2 m 1 m 6 1 6 ^ — ^ ^H i It THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF WILLIAM A. NITZE ©ifor^ jfrcncb Series BY AMERICAN SCHOLARS General Editor: RAYMOND T\1EEKS, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITr FRENCH PRONUNCIATION PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE AND A SUMMARY OF USAGE IN SUITING AND PRINTING BY JAMES GEDDES, Jr., Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF ROMAJ4CE LA1«GUAGES IN BOSTON UNIVERSITT NEW YORK OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AMRRICAN BRANCH: 35 West 32nd Street LONDON, TORONTO. MRLBOURNR. AND BOMBAY HUMPHREY MILKORD 1913 ALL RIO TITS RESERVED Copyright, 1913 BY Oxford University Press AMERICAN BRANCH THE TTNIVERBITT PREB8, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. .i^-^. 13 Pr w PREFACE The path of any one undertaking to furnish a guide to French pronunciation is a thorny one. Nevertheless, despite this fact and the thanklessness of the task, the subject receives, in a variety of forms, some attention annually. Most of this attention is of the obligatory kind and is found in the opening chapter of almost every French granunar that appears. Such treatment, while necessarily concise and brief and generally well adapted to the purpose in view, of introducing the student to the subject, hardly ever goes beyond that goal. Besides the grammars, there are quite a few manuals, or treatises, on pronunciation that appear from time to time, and in their way are helpful to the serious student of the subject, no matter how objectionable he may consider many features in such works. Lastly there are the recent dictionaries, in most of which the most cursory examination reveals an amount of attention given to the subject of pronuncia- tion proportionate to the very considerable interest there- in manifested of late years. During this period the above sources have been quite fully drawn upon by the writer in giving the course on French pronunciation to the students of advanced courses in French in Boston University and in the course on pho- netics given among the courses for teachers at the same institution. The need, however, of something more tan- iii 9414^-^ IV PREFACE gible, particularly in the way of drill exercises illustrating the principles involved, has yearly made itself more sen- sibly felt. The present treatise is an attempt to supply this want. The system of indicating pronunciation of the International Phonetic Association has been adopted be- cause it is the system now most universally in use for in- dicating pronunciation in dictionaries and standard works of reference. For that reason it is better known than any other system. Moreover, it is well adapted for indicating the sounds of French, and in itself may be made to do ex- cellent service in introducing the student to the subject of general phonetics, a most valuable asset in the study of language. Quite a number and variety of books of reference, more or less "authoritative," have been in use constantly dur- ing the preparation of this treatise. From many of them, simply a word, a sentence, an idea, a suggestion has been taken. Others have served continually as a vade-mecum, particularly in noting pronunciation. The difference of opinion among educated French people as regards the pro- nunciation of some words is, in many instances, consider- able. In view of this lack of agreement, the writer's aim, in justice to all concerned, has been simply to record what he believes from printed data to be the facts. The stu- dent may be absolutely certain that, barring mistakes, every indicated pronunciation in the treatise has more or less endorsement as vouched for in the French sources of information. This testimony serves as an affidavit to which any one can turn at any time. The opinion of the educated Frenchman or of the experienced teacher is un- doubtedly most helpful in such cases. It has the disad- PREFACE V vantage, however, of being verbatim testimony, as over against written statement, and for that reason its weight is less enduring. Investigation of the records ^\^ll very rarely result in other than additional proof verifying the correctness of any one particular pronunciation noted. Undoubtedly many a scholar ^\^ll condemn roundly a number of the books of reference cited in the appended list. The subject is many-sided. What appeals to one will shock another. It will be remembered, however, that it is hardly possible to produce a work of any kind what- ever on the subject that may not in some way contain at least a suggestion, if not more, that may be of practical use to somebody. Therefore, such as it is, and containing most of the publications consulted in the preparation of the present treatise, the list is herewith offered as a bib- liographical guide to others working up the subject of French pronunciation. The l)riof portion of the treatise following that on the "spoken word" has been suggested by the many ques- tions of teachers in regard to the "written word": "Is a hyphen used between the parts of such and such a word?" "Do you alibreviate the first part?" "Is it written with a capital?" "What corresponds to 'Sincerely Yours'?" etc. The answers to such questions are not readily found in the ordinary grammar and composition book, although it is possible to locate; them in a very few of such works. Therefore it is hoped that the treatment here of this part of the subject embraced in the Summary will help to make more complete and accessible the information already available. It only remains for the writer to thank his friend Pro- VI PREFACE fessor Weeks, the editor of the series, for reading the manu- script and for making a number of valuable suggestions which have been carefully carried out. James Geddes, Jr. Boston University, May 1, 1913. CONTENTS PAGE Bibliography ix I Introduction 1 Key to pronunciation 1 Symbols to be noted 1 Table of French sounds 3 Vowel differences ' 4 Consonant differences 5 Stress 6 Quantity 7 French alphabet 9 Orthographic marks 11 Division of syllables 13 Double consonants 16 Written and spoken forms 17 PAGE II Oral vowels 19 a = [a] 19 i = [i] 36 a = [u] 21 o = [o] 37 e = M 25 • ' o = [o] ■ . . 40 e silent 26 eu = [o] 43 iX . e = (el 30 eu = [ce] 44 i/~ ' e = [t] 33 ou = [u] 45 e without accent . . 36 ' u = [y] 46 III Vowel combinations 47 ai, ei, au, eu, ou, etc 47, 123 rV Nasal vowels 49 an, am, en, em . . . 50 on, cm 54 in, im, etc 52 im, um 55 vii Vlll CONTENTS PAGE PAGE V Semi-vowels 57 i + vowel »= [jl . 57 u + vowel = [q] . . . 62 o + vowel = [w] 60 Semi-vowels + nasals . 64 VI Consonants 65 Distinctions between French and English consonants. 65 General principles 65 b, c 68 m, n 93, 95 ch, sch 71 P) q, qu 96, 98 d, f 73 r, s 101, 104 g, gn 76 so, sch 108 gn = [ji] . . . . 78 t, th 109 h, j 81,85 ti+ vowel 112 k, I 86 v, w 118 ImouiUe .... 87 wh, x, z 119,122 VII Review. Resume of vowel combinations 123 VIII Review. Consonant combinations . . i 125 IX Liaison 126 b, c, f, k, 1 . . . 128 z 133 p, q, r, t . . . . 130 d, g, s, X 134 t in -act, etc. . . 131 m, n 138 Special cases, exceptions, etc 140 X Elision 142 XI Capitals 145 XII Punctuation 154 XIII Conventional forms used in letter-writing . . . 157 XIV Abbreviations 161 Index 165 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alvergnat, v. The modern class-book of French pronunciation, containing all the rules with theii' exceptions which govern the pronunciation of the French language. Boston (Schoenhof), 1891. (Particularly useful and suggestive as regards the syllabi- cation of the written and spoken forms of many difficult words.) Beasley, H. R. Sure steps to intelligent French. London (Swan, Sonnenschein & Co.), 1905. (An elementary treatise employ- ing the system of the International Phonetic Association to in- dicate the pronunciation.) Bernard, C. H. L. N., and Leon E. Bernard. Visible French pronunciation. Boston, 1899. (The authors employ a phonetic transcription of their own, silent letters appearing in red.) Bernard, Victor F. Les fautes de langage on le fran^ais comme on le parle. New York (Jenkins), 1900. (Pp. 59-69 contain a list of common words likely to be mispronounced.) Bescherelle aln6. L'art de conjv^v^r. Paris (Fouraut et fils), s. d. (Few more handy works of the kind have ever been devised in order to locate at once a peculiar verb-form than this "old standard.") Bevier, Louis, Jr. A French grammar, with exercises by Thomas Logie. New York (Holt), 1896. (The Phonology (pp. 9-46) is unusually complete.) Beyer, Franz. Franzosische Phonelik. 2d ed. Cothen (Schulze), 1908. (Pp. 136-153 contain instructive Textproben. A few characters indicating sounds dilTer from those now u.sed by the J. P. A.) . Idem. Dritte Auflage im Auftrage dee Verfassers, neu be- arbeitet von H. Klinghardt. Cothen (Schulze), 1908. (Of inter- est a.s compared with tlie first etlition becau.se of the progress made in the subject of phonetics during the; twenty years be- tween the two editions and the additions to its Literatur, pp. 224- 230.) ix X BIBLIOGKAPHY Beyer und Passy. Da^ gesprochene Franzosisch. Cothen (Schulze), 1893. {Grammatik: pp. 77-170; Specimens of pronunciation: pp. 1-76; Useful phonetic glossary: pp. 174-218.) B6cher's Otto's French grammar. New York (Holt), 1884. (Pro- nunciation: pp. 13-27.) BoNAME, L. Stiidy and practice of French. Philadelphia (1930 Chest- nut St.). Part I, 1899; Part II, 1908; Part III, 1899. (Con- siderable attention is paid, particularly in Parts, I and II, which are of an elementary character, to the subject of pronunciation. Useful simple examples abound.) . Idem. A handbook of prommciation. Ibidem, 1900. (Par- ticularly useful for those who do not care for phonetic transcrip- tions and desire the subject stated along ordinary lines in the simplest and most direct form.) Bracket and Toynbee. A histoncal grammar" of the French lan- guage. Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1896. (Good common ex- amples and very clear statements.) Brittain, Margaret. Historical primer of French phonetics, with introductory note by Paget Toynbee. Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1900. (One of the few books of the kind in English showing up-to-date scholarship.) Brunot, F. Precis de grammaire historique de la langue frangaise. Paris (Masson), 1887. (A standard work.) Cameron, J. H. The elements of French composition. New York (Holt), 1901. (Useful hints to students on capitals, punctu- ation, etc.: pp. 103-116.) Cauvet, Alfred. La prononciation fran^aise et la diction, a I'usage des ecoles, de gens du monde et des etrangers. Dixieme edition accompagnee de lettres adressees a I'auteur par MM. Delaunay, Got et Massenet. Paris (Ollendorff), 1889. (Offers many useful suggestions passim throughout.) Chardenal's Complete French course, revised by Maro Brooks. Boston (Allyn & Bacon), 1907. (Pronunciation: pp. 1-16.) Churchman, P. H. An introduction to the pronunciation of French. Cambridge, Mass., 1907. . Exercises on French sounds. New York (Jenkins), 1911. (A revised edition of the preceding Introduction, etc. Both of BIBLIOGRAPHY XI these manuals are among the best of the kind pubhshed in the United States.) Cledat, L. Grammaire eUmenlaire de la vieille langue frangaise. Paris (Gamier freres), 1887. (A standard work.) . Grammaire raisonnee de la langtie frangaise. Paris (Soudier), 1894. (A standard work.) Colin and Serafon. Practical lessons in French grammar. Boston (Sanborn), 1910. (Pronunciation: pp. xxix-xxxv.) Delahaye, Victor. Dictionnaire de la prononciaiion modeme de la langue frangaise. Montreal (Beauchemin), 1901. Seul ouvrage portatif donnant la prononciation figuree de tous les mots de la langue fran^aise. Precede d'une lettre a I'auteur de Louis Fre- chette. (A simple system of indicating pronunciation is em- ployed. The syllabication of every word receives more thorough treatment than can perhaps be found in any other similar work.) Dumais, Joseph. Parians Jranqais. Montreal, 1905. (Particularly adapted to the needs of the French-speaking inhabitants of Canada.) Eve and de Baudier. The Wellington College French grammar. 16th edition. London (David Nutt), 1904. (One of the best grammars of the kind published in England. Hints on pro- nunciation: pp. 324-339; phonetic transcription: pp. 363-365.) Eraser and Squair. A French grammar for schools and colleges. Boston (Heath), 1908. (Many editions; widely used in Canada and the United States. Phonetic introduction: pp. 1-12.) Grandgent, C. H. a short French grammar. Boston (Heath), 1894. (Pronunciation and spelling: pp. 1-11.) . The essentials of French grainmar. Ibidem., 1900. (The first fifteen chapters (pp. 1-44) are devoted to a detailed study and analysis of the essential features of French pronunciation. Both this work and the preceding, because of the marked ori- ginality of treatment of the entire subject of French grammar, are highly suggestive.) Selections for French composition. Ibidem. (Pp. v-vi and 53-54 et seq. contain the most complete guidance for the con- ventional usage in leUer-wriling that has yet appeared.) IIatzfeld, Dar.me.steter et Thomas. Dictionnaire general de la Xll BIBLIOGRAPHY lnngv£ frangaise dii commencement du xvii siccle jusqu'a noa jours. Paris, s. d. [Public en fascicules en 1893-4-5]. (A stand- ard work very generally considered the most authoritative work of the kind.) Jespersen, Otto. Lehrbuch der Phonetik. Autorisierte tJbersetzung von Hermann Davidsen. Leipzig und Berlin, 1904. (This author's works are among the most authoritative of the kind.) Knowles-Favard. Perfect French -possible. Boston (Heath), 1910. (French sentences expressed in Enghsh words.) j KoscHWiTZ, Edward. Les parlers parisiens. Paris (Welter), 1896. ("Anthologie phonetique" made up of records taken of the speech of a number of well-known educated Frenchmen and transcribed according to the system of the I. P. A.) KuHN, Maurice N. Elements of spoken French. New York (Ameri- can Book Co.), 1900. (Twenty lessons, French on one side of the page, English on the other, studying the individual sounds, with exercises on them and a good many examples.) Lesaint, M. a. Traiie complet de la prononciaiion frangaise dans la seconde moitie du xix'' siecle. 3^ ed. Halle (Gesenius), 1890. (One of the best and most useful works of the kind ever pub- lished. It has been reprinted several times but not revised; or if any revision has been made, it has been very shght.) LiET, Albert. Traite de prononciation frangaise. Theorie et pra- tique. Paris, 1900. (Very useful in indicating both syllable division and pronunciation.) Larousse, Pierre. Graiid dictionnaire universel du Xixe siecle. Paris, 1865. (The fifteen-volume work with the two supple- ments, as an encyclopedia, is even to-day unsurpassed, except, of course, in matter that is modern and made possible since the pubUcation of the Larousse.) LiTTRE, E. Dictionnaire de la langue frangaise. Paris (Hachette), 1889. (The four volumes and the supplement, hke the preceding work, in its way is even to-day a most valuable work. The small Larousse and Litir^ dictionaries generally furnish pronunciation only in particular cases where without it the difficulty is appar- ent at once.) Maitre phonetique, organe de I'Association phonetique internatio- JM"^^ BIBLIOGRAPHY Xlll nale. Bourg-Ia-Keine, Seine. (A monthly review devoted to sounds and their expression according to the I. P. A. system.) Matzke, J. E. A primer of French jyroiiuncialion. 3d edition. New York (Holt), 1900. (An excellent brief and concise treatise of the subject, employing the I. P. A. system throughout.) Michaelis-Passy. Didionnaire phonetique de la langue frangaise. Hanovre, 1897. (A unique work and perhaps the only one of the kind. Many "popular" pronunciations not considered "standard" by scholars are given. That they are heard cannot be doubted. This in itself gives a pecuUar value to the diction- ary.) Mt'LLER, August. Allgemeines Worlerbuch der Avssprache ausldndi- scher Eigennamen. 7th edition, in collaboration with G. A. Saal- feld and H. Michaehs. Leipzig (Haberland), 1903. (The diffi- culty of finding the pronunciation indicated of proper names is very real. This work, as a book of reference, may at times prove helpful.) Nicholson, G. G. A practical introduction to French phonetics. London (Macmillan), 1909. (A scholarly exposition of the sub- ject up to date and along modern hues.) Passy, Paul. Choix de lectures frangaiscs phonetiques. Cothen (Schulze), s. d. (Specimens of the "popular" pronunciation of children. The French rendering is not given on the opposite page. Many teachers prefer it should not be given. Well adap- ted for cla.ss-room use, provided the teacher explains the differ- ence between "popular" and "standard.") . £!lude sur les changements phonetiques et leurs caracteres gen6- raux. Paris (Firmin-Didot), 1890. (A most useful work to students interested in sound-change and general phonetics.) . Le frangais parte. T" cd. Hcilbronn (Henninger freres), 1889. (Specimens of spoken French.) . Petite phonetique comparee des prindpales langues euro- peennes. Ix-ipsic et Berlin (Tcubner), 1906. (Of particular value to students of phonetics and hnguistics.) . Lectures varieSs mises en transcription phonetique. 2® 6d. Paris, 1910. (Specimens of spoken French (without the French rendering; cf. what is said above under the author's Choix de XIV BIBLIOGRAPHY lectures, etc.). The language is not of quite as "popular" a character as that found in the Choix.) . Les sons dufrangais. %^ cd. Paris, 1906. (This weU-known, clear and simple expose of the subject furnishes as good an intro- duction as is available.) The sounds of the French language, translated by D. L. Sa- vory and D. Jones. Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1907. (This is a translation of the above with useful notes and suggestions, making it thoroughly desirable.) Passy-Hempl. International French-English and English-French dictionary. New York (Hinds, Noble and Eldridge), 1904. (A useful work and unique of the kind, giving the pronunciation in both parts, French and English, according to the I. P. A. sys- tem. Moreover, the pronunciation of a number of proper names is indicated.) Passy-Jones. Expose des principes de V Association phonetique In- ternationale. Bourg-la-Reine, 1908. (A pamphlet of 20 pages containing, besides the Expose of the principles of the organiza- tion, specimen selections.) . The principles of the international phonetic association. Bourg- la-Reine (Seine) and University College, London, 1912. (New, revised, and enlarged edition in English of the Expose. It con- tains 40 pages including quite a complete Bibliography of the entire subject.) Passy, Jean, et Adolf Rambeau. Chrestomathie franqaise. 2^ ed. New York (Holt) and Paris (Soudier), 1901. (One of the best books of the kind and the most complete both as regards expo- sition of the principles of sound-change and the selections. The French rendering of the phonetical transcriptions is found throughout the work on the opposite page. Pp. xlvii-H con- tain a good bibliography of the subject.) RippMANN, Walter. Elements of phonetics. Enghsh, French and German, translated and adapted by Walter Rippmann from Professor Victor's Kleine Phonetik. London (Dent), 1907. (For the student of phonetics, one of the best books published.) RiVARD, Adjutor. Manuel de la parole. Traite de prononciation. Quebec, 1901. (An excellent work of the kind, giving briefly BIBLIOGRAPHY XV and clearly the many peculiarities of pronunciation of Canadian French children and thereby proving most helpful Mnguistically and phonetically.) RocHELLE, Phihppe de la. Guide to French pronunciation and prac- tical -phonetics. Philadelphia (Fuller Building), 1909. (The ordinary difficulties explained more from the popular than the scientific standpoint.) RoussELOT et Laclotte. Precis de prononciation Jrangaise. Paris and Leipzig, 1902. (A well-known useful work of reference.) Saillens and Holme. First principles of French pronunciation. London (Blackie & Son), 1909. (One of the few up-to-date scien- tific contributions that are beginning to appear in EngUsh.) ^j SiMONSEN, Elna. Franske Lydskrifttekster. Copenhagen (Gylden- dalske Boghandel), 1908. (Selections well adapted for class- room use.) Snow, Wm. B. Fundamentals of French grammar. New York (Holt), 1912. ("Letters and their Sounds": pp. 1-12, Pho- netic transcriptions at the bottom of the pages.) Storm, J. Englische Philologie. 2 vols. Leipzig (Reisland), 1892. (See vol. I, Allgemeine Phonetik and the portion deahng with P. Passy:pp. 158-188.) Sweet, Henry. A harulbook of phonetics. Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1890. (A standard work.) Tassis, S.A. Guide du correcteur et du compositeur. Paris (Firmin- Didot), 18.56. (Despite the age of this httle guide, in-16 (90 pages), "donnant la solution dcs principales difficultcs pour I'emploi des lettres majuscules et minuscules dans I'ecriture et I'impression," nothing has been found by the compiler of this Ust to equal it in its way. It is sui generis unique.) Tesson, Loui.s. Le fran^ais fonelique. Revue trimestrielle. Paris (Ch. Amat), 1909-'10-'ll. . Le verhe franqais raisonne. Ibidem, 1909. . Le livre de lecture fonetiro-ortografique. Ibidem, 1909. (In each of these three publications, the author uses a simple method of indicating pronunciation which has the advantage that it can be printed by the ordinary printing-press.) Thie.me and Ekfinoer. A French grammar. New York (Macmil- XVI BIBLIOGRAPHY Ian Co.), lOOS. (The I. P. A. transcription is used throughout, and very effectively as far as appearance on the page is con- cerned.) Thurwanger, Camille. Musical diction. Boston, s. d. [1911]. New England Conservatory of Music. (Although written for students of singing, it contains many good points for others as well as most useful examples.) . Phonetically annotated songs in foreign langimges, enabling any one to sing correctly in French, Italian, and German. Ibidem, 1912. (An effective exemplification of the practical utUity of phonetic notation according to the system of the I. P. A. TucKERM AN, Julius. SimpUcite. Areaderof French pronunciation. New York (American Book Co.), 1908. (PedagogicaUy this man- ual in its first edition far surpassed its scientific worth. The later editions, however, have made amends in the latter respect.) ViETOR, Wilhelm. Elemente der Phonetik und Orthoepie des Deutschen, Englischen und Franzosischen. 5. Auflage. Leipzig, 1904. (A standard work.) . Kkine Phonetik. 8. Auflage. Leipzig, 1912. (A simple and practical condensation of the preceding Elemente, etc.) Vreeland and Koren. Lessons in French syntax and corn-position. New York (Holt), 1907. (Pp. 98-102 useful hints in regard to conventional forms used in letter- WTiting.) Whitney, W. D. A practical French grammar. New York (Holt), 1886. ("Pronunciation": pp. 1-26. Like the Bocher's Otto's grammar mentioned above, the Whitney holds well its own with the newcomers. The examples are numerous and well chosen.) Yersin, M. and J. The Yersin phono-rhythmic method of French pro- nunciation, accent, and diction. French-Enghsh. Philadelphia (Lippincott), 1897. (Contains the teaching experience of two teachers remarkably successful in imparting an excellent pro- nunciation.) ZtJND-BuRGUET, Adolphe. Methode pratique, physiologiqu£ et com- paree de prononciation. Paris (Gymnase de la Voix), 1902. (Showing especially how sounds are produced, their position by means of the artificial palate, the mechanism of the subject.) I INTRODUCTION 1 Key to pronunciation. As the sounds of French and Enghsh are rarely identical, it is impossible to give exact equivalents taken from both. Nevertheless so similar are in many cases the sounds respectively of either language that it is often possible to get quickly a more adequate idea of nearly corresponding sounds by comparison than in any other way. Spelling in French, although not so irregular and inconsistent as m English, offers many dif- ficulties. This must necessarily be so, for in French there are thirty-seven sounds, exclusive of minor distinc- tions, and only twenty-six letters to express them. The advantage, therefore, in a treatise on French pronuncia- tion, of having an alphabet in which one letter or s^Tiibol, and only one, shall represent each sound, is at once ap- parent. Such an alphabet has for many years been used at home and abroad. It is known as the International Phonetic Alphabet. Twenty-four of the characters used to indicate pronunciation are those of the ordinary al- phabet and consequently are famihar to the student: [a], [a], [b], [d], [e], [f], [g], [h], [i], [j], [k], [1], [m], [n], [o], [p], [r], [s], [t], [u], [v], [w], [y], [z]. 2 Symbols to be noted. Of the thirteen remaining symbols, which are unlike the characters of the alphabet, five represent oral vowel sounds: [o], [v], [a], [oe], [0]; four 1 2 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION represent nasal vowel sounds: [a], [e], [3], [ce]; one repre- sents a semi-vowel or semi-consonant sound: [q]; and three represent consonant sounds: [ji], [$], [3]. Of the symbols just noted, [r)] and [q] are respectively inverted e and li; the open [e] is "the Greek epsilon"; [o] is an open 0; [0], a Danish letter representing approxi- mately the vowel sound in English hitrt; [oe], so written in French, is the union of the letters and e, about as in English pwp; [a], [e], [3], [de] are simply the oral vowels [a], [e], [o], [ce] nasahzed; [ji] is pictorial for the union of g and n, a sound somewhat like that in English pini'on; [$] is an old English s, used for the 8h sound in English s/2all; and [5] represents the corresponding voiced sound heard in English pleasure. 3 Open and closed. In speaking of the vowels, the terms "open" and "closed" are frequently used, "Open" applied to the symbols [a], [e], [0], [oe], shows pic- torially that these symbols, having a break or opening somewhere about their contour, are "open" compared respectively with their "closed" correspondents [a], [e], [o], [0], which are closed in. In pronouncing "open" and "closed" vowels, these terms may be the better fixed in the memory if it be remembered that "open" and "closed" appUed to the sounds indicate, in a general way, that the mouth is to be opened wider when pro- nouncing an "open" vowel than when pronouncing its "closed" correspondent. INTRODUCTION 4 Table of French sounds, with approximate English equivalents : VOWEIS BTMBOL EXAMPLES a a U e e e i o 5 ce de u pctte, port pas, pate en, tante ete, deja fait, tete vin, temte de, crever ni, pire pot, cote robe, tort blond, trompe don't- ENGLISH APPROXIMATE pat palm wa/it^ fate met lamp villa police note nor CONSONANTS SYMBOL EXAMPLES ENGLISH APPROXIMATH b bout, robe d dent, rude f /ort, neu/ g ^ant, do^ue h /2onte, oho k car, cog 1 loag, seuZ m mot, dame n ni, ane ji regner, peig'ne p /»as, ta/>e r rare, drap s si, danse $ chat, hac/ie t /as, psLtte V yent, rive z zele, rose 3 yean, rouge : sign of length harbor needy fee frigrate ' w(/i)ich rocfcet jolly stea/ner ma«y onion taper error miss mar/line en^ry efer cosy plea-sure peu, crcuse hurt' seul, peur pup un, humble b«(r)n tout, tour food y pu, pur (German li) SEMI-VOWELS j yeux, bien year q huile, nuage sweet w oui, poele t^ell 1 Approximately as in the New England pronunciation of wan with the vowel in law which is more widely in use elsewhere sound is a in mar, nasalized. ' For those who pronounce haunt and all similar words (cf. note 1) with a nasal vowel (as in law somewhat nasalized), that sound would be nearer. The New England vowel of want, haunt, daunt, etc., enjoys a very limited use in the United States. ' The vowel sound meant in hurt is that of the standard English of England and that of New England. West of the Hudson, and generally in New York City, one hears the "cerebral r." It may be said as regards parallelism of sound between is sensibly more tense than ce. want; not More accurately the 4 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 5 Vowel differences in English and French. The vowels in English frequently begin with one sound and end with an entirely different one. If the first letter of the English alphabet a be pronounced, and the sound prolonged, and then allowed gradually to die away, it will be found that the vowel begins with the letter a and ends with English e. If the letter i be pronounced in the same manner, it will be found that the vowel begins with an English ah sound and ends with the sound of English e. If in a like manner be pronounced, the vowel will be found to begin with o and end with the sound of oo in English boo. The approximate French sounds correspond- ing to the English first letter of the alphabet a and to the letter o are e and 6 respectively. If these French vowels be properly pronounced, no such sliding scale of transi- tion as occurs in English will appear. The beginning, middle and end of the French sound will be identical. 6 The respective differences of these two English vowels and their corresponding French approximates e and 6 may be graphically shown thus: English vowel sounds a, o French approximates e, 6 Therefore in the above Table the vowel sound in English fate incorrectly represents the vowel sound in ete, because the former sound is a diphthong, while the latter is a pure vowel. The same is true of pot, cote. INTRODUCTION 5- The vowel sound in English note is a diphthong, while the sound in French pot and cote is a simple, uniformly even utterance throughout. It is of the utmost impor- tance at the start to realize and to observe this vocalic difference between the two languages. 7 Consonant differences in English and French. Nearly every English consonant is more or less unlike its French approximate. In general the transition in Eng- lish from consonant to vowel is slower than in French. Such words in English as j)ear, coat, tour, when forcibly pronounced, suggest something like an h sound inserted between the stopped consonants p, c, t, and the following vowel. The French words pere, cote, tour, though similar to English pear, coat, tour, lack any such suggestion, nor have they that hardness which is apt to be noticeable in a beginner's pronunciation. The transition from p, c, t to the following vowel is abrupt, short and quick. If the two consonants d in English donH and d in French don be compared, something similar as regards sound effect is noticeable. The French d, being pronounced farther for- ward in the mouth than the English d and nearer the English th position, is softer and pleasanter than the Eng- lish d, which, as at times in the word don't, may be very harsh. 8 In the above Table it will be noticed that the key- words given to illustrate ajiproximately the correspond- ing French consonants p, b, t, d, k, g are piper, harbor, entry, needy, rocket, rugged. In each case, the consonant in question occurs as medial. In this position these con- 6 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION sonants lack a certain kind of explosiveness that they have when initial. When medial they are a nearer approxima- tion to the respective French correspondents. For anal- ogous reasons, jolly, steamer, many, error are selected to illustrate the liquids I, m, n, r. It is essential to avoid coming down too hard upon the French consonants, the effect of which is un-French. Consonant differences, to be discerned by observation as here suggested, are no less important to observe and realize than are the fundamen- tal vowel differences pointed out above. 9 Stress. A third important general difference is that of stress in the two languages. Stress, in the sense of emphasis upon one syllable rather than on any other, a characteristic of English pronunciation, is in the same sense non-existent in French. The syllables of a French word receive, one about as much emphasis as the other, all being very evenly pronounced. It is true that when slightly more stress can be observed upon one syllable rather than upon another, that that syllable is usually the last, not counting a final e mute syllable. 10 French words are largely of Latin origin; Latin words have the stress, as a rule, on the penult, which in French usually became the last syllable : L. a-ma'-re = Fr. ai-mer; L. bo-ni-ta' -tern = Fr. bon-te; L. ca-mi'-num = ¥r. che-min. It is convenient in French to apply the term "stressed" or "accented" syllable to the last, care being taken to avoid stressing or accenting the syllable forcibly as in English. It should be remembered that written ac- cents have nothing to do with stress, which applies merely INTRODUCTION / to the force with which one syllable is pronounced com- pared with another syllable in the word. 11 Quantity. By quantity is meant the length of a vowel or syllable as regards the time taken in pronounc- ing it. As it is possible to dwell more or less time on any vowel sound, there may be many degrees of quantity. But for practical purposes it is sufficient to distinguish two degrees of length, long and short. 12 Long vowels occur only in the stressed, or last pronounced, syllable: ar-ri-ve [a-riiv] arrives; fou-ge-re [fu-58ir] fern; fro-ma-ge [fro-mais] cheese; tra-vail-le [tra-va:j] works. 13 Any vowel in the stressed syllable before the sounds [J], [v], [z], [5] and [r] final (or followed by silent conso- nants) is regularly long: seu-il [socij] threshold; tra-va-il [tra-vasj] work; a-che-ve [a-$e:v] finishes; ca-ve [ka:v] cellar; gaz [gaiz] gas; ro-se [roiz] rose; pla-ge [plais] beach; pha-re [fair] lighthouse; ver [v8:r] worm; ci-re [siir] wax; port [poir] -port; dur [dyir] hard. 14 The vowel sounds [a] [o] [0] and the nasal vowels in the stressed syllaljle when followed by a pronounced con- sonant are long: es-pa-ce [rs-ixiis] space; flam-me [flciim] flame; mi-ra-cle [nii-ru:kl] miracle; i-dio-me [i-djoan] idiom; to-me [to:m] volume; zo-ne [zom] zone; creu-se [kr0:z] hollow; gueu-se [g0:z] beggar-woman; meu-te [m0!t] -pack (of hounds); tan-te [td:t] aunt; pen-te [pa it] incline; sem-ble [suibl] seems; min-ce [m£:s] thin; crain-dre 8 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION [kreidr] to fear; fein-te [feit] feiiit; poin-te [pw8!t] point; fon-te [foit] foimt; lon-gue [loig] long; son-ge [80:3] dream; de-fun-te [de-fdeit] deceased; em-prun-te [a-prdeit] borrows; hum-ble [deibl] humble. 15 Vowels with a circumflex accent in the stressed syl- lable, except vous etes [vuz et] you are, and the preterit endinesf"^""^®^ f^""^' "'"""^^ f™^' "^"""^^ ^^^ 1 .re ^ 1-a-tes [at], -i-tes [it], -u-tes [yt] J' """^^ usually long: ta-che [tai^] task; ble-me [bleim] wan; a-bi-me [a-biim] abyss; pole [pod] pole. 16 Short vowels, occurring both in stressed and un- stressed syllables, predominate in French, as long vowels occur only in the final or stressed syllable. All vowels in unstressed syllables are short: de-vi-ner [da-vi-ne] to guess; me-na-cer [ma-na-se] to threaten; mi-li-tai-re [mi- li-teir] military; mor-ta-li-te [mor-ta-li-te] mortality; u-ni- ver-si-te [y-ni-ver-si-te] university. 17 Vowel and nasal sounds when final are regularly short: pas [pa] not; ete [e-te] been; fait [fe] done; de [dg] of; ni [ni] neither; pot [po] pot; peu [p0] little; tout [tu] all; tu [ty] thou; en [a] in; vin [ve] wine; blond [bio] blond; un [de] one. 18 Vowels followed by a double consonant are regu- larly short: pat-te [pat] paw; det-te [det] debt; lis-se [lis] smooth; don-ne [don] gives; mous-se [mus] moss; lut-te [lyt] struggle. INTRODUCTION 9 19 Vowels that are long in final syllables are, as a rule, half as long in the penult : pa-le [pa:l] pale pa-leiir [pa-loeir] paleness rou-ge [ru!5] red rou-geur [ru-soeir] redness part [pa:r] part par-tir [par-tiir] to leave ta-che [tai^] task ta-cher [ta-^e] to try fi-nir [fi-ni:r] to finish fi-ni-rons [fi-ni-ro] (we) shall finish 20 The vowel [e] is the only vowel that may be either long or short before the same consonant: rei-ne [rem] queen; ren-ne [ren] reindeer; Sei-ne [sem] Seine (river); te-te [te:t] head; tet-te [tet] teat. In these cases the length alone of the vowel serves to differentiate the words. 21 Exercise I on the sounds. In the Table it will be noticed that two examples are given to exemplify the sound of the vowel. In each case (excepting [e] and [a], the two vowels which are always short) the quantity varies, being short in the first example and long in the second. The quality of the sixteen French vowels remains unchanged. A useful exercise to acquire quality and quantity distinctions will be to write the thirty-two examples, illustrating the sounds of the sixteen French vowels, using the key alphabet, and to pronounce each word aloud, trying to account for differences. 22 The French alphabet has the same letters as the English; but k and w are used only in words taken from 10 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION other languages: ki-lo-me-tre [ki-lo-metr] ; wa-gon [wa-go]. The older and more common names of the letters are: a b c d e f g h a he c& de effe ge ache i [a] [be] [se] [do] [e] [ef] [5e] [aS] [i] J k 1 m n o P q r ka elle emnie enne o pe ku erre [3i] [ka] [d] [em] [en] [o] [pe] [ky] [er] s t u V w X y z esse te u ve double V iks igrec zede [es] [te] . [y] ' [ve] [dubl ve] [iks] [igrek] [zed] 23 In this enumeration the letters f, h, 1, m, n, r are generally of the feminine gender, the remaining letters being masculine. When a letter is named by itself, it is given as above indicated, with whatever orthographic sign it may have. The French word re-com-pen-se may be spelled: erre-e accent aigu = re; ce-o-emme = com, re- com; pe-e-emie = pen, re-com-pen; esse-e = se, re-com- pen-se. 24 But in reading and spelling, it is now common in many French schools to name each consonant by its own sound, followed by the so-called mute e [a]. The new names then are: a [a] je [33] se [s9] be [ba] ke [ka] te [is] ke se [kd] [so] le [h] u [y] de [da] me [mo] ve [va] e [a] ne [no] w double v [dubl va] fe [fa] o [o] xe gze [ksa] [gza] gue je [ga] [30] pe [pa] y [i] he [ha] ke [ka] ze [za] i [i] re [ro] INTRODUCTION 11 25 In this enumeration, all of the letters are of the masculine gender. The French word in-com-pre-hen-si- bi-li-te would be spelled: i-ne = in; ke-o-me = com, in-com; pe-re-e = pre, in-com-pre; he-e-ne = hen, in-com-pre-hen; se-i = si, in-com-pre-hen-si ; be-i = bi, in-com-pre-hen-si- bi; le-i = li, in-com-pre-hen-si-bi-li ; te-e = te, in-com-pre- hen-si-bi-li-te. 26 Orthographic marks. There are three orthographic marks which constitute a necessary part of the written form of French words. These marks are called accents. They are the acute ('), the grave O, and the circumflex r). 27 The acute accent, ac-cent ai-gu [ak-sdit e-gy], as in e-te [e-te] been, is used only over the vowel e, which then has the sound heard in English fate, but without the van- ish or glide described in 6: de-si-re [de-zi-re] desired; e-cla-te [e-kla-te] hurst. 28 The grave accent, ac-cent gra-ve [ak-sa graiv], as in fre-re [frnr] brother, is used mostly over e which then has nearly the sound heard in English met, there: me-ne [men] leads; pe-re [peir] father; re-pe-te [re-prt] repeats. It is also used sometimes over a and u to distinguish words otherwise spelt alike: a [a] has and a [a] to; fa [sa] there and ga. [sa] that; des [dr] si7ice and des [de] (also [de]) of the; ou [u] ivhere and ou [u] or; also over the a in de-ja [de-3a] already and ja [5a] (rarely used now) already. 29 The circumflex accent, ac-cent cir-con-fle-xe [ak-sa sir-kr)-flrks], may occur over any vowel, which is usually 12 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION then long: a-ge [0:5] age; te-te [tcit] head; di-me [di(;)m]; c6-te [koit] coast; stir [syir] sure. In most cases it indi- cates the loss of an s written formerly after the vowel now circumflexed, as in old French teste for modern tete ; maistre for mai-tre [meitr] master. Such an s sometimes still remains in the English word taken originally from the old French, as in English forest, modern French fo- ret [fo-re] ; English isle, modern French i-le [i(:)l]. In other cases it shows contraction has taken place: a-ge instead of older aa-ge) siir instead of older seur. It also serves to distinguish such words as du [dy] owed from du [dy] of the; mur [myir] ripe from mur [myir] wall; suit [syir] sure from sur [syr] upon; although in point of fact du, mur and sur are examples of contraction of the corresponding old French forms deii, meiir, seiir. 30 When the vowels are written with a capital letter, it is not customary to put on the accents, except on the letter e: les theatres = les the-a-tres [le te-aitr]. These so-called "accents" have nothing whatever to do with stress; in general they serve to distinguish the vowel sounds. It is quite as much a fault to omit the accent, or to use it wrongly, as to spell the word incorrectly. 31 Other orthographic marks are I'a-pos-tro-phe [1 a- pos-trof] (') to indicate the omission of a final vowel be- fore a word beginning with a vowel (or silent h) (383) : "la a-me" becomes I'a-me [1 aim] the soul; "je ai" becomes j'ai [3 e] I have; "si il" becomes s'il [s il] if he. The vowel elided is almost always e ; a is elided only in the article or pronoun la [la] the, her, it; i is elided only in si [si] if, be- INTRODUCTION 13 fore il [il] he, it, or ils [il] they. No elision takes place be- fore on-ze [d'.z] eleven; on-zie-me [5-zjem] eleventh; oui [wi] yes; huit [qi(t)] eight; hui-tie-me [qi-tjem] eighth (382 et seq.). 32 The cedilla, la ce-dil-le [la se-cliij] C) is placed under c to give it the sound of s before a, o, u : fa-f a-de [fa-sad] front; gar-fon [gar-s5] hoy; re-gu [ro-sy] received. 33 The dieresis, le tre-ma [lo tre-ma] (*") is placed over the second of two vowels to show that it does not unite with the first vowel but, on the contrary, begins a new syllable: ha-ir [a-i:r] to hate; na-if [na-if] artless; Noel [nD-cl] Christmas. It is also put over final mute e to show that the gu preceding is a syllable by itself and that the u is not merely the sign of "hard" g (196): ai-gu-e [e-gy] sharp; the last e being completely mute; without the dieresis, the word would be pronounced [eg]; cf. fi-gue [fig] fig- 34 The hjTohen, le trait d'u-nion [b tre-d y-nj5] (-), is used between the parts of a compound word; arc-en-ciel [ar ku sjel] rainbow; beau-frere [bo fre:r] brother-in-law; and to join words that are closely connected: a-vez-vous [a-ve vu] have you? e-tes-vous [et vu] are you? 35 Division of syllables. When divided into syllables for the purpose of spelling and pronouncing, and quite generally also for writing and printing (Ijut not invaria- bly, see 38-44) the syllables in the body of a French word most frequently end with a vowel and begin with 14 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION a consonant: e-ga-li-te [e-ga-li-te] equalihj; e-le-ver [el-ve] to raise; mo-ra-li-te [mo-ra-li-te] morality; po-pu-la-ri-te [po-py-la-ri-te] popularity. It is essential in pronouncing these words not to divide them according to EngHsh cus- tom: e-qual-i-ty, nio-ral-i-ty, pop-u-lar-i-ty . In pronounc- ing it is necessary carefully to avoid such divisions of syllables as in the English tab-leau, trip-le. 36 A vowel in the body of a word sometimes begins a syllable, in which case the vowel is always preceded by another vowel which ends the preceding syllable: a-e-rer [a-e-re] to ventilate; a-e-ros-tat [a-e-ros-ta] air- halloon; e-blou-ir [e-blu-iir] to dazzle; jou-ir [swiir] to enjoy; Na-po-le-on [na-po-le-5] ; o-a-sis [o-a-zi(!)s]; o-be- is-san-ce [o-be-i-sais] ohedierice. 37 If a single consonant is followed by 1 or r (except rl, as in par-lait), both are united with the following vowel: mai-grir [me-griir] to grow thin; of-frir [o-fri:r] to offer; ou-vrier [u-vri-je] workman; per-dront [per-dr5] (they) will lose; ta-bleau [ta-blo]; tri-ple [tripl]; vain-cre [veikr] to conquer; vi-tre [vitr] pane of glass. 38 Other groups of two or more consonants, when pronounced, are generally so divided that the first goes with the preceding syllable, the second and third with the following: ad-mi-rer [ad-mi-re] to admire; cer-cler [ser- kle] to circle; con-somp-tion [k5-s3p-sjo] consumption; es- ca-lier [es-ka-lje] stairway; es-pe-ran-ce [es-pe-rais] hope; in-stant [es-tci]. In the last example, as shown, the two consonants s and t are, as usual, divided in the middle, INTRODUCTION 15 the s going over and being pronounced with the nasal vowel in =[6], and the t with the nasal vowel an=[a]. The written syllable division in-stant is simply etymolog- ical; in-stni-ment [es-try-ma]; mar-tyr [mar-ti:r]; par- fum [par-foe] perfume; per-drons [prr-drf)] (we) shall lose; pol-tron [pol-tro] coward; res-pec-ter [res-ppk-te] to re- spect; res-pi-rer [rrs-pi-re] to breathe; res-ter [res-te] to remain; sug-ge-rer [syg-5e-re] to suggest. 39 A silent h is not recognized in the pronunciation of a French word, yet when written the h apparently begins a syllable. The following words when written are divided thus: bon-heur, in-ha-bi-le, in-ha-bi-ta-ble, in-hos-pi-ta-ble, in-hu-main, mal-heur, but when pro- nounced, the principle which obtains, throughout the pronunciation of French words is carried out, that is, of ending the syllable with a vowel and beginning it with a consonant. These words therefore are pronounced: [bo-noeir], [i-na-bil], [i-na-bi-tabl], [i-nos-pi-ta-bl], [i-ny-me], [ma-lce:r]. 40 A group of two consonants, but forming one sound only, is treated as a single consonant. Such combina- tions are ch, ph, th, gn: a-che-ver [a^-ve] to finish; a-the- nien [a-te-njc] Athenian; di-gni-te [di-jii-tej; in-co-gni-to [L'-ko-jii-to] ; pho-no-gra-phe [fj-no-graf]. 41 X, which is equivalent to gz before vowels, ks be- fore consonants, is treated in pronouncing like gz and ks, but when written the x always goes with the first vowel: ex-a-men [rg-za-mt-] examination; ex-em-ple [rg-zdplj 16 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION example; ex-ac-te [eg-zakt]; ex-cel-lent [ek-se-la]; ex-pres [eks-prr] on purpose; ex-pri-mer [eks-pri-me] to express; ex-tra-or-di-nai-re [eks-tra-or-di-ne :r] extraordinary. In the three last cases four consonants come together k, s, p or t, r. As usual in combinations of sp, st, the s goes with the first syllable both in written and spoken forms. 42 Double consonants (146, 148, 166, 168) when imit- ten, are divided between the two, but are pronounced like single consonants. Therefore when between vowels they begin the second syllable like a single consonant. This applies especially to the older and commoner words: al-ler [a-le] to go; as-sez [a-se] enough; dom-mage [do-mais] injury; don-ner [do-ne] to give; bb, pp, tt, dd are rarely, if ever, doubled in pronouncing a French word : ab-be [a-be] ahhot; rap-port [ra-poir] report; bat-tu [ba-ty] beaten; ad- di-tio-nel [a-di-sjo-ncl] additional. 43 In newer and less popular words, showing generally obvious Latin derivation, double consonants are pro- nounced rather longer than single consonants. This ap- plies particularly to 1, m, n, r. This lengthening is generally noted, in indicating pronunciation, bj' retaining the two consonants instead of only one : il-let-tre [il-le-tre] illiterate; il-li-si-ble [il-li-zibl] ; im-me-diat [im-me-djaj; im-mon-de [im-mSid] unclean; in-ne [in-ne] inborn; in- nom-bra-ble [in-n5-brabl] innumerable; ir-ri-ta-ble [ir-ri- tabl]; ir-ri-te [ir-ri-te] irritated. 44 In the written language, obvious composition of the word nullifies in many cases the principle of word divi- sion, that is, of ending syllables, whenever possible, with a INTRODUCTION 17 vowel and beginning them vnth. a consonant; but in the actual pronunciation this basic principle remains intact. The written division of the following words together wath the figured division and pronunciation as actually uttered will illustrate the written and spoken usage: at-mo- sphe-re [at-mos-fcir]; bon-heur [b.>nce:r] happiness; con- spi-rer [k3s-pi-re] to conspire; in-e-gal [i-ne-gal] unequal; in-ex-act [i-neg-zakt] ; in-no-cen-ce [i-no-sais]; in-nom- bra-ble [i-n3-brabl] innumerable; in-spi-rer [es-pi-re]; in- stant [es-ta]; in-strui-re [es-trqi:r]; in-u-ti-le [i-ny-til]; mal-heur [ma-la^ir] ill luck; sub-or-don-ner [sy-bor-do-ne]. 45 Nasal vowels, being merely oral vowels followed by m or n in the same syllable, are treated like ordinary vowel sounds in the division of syllables, the following consonant begimiing the next syllable: an-cien [ci-sjf]; domp-ter [d3-te] to master; en-chan-ter [a-^a-tej; im-po- sant [e-po-zd]; in-con-stant [e-k3s-to]; pen-dant [pa-dfi] during; tins-siez [te-sje] (you) might hold; vins-sions [ve-sj5] (we) jnight come. 46 The WTitten and spoken forms vary particularly, 1 " When e mute occurs at the end of a word or of a syllable in a word: bel-le [\}v\]fi)ie; fa-ble [fa-bl]; fon-te [f.):t] melt- ing; on-cle \?)'.k\] nncle; pat-te [pat] paw; pen-te [pa:t] in- cline; pour-pre [i)urpr] purple; promp-te [pr5:t]; qua-tre [katr] Jour; ro-be [ro(!)b] dress; ro-che [ro^] rock; tan-te [tfi :t] aunt. 2° When e mute occurs at the end of a syllable in a word. By the dropping of e mute, a new combination of consonants is formed which are divided in the way con.sonants usually are: ap-pe-ler [ap-lc] to call; ca-le- 18 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION gon [kal-s5] pair of drawers; cha-pe-lier [Sa-plje] hatter; cha-pe-ron [^a-pron] hood; ci-me-tiere [sim-tjeir] cemetery; e-le-ver [el-ve] to raise; lai-te-rie [le-tri] dairy; ma-de- moi-selle [mad-mwa-zel] ; re-ve-nir [rav-niir] to come hack; sou-ve-nir [suv-niir]; sou-ve-rain [suv-re] sovereign; tel- le-ment [tel-ma]. 3° When y=[j], or ill = [j]: cray-on [kre-j5] pencil; pay-er [pe-je] to pay; roy-al [rwa-jal]; tuy-au [ty-jo] tube; ba-tail-le [ba-taij] battle; fa-mil-le [fa-mi !J] /a?m7|/; tra-vail-le [tra-va;j] works. 47 The prmciple of syllable division of French words, of beginning the syllable, whenever possible, with a con- sonant and ending it with a vowel, is equally applicable to phrases, which are divided up in the same way into stress groups: bon a rien [bo-na-rje] good-for-nothing; bout a bout [bu-ta-bu] end to end; de haut en bas [d9-o-a-ba] from top to bottom; de temps en temps [do-ta-zci-ta] from time to time; mot a mot [mo-ta-mo] literally; nuit et jour [ni{i-te-3Uir] night and day; pas a pas [pci-za-pa] step by step; pe-tit a pe-tit [p9-ti-ta-p8-ti] little by little; pot a I'eau [po-ta-lo] water-pitcher; six ou sept [si-su-set] six or seven; tot ou tard [to-tu-tair] sooner or later. 48 The principle of syllable division, which is that also of phrase division, namely, that a single consonant be- tween vowels belongs to the following syllable, is of fundamental importance. It is the basis upon which ac- quiring a reasonably good pronunciation of French de- pends. Exercise II. Write the following words, dividing them into syl- lables, and pronounce them aloud: agneau, ananas, aimer, animal, attaque, Canada, canal, camaraderie, capital, cataracte, classe, era- ORAL VOWELS 19 vate, ecole, fidelite, garden, geographie, grise, mandat, marcher, morceau, Panama, paragraphe, passage, partir, poete, regardez, salade, salle, simple, union. Supplementary Exercise. Write, dividing into syllables as heard ordinarily in spoken French, these same words, using the key alphabet, thus comparing the spoken and written forms. n ORAL VOWELS 49 a = [a] a ouvert, or o-pen a, written a, a and excep- tionally in verb-endings a; approximately like the a in English cat, fat, pat, but pronounced with the mouth wider open so that the sound is between the a in car and the a in bat. This vowel, the commoner of the two va- rieties of French a, is generally short as in a [a] to; la [la] the; ma-da-me [ma-dam], pat-te [pat] -paw, but may al- so be long as in: ca-ge [kais]; ra-re [rair]. It may easily be recognized at once in the few cases where it occurs with a written accent. 50 As final with the grave accent: a [a] to; ?a [sa] here; de-fa [do-sa] on this side; de-ja [de-5a] already; ho-la [o-la] ho there!; la [la] there; voi-la [v\va-la] see there. 51 In the verbal endings -am-es, -at-es, -at of the first conjugation where the a has the circumflex accent: nous ai-ma-mes [nuz c-mam] ire loved; vous ai-ma-tes [vuz L--niat] yo}i loved; qu'il ai-mat [k il f-ma] that he might love; nous par-la-mes [im par-lam] we spoke; vous par- lates [vu par-lat] you spoke; qu'il par-lat [k il par-la] that he might speak. 20 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 52 [a] occurs regularly when final, at the end of a word, or of a syllable in a word, when the next syllable does not begin with an s or z sound: ac-ca-pa-ra [a-ka- pa-ra] to seize upon; ac-cla-ma [a-kla-ma] acclaimed; a-mal-ga-ma [a-mal-ga-ma] amalgamated; ag-gra-va [a- gra-va] aggravated; a-mar-ra [a-ma-ra] moored; a-ta-qua [a-ta-ka] attacked; ba-var-da [ba-var-da] gossiped. 53 When preceding^any final silent consonant, except s or z: a-chat [a-^a] purchase; al-ma-nach [al-ma-na]; drap [dra] cloth; es-to-mac [es-to-ma] stomach; plat_[pla] flat; rat [ra]; sol-da^ [sol-da] soldier; ta-bac [ta-ba] tobacco. "" 54 Before any pronounced consonant other than s or z at the end of a word: Am-ster-dam [am-ster-dam] ; bac [bak] ferry-boat; cap [kap] cape; car [ka(!)r] for; che-val [^a-val] horse; fat [fat] fop; Is-lam [is-lam] ; lacs [lak] lakes; snares; ma-ca-dam [ma-ca-dam] ; mal [mal] evil; paf [paf] bang!; or at the end of a syllable in the body of a word: al-ma-nach [al-ma-na]; An-na [an-na]; cal-me [kalmj; gar-fon [gar-s5] boij; can-ne [kan] cane; gam-me [gam] scale; nap-pe [nap] cloth, tablecloth; pat-te [pat] paw. 55 Special cases. The sound [a] is heard in the French adverb ending -eniment [a-md] -ly; ar-dem-ment [ar- da-mu] ardently; pru-dem-ment [pry-da-mu] prudently; and in the following words: cou-en-ne [kwan] rind; cou- en-neux [kwa-n0] pertaining to rind; fem-me [fam] woinan; fem-me-lette [fam-let] silly woman; hen-nir [a-niir] to neigh; in-dem-ni-ser [e-dam-ni-ze] to make good; in-dem- ni-te [e-dam-ni-te] compensation; nen-ni [na-ni] no; so- len-nel [so-la-nel] solemn. ORAL VOWELS 21 56 [a] is the sound usually heard in the common end- ings -oir [\va:r], -oi-re [wa:r]: mi-roir [mi-rwa:r] mirror; soil [swair] evening; boi-re [bwa:r] to drink; poi-re [pwa:r] pear; vic-toi-re [vik-twair] victory; in a number of com- mon words ending in oi (or oi+ silent consonant) not pre- ceded by r (see 62) : bolt [bwa] drinks; doigt [dwa] finger; fois [fwa] time; loi [Iwa] law; moi [mwa] me; soi [swa] one- self; sole [swa but also swci] silk; toi [twa] thee; and gen- erally in words written with oy: Fon-te-noy [fot-nwa]; foy-er [fwa-je] hearth; loy-er [Iwa-je] rent; loy-al [Iwa-jal]. 57 The letter a is usually silent in aout [u] August, but may also be pronounced: [au]; the final t is sounded by many: [ut] [aut]; a is silent in Caen [ka]; Cu-ra-gao [ky-ra-so]; Sao-ne [som] (103); taon [ta] (old [to] 103) gadfly; toast [tost]. Exercise III on [a]. Write and pronounce aloud the following words, dividing those of two or. more syllables as usually divided in writing and ])rinting: baba, barbc, battre, boite, chat, dame, declare, donnat, droite, fcnmie, gage, liennir, la, lac, lave, loi, ma, madanie, Malaga, menage, moi, noir, papa, parla, patte, poison, prudemment, rat, r^cemment, soi, syllabe, ta, valse. Supplementary Exercise. Write and pronounce aloud these same words using the key alphabet and dividing them as ordinarily heard in spoken French. 58 a = [a] a ferme or closed a; written a, a; about as in English palm; pronounced with the mouth quite wide open. This sound is easily recognized whenever the a has the circumflex accent (except in the endings -ames, -ates, -at (noted under 51): bat [bo] saddle; bla-me [bla:m]; gra-ce [grnisj; mat [ma] mast; pa-le [pail]; pa-te [pa it] dough; pla-tre [plaitr] plaster; ta-che [tai^] task. 22 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 59 a = [a] whenever before a silent final s (except in bras [bra] arm, and in -as verb endings: don-nas [do-na] gave)', bas [ba] low; cas [ka] case; cou-te-las [kutla] cut- lass; da-mas [da-ma] damask; fra-cas [fra-ka] crash; las [la] tired; ma-te-las [mat-la] inattress; pas [pa] step; tas [ta] pile; ver-glas [ver-gla] glazed frost. Derivatives of such words usually retain the a quality when passing from the stressed to an unstressed syllable: da-mas-ser [da-ma-se]; las-ser [la-se]; pas-ser [pa-se]; tas-ser [ta-se]. In proper names the rule of a = [a] before a silent final s is equally regular : Co-las [ko-la] ; Du-gas [dy-ga] ; Du-mas [dy-ma]; Ju-das [sy-da]; Lu-cas [ly-ka]; Ni-co-las [ni-ko- la]; Pri-vas [pri-va]; Tho-mas [to-ma]; Vau-ge-las [vo3-la]. /^60 a = [a] before a final pronounced s as in as [a:s] ace; at-las [at-la(!)s]; he-las [elais] alas!; before a final pro- nounced z as in gaz [gaiz] gas; and frequently before the sounds of s and z in the endings -as-se [as], -as-sion [a-sjo], -a-tion [a-sj5], -a-se [az], -a-sion [a-zj5], -a-zon [a-zo]. -as-se [a is] in the words bas-se [bais] low; cas-se [kais] breaks; clas-se [klais] class; gras-se [gra:s]/ai; pas-se [pais] passes, -as-sion [a-sjo] in pas-sion [pa-sjo] and derivative com-pas-sion [ko-pa-sjo]; -a-tion [o-sj5] in a numerous group of words like for-ma-tion [for-ma-sj5]; na-tion [na-sj5], sta-tion [sta-sj5]. Nevertheless, the usage varies in regard to this ending -a-tion and the authorities differ, -a-se [aiz] in ba-se [baiz]; ca-se [kaiz] house; ga-ze [gaiz] gauze; ja-se [saiz] prates; va-se [vaiz]. -a-sion [azj5] in e-va-sion [e-va-zj5]; in-va-sion [e-va-zjo]; oc-ca- sion [o-ka-zj5]. Here again, however, as in the words in -a-tion, usage and the authorities differ, -a-zon [a-zo] ORAL VOWELS 23 in bla-zon [bla-z5] coat of arms; e-cra-sons [e-kra-z5] let us crush; but here written -a-sons = spoken [a-z5]; ga-zon [ga-z5] turf. 61 a = [a] frequently in the termination -ail-le [a:j] in a number of words; ba-tail-le [ba-taij] battle; e-cail-le [e-ka:j] scale; li-mail-le [li-maij] filings; mail-le [maij] mesh; man-geail-le [md-5aij] eatables; mi-trail-le [mi- trajj] grape-shot; pail-le [paij] straw; tail-le [ta:j] shape; trou-vail-le [tru-va:j] finding; Ver-sail-les [ver-saij]. Here again must be noted that in nearly all, if not all, of these cases, usage varies and the authorities differ. It may be convenient to regard as exceptions to the list of words in -ail-le just given: fail-le [fa:j] be necessary; me-dail-le [me-da:j] medal; tra-vail-le [tra-vaij] works; vail-le [va:j] be worth, and words ending in -ail [a:j] as in be-tail [be- ta:j] cattle; de-tail [dc-ta:j]; gou-ver-nail [gu-\xr-na:j] helm; tra-vail [tra-vaij] work. 62 a = [a] in the ending -oi (or -oi+silent consonant) in a few connnon words (156) : bois [bwa] wood; mois [mwci] month; noix [nwa] nut; poe-le [])wa:l] stove; pels [pwa] pea; poids [pwa] weight. Frequently, when r pre- cedes oi, the sound heard is [a]: croi-re [krwair] to believe; croix [krwa] cross; e-troi-te [e-trwat] narrow; froid [frwa] cold; roi [rwa] king; but here again, in these cases, usage varies. 63 a = [(i], (juite generally, in tlu; following words: ac- ca-bler [a-kd-ble] to overwhelm; ah [a:]; ca-dre [k(i:drj frame; dam-ner [da-ne] to condemn; fa-ble [fu-bl]; flam-me [fla:m] flame; ga-gner [gu-jie] to earn; grail-Ion [gra-jo] 24 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION scraps; hail-Ion [a-j3] rag; na-vrer [na-vre] to wound; ra- cier [ra-kle] toscrape; rail-le [ra:j] rails; rail-le-rie [raj-ri] bantering. 64 a = [a] frequently in the followang rather common words, although usage and the authorities differ: bail-le [baij] gives; boi-se [bwa-ze] wooded; ca-da-vre [ka-da-vr] dead body; cli-mat [kli-ma] climate; de-cla-mer [de- kla-me] to declaim; de-la-brer [de-la-bre] to decay; dia-ble [dja-bl] devil; en-flam-mer [d-fla-me] to inflame; es-cla-ve [es-klaiv] slave; es-pa-ce [es-pa:s] space; ja-dis [5a-di(s)] already; la-cet [la-se] lacing; ma-fon [ma-s5] mason; ma- su-re [ma-zy:r] ruins; mi-ra-cle [mi-ra-kl]; nas-se [na:s] net; noi-set-te [nwa-zet] filbert, nut; o-ra-cle [o-ra-kl]; pou-lail-ler [pu-la-je] poidtry-yard; pro-cla-mer [pro-kla- me] to proclaim; sa-ble [sciiblj sand; sa-bre [sa-br] saber; sole [swa] silk; tail-leur [ta-joe:r]; to-pa-ze [to-pa:z]; voie [vwa] icay. 65 Summary. The variety in usage, as furnished by the examples, shows the division line between [a] and [a] to be loosely drawn. Under identical or similar condi- tions, either variety of a may be heard. In the follo^^^ng pairs: ta-ble and fa-ble; tra-vail-le and trou-vail-le ; pla-ce and es-pa-ce; chas-se and clas-se; pas-sif and pas-ser; mas-se and tas-se, the same authority gives the a of the first word in each pair as [a] and of the second as [a]. In general, from what precedes, it may be said that in Paris [a] is apt to be heard before silent s and before the sounds of s and z (except in verb-endings), and that under other conditions [a] is the sound usually heard. ORAL VOWELS 25 Exercise IV on [a]. Write and pronounce aloud, dividing into syllables as usual in ^VTiting and spelling, the following words: iime, bataille, blame, cable, classe, damner, deg&t, diable, ecraser, enflam- mer, fable, flamme, fracas, gaz, gaze, gazon, gc^neration, haillon, hate, helas, magon, matelas, nation, pas, pate, paille, poele, raillerie, roi, sable, tas, tasse, tatons, Thomas. Supplementary Exercise. Write and divide these same words as spoken, using the key alphabet and pronouncing them aloud when written. 06 e = [3] e muet, or so-called e mute, written e as in de, crever; about as in English villa, occurring 1" as final in monosyllables. In this position it sounds much like e in English the when spoken quickly as in the man, the woman, the child; ce [so] this; de [da] pf; je [53] /; le [lo] the, him, it; me [ma] me; ne [na] jiot; que [ka] that; se [sa] oneself; te [ta] thee. 67 2° e = [a] as final in the first syllable of a word of two or more syllables: cre-ver [kra-ve] to burst; de-moi- sel-le [da-mwa-zel] young lady; de-ve-nir [dav-ni:r] to he- come; fe-ra [fo-ra] will do; fre-don-ner [fra-da-ne] to hum; le-ver [lo-ve] to raise; me-ner [ma-ne] to lead; re-ve-nir [rav-niir] to come hack; te-na-ci-te [ta-na-si-te] tenacity; te- nir [ta-ni:r] to hold. When preceded by two consonants as in cre-ver and fre-don-ner, the [a] is rather more dis- tinctly pronounced than in otiier cases (392). 68 3'^ e = [a] exceptionally in des-sous [d(a)-su] beloic; des-sus [d(a)-sy] above; fai-sait [fa-zf] was making; and in derivatives of fai-re \h-',r] to make, as in re-fai-sant [ra- fa-zo] remaking; mon-sieur [ma-sj0] sir; res-sem-bler [r.)- 26 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION sa-ble] to resemble; res-sen-tir [ra-sa-tiir] to experience; res-sor-tir [ra-sor-tiir] to go out again. 69 e silent elsewhere, as: 1° When final at the end of a word, either after a vowel or consonant: ai-je [ei 3] have If; a-ne [am] ass; ar-bre [ar-br] tree; bar-be [barb] heard; ca-ma-ra-de [ka-ma-ra(!)d] comrade; clas-se [kla:s] class; fa-ci-le [fa-sil] easy; faus-se [fois] false; mal-le [mal] trunk; pa-trie [pa-tri] fatherland; rue [ry] street; suis-je [siiiis] am If; ta-ble [ta-bl]; vie [vi] life. However, in many cases like the above, for various reasons, as for ver- sification or for singing, the e mute is distinctly sounded. Frequently after b d g v it may be heard slightly: bar-be [bar-ba], whereas after p, t, k, f it is silent e-ta-pe [e-tap] stage. Also it may be heard slightly when final and pre- ceded by two consonants as in ar-bre [ar-brg]; lors-que [lors-kg] when; pres-que [pres-ko] nearly; puis-que [pqis-ka] since; ta-ble [ta-bbj. 70 2° e is silent at the end of a syllable preceding the stressed or final syllable: a-che-ter [a$-te] to buy; al-le- mand [al-ma] German; ap-pe-ler [ap-le] to call; bon-ne- ment [bon-md] simply; bul-le-tin [byl-te]; cau-se-rie [koz-ri] talk; ci-se-lu-re [siz-ly:r] carving; con-ve-na-ble [kov-nabl] seemly; de-ve-nir [do-vniir] to become; e-le-ver [el-ve] to bring up; em-pe-reur [dp-roe :r] emperor; ma-de- moi-sel-le [mad-mwa-zel] ; ma-te-lot [mat-lo] sailor; na- ive-te [na-iv-te] simplicity; ra-me-ner [ram-ne] to bring hack; re-je-ter [ras-te] to reject; sa-le-te [sal-te] dirt; sa- me-di [sam-di] Saturday; sou-te-nir [sut-niir] to sustain; sou-ve-rain [suv-re] sovereign. ORAL VOWELS 27 71 e = [a]. It will be noticed in the above examples just given, in all of which the e mute is not heard, that the group of consonants brought together by the omis- sion of the e, is easy to pronounce. But when, by omit- ting the e mute, a group of consonants is brought together forming a combination harsh to the ear and difficult to pronounce, then, to avoid such a result, the e mute is heard as in the following cases: An-gle-ter-re [d-glo-teir] England; a-que-duc [a-ko-dyk] aqueduct; a-pre-te [a-pr8- te] asperity; ar-que-bu-se [ar-ko-by:z] arquebus; a-te-lier [a-ta-lje] studio; au-tre-fois [o-tro-fwa] formerly; au-tre- ment [o-tra-ma] otherwise; ba-te-lier [ba-ta-lje] boatman; chan-ce-lier [^a-so-lje] chancellor; cou-te-lier [ku-ta-lje cutler; cha-me-lier [^a-ma-lje] camel-driver; cha-pe-lier [5a-p.)-lj('] hatter; Char-le-ma-gne [^ar-lo-maji] ; Charles- Quint [.5ar-la-kc] Charles the Fifth (of Spain and Germany); chas-te-te [5as-to-t(>] chastity; com-pre-nons [kS-pr^-no] let us understand; con-si-de-ra-ble-ment [k3-si-dc-ra-bb- mu] considerably; ex-ac-te-ment [rg-zak-t.^-mci] exactly; par-ve-nu [par-va-ny] upstart; qua-tre-temps [ka-tra-tu] Emherdays; ra-te-lier [ra-ta-lje] rack; Ri-che-lieu [ri-^a- lj0]; sif-fle-ra [si-lio-ra] will whistle; Six-te-Quint [siks- t.>ke] tSixius the Fifth. 72 e silent, e is not pronounced when followed only ^ by the silent s of the i)lural noun, or of verb-endings, or by the -nt of the third person plural of verbs: ai-mes [nm] (thou) lovest; ai-ment [run] (they) love; don-nent [d.)n] (they) give; don-nes [d.)n] (thou) givest; fa-ces [fas] faces; fre-res [fre :r] Irrothers; ma-la-des [ma-la(:)d] patients; par- ies [pari] (thou) speakest. But the e before the nt of parts 28 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION of speech other than verbs is sounded: con-tent [k5-tu] content; ex-cel-lent [ek-se-la] excellent; the verb-forms of these two words, of which the spelUng is identical with the adjective forms, are: con-tent [k5:t] (they) relate; ex- cel-lent [ek-sel] (they) excel. 73 e silent. In general e is dropped whenever it is possible to do so to facilitate rapid utterance. This hap- pens when the preceding consonant can be pronounced with the vowel before it, as in je le don-ne [39 1 don] / give it, or with one that comes after it in the next sylla- ble or word, as in no-ble ar-deur [no-bl ar-doe:r] noble ar- dor. The syllable containing [q], bearing no stress itself, is pronounced as though forming a part of the preceding or following stressed syllable, according to the conditions; thus the e mute in the examples that follow is silent; what immediately precedes it is pronounced as one syl- lable: beau-coup de mon-de [bo-kud mo'.d] lots of people; je le crois [53 1 krwa] / believe it; je le don-ne [59 1 don] / give it; nous le sa-vons [nu 1 sa-vo] we know it; tout le mon-de [tu 1 moid] everybody; voi-la le fac-teur [vAva-la 1 fak-ta3!r] there^s the postman; vous le di-tes [vu 1 dit] you say so; and in the following examples, what immediately comes after the e mute is pronounced as one Syllaljle with the consonants just preceding the e mute: un et-re ac-tif [den 8-tr ak-tif] an active being; qua-tre en-ne-mis [ka- tren-mi] four enemies; no-ble a-ni-ma-tion [no-bl a-ni- ma-sj5]; pau-vre a-ni-mal [po-vr a-ni-mal] poor animal; a vo-tre ai-se [a vo-treiz] at your ease; no-tre on-cle [no-tr o-kl] our uncle. ORAL VOWELS 29 74 e silent and e = [9]. In a word beginning A\dth a syllable ending in a so-called mute e, like pe-tit, the e is not sounded if it is preceded by a pronounced syllable, but is sounded if preceded by a syllable ending with e mute: men pe-tit [mo pti] little fellow; but u-ne pe-ti-te [yn po-tit] a little {girl); mon-sieur Le-blanc [m9-sj0 1-bla], but ma-da-me Le-blanc [ma-dam b-bla] (393, 394). 75 When several e mutes follow each other in succes- sion, it is usual to omit the sound [a] in every alternate syllable, the first, third, fifth and so on, being sounded: de ce que je ne te le de-man-de pas [dos k95 not bd mu:d pa] because I do not ask you; or the second, fourth, sixth: par-ce que je ne me le de-mande pas [pars kas namlodmuul pa] because I do not propose it to myself. The syllable que is the one most frequently distinctly pronounced. As to whether an e mute is sounded or not depends upon so many circumstances, including often the good taste of the speaker, that the rules are simply very general guides to current usage. 76 e final. The chief value of the e final at the end of a word after a consonant is to make the otherwise silent consonant sounded: fort [fo:r], but for-te [fort] strong; laid [Ic], but lai-de [lc:d] homely; mau-vais [mo-vc], but mau-vai-se [mo-vc :z] bad; pe-tit [po-ti], but pe-tite [po-tit] little; port [poir] port, but por-te [port] door; pris [pri], but pri-se [pri:z] taken. 77 e silent and merely used as a sign is written before a, o, u, when preceded by g, to show that the g has the sound regularly heard before e and i [5], instead of that 30 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION heard before a, o, u, [g]: ga-geu-re [ga-3yir] wager; geai [36] and [se] jay; Geof-froy [3of-frwu]; geo-lier [30-lje] jailer; Geor-ges [3or3]; nous man-geons [nu mci-30] we eat; nous man-gea-mes [nu ma-sam] we ate; pi-geon [pi-35]. 78 e is silent in Jean [3a] and in Jean-ne [3ain] and throughout the forms of the verb a-voir [a-vwa:r] to have: eu [y] had; eu-mes [yCOm] (we) had (116). Exercise V on e mute = [9]. Write, dividing into syllables and pronouncing aloud the following words, in all of which the e mute is sounded: ameublement, Angleterre, atelier, autrefois, bedeau, chancelier, chapelier, chargera, Charlemagne, comprenons, crever, dessous, dessus, exactement, faisait, fleur de lis, fredonner, guenille, grenuoille, lever, lorsque, menu, menuisier, parvenu, peser, pres- que, puisque, regrets, reUeur, ressemble, Richelieu, serions. Supplementary Exercise. Write and divide these words as spoken, pronouncing them aloud, and using the key alphabet. Exercise VI on silent e. Write and divide into syllables, as written and printed, the following words, in all of which the e mute is silent, and pronounce them aloud: acheter, achever, appeler, bul- letin, causerie, ciselure, devenir, elles aiment, etape, forte, George, ils content, ils excellent, Jean, Jeanne, je louerai, je paierai, laide, Lamennais, malle, meres, naivete, pate, patte, peres, petite, porte, prise, ramener, rejeter, samedi, souverain, tu donnes, tu paries. Supplementary Exercise. Write and divide into syllables as spoken, these same words, using the key alphabet and pronouncing them aloud. 79 e = [e] written e, e, ai; e ferme, or closed e, as in e-te [e-te] been, de-ja [de-3a] already; about as in Eng- hsh fate, late. Care must be taken not to make a diph- thong of the vowel as in English day [de'], fate [fe't], late [le't], and like English sound correspondents, e is never ORAL VOWELS 31 long, occurs mostly as final at the end of a word or syl- lable. It is the only vowel over which the acute accent is written, enabling the sound to be then easily recog- nized: ce-le-bre [se-le-bre] celebrated; de-ce-de [de-se-de] deceased; de-ge-ne-re [de-se-ne-re] degenerate; pre-fe-re [pre-fe-re] -preferred; re-gne [re-jie] reigned; re-pe-te [re- pe-te] repeated. 80 e without written accent =[e] occurs usually before the final silent consonants d, f, r, z; or, stated more gen- erally, before silent final consonant except t: as-sez [a-sc] enough; ca-hier [ka-je] copy-book; chez [^e] at the house of; clef [kle] keij; fer-mez [fer-me] shut; je m'as-sieds [53 m a-sje] / sit down; nez [ne] nose; pied [pje] foot; rez [re] on a level. The sound remains the same when silent s of the plural is added, as in ca-hiers, clefs, pieds, or in cases like tu t'as-sieds. It occurs exceptionally in the con- junction et [e] and, and is heard in a few foreign words: te de-um [te de-om]; re-qui-em [re-kni-jrm]; re-vol-ver [re-vdl-ve:r]; ve-to [ve-to]. 81 e without written accent = [e] in the prefixes des-l-s, ef+f, es+s. 1" des+s: des-sai-sir (except dessus, etc., see 68) [de-se-ziir] to let go; des-sel-ler [de-se-le] to un- saddle; des-se-cher [dc-se-Se] to dry up; des-sein [de-se] de- sign; des-ser-rer [de-sc-re] to unfasten; des-sert [d(^-sr:r]; des-ser-vir [dc-srr-viir] to clear away; des-sil-ler [de- si-jc] to open; des-sou-der [de-su-me:j] sleep; a-beil-le [a-beijj bee; veil-leu-se [vc-j0iz] night-lamp. 36 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 92 e without accent = [e] in the final endings -et, -ect (and their plurals in s) in which the t is silent: as-pect [as-pe]; ba-quets [ba-ke] buckets; de-cret [de-kre] decree; gi-let [5i-k'] waistcoat; pa-quets [pa-ke] parcels; pro-jet [pro-5c] project; res-pect [rr-spr]; som-mets [so-me] sum- mits. The conjunction et [e] and, forms an exception to the above; the verb-form est = is, is pronounced [e] and the noun est — east [est]. 93 e without accent = [8] in the monosyllables ending with silent s : ces [sf] these; des [de] of the, some; les [le] the, them; ses [se] his, hers; tes [te] thy. Nevertheless, there is usage and authority sanctioning [e] in all of these cases. Exercise VIII on [ej. Write and divide into syllables as ordinari- ly written, pronouncing aloud, the following words : achete, acheterai, ai-je, asseyez-vous, avec, careme, chaine, chantait, chene, ciel, colere, dette, eleve, esperer, eveil, faite, fete, feter, fenetre, grasseyer, herbe, jamais, mer, modele, modelerai, Ney, objet, pretre, pretrise, reve, rever, revetir, reine, rene, renne, respect, scene, Seine, soleil, som- meiller, tete, tette, veiUeuse, verte, vrai. StrppLEMENTARY ExERCiSE. Write, pronouncing aloud as you write, and dividing into syllables as spoken, these same words, using the key alphabet. 94 i = [i]; written i, i, y; as in ni [ni] neither; pi-re [piir] worse, about as in English police, keen. Care should be taken to keep [i] tense and uniform throughout, avoiding the sound heard in English little, it, finny, [i] occurs as either long or short, under the usual quantity conditions (see 11); before r it is frecjuently quite long. Long i is heard in che-ti-ve [Se-ti:v] wretched; cri-se [kriiz] crisis; ORAL VOWELS 37 di-re [di:r] to say; fil-le [fi:j] girl; mi-re [mi:r] aim; pi-re [piir] worse; ri-ve [ri:v] bank; ti-ge [tiis] stem. Short i in li-tre [litr]; pis-te [pist] trace; si [si] ij; tris-te [trist] sad; vie [vi] life; vif [vif] lively. 95 i = [i] as in a-bi-me [a-bi:m] ahyss; ci-git [si-si] here lies; di-me [di(!)m] te)ith part; gi-te [5i(:)t] lair; i-le [i(:)l] isle; nous di-mes [nu dif:)m] we said; qu'il finit [k il fi-ni] that he might finish; qu'il fit [k il fi] that he might do; qu'il pu-nit [k il py-ni] that he might punish. 96 y=[i] in hy-po-cri-te [i-po-krit] hypocrite; ly-re [li:r]; mys-te-re [mis-trir] mystery; phy-si-que [fi-sik]; sty-le [stil]; syl-la-be [si-la(i)b] or [sil-la(i)b] syllable. Exercise IX on [i]. Write and divide into syllables as usually- divided in writing, pronouncing aloud the syllables as you write them, the following words: abtme, cirque, demi, difficile, dime, dis- cipline, filigrane, fini, grise, ici, illisiblc, iiiiite, initiative, liniites, midi, milice, niilitairo, niille, niini.stre, niinuit, Paris, priniitif, pjTa- mide, sire, timidity, tirelire, tranquille, Venise, ville, vitrine. Supplementary Exercise. Write, dividing into syllables, as heard in spoken French, pronouncing aloud the syllables as you write them, these same words, using the key alphabet. 97 o = [o], written o, 6, eau, au; o ferme or closed o as in pot [po], c6-te [koit] coast; about us in English note, but avoiding the vanish or glide which suggests a diphthong. o ferme is easily recognized when written 6, and is then almost always long: cho-me [^oim] Hie is) out of work; c6-te [ko:t] coast; di-pl6-me [di-jiloMu] diploma; le no-tre [la noitr] ours; le v6-tre [io voitr] yours; 6-te [o:t] takes 38 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION away; tro-ne [troin] throne; ro-le [roil]. Exceptions to 6 = [o] are the three words ho-pi-tal [o-pi-tal], ho-tel [o-tel], ro-ti [ro-ti] roast, in all of which 6 = [o]. 98 Half length. As with a and e, when occurring just before the stressed syllable of a French word, so 6 in a like position is half as long as when stressed: cho-mer [$o-me] to he out of work; c6-te-le [kot-le] ribbed; di-pl6- mer [di-plo-me] to certificate; en-ro-ler [a-ro-le] to enroll; 6-ter [o-te] to take away; tro-ner [tro-ne] to hear sway. 99 o without accent mark = [o] when final or before silent final consonants: bra-vo [bra-vo]; du-o [dy-o]; ca- chet [ka-$o] dungeon; e-cho [e-ko] ; in-di-go [e-di-go] ; mots [mo] words; pia-no [pja-no]; ze-ro [ze-ro]. The word trop too much is pronounced [tro] and [tro]. 100 without accent mark = [o] when before the sound of s in a few cases: dos-sier [do-sje] hrief, and derivatives of dos (en-dos-ser [a-do-se] to put on) ; e-mo-tion [e-mo- sj5]; fos-se [fo:s] grave; derivatives of fosse have both [o] and o] (fos-set-te [fo-set] and [fo-set] dimple); gros-sier [gro-sje] coarse, and derivatives of gros excepting gros-se which has both [o] and [o] [grois] and [gros] large; lo-tion [lo-sj5]; po-tion [po-sjo]. But the tendency, particularly in the unstressed syllable, is to pronounce [o] rather than [o] before the sound of s. Both varieties of o are sanc- tioned by usage and authority in the following: com-mo- tion, de-vo-tion, fos-set-te, gros-se, mo-tion, no-tion. 101 o without accent mark = [o] regularly before the sound of z (represented usually by s between vowels) : ORAL VOWELS 39 cho-se [5o!z] thing; com-po-se [ko-poiz] composes; glo-se [glo:z] glosses; ho-san-na [o-za-na]; o-ser [o-ze] to dare; o-seil-le [o-zeij] sorrel; po-se [po:z] places; po-si-tion [po- zi-sj5]; pro-se [proiz]; ro-se [roiz]; ro-sier [ro-zje] rose-bush. Such a pronunciation as [ro-zje] shows the continual ten- dency of the closed o in the stressed syllable to become open o in the unstressed. 10^ ferme [o], wTitten au and eau, occurs frequently, more especially in stressed syllables: au-be [o:b] dawn; au-tel [o-tel] altar; aux [o] to the; cau-tion [ko-sjo]; e-me- rau-de [em-ro:d] emerald; e-pau-les [e-po:l] shoulders; pau-vre [po:vr] poor; sau-ce [so:s]; sau-cis-se [so-sis] sau- sage; sau-cis-son [so-si-s3] a large sausage; saus-saie [so-se] vrillow plot; sau-ter [so-tc] to jump, eau: beau [bo] fine; eau [o] water; ga-teau [ga-to] cake; mar-teau [mar-to] hammer; peau [po] skin; veau [vo] veal. 103 is silent in faon [fu] fawn; Laon [Id] ; paon [pa] pea- cock; taon [ta] (old [to]; 57) horse-fly. The name of the river Saone is pronounced [som] (57). Exercise X on [o]. Write and divide into syllables, as usually done in writing, pronouncing aloud each syllable when written, the following words: autol, bravo, chovaux, dioso, compose, cote, cy- clone, diplome, dos, dossier, duo, eau, emotion, flot, fosse, notre, oser, 6ter, pauvre, pose, positif, position, potion, role, rose, Saone, sauce, sceau, saut, tableau, t6t, veau, zone. Supplementary Exercise. Write and divide into syllables, as ordinarily pronounced in spoken French, these same words, pronoim- cing aloud tlie syllables and words as you write them and using the key alphabet. 40 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 104 o = [o], o ouvert or open o, wTitten o, au; as in ro-be [ro(:)b]; tort [tojr] wrong; about as in English nor, the New England pronunciation of "short o" as dis- tinguished from the vowel in law. It occurs more fre- quently than o ferme. It is not as open as the English open in the noun object, as can be perceived by com- paring English o'bject and French objet. 105 = [o] occurs regularly before final sounded con- sonants (except s = [z]), especially r: a-bord [a-boir] land- ing; a-lors [a-lo:r] then; bloc [blok] block; dot [dot] dowry; ef-fort [e-fo:r]; es-sor [e-so:r] flight; fol [fol] crazy; pore [poirj pig; roc [rok] rock. 106 o = [o] occurs regularly before consonants (other than s = [z]) followed by final e mute (but final -ome and -one are treated together, 111): e-co-le [e-kol] school; e-po-que [e-pok]; for-te [fort] strong; lo-ge [lois] theater box; no-ble [no-bl]; no-ce [nos] wedding; no-tre [no-tr] our; por-te [port] door; pos-te [post] post-office; ro-be [ro(:)b] dress; vo-tre [vo-tr] your. 107 o = [o] before double consonants (excepting some cases of o + ss, 100): bon-ne [bon] good; bros-se [bros] brush; e-tof-fe [e-tof] stuff; fol-le [fol] crazy; gos-se [gos] youngster; pom-me [pom] apple; sot-te [sot] foolish. 108 = [o] at the beginning or in the body of a word, within a syllable: oc-to-bre [ok-to-br] October; hos-ti-le [os-til]; om-ni-po-tent [om-ni-po-ta] ; or-fe-vre [or-feivr] jeweler. ORAL VOWELS 41 109 = [o] in the body of a word at the end of a sylla- ble: a-bri-co-tier [a-bri-ko-tje] apricot-tree; au-to-mo-bi-le [o-to-mo-bil], also [o-to-mo-bil] (112); bon-heur [bo-noe:r] happiness; ga-lo-per [ga-b-pe] to gallop; po-teau [po-to] post; ro-man-ce [ro-ma:s]; to-tal [ta-tal]. 110 = [o] before the sound of s (written s, c, ti), quite frequently in unstressed syllables. Such cases of [o] be- ginning the word, within or at the end of sj'llables not final of a word, are among the most frequent (see, how- ever, some identical [o] cases together with [o] (100) : o-ce- an [o-se-ci]; hos-pi-ce [os-pis] refuge; mos-quee [mos-ke]; nos-tal-gie [nos-tal-5i] homesickness; pos-ti-che [pos-ti^] artificial; quo-tient [ko-sjfi]; ros-si-gnol [ro-si-jiol] nightin- gale; so-cial [so-sjal]; so-cie-te [so-sje-te]; tos-te [tost] toast. 111 -ome, -one. In regard to the pronunciation of the o in the endings -ome, -one, usage varies, the ten- dency being rather towards open o than towards closed o. The four words a-ro-me [a-ro:m] aroma, cy-clo-ne [si- klom]; i-dio-me [i-djoini] idiom; zo-ne [zom] have closed o, as indicated. The two words e-co-no-me [e-ko-nom] economical; mo-no-to-ne [mo-no-ton] monotonous, have open o, as do foreign words: Ba-by-lo-ne [ha-bi-lon]; Her- mi-one [cr-mjon]; Ro-me [rom]. The following words, although here noted with the open o, are also pronounced with closed o: A-ma-zo-ne [a-ma-zon]; a-to-me fa-t.)ni]; a-to-ne [a-t.)n]; au-mo-ne [o-ni.in] alms; car-bo-ne [k;ir- l).)ii|; hex-a-go-ne [c-gza-gonl and [r-gza-g.)nl; hip-po- dro-me [i-pj-dr.>ijij; ma-jor-do-me [ma-5.)r-d.)mj; o-zo-ne 42 FEENCH PRONUNCIATION [o-zon] and [o-zon]; te-le-pho-ne [te-le-fon]; to-me [torn] volume. In newly formed words from foreign sources the tendency towards [o] is plain, as shown by the examples. 113 au = [o] regularly before r, and in a few isolated cases as the following examples will show: Auch [0$]; au- ral [o-re] (I) shall have; au-rais [o-re] (I) should have; (the closed is also heard in these two verb-forms) : au-re-o-le [o-re-ol] and [o-re-ol]; au-gus-te [o-gyst] also [o-gyst]; au- to-ri-te [o-to-ri-te] and [o-to-ri-te] ; Au-xer-re [o-sesr]; cen- tau-re [sa-to:r]; Lau-re [bsr]; lau-rier [lo-rje] laurel; Fau-re [foir]; Mau-re [moir] Moor; mau-vais [mo-ve] and [mo-ve] bad; Paul [pol]; res-tau-rant [res-to-raj; sau-rai .[so-re] / shall know; sau-rais [so-re] I should know. Both of these verb-forms parallel to au-rai and au-rais have also the closed o. The tendency to replace the o ferme by o Guvert is seen in such popular words as aurai, aurais, saurai, saurais, mauvais, restaurant (126); all words be- ginning with au-to have the open rather than the closed o: au-to-mo-bi-le [o-to-mo-bil] (109). Particularly in un- stressed syllables au tends generally to become open o. 113 o GUvert [0] is the sound regularly heard in the ending of a few common foreign words mostly from the Latin: al-bum [al-bom]; a-lu-mi-nium [a-ly-mi-njom]; a-qua-rium [a-kwa-rjom]; er-ra-tum [er-ra-tom]; ge-ra- nium [se-ra-njora]; lau-da-num [lo-da-nom]; max-i-mum [mak-si-mom] ; me-dium [me-djom]; mi-ni-mum [mi-ni- mom]; mu-se-um [my-ze-om]; pen-sum [pe-som] task; rhum [rom] rum. ORAL VOWELS 43 Exercise XI on [o]. Write and divide into syllables as ordi- narily done in writing and printing the following words, pronounc- ing aloud the sjllables and the entire words as you write them: album, aurai, aurais; aureole, automobile, bloc, bonne, bord, brosse: comme, dot, essor, Faure, force, geranium, golfe, hopital, hospice, hostile, hotel, ignorant, Laure, loge, majordome, maximum, mauvais, minimum, objet, ocean, octobre, omnipotent, orgue, quotient, restau- rant, robe, roc, Rome, roti, saurai, saurais, sort, sotte, telephone. Supplementary Exercise. Write and divide into syllables ac- cording to the spoken usage, these same words, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them and using the key alpha- bet. 114 eu = [0], written eu, eu, oeu (cf. 127); eu ferme as in peu [p0] little, creu-se [kr0:z] hollow; no very exact equivalent in English, but somewhat like the vowel sound in English h?^rt (cf. 4, note 3). eu = [0] occurs, 1° regu- larly as final, or before silent final consonants: bleu [bl0] blue; dieu [dj0] god; feu [f0] fire; lieu [lj0] place; queue [k0] tail; final in the first part of a compound word: bleu- a-tre [bl0-a:tr] bluish; bleu-et [bl0-e] cornflower; jeu-di [50di] Thursday; lieu-te-nant [lj0t-na]; Neu(f)-cha-tel [n0-5a-tel]; before silent final consonants: ceux [s0] those; creux [kr0] hollow; dieux [dj0] gods; heu-reux [oe-r0] happy; pieux [pj0] pious; yeux [j0] eyes ,^ritten oeu and eu:. i boeufs [b0] oxeyi; oeufs [0] eggs; voeux [v0] vows; jeu-ne J[\^ [30!n] fasting ; jeu-ner [50-ne] to fast; the sound [0] is heard in meu-nier [m0-nje] 7niller, and also not infrequently in de-jeu-ner [de-50-ne] to breakfast (118)^ 115 2" in the endings -e u-se [0!z1, -eu-te [0t], -eu-tre [0!tr]: dan-seu-se [du-s0:z] dancer; glo-rieu-se [gl.)-rj0iz] glori-ous; heu-reu-se [fc-r0:z] happy; meu-te [ni0it] pack (of hounds); feu-tre [f0-tr]/e/^- neu-tre [n0-tr] neutral. 44 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 116 Special cases, eu = the French u sound [y] is heard in the forms of the verb a-voir [a-vwair] to have, wherever eu or eu is written: cue [y] had; nous eu-mes [nuz yCOm] we had; qu'ils eus-sent [k ilz ys] that they might have. For cases lilve ga-geu-re [ga-5yir] and eu [y], eu-mes [y(i)m], cf. 77-78. Eu-ge-ne and Eu-ge-nie are pronounced [0-38 in] or [y-38:n], [0-3e-ni] or [y-3e-ni]. Exercise XII on [0]. Write, dividing into syllables, when pos- sible, as ordinarily written, the following words pronouncing aloud each syllable when written: berceuse, brodeusc, caKeutre ceux, cieux, creux, danseuse, dieu, feu, feutre, feux, gueuse, heureuse, heureux, hideuse, ieu, jeudi, ieunesse, Heu, lieue, lieux, merveilleuse, mfeunerie, meumer, meuniere, Meuse, meute, neutre, neuvieme, noeud, oeufs, peureux, pieux, precieuse, queue, veux, vieux, vceu. Supplementary Exercise. Write, pronouncing aloud each syl- lable when written and dividing into syllables as spoken, these same words, using the key alphabet. 117 eu = [oe], written eu, ceu, ue (cf. 127); open eu as in seul [soel] alone; peur [poeir] fear; no very exact equiva- lent in English, but somewhat like the vowel sound heard in English hut or si'r (cf. 4, note 3). When distinctly pronounced, eu ouvert differs perceptibly from eu ferme in being more open. 118 eu ouvert = [ce] occurs regularly before pronounced consonants (other than s ( = z) and t) , particularly before r, il, ill: beur-re [boeir] hutter; de-jeu-ner [de-3oe-ne] break- fast (cf. 114); deuil [doeij] mourning; feuil-le [fceij] leaf; fleu-ve [fioeiv] river; jeu-ne [seen] young; meu-bles [moebl] furniture; neuf [noef] nine; Neuil-ly [noe-ji]; peu- ple [poepl] people; seuil [sce(:)j] threshold; sieur [sjoeir] Mr., ORAL VOWELS 45 the said. oeu = [oe]: boeuf [beef] ox; coeur [kcEir] heart; moeurs [moers] customs; oeuf [oef] egg; ceu-vre [oeivr] work; soeur [soe:r] sister. ue = [cp]: ac-cueil [a-koej] reception; or-gueil [or-goe(!)j] pride; re-cueil [ro-koe(:)j] collection. Exercise XIII on [cc]. Write, dividing into syllables when pos- sible, as ordinarily done in writing and printing, the following words, pronouncing aloud the syllables as you write them: ai- greur, accueil, aveugle, bonheur, chceur, cccur, couleuvre, deuil, ecueil, farceur, fleurs, fleuve, grosseur, heure, hauteur, heurter, jeune, largeur, leur, inallieur, (il) meurt, meurtre, neuf, odeur, ceil, ceillet, oeuf, oeuvre, orgueil, pecheur, peuple, peuplier, peur, plaideur, preuve, serviteur, seuil, soeur, veuve. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them into syllables as spoken, pronouncing the sj'Uables aloud as you write them, using the key alphabet. 119 ou = [u] written ou, ou (and ou in the word ou = where) (128); as in tout [tu] all; tour [tu:r] tower; al)out as in English food, keeping the sound uniformly close throughout, ou occurs as long usually under the ordi- nary conditions, that is, before the voiced fricatives [j], [v], [z], [5] and [r] (13): a-mour [a-mu:r] love; en-tou-re [a-tu!r] surrounds; e-pou-se [c-pu:z] wife; jour [5u:r] day; lou-ve [lu:v] she-wolf; rou-ge [ru:5] red. ou elsewhere is usually short: bouc [buk] buck; bou-che [bu^i] mouth; gout [gu] taste; loup [luj wolf; pou-ce [pusj thumb; tous-se [tus] cou^h. Exercise XIV on [u]. Write and divide when po.ssible into syl- lables, as ordinarily done in writing and j)rititing, the following words, pronouncing aloud the syllables as you write them: amour, aofit, bijou, blouse, chou, coup, courcz, (il) coutc, couverl, degortt, doux, douzf!, «'j>f)ux, ('jjouse, fou, foulard, froufrou, houx, jaloux, jalouse, joujou, jour, laboureur, loup, lourd, Ivourdes, louvc, mou, 46 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION mousse, nouveau, ou, ou, pouls, roux, sou, soite these same words, dividing them into syllables as usually pronounced in spoken French, using the key alphabet. VOWEL COMBINATIONS 47 III VOWEL COMBINATIONS 12? Vowel combinations representing simple sounds: ai (ay, ai), ei (ey, ei), au (eau), eu (oeu, oe, ue), ou (ou, ou). As the sounds themselves which these vowel com- binations respectively represent, namely: [e] or [e], [e], [o] or [o], [0] or [oe] and [u] have received detailed treatment, it only remains here briefly to summarize the subject for convenience of reference. These combinations are known as digraphs and trigraphs. 123 ai (ay), except as noted immediately below in 124, are pronounced [e]. The sound occurs especially in the combinations: aie, air, aire, ais, aise, aisse, aix, as in craie [kre] chalk; chair [^eir] flesh; tai-re [teir] to he silent; chan-tais [Sa-te] ivas singing; chai-se [^eiz] chair; grais-se [grcs] fat; paix [pr] peace (84). 124 ai is pronounced [e] in the auxiliary form j'ai [5 e] I have; in the imperative forms a-yez [e-je] /iave,anda-yons [e-j5] let us have; whenever final, as in the verb-endings: je chan-tai [50 S«-te] / was singing; in the forms of the verb savoir: je sais [50 so] / know; tu sais [ty se] thou knowest; il sait [il so] he knows; m a few words ending in ai: gai [ge] gay; geai [50]; quai [ko] quay (82). Klse- wlure the combination ai is pronounced [r] as indicated in the preceding section. 125 ei (ey, ei) are regularly pronounced [v] wherever they occur; and y between vowels -=i+i: as-sey-er = "as- 48 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION sei-ier" [a-s8-je] to sit doivn; gras-sey-er = " gras-sei-ier " [gra-se-je] to pronounce r with the uvula, a throat r (cf. 159); ba-lei-ne [ba-le( !)n] whale; nei-ge [neis] snoiv; pa-reil-le [pa- re (Oj] equal; pei-ne [pe(:)n] trouble; rei-tre [reitr] German horse-soldier; Sei-ne [sein]; sei-ze [ssiz] sixteen (90). 126 au (eau) are regularly pronounced o : au [o] to the; aus-si [o-si] also; beau [bo] fine; ca-deau [ka-do] gift; eau [o] water; nou-veau [nu-vo]. new (cf. 102). Before r, au is regularly pronounced as open o [o]: Lau-re [loir]; lau-rier [lo-rje] laurel; Mau-re [moir] Moor; res-tau-rant [res-to- ra]; also in the proper name Paul [pol]. In the future and conditional forms of avoir, j 'aural and j'aurais, usage dif- fers: [3 ore], [3 ore], and [3 ore], [3 ore] (112). 127 eu (eu, oe, oeu, ue after c, q and g) simply repre- sent the closed sound of eu = [0] (cf. 114), or the open sound of eu = [oe] (cf. 117). eu has regularly the closed sound when written eu, as in jeu-ne [50m] fasting; when final or followed by final consonants; also, usually, before s [ = z] or t within the syllable of a word; dan-seu-se [da- s0!z] dancer; feu-tre [f0:tr] felt; heu-reux [oe-r0] happy; lieux [lj0] places; neu-tre [n0-tr] neuter; noeud [n0] knot; peu [p0] little; pre-cieu-se [pre-sj0:z] precious; vceux [v0] vows. Elsewhere, as before pronounced final consonants, and before 11 or Ule = [j], the sound is that of open eu = [oe], which is less frequent than the closed eu = [0]: ac-cuell [a-koe(i)j] loelcome; a-veu-gle [a-voe-gl] blind; boeuf [beef] ox; jeu-ne [seen] young; meu-ble [moe-bl] furniture; neuf [nojf] new; cell [oe(!)j] eye; oe-U-let [oe-je] pink; or-guell [or- goe(i)j] pride; peu-ple [pce-pl] people; veu-ve [vceiv] widow. NASAL VOWELS 49 1?8 ou (ou) = [u] regularly (119): bout [bu] end; e-cou-tez [e-ku-te] listen; gout [gu] taste; jou-jou [3U-5U] plaything; loup [lu] wolf; Lour-des [lurd]; tous-se [tus] coughs. Exercise XVI on vowel combinations {digraphs and trigraphs) representing simple sounds. Arrange the following words in groups, each group illustrating by its examples one of the sounds [e], [e], [o], [a], [0], [oe], [u]: abbaye, (j')ai, anglais, artichaut, asseyez, aurai, aurais, auroi'c, aveugle, baulieu, Beaumarchais, begayer, brouter, cadeau, chaine, choeur, clouer, eoeur, (je) conduirai, couter, cueillir, dcblayer, defaut, dcgout, desormais, enjeux, enseigne, filleul, fran- 9ais, frayeur, gai, grassej^er, gucuse, gueux, haleine, honneur, (i')irai, jeudi, jeuner, jeuneur, jeuneuse, jouter, Laure, manam\Te, marais, Meaux, meuble, moeurs, noeud, ceil, orgueilleux, Paul, peuple, queue, Rabelais, restaurant, reitre, rougeaud, (il) salt, traine, trou, vaux. Exercise XVII. Write and divide into syllables, whenever possible, as usually done in writing and printing, the above words, pronouncing aloud each syllable or word as you wTite it. Supplemextary Exercise. Write and divide into sj'llables as ordinarily pronounced in spoken French, the above words, pronoun- cing aloud the syllables and words as you WTite them, and using the key alphabet. IV NASAL VOWELS [a], [e], [5], [de] 129 Wlien m or n occur as final they lose their value as consonants, and form a nasal sound with the preceding vowel. Likewise when ending a syllable, and before a con- sonant other than m or n, they are not pronounced, but serve simply to nasalize the preceding vowel. In these nasal sounds neither m nor n should be heard. 50 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 130 There are four nasal sounds in French, each of which is represented by several combinations of letters. The symbols for each of the nasals are [5], [e], [5], [ce]. As may be inferred from these symbols, the nasals are simply the oral vowels [a], [e], [o], [oe] nasalized; that is, the breath, instead of passing entirely through the mouth, is partly turned aside through the nose passage. This produces a nasal intonation. 131 [a], written an, am, en, em, as in en [a] in, tan-te [tait] aunt; about as in English want (but see 4, note 1), an: an-cien [a-sje] ancient; banc [ba] bench; en-fant [a-fa] child; es-pe-ran-ce [es-pe-ra:s] hope; franc [fra] frank; Fran-ce [fra is]; man-chet-te [ma-$et] cuff; quan- ti-te [ka-ti-te]; sang [sd] blood, am: am-bu-lan-ce [a-by- lais]; am-ple [a-pl]; cam-pe-ment [kap-md] cam-ping; cham-bre [Sd-br] chamber; cham-pa-gne [Sd-paji]; fiam-ber [fld-be] to blaze; jam-be [5d:b] leg; lam-pe [la:p] lamp; ram-pant [ra-pa] crawling, en: en-crier [a-kri-je] ink- well; en-sem-ble [d-sa-bl] together; en-trer [a-tre] to enter; gran-de-ment [grdd-md] greatly; pa-rent [pa-raj; pre- sen-ce [pre-zais]; ten-tu-re [td-ty:r] hangings; ven-dre-di [va-dr8-di] Friday; vio-len-ce [vjo-ldis]. em: em-pe-cher [a-pE-$e] to hinder; em-pi-re [d-piir]; en-sem-ble [fi-sd-bl] together; rem-plir [rd-pli:r] to fill; sem-blant [sa-bla] ap- pearance; sep-tem-bre [spp-tdib] September; tem-pe-te [ta-pe:t] tempest; temps [ta] time; trem-per [trd-pe] to dip. 132 Special cases, -am, usually final, in most foreign names (235) is not nasal: A-bra-ham [a-bra-am] (but A-dam [a-dd]); A-gram [a-gram]; Am-ster-dam [am-ster- dam] ; Pri-am [pri-am] ; Rot-ter-dam [ro-ter-dam] ; Wagram NASAL VOWELS 51 [va-gram]. am in dam-ner, to condemn, and derivatives, is not nasal: [da-ne]. am, in other words before n, is pronounced [am] as in am-nis-tie [am-nis-ti] amnesty. 133 en final in some foreign words (240) is not nasal: Bee-tho-ven [be-to-ven]; hy-men [i-men]; spe-ci-men [spe- si-men]. en in the following words is nasal, although the n (or nn) precedes a vowel : en-i-vrer [a-ni-vre] to intoxi- cate; en-no-blir [a-no-bliir] to ennoble; en-nui [a-niii] te- diousness; en-or-gueil-lir [a-nor-goe-ji:r] to make proud. 134 em final in foreign words (235) is not nasal : i-dem [i-dem]; Je-ru-sa-lem [se-ry-za-lem]. emm, initial, is pronounced [uni]: em-me-ner [om-ne] to lead away; em- ma-ga-si-ner [d-ma-ga-zi-ne] to store, emm and enn, in a few words, are pronounced [am] and [an] respectively: fem-me [fam] woman; hen-nir [a-niir] to neigh; nen-ni [na-ni] by no means; so-len-nel [so-la-ncl] solemn. Ad- verbs ending in -em-ment are likewise pronounced with the sound [am]: ar-dem-ment [ar-da-ma] ardently; pni- dem-ment [pry-da-ma] prudently; re-cem-ment [re-sa-mu] recently. Exercise XVIII on an, am, en, em = [al. Write the follouinf^ words, dividing them, wlii-n i)o.ssiblo, into sj'llables as usual in writ- ing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables as you write thoni: Adam, blanc, blanche, camp, cancan, centre, champ, changoant, chanter, dans, dansant, dent, empire, emploi, en, enfant, entendant, entrant, flambeau, fraru;, gciidre, grande, Jean, lanipe, lente, nian- geant, membre, patience, plante, prendre, quand, rampe, sang, as- Bemblant, s'cn, sens, temple. Supi'LEMENTAUY ExEiu'iKE. Write tliesc same words, dividing them, whj:n jKissible, into syllables as usually pronounced in spoken French, using the key alphabet. 52 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 135 [e], written in, im, yn, ym, ain, aim, ein, eim; and en, when final, or followed by s of the plural after i or y, likewise in forms from tenir and venir, as in vin [ve] wine; tein-te [teit] color; about as in English anger, avoiding the g sound, in: in-stinct [es-te]; lu-trin [ly-tre] reading-desk; re-din-go-te [ra-de-got] frock coat, im: im- be-ci-le [e-be-sil]; lim-bes [leib] limho; sim-ple [seipl]. jm: la-rynx [la-re iks]; sjm-ta-xe [se-taks]; syn-the-se [se-teiz] synthesis, ym: nym-phe [neif]; sym-pa-thie [se-pa-ti] sympathy; thym [te] thytne. ain: main-te-nant [met-na] now; pain [pe] bread; vain-crez [ve-krc] (you) will conquer. aim: daim [de] deer; es-saim [e-se] swarm; faim [fe] hun- ger, ein: cein-tu-re [se-tyir] belt; des-sein [de-se] draw- ing; pein-tu-re [pe-tyir] painting, eim: R(h)eims [rr:s]. en, when final, or followed by s of the plural, after i or y : chiens [5je] dogs, lien [Ije] bond; rien [rje] nothing; Tro-yen [trwa-je] Trojan, en in forms from tenir and venir: tient [tje] (he) holds; viens [vje] come. Note, ien when not final, and not occurring in the forms of tenir and venir, has in many cases the sound [ja], as in cli-ent [kh-ja]; con-sci-ence [k5-s.ia:s]; o-be-dience [o-be-dja:s]; o-rient [a-rja]; pa- tience [pa-sju:s]; science [sjais]. 136 Special cases. The sound [e] is heard: in the sec- ond part of the diphthongs een (ien and yen, as just stated above under en, when final, etc.), oin, uin. een: eu-ro-pe-en [oe-ro-pe-e] European; ly-ce-en [li-se-r] stu- dent at a lycee; ven-de-en [va-de-?] of the department of the Vendee, oin: coin [kwc] corner; join-dre [sweidr} to join; poin-tu-re [pw£-tyir] size, uin: juin [sw] June; quin-tu- ple [ke-ty-pl] fivefold; suin-ter [sqc-te] to ooze, sweat NASAL VOWELS 53 137 [e], written en, is the sound heard in a number of foreign words: A-ben-ce-ra-ge [a-be-se-rais]; a-gen-da [a-58-da] memorandum-hook; ap-pen-di-ce [a-pe-dis] ap- pendix; Ben-gale [be-gal]; ben-ga-li [Ijc-ga-li] of Bengal; Ben-ja-min [bt-5a-me]; ben-zi-ne [be-zin]; com-pen-dium [ko-pt'-djjni]; ex-a-men [eg-za-me] examinatioyi ; ex-ten-so [cks-t8-so] (in) extenso; Ma-gen-ta [ma-se-ta]; Ma-ren-go [ma-re-go]; Mem-phis [mg-fiis]; pen-sum [pg-som] task; Penn-syl-va-nie [pe-sil-va-ni] (270); rho-do-den-dron [ra- do-de-drj]; Ru-bens [ry-be:s]. 138 Initial in, inn, im, imm, before a vowel (or silent h) is not nasal, in: in-a-per-?u [i-na-pcr-sy] unperceived; in-er-te [i-nert] inert; in-ha-bi-le [i-na-bil] incapable, inn: in-ne [in-ne] inborn; in-no-cent [i-no-sa]; in-nom-bra-ble [i-n3-brabl] innumerable, im: i-ma-ge [i-mais]; i-mi-ta-ble [i-mi-ta-bl] ; and when not initial, also, as in li-mon [li-ni3] shaft, imm: im-ma-cu-le [i-ma-ky-le] immaculate; im- men-se [i-mu:s]; im-mi-gra-tion [i-mi-gra-sj5]. 139 im or imm final in foreign words is not nasal: E-phra-im [e-fra-im]; Grimm [grinij; Se-lim [se-lini]. 110 ymn is pronounced [imn]: gym-na-se [sim-naiz] gymnasium; hym-ne [imn] hymn; Po-lym-nie [po-lim-ni]. Exercise XIX on in, im, yn, ym, ain, aim, ein, eim and en final after i or y, all (■(luivalont to the sound |f]. Writo tho following words, dividing tlicni, when poHsihlc, into syllables jus usual in writ- ing and j)rint ing, pronouncing aloud the syUablos or words when wi'it- ten: ainsi, am<'>ricain, ancien, bien, cliien, coquin, crin, daini, faini, feindre, fin, foin, frein, index, joindre, juin, lin, linipide, loin, lynx, mainte, niaintien, niarin, Martin, nioins, moyen, nyniphe, Olyuipe, 54 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION pain, peinture, pin, rein, R(h)eims, Rhin, soin, sain, sein, simple, tient, viens. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, when possible, into syllables as usually pronounced in spo- ken French, using the key alphabet. 141 [5], written on, om, as in blon-de [bio id] blond; trom-pe [troip] horn; about as in English song, avoiding the g sound. The sound [5] should be pronounced with the lips nearly closed, on: an-non-ce [a-nSis] announce- rnent; ac-tion [ak-sj3]; cir-con-stan-ce [sir-kos-tais] cir- cumstance; chan-son [5(i-s5] song; con-te [koit] story; on-cle [5-kl] uncle, om: comp-te [koit] account; comp- tons [k3-t3] let us count; plomb [pl3] lead; sur-nom [syr-no] surname; tom-be [t3:b] tomb; trom-per [tro-pe] to deceive. 143 Special cases. [3] is the sound heard in foreign words which are written with un, as in Bruns-wick [br3s- vik]; de pro-fun-dis [de pro-fo-dis]; Dun-can [d3-ka]; Dun-kerque [d3-kerk]; Gun-ther [g3-t8!r]; punch [p3:5]; se-cun-do [so-go-do]; and in foreign words written with um (not final, see 235) as in lum-ba-go [l3-ba-go]; Hiun- bert [3-be!r]; re-sump-tion [re-zop-sj3]. on = [9] in mon-sieur [mo-sj0] sir. 143 om is not nasal (234, 237) when followed by n: au- tom-nal [o-tom-nal] autumnal (but in au-tom-ne the m is silent [o-ton] autunui); ca-lom-nie [ka-lom-ni] calumny; om-ni-bus [om-ni-bys] ; om-ni-po-tent [om-ni-po-ta] ; om- ni-science [om-ni-sjciis]; om-ni-vo-re [om-ni-voir] ow- nivorous; som-nam-bu-le [som-na-byl] somnambulist; som-no-lent [som-no-lu]. NASAL VOWELS 55 Exercise XX on on, om = [3]. Write the following words, di- viding them, when possible, into s3'Uables as usual in writing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables or words when written: bonte, Chalons, Colomb, comble, comptons, conge, conte, demon, dompter, Domremy, Fenelon, fonetion, fond, font, legon, Londres, longue, monte, ombrelle, ombre, onclc, onction, onze, plonger, pompe, promptitude, pronom, prononciation, rompre, il rompt, ronde, savon, surnom, tombeau. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, when possible, into syllables as usually pronounced in spoken French, using the key alphabet. 144 [oe], written un, iim, eun, as in chacun, humble, a jeun; about as in English sung, avoiding the g sound, un: au-cun [o-kd'] no one; brim [brce] brown; com-mun [ko-mde] common; de-funt [de-f(x>] deceased; em-prun-te [u-proeit] loan, um: hum-ble-ment [oe-bb-ma] humbly; par-fum [par-foe] perfume, eun: a jeun [a 3de] fasting; Meung [mce]. For un and um in foreign words = [5], see 142. 145 In a few words, mostly Latin, and in quite general use in French (235), final um is pronounced om with- out nasality, that is [om] : ad li-bi-tum [ad li-bi-tom] ; al- bum [al-bom]; com-pen-dium [k5-pe-djom]; de-co-rum [de-ko-rom]; max-i-mum [mak-si-mom] ; mi-ni-mum |mi- ni-mom]; mu-se-um [niy-ze-.)in]; pen-sum [ije-som] cvtra task (at school); post-scrip-tum [p.)st-skrip-t.)m]; o-pium [o-pj.mi]; rhum [r.>inj rum; Te Deum [te dc-.Hu]; va-de- me-cum [va-de-ine-kuin]. KxKKcisK XXI on un, um, eun. Write tlic following words, divid- ing them, when possible, into .•syllables a.s usual in writing and print- 56 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION ing, pronouncing aloud the syllables oi' words as you write them: alun, Autun, brun, chacun, commun, defunt, d'un, emprunt, em- prunter, les Huns, humble, humblement, importun, a jeun, Lauzun, I'un, lundi, Melun, Mehung, Meung, parfum, quelqu'un, qu'un. Supplementary Exercise A. Write these same words, dividing them, when possible, into syllables as usually pronounced in spoken French, using the key alphabet, and pronouncing aloud each syllable or word as you write it. Supplementary Exercise B, on the four nasals [a], [e], [3], [de]. Pronounce aloud the following words or nasal sounds: anse, pince, onze, unze*;i ban, bain, bon, bun*; bande, binde, bonde, bunde*; camp, qu'in, qu'on, qu'un; cami)c, quinte, contc, qu'unze*; dent, daim, don, d'un; en, in, on, un; fend, fin, fond, fun*; gant, gain, gond, gun*; Jean, geindre, jonc, jeun; I'an, Un, I'on, I'un; langue, huge, longe, leunge*; m'en, main, mon, Meung; Nantes, nain, non, nun*; pende, pain, pont, pun*; rang, rein, rond, run*; sang, sainte, sonde, sun*; tante, tcinte, tondre, Autun; vende, vin, vont, vun*. Supplementary Exercise C. Write out these same words, in- dicating their pronunciation by means of the key alphabet, and pro- nouncing them aloud as you write them. 146 Whenever an, in, on, un, or the combinations forming the nasal sounds, precede a vowel, or whenever the m or n is doubled, these combinations do not then pro- duce nasal sounds. In such cases the n or m goes with the following vowel to begin another syllable: an-nee [a-ne] year; bon-ne [bon] good; en-ne-mi [en-mi] enemy; e-tren-nes [e-tren] gifts; hon-ne-te-te [o-net-te] honesty; ho-no-ra-ble [o-n.i-ra(i)bl];.in-a-ni-me [i-na-ni-me] inani- mate; in-at-ten-tif [i-na-td-tif] inattentive; in-no-cent [i-no-sci]; im-mi-gra-tion [i(m)-mi-gra-sj3]; pa-no-ra-ma [pa-no-ra-ma] ; pro-chai-ne [pro-$en] next. 1 The starred forms are not real words. THE SEMI-VOWELS 57 147 To the above important principle, a few words form exception. Those most frequently heard are: em- ma-ga-si-ner [a-ma-ga-zi-ne] to store; en-i-vrer [d-ni-vre] to intoxicate, and derivatives; en-or-gueil-lir [a-nor-ga?-ji:r] to make -proud; en-nui [ci-nqi] tediousness, and derivatives. 148 Although such words as the examples given in 146 are divided, when lATitten and printed, as shown, neverthe- less, when pronounced, they are divided on the principle that, whenever possible, each syllable begins with a con- sonant and ends with a vowel; and that double conso- nants are, as a rule, the same as though single (35). Exercise XXII on words containing n or m, in which the n or m preserv'es its own sound and therefore does not unite with a pre- ceding vowel to form a nasal sound. Write the following words, di- viding them into syllables as written and printed, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you WTite them : abonne, ananas, Anna, annales, annoter, annuel, amateur, canne, Emma, Emmanuel, euro- peenne, homme, image, imminent, immodeste, inn6, innocemment, innover, inodorc, inouT, lunati()ue, mienrie, monarque, moj'enne, onereux, sommite, sonnette, unauime. SuppLEMENTAiiY ExEiiciSE. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as pronounced in spoken French, using the key alphabet. V THE SEMI-VOWELS [j], [w], [^] 149 W'licn any one of the vowels i (y), o, u, or tlie group OU stands innncdiatcly before another vowel, the quality of these vowels, by coalescing with tlic following vowel, is sliglitly changed, and instead of a sinii)l(! vowel sound, n FKENCH PRONUNCIATION there results what is called a semi-vowel, known also by the terms semi-consonant and diphthong. 150 The French sounds are not real diphthongs, such as are heard in the English words time, lowd, noise. In all so-called French "diphthongs" (except vowel+il, ill = [j]) it is the second element that bears the stress; that is, the so-called French "diphthongs" are rising, unlike the genuine English diphthongs, as in the words just cited, which are falling. Semi-vov/els, in the French sense of the term as here used, exist in English. The first element in English year is an example of a semi- vowel, being about halfway between vocalic ear and con- sonantal jeer. 151 The way in which the semi-vowels occur may be seen at a glance by citing examples illustrating the most usual combinations in which each of the French vowels i (y), 0, u and group ou combine with a vowel inunedi- ately following. In these combinations the voice rests upon the second element, the first being pronounced quick and short. 153 The semi-vowel [j] is represented in French by i+ vowel in the combinations written: ia, iai, ie, ie, ie, io, iau, ieu, iu and y before a vowel, as in the following ex- amples: ia, ya = [ja]: fia-cre [fja-kr] hack; hya-cin-the [ja- S8!t]; pia-no [pja-no]; so-cial [so-sjal]. iai = [je]: liai-son [Ije-zo] linking; niais [nje] silly; re-mer-ciait [ra-mer-sje] thanked; ves-tiai-re [ves-tjeir] cloak-room, ie, ie = [je]: a-mi-tie [a-mi-tje] friendship; frui-tier [frqi-tje] fruit-set' THE SEMI-VOWELS 59 ler; lier [Ije] to bind; pied [pje] foot: pi-tie [pi-tje] pity. ie, ie = [J8]: hier [jc:r] yesterday; lie-vre [Ijcivr] hare; nie-ce [njes]. ieu = [j0]: dieu [dj0] god; lieu [Ij0] place; mon-sieur [m9-sj0] sir. iau = [jo]: miau-ler [rnjo-le] to mew; piau-ler [pjo-le] to whine. io = [jo]: i-dio-te [i-djot] idiot; myo-pe [mjop] near-sighted; vio-let-te [vjo-let] violet. iu = [jy]: re-liu-re [ra-ljyir] binding; sciu-re [sjyir] saw- dust. 153 As the examples show, every i (y) followed by a vowel is pronounced [j]. Thus the adverb y [i] there be- comes [j] when preceding a word beginning with a vowel: 5a y est [sa j e] that's it; 11 y a [il j a] there is; il y en a [il j d na] there are some; ou y a-t-il? [u j a t il] where are there? But when the i is preceded by two or more consonants in a group, as bl, br, gl, gr, pi, pr, tl, tr, then the i may pre- serve its full vowel finality before another vowel, or may have the [j] sound: fa-bli-au [fa-bli-o] medieval tale (in verse); fe-vri-er [fe-vri-e] February; pri-er [pri-e] to pray; qua-tri-e-me [ka-tri-rm] fourth; sem-bli-ez [sd-bli-e] (you) seemed; tri-a-ge [tri-a:5] sorting. Under these circum- stances it is obviously not so easy to pronounce [j]. 154 y before vowels usually represent>^ the sound [j]: hya-cin-the [ja-srit]; yeux [j()] eyes; Yo-lan-de [jo-lual]; yo-le [jol]. y between vowels is equivalent to i+i: payer, to pay = "pai-\ev" [pc-je], the first i, when united with the preceding a, forming simply a digrai)h represent- ing the simple sound [r], and the second retaining its consonantal value of [j], the result being [pH<'l- J^''^<- cases are: cray-on [krf-j5] pencil; doy-en [dwa-jfj dean; 60 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION es-say-er [e-se-je] to try; foy-er [fwa-je] hearth; moy-en [mwa-je] means; voy-el-le [vwa-jel] vowel. Exceptions in which no digraph with the preceding a is formed occur in a few proper nouns or adjectives therefrom: Ba-yeux [ba-j0]; Ba-yon-ne [ba-jon]; La Fa-yet-te [la fa-jet]; Fa- yen-ce [fa-jciis]; Ma-yen-ce [ma-ju:s]; ma-yon-nai-se [ma- jo-ne:z]. 155 il after a vowel, at the end of a word, as in tra- vail [tra-va:j] work; and ill within a syllable, or before a final mute e, as in ba-tail-lon [ba-ta-j5] batallion; ba- tail-le [ba-ta:j] battle, represent the sound [j]. These cases are taken up under so-called "liquid 1," which rep- resents the sound of English y in year (225). Exercise XXIII on the serai-vowel [j], written ia, iai, ie, ie, ie, io, iau, ieu, iu, and y before a vowel. Write the following words, di- viding them, when possible, into syllables as ordinarily done in writing and printing, and pronouncing aloud the syllables or words as you write them: aieul, alUer, bestiaire, baionette, bien, canaille, cerisier, chien, diete, effrayer, enthousiasme, entier, entiere, espion- nage, famille, fier, hier, hygiene, liasse, lier, loyal, mediocre, miette, mieux, miheu, negociait, pieu, pioche, rayon, rien, violon, yacht, yeux, yole. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as pronounced in spoken French, using the key alphabet, and pronouncing aloud the words or syllables as you write them. 156 The semi-vowel [w], which sounds like the English w in won, though more tense, results from vowel* combina- tions written: oi, oi, oy, oe, oe, oua, oua, cue, cue, oui, oueu, ua. The following examples illustrate common cases under each combination : oi, oi, oy = [wa] : boi-te THE SEMI-VOWELS 61 [bwait] box; e-toi-le [e-twal] star; ci-toy-en [si-twa-je] citi- zen; moi [mwa] me; moy-en [mwa-jr] means; toi [twa] thee; soi [swa] oneself; voi-sin [vwa-ze] neighbor, oi, oe, oe={wa]: a-droi-te [a-drwat] skilful; bois [bwa] wood; croix[krwa] cross; frois-se [frwas] crumples; moel-le [mwal] marrow; mois [mwa] month; pa-rois-se [pa-rwas] parish; poe-le [pwa:l] stove. As to the quality of the a sound in words in oi, whether [a] or [a], there is no absolute rule, the conditions being those for [a] and [a], usage varying considerably (cf . 62) . oua, oua = [wa] : bi-vouac [bi-vwak] ; doua-ne [dwan] custom-house; goua-che [gwaS] body-color; loua-mes [Iwam] (we) praised; oua-te [wat] wadding. cue, cue = [we]: ba-fouer [ba-fwe] to baffle; jouer [swe] to play ;\oue [Iwe] hired, cue = [we]: chouet-te [Swft] owl; jouet [owc] plaything; rouet [rwr] spinning-wheel. oui = [wi]: en-fouir [u-fwiir] to bury; e-va-nouir [e-va-nwi:r] to vanish; Louis [Iwi]; Loui-se [Iwiiz]; ouir [wiir] to hear; rejouir [re-5wi:r] to rejoice. oueu = [w0]: boueux [bw0] muddy; joueu-se [5W0:z] player; noueux [nw0] knotty. oueu = [w(x;]: joueur [swocjr] player; loueur [Iwoeir] one who praises. ua = [wa] after q in a number of words, some of the commoner of which are: a-de-quat [a-de-kwa] adequate; a-qua-ti-que [a-kwa-tik] aquatic; a-qua-rel-le [a-kwa-rfl] ; a-qua-rium [a-kwa-^jom]; e-qua-teur [e-kwa- t(t':r] equator; e-qua-tion [e-kwu-sj3]; quartz [kwarts]; squa-re [skwair]; also ua = [wa] after g in a few words, mostly foreign: al-gua-zil [al-gwa-zil] constable; Gua-dal- qui-vir [gwa-dai-ki-viir]; Gua-de-lou-pe [gwad-lup]; gua- no [gwa-no]; Gua-te-ma-la [gwa-tc-ma-la] ; lin-gual [Ic- gAvai]; — but note that this does not apply to French verb-endings as in fa-ti-gua [fa-ti-ga] (he) fatigued; con- 62 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION ju-guant [k5-5y-ga] conjugating; dis-tin-gua [dis-te-ga] (he) distinguished. 157 w and wh = [w] in some English words : sand-wich [sa-dwit$]; tramway [tra-mwe]; whis-key [wi-ske]; whist [wist]. Exercise XXIV on the semi-vowel [w], written oi, oi, oy, oe, oe, oua, oua, cue, cue, oui, oueu, ua in some words after q and g, and w in a few words from English. Write the following words, dividing them, when possible, into syllables as ordinarily done in writing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables or words as you write them: aboyer, aquarelle, aquatique, bafouer, bois, coin, croyez, (il) doua, douane, Edouard, epanouir, equation, cvanoui, foi, fouace, foyer, fouet, joindre, jouai, joueur, lingual, loin, louunge, loyer, Louis, Louise, moelleux, moellon, mois, nettoyer, noire, noix, noyau, ouate, oui, poelee, poelette, poeUer, poids, poix, quadrupede, roi, royal, royaume, sandwich, territoire, trois, troyen. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as pronounced in spoken French, pronouncing aloud the words or syllables as you write them, using the key alphabet. 158 The semi-vowel [q], written only u, as in buis [bqi] boxwood; cuir [kqiir] leather; fruit [frqi] is the result of the vowel combinations written ua, ua, ue, ue, ue, ui (uy), ueu. [\\] is a French u lightly pronounced, just as [j] is an i lightly pronounced, and [w] an ou lightly pro- nounced. But with the vowels u, i, ou, it is the vocalic quality of the vowel which predominates, while in the case of their fricative correspondents [q], [j], [w], owing to the narrowing of the air passage, it is the fricative quality that is noticeable. The sound [\\] is one of the most difficult of the French sounds to acquire. Begin by THE semi-vo"\;\t:ls C3 pronouncing first the vowel u and then the following vowel, which accompanies and makes up the semi-vowel [n], slowly, and -svith equal emphasis, as in lui [h{i] to him; increase the speed, and finally pronounce both quickly, resting lightly on the u and placing the emphasis on the following vowel i. 159 Distinguish carefully between French Louis [Iwi] and lui [Iqi] to him; and avoid such English pronuncia- tions as "Bossway" for French Bos-suet [bo-sqe], and "poui" for French puis [pqi]. Moreover, as y between vowels = i+i (see 125), care should be taken to pronounce words like ap-puy-er = [a-pqi-je] to lean upon (not a-pqi-e), and in like manner es-suy-er should be pronounced [e-sqi-je] (and not e-sqi-e); that is, the presence of the semi-vowel in ui+i in such words should be heard just before the second i and not simply the semi-vowel ui alone. 160 Examples of [q] resulting from the vowel combina- tions ua, ua, ue, ue, ue, ui (uy), ueu follow: ua, ua = [qa]: ar-gua-mes [ar-gqani] (we) argued; nua-ge [nqais] cloud; sua [squj (he) sweated; sua-ve [sqa:v]. ue, ue = [qe]: nuee [nqe] cloud; puer [pqe] to .stink; tuer [tqe] to kill, ue, ue = [qr]: muet [mqt] mute; ruel-le [rqcl] lane; sue-rent [sqcir] (they) sweated, ui (uy) = [qi]: buis [bqi] boxwood; es- suy-er [e-sqi-je] to wipe; lui [Iqi] to him; pluie [plqi] rain; tuy-au [tqi-jo] tube; sui-vre [sqi-vr] to follow. ueu=[q0]: rueu-se [rqci:/] kicker; tueu-se [:r] slayer. 64 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Exercise XXV on the semi-vowel [ii], wi-itten ua, ua, oeue, ue, ue, ui (uy), ueu. Write the following words, dividing them, when pos- sible, into syllables as ordinarily done in wi'iting and printing, pro- nouncing aloud the syllables or words as you write them : annuaire, annuel, appuyer, bruine, bruire, buis, cuir, cuisine, cuivre, duel, ^cuelle, effectuerent, essuyer, fruit, fruitier, huile, huissier, lui, man- eu(5tude, mue, puis, puisque, ruade, ru6, ruelle, rueuse, ruine, ruis- seau, Stuart, sua, suaire, suave, sueur, tua, tueur, tueuse, tuile, tuileries, tuyau. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as usual in spoken French, pronouncing aloud the syllables or words as you write them. 161 The semi-vowels [j], [w], [q] combine with the nasal vowels [a], [e], [5], [de] to form the so-called French nasal diphthongs. Otherwise stated: The nasal vowels an, in, on, un — or in whatever other way they may be written — coalesce with a preceding i (y), o, ou, u (the vowels that may begin a so-called diphthong in French, 149), and form nasal diphthongs written: ian, ien, ion, oin, ouan, Guen, ouin, ouon, uan, uin, uon. 162 ian and ien (not final nor in the forms of tenir and venir, 135 and Note) : con-fian-ce [ko-fjais] confidence; e-tu-diant [e-ty-dja] student; ne-go-ciant [ne-go-sja] mer- chant; o-rient [o-rja]; pa-tien-ce [pa-sjais]; scien-ce [sjais]. ien, yen=[je] final and in the forms of tenir and venir: an-cien [a-sje] ancient; bien [bje] ivell; com-bien [ko-bje] how much; gar-dien [gar-djc] guardian; main-tien [me-tje] support; moy-en [mwa-je] means; pa-ri-sien [pa-ri-zje] Parisian, ion = [jo]: ac-tion [ak-s]5] (before ion, t is usually sounded like s); con-so-la-tion [ko-so-la-sj5] ; fac- tion [fak-sjo]; por-tion [por-sjo]. oin = [we]: be-soin [ho- CONSONANTS 65 zwe] 7}€ed; foin [fwe] hay; loin [Iwf] /or; poing [pwe] fist. ouan, ouen = [wu]: E-couen [e-kwu]; louan-ge [Iwais] praise. ouin = [wr]: ba-bouin [ba-bwf] baboon; ba-ra- gouin [ba-ra-gwe] gibberish; mar-souin [mar-swe] porpoise. ouon = [w5]: jouons [5w5] let us play; louons [lw5] let us hire; nouons [nw5] let us tie. uan = [\\li] : huant [i^a] hooting; re-muant [r.)-miia] stirring; tuant [tqa] killing. uin=[n£-]: chuin-ter [Sue-te] to pronounce [5] instead of [z] and [$] in- stead of [s]; juin \:^\\t] June; suin-ter [sqe-te] to ooze. uon = [q5]: dis-tri-buons [di-stri-bqo] let us distribute; suons [sqo] let us sweat; tuons [tijo] let us kill. Exercise XXVI on the French nasal diphthongs. Write the fol- lowing words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as usual in writing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them: audience, au moins, avions, bedouin, be- soin, chouan, chr6tient6, conscience, douons, embryon, fiance, in- gredient, italien, jouant, lion, mendiante, muant, nuance, pingouin, pointe, quintette, Quintihen, quintuple, rejoindre, remuons, Rouen, Saint-Ouen, scientifique, suant, tuons, viande, viendra, vouons. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into S3'llablcs as pronounced in ordinary spoken French, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them, using the key alphabet. VI CONSONANTS 163 For general distinctions between French and English consonants, see 7. 164 Final consonants, whether there be one or several, are usually silent. After nasal vowels this rule is particu- larly applicable: champs \^n] fields; coup [ku] stroke; doigts 66 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION [dwa] fingers ; dos [do] hack; franc [frd]; in-stinct [e-ste]; lit [li] bed; long [lo]; nez [ne] nose; pieds [pjejfeet; prompt [pro]; rond [ro] round; vaincs [ve] (I) conquer. Exceptions to the general rule wall be found under the respective consonant. 165 Final c, f, 1, q, r (the consonants, barring q, in the English word careful) are usually pronounced: a-vec [a-vek] mih; bal [bal] hcul; car [ka(!)r] for; cinq [sf ik] five; chef [5ef] chief; coq [kok] cock; froc [hok] frock; peur [poe:r] fear; sauf [sof] excejit; vil [vil] vile. Moreover, in the few cases, mostly words of foreign origin or proper names, in which b, k, m and n (when not nasalizing the preceding vowel) occur as final, they are usually pronounced. 166 In groups made up of r+ consonant, usually r alone is sounded: bord [boir] edge; clerc [kleir] clerk; corps [koir] body; marc [ma:r] grounds (of coffee); nord [noir] north; pore [poir] pork; sort [soir] lot; tiers [tjeir] third; vers [ve:r] verse; vert [veir] green. 167 Double consonants (42) are in general sounded as though single: ab-be [a-be] abbey; ar-ri-ver [a-ri-ve] to arrive; cas-ser [ka-se] to break; col-ler [ko-le] to glue; cou- ron-ne [ku-ron] crown; frap-per [fra-pe] to strike; frot-ter [fro-te] to rub; gref-fier [grr-fje] bailiff; ter-ri-ne [te-rin] earthen pan. 168 In some cases, double consonants, if not actually heard as two separate consonants, are distinctly longer than single consonants. This happens: 1° In the future and conditional of cou-rir [ku-ri:r] to run; mou-rir [mu- riir] to die; que-rir [ke-riir] to seek. 2° In a number of. CONSONANTS 67 words beginning with ill-, imm-, irr-. 3° In a few other cases. Cases of bb, dd, pp, tt, are rare. Some com- mon cases of doubling or lengthening are: je coiir-rai [5a kur-re] I shall run; vous mour-rez [vu mur-re] you will die; ils quer-ront [il ker-ro] they will seek; il-le-gal [il- le-gal] illegal; il-li-mi-te [il-li-mi-te] illimited; il-lu-sion [il-ly-zj5]; il-lus-tre [il-lystr] illustrious; im-ma-nent [im- ma-nti]; im-men-se [im-mais]; im-mo-bi-le [im-mo-bil] im- movable; im-mu-ne [im-myn]; ir-ra-tion-nel [ir-ra-sjo-nelj; ir-re-pa-ra-ble [ir-re-pa-rabl] ; ir-ri-tant [ir-ri-ta] irritating; ir-rup-tion [ir-ryp-sj5]; al-le-go-ri [al-le-go-ri] allegory; al- le-guer [al-le-ge] to allege; am-mo-nium [am-mo-njom] am- monia; an-na-les [an-nal] records; an-na-lis-te [an-na-list] recorder; hor-ri-ble [or-ribl]; in-ne [in-ne] inborn; syl-la-be [sil-la(!)b] syllable. 169 The distinction practically is of no great import- ance. Outside of a few cases such as the above, it is hardly perceptible, and even in such cases usage varies. Compare the following, which are examples in very com- mon words of the normal usage: al-ler [a-le] to go; a-mol- lir [a-mo-liir] to soften; an-neau [a-no] ring; an-nee [a-ne] year; ar-rie-re [a-rje:r] behind; ar-ri-ve [a-ri-ve] arrival; ar-ro-ser [a-ro-ze] to water; car-re [ka-re] square; ter-ri- ble [te-ribl]. 170 b fbb) = [b] as in bout [bu] end; ro-be [ro(!)b] dress; ab-be [a-bc] abbot; about as in English harbor, bnvber. [b] is regularly represented in French by b; Imt before the voiceless consonants s or t, b becomes unvoiced (cf. 240) and sounds like p: ab-sent [ap-su]; ab-sin-the [ap- 68 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION S8:t] wormwood; ab-so-lu-ment [ap-so-ly-ma] absolutely; ab-so-lu-tion [ap-so-ly-sj5]; ab-sol-vons [ap-sol-v5] let us absolve; ab-sou-dre [ap-sudr] to absolve; abs-te-nir [aps- ta-ni:r] to abstain; abs-ti-nen-ce [aps-ti-na:s]; ob-ser-ver [op-stT-ve] to observe; ob-sta-cle [op-stakl]; ob-te-nir [op- to-niir] to obtain; bb, as showii by the examples, is simply treated as b. 171 b final is usually silent (339): Co-lomb [ko-l5]; plomb [plo] lead, but in some proper nouns, and in a few words of foreign origin, is sounded : A-chab [a-kab] ; cab [kab]; Ca-leb [ka-leb]; club [klyb]; Ja-cob [sa-kob]; Jo-ab [30-ab]; Job [30b]; na-bab [na-ljab] nabob; ra-doub [ra- dub] refitting; rumb [r5:b] rhomb. 173 b is silent in the following words: Doubs [du]; Fab-vier [fa-vje]; Le-feb-vre [b-fevr]. Exercise XXVII on b (bb) = [b]. Write, dividing into syllables as ordinarily done in writing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them, the following : abbesse, baba, babel, babiche, babiller, babine, balbutier, bambou, barbare, barbier, bebe, bibelot, biere, bobine, bobo, bombe, brebis, bubon, gibbosite, gobbe, rabbin, sabbat. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them as in spoken French, pronouncing aloud syllables and words, using the key alphabet. 173 c has two sounds: 1° that of [k]; 2" that of [s]. 1° c (cc) before a, o, u = [k], unless the c is marked with a cedilla, c: car [kar] for; cor [koir] horn; cu-re [kyir] rectory; e-co-le [e-kol] school, cc: ac-cord [a-ko:r]; sac- ca-der [sa-ka-de] to jolt; suc-cu-lent [sy-ky-la]. CONSONANTS 69 174 special cases. c = g in se-cond [so-go] and de- rivatives. c = g in rei-ne-clau-de [ren-gloid], but also pronounced [rcn-klo:d] greengage. In the word czar and derivatives c has the sound of g [gzair]; but these words are now more usually written with ts and so pronounced [tsair] or [tzair]. Exercise XXVIII illustrating c (cc) before a, o, u. Write, di- vide as ordinarily wTitten, and pronounce aloud the following words : academie, accabler, accaparer, accoter, acolyte, acoustique, acumine, cacao, calice, cantique, caricature, Caucase, caustique, cuve, raccroc, raccrocher, raccoinmoder, saccade, saccager, saccharin. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud these same words, using the key alphabet. 175 2" c, before e, i (y) = [s]: ce-ci-te [se-si-te] blind- ness; ces-sion [sr-sj3]; cy-gne [siji] swan; Cyr [siir] (proper name); re-ce-voir [ros-vwair] to receive; so-cial [s.i-sjal]. Remark, c, in the combination sc, before e, i (y), is silent: sce-Ie-rat [se-lr-ra] rascal; sce-ne [.sc:n] scene; scien-ce [sja:s]; Scy-thes [sit] Scythians. 176 c, written 5, before a, o, u = [s]: de-gu [de-sy] de- ceived; gar-Qon [gar-s5] hoy; ma-fon [ma-s5] also [ma-s5] mason; perga [pcr-sa] pierced; pla-fa [pla-sa] placed, cc })efore a, o, u = c with the value of [k] as stated under 173; but cc before e, i = [ks]: ac-cent [ak-so]; ac-ci-dent [ak-si-(lu]; suc-ces-seur [syk-sr-soeirj. ExKKCisK XXIX on c, lu-fore e, i (y) = [s]. Write, divide as ordinarily written, and pronounce aloud tlic foUowng words: acc6- lerer, acce[)ter, acces, accident, apergu, ceci, cela, cent, certain, ciel, cil, cimetidre, cire, commcn^ons, congu, cymbalc, cypres, douce, 70 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION encens, facade, fa?on, frangais, legon, pergait, percevoir, proces, recent, reciter, recipient, successeur, succion. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud these same words, using the key alphabet. 177 c before a consonant (other than h, 182-185) = [k]: ac-teur [ak-toeir] actor; ac-tion [ak-sjo]; es-clan-dre [es-kla-dr] scandal; es-cla-ve [es-klaiv] slave; pros-crire [pros-kriir] to proscribe. 178 c final is usually pronounced (165, 340) and is then sounded as [k]. This occurs particularly in monosyl- labic words and in compounds of which they form the final part: a-que-duc [a-ko-dyk] or [ak-dyk] aqueduct; arc [ark]; bac [bak] ferry-boat; bee [bek] beak; bloc [bbk] block; bouc [buk] buck; choc [^ok] shock; co-gnac [ko-jiak]; crac [krak] crack!; due [dyk] diike; es-toc [cs-tok] rapier; ha-mac [a-mak] hammock; saint Marc [se mark] (340, 341). Exercise XXX, illustrating c, before consonants, = [k] ; and c final sounded as [k]. Write, divide when possible as ordinarily writ- ten, and pronounce aloud the following words: avec, bivouac, es- claffer, esclavage, esclavon, escrime, facteur, faction, frac, froc, grec, lac, muse, obstacle, Pandectes, pare, Quebec, reaction, roc, saint Luc, sanctifier, sanctuaire, sec, stuc, sue, tact, tac, tic, tocsin, tric-trac, true, vindicte, zinc. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud these same words, using the key alphabet. 179 c is silent when preceded by a nasal vowel (cf. 164): blanc [bla] ivhite; flanc [flci] flank; franc [fra] frank; jonc [50] rush; tronc [tro] tru7ik; vaincs [vc] (I) conquer; but zinc = [zeik]. CONSONANTS 71 180 c final, though usually sounded, as shown by the examples under 178, is nevertheless silent in a number of words, of which some common examples are the follow- ing: ac-croc [a-kro] hitch; broc [bro] pitcher; ca-out-chouc [ka-ut-$u]; clerc [kleir] clerk; eric [kri] jack-screw; croc [kro] hooJx; es-croc [es-kro] swindler; es-to-mac [es-to-ma] stomach; lacs [laj snares; marc [mair] grounds; pore [poir] pig; ta-bac [ta-ba] tobacco. Exercise XXXI, illustrating examples of c silent in the combi- nation sc (17o Remark); and showing examples of silent final c (179, 180). Write, divide, when possible, as ordinarily written, and pro- nounce aloud the following words: ajonc, arc-boutant, aspect, convaincs, cotignac, Ducroc, jouer aux echecs, ferblanc, instinct, Leclerc, raccroc, sceau, sceller, sceleratesse, scenario, scenique, scep- ticisme, sceptique, sceptre, scie, scientifique, scier, sciemment, scin- tillant, scion, sciure, succinct, il vainc. 181 The word done, denoting a conclusion and gen- erally when bearing emphasis, is pronounced [doik]; otherwise, without the k sound: [da]. The following words are pronounced with or without a final k sound: ar-se-nic [ars-ni(k)] arsenic; cir-con-spect [sir-k3-spe(k)] circumspect; e-chec [e-S8(k)] check; re-spect [re-spe(k)]; sus-pect [sys-pc(k)]. 182 ch = [5], as in English machine, is the usual value of this combination: ca-che [ka^i] hiding-place; cham-bre [Sa:br] chamber; chat [^a] cat; Chi-ne [5i(0n] China; chose f^Diz] thing; fa-cheux [fa-50] sorry; la-che [la:^] coward; pro-chain [])r,)-5fj neighbor. 18J5 ch = [51 in words beginning with ar-chi- [ar-^i] arch (except ar-chi-e-pis-co-pal [ar-ki-e-pi.s-ko-palj and ar- 72 FKENCH PRONUNCIATION chi-e-pis-co-pat [ar-ki-e-pis-ko-pa] archiepiscopate) : ar- chi-diacre [ar-Si-djakr] archdeacon; ar-chi-duc [ar-^i-dyk] archduke; ar-chi-fou [ar-^i-fu] arch fool; ar-chi-pel [ar-^i- pel] archipelago; ar-chi-pre-tre [ar-Si-pre:tr] archpriest; ar-chi-tec-te [ar-^i-tekt] architect. 184 ch = [$] in some words of learned origin that have become quite common, among them: ar-che-ve-che [ar-So-ve-Se] archbishopric; ar-che-ve-que [ar-Sa-veik] archbishop; che-ru-bin [^e-ry-be] cherub; chi-mie [^i-mi] chemistnj; chi-rur-gien [Si-ryr-3Je] surgeon; pa-tri-ar-che [pa-tri-ar5] patriarch. Exercise XXXII on ch = [S]. Write, divide as ordinarily writ- ten and pronounce aloud the following words: Achille, archiduche, archiduchesse, archifolle, architecture, architrave, archives, archi- viste, champ, chant, chasse, chevaher, chien, ChiU, chimere, chirur- gie, choquer, chuchoter, dcchu, fdtichisme, Michel, monarchie, monarchique, pecheur, psyche, Rachel, raclaitique, revanche, tachy- graphe, vache. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud the same words, using the key alphabet. 185 ch = [k] in many words of foreign origin, especially Greek. This is regularly the case when ch precedes a consonant and when final: chre-tien [kre-tje] Christian; Christ [krist]; chro-no-lo-gie [kro-no-lo-3i] chronology; chry-san-the-me [kri-zci-teim] chrysanthemum; E-noch [e-nok]; Mo-loch [mo-lok]; tech-no-lo-gie [tek-no-lo-si] technology. In al-ma-nach, ch is silent [al-ma-na]. 186 ch = [k], often before a vowel (occurring in words of foreign origin) : A-chab [a-kab] ; An-tio-chus [a-tjo-kyis]; CONSONANTS 73 cha-os [ka-o]; choeur [kceir] choir; e-cho [e-ko]; or-ches- tre [or-kcstr] orchestra. Remark, sch is rare, occurring in learned words, and then gen- erally pronounced sh [S\ : schis-me iSism] schism; schis-te [$ist ] slale; but in a few others sch = sk: scho-lai-re [ska-le:r] academic; scho- las-ti-que [sko-las-tik] school-man; scho-lie [sko-li] scholium (both words now usually spelt without the /()• Exercise XXXIII, illustrating examples of ch = [k] in words of foreign origin, and occurring both before consonants and vowels, and also when final. Write, divide as ordinarily written, and pronounce aloud the following words : anachorete, archaique, archeo- logue, archonte, Bacchus, Baruch, Chaldee, Chain, Chanaan, chao- tique, Charybde, Cheops, chirologie, chiromancie, cholera, chronique, fuchsia, hchen, loch, Machiavel, Metternich, Michel-Ange, Munich, orchidc, orchestral, orchestration, patriai'chal, Saint-Roch, techno- logie, Zacharie, Zurich. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud these same words, using the key alphabet. 187 d (dd) = [d], about as in English needy, is regularly- represented in French by d: da-me [dam] lady; de-dier [de-dje] to dedicate; con-dui-re [ko-dqiir] to conduct; fi- de-le [fi-dfl] faithful; per-dre [pcrdr] to lose. 188 dd. Although dd; like double consonants in general (107), is treated like a simple consonant, never- theless in a few cases, as in the following words, some authorities indicate the pronunciation of a rather more prolonged sound than for a simple d by writing dd: ad-di- tion [ad-di-sj.-j]; ad-den-da [ad-dc-da]; ad-duc-teur [ad- dyk-tcjcir] adductor; ad-duc-tion [ad-dyk-sjf)]; red-di-tion [rcd-di-.sj5] restitution; quid-di-te [kid-di-te] quiddity. 74 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 189 d final, or in a final group, is regularly silent: bord [boir] border; chaud [^o] warm; E-douard [e-dwair]; froid [frwa] cold; grand [gra] great; Saint-Cloud [se klu]. 190 d final (363) is sounded in sud [syd] south, and in some proper nouns and foreign words: Al-fred [al-fred]; le Cid [\q sid]; Da-vid [da-vid]; e-phod [e-fod]; Le-o-pold [le-o-pold]. Exercise XXXIV, illustrating examples of silent d when occur- ing at the end of a word, or in a final consonantal group. Such ter- minations are frequently: nd, nds, rd, rds, aid, and, aud, auld, end, ends, end, ends. Write, divide as ordinarily written and pronounce aloud the following words: aUemand, Archambauld, Arnaud, j'as- sieds, Bayard, Berthauld, je confonds, elle coud, couvre-pieds, Ed- mond, Eginhard, epinard, Gounod, Greenland, La Rochefoucauld, Madrid, milord, je mords, nord, on perd, Oxford, Pharamond, poids, Ponsard, Renaud, je repands, Reynauld, Richard, rond, sourd, tard, tu tords, Vaud, vieiUard. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud these same words, using the key alphabet. Exercise XXXV, illustrating examples of d sounded in the body of a word, or when final. Write, divide as ordinarily written, and pronounce aloud the following words: Adda, ad hoc, adjoint, ad rem, Arnold, Bagdad, Carlsbad, Christiansfeld, Christiansand, Nemrod Com-ad, Edda, Ethelred, Fould, Friedland, Galaad, George Sand, Harold, Jenny Lind, Joad, Port-Said, Rothschild, Sandwich, le Sund, Talmud. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as ordinarily pronounced in spoken French, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them, using the key alphabet. 191 f (ff, ph) = [f], about as in English fee. [f] is rep- resented in French by f, ff and ph. f : bref [bref] brief; CONSONANTS 75 de-fai-re [de-feir] to undo; fa-ci-le [fa-sil] easTj; fils [fis] son; neiif [noef] new. ph: nym-phe [neif] nymph; pha-re [fa:r] lighthouse; phi-lo-so-phe [fi-b-zof] philosopher. & has the value of f, although, as indicated by some authorities, in a few words beginning -wdth eff, it may be somewhat longer than f: ef-flo-res-cent [ef-fio-re-sa] ; ef-fluent [ef- flya]; ef-flu-ve [ef-fiy:v] effluvium. 193 f final is regularly sounded (165) : boeuf [boef] ox; brief [brief]; ca-nif [ka-nif] penknife; chef [^efj chief; juif [5Hif] Jew; neuf [noef] new; oeuf [ocf] egg; sauf [sof] except; self [swaf] thirst. 193 f final is silent in cerf [seir] stag; clef (cle) [kle] key; nerf [ncir] nerve; f preceding s of the plural is silent in boeuf s [b0] oxen; cerfs [se:r] stags; clefs [kle] keys; nerfs [neir] nerves; oeufs [0] eggs, f is silent in some proper nouns and in a few common words and expressions: Neuf-bourg [noe-bu:r]; Neuf-Bri-sach [noe bri-zak]; Neuf- ^ cha-teau [noeSa-to]; Neuf-cha-tel [noe^o-tcl]; le boeuf t-lUH- gras [lo boe gra] fatted ox, carnival; du boeuf sa-le [dy bee sa-le] salted beef: cerf-vo-lant [spr vo-la] kite; chef-d'oeu- vre [5p dtt'ivr] masterpiece; nerf de boeuf [neir da bocf] cowhide; un oeuf dur [(i noo dy:r] a hard-boiled egg; un oeuf frais [a* nee frt] a fresh egg. 194 Neuf, the num])er nine, is pronounced [noef] when the word occurs as final : il y en a neuf [il j dn a noef] there are nine; tren-te-neuf [trait noef] thirty-nine; and also when giving the date of the month: le neuf de-cem-bre [b noef de-su:br] the ninth of December. It is pronounced 76 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION [noe] before a consonant or aspirate h: neuf li-vres [noe liivr] nine hooks; neuf ho-mards [noe o-mair] nine lobsters. It is pronounced [noe:v] before a vowel or silent h: neuf en-fants [noe-va-fa] nine children; neuf hommes [noe-vom] nine men. Exercise XXXVI, illustrating examples of pronounced f (ph, ff) = [f], in the body of a word or final. Write, divide, whenever possible, as ordinarily written, and pronounce aloud the following words: affaire, Alphonse, biffer, boeuf a la mode, chef -lieu, difficile, fieffe, grief, if, motif, naif, nef, le neuf aout, le neuf fevrier, le neuf de pique, page soixante-neuf, Pont-Neuf, souHers neufs, en voila neuf, oeuf a la coque, un oeuf gate, Phedre, recif , des bas reliefs, ros- bif, serf, soif ardente, suif a vendre, tarif, turf, veuf, vif-argent. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as ordinarily pronounced in spoken French, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them, using the key alphabet. Exercise XXXVII, illustrating examples of silent f, either in the body of a word or final. Pronounce aloud the following expres- sions: de beaux bceufs, un cerf dix-cors, regardez les cerfs- volants, crise de nerfs, les nerfs d6 la guerre, neuf cents francs, neuf hameaux, cent neuf hiboux, neuf miUe, neuf personnes, ceufs d'autruche. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same expressions, pro- nouncing the words aloud as you write them, using the key alpha- bet. 195 g (gg, gu) = [g], about as in English rngged. The sound [g] is represented in French by g before a, o, u, or a consonant (except n in cases where gn = [ji], see 207). g: an-gle [a-gl]; gar-fon [gar-s5] hoij; ga-te [ga-te] spoiled; gloi-re [glwair] glory; gout [gu] taste; grand [gra] tall, gg (rarely occurs): ag-glo-me-rer [a-gb-me-re] to agglomerate; ag-glu-ti-ner [a-gly-ti-ne] to agglutinate; CONSONANTS 77 ag-gra-ver [a-gra-ve] to aggravate, gu (before e, i, y): an-guil-le [a-giij] eel; be-guin [be-ge] child's cap; bri-guer [bri-ge] to scheme; gue [ge] ford; gui-de [gi(:)d] ;Gui-se [gi:z] ; Gui-zot [gi-zoj; Guizot and his family pronounced the name [gwi-zo]; Gu-yot [gi-jo]. 196 gu = [g]. The only use of the u in the examples last cited is to show that the g has the sound in English go; wdthout the insertion of the u, the g would here have, before e, i, y, the sound heard in English azure, pleasure (202). 197 guer = [ge]. In a number of verbs in -guer, the u remains throughout the entire conjugation, even before a and o, where, of no use whatever, it is simply orthographic. The follo^\^ng verb-forms of some of the commonest of such verbs, in which the u before a and o is retained, show where the retention occurs: nous bri-guons [nu bri-g5] we scheme; je con-ju-guais [50 kr)-5y-gc] / was con- jugating; je dis-tin-guai [50 dis-te-ge] / distinguished; vous di-va-gua-tes [vu di-va-gat] you ramble; 11 ex-tra- va-guait [il eks-tra-va-ge] he was talking wildly; tu fa-ti- guas [ty fa-ti-ga] ijou fatigued; il ha-ran-gua [11 a-ru-ga] he harangued; nous li-gua-mes [nu li-gani] we bound; vous na-vi-gua-tes [vu na-vi-gat] you navigated; pro-mul-guant [pro-myl-guj promulgating ; que tu sub-ju-guas-ses [ko ty syb-5y-gas] that you might subjugate; qu'il vo-guat [k il VD-ga] that he might row. The verlj ar-gu-er [ar-gq-c] to argue, forms an exception to the above, th(! u being pro- nounced through(jut all the tenses: j'ar-gue [5 ar-gy] / argue. The diercsis over the e shows that the e and u 78 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION are not to be pronounced together as in drogue [drog] drug, but separated from each other in order to give the u its entire sound: tu ar-gues [ty ar-gy] thou arguest. 198 gu, before i, in a few words = [gLii], that is, a diphthong, not unUke the sound heard in EngHsh sweet: ai-guil-le [e-giii(!)j] needle; ai-guil-lon [e-gni-jo] goad; ai- gui-ser [e-gqi-ze] to sharpeii; am-bi-gui-te [a-bi-gqi-te] amhiguity; con-san-gui-ni-te [ko-sa-gqi-ni-te] also [ko-sa- gi-ni-te] consanguinity; con-ti-gui-te [ko-ti-gqi-te] prox- imity; ex-i-gm-te [eg-zi-gqi-te] scantiness; lin-guis-te [le-gqist] linguist. Although ambiguite, contiguite and exiguite are spelled with a dieresis, the pronunciation, nevertheless, is as indicated, that is, [qi] a diphthong and not [yi], two separate vowel sounds. 199 gu = [gw] only before a [gwa], and even then, with few exceptions, only in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian words: al-gua-zil [al-gwa-zil] police agent; Gua-da-la- xa-ra [gwa-da-la-ksa-ra] ; Gua-dal-qui-vir [gwa-dal-ki-viir]; Gua-da-lu-pe [gwa-da-lyp] ; Guam [gwam]; Guar-da [gwar-da], La Guarda, city of Portugal; Gua-ri-ni [gwa- ri-ni]; Gua-te-ma-la [gwa-to-ma-la] ; Gua-ya-kil [gwa-ja- kil]; lin-gual [le-gwal]. 200 gn = [gn] ; that is, g and n are sounded separately in some words, mostly of Greek and Latin origin, instead of forming the usual combination [ji] (207); some of the more common of such words are: cog-ni-tion [kog-ni-sjo]; diag-nos-ti-que [djag-nos-tik] diagnosis; gno-me [gno:m]; gnos-ti-ques [gnos-tik] gnostics; gnou [gnu] horned horse; CONSONANTS 79 in-ex-pug-na-ble [i-neks-pyg-na-bl] im.'pregnahle ; mag- ni-fi-cat [mag-ni-fi-kat] ; mag-no-lier [mag-no-lje] and [ma-no-lje]; Prog-ne [prog-ne]; phy-siog-no-mo-nie [fi- zjog-no-mo-ni] -physiognomy; re-cog-ni-tion [re-kog-ni-sj5]; stag-nant [stag-nu]; stag-na-tion [stag-na-sj5]. Exercise XXXVIII, illustrating examples of g before a, o, u, or a consonant = [g]. Write the following words, dividing them, when- ever possible, into syllables as usual in writing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them: agglomeration, agglutinative, aggravation, aigu, anguille, digue, distinguons, drogue, eglogue, En-ghien, enigme, flegme, gai, gan- grene, gant, gargotte, gargouille, gogo, gomme, gonfler, Gonzague, Gringoirc, guenille, guepe, gudrir, gueiTe, guet, guide, guitare, gut- tural, Guy, naguere, narguant, sangUer, vigoureux, voguoas. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as pronounced in ordinary spoken French, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them, using the key alphabet. 201 g before e, i, y = [5], about as in English a^i/rc; the sound regularly denoted by French j, as in jau-ne [son] yellow; jeu [50] game; jo-li [50-li] pretty (217). Connnon examples of g before e, i, y are: a-gir [a-siir] to act; bou- gie [bu-ji] taper; gens [5a] people; gi-te [siit] lair; gym- nas-te [sim-nast] gymnast ;[o-ra.-gQ\xx [.)-ra-50] stormy. 202 ge before a, o, u. Just as silent u is inserted after g, before e and i to produce the "hard" g sound (19G), so silent e is ins(!rted before a, o, u to produce the "soft" g sound: ga-geu-re fga-jyir] wager; geo-le [50:!] jail; geo- lier (30-ljel jailer; Geor-ges [5;)r5]; na-gea [na-5a] swam; plon-geons [pl.")-53] let us plunge. In such cases g never has the sound of ICnglish g in (Icorgc. 80 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 203 gg lief ore e = [gs] ; that is, the first g has the " hard " sound and the second the "soft": sug-ge-rer [syg-5e-re] to suggest; sug-ges-tion [syg-5es-tj5]. 204 g in the body of the following words is silent: Brog-lie [bro-jg]; Clug-ny [kly-ni]; im-brog-lio [e-bro-ljo] confusion; Reg-nard [ro-nairj; Reg-naud [ra-no] ; sang-sue [sa-sy] leech; sig-net [si-ne] and [si-jie] book-mark. 205 g, final (365) or in a final group, is usually silent in French words and in proper names ending in bourg and berg: bourg [buir] (authority can be found for [bunk] in the singular and [bu:r] in the plural) borough (365); Cher-bourg [^er-buir]; doigt [dwa] finger; E-dim-bourg [e-de-buir]; Ham-bourg [ci-buir]; legs [le] legacy; Saint- Pe-ters-bourg [se pe-terz-buir]; vingt [ve] twenty; Wur- tem-berg [vyr-tci-beir]. 206 g final is sounded in most foreign words: grog [grog]; joug [juCOg] yoke (365); las-ting [las-teig] lasting, Denmark satin; Lie-big [li-big]; pou-ding [pu-deig] pud- ding; Schles-wig [$lez-vig]; Za-dig [za-dig]; zig-zag [zig- zag]. Exercise XXXIX, illustrating examples of g before e, i, y = [5]. Write the following words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as usual in writing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you wi'ite them: agenda, arrangeons, change- ment, effigie, gageons, gageure, geindre, gele, gemir, gentiment, Georges, gerce, germaine,- Gertrude, gestes, gibeciere, gibier, gigan- tesque, Gigogne, gigot, gilet, gingembre, girouette, gite, gymnase, gymnastique, mangeons, negUgeons, neige, orage, partageons, pigeon, rouge, voyageur. CONSONANTS 81 Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them, whenever possible, into syllables as pronounced in ordinary spoken French, pronoimcing aloud the syllables and words as j'ou write them, using the key alphabet. 207 gn=[ji], as in pei-gne [prji] comb; re-gne [reji] reign, resembling the sound heard in English mig/ionette, o?iion, union, but pronounced as a single sound, and not as two successive sounds. The sound [ji], knowTi as liquid n or n mouille is represented by gn. The cases given under 200, in which gn = g+n, that is, two separate consonants, are mostly rather rare learned or foreign words. The usual sound value of gn is [ji], a single sound, although closely related to ni, the successive sounds heard in the English words above cited (om'on, u?iion), as well as to ni in French pa-nier [pa-nje] basket. Examples of gn = |ji] are: ba-gne [i)aji] convict prison; cham-pa-gne (5a-paji]; cam-pa-gne [ka-paji] country; cy-gne [siji] swan; li-gne [liji] line; sei-gneur [sc-jicEir] lord. Exercise XL, illustrating gn = [p], the words to be vvTitten, di- vidpfi and pronounced aloud as usual: agneau, AUemagne, baignoire, Charlemagne, cogne, compagnon, dddaignoux, digne, Eloigner, en- seigner, epargner, gagner, C!a.scogne, grognon, hargneux, ignoble, ignorant, lorgnon, inagnanime, magnificiue, niagiu'sie, niagnetisme, montagnard, montagneux, poignet, r^-gnait, Regnard, refrogn6, rognon, signal, vergogne. Supplementary Exercise. Write, as usual, the above words, using the key aljihabet. 208 h is silent in French. It is called mute or aspirate. The mute or silent h has no effect whatever upon the pronunciation. It is jjurely conventional, often recalling Latin etymology, and treated as Ihougii non-existent: 82 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION I'ha-bit [1 a-bi] the coat; les ha-bits [le za-bi] the coats; aux ha-bits [o za-bi] to the coats; des ha-bits [de za-bi] of the coats; I'heu-re [1 oeir] the hour; les heu-res [le zoeir] the hours; aux heu-res [ozoeir] to the hours; des heu-res [de zoeir] of the hours; I'hom-me [1 om] the man; les hom-mes [le zom] the 7nen; aux hom-mes [o zom] to the men; des hom-mes [de zom] of the men. In these cases, as shown by the figured pronunciation, the words are pronounced as though written I'abit, les abits, aux abits, des abits; I'eure, les eures, aux eures, des eures; I'om, les ommes, aux ommes, des ommes. 209 h 77iute may also occur in the middle or at the end of words. Here, again, it is as though it were not there: al-lah [al-la] the God; al-ma-nach [al-ma-na] almanac; a-rith-me-tique [a-rit-me-tik] arithmetic; ca-hier [ka-je] copy-hook; ca-the-dra-le [ka-te-dral] cathedral; dah-lia [da-lja]; in-ha-bi-le [i-na-bil] incapable; mal-heur [ma- loeir] misfortune; the [te] tea. The English th sound does not exist in French; th = [t]. 310 h aspirate is no longer aspirate. It was once so pronounced in certain words and the name aspirate is re- tained. Unlike mute h, aspirate h affects the pronuncia- tion of a word by preventing elision with a preceding vowel and linking with a preceding consonant, such as regularly occurs in the examples given under 208. Thus neither elision nor linking occur in the following: le ha- ri-cot [b a-ri-ko] the bean; les ha-ri-cots [le a-ri-ko] the beans; aux ha-ri-cots [o a-ri-ko] to the beayis; des ha-ri- cots [de a-ri-ko] of the beans; le he-ros [b e-ro]; aux he-ros [o e-ro] to the heroes; des he-ros [de e-ro] of the heroes. CONSONANTS 83 If the h were not aspirate in these cases, the words would be pronounced [la-ri-ko], [le-za-ri-ko], [o-za-ri-ko], [de-za- ri-ko]; [1 e-ro], [1 e-ze-ro], [o-ze-ro], [dc-ze-ro], particularly distasteful to the French ear. 311 Whether the h be a mute h or an aspirate h, it may be regarded in either case as absolutely silent. There are some four hundred words that have the aspirate h, a large part of them of German origin. They are usually indi- cated in vocabularies and dictionaries by a star (*h) or an apostrophe ('h). Observation and practice alone will enable them to be recognized. Some of the more com- mon of these words are: ha-che [a^], ax ha-chis [a-^i], liash ha-gard [a-ga:r] haggard haie [e], hedge hail-Ions [a-j5] rags hai-ne [tn] haired ha-ir [a-i:r] lo hale ha-Ier [a-Ie] lo haul ha-ler [d-lc] lo tan ha-le-ter [al-to] lo pant halle [al] market-place hal-lier [al-jf] thicket hal-te [alt] halt ha-mac [a-mak] hammock Ham-bourg la-bu:r] Hamburg ha-meau [a-ino] hamlet han-che [fi^] JKinnch han-gar [a-ga:r] shed han-ne-ton [an-ta] June-hug han-ter Ifi-tc] lo haunt ha-ran-gue [a-ru-g] ha-ras-ser [a-ra-se] lo harass har-des [ard] apparel har-di [ar-di] hardy ha-reng [a-ra] herring har-gneux [ar-jio] cross ha-ri-cot [a-ri-ko] bean har-nais [ar-ne] harness har-pe [arp] harp har-pon [arp5] harpoon hart [a:r] loithe ha-sard [a-za:r] hazard ha-te [(i:t j /m.s/c hau-bert [o-bc:r] hauberk haus-ser [ose] lo raise haut [o] high ha-ve [a:v] tvan Ha-va-ne [a-van] Havana Ha-vre [a:vr, a:vr] Havre ha-vre-sac [avrosak, avrasak] IciKipsack la Haye [la e] the Hague 84 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION hen-nir [a-ni:r] to neigh Hen-ri [a-ri] Henry he-raut [e-ro] herald he-ron [e-r5] heron he-ros [e-ro] hero he-tre [e:tr] beech-tree heur-ter [oer-te] to bump hi-bou [i-bu] owl hi-deux [i-do] hideous hie-rar-chie [je-rar-Si] hierarchy his-ser [i-se] to hoist Hol-lan-de [o-la:d] Holland ho-mard [o-ma:r] lobster Hon-grie [5-gri] Hungary hon-te [5:t] shame ho-quet [o-ke] hiccough hors [o:r] outside hors d'ceu-vre [or doevr] side- dish hors li-gne [or liji] extraordinary hou-blon [u-bl5] hop hou-il-le [u:j] pit-coal hour-ra [u-ra] hurrah hous-se [us] covering houx [u] holly hu-che [yS] bin Hu-go [y-go] hu-gue-not [j^g-no] huit [qit] eight hup-pe [yp] tuft hur-Jer [yr-le] to howl hus-sard [y-sa:r] hussar hut-te [j't] hut hya-cin-the [ja-se:t] hyacinth Exercise XLI. Pronounce aloud the words in the above list, comparing carefully as you do. so the written forms with those of the key notation. 212 Special cases. The h of Henri [a-ri] Henry is mute in familiar expressions: le chapeau d'Henri; le cheval d'Henri; but in more elevated language usually not: ((jusqu'a la mort de Henri IV)) (Michelet), until the death of Henry I V. 213 h in huit [qit] eight, hui-tai-ne [qi-tcn] about eight, hui-tie-me [qi-tjem] eighth (317), hui-tie-me-ment [qi- tjem-mu] eighthly, is aspirate when these words are not preceded by dix [dis] ten, vingt [ve] twenty, soi-xan-te-dix [swa-sait dis] seventy, and qua-tre-vingt-dix [ka-tra ve dis] eighty: le huit mars [b qit mars] the eighth of March. CONSONANTS 85 214 h is aspirate in he-ros (le he-ros [lo e-ro] the hero) but silent in its derivatives: he-ro-i-ne, he-ro-i-co-mi- que, he-ro-i-que, he-ro-i-que-ment, he-ro-isme : I'he-ro- i-ne [1 e-ro-in], etc. It is supposed that le he-raut the herald, by analogy, caused the aspirate h in le he-ros. 215 A few words beginning with a vowel are treated, with regard to elision and linking, as though they began with an aspirate h: le on-ze [lo o:z] the eleventh; le on- zie-me [b 5-zjrm] the eleventh; la oua-te [la wat] wadding; le oui [la wi] the yes (370, 390). 216 h = [h]. It is possible, at times, to discern a slight aspiration when certain words are forcibly pronounced: a-ha [a-ha] aha!; la ha-che [la ha^] the ax; o-he [o-he] hallo; also in hiatus an aspirate, much weaker than the English h, can sometimes be heard: le fle-au [lo fle-ho] the scourge; le pre-au [lo pre-ho] the yard. In cases where it may not be possible to distinguish any aspiration, there is often a slight pause before an h aspirate: la haie [la r] the hedge; les har-des [Ic ard] apparel; la har-pe [la arp] the harp; le he-ros [lo e-ro]; la hon-te [la 5:t] the shame. 217 j = [5], about as in English azwre, meastfrc, yet slightly more resonant, j, whene'er it occurs, is pro- nounced [5]: ja-mais [5a-me] never; Jean [^u] .John; jet [5r] jet (of water); jeu-ne [^fjen] young; jou-jou [5U-5U] phtij- thing; jus-te (syst] just; re-jouir [rc-5wi:r] to rejoice. In such cases j never has the sound heard in English John. j never occurs as final. As shown und(!r 201, this same sound [5] is represented by g before e, i, y. 86 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Exercise XLII, illustrating j = [5]. Write, divide as in writing, pronouncing aloud as you wi'ite, the following words : a jeun, Anjou, Jacques, j'ai, jais, jardin, jars, jatte, Jesus, joindre, joint, jonc, jon- quille, Joseph, Josephine, jouer, journee, joute, joyeux, Juif, juin, Jules, jumelles, JuUen, jute, rejoindre. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in speaking, pro- nouncing aloud as you WTite, these same words, using the key al- phabet. 218 k = [k], about as in English rocket, kick, occurs only in foreign words: bif-teck [Ijif-tek] beefsteak; co-ke [kok]; joc-key [50-ke]; ke-pi [ke-pi] undress militanj cap; ki-lo [ki-lo] kilogram; ki-lo-gram-me [ki-lo-gram] ; ki-lo- me-tre [ki-b-metr] kilometer; kios-que [kjosk] small news- stand; Nec-ker [ne-keir]; sha-ko [Sa-ko] infantry cap. 219 [k] is also represented by c before a, o, u, or a con- sonant, except h (173); by a final c (177); by ch in many learned words (185) ; by c in the first element of the com- bination cc before e, i, y (176); by q in cases hke cinq, coq (252) ; by qu, the u being silent, in cases like quand, que, qui (254). 230 1 (11) = [1] about as in EngHsh ]olly, /ean, avoiding a hollow vocalic sound sometimes heard in such words as English hell, tell. Pronounce French 1 clearly and dis- tinctly with the tongue well forward. [1] is represented by 1 and 11: col-ler [ko-le] to glue; in-tel-li-gent [8-te-li-5a] ; la [la] the; li-vre [li-vr] hook; lu-ne [lyn] moon; pul-lu-ler [py-ly-le] to swarm. 221 1 final is usually pronounced (165, 344) : bel [bel] fine; cal-cul [kal-kyl] calculation; che-val [$8-val] horse; CONSONANTS 87 con-sul [ko-syl]; fol [fol] foolish; No-el [no-el] Christmas; nou-vel [nu-vel] new; Ra-oul [ra-ul] Ralph; sel [sel] salt; seul [soel] alone; tel [tel] such. 222 -le final after a consonant. Special care should be taken not to pronounce French final -le after a con- sonant as a distinct syllable as in the cognate English words ending in -le. The French final -le does not form a separate syllable by itself as in English, but the 1 goes wdth the preceding consonant, receiving only a light whispered pronunciation, not infrequently disappearing in colloquial French: ai-gle [e(:)gl] eagle; bou-cle [bukl] buckle; peu-ple [poepl] people; ta-ble [tabl]. 223 1 is silent in proper names ending in -auld, -ault, -aulx; also in a few common Avords: Ar-nauld [ar-noj; aulx [o] pi. garlic; Bel-fort [be-foir]; cul [ky] posterior; fau(l)x [fo] scythe; fils [fis] .son; [ft] «Yi(>illi» may some- times be heard; Gi-rault [si-ro]; He-rault [e-ro]; La Roche- fou-cauld [la r.)5-fu-ko]; pouls [pu] pulse; Per-rault [pe-ro]; Qui-nault [ki-no]; Saulx [so]; soul [su] fill. Exercise XLIII, illustrating I (II) = [I]. Write, divide as in writ- ing, pronouncing aloud as you write, the following words: alleluia, bol, colonel, cellule, fatal, follicule, goulcux, intclligenco, la, lait, I'an, la.s, I'eau, leger, leur, lien, lin, lit, local, loge, long, louche, loueur, loyal, lueur, niiel, mobile, pcUiculc, soulever, volaille. Supplementary Exerci.se. Write, divide as in speaking, pro- nouncing aloud as you write, these same words, using the key alpha- bet. 224 il, ill, known as liquid I or 1 mouillee = [j]. ill in the middle of a word and il at the end are generally pro- 88 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION nounccd [j], that is, like the semi-consonant in English yes, year; nevertheless after a consonant the 1 of final 11 is apt to be pronounced: cil [sil] eyelash; fil [fil] thread; mil [mil] one thousand; Nil [nil] the Nile. L mouillee is repre- sented by 11 after i and by il and ill after any other vowel (but not when i and 1 are in different syllables). Thus the word for William w^ould be divided in writing and printing Guil-laume, but phonetically would be pro- nounced and symbolized [gi-jo:m]; pail-lasse [pa-jas] straw mattress; se-rail [se-raij] harem. This sound has already received attention under the semi-vowel y (154). The difference between French y and 1 mouillee is that y = two i's (i+i), as in pay-e = ((pai-ie)) [pe-je]; while 1 mouille = merely [j] alone, as in paille [pciij] not [peij]. 225 The term liquid, like aspirate, is still used, al- though no longer applicable. It applied formerly to w^ords having ill in the middle or il at the end. The sound was about like that heard in English Wi^^iam. If Willia7n be pronounced ((wee-yum)) [wi-jom] it will illus- trate quite well the change which the ill or il sound origi- nally liquid, underwent. In general, it is necessary to consider il final or ill medial, simply as signs representing the sound of y in English year; and to disassociate them entirely from the preceding vowel or combination of vowels. Thus tra-vail-ler (cf. 46, 3°) was formerly pro- nounced [tra-val-je] but now [tra-va-je]; and tra-vail was pronounced [tra-valj], now [tra-vaij]. Thus, as shown, the a and the i do not go together as the ay in the first syllable of pay-e, making a single sound [e], but constitute the two parts of the diphthong a+i = [a:j] or [ajj]. CONSONANTS 89 226 il and ill [j], that is, the so-called 1 mouillee, com- bines ordinarily with a preceding vowel or digraph as follows: ail eU ieil euil ceil ail-le eil-le ieil-le euil-le ceil-le [ii:j] eijj [je:jl oLMj; !oe:j; ueil (i)U ouil ueil-le (i)U-le oail-le ouil-le uil-le ceij [(i)j] wa:j [u:j] y:j] and [iiiij ail: ail garlic: bail [l)a:j] lease; e-ven-tail [e-va-ta:j] fan. ail-le : ba-tail-le [ba-ta:j] battle; trou-vail-le [tru-vuij] find; vo-lail-le [vo-lu:j] poultry, eil: con-seil [ko-seij] council; pa-reil [pa-re:j] equal; so-leil [so-leij] sun. eil-le: a-beil-Ie [a-br:j] bee; cor-beil-le [kor-be:j] basket; o-reil-le [o-re!J] ear. ieil: vieil [vjrjj] old. ieil-le: vieil-le [vjc:j] old. euil: deuil [do?:]] mourning; e-cu-reuil [e-ky-roe:j] squirrel; fau-teuil [fo-toeij] armchair, euil-le: f euil-le [focij] leaf; Neuil-ly [noo-ji]; veuil-le [voe:j] wish, ceil: oeil [cc!J] eye; oeil de boeuf [cp:j do ba'fj bull's-eye; oeil de chat [mj d.) 5a] caCs-cye, agate, oeil-le : oeil-la-de [oe-jad] glance; oeil-le-re [oe-jt':r] blinder; oeil-let [«3-jr] pink, ueil (after c and g, ue is substituted for eu before il and ill) : ac-cueil [a-ka':j] reception; e-cueil [e-koe:j] breaker; or-gueil [ar-gceij] pride. ueil-le: ac-cueil-le [a-koeij] receives; re-cueil-le [ro-kocij] gathers; or-gueil-leux [.)r-ga>-j0] haughty. (i)il and (i)il-le, that is, in cases when tlu; vowel of the syllabh; is i, 1 or 11 must necessarily be written in place of il and ill. il: gre-sil Igrc-ziij], also [gre-zij ami [gre-zil] sleet; mil [niiijj also [niilj millet; cases like the 90 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION two last cited where the l = [j] are rare, ill: an-guil-le [a-gi:j] eel; be-quil-le [be-ki:j] crutch; fil-le [fiij] girl. oail-le: joail-le-rie [5waj-ri] jewelnj; joail-lier [swa-je] jeweler, ouil : fe-nouil [f9-nu!J] /emieZ. ouil-le : ci-trouil-le [si-truij] pumpkin; gre-nouil-le [grQ-nuij] frog ; notice this word is pronounced [gra-nuij] and not [gro-nwi], the semi- vowel ill or il being the only one that may follow a vowel ; mouil-le [muij] liquid, uil-le; ai-guil-le [e-giiii']]\ needle; cuil-ler (cuil-lie-re) [ky-jeir] or [kqi-jeir] or [kyl-jeir] spoon; juil-let [ jy j c(t )] or [^14^] or [3qi-J8(t)] July; [kqi-J8!r] and [sqi-je] are most commonly heard. Exercise XLIV, illustrating il or ill (the so-called liquid 1) = [j]. Write, dividing, whenever possible, into syllables according to the usage in writing and printing, the following words, pronouncing aloud the syllables or words as you write them: ail, barbouiller, bataiUe, bequilles, betail, biUet, bouteiUe, bouvreuil, bredouiller, brouillard, caille, cercueil, chenille, cheville, conseiUer, deraiUe, deuil, fauteuil, feuille, groseiUe, habiUons, ceil, orteil, oreille, orgueilleux, quadrille, soleil, sommeil, vanille, veilleuse, vermeil, Versailles, veuille, vieillard, vieiUir. Supplementary Exercise. Write the above words, dividing them as in the spoken language, pronouncing them aloud, using the key alphabet. 227 il and ill = [il]. As stated under 225, it is necessary, in general, to consider ill in the middle of a word and il at the end simply as signs representing the sound of y in English year. The sound 1 mouillee is represented by 11 (after i) ; by il and ill after any other vowel (the i and the 1 being in the same syllable). Nevertheless there are many cases where the il and ill have their natural sound Of [il]. CONSONANTS 91 228 il final, not preceded by a vowel = [il] or [i] or [j]; that is, il not preceded by a vowel is pronounced in three different ways: with the 1, without the 1, and as liquid 1, or strictly i+liquid 1 [i:j]. The cases of final il = [i:j] are quite rare and tend to disappear. Authority may easily be found for three pronunciations [il], [ij] and with silent 1 [i] of the foUoudng words: a-vril [a-vril] or [a-vriij] or [a-vri] April; ba-bil [ba-bil] or [ba-biij] or [ba-bi] prattk; gre-sil [gre-zil] or [gre-ziij] or [gre-zi] sleet. The follomng words have two pronunciations [il] and [i:j]: cil [sil] or [si:j] eyelash; mil [mil] or [mi:j] millet; pe-ril [pe-ril] or [pe-riij], although this latter pronunciation is uncom- mon; and the following may also be pronounced in two ways, with silent 1 and with liquid 1: fe-nil [fa-ni] or [fa- ni:j] hay-loft; tril (more commonly trille) [tri] or [triij] trill. 229 il final, not preceded by a vowel = [il], that is, cases where 1 of the ending il has its normal value. Be- sides the words avril, babil, cil, gresil, mil, peril, the last syllable of which, as noted above under 228, is oftentimes pronounced with a sounded normal 1, that is [il], the fol- lowing are some of the more common words that have the [il] pronunciation, which is generally the usual one after a consonant: a-nil [a-nil] indigo plant; be-ryl [be-ril] emerald; ci-vil [si-vil]; ex-il [cg-zil] exile; fil [fil] thread; il [il] he, and, before a consonant, popular [i]; le Nil [lo nil] the Nile; langue d'o-"il [la:g d .)ill language of oil (oui), northern France; pis-til [pis-til]; pro-fil [pro-fil] side-view; pue-ril [pqe-rilj boyish; vil [vil] vile; vo-la-til [vo-la-til] airy. 92 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 230 il = [i], that is, in cases where the 1 of the ending -il is silent. Besides the words fenil [fo-ni] and tril [tri] mentioned under 228 the following have silent 1: ba-ril [ba-ri] barrel; che-nil [So-ni] kennel; cou-til [ku-ti] tick- ing; frai-sil [fre-zi] charcoal-dust; four-nil [fur-ni] hake- house; fu-sil [fy-zi] gun; gen-til [sd-ti] nice; but notice gen-til-homme [sd-ti-jom] nobleman, and the plural form gen-tils-hom-mes [sfi-ti-zom] noblemen; gril [gri] gridiron; me-nil [me-ni] habitation; nom-bril [no-bri] navel; ou-til [u-ti] tool; per-sil [per-si] parsley; sour-cil [sur-si] eyebrow. 231 ill initial = [il] that is, the ordinary sound of i+1, or [ill], that is, i+1+1 (42 and 168); il-le-gal [i(l)-le-gal]; il-li-si-ble [i(l)-li-zi-bl] illegible; il-lus-trer [i(l)-lys-tre] to illustrate. 232 iH not initial, in certain other words, which only practice makes known, has also the usual sound of 1: A-chil-le [a-Sil]; bil-lion [])i-lj5]; co-di-cil-le [ko-di-sil] codi- cil; De-m-le [de-lil] ; dis-til-ler [di-sti(l)-le] to distil; i-dyl-le [i-dil] idyl; im-be-cU-li-te [t'-])e-si(l)li-to] imbecility; in-stil- ler [e-sti(l)-le] to instil; Lil-le [lil] ; max-il-lai-re [mak-si-le:r] maxillary; mil-le [mil] thousand; mil-liard [mi-ljair] thou- sand 7nillions; mil-lion [mi-lj5]; myr-til-le [mir-til] myrtle; os-cil-ler [o-si-le] to oscillate; pu-pil-le [py-pil] ivard; pu- sil-la-ni-me [py-zi(l)-la-nim] pusillanimous; scin-til-ler [s8-ti(l)-le] to sparkle; si-byl-le [si-bil] sibyl; Tal-ley-rand [ta(l)-le-ra]; ti-til-ler [ti-ti(l)-le] to tickle; tran-quU-le ftru-kil] tranquil; va-cil-ler [va-si-le] to waver; vau-de- vil-le [vo-dvil] ballad; vil-le [Y\\]city; vil-la-ge [vi(l)-lai5]; Vill-main [vil-me]. CONSONANTS 93 233 m (mm), as in mot [mo] ivord; da-me [dam] lady, about like the m in English steamer, has its consonantal value when beginning words or syllables in which the m precedes a vowel, as in the two examples just given; and elsewhere, excepting the cases (129) where the m after a vowel at the end of words or syllables (and before the consonants, most frequently p, b, t), makes nasal the pre- ceding vowel and is itself not pronounced (373). Other- wise stated, m retains its consonantal value when double, or between two vowels or a vowel and a silent h. m = [m] : la-me [lam] blade; ma-man [ma-ma] and [md-mu] mama; re-su-me [re-zy-me] summary. mjn = [m]: fem-me [fam] woman; gram-mai-re [gra-me:r] grammar; hom-me [am] man. 234 m when followed by n (132, 143) is not nasal but retains its consonantal value: am-nis-tie [am-nis-ti] amnesty; au-tom-nal [o-tom-nal] autumnal; ca-lom-nie [ka-bm-ni] calumny; gym-nas-ti-que [sim-nas-tik] gym- nastics; in-dem-ni-te [r-dam-ni-tc] indemnity; in-som-nie [f-som-ni] insomnia; om-ni-po-tent, [;)m-ni-po-tu] ; om-nis- cient [om-ni-sja]; som-nam-bu-le [som-nu-byl] sutnnani- bulist. 235 m is usually pronounced at the end of foreign words after a vowel, and also at the end of syllal)les (cf. 132, 131, 139) in such words: al-bum [al-bom]; Am- ster-dam [am-strr-dani]; Beth-le-em [hrt-lc-rm]; de-cem- vir [ CONSONANTS 95 239 n (nn) = [n], as in ni [ni] neither, a-ne [am] ass, about as in English iwnny, occurring before any vowel (except in the prefix en (133) where the n, as a rule, nasalizes the preceding vowel), n: a-ni-mal [a-ni-mal]; in-a-ni-me [i-na-ni-me] inanimate; o-no-ma-to-pee [o-no-ma-to-pe] on- omatopoeia; e-nor-me [e-norm] enormous; na-nan [na-na] candy; u-ni-for-me [y-ni-form] uniform, nn: an-na-les [a(-n)-nal] annals; an-neau [a-no] ring; don-ner [do-ne] to give; hon-neur [o-noeir] honor; in-no-cen-ce [i-no-suis]; in-ne [in-ne] innate. 240 n, like m, when following a vowel in the same syllable, simply serves to nasalize the vowel (131). - 241 n final is sounded in proper names and in a few foreign words: ab-do-men [ab-do-men]; A-den [a-den]; a-men [a-men]; Bee-tho-ven [be-to-ven]; E-den [e-den]; hy-men [i-men]; li-chen [li-ken]; pol-len [po-lcn]; spe-ci- men [spe-si-men]. 242 n in in of some common Latin terms is sounded: in-oc-ta-vo [i-nok-ta-vo] 8vo; in pa-ce [in pa-se]; in par- ti-bus [in par-ti-bys]; in pet-to [in pet-to]; in pla-no [inpla-no]; in sta-tu quo [in sta-ty kwo]; in ex-ten-so [i-nt:ks-te-so] ; in ex-tre-mis [i-neks-tre-mis]. 243 in = [(•] generally in expressions giving the size of books: in-dou-ze [c duiz] 12nio; in-fo-Iio [cfo-ljo]; in- quar-to [e kwar-to] 4to; in-sei-ze [c sliz] IGmo. 244 n is disregarded in the -ent, third person plural of verbs, and this entire ending is aljsolutely silent: ils ai- \y 96 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION ment [ilz eim]they love; ils ai-me-rent [ilz e-me:r] they loved; ils chan-tent [il ^ciit] they sing; ils chan-te-rent [il $a-te!r] they sang; ils fi-nis-sent [il finis] they are finishing; ils fi-ni-rent [ilfi-niir] they finished. Exercise XLVI, illustrating the nasal consonant n = [n] or nn = [(n)n]. Write, divide as in written French, pronouncing syllable and word as you wi-ite, the following words : Annibal, le Beam, ca- hner, carnaval, comprenez, ennobUt, flanelle, hennir, hymen, inac- tion, inhabile, inherent, innombrable, Narbonne, nenni, nominatif, nonante, nonnain, nonobstant, pinacle, provenir, prune, scenario, so- lennite, sonore, souvenir, vinaigre. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as when spoken, pro- nouncing aloud syllable and word when written, these same words, using the key alphabet. Exercise XL VII, illustrating the distinction between nasal vow- els (129) and oral vowels followed by consonantal m or n. Write, divide as in written French, pronouncing syllables and words as you write, the following words: aimable, amitie, amoureuse, an, anato- mie, ane, arrondir, banane, bon, bonne, brun, brune, calamite, calembour, Damon, dilemme, diligemment, Emma, emmagasiner, emmaiUoter, Emmanuel, emmenager, ils entendent, faim, femme, fin, fine, flambeau, flanelle, gene, gens, gemme, grammatical, imma- cul6, immense, immeuble, immoler, immortel, innovation, instinct, lundi, lune, malmener, maman, mammelle, mammifere, mammouth, marmite, memement, memoire, momerie, monument, mui'mure, om- nibus, post-scriptum, sciemment, soumission, Siam. 245 p (pp) = [p], as in pas, tape, about as in English taper, is regularly represented by p: cap [kap] cape; de- pot [de-po] deposit; e-clip-se [e-klips], pa-pier [pa-pje] paper; prin-temps [pre-ta] spring; su-per-be [sy-perb] superb, pp: ap-pe-tit [a-pe-ti] appetite; nap-pe [nap] cloth; sup-plice [sy-plis] punishment. CONSONANTS 97 246 [p] may, however, be represented by b before a voiceless consonant, as explained under 170. ab-sent [ap-sa], ab-surde [ap-syrd] absurd, ob-te-nir [op-ta-niir] to obtain, are examples of the sound of p represented by a written b. 247 p is silent in a number of words, some of the commonest of which are: bap-te-me [l)a-tr:m] baptism; bap-ti-ser [ba-ti-zc] to baptize; Bap-tis-te [ba-tist] ; bap-tis- te-re [ba-tis-te:r] baptistry; comp-te [k5it] account; corps [koir] body; domp-ter [do-te] to subdue; domp-teur [do- toe rr] tamer; ex-empt [eg-zu] free; ex-emp-ter [eg-za-te] to exempt; prompt [pro]; promp-ti-tude [pro-ti-tyd] ; romps [ro] break; sept [set] seven; sculp-teur [skyl-toe:r]; sculp- tu-re [skyl-tysr]. 248 p is pronounced in other words under identical or similar conditions: ab-rupt [ab-rypt]; as-somp-tion [a- sop-sjo] assumption; con-somp-tif [ko-sop-tif] consump- tive; con-somp-tion [ko-sop-sjoj using up; ex-emp-tion [Fg-zap-sjo]; im-promp-tu [r-prop-ty] ; laps [laps] lapse; pe-remp-toire [pc-rap-twair] peremptory; pre-emp-tion [pre-ap-sjo]; pre-somp-tif [pre-z5p-tif] presumptive; pre- somp-tion [pre-zop-sjo] presumptuousness ; pr^-somp-tueux [pre-zop-tq0] presumptuous; rapt [rapt] carrying off; re- demp-teur [ro-dd(]))-toe!r] redeemer; re-demp-tion [rc- (iuipj-.sjol; re-lap-se [ro-laps]; reps [rrps] rep; sep-tem-bre [srp-tnibrl; sep-tua-ge-nai-re [srp-lqa-5o-nr!r] svpluugena- rian; sep-ten-trion [sfp-tn-trjol north; symp-to-me [sCp- to:m] symptom. 98 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 249 p final is generally silent: beau-coup [bo-ku] much; can-ta-loup [ka-ta-lu] cantaloup; coup [ku] stroke; drap [dra] cloth; ga-lop [ga-lo] gallop; loup [lu] wolf; si-rop [si-ro] sirup; trop [tro] and [tro] too much. 250 p final is sounded in a few instances: cap [kap] cape; cep [sep] vine-stock; croup [krup]; ha-nap [a-nap] large cup; ja-lap [sa-lap] (jalap) ; ju-lep [sy-lep] julep. 251 p and ph (191) followed by n, s, t are sounded at the beginning of words: pneu-ma-ti-que [pn0-ma-tik] bicycle tire; pneu-mo-nie [pn0-mo-ni] pneumonia; psal- mo-dier [psal-mo-dje] to chant psalms; psal-mis-te [psal- mist] psalmist; psau-me [psoim] psalm; psy-che [psi-^e] cheval-glass; psy-cho-lo-gie [psi-ko-b-si] psychology; psy- co-lo-gue [psi-ko-log] psychologist; Pto-le-mee [pto-le-me] Ptolemy; pht(h)i-sie [fti-zi] phthisis; pht(h)i-si-que [fti- zik] consumptive. Exercise XLVIII, illustrating p (pp) = [p]. Write, dividing, whenever possible, as in written French, pronouncing aloud syllables and words as you wa-ite, the following words : acception, apoplexie, apte, captieux, consomption, coupe, epopee, hippopotame, Lesseps, palper, palpitant, pampre, papa, pape, papillon, parapluie, peremp- toire, pion, pipe, presomptif, pneu, pneumatologie, pompe, relapse, septentrional, symptome, transept. Cases of [p], that is, soimded p = written French b: absoudxe, abstinence, absurde, observer, obstacle, obtenir. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide, as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud the above words, using the key alphabet. 252 q and qu = [k]. q is regularly followed by u except in cinq [seik] jive and coq [kok] cock, where the final q has the k sound. CONSONANTS 99 253 qu has three sounds: [k] which is the most usual, the u being entirely silent; [kw], usually before a; and [ki{] usually before e and i. 254 qu = [k] in the majority of cases, especially in older and commoner words of the language: ac-que-rir [a-ke-ri:r] to acquire; Saint Tho-mas d'Ac-quin: [se to-ma da-ke]; an-ti-quail-le [a-ti-ka:j] old curiosity; a-qui-lin [a-ki-le] aquiline; a-qui-lon [a-ki-l3] north ivind; con- que-rir [k5-ke-ri:r] to conquer; en-que-te [ci-keit] inquest; e-qui-ta-ble [e-ki-ta-bl] ; e-qui-va-lent [e-ki-va-la] ; e-qui- vo-que [e-ki-vok] equivocal; fa-bri-que [fa-brik] fabric; in-quiet [e-kjf] anxious; li-que-fier [li-ke-fje] to liquefy; li-queur [li-kceir] liquor; lo-que [bk] shred; nu-que [nyk] nape; quand [ka] when; quart [ka:r] quarter; Saint Quen- tin [sekci-te]; quar-te [kart] fourth; qua-si [ka-zi] almost; qua-tre [katr] four; qua-train [ka-trr] four verses; que-te [ki'it] quest; queue [kp] tail; quil-le [ki:j] keel; quin-cail- le-rie [k£-kaj-rij hardware; quin-te [keit] fifth; quin-quet [k£-kr] Argand lamp; quin-teux [ki--t0] whimsical; Char- les-Quint [5ar-lo kc] Charles V; qui-pro-quo [ki-pro-ko] blunder; vain-quis [vii-ki] (I) conquered; vain-quons [ve- ko] let us conquer. 255 The sound [k], as already shown (174, 185, 186, 219j, may under certain conditions be expressed by c, cc, ch, k. As seen in such examples as those cited under 254: li-que-fie, quin-te, etc., the sound [k] must be written qu before e and i, and may be so written before a, o: qua-li-te [ka-Ii-te] quality; vain-quons [vt'-ko] let us conquer. But before re and before consonants [k] is 100 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION written c. This occasions certain variations, according to the forms, in the spelhng of words: ca-duc [ka-dyk] decrepit; ca-du-que [ka-dylc]; pu-blic [py-bhk]; pu-bli-que [py-bhk]; turc [tyrk] Turk; tur-que [tyrk]; vain-cre [veikr] to conquer; vain-cu [ve-ky] conquered; vain-quant [ve-ka] conquering; vain-quez [ve-ke] conquer; vain-quis [v8-ki] (I) conquered. 356 qu = [kw] before a: a-qua-rel-le [a-kwa-rel] water- color; a-qua-rium [a-kwa-rjom]; a-qua-ti-que [a-kwa-tik] watery; a-de-qua-te [a-de-kwat]; e-qua-teur [e-kwa-toeir] equator; e-qua-tion [e-kwa-sj5]; in-quar-to [e kwar-to]; lo-qua-ce [lo-kwas] and [lo-kas] loquacious; qua-dran-gle [k(w)a-draigl]; qua-dru-pe-de [k(w)a-dry-ped] quadruped; qua-dni-pler [k(w)a-dry-ple] to quadruple; quar-to [kwar- to]; quartz [kwairts]; qua-tuor [kwa-tvpir] quartet; squa-le [skwal] dogfish; squa-re [skwair]. 257 qu = [kii] before e and i, particularly in the prefix equi [e-k(i})i] meaning equal; de-li-ques-cen-ce [de- li-k(ii)e-sas]; e-ques-tre [e-k(Li)8str] equestrian; e-qui- dis-tant [e-k(ii)i-dis-ta]; e-qui-ta-tion [e-k(T:i)i-ta-sj5]; o-bli-qui-te [o-bIi-k(q)i-te] obliquity; ques-teur [kqes- toeir] questor; ques-tu-re [kqestyir] questorship; qui-e-tu-de [kqi-e-tyd] ; Quin-te-Cur-ce [kiiet kyrs] Quintus Curtius; Quin-ti-lien [kqe-ti-lje]; re-quiem [re-kqiem]; u-bi-qui-te [y-bi-kqi-te] ubiquity. 358 As shown by the examples in 256 and 257, the pronunciation of qu is not always easy to determine. In a general way it^may be said that for the older and es- CONSONANTS • 101 tablished words of the language the pronunciation [k] is quite safe; while for the newer and more learned forms, brought into the language after 1550 approximately, the pronunciation of qu is either [kw] or [kq]. The same con- fusion exists with regard to gu (195-199) and the prin- ciples governing the pronunciation of the latter follow closely those of qu. ExBRCiSE XLIX, illustrating the- three values of qu: 1° [k]; 2" [Ivw]; 3*^ [kq]. Write, divide as in written French, pronouncing aloud syllables and words as you write them, the following in which qu has the value of [k]: acquit, equivalent; equitable, equivoque, quadrille, quai, quarante, quasi, quatre-tcmps, quel, queussi-queu- mi, queue, quillon, quinquina, quotient; the following in which qu = [kw] : aquareUiste, aquatinta, equation, exequatur, hquation, qua- dragenaire, quadrat (e), quadrupler, sine qua non, squale; and the following in which qu = [kii] loquele, (quibus),i (quiddite), quie- tLsme, quietude, (quintette), (quintuple), a quia, (quintidi), quin- quennal. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide and pronounce aloud as in spoken French these same words, using the key alphabet. 259 r = [r]; rr = [(r)r], as in rare [ra:r]; rond [r.i] round; cour-rai [kur-ro] (I) shall run; about as in English error. Two r's are generally rolled or trilled more than a single r. Thus in words beginning with irr (168) and in the future and conditional of courir, mourir, querir, the double r is distinctly heard and serves to differentiate the.se verb-forms from those of the imperfect indicative which have but one r. In either case, whether there be one or two r's, the r should make itself distinctly felt. Not sounding the r is usually the most noticeable defect ' Tlin words in parenthesis liavc also [k|. 102 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION of English-speaking students, a defect which mars appre- ciably the spoken word, a-ri-de [a-rid] arid; au-ront [o-ro] (they) will have; er-rer [er-re] to err; er-reur [er-roeir] error; se-ra [s9-ra] (he) will he; ter-ri-ble [tc-ri-bl]. 260 -re final at the end of a word after a consonant is precisely parallel to -le final at the end of a word after a consonant (222). The group consonant + re should not be pronounced as a distinct syllable, but, just as in the case of the group consonant+le, should be pronounced slightly whispered and as though forming but one syllable with what precedes: a-cre [a-kr] tart; ai-gre [e:gr] soiir; ar-bre [arbr] tree; cen-tre [saitr];no-tre [notr] our; or-dre [ordr] order; per-dre [pcrdr] to lose. 261 r final is regularly sounded (165): coeur [koeir] heart; dor-toir [dor-twair] dormitory; fi-nir [fi-niir] to finish; leur [loeir] their; mur [my:r] wall; peur [poeir] fear; plai-sir [ple-ziir] pleasure; te-nir [ta-niir] to hold; trot-toir [tro-twair] sidewalk. 262 But final r (347-349) is usually silent in the end- ing -er of words of more than one syllable. In such cases -er=[e]: ai-mer [e-me] to love; Be-ran-ger [be-ra-5e]; ber-ger [ber-3e] shepherd; bou-cher [bu-^e] butcher; cour- rier [ku-rje] messenger; cui-si-nier [kqi-zi-nje], cook; dan- ger [da-3e]; e-pi-cier [e-pi-sje] grocer; fer-mier [fer-mje] farmer; jar-di-ner [sar-di-ne] to garden; le-ger [le-3e] light; of-fi-cier [o-fi-sje] officer; par-ler [par-le] to speak; Ro-ger [ro-3e]; ver-ger [ver-3e] orchard. When an s is added to form the plural of nouns the singular of which, CONSONANTS 103 as in the above list, ends in -er, the pronunciation of the word remains unchanged: ber-gers [ber-3e]. 263 r final in monosyllables in -er, and in a few words of more than one syllable, and in proper names mostly of foreign origin, is sounded: cher [^eir] dear; fer [feir] iron; fier [fjeir] proud; hier [jeir] yesterday; mer [meir] sea; ver [veir] worm. Words of more than one syllable and proper names: a-mer [a-meir] hitter; as-ter [a-steir] aster; Au-ber [o-be:r]; can-cer [kd-se:r]; cuil-ler [kiii-jc:r]; ei- der [c-dt'!r] eider; en-fer [a-feir] hell; Es-ther [es-te:r]; e-ther [e-teir]; hi-ver [i-veir] winter; Ju-pi-ter [sy-pi- teir]; Kle-ber [kle-be:r]; Lu-ther [ly-tcirj; ma-gis-ter [ma-3is-teir] village schoolmaster; Nec-ker [ne-ke:r]; pa- ter [pa-te:r] paternoster; part-ner [part-neir]; re-vol-ver [re-vol-ve:r]; Schil-ler [5i-lc:r]; sta-bat ma-ter [sta-bat ma-tesr]. 264 r is regularly pronounced in words ending in r -|- consonant; in such cases the final consonant is always silent: ac-quiers [a-kje:r] acquire; An-vers [a-veir]; clerc [kleir] clerk; con-quiert [k3-kje:r] (he) conquers; de-sert [dc-zr:r]; en-vers [a-ve:r] towards; fort [fo:r] strong; Thiers [tjrir]; tiers [tjcir] third part; u-ni-vers [y-ni-vc:r] universe; vers [vcir] verse. 265 r is pronounced in gars [gair] lad; [ga] is a familiar form, [ga:r] is more literary; it is not pronounced in mon- sieur [mo-sj0j sir; mes-sieurs [me-sj0] gentlemen. ExEHciSK L, illustrating pronounced r, that is, r = [r], rr = [(r)r]. Writo, fliviflinK .-is in written Frcncli, pronouncinp; ;ilou(l sylhiblcH and words an you write; tlicni, tlic following: Albert Diu'cr, arriorc, 104 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Auber, barbare, Bernard, brancard, brocard, carte, Chartres, cour, Eclair, Ferrare, garnir, irraisonnable, irreconciliable, irregulier, irrup- tion, meurtre, Niger, Oder, peur, plaisir, pretre, Quimper, raidir, ra- rete, regard, reruarque, rempart, rendre, rire, ronron, rural, rustre, Ruyter, stathouder, le steamer, le tender, thaler, Weser. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud the above words, using the key alphabet. 266 s = [s], as in French si, danse, about as in English miss. The sound is more sliarply hissed than the Enghsh s, as can easily be perceived by comparing initial s of English six with that of French six. 367 s = [s] is represented by s, ss, c, before e, i, y (175), g (176), t (in ti+ vowel in many cases), x, z. s = [s] (com- monly as initial, or before or after any consonant in a word): ab-strait [ap-stre] abstract; cris-tal [kris-tal] crys- tal; es-clave [cs-kla:v] slave; ob-ser-ver [op-ser-ve] to observe; pos-te [post] post; sus-pen-se [sys-pais]. ss: cas- ser [ka-se] to break; frois-ser [frwa-se] to crumple; pas- ser [pa-se] to pass, c before e, i, y=[s]: ce [sa] this; cent [sci] one hundred; sce-ne [sem]; (for c silent in the com- bination sc before e, i, y, see 175, Eemark) ; ce-ci [s9si] this; ci-vil [si-vil]; scien-ce [sjciis]; cy-clo-ne [si-klo:n]; cy-lin- dre [sileidr] cylinder; Scyl-la [sil-la]. f : fa-ga-de [fa-sad] front; gar-fon [gar-s5] boy; re-fu [ro-sy] received, t (in ti + vowel): i-ni-tial [i-ni-sjal]; na-tion [na-sjo]; par-tiel [par-sjel] partial, x: dix [dis] ten; six [sis] six (i.e. when dix and six do not precede and modify a noun, see 372) ; soi-xan-te [swa-sait] sixty; and in a number of proper nouns and adjectives derived from them. Aix [eks] and [es] (ville de Provence) ; Aix-la-Cha-pel-le [es la $a-pel] ; CONSONANTS 105 Aix-les-Bains [eslebe]; Au-xer-re [o-seir]; au-xer-rois [o-se-rwa] (pertaining to Auxerre); but Saint-Germain- I'Au-xer-rois is pronounced [se 5er-m8 lok-ser-wa] ; Au-xois [o-swa] (a portion of the Cote-d'Or); Au-xon-ne [o-son]; Be-a-trix [be-a-trisj; Bru-xel-les [bry-sel]; bru-xel-lois [bry-se-lwa] pertaining to Brussels; Ca-dbc [ka-dis] and [ka-diks]; Lu-xeuil [ly-soeij]; U-xel-les [y-srl]; Xer-xes [gzer-se:s]. s = [s] and represented by z in: Cor-tez [kor- tes]; eau de Seltz [o da sels] Seltzer water; Metz [meis]; Suez [sqt's]; Ve-las-quez [ve-las-kes]. 268 s between vowels = [z]: ce-ri-se [so-ri:z] cherry; des-ha-bil-ler [de-za-bi-je] to undress; des-hon-neur [de- zo-noeir] dishonor; frai-se [freiz] strawberry; mai-son [me- z5] house; mi-se-re [mi-ze:r] misery; ro-se [ro:z]; ru-se [ry:z]; tre-sor [tre-zoir] treasure (366). 269 s has its own sound [s], even when between vowels, when beginning the second part of a compound word; and, according to some authorities, in all the parts of the verb ge-sir [se-ziir] to lie (except the infinitive): an-ti-sep-ti-que [u-ti-srp-tik]; an-ti-so-cial [a-ti-so-sjal]; bi-sul-fa-te [hi-syl-fat]; co-si-nus [k.)-si-nys] cosine; de- sue-tu-de [de-sqc-tyid] disuse; dy-sen-te-rie [di-sa-tri] dysentery ; en-tie-so\ [u-tro-sol]; mo-no-syl-la-be [mo-no- si-lab]; pa-ra-sol [pa-ra-sol]; po-ly-syl-la-be [po-li-si-lab] ; pre-se-an-ce [pre-se-a:s] precedence; pre-sup-po-ser [pre- sy-po-ze]; tour-ne-sol [tur-no-sol] sunflower; vrai-sem-bla- ble [vrr-su-bia-blj likely; gi-sons [si-so] (we) lie buried. The Uniform International Dictionary gives gi-sons [^i- z")]; gi-sent \:-^\va\. ''I'he Michaelis-Passy gives gi-sent [5i!z] and gi-sant Isi-zu]. 106 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 370 s = [z] (always when "linked," 366); in words beginning with trans before a vowel: trans-ac-tion [tra- zak-sjo]; trans-at-lan-ti-que [tra-zat-la-tik] transatlantic; tran-si-ger [tra-zi-3e] to come to terms; tran-sit [tra-zi(t)] (299); tran-si-tif [tra-zi-tif] ; tran-si-tion [tra-zi-sj5]. Ex- ceptions are tran-sir [tra-siir] to become numb; tran-si [tra-si] benumbed; tran-sept [trd-se(pt)] 299; Tran-syl-va- nie [trci-sil-va-ni]. The word Pen-syl-va-nie is analagous to Tran-syl-va-nie, and is pronounced [pe-sil-va-ni], although you can hear on the railway oftentimes [pen- sil-va-ni] (137). 271 s = [z] in some other words, of which the most common examples are: Al-sa-ce [al-zas]; as-bes-te [az- best] asbestos; As-dru-bal [az-dry-bal] ; bal-sa-mi-ne [bal- za-min]; bal-sa-mi-que [bal-za-mik] balmy; Dres-de [dre-zd] Dresden; Is-ra-el [iz-ra-el]; Jer-sey [ser-ze]; Lis- bon-ne [liz-bon]; pres-by-te-re [prez-bi-trir] parsonage; Ra-tis-bon-ne [ra-tiz-bon] ; Saint-Pe-ters-bourg [se pe- terz-buir]; Stras-bourg [straz-bu:r]. 272 s within a proper name which has preserved the ancient spelling is almost alw^ays silent when followed by another consonant: Ais-ne [em]; As-nie-res [a-nje:r]; Chas-les [^a:!]; Des-car-tes [de-kart]; Des-mou-lins [de- mu-lf]; Du-gues-clin [dy-ge-kle]; Du-quesne [dy-ke:n]; Es-pi-nas-se [e-pi-nas]; Es-tien-ne [e-tjen] Stephen; Je- sus-Christ [se-zy kri] and [5e-zy krist] ; an-te-christ [d-te- kri] and [a-te-krist], which form tends to establish itself. Before a consonant s is silent in est [e] is; des-quels [de- kel] of which; les-quels [le-kel] who, which; mes-da-mes CONSONANTS 107 [me-dam]; mes-de-moi-sel-les [med-mwa-zel] ; Nes-le [neil]; Pras-lin [pru-le]; Ros-ny [ro-ni]; Vos-ges [vo!5]. 273 s final as a rule is silent: bas [ba] low; (pain-) bis [pe hi] hrowm bread; bras [bra] arm; cas [ka] case; dos [do] back; jus [^y] juice; las [la] tired; (fleur de) lis [floeir da li] lily (as an emblem); nos [no] our; pas [pa] step; puis [pqi] then; puits [pqi] well. 274 s final is usually pronounced in foreign proper names and in some French names: A-do-nis [a-do-ni:s]; Ar-ras [a-rais]; Du-cis [dy-si:s]; Fre-jus [fre-53^!s]; Gil Bias Isilblais]; Les-bos [les-bois]; Mem-phis [m8-fi:s]; Mens [m5:s]; Pu-vis de Cha-van-nes [py-vi d $a-van] (exception); R(h)eims [re:s]; Ro-mu-lus [ro-my-ly:s] ; Saint-Gau-dens [se go-de:s]; Sie-yes [sje-jes]; Ve-nus [ve-nyis]. 275 s final (313) is pronounced in quite a number of conmion French words which only familiarity with the language will make known: al-ba-tros [al-ba-trois]; al- bi-nos [al-bi-no!s]; a-lo-es [a-lo-es] ; an-ge-lus [a-5e-ly(:)s]; as [a:s] ace; at-las [at-lais]; bis [biis] twice, encore; blo-cus [bb-ky!s] blockade; cas-sis [ka-sis] black currant; cens [sa:s] quit-rent; cho-rus [ko-ryis]; cor-tes [kor-tes] cortes (in Spain); es [es] in the; fils [fis] son; gens [5a:s] and [5a] people; gra-tis [gra-ti:s] gratuitously; he-las [c-la:s]; hia-tus [ja-ty:s]; i-bis [i-bi:s]; i-ris [i-ri:s]; ja-dis [sa-dis] of old; laps [laps] lapse; lis [liis] lily; ma-is [mu-is] maize; mars [mars] March; me-ri-nos [me-ri-no!s] merino; me-tis [me- tiis] half-breed; moeurs [moers] morals, also [moeir]; o-a-sis [o-a-ziis]; om-ni-bus [.)m-ni-by:s]; os [os] bone; ours [urs] 108 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION hear; pa-thos [pa-tois]; plus [plys], so pronounced when emphatic and also when meaning plus or some more, otherwise it is usually pronounced [ply]; pros-pec-tus [pro-spek-tyis]; re-bus [re-byis]; re-laps [ra-laps]; rhi-no- ce-ros [ri-no-se-ro!s]; sens [sa!s] except in the expressions le bon sens [la bo sa] and le sens comun [b sa komoe] ; en-sus [ci-sys] over and above; tous [tu:s] all, so pronounced when emphatic, used as a pronoun, and not when stand- ing immediately before a noun, in which case it is pro- nounced [tu]; ty-phus [ti-fyis]; us [y:s] and [y] usages; va-sis-tas [va-zis-tais] transom; vis [vis] screw. 276 sc = [sk] before a, o, u and consonants: es-clan-dre [es-klaidr] fracas; fis-cal [fis-kal]; Pas-cal [pas-kal]; pros- cri-re [pros-kri:r] to proscribe; scan-da-le [ska-dal]; scar- la-ti-ne [skar-la-tin] ; sc(h)o-lai-re [sko-leir] academic; scru-tin [skry-te] ballot; sculp-teur [skyl-toeir] sculptor. 277 sc = [s] before e, i, y: sce-le-rat [se-le-ra] villain; scep-ti-cis-me [s8p-ti-sism] ; scep-tre [sep-tr]; scie [si] saw; scin-til-le [se-ti:j] spark; Scyl-la [sil-la]. 278 sch. This combination has two values according to the pronunciation of ch (182 and 185). sch = [sk] in a very few words: sche-ma [ske-ma] scheme; sc(h)o-lai-re [sko-leir]; sc(h)o-las-ti-que [sko-las-tik]. Sch = [S] also in a very few words: kirsch [kir$] kirschwasser ; schis-me [Sism]; schis-te [^ist] slate. Exercise LI, illustrating s, ss, sc = [s]. Write, divide as in writ- ing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words, the following: anse, assassinat, biceps, cassation, concession, crocus, dis- CONSONANTS 109 penser, estime, express, gibus, hermcs, lapis, lotus, Madras, motus, myosotis, nonsens, omniscience, penser, persuader, plus-que-parfait, rasibus, science, tandis que. Illustrating s between vowels = [z]: base, bise, blouse, chaise, deshabiller, deshonneur, lesion, misere, muse, raison, raser, rose, ruse. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing as in the .spoken language, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words as you write them, using the key alphabet. 279 t, tt, th = [t], as in tas [ta] pile; pat-te [pat] paw, about as in English entry, t: chut [^yt] and [^it] hush; e-te [e-te] been; lan-ter-ne [la-trrnj; moi-tie [mwa-tje] half; ques-tion [kes-tj5]; temps [ta] iveather. tt: net-te [net] clean; sot-te [sot] foolish; trot-toir [tro-twa:r] sidewalk, th: sym-pa-thie [se-pa-ti]; the-a-tre [te-aitr]; the-me [teim]. 280 ti. The group ti, followed by a vowel, is pro- nounced si [sj] in many words and especially the endings: -tie, -tial, -tiel, -tieux, -tieuse, -tion; -tien (in proper names); -tient (not in verbs); in patience and derivatives; -tium. But when any one of these terminations is pre- ceded by s or X, as in ques-tion [krs-tj;)]; mix-tion [mis- tj5] mixture, the group ti has the value of [tj]. 281 -tie. t has the sound of [s] in the ending -tie when following a vowel: -atie, -itie, -otie, -utie: ar-gu-tie [ar- gy-si] quibble; a-ris-to-cra-tie [a-ris-to-kra-si] ; la Be-o- tie [la be-;)-si]; cal-vi-tie [kal-vi-si] baldness; Dal-ma-tie [dal-ma-si]; de-mo-cra-tie [de-m;)-kra-si] ; di-plo-ma-tie [di-pl.)-ma-si]; fa-ce-tie [fa-se-si] witticism; mi-nu-tie [mi- ny-si] trifle; pe-ri-pe-tie [|)(;-ri-pe-si] vicissitude; pro-phe-tie [pro-fe-si] prophecy; the-o-cra-tie [te-j-kra-si]. It will be no FRENCH PRONUNCIATION noticed that the English correspondent to these French words ends in cy or tia. But in the feminine terminations -tie and -ties of past participles, and in all parts of the verb cha-tier, ti has its normal value of [ti]: a-pla-tie [a-pla-ti] flattened; a-ver-tie [a-ver-ti] warned; tu cha- tie-ras [ty $a-ti-ra] thou wilt punish; also the words ro-tie [ro-ti] toast; so-tie [so-ti] farce, retain the t; e-pi-zo-o-ti has [e-pi-zo-o-si] and [e-pi-zo-o-ti] epizooty. 382 -tial. t = [s]: im-par-tial [e-par-sjal]; i-ni-tial [i-ni- sjal]; nup-tial [nyp-sjal]; mar-tial [mar-sjal]; par-tial [par- sjal] biased; par-tia-li-te [par-sja-li-te]. 283 -tiel. t = [s]: con-fi-den-tiel [ko-fi-da-sjel]; es-sen- tiel [e-sci-sjel]; par-tiel [par-sjel]; po-ten-tiel [po-tci-sjel]; pro-vi-den-tiel [pro-vi-da-sjel]; sub-stan-tiel [syp-sta-sjel]. 284 -tieux. t = [s]: am-bi-tieux [a-bi-sj0]; cap-tieux [kap-sj0]; de-vo-tieux [de-vo-sj0]; fac-tieux [fak-sj0]; mi- nu-tieux [mi-ny-sj0]. For the feminine -tieuse forms, simply add [iz] to the masculine: [a-bi-sj0iz]. 285 -tion. t = [s]: fonc-tion [fok-sjo]; na-tion [na-sjo]; por-tion [por-sjo]; ra-tion [ra-sjo]; sta-tion [sta-sjo]; su-je- tion [sy-5e-sjoj subjection. 286 -tien. t = [s] in proper names: Be-o-tien [be-o-sje]; Ca-pe-tien [ka-pe-sje]; Di-o-cle-tien [di-o-kle-sje]; Do-mi- tien [do-mi-sjej; E-gyp-tien [e-5ip-sje]; Hel-ve-tien [el-ve- sje]; Ho-ra-tien [o-ra-sje]; Li-li-pu-tien [li-li-py-sje]; Ti-tien [ti-sje]; Ve-ni-tien [ve-ni-sje]. CONSONANTS 111 287 -tient. t = [s] (not in verbs) in pa-tient [pa-sja], and the derivatives patiemment, patience, patienter, im- patiemment, impatience, impatient, impatientant, im- patienter; also in quo-tient [ko-sju]. 288 -tium. t = [s]: Ac-tium [ak-sjom]; La-tium [la- sjom]; stron-tium [stro-sjom] a yellow metal. 289 ti. The group ti, followed by a vowel, in other cases, may be said in general to have its own value [tj]. A brief summary of the principal cases follows. 290 ti+ vowel = tj when preceded by s (or x, of which mix-tion [mis-tj5] mixture; mix-tion-ner [mis-tjo-ne] to mix appear to be the only available examples). The examples of ti+ vowel, preceded by s, are numerous: bas-tion [bas-tj.')]; bes-tial [bes-tjal]; com-bus-tion [ko- bys-tjo]; con-ges-tion [k5-5fs-tj3]; di-ges-tion [di-5es-tj3]; dy-nas-tie [di-nas-ti]; hos-tie [os-ti] consecrated host; ques- tion [kes-tj5]; sug-ges-tion [syg-5es-tj5]; ves-tiai-re [ves- tjeir] dressing-room. 291 ti+ vowel = tj in the verb-endings -tions, -tiez of the first conjugation: por-tions [por-tjS] (we) were carry- ing; (but the noun por-tions, meaning portions, parts of=[poT-Hp]); por-tiez [p.)r-tj('] (you) were carrying; no- tions [no-tjSj (we) wei'c noting; no-tiez [no-tje] (you) were noting. 292 -tie precodofl by a consonant = [ti]: a-ne-an-tie [a-nc-n-til annihilated; ga-ran-tie [f;:i-rd-tij guaranty; 112 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION or-tie [or-ti] nettle; par-tie [par-ti] portion; sor-tie [sor-ti] exit. But the words in-ep-tie [i-nepsi] inept, in-er-tie [i-ner-si] inertia have the s sound. 293 ti+vowel = [tj] in the endings -tie, -tier, -tiers and in tie in -tie-me and -tie-me-ment : a-mi-tie [a- mi-tje] friendship; cen-tie-me [sa-tjem] one hundredth; cen-tie-me-ment [sa-tj em-ma] in the hundredth place; chan-tier [^d-tje] wood-yard; char-pen-tier [^ar-pa-tje] car- penter; cha-tier [Sa-tje] to chastise; en-tier [a-tje] entire; en-tie-re [a-tjeir] entire; fron-tie-re [fr5-tje:r]; frui-tier [frip-tje] fruit-hearing; frui-tie-re [frqi-tjeir] fruit-bearing; in-i-mi-tie [i-ni-mi-tje] unfriendliness; moi-tie [mwa-tje] the half; pe-nul-tie-me [pe-nyl-tjem] penult; pi-tie [pi-tje] pity; Poi-tiers [pwa-tje]; por-tier [por-tje] doorkeeper; por-tie-re [por-tjeir] doorkeeper; quan-tie-me [kci-tjem] day (of the month) ; quar-tier [kar-tje] quarter; sep-tie-me [s8-tjem] seventh; tiers [tjeir] third; ving-tie-me [ve-tjem] tiventieth; vo-lon-tiers [vo-l3-tje] willingly. But the words bal-bu-tier [bal-by-sje] to stammer (and the deriva- tive bal-bu-tie-ment [bal-by-si-ma] stammering); dif-fe- r en-tier [di-fe-ra-sje] to differentiate; in-i-tier [i-ni-sje] to initiate (and derivative in-i-tia-tion [i-ni-sja-sj3]); sa- tie-te [sa-sje-te] satiety; trans-sub-stan-tier [tra-syp-sta- sje] transubstantiate have the s sound. 294 ti = [tj] in the groups tia, tien, tienne, tio making up the following words: an-tien-ne [ci-tjen] anthem; Chre- tien [kre-tje] Christian; chre-tien-ne [kre-tjen] Christian; E-tien-ne [e-tjen] Stephen; e-tiez [e-tje] (you) were; e-tio- ler [e-tjo-le] to make pale; e-tions [e-tj5] (we) were; CONSONANTS 113 ga-li-ma-tias [ga-li-ma-tja] gibberish; main-tien [me-tje] bearing; sou-tien [su-tje] support; tia-re [tjair] tiara; tien [tje] thine; tien-ne [tjen] thitie. 295 t final (350-352) is regularly silent: af-fut [a-fy] gun-carriage; ban-quet [ba-ke]; de-troit [de-trwa] strait; e-tat [e-ta] state; ha-bit [a-bi] coat; he-raut [e-ro] her- ald; im-pot [e-po] tax; in-te-ret [e-te-re] interest; nuit [niji] night; ren-fort [ra-fo:r] reenforcement; saut [so] leap; sou-hait [swe] wish. 296 t final is pronounced in some words ending in ct : corn-pact [ko-pakt]; con-tact [ko-takt]; cor-rect [ko- rekt] ; di-rect [di-rekt] ; ex-act [eg-zakt] ; in-cor-rect [e-ko- rekt]; in-di-rect [e-di-rekt]; in-ex-act [i-neg-zakt] ; in-fect [e-fekt]; in-tact [e-takt]; tact [takt]; strict [strikt]. 297 t final is pronounced in some words ending in st: bal-last [ba-last]; Brest [l:)rest]; Christ [krist]; Er-nest [er-nest]; est [est] east; nord-est [nord-est] nori/ieas^; nord- cuest [nord-west] northwest (363); ouest[w8st]iiJesf; sud-est [sy-dest] southeast; sud-ouest [syd-west] southwest; toast [tost]; whist [wist]; zest [zest] nonsense! presto. 298 t final is pronounced after a vowel in some words of which the following are quite common: but [byt] or [by] end, object; brut [bryt] gross; chut [5yt] Jiush; dot [dot] dovyry; fat [fat] fop; huit [qit] eigld (except before the initial consonant of a word numbered by it) ; lut [lyt] lut- ing (chemistry); mat [mat] dullf checkmated; net [net] clean. 114 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 399 t (or th, h always silent) is pronounced in quite a number of loan words and proper names such as the fol- lowing: ab-rupt [ab-rypt]; a-co-nit [a-ko-nit]; Belt [belt]; bis-muth [bis-myt]; co-balt [ko-balt]; de-fi-cit [de-fi-sit]; E-li-sa-beth [e-li-za-bet] ; et cse-te-ra [et se-te-ra] ; ex- e-at [eg-ze-at]; gra-nit [gra-nit] and [gra-ni]; in-dix-huit [e di zqit]; in-dult [e-dylt]; Ja-phet [sa-fet]; Ju-dith [5y- dit]; knout [knut] f^courge; Loth [lot]; luth [lyt] lute; malt [malt]; mam-mouth [ma-mut]; oc-ci-put [ok-si-py(t)]; o-piat [o-pia(t)]; pre-te-rit [pre-te-ri(t)]; rapt [rapt] seizure; Seth [set]; Soult [suit]; spalt [spalt]; su-bit [sy- bi(t)] sudden; tran-sept [tra-sE(pt)] (270); tran-sit [tra- zi(t)] (270); ver-mouth [ver-mut]; ze-nith [ze-nit]; zest [zest] 7ionsense! 300 Special cases. As may be discerned from some of the preceding examples, usage as regards pronouncing or not final t in learned words of relatively recent formation varies. Moreover such is the difference of opinion, that in order to illustrate it without bias, it seems expedient merely to quote what those who have been and are con- sidered good authority indicate. Teachers and educated Frenchmen, for obvious reasons, are apt to have decided preferences, and these are worthy the student's careful consideration. Five authoritative works are here cited as vouching for the pronunciation of the words in the following list: Hatzfeld, Darmesteter et Thomas, Dic- tionnaire (H); Michaelis-Passy, Dictioniiaire phonetique (P); Rousselot, Precis de prononciation (R); Victor, Ele- mente der Phonetik (V) ; Lesaint, Traite de la prononciation frangaise (L): ab-ject [ab-5ekt] H, L, R, V; [ab-5e(kt)] CONSONANTS 115 P; as-pect [as-pe] H, P; [as-pek] L, V; but [by] end, object, H, L; [by(t)] P; "the t is sounded when the word occurs at the end of a sentence," V; ((on hesite pour un certain nombre de mots: [by] et [byt], [fa] et [fat], [ne] et [net])) R; cir-con-spect [sir-ko-spek] H, L; [sir-k5-spe] P; [sir-ko-spe] [sir-kr)-spfk] [sir-ko-spekt] R; dis-tinct [dis-te:kt] or [dis- te] P; [diMi-:kt] H, R; [dis-te] ((vicilli)), R, H; [dis-tfkt] [dis-tfk] [(Us-tf-] L. The forms distinctif, distinction and distinctement somid both c and t as in [(Us-tr:kt]; de-fi-cit [dc-fi-sit] H, L; [de-fi-si(t)] P; dis-trict [dis-tri] P; [dis- trikt] H; [dis-tri] ((vieilli)) H; [dis-trik] L; ex-act [eg-zakt] or [eg-za] P; [eg-za] R; [eg-zakt] ((vieilh)) R; [eg-zakt] H; [eg-za] ((vieilh)) H; fat [fat] P, H, L; [fat] or [fa] R; fait (substantive) [fe] or [fet] deed, P, R; [fe] H, L; [fet] V; gent [5(1] or [scut] P; [5d] H, L; the word means race or nation: (da gent trottc-mcnu, » for rats and mice; gra-nit [gra-nit] or [gra-ni] H, R, P; [gra-nit] L; net [net] clean, 'plain, P, H, L; [net] or [ne] R; sot (substantive) [no] fool, P, R, H, L, [sot] V; sometimes [sot] in the provinces; post- scrip-tum [pos(ts)krip-tom] P; [post-skrip-tom] H; re- spect [re-spe] P; [re-spek] H; [re-spe] ((vieilh)) H; [re-spekt] [re-spek] [re-spe] R; su-bit [sy-bi] sudden, H, P; [sy-bit] L; suc-cinct [syk-se] H, P, L; [syk-sekt] or [syk-se] R; sus- pect [sys-pekt] H; [sys-pekt] or [sys-pek] L; [sys-pekt] [sus-pek], [sys-pe] R; soit! [swat] he it so, P; [swat] or [swa] R; [swa] L; ver-dict [ver-di(k)] P, R; [ver-dikt] H; [ver- dik] L; vi-vat [vi-va] P, R; [vi-vat] H. As in the case of the educated Frenchman, so, un- doubtedly, the educated teacher will have formed a de- cisive opinion in regard to the more usual form prevailing 116 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION where several may be heard. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion, not only under this particular case of the treatment of final t, but for usage in general as to pro- nunciation, the student will do well to rely on his teacher's judgment until such time as he may be able to judge for himself by comparing authorities as regards the usage in the manner above outlined, and thus form his own opinion. It remains to be added that much divergence of opinion exists in regard to what works pass as current authority. Here again the experienced teacher will best serve the student's purpose by differentiating for him the point of view of the respective French "authorities." 301 t is silent in the following words: Je-sus-Christ [se-zy-kri] although sounded in the word Christ [krist] when used alone; Goth [go]; Os-tro-got(h) [os-tro-go]; Vi-si-got(h) [vi-zi-go]; as-thme [asm] asthma; is-thme [ism] isthmus; cent un [sa de ] one hundred and one. 302 t before a vowel (cf. 350 et seq.) is sounded in sept [s8t] seven; huit [qit] eight; vingt [veit] twenty, as in the examples: sept arbres [set ar-br] seven trees; huit heu-res [qit oeir] eight o'clock; vingt hom-mes [vet om] twenty men; also when final at the end of a phrase : il y en a sept, huit, vingt [il j a na set, ijit, ve:t] there are seven, eight, twenty of them. And when sept, huit, vingt are equivalent to an ordinal: le sept mai [b set me] the seventh of May; le huit jan-vier [la qit sa-vje]; le vingt juin [b vet sqe] the twen- tieth of June. Otherwise the t is silent: sept pom-mes [se pom] seven apples; huit poi-res [qi pwair] eight pears; vingt sol-dats [ve solda] twenty soldiers. CONSONANTS 117 303 t is sounded in the numerals from twenty-one to twenty-nine: vingt et iin [ve te de] twenty-one; vingt-deux [vetd0]; vingt-trois [vet trwa] twenty-three; vingt-neuf [vet noef] twenty-nine; but in tlie numerals from eighty to ninety-nine inclusive the t is silent: qua-tre- vingt-un [ka-tra ve de] eighty-one; qua-tre-vingt-dix-huit [ka-tra ve di-zqit] ninety-eight. Exercise LII, illustrating t and th = [t]. Write, dividing when- ever possible, as in ^Titing and printing, pronouncing aloud the sj'l- lables and words as you write, the following: antipathic, apathie, apte, brut, centieme, chrestomathie, chrctien, Christ, nous contrac- tions, deficit, dot, djTiastie, frontiere, nous gations, granit, inimitie, nos intentions, Poitiers, portier, quartier, repartie, rotie, sortie, soutien, suggestion, sympathie, tact, Veniat, vingtieme. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing and pronouncing aloud the syllables, whenever possible, as in spo- ken French, making use of the key alphabet. Exercise LIII, illustrating t = [s]. Write, dividing the syllables as in wTittcn French, pronouncing word and syllable aloud as you vsTite, the following: balbutier, conditionnel, differentier, egj^ptiaque, essentiel, facetieux, Horatius, impartialite, ineptie, inertie, initier, liliputien, martial, nation, patience, plenipotentiaire, primatie, pro- pW-tie, propitiatoire, rationnel, satietc, substantiel, supr6matie, tertio, Titien, transsubstanticr. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them a.s in .spoken French, })ronouncing aloud as you write them, syllables and words, using the key alphabet. Exercise LIV, illustrating silent t: Write, dividing, whenever po.ssible, as in writing and printing, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words n» 3'ou write them, (lie following: aout, app(''tit, art, l)illct, carat, degal, df'jKjt, doigt, ecart, et, ^:iiit, fort, haut, li6raut, inade- quat, manuscrit, mcts, odorat, pavot, pot, quart, rat, rempart, renfort, rd-sultat, rets, sabbat, sort, souhait, urgent, vert. 118 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, dividing them as in spoken French, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words, using the key alphabet. 304 v=[v] as in vent, rive, about as in English ever. It does not occur as final: le Ha-vre [baivr]; veu-ve [voeiv] widow; vi-va-ce [vi-vas] long-lived; voir [vwair] to see; vou-loir [vu-lwair] to wish; vrai [vre] true. 305 [v] is represented by f in the word neuf [noef] 7iine when the latter is linked over before a vowel : neuf en- fants [noe va-fa] nine children; neuf heures [noe voeir] nine o'clock. Neuf is linked when, as in these cases, be- fore a word it multiplies (342). 306 [v] is represented by w (307) in many names, especially foreign words; such, at least, seems to be the unstudied natural French usage. The cases where a iv, as in English, is heard, indicate English influence: Crom- well [krom-v8l]; War-wich [var-vik]; Wa-ter-loo [va- ter-lu]. Exercise LV, illustrating v. Write, divide as in written French, pronoimcing aloud the syllables and words: active, raviver, revol- ver, seve, valet, valu, valve, vent, Versailles, vei-veine, vienne, vi- lain, vivant, vivre, vont, votre, votre. Supplementary Exercise. Write these same words, divide them as in spoken French, pronouncing aloud the syllables and words, using the key alphabet. 307 w = [v], as a consonant, occurs only in a very small number of foreign words, and is usually pronounced Uke an English v (cf . 306) ; naturally the better the French- CONSONANTS 119 man knows English, the more hkely is he to pronounce as in English and the less likely to follow the French system. Bruns-wick [broz-vik]; tram-way [tram-we]; wa-gon [va- go] ; Wa-gram [va-gram] ; Wal-ter Scott [val-ter skot] ; wa-ter-proof [va-ter-pruf] ; Wash-ing-ton [va-zeg-to] ; We- ber [ve-be:r]; Wi-si-goth [vi-zi-go]. 308 w = [w] like the English w in ivell; that is, u+ vowel : rail-way [rel-we]; sand-wich [sand-wit^]; wig-wam [wig- wam]. 309 wh = [w] that is, the h is absolutely silent: Whig [wig]; whist [A\ist]; whis-k(e)y [wis-ki]. Exercise LVI, illustrating w = [v]. Write, divide as in writing and printing, and pronounce aloud the following words: Walker, Wallon, Walpole, warrant, A\'atteau, Wellington, Weimar, Weser, Wiesbaden, Winkelmann, Wissenbourg, wolfram. Worms. Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, and pronounce aloud these same words, using the key alphabet. 310 X has five sounds: [ks], [k], [gz], [s], [z], X = [ks], the usual value, 1° in the prefix, ex- or hex- initial followed by a consonant: ex-cla-ma-tion [tCkjs-kla-ma-sj.")]; ex-pa-trier [i(k)s-pa-tri-c]; ex-pe-dier [e(k)s-pe-dje]; ex-plo-rer [r(k)s-plo-re]; ex-tir-per [c(k)- stir-pe]. The [k] in popular pronunciation in such words is not sounded. This popular manner of speech need not be imitated. It is not uncommon in the language of the street and is not infrequently observed and noted. 2° In the body of words: A-lex-an-dre [a-U-k-suulr]; dex-tre [dc(k)-str] right hand and r'ajhl-laindcd; cf. the remarks 120 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION just made in regard to the popular elimination of k in the combination ks = x by the uneducated. Mex-i-co [mek-si-ko]; six-te [sikst] sixth; ox-y-ge-ne [ok-si-5en]; tex-te [tekst]. 3° at the end of a number of words: A-jax [a-5aks] ; bo-rax [bo-raks] ; Dax [daks] ; Fe-lix [fe-liks] ; Fox [foks]; in-dex [e-deks]; la-rjrnx [la-reiks]; lynx [leiks]; o-n}^ [o-niks]; Pol-lux [p.o-lyks]; pre-fix [pre-fiks]; sphinx [sfeiks]; si-lex [si-leks]; tho-rax [tj-raks], 311 x = k(+s). X sounds as [k] in initial ex followed by ce, ci, and s: ex-ce-dant [ek-se-da] surplus (not [eks] in one syllable, as in the cases under 1° 310, but the x is represented by [k] while the [s] represents the c of the second syllable); ex-ces [ek-se]; ex-ces-sif [ek-se-sif]; ex- cep-tion [ek-sep-sjS]; ex-ci-ser [ek-si-ze] to cut off; ex-ci- tant [ek-si-tu] exciting; ex-su-der [ek-sy-de]^o perspire. 312 X = [gz] in the prefix ex- or hex- before a vowel or silent h and in Greek proper names: ex-a-men [eg-za-me] examination; [eg-za-men] may still be heard in the south of France, due to the Latin pronunciation of the word; ex-empt [eg-zd] constable; ex-er-ci-ce [eg-zer-sis] ; ex-hi- bi-tion [eg-zi-bi-sj5]; ex-hor-ter [eg-zor-te]; ex-i-ger [eg- zi-5e] to exact; ex-i-ler [eg-zi-le] ; hex-a-go-ne [eg-za-gon] or [eg-za-go:n] or [ek-sa-go:n]; hex-a-me-tre [eg-za-me-tr]. Greek proper names : Xan-thus [gza-tys] ; Xan-tip-pe [gzd- tip]; Xa-vier [gza-vje]; Xe-no-phon [gze-no-fon] ; Xer-xes [gzer-s8:s]; Xan-the [gzu:t]. 313 X = [s] when final in a few words, mostly proper nouns (cf. 267) : Aix [eks] and [es] ville de Province; Aix-la- CONSONANTS 121 Chapelle [cs-la-Sa-pel] ; Aix-les-Bains [es-le-b?] ; Au-xer-re [o-sejr] and [o-se:r]; Au-xois [o-swa]; Au-xon-ne [o-son] and [o-son]. Also initial x in Xain-trail-les = [s] [se-tra:j]; Be-a-trix [be-a-tris]; Bru-xel-les [bry-sel]; Ca-dix [ka-dis] and [ka-diks]; dix [dis] ten; six [sis] six (when these numerals come at the end of a phrase or do not precede and modify a noun) ; soi-xan-tai-ne [swa-sa-ten] ; soi-xan- te [swa-suit] sixty; U-xel-les [y-sel]; Xer-xes [gzer-seis]. 314 x = [z] in deu-xie-me [d0-zjem] second; dix-huit [di-zqit] eighteen; dix-hui-tie-me [di-zqi-tjem] eighteenth; di-xie-me [di-zjrm] tenth; dix-neuf [diz-noef] nineteen; dix-neu-vie-me [diz-noe-vjem] nineteenth; si-xain [si-ze] six-line stanza; si-xie-me [si-zjem] sixth; and the deriva- tives in -ment of the numerals here noted. 315 X final is regularly silent (but see 313) : aux [o] to the; ceux [s0] those; che-vaux [^o-vo] horses; choux [^u] cabbages; creux [kr0] hollow; croix [krwa] cross; cru-ci-fix [kry-si-fi]; deux [d0] two; flux [fly] flow; heu-reux [oe-r0] happy; paix [pe] peace; per-drix [per-dri] partridge; prix [pri] price; toux [tu] cough; voix [vwa] voice, x is silent in six, dix (cf. 313) before a consonant or h aspirate: six pom-mes [si pom] six apples; dix sol-dats [di sol-da] ten soldiers; six h6-ros [si-ero] six heroes. Exercise LVII, illustrating the various values of x. Write, di- vide, pronouncing aloud syllahica and words as you write thcni, the following: 1'^ x = [k.s]: cx-ca-va-tion, exclanier, exclurc, excursion, expansif, cxpatrier, Halifax, phenix, le Styx. 2° x = [k]: exc6der, ex- cellence, exceller, excopte, exception, excitation, exsangue. 3" x = (gz): exact, executor, exemjjle, exhorter, exhumer, exiger, exiler, exotiquc. 4" x = [rt): Bruxell(;s, il en a dix, dix-sept, dix-septi(ime, 122 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Luxeuil, c'est le six, soixantieme, six-huit, six-quatre. 5" x=[z]: deuxieme, deuxiemement, dix-huit, dixieme, dix-neuf, sixain, si- xieme. x silent: Citeaux, courroux, faux, houx, jaloux, tu peux, je prevaux, taux. Supplementary Exercise. Write these words, dividing them as in spoken French, pronouncing aloud syllables and words, using the key alphabet. 316 z = [z] as in ze-le [ze(:)l] zeal; ro-se [roiz], about as in English cosy : a-zu-re [a-zy-re] azure color; ba-zar [ba- zair]; vi-zir [vi-ziir]; ze-ro [ze-ro]; zo-ne [zoin]; gaz [gaiz] gas; Suez [sqeiz]. 317 [z] is regularly represented by s between vowels (268): ro-se [roiz]; and in deu-xie-me and the other numerals noted in 314 is represented by x. 318 z final is regularly silent: al-lez [a-le] go; as-sez [a-se] enough; Du-mou-riez [dy-mu-rje]; Du-prez [dy-pre]; Ge-ru-sez [5e-ry-ze]; nez [ne] nose; por-tez [por-te] carry; riz [ri] rice; ve-nez [va-ne] co7?ie. 319 z final (357-359) is pronounced in gaz [gaiz] gas, and in a few proper names; the sound is usually [z] after vowels and [s] after consonants: Aus-ter-litz [os-ter-lits] ; Ber-lioz [ber-ljoiz]; Biar-ritz [bja-rits]; Bu-loz [by-loiz]; Diaz [djaiz]; Fritz [frits]; Metz [mes]; Ve-ra-Cruz [ve-ra kryiz]. Exercise LVIII, illustrating z = [z] and [s]. Write, divide, pro- nouncing aloud as you write syllable and word, the following: 1° z = [z] gazon, Sanchez, Suzanne, suzerain, topaze, zebre, zigzag. 2° z = [s] Aranjuez, Cortez, eau de seltz; Goritz, Leibnitz. REVIEW. VOWEL COMBINATIONS 123 Supplementary Exercise. Write, divide as in spoken French, pronouncing aloud as you write syllable and word, these same words, using the key alphabet. Examples of s = [z] written s, and regularly so when between vowels, but also in a few other words (see 270) : Alsace, amuser, apaiser, Asie, des oeufs, des oignons, eeraser, lisible, oser, raser, resoudre, ruse. Examples of x=[z] and written x (see 313): deux enfants, deuxieme, dix-huit, dix-neuf, six amis. Thus, as shown above, the sound [z] is represented by the letters z, s between vowels and X. Vn REVIEW. BRIEF RESUME OF THE VOWEL COMBINATIONS 320 Vowel coml)inations representing simple sounds: ai, aie, ay = [e] (90); ei, ey = [e] (90); au, eau = [o] (102); au before r, etc., = [o] (112); eu (ue after c and g), oeu, ce = [oe] (118) or [0] (114); ou = [u] (119). These combi- nations merely represent simple sounds and receive atten- tion under the respective sound as indicated by the reference. They are here briefly summarized: 321 ai, aie, ay, except as noted immediately below, where the value is [e], are pronounced [e]. This occurs especially in the combinations aie, air, aire, ais, aisse, aix: chair [^rir] flefih; chai-se [^ciz] chair; je chan-tais [50 Sci-tr] / was sinfjing; craie [krr] chalk; grais-se |grr:s] fat; j'i-rais [5 i-rc] / should go; paix [pr] peace; je par-le-rais [50 ])arl- rc] / should speak; pay-er [pf-je] to pay; tai-re [tr:r] to he silent. 124 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 323 ai is pronounced [e] in the auxiliary: j'ai [3 e] I have; wherever it is final in the verb-enclings : je chan-te- rai [59 Sat-re] I shall sing; j'i-rai [5 ire] / shall go; je par- lai [59 par-le] I spoke; in the forms of the verb savoir [sa-vwair] to know: je sais [39 se] I know; tu sals [ty se] thou knowest; il salt [il se] he knows; and in a few words: gai [ge] gay; geai [^e] jay; quai [ke] quay (82). ay = [e] in a-yez [e-je] have {ye); a-yons [e-j5] let us have. Elsewhere, as noted in 320, these combinations have the sound of e, that is [e]. 333 ei and ey are regularly pronounced e, that is [e], wherever they occur: as-sey-ez-vous [a-se-je vu] he seated; ba-lei-ne [ba-len] ivhale; gras-sey-er [gra-se-je] to pronounce r with the uvula; nei-ge [neis] snow; pa-reil-le [pa-re !j] equal; pei-ne [pen] pain; Sei-ne [sem]; sei-ze [seiz] sixteen. 334 au and eau are regularly pronounced [o] : au [o] to the; aus-si [o-si] also; beau [bo] beautiful; ca-deau [ka-do] present; eau [o] water; nou-veau [nu-vo] new. 335 au before r is pronounced as open o, that is [0]; also in the proper name Paul [pol]. In j'au-rai and j'au- rais the usage varies [3 o-re, 3 o-re] and [3 o-re, 3 o-re]. Lau-re [loir]; lau-rier [lo-rje] laurel; Mau-re [moir] Moor; res-tau-rant [res-to-ra]. 336 eu (ue after c and g), oeu, oe simply represent the open sound of eu, that is [oe], or the closed eu, that is [0]. eu has regularly the closed sound [0] when final or fol- REVIEW. CONSONANTAL COMBINATIONS 125 lowed by silent final consonants; also usually before s = [z] or t within the syllable of a word: dan-seu-se [da-s0!z] dancer; e-meu-te [e-m0!t] riot; feu-tre [f0itr] felt; heu-reux [oe-r0] happy; iieux [lj0] places; neu-tre [n0!tr] neuter; noeud [n0] knot; peu [p0] little; pre-cieu-se [pre-sj0:z] precious; voeux [v0] vows. 327 eu elsewhere, as before pronounced final conso- nants, and before il, ilia = [j] has the sound of the open eu, that is [oe], which is less commonly heard than the closed eu=[0]: accueil [a-koeij] reception; a-veu-gle [a-voegl] blind; boeuf [beef] ox; jeu-ne [seen] young; meu-ble [moebl] piece of furniture; neuf [ncef] new, nine; ceil [oc:j] eye; oeil-let [ce-je] pink; or-gueil [or-goe:j] pride; peu-ple [poe-pl] people; veu-ve [voe:v] widow. 328 ou = [u] regularly: bout [bu] end; e-cou-tez [e-ku- te] listen; jou-jou [5U-5U] plaything; loup [lu] ivolf; lou-pe llup] magnifying glass; Lour-des [lurdj; tous-se [tus] coughs. Vm REVIEW. BRIEF RESUME OF THE CONSONANTAL COMBINATIONS 329 Consonantal combinations. Like the vowel combinations or so-called digraphs and trigraphs, a num- ber of consonant CH:)mbinations represent simple sounds. They will be found treated in more detail under the re- spective sections to which thoy belong, as indicated by the reference: ch = f51 as in chas-se [^as] hunt (182); ! = [,)] as in gen-til-hom-me [5u-li-j.)mJ nobleman (230); 126 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION il, ill = [j] as in bail [baij] lease; pail-le [ptiij] straw (225); gn = [ji] in re-gne [rcji] kingdom (207); ph = f as in phi-lo- so-phe [fi-lo-zof] philosopher (191); double consonants in general (167), as ss = [s] as in as-sez [a-se] enough (267); sc = [s] as in sce-ne [sem] (277); sch = [5] as in schis-me tSism] schism (278); gu = [g] as in gue [ge] ford (195); qu = [k] as in qui [ki] ivho (253); th = [t] as in the-a-tre [te- aitr] (279); wh = [w] as in whist [wist] (309). IX LIAISON 330 In general. When two or more words are closely connected, as with a hyphen, or as an article or adjective with its noun, a subject or object-pronoun with its verb, a preposition with its object, an adverb with the word it modifies, the two words are then regarded as a unit sound group and not as two separate words. In such cases the final consonant, whether silent or sounded, before a word beginning with a vowel or silent h, is carried over to it in pronouncing the group: 331 Article and adjective with qualifying noun: les en-fants [le za-fci] the children; les bons en-fants [le b5- zQ-fci] the good children; un char-mant hom-me [oe $ar-ma- tom] a charming man; ai-ma-bles a-mis [e-mabl-za-mi] amiable friends. 332 Subject or object pronoun with the verb: nous ai-mons [nu-ze-m5] we love; il nous ai-me [il nu-zeim] he loves us; di-sait-on [di-ze-to] said they; don-nez-en [do- ne-za] give some; dort-elle [dor-tel] does she sleepf LIAISON 127 333 Auxiliaries and verbs; words connected with a hjTjhen: vous avez eu [vu-zave-zy] you have had; je dois al-ler [59 dwa-za-le] / must go; il faut e-cri-re [11 fo-te- kriir] it is necessary to lurite; veuil-lez en-trer [voe-je- za-tre] please come in; arc-en-ciel [ar-kti sjel] rainboiv; pied-a-terre [pje-ta te:r] temporary lodging. 334 Verb with object or predicate complement: nous at-ten-dons une let-tre [nu-za-ta-do-zyn letr] ; il e-crit u-ne re-pon-se [i-le-kri-tyn re-pSis] he writes a reply; nous som-mes a ta-ble [nu som-za ta-bl] we are at the table; ce-la m'est e-gal [sa-la me-te-gal] that is all the same to me. 335 Preposition (except se-lon, 378) and object: chez eux [5e-z0] at their house; sous un toit [su-zce twa] under a roof; dans u-ne ten-te [da-zyn ta:t] in a tent. 336 Adverb with modifying word: beau-coup ai-me [bo-ku-pe-me] much loved; fort in-struit [for-te-strqij well instructed; res-tez en-co-re [rcs-te-za-koir] stay longer; tres ha-bi-le [trc-za-bilj very able; trop en a-vant [tro-pa- na-vu] too Jar forward. 337 Words so closely related as to represent but a single group or idea: bon a rien [bo-na rje] or [bo-na rje] good for nothing; mot a mot [mo-ta mo] icord by word; pas a pas fpcj-za po] step by step; pe-tit a pe-tit [pa-ti-ta po-ti] Utile by HI fir; plus ou moins Iply-zu mwe] more or less; pret a par-tir |prr-tu par-tiir] ready to leave; de temps en temps [do tu-zu tuj from time to time. 128 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 338 The letters j and v do not occur as final, hence the question of linking does not occur. The letters b, c, f (but see 194 and 342), k, 1, p, q, r, t, z are carried over without change of sound. 339 b final is rare, and is usually silent (171); con- sequently it is seldom linked, save where difficult to avoid linking : Ja-cob est ve-nu [3a-ko-b8 va-ny] Jacob has come; Jo-ab e-tait ne-veu de Da-vid [so-a-be-te n9-v0 da da- vid] Joah was David's nephew. But in the commonest cases where b occurs as final, as in a-plomb [a-pl5] assur- ance; Chris-to-phe Co-lomb [kris-tof ko-l5] ; plomb [plo] lead; sur-plomb [syr pl5] overhanging, it is not linked. 340 c final (178) when silent, is not usually linked, as in the words: ac-croc [a-kro] hitch; a-jonc [a-55] furze; al-ma-nach [al-ma-na]; banc [bci] bench; ca-out-chouc [ka- ut-Su] rubber; clerc [kle:r] clerk; eric [kri] jackscrew; croc [kro] hook; es-croc [es-kro] swindler; fer-blanc [fer bla] tin; franc [fru] twenty-cent piece; jonc [50] reed; marc [mair] mark (coin); rac-croc [ra-kro] lucky hit; tronc [tr5] trunk; le lion de Saint-Marc [b Ijo da se mair] Saint Mark's lion; la pla-ce Saint-Marc a Ve-ni-se [la plas se ma-ra va-niiz] Saint Mark's square in Venice; marc d'ar- gent [ma:r d ar-5a] (ancient French money); du marc de ca-fe [dy mair da ka-fe] coffee-grounds; Saint-Marc Gi-rar-din [se mair si-rar-de]; banc a dos [ba a do] seat with a back; es-croc in-tel-li-gent [es-kro e-te-li-3a] in- telligent knave; le marc et le franc sont des pie-ces d'ar- gent [h ma-re b fra s5 de pjes d ar-5a] the ynark and the Jranc are silver coins. LIAISON 129 341 c final is linked in croc-en-jam-be [kro-ka 5a ib] tripping up; du blanc au noir [dy bid-ko nwair] from black to white; de clerc a mai-tre [do kler-ka meitr] from clerk to master; franc al-leu [frd-ka-l0] freehold; franc e-tour-di [fra-ke-tur-di] giddy-headed felloiv ; franc et net [frd-ke net] frank and plain; a franc e-trier [a fra-ke-tri-je] full speed; Marc An-toine [mar-ka-twan] ; Marc Au-re-le [mar-ko- rel] (cf . with preceding examples of marc 340) ; il est done ar-ri-ve [i-lc do-ka-ri-ve] he has then arrived. 343 f when linked, except in the word neuf nine (305), retains its proper value. Even in neuf, when linked, the V pronunciation is giving way to the normal f : neuf en- fants [nce-fa-fa] nine children; neuf a table [noe-fa ta-bl] nine at table. Thus the f of neuf is following the analogy of the ordinary cases like vif e-clat [vi-fe-kla] loud report; oeuf a la coque [oe-fa la kok] egg in the shell; veuf en se-con- des no-ces [vcc-faso-g5:dnos] widower marrying a second time. 343 k final, whether before a vowel or a consonant, is sounded : le co-peck est u-ne mon-naie rus-se [lo ko-pe- ke-tyn mo-nc rys] the copeck is a Russian coin. 344 1 final (221), whether before a vowel or a conso- nant, keeps its own value. Being silent in the following words, no linking takes place: a-nil, ba-ril, che-nil, cour- til, cou-til, four-nil, frai-sil, fu-sil, nom-bril, ou-til, per- sil, pouls, soul, sour-cil. Being sounded in the following words, the linking before a vowel occurs naturally: bel hom-me [bc-ljm] fine man; fil u-ni-que [fi-ly-nik] only 130 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION thread; fol es-poir [fo-les-pwa:r] foolish hope; nou-vel an [nu-ve-ld] new year; seul ha-bit [soe-la-bi] only coat. 345 p final is rarely linked; it may however be heard not infrequently in the adverbs beau-coup and trop be- fore a vowel: beau-coup e-tu-die [bo-ku-pe-ty-dje] much studied; trop e-cla-tant [tro-pe-kla-ta] too bright. 346 q = [k] (252). Notice the follo\\nng: le cinq mars [la seik mars] the fifth of March, the final consonant being so pronounced when the cardinal numeral is equivalent to an ordinal; cinq en-fants [se-kfi-fa] five children; cinq hom-mes [se-kom] five men; but cinq li-vres [se livr] five hooks; cinq he-ros [se e-ro], 347 r final (262) of an adjective is linked only before a. noun: le pre-mier en-fant [la pra-mje-ra-fa] the first child; notice [pra-mje] but [pra-mje-rd-fa], e becoming e under the opening influence of r; son der-nier a- vis [s3 der-nje-ra-vi] his last counsel; but: il est le-ger et e-tour-di [i-le le-5e e e-tur-di] he is flighty and thoughtless; le pre- mier et le deu-xie-me [la pra-mje e la d0-zjem] the first and the second. 348 r of infinitive endings in er may be linked; and in reading, especially verse, usually is: ai-mer a chan-ter [e-me-ra Sa-te] to love to sing. 349 r final, when silent in nouns, is not hnked: le sen-tier es-car-pe [la sa-tje es-kar-pe] the steep path; mon-sieur Er-nest [ma-sj0 er-nest]; un bou-lan-ger in- tel-li-gent [ce bu-la-5e e-te-li-3a] an intelligent baker. LIAISON 131 350 t final (295-298) of adjectives, verbs, participles and adverbs, though silent in the words themselves, is almost always linked : un ex-cel-lent homme [de nek-se- Ici-tom] an excellent man; el-le est fort en pei-ne [c-le for-ta pen] she is very much troubled; 11 faut es-say-er [il fo-te-se-je] it is necessary to try; en al-lant a pied [ci-na- la-tapje] i?i going on foot. 351 t final of verb-endings -ent, -lent, although silent, is linked: il tient a cela [il tje-ta S9-Ia] he holds to that; 11 vlent a temps [il vje-ta ta] he comes in time; el-les se- ralent in-vi-tees [el so-re-te-vi-te] they would be invited. 352 t final of the adjectives court and fort is only linked with the vowel of a following noun: un court es- pa-ce [de kur-tes-pais] a short space; un fort a-thle-te [de for-tat-let] a strong athlete; but: le che-min est court et fa-ci-le [b 5^>me e kuir e fa-sil] the road is short and easy; 11 est fort et blen ba-tl [i-le ioir e bje ba-ti] he is strong and well built. 353 ect. Words ending in ect, ab-ject, cor-rect (300), in which both c and t are sounded, link over before a vowel, naturally, the t. — The four words as-pect, clr- con-spect, re-spect, sus-pect link over the c ( = k) ordi- narily, although the usage varies: as-pect ad-mi-ra-ble (as-pe-kad-ini-rabl], also [as-pe ad-mi-rablj ; cir-con-spect en tout [sir-k^-spe-kfi-tu], also [sir-k5-spek-ta-tu]; man- quer de re-spect a quelqu'un [nin-kc do n--si)r-ka krl-k(r], also [uifi-kc <|j re-spe a kei-kdij; 11 est sus-pect a son par-tl [i-le sys-pe-ka s5 par-ti], also [i-le sys-pe a s5 par-tij he is 132 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION an object of suspicion to his party; re-spect hu-main is al- ways pronounced [re-spe-ky-mej. 354 Although the t final of nouns is usually silent, nevertheless in the following common expressions it is linked: ac-cent ai-gu [ak-sa-te-gy] ; au doigt et a I'ceII [o dwa-te a Iceij] at beck and call; de point en point [da pwe-ta pwe] in detail; bout a bout [bu-ta bu] end to end; d'un bout a I'au-tre [doe bu-ta lotr] from one end to the other; du haut en bas [dy o-ta ba] frotn top to bottom; d'un mo-ment a I'au-tre [d oe mo-ma-ta lotr] from one moment to another; doit et a- voir [dwa-te a-vwair] debit and credit; le fait est re-con-nu [la fc-te ra-ko-ny] the fact is recog- nized; nuit et jour [nqi-te 3u:r] night and day; par-le-ment an-glais [parl-ma-ta-gle] English parliaynent; point ex- cla-ma-tif [pwe-teks-kla-ma-tif] exclamation point; point in-ter-ro-ga-tif [pwe-te-te-ro-ga-tif] interrogation point; pot a fleur [po-ta floeir] flower-pot; pot a eau [po-ta o] water-pot; pot au lait [pa-to Ic] milk-pitcher; pot au feu [pa- to f0] boiled beef and broth; pot aux roses [pa-to ro:z] pot of face-powder; mystery. 355 t final of cent im [sa de] a hundred and one, and of cent onze [sa aiz] a hundred and eUven, is never linked. The t of the conjunction et is never linked: fort et ac-tif [fair e ak-tif] strong and active; Paul et Alice [pa-le a-lis]. 356 t final in the endings -at, -art, -ert, -eurt, -ort, -ourt (380) of verbs, nouns, some adverbs and preposi- tions is not linked, but the r is sounded just as though it were the final letter: il se-rait bon qu'il ar-ri-vat aujour- LIAISON 133 d'hui [il sa-re bo ki-la-ri-va o-^nr-flni] it would he well for him to arrive to-dnij; a part elle et vous [a pa:r el e vu] aside from her and you; elle part a regret [cl pair a rs-gre] she leaves with regret; il s'est of-fert a le soi-gner [il se-to- fe:r a la swa-fie] he offered to take care of him; le de-sert a-ri-de [la de-ze:r a-rid] the arid desert; il meurt a-vec cou-ra-ge [il mcEir a-vek ku-rais] he dies courageously; a tort et a tra-vers [atoir eatra-veir] at random; il court au feu [il ku:r o f0] he runs to the fire. 357 z final (319) of the second person plural of verbs is regularly linked: vous ai-mez a li-re [vu-ze-me-za liir] you like to read; vous al-lez a Pa-ris [vu-za-le-za pa-ri] you are going to Paris. 358 z final of as-sez, chez, is regularly linked: as-sez ai-ma-ble [a-se-ze-mabl] kiTid enough; chez eux [Se-z0] at their house. 359 z final of nez and riz is never linkerl: du riz au lait [dy ri o le] rice cooked with milk; nez a-qui-lin [ne a-ki-le] aquiline nose; nor is z linked in the expressions: por-tez ar-mes [par-tc arm] carry arms; pre-sen-tez ar-mes [pre- zu-te arm] 'present arms. 360 As may be seen from the above examples just cited, final consonants that are regularly silent like p, q or c = k, t, z are carried over without change of sound just as are those usually pronounced c, f, 1, r. Never- theless the linking of silent consonants of singular nouns is usually avoided : mot an-glais [mo a-gle] English word; 134 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION es-prit al-le-mand [es-pri al-ma] German wit; ob-jet im- por-tant [ob-3e e-por-tfi] important object. Common ex- pressions: de temps en temps, pas a pas, etc., enumerated in 337, form an exception. 361 d, g, s, X, when linked, have respectively the sound X^ }Xj Xij Z. 363 d = [t] : quand i-rez-vous? [kai-ti-re vu] when will you go?; pied-a-ter-re [pjc-ta teir] momentarij lodging; re- pond-elle [re-p3-telj she replies; le froid et le chaud [b frwa-te la ^o] the cold and the heat; un froid ac-cueil [defrwa- ta-koe!J] a cool reception; un grand hom-me [ce grfi-tom] a great man; de pied en cap [do pje-ta kap] from head to foot; com-prend-il [k3-pru-til] does he understand? ; en-tend-on [a-ta-to] does one hear?; perd-il [per-til] does he lose? 363 The linking of d = [t] is most usual in cases of an adjective followed by its noun as in the example just above cited: un grand hom-me; or as in: laid a-ni-mal [le-ta-ni-mal] an ugly animal; se-cond e-ta-ge [sa-g3- te-tai3] third story; but if the word following the ad- jective is not a noun, the d is silent: le se-cond et le troi-sie-me [b sa-go e la trwa-zjpra] the second- and the third; grand et bien fait [gra e bje fe] tall and well made; es-prit pro-fond en tout [es-pri pra-f5 a tu] mind deep in everything, d is linked as d in nord-est [nord est] northeast and nord-ouest [nord west] northwest (297). 364 d final of the endings -ard, -ord, -ourd (380) is not usually linked over, but the preceding r is linked to the vowel of the following word: un vieil-lard in-firme [ce vje- LIAISON 135 jair e-firm] an infirm old man; le re-nard et la ci-go-gne [Is ra-nair e la si-gop] the fox and the stork; lourd et indi- geste [luir e e-di-sest] heavy and indigestible. 365 g when linked = k, in long [13]; rang [ra] rank; sang [sci] blood; long hi-ver [lo-ki-\'{':r] long winter; rang e-le-ve [rci-kel-ve] high station; rang in-fi-me [ra-ke-fini] lowest rank; sang im-pur [sa-kf-pyirj impure blood; sang hu-main [sa-ky-mej human blood. This usage, however, is more literary than colloquial. Ordinarily, in these eases, the g may be silent: long hi-ver [loiveir]; rang e-le-ve [ruel-ve]; sang im-pur [sur-pyir]; sang et eau [sd e o] blood and water. Elsewhere g final, except in joug and bourg, where according to some authorities (but not generally, sec 205 and 206) it has the sound of k before vowels and consonants, it is silent: le fau-bourg ex-te-rieur [lo fo-buir eks-te-rjcEir] the outer suburb; I'e- tang est tout pres [Ic-ta e tu pre] the pond is quite near; le coing est un fruit [lo kwe et de frqi] the quince is a fruit. 366 s when linked = z, the most frequent of the link- ings, because occurring so often between closely related words (3.30). This linking of s, sounded as z, occurs in many expressions in which the s of the individual word is silent: de plus en plus [da ply-zu ply] more and more; de temps en temps [do tu-zti tu] from time to time; dos a dos [do-za do] back to back; les en-ne-mis en fuite [le-zen- mi-zu fqit] the enemies in flight; pas a pas [jMi-za pa] step by step; plus ou moins [ply-/u iinvr| more or less; tiers e-tat [ljf:r-ze-t;i| third estate; un suc-ces i-nat-ten-du [ue syk-se-zi-na-tu-dy] an unexpected success. 136 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 367 s of final cs, rs is silent in plural of nouns and of compound words: arcs-en-ciel [ar-ku sjrl] rainboivs; bees Auer [be-ko-eir] Auer burners; des dues et pairs [de dy-ke peir] dukes and peers; des pores-epies [de por-ke-pik] por- cupines. In these and the following cases, the linking of s, not being-pleasant to the French ear, is avoided, while the c or the r is linked over : des vers a soie [de ve-ra swa] silkworms; des mai-tres es arts [de nie-tre-zair] masters of arts; corps a eorps [ko-rakoir] hand to hand (fight); chars a banes [^a-ra bu] jaunting cars; vers un en-droit [v8-roe-(n)a-drwa] towards a place; en-vers et eon-tre tous [a-veir-e ko-tra tu:s] towards and against all. 368 s final of a proper noun is silent : Geor-ges est ri-che [5or-5e ri$] George is rich; la ea-the-drale d'A-miens est ma-gni-fi-que [la ka-te-dral d a-nije-(n)e ma-jii-fik] the Amiens Cathedral is magnificerd; Pa-ris est u-ne bel-le vil-le [pa-ri e-tyn bel vil] Paris is a beautiful city. 369 s final is not sounded in un a-vis im-por-tant [oe-na-vi e-por-td] an important advice; vers les une heu-re [ver le yn ce ir] towards one o'clock; and the s of vo-lon-tiers [vo-l5-tje] ivillingly is never sounded; vo-lon- tiers a mes or-dres [vo-15-tje a me-zordro] willingly to my orders. 370 Certain expressions contain the sound most often heard in linking [z] represented by s, x or z; and this sound may occur twice in a short phrase. To avoid such repetition the linking is made but once: dix heu-res un quart [di-zceir-de kair] instead of [di-zreir-zce kair] quarter LIAISON 137 past ten; six heu-res et de-mie [si-zoeir-e da-mi] half past six; ai-dez-vous les uns aux au-tres [e-de vu le-zoe o-zotr] help one another; les lar-mes aux yeux [le lar-mo-zj0] tears in the eyes. 371 Neither linking nor elision occurs before huit, hui- tie-me (213) (excepting dix-huit and dix-hui-tie-me) , onze, on-zie-me, oua-te, oui, oui-di-re (215, 390): le huit du mois [lo qit dy mwa] the eighth of the riionth; le on-zie-me [lo 5-zjem] the eleventh; la on-zie-me heu-re [la 3-zjem ce:r] the eleventh hour; le on-ze [lo oiz] the eleventh {daij of the month); qua-tre-vingt-on-ze [ka-tro ve 5:z]; la oua-te [lawat] wadding; des oui-di-re [de wi diir] hearsay; les on-ze en-fants [Ic 5:-za-fu] the eleven children. Notice the following: des man-teaux oua-tes [de mu-to wa-te] lined cloaks; le uh-lan [lo ylu] (kruian lancer; les uh- lans [le yla] ; met-tez le un avant le deux [me-te lo de a-va b d0] put the one before the two; but un un mal-fait [ce- nde mal fe] a one badly made; trois un de sui-te [trwa-zde da sqit] three consecutive ones; cent un [sd oe] one hundred and one; cent un [sa-toe] one hundred times one; sur les une heure [syr le yn cDir] about one o'clock; vers les une heure [ver le yn oe:r] towards one o'clock (some ellipsis, such as about or towards the minutes preceding or fol- lowing one o'clock, seems to be implied) ; quatre-vingt-un [katro vc oe] eighty-one; le yacht [lo jak(t)] (the word is also pronounced ((a I'anglaise)) [jot] by those familiar with English); la yole [la j.)l] small boat or canoe. 'iTi X when linked =z: aux ar-mes [o-zarm] to arms; des prix eleves [de j)ri-zel-ve] high prices; deux a deux 138 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION [d0-za d0] hvo hy two; dix en-fants [di-za-fa] ten children; paix u-ni-ver-sel-le [pe-zy-ni-ver-sel] universal 'peace; six hom-mes [si-zom] six men. Before consonants, x final follows the general rule and is silent : six sol-dats [si sol- da] six soldiers; dix pom-mes [di pom] ten apples. 373 m usually has no other function after a vowel than to nasalize it, the m itself not being sounded (233). Therefore in such cases no Rnking is heard: A-dam et E-ve [a-daeeiv]; u-ne faim ex-ces-si-ve [yn fe ek-se- siiv] excessive hunger; un nom il-lus-tre [oe no il-lystr] an illustrious name; un par-fum ex-quis [oe par-foe eks-ki] an exquisite perfume. 374 But when m does occur as a final pronounced con- sonant, then it is naturally linked over like any other final pronounced consonant: Je-ru-sa-lem est vain-cu [se-ry-za-le-me ve-ky] Jerusalem is conquered; le ha-rem at- tray-ant [lo a-re-ma-tre-ja] the attractive harem. 375 n like m after a vowel has the function of nasaliz- ing that vowel (129, 239). It differs in this case from nwn that while m nasalizing the preceding vowel is never linked over, n may be when the tv/o words are so inseparably connected as to form but one word, group or idea. Then the nasalized vowel usually retains its nasal quality and the n is carried over as a consonant: au-cun ou-vra-ge [o-kde-nu-vra!5] no ivork; bien ai-ma-ble [bje-ne-mabl] very kind; bon a-mi [bo-na-mi] good friend; bon en-fant [bo-na-fci] good fellow; un an-cien a-mi [ce-na-sje-na-mi] a former friend; bien heu-reux [bJL--noe-r0] very happy; LIAISON 139 rien ac-cep-ter [rje-nak-sep-te] to accept nothing; en plein air [a-plc-ncir] in the open air. Another pronunciation in such cases and rather common in colloquial usage is to denasalize the vowel, retaining its oral quality, linking the n over as a consonant in the usual way. Simply removing the sign of nasality over the vowel in the pre- ceding examples will illustrate the second method of pro- nunciation in such cases; or: men a-mi [mo-na-mi] my friend, instead of [mo-na-mi] ; un enfant [oe-na-fa] a child, instead of [de-na-fa]. 376 But when n appears simply as a pure consonant, it is then linked over to the following vowel just as m is or any other consonant: I'hy-men ac-tuel [1 i-me-nak-tijrl] the actual marriage; spe-ci-men a-de-si-rer [spe-si-me- na de-zi-re] desirable specimen. 377 n final of the nasal vowel of a noun is not linked: ce bien est a men fre-re [so !)]?• e-ta-m5 freir] this prop- erty is my brother s; Jean est pe-tit [5a e po-ti] Johii is little; le vin et I'eau [lo ve e 1 o] the wine and water; le bon et le mau-vais [lo b5 e b mo-ve] the good and the bad. 378 n final in the following common expressions is not linkofl : c'est bon a manger [s e-bo a ma-5e] it is good to pat; se-lon eux [so-!.") 0] according to them (335); il se con-duit bien en clas-se [il so-ko-dqi bjc o klrcs] he be- haves himself well in the class; com-bien y en a-t-il? [k")- bjt- i d-na-til] how many of them are there? I'un ou I'au-tre [1 w u 1 otr] one or the other. 370 h. Neither linking nor elision takes place l)ef()re an aspirate h. Care should be taken not to aspirate tliis 140 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION written (but unsounded) h as in English. Simply detach the word preceding from that beginning with h : la hon-te [la oit] shame; le ha-sard [lo a-za:r] chance; le cri des hi- boux [lo kri de i-bu] the owls' cry; les hut-tes des sau-va- ges [Ic yt de so-vais] the Indians' huts. 380 Special cases. Consonants after r are not usually linked. This applies to the endings of many words in -ard, -ord, -curd, -art, -ert, -eurt, -ort, -curt (356): dard ai-gu [dair-e-gy] sharp dart; bord a bord [bo:r-a boir] alongside; lourd et fort [lu:r-e foir] heavy and strong; el-le part au-jourd'hui [rl pa!r-o-5ur-dqi] she leaves to-day; il con-quiert une pro-vince [il ko-kjrir-yn-pro-veis] he con- quers a province; elle meurt ex-pres [el moeir-eks-pre] she dies on purpose; fort et grand [fo:r-e gra] strong and toll; on ac-court aus-si-tot [o-na-ku:r-o-si-to] they run imme- diately. 381 Exceptions to the general rule that consonants after r are not usually sounded may be noticed in the flexional s which follows r: des re-gards ai-ma-bles [de ro-gair-ze-mabl] kind attention; in the final t or d after r of verbs before a pronoun: perd-il [peir-til] does he lose? sert-il [seir-t il] is he of use? in fort used as an absolute superlative, that is, in the sense of very: fort ai-ma-ble [fo:r-te-ma(!)bl] very amiable; but fort et dur [fo:r-e dyjr] strong and hard. 383 In the expressions de part en part [da-pair-ta par] right through; de part etd'au-tre [do pair-te dotr] on all sides; I'art o-ra-toi-re [1 air-to-ra-twair] oratorical art, the final t is linked over. LIAISON 141 Exercise LIX. Linking occurs ki the expressions throughout this exercise. Read carefully, pronouncing aloud the following : 1 . A neuf heures precises. 2. Attendez un instant. 3. Beaucoup aime. 4. Bien ennuyeux. 5. Bloc enorme. G. C'est un enfant tres eveille. 7. C'est un franc etourdi. 8. Cheval ombrageux. 9. Cinq heures. 10. Comprend-il ce qu'on dit? 11. De fond en comble. 12. Des cheveux epais. 13. Des histoires ctonnantes. 14. De part en part. 15. D'exceUents exercices. 16. Du blanc au noir. 17. En avez- vouseu? 18. Enete. 19. En hiver. 20. lis etudicnt bien. 21. lis se rendent en classe deux a deux. 22. II y a cinq ans. 23. Le bourg est en fete. 24. Le grand ocean. 25. Le nabab est un richard. 26. Les empereurs Marc Aurele et Marc Antoine. 27. Nous irons ensemble. 28. CEuf a la coque. 29. On en a assez. 30. Parler franc et net. 31. Perd-il son temps? 32. Quand irez-vous? 33. Qu'en- tend-on? 34. Repond-elle. 35. S'il en est ainsi. 36. Tres habile. 37. Trop ctroit. 38. Un arc-en-ciel. 39. Un fort argument en sa faveur. 40. Un joug intolerable. 41. Un pore-epic. 42. Vousavez ete au pare. 43. Vous en avez assez. Exercise LX, illustrating examples in which Unking is to be avoided. Read carefully the following expressions, pronouncing them aloud: 1. Ailez-vous-en avec eux. 2. Arcs-en-ciel. 3. A-t-on ^te aimable? 4. Bees Auer. 5. Bordeaux est une belle viUe. 6. C'est le huit. 7. Colomb a erre longtemps. 8. Combien en demande- t-il? 9. De domain en huit. 10. Du plomb argcntifere. 11. Du riz au lait. 12. Enfin on arriva. 13. Envers eux. 14. 11 est grand et beau. 15. Jean et Alexis. 16. Le loup court encore. 17. Le second et le troisieme. 18. Le surplomb en est visible. 19. Le trente et un octobre. 20. Mais oui. 21. Marie coud a morveille. 22. Nez i nez. 23. Paris est ki capitak'. 24. Quatre-vingt-onze. 25. Quatre-vingt-sept. 26. Saint-Marc k Vcnise. 27. Sourd k toute,s k^s demandes. 28. Sourd et muet. 29. Trop hardi. 30. Un banc k dos. 31. L'ne faim excessive. 32. Un et deux font trois. 33. Un garyon indolent. 34. Un nom anglais. ExEiicisE LXI. Stale briefly I lie principle by rea.son of which linking takes j)la(;e in each examjjle given in Exercise LIX and does not take place in each of the examples given in Exerciae LX. 142 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION X ELISION 383 Elision, or the dropping of the final vowel of a monosyllable before the initial vowel of the next word, is indicated by the apostrophe (31). In certain cases the letters e, a, i, the vowels undergoing elision, are entirely silent. The monosyllaljles eliding final e are de, le, ne, que; the pronouns je, ce, le, me, se, te when followed by a verb, by en or by y. 384 Elision of e : I'e-co-le [1 e-kol] the school; d'un en- fant [d oe-nd-fa] of a child; n'est-ce pas [n es pa] is it not so? j'ai-me [5 e:m] / love; c'est [s e] it is; il I'a [i-1 a] he has it; m'a-t-elle vu [m a-tel vy] has she seen me ? il s'en va [il s a va] he goes away; qu'a-vez-vous [k a-ve vu] what is the matter with you ? tu t'y es mis [ty ti e mi] you have 'put yourself there; en-voy-ez-1'y [a-vwa-je 1 i] send him there. J 385 The vowels of the pronouns ce, je, la, le are not elided when these monosyllaljles come after the ^erb: est-ce vrai [es vre] is it true? ai-je rai-son [ei5 rc-z5] am / right? fai-tes-le [fet b] do it; voy-ez-le [vwa-je la] see him. 386 The final e of jusque is elided in jus-qu'a [5ys-k a] up to; jus-qu'a-lors [sys-k a-lo:r] up to that time; jus-qu'en [sys-kd ] up to; jus-qu'i-ci [sys-k i-si] iip to this time; the final e of lorsque, puisque, quoique is also elided, but only before elle, il, on, mi: lors-qu'il [lors-k il] when he; puis- qu'el-le [pqis-k el] since she; quoi-qu'on [kwa-k 5] although one. ELISION 143 387 A few words, generally ha\nng quelque, entre or presque in their composition, elide final e: quel-qu'un [kel-kde ] some one; en-tr'ac-te [a-tr akt] interval between the acts; pres-qu'i-le [pres-k il ] peninsula; also au-jour- d'hui [o-5ur-tl qi] ] to-day. 388 Elision of a. a is onl}^ elided in the article or pronoun la before the verb : I'a-me [1 a im] the soul; I'his- toi-re [1 is-twair] the story; il I'aime [i-1 eim] he loves her; but ai-mez-la [c-me la] love her. 389 Elision of i. i is elided only in the conjunction si before il or ils : s'il va [s il va] if he goes; s'ils vien-nent [s il vjen] if they come. 390 Elision does not take place before the aspirate h, nor before on-ze, on-zie-me, oui, oui-di-re, oua-te (371, 215), oh que oui [o ka wi] why yes; la on-zie-me [la 5-zjem] the eleventh. 391 While the preceding examples illustrate elision as shown by the apostrophe, the great majority of cases may be said to occur where no apostrophe marks the suppression of an e mute before a word beginning with a vowel or silent h. In fact e is silent at the end of most words (\mt cf. 3!)o) : pla-ce [plas] ; pren-dre [prtiidr] ; ta-ble [taf:)bl]; (except where the e itself is the only vowel in the word, as in le, me, te): in verbal endings -es, -ent (tu ai-mes [ty eim]; ils ai-ment |il-zeim]); and after a vowel that just precedes the final e: rue [ry] street. 392 In very many instances, two or more words arc pronounced just as though parts of one entire word, that 144 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION is, together in one breath, just as though each formed a component part of one entire word. The final e in such cases is absolutely mute and the preceding consonant is linked over with the initial vowel of the following word: fa-ci-le a li-re [fa-si-la liir] easy to read; la guer-re e-cla-te en-tre eux [la ge!-re-kla-ta-tr0] war breaks out between them; la ro-be est rou-ge [la ro-be ruis] the dress is red; I'ex-er-ci-ce o-ral [1 eg-zer-si-so-ral] the oral exercise; u-ne an-cien-ne e-le-ve [y-na-sje-ne-lesv] a former pupil; u-ne au-tre an-nee [y-no-tra-ne] another year. 393 Compare the following pairs of words, in the former of which the e is elided and in the latter (70, 71) it is not: Allemagne and Angleterre; bulletin and porte- feuille; causerie and brusquerie; joyeusement and triste- ment; legerete and fermete; logement and appartement; longuement and largement; maintenant and autrefois; mugissement and hurlement; salete and proprete; samedi and, vendredi. 394 Compare again in the same manner the following pairs, each of which is composed of two or more words (cf. 74). In the first group composing the pair, the e is not pronounced; in the second it is: A de-main and pour demain; au-dessus and par-dessus; je ne sais pas and il ne sait pas; la demande and leur demande; la petite and cette petite; la semaine and une semaine; les cheminees and une cheminee ; le velours and quel velours ; mademoi- selle and une demoiselle ; monsieur De Vire and madame De Vire; on recommence and elle recommence; roi de France and reine de France; sa fenetre and cette fenetre; sans le CAPITALS 145 chien and avec le chien; sous le pont and sur le pont; un demi-litre and une demi-livre ; un pot de biere atid un verre de biere; vin de Champagne and biere de Munich. Exercise LXII. A most useful exercise may be had by wTiting the two pairs above given in 393 and 394, first as usual in ordinary writing and printing of French, dividing them into syllables and pro- nouncing aloud each syllable and word; secondly, performing the same operation and using, in so doing, the key alphabet. 395 The following sentences illustrate the usual elision of e when occurring in ordinary phrases. The elided e is italicized: 1. Cette phrase est facile a lire et a comprendre. 2. Elle raconte encore une histoire ab- surde. 3. Elise a tme autre idee en tete. 4. La balle ^tait derriere une chaise au salon. 5. La campagne est belle et agreable en juin. 6. Laissez la porte et la fe- netre ouvertes. XI CAPITALS 396 Capitals are used as in English to begin a sen- tence, quotation or a proper name: Les oiseaux chantent. The birds are Hinging. II m'a dit: ((Faites-le toujours.)) He said to me: "Keej) on doing it." Felix Faure. 397 Small letters, contrary to English usage, are used to begin the pronoun je = English /.- Eh, bien, je m'en vais, Well, I'm going away. Enfin, j'y suis, j'y teste, In short, I'm here, I'm going to stay here; and in writing thf iiitfrjf'ction 6 = English oh or 0: — 6 Dieu, O Heavens! douleur, grief! 6 ma jeunesse, nn/ ijouth! 146 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 398 Small letters are used to begin the names of the days of the week and of the month: Cast aujourd'hui lundi le dix aout, To-day is Monday the tenth of August; II est venu vendredi le trois mars, He come Friday the third of March. 399 Small letters are used to begin adjectives derived from proper nouns: un noble venitien, a Venetian noble- man: un savant allemand, a German scholar; le rivage troyen, the Trojan shore; le chant gregorien, the Gregorian chant; il etudie le frangais, he studies the French language; also in writing the expressions: catholique, lutherien, mahometan, protestant, puritain, pharisien, voltairien; also catholicisme, christianisme, judaisme. But when the adjective is used substantively, then it is treated as a proper noun: le Frangais, the Frenchman; un Irlandais, an Irishman; un riche Americain, a rich American; les Asiatiques, the Asiatics; les Europeens, the Europeans; un illustre Parisien, an illustrious Parisian. \ 400 When to a product or object of manufacture, the name of the town or locality of production or fabrication is given, this name is treated like a proper adjective and begins with a small letter: un metre d'angleterre; une statue en carrare ; un bel angora ; une bouteille de cognac ; fumer du maryland; une robe de florence; une robe de madras, 401 In titles of books, companies, associations and the like, but one word usually begins with a capital, generally the first noun, unless preceded by a preposi- CAPITALS 147 tion: Dans les gardes frangaises, la Jerusalem delivree, le Malade imaginaire, la Mare au diable, le Paradis perdu, Pour la couronne, les Precieuses ridicules. 403 If an adjective (or numeral) precedes the noun, instead of following it as in the above examples, then both adjective (or numeral) and noun begin with a cap- ital: I'Ancien Testament; les Deux Soeurs; la Divine Comedie; les Fausses Confidences; la Jeune Femme colere ; la Nouvelle Heloise ; la Petite Fadette ; Un beau mariage ; Un Mariage dans le monde. The article (defi- nite) when used as the first word of the title, as in these examples, is written with a capital only when it begins the sentence. Notice the usage in the following titles of literary works: le Vieux celibataire; le Vieux fat; les Vieux gar- fons; Une Vieille maitresse; le Vieux neuf; la Vieille roche; la Vieille tante. 403 When the title of a word is accompanied by the author's name, both title and name are written with a capital: la Biographie Didot; les Conunentaires de Cesar; le Dictionnaire de I'Academie; I'Encyclopedie de Diderot; les Essais de Montaigne; la Geographic de Crozat; le Glossaire de du Cange. 404 Wlien two substantives figure as the title of a publication, a society or order, the second substantive being merely the complement of the first, then the first only is written with u capital: Bulletin des lois; Cours d'astronomie ; Dialogue des morts; Elements de phy- 148 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION sique; Essai sur les mceurs; Histoire des croisades; Voyage autour du monde; I'Academie des sciences; le Conservatoire de musique; le Conservatoire des arts et metiers; I'Ecole des chartes; I'ordre de I'Aigle de fer; I'ordre de la Legion d'honneur ; I'ordre de la Toison d'or. 405 Nevertheless, it frequently happens that when two substantives figure in the title of a book, society or order, that it is the second that is written with a capital while the first is written with a small letter. This is so because in such cases the second word characterizes and epitomizes more appropriately the entire title : le cap des Tempetes; la cour des Miracles; la fontaine des Inno- cents; I'hotel des Ambassadeurs ; I'ile de la Reunion; les montagnes de la Lime; le quai aux Fleurs, meaning a particular quay in Paris where flowers are sold; while quai aux fleurs designates a quay given over to the sale of flowers in any city. >> 406 Occasionally it happens that two words in the title of a publication or association are written with a capital : Memoires de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France; Memoires de la Societe de linguistique ; la Critique de I'Ecole des femmes; Defense du Genie du christianisme ; Observations sur I'Esprit des lois; Journal des Savants. In such cases two titles are considered as combined in one, or the two words are of such importance that it appears inappropriate to write either with a small letter. 407 Capitals are used in writing the title of a fable, comedy or farce, the characters of which appear in the CAPITALS 149 title and are considered as personified: le Chene et le Roseau; la Genisse, la Chevre et la Brebis; le Flatteur et I'Envieux; le Maitre et le Valet. 408 Two capitals are necessary in a compound proper noun joined by a h^-phen, as: les Anglo-Saxons; les Gallo- Grecs; les Moldo-Valaques; and the name of a dynasty, when preceded by that of the race over which the dynasty ruled, is written with a capital: les Francs Merovingiens ; les Turcs Osmanlis ; but not when the name of the dynasty is used adjoctively, as: la dynastie merovingienne ; la dynastie napoleonienne ; likewise ecriture anglo-norman- nique; ecriture normanno-saxonne. 409 The word saint before its noun begins with a small letter: saint Denis, saint Frangois, saint Martin; but when used as a part of a proper name with a noun to which it is joined by a hyphen, it is never abbreviated and is always written with a capital: le due de Saint- Simon; I'eglise Saint-Germain-des-Pres ; I'eglise Sainte- Marie-aux-Neiges; I'eglise Sainte-Marie-des-Fleurs ; (in the three examples just cited the two last h^^phens in each example are sometimes omitted, but the more com- mon usage appears to be in favor of connecting all the parts with hjT^hens); I'eglise de Saint-Pierre; le mont Saint-Michel; la porte Saint-Martin; but if the entire expr(;ssion is merely used as a name to indicate, for ox- ampif, a prison or a theater, the usage is: les prisonniers du Mont-Saint-Michel, le theatre de la Porte-Saint- Martin. 150 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 410 The names of avenues, boulevards, quays, squares, streets, etc., are written with a capital, but the word for avenue, boulevard, square, street, etc., is written with a small letter: allee de rObservatoire ; avenue des Champs- Elysees; avenue de I'Opera; barriere de rEtoile; boule- vard Montparnasse; carrefour de 1' Abattoir; chaussee des Minimes ; cour des Fontaines ; place de la Concorde ; quai de I'Horloge ; rue de Rivoli, Small letters are used in writing the articles le, la, les, du, de la, des before the name of a town or of a person: le Caire, Cairo; la Havana; le Havre; le Mans; le Puy; la Rochelle; la Bruyere; le Camoens; le Cid; la rue de la Bruyere; la rue de I'Ecluse; le comte de la Guiche; le prince de la Paix; Peveril du Pic; le Tintoret; Bar-le- Duc; Choisy-le-Roy; Foulenay-aux-Roses ; Villeneuve- le-Comte. Also in wTiting adjectives not joined to the noun by a hyphen, as: la basse Bretagne, le bas Canada; but les Basses-Pyrenees, la Haute-Marne. 411 Small letters are used to begin titles before proper nouns: le president Fallieres; le prince de Galles; le roi Alfonse; le czar Nicholas; lord Ruthven; le comte de Monte-Cristo ; le general Boulanger; le roi d'Angleterre ; le professeur Croizet; I'abbe de I'Epee; le due d'Enghien; I'empereur de la Chine, le docteur AUard; I'archeveque Blanchet. 412 Titles of honor, being considered as proper names, whether in speaking to or of the honored personage, are written with a capital: Votre Majeste; Vos Majestes; Sa Majeste; Ses Majestes; Sa Saintete, in speaking of the CAPITALS 151 Pope; Son Eminence, in speaking of a cardinal; Sa Gran- deur, in speaking of a bishop; Son Altesse, in speaking of a prince of the royal line. 413 Capitals, therefore, are used in the following cases for the titles and small letters for the common names, king, queen, emperor, czar, etc.: Sa Majeste le roi; Sa Majeste la reine; Sa Majeste imperiale; Son Altesse royale; Sa Majeste I'empereur Napoleon III; Sa Majeste la reine d'Angleterre ; Sa Majeste le czar, I'autocrate de toutes les Russies; Sa Majeste le sultan Abdul Medjid; Sa Saintete le pape Pie IX; Son Eminence le cardinal de Retz; Sa Grandeur I'eveque de Marseille; Son Altesse I'electeur de Saxe. 414 Capitals are used on the above principle when the title is extended: Sa Majeste Catholique, la reine d'Es- pagne; Sa Majeste Fidele, le roi de Portugal; Sa Majeste Britannique, la reine d'Angleterre. 415 Small letters are used to write the titles monsieur, madame and mademoiselle when not beginning the sentence, although not infrequently capitals are used. These words are generally abbreviated, M. being written for monsieur, English Mr., MM. (with a full stop) for messieurs; M'"*^ f le point et vir-gu-le semicolon • 1 le deux points colon • • le point d'in-ter-ro-ga-tion interrogation ? le point d'ex-cla-ma-tion exclamation ! le trait d'u-nion hyphen \ - le ti-ret (de se-pa-ra-tion) dash — les points sus-pen-sifs three dots • • • les guil-le-mets quotation marks « » la pa-ren-the-se parenthesis () les cro-chets brackets [] I'ac-co-la-de brace } I'as-te-ris-que asterisk « la croix de ren-voi dagger t 420 In general it may be said that French punctua- tion is more subject to the caprice of the individual writer than is the case in English. The following points deserve notice: 1° In a case like the following: men, women, and children, where good usage may be found sanctioning the comma before the conjunction, no comma is used in French: les hommes, les femmes et les enfants. 2° The colon, le deux points (notice the form of the PUNCTUATION 155 article), is rather more freely used than in English, not infrequently replacing the comma before phrases which explain, amplify or resume the subject-matter: de la deux sortes de devoir: lesuns negatifs . . . consequently two kinds of duty, the one negative ... 3° Quotation marks, le guillemet ouvrant, le guillemet fermant, are less common than in English, a. In giving the text of a letter they afe used precisely as in English, h. If a quotation extends through several paragraphs, the marks are used at the beginning of every paragraph, and at the end of the last. c. In the interior of a paragraph, the marks are used as in English, d. If the quotation coin- cides with the paragraph, no quotation marks are used, the paragraph usually beginning with a dash. The writer's aim is to try to put each short quotation into a separate paragraph, each beginning with a dash (see the example under 421). e. Single quotation marks (' ') are not used at all. 4?1 The dash, tiret as just indicated, serves in dialogue to note a change of speaker, and is often used where quotation marks would be used in English. It also serves to replace the words: re-pon-dit-il, dit-il: — Allons, ton dernier mot, bonhomme! — Faut-il vous parlor clair? — Qui. — C'est que je gjirde nuin moiilin. To denote incompleteness or interruption three dots (. . .) nrf used oftciicr than the dash: Enfin, comment vous dire . . . nous avons peur! 156 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION 433 The hyphen, le trait d'union, is used between two names forming an indivisible wliole: les Etats-Unis; le Nouveau-Bmnswick ; la Nouvelle-Ecosse ; la Nouvelle- Orleans; les Pays-Bas; le Royaume-Uni de Grande- Bretagne et (d')Irlande, Terre-Neuve (see 409 for more diversified examples). Exercise LXIV, for general practice. Word's apt to be badly- pronounced: agneau, aigue. aiguille, aiguiser, album, AUemagne, al- manach, Alsace, amen, amer, Angleterre, anguiUe, aoAt, appendice, archange, Asie, aspect, athee, atlas, atome, autocratie, autographe, automate, automne, Auxerre, avril, ayant, ayez, ayons, baionette, balbutier, bapteme, baptiser, baril, bataille, Bengale, benzine, bille- vesee, bloc, boeuf, boeufs, broc,- Bossuet, Bruxelles, calvitie, capi- taine, cauchemar, cent un, chef, chef-d'oeuvre, cher, Christ, chut, cinq, le cinq mars, Cinq-Mai's, cinq robes, clerc, Colomb, compter, consequemment, consciemment, conscience, coq, correct, crc^c, croup, crucifix, cuiller, damner, David, decemment, des haricots, dessous, dessus, diplomatic, distiller, distinct, dix, le dix avi-il, dix chevaux, dix-huit, dLx-neuf, dix-sept, dix sous, dot, DuguescUn, echecs, Eden, elever, eloquemment, eminemment, emmener, enfer, en haut, enno- blir, ennui, equinox, essentiel. Test, escroc, est-ce, Estienne, estomac, eteint, ether, eui-ent, examen, exempt, exempter, excellent (adj.), excellent (verb), facetie, faience, faim, je faisais, faisons, faon, fat, femme, fier (adj.), fier (verb), fini, fleur de lis, flux, gageur, galop, gen- til, gratis, grenouille, guerilla, gueule, gueux, hair, ils haissent, helas, hennir, heureux, hiatus, hier, hiver, huit, huit jours, le huit mai, huit enfants, hymen, hymne, idylle, immense, immeuble, immobile, immodeste, immoler, immoral, incroyable, initial, inne, innombrable, innovation, inoui, inutile, isthme, jadis, Jesus, Jesus-Christ, joug, legs, lendemain, hnguiste, Hs, lui, magnifique, mais, mangeant, mar- tial, mars, mauvais, mayonnaise, messieurs, merinos, Michel-Ange, mille, minutie, minutieux, moeUe, monsieur, moyen, murmurer, mu- seum, myosotis, nef, nerf, nerfs, net, neuf, neuf ans, le neuf du mois, neuf francs, neuf heures, neuf soldats, nuptial, observer, obtenir, ceil, oeuf, oeufs, oignon, un os, osciller, ouest, paille, paon, partial, par- FORMS USED IN LETTER-WRITING 157 tiel, patient, payer, pays, peine, pensum, peril, peripetie, persuader, philosophe, poignard, poison, poisson, post-scriptum, pouls, prece- demment, prompt, prudemment, puis, punch, pupille, pusillanime, quatre-vingt-cinq, quatre-vingt-six, quatre-vingt-un, quelques-uns, quotient, R(h)eims, reserve, resignation, respect, ressembler, res- eentir, ressource, rosbif, je romps, science, sculpteur, second, sens, bon sens, sens commun, sept enfants, le sept mai, sept plumes, eignifie, simple, sLx chaises, sLx et dix, six heiu-es, le six mars, soleil, songea, specimen, Strasbourg, sud, suggerer, suprematie, tabac, tact, tandis, temps, thym, tient, tilleul, toast, tous, tranquille, travail, vasistas, veille, vendetta, vieille, vingt, le vingt aoiit, vingt-deux, vingt chevaux, le vingt-sept mars, vingt-huit, vingt-neuf . Xm CONVENTIONAL FORMS USED IN LETTER-WRITING 423 Address on the envelope. It is now customary to write out the words Monsieur, Madame and Made- moiselle. Sometimes the following ex})ressions are em- ployed on the outside of a letter or missive: Envoi de (Monsieur Dupee), Sent by (Mr. Dupee); Recommandee or Chargee, Registered; aux soins de or chez, care of; (Priere de) faire suivre (Please) forward; Faire parvenir, Send on. The following are specimen superscriptions: Monsieur Georges Pelletier chez Madame Laforet 31, place de la Republique Paris, France Madame Henri de la Tour aux Boins de Monsieur Loubet-Andr6 26, boulevard Saint-Michel Paris, France 158 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Monsieur le Professeur Georges Blondel 7, rue Caa'not Chartres Priere de faire suivre France Mesdemoiselles Longuemare 16, rue Montmartre Faire parvenir Paris, France 424 Business houses. In addressing firms, such ad- dresses as the following are usual: Messieurs Favreau et Delrue; Messieurs Larousse & C'®; Madame V^^ La- foret et Fils; Messieurs L. Tremblay Freres; Monsieur le Directeur du Credit Lyonnais. Instead of prefixing Monsieur, Messieurs, sometimes other general names are employed: Maison Chagnon- Asselin, Firm of C.-A.; Libratrie Gamier Freres, Messrs. Gamier Brothers, Publishers (Booksellers) ; Etablissernents Archambault-Belanger, The A.-B. Business Houses. 435 Dates. With the exception of le premier, the cardinal numbers are used for the clays of the month. The name of the month itself is written with a small letter (398). In commercial letters, September, October, November and December are frequently abbreviated: 7bre^ Qbte^ gbre^ lO^""®. The following examples illustrate current usage, the article before the date being sometimes omitted. Sometimes ce is used: Marseille, le 1^"^ mars 1912; Toulon, 7, rue Saint-Georges, le 18 aout 1911; Londres, 19 juillet 1910; Bruxelles, ce 13 fevrier 1908; Bourges, le 11 mai 1909; Ce vendredi matin. 436 Forms of address. The following illustrate the ordinary usage in addressing friends : Cher Georges, Dear FORMS USED IN LETTER-WRITING 159 George; Mon cher Jean, My dear John; (Mon) cher ami, {My) dear friend; Mon cher Delille, My dear Delille; Cher Monsieur Belisle, Dear Mr. Bclisle; Monsieur et cher confrere, My dear coJIcague. Monsieur, *S'/;-, is more formal than Cher Monsieur, (My) dear Sir. It should be noted that ((Mon cher Monsieur)) is generally avoided when used \^^thout the noun; like ((Ma chere Madame)) it is redundant. In addressing ladies, the adjective chere is not usual except among relatives and very intimate friends: Madame, Dear Mrs.; Mademoiselle, Dear Miss. 427 Endings of letters. ]\Iuch variety exists in the conclusion of French letters. This depends on the age, rank, sex of the person addressed, as well as on circum- stances. Much used familiar forms are the following: Bien a vous or Tout a vous. Sincere]]/ yours; A vous de tout coeur. Ever sincerely yoitrs; Une poignee de main, Yours most sincerely; Votre ami sincere (fidele), Yours faithfully (sincerely); Je vous serre cordialement la main. Most sincerely yours; Salut amical, As ever, yours; Votre tout devoue, Faithfully yours; Croyez a ma vive et sin- cere amitie, Believe me, as ever, sincerely yours. 428 More formal expressions corresponding to Very tndy yours, but ill adapted to translation: Agreez, Mon- sieur, mes cordiales salutations; Veuillez agreer, Mon- sieur, I'assurance de mes sentiments distingues; Recevez, Monsieur, les meilleures amities de votre bien devoue; Agreez, Monsieur, mes salutations amicales. Xolicc the f<)ll<)\viiiI] m \). 90 XI, vu aimables amis [(.iiiahlz ami] s 331 aimee [inic] [eiiic] e 89 ainient [1:111] c 72 168 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION aimer [eme] [erne] 10, p. 18 ii; r 262 aimer k chanter [emer a Sate] r 348 aimes [e:m] e 72 aimez-la [eme la] a 388 -ain [e] 135 ainsi [esi] ain p. 53 xix -air [eir] ai 84, 123, 321 -aire [e:r] ai 84, 123, 321 -ais [e] ai 84, 90, 123, 321 -aise [c:z] ai 84, 123 Aisne [c:n] s 272 -aisse [e:s] ai 84, 123, 321 -ait [e] 90 -aix [e] 84, 123, 321 Aix [eks] [cs] x 267, 313 Aix-la-Chapelle [es la Sapel] x 267, 313, p. 162 lxv Aixjles-Bains [es le be] x 267, 313 Ajaccio [asaksjo] c p. 162 lxv Ajax [asaks] x 310 a jevm [a 3de] eun 144, p. 56 xxi; j p. 86 XLii ajonc [a35] c 340, p. 71 xxxi a la Momiaie [a la mone] M p. 153 Lxiii albatros [albatro:s] s 275 Albert Diirer [albe:r djTCir] r p. 103 L albinos [albinois] s 275 album [albom] u 113, p. 43 xi, p. 156 Lxiv; U7n 145; m 235 albmnen [albjTnen] 7i p. 162 LXVI Alexandre [aleksaicLr] x 310 Alfred [alfred] d 190 Alger [al3e] r p. 162 lxv Algerie [al3eri] p. 162 lxv Algesiras [al3ezira:s] s p. 162 lxv alguazil [algwazil] tui 156; gua 199 & I'Instruction publique [a 1 es- tryksjo [jyblik] / p. 153 lxiii allah [alia] h 209 allee de I'Observatoire [ale d9 1 opservatvvair] 410 allegori [allogori] II 168 alleguer [allege] II 168 alleluia [alelqija] [alelyja] I p. 87 XLiii Allemagne [almaji] e 393; p. 156 lxiv; gn p. 81 xl allemand [akna] e 70; d p. 74 xxxiv aller [ale] II 42, 169 allez [ale] 2 318 Allez-vous-en avec eux [alevuz a avek 0] n p. 141 lx allier [alje] ie p. 60 xxiii allure [aly:r] w p. 46 xv ahnanach [almana] a 53; ch 185, p. 156 lxiv; /i 209; c 340 aloes [aloes] s 275 alors [alo:r] 105 Alpes [alp] 6' p. 162 lxv Alphonse [alf5:s] ph p. 76 xxxvi Alsace [alzas] s 271, 319, p. 156 LXIV, p. 162 lxv aluminium [alyminjom] u 113, p. 162 Lxvi alun [aide] un p. 56 xxi INDEX 169 -am [a] 131; [am] am 132 amalgama [amalgama] a 52 amarra [amara] a 52 amateur [amatceir] m p. 57 xxii Amazone [amazon] [amazoin] o 111 ambiguite [abigqito] gu'i 198 ambitieux [ubLsjo] t 284 ambulance [abyluis] am 131 ame [a:m] 31 ; d p. 25 iv amen [amen] [omen] n 241 ; en p. 156 Lxiv amenerions [amenrjS] e 88 amer [ame:r] r 263, p. 156 lxiv americain [amerike] ain p. 53 XIX -ames [am] d 15, 51, 58 ameublement [amoebbma] e p. 30 V amitie [amitje] ie 152; li 293; m p. 94 XLV, p. 96 XLVii ammonium [amm,^nj.)m] mm 168 amnistie [amnisti] am 132; 7n 234 amollir [am.)Ii:r] U 169 amour [aimi:r] ou 119, p. 45 xiv amoureuse [amuruiz] m p. 96 XLVII ample [n:[)l] am 131 Amsterdam [amsterdam] a 54; '/'/( 132; m 235 amuse [ainyiz] u 121 amuser [aiiiyzo] s 319 an [fi] n p. % xlvii -an [n] 131, Kil; [an] 146 anabaptiste [anabatiiit] a p. 152 LXIU anachorete [anakoret] ch p. 73 XXXIII ananas [anana] [anana] p. 18 ii; n p. 57 XXII ; s p. 162 lx\t anatomie [auatomi] « p. 96 xlvii ancien [asje] an 45, 131; ien 162; en p. 53 xix ancienne prison d'Etat [asjen prizo deta] E p. 153 lxiii ancien tribunal de Paris [asje trib^Tial da pari] F p. 153 lxiii ane [u:n] n 4, 239, p. 96 xlvii; e 69 aneantie [aneati] tie 292 a neuf heures precises [a ncEV oe:r presi:z]/p. 141 lix angelus [uselyis] s 275; e, s p. 162 LXVI anglais [ogle] ai p. 49 xvi angle [a:gl] g 195 Angleterre [agloteir] e 71, 393, p. 30 V, {). 156 LXIV anguille [agi(:)j] gu 195, p. 79 XXXVIII ; ill 226, p. 156 lxiv anil [anil] il 229; I 344 animal [animal] n 239; p. 18 II anjou [u3u] j p. 86 xlh Anna [ana] a 54; n p. 57 xxil annaies [a(n)nal] nn 168, 239; n p. 57 XXII annaliste [armalist] nn 168 anneau [ano] nn 169, 239 annee [ane] nn 1 16, 169 annee courante [ano kuru:t] p. 161 XIV 170 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Annibal [anibal] nn p. 96 xlvi annonce [an3:s] on 141 annoter [anote] n p. 57 xxii annuaire [anijeir] ua p. 64 xxv annuel [anqel] n p. 57 xxii; ue p. 64 xxv anse [a:s] an p. 56 xxi B; s p. lOS LI antechrist [dtekri] [atekrist] s 272 antienne [atjen] ti 294 Antiochus [atjokyis] ch 186 antipathic [atipati] th p. 117 lii; h p. 162 Lxvi antiquaille [citikaij] qu 254 antiseptique [atiseptUv] s 269 antisocial [atisosjal] s 269 Anvers [ave:r] r 264 aout [u] [ut] [au] [aut] a 57; oH p. 45 xiv; a, t p. 117 liv; p. 156 LXIV, p. 162 LXVI apaiser [apeze] s 319 a part elle et vous [a pair el e vri] t 356 apathie [apati] th p. 117 lii Apennins (les) [apsne] en p. 162 LXV aperfu [apersy] f p. 69 xxix aplatie [aplati] t 281 aplomb [apl3] h 339 apoplexie [apopleksi] p p. 98 XLVIII apostrophe [apostrof] 31 appartement [apartomfi] e 393 appeler [aple] e 46, 70, p. 30 vi appendice [apadis] [ap£dis] en 137, p. 156 LXiv appetit [apeti] pj> 245; < p. 117 LIV apprete [apreit] ^ 85 appreter [aprete] e 86 appuyer [apqije] uy 159, p. 64 XXV aprete [aprate] e 71 apte [apt] p p. 98 xlviii; t p. 117 LII aquarelle [akwarel] vm 156, p. 62 xxiv; qu 256; up. 162 lxvi aquarelliste [akwarelist] qu p. 101 XLIX aquarium [akwarjora] u 113, p. 162 lxvi; ua 156; qu 256 aqxmtinta [akwateta] qu p. 101 XLIX aquatique [akwatik] ua 156, p. 62 XXIV ; qu 256 aqueduc [akadyk] e 71; c 178, 340, 341 a quia [a kqia] qu p. 101 XLix aquilin [akile] qu 254 aquilon [akilo] qu 254 Aranjuez [arasqes] z p. 122 lviii arbre [arbr(8)] e 69; re 260 arc [ark] c 178, 340, 341 arc-boutant [arbuta] c p. 71 xxxi arc-en-ciel [arkasjel] 34; c 333 archaique [arkaik] ch p. 73 xxxiii Archambauld [arSubo] d p. 74 xxxiv archange [arkais] ch p. 156 lxiv archeologie [arkeobsi] ch p. 162 LXVI archeologue [arkeob(:)g]c/iT). 73 XXXIII INDEX 171 archeveche [ar$ove$e] ch 184 archeveque [ar^aveik] ch 184 archi- [ar^i] ch 183 archldiacre [arSidjakr] ch 183 archiduc [ar^idyk] ch 183 archiduche [ar^idy^o] ch p. 72 XXXII archiduchesse [arSidySes] ch p. 72 XXXII archiepiscopal [arkiepiskopal] ch 183 archiepiscopat [arkiepiskopa] ch 183 archifolle [ar^ifol] ch p. 72 xxxii archifou [ar^ifu] ch 183 archipel [arSipcl] ch 183 archipretre [ar^ipreitr] ch 183 architecte [ar^itrkt] ch 183 architecture [ar^itektyir] ch p. 72 XXXII architrave [arSitraiv] ch p. 72 XXXII archives [arSi:v] ch p. 72 xxxii archiviste [arSivist] ch p. 72 XXXII archonte [ark5!t] ch p. 73 xxxiii arcs-en-ciel [urk u sjel] s 367, p. 141 LX -ard [a:r] 356, 364, 380 ardemment [ardamu] e 55; em 134 arguames [argqam] ud 160 arguer |;irKq''] (jn 197 argutie [urnyHi] t 281 aride [arid] r 259 aristocratie [ari.st.jkraHi] I 281, j). 162 Lxvi Aristophane [aristofan] p. 162 LXV Aristote [aristot] o p. 162 lxv arithmetique [aritmetik] h 209 Amaud [arno] d p. 74 xxxiv Amauld [arno] I 223 Arnold [arnold] d p. 74 xxxv arome [arosm] o 111 arquebuse [arkabyiz] e 71 arrangeons [arasS] ge p. 80 XXXIX Arras [ara:s] s 274 arriere [arje:r] rr 169; r p. 103 l arrive [ari:v] i 12 arrive [arive] rr 169 arriver [arive] rr 167 arrondir [arodiir] n p. 96 xlvii arroser [aroze] rr 169 arsenic [ars(o)ni(k)] k 181 art [a:r] tp. 117 liv -art [air] t 356, 380 artichaut [arti^o] au p. 49 xvi as [n:s] a 60; s 275, p. 162 lxvi asbeste [azbest] s 271 Asdrubal [azdrybal] s 271 -ase [ :!4") beau-frere [bo freir] 34 Beaumarchais [Ijomar^e] au, ai p. 49 XVI bebe [Ijcbo] b p. 68 xx\ai bee [bek] e91; c 178, 340, 341 bees Auer [bek oe:r] s 367, p. 141 LX bedeau [hodo] e p. 30 v bedouin [bcdvvC] ouin p. 65 xxvi Beethoven [betaven] en 133, 241 begayer [Ix-ncjc] tn/ p. 49 xvi beguin (begL] gu 195 bel [bd] e 91; / 221 bele |l)t:ll S 85 beler [Ixlr] S 86 Belfort [befjir] / 223 bel homme [bel om] I 344 beUe [bel] c 46, 91 Belt [belt] t 299 Bengale [begal] en 137, p. 156 LXIV, p. 162 LXV bengali [begali] en 137 Benjamin [besame] en 137, p. 162 LXV benzine [bezin] en 137, p. 156 LXIV Beotien [beosje] [beosje] I 286 bequille [beki:j] ill 226 bequilles [beki(:)j] ill p. 90 xliv Beranger [bera5e] r 262 berceuse [bersoiz] eu p. 44 xii -berg [be:r] in proper names ♦. 205 berger [hcr^c] e 91; r 262 bergers [berse] r 262 Berlin [berle] p. 162 lxv Berlioz [bn-lj.):z] z 319 Bernard [berua:r] r p. 104 L Berthauld [berto] d p. 74 xxxiv beryl [bcril] il 229 besoin [bozwe] oin 162, p. 65 XXVI bestiaire [bestjeir] iai p. 60 xxiii bestial [i)estjal] t 290 betail [l)(!fa:j] a 61, il p. 90 XLiv bete [be:l] c 85 Bethleem [betleem] m 235 beurre [Ixrir] eu 118 bey [be] !> p. 152 lxiii Biarritz [bjarits] z 319 bibelot [biblo] b p. 68 xxvii bibliotheque de Paris [bibli,)- te(!;k d.j pari] I' p. 153 LXiil 176 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION biceps [biscps] s p. 108 li bien [bje] en p. 53 xix; ie 4, p. GO XXIII ; ien 102 bien aimable [bjcn r mabl] n 375 Bien a vous [bjen a vu] 427 bien ennuyeux [bjtn anqo] n p. 141 ijx bien heureux [bjen oero] n 375 biere [bjc:r] h p. 68 xxvii biere de Munich [bjeir da mjTiik] c394 biffer [bife]/ p. 76 xxxvi bifteck [biftek] k 218 bijou [bi5u] o?i p. 45 xrv billet [biCOJe] HI P- 90 xliv; t p. 117 LIV billevesee [bilvoze] ill p. 156 lxiv bUUon [bi(l)j5] ill 232 binde [beid] in p. 56 xxi B bis [biis] s 275, p. 162 lxvi bise [bi:z] s p. 109 li bismuth [bismyt] Ih 299 bisulfate [bizylfat] s 269 bivouac [bivwak] oua 156; c p. 70 XXX blame [bla:m] a 58, p. 25 iv blanc [blu] c 179; an p. 51 xviii blanche [bla:S] an p. 51 xviii blason [blaz5] n 60 bleme [blc:m] e 15 bleu [bio] eu 114 bleuatre [bloaitr] eu 114 bleuet [bloe] eu 114 bloc [blok] c 178, 340, 341; o 105, p. 43 xi; c p. 156 lxiv bloc enorme [bbk enarm] c p. 141 LIX blocus [blokyis] s 275, p. 162 LXVI t blond [bio] on 4 blonde [bl5:d] on 141 blouse [blii:z] ou p. 45 xiv; s p. 109 LI bobine [bobin] ft p. 68 xxvii bobo [bobo] 5 p. 68 xxvii bceuf [boef] « 118, 127, 327; / 192, p. 156 LXIV boeuf a la mode [boef a la mod] / p. 76 xxxvi bceufs [be] eu 114;/ 193, p. 156 LXIV boire [lDwa:r].oi 56 bois [bwa] cri 62, 156, p. 62 xxiv boise [bwcize] oi 64 boit [l)wa] oi 56 boite [bwa:t] [bvpa:t] oi 156, p. 21 III bol [bol] I p. 87 XLiii bombe [b5:b] h p. 68 xxvii bon [bo] on p. 56 xxi B; n p. 96 XLVII bon ami [b5n ami] n 375 bon a rien [bon a rje] [bon a rje] 47; n 337 bonde [bo:d] on p. 56 xxi B bon enfant [bon afu] n 375 bonheur [bonceir] o 109; eu p. 45 XIII bonne [lion] o 107, p. 43 xi; nn 146, p. 96 XLVII bonnement [bonmu] e 70 bon sens [bo sais] s p. 157 lxiv bonte [bote] 10; on p. 55 xx borax [boraks] x 310 INDEX 177 bord [bo:r] d 189; r 166; o p. 43 XI bord a bord [h.v.v a bo:r] d 380 Bordeaux est une belle ville [bardoetyn bel vil] x p. 141 lx Bossuet [bosqe] ue 159, p. 156 LXIV bouc [buk] ou 119; c 178, 340, 341 bouche [Tki^j oh 119 boucher [bu^c] r 262 boucle [bukl] le 222 bouddhisme [budism] [budizm] h p. 152 LXiii boueux [bwo] oucu 156 bougie [bu5i] g 201 boulevard Montpamasse [biil- va:r m.ljiania.s] M 410 Boulogne [bulop) gn p. 162 lxv bourg [burr] [burik] g 205, 365, p. 162 Lxvi -bourg [bu:r] in proper names 205 Bourges, le 11 mai 1909 [l)ur5, b ;j:z iiic fliz nn'f su iKcf] 425 bourgmestre [Ijiirgnifsfr] g p. 162 LXVI bout |i)ii] h 4, 170; on 128, 328 bout a bout [but a bu] 47; I 354 bouteille [buU:j] ill j). 90 xuv bouvreuil [buvniij] it p. 90 xr.iv brancard [brukair] r p. 104 L bras I bra] a 59; s 273 bravo [bravn] o 99, p. 39 x brebis (lir.tbi] /* p. (>S xxvii bredouiller [bnjdujcji/i p. 90xLiv bref [l)ref] / 191 Bresil [!)rezil] I p. 162 lxv Brest [brr.st] / 297 Bretagne (la) [bratap] gn p. 162 lxv brief [brief] / 192 briguer [brige] gu 195 broc [bro] c 180, p. 156 lxiv brocard [brakair] r p. 104 l brodeuse [brodoiz] eu p. 44 xii Broglie [brojo] g 204 brosse [bros] o 107, p. 43 xi brouillard [brujair] ill p. 90 xliv brouter [l^rute] ou p. 49 xvi bruine [brqin] ui p. 64 xxv bruire [brqiir] ui p. 64 xxv brun [bnJe] un 144, p. 56 xxi; n p. 90 XLVii brune [l)ryii] /; p. 96 XLvn Brunswick [brasvik] un 142; w 307 brusquerie [bryskori] e 393 brut [l)rj-t] t 298, p. 117 Lii Bruxelles [brj'sel] x 267, 313, p. 121 Lvii, p. 156 LXIV, p. 102 LXV Bruxelles, ce 13 fevrier 1908 [brysel, so tre:z fevrie diz ncsf so \\\\] 425 bruxellois [bryselwa] x 267 bubon [bybo] h p. 68 xxvii Buenos-Ayres [bqenoz e:r] p. 162 LXV buis [bqi] u 158; ui 160, p. 64 xxv bulletin [l)yltt;] e 70, 393, p. 30 VI 178 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Bulletin des lois [bylte de Iwa] B 404 Buloz [byloiz] z 319 bun [bd'] un p. 56 xxi B bunde [bde:d] wn p. 56 xxi B but [by(t)] t 298, 300; m 121; < p. 163 Ksvii c [se] [s3l[ka]22, 24; 91; 110; 127; 300; [k] [s] 165, 173-175, 177, 178, 181, 219, 255, 267, 311, 340; 341; [g] 174; sUent 164, 175 Remark, 179-181 • S [s] 176, 267 gk [sa] d 28, 50 cab [kab] 6 171 cable [ka:bl] d p. 25 iv cacao [kakao] c p. 69 xxviu cache [ka^] ch 182 cachot [ka^o] o 99 cadavre [kadavr] [kadavr] a 64 cadeau [kado] au 126, p. 49 xvi; eau 324 Cadix [kadis] [kadiks] x 267, 313, p. 162 Lxvi, p. 163 Lxvii cadre [kaidr] a 63 caduc [kadyk] c 255 caduque [kadyk] qu 255 Caen [ka] a 57; e p. 162 lxv cage [ka:3] a 49 cahler [kaje] e 80; h 209 cahiers [kaje] e 80, p. 32 vii caille [ka(:)j] ill p. 90 xliv Cain [kae] p. 162 lxv Caire (le) [ke:r] ai p. 162 lxv Calabre (la) [kalabr] p. 162 lxv calamite [kalamite] m p. 9Ci XLVII calciiun [kalsjom] u p. 162 lxvi calcul [kalkyl] I 221; u p. 46 XV Caleb [kaleb] b 171 calef on [kalsS] 46 calembour [kalabuir] m p. 96 XLVII calfeutre [kalfoitr] eu p. 44 xii calice [kalis] c p. 69 xxviii calif e [kalif] c p. 152 lxiii caliner [kaline] n p. 96 xlvi calme [kalm] a 54 calomnie [kabmni] om 143; m 234, p. 94 XLV calvitie [kalvisi] t 281, p. 156 LXIV camarade [kamara(:)d] e 69 camaraderie [kamaradri] p. 18 ii CamiUe [kamiij] ill p. 162 lxv Camoens [kamoeis] s p. 162 LXV camp [ka] am p. 51 xviii, p. 56 XXI B campagne [kapaji] gn 207, p. 162 LXV campe [kd:p] am p. 56 xxi B campement [kapma] am 131 Canada [kanada] p. 18 ii canaille [kana(:)j] ill p. 60 xxiii canal [kanal] p. 18 ii cancan [kdku] an p. 51 xvni cancer [kaseir] r 263 canif [kanif] / 192 canne [kan] a 54; n p. 57 xxii INDEX 179 cantaloup [katalu] p 249, p. 162 LXVI cantique [kutik] c p. 69 xx\^II caoutchouc [kaut^u] c ISO, 340; t, c p. 162 LXVI cap [kap] a 54; p, 245, 250 p. 162 LXVI Capetien [kapesje] t 286 capitaine [kai)iten] ai p. 156 LXIV capital [kapital] p. 18 ii, p. 161 XIV captieux [kapsjo] t 284; p p. 98 XLVIII car [ka(:)r] c 4, 173; a 54; r 165 carat [kara] t p. 117 liv carbone [karban] [karboin] o 111 careme [kare:m] c 85, p. 36 viii caricature [karikatyir] c p. 69 XX viii Carlsbad [karlsbad] d p. 74 xxxv canne [karm] c.p. 152 lxiii carnaval [kamaval] n p. 96 xlvi carre [kare] rr 169 carrefour de I'Abattoir [karfu:r d,» 1 ubat\va:r] A 410 carte [kart] r p. 104 l cas [ka] a 59; s 273 case (k(i:z] a 60 cassation [kaHasjS] s p. 108 u casse [ka:s] a 60 casser [kosc] .s.s 167, 267 cassis [kasi.s] .s 275 Castille (la) [ka.sti:j] ill p. 162 LXV cataracte [katarakt] p. IS ii cathedrale [katcdral] h 209 catholicisme Piatolisism] [kato- lisizm] c 399 catholique [katolik] c 399 Caucase (le) [kokciiz] c p. 69 xxviii; a p. 162 lxv cauchemar [ko^mair] [ko^mair] au, e p. 156 Lxiv causerie [kozri] e 70, 393, p. 30 VI caustique [kostik] c p. 69 xxviii caution [kosjo] au 102 cave [ka:v] a 13 Cayenne [kajen] ay p. 162 lxv fa y est [sa ] c] y 153 cc [k] 173, 176, 219; [ks] 176 ce [so] e 66; c 267; 383, 385, 425 ce bien est a mon frere [sa bje et a ma freir] n 377 ceci [sosi] c 267, p. 69 xxrx cecite [sesite] c 175 cede [s?;(:)d] e 87 cederai [scdro] e 88 cedille [.sedi:j] 32 ceinture [sety:r] ein 135 cela [.s(;))hi] c p. 69 xxrx cela m'est egal [sola m et egal] t 334 cele [scl] h 87 celebre [solebrc] e 79 celerai [scire] e 88 ceUe [scl] e 91 cellule (srlyl] I p. 87 xliii ce musee s'appelle le Musee [sa nnzo s upcl l.> inyzc;] M p. 153 LXIII cens [.sd:s] s 275 cent [su] c 267; p. 69 xxix 180 FKENCH PRONUNCIATION centaure [sato:r] au 112 centieme [sutjem] ti 293, p. 117 LII centiemement [sat jcmma] ti 293 centime [satim] p. 161 XIV centimetre [satime(:)tr] p. 161 XIV cent neuf hiboux [sa noev ibu] / p. 76 XXXVII cent onze [sa oiz] t 355 centre [sa:tr] re 260; en p. 51 XVIII cent un [sa ce] t 301, 355, 371, p. 156 Lxiv cep [sep] p 250 ce palais de justice s'appelle le Palais de justice [s9 pale da 3ystis s apel la pale da 3ystis] P p. 153 Lxiii cercler [serkle] 38 cercueil [serkoeij] il p. 90 xliv cerf [seir] / 193 cerfs [se:r] / 193 cerf -volant [servolu]/ 193, p. 162 LXVI cerise [sariiz] s 268 cerisier [sarizje] ie p. 60 xxiii certain [serts] c p. 69 xxix ces [se] [se] e 93 Cesar [sesa:r] r p. 162 lxv cession [sesjS] c 175 c'est [s e] 384 c'est a dire [s et a di:r] p. 161 XIV c'est aujourd'hm lundi le dix aout [s et 03urdqi fedi la dis u] I, a 398 c'est bon a manger [s e bo a mase] ?i 378 c'est le huit [s e la qit] e p. 141 LX c'est le six [s e la sis] x p. 122 LVII c'est im enfant tres eveUle [set den ufu tres evcje] t, n, s p. 141 LIX c'est un franc etourdi [s et de frak eturdi] t, c p. 141 lix ce temple des protestants s'ap- pelle le Temple des protes- tants [sa ta:pl de protests s apel la ta:pl de protesta] T p. 153 LXIII cet hotel de ville s'appelle l'H6- tel de ville [s et otel da vQ s apel 1 otel da vil] H p. 153 LXIII cette fenetre [set fane:tr] e 394 cette petite [set patit] e 394 cette phrase est facile a lire et a comprendre [set fra:z e fasil a li:r e a kopraidr] e 395 cette prison militaire s'appelle la Prison militaire [set prizS militeir s apel la priz5 milite:r] P p. 153 LXIII ceux [s0] eu 114, p. 44 xii; x 315 Ce vendredi matin [sa vadradi mate] 425 Ceylan [selu] y p. 162 lxv ch [k] 185, 186, 219; [$] 182-184, 329; silent 185 chacun [Sakue] un 144, p. 56 XXI INDEX 181 chaine [Se:n] at p. 36 vm, p. 49 XVI chair [Se:r] ai 84, 123, 321 chaise [^eiz] ai, 84, 123, 321; s p. 109 LI Chaldee [kalde] ch p. 73 xxxiii Chalons [Stilo] on p. 55 xx Cham [kam] ch p. 73 xxxiii Chambery [Sdbcri] p. 162 lxv chambre [^fiibr] am 131; ch 182 chamelier [^amaljc;] e 71 champ [^u] am p. 51 xviii; ch p. 72 XXXII champagne [Supaji] am 131; gn 207, p. 162 LXV champs [^a] ps 164 Chanaan [kanaa] ch p. 73 xxxiii chancelier [y'lsoljo] e 71, p. 30 v changeant [Sa^a] an p. 51 xviii changement [^usmu] ge p. SO XXXIX chanson [Sus5] on 141 chant [Su] ch p. 72 xxxii chantais (Sute] ai 84, 123 chantait [Sate] ail p. 36 viii Chanteclair [^utkleir] e p. 162 vxv chanter [^uto] an p. 51 xviii chantier [y'ltjc] li 293 chaos [kao] ch 186; s p. 162 lxvi chaotique [kaotik] ch p. 73 xxxiii chapelier lyipljc] 46; e 71, p. 30 v chaperon ISapr.")] 46 chargee (Sarvl 423 chargera l^ir^.tra] c p. 30 v Charlemagne |yirl.)iiiajil i; 71, y). .0) v, p. 162 lxv; gn p. 81 XL Charles [^arl] s p. 162 lxv Charles-Quint [^arlo ke] e 71; qu 254 Charon [karS] ch, a p. 162 lxv charpentier [yirpatje] ti 293 chars a bancs l^ar a ba] s 367 Chartres [^artr] r p. 104 l chartreux [Sartre] c p. 152 LXin Charybde [karibd] ch p. 73 xxxiii, p. 162 LXV Chasles [^a:!] s 272 chasse [Sas] a G5; ch 182, 329, p. 72 XXXII chastete [^astate] e 71 chat [Sa] ch 4, 182; o p. 21 iii chat-huant [^a qa] t p. 162 lxvi chatier [Satje] r281;m; ret, 353 circonspect en tout [sirk5spek a tu] [sirkSspekt u tu] ect 353 circonstance [sirkSstais] on 141 cire [.si:rj i 13; c p. 69 xxix cirque [.sirk] i p. 37 ix ciselure [sizlyir] e 70, p. 30 vi Citeaux [sito] x p. 122 lvii citoyen [sitAvaje] oij 156 citrouille |silni(:jjl ouillc 226 civil [sivil] il 229; c 267 classe [kla:s] [klas] a 60, 65; e 69; p. 18 ii; o p. 25 IV cle [kle] 193 clef [kle]/ 193, p. 162 Lxvi; e p. 32 VII clefs [kle] e 80 Cleopatre [kleopa:tr] d p. 162 LXV clerc [kle:r] r 166, 264; c 180, 340, p. 156 LXIV client [klija] ien 135 climat [klima] [klima] a 64 clouer [klue] ou p. 49 xvi club [klyb] b 171 Clugny [kl^Tii] g 204 cobalt [kobalt] t 299 codiciUe [kodisil] ill 232 coeur [koe:r] eu 118, p. 45 xiii; r 261; CBU p. 49 xvi cognac [kojiak] c 178, 340, 341 cogne [kjjic] gn p. 81 xl cognition [k.)gnisj5] gn 200 coin [kwi'] in 136; oi p. 62 xxiv coke [kjk] k 218 Colas [kola] a 59 colere [koleir] e 87, p. 36 viu college [kole:^] e 87 collar [kjle] U 167, 220 Colomb [kol5] b 171, p. 156 LXIV, p. 162 lxv; om p. 55 xx Colomb a erre longtemps [kal5 a tre Ijtu] 6 J). 141 LX colonel [kolonel] I p. 87 xliii combien Ikobjf-] ien 162 combien en demande-t-il [kjbje (1 d.)ina:(i t il] n p. 141 LX combien y en a-t-il [kjbje i un at 11] /( .'iTS comble [kj:bl] oni p. 55 xx 184 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION combustion [kSbystjo] ti 290 comme [kom] o p. 43 xi commenfons [komas5] q p. 69 XXIX commotion [komosjo] [komosj5] o 100 commun [komde] un 144, p. 56 XXI compact [kSpakt] t 296 compagnie [kopajii] p. 161 XIV compagnon [kapajio] gn p. 81 xl compassion [kopasjo] a 60 compendium [kopedjjm] [k5pa- djom] en 137; um 145 compose [kopoiz] o 101, p. 39 x comprend-il [koprat il] d 362 comprend-il ce qu'on dit [k5- pmt il sa k 5 di] d p. 141 Lix comprenez [koprane] n p. 96 XLVI comprenons [koprenS] e 71, p. 30 V compte [k5:t] om 141 ; p 247 compter [kote] p p. 156 lxiv comptons [kSto] om 141; om, on p. 55 XX concession [kSsesjS] s p. 108 li congu [kosy] f p. 69 xxix condamnable [kodanabl] m 237 condamnation [kodanasjo] m 237 condamner [kodane] am p. 162 LXVI conditionnel [kSdisjonel] < p. 117 LIII conduire [k5dqi:r] d 187 confiance [k5fja:s] ian 162 confidentiel [kofidasjel] t 283 conge [k53e] on p. 55 xx congestion [kSsestjo] ti 290 congres [kogre] s p. 162 lxvi conjuguant [kosygu] ua 156 conquerir [kokeriir] qu 254 conquiert [kokjeir] r 264 Conrad [korad] d p. 74 xxxv consanguinite [kosagqinite] [k5- suginite] gui 198 consciemment [kSsjama] em p. 156 Lxiv conscience [k5sja:s] ien 135, p. 65 xxvi; p. 156 lxiv conseil [koseij] e 91; eil 226 conseiller [koseje] ill p. 90 xliv consequemment [kosekama] em p. 156 lxiv considerablement [kosiderabla- mti] e 71 consideration [kosiderasjS] 428 Considerations sur I'histoire de France [kosiderasjS syr 1 is- tw-air da fra:s] C, F p. 152 lxiii consolation [kosolusj5] t 162 consomptif [kSsoptif] p 248 comsomption [kSsopsjo] 38; p 248, p. 98 xlyiii conspire [kospire] on 44 consul [kosyl] I 221; c p. 152 lxiii contact [kotakt] t 296 conte [k5:t] on 141, p. 55 xx, p. 56 XXI B content adj. [kSta] e 72 content verb [k5:t] e 72 contiguite [kStigqite] gui 198 convaincs [kove] c p. 71 xxxi INDEX 185 convenable [kovnabl] e 70 coq [kokj q 4, 165, 219, 252, p. 156 Lxiv coquin [kjke] in p. 53 xrx cor (ko:r] c 173 corbeille [kjrbe:]] eille 226 cordelier [kjrdolje] c p. 152 LXIII corps [kj:r] r 166; p 247 corps a corps [kor a ko:r] s 367 correct [korcktj [korrekt] t 296, 300, 353; ct p. 156 kxiv cortes [kortes] s 275 Cortez [kjrtes] z 267, p. 122 lviii cosinus [kosinyis] s 269 cote [ko:t] 6 4, 6, 29, 97, p. 39 x; c 7 cote d'or [kot d j:r] c, o 418 cotele [kotlo] 6 98 cotignac [kotijia] c p. 71 xxxi couenne [kwan] e 55 couenneux [kwano] c 55 couleuvre [kulceivr] eu p. 45 xiii coup [ku] p 164, 249; ou p. 45 xiv coupe Ikup] p p. 98 xlviii cour |ku:r] r p. 101 l courant [kura] p. 161 XIV cour des Fontaines [ku:r de f5- ivJ:)n\ /'■ 410 courez [kurc] ou p. 45 xiv courir [kuri:r] 168 couronne [kiir.nil nn 167 courrai [kurre] rr 259 courrier |kiirjc] r 2(52 courroux [kuru] x p. 122 Lvii Cours d'astronomie |kii:r d a.s- tr.MijiiiiJ (' 104 court [ku:r] t 352 courtil [kurti] i7 230; I 344 coutelas [kutlci] a 59 coutelier [kutalje] e 71 couter [kute] aw p. 49 xvi coutil [kuti] I 344 couvert [kuveir] ou p. 45 xiv couvre-pieds [kuvrapje] d p. 74 xxxiv crac [krak] c 178, 340, 341 craie [krc] ai 84, 123; aie 90, 321 craindre [kre:dr] ain 14 cravate [kravat] p. IS ii crayon [krejo] iQ; ay 90; y 154 credo [kredo] e p. 162 lxvi creee [kree] e 89 cresson [kras5] [kres5] e p. 163 LXVII creuse [kroiz] eu 4, 14, 114 creux [kra] eu 114, p. 44 xii; x 315 crever [krave] e 4, 66, 67, p. 30 v eric [kri] c 180, 340 cric-crac [krik krak] c p. 162 LXVI Crimee (la) [krime] p. 162 Lxv crin [krC] in p. 53 xix crise |kri:z] i 94 crise de nerfs [kri:z do ne:r] / i). 7(5 XXXVII cristal [kristal] s 267 croc [kiol r ISO, 340, p. 156 lxiv croc-en-jambe [krok u 5a:b] c 341 crochets Ikr.j^c] 419 crocus lkr>)ky:s] « p. 108 li croire |kr\v(i:r] |krwa:r] a 62 crois [krwdj ot 150 186 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION croix [krwa] [krwa] a 62; a; 315 croix de renvoi [krwa da ravwa] 419 Cromwell [kromvel] w 306 croup [krup] p 250, p. 156 lxiv croyez [krwaje] oy p. 62 xxiv Croyez a ma vive et sincere ami- tie [krwaje a ma viv e sese:r amitje] 427 crucifix [krysifi] x 315, p. 156 lxiv ct final 296 cueillir [kocji:r] ue p. 49 xvi cuiller (cuilliere) [kyjeir] [ki[i- je:r] [kyljeir] u 121, uill 226; r 263; p. 156 lxiv cuir [kqi:r] u 158; ui p. 64 xxv cuisine [kqizin] ui p. 64 xxv cuisinier [kqizin je] r 262 cuivre [kqi:vr] ui p. 64 xxv cul [ky] I 223 culbute [kylbyt] u p. 46 xv Curasao [kyraso] a 57 cure [ky:r] c 173 cuve [ky:v] u 120; c p. 69 xxviii cyclone [sikloin] o 111, p. 39 x; c 267 cygne [siji] c 175; gn 207 cylindre [sUeidr] c 267 cymbale [sebal] c p. 69 xxrx cypres [sipre] c p. 69 xxrx cyr [si:r] c 175 czar [gza:r] [tsair] [tza:r] c 174, p. 162 Lxvi d [de] [d9] 22, 24; [d] 190; [t] 362-364, 381 dahUa [dalja] h 209 daim [de] aim 135, p. 53 xrx, p. 56 XXI B Dalmatie [dalmasi] t 281 damas [dama] a 59 damasser [damase] a 59 dame [dam] m 4, 233; d 187; a p. 21 III damner [dane] a 63, p. 25 iv, p. 156 lxiv; am 132; m 237 Damon [damo] m p. 96 xlvii Danemark (le) [danmark] e, k p. 162 Lxv danger [dase] r 262 dans [da] an p. 51 xviii dansant [dasa] ati p. 51 xviii danse [du:s] s 4, 266 danseuse [dasoiz] eu 115, 127, 326, p. 44 XII Dans les gardes frangaises [da le gard fraseiz] D 401 dans ime tente [daz yn ta:t] s 335 dard aigu [da:r egy] d 380 David [david] d 190; a, d p. 156 LXIV Dax [daks] x 310 dd [d] 42, 168, 187, 188 de [da] e 4, 17, 66, 383 de beaux boeufs [da bo bo] /p. 76 XXXVII deblayer [debleje] ay p. 49 xvi def a [dasa] d 50 decede [desede] e 79 decembre [desaibr] 425 decemment [desama] em p. 156 LXIV decemvir [desemviir] m 235 INDEX 187 de ce que je ne te le demande pas [do s ko 3 no t lo dmu:d pa] e 75 dechu [de^y] ch p. 72 xxxii declamer [deklame] [deklame] a 64 declare [dekla:r] a p. 21 iii de clerc a maitre [do klerk a me:tr] c 341 decorum [dekorom] um 145 decret [dekre] et 92 defu [desy] g 176 dedalgneux [dedejio] gn p. 81 xl de demain en huit [do dome a qit] n p. 141 LX dedier [dedjc] d 187 defaire [defe:r] / 191 defaut [defo] au p. 49 xvi Defense du Genie du christia- nisme [dofdis dy scni dy kris- tjanism] D, G 406 deficit [defisi(t)] t 299; c, < 300; p. 117 LII de fond en corable [do fot a k5:bl] p. 141 Lix defunt [defd'l un 144, p. 56 xxi defunte [deficit] un 14 degat [dt'gd] d p. 25 iv; I p. 117 LIV degenere [dcsenero] e 79 degoiit [degu] oil p. 45 xiv, p. 40 XVI de haut en bas [do o a ba] 47 deja [dfsa] 6i, 79; d 28, 50 dejeuner [dcsonc] cu 114; [d(v ^(I'nc] rii 1 18 de la [do la] c/, MIO delabrer [dclcibre] [delabrc] a 64 de la deux sortes de devoir: les uns negatifs [do la do sort do dovwair: lez de negatif] 420 DeliUe [delil] ill 232 deliquescence [delik(q)esa:s] qu 257 demi [d(o)mi] i p. 37 ix democratie [demokrasi] t 281, p. 162 Lxvi demoiselle [domwazel] e 67 demon [domo] on p. 55 xx Demosthene [demostem] h p. 162 Lxv Denis [doni] s p. 162 lxv dent [du] d i; en p. 51 xviii, p. 56 XXI B de part en part [do pairt a pa:r] t 382, I). 141 LIX de part et d'autre [do pa:rt e d otr] t 382 depens [depd] s p. 162 lxvi de pied en cap [do pjet a kap] d 362 de plus en plus [do plyz a ply] s 366 de point en point [do pwet a pwe] t 354 depot [depo] p 245; t p. 117 liv de profundis [de prof5di(:)s] un 1 12, p. 162 lxvi deraille [dcnije] ill p. 90 xliv des [de] [do] e 28, 93; d 410 des [df] r 28 des bas reliefs [de ba roljef) / p. 76 XXXVI desCallots[dekalo]Cp. 153 lxiii 188 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Descartes [dekart] s 272 des cheveux epais [de 5av0z epe] X p. 141 LIX des dues et pairs [de dyk e pe:r] s367 des Elzevirs [dez elzeviir] E p. 153 Lxiii desert [deze:r] r 204; s p. 102 LXVI deshabiller [dezabije] s 268, p. 109 LI des habits [dcz abi] h 208 des haricots [de ariko] h 210, p. 150 Lxiv des heros [dc ero] h 210 des heures [dez oe:r] h 208 des histoires etonnantes [dez istwairz etomct] s p. 141 lix des hommes [dez am] h 208 deshonneur [dezonoeir] s 268, p. 109 LI desire [dezire] e 27 des maitres es arts [de meitr ez a:r] s 367 des manteaiix ouates [de mato wate] 371 Desmoiilins [demule] s 272 des oeufs [dez 0] s 319 des oignons [dez op5] s 319 desormais [dezorme] ais p. 49 xvi des oui-dire [de wi diir] 371 des Plines [de plin] P p. 153 LXIII des pores epics [de pork epik] s 367 des prix eleves [de priz elve] x 372 desquels [dekel] [dekel] s 272 des regards aimables [de ragairz emabl] s 381 dessaisir [deseziir] e 81 desseeher [dese^e] e 81 dessein [dese] e 81; ein 135 desseller [desele] e 81, p. 32 VII desserrer [desere] e 81 dessert [dese:r] e 81, p. 32 vii; .S.S p. 162 LXVI desservir [deservi:r] e 81, p. 32 VII dessiUer [desije] e 81 dessin [dese] e p. 32 vii dessouder [desude] e 81 dessous [d(9)su] [tsu] e 68, p. 30 v, p. 156 LXIV dessus[d(a)sy] [tsy] e 68, 81, p. 30 V, p. 156 LXIV desuetude [desqetyid] s 269 des vers a soie [de ve:r a swa] s 367 detail [deta:j] a 61 de temps en temps [da taz a ta] 47;s337, 360, 366 detroit [detrwa] t 295 dette [det] e 18, 91, p. 36 vin deuil [doe:j] eu 118, p. 45 xiii; euil 226; p. 90 xliv deux [do] .r 315 deux a deux [doz a do] x 372 deux enfants [doz afa] x 319 deuxieme [dozjem] x 314, 317, 319, p. 122 Lvii deuxiemement [d0zjem(m)a] x p. 122 LVII INDEX 189 deux-points [do pwe] 419 developper [devbpe] e 89 devenir [davniir] c 67, 70, p. 30 VI deviner [davine] 16 devotieux [devosjo] t 284 devotion [devosjS] [devosjo] o 100 d'excellents exercices [d ekse- laz egzersis] s p. 141 lix dextre [dc(k)str] x 310 diable [dja:blj [dja(:)bl] a 64, p. 25 IV diademe [djadeim] m p. 94 xlv diagnostique [dj;ignjstik] [djag- nostik] gfn200 Dialogue des morts [djala(:)g de ni.j:r] D 404 Diaz [dja:z] z 319 Dieppe [djtp] p. 162 lxv diete [dje(:)t] ih p. 60 xxiii dieu [djo] ieu 152; eu p. 44 xu dieux [djo] cu 114 differentier [difcrasjc] ti 293; I J). 117 LIII difficile [difisil] i p. 37 ix;/p. 76 XXXVI digestion [disestjS] li 290 digne [diji] (jn \). HI XL dignite [dijiito] (jn 40 digue [di(:)g| gn p. 79 xxxviu diJenune [dilcm] mm p. 94 xlv; //( [). 96 XI. VII diligemment [dilisainfil mm p. 94 XLv; m j). 96 xlvii dime (di'^ijrnl i 29, 95, j). 37 tx Diocletien [di.jklcsjf] I 286 Diogene [dio5e:n] p. 162 lxv diplomatie [dipbmasi] t 281, p. 156 Lxiv diplome [diploim] 6 97, p. 39 x diplomer [diplome] 6 98 dire [di:r] i 94 direct [direkt] t 296; cl p. 162 LXVI disait-on [dizet 5] s 332 discipline [disiplin] i p. 37 ix Discours sur I'histoire univer- selle [diskuir syr 1 istwair yni- verscl] Dp. 152 lxiii dispenser [di.spasc] s p. 108 li distUler [disti(ljle] ill 232, p. 156 lxiv distinct [dist£:kt] [diste] t 300; d J). 156 lxiv distinctement [distektmu] c, t 300 distinctif [distCktif] c, t 300 distinction [distKksj5] c, t 300 distingua [disifga] ua 150 distinguons [distegu] gu, p. 79 XXXVIII distribuons [distribqo] uun 162 district [di.stri] [distrikt] cl 300 Dites bien des choses de ma part a [dit bjC de So:z da ma I)a:rt a] 430 dit-il [dit il] 421 dito [dito] ]). 161 XIV dix [(lis) X 21.3, 267, 313, 315, 372, p. !.')() LXIV dix chevaux [di S(">)\'o] x p. 156 LXIV dix enfants [diz ufu] x 372 190 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION dix heures un quart [diz ce:r ce ka:r] s 370 dix-huit [diz qit] x 314, 319, 371, p. 122 Lvii, p. 156 Lxiv dix-huitieme [diz qitjem] x 314, 371 dixieme [dizjcm] x 314, p. 122 LVII dix-neuf [diz noef] x 314, 319, p. 122 LVII, p. 156 LXIV dix-neuvieme [diz noevjem] x 314 dix pommes [di pom] x 372 dix-sept [dis set] x p. 121 lvii, p. 156 LXIV dix-septieme [dis setjem] x p. 121 LVII dix soldats [di solda] x 315 dix sous [di su] x p. 156 lxiv docteur [doktoeir] 415 dogue [dog] g 4 doigt [dwa] oi 56; g 205; t p. 117 LIV doigte [dwate] g p. 162 lxvi doigts [dwa] gts 164 doit et avoir [dwat e avwair] t 354 Domitien [domisje] t 286 dommage [doma:3] m 42 dompter [dote] om 45, p. 55 xx; p 247, p. 162 LXVI dompteur [dotoeir] p 247 Domremy [dSrami] om p. 55 xx don [d5] di; on p. 56 xxi B done [do] [d5:k] c 181 donnais [done] ais 90 donnas [dona] a 59 donnat [dona] A p. 21 iii donne [don] o 18 donne-je [doneis] e 88 donnent [don] e 72 donner [done] n 42; nn 239 donnes [don] e 72 donnez-en [donez a] z 332 Dordogne [dordoji] gn p. 162 LXV dort-elle [dort el] t 332 dortoir [dortwair] r 261 dos [do] o 100, p. 39 x; s 164, 273 dos a dos [doz a do] s 366 dossier [dosje] o 100, p. 39 x dot [dot] 105, p. 43 xi; f 298, p. 117 Lii, p. 156 LXIV doua [dwa] o^m p. 62 xxiv douane [dwan] ovm 156, p. 62 XXIV Douay [due] ay 90 Doubs [du] h 172; 6s p. 162 lxv douce [dus] c p. 69 xxix douons [dwo] ovxm p. 65 xxvi Douvres [du:vr] p. 162 lxv doux [du] ou p. 45 xiv douze [du!z] ou p. 45 xiv doyen [dwaje] ?/ 154 drap [dra] r 4; a 53; p 249 Dresde [drezd] s 271, p. 162 lxv drogue [dro(:)g] gue 197; gu p. 79 xxxviii droite [drwat] oi p. 21 iii druide [drqi(:)d] d p. 152 lxiii du [dy] « 29; d 410 du [dy] u 29 du blanc au noir [dy blak o nwa:r] c 341, p. 141 nx INDEX 191 Dublin [dyblf] p. 162 lxv du bceuf sale [dy boe sale] / 193 due [dyk] c 178, 340, 341; d p. 152 Lxiii Ducis [dj'siis] s 274 Ducroc [dykro] c p. 71 xxxi duel [dqel] ue j). 04 xxv Dugas [dj'ga] a 59 Du Guesclin [dy gekle] s 272, p. 150 LXiv du haut en bas [dy ot a ba] t 354 du marc de cafe [dy ma:r do kafe] c 340 Dumas [dymd] a 59, p. 102 lxvi du mithridate [dy mitridat] m p. 153 LXIII Dumouriez [dymurje] z 318 d'un [d (!■] un p. 50 xxi B d'un bout a I'autre [d de but a 1 otr] t 354 Duncan [dr^ku] nn 142 d'un enfant [d d-n dfu] 384 Dunkerque [dokerk] un 142, p. 102 Lxv d'un moment a I'autre [d de moma a 1 otr] t 354 duo [dyo] o 99, p. 39 x du plomb argentifere [dy pl3 ar5ulifi::r] b \). 141 LX Duprez [dj'pro] z 318 Duquesne [dykc:n] s 272 dur [dy:rl // 1.3 du riz au lait [dy ri o li:] z 359, p. 141 LX dynastie [dimusti] li 290; I p. 117 dysenteric [disutri] s 269 E e [e] [a] 22, 24; mute [a] 66-71, 89; 155; sUent 72, 73, 77, 78; before a, o, u 202; silent and mute 74, 75; final 70; without written accent [e] 80, 81; [e] 91-93; elision 384-387, 393- 395. e ferme [e] written e, e, ai 79 e [e] 84-88 e [e] 84-80, 98 e 197 eau p. 39 X -eau [o] 97, 102, 112, 126, 320, 324 eau de Seltz [o da sels] z 207, p, 122 Lviii eblouir [cbluiir] 36 ecaille [eka:]] a 61 ecart [ekair] t p. 117 liv Echantillons sans valeur [e^atija sa valoc!r] 431 echec [eSc(k)] c 181, p. 102 lxvi echecs [e5c(k)] c p. 156 lxiv echo [cko] o 99; ch 186, p. 162 LXVI eclair [cklcir] r p. 104 l eclate [cklate] e 27 eclipse [eklips] p 245 ecole [okol] o 100; c 173, p. 19 ii econome [('k.)n,)m] o 111 Ecouen [ckwdj uuen 162 ecoutez [ekutc] ou 128, 328 ecraser jcknizc] .s 319; a p. 25 iv ecrasons [ckniz.')] a 00 ecrevisse [oivrovis] e 89 192 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION ecriture anglo-normannique [ekrityir agio normanik] a, n 408 ecriture normanno-saxonne [ekrityir normano sakson] n, s 408 -ect 92, 353 ecueil [ekcp:j] iieil 226; ue p. 45 XIII ecuelle [ekiiel] ue p. 64 xxv ecureuil [ekyrrrij] euil 226 Edda [edda] f/ p. 74 xxxv Eden [edcn] n 241, p. 156 lxiv Edimbourg [edebu:r] fir 205, p. 162 LXV Edouard [edwair] d 189; ova p. 62 XXIV Edmond [edmS] d p. 74 xxxrv -een [ee] en 136 effare [efare] e 81 effectuerent [efektqeir] Me p. 64 xxv effemine [efemine] e 81 effet [efe] e 81, p. 32 vii efficace [efikas] e 81 effigie [efisi] gi p. 80 xxxix effleure [efioere] e 81 efflorescent [effloresa] ff 191 effluent [efflya] ff 191 effluve [efflyiv] ff 191 effort [efo:r] e81; o 105 effrayer [efreje] e 81; ?/ p. 60 XXIII effrene [efrene] e 81 effroi [efrwa] e 81, p. 32 vn effronterie [efrotri] e 81 egalite [egalite] 35 Eginhard [esinair] d p. 74 xxxiv eglogue [egbg] gl, gu p. 79 XXXVIII egrener [egrane] e 89 Egypt (1') [e5ipt] p. 162 LXV egyptiaque [esipsjak] t p. 117 LIII Egyptien [esipsje] t 286 Eh bien, je m'en vais [e bje 33 m a ve] ^ 397 -ei [e] 84, 90, 122, 125, 320, 323 -ei [e] 122, 125 eider [edeir] r 263 -eU [eij] il 226 -eUle [r:j] ill 226 -eim [c] 135 -ein [el 135 Elements de physique [elema da fizik] E 404 eleve [eleiv] e p. 36 viii elever [elve] 35; e 46, 70, p. 156 Lxiv; e 89 eleverais [elevre] e 88 Elisabeth [elizabet] th 299 Elise a una autre idee en tete [eliiz a ya. otr ide a teit] e 395 eUe [d] 386 elle coud [el ku] r/ p. 74 xxxiv elle est fort en peine [el e fort a pen] / 350 elle meurt expres [el moe:r eks- pre] t 380 elle part a regret [el pa:r a ragre] t 356 elle part aujourd'hui [el pair 03urdqi] t 380 Elle raconte encore une histoire INDEX 193 absurde [cl rak5:t ako:r jn i.st\va:r apsyrd] e 395 elle recommence [el rakomais] e 394 elles aiment (clz c:m] e p. 30 w elles seraient invitees [el soret cvite] / 351 eloigner [elwajie] gn p. 81 xl eloquemment [ebkama] em p. 156 Lxiv -em [a] 131; [em] 134, 235 embeter [abete] e 86 embryon [abri5] yon p. 65 xxvi emeraude [emro:d] au 102 emeute [omert] eu 326 eminemment [eminama] em p. 150 LXIV emm- [um] 134 -emm- [am] 134 Emma [emma] m p. 57 xxn, p. 96 XL\ii; mm p. 94 lxv emmagasiner [dinagazine] em 134; m p. 96 xlvii; m,m 147 emmailloter [amajote] m p. 96 XI. VII Emmanuel [emanqel] mm p. 57 XXII, p. 94 XLv; m p. 96 xlvii emmenager [amenaso] m p. 90 XLVII emmener [unmej em 134, p. 156 lxiv -emment [amd] r 55; cm 134 emotion [l]Z221;o 105 fol espoir [fol espwair] I 344 folle [fol] o 107 follicule [folikyl] I p. 87 xliii fonction [foksjo] t 285; on p. 55 XX fond [fo] on p. 55 xx, p. 56 xxi B font [fo] on p. 55 xx fonte [f5:t] on 14, 46 Fontenoy [fotnwa] oy 56 force [fors] o p. 43 xi foret [fore] e 29 formation [fomiasjo] a 60 fort [fo:r] / 4; 76; r 264; t 352, p. 117 LIV fort aimable [fo:rt ema(:)bl] [fo:rt ema(:)bl] t 381 forte [fort] e 76, p. 30 \t; o 106 fort et actif [fo:r e aktif] t 355 fort et dur [fo:r e dy:r] t 381 fort et grand [fo:r e gra] t 380 fort instruit [fort estriji] t 336 fosse [fo:s] o 100, p. 39 x fossette [foset] [foset] o 100 fou [fu] ou p. 45 XIV fouace [fwas] ovm p. 62 xxiv fouet [fwf] [fwa] owe p. 62 xxiv fougere [fuscir] e 12 foulard [fula:r] oit, p. 45 xiv Fould [fuld] d p. 74 XXXV Foulenay-aux-Roses [fulcne o roiz] /'', 72 410 foumU [furni] il 230; I 344 Fox [foks] X 310 foyer [fwajo] oy 56, p. 62 xxiv, ]). 163 Lxvi; y 154 frac [frak] c p. 70 xxx fracas [fraka] a p. 25 IV 200 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION fraise [fre:z] s 268 fraisU [frezi] il 230; I 344 franc [fro] an 131, p. 51 xviii; c 164, 179, 340, p. 163 lxvi franc(s) [fra] p. 161 XIV frangais [frase] ais p. 49 xvi; g p. 70 XXIX franc alleu [frcik alo] c 341 France [frd:s] an 131 franc et net [frak e net] c 341 franc etourdi [frcik eturdi] c 341 Franche-Comte [fra^ kote] p. 162 LXV frapper [frape] pp 167 frayeur [frejo^ir] eu p. 49 xvi fredonner [frodone] e 67, 392, p. 30 V frein [fre] ein p. 53 xix Frejus [fresyis] s 274 frere [freir] e 28 freres [freir] e 72 fret [fre] t p. 163 lxvi Friedland [friedlaid] d p. 74 xxxv; ie p. 162 LXV Fritz [frits] z 319 froc [frok] c 165, p. 70 xxx froid [fr^va] [frwa] oi 62; d 189 froisse [frwas] oi 156 froisser [frwase] ss 267 fromage [fr;)ma;5] a 12 frontiere [frotjeirl tih 293; < p. 117 LII frotter [frote] tt 167 froufrou [frufru] ou p. 45 xiv fruit [frqi] u 158; ui p. 64 xxv fruitier [frqitje] ie 152; tie 293; ui p. 64 xxv fruitiere [frqitjeir] tih 293 fuchsia [fyksja] ch p. 73 xxxiii, p. 163 LXVI fumer du maryland [fyme dy niarilu:d] m 400 fun [fa;] un p. 56 xxi B fusil [fyzi] il 230; I 344, p. 163 LXVI fut [fy] u 121 future [fyty:r] u p. 46 xv g be] [38] [ga] 22, 24; 127; before a, o, u or consonant [g] 195; be- fore e, i, ?y [3] 77, 201; final [k] [g] 205, 206; 365; silent 204, 205 gage [ga:5] a p. 21 iii gageons [ga55] ge p. 80 xxxix gageur [ga3oe:r] e p. 156 lxiv gageure [gasyir] eu 77, 116; geu 202; u p. 46 xv; ge p. 80 xxxix gagner [gajie] a 63; gn p. 81 xl gai [ge] ai 82, 124, 322, p. 32 vii, p. 49 xvi; ga p. 79 xxxviii gain [ge] ain p. 56 xxi B Galaad [galaad] d p. 74 xxxv, p. 162 LXV Galatee [galate] p. 162 lxv Galilee (la) [galilo] p. 162 lxv galimatias [galimatja] [galimatja] ti 294 galop [galo] p 249, p. 156 lxiv galoper [galope] 109 gamme [gam] a 54 INDEX 201 gangrene [gugren] ga, gr p. 79 xxx\^II gant [ga] g 4; an p. 56 xxi B; ga p. 79 XXXVIII gar£intie [garati] tie 292 gargon [garso] f 32, 176, 267; a 54; g 195 gardien [gardje] ien 162 gargotte [gargat] ga, go p. 79 XXXVIII gargouille [gargu(:)j] ga, go p. 79 XXXVIII gamir [garniir] r p. 104 L gars [ga:i] [gti] r 265 Gascogne [ga.sk.jji] gn p. 81 xl, p. 162 Lxv gate [gate] g 195 gateau [gato] eau 102 Gaule (la) [go:l] au p. 162 lxv gaz [ga:z] a 60, p. 25 iv; z 316, 319 gaze [ga:z] « 13, 60, p. 25 iv gazon [gazj] a 60, p. 25 iv; z p. 122 LViii ge before a, o, u [3] 202 geai [50] [5e] e 77; ai 82, 124, 322 geindre [sf.'dr] ein p. 56 xxi B; ge p. 80 XXXIX gele [5(.(:)1] e 87; ^c p. 80 xxxix gelerais [sdrc] b 88 gemir [.ymi:r] gv p. 80 xxxix gemme [strii] ?«m j). 94 xlv; in p. 96 xi.vii gendre [3ri:(lrl (it ]>. 51 .win gene (.v :ti| n p. 96 xiaii generation [sciierasj.")] a p. 25 iv gens [3d] [3a:s] ? 201; s 275; n p. 90 xLvii gent [3a] [3d:t] t 300 gentil (3dti] il 230; g p. 152 Lxiii; I p. 156 Lxiv gentilhomme [3dtijom] il 230; I 230, 329, p. 163 lxvi gentilshommes [sdtizom] [3ati- jom] il 230; I, s p. 163 lxvi gentiment [3dtima] ge p. 80 XXXIX Geoflfroy [soffrwa] e 77 geographic [seografi] p. 19 11 geole [50:1] gco 202 geolier [jolje] c 77, p. 163 lxvi; geo 202 George [3jr3] e p. 30 vi Georges [3.jr3] e 77; Geo 202, p. 80 XXXIX George Sand [3Jr3 sa:d] d p. 74 XXXV Georges est riche [5jr5 e ri^] s 368 geranium [3eranjjni] u 113, p. 43 XI, p. 163 LXVI gerce [3fi\se] ge p. 80 xxxix germaine [38rmcn] ge p. 80 xxxix Gertrude [sertryd] Ge p. 80 XXXIX Gerusez [seryze] z 318 gesir [3ezi:r] .s 269 gestes [3r.st] ge p. 80 xxxix gg |gl 195; iK-fore e [g3] 203 gibbosite [siljozite] bb p. 08 XXVII gibeciere [3ipHJi':r] gi p. SO XXXIX 202 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION gibier [sibje] gi p. 80 xxxrs gibus [5iby:s] s p. 109 li gigantesque [sigatesk] gi p. 80 XXXIX Gigogne [sigoji] Gi p. 80 xxxix gigot [5igo] gi p. 80 xxxix; t p. 163 Lxvi Gil Bias [5il bla:s] s 274 gilet [sile] et 92; gi p. 80 xxxix gingembre [5e3a:br] gi, ge p. 80 XXXIX Girault [5iro] I 223 girouette [sirwet] gi p. 80 xxxix gisant [5iza] s 269 gisent [5i:z] s 269 gisons [5is5] [sizo] s 269 gite [3ii:)t] t 95; g 201; gi p. 80 XXXIX Glascow [glazko] s p. 162 lxv gloire [glwa:r] g 195 glorieuse [gbrjoiz] eu 115 glose [gloiz] 101 gn [ji] 195, 207, 329; [gn] 200, 207 gnome [gno:m] [gnoim] gn 200 gnostiques [gnostik] gn 200 gnou [gnu] gn 200 gobbe [gob] bb p. 68 xxvii Goethe [go:t] p. 163 lxvi gogo [gogo] go p. 79 xxxviii golfe [golf] p. 43 XI gomme [gom] go p. 79 xxxviii gond [go] on p. 56 xxi B gonfler [goflc] go p. 79 xxxviii Gonzague [gozag] Go p. 79 XXXVIII Goritz [gorits] z p. 122 lviii gosse [gos] 107 Goth [go] t 301 gouache [gwa^] oua 156 gouleux [gulo] I p. 87 xliii Gounod [guno] d p. 74 xxxiv, p. 163 LXVI gout [gii] ou 119, 128; ? 195 gouvernail [guvernaij] a 61 grace [gra:s] a 58 Gracques (les) [grak] p. 162 lxv graillon [grajo] a 63 graisse [gre:s] ai 84,. 123, 321 grammaire [grameir] mm 233 grammatical [gra(m)matikal] inm 238; m p. 96 xlvii grammaticalement [gramatikal- ma] mm p. 94 xlv grand [gra] c? 189; g- 195 grande [gra:d] an p. 51 xviii grandement [gradmci] en 131 grand et bien fait [gra e bje fe] d 363 granit [granit] [grani] t 299, 300, p. 117 LII, p. 163 LXVI, LXVII grasse [gra:s] a 60 grasseyer [graseje] ey 90, 125, 159, 323, p. 36 viii, p. 49 xvi gratis [gratiis] s 275, p. 156 ixiv grave [gra:v] 28 grec [grek] c p. 70 xxx greffier [grefje] ff 167 grele [greil] e 85 greler [grele] e 86 grenouille [granuij] ouille 226; c p. 30 v; p. 156 lxiv gresil [greziij] [grezi] [grezil] il 226, 228, 229 INDEX 203 grief [grief] /p. 76 xxxvi, p. 163 LXVI gril [gri] il 230, p. 163 LXVI Grimm [grim] im?n 139 Gringoire [gregwuir] p. 79 XXXVIII grise [gri:z] p. 19 ii; i p. 37 rx Greenland [groela], popular [groenlu] d p. 74 xxxiv; p. 162 LXV grog [gro(:)g] g 206 grognon [grojio] gn p, 81 XL gros [gro] o 100 groseille [groze:j] ill p. 90 xliv grosse [grois] [gras] o 100 grosseur [grosceir] eu p. 45 xiii grossier [grosje] o 100 gu before e, i, y [g] 19.5, 196, 329; before i [gqi] 198; before a [gw] 199 Guadalaxara [gwadalaksara] Gua 199 Guadalupe [gwadulyp] Gua 199 Guadalquivir [gw'adalkivi;r] ua ir,V,; ],. 162 LXV Guadeloupe [gwadluij] ua 156, p. 162 LXV Guam [gAvam] Gua 199 guano [gwano] ua 156 Guarda [gwarda] Gua 199 Guarini [gwarini] Gua 199 Guatemala [gwatemala] ua 156; Gii'i 199 Guayaquil [gwajakil] Gua 199 gue [g('l gu 195, 329 guenille [g.)ni(:jj] c p. 30 v; gu p. 79 XXXVIII guepe [ge:p]e85; gMp.79xxxviii -guer [ge] u 197 guerilla [gerilla] ill p. 156 LXiv guerir [geriir] gu p. 79 xxxviii Guemesey [gernze] e p. 162 lxv guerre [ge:r] gu p. 79 xxxviii guet [ge] gu p. 79 xxxviii guet-apens [get apa] t p. 163 LXVI gueule [goel] [go:l] eu p. 156 lxiv gueuse [go:z] eu 14, p. 44 xii, p. 49 XVI gueux [go] eu p. 49 xvi, p. 156 LXIV guichet [giSe] t p. 163 lxvi guide [gi(:)d] gu 195, p. 79 xxxviii Guillaume [gijo:m] ill 224 guillemets [gijme] 419 Guise [gi:z] gu 195 guitare [gita:r] gu p. 79 xxxviii Guizot [gizo] [gwizo] gu 195, p. 163 lxvi gun [gtr] uri p. 56 xxi B Gunther [g5te:r] un 142 guttural [gytyral] gu p. 79 xxxviii Guy [gi] Gu p. 79 xxxviii Guyane [gqijan] uy p. 162 lxv Guyenne (la) [gqijen] uy p. 162 lxv Guyot [gijo] gu 195 gymnase [jimimiz] ymn 140; gy p. 80 XXXIX gymnaste [^iinnjist] g 201 gymnastique [5iinna.stik] 7« 234; yy p. 8U XXXIX 204 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION H As neither h aspiree nor h muette are pronounced (210), they are absent phonetically. But as neither elision nor linking take place before h aspiree, this fact is shown by writing all words" containing h aspiree with an inverted comma before the h, thus 'h. Nevertheless an h more or less aspirate may be heard : 1° In cer- tain interjections: ha! halte! han! hop la! hue! ohe! oho! 2o In words of an onomatopoetic origin, particularly when expressive of violent emotion : haleter, Han d'Islande, heler, hennir, hurler. 3° In emphatic utterance: une haine effroyable; la houle s'enfle; c'est une honte! 4o Even in some words where no h is written: Baal [bahal]; fleau [fleho]; geant [jehu]; monstrueux [mostryho], and sometimes in le onze [h h3:z] most probably due to analogy of la honte. But such cases do not appear to represent normal usages. Cf. Ivr. Nyrop: Manuel phonetique dujranqais -parU, 2^ ed., traduite et remaniee par Emmanuel Philipot, Pari.s, 1902. h [aSl [(h)o] 22, 24; [h] 216, mute and aspirate 208-215; 309, 312, 379, 390, 391 habillons [abij5] ill p. 90 xliv habit [abi] / 295 •hache [a^] c/i 4; /i 211 'hachls [aSi] /i 211 •hagard [aga:r] h 211 'hale [r] A 211 'haillon [aj3] a 63, p. 25 iv 'haUlons [ojo] /i 211 'haine [en] h 211, p. 163 lxvi 'hair [ai:r] 33; /i 211; i p. 156 LXIV haleine [ale(:)n] ci p. 49 xvi 'haler [ale] h 211 'haler [ale] A 211 'haleter [alte] /i2]l 'Halifax [alifaks] x p. 121 lvii 'halle [al] A 211 'hallier [alje] /i 211 'halte [alt] /< 211 'hamac [amak] c 178, 340, 341; A 211 'Hambourg[abu:r]j?205; H 211 g p. 162 Lxv 'hameau [amo] h 211 'hanap [anap] p 250 'hanche [a^] h 211 'hangar [dga:r] h 211 'hanneton [anto] h211 'hanter [ate] h 211 'harangue [ara:g] h 211 'harasser [arase] A 211 'hardes [ard] h 211 'hardi [ardi] h 211 'hareng [arci]/* 211 'hargneux [arjio] h 211; gn p. 81 XL 'haricot [ariko] h 211 'harnais [iirne] h 211 'Harold [arold] d p. 74 xxxv 'harpe [arp] /i 211 'harpon [arp5] h 211 INDEX 205 •hart [a:r] A211 'hasard [aza:r] /i 211 'hate [a:t] /i 211; d p. 25 iv 'haubert [obeir] /t 211 'hausser [ose] /t 211 'haut [o] /i 211; < p. 117 liv 'Haute (parfaite) consideration [o:t (ptirfet) kjsidcrusjj] 428 'hauteur [otce:r] eu p. 45 xiii 'Havane [avan] ^ 211; a p. 162 LXV 'have [a:v] /i 211 'Havre [a:vr] [a:vr] H 211 'havresac [avrasak] [avrasak] h 211 'Hawai [awai] p. 162 lxv 'helas [ela:s], old [ela] a 60, p. 25 IV ; s 275; p. 163 lxvii; a, s p. 156 LXiv Helvetien [elvesjc] I 286 'hennir [ani:r], ■popular [eni:r] e 55; en 134, p. 21 iii, p. 156 Lxiv, p. 163 Lxvi; h 211; nn p. 96 XLVi 'hennissement [anismti], popular Itriismfi] ill p. 163 lxvii 'Henri [ari] // 211 Herault [cro] I 223 'heraut fheraut) [ero] h 211;<295, p. 117 Liv; herbe [trl)] c 91, p. 36 viii Herculanum [t:rkylan.>rn] m 235 hermes |(niicC:).s] .s j). 109 li Hermione l(;niij.;ii] o 111 heroicomique ((•r.)ik.)iiiik] h 214 heroine [] I 295 Imprimes [?])rim('] 431 impromptu [Kpr5f)ty] p 248 in \v\ 135, 243, p. 56 xxi B; 161; |iii] 138, 146, 242 inaction (inaksj.")] n p. 96 xlvi inadequat [inadfkwa] p. 117 liv inanime (inaniiiir'] n 146, 239 inaper?u [inapfrsj] in 138 inattentif (inatatif] n 146 incognito |rk.)jiitol gn 40 incomprehensibilite [f:k5prea- hil.ilitfl 25 inconstant [ck.lstdl in 45 incorrect |rk.)nktl I 296 incroyable IfkrwdjaOjl)!] ny p. 156 LXIV indemniser [edamnize] e 55 indemnite [cdamnite] c 55; m 234 index [cdcks] x 310; in p. 53 xix indigo [edigo] o 99 indirect [edirekt] t 296 in-dix-huit [g diz qit] t 299 in-douze [£ du:z] in 243, p. 163 LXVI indult [edylt] / 299 inegal [inegal] in 44 inerte [inert] in 138 ineptie [inepsi] ti 292; t p. 117 Liii; in, t p. 163 lxvi inertie [incrsi] ti 292; < p. 117 liii; in, t p. 163 LXVI inexact [inegzakt] in 44; i 296 inexpugnable [in8(k)spygna(:)bl] (jn 200 in extenso [in cksteso] n 242 in extremis [in ekstremis] n 242 infect [t-ffkt] t 296 in-folio [C f.jljo] w 243, p. 161 XIV ingredient [cgredju] ien p. 65 XXVI inhabile [inabil] h 39, 209; in 138; n p. 96 XLVI inhabitable [inahitahl] h 39 inherent [iiicru] // p. 96 xlvi inhospitable [inospitabl] h 39 inhumain [inyine] h 39 inimitie [iiiiinitjc] /i 293; I j). 1 17 Ml initial [ini.sjal] I 267, 282; in, t p. 156 LXIV initiation [iiiisjasj.")] li 2',>3 initiative [iiiisjati:vj i p. 37 ix 210 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION initier [inisje] ti 293; t p. 117 liii inn- [in] 138 inne [inne] n 43; inn 138, 168; Nil 239, p. 57 XXII, p. 156 lxiv innocemment [inosama] n p. 57 XXII innocence [inosais] iii 44; nn 239 innocent [inosa] imi 138; nn 146 innombrable [innSbrabl] n 43; in 44, p. 156 lxiv; inn 138; nw p. 96 XLVi innovation [inovasjS] n p. 96 XLvii; in p. 156 lxiv innover [innove] nn p. 57 xxii in-octavo [inoktavo] n 242; in p. 163 Lxvi inodore [inodoir] n p. 57 xxii inoui [inwi] n p. 57 xxii; in p. 156 LXIV in pace [in pase] n 242 in partibus [in partibys] n 242 in petto [in jietto] n 242 in piano [in piano] n 242 in-quarto [ekwarto] in 243; qu 256; in, u p. 163 lxvi inquiet [ekje] qu 254 in-seize [es8:z] in 243 insomnie [esomni] m 234 inspirer [esi^ire] in 44 instant [esta] in 38, 44 in statu quo [in staty kwo] n 242 instiller [Esti(l)le] il 232 instinct [este] in 135; ct 164, p. 163 lxvi; c p. 71 xxxi; n p. 96 XLVII instruire [estrqiir] in 44 instrument [estryma] 38 intact [ttakt] t 296 intelligence [etelisais] I p. 87 XLIII intelligent [etelisa] II 220 interet [etere] t 295 interim [eterim] m 235 inutile [inytil] in 44, p. 156 LXIV invasion [evasjS] a 60 -io [jo] 152 -ion [j5] 161, 162 iris [iriis] s 275 irr- initial [irr] rr 168, 259 irraisonnable [i(r)rezona(:)bl] r p. 104 L irrationnel [irrasjonel] rr 168 irreconciliable [i(r)rek5silja:bl] r p. 104 L irregulier [i(r)regylje] r p. 104 l irreparable [irreparabl] rr 168 irritable [irritabl] r 43 irritant [irrita] rr 168 irruption [irrypsj5] rr 168; r p. 104 L Islam [islam] a 54 islamisme [islamism] i p. 152 LXIII Islande (1') [isla:d] s p. 162 Lxv Israel [izrael] s 271 isthme [ism] t 301; th p. 156 LXIV italien [italje] ien p. 65 xxvi item [item] m 235 -ites [it] i 15 -itie [isi] t 281 -iu [jy] 152 INDEX 211 j [31] M 22, 24; [3] 217, 338 Jacob [sakob] b 171 Jacob est venue [sakob e vany] 6 339 Jacques [3a:k] j p. 86 xlii jadis [sadis] [sadis], old [3adi] [3adi] o 64; s 275, p. 156 lxiv, p. 163 Lxvii j'ai [3 e] 31 ; ai 82, 124, 322, p. 49 XVI ;y p. 86 XLII J'ai rhonneur d'etre, Madame, votre tres devoue et respec- tueux ami [5 o 1 jnoc:r d e:tr, madam, votr tre devwe e re- spcktqoz ami] 429 j'aime [5 e:m] 384 jais [5c] j p. 86 XLII jalap [salap] p 250 j'allai [3 ale] ai 82 jalouse [3alu:z] ou p. 45 xiv jaloux [3alu] ou p. 45 xiv; x p. 122 Lvii jamais bame] ais 90; j 217; ai p. 3<) VIII jambe [3u:l>] am 131 Japhet [safct] t 299 jardin [sardc] j p. 86 xlii jardiner [janlinc] r 262 j'argue I5 argy] (jw; 197 jars [jair] j p. 86 xlii jase [30:2] a 60 j'assieds (3 asjc] d p. 74 xxxiv jatte Isat] J p. SO xlii jaune [30:11] ,; 201 j'aurai [3 .jrf] [3 ore] ai 82; au, 112, 126, 325 je [39] e 66; 383, 385, 397 Jean [3a] j 4, 217; e 78, 116, p. 30 VI ; 071 p. 51 xviii, p. 56 XXI B Jean est petit [3a e pati] n 377 Jean et Alexis [3a e aleksi] t p. 141 LX Jeaime [3a!n] e 78, 116, p. 30 vi; ea p. 163 lxvi e chantai [3a Sate] ai 124, 321 e chanterai [33 ^atre] ai 322 e conduirai [33 kodqire] ai p. 49 XVI e confonds [33 k5f5] d p. 74 XXXIV e conjuguais [39 k55yge] gim 197 e courrai [33 kurre] rr 168 e distinguai [33 distegc] gua 197 e dois aller [33 dwaz ale] s 333 e donnerai [39 donrc] ai p. 32 VII e faisais [33 fsze] ai p. 156 lxiv e le crois [33 1 krw^a] e 73 e le doime [39 1 dan] e 73 e louerai [53 lure] e p. 30 vi e mangeai [33 ma3e] ai 82 e m'assieds [33 m asjc] e 80 e mords [59 mo:r] d p. 74 xxxiv e ne sais pas [33 n sc pa] c 394 Jenny Lind [3cni lind] [scnni lind] d p. 74 xxxv je paierai I3) pcjre] e p. 30 vi je parlai [33 parle] ai 322 je parlerais [33 parlrt] ai 321, 1). 32 VII je prevaux [3a prcvo] x p. 122 LVII 212 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION je repands [5a repa] d p. 74 XXXIV je romps [39 r5] p p. 157 lxiv Jersey [serze] s 271 Jerusalem [scryzalem] em 134, 235 Jerusalem est vaincu [seryzalem e vfky] m 374 je sais [30 se] [39 se] ai 82, 124, 322, p. 32 VII Jesus [3ezy(:s)] j p. 86 xlii, p. 156 lxiv Jesus-Christ [sezy kri] [3ezy krist]s272; i 301; s, st p. 156 lxiv, p. 161 XIV jet be] j 217 jeu [50] j 201 ; cu p. 44 xii jeudi [30di] eu 114, p. 44 xii, p. 49 XVI jeun [3(t>] eun p. 56 xxi B jeune [30011] eu 118, 127, 327, p. 45xiii;j 217 jefine [50:11] eu 114, 127 jeuner [3one] eiX 114, p. 49 XVI jeunesse [scenes] eu p. 44 xii jeuneur [sonoeir] cu p. 49 xvi jeuneuse [30ii0:z] eil p. 49 xvi (j')eus [3 y] u p. 46 xv je verrai [30 verre] ai 82 je viendrai [50 vjedre] ai 82 Je vous embrasse tendrement (affectueusement) [39 vuz abras tadrama (afektq0zma)] 429 Je vous prie d'agreer I'expres- sion de ma consideration dis- tinguee [30 vu pri d agree 1 ckspresjS da ma k5siderasj5 distege] 428 Je vous prie de croire a I'expres- sion de mes meilleurs senti- ments [33 vu pri da krwair a 1 ekspresja da me mejoeir sa- tima] 428 Je vous prie, Madame, d'agreer ['expression de meshommages respectueux [30 vu pri, ma- dam, d agree 1 ekspresjS da mez oma:3 resp8ktii0] 429 Je vous serre cordialement la main [3a vu se:r kordjalmu la me] 427 Je vous souhaite une bonne et heureuse annee [3a vu swet yn b.jn e oer0:z ano] 430 j'irai [3 ire] ai p. 49 xvi j'irais [3 ire] ai 321, 322 Joab [3oab] 5 171 Joab etait neveu de David [3oab ete nav0 da david] b 339 Joad [3oad] tZ p. 74 xxxv joaillerie [swajri] oaille 226 joaillier [swaje] oaille 226 Job [30b] b 171 jockey [soke] [soke] k 218 joindre [sweidr] in 136, p. 53 xix ai p. 62 XXIV ; j p. 86 xlii joint [swe] j p. 86 xlii joli [3oli] [3oeli] j 201, 217 jonc [30] c 179, 340; on p. 56 xxi B;i p. 86 XLII jonquille [3oki(:)j] j p. 86 xlii Joseph [3ozef] j p. 86 xlii INDEX 213 Josephine [jozefin] j p. 86 xlii jouai [jwe] oua p. 62 xxiv jouant [3wfi] ouan p. 65 xxvi jouer [3wel one lo6, p. 62 xxiv; j p. 86 XLII jouer aux echecs [3we oz e^e] c p. 71 XXXI jouet [swc] one 156 joueur [5W(r:rl oueu 156 joueuse [.^woiz] niieii 156 joug [5u] i3u(:)gl g 205, 206, 365, p. 156 LXiv, p. 163 Lxvii jouir (swiirl 36 joujou [511511] OH 128, 328, p. 45 xiv;;217 jouons [3w5] ouon 162 jour (5u:r] nii 110, p. 45 xiv Journal des Savants [siirnal dc savfi) J, .S' 106 joumee [surno] j ]). 86 xlii joute [y\i]j p. 86 xlii jouter [3Ut(] ou p. 40 xvi joyeusement [5\vajozniri] e 303 Joyeuse Noel (3waJ0:z noel] 430 joyeux l3\vaj(>] j p. 86 xlii judaisme (3ydai.sm] [sydaizin] j 300 Judas [3ydti] a 50 Judith [3yi 120 juif Isqifl/ 102; j p. 86 xlii juillet (syjf^tJl |3yljt-ft)l [zqi- j((f )] iiilU; 226, p. 1()3 lxvi juin |3iif;| in 136, p. 53 xix; uin 162 ;i p. 86 XLii julep (3ylrp] /; 250 Jules l3yl|./ p. 86 xi-ii Julien [syljc] j P- 86 xlii jumelles [3ym£'l] j p. 86 xlii Jupiter [5ypitc:r] r 263 jus l3y] s 273 jusqu'a [3ysk a] 386 jusqu'a la mort de Henri IV I5y.sk. a la mo:r d uri katr] H 212 jusqu'alors [3ysk aloir] 386 jusque |5ysk(3)] e 386 jusqu'en [5ysk d] 386 jusqu'ici [3ysk isi] 386 juste [5yst] j 217; u p. 46 xv jute [5yt] j p. 86 xlii k [ka] [ko] 22, 24; [k] 218, 255; final [k] 165, 343 kepi [kepi] k 218 kilo I kilo] k 218 . kilogramme [kibgram] k 218 kilometre [kilomrtr] 22; k 218 kiosque [kjosk] k 218 kirsch Ikhi] sch 278 Kleber [klclot-ir] r 263 knout [knut] t 299 KremUn [kremle] m 235 1 [rl] [lo]22, 24; 01; final [1] 165, 221, 344; liquid [j] 155, 221- 228, 320; .silent 223, 230 la |Ia| Tk a pari] t p. 153 LXIII lame [lam] m 233 I'ame [1 a:m] 388 Lamennais [lamne] e p. 30 w I'amirautee de Londres [1 ami- rote do lo:dr] L p. 153 lxiii lampe [lu:p] am 131, p. 51 xviii la musee de Versailles [la mj'ze do ^■t■r.su:j] V p. 153 LXiii I'an [1 ci] an p. 56 xxi B; i p. 87 XLIII I'Ancien Testament \\. asje tes- laiim] A, T 402 I'Ange de I'ecole (saint Thomas d'Aquin) W 0:3 da 1 ekol (se toina d akr-)] -4, T p. 153 lxiii I'ange des tenebres (le diable) [1 0:5 dc tenf(:)br (lo dja:bl)] t p. 153 LXIII langue [laig] an p. 56 xxi B langue d'ofl [la:g d oil] [la:g d o(:)j] il 229 la Nouvelle-Ecosse [la nuvel (•k.)sl 422 la Nouvelle Heloise [la nuvel ebiiz] N, H 402 la Nouvelle-Orleans [la nuvel .)rlcri] 422 lanteme [Idtcm] I 279 Laon llfi] a 103 la onzieme [la ozjnii] 390 la ouate [la wat] 215, 371 216 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION la petite [la ptit] e 394 la Petite Fadette [la patit fadet] P, F 402 lapis [lapi:s] s p. 109 Li la place Saint-Marc a Venise [la plas se ma:r a vaniizj c 340 la porte Saint-Martin [la port se niarte] 6' 409 laps [laps] p 248; s 275 I'archeveque Blanchet [1 ar^avek blaSe] B 411 la reforme de Sainte-Therese [la reform cb st:! terciz] »S', T 417 la regie des tabacs [la resi de taba] r, t p. 153 lxiii la reine d'Angleterre [la rem d aglateir] .4 414 la reine d'Espagne [la rem d es- paji] £'414 largement [larsama] e 393 largeur [larsa'ir] eu p. 45 xiii la robe est rouge [la ro(:)b e ru:5] c 392 La Rochefoucauld [la ro^fuko] I 223; d p. 74 xxxiv la RocheUe [la roSel] R 410 1 'Arsenal [1 arsanal] A p. 153 LXIII I'art oratoire [I a:rt aratwair] t 382 la rue de la Bruyere [la ry da la bryjen] B 410 la rue de I'Ecluse [la ry do 1 ekly:z] E 410 larynx [lareiks] yn 135; x 310 las (la] a 59; s 273; I p. 87 xliii la semaine [la sme(:)n] c 394 lasser [Icise] a 59 lasting [lasteig] g 206 Latium [lasjom] t 288 la tour de Babel (c'est a dire, de la Confusion; [la tuir do babel (s 8t a di:r do la kofyzjo)] B, C p. 153 LXIII la tour de Londres [la tu:r do lo:dr] L p. 153 lxiii la tour des Vents a Athene [la tu:r de vaz a atem] V, A p. 153 LXIII laudanum [lodanom] u 113; um p. 163 Lxvi Laure [lo:r] au 112, 126, 325, p. 43 XI, p. 49 XVI laurier [lorjc] au 112, 126, 325 I'autocrate de toutes les Russies [1 otokrat da tut le rysi] R 413 Lauzun [lo3oe] un p. 56 xxi la vallee de la Vision [la vale da la vizjo] V p. 153 LXiii lave [la:v] a p. 21 iii la Vieille roche [la vje(:)j ro^] V 402 la Vieille tante [la vje(:)j ta:t] V 402 la yole [la jol] 371 le [lo] e66, 383, 385, 391; Z 410 -le final 222, 260 I'eau [1 o] I p. 87 xliii le bas Canada [lo ba kanada] C 410 le Beam [l^eair] n p. 96 xlvi le bceuf gras [la boc gra] / 193 le bon et le mauvais [la bo e la move] n 377 INDEX 217 le bon sens [la b5 sa] s 275 le bourg est en fete [la bu:rk et a fc:t] g p. 141 lix le Caire [b kp:r] C 410 le Camoens [la kamoe:s] C 410 le cap des Tempetes [la kap de ta)>r:t] T 40r, le Capitole a Toulouse trans- forme en hotel de ville [la ka- pitol a tuluiz trusforme on ottl d,) vil] C, T p. 153 lxiii le chant gregorien [la ^a gre- gorje] g 399 le chapeau d'Henri [la Sapo d ari] // 212 le Chatelet [la Satle] C p. 153 LXIII le chemin est court et facile [la ^oiiit; f ku:r c fasil] / 352 le Chene et le Roseau [la Sein e la rozo] C, R 407 le cheval d'Henri [la S(3)^"il d urij // 212 le Cid [la si(:)d] d 190; C 410 le cinq mars [la .stik mars] q 346; II, .S- ]). 15f) LXIV le Cirque [la sirkj C p. 153 lxiii Leclerc [lakleir] c p. 71 xxxi le coing est un fruit [la kwe Kt (i; fruij g 'M')'} I'ecole |I ck.jl] 384 I'EcoIe des chartes |1 ck.)! di; Sart) f: lot le comptoir d'escompte |ia k.>- t\va:r d r.sk.lM ] r, c p. 153 LXlti le comte de la Guiche |la ka:! d.) lagi\|r;410 le comte de Monte Cristo [la k5:t da mate kristo] M, C 411 lefon [l(a)s5] on p. 55 xx; q p. 70 XXIX le Conservatoire de musique [la koservatwair da myzik] C 404 le Conservatoire des arts et me- tiers [la kastrvatwair dtz a;rz e metje] C 404 le consulat de Smyme [la kasyla d.t smirn] ,S' p. 153 LXiii le copeck est une monnaie russe [la kapck et yn mane rj's] k 343 le convent des dominicains [la kuvu dc doniinilvej c, d p. 153 LXIII le cri des hiboux [la kri de ibu] h 379 lecture [Irktyn-j n p. 46 xv le czar Nicholas [la tsa:r nikala] A' 411 le desert aride [la deze:r arid] t le deux points [la de pwe] Ze 420 le Dictionnaire de I'Academie (la (liksjaueir da 1 akadciiii] I), A 403 le dix avril [la dis avri(l)] x p. 156 Lxiv le docteur -Allard [1.) daktcr:r ala:r] .1 411 le due d'Enghien [la dyk d figC] /■; 1 1 1 le due de Saint-Simon [la dyk da .sf- siiiia) ,S' 409 le fait est reconnu |la fi t r ra- kaiiyl I 354 218 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION le faubourg exterieur [b fobuir eksterjoeir] g 365 Lefebvre [bfevr] b 172 le Flatteur et I'Envieux [la fla- tcr:r e 1 avjo] F, E 407 le fleau [b fleho] /i 216 le Franfais [b frase] F 399 le froid et le chaud [la frwat e la So] d 362 le general Boulanger [la seneral bula3e] 5 411 leger [lese] r 262; Z p. 87 xliii legerete [le.^crte] e 393 I'eglise de Saint-Pierre [1 egli:z da se pje:r] S 409 I'eglise des penitents gris [I egli:z de penita gri] e, p, g p. 153 LXIII I'eglise Saint-Germain-des-Pres I [1 egliiz se serme dc, pre] S 409 I'Sglise Sainte-Marie-aux-Neiges [1 egliiz se:t mari o neis] S 409 I'eglise SaLnte-Marie-des-Fleurs [1 egli:z se:t mari de Rccir] S 409 le Glossaire de du Cange [la gbse:r da dy kd:3] G, C 403 Le grand ocean [b grat osea] d p. 141 LIX legs [Ic] [le(:)g] g 205, p. 156 lxiv, p. 163 Lxvii le guillemet fermant [la gijms ferma] 420 le guillemet ouvrant [la gijme uvra] 420 le harem attrayant [la arem atreja] m 374 le haricot [la ariko] h 210 le hasard [la aza:r] h 379 le Havre [la aivr] [la a:vr] v 304; H 410 le heraut [la ero] h 214 le heros [la ero] h 210, 214, 216 lehuit dumois[lai{itdymwa]371 le huit Janvier [la ijit savje] I 302 le huit mai [la i[it me] t p. 156 LXIV le huit mars [la qit mars] h 213 Leibnitz [lebnits] z p. 122 lviii Leipsick [lepsik] i p. 162 lxv le Jerusalem delivre [la 3ery- zalem delivre] [la zerysalem deli\Te] J 401 le lion de Saint-Marc [la lj5 da se mair] c 340 Le loup court encore [la lu ku:r ukoir] t p. 141 LX le Louvre en musee [b lu:vr a myze] L p. 153 lxiii le Luxembourg en senat [la lyk- sabuir u sena] L p. 153 lxiii le Maitre et le Valet [la me:tr e b vale] M, V 407 le Malade imaginaire [la malad imasineir] M 401 le Mans [la ma] M 410 le marc et le franc sont des pieces d'argent [la ma:r e la fra so de pjes d ar^u] c 340 le marche au charbon [la mar^e o 5arb5] tn p. 153 lxiii le marche airx fleurs [b mar^e o floe:r] to p. 153 lxiii le ministre de I'interieur [b mi- INDEX 219 nistr da 1 eterjoeir] m, i p. 153 LXIII le ministre des finances [la mi- nistr de fina:s] m, J p. 153 LXIII le mont Saint-Michel [la m5 se mi^rl] .S lO'.t I'empereur de la Chine [1 aproe:r da la Si(:)n] C 411 Le nabab est un richard [la nabab ft . 87 xliu miemie [riijen] « p. 57 xxii miette jrnjcf] u; [). W) xxiii mieux [mjo] icu p. (X) xxiii mil [mi:j] [mil] I 224; il 226, 228 milice [mills] i p. 37 ix milieu [miljo] [mijo] ieu p. 60 xxiii; m p. 94 xlv militaire [militeir] 16; i p. 37 rx mille [mil] ill 232, p. 156 lxiv; i p. 37 IX Mille amities [mU amitje] 430 Millet [mile] ill p. 162 lxv milliard [milja:r] ill 232 million [miljj] ill 232, p. 163 LXVI milord [mib:r] d p. 74 xxxiv Miltiade [milsjad] t p. 162 lxv mince [me:s] in 14 minimum [minimom] u 113, p. 43 XI ; um 145 ministre [ministr] i p. 37 ix minuit [iniuni] i p. 37 ix minutie [minysi] t 281, p. 156 LXIV minutieux [minysjo] I 284, p. 156 LXIV miracle [mirakl] [mirakl] a 14, 64 mire [iiii:r] i 94 miroir [inir\va:r] oi 56 misere [mizc:r] s 268, p. 109 li mitraille [mitraij] a 61 mixtion [mist j 5] [mikstjo] t 280; U 290 mixtionner [mistjone] [mikstjone] li 290 M^^ Blondel [madmwazcl hlo- del] M 415 mm [(m)in] 43, 146, 168, 233, 238 M™^ Blondel [madam bladel] M 415 228 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION mobile [mobil] I p. 87 xliii modele [mode(:)l] c p. 36 viii; VI p. 94 XLV modelerai [modelre] e 88, p. 36 VIII moelle [mwal] [mwcl] oe 156, p. 156 Lxiv moelleux [mwalo] oe p. 62 xxiv moellon [mwal5] oe p. 62 xxiv mceurs [moers] [mceir] aeu 118; s 275, p. 163 Lxvii; oeu p. 49 xvi moi [mwa] oi 56, 156, p. 21 iii moins [mwe] in p. 53 xix mois [mwa] [mwa] oi 62, 156, p. 62 XXIV Moise [moi:z] p. 163 lxvi moitie [mwatje] t 279; ii 293 Moloch [molok] ch 185 momerie [momri] m p. 94 xlv, p. 96 XLVii mon [mo] on p. 56 xxi B mon ami [mon ami] [mon ami] n 375 monarchic [monar^i] ch p. 72 XXXII, p. 163 LXVI monarchique [monar^ik] ch p. 72 XXXII monarque [monark] n p. 57 xxii (Monj cher ami [(mo) Se:r ami] 426 Mon cher Delille [mo Se:r dolil] 426 Mon cher Jean [mo Sc:r 36] 426 Mon cher Monsieur [mo Se:r masje] 426 monosyllabe [monosilab] s 269 monotone [monoton] 111 mon petit [mo pti] e 74 Mons [m5:s] s 274 monseigneur [mosejioeir] 415 Monseigneur [m5sepcE:r] p. 161 XIV monsieur [m(9)sJ0] [moesjo] on 68, 142; ieu 152; r 265; m 415, 423, 424, 426; on, r p. 156 lxiv Monsieur [m(a)sJ0] p. 161 XIV monsieur De Vire [masJ0 d vi:r] e394 monsieur Ernest [masjo emest] r 349 monsieur et cher confrere [ma- sJ0 e 5e:r kofreir] 426 monsieur Leblanc [masi0 1 bla] e 74, 393, 394 Monsieur le Directeur du Cre- dit Lyonnais [masJ0 la direk- toe:r dy kredi Ijone] 424 montagnard [motapair] gn p. 81 XL montagneux [motap0] gn p. 81 xl monte [mo:t] on p. 55 xx Montreal [moreal] t p. 163 lxvi monimient [mon>Tna] m p. 94 XLV, p. 96 xlvii morceau [morso] p. 18 11 mortalite [mortalite] 16 mosquee [moske] 110 mot [mo] m 4, 233 mot a mot [mot a mo] 47; t 337 mot anglais [mo agle] t 360 motif [motif] / p. 76 xxxvi motion [mosjo] [mosjo] 100 mots [mo] 99 motus [motyis] s p. 109 li INDEX 229 mou [mu] ou p. 45 xiv mouille [mu:j] ouille 226 moiirir [muri:r] 1(58 mousse [mus] ok 18, p. 46 xiv moyen [inwaje] y 154; oy 156, p. 156 Lxiv; yen 162; en p. 53 XIX moyenne [mwajen] n p. 57 xxii mu [my] u p. 46 xv muant [mqa] tmn p. 65 xxvi mue [mqe] ue p. 64 xxv muet [mqe] ne 160 mugissement [mysisma] e 393 multitude [myltityd] ti p. 46 xv Munich [m^Tiik] ch p. 73 xxxiii, p. 162 Lxv mur [myir] u 29, p. 46 xv; r 261 mur [my:r] H 29, 120 murmure [mjmiyir] u 121, p. 46 xv; m p. 94 xlv, p. 96 xlvii murmurer [mjimyre] p. 156 lxiv muse [mysk] r p. 70 xxx muse (my:z] .s p. 109 li museum [mj'zeom] u 113; um 145, p. 156 LXIV myope (mj.ii)] ijo 152 myosotis (iiij.)z.)ti:s] s p. 109 li, p. 156 LXIV myrtille [mirtil] /// 232 mystere [misttir] y 96 N n fen] [no] 22, 24; [n] 129, 210; final [n] 129, 165, 234, 241, 375-378; mouille [ji] 207; wi- lont in ~ent 244 nabab [nabab] 6 171 nagea [nasa] gea 202 naguere [nage:r] gu p. 79 xxxviii naif [naif] i 33; / p. 76 xxxvi nain [ne] ain p. 56 xxi B naivete [naivte] e 70, p. 30 vi nanan [nanfi] [nunu] n 239 Nantes [na:t] an p. 56 xxi B Napoleon [napoleS] 36 nappe [nap] a 54; pp 245 Narbonne [narbon] 7in p. 96 XLVI narguant [narga] gu p. 79 xxxviii nasse [no:.s] [na:s] a 64 nation [ncisjo] [nasja] t 267, 285, p. 117 Liii; a p. 25 iv navrer [na\Te] a 63 ne [no] e 66, 383 Necker [nekeir] k 218; r 263 nee [ne] e 89 nef [lief] / p. 76 xxxvi, p. 156 LXIV negligeons [negli55] ge p. 80 XXXIX negociait [negosje] iai p. 60 xxiii negociant [negosjfi] ian 162 neige [ne:5] ei 90, 125, 323; ge p. 80 XXXIX Nemrod [ncmrad] m 235; d p. 74 XXXV nenni [nani], popular [neni] en 55, 134; p. 163 lxvii; nh ]^. 96 XLVI nerf [iir:r] [nerf]/ 193, p. 156 lxiv nerf de boeuf (ne:r do bouf] / 193 nerfs (nc:r] / 193, p. 156 lxiv Nesle |ne:l] .s 272 230 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION n'est-ce pas [n e s pa] 3S4 net [net] [ne] e9l;t 298, 300, p. 156 Lxiv nette [net] tt 279 nettoyer [netwaje] [netwaje] oy p. 62 XXIV neuf [noDf]/4, 191, 192, 305, 342, p. 156 lxiv; eu 118, 127, 327, p. 45 XIII neuf ans [noev ci] / p. 156 lxiv neuf a table [noef a tabl] / 342 Neufbourg [ncebuir] / 193 Neuf Brisach [noe brizak] / 193 neuf cents francs [noe su fra] / p. 76 XXXVII Neuf chateau [nooSato] / 193 Neu(f)chatel [noSatel] [noeSatel] eu 114;/ 193 neuf enfants [ncEv of a] / 194, 305; [noef afa] 342 neuf francs [noe fru] / p. 156 LXIV neuf hameaux [noev amo] / p. 76 XXXVII neuf heures [noev oe:r] / 305, p. 156 LXIV neuf homards [noe omair] / 194 neuf hommes [ncjev om] / 194 neuf livres [noe liivr] / 194 neuf mille [noe mil] /p. 76 xxxvii neuf personnes [noe person] / p. 76 xxxvii neuf soldats [noe solda] / p. 156 LXIV Neuilly [noeji] eu 118; euil 226 neutre [naitr] eu 115, 127, 326, p. 44 XII neuvieme [noevjem] eu p. 44 xii New-York [noe jark] ew p. 163 LXVI Ney [ne] ey 90, 125, 159, p. 36 viii nez [ne] e 80, p. 32 vii; z 164, 318, 359 Nez a nez [ne a ne] z p. 141 lx nez aquilin [ne akile] z 359 ni [ni] i 4, 94; n 4, 239 niais [nje] iai 152 Nicolas [nikola] a 59 niece [njes] ie 152 Niger [niseir] r p. 104 l, p. 162 LXV Nil [nil] I 224 nn [n] 43, 239 noble [nobl] o 106 noble animation [nobl animasjo] e73 noble ardeur [nobl ardoeir] e 73 noce [nos] o 106 Noel [noel] e 33; Z 221 noeud [no] eu 127, p. 44 xii; oeu 326, p. 49 XVI noir [nwa:r] oi p. 21 iii noire [nwa:r] oi p. 62 xxiv noisette [nwazet] [nwazet] oi 64 noix [nwa] oi 62, p. 62 xxiv nombrU [nobri] il 230; I 344 nominatif [nominatif] ti p. 96 XLVi non [no] 07i p. 56 xxi B nonante [nona:t] n p. 96 xlvi nonnain [none] n p. 96 xlvi nonobstant [nonopsta] re p. 96 XLVI nonsens [nosa] [nosais] s p. 109 LI INDEX 231 nord [no:r] r 166; d p. 74 xxxiv nord-est [nor(d) est] t 297; d 363 nord-ouest [nor(d) west] t 297; d363 nos [no] s 273 nos intentions [noz etasjo] t p. 117 LII nostalgie [nastalsi] o 110 notiez [notje] ti 291 notion [nosjo] [nosjo] o 100 notions [notjj] ti 291 notre [notr] o 106; re 260 notre [no:tr] 5 p. 39 x Notre-Dame [notr dam] ]). 161 XIV notre oncle [notr 5:kl] e 73 Notre-Seigneur [natr sejioeir] p. 161 XIV noueux [nwo] oueu 156 nouons [n\v5] ouori 162 nous aimames [nuz emam] d 51 nous aunons [nuz vm~)] s 332 nous attendons une lettre [nuz atadoz yn Ictr] s 334 nous briguons [nu liriRo] gun 197 nous contractions [nu k5lruktj5] t p. 117 LII nous dimes [nu di(:)in] i 95 nous efimes [nuz yC:)ni] m 116 nous gations [nu gutjj] I p. 117 LII nous irons ensemble [nuz irSz Msfi:!)!! .s |). 11 1 i,ix nous le savons [nu I savf)] c 73 nous ligudmes [nu ligam] gud 197 nous mangeames [nu masam] e 77 nous mangeons [nu maso] e 77 nous parlames [nu parlam] d 51 nous sommes a table [nu somz a tabl] s 334 nouveau [nuvo] eau 102, 126, 324; ou p. 46 xiv nouvel [nuvel] Z 221 nouvel an [nuvel a] I 344 novembre [novaibr] 425 noyau [nwajo] oy p. 62 xxiv nuage [nqa:3] ua 4, 160 nuance [nqa:s] uan p. 65 xxvi nuee [nqe] ue 160 nuit [nqi] t 295 nuit et jour [nqit e 3u:r] 47; t 354 numero [nymero] p. 161 XIV nun [nde] un p. 56 xxi B nuptial [nypsjal] t 282, p. 156 LXIV nuque [nyk] q 254 Nuremberg [njrubeir] g p. 162 LXV nymphe [ne:f] ym 135, p. 53 xix; ph 191 O o [o]22, 24; [o] [.)] 97-113; silent 103 6 [o] 97, 98; [o(:)] 397; [o] 97 -oaille [\v(i!J] ail 226 oasis [.xizi(:)s] [oazi(:)s] 36; s 275 obedience [.jbcdjuis] ien 135 obeissance [jbcisurs] 36 232 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION objet [obse] o 104; p. 43 xi; e p. 36 VIII objet important [oh^e eporta] t 360 obliquite [oblik(q)ite] qu 257 Observations sur I'Esprit des lois [jpscrvusjo sy.r 1 espri de Iwa] 0, E 406 observer [opserve] h 170, p. 98 xLviii, p. 156 Lxiv; s 267 obstacle [opstakl] [opstciikl] h 170, p. 98 XLVIII ; c p. 70 xxx obtenir [optoniir] h 170, 246, p. 98 XLVIII, p. 156 Lxiv obus [oby(:)s] [oby(!)s] s p. 163 LX\^I occasion [okasjS] a 60 occiput [oksipy(t)] t 299 ocean [osea] o 110, p. 43 xi octobre [okto(:)br] o lOS, 425, p. 43 XI Oder [ode:r] r p. 104 l odeur [odoeir] eu p. 45 xiii 6 Dieu [o dj0] 6 397 odorat [odo:ra] ^ p. 117 liv 6 douleur [o duloeir] 6 397 -oe [e] 83; [0] [oe] 114, 117, 118, 122, 127, 320, 326; [wa] 156 -oe [wa] 156 oecumenique [ekymenik] 83 oedipe [edip] 83 oeU [oe(:)j] ce 127, 327, p. 45 XIII, p. 49 XVI ; il 226, p. 90 XLIV, p. 156 LXIV -ceil [a-ij] il 226 ceil de boeuf [tt-:j da beef] (nil 226 ceil de chat [re:j da ^a] ceil 226 oeillade [oejad] oeill 226 -oeiUe [ce:j] ill 226 oeillere [oejc:r] (sil 226 ceillet [oeje] eu 127, 327, p. 45 xiii; oeil 226 oesophage [ezofais] (e 83 -oeu [o] [oe] 114, 117, 118, 122, 127, 320, 326 oeuf [cef] (£u 118, p. 45 xiii;/ 192, p. 156 LXIV ceuf a la coque [oef a la kak] / 342, p. 76 XXXVI, p. 141 lix oeufs [0] (Bu 114, p. 44 xii; / 193, p. 156 lxiv oeufs d'autruche [0 d otry$] / p. 76 xxxvii oeuvre [oe:vr] eu 118, p. 45 xin officier [afisje] r 262 offrir [afri:r] 37 ohe [ohe] h 216 oho [ohof:)] h 4 oh que oui [o ka wi] 390 -oi [wa] [wa] 62, 156 -01 [wa] 156 oignon [oji5] i p. 156 lxiv -oin [we] 136, 161, 162 -oir [wa:r] oi 56 -oire [wa:r] oi 56 Olympe [alc:p] ym p. 53 xix -om [5] 141, p. 55 xx; [am] 143, 234, 237 6 ma jeunesse [o ma 3oenes] 6 397 ombre [a:br] om p. 55 xx ombrelle [5brel] oyn p. 55 xx -ome [o:m] [am] 106, 111 omnibus [amiiibys] om 143; s INDEX 233 275, p. 163 lx\t; m p. 94 xlv, p. 96 XLVii omnipotent [amnipota] o 108, p. 43 XI ; om 143; m 234 omniscience [omnisjais] om 143; « p. 109 LI omniscient [omnisja] rn 234 omnivore [omnivjir] om 143 -on [o] [on] 141, 146, 161; [a] 142 • on [5] 386; p. 56 xxi B on accourt aussitot [5n aku:r osi- to] t 380 oncle [5:kl] 46; on 141, p. 55 XX onction [5ksj5] on p. 55 xx -one [o:nl [.m] 106, 111 on en a assez [on un a ase] n p. 141 LIX onereux [oncro] n yt. 57 xxii onomatopee [onomatope] n 239 on perd [5 pe:r] d p. 74 xxxiv on recommence [5 rkomais] e :i94 onyx [.miks] x 310 onze (5:zl 31, 215, 371, 390; on p. 55 XX, p. 56 XXI B onzieme [azjtni] 31, 215, 371, opiat (.)pja(t)] I 299 opium [.)pj.»iii] uin 145; m 235 oracle [jrakl] [.jrukl] a 64 orage [jraij] ge p. 80 xxxix orageux (ini^o] (/ 201 orchestra [orkcslr) ch ISO orchestral [.irktst ralj ch p. 73 XXXIII orchestration [orkestrcisjo] ch p. 73 xxxiii orchestre [orkestr] ch p. 163 LXVI orchide [orkid] ch p. 73 xxxiii -ord [o:r] 356, 364, 380 ordre [ordr] re 260 oreille [orc:j] ill 226, p. 90 xliv orfevre [orfe:\T] o 108 orgue [org] o p. 43 xi orgueil [orgoe(:)j] ue 118, 127, 327, p. 45 XIII ; il 226 orgueilleux [orgoejo] ill 226, p. 90 xliv; ue p. 49 xvi orient [orja] ien 135, 162 -ort [o:r] t 356, 380 orteil [orte:j] it p. 90 xliv ortie [orti] ti 292 OS [os] [o:s] s 275; (pi.) [o] [o:s] s p. 163 LXVI osciller [osile] [osije] ill 232, p. 156 LXiv oseille [oze(:)j] o 101 oser [ozc] o 101, p. 39 x; s 319 Ostrogoth [ostrogo] t 301 ote [o:t] 6 97 oter [ote] 6 98, p. 39 x -otie [osi] t 281 ou [u] p. 40 XIV -ou [u] 28, 119, 122, 128, 320, 328; [w] 158 oiX [n\ 28, 119, 122, p. 46 xiv -o(i [ii] ou 119, 122, 128 -oua [\v:i] 15() -ouan [wuj Kil, 162 ouate [\v:it| oua 156, 215, 371, 390, p. 02 XXIV 234 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION -oue [wc] 156 -oue [we] 156 -ouen [wa] 161, 162 ouest [west] t 297, p. 156 lxiv -oueu [w0] [wcc] 156 oui [wi] 4, 31, 156, 215, 371, 390, p. 62 XXIV oui-dire [wi diir] 215, 371, 390 -ouU [u:j] il 226 -ouille [u:j] ill 226 oui, madame [wi madam] m 415 oui, mademoiselle [wi madmwa- zel] >n 415 oui, monsieur [wi mosje] m 415 -ouin [we] 161, 162 ouir [wi:r] out 156 -ouon [wo] 161, 162 -ourd [u:r] 356, 364, 380 ours [urs], old [uir] s 275, p. 163 LXVII -ourt [u:r] t 356, 380 outU [uti] il 230, 344 ouvrier [uvrije] 37 oft y a-t-il [u j a t il] 7/ 153 Oxford [oksfo:r] d p. 74 xxxiv oxygene [oksisen] x 310 -oy [wa] 56, 156 ozone [ozon] [ozom] [ozon] [ozoin] olll p [pe] [po] 22, 24; [p] 245, 248; final 249, 250; 345; followed by n, s, t 251; silent 247 pacha [pa^a] p p. 152 lxiii paf [paf] a 54 paganisme [paganism] [paga- nizm] p p. 152 lxiii page soixante-neuf [pais swa- sat noef] / p. 76 xxxvi paillasse [pajas] ill 224 paille [paCOJ] a 61, p. 25 iv; ill 224, 225, 329, p. 156 lxiv pain [pe] ain 135, p. 54 xix, p. 56 XXI B (pain-)bis [pe bi] s 273 paix [pe] ai 84, 123, 321; x 315 paix universelle [pez yniversel] X 372 pale [pa:l] d 19, 58 paleur [paloeir] d 19 palper [palpe] p p. 98 XLVin palpitant [palpita] p p. 98 xlviii pampre [puipr] p p. 98 xlviii Panama [panama] p. 19 ii Pandectes [padekt] c p. 70 xxx panier [panje] [pajie] ni 207 panorama [panorama] an 146 paon [pa] o 103, p. 156 lxiv papa [papa] a p. 21 iii; p p. 98 xlviii pape [pap] p p. 98 xlviii papier [papje] p 245 Papier d'affaires [papje d afe:r] 431 papillon [papij5] p p. 98 xlviii paquets [pake] ets 92 paragraphe [paragraf] p. 19 ii parapluie [paraplqi] p p. 98 xlviii parasol [parasol] s 269 pare [park] c p. 70 xxx parce que je ne me le demande INDEX 235 pas [pars ka 3 no m b dma:d pa] e 75 par-dessus [par dasy] e 394 pareil [pare:j] eil 226 pareiUe [pare(:)j] ei 90, 125, 323 parent [para] en 131 parenthese [parate:z] 419 parfum [parfde] 38; um 144, p. 5^ XXI Paris [pari] i p. 37 ix Paris est la capitale [pari 8 la kapital] a p. 141 lx Paris est une belle ville [pari et jTi bel vil] s 368 parisien [parizje] ien 162 parla [parla] nyj e 71, p. 30 v pas [pdj p 4, 245; a 4, 59, p. 25 iv; a 273 pas a pas [paz a pa] 47; s 337, 360, 366 Pascal [paskal] sc 276 passage [pa.sa:5] p. 19 11 passage des Panoramas [pasais de panorama] P p. 153 lxiii passe [pais] a 60 passer [pase] a 59, 65; ss 267 passif [pasif] a 65 passion [pasjo] a 60 pate [pa:t] a 4, 58, p. 25 rv; e p. 30 VI pater [pateir] r 263 pathos [patois] s 275 patiemment [pasjama] t 287 patience [pasjais] ien 135, 162; t 280, 287, p. 117 Liii; en p. 51 xviii patient [i)asja] t 287, p. 157 lxiv patienter [pasjate] t 287 patriarchal [patriarkal] ch p. 73 XXXIII patriarche [patriar^] ch 184 patrie [patri] c 69 patte [pat] tt 279; e p. 30 vi Paul [pol] au 112, 126, 325, p. 49 xvi Paul et Alice [pol e alis] t 355 pauvre [poivr] au 102, p. 39 x pauvre animal [[lovr animal] e 73 pavot [pavo] t p. 117 liv paye [pi'jc] [peje] y 224 payer [prjc] [p('j<'] 46; ay 90, 321, 1). 157 i.xiv; y 154 peau [po] eau 102 pecheur [po^a'ir] eu p. 45 xiii 236 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION pecheur [pr^crir] ch p. 72 xxxii peigne [pcji] gn 4, 207 peine [pe(:)ni ei 90, 125, 323, p. 157 Lxiv peinture [pety:r] cm 135, p. 54xix pellicule [pclikyl] I p. 87 xliii pendant [padu] en 45 pende [pa:d] en p. 56 xxi B Pennsylvanie [prsilvani] [pasil- vani] en 137; s 270 penser [pase] s p. 109 li pensum [pesom] u 113; en 137; um 145; en, um p. 157 lxiv pente [pa:t] en 14; 46 penultieme [penyltjem] ti 293 perfa [pcrsa] f 176 perfait [perse] q p. 70 xxrx perCevoir [persavwair] ce p. 70 XXIX perd-U [pert il] d 362, 381 perd-il son temps [pert il s5 ta] d p. 141 Lix perdre [perdr] d 187; re 260 perdrix [perdri] x 315 perdrons [perdro] 38 perdront [perdro] 37 pere [pe:r] p 7; e 28, 87 peremptoire [peraptwair] p 248, p. 98 XLViii peres [jieir] e p. 30 vi peril [peril] [poriij] il 228, 229; I p. 157 LXIV, p. 163 Lxvii peripetie [peripesi] t 281, p. 157 LXIV Perrault [pero] I 223 persU [persi] il 230; I 344, p. 163 LXVI Personnelle [pcrsonel] 431 persuader [persqade] s p. 109 li; p. 157 LXIV perte [pert] e 91 peser [pgze] e p. 30 v petit [p(a)ti] e 74, 76 petit a petit [potit a poti] t 47, 337 petite [potit] e 76, p. 30 vi peu [p0] eu 4, 17, 114, 127, 326 peuple [poepl] eu 118, 127, 327, p. 45 XIII, p. 49 XVI ; le 222 peur [poeir] eu 4, 117, p. 45 xiii; r 165, 261, p. 104 l peureux [poero] eu p. 44 xii Peveril du Pic [pevaril dy pik] P 410 ph [f] 191, 329; followed by n, s, /251 Pharamond [faramS] dp. 74 xxxrv phare [fa:r] a 13; j)h 191 pharisien [farizje] p 399 Phedre [fe:dr] Ph p. 76 xxxvi phenix [feniks] x p. 121 lvii philosophe [filozaf] -ph 191, 329, p. 157 LXIV Phoebe [febe] ce 83, p. 32 vii phonographe [fonograf] ph 40 pht(h)isie [ftizi] ph 251 pht(h)isique [ftizik] ph 251 physiognomonie [fizjognomoni] gn 200 physique [fisik] y 96 piano [pjano] o 99; ia 152 piauler [pjole] iau 152 piece [pjes] e 87 INDEX 237 pied [pje] e 80, p. 32 vii; ie 152 pied a terra [pjet a te:r] d 333, 362 pieds [pje] e 80; (h 164 pieu [pji»] iea j). 60 xxiii pieux [pjo] eu 114, p. 44 xii pigeon {\ny)] c 77 ; gc p. 80 xxxix pin [pc] in p. 54 xix pinacle [pinakl] n p. 96 xlvi pince [pe:s] in p. 56 xxi B pingouin [pegwe] ouiti p. 65 xxvi pioche [pjoS] io p. 60 xxiii pion [pj5] p p. 98 XLViii pipe [pip] p p. 98 xlviii piqure [piky:r] il p. 46 xv pire lpi:r] i 4, 94 piste [pist] i 94 pistU [i)i.stil] il 229 pitie [pitje] ie 152; ti 293 pla^a [pUusa] f 176 place [i)hi.s] a 65; c 391 place de I'Estrapade [plas da 1 frttrapad] K, p. 153 LXiii place de la Concorde [jjlas do la kSkjrd] C 410 plage (pla:^] a 13 plaideur [pU(l(c:r] eu p. 45 xiii plaisir [plczisr] r 261, p. 101 l plante (plu:t] an p. 51 xviii plat [jjla] a 53 platre |i)l(i:tr| d 58 plenipotentiaire [plenipjtusjtir] / p. 117 LI 1 1 plomb \\>\:,\ oin 111; h 171, 339, J). 163 r.xvi plongeons [|)1j33] yea 202 plonger [pl03c] on ]>. ^yT) xx pluie [plqi] ui 160 plus [plys] [ply] s 275 plus ou moins [plyz ii mwe] s 337, 366 plus-que-parfait [plys ka parfe] s p. 109 LI pneu [pno] p p. 98 xlviii pneumatique [pnomatik] p 251 pneumatologie [pnomatolosi] p p. 98 XLVIII pneumonie [pnom.mi] p 251 poele, poile [p\vu:l][p\va(:)l] 4; oe, ai 62, 156, p. 25 iv, p. 163 lxvi poelee [pwale] oc p. 62 xxiv poelette [pwalet] oe p. 62 xxiv poelier [jjwalje] oe p. 62 xxiv poete [poeit] p. 19 ii poids [pwa] [pwa] oi 62, p. 62 xxiv; d p. 74 xxxiv poignard [pwajia:r] [pojiair] oi p. 157 LXiv poignet [pwajie] [pojie] gn p. 81 XL poing [pwe] oin 162 point [l)\vr] 419 point d'exclamation [pwe d eks- klain(isjr)] 419 point d'interrogation [pwe d e- lefr)r.>g(i.sjo] 419 pointe [pweit] oin 14, p. 65 xxvi point et virgule (pwe e virgyl] 419 point exclamatif [pwet ekskla- iiKilif] t 351 point interrogatif [i.>\vi;t etcroga- (if) I 354 points suspensifs [i)we syspusif] 419 238 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION pointxire [pwetyir] in 136 poire [pwair] oi 56 pois [pwa] oi 62 poison [pwiizo] oi p. 21 in, p. 157 LXIV poisson [pwasS] oi p. 157 lxiv Poitiers [pwatje] ti 293; < p. 117 LII poix [pwa] oi p. 62 xxiv pole [po:l]-o 15 pollen [palen] n 241 Pollux [polyks] a; 310 poltron [poltro] 38 Polymnie [polimni] xjmn 140 polysyllabe [jwlisilab] s 269 pomme [pom] o 107 pompe [poip] om p. 55 xx; p p. 98 XLViii Ponsard [posa:r] d p. 74 xxxiv pont [p5] on p. 56 xxi B pontile [potif] p p. 152 lxiii Pont-Neuf [p5 noef]/p. 76 xxxvi popularite [pji^ylarite] 35 pore [po:r] o 105; r 166; c 180 port [po:r] o 13; 76 porte [port] c 76, p. 30 vi; o 106 porte-feuiUe [port9 fcB(:)j] e 393 portez [porte] z 318 portez armes [porte arm] z 359 portier [portje] ti 293; < p. 117 LII portiere [portjeir] ti 293 portiez [portje] ti 291 portion [porsjo] t 162, 285; ti 291 Port-Said [po:r said] d p. 74 XXXV pose [po:z] o 101, p. 39 x positif [pozitif] o p. 39 x position [pozisjo] o 101, p. 39 x possedera [posedra] e 88 poste [post] o 106; s 267 Poste restante [post restait] 431 postiche [posti$] o 110 post-scriptum [pos(ts) kriptom] um 145; t 300; m p. 94 xlv, p. 96 XLVii; t, u p. 157 lxiv pot [po] o 4, 6, 17, 97; t p. 117 liv pot a eau [pot & o] t 354 pot a fleur [pot a floe:r] I 354 pot a I'eau [pot a lo] 47 pot au feu [i)ot o fo] t 354 pot au lait [pot o le] t 354 pot aux roses [pot o ro:z] t 354 poteau [poto] o 109 potentiel [potasjel] t 283 potion [posjo] o 100, p. 39 x pouce [pus] ou 119 ponding [pude:g] g 206 poulailler [pulaje] [pulaje] a 64 pouls [pu] 1 223, 344, p. 157 lxiv; OM p. 46 XIV pour demain [pu(:)r dame] e 394 Pour la couronne [pu(:)r la ku- ron] P 401 pour prendre conge [pu(:)r pra:dr ko3e] p. 161 XIV pour rendre visite [pu(!)r ra:dr vizit] p. 161 XIV pp [p] 42, 168, 245 Praslin [jirale] s 272 precedemment [presedama] em p. 157 LXIV precieuse [presjoiz] eu 127, 326, p. 44 XIII INDEX 239 preemption [preapsjo] p 248 prefere [prefere] e 79, p. 32 vii prefix [prefiks] x 310 prendre [praidr] e 391; en p. 51 XVIII prendre le voile (de I'ordre) de Sainte-Claire [i)ra:dr b vwal da 1 ordr do se:t kle.-r] S, C 417 prendre I'habit (de I'ordre) de Saint-Franfois [pra:dr I abi do 1 ordr do se fraswa] S, F 417 presbytere [prezbite:r] s 271 preseance [preseais] s 269 presence [prezais] en 131 presentez armes [prezate arm] z 359 presomptif [prezoptif] p 248, p. 98 XL VIII presomption [prez5i)sj5] p 248 presomptueux [prezoptijol p 248 presque [presko] e 69, 387, p. 30 v presqu'ile [presk ilj 387 F>resse [presp] 431 presupposer [presypoze] s 269 pret a partir [pret a partiir] t 337 prSte [prcit] e 85 preter [prcte] e 86 preterit [preteri(t)] t 299, p. 163 I.XVI pretre [prc:tr] e 85, p. 36 viii; r p. 104 L pretrise [prctriiz] S p. 36 viii preuve [i)ra:v) en j). 45 xiii Priam (itriaiii] am 132; ?« 235 prier [prie] [prjc] i 153 (Priere dej faire suivre [pricir do fc.T sninr] 123 prima tie [primasi] t p. 117 liii primitif [primitif] i p. 37 ix principaute d'Orange [presipote d ora:5] p. 153 lxiii printemps [preta] p 245 pris [i)ri] 76 prise [pri:z] e 76, p. 30 vi prison d'Etat [prizo d eta] J$ p. 153 LXIII Privas [priva] a 59 prix [pri] x 315 proces [prose] c p. 70 xxix prochain [pro^e] ch 182 prochaine [proven] in 146 proclamer [proklame] [proklame] a 64 profil [profil] il 229 Progne [progne] gn 200 pro jet [pro3c] et 92 prompt [pro] pt 164, p. 157 lxiv; p247 prompte [jiroit] 46 promptitude [{)r5tityd] p 247; om p. 55 XX promulguant [promylga] gua 197 pronom [i)r.)iij] om p. 55 xx prononciation [pronosjasjo] on p. 55 XX prophetic [profesi] t 281, p. 117 LIU propitiatoire [propisjatwair] t p. 117 LIII proprete [proproto] e 393 proscrire ||)roskri:r] c 177; sc 276 prose [proiz] o 101 prospectus (prospektyis] s 275, p. 163 Lxvi 240 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION protestant [protesta] p 399 provenir [provniir] n p. 96 XLVI providentiel [providusjcl] / 283 prudemment [prydama] e 55; cm 134, p. 21 III, p. 157 Lxiv prune [prjoi] u p. 46 xv; 7i p. 96 XLVI psalmiste [psalmist] p 251 psalmodier [psalmodje] p 251 psaume [pso:m] p 251 Psyche [psi^e] p 251; ch p. 72 XXXII psycologie [psikobsi] p 251 psycologue [psikolog] p 251 Ptolemee [ptoleme] P 251 pu [py] u 4, 120 public [pyblik] c 255 publique [pyblik] qu 255 puer [pqe] ue 160 pueril [pqeril] il 229 puis [pqi] ui 159, p. 64 xxv; s 273; p. 157 lxiv puisque [piiisk(8)] e 69, 386, p. 30 v; ui p. 64 xxv puisqu'elle [pijisk el] 386 puits [pqi] s 273 puUuler [pyl3'le] II 220 pun [pde] un p. 56 xxi B punch [p5:5] w« 142, p. 157 lxiv pupille [pypil] ill 232, p. 157 Lxrv^ pur [py:r] ti 4, 120 puritain [pyrite] p 399 pusillanime [pyzi(l)lamm] ill232, p. 157 LXIV Puvis de Chavannes [pyvi d 5a- van] 6- 274 pyramide [piranii(:)d] y, i p. 37 DC pythagorien [pitagorje] p p. 152 LXIII pythonisse [pitanis] p p. 152 q [ky] [ka] 22, 24; [k] 127, 219, 252, 254, 346; final 165 qu [k] [kw] [kq] 252-258, 329; be- fore a [kw] 256; before a, o, u [k] 255; before e and i [k] 255; [kq] before e and i 257 quadragenaire [k(w)adra3ene:r] (JU p. 101 XLIX quadrangle [k(w)adra:gl] qu 256 quadrat [k(w)adra] q^i p. 101 XLIX quadrille [kadriij] ill p. 90 xliv; qu p. 101 XLIX quadrup^de [k(w)adrype(:)d] qu 256; iia p. 62 xxiv quadruple [kadrypl] u p. 163 LXVI quadrupler [k(w)adr3']3le] qu 256, J). 101 XLIX quai [ke] [ke] ai 82, 124, 322, p. 163 lxyi; qu p. 101 xlix quai aux fleurs [ke o floeir] 405 quai de rHorloge [ke da 1 orb:3] H 410 qualite [kalite] qu 255 quand [ku] qu 219, 254; an p. 51 XVIII quand irez-vous [kat ire vu] d 362, p. 141 Lix INDEX 241 quantieme [katjem] ti 293 quantite [kutite] an 131 quarante [kara:t] qu p. 101 xlix quart [ka:r] qu 254; < p. 117 liv quarte [kart] qu 254 quartier [kartje] li 293; i p. 117 LII quarto [kwarto] qu 256 quartz [kwairts] ua 156; qu 256 quasi [kazi] qu 254, p. 101 xlix quatrain [katre] qu 254 quatre [katr] e 46; qu 254 quatre ennemis [katr enini] c 73 quatre-temps [katro ta] e 71 ; qu ]). 101 XLIX quatre-vingt-cinq [katr ve se:k] /, q p. 157 LXiv quatre-vingt-dix [katro ve dis] 213 quatre-vingt-dix-huit [katr ve diz ^\i\ t 303 quatre-vingt-onze [katro ve 5:z] 371; / p. Ml LX quatre-vingt-sept [katro ve set] t p. 141 LX quatre-vingt-six [katr ve sis] t, x J). 157 Lxiv quatre-vingt-un [katro ve d'] I 303, 371, p. 157 Lxiv quatrieme [katriem] [katrjem] i 1 :,:', quatuor [k\va)q.):r] qu 256, j). 163 Lxvi qu'avez-vous [k avo vu] 384 que [k..] >■ (iO, 75, 383; qu 219, 254 Quebec [kebek] c p. 70 xxx que j'aie [ko 3 e(:)j] [ko 3 e] aie 90 quel [kel] qu p. 101 xlix quelque [kclk(a)] e 387 quelques-uns [ke(l)k(o)z oe] p. 157 lxiv quelqu'un [kelk de] 387; un p. 56 XXI quel velours [kel volu:r] e 394 qu'entend-on [k atat 5] d p. 141 LIX querir [keri:r] 168 questeur [kqestceir] qu 257 question [kcstj5] t 279, 280, 290 questure [kqestyir] qu 257 quete [ke:t| qu 254 que tu subjuguasses [ko ty syb- 3ygas] gua 197 queue [ko] cu 114, p. 44 xii, p. 49 XVI ; qu 254, p. 101 xlix queussi-queumi [kesi komi] qu. p. 101 XLIX qui [ki] qu 219, 253, 254, 329 quibus [k(n)ibys] qu p. 101 xlix quiddite [k(q)iddite] dd 188; qu p. 101 XLIX quietisme [kqictism] qu p. 101 XLIX quietude [kqiotyd] qii 257, p. 101 XLIX qu'il aimat [k il cma] d 51 (qu'il) eCit [k il y] m p. 46 XV qu'il finit (k il fini] i 95 qu'il fit [k il fij i 95 quille [ki:j] qu 254 quillon [kij,")] qu p. 101 XLtx 242 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION qu'il parlat [k il parla] d 51 qu'il punit [k il pyni] i 95 qu'ils eussent [k ilz ys] eu 116 qu'il voguat [k il voga] giid 197 Quimper [kcpc:r] r p. 10-1 L qu'in [ke] in p. 56 xxi B Quinault [kino] / 223 quincaillerie [ktkajri] qu 254 quinine [kinin] u p. 163 lxvi quinquennal [kiieki(enal] qu p. 101 XLIX quinquet [keke] qii 254 quinquina [kekina] qu p. 101 XLIX quinte [ke:t] qu 254, 255; in p. 56 XXI B Quinte-Curce [kqet kyrs] Qu 257 quintette [k(q)etet] uin p. 65 xxvi; qu p. 101 xlix quinteux [keto] qu 254 quintidi [k(n)8tidi] qu p. 101 XLIX Quintilien [kqctiljs] Qu 257; iiin, ien p. 65 xxvi quintuple [k(ij)etypl] in 136; uin p. 65 xxvi; qu p. 101 xlix quiproquo [kiproko] qu 254 quoique [kwak(9)] e 386 quoiqu'on [kwak 5] 386 qu'on [k 5] on p. 56 xxi B quotidian [kotidje] up. 163 lxvi quotient [kosja] o 110, p. 43 xi; t 287, p. 157 Lxiv; qu p. 101 XLIX qu'un [k de] un p. 56 xxi B qu'unze [k de:z] p. 56 xxi B r [er] [ra] 22, 24; [r] 91, 94, 105, 112, 118, 126, 259, 265, 356, 380, 381; +consonant 166, 264; final 165, 261, 262, 295- 298, 347-349 rabbin [rabe] bb p. 68 xxvii Rabelais [rable] ai p. 49 xvi raccomoder [rakomode] cc p. 69 XXVIII raccroc [rakro] c 340, p. 71 xxi; cc p. 69 xxviii raccrocher [rakroSe] cc p. 69 XXVIII Rachel [raSel] eh p. 72 xxxii rachitique [ra^itik] ch p. 72 xxxii racier [rakle] a 63 radoub [radub] 6 171 raidir [redi:r] r p. 104 l raille [ra:j] a 63 raillerie [rajri] a 63, p. 25 iv railway [relwe] [relwe] w 308 raison [rezo] [rezo] s p. 109 li ramener [ramne] e 70, p. 30 vi rampant [rapa] am 131 rampe [ra:p] am p. 51 xviii rang [ra] g 365; an p. 56 xxi B rang eleve [rak elve] [ra elve] g 365 rang infime [rak gfim] g 365 Raoul [raul] I 221 rappelee [raple] e 89 rapt [rapt] p 248; < 299 rare [ra:r] [ra:r] r 4, 259; a 49 rarete [rarte] r p. 104 l raser [raze] s 319, p. 109 li INDEX 243 rasibus [razibys] s p. 109 li rat [ra] a 53, p. 21 iii; t p. 117 LIV ratelier [rcitolje] e 71 ration [rosjo] t 285 rationnel [lasjonel] t p. 117 liii Ratisbonne [ratizbon] s 271 raviver [ravive] v p. 118 lv rayon [rej5] ay 90; y p. 60 xxiii -re final 2G0 reaction [reaksjo] c p. 70 xxx rebus [rebyis] s 275 recemment [resama] em 134, p. 21 III recent [rcsa] c p. 70 xxix Recevez, Monsieur, les meil- leures amities de votre bien devoue [rosve, mosjo, Ic ine- joe:rz amitje da votr bje de- vwe] 428 recevoir [ros(o)v\va:r] c 175 recif [rcsif] / j). 76 xxxvi recipient [rcsipja] c p. 70 xxix reciter [rcsite] c p. 70 xxix recognition [rokopnisj.")] gn 200 Reconimandee [rokonifKle] 423 recompense [rek5pa:s] 23 recu [rosy] g 32, 267 recueil [raka'fOJl ?i« 118 recueille [rakri'ij] ueille 226 reddition [rtddisja] dd 188 redempteur [rfdufpjfd-ir] p 248 redemption |r('du(i)j.sj.>] p 248 redingote [rodiKit] "' 135 refaisant.(r.)f3zu] at 68 reflux Ir.tfly] J* j). 163 lx\t refrogne Injfrjjicl gn p. 81 xl regard [roga:r] r p. 104 l regardez [rogarde] p. 19 ii regardez les cerfs-volants [ro- garde le ser vola] / p. 76 xxxvii regnait [rejie] gn p. 81 xl Regnard [rona:r] g 204, p. 81 xl Regnaud [rono] g 204 Regnauld [rojio] e, I p. 162 lxv regne [rejie] e 79 regne [reji] gn 207, 329 regner [rejie] gn 4 regrets [rogre] e p. 30 v Reims see Rheims rein [re] cin p. 54 xix, p. 56 xxi B reine [rc:n] ei 20, p. 36 viii reineclaude [rengloid] [renkloid] r 174 reine de France [rem da frais] e 394 reitre [rr:tr] et 90, 125, p. 49 xvi rejeter [roste] e 70, p. 30 vi rejoindre [ro3we:dr] oin p. 65 xxvi; j p. 86 XLii rejouir [ro3\vi:r] oiii 156; j 217 relaps [rolajw] s 275 relapse [rolaps] p 248, p. 98 XLVIII relieur [rolj()L':r] e p. 30 v reliure [roljyir] in 152 remarque [romark] r p. 104 l remede [roiiif (:)d] (' 87 remerciait [roinrrsje] iai 152 rempart [r(]])a:r] r p. 104 l; t p. 117 LIV remplir [ru|)]i:r] ini IIU remuant [roiuiiu] nan 162 244 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION remuons [remqo] uon p. 65 xx\t Renaud [rono] dp. 74 xxxiv rendre [ruidr] r p. 104 l rene [rem] e p. 36 viii renfort [rafo:r] t 295, p. 117 liv renne [ren] e 20, p. 36 \aii repartie [raparti] t p. 117 lii repete [repet] e 28 repete [repete] c 79, p. 32 \ai repond-elle [repot cl] d 362, p. 141 LIX Repondez, s'il vous plait [repSde, s il ^'^l pie] p. 161 XIV repondit-il [rejwdit il] 421 reps [reps] p 248 republique romaine [repyblik romen] r p. 153 lxiii requiem [rekqi(j)em] e 80; m 235; qu 257 reserve [rezcn-e] p. 157 lxiv resignation [rezijiasjo] a p. 157 LXIV resoudre [rezu(:)dr] s 319 respect [respe(k)] [respekt] ect 92, 253, 353, p. 157 lxiv; ct 181; t 300; e p. 36 viii respecter [respekte] 38 respect humain [respek jine] ect 353 respirer [respire] 38 ressemble [rosaibl] e p. 30 v ressembler [rasuble] e 68, p. 157 LXIV ressentir [rasutiir] e 68, p. 157 LXIV ressortir [r9sarti:r] e 68 ressource [rosurs] e p. 157 lxiv restaurant [restora] [restora] au 112, 126, 325, p. 43 xi, p. 49 XVI rester [reste] 38; e 91 restez encore [restez ako:r] z 336 resultat [rezylta] t p. 117 liv resume [rezjine] tyi 233 resumption [rez5psj5] um 142 rets [re] t p. 117 liv revanche [r(8)va:S] ch p. 72 xxxii reve [re:v] e 85, p. 36 viii revenir [r9vni:r] 46; e 67 revenu [r(a)\Tiy] u p. 46 xv rever [reve] e 86, p. 36 vin revetir [r(a)v8ti:r] e p. 36 viir revolver [revolveir] e 80, p. 32 vii; r 263; v p. 118 lv; e, r p. 163 i^vi Reynauld [reno] d p. 74 xxxiv rez [re] e SO rez-de-chaussee [ret^ose] z p. 163 Lxvi R(h)euns [re:s] eim 135, p. 54 xix; s 274; p. 157 lxiv, p. 162 LXV Rhin [re] in p. 54 xix rhinoceros [rinoserois] s 275 rhododendron [rododedro] en 137 rhum [rom] u 113; um 145; m 235; p. 163 lxvi Richard [ri^air] rf p. 74 xxxiv Richelieu [ri^aljo] e 71, p. 30 v rien [rje] en 135; ie p. 60 xxiii rien accepter [rjen aksepte] n 375 rire [ri:r] r p. 104 l rive [ri:v] v 4; i 94:; v 304 riz [ri] z 318, 359 INDEX 245 robe [ro(:)b] o 4, 104, 106, p. 43 xi; h 4, 46, 170 roc [rak] o 105, p. 43 xi; c p. 70 XXX Roch [r,)k] ch p. 162 lxv roche [ro^] 46 Roger [ro3e] r 262 rognon [roji5] gn p. 81 XL roi [nvu] [rwa] oi 62, p. 25 iv, p. 62 XXIV roi de France [raa d fra:s] e 394 role [ro:l] u 97, p. 39 x romance [rjinu:s] o 109 Rome [rom] o 111, p. 43 xi rompre [r5:pr] om p. 55 xx romps [r5] p 247 Romulus [rjinjlyis] s 274 rond [r5] d 164, p. 74 xxxiv; r 259; on p. 56 xxi B ronde [r5:d] on p. 55 xx ronron [r5r5] r p. 104 l rosbif [rosbif] [rjzbif] / p. 76 xxxvi; s p. 157 lxiv rose [ro:z] s 4, 268, 316, 317, p. 109 Li; o 13, 101, p. 39 x rosier [rozje] a 101 Rosny [roni] s 272 rossignol [r.).sijiol] o 110 Rothschild [rotSild] d p. 74 xxxv roti [r.Mi] 6 97, p. 43 xi; t 281, p. 117 LII Rotterdam [roterdam] am 132; m 235 Rouen [rwd] own p. 65 xxvi rouet [rwc] one. 156 rouge [ru:.-^] gc 4, p. 80 xxxix; vu 19, 119 rougeaud [ru3o] ou p. 49 xvi rougeur [rujoc:/] 19 roux [ru] ou p. 46 xiv royal [rwajal] 46; o(/ p. 62 xxiv royaume [rwujoim] oij p. 62 xxiv rr [[y)v] 43, 168, 259 made [rna(:)d] tui p. 64 xxv Rubens [rybe:s] en 137; s p. 162 LXV rude [ry(:)d] d 4; m 121 rue [ry] e 69, 391 rue [rqe] ue p. 64 xxv rue de Rivoli [ry do rivoli] R 410 ruelle [rqel] ue 160, p. 64 xxv rueuse [rijoiz] ueu 160, p. 64 xxv mine [rqin] ui p. 64 xxv Ruisdael [rqizdad] s, e p. 162 lxv misseau [rqiso] ui p. 64 xxv rumb [r5:b] h 171 run [nr] un \). 56-xxi B rupture [rypty:r] u p. 46 xv rural [ryral] r p. 104 l mse [ry:z] s 26S, 319, j). 109 li rustre [rystr] r p. 104 l Ruyter [rqiteir] r p. 104 l s [cs] [so] 22, 24; [s] 92, 93, 100, 110, 170, 266, 267, 269, 274, 280, 381; final [s] 275; silent 272, 273, 3C)S, 369; of final cs, rs 367; [z( 101, 105, 106, 118, 26S, 270, 271 , 317, 319, 3()6, 370 sabbat [saba] hb p. 68 xxvii; / j). 117 LIV sable [sa:bl] [sa(!)bl] o 64, p. 25 iv 246 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION sabre [stibr] [sa'ir] a 64 saccade [saka(:)f 1 cc p. 69 xxviii saccader [sakade] cc 173 saccager [sakase] cc p. 69 xxviii saccharin [sakare] cc p. 69 xxviii sa fenetre [sa fneit.r] e 394 Sa Grandeur [sa gradoe:r] S, G 412, p. 161 XIV Sa Grandeur I'eveque de Mar- seille [sa gradneir 1 eve:k da marseij] S, G, M 413 sain [se] ain p. 54 xix saint [se] s 409; p. 161 XIV Saint-Cloud [se klu] d 189 saint Denis [se doni] s 409 sainte [se:t] ain p. 56 xxi B; p. 161 XIV saint Franfois [se fraswa] s 409 Saint-Gaudens [se godeis] s 274, p. 162 Lxv Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois [se 3erme 1 okserwu] x 267 saint Luc [se lyk] c p. 70 xxx saint Marc [se mark] c 178, 340, 341 Saint-Marc a Venise [se ma:r a v(i))nHz] c p. 141 LX Saint-Marc Girardin [se ma:r 3irarde] c 340 saint Martin [se marte] s 409 Saint-Ouen [set wu] ouen p. 65 XXVI Saint-Petersburg [se peterzbuir] (/ 205; s 271 Saint-Quentin [se kate] qu 254 Saint-Roch [se rok] ch p. 73 XXXIII, p. 162 LXV saints [se] p. 161 XIV Saint Thomas d'Aquin [se toma d ake] qu 254 salade [sala(:)d] p. 19 ii salete [salte] e 70, 393 salle [sal] p. 19 ii Salut amical [salyt amikal] 427 samedi [samdi] e 70, 393, p. 30 VI Sa Majeste [sa maseste] S, M 412; p. 161 XIV Sa Majeste Britannique [sa ma- Seste britanik] S, M, B 414 Sa Majeste Catholique [sa ma- 3este katolik] S, M, C 414 Sa Majeste Fidele [sa maseste fidel] S, M, F 414 Sa Majeste imperiale [sa ma- Seste eperjal] S, M413 Sa Majeste la reine [sa maseste la rem] ^f, ilf 413 Sa Majeste la reine d'Angleterre [sa maseste la rem d ugbteir] S, M, A 413 Sa Majeste le czar [sa maseste lo tsa:r] S, M 413 Sa Majeste I'empereur Napo- leon III [sa maseste 1 aproeir napoleS trwa] S, M, A'^ 413 Sa Majeste le roi [sa maseste la rw(i] S, M 413 Sa Majeste le sultan Abdul Medjid [sa mascste la syltci abdyl medjid] S, M, A 413 Samson [saso] )7i 236 Sanchez [saje-s] [sajez] z p. 122 LVIII INDEX 247 sanctifier [saktifje] c p. 70 xxx sanctuaire [saktqeir] c p. 70 xxx sandwich [sudwit5i],£'/iy/w/! [sand- witS] w 157, 308, p. 62 xxiv; d p. 74 XXXV sang [su] an 131, p. 51 xviii, p. 56 XXI B; g 365 sang et eau [sd e o] ^ 365 sang humain [sak yme] g 365 sang impur [sak epy:r] [sa epj'ir] ,j 365 sanglier [suglio] glT^. 79 xxxviii sangsue [sasy] g 204 sans date [sa i 92 sommite [sjmito] m ]>. 57 xxii somnambule [sainiiubyl] om 143; m 234 somnolent [somnolfi] om 143 250 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Son Altesse [s5n altes] S, A 412 Son Altesse I'electeur de Saxe [s5n altes 1 elektoeir do saks] S, A 413 Son Altesse royale [son altes rwcijal] S, A 413; p. 161 XIV sonde [sSid] on p. 56 xxi B son dernier avis [s5 dernjer avi] r 347 Son Eminence [son eminais] S, E 412 Son Eminence le cardinal de Retz [son eminais b kardinal do res] S, ^, 72 413 Son Excellence [son ekseluis] p. 161 XIV songe [s5:3] on 14 songea [sosa] c p. 157 lxiv sonnette [sonet] n p. 57 xxii sonore [sonoir] n p. 96 xlvi sort [so:r] r 166; o p. 43 xi; ^ p. 117 LIV sortie [sorti] tie 292; < p. 117 lii sot [so] [sot] t 300 sotie [soti] t 281 sotte [sot] 107, p. 43 xi; tt 279 sou [su] ou p. 46 XIV souhait [swe] t 295, p. 117 liv soul [su] I 223, 344; o-a p. 46 xiv soulever [sulve] I p. 87 xliu Soulier [sulje] p. 163 lxvii souliers neufs [sulje noef] / p. 76 xxxvi Soult [suit] t 299 soumission [sumisjo] m p. 94 xlv sourcU [sursi] il 230; I 344, p. 163 Lxvi sourd [su:r] ou p. 46 xiv; d p. 74 xxxiv sourd a toutes les demandes [suir a tut le domaid] d p. 141 LX sourde [surd] ou p. 46 xiv sourd et muet [su:r e mqe] d p. 141 LX sous-entendu [suz atady] p. 161 XIV sous le pont [su 1 po] e 394 sous un toit [suz de twa] s 335 soutenir [sutni:r] e 70 soutien [sutje] ti 294; I p. 117 lii souvenir [suvni:r] e 46; n p. 96 XLVI souverain [suvre] e 46, 70, p. 30 VI spalt [spalt] t 299 specimen [spesimen] [spesime] en 133; n 241, p. 157 lxiv specimen a desirer [spesimen a dezire] n 376 sphinx [sfe:ks] x 310 squale [skwal] qu 256, p. 101 XLIX square [skwair] ua 156; qa 256 ss [s] 267, 329 st final 297 stabat mater [stabat mateir] r 263 stagnant [stagna] gn 200 stagnation [stagnasjo] gn 200 stathouder [statudeir] r p. 104 L station [stasjo] a 60; < 285 Strasbourg [strazbuir] s 271; s, g p. 157 LXIV INDEX 251 strict [strikt] t 296 strontium [strosjom] t 288 Stuart [stqair] ua p. 64 xxv stuc [stj-k] c p. 70 XXX style [stil] y 96 su [sy] u p. 46 XV sua [sija] ua IGO, p. 64 xxv suaire [sqt:r] ua p. 64 xxv suant [sqci] uan p. 65 xxvi suave [.snii:\] ua 160, p. 64 xxv subit (sybi(t)] t 299, 300, p. 163 LXVII subordonner [sybordone] h 44 substantial [sj'pstasjel] t 283, p. 117 LIIl sue [syk] c p. 70 xxx successeur [syksesoe:r] cc 176, p. 70 XXIX succinct [sykse] [syksekt] I 300; c p. 71 XXXI, p. 163 Lxvi succion [syksjS] cc p. 70 xxix succulent [sykyla] cc 173 succursale [sykjrsal] u p. 46 xv, p. 161 XIV Sucre [sykr] u [>. 46 xv sud l.sy(:)dl d 190, p. 157 lxiv, p. 163 Lxvi sud-est [syd est] I 297 sud-ouest (syd wr.st] I 297 suerent [siifir] u'c KiO sueur [sqoL'ir] ucu KK), p. 64 xxv Suez [sqe.s] [sqciz] z 316, j). 163 I,X VI suggerer [.sygscre) [sygscrc] 38; yg 203, i». 157 i.xiv suggestion [syK.vsfjr)] gg 203; li 290; l\i. 117 i.ii suif a vendre [sqif a vciidr] / p. 76 xxxvi suinter [sqete] uin 136, 162 suis-je [sqiis] e 69 suivant [sqiva] p. 161 XIV suivre [sqiivr] ui 160 sujetion [sysesjo] t 285 sun [see] w/i p. 56 xxi B suons [sqo] uon 162 superbe [sj^^erb] p 245 supplice [syplis] pp 245 supputer [sji^jie] m p. 46 xv suprematie [sypremasi] ^ p. 117 LIII, J). 157 LXIV sur [sy:r] a p. 46 xv sure [sy:r] ti p. 46 xv sur le pont [s\t b p5] e 394 sur les une heure [syr le yn. oe:r] 371 sumom [sym5] om 141, p. 55 XX sur-plomb [s>t plj] b 339 suspect [.sysjjekt] [syspck] [syspe] ct 181; I 300; ccl 353; p. 163 LXVI suspense [syspuis] s 267 Suzanne [syzan] z p. 122 lviii suzerain [syzre] z p. 122 lviii syUabe [sila(:)b] [silla(:)b] y 96; // KiS; a p. 21 in sympathie [sepati] yni 135; th 279, I). 117 Lii S5rmpt6me [.sf-])to:ml p 24S, p. 98 .\i,\ III syntaxe [setaks] yn 135 synthese fsr-fr:zl .'/" 135 systeme [sistnin] c 87 252 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION t[te][ta]22, 24;92;118; 170; [t] [s] 162, 267, 279-303; final 29.5-303, 350-356, 381, 382; silent 295, 300-303, 350-356 ta [ta] a p. 21 III tabac [taba] a 53; c 180, p. 157 LXIV table [ta(:)bl] a 65; e 69, 391; le 222 tableau [tablo] bl 37; eau p. 39 x tac [tak] c p. 70 xxx tache [ta:S] d 15, 19, 58 tacher [taSe] d 19 tachygraphe [takigraf] ch p. 72 XXXII tact [takt] c p. 70 xxx; t 296, p. 117 LIT, p. 157 LXIV taille [tu:j] a 61 tailleur [tajoe:r] [tajoeir] a 64 taire [teir] ai 84, 123, 321 TaUeyrand [ta(l)lera] ill 232 Talmud [talmyd] d p. 74 xxxv tandis [tddi] ,s p. 157 lxiv tandis que [tadi(s) k(9)] s p. 109 LI tante [ta:t] an 4, 14, 131, p. 56 XXI B; e 46 taon [ta] [to] a 57; o 103 tape [tap] p 4, 245 tard [ta:r] d p. 74 xxxiv tarii' [tarif] / p. 76 xxxvi tas [ta] a 59, p. 25 iv; i 4, 279 tasse [ta:s] a 65, p. 25 iv tasser [tase] a 59 tatons [tato] d p. 25 iv taux [to] X p. 122 Lvii te [to] e 66, 383, 391 technologie [teknobsi] ch 185, p. 73 xxxiii te deum [te deom] e 80, p. 32 vii; um 145 teinte [te:t] ein 4, 135, p. 56 XXI B tel [tel] I 221 telephone [telefon] [telefoin] o 111, p. 43 XI teUement [telma] 46 tempete [tupeit] em 131 temple [ta:pl] em p. 51 xviii temps [tci] em 131; t 279; ps p. 157 LXIV tenacite [tonasite] e 67 tenir [toniir] e 67; r 261 tenture [tfityir] en 131 Terre-Neuve [teir noeiv] 422 terrible [teribl] rr 169; r 259 terrine [terin] rr 167 territoire [teritwair] oi p. 62 XXIV tertio [tersjo] t p. 117 liii tes [tc] [te] e 93 tete [te:t] e 4, 20, 29,84, p. 36 viii tette [tet] e 20, p. 36 via texte [tekst] x 310 th [t] h 209, 279, 329 thaler [talcir] r p. 104 l the [te] h 209 theatre [tea:tr] e, d 30; th 279, 329 theatre de Paris [teaitr da pari] P p. 153 LXiii theme [te:m] th 279 INDEX 253 theocratie [teokra.si] I 2S1 Thiers [tje:r] r 264 Thomas [toma] a 59, p. 25 iv thorax [toraks] x 310 thym [te] ym 135, p. 157 lxiv -ti [sj] [tj] [ti] 110, 280, 281, 289- 291, 293, 294 -tia [tja] ti 294 -tial [sjal] t 280, 282 tiare [tja:r] ti 294 tic [tik] c p. 70 XXX -tie [si] [ti] t 280, 281, 292 -tie [tje] t 293 -tie [tje] t 293 -tiel [sjel] t 280, 283 -tieme [tjcm] ti 293 -tiemement [tjcmma] ti 293 tien [tje] ti 294 -tien [sjf] / 280, 280; [tje] I 294 tieiine [tjcn] ti 294 tient [tje] en 135, p. 54 xrx, p. 157 LXIV -tient [sje] t 280; [sjd] 287 -tier [tje] t 293 tiers [tje:r] r 166, 264 -tiers [tjo] t, ti 293 tiers etat [tje:rz eta] s 366 -ties [ti] t 281 -tieuse [sjoiz] t 280, 284 -tiez [tjo] ti 291 tige [li:3] i 94 tilleul [tijdl] / p. 157 lxiv timidite [timidito] i p. 37 ix tinssiez [tfsjc] in 45 -tio [tj.)] ti 294 -tion [Hjj] I 280, 285 -tions [tjo] li 291 -tium [sjom] t 280, 288 tirelire [tirli:r] i p. 37 ix tiret [tire] 421 tiret (de separation) [tire da se- parasjo] 419 Titien [tisje] t 286, p. 117 liii; t, en p. 162 lxv titiller [titi(l)le] ill 232 toast [tost] [to:st] 57; t 297; a p. 157 lxiv tocsin [tokse] c p. 70 xxx toi [twa] oi 56, 156 tombe [to:b] om 141 tombeau [tSbo] 07n p. 55 xx tome [to:m] o 14, 111 tondre [to.-dr] on p. 56 xxi B topaze [topa:z] [topa:z] a 64; z p. 122 LViii tort [to:r] o 4, 104 toste [tost] o 1 10 tdt [to] o p. 39 X total [total] o 109 tot ou tard [tot u fa:r] 47 Toulon, 7, rue Saint-Georges, le 18 aoiit 1911 [tul5, set, ry se 3or3, b diz ijit u diz nocf sa 5:z] 425 tour [tu:r] ou 4, 119; t 7 tournesol [turnosol] s 269 tournevis [tumovis] e, s p. 163 LXVI tournez s'il vous plait [tume 8 il vu pic] p. 161 XIV tous [tuf:)s] [tu] .s- 275, p. 157 LXIV, on ]). 40 XIV tousse [tus] ou 119, 128, 328, p. 46 XIV 254 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION tout [tu(t)] ou 4, 17, 119, p. 40 XIV Tout a vous [tut a vu] 427 toute [tut] oil p. 46 XIV tout le monde [tu 1 m5:d] e 73 toux [tu] X 315; ou p. 46 xiv traine [trc:n] at 90, p. 49 xvi traineau [treno] ai 90 trait d'lmion [tre d ynj5] 34, 419, 422 tramway [tramwe] [tramwe] w 157, 307 tranquille [trakil] ill 232, p. 157 Lxiv; i p. 37 IX trans before a vowel [traz] 270 transaction [trazaksjo] s 270 transatlantique [trazatlatik] s 270 transept [trase(pt)] s 270; i 299; p p. 98 XLViii transi [trnsi] s 270 transiger [trazise] s 270 transir [trasiir] s 270 transit [trazi(t)] s 270; t 299 transitif [trazitif] .s 270 transition [trazisj5] s 270 transsubstantier [trasypstasje] ti 293; t p. 117 liii Transylvanie [trusilvani] s 270 travail [trava(:)j] a 13, 61; il 155, 225; ail p. 157 lxiv travaille [travaij] a 12, 61, 65; e 46 travailler [travaje] ill 225 trema [trema] 33 tremper [trope] ein-lSl trente-neuf [tra:t noef] / 194 tres habile [trez abil] s 336, p. 141 LIX tresor [trezoir] s 268 triage [tria!3] [trija:3] i 153 tric-trac [trik trak] c p. 70 xxx tril [tri] [tri:j] il 228 trimestre [triinestr] p. 161 XIV triple [tripl] 37 triste [trist] i 94 tristement [tristoma] e 393 triumvir [triomvirr] [trijomvi:r] m235 trois [trwa] oi p. 62 xxiv trois un de suite [trwaz de da sqit] 371 trompe [tro:p] om 4, 141 tromper [trope] om 141 tronc [tro] c 179, 340 tr6ne [trom] 6 97 troner [trone] 6 98 trop [tro] [tro] o 99; p 249 trop eclatant [trop eklata] p 345 trop en avant [trop an ava] p, n 336 trop etroit [trop etrwa] p p. 141 LIX trop hardi [tro ardi] p p. 141 lx trottoir [trotwa:r] r 261 ; U 279 trou [tru] ou p. 46 xiv, p. 49 xvi trouvaille [truvoij] a 61, 65; aille 226 troyen [trwojc] oy p. 62 xxiv Troyen [trwdje] en 135 true [tryk] c p. 70 xxx tt [t] 42, 168, 279 tu [ty] u 17 tua [tqa] ua p. 64 xxv INDEX 255 tu aimes [ty e:m] e 391 tuant [tqa] nan 162 tu argues [ty argy] gue 197 tube [tyb] « p. 46 xv tubulaire [tybykir] u p. 46 xv tu chatieras [ty ^atira] t 2S1 tu donnes [ty djii] c p. 30 w tuer [tqe] we 160 tueur [tqoe:r] ucu, 160, p. 64 XXV tueuse [tq0:z] ueu 160, p. 64 XXV tu fatiguas [ty fatiga] gua 197 tuile [tqi(:jl] ui p. 64 xxv tuileries [tqilri] ui p. 64 XXV tulle [tyl] XL p. 46 xv tumulte [tyniylt] u p. 46 xv tuons [tqo] uon 162, p. 6o xxvi tu paries [ty pari] e p. 30 vi tu peux [iy po] x p. 122 lvii turc [tyrk] a 121; c 255 turf [tyrf] / p. 76 xxx\t turque (t\Tk] qu 255 tu sais [ty sf] [ty se] ai 82, 124, 322, 1). 32 VII Tusculum [tyskylom] m 235 tu tords [ty to:r] d p. 74 xxxiv tu t'y es mis [ty t i e mi] 384 tuyau [Iqijo] [tyjo] 46; uy 160, p. 64 xxv typhus [tify:s] s 275 U u [y] 22, 21; [q] ir)S; pronoiinfcd after g H)7; yilcnf after g 197; silent 202 fi [y] IX un avis important [d'n avi eporta] .s 3()9 un banc a dos \('v bo a do] c p. Ill i.x un beau manage [li' bo marja:3] I ■ 102 un bel angora [ti fg ekse- si:v] 711 373, p. 141 lx une megere [yn meseir] m p. 153 LXIII un enfant [oen ufd] n 375 une petite [yn patit]p 74, 393, 394 Une poignee de main [yn pwajie (pojie) da me] 427 une robe de florence [yn ra(:)b da flora :s] / 400 une robe de madras [yn ro(:)b da madra:s] m 400 une semaine [yn same(:)n] e 394 une sirene [yn sire(:)n] s p. 152 LXIII une statue en carrare [yn staty a karair] c 400 un et deux font trois [de e do fa trwa] n p. 141 lx im etre actif [(pn e:tr aktif] e 73 Une VieUle maitresse [yn vje(:)j metres] V 402 un excellent homme [den ekselat am] t 350 un faime [& fo:n] / p. 152 lxiii un fort argument en sa faveiu* [de fa:rt argymat a sa favceir] t p. 141 LIX un fort athlete [de fart atlet] 1 352 un froid accueil [de frwat akoeij] d 362 tm garfon indolent [de gars5 edold] n p. 141 lx un grand homme [de grat am] d 362 un hermes [den erm8(:)s] h p. 153 LXIII uniforme [ynifarm] n 239 un illustre Parisien [den ilystr parizje] P 399 union [J^lja] ji. 19 11 un Irlandais [den irlade] / 399 univers [>Tiive:r] r 264 universite [yniversite] 16 im joug intolerable [de 3uk eta- lera(:)bl] g p. 141 lix INDEX 257 Un Manage dans le monde [de marja:3 da b m3:d] M 402 un mentor [de meto:r] jn p. 153 LXIII un metre d'angleterre [de me(!)tr d agbte:r] a 400 un missel [de miscl] m p. 152 LXIII un noble venitien [de nobl ve- ni.sjt:-] V 399 im nom anglais [& n5 agle] m p. 141 LX im nom illustre [cb n3 iUystr] m 373 un oeuf dur [den oe dy:r] / 193 un oeuf frais [den oe fre] / 193 un oeuf gate [den cef gate] / p. 76 xxxvi un OS [den o:s] [den os] s p. 156 Lxrv un parfum exquis [de parfde ek- .ski) III 373 un phaeton [de faet5] p p. 153 LXIII im pore-epic [de pork epik] c p. 141 LIX im pot de biere [de po d bjeir] e 394 un riche Americain [de rij ame- rikP) .1 399 im satyre [de sati:r] s p. 152 lxiii un savant allemand [de sava aliiin] (/ 399 im succes inattendu [(Jb sykscz inatddy] s 366 un tartufe [db tarty f] t p. 153 LXlIl im triton [de trit5] t p. 152 Lxin un un mal fait [cen de mal fe] 371 un verre de biere [de veir da bje:r] e 394 un vieillard infirme [cfe vjejair efirm] d 364 xmze [de:z] un p. 56 xxi B -uon [qj] 161, 162 Urgent [jT3a] 431; t p. 117 ltv Ursule [yrs\'l] m p. 46 xv us [y:.s] [y] s 275 -utes [yt] il 15 -utie [ysi] t 281 utile [jiil] u p. 46 xv UxeUes [ysd] x 267, 313 -uy [qi] 158, 160 V [ve] [v9] 22, 24; [v] 304, 338 vache [vaS] ch p. 72 xxxii vaciller [vasilo] ill 232 vade-ir ecum [vade mekom] um 145 vaille [va:j] a 61 vaincre [ve:kr] cr 37; c 255 vaincrez [vekre] ain 135 vaincs [ve] cs 164, c 179 vaincu [vf:ky] c 255 vainquant [vfko] qu 255 vainquez [vtko] qu 255 vainquis [vcki] qu 254, 255 vainquons [vf-kj] qu 254, 255 valet [vak] v p. 118 LV valse [vals] a p. 21 in valu [valy] v p. 118 lv valve [valv] ;; p. 118 lv 258 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION vanille [vani(!)j] ill P- 90 xliv vase [vcKz] a 60 vasistas [vazistais] s 275, p. 157 LXIV Vaud [vo] d p. 74 xxxrv vaudeville [vodvil] ill 232 Vaugelas [vo3la] a 59 vaux [vo] au p. 49 xvi veau [vo] emi 102, p. 39 x veille [ve(:)j] ill p. 157 lxiv veilleuse [vejo:z] e 91; ei p. 36 VIII ; ill p. 90 XLiv veine [vein] ci 90 Velasquez [velaskes] z 267 vende [void] en p. 56 xxi B vendeen [vadee] en 136 vendetta [vedetta] en p. 157 LXIV vendredi [vadradi] en 131; e 393 venez [vane] z 318 Veniat [venjat] t p. 117 lii Venise [voni:z] i p. 37 rx Venitien [venisjc] t 286 vent [va] v 4, 304, p. 118 LV Venus [venyis] s 274 ver [vc:r] e 13; r 263 Vera Cruz [vera kry:z] z 319 verdict [vedi(k)] [verdikt] t 300 verger [verse] r 262 verglas [vergla] a 59 vergogne [vergoji] gn p. 81 XL vermeil [verme(:)j] il p. 90 xliv vermput(h) [vermut] th 299; t p. 163 Lxvi vers [ve:r] r 166, 264 Versailles [versaij] a 61; ill p. 90 xliv; V p. 118 Lv; aill p. 162 LXV vers les una heure [ver le yn cEir] s 369, 371 vers un endroit [ver ce(n) adrwa] «367 vert [veir] r 166; t p. 117 liv verte [vert] e 91, p. 36 viii verveine [verve(:)n] v p. 118 lv vestiaire [vestjeir] iai 152; ti 290 vete [ve:t] c 85 vetir [vetiir] e 86 veto [veto] e 80 veuf [voef] / p. 76 xxxvi veuf en secondes noces [voef a sagoid nas] / 342 veuille [vccij] euille 226; ill p. 90 XLIV Veuillez accepter, Madame, I'as- surance de ma parfaite et af- fectueuse consideration [vce- jcz akscpte, madam, 1 asjTais do ma parfet e afektqoiz kosi- derasjo] 429 Veuillez accepter, Madame, mes salutations respectueuses [voe- jez aksepte, madam, me saly- tasj5 respektqoiz] 429 Veuillez agreer, cher Monsieur, avec tons mes remerciements, I'assurance de mes sentiments bien devoues [vcejez agree, Se:r masjo, avek tu me romer- sima, 1 asyrais do me satima bje devw'e] 428 Veuillez agreer. Monsieur, i'as- surance de mes sentiments INDEX 259 distingues [va?jez agree, mas- jo, 1 as>Ta:s da me satima dis- tege] 428 veuillez entrer [vcrjez at re] z 333 Veuillez me rappeler au bon sou- venir de [voeje ma raple o bo suvniir do] 430 veuve [vcr:v] cu 127, 327, p. 45 xiii; V 304; p. 161 XIV veux [vo] cu p. 44 xii viande [vja:d] ian p. 65 xx\t vicomte [vikoit] p. 161 XIV vicomtesse [vikotcs] p. 161 XIV victoire [vikt\va:r] oi 56 vie [vi] c 69; i 94 vieil [vjc:j] itil 226 viellard [vjejair] d p. 74 xxxiv; // J). 90 XLiv vieille [vjt::j] tilU 226; ill p. 157 LXIV vieillir [vjcjhr] ill p. 90 xliv viendra [vjtdra] icn p. 65 xxvi viemie [vjtn] v p. 118 lv viens [vjt] en 135, p. 54 xix vif [vif] i 94 vif-argent [vif ar5ri]/p. 76 xxxvi vif eclat [vif ckla] / 342 vigoureux [viguro] (jo p. 79 xxxviii vU [vil] I 165; il 229 vilain [villi] v p. 118 lv village [viUl)a:3] ill 232 ville (vilj (7/ 2:'.2; i p. 37 ix Villeneuve-le-Comte [vilii(i:v 1.) k5:t] F, C 410 Villmain [vilrnf] ill 232 vin [vf] in 17, 135, f). 56 xxi B vinaigre [vineigr] n p. 96 xlvi vin de Champagne [ve d Sapaji] c394 vindicte [vedikt] c p. 70 xxx vingt [ve] g 205, 213; t 302; gl p. 157 LXIV vingt chevaux [ve Jovo] t p. 157 LXIV vingt-deux [vet do] I 303, p. 157 LXIV vingt et un [vet e (c] t 303 vingt hommes [vet jin] I 302 vingt-huit [vet qit] t p. 157 lxiv vingtieme [vetjem] li 293; t p. 117 LII vingt-neuf [vetnoef] I 303, p. 157 LXIV vingt soldats [ve solda] t 302 vingt-trois [\'et tnvu] t 303 vinssions [vesj5] in 45 violence [vjaluis] en 131 violette [vj.jlct] io 152 violon [vjolo] io p. 60 xxiii virgule [virgyl] 419 vis [vis] ,s 275, p. 163 Lxvi vis-^-vis [viz a vi] s p. 163 lxvi Visigoth [vizigo] I 301 vitre [vitr] 37 vitrine [vitriii] i \>. 37 ix vivace [viva-s] v 304 vivant [vivu] v p. llS lv vivat [viva] [vivat] t 300 vivre [vi:vr] v p. 118 lv vizir [vizi:r] 2 316 VCEU [v(»] en II. 44 Xll vceux jvo] eu 114, 127; (i:xl 326 voguons [v.)gj] (j\i p. 79 xxxviii 260 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION voila [\'Tvala] a 50 voila le facteur [vwala 1 faktoeir] c 73 voir [vwa:r] v 304 Voir tome III, chapitre IV de I'ouvrage [vwa:r toim trwa, Sapitr katr do 1 u\Tai3] 415 voisin [vwaze] oi 156 voix [vwa] a; 315 volaille [vola:j] aille 226; I p. 87 XLIII volatil [volatil] il 229 volontiers [volatje] ii 293 volontiers a mes ordres [volStje a mez jrdro] s 369 voltairien [volterje] v 399 volubilis [volybili:s] s p. 163 LXVI vont [v5] on p. 56 xxi B;vp. 118 LV Vosges [vo:3] [vo:3] s 272, p. 162 LXV, p. 163 LXVI Vos Majestes [vo maseste] V, M 412 votre [votr] o 106; ?; p. 118 lv votre [voitr] v p. 118 lv Votre amie affectionnee [votr ami afeksjone] 429 Votre ami sincere (fidele) [votr ami sese:r (fidel)], 427 Votre bien sincere [votr bje se- se:r] 429 Votre Majeste [votr maseste] V, M 412 Votre tout devoue [votr tu devwe] 427 vouloir [\ailwa:r] v 304 vouons [\Tv5] ouon p. 65 xxvi vous aimates [\aiz ematj a 51 vous aimez a lire [vuz emez a li:r] z 357 vous allez a Paris [vuz alez a pari] z 357 Vous avez ete au pare [vuz avez ete o park] s, z p. 141 lix vous avez eu [vuz avez y] s, z 333 vous divaguates [vu divagat] gua 197 Vous en avez assez [vuz on avez ase] s, 11, z p. 141 lix vous etes [vuz et] 15 vous le dites [vu 1 dit] e 73 vous mourrez [vu murre] rr 168 vous naviguates [vu navigat] gud 197 vous parlates [vu parlat] a 51 Voyage autour du monde [vwa- ja:3 otu:r dy m3:d] V 404 voyageur [vwajasoe.-r] ge p. 80 xxxrx voyelle [vwajel] ?/ 154 voyez-le [vwaje b] e 385 vrai [\T8] ai 82, 90, p. 36 viii; v 304 vraisemblable [vresablabl] s 269 vu [vy] u p. 46 XV vun [vde] un p. 56 xxi B W w [dubl ve] [dubl vo] 22, 24; [v] 306, 307; [w] 157, 308 Wagner [vagneir] w, r p. 163 LXVI INDEX 261 wagon [vag5] 22; w 307 Wagram [vagram] am 132; TF 307 Walker [valke:r] W, p. 119 lvi Wallon [valo] TV p. 119 lvi Walpole [valpol] TF p. 119 lvi Walter Scott [valter skot] TF 307 warrant [vara] iv p. 119 l^t Warwick [^arvik] TF 306 Washington [vazcgtS] [wo^inton] W 307; p. 162 lxv Waterloo [vaterlu] TF 306 water-proof [vater pruf] w 307 Watteau [vato] TT' p. 119 lvi Weber [vebc:r] TT' 307; r p. 163 LXVI Weimar [vema:r] TT^ p. 119 lvi Wellington [vel£gt5] TF p. 119 LVI Weser [ve2e:r] r p. 104 l; lu p. 119 LVI wh [w] 157, 309, 329 Whig [wig] nVi 309 whiskey [wiskc-] [wlski] wh 157, 309 whist [wist] wh 157, 309, 329; t 297 Wiesbaden [visbaden] TF p. 119 LVI wigwam [wiirwam] w 30S Winkelmann [vekthnan] TF p. 119 lvi Wisigoth [vizig(j] IF 307 Wissenbourg [visCljuir] IF p. 119 LVI wolfram [v.)Ifrain] w p. 119 l\ i Worms [v.)nii.sl ir p. 119 lvi Wurtemberg [vyrluljtir] fj 205 X X [iks] [ks9] [gza] 22, 24; 41; [ks] [k] [gz] [s] [z] 267, 280, 310- 315, 317, 372; sUent 315 xaintrailles [setra:j] x 313 xanthe [gza:t] x 312 Xanthus [gzatyis] x 312 Xantippe [gzatip] X 312 Xavier [gzavje] X 312 Xenophon [gzenofjn] X 312 Xerxes [gzerseis] x 267, 312 y [igrek] [i] 22, 24; [i] 94, 96; 383; [j] 152-154; i+i [j] 125, 159, 224; between vowels =t+i 154 -ya [ja] 152 yacht [jak(t)] [jot] 371; y p. 60 XXIII -yen [jf] 136, 162 yeux [jo] y 4, 154, p. 60 xxiii; eu 114 -ym [v] 135 -jrmn [iinn] 140 -yn [f] 135 Yolande [j.jlaid] y 154 yole [jjl] y 154, p. 60 xxiii z [zed] [zo]4;22, 24; [s] 267; [z] 310; final [z] [s] 318, 319, 357- 3(11 Zacharie [zakari] ch p. 73 xxxui 262 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION zadig [zadig] g 206 zebre [zebr] z p. 122 lviii zele [ze(:)l] z 4, 316 Zenith [zenit] th 299 zero [zero] o 99; z 316 zest [zest] t 297, 299 zigzag [zigza(:)g] g 206; z p. 122 LVIII zinc [ze:k] [ze:g] c 179, p. 70 xxx, p. 163 Lxvi zone [zo:n]ol4, 111, p. 39 x;3316 Zurich [zyrik] c/i p. 73 xxxiii Besides Nyrop's Manuel phonetique, mentioned in the Index under the letter H, the following useful books bearing on the subject here treated were received during the preparation of the present work: DuMviLLE, Benj. Elements of French pronunciation and diction. London (Dent & Sons), 1912. ScHOLLE and Smith. Elementary phonetics: English, French, Ger- man; 2d edition. London (Blackie & Son), 1907. OXFORD FRENCH SERIES BY AMERICAN SCHOLARS General Editor: Raymond Weeks, Ph.D. Professor of the Romance LanguagescSf Literatures in Columhia Univrrsify A History of French Literature. By Prof. C. H. C. Wright, Harvard University. This is a convenient and comprehensive history of French Literature, written in English, tracing the literary development of the French people from the Middle Ages to the present day. Prof. Wright has produced a work which might truly be called "a literary history of France," in which he throws much light on many old themes in a bright and unconventional way. There is a very complete bibliography and index. 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