8061 'U Ntff Hi '"A 'N '9snoviA.s ■sojg pJOiiFO ■opuig junoLUO}04tj MEMORANDUM PRESENT AND PRE-WAR EXPENDITURE, PARTICULARS OF GOVERNMENT STAFFS AT CERTAIN DATES. Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty. LONEON : PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE To ])o purchased throug'h any Bookseller or directly from II. M. STATIONKRY OFFK^JE at the following addresses: Imperial House. Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 23 Abingdon Street, London. S.W.I; 37 Peter Street, Manchester: 1 St. Andrew's (JreHcent, TardifT; and 23 Forth Street, Edinburgh; or from EASON & SON, Limited, 40 & 41 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. 1922 Price 3d. net. Cmd. 1665. 1. Departmental expenditiire (other tBan Consolidated Fund charges under Statute) is met from two main sources, (1) supply grants, (2) receipts appropriated ni aid. Both supply grants and appropriations in aid are authorised by Parliament each year, but circumstances tend to concentrate attention mainly on supply grants ; that is to say, on the net estimates of" the year. In order to measure the actual total expenditure of Public Departments, the more significant figures are the (/russ estimates, i.e., the total of supply grants and appropriations in aid combined, as these figures represent the total cash sums placed by Parliament at the disposal of Departments.* A certain amount of duplication is involved by interdepartmental payments, principally for the cost of production by the Ordnance Factories for the Fighting Departments, and payments to Army and Air Votes from the ]\Iiddle East Vote. Table I gives, under certain main heads, the figures of (jross expenditure for each financial year from 1913-14 to 1922-23. 2. Table II compares the net provision in the original pre-war estimates for the financial year 1914-15 for Civil Services with the provision made under the same heads in the Estimates for 1922-3. 3. Table III gives particulars of the total personnel of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and of the staffs (other than indus- trial) employed in Government Departments before the war, at the date of the armistice, and at various more recent dates. * The gross estimates for Supply Services for 1922-23 shown in Talile I amount to £G0[),675,000. The expenditure will be met by supply grants of £54(), 031,000 and by receipts of £63,044,000 appropriated in aid, as follows :— Gross Estimates. Receipts. Appropriated in Aid. Supply Grants. Net Estimates. Army ... Ordnance Factories (provisional) ... Navy Air Civil Services ... Revenue Departments Provision for Supplementary Estimates £ 77,977,000 4,007,(100 ('.9,477,000 15,('.G(i,000 34(i,060,000 71,488,0(10 25,000,000 £ G09,f)75,000 £ ir>,G77,000 4,007,000 4,593,000 4,771,000 28,005,000 5,391,000 03,044,000 £ 02,300,000 64,884,000 10,895,000 317,455,000 60,097,000 25,000,000 546,031,000 3 4. It should be observed that provision previously made for Irish Services disappears in 1922-23, except as regards the following classes of expenditure : — (i) Reserved Services in Northern Ireland, including the cost of administering the Post Office, Income Tax, Customs and Excise, etc., which are borne in the first place by the Imperial Exchequer, the total cost being recoverable by deduction from the Northern Irish share of reserved taxation. (ii) Agency Services performed under Section 63 of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, for the Government of Northern Ireland, the cost being repaid and appro- priated in aid of the Vote concerned. (iii) Imperial Services both in Northern and Southern Ireland, notably War Pensions. Treasury Chambers, 15th May, 1922. 487612 TABLE I. AcTi-Ai, GROSS Exi'ENDiTUitK ill cacb of the Years l'JlH-14 to 1920-21 inclusive, and Estimatki) 1918-14. Audited Expen- diture. 1914-15. Audited Expen- diture. 1915-16. Audited Expen- diture. 1916-17. Audited Expen- diture. 1917-18. Audited Expen- diture Consolidated Ftmd Scrviccn. National Debt Services Payments for Northern Ireland Residuary Share, Ac. Road Fund I'ayments to Local Taxation Accounts ,. Land Settlement Other Consolidated Fund Services Total Consolidated Fund Services Supply Services. Armyt • Navy Air Total Fighting Services Civil Services. War Pensionis Loans to Dominions and Allies Railway and Canal Agreements, including Coast- vcise Transport Subsidy. Bread Subsidy Housing Subsidies Housing Advances Treasury Securities Deposit Scheme Miscellaneous War Services, Foreign Office Munitionsf Shipping Food Department Ministry of Transport Coal Mines Deficiency Export Credits War Graves Commission Old Age Pensions Public Education Boards of Agriculture Ministry of Health and Health Insurance Ministry of Labour and Unemployment Grants Police .. .. Prisons Foreign and Colonial Services Works, Buildings and Rates Stationery and Printing Mint, including Coinage Miscellaneous non-recurrent Services Other Civil Services Miscellaneous Vote of Credit Services Total Civil Services Revenue Departments, Customs and Inland Revenue Post Office .. Total Revenue Departments Provision for Supplementary Estimates Total Supply Services Total Gross Expenditure Balance 37, £ 1.500,000 1,394,951 t,734,128 ■,693,890 322,969 33,208,842 50,819,150 86,027,892 12,425,821 19,169,647 850.072 5.341,163 1,161,712 1,681,583 1,010,080 1,669,463 3,621,378 l,232,73.'i 143,374 6,698,694 55,005,722 4,578,227 24,882,527 & X. & 22,668,896 ' 60,249,311 127,250,493 1..528,365 9,529,134 1,693,414 35,419,809 694,395 9,756,851 2,787.790 73,488,347 255,298.143 { 543,187.549 105,858,129 i 211,421,914 361,156,272 754,609,463 29,460,754 170,494,468 207,817,437 750,000 51,825,591 6,851,957 141,163 12,614,047 20,031,043 994,947 7,318,245 1,317,886 1,696,993 990,104 2.160 516 3,764,075 1,526,254 140,375 6,975,547 12,488,847 130,837,590 815,967.1f^3 5,879,876 2,463,666 246,720,787 12,658, 20,282, 823, 7,557, 1,305, 1,748, 894, 1,813, 4,106. 2,492: 158 728,555,621 4,810,774 27,414,140 4,752,177 30,871,144 9,895,466 1,973,697 139,119,656 201,252,085 189,851,066 9,730.538 1,670,481 629,863,458 224,972,9,39 4,434 854,840,831 1,995,932 544,66,5,165 16,870,964 5,335,898 559,439,949 8,087,024 6,004 13,810,281 20,092,095 781,150 6,141,590 2.419,360 1,79l)„583 838,220 1,783,962 4,251,410 3,029,685 154,552 7,574,309 71,123,687 802,992,962 240.924,336 2,531.974 1,052,449,272 1,270,197,820 24.451.228 488.344.866 26,156,970 3,095,256 715,101,222 194,771,284 805,496 ,134,461 702,215 ,105,588 ,617,697 518,324 ,941.753 942,022 ,961,214 ,695,545 ,380 828 157,553 10,690,364 151,039,784 1,686,613,670 32,224.914 35,623,321 524,218,776 1,518.788,405 559,638,585 ,1,592,276,752 5,143,704 32,699,313 37,843,017 2,162,881,668 2,302,001,324 5,839,189 37,519,166 43,358,355 2,782,421,297 2,983,673,382 t Expenditure from the Ordnance Factories Vote is included under Munitions tor the years 1915-16 to 1919-20 inclusive and under Army for other years TABLE T. GROSS Expenditure for the Years 1921-22 and 1922-23. (See Memorandum on page 2.) 1918-19. Audited Expen- diture. 1919-20. 1920-21. Audited Audited Expen- Expen- diture, diture. 1921-22. Expendi- ture as shown in E-timates. 1922-23. Expendi- ture pro- vided for in Kudget Estimates. £ 269,964,650 9,683,811 1,699,406 332,033,708 • 10,746,142 3,477,447 1,947,631 £ 349,598,616 8,936,689 10,785,.S04 6,929,793 1,796,275 £ 345,000.000 8,400,000 11,115.000 5,000,000 1,757.000 £ 335,000,000 2,500,000 10,000,000 9,788,000 3,530,000 2,650,000 Consolidated Fund Services. National Debt Services. Payments for Northern Ireland Residuary Share, &c. Road Fund. Payments to Loeal Taxation Accounte. Land Settlement. Other Consoliaated Fund Servioes. 281,344.867 348,204,928 378,046,877 371,272,000 363,438,000 Total Consolidated Fund Services. 974,033,762 356,044.688 85,445,084 521,479,983 188,254,064 56,614,616 216,825,469 112,793,809 23,949,370 137,865,775 92,519.869 19,782,967 81,984,000 69,477,000 15,666,00(1 Supply Services. Army.t Navy. Air. 1,415,523,534 766,348,663 353,568,648 250,168,611 167,127,000 Total Fighting Services. 50,634,470 264,575,684 48,610,564 12,082,?30 562,227,196 285,466,121 4,281,680 8,000 17,776,900 25,719,344 1,184,500 9,286,977 20,549,739 3,500,482 1,073,717 2,269,637 8,319,431 8,366,693 222,915 1.5,116,690 58,279,235 98,934,666 137,908,771 56,489,219 50,460,166 2,653 1,186,663 1,864,892 5,858,459 192,843,559 104,956,385 2,722,226 148,361 26,131,201 13,984 1,249,478 19,163,523 42,610,904 5,438,517 12,321,887 48,833,235 9,604,013 1,481,320 2,914,997 10,201,374 5.723,042 148,107 8,250,0001 1 17,651,559 106,645.516 24,456.929 43.093,316 39,663,457 3,292,745 6,422,972 1,569,180 4,218,244 .32,922,770 40.923,511 1,729,255 612,539 15,000,000 452,230 1,490,250 25,157,569 58,318,0.03 6,356,813 15.394 970 28,561,932 13,850,744 1.973,584 .5,394,519 12,766,689 5,37^,853 230,898 6,499,620§ 20,609.375 112,153,151 5,000,000 76,000,000 12,072,000 10,950,000 889,137 2.512,767 10,88H,(i0O 23,r57,6U0 313,600 511,728 3,noo,000 5,000,000 605,400 26.155,000 65,88.\309 4.914,281 19,867,f.50 38137,105 16,554,020 2,125,445 33,876,(139 13,404,334 5,( '87,444 383.160 40,992,5001 23,567,041 90,938,000 33,545,000 12,910,000 1,790,000 39,000 5,900,000 5,736.000 71,000 298,000 5,0.0,000 5.0,000 357,000 22,619,000 55,487,000 2,661,000 13,680,000 22,370,000 9,476,000 1,664,000 14,424,000 8,982,000 3,480,000 6,019,000 8,650,00011 19,464,000 Civil Services. War Pensions. Loans to Dominions and Allies. Railway and Canal Agreements, including Coa«t- wise Transport Subsidy. Bread Subsidy. Housing Subsidies. Housing Advances, Treasury Securities Deposit Scheme. Miscellaneous War Services, Foreign Offlco. Munitions.t Shipping. Food Department. Ministry of Transport. Coal Mines Deficiency. Export Credits. War Graves Commission, Old Age Pensions. Public Education. Boards of Agriculture. Ministry ot Health and Health Insurance. Ministry of Labour and Unemployment Grants Police. Prisons. Foreign and Colonial Services. Works, Buildings and Rates. Stationery and Printing. • Mint, including Coinage. Miscellaneous non-recurrent Services ( Other Civil Services. ( Miscellaneous Vote of Credit Services. 1,399,552,205 865,113,221 522.987,333 554,397,609 346,060,000 Total Civil Services. 6,817,049 43,237,913 10,123,896 48,993,450 12,740,648 63,215,746 15,056,210 69,650.709 13,00.5,000 58,483,000 Revenue Department*. Customs and Inland Revenue. Post Office. 50,054,962 59,117,346 75.956,394 84,706.919 71,488,000 Total Revenue Departments. - - - - 25,000,000 Provision for Supplementary Estimates. 2,865,130,701 1,690,579,230 952,512,375 889,273,139'* 609,675,000tt Total Supply Services. 3,146,475,568 2,038,784,158 1,330,559,252 1,260,545,139 948,113,000 Total Gross Expenditure, - - 245,715,000 1 45,693.000 706,000 Balance. Issues from the Consolidated Fund to the Road Improvement Fund were sunpended early in 1915 by the FiDJince (No. 2) Act, 191,5. ». 49, but a grant or £8,2.'i0,000 was voted in 1919-20. See Note %. t Kxpenditureirom theOnlnanco Factories Vote is included under Munitions for the years 1915-1916 to 1919-20 inclusive and under Army lor other years. X Road Improvement Grant. $ Welsh Church Grant, £1,000,000 ; German Coal Advances. £5,499,li2U. II Corn Guarantees, &c., £22,587,500; Coal Subvention, £10,000,000; Purchase of imported coal. £7,275,000; Ireland Grant, £1.130,000. t Compensation for Dathage by Enemy Action. £4,900,000 ; Ireland (Compensation, Ac), £3,750,000. *' The total for Supply Services includes Supplementary Estimates. The actual expenditure was less than the total estimates by approximately £69 ,100,000. but final figures are not yet available. Adjustments havs been made between the heads ot expenditure in accordance with the comparison shown in the detailed Esti- mates lor U':i2-1923 tf See Note on pagp 2. 37599 A i TABLE II. NET Expenditure under the head "Civil Services" as shown in the PRE-WAR Estimates, 1914-15, compared with Estimates, 1922-23. Note. — The figures represent an approximate analysis on a slightly different classification from that adopted in Parliamentary Estimates. 1914-1915. (Original Pre-war Estimates.) 1922-23. Civil Services. 1. Reconstruction Charges. Grants for Ex-Soldiers : — Training (including Buildings) Education Re-settlement Oversea settlement Out-of-work donation Housing Subsidy to Private Builders ... Administration Expenses "(Salaries, Tra- velling. &c.). • Less — Receipts : — £ Sale of Housing Mate- rials 1,370,000 Recoveries on account of Boundary and Plebiscite Commis- sions, kc 13,000 2, Liquidation of War Commit nients. Railway and Canal (War) Agreements Liquidation. Disposal and Liquidation Commission (excluding Administration). Shipping Liquidation (excluding Ad- ministration). Coal Mines Deficiency Compensation for Damage by Enemy Action. Purchases and Advances (Zinc Concen- trates, Cotton, &c ). Works and Public Buildings (War Liquidation Departments, Re-instate- ment, &c.). Miscellaneous (Property Losses (Ireland) Compensation, Treasury Secuiities Deposit Scheme, Legal Proceedings, Stationery, &c.). Administration Expenses (Salaries. Tra- velling, (kc). Total of Transitory Services arising out of the War. 5,610,000 1,291,000 931,000 508,000 7,000 2,920,000 62,000 11, .329,000 1,383,000 9,946,000 33,485,000 4,(i00,000 2,803,000 5,000,000 4,900,000 1,116,000 523,000 290,000 697,000 Increase. J- 9,9-i6JJ00 9,946,000 52,814,000 52,814,000 62,760,000 52.814,000 62,760,000 Tai'-le II — continued. ] 914 15. (Original Pre-war Estimates.) 1922-23. Increase. 3. Ordinary Sei'vlces. Old Age Pensions (excluding Adminis- tration). Civil Service Superacnuation Grants : — Education Agriculture (including Land Settle- ment). Health Health and Unemployment Insurance Police (Great Britain) Royal Irish Constabulary. &c. (includ- ing Pensions). Reformatories and Mental Deficiency Irish Laud (Excess Stock and Land Purchase, Aid Fund, &c.). Miscellaneous Grants and Advances... Museums and Galleries ... Scientific Investigation and Research ,., Foreign and Colonial Services Prisons (excluding Administration) ... Works and Buildings (including Rates and Ordnance Surveys). Printing, Paper, Books and Stationery... Administration Expenses (Salaries, Tra- velling, Legal Expenses, &c.). War Pensions (including Administra- tion). Merchant Seamen's War Pensions (including Administration). Housing Subsidy to Local Authorities, &c. Unemployment Grants Export Credits Ireland (Compensation, &c.) Expenses under Representation of People Act (including Printing). Imperial War Graves Commission Total of Ordinary Services Total Civil Services 12,6.50,000 793,000 18,747,000 444,000 .522,000 6,770,000 100,000 1,449,000 6.55,000 880,000 172,000 423,000 141,000 1,837,000 969,000 • 3,675,000 1,010,000 5,829,000 57,066,000 57,006,000 ■>7,066,000 & 22,565,000 1,621,000 50,361 ,000 1,362,000 4,229,000 15,197,000 7,033,000 2,313,000 1,185,000 1,885,000 521,000 641,000 448,000 13,815,000 1,312,000 7,510,000 2,015,000 11,075,000 14.5,088,000 89,991,000 522,000 10,032,000 3,890,000 500,000 3,750,000 565,000 357,000 254,695,000 317,455,000 9,915,000(rt) 828.000 31,614,000(J) 918,000(c) 3,707,000(00 Navy 145,(;i)0 436,000 2(i7,000 135,000 123,000 121,400 -314,000 Air Force — 293,000 108,000 27,000 25,500 27,300 — 265,7(.)() Total 320,100 4,725,000 2,678,000 633,500 460,.500 344,700 -4,380,300 (II) Staffs of Government Departments : (0 (O (^0 on War OiHce (a) ... 2.800 18,324 13,994 7.434 7.607 5.760 - 12,564 Admiralty 4,400 20,457 18,581 13,432 11,504 9,109 - 11,348 Air Ministry (h') 4,646 4,090 2,837 2,156 1.854 - 2,792 Post Office 208, 1)00 197,315 200,487 209,269 208,804 185,196 - 12,119 Ministry of Pensions ... — 8,561 12,663 24,169 26,045 22,919 -f 14,3.58 Inland Revenue 1. -5,800 16,949 18,434 19,446 21,557 20,645 + 3,696 Ministry of Labour 4.400 8,484 25,777 17,835 24,3o4 20,579 + 12,095 Customs and Excise ... 10,300 11,164 11,785 12,602 12,568 11,487 + 323 Disposal and Liquida- — 65,142 35,922 11,440 2,567 1,680 - 63,462 tion Commission (late Ministry of Muni- tions). Ministry of Health 3,2(10 3,233 4,2.-2 5.820 6,137 4,163 + 930 Board of Trade 2,500 7,036 6,730 5,410 5,306 4,657 - 2,379 Board of Trade — Food — 9,181 6,010 4,142 1,599 385 - 8,796 Department (late Ministry of Food). Board of Trade — Ship- — 2,690 2,157 1,402 765 477 - 2,213 ping Liquidation De- partment (late Minis- try of Shipping). Ministry of Agriculture 3,000 3,451 3,694 3,446 3,497 2,722 - 729 and Fisheries. Office of Works 700 2,050 2,100 2,907 3,328 3,092 + 1,012 Other Departments 21,900 39,34) 27,844 28,783 29,100 22,996 317,721 - 16,346 Total 277,900 418,025 394,520 370,374 366,894 -100,304 The figures of 1914 are approxim;ite. Figures of Departmental Staffs during the war period cannot be made available without dispro[)ortiouatn expenditure of labour and money. (rt) The War Office figures exclude llecord Office and Pay Olfice Staffs numbering 5,000 in 1914, 35,000 at the date of the Armistice and 9,224 on the Ist January, 1922. (i) The Air Ministry Figures exclude Unit and Command Office Staffs numbering 1,300 at the date of the Armistice and 1,942 on the 1st January, 1922. (^') The War Office figures at thci^e dates exclude the staffs of Ordnance Factories which are included in the figures for the Ministry of Munitions. (^/) The figures at the Ist April, 1922, exclude staff numbering 18,428 transferred to the Governments of Northern and Southern Ireland and 6,469 engaged on Reserved or Agency Services in Ireland, the cost of which is met finally from Irish revenues. (5/32) (37599r) Wt. 6363-205 250 0/22 U.Hl G, 18, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the tliiid day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. 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