UC-NRLF 1D1 3EE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF" Received ~ fz^A . I&9..7' Accession No . fa () 7% 3 . Class No. SPIRIOIE, 20 OIEICTTS. DEVOTED TO THE BEST CURRENT 8< STANDARD LITERATU VOL 8. No. Ill, MAY 15, 1883. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $25.00 .ABOR CAPITAL, EDWARD KELLOGG NEW YORK : JOHN W. LOVELL COMPANY, 14 & 16 VESEY STREET. ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE. N. * . AS SECOND CLASS V.ATTER LOV ELL'S LIBRARY. NUMBERS NOW READY; Hyperion, by Longfellow, Outre-Mer. by Longfellow. The Happy Boy, by Bjornson, - Arne. by Bjo'rnson. - Frankenstein, by Mrs. Shelley. The Last of the Mohicans, Clytie, by Joseph Hat.ton. The Moonstone, by Collins Pt. I Bo. Part II. -' - Oliver Twist, by Dickens - The Coming Race : or the New Utopia, by Lord Lyttou. Lclhi : or the Siege of Granada. The Three Spaniards. Walker. The Tricks of the Greeks Un- veiled, by Robert Iloudin, - I/Abbe Co'iistantin. bv Halevy. Freckles, by R. F. Redcliff. - TheDarkColleen.- They Were Married !- - - Seekers after God, by Farrar. The Spanish Nun. The Green MountaiffBoys, Fleurette. by Eugene Scribe. - Second Thoughts. The New Magdalen, by Collins, Divorce, by Margaret Lee. Life of Washington. - - . - Social Etiquette. Single Heart and Double Face, Irene: or the Lonely Manor, Vice Versa, by F. Anstey, Ernest Maltravers. bv Lytton, - The Haunted House, and Cal- deron the Courtier, Lytton John Halifax by Miss Mulock, Hoo Leagues on the Amazon - The ( ryiHogram,by Jules Verne, Life of Marion, - - - Paul and Virginia, Tale of Two Cities, by Dicken-, The Hermits, by Kin An Adventure in Thule. and. Marriage of Moira Fergus, - A Marriage in High Life, - Robin, by Mrs. Parr - Two on a Tower, by Hardy. Rasselas. by' Samuel Johnson. - Alice: or the Mysteries, being Part II of Ernest Mali; Duke of Kandos. by A. Mathey, Baron Muncliausen - A Princess of Thule. - The Secret Despatch, Grant, Earlv la\s of Christianity, bv canon 'Farrar, D. D., Part 1. ' II, Vicar of Wnkefield - :;v, ] . by J. F. Cooper, Last l.\ inn', by Mr-. Wood, A Sir:. tton, ' Adam I.ede. l.v Gco. Eiiot. P't I. --II. .l.l.-n Shaft, by Gibbon, Portia: or by I'assions Pocked, - Tin- Two |)i, - - 'Coin Urowii at liiiL'by. Tin- Wooing O't, by Mrs. .\le\-- , ander. I'art I. - Do. Part II. - - .10 .10 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .10 .20 .10 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .15 .10 .20 .20 .20 .10 .20 .10 .10 .20 .10 .20 .20 .10 .20 .20 .10 .20 .10 .20 .20 .20 .20 .10 .20 .20 .18 .15 .20 63. The Vendetta, by Balzac, 04. Hypatia, by Kingsley, Part 1, - Do. Part II. - - - . 65. Selma. by Mrs. J. G. Smith, - 66. Margaret and Her Bridesmaids, 67. Horse Shoe Robinson, Part I - Do. Do. Part 11 - 68. Gulliver's Travels, by Swift. - 69. Amos Barton, by Gco. Eliot. - 70. The Berber.by W. S. Mayo. - 71. Silas Marner. by Geo. Eliot, 72. The Queen of the County. 73. Life of Cromwell, by Hood. - ?'4. Jane Lyre, by Charlotte Bronte, 7."). child's History of Kngland, 76. Molly Bawn. by The. Duchess, 77. Pillone, 78. Phyllis, by The Dnche 79. Romola, by Geo. Kliot. Part I. Do. Do. " Part IL 80. Science in Short Chapters, 81. Zanoni. by Lord Lvlton - 82. A Daughter of Heth, . 83. The Riirht andWrong Uses of the Bible. Rev. R. Heber Newton, 84. Niirht and Morning. Part I. Do. Do. Part II, - a 1 ). Shandon Bells, by Win. Black, - 86. Monica, by The Duchess. - 87. Heart aid Science. 88. The Golden Calf, 89-. Dean's Daughter, ( .K). Mrs. Geoffrey, by The Duchess, 91. Pickwick Papers, Part I, - Do. Do. Part II. - 92. Airy Fairy Lilian, - ' 93. Maclebdof pure. - - 94. Tempest. Tossed. Part I, - Do. " II. - - 95. Letters From High Latitudes. - 96. Gideon Fleyce. "i;y Lucv. 97. India and Ceylon, bv E.Haeckel. 98. The Gypsy (>ueen. 99. The Adm'irai's Ward, by'Mrs. Alexander, 100. Nimport, by Bynner. Part I, " II. 101. Harrv Holbrooke, by Sir Randal II. 1,'olK'i-ts. Bart.'. 102. Tritons, by Bynner. Part I, Do. ' " 11. 103. Let Nothing You Disunn. by ter Hesant, 104. Lady AudleyV Seen!, by Miss M. E. Braddon. 105. Woman's : .l.yLillie i)e\ereux Blake. 106. Dunallan, Grace Keir.;- Do. J)o. , - If 107. Hy W. E. Xorris lO'.l. The; Spoo]i< li'lvke l',-i icy llinifley, - IK). False Hopes. i.\- Uoldwin Smith, 111. Capital and Labor, b\ 11-J. Waudn, hj oui.la. Par- " 11. 113. Moro \Vur<1s about the Bihlc, by Hev. .J;nnc< l!iiy The Dnohess. .... .20 LABOR AND CAPITAL; NEW MONETARY SYSTEM THE ONLY MEANS OF SECURING THE RESPECTIVE RIGHTS OF LABOR AND PROPERTY, PROTECTING THE PUBLIC FROM FINANCIAL REVULSIONS, BY EDWABD KELLOGG. WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS FROM HIS MANUSCRIPTS. TO "WHICH IS PREFIXED A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR. EDITED BY HIS DAUGHTER, NEW YORK: JOHN TV. LOWELL C O M 14 AND 16 VESEY STREET, 1883. EJTTERKD according to Act of Congres*. In th year 1361, by MARY KELLOGG PUTNAM. Clerk's Office of the District Court ot tte United States for the tttetifet of New York. $3 UI1TIRSITT TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOB BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR xi PREFACED xxv INTRODUCTION ... 17 PAET I. CHAPTER I. Of Value ........................................................ 41 CHAPTER II. MONEY, THE MEDIUM OF DISTRIBUTION. SECTION I. The N ature and Properties of Money .................... 45 SECTION II. The Power of Money to Represent Value ...... . ........ 46 SECTION III. The Power of Money to Measure Value ................. 56 ill IV CONTENTS. 1