B B ■' ^^. •- 6 1 7 a rjf^^^J TRENCH'- 1914 i«LUiH EDITION REVI B M. tiATEMArv lEUT.-CGLONEl IjCulXmj'^^U^U'JlLT^-t^ -. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Ted Barrett TEENCH'S MANCEUVRE ORDERS 1914 TWELFTH REVISED EDITION 3rd Impression LIEUT.-COLONEL B. M. BATEMAN, R.G.A. LONDON WILLIAM CLOWES & SONS. LIMITED 31 HAYMARKET, S.W. 1916 ^ '/ To B. M. B. B. 24.7.15 ^ 682693 PREFACE TO THE TWELFTH EDITION. Ix hoping that the present edition of this little Manual may be of use, the Editor expresses his thanks to all who have assisted him with hints or suggestions, and will be glad to receive any criticisms for the benefit of future editions. B. M. B. June 19U. A 2 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I.— GENERAL PRINCIPLES. A. Classification of Orders B. System in the Issue of Orders 0. Desiderata What Orders should contain What Orders should avoid . How Orders should be drawn up D. The Issue of Orders . E. Compliance with Orders IL— INSTRUCTION IN WRITING ORDERS 22 111— TABLES AND DATA. A. War Establishments . B. Ammunition Columns and Train C. Road Spaces .... D. Rates of Marching E. Areas for Camps and Bivouacs . F. Accommodation in Billets . H. Orders for Trains, Ammunition Column Etc. . . . . . I. Army List Abbreviated Titles of ments . . . . . Iegi n MANCEUVRE ORDERS. CHAPTKK ly.— MARCH ORDERS. PACK Outlines and Examples .... 42 Y.— COMBAT ORDERS. Outlines and Examples .... 58 YL—JIALT ORDERS. Outlines and Examples .... 67 Nil.— NIGHT OPERATIONS. Outlines ....... 85 YIIL.— CONVOYS. Outlines and Examples .... 89 I^.— LOCAL DEFENCE ORDERS. Examples ...... 95 ^.—MARTIAL LAW REGULATIONS. Examples ...... 100 XI.— ORDERS FOR PASSAGE OF A RIVER OR A LANDING. Outlines ....... 104 XII.— STANDING ORDERS. Summaries ...... 107 APPENDICES. List of Authorities Consulted . .115 Cakd ok Outlines. MANOEUVRE ORDERS. CHAPTER I. GENEBAL PBINCIPLES. A. CLASSIFICATION OF ORDERS. There are two classes of orders : (1) those which exact an obedience according to the letter of the law, and (2) those which demand an obedience accordiug to the spirit. To the first class belong orders based on finance and pre- cedent, warrants and regulations, drafted in time of peace, with, if possible, every contingency foreseen and provided for, and in which the subordinate finds no room for initiative and but little for any responsibility beyond that of implicit ^ obedience. N( Orders of this class deal with details more than with prin- ^ ciples, and have, not unfrequently, the power of creating fact by mere assertion. No detail is too small for consideration, and no account is taken of circumstance or of the character of the recipient — no margin is left for interpretation. The instructions for guidance are often very voluminous, have been compiled with deliberation, can generally be studied at ample leisure, hold good under almost all cir- cumstances, and may be disobeyed only when specifically amended or reversed upon appeal or otherwise. Orders of this class are those by which highly-centralised organisations 8 MANCEUVRK ORDERS. are administered. They are well represented in many of our Regulations. It was of orders of the second class that Napoleon wrote that to require passive obedience an order needed that the superior should be present, fully acquainted with the situation, and also able to listen to the representations of the subordinate. They find their highest form in the instructions issued to semi-independent armies in the field, but they also include all directions given for the majioeuvring of troops and con- nected with the movements of hostile forces. They difi"er from orders of the other class, mainly in being based on data more or less uncertain and incolnplete, and which may cease to apply before the order can be carried out; also in the far greater freedom of action which has to be given to the subordinate. The ill effects of errors in their composition, or in the manner in which they are 'obeyed, can frequently be remedied only with the very greatest difidculty. Finally, the time available for their drafting by the superior, or their study by the subordinate, is often very scanty. The foregoing theoretical classification, although useful in indicating the considerations which underlie the drafting of different kinds of orders, is not a suitable one in the field, and on service orders should be divided into : (1) Standing Orders, (2) Eoutine Orders, and (3) Operation Oi'ders. Standing Orders in war time are practically what they are in peace, namely, permanent regulations dealing with local circumstances; they hold good irrespective of the fortunes that befall the opix)sing forces. They exist in peace time in every district, garrison, camp and unit, and sj)ecial ones are issued at the commencement of campaigns and even of autumn manoeuvres. The care and completeness with which they are drawn up have no small eflect in reducing the labour of writing orders for subsequent operations. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. V Standing orders vary considerably with the theatre of war or manoeuvre, but a few examples will indicate their general nature. Those issued by General Crawford for the Light Division in the Peninsular War, will be found in extenso in Appendix I. of the ' Precis of Modern Tactics,' by Colonels Home and Pratt. Those of the German army, for its next European war, are contained in Part I. of its ' Felddienst- Ordnung ' (Orders for Field Service) ; those for its autumn manoeuvres are found in Part II. of the isame work, although corps and divisions usually issue special ones in addition. Every Commander should frame orders for his own command, their existence should be assumed at all war games and examinations, and orders drawn up at these latter, in answer to tactical questions, should contain no reference to Tuatters of daily interior economy and routine. Some examples are given in Chapter XII. Routine Orders are precisely the same in peace and in war. They deal with the administration of units, discipline, supply, pay, rewards, sanitation, replace- ment of wear and tear of personnel and materiel, and generally with matters which are only indirectly affected by the movements of the enemy. They include all orders which hold good for some length of time, such as references to meals, bands, bugle calls, hourly halts, appointment to commands, etc., and should be issued quite separate from operation orders, and, as far as possible, at regular intervals and hours, before noon when the force is stationary. Operation Orders are those issued for the movement or disposal of troops in accordance with the dictates oi t-trategy or tactics. They are entirely based on the actions of a real or imaginary enemy, and are the only orders referred to throughout thej remainder of this monograph, except in Chapters IX. and XII. 10 MANOSUVRE ORDERS. B. SYSTEM IN THE ISSUE OF ORDERS. On the barrack square small units may be watched by their leader and moved by his word of command, and when assembled in larger bodies on the drill ground they can be guided by signals, or messages conveyed by orderlies as the occasion for them arises. Once, however, troops are present in large numbers, and distributed over considerable areas for reasons of strategy, tactics or supply, such hand-to-mouth methods of command fail completely. The difficulty of keeping the leader fully informed of all that occurs entails greater decentralisation, and the limits to the supply of staff officers and orderlies render imperative the adoption of some system which, by regularity and completeness, will reduce orders to a minimum. Such a system is more easily organised than would appear at first sight. The manoeuvring of troops in the field con- sists practically in the solution by the commander of a series of strategical or tactical problems which present themselves whenever he receives information of suflicient importance to warrant a modification of his previous dispositions. Wlien this occurs, the general considers the task he has to perform and the means at his disposal, comes to a decision, and issues the necessary orders for carrying it out. XoNv the various kinds of ojierations which may be decided upon are very limited in number, and all have certain points of resemblance. March orders may be given for an advance, a retreat or a flank movement ; combat orders may make dispositions for the attack or the defence of a position ; or halt orders may distribute the force in camp, bivouacs or cantonments, and throw out outposts for their protection ; but beyond this there is little that troops under ordinary circumstances can be called upon to perform. It is thus possible to adopt for general use certain forms of written GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 11 orders which, with slight modifications, will be found nearly always applicable. It will, no doubt, be objected that the method advocated of writing orders according to certain forms is slc^w, cumber- some and pedantic, that the infinite variety of the situations which present themselves is so great that the instinct and experience of the commander are far better guides than any academic types, and that events, particularly on the battle- • field, follow each other in such rapid succession that there is not always time to laboriously commit to writing orders of relatively minor importance. All this is ver}" true, and order vjriting is, no doubt, irk- some — especially at war games and field days. But it must be remembered that verbal orders require to be at least as clear and complete as written ones, and the only labour saved is that of writing them down. And does this saving compensate for the many advantages gained by writing orders ? Let us consider what they are. The quantity of orders is diminished, for, before sending an order which will take, perhaps, five minutes to write, it is only human to ask oneself whether, after all, it is worth sending. Thus, the subordinate is given a freer hand, and the shuttle-play of orderlies is lessened. The quality is increased, for phrases are more carefully chosen, especially those passages which have exceptional importance, such as information respecting the enemy, or neighbouring friendly troops. There is less likelihood of error respecting their meaning, for the receiver can read them, if need be, a£a in_and ag ain. Friction is avoided, for, in the case of misapprehension, responsibility can be fairly apportioned, and the umpire or historian can say whether the error was due to want of clearness on the part of the issuer, or inaccuracy in the bearer of a verbal message, or lack of ability on the part of the receiver. 12 MANCEUVRE ORDERS. Finally, instruction is possible, and the director of the manceuvres can, without hesitation, place his finger on the very paragraph which led to the disaster. With verbal orders control is almost impossible. In defence of the forms advocated, it may at once be admitted that they are not intended for the use of experienced leaders of men, but as a help to those whose opportunities of handling the three arms have, even on paper, been few and far between. The habit of writing orders according to a sealed pattern may, no doubt, lead at times to the omission of some important point for which the pattern does not provide. This should not happen, however, if care is used ; and system in the arrangement of orders unquestionably increases the facility with which their purport is grasped. This is no trivial consideration either, for orders, on service, often take long to filter down to the smaller units, and several, at least, of the recipients may have to be roused from sleep to read them by the light of dim lanterns prior to issuing the necessary orders for their own commands. C. DESIDERATA. Orders should be clear, coucise and complete. "^ii| order is short when it does not contain a word tou much ;| com])lete, when there is not a syllable wanting ; clear, wheii| it can be comprehended at once by the meanest intellect'! (V. Hardegg). ' What Orders should Contain. 1. The latg^jt, information regarding the enemy and neighbouring meiidly troops, as far as it affects the sub- ordinate leaders. This forms the basis of the commanders intentions, and enables them to be more thoroughly understood. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 13 2. The aim and object of the operations, the inten- tions of the leader, and the action to be taken by the other portions of the field force. It is most necessary that these be communicated as far as they afiect the work immediately in hand. They enable subordinates to supply omissions in the orders and to meet unforeseen contingencies. In a word, they facilitate intelligent co-operation. 3. What is required of the various units. This must be briefly and concisely stated, but no doubt should be left as to the wishes of the commander. The subordinate leaders must have instructions on those points that they cannot individually and independently arrange for the attain- ment of the common object. The amount of detail that is gone into will depend upon the degree of control the commander desires to exercise, and the smaller this is to be the more general will be the terms of the orders. Thus instructions for a detached body, likely to be thrown on its own resources for some time, would be more an expression of the views and wishes of the com- mander of the forces, than orders in the strict sense of the word. 4. The place where the leader will be found. This enables reports to be sent with the minimum loss of time and danger of miscarriage. 5. The place, day and hour of issue. Between issue and receipt the situation may have undergone a material change. Should the subordinate have received other orders, he needs to know which of them, being the more recent, should be obeyed. Should no subsequent instructions have reached 14 MANCEUTRE ORDERS. him, he will be enabled to judge how far he is justified in tftkincr the serious respcmsibiliry of disobeyiniz. What Orders should Avoid. 1. All unnecessary detail. — The subordinate should know ivhat he has to do, but he should not be told how he is to do it. He should not — save in cases requiring co- operation — be given instructions on points that he can independently determine for himself, for they only tend to cramp his freedom of action. He is on the spot, and in minor matters is often the better judge of how things can best be done. His is the responsibility, his should be the initiative. This is especially the case with orders which require a certain time in transmission, or which will have to be carried out under circumstances that cannot be accurately foreseen. The rule applies also with regard to the selection of bodies of men for certain duties. The superior gives orders only to those units immediately under him, and not to the fractions of which they are composed. Thus, a brigade might be ordered to furnish one battalion for an advanced guard, but the selection of the battalion should be left to the brigadier. Further, " if troops are accustomed to have every detail of their normal duty pointed out in orders, they will get into the habit of doing nothing when orders are not forth- coming " (V. der Goltz). A special form of this error, " the expression ' will await further orders ' should be most sparingly used — such a measure paralyses subordinate leaders " (Moltke). 2. All reasons for orders.— They do not conduce to increasing the confidence felt in the leader. Qui s'excuse, s'accuse. Besides, all men have not judicial minds, and many a subordirute, though cajjable of giving admirable GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 15 effect to the orders he receives, may lack that trained judg- ment which is necessary to give due weight to the various considerations on which the orders were based. Moreover, to err is human, and the leader's conjectures may have been faulty even though success have been ulti- mately achieved. Enthusiasm and zeal are such potent factors in the field that no leader can afford to even run the risk of, in familiar phrase, " giving himself away." 3. Prophecy, either as regards the enemy's doings or the steps to be taken in conseqtience. If orders forecast too much, they have to be rectified by counter orders, and troops that feel they are being un- necessarily harassed are apt to become censorious and critical. 4. All mention of a retreat, save perhaps in orders for " a strategic movement to the rear." A retreat is, as a rule, the result of a defeat, and it is very hard to foresee in what direction it will be possible to retire. It will generally be made, if feasible, along the line that the troops have followed in their advance, but any arrange- ments that the general considers it necessary to make should be communicated only to his chief staflf officer, or at most to a few senior officers only. 5. All unnecessary matter. — This, besides making orders longer to take down, tends to obscure the points which are really of importance to the recipient. A common error is to quote superior orders at full length, or even to expand them. It is nearly always preferable to make extracts (taking care, of course, not to alter the sense) of what is necessary for the subordinate to know. 6. That vagueness of style or expression which leaves the subordinate uncertain as to what his leader really wishes 16 MANfEUVRE ORDERS. This is a serious blemish, and is not seldom the sign of a weak commander. How Orders should be Drawn Up. 1. The sequence of ideas must be logical.— The more closely the orders follow the train of thought in the com- mander's mind, the more readily will his intentions be grasped. The normal process is as follows : — (1) Consideration of the data of the problem, or, in other words, of the tactical and topographical situation ; (2) Weighing of the task presented by them, or by orders from su[)erior authority ; (3) Resolution of the action to be taken, and (4) Issue of orders for carrying it out. The first thing, therefore, to be set forth in all orders is the situation. This should include not only the position of hostile and friendly troops, but also the condition of the enemy, if it be of a nature to especially encourage our own forces. Information modifying that given on the map should be added when it affects the operations, such as a bridge having been destroyed, a river being in flood, or a canal having burst its banks. Then should come the decision of the commander as to the action he intends to take, or else the task which has been set him by higher authority — as the case may be — and also any co-operation that will be given by neighbouring friendly forces. This paragraph should be very concise. It is developed in the next one, which details what is to be done by the various units of the command. This is followed by the order for the ammunition columns, trains, ambulances, etc., and the last paragraph of all gives the position of the commander during the march, combat or halt. The principle of sequence should also be followed in allotting the rSles of the various units. They are generally GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 17 detailed from front to rear and from right to left. Thus, in march orders, the succession should be : advanced guard, main body, flank guard and rear cruard ; while in defence or outpost orders, each line should be detailed from right to left. In cases where there is no real topographical succession, units should be told off by arms and by seniority. This would also be the case in detailing the composition of a body of which it was not desired to fix the order of march (e.g. an advanced or flank guard, the order of which would be decided by its CO.). 2. The style should be crisp and clear. — Sonorous rounded phrases are out of place in orders. Superfluous words should be avoided, but the longest sentence is pre-.^ ferable to a possibility of error. Only expressions universally ^ understood should be employed. Orders should be divided '• into paragraphs which should be numbered. Headings to paragraphs are unnecessary, but the word or warate orders have to be iseued to individual units, yet, whenever possible, joint orders should be issued to the whole command. This saves time and ensures * See Table 1. page 39. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 19 no unit being forgotten, and no point in the scheme being left unprovided for. It also enables every subordinate leader to know what the others are doing. Separate orders are issued when necessary, for the ammuni- tion columns and baggage and supply sections of trains, on points that specially concern them, such as communication with magazines, refilling points, etc., but as much about them as is necessary for the combatant units to know, should be included in the general orders for the force. Specially organised detachments should have the com- mander as well as the composition named in orders. It conduces greatly to the rapidity with which orders are read, and their meaning comprehended, if they are written with a wide margin in which is given the distribution of the troops in a tabular form instead of including it all in the body of the order, 5. Orders should be preceded by a statement showing by whose authority they are issued, e.g. " Operation Orders by (name) Comg. 1st Division," and headed, on the right Bide with the place and date of issue. Even if the body be one tem- porarily formed (e.g. detachment, advanced guard, or outposts) the name of the issuer should be added. Orders should be signed by a stafi" officer who will add to his signature his rank and the title of the appointment he holds (or " General Staff " if he belongs to it). Hour at foot of order. 6. It is always well for the writer of an order to read it through carefully, before issue, and ask himself whether it is calculated to influence the recipient in the way only that is intended. Clear writing is of the greatest importance. D. THE ISSUE OF ORDERS. With operation orders, that regularity of issue which should distinguish routine ocders is out of the question, but s 2 20 MANCEUVRE ORDERS. every endeavour should be made to gret them out as early as possible. The larger the command the longer they will take to filter down, and in many cases (e.g. halt or march orders) an unduly late is.sue will seriously curtail the rest, not only of the minor statYs, but even of the troops themselves. It may be taken as a fair guide that, under circumstances involving some little thought and consideration, division orders will take an hour and a half to prepare and issue, and brigatle orders an hour. To this must be added the time they take in transmission. Unlike Routine Orders, complete copies of Operation Orders ate not passed, on to the smaller units, but are only issued to the larger bodies immediately under the issuer's command. What these are will depend c»n the situation. Thus, if the troops are more or less collected, the units will be those mentioned in the Order of Battle. Division orders would be given to the three brigades, the Divisional squadrons, the Divisional artillery, the Divisional engineers, the Ammu- nition column and train, and the field ambulances. If, how- ever, the force were distributed, the orders would be sent to the bodies created by such distribution. Thus, on the line of march copies would be sent to the protective cavalry, if any, the advanced guard, the main guard, flank guard, and ammunition a)lumns, and train. The rank of the representatives sent for operation orders is higher than that of those who receive routine orders. They should be, as a rule, the staff officers of the units they represent (though on the battle-field they will not un- frequently be the commandiuij officers themselves). This is desirable so that the general or his C.S.O. may be able to supplement the orders with any explanation on minor points with which be doe.s not desire to burden the orders, and also so that the sufierior staff may be given full information regarding tlie situation of the subordinate units. This is especially desirable after a battle, and officers QKJJERAL PRINCIPLES. 21 coming for orders should be carefal to bring with them j any information which is likely to be of use, such as amount I of ammunition and other supplies in possession, serious \ casualties, captures of personnel and materiel that have been made, position of enemy and our own troops, and so on. It is not always possible, however, to assemble all the representatives, and copies may have to be sent to distant units, or else some unit which is on the way to another may be directed to pass on the original. Important orders should be carried by officers, and if there is danger of their being intercepted, a dupHcate copy should be sent by a different route. After orders have been dictated, one of the recipients should read them aloud for errors to be corrected, watches | should be set by headquarters-staff time, and the original ' record of the orders should have noted upon it, at foot, the / mode of transmission and actual numbers of all the copies, which should be numbered coQsecutively. E. COMPLIANCE WITH ORDERS. 1. " A formal order is never to be departed from, either in letter or spirit, so long as the officer who issued it is present, and can see what is going on ; or, if he cannot see what is going on, provided there is time to report to him without losing an opportunity or endangering a command. 2. A departure from either the spirit or the letter of an order is justified if the subordinate who assumes the respon- sibility is conscientiously satisfied that he is acting as his superior would order him to act if he were present. 3. If a subordinate, in the absence of a superior, neglects to depart from the letter of his orders, vvlien such departure is clearly justified by circumstances, and failure ensues, he will be held responsible for such failure." (F.S.K.) 22 MANOSUVRE ORDERS. CHAPTER II. INSTBUCTIOIf IN WBITING ORDERS. To write good orders a certain amount of practice is necessary; the difficulty is how to obtain it. Even were manoeuvres more frequent than they are, everyone cannot serve on the staff. IStaflf rides form an excellent mode of instruction, but they demand a certain amount of time, are somewhat ex])ensive, and are rather beyond the reach of junior regimental officers. The best substitute is, perhaps, what may be called a Map Staff Ride, or War Game for orders only. The writer has seen it produce such excellent results that he ventures to offer some hints for its organisation. It is somewhat like the ordinary war game, but differs from it in the following important respects : — (a) The maps used are the one-inch Ordnance Survey. (b) No metal blocks are used to represent the troops. (c) The gam.e lasts one hour. (d) No conversation takes place save during the critique ; while the game is going on the umpire only reads out the situations and special ideas, and the players merely read out the orders they issue. (e) The special ideas are only communicated a few minutes before the orders have to be given. (/) The same does not cease as soon as the players come to close quarters, but includes such operations as retreats, }mrsuits, etc. INSTRUCTION IN WRITING ORDERS. 23 To go now more into details. As the only requirements are a few one-inch maps and a couple of rooms, the game is rery conveniently played regimentally, one of the majors acting as umpire or instructor, two captains commanding the opposing forces, and subaltern officers acting as their sub- ordinate leaders. No assistant umpires are necessary. The day prior to the game each side is told : — {a) The general idea ; (6) The situation ; (c) The commands the players hold ; but no special ideas are given out beforehand, the intentioD being to accustom officers to make up their minds quickly. At the commencement of the game one side comes into the room, is given its special idea, and, after a few minutes' consideration (but not consultation), issues its orders, the leader commencing and the subordinates then reading out the ones they issue, in consequence, to their respective units. The instructor then criticises the orders qua orders, but not from a tactical point of view. The side now withdraws, and the opponents have their turn. The first two sets of orders will probably be for a march. In the second stage of the game the umpire, having judged the circumstances under which the opposing forces will come into contact in accordance with these orders, gives special ideas involving a combat. Otherwise the procedure is the same as before. In the third stage one side will probably have to issue orders for a retreat out of action, and the other for a pursuit. Should there be a fourth stage, one side bivouacs, the other goes into billets, and both throw out qutposts; but in any case the hour is not exceeded. Both sides now come in together, learn the special ideas given to their opponents, and listen to a short critique on the 24 MANCEUVRE 0RDEK6. tactics of the game by the umpire, or perhaps the colonel who has been present. This last phase should not exceed a quarter of an hour. lill the players are fairly proficient, the orders should be written (Army Book 153 being used), and each game limited to a cou])ie of stages. Later on the orders may be given verbally from brief notes, and three or four stages can be managed. Similarly, the opposing forces should at first be only small detachments (the three arms being represented). When practice comes, mixed brigades may be used, but it is inadvisable to employ divisions. Not only would the com- mands be too large for the experience of the players, but the orders would take too long to write. The tactical exercise just described, besides affording practice in writing orders to officers who would not get it at manoeuvres, has certain special peculiarities of which every advantage should be taken. Apart from the essential differences between peace and war, the conditions which obtain at manoeuvres are unlike those of a campaign in several respects which are the out- come of financial considerations. The units are on a peace footing, the larger bodies are seldom organised in accordance with field force tables, and movement is restricted to ground where the damage will be trifling. Bivouacs and billet- ing are rather exceptional, and standing camps the rule. These financial considerations, however, have no effect at war games ; it is therefore specially to be recommended that the opportunity should be seized to practise at them orders for those operations which seldom take place at manoeuvres, such as retreats, pursuits, bivouacs, bil- leting, post-combat arrangements on the battle- field, and so on. The non-combatant units must always be present, and instructions must be issued for the movement or disposal of INSTRUCTION IN WRITING ORDEIIS. 25 field ambulances, hospitals, bfnrgage and supply j-ections of trains, ammunition columns, etc. All units should be at war strength, and the opportunity should be taken of gettincr accustomed to the composition and organisation of our field army, the forces employed in the game being taken from the Division to which the regiment belongs on mobilisation. This, besides imparting instruction, gives additional interest to the game. 26 MANCEUVRB ORDERS. CHAPTER III. TABLES AND DATA. A. WAR ESTABLISHMENTS.* 1- A Cavalry Brigade (with the Cavalry Divisions) con- sists of — Headquarters. 3 Cavalry Regiments, and 1 Signal Troop. Total : 1,718 personnel of all ranks. 1,873 horses. 6 machine guns ; 1 motor car. 50 other vehicles. 73 bicycles ; 3 motor cycles. 2. A Cavalry Division consists of— Headquarters. 4 Cavalry Brigades. Cavalry Divisional Troops — Cavalry Divisional Artillery — Headquarters. 2 Horse Artillery Brigades. C'avalry Divisional Engineers — Headquarters. I 1 Signal Squadron. 1 Field Squadron. | 1 H.Q. Cavalry Divisional Army Service Corps. •i Cavalry Field Ambulances. Total : 9,269 peisonnel of all ranks. 9,815 horses. 24 13-prs. ; 24 machine guns. 425 other vehicles. 23 motor cars. 412 bicycles ; 18 motor cycles. • Certain uuiis only have been insfrtid in this chapter. For other units vide "War Kstablishments, which gives all details in full. "First Line Tran! other ranks, 510 riding, 74 draught and 6 pack horses. It is organised in headquarters, machine gun section and o squadrons. Each squadron consists of 6 officers, 152 other ranks and 1G9 horses, and is divided into 4 troops each of 4 sections. The regimental transport consists of: for headquarters — 3 bicycles, 1 INIaltese cart for medical equipment, 1 G.S. wagon limbered for raft equii)ment, 1 water cart, 2 G.S. wagons (cook's and baggage), and 1 pack horse for veterinary equipment ; for each squadron — 2 G.S. limbered wagons for S.A.A. and tools and signalling equipment, 1 G.S. wagon (baggage), and 2 pack horses; for machine gun section — 4 G.S. limbered wagons for machine guns, tripods and S. A.A! TABLES AND DATA. 29 10. A Horse Artillery Brigade consists of— Headquarters, 2 baiteries and an ammunition column. Headquarters consists of H officers, 35 other ranks and 37 horses. Each battery consists of 5 officers. 200 other ranks (including attached), 102 riding and 12G draught horses. It is armed with six 13-pr. guna and divided into 3 sections. Tiie ammunition column consists of 4 officers, 223 other ranks and 280 horses. The transport consists of: for headquarters — 3 bicycles. 1 telephone wauon, 1 Maltese cart, 1 G.S. wagon (cook's), 1 G.S. wagon (baggage); for each battery — 6 gun carriages with limbers, 12 ammunition wagons, 1 G.S. wagon (baggage), 3 bicycles, 1 water cart; for the ammunition column — 1 water cart, 38 wagons with ammunition, 2 G.S. wagons (baggage), and 3 bicycles. 11. A Field Ai'tiilery Brigade consists of— Headquarters, 3 batteries and an ammunition column. Headquarters consists of 3 officers. 33 other ranks and 32 horses. Each battery consists of 5 officers. 193 other ranks. 50 riding and 122 draught horses. It is armed with six 18-pr. guns. The ammunition column consists of 3 officers. 155 other ranks and 196 horses. The transport consists of: Headquarters — 1 bicycle. 1 Maltese cart. 1 telephone wagon, 1 G.S. wagon (baggage), 1 G.S. wagon (cook's) ; eacli battery — 6 guns. 1 bicycle, 1 water cart. 12 ammunition wagons, 1 G.S. wagon (baggage) ; ammunition column — 7 S.A.A. carts, 1 water cart, 25 wagons ivith ammuni- tion, 2 G.S. wagons (baggage), and 1 bicycle. N.B. — The composition of the Field Artillery (How- itzer) Brigade differs slightly from the above. 12. A Heavy Artillery Battery and Ammunition Colunm consists of— G ofl&cers, 190 other ranks and 144 horses. It is armed 30 MAN(EUVRE ORDERS. with four 60-pr8. The transport consists of 4 guns, 1 bicycle, 1 telephone wai^on, 1 water cart, lo wa^-ons (12 for ammunition. 8 for technical stores) 1 G.S. wagon (cook's), 2 G.S. wagons (baggage). 13 A Divisional Ammunition Column consists of— 13 oflBcers, 549 other ranks and 706 horses. It is iivided into headquarters and 4 sections. I'he transport consists of — 6 bicycles, 1 Maltese cart, 2 water carts, 68 wagons with 18-pr. ammunition, 12 with howitzer ammunition, G with 60-pr. ammunition, and 18 with S.A.A., 2 G.S. wagons (1 cook's, 1 for technical stores), and 9 G.S. wagons (baggage). 14. A Pield Troop consists of— 3 officers, 72 other ranks and 74 horses and mules. Its transport consists of 4 R.E. tool carts, 1 water c^irt, 1 cook's cart. 2 wagons. 15. A Field Company consists of— 6 officers, 209 other ranks and 76 horses and mules. Its transport consists of 1 water carl. 4 forage carts, 1 cook's cart, 2 pontoon wagons, 1 trestle wagon, 1 G.S. wagon, 8 tool carts, and 38 bicycles. 16. A Signal Squadron consists of — 7 officers, 194 other ranks. 160 horses. 34 bicycles, 6 motor-cycles. It is formed in headquarters and 4 troops. " A " troop is equipped with 2 wagon wire- less stations ; '" B " has 2 cable detachments with 28 miles of cable and 8 vibrator offices ; " C " is equipped with 1 wagon, and 3 pack, wireless stations ; " D " provides signallers and despatch riders. Its trans- port consists of 1 water cart, 1 wagon G.S. (cook's), 16 wagons (3 limbered, wireless telegraph, 1 G.S.K.E., 6 liglit spring R.E., 3 cable and 3 limbered G.f^.), 2 motor cars, 14 pack horses. • TABLES AND DATA. 31 16a. a Divisional Signal Company (cable) consists of— ofiScers. 155 other rank:-. 60 horses, 9 motor cycles, 32 bicycles. Headquarters and -i sections, 9 detacli- ments, each capable of working 10 miles length of cable with terminal offices, and o telephone detach- ments with 8 miles of cable and 10 portable telephones. Transport — 1 cook's cart, 1 water cart. 3 cable wagons, 6 light spring R.E. wagons. 1 forage cart. 17. An Infantry Battalion consists of— 29 officers, 971 other ranks and oo horses and mules. 9 bicycles. It is formed in headquarters, machine gun section and 4 companies. Each company con- tains 6 officers and 221 other ranks. The transport consists of: for headquarters — 9 bicycles, 2 pack mules. 4: draught horses, 5 S.A.A. carts, 2 wagons for tools. 1 Maltese cart, 2 water carts, 1 wagon G.S. ( :•■ ok's) ; machine gun section — 1 limbered G.S. wagon, 1 S.A.A. cart ; each company — 2 pack animals, 1 travelling kitchen.* 18. A Divisional Train consists of — H.Q. and -i companies A.S.C. with 26 officers, 402 other ranks and 378 horses. Its transport consists of 1 Maltese cart, 5 forage carts, 4 water carts. 117 G.S. wagons and 7 carts for supplies, baggage, stores, etc., 8 G.S. wagons (cook's), 23 bicycles, 4 motorcars. 19. A Cavalry Field Ambulance consists of— 6 officers, 118 other ranks including attached, and 78 horses. It is formed in two sections, each of which consists of one half of the bearer division and one half of the tent division. Its transport consists of 2 water carts, 2 forage carts, 4 six-horsed ambulance wagons, 6 two-horsed ambu- lance wagons, 3 G.S. wagons for baggage, etc, 1 G.S. wagon (cook's), and 2 bicycles. * When this is provided the G.S. wagon (cook's) will not be issued to Il.y. 32 MANCEUVRB 0RDEB8. 20. A Field Ambulance consists of— 10 oflBcers, '2-i2 other ranks including attached nnd G6 horses. It is formed in three sections, each of which consists of one-third of the bearer division and one- third of the tent division. Its transport consists of S water carts, 3 forage carts. 10 ambulance waijons,^ G.S. wagons for baggage, etc., 1 cook's cart and 1 bicycle. Xote. — For other formations and units — as well as for tables giving in detail the distribution in tlie field of amu'unition, rations, forage, tools and explosives — see " War Establishments, Part I., Expeditionary Force 1914." B. AMMUNITION COLUMNS AND TRAIN. The principle of always establishing a superiority of numbers at the important point demands that when there is any prospect of an encounter with the enemy every consideration should give way to that of bringing the largest number of troops possible on to the battle-field in the shortest titue. The non-combatant part of tlie larger formations, such as armies or divisions, takes up, however, nearly as much road space as do the combatant troops, and it becomes necessary to eliminate from the fighting columns whatever is not necessary in battle. The units can then be closed up, and the baggage, etc., can march in greater security some distance in reaj. The transport of each unit is therefore divided into — 1st line, which comprises all that is necessary in action, with the addition of cook's vehicles and water carts. It invariably accompanies the unit. 2nd line, which includes the supplies and stores which are necessary in bivouac or billets. It is mobilized with the unit and accomj.anies it oversea, but on reaching the area of concentration it is withdrawn and organized in the A.S.C. "Trains."* Each company of the "Train" is organized in two sections — Baggage and Supply. * The baggage of R.E. units, ammunition columns and field ambulauce.-^, remains with tiiese uiiita. TABLES AND DATA. 33 This principle must at the same time not be carried too far, or the endurance of the troops will be unduly tried. It gives great discomfort for men to be separated for long from their baggage, and they should, as a rule, be in possession of it every evening. In a similar manner the non-combatant portion of a division is divided into those units which are needed in action : the ammunition column and field Jimbulances — and those which are not : the baggage and supply sections of the train. When fighting is probable, the columns to march nearest the troops would be those they needed in action. When the enemy is some distance the comfort of the men would be the first con- sideration. Koughly speaking, the system for supplies is as follows : — From To Carried by Under orders of Advanced Base Regulating Station Railhead Rendezvous Regulating Station Railhead Rendezvous | Refilling Points \ Refilling Points Troops I Railway ( Supply J Columns (M.T.; ( Mechanical transport J Supply section of ( Trains \ Inspector- f General of - Communi- 1 cation j (l.G.C.) Army or Div. Com- mander Thus the supply column (JNI.T.) leaves Railhead early each day so as to reach the Refilling Point ordered by 9 or 10 a.m. Supply section of train meets it there, fills up with supplies and rejoins force as ordered. Supplies issued to units same evening, meals cooked iind eaten by troops, balance of supplies packed in cooks' vehicles which accompany units when they again march. Supply section of train returns to Refilling Point, carrying any sick or wounded. wJiom it hands over to supply column (M.T.) when drawing fresh supplies next day. 34 MANCEUVRE ORDERS. The normal arrangement of these bodies in a Division would thus be somewhat as follows : — (a) If fighting were likely — Combatant troops. (Distance of say 2 miles.) Ammunition Columns. Field Ambulances. (Distance of say ^ to 8 miles.) Train. (b) If fighting were unlikely — Combatant troops. (Distance of 1 to 2 miles.) Baggage section of train. (Distance of 4: to S miles.) Supply sections of train (after refilling). Ammtumtion Columns. The foregoing typical disposition is one that would probably be adopted under normal circumstances when not in actual contact with the enemy, but it would not be always suitable. The orders given to the train and ammunition columns depend entirely on the position of the enemy. If he is in front it may (1) Park, and await instructions. (2) Follow at a specified interval (of time or space). If he is on a flank it may (1) March close up to the column, (2} Follow a parallel road. TABLES AND DATA. 35 If he is in rear, and the force retreating, it would Be sent on in front. During a combat it will generally park and await events. Trains should not be ordered to form up along main roads ; a suitable formation is either parked on some open space or in column of route on a bye-road with the leading vehicle at the junction with the main road along which the march will take place. Ba.sfgage should be in the same order of march as the units to which it belongs, and the vehicles of each unit should be in the following order : 1, supply ; 2, kits, etc. ; 3, stores. For nature of orders to baggage and other columns, see page 38.* C. ROAD SPACES. These are calculated for infantry in fours, cavalry in sections, artillery and train in column of route, spare, led and pack horses in pairs. The combatant column includes 1st line transport Vehicles with 6 horses require 20 yards, with four horses 15 yards, and with 2 horses 10 yards. Animals not in draught require i yards. Bicycles, motor cars, and lorries in single file 6 yards. The distance between units is 25 yards. Between one battery and another or between the transport of units it is 10 yards. Allowance for opening uut. " Add 20 per cent, in the case of good marchers or mounted troops : from 25 to 40 per cent, for mdiiferent marchers. The full amount of opening out will * Detailed regulations with regard to trains, supply columns (.M.T.). etc., have recently been issued, and are to be tound in memorandum explaining the reorganized systems of supply, etc., dated February 1, 1912 (79/ii9il), and in pp. 162-163, F.S. Pocket Book, 1913. c 2 36 MAN(EUVRE ORDKRS. be reached wlien troops have been inarehiiigr for about an hour." I Fighting Examples from F.S. Pocket Book. j Portion, i Transport. I Yards. Yards. Divisional Headquarters 20 | 80 Infantry Brigade Headquarters .. 15 | 35 Cavalry Regiment . . , . ' . . . . ; 570 ' 405 „ ' Squadron i 160 ■ 80 Battery R.H.A I 440 , 75 „ R.FA 390 65 Field Company | 400 90 Infantry Battalion , 625 , 320 At the commencement of a march 1 minute may be allowed for a squadron to pass the starting point at a walk, 2 minutes for a field co. R.E. or a bearer co., 3 minutes for a battery and 6 minutes for a battalion. For complete tables see F.S. Pocket Book. pp. 32-36, 1913 Edition. D. RATES OF MARCHING. Brigades of infantry under favourable circumstances will march 3 miles an hour, field artillery 4 miles, cavalry and horse artillery 5 miles, but with larger bodies the rate is slower, as every check is felt right through the whole column. Moreover, in contact with the enemy, mixed bodies move at the rate of the slowest arm. A division will not get over more than 2h miles an hour, or an army on one road more than 2 miles. Cavalry reconnoitres over ordinary coimtry at about 5 miles an hour ; trains marcij at 2^ miles an hour. 25 minutes 25 j» 25 30 ^, 30 55 TABLES AND DATA. 3" During night marchee troops cover 2 miles an hour on roads. 1 mile an hour across country. General Bronsart v. Schellendorf gives the following results of adverse " going " or weather on the rates of marching. A battalion taking 20 minutes to cover a mile under ordinary circumstances would take : — In heat from 67° to 77° Fahr. In heayy rain or snow Over sandy or muddy roads Against strong head wind Hilly country roads . Moving to a starting point, all troops may be assumed to march 100 yards a minute. E. APPROXIMATE AREAS FOR CAMPS AND BIVOUACS. Divisional Headquarters ; Field Company . . 1 acre Brigade „ i „ Battery 2^ acres Battalion 2 Squadron 1| » F. ACCOMMODATION IN BILLETS. (Ordinary.) Leave top floor for the inliabitants, and allot other floors to troops at the rate of one man per yard of front for every three yards of width. Give sergeants space for two men, and junior oflBcers enough for four privates. 38 MANOEUVRK ORDERS. H. ORDERS FOR TRAINS. AMMUNITION COLUMNS, ETC. Operation Orders No.... Copy No.... by Place. comg Date of References to "Map. issue. 1- Information ^e the movements of the combatant units. 2. March or Halt Orders for Trains, ammunition columns, field ambulanceB, parks, etc. 3. Special Orders for vehicles to (a) Join combatant units. (&) Return to depots to fill up. 4. Reports and Returns respecting moveuients, supplies available, casualties, etc., to be sent to (a) Head Quarters. (h) Units concerned. How communicated and hour. Signature. Copy No... .to by "at ABBREVIATED TITLES OF REGIMENTS. 39 ^ ABBREVIATED TITLES OF REGIMENTS AS FROM ARMY LIST. Regiment. Eoyal Horse Guards 1st Life Guards 1st Dragoon Guards 1st Dragoons 3rd Hussars 5th Lancers Roval Horse Artillery » Field „ Garrison „ „ Engineers Coldstream Guards... Grenadier Irish Scots Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Bedfordshire Eegt. . . . Berkshire Eegt., Royal Border Regt Cameron Highlanders Cheshire Regt. Connaught Rangers Cornwall's Light Infantry, Duke of Devonshire Regt Dorsetshire Regt Dublin Fusiliers, Royal. . . Durham Light Infantry... Essex RegtT Gloucestershire Regt. . . . Gordon Highlanders Hampshire Regt Army List Abbreviation. R.H.G. 1 L.G. 1 D.G. 1 Dns. 3Hrs. 5 Lrs. R.H.A. R. Fd. Art. R. Garr. Art. R. Eng. C. Gds. G. Gds. I. Gds. S. Gds. Arg. & Suth. Highrs. Bedf. R. R. Berks. R. Bord. R. Cam'n Highrs. Ches. R. Conn. Rang. D. of Com. L.I. Devon R. Dorset R. R. Dub. Fus. Durh. L.I. Essex R. Glouc. R. Gord. Highrs, Hamps. R. MAN(EUVRE ORDERS. Regiment. Army List Abbreviation. Highland liipht Infantry High. L.I. Inniskilling Fusiliers, Royal R. Innis. Fus. Irish Fusiliers, Royal R. Ir. Fus. Irish Regt., Royal' R. Ir. Regt. Irish Rifles, Royal R. Ir. Rif. Kent Regt., East E. Kent R. Kent Regt., Royal West R. W. Kent R. King's Royal R'ifle Corps K. R. Rif. C. Lancashire Fusiliers Lan. Fus. Lancashire Regt., Hast E. Lan. R. Lancashire Regt., Loyal North N. Lan. R. Lancashire Regt., South S. Lan. R. Lancashire Regt., Royal R. Lan. R. Leicestershire Regt Leic. R. Leinster Regt Leins. R. Lincolnshire Regt Line. R. Liverpool Regt L'pool R. Manchester Regt Manch. R. Middlesex Regt Middx. R. Munster Fusiliers, Royal R. Muns. Fus. Norfolk Regt Norf. R. Northamptonshire Regt North'ii R. Northumberland Fusiliers North'd Fus. Nottinghamsliire & Derbyshire Regt.... Notts & Derby R. Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Oxf. & Bucks L.I. Rifle Brigade Rif. Brig. Royal Fusiliers R. Fus. Royal Highlanders R. Highrs. Scots, Royal R. Scots Scots Fusiliers, Royal R. Sc. Fus. Scottish Borderers, King's Own K. 0. Sco. Bord. Scottish Rifles Sco. Rif. Seaforth Higli landers Sea. Highrs. Shrops 1 1 ire Light Infantry Shrops. L.I. Staffordshire Regt., North N. Stafl". R. Stuftordshire Regt. , South S. Staff. R. ABBREVIATED TITLES OF REGIMENTS. 41 Regtment. guffolkRegt Surrey Eegt., East Surrey Regt.. Royal West Sussex Regt., Royal Wales Borderers, South... Warwickshire Regt., Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Royal ... Welsh Regt. ... WestRidin? Regt Wiltshire Regt Worcestershire Rest. York & Lancaster Regt. Yorkshire Light Infantry Yorkshire Regt Yorkshire Regt., East ... Yorkshire Regt., West ... Array Medical Corps, Royal Army Service Corps Army Veterinary Corps... Cambridgeshire Regt. ... Essex & Suffolk Cyclist Bn. Herefordshire Regt. Hertfordshire Regt. Highland Cyclist Bn. Kent Cyclist Bn. ... London Regt Monmouthshire Regt. Northern Cyclist Bn. West African Regt. West India Regt. ... Army List Abbreviation. Suff. R. E. Surr. R. R. W. Surr. R. R. Suss. R. S. Wales Bord. R. War. R. R. W, Fus. Welsh R. W. Rid. R. Wilts R. Wore. R. York & Lane. R. Yorks L.I. York R. E. York R. W. York R. R. A. Med. Corps. A. S. Corps. A. Vety. Corps. Camb. R. Essex & Suff. Cvclist Bn. Hereford R. Herts. R. Highl. Cyclist Bn. Kent Cyclist. Lond. R. Mon. R. N. Cyclist Bn. W. Afr. R. W. L R. 42 MAN(EUVRE ORDERS. chaptp:r IV. MABCH OBDEBb. A. OUTLINES FOR ORDERS FOR AN ADVANCE. Operation Orders No.... Copy No.... by Place. comg Date of References to " Map. issue. Protective i. Information regarding Cavalry. (a) The enemy. 0.0. (^) Our own forces, Troops. (c) Topography. Advanced auard. 2. Intentions of the G.O.C. Cavalry ^' Distribution of Troops. ^n^ZL, '- Order for the Protective Infantry. Cavalry. Point and liour of start. Direction of march. Task. Any special reconnaissance. Communications to be maintained. Instructions re destruction of rail- ways or bridges. MARCH ORDERS. 43 Main Body in order of march. Cavalry. Infantry. Artillery. Infantry. Engineers. Ris^ht (or Left) Flank Guard. CO. Cavalry. Artillery. Engineers. Infantry. Rear Guard. CO. Troops. Trains, etc., in order of march. Ammunition Column. Field Ambulances. Trains. Bridging Train. etc., etc. How communicated and hour Copy No.. ..to by at...m. 5. Order for Advanced Guard. Starting point. Any special duties. 6. Order for Main Body. Starting point. Hour of start. 7. Order for Flank Guard. Place and hour at which it leaves the main column. Direction of reconnaissances, or How long any position is to be held. 8- Order for Outpost Troops. Hour of withdrawal. Instructions for joining the column. 9. Order for Rear Guard. 10. Order for Trains, etc. Escort. Hour and formation of Assembly. Direction of march. Hour of start, or distance in rear. Place at which to await further orders. 11- Special Instructions. Refilling Points, etc. 12. Communication by Signalling, etc. Position where G.O.C. will march, and to which reports are to be sent. Signature. 13. 44 MANCBUVRE ORPERS. B. OUTLINES FOR ADVANCED GUARD ORDERS. Operation Orders No.... Copy No.... by Place. comg Date of Keferences to " Map. issue. Advanced Guard i. Information rewarding- Cavalry, (a) Enemy. CO. (fe) Our own forces. Troops. (c) Topography. Vanguard. 2. Intentions of O.C. Advanced Q Q Guard. Eng^Jers. ^- Distribution of Troops. 4. Order for Advanced Guard Main Guard in Cavalry. order of march. Place and hour of start. Cavalry. Direction of march. Infantry. Reconnoitring. Artillery. Special tasks. Infantry. •*>. Order for Vanguard. Right Cor Left) Point and hour of start. Flank Guard. R^ad to be followed. Q Q Any special instructions. En^n^rs. ^- Order for Main Guard. Infantry. Starting point. Hour of start, or (preferably) Distance in rear of vanguard. • At night or in close country. MARCH ORDERS. 45 7. Order for Flank Guard. Point and hour at which it will leave main column. Road to be followed. Directions for reconnaissances. Instructions re occupation of any position. 8. Order for Outposts. Hour of withdrawal. Place they will take in the column. 9. Arrangements for Signalling. ^Maintenance of communication be- tween different portions of A.G., also with Main Body. 10. Position of O.C. Advanced Guard on the march. How communicated and hour. Signature. Copy No,. ..to by at...m. C. OUTLINES FOR ORDERS FOR A RETREAT. Operation Orders No. . . . Copy No. . . . by Place. comg ^ Date of References to "Map. issue. Trains tn order 1. Information regarding— of march. (a) The enemy. (6) Our own forces. Advanced Guard. CO, 2. Intentions of the G.O.C. Engineers Infantry. 3, Distribution of Troope. 46 MAN(EUVRE ORDERS. Main Body «» ^- Order for Trains. order of march. Escort. Eno-ineers Hour and formation of assembly. Infantrv * Direction of march. Artillery. Hour of start. Infantry. 5. Order for Advanced Guard. Cavalry. Starting point. Hour of start. Rear Guard. Instructions re defensive prepara- Q Q tions. Cavalry. 6. Order for Main Body. Artillery. Starting point. Infantry. Hour of start. Route. Flank Guard. Distance from rear guard. * O.c. '^- Order for Rear Guard. Cfivalry Point and hour of start. Artillery. Any reconnoitring. Infantry. Special demolition duties. 8. Order for Flank Guard. Point and hour of start. Road to be followed. Reconnaissances. 9. Order for Outposts. Hour of withdrawal. Position in column of route. 10. Arrangements for Signalling. 11. Position of O.C, to which re- ports will be sent. How aymmunicated and hour. Signature. Copy No.. ..to by at..,m. * In savage warlart. MABCH ORDERS. 47 D. MARCH ORDERS FOR A MIXED BRIGADE. Copy No.... Operation Orders No.... Crown Hotel, by Maj.-Gen. X. Comg. 9th Infy. Bde. MOTTRAM, Eeferences to " Map No.... 2/7/11. Advanced Guard. 1. The Enemy has occupied HEY- O.C: Lt.-Col. Brown. 'B' Sqdn. 13 Hrs. (less 1^ troops), let. Bn. Oxf. & Bucks L.I. 2. Main Body, in order of march. 1 troop ' B ' 13 Hrs. ^• 2nd Bn.R.W. Kent R. 28th Batt. R. Fd. Art. 4. Ist Bn. Durh. L.I. 4th Bn.Rif. Brig., less 1 coy .(now outposts). 5. Train, etc., in order of march. No. 9 Fd. Ambce. No. 10 Co. A.S.Corps. . Train. ^• Rear Guard. 1 coy. 4th Bn.Rif. Bde. 1 sect. 13 Hrs. '^• WOOD. Hi^ cavalry patrols are reported in BLACKLEY and ROWTON. The 10th Brigade bivouacs at DENTON. The 2th Brigade will resume the oflfensive to-morrow. The Distrihution is given in the margin. The Advanced Guard will march on OGDEX, reconnnoitring towards LIDGATE, driving back any hostile bodies. The Main Body will follow the advanced guard by ASHWAY, moving from the starting point, the Foundry, at 6 a.m. The Outposts will close as soon as the advanced guard Las passed their line, and join the main body at BIRCH chapel. The Ambulance and Baggage section of the Train will follow the main body, and start from the Foundry at 7.30 a.m. The supply section of the Train will proceed to STOCK- HAM, refill there and rejoin force 48 M^ANCEUVRE ORDERS. OGDEN by 4 p.m. Escort : 1 sect. 13 Hrs. under an officer. 8. Bde. Sig. Officer will establish and maintain signalling communica- tion between units and G.O.C. 9. The G.O.C. will march at head of main body. Dictated to reps, of units. Copy No.... to O.C. outposts by Corp. X. (Signature) at 5 p.m. „ No.. ..to by E. ADVANCED GUARD ORDERS (Based on prev. orders). Copy No..., Operation Orders No.... Red House, by Lt.-Col. Brown, Comg. A.G. MOTTRAM, References to " Map No.... 2/7/11 Advanced Guard 1. The Enemy has occupied HEY- Cavalry. WOOD. His cavalry patrols are 'B' Sqdn. 13Hrs. reported in BLACKLEY and (less 1^ troops). ROWTON. The lOth Brigade has reached Vanguard. DENTON. The 9th Brigade re- O.C. : Maj. Smith. sumes the offensive to-morrow 1 coy. 1st Bn Oxf. & Bucks L.I. 2. The Advanced Guard will march to-morrow on OGDEN. Starting Main Guard. point, the Foundry. I sect. ' B ' sq. 13 Hrs. 1st Bn. Oxf. & Bucks 3. The Distribution is given in t)ie L.I. (less 1^ coys.). margin. 4, The Adv. Gd. Cavalry will march at 5.30 a.m. on OGDEN by ASH- WAY, and will reconnoitre towards LIDGATE. Communication to be kept up with 10th Brigade. MARCH ORDERS. 4!> Left Flank Guard. CO. : Capt. Robinson. 2 platoons. Ist Bn. Oxf. & Bucks L.I. Copy No.... to O.C. B Squad. 1- by orderly. At 6 p.m. 5. The Vanguard will start at same hour and move on OGDEN by ASHWAY. 6. The Main Guard will follow with a quarter of a mile distance. 7. The Left Flank Guard will march at 5.30 a.m. to HANK HILL, which it will hold till the main guard has crossed the PIKE brook. It will then rejoin the column. 8. The Sig. Officer (Oxf. & Bucks L.I.) will establish communication by sig- nalling between the parts of the A.G. and O.C. 9. I shall march at the head of the main guard. Hrs. A. Brown, Lt-Col. Oxf. & Buelis L.L, Comg. Adv. Guard. F MARCH ORDERS FOR A DIVISION. Copy No... Operation Orders No.... Town Hall, by Maj.-Gen. X., Comg. Fourth Division. FLOCKTON, Eeferences to " Map No.... 16/7/11 Protective Mounted I. The Enemy was defeated yesterday by our First Army at HALIFAX, and has retired behind the river RENDLE. The bridges at KIRKBY and NOR* TON have been destroyed. Troops. A Squad. 13 Hrs. Advanced Guard.* CO. Brig.-Gen. Y. 1 Battery 25th Bde. R.Fd.Art. * The units of the Advanced Guard are not shown " in order of inarch." a*, this would be given by the Advanced Guard Commander in his own Advanced Guard order. The battery allotted would be selected by the O.C. 25th Bdg. R.F. A., and the two BattaliouB by their Brigadier ; their number or r.ameii a: ' not therefore given iu the Division operation order. 50 MANCEUVRE ORDERS. 7th Fd. Co. R.Eng. 2. 10th Infy. Brigade, less 2 Bns. Bearer Sub-Div. 9th ?>. Fd. Ambulance. 4. Main Body in order of march. 2 Bns. lOth Infy. Brigade. 4th (8ignal)Co. R.Eng. 25th Brig. R.Fd.Art. (less 1 Battery). 29th Brig. R.?M.Art. ^ 32nd Brig. R.Fd.Art. " 37th Brig. R.Fd.Art. (Howitzer). 24th (Heavy) Battery R.Garr.Art. 11th Infy. Brigade. ^• 12th Infv. Brigade. 9th Fd. Co. R.Eng. Bde. Amm. Column R.Fd.Art. 7. Amm. Column R.Ciarr.Art. 9th Fd. Amb. (less 8. Bearer Sub-div.). 10th Fd. Ambulance. 12th Fd. Ambulance. 4th Divisional Ammn. Column. 9, 4th Divisional Train ^Nos. o, 14, 25 & 38 Cob. A. S. Corps. The Fourth Division will continue its advance to-morrow on DEWS- BURY. The Distribution is given in the margin TTie Divisional Squadron will march at 6 a.m. on BIRSTAL, and will cover the front and right flank of tlie advance. An officer's patrol will be sent at davbreak in the direction of MIRFIELD. The railway is to be interrupted near BERRYDALE. The Advanced Guard will march by HEDLEY to the rising ground north of WROTE, which it will occupy. Endeavour will be made to repair the bridge at KIRK BY. The Main Body will march (starting point LINDFIELD paper mills) at 7.30 a.m., and move on BLACKTON. Water carts and cooks' vehicles will march with 1st Line transport of all units. The Outpost Troops will concentrate at tlie Powder Mills as soon as the advanced guard has passed the line of piquets, and will join the column as detailed. The Brigade and Divisional Ammu- nition Columns and 3 Fd, Ambcs. will follow the Division, leaving LIND FIELD at 9.30 a.m. Escort : 2 Companies to be detached by G.O.C. 12th Brigade. MARCH ORDERS. 51 The Train will follow, marchins: as soon as it has refilled at Refilling: Points, ou BLAL'KTOX. Escort : 1 company to be detailed by G.O.C. 12th Brig. 10. The O.C. Divl. Sig. Co. will arrange for communication by field tele- phone, cyclists or signalling be- tween brigades and G.O.C. 11. Reports will be sent to the G.O.C. at the head of the main body. Dictated to Brigade Majors, Adj. E.A., (Signature) Orderly Oflicers R.E. and E.A.M.C. Copy Xo.... to O.C. Outposts by Sergt. Z. „ No.... to O.C. A Squadron 13 Hrs. by Corpl. Y., etc. etc. at 4 p.m. G. ARMY* MARCH ORDERS. Operation Orders No.... Copy No.... bv Lt.-Gen Bull Inn, comg SOUTH WARNBOEOUGH, References to " Map. 3/7/11 1. The First Cavalry Brigade having defeated the Enemy's Cavalry at HAETFOED BEIDGE FLATS and thrust it behind the river BLACKWATEE, has been ordered to move northward to the THAMES. The Army is ordered to detach a Division in support. The remainder of the Force is to advance on CHEETSEY. The Army moves on GUILDFOED. The Army moves on CEANLEY. 2. The Enemy is reported to have occupied the FEIMLEY- FEIMHUEST ridge with a force of all arms. The Ueut.- G^ueral intends to attack him. * A. group of Divisions. D 2 52 MAN(EUV^RE ORDERS. 3. The Army will march to-morrow as under: — First Division from UPTON GREY at 6 a.m. on READING, via NORTH WARNBOROU(iII, under instructions conmiuuicated diiect to the G.O.C. the Division. Seoond Division from SOUTH WARNBOROUGH at 6 a.m. on BLACKWATER, via ODIHAM, ST. MARY'S and YATELEY COMMON. lliird Division from LONG SUTTON at 7 a.m. on GALLEY HILL and COVE. The Third Division will furnish a ri^rht flanking detachment to march via CRONDALL and ALDERSHOT. The Protective Cavalry will march at 5 a.m. on STAINES. An officer's patrol will start at daybreak, reconnoitre the FOX HILLS as far north as the Canal, and report direct to Army Head Quarters. The Bridging Trains and ISth Co. R.Eng. are placed at the disposal of the G.O.C. Second Division. The remainder of the Army Troops, Divisional Ammu- nition Columns and Field Ambulances will rendezvous at point 310 (1" map, f mile N.N.E. of SOUTH WARNBOROUGH) at 7.30 a.m., and follow the Second Division, under command of Colonel K. The Trains of Divisions (First Div. excepted) and of Army Troops, on return from Refilling Points, will rendezvous at point 310 (see above) at 11 a.m., and follow the Second Division as far as HARTFORD BRIDGE FLATS, where they will park and await orders The Army Troops Battalion will furnish the escort of the above baggage and trains, and also the rear guard of this column. 5. Army Head Quarters ^i\\\e(t.y&\^0\3Tn WARNBOROUGH 7 a.m. and more to BLACKWATER, for BAGSHOT. MARCH ORDERS. 53 The Lieut.- General Comg. will start at 7 a.m., and march at the head of the main body of the Second Division (with which the Third Division will maintain communication). Dictated to D.A.A.G.'s of Divisions {Signature) and Adjutants of Corps Troops. Copy No.... to General Hd. Qtrs. by Lieut. P. „ No.... Corps Cavalry by Sergt. N. at 10 p.m. H. MARCH ORDERS FOR A BRIGADE. (Up to assembly only.) Operation Orders No.... Copy No.... by Brig. -Gen Blua Post, comg. 1st Cav. Brigade. SULHAM, References to " Map. 4/9/11 Adv. Gd. 1. The Enemy is reported to have re- 4 D.G. sumed his march northward, and to have occupied HARTON and Main Body, in order of THORPE with cavalrv. Hostile march. infantry has reached' HURST. 9 Lrs. The wires were cut this morning " " R.H.A. between BURWOOD and WAS- Signal Troop R.Eng. ING. Fidd Troop R.Eng. ., q^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ to-morrow on UPTON, and the South Army on ASHFORD. 3. The Brigade will rendezvous to- morrow at .") a.m. in column of route on SULHAM-CRANFORD road, advanced guard at CRAN- FORD. The distribution is de- tailed in the margin. The 3 Hrs. (now outp.'sts) will cover the assembly of tlie Brigade. 3 Hi 54 MANOEUVRE ORDERS. 4. The O.C. 4 D.G. wQl detail an officer's patrol to report at Bde. Hd. Qrs. ut 4.30 a.m. for instruc- tions. 5. The Train and Fd. Ambce. will park at POYLE at 6 a.m., and await orders. 6. Commanding Officers will report personally to G.O.C. at CRAN- FOKD at 5 a.m. for orders. Dictated to Ordy. Officers at 10 p.m. {^Signature) Copy No.... J. MARCH ORDERS FOR A DIVISION. (Assembly in two columns.) Operation Orders No. . . . Copy No by Lt.-Gen Hill House, comg. Fifth DiWsion. BURTON, References to ' Map No.... 6/9/11 Bight Col. 1. No fresh news of the Enemy. Our G.O.C. : Army crosses the FLODDEN to- 13th Infy. Bde. morrow below SELLS. 24th & ^Sth R. Fd. to-morrow in two columns, the irr^^Sj ?-^^T> -r, head of the right column leaving V<:\1- . ■ W* HURLEY at 7 a.m., that of the 5th (bignaJ) Coy. R. ^e^i column crossing DUNNER Eng., less 2 sections. bridge at 7.30 a.m. The Distri- j f. /-r 7 button is given in the margin. G.O.C: Brig.-Gen. 3. The Divisional Squadron will march Smith. ;it dawn under special orders for 15th Infy. Bde. which the O.C. will report at Divl. Hd. Qrs. at once. MARCH ORDERS. O 59th Fd. Co., K.Eng. 4. The three Fitld Ambulances will 45th & 30th R. Fd. follow the right column and leave Arty. Bds. HURLEY at 8.30 a.m. 31st Heavy Batt. R. The Divisional train on return from Gar. Art. Refilling \sill park on HURLEY Nos. 3 & 4 sections GREEN at 8.30 a.m., and await 5th (Signal) Coy. orders. °' 5. Officers commanding Brigades will meet the G.O.C. the Division on HURLEY GREEN at 6.40 a.m. to receive orders. Dictated to reps, of Brigades and of divisional units at (Signature) 8 p.m. Copy No.. ..to by Notes on the foregoing March Orders. Advanced, Flank or Bear Guards. Their commander, who should be named in orders, settles the order of march of his own command, the hour of starting and distance from main body. Special Instructions. These have sometimes to be given re rations, guides, halts, communications, etc. Hour of Start. " Unless it be necessary, on account of tl}e sun's power, to march extremely early, it is better for men and horses not to march until a good hour atter daybreak, so that all may have had a good meal by daylight " (Wolseley). The tactical situation might, however, require this rule to be dis- regarded, and an earlier start to be made. Starting point. " If the troops have been cantoned ou tiie pre- vious night in a number of different villages, and it is wished, as used formerlv to be the ease, to rendezvous before marching 56 MAN(KUVRE ORDERS. otf, at one spot, the battalions destined to brins; up tbe rear of an Army corps would have to remain five or six hours at the place of assembly. It is better, therefore, to collect them into small bodies according to the situation of their night quarters, and to make these groups defile by the bye-lanes into the high roads and unite, just as tributary streams join one another and form a large river " (Von der Goltz). " The starting point is not that where all the details of the column ought to join the main road, for troops may sometimes be on the main road without having passed the initial point ; it is the point after passing which each detail is to march in its proper order, and at its correct distance. It is selected in front of the cantonments, in order that all the troops may . The Artillery will take up a covered position in readiness N.W. of the cro>d rouds ut BOWLES GREEN. C50MBAT ORDERS. 65 4. The ISth Infy. Brigade will occupy the west edge of QUARR woods. The Uth Infy. Brigade will occupy the line SHERLOCK village-BINFIELD WOOD, tx)th inclusive. 5. The loth Infy. Brigade will form a general reserve at the disposal of the Lieut.-General, and take post in the hollow N.E. of BOWLES GREEN. 6. The Divisional Squadron will reconnoitre towards DORNEY and OAKBRIDGE. respectively. 7. The wood and village (v. para. 4) will be prepared for de- fence. The Field Co. R.Eng. will throw three foot-bridges across the WINDLE brook between SHERLOCK and the flour-mill. 8. The Ammunition Columns will form up one mile north of BOWLES GREEN, and the Fieki Ambulance at BIRLEY PARK (lodge gate). 9. The Train will refill by local requisitions and park at REPTON. 10. The Lieut.-General will be at BOWLES GREEN. Dictated to Brigade Majors and Adjutants at 9 a.m. {Signature) Copy to O.C. Advanced Guard by Sergt. X. „ Cavalry by Corp. Y. ,, Amn. Col. by Sergt. K. (To be sent on to Train.) Notes on Defence Orders. Occupation of a Position. '' The defence is always based on possibilities, and its great danger lies in too hasty or too tardy action. Character, judgment, foresight and luck are all required to enable a general to keep every single man in his grasp until he knows what the enemy is doing, and then to employ the whole of his strength at the decisive point. Until the enemy's E Q6 MANCEUVRE ORDERS. approach is reported, or its direction ceases to be doubtful, and wliile the commander is uncertain whether he will have to marcli or to fight, the troops should be collected in a prelimi- nary position in readiness for all emergencies." (' Instruction in Tactics.') Brigade Ammunition Columns. " The position of the columns during a battle will normally be regulated by artillery brigade commanders in accordance with the instructions of divisional artillery commanders. It may sometimes be necessary for the higher commanders to issue sjiecial orders as to their positions. The positions selected should offer facilities for interconununi- cation and movement, and should be about a mile in rear of the battery vcagon lines. When an action is imminent divisiojial ammunition columns will be ordered to form reserves at conve- nient points. The position of these points will be fixed by divisional headquarters, if necessary under instructions from army headquarters, and should usually be about two miles in rear of brigade ammunition columns." (F. A. T. 1912.) Dressing Stations and Field Ambulances. Their position is decided by the G.O.C. in whose command they are. It is hardly possible to change it the day of action, and for this reason it should be selected with care and deliberation. A dressing station should be sheltered from rifle tire, and if possible also from that of artillery. A good road should com- municate with the front. Abundance of water and straw are desirable. If available large well-lighted rooms siiould be utilised ; failing these, barns or tents may be used. About a mile behind Ihe firing line is a suitable position for a dressing station. A field ambulance should be about double this distance. Brigade Reserve S.A.A. is formed preparatory to an action by detaching from each Battalion 2 IS.A.A. carts, i.e. about a third of its regimental reserve ; these follow in rear of the Brigade under an oflBcer detailed by the G.O.C. If the Brigade has to advance over broken ground or through woods, or otherwise inter-communication becomes diflicult, the Brigade S.A.A. carts may be distributed between battalions. (I. T. 1914.) 67 CHAPTER VI. EALT ORDERS. A. OUTLINE FOR HALT ORDERS FOR A SMALL FORCE. (For Billets aud Outposts.) Copy No.... Operation Orders No.... Place by Date. comg References tj " Map. 1. Order to Halt. •-. Brief Statement of General Situation. Position of Enemy. Position of Main and Neighbouring Bodies. Intentions. 3. Order for Outposts. Commander. Outpost Troops. General line to be taken up. Points to be specially watched, patrolled, or prepared for defence. Procedure in case of attack. 1. Order for remainder of Force. How quartered. Bivouac (camp or billet) commandant. Protective measures (in addition to those of outpost troops). Instructions re baggage and supplies. 0. Position of Officer Comg. How communicated and hour. Signature. Copy No.. ..to by at... £ 2 68 MAN(EUVRE ORDERS. B. OUTLINE FOR OUTPOST ORDERS. Copy No.... Operation Orders No.... Place. by Date. conig References to " Map. 1. Brief Statement of General Situation. Information re enemy and country in front. Position of our main guard and main body. 2. Task of the Outposts. General line to be taken up (if extensive, sections and C.O.'s of sections). Allotment of units. Which piquets are to be cavalry, and which infantry. 3. Order for Outpost Mounted Troops Touch and line of observation. Spec, directions re patrols, roads, woods and ravines to be especially searched and watched. Measures for security of flanks ; roads to be barricaded, bridges to be prepared for demolition or destroyed. Cavalry to be attached to inf. supports and to reserve. ^ Order for Outpost Companies. Approximate position of supports. Special patrols to be sent out. Cyclist orderlies. 5. Order for Reserve. Troops (infantry and artillery — if any). Position. Any special protective measures. 6. Dispositions in case of attack. Line and degree of resistance. 7. Arrangements for Signalling. HALT ORDERS. 69 8. Arrangements *■« baggag^e, supplies, cooking, fires and smoking. 9 Position of O.G. Outposts. Hoio communicated and hour. Signature. Copy No.... to by etc. C. OUTLINE FOR OUTPOST AFTER-ORBERS. Copy No..,. Operation Orders No.... Place. by Date. comg References to " Map. 1. Any fresh information re enemy, 2. Order for Outpost Mounted Troops— night dispositions. Hour at which piquets will be relieved by infantry. Task, cantonment, degree of readiness during night. Hour next moridng when cav. will furnish piquets. Hour at which patrols will start. 3. Order for Outpost Companies — night dispositions. Hour at which infantry piquets will relieve the cavalry. Degree of readiness to be maintained. Special iustructions re patrols and communications. Hour next morning when cavalry will relieve infantry piquets. 4. Order for Reserve — night dispositions. Degree of readineso. Defensive measures. 5. Position of Examining Post. 6. Countersign. How eommunioated and hour. Signature. Copy No. . . .to by at... 70 MAN(EUVK1E ORDERS. D. HALT ORDERS. Copy No.... Operation Orders No... DENTON Kectory, by Col. Robinson, O.C. Adv. Guard. MOUNT MARY, References to "Map. 10/6/11 1. The Advanced Guard will halt in DENTON for the niglit. 2. The Enemy has withdrawn across the river TAVY, but still holds bridges. The Main body of the Division lias reached NORFIELD. The outposts will be furnished frona the Advanced Guurd. 3. Commander of the Outposts : Lt.-Col. Smith. Outpost Troops: 'B' Sqdn. 13 Hrs. (less 1 trp.), 1st Bn. Notts and Derby R. Line of Defence : MARSHFIELD HOUSE to the Monas- tery (both inch). MAN LEY WOOD will be specially watched. The Monastery will be placed in a state of defence. 4. The 2nd Bn. Hamps. R. and 18th Batt. R.Fd.Art. will occupy close billets in DENTON. Commandant: Lt.-Col. Jones. The road to REDLANDS will be patrolled. Train will rejoin units till 8 p.m., when it will park at DENTON MILL. 5. Reports for O.C. Adv. Guard to be sent to DENTON Rectory. Verbally to mainguard units. Copy No.... to O.C. Vanguard by Corp. Y. (Signature) „ No.... Train, etc., by Pte. Z. at 4 p.m. ha.lt orders. 71 E. OUTPOST ORDERS. (Based on prev. Halt Orders.) Copy No. . . . Operation Orders No.... MARSHFIELD x ROADS, by Lt.-Col. Smith, lO/b'/ll comg References to " Map. 1. The Enemy has crossed the TAVY. The Main body of the Division has reached NORFIELD. The mainguard is going into billets in DENTON. 2. ' i? ' Srjdn. 13 Hrs. and Ut Bn. Notts and Derby R. will take up an outpost line from MARSHFIELD HOUSE to the Monastery (both inclusiye). No. 1 Section: MARSHFIELD HOUSE to ALDER HOLT (both inch). CO. : Maj. Brown. No. 2 Section : Tlie Canal to the Monastery (incl.). CO. : Maj. Black. The piquets will be furnished by the 13 Hrs. No. 1 Support : A. Gov. Notts and Derby R. No. 2 Sup. : B. Coy. Notts and Derby R. 3. ' B' Sqdn. 13 Hrs. will take up a Line of Observation from GIBBET HILL to CARTON windmill. MATT foot- bridge will be burnt, and the road to BIRLEY patrolled 3 orderlies will be detailed to left support. 4. The right support will occupy ALDER FARM ; four cyclists to be attached. The left support wiU hold FURZE HILL. 5. The 1st Bn. Notts and Derby R. less 2 Coys, will form the Reserve and occupy alarm quarters at the Cotton Mill. 72 MANCEDVRE ORDERS. 6. In case of attack the line MARSHFIELD HO.-the Monas- tery will be defended. 7. Signalling will be established between the Cotton Mill and DENTON. 8. Reports will be sent to the Cotton Mill. J. Smith. Lt.-Col., Copy No.... to 13 Hrs. by Pte. K. O.C. Outposts. Verbally to O.C. other units, at 4.30 p.m. F. OUTPOST AFTEE-ORDERS. (To follow previous Orders.) Copy No.... Operation Orders No.... COTTON MILLS by Lt.-Col. Smith, 10/6/11 comg References to " Map. 1. The Cavalry piquets will be withdrawn at 8,30 p.m. The Squadron will occupy alarm quarters at NEWLANDS HOUSE. Balf a troop under an officer will patrol towards LUCAN during the night. Day positions will be resumed at 5.30 a.m. Patrols to start 5 a.m. 2. The Injantry piquets will take up their night positions at 8 p.m., and can withdraw at 6 a.m. when relieved. HALT ORDERS. 73 3. HEATH COTTAGE will be placed in a state of defence, and the road barricaded between it and the WIvSH brook. 4. An Examining post under 2nd Lieut. Polyglotte will be furnished by D Company, and posted at the Canal Bridge, 5. Counter»iffn : WATERLOO. J. Smith, Lt.-Col., O.C. Outposts. Copy No.... to O.C. No. 1 Section by Pte. M. No. 2 „ ., N. B Squad. 13 Hrs. by Pte. O. Dictated to Ord. OflScer of Reserve, at 7 p.m. Notes on Outpost Orders. Mixed Outposts. When the nature of the country and the amount of cavalry available permit of it, the system by which the line of observation hy day is provided by the cavalry and that of defence by the infantry, is not only best suited to economise the strength of the troops and to take full advantage of the characteristics of the two arms, but quite authorised by our regulations. By night the cavalry piquets are of course replaced by infantry ones. Division of Orders into Halt Orders, Outpost Orders, and Outpost After-Orders. Outposts are usually posted on the force halting after the day's march during an advance or retreat. Less frequently they are placed on arrival in a position that is to be occupied defensively, or which has been gained as the result of a battle. It will happen, therefore, that although the orders for outposts are issued some little time before dusk the troops are generally fatigued, and it is desirable 74 MANG5:UVRE ORDERS. to give them whatever rest is attainable with as little delay as possible. In order to maintain touch with the enemy — if it has been already gained— as well as to employ those units which have already some knowledge of the ground, the Outposts will usually be found by the Advanced Guard, and the Officer commanding it receives, at the same time as he gets the order to halt, tlie necessary instructions with regard to the outposts. Should only a portion of the advanced guard be needed for outposts the CO. A. Gd. at once, by the aid of the map, pro- ceeds to issue Advanced Guard Orders. Should the whole of the advanced guard be required, its commander issues only Outpost Orders ; and it is desirable, should there be some commanding point in the immediate vicinity whence a good idea of the country can be obtained, that he should make a brief personal reconnaissance. This must not take too long, however, and usually he will have to rely on the map. Although " it is desirable that all orders when feasible should be made known to the outposts before they march off," it is equally so that they should not be kept waiting about unneces- sarily, and for this reason " the more important points should be " at once " communicated, leaving the others till tlie com- mander inspects the position selected " The Orders thus naturally consist of Outpost Orders and Out- post After-Orders, but are still called Operation Orders. As marches are rarely continued till dusk it will generally happen that the first orders issued contain the day arrange- ments. The commander will, therefore, when he makes his inspection, "decide on the dispositions for night duty, and com- municate his orders to all concerned." This he does in the after- orders, which, if the halt is going to extend over the next day, will also contain instructions for the reoccupation of the day positions and tlie relief of the troops that have been on outpost duty all night. If the march is to be resumed on the morrow the After- Orders will contain information regarding the forward (or rear- ward) movement, the time the outposts are to be withdrawn (in HALT ORDERS. 75 an advance, generally, wlien the new vanguard has passed thf piquet line), and the place which the units at present on outpost duty are to take in the marcliing column. G. OUTLINES FOR ORDERS AFTER A COMBAT. Copy 'So.... Operation Orders No.... Place. by Date. comg Keferences to " Map. 1- Measures for Security. 2. Billet or Bivouac Areas. 3. Replacing expended ammunition; position of column ^. Clearing the battlefield ; distrib. of area among units. 5. Instructions regarding the wounded. 6. Disposal of prisoners and captured equipment and horses. 7. Rations ; nature and issue of supplies. 8. Movements of baggage, columns, etc. Hour may be expected. 9. Position of Head Quarters. Hour orders will be issued, and Any special returns to be brought by representatives. Hoic communicated and time. Signature. Copy No.. ..to by at... 76 MANCEUVRK ORDERS. H. ORDERS AFTER A COMBAT. (Bivouac on battle-field.) Copy No.... Operation Orders No.... ROANE CASTLE, by Gen Comg. Fifth Division. 31/7/11 References to " Map. 1. An Advanced Guard will move to SANTRY, and throw out a line of outposts along the river MODDER. CO. : Col. Smith. T'r.^r.T. i^ Squadron 13 Hrs. iroop3|2 Bns. 13th Brigade. 2. The Division will bivouac as follows : — 13th Infy. Brig, (less 2 Bns.) round ROANE, south of PRITTLE-KELLS road. 14th Infy. Brigade (less 1 Bn.) round ROANE, north of PRITTLE-KELLS road. The 15tli Infy. Brigade in ARDEEN. Divisional troops (less Div. Cavalry), with and west of 13th Brig. 1 Bn. 14th Brig, in MAHER, covering the left flunk. 3. The troops will at once replace expended ammunition from Divisional Ammunition Col. now at JOHNSTOWN FARM. 4. The 13th Infy. Brig, will char the battlefield soutli of the PRITTLE-KELLS road. The 14th Infy. Brig, north of the same road. 5. The wounded will be taken to the Field Ambulances, 14th an) Our own troops. (c) Topography. 2. Intentions of the G.O.C. 3. Position of Assembly. (a) Description. (6) Time of assembly at. (c) Time of departure from. NIGHT OPERATIONS. 87 ^- Order of March on leaving position of assembly, (a) Formation, distances and intervals. (6) Maintenance of communications. 5. Compass bearing' of, and distance to, position of de- ployment. 6. Time and Duration of Halts. 7. Position of Deployment. (a) Description of. (6) Distance from point of attack, 8. Formation to be adopted at position of deployment. 9. Instructions for Assault, including the signal. 10. Action in case enemy opens fire or attacks either in front or on either flank. 11. Special Instructions. No one is to load without a distinct order. Until daylight, bayonets only are to be used. Absolute silence is to be maintained until the moment of assault. If obstacles are encountered, the troops will lie down till a passage has been cleared. 12. Distinctive marks and watchword (unless previously given). 13- Place of G.O.C. at position of assembly, during march thence, and at position of deployment. Hoio communicated and hour. Signature. Copy No..,. to by at... 88 MANCEUVRE ORDERS. Notes on Night Operations. Night Marches. The extra risks and fatigue entailed by night marches being almost invariably undertaken in order to surprise the enemy, it is imperative to take every precaution to prevent spies gaining information. For this reason orders for night marches should contain no indication of the G.O.C.'s in- tentions. These are communicated confidentially to only a few oflScers from whom action is required, and published to the troops only on completion of the march, or, in the case of an attack at dawn, on reaching the position of assembly. In- formation regarding this latter position would be circulated shortly before reaching it. Dawn Attacks. The positions of assembly and deploy- ment may, in very open and level country, be identical. In any case, the latter should be at least a thousand yards from the point of attack. Infantry Brigades may suitably move in mass of battalions to position of deployment, and there form lines of half-battalions with from 50 to 100 yards distance. Each column should have a reserve which, with a detach- ment of R.E., will follow at about 400 yards distance, and be used to storm if there is a check. The general reserve will be about half-a-mile further back, and be followed by the mounted troops, artillery, reserve ammunition, etc. (F.S.R.) 89 CHAPTER VIII. CONVOYS. A. OUTLINES FOR ORDERS FOR A CONVOY. Operation Orders No.... by Copy No.... com,^ Place. Eeferences to " Map. Date. 1- Situation. Task and composition of escort. information re (1) the enemy. [ Strictly confidential (2) our own forces. J ^^' ^■^- ^^^^^ ^^^y- 2. Organisation of the Convoy. Division into sections, etc. Precautions before starting. 3. Distribution of Escort. Advanced Guard: CO., Mtd. troops, Infantry. Main Body : Ditto ditto. Flank Guard : Ditto ditto. Kear Guard : Ditto ditto. ■i- Order for Advanced Guard. Starting point and hour: (1) Mtd. troops, (2) Infantry Direction of march (first part only). Special duties : — Keport obstacles delaying march or narrowing front. Eepair bad roads or broken bridges. Reconnoitre cover near road and site for halts. 5. Order for Main Body. Hour of start and pace (slow till all on the move). Distribution of troops. 90 MANCEDVRE ORDERS. 6. Order for Flank Guard. Place it marches in main column. Point and hour it leaves it. j Eoad it takes. ' Strictly confidentially Direction of any reconnaissance. [ to O.C. Flank Guard. How long any position to be held, j 7. Order for Rear Guard. Distance at wliich it follows main body. 8. Instructions for the March and in case of Attack. (a) To civilians, prisoners, etc. (6) To troops of escort. 9. Position of CO. How communicated and hour. Signature. Copy No.... to by at... B. CONFIDENTIAL ORDERS FOR A CONVOY OF PRISONERS. Operation Orders No.... Copy No.... by comg SHERE HALL, References to " Map. 3/9/11 1. Four hundred prisoners, now collected on the market square, are' to be escorted by the 1st Bn. Notts and Derby R., and 12 cyclist volunteers. 'The road will be the lane to SELDON, thence the high road to ESHER, Small bodies of the enemy's cavalry are re» Confidentially] ported near FRERE. to O.C. units. \ The natives are very hostile about here and' great care must be taken in the vicinity of villages. ESHER is held by qui people. The prisoners will be organised in sections of 40 under their senior N.C.O.'s, who will be held responsible for theiij men's behaviour. They will march in sections of fours. CONVOYS. 91 3. DiUribuiion of Escort ; — Advanced Guard : ' A ' Company, 4 cyclista. Main Body; CO., Major Brown, 'B' and 'C Companies. Flank Guard : 8 cyclists, under Lieut. Smith. Rear Guard : ' D ' Company. •i. The Advanced Guard will march at 12.30 p.m., and take the lane to SELDON. It will keep half a raile in front of the main body. All farms, woods, etc., near the line of march should be carefully reconnoitred. 5. The Main Body^will march at 12.40 p.m., and keep a pace of three miles an hour. Halts will take place about every hour, but by order of the O.C. the convoy. The troops will be evenly distributed in front, in rear and on both flanks of the prisoners. 6. The Flank Guard will foUow the FLIMTON farm road, and carefully search any locality whence the convoy might be surprised. 7. The Bear Guard will follow a quarter of a mile behind the main body, and. in case of attack, move out to the threatened flank. 8. The Prisoners will be warned to maintain absolute silence, and not to break the ranks even at halts. Any man shouting or trying to escape will be shot. Any com- munication with the inhabitants is most strictly for- bidden. In event of attack, the prisoners will be halted and must at once lie down. The Escort will load and fix bayonets. Sub-units of the escort will be told ofl" to watch each section of the prisoners from which they must not allow their attention to be distracted. 9. The CO. will march at the head of the main body. Verbally to O.C Companies. Copy No.... to by (Signature) at 12 noon. 92 MANOSUVRB ORDERS. C. ORDERS FOR A CONVOY OF STORES. Operation Orders No.... Copy No.... by Lt.-Col. T. comg SELLS HALL, References to " Map. 16/8/11 1. A Convoy of 100 vehicles is to be escorted to-morrow by the Ist Bu. Hamps. R. and 2 troops lo Hrs. (The road will be via MALDEN to BAMPTON. Four of the enemy's squadrons are said to be at RICHMOND. Two of our battalions hold BAMPTON. 2. The Organisation of the convoy will be as follow::^ : — Ist section : 30 vehicles, i/c Conductor Smith : Treasure chests, ammunition waLrons and carts. 2nd section : 2i vehicles, i/c S.-M. Brown : Supplies. 3rd section : 26 vehicles, i/c Sergt. Jackson : Supplies. 4th section : 20 vehicles, i/c Sergt. Robinson : Cloth- ing and tools. The vehicles will be numbered by sections. The N.C.O.'s in charge will forthwith thoroughly inspect their vehicles and animals, and complete by requisition any deficiencies in the way of truces, buckets, lanterns, etc. Any animals unfit to march will be at once reported. The above organisation includes one spare empty vehicle per section, in case of breakdown. 3. Distribution of Escort : — Adv. Guard : CO., Major Z. Troops, Half squadron 13 Hrs., and 'A' Coy. Hamps. R., with regtl. pioneers. Main Body : CO., Capt. Y. Troops, ' B ' Coy. Flank Guard : CO., Capt. X. Troops, ' C ' Coy. Rear Guard : CO., Maj. \V. Troops, ' D ' Coy. CONVOYS. 93 4. The Advanced Guard will march at 4 a.m., vii MALDEN. The right flank will be specially reconnoitred and early news sent also to main body of any obstacle likely to retard the march or diminish front of column. 5. The 2Iain Body will march at 4.45 a.m., and after the first twenty minutes maintain a pace of three miles an hour. Company ' B ' will march between sections 2 and 3, detailing a platoon to watch the commandeered drivers of sections 3 and 4. 6. The Flanh Guard will cross the HAM brook at COLNE bridge, and follow tlie ridge a mile to the westward of the route taken by tlie convoy. (Till Colne it will follow the Advanced Guard.) 7. The Bear Guard will follow the main body with a quarter of a mile interval. 8. The Vehicles will march in pairs, odd numbers on the right. and every eflort will be made to keep them well closed up. Ttie escort will march with as broad a front as possible. Halts will be made by order of O.C. the convoy, and drivers will be careful to look round their horses and vehicles and report anything wrong. 9. The O.C. will march at iiead of main body. Dictated, etc. Copy No. . . .to by (Signature) at 7.30 p.m. Notes on Convoy Orders. Convoy orders differ from other march orders in two im- portant particulars. (1 The nucleus of convoys is usually wholly or partly hostile (prisoners, commandeered drivers, etc.), and for this reason the information re enemy, route, goal, hours of halt, etc., must be confidep. 7000) of a disaffected district in the Cape Colony (The names liave been altered.) The inhabitants of the district were wealthy au'l strongly pro-Boer, and afforded considerable assistance to hostile com- mandos. A small proportion of the urban population was loyal and from this the Defence Force was organised on the spur of the moment. The District Mounted Troops resembled yeomanry ; the Town Guard were volunteers. The Emergency Company consisted of professional men who could not spare time for per- manent military duty. The Rifle Volunteers belonged to an old-standing force and resembled militia. There were nu regulars. The organisation of the garrison synchronised with the pro- clamation of martial law, and was followed by the construction of defence works round the town and the collection within them of the arms, ammunition and stores in the district which would h.ave been of use to the enemy. Most of the horses were sent up to units in the field. In order to reduce expense and to minimise the dislocation of business the defence arrangements were organised in three phases of varying degrees of readiness. While the Colony was invaded, but the district itself not actually threatened, military stores were protected and martial law regulations enforced by a Mounted Troop and a company of Volunteers (see A, •• ) should give the positions that the various transports (with the units on board them if not knowm) are in, or will take up. „ 3(c) is unnecessary. „ 4(&) will be unimportant and may only include a few rafts for unwieldy vehicles. „ 4((') will include formation of tows, allotment of tugs, etc. „ 6(6) unnecessary or solely naval. „ 7. Action to be taken by the Royal Navy. „ 8(a) will give signals for various bodies to start. „ 9 and 10 will give instructions for the landing of these units, but definite orders will probably be postponed till the lauding of the main body has made considerable progress. „ 11. Intentions as, regards own landing. N.B.— See also Field Service Pocket-Book, pp. 83 and 91. 107 CHAPTER XII. STANDING ORDERS. This class of orders is entirely outside the subject of this little work, but as they are occasionally called for at stafiF rides, and on similar occasions, and are difficult to obtain examples of, it has been thought u.seful to give three examples, differing very widely in character, and depending entirely on local conditions as must always be the case. Indeed it is "hardly an exaggera- tion to say that the object of Standing Orders is mainly to ad- just and adapt general training and orders to local and special circumstances and conditions. Example ^ is a summary of the Standing Orders issued to one of tlie Divisions during Irisli Manoeuvres under Field- Marshal Lord Roberts. Example 5 is a precis of the Standing Orders of the China Expeditionary Force. 1900. Example C is merely a tabk- of contents of a small liandb(X)k compiled by Col. Trench while D.A.A.G., A.H.Q., S.A.F.P.. during the last year of the Boer War, entitled " Extracts from Army Orders and Circular Memoranda," and published officially "for the convenience of officers and others, par- ticularly new arrivals.'' The original Orders and Memoranda (though not so-called) were practically the Standing Orders of the South African Field Force, based on the experience of the war, and a list of the subjects on which orders had to be issued may perhaps be useful. 108 MANOEUVRE ORDERS. A. DIVISIONAL STANDING ORDERS FOR MAN(EUVRES. (Summary.) Bugle Calls. Calls ordered by G.(J.C. Division will be preceded by 4 " G ''s and repeated by all buglers on duty. On Divisional Orders sounding, Brigade Majors, oflBcer from squadron and Adjutant K.A. will go to A.A.G.'s tent, unless call is followed by 1 " G " when they may send their clerks. Camp Time will be fixed by Divisional Bugler sounding Re- treat at 7..S0 p.m. ; Rciveille will sound at 5 a.m. ; Ijast Post 9.30 p.m.; and Lights Out at 9.45 p.m. These by only one corps in each brigade. No movement or noise between Lights Out and Reveille, but cooks may rise if necessary. Sergeants' Messes close at 10 p.m. Meal Hours. Breakfasts before parade for march or manoeuvre; dinners as soon as possible after arrival in camp or — at dis- cretion of C.O.'s — teas on arrival, and dinners at 5 or 6 p.m. Portion of a canteen ration will be carried in haversacks. Canteens restricted to own corps ; also closed at second dinner bugle, and from 4 p.m. to (3 p.m. Ration)^ and Forage drawn on arrival in camp, or, when not moving, at 5.30 a.m. Divisional Troops draw first, then the brigades (9th first on first day in camp, 10th brigade first on second day, and so on). Medical Inspection, Two hours before parade. Water bottles to be filled overniglit, and cleaned daily after arrival. Water-carts not to be drawn on till second halt. Water- ing, bathing, and washing onlv where pointed out by Staff Officer. Guards, etc. All guards attend parade, save one per brigade. Prisoners to be told off before parade. Following excused parade when force does not change camp: — Quarter- STANDING ORDERS. 109 Master's Stores, 1 ; Sergeants' Mess, 1/2 ; Canteen, 1/1 ; OflSce, 1/0 ; Cooks, etc., 1/8 per battalion, OflBcers' Mess, 1/3. Servants of Staff and Commanding Officers, and Mounted Officers' Grooms. Tmts of Divuional Staff. 2 N.CO.'s. and 20 men of Ox. L.I. will pitch, reporting to A.D.C. on arrival in camp, and being excused guards and other camp duties. Refuse Pits. To be dug near kitchens, horselines, etc. On leaving camp, Brigade Major will report to A.A.G., if latrines filled in and camps left clean. Fires. Every precaution to be taken. In case of heath-fires, troops nearest will pile arms and extinguish. Haickers. None allowed to sell in camp, or to men in ranks. Brigadiers to appoint market-places daily. Passes. No one to quit camp one mile, save with special permission. Diaries. To be kept by C.O.'s. Details arriving without orders to report to A.O.D. Outposts. Brigade told off daily to supply. On arrival in camp alarm-posts to be fixed. Socks to be soaped inside and washed daily ; foot-washing parade, whenever possible ; boots to be greased. Marches. Mounted officers to keep at least two horses' length from men. "Water-carts in rear of their units : medical officer with 2 ambulances in rear each brigade ; no other vehicles with infantry columns. Bands not to play when marching to manoeuvres or near conferences. Regulation pace and halts to be maintained. Baggage. All to be under baggage master. Order to conform to that of battalions, but divisional staff wagons first. Guards : 1 N.C.O. per unit ; 1 man per vehicle ; if possible, servants. Maps. Every officer to carry map, compass and field-glasses. Alert. On * alert ' sounding, outpost will stand to arms. On ' assembly ' sounding, all troops will fall in. no MAN(EUVKE ORDERS. Returns. Field states, amtnunition expended, men sick and fallen out, sick horses, special reports. Ammunition. On manoeuvre days, each man will carry 10 rounds representing 100 (9 rounds in 10 being snapped), 5 per man will be carried on battalion carts and mules, and 4 per man on brigade carts. Staff. All cavalry and cyclists should know the staff by sight and by name. N.B.— 1/8 means 1 N.C.O. and 8 men.. B. STANDING ORDERS, CHINA EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, 1900. (Precis.) Discipline. Strictest discipline to be maintained ; looting and ill-treatment of inhabitants and transport coolies to be severely punished. Straying and straggling very dangerous on account practice of kidnapping and torturing. Tactics. Couilitions very dissimilar to South Africa, and N. W. frontier of India. Chinese well-armed, but in- different shots, and formations can tie adopted which would be quite inexcusable against Boers and Afghans. Volley firing will probably prove efficacious. Prompt offensive, usually most efficacious against Mongolians. Orientals very susceptible to threats against flank or rear. Chinese not given to night attacks. Scouting and Reconnaissance. Require great attention. Small body, 8 or 10 men per company, to be specially trained and always ready to take up this duty. C.O.'s to take every opportunity of training their men in skirmishing. Lee-Metford Rifles. (Technical instruction re use and care.) Revolvers and Pistols not to be touched by servants while loaded. Servants and orderlies not to have access to ammunition. Dogs. Nine to accompany force. STANDING ORDERS. Ill Water. Necessity for boiling drinking-water. Bottles to be filled before starting. Special daily lasue, ^ oz. tea and ^ oz. sugar, to facilitate this. Reserve Ration. To be carried ou mules, always accompany unit, and be issued only under orders senior oflBcer present, and when issue ordinary field ration improbable. To be replaced as soon as possible, and turnover arranged for. (Limits of weight of R.R. for each unit.) Chargers. All to be registered, with description, price paid, age and date of purchase. Officers' Messes. Amount of transport available. Newspaper Correspondents. Officers and men of force on no account to act. Permits given by A.G. in I., and only one per paper. Telegrams, letters and pliOtos to be counter- signed by Censor, who has full power to suppress whole or part. Communications to be confined to the past, no information or conjecture as to future permissible. (Limits of length of telegrams.) Baggage. Excess beyond Field Service scale to be stored at base, carefully marked and packed, in charge of weekly men, 1 N.C.O. per unit, and 1 man per company, battery or stjuadron. (Details of special light scales, with and with- out tents, for use when necessary.) Intelligence. Officers will be specially detailed under D.A.Q.M.G. for 1., but duty of all officers to assist. Im- portant information may be sent direct to intelligence oiKcero — but also to CO. of officer's own unit. Sketch and report to be sent in, after every recnnnaissauce, by intelli- gence officer, or, if none, under orders of CO. the party. Important report on no account to be delayed for elabora- tion of sketch ; clear one in pencil only required. Scales ; routes, 2 inches ; camps, 6 inches to mile. Signalling. (Distribution of signallers.) Orderlies and suit- able guards to be told oti'. Signalling officers to be informeii of intended movements. All messages to b ■ 112 MANCEUVRE ORDEHS. condensed, completed and signed — also countersigned ; if private, by staff- officer, if press, by Censor. Vicinity of signal stations to be kept clear of trespassers. Field Telegraphs. Helios and post to be used when possible. Eules re messages similar to signalled ones. (Limits for press messages.) C'.S.O.. O.C ba^e. and O.C'.'s detached columns may ' clear line.' Reports and Returns. (Lists of those to be rendered to India, to C.S.O. and to Medical Officer of Hospital.) Weekly diaries — embodying those of subordinates — to be submitted by brigadiers. Military Accounts. (Miscellaneous instructions.) Poet Office. Units to send to base P.O. rolls (with initials) of all officers, also notice of any changes. Early intimation of movements to be given to P.O. with Division and Britrades. Mail-bags never to be opened in transit. Hour of arrival to be published in orders. C. EXTRACTS FROM ARMY ORDERS AND CIR- CULAR MEMORANDA SOUTH AFRICAN FIELD FORCE. (Table of Contents.) I. Military Operations. Military Precautions. Instructions for Columns. Defence of Camps and Bivouacs at Night. Outposts by Day and Night. Arrangements in event of Attack. General Remarks. Instructions for Outlying Detachments. Instructions for Officers Commanding Posts. Defence of the Railways. Armoured Trains. Interruptions to Traffic. Rocket Signals. Troops Travelling by Train. Use of Artillery. Musketry. Armsand Ammunition. Flags STANDiNfi OKDEKS. 118 of Truce. Public Discuesion of Military Mutteia. Clearing the Country. Property of Surrendered Burghers. Refugee Campf. Prisoners of War. II. JHscipline and Martial Laiv. Confii'ination of Courts Martial. Disposal of Proceedings of Courts Martial and Military Courts. Court Martial Proceedings. Conit Martial Sentences. Insubordination by Prison- ers un'ler Sentence. Forfeitures. Summary Punish- ment. Improvised lirunch Prisons. Adverse Reports on Officers. Complaints Improperly Addressed. Courts of Inquiry on Released Prisoners of War. Deserters and Absentees without Leave. Missing Soldiers. iMartial Law. Rules for the Procedure of Military CVmrts under Martial Law. Surrendered and Captured Rebels. Prisoners of War. Provost Marshal's Orders. II. Transport and Supply. Transport in the Field. Care of Animals Regimental Transport Officer. Grazing Guards. Pace. Ration Scale for Troops in the Field. Rum. Forage Scale. Fuel. Light Scale. Overdrawals. Captured Stock and Destruction of it. ;V. Horses Animal Accounts. Hire and Purchase of Remounts Captured Horses. Return to Colonies. Precautions against Horse Sickness. Debilitated Horses. Requisitioned Animals. Travelling. Re- moval of Horses from South Africa Care of Horses and IMules. V. Journey X by Rail. VI. Ordnance. Kits of Drafts. Free Issues. Clothing. Oversea Colonials, Coats, British, Warm. Prisoners of War. Repairs on Active Service. Disposal of Clothing. First Field Dressing. Men Proceeding down Country. Equipment Requisitions. Arms and Ammunition. Loss. Capture. Care. 11. Medical and Sanitary. Visitors to Patients. Slight Cases. Convalescents Rejoining Units for Duty. 114 MANOEIVRK ORDERS. Kits and Arms in Hospital. Invalids. Imperial Yeoraanry and Oversea Colonials. Invaliding. Sick Leave. ]Medical Boards. Sanitation. Driuking- Water. VIII. PostK and Telegraphs. Unstam])ed Letters, etc. Re- mittances of Money. Official Letters. Telegrams. IX. Fay and Allowances. Extra-Duty Pay. Released Prisoners of War. Allotments to Families. Officers on Sick Leave. Allowances in lieu Bicycles. Field Allowance. Claims for Indenmiticatioii. Staflf- Officers' Claims. Transfer Statements of Men Em- barking. Pay of Men uTider Orders for Home. Imprest Accounts. Advances to N.C.O.'s und Men. X. Discharges. Regulars. Reservists. Employment of Reserve Soldiers. Militia and Volunteers, Transfers and Furloughs for Government Employ. Cape Police. Civil Employment. Discharges : Irregular Corps. Invalids. Re-engagement of Militia. Boun- ties. XL Miscellaneous. Chaplains. Field Intelligence Depart- ment. S.A. Constabulary. Staff Uniform. Leave. Authority to Quit Stations. Mounted Infantry Establisliment. Promotion of N.C. Officers. Returns. Details. Casualties. Stationery, Veld Fires. Game-Shooting. Distribution of Armv Orders. 115 APPENDIX. LIST OF AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. Aidc-Meinoire de rOfficicr d'fitat-Major. Cavalry Trainiug. 1912. Duties of the General Stsift. (tbii. Bkonsart v. Schellendorf. Feld-diengt Ordnung. Field Artillery Training. 1912 Field Service Pocket-Book. 1913. War Establishments. 1914. Handbuch fiir Truppenfiilirimg, etc. Col. C. v. Widdern. Infantry Training. 1911. Leitfaden fiir den Unterricht in der Taktik. Methodes de Guerre. Gen. Pierron. Pre'cis of Modern Tactics. Cols. Home and Pratt. Rules for the Conduct of the War Game. Staff Duties. Col. J. S. Kothwell. Soldier's Pocket-Book. Fd. -Marshal Visooxint Wolseley. Staflf Duties in the F'ield. Lt.-Col. Grierson. Taktische Unterrichtsbriefe. Major Griepenkerl. The Framing of Orders in the Field. Lt.-Col. Henderson. Views on the Framing of Orders. Capt. Bray. Art of Command. Col. Spohn. Field Service Regulations. Parts I. and II. 1909 and 1912. I/3HDON : PRINTED BT WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LnjITKP, iKEAT WINDMILL STKKKT, W.. AKI> DOKI 8TREET STAMFORD 9TREKT s H', This book is DUE on the last date stamped below U3 C-7T7 ^re i..ano-r MI.Nf. G7T7 1916 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Oopy No... (^IT'J OperatkJD Ordere No 71 r, (Ot^ ' MiO>-<3>«n. X, Cnng. lit Dn. Ref.... lUp, No. 34. AlderslMt. 10.S.09 Outlines for Orders AT MANCEUVKES, WAR GAMES AND EXAMINAllONS. By Colonel F. Trench, C.Y.O. D.S.O. STANDING ORDERS. f. i/areA<*.— Hours of parade, rate, fonnatlonB, In* terralB, halte, water bottles, and carte, loading of wagons, baggage guards. Ist and 2nd line trans* port, private carts, night inarches, hitmen. U. Dutiet. — Daliy duties, unit for. hour of mounting* inlying piquets, fatigues, hours of retreat, tattoo and reveille, method of Issuing orders, outposts, hour of relief, signallers, advanced and rear guards (on ordinary marches only), rotation of units for. lU. iHtcipline. — Courts martial, prisoners of war, deserters, provost arrangements, treatment of inhabitanta. It. Camp$. — Arrival at sanitation, latrines, refuse pits, kitchens, water, alarm posts, alarms (fire and other), parade grounds, civilians (admission of), (onndlng of calls. T. Medical. — Inspection of sick, hours for, disposal of arms tod accoutrement*. Ti. Trangport and Rtmountt.— Any special orders. vil. Fe««rinw crmmunicated and hour. Signatu Copy No... to., by.. 9 Copy No... OUTPOST ORDERS. Operation Order- No. . . Place and by Date. comg References to Map. 1. Brief statement of General Situation. Information re enemy and conntry In front. Position of our main emard and main body. 2. Task of the Outposts. General line to be taken up (if extensive, eectloDS and C.O.'s of sections). Allotment of units. Which piquet? are to be cavalry, and which Infantry. 8. Order for Outpost Mounted Troops. Touch and line of observation. Spec, directions re patrols ; roads, woods and ravine* to be pspecially searched and watched. Measures for security of flanks ; roads to be barri- caded, bridges to be prepared for demolition or destroyed. Cavalry to be attached to inf. supports and to reserve. 4. Order for Outpost Companies. Approximate position of supports. Special patrols to t>e sent out. Cyclist orderlies. 6. Order for Reserve. Troops (infantry and artillery— if any), and Com- mander. Position. Any special protective measures. 6. Dispositions in case of attack. 1. Arrangements for sigrnalling:. 8. Arrangrements re bagrg-ag-e, supplies, cooking- and fires. 9. Position of O.C. Outposts. Eovc communicated and hour. Signature. Copy yo. .. to., by.. 10 Copy No.,, OUTPOSTS AFTER-ORDERS. Operation Orders No. . . Plack and by l>ate. comg Heferences to Map 1. Any fresh, information re Enemy. 2. Order for Outpost Mounted Troops- night dispositions. Hour at which piquets will be relieved by lufantiy. Task, cantonment, degree of readiness daring night. Hour next morning when cav. will furnish piquets. Hour at which patrols will start. 3. Order for Outpost Companies— night dis- positions. Hour at which Infantry piquets will relieve the cavalry. Degree of readiness to be maintained. Special instructions re patrols and communications. Hour next morning when cavalry will relieve infan> try piquets. 4. Order for Reserve— night dispositions. Degree of readiness. Defensive measures. 6. Position of Examining- post. 6. Countersig-n. How communicated and hour. Signature. Copy Xo... to., by.. 11 Copjf Xo. ORDERS AFTER A COMBAT. .>peratlon Ordere No. . . Place ai by I>aie References to Map I. MeasTires for Security. I. Billet or Bivouac Areas. 3. Replacing: expended ammunition; post* tion of column. ». Clearing- the battlefield ; distrib. of are* among units. B. Instructions regrarding- the wounded. 6. Disposal of prisoners and captured equipment and horses. 7. Rations; nature and issue of supplies. 8. Movements of bag-g-ag-e, columns, etc. Hour may be expect, d. 9. Position of Head Quai'ters. Hour orders will be issued, and Any special returns lobe brought i >y represenutive*. How eomwtunicaUd and hour. Signature, Copy No... to., by.. 12. BILLET ORDERS. Copy No. .. Operation Orders No.. . Place and by Date. comg References to Map. 1. Areas or boilrtlngs allotted to nnits. 2. Localities outside areas of units that may be drawn i>n tor water, fuel, forage, other supplies, or grazing. 3. Alarm Posts of (a) nnits, (6) district, 11 necessary. 4. Alarm Sig-nal. 6. Special Defensive Measures ; state of preparetlnees. 6. District Guards. Strength; units to furnish ; positions ; sentries and patrols to be furnished. T. Inlying- Piquet. Strength ; unit to furnish ; position ; duties. 8. District Field Officer, Medical Officer and yuartennaster of the day. 9. Police Measures. Control of Inhabitants; curfew; signals; public houses; precautions aealnst fire ; conservancy, etc. 10. Parks, positi<'n of 11. District Headquarters, position of. Hcv) r.irmminiicated and hour. Signature, Copy No... to. . by.. BIVOUAC ORDERS. Copi/Xo... Operation Order No. . . Place and by Date. comg References to Map. 1. Areas allotted to units. 2. Position of kitchens. 8. Drinking:, ■watering* and washing places. 4. Position of latrines and refuse pits. 5. I>ocallties outside allotted areas which may be drawn on for fuel, forage, other supplies, or grazing. 6. Special defensive measures. T. Piquets. Strength; nnittoflnd; duties. 8. Field Officer of the day. 9. Bivouac of Com.m.andant. How communicated and hour. Signaturt, Con ^'^■-- ^" f^V" 13 ropy .Vo... NIGHT MARCH ORDERS. Operation Orders No. . . Pi^cs and Dale. Referencee to Map. 1. General Order to March. Startint? point and how marked, (jineral compass bearing of route. 2. Orders for Advanced Guard. < iuide (Inhabitant or staflFofficer). Hour of start. Instructions re blocking siiie roada 3. Orders for Flank Guards Guide. Instructions re etart, points to be occupied, etc 4- Orders for Main Body. Hour of start, or { preferably) dis- tance In rear of A.M. Extent to which distances be- tween units to be reduced. 5. Special Instructions. Place where O.C. units will march. Orderly OflBcer from each unit for (i.O.C. Time and duration of halts (units U> mase up loest distance before halting). Rifles not to be loaded. Absolute silence to be main- tained. No smoking or lights to be per- mitted. Watchword. Distlnguthing mark for troops. Action to be taken in case of being attacked. 6. Position where G.O.C. will march, and his distioguishlug ba.lge. Bow communicated and hour. Signature. Copy A'o. .. to., by,. by. comg. Advanced Guard. CO. Troops. Flank Guards. CO. Troops. Main Body- in order of march. Infantry. Machine Guns. Mounted Troops. Artillery. Clooks' vehicles. 14 Copy No. . . DAWN ATTACK ORDERS. Operation Orders No. . . Flacb and by Date. comg References to ... . Map. 1. Information. (a) Enemy. (6) Our own troops. (c) Topography. «. Intentions of the G.O.C S. Position of Assembly. (a) Description. (b) rime of assembly at. (c) Time of departure from. 4. Order of March on leaving position of assemoly. (a) Formations, distances and intervals. (6) Maintenance of communications. t. Compass bearing- of, and distance to position of deployment. •. Time and Duration of Halts. T. Position of Deployment. [a) Description of. (b) Distance from point of attack. 5. Formation to be adopted at position of deploy- ment. t. Instructions for Assault, Inclading the signal. 10. Action In case enemy opens fire, or attacks either in front or on either flank. 11. Special Instructions. Ko one is to load without a distinct order. Until daylight, bayonets only are to be used. Absolute silence is to be maintained until th* moment of assanlt. If obstacles are encountered, the troops will 11* down till a passage has been cleared. 12. Distinctive Marks and "Watchword (unless previously given). 18. Place of G.O.C. at position of assembly, during march thence, and at position of deployment How commnnicated and hour. Signature. Copy 2io... to., by.. 15 Copy No.,, ORDERS FOR A CONVOY. Operation Orders No. . . Place and by Dat«. comg References to ... . Map. 1. Situation. Task and com position of escort. Route. I Strictly oonflden- Informaiion re (1) The enemy. - tlal for O.C (2) Our own forces, [ nnlte only. S. Org-anisation of the Convoy. Division into sections, etc. frecauilons before starting. *. Distribution of Escort. Advance gnard : CO. ; mounted troops ; infantry. Main body : do. do. do. Flank guard: do. do. do. Rear guard : do. do. do. 4. Order for Advanced Guard. Sta rting point and hoar :( 1 ) mtd. troops ;( a) infantry Direction of march (first part only). Special duties : Heport obstacles delaying march or narrowing front. Repair bad ro«ds or broken bridges. Reconnoitre cover near road and site for halts, i. Order for Main Body. Hour of start and pace (slow till all on the move). Distribution of troops, i. Order for Flank Guard. Place it marches in main coltimn. Point and hour it leaves it. \ Strictly con- Road it takes. I fidentlal to Direction of any reconnaissance. f O.C. Flank How long any position to be held. ) Guard. t. Order for Rear Guard. instance at which it follows main body. •. Instructions for the March and in oaae of Attack. Ca) To civilians, prisonen, etc (6) To troops of escort •. Position of CO. Eow comnunicatM and hour. Signature. Copy No.,. t>.. by.. 16 ORDERS FOR THE PASSAGE OF A RIVER. (In presence of the enemy.) Copy No. . . ORDERS FOR A CROSSINa OR A LANDING. Operation Orders No. , . Placb and by Date. comg References to ... . Map. 1. Information. (o) The enemy. h>S Oar own forces, (c) Topography. 2. Intentions of the G.O.C. Mode and points of passage ; approximate time. 3. Distribution of Troops. (a) Covering party : i. Commander ; IL Troops ; ill. Point of passage. (b) Main botly : i. Units to pass at point A ; IL ditto at B, and so on. . . . (c) Supports. (Artillery and Infantry to support crossing, by fire from positions on our side of the river.) 4. Means of Passage. (a) Craft available : i. Number ; 11. Capacity ; iii. Present position ; Iv. Allotment with refer- ence to Order No. 3. (6) Bridges, rafts, etc. to be constructed ; i. De- scription ; II. Site ; ill. Time of commence- ment and probable termination of construc- tion ; Iv. Allotment (if necessary). (c) Exact hour (or signal) at which means of pas- sage are to be launched, collected or ready for use of troops. 17 5 Covering- Party. (a) Point, meanB, and bonr of crossing. (b) Action on the further side. (c) Special orders (any polnta on which Orders Nos. 8 and 9 do not apply). 0. ixEain Body. (a^ Halting places and boar at which troops will leave them to cross. (6) Offlcere to command at points of passaRC, »nd staff officers (R. E.) to help. (c) Conduct of troops while crossing, and If enemy opens fire. (d) Duration of double Journey of craft (Including embarkation and delmrkation). (e) Action to be taken by tmlts on farther shore. (/) Time and place staff officers will cross. 1. Supporting- Troops. (a) Position, tasks, and times of opening fire : L Artillery ; il. Infantry. (b) Piqaetsnp and down stream, ashore and afloat, for protection of bridges, etc. 8. General Instructions. /^A All ...»,. ( Orders re: 1. Kit; li. Ammo- K< o 1™ nltion; ill. Reserve rations; It. fA kZmZ^ J First line transport ; v. Number /^ vr^,!!r,!Z- 1 of horses per gun. ammunition >-< w!!,^ wagons ; vl. Officers' horses of dls- (e) Infantry ( ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ». Dressing Stations and Field Ambu- lances. 10. Bagg-age, Ammunition and T. and S. Columns. Where to park, etc. Orders for pauage to be issued later. n. Position of G.O.C. riov ccmmuHicated and kour. Signaturt. Copjf No.,, to,, by,. 18 Oopjf No... ORDERS FOR TRAINS. AMMXJNI- TIOjST columns, etc. Operation Orders No... by comg Place and References to Map. Date. 1. Information r< the moTemeots of the combatant onits. 2. March or Halt Orders for Trains, ammanlion oolumoh, field ambolances, parks, etc. 3. Special Orders for vehicles to (a) Join combatant anita. (6) Return to depdts to fill up. 4. Reports and Returns respecting movements supplies, casualties, etc.. to be sent to (a) Head quarters. \b) Units concerned. Ho¥> oonimunieat4d and hour. Signatttre Oopjf No to,,., by.... liOKDOM: PBINTBD BT WIIXLAM OIX>WBa AKD •ONI*. LIM;TB1>, MIN. UB G7T7 1916 UC SOUTHERM B 000 006 107 7