LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OK Class ^ s^ Worcester Free Public Library Finding -List of Music WORCESTER 1 1 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Finding-List of Music --» Worcester, Mass. The Blanchard Press February, 1906 h PREFACE. M « t lit rarV The aim of this finding-list is to represent all the material in the library, classified on the shelves under any section of the general sub- ject music. A search through the card catalogue would naturally discover many titles for material dealing in part with musical topics (including sketches of minor composers and musical artists), but the inclusion of these would swell the publication unduly. Some entries have been inserted more than once, but the number of these would hardly equal fifty. An outline of the main divisions of the classifica- tion, which is based on the Dewey system, is as follows : Bibliography, Cantatas (secular), General works, Sacred music, Aesthetics, Vocal music (secular), Compends, Voice training, Dictionaries, Orchestra, Addresses, essays, etc., Piano, Periodicals, Organ, Societies, Violin, Education, Other instruments, History, Anecdotes, Theory, Children's books, Opera, Biography. The only attempt at evaluation has been made to mark with a t all books included in the "A. L. A. catalog, 1904." Books thus marked are recommended by a committee of experts from the American library association as desirable in a general collection of 8000 volumes. The best annotated bibliographical guide known to the compiler is that of H. E. Krehbiel, referred to on p. 6. Notes and contents have been given when necessary. In the case of scores the exact character of the publication has been stated, i. e., whether libret- to, piano or vocal score, and the language (one or more) of the words. The terms songs, hymns, lyrics, etc., are understood to mean with the music, unless otherwise stated. In biography the material has been limited to composers included in the "A. L. A. catalog." This restriction is arbitrary, but the list still includes all the material in the card catalogue relating to the best known composers, and occupies, as it is, about one-fourth of the whole pamphlet. The index contains all the names of writers and composers repre- sented, as well as of many translators and editors, and also titles of operas and oratorios, subjects and form divisions. Thanks are due to Mr. Charles I. Rice for much time and pains spent in making recommendations for the purchase of musical scores : these have been included in the supplement. Finding-List of Music Abbreviations and Symbols. c — Indicates that a book is in the circulating department. c (superior) indicates copyright date; j indicates children's department. ca-j — Indicates that a book is in both circulating and children's departments. * — Indicates that a book may be taken out by application to an attendant. ** — Indicates that a book is for reference, and may not commonly be taken out. R — Indicates that a book is on the reference shelves. G — Indicates that a book fnay not legally be taken out. t — Indicates that a book is included in the "A. L. A. Catalog?' or list of 8000 best books for a popular library, 1904. The following abbreviations have been used: ed. = editor, edition, or edited; comp.= compiler or compiled; tr. = translator or translated; ser. = series; p. = page or pages; pi. = part; rev. = revised; v. = volume or volumes. A colon after an initial indicates the most usual Christian names, as C: = Charles; H: = Henry; J: = John; IV: = William. Likewise A. . = Anna; M. . = Mary; etc. [ ] enclose material not found on title-page. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Brown, J. D. comp. Biographical dictionary of musicians, with a bibliography of Eng- lish writings [and compositions] on music. 1886. G780.3 B87 The bibliography of an author, or composer, follows the sketch of his life. Guide to the formation of a music library. 1893. (Library asso- ciation ser.) **78o B87 Dickinson, E : comp. Guide to the study of musical history and criticism. 1895. **78o. 9 D55 Syllabus with references. Fetis, F. J. comp. Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographic de la musique. 1867-73. 8 v - and supplement. **78o-3 F41 The bibliography of an author, or composer, follows the sketch of his life. Grove, Sir G : cd. Dictionary of music and musicians, 1450-1880. 1879-89. 4 v. R780.3 G88d The bibliography of an author, or composer, follows the sketch of his life. 6 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Krehbiel, H : E : comp. Music ; a selection from its literature. (In Sturgis, R. Annotated bibliography of fine art. 1897. p. 54-74) **700 S935 An excellent classified and fully annotated guide, with strong leaning toward German works; now more than 8 years old. Matthew, J. E. The literature of music. [189-?] (Book-lover's library) C780 M43 Steele, R. The earliest English music printing. 1903. (Bibliographical society. Illustrated monographs, no. 2) **78o.g42 S81 Description, with bibliography to the close of the 16th century. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Benjamin, S: G. W. Letter in regard to Persian music. 1901. **78o.g55 B46 Four pages of ms. addressed to S. S. Green. Berlioz, H. L: Selections from his letters, and aesthetic, humorous and satirical writings; tr. and preceded by a biographical sketch by W: F. Apthorp. 1879. (Amateur ser.) C780 B51 Buffen, F: F. Musical celebrities. 1889. ^780.94 B92 Sketches of eighteen modern musicians, with excellent portraits. Chickering and sons. Catalogue of the historical musical exhibition. 1902. **78o C53 Chomet, H. Influence of music on health and life; tr. by Mrs. L. A. Flint. 1875. C780 C54 Cox, J : E. Musical recollections of the last half century. 1872. 2 v. C780 C87 Diehl, Mrs. A. M. Musical memories. 1897. C780 D55 Deals chiefly with France and England. Eastman, E. V. Musical education and musical art. 1893. C780 E13 Ehlert, L: Letters on music to a lady; tr. by F. R. Ritter. c i87o. 0780 E33 Famous composers and their works; ed. by Theodore Thomas. J: K. Paine and Karl Klauser. "1891. 4 v. ^780.9 qFig8 v. 4 comprises selections of music. Same. 'iSgi-igoi. 16 v. (Extra illustrated ed.) R780.9 qFig82 The last ten v. comprise selections of music. Same. New ser. ed. bv Philip Hale. [1900] 3 v. R780.9 qFig83 v. ,} comprises selections of music. Fetis, F. J. Music explained to the world; or. How to understand music, and enjoy its performance; tr. from the French. C780 F41 GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 7 Goodwin, T: Sketches and impressions, musical, theatrical and social, 1799-1885, including- a sketch of the Philharmonic society of New York; ed. from [his] after-dinner talk by R. O. Mason. 1887. C780 C65 Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. 1872. C780 H38 Contents. Philosophical. — Biographical. — Instrumental. — Critical (music in England) Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner and the music of the future. 1874. C780 H88 Contents. Wagner. — Schubert. — Schumann. — Franz. — Liszt. Hullah, J : P. Music in the house. (Art at home ser.) C780 H91 Klein, H. Thirty years of musical life in London. 1870- 1900. 1903. C780 K64 fLavignac, A. Music and musicians, tr. by W: Marchant and ed. with additions on music in America by H: E: Krehbiel. 1899. C780 L41 Mathews, W: S. B. How to understand music. 1880-88. 2 v. C780 M42 fParry, Q : H. H. Art of music. 3d. ed. 1894. C780 P26 Published later under the title: Evolution of the art of music. Pauer, E. Musical forms. 1878. (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C780 P32 Rubinstein, A. G. A conversation on music; tr. by Mrs. J. P. Morgan. c i892. C780 R89C Music and its masters. c i892. C780 R89 Stone, W. H: Scientific basis of music. [1878] (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C780 S88 Tapper, T: Music life and how to succeed in it. 1892. C780 Ti7m Trotter, J. M. Music and some highly musical people, with an appendix contain- ing copies of music composed bv colored men. 1878. C780 T85 Deals with the negro in music. Upton, G: P. Woman in music. 4th ed. 1892. C780 U71 Discusses the influence of women upon various distinguished musicians. Wieck, J : G. F: Piano and song; how to teach, how to learn, and how to judg-e musical performances; tr. from the German. 1875. C786 W64 8 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. AESTHETICS, PHILOSOPHY, ETC. Ambros, W : A : Boundaries of music and poetry ; a study in musical aesthetics, tr. from the German by J. H. Cornell. 1893. C780.1 A49 Gardiner, W : The music of nature ; or, An attempt to prove that what is pas- sionate and pleasing, in the art of singing, speaking [etc.] is derived from the sounds of the animate world. [1832] C780 G22 Gurney, E. The power of sound. 1880. C780 G98 Hand, F. G. Aesthetics of musical art ; tr. from the German by W. E. Lawson. v. 1. 2d ed. 1880. C780 H23 tHenderson, W : J. What is good music? Suggestions to persons desiring to culti- vate a taste in musical art. 1898. C780.1 H49 Merz, K : Music and culture ; lectures and essays. c i890. C780.1 M57 Pauer, E. Elements of the beautiful in music. 2d ed. [187-?] (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers.) C780 P32e Pole, W : Philosophy of music. 1879. (English and foreign philosophical library.) C780.1 P76 Lectures at the Royal institution of Great Britain. 1877. Thibaut, A. F : J. On purity in musical art ; tr. from the German, by W : H. Glad- stone. 1877. C780 T42 COMPENDS. Banister, H : C : Music; 1st American from the 12th English ed. 1885. (Hand- books for study and general readers) C780 B21 Contents- Notation. — Theory: Harmony and counterpoint. — Compo- sition. Crowest, F : J. Musical groundwork ; a first manual of musical form and history. 1890. C780.2 C95 Story of the art of music. 1902. (Library of useful stories) C780.9 C95 Brief pocket manual, well illustrated. DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Adams, J : S. comp. New musical dictionary. 1865. G780.3 A21 Non-biographical. Baker, T. comp. Biographical dictionary of musicians. 1900. R780.3 Bi6b Brown, J. D. comp. Biographical dictionary of musicians. 1886. G780.3 B87 ADDRESSES, ESSAYS, ETC. 9 Champlin, J : D. and Apthorp, W : F. comp. Cyclopedia of music and musicians. 1888-90. 3 v. R780.3 qC4 Fetis, F. J. comp. Biographic universelle des musiciens. 1867-78. 2 v. and supple- ment. ::::;: 78o.3 F41 tGrove, Sir G : ed. Dictionary of music and musicians, 1450-1880. 1879-89. 4 v. R780.3 G88d t Dictionary of music and musicians, ed. by J. A. F. Maitland. v. 1. 1904 — R780.3 G88d2 Dictionary of music ; index bv Mrs. E. R. Wodehouse. 1890. R780.3 G88d* Hiles, J. comp. Complete dictionary of 12,500 musical terms, phrases, and abbre- viations. 2d ed. 1873. G780.3 H64 tHughes, R. comp. The musical guide. 1903. 2 v. R780.3 H89 Contents, v. I. Introduction to music for the uninitiated. — Musical terms. — Stories of operas, v. 2. Biographical dictionary of musicians. Moore, J : W. comp. Complete encyclopaedia of music. 1854. **78o-3 M82 Stainer, Sir J : and Barrett, W. A. comp. Dictionary of musical terms. [188-?] R780.3 S78 ADDRESSES, ESSAYS, ETC. Allen, N. H. Musicianship of musicians. 1895. **78o A42 Apthorp, W : F. By the way. 1898. 2 v. C780.4 A65 Short essays on music and art in general, taken from the program- books of the Boston symphony orchestra. f Musicians and music lovers, and other essays. 1894. C780 A65 Contents. Musicians and music-lovers. — Bach. — Handel. — Meyerbeer. — Offenbach. — 2 modern classicists TFranz. — Dresel] — J. S. Dwight. — Some thoughts on musical criticism. — Music and science. Chorley, H : F. Music and manners in France and Germany. 1841. 3 v. ** 7 8o. 4 C55 Clarke, H. A. Highways and byways of music. 1901. C780.4 C59 Ehlert, L : From the tone world ; tr. from the German by H.. D. Tretbar. c i885. C780.4 E33 Ella, J: Musical sketches abroad and at home; 3d ed. rev. and edited bv J: Belcher. 1878. C780 E44 Elson, L : C : Realm of music; essays, historical and educational. 1892. C780.4 E49 io FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Engel, C. Musical myths and facts. 1876. 2 v. C780.4. E57 tFinck, H:T. Chopin and other musical essays. 1889. C780.4 F49 Contents. Chopin. — How composers work. — Schumann as mirrored in his letters. — Music and morals. — Italian and German vocal styles. — Ger- man opera in New York. Gilman, L. Phases of modern music. 1904. C780.4 G48P Contents. Strauss. — MacDowell. — Elgar. — Loeffler. — Mascagni. — Grieg. —Cornelius. — Verdi. — Wagner. — "Parsifal" and its significance. Graves, C : L. Diversions of a music-lover. 1904. C780.4 G77d 20 miscellaneous essays. tGrey, R. ed. Studies in music by various authors, reprinted from "The Musi- cian." 1901. C780.4 G78 Hadow, W: H: ' Studies in modern music. 1893-95. 2 v - C780.4 H13 Contents, v. I. Berlioz. — Schumann. — Wagner. v. 2. Outlines of musical form. — Chopin. — Dvorak. — Brahms. Hanchett, H : G. The art of the musician. 1905. C780.4 H23 Henderson, W : J. Preludes and studies. 1891. C780.4 H49 Chiefly on Wagner and piano music. Modern musical drift. 1904. C780.4 H4gm "On Wagner, Strauss and Italian opera. Hueffer, F. Musical studies. 1880. C780.4 H88 Beethoven, Chopin, Wagner and opera. tHuneker, J. Mezzotints in modern music. 1899. C780.4 H93 Contents. Brahms, Tschaikowsky, Chopin, Strauss, Liszt and Wagner. Overtones ; a book of temperaments ; Strauss, Parsifal, Verdi, Balzac, Flaubert, Nietzsche and Turgenieff. 1904. C780.4 H930 Kingston, W : Beatty-. Music and manners. 1887. 2 v. C780 K55 Personal reminiscences and character sketches. tKrehbiel, H : E : How to listen to music ; hints and suggestions to untaught lovers of the art. 1896. C780.4 K92I1 Includes pictures of artists with their instruments. Music and manners in the classical period. 1898. C780.4 K92 Contents. A poet's (T: Gray) music. — Haydn in London. — A Mozart centenary. — Beethoven and his biographer (A. W. Thayer) — Reflections in Weimar. Lanier, S. Music and poetry. 1898. C780.4 L28 PERIODICALS- ii Macfarren, Sir G : A. Addresses and lectures. 1888. C780.4 M14 Delivered at the Royal academy of music, 1878-1887. Newman, E. Musical studies. 1905. C780.4 N55 Includes material on Berlioz, Maeterlinck, Strauss and Herbert Spencer. Reed, F. K. Reminiscences, musical and other. 1903. C927.8 R32 Ritter, F : L : Music in its relation to intellectual life; Romanticism in music; 2 lectures. 1891. C780 R61 Runciman, J : F. Old scores and new readings. 1899. C780.4 R93 Chiefly on oratorio and opera. tSchumann, R. Music and musicians ; tr., ed. and annotated by F. R. Ritter. 1880. 2 v. C780 S39 Essays and criticisms. Tapper, T : Chats with music students ; or, Talks about music and music life. 1891. C780 T17C Upton, G: P. Musical pastels. 1902. C780.4 U71 10 essays on Nero the artist, the Beggar's opera, etc. Young, F. Mastersingers ; appreciations of music and musicians, with an es- say on Berlioz. [1901] C780.4 Y71 PERIODICALS. Dwight's [weekly] journal of music. April 10, 1852-Sept. 3, 1881. 41 v. in 21 and 1 v. of music. 1853-81. **78o.5 fDgg The Etude [monthly] v. 18-22. 1900- ::::;: 78o.5 fE8s The Keynote [weekly] v. 1-19. 1883-94. ;:;:: 78o.5 fK44 Masters in music; a monthly magazine; v. 1-5. 1903- **78o.5 qM3 The Meister. v. 1-8. 1888-95. =:: *78o.5 M51 Quarterly journal of the London branch of the Wagner society. Music [monthly] v. 1-22. 1891-1902. **78o-5 M98 Merged with "The Muse." Musical courier [weekly] v. 20-50. 1890- **78o.5 fMg87 Musical herald [monthly] v. 1-10, 1880-89; name changed to Boston musical herald, v. n-13, 1890-92, and Musical herald of the U. S., v. 14. 1892-93. **78o.5 fMgh Musical times [monthly] v. 3-45. 1848- **78o.S Mg8t Musical world [monthly] v. 1-4 (no. 1) 1901- ::: *78o.5 1M9 Merged with The Musician. The Musician [monthly] v. 9- 1904- **78o.5 1M985 Sherman and Hyde's musical review [monthly] 1877. **78o.5 qMg8m 12 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Vox humana [monthly] v. 3. (nos. 1-8). v. 5-8. 1874-79. **78o.5 fVg7 No more published after 1879. Wilson, G. H. ed. Musical year-book of the U. S. v. 1-10, 1883-93. J 887-93. 10 v. **78o.5 Mg8y v. 1-3 called: Boston musical year-book. SOCIETIES. Hathaway, S. The spirit of the music festival and a poem on music. 1899. **78o.6 \V92h Dedicated to the Worcester County musical association. Hereford (England) musical festival. Programme, etc. 1891. **78o.6 H54 Perkins, C : C. and Dwight, J : S. History of the Handel and Haydn society of Boston, Mass. v. 1, 181 5-1890. 1883-93. **78o.6 B74P Staples, S : E. Historical sketch of the Worcester Countv musical association. 1884. **78o.6 W92S 26 p. Worcester choral union. History of the union. 1875. **78o.6 W92C Worcester County musical association. Announcements, circulars, etc. 12 pamphlets. 1896-1904. **78o.6 Wg2a Annual festival. Programs, i6th-48th. 1873-1905. **78o.6 W92 Circulars and programs, 1863-1895. 3 v. **78o.6 W921 A large collection, handsomely bound in morocco. Financial statement of the festival (41st) 1898. **78o.6 Wg2f Worcester music festival, v. 1-8. 1882-89 [Announcement] **78o.6 fWg Festival bulletin, v. 9-22. 1890-1903. :!:: ' : 78o.6 fWg Worcester (England) musical festival. Programme and general arrangements. 1890. **78o.6 W922 EDUCATION, CONSERVATORIES. Alchin, C. A. Ear training for teacher and pupil. 1904. C780.7 A35e f Lavignac, A. .Musical education; tr. from the French by E. Singleton. 1903. ( Applcton's musical ser.) C780.7 L41 [ncludes an important chanter on the study of instruments. HISTORY. 13 Marx, A. B. General musical instruction; tr. by G: Macirone from the original German. 1854. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C780.7 M39 Same. **78o.7 qM3 The music of the 19th century and its culture ; Method of musi- cal instruction ; tr. from the German by A : H : Wehrhan. 1855. C780.9 M39 New England conservatory of music. Calendar, 1881, '83-'84. 3 nos. **7,8o.7 N53 United States — Education Bureau of. Study of music in public schools. 1886. (Circulars of informa- tion) C780.7 U58 7 contributions, with statistical appendix. HISTORY. Boise, O. B. Music and its masters. 1902. C780.9 B68 Chapter 3 : Biblical mention of music. Boston musical bureau. Handbook of musical statistics. 1902. **78o.g B74 Brooks, H : M. Olden-time music. 1888. C780.9 B87 Reproduces in fac-sim. specimens of old music, handbills, advertise- ments, etc. Brown, Mrs. M. E. and Brown, W : A. Alusical instruments and their homes. 1888. **78o.g qB88 Sumptuously illustrated folio. Burney, C : General history of music. 1776. 4 v. **78o.9 qBg6 Chorley, H : F. National music of the world ; ed. by H : G. Hewlett. 1880. C780.9 C55 Expanded from 4 lectures at the Royal institution of Great Britain. Crowest, F : J. Story of the art of music. 1902. (Library of useful stories) C780.9 C95 D'Anvers, N. pseud. Elementary history of music ; new ed., edited by O. J. Duellea. 1882. C780.9 D19 Davis, L: S. Studies in musical history. 1887. C780.9 D26 Not a continuous narrative. Dickinson, E : The study of the history of music. 1905. C780.9 D55 Elson, A. Woman's work in music. 1904. (Music lover's ser.) C780.9 E492 Fillmore, J : C. Lessons in musical history. c i888. C780.9 F48 i 4 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Hawkins, Sir J : General history of the science and practice of music. 1776. 5 v. G780.9 qH39 General history of music, condensed from the works of Hawkins and C: Burney; continuation by T. Busby. 1819. 2 v. **78o.g H39g f Henderson, W : J. Story of music. 1889. C780.9 H49 tHunt, H : G : B. Concise history of music. 2d ed. revised 1878. (Cambridge school and college text books) C780.9 H94 12 pages of examination questions are appended. Lavoix, H : M. F. Histoire de la musique. 1885. C780.9 L41 Mankell, K. A. Musikens historia [in Swedish] 1864. 3 v. in 1. c78o.g M27 Mason, D. G. Beethoven and his forerunners. 1904. C780.9 M3g8b Matthew, J. E. Popular history of music, from St. Ambrose to Mozart. 1888. C780.9 M43 Naumann, E. History of music ; tr. by F. Praeger ; ed. by Sir F. A. G. Ouseley. [188-?] 2 v. C780.9 N29 Oxford history of music. v. 1, 3-5. 1901-04. :::::: 78o.9 O98 Contents, v. I. The polyphonic period, pt. I. 330 — 1330, by H. E. Wooldridge. — v. 3. Music of the 17th century, by C: H. H. Parry.— v. 4. Age of Bach and Handel, by J. A. F. Maitland. — v. 5. The Viennese period, by W : H : Hadow. Parry, C : H. H. Evolution of the art of music. 1896. (International science ser.) C780.9 P26 Ritter, F : L : History of music. ist-2d ser. c i870-74. C780 R6ih Delivered as lectures. Manual of musical history. 1886. C780 R6im Brief treatise of 57 p. Student's history of music. c i884. C780.9 R61 Rockstro, W : S. General history of music from the infancy of the Greek drama to the present period. 1886. C780.9 R68 Rowbotham, J : F : History of music. 1885-87. 3 v. C780.9 R87 With special reference t>> ancient times. Smith, I tannah, \!usic ; how it came to be what it is. 1898. C780.9 S64 Tytler, S. pseud. Musical composers and their works. 1875. C780 T99 HISTORY. IS Untersteiner, A. Short history of music ; tr. by S. C. Very. 1902. 0780.9 U61 Ancient and Primitive. Chappell, W : History of music, vol. 1. 1874. :: ' :: 78o.g C46 Contents. From the earliest records to the fall of the Roman empire. No more published? Elson, L : C : Curiosities of music [among] ancient and savage nations. c i88o. C780.9 E49 Engel, C. The music of the most ancient nations, particularly the Assyrians, Egyptians and Hebrews. 2d ed. 1870. C780.9 E57 Smith, Hermann. The world's earliest music, traced to its beginnings in ancient lands. [190-] C780.9 S642W Wallaschek, R : Primitive music ; an inquiry into the origin and development of music, songs, instruments, dances, and pantomimes of savage races. 1893. 780 W19 Medieval. Hope, R. C : Medieval music. 1894. C780.9 H7912 Same. 2d ed. 1899. 0780.9 H791 Plainsong and mediaeval music society. Musical notation of the middle ages with fac-sims. 1890. **78o.g fP6g Modern. tHenderson, W : J. How music developed ; an account of the growth of modern music. c i898. C780 H49 Hullah, J : P. History of modern music. 1862. C780 Hgih Lectures delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain. The third or transitional period of musical history. [1601-1750] 2d ed. 1876. C780.9 H91 6 lectures at the Royal institution of Great Britain. Marx, A. B. The music of the 19th century and its culture ; Method of musical instruction: tr. from the German by A: H: Wehrhan. 1855. C780.9 M39 Mason, D. G. From Grieg to Brahms. 1903. C780.9 M398 Contents. The appreciation of music. Grieg. — Dvorak. — Saint-Saens. Franck. — Tschaikowsky. — Brahms.— The meaning of music. Seidl, A. Music of the modern world. c i895. 2 v. **78o.g fS4 Sumptuous folios, profusely illustrated, v. 1. Text. — v. 2. Music. 16 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. America. tElson, L : C : History of American music. 1904. (History of American art, ed. by J : C: Van Dyke. v. 2) C780.97 E4gh Handsomely made up and copiously illustrated. t National music of America and its sources. 1900. (Music lover's ser.) C780.97 E49 Gilmore, P. S. History of the national peace jubilee at Boston, 1869. 1871. C780 G48 Hood, G. History of music in New England. 1846. G780.9 H77 tHughes, R. Contemporary American composers. 1900. (Music lover's ser.) C780.97 H89 Jubilee days ; an illustrated daily record of the humorous features of the World's peace jubilee. 1872. 16 nos. in 1 v. **78o-973 qjg Krehbiel, H : E : Review of the New York musical season, 1885-90. 5 v. **78o.973 K92 tRitter, F : L : Music in America. 1883. C780.97 R61 Historically treated, from 1620 — 1880. France. Ferris, G : T. The great Italian and French composers. 1879. (Appletons' new handy vol. ser.) C927.8 F39gi 16 composers treated. Hervey, A. French music in the 19th century. 1903. (Music in the 19th cen- tury ser.) C780.944 H57 Masters of French music 1894. (Masters of contemporary music) C927.8 H57 Contents. Thomas. — Gounod. — Saint-Saens. — Massenet. — Reyer. — Bru- neau. — Some other French composers. Lavoix, H : M : F. (La) musique francaise. [1891] C780.944 L41 (Bibliotheque de l'enseigencment des beaux-arts.) Germany. Chorley, H : F. Modern German music. 1854. 2 v. in 1. C780.943 C55 Deals with the period 1839- 1848. Elson, L:C: History of German song from the time of the minnesingers to the present age. 1888. C780.943 E49 Fay, A. Music study in Germany; from her home correspondence. 1881. C914.3 F28 Letters written 1869-75. HISTORY. 17 Ferris, G : T. Great German composers, Bach to Dvorak. New ed., revised. 1897. C927.8 F39 18 composers treated. Maitland, J : A. F. Masters of German music. (Masters of contemporary music) C927.8 M23 17 composers treated. Rimbault, E : F. Gallery of great composers. 1874. **78o.g43 fR57 Portraits, on steel, of 12 German composers, with critical sketches. Great Britain. Baptie, D : Sketches of the English glee composers. [1735-1866] C927.8 B22 Brief sketches, with lists of the compositions of a very great number of musicians. Barrett, W : A. English church composers. 1882. (Great musicians) C927.8 B27 A general history of the subject. Blackie, J : S. Scottish song; its wealth, wisdom and social significance. 1889. C780.9 B62 Crowest, F : J. Story of British music from earliest times to the Tudor period. 1896. C780.942 C95 Dalyell, Sir J : G. Musical memoirs of Scotland. 1849. **78o.94 qDi.5 Fully illustrated. Hueffer, F. Half a century of music in England, 1837-1887. 1889. C780.942 H88 Chiefly on Wagner, Liszt and Berlioz in England. Kidson, F. comp. Old English country dances. 1890. C786.46 K460 Airs without accompaniments ; notes and bibliography. tMaitland, J : A. F. English music in the 19th century. 1902. (Music in the 19th century ser.) C780.942 M23 Ritter, F : L : Music in England. 1883. C780.9 R6im Willeby, C : Masters of English music. (Masters of contemporary music) C927.8 W69 Contents. Sullivan. — Mackenzie. — Cowen. — Parry. — Stanford. Greece. Monro, D. B. Modes of ancient Greek music. 1894. C781.8 M75 18 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Torr, C. On the interpretation of Greek music. 1896. C781.8 T68 Italy. Ferris, G : T. The great Italian and French composers. 1879. (Appletons' new handy vol. ser.) C927.8 F39gi 16 composers treated. Streatf eild, R : A. Masters of Italian music. 1895. (Masters of contemporary mu- sic) C927.8 S91 Contents. Verdi. — Boito. — Mascagni. — Puccini. — Leoncavello. — Some other Italian composers. Spain. Riano, J. F. Critical and bibliographical notes on early Spanish music. 1887. **78o.946 R48 THEORY OF MUSIC. Albrechtsberger, J : G : Collected writings on thorough bass, harmony and composition; tr. by S. Novello from the original German, 1855. 3 v. in 1. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C781 A34 Banister, H : C : Musical analysis; a handbook for students. [190-] C781 B21 Brown, J. P. Intervals, chords and ear training for young pianoforte students. [1897] C781 B87 Cummings, W : H. Rudiments of music. [1877] (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C781 C97 Elson, L : C : Theory of music as applied to the teaching and practice of voice and instruments. [1890] C781 E49 Klauser, J. The septonate and the centralization of the tonal system ; a simpli- fication of the theory and practice of music. 1890. C781 K63 Logier, J : B. Comprehensive course in music ; ed. by C. Stein ; enlarged and re- vised American edition. c i888. **78i L83 McLaughlin, J. M. Elements and notation of music. 1902. C781 M16 By the director of music in the Boston public schools. Riemann, L : Ueber eigenttimliche bei natur — and orientalischen kulturvolkern vorkommende tonreihen. 1899. C781 R55 Williams, C : F. A. Story of notation. 1903. (Music story ser.) C781 W72 THEORY OF MUSIC. 19 Wuerst, R : Elementary theory of music, and the treatment of chords ; tr. into English by M. Butler. c i893. C781 W95 Acoustics. Broadhouse, J : Musical acoustics ; or, The phenomena of sound as connected with music. 1881. (Student's Helmholtz) C781.1 B86 Harris, T : F : Handbook of acoustics for the use of musical students. 4th ed. [189-] C781.1 H31 Specimen examination papers are appended. Taylor, S. Sound and music ; a non-mathematical treatise on the physical constitution of musical sounds and harmony. 1873. C781.1 T24 Harmony, Thorough-bass. Burrowes, J. F. Thorough-base [ !] primer. 1840. **78i.3 B97 Bussler, L : Elements of notation and harmony; tr. from the 5th revised and enlarged ed. 1895. C781.3 B98 Catel, C : S. Treatise on harmony; notes by L. Mason. 1832. **78i.3 C35 Treatise on harmony ; tr. by Mrs. Cowden-Clarke from the orig- inal French. 1854. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C781 C35 Chadwick, G : W. Harmony ; a course of study. c i897. C781.3 C43 Curwen, J : How to observe harmony, nth ed. [1881] C781.3 C98 Emery, S. A. Elements of harmony; rev. and enlarged ed. c i890. C781.3 E53 Goetschius, P. Material used in musical composition ; a system of harmony. 5th ed. revised and improved. 1900. C781.3 G59 Jadassohn, S. Manual of harmony; tr. from the 3d German ed., by T. Baker. I9°3- C781.3 J2im Johnson, A. N. Practical instructions in harmony upon the Pestalozzian or induc- tive system. 1854. **78i.3 J66 Mozart, W. A. A succinct thorough-bass school ; tr. from the German by S. No- vello; the musical portion revised by J. Pittman. [1854] Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C781.3 Mg3 Norris, H. A. Practical harmony. c i894. 2 v. C781.3 N85 Key to Practical harmony. c i896. C781.3 N8sk 20 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Ritter, F : L : Musical dictation; a practical guide for musical students. 1887- 89. 2 v. (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C781.3 R61 Stainer, Sir J : Harmony. [187-?] (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C781.3 S78 See also Composition. Counterpoint. Bridge, J: F: Counterpoint. [1878] (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C781.4 B85 Cherubini, L. Treatise on counterpoint and fugue ; tr. by Mrs. Cowden-Clarke from the French. 1854. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C781.4 C52 Goetschius, P. Counterpoint applied in the invention, fugue, canon, and other polyphonic forms . . . for the use of students. 1902. C781.4 G59 Ouseley, Sir F : A. G. Treatise on counterpoint, canon and fugue. 2d ed. 1880. (Clar- endon press ser.) C781.4 O94 Spalding, W. R. Tonal counterpoint. 1904. C781.4 S73 Composition and Instrumentation. Berlioz, H. L : Treatise upon modern instrumentation and orchestration ; tr. from the French by M.. C. Clarke. 3d ed. 1858. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C781.6 B51 Corder, F. The orchestra and how to write for it. c i896. C781.6 C79 Crotch, W : Elements of musical composition ; 3d ed. rev. by T : Pickering. 1856. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C781.3 C95 Goodrich, A. J. Goodrich's Analytical harmony; a theory of musical composition from the composer's standpoint. c i893. C781.3 G65 Orser, L. The natural method of writing music. 1893. **78i.6 O76 Prout, E. Instrumentation. (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C781.6 P96 A study of the parts played by various instruments and their relations to each other. Wohlf ahrt, H : Guide to musical composition ; tr. by J. S. Dwight. [ c i859l C781.6 W84. OPERA (-CRITICAL WORKS;. 21 OPERA (CRITICAL WORKS) Annesley, C : The standard-opera glass, containing detailed plots of 80 famous operas. 1888. **782 A61 t Same. 1895. C782 A61 tApthorp, W : F. The opera past and present. 1901. (Music lovers' library) C782 A65 Carleton, F.. E. Operas; their writers and their plots, by Notelrac [pseud.] 1882. C782 C28 Edwards, H : S. The lyrical drama. 1881. 2 v. C782 E26 Includes stories of famous operas. History of the opera. 1862. 2 v. C782 E26I1 Elson, A. Critical history of opera. 1901. (Music lovers' ser.) C782 E49 Guerber, H. A. Stories of famous operas. 1897. C782.1 G92 Stories of [12] popular operas. 1904. C782 Gg2s Heath, C : Beauties of the opera and ballet. [186-?] **782 H43 Stories of 9 operas, fully illustrated. Hogarth, G: Memoirs of the opera in Italy, France, Germany, and England. 1851. 2 v. G782 H7im tLahee, H : C : Grand opera in America. 1902. (Music lovers' ser.) C782.1 L18 Pardon, G : F : Tales from [15] operas. 1864. **782 P22 Singleton, E. Guide to the opera. 1899. C782 S61 Streatf eild, R : A. The opera ; sketch of the development of opera ; with full descrip- tion of every work in the modern repertory: introduction by J : A. Fuller-Maitland. 1897. C782 S910 Same. New ed. revised and enlarged. 1902. C782 S9102 Upton, G : P. Standard operas ; their plots, music and composers. 1886. C782 U71 22 composers treated. Wagnalls, M. Stars of the opera; a description of 12 operas and a series of per- sonal sketches, with interviews of Sembrich, Eames, and others. 1899. C782.1 W13 22 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Collected Librettos. Ditson, Oliver & co. Standard opera librettos. 3 v. **782 D61 33 librettos in the vernacular, with English translation. Tryon, G : W. ed. The standard ed. of [50] opera librettos [in English] 2 v. •782 T875 Scores and Librettos. Auber, D. F. E. Le domino noir; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and Eng- lish words] :: 782.4 A88d Les diamants de la couronne ; opera [piano and vocal score ; Ital- ian and English words] ^782.4 A88di Fra Diavolo ; opera [piano and vocal score ; French and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. *782.4 A88f Masaniello (La muta di Portici) ; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] " ; 782.4 A88n Same; libretto in Italian and English; ed. and tr. by M. Mag- gione. C782.4 A88m Balfe, M. W : The Bohemian girl; opera [piano and vocal score] *782.i Bi8b The rose of Castille ; opera [piano and vocal score] *782.i Bi8r II talismano (The talisman) ; a grand opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and English words] ; libretto by A. Matthison, tr. by G. Zaffira. *782-5 Bi8t Beethoven, L : van. Fidelio ; opera [piano and vocal score] ^782.3 B4if Bellini, V. Norma; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.5 B44n I Pnritani (The Puritans) opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) ^782. 5 B44P La sonnambula ; opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and Eng- lish words] (Novellos' octavo ed.) *782.5 B44S Benedict, Sir J. The lily of Killarney ; opera [piano and vocal score] ^782.8 B75 Berlioz, H. L : The damnation of Faust, ed. by L. Damrosch [piano and vocal score; German and English words] 2 copies. *782-4 qBsid Bizet, G : Carmen ; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] *782.4 B62C Same; libretto [in Italian and English, with a few musical se- lections] ^782.4 B62C2 OPERA (CRITICAL WORKS). 23 Boito, A. Mcfistofele; opera, tr. and adapted by T. T. Barker [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] c i88o. *782.5 B68m Damrosch, W. J. The scarlet letter ; opera [piano and vocal score] ; words by G : P. Lathrop, after Hawthorne's romance. c i896. *782 D16 Delibes, C. P. L. Lakme; opera [piano and vocal score; English words] ♦782.4 D35I Donizetti, G. Don Pasquale; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] *782.5 D68d La favorita; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] *782.5 D68f Lucia di Lammermoor (The bride of Lammermoor) [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] (Novello's oc- tavo ed.) *782.5 D681u Lucrezia Borgia; a tragic opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.5 D681 Flotow, F : von. Marta (Martha) ; opera [piano and vocal score. Italian and Eng- lish words] *782.3 F64m Gluck, C. W. ritter von. Iphigenie en Aulide [piano and vocal score; French and English words] *782.3 Gs6ip Iphigenie en Tauride [piano and vocal score ; French words] ^782.3 G56i Orpheus; opera [piano and vocal score; French and English words] *782.3 G560 Same ; libretto in English. C782.3 Gs6or Goldmark, K. Queen of Sheba; opera; words by Mosenthal [libretto] 1886. ^782. 1 G6iq Gounod, C : F. Faust; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] ♦782.4 G7i£ Same; with an English version and the music of the principal airs. ♦782.4 G7if2 Same; [libretto] ^782.4 G7if3 Irene (Reine de Saba) ; grand opera [piano and vocal score ; Eng- lish words] English libretto by H. Farnie. ^782.4 G71 1 Mirella ; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] ♦782.4 G7im Romeo et Juliette ; opera [piano score only] ::: 782.4 G7ir Halevy, F. La Juive ; opera [piano and vocal score ; French words] *782.4 Hi 68 Same. The Jewess; opera [libretto in German and English] ♦782.4 Hi68a 24 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Marchetti, F. Ruy Bias; dramma lirico [piano score only] *782.5 M31X Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Choruses of Sophocles' Antigone [piano and vocal score ; Eng- lish words] *782.3 M53a Loreley ; an unfinished opera [piano and vocal score ; English words] *782.3 M53I Oedipus at Colonos [piano and vocal score] *782.3 M530 Meyerbeer, G. L'Africaine; opera [piano score only] *782.4 M6ia Dinorah (Le pardon de Ploermel) ; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] *782.4 M6id Le prophete ; opera [piano score only] *782-4 M6ip Roberto il diavolo; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] ^782.4 M6ir Gli Ugonotti (Les Huguenots) ; [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] *782.4 M6ih Mozart, W. A. Don Giovanni ; opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.3 Mg3d II flauto magico ; opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and Eng- lish words] *782.3 Mg3f Paderewski, I. J. Manru ; opera [piano and vocal score ; German and English words] c iC)Oi. *782.i P12 Paine, J : K. Oedipus Tyrannus; music for male chorus and orchestra. c i88i. *782.3 P140 Ponchielli, A. La Gioconda ; 'opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and English words] (Ricordi's ed.) *782.5 P79g Puccini, G. Tosca; melodramma di V. Sardou, L. Illica, G. Giacosa [piano and vocal score; Italian words] c i899- *782.5 qPg7 Rossini, G. A. Otello; opera [piano score only] *786.4 R830 Semiramide; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] *782.5 R83S [William Tell] Guglielmo Tell; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] *782.5 R83W Rubinstein, A. G. Nero; opera [libretto in English, with a few musical selections] c i886. 2 copies. ^782.3 R8gn Thomas, C : L : A. Hamlet; opera [piano score only] *782.4 T45I1 Mignon; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] ; tr. by T. T. Barker. c i88i. *782.4 qT45m3 Same [piano score only] *782.4 T45m2 Same [libretto in English] 1874. ^782.4 T454 OPERA (CRITICAL WORKS). 25 Verdi, G. Aida ; opera ; words by A. Ghislanzoni. c i88o. *782.5 qV"48a2 Same [piano score only] *782.5 V48a Same [libretto in English, with a few musical selections] •782.5 V 4 8a 3 Un ballo in maschera [a masked ball] ; opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and English words] *782.5 V48b Don Carlos ; opera [piano score only] ^782. 5 V48d Ernani ; opera [piano score only] *782.5 V48er I Lombardi alia prima crociata ; opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian words] (Ricordi's cheap ed.) *782.5 V48I Nabucodonosor ; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian words] *782.5 V48n Rigoletto ; a tragic opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and English words] *782.5 V48r La traviata; lyric drama; ed. by B. Tours [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.5 V48t II trovatore ; a tragic opera [piano and vocal score ; Italian and English words] c i898. *78a.5 V"48tr Same. The troubadour; opera [libretto in English, with a few musical selections] *782.5 V48tr2 Wallace, W. V. Maritana ; opera [piano and vocal score] *782.i W195 Weber, C. M. von. Der freischiitz (The freeshooter) [piano and vocal score; German and English words] *782.3 W37f Oberon ; opera [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.3 W370 Wagnerian Opera. Wagner, R: Selections from the music dramas of Wagner arranged for the piano [without the vocal parts] by O. Singer. 1905. (Mu- sicians' library) ^782.2 fWi3sl The flying Dutchman ; a romantic opera [piano and vocal score ; German and English words. 1897] (Schimer's collection of operas) *782.2 Wi3f2 Same [piano and vocal score; German and English words] ed. by B. Tours ; English version by J. Troutbeck. *782.2 Wi3f3 Same. Le vaisseau fantome; opera [piano score only] *7§2.2 Wi3f Gotterdammerung; English translation by H. and F. Corder [piano and vocal score] ^782.2 qWi3g Same (The dusk of the gods) ; music-drama [libretto] C782.2 Wi3go In German and English. 26 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Wagner, R : Same. Dusk of the gods; English translation by F: Jameson; vocal score by K. Klindworth. c i904. *782.2 qWi3g2 Lohengrin ; tr. by N. Macfarren [piano and vocal score] (Schir- mer's collection of operas) *782.2 W13I Same; ed. by T. Thomas. 1875. *782.2 W13I2 Piano and vocal score; incomplete. Same [piano and vocal score] (Novello's ed.) *782.2 W13I3 Same [libretto in English] C782.2 W13I0 Capes, B. The romance of Lohengrin, founded on Wagner's opera. 1905. C782.2 C23 Wagner, R: Die meistersinger von Niirnberg; English translation by H. and F. Corder [piano and vocal score] *782.2 Wi3m Same. The mastersingers of Nuremberg; English translation by F. Jameson; vocal score by K. Klindworth. [ c i903-04] *782.2 qWi3m2 Same [libretto in German and English] C782.2 Wi3ma Benoit, C. The typical motives of the Master-singers of Nuremberg, a musical comedy by R: Wagner. c i889. C782.2 Wi3mxb Wagner, R.- Parsifal; a festival drama; simplified vocal score by R. Klein- michel, with German and English words. 1903. *782.2 W13P Parsifal ; a stage-consecrating festival-play ; English translation by M. Glyn; vocal score by K. Klindworth. ^902-04. *782.2 qWi3p2 Parsifal ; an English text for the score, together with the German poem; tr. by G: T. Phelps. 1904. C782.2 Wi3pxp Parsifal, a festival drama [libretto] in German and English. 1903. C782.2 W13P Aldrich, R : Guide to Parsifal. 1904. C782.2 Wi3pxa Duffield, H. Parsifal, the guileless fool. 1904. C782.2 Wi3pxd Gurney, A. Parsifal; a festival play by R: Wagner; a study. 1888. C782.2 G98 Huckel, O. Parsifal ; a mystical drama by R : Wagner, retold in the spirit of the Bayreuth interpretation. 1903. C782.2 H88 Huneker, J. Overtones, a book of temperaments. 1904. C780.4 H930 Includes an essay on Parsifal. Kufferath, M. Parsifal of Richard Wagner; tr. from the French. c i892. C782.2 K95 OPERA (CRITICAL WORKS). 2^ Parsons, A. R. Parsifal; the finding of Christ through art; or, Wagner as theo- logian. 1890. C782.2 P26 Wagner, R : Das Rheingold ; tr. by H. and F. Corder [piano and vocal score] 2 copies. ^782.2 qWi3r Same. The Rhinegold ; English translation by F. Jameson ; vocal score by K. Klindworth. c i904. :: 782.2 qWi3r2 Same. English version by J. P. Jackson [libretto] with original German words. C782.2 Wi3ra Rienzi ; opera [piano score only] *782.2 Wi3ri Siegfried ; English translation by H. and F. Corder [piano and vocal score] c ic)04. - : 782.2 W13S Same. English translation by F: Jameson; vocal score by K. Klindworth. c i904. *782.2 qWi3S2 Same [libretto in German and English], tr. by J: P. Jackson. [ c i887] C782.2 Wi3se Tannhauser [piano and vocal score; German and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. *782.2 Wi3ta Same. Tannhauser and the tournament of song at Warthberg; a romantic opera [libretto in German and English. 188-] C782.2 Wi3tn Tristan and Isolde [piano and vocal score] *782.2 Wi3t ■ Same [libretto in German and English] *782.2 Wi3t2 Die walkiire; tr. by H. and F. Corder [piano and vocal score] *782.2 W13W Same. The valkyrie; English translation by F: Jameson; vocal score by K. Klindworth. c i904. ^782.2 qWi3W2 Same. The valkyr; English tr. by J: P. Jackson [libretto] with original German words. c i885. C782.2 Wi3va Critical Writings on the Wagnerian Opera. Chapin, A.. A. Wonder tales from Wagner. 1898. CJ782.2 C46W Cleather, A. L. and Crump, B. The ring of the Nibelung; an interpretation, embodying Wag- ner's own explanations. [190-] C782.2 Wi3rxc Dippold, G : T. Richard Wagner's poem The ring of the Nibelung explained and in part translated. 1888. C831.21 D59 tFrost, W : H : Wagner story book; fire-light tales. 1894. C782.2 F93 Also in the children's department. Gerard, F. A. Wagner, Bayreuth and the festival plays. 1901. C782.2 G35 Gould, S. Baring- Siegfried; a romance, founded on Wagner's operas, "Rheingold," "Siegfried" and Gotterdammerung." 1905. C782.2 G6gs 28 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Guerber, H. A. Stories of the Wagner opera. 1895. C782.2 G92 Irvine, D. A Wagnerian's midsummer madness. 1899. C782.2 I72 A serious study of Wagner's genius. Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung, and the conditions of ideal man- hood. 1897. C782.2 I72W Kobbe, G. How to understand Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung. 6th ed. [189-?] C782.2 K75 Music-dramas of Richard Wagner; with the leading motives in notation. 1882-86. 2 v. C782.2 K75m Wagner's music-dramas analyzed, with the leading motives. 1904. C782.2 Wi3xk tKrehbiel, H : E : Studies in the Wagnerian drama. 1891. C782.2 K92 Discusses Tristan, Die Meistersinger, Ring des Nibelungen and Parsifal. tLavignac, A. Music dramas of Richard Wagner, and his festival theatre in Bay- reuth, tr. from the French by E. Singleton. 1898. C782.2 L41 Leeke, F. ed. Pictorial Wagner. [189-?] **782.2 fWi3xl Beautiful folio engravings representing characteristic scenes from Wagner's operas, with an introduction by H : T. Finck. Maud, C. E.. Wagner's heroines. 1898. ca-J782.2 M44 Contents. Brunhilda. — Senta. — Isolda. Wagner's heroes. 1895. ca-J782.2 M44W tNewman, E. Study of Wagner. 1899. C782.2 N55 Shaw, G. B. The perfect Wagnerite ; a commentary on the Ring of the Ni- belungs. 1899. C782.2 S53 Wagner, R : Nibelungen ring; done into English verse by R. Rankin. 1899- 1901. 2 v. C782.2 Wi3r The poem only. Weston, J. L. Legends of the Wagner drama. 1896. C782.2 W53 Light Operas. Gilbert, W : S. Original comic operas ; libretto. 1886. C782.6 S94 Contents. Th». sorcerer. — H. M. S. Pinafore.— Pirates of Penzance. — Iolanthe. — Patience. — Princess Ida. — The Mikado. — Trial by jury. Soubies, A. and Malherbe, C: Histoire de l'Opera-Comique, 1840-60. 1892. C782.6 S71 OPERA (CRITICAL WORKS). 29 tUpton, G : P. Standard light operas, their plots and music. 1902. C782 U71S 37 composers treated. Scores. Adam, A. C. Le postilion de Lonjumeau; opera comique [piano and vocal score; French words] *782.6 A2ip Audran, E. The "mascot" [piano and vocal score; English words] c i88i. *782.6 Agim Olivette [piano and vocal score; English words] c i88i. *782.6 Agio Balfe, M. W : The sleeping queen; operetta; written by H. B. Farnie [piano and vocal score] *782.7 B18 Cellier, A. The mountebanks; [words] by W : S. Gilbert; arrangement for pianoforte [only] by A. Plumpton. c i8g2. *782.6 C3gmp Cimarosa, D. II matrimonio segreto [piano and vocal score; Italian and Ger- man words] (Edition Peters) *782.6 C57m De Koven, R. The fencing master; libretto by H. B. Smith [piano and vocal score] 2d ed. 1893. *782.6 D32f - "Red Feather," a comic opera; book by C. Klein [piano and vocal score] ^903. *782.6 qD32rf Rob Roy; libretto by H. B. Smith [piano and vocal score] c i894. *782.6 D32r Robin Hood; [words] by H. B. Smith [piano and vocal score] c i89i. *782.6 D32. Donizetti, G. La figlia del reggimento (The daughter of the regiment) [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] (No- vello's octavo ed.) *782.6 D68f Eichberg, J. The doctor of Alcantara [piano and vocal score; English words] c i879. *782.6 E34 Flotow, F : von. L'ombre [piano score only] *782.6 F640 Gounod, C : F. The mock doctor; Le medecin malgr£ lui [piano and vocal score; French and English words] *782.6 G7im Herold, L : J. F. Zampa [piano score only] *782.6 H56Z Jakobowski, E. Erminie ; libretto by C. Bellamy and H. Paulton [piano and vocal score; English words] ^782.6 Ji6e 30 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Lecocq, A. C : The little duke [piano and vocal score; English words] c i879. *782.6 L46I Leoncavallo, R. I pagliacci [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] c i893. *782.6 L58 Mascagni, P. Cavalleria rusticana (Rustic chivalry) ; melodrama [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] c i8c)i. 2 copies. *782.6 M39 Friend Fritz; lyrical comedy by P. Suardon [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] English version by N. H. Dole. 1891. (Schirmer's ed.) *782.6 M3gf Meyerbeer, G. L'etoile du nord [piano score only] ^782.6 M6ie Mozart, W. A. Le nozze di Figaro [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] c i858. (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.6 Mg3n Same. (The marriage of Figaro) [libretto, only, in Italian and English] *782.6 Mg3n2 Offenbach, J. La grande duchesse de Gerolstein [piano and vocal score ; French and English words] *782.6 032g Planquette, R. The bells of Corneville [piano and vocal score; English words] c i879. *782.6 P7ib Paul Jones [piano and vocal score ; English words] *782.6 qP7ip Rossini, G. A. II barbiere di Siviglia (The barber of Seville) [piano and vocal score; Italian and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.6 R83b Solomon, E : Billee Taylor; nautical comic opera [piano and vocal score] *782.6 S68b Sousa, J : P. El capitan ; book by C. Klein [piano and vocal score] c i896. ::: 782.6 S72e Spenser, W. The little tycoon [piano and vocal score] c i882. *782.6 S74 Sullivan, Sir A. S. The gondoliers ; or, The king of Barataria [piano score onlv] c i889. ::: 782.6 Sg4g Same [libretto ; by W : S. Gilbert] c i889. C782.6 Sg4go Iolanthe, written by W : S. Gilbert [piano and vocal score] 2 copies. *782.6 Sg4i Same [libretto] c i882. *782.6 Sg4i2 OPERA (CRITICAL WORKS). 31 Sullivan, Sir A. S. Vocal score of The mikado; [words] by W : S. Gilbert. c i885- 2 copies. *782.6 Sg4m Same [libretto] C782.6 Sg4ma Patience ; or, Bunthorne's bride ; written by W : S. Gilbert [piano and vocal score] c i88i. 2 copies. ^782.6 Sg4pa IT. M. S. Pinafore; written by W: S. Gilbert [piano and vocal score] 2 copies. *782.6 S94P Pirates of Penzance ; written by W : S. Gilbert [piano and vocal score] c i88o. *782.6 Sg4pi Princess Ida ; words by W : S. Gilbert [piano and vocal score] 1884. 2 copies. *782.6 Sg4pr Same. Princess Ida; or, Castle Adamant [comic opera; libretto] c i884. C782.6 Sg4pn Ruddygore; [words] by W : S. Gilbert [piano and vocal score] 2 copies. 1887. *782.6 Sg4r Same; pianoforte score [only] c i887. ^782.6 Sg4r2 Same. Ruddygore, or, The witch's curse; comic opera; libretto [by W : S. Gilbert] c i887. C782.6 Sg4ru The sorcerer ; written by W : S. Gilbert [piano and vocal score] *782.6 Sg4s Trial by jury; dramatic cantata, written by W : S. Gilbert [piano and vocal score] *782.6 Sg4t Yeomen of the guard; vocal score; [words] by W: S. Gilbert. c i888. *782.6 Sg4y Same. The yeomen of the guard ; or, The merryman and his maid; comic opera; [libretto] by W: S. Gilbert. c i888. C782.6 Sg4ye Suppe, F. von. Boccaccio ; English translation by D. Smith [piano and vocal score] c i88o. *782.6 Sgsb Fatinitza [piano and vocal score; Italian, German and English words] *782.6 Sg^i Cantatas (Secular), Operettas, Etc. tUpton, G : P. Standard cantatas; their stories, music and composers. 1888. C782.8 U71 42 composers treated. Beach, Mrs. A. N. The rose of Avontown ; ballad for female voices [piano and vocal score] c i8o,6. ^784.3 B36 Beethoven, L. van. The choral fantasia [piano and vocal score ; German and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *784-5 B4 Choral symphony (no. 9) ; English version by N. Macfarren [piano and vocal score; German words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *783.6 B41 Same. Vocal parts to Ninth symphony. *784.2 qB4 Praise of music ; cantata [piano and vocal score ; English words] Novello's octavo ed.) ^782.8 B41 32 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Bruch, M. Fair Ellen ; composed for soprano, baritone, chorus and orchestra [piano and vocal score; German and English words] *784.86 B89 Chadwick, G: W. Judith; lyric drama; text by W : C. Langdon [piano and vocal score] 1901. *782.8 C43J The lily nymph ; a dramatic poem by Arlo Bates [piano and vocal score] c i8o,5. *782.8 C43 Douglas, M. Brownies ; fairy spectacle ; libretto by P. Cox, music by M. Doug- las. c i894. *782.8 C87 Libretto, with a few unaccompanied airs. Gade, N. W : The erl-king's daughter; ballad founded on Danish legends [piano and vocal score; German and English words] (No- vello's octavo ed.) *782.8 Gi2e Grieg, E : H. Scenes from Olaf Trygvasson, unfinished drama by B. Bjornson [piano and vocal score ; English words] *783.3 G840 Handel, G : F : Acis and Galatea ; serenata [piano and vocal score ; English words] (Novello's centenary ed.) *782.8 H23 L'allegro, II pensieroso and II moderato, with accompaniment by W:H:Monk. [i860] (Novello's octavo ed.) *784.86 H23a Alexander's feast ; ode [piano and vocal score ; English words] *782.8 H23a Ode on St. Cecilia's day [piano and vocal score; English words] (Novello's centenary ed.) *782.8 H23S Herbert, V. The captive ; a dramatic cantata [piano and vocal score ; German and English words] composed expressly for the Worcester festival, 1891. *782.8 qHs Hicks, S. and Nicholls, H. A runaway girl ; new musical play by Hicks and Nicholls ; lyrics by A. Hopwood and H. Greenbank ; musical numbers by L. Monckton and I. Caryll. 1898. ^782.8 H63r Hiller, F. A song of victory [piano and vocal score ; German and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *783«3 H6 Humperdinck, E. Hansel and Gretel; a fairy opera [piano and vocal score; English words] by A. Welte; tr. by C. Bache. c i895- *782.8 'H92 Jordan, J. Barbara Frietchie; patriotic ballad for soprano solo, chorus and orchestra [piano and vocal score] words by J: G. Whittier. c i894. *784-3 J82 Macfarren, Sir G. A. May-day; a cantata [piano and vocal score] *782.8 qMi OPERA (CRITICAL WORKS). 3.5 Mackenzie, Sir A. C. "^ Colomba; a drama by F. Hueffer; pianoforte arrangement by E. Silas [piano and vocal score; English words] 2d ed. (No- vello's octavo ed.) *782.8 M15C The troubadour ; a drama by F. Hueffer [pianoforte arrangement by B. Haynes; piano and vocal score; English words] (No- vell's octavo ed.) *782.8 Mist Magill, M.. T. Pantomimes; or, Wordless poems [with musical illustrations] 1882. *782.g M19 Massenet, J. Eve ; a mystery, for soli and mixed chorus, with piano accompani- ment. *7 8 3-3 M4 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Hymn of praise. (Lobgesang) a symphonia cantata [piano and vocal score ; English words] 2 copies. *782.8 M53I1 Music composed for Shakespeare's Midsummer night's dream [piano and vocal score] *783.2 M53m Music to Racine's Athalie [piano and vocal score; English words] *783.2 M53a Son and stranger; operetta [piano and vocal score; English words] *782.8 M53S (First) Walpurgis-night [piano and vocal score; German and English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.8 M53f Root, G: F. Santa Claus' mistake ; a Christmas cantata for children ; words by Clara Louise Burnham [piano and vocal score] c i885. *782.8 B96 Sloane, A. B. Strange adventures of Jack and the bean-stalk; words by R. A. Barnet [piano and vocal score] c i896. *782.8 S63 Smart, H: The bride of Dunkerron ; dramatic cantata [piano and vocal score] (Novello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. *782.8 8636b Stahl, R; Said Pasha ; a romantic opera [piano and vocal score] libretto by S. Marble and R: Stahl. c i888. *78 2 .8 S78 Sullivan, Sir A. S. The golden legend, adapted from the poem of Longfellow, by J. Bennett [piano and vocal score] (Novello's octavo ed.) *782.8 S 94 g Thomas, A. G. The swan and the skylark ; cantata [piano and vocal score] ; words by Hemans, Keats and Shelley. 1894. 2 copies. *782.8 qT4 Weil, O. Three operettas ; words by H : C. Bunner [piano and vocal score] c i897. *782.8 W42 Contents. The three little kittens of the land of pie. — The seven old ladies of Lavender town. — Bobby Shaftoe. 34 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. SACRED MUSIC. Allen, N. H. The desirability of a distinctive type of church music; an address. [1904] **78 3 A42 Dickinson, E : Music in the history of the western church. 1902. C783 D55 Includes bibliography (5p.) Helmore, T. Plain song. (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C784.9 H48 Treatise on the earliest church music. Humphreys, F. L. Evolution of church music. [ c i896] C783 H92 Preface by Bishop H : C. Potter. Mears, D. O. Jubilee Sabbath of Piedmont church ; 2 discourses [on church mu- sic] delivered June 5th, 1881. ^783 qM48 Pratt, W. S. Musical ministries in the church. 1901. C783 P91 A brief treatise on the function of music in public worship. Masses, Te Deums, etc. Adams, G. A. Mass in C minor for four voices, with piano or organ accompani- ment. 1889. 2 copies. *783-2 A2 Beethoven, L. van Mass in C [piano and vocal score ; Latin and English words] ^783.2 B4im Missa solennis (in D) [piano and vocal score; Latin words] (Novello's ed.) *783.2 B41 Gounod, C : F. Messe solennelle (St. Cecilia) ed. by J. Barnby [piano and vocal score ; Latin words] 2 copies. ^783. 2 G71 Handel, G : F : Dettingen "Te Deum" ; also Coronation anthem, "Zadock the priest"; arranged by V. Novello. (Novello's centenary ed.) * 7 8 3 .2 H2 3 d Piano and vocal score. English words. Jubilate ; vocal score ; accompaniment for pianoforte by R. Franz. 1880. (Cincinnati festival ed.) ^783.2 H23 Composed for the peace of Utrecht, 1713. English words. Haydn, J. The celebrated arrangement of [his] masses by V. Novello [piano and vocal score; Latin words] 16 nos. in 3 v. (No- vello's cheap musical classics) *783.2 H41 Morrison, C. P. Missa de angelis, also In memoriam [Solon Wilder, 1830-1874] and Eight chorals written for the Worcester festival [piano and vocal score] 1873. :1 783.5 M87 SACRED MUSIC. 35 Mozart, W. A. The celebrated arrangement of [his] masses by V. Novello [piano and vocal score; Latin words] 18 nos. in 3 v. *783.2 M93 Pole, W : Story of Mozart's requiem. 1879. **783.2 P76 Pott, F. and Brown, A. H; ed. The free-rhythm psalter; choir and people's ed. — melody. 1898. C783.24 P86f Same; organ ed. 1898. C783.24 P86fa Unitarian Sunday-school society. Service for Christmas. 1888. **783-2 U58 Verdi, G. Requiem [piano and vocal score ; Latin and English words] com- posed in memory of Manzoni. 1895. 2 copies. *783.2 V48 Same. Messe de requiem, composee pour l'anniversaire de Man- zoni [piano score only] *783.2 V48m Western Unitarian Sunday school society. Easter service. 1887? **783.28 E13 Oratorios. tPatterson, A. W. The story of oratorio. 1902. (Music story ser.) C783.3 P31 tUpton, G : P. Standard oratorios ; their stories, music and composers. 1886. C783-3 U71 23 composers treated. Bach, J. S. Passion of our Lord [piano and vocal score] (Novello's octavo ed.) *783-3 Blip Beethoven, L. van. Engedi ; or, David in the wilderness ; a sacred drama [piano and vocal score; German and English words] *783-3 B4ie Berlioz, H. L: The childhood of Christ; sacred trilogy; words and music by Ber- lioz [piano and vocal score; English words] (Edition Schir- mer) *783-3 B51 Bridge, Sir J : F : The repentance of Nineveh ; a dramatic oratorio [piano and vocal score; English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. *783-3 B47 Bruch, M. Arminius ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] Ger- man text by J. Cuppers ; tr. by Mrs. R. Macfarren. 2 copies. *78 3 . 3 B88 Elgar, Sir E. E: The dream of Gerontius [piano and vocal score] words by Cardi- nal Newman. 1900. (Novello's octavo ed.) *783.i Nsse Franck, C. The beatitudes ; an oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] 1897. *783-3 F82 36 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Gounod, C : F. Mors et vita ; a sacred trilogy, written and composed by Gounod [piano and vocal score; Latin words] (Novello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. *783-3 G711T1 The redemption; a sacred trilogy, written and composed by Gounod [piano and vocal score; English words] 2 copies. *783-3 G7ir Handel, G : F : Deborah ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] ar- ranged by V. Novello. (Novello's centenary ed.) *783.3 H23d Israel in Egypt ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] arranged by V. Novello. (Novello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. *783.3 H23i Jephtha; oratorio [piano and vocal score; English words] ar- ranged by V. Novello. (Novello's centenary ed.) *783.3 H23je Joshua ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] ar- ranged by V. Novello. (Novello's octavo ed.) *783-3 H23J Judas Maccabseus ; oratorio [piano and vocal score; English words] arranged by V. Novello. (Novello's centenary ed.) 2 copies. *783-3 H23JU The Messiah; oratorio [piano and vocal score; English words] ed. by W. T. Best. (Novello's octavo ed.) ^783.3 H23m Samson; oratorio [piano and vocal score; English words] ar- ranged by V. Novello. (Novello's octavo ed.) *783.3 H23S Saul ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] arranged by V. Novello. (Novello's centenary ed.) *783.3 H23sa Solomon ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] ar- ranged by V. Novello. (Novello's octavo ed.) *783-3 H23S0 Haydn, J. The creation; oratorio [piano and vocal score; English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *783.3 H41C The seasons ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) 782.3 H41S Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Elijah ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] English version by W. Bartholomew (Novello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. ::: 783-3 M53e Edwards, F. G. History of Mendelssohn's oratorio 'Elijah.' 1896. C783.3 E26 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. St. Paul ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words] No- vello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. *783-3 M53S Paine, J : K. Azara; opera. c igoi. *782 Pi4a Piano and vocal score; English and German words; libretto by the composer. SACRED MUSIC. 37 Parker, H. W. Hora novissima ; the rhythm of Bernard de Morlaix on the celes- tial country, set to music [piano and vocal score; Latin and English words] c i8o3. 2 copies. :: 7 8 3-3 Pz 3 Pergolesi, G. B. Stabat mater [piano and vocal score; Latin words] (Edition Peters) :: 7 8 3- 2 qP4 Rossini, G. A. Moses in Egypt; oratorio as performed by the Handel and Haydn society of Boston [piano and vocal score ; Italian and English words] tr. by G. S. Parker. 2 copies. *7 8 3-3 R8 — — Same [piano and vocal score; English words] English version bv A. Matthison. New ed. (Novello's ed.) 2 copies. *78 3 . 3 qR8m Same. Mose in Egitto; Moses in Egypt (Bibliotheque drama- tique) [piano score only] *7 8 2-5 R83m Rubinstein, A. G. Paradise lost; oratorio [piano and vocal score; English words] *78 3 . 3 R8 9 p Tower of Babel ; sacred opera [piano and vocal score ; English words] c i879. 2 copies. *7 8 3-3 R8gt Saint-Saens, C : C. Samson and Delilah; opera; English version by N. H. Dole [piano and vocal score; English words] c i892. (Schirmer's ed.) 2 copies. *7 8 3-3 Sl 5S Sullivan, Sir A. S. The light of the world ; oratorio [piano and vocal score ; English words. 1873] *7 8 3-3 S94I The prodigal son ; oratorio [piano and vocal score] *7 8 3-3 S94P Cantatas (Sacred), Anthems, Etc. Bach, J; S. A strong castle is our Lord; a sacred cantata; and Zadock the priest by Handel [piano and vocal score; English words] 1880. (Cincinnati festival ed.) *7 8 3-4 Bl1 Barnby, J. Rebekah ; a sacred idyll, written by A. Matthison [piano and vo- cal score; English words] (Novello's ed.) *7 8 3-4 B2 5 Calvert, J : comp. Collection of anthems used in England and Ireland. 1844. G783.4 C16 Without music. Mozart, W. A. Motett, No. 3. Glory, honor, praise and power [piano and vocal score] *7 8 3-4 M 92 Novello's collection of anthems by modern composers. 10 v. *7834 N93 209 anthems [piano and vocal score] 38 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Rossini, G. A. Tribulation ; a sacred cantata, with words of the "Stabat mater," to which it was originally composed [piano and vocal score; Latin words] (Novello's octavo ed.) 2 copies. * 7 8 3 . 4 R8 3 t Saint-Saens, C : C. The heavens declare [piano and vocal score ; Latin words] *7834 Si Schubert, F. P. The song- of Miriam [piano and vocal score; English words] (Novello's octavo ed.) *784.2 S3 Smart, H: Jacob; sacred cantata [piano and vocal score] [1873?] *7834 S63J Church Choirs. Curry, T : Litte choir book. [ c i896] C784.9 C974 12 p. Stubbs, G. E : Practical hints on the training of choir boys. 9th ed. [ c i897] C783.8 S93 Troutbeck, J : Church choir training. (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C783.8 T86 See also Chorus. Other Sacred Music, Including Hymns. Abbott, L. ed. The Plymouth hymnal, for the church, the social meeting and the home. 1894. **783.g A13 American Unitarian association. Hymn and tune book for the church and home and Services for congregational worship. 1869. G783.9 A51 Bradbury, W. B. ed. Devotional hymn and tune book. G783.9 B79 Bridges, R. Practical discourse on some principles of hymn-singing. 1901. C783.9 B85 Reprinted from the Journal of theological studies, Oct. 1899. Curwen, J : S. Studies in worship-music; chiefly as regards congregational sing- ing. 1880. £783.9 C98 Gannett, W : C. and others, ed. Unity hymns and chorals. 1880. : '783.9 G19 Harris, G : and others, ed. Hymns of the faith, with psalms. 1887. :;::: 783.9 H31 Harvard university. University hymn book. 1895. **783.g H33 VOCAL MUSIC (SECULAR). 39 Hiles, J : ed. Sacred songs, ancient and modern [words and music] *78 3 .g H64 Huntington, W : R. ed. The church porch ; a service book and hymnal for Sunday schools. 1874. G783.7 H95 Kaiser, A. and Sparger, W : comp. Collection of the principal melodies of the synagogue. 1893. **783.g K13 Kingsley, G: Sunday school singing book. 1832. G783.7 K55 Airs unaccompanied. Luther, M. Hymns, with music and English and German version; ed. by L. W. Bacon and N. H. Allen. 1883. C783.9 L97 Maitland, J : A. F. English carols of the 15th century, from a ms. roll in Trinity col- lege, Cambridge, with added vocal parts by W. S. Rockstro. *783.6 fM2 Mason, L., Parks, E. A. and Phelps, A. ed. New Sabbath hymn and tune book. 1869. G783.9 Sn Monk, W : H : ed. Hymns, ancient and modern. [1861] G783.9 M74 "The morning stars sang together;" songs for Sunday schools, 1869. *783.7 M86 Sachse, J. F : The music of the Ephrata cloister; also, Conrad Beissel's Treatise on music, 1747. 1903. ^783.7 S12 Reprinted from v. 12 of the proceedings of the Penn. German society. Sarum hymnal; ed. by T. E : Aylward. 1869. G783.9 S25 Schwing, H: Tunes for worship. 1884. **783.g S41 Shaw, O. Sacred songs, duetts, &c. [1823] **783-9 fS53 Stainer, Sir J : ed. Christmas carols, old and new [piano and vocal score] *783.6 S78 Unity festivals ; hymns and services, with music. C783.9 U58 Issued by the Western Unitarian association. Weyman, D : ed. Melodia sacra; or, The psalms of David. 1812-14. 4 v. **78 3 . 9 1W54 VOCAL MUSIC (SECULAR) Bach, A. B. The art ballad: Loewe and Schubert. 2d ed. 1890. C786 Bn Barrett, W : A. English glees and part songs ; an inquiry into their historical de- velopment. 1886. C784.1 B27 An essay without musical illustrations. 40 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Chappell, W : Ballad literature and popular music of the olden time. [184-?] 2 v. **7844 C46b Old English popular music ; new ed. by H. E. Wooldridge. 1893. **7844 C46 Concone, G. School of sight singing, ed. by B. Liitgen. (Augener's ed.) * 7 8 4 . 9 C74 Elson, L : C : German songs and song-writers. c i882. C784 E49 34 P- Engel, C. An introduction to the study of national music, comprising re- searches into popular songs, traditions and customs. 1866. C786.45 E58 tFinck, H : T. Songs and song-writers. (Music lovers' library) 1900. C784.3 F49 Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A. Stories of famous songs. 1901. 2 v. C784 F55 Gates, F. B. Musical interests of children. [1898?] **784 qG2 Reprinted from the Journal of pedagogy, October, 1898. Nason, E. A monogram on our national song. 1869. C784.4 N26 General essay on national music. Salisbury, S. Essay on the Star spangled banner and national songs. 1873. C784.4 S16 Same. G784.4 S16 Silcher, F : Succinct instructions for the guidance of singing schools and cho- ral societies ; tr. from the German by S. Novello. 1857. (No- vello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C784 S58 Smith, N. Stories of great national songs [chiefly American] c i899. C784.4 S65 Taylor, S. System of sight-singing. 1890. C784.9 T24 Tufts, J : W. Handbook of vocal music. 1896. C784 T91 Chorus. Fetis, F. J. Treatise on choir and chorus singing; tr. into English by T. Hel- more. 1854. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C783.6 F41 Krehbiel, H : E : Notes on the cultivation of choral music and the Oratorio society of New York. 1884. C783.24 K92 VOCAL MUSIC (SECULAR). 41 tMees, A. Choirs and choral music. 1901. (Music lovers' library) C782.6 M49 Stainer, Sir ] : Choral society vocalisation. [188-?] C784.9 S78 See also Church Choirs. Collections (Vocal, by Single Composers). Brahms, J : Forty songs for high voice, ed. by J. Huneker [German and Eng- lish words] c i903- (Musicians library) "784.3 £B8if Dana, H. Five songs by Henshaw Dana, with a memoir by C : A. Chase. 1884. **78o-973 D16 Franz, R. Fifty songs for high voice, ed. by W: F. Apthorp. c i903. [Ger- man and English words] (Musicians library) * 7 8 4 . 3 fF8 3 f Jensen, A. Ausgewahlte lieder und gesange. *784-3 J54 Lehmann, Liza. In a Persian garden ; a song cycle for 4 solo voices ; words from the Rubaiyat. c i896. *784.2 qL-5 tMarzials, T. Pan-pipes ; book of old songs newly arranged and with accompani- ments ; set to pictures by W. Crane. 1883. C784.3 M39P t Same. **784-3 M 39P Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Songs and duets ; ed. by J. Pittman. *7 8 4-3 M 53 German and English words. Schubert, F. P. Fifty songs for high voice, ed. by H : T. Finck [German and Eng- lish words] c i904. (Musicians library) *784-3 fS38f Schumann, R. Songs ; ed. by J : L. Hatton. *784-3 S39 German and English words. Fifty songs for high voice, ed. by W : J. Henderson [German and English words] (Musicians library) *784-3 fS3gf Wagner, R : Lyrics for soprano; ed. by C. Armbruster. c i904. (Musicians library) *782.2 Wi3k Lyrics for tenor, ed. by C. Armbruster. c i904. (Musicians library) *782.2 Wi3kt Collections (Vocal, miscellaneous). Abbey, E. A. and Parsons, A. Old songs. 1889. *784.8 1A12 42 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Benda, L. ed. Buch der lieder. . . fiir eine mittlere singstimme. [190-] *78 4 . 3 qB 45 b Calliope, or, English harmony, v. 2. [1739?] **784-8 C16 Airs, with words and illustrations. Engraved throughout. Caulfield, J. comp. Collection of the vocal music in Shakespeare's plays [piano and vocal score. 187-?] G784.8 C37 Centennial collection of national songs of all the principal coun- tries. c i876. *784-4 C39 Cheever, E. C. Rose of May, a song ; solo. **784.3 C51 Craik, Mrs. D. M. comp. Songs of our youth, set to music [by various composers] 1875. * 7 8 4 . 3 C88 Cusins, W. G., ed. Songs from the writings of Alfred Tennyson, set to music by va- rious composers. 1880. *784-3 n>$i Ditson, Oliver & co. Music to be performed at the grand National peace jubilee in Bos- ton, June, 1869 [piano and vocal score] *784-5 B74 Dulcken, H : W : tr. Book of German songs from the 16th to the 19th centurv. 1856. G784.4 D88 Without the music. Eddy, S.. J. comp. Songs of happy life for schools, homes and bands of mercy. 1897. C784.8 E21 Emerson, L. O. comp. The golden wreath; favorite melodies [with accompaniments] 1857. ** 7 8 4 .8 E53 Ereminas, Leo. comp. Dainos sutaisytos ant keturiu balsu. 1902. C784.4 E67 Collection of Lithuanian songs. Erk, L. Deutscher liederschatz. v. 1. *784-4 E68 Words and music. Finck, H : T. ed. Fifty master songs for high voice by 20 composers [chiefly classic ; German and English words] c i903. ^784.3 fF4gf Gould, S. Baring, ed. English minstrelsie ; a national monument of English song; the airs, in both notations, arranged [with accompaniments] by H. F. Shepard, F. W. Bussell and W. H. Hopkinson. 1805. 8 v. **7844 fG6g Preceded by a sketch [by the editor] of English national songs, with many notes on the songs. Hale, P. cd. ' Modern French songs for high voice [French and English words] ( Musicians library) 784.3 fHi6m By 34 composers. VOCAL MUSIC (SECULAR). 43 Hatton, J : L. comp. Collection of humorous songs. '784.8 H36 Songs of England of the last 3 centuries. *784-3 H36 Hughes, R. ed. Thirty songs by thirty Americans, for high voice. c i904. (Musi- cians library) *784-3 fH8gs Hullah, J : P. comp. The song book; words and tunes from the best poets and musi- cians. 1866. C784.3 H91 Airs without accompaniments. Johnson, Mrs. H.. comp. Our familiar songs and those who made them, with sketches of the writers and histories of the songs [piano and vocal score] 1881. '784.8 J67 Juszkievicz, A. comp. Melodje ludowe litewskie. Part 1. 1900. C784.4 J96 Lithuanian folk-tunes without accompaniments. Kappey, J. A. comp. Songs of Scandinavia and northern Europe [with English words] '784.4 K17 McCaskey, J : P. comp. Christmas in song, sketch and story; nearly 300 Christmas songs, with selections from Beecher . . . and Dickens, illustrated by Raphael and others. 1891. C784.8 M12C Mills, H. M. comp. Nature songs and stories; music by E. A. Merriman. c i898. C784.8 M65 Molloy, J. L. Songs of Ireland. 1873. *7 8 44 M72S Includes a large number of T : Moore's lyrics. Hatton, J : L. and Molloy, J. L. *7844 M72S2 Same, new ed. Moore, Mrs. A. A. and Anderson, R. B. ed. Norway music album. c i88i. '780.8 M82 Vocal and instrumental. Musical miscellany. 1729-31. 6 v. in 3. "784.3 M98 Words with airs unaccompanied. Nageli, J : H. G : and Pfeiff er, comp. Eighty-one part-songs and choruses, from the German by S. No- vello. 1857. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C784.85 N14 Neidlinger, W : H. comp. Earth, sky and air in song. v. 1. c i900. C784.8 N3ge O'Conor, M. comp. Old-time songs and ballads of Ireland. c i9oi. C784.4 O18 Includes only a few specimens of music. 44 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Petrie, G: Ancient music of Ireland; from the Petrie collection, arranged for the pianoforte [without words] by T. Hoffman. 1877. •7844 P49 Pittman, J. ed. Songs of Scotland ; ed. by C. Brown. *784-4 P68s and Brown, C. ed. Same; the poetry ed. by C: Mackay. New ed. [1877] *7844 P68S2 Plainsong and medieval music society. Collection of songs and madrigals by English composers of the close of 15th century. 1891. **784,i fP6g Richards, H : B. comp. Songs of Wales [words in Welsh and English] 1873. * 7 8 4 . 4 R51 St. Nicholas songs, with illustrations. [1885] *784.8 S14 Comprises chiefly lyrics from "St. Nicholas" set to music by various composers. Sloper, E : H. L. comp. Madame Patey's collection of standard songs with new sympho- nies and accompaniments. ^784.3 S63 For contralto. The song folio ; by favorite composers, with biographical sketches of popular composers and singers. *784-8 fS6g Sousa, J : P., comp. National patriotic and typical airs of all lands, with accompani- ments. c i890. *7844 S72 Stevenson, Sir J : A. Irish melodies; words by T: Moore; new ed., edited by J. W. Glover. [1859] * 784.4 qS84 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. comp. Nine love songs and a carol. 1896. C784.8 W65 College Songs. American college song book. 1882. *784.6 A51 Arranged alphabetically by colleges. Columbia college song book, ed. by W. B. Donnell and J. T. Walker. 1895. :;: 784.6 C72 Elliot, C : S : comp. Songs of Yale. 3d ed. 1874. *784-6 E46 Harvard university. Music sung by the alumni at the 250th anniversary of the founda- tion of the university. 1886. " *784.6 H33m Hills, W. H-.cowp. Students' songs. c i883. C784.6 H65 Kellogg, F. B. and Shepard, T: G. comp. Yale songs. 1882. *784.6 K2gy Leonard, G. T. comp. Songs of Williams. 1898. **784.6 L5 VOCAL MUSIC (SECULAR). 45 Schauenburg, M. comp. Allgemeines deutsches kommersbuch. **784.6 S31 Students' songs and popular ditties. Sleeper, H. D. comp. Songs of Harvard. 1886. *784.6 H33 Symonds, J : A. tr. Wine, women and song; medieval Latin students' songs, tr. into English verse, with an essay. *784.6 S98 Without music. Waite, H : R. comp. Carmina collegensia; added, a compendium of college history. [ c i868] * 7 84.6 W14C2 Same [1876] *784.6 W14C Cradle and Nursery Songs. tCrane, W. comp. The baby's bouquet ; tunes collected and arranged by L. C. *7844 C89 t The baby's opera; a book of old rhymes with music by the ear- liest masters. *784-4 C8gb Davis, K. W. comp. Cradle songs of many nations. c i898. C784.8 D26 Field, E. Songs of childhood ; music by R. De Koven and others. 1896. C784 F45 Elliott, J. W. National nursery rhymes and nursery songs set to music. *7844 E46 Illustrated by the brothers Dalziel. Emerson, E. U. and Brown, K. L. comp. Stories in song, for kindergarten, home and school. c i890. C784.89 E53 Foster, M. B. A day in a child's life ; [songs] with illustrations by Kate Green- away. [188-?] *784 F75 Herman, R. L. comp. Cradle songs of many nations. [ c i882] *784-4 H55 Illustrations in color by W. Satterlee. Jenks, H. S. and Rust, M. comp. Song echoes from child land. c i896. C784.8 J53 Knowlton, F. S. comp. Nature songs for children. 1898. C784.89 K73 Mother Goose. Melodies [with accompaniments] ; illustrations by J. L. Webb. 1886. *784-4 Mgim Poulsson, E. comp. Holiday songs and everyday songs and games. 1901. C784.8 P87 Gracefully illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. 46 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Walker, G. and Jenks, H. S. comp. Songs and games for little ones. 5th ed. c i887. C784.8 W17 Arranged by seasons, and for special games. Folk-Songs. Chants et chansons populaires de la France. 1858-59. 2 v. ** 7 8 4 .4 C45 Fully illustrated. Folk songs ; tr. from the German. 1875. *7 8 44 F66 German and English words. Gagnon, E. Chansons populaires du Canada. 2d ed. 1880. *784-4 G13 Words, notes and unaccompanied airs. Sallaberry, J : D. J. comp. Chants populaires du pays Basque ; paroles et musique originales, avec traduction francaise. 1870. C784.4 S168 Strettell, A. tr. Spanish and Italian folk-songs. 1887. **7844 S91 Introduction, words and a few musical specimens. Negro Songs. Allen, W : F. and others, comp. Slave songs of the United States, [anon.] 1867. C784.7 A43 Introduction of 38 p. followed by airs without accompaniments. Same. **784«7 A43 Barton, W : E. Old plantation hymns ; a collection, with notes. 1899. **784.7 B29 Unaccompanied airs. Christy, G. and Wood, — Melodies, as sung by their unique company. G784.7 Cssm Without the music. Fenner, T : P. and others, comp. Cabin and plantation songs as sung by the Hampton students. 3d ed. 1901. C784.7 F33 Hallowell, E. comp. Calhoun plantation songs. c i90i. £784.7 H19 Marsh, J. B. T. Story of the jubilee singers. Revised ed. 1880. C784.7 M36 112 songs appended. School Song Books. Betz, C. comp. Gems of school song, suitable for children of all ages. c i896. C784.8 B56 Lawrence, W. M. and Blackman, O. comp. Riverside song book, containing classic American poems set to standard music. c i893. (Riverside literary ser.) C784.8 L,42r VOICE TRAINING. 47 Levermore, C : H. and Reddall, F : comp. Academy song-book, for use in schools and colleges. 1896. C784.8 L66 Lewis, L. R. comp. National school library of song. 1894. 2 v. C784.8 L67 McCaskey, J. P. comp. Favorite songs and hymns for school and home. 1899. C784.6 M12 Franklin Square song collection; favorite songs and hymns for schools and homes. 1881-91. 7 v. C784.84 M12 Mason, E : S. Vocal class book. 1856. ^784.8 N26 Pray, M. L. Motion songs for public schools [words and music] 1896. C784 P92 Root, G : F. The academy vocalist. 1852. **784.8 R78 Tomlins, W : L. comp. Laurel song book, for advanced classes in schools, choral societies, &c. 1 901. C784.8 T65 Sea Songs. Barnes, J. comp. Ships and sailors ; songs of the sea as sung by the men who sail it, illustrated in color by R. F. Zogbaum. *784 qB2 Smith, L. A. comp. The music of the waters ; a collection of the sailors' chanties or working songs of the sea, of all maritime nations. * 7 8 4 . 4 S65 Unaccompanied airs, with full descriptive text. War Songs. Our national war songs. c i884. *784-8 O93 Our war songs, North and South. c i887. *784-8 O932 638 p. War songs. c i883. *784.8 W25 Dedicated to the G. A. R. VOICE TRAINING. Bassini, C. Bassini's method for tenor. 1888. *784-9 B32 Chiefly musical exercises. Behnke, E. and Browne, L. The child's voice; its treatment, with regard to after development. 1885. ^784.9 B41 Browne, L. and Behnke, E. Voice, song and speech. 1884. C784.9 B88 Crowest, F : J. Advice to singers ; by a singer. New and enlarged ed. [187-?] C784.9 Cgsa 48 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Curtis, H : H. Voice building and tone placing - . 1896. C784.9 C97 With special reference to physiology. Curwen, J : Tonic sol-fa. (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C784.9 C98 Attempts to explain the tonic sol-fa notation and method of teaching. Daniell, W. H. The voice and how to use it. 1873. C784.9 D18 Same. 1873. *784-9 D18 Dow, Mrs. S. H. _ Artistic singing. 1883. C784.9 D74 Dunn, L. Art of singing. 1892. C784.9 D92 The last half comprises "Chats about famous singers." Eichberg, J. and others. Fourth music reader; a course of musical instruction. 1874. ^784.9 E34 Ellis, A. J. Pronunciation for singers, with special reference to English, Ger- man, Italian and French. 5th ed. [1877] C784.9 E47 Speech in song. (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C784.9 E47S Covers the principal European languages. Gaertner, C. Art of singing. 1871. C784 G24 With musical exercises and songs. Grant, H. A. Vocal art as nature intended, based on the principles of the old Italian singing masters. [ c i903] C784.9 G76 Guttmann, O. Gymnastics of the voice; system of correct breathing in singing and speaking. 2d ed. revised and enlarged. 1884. C784.9 G98 Howard, F. E. Child-voice in singing. 1898. C784.9 H84 Kofler, L. The art of breathing as the basis of tone production. 5th ed. re- vised. 1898. C784.9 K78 Lehmann, Lilli. How to sing (meine gesangskunst) tr. from the German by R. Aldrich. 1902. C784.9 L523 Leib, W : H. Voices of children ; principles and discipline through which they may be made efficient in speaking and singing. 1884. C784.9 L52 Lunn, C : The philosophy of voice ; showing the right and wrong action of voice in speech and song. 9th ed. 1900. C784.9 L96 VOICE TRAINING. 49 Mackenzie, Sir M. Hygiene of the vocal organs. 1886. C784.9 M15 Marchesi, Mine. M. Ten singing lessons. 1901. C784.9 M31 Myer, E. T. Position and action in singing. 1897. C784.9 M99 Vocal reinforcement. 1891. C784.9 M99V Novello, S. Voice and vocal art ; a treatise. 26. ed. 1856. (Novello's library of musical knowledge. Theoretical ser.) C784 Ng3 Patey, Mme. Vocal tutor. ^784.9 qP2 Chiefly musical exercises for soprano and contralto. Randegger, A. Singing (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C784.9 R19 Brief text with many musical illustrations. Riant, A. Hygiene des orateurs, avocats, et de tous ceux qui sont appeles a parler en public. 1888. C784.9 R48 Ripley, F : H. and Tapper, T : Harmonic fifth reader. c i904. (Natural music course) C784.9 R58h Rogers, Mrs. C. K. Philosophy of singing. 1893. C784 R72 Russell, W. Orthophony ; or, The cultivation of the voice in elocution. 1864. **784.g R96 Without musical illustrations. Sainton-Dolly, Mme. Tutor for English singers. *784-9 Si Chiefly musical exercises and songs. Seiles, E. The voice in singing; tr. from the German by a member of the American philosophical society. 1870. C784.9 S46 Shakespeare, W : 1849 — Art of singing, based on the principles of the old Italian singing masters. C784.9 S52 Sieber, F. Art of singing; tr. from the German by F. Seeger. c i872. C784 S57 Streeter, H. R. Voice building. 1871. C784.9 S91 Sutro, E. Duality of voice. 1899. (Duality of man's nature, v. i) * 784.9 S96 Contents. The human voice. — Impression. — Expression. — Our mother tongue. — Nationality and race distinctions. Physiology of voice in relation to words. 5 o FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Vogel, M. tiber pflege und schonung der kinderstimme. 1896. Wheeler, J. H. Vocal physiology ; voice culture and singing. c i883- ORCHESTRA. *784.g V87 C784.9 W56 Boston symphony orchestra. Programmes, v. 15-22. 1895-1903. **785-i B74 Ed. by W: F. Apthorp and later by Philip Hale. Clarke, J. H. Manual of orchestration to enable amateurs to follow intelligently the performance of orchestral music. 1899. C785 C59 Corder, F. The orchestra and how to write for it. c i896. C781.6 C79 tElson, A. Orchestral instruments and their use. 1903. (Music lovers' ser.) C785 E49 tHenderson, W : J. Orchestra and orchestral music. 1899. (Music lovers' library) C785 H49 Kilburn, N. Story of chamber music. 1904. (Music story ser.) C785.7 K48 Prout, E. The orchestra. [1897] 2 v. (Augener's edition) C785 P96 Contents, v. 1. Technique of the instruments, v. 2. Orchestral combination. Schumann, R. Quintette fur pianoforte, 2 violinen, viola, violoncell. (Edition Peters) *785-9 fS3gq Wagner, R : On conducting; a treatise on style in the execution of classical music, tr. by E: Dannreuther. 1887. C785 W13 Symphonies. tGoepp, P. H : Symphonies and their meaning. 1898-1902. 2 v. C785.1 G59 Critical studies of many famous symphonies. tGrove, Sir G : Beethoven's 9 symphonies ; — analytical essays. 1884. C785.1 B4ixg Beethoven's Ninth symphony (choral) 1882. C785.1 B4inxg fUpton, G: P. The standard symphonies — their history, music and composers. 1889. C785.1 U71 25 composers treated. Weingartner, F. The symphony since Beethoven; tr. from the 2d German ed. by M. 11. Hutton. 1904. C785.1 W42S PIANO. 51 PIANO. tBie, O. A history of the pianoforte and pianoforte players, tr. by E. E. Hellett and E. W. Naylor. 1899. C786.1 B58 A scholarly work, handsomely illustrated. Brinsmead, E. History of the pianoforte. 1879. C786.1 B85 Chickering and sons. Commemoration of the founding of the house of Chickering and sons, upon the 80th anniversary of the event. 1903. **786.a C53 Ehrlich, A. Celebrated pianists of the past and present time; 116 biographies and 114 portraits. 1894. C927.8 E33 Elterlein, E. von. Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas explained; tr. by E. Hill. 3d ed. 1886. ' 0786.41 B4iSxe Fillmore, J : C. Pianoforte music ; its history, with biographical sketches and critical estimates. 1883. C786.4 F48 Kullak, A. Aesthetics of pianoforte playing; tr. by T. Baker from the 3d Ger- man ed. [1876?] C786 K96 Kullak, F. Beethoven's piano-playing, tr. by T. Baker. 1901. C786.3 K96 Lahee, H : C : Famous pianists of today and yesterday. 1901. (Music lovers' ser.) C927.86 L18 Lenz, W : von. Great piano virtuosos of our times from personal acquaintance; Liszt, Chopin, Tausig, Henselt ; tr. from the German by M. R. Baker. 1899. C927.8 L57 Rose, A. L. On choosing a piano. 1903. C786.1 R79 Shedlock, J : S. The pianoforte sonata ; its origin and development. 1805. C786.41 S54 Smith, F. M. A noble art; 3 lectures on the evolution and construction of the piano. c i892. C786.2 S64 Spillane, D. History of the American pianoforte; its technical development and the trade. 1890. C786.2 S75 The tuner's guide. c i852. C786.2 T92 Viard-Louis, Mme. J. Music and the piano; tr. from the French by Mrs. W. Smyth. 1884. C786.4 V61 Includes much material on composers. 52 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Weitzmann, C. F. History of pianoforte-playing; tr. from the German by T. Baker. 1893. C786.1 W43 Piano Instruction. Benedict, M. C. lady, and others. How to play the pianoforte [188-?] C786 B46 Bree, Mme. M. The groundwork of the Leschetizky method; with 47 illustrative cuts of Leschetizky 's hand ; tr. from the German by T. Baker. 1902. *786.3 B8 Christiani, A. F : Principles of expression in pianoforte playing. 1886. C786.3 C55 Ehrenfechter, C. A. Delivery in the art of pianoforte playing. [189-?] C786.3 E33 Technical study in . . . pianoforte-playing. 2d ed. C786 E33 On Deppe's principles. Finck, E : J. American prize method for piano playing. c i888. **786.3 qF49 McArthur, A. Pianoforte study ; hints on piano playing. 1897. C786 Mn Marchant, A. W. Phrasing as applied to pianoforte playing. c i88i. C786 M31 Matthay, T. A. The act of touch in all its diversity; analysis and synthesis of pianoforte tone-production. 1903. C786.3 M43 Montz, K. Instrumental music ; a series of musical sketches for kindergart- ners. c i894. C786.4 M81 For marches, drills, etc. Pauer, E. Art of pianoforte playing. [1877] C786.3 P32 Prentice, R. The musician ; a guide for pianoforte students ; helps toward the better understanding of beautiful music. 1883-87. 6 v. C786.3 P92 Schmitt, H. Pedals of the pianoforte, tr. by F: S. Law. c i893. C786.3 S35 Tausig, C : Daily studies for pianoforte. c i879. *786.3 qT 2 Taylor, F. Primer of pianoforte playing. 1878. (Science primers') C786.3 T24 Venino, A. F. Pedal method for the piano. 1893. C786.3 V46 PIANO. 53 Collections of Piano Music, (includes single works) Beethoven, L. van. Sonaten und andere werke fur das pianoforte, herausgegeben von S. Lebert und H. von Biilow. 1871. 5 v. *786-4 fB4 v. 4-5 ed. by von Biilow. Chopin, F : F. Forty piano compositions, ed. by J. Huneker. c iox>2. (Musicians library) *786.4 fC54f Cramer, J. B. Fifty select pianoforte studies. (Schirmer's ed.) *786-3 qC8 (L) 'illustration. Supplement musical. 1900-04. 5 v. *786 ql2g Vocal and instrumental selections appropriate for special events in each month. Klauser, K. ed. Half hours with the best composers, with introduction by Theo- dore Thomas. 1894. 6 v. *786 qHi6 For piano only ; includes 30 American compositions. Lawton, S. E. Recuerdos de Merida para el piano. 1889. 2 copies. **786.4 fL42 Liszt, F. Ten Hungarian rhapsodies, ed. by A. Spanuth and J : Ordi. c i904. (Musicians library) *786.42 L77I1 Twenty piano transcriptions, ed. by A. Spanuth. c i903. (Musi- cians library) *786«48 fL-77t Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Lieder ohne worte, fur pianoforte solo. (Oliver Ditson & co.'s standard ed.) *786.43 fM53 Mozart, W. A. Sonates pour piano, revues et doigtees par L. Kohler. *786.4i qMg Paderewski, I. J. ed. Century library of music. 1900-02. 20 v. **786 fPi2 Each vol. comprises finely illustrated critical or biographical essay, followed by selections from various composers for the piano. tPerry, E : B. Descriptive analyses of piano works. 1902. C786.4 P46 Schumann, R. Fifty piano compositions ed. by X. Scharwenka. c i905- (Musi- cians library) ^786.4 qS39 Strauss album for the piano. c i890. *786.4 S91 Taylor, S : Coleridge- Twenty-four negro melodies, transcribed for the piano [without tne words] ; preface by B. T. Washington. (Musicians li- brary) *786.48 fT24t Wagner, R: Grand festival march for the opening of the Centennial [etc.] ar- ranged for the piano by T. Thomas. c i876. **786.44 1W13 54 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. ORGAN. Best, W: T: Art of organ playing. *786.7 B56 Exercises only. Edwards, C. A. Organs and organ building. 1881. C786.6 E26 Elliston, T : Organs and tuning. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. 1895. C786.6 E47 Higgs, J. Fugue [1878] (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C786.82 H63 Hill, A. G: Organ-cases and organs of the middle ages, and renaissance. 1883. **786.5 fH64 A large folio, handsomely illustrated. Hopkins, E : J : The organ ; its history and construction, preceded by a new his- tory of the organ by E. F. Rimbault. 1870. *786.5 H79 tLahee, H : C : The organ and its masters. 1903. C786.5 L18 Nichols, G : W. ed. The Cincinnati organ, with brief description of the Cincinnati mu- sic hall. 1878. C786.5 N61 Organ voicing and tuning; a guide to amateurs. c i88i. C786.6 O68 Robertson, F. E. Organ building. 1897. 2 v. **786.6 fR64 Contents. v. 1. Text. — v. 2. Plates. Smith, Hermann. Modern organ tuning; the how and why. [190-] C786.6 S64 Stainer, Sir J : The organ. 2d ed. [187-?] (Novello, Ewer and co.'s music primers) C786.5 S78 Includes many musical illustrations. Wicks, M. Organ building for amateurs. 1887. C786.6 W63 Williams, C: F. A. Story of the organ. 1903. (Music-story ser.) C786.5 W72S Organ Music. Collections. Buck, D. comp. Vox organi ; a collection of new music for the organ. 1895. 4 v. *786.8 B92 Illustrations in choir accompaniment [with full descriptive text] 1880. *786.7 B92 VIOLIN. Alard, J. D. Conservatory method for the violin. c i879. *787-i A32 VIOLIN. 55 Allen, E : Heron- Violin-making as it was and is. 1884. *'j8'j.i A42 Courvoisier, K. Technics of violin playing, ed. and tr. by H: E: Krehbiel. c i88o. C787.1 C86 Designs and plans for the construction of the new model violin. 1880. **787.i 1D45 Large folio. Engel, C. Researches into the early history of the violin family. 1883. C787 E57 Fleming, J. M. Fiddle fancier's guide . . . with biographical notices and por- traits. 1892. C787.1 F59 Old violins and their makers. C787.1 F590 Hart, G : The violin and its music. 1885. C787.1 H32 t The violin; its famous makers and their imitators. 1875. C787.1 H32V Haweis, H. R. Old violins. 1898. (The collector ser.) **787-i H38 Hill, W. H : and others. Antonio Stradivari; his life and work (1644-1737) 1902. **787.i qH64 Sumptuously made up and bound in vellum. Lahee, H : C : Famous violinists of today and yesterday (Music lover's ser.) C927.87 L18 Morris, W : M. British violin makers. 1904. C787.1 M87b Arranged as a biographical dictionary and finely illustrated. Otto, J. A : Treatise on the structure and preservation of the violin. 2d ed., enlarged, i860. *787-i O91 Tr. from the German. Phipson, T : L. Biographical sketches and anecdotes of celebrated violinists. [1683-1875] 1877. C927.81 P57 Famous violinists and fine violins ; historical notes, anecdotes, and reminiscences. 1896. C927.87 P57 Sandys, W : and Forster, S. A. History of the violin . . . from the remotest times to the present. 1864. *787.i S22 Schebek, E. Violin manufacture in Italy and its German origin ; tr. by W. E. Lawson. 1877. C787.1 S31 56 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Stoeving, P. The story of the violin. 1904. (Music story ser.) C787.1 S87 Tietgen, H. Facts about violins and violin-making. 1904. C787.1 Ts6f 31 P- OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Carcassi, M. New and improved method for the guitar. ^1863. *787.6 C26 Flood, W. H. G. The story of the harp. 1905. (Music story ser.) C787.5 F63 Hipkins, A. J. Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique, with colored plates by W : Gibbs. 1888. ^787 fH66 A costly folio, the edition limited to 1040 copies. Steinert, M. Steinert collection of keyed and stringed instruments. 1893. **787 S82m The Steinert collection of keyed instruments. [1893?] **787 1S82 A different work from the preceding. Troyte, C : A : W. Change ringing; an introduction to the art of church, or hand bell ringing. 3d ed. 1876. C789.5 T86 Wasielewski, W : J. von. The violoncello and its history, tr. by S. E. Stigand. 1894. C787.3 VV31 ANECDOTES. Crowest, F : J. Book of musical anecdotes. 1878. 2 v. G780 C95 Musicians' wit, humour and anecdote — illustrated by J. P. Donne. 1902. 0927.8 C95111 A new ed., entirely rewritten, of his "Book of musical anecdotes." 1878. Gates, W. F. Anecdotes of great musicians ; 300 anecdotes and sketches of fa- mous composers and performers. 1897. C927.8 G25 BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Butterworth, H. Great composers. c i884. (Little biographies) CJ927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Story of the Rhinegold ; told for young people. 1897. CJ782.2 C46 Wonder tales from Wagner. 1898. CJ782.2 C46W tCoonley, L. A. comp. Singing verses for children; music by E. Smith, F. W. Root [and others] 1897. CJ784.8 C77 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. 57 Dawson, M. "Rhymes and jingles" for Christmas time [with music] CJ786.4 D27 Elliott, J. W : and others, comp. "Little folks" album of music. CJ784.8 E46 tForsythe, C. comp. Old songs for young America. 1901. CJ784.3 F73 f Frost, W : H : Wagner story book; fire-light tales. 1894. CJ782.2 F93 Lawrence, W. M. comp. The Riverside graded song book. [ c i904] 2 v. CJ784.8 L42ri Lillie, Mrs. L. C. Story of music and musicians for young readers. c i886. CJ780 L72 Maud, C. E. Wagner's heroes. 1895. CJ782.2 M44W Wagner's heroines. 1898. CJ782.2 M44 Contents. Brunhilda. — Senta. — Isolda. Merck, F. comp. Unser liederbuch. c i900. CJ784.8 M55 Neidlinger, W : H. comp. Small songs for small singers. c i896. CJ784.8 N39 Scobey, K. L. and Home, O. B. Stories of great musicians. c i905. (Eclectic readings) CJ927.8 S42 Tapper, T : First studies in music biography. c io,oo. ca-jg27.8 T17 10 sketches, from Bach to Wagner (all German but Chopin) Music talks with children. 1897. CJ780 T17 See also Cradle and Nursery Songs. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. Baptie, D : Sketches of the English glee composers. [1735-1866] C927.8 B22 Brief sketches, with lists of compositions, of a very great number of musicians. Bellaigue, C. Portraits and silhouettes of musicians; tr. from the French by E. Orr. 1897. C927.8 B43 Contents. Three Italian masters: Palestrina, Marcello, Pergolesi. — Charles Gounod. — Silhouettes of [12] musicians. Bourne, C. E. The great composers. 3d ed. 1887. C927.8 B77 Bremont, A. Dunphy, comtesse de. The world of music. 1892. 3 v. C927.8 B83 Contents, v. 1. Great composers. — v. 2. Great singers. — v. 3. Great virtuosi. Chapin, A.. A. Masters of music ; their lives and works. 1901. C927.8 C46 Historical treatment of 20 classical composers. 58 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Church, J : co., pub. Laurel winners ; portraits and silhouettes of modern composers. c i9QO- C927.8 C56 57 composers, chiefly contemporary, with mention of their hest known compositions. Crowest, F : J. The great tone poets ; being short memoirs of [12] of the greater musical composers. 4th ed. 1881. C927.8 C95 Dole, N. H. A score of famous composers. c i89i. C927.8 D66 From Palestrina to Wagner. Ehrlich, A. Celebrated pianists of the past and present time; 116 biographies and 114 portraits. 1894. C927.8 E33 Elson, A. Modern composers of Europe. 1905. C927.8 E4941T1 Elson, L : C : Great composers and their work. 1898. (Music lovers' ser.) C927.8 E49 13 chapters, historically treated. Engel, L: From Handel to Halle; [13] biographical sketches; with auto- biographies of Prof. Huxley and Prof. Herkomer. 1890. C927.8 E57 From Mozart to Mario: reminiscences of half a century. 1886. 2 v. C927.8 E57f Ferris, G : T. Great German composers, Bach to Dvorak; new ed., revised. 1897. C927.8 F39 18 composers treated. The great Italian and French composers. 1879. (Appleton's new handy vol. ser.) C927.8 F39gi 16 composers treated. Great singers. 1880-81. 2 v. (Appleton's new handy vol. ser.) C927.8 F39gr 16 women singers, from Bordoni to Titiens. The great violinists and pianists. 1881. (Appleton's new handy vol. ser.) C927.8 F39g Hervey, A. Masters of French music. 1894. (Masters of contemporary mu- sic) C927.8 H57 Contents. Thomas. — Gounod. — Saint-Saens. — Massenet. — Reyer. — Bru- neau. — Some other French composers. Hubbard, E. Little journeys to the homes of [12] great musicians. 1901. 2 v. C927.8 H87 Kobbe, G. Opera singers; a pictorial souvenir. 1901. **g27-8 fK75 Includes brief sketches of many well-known artists. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. 59 Lahee, H : C : Famous pianists of to-day and yesterday. 1901. (Music lovers' ser.) C927.86 L18 Famous singers of to-day and yesterday. 1898. (Music lovers' ser.) cg27.8 L18 Historical sketches from 1600 to the present time. Famous violinists of to-day and yesterday. (Music lovers' ser.) C927.87 L18 Lenz, W : von. Great piano virtuosos of our times from personal acquaintance ; Liszt, Chopin, Tausig, Henselt; tr. from the German by M. R. Baker. 1899. C927.8 L57 Maitland, J : A. F. Masters of German music. (Masters of contemporary music) C927.8 M23 17 composers treated. Needham, Mrs. E. C. C. Queens of songs ; memoirs of celebrated female vocalists from the earliest days of opera to the present time. 1864. C927.8 N37 Includes list of all the operas performed in Europe. Phipson, T : L. Biographical sketches and anecdotes of celebrated violinists, [1683-1875] 1877. C927.81 P57 Famous violinists and fine violins ; historical notes, anecdotes and reminiscences. 1896. C927.87 P57 Reed, F. K. Reminiscences, musical and other. 1903. C927.8 R32 Rowbotham, J : F : Private life of the great composers. 1893. C927.8 R87 15 composers from Beethoven to Wagner. Smith, Hannah. Founders of music ; life sketches for young readers. C927.8 S64gf 14 sketches from Palestrina to Wagner. Streatf eild, R : A. Masters of Italian music. 1895. (Masters of contemporary mu- sic) C927.8 S91 Contents. Verdi. — Boito. — Mascagni. — Puccini. — Leoncavallo. — Some other Italian composers. Streit, W : pub. Celebrated musicians of all nations, tr. from the German by M. F. S. Hervey. [188-?] **78o.g fSgi With portraits. Urbino, Mrs. L. B. Biographical sketches of eminent musical composers. c i876. C927.8 U73 A great number of sketches, mostly very brief. 60 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Wallace, G. S. lady, tr. Letters of distinguished musicians : Gluck, Haydn, P. E. Bach, Weber, Mendelssohn; tr. from the German. 1867. C927.8 W18 Willeby, C : Masters of English music. (Masters of contemporary music) C927.8 W69 Contents. Sullivan. — Mackenzie. — Cowen. — Parry. — Stanford. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Apthorp, W : F. Johann Sebastian Bach. {In his Musicians and music-lovers. 1894. p. 55-135) C780 A55 Bitter, C. H. Life of Sebastian Bach ; an abridged translation from the German by J. E. Kay-Shuttleworth. [1873] cB Bn8b Bourne, C. E. Bach. {In his Great composers. 1887. p. 33-54) C927.8 B77 Chapin, A.. A. Bach. {In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 56-84) C927.8 C46 Crowest, F: J. Bach. {In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 1-31) C927.8 C95 Dole, N. H. Johann Sebastian Bach. {In his Score of famous composers. [ c i89i] p. 49-80) C927.8 D66 Ferris, G : T. Bach. {In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 7-15) C927.8 F39 Hale, E : E. Bach. {In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 281-92) C920.02 H16 Hubbard, E. Sebastian Bach. {In his Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1901. v. 1, p. n 1-36) C927.8 H87 v.i Lahee, H : C : Johann Sebastian Bach. {In his Organ and its masters. 1903. p. 74-99) C786.5 L18 Macfarren, Sir G : A. Handel and Bach. {In his Addresses and lectures. 1888. p. 222-79) C780.4 M14 Pirro, A. Johann Sebastian Bach, the organist and his works for the organ ; pref. by C. M. Widor, tr. from the French by W. Goodrich. 1902. cB Bn8pi Poole, R. L. Sebastian Bach. 1882. (Great musicians) cB Bn8p INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 61 Portrait and biog. notice [of Bach] (In Wood, W. ed. Hundred greatest men. 1879-80. v. 2, 4 p.) **920.02 fW8 V.2 Shedlock, J. S. A contemporary criticism of Bach. (In Grey, R. ed. Studies in music. 1 901. p. 69-78) C780.4 G78 Spitta, J. A. P. Johann Sebastian Bach ; tr. from the German by C. Bell and J. A. Fuller-Maitland. 1884-85. 3 v. cB Bn8s Tapper, T: Johann Sebastian Bach. (In his First studies in music biography. [ c i90o] p. 9-48) C927.8 T17 Widor, C. M. John Sebastian Bach and the organ ; tr. from the French by B. L. O'Donnell. (In Grey, R. ed. Studies in music. 1901. p. 52-68) C780.4 G78 Williams, C : F. A. Bach. 1900. (Master musicians) cB Bn8w Young, F. Bach's organ fugues. (In his Master-singers. [1901] p. 31-51) C780.4 Y71 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Beethoven. [Lond. 1892] (Musical times, Dec. 15, 1892) **78o.g43 B4im Bourne, C. E. Beethoven. (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 133-62) C927.8 B77 Butterworth, H. Beethoven and the symphony. (In his Great composers. c i884. p. 62-75) CJ927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Beethoven. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 174-21 1) C927.8 C46 Crowest, F : J. Beethoven. 1899. (Master musicians) cB B415C Beethoven. (In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 168-89) C927.8 C95 Dole, N. H. Ludwig van Beethoven. (In his Score of famous composers. c i89i. p. 207-36) C927.8 D66 Dukas, P. "Fidelio" [de Beethoven] Gazette des beaux-arts, ser. 3, v. 21, p. 135-144. 1899. **705 G28 v.21 Ferris, G : T : Beethoven. (In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 109-35) C927.8 F39 Fischer, G : A. Beethoven, a character study; together with Wagner's indebted- ness to Beethoven. 1905. cB B4i5f The portion on Wagner comprises only 13 pages. 62 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Hale, E: E. Beethoven. (In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 329-42) C920.02 H16 Hoffmann, F. Ludwig van Beethoven ; tr. from the German by G : P. Upton . . . 1904. (Life stories for young people) cjB B415I1 Hubbard, E. Beethoven. (In his Little journeys to the homes of great musi- cians. 1901. v. 2. p. 33-57) C927.8 H87 V.2 Krehbiel, H : E : ' Beethoven and his biographer. (In his Music and manners. 1898. p. 189-239) C780.4 K92 Kullak, F. Beethoven's piano-playing; with an essay on the execution of the trill; tr. from the German by T. Baker. 1901. C786.3 K96 Lahee, H : C : Beethoven and his contemporaries. (In his Famous pianists. 1 901. p. 35-73) C927.86 L18 Mason, D. G. Beethoven and his forerunners. 1904. C780.9 M3g8b Nohl, L : Beethoven depicted by his contemporaries ; tr. from the German by E. Hill. 1880. cB B4isn2 Life of Beethoven; tr. from the German by J: J. Lalor. 1881. (Biographies of musicians) cB B4i5n Portrait and biographical notice. (In Wood, W. ed. Hundred greatest men. 1879-80. v. 2. 4 p.) **g20.02 fW8 v.2 Rudall, H. A. Beethoven. [1890] (Great musicians) cB B4isr Schindler, A. Life of Beethoven, including his correspondence ; ed. by J. Moscheles. 1841. 2 v. G780.943 B41 Shedlock, J : S. Beethoven. 1903. (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians) cB B415S Tapper, T : Ludwig van Beethoven. (In his First studies in music biography. c i900. p. 159-91) C927.8 T17 Thayer, A. T. Ludwig van Beethoven's leben. 1866-79. 3 v< c ^ ^Hist Upton, G : P. The man Beethoven. (In his Musical pastels, p. 185-208) C780.4 U71 Wagner, R : Beethoven. (In his Beethoven [etc.] 1880. p. 1-113) cB B415W Beethoven ; tr. by A. R. Parsons. 1872. cB B415W2 Beethoven. (In his Prose works. 1893-96. v. 5. p. 57-126) C838.89 W134 v.5 A pilgrimage to Beethoven. (In his Art, life and theories. 1875. p. 41-66) C704 W13 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 63 Berlioz, Hector Louis, 1803-1869. Bourne, C. E. Berlioz, (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 317-52) C927.8 B77 Chapin, A.. A. Berlioz. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 268-83) C927.8 C46 Dole, N. H. Hector Berlioz. (In his Score of famous composers. c i89i. p. 451-88) C927.8 D66 Engel, L : Berlioz. (In his From Mozart to Mario. 1886. v. 1, p. 53-110) C927.8 E 57 f Gautier, 1 . Hector Berlioz. (In his Works. 1902. v. 16, p. 207-21) **843.77 Ds v.16 Hadow, W : H : Hector Berlioz and the French romantic movement. (In his Studies in modern music. 1893-95. v - J > P- 69-146) C780.4 H13 v.i Henley, W : E. Berlioz. (In his Views and reviews. 1891. p. 124-29) C824.89 H514V Hervey, A. Berlioz and the romantic movement. (In his French music in the 19th century. 1903. p. 84-107) C780.944 H57 Jullien, A. Hector Berlioz; sa vie et ses ceuvres. 1888. **78o.g44 1B51 Newman, E. Berlioz, romantic and classic. (In his Musical studies. 1905. P- 3-67) C780.4 N55 Saint-Saens, C : C. Hector Berlioz. (In his Portraits and souvenirs, p. 3-14) C844.89 S152P Young, F. Hector Berlioz. (In his Mastersingers. [1901] p. 139-200) C780.4 Y71 Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Antcliffe, H. Brahms. 1905. (Bell's miniature series of musicians) cB B8i3a Apthorp, W : F. Brahms. (In his By the way. 1898. v. 2, p. 31-43) C780.4 A65 V.2 Deiters, H. Johannes Brahms ; tr. with additions by R. Newmarch ; ed. with a preface by J. A. F. Maitland. 1888. cB B8i3de Dietrich, A. and Widmann, J. V : Recollections of Brahms ; tr. by D. E. Hecht. 1899. cB B8i3d 64 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Ferris, G : T. Brahms and Gade. (In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 220-33) C927.8 F39 Finck, H : T. Brahms. (In his Songs and song writers. 1900. p. 154-61) C784.3 F49 Hadow, W : H : Johannes Brahms. (In his Studies in modern music. 1893-95. v. 2, p. 227-304) C780.4 H13 V.2 Hubbard, E. Brahms. (In his Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1901. v. 2, p. 125-49) C927.8 H87 V.2 Huneker, J. Music of the future. (In his Mezzotints in modern music. 1899. p. 1-80) C780.4 H93 Legge, R. H. Letters from Brahms to Schumann. (In Grey, R. ed. Studies in music. 1901. p. 45-51) C780.4 G78 Maitland, J : A. F. Johannes Brahms. (In his Masters of German music. 1894. p. 1-95) C927.8 M23 Mason, D. G. Johannes Brahms. (In his From Grieg to Brahms. 1903. p. 173-201) C780.9 M398 Spitta, J. A : P. Johannes Brahms ; tr. from the German by Mrs. Bell. (/;/ Grey, R. ed. Studies in music. 1901. p. 1-44) C780.4 G78 Chopin, Frederic Francois, i8o9?-i84g. Bourne, C. E. Chopin. (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 267-96) C927.8 B77 Butterworth, H. Chopin and piano music. (In his Great composers. c t884. P- 84-93) CJ927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Chopin. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 284-301) C927.8 C46 Dole, N. H. Frederic Frangois Chopin. (In his Score of famous composers. [ c i89i] p. 400-31) C927.8 D66 Ehlert, L : Frederic Chopin. (In his From the tone world. [ c i885] p. 265- 88) C780.4 E33 Engel, L : Chopin. (In his From Mozart to Mario. 1886. v. 1. p. 1 11-45') C927.8 E57f v.i Ferris, G : T. Chopin. (In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 157-75) C927.8 F39 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 65 Ferris, G : T. The Schumanns and Chopin. (In his Great violinists and pian- ists. 1881. p. 216-48) C927.8 F39g Finck, II : T. Chopin. (In his Chopin and other musical essays. 1889. p. 1- 57) C780.4 F49 Hadden, J. C. Chopin. 1903. cB C54gha Hadow, W : H : Frederick Chopin. (In his Studies in modern music. 1893-95. V. 2, p. 77-I70) C780.4 H13 V.2 Hale, E : E. Chopin. (In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 365-76) C920.02 H16 Hubbard, E. Frederick Chopin. (In his Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1901. v. 1, p. 55-84) C927.8 H87 v.i Huneker, J. Chopin, the man and his music. 1900. cB €54911 The greater Chopin. (In his Mezzotints in modern music. 1899. p. 160-223) C780.4 H93 Jonson, G. C. A. A handbook to Chopin's works, for the use of concert-goers, pian- ists and pianola-players. 1905. cB C549J Karasowski, M. Frederic Chopin ; his life, letters and works ; tr. by E. Hill. 1879. cB 0549k Kleczynski, J : Chopin's greater works ; how they should be understood ; tr. by N. Janotha. [189-?] C780.4 K63 Lahee, H : C : Chopin. (In his Famous pianists. 1901. p. 80-86) cg27«86 L18 Lenz, W : von. Chopin. (In his Great piano virtuosos of our time. 1899. p. [25] -74) C927.8 L57 Liszt, F. F. Chopin. 1852. **78o.g47 C54 In French, Life of Chopin; tr. by J. Broadhouse. [1900] cB C549I Life of Chopin; tr. from the French by M. W. Cook. 2d rev. ed. 1863. cB C549I2 Niecks, F : Frederick Chopin as a man and musician. 1888. cB C54gn Oldmeadow, E. J. Chopin. 1905. (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians) cB C5490 Sand, George, pseud. Chopin ; sketches from [her] "History of my life," and "A winter in Majorca" ; tr. by G. Curtis. [ c i892] cB C549S 66 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Tapper, T : Frederic Francois Chopin. (In his First studies in music biog- raphy. [ c i90o] p. 277-94) C927.8 T17 Willeby, C : Frederic Francois Chopin. 1892. cB C549W Gounod, Charles Francois, 1818-1893. Bellaigue, C. Charles Gounod. (In his Portraits ... of musicians. 1897. p. 165-233) C927.8 B43 Bovet, M. A. de. Charles Gounod, his life and his works. 1891. cB G711D Ehlert, L : Gounod contra Wagner. (In his From the tone world. [ c i885] p. 171-206) C780.4 E33 Engel, L: Gounod. (In his From Mozart to Mario. 1886. v. 1, p. 146-70) C927.8 E57f v.i Ferris, G : T. Gounod. (In his Great Italian and French composers. 1879. p. 228-48) C927.8 F39gi Hebert, Ernest. La villa Medicis en 1840; souvenirs d'un pensionnaire. **705 G28 ser. 3, v.25 Includes reminiscences of the painter Ingres, at that time director of the Academy, and of Gounod. Hervey, A. Charles Gounod. (In his Masters of French music. 1894. p. 37-105) C927.8 H57 Gounod and his influence. (In his French music in the 19th cen- tury. 1903. p. 108-31) C780.944 H57 Saint-Saens, C : C. Charles Gounod. (In his Portraits and souvenirs, p. [35] -97) C844.89 S152P Tolhurst, H : Gounod. 1904. (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians) cB G71U Grove, Sir George, 1820-1900. Graves, C : L. The life and letters of Sir George Grove, formerly director of the Royal college of music. 1903. cB G883g Sir George Grove. (In his Diversions of a music-lover. 1904. p. 116-26) C780.4 G77d Handel, Georg Friedrich, 1685-1759. Balfour, A. J. Handel. (In his Essays and addresses. 1893. p. n 1-84) C824.89 B185 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 67 Bourne, C. E. Handel. {In his Great composers. 1887. p. n-30) C927.8 B77 Butterworth, H. Handel, the father of the oratorio. {In his Great composers. c i884. p. 37-49) cj'927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Handel. {In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 26-55) C927.8 C46 Clarke, Mrs. E. Handel. 1885. (World's workers) cB H236C Crowest, F : J. Handel. {In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 32-79) C927.8 C95 Cummings, W : H. Handel. 1904. (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians) cB H236CU Dole, N. H. George Frederick Handel. {In his Score of famous composers. c i89i. p. 81-117) C927.8 D66 Drake, S : A. George Frederick Handel. {In his Our world's great benefactors. 1888. p. 447-57) C920.02 D76 Edgar, J: G: Boyhood of Handel. {In his Boyhood of great men. 1899. p. 259-64) CJ920.02 E23 Ferris, G : T. Handel. {In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 15-58) C927.8 F39 Hadden, J. C. George Frederick Handel. 1888. (Biographies of great com- posers) cB H236I1 Hale, E : E. Handel. {In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 293-304) C920.02 H16 Handel. {In Musical times, v. 34. 1893) **78o.5 M v.34 Hubbard, E. Handel. {In his Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1901. v. 2. p. 57-79) C927.8 H87 V.2 Macfarren, Sir G : A. Handel and Bach. {In his Addresses and lectures. 1888. p. 222-79) C780.4 M14 Portrait and biographical notice [of Handel] {In Wood, W. ed. Hun- dred greatest men. 1879-80. v. 2. 4 p.) **920.02 fW8 V.2 Rockstro, W : S. Life of Handel, with introd. notice by G: Grove. 1883. **78o-943 H23 Schcelcher, V : Life of Handel. 1857. cB H236S 68 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Tapper, T : George Friedrich Handel. (In his First studies in music biogra- phy. c iaoo. p. 49-80) C927.8 T17 Williams, C : F. A. Handel. 1901. (Master musicians) cB H236W Haydn, Josef, 1732-1809. Beyle, M.H: Life of Haydn and Life of Mozart; with observations on Metas- tasio and on the present state of music in France and Italy ; tr. from the French with notes by W : Gardiner. 1839. cB H4i5b Bourne, C. E. Haydn. (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 77-100) C927.8 B77 Butterworth, H. Haydn and Mozart. (In his Great composers. c i884. p. 50-61) CJ927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Haydn. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 128-50) C927.8 C46 Crowest, F : J. Haydn. (In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 104-38) C927.8 C95 Dole, N. H. Franz Joseph Haydn. (In his Score of famous composers. °i89i. p. 146-74) C927.8 D66 Ferris, G : T. Haydn. (In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 74-93) C927.8 F39 Hadden, J. C. Haydn. 1902. (Master musicians) cB H4i5ha Hadow, W : H : A Croatian composer; notes toward the study of Joseph Haydn. 1897. cB H415I1 Krehbiel, H : E : Haydn in London. (In his Music and manners. 1898. p. [55]- 111) C780.4 K92 Mason, D. G. Haydn. (In his Beethoven and his forerunners. 1903. p. 173- 210) C780.9 M398b Nohl, L : Life of Haydn ; tr. from the German by G. P. Upton. 1883. (Biographies of musicians) cB H4isn Tapper, T : Franz Joseph Haydn. (In his First studies in music biography. c i900. p. 81-115) C927.8 T17 Townsend, P. D. Joseph Haydn. 1884. (Great musicians) cB H4i5t INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 69 Leschetizky, Theodor, 1830- Potocka, A. comtcsse. Theodore Leschetizky; an intimate study of the man and the musician ; tr. from the French by G. S. Lincoln. 1903. cB L459P Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886. Beaufort, R. L. de. Abbe Liszt; the story of his life. 1886. cB L774b Butterworth, H. Liszt. (In his Great composers. [ c i884] p. 94-101) cj'927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Liszt. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 354-72) C927.8 C46 Dole, N. H. Franz Liszt. (In his Score of famous composers. c i89i. p. 489- 516) C927.8 D66 Ferris, G : T. Franz Liszt. (In his Great violinists and pianists. 1881. p. 287-326) C927.8 F39g Finck, H : T. Liszt. (In his Songs and song writers. 1900. p. 175-84) C784.3 F49 Hubbard, E. Liszt. (In his Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1 901. V. 2, p. I-32) C927.8 H87 V.2 HuefTer, F. Robert Franz and Franz Liszt. (In his Richard Wagner and the music of the future. 1874. p. 240-86) C780 H88 Huneker, J. A Liszt etude. (In his Mezzotints in modern music. 1899. p. 224-39) C780.4 H93 Lahee, H : C : Liszt. (In his Famous pianists. 1901. p. 94-109) C927.86 L18 Lenz, W : von. Franz Liszt. (In his Great piano virtuosos of our time. 1899, p. 1-23) C927.8 L57 Nohl, L : Life of Liszt; tr. from the German by G: P. Upton. 1884. (Biographies of musicians) cB L774n Ramann, L. Franz Liszt, artist and man, 1811-1840; tr. from the German by E. Cowdery. 1882. cB L774r Reed, F. K. Liszt. (I11 her Reminiscences. 1903. p. 15-37) C927.8 R32 Saint-Saens, C : C. Franz Liszt. (In his Portraits and souvenirs, p. 15-34) C844.39 S152P 70 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Wohl, J. Francois Liszt ; recollections of a compatriot ; tr. from the French by B. P. Ward. 1887. cB L774W Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Blackburn, V. Mendelssohn. 1904. (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians) cB M537b Bourne, C. E. Mendelssohn. (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 243-64) C927.8 B77 Butterworth, H. Mendelssohn. (In his Great composers. [ c i884] p. 76-83) CJ927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Mendelssohn Bartholdy. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 3 02 '3o) C927.8 C46 Crowest, F: J. Mendelssohn. (In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 315-46) . „ C927.8 C95 Devnent, E : My recollections of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and his letters to me; tr. from the German by N. Macfarren. 1869. cB M537d Dole, N. H. Mendelssohn. (In his Score of famous composers. [ c i89i] P- 347-74) C927.8 D66 Ehlert, L : Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and a complete edition of his works. (In his From the tone world. c i885. p. 25-53) C780.4 E33 Ferris, G : T. Mendelssohn. (In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 189- 98) C927.8 F39 Hadden, J. C. Mendelssohn. 1888. cB M537h Hale, E : E. Mendelssohn. (In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 353-64) C920.02 H16 Hensel, S. The Mendelssohn family ; from letters and journals ; tr. by C. Klingeman and an American collaborator, with a notice by G. Grove. 2d ed. 1882. cB M537he Hiller, F. Mendelssohn ; letters and recollections ; tr. by M. E. von Glehn. 2d ed. 1874. cB M537hi Hubbard, E. Mendelssohn. (/;/ his Little journeys to the homes of great musi- cians. 1901. v. 1, p. 137-58) C927.8 H87 v.i INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 71 Lahee, H : C : Mendelssohn. (In his Famous pianists. 1901. p. 75-79) C927.86 L18 Lampadius, W. A. Life of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy ; tr. by W. L. Gage. Xcvv ed. c i887. cB M537I2 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, K : Goethe and Mendelssohn, 1821-31 ; tr. from the German by M. E. von Glehn; and Letters by Mendelssohn of later date. 1872. cB G599me Polko, Fran E. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy ; tr. from the Ger- man by Lady Wallace. 1869. G927.8 M537P Rockstro, W : S. Mendelssohn. 1884. (Great musicians) cB M537r Spark, W : Mendelssohn. (In his Musical memories. 1888. p. 30-46) C927.8 S73 Stratton, S. S. Mendelssohn. 1901. (Master musicians) cB M537S Tapper, T : Jacob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn. (In his First studies in mu- sic biography. c i900. p. 215-42) C927.8 T17 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Apthorp, W : F. Mozart. (In his The opera. 1901. p. 73-91) C782 A65 Beyle, M. H. Life of Haydn and Life of Mozart; with observations on Metas- tasio and on the present state of music in France and Italy ; tr. from the French with notes by W. Gardiner. 1839. 'cB H4i5b Bolton, Mrs. S.. E.. K. Wolfgang Mozart. (In her Lives of poor boys who became fa- mous. 1885. p. 72-82) CJ920.02 B69I Bourne, C. E. Mozart. (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 103-30) C927.8 B77 Breakspeare, E. J. Mozart. 1902. (Master musicians) cB Mg3Q2b Butterworth, H. Haydn and Mozart. (In his Great composers. c i884. p. 50-61) cj'927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Mozart. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 151-73) C927.8 C46 Crowest, F : J. Mozart. (In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 139-67) C927.8 C95 72 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Dole, N. H. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. (In his Score of famous composers. c i89i. p. 175-206) C927.8 D66 Edgar, J :G: Boyhood of Mozart. (In his Boyhood of great men. 1899. p. 265-75) CJ920.02 E23 Engel, L : Mozart. (In his From Mozart to Mario. 1886. v. 1, p. 254-336) C927.8 E57f v.i Ferris, G : T. Mozart. (In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 94-109) C927.8 F39 Gehring, F. Mozart. 1883. (Great musicians) cB Mg3g2g Hale, E : E. Mozart. (In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 319-28) C920.02 H16 Hitchcock, T : Mozart and Aloysia Weber. (In his Unhappy loves of men of genius. 1891. p. 131-60) C920.7 H67 Hoffmann, F. Mozart's youth ; tr. from the German by G : P. Upton. 1904. cjB Mg392hf Holmes, E : The life of Mozart including his correspondence. 1845. cB Mg392h Hubbard, E. Wolfgang Mozart. (In his Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1901. v. 1, p. 85-110) C927.8 H87 v.i Jahn, O. Life of Mozart ; tr. from the German by P. D. Townsend ; preface by G: Grove. 1882. cB M9392J Krehbiel, H : E : A Mozart centenary. (In his Music and manners. 1898. p. [1 13] -87) C780.4 K92 Mason, D. G. Mozart. (In his Beethoven and his forerunners. 1904. p. 211- 48) C780.9 M38gb Nohl, L : Life of Mozart; tr. from the German by Lady Wallace. 1877. 2 v. cB Mg392n Prout, E. Mozart. 1903. (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians) cB M9392P Reissmann, A : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. (In Gottschall, K. R. von, cd. Dcr neue Plutarch. 1874-88. v. 8, p. 289-367) C920.02 G68 v.8 Tapper, T : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. (In his First studies in music biog- raphy. c i900. p. 117-58) C927.8 T17 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 73 Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio, 1792-1868. Bourne, C. E. Rossini. (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 219-40) 0927.8 B77 Butterworth, H. Rossini. (In his Great composers. c i884. p. 102-13) cj'927.8 B98 Chapin, A.. A. Rossini. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 246-59) C927.8 C46 Crowest, F : J. Rossini. (In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 256-87) C927.8 C95 Dole, N. H. Gioacchino Rossini. (In his Score of famous composers. c i89i. p. 237-57) C927.8 D66 Edwards, H: S. The life of Rossini. cB R835e2 Rossini and his school. 1881. (Great musicians) cB R835e Engel, L : Rossini. (In his From Mozart to Mario. 1886. v. 2, p. 42-85) C927.8 E57f v.2 Ferris, G : T. Rossini. (In his Great Italian and French composers. 1879. p. 48-85) C927.8 F39gi Hervey, A. The advent of Rossini. (In his French music in the 19th century. 1903. p. 29-40) C780.944 H57 Rubinstein, Anton Gregor, 1830-1894. Lahee, H : C : Rubinstein. (In his Famous pianists. 1901. p. 150-65) C927.86 L18 M'Arthur, A. Anton Rubinstein ; a biographical sketch. 1889. cB R895m Saint-Saens, C : C. Antoine Rubinstein. (In his Portraits and souvenirs, p. 102-12) C844.89 S152P Schubert, Franz Peter, 1797-1828. Austin, G: L. The life of Franz Schubert. 1873. c ^ 2384a Bach, A. B. The art ballad ; Loewe and Schubert, with musical illustrations. 2d ed. 1890. C786 Bn Bourne, C. E. Schubert. (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 191-215) C927.8 B77 74 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Chapin, A.. A. Schubert. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 260-67) cg27.8 C46 Crowest, F : J. Schubert. (In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 288-314) C927.8 C95 Dole, N. H. Schubert. (In his Score of famous composers. [ c i8c)i] p. 283- 304) C927.8 D66 Duncan, E. Schubert. 1905. (Master musicians) cB 83846 Ferris, G : T. Schubert, Schumann and Franz. (In his Great German com- posers. 1897. p. 135-57) C927.8 F39 Frost, H : T. Schubert. 1881. (Great musicians) cB S384f Hale, E : E. Schubert. (In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 343-52) C920.02 H16 Heuberger, R : Franz Schubert. 1902. (Beruhmter musiker lebens-und char- akterbilder) cB S384I1 Hueffer, F. Franz Schubert. (In his Richard Wagner and the music of the future. 1874. p. 125-92) C780 H88 Kreissle von Hellborn, H : Franz Schubert; a musical biography from the German by E. Wilberforce. 1866. cB 8384k The life of Franz Schubert ; tr. from the German by A. D. Cole- ridge, with an apx. by G: Grove. 1869. cB S384k2 Tapper, T : Franz Peter Schubert. (In his First studies in music biography. c i900. p. 193-213) C927.8 T17 Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Bourne, C. E. Schumann. (/;/ his Great composers. 1887. p. 299-316) C927.8 B77 Chapin, A.. A. Schumann. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 331-53) C927.8 C46 Crowest, F : J. Schumann. (In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 347-73) C927.8 C95 Dole, N. H. Schumann. (In his Score of famous composers. c i89i. p. 375- 99) C927.8 D66 Ehlert, L : Robert Schumann and his school. (In his From the tone world. c i885. p. 209-33) C780.4 E33 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 75 Engel, L : Robert Schumann. (In his From Mozart to Mario. 1886. v. I, p. 217-53) C927.8 E571 v.i Ferris, G : T. Schubert, Schumann and Franz. (In his Great German com- posers. 1897. p. 135-57) C927.8 F39 The Schumanns and Chopin. (In his Great violinists and pian- ists. 1881. p. 216-48) C927.8 F39g Finck, H : T. Schumann. (In his Songs and song writers. 1900. p. 112-22) C784.3 F49 Schumann as mirrored in his letters. (In his Chopin. 1889. p. 1 1 1-40) C780.4 F49 Hadow, W : H : Robert Schumann and the romantic movement in Germany. (In his Studies in modern music. 1893-95. v - i j P- i 47 _2 3 i ) C780.4 H13 v.i Hale, E : E. Schumann. (In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 377-86) C920.02 H16 Henderson, W : J. Schumann and the programme-symphony. (In his Preludes and studies. 1891. p. 203-45) C780.4 H49 Hubbard, E. Schumann. (In his Little journeys to the homes of great musi- cians. 1901. v. 2, p. 103-24) C927.8 H87 V.2 Hueffer, F. Robert Schumann. (In his Richard Wagner and the music of the future. 1874. p. 193-239) C780 H88 Maitland, J : A. F. Schumann. 1884. (Great musicians) cB 8392m Patterson, Annie W. Schumann. 1903. cB S392P Reissmann, A : Life and works of Robert Schumann; tr. from the 3d ed. of the German by A. L. Alger. 1886. (Bohn's standard library) cB S392r Tapper, T : Robert Schumann. (In his First studies in music biography. [ c i90o] p. 243-76) C927.8 T17 Wasielewski, W : J. von. Life of Robert Schumann; tr. by A. L. Alger. [ c i87i] cB S392W Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour, 1842-1900. Laurence, A. Sir Arthur Sullivan ; life-story, letters and reminiscences, with critique by B. W. Findon and bibliography by W. Bendall. 1899. cB S949I 76 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Willeby, C : Arthur Seymour Sullivan. (In his Masters of English music. 1894. p. 1-102; C927.8 W69 Wyndham, H. S. Arthur Sullivan. 1903. (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians) cB S949W Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, 1840-1893, Ferris, G : T. Tschaikowsky, Grieg and Dvorak. (In his Great German com- posers. 1897. p. 234-44) C927.8 F39 Lee, E. M. Tchaikovski. 1904. (The music of the masters) cB T249I Newmarch, R. Tchaikovsky; his life and works, with extracts from his writings, and the diary of his tour abroad in 1888. 1900. cB T24gn Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. Crowest, F : J. Verdi ; man and musician ; his biography, with especial reference to his English experiences. 1897. cB V484C Engel, L : Verdi. (In his From Mozart to Mario. 1886. v. 2, p. 86-154) cg27.8 E57f v.2 Ferris, G: T. Verdi. (In his Great Italian and French composers. 1879. p. 104-20) C927.8 F39gi Gilman, L. Verdi and Wagner; an inquiry. (In his Phases of modern music. 1904. p. 130-52) C780.4 G48P Graves, C : L. Giuseppe Verdi. (In his Diversions of a music-lover. 1904. p. 35-43) C780.4 G77d Hubbard, E. Verdi. (In his Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1901. v. 2, p. 81-101) C927.8 H87 V.2 Pougin, A. Verdi ; an anecdotic history of his life and works ; tr. from the French by J. E. Matthew. 1887. cB V484P Streatfeild, R: A. Giuseppe Verdi. (In his Masters of Italian music. 1895. p. 1-136) C927.8 S91 Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Apthorp, W : F. Wagner. (In his The opera. 1901. p. 153-79) C782 A65 Archer, W : Hugo and Wagner. (In his About the theater. 1886. p. 321-28) C792 A67a INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 77 Butterworth, H. Wagner and his music in America. (In his Great composers. c i884. p. 175-79) CJ927.8 B98 Chamberlain, H. S. Richard Wagner ; tr. from the German by G. A. Hight, and revised bv the author ; with photogravures, facsimiles, etc. **782.2 1C4 A sumptuous work. Chapin, A.. A. Wagner. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 373-95) C927.8 C46 Dole, N. H. Richard Wagner. (In his Score of famous composers. [ c i8qi] p. 517-40) C927.8 D66 Ehlert, L : Wagner, Makart, Hamerling; a parallel. — Gounod contra Wag- ner. (In his From the tone world. [ c i885] p. 135-68; 171-206) C780.4 E33 Ellis, W : A. Wagner sketches, 1849; a vindication. 1892. cB Wi34e Engel, L : Wagner. (In his From Mozart to Mario. 1886. v. 2, p. 1-41) C927.8 E57f v.2 Ferris, G : T. Wagner. (In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 198-220) cg27.8 F39 Finck, H : T. Wagner and his works ; the story of his life with critical com- ments. 1893. °B Wi34f Forsyth, P. T. Richard Wagner and pessimism. (In his Religion in recent art. 1899. p. 235-84) C759.2 F73 Francis, E : Wagner ; a short account of his life and works. 1892. ("Petite" library) **782.2 F81 Gautier, J. Richard Wagner and his poetical works from "Rienzi" to "Par- sifal ;" tr. by L. S. J. 1883. cB Wi 34 g Gerard, F. A. Wagner, Bayreuth and the festival plays. 1901. C782.2 G35 Gilman, L. Verdi and Wagner ; an inquiry. (In his Phases of modern music. 1904. p. 130-52) C780.4 G48P Gladden, W. Richard Wagner, the musician. (In his Witnesses of the light. 1903. p. 191-235) C920.02 G54 Glasenapp, C. F. Life of Richard Wagner; authorized English version by W: A. Ellis. 1900-03. 3 v. cB Wi34gl 78 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Guerber, H. A. Stories of the Wagner opera. 1895. C782.2 Gg2 Gurney, E. Wagner and Wagnerism. (In his Tertium quid. 1887. v. 2, p. 1-46) C824.89 Gg8it v.2 Hadow, W : H : Richard Wagner and the reform of the opera. (In his Studies in modern music. 1893-95. v - x > P- 2 33~3 2 6) C780.4 H13 v.i Hale, E : E. Wagner. (In his Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 387-98) C920.02 H16 Henderson, W : J. Richard Wagner; his life and his dramas, a biographical study of the man and an explanation of his work. 1901. cB Wi34he Wagneriana. (In his Preludes and studies. 1891. p. 85-122) C780.4 H4g Hervey, A. Wagner in France. (In his French music in the 19th century. 1903. p. 132-50) C780.944 H57 Hirsch, W. Richard Wagner und die psychopathologie. (In his Genie und entartung. 1894. p. 265-329) **i5i.i H66 Richard Wagner and psychopathology. (In his Genius and de- generation. 1896. p. 249-319) C132 H66 Hubbard, E. Richard Wagner. (In his Little journeys to the homes of great musicians. 1901. v. 1, p. 1-28) C927.8 H87 v.i Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner. 1881. (Great musicians) cB W134I1 ■ Richard Wagner and the music of the future ; history and aes- thetics. 1874. C780 H88 Huneker, J. A note on Richard Wagner. (In his Mezzotints in modern mu- sic. 1899. p. 285-97) C780.4 H93 Imbert, H. Rembrandt and Richard Wagner; tr. from the French by B. L. O'Donnell. (In Grey, R. ed. Studies in music. 1901. p. 152-67) C780.4 G78 Irvine, D : A Wagnerian's midsummer madness. 1899. C782.2 I72 Jackson, J : P. The Bayreuth of Wagner. [ c i89i] C914.33 J13 Jaeger, A. J. Wagner in London in 1855. U n Grey, R. ed. Studies in music. 1901. p. 168-84) C780.4 G78 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 79 Jullien, A. Richard Wagner; his life and works; tr. by F. P. Hall; introduc- tion by B. J. Lang. 1892. 2 v. **782.2 J94 Kastner, E. Wagner-catalog. 1878. **782.2 K19 Bibliography of material by and about Wagner, 1829-1877. Kobbe, G. Wagner's life and works. 1890. 2 v. C782.2 K75W Lidgey, C: A. Wagner. 1899. (Master musicians) cB W134I The Meister; quarterly journal of the London branch of the Wagner society, v. 1-6. 1888-93. **78o.5 M51 Muncker, F. Richard Wagner ; his life and works ; tr. from the German by D. Landman. [1892?] **78a.a Mg6 Newman, E. Study of Wagner. 1899. C782.2 N55 Nietzsche, F : W : The case of Wagner ; Nietzsche contra Wagner. (In his Works. 1896-97. v. 11, p. 1-91) C838.89 N677 v.i 1 Nohl, L : Life of Wagner, tr. from the German by G: P. Upton. 1884. (Biographies of musicians) cB Wi34n Phillips, C. The conception of love in Wagner. (In Grey, R. ed. Studies in music. 1901. p. 124-36) C780.4 G78 Praeger, F. Wagner as I knew him. 1892. cB W134P Rod, E: Wagner et l'esthetique allemande. (In his Etudes sur le 19c siecle. 1888. p. 99-116) 0844.89 R68se Saint-Saens, C : C. L'illusion Wagnerienne. (In his Portraits and souvenirs, p. 206-20) C844.89 S152P Steevens, G: W. The feast of St. Wagner. (In his Things seen. 1900. p. 219-36) C824.89 S8i5t Tapper, T: Richard Wilhelm Wagner. (In his First studies in music biog- raphy. c i900. p. 295-316) C927.8 T17 See also Critical writings on the Wagnerian opera. Weber, Karl Maria von, 1786-1826. Benedict, Sir J. Weber. 1881. (Great musicians) cB W373b Bourne, C. E. Weber. (In his Great composers. 1887. p. 163-87) C927.8 B77 8o FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Chapin, A.. A. Weber. (In her Masters of music. 1901. p. 212-31) C927.8 C46 Crowest, F : J. Weber. (In his Great tone poets. 1881. p. 224-55) C927.8 C95 Dole, N. H. Carl Maria von Weber. (In his Score of famous composers. c i89i. p. 258-82) C927.8 D66 Ferris, G : T. Weber. (In his Great German composers. 1897. p. 176-88) C927.8 F39 Shedlock, J. S. Letters from Weber to the Abbe Vogler and to Spontini. (In Grey, R. ed. Studies in music. 1901. p. 233-51) C780.4 G78 "Weber, C. von. Carl Maria von Weber; the life of an artist; from the German of his son by J. P. Simpson. 1865. 2 v. cB W373W SUPPLEMENT. (The Supplement comprises the latest accessions to the library, and a few entries omitted from the main list.) Bach, J. S. Werke fur orgel, v. 6. *786.8i fBn Includes 6 organ sonatas. Bantock, G. Songs of Arabia; 6 songs, words by H. F. Schweitzer. c i898. *784-4 B2ia Songs of China; 6 songs, words by H. F. Schweitzer. c i8o,8. ^7844 B21C Songs of Egypt; 6 songs, words by H. F. Schweitzer. c i897. ^7844 B2ie Songs of India ; 6 songs, words by H. F. Schweitzer. c i898. *7844 B2ii Songs of Japan ; 6 songs, words by H. F. Schweitzer. c i896. *7844 B21J Songs of Persia; 6 songs, words by H. F. Schweitzer. c i898. *7844 B2ip Barber, G.. E. Wagner opera stories. 1901. J782.2 B23 Beethoven, L. van. Akademische neuausgabe der claviersonaten; English text by Philip Hale. (Collection Litolff) "78641 qB4 Symphonien fiir das pianoforte zu 4 handen. 9 v. [190-?] (Collection Litolff) '78649 qB43 Bellaigue, C. Musical studies and silhouettes. 1900. C7804 B43 Tr. from the French by Ellen Orr. Cleather, A. L. and Crump, B. Parsifal, Lohengrin and the legend of the Holy Grail, described and interpreted in accordance with Wagner's own writings. [1904?] C782.2 C62 Dana, H. Songs. *784.8 fDi6 40 songs, hymns, etc., bound as a private collection. Davies, D. Ffrangcon — The singing of the future. 2d ed. 1906. C784 D25 With special reference to opera and oratorio. Haydn, F. J. Die belieblesten 10 sonaten (sonates celebres) fiir pianoforte. (Collection Litolff) =78641 qH4 Hopekirk, H. (Mrs. William W T ilson), ed. Seventy Scottish songs for high voice. (The musicians' lib.) :: 784-3 qH7 82 FINDING LIST OF MUSIC. Mozart, W. A. Sonaten fur pianoforte. (Collection Litolff) *786.4i qMgs Sonates pour piano. *786.4i qMg Nason, E. S. Vocal class book. 1856. G784.8 N26 Parry, C : H. H. Studies of great composers. 1904. C927.8 P26 Biographical and critical sketches of 11 famous musicians. Racster, O. Chats on violins. 1905. (Music lover's lib.) C787.1 R12 Includes sketches of Italian and German makers, and anecdotes of great players, with an appendix on the Life of Paganini. Riemann, H. Catechism of musical aesthetics; tr. by H. Bewerunge. [189-?] C780.1 R55 Encyclopedic dictionary of music; tr. by J. S. Shedlock ; revised to 1897. 1899. **78o.3 R55 Schubert, F. P. Akademische ausgabe ausgewahlter clavier sonaten. (Collection Litolff) *786.4i qS3 Schumann, R. Drei sonaten fur die jugend, op. 118. (Collection Litolff) *786.4i qSsgs Grande sonate, op. 11. (Collection Litolff) *786.4i qS3g Grande sonate, op. 22. (Collection Litolff) *786.4i qS3gg Tschaikowsky, P. I. Morceaux celebres pour piano; [190-?] (Collection Litolff) *786.4 qT8m Seven symphonies for piano ; 4 hands. [190-?] *786-49 fT8 Includes "Symphonie pathetique" and "Manfred." INDEX. Reference is to pages; entries appearing more than once are indexed only the first time; a personal name in ( ) shows the composer of the work preced- ing it; operas, oratorios, etc.. are to be found under their titles, as well as under composers' names; subdivisions and form headings are also indexed; editors and translators are included only if very well known, or if they occur more than once; s=supplement. Abbey, E. A., 41. Abbott, L., 38. Abbreviations, 5. Acis and Galatea (Handel), 32. Acoustics, 19. Adam, A. C, 29. Adams, G. A., 34. Adams, J. S., 8. Addresses, 9-11. Aesthetics, 8, s. L'Africaine (Meyerbeer), 24. Aida (Verdi), 25. Alard. J. D., 54. Albrechtsberger, J. G., 18. Alchin, C. A., 12. Aldrich. R., 26, 48. Alexander's feast (Handel), 32. Alger, A. L., 75. L'allegro (Handel), 32. Allen, E. H., 55. Allen, N. H., 9, 34, 39. Allen, W. F., 46. Ambros, W. A., 8. American college song-book, 44. American music, 16, 43. American Unitarian association, 38. Ancient music, 15. Anderson, R. B., 43. Anecdotes, 56. Annesley, C, 21. Antcliffe, H., 63. Anthems, 37-39. Antigone (Mendelssohn), 24. Apthorp, W. F., 9, 21, 41, 50. Arabia, s. Archer, W., 76. Armbruster, C, 41. Arminius (Bruch), 35. Athalie (Racine), 33. Auber, D. F. E. f 22. Audran, E., 29. Austin, G. L., 73. Ayhvard, T. E., 39. Azara (Paine), 36. The baby's bouquet (Crane), 45. The baby's opera (Crane), 45. Bach, A. B., 39. Bach, J. S., 35, 37, 60-61, a. Bach, P. E., 60. Bacon, L. W., 39. Baker, T., 8, 51, 52. Balfe, M. W., 22, 29. Balfour, A. J., 66. Ballads, 40, 43. Un ballo in maschera (Verdi), 25. Banister, H. C, 8, 18. Bantock, G., s. Baptie, D., 17. Barbara Frietchie (Jordan), 32. Barber, G. E., s. II barbiere di Siviglia (The barber of Seville; Rossini), 30. Barker, T. T., 23, 24. Barnby, J., 34, 37- Barnes, J., 47. Barnet, R. A., 33. Barrett, W. A., 9, 17, 39. Barton, W. E., 46. Bassini, C, 47. Bates, A., 32. Beach, A. N., 31. The beatitudes (Franck), 35. Beaufort, R. L. de, 69. Beethoven, L. van, 22, 31, 34, 50, 51, 53, 61-62, s. Behnke, E., 47. Beissel, C, 39. Bellaigue, C, 57, s. Bellamy, C, 29. Bellini, V., 22. The bells of Corneville (Plan- quette), 30. Benda, L., 42. Benedict, J., 22, 79. Benedict, M. C, 52. Benjamin, S. G. W., 6. Benoit, C, 26. Berlioz, H. L., 6, 20, 22, 35, 63. Best, W. T., 36, 54. Betz, C, 46. Beyle, M. H., 68. Bibliographv, 5-6. Bie, O., 51. Billee Taylor (Solomon), 30. Biography, 57-80. Bitter, C. H., 60. Bizet, G., 22. Bjornson, B., 32. Blackburn, V, 70. 84 INDEX. Blackie, J. S., 17. Blackman, O., 46. Bobby Shaftoe (Weil), 33. Boccaccio (Suppe), 31. The Bohemian girl (Balfe), 22. Boise, O. B., 13. Boito, A., 18, 23. Bolton, S. E. K., 71. Boston musical bureau, 13. Boston symphony orchestra, 50. Bourne, C. E., 57. Bovet, M. A. de, 66. Bradbury, W. B., 38. Brahms, J., 41. 63-64. Breakspeare, E. J., 71. Bree, M., 52. Bremont, comtesse de, 57. The bride of Dunkerron (Smart), 33. The bride of Lammermoor (Doni- zetti), 23. Bridge, J. F., 20, 35. Bridges. R., 38. Brinsmead, E., 51. British music, 17, 42, 43, 44. Broadhouse, J., 19, 65. Brooks, H. M., 13. Brown, A. H., 35. Brown. C, 44. Brown, J. D., 5, 8. Brown, J. P., 18. Brown, K. L., 45. Brown, M. E., 13. Brown, W. A., 13. Browne, L., 47. Brownies (Douglas), 32. Bruch, M. 32, 35. Bruneau, A., 16. Buch der lieder, 42. Buck, D., 54. Buffen, F. F., 6. Bunner, H. C, 33. Bunthorne's bride (Sullivan), 31. Burney, C, 13, 14. Burnham, C. L., 33. Burrowes, J. F., 19. Bussler, L., 19. Butterworth, H., 56. Calliope, 42. Calvert, J., 37. Canada, 46. Cantatas, 31-33, 37-38. Capes, B., 26. El capitan (Sousa), 30. The captive (Herbert), 32. Carcassi, M., 56. Carleton, F. E., 21. Carmen (Bizet), 22. Castle Adamant (Sullivan), 31. Catel, C. S., 19. Caulfield, J., 42. Cavalleria rusticana (Mascagni), 30. Cellier, A., 29. Cello, 56. Centennial collection, 42. Century library, 53. Chadwick, G. W., 19, 32. Chamber music, 50. Chamberlain, H. S., 77. Champlin, J. D., 9. Chapin, A. A., 27, 56, 57. Chappell, W., 15, 40. Cheever, E. C, 42. Cherubini, L., 20. Checkering and sons, 6, 51. The childhood of Christ (Berlioz), 35, Children's books, 56-57. Children's songs, 45. Chimes, 56. China, s. Choirs, 38. Chomet, H., 6. Chopin. F. F., 53, 64-66. The choral fantasia (Beethoven), 31. Chorley, H. F., 9, 13, 16. Chorus, 40-41. Christiani, A. F., 52. Christmas music, 35, 39, 43, 57. Christy, G., 46. Church, J., co., 58. Church music, 34-39. The church porch, 39. Cimarosa, D., 29. Clarke, E., 67. Clarke, H. A., 9. Clarke, J. H., 50. Clarke, M. C, 19, 20. Cleather, A. L., 27, s. Collections, Instrumental, 53-54. Collections, Vocal, 41-47. Collective biography, 57-60. College songs, 44-45. Colomba (Mackenzie), 33. Columbia college song book, 44. Comic songs, 43. Compends, 8. Composition, 20. Concone, G., 40. Conservatories, 12-13. Coonley, L. A., 56. Corder, F., 20, 25, 26, 27, 50. Cornelius, P., 10. Counterpoint, 20. Courvoisier, K., 55. Cowen, F. H., 17. Cox, J. E., 6. Cox, P., 32. Cradle songs, 45. Craik, D. M., 42. Cramer, J. B., 53. Crane, W., 41, 45. The creation (Haydn), 36. Crotch, W., 20. Crowest, F. J., 8, 13, 17, 47, 56, 58, 61, 76. Crump, B., 27, s. INDEX. 85 Cummings, W. H., 18, 67. Curry, T., 38. Curtis, H. H., 48. Curwen, J., 19, 48. Curwen, J. S., 38. Cusins, W. G., 42. Cyclopedias, 8-9, s. Dalyell, J. G., 17. The damnation of Faust (Berlioz), 22. Same (Gounod), 23. Damrosch, L., 22. Damrosch, W. J., 23. Dana, H., 41, s. Daniell, W. H., 48. D'Anvers, N., 13. The daughter of the regiment (Doni- zetti), 29. David in the wilderness (Bee- thoven), 35. Davies, D. F., s. Davis, K. W., 45- Davis, L. S., 13. Dawson, M., 57- Deborah (Handel), 36. Deiters, H.. 63. De Koven, R., 29, 45. Delibes, C. P. L., 23. Dettingen "Te Deum" (Handel), 34. Deutscher liederschatz (Erk), 42. Devrient, E., 70. Les diamants de la couronne (Au- ber), 22. Dickinson, E.. 5, 13, 34- Dictionaries, 8-9, s. Diehl, A. M., 6. Dietrich, A., 63. Dinorah (Meyerbeer), 24. Dippold, G. T., 27. Ditson, O. and co., 22, 42. The doctor of Alcantara (Eich- berg), 29. Dole, N. H., 30, 37, 58. Le domino noir (Auber), 22. Don Carlos (Verdi), 25. Don Giovanni (Mozart), 24. Don Pasquale (Donizetti), 23. Donizetti, G, 23, 29. Douglas, M., 32. Dow, S. H., 48. Drake, S. A., 67. The dream of Gerontius (Elgar), 35. Dresel, O., 9- Duffield, H., 26. Dulcken, H. W., 42. Duncan, E., 74. Dunn, S., 48. Dusk of the gods (Wagner), 25. Dvorak, A., 10, 15, 17- Dwight, J. S., 9, 12, 20. Dwight's weekly journal, 11. Eastman, E. V., 6. Eddy, S. J., 42. Edgar, J. G., 67. Education, 12-13. Edwards, C. A., 54. Edwards, F. G, 36. Edwards, H. S., 21, 73. Egypt, s. Ehlert, L., 6, 9- Ehrenfechter, C. A., 52. Ehrlich, A., 51. Eichberg. J., 29, 48. Elgar, E. E., 10, 35- Elijah (Mendelssohn), 36. Ella, J., 9- Elliot, C. S., 44- Elliott. T- W.. 45, 57- Ellis, A. J., 48. Ellis, W.' A., 77- Elliston, T., 54- Elson, A., 13, 21, 50, 58. Elson, L. C, 9. 15, 16, 18, 40, 58. Elterlein, E. von, 51. Emerson, E. U., 45. Emerson, L. O., 42. Emery, S. A., 19. Encyclopedias, 8-9, s. Engedi (Beethoven), 35. Engel, C, 10, IS, 40, 55- Engel, L., 58. English minstrelsie (Gould), 42. English music, 17, 42, 43, 44. Ereminas, L., 42. Erk, L., 42. The erl-king's daughter (Gade), 32. Erminie (Takobowski), 29. Ernani (Verdi), 25. Essays, 9-11. Esthetics, 8, s. L'etoile du nord (Meyerbeer), 30. The Etude, 11. Eve (Massenet), 33- Fair Ellen (Bruch), 32. Famous composers, 6. Farnie, H. B., 29. Fatinitza (Suppe), 31. Faust (Berlioz), 22. Faust (Gounod), 23. La favorita (Donizetti), 23. Fay, A., 16. The fencing master (De Koven), 29. Fenner. T. P., 46. Ferris, G. T., 16, 17, 18, 58. Fetis, F. J., 5- 6. 8. 40. Ffrangcon-Davies, D., s. Fidelio (Beethoven), 22. Field, E., 45- . ,„ . La figlia del reggimento (Doni- zetti), 29. Fillmore, J. C, 13, Si. Finck, E. J., 52. Finck, H. T., 10, 28, 40, 41, 42, 77- Fischer, G. A., 61. Fitzgerald, S. J. A., 40. 86 INDEX. II flauto magico (Mozart), 24. Fleming, J. M., 55- Flood, W. H. G., 56. Flotow, F. von, 23, 29. The flying Dutchman (Wagner), 25. Folk-songs, 46. Forster, S. A., 55. Forsyth, P. T., 77. Forsythe, C, 57. Foster, M. B., 45. Fra Diavolo (Auber), 22. Francis, E., 77. Franck, C, 15, 35. Franz, R., 7, 9, 34, 41. The free-shooter (Weber), 25. Der freischiitz (Weber), 25. French music, 16, 42, 46. Friend Fritz (Mascagni), 30. Frost, H. T., 74. Frost, W. H., 27. Gade, N. W., 32. Gaertner, C., 48. Gagnon, E., 46. Gannett, W. C, 38. Gardiner, W., 8, 68. Gates, F. B., 40. Gates, W. F., 56. Gautier, J., 77. Gautier, T., 63. Gehring, F., 72. General works, 6-7. Gerard, F. A., 27. German music, 16, 42, 43, 46, 57. Gerolstein, The duchess of (Offen- bach), 30. Gibbs, W., 56. Gilbert, W. S., 28, 29, 30-31. Gilman, L., 10. Gilmore, P. S., 16. La Gioconda (Ponchielli), 24. Gladden, W., 77. Glasenapp, C. F, 77. Glehn, M. E. von, 70, 71. Gluck, C. W. von, 23, 60. Goepp, P. H., 50. Goetschius, P., 19, 20. Gotterdammerung (Wagner), 25. The golden legend (Sullivan), 33. Goldmark, K., 23. The gondoliers (Sullivan), 30. Goodrich, A. J., 20. Goodwin, T., 7. Gould, S. B., 27, 42. Gounod, C. F., 23, 29, 34, 36, 57, 66. La grande duchesse de Gerolstein (Offenbach), 30. Grant, H. A., 48. Graves, C. L., 10. Greek music, 17-18. Greenaway, K., 45. Grey, R., 10. Grieg, E. H., 10, 15, 32. Grove, G., 5, 9, 50, 66, 70, 74. Guerber, H. A., 21, 28. Guitar, 56. Gurney, A., 26. Gurney, E., 8, 78. Guttmann, O., 48. H. M. S. Pinafore (Sullivan), 28, 31. Hadden, J. C, 65, 67, 68, 70. Hadow, W. H., 10, 14, 68. Hansel and Gretel (Humperdinck), 32. Hale, E. E., 60. Hale, P., 6, 42, 50. Halevy, F., 23. Halle, C., 58. Hallowell, E., 46. Hamlet (Thomas), 24. Hanchett, H. G., 10. Hand, F. G., 8. Handel, G. F., 32, 34, 36, 37, 66-67. Handel and Haydn society, 12. Harmony, 19-20. Harp, 56. Harris, G., 38. Harris, T. F., 19. Hart, G., 55- Harvard university, 38, 44, 45. Hathaway, S., 12. Hatton, J. L., 41, 43. Plaweis, H. R., 7, 55. Hawkins, J., 14. Haydn, F. J., 34, 36, 68, s. Heath, C., 21. The heavens declare (Saint-Saens), 38. Hebert, E., 66. Helmore, T., 34, 40. Henderson, W. J., 8, 10, 14, 15, 41, 50, 78. Henley, W. E., 63. Hensel, S., 70. Henselt, A. von, 51. Herbert, V., 32. Hereford (England), 12. Herman, R. L., 45. Herold, L. J. F., 29. Hervey, A., 16. Heuberger, R., 74. Hicks, S., 32. Higgs, J., 54- Hiles, J., g, 39- Hill, A. G., 54- Hill, W. H., 55- Hiller, F., 32, 70. Hills, W. H., 44- Hipkins, A. J., 56. Hirsch, W., 78. History, 13-18. Hitchcock, T., 72. Hoffman, F., 62, 72. Hogarth, G., 21. Holmes, E., 72. Hood, G., 16. Hope, R. C., 15. INDEX. 87 Hopekirk, H., s. Hopkins, E. J., 54. Hora novissima (Parker), 37. Home, O.B., 57. Howard, F. E., 48. Hubbard. E., 58. Huckel, O., 26. Hueffer, F., 7, 10, 17, 33, 78. Hughes, R., 9, 16, 43. Les Huguenots (Meyerbeer), 24. Hullah, J. P., 7, 15, 43. Humorous songs, 43. Humperdinck, E., 32. Humphreys, F. L., 34. Huneker, J., 10, 26, 41, 53, 65. Hunt, H. G. B., 14. Huntington, W. R., 39. Hymns, 38-39. L'illustration, S3- Imbert, H., 78. In a Persian garden (Lehmann), 41. India, s. Individual biography, 60-80. Instrumentation, 20. Instruments, 50-56. Iolanthe (Sullivan), 28, 30. Iphigenie en Aulide (Gluck), 23. Iphigenie en Tauride (Gluck), 23. Irene (Reine de Saba; Gounod), 23. Irish music, 43, 44. Irvine, D., 28. Israel in Egypt (Handel), 36. Italian music, 18, 46. Jack and the bean-stalk (Sloane), 33. Jackson, J. P., 27, 78. Jacob (Smart), 38. Jadassohn, S., 19. Jaeger, A. J., 78. Jahn, O., 72. Jakobowski, E., 29. Jameson, F., 26, 27. Japan, s. Jenks, H. S., 45, 46. Jensen, A., 41. Jephtha (Handel), 36. The Jewess (Halevy), 23. Johnson, A. N., 19. Johnson, H. K., 43. Jonson, G. C. A., 65. Jordan, J., 32. Joshua (Handel), 36. Jubilate (Handel), 34. Jubilee days, 16. Judas Maccabaeus (Handel), 36. Judith (Chadwick), 32. La Juive (Halevy), 23. Jullien, A., 63, 79. Juszkievicz, A., 43. Juvenile books, 56-57. Kaiser, A., 39 Kappey, J. A., 43. Karasowski, M., 65. Kastner, E., 79. Kellogg, F. B., 44. The Keynote, II. Kidson, F., 17. Kilburn, N., 50. Kindergarten music, 45, 52. The king of Barataria (Sullivan), 30. Kingsley, G., 39. Kingston, W. Beatty — , 10. Klauser, J., 18. Klauser, K., 6, 53. Kleczynski, J., 65. Klein, C., 29, 30. Klein, H., 7. Klindworth, K., 26, 27. Knowlton, F. S., 45. Kobbe ,G., 28, 58, 79, Kofler, L., 48. Krehbiel, H. E., 6, 7, 10, 16, 28, 40, 55. Kreissle von Hellborn, H., 74. Kufferath, M., 26. Kullak, A., 51. Kullak, F., 51. Lahee, H. C., 21, 51, 54, 55, 59- Lakme (Delibes), 23. Lampadius, W. A., 71. Langdon. W. C, 32. Lanier, S., 10. Lathrop, G. P., 23. Laurence, A., 75. Lavignac, A., 7, 12, 28. Lavoix, H. M. F., 14, 16. Lawrence, W. M., 46, 57. Lawton, S. E., 53. Lecocq, A. C, 30. Lectures, 9-11. Lee, E. M., 76. Leeke, F., 28. Legge, R. H., 64. Lehmann, Lilli, 48. Lehmann, Liza, 41. Leib, W. H., 48. Lenz, W. von, 51. Leonard, G. T., 44. Leoncavallo, R., 18, 30. Leschetizky, T., 52, 69. Levermore, C. H., 47. Lewis, L. R., 47. Librettos, 22-33. Lidgey, C. A., 79. The light of the world (Sullivan), 37. Light operas, 28-31. Lillie, L. C, 57. The lily nymph (Chadwick), 32. The lily of Killarney (Benedict), 22. Liszt, F., 53, 65, 69-70. Lithuanian songs, 42, 43. The little duke (Lecocq), 30. The little tycoon (Spenser), 30. Lobgesang (Mendelssohn), 33. Loeffler, C. M., 10. INDEX. Loewe, J. K. G., 39. Logier, J. B., 18. Lohengrin (Wagner), 26, s. I Lombardi alia prima crociata (Ver- di), 25. Longfellow, H. W., 33. Loreley (Mendelssohn), 24. Lucia di Lammermoor (Donizetti), 23. Lucrezia Borgia (Donizetti), 23. Lunn, C.j 48. Luther, M., 39. McArthur, A., 52, 73. McCasky, J. P., 43, 47. MacDowell, E. A., 10. Macfarren, G. A., 11, 32. Macfarren, N., 26, 31, 70. MacFarren, R., 35. Mackenzie, A. C, 17, 33. Mackenzie, M., 49. McLaughlin, J. M., 18. Madrigals, 44. Maeterlinck, M., n. Magazines, 11-12. The magic flute (Mozart), 24. Magill, M. T., 33. Maitland, J. A. F., 9, 14, 17, 21, 39, 61, 63, 75- Malherbe, C, 28. Manfred (Tschaikovsky), s Mankell, K. A., 14. Manru (Paderewski), 24. Manzoni, A., 35. Marcello, B., 57. Marchant, A. W., 52. Marchesi, M., 49. Marchetti, F., 24. Mario, G, 58. Maritana (Wallace), 25. The marriage of Figaro (Mozart), 30. Marsh, J. B. T., 46. Martha (Flotow), 23. Marx, A. B., 13, 15. Marzials, T., 41. Masaniello (Auber), 22. Mascagni, P., 10, 18, 30. The "mascot" (Audran), 29. A masked ball (Verdi), 25. Mason, D. G, 14, 15. Mason, E. S., 47. Mason, L., 19, 39. Massenet, J., 16, 33. Masses, 34-35- Masters in music, 11. The mastersingers of Nuremberg (Wagner), 26. Mathews, W. S. B., 7. II matrimonio segreto (Cimarosa), 2g. Matthay, T. A., 52. Matthew, J. E., 6, 14, 76. Matthison, A., 22, 37. Maud, C. E., 28, 57. May-day (Macfarren), 32. Mears, D. O., 34. Le medecin malgre lui (Gounod), 29. Medieval music, 15. Mees, A., 41. Mefistofele (Boito), 23. The Meister, 11. Die Meistersinger von Niirnberg (Wagner), 26. Melodia sacra, 39. Mendelssohn, F., 24, 33, 36, 41, 53, 70- 71- Mendelssohn, K., 71. Merck, F., 57. Merz, K., 8. Messe de requiem (Verdi), 35. The Messiah (Handel), 36. Meyerbeer, G., 9, 24, 30. Midsummer night's dream (Mendels- sohn), 33. Mignon (Thomas), 24. The mikado (Sullivan), 28, 31. Mills, H. M., 43. Mirella (Gounod), 23. Miscellaneous works, 6-7. The mock doctor (Gounod), 29. II moderato (Handel), 32. Molloy, J. L., 43. Monk, W. H., 39. Monro, D. B., 17. Montz, K., 52. Moore, A. A., 43. Moore, J., 9. Moore, T., 43, 44. "Morning stars sang together," 39. Morris, W. M., 55. Morrison, C. P., 34. Mors et vita (Gounod), 36. Moses in Egypt (Rossini), 37. Mother Goose, 45. The mountebanks (Cellier), 29. Mozart, W. A., 19, 24, 30, 35, 37, 53, 71-72, s. Muncker, F., 79. Music (periodical), 11. Musical courier, 11. Musical herald, 11. Musical instruments, 50-56. Musical miscellany, 43. Musical times, 11. Musical world, n. The Musician, 11. The musician's library, 41, 42, 43. 53, s La muta di Portici (Auber), 22. Myer, E. T., 49. Nabucodonosor (Verdi), 25. Nageli, J. H. G., 43. Nason, E., 40. Nason, E. S., s. National music, 40. National peace jubilee, 42. Naumann, E., 14. Nebuchadnezzar (Verdi), 25. Needham, E. C. C, 59. INDEX. 89 Negro songs, 46. Neicllinger, W. H, 43, 57- Nero (Rubinstein), 24. New England conservatory, 13. Newman, E., II, 28. Newman, J. H., 35. Newmarch, R., 76. Nibelung, Ring of, 27, 28. Nicholls, H., 32. Nichols, G. W., 54- Niecks, F., 65. Nietzsche, F. W., 79. Nohl, L., 62, 68, 69, 72, 79. Norma (Bellini), 22. Norris, H. A., 19. Norway, 43. Notelrac, 21. Novello, S., 18, 19, 40, 43, 49. Novello, V., 34, 35, 36. Novello's anthems, 37. Le nozze di Figaro (Mozart), 30. Nursery songs, 45. Oberon (Weber), 25. O'Conor, M., 43. Ode on St. Cecilia's day (Handel), 32. Oedipus at Colonos (Mendelssohn), 24. Oedipus Tyrannus (Paine), 24. Offenbach, J., 9, 30. Olaf Trygvasson (Grieg), 32. Oldmeadow, E. J., 65. Olivette (Audran), 29. L'ombre (Flotow), 29. Opera, 21-31. Opera-Comique, 28. Operettas, 31-33. Oratorios, 35-37. Orchestra, 50. Organ, 54. Orpheus (Gluck), 23. Orser, L., 20. Otello (Rossini), 24. Otto, J. A., 55. Ouseley, F. A. G., 14, 20. Oxford history, 14. Paderewski, I. J., 24, 53. I pagliacci (Leoncavallo), 30. Paine, J. K., 6, 24, 36. Palestrina, 57, 58, 59. Pan-pipes (Marzials), 41. Paradise lost (Rubinstein), 37. Pardon, G. F., 21. Le pardon de Ploermel (Meyer- beer), 24. Parker, H. W., 37. Parks, E. A., 39. Parry, C. H. H., 7, 14, 17, s. Parsifal (Wagner), 26-27, s. Parsons, A., 41. Parsons, A. R., 27. Part-songs, 41-47. Passion of our Lord (Bach), 35. Patey, 44, 49. Patience (Sullivan), 28, 31. Patterson, A. W., 35, 75. Pauer, E., 7, 8, 52. Paul Jones (Planquette), 30. Paulton, H., 29. II pensieroso (Handel), 32. Pergolesi, G. B., 37, 57. Periodicals, 11-12. Perkins, C. C., 12. Perry, E. B., 53. Persia, 6, s. Petrie, G., 44. Pfeiffer, , 43. Phelps, A., 39. Phillips, C., 79. Philosophy, 8. Phipson, T. L., 55. Piano, 51-53, s. H. M. S. Pinafore (Sullivan), 28, 31. Pirates of Penzance (Sullivan), 28, 31. Pirro, A., 60. Pittman, J., 19, 41, 44. Plain-song, 15, 34, 44. Planquette, R., 30. Plantation songs, 46. Plymouth hymnal, 38. Pole, W., 8, 35- Polko, E., 71. Ponchielli, A., 24. Poole, R. L.„ 60. Portici, 22. Le postilion de Lonjumeau (Adam), 29. Potocka, A., 69. Pott, F., 35. Pougin, A., 76. Poulsson, E., 45. Praeger, F., 79. Praise of music (Beethoven), 31. Pratt, W. S., 34- Pray, M. L., 47. Prentice, R., 52. Primitive music, 15. Princess Ida (Sullivan), 28, 31. The prodigal son (Sullivan), 37. Le prophete (Meyerbeer,), 24. Prout, E., 20, 50, 72. Puccini, G., 18, 24. I Puritani (Bellini), 22. Queen of Sheba (Goldmark), 23. Racine, J., 33. Racster, O., s. Ramann, L., 69. Randegger, A., 49. Rebekah (Barnby), 37. "Red Feather" (De Koven), 29. Reddall, F., 47. The redemption (Gounod), 36. Reed, F. K., II. Reine de Saba (Gounod), 23. Reissmann, A., 72, 75. 90 INDEX. The repentance of Nineveh (Bridge), 35- Requiem (Verdi), 35. Reyer, E., 16. Das Rheingold (Wagner), 27, 56. Riano, J. F., iS. Riant, A., 49. Richards, H. B., 44. Riemann, H., s. Riemann, L., 18. Rienzi (Wagner), 27. Rigoletto (Verdi), 25. Rimbault, E. F., 17, 54. The ring of the Nibelung, 27, 28. RiDley, F. H., 49. Ritter, F. L., n, 14, 16, 17, 20. Ritter, F. R„ 6, 11. Rob Roy (De Koven), 29. Roberto il diavolo (Meyerbeer), 24. Robertson, F. E., 54. Robin Hood (De Koven), 29. Rockstro, W. S., 14, 39, 67, 71. Rod, E., 79. Rogers, C. K., 49. Romeo et Juliette (Gounod), 23. Root, G. F., 33, 47. Rose, A. L., 51. The rose of Avontown (Beach), 31. The rose of Castille (Balfe), 22. Rossini, G. A.. 24, 30, 37, 38, 73. Rowbotham, J. F., 14, 59. The Rubaiyat, 41. Rubinstein, A. G., 7, 24, 37, 73. Rudall, H. A., 62. Ruddygore (Sullivan), 31. A runaway girl (Hicks), 32. Runciman, J. F., 11. Russell. W, 49. Rust, M., 45. Ruy Bias (March etti), 24. Sachse, J. F. , 39. Sacred music, 34-39. Said Pasha (Stahl), 33. Sailors' songs, 47. St. Nicholas songs, 44. St Paul (Mendelssohn), 36. Saint-Saens, C. C, 15, 16, 37, 38, 63. Sainton-Dolly, 49. Salisbury, S., 40. Sallaberry, J. D. J., 46. Samson (Handel), 36. Samson and Delilah (Saint-Saens), 37. Sand, G., 65. Sandys, W., 55. Santa Claus' mistake (Root), 33. Sardou, V., 24. Sarum hymnal, 39. Saul (Handel), 36. Scandinavian songs, 43. The scarlet letter (Damrosch), 23. Schauenburg, M., 45. Schebek, E., 55. Schindler, A., 62. Schmitt, H., 52. Schoelcher, V., 67. School song books, 46. Schubert, F. P., 38, 41, 73-74, s. Schumann, R., 11, 41, 50, 53, 74-75, s. Schweitzer, H. F., s. Schwing, H., 39. Scobey, K. L., 57. Scores, 22-38. Scottish music, 17, 44, s. Sea songs, 47. The seasons (Haydn), 36. Seidl, A., 15. Seiles, E., 49. Semiramide (Rossini), 24. The seven old ladies of Lavender town (Weil), 33. Shakespeare, W., 33, 42. Shakespeare, W. (musician), 49. Shaw. G. B., 28. Shaw, O., 39. Shedlock, J. S., 51, 61, 62, 80, s. Shepard, T. G., 44. Sherman and Hyde's musical re- view, 11. Sieber, F., 49. Siegfried (Wagner), 27. Sight-singing, 40. Silcher, F., 40. Singer, O., 25. Singing lessons, 47-50. Singleton, E., 12, 21, 28. Slave songs, 46. Sleeper, H. D., 45. The sleeping queen (Balfe), 29. Sloane, A. B., 33. Sloper, E. H. L., 44. Smart, H., 33, 38. Smith, D., 31. Smith, F. M., Si- Smith, H. B., 29. Smith, Hannah, 14, 59. Smith, Hermann, 15, 54. Smith, L. A., 47. Smith, N., 40. Societies, 12, 40. Solomon, E., 30. Solomon (Handel), 36. Son and stranger (Mendelssohn), 33. Sonatas, 51, 53, s. Sung folio, 44. The song of Miriam (Schubert), 38. A song of victory (Hiller), 32. Songs, 39-47- La sonnambula (Bellini), 22. Sophocles: Antigone (Mendelssohn), 24. The sorcerer (Sullivan), 28, 31. Soubies, A., 28. Sousa, J. P., 30, 44. Spalding, W. R., 20. Spanish music, 18, 46. Sparger, W., 39. INDEX. 9i Spark, W., 71. Spencer, H., ir. Spenser, W., 30. Spillane, D., 51. Spitta, J. A. P., 61, 64. Stabat mater, 37, 38. Stahl, R., 33- Stainer, J., 9, 20, 39, 41, 54. Stanford, C. V., 17. Staples, S. E., 12. Steele, R., 6. Steevens, G. W., 79. Steinert, M., 56. Stevenson, J. A., 44. Stoeving, P., 56. Stone, W. H., 7. Stradivari, A., 55. Strange adventures of Jack and the bean-stalk (Sloane), 33. Stratton, S. S., 71. Strauss, R., 10, 11, 53. Streatfeild, R. A., 18, 21. Streeter, H. R., 49. Streit, W., 59. Strettell, A., 46. A strong castle (Bach), 37. Stubbs, G. E., 38. Suardon, P., 30. Sullivan, A. S., 30-31, 33, 37, 75-/6. Suppe, F. von, 31. Sutro, E., 49. The swan and the skylark (Thomas), 33- Symbols, 5. Symonds, J. A., 45. Symphonies, 50, s. II talismano (Balfe), 22. Tannhauser (Wagner), 27. Tapper, T., 7, 11, 49, 57. Tausig, C, 51, 52. Taylor, F., 52. Tavlor, S., 19, 40. Taylor, S. C, 53- Tchaikovski, P. I., 76, s. Te Deums, 34"35- Tennyson, A., 42. Thayer, A. T., 62. Theory of music, 18. Thibaut, A. F. J., 8. Thomas, A. G, 33. Thomas, C. L. A., 16, 24. Thomas, T., 6, 26, 53. Thorough-bass, 19-20. The three little kittens of the land of pie (Weil), 33. Tietgen, H., 56. Tolhurst, H., 66. Tomlins, W. L., 47. Torr, C, 18. Tosca (Puccini), 24. Tower of Babel (Rubinstein), 37. Townsend, P. D., 68. La traviata (Verdi), 25. Trial by jury (Sullivan), 28, 31. Tribulation (Rossini), 38. Tristan and Isolde (Wagner), 27. Trotter, J. M., 7. The troubadour (Mackenzie), 33. The troubadour (Verdi), 25. Troutbeck, J., 38. II trovatore (Verdi), 25. Troyte, C. A. W., 56. Tryon, G. W... 22. Tschaikovski, P. I., 76, s. Tufts, J. W., 40. The tuner's guide, 51. Tytler, Sarah, 14. Gli Ugonotti (Meyerbeer), 24. United States. Bureau of education, I3-. Unitarian Sunday-school society, 35. Unity festivals, 39. Untersteiner, A., 15. Upton, G. P., 7, 11, 21, 29, 31, 35, 50, 62, 68, 69, 72, 79. Urbino, L. B., 59. Le vaisseau fantome (Wagner), 25. The valkyrie (Wagner), 27. Venino, A. F., 52. Verdi, G., 25, 35, 76. Viard-Louis, J., 51. Violin, 54-56, s. Violoncello, 56. Vocal music (secular), 39-50, s. Vogel, M., 50. Voice training, 47-50. Vox humana, 12. Wagnalls, M., 21. Wagner, R., 25-28, 41, 50, 53, 56, 57, 61, 62, 76-79, s. Waite, H. R., 45. Walker, G, 46. Die walkiirie (Wagner), 27. Wallace, G. S., 60, 71, 72. Wallace, W. V., 25. Wallaschek, R., 15. Walpurgis-night (Mendelssohn), 33. War songs, 47. Wasielewski, W. J. von, 56, 75. Weber, C. von, 80. Weber, C. M. von, 25, 79-80. Weil, O., 33- Weingartner, F., 50. Weitzmann, C. F., 52. Welsh music, 44. Weston, J. L., 28. Weyman, D., 39. Wheeler, J. H., 50. Whittier, J. G., 32. Wicks, M., 54. Widor, C. M., 61. Wieck, J. G F., 7- Wiggin, K. D., 44. 92 INDEX. Wilder, S., 34. Willeby, C, 17, 66. William Tell (Rossini), 24. Williams, C. F. A., 18, 54, 61, 68. Williams college, 44. Wilson, G. H., 12. Wohl, J., 70. Wohlfahrt, H., 20. Wooldridge, H. E., 14, 40. Worcester choral union, 12. Worcester County musical assc tion, 12. Worcester (England) musical festi- val, 12. Wuerst, R., 19. Wyndham, H. S., 76. Yale songs, 44. Yeomen of the guard (Sullivan), 31. Young, F., 11. Zadock the priest (Handel), 34, ^y. Zaffira, G., 22. Zampa (Herold), 29. Zogbaum, R. F., 47. / DATE DUE Music Library University of California at Berkeley