^ f/IM PLOUGH. '® [1]®!I1]'@[1I® [11®!!]®! — 4i THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES IBw HULL AND YORKSHIRE FRESCOES. Of this Booh only Four Hiiivdred Copies have been printed, of which this is Jfo. y^^T^C^ HULL AND YORKSHIRE FRESCOES: H poetical ^cav^'Booh ot ** Specimen Bax^s." BY EDWARD LAMPLOUGH. " But all these things are past away — Gone like a shadow, or the wind." — Victor Hugo. PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION. HULL: CHARLES HENRY BARNWELL, BOND STREET. i8SS. PR EF A C E. A PREFACE to " Frescoes " is almost unnecessary, since' its circulation is confined to a small number of subscribers and private friends, to whom the intention has been sufficiently, if not fully, explained. It is, however, within the bounds of the possible that an odd copy may survive the mutations of the next half-century, when probably few, if any, of the original subscribers will be existing under the present conditions of being ; and should such a surviving copy fall into the hands of a curious antiquary, the absence of a preface may cause much trouble to his soul, and perhaps originate many cunningly devised speculations, whose deviation from the truth will probably be in exact proportion to the ingenuity of the reasoning. To obviate even so remote a contingency it may be well to write a preface, even if it be read by no other person than the supposititous antiquary of the twentieth century. The first intention was to write a short poem for each day of the year, and to deal chiefly with incidents of Hull or Yorkshire history. " Frescoes " being my last production, I resolved to add to it a list of subscribers, simply for the personal pleasure to be derived from such an association. Afterwards it occurred to me that, by attaching the names of the subscribers to the poems, the association would be more direct, and more pleasing to myself. Considerable delicacy was felt by many of the subscribers, but their scruples were satisfied by the explanation that there was no intention to give 868757 VI. honour, or to deal with empty compliments, the association being really to increase the interest of the book, which partakes largely of the character of a souvenir volume. My connection with the Hull Literary Club since its foundation in 1880, sufficiently explains my dealing with a few of its lecture- subjects. There is no pretention to fine writing in " Frescoes," the historic pictures being rudely cut, the intention being to reflect the off-hand, impulsive expression of those who were spectators, or actors in the scenes recorded. The only indulgence claimed from my readers is that of re- minding them of the bonds in which I have worked— being in most cases confined to certain subjects, and in all cases limited to a certain number of lines. Once commenced, the book had to be completed quickly, and certainly it has been produced under except- ional difficulties. I had hoped to include in " Frescoes " a larger number of poems from the pen of my brother, D. D. Lamplough, but his untimely death deprived me of this pleasure. The production of" Frescoes" has involved much correspondence, frequently of great interest ; and if, in some instances, I have not responded so fully as I could have wished, it has not been through any neglect, but the result of unavoidable pressure, beyond my control. To the following gentlemen who have kindly assisted me by contributing to " Frescoes," I beg to express my best thanks : the Rev. C. Best Norcliffe, M.A., D. D. Lamplough, Bernard Batigan, J. R. Tutin, F. L. Shillito, G. Ackroyd, Geo. Wilson, H. Hall. Spring Bank, Hull, November "jih, 1888, CONTENTS. What is a Year ? Specimen Days My Childhood's Friends January The Threshold of the Year - On Capt. Hotham's Death - On Sir J. Hotham's Death ■ Death of Richard Hanson ■ Greetings Our Volunteers A Legend of the Crusades Education and Culture Beaconsfield and Gladstone • Return of the Diana The Death of the Mayoress John Ruskin - Geology Obsolete Punishments The Merchant of Venice Through Mazes Dim Othello King Edwin's Lament The Crown of Thorns Melancholy - Druidism The True Poet Chaplets and Crowns A Memorial, 1887 Dean Swift - Charles under Judgment Hope Rev. C. Best Norcliffe, M.A. Walt Whitman - PAGE. I 2 3 Alfred Austin - - -4 Austin Dobson • - - 5 Jas. Stoole - - -6 Geo. B. Newton - - - 7 John Binks - - - 8 The Lady Membeys of the Hull Sketching Club - - 9 Lieut. Col. H. F. Pudsey - 10 Mrs. Travis-Cook - .11 Hull Literary Club - 12 John Leng, Hull Literary Club - 13 Thomas Straiten, J.P. - - 14 - 15 F.R. Chapman, MB. (H.L.C.) 16 F.F. Walton, M.R.C.S.,