Budget Estimates and Allowances City of Los Angeles California For the Fiscal Year 1916-1917 Budget Committee of the Council F. C. Wheeler, Chairman Foster C. Wright Martin F. Betkouski Room 206 South Annex of the City Hall John S. Myers, City Auditor -J Budget Estimates and Allowances City of Los Angeles California For the Fiscal Year 1916-1917 Budget Committee of the Council F. C. Wheeler, Chairman Foster C. Wright Martin F. Betkouski Room 206 South Annex of the City Hall John S. Myers, City Auditor SRLF URL INDEX Assessor .............................................................................................. |1 Attorney ..... ................................................... Auditor ................. - ....................................... : ..................................... }* Board of Education ...................................................................... 15 Board of Mechanical Engineers ................................................. 16 Building Inspector ........................ Bureau of Assessments ................................................................ 1 Charities ............................................................................................ 20 Civil Service ...................................................................................... 24 Clerk ...... : ............................................................................................. 22 Council ................................................................................................ 25 Custodian .......................................................................................... 26 Efficiency ............................................................................................ 28 Election .............................................................................................. 29 Electrical Department . ............... 29 Engineering ...................................................................................... 32 Fire ...................................................................................................... 48 Fire Pension Fund .......................................................................... iu Gas Inspector ......................................... General Expense ............................................................................ 52 Health .................................................................................................. 52 Humane Animal Commission ........ ........... Interest on City Debt .............................. ....................................... 100 Library ................................................................................................ 59 Mechanical Division ..................................................................... 66 Mayor .................................................................................................. 67 Municipal Art ..................... v ........................................................... 67 Municipal Farm ............................................................... - 68 Municipal Markets .................................................... Normal Site ............................................................. -- 70 Oil Inspection ...................................................................... Parks .................................................................................................... 73 Playground .............................................................................. Police ................................................... f- ............................................. 84 Police Court No. 1 .......................................................................... 81 Police Court No. 2 .......................................................................... 81 Police Court No. 3 ................................. .................... 82 Police Court No. 4 ..................................................... Police Court No. 5 .................................... Police Court Defender ............................ Police Pension Fund ........................................................... Prosecutor ................................................................ Public Utilities ................................................................................ 90 Public Works .................................................................................... 91 Purchasing ............................ ..... 92 Receiving Hospital ...................... Redemption of Debt ............... Salvage Division .......................................................... Store Division .................................................. Summary ...................................................... Tax and License Collector .......................................... Temple Block .................................................................. - 96 Treasurer ......................... . .......... Workman's Compensation .......................................................... 98 PROCEDURE RELATING TO PREPARATION AND ADOPTION OF BUDGET The Charter Provisions authorizing a budget showing the sums to be expended for the various items necessary in conducting the business of the City, and the procedure relating to its preparation and adoption are shown in the following: Sec. 209. It shall be the duty of every officer of the city, the conduct of whose office requires the expenditure of money, and every board or commission having the management and control of any department of the government of the city, to prepare and file with the City Auditor, on or before the first day of April of each year, a detailed estimate in writing of the amount of expenditure required for the proper conduct of the business of their respective offices and departments for the next ensuing fiscal year, including a statement of the salaries of their subordinates. Sec. 210. On or before the first day of May of each year the City Auditor shall transmit to the Council an estimate of the probable expend- itures of the city government for the next ensuing fiscal year, stating the amount required for the interest and sinking funds for all outstanding bonded indebtedness of the city, and the requirements of all the offices and departments of the municipal government in detail, and showing specifically the amount necessary to be provided for each fund and depart- ment; also an estimate of the amount of income from fines, licenses and other sources of revenue, exclusive of taxes upon property, and the prob- able amount to be raised by taxation. Sec. 211. The Council shall meet annually, prior to fixing the tax levy, and by resolution adopted by a majority of all its members, shall make a budget of the estimated amounts required for the interest and sinking funds for the bonded indebtedness of the city, and to pay the expenses of conducting the business of the city government for the ensu- ing fiscal year. The budget shall be prepared in such detail as to the aggregate sum and the items thereof allowed to each department, officer, board or fund, as the Council may determine. The resolution adopting the budget shall be presented to the Mayor for his approval and signa- ture. Any item of said budget may, within ten days after the adoption thereof, be vetoed in whole or in part by the Mayor, and it shall require the vote of two-thirds of the Council to overcome such veto. In making such budget the Council may provide for a general expense fund for expenses not otherwise provided for. After the budget is made in accordance herewith, it shall be signed by the President of the Council, and the City Clerk, and the several sums thereof shall thereupon be deemed appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year to the several purposes, departments and offices therein specified. The budget shall be filed in the office of the City Auditor. The Council must cause to be raised by tax levy, according to law, the amounts so appropriated, less the amount to be received by the city from fines, licenses and other sources of revenue. 5 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION A PERSONAL SERVICES (salaries, wages and other com- pensation for personal services currently rendered). B STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS (buildings and non-structural improvements to land). C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (services other than per- sonal). D REDEMPTION OF DEBT (refunds, sinking funds and capital outlays for rights). E EQUIPMENT (furniture, fixtures, machinery and live stock). F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS (other than pensions and retirement allowances). L LAND (including leaseholds and water rights). M MATERIALS (not specifically adapted for ,use as supplies, equipment, or structures). S SUPPLIES (commodities that are consumed or appreciably impaired). X LOSSES AND CONTINGENCIES (misappropriation, acci- dent, negligence or theft, and expenditures which cannot be allocated to any of above classes). Note: Preceding each item of the budget in the following pages, the initial letter relates to the General Classification, and the secondary letter to a further subdivision. The use of these letters are explained in detail in the published Classification of Expenditures Code. This publi- cation defines each combined symbol and provides a complete classifica- tion of the expenditures of the city. The numeric symbol or code shown is used in the accounting depart- ments, indicating classification and is designed to secure uniformity and f Q ri li +1 *-* +Vi*a TiT/-v*-1j- facilitate the work. 6 ESTIMATED REVENUES, 1916-1917 From 86 Cent Tax Levy --$ 4,046,558 From Licenses 970,000 From Departmental Receipts 500,000 From Delinquent Taxes _ 114,442 From Franchises , 55,000 From Interest 60,000 Total, to pay the expenses of conducting the business of the City Government .' $ 5,746,000 From Taxes for Redemption of Debt $1,360,632 From Taxes for Interest on City Debt 1,841,177 3,201,809 Total Revenue necessary for the requirements of th,e Budget Resolution .....$ 8,947,809 Water, from Commercial Revenue Water Department 2,080,501 Electric Plant, Cash Available 3,164,845 Harbor, from Proposed Harbor Improvement Bonds and Estimated Revenue 1 ,477,953 Grand Total . $15,671,108 Budget Estimates and Allowances City of Los Angeles, California For the Fiscal Year 1916-1917 RESOLUTION (Adopted August 23, 1916) A Resolution making and establishing a Budget of the estimated amounts of money required to pay the expenses of conducting the busi- ness of the City government during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1916, and ending June 30, 1917: SECTION 1. That the Budget of the estimated amounts of money required to pay the expenses of conducting the business of the City government and for interest, principal and sinking funds for bonded indebtedness of the City during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1916, and ending June 30, 1917, is hereby made and established and the esti- mated amount of money so required and the items thereof allowed to each department, officer, board or fund of the City are hereby fixed and declared to be as hereafter set forth: SECTION 2. That the total amount appropriated for the purpose of conducting the business of said city government and for interest, principal and sinking fund as aforesaid is the sum of Eight million, nine hundred forty-seven thousand, eight hundred nine, and 50-100 dollars ($8,947.809.50). That said sum of Eight million, nine hundred forty-seven thousand, eight hundred nine, and 50-100 dollars ($8,947,809.50) is divided as to the use thereof as follows: First, To pay the expenses of conducting the business of the city government, Five million, seven hundred and forty-six thousand dollars I ....$5,746,000.00 Second, For interest, principal and sinking funds for the bonded indebtedness of the City, Three million, two hun- dred and one thousand, eight hundred nine, and 50-100 dollars ... $3,201 ,809.50 Total budget $8,947,809.50 SECTION 3. That the amount estimated to be required to pay the expenses of conducting the business of the city government, to-wit: $5,746,000.00, is hereby apportioned and divided as follows: (a) General Fund $5,287,659.00 (b) General Expense Fund 200,000.00 (c) Firemen's Pension Fund 19,891.00 (d) Police Pension Fund 19,637.00 (e) Library Fund 213,567.00 (f) Store Division Fund 4,246.00 (g) Mechanical Division Fund 1,000.00 Total $5,746,000.00 SECTION 4. That the Budget in the sum of $8,947,809.50 aforesaid shall be administered under the following terms and conditions: First That no department, board, commission, or officer of the City shall expend or make contracts involving the expenditure of more than one-twelfth of any appropriation item during any one month of the fiscal year, except when specially authorized so to do by the Council; provided that, if during any month less 'than one-twelfth of an appropriation item shall be expended or encumbered, the amount unexpended or unincum- bered may be expended in any subsequent month of the fiscal year without such authorization. Second That no transfers shall be made from appropriation items for "Personal Services" to any other appropriation item unless first authorized by the Council. Third That transfers may be made from appropriation items for "Structures and Improvements" or "Equipment" to appropriation items for "Personal Services" and "Materials" when it is clearly shown by the department head that it would be more advantageous or economical to construct the improvement, structure, or equipment by departmental labor, such transfer to be made by the Council on the written request and statement of the department head. Fourth That transfers may be made between appropriation items for "Contractual Services," "Fixed Charges and Contributions," "Mater- ials," "Supplies," or "Losses and Contingencies" by the Auditor on the written request of the department head. Fifth That transfers from appropriation items for "Contractual Services," "Fixed Charges and Contributions," "Materials," "Supplies," or "Losses and Contingencies" to any other appropriation item may be made only by authorization of the Council. Nothing contained in this section shall apply to the Library Fund. SECTION 5. That the appropriation items of the Budget for said fiscal year be and the same are hereby fixed and established as herein- after set forth and are made up from the detailed schedules contained in the Estimate Book compiled by the Budget Committee of the Council, provided however that the details of the said items contained in said Book shall not be deemed fixed appropriations as to the use thereof but may be varied from time to time upon the necessity therefor appearing to the head of the department authorized to expend the same. TOTAL BUDGET Request $8,006,378 Deductions $2,260,378 Allowances $5,746,000 10 032 ASSESSOR Request $49,325 Deductions $1,270 Allowances $48,055 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0320 Administration AS City Assessor $ 3,000 " Chief Clerk 2,100 " Cashier and Stenographer 1,320 0321 Assessing Property and Collecting P. P. Tax AS 1 Map Man $ 1,500 1 Deputy 1,500 1 Deputy 1,500 1 Deputy 1,560 1 Deputy 1,320 3 Deputies 3,780 1 Deputy 1,260 AE 7 Deputies 7 mo 4,900 26 Deputies 4 mo 10,400 25 Deputies 4 mo 9,000 6 Deputies 2 mo 1,080 Total Personal Services $ 44,220 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0320 Administration CC Postage $ 300 " Telephone and Telegraph 10 CX Equipment Repairs CP Binding Statements " Blue Print and Binding 200 0321 Assessing Property and Collecting P. P. Tax CT Livery 500 " Transportation 250 Total Contractual Services $ 1,315 E EQUIPMENT 0320 Administration EF Furniture and Fittings $ 100 F FIXED CHARGES 0320 Administration Bond, Walter Mallard $ 25 11 S SUPPLIES 0320 Administration SS Stationery and Printing, including Directory $ 300 Rubber Stamps and Typewriter Repairs 20 0321 Assessing Property and Collecting P. P. Tax SS P. P. Receipt Books $ 50 I ndices i 475 Statements 500 Maps and Material 200 " Assessment Rolls 850 Total Supplies $ 2,395 040 ATTORNEY Request $49,930 Deductions $4,887 Allowances $45,043 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0400 Executive AS 1 City Attorney $ 4,000 0401 Clerical and Reporting AS 1 Chief Clerk 1,500 1 Filing Clerk 900 4 Stenographers 4,080 1 Telephone Operator 780 1 Relief Telephone Operator, 2 weeks 20 AE Extra Help 100 0402 Legal Advice and Rep. City Government AS 1 Assistant City Attorney 3,000 1 Deputy .. 2,700 0403 Legal Advice and Rep. General AS 1 Deputy City Attorney 2,100 1 Deputy City Attorney 1,980 0404 Legal Advice and Rep. Street Improvements AS 1 Deputy City Attorney 2,400 1 Deputy City Attorney 2,160 1 Deputy City Attorney 2,100 1 Deputy City Attorney 2,100 1 City Abstractor 1,500 1 Process Server 900 0405 Legal Advice and Rep.' Litigation AS 1 Assistant City Attorney 3,000 1 Deputy City Attorney 2,400 0406 Legal Advice and Rep. Aqueduct AS 1 Deputy City Attorney 225 Total Personal Services $ 37,945 12 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0401 Clerical and Reporting CC Telephone Service $ 1,010 " Telephone, Long Distance 35 " Postage 70 Telegraph 70 CX Typewriter Repairs 50 0405 Legal Advice and Rep. Litigation CP Transcripts and Briefs 1,500 CT Transportation 500 CX City Abstractor 400 " Court Costs 1,500 " Expert Witnesses 1,000 Total Contractual Services $ 6,135 E EQUIPMENT 0401 Clerical and Reporting EF Furniture and Furnishings .... $ EE Law Books, Reg. Editions " Law Books, Special Editions 50 Total Equipment $ 450 F FIXED CHARGES 0400 Executive FJ Insurance $ FX Law Library Membership 6 Total Fixed Charges $ 19 S SUPPLIES 0401 Clerical and Reporting SC Towels $ 40 SS Office Supplies " Typewriter Supplies SX Directory " Maps -" Citations 50 " Digests and Advance Sheets Total Supplies $ 494 13 030 AUDITOR Request $37,427 Deductions $1,427 Allowances $36,000 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0300 Administration AS Auditor $ 3,000 Chief Deputy . 2,400 0301 Accounting AS 1 Bookkeeper 2,160 " 1 Bookkeeper 1,440 1 Bookkeeper 1,260 1 Departmental Clerk 1,260 " 1 Stenographer 960 " 1 File Clerk 780 " 1 Inspector 1,560 0302 Auditing Receipts AS 1 Asst. Deputy Auditor 2,400 " 2 Departmental Accountants 2,880 " 2 Departmental Accountants 2,880 0303 Auditing Disbursements AS 1 Chief Clerk 1,860 " 1 Checking Clerk 1,500 " 1 Checking Clerk 1,500 " 1 Freight Rate Clerk 1,620 " 1 Clerk 900 0304 Disbursing Pay Rolls and Demands AS 1 Disbursing Clerk 1,440 1 Asst. Disbursing Clerk 1,260 0305 Messenger Service AS 2 Messengers .. 960 Total Personal Services $ 34,020 C CONTRACTUAL 0301 Accounting CC Postage Telephonic and Telegraphic Service CP Binding Printing Annual Report CT Transportation CX Repairs to Equipment " Miscellaneous .. 0302 Auditing Receipts CT Transportation CX Miscellaneous . 140 15 75 500 20 50 30 25 30 14 0303 Auditing Disbursements CT Transportation CX Miscellaneous 10 " Freight Rate Consultant . 100 0304 Disbursing CC Postage 400 CT Transportation 10 0305 Messenger Service CX Repairs to -Bicycles 15 Total Contractual Services $ 1,425 E EQUIPMENT 0301 Accounting EF Equipment 30 0304 Disbursing Payrolls and Demands EF Furniture 50 Total Equipment $ 80 F FIXED CHARGES 0300 Executive FJ Premium on Auditor's Bond 35 S SUPPLIES 0301 Accounting SS Books $ ' 100 " Office Supplies 200 " Stationery 75 0304 Disbursing Payrolls and Demands SS Stationery 50 0305 Messenger Service SX Miscellaneous 15 Total Supplies $ 440 600 BOARD OF EDUCATION Request $4,000 Allowance $4,000 A PERSONAL SERVICE 6000 Administration AS 7 Members School Board $ 4,000 15 103 BOARD OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS / Request $8,775 Deductions $575 Allowances $8,200 A PERSONAL SERVICES 1030 Exam. Applicants for License AS 5 Members of Board $ 1,500 1031 Accounting and Reporting AS 1 Secretary of Board 1 200 1 cierk ;;;; ' 50 1032 Inspection of Boilers and Elevators AS 3 Boiler and Elevator Inspectors 4,860 Total Personal Services $ 7,610 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1031 Accounting and Reporting CC Telephone Service $ 162 Telephone Toll Service "" Postage "" 10 o CX Miscellaneous Repairs 5 1032 Inspection of Boilers and Elevators CT Car Fare to San Pedro 20 Car Fare in City 75 Hire of Auto 25 Total Contractual Services $ 389 E EQUIPMENT 1031 Accounting and Reporting EF Typewriter and General Office Equipment $ 10 Card Files, Desks and Safe 20 Total Equipment .....$ 30 S SUPPLIES 1031 Accounting and Reporting SS Office Supplies $ 150 SF Gas ZZ 6 1032 Inspection of Boilers and Elevators SX Miscellaneous Supplies 15 Total Supplies $ 171 16 102 BUILDING INSPECTOR Request $58,598 Deductions $4,145 Allowances $54,453 A PERSONAL SERVICES 1020 Administration AS Chief Inspector of Buildings $ 3,000 " 1 Chief Clerk (Chief Deputy) .. 1021 Issuing Permits and Clerical Work AS 1 Clerk 1.200 ' 2 Clerks 2,280 ' 1 Clerk 1,080 ' 1 Clerk 1,020 ' 1 Stenographer 960 ' 1 Stenographer 1022 Inspect. Bldg. (Const. & Plans) AS 1 Structural Engineer 2,100 " 1 Structural Engineer ' 2,100 " 1 Asst. Inspector of Buildings 1,800 " 1 Asst. Inspector of Buildings 1,500 " 9 Asst. Inspectors of Buildings 13,500 " 1 Asst. Inspector of Buildings 1,380 1023 Inspect. Bldg. (Plumb, and Gas Fit.) AS 1 Inspector Plumbing and Gas Fittings 1,800 " 9 Asst. Inspectors Plumbing and Gas Fittings 13,500 1024 San Pedro Branch Office AS 1 Asst. Inspector of Buildings 1,500 Total Personal Services $ 51,660 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1020 Administration CC Postage $ 30 " Telephonic " Telegraphic CP Blue Printing and Binding CS Storage and Care of Vehicles CT Transportation of Persons 1021 Issuing Permits Certificates and Records CC Postage 20 1022 Inspect. Bldg. (Const, and Plans) CT Transportation of Persons 300 CX Miscellaneous 50 Equipment Repairs " Auto Repairs 17 1023 Inspect. Bldg. (Plumb, and Gas Fit.) CT Transportation of Persons $ 1,200 1024 San Pedro Branch Office CC Postage 10 Telephonic 52 CF Freight, Express, etc CT Transportation of Persons 10 Total Contractual Services $ 2,013 E EQUIPMENT 1020 Administration EF Furniture and Furnishings $ 25 S SUPPLIES 1020 Administration SF Gasoline (City Auto) SO SM Lubricating Oils (City Auto) 25 Electricians' Supplies 5 SX Automobile Supplies 125 1021 Issuing Permits Certificates Records SS Office Supplies 500 1022 Inspect. Bldg. (Const. & Plans) SS Office Supplies 25 1023 Inspect. Bldg. (Plumb. & Gas Fit.) SS Office Supplies 25 Total Supplies $ 755 405 BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS Request $28,805 Deductions $4,135 Allowances $21,670 Street Improvement Assessment Work A PERSONAL SERVICES 4050 Street Improvement Assessment Work AS 1 Assessment Clerk $ 2,100 4 Asst. Assessment Clerks 5,'520 4 Asst. Assessment Clerks 2,490 1 Index Clerk 1^080 Total Personal Services $ 11,190 18 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4050 Street Improvement Assessment Work CC Postage and Postal Cards $ 30 " Printing and Binding Books 50 CX Mounting Maps 55 Repairs and Miscellaneous 10 Total Contractual Services , $ 145 E EQUIPMENT 4050 Street Improvement Assessment Work EF Furniture and Furnishings $ 25 S SUPPLIES 4050 Street Improvement Assessment Work SS Books and Supplies $ ISO " Stationery and Supplies 50 SX Special and Miscellaneous 10 Total Supplies $ 210 Opening and Widening Assessment Work A PERSONAL SERVICES 4051 Opening and Widening Assessment Work AS 1 Assessment Clerk --$ 2,100 " 1 Asst. Assessment Clerk 1.50 " 1 Asst. Assessment Clerk 1,380 " 4 Asst. Assessment Clerks 3,600 " 1 Bookkeeper 1,380 Total Personal Services $ 9,960 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4051 Opening and Widening Assessment Work CC Postage and Postal Cards --$ CP Printing and Binding Books.... CX Mounting Maps " Repairs and Miscellaneous , Total Contractual Services - $ 55 E EQUIPMENT 4051 Opening and Widening Assessment Work EF Furniture and Furnishings .. 19 S SUPPLIES 4051 Opening and Widening Assessment Work SS Books and Supplies 050 . CT Transportation 75 CX Typewriter Repair " Towel Service 5011 Men's Department CH Electricity 50 Total Contractual Services ..-$ 2,064 E EQUIPMENT 5011 Men's Department EF Furniture and Furnishings $ 5012 Women's Department EF Furniture and Furnishings 25 Total Equipment 21 F FIXED CHARGES 5010 Administration FJ Insurance $ 25 5011 Men's Department FL Rotating Cash Account 250 FR Rent 1,200 5012 Women's Department FR Rent 1 ( 020 5013 Commercial Department FR Rent 120 Total Fixed Charges $ 2,615 S SUPPLIES 5011 Men's Department SS Stationery $ 100 SC Janitor Supplies 30 SF Fuel Gas .""." 25 5012 Women's Department SS Stationery 10Q SX Miscellaneous Supplies 25 5013 Commercial Department SS Stationery 10Q Total Supplies $ 380 Oil CITY CLERK Request $62,084 Deductions $5,488 Allowances $56,596 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0110 Administration AS City Clerk I $ 2,400 1 Chief Deputy 2,220 1 Deputy Clerk 1,680 Deputy Clerk 1,560 1 Deputy Clerk 1,380 1 Stenographer 1,320 2 Copyists 2,280 1 Stenographer 960 1 Assistant to the City Clerk 1,200 0111 Issuing Licenses AS 1 Deputy Clerk 1,620 1 Deputy Clerk l',260 0112 Street Improvement Work AE Extra Labor at $3.75 per day 300 22 0113 Extending Tax Rolls AE 24 Clerks, 2 months 4,800 " IS Clerks, 2 months 2,700 0114 San Pedro & Wilmington Branch Offices AS 1 Deputy Clerk 600 " 1 Stenographer 600 0115 Custody and Care of San Pedro Cemetery AS 1 Caretaker ... 780 Total Personal Services $ 27,660 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0110 Administration CC Postage $ 175 " Telephones and Telegraph CX Equipment Repairs Clock Rental 12 0112 Street Improvement Work CX Street Notices 750 0115 Custody and Care of San Pedro Cemetery CH Water 50 CC Telephone 16 0117 Advertising CA Advertising 8,000 Total Contractual Services $ 9,033 D REDEMPTION OF DEBT DR Refunds $ 300 E EQUIPMENT 0110 Administration EF Furniture and Furnishings 200 0115 Custody and Care of San Pedro Cemetery EC Tools . 25 Total Equipment 1 $ 225 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 0110 Administration FJ Bond Premiums $ FF Recording Deeds 100 0118 Celebrations FC Contributions 2,500 23 0119 Administering Rental Fund FR Hosfield Building .. 117*11' T IT . " jt William J. Vanel 42Q Temple Block 540 Total Fixed Charges and Contributions $ 17,978 S SUPPLIES 0110 Administration SS Printing $ 750 Office Supplies 300 Books 250 Miscellaneous Supplies ....... 0111 Issuing Licenses SS Office Supplies 300 Book s ___ 250 Total Supplies 1400 050 CIVIL SERVICE Request $17,100 Deductions $3,382 Allowances $13,718 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0500 Examination and Certification of Eligibles AS 1 Chief Examiner . $ 2 220 1 Chief Clerk ZZZZZZ 1,500 1 Investigator L200 2 Clerk-Stenographers 2400 1 Clerk-Stenographer l'080 J lerk v - 960 1 Stenographer 900 AX Examining Assistants 2,250 Total Personal Services $ 12,510 C* CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0500 Examination and Certification of Eligibles CA Advertising 4 $ 200 CC Postage 250 Telegraphic Service 5 CP Printing 75 CT Transportation 10 CX Special and Miscellaneous Services ... 75 Total Contractual Services $ 615 E EQUIPMENT 0500 Examination and Certification of Eligibles EF Furniture and Furnishings $ 50 24 F CONTRIBUTIONS 0502 Examination and Certification of Eligibles FC Nat. Civil Service Dues $ 10 S SUPPLIES 0500 Examination and Certification of Eligibles SC Toilet Supplies $ 10 SE Cartridges SS Stationery and Office Supplies 500 Total Supplies $ 533 010 COUNCIL Request $25,745 Additions $117 Allowances $25,862 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0100 Legislation AS 9 Councilmen $ 21,600 " 1 Secretary 1,500 Total Personal Services $ 23,100 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0100 Legislation CC Postage $ 50 Telephones and Telegrams 0101 Legislative Investigation CS Auto Storage 150 CT Chauffeur 1,000 CX Auto Repairs 650 Total Contractual Services $ 1,862 E EQUIPMENT 0100 Legislation EF Furniture and Furnishings $ 100 S SUPPLIES 0100 Legislation SS Stationery and Supplies $ 200 0101 Legislation Investigation SX Auto Supplies 600 Total Supplies $ 800 25 072 CUSTODIAN Request $35,082 Additions $21,725 Allowances $56,807 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0720 City Hall and Annexes AS 1 Assistant Custodian $ 1,020 1 Chief Janitor 780 8 Assistant Janitors 5,760 1 Chief Engineer 1,080 2 Night Watchmen 1,920 Vacation-Nightwatchman 60 1 Vacation Engineer 40 1 City Hall Guide 900 2 Elevator Attendants 1,560 Asst. Elevator Attendant 40 0721 Telephone Exchange AS 1 Telephone' Operator 840 2 Telephone Operators 1,440 1 Telephone Operator 780 2 Telephone Operators , 1,440 Vacation Telephone Operator 180 0722 San Pedro City Hall AS 2 Janitors 1,560 0723 Wilmington City Hall AS 1 Janitor 660 Total Personal Services $ 20,060 B STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 0724 Buildings BB Municipal Building, Van Nuys $ 22,000 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0720 City Hall and Annexes CC Telephones $ 150 CH Heat, Power and Light 3,600 CX Plumbing 120 Building Alterations 750 0721 Telephone Exchange CC Telephones 7,000 0722 San Pedro City Hall CH Electricity 450 CX Plumbing 35 Building Repairs 100 26 0723 Wilmington City Hall CC Telephones 30 CH Electricity 48 CX Plumbing 10 " Building Repairs 15 Total Contractual Services $ 12,308 0720 City Hall and Annexes EF Furniture and Furnishings $ 150 0722 San Pedro City Hall EF Furniture and Furnishings 10 0723 Wilmington City Hall EF Furniture and Furnishings 10 Total Equipment ., $ 170 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 0720 City Hall and Annexes FJ Insurance $ 75 FF Elevator Inspections 4 0722 San Pedro City Hall FJ Insurance 75 0723 Wilmington City Hall FJ Insurance 120 Total Fixed Charges and Contributions $ 274 M MATERIALS 0720 City Hall and Annexes MN Window Glass $ MP Paints, Varnish and Floor Oils 50 MM Pipe and Fittings 35 Total Material $ 100 S SUPPLIES 0720 City Hall and Annexes SC Towels $ 700 " Janitor Supplies 400 SS Directory SX Electric Lamps 350 0722 San Pedro City Hall SC Towels " Janitor Service 90 SF Fuel 190 SX Electric Lamps 15 27 0723 Wilmington City Hall SC Janitor Supplies 15 SF Fuel 48 Total Supplies $ 1,895 051 EFFICIENCY Request $15,390 Deductions 6,290 Allowances $9,100 APERSONAL SERVICES 0510 Research Work AS 1 Accountant $ 2,400 2 Investigators 3,000 1 Investigator 1,200 0511 Clerical and Stenographic AS 1 Stenographer 960 1 Stenographer and Clerk 900 " 1 Office Boy 460 Total Personal Services $ 8,920 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0510 Research Work CC Telephones $ 3 Postage and Telegrams 10 CF Freight, Express and Driyage 2 CP Printing 10 Tracings, Blue Prints and Maps 10 Transportation 20 Clerical and Stenographic Repairs to Equipment 5 Total Contractual Services $ 60 E EQUIPMENT 0510 Research Work EE Books $ 15 S SUPPLIES 0510 Research Work SS Stationery and Supplies $ 50 Periodicals 5 0511 Clerical and Stenographic SS Stationery and Supplies 50 Total Supplies $ 105 28 Oil ELECTION Request $100,000 Allowances $100,000 i A PERSONAL SERVICES 0116 Election Expense AF Officers Compensation ..$ 50,000 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0116 Election , Expense CC Postage $ 10,000 CF Cartage 5,000 Total Contractual Services $ 15,000 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 0116 Election Expense FR Rents $ 15,000 S SUPPLIES 0116 Election Expense SS Ballot Paper $ 5,000 " Printing 10,000 " Election Supplies 5,000 Total Supplies $ 20,000 104 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Request $489,153 Deductions $45,978 Allowances $443,175 A PERSONAL SERVICES 1040 Administration AS 1 City Electrician $ 3,000 1041 Issuing Permits and Clerical Work AS 1 Chief Clerk 1,380 " 1 Clerk 1,200 " 1 Clerk 1,080 1042 Inspection Electrical Work AS 1 Chief Electrical Inspector 1,800 " 6 Inspectors 8,280 1043 Construction and Maintenance of Equipment AS 1 Superintendent 1,500 " 1 Asst. Superintendent 1,320 " 2 Repairmen 2,400 1 Batteryman 1,200 29 1 Foreman 1,200 6 Linemen 6,480 1 Lineman and Cable Splicer 1,200 1 Driver 1,020 1044 Operating Switchboards AS 6 Operators 7,200 1 Operator and Office Assistant 1,200 1045 Installation of Street Lights AS 1 Inspector 1,500 1 Inspector , 1,380 1046 Maintenance and Operation of Street Lights AS 1 Clerk 1,200 Total Personal Services $ 45,540 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1040 Administration CX Auto Repairs $ 60 1041 Issuing Permits and Clerical Work CP Printing Rules 150 CC Telephone Tolls 5 Postage 40 CX Typewriter Repairs 5 1042 Inspection of Electrical Work CT Transportation 30 Auto Allowance 3c per mile 800 1043 Construction and Maintenance of Equipment CC Telephone Rental 236 CF Freight and Cartage 25 CH Gas and Electricity 700 CP Blue Printing and Maps 30 CS Storag'e and Cleaning Auto 170 Board of Horses 72 CT Transportation 75 Hire of Vehicles 25 CX Apparatus Repairs 100 Repairs to Building 50 Miscellaneous Services 25 Sidewalk and Pavement Replacements 25 Auto Repairs 600 1046 Maintenance and Operation of Street Lights CH Lighting Arcs * 315,040 Lighting Street Incandescents 250 Lighting Main Street Bridge 170 Lighting Seventh Street Bridge 130 Lighting Macy Street Bridge 160 Lighting Broadway Bridge 500 Lighting Avenue 20 Bridge 108 . 30 Lighting First Street Bridge 360 " Lighting Avenue 43 Bridge 120 " Lighting Short Line Villa 80 " Lighting Atwater Tract 306 " Lighting Mt. Washington 150 Lighting Third Street Tunnel 1,175 " Lighting Hill Street Tunnel 670 " Lighting Broadway Tunnel 450 " Lighting Gardena 1,206 " Lighting Hollywood 19,990 " Lighting San Pedro 10,030 " Lighting Wilmington 2,030 " Lighting Kenmore Avenue 65 " Lighting Glassell Road 25 " Lighting Normal Hill Center Lighting Palms 700 " Lighting Bairdstown 2,850 " Lighting Shoe String Dist.So. of Manchester 500 " City's Proportion of Ornamental Lighting 20,572 CX Bridge and Tunnel Repairs 50 CP Blue Prints and Maps 60 Total Contractual Services - $ 381,055 D REDEMPTION OF DEBT 1041 Issuing Permits and Clerical Work DD Refund on Permits $ 200 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 1043 Construction and Maintenance of Equipment FR Cable Rental $ 10,250 M MATERIALS 1043 Construction and Maintenance of Equipment ML Poles and Cross-arms $ 280 " t Miscellaneous Lumber MM Rough Material 50 Wire Cables and Conduits Pole Hardware 200 Pipe Shop Tools 20 " Apparatus Parts " Miscellaneous Materials " Apparatus and Instruments " Electrical Material MP Paints and Oils MX Miscellaneous Materials ~ 50 1046 Maintenance and Operation of Street Lights MM Street Lighting Fixtures, etc Total Materials -$ 2,185 31 S SUPPLIES 1040 Administration SX Automobile Supplies $ 75 1041 Issuing Permits and Clerical Work SS Stationery and Office Supplies 400 1042 Inspection of Electrical Work SM Electrical Supplies 15 1043 Construction and Maintenance of Equipment SM Electrical Supplies 25 Small Tools and Hardware _ 25 Battery Supplies 400 SX Auto Supplies 450 Apparatus Supplies 380 " Miscellaneous Supplies ISO 1046 Maintenance and Operation of Street Lights SM Miscellaneous Supplies 25 Lamps 2,000 Total Supplies $ 3,945 410-41 1-412-413 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Request $2,133,176 Deductions $517,831 Allowances $1,615,345 Subdivided as follows: Request 410 Engineering Division $ 87,447 411 Sanitation Division 781,343 412 Highways Division 358,342 413 Street Maintenance Division 906,044 A PERSONAL SERVICES 410 ENGINEERING DIVISION 4101 Administration DeductionsAllowances $ 7,107 $ 80,340 137,415 643,928 116,504 241,838 256,805 649,239 AS 1 City Engineer 1 Chief Deputy 1 Secretary 1 Stenographer 1 Stenographer 1 Chauffeur . 5,000 3,600 1,560 1,200 1,140 900 32 4102 Accounting and Reporting AS 1 Chief Clerk 2,100 1 Bookkeeper 1,560 " 1 Bookkeeper 1,320 " 1 Bookkeeper 1,200 1 Bookkeeper 1,200 2 Clerks 2,400 1 Clerk : 1,200 1 Clerk 1,080 3 Clerks 2,700 2 Clerks 1,560 1 Custodian of Vault 1,020 1 Draftsman 1,716 1 Draftsman 1,248 2 Messengers 1,200 " 1 Poster of Street Notices 1,248 " 1 Asst. Poster of Street Notices 936 " 4 Stenographers 3,600 " 1 Stenographer 780 4103 Issuing Permits, Information and Inspection AS 1 Clerk 1,560 " 3 Clerks 3,744 " 2 Clerks 1,872 " 1 Clerk 75 " 1 Clerk 780 " 2 Draftsmen 2,496 " 1 Inspector 1,500 " 10 Inspectors 13,310 " 2 Inspectors 2,520 AR 1 Laborer 780 Total Personal Services Engineering Div $ 70,105 411 SANITATION DIVISION 4111 Planning Sewers and Storm Drains AS 1 Engineer " 1 Engineer 1 Assistant Engineer 1 Assistant Engineer 3 Assistant Engineers 4 Assistant Engineers 2 Draftsmen 9 Draftsmen 13 Draftsmen . 4112 Construction of Sewers and Storm Drains AS 1 Assistant Engineer " 1 Assistant Engineer " 1 Clerk Inspectors of St. Improvement Construction. Emergency Inspectors, Part Time 1 Right of Way Agent 2,400 2,340 2,028 1,716 4,680 5,616 3,120 12,636 16,224 1,872 1,560 936 9,800 3,200 1,716 33 4113 Maintenance and Care of Sewers AS 1 Foreman 1 320 AR 1 Brick Mason (1/12 time) $6.00 day 'l56 3 Cart Drivers 2,808 9 Laborers 7',722 9 Laborers 7*020 AS 9 Sewer Flushers 9,'l80 AR Outfall Sewer Repair 4'000 4114 Street Cleaning AS 1 Foreman 1,500 3 Foremen .- 3^960 3 Foremen 3*600 1 Inspector 1 140 AR 285 Laborers, $2.50 day "."." 224,770 15 Laborers, $2.50 day 11,700 4115 Collection of Refuse, Rubbish and Garbage AS 1 Superintendent 1,800 AR 2 Blacksmiths 2,496 AS 1 Collector of Small Dead Animals 1,320 AR 2 Foremen 2,640 78 Laborers ($2.50 day, 312 days) 62^556 18 Laborers ($2.50 day, 365 days) ." 16,425 4 Laborers ($2.50 day) 3,120 4117 Lot and Parkway Cleaning AS 8 Clerks (ft time) 1,560 Total Personal Service Sanitation Division. ...$ 440,637 412 HIGHWAY DIVISION 4121 Planning Streets AS 1 Engineer v $ 2,640 1 Assistant Engineer 2,028 3 Assistant Engineers 5,616 2 Assistant Engineers 3,432 4 Assistant Engineers 6,240 1 Assistant Engineer 1,404 5 Draftsmen 7,800 7 Draftsmen 9^828 9 Draftsmen 11,232 1 Grade Computer 1,638 1 Assistant Grade Computer 1,404 1 Assistant Grade Computer 1,248 1 Assistant Grade Computer 1,092 4122 Construction of Streets AS 1 Engineer 3,000 1 Assistant Engineer 1,872 1 Assistant Engineer 1,716 1 Assistant Engineer 1,560 1 Inspector (Expert in Street Improvement Con- struction ) 1 ,800 12 Inspectors, Street Improvement Work 14,700 34 20 Emergency Inspectors (Part Time) 4,000 " 1 Messenger 780 AR 1 Assistant Foreman ($3.75 day) 1,170 " 1 Cement Finisher ($3.50 day) 1,092 " 5 Laborers ($2.50 day) 3,900 4123 Construction of Bridges and Structures AS 1 Engineer 2.400 " 1 Draftsman M04 1 Draftsman 1>24 " 1 Foreman - 1.320 AR 4 Carpenters ($3.75 day) 4,680 " 10 Laborers ($2.50 day) ....: 7,800 4124 Surveying AS 1 Engineer 2,400 " 1 Surveyor 1,W Surveyors 7,007 5 Surveyors Surveyors Surveyor 1 Instrumentman 14 Instrumentmen Instrumentmen nXS 30 Chainmen 27,000 Chainmen " Draftsman 4125 Mapping AS 1 Chief Draftsman 2,400 " 2 Draftsmen 3.744 1 Draftsman llO " 6 Draftsmen 7,930 4 Draftsmen 5,616 6 Draftsmen 7,488 " Draftsman ... * 91 " 1 Assistant Engineer 1,716 " 1 Computer 1.500 " 1 Searcher i. 560 4126 Testing Materials AS 1 Chemist J.SOO 1 Assistant Chemist .- cZ* " 1 Assistant Chemist 936 " 2 Assistant Chemists l,5oO Total Personal Services Highway Division....$ 221,944 413 DIVISION OF STREET MAINTENANCE 4131 Street Maintenance AS 1 Chief Field Deputy " 1 Caretaker Horse Fountains " 1 Foreman lij*> " 16 Foremen AR 19 Asphalt Workers 35 2 Carpenters _ 2,340 13 Steam Roller Engineers, $4.00 day 16,224 1 Steam Roller Engineer, $4.00 day l',248 165 Laborers, $2.50 day _ 128700 Laborers. $2.50 day '550 5 Gutter Layers, $3.00 day 4,680 AS 1 Assistant Engineer 1,560 3 Foremen 3600 AR 15 Laborers, $2.50 day ".......... 10,140 1 Steam Roller Engineer, $4.00 day L248 1 Carpenter, $3.75 day l'l70 1 Foreman 1,*200 4 Laborers, $2.50 day ..." 3J20 4134 Erection of Street Signs AR 3 Laborers, $2.50 day _ 2,340 4135 Operation of Asphalt Plant AS 1 Foreman 1,200 AR 1 Mechanic, $3.50 day _ Z......... 1,092 1 Laborer, $3.00 day '936 9 Laborers, $2.50 day 7,020 4136 Repairing Equipment and Keeping Warehouse AS 1 Storekeeper 1,200 1 Clerk """.".""". 780 AR 1 Blacksmith, $3.75 day 1,248 AS 1 Machinist 1 326 AR 9 Laborers ($2.50 day) Z/~Z........ 7,020 Total Personal Services Street Maintenance Div $ 241,706 Grand Total Personal Services $ 974,392 B STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 411 SANITATION DIVISION 4112 Construction of Sewers and Storm Drains BM North Outfall Sewer Borings $ 1,900 412 HIGHWAY DIVISION 4123 Construction of Bridges and Structures BV Pico Street Bridge Ballona Creek $ 1,200 413 DIVISION OF STREET MAINTENANCE 4134 Erection of Street Signs BC Commemorative, etc $ 1,500 4135 Operation of Asphalt Plant BB Extension to Asphalt Plant 4,000 Grand Total Structures and Improvements..$ 8,600 36 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 410 ENGINEERING DIVISION 4101 Administration CC Communication $ 600 CP Printing Annual Reports, etc JW CS Storage of Automobiles - CX Miscellaneous 4102 Accounting and Reporting CP Blue Printing and Posting Street Notices 1,700 CT Transportation ^0 CX Miscellaneous " 4103 Issuing Permits, Information and Inspection 90 CC Communication ~^. CS Storage of Automobiles *gj CT Transportation ^Wjj CX Miscellaneous lbu Total Contractual Services Engineering Division $ 5,575 411 SANITATION DIVISION 4111 Planning Sewers and Storm Drains CF Freight, Express, etc $ 25 CP Blue Printing CT Transportation i , J CX Miscellaneous ^ 4112 Construction of Sewers and Storm Drains CF Freight, Express, etc CH Water - : CP Printing, etc J? CS Storage of Automobiles CT Transportation ^ Ul CX Reconstructing Sewers, Manholes and House Connections '\*c\ Repairs to Automobiles 4113 Maintenance and Care of Sewers CC Communications CF Freight, Express and Drayage 1W CH Water 250 CS Shoeing and Care of Animals ^ CT Transportation CX Automobile Repairs . 4114 Street Cleaning CF 59 Teamsters ($5.00 day) 93,860 CT Transportation Itjjw CX Repairs to Flushers and the Equipment CX Flushing Streets by Motor Trucks ... CS Shoeing and Care of Animals .. 37 4115 Collection of Refuse CC Communication .. !7c CF Motor Trucks ............. HHZZZZI 20 000 Collection of Garbage, Non-comb. 'Rubbish "and Dead Animals ............. e O nn CH Light and Power .. ............ 5 '^ CS Care of Animals ................ " Transportation ............................... C^Q CX Repairing Auto and Other Equipment _______ 400 4117 Lot and Parkway Cleaning CC Communication ...................... 7 E Cleaning of Lots and Parkways""!. 5 000 Printing etc .............. CX Miscellaneous ..................... !Z!Z!!ZZZZZZ 500 4118 Sewage Disposal CF Freight, Express, etc ......... c CH Light and Power ..................... "".. 10 n Transportation ............................. ""."."" 20 CX Miscellaneous Repairs and Testing ZZZZ! 50 Total Contractual Services Sanitation Division....$ 157,583 412 HIGHWAY DIVISION 4121 Planning Streets CP Printing, etc ......................................... * 75 CS Storage of Automobiles .............. on CT Transportation ........................................ ]5 CX Miscellaneous and Auto Repairs 75 4122 Construction of Streets CF Freight, Express and Drayage ................................. 1,000 Teamster ...................................... /560 CS Storage of Automobiles .................. ' 99 CT Transportation ............................................ " 250 CX Miscellaneous Street Construction ....... 1 000 CX Automobile and Motorcycle Repairing ' 75 CP Printing, etc .......................................... c 4123 Construction of Bridges and Structures CC Communication ............................ 25 CF Freight, Express, etc. . mn CH Water CP Printing, etc ............ ZZZZZZH {5 Transportation ...................................... 20 CX Miscellaneous Bridge Construction .ZZZZZZ. 200 4124 Surveying CF Freight, Express, etc ................................ 10 CS Storage of Automobiles ....................... 90 Transportation ......................................... 2 200 CX Repairs to Auto and Instruments ............. ZZZZ '300 38 4125 Mapping CF Freight, Express, etc ............................................. CP Printing, etc ................................................................... !"" CT Transportation ................................................................ CX Certificates Ownership and Miscl. Reports .......... 4126 Testing Materials CF Freight and Express ...................................................... 60 CH Gas ...................................................................................... ^ CT Transportation ................................................................ CX Miscellaneous Repairs .................................................. _ Total Contractual Services Highway Division....$ 9,930 413 DIVISION OF STREET MAINTENANCE 4131 Maintenance of Streets CC Communication ......................................................... $ ,,-* CF Teamsters 104 (a) $5.00 ............................................. 163.020 CF Trucks 9 @ $290 ................................................ ....... 24.360 Freight and Drayage on Cement, etc ..................... -5,UUU CH Power, Rock Crusher, L. A. & S. F. V ............... CP Blue Printing, etc. . ......................................................... * CT Transportation ............................... **> CX Huntington Drive Bridge, New Deck ...................... SOU Soto St. Bridge, Foundation ...................................... 75 Bridge Repairs San Fernando Valley Bridge Repairs Los Angeles Repairing Macy St. Bridge ..... 4133 Street Sprinkling CX Street Sprinking Wagons .......................................... 41,885 " Street Sprinkling Motor Trucks 4134 Erection of Street Signs CP Blue Printing CX Repairs to Automobiles ..... 4135 Operation of Asphalt Plant CC Communication r .................................... CF Freight, Express and Drayage, Sand .............. A^U " Teamsters 2 @ $5.00 ......................... CH Power and Light .......................................................... JjJJJ CX Miscellaneous Repairs . 39 4136 Repairing Equipment and Keeping Warehouse CC Communication ................................... 275 CH Power and Light .................................................... 100 CS Shoeing and Care of Animals .............................. '."_"'". 20 CX Repairing Auto and Other Equipment .. 500 Total Contractual Services Maintenance Division..$ 332,663 Grand Total Contractual Services .............................. $ 505,751 D REDEMPTION OF DEBT 410 ENGINEERING DIVISION 4102 Accounting and Reporting DR Refunds .................................................................. $ 225 411 SANITATION DIVISION 4113 Maintenance and Care of Sewers DR Damage Claims ........................................... . $ 50 4115 Collection of Refuse DR Damage Claims ................................................ 50 Total Redemption of Debt Sanitation Division $ 100 413 DIVISION OF STREET MAINTENANCE 4131 Street Maintenance DR Damage Claims ..._$ 50 Grand Total Redemption of Debt $ 375 E EQUIPMENT 410 ENGINEERING DIVISION 4101 Administration EF Furniture, etc ..._$ 50 EE Maps, Books, Periodicals, etc 10 4102 Accounting and Reporting EF Loose Leaf Books, Filing Cabinets, etc 100 4103 Issuing Permits, Information and Inspection EF Furniture, Filing Cabinets, etc 50 Total Equipment Engineering Division $ 210 40 411 SANITATION DIVISION 4111 Planning Sewers and Storm Drains EE Map, Drafting Appliances .......................................... $ EF Furniture and Fixtures .............................................. 4112 Construction of Sewers and Storm Drains EP Production and Construction .................................... 4113 Maintenance and Care of Sewers EP Production and Construction .................................... ET 2 Ton Trucks .................................................................. I' 600 4114 Street Cleaning EC Flushing Equipment, etc ...................... 4115 Collection of Refuse EL Livestock 10 Mules .................................................... 1,000 EP Equipment Blacksmith Shop ...................................... 4117 Lot and Parkway Cleaning EE Scientific ................................................................ - > Total Equipment Sanitation Division .............. $ 3,350 412 HIGHWAY DIVISION 4121 Planning Streets EF Furniture and Fixtures ................................................ $ 4122 Construction of Streets EF Furniture and Fixtures ................................................ 4123 Construction of Bridges and Structures EE Scientific .......................................................................... 4124 Surveying EE Scientific ......................... 75 4125 Mapping EE Scientific ........................................ EF Furniture, etc ................................................................... 4126 Testing Materials EE Scientific .......................................................... EH Electrical Equipment .................................................. Total Equipment Highway Division .................. $ 413 DIVISION OF STREET MAINTENANCE 4131 Street Maintenance EP Oil Wagons ...................................................................... $ " 1 Grader ............................................................................ 300 " Extra Asphalt Equipment .. " Miscellaneous Equipment ....... ET Transportation .......... 41 4135 Operation of Asphalt Plant EE Scientific ............................................. 5 EP Production and Construction ."""!"". 200 4136 Repairing Equipment and Keeping Warehouse EH Electrical Equipment .............................. 35 Total Equipment Division of Street Maintenance... $ 2790 Grand Total Equipment ........................................... ML Lumber, etc -- j^ M M Hardware 4103 Issuing Permits, Information and Inspection MM Hardware X " Total Materials Engineering Division $ 411 SANITATION DIVISION 4111 Planning Sewers and Storm Drains MM Hardware 4112 Construction of Sewers and Storm Drains ML Lumber, etc MF Fibre Products 40 MM Metallic 2,000 MN Non-Metallic 2 - (X)( J MP Paints, etc 4113 Maintenance and Care of Sewers MF Fibre Products ML Lumber, etc MM Metallic MN Non-Metallic MP Paints, etc 4114 Street Cleaning MF Fibre Products MM Metallic ML Lumber, etc MN Non-metallic MP Paints, etc 30 MX Miscellaneous 4115 Collection of Refuse MF Fibre Products MH Hides and Leather ML Lumber, etc 150 MM Metallic '^ MN Non-Metallic MP Paints, etc 43 4118 Sewage Disposal MF Fibre Products 5 ML Lumber g MM Metallic .. .!!!...!.. 10 MN Non-Metallic 60 MP Paints, etc 3 Total Materials Sanitation Division $ 13,909 412 HIGHWAY DIVISION 4122 Construction of Streets ML Lumber, etc $ 19 MM Metallic 10 MN Non-Metallic 50 MP Paints, etc "~"^~"""~""". 5 4123 Construction of Bridges and Structures MF Fibre . Products 135 ML Lumber, etc 30Q MM Metallic 700 M N Non-Metallic .~ _ZL_Z 4,000 MP Paints, etc ' 25 4124 Surveying MF Fibre Products 5 ML Lumber, etc 450 MM Metallic 200 MP Paints, etc _~____ZI 10 4125 Mapping ML Lumber, etc 5 MN Non-Metallic -..-......._._" 5 4126 Testing Materials MF Fibre Products 5 ML Lumber, etc in MM Metallic ."""."" 2 5 MN Non-Metallic . MP Paints, etc _ZZZ 10 Total Material Highway Division $ 5,999 413 DIVISION OF STREET MAINTENANCE Street Maintenance Fibre Products 325 Hides and Leather 40 Lumber, etc 4 nnn j, r ... " T.W/V/ Meta "' c ---: : 3,000 Non-Metallic 19000 Paints, etc 70 44 4132 Maintenance of Bridges and Structures MF Fibre Products ML Lumber, etc 1.00' MM Metallic MN Non-Metallic MP Paints, etc 4134 Erection of Street Signs MF Fibre Products, etc ML Lumber, etc 1,000 MM Metallic MN Non-Metallic 5 MP Paint, etc 4135 Operation of Asphalt Plant MF Fibre Products ML Lumber, etc MM Metallic MN Non-Metallic 19,000 Total Material Division of Street Maintenance..$ 49,345 Grand Total Materials $ 69,288 S SUPPLIES 410 ENGINEERING DIVISION 4101 Administration SM Lubricants for Automobile $ SF Fuel for Automobile 200 SS Stationery and Office Supplies .' SX Miscellaneous and Automobile Supplies 4102 Accounting and Reporting SS Stationery and Office Supplies 2,400 SX Miscellaneous 4103 Issuing Permits, Information and Inspection SF Fuel for Automobiles ISO SM Lubricants for Automobiles SS Stationery and Office Supplies SX Miscellaneous and Automobile Supplies Total Supplies, Engineering Division $ 4,125 411 SANITATION DIVISION 4111 Planning Sewers and Storm Drains SF Fuel for Automobiles $ 75 SM Lubricants for Automobiles SS Stationery and Office Supplies SX Miscellaneous and Automobile Supplies 45 4112 Construction of Sewers and Storm Drains SC Cleaning o SF Fuel for Automobiles 75 SM Lubricants for Automobiles 25 SS Stationery and Office Supplies IQQ SW Wearing Apparel 25 SX Miscellaneous and Automobile Supplies 100 4113 Maintenance and Care of Sewers SA Forage and Supplies for Animals 7 SC Cleaning 5 SF Fuel for Automobiles 60Q SM Lubricants for Automobiles 150 SS Stationery and Office Supplies 50 SW Wearing Apparel 150 SX Miscellaneous, Automobile Supplies & Fire Hose 300 4114 Street Cleaning SA Forage and Supplies for Animals 25 SC Wheel Hand Sweepers 2 900 SF Fuel for Lamps ' 50 SM Lubricants 75 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 5QO 4115 Collection of Refuse SA Forage, Harness Supplies, etc 16,000 SC Cleaning ' 75 SF Fuel for Trucks 540 SM Lubricants for Trucks 205 SS Stationery 150 SX Miscellaneous, Automobile Supplies, etc 1,000 4117 Lot and Parkway Cleaning SS Stationery 200 4118 Sewage Disposal SM Lubricants 5 SX Miscellaneous 20 Total Supplies Sanitation Division $ 23,884 412 HIGHWAY DIVISION 4121 Planning Streets SS Stationery and Office Supplies $ 600 SX Miscellaneous 50 4122 Construction of Streets SF Fuel for Automobiles 60 SM Lubricants for Automobiles 25 SS Stationery and Office Supplies 50 SX Miscellaneous and Automobile Supplies 50 4123 Construction of Bridges and Structures SC Cleaning 10 SS Stationery and Office Supplies 50 46 4124 Surveying SF Fuel for Automobiles .................................................. SM Lubricants for Automobiles ........................................ SS Stationery and Office Supplies .................................... 300 SX Miscellaneous and Automobile Supplies .............. 4125 Mapping SS Stationery, Drafting and Office Supplies ................ 600 SX Miscellaneous .................................................................. 4126 Testing Materials SF Fuel ...................................................................................... SM Lubricants, etc ............................................................... SS Laboratory Supplies, etc ............................................. SX Miscellaneous .................................................................. Total Supplies Highway Division .................... $ 2,385 413 DIVISION OF STREET MAINTENANCE 4131 Street Maintenance SA Forage and Supplies for Animals ............................ $ 40 SC Cleaning ............................................................................ 150 SE Explosives ........................................................................ SF Fuel for Rollers, etc ..................................................... 6,300 SM Lubricants ........................................................................ SW Wearing Apparel .......................................................... SX Miscellaneous and Automobile Supplies ................ 3,00 4132 Maintenance of Bridges and Structures SF Fuel .......................................................... !| SM Lubricants ........................................................................ SW Wearing Apparel .......................................................... 60 SX Miscellaneous .................................................................. 7U 4134 Erection of Street Signs SF Fuel for Trucks ............................................................ 75 SM Lubricants for Trucks .................................................. g SX Miscellaneous and Automobile Supplies .................. 4135 Operation of Asphalt Plant SF Fuel ................................................................................. LlOO SM Lubricants ........................................................................ SS Stationery, etc ................................................................. SX Miscellaneous .................................................................. 4136 Repairing Equipment and Keeping Warehouse SA Forage and Supplies for Animals ............. SF Fuel for Automobiles .................................................. l |" SM Lubricants .......................... ,? SS Stationery and Office Supplies ............................ _ ^ Total Supplies Division of Street Maintenance..$ 12,825 Grand Total Supplies .. 47 101 FIRE DEPARTMENT Request $1,695,282 Deductions $789,299 Allowances $905,983 A PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 Administration AS 1 Chief Engineer ........................................... $ 3 QQQ 2 Assistant Chief Engineers ............ ........ 4*200 8 Batallion Chiefs ......................................... 14*400 1 Captain, (Drill Master) ..................... ".^"""'."" 1,500 1011 Accounting and Reporting AS 1 Secretary, Fire Dept ........................... 1 ggQ Assistant Secretary, Fire Dept ................. .... 1,140 1 Secretary, Fire Commission .. I'gOO ,4 1 n " --- ........ i WV l Captain ......... i c/vi (( 1 -|-^. - ..--..--............ . i JVAJ 1 Fireman .................................................................. j 200 1012 Fire Prevention AS 2 Lieutenants 9 run > T T->- ......................................... fcwftU 2 Firemen ................................................................ 2 400 1013 Fire Protection AS 38 Captains .......... C7 nn/> H . . T . - ------- " ------- . . ._ +}j \J\J\J 44 Lieutenants -. n w . --- ---- --* --- - ----- UT.VJOU 60 Engineers .................................................................. 86}400 19Q - Ut Firemen .......................................................... 66,000 128 Firemen ................................... 1 S3 600 . o _^. ------------------------------- 1JO,UUV 46 firemen ...................... 54720 97 Firemen 125 Firemen __ 127,'500 AE Vacation and Sick Relief 27,800 " 18 Watchmen 6 ' 960 AS 1 Driver Supply Wagon '900 1 Foreman at Wilmington '"_ 359 1 Telephone Operator 1 140 AE Volunteers at San Pedro _."_"[ 'gOO AS 2 Auto Firemen, Gardena 2 400 2 Firemen, Gardena . ?'run *i 1 T-A T-* 1 ^.UT'U I Foreman, Palms 240 1014 Maintenance and Equipment AS I Horseshoer .. i ?nn l( 1 A - l.^UU 1 Asst. Horseshoer 900 1 Machinist . i 740 tt i -r-k . " ** " *- - * ........ 1 ./ T-\J Painter 1 020 1 Carpenter, part time .. '/snn Total Personal Services $ 798,320 48 B STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 1013 Fire Protection BB 36 Hydrants, Palms ................................................. $ 20 Hydrants, Congested District .............................. Total Buildings and Improvements.... .... $ 4,456 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1010 Administration CC Postage ...................... ........ ................................................ * 1( *> CT Transportation San Pedro .......................................... 1011 Accounting and Reporting CP Printing Annual Report ............... '> CX Towel Service ................................................................ * Typewriter Repairs ...................................................... *" CP Maps ............................................ 1013 Fire Protection CC Telephones CF Freight and Express Charges CH Light. Power and Gas CL Hospital Services A/IQ CH Water, Palms, Culver City " Water, Eagle 'Rock, 22 Hydrants *> Water, L. A. County, 11 Hydrants &* Water, 3 House, Engine 27, 29 and 35 1014 Maintenance and Equipment CX Auto Repairs .. Apparatus Repairs -- Solid Rubber Tires for Motor-driven Apparatus- suu Pneumatic Tires for Chief's Car 1/00 Reconverting and Rebuilding Wheels on Engines 1,000 Harness Repairs 17C . CS Veterinary Services - ^ CX Hydrant Repairs Total Contractual Services - $ 50,205 F FIXED CHARGES 1013 Fire Protection c ^ FR Rent of Houses Rent of Fire Boat Total Fixed Charges ............................................ $ 3 > 522 E EQUIPMENT 1013 Fire Protection Ladders, Life K_. -, 6 Dreager Smoke Helmets 49 1 VJ A O * * 1. V^V.W*AV*J EC Ladders, Lije Nets^etc. . --$ 2,000 Wagon Chemical Hose, 2,000 ft ................... ." \ QQQ EC Furniture .............................. '425 EL Horses ZZZZZ 1,000 Total Equipment .................................................... $ 16,795 M MATERIALS 1014 Maintenance and Equipment ML Lumber ..... ; - 11,000 Barley and Bran 1 c n n SF Fuel ;z::z: l^o SX Coal Oil and Gasoline .. ss Drugs ;;;;;;;;; 4 - 25 Acid and Soda 500 SX Auto Supplies j 4QQ Total Supplies $ 39,935 804 FIRE PENSION COMMISSION Request $20,320 Deductions $429 Allowances $19,891 A PERSONAL SERVICES 8040 Administration AS 1 Secretary $ 300 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8040 Administration CC Postage . 10 " 1 Janitor .......................................................................... Total Personal Services ...................................... $ 2,160 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1050 Testing Gas and Meters CC Postage ................................................................................ $ " Telephone ........................................................................ CH Electric Light .................................................................. * CT Transportation ................................................................ CX Repairs Towel Service Total Contractual Services ................................ E EQUIPMENT 1050 Testing Gas and Meters EE One Calorimeter 20 One Analytical Apparatus Total Equipment .............. F FIXED CHARGES 1050 Testing Gas and Meters FJ Insurance .................. S SUPPLIES 1050 Testing Gas and Meters SS Stationery and Office Supplies .. .---$ " Laboratory Supplies ......................... _ *~ Total Supplies .................... -$ 51 806 GENERAL EXPENSE Request $350,000 Deductions $150,000 Allowances $200,000 200 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Request $186,445 Deductions $33,165 Subdivided as follows: Request Allowances $153,280 DeductionsAllowances $ 21,505 $101,980 2,860 12,445 8,800 38,855 200 Health T ^,^ 201 Housing Commission "". r *ls',305 202 Nursing Commission 47,655 200 HEALTH A PERSONAL SERVICES 2000 Administration AS Health Commissioner 1 Clerk of the Department .._ x 1 Secretary to Health Commissioner 1^200 1 Asst. Health Commissioner, San Pedro '900 1 Asst. Health Commissioner, Gardena ".'"".'. 300 1 Asst. Health Commissioner, Wilmington 300 1 Asst. Health Commissioner, Hollywood 300 1 Asst. Health Commissioner, San Fernando.. 300 1 Asst. Health Commissioner, Palms 300 2001 Accounting and Reporting AS 1 Desk Clerk General Office 1 140 1 Stenographer and Clerk .. 1*020 2002 Collection, Tabulation, Vital Statisticsand'Con" tagious Diseases AS 1 Mortuary Clerk j ggQ 1 Desk Clerk, Contagious Diseases .""". 1,140 2003-9 Isolation, Care and Treatment Contagious Diseases AS LAsst. Health Commissioner 2 100 2 Asst. Health Commissioners 3*600 1 Sanitary Inspector, Detention Hospital.. l'200 I Caretaker Quarantine Hospital '720 1 Los Angeles Quarantine Inspector 1 200 1 Asst. Quarantine Inspector, San Pedro ... 1200 Asst. Quarantine Inspector, Fumigating, L. A... 1200 1 Chauffeur and Fumigator, L. A 960 52 AE Nurses 100 " Helpers 500 " Cooks 1,000 " Guards 500 2004 Food Inspection AS 1 Veterinarian (Chief Milk Inspector) 1,800 " 9 Milk Inspectors _ . 11,880 " 1 Meat Inspector 1,680 " 7 Inspectors of Animal Slaughter 9,240 " - 1 Sanitary Inspector (Bakery) 1,200 " 1 Chief Fruit and Vegetable Inspector 1,440 " 1 Asst. Fruit and Vegetable Inspector 1,200 2005-A Bacteriological Laboratory AS 1 Bacteriologist 1.800 " 1 Sanitary Inspector (Assistant to Bacteriologist) 1,320 " 1 Laboratory Caretaker 900 2005-B Chemical Analysis Laboratory AS 1 Chemist , 1,920 " 1 Assistant Chemist 1,200 2006 Sanitary Inspection AS 1 Chief Sanitary Inspector 1,380 " 13 Sanitary Inspectors 15,600 " 1 Sanitary Inspector 1,080 " 1 Sanitary Inspector, San Fernando 960 2007 Care of Indigent Sick AS 1 Assistant Health Commissioner 1,800 " 1 Physician, Asst. in Mater 300 " 8 District Physicians 2,400 2008 Prevention and Care of Tuberculosis AS 2 Assistant Health Commissioners 1,800 Total Personal Services $ 89,040 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2000 Administration CX Secret Service $ " Repairs and Alterations CF Express, Cartage, etc 5 2001 Accounting and Reporting CC Postage 500 CC Telephone and Telegraph 430 CP Reports and Binding 800 CX Typewriter Repairs 10 53 2003-9 Isolation, Care and Treatment Contagious Dis- eases CH Electricity 75 CS Auto Storage 200 CX Automobile Repairs 1,500 CL Meals to Persons in Quarantine 75 2004 Food Inspection CT Milk Inspection, Tulare and other places 650 2005-A Bacteriological Laboratory CX Repairs and Alterations 25 Total Contractual Services $ 4,345 E EQUIPMENT 2000 Administration EF Furniture and Fittings $ 50 2001 Accounting and Reporting EF Furniture and Fittings 25 2005-A Bacteriological Laboratory EX Scientific Equipment 50 2005-B Chemical Analysis Laboratory EX Scientific Equipment 100 Total Equipment $ 225 S SUPPLIES 2001 Accounting and Reporting SS Stationery, Supplies, etc $ 500 Printing Forms 600 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 50 2003-9 Isolation, Care and Treatment Contagious Dis- eases SP Provisions, Detention Hospital 500 SS Supplies 100 SP Provisions, Quarantine Hospital 75 SS Supplies 50 SP Provisions, Quarantined Houses 50 SC Fumigating Supplies 2,000 SF Fuel, Hospitals _ 50 SX Automobile Supplies 400 SF Gasolines, Oils, etc 600 Gas 75 SX Ice, Detention and Quarantine Hospitals 10 54 2004 Food Inspection SX Supplies, Milk Inspection 50 Supplies, Meat Inspection 50 Supplies^ Fruit and Vegetable Inspection 50 2005-A & B Bacteriological & Chemical Analysis Laboratory SS Supplies, Chemical Laboratory 275 " Supplies, Bacteriological Laboratory 400 SX Ice >. 35 SP Bacteriological Laboratory 15 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 10 2006 Sanitary Inspection SX Miscellaneous Supplies 25 2007 Care Indigent Sick SS Drugs, etc 2,400 Total Supplies $ 101,980 201 HOUSING COMMISSION A PERSONAL SERVICES 2010 Administration AS 1 Chief Inspector (Executive Secretary) $ 1,320 1 Clerl? and Stenographer 900 2011 Housing Inspection AS 3 Inspectors 3,600 2 Inspectors 2,400 2 Inspectors 2,160 2 Inspectors 1,920 Total Personal Services $ 12,300 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2010 Administration CP Printing of Pamphlets $ 25 Printing of Photographs 10 CX Repairs and Alterations 10 2011 Housing Inspection CT Transportation, San Pedro 50 Total Contractual $ 95 E EQUIPMENT 2010 Administration EF Filing Cabinet $ 25 55 S SUPPLIES 2010 Administration SS Periodicals, Books, Photo Supplies $ 25 202 NURSING COMMISSION A PERSONAL SERVICES 2020 Administration AS 1 Chief Nurse $ 1,500 2021 Medical Work for School Children AS 6 School Nurses 6,120 1 School Nurse 900 2022 Conservation of Infant Life AS 2 Maternity Nurses 2,040 1 Maternity Nurse 900 " 3 Welfare Nurses 3,060 1 Janitor, Milk Station (Temple) 180 2023 Child Welfare Work AS 2 Inspection Nurses (Boarding Homes & Hos- pitals) 2,040 2024 Prevention and Care of Tuberculosis AS 2 Nurses 2,040 " 10 Nurses 9,600 1 Janitor, Temple Block 480 2025 Care; of Indigent Sick AS 4 District Nurses 4,080 Total Personal Services $ 32,940 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2022 Conservation of Infant Life CT Transportation Nurses $ 2,000 CF Delivery of Milk 300 CX Laundry 60 CH Electricity 15 CT Transportation 5 CP Printing of Special Literature 25 2024 Prevention and Care of Tuberculosis CH Electricity 15 CX Laundry 60 Total Contractual Services $ 2,480 56 E EQUIPMENT 2022 Conservation of Infant Life EF Furniture and Fittings $ 50 EX Milk Carriers and Convey 30 2024 Prevention and Care of Tuberculosis EF Furniture and Fittings 50 Total Equipment $ 130 S SUPPLIES 2022 Conservation of Infant Life SS Drugs $ 100 " DextriMaltose, etc 250 SP Milk 1,500 SW Infant . Clothing 150 SX Miscellaneous 50 2024 Prevention and Care of Tuberculosis SC Insecticided Fungicides etc 5 SS Drugs, Supplies, etc 1,000 SP Milk to Patients 100 SW Gowns, Physicians 30 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 100 SF Fuel, Clinic 20 Total Supplies $ 3,305 107 HUMANE ANIMAL COMMISSION Request $18,280 Deductions $285 Allowances $17,995 A PERSONAL SERVICES 1071 Accounting and Reporting AS 1 Secretary $ 1,200 1072 Enforcing of Dog Licenses AS 6 Humane Animal Inspectors 5,760 1073 Impounding of Stray Dogs AS 1 Humane Animal Inspector 1,080 1074 Inspection and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals AS 2 Humane Animal Inspectors 2,160 1075 San Pedro Branch AS 1 Humane Animal Inspector 960 Total Personal Services $ 11,160 57 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1071 Accounting and Reporting CA Advertising and Publishing of Notices $ 300 CC Communication Services 275 CP Printing and Binding """_ iQO 1072 Enforcing of Dog Licenses CX Repairs 200 1073 Impounding of Stray Stock CH Electric Light 40 1074 Inspection and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals CF, Removing Dead Horses from City Pound 25 CS Horse Shoeing and Veterinary Services 150 1075 San Pedro Branch CT Transportation 20 Total Contractual Services $ 1,110 E EQUIPMENT 1074 Inspection and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ET Automobile Ambulance $ 2,700 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 1073 Impounding of Stray Stock FR Rent $ 1,320 S SUPPLIES 1071 Accounting and Reporting SF Fire Wood $ 15 SS Stationery and Office Supplies 40 1072 Enforcing Dog Licenses SS Toilet Supplies 93 SF Gas (Asphyxiating Dogs) 54 SX Automobile Tires and Tubes 150 Dog . License Tags 300 1073 Impounding of Stray Stock SX Stable and Automobile Supplies 85 1074 Inspection and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals SA Forage 740 SE Cartridges 8 SF Gasoline 180 SM Oil 35 SX Drugs 5 Total Supplies $ 1,705 58 601 LIBRARY Request $248,839 Deductions $35,272 Allowances $213,567 A PERSONAL SERVICES 6010 Administration AS 1 Librarian $ 4,500 " 1 Stenographer 1,020 6011 Clerical and Purchasing AS 1 Bookkeeper 1,140 " 1 Clerk .. 840 " 1 Attendant 1,020 " 1 Attendant 780 " 1 Attendant 780 " 1 Telephone Operator 600 6012 Central Library AS 1 Mechanic 1,080 " 1 Chauffffeur 840 " 1 Janitor 780 " 1 Janitor 660 " 1 Janitor 600 " 1 Cleaner 600 " 2 Principals 3,000 " 1 Principal 1,440 " 1 Principal 1,320 " 4 Principals 4,800 " 1 Principal 1,140 " 1 Principal 1,080 " 2 Attendants 2,160 " 6 Attendants 5,760 " 9 Attendants 3,000 " 5 Attendants 4,200 " 8 Attendants 6,240 3 Attendants 2,160 5 Attendants 3,600 " 3 Attendants 2,160 1 Children's Librarian 840 " 3 Pages 600 " 4 Pages 2,160 " 6 Pages 2,400 " 4 Pages 1,680 " 3 Pages 1,260 Pages, y-z time .. 330 Pages, yz time 100 " 1 Chief of Bookbinding 960 1 Russian Translator 600 59 6013 Minor Branches AS 1 Principal 1,560 I Attendant 1,020 1 Attendant 960 4 Attendants 2,700 2 Attendants 1,560 6 Attendants 4,320 7 Attendants, Part Time 840 2 Pages 1,200 1 Janitor 600 2 Cleaners v 70 5 Pages 600 3 Pages 780 6014 Hollywood Branch AS 1 Principal 1,020 1 Attendant '780 ." 1 Attendant 720 1 Page, Half Time '. 270 1 Janitor 720 6015 San Pedro Branch AS 1 Principal 960 1 Attendant 780 " 1 Attendant 720 1 Page, Half Time 60 Janitor 600 6016 Wilmington Branch AS 1 Attendant 840 6017 Vermont Square Branch AS 1 Principal 960 1 Attendant 840 1 Children's Librarian 780 Janitor 720 .1 Page, Half Time 210 6018 Arroyo Seco Branch AS 1 Principal 960 1 Attendant 840 1 Children's Librarian 360 1 Janitor 780 1 Page, Part Time 240 6019 Vernon Branch AS 1 Principal : ; 1,020 1 Attendant .'. '780 1 Children's Librarian 780 1 Page, Part Time 210 1 Janitor 720 60 6020 Boyle Heights Branch AS 1 Principal 900 1 Attendant 780 " 1 Children's Librarian 780 " 1 Page, Half Time 210 1 Janitor 720 6021 North East Branch AS 1 Principal 900 1 Attendant 720 " 1 Children's Librarian , 720 " 1 Page, Half Time 240 1 Janitor 720 6022 Prospect Branch AS 1 Principal 900 1 Attendant 720 " 1 Children's Librarian 720 " 1 Page, Half Time 240 1 Janitor 720 Total Personal Services $ 112,100 B STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 6014 Hollywood Branch BX Miscellaneous Improvements $ 166 6018 Arroyo Seco Branch BX Miscellaneous Improvements 250 6019 Vernon Branch BX Miscellaneous Improvements 250 6020 Boyle Heights Branch BX Miscellaneous Improvements 250 Total Structures and Improvements $ 916 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6012 Central Library CC Telephones $ 500 Postage 450 CF Freight, Express and Drayage 200 CP Printing 700 Binding 9,000 CH Heat, Light and Power 500 CS Auto Garage 100 CT Carfare 245 CX Towel Service 400 Building Alterations 1,000 Repairs 50 " Miscellaneous Service 400 61 6013 Minor Branches CC Telephones 100 Postage' 60 CF Freight, Express and Drayage 40 CH Heat, Light and Power 600 CP Binding 3700 CT Carfare 200 CX Towel Service 100 Repairs 25 Miscellaneous 180 6014 Hollywood Branch CC Telephones 75 Postage 10 CP Binding 500 CH Heat, Light and Power 100 CT Carfare 25 CX Towels 25 Repairs 25 Miscellaneous Service 50 6015 San Pedro Branch CC Telephones 28 Postage 10 CP Binding 200 CH Heat, Light and Power 100 CT Carfare 50 CF Freight, Express and Drayage 50 CX Repairs 25 Miscellaneous Service 50 6016 Wilmington Branch CC Telephones 33 Postage 10 Binding 100 CF Freight, Express and Drayage 10 CT Carfare 25 CX Repairs 25 Miscellaneous Service 20 6017 Vermont Square Branch CC Telephones 33 Postage 10 CP Binding 300 CH Heat Light and Power 200 CT Carfare 25 CX Towel Service 25 Repairs 25 Miscellaneous Service 50 6018 Arroyo Seco Branch CC Telephones 33 Postage 10 CP Binding 300 62 CH Heat, Light and Power 200 CT Carfares 10 CX Towel Service 15 Repairs 25 Miscellaneous Service 50 6019 Vernon Branch CC Telephones 33 Postage 10 CP Binding 200 CH Heat, Light and Power 200 CT Carfares 1 15 CX Towel Service 15 Repairs 25 Miscellaneous Service 50 6020 Boyle Heights Branch CC Telephones 33 Postage 10 CP Binding 300 CH Heat, Light and Power 100 CT Carfares ;. 10 CX Towel Service 15 Repairs 25 Miscellaneous Service 50 6021 North East Branch CC Telephones 33 Postage 10 CP Binding 200 CH Heat Light and Power 100 CT Carfares 10 CX Towel Service 15 Repairs 25 Miscellaneous Service > 50 6022 Prospect Branch CC Telephones 33 Postage 10 CP Binding 200 CH Heat, Light and Power 100 CT Carfares 10 CX Towel Service 15 Repairs ; 25 " Miscellaneous Supplies 50 Total Contractual Service $ 23,384 E EQUIPMENT 6012 Central Library EC Books $ 19,767 Periodicals 2,300 EF Furniture 1,800 63 6013 Minor Branches EC Books 5,000 Periodicals 300 EF Furniture 300 6014 Hollywood Branch EC Books 1,000 Periodicals 300 EF Furniture 50 6015 San Pedro Branch EC Books 700 Periodicals 300 EF Furniture 50 6016 Wilmington Branch EC Books 300 Periodicals 100 EF Furniture 25 6017 Vermont Square Branch EC Books 1,000 Periodicals 200 EF Furniture 25 6018 Arroyo Seco Branch EC Books '. 1,000 Periodicals 200 EF Furniture 50 6019 Vernon Branch EC Books 1,500 Periodicals 200 EF Furniture 50 6020 Boyle Heights Branch EC Books 1,500 Periodicals 200 EF Furniture 50 6021 North East Branch EC Books 1,500 Periodicals 200 EF Furniture 50 6022 Prospect Branch EC Books 2,000 Periodicals 200 EF Furniture 50 Total Equipment $ 42,267 64 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 6012 Central Library FJ Insurance '. $ 1,804 FR Rents 22,000 6013 Minor Branches FJ Insurance 260 FR Rents 2,860 6014 Hollywood Branch FJ Insurance 120 6015 San Pedro Branch FR Rent 240 6018 Arroyo Seco Branch FJ Insurance 180. 6021 North East Branch FJ Insurance 168 6022 Prospect Branch FJ Insurance 168 Total Fixed Charges and Contributions $ 27,800 M MATERIALS 6012 Central Library ML Lumber $ 400 MP Paints 300 MX Hardware 200 Total Materials .. .....$ 900 S SUPPLIES 6012 Central Branch SC Janitor Supplies ..$ 400 SM Auto Supplies : 500 SS Stationery and Office Supplies 4,000 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 100 6013 Minor Branches SX Miscellaneous Supplies 10 6014 Hollywood Branch SF Fuel 125 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 25 65 6015 San Pedro Branch SF Fuel 125 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 50 6016 Wilmington Branch SF Fuel 50 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 15 6017 Vermont Square Branch SF Fuel 150 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 50 6018 Arroyo Seco Branch SF Fuel 150 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 50 6019 Vernon Branch SF Fuel 50 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 50 6020 Boyle Heights Branch SF Fuel 50 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 50 6021 North East Branch SF Fuel 50 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 50 6022 Prospect Branch SF Fuel 50 SX Miscellaneous Supplies 50 Total Supplies $ 6,200 802 MECHANICAL DIVISION Request $13,433 Deductions $10,433 Allowances $3,000 B STRUCTURES 8020 Repairing City Equipment BB Building $ 2,000 E EQUIPMENT 8020 Repairing City Equipment EP Equipment $ 1,000 66 020 MAYOR Request $15,482 Deductions $4,475 Allowances $11,007 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0200 Executive AS 1 Mayor $ 4 ; 500 J Clerk 2,400 1 Clerk (Assistant) 1,080 Total Personal Services $ 7,980 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0200 Executive CC Telephones and Telegrams $ 35 Postage 90 CP Printing Annual Report 85 CX Clock Rental "_ 12 CT. Transportation (Auto) 2,460 Total Contractual Services $ 2,682 E EQUIPMENT 0200 Executive EF Furniture and Furnishings $ 250 S SUPPLIES 0200 Executive SS Stationery and Office Supplies $ 75 Newspapers and Periodicals 20 Total Supplies $ 95 052 MUNICIPAL ART Request $260 Allowances $260 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0520 Supervision of Plans AS 1 Clerk $ 240 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0520 Supervision of Plans CC Postage $ 10 S SUPPLIES 0520 Supervision of Plans SS Stationery and Office Supplies $ 10 67 503 MUNICIPAL FARM Request $2,730 Deductions $960 Allowances $1,770 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5030 Care and Detention of Inebriates CC Telephone $ 33 CS Horse Shoeing 10 Total Contractual Services $ 43 E EQUIPMENT 5030 Care and Detention of Inebriates EC Tools .' i $ 30 EF Utensils 40 " Furniture 30 " Bedding 100 EX Miscellaneous Equipment 25 Total Equipment $ M MATERIALS 5030 Care and Detention of Inebriates MX Repairs $ 50 MR Garden Seeds .. 25 Total Materials . $ 75 S SUPPLIES 5030 Care and Detention of Inebriates SA Horse Feed $ 150 SP Provisions 900 SA Stable Supplies 10 SC Janitor's Supplies 60 SW Clothing 80 SX Ice 12 SS Office Supplies 5 SF Carbide (Lighting) 50 Fuel 1 50 SS Medical Supplies 10 Total Supplies $ L427 68 905 MUNICIPAL MARKETS Request $8,107 Deductions $888 Allowances $7,219 A PERSONAL SERVICES 9050 Administration AS 1 Superintendent $ 1,800 " 1 Clerk 840 9051 Care and Improvement of Markets AR 6 Attendants (192 days @ $2.50 each) 2,865 AE Attendants (Extra Labor) 50 " Carpenter (30 days @ $4.00) 120 Total Personal Services $ 5,675 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9050 Administration CC Telephone $ 162 " Postage 15 CH Gas 5 " Light 10 CP Printing Reports 20 CS Auto Storage 150 CX Typewriter Repairs 5 Auto Repairs '. 100 " Painting and Overhauling Auto 50 9051 Care and Improvement of Markets CF Expressage 5 CX Whitewashing Sheds . 42 Plumbing 10 Total Contractual Services $ 574 E EQUIPMENT 9051 Care and Improvement of Markets EC Cans, Tools and Tool Boxes.- $ 35 F FIXED CHARGES 9051 Care and Improvement of Markets FR Rents $ 575 M MATERIALS 9051 Care and Improvement of Markets MP Paint and Painters' Supplies $ 75 ML Lumber 50 MM Corrugated Iron and Nails 25 MX Hardware and Miscellaneous 10 Total Materials . $ 160 69 S SUPPLIES 9050 Administration SS Stationery $ 30 SX Auto Supplies 160 9051 Care and Improvement of Markets SC Janitor Supplies 10 Total Supplies ....$ 200 070 NORMAL SITE Request $121,903 Deductions $185 Allowances $121,718 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0700 Custody and Care of Normal Site AS 1 Head Caretaker $ 960 3 Janitors 1,680 Watchman 720 1 Gardener 840 AE I Laborer, 6 mos. @ $2.50 day 390 1 Mechanic, 2 mos. @ $5.00 day 260 I Mechanic, 2 mos. @ $3.50 day 182 1 Teamster, 3 mos. @ $5.00 day (with team) 260 Total Personal Services $ 5,292 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0700 Custody and Care of Normal Site CC Telephones $ 33 CX Gardening 50 Electrical Repairs 30 CF Drayage 40 CH Electricity (Light) 650 CX Plumbing 70 sign .... 10 Roof 75 Total Contractual Services $ 958 D REDEMPTION OF DEBT 0700 Custody and Care of Normal Site DL Debt : $ 100,000 70 E EQUIPMENT 0700 Custody and Care of Normal Site EF Furniture $ 30 EH Electrical Fixtures 20 ES Sign 10 Total Equipment $ 60 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 0700 Custody and Care of Normal Site FL Interest $ 14,500 M MATERIALS 0700 Custody and Care of Normal Site ML Lumber $ 50 MM Pipe and Steam 50 MP Paints, etc 100 MN Glass 25 " Gravel 10 MR Seed 10 MM Hardware 15 MN Cement 10 S SUPPLIES Total Materials $ 270 0700 Custody and Care of Normal Site SC Janitor Supplies $ 45 " Soap 10 SF Gas 150 " Fuel 300 SM Oil 25 SM Implements 10 Globes 25 SX Janitor 15 " House Furnishings 30 " Garden 20 " Hardware . 8 Total Supplies ....$ 638 71 106 OIL INSPECTOR Request $10,731 Deductions $476 Allowances $10,255 A PERSONAL SERVICES 1060 Administration AS 1 Oil Inspector $ 2 100 1061 Accounting and Reporting AS 1 Clerk-Stenographer-Bookkeeper 900 1062 Testing Oils AS 1 Oil Inspector of Streets 1 i?n (( . - . ......... ... ..... j. ,\j*\j 1 Chemist i no n .. ? T- /-^.-t l,UoU i Deputy Oil Inspectors 2 700 1063 Inspection of Oil Fields AS 1 Deputy Oil Inspector 1 ; 020 Total Personal Services $ 9,120 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1061 Accounting and Reporting CC Postage *P ,O^U 1 Asst. superintendent 2 040 7021 Accounting and Reporting AS 1 Secretary im stenographer ogQ 1 Stenographer 4Q 7023 Music and Entertainment AR 5 Accompanists (60c hour) 960 7024 Direction of Activities AS 1 Director at Large (Part Time) 600 1 Director at Large _'_ 1 140 10 Directors "!".""!." 14^200 Directors ---- 10,700 1 Director (Part Time) 1 ; 000 1 Vacation Director (5 mos.) '500 30 Vacation Directors (2 l / 4 mos.) '". 5,060 1 Assistant Vacation Director (4 mos.) '200 2 Assistant Vacation Directors (4 mos.) 200 16 Sub. Directors, $1.50 per Session 1,150 7025 Care arid Improvement of Playgrounds AS 10 Caretakers 8400 2 Caretakers l'680 AE 4 Vacation Caretakers (3 mos. @ $65.00) '780 AR 3 Bath Attendants (1400 hrs. @ 25c hr.) 350 Head Mechanic 1 ( 140 1 Mechanic 1*020 1 Gardener '960 AE 10 Laborers """_" 5,040 Total Personal Services $ 63,120 B STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 7025 Care and Improvement of Playgrounds BB Buildings $ ^000 BC Fencing 500 BC Drinking Fountains 160 BX Water System 400 Sewers 75 Gas Mains 70 BN Tennis Courts 200 Total Structures and Improvements $ 2,405 78 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7020-1 Administration and Accounting CA Advertising CC Telegrams 5 " Postage - " Long Distance Telephones CT Transportation 60 CS Storage of Automobiles ISO CP Printing CX Typewriter Repairs " Automobile Repairs 380 CP Annual Report 300 CX Towels 5 7023 Music and Entertainment CX Tuning and Repairing Pianos 20 7025 Care and Improvement of Playgrounds CC Telephones 411 CF Freight and Drayage 332 CP Printing 120 CH Electricity 879 CL Meals 15 CX Bowling Alley Repairs, etc 153 " Repairs, Wiring, etc Towels 675 " Signs 35 Total Contractual Services $ 3,763 E EQUIPMENT 7020-1 Administration and Accounting EF Clock $ 10 7025 Care and Improvement of Playgrounds EE Lockers 150 " Apparatus (Playground and Gymnasium) 500 " Supply Boxes EF Furniture 20 EH Heater 170 " Electric Fixtures EC Fire Extinguishers 30 " Lawn Mower 15 Total Equipment $ 1,035 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 7025 Care and Improvement of Playgrounds FR Rent $ 25 FJ Insurance 202 FR Reels Moving Pictures 139 Total Fixed Charges and Contributions $ 366 79 M MATERIALS 7025 Care and Improvement of Playgrounds ML Lumber a- 4Q7 MP Paint _ ~~~ 243 MX Plumbing Fixtures op. MN Sand and Lime .. ooc MX Planting ZZZZZ! 250 MF Burlap, Rope, Yarn, etc MM Hardware, Pipe, etc MN Lime, etc. . MR Seed MN Glass on MH Belting ZZZZZZZZ 10 ML Shavings 25 MM Pipe Connections , Total Materials ....$ i 590 S SUPPLIES 7020-1 Administration and Accounting SS Office Supplies m 1003 Suppression of Vice CX Analyses (Health Department) 40 1006 Patrol Service CX Analyses (Health Department) 20 Motorcycle Repairs 2,200 1007 Control of Traffic CS Veterinary Service 25 Horseshoing 275 CX Motorcycle Repairs 2200 Stop Watch Repairs ' 50 Harness Repairs 75 1008-9 Care and Detention of Prisoners CX Electrical Repairs 100 Heating System Repairs (Boyle His.) ......... SO Boiler Repairs (Central) 50 Boiler and Pump (East Side) 100 3L Meals (San Pedro) 100 CX Elevator Inspection and Repairs 75 Cleaning Machine ..". 5 Miscellaneous Repairs 25 Total Contractual Services $ 27,507. D REDEMPTION OF DEBT 1007 Control of Traffic DR Damages $ 50 E EQUIPMENT 1000 Administration EF Furniture . $ 100 EH Pump and Auto Jacks 25 EF Typewriters 175 1002 Detection of Crime EF Filing Cabinets 150 1004 Control of Juvenile Delinquency EF Furniture 100 1006 Patrol Service EM Badges, Wreaths and Buttons 100 Belts and Clubs ISO ET Automobiles 6,000 86 1007 Control of Traffic EX Safety Stands or Discs 150 EF Stop Watches 200 EL Horses 600 1008-9 Care and Detention of Prisoners EF Bedding 2,000 " Tools 75 " Kitchen Utensils 300 " Stoves and Parts 300 EX Miscellaneous Equipment 250 Total Equipment $ 10,675 F FIXED CHARGES 1000 Administration FG Burial Expenses $ 525 FX Allowances, Discharged Prisoners 4,000 FR Rents , 700 FF Boiler Inspection 10 FX Hospital Expense 500 Total Fixed Charges $ 5,735 M MATERIALS 1007 Control of Traffic MP Paints $ * 400 1008-9 Care and Detention of Prisoners MB Building Repairs 1,200 MM Plumbing Repairs 500 Urinals and Toilets 100 " Plumbing Repairs (East Side) . v 200 MR Garden Seeds 50 MP Paints and Oils .. 500 Total Materials $ 2,950 S SUPPLIES 1000 Administration SF Gasoline and Kerosene $ 930 SM Oil and Grease 120 SX Auto Supplies SS Books and Forms (Police Commission) 200 " Clippings SE Ammunition 100 1001 Accounting and Reporting SS Office Supplies . V 1,200 " Books and Forms 800 " Paper and Supplies (Printing) 1,200 87 1002 Detection of Crime SF Gasoline and Kerosene 1,850 SM Oil and Grease '200 SS Photo Supplies 359 SX Automobile Supplies .. i OOO r* o /~M .... j. ,\J\J\J bb Clippings 55 1006 Patrol Service SF Gasoline -and Kerosene 1,850 SM Oil and Grease '200 SX Automobile Supplies 1 000 Motorcycle Supplies "". '200 1007 Control of Traffic SA Hay and Grain i 450 Stable Supplies ' 50 SF Gasoline and Kerosene '. 1,850 SM Oil and Grease ; '200 SX Motorcycle Supplies ". 500 Auto Supplies 500 1008-9 Care and Detention of Prisoners SF Distillate 2 200 Gas " '750 Gasoline and Kerosene 960 SM Oil and Grease 350 SW Clothing ZZZZ.......... 3,000 SX Automobile Supplies 2200 Ice "."."".""."."" 250 SC Janitor's Supplies 2 000 SF Coal '750 Carbide and Lamps 100 SP Provisions 22 000 Total Supplies $ 50,980 805 POLICE PENSION COMMISSION Request $20,320 Deductions $683 Allowances $19,637 A PERSONAL SERVICES 8050 Administration AS 1 Secretary $ 300 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8050 Administration CC Postage $ 3 P PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES 8050 Administration PP Pensions and Insurance $ 19,329 S SUPPLIES 8050 Administration SS Stationery and Office Supplies $ 5 041 PROSECUTOR Request $25,130 Deductions $1,090 Allowances $24,040 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0410 Administration AS 1 City Prosecutor $ 2,700 0411 Prosecution of Criminal Offenders AS 1 Assistant City Prosecutor 2,160 AS 2 Deputy City Prosecutors 3,720 2 Deputy City Prosecutors 3,360 2 Deputy City Prosecutors 3,000 1 Deputy City Prosecutor and Clerk 1,200 1 Stenographer , 1,080 1 Bookkeeper 1 Telephone Operator 720 Extra Stenographer Service 600 Total Personal Services $ 19,380 C CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES 0411 Prosecution of Criminal Offenders CC Telephone $ 1,010 " Postage " Telegraph CF Cartage CT Transportation of Persons CX Miscellaneous Secret Service 2,700 " Other Miscellaneous 15 Total Contractual Services .. ....$ 3,970 E EQUIPMENT 0410 Administration EF Furniture and Furnishings $ 40 EX Books ISO Total Equipment $ 260 89 S SUPPLIES 0411 Prosecution of Criminal Offenders SS Stationery and Office Supplies $ 430 053 PUBLIC UTILITIES Request $30,895 Deductions $3,782 Allowances $27,113 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0530 Administration AS 1 President .. $ 3,600 0531 Clerical and Statistical AS 1 Secretary 1; 560 1 Auditor 1 )8 00 1 Clerk 90Q 1 Stenographer %0 2 Stenographers 1 gQO 0532 Railway Investigations AS 1 Chief Engineer 3,600 1 Assistant Engineer 1^560 1 Assistant Engineer l'500 2 Draftsmen 2*400 1 Inspector '950 0533 Public Service Utility Investigation AS 1 Assistant Chief Engineer 2,400 1 Assistant Engineer 1,'320 1 Assistant Engineer 1^260 Total Personal Services $ 25,620 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0531 Clerical and Statistical CP Printing $ 350 CX Typewriter Repairs 10 CC Postage 130 Telephone 5 Telegraph 5 0532 Railway Investigations CP Binding 15 CC Telegrams 5 CF Expressage 10 CL Railway' and Hotel 50 0533 Public Service Utility Investigations CX Repairs 30 CT Carfare 150 CP Drafting 100 Total Contractual Services $ 860 90 E EQUIPMENT 0531 Clerical and Statistical EF Furniture and Furnishings $ EE Library Stock .. 0533 Public Service Utility Investigations EE Scientific Equipment 50 Total Equipment $ 125 S SUPPLIES 0531 Clerical and Statistical SS Office Supplies $ 243 Stationery !^ " Press Clippings " Typewriter Supplies " Rubber Stamps 0533 Public Service Utility Investigations SS Forms -- 100 Total Supplies --$ 508 054 PUBLIC WORKS Request $21,515 Deductions $595 Allowances $20,920 A PERSONAL SERVICES 0540 Administration AS 1 President of Board $ 3,600 " 1 Member of Board 3,600 1 Member of Board 3,600 1 Secretary of Board 2,400 1 Assistant Secretary 1,620 1 Chief Clerk 1,320 1 Head Stenographer ' 1,200 1 Asst. Head Stenographer * 1,020 1 Stenographer and Copyist 1 Stenographer and Copyist 1 Relief Stenographer and Copyist -(2 mos.) 150 Total Personal Services $ 20,370 C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0540 Administration CC Postage and Telegrams $ 90 CP Binding CX Clock Rental " Typewriter Supplies Total Contractual Services $ 142 91 E EQUIPMENT 0540 Administration EF Furniture and Furnishings ... _$ 25 F FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 0540 Administration FJ Premiums on Bonds Board Members $ 83 S SUPPLIES 0540 Administration SS Books I "3 IM ^S^pttfl^wSJ^Qj'S^^'-w oowcooS 'Q, r I BW se 5 w J o - *< o * jaqm N J 2 2! *** Mt^OPO* O -< cs M T U) ID W M M ^< ^< 0I ^< V -r- TT 3 1 Ipl-l $2,328,416 "CMQO" co" S S M O 00 OO 8 1 CM^' S M M M |f II 1 1 co" ' i 8 ~ ' ~ '~ ^ 00 CO CO 7 1C n M kO ' ~ 10 O N 00 CM t- ^ N CO'-H' 1 10" ito" to * lili I 3 OO CO !cs" '. 00 to : : OJ a 5 CO M VO O5 >O CO Oi Tf C3 CO kO C5 co 8" : ^ {2 J g 3 . . .- 1 |Il OOCNO :- ~ o" o : ! 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