QA 59 UC-NRLF B M EMT 2^D ^%^ LOGARITHMS. ^-^.^^ H. N. |WHEELER CAMBRIDGE : Charles AV. Sever, University Bookseller. 1882. LOGARITHMS. BY H. N. WHEELER. 3j®<0 CAMBKIDGE: Charles W. Sever, University Bookseller. 1882. LOGAEITHMS § 1, The logarithm of a number N is the exponent de- noting the power to which a fixed number called the base must be raised in order to produce N. Thus, \i N=V, then is log^N^x; or, in words, when the base is h the loo;aritlim of N is x. What is logo 8? 8 = 2^ ; .-. log28 = 3. What is log. — ? h^C^^ .•.log,f^ = 4. WhatisloggS? 3 = 9^; •••log93 = ^. What is log 10 1000? 1000=103; . •. Iogiol000 = 3. What is log3 27? Ans. 3. What is log 4 64? Arts. 3. What is the number whose loo-arithm is 5 when the base is 2? log2-?v^= 5 ; N^'2^ What is the number whose logarithm is 3 when the base is 3? Ans. 27. What is the number whose logarithm is 3 when the base is 10? Ans. 1000. What is the number whose logarithm is — 2 when the baseisS? log3^=-2; .-. iY= 8"^ =JL = JL. 2 LOGARITHMS. What is the number whose logarithm is — 2 when the base is 10? ^.^^ 1 , ■ lOO' 2 What is the number whose logarithm is — - when the base is 27? ^^^g 1. ■ 9 § 2. The logarithms of all numbers referred to the same base are said to belong to the same system of logarithms. Thus, log]o6, log 10 7, logio84, logio768, all belong to the denar}- or common system. § 3. In any system of logarithms the logarithm of the base itself is 1 . For 2 = 2^ .-.logs 2 =1: 10=101; _._ iog,^iO=l: and, in general, b = h^ \ .-. logj?> = 1 . § 4. In every sj'stem of logarithms the logarithm of 1 is 0. For 1=2"; .-. loggl =0: 1 = 10"; .-. logiol=0: and, in general, \ — lP\ .-. log^l = 0. § 5. In any system the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number is the negative of the logarithm of the number. Proof: — is the reciprocal of If ; now - = h~'' ; If If^ What is log. — ? l = i, = 4-- IG 4- .*. logi — = log4~- = — 2 : or log. — = — log4lG = —2. ° 16 ° 16 LOGAEITHMS. What is log 10 0.1? 0.1 =-i- = 10-1; ... iog,o0.1 = -1. What is logs-;;? Ans. What is the number whose logarithm is — - when the base is 16? ^ 16l 32 What is the number whose logarithm is — 3 when the base is 10? Ans. 0.001. § 6. In any s^'stem the logarithm of the product of two or more numbers is equal to the sum of the logarithms of the numbers. Proof: If l = h% m = 6^ n = h% then is logjZ = .v, log677r = i/, \ogj,n = z', now I xm xn = h'' X b" X b^ = /j^ + ^ + ^ ; .-. log(? X m X n) = x-\-y + z = log? + logm + logn. It is evident that this principle ma}' be applied to any number of factors. What is log 2 (8 x4x 32)? 8 = 2^ .-. logo8 =3 4 = 22; _._ iog^4 ^2 32 = 2^ .-. log232 = 5 logo(8x4x 32) = log28+log24+log232 = 3 + 2+5 = 10. 1 Whatisloggf^ X 3 X 81 1? Ans. -2 + 1+4 = 3. If log 10 123 = 2.0899, what is log ,o 12300? 12300 = 100 X 123 = 10- X 10-"«^ ; .-. Iogaol2300 = 2 + 2.0899 = 4.0899. If log 10 2 = 0.3010, what is log lo 200? Ans. 2.3010. 4 LOGARITHMS. § 7. In any system the logarithm of a fraction is equal to the logarithm of the numerator mimis the logarithm of the denominator. Proof: If / = h''. m = 6^, then is logj? = x, log^m = y ; lb'' I now - = - = b^ " ; .-. \ogi- = X - y = logt,l -logtm. m ¥ m What is logo — ? logo — = log,8-lo2:.32 = 3-5= -2. Given: logioS = 0.-4771 and log io2 = 0.3010 ; what is log 107? Arts. 0.17G1. Given: log^ 123 = 2.0899 ; what is logio0.123?_ Ans. 2.0899-3 = 1.0899. § 8. In any system the logarithm of any power of a number is equal to the logarithm of the number multiplied by the exponent of the poicer. Proof: If I = b\ then is log^Z = .r. ?"■ = (6^)"' = b"^ : .-. logZ" = mx — m X logZ. Under this head may be brought a root, for a root may be regarded as a fractional power. 7" = (6-)- = 5™; .-.10??^ = -=- xlog?. ^ ^ m m ° What is logo-i^? log24«= 6 X logoi = G x 2 = 12. What is lo2,8*? Iogo8* = ^log,8 =^ X 3 = 2. o- 3 °- 3 WhatislogioA'TOO? A Too = vTo^ = lOf : . • . log 10 <'Tob = |- What is log 2^/16"^? Ans. '^- LOGARITHMS, COMMON LOGARITHMS. § 9. The logarithms most convenient for practical use are the so-called common logarithms in which the base is 10. The following table contains the common logarithms of certain integral powers of 10, and also shows between what limits the logarithms of certain other numbers must He. 10000 = 10* ; 9648 = lO-' + a-iw™^; 1000 = l(f ; 7g8 = 10- ~ * decimal . 100 = 10- ; 88 = I0l^a.decmal. 10 = 10^ ; J zzz l(jO — a decimal . 1 = W ; 0.66 = 10-1 -a decimal. 0.1= — =10-^ lU 0.079 = 10-2-^ a decimal. 0.01 = — = —=10- 100 10^^ 0.00684 = 10-3 -"decimal. 0.001 = 1 =-L=io- 1000 10-^ 0.000795= 10-oint) , and negative for mimhers less than iinity (i.e., tchere the first significant figure is to the right of the decimal 2'>oint) ; it is whe7i the first significant figure is in the units' place. Examjyles: Find by the above rule the characteristics of the logarithms of the following numbers : — 3 2 10 2 10 (1)1689; (2)168.9; (3)1.689; (4)0.'l689; (o)0"o~i689; (6) o7o~o'o'l689. Answers. (1)3; (2) 2; (3)0; (4)-l; (5)-2; (6)-4. § 12. The mantissas., or decimal parts of the logarithms of numbers, have been computed to different degrees of accurac}', the results for some numbers having been carried out to more than 25 places of decimals. A collection of these mantissas is called a logarithm-tahle. Tables are characterized by putting before the word logarithm the expression Z-place, 4-place, 5-place, 1-place., d-jylace, etc., according to the number of places of decimals to which the results are given. Thus, a 4-place logarithm-table is one in which the results are given to four places of decimals. § 13. Examples of finding logarithms from the tables. Find log 495000. Referring to p. 2 of Peirce's Tables, we seek 49 at the left of the table in the column headed n, and run along the horizontal line in which this lies until we reach the ver- tical column which has 5 at the top, where we find 6946, and this is the mantissa or decimal part (accurate to 4 LOGARITHMS. 9 places) of the logarithms of all numbers whose significant figures form the series 495 ; .-. mantissa of log 495000 = .G946. By the rule of § 11 the characteristic is 5 ; - .-. log 495000 = 5.6946. Find the logarithms of (1) 9.84; (2) 0.729; (3) 6690; (4) 0.066 ; (5) 0.00000543 ; (6) 0.007. Answers. (1)0.9930; (2)1.8627; (3)3.8254; (4) 2.8195; (5) 6.7348; (6) 3.8451. What is log 241 50? "We do not find this number in the table ; we do find, however, log 24100 = 4.3820, and log 24200 = 4.3838. The given number 24150 is half-way between 24100 and 24200 ; i.e., it is equal to the first of these numbers plus half the distance between the first and second. Assuming* that the required logarithm is half-wa}' between 4.3820 and * The assumption that numbers vary proportionally with their logarithms — that in the above example, for instance, if a num- ber is half-way between two numbers, its logarithm is half-way between the logarithms of these numbers — is only approxi- mately correct ; but, when the difference between the numbers is small, the error to which this assumption leads us is smaU; and in every properly-constructed table the differences or inter- vals between the successive numbers of the table are so small that the error in a logarithm fouud as above will not affect the last place of decimals. This method of finding the logarithm of a number which lies between two successive numbers of a table is called the method of interpolation. If we refer to a 7-place table, we find from the table, without interpolation, log 24150 = 4.3829171, and this carried to only 4 places of decimals is 4.3829, which is the result obtained from the 4-place table by interpolation. to 4.383&, i.e. Hiatiki&e^paLto thfrSrsfr of these losarrthms ploji half the cS&can£& fisam. th& first 1 og,irtt.hin to thfr see-^ Offli, we gpc We csfflc if we wish*. S»i .5 of O.OOl!^ tbont the pattr i )i" tijtj loi^attthm oi" itlOO uWiLwe riauih. tha ^t-r tun 'Wba^ is- lo^:5t>7T T^ 5680 *ttct the dttfertjiKti ,s '-^ 5. 'tjor. V.,,. ,. 12 LOGARITHMS. Find the logarithms of (1)10.09; (2)190.1G; (3)1000.4; (4)0.12168. Answers. (1) 1.0039 ; (2) 2.2791 ; (3) 3.0002 ; (4) 1.0852. Examples : Find the logai ithms of the following numbers : 1.834 19.98 0.01592 1.2899 54.97 1587.1 10.041 1000 9990 9999 0.09998 0.00000000010007 79930000 0.0001001 50090 0.6394. Ansivers : 0.2G34 1.3006 2.2019 0.1106 1.7402 3.2006 1.0018 3.0000 3.999G 4.0000 2.9999 l0.0003_ 7.9027 4.0004 4.6997 f.8058. ' § 14. To find the number ichich corresjyonds to a given logarithm. Of what number is 1.8156 the logarithm? We find the mantissa .8156 on p. 3, in the same hori- zontal line witli 65 (on the left) and in the vertical column headed 4, therefore the significant figures of our number are 654 ; now the characteristic of our logarithm being 1, the first significant figure 6 of our number must be the first to the left of the units' place, hence 5 is in the units' place, and the required number is 65.4. Find the munbers whose logarithms are (1) 2.7789; (2) 4.3160; (3) 0.5478. Ansivers. (1) 0.0601; (2) 20700; (3) 3.530. Find the number (iV) Avhose logaritlim is 0.5506. We do not find tliis logarithm in the table ; we do find, however, two successive logarithms between which this lies. Thus, LOGARITHMS. 13 log 3.550 = 0.5502, logN =0.5506, log 3.560 = 0.5514. The difference between 0.5502 and 0.5506 is 4 (in the 4th place), and the difference between 0.5502 and 0.5514 is 12 ; .-. logiV^=log3.550+y42.of (log 3.560 -log 3.550); hence, by the method of interpolation, iVr= 3.550 + y% (3.560 - 3.550) = 3.550 + -j^ (0.010) = 3.550 + 0.003^ = 3.553= ^ of 10 may be found in the table of proportional parts ; thus, in the same horizontal line with our logarithm we find 4, and vertically above this at the top we find 3, which is the fourth significant figure of the number whose log- arithm exceeds 5502 by 4. Given: log.V= 3.5449 ; find N. Seeking in the table the logarithm Clearest the given logarithm, we find log 0.003510 = 3.5453, which exceeds the given logarithm l;)y 4 ; and aliove 4 in the table of pro- portional parts we find 3, which is in tliis case to be sub- tracted from the fourth significant figure of the number whose logarithm is 3.5453 ; .-. iVr= 0.003510 — 0.000003 = 0.003507. Examples : Find the numbers which correspond to the following logarithms : — 1.8359 2.4089 1.8058 3.4429 3.4631 4.0003 4. 099 7 9.9016 1.0020 1.1109 0.0001 3.7402. Ansivers : 68.53 0.025G4 0.6394 2773 0.002905 0.00010008 50090 0.000000007972 10.046 12.91 1.0002 5498. 14 LOGARITHMS. § 15. Examples of Products ill ast rating § G. 1. Find the product of 78.05, 0.6178, 341U0, 10.009, and 0.0009. Solution : We find by the tables, log 78.05 logO.G178 log 34 100 log 10.009 los 0.0009 1.8924 9.7909 — 10* 4.5328 1.0004 0.1)542 - 10 log of prod. = 24.1707 - 20 = 4.1707 ; .-. the requh'ed product is 14815. *In order to avoid the use of negative characteristics, com- puters generally add 10 to each negative characteristic, and then write —10 after the logarithm. 2. Find the product of (1) 4.31, 0.39, G4, and 1.02; (2) 3G1, 0.043, and 0.00621 ; (3) 3.81, 97.6, 3120, and 0.00081 ; (4) 2.358, 4.321, 0.8765, and 1.12. Aiisicers. (1) 109.75; (2) 0.09G4 ; (3) 939.8; (4) 10. § 16. The Arithmetical Complement of a logarithm^ and examples of reciprocals illxstrating § 5. The arithmetical complement of a logarithm — written colog — is tlio remainder which we get after subtracting the logarilhui IVoui 10. Thus, if log78.05 = 1.8924, then is colog 78.05 = 10-1 .8924 = 8.1076. Find colog 6.912. log6.912 = 0.8396; .-. colo/ dollar of this $1.0;l amounts in turn to $1.08, and the tvJtoIe amount is $(1.03) (1.03) = $(1.03)^. At the end of the third 3'ear the amotuit is evidently $(1.03)% and at the end of m years, $(1.03)'". In this example we are required to find a value m such that (1.03)- mlosrl.OS 2, log 2; Tog 2 0.3010 = 23.5. log 1.03 0.0128 In general, if $P be put at interest at a I'ate r, com- pounded annuall}', the amount at the end of m years will ^® $^=:$P(l+r)"'. 8. In how many years Avill $1000 amount to $1800, at 5 per cent compound interest? 1800 = 1000(1.05)"'; log 1-8 10 1 •'• "^^^^ i 1 n' = 1^' "early. logl.Oo 9. Show that a sura of mone}' at compound interest will double itself in al)out 7:}- years if the rate be 10 per cent, and in about 1 7t} years if the rate be 4 per cent. 10. Show that, if the population of a given State increases by o'oth of itself in every year, tlie number of inhabitants at the end of 14.2 years will l)e twice as great as it was at the beofinnins: of the interval. ■"«'^*'*4<*niiv«wv*ivMii>iimi R'Wf.WPflKD.'iaiJ/^^P';*' 22 LOGARITHiVIS. [11.* logO. — = 10-^; .-. loii —=-X. Let a; = CO (ineauiug by this that x is a vai"ial)le quantity which is supposed to iucrease iucleflnitely, tluit is, to increase without limit), theu lO-' will become oo, and we shall have loi;;— = — oo. — , or — when x = oo, is not ; it is a quantity which may be made to approach as nearly as we please, but it can never be made to reach 0; such a quantity is called an infinitesimal, and is denoted by some authors by the symbol o. (I believe that this notation was first introduced by Professor C. H. Judson of South Carolina.) Zero has no logarithm; many authors say, however, that the logarithm of zero is — co, meaning tliereb}^, perhaps, that — oo is the logarithm of an infinitesimal, that is, of a variable which has for its limit. I very much prefer to use some symbol — a liorlzontal zero, for instance — for an infinitesimal; I can then say with strict accuracy that log o = — co. I also express this by ])utting logO = — ob, using the dot over the sign of infinity to denote that log is impossible, and retaining the symbol — » because it expresses the logarithm of a quantity whose limit is 0. I be- lieve that this mode of expression can be used advantageously in other cases, and that its adoption, or the adoption of some other method whereby we are not compelled to regard a vari- able as reaching its limit, will make pcrfectlj^ clear to the stu- dent of mathematics many things which he now accepts on faith. The following are examples of cases to which I would apply what has been stated above : — (1) i = 00 [not i = ccl ; i = ob. (2) 00 X o = rt, not 00 X — «, for od x = 0. (3) tan 90° = ob, not tan 90° = oo. (4) Two parallel lines do not meet at infinity ; thev may be, however, the limits approached by two lines whose point of inter- section recedes indefinitely.] * This is intemled lor llie toaclu'r r;itlK'r lliaii lor tlie stiuioiit. LOGARITHMS. 9?. 12. Find the value of a/0.0432 X (3.122)f X (0.0001)^' (18G2)2x syo,0048 logo. 0432 =58.6355-60 logVO.0432 = 9.7726-10 [log3.122 = 0.4945 ilog(3.122)« = 3.9560 log(3. 122)7 = 0.5651 logo. 0001 = 4.0000 log(0. 0001)1= 1.0000 nogl862 = 3.2700 !log(1862)- = 6.5400 colog(1862)--10= 3.4600-10 I log 0.0048 = 3.6812 (log ^0.0048 = 1.2271 cologSyo.0048 - 10= 10.7729 - 10 23.5706—30 or 7.5706 .-. the reqiured value is 0.0000003721. Find the values of 13. ( {O-^O'T^m Ans. 0.5549. V0.4x67 14. W (8.763)-^ XIQO ;^^ ^^^^_ g_ >'9X VO.1109 X (4.9)i 15. ^/(0.01-2)-x0.27. ^4,^^._ ,_o,3i_ \(64)2x 0.00651 16. Jv-27.4 + (0.9)^^ ^^^^ jg4_97_ ^^ 0.0001021 17 1^ (134.9)- X a/Tg Y Ans. 0.0003164. V 10000 X 46.49 / 18. 0.001019004_x^0.j999 ^^^_ 0.000004442. 760 X a/0.02751 24 LOGARITHMS. § 20. The Trigonometric Functions. The trigonometric functions of angles between 0° and 90°, at intervals of 10', are given in the tables on pages 22-27. Let us find the functions of 15° 12' for example. Under , in the left-hand column of the tJmxl division of page 22, we find 15° immediately followed b}- 10' ; in the same horizontal line with the latter, and in the column headed sin ) 31° 07' or 211° 07' (10) 117° 47' or 297° 47' (11) 41° 35' or 318° 25' (12) 101° 50' or 258° 10' (13) 13° 09' or 166° 51' (14) 191° 31' or 348° 29'. 32 LOGARITHMS, Angles between 0° and 6° and between ,84° and 90°. (Tables: pages 8, 9.) § 29. When au angle is near 0° or 90°, the difference between successive logarithms of certain of its functions is comparatively' large, and when the interval in angle is as great as 10', this difference is so large that we cannot obtain accurate results b}" the method of interpolation for angles which lie within the interval. (See note on page 9, and also last paragraph of page 11.) We lind, therefore, on pages 8 and 9 of the tal)les, a sep- arate table for angles between 0° and G° and between 84° and 90°, where the interval between the successive angles of tlie table is only 1'. § 30. log sin, log tan, and log sec of angles between 0° and G°. ((() log sin . Let us find log sin 1° 35'. At the top of the middle division of page 8 of the tables we find 1°, 1 sin, 1 tan, and 1 sec ; running down the column headed 1 sin until we reach the horizontal line which has 35' on the left, we find 8.4414, which is log sin 1° 35'. Find log sin 2° 18. C : in the third division of j)age 8 of the tables we find log sin 2° 19' =8.6006, and on the right, in smaller type, the difference SI : .4 of 31 = 12; .-. logsin 2° 18'.6 = 8.6054. Find log sin 3° 30'. 2. Ans. 8.7861 . (b) log tan. The log tan of an angle between 0° and 6° diflfers little from its log sin ; they are, in general, the same, except in the last two figures of the mantissa. LOGARITHMS. 33 Therefore, in order to save space, onl}^ the last two figures of the log tan are given in the table. Find log tan 1° 35' : on the right of log sin 1° 35', in the eohinni headed 1 tn, we find 16, the last two figures of the required mantissa ; therefore, remembering that the char- acteristic and first two figures of the mantissa are the same as in log sin 1° 35', we get log tan 1° 35' = 8.4416. Find log tan 2° 18'. Ans. 8.6038. Find log tan 5° 13'. We find in the third division of page 9 of the tables, in the column headed Itn, the figures 05, and just to the left of these figures a star ; this star indicates that the characteristic and first two figures of the mantissa are to l)e taken 7iot from the logarithm to the left of Ob, but from the following logarithm; thus, log tan 5° 13' = 8.9605. In this case log tan 5° 13' is a little above 8.9600, and has therefore 8.96 for its first three figures, while log sin 5° 13', being a little below 8.9600, has 8.95 for its first three figures. Find log tan 3° 42'. Ajis. 8.8107. Where there are two stars in succession the first three figilres are to be taken from the log sin which follows the second star ; thus, log tan 5° 20' = 8.9701 , logtan5°35' = 8.9901. Find, by interpolating, logtan0°54'.4. Ans. 8.1994. 'logtanr02'.8. Ans. 8.2617. (c) log sec. The characteristic, and the first two figures of the mantissa, of log sec of any angle between 0° and 6° are zeros, and are not given in the table. 34 LOGARITHMS. Find log sec 1° 35' ; in the secant (sc) column for 1°, and opposite 35 '"on the left, we find 02, the last two figures of log sec ; prefixing zeros for the other figures we get log sec r 35' = 0.0002. Find (1) log secO° 35' ; (3) log sec 2° 18'. (2) log sec 4° 29'; Answers: (1) 0.0000*; (2) 0.0013; (3) 0.0004. § 31. log cos, log ctn, and log esc of angles betiveen 84° and 90°. We proceed as in § 30, except that the angles and names of the functions are to be found at the bottom of pages 8 and 9 of the tables, while the minute column is to be found on the right, and all the columns are to be read upwards. Thus : logcos84°lG' =8.9996, logctn84°16' =9.0017, logcsc84°16' =0.0022, logcos 89° 05'.6 = 8.1993, logctn89° 05'.6 = 8.1994, log esc 89° 05'.6 = 0.0001. (4) log tan .1 = 9.0103; (5) log tan .4 = 8.9903. § 32. To find an angle (betiveen 0° and C)°) from its log sin, log tan, or log sec. Given : (1) log sin .4 = 8.8140; (2) log sin .4 = 8.9116; (3) logtan^l = 8.6424; Find .4 in each case. Answers: (1)3°44'.2; (2) 4° 40'.8 ; (3) 2° 30'.8 ; (4) 5° 50'.8 ; (5) 5° 35'.2. * If an ancle is near 0° its secant is near 1. and tliercfore tlie lo2:sec is near 0; the table gives log sec 0° 35'= 0.0000, which means that log sec 0° 35' ditters from by au amount too small to affect the fourth place of decimals. LOGARITHMS. 35 Given: log sec ^d = 0.0016 ; find ^. Referring to page 8 of the tables, we find that 0.0016 is the log sec of all angles from 4° 51' to 4° 59' inclusive ; we cannot, therefore, find an angle with definiteness from its log sec when tlie angle is near 0°. § 33. To find an angle (between 84° and 90°) from its log cos, log ctn, or log esc. Given : (1) log cos ^1 = 9.0076 (2) log cos ^ = 8.5360 (3) log ctn ^1 = 8.4190 Find A in each case. Answers: (1) 84° 09 '.5; (2) 88° 01'.9 ; (4) log ctn yl = 8.6870; (5) log esc yl = 0.0005; (6) log CSC ^1 = 0.0012. (3) 88° 29 '.8 ; (4) 87° 12'.9 ; (5) Any angle* from 87° O8'to 87° 23', inclnsive. (6) Any angle * from 85° 40' to 8o° 49 ', inclusive. §34. log CSC, log ctn, and log cos of angles between 0° and 6° ; and log sec, log tan, and log sin of angles between 84° and 90°. We cannot find these logarithms directly from the table ; we know from Trigonometry, however, tliat 1 . . 1 ,1 csc<^ sec^ sin ^ 1 ctn ci = • tan ^ = tan ctn ' esc cji From § 16 we Ivnow that the logarithm of the reciprocal of a quantity' is the colog of the quantit}^ minus 10, therefore : log CSC cji = colog sin ^—10 log sec (f> = colog cos — 10 log ctn ^ = colog tan ^—10 log tau c^ = colog ctn (/> — 1 log cos cf) — colog sec ^ — 10 log sin <^ = colog esc (/> — 1 * An angle near 90° cannot be found with defluiteuess from its lo" CSC. 36 LOGARITHMS. Let US find log esc 2° IG' ; from tlie taV)le (p. S) we get: tabular* log sin 2° IC = 8.5'J72 ; .-. true log sin 2° 16' = 2.5972 ; .-. log CSC 2° 1G' = 11.4028- 10 =1.4028. What was done above is eqni\'alent to subtracting tabular log sin from 10, for log CSC 2° 16' = colog sin 2° 16' - 10 = (10 - 2.r>972)-10 = 10 -(2.5972 + 10) = 10 - 8.5972 (tab. log) = 1.4028 ; >•. log esc 2° 16' = 10 - tab. log sin 2° 16' ; and in the same way it ma}' be shown that when ^ is an^^ angle between 0° and 6°, ( 1 ) log CSC = ^ arc 1 ', approximately', and tan ^ = arc 4> — 4> ^i"<^ 1 ' ^ approximately ; .'. (1) log sin ^ = log<^ + log arc 1'. approximately. (2) logtan(/) = log^ + log arc 1', approximately. We know also that sin ^ < arc ^ and that tan^ > arc^ ; therefore, log sin ^ obtained by (1) will be a little too small, and log tan (^ obtained by (2) will be a little too large ; let us denote the amount b}' which log sin ^ is too small by e and the amount b}- which log tan <^ is too large by e', then we get log sin (^ = log cf) + log arc 1 '— e, log tan (f) = log (f) + log arc 1 ' + «'• Now, denoting logarcl'— e by S and log arc 1'+ c' by T, we get I. log sin (j!) = log ^ + S . II. log tan (j> = log c^ + T. These are the formulas by the aid of which the small table is to be used. Let us compute S and T wlien <^ = 0° 44'. From T. , S = log sin ^ — log cf). and from II . , T = log tan ^ — log <^ ; logsinO° 44' = 8.1072 logtan 0°44' = 8.1072 log 44 =1.6435 log 44 =1.6435 S = 6.4637 T = 6.4637. LOGARITHMS. 39 Let us now compute log arc 1'. Arc 360° = 2 7r>- = 2 TT : . • . arc 1 ' ISO arcl' log 3.1416 lo2 10800 60 X 180 0.4971 4.0334 3.1416 10800 ■ log arc 1' =6.4637 and this is the same as the vakies of S and T found above. Hence we see that when ^ = 0° 44' (or less) , S and T differ from log arc 1' hy quantities too small to affect the fourth place of decimals. In like manner have been com- puted the different values of 8 and T given in the small table. In this table the first three figures of S and T are printed in full-faced type at the top of the column, while the last two figui'es are to be found l)elow. Referring to this table we see that, as a small angle ^ increases, S and T vary very slowly and differ little from log arc 1' [6.4637]. § 37. The logarithms of the fimcfio)ts of angles near 0° or 90° by the aid of the small table at the top of page 10 of the tables. I. Angles between 0° and 6°. log sec (f> is readily found from the third division of the small table, where the first three figures of the logarithm are printed in full-faced type at the top of the column and the last two figures are given below. Thus, to get log sec 0° 18' we refer to the column headed cf) in the third division of the table, and find that 0° 18', falling between 0°00' and 0° 52', has a log sec equal to 0.0000. In like manner we find log sec 1° 02' = 0.0001 log sec 4° 12' = 0.001 2 los sec 0° 50' = 0.0023 los sec 2° 50' = 0.0005. 40 LOGARITHMS. log cos (ji cannot be found directh' from the table ; we know, however, that cos (f> = •> therefore by § 34 we sec (/) can get log cos by first finding log sec (/> and tlien sub- tracting the latter from 10. Thus, log cos 0° 18' = 10.0000 log cos 4° 12' = 9.9988 log cos 1° 02' = 9.9999 log cos 5° 50' = 9.9977. log sin <^ can be found b}' the aid of the left-hand division of the table and the formula log sin (f> = log ^ + S. Thus, to get log sin 0° 00'.;"), we find from the table of the logarithms of numbers log 0.,') = 1.0990 ; we find from the small table that for all angles between 0° 00' and 0° 51' S = 6.4G37 ; . Y ^. y^ lo£rsin0°00'.5 = j ^ '•,;'': = 6.1627 and, in like manner, log sin 2° 18' = log sin 138' = 2.1399 + 6.4636 8.6035 log sin 1°52'.6 = 8.5151 log sin 0°58'.8 = 8.2331. log CSC (j> is not given in the small table ; it must there- fore be obtained bv first finding log sin and then sub- tracting the latter from 10. (See § 34.) Examples : log CSC 0° 15' = 2.3602 log esc 2° 18'= 1.3965. I I LOGARITHMS. 41 Jog tan (ft can be found by tlie aid of the second division of the small table and the formula log tan (ji = log is not given in the small table ; it must be ol)taiuod, therefore, by first finding log tan ^ and then sub- tracting the latter from 10. (See § 3-i.) Examples : log ctn 0° 15'= 2.3602 log ctn 2° 08'= 1.4289. II. To find (ji ivhen the logarithm of any one of its functions is given. Examples. Find ^ in each of the following cases : (1) log sin (^ = 8.9824. Using the formula log sin <^ = log ^ -}- S, we get log ^ = log sin (/) — S. Now, from the small table we see that when log sin is between 8.9845 and 8.9498, S = 6.4031, , , f 8.9824 . • . log = 0.0012; (}> may be an}' angle between 4° 10' and 4° 20', inclusive.* When logcscc/), logetn<^, and log cos ^ are given, we must sul)traet them from 10 in order to get log sin ^, log tan c/), and logcos may be any angle between 1° 57' and 2° 17', inclusive.* III. Angles between 84° and 90°. When 4, is between 84° and 90° we must subtract it from 90°, and then get by the methods just explained the com- plementary functions of the remainder. Thus : log sin 8G° 18' = log cos 3° 42' = 9.9991 log tan 86° 18' = logctn3° 42' = 1.1893 log see 86° 18' = log esc 3° 42' =1.1902 log ctu 86° 18' = log tan 3° 42' = 8.8107 log CSC 86° 18' = log sec 3° 42' = 0.0009 log cos 86° 18' = log sin 3° 42' = 8.8098. § 38. TJie advantage to be