IMiGt LISRAftY 6P PbUCATfOW UNIVERSITY Or CULiFORPM^ BE«K€LEY. CAUFO/»W»A« UC-NRLF !t r -11 f > The educational principled and methods of the Philippine school system and their adaptability to the present needs of Siam By Bertram Bethuel Bronson A.B. (Nazarene University) 1915. THESIS Submitted in pp.rtial satisfaction of the requirements for the dep;ree of UAST-m OF ARTS in Education in the GRADUATE DIVISION of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIKPNIA Approved Instructor in Charice Deposited in the University Library Date Librarian ONPEPT- C OBTEHTS Preface • «»#9«>9f#p«. p.i-lli Introduction World's interest in Philippine colonial policy - principles of President McKinley - the ideals of the American school system in the Islands - the whole plan purposive - the chief characteristics of adaptability and plasticity - the influence of the school in occupation of '98 - breaking the ground for the Burenu'a work - freedom of teachers and staff - the work experimental - the teachers' interest - the Peoples' interest • the effectiveness of the Bureau of Education - its organization by Dr. BarroT?rs a marked success — p .1-10 Chapter I The principles of the Hillippine System. 1^. Principles. Adaptation to natural "Conditions end resources - an agricultur- al people ?/ith physical needs greatest - under bordens . 2. Principles based on existing needs - no selfish motive in f'overnsaental plan - aim altruistic and well rounded (a) con- sideration of world markets in plan for development (b) develop.ient with exist- ing industries as basis (c) purpose in social developiiient (d) health considera- tions - various principles involved - the end of tJiia induistrical education - civic and social regenerallon important - the part played by health conditions 3. Principles based on psychological condl- Tiona •• use of natural agencies to aid mental processes - the chief charactoristlcs of mind « racial and tribal hinderances - the three general directions of work: (1) development of strongest qualities (2) creation of new Int^irests (3) changing of habits - some native traits used »• basis of appeal - things to be changed ..•»•*.••••••• pp .11-28 Chap ter II The Methods of Applying these Principles. Nature of the ca?gan of nethod * its offices - first methods of proceediu"'e - the teacher - the method of unifying the work - language - development of the syston - schools - the districts • co-operation of the people « the native teacher - his value and usefulness - practical methods used 1. tiio gradtial growth frori hcs-ne industries 2. progrssj^lve agricul- tural plans 3* social a^^enciea and methods 4. methods of treating psychological conditions - some agencies In use.... .. •♦•♦«♦•#•*•• pp. 29-45 Chapter III The Adaptability of these Principlos and Methods to the He© da of Siom* 1. Natural conditions considered - the first gr-ound for applying the principles and methods of the Philippines (a) comparison :;s to geogra- phical location (b) Similarity in climate, topography, soil, and seasons (c) ccsnparlson as to products and honie industries at the time of the American occuj>ation of the P.J. (d) the two populations, racial traits, life, habits - the lingiiiatic aituotloi. (e) sane cawion points in historical backrTound. - religious influence in life • the part of aniiiiisin - tlie folk-lore, fetish and religious rites and of ft, rings. 8. 'ilie Present Status of the Siamese education- al syst-em.- number of years organized - measure of its success by influence in nations * life and interest of the people - the organization - Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation mx0«r7i9lmk miA t«a«3iiisg f ai*ee » iRNHMSifts of leerxilna «• tools and laboratarla« • th« t&xt And methode of teaohlng « t^e profiuets of th6 ftohool •» opiniOQ ^ Prine* {>lt«erintendent*s task also to know the needs and provide the material of learning to meet them. Tt was his duty to hold fast to - all that was best in Filipino oharaoter, and supplement it f- Worcester, Philippine Islands Past and Present, V.3, pp. 504, 505. a Orone, M. E. A.. 1915, 166 ff. 8 1 with tha best we had to offer. And we kaow he went to 3 work to eolve the taska with an earnestneas unsurpasaed. Inside of a few years they won the favor and co-operation of the people whioh has resulted in insistent demands for more schools, even among the wild tribes of the Igorots and among the anti-ohristian Uoro tribes. A thousand sohools could be bisilt tomorrow and all filled were there fimds to carry them on and sustain a high standard. There are over six hundred thousand in the schools, about one Inin- dred thousand have been turned away inside a year and there are two or three hundred thousand who would like to enter but oannot because of economic conditions of the home th(t require their presence there rather than at the school. The school in many a town is looked up to as the pride of the town; it is the fountain of Inspiration; it is the 3 open door toward a better living. I Crone, National Educational Association, 1915, 167ff. 2 Ibid., 166. 3 Goode, P. Our Educational Experiment in the Philip- pines, pp. 4,5. 9. This extensive work has been made possible only through the central organization of the Bureau of Fducation. But It is Interesting to note that the policy and organization of this Bureau has been the result of gradual crystalliza- tion of practical experience. It took permanent form in 1903-4 under the direction of President Barrows of the University of California, then the Director of the Bureau of Education. It is one of the most absolute of bureaus in existence today. It is organized and equipped for effective work, and can carry out promptly and effectively the policies determined by the central office. At the same time it is still growing, still enlarging, still learning more of the people, their needs and th^ remedial agencies. The directors are most willing to get advice from the teachers and superintendents and forge the policies of the Bureau in accordance with these ideas given from the field of action. This Bureau through its years of service has brought about a profound change in public sentiment. It has creat- ed new ideals, new ambitions, new hopes. The Influence from the school has reached the home for not only 10 mental and physloal lmproT«nent , but also for moral and splritxMil. The change wrought has been of baelo im- portance to the country. The results gained are as great as they are because of the recognised need of changes that are fundamental. When at the first it was apparent that any educational system adhering cloaely to acedemi*^ studies would simply serve to perpetuate the poverty and servile conditions of the people, those in charge of the situation, being free to work out their beet plana, saved the situation by daring to ignore the force of tradition, and they have proved to be the savers of a people. Because of the marked success of this educational experiment we wish to make an analysis of the principles which were the basis of this exceptional m.ethod that the same principles nay be adapted to the educational needs of the people and schools of Siam. 11 Chapter I THF PRINCIPLES OP THF SYSTEM. The educatloiml policy of the Philippine Islands was not an assimilative policy. Its end was not be >-Six Americanize nor Anpflo-Sixonlze, but to make better Fll- 1 Iplnos. It did not aim to suppress native character nor sacrifice any of Its excellency. Its purpose was to help them to adopt and fit to their own conditions and purposes the common civilization of the Western world. Principles Involved Not only In the days of definite organlza- , Adaptation to Natural Conditions and Resources. tlon In policy and practice but In the ear- lier formative periods the teacher and supervisor and director saw the necessity of maklrpc the educational training adapt Itself to the natural condi- tions of the country. This meant at once the persuance of an agricultural program. At the time of American occupation the census showed that of 1,958,400 men engaged In occupations 1,145,230 1 Barrows, D.P., Fifth Annual Report of Director of Education, 1905, p. 15 12. were fanners or farm laborers. The majority of these owned their own farms which were of an averap;e of about nine acres. "The hope of the school Is to solve this 1 problem of making better farmers." In spite of the fact that such a large part of the workers are independent land holders. In order to live and prevent starvation they are forced to borrow from the wealthy proprietors which means the continued mortgaging of the future. In spite of the richness of the tropical lands, the abundance of natural foods, and aids In development, the people were undernour- ished and unprotected, and thus continually subject to the ravages of disease. The first consideration, therefore, of this purposive education was to make the land serve and adequately sustain the people and the people develop the land as a foundation of a higher development. How absurd it would have been to neglect or Ignore the great question of agricultural development and train- ing when most of the people live in towns and villages 1 Barrows, D.P., Fifth Annual Report of Director of T^ducation, Philippine Islands, p. 16. 13. at the edge of their rioe fields, and most of them are 1 very fond and careful of their little estates. But the laok of proper implements and also of the proper water supply make It Impossible for them to make a living and they must fall hack on day labor zor some large proprietor or have other income from a small family industry. In very few oases is the Filipino an Independent farmer and at almost all time he is at 2 the mercy of the money lender. Principles Involved. "Their betterment is the task of i. Principles of Education education in these islands. Very Based on Existing Needs of the differing policies have been held People. before the American Government in the Islands; policies of economic develop- ment by outside capital and Imported labor; of the grant- ing of large franchises » the creation of large corpora- tions; the development of a great commercial colony, but for the educator the ideal to be achieved here is that of I LeRoy, J. A,, Philippine Life in Town and Country, pp. 44, 71 2 Report of Philippine Commission, 1900, Vol. 4, p. 99. also LeRoy, Philippine Life in Town and Country, pp. 44,11. 14 a pprowlnif, thrlvlnp population, able to speftk a ccmmon lanf!!uap:«, two third a a^rl cultural, all economically Inda- p«nd«nt, owning the farma they till, trained to better method « of agriculture and industry, able to read and under- stand the newspapers, *>le to keep accounts, to figure out profits. Interest, c«MiBnl88lon and other simple matters of business; subsisting on a more varied and nutritious diet, living in better houses, in -rUlaines and towns with sanitary sources of water supply and sanitary systems for the dis- posal of sewerage; the government of which conmunltles the people shall understand and In which they shall actively and intelligently participate. These are the results which this Bure«%u is spending nine tenths of its thought 1 and effort to help attain." Practical instruction In relationship to the needs of the people «m we find them Is, then, the purpose of the system. The consideration of the mental qualifications of the people in this vocational syatero sill be discussed in the next general topic, number S. The considerations on which efficient instruction was first and Is still given Barrows, D.P., Fifth Annual Report, Director of Fdu- oation, pp. SO, 21. 15 are grouped as follows: a. Instruction in lines for production that will be recognized In the world's aiarketo. If the people are to prosper and develop they must have the encouragement of aohievement in world spheres as well as of the finandial returns themselves. b. Education must be along the lines of the preseil industries, and these lines of work already existing mus^ be developed as paying propositions to the people. In the faam industries, textiles and traders, or whatever crafts there may be, the aim of the Bureau of Education is to make them a means of livlihood, social and economic development, and character building. o. The school life mytst create a new social life and must bring a social unity. That will result in an intelligent participation in government by all, in other words, there must be universal suffrage. It must train for citizenship and must instill the true idea of publio service. d. The Department of Education must improve the health of the people by introducing new foods, instruotS^S 16. In the care and development of the body, and also bring to the consciousness of the people the need and beneficial results of sanitation. In the producing of goods for a world market there are other elements than the immediate return of financial gain* It requires that they know the products that are marketable, and in what quantities. It teaches the pro- portion of production *nd also It challenges them to develop a real skill, that the articles produced may bring a fair profit* Ho considerable branch of exportation Is found which does not come from the vegetable kingdom, obtained in the 1 first instance by field labor. The hope, then, of the 2 nation is in the development of the peasant producer, the development of the land, the natural products and then those adapted, the natural resources such as water supply, and improvement in tools and methods. Where much was produced in the way of rice, cocoanut, sugar, etc., it was on the estate of the landed owner and by the tenants 1 R(»port of the Philippine Commission, 1900, Vol.4, p. 6 2 Barrows, D.P., Flghth Annual Report of Director of Mu cat ion, p. 9. 17. on the Indebted peftsant proprietor. There was therefore no Inspiration to develop or to increase production among the masses who most needed Improvement. The hope for a free people Is their independence in aprioulture and the trades; and this freedom is the hope of the Islands* To awaken the dependent fajnner is no small task. Hie labor, such as it was, brought but little in returns to himself - to get him to increase his efforts therefore, he must see the benefits of hi& labor. This has been one of the principal objects of the educational develop- ment. Rome of the principles involved are, (1) to develop a sympathetic and enthusiastic attitude toward labor, (2) to cnoouratre industrious habits, (3) to teach the fundamentals of good craftsmanship, (4) to teach trades by which the pupil may live and improve his condition when he leaves school. The true end of the Industrial in- struction is (1) to teach character, the value of labor, skill, etc., (2) the development of local industries along the existing lines - improving natural products and methods, and, (3) the marketing of the products In a beneficial way. 18 Previous to 1698 there were onlj a half-dozen seoondary aohools In the Islands and these as well as the primary sohools were for the boys and girls of the landed 1 arlstocraoy, offering no chance for the masses. We hard- ly wonder that the Filipinos revolted against the rule of Spain when we see how surely she planned to keep th« pecrle servile. Woman's position was high, parallel to man's. In soolal life, in the house, and in business she was his equal. But they have never enjoyed the same educational privileges, and perhaps never will be entirely on the same plane, but the hope of the land, nevertheless, depends on educated womanhood. The purpose of the United States in respect to citizenship is to educate all the children and tbts produce a race with suffer&ge rights based on true literacy; to educate a body of leaders from among their own people t ready and able to govern with equity a long suppressed lower class; to educate and thus break down the Le Roy, Philippine Life in Town and Coimtry, p. 309 3 Bu-rrows, D.P, , Eighth Anntial Report Director of Education, "pp. 40. 41. 19 barrier between the upper and lower olaaaes by the creation of a democrat io middle olaae. The ohiaf obataole to eoolal and economic progresa was "caclqulan" or "boaalam". There waa no hope of true development until It should be removed Education of course la the agency, and the results attained are moat striking. The aim of the school Is to create a better home atmosphere, to make a new aplrlt In the home. In the community the aim has been civic righteousness and unity, by creating public spirit which centered from the first In the school and Its new activities, and now extends into all the country. The matter of Improving the health conditions has been for the aost part the concern of the Bureau of Edu- cation. From the first the teacher was as Interested In the life conditions of the people as he was in giving In- structlon. He realised that his work touched the whole life of the people, and that his work must affect and be sffccted by the whole of the social fabric. The first American teachers saw the pitiable poverty and constant hunger of the people. The helplessness of the people 20 < In the midst of imllmlted resources was what put the teachers on their mettle. These resources were unrecog- nized and unused. Then, there was no co-operation in the system nor from the people, though all the teachers 1 were working for their betterment. Tlie alms that were conscious and developing were, (1) To Improve the diet of the people by Improving the local foods and their preparation, and by the Introduction of new foods to supply the lacking food qualities needed for a balanced diet. (2) To Improve the physique by better food and universal physical training. Many were going on by sheer force of will, since their bodies which were well formed, supple and enduring could not sustain them In the work to be done. (3) To Improve sanitary conditions, remov- ing the causes of disease and the agencies by which It spreads, and giving instruction in combating It in specific cases. (4) To overcome physical defects of eye, ear or any organ of the body, by means of pr':>ner medical atten- tion. 1 H. Miller, In National Educational Association Report, 1915, p. 1116. 21 To describe fully the conditions of the Filipinos at the time when our government took over the Islands is Impossible here, but suffice it to say that most travelers and dwellers in the Par Fast thought it impossible to ever bring such ideals as ti e Bureau proposed into the life of this backward race; and it was only because of in- vincible faith and Incomparable zeal, that, by steadfast labor, the government has practically accomplished its alms. Principles Involved This Purposive Education has for its aim the 3. Psychological highest possible development of the natural principles based on the condition mental characteristics. This naturally la of the mind of the people. the result of the belief that mental character- istics are in accord with the natural surround- ings. If life conditions call for a struggle and the creation of new life habits then the mind will be by nature creative. But in the Philippines there is no demand for a conflict. All that is required to perpet- uate life la the development of the abundant resources. This simple adjustment to life does not make creative, but rather imitative minds. These strong social traits and the lesser ones also have had a great part in the present constructive system of instruction. 3 *» At first «oai« thought tha BX>8t diffioult problem would be to unify the very widely differing tribee or to adapt a mtMf aided syeteat to meet their individual social oharactsriotios. It wae soon discovered, how- ever, that the social stock is honogeneous - that the varying degrees of civilisation and praotioal diverg- ences £^re not as gr at as the social honogen^ity. The difference, as expressed among the tribes them* selves, are sore tsarked by the religious differences 1 than by tribal oharaotaristios. At first thers were no nieneral principles which were worked out by the Bureau of Education, but each teaoher and superintendent sought out the psychological basis for his work, and these findings were oolleoted and ttssd by the Diraotor in the educational policy which has since been followed. The most direct benefit gained by this initial work was the friwidship and good will these pioneers won from t he people. No such analysis as the 1 L« aoy, Ja«s», Philippine Life in Town and Country, p. IS. following has been put in printed form and yet these ideas are distlnotly seen baok of the Educational Program of the Bureau, and eapeoially after 1904 when the work was first definitely organized. From the view point of the mental condition of the people* the Bureau of Education followed three directions. These were not closely formulated thus but were nevertheless the directing principles. First, they were to use all natural mental qualifications poss- ible as the foundation for instruction. This of course recognized that the chief mental characteristics of a people would be of greatest value for the development of their natural surroundings. Second, they were to cre> ate new interest and arouse enthusiasm by showing new values in their old possessions, and by showing the possibilities of new things added to their life. Third, they were to supplant all habits or types of mental con« duct that hinder or distract, with positive forms of metatal conduct. Ur. Freer, an American teacher, wrote as early as 1906 saying that the Filipino is eager to learn from 24 books ar«3 all other means. That when he has learned how, he studies very dlltf^ently. He la considered as mentally alert, with a passion for leamlnf^ that can be sustained* Furthermore, thflit he Is ea/rer to learn from us who have Vesteim civilization, and Is very reapp otful and obedient to his instructors. He is appreciative, docile, pjpntle 1 and dependent* These admirable characteristics, however, did not suffice as motive power to lift an undeveloped people and country to any considerable height of development. It was not, sufficient to stir the people from centuries of lassitude due to the tropical heat and bounty of nature, to the ideals and achievements that were for their own well being. It took some considerable study and planning to persuade them of the necessity of study and action of a new type if they were to obtain fpon their surroundings any considerable benefit. Their teachers, however, used this desire to learn and by coupling it with others made it serve them acceptably. The pronounced mental traits 1 Freer, W.B., The Philippine Experiences of an American Teacher, j. 275. 25 which they uaed were, (1) their natural Inqusltlvenesa to know about that which they do not understand, (2) their natural artistic and mechanical aptness, #ilch aided by Imitativeness and keen Imagination gives an easy ground for practical instruction. Couple these with their devotion to their little farm, their keen delight to work with tools or anything they can handle, and their eagerness for results that are immediate and you have the direction for the Bureau's policy. (3) The atmosphere in which they have lived was one of social freedom and they have felt but little social restraint even though they have been the 1 economic slaves of the small wealthy class. This spirit is strong and has a dominant influence in their conductJ Anything that will strengthen this feeling by added comfort or social distinction due to the same will spur them on to labor and study. The Pllipino has been accused of being lazy and shift- 2 less. This was true. It did not pay for him to be prosperous, for his earnings went to meet the demands of 1 Le Roy, Jos. Philippine Life in Town and Country, p. 65. 2 Foreman, J., The Philippine Islands, p. 180 26 the Church which taught him to give the fruit of his earnings to the cause of religion, or else to the one to whom he was perenially in debt. He was free in conduct — but he was ever a slave by political and industrial barriers. He did not care to learn; not because he was not anxious to know, but because it was of no advantage to him to know what the Spanish school taught. But immediate- ly when education became the doorway to better home con- ditions, to actual powor in participating in civic life, and in the elevation of his social position, he wanted the school. the son*s education soon meant freedom from debt and the removal of fears for the future, which things in the pnst he had stoically taken as a part of his lot. At first the boy wanted to be a clerk or small office holder — the height of all glory. However, being quick 1 of apprehension, he saw that the practical sciences and agricultural studies were the things which would benefit him most, and was willing to make the vocational studies the 1 The Report of Philippine Coramisslon, 1900, Vol. 2, p. 283. 87 centre of hie life training. That the Filipino was capable and worthy of the confidence of his American teachprs has been well demonstrated by his conduct In the past. That he would be able to see with a world vision was not expected in the psst, but this was due to the fact that he had but little to stimulate him to larger 1 views of life. In the newly created middle class there is a great spirit of fellowship and co-operation. The word associ- ation, seems to be a magic word with them. But in the old free and easy life where high and low rubbed shoulders in everyday intercourse there was a pronoxinced tyranny, even within the low class itself. There seemed to be no sentiment, honor, nor magnanimity — apart from the hospi- tality which was prided by fear. This geniality so marked and distinct was to him a life insurance policy which he used to guard himself from attack by others. so also, his Interest in others was often a cloak for his inner cowardice, by means of which he hid his own fears and kept 1 Foreman, *r.. The Philippine Islands, Vol. I, p. 184 28 watch on the actions of them. At times, too, it was merely uncontrollable curiosity. He seemed to show no heart response to his benefactor at first, and the first respect was that which he gave to one superior or brave 1 and daring. But he has changed in all these respects into an admirable and responsive friend. Briefly let us mention a few of the other outstand- ing features of his personality. He was exact in none of his habits, not knowing what it meant to perfect any- thing. He was fearful to the extent of losing all self control, he was vicious under a cloak of serene counte- nance. In labor he could go on for a long terra if the results were near and visible. But in nothing was he so constituted that there was no need of change either by development or substitution. 1 Le Roy, James, Philippine Life In Town and Country, p. 81 29 Chapter II THE MFTHODS OF APPLYING THFSF PRINCIPLFS. Organization - Although the foregoing principles were Nature of not all clearly expressed in the program the Organ of Method of the Bureau of Education, we find that the Director, his staff, the superintendents, »nd teachers working through this powerful organization were building on these principles and making direct prac- tical solutions for them as far as possible. Whether consciously or unconsoiously, the important part of the matter Is that they are gaining the ends to which these Ideals or principles pointed. Not only Is the organ of this Bureau a harmonious, co-operative body, hut it is work- ing in harmony and unison with the Bureaus of Public Health, Forestry, Agriculture and Lands, Commerce, and Printing and others. It is successful because of the proper recog- 1 nltlon and credit it gives Its officers. Its success among the people is that the schools are a part of the people and 1 Crone, F«, Report of National Fducation Association 1915, p. 170 so not Inatltutlons planted in their midst. The organization is centralized as follows :- Director of Fducatlon and two Assistants . ( General ( Office ( Chief Clerk { Accounting Division ) ( Prope rty ( Academic ( Industrial ( Building ( Records " ( Traveling Inspectors and Instructors tt "Experts AsaHs* Superintendents of ) Insular Schools, ) Heads of Departments Normal, Union and ) Instructors. etc. Division Super- ( intendents ( ( Supervis- ing Teachers ( Assistant supservis- Ing te«iohers Principals of cen- tral schools and intermediate schools not di- rectly under division super- intendents Principals of high and trade schools and intermediate schools not urder super- vising teachers - - - - Instmctors. Miller, H. Report of National Education Association, 1915, p. 1116. 2 Crone, Sixteenth Annual Report of the Director Education, p. 10* 31 First Methods From the very first the suooess has de- of Prooedure. The Teacher. pended on the oversight and Initiative of the American supervising teachers and superintendents. Their task It vas to know the people and their needs, and to present these to the aunlolpal oounoll and Bureau for consideration. It was their task to win the favor of the people and be the social influence repre- senting the schools. In the early days their methods were not the teaching the "three R's" in the class room but he was In the home and in the Filipino's native haunts seaiolx Ing for ways to meet his crying needs. Here was the be- ginning of industrial education, agricultural Improveaent, and public life, including health and sanitation, Suob direct findings became the basis not only of the general direction of the educational policy but gave the material for the nature of the courses and the new series of text 2 books directly applicable to their local conditions. The native teacher wcta enlisted at once, and his training has developed with the systen. 1 Barrows, D.P, , Fifth Annual Report Director of Education, p. 42. Q Miller, H., in National Educational Association, 1915, p. 1116 ff. 6a Method oS At the first the eohool was oonfronted by the Unifying Work> problem of the many dialects. How oould in- Language struction and texts be applied to so many or how would they ohoose one to apply to all? These were impossible of solution as they were, for the task of learning the languages and supplying the texts was an utter impossibility, as also was thelbiope of getting all other tribes to accept one dialect. On the other hand English is the business dialect of the Orient, the best business and trade journals are in English, the teachers must be taught in English, and the Administration had to 1 be in the hands of competent foreigner!* Perhaps, next to the direct influence of the teachejr and superinten- dent, the use of English has been the g.^«atest factor in the development of the Phillipines. It has aided in all lines of educational development, and especially has it been a means of arousing new interests, of unifying the people, of giving a world consciousness, and creating 1 Parrows, Annual of American Academy of Political Science, 1S07 , 30:74. Also Marquardt, W.w, , Department of Distribution or Education, 1918, pp. 36, 37. 33 larger narketa as channels for surplus production. It is needless to say that the use of English ^s nade the teaching of the sciences and arts a sucoess^and very easy for the reason that It gives an exact langtmge for one that has very few technical terms. The method of teaching £ng:lish is in itself very interesting. The boy comes to the class with no knowledge of the school or the language. But by constant use he learns class directions in a few days and then by chart and pricer he learns his knowlsdge of other subjects and to read, write and speak at the saae time. His ioproveiaent is JKirvelo\is. Inside of these three 1 years he can now learn to speak English very well. Method of At present there is no tiae for Inflexible Development of The System courses or theories of sduoation. There is no rest, but there is constant growth and development. Con-> tinuous surveys of home life, agriculture, Industry, busi- ness, and political conditions continx;cally formulated new 3 courses. As the condition of the people change so the I Barrows, D.P. , Eighth Annual Report of Director of Education, pp. 35-36. 3 Uarquardt, W.W. , Report of Director of Education, 1918, p. 38. educational method undergeee transition. The training in everyday arts that build a better, saner, and higher daily life is largely sought by the pupils, and they give 1 good account of themselves as workers. Such growth and development on the part of the pupil demands a greater development on the part of the school. The i^^ost Intelli- r> gent work in the world is being done rigiht here. At first simplest methods were used, along with the general education, to teach the pupil to improve his looil lnd\JLStry and thus his general surroundings. By 1904 the system was fitting the pupil in a three year course for citlsenshipi fitting him for everyday business transac- tions; was purposing to give him a large view of world 3 life by geography within the primary school. The inter- mediate school was enlarging to training in civil govem- 1 Goode, J., Our Educational Experience in the Philip- pines, p. 10. 2 Ibid., 11. 3 Barrows, D.P., Outlook, V. 80, p. 869, article by Le Roy. 35 z' ment, history, etc., with three years of elemeatary selenoe, and shop, and garden work. The secondary school was formed more after the pattern of our American High School, but w«g more for technical or semi-professional 1 schools. By 1915, the Ideals and the desires of the people had made such gre^t growth that the whole course had to be changed from the primary to the secondary, and a University and Normal school had been developed. The change of Ideals was the result of practical Instruction which definitely reacted In the people's lives. Indus- trial, agricultural and scientific training had become the center of all the school activities. The Primary still had Its work In English and the practical subjects deal- ing with health, sanitation and citizenship, but the emphasis was on preparation for life and the method was that of training In the local Industries, manual training 2 and agriculture. The Intermedlit© school has become a school which, like the Primary, Is complete In Itself and fits for life. Barrows, D.P., Article by LeRoy, Outlook, v. 80, p. 870. 2. Crone, P., Article In National Fducatlonal Association 1915, p. 169. 36 Hero they apeoialize in fanning « trading, doxeetio soienoe, 1 cocui^erciaX and te&ohing oouratts. But this laat is faat being advanced to Secondary standing. The Seoondary School has come to follow very closely our Aiserioan High School^ hut they are giving courses in surveying, oommerce, naviga- tion, agrioulture, trade and normal work which are leaking •pecialists in these practical lines. The work of the rjni-* versity is very intereetii^ in that they do not aet the re- quiressenta for the preparatory schools but supplement thsir work, laying ewphasls on Pliillppine Education and preparing 1 men to develop the present type of work. The work here ie a preparation to develop the resources of the Islands, and no loan can reach the University iintil he has had soatt training in the industries or arts and crafts of the coun- try. The original plan was to organise every Christian province into School Districts under the supervision of •upervisors and tesohers, and in every municipality and I ■ Crone, F. Article in Rational Educational Asao- olation, 1915, p. 188. 37 1 large barrio (village) to have a sohool. But the limits have proved too narrow, for today while the Igorot is hunting the head of hia neighbors, his boy ie going to a farm or trade sohool eager to learn and bringing the 3 fruits of his labor to the family store. No program is needed to push the int^^rest or create a demand for sohools. The only hindrance ia the laok of funds and teachers to oarry out a mora extended work. The people are voluntarily giving and building the sohool houses and are taxing thetaselves for this greatest of all interests in their lives. To start a sohool all that is needed ia a teacher - th3 people will help get at least a temporary building, and the pupils will come. There is no ne?2d of laws foroir*g attendance or pro- hibiting delinquency. They love the sohool. Educational The suooess of this extended system was Method - the Native teacher largely dependent on the training and ability of the Filipino teacher. Without the American Super- vision the present success "vould never have been known. 1 Parrowe, D.P, , in address by Le Roy in Outlook, V. 80:387, August 5, 1905, Z Barrows, D.P. , Report of Director of Education, 1908, pp. 45-50. 36 But to make a sygtern for the people with universal suf- frage and freedom as Its aim, was, and still la entirely out of the question If attempted alone by foreign teachers. Hire is where the native teacher was used, and that will- ingly, thoup;h he was at a gr«Jat disadvantage because of lack of training. The first director and his aides, the superintendents and teachers, found very few who were able to be used as they were.. But the Filipino was eager to learn, and so the method of studying one week the things he imparted to the children the next, by special instruction in mssemblies, by pamphlets and special agencies he has proved himself worthv of the faith put in him. The Bureau has paid special attention to this phase of the educational de- velopment, and by improvement of standards, the advancement of opportunities, and the creation of a fine social at- mosphere, has created nothing short of a miracle in the teaching profession. Practical Let us examine briefly the methods our teachers Methods used and I^reau used in creating inspiration, developing the latest possibilities, and in lifting 39 the tvhold piano of tha xiation&l life. The course folloved in the whole prograa ehowe conclusively the value of Vocational Sduoation, that the best way to are»te educational interest and oarry out the intellectual develdp-^ meat is to use those things provided in the natural surround- in«;s as the instruoents of ;sethod. X. The home wis in dire need. The teaoher saw the neoosftity of adding to its earning power. He saw that where they made hats, Ittoe, cloth, or otner native arti- 1 olee In the spare hours that the sondltions were better. So into the sshool oane the'^ork of the land and its values were estioated, its costs and pra.ctir>ility aooounted, and «h6r 3 of real worth it was developed hy the sohocl. The returns at first went to the teaoher, then to the boy or girl, then the work was developed in the hone and enooijuraged if worth while by exhibitions and exportation. These home industries developed skill and i^^ere the foundatione for greater aocotaplishiaent. They give the ne-eded returns for inspiration, they inoreased by their earning power the conditions of the hone. They aroused a new attitude 1 Barrows, D.P., Report of Director of Education, Phil- ippine Islands, 1933, p. IG. 40 toward labor -beginning th&t transformoktlon whloh it taking the false ideals of aohlevement away. Where possible these native Industries have been developed so that there is a larger produotion and better quality and a growing world ■arket for these honie and school products. The need of olothee for oold children has called for practical sewing, the elevation of ideals has created a desire for chairs, tables and other art idea of household use, and thus there have been added the isanual training courses and the shop courses of other industrial types also. So has grown up ft system of education that in Its Prlaary school strives to make each hoae a center of production. aohool 8. And so also with the/ garden which produced only a few vegetables on a snail impracticable scale at first. In this school garden with its little plot ,there was developed a new attitude toward labor. The teacher taught and worked with the boys and the boys took the fruits of their labor home. And then came the home gardens with school supervision which bore substantial gain to the grower, and new and more nourishing food to the people. Even the preparation of this in a way that is palatable 41 has been a work of the aohool. This work led to the Im- portation of foreign seads and the adoption of .i«w methods of garden work. And this little sohool industry has de- veloped by the means of instruction, circulation of pam- phlets, organization of clubs, with contests, prizes, and fairs until good products can be obtained all over the 1 islands. And then it has reached beyond - to the farm school with improvement in farming methods - the agricul- tural school with specialists teaching every branch of useful agricultural, horticultural and animalhusbandry methods in a practical way - the University creating its spec- ialists. 3, In the earliest days English was made th« language of instruction and very successful it has been in unifying the peoples of many dialects. Besides this has hadd the means of bringing the people the benefit of the western learning and life interests. One cannot under- stand the tine value of this until he has sef?n the barren 1 Barrows, D.p, , Report of Director of Education, 1904, pp. 33-3. 4S lift of the peoples of the tropica • l^filleh at once gttve the Filipinos intercourse with the great trade of the Par Fast» and brouprht to his mind new interest of life, and ways to grasp them. Moreover, the home was crushed In nany many oases I by debt, or by unjust social and political standards* But as soon n« the son or daughter learned the principles of trade, of ecRBaissions, percentap;e, tax, and the rights and duties of oltisenship there began to be a chanf?s which hftc today wiped out nany of the evils* So, not only is the home a center of industry, improving living conditions, but It may also be the center of a modem trade, improving irapl««ente, or doing extensive gardening and farming* And also within its walls nay live a son, the Justice of the city or town, who by his sympathy to lift his own, and his new knowledge of rights, has overcome the arrogance of the selfish aristocracy* To tell of all the things used by the school for the training in citizenship would bo Impossible, but we mentlwi the agrloilturo and other such 1 Barrows, D.P*, Articles by Le Roy in Outlook, v* 80; 871, 1906. 2 Barrows, D.P,, Report Director of Education, 1908, pp» 16-7 . 48 clubs, th« dab&tlng^ tho school organisation Itself, and psrhaps ths most Important of all ths sytea of athlstlos which has created a wonderful spirit throughout ths Islands, •nllstlng the interest of praotloall/ all the people, as forces working directly In their lives. Vs Bust mention In passing the methods used for Im- proving the physical health and the sanitary conditions of the land. At first the teacher often fed the J^ungry children who were poor and undernourished. Thenokae the added income In the home fron Industries encouraged In tke hones and the production of better foods In the gardens. The school staking advantage of these Improvements ^taught them how to use the foods to advantage by oooklng courses along the line of their own cooking methods. tn addition the teacher by his own efforts saved life in the great 1 epidenloft; they taught the care of the body and the gaiuurd** Ing of the health by everyday habits; they made the practical sowing to serve the needs of all; they developed the inter- est in^physloal sducatlon until they have about a 100^ Uiller, H. in Rational Sducatlonal Association, 1915, p. Ills ff . 44. 1 participation In the schools: and also are guarding against physicf.l defects of the pupils. 4. The methods have been for the using or develop- ing of the best possible mental characteristics. The shop and craft work have developed the artistic, the 2 mechanical and the admirable Imitative characteristics. By these means mental accuracy has been developed, and the perseverance developed is worthy of praise. In the school garden love for property and nature have had great encouragement, and love for the soil and interest 3 In returns have found satisfaction. Since the school "brought the raassei into contact with the world's activity, never has there been a lack of inspiration or for Interest in large affairs. Rather the Department of Fducation Is pressed for ways to meet the demands for extension. In place of the confiising fear there is ability end self reliance. In place of a detrimental individual- ism there is an efficient co-operation, team work 1 Miller, H. in National Educational Association, 1915, pp. 1116 ff. 2 Barrows, D.P. in Annals of American Academy of Political Science, 30:79. 3. LeRoy, Jas., Philippine Life in Town and Country, p. 77. 45 And civic asBOoiatlon. No longer does fatalism limit the mind to the customs of the past for now the Filipino has a vision of a hotter land and an ability to go on till he hftS reached it. And now, they have a pride in their homes, schools, government, roads, and never will they be willing to be ignorant and poverty-stricken again* Briefly, some of the agencies uted are the farm school, farm settlements homesteading new places, rural credits, removing usury and debt, extension work in all producing lines, home gardening, fruit growing, animal breeding, plant and seed distribution, food conservation, markets and fairs. Pamphlets to clubs, sale of products of schools to the people and outside markets, sea pro- ductions, silk production, and many other helpful activ- ities and agencies including libraries, shop, Inborato- ries, all of a fine standard and well equipped. 1 Miller, H., in National T^ducational Association, 1915, pp. 1116 ff. Also Foreman in National Fducational Association, 1915, p. 1156. 40 Chapter III THF ADAPTABILITY OP TIII^F PHINCIPL^S ARD MrTHODS TO THF WWS OP SIAM. The vulu© of the principle* and methods of the Philippine School System is that thoy are successful In the purpose of the p;ovcmraent to dovolop the people and the country for their hl'^eet good. This signal ■ueoess is due to the faot that the builders of this system have formulated these principles and methods out of the existini; life conditions and habits of the people. How, we wish to apply these resiilts to ths people of Siam« their needs, «nd their schools* The first consideration is, therefore, - arc the Siamese sufficiently like the Filipinos In temperament, their natural surroundings so similar, and their life relation- ships to environment enough like those of the Islanders to warrant the adaptation of the artenoles of the Philip- pine Schools to the same phase of work in Slam* Let us consider first of all the natural conditions of Slam, which are similar to those of the Philippine 47. Islands. (a) The first consideration is the geographi- cal situation. Siam is a continuous country, having no islands, and lies between degrees four and twenty-one North Latitude, which is the exact position of the Philippine Archipelago, lying just to the east of French Indo-China. It is a peculiar fact that these countries are of like extent. The defining of the location brings us to our second consideration, (b) , the topography, climate, soil and seasons. Though Slam, unlike the Philippines, is one continu- ous country reaching alwiost to the Chinese border on the north, and down the Malay Peninsula almost to Singapore on the south, still its topography is very similar to that of the Islands. Slam has one great river bnsin which is not comparable to anything in the Islands because of their small areas. But apart from this, we find they both are countries with comparatively high mountain ranges dividing fertile valleys and plains. In both instances we find, too, that this physical condition affects the climate and the people. Speaking in general, in Slam, the climate is very hot with a very humid depres- sing atmosphere which varies but little in the course of 48 the year. As one ffoea south it Intensifies In heat, with less chanp;e, while the opposite to the north. But In the hill and mountain districts there Is a change which Is very marked and which, in contrast to the lower levels, or southern areas Is very cool - even cold at times* This description exactly corresponds to the climatic conditions of the Islands. Practically all the mountain valleys and coast plains have been jtmRle regions, and consequently the heavy soil is very rich with the decomposed Jungle vege- tation. In many places there are rich volcanic deposits, and in others, the soil la a heavy clay which has pro- duced crops for centuries without artificial fertiliza- tion. Such, briefly describes the general character of the soil of both lands mentioned, and under the quicken- ing powe>r of the tropical sun they produce rapidly and abundantly. I*uch might be said of the rich mineral deposits of Slam and the Philippines, but it is sufficient to say here that these natural resources, which are great and valuable, have hardly been touched to date. 49 Pvery traveler of the "^nst knowa the horrors of the ChlnA Sea d\ie chiefly to the monaoon and typhoon* To the eaat of the 8c« lias the Philippines, and to tha west. Slam* Both are In the trail of these season* al winds, and thus the eeasona are correapondinpily the same* They have the intensely hot season, at its worst in Aprils followed by the equally as marked rainy season when everything Is flooded, and between these periods from ^otober to February is a season when the only moisture is the heavy dew, or that artifioally applied by irrigation* though this is the coolest part of th« year and the best for food production the soil becomes so dry that it oracka and beoomea extr«neny hard* (o) The fact that the Piliplnoa arc primarily an agricultural people hit been clearly indicated above* 1 This is none the leas true of the Siamese* Like the Pilipinos were at the time of the American occupation their chief diet is rice with a few native vegetables T SDth Century Impressions of Slam, p* 135 ff* 50 and an abundance of tropical fruits • The products that are similar may be described as follows J those culti- vated, which are rice, tobacco, hemp, com, various native vegetables and tropical fruits; natural products are bamboo for houses and various arts, hard-woods as teak in Siara, and ebony in the Philippines, and various fruits and materials gathered out of the jungles; and finally the manufactured articles of cloth — some wonderfully woven, carved articles, silver work, basket and mat weav- ing from bamboo and other products, and aatlve pottery for local use. In both lands the homes are principally of bamboo as are most of the fixtures and implements for home use and field service. (d) I believe if an average Pillpino stood beside an average Siamess that the untrained eye would not be able to dlstinfruish any racial difference. As races they are almost identical in physical qualities. They stand on the whole *out medivim height, are slight but strong and have the Malaysian type of face and eye rather than the Chinese. It has been the habit in both 51 Instances for the people to build their vlllagea In little groups by the edge of their rlqe fields, on the banks of the rivers and streams, or by the sea-shore. The implements of home and farm no leas than the housei themselves are identical. The home, too, is elevated on tall poles with floors and walks of split bamboo and the iv>of of thatch or nlpa. Almost invariably the house is situated in a private jungle of banana palms, cocoanuts, mangoes, guavas, etc. There are many other points of likeness such as his amusements, etc., which might be emphasized; but to fail to mention the high position accorded to the woman, the clean moral ideals and good standards of living, the seemingly unfailing good will and hospitality ,and finally the stoicism and cowardice which are manifest together, would be to ignore those qualities for which both peoples are noted. The mental likenesses which both possess have been discussed in Chapter I, Section 3, on Psychological principles* As to the American educator the languages or dia- lects of the Philippine tribes offered obstacles, so oc those of Slam do, and will continue to place serloua hlnderances to an adequate education. The Siamese problem deals only with two main dialects In Its efforts to reach the majority of the people, hut, as In the Philippines, there are numerous mountain tribes with their linguistic peculiarities. The difference Is great in some Instances, for example, while the two chief dialects are tonal and very much alike, some of the smaller tribes have no tones at all. Two other difficulties to be over- come are, firstly, to ^t one tribe to pive up their dialect for another - which is impossible, and secondly, to translate adequately the texts for use into this language, which is descriptive and lacks exact and technical terms . (e) There are a few Interesting points In refer- ence to the historical background of these peoples that may be pr* esented at this point in the comparison. Perhaps these facts and theories may help us to under- stand the many strong points of resemblance. It is claimed by many that at one time the Philippine Archi- pelago was a part of the main land of Asia and that 53 the inhabitants settled on this part of the Continent iihile still intact. But there are facts, both from the tradition of the Siamese and Laos tribes of north Slam, and also records in Chinese history which show that many centuries before, these Thai (Siamese and Laos) 1 lived in China south of the Yangtse River* And, further, we can fir-^. today these people so similar to the Filipino in physical and mental characteristics have migrated to South China, French Indo-Chlna, Burma, and into the south of Slam on the Malay Peninsula. Again, claims are raad« definitely and unquestionable to the fact by many authorities that the Filipino is a Malaysian. This Is based on the argument of types. Influences In the language, and the habits and character- 2 istlcs of the racial Inheritance. The same claims may be made for the people of Malaysian Peninsula, the Siamese, and their brothers and kin to the north. Not only does J- Freeman, J.H. An Oriental Land of the Free, p. 13 2 Atkinson, Fred W. The Philippine Islands, pp. 58, 59, 258, 294. 54 their location and habits prove thlg, but the Influence of the Malaysian language la felt In the Siamese as well 1 as the Filipino tongues. It may be well to mention In passing the Influence of the Indlonese, of whom the Philippine Commission say that they had a great Influence In elevating the Filipino standards of life, and committed to writing the spoken tongues. This la exactly what was accomplished when the priests and peoples of Burma and India moved east over Slam to the borders of the China Sea. Slam today has these Influences, which played a 2 pronounced part in the history of the Philippines. For over two thousand years Buddhism has been the nominal religion of Slam and for about three hundred years, Christianity through the Catholic Church has been the faith of the northern islands, while Moharamedism has been that of the Moro In the south. But the real belief of all has been, and still is, to a great degree, animism. 1 Cartwrlght, B.O. In Twentieth Century Impressions of Slam, p. 218 2 Freeman, J.H. An Oriental Land of the Free, p. 15. 60 This is the powor that has swayed the lives of "both peoples and ha 3 been the ground of fears, retardation, and false aims which have prevented the enlarging of their vision and lives. In the Philippines the work of the schools and the missionary enlightenment have removed these barriers, but as yet the Siamese are not free because their educational system is overshadowed by animism in the guise of the State Religion - Buddhism. The folk-lore and habits of daily life are amazingly alike. To read of the conduct of the Filipino in his daily tasks has often made me see pictured in my mind the life of the Laos of worth Si am. So also in their religious rites and ceremonies, and in their fetish there is something strangely familiar. Perhaps it is the coranon idea of soul stuff and spirit occupation of all matter which is back of all animism which has brought similar results. However, the problem is a vital one still in the way of an education that v/ould liberate the spirits of the Siamese to grow and enlarge into a useful people. Taking into consideration the above facts which 56 Show ooncluaively the oneness of tho problem of the Siamese with the Philippine, it is safe to proceed to the evalua- tion of the existing system, and propose a plan of recon- struction, adapting the principles and methods so effect- ive in one to the like situations of the other. 2. The Present Educational Situation in Siam* The system and tho schools of the Siamese are now fashion- ed after the classical institutions of England, and Germany- This prdsent system, as it is being developed today, has been in vogue about the same nianber of years as the Merican have been in the Philippine Islands. If we are to measvire the success of the former as we have the latter, i.e. in terras of the beneficial returns in the national life, or by the interest the people have taken in the schools, we must recognize and declare that it has failed in the aim of all true education - to fit for life. Tliis does not necessarily mean that no good is accomplished, for a general education has beneficial results in the Orient as well as the Occident. The Organlaation of the School System is centralized under the direction of the Minister of Education at 57 Bangkok • Tills, as all other branches of the govern** raent, is under th© direct influence of tlie King and subject to his wlll» This status, therQfc»»e, makes the school a branch of government without freedom to develop as it is deemed best • making It an instru- ment of a person rather than a people. It is hard to tell how much or how little liberty the central office or Ministry has in the educational policies, or how much they are permitted to use the counsel and direction of their foreign advisor. next to the Minister, we have supervisors of large districts, and then the supervisors of the smaller districts under these. Over each school is the master cr principal with power of local super- vlsicm. The weakness of the organization is not in the machinery but in the fact that, although there are some good men at the task, the Siamese do not seem to know the principles and methods that will meet the peoples * needs. Further, they have not the genius to gather materials, construct practical lines of work, and adapt these to the circxamstances of the people. Then, too, in estimating the weakness of the system, it must be noted that thm^ io no «xt©naiv© pro0nwi t« lagpfroire tii© ^••chor ao he tralii»dl «Qd dissected tander th« Hiilipipln® Srn«Qt efforts are belxig mad* t« tr&ln t6t>.eh€«Ni in th» sonaal school* speolal Institutions tx»ftiB Is zaediolnvn l«w» military aoionoe, etc. But liwpy little effort i« lieing iia4« to devolc^ farm schools > nnd ts^ie&o h^ave met with littl© favor and have had lnftii»«llftte support* Bire Is the only plaoe the vHter feels like being <»^s»«p* ioosy foP, the only way the people ee e wliole e«in bt helped Is hy 1iM« hranoh of t3!*8inine>(»nd still the texta sad tools the i^nreamsABt uses in tliis speeial sehool are iaftde<|it»tey in pex^ aideeval or prifaitlve* Situoh mi0a^ be anQpssted for iPiprcfvenent of the l^resent toxte, for mam^la^ to ee&ae prlntiii^ fiction eaft nyth as actual facts, and the careful «rr«n|piinnt t^ historical fae*.8 m te their rifgKxi crder or proper esqliesis* Scuds bettei* taethod mt^A he found in the Mithed CdT inetiniotion over the Qemmt lectxire laithods llied in classes of elininiary stexidard« 'ShM products of the school are the aMiare of iimir value to the naticn* Today^, outside of the tn^ofessicnst the sohoo3^ is*e producing a nation of clerks » and milltas<7 I i I 59 or pollijloal officers. The only hop© the average pupil has is to be a clerk* The only tMng that most desire is government service with brass buttons and a title. The system definitely aims to prepare men to fill the governments offices, and it is succeeding* But it is failing to develop the possibilities of the land in the linos of its natural resources and i7ealth« which objective alone can succeed permanently, and b© of value to those whom the school should serve. No attempt has been made here to describe the details of organization or the forms which we know to be well worked out. The value of the system we realize does not depend on the mechanics, but on the personal and practical elements. 7/ith this thought in mind we will give some suggestions for the reconstruction of the aystan using the existing organizaticwi as the foundation or point of departure. 3. A Proposed Educational Program. (a) Because the conditions in Siarn exactly corres- pond with those in the Philippine Islands, vie are able to \ise the methods and principles of the latter in meeting the former's need, and use these in construct- ing a progressive program in industrial education 1 i 60 with the aim of lifting the whole life of the people* This is not a ne>7 study, but the reconsideration of one made by the Siamese themselves* They have mad© scBiie excursions into the educational program of th© islands, and have considered many phases of the activ- ities of Hiilippine Education. If they have seen those things which have done so much for the people as a whole they have ignored them in making aijy application to their own educational problerafl. (b) Educational reconstruction must begin with a change of aim or purpose. The system must change radically as to the service it renders. A progressive, producing, and competent people must be the product of the schools instead of men with false ideals of achieve- ment which are now sent out. The first step in beginning reconstruction must be to supply a better supervision. \^thaut hesitancy, the supervision of all branches of work by ^Ajnerican teachers is recommended. Next in order is the improvement of teachers. American or foreign teachers are needed only for special lines of instruction, while it is necessary to use the native to re; ch the numbers and to diss^iiin- ate knowledge among the masses outside the schools. i 61 Assemblies, conferences. Institutes and all such agencies are needed with carnpulsory attendance fca:* the teacher • Par greater is the need of the direction of an >toerican or European teadier or supervisor to aid in every-day matters, and likewise, there is a need for texts on teachers courses giving thorougih instruction in the subjects they teach. These improvements would mean the changing of the methods of teaching which is essential to any real advancement. (c) The most important recoiamendation we make is the revision of the whole content of the general courses. Or the whole system. In fact, must be changed from a classical type to one of practical instruction. We have spoken of this befofo, but here make specific suggestions for such plan with Idea in mind of immediate operation and effectiveness. 1. Agriculttiral activities. Center A. Practical Instruction having power to stimu- instruction in garden work and late interest and act- ivity, teaching with definite advantage to the people. Enlarge the home J oeod!}« ote*, ^ii<^ »»9 ftl}MNitf3r appli«» of local ini3ttst3do» irkpMgvsA to ^»efal ^gPtt* Iftlliigglnc to trad9s saA unt mmm t«3KU of th« fhilipyiiii mwmu «r MMi» oati«ii« §« ^Ivle «s»Sl SQOial ittstsniotloD* E&lar|S6r3«nt «i ps*«8«ant ooian^* in Bimmm «7»t«B with pmetieetl applieatioti in ftliibdy gnaM»eto* PJWiWfiitic idaals of cltizoxMOiip SMd^ in WoMiXlg l^luBS* Bract! eal hoallll iii9tviiitiyC..psyCH.U6RARV5 LD 21-100m-7,'52(A2528sl6)476 620470 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ^ LANGC LIBRARY OF FDUCA-^l^v.. UNIVERSITY OF CAmFO«j*iA BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA,