OHXVERSITV OF CALlFOlOnA DAVIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/descriptionillusOOmuelrich M 3>t X.- c^ / 1 •."i^V^'- V- ■ ^*«*-.;, ,--.«S^^P'S',t7 RGraff delCTroedeU C LilK FvM.dlreJcil Steam Luho Gov Pnnlmg Office Melb ll7D]p®2^.iorii mmsMmJMOWM. DESCRIPTION AND ILLUSTRATIONS MYOPORINOUS PLANTS OF AUSTRALIA, BAEO^ FERD. YON MUELLEE, K.C.M.i}., M.D., PH.D., F.R.S., GOVERNMENT BOTANIST FOR VICTORIA. II. LiTH:oaiiA.M:s. ■ DOMIXUS aOllTUDISKU DISKETUMQUK KEDDKT (JDABI HOBTHJI AKIUE DELICIA8."- Propketva ImiaC, li. 3. BY AUTHORITY: JOHN FERKES, GOVERNJIENT PRINTER, JIELBOURNE. isse. t> BIBLIOTHEK lECHN. i^CC^i.iCHin CARCLO-V/.IHrlr^aKA BPA!.IW.SCH'A'?."I'3. ] 1IBRAR11 UWlvERSiTY OF CALIFORNIA" DAVIS TO THEf HONORABLE JAMES SERVICE, l^ate ininicr of the (Eobng ot lictodit, THISW^ORK IS DEDICATED IN RECOGNITION OF GENEROUS SUPPORT, ACCORDED THROUGH MANY YEARS TO VICTORIAN SCIENTIFIC PURSUITS, AND IN APPRECIATION OF CIRCUMSPECT EFFORTS FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE INTERESTS OF ALL AUSTRALIA. PREFACE Among more extensive orders of plants in the vegetation of the globe four are almost exclusively Australian, namely Candolleacea;, Goodeniaceae, Epacridese and Myoporina; ; they therefore can find their fullest systematic elucidation also best in our part of the world. The last mentioned ordinal group is the only one of these four, which consists of frutescent and arborescent plants entirely, and which on this account forms at many places a prominent part in the Australian Flora. It is also this order, which is more extensively distributed over all parts of the Australian Continent, than the three other large and nearly endemic ordinal groups above mentioned, the Myoporinae indeed attaining their highest development in the hottest and most arid regions of this portion of the globe. Moreover it is the object of the present volume, to place on permanent record these beautiful and remarkable plants, before any of them succumbs to impending utter annihilation through close depasturing of runs or through methodic burning of the scrubs, to which the native vegetation becomes more and more subjected. The dehneations now offered are all from the hand of Herr R. Graff; they do credit to his artistic skill, and this all the more, as these lithographic drawings are his first effort in botanic direction. Thus now all the 74 hitherto known Australian Myoporinae have become illustrated on as many plates, each of the latter representing a well- defined species. Gladly would I have given colored pictures of these plants, could this have been possible within the means available ; but by extending the illustrative work to chromo-lithography or to hand-coloring, the expenditure of issue and therewith the price of the work would have become doubled or trebled. The descriptive portion of this publication will be given somewhat later; and this for the present will be less missed, as in Bentham's flora Australiensis all former writings on this order including the full synonyms have been collected and systematically re-arranged, so far as the species were known till 1870, while furthermore descriptive elucidations of Myoporinae are accessible through the eleven volumes of the fragmenta phytographiae Australiae, com- menced in 1858 and carried on till recent times. Of any medicinal or economic or technologic value, perhaps to be assigned to the numerous species of this order, very little is known beyond the fact, that pastural animals are readily browsing on the foliage of some of the species ; but the time has come, when with augmented appliances here these plants can be submitted to exact therapeutic and industrial .tests, for which through the pages of the present work a solid basis is gained. A hope is also entertained, that through information, conveyed by this volume, many more of the really gay Myoporinous plants will become early added to garden-shrubberies in milder zones PREFACE, and to the conservatory-plants in colder countries, especially as the time of flowering of many Myoporinse extends over several if not all months of the year ; — the frequent failure of raising these handsome shrubs resulting in many cases from not liberating the small seeds by mechanical removal of the hard and often ample pericarp, a process which in nature is not rarely accelerated or facilitated by bush-fires, or by the digestive organs of the emu, or by a kind of spontaneous forcing in the native soil. As regards the gradual discovery of these often far-hidden plants it may aptly here be observed, that the first three members of the order were brought to scientific notice through Cook's expeditions by Banks and Solander and by R. and G. Forster from New Zealand and New Caledonia. Sixteen were added in 1810 by R. Brown during Flinders' voyage, all from Australia, but then also the Antillan Bontia became settled in this group ; by these means the order of Myoporinee was also at the time separately established. Alphonse de Candolle in elaborating the myoporinous plants for the nth volume of the prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis mustered 28 genuine species in 1847, from various sources, as all then known, four of the additional plants being from China, Japan, Hawaia and Rodriguez respectively. Bentham in 1870 recorded 59 species, 28 exclusively from our collections here. Since then almost solely through Melbourne - researches the order has numerically been advanced to 74 well limited specific forms for Australia, all here illustrated ; thus, if the anomalous South-African Oftia or Spielmannia becomes excluded, this ordinal group of plants counts now a total of 80 species. It is and will be of interest — particularly so for phyto-geographic studies — to watch, whether this order will yet be found represented in any hitherto unexplored region of the globe, perhaps such as New Guinea or Madagascar ; but it is not likely, to furnish additions from any highlands, as none of the Australian species proved alpine. But even here we have yet certainly much to learn, concerning the geographic distribution of the known specific kinds over the Australian Continent ; and any help also in this particular respect by transmissions of material from far-inland tracts of country will in the interest of science be gratefully welcomed. Melbourne, May 1886. ALPHABETIC INDEX. Eremophila adenotricha, F. E. alternifolia, R. Brown E. Behriana, F. v. M. E. bignoniflora, F. v. M. E. Bowmani, F. v. M. E. brevifolia, F. v. M. E. Brownii, F. v. M. ... E. Clarkei, F. v. M. ... E. crassifolia, F. v. M. E. Dalyana, F. v. M. ... E. Delisseri, F. v. M.... E, Dempsteri, F. v. M. E. densifolia, F. v. M. E. denticulata, F. v. M. E. divaricata, F. v. M. E, Drummondi, F. v. M. E. Duttoni, F. v. M. ... E. Elderi, F. v. M. ... E. eriocalyx, F. v. M. E. exilifolia, F. v. M. E. Forresti, F. v. M. E. Fraseri, F. v. M. E. Freelingi, F. v. M. E. gibbosifolia, F. v. M. E. Gibsoni, F. v. M, ... E. Gilesii, F. v. M. E, Goodwini, F. v. M. E. gracilifiora, F. v. M. E. Hughesii, F. v. M. E. Laanii, F. v. M. ... E. latifolia, F. v. M. ... E. Latrobei, F. v. M. E. leucophylla, Bentham E. longifolia, F. v. M. E. Macdonnelli, F. v. M. E. Mackinlayi, F. v. M. E, maculata, F. v. M. V. M. PUte , Plate S3 Eremophila Maitlandi, F. v. M. 19 32 E. microtheca, F. v. M. 48- 44 E. Mitchelli, Bentham 25 15 E. Oldfieldi, F. V. M. 37 iS E. oppositifolia, R. Brown 24 45 E. Paisleyi, F. v. M. ... 26 38 E. Pantoni, F. v. M. ... 42 30 E. platycalyx, F. v. M. 10 46 E. polyclada, F. v. M. 16 4J E. resinosa, F. v. M. ... ... Supplement 2 43 E. rotundifolia, F. v. M. 9 51 E. santalina, F. v. M. 54 49 E. scoparia, F. v. M. 40 34 E. strongylophylla, F. v. M. 23 55 E. Sturtii, R. Brown ... 27 5 E. viscida, Endlicher ... ... Supplement I 36 E. Weldii, F. V. M 50 7 E. Willsii, F. V. M 6 17 E. Woollsiana, F. v. M. 47 28 E. Youngii, F. v. M. ... 39 20 Myoporum Batese, F. v. M. 59 8 M. Beckeri, F. v. M. ... 57 II M. brevipes, Bentham 63 52 M. Dampierii, Cunningham 69 29 M. debile, R. Brown ... 61 4 M. deserti, Cunningham 68 2 M. floribundum, Cunningham ... 58 12 M. glabrum, F. v. M. 70 3 M. humile, R. Brown 62 14 M. insulare, R. Brown 72 33 M. laxiflorum, Bentham 67 31 M. oppositifolium, R. Brown ... 64 21 M. platycarpum, R. Brown 60 13 M. salsoloides, Turczaninow 56 I M. serratum, R. Brown 65 22 M. tenuifolium, Forster 71 35 M. viscosum, R. Brown 66 SYSTEMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC INDEX. 1 Eremophila Macdonnelli, F. v. M. Rep. Babb. Exped. i8 (1858) .. 2 E. Goodwinii, F. v. M. Rep. Babb. Exped. 17 (1857) ... 3 E. Hughesii, F. v. M. fragm. viii. 228 (1874) ••• 4 E. Gilesii, F. v. M. fragm. viii. 49 (1873) 5 E. Drummondii, F. v. M. fragm. vi. 147 (1868) 6 E. Willsii, F. v. M. fragm. iii. 21, t. 20 (1862) ... 7 E. Elderi, F. v. M. fragm. viii. 228 (1874) 8 E. Fraseri, F. v. M. fragm. xi. 51 (1878) 9 E. rotundifolia, F. v. M. fragm. i. 207 (1859) ... 10 E. platycalyx, F. v. M. fragm. v. 109 (1866) 11 E. Freelingii, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 295 (1858).. 12 E. graciliflora, F. v. M. fragm. i. 208 (1858) 13 E. longifolia, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. .Soc. Tasm. iii. 295 (1858) .. 14 E. Laanii, F. v. M. in Melb. Chemist (Jan. 1885) 15 E. bignoniflora, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 294 (1858).. 16 E. polyclada, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 294 (1858)., 17 E. eriocalyx, F. v. M. fragm. i. 236 (1859) 18 E. Bowmani, F. v. M. fragm. ii. 139 (1863) .... 19 E. Maitlandi, F. v. M. in Benth. fl. Austr. v. 19 (1870) ... 20 E. Forrestii, F. v. M. fragm. vii. 49 (1869) 21 E. leucophylla, Bentham fl. Austr. V. 18 (1870) ... 22 E. Mackinlayi, F. v. M. fragm. iv. 80 (1864) ... 23 E. strongylophylla, F. v. M. fragm. x. 87 (1876) 24 E. oppositifolia, R. Brown prodr. 518(1810) 25 E. Mitchelli, Bentham in Mitch. Trop. Austr. 31 (1848)... 26 E. Paisleyi, F. v. M. Rep. Babb. Exped. 17 (1858) 27 E. Sturtii, R. Brown Appendix to Sturt's Exped. 22 (1849) 28 E. exilifolia, F. V. M. fragm. X. 88 (1876) 29 E. Gibsoni, F. v. M. fragm. viii. 227 (1874) 30 E. Clarkei, F. v. M. fragm. i. 208 (1859) 31 E. Latrobei, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 294 (1858).. 32 E. alternifolia, R. Brown prodr. 518 (1810) 33 E. latifolia, F. v. M. in Schlechtend. Linna:a xxv. 428 (1852) 34 E. denticulata, F. v. M. fragm. i. 125 (1859) ... 35 E. maculata, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 297 (1858) .. 36 E. Duttoni, F. v. M. Rep. Babb. Exped. 16 (1858) 37 E. Oldfieldi, F. v. M. fragm. i. 208 (1859) 38 E. Brownii, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 297 (1858).. 39 E. Youngii, F. v. M. fragm. x. 16 (1876) 40 E. scoparia, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 296 (1858).. 41 E. Dalyana, F. v. M. fragm. v. 22 (1865) 42 E. Pantoni, F. v. M. in Wing's South. Sc. Record ii. 25 1 (1882). 43 E. Delisserii, F. v. M. fragm. v. 108, t. 42 (1865) 44 E. Behriana, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 296 (1858).. 45 E. brevifolia, F. v. M. fragm. i. 126(1859) 46 E. crassifolia, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 297 (1858) ., 47 E. WooUsiana, F. v. M. fragm. i. 125, t. 7 (1859) 48 E. microtheca, F. v. M. in Benth. fl. Austr. v. 14 (1870)... W.A. S.A. — — N.S.W. Q. N.A. — S.A. — — N.S.W. Q. N.A. W.A. S.A. _____ W.A. ______ W.A. S.A. _ _ _ _ -_ W.A. S.A. _____ W.A. _____ N.A. — S.A. _____ W.A. S.A. _____ W.A. S.A. — — N.S.W. — — W.A. _____ _ W.A. S.A. — V. N.S.W. Q. N.A. W.A. _____ _ — S.A. — V. N..S.W. Q. N.A. — S.A. — V. N.S.W. Q. — W.A. _____ _ — S.A. — — N.S.W. Q. — W.A. ___ — _ — W.A. ______ W.A. S.A. — — N.S.W. Q. — W.A. S.A. — V. N.S.W. — — — S.A. — — N.S.W. Q. — — S.A. _____ — S.A. — — N.S.W. Q. — W.A. S.A. _____ — S.A. _ _ _ _ — W.A. — — — — — — W.A. S.A. — — N.S.W. Q. N.A. W.A. S.A. — V. N.S.W. — — W.A. S.A. — — N.S.W. — — W.A. S.A. _____ W.A. .S.A. — V. N.S.W. Q. N.A. _ S.A. — — N.S.W. Q. — W.A. ____ — — W.A. .S.A. — V. N.S.W. Q. N.A. W.A. ______ W.A. S.A. — V. N..S.W. — — — S.A. — — N.S.W. — — __ — _ — — N.A. W.A. S.A. _____ W.A. ______ W.A. ______ SYSTEMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC INDEX. 49 Eremophila densifolia, F. v. M. fragm. ii. i6o (1861) 50 E. Weldii, F. v. M. fragm. vii. 109 (1870) 51 E. Dempster!, F. v. M. fragm. x. 60 (1876) 52 E. gibbosifolia, F. v. M. Rep. Babb. Exped. 18 (1858) ... 53 E. adenotricha, F. v. M. in Benth. fl. Austr. v. 14 (1870) 54 E. santalina, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Sec. Tasm. iii. 295 (1858) .. 55 • E. divaricata, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 293 (1858) .. 56 Myoporum salsoloides, Turczaninow in Bull, de Mosc. xxxvi. 226 (1863) 57 M. Beckeri, F. v. M. in Benth. fl. Austr. v. 7 {1870) 58 M. floribundum, Cunningham in Hueg. enum. 78 (1837)... 59 M. BatejE, F. v. M. in Proceed. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi. 792 (i 881) 60 M. platycarpum, R. Brown prodr. 516 (iSio) ... 61 M. debile, R. Brown prodr. 516 (1810) 62 M. humile, R. Brown prodr. 516 (1810) 63 M. brevipes, Bentham fl. Austr. v. 6 (1870) 64 M. oppositifolium, R. Brown prodr. 516 (1810) ... 65 M. serratum, R. Brown prodr. 516 (1810) 66 M. viscosum, R. Brown prodr. 516 (1810) 67 M. laxiflonmi, Bentham Flora Austr. v. 6 (1870) 68 M. deserti, Cunningham in Hueg. enum. 78 (1837) 69 M. Dampierii, Cunningham in Cand. prodr. xi. 708 (1847) 70 M. glabrum, F. v. M. third suppl. Cens. Austr. pi. (1886) 71 M. tenuifolium, Forster fl. ins. Austr. prodr. 44 (1786) ... 72 M. insulare, R. Brown prodr. 515 (1810) Supplement. 1 Eremophila viscida, Endlicher nov. stirp. dec. 51 (1839) ... 2 E. resinosa, F. v. M. in Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tasm. iii. 296 (1858) W.A. — W.A. S.A W.A. S.A. — S.A. W.A. — — S.A — S.A. W.A. — W.A. — W.A. S.A W.A. S.A — S.A. W.A. — W.A. — — S.A. W.A. S.A. W.A. S.A. W.A. W.A. W.A. V. V. N.S.W. Q- V. N.S.W. — — N.S.W. — V. N.S.W. Q. — N.S.W. Q- V. N..S.W. — V. N.S.W. S.A. — — Q. V. N.S.W. Q. V. N.S.W. Q- — N.S.W. Q- — N.S.W. Q- V. N.S.W. — N.A. PLATES. Eremophila Macdonnelli. F. V. M. in Report on plants of Babbage's Expedition i8 (1858), PLATE I. Figure i, branched hairs of the general vestiture. 2, flower-bud. 3, unexpanded flower. 4, expanded flower. 5, corolla laid open. 6, stamens, front- and back-view. 7, pollen-grains. 8, calyx with pistil. 9, style and ovary. 10, fruit-bearing calyx. 11, side-view of fruit. 12, transverse section of fruit. 13, longitudinal section of fruit. 14, seeds. 15, embryo. All magnified, except fig. 8, but to very various extent. / !< G raff del C.Troedel & C" Ul\i. FyM direxil; Sleam Lilho. Gov PrinfmgOffice Melb IiF§im<©iiMhi Mmf^smMiFrM Eremophila Goodwini. F. V. M. in Report on plants of Babbage's Expedition 17 (1858). PLATE II. Figure i, gland-bearing hairs of the general vestiture. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, fruit, the pericarp removed. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 1 1 , seeds. All more or less enlarged. J R Graff del,CTroedel*C°Lilli ©lOKDIM Fv.Mdirextt Steam Liho. Gov Prinling Office Mell). Eremophila Hughesii. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographiae Australiae viii. 228 (1874). PLATE in. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla laid open. 4, anthers with portion of filament, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, fruit, the pericarp removed. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All magnified, but to different degree. M ;;rarf del C Troedel & C° Lith. F.v M direxit Sleam LUho Gov. Prinung Office Melb. !wiii®l|)Ma IHiiik^i /'rif Eremophila Gilesii. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographiiE Australia; viii. 49 (1873). PLATE IV. Figure i, unexpanded tiower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, transverse section of fruit. 8, longitudinal section of fruit. All enlarged, but to various extent. R.Graff del C. Troedel & C'Lilh, F V M direxit Steam Lj.'ho Gov Prinling Office Melb g5f(§iii(!)]pM3'a 'IflliaiM F^M. 1 Eremophila Drummondii. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographise Australise vi. 147 (1868). PLATE V. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, fruit seen from beneath. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. All enlarged, but in various degree. R Gratr del, C Troedel & C! UA. F.vM direxit Steam. Lilho Gov. Pnnlir! g Office Melh. lif^a®|Mlii ]|)imsMc)m(MiL T.vM. Eremophila Willsii. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographiae Australiae iii. 21, t. 20 (1862). PLATE VI. Figure i, hairs of vestiture. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. II ■■_,y R.GraffdelCTroedpl&CLitti r.v.M direxiL Sleain Litho Gov Frinling Office Melb If (ia®]c&l.ii Wlliii FiM. Eremophila Elderi. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographise Australise viii. 228 (1874). PLATE VII. Figure i, hairs of vestiture. 2, flower-bud. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, fruit, the pericarp removed. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 1 1 , seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. R.Graff del C.Truodel & C^ Utti. Fv M direxU Sleara Lilho Gov PruiUr.i; Office Melb. lg5®im(s)|Ma IMkitiFvM. Eremophila Fraseri. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographise Australiae xi. 51 (1878) PLATE Vlll. Figure I and 2, flower-buds, 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back- view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, fruit, side-view. 8, fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. VIE \ \\>i: :' l ^^^•Hfj^i"^'. RGraff del C Tr-.deUCLiih. FvMdirexiL Cleaiii Lil.So Gov. Pr.nl lig CiTi.-c Me!K lima®)pMM feg^iri F.vM. Eremophila rotundifolia. F V. M. Fragmenta phytographias Australia; i. 207 (1859). PLATE IX. Figure I, flower-bud. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, fruit seen from beneath. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. II 'ti.Q.r^{^ del CTroedeU Z"' LiUi f'.vM direxit Steam. Litho Gov Printing Office Meili s^m^lpMM ir®tmMif dMh TvM. Eremophila platycalyx. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographlae Australiae v. 109 (1866). PLATE X. Figure I, flower-bud. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, fruit seen from beneath. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree R GratT del CTi'nedel & C"Lilh. rvM.direxil iieam Lilho-GovPnntirf, OFfire Mel't< IfeaaoipMli jpMt^dlj^ FvM Eremophila Freelingii. F. V. M. in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania iii. 295 (1858). PLATE XJ. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, fruit seen from beneath. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, transverse section of fruit. 1 1 , seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree R.GrafTdel C.Troedel* C? Lift F.v.Mdirexil. Steam Lllho. Gov. Prinling Office Melb lir(iQa©]|)Silii l^dS^fSL F.vM. Eremophila graciliflora. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographiae Australiae i. 208 (1858). PLATE XII. Figure t, a leaf. 2, flower-bud. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, the same, the pericarp removed. 9, fruit seen from beneath. 10, transverse section of fruit. 11, longitudinal section of fruit. 12, seeds. All enlarged, but to a various degree. R.Gm!>' del "Tiuodsl^f CvLith Steam Liiho ':-;ov Frin;ms Oft'ir.: Melb SsMiai^lkili o^mkliTkml'vM Eremophila longifolia. F. V. M. in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania iii. 295 (1858). PLATE XIll. Figure i and 2, unexpanded flowers. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, fruit with calyx, portion of the pericarp removed. 8, fruit, the outer layer of the pericarp removed. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. 12, embryo. All enlarged, but in various degree. R.Griff del. C Troedei » f. Litk. r.v. 'v1 di rcxil S'team iaho. 3ov Pnnhng Office Melb. lfigli't))o)MIsi iDirlfe FM Eremophila Laanii. F. V. M. in Melbourne Chemist (Jan. 1885). PLATE XIV. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view*. 5, pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, transverse section of fruit. 8, longitudinal section of fruit. All enlarged, but in various degree w ■.Mi4y>^-/'i Xpiif^ '■;.Givicr del.C-'iniedel &C'? LiiK. FvMiirexit 5Tfiam.Lit],o Gov.PrinUngOffK Melb. li!^iM);|ihi!M ILiiiimiii /W Eremophila bignoniflora. F. V. M. in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania iii. 294 (1858). PLATE XV. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, lower half of fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. Figures 5, 9, 10, 11, magnified, the rest of natural size. R.GTafrde!.CTroedL.*C'-;Iilh. F V M. direxil Steam LilKo Gov PnnlmgOff ice Melk lif^M(«)ij)Mli l)iiaMll)iM F.vM. Eremophila polyclada. F. V. M. in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania iii. 294 (1858). PLATE XVI. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. R.Graff, del, C.TroedeUC" Lah. F v.M. direxit Sieani Litlio, Gov Printing' Office. Mdb. lifiimtpMHii p®]^#ii(& EvM. Eremophila eriocalyx. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographiae Australiae i. 236 (1859). PLATE XVII. Figure i, branched hairs on calyx and its stalklet. 2, flower-bud. 3, unexpanded flower. 4, expanded flower. 5, corolla laid open. 6, stamens, front- and back-view. 7, calyx with pistil. 8, side-view of fruit. 9, lower half of fruit, seen from beneath. 10, transverse section of fruit. 11, longitudinal section of fruit. 12, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. m R.GwITcUlCTroedeUC-L.th ■"vM dircxil Sleam litKo Gov Priiiliiig Office Melt ]^iF©iii®]pIkiiik (Bmsulj^ fvM. ErEMOPHILA BOWMANII. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographice AustralijE il. 139 (1861). PLATE XVIII. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, pistil- 6, side-view of fruit. 7, lower half of fruit, seen from beneath. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. '. uract'aei.C Trosdcl&C-'Lith, F.YMdirex! Sleam Lulu 'wv PniUiiig Gftice Melb. ]lFSim0jpIliMa IMmrnwM.FvM Eremophila Maitlandi. F. V, M, in Bentham's Flora Australiensis v. 19 (1870). PLATE XIX. Figure i, a leaf. 2, hairs of vestiture. 3, flower-bud. 4, expanded flower. 5, corolla, laid open. 6, stamens, front- and back-view. 7, calyx with pistil. 8, side-view of fruit. 9, lower half of fruit, seen from beneath. 10, transverse section of fruit. 11, longitudinal section of fruit. 12, seeds. All enlarged, but to a various degree. m m I ■ /^//.i:%?^ '■■V"»^'f^:f-'Rv-' f'..Gr,,l! dpi C.Troecielli'C') LilK. FvM Jiiexil la^iBDi mMIvM, SleamLitho.GovPnnhTigOffice Mell Eremophila Forrestii. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographise Australiae vii. 49 (1869). PLATE XX. Figure i, branched hairs of vestiture. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, lower half of fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. All enlarged, but to a various degree. n 'i Orarra.l CTroedel & C?Lith Fv M direxit StedmLUho. Go: Priming Orfice '..leCb. ]^mm^'§MM Wms^^fvM Eremophila leucophylla. Bentham, Flora Australlensis v. i8 (1870). PLATE XXI. Figure i, branched hairs of vestiture. 2, flower-bud. 3, unexpanded flower. 4, expanded flower. 5, corolla, laid open. 6, stamens, front- and back-view. 7, pistil. 8, fruit, the outer layer of the pericarp partially removed. 9, fruit, the outer layer of the pericarp entirely removed. 10, lower portion of fruit, seen from beneath. 1 1 , transverse section of fruit. 12, longitudinal section of fruit. 13, seeds. All more or less enlarged. K. r-raff del. C.Troedel *< C Litfi F.vM dire Sledni LilKo Gov Prinlm^ Office Mellj Sf(»®]|iiia 'fmm^jM BENTMM. Eremophila Mackinlayi. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographiee Australiae iv. 80 (1864). PLATE XXII. Figure i, unexpanded flower with a floral leaf. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, lower part of fruit, seen from beneath. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. All more or less enlarged. R.GrdfTdel.C.Troeoel kC Litli, FvMdirexit Steam Lithe Gov Prinling Office Melt 5a^gii®jpMfe IkdMip. rvM Eremophila strongylophylla. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographije Australiee x. 87 (1876). PLATE XXIII. Figure I, flower-bud. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of young fruit. 7, young fruit, seen from beneath. All more or less enlarged. xm K.Grd[!tJ9l,C.TroeaeUC°Luh. F.v.M direxit 5ledra Littio, Gov Printing Office. Me!b li£©ML®]pMii ^toi)im|^Il®|%^]]M /"i^^ Eremophila oppositifolia. R. Brown, Prodromus florae Novce Hollandise 518 (1810). PLATE XXIV. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, unexpanded flowers. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, lower portion of fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 1 1 , seeds. All more or less enlarged. MF RlSraff del, CTroedelStCUilh fyMdirexit Sleam Li^ha Gov Pruitr.g Offic-eM^ro l]i^m(Dj|Hlsi 'DippcssiiiaMM RBrown. Eremophila Mitchelli. Bentham in Mitchell's Tropical Australia 31 (1848). PLATE XXV. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, lower portion of fruit, seen from beneath. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but to a different degree. m h iVatT d'l.n.Troedeli C? LilK. l-'v.M.direxit S learn Liho Gov Prinling Office, MelV li «'- »^ * .j.';tj ' j i; .j ^ R'JrrfrderCTroedd&C^Liti FvMcLrexil STe am Lit ho G ov Prinhng f Pice Melb. la^ai'DrpMla ¥y®(DMiMiiii FiM Eremophila microtheca. F. V. M. in Bentham's Flora Australiensis v. 14 (1870). PLATE XLVIII. Figure i, branched hair of vestiture. 2, flower in bud. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. U(:rsff .'.;l.'\"rordd <5.C° Lilli F.vMdirexil Steam Litho Gov.PrinlmgOm.-p Melh Iiirgii®ipMhi iiM(gir®llIk©(ea EvM Eremophila densifolia. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographise Australise ii. i6o (1861). PLATE XLIX. Figure i, a leaf. 2, branched hairs. 3, unexpanded flower. 4, expanded flower. 5, corolla, laid open. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, lower half of fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. F.vM.direxil Secern Llftn Gov, Prmling'.OtTico M'.lh liPsaBDjpJhfe dl©iiiijal(Dlii FjM. Eremophila Weldii. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographise Australia; vii. 109 (1870). PLATE L. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, lower portion of fruit, seen from beneath. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. L m •f f :".ft ds! CTi-iJea'';' A i.'.' Liili r.vM dirpxit steam LjUiu uov. PriiUirig Office Mulb. Ea^ii'DjpMlk W©jl(liM FvM Eremophila Dempsteri. F. V. M. Fragmenta phytographise Australi^e x. 60 (1876), PLATE LI. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view, 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, lower portion of fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 1 1 , seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. P, GralT jpl. C-Troedel J^C Lith F'v.M. direxil. Steam Lillui Gov PrmUng" OlTica Melb la^iiiOiplMii ID©api§ai /"{# Eremophila gibbosifolia. F. V. M. in Report on plants of Babbage's Expedition i8 (1858). PLATE Lll. Figure i, different leaves, front-, side- and back-views. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, lower portion of fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 1 1 , seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. LE RQnffrle]C,Tropiel6cC=Lilh IV.M direxil Steam Lilho.Gov.PrinlingOtTiceMell) lifiiffisiiMiki pS)ll)'i!)gai)Ma FvM Eremophila adenotricha. F. V. M. in Bentham's Flora Australiensis v. 15 (1870). PLATE LIII. Figure i, glandular hairs of the general vestiture. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, the same, the outer layer of the pericarp removed. 9, lower portion of fruit, seen from beneath. TO, transverse section of fruit. 1 1 , longitudinal section of fruit. 12, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. R'L¥8ff(lel.r,TToe(iei&Cn,ilh FvM direxil SteamLiUio.'oov.Pnnlin^ Offu-e Melb !ir(gim(D]|Mlai adl^aKDMdiiii F.vM Eremophila santalina. F. V. M. in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania iii. 295 (1858). PLATE LIV. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, fruit with calyx. 7, side-view of fruit, 8, lower portion of fruit, seen from beneath, 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 1 1 , seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. RGrafP del CTroedel &C° Lilh Fv.Mdirexil Steam Litho. Sov. Printing OFQce Melb. lii^iiii)i|Mi]k i^(!iiiMMii EvM. Eremophila divaricata. F. V. M. in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania iii. 293 (1858). PLATE LV. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view, one with basal beard. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, fruit with calyx, side-view. 8, the same, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. m R.Graff d.e:CTroedel&-G°Lith F.vMdireJcft Steam Lilho Gov, PrintiiiBOf fice Melb lir©aii®]pMIki dlawsiiFa(Mitia FvM Myoporum salsoloides. Turczaninow in Bulletin de la Socidte Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou xxxvi. 226 (1863). PLATE LVI. Figure i, portion of branchlet with leaves. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, back- and front-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. 1 1 , embryo. All enlarged, but in various degree. LVI R.Grarfdel.CTroeJeU.CLitK. r.v.M-direxil. SLeamLitho. GowPnnting Office.Melb. .J(D]p(|)iriEia ^SlIli®M(ll(gg TURCZANINOW Myoporum Beckeri. F, V. M. in Bentham's Flora Australiensis v. 7 (1870). PLATE LVII. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, pistil. 6 and 7, front- and side-views of fruit. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. LYB R.GraffdelC.TroedeUC^Lith. Fv.M.direxil. Steam Litho.Gov. Printing Office.Melt. \ j®jp®ifmim S®©Ik(gira TfM Myoporum floribundum. A. Cunningham in Huegel enumeratio plantarum Novae Holl. austro-occidentalis 78 (1837). PLATE LVIII. Figure i, upper part of a leaf. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, fruit, seen from beneath. 9, transverse section of fruit. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. All more or less enlarged. RGraff delC.Troedei&C? Lifii. F.v.M.djrexil Steam Lftho.Gov.PnutngOfficeMelb l%®jp(DiPiffli U(m§mMli^mmJ.Cl/MIEM Myoporum Bate^. F. V. M. in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales vi. 792 {1881). PLATE LIX. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. R Graff del C.Troedel K C Lilk FvM direxn Steam Lllho Gov. Prinliftg Office Melli 0^W)lf|lM ii rm. Myoporum platycarpum. R. Brown, Prodromus flor£e Novse Hollandlse 516 (1810), PLATE LX. Figure i, portion of leaf. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, fruit, side-view. 8 and 9, lower half of two fruits. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. All more or less enlarged. ' ^Graff .del. C.TroedeM C Lilh . F v;M.direxiT. Steam Lftk.Gov.Pnntitig Officp.Melb. ;y®jp©jMM jpMi^©imf])inm RBrown. Myoporum debile. R. Brown, Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 516 (1810). PLATE LXI. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, front-view of fruit. 7, transverse section of fruit. 8, longitudinal section of fruit. 9, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. R.Graff del.CTropdal ACMilh. P'.vMdirexil. SleamLitho. GovPrinlmg Of ficeMelb. ;j(Dip(DipiMii (H^'Ml® R.Brown. Myoporum humile. R. Brown, Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 516 (18 10). PLATE LXII. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, back- and front-view. 5, pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, transverse section of fruit. 8, longitudinal section of fruit. 9, seeds. All more or less enlarged. LM R.Graff,delCTroede!&C°Lilh. MjDjpiDifiiim li F-vM-dircxit. • SteamLitKo.Qcv.PnntmgOffice.Melb. '"© RBrown. Myoporum brevipes. Bentham, Flora Australiensis v. 6 (1870). PLATE LXllI. Figure i, leaf. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flower. 4, corolla, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view, old and young. 6, pistil. 7, side-view of fruit. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. EGTafrdel.CTroedel&C°Lilh. FvMdjrexil. Steam Liftio Gov.Prinlmg OiificeMelb, M|fii)]p©ir^inm lbff©Nyai|)©gj Bentham. Myoporum oppositifolium. R. Brown, Prodromus florse Novae Hollandise 516 (18 10). PLATE LXIV. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, pistil- 7, fruit, side-view. 8, fruit, seen from near beneath. 6 and 9, transverse section of two fruits. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 11, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. LW ^? 5raff del. C.Troedel &C°Lil:li. F.vM, direxit Steam Luho Gov Prmting Office Melt. k M^s>]pwmm ^"^prnME^^wm RBrowm Myoporum serratum. R. Brown, Prodromus florse Novae Hollandiae 516 (1810). PLATE LXV. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, fruit, seen from near beneath. 8 and 9, transverse section of two fruits. 10, longitudinal section of fruit. 1 1 , seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. m ^^pfi^ R Graff del C-TroedeUC°Lilk F.v M direxil Sleam Lilho^ Gov PnnlingOffice Melt. S%©]p®]rmii mRBROWN. Myoporum viscosum. R. Brown, Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae 516 (18 10). PLATE LXVI. Figures i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, calyx with pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7, fruit, seen from beneath. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All more or less enlarged. im A^ 4v- f ; R.Graff del, CTroedel *C° Lilh. Fv.M.direxi>' Steam Litk-GovPrinUrig Office.Melt IMj®|p(i)ifi!M ^jdg(B®^i!iiiM R.Brown. Myoporum laxiflorum. Bentham in Flora Australiensis v. 6 (1870). PLATE LXVII. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, pistil. 6, fruit with calyx. 7, fruit without the outer pericarp. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. urn -iraffdeJC.Troedel&C'Lilh F vM. direxil. SleamLitho.Gov. Printing Office. Melb. Mj^lp^DirMM l^Mmamm Bentham. Myoporum deserti. A. Cunningham in Huegel's enumeratio plantarum 78 (1837). PLATE LXVIII. Figure i, flower-bud. 2, unexpanded flower. 3, expanded flowers. 4 and 5, two corollas, laid open. 6 and 7, front- and back-view of stamens. 8, calyx with pistil. 9, fruit with calyx. 10, fruit without the outer pericarp. 11, transverse section of fruit. 12, longitudinal section of fruit. 13, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. IIM R.Grarrael.CIroedel&C?I.ith, F.vT.Mdirexil. SteamLitho. Sou PrinliiigOffice-Meft. J^Tp(DirMiJi ^mms^ A. Cunning HAM. Myoporum Dampieri. Cunningham in A. de Candolle prodrom. syst. nat. regn. veg. xi. 708 (1847). PLATE LXIX. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3 and 4, two corollas, laid open. 5, stamens, front- and back-view. 6, calyx with pistil. 7, fruit with calyx. 8, fruit without the outer pericarp. 9 and 10, transverse section of two fruits. 11, longitudinal section of fruit. 12, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. im R.Grafr.del.CTroedel&CLilK. FvM^dirpx Sleam Lilho.Gov.Prinbn^ Office.Melb. [jD|p(DifMm laimipkffM Cunninghm. Myoporum glabrum. F. V. M. third supplement to systematic census of Australian plants 6 (1886). PLATE LXX. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view, early and aged state. 5, pistil. 6, fruit with calyx. 7, fruit, the outer pericarp removed. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All enlarged, but in various degree. R.Gran-tiel.C.Troede!&C"Lil}i. F.v.M.direxit Steam LiUio.Gov Prinlin^Office.Melb. lIjDJpCDiFlME iflMbiMiim FvM. Myoporum tenuifolium. G. Forster, florulse insularum Australium prodromus 44 (1786), PLATE LXXI. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view, young and old. 5, pistil. 6, fruit with calyx. 7, fruit, the pericarp removed. 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All more or less enlarged. IML 4\ ^ ' / J^ ) R.Graff.del.C.Troedal&C9 IaIK F.vM.direxil. SLeam Libko.Gov.PrinUngOffice.Meib. iJgmiiaaffDMiaiii Forster. Myoporum insulare. R. Brown, prodromus florae Novae HoUandiae 515 (1810). PLATE LXXII. Figure i, unexpanded flower. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, front- and back-view. 5, pistil. 6, side-view of fruit. 7 and 8, transverse section of two fruits. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All more or less enlarged. T, XW ^ ll.Graff.del.C.Troeiel&-C°lith. Fv-Mdirexit . Steam Lilho.Gov PrmlingOffice.Melt. Mj®]p®MMm M'Uiiliiia*© i^Ji^Mw. Eremophila viscida. Endlicher, novarum stirpium decades 51 (1839). SUPPLEMENTAL PLATE I. Figure i, glandular hairs on corolla. 2, expanded flower. 3, corolla, laid open. 4, stamens, back- and front-view. 5, pistil. 6, fruit, viewed from the broad side. 7, fruit, seen from the narrow side, 8, transverse section of fruit. 9, longitudinal section of fruit. 10, seeds. All more or less enlarged. Supplemental plate I ^ r--