Yeomen, an Aftion of Partition for the dividing a Trad of Land in iV\d Eaji-Greenwich, of which he the laid John Rice demanded a Twenty-fifth Parr, as Tenant in Con>mon with the other Proprietors of faid Eajl -Greenwich, there never having bten any regular Partition made thereof : At which Court faid Caufe was continued, as it had been for fundry Courts before, by Reafon a fuffi- cient Number of Judges to hear and try faid Caufe, would nor ad, on Account of their not being difintcreftcd in theEvent of faid Suit : And that he the faid John Rice ftill labours under the fame Difadvantage t, for Ca8 ] for that '^c^ui Babcock, Efq, rcfufcd to a£t laft Court, by Reafon he was intcrclted in a Cafe of ihc fame Nature, in Kitsgs County : Benja. tnin HaJzarJy Elq^ rcful'ed to aft, by Reafon of his being nearly related by Blood to feveral of the Proprietors of faid Eajl-Grur.wicb : And John fFalton, Efq^ rcfufed to ad, for that he had been an Attorney Jmployed in the Cafe originally : And thereupon the faid John Rice prayed this Afismbly to appoint three difintercftcd Perfons in the Room of the aforefaid three Judges, to compleat faid Court, to hear and determine faid Cafe : And this Affcmbly having taken the Pre- mifcs into Confideration, Do Vole and Refolve, anditts hereby Voted and Refolvedy That Mr. Ihomas Philips^ Capt. Walter Cbaloner^ and Jojepb RuJJel^ Efqi be, and they arc hereby appointed (pecial Judges of the Court aforefaid, with full Power to hear and determine faid Cafe, in the Room of the aforefaid Jofhua Babcock, Benjamin Hafzard, and John fValton, Efqrs. Whereas Benjamin Nichols, Efq; Treafurer of the Grand Committee, reprefented unto this AfTcmbly, that whereas in Af^zy 1747, he was put to ^reat Trouble in receiving the Sum of Six Thoufand Two Hundred and Thirty-nine Pounds T.vo Shillings and Six Pence, which was by a Commictceof th; General AfTcmbly's Appointment, lodged in his Office by Order of Aflembly : That Money he exchanged with the Inhabi- tants of this and the neighbouring Governments ; as alio about Twent7 Thoufand Founds more of the Colony's Money, to a multitude of Per- fons 5 the doing whereof, and his ncccfTary Attendance on the other Branches of his Duty in the aforefaid Office, took up the greateft Part of his Time ever fincc the f?.id Month oi May, 1747, and hath almcft prevented his applying hitufclf to any Part of hjy private Bufincfs : Moreover, it occafioned great Trouble to him in his Houfe and Fa- mily ; for all which extraordinary Services, he has not been allowed any Thing by the Government, (j^c. Whereupon the faid Benjamin prayed the AfTcinbly to take the Premifes into Confideration, and grant him fuch i Reward as they fliould think proper. And this Aflem- bly having fo done, Do Vote avd Refolve, and it is hereby Voted and Re- fohed. That the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds be allowed and paid unto the faid Benjamin Nichols, out of the General Treafury, in Confideration of his extraordinary Services, over and above the yearly Salary allowed him by Law. Whereas James Reynolds, now a Prifoner in his Majefly's Goal in Providence, and Alice his Wife, have, by Petition, informed this Affcmbly, that the laid Jatnes having according to a Sentence of Court againft him, fuffcred a Year's Impriionment, whereby the Petitioners, and their poor Children, are almofl reduced to a flarving Condition : And whereas the faid James RtynoLis is by the fame Sentence, ordered to pay a Fine of Fifty Pounds before he fhall be difcharged from Goal, which he is in no wife able to do, by Reafon of his long Impriionment: And thereupon the Petitioners prayed the Fine aforefaid may be re. mitted. And now this AiTembly taking into Confideration the di- ftrefTcd Conditiori of the Pfiirion'r, James Reynold'i fVife. and their Children, [29] Children, Do Vote and Refolve, and i! is hereby Voted and Refolvei, That v;-hen his Year's frnprifonment fhall be terminareci, the Sheriff of the County ot Providence (hill, and he is hareby ordered and dirccSted to take the faid Javus Rcynolds\ Bond foi the aforefaid Fine of Fifty Pounds, and upon his giving laid Bond, payable lo the General Trea- luter in one YcAf, and paying Coft, that the laid James fhalj be let out of Goal. Whereas Col. Jcfeph Pe»d!etsH, of ^elferfy', by Petition, reprc> fcoted unto this AiTembly, that lometime in the Month oi Augujt lalli he had a Brigantine loaden with Rum, \4ola(res, i^c. which was a new VclTel,, and failed from jiHguilla, bound Home, the Property v/hereof was entirely his own, and of the Value of Eighteen or Twenty Thoufand Pounds : That the faid Brigantine and Cargo were noc infured, and have not been heard of fincc, and fo is fuppofed to be loft ; by which i>c3vy Stroke ol Providence, he is rendered unable to pay his jufl Debt* at prcient, without felling fome Part or his real Eftace. And whereas the Petitioner owns a Farm in (aid Wejierlyy adjoining to Paucatuck River, near the Mouth tticreof ; Part whereof it is thought might not only be coavcnient, but alfo tend to a publick Advantage, if feitled with a Townj it being bounded Welterly, on the navigable Part of laid Rivei, where there is plenty of Oyrters and other Fifh ro be taken at all Times in the Year, and plenty of Stone and Brick, with good Timber, fuHablc for building Veflelsand Houfes, near to be had, very plenty ^ W4th Saw-Milh-on faid River, for the fawing Plank, C5?f. with jnany other valuable Convcniencics : Where- upon he prayed this AfTembiy to grant him a Lottery of about Twenty Six Thoufand Poundi ; in which Lottery he the Petitioner will put to Sale One Hundred and Tweruy-four Lots of Land (wjih two dwelling Houfes thereon), part of the aforefaid Farm, adjoining to the aforefaid River, none id's than a Quarter of an Acre, and Jome half Acre?, at a certain Value put on them by two judicious and difin- rercfted Men,, Capt. /y^ this Affembly. Atid that Capt. Naikanael Lewis, vfi Lkarkno^i-n -, and bilas Greenman^ and JVillJam Babcxk, Elqrs. be, and they are hereby appointed Di- re<5lors of faid Lottery, who fhall give Bond in the Sum of Thircy-two Thoufand Pounds to the General Prcafurer, for the faithful Perform- ance of their Tnifl: ; and that this Colony be free ard clear from any Cjiarge accruing in faid Lottery • And that the Petitioner, upon re- ceiving the Money to be paid to hirrt, he, together with his Wife, give ample Deeds of Conveyance to the Drawers of (aid Lots, conveying the fame in Fee-Simple ; and the faid DireCfors arc hereby impowered »nd ordered to take faid Deeds for the Ufe ot the Drawers of faid Lots : And that the faid Diredtors have Three per Cent out of the Money arifing on faid Lottery, for all their Trouble and Charge rcfpcfting the fame. H The C 503 N" The SCHEME c f the above- mcntion'd Lottery. III AH oufe 6cLot, /^. aooo N^ 48 A Lot, ^. 35 1 A H oulc ^ Lot , zzo 49 Ditto, io 3 A Lot, i^i so Ditto, SO 4 Dirto, 120 ii Ditto, SO 5 Ditto, 120 ii Ditto, SO 6 Ditto, Hi i3 Ditto, io 7 Ditto, Hi i4 Ditto, SO 8 Ditto, ^'i ii Ditto, SO 9 Ditto, I 12 56 Ditto, SO 10 Ditto, 1 12 S7 Ditto, SO 1 1 Ditto, 1 10 iS Ditto, SO 12 Ditto, ICC i5> Ditto, SO 13 Ditto, lOi 60 Ditto, SO 14 Ditto, lOi 61 Ditto, SO li Ditto, 1 10 62 Ditto, SO 1^ Ditto, 120 63 Ditto, SO 17 Ditto, 130 64 Ditto, SO 18 Ditto, 150 <^i Ditto, SO '9 Ditto, 130 (56 Ditto, SO ai Ditto, <)0 67 Ditto, SO 31 Ditto, po 6S Ditto, SO aj Ditto, 9° 69 Ditto, SO 24 Ditto, 5)0 70 Ditto, SO aj Ditto, po 7i Ditto, SO 3(^ Ditto, po 72 Duto, SO a7 Ditto, 9° 73 Ditto, 30 2i Ditto, 5)0 74 Ditto, ai ap Ditto, >o 7i Ditto, 33 30 Ditto, 5>o 76 Ditto, SO 31 Ditto, 5)o 77 Ditto, SO 3» Ditto, 5)o 78 Ditto, SO 33 Ditto, 5)0 7P Ditto, SO 34 Ditto, 5)o 80 Ditto, SO 35 Ditto, 5)0 81 Ditto, SO 3(J Ditto, 5)o 82 Ditto, SO 37 Ditto, 90 S3 Ditto, SO 38 Ditto, 90 84 Ditto, SO 39 Dirto, 90 8: Ditto, SO 40 Ditto, 5)o 86 Ditto, SO 41 Ditto, 5)0 87 Ditto, SO 4» Ditto, yo 88 Dtttc, SO 43 Ditto, 5>o 85) Ditto, SO 44 Ditto, 5)0 5)0 Ditto, SO 45 Ditto, 5>o «?» Ditto, SO 4^ Ditto, 90 ^z Ditto, 50 47 Ditto, 25 5*3 Ditto, SO No. 94, A Lot. C 31 f ] N° 5J4 A Lot, I- so N* no A Lot, £ SO 9S Ditto, 50 III Ditto, so 9^ Ditto, 50 113 Ditto, SO 97 Ditto, io 114 Ditto, SO 5>8 Ditto, io 115 Ditto, SO 99 Ditto, 50 ii6 Ditto, SO loo Ditto, so ''7 Ditto, SO lOI Ditto, 30 118 Ditto, SO 102 Ditto, 5^ 115) Ditto, SO 103 Ditto, SO 110 Ditto, SO 104 Ditto, SO I2£ Ditto, SO loi Ditto, SO 122 Ditto, SO 106 Ditto, SO J 23 Ditto, SO 107 Ditto, SO 124 Ditto, SO ig8 Ditto, SO 115 Ditto, SO lop Ditto, SO 126 Ditto, SO Pr ir 1 Money. Number of Prizes. Value of ei ir/?;. Total Valuta ID of ;(■. 4c ) arc i- 4C0 20 of 2C > arc 400 200 of 1, 5: are }GOO 25^^ of 1 I are ss^^ 400 of I D are 4CC0 531 of { ) are 4 248 14^0 l-'^S Jf6 124 Prizes. 1584 WHEREAS Jofepb Bennet and Daniel Dunham, exhibited tc this Aflembly an Account by them charged againft the Colony, amounting to Thirty Pounds, for their Trouble and Labour in tak:ng Care of the Colony Houfe, cleanfing of it, (^c. for the Year pad : On Confideration whereof, This /tjfi'mlly do Vote and Re/ohe, and it is hereby Voted and Re,'olvedy That Twenty Pounds of laid Account be allowed, and paid the faid Jajepb Bennet and Daniel Dunham out of the General Trcafury, for their Service aforcfaid. // is Voted and Re/ohed, That all Proceedings in refpcft to turning the Courfe of Paucatuck River, be, and they are hereby ftayed 'till further Orders (hall be given forth from this Aflfembly. Whereas feveral Committees that were appointed at the lafl ScfTion of this AfTcmblv, and dircfted to make their Report to the prefent, have noc pcrform'd the fame i This Ajfembly therefore do Vote and Re- fohe, and it is hereby Voted and Refolved, That they and each of them, be, and they are hereby continued in the Truft for which they were appointed, [ 32 ] appointed, aod inverted wiih all the Power and Authonicy before granted tlvm, for a , n ; . Benjamin try, Lorr.ft, , It is Voted and Refuved, 1 hat the Choie* Df the Committees in the feveral Towns, for the Management o*^tlic Colony'c Monty lot, or to he let on, be, and the fame V, hereby referred unto the next tJetrion of ihis Afilmbly ; and th.u the prelcnc Olticers be continued until that Time, with t^uU Power ot doing, afting, and tranfading ajl Bufmels appertaining to their Offices, in the ir.can v-Ifl:ind, and Providence-Planta- tions, in New.Englandj in America ; begun and held by Adjotirnmont at Newport the third Monday of Auguft, m the Tn-enty-fourth Tear of the Reign of His ALfl Sacred MajeUy, GEO KG E the Second^ by the Grace of G O D, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the faiths &c- Jnd in the Tear of Our LORD, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifty, PRESENT, The Hon. W T L LI J M G REE NE, £fq; Governor* The Hon. Robert Haszard, Efq; Dep. Gov. George Wanton, Efq^ -\ Robert Lawton, Efq; *^ Jonathan Nichols, Elq-,/ James Arnold, Efq-, / John' Potter, Elq-, >4(^^'Willi am Richmond, Efq;>^. JaBEZ BOVVEN, Efqi \. DANlELCoGGESHALL,EfqA Benjamin Tucker, Efq;) J eoffry Watson, Efqi J The Secr etar y. DEPUTIES of the feveral TOWNS. The Honourable Thomas Cranston, Efqj Speaker. NEW PORT; Mr. Nalbanael- Ccg^ejhally TVlr. Jofeph Whipple, The Speaker, Mr. John Tillingbaji. Capt. Job Bennet. Providekce ; Jonatban Randal^ Efq; Mr. Elijba i 34] Mr. E/;/ha Browrtt Capi. Chrii^ofher Harris^ John Andrews, F.fq-, Portsmouth *• IVilliam Anthony., jun. Efq; John Allen, Efqj Mr. Thomas Brownel, Benjamin tlickes, El'q; Warwick •, Philip Greene, Efq; Mr. Jofepb UppH, William HolJen, Efq-, John f Fallon, F/q; Westerly ; Col. Joftph PendUtov, Cape. CMb Cbureh. Nevv-Shoreham j Capt. Edward Sands, Cape. Robert Hull. North-Kingston ; Col. Immanuel Nortbup- Beriah Brcivn, Efqj SotJTH-KlNCSTON } Mr. Henty G^^rdner, Ro-J.iand Robin/on. Efq-, East-Greenwich i Jofeph Kiehols, Efq-, Capt. Thomas Spenfer. Jamestown •, Mr. Edward Carr, Mr. Joleph Clark. SmITHPI tLD i 7homiis Lopkam, Efq^ Thomas Arnold, Efq; Sc ituate i Job Randal, Efq; Mr. Gideon Hammcnd. Glocester ; Major Riebard Smith, Mr. Benjamin Smith. Charlestown } Mr. James Congdon, Capt. Nathanael Lewis. West-Greekwich i Mr. Samuel Hopkins y Mr. IVillicm C'.tmjiock, Cove ntky ; Elijha Johnfon, Efq-, Samuel Cooper, Efq; Exet er ; Mr. Benoni Gardner, Capt fVilliam Tripp. Mi ddletown; Mr. Jonathan Ecfimf Cape, fVilliam Turner. Bristol ; Jonathan Peck, Efq; Tiverton ; Capt. John MancheflcTt Abraham Barker, Efq; Little-Compton i Lieut. Cul. Jubn Hunt. Mr. Jofepb Peckham. Warren , Capt. Benjamin Barton, Cumberland •> Job Bar tie t, Efq; John Dexter, E(q; Richmond j Mr. Samuel Tift, Capt. Jamts Adams: Mr. Jo^as Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Houfc. TH E Gentlemen appointed by the Ancmbly at their SefTion in Nezvpcrf, on the lecond Monday in June hft. to audit the Ac- counts of the General Treafurcr, exhibited the following Account by themftatrd, and fubjoincd rheir Report unto it. ir$o c in 1 7 50. Th£ Colony of Rhode-Ifland, to Thomas Richard- Ion, Gt;ncral Freajunr, Dr.— •- To Ca(h for fundry Difburfmcnts from the the fifth D&y o{ June, 1749, to the lirft Day oi Augu/t, »750> tc^ethcr with the Intcrelt Money paid to fcveral Towns, and Incident Charges taken from the Treafurer's Alphabetical Book, — — — jC- ^5^5^ »8 5 To the Trealurcr's Salary for the Year 1749. 200 o 9 To an Allowance to the Treafurer by hti of Affembly in7«Hei750, for extraordinary Services. 50 o o To fundry Imall Charges for a Book, Paper, tfr, J3 1 6 To fliort Intercft of the eighth Bank for the Towns 6f ^arwiV* and ^^er/y, for the Year 1749. 2 id. o £,. 15912 13 II Ballancc due from 7bomas RUbardfon^ Efq-, General Treafurer to the Colony, being Twenty Thoufand and Sixty. five Pounds Eight Shillings and Five Pence, in Money and Bonds. — ^ — 20065 8 5 ,£.35988 2 4 1 7 ^o. Contra. Cr.— - BY Ballancc due 10. tlic Colony fiom the General Treafurer, as fettled by the Auditors the fch Day oi/une,J,D. ly^^. — — — .^-24891 10 10 By the Intereil of the feventh Bank torthe Year I 749. ^200 o c allowed, and tne Sum ot Twelve Pounds, the Amounc ihercof, paid the faid Auditors out ot the General Treafury. Whcrea.'; Meflrs. J/hmael Spink, and Samuel Hopkins, exhibited an Ac- count of Seven Pounds New-Tfinor, oy them charged againft the Co- lony, for letting out upon Loan, One Thoufand Four Hundred Pounds New-Tenor Bills, Anno 1744. And this (^.flembly having taken into Condderation, and duly examined the faid Account, Do Vote and Rejolve, indii is Voted and Re/ohed, That the SutT< of Three Pounds Ten Shillings New- Tenor, be allowed the faid IJhmael Spink-, and Samusl Hopkins, and paid them out of the General Treafury . Whereas John Eajlon exhibited an Account of Ninety Pounds, by him charged againft the Colony, for his Time and Trouble in taking Care of the Colony Houfe, turning the Colony's Powder once a Month, carrying the Spall Arms to the Gunfmith, and bringing them bacif fcvcrai Times, from the firft Day of My, 1740, to the firft: Day o^ May, 1749 : And this Aflembly having taken into Confidcrarion. and duly examined the faid Account, Do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted, Jnd Refohed, That the Sum Thirty Pounds be allowed the faid John Eajion, and paid him out of the General Treafury. Whereas Peter Bours, Sinun Peafe, Thomas Cranjion, George fVanton^ and James Sheffield. Efqrs. who were appointca to receive of Col. Daniel XJpdtks all his Accounts with the Colony, and examine the fame, have not y^i- compleated that BuQncfs ; // is therefore Voted and Refohed.^ That the fame Gentlemen be, and they hereby arc farther continued a Committee tor the Purpofe aforefaid ^ and that they, or the major Part of them, examine all the Accounts which the faid Col. Updike hath with the Colony, as well thofe refpefting the Grand Committee and General Treafury, as all other Accounts whatever, fubfifting betweea him and the Colony, and make Report ot their Doings to this Affem- h!y at their next SelBon. Whcress /inn and James FraakliA exhibited an Account by them charged againft the Colony, for printing the Adb and Orders of the General AiTerobly made and palfed the two laft Seffions, one in Ma-fy and the other in Junt; and for furnifbing Paper to print the fame on." And this AlTembly having taken into Confideration, and duly exam- ined the faid Account, Do Vote and Re/olve, and it is Voted and Re/olved, That the laid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that the Sum of Fifty-nioe Pounds Ten Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid ^«and James Franklin out of the General Treafuryj Vfhcre^BLStimuel Jngel, oi Providence, exhibited an Account: by him charged againft the Colony, lor raakmg and erefting a Pillory there, and for Materials by him found to make the fame : And this Aflembly having C 40 ] havlrtg taken Into Confidcratlon, and duly examined the fald Account, Bo Vote and Refolve, anA it is Voted and Refohed, That the fame be, and it is hereby allowed, and that the Sum of Sixteen Pounds Eleven Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Samuel Angei out of the General Trcafury. Whereas Charles O'ney exhibited an Account by him charged againlt the Colony, for a Well-pole and Crutch by him provided for the Ufe of the Goal in Providence : And this AfTembly having taken into Con- fideration, and duly examined the faid Account, Do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refohed, That the lame be, and it is hprtby allowed, and chat the Sum of Three Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the fiid Charles O'ney out of the General Treafury. It is Votea and Refohed, That Feter Bours, Simon Peafe, Themes Cranflcn, iSeorge fVanion, and James Sheffield, Efqrs. be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby conitituted a Committee to audit the Accounts of Benjamin Nichols, El'q-, Keeper of the Grand Com- mittee's Office, for the Year 1 749, and to rercive of him all the Bills of Credit m his Hands that have been paid in {orTetiths,^ and burn the lame, and make Report of their Doings to this Affembly at their next Scinon. Whereas MefTrs. Rowfe Helme, and John JVatjon, let out upon Loan ihc Town-' of 5ctt.'^- A7«f/?o^i)«'s Proportion of the Bank in the Year 1744, and have not received anv Satisfaiftion therefor. // is therefore Voted and Refelved, That the Sum of Eight Pounds Two Shillings and Threepence, in Bills of Credit of the New-Tenor, be allowed and paid the faid RowfeHelme and John JVatfon out of the General Trcafury, for their Service. Whereas MefTrs. Jofepb Whipple, IhomasCranJion, and John Tilling' hafi. were appointed a Committee to receive of the Gentlemen who were formerly appointed to pay oft the Soldiers raifcd for the Expedi- tion intended againft Canada, their Accounts with the Colony, and to adjuft the fame, and receive the BalUnce ; but have nor yet efFefted that Bufinefs : // is therefore Voted and Refohed, That the faid Jofepb iVhipple, Thomas Cranfton, and John TillinghaJl, be, and they are hereby farther continued a Committee fbr the Purpofe atorefaid ; and that they, or the major Part of them, enter upon and hnifh the Affair as foon as may be, and make Report of thrir Doings to this AfTembly at their next SefTion. It is Voted and Refohed, That the Bond given by the DirecElors of the Lottery fct forth for raifing Money to build a Bridge ovtv Wayboffet River in Providence, be put in Suit at the next Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas to be held at Providence, within and tor the County of Pro, •Dtdence -, and that Mr. Matthew Rohinfon be, and he is hereby appointed the Attorney to profccuce faid Suit. I 41 1 It is Voted and Refohed^ That the Speaker of the Lower Houfe, Jonathan Nicbuts, Efqi and Capt. John Tillin^hasl, be appointed a Committee, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby impowered to examine and fettle the Accounts of the Secretary, and Cape, of Fort Gforge, with the Colony, and make Report of their Doings to this Aflembly at their next Seffion. It ts Voted and Rejol'jed, That the Sheriff of the County of Nevuporty be, and ht- is hereby appointed and dircfted to colleft al! tht; Colony's Arms, Carcouch Boxes, and Balls, within the Tov/n ot Nrwfart, and lodge them in the Garret of the Coiony-houfe, and take the Care and Chargv; of ih:m ; tor which he fhall have a reafonablc Allowance. WherMsDr 7«^« ■5'''// exhibited an Account ot t^ighty-three Pounds Three Shillings, by him charged againft tht Colony, for Medicines aaminiftred to, and Aciendancc on (cveral ot the Soldiers in the Ser- vice ot the Governmentj ac Fort George, And this AfTembly having taken into Conliderjtion, ajid duly examined the laid Account, Do Vote and Refolvty and it is Voted and Re/ohed, That the Sum of Seventy Pounds of the i'aiii Account be^ and is hereby allowed the fa!d John Brett, and paid him out of the General Treafury. Be it EnaHed by the Getterdl Ajfembly of this Colony, and ly the Authority thereof, It is ErtaJed, T'ut for the future no Phyfician or Surgeon Ihall be enplovcd to adminifter Medicines, or give Attendance, (j^e. to or on the Officers or Soldier* at Fori Geerge, at the Charge of the Colony, without particular Orders from the Captam ot laid fort for the Time being. This AlTembly having confidered the fubjeft Matter of the Petition of divers Perfons, Inhabitants on tht Land claitncd by this Colony from the Province of the MaJfacbu/etts-Bny, and their Circitmffances, do Order, That the Secretary of this Colony write a Letter to the Secretary of faid Province^ to be lard before their General Court, re- prefcnting, Thar, this AfTcmbly has had certain Information, that a confiderable Number of thofe Perlons inhabiting on the faid difputed Lands, are apprehended and profecotcd ztH^orcefter Court of Seffiorvs. as Rioters^ occafioned by fame indifcreet Proceedings of fome Officers: in the Colony j which as they were done in the Reccfs of this Afifembly, fo they wfTc begun and carried on without the Knowledge and Privity of this Court'-, and that all thefe things have happened fifK-e th« laft Letters to faid Province : Therefore dehrc, that as the General Court of faid Province has always in alt their Letters to this Colony Gnce this Diloutc has rubPifled, (hewn a Difpofition to have the faid Northern Boundary Line b«tween us, run and fettled in the mod amicable Way poiTible •, fo oa our Parr, thit it is our hearty Defifc every Thing (hould be done to cultivate that good Harmony and Friendfhip that ought Eolubfill" between Neighbours, and that thofe poor People who L are L 42 ] are fettled on the faid difputcd Land, may not be made a Sacrifice to the Rcfcntments of the Provinrp. for being mificd by any inconfidcrate Officers of ihis Colony, lince tliis AflTcmbly have Kealun to btJicve that the Perfons fo prolccuted, had no riotous Intent to diflurb the Peace of ihe Government ^ therefore tl^is Aficmbly dcfires that the General Court of faid Province would give Orders to the Judges of faid Court at fVorceftir, tnlufpend any further Profecution againft faid Men, 'till the faid Matter of laid Line fljall be iflued ; or thac the Secretary write fomething to the like Purpolc, and to dclire them alio to fufpend the Levying tlie Tax^s trom faid People Aifo hisHonour the Governor is dcfircd ro -vvrite by the firfl: Ship to the Agent for th's Colony in London, dircdlinghmi 10 reprefent to His Majclty the Circumilances of faid People, and 'he rieorous Demands that are made on rhem tor Taxi*s, (^c. in order to obtain from Wis Ivlajcity in Council, an Order to faid Province to fufpend the Levying any more Taxes, or ufing any violent Means with laid People, 'till the faid Northern Line fliall be hnaily fettled and eOnbiifhcd. Whereas the I'xecutors of Ihnry Tifdale^ late of Nnvpcrt, Gunfmith. dcccas'd, exhibited an Account charged againft the Govcrnmcu, for his the faid Henry's, cleaning in his Lite, Guns, Pillols, CirtlafTcs, cfr. belonging 10 the Colony : And this AfTembly having taken into Con- fidcration, and duly cxamin<-d the laid Account, Do Vote and Rejohe, and it is Feted and Refoived, That the lame he, and it is hi^reby allowed, and that me Sum-of One Hunured and Ninety-eight Founds tourteen Shillings and Six Pence, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Executors out ot the Gcnciai Treafury. Be ft Enaiied by the General Jjjemblyy and by the Authority thereof ^ It is EnaHed, That the Keeper of the Grand Committee's Office be, and he is hereby diredted to exchange for the future fuch whole Bills of Credit as he fhall receive from time to time in that OfSce, ind take torn Bills in Lieu thereof ^ and tor his Time and Trouble in (o doing, fhall be allowed Half per Cent. It is Voted and RefolveJ, That the Colony's Ferries on the Weft Side oijamefiown, be ibKl to thcbeft Advantage of the Government ; And that Daniel Coggefhtll, Ihomas Cranjl;n, and Immanuel Ncrikup, Efqrs. be, and fhcy, or the major Part of them, are hereby conflituted a Committee, v^ith full Power to Icll and difpofc of faid Femes by Publick Vendue, or otherwifc, as they fhall think proper, advertifing the fame fourteen Days before the Sale ; and when they have fold thcin, the faid Committee in B-half of the Colony, make, leal, and execute a good and luffkicnt Deed or Deeds of laid Ferries to ttic Buyer or Buyers thereof ; and that the Money arifing thereby, be lodged in the General Treafury ; and that out of the fame, the General Treafurer pay off all fuch Money a-j was by him hired for building the Light Houfc. "Whereas [4] ] Whereas Mcffis. Mrahcm -lourtelott and Richard Smith, exhibited ail AccoufU by them charged againll the Colony, for letting out One Thoufand Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds in Bills of Credit of the Ne-.v Tt-nor, it being the Town of Glokafter'% Proportion of the Eighch Bank. : And this AlTcmbly having taken into Confidcration, and duly examined the faid Account, Do Vote and. Rcfolvc^ and it is ^ated and Rifohed^ That the faclie be, and it is hereby allowed, and that the Sum of Nineteen Pounds Ten Shillings Old-Tenor, be paid un'.o the laid Abrabam lourtelott and Richird Smith, out of the General Ticafury . Whereas Col. Elijha Reynolds exhibited an Accounr by him charged flgainll the Colony, tor his Tmit- and Charges in going to Newport in th.^ Year i 74G, to receive the Po»vderand Balls ordered for the Ufe of the County ot yiC/^^l^iCounty, for the Freight of trahfporcing, carting, tind ItoTing it, i^e. And this Alfembly having taken into Confi- deration, and duly examined the faid Account, t)o Vote and Re/ohe, and it is Voted and Rtjohed, That the fame be, and it is hereby allowed ; and alfo, that the Sum of Sixteen Pounds Ten Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Elijha Reynolds out of the General Treafury. Whereas Immanuel I'^orihup, Efq; exhibited an Account by him charged againft the Colony, Tor his Time, Trouble, Expence, Idc. in receiving or Col. Eli/ha Reynolds, five Barrels of Gun-powdtr belong- ing to the Government, and procuring rhcm to be tranfported to New- port, where they were fold by Publick Vendue . And this Aflembly havmg taken into Confideration, and duly examined the faid Account, Do Vote and kefche, and it is Voted and Rejolved, That the fame be allowed, and the Sum of Eight Pounds Ten Shillings and Six Penca be paid unto the faid Immanuel Northiip out of the General Treafury. An ACT to prevent the falling Through of the near approach'^ ing Superior Court of Judicature^ &rc. in the County of Newport, WHEREAS the Town Meetings of the feveral Towns in this Colony, for choofing Deputies to fee in the General Afiembly on the laft Wedneftlay oiOi^ober next, are held on the fame Day which the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Aflize, and General Goal Delivery, is to be held at Newport, within and for the County of Newport ; whereby the Judges of faid Court will be depriv'd of the Benefit of attending faid Town Meetings, unlefs they fufFer faid Court 10 be difcontinued. Fot C 44 ] For Remedy whereof, n E it EnaHtd by the General /IJfemhly of this Colony, and by the Authority x5 thereof y It is EnacJedy Thac if ic ifioukl happen that none of the Judges of faid Court fhall appear at Newport on the Day appointed by Law for holding faid Court, that then and in fuch Cafe, faid Court fhall not be difcontinued \ Provided any one or more of the Judges appear the next Day, and proceed todoBufincrs, orai.ijourn faid Court according to the Law now in Force : And that all Bufincfs done in laid Court, if fo held, fhall be as valid and effectual as if the fame had been held or adjourn'd on the Day appointed by Law. And i: is aljo Voted and Enaifed hy the Aiuborily afore faid^ That the Sheriff of the County oi Newport, fhall notify ;iil Pcrfons concerned, by letting up a Copy of this Aft at the Court Houfc Door, on the ufual Day of holding faid Court. WHEREAS Mofes Lopez, of Newport ^ in the County of New. port. Merchant, reprefcntcd unto this AfTembly, That he hath for fevera! Years part cranllated Letters and Papers from the Spanijh into Englijh, for the Ufe of the Government ; which he has declined being paid for, inafmuch as it was for fiiid Ufe : That he is ready and wil- ling at all Times to do the like, and dcfires no other Gratuity than to be exempted from all otiier Perfonal Duties in the Colony, during his Rclidcncc therein j and prayed that an Adt might be pafs'd accordingly. On Confideration whereof, 7bis AJfembly do Vote and Enaii, and it is Voted and EnaEltdy That the faid Mofes Lopiz be, and he is hereby exempted from all Perfonal Duties in this Colony, excepting the above-mentioned, until the Ge-» neral AfTembly fliall order otherwife. "Whereas Capt. Edward Sands, and Capt. Robert Hull, exhibitcdjin Account by them charged againfl: the Colony, for letting out Five Hundred Pounds New-Tenor of the Colony's Money, in the Year 1743 : And this AlVembly having taken into Confideration, and duly examined the faid Account, D» Vote and Rtfolve, and it is Voted and Refolved, That the fame be, and is hereby allowed, and that the Sum of Five Pounds in Old-Tenor Bills, be paid to the faid Edward Sands and Robert Hall out of the General Treafury, Whereas Col. Jofeph Tcndleton, and Mr. Gideon Hammond, both Members of the Lower Houfe, have informed this AfTembly, that the faid Houfc has been grofly abufed by Samuel Pemhertcn, and another Pcrfon ; It is therefore Voted and Refohed, That the faid Perfonvirli the Colony, and for receiving Seventeen " Hundred and One Pounds o\ Jonathan Nichols, Efq; " and burning the fame. ;^. 50 o o " Peter BourSy Newport, OHobtr 27. 1750. " Simon Peafe^ " George JVanton^ '* Ibonias CranHoit** And now this Afl'embly having taken into Confideraiion the fore- going Report and Account, and duly cjfamincd the fame, Dt Vote and Rejolve, and it is Voted and Refolved, That the laid Report be, and it C 49] is hereby allowed, and that the fame Gentlemen be fcrther continued a Committee to exan.ine into the Article ot" Four Hundred Pounds charged in the toregoing Account, and inquire whether the Colony has had the Advanuge ot it : And alio to receive proper Vouchers re- fpeding the fore-mcnrioned Mortgages, and fettle the Account accord- ingly. And alfo to receive the Balhtnce of Col. Updike, and burn the lame, it befng Tenth Money, and make Report of their Doings to this AiTcnibly at their nexc Sefliou, Md it is further Voted arid Re- folvea. That the atorefdid Account by the Committee charged againft the Colony, be allowed, and that the Sum of Fifty Pounds, the Amount tlicrcof, be paid them out of the General Treafury. Here foUo-weih the Lift of Mortgages referred to in the aforegoing Report made by Mefjrs. Bours, Fe.ifc, Wanton, tfn<^ Sheffield ^ to wit : Mortgages received of j^hled Brcnion, Efq; are as [oUorveth, Third Batik- William Allen, I 38 AKraham AnthnnV. J 4 J 37 ^45 Jahlecl Brenton. 140 J 45 'Illiam Allen, Abraham Anthony, David Filh, William Brown. George Thomas, Gideon Cornel, John Albro. in the Hands of D. Updike dcliver'd to Jona. Nichols. Jahlecl Brenton. Jonathan Nichols. Fourth Bank' G. Cornel (Son of Tho^.; The fame Man, John Coggelhall, William Wall, Gideon Freeborn, jun. Job Lavvton, Jonathan Nichols, Daniel Fifh, Newport Third Bank, Thomas Salter, Benjamin Brenton, Joleph Knowlton, James Peck. ham, William Gardner, William Anthony, Walter Chapman, 213 113 113 80 113 113 aa6 113 3i 45 ioo aj 140 60 60 J. Brenton. J. Brenton. J. Brenton. Mortgage with D. U. Jahleel Brenton. Benj. Nichols. J. Brenton. at Mr. Lyndon's Office. Jahlecl Brenton. Jahlecl Brenton. Mortgage with D, U. Mortgage with D, U. Jahlecl Brenton. Carried over^ ^' 2334 N Broughi c yo] Brought over ^ ;C« *334 -- Grace ec Sam. Wcedcn, 50 - - John Dickinfon, 140 -- John Weftg;\ic, 30 - - John Gould, 14° - - Jo{hua Studfon, 80 - - Henry Negus, 3i - - William Wccdcn, 5)0 - - Thomas Wrightington, 40 - - John Ingraham, 40 - - Henry Clark, 40 - - John Coggcfhall, 70 - - Benjamin Belcher, 140 - « John Chadwick, 40 - - JofcphCrandal, ^6 13 4 Sabin 6C Shricvc, 30 - - Thomas Pcckham, 40 - - Thomas Salter, 50 - - Charles Dickinfon, ^o - - Benjamin Weaver, 180 -- J. Kcrby, mo - - William PhiHips, 25 - - R. &: D. Chadwick, 40 - - D. Abbot, 120 - - Jeremiah Fi(b, Committee. " Tmmanud ^erthup, i And C S2 -\ And this Aflcmbly having taken the faid Report into Confidcration, Dc Vote an.i Rejolvty and it is Voted and Refolved, That the faid Report be, and it is hereby accepted. And whereas the faid BanidCoggc/hall^ Thomas Crcnfi on, and Immanuil NoTtbup, Efqrs. exhibited v/ith faid Report the following Account : " Colony of Khude-ldand, to D*nielCoggdhall, Thomas *♦ Cranfton, 45 4 104 132 78 o o io o o c o o o o 1746. 17: Due to Bailance in our Favour, per Contra. BY Gafh rcceiv'd of the General Treafuret-, By Cadi rei.civ'd ot the Gen. TrCafurtr, 0. By Cafli rcceiv'd of Thomas Spcnfet, C 7^5 S O 4'38 5 3 3881 16 a »5« 93 3881 16 Jojfab JrnolJ, John Hull, And this Affeinbly fiaving flkcn intfl Confideration, and dul^ of- atiiincd tlie foregoint^ Account, Do Vote and Refohe, and if is Voted and liefoived. That the fame be, and it is hereby accepted and allowed. O I( [54] // is Voted and Re/olvcdy That Al/el Franklin be allowed one Year's Time to pay the Price of the Ferry-Phice which he purchafcd of the Colony, without Intereft, he complying with the Conditions of Sale, Whereas the Lottery which the Government have allowed Col. Jofefb Pendleton to letup, is not likely to be filled within the Time appointed for drawi-ng thereof by the Ay lengfhen'd out to the third Day ot March next : At which Time faid Lottery fhall begin to be drawn, or fooner if fdl. In Addition to the Acl made and pad by the General Aflemblf at their Seirion ia Scuth-Kingflown the lall Wednelday of OBober, 1745, €ntitu!ed, *' An A(fl for the Regulating mending of High-ways within *' this Colony." B; it Ena^ed by this jljembly, and by the Authority thereof. It is Ena^ed, That on Refufal or Neglefl to work on the Highways, the Fines be augmented as foUoweth. If warii'd with a Team of a Cart and four Oxen, or two Hories and two Hands, the Delinquent fhall pay a Fine of Four Pounds /xrr Day ; for a Team of a Cart and two O.xen, or one Horfe ;\nd one Hand, Three Pounds /)<'r Day ; for two Hands, Forty Shillings per Day •■, for one Hand, Twenty Shillings p^r Day ^ (he Surveyor who fhall rcfufe or neglcci to do his Duty, (hall pay a Fine of Twenty Pounds. Whereas John Anthony Angel of Providence, preferred a Petition, fetting foi th. That the General AfTembly in their SefTion at Prof /- dence, in hebntary, 1748, ordered John Henry Hoof man, and Nicholas Ferraldebary, Servantsof the faid John Anthony Angel, to be difchargcd of their Servitude, and appointed Lieut. Col. Edu-ard Kinnirutt, Mr. Samuel Cbace, Duniel Jencks, Efq-, and Capt. Jojepb Olney, a Committee to fettle the Accounts between the Petitioner and his faid Servants, and gave rhem the Cuftody of faiJ Servants, until he fhould be fatisfied the full Ballance that flioukl be found due to him upon the Committee's Adjuftment of their Accounts : That afterwards, at the SefTion of the General Affembly in Alay, ly^g, the faid Committee reported, that the faid Servants owed the Petitioner on Ballance of Accounts, the Sum ot Forty-five Pound! Old-Tenor each : Whereupon tha faid Alfembly ordered the Sheriff ot the County of Providence to take them into his Cuftody, and let them out to fome Pcrlbns upon the bcfl Terms ht could, for a Sum iufficienc to difcharge faid Debts, and fuch Coft as had or fhould arifc ; yet neverthelcfs he the faid John Anthony jfngel hath never been able to get a Fai thing of his faid Debts : And there- fore as the General AilVmbly were plcafed to interpole in the Affair, fo that the Petitioner was deprived of his Servants, and his Debts will be utterly lofV, unlefi fomc Method be found out for his Relief; And this AHembly having taken the Prcmifes into Confidcration, Ds Vote ana Refolve, and it is Voted and Refolved, That the faid John Anthony Angel be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury, the Sum of Ninety Pounds Old-Tenor, tor his aforenamed Secvants taken from him as atorcfaid. Am C 55 3 M ACT for raifng the Priegs of Ferriage at feveral ferries in this Colony. WHEREAS the Prices of Ferriage as now ftated, are found too low : This jijfembly therefore do Vote and Enah, and it is Voled and Enabled, That for «^he future the Prices to be taken for Ferriage at the feveral Ferries, fhall be as tolloweth. to wit : At Mafon'% Ferry, for a Perfon, Jix Pence \ for a Horh, Jix Pence ; all neat Cattle, one /hilling: Sheep, Swine, and Calves, threepence; rvery Horfe and Chair, or Chaife, three JJnllings. At Fuller's Ferry at the lower En.i o^ Providence^ for every Perfon, fix pence ; every Hoiie, Jix pence \ all Neat Cattle, one Jhilling ; Sheep, Calves, and Swine, three pence ; a Horfe and Chair, or chaife, three At Kelly's and Miller's Ferries in Warren^ for every Perfon, eight pence ; for every Horfe, eigh' pence ; all Neat Cattle, one jhilling and four pence \ every Sheep, Swine, or Calf, two pence •, for every Horfe and Chair, or Chaife, four (hillings. At Briftol Ferry, for every Perfon, one ftnlling •■, for every Horfe, en: /hillini^ J all Near Cattle, twojhillings and fix pence; every Sheep, Calfj or Swine, four pence ; for every Horfe and Chair, or Chaife, tenfhil- lings ; for a Four-wheel Chaife, tvtelve jhillings. At Borden's Ferry, for every Perfon, one fhilltng ; for every Horfe» one Jhilling; all Nesit Cnth, two /hillings and fix pence; every Sheep, Calf, or Swine, /i?«r pevce ; for every Horfe and Chair, or Chaife, ten /hillings ; a Four-wheel Chaife, twelve (hillings. At Antbcmy's or Howland's Ferries, for every Perfon, eight pence 5 every lloric, eioht pence \ all Neat Cattle, one /billing and fix pence ; every Sheep, Calf, or Swine, three pence i every Horfe and Chair, or Chaife, eight (hillings. 'Ar Ccok's and yiVwy's Ferry, for every Perfon, one Jhilling and fix fence j every Horfe, one fijilling and fix pence ^ all Neat Cattle, two Jhtl' lings and Jix. pence \ every Sheep, Calf, or bwine,y?>f pence ; every Horfe and Chair, or Chaife. ten /hillings. At Wall's, Freihorn's^ Pierce's, and Lawton's Ferries, for every Per- fon. iivo Shillings, ; for every Horfe, two [hillings ; all Neat Cattle* tbree fhillings \ every Sheep, Calf, or %\i\ne,fix peitce ; for every Horfe nnd Chair, or Chaife, ten (hillings. At the Ferries from Newport to Jamejlown, for every Perfqn, one /hilling •, for every Horfe, three fhillings ; all Neat Cattle, tbree / hillings ; every Sheep ancl Ca\i, fix pence ; every Swine, eight pence-, every Horfe and Chnir, or Chaife, twelve /hillings : And the fame Ferriage to be taken from Jamefloufn to Newport -,. and alfo from Jameftown to North and South- Kingffown, and from Norfb and South-KingHown to Jame/lown. An [56 ] An ACT in Addition to an AH of the General Affembly, made and p.ijjed ua thi Seventeenth Day of- February, A. D- 1746. entiiuledy An A^l fur regulating Appeals to His .Majelty in Council in Gr em- Britain, and for le- pealing ihc former ^i\ made for that Purpoie. D^ if EnCiJed t-y the cf ibis Colony, and ly the Jutbo- ■D rity of the fame. It is hereby Ene^ed, That from and ahcr the Pub- lication of this Aft, no DetcnJanc in any Suit at Law in this Co- lony, the Foundation whereof being a Bond conditioned for the Pay- ment of Money only, fhall have Leave to Appeal from the Judgmeac of fuch Court, where fuch A(5\ion IhaJl be tried, to His Majclty in Council : But that the laft Judgment of the Superior Court of Judica- ture in this Colony, as 1 rials now Hand, regulated by the Laws of this Colony, fliall in all fuch Caufes be final, And furthermore, thar in all Apptaix to H:s Majcrty in Council from th;s Colony, if the Ap- pellant uoth notobcain a Reverlal ot the Judgment appealed from, or fails in Prolccuting fuch Apptal, the Appellee in fuch Caufc may by Action of the Cafe recover all ju(t and reafonablc Coll-, and Damages ; Any Law, Cuflom, or Ufa^c, to the contrary hereof m anywilc noi- withflanding. WHcrca^ lundry Sums of Money appear to be due to the Colony upon Mortgage- Deeds, Tenth-Bonds, and Intereft-Bonds, for whicii Writs have been ilTued out, and returned non eft ; and for Judgments of Court and Executions returned fatistieJ, tho' the Money hath HOC been paid into the proper Offices of the Government. For the Recovery whereof, Ttis AJfemb'.y do Vote and Refolie, and it is Voted and Refohed, That the Attorney General forthwith put in Suit all fuch Mortgage- Deeds, Tentli-Roiids, Intercft-Bonds, and Judgments of Court, and collcft the Money due for Executions returned fatished as aforeiaid, and u(e all lawful Means for procuring a fpeedy Payment of the Money due rhcreon, into the refpcdive Offices of the Grand Committee or General Treafurcr, as the fame fhail belong to either of them \ and that he render an Account ot his Proceedings when required, to the General AfTembly, or to fuch Pcrfons as they ihalll. appoint. /ind it is further Voted and Refo'ved, That the Keeper of the Grand Committer's OHico, and the General freaiurcr, deliver to the Attorney Geueral all fuch Mortgage- Deeds, Tcntii-lionds, and Intcrclt-Bonds, in their relpcdive Offices, ai he fhall think necefTary to put in Suit as aforcfaid. Whcre.TJ fames Reynolds reprefented unto this Aflembly, that, lie is Dosv confined to His Majcfty's Goal in Providence, on an Execution J"ued out againfl him by the Grand Committee (or Money due to the Colony oi) a Tenth-Bond ; That fince he mortgaged his Land to the Cover nmcnt. [57 3 Government, he fold it unto Mr. IViiliam Wiovir, who by AtreemenC was to pay the Money for which the Land was lb morrga^j ^ and thereupon prayed for Kclief : And this Afl'cmbly having taHq the Premiles into Conlidcration, Do Vote and Rejoive, and it h looted and Refolved, That the Kecpf-r oi- the (irand Committct's Office put in Suit the Mortgage given for the Security of the aforefaid Money. yfhere^is David HerenJen, o^Smithfidd^ reprefcnted unto this Ailctn- biy. That fome Years }x.ft he gave le-vcral Bonds for Bank-Money to the Grand Commictce, and afrcrwarrfs fold the Land (which he had mortaged ior f.tid Mo:iey;, to one Jeremiah Brovm, who gave a Sett of Bonds to ihc Grand Committee, in Lieu of his tht faid David's aforefaid Bonds : but thro' fomc Miftakeor Neglect of the Committee of the Town of SmithfidJ, the Bonds given by the faid Bromty were Jodged in the Grand Committee's Office, without taking up or can- celling his the faid David's Bonds, as they ought to iiave been ; That both Setts of the faid Bonds are annually fcnt to Pnvidence, and the faid David hath been often fned, and put to great Charges, and ftill is liable to be put to more, unlefs relieved by this AfTembly : And thereupon the faid David prayed, that as ihere appears two Setts of Bonds for the fair.e Sujn, that fuch of his Bonds as remain behind and and unpaid, may be delivered up, and tlwt he may be alio allowed and paid out of the General Treafury, the Money that hath been •wrongfully taken as aforefaid. And this AfTembly having taken the Prcm:fe3 into Confideration, Dj Vote and Refolve^ and it is Voted and ^ejolved. That Daniel Jencks^ Efq; be, and he is hereby appointed to inquire into the Crrcumflances of the Matters and Things aforeiaid, and make Report to this Aflembly, ar their next SeffiOn. It is Voted and Rejohed, That the Attorney General, Daniel Jencks, Efqr and Capt, Elijba Brown, be, and they are hereby conllituted a Committte to make the Draught of a I-cttcr to be fent to our Agent in Great-Britain, Inftrufting him with refpeft to a Bill now pending in Parliament, about Paper Bills of Credit, yc. to defend us againfl a Complaint lately lent Home againfl: the Government, by fundry Mer- chantsand others, in this Colony -, and to defirc ihe Agent to procure and fend to this Government, a Copy of the faid Complaint, with the Signers Names : But that the faid Draught when made, be not fcnt until it be laid before this AfTembly. It is alfo Voted and Refolved. That Daniel Jencks, and Nathanael Lewis, Efqrs. be, and they are hereby conftituted a Committee, to' inquire into the "Number of Iron-Works, ^c. in this Colony, as di- redted from Home, and make Report to His Honour the Governor, in order that he may give proper Anfvvers to the Letters he has recciv'd on that Head, as foon as may be. Both Houfes refolved into a Grand Committee, and chofe the fol- lowing Officers, to wit ; Daniel Howland, Efq-, \ Juftices of the Irtferior Court of Common Jofepb Nichols, Efq; / Pleas, and General SefHons of the Peace, John Fry, Efq; > in and of the County of Kent, for the John Greene, Efq; C remaining Part of thclfear, M tii//, 'till jRufus Greene, Efq-, J the next General Eledion» F Mr. C 58] Mr. Jc«^fi^allo»,]\in. Clerkof the faid Court : And Capt. TbcKias Spenfer. Sheriffot the County aforcfaiJ, for :Mid during the Time above- mendoned, /.' is Voted and Refohed, 1 hat the Choice of the Committees of the feveral Towns, for the Management of the Colony's Money, let, or to be let on Loan, bj, and the fame is hereby referred unto the next SclTion of this AITembly. 7he following Report was made }>y the GenlUmcn -xho have (uhfcriisd it. " Wl^' ^^'^ Subfcribers being appointed a Committee by the Ge- " VV "eral AITembly, to inlpedt into Mortgages anJ, Bonds, " from time to time, in the Grand Committee's Orlice, do Report, " That we have taken all pofTible Care and Fains from time to time, " in infpecting into faid Mortgages and Bonds, according to laid " Appointment ; andagreeablc to Acl of Aflembly, have takan a Lift " ot Mortgage Deeds, and have got the fame printed, and have Ice •' up Advcrtiicments in the feveral Towns where faid Mortgage Deeds " belong : Upon which fundry Perlons have brought their Bonds to *■• faid Committee, and upon comparing them with the Mortgage *' Deeds, it hath appeared to the Saiisfaiftion of the Committee, that " (aid Mortgage Dceas jught to be difcharged : All which Mort- " gages lb appearing, the Committee hath laid by themfelves in laid " OfRce ; a Lift of which wc herewith prefcnt, with the rema'n'rg " Lift of Mortgages nor romplv'd with. Witnefs our Hands in Ni'io- " fort, this 27th OJjj-^r, 1750. " feter Lours, " Sinlctt Peafe, " George JVanlcUy " Thomas Crajiftoftt " yames Sbejfidd." A Lijl of Mortgage Deeds laid hy in the CroyJ Coy.mittei^s Office., which appear to have been paid. John Rofs, i- 140 William Brown, i 8? Adam Caley, 60 William Brown, 166 John Rice, ICO William Clagget, 40 John Potter, 8i Daniel Updike, 250 Jofcph Edmonds, 30 Daniel Updike, 250 Thomas Rice, 50 John Potter, 5a Jofcph StalTord, 28 James Hawlingi, 45 John Hoklen, '^O William Brown, ICO John Rice, 50 Peter Mawney. 90 Rebecca Tibbirs, 100 Elifha jchnfon. 3f> John Olney, jun, 30 Jona. Nichols & Ja. M lyes. ^5^ William Brown, 95 William Sunderland, 44 John Mancheftcr, 170 Robert Greene, '->■.> George Hazard, juii. 80 H^jbexi 3cefiss, ^9 Robert Browning, icS r.d B. John Jonej, Ephraim Gardner, 83 John Reynolds, = 5 Danici Sunderland, 25 Job Harrii, 500 Mayes Nichols. 100 Daniel Greene, Rowfc Hclmc, 27 Richard Knight, 100 And C 59 ] And this Afiembly having taken the laid Report fn^Confideration, Do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refohed^ That the laid Report be, and it is hereby accepted. A:id it is alio farther VoUd and Refohed, That Gecrg-: V/anton^ Peter Bours, Thomas Cranjhn, and James Shi'Jfield, Elqrs, be iarthcr continued a Committee to inlpeft into Mortgages and Bonds from time to time, in the Grand Committee\s Office : And alfo to audit the Accounts of Benjamin NichoLy Efq-, Keeper of the Grand Committee's Office. Whereas the Committee, t!iat infpefted into the Mortgages and Bonds in the Grand Commictec^s Oifice, exhibited the following Account, to wit •, *' The Cvhny of Rhode-Illand; to George Wanton, Peter *' Eours, Simon Peafc*. Ihonns Cranlton, nad^^uiK^ •■ShcHield, -. « _ _ Or . TO our Time and Trouble in mfpecting into Mortgages and Bonds in the Grand Committee's Office, and for getrirj? the Advertilemetits and Lifb of the Mortgages printed, and for v/.iiting upon Per- fons from time to time at faid Office -, ior all which Services, we charge Fifteen Pounds per Man. I- T5 ° "^ *' Peter Bours ^ Newport, 0£tob. 27. 1750, "• Simon Peafe, " George JVanton, •• Thomas Cranjion, " James Sheffield." And this Afiembly having ttken into Confideration, and duly exa- mined faid -Account, Do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refohed, That the faid Account be, and ic is hereby allowed, and the Sum uf Seventy-five Pounds, the Arnoupr thereof, paid the above named Gentlemen out of the General Treafury. It is Voted andRefclved, That the Sheriff of the County of Kent make Ufe of His Majeily's Goal in the Town of Providence, for confining Prifoners, i^c. until a Goal be built in the faid County of Kent : And that the Sheriff of the County of Providence be, and he is hereby fuliy impowered to execute and finifhail Executions in his Hands, as fully and effedlually in every Refpcd, as he fhould have done, had not the faid County of Kert been eredcd and fet off. An ACT afcertaining the Number ol Jurors to be fent by the Towns in the County ot Kent., to the feveral Courts in that County. D£ it Ena5itd by the Genera' /il/e»iily, and by the /lutbority thereof. It tJ is EnaHed, That the feveral Towns within the County of Kent, lend to the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Affize, and General Goal Delivery, as the fame (hall be held from time to time in that County, the following Number of Jurors, to vvit -, Eafl -Greenwich, four Grand and four Petit Jurors ; 'jVar-^ick, three Grand and four Petit Jurors •. U-'ea -Grseawich, three Grand and two Petit Jurors ; and Coventry^ Ccveniry, three Grand and two Peth Jurors : Anil that each of tho fatd Towns fend the iHitie Number of Grand and Petit Jurors to the Inferior Courts of Coiiimon Pleas, and General Scflions of the Peace, as by this Aft they are obliged to fend to the Superior Court, ^c^ above- mention'd ; and that as often as the faid Inferior Court of Comtnon Picas, and General SciTions of tlie Peace, (hall be held within and for fdid County. // is Fotecl and Refohedhy this Jffeml/y, That all Bufinefs lying before them unSniflicd, be, and rbe f.ime w lirrt-by rcfcired to the next Seflion : Thit the Secretary proclaim in N^wpor:, by Beat of Drum, all the Ads and Orders now made and pall, within ten Days, and fend Copies of the laid Ads and Orders now made and pad, and of thofe alio that were made and pad at the lad Seflion in Newport, unto each Town in the Colony, according to Law, within forty Days after the Rifing of this Aflembly r That all thofe Pcrfons that were cited to appear at the General AiTembly, which was to have been held at Newport, by Ad- journment, on the Twenty-fourth Day of September laft, but fell thro', be cited to appear before this Aflembly at their next Seflion, for the fame Purpofes as they were cited to appear before the Affembly that fell through as aforefaid : And that this Aflembly be, and it is hereby adjourned to the firft Monday in December next. GOD Save the King. pHlliJhed in Newport by Beat of Drum, cn the i3/(&jD.-Jjo/ November, 1750. ly THOMAS WARD, Secry. [60 ] ^f /Z?^ G i: N E R A L A s s E M B L Y of the GOVERNOR and CO MP ANT of the Engliili Colony of Rhode-lfland, and Providence-Planta- tions, ia New Enoland, in America ; begun and held by Adjournment at Providence, thefirU Monday of, in the Tear of Our LORD, One Thou- jar.d Sevea Hundred and Fifty : And in the Trvemy- fourth i'ear of the Reign of- His Aloft Sacred Majelly, CjEORGE the iecondj by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Bncain, Frar.ce, and Uchnd, King, Defender of the faith, &c. PRESENT, The Hon. JFILLI ^ M GREENE, Efqj Governor, The Hon. Robert Haszard, Efq; Dep. Gov* George Wanton, Kfq, Jonathan Nichols, Efq,/ JoH N" Potter, Efq; JabezBowen, Efq; Benj am in Tucker, Efq; - Robert Lavvton, Efq} James Arnold, Efqj 41^. William Richmond, EfqiVyf^, DANIELCoGGESHALL,Efq-,\ Jeoffry Watson, Efqi The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the fcveral TOWNS. The Honourable Thomas Cranston, Efq; Speaker. NEWPORT ; M r. Natbanatl Coggeflmll^ Mr. Jojtph JVhipple, The Speaker, Peter Bonn, Efq; Mr. Nicholas Eajion, C;ipt. "Job Benin t. Providevck : Jonathan Randal, Efq; Mr. Eli/ha Brown, John Dexter, Efq; Daniel Jencks, Efq; Portsmouth ; jyilliam Anthony, jun. Efq; John [62 ] John Allen, Efq; Benjamin HickeSy Efq; Warwick i Capt. John Greene, 7bcinas Rice, Efq-, Mr. Jofepb Uppity Major Stephen Low. Westerly ; Col, Jo/eph Pendleton, Capt. Calel> Church. Newshoreham •, None. North-Kingston ; Col. Immanuel Northup, Bcriab Brown, Elq; South-Kingston •, Jeremiah Kites, Efq; Mr. Benjamin Peckham,]Mn. East-Greenwich ; Jofeph Nichols, Efq; Thomas Spenjer, Efq-, Jamestowh } Mr. Edward Carr, Mr. Jofeph Clark. Sm ithfibld ; Thomas Lapham, Efqi John Aldrich, Efq-, Sc ituate ; Joh Randal, Efqj Mr. Gideon Hammond. Gloclster V Major Richard Smith, Capt. Timothy JVillmott. Chariestown i Col. Chrijlopher Champlin, Capt. Nalhanael Lewis. West-Greenwich ; Mr. John Greene CSon of John). Coventry •, EUfJm John/on, Efq-, Samuel Cooper, Efqj Exeter ; Capt. John Reynolds, Mr. Benjamin Mowrey. Middletown; Edward Eaflofj, Efqi Mr. Peter Barker. Bristol ; Jonathan Peck, Efq; Shearjafliub Bourne, Efq; Tiverton ; Capt. John Manchefler, Mr. Samuel Durjey. Little-ComptoN ", Lieut. Col. John Hunt, Mr. Charles Brownel. Warren ; Mr. John Cole, Peter Bicknel, Efqj CuMRERLANDj JobBartlet, Efq-. 'John Dexter, Efq; Richmond ; Samuel lift, Efq* Capt. Jojeph Enos,}\in. Mr. Jofias Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Houfe. BEFORE this Aflembly was read an A(ft of Parliament, cntitulcd. An A51 to encourage the Importation of Pig and Bar Iron from His Majefly's Colonies in America \ and to prevent the EreSiion of any Mill, or other Engine, for flitting or rolling of Iron, or any Plateing Forge to work with a lilt Hammer, or any Furnace for making Steel, in any ef the faid Colonies : As alfo the Letter and Inftruftions trom the Lords Com- milTioners for Trade and Plantations. And the fame being taken into Confideration, This Affcmbly is well affured, that there is not in this Colony, any fuch Mill or F.ngine for flitting or rolling of Iron, or any Plateing Forge to work with a Tilt Hammer, or any Furnace for making Steel, as mentioned and exprcffed in faid Aft. And tbereftre it is Voted and Refolved, That his Honour the Governor be, and he is hereby [6? ] hereby requefled to inform the Right Honourable and Honourable the Lords Commiffioners for Trade and Plantations, of the fame, as foon as conveniently may be. Whereas Thomas Richard/on, Efq; General Treafurer, hath rcceiv'd oF the Committee who fold the two Ferries lately belonging to the Colony, on the Weft Side of Jamefiown, two Bonds given by Abel Franklin, one for Three Thoufand Four Hundred Pounds, and the other for his faithful Complyance with ail A6ls of AlTembly made for regulating the Ferries \ and alio for the Sum of One Hundred Pounds in Ca(h. for theUfe of theUovernment, as appears by tbe Receipt of the Treafurer, delivered to this AfTcinbiy by (aid Committee : Where- upon it is Voted and Re/olved, That the faid Raceipt be, and it is hereby accepted, and lodged with the Secretary. "Whereas 7'cc»h^s Richard/on, Efq^ General Treafurer, hath received of the Committee who fold the two Ferries lately bclongmg to the Co- lony, on the Weft Side of Jamejicwn, two Bonds given oy Stephen JVillcox, one for Seven Hundred and Eignty Pounds, and the other for his faithful Complyance with all A6ts of AITembiy made for regulating the Ferries; and alfo for the Sum of Twenty Pounds in Cafh, for the Ufe of the Government, as appears by the Receipt ot the Treafurer, delivered to this AfTembly by faid Committee : Whereupon it is Voted and Refohed, That the faid Receipt be, and it is hereby accepted, and lodged with the Secretary. It is Voted and Refolved, That Daniel Coggefhall, and Immanuel Nortbttp Efqrs. be. and thev are hereby appointed a Committee, to fettle with Thomas Spenfer oi Jameftown, refpefting Arrearages of Rent due to the Colony, and receive the Ballance, and lodge it in the General Trca- fury, and make Report of their Doings to this AfTembly at their next Sefiion. It is Voted and Refolved, That MelTis. Robert Gibhs, Jofeph Sheldon, and Stephen Remington, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee to audit tne Accounts of the Directors of the Lottery fet up for building^ a Bridge over Pauiuxit River, and make Report of their Doings to this Affembly. Whereas David Cumjlock, Ffq-, exhibited to this AfTembiy, an Ac- count by him charged againft the Colony, fnr his Time, Trouble, and Expences, in ifTuing Warrants againft, examining, and binding over to Court, Perfons fufpefted to be guilty of counterfeiting Bills of Cre- dit ; for returning the Recognizances to, and attending on the Supe- rior Court of Judicature in Prm^^wff, &c. intheYeai 1748 : Which Account being duly examined and confidered, This AJJembly do Vote and Re/olve, and it is Voted and Refolved. That the fain Account be, and tnc fame is hereby allowed, and that the Amount thereof being Forty-one Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Fence, be paid untp the faid David Cumjteck out of the General Trcafury. Whereas [^4 ] Whereas lyUliam yIfncld,'Ei'(\\ exhibited ro this Afil-mbly an Account by him charged agamlt ilie Colony, for his Time, Trouble, Horfe-hire. and Expcnces. in going two Journeys to two leveri>l Courts in the County of fVcrceJier. in the Years 1745 and 1746, in order to give Evidence againft one Ifrael Keiib, for palFing Counterfeit Bills, in Imi- tation ol the true Bills of Credit emitted by thi<: Government -, for examining, and binding over to Court, Baniel Walling, Samuel Ccok. and Ddir.el Pbillips, for making and pafTing Counterfeit Bills ; and tor going two Journeys 10 Prnv'tdcnre in the i'ear 1748. where he attended as a Witnels, by Order of the Superior Court, (Jc. Which Account being duly ;xamined and confidtred, This /Ijjembly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Rejolved, Thai ihs faid Account be, and the fame is hereby allowed, and that Fifty Pounds Nine Shillings the Amount thereof, be paid unto the laid IViiliam Arnold out of the General Treal'ury. Whereas his Honour the Deputy Governor, and Beriah Brcii;:, Efq-, exhibited to this Aflcmbly, an Account t)y them charged againft the Colony, for Cafli paid Mr. George Gardner for Beards to repair the *ioal Houfc in Kings County, and tor carting the fame, in June lad : Which Account being duly exnn-.ined and confidcred. This Ajfeinbly do Vote and Refnhe, and it is Voted and Re/olved, That the faid Accounc be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Mxreen Pounds Four Shillmgs, the Amount thereof, be paid unto his Honour the Deputy Govtrnor, and the faid Beriab Broicn, out of the General Treafury. Whereas an Account was exhibited to this AfTcmbly, charged by Capt. Jo/eph 0:»ey, againll fcbn Alauney, f.fq. for making and mending Glafs for the County Houle and Goal in Providence : And this AfTcmbly havinc-- duly examined and ccniidered laid Account, Uo Vote and Re- fohe, and it is Voted and Refched, That the faid Account be, and it is hereb) allowed, and that sixteen Pounds Nine Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid to the faid ic.h;i Maixney out of the General Treafury. \Vherca> Capt. Nalhatuicl Lcivis exhibited to fhis AfTembly an Ac- count bv him charged againfl the Colony, for his Time. Trouble, Horfe-hire, and Fxpcnces, in viewing and meaiuring the Bridges in Kings County : Which Account being duly examined and confidcred, This /IJfemtly do Vote and Rejclve, and it is Voted and Re.ohcd, Th.u the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Twelve Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid unco the faid Natbanaci Lru:is out of tne General Trcafurv. Whereas Samuel Aidrich, a Confrable, exhibited to this AfTcmbly. an Account bv him charged againlt the Colony, for his Time, T rouble, and Expences, in apprehending Ifrael Innian, and others, fufpe(?led to be guilty of counterfeiting Bills of Credit, in the Year 174B : Which Account being duly examined and conlidered, Tbis Ajfembly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Kej:hed, That laid Account be, and it is hcrcbv I 6s ] hereby allowad, and that Twelve Pounds Three Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto ihe faid Samuel Aldricb out of the General Treafury, Whereas 72»o»jjj Lapbam, Efq; exhibited to thisAflembly,, an Account by him charged againft the Colony, for his Time, Trouble, and Ex- pences, in examining Daniel fFalling^ and delivering him over to the Authority of the Province of the Majfacbufetts-Bay, for pafllng Coun- terfeit Bills of that Province, in the Year 1748 ; and alfo in taking an Account of the Bridges : Which Account being duly examined and confidered, Ibis Jljimbly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Re/olved, That the-faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that the Sum of Twenty-two Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Thomas Lapbam out of the General Treafury. Whereas Meffrs, Thomas Cmnffon, Jobn Tillingbajl^ and Jofeph Whipple, were appointed a Committee to audit the Accounts of the Gentlemen that were appointed to pay off the Officers and Soldiers raifed for the Expedition intended againft Canada ; but have not yet been able to perform that Service : It is tbtrefore Voted and Re/ohedy That the above-named Gentlemen be, and they are hereby continued a Committee for the Purpofe aforcfaid ; and that they audit the Accounts of thofe Gentlemen feparately, receive the Ballance of faid Accounts, and depofit the ame in the General Treafury. // is Voted and Refolved, That his Honour the Governor draw Bills upon Mr. Agent Patridge, for the Sum of Seventeen Hundred and Forty- two Pounds Six Shillings and Ten Pence Sterling, in his Hands j and that George IVanton, Jonathan Nichols, Peter Bours, Thomas Cranjion^ and Daniel Jencks, Elqrs. be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby appointed a Committee, to icU and difpofe of faid Pills, when drawn •, and alio to receive of Jofeph Wanton, Efq; and Capr. Walter Ch.iloner, the Money which the Agent hath drawn upon them for, provided they will give the lame Advance as the others do, who fhall purchafe the Bills to be drawn by his Honour the Governor ; otherwife the Bills drawn on Mr. Wanton, and Capt. Chaloner as aforefaid, fhali be returned tc the Agent, and his Honour the Governor draw on him for the Sums expreffed in his faid Bills. Whereas the Committee that was appointed to form the Draught of a Letter to be fent from this Government to Mr. Agent Patridge, have performed that Service, and prcfented this AfTembly with one j which being duly confidered, this AlTembly do approve thereof: And there- upon it is Voted and Refohed, That a fair Copy of the fame be drawn, to be figned by his Honour the Governor, and fent to the Agent by the firll good Opportunity. Whereas this Affembly, at their Seffion in Providence, the laft Wed- ncfday of Oflolfer lafV, made and part an A(fi:, entituled, /^m Aii in Addi- tion to an Acl of the General AJfembly, mAde and p aft on the Jeventeenth Day R of [66 ] «■/ February, A. D. 1746, entituled. An Ail j or nguhting Appeals to His Majefiy in Council in Great-Britain, and for reptaltng the former Ail made for that Purpcje. Fart of which Act ialt made, is exprelfed in Terms lb general, that it may be conitrued to look back, and take Effedt in Adlions brought, betore faid Aft was paft : This Affembly therefore having taken the Matter into Confideration, l)j Vote, Refohe, and De- clare, and it is Voted^ Refol'jed, and Declared, That it was not their In- tent, Meaning, ot Defign, when they voted and pafTed the faid Aft laft made, that the fame fhould rctrofpeft, nor (hall it retrofpeft, or take Effcft, in any Aft ion •, the original Writ whereof, bears Daic before the faid Aft Ialt paft, was voted and piffcd : Any Thing therein contained to the contrary, notwithftanding. j^tt JCT for fitting up a Lottery to raife a Sum cf Money, in order to b.;:!d a Bridge over Pawtucket River, between the Towns oj Smithtield auU Cumberland, in thts Colony. WHEREAS a Number of Gentlemen, Merchants, and others, have reprefented unto this AflTembly, that as there is a large Number ot Inhabitants in the Towns of Cumberland, Anleborsugb, TVrentham, and Billingbam, to whom tlie Town of Providence is the Market Town, whither tney carry almoft all they have to fell ; and that there is a large River runs between the firft mentioned Towns, and the Town ot Providence, fo large, that at molt Times in the Year, it is not fordable for Teams or Horfcs -, Dy Means whereof, the Inhabitants of all faid Towns are very greatly incommoded, Wf. Whereupon they prayed this AfTcmbly to grant that a Lottery may be fet forth (in luch Manner, under fuch Regulations, and managed by fuch Perions as fhall be thought proper j, to raife a fufficient Sum, that may reafonably afford a Deduftion ot Two Thouland Pounds Old Tenor, to be appropriated. to building a Bridqe over faid River, at or near the Land of Capr.- David JVbippie in Cumberland. And this AflTembly having taken the Matter into Confideration, Do Vote and Enail, and it is Voted ani Enailed, That for the End and Purpofc aforefaid, a Lottery of Twenty Six Thoufand Seven Hundred Pounds Old-Tenor, maybe fet up, fub- jcft to a Deduftion of Ten per Cent, to confiit of Six Thoufand Six Hun- dred and Seventy-five Tickets, at Eour Pounds each ; fourteen Hun- dred of which fhall be fortunate in the following Manner, to wit : 10 to draw Prizes of ;C. 500 each, is ^, 5000 10 _____ 200 ■ 2000 20 __ 100 ■ 2000 40 ii — 50 2000 50 40 2000 100 ■ . 20 ■ 2000 1 170 10 — — 11700 1400 j^. 26700 Blanks 5275 66-js And [67 1 /jnd he it farther Enabled ty (be Authority aforefatd. That Capt. Olcdiab Brown, of Prtviatnce; Capt. David iVhipple, and JcbnDexitr, Eiq, of Oimbcrland \ and Mr. PculTew, of Providence, be, and chey are hereby contlitured Diredors or Managers of the Lottery to be let up as afore- faid ^ and upon their giving Bond with Sureties, to the General Trea- furer of" the Colony, in the Sum of Forty Thoufand Founds, for the faithful Dilcharge of their Truft, fhall be, and hereby are invefted with full Power and Authority, to do^ ad, trantadl, and finifh all and every Matter and Ma:tei», Thing and Things, ncceflary to begin, carry on, and compleat the Lottery aforefaid, and to build the intended Bridge, and (hail be allowed Two and half per Cent, for their Trouble, in procuring faid Lottery to be filled and drawn, and for appropriating the Remainder of the SuiTi dcduvfted from the Produce of laid Lottery, which will be Two Thouland and Two Pounds Ten Shillings Old Tenor, towards building the propofcd Bridge, in fuch Manner, and at fuch Placr^ as the faid Directors, and a like Number to be chofen by the Petitioners, (hall think bcft ; and that the faid Direftors fiiall ren- der an Account of their Proceedings in the whole Affair, to the General Affcmbly of this Colons, whenever they (hall be by thtm thercrunto CiUcd. yhd be it farther EnaSed by the Autbcrily aforefaid, That the faid Lottery (hail be drawn at the Houfe of Capr. David IVhilp'.i in Cum- berland, on the lecond Monday of May next : Notice of which (hall be given by the Directors in the publick Prints, fourteen Days before faid Time -, but that no Tickets (hall be difpoicd of until the firft Day of February next. WHEREAS fob Sennet, jun. exhibited to this AlTembly, an Account of Fourteen Pounds, by him charged againft the Co- lony, for his Time, Horfe-hire, and Expences, in bringing a Packet to his Honour the Governor, from Ne'wport to Providence: Which being duly examined and confidered. This Ajjembly do Vote and Re/otve, av.d it is Voted ar.d Refolved, That Ten Pounds of the faid Account be allowed and paid the faid Job out of the General Treafury. B An ACT eflahlijking and appointing the <^iota of Jurors to be fent by the Jeveral Towns in the County of Providence, to the future Ccurts w/tbin the fif/ie. £ IT ENACT E D by this AJfembly, and by the Authority tbtreof^ It is Enabled, That for the future, the feveral Towns in the County ot Providence, fliall fend to the Superior Court of Judicaturf, Court of Afllze, and General Goal Delivery, as the fame fhall from tim.e to time be held in faid County, the following Number of Jurors, to wit : Providence, four Grand and three Petit Jurors ; Smith^eld, four Grand and two Petit Jurors •, Scituate, two Grand and three Petit Jurors ; Gkcefier, two Grand and two Petit Jurors j and Cumberland, one Grand and [68 ] aid two Petit Jurors : And that faid Towns, and each of them, fhall fend the like Number of Grand Jurors, as by this Ad it is above sppoint- ed for each of them, to the Courc of General Seffions of the I'eace, and the fame Number of Petit Jurors, as by this Ad is above appointed for each of them, to the Interior Court of Common Pleas of the faid County of Providence, at every SefTion of faid Courts : Any Law, Cu- ftom, or Ufage, to the contrary hereof, in anywiie, notwithflanding. yind it is Voted and Refolved, That this Ad be forthwith proclaimed ; which was accordingly done by the Stcretary. Whereas Raines Reynolds reprefented unto this Aflembly, That he hath been confined to His Majefty's Goal in Providence, ever fince the Month oijuv.e laff, for a Debt due to the Colony, amounting, with the Charges, to Eighteen Pounds ; and being unable to pay the fame, he prayed that his own Bond may be taken for faid Debt and Cofts, and he be let out ol Prifon. On Confideration whereof. Ibis /Ijjernbly do Vote and Rejolve, and it is Voted and Refolved, That the faid James Rey- nolds fhall be let out of Prifon, he paying his Prifon Fees, and giving Bond to theGrand Committee for the aforefaid Sum of Eighteen Pounds, to be paid in two Years. Whereas Tkcmas Relpb, jun. of Scituate, in the County of Provi' dence, in Behalf of himfelf and Company, reprefented unto this AfTtm- bly. That they went out to hunt Wolves, and on the fixtecnth Day of Noveml/er laft, he the faid Relph fhot at a blackifh coloured Wolf, in Scituate aforefaid, but did not follow him : Afterwards fuch a Wolf was found dead, which they apprehend to be the fame that faid Relpb fhot at v but not having the Proof by Law required, to entitle them to the Bounty, he prayed to have the fame Allowance out of the Gcaeral Treafury, as hefhould have, were the Wolf killed in Sight. And this AfTembly having taken the fubjed Matter of the faid Petition into Con- fideration, and made due Enquiry into the Truth thereof. Do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refolved^ That the faid Petition be, and it is hereby granted. Whereas Ann and James Franklin exhibited to this Aflembly, an Ac- count by them charged againlt the Colony, for printing the Ads and Orders of rhe General AfTembly, made and part at their SefTions in Au- guji and OEloher lad, and for furnifhing Paper for the W^ork : Which being duly examined and confidered, Ihis Affemhly dc Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refolvid, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that fhe Sum of Fifty-two Pounds Four Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Ann and James Franklin out of the General Treafury. // is Voted and Refolved, That his Honour the Deputy Governor, Benjamin Tucker, James Honyman, and Immanuel Nor thup, Efqrs. McfTrs. Benjamin Pcckbam, jun. and Jo/epb Lippit, be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby conftitutcd a Committee, to take the Affair of [69] of the Paper Currency into Confideration, and prefent a Bill or Bills to this Aflembiy, at their next Seflion. Whereas Benjamin Gorbam exhibited to this AfTembly, an Account by him charged againft the Colony, for his Attendance on the General Aflembiy, at this and their larc Seffion, for Fire-wood, i^c. Which being duly examined and confidered. This Jfftmbl-j do Vote and ReJolvCy and it is Voted andRefolved, That the faid Account be allowed, and that the Sum of Eighteen Pounds Seven Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Benjamin Gorhum out oi the General Treafury. // is Voted and Refolved, That the Drawing of the Lottery which the Government has allowed Col. Jojeph Pendleton to fct up, be, and it is hareby poftponed to the lalt Day of March next, unlefs it be filled before. It is Voted and Refotved, That Richard Sleere, Efq; be, and he is hereby chofeii the tilth Juftice of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Serious of the, in and of the County of Providence. It is Voted and Refohed, That the Choice of Committees of the feveral Towns, for the Management of the Colony's Money, let, or to be let on Loan, be, and the fame is hereby relerred unto the next Sefl'ion of this AiTembly, Whereas Ifrael PhillipSy of Smithfidd, in the County of Providence^ Yeoman, preferrted a Petition unto this Aficmbly, letting forth. That in the Year On© Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty-two, he was convided of having a Hand in bad Money ; for which he was obliged to give Security to the General Treafurer, that he would exchange all the bad Bills he had paflfed, and which fhould be brought to the General Treafurer wichm acertainTIme then limited, which is long fince elapfed: And that he the faid Ifrael did depofit One Hundred Pounds in the Hands of Daniel Jencks, Efq-, and Capt. Richard Sayles, to be his Bonds- men in that Reipe<5l .- Whereupon he prajrcd that a Committee may be appointed to enquire what Money is due on laid Bond, Cdc. On Conll- deration whereof. This /Ijjenlly do Vote and Re/olve, and it is Voted and Refohed, That Peter Bours, and Jojeph JVhipple, Efqrs. be, and they arc hereby conftituted a Committee, to enquire into thePremifes, and make Report to this Aficmbly at their next Seflion. Whereas the Aft of AfTembly appointing Courts to be held in the County of /^f«/, the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Aflize, and General Goal Delivery, is to be held but once in a Year, to wit, in OHoher, whereby Creditors may be kept out of their juft Debts much longer than is reafdnable. For Prevention whereof. Be it Enabled by this General ^Jfembiy, and by the Authority thereof^ It ii Enalied, That there (hall be annually held in the laid County of Kent, S on C 70 J on the third Tuefday of /^pril, one other Superior Court of Judicature, Courc of AITizc, and General Goal Delivery. /; is Veted and Refohed by this J/embly^ That all Bufinefs lying before thi-m uiifini(heH, bc» and the lame is hereby referred to the next Seflion : And that the Secretary proclaim in Neivport by Beat of Drum, all the Acls an>1 Orders now made and part, within ten Days, and fend Copies of them unto each Town in the Colony, according to Law^ within forty Days after the Rifing of this Aflembly j which is hereby ad- journed to tbe third Monday in March next. GOD Save the KING. ^ulliped if} Nfwport according to Order, on the i8//j Day e/ December, 1750, by '^'''7 ^S^#'^. Thomas Ward, Secry. / — ' 7 [ 7' ] At the G E N F. R A L A S S E M B L Y of the GOVERNOR and CO MP ANT of the Englilh Colony of Rhode-lfland, and Providence-P anta- tions, in New. England, in America ; be^un and held by Adjournment at Providence, on the third Mon- day of March, in the Tear of Our LORD, One Thou- fand ^even Hundred and Fifty : And in the Itrenty' fourth Tear of the Reign of His Mofi Sacred Maieily, GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD, of Greac-Bnrain, France, and Ir^hnd, King, Defender of the Faith, &:c. PRESENT, The Hon. fVILLIJM GREENE, Efq; Governor. The Hon. Robert Haszard, Efqj Dep. Gov* Georgb Wanton, Efqj ) James Arnold, Efq; John Potter, Efq; >AJf}/l.W ill i am ~ Jabbz BowEW, Efqi \ Jeoffry Watson, Jilq JOLD, Efqi ) Richmond, Efq;>/^j?, ATSON, Elq; S The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the feveral TOWNS. The Hon. Thomas Cramston, Efq; Speaker. NEWPORT; m Providence f Mr. Naibanael Cogge/hatl, P% Jonathan Randal, Efq; Mr. Jofepb Whipple, ii Mr. Eli/ha Brown, The iipeaker. ^i John Dexter, Efq; Peter fiaar/, Efq; S2 Daniel Jencks, Efq; Mr. Nicholas Eafton, ^ Portsmouth ; Capt. Job Binnft, g? Willi am Anthony, jun. Efo; yobtt C n ] John /iUen, £iqi Mr. Thomas Brovmely Benjamin Hickes, Efq; Warwick ; Capt. John Greene, Thomas Rice, Efq-, Mr. Jc/epb Uppity Major Stephen Low. Westerly ; Col. Jojepb Pendleten. Newshoreham j None. North-Kingstown ; Col. Immanuel Norlhup, Beriah Brown, Efq; South-Kingstown •, Jeremiah Nilcs, Efq; Mr. Benjamin Peckham,jun. East-Greenwich ; Jofeplf Nichds, Efq; Thc?nas Spenfer, Efq-, Jamestown j Mr. Jojcph Clark. SmITHFIELD ; Thomas Lapham, Efq; John Aldrich, Efqi Scituate i Joh Randal, Efq-. Mr. Gideon Hammond, Gl.OCESTEK ; Major Richard Smith. Capt. Timothy IVilmot. Charlestown ; Col, Chriftofher Champli/i, R« Capt. Nathanaef Lewts. West-Greenwich ; Mr. John Greene (Son of John). Coventry •, Eli/Jja Johnfon, Efqj Samuel Cooper, Efqj Exeter } Cdpt. John Reynolds, Mr. Benjamin Mowrey, Middletown ; Ldivard taficn, Efq; Mr. Peter Barker. Bristol ; Jonathan Peck, Efq-, Sbearja/hub Bourne, Efqj Tiverton ; Capt. John Manchefter, Mr. Samuel Durfey. Little-Compton ; Lieut. Col. John Hunt, Mr. Charles Browne I. Warren ; Mr. Jo/j>n Cole, Peter Bicknel, Efq; Cumberland j Job Bartlet, Efqj John Dexter, Elq; Richmond -, Samuel Tift, Efq; Capt. Jofeph Enos, jun. Mr. Jo/tas Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Houfe. JT IS VOTED AND RESOLVED, That the Drawing -* of the Lottery which the Government haih allowed Col. Jojepb Pendleton to fct up, be, and it is hereby farther poftponed to the twentieth Day oi May next, unlcfs it be filled fooner. Wh«rea$ /Inn and James Franklin exhibited to this AfTembly an Ac- count by them charged agamft the Colony, for furnifhing Paper, and printing the Afts and Orders made and paft by this Affembly, at their SefTion in December \3.^ : Which being duly examined and confidered. This AJfembly do Vote and Rejolve, and ;/ is Voted and Re/olvrd, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed ; and that Eighteen Pounds Fourteen Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Ann and Jamfs Franklin out of the General Treafury. An w C 75 ] Jn A CT in Addition to an JS^ entitukd, An Act prohibiting Sports and Labour on the firfl Day of the Week, tnade and fajjed by the General AJptnhly cfthis Colony^ begun and held at Newport, theJixthDay oj May, 167^. H E R E A S in and by faid Ad, it is declared. That no Perfon or Perfons within this Colony, fhali do or exerciic any Labour, or Bufinefs, or Work, of their ordinary Calling \ nor ufe any Game, Sport, Play, or Recreation, on the firft Day of the Week, nor fuffer the fame to be done by their Children, Servants, or Apprentices (Works of NeccfTuy and Charity only excepted;, on the Penalty of i^/iJC Shillnigs for every fuch Offence. And that whofoever fhall improve, fet to Work, or encourage any other Perfon's Servants to commit any of the aforefaid Offences, fhall fuffer the like Punifliment as aforefaid. And whereas the Penalcy provided in and by faid Acl:, is fo fmall, that Perfons ufually guilty of faid Offences, do not regard the fame. For the more effectual preventing fuch immoral and irreligious Praftices, n £■ IT EK ACl ED by the General AJfetnhly, and by the Authority *-' of the fame. It is hereby EnaHed, That whofoever fhall for the fu- ture, contrary to the faid Aift, do or exercifc any Labour, or Bufi- nefs, or Work, of their ordinary Calling \ or ufe any Game, Sport, Play, or Recreation, on the firlf: Day of the Week, or any Part thereof, fliall forfeit and pay the Sum of torty Shillings for the firft Offence ; and upon a fecond Convidlion, every fuch Perfon fhall forfeit double the faid Sum : And in Cafe any Offender mentioned in this A(?t, fhali be unable, or refufe to fatisfy and pay h'sor her Fine, he or Ihe fhall be adjudged to be fet in the Cage or Stocks, not exceeding three Hours, according to the Difcretion of the Juftices. And be it further EnaRed by tbt Authority aforefaid^ That the Fines and Forfeitures thac fhall arife by this Afl, fhall be difpofcd of, as by the faid Law is already provided : Any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwiihilanding. TH E Committee appointed to vnfpeft; into Mortgages and Bonds from time to time, in the Grand Committee's Ofhce, made the following Report : " Memorandum. February 28. 17 50-1. Mortgage, Eighty Pounds. Upon examining a Mortgage Deed gi- ven by Robert tldred of N:rlb-Kii:gi'hwfi, in the fecond Bank, for Eighty Pounds., faid Eldred produced eight Bonds with the hft Bond, paid. We art of Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be difcharged ; and have laid it by in the Grand Committee's Office. Mortgage ; Two Hundred and Fifty Pcunds. Upon examining Cbri- ftopbir Champlin's Mortgage Deed, faid Mortgage Deed was given for Tfiree Hundred and Fifty Pounds ; and upon faid Mortgage there were but four Indorfments : But laid CbampUn produced the two laft Bonds paid. Weareof Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be difcharged. Mortgage ; One Hundred and Eightf Pounds. Upon examining a Mortgage Deed of Jofeph FeckLirr,'% of Newport, faid Pcckbam produc'd the [ 74 ] ihe laft Bond paid j and no Bonds appearing in the Grand Committee's Office, wc arc of Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be difcharged. Mori^a^e ; Om Hundred and Eigbty-iivo Founds. Upon examining a Mortgage Deed of Simon Rays of New-Sbcrebam, faid Ray produc'd iundry Bonds, with the lafl: Bond paid ; and no Bonds appearing in the Grand Committee's OfHce. we are of Opinion faid Mortgage Deed O'Jglic :o be difcharged. A]orlga^e; One Hundred and Eight Pounds. Upon examining a Mort- gage Deed of Jnihony Eldred ot KingHoivn, faid Eldred produc'd the ]aft Bond but one ; aud the iaft Bond being (ued and paid, we are of Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be difcharged. Mortgage \ ievenly Pounds. Upon examining a Mortgage Deed of Thomas Jnckn-ife oi North- Kingfloti-n, h\A Jackwife produced the lall Bon-i paid. We are of Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be difcharged. Mortgage ; One Hundred and Fifty Pounds. Upon examining a Mortgage Deed of John IVeeks of fVarv;ick, faid ^eeks produc'd all the Bonds. Said Mortgage ought to be difcharged. Ahrtgage •, One Hundred and Fifty Pounds. Upon examining a Mort- gage Deed of Alofes Burtingbam oi Providence, in the Iccond Bank, faid Burlingham produc'd one Bond paid ; and no Bonds appearing in the Oifice, we are of Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be dilcharg'd, Newport, March i. 1 750-1. Mortgage -, Tivo Hundred Pounds. Upon examining a Mortgage Deed of Margaret Holmes of Middletown, we find that Mr. fob Lawton hsth paid the Bonds that anfwer with the above Mortgage. Said Law- ton produced three of the Bonds paid j and no Bonds appearing in the Office, we are of Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be difcharged. Mortgage •, Seventy Pounds. Upon examining a Mortgage Deed of William Corey of Port/mouth, in the fecond Bank, we find that the Bonds lay in Nathanael Hall's Name, and were tatcen up and paid by Capt. Job Almy, deccas'd. We have compared faid Bonds with (aid Mortgage, and find they agree ; and no Bonds appearing in the Office, we are <^f Opinion faid Mortgage ought to be dilcharged. Mortgage ; One Hundred and Twenty Pounds. Upon examining a Mortgage Deed of B:njamin Hall's of Port/mouth, in the fecond Bank, wc find that the Bonds lay in Nathanael Hall's Name, and were taken up and paid by Capt. Job Almy, deceas'd. We have compar'd faid Bonds with faid Mortgage, and find they agree -., and no Bonds appear- ing in the Office, we arc of Opijiion faid Mortgage ought to be dif- charged. Mortgage ; One Hundred and Sixty Pounds. Upon examining a Mort- gage Deed of George Hall's of Portfmoutb, in the fecond Bank, we find that the Bonds lay in'/ Hall's Name, and were taken up and paid by Job Almy, deceas'd. We have compared faid Bonds with faid Mortgage, and find they agree ; and no Bonds appearing in the Office, wc are of Opinion faid Mortgrigc ought to be difcharged. ' Peter Bours, "J Newport, March I. 17501. George Wanton, ( ^ cTi /^ a > Committee. Ibomas CranJton,r Jamts Sheffield^ ) With Lin V9i(h which Report, the Committee prefented the following Account. Tbs Cciony, - - Dr.-— TO our Time and Trouble in infpciting into the within Lift of Mortgages, — — j^^. 12 o O Peter Bours, Newport, March i. 1750-1, 7borms Cranjien, James Sheffield, George JVanton. And now this Affembly having taken the foregoing Report and Account into Confideration, Do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Rejohedy That the faid Report be, and it is hereby accepted : And that the faid Account be allowed, and the Sum of Twelve Pounds, the Amount thereof, paid out of the General Treafury, unto the afore- named Peter Bours, George fVanton, Thomas Cranston^ and James Sheffield, Efqrs. // is Voted and Refolved, That the Committee, to wit, Peter Bours, Thomas Cranfion, James Sheffield, and George fVanton, Efqrs. who were appointed to infpcdl into Mortgages and Bonds from time to time, in the Grand Committee's Office, be, and they are hereby continued a Committee for that Purpofe. The Committee appointed to audit the Accounts of Benjamin Nichols, Efq; Keeper of the Grand Committee's Office, prefented this Affembly with the following Account by them ftatcd, and added their Report unto it. Benjamin Nichols, Efq; one of the Grand Committee^ to the Colony^ - - Dr — 1 750-1.^ I "O the Ballance of Account, as per Re- Fet>. 28. JL port, daied yfw^K/? 19. 1749. ;C-4587'i 17 6 To Henry Knowles'% Mortgage Deed, 3000 o o 3^.461711 17 6 Contra. - - Cr. — BY Ca(h paid to Peter Bours, Simon Peafe, Thomas Cranfton, George Wanton, and James Sheffield, Efqrs. a Committee appointed by the General Affem- bly, who burnt the fame ; as per Report, dated February 22. 1749.50. £^. I2922 18 7 By a Miftake in John Angel's, Mortgage Deed, and Richard Coman's Bonds, 200 o o By a Miftake in CalebClark's Mortgage Deed, given in Exchange for one of Ifaac Sheffield's, in the fourth Bank, and Bonds given by faid Clark, 97 o o By a Miftake in Jo/eph Scott's Mortgage Deed, gi- ven in Exchange for one of Stephen Tallman's, in the fixch Bank, - - - 10 o o U B7 C7<5] By CaQi paid to Pettr BcurSj Ibomas CranHon, James Sheffield, and Gecrge JVanton, Efqrs. a Com- mittee appointed by the General Aflembly, who burnt the lame, - - - 19502 o o By the Amount of Henry Knowlei's Mortgage Dccti, delivered to faid Committee m Ca(h, who burnt the fame, - - ^coo o o Bi\hncc iaiheHznds of Benjamin Nichols, Efq; 425979 l8 li £,^6iyu 17 6 " T7f JE the Subfcribcrs, being appointed by the General Aflembly, V V ^ Committee to audit the Accounts of Benjamin hicbols, Efq; Keeper of the Grand Committee's Office, and to receive of him luch Bills of Credit in his Hands, as have been paid into f"aid Office, and to burn the fame. Report, That we have examined into faid Nichols's Accounts, and do find that there is at prefent in the Hands of faid Benjamin Nichols^ Efq; as a Ballance, Four Hundred and Twenty-five Thouland Nine Hundred and Seventy-nine Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Eleven Pence (as appears by the above Account), in Mortgages antl Bonds, including in faid Ballance, a Number of Tenth Bonds Cent cut on the Main-land, to be put in Suit. "We alfo Report, That we have receiv'd of Benjamin Nichols, 'Ef(\\ Twcntytwo Thoufand and Five Hundred and Two Pounds, in Bills of the Old-Tenor, as he is credited for in the above Account, and have burnt the fame. All which we fubmit to the Houourable General Aflembly, Peter Bours, Newport, February 29. 1 750-1. George IVanlon^ Thomas Cranfton., James Sheffield." And the faid Committee fubjoined to their faid Report, the fol- lowing Account. The Colony to the Committee, - Dr.-— TO our Time and Trouble for ten Days, jC- '20 o o Peter Bcurs, George tVanton, Thomas CranSlon, James Sheffield. And now this AfiTcmbly having taken the Premifcs into Confideratlon, and duly examined the fame. Do fete and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refohed, That the aforegoing Rcjort of the faid Committee, be, and it n hereby accepted ; and that their aforefaid Account be allowed, and One Hundred and Twenty Pounds, the Amount thereof, paid them out of the General Treafury. Whereas an Account wis exhibited to this Aflembly, charged by Ehaitzer Jencks, againlt Jabez Bowen, Efq; (who imployed faid Jencks)^ for repairing and mending the Bridge at Patacket Falls, in this Colony : Which bemg duly examined, This AJfemhly ds Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refohed, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby al- lowed, and that Sixteen Pounds Five Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid fabez. Bowen out of the General Treafury. An C 77 3 Jn ACT jvr promoting theraifing Flax andJVool^ andmanufa^iuriHg the Jame into Cloth ; ar:d al/o for gtvitig a proper and Jaitable Encouragement for the carrpvg on the H hJe and Cod tijhery ; and for thofs Ends, making amt cmit.'ing the Sum oj Twenty- jive Ikoufand^otwds^ in Bills of -Publuk Credit oj this Colony^ and Jettling and afiertaining the Value thereof. WHEREAS it is conceiv'd, that giving a proper Encourage- ment for the raifir.g of Flax and Wool, and manutaduring the fame into Cloth, will greatly conduce to promote Frugality and In- dultry :• And as a Confequence whereof, it may jultly be exptfted, that the vacant Lands withm this Colony, now unimprov'd, and lying wafte (occafioncd in fome Meafure by the late long and tedious War), may be greatly improv'd tothe -advantage and Intereftof His Majcfty's Subjefts the Inhabitants of this Colony ^ and they under fuch better Circumllances, be therefore enabled, in Cafe of another War, noC only to defend and protedl themfelvcs, ^c. but alfo greatly to diftrefs and annoy His Majcfty's Enemies in theie Parts. And whereas the carrying on the Whale and Cod F fhery within this Colony, will not only much promote and cncrcale the Trade and Com- merce thereof, but amongft other Things, may be very beneficial to Merchants and others, trading to Great Britain, by furnilhing thetn with proper Remittances for the Payment of fuch Goods and Mer- chandiz»s as the Inhabitants of this Colony may from time to time (land in Need of from thence. It is is therefore conceived, that a proper Premium or Bounty may be necefTary, as an Encouragement tor the Purpofc aforcfaid. And whereas the Colony hath been ar great and expenfive Cofts and Charge in putting themfelves in a Pofture of Defence in the late War, and hat the Treafury is thereby near exhaultcd, and no Fund therein fufficient or adequate to anfwer fuch good, uleful, and beneficiat Ends and Purpofes as arc defigned and intended by this Aft. Ic is apprehended therefore, that there is a Ncccflicy of making and emit- ting the Sum of Twenty-five Thoufand Pounds, in Bills of Publick Credit, of the Tenor and Form hereafter expreffed. And whereas it hath been found by fad Experience, that one great and principal Caufe of the Depreciation of the Bills of Publick Credit .^ already emitted, hath been owing to the indi6aeet and illegal Pradlices mJ'iYecr of fundry Perlons giving and offering from time to time, for Gold, and Silver, and Bills of Exchange, for Sterling Money, greater and larger Sums, and Proportions of the Bills of Publick Credit of this Co- lony, than was provided for, (fated, and allowed for fuch Silver and Gold, at the rcfpeftive Times the feveral EmilTions were made ; and which not only funk in Value fuch Bills of Publick Credit, to the In- jury and OpprelTion of many poor Widows, Orphans, and others, but thereby the Gold and Silver hath been drawn and carried out of this Colony, to the great Difcouragement and Prejudice of Trade and Commerce ; and which Pradlices are (till carrying on : It is therefore conceiv'd of the highcft Importance, that fuch evil Practices for the future be rcftrain'd. All which being duly confidered, BE [ 78 ] n£ IT THEREFORE E N A C T E D by the GeneraUJfem- ri bly of this Colony^ and by tbt Authority thereof , It is EttaiJed, That the Sum of Twenty-five Thoufand Founds, in Bills of Publick Credit, be forthwith imprclTcd and emitted, equivalent to Silver, at and after the R.ite of Six Shillings and Nine Pence per Ounce, Troy Weight of Sterling Alloy, or Gold Con, at and after the Rate of Five Pounds One Shilling and Six Pence ptr Ounce -, every Six Shillings and' Nine Pence of which Bills, fhall be equal to Fifty-four Shillings of the Old-Tenor, and fhall befigned by the Grand Committee, or any three of them ; and which Bills fo figned, (hall be put into the Hands of the Truftees of the fcveral Towns, hereafter to be appointed, and to be by them let out I'pon Loan, at and after the Rate of Six Pounds p^r Cent, per Annum, tor the Space of five Years ; and after the Expiration of the faid Period, the whole principal Sum to be paid in at five equal annua! Payments, with the like Intereft, excepting the laft Year, for which no Intereft is to be paid. A N D for the better Security of the faid Monies, Princlpil and In- tcreli, to the Colony, It is hereby further EnaiJed, That the laid Tru- ftees for the feveral Towns, are required to take good Land Security for double the Sum of the Principal let, and Intereft thereon •, whereby the Mortgagers fhall oblige themfelvcs to pay the principal Sum ler, and Intereft thereon accruing, in the Bills emitted as aforefaid, or in Silver and Gold equivalent thereto, according to their refpedlivc Pro- portions aj aforefaid, fuch Mortgage to exprcfs the pundlual Payment of Intereft and Principal : And as a collateral Security, the faid Tru- Rees are ordered to take perfonal Security from the Pfrfons borrowing and taking faid Bills, for the Payment of the Intereft annually to the General Trcatiirer, and alfo for the principal Sum, payable to the Grand Committee. AND for the End aforefaid, the Truftees of the feveral Towns here- by appointed, are to give perfonal Security to the Grand Committee to their Satisfadion, by one or more Sureties, to the Amount of the fe- veral Sums by them receiv'd, for the faithful Execution of their Truft and Office. AND be it further Ena£led by the Authority aforefaid. That the Bills of Publick Credit hereby emitted, be of the Denomination of Twenty-five Shillings, Fifteen Shillings, Seven Shillings and Six Pence, Thre« Shillings and Nine Pence, Two Shillings and Six Pence, One Shilling, Six Pence, and Three Pence, and of the following Tenor and Form. R^ ^ La^ of the Colony of Rhode-Ifland, i^c, made and pafs'd the third Monday ef March, A. D. 1750, This Bill of due to the Pojfejfor thereof from the Colony, fhall pafs current, and be equi- valent to the refpeClivi Proportions of Silver and Gold, as are re;^ulated and Rated in faid A51, and fhall be accordingly accepted by the Treafurer of faid Colony, and the Receiver thereof ^ in all Payments. Providence, March the 18th, 1750. DEATH to counterfeit this Bill. And [79] A N D for the nmreeffeftual preventing the Bills of Publick Credit formerly emitted, from farther depreciating, and being rendered lefs in Value, and for the fettling and afccrtaming the Value of the Bills hereby emitted, Be it Enaiied by the General /IJjembly, and by the Autbo- rity of the fame. It is Enaiied, That if any Pcrlon or Perfons in this Co- lony, either by themfelvcs, or bythe Procurement of others, wittingly or willingly, diredlly or indiredtiy, fhall after the tenth Day oC May, which will be in the Year of Our Lord, One Thoufand Seven Hun- dred and Fifty-one, contraft for, fettle, account, allow, receive, take, or pay, at any greater or higher Rate, for any Silver, Gold, or Bills of Exchange, than at which the fame is hereby regulated, fettled, and allowed, to be accounted, received, taken, or paid, contrary to the Di- reftions herein contained, to wit. Six Shillings and Nine Pence of the Bills of Publick Credit hereby emitted, or Fifty-four Shillings of the Old-Tenor, or Thirteen Shillings and Six Pence of the New-Tenor» for each and every Ounce of Silver or Gold, according to its propor- tionate Value, for Bills of Exchange for Sterling Money, at and after the Rate of either Eleven Hundred Pounds Old-Tenor, or Two Hun- dred and Seventy-five Pounds New Tenor, or One Hundred and Thirty-feven Pounds Ten Shillings in Bills hereby emitted. Advance oa every Hundred Pounds Sterling, fhall fatisfy and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds of the Bills of Publick Credit hereby emitted, or in Gold and Silver equivalent thereto ; one Moiety whereof to His Majefly, hia Heirs and SucccfTors, to and tor the Ul'e of the Colony, the other Moiety thereof to any Perfon or Perfons who fhall fue for the fame, to be recovered with full Cofts of Suit, by Adlion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of His Majedy's Courts of Record within this Colony, or by Prefentment of the Grand Jury where the Offence fhall be committed ; and the Perfon fo convicted, fhall be excluded the Privileges of a Freeman of this Colony, and every Town therein, IT is alfo hereby EnaHed, That the feveral Courts of Judicature within this Colony, on Suits commeHced for the Recovery of Damages, oa protcf^ed Bills of Exchange, hereafter drawn or indorfed, or for the Re- covery of Silver and Gold, on any Coiurad or Bargain hereafter to be made CSpecialties only excepted^, (hall make up Judgment on the fame, either for Sterling Money, Silver or Gold, or in Bills of Pub- n/ / lick Credit heretofore and hereby emitted, according to the Via&'of y*^ fuch Bills of Exchange, Gold and Silver, as arc hereby regulated, Raied, and allowed, and no otherwife. IT is alfo hereby further EnaHed, That from and after the faid tenth Day of May, no Clerk within this Colony, ifTue forth any Executioa or Procefs on any Judgment obtained in any of the Courts of Record, until the Party in whofe Favour the fame is obtained, if inhabiting or refiding within this Colony, fhall firfl make Oath or Engagement be- fore fuch Clerk, or before any of the Judges of any of the Courts of Record, or Juflices of the Peace in this Colony ; which Oath, when taken by the Judges or Jultices, to be properly certified and rcturn'd to fuch Clerk, that he hath not diredly or indireflly, either by hiinfelf, X or C 80 3 or others, contradted for, given, taken, paid, accounted, or fettled, for Gold, Silver, or Bills of Exchange, in any other Manner and Form than what is heifhy regulated ; and the Clerk to certify on every Exe- cution, that fuch Oath or Engagement hath been taken -, and any Exe- cutions granted contrary hereunto, are hereby declared null and vojdi AND that all Perfons in this Colony, elected into sny Office, Aall, previous to their Entrance thereon, take the faid Oath or Engage- ment, as a neccffary Qaalification thereto •, without which, fuch Per- Jons fhall be deemed utterly unqualified to enter upon the Execution of their rcfpedivc Offices, until they have taken the Oath or Engagement aforefaid. IT is alfo further EnaBed, That all Perfons whatfocver, not fettled and allowen Inhabitants, that have or fhall come into any Town in this Colony, with a Dcfign and Intent to carry on any Trade ind Com- merce, fhali take the Oath or Engagement aforefaid, before any of the Officers atorcf.iid, within ten Days after their Refidence, or coming into fuch Town, upon the Penalty of forfeiting the Sum of Fifty Pounds in Bills hereby emitted, on their Rcfufal or Negleft j to be recovered and difpoled of in Manner as aforefaid. FORM of the faid Oath. nrOV A. B. do fohmnly /wear (cr rjirhi), That you have not wittingly crwiHin^ly, dircBly or indire£ily, by ycurfelf, or others, coniratted for., vivcn, taken, paid, accounted, or fettled, for ^ old, silver, cr Bills of Ex- change, in any other Manner and Form then ivhat is regulated and directed by this A[t : And thai you iv ill for the future, tur.Hually and bona Fide, cbjerve and comply with the DireSiions herclyjlatcd, fo long as the jame fliall h and continue in Force, AND for the Encouragement of raifing Flax, and manufacturing the fame into Cloth, Be it EnaHed ly the Authority afore/aid. That from and after the Publication of this Aft, there fliall be paid out of the Publick Treafury, the Sum of One Penny Half-penny in Bills of Publick Credit hereby emitted, for every Pound of well cured and clean drefTed Flax, of the Growth of this Colony, that fliall be brought to the Surveyor or Surveyors, to be chofen by the Town for that Purpofe ; the Quantity and Quality of Fl;-x to be certif^fd to the Trcafurer, under the Hand of fuch burveyor or Surveyors, who fiiall be paid by the Owner, One Shil- Jingand Six Pence of this Tenor, for every Hundred and Twelve Pounds they fhall furvey ; and fo in Proportion for a greater or iefs Quantity. And no Flax fliall be accounted Merch::ntable, within the Intent and Meaning of this Art, but fuch as fhall be bright, well cured, and cleanfcd from the Swingle, fit for Ufe ; and fo certified under the Hand of fuch Surveyors. And no Perfon fhall be entitled to any Premium for Flax, 'till he hath made Oath or Engagement before fuch Surveyors, that faid Flax is bona Fide, the Growth and Produce of this Colony ; and that he, nor any other Perfon, hath received the Premium for tHe fame, or any Part thereof. AI^D [81 ] yj N B it is hereby further EnaHed by the Anhority ajortfaid, ThaC the Juftices of the Peace, at their rel'pedtive General SeflTions, in the fcveral Counties, are hereby fully impowered, once every Year, as fliall be by them afllgned for thrit Purpofe, view and examine all fuch Pieces of Linen made of Flax, of the Growth and Produce of this Colony ("and within the feveral Counties wherein the faid Juftices have Jurifdidion), as fnall be twenty Yards in Length, and one Yard in Width, that Ihail be brought before them, and chufe out of the fame, three of the finelt and beft wrought Pieces, and fet a juft Eftimate and Value thereon i and upon the Oath or Engagement of the Owner, that the Flax grew, and the Linen was manutadtured within this Colony, the faid Juftices are to certify tne fame to the General Trcafurer, who is hereby direded to pay to the Owner of fuch Linen, the full Amount of one third Part of faid Appraifmcnt ; provided tne faid Linen be firft cut in two Pieces, and in the Middle, by Order of faid Court, and returned to the Owner. AND for the Encouragement of raifing Wool, and manufafluring the fam: into Glorh, Be it tnatted by the Authority aforejaid. That from and after the Publication of this Aft, there fhall be paid out of the Publick Treafury, the Sum of Six Pence of this Tenor, for every Pound of Sheep's Wpol that flrall be raifed, and perfectly manufaftured fit for Sale, into Broad Cloth, Duroy, Serge, or Camblet, the Sum of Three Pence for every Found of Wool, manufaftured mto Flannel, within this Colony •, which Cloths fo manufaftured, fhall be furveycd and weighed by the Surveyors of the Town where the faid Cloths are ma- nufaftured i and the faid Surveyors fhall certify the fame to the Ge- neral Treafurer, of the full Weight thereof, upon the Owner's making Oath or Engagement thac the fame was raifed and manufaftured within this Colony, and that he hath not himfelf, nor any other Perfon, re- ceived the Premium hereby granted ; which fhall alfo be certified in faid Certificate. AND it is hereby further Ena^ed by the Authority aforejaid. That the Juftices ot the feveral Courts nforefaid, fhall at the Time afTign'd for viewing and examining Linen Cloth as aforefaid, view and examine all fuch Pieces of Broao Cloth of the Growth and Produce of this Co- lony (and within the Counties wherein the faid Juli ices havejurifdiftion), as fhil! be thirty Yards in lengih, and three Quarters of a Yard wide, after the lams is fulled and prefTcd ; and alfo to view fuch Pieces of Canrfbler, Serge, or Duroy, being twenty-fouf Yards in length, as Ihall be brought before them, and out of the lame chufe two of the fineft and belt wrought Pieces of each, and fee a juft Eftimate and Value thereon ; and upon the Owner's making Oath or Engagement, ihat the lame was the Produce of, and manufaftured within this Colony, are to certify the lame to the General Treafurer, who is hereby dircfted to pay the Owner of fuch Cloths, the one third Part of the Value of faid Apprailment, provided faid Cloths be cut into two Pieces in the Mid- dle, by Order of faid Court, and returned to the Owner : Provided always, thit the Fuller whofe Property the Cloth may be, fhall not be entitled to the Premium or Bounty hereby granted, unlefs the faid Cloths fhiil be fulled or drefTed by fome other Fuller, AND [82] A N D for the End aforefaid. It is aljo Ena^ed^ ITiat if any Clothier, Fuller, Weaver, or an/ Ariificer. working in the Clothing Trade or Bufinefs, fhall hereafter come into any Town within this Colony, with an Intent or Defign to fet up, follow, and praftile fuch his Trade and Bufinefs, and Ihall accordingly purfue and work in the lanne, Ihall be exempt from paying any Rates or Taxes that may be aflfeflcd and levied on the Inhabitants ; and ftiall alfo be excufed from doing any Fublick Duties as the other Inhabitants of this Colony are ob'igcd to do, for the Space of feven Years next after their coming into luch Town. AND for the Encouragement of the Whale and Cod Fifhery, Be it Enaiied by the General Afemily, and hy the Autherity of the fame. It is EnaSledy That there fhall be paid out of the fublick Treafury, the Bounty of Four ShiUmgs ot this Tenor for every Barrel of Whale-Oil ; One Shilling of this Tenor tor every Pound of Whale-Bone ^ and Two Shillings and Six Hence of this Tenor for every Quintal of good Mer- chantable God-Fifh which fhall be caught in any VclTel belonging to the Inhabitants of this Colony, and failing out from thence, and by Fifher- men refiding therein, provided fair) Oil be tryed, and faid Fifh be made in this Colony, or the faid Fifh, O 1, or W hale-Bone be taken in the VefTcIs owned as aforesaid, and brought into this Government, ^nd dilpoted of therein -, which Premium or Bounty fhall be paid to the Owner of fucfi Fifh. Oil, or Whale Bone, upon his making Oath be- fore the Surveyor, to be elected by the Town where there fhall be a NercfTity thereof, tor the Viewing and Examining of fuch Fi(h, Oil, or Whale-Bone, that the fame was caught and owned in Manner as aforefaid, and that the fame was good and merchantable ; and the faid Surveyor certifying to the^ General Treafurcr, that the Owner hath com- plyed with the Rules and Dircdtions hereby laid down and itated : And the faid Surveyor (hall have and receive for his Fees in this Tenor, Three Pfencc for evrry Barrel of Oil, Three Pence for every Hundred ^A^cight of Whale-Bone, and Three Pence for every Quintal of Cod-Filh, that he fhall fo view and examine. yiND he it further Enailed hy the Authority aforefaid. That all the fevcral Bounties before mentioned, (hall be paid out of the ^ntereft arifmg on the Principal Sum hereby emittted ; and the fame Bounties to continue, and be paid for the Space of feven Years. ATi D he it farther EnrSIed by the Authority aforefaid. That whoever fhall counterfeit the Bills of Credit hereby emitted, fhall fufier the Pains of Death, and fhall alfo forfeit all his El^aie, both real and pcrfonal, to His Majefly, His Heirs, and Succeffors, to and for the Ufc of the Colony. AND be it farther EnaSled by the Authority aforefaid. That whoever ihall at any Time hereafter, forge or counterfeit any Certificate, or fhall alter or encreafe any Figure or Sum in any Certificate direded to the General Treafurcr, whereby he may receive any of the Bounties hereby granted ; [85 ] granted •, or Ihall make any falfc Oath or Engagement in any of the Matters and Things in this Aft before contained, the Perlon or Perfons fo offending therein, and being of cither of laid Crimes duly convifted before any Court of General Seflions of the Peace, to be held toi the County where the Offence (hall be committed, Ihall fuffv-T fix Montns Impnfotiment, and be grievoufly fined, according to the UiTcretion of the Judges of fuch Court where fuch Perfon or Perlons Ihall have fo offended, and be convicted. WHereas Rowland Robinfen, Efq; Sheriff of the County of Kings County, exhibited to this Aflcmbly, an Account by him charged againft the Colony, for repairing His Majefty's Goal in AT/^^j County, and fundry other Neceffaries : Which being duly examined, ms /iffembly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Rejohed, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that One Hundred and Nirreteen Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Nine Pence, the Amount thereof, be paid unco the faid Rowland Rohinfon out of the General Ireafury. Whereas his Honour the Governor exhibited to this Affembly, an Account by him charged againft the Colony, for figning hxty- three Bills of Exchange, by Order of the General Aflcmbly : Which being duly confidered, This Affembly do Vote and Re/olve, and it is Voted and Refolvedf That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and thac Fifteen Pounds Fifteen Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid his Honour out of the General Treafury. It is Voted and Refohed, That Peter Bours, Efq; znd Mr. Jofepb JVbipple, who were appointed by this AfTembly, at their laft Sefllon, to infpecc into the fubject Matter of the Petition of Ifrael Phillips., who was convicted of being concerned in had Money, &c. be farther conti- nued a Committee for that Purpofe. Whereas Mr. Bctijamin Veckham, jun. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Kings County, exhibited to this AfTcmbly, an Account by him charged againlt the Colony, for his Time and Trouble in goiny, from Newport to hib Houfe in South-King' down, by Order of the Genci al Alfcmbly, to fetch the Papers belonging tb the Colony, which were lodged in his Office by tlie Attorney of Robert Gibbs, Stephen Hopkins, and George Brawn, Elqrs. in a Cafe brought againlt them by Benjamin Nichols, Efq-, in Behalf ot the Co- lony ; Which being duly examined, Ihis AJfembly dc Vote ana Refohe, and tt is Voted and Refohed, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that the Sum ot Si* Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Benjamin Peckham, jun. out of the General Treafury. The Committee that were appointed to fell the Bills of Exchange drawn by his Honour the Governor, in Confequence of an Act of the General AflTembly, upon Mr. Agent Partridge, having performed that Service, made the following Report, to wit. Y "To [84 1 « To the Honourable General Affembly, Newport^ March id. 1 750-1. WHEREAS an Aft of this AflTembly, direfted his Honour the Governor to drawBiUs of Exchange on Mr. Richard Partridge of London, Agent for this Colony, for Seventeen Hundred and Forty-two Pounds Six Shillings and Ten Tence Sterling, and appointed us the Subfcribers, a Committee to fell faid Bills of Exchange for Bills of Cre- dit emitted by this Colony. In Obedience to faid Act, we have difpo- fed of Bills drawn on faid Partridge, to the Amount of the aforefaid Sum, payable at twenty Days Sight, for Bills of Credit of this Colony, M Eleven Hundred /?r Cent, agreable to the following Lift j and arcj Gentlemen, Tf our moft humble Servants, George W^arton, Daniel JenckeSy Peter Bcurs, Thomas CranSion*' To James Honyman., Efq; 1 00 - To Daniel Ayrault, 100 - To Stephen Ayrauli, 100 - T'o John Tweedy, 50 - To Binj. Tucker, Efq-, 100 - To Edward Scott. Efq, 200 - To pjias Lyndon, 1 00 - To Jableel Brenton, and ? d. Daniel A^rault. 850 - 892 6 To Jofhua Bahcock, Efq-, To Tho Ricbardfon, Efq; To Gidedn JVanton, Efq; To Edward K:nnicut, Efq; To Samuel Cbace, To John Robinfon^ To Charles fVickham, To Robert Gibbs, Elq; To Edward Kinnicuty Efq; To Peter Bours, I- s. d. 167 - - 50. - 185 - 200 - - 50. - 20 - - 33 - - 50- - ^75- - 29 1 10 )2 6 10 1742 6 10 Sterling, at noo/)('rC^«i/. is in Old-Tenor, 20908 To which Report, the faid Committee fubjoined the following Account. The Colony to the Committee, - Dr.— TO our CommifTions for felling the within men- tioned Bills of Exchange, amounting in Old Tenor, to 1 wcnty Thoufand Nine Hundred and Eight Pounds and Two Shillings, at One and a Quarter p^r CV;//. — — jC-^Si 70 George JVanton, Daniel Jenckes, Peter Bours, Thomas Cranjicn And [85 ] And now this Aflembly having taken the faid Report and Account into Confideration, and duly examined the fame, Do Vote and Refoht^ and it is Voted and Refohed, That the faid Report be, and it is hereby accepted, and that the Sum of Two Hundred and Sixty-one Pounds Seven Shilling?, the Amount of the aforegoing Account, be paid unto the faid Committee, to wit, George Pf^anton, Jonathan Nichoh, Daniel Jenckesy Peter Bours, and Thomas Cranjon, Efqrs. out of the Ueneral Trcaiury. Md it is alfo Voted and Refohed, That the fame Committee, or the major Part of them, burn all the Bills of Publick Credit they received for theaforefaid Bills of Exchange, and all fuch as thev fhall receive of Jofepb fVanlon, Efq; and Capt. fValter Ckalener, in Payment of the Bills of Exchange drawn on them by Mr. Agent Cartridge. Jn JCT to prevent aU'T^erfons keeping Hou/e within this Cohn)\ jrom entertatntng Indian, Negro, or Mulatto Servants or Slaves. WHEREAS great Diforders and Burglaries are oftentimes raifed and committed by free Negroes. Indians, and other imprudent Perfons, entertaining fuch Indian, Negro, and Mulatto Servants and Slaves, and felling them ttrong Liquors, and receiving, and bar- gaining with them ; by Means whereof, fuch Servants and Slaves are induced and tempted to pilfer and fleal from their Mafters and Mi- ftrefles, to the utter Ruiti of fuch Servants, and to the great Injury of the Publick. For the Preventing whereof for the future, p £ / T EN ACT ED by the General Ajjemhly of this Colony, and. LJ by the Authority thereof. It is Enacted, That no Pcrfon or P.erlons whatfoever, fhall or may pre;ume by him or herl'elf, or themfelves, or any other lor them, dire<5lly or indiredly, to fell, give, truck, bar- ter, or exchange, with, or to any Indian, Mulatto, or AV^ro Servant or Slave, any Itrong Beer, Ale, Cyder, Wine, Rum, Brandy, or other ftrong Liquor, by what Name or Names loever called or known, on Penalty of forfeiting the Sum of Thirty Pounds Old- Tenor for each OfFciice } to be recovered by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of the Courts of Record in this Colony, one Half whereof, to the Perfon that fhall inform and profecute for the fame, the other Halt to and for the Ufe of the Town where the Offence fhall .be committed. A ND he it farther EnaiJed, That no white Perfon, Indian, Mulatto^ or Negro, keeping Houfe in any Town in this Colony, fhall entertain in his, her, or their Houle or Houfes, a.ny Indian, Mulatto, or NegroScrvznt or Slave, without the Confent orApprobation of the Mafter, Miftrefs, or Owner of fuch Servant or Slave firft had and* obtained ; or fhall fufFer any Servant or Slave to have any Dancing, Gaming, or Diverfion of any kind, in his, her, or their Houfe or Houfes, on Penalty of forfeiting the Sum of Fifty Pounds Old-Tenor, to be recovered and appropriated in Manner as aforefaid, for each and every Offence, or fuffer one Month's [ 86] Month's Imprironment ; and alfo every fuch free Indian, Mulatto, or Negro, cranfgrefTing as aforefaid, and duly conviftcd thereof, fhall not be permitted or luffered to keep Houfe, but (hall be by the Town Council of the Town wherein the Offence Iball be committed, turned out and difpoireffed of fuch his, her, or their Houl'c/or Houfes, and fhall be put into lome private Family to work for his or their Living, for the Space of one whole Year ; the Wages accruing by faid Service, to be for the Benefit of the Town where the Offence fhall be com- mitted. AND ie it farther Enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That no Indian^ Mulatto, or Negro Servant or Slave, may prefume to be abfent from the Family whc-reto he or fhe fhall rclpeftively belong, or be found abroad in the Night-time afttr Nine of the Clock, unlefs it be upon fome Errand for his or her refpeftive Mafter, or Miftrefs, or Owner. AND ie it farther Enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Jufticcs of the Peace, Conffables, Watchmen, aad others. His Majelly's good Subjefls, being Houfe-holders, are hereby refpeiftively impowered to take up and apprehend, or caufe to be taken up and apprehended, any Indian, Mulatto, or NegroStrv^nt or Slave, that fhall be found abroad after IN me of the Clock at Night, and fhall not give a good and fatisfac- tory Account of his or her Bufinefs, and forthwith convey him, her, or them before the next Juftioe of the Peace (if it be not over late in the iNJightj, or commit him, her, or them to the common Prifon until Morn- ing, and then caufe him, her, or them to appear before a Juftice of the Peace, who is hereby ordered and dircftcd lo caufe fuch Servant orSlavc to be publickly whipped by the Conftable, ten Stripes. Provided always. That the Maftcr, Miltrefs, or Owner of fuch Servant or Slave, have No- tice (hereof given him or her : And if fuch Mafler or Mif^refs, or Owner of fuch Servant or Slave, will pay the Sum of Ten Pounds Old-Tenor, to and for the Ufe of the Town where fuch Offence fhall be committed, that then, and in that Cafe only, fuch Servant or Slave fhall not be punifhed as aforefaid. AND pe it farther Ena^ed by the Authority ajorefaid. That no Perron ■whatfoever, fhall buy, fell, or otherways trade with any Servant or Slave, fo as to receive any Thing from a Servant or Slave, without Leave firfl had and obtained from the Mafler, Miftrefs, or Owner of fuch Servant or Slave, on Penalty of forfeiting the Sum of Ten Pounds Old-Tenor for each Offence, and the Thing or Things received, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of the Courts of Re- cord in this Colony, one Half to the Informer, and the other Half to the Mafler, Miftrefs, or Owner of fuch Servant or Slave. And who- ever fliall be fufpefted of receiving any Thing from, or trading witk any Servant or Slave, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this A(^, and fhall refufe to purge him or herfelf, or themfelves, by Oath, £hall be adjudged guilty, and Sentence fhall be given againft him, her, or them, accordingly. [ 8? ] Jn JCT jor reviving the Superior Court ofjudicatare, Court of Jjjizty and General Goal Deli very ^ of the County of Newport* in this Colony. WH ERE AS the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of AfTize, and General Goal Delivery, which was to have been held at Newpcrif within and for the County of Newport, on the firit Tuefday of this Inftant March, did not, and could not meet and fet on the Day appointed by Law, by Reafon the Day before was very Itormy and tempcftuous, and the next Day, on which the Court was to have been opened, was fo, in a mod violent and extraordinary Manner, which prevented the Judges pafTing the Ferries ; whence it happened, no Court was held, and by Means thereof, a great Failure of Jufticemuft inevitably enfue, unlefs a fit Remedy be provided againft thatAccident, On Confideration whereof, THIS JJcmhIy do Vote and Ev.aH, and it is Voted and Enabled, That the Judges of the faid Superior Court ol Judicature, Couit of AfTize, and General Goal Delivery, or a S^uorum of them, (hall meet and hold Court at hewport, within and for the County of J^ew- porl, on the fecond Tuefday of April next ; and when they, asc a ^«9- rum of them, fhall have met at the faid Time and Place, they fnall be, aod are hereby fully impowered and authorized to take Cognizance of, hear, adjudge, and determine ot and upon all and every Matter and Matters, Caufe and Caufes, Plea and Pleas, Thing and Things, both of a civil and crim nal Nature, which would have come before them to have been heard, adjudged, and determined of and upon, had they met and held Court on the firft Tuefday of this Inftant March ; and all and every Judgment and Judgments, Sentence and Sentences, and all and every other lawful Aft and Ads, which fhall be by the faid Judges, or a Riorum of them, made, done, and given, at the Time hereby appointed for them to meet and hold Court, (hall be held good, take Force, and be effedual and binding to every Intent and Purpofe, as the iame could or would have been, had the faid Judges, or a Quo- rum of them met, and held Court at the Time and Place by Law ap- po'.nted for their fo doing. AND be it farther EnaSied, That all and every Perfon and Pcrfons who were returned by the feveral Towns to ferve on the Grand and Petit Juries at the faid Court, which fell as aforefaid, (hall be duly notified and warned by the Sheriff of the County of 'Newport, to ap- pear at and attend on the faid Court, appointed by this Aft to be held at Newport as aforefaid, on the fecond Tuefday oi April next. And that every Juror notified and warned as aforefaid, who fhall not appear and give his Attendance at faid Time and Place, fhall be fined as the Law direds. Z AND [88] AND forafmuch as there is but little Bufinefs to be heard, tried, and adjudged UDon, at rhe Superior Courts of Judicature, Courts of AfTizc, and General Goal Delivery, to beheld in Courle next Month, in rhe Counties of Brijlol and Kent, This JJJembly do Vote andEjiaU, and it is Voted and Enacted, That the Superior Courts of judicature, Courts of AfTizc, and General Goal Delivery, of the Inid Counties of 5r;7?e/ and Kent, and all Matters, Caufes, Pleas, and Bufinefs, both of a civil and criminal Nature, which fhould have been by faid Courts taken Cognizance- of, hsard, adjudged, and aetermined upon, at their rc- fpeftive ftatsd Times of Meeting, be, and are hereby adjourned to the next SelTions of faid Courts by Law appointed, then and there to be heard, tried, adjudged, and determined upon, to every Intent and Pur- pofc, in as full and ample Manner and Form as the lame could, would, or might have been done, had the faid Courts met and taken Cogni- zance of, heard, and determined upon the Caufes, Pleas, Bufmefs, Matters and Things that would or fhould have come before them, ac their faid Rated Times ot fctting and holding Court. f^7 H E R E A S Jofeph Edmonds, and George 7aylor, Efqrs. cxhi- V V bitcd to this Alfcmbly, two Accounts by them leverally charged againft tb'" Colony, for their Time, Trouble, and Expences, in going to, and waiting af Nezifort leveral Days, in order to audit the Accounts of Jahleel Brenlon, Efq; with the Colony ; to which Office they were appointed by the Superior Court of Judicature, i^c. And the faid Ac- count being duly examined. This Jjfembly do Vote and Re/olve, and it is Voted and Refohed, That rhe laid Accounts be, and they are hereby allowed, and that the laid Jofeph Edmonds and George Taylor be paid out of the/General Treafury, to wit, the laid Jojeph Edmonds, the Sum of 1 W\ny]^unds, the Amount of his Account, and the laid George Tayl.r, the SumofTwenty-feven Pounds Eleven Shillings, the Amount of his Account. It is Voted and Refohed, That Pe/er Bours, Efq; deliver unto Col, Daniel Updike, the Vouchers which he the faid Peter Bours receiv'd, as an Auditor of the Colony, of faid Updike, and take a Receipt for the fati.c. Whereas Mr. Stephen Remington, who was appointed with others, by this AfTcmbly, at ^heir laft S Ifiun, to audit the Accounts of the Di- rectors of the Lottery which v^as let up for building a Bridge over Pr.utuxit River, declines kr\ing in faid Office. // is therefore Voted and Refolved, Tliat Mr. Ju/rph IVant-jn of Providence, be, and he is hereby appointed an Auditor in the Room of the faid Stephen Retnington. Whereas Capt, Jofeph Olney, exhibited to this AlTembly, an Accoun againfl' the Colony, tor m.iking and mending Glafs for the County Houfc, i^c. in Providence : Which being duly examined. This /ijfem- hly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Refolved, That the laid Ac- count be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Three Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Three Pence, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Jefepb Olney out of the Gencaal Treafury. An [89] An ACT for granting an Excije upon Winesy Liquors^ ana other ^rong Drinkf full by Retail in the Town o/" New port. WHEREAS the Towa Council of the Town of Newport^ by Petition to this Aflembly, did fct forth the great Neceffity there was for, an J the many Advantages that would accrue to the In- habitants ot the Town oi Xewport, on the Granting ofanExcifc upoa all Brandy, Rum, and other Spirits diftilled, and upon all Wines whatfoever, Ibid by Retail within faid Town ; to be raifed, levied, coUeded, and piid by every Taverner, Inn-holder, common Victualler, and Retailer, within faid Town. Which being duly confidercd, D £ n EN ACT ED i>y the General AJfembly of this Colony^ end J-^ by thi Authority thireof. It is EnaUed, That from and after the tenth Day of April^ which will be in the Year of our Lord, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifty-one, every Perfon licenfed for retailing, Brandy, Rum, or other Spirits, or Wine, fh:\ll pay the Du- ties following. For every Gallon of Brandy, Rum, and other diftilled Spirits, One Shilling and Six Pence Old-Tenor. For every Gallon of Wine of every Sort, One Shilling and Six Peace. A Pipcof Wine tobe accounted One Hundred Gallons. AND be it further Enaclsd by the Authority afore/aid. That the Town Council of the Town of Newport, fhall appoint one or more Colleftors, having Freehold Eftates, to take Charge of this Duty of Excife, who (hill have Power to infpeft the Houfes of all fuch as are licenfed, and of fuch as arc fufpe>fted to fell without Licenfe ; which Colleftors fhall be upon Oath, to take Care of the due Execution of this Law, and to profecute the Breakers of it : And the faid Colleftors fhall carefully examine the Accompts of every licenfed Perfon in faid Town, and demand, fue for, and receive the feveral Sums due from them by this Ad, and fhall give an Account under their Hands, of the particular Sums they receive, together with the Names of the Pcrfons of whom received, unto the Town Council, upon Oath : And fuch Colledtor or Colledors, before they enter into faid Offices, fhall give Bond to the Town Council, for the faithful Difcharge of their Duty j and that th;y will duly pay in the Money that they fhall colleft, to the Town Trcafurer of the faid Town for the Time being, immediately upon Receipt thereof. AND be it further Ena£led by the Authority aforefaid. That every Taverner, Inn-holder, common Vifluallcr, and Retailer, fhall after the faid tenth D^y o^ April, take an cxadt Account of all Rum, Brandy, and other diftilled Spirits and Wine, then by him or her, and give ar» Account of the fame unto the faid Colledor, upon Oath ; And fuch other Perfons as fhill be licenfed during the Continuance of this A6b, flull alfo give an Account as aforefaid, upon Oath, of what Rum, Brandy, [9o3 Brandy, and other diftilled Spirits and Wine, he, flie, orthey fliall have by him, her, or them, at the Time of his, her, or their Liccnfc. That evrry Taverner, Inn-holder, common Vidualler, and Retailer, fhall make a fair Entry mto a Book, of all fuch Rum, Brandy, and other difbilled Spirits, and VVmc, as he, fhc, or they, or any for him, her, or them, (hall buy, diftil, or take in for Sale •, after fuch Account taken, and at the End ot every fix Months, deliver the lame inVVritmg, under his, her, or their Hands, to the CoUeftor, who is to adminiller an Oath to him, her, or them. That the laid Account is boT,a Fide, jult and true ; and that he, flie, or they, don't know ot any Rum, Brandy, or other diftillcd Spirits, or Wine, fold diredly or inairedtly, by him, her, or them, or by his, her, or their Privity or Confcnt, but what is contained in the Account then exhibited ; and fhall pay him the Duty thereof, excepting fuch Pirt as the Colle6tor fhall find is ftill remain- ing by him, her, or them. Twenty per Cent, fhall be allowed for Leakage and other Wafle, for which no Duty is to be paid. That ihc. Town Council ot faid Town, fhall take Bond of all Perfonsby them licenfed, both as to their keeping good Rule and Order, and duly obfcrvingthe Laws relating to Perl'ons fo licenfed ; as alio tor their duly and truly rend'ring an account in Writing, under their Hand as atorc- faid, and paying their Excifc in Manner as aforcfaid. That every Taverner, Inn- holder, common Victualler, or Retailer, who fhall be found to give a falfe Account of any Brandy, Rum, or other diftilled Spirits, or Wine, by him, her, or them, at the Time bought, diltillcd, or taken ih for Sale, after his, her, or their Licenfe , or rcfufe to give in an Account on Oath asaforefaid, fhall be rendered incapable of hav- ing a Licenfe afterwards, and fhall be profecuted by the Colledor for his Negleft, and ordered by the Court of General Seflions of the Peace for the County of Newport, to pay fuch Sum of Money as they may conclude that the Excife of the Liquors, (5'^ by him, her, or them fold, would have amounted to, to be paid to the CoUeiftor, for the Ufe of faid Town. This A(ft to continue in Force for the Space of five Years. j4ti jiCT to prevent breaking the Lamps that are already., orJJjall hereafter be fet up in the Toilu of Newport. WHEREAS many Perfons in the Town of Newport, out of a publick Spirit, have at their own Colt and Charge, procured a Number of Glafs Lamps, and fix'd them at the Outfide of their Houfes, Shops, Wf. to the great Advantage of faid Town, in lighting the Streets in the Night Stafon, But as fome evil-minded Perfons have broke fevcral ot faid Lamps ; therefore for the preventing fuch Mifchief for the future, and for encouraging other Perfons to promote the publick Good in the like Manner, Be [91 ] HE it EnaStci by the General Ajfemhly, and hy the Autharity of tie *-^ fame. It is FnaSIed; That from and after the Publication of this A(5t, everr Perfon that fluU be convided before the Court o\ General ScfDons of the Peace for the County of Newport, of wilfully breaking any one or more of ;"uch Lamps which are already fet up, or Hill! hereafter be let up, fliall for every Lamp fo broken, be publickly whipp'd, not exceeding twenty Laflies, or be fined the Sum of Twenty Pounds ; to be paid one Half to the Informer, and the other Half into the Town Trcaiury of laid Newport. Jo ACT for the l^r eventing of Damage to be done by fririg of the IVbodi in any Town in this Colony. ■yiT" H E R E A S great Damages have been done to fevcral of the Inhabitants ot this Colon , to their Hay, Fencing, fcfc. by firing of the Woods. For the Preventing whereof, TyE it EnaSied by this General AJfembly, and by the Authority of the famty X5 That no Perfon or Pcrfons whatfoevcr, either by him, her, or thcm- felves, or by his, her, or their Means or Procurement, Ihall fer or fuffer to be fet any Fire or Fires, or caufe any Fire or Fires to be fee in the Woods in any Part of this Colony, to run at large on any Time or Times of the Year, under any Pretence whatfoevcr : And that whofoever (hall be lawfully conv((ftcd of doing the fame, bcforr any Court of Record in fuch Town where fuch Offence (hall becommitredj cither by his, her, or their ConfefTion, or by the Evidence of one fuffi- cient and credible Witnefs upon Engagement, (hail forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds Old Tenor for the firli Offence, and for the lecond Offence, One Hundred Pounds ; the one Half thereof, to be to the Informer, and the other Half to and for the Ufe ot the Poor of fuch. Town where fuch Offence fhall be committed : And it the Petfnn or Pcrlbns io convidled, fhall refufe to pay the fame, that then luch Court of Record (hall grant forth a Warran/ of Diffrefs to any Conftable of faid Town, to diflrain fo much of the Goods and Chatties of the Offender or Offenders, as will fatisfy and pay the fame, to the Ufe and Ufes aforefaid, and all incident Charges thereon accruing : And for want ot fufficient Goods and Chatties, then to apprehe-nd the Body or Bodies ot the Offender or Offenders, and lecure him, her, or them in His Majelty's Goal in the County wherein fuch Town is, where the Offence fhall be committed, there to be kept until he, fhe, or they fhall fatisfy and pay the Fine and Coffs aforefaid, or be by Order of the faid Court of Record, fold for the Payment thereof. And if any Perfon or Perfons iTiall be had up before any Court of Record, upon Sufpicion of being guilty of any (uch Offence, and no Witnefs (hall appear lo prove A a the C 92] tbt fame, tlxcn fuch Court of Record fs hereby authorized and impow* ered to oblige fuch fufpefted Perfon or Perfons, to purge him or her- felf, or themfclvcs, by Engagement, or otherways ; and on his, her, or their refufing fo to do, then he, fhe, or they fhall be deemed guilty of fuch Offence, and liable to the Payment of the aforefaid Fine, to and for the Ufe and Ufes aforefaid, and all accruing Charges ; any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage, to the contrary hereof, notwithftanding. AND be it further Enaiied hy the Authority afore I aid. That who- foever fhall fufferany Damages, by Reafon of fuch Offence as aforefaid, he, fhe, or they, fhall have an Adlion of Trefpafsupon the Cafe, againtt fuch Offender or Offenders, and fhall recover Damages and Cofts ac- cordingly, before any Court of Record of fuch Town where fuch Offence hiall be committed, if not above Five Pounds ; and if above Five Pounds, then before the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of the County wherein the Town lies, where fuch Trefpafs fhall be committed. A N D he it further Enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Laws heretofore made by the General Affcmbly, relating to the tiring of Woods, be, and they are hereby repealed. T /\7 H E R E A S Capt. John Manchejler exhibited to this Affcmbly, an Account by hiin charged againft the Colony, for his Time, Trouble, Horfe-hire, and Charges, in infpeclin^, into the Bridges ia the Councy of Newport : Which being duly exdmined, Ibii /Iffembly do Vote arid Refolve, and it is Voted and Refohed, ) hat the faid AcrounC be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Nine Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the faid Jobn Manchejier, out of the General Treafury. Whereas the Committee appointed to ronfider the Dimenfions of a common Goal which is wanted in the County of Kent, reported. That faid Goal fhould be of the fame Dimenfions in length, breadth, and height, with that in the County of Providence, and likewife be divided and made into Apartments, in the fame Manner as is the faid Goal in the County of Providence. And this AfTembly having taken the faid Re- port into Confideration, Do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Rtf- jfolved. That the faid Report be, and the fame is hereby accepted, and that jfofeph Nichols, Efq; and Mr. hufus Greene, be, and they are hereby conftituted a Committee to bi;ild a Goal in the County of Kent, agree- able to ihe 'foregoing Report, at the Charge of the Colony } and that they take particular Care to erect the lame on Land fccured to the Colony, and that they lay their Accounts before the General Affcmbfy from time to time, as the fame fhall accrue in order for Payment. It is Voted and Refohed, Thar George Wanton and Peter Bours, Efqrs.' together with Meffrs. Jofeph Harrijon and Matthew Robinfon, be, and they, or the mr'jor Part of them, are hereby appointed a Committee, to C 93 ] to make the Draught of a Letter, refpecting the Northern Boundary Line of this Colony, toihe Province of the MaJlachufeltj-Bay^ and pre- sent the fame to this Affembly at their next Seffion. Whereas Stephen Hopkins of Provodence, Efq; reprefented unto this Afli^mbly, That he, together with IVilliam Rice, Daniel Jenckes, Job Randal, and George Brown, El'qrs. and Mr, Daniel Smith, were Di- rectors of the Lottery fct forth for building a Bridge at IVeyboJfett : That the General Aflembly, Anno Dom. i 749, appointed a Committee to audit the faid Directors Accounts, for building laid Bridge : That the faid Committee did receive and audit their Accounts, and made Report thereon to the General Affembly, which was accepted : That in the Auditing of his the faid Stephen'?, Account, either through his cwix Inadvertency, or lomc Mifapprehenfion in the Gentlemen of the Com- mittee, Ninety Pounds were deduded from it, which he thinks unrea- fonable : Wherefore he prayed this Affembly to appoint a Committee, with Power ro reexamine his particular Account (which is the only one about which there is a Dilpute), and report their Opinion tc the Affembly *, and that he, upon paying v/hat is found jultly due from hirn, with the Interclt thereof fince due, and all Charges arifing on this Eximination, may be from the Aiftion brought againft him on tha'" Account, difcharged. And the faid Stephen farther prayed, Ihat if it fhuuld be the Judgment of this Aflt;mbly, that he ought to be held to the Report of the former Committee, and pay the Sum by them re- ported 10 be due from him, this Aflembly would be pleafcd to impower ibme Perlon to receive the Money, with the Intercft and Charges due thereon ; and that on his paying the whole thereof, he may be from the Aiftion atorefaiddilcharged. On Confideration whereof. This 4[femhfy do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Rifolvedy That Cap . Elifha Brown. Joj;ph Nichols, Efq-, and Mr. Samuel Chace, or the major Part of them, be a Committee to infpc^^^-J t i: 1 3 M the Ge^ek AL Assembly of the GOVERNOR and CO MP ANT of the *Engiiili Colony of Rhode-Iflind, and Providenct-Plaiitaitons, in New. England, in America ; Ifegun and held at Newport in f aid Colony^ on the lafi Day of .April, One Thoujand Seven Hundred and Fifty-one : And in the Tn-enty-fonnb Te^r of the Reign of Hir Mofi Sacred MajeUy, GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GO D, of Great-Britain, France,, and Ireland, J^ing, De- fender of the Fnitb, &c. It being the Day before the General Election. PRESENT, The Hon. PVI LLIJ M GREENE, Efq; Governor. The Hon. Robert Haszard, Efq^ Dep. Gov. George Wantov, Efq; ") James Arnold, Efq-, Jonathan Nichols, Efq-Y ^^^ Williaai Richmond, Efq;( John Potter. Elq; ( -^^ ' Daniel Coggeshall.E q;( Robert Lawton, Efq; j Jeoffrv Watson, Efqj The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the leveral TOWNS. ,AJ/iJi, NE WPOR T; Mr. Nathanael Coggefhall, Edward Scott y Elq; Thomas Cratifion, Eiq; 'Peter Bonn, E(q; Mr. Jonathan Eaflon, Capt. Job Eetinet. gg Provicknce ; ^ Stephen Hopkins^ Elq; §2 Mr. Elipa Brown, ^ Mr. Jo/eph iVanton. y Portfmouth ; «a William Jnthony,yxn. Efqj |§ fohn Men, Elj}an}it3'Pechjijm,j{.\t)i s| haft-Grcenwith ; ^ 7«>';ij AVr^c^/j, Elq; 11 ^ hem J J Spencer, Elq; gj Jamtftcwn : ^ Mr. 'ychn Hull, ^t Mr. lojeph Clark, m Smithfield , ^ Thomas JrmlJ, Elq; H Scituate; ^ Capt, Chat la Harrii. ^ Gloccflcr ; ^ Maj, Richard Smiih, g^ Thomas Cranstok, Efa; was Mr. Jojiai Lytidun, Clerk of the Capt. I'imotby fVilmt Charleftown j Col. Cbrifl'ipher Cbairph'fn Capt. lS(i(hAiHiel Lewis, Weft-Giftnwich ; Jeretnioh tUi^^ F{q; Mr. Gc'jrj{c Gi^tjifier. Gfor^t /:/tf//, Elq; Mr. John Greeiif, Capt, Jfhu Reyiinhf], Beiiofit H-jlly Elq; MUt-'letown ,; Mr. "John ko^cfj^ Mr. '■I'eUr liiirker, Brifiol ; Jonatkm '-Perk, Efqj 1 ivciton J Capt. John M,wrb«per. Littlf-Compton ; Lieur, Col. John Hutit, Mr. Charh'i Brcivnei Warren j Mr. John Cole. Cumberland j NfjtJi' R Ichmntid j Samtttl lij't, E.fq; Capt. 'jojrlh Etjoi, jun, chofen Speaker. And Lower Hoiife. ITT" H E R E A S all and every of the Pcrfons whofc Names here- ^ after follow, have taken the Oath or Affirmation preJcribed by the Colony-Law againft Bfibcry and CoTupfion, In the Choice of Otfirers in the Colony. It ii therejore Voted and Refvhtd. That all and every of them be, and they arc hereby admitted to give fhcir Votes to ctioole Officers for their rcfpcdtivc Towns; and alio to give their Votes for the Choice of the General Officers of the Government. C i ] N E ff^F O RT; Pefep Phillips, Benj. Chanders, Matthew Borden, Henry Free- born. Auguftus Johnllon, William 1 huriton, Nathanael Cogge- llialljjun. Jolcph Tillinghalt (Son of Jonathan) [oleph Dunham, ana Prelerwed Filh. P RO FIDE NC E J Beniamin Carpenter, George Potter, Peter Randal, Caleb Potter, Benjamin Bowen, John Cimiftock, Benjimin Man, Richard Co- m4n, Henry Sweeting, jun. John Fenner, Henry Sweeting, Ti-» inothv Sahin, Elck Ho| kin$» Richard Hoyle, Anihrofe Page, Ezra Hean, D.jvid Brown, Jofeph Allen, Jonathan Cumltock, JolluhOwen, fczekiel Woodward, Fzckiel Woodward, jun. James Ffcld, John Thomas, jun. Benjamin Cutbith, Stepiien Sweet, jun. Knijh Mal'on, John Waterman the third; William Randal, jiin. Joleph Sheldon, jun. Ifaac Olney, Nathan Jenckes, Ti- mothy Sahin, William Afhron, jun. John Dunuell, James Angel, John Harris, William Biiggs, William Weftcor, jun* Ncdabiah Angel, William Gierke, Philip Potter, Thomas Wellcof, Charlea Rhoads, Samuel Thurber, Charles Water- man, Peter Batcman, Jonathan Beluc, ' Jofeph Rhodes, Da- niel Miithewfon, Jolcph Potter, Stephen Smith, Joleph Field, jun. John Fenner, William Field, James Brown, Anthony Olneyi Pck-g Arnold, John Wilkinlbn, and James Mitchcl, jun. PORTSMOUTH; Noel Freeborn, John Borden, and John Cooic. fFyi R ^ I C K\ lofeph Philp, John Walton, jun. Samuel Davis, Henry Tib. Mti, William Weaver, D.iniel Scranton, William Edmonds, and IdincsGrecn, Sen of James. fV E S T E R L T; William Crumb, Parfivel Allen, George Lanphcar,, Ebenezcf Hill, John Rurdick, Matthew Maxfon, Zaccheus Pooler, an4 William Hadlel. 'NEWSHOREHAMi Simon Ray, Samuel Rathbun, Jofeph Mitchcl, Jofeph Mit- chel.jun. Jonathan Mitchel, Thomas Mitchel, Thomas Pain, John Pain, Thomas Dickens, William Dodge, Samuel Dodge, Abel Franklin, Daniel Kofc, John Mctt, Nathanael Mott, Ed- Nvftr^l Sands, Robert Hull, Stephen Franklin, Jofhua Sands, Na- thanael I.ittleneld, Anthony Littlefield, John Dodge, John Ball, Edward Ball, Samuel Dunn, Caleb Littlefield, John Lit- ilcfield, Nathanael Dodge, jun. HORTB. [4] N0RTH-KINGS70PrNi John Slocum, Stephen Cooper, David Green, Robcit Weft- coat, j'jn. Jeremiah Fones, Chriftophcr Phillips, jun. John Cory, jun. John Cleaveland, Jofeph Northup, Jeremiah Hafzard,jun. Bcnoni Shearmen, David Aldrich, Ezekiel Hunt, jun. Samuel Hunt, jun. Richard Card, John Cole, and Caleb Allen. S0U7H-KINGST0frNi Samuel Rodman Samuel Oatley, Daniel Tilt, Job Reynolds, Samuel Curtis, Samuel Stedman, Thomas Potter, and John Albro. EAST-GREENfFICHi John Lion, Caleb Sheffield, Daniel Brown, Elijah Johnfton, Thomas Langford, Son ^ John, Edward Green, Jofeph Mat- thewfon, Benjamin Fry, and James Runnels. '/AMESTOfTNi Daniel Wecden, jun. Jofiah Arnold, jun. and Benjamin Shef- field, jun S M I T H F I E L D; Stephen Whipple, Abraham Smith, Seth Arnold, Edmond Arnold, Stephen Sayles, John Barnes, Nathanael Herrendeen, Robert Woodward, Daniel Wilbore, jun. Henry Finch, Elifha Sayles, Edward Thayer, Daniel Cats, Nathan Cat's, Jofeph Cook, Jeremiah Comftock, John Brown, Thomas Curff, jun. Thomas Woodward, Joleph Buftum, Daniel Wilbore, and Thomas Broadway. s c IT Uyi r E i Stephen Sheldon, Zuricl Matthewlon, Nicholas Hopkins, James Wheeler, David Yeaw, Jofeph Yeaw, Daniel Bcnnct, Jo- leph Cole, Ifaac King, Uriah Franklin, Nathanael Haredcn, William Blancbard, jun. Bernard Hale, Francis Fuller, Jofeph Waterman, Adam Cafcy, Edward Cafey^ Nathan Bcnnct, and James Round. GLOCESTERi Samuel Sprague, JofliuaKing, Benjamin King, Ezra Thornton, Samuel Irons, John Davis, John A;drich, Daniel Whipple, Sa- muel Short, jnn. Elcazcr Craism n, Ebenezer Jcncks, IfracI Sayles, Nathan Wade, and Ezekiel Sayles. WESr-GREEKlVICH; Henry Straight, John Nilcs, and John Dolliver. C O V E I^ T R Y, Tchanod Bowen, Thomas Eddy, James Green, Son o/" Daniel, Jofiah Gibbs, and Jofeph Bcnnct, EXEIERi C 5] E X E T E Ri Simuel Swecr, Caleb Gaidncr, and Robert Moon, juo. MIDBLETOWN; Peter Barker, Pcccr Barker, jun. i-fenry Tew, and William Blifs. BRISTOL; George Coggelhall, John Waldron, John Chaloner, and John Ingraham. TIFERTON; Timothy Cloflln, John Dennis, Gideon Willcock, Jofeph Ta- boi (Tanner) George Wcftgate, jun. Robert Burrington, Jofeph Cook, Charles Brownel, Ilaac Barker, and Stephen Talman. WA R R E N % John Braley, William Hill, Ifaac Cole, Nathan Cole, Stephen Bowcn, and Simeon Peck. CUMBERLAND; Ibrook Whipple, Nathanael Robinlon, Enoch Whetherhead, Abncr Ballou, Joleoh Darling, Richard Peters, and Thomas Hill. R I C H MO ISl B; Stephen Sweet, William Watibn, Jofeph Hoxfie, jun. Enoch Lewis, Simeon Perry, Thomas Lilibridge, jun. John Thomas, and Nathanael Pettis. N. B. Charkjiown and Little^Compton made no Return this Ekaion. B At CO m'^ t-n mm^^3m €^^#!©y(^i Jt the Ge^ek Ai^ Assembly of the GOVERNOR and CO MP A NT of the "Eti^Xiih Colony of Rhode-Illand, and Providence-Plantations, in New-England, in America ; be^m and held at Newport in {aid Colony^ en the Ji>Ji Wednesday cf jMay, One Ttoufand Seven Hundred and tijiy-one : And in the Trventy-fomth Tear of the Reign of Bis Mcji Sacred MajeUy, GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of G D, of Grtat-Britain, P'rarce, and Ireland, King, De^ jender of the Faith, &c. PRESENT, The Hon. HILL1.4M GREENE, Efq; Governor. The Hon. Robert Haszarp. Elq; Dcp. Gor. George Wanton, Efq-, Jonathan Nichols, Efq;/ John Potter, Efq-, Jabez Bowen, Efq; Benjamin Tucker, Efq;- Robert Lawton, Efq; James Arnold, Efq; -^J'ft. William Richmond, EfqjV-^^. Daniel CoGGE5HALL,Etq;\ Jeoffry Watson, Efq; The Secr etar y. DEPUTIES of the leveral TOWNS. NEWPORT; Mr. Nathjinael CoggeJhuH, Edward Scott, Efq; Thomas CranJIov, Efq; 'Peter Bonn, Efq; Mr. Jonathan Eaflou, Capt. Job Be finer. Providence ; Ste^'hc'ti Hopkins, Efq; Mr. EUlha Brown, S2 Mr. Joffph fVanton. Chrifiopher Hdrris, Efq; Portfmouth ; fVi/ltam Jnthony,j\in. Efq; John J/Ien, Efq; Mr. Thomas Brownel, Mr. Gideon Freeborn, jwn. Warwick ; Jeremiah Lippit, Efq; Capt. John Greene, Maj. C 7] Maj. "John Rhodes ^ Maj. Stephen Low. Wefterly ; Col. Jofiph fPeudkton, Capt. Caleb Church. Nevvflioreham ; Mr. Johyt Dodge, Mr. J be I Franklin, ym. North-Kingftown ; Col Immanuel Nor t hup, ht^nah Broun, Efqj SoutlvKingUowii • Jeremiab Nikj, Efq; Mi .Benjamtn Beckham, ji\n, Eaft- Greenwich ; yo/rph Nichols, Efq- Thomas Spencer, Efij; Jamfftown : Mr. yobn Hull, Mr. Jojeph Clark. Smithfield ; Thomas Arnold, Efq; John Jldrich, Efqi Sciruatc ; Job Randif, Eloj Cape, Charles Harris. Glocefler ^ Maj. Richard Sn7ith, Capt. Tnvcthy Wibnot. Charlcficwn ; Col, Chrijhpher Champ!/ n, m m ^ Capt. Nathanael Le-w is. Weft-Greenwich j Jeremiah Ellis, Efq; Mr. George Gardner. Coventry j George Hall, Efq; Mr. John Greene. Exeter ; Capt. John Reynolds. Benoni Hall, Efq; MiddJetown ; Mr. John Rogers, Mr. ^eter Barker. Briftol ; Jonathan ^eck, Efq; Jofepb Rupi, Efq; liverton ; Capt. John Manchejler. Mr. Samuel Dtirfey. Little-Corn pton ; Lieut. Col. John Hunt^ Mr. Charles Browne I. Warren ; Capt. John J dams ^ Mr. John Cole. Cumberland ; Job Bar tie f, Efq; John Dexter, Efq; R ichmond ; Samuel Tift, Efq; Capt. Jofeph Enos, jun. Ti^oMAs Cranston, Efq; was chofen Speaker. And Mr, jo^tn Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Houfe. np HIS being the Anniverfary Election of Officers, both civil ■■' and military, the Gentlemen whole Names hereafter follow^ \yere chofen to fervc the Colony, in the rclpedivc Offices alcribcd to their Names. The Hon. If'ILLIJM GREE NE, Efq; Governor, Engaged. The Hon. Joseph Whipple, Efq; Dcp.Gov. Engag'd. John Tilliughafi, Efq; lirft Affiftant ; Engaged. . yoncfhcM Nichols, Elq; fccortd AfTiftant ; Engag'd. Nichohs C 8 1 Nicholas Cooke, Efq; third Afiiftant ; Engcig'cf. Jabez Bowefj, Efq; fourth AfTiftaiit ; Engag'd. Stephen ErovuKcl, Efq; fifth Afliftant • Engag'd. £t_otcrt Lawtov, Efq- fixth Afliftant • Engag'd yjtnes Jrnoldy Eiq; fcventh AlTiftant ; Er/gag'd. M'llliam Rubmoiid, Efq; eighth AfTiftant, E/jgag'd. Dtifiiel Cogge//;a/l, Elly^ nintli AfllftanC ; Et.gag'd. Jeo^ry H'jljon, Efq; tenth AfFiUant ; Engag'd. Thomas M'ard^ Efq; Secretary ; Engag'd. Daniel Updike, Efq; Attorney General ; Engag'd. Thomas Kichardfon, Elq; General Treafurer ; Engag'd. Mr. Edu-ardThurflon, General Sealer of Weights andMcafnrcs. Stephen Hopkins, Efq; chief -n Judge of the Superior Court of 'Jonathan Randal, Elq; fccond/ Judicature, Court of AlUzcj iVilliam Richmond, Efq; third Q and General Goal Delivery in Jojeph RiiJJel, EJq; fourth J and throughout the Colony. BenjamtH Hajzard, Efq; fifth Judge of faid Court, who refufcd, whereupon Jo/eph Clarke, Elq; was chofcn in his Room. CUpon Confideration of the Number of Inhabitants in the County oi Kent, Be it Enaded by this General Jffembly , and by the Juthority of the fame. It is Ena&ed, That the feveral Companies of Militia in the County of Kent, fhall be, and they are hereby con- ftituted and mnde a Regiment, and fhall be commanded, governed, and conduced by fuch, and fo many Field Officers as the other Regiments in the Colony are.) Col. Samuel Lyndon, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Newport. Maj. Richard Smith, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of '^Providence. Col. IVilliam 'Pendleton, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kings County. Col. Eenoni Waterman, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kent. Lieut. Col, John Barrington, Lieutenant Colonel of the Regi- ment of Militia in the County of Newport. Capt. Chrtjiopher Harris, Lieut. Col. ot the Regiment of Militia in the County of Providence. Lieut. Col. Ephraim Gardner, Lieut. Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kings Ccunty. Major Jojeph b>tafford. Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of A^f«^ Maj. Wing Spooner, Major of the Regiment of Militia in the Ccunty of Nezvpor I. Mr. [9] Mr. R'efohed Waterman (Son of Kefolved) Major of" the Regiment of Militia in tnc Coxxnty oi 'Providence. Maj. Latham Clark, Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kingj County. Capt. John Arnold^ Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County oi Kent. Samuel fF/cTcham, Edward Scott, Daniel Gould. Caleb Hill, and William Jnthnj, j\in. Efqrs. JuHices of the Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Newport. Daniel Jencks, Job Randal, Thojnas I abham, Thomas Jrnold, and Richard Steere, Elqrs, Juftices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Providence Stephen Hafzard, Immanuel Northap, Jeremiah Niks, Thomas Brown, and Benoni Hall, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seflicns of the Peace, in and through- out the County of Kings County. Jonathan ^eck, Matthew Allen, James Uafon, James Smith, and Thomas Greene, Elqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Brijol. Daniil Howland, Jofeph Nichols, John Fry, JohnGreene, and Rufus Greene, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court of Common Fleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout tne County of Kent. Thomas Ward, Efq; Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Affize, and General Goal Delivery, in and throughout: the Colony, Mr. Jojias Lyndon, Clerk oj the Inferior Court of Commoa Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Newport. George Brown, Efq; Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of ttie Peace, in and throughout the County of Providence. Mr. Benjamen 'Peckham, jun. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and through- out the County oi Kings County. Mr. Thomas Throope, jun. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County o( Bri/lol. Mr. Jehn Walton, pn. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Kent. C Jofeph [ lo] Jofeph Scott ^ Efq, Sheriffofthe County of Newport. David iVilkivfcn, Efq; Sheriff of the County of ^'rowVrw^r^. Berijh Browri._ Efq; Sheriffofthe County oi' Kings County. NiUhanael Bo/ivorfb, Elq; Sheriff of the County of i];-/7/o/, 'Ihomjs Spenjlr (Son of John) Elq; Sheriffofthe County oi Kem. The Hon. Guieon Ifatitun, Baij.unin Nhbo/j, James She^e/d, Obe- diab Bruwi], Samuel Chace, James Jr»o/d, George Brown^ Nicholas Eajion, and Benjamit/ Ma/zard, Efqrs. the Grand Committee, or Truftces of the Colony, for figning Bills of public Credic, &c. And the aforefaid Benjamin Nichols^ is alio chofcu and appointed to have and take the Care and Charge ot the Colony's Bonds and Mortgages, and to receive the Money due, and to be due thereon \ and alio to make and give proper Acquittances and Difcharges on the Moitgages • or otherwilc, upon the Receipt of any of the Colonics Money : And in ca(e of Non-payment, to put in Suit the Bonds and Mortgages of all I'uch as ihall refufeoromit to make due Pavmenc. Ju^ices of the Peace for the feveral Towns in the Colony. NEIV PORJ, Abraham Borden, Samuel Collins, Charles Bardin, Ebcnezer Richardfon, Barnabas Hargilf, Jeremiah Clark, Thomas Ward, Pcttr Eafton, Martin Howard, Jofeph Sylvcftcr, William Heflfernan. Providence j George Taylor, Henry Harris, Chriftopher Harris, Edward Sheldon, Zuriel Waterman, Jofeph Harris. William Burton, Jofeph Snow, Ebcnezer Jencks, Matthew Manclxltcr, Richard Waterman. For if mouth ; William Hal), Stephen Brayton, Jonathan Freeborn, Robert Dennis, Caleb Allen. Warii-ick , Samuel Stafford, Charles Holden, Jofeph Lippir, James Greene, Bcnja. Arnold. VVifterly -, "William Hearn, Benjamin Randal, Jofeph Crandal, jun, Benoni Smith, John Larkin, Daniel Maccoon. Nortb-Kingliram ; Edward Dyre, )un. Robert Hafz.\rd, James Gardner, John Congdon, Samuel Thomas, Elilha Clark. Souib-Kin^Hown , Samuel Tift, jun. John Cafe, Jeremiah Wilcox, Immanuel Cafe. Eajl-Grunwjcb ., tViiliamSpcnfcr, John Langford, John Olin, Samuel Soul, Daniel Howland, jun, Smithfield v William Arnold, Thom.^s Sayles, Thomas Steere» William Jencks.. John Aldrich, Thomas Owens, Scituate ; Benjamin Fifk, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, John Edwards. GLcilicr } John Smith. Andrew Brown, Abraham Tourtclot, Richard Smith, Timothy Wilmoc. Charlejiewn Cbarkjlawn ; John Hill, NAthanael Lewis. Jonathan Clark. IVeJi-Grtenwich ; Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, "William Cumftock, George Gardner. Covent;-y ; Elifha Johnlbn, Samuel Cooper, Caleb Greene, George Halt, Thomas Matthewfon, Randal Rico. Exeter ^ Nicholas Gardner, Pclcg Tripp, Robert Moon, Benjamin Mowr£y. MiddUtown i Thomas Gould, Edward Eafton, Peieg Smith, Jolhua Coggediall. Bnftol ; Shecrja(hub Bourn, George Dunbar, Naihanael Fales, Nathaniel Pearce, William Munroc. livcrlo)! ; Joleph Anthony, Samuel Durfey, Rtftcom Sandtord, John Brown, Abraham Barker. Liltle-ComptoH ; Samuel Wilbore, Jofcph Wood, Nathanael Scar), Jeremiah Brownel. IVarren j Benjamin Miller, John Kinnicur, Fdward Luther. Peter Bickncll, Ebenezer Allen. Cumberland ; Job Bartler, Samuel Bartlet, John Dexter, David Whipple. Richmtnd ; Stephen Richmond, Jofeph Clark, Samuel Tift, Jofcph Enos, jun. Thomas KiHion. Lieut. Samuel Frcehody^ Captain ol Furt George en Goat Ifland. Officers to command the ftrveral Companies of Militia^ or trained Bands, in each Torvn throughout the Colony, N B V/P R Ti Fir/! Ccmpatiy : Jonathan Heath, Captain j James Tanner, hieutemnt ; Chriftopher Liiidl'ey, Eujigfiy Secend Company : Benjamin Slierburn, Captain j Kendal Nichols, jun. Lietiteriar.t \ John Simpfon, jan. Enjjgn. Third Company : Daniel Dunham, jun. Captain-, John Pitman, Lieutenant ; Henry Bills, Enjjgn. Fourth Company : John Bditho, Captain-^ Oliver "BceiCy Lieute- nant ; Richard Whitehorn, Enjtgn. (It is Voted and Refolved, That the Choice of Commillion Officers to command and condu6l the J'everal Companies of Mililia, Dr train'd Bands, in the Town of ^rovidcnce^ be, and the fame is hereby referred to the, next Sellion of this Alfembly; and that the prefent Officers be, and they arc hereby continued until that Time.) It is Voted and Kefohed, That the firft Company, or train'd Band ofthc Town oiTrovidence, be divided into two Companies ; and that the Field Officers of the County of ^Providence, or the major Part of [ 12] of them, be, and they are hereby appointcfi a Committee, to confider in what Manner the Divifion Ihall be made, and make Report to this Aflembly at their next Sefllon. PORTSMOUTH Company. Clark Cornel, Captain ; John Filh, Lieuteii.wi ; John Shrievc, ion. Enfign. •^ WA RIV I C K; Firft Cumfuny : John Wells, Caftain : Rufus Barton (Son of Rufus) LieutefjatJt ; James Arnold jun. Enfign. haond Company : Thomas Remington, Captain ; Henry Mat- thewfon, Lieutenant ; Ebene'zer Green, Enjign. Third Company : Mofcs Budlong, Captain \ Richard Eftis, LieO' tenant '^ Thomas Rice, jun. Enfign. WESTERLY; Fir/i Company : Elias Thoniplon, Captain ; Jofcph Lewis, jun. Lieutenant ; Elifha Clark, Enfign. Second Company : Benjamin Randal, Captain \ Hobart Burdicfc (Son of Robert) Lieutenant ; John Maccoon, jun. Enfign. Third Company : Samuel Gavet, Cj/)f^/« 5 Joleph Crandal (Son of Jolbph) Lieutenant \ Stephen Saunders, Enfign. Fourth Company : Thomas Fofter, Captain j Matthew Green, Lieutenant ^ Jofeph Winter, Enfign. A' ElVSHOREHAM Company. Robert Hull, Captain ^ John Dodge, Lieutenant j John Little- field, Enfign. NORTH-KINGSTOfVN; Firf Company : Jonathan Allen, Captain ; Anthony Aylfworth, Lieutenant ; Philip Card, Enfgn. Second Company : Samuel Albro, Captain ; Samuel Browning, jun. Lieutenant-^ Ebcr Shearman, jun. Enfgn. Third Company • Samuel Thomas, Captain ; Bcncdift Eldred, Lieutenant j Ebenczer Brown, Enfgn. S U T H-K I N G S T W Ni Firji Company : Thomas Browning, Captain , John Stcadman, Lieutenant , William Congdon (Son of Joleph) Enfgn. Second Company : Jirah Mum ford. Captain ^ Nathan Tift, Lieu- tenant J Samuel Babcock, jun. Enfgn. Third Company : Paul Woodbridgc, Gj//jr»; James Shearman, Lieutenant \ Mitchcl Cafe, Enfgn. EAST* [ '5 3 EASr-GREENff^ICH; Fir/} Company : Joleph Stafford, Captain \ Rufue Spencer, Lieutenant ^ Thomas Nichols (Son of Jamcs^ Enjign. Second Company : Richard Weaver, Captain ; Benjamin Corey, Lieutenant., John Giftbrd, Enjign. JAMESlOff^N Company. Samuel Slocum, Captain j George Franklin, Lieutenant ; Ben- jamin Carr CSon of Edward, dcceas'd) Enjign, S M IT HE I E LB; Fir ft Company : John Angel, Captain : William Brown, L/V«- tenant ; Daniel Wilbore, Enjign. Second Company : Daniel Arnold, Captain j Stephen Sly, Lieu- tenant ; Jeremiah Cumftock, Etijign. Third Company : Enoch Barnes, Captain j Abraham Windfor, Lieutenant j Sylvanus Sayles, Enjign. S C IT U A r E i Firft Company : Amos Hammond, Captain ; John Fisk, Lieu- tenant \ Chriftophcr Relph, Enjign. Second Company : Samuel Dorrence, Captain ; George Dorrencc, jun. Lieutenant \ William Tyler, Enjign. Third Company : John Hulet, Captain ; Jofeph Wilkinfon, Lieutenant j Ezckiel Hopkins, jun. Enjign.. G L O C E S r E Ri Firft Company : Joleph Windfor, Captatn:, James Cowen, Lieu- tenant \ Edward fcilhop, Enjign. Second Company : Ezekiel Smith, Captain ; Jofeph Oluey, Lieutenant j John Rols, Enjign. CHARLESTOH^N Company. Pclcg Crois, Captain ^ Enoch Kinyon, jun. Lieutenant ; Samuel Stanton, Enjign. ff^EST-GREENTTJCH', Firji Company : Ezekiel Whitford, Captain , Daniel Hill, jun. Lieutenant ; John Albro, Enjign. Second Company : J(3hn Weight, Captain ; George Gardner, Lieutenant ; but he rcfufing, John Reynolds (Son of Samuel) was cholen in his Room ; and Ebcnezcr Matthewfon, Enjign, C y E N T R r-, Firft Company : John AUerton, jun. Captain i [Stephen Colyin, Lieutenant \ William Nichols, Enjign, D Second [14] Second Company : Benjamin Nichols, Capahi ; Adam Caffin, Litutenant ; Thomas Nichols, Enjign. EXETER; (If is Votedatid Refchedy That the Eledion of Commiflaon Officers for the two Companies, or train'd Bands, in the Town oi Exeter^ be, and it is hereby referred unto the next ScfTionof this AfTembly.) MlDDLETOfVN Company. John Barker, Captain ; Benjamin Smith, Lieutenant ; Jofeph Rider, Enjign. BRISTOL Company, Bcnnet Miinro, Q/ZtJ/V;, John Throop, Jan. Lieutenant ; Wil- h'am Cox, Enjign. TIVERTON; Fir ft Company: Matthew Marjchelter (I^on of John) C^/'/a/w ; Jofeph Crandal, Lieutenant ; George Cookc, Enfign. Second Company : William Cookc, Captain j John Thomas, Lieutenant j Oliver Cookc, Enjign. L I T 7 L E-C O M P T N Company. Benjamin Simmonds, Captain ; Jonathan Records, Lieutenant ; Thomas Brownel, jun. Enjign. W A R R E N Company. John Adams, Captain ; Solomon Peck, Lieutenant ; John Eafta- brook, Enfign. CUMBERLAND', (ft is Fated and Re/ohed, That the Eledion of Commiflion Offices for the Company, or train'd Band, in the Town o( Cumber- land, be, and the fame is hereby referred to the next Seflion of this AfTembly). RICHMOND Company. Jofeph Enos, jun. Captain • James James, Lieutenant; Thomas Rogers, Enfign. NEWPORT Treof of Horfi. Sylvcfter Woodman, Captain ; Richard Grcenhill, Lieutenant 9 Samuel Baylcy (of Little-Compton) Cornet. PROVIDENCE Tro9p of Horfe. John Hoyle, Captain j William Fenncr, Lieutenant:, William Dean, Cornet. WHEREAS C 15 ] tTT" H E R E A S Jme and James FranhUn, exhibited to this '^ AflVmbly, an Account by them charged againft the Colony, for printing the Ads and Orders made and paft By the General Aflembly, at their Scffion in March laft, and ior furniftiing Paper thcrctor ; which being duly examined, This JJpmbly do Vote and Re/olvCy and it is Voted and Refolvecl^ That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and Filty-two Pounds Nineteen Shillings, the Amount thereot, be paid the faid Jnne and James Franklin out of the General Trcalury. Whereas the General Aflembly at their Seflion in ^rovidenct, on the firfl Monday in Decemhr lalt, appointed Daniel GoggeJJjall and Immanuel Norlhup, Elqrs. a Committee to ['e.n\e\\\i[\ Thomas Spen- Jer of Jameflown, '•efpcding Arrearges of Rent due to the Colony, &c. And rhofe Gentlemen having afTumed that Province, and compleated the Bufineli, made the following Report : * T7I7E fhe Subfcribers, being appointed a Committee by the * V V General Aflembly of the Colony of R.bode-1/land, at their * SefTions holden at '^Provideme, in and for laid Colony, on the firft * Monday of December^ Jl. D. 1730, to fettle all Accounts for * Arrearges of Rent with Thomas Spen/er oi' Jamepozvn,FeiTytna.n: * Agreeable thereto, we have examined the lame, and find a Bal- * lance due from laid Thomas Spenjer, for the Arrearges of Rent * due to laid Colony, the Sum oi One Hundred and Eighteen * Pounds Four Shillings, for which Sum we have taken a Note of * Hand from the aforelaid Thomas Spenjer^ payable to the General * Treafurer ior the Colony aforelaid. Daniel QoggeJIoally JameftowH^ March 1. lys'^- Immannel Northup." And this Aflembly having taken the faid Report into Confider- ation, Do Vote and Rejolve^ and it is Voted and Rejolvedy That the faid Report be, and it is hereby accepted. It is Voted and Re/olvedy That the Time for drawing the Lottery, granted by the Aflembly, to raife a Sum of Money for building a Bridge over Nantucket River, be, and it is hereby lengthened out to the laft Monday in June next. An j4C T in Addition to an J&, entituled. An Aft for granting an Excifc upon Wines, Liquors, and other flrong Drink, fold by Retail in the Town of Newport TIE /; EnaBtd by the General Jffemhly^ and by the Authority of the *^ Jamey It is Enabled, That from and after the Publication of this Aft. [ I6 ] Ad, that vvhofccvcr frtall prcfumc to fell any Brandy, Rum, or other 'JiKillcd Spirits, Wine, Beer, Cyder, Perry^ or any other Itrong Drink, in any fmaller Quantity than ten Gallons, in the Town oi' Nczvport, without Licence tirll had and obtained from thcTouu Council of ihe Town ol Newport, fhali forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds Old-Tenor, one halt whereof to the Collector of the Excile, the other half to and ioi the Ufe of tnc Poor of tJie Town of Neivfort, upon Convidion before the Court of General Scfllons of the Peace, to be held for the County of A^a'prA And if any Perlbn or Perlbns not licenced as aforefaid, fhall or- der, allow, permit, or connive at the lelling ol any ftrong Drink, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the aforefaid Law, by his or her Child or Children, Servanr or Scivants, or any other Pcrfon or Perfons, belonging to his or her Family, and be thereof convidfed, he, fhe, or they fhall be reputed the Offender or OfTendcrs, and Qiall lufTcr the lame Penalties, as if he, Ihe, or they, had ibid ibch Drink thcmli^lves Jnd It is far the*- EnaSed by the Authority aforefaid, That when and fo often as it Ihall be obierv'd that there is a Rcfort of Perlbns toHoufes fufpeded to fell ftrong Drink without Licence, any Ju- fticc of the Peace fhall have Power to convene fuch Perlbns before him, and examine them upon Oath, of the Perlbns iufpefted of felling or retailing ffrong Drink in fuch Houfes ; and on juft Grounds, to bind over the Perlbn tranfgreffing, and the WitnelTes, to the next Court of General Scfllons of the Peace in the County of Newport. Whereas there was an Ad pafTcd at thelafl SclTIon of AfTembly, for promoting the Raifing of Flax and Wool, and manufadluring the lame into Cloth, and for giving a proper Encouragement for the carrying on the Whale and Cod-Fifhery; and for thofe Ends, making and emitting a Sum of Bills of Credit, &c. it is Votedand Re/ohedy That thofe Parts of laid Ad refpeding the taking Oaths, and granting Bounties, fhall not take EfFcd until the Rifing of this Affembly at their next Selfion. This JJfembly do Vote and Refohe, ard it is Voted and Re/blved^ That all Bulinefs lying before them unfinifhed, be, and it is re- ferred to their next Seffion, wnich is hereby appointed to be at Newport on the fccond Monday of yr/«; faid Colony, on the (eeoni Monday c/ [une, in theTwenty-fourthTearofthe Reign of Hii ^^ojl Sacred Majeily, GEORGE the Second^ by the Grace of GOD, o/ Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. PRESENT, The Hon. fVILLlJM GREENE, Efqj Governor. The Hon. Joseph Whipple, Efq: Dep. Gov. JOHW TiLLINGHAtT, Efq^' Jonathan Nichols, Efqw Nicholas Cook, Efq; Jabez Bowen, Efq; Stephen Brownel, Efq; Robert Lawton, Efq; James Arnold, Efq; >^0. William Richmond, Efq;^y^/J Daniel CoGCESHALL,Efqi\ Jeoffry Watson, Efq; The Secretar. y. DEPUTIES of the feveral TOWNS. The Hon. Thomas Cranston, Efq; Speaker. NEWPORT;. Mr, Nathatiael Coggejhall, Edward Scott, El'q; The Speakn, ^eter Bottrs, Efq; Mr. Jonathan Eajlon, Capt. fob Bennei. Providence ; Stephen Hojjkins, Efq; Mr. Elipa Browfj, m P Mr. JofephfVanton. Lieut. Col. Chrijlopher Harris, Portfmouth ; William Jftthony, jon. Efq; John J/IetJ, Elq; Mr. 'Thomas Browne/, Mr. Gideon Freeborn, jun. Warwick ; "Jeremiah Lippit, Elq; Capt. John Gretne, MaJi I i8 3 Maj. John Rhodes, Mai. Stef'hen Low. VVcftcrly ; Col. Jofeph ^endktoiJ^ Capt. Caleb Church. Ncwfhorcham j None. North- Kingftown • Col. Immamid Northiif, Bertjh Browv, Efq; South- Ktngftown ; Mr .Eetijamin ■Peckham/jiin. Eaft-Grcenwich ^ Jojeph Nicho/j, Eiq^ Thomas Spencer, Efq; Jameftown : Mr. "iohn Hull, Mr. Jojeph Clark. Smithlield ; Thomas ylrtJolJ, Efq; Johf) JUrich, Efqj Scituate j ^'f;/' R^afl'^;/, Efqi Gloccfter ; Col. Richard Smith, Timothy yVilmot, El'q; Charleftown ; Col. Chrifispher Champliti, Capt, liuthanael Lewis. Weft-Greenwich ; Jeremiah EUis^ E% Mr. George Gardner. Coventry \ George Hall, Efq; Mr. John Greene. Exeter • Capt. John Reynolds, Beiioni Hall, Elq; Middletown \ Mr. John Rogers, Mr. I^eter Barker. Briftol ; Jonathan ^eck, Efq; Jojeph Rufel, Efq; Tiverton ; Capt. John Manche/Ier. Samuel Dnrfey, El<]- Little-Compton ; Lieut. Col. John Hunt, Mr. Charles Browned. Warren ; Capt. John Jldams^ Mr. John Cole. Cumberland ; Job Bartkt, Efq; John Lkxtcr, Elq; Richmond ; Samuel Tift, Efq; Capt. Jojeph Enos, jun. Mr. Jojiar Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Honfc. Jn J CT for Jmendingand Explaining feveral Paragraphs, and Jor the Repealing fever al others contained in an j8 made and puffed by the General JJfembJy, at their Sejfion held at Providence en the third Morday of March, Anno Dom. iTjo, entitukd. An Act for promoting the Raifing Flax and Wool, and manufafturing the lame into Cloth ; and alfo for giving a proper and fuitable En- couragement foi carrying on the Whale and Cod-Fifhery, and for thofc Ends, making and emitting the Sum of Twenty-five Thoufand Pounds in Bills of Public Credit of this Colony, and fettling and afccrtaining the Value thereof. WHEREAS C 19] WHEREAS in and by faid Adt, it is provided, that a Bounty, as is therein exprefTod, Ihall be given for all Wool manu- faftured into Cloth, which it is thought, were it carried into Ex- ecution, may draw the DilpleaCure of Great-Britain upon us, as it will interfere with their moft favourite Manufadury ; and as the giving a Bounty on Flax, and the Whale aud Cod-Fi(hrry, having been already tryed in this Colony, and have not been found beneficial, THEREFORE be it Eiia^cd by this General Afemhly, and by the Jutkority thereof^ It is Evaded, That all and every Claule and Claufes in theafore-namcd Ad, giving or granting any Bounty or Premium whatfoever, on any Materials or Manufadturics therein named, produced, or made in this Colony, or by the Inhabitants thereol, be, and are hereby repealed, and declared to be null and void. JND be it further EuaSied by the Juthority afore/aid, That the Claufe aud Claufes in laid Aft, that enadt and declare Fifty-four Shillings in o(it Tenor Bills, or Thirteen Shillings and Six Pence a^ in new Tenor Bills, equal to one Ounce of Silver, is, and are hereby repealed. Ant) that Sixty-four Shillings, in Bills of Credit of the Old-Tenor, or Sixteen Shillings, in Bills of Credit of the New- Tenor, is hereby dated and eftablifhed, as an Equivalent to one Ounce of coin'd Silver of Sterling Alloy, or Gold Coin in its pro- portionate Value. And the Claufes In faid Ad, directing that faid Money (hall be let out upon Loan for the Term of five Years, at the Rate of Six fer Ctnt per yJnntim, is hereby repealed : Jnd it is hereby Enatfed, That faid Sum to be emitted by faid Ad, fhall be let out at the Rate of Five per Cent per Jnnum^ for the Space of ten Years, on fuch Security as faid Act requireth, and then to be funk in the Manner laid Actexprefleth, laving that only Five fer Cent. Intereft be paid ; and that the whole Intercft itrifing from the Loan of faid Bills, be, and it is hereby appropriated to finking the Colony's out-ftanding Bills made to fupply the Trea- fury, and to defray the incident Charges of the Colony. jind be it further EnaBed by the Juthority aforejaid, That the aforefaid Bills to be emitted, fhall be of the following Denomina- tion, to wit, Five Ounces of Silver, Two Ounces and Ten-penny Weight of Silver, One Ounce and Five-penny Weight of Silver, Twelve-penny Weight and Twelve Grains of Silver, Six-penny Weight and Six Grains of Silver, Two-penny Weight and Twelve Grains of Silver, One-penny Weight, and thirteen Grains and an half of Silver, and fifteen Grains ot Silver j and Ihail be of the fol- lowing Tenor and Form. THIS [20] rniS BILL, d:tefrom the Colony of Rhodc-Iflaiid, Jball be equal to of coifj'd Sliver of Sterlitig Jlloy, to the Ircjjejjlr thereof^ and JJjall be accordingly received in the Trealury. By Older of Afllmblv, 'Vrcvidince, March i^. 17JC. AND the Value of cich Bill in Old-Tenor, flhall be printed on the Back thereof, in the Manner following, to wit ; THE Bills of the Denomination of five Ounces of Silver, fliall be printed with thcfc Words on the Back ^ This Bill is equal to Sixteen Q^ounds Old-Tenor, Ditto of two Ounces and Ten-penny Weight ; This Bill is eqiud to Eight Toands Old-Tenor, Ditto of One Ounce and Five-penny Weight \ This Bill it equal to Four '^Pounds Old-T'.fjor, Ditto of Twelve-penny Weight and Twelve Grains ; This Bill is equal to Tuo ^founds Old-Tenor, Ditto of Six- penny Weight and Six Grains ; This Bill is equal to Ont ^eund O/d-Tr-fJcr, Ditto of Two-penny Weight and Twelve Grains j This Bill IS equ.d to Eight Shillings Old-Tecor, Ditto of One-penny, Weight and Thirteen Grains and an half; This Bill is equal to Five Shtllingt Old-'Jenor, Ditto of Fifteen Grains ; This Bill is equal to Two Shillings Old-Tenet . Any Thing in the afore-named Ad, or in any Paragraph or Claule therein, to the contrary, not- withftanding. J]>ID be it further EnaSied, That the Claufc in faid A€t, made for the exempting Clothiers, Fullers, or any Artificers, working in the Clothiers Trade, from doing public Duty, be, and it is hereby repealed. JND he if further Enacted by the Juthority afore faid, That in all Parts of the aforc-namcd Ad, requiring the Oaihs of the Per- I'ons therein named to be taken, that they have not given more than Filty-four Shillings in the Old-Tenor Bills, or Thirteen Shillings and Six Pence in the New-Tenor Bills, for One Ounce of Silver, or for Gold in Proportion, Jhall be, and it is hereby a- mended, and the Oaths io required to be taken, fhall be, 'That the ^trfons concern'd therein, have not given more than Sixty-four Shil- lings in the Old-Tenor Bills, or Sixteen Shillings in the New-Tenor Bills, for One Ounce of Siher, or for Geld at its f roper tionate Valut. WE the Sublcribcrs, do diflcnt from the Alterations \n this Bill propolicd, and dc protcft againft them, for the ioUowing Rcalbns. 1. Bccaufc C 21 ] ' 1. Becaufe we are of Opinion, the Committee have greatly ' exceeded their Power, and made Alterations which were nevcc * voted, or even lb much as debated in this Houle. ' 2. Becaule we are of'Opinion, the Alterations lb made, are ma- * terial and eficntial, relating to the very Form and Denomination * of the Bills, and lb entirely different from tlie A£l pafled ifi * March laft, that the Bills wiiich arc to be emitted, cannot with * any Truth, be laid to be emitted by an Aft made and pafled at * that Time. ' 3. Becaufe the other Alterations in this Bill propos'd, have a * natural Tendency to depreciate, not only the Bills that are to be ' emitted, but alio all the Bills of thisColony that arc now outftand- * ing, and mull, in our Opinion, unavoidably produce that Effeft. ' 4. Becaufe by thefc Alterations, Six Shillings and Nine Pence ' is made to be equal to Sixteen Shillings, and muft be lb received ' in all Payments made in this Colony with the Bills now propofcj * to be emitted, if laid Alterations are palled as a Law of this * Government.' 'J^eter Boursy Edward Scott. IT is Voted and Refvlvsdy That the Speaker, "JohnTillinghafty and- ■* 'James Sheffield, Efqrs, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to receive of Cnpr. fi'tiker Chalomr, late Captain of Fort George, all the Stores belonging to faid Fort, and deliver the lame to Capt. Samuel h'reehcdy, theprefent Captain of faid Fort, giving and taking Receipts lor the fame. Jud it is further Voted and Refolved, That the fame Gentlemen be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to audit the Account of bis Honour the Deputy Governor with the Colony, whilft he was Naval Officer, and make Report to the General Allembly. // is Feted and Refolued, That Mr. Benjamin Teckham, j\in. 'Tetet Bortrs, and Jeremiah Niks, Efqrs. be, and they, or the major Part of them, arc hereby conftitutcd a Committee, to examine all the Accounts which have arifen upon the apprehending, prolecuting, convifting, and executing T/'o/w^j Carter, and make Report to the General Aflembly as foon as may be. It is Voted and Refohed, Thar John TiUinghap, Thomas Cranfion^ ^eter Boars, and James She£icld, Elqrs. be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby appointed a Committee, to audit the General Trcalurer's Accounts, and alfo the Accounts of the Grand Committee, and make Report to the Genera! Aflembly as foon as may be. F n r/ is Voted and Re/obed, That DatJ/el Cogge/hull, Stephen Hofkinsy zn^Jch Randal, Elqrs. be, and they are hereby appointed a Com- mitrce, to form the Draught of a Letter to be lent the Agent, and prefent the lame to this Aflembly as Toon as may be- It is Voted and Re/oht'd, That Daniel Coggejhall, William Jfithony, jun. and Ininhvmcl Nortk^-if^, Efqrs. be, and they arc hereby con- Ititutcd a Committee, to examine into the State and Circumftances of tlie feveral Ferries in this Colony, examine the Laws relating thereto, -and report to this Aflembly at their next ScfTion, what they fhall think ncceflary to be done, in order to put laid Ferries under a good Regulation. Whereas fundry Perfons, who call thcmfclvcs Inhabitants of this Colony, hsve lately petitioned His Majclly, refpedting our Paper Currency ; 7/ is therefore Voted and Refohcd, That 'Jisbez BozvefJ^ Efq; Mr. Elijha Brown, and Jojeph Nichols, Elq; be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to inquire into the Re- lation, Station, and Circutnfiances, which the faid Petitioners ftand in to His Majelty, and this Colony, and maJcc Report to this AfTembly at their next Sellion. Jn ACT Regulating and Eft ahliping a juft and equal Method of Gauging in and througkcut this Colony. H E R E A S the Manner of Gauging commoiily ufed here- tofore in this Colony, is not exactly true and equal in Casks cf all different DimenfiODS, which hath occafioned many Com- plaints amongfl thole that have bought any Liquors by gaguc in 6^ this Colony, and hath proved a great Difcouragement to the Trade, and Difhonour to the Traders in this Colony in general. W For Remedy of which for the future, TYF. IT ENJCTED by the General Jfcmhly, and by the Au- ^ thurify 1 hereof. It is EnaBed, That from and after the fifteenth Day oi'Jiigufi, J. D. JJii- no Rum, Molafles, Wine, Cyder, Beer, Brandy, or any other Liquid whacfocver, ufually fold by Mea- liarc in Casks, fhall be gagyicd in any other Way or Method, but ^A according to the mou approved and cxa£l Mathematical Rule, ^ ' commonly called, Gauging by Gunttr ; and that fortliat Purpofe, proper Perfons be cholet^ Gaugers in each Town in the Colony, where there ihall be Occafion for ir, wliich Officers fhall be under Oath for the l.iithful Performance of their Truft : And that the Fees for Gauging a finglc Cask, Ihall hzTojo Skilhngs andSix-fencey and [23 ] and for Gauging any Number of Casks, not exceeding Ten, Tkv ahtllings for cacli Cask j and lor any Number above Ten, 0}w Shilling and Six-pence for each Cask : And that the Gauger that gauges every Cask, fliall fairly mark the two firft Letters of his Name, and the Quantity of the Gauge thereof, with marking or branding Irons, on t!ie Head or Bilge of each Cask. JND he it further EnaBed hy the Juthcrity afore/aid. That whofoever in this Colony, fhall fell any of the aforc-cnumerated Commodities, or any others fold in Casks by GagiJg. gauged in if a^^i^ any olhcr Manner than is direfted by this Adl, e\4ry Pcrlon io offending, fliall forfeit the Value of all the Commodities (o fold j to be recovered againfl him, by Bill, Plainr, or Information, in any Court of Record in the County where the Offence is com- mitted ; one Half thereof to the Informer, or he who fhall fuc for the fame, the other Half to the Ufc of the Town where the Goods fhall be lo unlawfully gauged. jT'is Voted and Rejohed^ That Nicholas Cook, zni Step he fj Hopkins, •* Efqrs. Col. Imm.'inuel Northitp, and Mr. Jeremiah Lippit, be, and they are hereby conffirutcd a Committee, to examine into the Fads contained in a Petition preferred to His Majefly by lundry of the Inbabirants of the Colony 5 a Copy of which is now lying before rhis AfTcmbly, and Report their Opinion thereon as foon as may be. And the faid Committee having affumed the Province afligned them, made the following Report. * TT^f^ ^he Subfcribers, being appointed a Committee by the * VV General Affembly, to examine the Matters of Fa6t * contained in a Petition preferred to His Majefly by lundry of the * Inhabitants of this Colony, and to report our Opinion thereon. * And we having taken thatBufrncfs upon u?, and having duly * examined the Fads afTcrted in faid Petition, and having carefully * inquired into the Records of the Colony, that have any Relation * to thofe Matters ot Fad, do report, as our Opinion, ' Thit the firfl Fad afferted, " That the Currency of this Go- " vernment is fo far from being fixed, that it hath lunk in its Va- ** lue above one half within leven Years laft pafl j" whicfi Afler- * tion, we think, is not flridly true. ' That the fecond Fad afferted, " That this Colony hath now " out-ftanding, the Sum of;^". 3^3,^33 in Bills of Public Credit ;" * which, upon Examination, we find not to be true, there not * being, at tf*e Date of t"he Pctitipn, Bills amounting to that Sum, * out-ffanding. * That C 243 ' That as to the other Facts aflerted in this Petition, we, on the ' moft exaft Examination, cannot fay but they are ftridly true.' Nicholas Cook, Newport, June 17. 1751. Stephen Hopkins, Jeremiah Lippitt, hnmanuel Northup. And now this Aflembly having taken the ikid Report into Con- fidcration, Do Vote and' Rejolve, and it is Voted and Re/olved, That the faid Report be, and it is hereby accepted. W H E R E A S feveral of the Inhabitants of the Town of Trovuknce, reprefented unto this Aflembly, That Swine, going at large, have been very hurtful to many People, by dcflroy- ing their Corn-Ficlds, and rooting up their Meadows and Pa- ftures : That an A£t made and part, to prevent Swine from go- ing at Jarge in 'Vr evidence Town Street, was found good and prchr- able, fo Jar as it extended ^ and thereupon prayed, That the laid Act may be extended from (aid '^Providence Town-Street, betwixt the two Rivers, viz. Tatucket and Majha/eck, up to the dividing Line between laid Providence and the Town of Smithjield. And this Aflembly having taken the Affair into Confidcration, Do Vote and Enjijy and it is Voted and Enatled, That the faid Petition be, and it is hereby granted, and that for the future, the faid Adt fhall take EffcCi, and be of Force, and extend between the aforefaid Rivers oi^-alucket and Majhajeck^ up to the Line that divides the Towns of Travidence and Smithjield. Whereas Mr. Nathcinael CcggefbAlI, exhibited to this Aflembly, an Account by him charged ag.iinfl the Colony, for cleaning Small Arms, Piftols, and Cutlaflcs, belonging to the Government ; which being duly examined. This JJJemhh do Vote and Rrfolve, and it is Voted and Rejolvcd, That the laid Account be. and it is hereby allowed, and that Ten Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the laid Nathanjel Coggepall out of the General Trcalury. It is Voted and Refohed, That the Time for drawing the Lottery fet up by an Aft of Aflembly, to raife a Sum ot Money to be laid out in building a Bridge over ^jttuket River, be, and the lame is hereby lengthen'd out unto the firft Monday oi September next It is Voted and Re/hived, That Beriah Bro-Jjn,'E[\\\ be, and he is hereby appointed to take the Care and Charge of the Horfe, and all other Effefts that belonged to IVtlltam Jackfon, who was lately murdered by Thomas Carter in Soath-Kingstozvn ; and that the laid Beriah Brown be, and he is hereby direftcd, and fully authorized and C^; J and impovvcred in his own Name, to take and ufe all lawful Ways and Means to obtain, recover, and receive the faid Horlb, and all other Effeds in this Colony, which were the faid Jackjiin's at his Deceale, to and for the Ufe ofthc faid Jtfffc/ow's lawful Re- prcfentatives. An ACT for naturalising Francis Ferrari, non> refiding at Newpurt, in this Colony^ Merchant, late a Suhje5l of the Republic of Genoa. X^HEREAS the faid Vrancis Ferrari hath reprefented unto this Aflcmbly, That he, both by Inclination tnd Circum- ftances, is induced to fettle here, and become an Inhabitant of this Colony, and confequently a Subject of our Sovereign Lord the now King ; and thereupon prayed, That upon his taking the Oaths by Law appointed, an Act of Naturalization may be pafTcd by this AfTembly, rendering him a Subject of his faid Majcf^y, as fully and amply, to all Intents and Purpofcs, as if he were born fo. And whereas it appears to this AfTembly, the faid Fratuis Ferrari hath given good Teltimony of his dutiful Affection, and ftrong Attachment to ferve and propagate the Britijh Intctcft, as well clfe-wherc as here. On Confideration whereof, DE I'T ENJCTEDby this Jpmhly, atjd by the Authority of ^ the fame ^ It is Enafted, That the faid Francis Ferrari be, and he is hereby naturalized, and forever hereafter (hall be adjudged and taken, to all Intents and Purpofes, as naturalized, anH is ren- dered and made equal in all Refpects, to a free-born Subject of this Colony, provided he take the State Oaths, and all other Oaths by Law required. 7 T is Fated and Refolveci, That the Sum of Three Hundred •* Pounds be allowed and paid to the Honourable JVilliaiii Greene, Efq; our prefent Governor, and Fifty Pounds to his Honour Robert Bajzardy Efq; late Deputy Governor, out of the General Treafnry, for their laft Year's Salary, and extraordinary Service. // is Voted and Refobed, That Edward Scott, Efq; be, and he is hereby appointed to receive the Duplicate of our Charter ofthc Hon. JVillijm Ellery, Efq; late Deputy Governor of this Colony, and deliver the fame to his Honour the prefent Deputy Governor, giving and taking a Receipt for the fame. [26] li i. Voted and Refulvcdy That the Attorney General be, and he is hereby directed, and fully impowered to fue for and recover all the Eftatc of Thomas Carter that may be found, in order that Sa- tisfaction be made therewith, for the Goods by him taken iiom Jy'iiliam Jackfon. Whereas upon Occafion of the Death ot his late Royal Highncfs Frederick, Prince o{ Wales, &c. it was ordered by his Majefty's Privy Council, That a particular Form fliould be obfcrvcd, in praying fur the Royal Family ; and this Colony have received Directions to caule the lame to be publiihed in the leveial Parifh Churches, and other Places of Divine VVorlhip \\-itliin this Colony. This jijjlmbly therefore do Vote and Rejohe^ and it is Voted and Re- Jolvedy That his Honour the Governor be, and he is hereby reque- fted to caufc Proclamation to be made, that laid Order be oblerved throui!,hout this Colony, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof. // is Voted and Rejolved, That Jonathan Nicholsy Stephen Hopkins, and 'Teeter Eours, Efqis. be, and they are hereby conftituted a Committee, to take into Confidcration the Petition of the Sugar Planters, Merchants, and others, trading to, and interefted in his Majefty's Sugar Colonies in Jmerica, and to colleft and gather fuch Fatts as ftiall be thought proper to furnifti the Agent with, as nc- ccflary in oppofing laid Petition ; and to that End, the faid Com- mittee are hereby invefted with full Power to lend for Perfons and Papers from any Part of the Colony : And that faid Com- mittee prepare a Letter for his Honour the Goveinor to lign, to be lent to the neighbouring Governments, rcqucfting their Alli- ftance in the Affair. It is Voted and Re/bhcd, That the Copy of the Petition preferred to his Majefty by fundry of the Inhabitants of this Colony, rc- fpetling the Paper Currency, with the Petitioners Names thereto, together with the Refolutions of the Houfe of Commons thereon, and alio the Bill prepared in Confequence thereof, and prefented to Parliament, be forthwith put into print at the Colony's Charge, and that Two Hundred Copies thereof be ftruck off ^ and that each of the Members of the General AflAmbly, each of the Town's Committee for letting out the Rank Money (being not a Member ofthe AlTcmbly) and each Town Clerk in this Colony, be furnilhed with a Copy ; and that the Secretary procure the (amc to be done. Teter Bours, George Wanton^ and Thomas Cran/ion, Efqrs. being appointed a Committee by the General AfTcmbly, made the following Report : 1 273 <■ To the Honourahk Gemral JJpribly. * \S[^ ^^^ Subfcribers, being appointed a Committee to burn * '' the Bills of public Credit of this Colony, irifing from a ' Number of BilL of Exchange drawn on Mr. Richard TjtriJgt', * Agent for the Colony, as by a Report made 10 the General ' AfTcmbly, dated the i(5th Day oi March laft ; andalfo to receive * of Jojef^h H'antiin, Elq; and Capl. Walter Chaknery the Contents ' of the Bills of Exchange drawn on them by laid Mr. Richard * Cartridge, in Bills cf the OlJ-Tcnor of this Government, and * to burn the fame, Report, That we have received of the laid * Jo/efh fVatitvfj, Efq- Twenty-four Hundred Pounds Old-Tenor, * being the Amount of the Bill drawn on him • and of the faid ' H''alter Chaloncry Nine Hundred and Seventy-two Pounds Old- ' Tenor, being the Amount of Eiphcy-onc Pounds Sterling ; which ' Sums reduced into Bills of Crcdir of this Colony, together with ' Twenty Thoufand Nine Hundred and Eight Pounds and Two ' Shillings Old-Tenor, being the Amount of the Bills of Exchange, ' as appears by the aforelaid Report of March the i6tli, wc have burnt, as by Order of AlTembly : And arc, Gentlemen, Tour moji humble Scrviwts, Peter Bours, J^eivport, June 18. 1751. George JVcnion^ Tbomoj Cranjlon, To which Report^ they fuljoined the following Account. The Colony to the Commit tee. Dr.— TO our CommifTions for negotiating the Bills on Meffrs fVanton and Chakmr^ amounting to Three Thouland Three Hundred and Seventy-two Pounds, at One and a Quarter ptr Cevt. - ?C- 4^ 3 o To Cafh paid for drawing Twenty-one Setts of blank Bills of Exchange, for the Governor to fign, 400 Peter Bours, George Wanten, Thomas Craniion. And this Aflerably having taken the faid Report and Account into Confideration, and duly examined the fame, Do Vote-and Re- Johe, and it is Voted and Rejohed, That the faid Report be, and it is hereby accepted, and the faid Account allowed, and that Forty- fix Pounds Three Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid uijEo the faid ^eter Bours^ George iVantciiy and Thomas Cranjfoti, out of the General Treafury, Whereas C aS ] W'hcxezs Jcnjdau Ea/iof7, oiMJJktcwt), in the County of i\^t Ten Shillings each, \^6 o o £. 1446 6 WE the Subfcrihers, being appointed a Committee by the General Affcnibly, to audit the Account of the Naval Officer, do Rcporr, Th and piit them into print, and make a Book thereof, with a proper Table ; and that Five Hundred lUcn Books, and no more, on any Pre- tence whatfoever, be printed, the whole to be at the Charge of the Colony, and when done, to be lodged in the Hands of the General Treafurer : Jnd it is farthar Voted ctnd ReJoJved^ That the laid Committee take Security of the Printer, that he will r>or print or I'utfcr to be printed in his Preis, any greater than the above* mentioned Numbrr : and that one of laid Books be delivered to each Town Clerk in the Colony, to and for the Ufe of each re« ipetlive Town. Jti JCT invreajjjjg the Jlkxvatice granted infohent Debtors in His Miijefy's Goal, ami that of par ^Prijoners at ihe King's Suit. V\7HEREAS the Allowance made by a late Aft of Affembly, for infolvent Debtors conhncd in Goal, is lb fm a 11, and Provifions (b dear, fhat the Gral-Kceper mufl be a coniiderahle Loler, whilf^ he gives tticm a Sufficiency. This yijfemhly therejore do Vote ard Efiati. and ft is hereby Voted and Evaded^ That for the future. Thirty Sfiilh'ngs />£>;• Week fhall be allowed for the Main- tenance of every inlolvent Debtor that js now, or fhall be hcrc- altcr confined to any one of His Majefty's Gpals in this Colony j and [ JS J and that Twenty Shillings fer Week be allowed for the Support of every poor Prifoner that is now, or fliali hereafter bt confined to any of laid Goals at His Majefty's Suit. Jn AC T for Naturalizing Peter Simon 0/ Newport, in tfoe County 0/" Newport, Merchant^ late a SubjetJ of the French Kwg, \J^ H E R E A S the faid 4 o o To James Rboadi's Ditto^ 338 ij o To 3 fer Cent, on £. 24,000 raifed by Way of Lottery for building a Bridge zfTatuxtt Falls, being for building faid Bridge, 7 ao 60 i^. 2291 lo a Cr. By Ballancc due in Favour of the Colony, 108 9 to £. 2400 o o 9br r4i ] The Coluny /Rhode-Ifland, /o James Arnold, John Dexter, Eliflia Blown, Jeremiah Lippir, and James Rhoads, Cr.— 1750' "RY Ten per Cent, drawn on £. 24,000 raifed by Way of Dec. i--"-' a publick Lottery, to build a Bridge at fP DircftorSi Jeremiah LipfitK Jama RhoadSy J 1 75 1. Colcny (Tjl^Rhode-Ifland, Dr. to James Arnold, Efq-y June 5. O O R Ca(h paid for 1 Sticks of Timber •'- omitted in his Account, at 61. which is j^. 12 o O Therefore the Ballancc due to the Colony, is ^6 p 10 And now this Aflcmbly having taken the Prcmifcs into Confi- dcration, Do I'^ote and Re/ohey and it JsVottd and Refolvedy That the aforegoing Report of the Committee be accepted and allowed. Jnd it is farthr Foted and Refohed, That the Account of the Dl- reftors be alfo acceptt-d, the Ballancc thereof due to the Colonyj, being Ninety-fix Pounds Nine Shillings and Ten Pence ; that ouC of the lame, there be paid Six Pounds Eight Shillings to the Com- mittee, for their Time and Trouble in auditing the Accounts ; that the Remainder of the Ballance be appropriated to the Repair- ing the aforefaid Bridge j and that James JrnoUy'Ki'q-, and Mr, James Kkoads, be appointed to do the fame, and receive the Mo- ney lor that Ufc, giving a Receit therefor, and to make Report to the General Affembly. The Committee that was appointed by this AlTembly at their laft SefTion, to inquire into the Relation, Station, and Circum- llanccs of i'undry Pcrlbns who (calling themlelves Inhabitants of this Colony) lately petitioned His Majefty refpeding our Paper Currency, made the following Report : " To the General JJfemhly now fitting in Newport, the xid of Auguft, A. D. 1751. ■p)Y Virtue of the Vote of the General Aflcmbly in June laft, ■^ appointing us to inquire into the Relation, Station, andCir* cumftanccs, which certain Perfons, lately Petitioners to His Ma- jcRy, ftand in, to His Majefty and this Colony, as by faid Vote may appear, we have inquired into the lame, in the beft Manner we arc capable, for the Time, and do Report, That we find, up- on the beft Information we can obtain, that all but twelve of the faid Petitioners are Freemen of this Colony, or of fome Town or other [4^3 other in this Colony ^ and as to their Relation, Station, or Cir- cumftances, we find that two of them arc Officers, to wit, Ebenezer Richardjbn is a Jufticc of the Peace in this Colony, in the County of Kewforty and Samuel Fraebody Captain of the Fort, and that the Circumftancesof fome of them, are vifibly very conCderabic \ but the Circumftanccs of others are to us unknown. Jabez Bswetty Eli/ha Brown, Jofeph Nichols." And now this Aflembly having taken the laid Report into Confideration, Do Vote and Refoke, and it is Voted and Rejoked, That the fame be, and it is hereby accepted. // is Voted ami Rejblved., That the Draught of a Letter to our Agent m Great-Britain, made by a Committee appointed for that Purpofe, be, and the fame is hereby approved, and that a fair Copy thereof be made, to be figned by his Honour the Governor, and lent to the Agent by the firft Opportunity. ■yy H E R E A S the Bills of Credit that have been emitted by this Colony, have all along, from their firft being current as a Medium of Exchange, depreciated, and gradually grown lefs in their Valne down to this Time, which hath occafioned many- People to complain, and that with jufl Caufe, that they have been Sufferers by fuch the Alteration of the Medium eftablilhcd by the Laws of this Colony : Therctbre for the Preventing any fuch Inconveniency from happening for the Funire, n £ IT ENACTED by the Getierol J family, and by the Jw *-' thority thereof. It is htrely Enabled, Ihat in all Debts that now are, or hereafter fhall become due in this Colony, by any Manner or Way whatfocver, that for every Sixty-four {shillings appearing to be due in Old-Tenor Bills, or for every Sixteen Shil- lings appearing to be due in New- Tenor Bills, or for every Six Shillings and Nine Pence appearing to be due in the Bills emitted in March, J. D. lys^i the Debtor at the Time of Payment, fhall pay as much in any of the aforc-mcntioned Bills, as at the Time of Payment are really and tiiily worth one Ounce of Silver of Sterling Alloy, and that all Judgments in all the Courts in this Colony, fhall at all Times hereafter be made up agrcablc to this Aft. ylnd be it further Ena&ed by the Juthority afore faid. That no Court fhall at any Time hereafter in this Colony, make up Judg-''"<'«-/- againft any Man for any Debt whatfocver that docs not exceed Sixty-four Shillings in Old-Tenor Bills, or Sixteen Shillings in Nev«/ Tenor Bill?:, or Six Shillings and Nine Pence in the Bills emitted in March, J, D. 1 7 io, for more of anv of faid Bills than at the Time of L4n of making ap fnch Judgment, arc truly and really worth one Ounce of Silver of Sterling Alloy at that Time, and fo in Propor- tion for any greater or lefs Sum. *' XJiT^ the Subfcribcrs do diiTent from, and protcft againft this ' ' Bill for the loilowing Reafons. 1. Bccaule we are of Opinion, that the Method propofcd m this Bill villi not prevent a farther Depreciation of the Bilb we have now out-Uanding, which are fixed by Laws of the Colony at a very different Value from what they are ftatcd at in this Bill. 2. Becaufe our Bills of the New-Tenor,are by the Ads whereby they were cmitred, of the fame Value as the Bills by the AQt oi March pad, to be emitted j and it is manifcflly abfurd and unjuft, that Six Shillings and Nine Pence of the ont fliould be made equal ro Sixteen Shillings of the other. 3. Becaufe Six Shillings and Nine Pence in Bills of the New Tenor, arc by a Law of this Colony, made in Afa/, 174c, equal only to Twenty-leven Shillings in Bills of Old Tenor ; but by this Bill, Sixty-four Shillings in our Old-Tenor Bills are made equal to Six Shillings and Nine Pcrrcc in Bills of the fame Value as the Bills of the New Tenor, which appears to us to be mani- feftly unreaforuibie and unjult. 4. Becautc if this Bill fliould pafs into a Law, wc apprehend that the Publick Faith and Credit of the Government will be violated. FeUr BourSf Nezvp^yrf, ^ugufi 2^. 1751. Edward Salt.** T)E it Emtled by the General AJfemhly oj this Colony, and by the *-* Aiithonff of the Jame, It is Etjudtd, That the Form of the Oath to be t.iken by all Perlbns, Inhabitants and Refidents in this Colony, obtaining Judgments in any Courts of Record in this Colony, btiore they are intitled to Executions thereon, and by all Perfons in this Colony elcded into Office, previous to their En- trance thereon, and alio by all Perfons not fettled and allowed In- habitants, rhit have or (ball come into any Town in this Colouy, with a Dcfi'^n or Intent to carry on any Trade and Commerce, fhall be as followcth. 'Y U do johmnly ^{affirni) that you have not wh- tingly or willingly^ diredly or indiretHy, hy yoiirfclf or others^ Jtnce •the Tiverty- eighth Day of June, A. D. 1751, contraBed foty giveny token, pa/d, arcuanied. or fettled, for Goli, Silver, or Bills of Exchange^ in atiy 01 her Mdiwer or Form than what is regal.: ted by two Jift oj the Gi'iieml JJ/imldy of this CoLtjy, one mdde <\tid fajl at Providence', M tt>e C 44 3 the third Monday o/" March, Annoq; Dom. 1750, and the other at Newport, on tbefecond Monday of June, Annoq; Dom. 1751 : Jnd that yoii will for the future, punBnally and bom fide, ob/erve and corny ph with the Direifions of the /aid Jits re/pe^ive/y, fo long as thejame Jballbe and continue in Force. And he it further EviBtd hy the Authority aforefaid^ That the Clerk, or other Officer adminiftring the Oath, fhall have for the fame, Two Shillings, and for writing the Ceitificate, Two Shil- lings Old Tenor, to be paid by the Party taking the Oath. THE Gentlemen whofe Names hereafter follow, were chofcn to the Offices alcribed to their Names refpedivdy. Lieut Col. Jofefh Stafford, Cnloncl of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kent^ in the Room of Col. Btnoui li'aterman^ who refus'd : And Maj. Stephen Low, Lieutenant Colonel ol the iamc Regiment, in the Room o( faid Col. St a ford. PROVIDENCE, Firft Company ; Benjamin Eddy, Captain j John Hoyl, jun. Lieutenant ; Ezra Dean, Enjign. Second Company : John Clark, Captain ; John Warner, Lieute- nant ; William Dyre, Enfign. Third Company : John VVaterman (Son of Refolved) Captain -^ Daniel Sprague, Lieutenant ; Samuel Windfor, jun. En/igtt. fourth Company : John Dexter, jon. Captain • Samuel Eborn, jun. Lieutenant ; Stephen Hawkins, Enjign. Fifth Company: Matthew Manchefter, Captain; Jonathan Knight, jun. Lieutenant ; Daniel Burlingham, Enjign. Sixth Compam : Ifaiah Hawkins, Captain:, Charles Olney, Lieutenant j Thomas Olncv (i^oii of Thomas) Enjign. EXETER; Firft Company : George Weight, Captain j John Cafcy, Lieutenant j Jofhua Gardner, Enjign. Second Company : Joha Rathbone the third. Captain ; Stephen Audin, Lieutenant ; Wiili;im F.ldred, Enfign. Company of CUMBERLAND: Gideon Tower, Captain j Jolin Nichollbn, Lieutenant ; Natha- nacl Whipple, Enjign. }V A R W 1 C K ; Firft Company : James Arnold, jun. Lientaiatit in the Room of Rufus Barton "who reiujed, ami S'wnou Arnold, Enfign. EAST-GREENPyiCH; Second Company : John Giflford, Lieutenant in the Room cj Benjamin Corey, deccaj'dy And Benjamin Sweet, jun. Enfign. fVE S T- [4y] ff^EST.GREENfyiCH; Firft Company : John Niles, CaftatH ; John Albro, Lieutenant-^ Nicholas W hit- ford (Son of Fafco) Enjtgn. RICHMOND Company : Joleph Woodmancy, Captain i Ezckiel Barbery Lieutenant \ Stephen Wilcox, Enjign. Lieut. Col. Stephen Low, a Jufticc ot the Peace for tbc Town of Warwick. Capr. Jeremiah Gantaer, a Jufticc of the Peace for the Town of Nvrth-Ktii^/iawn. James Ccngdon, jun. a Jufticc of the Peace for the Town oi Chc'.rlefioiun^ in the Room of John Clark, who refufed. Jeofry Champlin, a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of Exeter, Philip Tabor, a Julttce of the Peace for the Town of Tiverton. Simeon Verry, a Juftjce of the Peace ior the Town of ELtchmond^ in the RoomofCapi. Jo/ep/? E no j, jon. who refufed. William Dean, Lieutetmnt, and Eliphalet Filbrook, Cornet of the Troop of Horje for the County 0/ Providence. T^H E Gentlemen that were appointed to audit the Accounts of ^ the Committee that paid off the Officers and Soldiers raifed in this Colony for the Expedition intended againft CanMby prefentcd this Aflembly with the following Report and Account, Dr. The Colony of Khodc-li[3x\d,&e. /a Stephen Hopkins. i7jo. '"f^O Money paid to the- OOo. 31. ■*- Officers and Soldiers/ raifed for the Canada Ex- pedition, per Account rcn-\ dered, Sterling. f'OO per Cent. Exchange, or 10 for i, Balhmce due to the Colony^ Cr. The Colony of Rhode-Ifland, &c. to Stephen Hopkins. 1749. "pY the Mtiftcr RoU ol\ June 17. the Company In His Sterling. Ctirrencp Mdjeft'y's Service, rais'd in this Colony for the Re- 1 dudion of Canada ; firft /;. 1314 18 8 commanded by Capt. IV I Hi dm Rice until his Death, afterwards by C^pT. Nathan Carpejirery ^ 900 per Cent. Exchange, or 10 for i, is ;C> 1.3*49 ^ ^ < We ) Sterling. Currency, £ lapi 10 7 is fi ip 8 1 1314 18 8 1(^4 TO 10 £■ iji4^6 ^ r40 ti T HTE the Subfcribers, being appointed by the General Aflem- VV bJy, a Committee to audit the Accounts of that Com- mittee which were appointed to pay off the Officers and Soldiers tah'vl for the intended Expedition againft Canada, do Report : Conformable to faid Appointment, v-'e have audited the above Account of Stefben Hopkws^ Efq; one of faid Committee, and do find there is due Irom him to the Colony, One Hundred and Kinety-four Pounds Ten Shillings Old- Tenor, as appears by the Dof e Account ftated. Jfofepb JVbifipky Dated Newport, Auguft 2 1 . A . D. 175!. John Tidin^hajf, Thomas Cranjion.'* « Co% 0/ Rhode-] flanri^ - - Dr. CtTO our Time and Trouble auditing the above Account, likewife auditing the Account of Meffrs. Gecrge H''antofh and J^im^i iihffieU, two Others o£ faid Committee, £• AS ^ ^ Jofepb Whipple, John Ttllin^haa, Ibomfls Cranjion.'* And now this AflTcmbly having taken the Premifes into Confi- deratinn, and duly examined the fame Do Votbajii Rf.fohe and it ii Voted and Rejoltjedf That the faid Report be, and it is hereby accepted : That the Account charged by the Committee againft the Colony, be allowed, and Forry-five Pounds, the Amount tbetcof, paid them out of the General Treafury. Thii Jijptnhly do Vote and Refohe, and it ii Voted and Re/ohedy That all Bufinefs lying before them unfiniftied, be, and the lame is hereby referred unto their next SelTion : That the Secretary pro- claim in Newport by Beat of Drum, the A£Vs and Orders now made and pafV, within five Days after the Riling of this Alfcmbly, and within thirty, lend Copies cfthcm to each Town in the Colony, according to Law : And this Alfembly is adjourned to the laft Monday of Oiioher next, if called at faid Time by either of their Honours the Governor or Deputy Governor, but if not called be- loie nor at faid Time, then this Alfembly Ihall be diflblved. GOD Save the KINa Newport, Auguft 26. i7ir. Tublijbed according to Order, hy THOMAS WARD, Secry. '^''^iSy '■ C 47 ] Jt the G E N E R A I. Assembly of the GOFER NOR and CQ M PAN T of the En^^lilh Colony of Rhode-Iiland, a.nd Providence-Piantaiiojis, in Newo England, in America ; he^m Md held at Soiuh-Kingftown in ja'd Colony, the lajl Wedntfday of Odlober, ^a?^ Thoufmd Seven Hundred and Fi fly-one : And in the Trcenty'fifth Tear of the Reign Of /y/j Mod Sacred Maje'ily^ GEOP^GE the Second^ by the Or. ice cj GO D^ of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender oj the Faith, 8zc. PRESENT, The Hon. WILLIJM CB.EENE, Efqj Goveinor. The Hon, Joseph Whipple, Efq-, Dep. Gov. JoNATHAM Nichols, Efq; . William Richmond, F.fq-,-* JaBez Sowen, Efq; / DanielCogge HALL, EfqvO/j/?. Stephen Brownel, Efq; (^Aljifii Jeoffry Watson, Efqj C RoB£RT L,AW10N, Efqj i •' The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the feveral TOWNS. NE WPORTi Edward Scott, Elq; Thomas CranfiGMy Efq; ^eter Boursy Elq; Mr, Jonathan Ea(^on^ Mr. ^ob Betjnety jun. Providence ; Stephen Hopkins, Efq; 'Jonathan Randal^ Eiqi Portfmouth ; William Jnthony, ^nn. Efq^ John Allen, EJqj Caleb Hill, Eiq; Mr. Gideon Freebofft, yjt^ . Warwick ; JerefJiiah Lippit, Efq: Maj, "John Rhodes, Licur. Col. Stephen LoWf Mr. IVilltam Greene. Wefterly : [48] Wcfterly , 'JoOnia Babcock E fq^ Mr. JojhiiJ Oarh. Ncwfhorcham j North-Kingftown ; Col Immavud Northupy Beriah Bnivn, hlq^ Soul h- Kingftown ; lAt .Betjjiimiti '■i'tckkam^jwn, Eafl-Greenwich j Jojeph Nichols, Elq; Mr. '^ohti Try. Jamcltown : Jofcph Chvk, Efqi Ml. J'ojjafo Hrnolii, Jan. Smithfield j Thomas JrMcIrl, Efq; John Jldruh, Efq; Sciruare j Juh Randal FJq; Ghho/t Hjrrii, Efq; Glocrftcr j Col. Ricbjrd Smirfoj ChaHffiown ; Col. Chri ftophsr ChampUfi, Capt. Nat hamel Lewis. Weft-Greenwich ; G^rge Gardner, Elq; Thomas Cratifion, Efq; was Mr. '^ojias Lyndon, Clerk Mr. ^ji,hn Weigh. Coventry ; Mr. '^ohn Greene, ^hcmJf Maitbewjofl Efqj Exeter , Capt. Jchfi Reynolds^ Job^ftpp, Efqi Middletown ; Capt. fViliiom -Turner, Mr. ''jojhua CoggeJhalL Biiftol ; Jonathan T'eck, Efqj Ju/epb Kufet, Efq; Tiverton ; Mr. Edzvard I'fotitoM, Mr Thomas HowloJid. Liitle-Compion j Samuel 1^1 Wore. FTq; Mr. Thumaf Church. Warrea; Mr. John Cole. Capt. Jo^ti ySdami, Cumhtrland ; Mr. Jereniii\h Wh pple^ Capt. Jchuhod 'Teck. R ichmond ; Mr. John H'ebfler, Mr. Robert Li 111 bridge. chofen Speaker : And of the Lower Hcufc. WHEREAS Jnn and Jjmes Frmklin exhibited to this AlTcmbly, an Account by them charged againrt the Co- lony for printing the Acts and Orders made and part by the Ge- neral Aflembly at their Scfljon in Augiift laft, and furnilhing Pa- per for the Work ; which being; duly cvamined, This Jjjembly do Voteand Rffolve, and it is Voted and Re/ohed, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Thirty Pounds the Amount thereof, be paid unto the laid Jnn and James Franklin out of the General Trcafury. Whereas upon His Majcflv's creating His Royal Highnefs Prince George Prince of kfalesy He was pleafed to order in Council, that L49 3 that ?. particular Form of Prayer fhould be uferi in praying for the R;)yal Family, and hath directed this Government to caul'e the fame to be publifhfd in the fevcral Parifh Churches, and other Places of Divine W'orihip within this Colony. &c. Ihis AjfRmbly tktrefore do Vote and Rejolve^ and it is Voted and Ke/ohed, That his Honour the Governor caufc Proclamarion to be made of the aforc- faid Order tb.rougl;OQt the Cole ny,- requiring it to be oblerved accordins; to the true Intent and Meaning thereof The Gentlemen tliat were appointed a Committee to audit the Accounts of the General Treaiurer, prefented this Aflcmbly with the following Report, &c. 175 1. ^^'^ Colony of Rhode-Ifland to Thomas Richardfon General Treci/urer, Dr.—-' 'T'O Cafh for iundry Disburlments from the -■- firfi: Day oi Jugufi, 1750, to the i8rh Day ot Oiiober, 1751, together with Intereft Money paid to ieveral Towns, and incident Charges, as taken from the Treal'uret's Alpha- beiical Book, To ttie Treafurer's Sa:larv fortheYear 1750. To fhoit Interclt of the eighth Bank ior the Towns o{ fVarwiik and iVefterty^ lor the Year To Calh paid the Printer forVotes of Aflcmbly. Ballancs due from Thomas Richardjoii, Efqj General Treafurer, to the Colony, being Twenty-three Thouland Two Hundred and Six Pounds Eighteen Shillings and One Penny in Money and Bonds. 23,206^ 18 i ,^. 34,ioj i5> 5 1751. CO N r RJ, Cr.— "D Y Ballancc due to the Colony from the General -*-^ Treafurer, as fettled by the Auditors the ift Day of /higufi^ A. D. 1 750, £, 20065 8 5 By the Intereft of the feventh Bank, for the Year 1750, _ _ _ 3200 o c By the Infereft of the eighth Bank, for the Year 1750, _ _ _ _ , 6400 o o By. ^'. io,5y4 a 4 200 2 T4 1 li o O o o r 50 3 By Cafli Ttcc'iv'd of Col. "Northtip^ being the Produce of the Colonv's Powder lold at Vendue, aji no By Ditto rccciv'd of the Attorney General, for a Fine to the Colony, - - i j By Steften fVtIcox's Bond, due Jpr/l 1^, 17ii, for .- - - 780 By Mel Franklin's Bond, due O^ober the sjth, 17J1, tor 3400 o o By Cafh rccciv'd for fen Colony Law Books fold fincc the laft Audir, 10 o o Bv one Book dcliver'd to the Inferior Court of the County ot Newport, by 164 Books in the Treafury, unfold, £' 34>ioi ip 5 ** T7\7^ ^^^ Subfcribers, being appointed by the General Affcm- ' '' biy, a Committee to audit the Accounts of Thomas Bfchard/en, Elq; the prefent Gcneiai Trealurer, do find that there is due Irom the laid 7i>omaj Rtchardjun to the Colony, the Sum of Twenty-tbrecThoufand Two Hundred and Six Pounds Eighteen Shillings ard One Ptriny, as appt^ars by the Account abovc-ftatcd j in which a Number of f?o» ^/? Bonds are included, amounting to a large Sum : Which is lubmiitcd to the honourable General Allembly, by FeUr Bours, Newport, OSloberlZ. 175I. 7btmas Cranjiony Jamm Sheffiela:* To which Report, the Committee fubjoined the following Account, VIZ. " -The Colony to the Committee, - . £)f, -*»'T'0 our Time and Trouble in auditing the above Account, two Days, /" 18 o o PfUr Bours, Thomas CranHon^ James Shepld.** And row this AfTembly having; taken the Premifes into Confi- derarion. Do Fate anJ Re/ohe, and it is Voted and R.efulvedy That the laid Report be, and it is hereby accepted ; and that the Account bv the Committee charged ag^inft the Colony, be allowed, and Eighteen Pounds, the Amount thcrcol, paid them out of th General Treafury. WhcrcM Whereas ^eter Bours, Efq; exhibited to this Afrembl\r> an Accoant by him charged againft the Government, for furnifhing twenty Reams of Paper, in order to pcrfcd the Defign of revifing and reprinting the Lawsot the Colony ; which being duly cxam- ineo, This JJfembly do Vote and S^efolve^ and it is Voted and tie/olved^ That the laid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that One Hundred and Twenty Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the laid -Peter hours out ol the General Trealury. It is Voted and Rc/vlced, That Stephen Hopkins^ Efq; and Mr. Ichabod ^Peck, be, and ihcy are hereby conftitured a Committee to audit the Accounts of the Gentlemen that were appointed and im- poweicd to build a Bridge over Tantiicket River, and make Re- port to this AflTembly at their next Selfion. Whereas John Chrk exhibited to this AfTembly, an Account by him charged againlt the Government, lor Sloop-hire, Ilorfc-hire, for his Expci.ccs and Wages, on a Voyage to New-llrk, &c. in the Service of the Public, yJ/wo 1744 j which being duly examined, This ^Jfembly do Vote and Re/ohe^ and it ts Voted and Re/ohedt That the laid Accoant be, and it is hereby allowed, and that One Hun- dred and Seven Founds Six Shillings and Eleven ?ence, the Amount tCiereof in Bills of Credit of this Colony, be paid unto the faid John Clark out of the General Treafury. Be it EnaSed by the Gefieral Jffembly, and by the Authoritv thereof^ It is Eaatledy That tl»c Clerks of the levcral Courts in this Colony, be, and they are herirby dnetted and impowered to ilTue out Exe- cutions of Judgments obtained, or to be obtained by the Grand Committee^ in the Names of fo many of them as fhail at the Time of iflTaing Ibch Execution or Execution?, take, or have pre- vioully taken the Oath or Affirmation prelcribed by tf^e General AlTcmbly, at their Selfion in Newfort kft Juguji^ to be taken, \a or.Jpr to qualify Perlons to fue out Executions, ^nd it is farther Eintted bv the .•Authority a/ore/>iid, That all Perlons ctxofen into any Office in this Colony, who rcfufe to take faid Oath or Affirmation, Ihall immediately thereupon ceafe to be fuch an Officer. t\" nereas the Town of Providence, did by Stephen Hopkins, Efq; oae of tlieir Deputies, reprefent unto this AfTembly. that in and near faid Town, for fome Time pait, there hath been, and ftill is carried on, a confiderabie Trade by Sea, whereby the Small- Pox hath ol late been very often brought into faid Town : and as there 13 ao Pcft-Houfe io that Fart of the Colony for the receiving fuch O infeftcd r 52 ] infected Perfons, there is very great Danger of the Difleniper's fpreading, which (fhould it happen) would be of very fatal Con- fequence to this Colony : He therefore rn Behalf of faid Town, prayed a Grant of 1'uch a Sum of Money out of the General Trea- fury asthis Affcmbly (hall think reafonable lor the Purpofc afore- faid : Which being duly confidercd, Ith Fated and Refolved^ That Che Sum of Six Hundred Pounds be allowed and paid out of the General Trealury towards building a Peft-Houfe, for the End and Purpole aforelaid : And that Mr. H'llliam Smith o[ ^Providence be impowered to draw laid Sum for the Ule aforelaid, upon fufficient Security's being lodged in the General Trcafury, that all Parts of the Government (ball have the Privilege of making Ule of laid Houle as olten as Occafion (hall require, the County oi Newport excepted. Itij fotedufjd Re/bhed, That Daniel Coggtjki!/, Immanuel Nnrthip, ar\^H'illtai/i /Jut ko/jy, jiin. Elqrs. be, and they arc hereby farther con- tinued a Committee, to examine info the State and Circumfl.mces ol the levcral Ferries in this Colony, to examine the Laws relating thereto, and make Report to this AlTcmbly as foon as may be. J he Gentlemen that were appointed a Committee by the Ge- neral AfTcn.bly, to build a Goal in the County of Kent, prefented the lollowii.g Account. ^75^' Ihc Colony of Rhode-Ifland, to Jofeph Nichols and Rulu» Greene, Dr.—' 'jpo Ex pence J tomards building the Goal in Eaft-Grecnwich, /i;r th County of Kenty To Abial Hall's Jcaunt, ^-47 ^4 7 To John Green 'i Ditto, 6^ 40 To George Green'j Ditto, 5 10 o To William Spencer's Dittc, 30 o o To Jonathan Weaver's Ditto, 5^ 6 8 To Jeremiah Hunt's Dittc^ 400 To Jolhua Coggelhall's Ditto, 18 00 ^0 John Pierce's Ditto, 47 7 o To John Roberts's Ditio, 12 ip o To John Parker's Ditto, 32 00 To Benjamin Wceks's Ditto, 44 13 4 To Samuel Gaboon's Ditto, S 5 o To Francis Barker's Ditto, 50 17 <^ To Daniel Rcmenton's Ditto, 10 16 o To William Sweet's Ditto, 7 10 o Tff c 53 1 J To John Allerton's Account^ To George Vanghan's Ditto, To William Baker's Ditto, To John Lyon's Ditto, To Daniel Smith's DittOy To John CoggefhaJl's Ditto To John Corps's Ditto, To Samuel Hunt. jun. Ditto, To Nicholas Stephens's Ditto, To Samuel BafTct's Ditto, To Thomas Kinnicut's Ditto, To Job Gardner's Ditto, To Richard Stafford's Ditto, To Jofeph Balev's Ditto, Tu Rufus Green's Ditto, To Jofeph Nichols's Ditto.^ 217 7 8 14 S lao 34 c IS »5> 17 5 10 114 3 12 .38 «7 1 11 '3 .0 ^5 i6 18S 14 ^• I4i4 4 I Jofepb Nichoht Rufus Green. An^ now this Afiembly having taken the aforefaid Account into Conhdcration, and duly examined it, Do Vote and Hejohe, and it is fottd and Refoivtd, That the lame be, and it is nereby albwed, and that the Sum of Fourteen Hundred and Fifty-four Pounds Four Shillings and One Fenny, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Jojc'^'h Ntiholi and R.UJHS Green, Efqrs. out of the General Trealiiry. Whereas the General AfTcmbly, at their Seflion in Newport on the fccond Monday o{' June laft. appointed M.X. Benjamin Beckham, jun. -Peter Bours, and Jeremiah Niles, Eiq; or the major Part of them, a Committee to examine all the Accounts which have arifea upon the apprehending, profccunng, convidting, and executing Th- mas Carter, &c. And two of the Gentlemen having aflumcd that Province, reported to this Afiembly .'s foilowctfi. " South-Kingficwn, OSoler 1. 1751. \Vf Hcreas we the Subfcribcrs, were by the General Affembly, ' ' appointed a CommiLtee to examine all the Accounts which have arifen upon the apprehending, prolecuting, convidting, and executing Thomas Carter, and make Report to the General AfTcm- blv as loon as may be ; and having receiv'd fundry of faid Ac- counts, and examined the lame, do Report, That the Pcrfons whofe Names are under written, ihall be paid out of the General Trca* lary, the Sums to their feveral Names annexed, as follows, o/«. To o i: 54 3 yo Nathanael Helme, - tC- 43 i o To Jsmes Hclmc. - - 3 'o P To Abigail Fry, - - 6 o o To Samuel Allen, - - 7 lo o To John Eafton, - - 8 ^ 6 To John Steadman, - - 8 ij o To Jofhua Porter, - - 400 To Jolcph Torry, •. - a o o To James Card, - - 18 i5 o To John Weight, - - 15 15 4 To Silas Helme. - ■ 3100' To Beriah Brown, - - 100 o o To John Cafe, - - ap o o To Samuel Steadman, - - 27 o o To Samuel Albro, - - 517 18 (^ To Daniel Coggclhall, - - 15 o o To William Prefton, for himfelf andhii Daughter, • - 15 4 p To Jofliua Millard - lO 10 o To Rowland Robinfon, - 33 »i o Jtrmiah 'NiUs, B. Peckbam, jun. And now this AiTembly having taken the Prcmifes into Confi- deration, Do P'cte i>na Refolvi, and it /j Voted atid Rejohed, That the faid Report be, and it is hereby accepted, and that the feveral Sums therein mentioned, be paid cut of the General Treafury to the Perlbny againft whofc Names ^hey are refpcOively fct. Jnd it is jurlbcr Voted and Re/olved, That the faid Committee be, and they arc hereby farther continued to the End and Puroole for which they were originally appointed. Whereas Thomas Hufzard, Keeper of His Majcfty's Goal at Suuth-Kitigstowu. ill the County of A.7/;j/ County by Petition, re- prefented unto this Aflembly, That on the a4th oi February laft, one Thomas Carter ot' Newport^ was committed to faid Goal for the Murder oi kViUiam Jackjot)^ late ofVtrgitiia : That U'ld Carter was by the laid Hafzurd iaidy kept m laid Goal till the tenth of A/rf>', when he was executed • That from a general Fear which fpread itlclf through the Country, an Attempt might be made to rcfcue f&id Carter^ the Petitioner was forbidden by the Authority, to C 55 J to cnterrain Strangers or TraveUcrs, anu was obligtd to be con- ftantlv at Home to his great Lofs, &c. And tncrcupon prayed the Sum of Five Pounds /^r Week, might be allowed and paid him out of the General Trcafury. And this Aflcmbly having taken the Premifes intoConfidcration, Do Vote and ^efolve^ audit is Votad and Re/olved, That the faid Petition be, and it is hereby granted. Whereas Sandford Ca/e exhibited an Account by him charged againft the Government for Firewood provided for this Aflembly during their prefeni SefTion Which being duly examined, // is Voted and Rejohedy That the faid Account t^e, and it is hereby al- lowed, and Six Pounds Five Shillings, the Amount thereof, paid the faid Sandford Ca^ out of the General Trcafury. This AJfemhly do f^ote and Refblve, and it is Voted and Refolvedy That all Bufinefs lying before them unfinilhed, be, and it is hereby teferred to their next SefTion : And that the Secretary proclaim in Newport by Beat of Drum, the Afts and Orders now made and paft, within ten Days, and fend Copies of them according to Law, to each Town in the Colony, within forty Days after the Rifing of this Aflembly, which is hereby adjourned to the laft Tucjdoy of February next. GOD Save the KING. Newport, Nov. 6. 1751, ^PubUJbcd by B«ot of Drum according to Order y by THOMAS WARD, Secry» ^ a ////r/^a/^i^^ [ 51 J At //;^ General Assembly of the GOVERNOR and com? ANT of the Englifli Colony of Ilhnde-Illand, (ind Providence-Plantations, in New-England, in America ; begun and held ky Ad)oiirmnem, at South- Kingftown, the lafi Tuefday of February, One Ihonfand Seven Hundred and Fifty-two : And in the Twenty-fifh Tear of the Rei^n of Hif Mofl Sacred Majelly, GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GO D^ o/Great-Bficain, France, and Ireland, Kingt Defender Qf the Faith, &:c. PRESENT, The Hon. WILLIJM GREENE, Elqj Governor. The Hon. Joseph Whiptle, Efq; Dep. Gov John Till iNCHAST, Efq-, ) James Arnold, Efq; ^ Jonathan Nichols. Rfq, C DANiELCoGGESHALLjEfqjC/'i^j Nicholas Cook, Eiq; 0#!/?. Jeoffry Watson, Efq; \ Jabez Bowew, Efqi ^ The Secretary. DEPUTIES of the feveral TOWNS. The Hon. Thomas Cranston, Efq; Speaker. NE WPORT^ Mr. Nathanael CvggeJhaU^ Edward Sect/ , Efq J The Speaker, cr furnifhcd for printing faid Ads and Orders : Which Account being duly examined, This Jjfembly do Vote and Kefolve, and it is Voted and Refohed, That tlie lame be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Twenty-Jive I'ounds Fourteen Shillings, the Amoant thereof, be paid the laid Jnn and James FrankJin out of /' Trippy ? _ . „ Jo], Rathbun, jun, 5 Which Report v;as by a Vote of the Town-Meeting of faid Exeter, accepted on the fcventh Day of Jfjr.e after ; and the laid John fVhitford appeared, and confcnted, and allowed of the afore- i'aid Exchange of Land? : Ail which being reprefentcd unto this AfTembly,. [6i J Aflcmbly, 7hey do Vote and B^tjobe^ and it is Voted and Refohed^ That the above-mentioned Vo:e of the Town-N^eting of Exeter^ be, and the fame is ticreDy ^aeaspced.e^^ij/''-''^'''^ Whereas the General AfTemMy of this Colony, at thci: Scflion in June laft, appointed Stcfhcu Hofkim, Efq; Capt. Jojefh Harris J'on^ and Mr. Matthetv Rohtnfon^ a Committee, tp examine into all the Circumftances, and other Matters ot Fad, relating to the Northern Boundary Line of this Colony, with full Power to pro- cure all fuch Evidences, Records, and Papers, as luay be thereunto neceflary, and to correfpond and join with the Colony oiCotwe^icuTy or a Commitfce by them appointed (if it be found moft expedient) in the Proiecution of that Affair, and upon the Whole, to prepare as complcat a State of the Calc as they are able, and to lay the fame before the Aflembly as loon as it can conveniently be done ; And the Bufincls remaining ftill unpcrpctrate(), -Ibis ^Ifcmhly do Vote and Refohe, and it i. Voted aud Re/olved, That Thomas Jrnoldy Efq; be, and he is hereby added to faid Committee ; and that rhey, or any two of them, proceed on the Affair, and compleat ic as foon as the fame can be well done, and make Rcporc of their Doings to this Aflembly, at their next SclTion. Whereas Jeremiah Ro/i-, of Stoningtotiy in the Colony of Cotimc- tfcut^ rcprelented unto this Aflembly, th^t on or about the thir- tieth Day o^ March laft, as he was croiling Stomngton Harbour in a Canoe, he cafrt:illv loft a Paper out of his Pocket, and in it about One Hundred and Twenty Pounds, Three or Four Shillings whereof were Copper, and that funk the Paper Money, of which Forty- two Pounds Sixteen Shillings, were Bills of Credit emitted by this Government, and thereupon prayed for Relief : On Confideration whereof, and duly inquiring into the Affair, ^bis ^Jfembly do Vote and Rcfulvc. and if is Voted and Refohed^ That the Sum o^' Forty- two Pounds Sixteen Shillings, m Bills of Credit of the Old-Tenor, be paid by Benjamin Nichols^ Efq; Keeper of the Grand Commit- tee's Office, to the z[o\£['z\^ Jeremiah Roje, out of the Money paid to him the faid MVWj for Tenths ; and that the fame be look'd upon asfo much of the Bills of Credit funk. Whereas an Account was exhibited to this Affembly, charged againfl: the Government by j'o^^ -^i/'w, hte oi' New^^orf, Block- maker, deccas'd, (or Blocks, Trucks, and other Neceffaries for the Sloop Tarrar, late belonging to this Colony, under the Com- mand of Capt. Danjtl Fcnes : Which being duly examined, This Jjprnhly do Vote aud Refolve, and it is Voted and Rejohed, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and th^t the Sum of Seventeen Toauds Fifteen Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid unto the Reprelentatiye of the faid John Jkin out of the General Trcafury. Whereas I 62-] Whereas Jonathju Randal, Efq^ one of the Conwiiflloners ap- pointed by the Government to run and fettle their North-Boun- dary-Line, exhibited an Account charged againft the Colony, for his Time, Trouble, Expenccs, and Horfchire, in leveral Journies by him made upon that Account, in OSober, 1745), ^^^ '" ^^^ Months oi Jfrily OBober^ December, and January, 1750 : Which being duly examined, ^his JJJimhly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted aud Refolved, That the laid Account be, and it is hereby al- lowed, and that the Sum of Owr Hundred and Fijty-eight '^Pounds Fourteen Shi Hi figs and Eight (Pence, the Amount tbereot, be paid the faid Jenalhan Randal out oi the General Trealury. Whereas Henry Harris, Efq; who was appointed by the Com- niifTioners of the Government, to liirvey and run the Ncrth- Boundary-Line, exhibited to this Aflcmbly, an Account charged againft the Colony, for his Labour, Trouble^ Exptnce, and Horic- hire, in feveral Journies by him made, &c. on that Account, in OBober, 174^, and in the Months of Jpril, Otlober, November, December, and January, 1750 : Which being duly examined, This Jjfefnbly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and tiejohtd. That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that the Sum of 0«e Hundred and Sixty-one bounds Eighteen Shillings and Two ^ence, the Amount thereof, be paid the laid Heary Harris out of the General Trenfury. It is Voted and Refolved, That Jcofry Watfon, Efq; Col. Inmamel Northup, and Mr. Benjamin Teckham, jun. be, and they are hereby- appointed a Committee, to audit the Accounts of the Diredors of Col. Pendleton's Lottery, and malce Report of their Doings in the Aftair, to the General Aflembly, at their next Seffion. Whereas miliam Barber, and others, reprefented to this Aflem- bly, that fundry of the Inhabitants of fi'efierly, had petitioned their Town-Council to order two Highways to be laid out in faid Town, one from H'ood Kivcx to Exeter, and the other from Cran- dal'i Mill thro' faid Tou-n Northerly, to meet with the faid in- tended Highway ; and notwithftanding the faid Petitioners had fliewed the faid Town-Council the Necelfity of faid Highways, their Petition was rejected j whereupon they made Application hithrr : And this AiTembly having taken the Prcmifes into Con^. fideration, and duly weighed the Arguments of the Parties, Do Voti' and Re/ohe, and it is Voted and Re/olved, That Robert Lillsbridgef Efqj Stephen Richmond, Efq; and Mr. Benjamin Brown, be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby conllituted a Com- mittee, with full Power to lay out Highways agreeable to the 1'rayer of the afore/aid Petition, and agree with the Owners of thff Land through which Highways ftrall run ; or in Cafe they cannot agree, then to let a Price on the Land that ftiall be fo converted into into Highways : That the whole Charge be paid bv the Town oi Wejierly \ and that the laid Committee make Report to the Ge- neral AlTcmbly at their next Seflion. Whereas the General Aflcmbly of this Colony, fome Time paft, being; well informed of the great NecefTuy of paving th« Streets QiNewfiort, and more cfpecially that leading from the Colony- Houfe, did for that End grant a Publick Lottery; but fome of the Directors declining being concerned therein, and the Time for drawing trie lame elapfed : // is therejhre Voted and Kefolved hy this jiffimkly^ ar.d hy the Juthority thereof , That the faid Lottery be, and it is hereby revived in the lollowing Manner, vtz. The Lottery Ihall confift of 1 2500 Tickets, at Four Toands Old- Tenor each ; 3C4p of which, to be fortunate, in the following Manner : 1'otal Vahei £,' 2000 200Q 1600 aooo Number of Prizes. Falue of each. 2 of £' 1000 4 of 500 8 of 100 20 of 100 45 of 50 70 of 40 ioo of 30 120 of 15 300 of iO 400 of 15 2080 of 10 3049 Prizes. 94i» Blanks. 4P450 Firft drawn, 275 Laft drawn, ^j^ 12500 Tickets. — '■ ^. 50000 All the Prizes Ihail be Subjeft to a Dcduftion of Twelve and an Half /'er Cent, to be be applyed in paving the Streets o( Newport. And it is jarther Voted and Re felvedy That Thontas Cranjion^ and John Bennet, Elqrs. Meffrs. William Read, Evan Malibone, John Channing^ and Job Bennet/jun. be, and they, or the major Part of them, arc hereby appointed Directors of faid Lottery, and to put forth the fame as loon as conveniently may be ; and that they begin to draw faid Lottery on the thirtieth Day of Jufse next ; That the laid Diredlors give Bond in the Sum of Off? Hundred Thoafand Tounds^ to the General Treafurcr of this Colony, and make Oath, for the faithful Performance of their faid Truft : That tnc faid Bond be given before the Scheme be put forth ; and that the Street leading from the Colonv-Houfe to the Long Wharff be firft paved, and Thames Street next. Whereas C 64 ] Whereas Nehemiah Sprague, o\ '^Providence, reprefented unto this Aflcmbly, that in the Montn oi March Jail, he came into the Pore of Newt>ort from Sea, and having a PerlOn on Board very fick, he came to an Anchor in the Harbour, about halt a Mile from the Shore, and landed loon after to call a Phyfician ; who opon his coming on Board, found the Diftempcr to be the Small Pox : That at the Time of his carting Anchor, he had no Rcafon to think the fick Perfon had the Small-Pox, not was there any- one on Board that had ever leen the Diftemper ; fo that the laid Nehemiah was altogether ignorant thereof: Neverthelels, the Ge- neral Treafurer loon after purlbed him for the Penalty of Four Hundred Tcuncif, on the Colony Law, and hath recovered Judg- ment by Default, for the fame : That being but in indifferent Circumftanccs. and having a large Family, he is not able to pay ths laid Fine j and thereupon prayed that the Fine or Penalty may be remitted, and the faid Judgment of Court difchargcd, he paying Cofts, &c. On Confidtration whereof, This J[femlly do Vote and Rejohe, and it is Voted and Re/olved^ That the afore-mentioned Fine be, and the lame is hereby remitted, hfc the laid Nehemiah paying all Cofts and Charges that have arolc upon the Affair. Whereas Job Randal and Gideon Harris, Efqrs- rcprcfentcd t(J this Aflembly, That the Bridge upon ^lainfitld Road, over the Northern Branch ci ^autuxit Rirrr, is very much out of Repair, and if timely Care be not taken, it will beimpoffible to pals that Way in the Winter Seal'on : Whereupon they prayed Ibme fpeedy Method may be followed, and faid Bridge either rebuilt or repaired, that the Country may have the Advantage of travelling fafely. And this Aflembly having taken the Prcmifcs into Confideration, Do Vi'fe andReJolve, and it is Voted and Re/okcd, That when the afore- faid Bridge Ihall be complcatly finillicd, and the Account of the Charges thereof laid before the General Aflembly, and allowed, that one quartet Part of the Amount thereof, be paid out of the General Treafury. It is Voted and Re/obedy That Mr. M/ha Brcwit be, and he is hereby appointed to repair the Colony's Parr of the Bridge over Tautucket River, at the Falls ; and that Jo/hiia Babcoclt, Elcj; be, and he is hereby appointed to repair this Colony's Part of the Bridge over Taucattuk River ; and that they Jay their Accounts before the General Aflembly, at their ncKt Scflion, or as foon as they can conveniently. It is Voted and Re/olved, That the Sherifi'of Kings County fell at Vendue, all the Perlbnal Eftatc in his Hands, which did belong to ff'l/iet Ijarabec j and that Col. imnianuel Northup, and Capt* ^ames C^y 3 'James Htlrrn., be, and they are hereby appointed a Commjet^e. to audit all Accouncs rcfpcfting the Apprehending laid Larabe, convii^ing him, &c. and make Report to the General AITcmbly at iheir next ScfTion. An A C T impowcring the Freemen of the Town of Providences to take up a convenient Piece of Laud for the Building a Peft-Houfe. nfi ;'/ Enadcd by the General Jlpmlly of this Colony, and hy the •^ Juthvrity of the Jame^ it is hereby Emtltd._ That Jeremiah Li f pit, "ER]; and Lieut. Col. Stepfnn Lov).. both ot f Warwick, ia the County of /C^/;/, be, and they are hereby appointed a Com- mittee, to view the Lands in the Town of 4^rovidetfcey adjacent to the River or Ray, and to hxand determine what Place fhall leem to them mofl convcnfent jor the Budding a Peft-Houfe lor tnc Rcceit of (lich Perlons as fhall be taken fick of the Small-Pox, or other infectious Diftcmpers ; antJ upon finding a Place convenient: for the fame, tiicy may apply to tlie Owner ot the Land, and agree with him concerning the Price thereof, and upon pay- ing tnc Price (the Money to be advanced by the Town o{ 'Trovi- lii'Hce) to receive a Deed oi the fame : Bur if they cannot agree with tuch Owner, then they are to value the JLand according to the true Wortli thereof, and give Notitc to the Town-Trcafurcr of faid •Trcuidcme, ot their Doings, who fhall thereupon, in the Pre- fence of the faid Committee, or two other lawful WitnclTes, ten- der tne Price thereof, in Money, to fuch Owner or Owners; and upon fucii Tender, the Freemen of the faid Town oi Providence fliall become feizt-ri in Fee-iitnple of the iame, always relerving to fuch Owner or Owner?, the Right of demanding nnd receiving of the Town of 'Vrcfuidaice, the Price of laid Land citimated as. Abovefaid, when he fhall think he to a«fc for the lame : And if Inch Owner or Owners fnall think the Price fct on faid Land to be Icfs than the tme Value thereof, he or they may, upon a Peti- tion to ihe then next Superior Court that fhall let in laid ^rcvt- dencc, bring the lame before the faid Court, who arc nereby im- powered to inquire by the Petit Jury then atteudiug (on which jury no Inhabitant of tne. Town oi' T'rovixk^ce Ihall then fct) con- cerning the true Value of laid Land ; and if fuch Jury IhaU aug- ment the Price let by laid Committee, thcr the Town of ^Prwt~ deme (hall pay the Coft of luch Tryal ; but if the Price /hall not be increalbd, then the Coft tr> hr paid by fuch Owner of Owners aa afbrc-mcntioncd. Whereas Co!, Chndopher Ckarripiin. .md Capt, Nathamel Lewis ^ Depuftes oi Ck.irk/loivn^ did, in Behalf of laid Town, reprefent unco this AfP:mbly, That they nre under great Difficulty and Dif- R adyantage C 66 ) advantage for wanr ci Ibme couvcnJcnt Haibcur or Landing for Tranfportation, it being about fixt.'cn Miles from laid Town to Point J'idith Peer, and almofl as far as 'Tj.'U\i'ii':k. River, whicli Places arc the neareft Harbou'i they have To depend on • which they let forth to the General Alfembly Ibme Years paft, who ap- pointed a Committee to infped into th- Ctrcumftances of ("aid Affair, and find out whether laid Difficulty might not be remedied^ by turning a Branch o'i'^Paucat'j.k. River into a large Salt Tend \n faid Town ; which Stream olWatcr (when turned into laid Pond) will undoubtedly keep open a large Breach running out of laid Pond into the Sea : That the Commiircc did view and examinfr into the Affair, and reported to the Alfembly, that it might be very well effcfted, and that without an extraordinary Charge, 6'r. That upon the Report of faid Committee, the Affembly in their Wifdom, palTed in A£l for turning faid River lor the Purpofe aforc- faid, on Conditions which were not eafily to be performed by the Petitioners, they being to procure luflicient P.onds, to make and maintain fuch and lb many Bridges as fhould become necclfary, and occafioned by turning laid River, and alfo to carry on the fourth Part of faid Work, the other three Pares to be done at the Charge of the Colony : That now tlie Conditions injoincd by faid Act of Alfembly, arc performed, &i. Whereupon they prayed to be directed to goon the aforefaid Work, agreeable to the afore- laid KCt of Alfembly, and that the Colony's Part of the Charge be paid out of the Intereft of the prcfent Bank, 5fc- And this Alfembly having taken the Premifes into Confidcrarion, Do V9tc and Rejolve, and it is Voted aud Refohcd, That Benjamin Hafzordy Jeremiah Liffett, and Jo/e/'h Nichsh, Elq, together with Melfr?. yojepfo Harrtjon, and Ifraei JVilkiiiforj, be, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby appointed a Committee, to infped into all the Circumll.inccs relating to the afore- mentioned Afiair, and form an Eftimafc ol the Coft and Charge of performing faid Work, :lnd make Report to this Alfembly at their next Sclfion. It is I'oied and Re/olvfdy That the Aftion of Account brought hy Benjamin Nichols, Efq- in Behalf of the Colonv, againfi: ^j^/c-c-/ BretrtotJ, Efq; be left lo Referrccs living out of this Government, if Mr. Brenton will agree to it ; and that Stephen Brownel, Efq; Jtremah Nilcs, Elq; and Mr. BenjamiiJ Beckham, jun. be, and they arc hereby appointed a Committee, in Behalf of the Colony, to chufe oneRelence, and to be adviled with, in Refpett to approv- ing or difapproving of the other t\Vo Referrccs, one to be cholcn by Mr. Brenton, and that to be appointed by the Court, // is Votedy Refohedy aird Declared, That the true Intent anH Meaning of the Act palfcd by the General Alfembly in their Sclfion at Newforty in June lalt, for fettling and afcertaining the Value [67 ] Value of Sil'/er, thai Spani4) Silrer milled DolLirs pafs for Vtfty-f,x ShiUiiJgi each, in Bilh of Credit of the Old-Tenor, and for all other Bills of Credit of the other EmiHions, equivalent thereto. Whereas Sanijord Cafe exhibited to this AfTembly, an Account oi Nine bounds by him charged againlt the Government, for at- tending three Days on the Houle of Magiftratcs, at laft Selljon of t'lc General Aflcmbly : Which being taken into Confidcration, and duly examined, // is Voted and Rcjolved, That Three bounds of the Account be allowed and paid the faid Sandjcrd Cafe out of the General Treafury. Whereas Ebeiiezer Brcwrt exhibited to this AHembly. an Ac- count o\ TiveKty-jour bounds by him charged againft the Govern- ment, for attending on the Houfe of Deputies four Days lalt Sci- fion of the General AlTembly, and as many this j which being taken into Confideration. and duly examined, It is Voted and Ke/bhedy That Sixteen bounds of faid Account be allowed and paid thf! faid Ebenezer Brown cut of the General Trealury. Jt is Foted a>iJ Refolved, That the Sum of Seventy-nifje bounds St'ven jhiIIifjo_s and I'hree ^'etice Half-penny ^ be paid out of the Ge- neral Treafury to Benjamin Nichols, James Sheffield, Nicholas Eaflofi, and Benjamin Hajzard. Efqrs. for figning the three Southera Counties Proportion of the Rills of Publick Credit ctpittcfl by Aft ofAffembly, paffed at 7'rovidi;nce the eighteenth Day of March laft. Jnd it is farthc'r Foted and Refuhed, That James Arnold^ SamvelChace, George Eroivn, and Obediah Brown, Efqrs. be likcvviTe paid out of the General Trealcrv, at the Rate oiTett Shillings per Cent, for figning Nine llouJandOnc Hundred and 7wenty-feveti Q^ounds^ it being the Remainder of the aDove-mentioned Twenty-five Thou- fand 'J'oundf, which was the Proportion ot the two Northera Counties. Jeremiah Niks, Elq; and Mr. Benjamin Teckham, jun. being the major Part of a Committee, by the General AfTembly, on the fccond Monday of June laft, appointed to examine all the Ac- counts which hxvc ariicn upon the apprehending, profecuting, convi(rcing, and executing 'Thomas Carter, made the following Re- port unto tliij AlTembly • cc VyH E Pv E A S, We the Subfcrihers, were by the General '^ ' AHcmbly appointed a Committee to examine and fettle " the Accounts relating the Apprehending, Proltcution. and Con- *' viction of Thomas Carter, who was executed on the tenth Day of •' May laft paft ; and having examined faid Accounts, do Beport, " That there be paid out of the General Treafury, to the Perfons ** whole Names ire under-written, the Sums to their feveral " Names annexed, as follows- u TO C68 ] i( r^o Samuel Tcftt , £('•;: _ ;C- -5 i o ** ■■■ To W ill i(\m. Shearman^ oi ^ort/hctith^ p 14 ^ " To Samuel Ji'til/f.>^ - - 500 *' To Charles Dyre, - - j; 14 o I 57 10 6 " South-Kingftown, Feb. 23;. iTi^' " y^''^- ^%'-r. " A 9>:ckham, jun. And now this Aifembly having taken the Premifrs into Conii- deration. Do Vote and Rejobc, a>id it is Voted and Rejohedy That the aforegoing Report be, and the lame is hereby accepted • and that th'' above-mentioned Account oi Frjiy- ^even l^ounds Ten ShiU- in^f .md Six '-Tenrr, be paid rut or the General Treal'ury unto the Perlbns tiicrcin rcfpedivcly named. It it Voted and Rejohed. That all Bills of Coft arifing on Actions at the laft Inferior Court ol" Common Pleas, and General Stflions of the Peace, at JSezvport, whu h have not yet been taxed, /bail he taxi'dby the Chief Judge of laid Court, notwithUanding the Time affixed by Law is elaplbd Wheicas ir hath been reprefcnted anto this AfTcmbly, That 'John Li3Zs.kfs, ncnv in HisMajefty's Goal nt Soutt-^Kiti^itown. hath been cunvicred of Theft, and is fentenced to be whipped on the fccond Day of M.trch, or pay a Fine of Twenty ^I'otitidi ; and that the laid "John l.aivkfs is at preient very fick : // is tktrejore Voted Cfid Rejblved, That the Sentence piflVd againft the aforefaid John Lawkf's, be, and the lame is hereby rcipitcd 'till the Sitting of the next Superior Court in A.'/>^j Conniy , nnd rhat the Sheriff of faid County procure a Phylician to take Care of the faid "^phn Laivkjs^ on the molt frugal Terms he can, at the Expence of the Govern- ment. An A C T in Addition to an Ac>, lnfitled,.^« ACT to freve»t the Spreading of the Sfnall-^ox^ and other contogicus Siduefst in ibis Colony. 11/ HE REJS in and hy Jaid AB, it is Enured, Tbat wh^n the Small-Tox Ihall be frcvaikvt in the Town of Bofton, or in nny other Tozvn ;« JScw-England. all -Per fen ( tuhat/oever {the^foli only excepted) who f-jall come jtvin fetch To-xn into this Colony ^ zvithout re- Ttiainingpue fJays on the Borders, jball Jorjeit jor J uch Offence^ Five Pounds, to and for the life of the Colony, iifon legal Convidion, ns is Jet forth tnjaid A3 : Which Penalty t/j/s AfTemhly utdgiv^ to he tea fmall, DO L^9 3 f\0 therefore Vote and Enacf, and it is Voted and E»a^ed That ^ the iai(i Penalty be, and it is hereby augmcnff d to the Sum of Fijfy bounds. A N D bi' it further Ena^ed hy the Juthority afore/aid^ TnaC all the iuft and rcalbnable Charges that (hail accrue by the Ap- pointment of proper Pcribns at ail Ferries and Places for examin- ing Traveller}., or to prevent the bringing the Small-Pox into this Colonv. ihdll be paid out of the General Tieafury. J N D be it jtirther EnaBed by the Juthority aforefaid, That the Town-Councils, Affiftants, or Jufticcs, of each Town in the Co- lony, be and they are hereby impowercd to appoint pioper Per- lons to examine Travellers, &c. as is aforelaid : And that this Afl: be, and remain in Force 'till the tenth Day oijutie next, and no longer. Vy H E R E A S ye/l'ph Nichols, and R^fus Greer.c, Efqrs. ' ' cxhibired to this Affembly, an Account by them charged againfi the Colony, for Sundries by them done and provided for building the Goal in Eaft-Grcenwich, for the County oi Kent : Which being duly examined. This ^Jfemhiy do Vote and Re/otve, ar.d ft is Voted ard Rejohed, That the Sum of One Thoujand and Uifty-eight-^ounds Seventeen Shillings and Six ^ence, be paid the faid yo/eph Nichols and Rtffus Grecw out of the General Treafury. rhis Jfcmhly do Vote and Rcfohe, and it is Voted and Refolved^ That all Bufinefs lying before them, unfinifhcd, be, and the fame 15 hereby referred to tlicir next Seflion : That the Secretary pro- claim in Newport, by Beat of Drum, all the Afts and Orders now- made and part, within five Days alter the Rifingofthis AlTetnbly, and within forty, fend Copies of them to each Town in the Colony : That this Affembly be adjourned to thelaft Tuefday in April next, then to meet, provided it be callea by his Honour the Governoc or Deputy Governor • if not called before, nor at that Time, then it is herebv diflblvcd. GOD Save the K I N G. Newport, March 4, 1752 ^ubliped accvrdifig to Order^ hy Tho. Ward, Sccry. {jC^'Pu^^ Ji^uj , oy.a/r2-.^^i:^-''1^ W^-^ IjZjC^^ C I ] yf/- /Z?^ G E N E R A L A S 5 E M B L Y jun. James Hiams, Ebenezer Briggs, Jofhua Pearce, Edward Dyrc f Son of Edward Dyre, jun.) Jnfiah Godfrey, William Thomas, Benjamin Congdon, (Son of Benjamin Congdon, jun.) David Vaughan, Ifrael Phillips, Eber Shearman, jun. John Reynolds (Son of James) Ifaac Vaughan, Stephen Herrington, Ezekiel Hunt, Samuel Hunt, and William Shearman. S0U7H-KINGST0JVNi William Cafe, Benjamin Watfon, Daniel Stedman, Nathanael Mumford, George Hafzard, Job Babcock {So/7 of Samuel) Jercmian Wilfon, JoD Babcock (the third;, Timothy Lock, David Bab- cock, William Robinfon, James Perry, jun. Robert Knowles, jun. Richard Hafzard, and Samuel Cafey. EJST-GREE NWIC Hi Daniel Brown, Robert Nichols, and Silas Jones. S M I 7 H F I E L Di Robert Woodward, Daniel Wilborc, jun. Henry Finch, Eliiha Sayks, John Brown, Daniel Cafs, Nathan Cafs, Jofeph Cook, Jeremiah Comeftock, CrufF, jun, Thomas Woodward, Jofeph Euffum, Daniel Wilbore, Thomas Broadway, Andrew- Waterman, Jolhua Phillips, Jeremiah Phillips, John Whitcman, Gideon [4] Gidecn Dexter, Winchefter Matthewfon, Samuel Goldthvvair, James Mufley, Benjamin Ballard, Nathan Cafs, James Leonard, Ephraim Whipple, Robert Woodward, Jolhua Arnold, and John Ballou, jun. G LOC E S7 ER; JoDhua Eddy, Obediah Jencks, Jonathan Eddy, Peleg Ghace, William Havens, Jeremiah Stcere, Benjamin Keach, jan. Ezra Bartlet, jun. John Stcere, jun. Jonah Stcere, John Steeie, Jona- than Tourtclot, Job Armftrong, Oliver Winflow, Stephen Keach, Benjamin Tourtelot, Jofeph Sprague, Nathan Pain, Thomas Herenden, Jofeph ColvelJ, Ifracl Thornton, Timothy Sweet, Obediah Bowen, Jofhua Salisbury, Jeremiah Irons, Silas Williams, Abraham Clark, Chad Brown, Enoch Whipple, Jofeph Cowen, Noah Arnold, Edward Inman, jun. Samuel Rofs, and William Rofs. CHARLESTOlTNi Robert Potter, Gideon Hoxfic, and John Holloway. H^ESI GREENWICH; Abraham Laja, Peter Lee, Robert Hopkins, James Hopkins, Jonathan Weaver, Benjamin Greene ("Son of Henry; John Mat- thewfon (Son of Henry Matthewfon, jun.) Ephraim Hayward, Job Herrington, Jonathan Aylfworth, and Benjamin Greene, coyENJRr-, Jofeph Bennet, jun. Silas Wood, Daniel Walker, Nicholas Ide, Joab Stafford, Valentine Mors, Robert Love, Benjamin Vaughan, and Charles Andiew (Son of Charles). E X E T H R; Jeremiah Rogers, Edward Wilcox, William Barber, Jona- than Babcock, Jeremiah Auftin (the third), ThomasGardner, jun. John Potter, jun. and Jeremiah Allen. MIDDLETOfTNi Handley Chipman. LirTLE-COM^TON; Thomas Brownel, jun. Giles Pearce, John Simmons, Noah Stoddard, Ifaac Simmonds, Jonathan Records, Ephraim Rich- mond, William Richmond, jun. Perez Richmond, Stephen Brownel, Pearce Brownel, Ifracl Shaw, Thomas Dring, Conflant Church, and James Bennett. CUMBERLAND', Jeremiah Arnold, Jonathan Aldrich, Chriftopher Bullock, and Daniel Smith, jun. RICHMOND; George Lewis, Elifha Babcock, and Thomas Kinycn, jun. Jt in jlt the General Assembly of the GOVERNOR and CO MP ANT of the Englilh Colony of Rhode-Ifland, and Providence-Plantations, in New-England, in America ; begun and held at Newport, on t/jf j^/^O Wcdnefday of May, in the Tear of Our LQR O, One Ihoufand Seven //undred and Fifty^ ttpo : and in the Irrenty-fihh Tear of the Reign of His Mofi Sacred Majeily, GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD, King 0/ Great-Britain, isfc^ PRESENT, The Hon. WILLIAM GREENE, Efq; Governor. The Hon. Joseph Whipple, Efqj Dep. Gov. John TiLLiNCHAST, Efq;^ Robert Lawton, Efq^ Jonathan Nichols, Efq;/ James Arnold, Efq; Nicholas Cook., Efq; >4ff!fi. William Richmond, ECqA.^^, Jabez Bowen, Efq; \ Daniel ogges'hall, Efqj^ Stephen Brownkl, Efq*, Jeoffry Watson, Eiq-, The Secretary, DEPUTIES of the fcveral TOWNS. Newport ; Mr. Nathanael Coggejhally Edward Scott, Efq; Ihotncis Cranfton, Efqj l^eter Boan, ETq; Mr. Job BetitJet^ jun. Providence ; Stephen Hopkins, Efq; Mr. Elijha Brown, George Brown, Elq; Portl'mouth ; William Jtithuuy, jiin. Efqj John Jll',7, Efq; Caleb htll, Elq; Mr. Gideon treeborttf j\in. B Warwick ; John Green, Eliqj Mr. John Holdetty Lieut. Col. Stephen Low, Betjjamifi ArtioU, Elqj Wefterly ; Col. Oliver Babcock^ Jojhua Bahcock, Efq; NewQioreham ; Mr. John Littlefeldy Mr. Jojhua Sands. North-Kingftown ; Col. Immanuel Northuf, Beriah Brown, Efqj South- C^ J South-Kingftown j Mr. Jeofry Ha/zard, Col. Thomas Hafsard. Eaft-Grcenwich j Jofiph mchoh, Efqi John Fry, Efq; Jamcftown j ^o/e/'ib Clark, Efq; Mr. JvjUh Jnwlcl, Jan. Smithfield ; Thomas jimoldy Elij^ John Aldrich, Efq^ Scituatc J Job Randal, Efq^ Cape. CharJiS Harris. Glocefter ; Col. Richard Smith, Andrew Brown, Efq; Charleftown \ Capt. Nathanael Lewis. Mr. James Co»gdon, ^\3n, Weft-Greenwich j Jeremiah Ellis, E/q- George Gardner, Efqj Coventry j Mr. 3'^^" Greene, S8 IS m Vii m m iS S3 82 S3 m IS Caleb Greene, Efqj Exeter ; Capt. John Reynolds, Job Tripp, E'q; Middlerown j Capt. fVilliam Turner, Mr. Jofiua Coggejball Briftol ; Jonathan ^eck, Efq; Capt. Simeon better. Tiverton ; Mr. Edward }i''anton. Mr. Thomas Howland. Little-Compton miliam Hall, Efq; Mr. Richard Greenbil Warren ; Capt. John Jdams, Mr. John Cole. Cumberland , Job Bartlet, Efq; John Dexter, Efq; Richmond ; John fVebJier, Efq; Mr. Jofeph Hoxfu. Thomas Cranston, Efq; wai chofen Speaker : And Mr. Jojias Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Houfc. np HIS being the Annirerfary Elcftion of Officers, both Civil -*- and Military, the Gentlemen whofe Names hereafter follow, were chofen to fcfvc the Colony in the Offices afcribcd to their Names refpe£tively, The Hon. WILLIAM G REE NE, Efq; Governor, E^r^a^V. The Hon. Jo4iPM Whipple Efq; Deputy Governor, j Engag'd. John Tillinghafi, Efq; firft Affiftant ; Engag'd Jonathan Nichols, Efq; fecond Affiftant ; Engag'd. Nicholas Cook, Efq; third Affiftant ; Engag'd. Jahez Bowen, Efq; fourth Affiftant ; Engag'd. Stephen Brownel, Efq; fifth Affiftant ; Engag'd. Robert Lazvton, Efq; fixth Affiftant ; Engag'd. James Arnold, Elq; Icycnth AiEftant ; Engag'd William C 7 1 iVilUam Richmond^ Efq; eighth Afliflant ; Etigag'd. Daniel Coggejhall, Efqj ninth Affiftant j E»gag% Jeofry Watjon, Elq; tenth Afliftant ; Etigag'd. Thomas fVard^ Efq; Secretary ; Etigag'd. Dutiid Updike, Elq; Attorney General ^ Etigag'd. Thomas Richard/on, Elqj General Trcalurer ; Engag'd. Stephen Hopkitjj, Rfq; chief -.Judge of the Superior Court of yofiathan Ratidal, Elq; fccond / Judicature, Court of Affizc, and tVilliam Ricfomotid, Elq; third > General Goal Delivery, in and yo/eph Rci^el, Elq; fourth \ throughout the Colony. Jo/eph darky Elq; fifth -^ Col. Samuel Lyndon, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Newpart. Col. Richard Smith, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County o( Providence Col. WiUtam '^Pendletoti, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County o£ Kingi County Col. Jo/eph Stafordy Colonel of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kent. Lieut. Col. John Burringtony Lieutenant Colonel of the Rf giment of Mil'tia in the Count/ of Newport Lieut. Col. Chri/iophr Harris, Lieutenant Colonel of the Re- giment of Militia in the County of 'I'rovidettce. Lieut. Col. Ephraim Gardner, Lieutenant Colonel of the Rcgi. ment of Militia in the County of Kings County. Lieut. Col. Stephen Low, Lieutenent Colonel ol the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kent. Major Wing Spooner, Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of hewport. Major Rejohed JVaterman, Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Providence. Major Latham Clarke, Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kings County. Major John /Arnold, Major of the Regiment of Militia in the County of Kent, Samtnl iVickhani, Edward Scott, Daniel Gould, Caleb Hill, and HlUtiim Jnt hony ^ j\in. Elqr>. Juflices of the Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas, anc^ General Scffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County ^f Newport- Daniel Jencks, Job Kandal, Thomas Lapham, Thomas ^irnold, and Richard Steere, Elqrs, Jufticej of the inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General SelTions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of 'T^rovidence^ Stephen L 8 ] Stephen Hafzardy Imnianuel Nortbap, Jenmiah Niles^ Thomas Brown, and Bemni Hu/l^ Elqrs. Jufticcs of the Inferioi Court oi Common Pleas, and General ScHions of the Peace, in and through- out the County oiKings County. Jonathan ^eck^ Matthew jVeny James Uafon^ Jamts Smith, and Thomas Greens Efqrs. Juftice» of the Infeiior Court of Comnwn Pleas, and General Scflions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Brijlol. Daniel Rowland, Jofefh Nichols, John Fry, John Greene, and Rufus Greene, Elqrs. Jultices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Scliions of the Peace, in ana throughout the County of Kent. Thimias Ward, Efq; Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Affize, and General Goal Delivery, in and throughout the Colony. Mr. Jojias Lyndon, Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of "Newport. G<;orge Brown, Efq; Clerk of the Inferior Court of Comm'^n Pleas, and General Seflions of the Peace, in and throughout the County ot 'Providence. Mr. Benjamin Beckham, iun- Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seflions of the Peace, in and through- out rhc County of Kings County. Mr. Thomas Throop, jon. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and Gcneial Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Briftol. Mr. JuhnWahGn,ycin. Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seffions of the Peace, in and throughout the County of Kent. Jojeph Scott, Efq; Sheriff of the County o{ Newport. JDavid h^/kin(on, Efq; Sheriff of the County o* Providence. Beriah Brown, Efq; Sheriff of tne County of Kings County. Nathanael Bo/worth, Elq; Sheriff ol the County ol Brijiol. Thomas ypenjer (Son of John) hlq; Shcriffof the County n{ Keut The Hon. Gideon fVanton, Benjamin Nichols. James Shefieldy Ohediab Browa, Samuel Chjce, Jjmes Arnold. George Brown, Ntchoh\ Ealion and Beniamtn Halzani Flqrs. the Grand Committee, or TrulHes ot the Colonv. Jor (icning Bills of Publick Credit, &l. i\nd rhe aforelaid Benjamin Nichols is allbchoicn and appointed to ha e and take the Care and Charge ol the Colonv'8 Bonds and ^ ftfj.iges, and to receive the Money due, and to be due thereon ; alio ro make and give prooer Acquittances and Difcharges on Mortgages, or otherwife upon the Receit of any of the Co- y's Money : And in cafe of Non-payment, to put in Suit the refierly : William Hearn, Benjamin Randal, Jofeph Crandal, jun. Benoni Smith,, Daniel Maccoon, Samuel Ward. North-Kingstown ; Edward Dyre, jun. Samuel Thomas. Jeremiah Gardner Stephen Card, Nich. Northup, jun. South -Kingfiown • Samuel Tift. jun. John Cafe. Jeremiah Wilcox, Benedift Helme, Silas Nile. Eafi- Greenwich j William Spen fer, John Langford, John Olin, Samuel Soul, Daniel Howland, jun. Smithfield ; William Arnold, Thomas Sayles, Thomas Steere, William Jencks, John Aldrich, Thomas Owens. Scitttate j Benjamin Fisfc, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, Charles Harris. Glocefier ; John Smith, Andrew Brown, Richard Smith, Timothy Wilmot, Jofeph Wind for. Charle/iown j John Hill, Benjamin HoxlTe, Thomas Browne]. Weft-Greenwich ; Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Cumftocfc, Geoige Gardner. Coventry ; Elifha Johnfon, Samuel Cooper, Caleb Greene. lever al Ton^ns, George Hall, Thomas Matthewfoiij Randal Rice. Exeter ; Nicholas Gardner, JeofFry Champlin, Robert Moon. Benjamin Mowrcy. Middletewn ; Thomas Gould, Edward Eafton, Peleg Smith, Jolhua Coggeftiail. Brijiol', Shearjaftiub Bourn, George Dunbar, Nathanael Fales, Nathanael Pcarcc, William Munio. Tiverton ; Jofeph Anthony, Philip Tabor, Reftcomb Sanford. Little-Compron , Nathanael Searl, Jofeph Wood, Robert Taylor, Jeremiah Browncl. Warren : Benjamin Miller, John Kinnicut, John Cole, Peter Bickncl, John Adams. Cumberland ; Job Bartlet, Samuel Battler, John Dexter, Nathanael Jillfon, Jeremiah Whipple. Richmond'^ Stephen Richmond, John Webfter, Samuel Tift, Jofeph Clark, Thomas Kinyoo. Mr. C lo] Mr. Edward Tbm-fion, General Scaler of Weights and Mcafures. yamts Sheffield, Efq; Captain of Fort George. Henry ^i^get^ Efq^ Notary-Publick for the County o( (Providence. OFFICERS to command the fcveral Companies of Militia, or train'd Bands, in each Town in the Colony. N E W^ R r; Firj9 Company : Jonathan Heath, Captain ; James Tanner, Lieutenant ; Chriftopher Lindfey, Enfign. Second Company : Benjamin Sherburn, Captain j Kendal Nichols, jun. Lieutenant ; John Simplbn, jun. Enlign. Third Company : Daniel Dunham, jun. Captain ; John Pitman, Lieutenant ; Henry Blifs, Enfign. Fourth Company : Oliver Bcer^ Captain ; Richard Whitehorn, Lieutenant ; Zephaniah Pcale, Enfign. / Great-Britain, "^c PRESENT, The Hon. IVILUJM GREENE, Efqj Governor. The Hon. Joseph Whipple, Efq; Dep. Gov. John TillinohasT, Efqu Jonathan Nichols, Efq; / Nicholas Cook, Efq; yAjJ^Jt. Jabez Bowen, Efq; \ 1. J Stephen Browkel, Efq-, The Secretary Robert Lawton, Efq; James Arnold, Efqj William Richmond, Efq;>>il^, DAMELCoOGESHALL,Efq}\ Jeoffry Watson, Elq^ DEPOTIES of the Newport ; ^ Si Mr. Nathanael Coggejhall, Edward Scott, Elq- The Speaker, 'Peter Bottrs, Efq- Mr. Job Behfjct^jan. Providence ; Stephen Hopkins, Elq; Mr. Elijha Browv, yonatkaa Randal, Efq; Portfmouth ; William Jnt bony, '^\jin. Efq; John Men, Efq; Caleb Hill, Elq; m m leveral TOWNS. ' Warwick ; John Green, Efq; Mr. John Holden, Lieut. Col. Stephen Low, Benjamin j^rnold, Efq; Wcftcrly ; Col. Oliver Babcock, JoJJjua Babcock, Efq; Newihorcham j Mr John LittUjield, Mr. Jojhua Sands. North-Kingftown ; Col. Immanuel Northup, Beriah Brown^ Efq; South. [ 22 SoQth-Kingflown j Mr. Jeofry Hajz^rd, Col. Thomas Hafzard. Eaft-Grcensvich j Jofeph Nicholiy Elqj John Fry, Efq^ Jamcftown j 'Jofeph Clark, Efq; Mr. Jojiah Jruold, jun. Smithfield j Thomas jirnohiy Efq; 3'o*« ^/i/m*, Efqj Scituate \ 'job RandJ, Efq; Capt. Charles Harris, Gloccfter ; Col. Richard Smithy Jtidrew Brown, Elq; Charleftown ; Capt. Nathanael Lewis. Mi. James Congdon, jun. Weft-Greenwich ; Jeremiah Ellis, Efq^ George Gardner, Efq; Coventry ; Mr. John Greene, Caleb Greene^ Efq; Exeter ; Capt. John Reynolds, Job Tripp, Elq; Middletown ; Mr. Jojhua Coggepall Briftol ; Jonathan ^eck, Efq; Capt. Simeon hotter. Tiverton ; Mr. Edward IVanton. Mr. Thomas Howland. Little-Compton miliam Hall; Efq; Mr. Richard Greenhil. Warren ; Capt. John Jdams^ Mr. John Cole. Cumberland ; Job Bartlet, Efq; Richmond ; Mr. Jofepb Hoxfie. Mr. Jo(ias Lyndon, Clerk of the Lower Houfe. "VA/HEREAS Thomas Lapham, Eiq-, one of the Commiflioncrs appointed by the Government to run and fettle their Northern Boundary Line, exhibited to this AlTcmbly, an Account by him charged agai'nft tho Colony, for his Time, Trouble, Ex- pences, and HorfC'hire, in fevcral Journies by him made upon thzt Account in OBober, 1749, and in the Months of -<^/ir;/,0(??o^rr, December, and January, 1750 .• Which being duly examined, This JJfembly do Vote and Re/olve, and it is Voted and Re/olved, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty-fix Pounds Twelve Shilling* and Eight Pence, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Thomas Lapham out of the General Treafury. Whereas Richard Steere, Elq; one of the CommifTioijers appointed by the Government to run and lettle their North-boundary-Line, exhibited to this Aflcmbly an Account charged againft the Colony for lundry Journies made by him in endeavouring to find the true Placo o{ fVoodiMrd znd Safirey'$ Stake, or where to commence the North [ 23 3 North Line of faid Colony according to Chartei, and alTifting in running faid Line, for his Time, Trouble, Expcnccs, and Horfc- hire, beginning in the Month of O&cbery 174J?, and ending the fixth Day oi February^ 17JO : Which being duly examined, Thts JJfemhly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Vottd and Rejolvedy Tnat the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that One Hundred and Thirty-one Pounds Eight Shillings and Six Pence, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Richard Steere out of the General Treafury. Whereas Chriji);)pher Watervran exhibited to this AfTembly, an Account by him charged againft the Government, for his Time, Trouble, Expences, and Horfc-hire, in levcral Journics by him: made, to affift in running the Noith-Doundary-Linc of the Colony, in Otiober^ ^749i *"d in the Months of y^^ri/, O^ober, December, and January^ 1750 : Which being duly examined, This JJJembly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voiei and Rejolvtd, That the laid Ac- count be, and the fame is hereby allowed, and that One Hundred and Twenty-eight Pounds Two Snillings, the Amount tnereof, be paid the faid Chrijiopher fVaterman out of the General Treaiury. Whereas Stephen Whipple, who was imployed as a Chainman in running the North-boundary-Line of the Colony, exhibited to this AfTembly, an Account charged againft the Government, for his Time. Trouble, Expences, and Horfe-hire, in levcral Journies by hiin made in OBober, November, December, and yanuary, lys'^t upon that Affair : Which being duly examined, This Jjfenibiy do Vote and Rejohe, ind it is Voted and Rejohed, That the faid Account be, aad ttie fame is hereby allowed, and that One Hundred and Seventeen Pounds Two Shillings and Eight Pence, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Stephen Whipple out of the General Treafury. Whereas Ifrael Wilkinfon, who was imployed as a Chainman in running the North-boundary-I.ine of the Colony, exhibited to this Aifembly, an Account charged againft the Government, for his Time, Trouble, Expences, and Horfe-hire, in feveral Journies by him in Ottober, 1745), *"^ '" ^^^ Months of Jpril, (J&ober, No- vember, December, and yanuary, 1750, upon that Affair : Which being duly examined, This Jjjembly do Vote and Refolve, avd it is Voted and Re/obed, That the faid Account be, 'and the fame is hereby allowed, and that One Hundred and Seventy-two Pounds Three Shillings and Eight Pence, be paid the Md- I/rael Wilkinjoti out of the General Trecfury. Whereas Jeremiah Lippit and Stephen Low, Efqrs. exhibited to this Aflcmbly, an Account by them charged againlt the Govern- ment, for their Time, Horfc-hire, and Expences one Day, in viewing a Place fuitablc to fet a Peft-Houfe, Qfc. in Providence . Which [ 24 J Which being duly cnnfidcred, This Jjpmhly do Vote and Rejclve^ and it u Voted and 'Re/otved. That the laid Account be, and tho iaoie is hereby allowed, and lh;U Nine Pounds, the AmoiinC tneicol, be paid them out oi the General Trcalury. Whereas Natk.vml Hehm exhibited to this AfTcmhlv, an Account by him charged againft the Government, for Money by him ad- vanced, Work done, &c. in getting Timber and erecting a Pillory on Towcr>Hill in South- Kitigitotun, for the Punifhment of Willet Larcbe : Which being duly examined, This Jjfembly do Vote snd Rejolve, and it is Vcted and Rt/o/ved, That Fourteen Pounds of the faid Account be allowed and paid the laid Kuthanael Helme out of the General Treafury. It is Voted iVid Re/olved, That tiie Superior Court of Judicature of this Colony, be, and they are hereby directed to permit John 'Peane and 'Thomas -Pc'ircr- to appeal to His Majefty in Council, from a Judgment obtained againft them by John Rice, agreeabl** to the Orders of his faid Majelty in Council, now before this Affembly ; Any Law of the Colony to the contrary hereof, not- wiihftanding. Jnd it is farther Voted "tid Rejolved, That the Supe- rior Court meet in the County of Ketit on Tuelday the fixtcenth Day of this Inlfant Jtwe. for the Purpofe aforefaid : And that the faid yohf] Ric* be notjiied thereof, and J'crvcd with a Copy of this Aft, together with a Copy of faid Order of His Majefty in Council. D£ /"/ EtiaBed by the General JJfcmbly^ and by the Juthority thereof y ■'-' It is EmSted, That an A£l made and paft in the fixteenth Year of his prefcnt Majefty 's Rfign, cnritulcd, Jt; j4 CT direBing the Attendance of the 'Tetit Jurors and Witnefjes at the Superior and In- ferior Courts in this Colony^ be, and it is hereby Repealed. AND it is farther Voted and Refolved, That the Town Clerk of each Town in the County of Providence, put out a Warrant to the Town Serjeant of each rcfpeftivc Town in faid County, com- manding him to warn all the Jurors to appear at the next Inferior Court of Comrnon Pleas, and General Seflions of the Peace, to be held in the faid County of ^rovidenre, on the lirfi: Day ol the Court's litting, and that this A&. be immediately publifhed, and a Copy thereof forthwith fent by the Secretary to the fcveral Town Clerks in the County oi 'Providence. Publifhcd Id Newport, June 2. 1752. according to Order. By Thomas Ward, Secry. Whereat JJ/HE KEJS the Laws of this Colony exempt Jandry Officers^ and '' other 'Perjons of divers 'ProfeJJions^ from ferving on the jury^ which hath been found hy Experience^ to include too great a dumber of the Inhabitant jy and froteB the mo^ fenfibk and fubftantial Feeemen of the Government from Jo necefary a Duty j ly Reafon whereojy it bften. happens^ that Cattjes of the greeteji Importance are decided by Men of /lender Abilities^ and little Credit ^ to the great Detriment of fublick Jujiice. For Remedy whereof, BE it EnaBed by this JJfemblyy and by the Authority thereof It is Enadedy That no Freeholder of this Colony whatloever, (hall be exempted or prote£lcd from ferving as a Juror at any Time hereafter, excepting fuch Pcrfon or Perfons as do, or have fuftained the feveral Pofts or Offices hereafter enumerated, viz. The Office of Governor, Deputy Governor, Affiftant, Secretary, Attorney General. General TreafUrer, of a Judge of the Superior Court of Judicature, and of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, who fhall be forever exempted • And alfo vvhilft in Office, the Keeper of the Grand Committee's Office, the Clerks and Sheriffs of each County, with their general and ading Deputies, and the Serjeants and Officers attending upon the Courts, and all Jultices of the Peace ia Commiflion, faying that they fhali be obliged to fcrvc in any Cafe of Life and Death, where Title of Land is concerned, if returned upon a Venire Facias^ or taken up as Talefmen : And alfo all Attorneys pradifing in any of the Courts of Common Pleas, or Superior Courts of Judicature j and alfo all Pnyficians that live by their Pradicej/^inifters of Congregations of every Denomina- tion are hereby exempted. Provided, That nothing in this A£t (hall extend, or be con- itrued to extend, to repeal any Part of an Ad, entituled, An AC1 exempting the Perfons appointed to work the Engines in Newport, from feveral Duties, SCc. Whereas Mr. Lyndon^ Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Seflions of the Peace, in the County of New- port, exhibited to this Aflcmbly an Account by him charged againft the Governmcnr, lor procuiing a new Book of Records to be ufed" in his Office : Which being duly examined. This Jffemhh do Vote and Rejolve, and it is Voted ami Refolvedy That the laid Account bir, and the lame is hereby allowed, and that Sixteen Pounds, the Amount thereof, he paid the faid Mr. Lyndon out of the General Treafury. An [ad 3 An A C T Regulating the Proceedings in Cafes of Baftardy. T>£ /■/ Ena^ed hy the GeneralJJfemhly^ civdhy the Juthority thereof y ■*-' // is EtiatUd^ That upon the Examination of any unmarried Woman, taken upon Oath, that fhe is with Child, it fhall be lawful for any Juftice or Warden of the Town where luch Woman liveth, to grant forth a Warrant or Summons againft the Pcrfon whom fhc has charged upon Oath, with the Begetting her with Child, provided he lives, or may be found in the lame County '-, which Warrant or Summons may be fervcd by the Town Serjeant, or any Conftable of the Town where the Examinant dwells or lefides j and when the Party accufed, appears before any fuch Juftice or Warden, if he can allcdge no fatisfactory Rcafon, that he is innocent, he fhall be obliged to enter into a Recognizance with one or more Sureties, at theDifcretion of the Juftice or War- den, to appear at the next General Seflions of the Peace to be held for the- County ; and if he refufc to enter into fuch Recognizance, the Juftice or Warden ftiall commit him to the common Goal, there to remain 'till lie be by due Courlc of Law delivered, and the SeOlons, if the Woman be not delivered of the Child, may order the Continuance of the Recognizance to the next Term. j4ND be it further EnaBed hy tie Juthority ajorefaid^ That after any Baftard Child is born in any Town in this Colony, it fiiall be lawful for any two Juftices or Wardens, living in the Town where fuch Child was bom, to grant forth a Warrant againft the Perfon whom the Mother of the Child hath charged, or fhall previous to the Granting of the Warrant, charge on Oath with having begot laid Child ; provided the Perfon accufed livs in the lame County, or may be therein found ; which Warrant may be lerved as is herein before Enaclcd : And when the faid Perfon appears, if the Woman upon being examined on Oath, continue conftant in her Accufation, and no Plea or Proof be pro- duced fufficicnt to fatisfy the two Juftices or Wardens who take Cognizance of the Caufe, that he is innocent, they fhall adjudge him to be the putative, or reputed P'athcr of the Child, and make an Order for its Maintenance : And if the Perlbn accufed, is diflfa- tishcd with the Order, he may appeal therefrom to the next Court of General Sellions of the Peace, to be held for the County in which the Child was born, upon paying down the Coft that has accrued, and entering into a Recognizance with one or more Sureties, for his Appearance there, and abiding fuch Order as fhall be made by the Court, and in Default of fuch Order to be then made or taken by the laid Court, to perform the Order already made ; but if he doth not pray an Appeal, the two Juftices or Wardens that made the Order, arc hereby impowered to commit liim, if he re- fufe or neglcd to perform their laid Order. Lv 1 yt N D he it further Ena^ed by the Authority afore/aid. That ifthePerfon acculed doth not live in the County where the Child was born, or is not there to be found, it (hall be lawful for any AfTiftant of the Colony, or Juftice of the Superior Court, having lirft examined the Mother of the Child on Oath, to grant forth a Warrant, direded to the Sheriff of the County, or his Deputy, in which the acculed Perfon dwells or rcfidcs, to apprehend the laid Peribn, and him bring to the Town where the Child was born ; and when he appears, the Afllftant or Juftice who granted the Warrant, fliall order him into the Cuftody of the Town Serjeant, or foine Conftable of that Town, and is hereby fully impowered, in Conjunction with any one Juftice or Warden living in the faid Town, to take Cognizance of the Cauic, and proceed therein in the Manner that is Enabled in the precccding Paragraph. JND be it further Emthd by the Juthority cforejaid. That the Order tn be made for the Maintenance of a Baftard Child, fhall be, Mutatis Muundis^ of the following, or fomc fuch like Form. T/p''Hereas due '^ roof hath been made before us A. B. & C, D. Eftjrs. itihabitifig in the Town of N. in the County of N. upon the Oath of E. F. of] fiCc. Mother of a Bafiard Childy horn the Djy of in the Town aforefaid, that G. H. ofy &c. did heget the faid Eufiard Child i which Child is likely to become Chargeable to thi faid Town ofl^. We the fiiid tifon the Examination of the faid E. F. and I he Caufe and Circumflances of theTremifes, do adjudge the Jaid G. H. to be the pitative Father of the faid Bajiard Child ; and thereupon do order^ as well for the Relief ^ the faid Town ofN. as for the Keeping and Maintenance of faid Child, that the faid G. H". fhall fori hzuith, upon Sight of this our Order, pay, or caufe to he paid to the Overfeers of the 'Poor of the faid Town for the Time being, the Sum of for the fir fl four Weeks from the Birth of the faid Child, for defraying the Charge of the Lying-in of the faid E. F. and after the Expiration of the faid four Weeks, the faid G. H.f/jall like~ wife pay, or caufe to be paid to the Overfeers of the 'J'oor of the Town aforefiid, weekly, and every Week, the Sum of ' for and towards the Maintenance of the faid Ba/iard Child, for fo long Time as the faid Child fljjll be Chargeable to the faid Town. And farther. We do hereby order. That the faid E. V. fhall every Week, for fo long Time as the faid Child f) all he Chargeable as aforefaid, and (be floall not keep the fame 'Tay, or caufe to be paid unto the Overfeers of the ^''oor of the Town of N. aforefiid, for the Time being, for and towards the farther Maintenance of the faid Child. Lafily, We order that the faid G. H. do, upon Notice of this our Order, give ftficient Security t& the Overfeers of the 'Poor of the Town of N. aforefaid, to indemnify the faid Town. In Witnejs whereof, we have hereunU) fet cur Hands and Seals, this, &c. AND [ 28 ] J 2^ D be it farther EiiaBed by the Mthority ajorefaidy That any Order, made in Manner aforefaid, lor the Maintenance of a Baftard Child, is brought before the Court ol General Scflions of the Peace by Appeal, the faid Court be, and they hereby arc fully impowered to alter or amend the fame, if it appears to be extravagant, or any Way dcfedive, but they fhall not quafh or levcrfe it, unlefs it be made to appear that there is no lufficient Realbn to adjudge the Perfon, charged with the Maintenance of the Child, to be the putative Father thereof: Any Law, Cuftom, or Ufagc, to the contrary in anywife, notwithftanding- "Y^/ HERE AS Jofepb Scott, Eiq; Sheriff of the County of Nrj}porT^ exhibited to this AlTembly, an Account by him charged againft the Government, for warning all the Members oi the General Affembly within his County, to give their Attend- ance at this prefent Seflion : Which being duly examined, Thij JJfimhlj do Vote and Refohe, and it is Plated and Re/olved, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Twenty Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Jo/epb Scott out of the General Trcafury. Whereas David WilkJnfon^ Efq; Sheriff" of the County oi^rovi- dence^ exhibited to this AITcmbly, an Account by him charged againft the Government, for warning all the Members of the Ge- neral Affembly within his County, to give their Attendance at this prefent Seffion .' Which being duly examined, This JJfemhl'/ Jo Vote and Refohcy and it is Voted and Rejohed, That the faid Ac- count be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Eight Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid David IVilkinJon out of the General Trcafury. Whereas Beriah Brown, Efq; Sheriff of i«^/«^j County, exhibited to this Affembly, an Account by him charged againft the Go- vernment, for warning ail the Members of the General Affembly within his County, to give their Attendance at the prefent Scllion : Which being duly examined, This JJfembly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Rejolved, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Eight Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Beriah Brown out of the General Trcafury. 'Whcrczs Nat hanael Bojwor thy Efq; Sheriffof the County of 5r//?o/, exhibited to this Affembly, an Account by him charged againft the Government, for warning all the Members of the General Affembly within his County, to give their Attendance at this prclcnt Seffion : Which being duly examined, This JJfemhJy do Vote and Refohe, and it ts Voted and Rejolved, That the faid Account be. L 29 ] be, and it is hereby allowed ; and that Forty ShiHings, ihe Amount thereof, be paid the laid Nathamel Bo/worth onx. of the General Trealbry. Whereas Tho/ Spetifet\ one of the Conftables of Eafl^Grcenwich^ who was Ipeciallv appointed and Iworn by his Honour the Gover- nor (the Sheriff bfing ablcnr, ana ro one of his Deputies to be found) to wain the Members ol the General Aflembly living within the County o{ licuty to give their Attendance at this prcienC ScflTion, exhibited to this Alfembly, an Account by him charged againft the Govcrnraent, ibr performing that Service : Which being duly examined, This JJpmbly do Vote and Kefohes avd it is Voted and Rejohe'd, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Six Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the laid 'Thomas Spenjer out of the General Treafury. Whereas ^eter EottrSy Efq; exhibited to this Aflembly, an Ac- count by him charged againft the Government, for furnifhing ibur Rheams of Paper to print the Lavvs on : Which being duly examined, This J/pnihly do Fate and Rejolve^ civd it is Voted atid Rc/ohed, That the faid Account be> and it is hereby allowed, and that Twenty-fix Pounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid ^eter Bears out of the General Trealuiy. Whereas Mr, David Jntmny exhibited to ♦^his Aflembly, ^n Ac- count by him charged againft the Government, for his Ji audi ng Guard iX. Brifiol Ferry, and iinding himfelf ^fjHorfe One Hundred and Five Days : Which being duly examined. This JJfembly tlo p'ute avd Refohe, and it is Votea avd Rejclved, That Two Hundrea and Ten Pounds of the faid Account be allowed and paid the faid David Jnthony out of the Geneial Treafury. Whereas the aforefaid David Atithony exhibited another Accoiint charged againlt the Government, ior Materials by him furnifhed and provided for building a Srtioak-Houie at Brtjiol Ferry, find- ing Timber, Boards, paying the Carpenters Wages, &c. Which being duly examined, This jjjembly do Vote and Rejohe, and it /i Voted and Refu'.ved^ That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Twenty Pounds Thirteen Shillings, the Amounc thereof, bo paid the laid David Jnthony out of the General Treafury. Whereas Col. Samuel Lyndon, exhibited to this AflTembly, an Account by him cnargcd againft the Government, for Nails and a Padlock by him provided for the Smoak-Houfe at Br'\fiol Ferry . Which being duly examined, This JJJernbJy do Vote and Re/olve, and it js Voted and Refnhed^ That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Five Pounds Six Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid the laid Samuel Lyndon out of the General Treaiurj'-. H Whereas [ 5o] Whereas Mr. "^ohn Cane exhibited ty this AlTcmbly, an Account by him charged againfl: the Government, for oliicianng as an Ui' JpeBor at the Weft Ferry en JamefJowti, to examine all Travellers, &c. to prevent the Small-Pox being brought to that Ifland or Newport : Which being duly examined, This AJJemhly do Vote and Re/olvcy and it is Voted and Refohed, That Eighty-lour Pounds of laid Account be allowed and paid the laid John Cane out of the General Treafury. Whereas an Account was exhibited to this AlTembly, charged againfl Stephen Brownel, Efq; by Betijamin Tallmaa, for Pine Boards by him provided for the Smoak-Houfe at Brtfiol Ferry : Which ^ping duly examined, This JJpmbly do Vote and Refohe, and it is Voted and Rejohed, That faid Account is juftly chargeable againft the Government, anJ therefore that Fifteen Pounds Five Sliillings, the Amount thereof, be paid the laid B.injamin Ta/i'mau out of the General Treafury. An ACT enabling the Juftices of the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, to hold fpecial Courts on certain Occalions. 7X7 // R R E A S it hath been found hv Experience, that many ill '^' Confequences have attended the Injet'ior Courts^ not Kiaving Tower to vieet fpecially, as is necefptry on certain Occafions^ T>E // therefore Ena&ed hy this General Affemhly, and by the Jut ho- •*-' rity thereof it is Enabled, That the Juftices of the feveral Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, fhall be, and they are hereby impowered to meet fpecially, and hold Courts ('any three of the Juftices to be aQiiorum) for the Trial of Adtions between the Ven- due-Mafters or Sheriffs, and any other Perlon or Perfons for Money arifing on the Sale ot Goods and Chatties, fold at Publicx- Vendue ; and that the laid Inferior Courts fhall be held to, and govern'd by all thofc Rules and Diredions as the Superior Courts of Judicature are by Law held to and governed by ; and that the Clerks of the Inferior Courts Ihall adl as Clerks in laid fpecial Courts ; and that the Judgment of the faid Court Ihall be final. An A C T exempting fundry Perfons from making Oath or Affirmation, notwithftanding the General Laws of the Colony made about luing out Executions. 71/ H E REAS by tzvo JcJj of J^emhly made and pojfed, one in *^" March, One! houf and Seven Handred And Fifty ^ amitne other in June, One Thouf and Seven Hundred and Fifty-one, it is required -J.!th- oat C 31 J out Exception, thjt all Terfoiis inhaVtt'mg vr rejidiitg in this Govern-' metit, if} order to intit/c themfehes to Executiou, JIjM jirft make Oath or Jffirmation^ as by /aid Jtts are dtrededy which in Jome Cafes is found grievous, J2E it therefore Emihd hy the General JffemUy, and hy the Jatho- rity thereofy It is Enailed, That after the Rifing of this Aflem- bly, all Pcrlbns beyond Sea, at the Time ot obtaining Judgment, fo as not to have an Opportunity of conforming to fliid Laws, all Executors ana Adminiftrators, and Perlons ading in another's iR.ight, and all Perfons in their Infancy, or whole Underftandings are impaired, fc as to be adjudged non compos Mentis^ who Ihall obtain Judgment in any Court in this Colony, iliall be exempted from making Oath or Affirmation, and be neverthclcfs intitled to iixecutions as heretofore. MT is Voted and Refohed, That his Honour the Deputy Governor, ■' Stephen Hopkins and Jofeph Nichols, Efc]rs. be, and tney arc hereby appointed a Committee to form the Draught of a Letter to be figned by his Honour the Governor, and fcnt to tne Agent- and prefenc the fame to this AfTembly as foon as they can conve- niently. It is Voted and Refhed, That the Speaker of the Lower Houfe, and John '■fiUinihaJt, Efq; be, and they arc hereby conflituted a Committee, to receive of Capt. Saiiuiel Frecbcdy^ late Captain of Fort George, all the Stores belonging to faid Fort, and deliver the fame to James Sheffield, Efq- the prefent Captain of faid Fort, giv- • ng and taking Receits therefor. Whereas the General AfTembly at their Seflion held at Eap- Grecnzvich the firft Monday in March, One Thoufand Seven Hun- dred and Forty-four, granted Sixty Pounds towards bui'ding a Bridge in the Highway that leads acrofs '■Vatituxit River, from the Place called the Fulling- Mi II, through the Lands ot H'ecochaconit and Natick, which was to have been drawn out of the General Treafury by Samuel Barton, when the faid Bridge fliould be built and com- pleated : Which being effcded, and the faid Barton dead, This Jffmhly do Vote and Refjlve, and tf is Voted and Refohed, That Mr. John Holden be, and he is hereby fully impowered to draw the aforelaid Sum of Sixty Pounds for the Purpofe aforefaid. // is Voted and Re/ohed, That the A£l: paffed at the laft Seflion of this Affembly, to prevent the Spreading of the Smail-Pox, be Icngthen'd out, and continued in Force, 'till the End of the next Seflion of this Affembly ; atid that the Colony be guarded againft laid Diftcmpcr, by Perfons to be fet for that Purpofe, at the fol- lowing Places, and paid not exceeding the following. Wages, viz. At C 32] At Bripl Ferry, at Forty Shillings fer Day. At BriJoJ Gatei Porty Shillif5gs per Day. At Ttvertoi), at Forty Shillings pjer Day. In Providence ; at ^Patitacket Bridge, at Forty Shillings fer Day. At Befler's Ferry, at Twenty Shillings per Day. At Fuller's Ferry, at Twenty Shillings p^r Day. In CnmberlanJ^ at Twenty-five Shillings /'er Day. At Smithf.dd^ at Twenty-five Shillings per Day : And that every Perlbn to be placed as a Guard, fli.ill be fuch as have had the Small- Pox. Whereas Henry Sowk of Keivporty Taylor, reprcfcnted unto this Aflembly, that about a Fortnight after the Aft paffcd by the General Aflembly in Jtwe, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifty-one, afcertaining the Price of Gold, Silver, and Bills of Ex- change, and appointing a certain Oath or Affirmation to intitle z Perfon to an Execution ; that he the faid Hevry being altogcthc ignorant thereof, fold two bpainjh milled Dollars for Fifty-eight Shillings a Piece ; by Means of which, he hath loft the Benefit of fuing out Execution, where he halh or fliall obtain Judgment, which will be greatly to his Prejudice, unlels relieved by this Aflembly : On Confideration wheieof, 7his JJJemhIy do Vote and 'Rejolve, atid it is Voted ami Refuhed, That the faid Henry Sowk Ihall be, and be is hereby impowered and authorized to demand Executions out of any Office in the Colony, firft making Oath that he hath not in any other Form violated the aforcfaid AG, thart that above exprefled ; and that he will for the future pundu- ally and dona Fide comply with the fame. Whereas Ccl. Daniel Jbbot and other?, reprelerted, That the General Aflembly of thii Colony, in the Year, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Eleven, ordci'd a Highway or Road to be laid out thro' the Lands o{ Providence, Wejeconoid, and Warwick^ leading into the Center of Co/;;;i'(??/Va/, by tbcWuyof^lain^eld : And accordingly Nicholas Lang^ Eiq; then High-Sheriff of the Colony, •impanncllcd a Jury of Twenty-four good and lufficient Men, who performed faid Work ; and tliat there are ftill alive fome Perfons that were prefcnt in doing the fame ; iliat the faid Road or High- way hath ever fincc been improved as fuch \ that great Coft and Labour hath been beftowcd to amend it, and liiveral Sums of Money granted by the Government to make Bridges for Travellers to pafs at all Times over the feveral Rivers without any Difficulty, and it is now become a great Road ^ notwithftanding which, the Town of Coventry have paflcd a Vote to alter laid Highway or Road, and lay it in luch a o/V/V.;/ Place, that fliculdit take Effcdt, it would ablolutcly ruin the aiorcfaid Roail or Highway, for there is a long Hill near Iialfa Mile, flony and fpungy, and over which the new Road muft pals : And tlicrcupon prayed this Aflembly to appoint a Commictcc of three Men, t!ic moll acquainted with faid Highway or Road, and a Surveyor, to revife the old Bounds, if to be found, and where rlicy are wanting to maKe new, to keep the [ 35 ] the now travelled and beaten Road that has been fo much worked upon and amended, and let the Breadth three Poles. Thus chc Bounds being fixed, will inftruft ihc Settlers by faid Road, where to build their Stone-Walls, and run other Fences, Gfc. Upon Confideration whereof, Tkis JffcTnbly do Vote and Kejolve^ and it is Voted and Rejolutd, That Stephen Hopkins, Job Randal, and Chariss Harris, Elqrs. be-, and tlicy, or the major Part of them, are hereby conftituted a Committee, to revile the Bounds of the antient High- way or Road aforefaid, at the Charge of the Petitioners, and make Renort thereof to the General Aflcmbly. Whereas Nathanael Bofworth, Efq; Sheriff of the County cf Briflul, reprefented unto this Affcmbly, that the Court Houfe and Goal in faid Counfv are out of Repair, particularly tne Goal is by no Means lufiicient for ttic fafe keeping of l^ilbners; and there- upon prayed this Aflcmbly to order, proper Meafures may be taken to repair the Goal, and make it a Place of lafc Cuftody : Upon Confideration whereof, this AflTembly do conftitute and appoint yonathan 'Teck, Efq; to make the necelfary Repairs on the Goal- Houfe and Goal in the County of Brifiol, at the Charge of the Colony. Capt. Silas Greenman is chofen a Town's-Committcc-Man for Weflerly, in the Stead of Capt. Caleb Church, deceas'd. Mr. yeremiah Browne! is chofen a Tov/n's-Committce-Man for Little-Compton, in the Room of Samuel PVilbore, deceas'd. John Fisk is rhofcn a Jufticc of the Peace tor the Town of Scituate, in the Room o( Benjamin Fisk who refufed. Capt. Natbanael JLewis is chofen a Juftice of the Peace for the Town of Charkjlozvn, in the Room of Thomas Brownel who refufed. Whereas Jahleel Brtnton, Efq; came and informed this AfTembly, that Mr. Robert Saunderjon whom he had chofen a Referrce in the Aftion of Account brought againft him by the Governor and Company of this Colony, was gone to Europe j and thereupon the faid jahleel Brentor defired he might have an Opportunity of choofing another Referrec in Mr. Saunder/on's Stead, that faid Actioii may be determined as foon 4s poffible : On Confideration whereof, This JJp.riT.hly do Vote and Rejohc, and it is Voted and Refolved, That the Superior Court of Judicature, or a Quorum of the Judges, be, and they are hereby impowercd to meet at Three of thi Clock in the Afternoon, on the fifth Day of this InftanC y«/7f, to give Mr, Brentoa an Opportunity of chufing another Perlbn for a Refcrree in the Stead of Mr. Saunderjon : And \.\Y3XBen'jatnin Nichols., Efq- and Mr. Mattheiu Ruhinfon the Attorney, purfue faid Adion to final Judgment and Execution : And that Stephen Bro-junell und Jeremiah Niles, El'qr$. and Mr. Benjamin 'Peckham,j[in. I be C 54] be a Committee to procure proper Vouchers in faid Cafe, and give fuch other AfliftancR therein, as they are capable of, throughout the Tryal of laid Action, It is Voted atid Rejdved^ That there be allowed and paid out of the General Treafury. the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds Old- Tenor, to his Honour the Governor, and Fifty Pounds Old-Tenor to his Honour the Deputy Governor, for their lafi: Years Salaries, and extraordinary Services, It is Voted and Rc/olved, That the Speaker of the Lower Houfc, John TiUinghaJ}, ^Pettr Boiirs, and James Sheffield, Elqrs. be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to audit the Grand Com- mittee's and General Treafurei's Accounts, and make Report to the General Aflembly as foon as they can conveniently. Whereas William Com^tou of Providence, reprcfenied unto thi* AfTembly, That on his and his Wife's laft Return from Bojion to 'Providence, they were by Order of the Authority, flopped at^auw tucket Bridge, on Account of their coming from Bofcn, where the Small-Pox then prevailed : That the faid JVilliam Ccmpton, in Obedience to the Order of Authority, and not having had the Small-Pox, forbore coming Home for the Space of Twenty Days, the appointed Time : That the faid Compton's Wife having had the Small-Pox, tarried but four, whereas fhc ought to have tarried five Days : That fne gresv uneafy at being fo long from Home, not having feen her Family in more than a Month : That having taken all due Care by fhifting and cleanfing every Thing that fecm'd liable to receive and retain faid Diflemper, fhe came Home to '^j'ro- vidence with her Huib.nnd : That for lb doing, he was fined Fiity Pounds Old-Tenor, notwithftanding he had paid due Obedience to the Authority, and his Wile the like Sum, for tranfgrcfling but one Day, no Regard having been had to the Precautions which flic ulcd as aforefaid : And upon the whole, prayed faid Fines may be remitted. And now this Aflcmbly having taken the Piemifes into Confideration, Do Vote and Re/olue, and it is Voted and Rc/o/ved, That the faid IVilliiWi Comf ten's Fine be, andir is hereby remitted, and that he only pay the Fifty Pounds which his Wife was fined. It is Voted and Refolved, That the Draught of a Letter made by the Committee, to be lent to the Agent, be accepted and approved of, and his Honour the Governor is dcfired to order a fair Copy thereol made, and fign the fame, to be fcnt to the Agent by the firft good Opportunity. An L 35] An A C T for Relcafing and Relinquiflilng unto Lillis Barton^ Widow of Samuel Barton, late of JVarwick, in the County of Kent, Yeoman, dcceafed, and to the Children of the faid Samuel Barton, all the Right, Title, and Intereft of the Colony, of, in, and to the Efliate of the faid Samuel Barton^ el'cheated, and be- come iorfcited to the Colony. JI7HEREAS Lillis Barton aforejaid, by 'Petition to this Jffemhly, '■^'^ did jet forth, That Jhe tba 'Petitioner was under very dijirejfed and melancholy Circumjlances, by Rea/on of the Juddeo and unhappy Death of her faid hte Husband Samuel Barton, tx)ho left fix /mall Children to the Care of the '^Petitioner, and P^e having no Eft ate wbere- tvith to bring them up : Jnd zvhereas, the Eftate whereof the faid Samuel was in his Lije'time feiz'd, by the J£i and Operation of Law ef cheated, and became forfeit to the Colony. Jnd whereas, this Jjfembly taking into Conftderation, the faid dif he/fed Condition andCircumflances of the faid JVidow and Children, for their Support, Maintenance^ and future 'Pravifiony r\ Re/olve and EnaSi, and it is hereby Voted and Enabled, That ^^ all the Right, Title, Intereft, Claim, and Demand of the Colony, o{y in, and to the Eftate of the laid S^imuel Barton, efchcated, and become forteir, is hereby given, granted, releafcd, and relin- quiftied unto the faid Lillis Barton, and to her aforefaid fix Child- ren, their Heirs and Afligns forever, to be enjoyed by them in equal Shares and Prpportions. JND it is alfo hereby further Enabled, That the faid Lillis Barton ftiall, with the Advice, Dircdicn, and Conlent of the Town- Council oi }yarv)ick., fell and difpofc all the aforefaid real Eftate to the beft Advantage, by giving and executing of good Deeds of Conveyance to any Perfon or Perfons ; and fuch Deeds fo given, fnall create to the Purchafcr or Furchafers, as good Eftate in Fee- Simple, as tho' the fame were given by the laid Samuel Barton in his Life-time ; and the Monies arifing on fuch Sale, fliall after the juft Debts of the faid Samuel Barton are firft paid, be put to Intereft for the bringing up faid Children, that is 'to fay, fix Seventh Farts thereof .* One Seventh Fart thereof, to be and remain to and for the fole Ule of the faid Lillis Barton, and as her fole Pro- perty : And for tlie Ends and Purpofes aforefaid, the faid Lillis Barton fliall give good Security to the faid Town-Council, that the Six Seventh Parts of laid Monies arifing on faid Sale, ftiall be put to Intereft for the bringing up laid Children ; and that at their coming of Age, they fhall have and receivetheir juft and equal Pro- portions thereof. JND it is rJ/o further Ena&cd mtwith/larding. That if the In- r^rcft of the faid Monies fliould not be fufficient and equal to anfwc C 36 ] anfwer the Ends hereby deflgned, in bringing up faid Children, that then Apph"cation fhall be made by the laid LiHij Barton, or any other proper Pcrfon concerned, to the faid Town-Council, irom time to time, who are hereby impowered to allow out of the Principal, as much as they fhall judge necefTary for that End. and the fime to be deduced out of the refpedivc Shares and Propor- tions as aforefaid. WHereas Tkomas Spenjer, Son ct Thomas Sfevjer of Eaft-Grsen- -ji'ich^ by Petition, reprelentcd unto this AfTembly, mat be- ing indebted to the Colony in the Sum of One Hundred and Eighteen Pounds Four Shillings, he was lued for it to hft Nover/i* Icr Court in I^ezvport, where Judgment was rendered againft him for laid Debt, and the Cofts ariling upon the Suit : That being by Misfortune reduced to Poverty, he is _ not able to pay the Money-, or any Part of it, nor fiiall be Co, unlefs this Affcmbly grants him Liberty to go about fome Bnfinefs, whereby to raife the Money ; and for that Ei^d, prayed Execution may be ftayed againft him for the Space of three Years. And now this Aflembly having taken the Premiles into Confidcration, Do Vote and Rcjoioe, audit is Voted Jfid Rejohed^ That Execution for the above-mentioned Debt due to the Colony from the Petitioner^ be, and the fame fhall be flayed fof Eleven Months. Whereas Benjamin Nichols, Efq: Keeper of the Grand Com- mittee's Office, reprefcnted unto this Aflembly, That a very con- lidcrable Part of his Time hath lately been taken up in exchanging torn Bills, for which the General Aflembly, on the third Monday of Juguf}, One Thouland Seven Hundred and Fifty, pafltd an Ad, direfting him to exchange for the future, fuch whole Bills of Credit as he Ihould receive from time to time, and to take torn Bills in Lieu thereof, and for his Time and Trouble in fo doing, to be allowed Half /er Ceht. Which the faid Benjamin conceiving to be an Allowance too inconfiderable, and by no Means an ade- quate Compenfation for his Time and Trouble in faid Service, prayed for fuch farther Allowance as fhall be thought proper : And this Affembly having taken the Fremifcs into Confideration, Do Vote and Refolve^ audit is hereby Voted and Refohed, That the faid Benjamin Nichols fhall for the future be allowed One fer Cent, out of the General Treafury for exchanging torn Bills. Whereas Thomas Richard/on, Efq; General Treafurcr, prcfentcd CO this Aflembly, the following Account flated, and a Memorial fubjoined to it. " Money C ii ] " Moiwy taken on Intcrcft, per Order of the General Aflcmbly, z;/«. I74p. Jug:i(} ihQ Cih. • - of Robert Taylor^ £. 6oo Sept. the yth. - - of Jo/cph Jjcob^ i6oQ 0^/c^. the 4th. - - ofjohn Stevem, of Daniel H'eedetJy Bills of Exchange delivered. N° I. A Set to Simon ^ejfc. Sterling, with Da- mage and Interell, £. aji 00 2. A Set to the Order of EJiva/ci Kifuiicutf with Damage, &c 143 8 j 3. A Set to 'Jopjua Cheven, with Damage,?^ - 231 00 4. A iJitto to laid Chcvcrs, with Ditto, - 231 o o $. A Ditto to Robert G/bbs, with Ditto, - 57 ^J> ^ 6. A Ditto ioDariitsSeJJivnsy with i3///p, 5.(3 i 00 £. 2pa7 12 (^ /;. 1056 I J Exchange at ^50 /Afftjt, NEWPORT; Mr. Nathanael CoggeJJ^all, Edward Scott, Elq; The Speaker, ■Peter Bonrs, Efq; Mr. Job Befwet, pn. Providence ; Stephen HopkitiSy Efq; Mr. Elijfni Brown^ m L Jonathan Ratidal, Efq, George Brown, Efq; Portfmouth j William Jnthony, jun. Efq^, John Mien, Efq; Caleb Hill, Efq; Mr. Gideon Freeborn, Efi};i>^' Warwick , John Greene, Efq; Mr, ^ [40 3 Mr. John Hoick ti, Lieut. Col. Stephen Lozv, Bctijitmin JrtwLl, Elqj Weftcrly ; Col. Oliver Babcock, yoJJ;!ia Babcock, Elq; Newihorcham ; None. North-Kingftown \ Col. Jnunnnuel Northiipy Eeriah Broivriy Efq; South-Kingftown j Mr. Jeofry Hjjzard, Col. -Thomas Hajzard. Eaft-Grecnwich ; Jojeph Nkholjy Elqj John Frye. Elq; Jameftown j D'o/.r/)?; C/^rJt, Efq; Mr. Jojiah JrmU. jun. Smithficld i Thomns JrncU, Efq; 5'o/'« JUnch, Efq; Scituatc ; Glocefter ^ Jndrev) Brown, Efq; Charleftpwn ; Capt. Njthanael Lewis y Mr. JosiAs Lyndon, Clerk of Mr. James Congdon, jun. Weft-Grccnwich ^ Jeremiah Ellis, Efq; George Gardner, Efq; Coventry j Mr. j'^^w Greene, Caleb Greene, Elq; Exeter ; Capt. John Reynolds, Job Tripp, Efq; Middletown ; Capt. William Turner, Mr. Jojhiia Coggefhall, Briftol ; Jonathan "Peck, Efq; Tiverton ; Mr. Edward IVanton. Little-Compton ; miliam Hall, Efq; Mr. Richard Greenhill. Warren ; Capt. John Jdatnj, Mr. John Cole. Cumberland ; Job Bart let, Efq; John Dexter, Efq; Richmond j John Web Per, Efq; Mr. Jojeph Hoxjie. the Lower Houfe. WH E R E A S Tekg Barker of Ntwport, reprefented unto this Affcmbly, That a little before the Aft for ftating the Price of Silver, Gold, and Bills of Exchange, was in Force, he con- traded for a Quantity of Silver at a higher Rate than is flatcd by iaid AcV. and compleated the Bargain alter faid Aft was in Force ; but was intirely ignorant that the fame was in Force : And after he was informed the faid Aft was in Force, he purchafed a Quan- tity of Silver and Gold at a higher Price than is thereby regulated, but paid for ic in NcW'HampJhire Bills, underflanding at that Time, the Law extended to no other than the Bills of this Co- lony . And upon the whole, prayed to have the Liberty of tak- ing the Oath prefcribed by Law (excepting thcrenut the above- mentioned Articles) and be thereby intiiled to take out Execution on .ill fuch Judgments as he fhall hereafter obtain. And this Affcmbly haying taken the Matter into Ccnfidcration, Do Vote and [ 41 ] end Eiiu^, and it is yoted atui Enaclcd, That the faid ^ele«: Barker flviU have Liberty of taking ihe Oath preicribed by Law (except- ing thereout the above-mentioned Articles) and thereby be intitled to lue out Executions on all fuch Judgments as he (hall afterwards obtain. V/hereas Capt. Samuel Frcebody exhibited to this Aflembly, an Account charged againfl: the Government, for Sundries by him provided for the \Jk of the Fort when it was lately under his Command : And this Airembly having taken the faid Account into Cor.fiderauon and duly examined it, do allow the fame, and order Otie Hundred and Thirty-ctghtTounds Thirteen Shillings and Ten '^Pence^ the Ballancc thereof, to be paid the laid Samuel Freebody out of the General Treafury. It is Voted and Refohed, That all the Guards on the Borders, and in other Parts of this Government, for keeping the Small- Pox out of the fame, be, and they are hereby contin-.^d until the Twenty. fccond Day of this Inftant Jngtifi, at the Ch^irge of the Colony, and no longer : But nevertheJels, in Cafe any particular Town cr Towns fhall fee Caufe to keep up faid Guards, or any of thtfm> for a longer Time, Liberty is hereby granted them to do ic at their own Charge, arxJ C(jual Authority, with that they have heretofore had, is continued in fuch Guard or Guards ; and that for fuch further Time as they fhall be kept up as aforcfaid. Whereas Hugh Beatty exhibited tc this AfFembly, an Account by him charged againfl the Government, for his Time, &c. in attending at ^Paatucket Bridge, on Account of the Small-Pox : Which being duly examined, This Jffemhly do Vote and Rejohe^ and it is Voted and Refolved, That the faid Account be, and the fame is hereby allowed, and that Three Hundred and Ten bounds, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Hugh Beatty out of the General Treafury. It is Voted and Rejdhedy That One Hundred bounds be paid to Col. Syhe/Ier Riihtnond, and Tiventy 'Pounds to his Son Ezra Rich" v.ondy Efq; out of the General Treafury, for their Time, Trouble, and Expence, in afTifting when Owen Sullivan and his Accomplices were apprehended for counterfeiting the Bills of Credit of this Colony, It is Voted and Refolvedy That the Sum of Two Hundred and Ninety- one Pounds Seven Shillings and Six Pence be paid to Stephen Hopkins, Efq, out of the General Treafury, in order to difchargc a Promife which he and the Juftices in the Town o( 'Providence made to Philip IVheelery in Cafe he would apprehend r\nd deliver up Owen SuUivany which the faid fVheeJer hath faithfully performed. Whereas [45 ] Whereas Mjry Thtnp/cu ofNewfort, Widow, by Petition, reprr- fcnrcd fo this ArTembly, That in Juf/e laft her Fccket-Book was burnt by ivccidenr, and in it upwards of Twenty-leven Pounds (in Bills of Credit) Sixteen whereof were emitted by this Govern- ment ; and thereupon prayc(J the like Sum may be delivered to her out of the Tenth Money in the Hands of Benjamin Nicholsy Elq; On Confidcralion whereof, This AUcmbly appoint Mr. Na- ihanael Coggtfhjll^ and '^Pcter Bcun, Efq; a Committee to inquire into the Circumftanccs of the Affair mentioned in faid Petition, and deliver the Petitioner fo much in Value of the Bills of Credit paid in for Tenths, as fhail appear to have been deftroyed as afore- iaid. and bring what remains of the burnt Bills to this Aflembly, m order that the lame may be wholly burnt. The Gentlemen who were appointed a Committee to receive of Capt. Samuel Freebody^ late Captain of Fort George, all the Stores belonging to faid Fort, and deliver the lame to Jamts Sheffield^ Efq; the prcfent Captain, made the following Report : Triangle Gin, 1 Rowing Boat at the WharfF. John nUinghaft, Dated Newport, June 12. 1752. Thomas Cranjlon" " Fort [43 ] " Fort GEORGE in Newport. O Eccivcd of the above-mentioned Commitree, inco my Care, *-^ all the Stores, agrccahle to tho above Lift. VVimels my Hand, this lath Day ol fme, 17 s^. per y^mes Sheffii^ld.' To which Report, the Committee fubjoined the following Account Colony. - - Dr. — To our Time and Trouble in the above Service, £.600 John nUhgha/}, ^hovias Crarjfion." And now this Aflcmbly having taken the Premiles into. Con- fidcration, Do Fote and ikefohe^ and it is Voted and Refohed, That- the laid Report be, and it is hereby accepted ; and alfo that the Account by the Commitree charged againf)- tlieColony, be allowed, and Sixir'oiwds the Amount thereof, paid them out of the General Trealiiry. Whereas an Account was exhibited to this Aircmbly by Benja- ffiift ffe/ght, charged againfl jBer/d^ Brown, Efc]; which being duly examined, and it appearing the Account arofe upon an Affair of a publick Nature, This j]^embly do Voxe and Refolve^ and it is Voted atid Refolved, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Five bounds Thirteen Shilhngs, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid Benjamin PVeigbt out of the General Treafury. Whereas Mr. Elijha Brcwn of Providence, was appointed to re- reive of the- Colonel of the Regiment, or any other Perlbn in 'Pro- vidence County, alUthe PowJcr that belonged to the Colony, and 10 difpole of the fame j and behaving performed that Service, made tne following Report : CCpUrfuant to the Vote of the General Aflembly, at their Seflion *• in June^ J. D. i7.?o, I have receiv'd 8 Casic of Gunpowder belonging to the Colony, viz. fix from Col. Kinuictit, and two from Jofeph Nichols, Efq; and have difpoled of them as follows : 4 Cask to Col. Kinnicutt, for - j^. 06 o o a Ditto to Obediah Brown ^ - - 60 o o 2 Ditto to Jofeph Nichols, Efo- j4 10 o ^. iio 10 o To my Time and Trouble, 5 S o £' 205 5 o Save Errors, per Elisha Brown." M And C 44 ] And this AfTcmbly having taken the faid Rcpoit into Confi- dcration, and duly ci^amined the lame, do accept thereof. Whereas fViUiam Collins of Scmers, in ConmBicut^ reprefented unto this Aflcmbly, That injantiaryy One Thoufand Seven Hun- dred and Fifty, his Houfe was calually burnt down, and almoft all his Goods conlumcd, together with a Sum of Paper Money, among which were Fourteen Pounds in Bills emitted by this Co- lony ; and thereupon prayed the Confideration of this Aflembly : Who having duly examined into the Alfair, Do Vote and Refolve^ ami it is Voted and Ke/blved, That the Sum of Fourteen "^Pounds be paid the laid H'rlliam Collins out of the Grand Committee's Office. Whereas Capt. Jofhtia Stizvyer exhibited to this AfTembly, aa Account charged againlt the Colony, of Cafh paid .in Attorney for defending a Prolccution brought by So/ftnon Gardner i^3.ini[ the Government : Which being duly examined, This AJJhnbly do Vote and Rcfohe^ audit is Voted and Rejohed^ That the laid Account Dc allowed, and Four (Pounds, the Amount thcicof, be paid the faid Jcjhuii Sawyer cut of the General Treafury. Whereas Join Tillinghnff, Efq; exhibited to this Aflcmbly, an Account charged againft the Governmeuc, for Ore Hundred and Four Shot by him lupplied the Fort with, ana delivered in March lafl to Samuel Freehody then Captain ; which being duly examined, This jiJJ'ttnbly do Vote and Re/oh e, and it is Voted and Re/ohed, That the laid Account be allowed, and Thirty-one ^Pounds Ten SbiUifigSy the Amount thereol, paid the faid John Tillingkaji out ol the General Trealiiry. Whcaeas Jnn and James Franklin exhibited to this Aflcmbly, an Account by them charged againft the Government, for printing Two Hundred Ads of Affcmbly relating the Small-Pox, and for printing the Ads and Orders made and paft at the two laft SelTions, and furnifhing Paper : Which being duly examined, Thii Jijferrhly do Vote and Re/olve, and it is Voted ai.d Re/o/ved, Tfhat the laid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Eighty-iwo ^Pounds Eighteen Shillings, the Amount thereof, be paid the faid j^nn and James Franklin out of the General Treafury. The Gentlemen that were appointed to audit tht Accounts of the Directors of CoJ. ^Pendleton's Lottery, prclcntcd this Aflcmbly ^Vith what followeth. 4c"ll7'E the Subfcribcrs, being appointed by the General Aflcm- bly, to audit the Accounts of the Directors of Col. ^ewd'/e- ton's Lottery, do Report as followeth : That we have carefully examined the fame, and hnd by a Dilcharge from faid ^PendLton, that [ 4J ] that they have paid him Ten Thoufand Three Hundred and Sixty- four Pounds, it being the Amount of the Lots of Land lit forth in laid Lottery. Said Dircdors alio fhewcd us a Number of Be- nefit Tickers they had paid : and alfo intormcd us, they liad paid All that had been offered unto rhem. Further we find, there is a Ballance aue to the Colony, Seven Hundred and Eighty-three Pounds Twelve Shillings, 'Jc.offry Wat fen, bnmavtiel Northitp. T^O our Time and Trouble in fettling the above •*■ Account, - - ' :^. 6 o o yeoff'ry Watjony Immanud Northup." And now this AfTcmbly having taken the Premifes into Confi- tJeration, Do Vote tuid R^Jvlve^ ami it is Voted ami Refolvcd, Thac the aforcfaid Report be, and the lame is hereby accepted-, and that the foregoing Account be allowed, and Stx^on/sds, the Amount thereof, paid the aforefaid J eo^y h^at /on &nd Immamiel Northup out of the General Treitfury. Whereas the General A/Tembly in Jugtifi, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty-eight, granted the 5um oi' Seventy Aii^D belt EftaSied by the Juthority afnrefaidy That whofoerer /hall prciume after the Space of three Months after the Rifing of this /.fTcmbly, to Ici" up a Ferry for the carrying or tranl'porting for Hire, any PalTcngers where a Ferry i« (tatcJ, and Lcafes thereof given by the Colony's Committee, without Licence from the General AfTcmbly, and (hall receive a Reward for lb doing, Ihall forfeit and pay as a Fine to the Colony, the Sum of Qfie hundred 'Tounds, to and for the Ufe of the Colony, to be recovered in Manner as alorefaid. AND be it farther Em8ed hy the Authority aforefaid^ That every Perlbn keeping Ferry in this Colony, (hall at all Times kfep the true ftated Price for Ferriages, alfixed up in publicfc View in a publick Place, in the molt publick Room of the Ferry Houfe, upon the Penalty of Ten '-Pounds, to be forfeited to the Co- lony for luch Neglcft, to be recovered as aforcfaid. A ND bi it further Enaded by the Authority aforefaiJ, That a Committee be appointed to leafc out the aforclaid Ferries, and fuch others as (haU be (tated and licenced by Authority, upon the Terms fixed by Law for any Term not exceeding fevcn Years : and that they give the (irll Offer to the Peribns that arc provided with Piers and Boats, and that have been ufcd to liire the iamc : But upon their Rcfulal, to fuch other proper Perfons as (hall lay themfclvcs under Obligation to qualify thcmfelvcs fortiiat Work, and to perform the fame ; awd iuch Committee (hall return the Countcrparc of fuchLeafcs by then* giyen, into the Hands of the General rtcaiurer. AND L SI J j4 N D he it EtiaBcd by the Juthority oforefaiJy Tnat Daniel Cogge/ha/i, Efq: Capt. Nicholas Carr, and CoU Immamel K'orthupy or the major Part of them, be, and they arc hereby appointed a Committee for the Furpofe aforclaid. j4 N D be it EnaBtd, That all iormer Laws for the Regulating the Ferries in this Colony, be, and they are hereby repealed. WHEREAS Jerathmuel Bowers .vprefented unco this Affembly, That Jo/epb Swazey, Maftcr of the Sloop So- imrjet, failed from the Port oi Newport in December laft, bound to Barbados aua Saltert$tdas : That in his Return Homeward, he was tikcn by a Spatiijb Privateer or Pirate, and carried into St. Johti's on ^orto Rico : That from the Cir^umltances attending the AfUir, the faid Jerathmuel is well fatisficd, that with the Affiftance of this Aflembly, he (hall be able to recover faid VcfleJ, which belongs to him : And thereupon prayed that the faid Jo/efh Swazey may have a Commiffion under the Seal of the Colony, to proceed to St. John'&y or any other Port of the King o{ Spain's Do- minions, in order to endeavour the Recovery of laid Vcflel, which he promifcd to do without any Charge to the Government j and that the laid Je/^fh Szvozey fhould be under fuch Rcltriclions as this Affembly fhould think fit, iffc. Which being duly confidered, This JJpnibly do Vote and Re/olve^ and it is Voted and Kefohtdy That the laid Petition be. and the fame is hereby granted. Whereas Enoch Hunt exhibited to this Aflembly, an Accounf: by him charged againft the Government, for Service done in tend- ing the Gaic near Cape, fi'hipp/e's in Cumberland, from the feven- tccnm Day oi Jpril laft, to the eighteenth Day of this Inft. Mguji : Which being duly examined. This Jjfembly do Vote and Kefolvgy and it is Voted and Rejolved, That the faid Account be, and it is hereby allowed, and that One Hundred and Fijty-^ve ^ounds^ the Amount thereof, be p.iid the laid Enoch Hcott out of the General Treafury. Whereas David Jnthony exhibited to this Aflembly, an Account by him charged againft the Government, for his ftanding Guard at Briftol Ferry from May the 29th, to the aad Day oi Jugtifi Infi'. Which being duly examined. This JJJhnbly do Vote and Refolve, and it is Voted and Rejohed, That the Sum of One Hundred and Seventy bounds be paid the faid David Jnthony ont of the General Trcalury Whereas iVJ/^:;/;5«;-^/Vfe exhibited to this Afltmbly, an Account charged againit the Government, fox his Time, Horfc-hire, and Expenccs, in carrying a Letter from the Superior Court to I/acc Huntington, Efq; at iS'orwich : Which being duly examined, This O Jfembly L 52 ] Jffimlly do Vote end Kifoht^ and it is I'i/teJ and R.cflued, That Teti l^oufids be allowed and paid the faid Nathan Bttrdick out ot the General Ticatury for his laid Service. Whereas Teter Bours, Efq; exhibited to this AfTcmbly, an Ac- count by him charged agsinll the Colony, for a Quantity of Paper by him delivered Mr. b'rar.khn to print the Colony Laws upon : "Which Account being duly examined, This AJ]cr.ihly do Vote and Rajobc, and it is Voted and Rcjolvcd, That the fame be, and it is liereby allcwed ; ard that Eleven (Pounds Seven Shillings and Six 'fence, be paid the faid ^eter Bours out of the General Treafury. // is Voted and Rejohed, That that Part of the Laws of the Co- lony which have been lately printed, be lodged with the General Treafarcr, to be fold at Thirty Shillipgs per Book. It is Voted and Refolvedy That William Jnthony, jun. Efq; and Mr. Ediva/ii H'anton, be, and they are hereby appointed and im- powcred to diipofe of the two Smoak-Houfes, c.vw. at ^ort/mouth^ and the other at Tiverton, and the Gate and Fence belonging to the Colony, and make Report to this Aflcmbly at tlicir next Scffion. Whereas Samuel Hickes zvidThonuts Jnthofiy oi Tiverton, exhibited ro this AITembly, an Account of k'ijty-ninc bounds Fourteen Shillings and OfK '^Per.tiy, by them charged againll the Colony, ior Board?, Nails, Labour, &i\ by them provided and found for making a Gaic, and building a Imall Hoolb in faid Town, for the Refidencc of the Man there appointed to examine Travellers chat cunc from Places infedcd with the Small-Pox : Which being duly examined, This /IJfcmbly do Voti and Rf(obe, and it is Voted and Refotved, That Fijty-two Tour.ih 7'en Shillings and One -Penny of faid Account be allowed and paid the laid Sjmuel Hickes and Thomas Jnrhony out of the General Treafury, Thirty-four Shillings fer Day being allowed ior the Work, and no more. An ACT for raifing Money by W.iy of Lottery, to reimburfc what Money was advanced by Obediab Brown, David TVhippk, ''John De\ter, and 1?aul Te-o, in building a Bridge over Nantucket River, and for compleating faid Bridge. fJ7// EKE JS the General Jfemhly, at their Sejjion held at Pro- "' vidence the firjl Monday //; December, A. D. 1750, granted the Sum of Two Thoufand and Two Pounds Ten Shillings to be rgifed by Lottay towards thf. Building a Bridge ci^'trr Pautuckct River, between [ J3 3 hctwiHi the Tozvus of Smithfield an.l Cumberland, //; this Colony, atid apfcinte J Jtid authorized the J JiJObcd\ih Brown, David Whipple, John Dexter, and Paul Tew, to Jit forth a Lottery for that 'T^iirpofe, and procure the farm to be filled and drawn, and wtth the Sum afore- Jaid, being the net Dedudicn from Jaid Lottery, to build and ereti a good Brtdge at the ^lace aforejuid : Jndas the Jaid Ohcdhh Brown, David Whipple, John Dexter, and Vn\i\ Tew, have duly performed and executed the Trufi and Authority given them by the Jaid JB of Jffemhly, and have almoft comfkated faid Bridge, and have exhibited and fithmitted Accounts cj all thtiir ^Proceedings thereon to this Jjjhnhly, by which it appears, that /^E it Ena^ed by the Generjl JJpmhly vj this CoIonj, avd by the Authority of the fame^ It i.> Em9ed, That when any Pcrfop ot Perfons whatrocver, fhall prefer a Petition to the General Aircfn^ bly, for tlic flaying aoy Suit at Law, or any Execution obtained on a Judgment before given : And the AfTcmbly fiiall by their Vote, order the laid Suit or Execution to be flayed accordingly ; that then the Pcrlbn or Perfons fo petitioning, fhall within ten Days next alter the Rifing of fuch AfTcmbly, where fuch Vote or Order fhall be made or paflTcd, repair to Ibme one Judge of the Court where luch Suit or Caufc is cr was laft pending, and (hall with one luHicient Surety, recognize before faidjudge in I'urh a Sum, as he confidcring the Nature of liich Suit or Execution fhall thinJc meet (who is hcrcbv impowered to take and receive the lame) that if the Cognizor or Cog^i^ors fhall not obtain a Vote of the General Af- fcml)ly, granting the Prayer of fuch Petition preferred as aforefaid, ihat then the faid Cognizor or Cognizors will pay the Party ag- grieved, by flaying fuch Suit or Execution, all Juft and due Da- mage that he, fire, or they fhall fuflain thereby; and if any Perfon or Pcjfons petitioning as aforcfaid, fhall neglcd lb to do, then fuch Vote or Order of the Affcmbly tor flaying fuch Suit or Exe- cution, fhall be void, and of none Effeft. AND be it further Etia^ed by the Gemral Jffemhly of this Cohtiy^ and by their Jutkority^ It is EnaBed^ That when any Perfon or Perfons fhall fuflain any Damage, by Rcafon of any Petition exhi- bited to the General AfTcmbly, concerning which Recognizance is entcr'd into as aforcfaid, that then, and in fuch Cafe, it fhall be l?.wful for fuch Petlbn or Perfons, to bring a Writ of Scire facias on fucli Recognizance, againfl fuch Perlbn or Perfons as acknow- ledged the fame ; and the Judge before whom the fame was taken, fhall lodge fuch Recognizance in the Clerk's OiEce of laid Court, the hrfl or fccond Day of the next facccedingTerm after the fame is taken ; and the Judges of faid Court are hereby impowered to hear the Parries concerning all Matters of Damages, as it is herein before cxpreffed, and on hearing, .juftly and equitably to determine what Damages the Party or Parties complaining, have or hath luflained, by Rc.ifonof the Staying fuch Suit oi Execution, and alio to reduce the Sum named in faid Recognizance, to juft Damage, and avcard Execution for the fame accordingly. yV^Hereas John Hoyk, jun. exhibited to this AiTembly, an Ac- count by him charged againft the Government, for his At- tendance on the General Affemhly at their prcfent Scffion, for Wood, Candles, &c. Which being duly examined, This Jjfimhly do Vote afjd Re/olve, and it is Foted arid Rejohedy That the faid Ac- count be, and it is hereby allowed, and that Seven bounds Six Shillings avd SixTciice, the Amount thereof, be paid the laid yoi?/; Hoyle. jun. out of the General Treafury. Whereas L ^7 J Whsreas Ifaac Corey exhibiteJ to this Aflembly, an Account by him charged ag'^inft the Government, for attending on this Aflembl/ three Days, during their prefent Seflion : Thsy therejore Vote end Refolve, f.)}d it is Voted and Rsjohedy That the faitj Ac- count be, ari'J in is hereby allowed, and that Three 'Pounds^ the Amount thereof, be paid the Ikid Jfaac Corey out of the General Trcafary. This /.Jfeml\y do Vote and Liejuhe, and it is Voted and Refolved^ That all Jkifincfs lying before them unfinilhcd, be, and the lame is hereby referred unto their next Sefiion ; That the Secretary pro- claim in Ne-wpcrt by Beat of Drum, all the Afts and Orders nov.- made and palt, within Ten Days after their Rifing, and within Forty, fcnd Copies of them to each Town in the Colony accord ing to Law. And that this Aflembly be, and it is hereby adjourned to the laft Tufjday in February next. GOD Save the King. l^ewficrty Nov. 7. 1751. Publifiied according to Order, by ^ Tho. Ward, Secry.