UC-NRLF LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN GrlK'T OK f v ' n . v * <2 Received ^}j2^r.* .....> f 9 Accession No. Q / Q / T and aB^. From M r draw a perpendicular to OT ; the point of intersection m is the horizontal projection of M. The vertical projection is obtained by making Om equal to mM I9 this being the height of M above the ground plane. Then through m and m' draw the parallels ef, e'f, to the ground line ; they are the pro- jections of the line of intersection. 14. THE INTERSECTING PLANES CUT THE GROUND LINE AT THE SAME POINT. Let PaP', QaQ', (Fig. 36), be two intersecting planes cutting the ground line at a. Draw a plane TOT' perpendicular to this line ; is a point of the line of intersection of the planes and if the projections wand m of the point M where this line cuts the plane TOT' were known, the projections of the intersec- tion would be obtained by joining am and am'. Let us revolve the plane TOT' around OT: the intersection of TOT and PaP', of which Y a and b' are the traces, will fall inaJB^ OB being equal to Ob'. Similarly the intersec- tion of TOT andlQaQ' will fall in cZ> 15 OD l being equal to Od', and M will come in M lt at the intersection of aB^ and cDj . From M^ draw a perpendicular M^m to OT, the point m is the horizontal projection of M. The vertical projection m is obtained by making Om equal to mM^. Then draw am and am! which are the projections of the intersection. Fig-. 36 16 DESCRIPTI VE GEOMETR Y. Fig-. 37 15. INTERSECTION OP TWO PLANES, ONE OF WHICH IS HORIZONTAL OR PARALLEL TO THE VERTICAL PLANE. When one of the planes is horizontal, the intersection is parallel to the horizontal trace of the other plane : its ver- tical projection is the trace Q R\ of the hor- izontal plane (Fig. 37) and the horizontal pro- jection a parallel qr to aP. In thejcase of a plane parallel to the vertical plane (Fig. 38), the horizontal projection of 7 the intersection is the trace QR of the vertical plane. J | The vertical projection is a parallel q's' tojthe vertical trace aP of the other plane. Fig-. 38 16. PLANES PERPENDICULAR TO ONE OF THE PLANES OF PROJEC- TION. W T hen the two planes are both perpendicular to one of the planes of projection, their intersection is also perpendicular to this plane and its projection on it is the point where the traces of the planes meet. The projection on the other plane is a perpendicular to the ground line passing through the above point. 17. INTERSECTION OF A LINE AND A PLANE. To find the intersection of a line and a plane, another line intersecting the first one is drawn in the plane ; the point required is the inter- V/ section of the two lines. a' Fig". 39 Let ab, a'b', (Fig. 39), be the line and PaP' the plane. For auxiliary line the intersection of PaP' by one of the projecting planes of the given line, abb', for instance, may be employed. To obtain the projections of this intersec- tion, draw the perpendiculars bb" and cc to the ground line and join c'b" : cb, c'b" is the inter- section. It meets the line ab ab' at mm' which is the point where the line cuts the plane PaP'. R DISTANCES. 17 18. INTERSECTION OF THREE PLANES. The intersection of three planes may be found either by constructing the line of intersection of two of the planes, and then determining the point where this line cuts the third plane, or by constructing the lines of intersection of one of the planes with each of the others ; the point where the two lines meet is the point of intersection of the three planes. 19. THROUGH A POINT, TO DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE WHICH WILL MEET TWO GIVEN LINES. To draw through a point a straight line which will meet two given lines not in the same plane, a plane is passed through the point and one of the lines. The point where the second line pierces the plane is ascertained ( 17), and by joining this point of intersection to the given point, the required line is obtained. 20. DISTANCE OF TWO POINTS. Let aa, bb', (Fig. 40), be two points ; to obtain their dis- tance, one of the projecting planes of the line AB may be revolved about its trace upon the corresponding projection plane. Let us revolve, for instance AB ab around ab. The point A will fall in A on a perpendicular a A T to ab, the line aA x being the height of A above the ground plane, that is the distance ra. Similarly B will fall in B 1 , on a perpendicular b l to ab, and at a distance from b equal to sb'. Fig-. 40 The required distance of the points is A^B^. The construction may be somewhat simplified by observing that if a line be drawn through a parallel to A^B^, its length ac is equal to A^B^t therefore, instead of constructing the trapezoid aA 1 B l b, it is sufficient to erect a perpendicular to ab at b and to lay off on it a dis- tance be equal to the difference between sb' and ra. 21. To LAY OFF A GIVEN LENGTH ON A LINE. The construction given in 20 may be employed for laying off a given length on a line AB (Fig. 40). Turn the projecting plane on the line ab as an axis and lay off the required length A^D^ on A^B^. Then revolve the projecting plane back to its natural position ; the horizontal projection of D will be at d, foot of the perpendicular drawn from D^ to ab, and its vertical projection will be at d", intersection of a'b' by a perpendi- cular through d to the ground line. 2 R 18 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 22. DISTANCE FROM A POINT TO A LINE. The distance from a point to a straight line is obtained by passing a plane through the line and the point, and revolving it upon one of the planes of projection. Let ab, ab', be the line and mm the point (Fig. 41). Through mm draw a parallel cd, c'd to ab, a'b' ; the line ac is the horizontal trace of the plane containing the two parallel lines. Revolve this plane around its trace ac, until it coincides with the ground plane ( 11). Let aB and M^ be the revolved positions of ab' and M. From M l let fall a perpendicular M^ K to a l ; Fig*. 41 it is the distance required. "f 23. DISTANCE FROM A POINT TO A PLANE. The distance from a point to a plane may be obtained by dropping a perpendicular from the point to the plane ( 10), finding the point where it pierces the plane ( 17) and determining the distance of the two points. ^ It is more convenient to pass through the point a plane perpendi- cular to one of the traces of the given plane. This auxiliary plane, being perpendicular to the other one, contains the perpendicular from the point to the given plane ; after revolving it around its trace upon one of the planes of projection, a simple construction gives the solution -of the problem. Let PaP' (Fig. 42) be the plane and mm the point. Through mm pass the plane QPQ' perpendicular to aP' and revolve it around pQ upon the ground plane. The point A de- scribes the arc of circle A A 1 , and BA^ is the intersection of the two planes revolved upon the ground Y plane. The point M is on a parallel to fiQ passing through m. In revolving the auxiliary plane m describes the arc of circle me and the line m M falls in cM 19 still parallel to 0Q. The point M remaining during the revolution of the plane at a constant distance from the vertical plane falls on a M, Fig-. 42 parallel to the ground line passing through m ; therefore M^ comes at the intersection of c M T and mM ., . There remains only to let fall a perpendicular M ^ K l from M 1 to BA 1 ; it is the distance required. R ANGLES. 19 24. DISTANCE OF TWO PARALLEL PLANES. The distance of two parallel planes may be obtained by in- tersecting them by a third plane perpendicular to both and revolving it upon one of the planes of projection. Let PaP', QfrQ' (Fig. 43) be the parallel planes. Draw a -Y plane ROR' perpendicular to the vertical traces and revolve it upon the ground plane around OR as an axis. The points R' and S' describe the arcs of circles R'R-^, S'S l ; the lines RR^ and SS r being the inter- sections of the given planes by the auxiliary one. These lines are parallel and their distance is the distance of the planes . 25. DISTANCE OF TWO STRAIGHT LINES. Let AB and CD (Fig. 44) be two straight lines not contained in one plane ; it is required to find their shortest distance. This distance is the length of the perpendicular to both lines. Through any point of AB, A for instance, draw a parallel AF to CD, and from a point G of CD let fall a perpendicular GH on the plane BAF. Through the foot of Gil in the plane BAF draw a parallel HK to AF and through K {D another parallel KM to HG. The line KM is perpen- dicular to both lines. . 43 Figr- 44 Although presenting no difficulty, the construction requires many lines and is omitted here. 26. ANGLES OF A LINE WITH THE PLANES OF PROJECTION. Let it be required to find the angles formed by the line ab, a'b', (Fig. 45), 6 with the planes of projection. The angle of the line with the ground plane is the same as with the line ab, since the plane b'ab is perpendicular to the ground plane. This angle can be obtained by revolving the triangle b'ba around b'b as an axis upon the vertical plane. The vertex a describes the arc of circle ac and the triangle comes in b'bc, the angle at c being the angle of the line with the ground plane. R Fig-. 45 20 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Similarly the angle with the vertical plane is obtained by revolving the triangle aa'b' upon the ground plane around aa as an axis. The vertex b' comes in d, the angle ada being the angle of the line with the vertical plane. When the line is contained in a plane perpendic- ular to the ground line, such as ab', Fig. 46, the angles are found by revolving this plane upon one of the planes of projection, the ground plane for instance : the vertical trace, b' describes the arc of circle b'JB^ and the revolved position of the line is aB^ ; a and E^ are the angles with the ground and vertical planes respectively. In the case of a line parallel to one of the planes Fig". 46 o f projection, the angle of the line with the other plane is the angle of its projection with the ground line. 27. ANGLE OF TWO LINES. To find the angle formed by two in- tersecting lines, their plane is revolved about its trace upon one of the planes of projection. Let ab, a'b' ; cd, c'd', (Fig. 47), be the lines. The horizontal trace of their plane is the line ac passing through their traces ; it forms with the two lines a triangle a Me in which M is the angle to be found. Revolve this triangle around ac upon the ground plane ; the point M moves in the plane perpendicular to ac whose horizontal trace is the perpendicular mn to ac ; it will therefore fall in Jf 19 somewhere on mn pro- duced. The distance nM l is the same as the distance from n to M and the latter is the hypothenuse of the right angle triangle Mnn. The side Mm of this triangle being \ ie height of M above the ground line, the triangle can be constructed by erecting at in a perpendicular to mn and laying off mt equal to m's ; M^ is then determined by rig". 47 making nM l equal to nt. Joining M^a and M^c, the angle required is aM^c. It may happen that the traces of the lines are outside of the draw- ing, and that the trace of their plane can not be obtained as explained above. In that case, the lines are cut by an auxiliary horizontal plane on which the construction of Fig. 47 is effected. When the lines are parallel to one of the planes of projection, their angle is the angle of their projections on that plane. 28. ANGLES OF A PLANE WITH THE PLANES OF PROJECTION. The angles of a plane with the planes of projection are obtained by cutting it by auxiliary planes perpendicular to the traces. Let PaP' t (Fig. 48), be ANGLES. 21 the plane. Draw a plane TOT' per- pendicular to aP : its intersections with the planes of projection and the given plane form a right angled triangle TOT' in which the angle at T is the angle of PaP' with the ground plane. Revolve this triangle upon the vertical plane around OT as an axis : T describes an arc of circle TT 1 , of which is the centre, and the triangle comes in T'OT l , the angle T l being the angle of PaP' with the ground plane. Similarly, the angle with the ver- .Fig". 48 tical plane is obtained by drawing the plane SOS' perpendicular to aP' and revolving the triangle SOS' upon the ground plane in SOSj^. The angle at S^ is the angle of PaP' with the vertical plane. The line T'T is the line of greatest declivity of the plane PaF : any other line contained in the plane PaP' and not parallel to 'T'T forms with the ground plane an angle smaller than T'TO. 29. ANGLE OF TWO PLANES. Let PaP*, QftQ', (Fig. 49), be two planes, of which it is required to find the angle. Their intersection is pro- jected horizontally in ab. Cut the planes by another one perpendicular to both : it is perpendicular to their intersection and consequently the horizontal trace cd is perpendicular to ab. The intersections of this plane with the two given planes form with the trace cd a triangle in which the angle opposite cd is the angle of the two planes. tfY .^he intersection of the auxil- iary plane with the projecting plane abb' is the perpendicular let fall from the vertex of the triangle on cd because cd being ~Y perpendicular to the projecting plane is perpendicular to all lines contained in it passing through its foot K. The same intersection is also perpendicu- lar to the intersection ab' of the two given planes, because ab' being perpendicular to the aux- iliary plane, is perpendicular to all lines contained in that plane by which it is intersected. Fig-. 49 22 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Now revolve the triangle abb' about its side ab upon the ground plane. The angle at b being a right angle, the point b' will fall in B^ on a perpendicular to ab at 6, bB l being equal to bb'. Join B^a and let fall on it from K a perpendicular KH l : this is the height of the triangle formed by cd and the intersections of the two given planes by the auxiliary plane. Then revolve this triangle around cd upon the ground plane ; its vertex will fall on the line ab at a distance Kh equal to KH^ . Join he, hd ; did is the angle required. When the planes are in such a position as to make the above con- struction inconvenient, they may be replaced by parallel planes, whose positions are selected at pleasure. This may be done, for instance, when the planes cut the ground line at the same point or when their traces do not meet within the limits of the drawing. When the planes are both parallel to the ground line, the construc- tion is the same as in Fig. 35 ; aM t c is the angle of the planes. 30. THROUGH A GIVEN LINE IN A PLANE TO DRAW ANOTHER PLANE MAKING A CERTAIN ANGLE WITH THE GIVEN PLANE. The converse pro- blem consists in drawing through a given line of a plane, another plane making with the first one a given angle. The construction is the same as in Fig. 49, but is inverted. The given line is the inter- section of the two planes ; the triangle chd is constructed by means of the line KH^ and the angle h ; it gives a point d of the horizontal trace of the plane required. Another point of the trace is found at a, then join ad, produce to ft and join to fib 1 : the required plane is aftb. 31. ANGLE OF A LINE WITH A PLANE. The angle of a line with a plane is the complement of the angle of the line with a perpendicular to the plane. So in order to find the first angle, a perpendicular may be erected to the plane through a point of the given line ( 10) ; the angle of the two lines is then determined ( 27). 32. METHOD OF ROTATIONS. The method of rotations is a process employed in Descriptive Geometry for facilitating the solution of problems. It consists in rotating the whole system of the projections, or only part of it, around an axis perpendicular to one of the planes of projection, until the system assumes a position favourable to the solution of the problem. ROTATIONS. 23 Fig-. 50 Fig-. 51 33. ROTATION OP A POINT Let it be required to rotate a point mm, (Fig. 50), through an angle . the perspective of M. The points M and /JL are the traces of- sa, s'm. Fig-. 62 32 PERSPECTIVE. 47. PERSPECTIVE OF A LINE IN THE GROUND PLANE. It has been shown in 44 that the perspective of a straight line is the inter- section with the picture plane of the plane containing the station and the given line. Draw a plane through the straight line AB and the station S (Fig. 63). The intersection up of this plane with the picture plane is the perspective of AB. Thus we have this relation be- tween a straight line in the ground I..- 1 :-- plane and its perspective ; they are the rig", bo traces on the ground and picture planes of the plane containing the station and the line itself. In orthogonal projection, the line being in the ground plane, the horizontal projection is the line itself, AB (Fig. 64) ; the vertical projection is the ground line. To pass a plane through the station sP and the line A, draw through sP a parallel to AB ; the hori- zontal projection is a parallel to AB through s, and the vertical projection a parallel through P to the ground line. The vertical trace is at c', the intersec- tion of c'P with the perpendicular c'c to the ground line. The horizontal trace f the plane containing sP and AB is the line AB itself, since it is in the Fig". 64 ground plane. The vertical trace passes through c', trace of the line sc, PC', which is contained in the plane ; and as it must also pass through A, therefore the vertical trace of the plane is the line Ac'. Hence Ac' is the perspective of AB. 48. PERSPECTIVE OF A POINT NOT IN THE GROUND PLANE. The con- struction given in $ 46 does not change when ,,.-'; the point to be placed in perspective is not in ^5-'' the ground plane. A line is still drawn through the station sP, (Fig. 65), and the point mm. x ^T~ ~~^ Y The vertical trace , is the perspective of mm. \ ^' The horizontal trace a of the visual ray is ; .,-' the perspective of the point mm on the ground ' plane ; hence it may be stated as a general rule, that the perspectives of a point on the ground and picture planes are the traces of the rig", bo }- ne j o i n i n g t ne station to the point. VANISHING POINT. 33 49. PERSPECTIVE OF A LINE NOT IN THE GROUND PLANE. Let ab, a'b', (Fig. 66), be a line not in the ground plane : to obtain its perspective, a plane must be passed through the station sP Y and the line ab, a'b'; the inter- section of this plane with the picture plane, that is the verti- cal trace of the plane, is the per- spective of the line. Through sP, draw a parallel Fig-. 66 sd, Pd' to ab, a'b'; both lines are contained in the plane to be drawn, therefore the traces of the plane are the lines ac, d'b' joining the traces of same denomination of the parallels ; and d'b', the vertical trace of the plane, is the perspective of ab, a'b'. Let us now consider another line, ef, e'f parallel to ab, a'b'; the plane passing through ef, e'f arid the station sP must again contain the parallel sd, Pd, through the station ; therefore the vertical trace of the plane, which is the perspective of ef, e'f, is the line/W joining the vertical traces of the two parallels. Hence the perspective of any line parallel to ab, a'b' will pass through the point d'. This result could be foreseen, because when a system of parallels has to be placed in perspective, all the planes serving to project them on the picture plane have a common line of intersection, parallel to the general direction of the system and passing through the station. Its trace on the picture plane must therefore be the common point of inter- section of the perspectives. This point is called the " Vanishing point " of the parallel lines, because it represents the parts of the lines which are at infinity ; their perspective ends or vanishes at that point. The horizontal traces of the planes are the perspectives of the par- allel lines on the ground plane. Like the perspectives of the picture plane, they all meet in a common point, which is the horizontal trace of the parallel line through the station ; it is the vanishing point of the perspectives of the ground plane. Therefore, it is seen that when a plane is drawn through the station and a line in space, the traces of the plane on the picture and ground planes are the perspectives of the line on those planes. 3 R 34 PERSPECTIVE. 50. POSITIONS OP THE VANISHING POINT. A horizontal line has its vanishing point on the horizon line because the parallel drawn through the station, being horizontal, is all contained in the horizon plane and has its vertical trace on the horizon line. Perpendiculars to the picture plane, being parallel to the distance line, have for vanishing point the vertical trace of the distance line which is the principal point of the perspective. The vanishing points of horizontal lines making an angle of 45 with the distance line are called " distance points," DD, (Fig. 67) ; their distance from the principal rjbint is equal to the distance line, because a horizontal line inclined at 45 to SP, forms an isosceles triangle SPD in which SP = PD. Lines in the principal plane have their van- 7^ ishing point on the principal line. Two of /' these lines form angles of 45 with the distance / line, one above and the other below the hori- zon. Their vanishing points are known as " upper and lower distance points "; they are also at the same distance from the principal 7 point as the station. Lines parallel to the picture plane have no vanishing point. It will be shown later on that their perspectives are parallel to the lines them- selves and do not meet. 51. VANISHING LINE. Through the station sP (Fig. 68), pass a plane TVZ parallel to a given plane QRM. The vertical trace VZ contains the traces of all the lines drawn through the station parallel to QRM, it is therefore the locus of the vanishing points of parallels to the plane QRM. This trace VZ may be called the " vanishing line " of the plane QRM or of any other plane parallel to it (1). The horizontal trace VT is in like manner the vanishing line of the perspectives of the ground plane. Fig-. 68 (1) The term "vanishing line " is usually applied to the lines : admitting that the expression " vanishing point cannot be called otherwise than acceptation only. perspectives of parallel anishing point " is a proper one, the line VZ vanishing line." This term is used here with that FIGURES IN FRONT PLANES. 35 Fig-. 69 52. LINES OR FIGURES IN FRONT PLANES. The perspective of a straight line contained in a front plane is another straight line parallel to the first one. For the plane containing the station and the given line being cut by two parallel planes, the picture and front planes, the intersections are parallel lines. But these intersections are the line itself and its perspective, therefore the perspective is parallel to the given line. Let &, (Fig. 69), be the station, PP',FF', the picture and front planes and A BCD a polygon in the front plane, Join SA, SB, SC, SZ> ; these lines intersect the picture plane at 8 a,b,c,d t the polygon abed being the perspective of ABCD. The lines drawn from S form a pyramid of which the polygon of the front plane is the base and the perspective a section by a plane parallel to the base. It is shown in geometry that when a pyramid is cut by a plane parallel to the base, the section is a figure similar to the base. The front 'plane being parallel to the picture plane, the perspective must be similar to the original figure. It follows that a curve in the front plane is represented by a sim- ilar curve in perspective, because such a line can be assimilated to a polygon with a great number of sides. When the front plane is beyond the picture plane, as in Fig. 69, the perspective is smaller than the original figure ; it is larger when the front plane is between the station and the picture plane, but in either case it is an exact representation of the figure itself, on a differ- ent scale. This scale, or the proportion between the perspective and the original figure is called the "scale of the front plane." It is the ratio between the distance line and the distance from the station to the front plane. A straight line parallel to the picture plane is contained in a front plane and is represented in perspective by a line parallel to itself \ therefore parallel lines, which are also parallel to the picture plane have parallel lines for perspectives and have no vanishing point. The parallel to the given lines passing through the station, being parallel to the picture plane, has no trace on it. Vertical lines are parallel to the picture plane and appear in per- spective as parallels to the principal line. 36 PERSPECTIVE. Horizontal lines parallel to the picture plane are in perspective par- allel to the horizon line. 53. MEASURING LINES AND MEASURING POINTS. Let PP', (Fig. 70), be the picture plane, S the station and AB a straight line piercing the picture plane at A. Through S, draw the parallel SV to AB : V is the vanishing point of AB whose perspective is VA, since the vertical trace A is a point of the s perspective and the vanishing point is another one. Through V, draw VM equal to VS and through A the line AD parallel to VM. Take a point O of AB and join CS, the intersection f with VA is the perspective of C. Join M Y and produce to its inter- section Cj, with AD. VS and AB being parallel the triangles V Y S an d A Y C give the proportion : Fig-. 70 VS AC YL AY (i) The triangles VMf and AC ^ Y are a ^ so similar, VM being parallel Vr to AC V therefore : Hence from (1) and (2) : VM AC 1 VS VM (2) But by construction therefore VM VS The line AC, represented in perspective at Ay, is equal to the line AC^ Fig. 71 shows the picture plane with the same letters as in Fig. 70. The part of the line seen in perspective at AY is equal to AC l . On AC i take another point D, join to M, and call d the intersection with VA. The line seen in Ad is equal to AD, therefore the part seen in Yd is equal to C^D. SCALE. 37 M The line AD is called the "measuring line" of A F, because it serves to measure the length of the line in space correspond- ing to any portion of its perspective A V ; M is the "measuring point" VM was not drawn in any particular direction, therefore the direction of the measuring line, parallel to VM, is indeter- Fiff. 71 minate. It is usual to make it parallel to the horizon line. The position of the measuring point depends only on the vanishing point ; therefore the same measuring point may serve for all lines parallel to the same direction. The same measuring line \vill serve for all lines having their vertical traces on it. Should the line VM be drawn parallel to the vertical trace of a plane, this trace would be a measuring line for all lines contained in the plane. If the measuring line is taken parallel to the horizon the measuring point of any horizontal line is on the horizon line, since the vanishing point is on that line. All lines in the same horizontal plane have then for measuring line the vertical trace of the plane, and lines in the ground plane have the ground line. There is no measuring line or point for lines in a front plane, because they have no vertical traces or vanishing points ; the scale of the front plane has to be employed when the length of such a line is wanted. The distance points are measuring points for lines parallel to the distance line. 54. REDUCTION OF A PERSPECTIVE TO SCALE. Hitherto it has been assumed that in the constructions, the real dimensions of the figures were employed. It would be quite impracticable to do so in the generality of cases. The dimensions must be reduced to a certain scale in order not to exceed the limits of the paper. Y M By changing the position of the measuring line reduced distances can be used. Let F, M t and AC (Fig. 72) be the vanishing and measur- ing points and the measuring line of the per- spective A V. The part of the line seen in ft? is equal to BC. Through a point a of A V / \ draw the parallel ac to AC and let us use it as _y a measuring line ; the length corresponding to PY is 6c, and we have the proportion : be _Va Fig". 72 ~BC = yA 38 PERSPECTIVE. Thus the lengths obtained are all reduced in the proportion of ^7" Therefore, in order to obtain at once the length, on a certain scale, of a line seen in perspective, it is sufficient to reduce the distance between the measuring line and the vanishing point in the proportion of the scale to be employed. Thus, if Va be made the one-thousandth part of VA, the distances will be obtained on a scale of YWQTS- ^ * s ^ ne measuring point, and ac the measuring line, of a line having V for vanishing point and a for trace on the picture plane ; the new line is therefore parallel to the line joining V to the station and to the original line seen in perspective, but its distance from the station has been reduced to the scale adopted. Hence, to obtain the length reduced to scale of a line seen in per- spective, reduce to scale the distance of the line from the station, moving it parallel to itself in the plane containing the station. The same conclusion is otherwise arrived at in a more direct manner. A figure ABCD (Fig. 73) forms, with the visual rays joining it to the sta- tion, a pyramid, the intersection of which by the picture plane is the perspective a Fig-. 73 Let the pyramid be cut by a plane parallel to the base ABCD ; the intersection A i B 1 C l D 1 is similar to ABCD, the proportion being ~^~r. The lines A 1 lt B^C \ measured by means of their per- spectives a/?, ft? are therefore the lines AB, EC reduced to ^ A the scale --r. The same demonstration applies to any system of figures, whenever every point of the system has been moved in a straight line towards the station, so as to reduce its distance from the station in the proportion of the scale given. Hence we deduce the following important rule : To lay off dimensions reduced to scale or to measure them from a perspective, assume that the system formed by the station and the original figures or objects had been reduced to scale when the perspec- tive was executed. CONSTRUCTION OF THE PERSPECTIVE. 39 55. TO PLACE IN PERSPECTIVE A POINT OP THE GROUND PLANE. 1st. By means of the principal point and a distance point. Let M t (Fig. 74), be the point, XY the ground line, P and D the principal and distance points, the picture plane p D b?ing revolved upon the horizontal plane. Draw MA at an angle of 45 J and MB perpen- dicular to the ground line. The perspective X,-'\ : of AM is the line AD joining the trace on the X -f^- ^ K picture plane to the distance point. The per- spective of MB, vanishing at the principal point is PB ; therefore the perspective of M Fig". 74 is at //. 2nd. By means of the distance of the point from the ground line. Draw MB perpendicular to XY and take AB equal to MB; join AD and PB. 3rd. By means of the station and principal point. C | /| Join the foot of the station s (Fig. 75) to the j \ point M. The line sM is the horizontal trace of !\ / the vertical plane containing M and the station, j /\ which plane cuts the picture plane on a line AC (/ \! perpendicular to XY. From M draw the perpen- ' A B dicular MB to the ground line ; it is represented in perspective by PB, therefore // (intersection of AC and PB) is the perspective of M. Fig-. 75 4th. By means of the projection on the principal plane. Revolve the principal plane around its trace sp (Fig. 76) upon the M ' ground plane ; the station will come in S^ on a perpendicular to sp, sj. to the ground line ; the perspec- ....... '? tive of M is on that perpendicular at a dis- tance m>j. equal to pi>. l . Fig-. 76 40 PERSPECTIVE. When a great number of points have to be placed in perspective, this last method is very convenient. In practice the perspective is not constructed on the ground plan itself, as the operations would become confused ; the plan and perspective are kept separate. Let AJ3CD, (Fig. 77), be the ground plan, X 2 Y 2 the ground line, and the trace of the principal plane. Join s 2 to A, , C and D. On the paper which is to serve for the perspective, draw the ground line XY and take a point p as inter- section of the principal Y plane. Take on the edge of a piece of paper the distances from p z to 3 , /S 3 , f 3 , f) 3 , and carry them on XY in 2 , /? 2 , T 2 , ^ 2 ; at the last mentioned points erect perpendiculars to the ground line. At another place draw a line s l 1 to represent the inter- section of the ground and principal planes ; place the station S^ at its height h above the ground plane, take s^p^ equal to the distance line and draw the trace of the picture plane, Fig-. 77 perpendicular to On the edge of a piece of paper, take the distances of A, B, C, D, from the ground line X 2 Y 2 and carry them onp l B 1 . Join S l to A lt lt C\, D^. Again take on the edge of a piece of paper the distances of ctj, &!, n, ^i f rom Pit an( i lav them on the perpendiculars a 2 a, 2 /9, ^2^, ^ 2 ^. This gives a/5^J.M : it is the perspective of INTERSECTIONS BY CONTOUR PLANES. 43 Fig-. 80 a horizontal line having its trace in Mand its vanishing point at V. Mark on FG the intersections A, J3, C, D, E of the horizontal planes, join to V and produce VA, VJ3, VC t VD, F^to yy/ these lines are the perspectives of horizontal lines parallel to >j.M and contained in the hori- f zoiital planes. Their intersections , /9, y, ~ H ' d, s, with the perspective of the vertical line tfl are the points required. This construction is employed for de- termining the intersections of a vertical line by contour planes : the equidistance is marked on the edge of a piece of paper which is pinned along GF so that P cor- responds to the altitude of the station. A straight edge is placed on //. and the point of same height of the equi- distance scale, then a pin is planted at F and the straight edge moved through each of the points A, B, . . . .E, always keeping it in con- tact with the pin. Another solution consists in projecting the vertical line and its perspective on the prin- --'.\^5 cipal plane. ^--' Let SP, Fig. 81, be the distance line, r { the principal line and FG the intersection of the front plane containing the vertical line, by the principal plane. Mark on FG the intersections pi- .o-i of the horizontal planes, join to S and pro- duce to r t O ; the intersections are the projections on the principal plane of the points required. In practice, the construction is made on the perspective : r t O (Fig. 82), being the perspective of the vertical line, NM is taken on the horizon line equal to the dis- tance line and NQ equal to the distance of the vertical line from the picture plane. At Q a perpendicular is erected to HH' and the equidistance scale pinned along- side, so that Q shall correspond to the altitude of the station. The construction is completed as in Fig. 81. Fig-. 82 PERSPECTIVE. Contour planes being equidistant, the divisions , f$ of the perspective are equal : it is therefore sufficient to find the length of one division and to carry it on the perspective of the vertical line. 62. To MARK ON THE PERSPECTIVE OF ANY LINE OR CURVE CONTAINED IN A VERTICAL PLANE, THE INTERSECTIONS BY A SERIES OF HORIZONTAL PLANES. Let ;j.d (Fig. 83), be the perspective of a line contained in a vertical plane : that plane contains the vertical seen in perspective at . In the case of a front line, a point of the line Fig 1 . 86 ig fixe( | k v one O f tne me thods of 65 and a parallel to the ground line drawn through the point. INVERSE PROBLEM OF PERSPECTIVE. 47 67. To DRAW A FIGURE ON THE GROUND PLANE BY MEANS OF ITS PER- SPECTIVE. A figure of the ground plane may be constructed by means of its perspective as described in 65, each of the summits of the figure being determined separately. It may also be constructed by determining each of the lines form- ing the figure, as in 66. An irregular figure is inclosed between straight lines and drawn at sight. A convenient method is that known as the " method of squares." The ground plane is divided into squares by lines parallel and perpendicular to the ground line ; the network of squares is pro- jected on the perspective and the figure drawn at sight in the corre- sponding squares. To construct the perspective of the squares, the distances of the parallel lines are marked on the ground line in A, B, C, D, E, (Fig. 87), the perspectives of the perpendiculars to the ground line are obtained by joining these points to the principal point P. The principal plane is next plotted sepa- rately, sK^ being the trace of the ground plane, S the station and PP' the trace of the picture plane. Mark the intersections F ly G 19 of sK by the lines par- allel to the ground line, join to S and carry to Pp the distances from p l to F^ G 2 , H 2 , K% : through the points so obtained, F, G, H, K, draw parallels to s the ground line, which wil] complete the perspective of the squares. It is not necessary that the sides of the squares be parallel or perpendicular to the ground line. Any other direction may be adopted, as for instance, north and south, and east and west ,in the case of topographical perspectives. 48 PERSPECTIVE. Grofind Plan The vanishing points F and F a , (Fig. 88), of these lines are found as usual by drawing through the station parallels to their directions until they meet the horizon line. The points of intersection with the ground line of the north and south lines, which will be supposed to van- ish ^at F 1? are taken from the ground plan, carried to the ground line of the perspective, in A, B, C\ D, E, F, and joined to V l : this gives the per- spective of one set of parallel lines. The other set is obtained by a similar process, carrying the points G lt H^ K! from the ground plan to the per- spective and joining to the vanishing F point F. The squares must be made small enough to guide the draughtsman . , accurately in transferring the figure from the perspective to the ground .Fig-. 88. plan. 68. VANISHING SCALE. The direction of a point of the ground plane is easy to find : it is sufficient to join the foot of the station to the projection of the perspective on the ground line. Were the distance of the point determined, it could be located at once. This is done by means of the "vanishing scale". Fig. 89 represents the principal plane : Pp and pA are the traces of the picture and ground planes and S the station at a height h above the ground plane. On pA and on each side of p, mark equal distances, 100, 200, etc. : they represent the intersections of pA by parallels to the ground line. Join these points to S : the perspectives of the above S parallels are parallels to the ground line passing through the points of division of pP. Suppose now that the distance of a point of the perspective from the ground line be found equal to pm : then the point of the perspective is on a parallel to the ground line passing through m. But this line is the perspective of a parallel to the ground line passing through M, therefore the point to be found, being on that parallel, is at the dis- tance pM from the ground line. M and m Fig". 89 corresponding to the same divisions of the scales pP and pA, the distance of the point is obtained at once by reading the division of p A corresponding to m. ,''',' If*,',' I 300 , 1 eP i h ''' ''M/' /' .' MS .' loo , ft ,100 100 INVERSE PROBLEM' OF PERSPECTIVE. 49 The scale constructed as above on pP is called a "vanishing scale" M Y 69. USE OF THE MEASURING LINE. Some- times the greater part of an irregular figure in a horizontal plane, may be inclosed be- tween two parallel lines, as in Fig. 90. A point Fis taken on the horizon line such that two lines drawn from it inclose the figure a ft Y $ s as well as possible. These lines are the perspectives of two parallel lines in the ground plane and their vanishing point is V. Draw these parallels on the gr ound plan in A j E^ and B l J) l and place on the perspective the measuring point by taking VM equal to the distance of V from the station. The measuring line is the ground line XY. Find the distances from F and G to the points of the parallels corresponding to various points FijET. 00 f * ne irregular figure and transfer them in A l , B lt Cj, D lt E^, to the ground plan. Draw the intermediate parts of the figure at sight. Should two parallel lines prove insufficient, the number can be increased. The method of squares, the vanishing scale and the measuring line can be employed for finding the perspective from the ground plan. The operations are the converse of the preceding ones and require no further explanation. 70. PRECISION OF THE METHOD. Let Ss and J/, (Fig. 91) represent the vertical passing through the station and a point of T/he ground plane, Sm and ,u.A t the traces of the horizon and picture planes and //. the perspective of M. Draw Mm perpendicular to Sm: it is the height, h, of the station above the ground plane. The similar triangles SA/j. and SmM give : Sm __SA mM AV or y I (1) To find the effect on the distance y from the station to M, of an error dx in the perspective, equation (1) must be differentiated, considering x and y as variables ; this gives : dy = y dx = hi 50 PERSPECTIVE. Fig-. 91 So the error in the position of M caused by an error in the perspective increases as the square of the distance : therefore the method must not be em- ployed for points or figures at too great a distance from the station. The error decreases as the height of the station increases : thus if the height be doubled, the error will be reduced to one half. Hence, perspectives intended for the reproduction of figures in the ground plane should be taken from as great a height as possible. The error decreases also as I increases, or as the size of the per- spective increases. 71. To DETERMINE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE, THE PROJECTIONS OF A POINT NOT IN THE GROUND PLANE, BUT OF WHICH THE HEIGHT IS KNOWN. The perspective of a point is not sufficient to determine its position ; other data must be furnished, such as the traces of a plane containing it, its distance, or its height above the ground plane. ^T>;. If the height be known, draw a parallel RT, Fig. --"-r< T 92, to the ground line representing the trace on the I/* picture plane of the horizontal plane containing the x _ I j } r point. The projections of the visual ray joining the j^'' ^ station to the point are s/^, P/J. ( 47) : it pierces the horizontal plane RT in m, ra', and as the point to be found is in that plane and on the line s//. 15 P,u, it p,. . is the point of intersection, mm. The construction is not always possible. For in- stance RT may pass through P : this means that the point is in the horizon plane, in which case it cannot be located by means of its per- spective. Pp. may coincide, or very nearly, with Ps, and the construction be- come impossible or unceitain. The visual ray joining the station to the point is then projected on the principal and ground planes instead of the picture and ground planes : the different steps are precisely the same in both methods. 72. TO CONSTRUCT FROM ITS PERSPECTIVE A FIGURE IN ANY HORIZON- TAL PLANE. The methods given in 65, 66 and 67 apply to figures in any horizontal plane, by using the planes of the figures as ground planes ; all that is required being to shift the ground line on the perspective to its proper position. TRACES. 51 73. To FIND THE TRACES AND VANISHING POINT OF A LINE GIVEN BY ITS HORIZONTAL PROJECTION AND PERSPECTIVE. Before proceeding to consider figures in various planes, it is necessary to show how the plane of a figure and the traces of straight lines can be determined. Let a/5 and ab (Fig. 93), represent the perspec- tive and horizontal projection of a line. At b draw a perpendicular to the ground line : the trace on the picture plane must be on that per- pendicular and also on a/S, therefore it is at their intersection /5. p The vanishing point is the trace of a par- allel to the line drawn through the station ; the horizontal projection of this parallel is sv, drawn through the foot of the station parallel Fis* 93 to a ^' an< ^ ^ s trace * s on ^6 perpendicular v V to the ground line. But this trace is the van- ishing point of a/5 ; therefore it is at the intersection of v V and a/9 produced. vertical projection passes through the trace V and the principal point P ; producing it to the intersection with XT and drawing the perpendicular v 1 V 1 to XT, the trace on the ground plane is found at F r The line joining F a to is the perspective on the ground plane of the given line ( 49) whose trace is the intersection. of aV 1 and ab. The trace on the ground plane may also be found by revolving the projecting plane of ab around its vertical trace bft (Fig. 94) upon the picture plane. Draw the horizon line Pd ; the trace of the given line on the horizon plane is seen in Y on the perspective ; its horizontal projec- tion is at the intersection c of ab by the line joining the foot of the station to the foot f of the perpendicular iff to XT. When the projecting plane revolves, c de- scribes the arc of circle cCj, with b as centre : the point of the given line corre- sponding to Y moves in the horizon plane ; therefore it comes in y l on the horizon line, at the intersection with the perpendicular C I Y I to XT. The revolved line is fta^, and Fi^.94 the revolved trace on the ground plane is a l . Revolving a 1 back to ab, the trace is obtained in a. 52 PERSPECTIVE. The angle formed in a^ by the revolved line and XY is the angle of the line with the ground plane. A third method consists in determining from the perspective the heights of two points of the given line, as will be explained later on. Fig-. 95 The projecting plane of the line is revolved on the ground plane around the horizontal projection ab, Fig. 95. The points A and B fall in A^ and B^, the Y perpendiculars a A l and bB 1 to cd being the heights of A and B above the ground plane. A^B^ is the revolved line and c its trace on the ground plane. The revolved trace on the picture plane is at the intersection of A l i produced with the perpendicular dD to cd ; it is revolved back to the picture plane by drawing a perpendicular dd' to XY and describing an arc of circle with d as centre dD l as radius. 74. GIVEN THE SLOPE OF A LINE AND THE HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OF ONE OF ITS POINTS, TO FIND THE HORIZONTAL PROJECTION AND TRACES OF THE LINE. Let a (Fig. 96), be the horizontal -projection of a point of the line seen in perspective in /3, s the foot of the station and XY the ground line. Join sa, pro- duce to m and erect the perpen- dicular ma to XY ; a and a are the perspective and projection of the same point, A, of the given line. Draw the horizon line HH' : d is the perspective of the trace of the given line on the horizon plane. Rotate the projecting plane of the line around the vertical of a until parallel to the vertical plane ; the point A of the given line, being on the vertical of a, does not move, and its perspective remains in a. The perspective d of the trace on the horizon plane moves on the horizon line : when the projecting plane is parallel to the vertical plane, the perspective of the rotated line is parallel to the line itself and may be drawn in ad 19 since the angle ad^H is given. TRACES. 53 The trace of the projecting plane on the ground plane has come in ad l parallel to the ground line. The point d^ of the horizontal pro- jection corresponding to ^ of the perspective is obtained by drawing d^O perpendicular to XY and joining sO. Rotating back the projecting plane to its original position, d^ comes in '?, the corresponding point of the horizontal projection being on the line sn joining the foot of the station to the foot of the perpendicular from d to the ground line. But this corresponding point is the new position of d lt and d l moves on an arc of circle with a as centre, therefore d l comes in d and da is the horizontal projection of the given line. The vertical trace is found at c' by the usual construction : the vertical projection and horizontal trace may be determined as in 73 or the triangle formed by cc', cb and the given line may be revolved around cc on the vertical plane. The axis cc does not move, cb falls on the ground line and the hypothenuse c'6 15 becomes- parajlel to a^. Revolving the triangle back to its original position, b^ comes in b, which is the trace, on the ground plane, of the given line. Having now the two traces, the vertical projection can be drawn by the usual construction. 75. To FIND THE TRACES OF THE PLANE CONTAINING THREE GIVEN POINTS OR TWO GIVEN LINES. R Whether two lines or three points be given, the problem consisting in passing a plane through them is the same, .and i_ consists in finding the traces of ; the given lines or of those join- ing the given points. The traces >' of same denomination are joined ~A[ by straight lines, which are the traces of the required plane. Fig-. 97 The traces of the lines are obtained by any of the processes of 60, 73 or 74. In Fig. 97, the heights of the three points A, B and C are supposed to be known and the traces are determined by revolving the pro- jecting planes on the ground plane around the horizontal projections ab and be; ( 73). QOR is the required plane. Sometimes the traces of the plane are required on the picture and principal planes. Revolve the principal plane around its trace Rp t (Fig 54 Figv98 PERSPECTIVE. 98) on the picture plane, the front part of the principal plane turning to the left. The station comes in S. Let a, /?, Yt be the perspectives of Y three points A, B, C, of which the pro- jections on the ground plane are given, a and c the traces on the picture and principal planes of the horizontal pro- jection of the line AB, d and b those of the horizontal projection of AC. Produce a/3 to the intersection/ with the principal line ; f is the per- spective of the trace on the principal plane, of the line of space AB, therefore the trace on the revolved principal plane is on Sf. But the trace is on the vertical of c, therefore it is at c. The trace of the other line is found in a similar manner at d' and the trace of the plane con- taining the two lines- is c'd'. The traces of the two lines A.B and AC on the picture plane are obtained in a and b' as in 73, and being joined, give the trace of their plane on the picture plane. The result is the plane QRT. 76. GIVEN THE LINE OF GREATEST SLOPE, TO FIND THE TRACES OF THE PLANE. The line of greatest slope of a plane is perpendicular to the trace on the ground plane. Hence, to draw the traces of the plane, find those of the line and through the ground plane trace a, Fig. 99, draw aQ perpendicular to the horizontal pro- jection, ab, of the line : it is the ground plane trace of the required plane. The trace of the plane on the picture plane is obtained by joining Q to the vertical trace, /?, of the line. In Fig. 99 the line of greatest slope is sup- posed to be given by its horizontal projection, Fiff 99 a ^' anc ^ * ts P ers P ec tive /3 : the traces are found by the method of 73. Should the line be known by the heights and perspectives of two of its points or by the heights and horizontal projections, or by its slope, the traces could be determined by the methods given in 60, 73 and 74. 77. CHANGE OF GROUND PLANE. A change in the ground plane does not produce any change in the points or lines of the ground plan : the traces of planes are displaced, but remain parallel to the original trace. FIGURES IN INCLINED PLANES. 55 Fig. 100 shows the ground line moved from XY to X 1 Y l ; the left .jt hand figure contains R . m , ,\ the projections of a point, of a line and y j b'f \ \Q" v the traces of a plane before the change of ground plane. i\ Xr Pig-. 100 ground line from XY to X. In the first place, it may be observed that there is no change in the vertical plane, be- yond moving the In the ground plane, the projections of the point m and of the line ab remain the same, but the trace of the line is now in c instead of b. The new trace is obtained by producing the vertical projection a'b' across the old ground line XY to the new one, drawing the perpendi- cular c'c and producing ab to meet c'c. The trace of the plane has been moved from OT to O^T^. To find the new one, produce the vertical trace O'R across the old ground line XY to the new one X^ T lt and through the point of intersection 0^ draw O^T^ parallel to OT. 78. TO FIND THE HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OP A FIGURE FROM ITS PERSPECTIVE WHEN THE FIGURE IS CONTAINED IN A PLANE PERPENDI- CULAR TO THE PRINCIPAL PLANE. Take for vertical plane of projection the principal plane and let QZ, (Fig. 101), be the trace of the plane containing the figu re. Take for ground plane the horizontal plane passing through the point of intersection of QZ with the trace QR of the picture plane, XY being the ground line. Let S be the station, s the foot of the station, nri a point of the given figure and mm its perspective. The given plane, being perpendicular to the principal plane, the ver tical projection of any point of the former is on the trace QZ. The picture plane RQT Fie 1 101 * s Perpendicular to both planes of projection, therefore the projections of any point of the picture plane are on its traces. Produce QZ to meet the vertical of the station in A and take SS^ equal to sA t S^ being above or below S according as A is below or 56 PERSPECTIVE. above s. Join S^m' and produce it to meet the ground line in b : join Sri and rib. The line Sri passes through m, since in' is the per- spective of ri. The similar triangles rim'Q, n'SA give : Qm n'Q SA ri A From the triangles bQiri, bsS^, we have : Qm' _ bQ s/S\ bs But SA=--sS l Therefore : n'Q bQ n'A bs or, n'Q bQ Hence the triangles ribQ, QsA are similar, as having one angle equal and the sides about it proportional, consequently bri is parallel to sA or perpendicular to XY and the point n is the trace on the ground plane of the visual ray sn, Sj^b. Were the eye placed in S 19 the point of the ground plane which would be found to correspond to mm of the perspective would be the horizontal projection n of the point of the plane QZ. Should the new station S^ be used in connection with the perspective of a figure in the plane QZ, the result obtained, when constructing the corresponding figure of the ground plane, would be the horizontal projection of the figure of the plane QZ. Therefore to obtain the horizontal projection of a figure in a plane p perpendicular to the principal plane, take for ground X K line the trace XY, (Fig. 102), of the given plane on the picture plane, find the height of the station above the H _ \p n - point of intersection of its vertical by the given plane x __ : _ Y (75) use it as height of the new station and draw /l the horizon line H 1 H' l on the perspective at that height above the ground line. The figure constructed Fig". 102 from the perspective by any of the methods of 65, 66 or 67 will be the horizontal projection of the figure in space. FIGURES IN INCLINED PLANES, 57 It has been shown that the perspective is the same as if the horizontal projection had been seen from the station S 1 (Fig. 101) instead of observing the original figure from S ; consequently, the precision of the result ( 70) is increased in the proportion of *- by the inclination S*j of the plane of the figure. Were the plane falling instead of rising in front of the observer, sS-^ would be smaller than sS and the precision would be decreased. Hence a perspective taken for the purpose of constructing a figure in an inclined plane should always be taken in the direction of the rising plane ; thus a river at the bottom of a sloping valley should be taken looking up the valley. 79. TO FIND FROM ITS PERSPECTIVE THE HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OF A FIGURE IN A PLANE PERPENDICULAR TO THE PICTURE PLANE. The method of squares of 67, can be applied to a figure in any inclined plane, by conceiving vertical planes containing the sides of the squares. The intersections of these planes by the inclined plane form a series of parallelograms corresponding to the squares of the ground plane. Let QR (Fig. 103) be the trace on the picture plane of a plane perpendicular to it, XY the ground line, P the principal point, and abed one of the squares of the ground plan. The projecting planes of ab and cd cut the trace QR in m and n. Through the station, S, draw a parallel to the inter- section of the projecting planes with the plane QR ; the hori- zontal projection st is parallel to ab and cd; the vertical pro- ,.,. inq jection passes through P and is parallel to QR, since all lines in the plane QR are projected vertically on QR. At t draw the per- pendicular t V to the ground line; V is the vanishing point of the intersections of the projecting planes with the plane QR and the lines Vm and Vn are the perspectives of these intersections. The distance ran can be carried on QR and as many parallels placed in perspective as necessary. The same operation is repeated for ad and be, and the figure obtained on the perspective corresponds to the square abed. t 5S PERSPECTIVE. Another process consists in constructing the figure in the inclined plane by one of the methods of 65, 66 or 67, using the plane of the figure as ground plane ( 59). Let QR, (Fig. 104) be the trace of the plane of the figure on the picture plane, HIT the horizon line and P the principal point. To construct the figure in the plane QR, that line is taken as ground line : the new horizon line H - is a parallel H^ H' l to QR through the principal point. The height of the station is the distance between these two lines, Pp ^ . The line which will appear as the projection of the principal line on the constructed figure is the perpendicular to the picture plane at p t . On the true ground plane, the distance between the two projections of the principal line is equal to pp t . .Fig-, 104 Having obtained the figure in the plane QR, let us now take for true ground plane the horizontal plane of p lt the ground line being XT. Let ABCD, (Fig. 105), be the figure in its plane, s iPi the projection of the distance line, QR the trace of the picture plane and s 1 the foot of the sta- tion. The projection of A on the true ground plane is at the same distance from the ground line as A is from QR, but the distance of this projection from s^t is equal to mA multiplied by the cosine of the incli- nation co of the plane QR, for let a', (Fig. 104), be Fig". 105 the vertical projection of A ; the right-angled triangle p^a'n gives : p^n = p^a cos. co. Therefore, if Am (Fig. 105), be drawn parallel to QR, am taken equal to Am cos. co and the same operation repeated for B, C, and D, the re- sulting figure abed is the ground plan of ABCD. The ground plan may be obtained in another way. For join s-^A : the intersection a with QR is the projection on QR of the point of the perspective corresponding to A. Take s-^p equal to s^p^ sec. co and through p' draw Q^R^ parallel to QR : join s^a. The similar tri- angles s^p^a, s^mA, give : p 1 a mA (i) FIGURES IN INCLINED PLANES. 59 From the similar triangles s 1 pa l) s^^ma, we have : f!L = i!! (2) pa^ ma Dividing (1) by (2), replacing sp and ma by s^^ sec. . The heights Ss', Ss^, of the station above the various ground planes being equal to the distances of the principal point from the correspond- ing ground lines, the new ground and distance lines can be found as follows : It, Let QR, (Fig. 107), be the trace on the picture plane of the plane containing the figure. From the principal point P, let fall Pp^ perpendicular to QR and draw Pp and p-^p perpendicular and parallel to the true horizon line HH'. Take Pd equal to Pp and draw Q 1 R 1 parallel to QR : it is the ground line to be used in the construction, because Pd = Pp^ cos. a). Fiff 107 At the distance point, draw DD l perpendicular to HH' and draw PD^ parallel to QR : PD is the length to be used as distance line. The height of the station Pd used for the construction is always smaller than the real height Pp^ above the plane of the figure, there- fore the precision of the construction is less than if the figure had been in a horizontal plane. FIGURES IN INCLINED PLANES. 61 81. FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A FIGURE IN ANY GIVEN PLANE, TO CONSTRUCT THE HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OF THE FIGURE. The method of squares can be again employed in this case. Let QOR, Fig. 108, be the traces of the plane of the figure on the ground and picture planes, and abed one of the squares of the ground plan. The project- ing plane of ad intersects the traces of QOR in Q and L ; the vertical projection of the intersec- tion of the two planes being Lq'. Through the station draw a parallel to ad, Lq : the horizontal projection is sv parallel to ad, the vertical projection is PV parallel to Lq and the vertical trace, V, is the vanishing point of the inter- section of QOR with the projecting plane of ad. The perspective of this intersection is VL : the per- spective of the intersection of the projecting plane of cb is VK and all the lines required may be drawn in perspective by carrying the distance LK on the trace OR and joining the points of division to V. The perspectives of the intersections with the plane QOR, of the pro- jecting planes of ab and cd are obtained in a similar manner by draw- ing through the station a parallel to ab, n'R, for instance, and joining the vanishing point V to R and T. The resulting figure upyd cor- responds, on the perspective, to the square abed of the ground plan. It is also possible to construct a vanishing scale ( 68) for measuring the distances of the various points from the picture plane. Through the station, a plane is drawn perpendicular to the vertical trace of the given plane : the intersections of the latter with the picture and perpendicular planes and the station point are placed in their actual positions and the vanishing scale is constructed by measur- ing equal distances from the trace of the picture plane. Fig-. 108 82. CHANGE OF STATION, GROUND AND PICTURE PLANES. The same result is arrived at by changes in the relative positions of the station, perspective and ground planes. PERSPECTIVE. Let QR, (Fig. 109,), be the trace, on the principal plane, of the plane containing the figure, which we will call A. Take for ground plane the horizontal plane passing through the intersection p of this trace with the principal line and suppose the principal plane revolved around its trace sp on the ground plane. Let S be the station and /*// the perspective of the point mm, in the plane A. Take SS 1 equal to Qs and suppose that $ t be used as station in connection with a new plane passing through sp and the trace on the picture plane of the plane A. Call this plane B. The visual ray from the new Fig". 109 station to /V-A', is projected in S^', sp-. Cut the planes A and B by a third one parallel to the principal plane and passing through the point mm'. The horizontal projection of both intersections is mn, parallel to sp. The projection on the principal plane of the intersection with plane A is m'ri parallel to QR and the intersection with plane B is projected in n'a parallel to sp. Join Sp and produce it to m ; produce S^fS to its intersection with n'a, m'ri and n'a to their intersection with S^Q. Join ma. Similar triangles give : n p.' m p! SD = 'm r S' (1) (2) But SD = SE + ED terms of (1) and (2) are identical and we have , hence the first m fj. aS, which is transformed into ' n'S //#! The triangles SS 1 /J.' and am'/jf having one angle equal and the two sides about it proportional, are similar, and m'a is parallel to SS^ Consequently a is on the perpendicular mm to sp. REFLECTED IMAGES. 63 The line sm, /S^ a, is the visual ray from the new station through the point ,'j./j.' of the perspective : inn, an, is a line of the plane B. These two lines intersect since the intersections m and a of their projections are on the same perpendicular to the ground line, and the point of intersection is the trace of the visual ray on the plane B since the line mn, an is in that plane. The same point is also the trace on the plane B of the vertical through mm. Therefore, if verticals are drawn from all the points of the figure in plane A, their traces on plane B form a new figure which corresponds to the perspective viewed from S 1 . The problem is thus reduced to construct from its perspective the horizontal projection of a figure contained in a plane perpendicular to the picture plane, which is done by a change of ground and picture planes ( 79). The process now involves changes of station, ground plane, picture plane and trace of principal plane as follows : N Fig". 110 to sT. Draw principal point of the perspective. Let Ql\, (Fig 110), be the principal line. Revolve the principal plane on the picture plane around $P 15 the front part of the principal plane being turned to the left : the station comes in S, and -##! is the vertical of the station. Let TQR be the plane containing the figure seen in perspective. Draw Qs perpendicular to QP l and take $oj equal -^ parallel to sQ. The point P l is to be used as Draw equal to assumed ground line. j/?! perpendicular to QR, pp l parallel to sQ and take P^d P p. Through d draw Q 1 R l parallel to QR ; it is the Produce QR to N : QN is the length to be assumed as distance line. On the constructed figure, the perpendicular to the picture plane at p 1 will appear as trace of the principal plane on the ground plane. The traces of the plane containing the figure are found as in 75. 83. REFLECTED IMAGES. The case of horizontal reflecting surfaces is the only one that will be considered. When a perspective contains the direct and reflected images of the same point, the point can be located in space, provided the altitude of the station above the reflecting surface be known. 64 PERSPECTIVE. Take for ground plane the reflecting surface and revolve the principal plane on it, around its trace. Let a, a, Fig. Ill, be the point in space, , ' its perspective and a a l the perspective of its re- flected image. The horizontal projection is the same for both images, because the reflecting surface being horizontal, the direct and reflected visual rays are in the same vertical plane having for trace sa. Let sa, SOa, be the reflected visual ray : according to the laws of reflection, the direction of SO is the same as if a were placed at a distance equal to ca below the reflecting surface and on the same vertical. Produce a'O to S l : cb being equal to ca', sS is equal to sS^ Hence to find the position in space of a, a', take sS-^ equal to sS : join Su, Sa\ and b\0 : the point of intersection of So.' and S^O is the vertical projection of the point of space. Join sa and produce to the intersection with a a, perpendicular to the ground line ; aa is the required point. The construction gives not only the position a of the point on the ground plane, but also its height ca. The middle of the vertical between the direct and reflected images corresponds to a, the hori- zontal projection of the point on the ground plane. This shows that when the shore of a $'' * lake, for instance, is indistinct on a perspective, it would be incorrect to take for shore line the Fig". Ill middle line between objects and their images in the lake, because this would give for the distance of the shore that of the objects themselves. 84. SHADOWS. The subject of shadows is an important branch of perspective, but only those cast by the sun need be considered here. Let and /? (Fig. 112) be the perspectives of two points A and , m and n their shadows. The line joining A to its shadow is the direction of the sun, and so is the line joining B to its own shadow ; therefore these lines are parallels and their vanishing point is F, at the intersection of ma and nft. SHADOWS. 65 A line drawn from the station to the sun is parallel to the first two lines, because it is also the direction of the sun ; .therefore V is its trace on the picture plane or the perspective of the sun. B' From V draw Vv perpendicular to XT; m/ : \/l . i -i X }r \ y sv is, on the ground plane, the direction of the sun. On the horizon line take CF I equal to sv and join FV : FVC repre- sents, revolved on the picture plane around VC, the triangle having its vertex at the ,./ station and VC as opposite side. There- fore VFC is the altitude of the sun. Fie* 112 Having the sun's altitude, the azimuth of the line sv of the ground plan can be calculated, provided the latitude and approximate time are known. Fig. 112 represents the sun in front of the observer. When it is behind, the line between the station and the sun does not pierce the picture plane ; it has to be produced to intersect it below the horizon line. The trace of this line on the picture plane, V, Fig. 113, is still considered as the perspective of the sun ; it is obtained in the same manner as when the sun is in front and all demonstrations apply to one case as well as to the other. The calculation of the azimuth can be made by the method given in 37 for the solution of spherical triangles. Tj 4 S i \ /", ft' \ "XV v ty \ \ / / *\Jli Fig-. 113 Find the altitude CFV. of the sun by the construction given above, make EVC equal to the colatitude of the place and FVM to the polar distance of the sun. Take VM equal to VE and from C and F as centres with CE and FM respectively as radii, describe arcs of circle. Join their point of intersection, G, to (7, and GCF is the azimuth of the sun. When the perspective has been taken in the morning, plot the angle Z on the left of sv in vsO, and the line Os is the north and south line of the ground plan. 66 PERSPECTIVE. In the afternoon, the angle Z should be plotted 011 the right of sv. The rules are reversed when the perspective of the sun is above the horizon line. 85. HEIGHTS. As a rule, one perspective is' not sufficient to deter- mine the height of a point, although there are exceptions, as for instance, points on the horizon line which are at the same height as the station. The horizontal projection of the point being known, the height above the ground plane is measured with a scale in the same manner as a vertical is divided into equal parts ( 61). For instance, a and a, Fig. 114, being the perspective and horizontal projection of a point, and s the foot of the station, draw aF parallel toXY. From the trace p of the principal line, take pB equal to the distance of a from XY. Join sl>, and FE is the height of the point above a. Fig-. 114 \ E This height being a fourth proportional to three known lines, can be found with an ordinary sector. Take with a pair of compasses the dis- tance from a to XY t place one of the points on the division p of the sector (Fig. 115) which expresses the length of the distance line, and open the sector until the second point of the compasses coincides with the corresponding division of the other branch, sj) and sB being equal. Now take with the compasses the distance from a to XY (Fig. 114) and place one of the points in p (Fig. 115). The other point being placed on sp, will coincide with a division of the scale, E for instance ; then turn the compasses around and take the distance from E to the same division F of the other scale ;EF is the height of the point above the ground plane. Fig-. 115 RELATIONS BETWEEN TWO PERSPECTIVES. 67 86. RELATIONS BETWEEN TWO PERSPECTIVES OF THE SAME OBJECT. Prof. G. Hauck* has shown some useful properties of two perspectives of the same object taken from different sta- tions. In Fig. 116, S and S' are the two stations, ff is the perspective of S' on the picture plane of S, and ff' is the perspective of S on the picture plane of S'. Prof. Hauck calls ' joining the two perspectives of the same point to the correspond- ing kern points meet the intersection BC of the picture planes at the same point 0. n H' 'Fig-. 117 Revolve the two picture planes around their inter- section BC, until they coin- cide (Fig 117); GG' is the ground line, P, P' are the principal points. If a scale is placed on .6(7, the zero being on the ground line GG' t it is intersected at the same division by T and V, and the space inter- cepted in HH' between the two horizon lines is equal to the difference of altitude of the stations. So when the perspectives are separated, scales, placed on the line BC on the two perspectives with their zeros on the ground lines, are intersected at the same division by a-^ \ ;j. is the perspective of M. Owing to the position of the figure, the perspective appears upside down. The perspective of another point N of the ground plan is obtained in a similar manner by taking O'Q' equal to OQ and Q'v equal to Qv l . This is done mechanically by the perspectograph : sM and S^ M (Fig. 132) are two wooden arms joined in M and carrying the tracer. They slide through four adjustable pieces s, S lt and /^ ; s and S^ PBRSPECTOQR4 PH. 79 can be adapted to any part of a rule RT, s is fixed at the point of the ground plan representing the foot of the station, and the rule or slide RT is firmly clamped to the drawing board parallel to the ground line. The second piece S^ is placed at a distance from s equal to the height of the station and fixed in that position. The third piece is attached to a rod which moves in the groove of a slide XY, and car- ries a pantograph system, with axis at D fixed to the rod, so that the distance from to D is invariable while the instrument is in use. When the arm s M is moved, 6- being a fixed point, follows the motion of the arm, and carries with it, along the groove XT, the movable rod and the pantograph system. Fig-. 132 The fourth piece //j is con- nected with the joint A of the pantograph system, so that the distance i>.^A is invariable during the operation ; it is also bound to slide on the movable rod. The pantograph system is composed of four straight arms (AB, AC, F<). and F/JL) and two arms (CDE and BDG) bent at right angles in D. They are joined in A, B, C, Z>, E, F and G, the sides of the parallelograms ABDC and DGFE being all equal. The arms F>>. and FH' are double the length of one side of the parallelograms, and the pencil which is to describe the perspective may be placed either in //- or //. The sum of the four angles at D is equal to four right angles ; two of these angles, CDE and BDG, being right angles, the sum of the two remaining ones must be equal to two right angles ; that is But in a parallelogram the sum of two adjacent angles is equal to two right angles ; that is, hence, CDB + DC A 180 C EDO DC A. 80 PERSPECTIVE INSTRUMENTS. Therefore the two parallelograms are equiangular and their sides being equal, the parallelograms are equal, but not placed in the same direc- tion. The diagonal DA of one is equal to the diagonal GE of the other, and BC is equal to DF. The line //// is parallel to GE because Fp. is equal to F>J! ; it is there- fore perpendicular to X Y since the diagonals of a rhombus intersect at right angles, and it passes through D, because E;J. is equal and parallel to GD. We have also D, and E is therefore greater than the convergence of , and ff, the first ones meeting in F' while the latter intersect at F. The convergence in the planes of parallel sections being approximately the same, there are formed two focal lines, one, F', directed toward the centre of the field or radial, and another one, F, farther off and tangential. In the other small rectangular elements of the lens, the sagittal sections are still small circles ; the sections parallel to the meridian plane are not exactly great circles, but the same general character is preserved throughout of greatest curvature in the sagittal sections and smallest in the meridian sections, each small element of the lens giving in the same way a radial and a tangential image. There are thus two focal surfaces tangent on the optical axis, and becoming more and more separated as the distance from the centre increases. The length FF is the astigmatic difference. In focussing on a radial line, the best definition is at F'; on a tangential line, it is at F. The best mean focus is somewhere between the two, acgk being the image of the radiating point and the figure of least confusion. DIAPHRAGMS. 103 Some lenses give what is called " a flare spot " ; it is a circular patch of light, more or less intense, in the middle of the image. J. H. Dall- ineyer found by experiment that it was an image of the opening in the diaphragm caused by the back lens of combinations, but he could not understand how a real image was formed with such a short distance between the lens and the diaphragm. The explanation was given by Sir John Herschell. The rays entering the back lens are not all refracted ; some are reflected by the back surface, and reflected again by the front surface and it is by these rays that the image of the diaphragm's opening is formed. In lenses of good construction, the curves of the surfaces are calculated to throw the greater portion of the reflected rays outside of the field and to spread evenly over it the remaining ones. 105. DIAPHRAGMS. The aberrations increasing rapidly with the aperture of a lens, the use of diaphragms naturally suggests itself. In a single lens they are placed in front, because the barrel shape distortion which they produce is less unsightly than the spindle shape. In combinations, they are between the lenses. The brightness of the image depends on the quantity of light ad- mitted by the lens, and this is proportional to its aperture or to the square of its diameter. The larger the aperture, the more light is admitted. The brightness further varies inversely as the square of the focal length ; for instance by doubling the focal length, the dimensions of the image are doubled and the light admitted through the lens is distributed over an area four times larger. The brightness of the image is reduced in proportion. Representing by d the diameter of the aperture, and by f the focal length, the brightness is proportional to d 2 This fraction is the measure of the rapidity of a lens, and the number by which the camera exposure for different lenses or diaphragms is computed. There are, however, several allowances to be made. A porrion of the light is lost by reflection on the surface of the lenses, and some is absorbed by the glass. If an exposure of 100 seconds be required with a single lens and if each lens absorbs or reflects one- tenth of the light, then the proper exposure with a double combination } such as an aplanat, is 111 seconds ; with a triplet, it is 123 seconds The colour of the glass has a great influence on the rapidity of lens* 104 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. The breadth of the pencils admitted by the diaphragm diminishes with their inclination to the axis ; q being the area of the section of the axial pencil, the section of a marginal one making an angle a with the axis is : q cos a But an object forms an image larger in A (Fig. 157) than in P, the pro- portion being : AO OP I cos a The proportion of the areas is 1 Fig-. 157 cos 2 a and as the image at A is formed by pencils of reduced section, its brightness, taking as unit the middle of the field, is For several reasons -the decrease in illumination from the centre to the margin of the field is in reality larger than this. It is well marked in photographs taken with wide angle lenses ; the edges are always much darker than the middle. The exposure required by the photographic plate is inversely propor- tional to the brightness of the image formed on its surface ; it increases in the ratio : (i) It is important that each diaphragm should be numbered to indicate its rapidity. In the " uniform system," the exposure for a diaphragm of an aper- ture of -^ is taken as unit, and each diaphragm is marked with the corresponding exposure as follows : DIAPHRAGMS. 105 No. 2for^- 0-66 " " * 8 8 " 11-31 16 " ~J 16 32 (C QO 22-6 Zeiss takes as unit _^ : his numbers are : 100 No. ! for " " 4 " ^ 50 " 8 " 36 16 " J 25 " 32 " f 18-5 64 " ^ . 12-5 u 128 " * u 256 " 6-3 Dallmeyer adopts for his unit 106 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. the International Congress of Photography has recommended 10 and several opticians have systems of their own. Many mark on their diaphragms nothing but the value of that is not, perhaps, the most convenient system, but it is the least liable to cause confusion. The section of the axial pencil passing through the lens is equal to the opening of the diaphragm when it is in front of the lens : d is the diameter of the aperture and may be measured with a scale. When a lens or lenses are in front of the diaphragm, the effective and real apertures are no longer equal. The axial pencil con- verges after refraction to the focus F, Fig. 158, of the posi- tive front combination, and its section is reduced when it reaches the diaphragm. The diameter of the effective aper- ture is : Fig-.. 158 j_ A f d is the diameter of the opening, / the focal length of the front lens or combination, and I the distance from its second nodal point to the plane of the diaphragm. The effective aperture d' and the co-efficient may be found by the following process due to Steinheil. After focus- sing on a distant object, replace the ground glass of the camera by a screen with a small hole in the middle. Place a bright light close to and behind the hole. Cover the lens with a ground glass ; an illumi- nated circle is seen on it which is the effective aperture. The diame- ters of this circle and of the diaphragm are measured ; their ratio is the co-efficient by which d must be multiplied. ANASTIGMAT8. 107 106. ANASTIGMATS. The lens of a surveying camera must be free from distortion ; it must cover an angular field of about 60, and the definition must be uniform all over the plate. Rapidity is not essential. These conditions restrict the choice to what are known as " wide angle lenses." They are doublets consisting of two lenses placed close together and between which is the diaphragm. The lens adopted for the Canadian camera is Zeiss' anastigmat of f/l 8 aperture and 141 millimetres focus. Fig. 159 repre- sents the lens full size. The radii, R, thicknesses, e, and refractive indices for the line D of the spectrum, n, are as follows : FRONT LENS. 71 = 1-55247 ft?! = 4. 13*14 millimetres K 2 =+6-61 e=l-25 " Fig-. 159 ^ 3 =+6-61 millimetres ^=+14-71 " = 1-76 BACK LENS. 71=1-51674 R 5 = -28-33 millimetres 6 =+ 20-13 e=l-00 n = l-57360 7 = +20-13 millimetres s =- 28-33 e = 2-89 The axial distance between the two lenses is 2*88 millimetres. The diaphragm is midway between the lenses. The special features of the anastigmats cannot be illustrated better than by giving the following extracts from a lecture by Dr. Paul Rudolf at the Photographic Con- vention of the United Kingdom ; * The Zeiss anastigmatic lenses are dissymmetrical doublets consisting of an achromatic anterior part, whose flint has the higher refractive in- *British Journal of Photography, 28th July, 1893. 108 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. dex, and an achromatic posterior part in which the crown has the higher refractive index. These two cemented parts of the doublet possess, therefore, opposite differences of refractiveness in the crown and flint glasses employed for achromatisation. "Crown" and "flint" are here placed in opposition, not with respect to their chemical composi- tion, but are considered with respect to their optical properties. The same glass may therefore appear in two different achromatic com- binations either as crown or flint. In the following remarks, crown glass is always understood to refer to that glass of a binary lens which is less in relative dispersion, while the term flint glass refers to that glass which has the greater relative dispersive power. The combination of the two cemented parts having opposite differences of refractiveness in the crown and flint, embodies the important, principle by which it became possible to effect anastigmatic aplanatism of a system of lenses corrected spherically and chromatically for large apertures. The series of new glasses produced by the works of Messrs. Schott & Co., of Jena, rendered it possible to realize this principle in the construction of Zeiss anastigmatic lenses. Refractive and dispersive powers were, with the older glasses, dependent upon each other in a certain manner ; an increase in the one corresponded to an increase in the other. In order that anastig- mats may be constructed, it is, however, necessary that a range of glasses be obtained in which any refractive inde^x may be coupled with any desired dispersion. This is accomplished by the glasses made by Messrs. Schott & Co. All photographic lenses preceding the anastigmats had either a very much curved field, or, if flat, an astigmatic field. In the latter case the image was perfect in the centre, but deteriorated towards the edge. It may be useful here to define what is meant by a curved, flat and astigmatic image. Let the object be placed in a plane which is accurately normal to the axis of the objective, or let the object be at so great a distance from the objective that the difference in the distance of the different points may be neglected. Then the field of an objective is considered to be curved if different positions of the focussing screen are required for sharply focussing a point in the axis (centre of the image) and a point lying outside the centre of the image. ANASTIGMATS. 1C9 The whole of the older photographic lens types exhibit curvatures of the image, such as to necessitate the dis- tance of the focussing screen being shorter for marginal points of the image than for axial points. The points of distinct delinea- tion are, therefore, situated upon a curved surface whose concave side is presented to the objective. Fig. 160 represents the section of the image surface, and a plane passing through the axis of the objective. The dotted line a represents the ideal ..,. image plane, which intersects the axis in the axial image point, and is at right angles to the axis of the objective, while curve b represents the actual surface of the image. .The field is flat if the position of the focussing screen is the same for central and extra-axial points i.e., if the sharply focussed points are all contained in a plane which is at right angles to the axis of the objective, or if these points lie in the ideal plane of the image. The image is astigmatic if sharp images of lateral, i.e., extra-axial, points may be obtained by two different positions of the focussing screen. The two images are not exactly similar to the object ; one of them shows distortions in the directions radiating from the axis (radial distortion), while the other exhibits distortions in the directions at right angles to the radii (tangential distortion). This fact may easily be demonstrated by means of an " aplanatic " lens, say, by using a small circular disc having a diameter of only a few millimetres situ- ated outside the axis and attempting to sharply focus it. With the nearer position of the focussing screen, the image of the disc appears as a radial line of a .breadth proportional to the diameter of the disc. With the longer distance of the screen, the image is an arc of a circle concentric to the axis of the objective (tangential distortion). The lengths of the radial and tangential portions of the line are essenti- ally dependent upon the difference of the two positions of the screen, and increase continuously from centre to margin in the case of the " aplanatic " lens. With objectives yielding astigmatic images, there are thus two image surfaces conjugate to one and the same object plane. These two image surfaces touch each other in the axial image point, and the distance between them increases continuously from centre to margin. " Mean curvature " may be defined as that surface which represents the arithmetical mean of the deviations of the two image surfaces from the ideal surface. The dissimilarity between the details in the two image surfaces inter se and the original, increases from the centre to the margin. The following is an interesting experiment : 110 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. Arrange in one plane (Fig. 161), along the radii of concentric circles, bright discs. The angles between * * * s * the radii should be chosen according to the astigmatic 9 9 9 aberrations and the focus of the objective. Direct * the axis of the objective at right angles towards the * * centre of the system of radially grouped discs, and focus one of the extra-axial discs. The image obtained at the shorter distance of the focussing screen from the objective is, as Fig. 162 shows, a portion of a radial line which, in proportion to the curvature of Fig*. 161 th e image plane, becomes more and more indistinct towards either side, and is more or less interrupted radially in proportion to the degree of astigmatic S S deviation. Fig. 1 6 2 is an image obtained by focussing \ t a disc on a circle situated midway between the axis ..._ mimm ^ and the outside circle. It will be seen that images of all the discs grouped along the same circle are of S I \ the same degree of distinctness or indistinctness, * I ^ and also exhibit the same amount of distortion. I Focussing at the greater distance of the screen shows the object (Fig. 163) tangentially distorted. Pig*. 162 The image thus becomes composed of a series of circles concentric to the centre of the image, which are more or less interrupted, or perfectly uninter- f * "\ rupted. The discs grouped along another circle, *f """ ^^ which has not been sharply focussed, are similarly J|| ill distorted, though in a less marked degree. . \ y If, now, a screen having drawn upon it circles con- X / centric to the axis of the objective and radii, be sub- "*"** stituted for the system of discs, the astigmatic ob- jective would reproduce the original with partial similarity, but both systems of lines could not simul- Fig*. 163 taneously be delineated with the same position of the screen. The shorter distance would yield sharpness of the radial elements, the circles at the same time being badly defined ; the longer distance would show the circles sharply, and at the same time the radial elements badly defined. A sufficiently large screen bearing the two systems of lines, radial and concentric circular lines, appears thus to form the most natural test for astigmatism. Such a screen would, however, be too uniform and too little adapted for exhaustive tests. The screen 2x2 metres area, as it is used in the photographic lab- oratory of Carl Zeiss, of Jena, is for this reason arranged somewhat ANASTIGMATS. Ill differently, and it may not be uninteresting to give here a short description of it. Upon strips of paper of 18 x 21 cm. in area are two systems of parallel lines of varying thickness crossing each other at right angles and placed at varying distances ; the strips themselves are fixed to the screen with one of their ends at the centre of the screen, and their sides parallel to the sides of the screen in such a manner that in each strip the radial and tangential lines alternate. The middle of the screen contains a field consisting of rectangular cross lines, which is intended for testing sharpness of definition. The tangential parallels form substitutes for the system of concentric circles, while the radial parallel lines take the place of the radii pro- ceeding from the centre. The difference between the two positions of the focussing screen for sharp delineation of the marginal portions of the systems of straight lines represents the astigmatic difference. For the purpose of demonstrating the incorrectness of the image caused by astigmatism, the screen has square fields of more or less fine rectangu- lar cross lines, diagonally attached to it in such a manner that, in one the system of lines is parallel and at right angles respectively to the diagonal, while in the other case they are inclined at 45 to the diag- onal. The screen has also samples of writing and printing attached to it. When focussing square cross lines at the edge of the image, the astigmatic objective produced, in the two characteristic cases furnished by the test screen, the following deformations : 1. The straight lines composing the net at the edge of the image are parallel and at right angles respectively to the direction of the radial lines. In this case represented by Fig. 164, in which A is the point of intersection of the axis of the objective and the plane of the object, A' that of the axis and the plane of the image sharp focus- sing of the tangential lines causes the lines which are at right angles to the radius to appear nearly sharp, while the lines which are parallel to the radius are almost entirely invisible (image a). Focus- sing of the radial lines produces the converse of the last test. The lines parallel to the radius appear sharp, the lines at right angles to it disappear (image b). Mean focussing results in a totally ill- 4' Fig-. 164 112 flELD INSTRUMENTS. defined image, and eventually in more or less marked reversion of the cross lines, such as a white net in a black field. 2. The straight lines of the net "Hi are inclined at 45 to the radial direction. In Fig. 165, let A and A' again be the points of intersection of the objective axis with the planes of the object and image respectively. Tangential focussing causes the rectangular cross lines to be distorted so as to present the appearance of taii- gentially elongated hexagons, and, in the case of great astig- matic difference, it may result in almost precise commutation of the cross lines into a single system of tangential lines (image a, Fig. 165.) Radial focussing produces Fig*. 165 radially elongated hexagons and may, with great astigmatic difference, result in changing the cross lines into a single system of radial lines (image b, Fig. 165.) If we focus between these two limits, the net may, similarly as above, eventually be reversed so as to appear as black points in a white field ; the same effect may also be produced in anastigmatic images by un- sharp focussing. Similar results of a more or less marked character may be obtained by replacing the quadratic net by one formed of oblongs, rhombi, circles, &c. In order that these relations might be illustrated, photographs of the test screen were taken in the photographic laboratory of the optical works of Carl Zeiss, and the photographs so obtained were reproduced by photo-lithography. There are four plates, of which the two most characteristic ones are Nos. I and IV. Here an " aplanat " and " an- astigmat " are subjected to direct comparison. Plate I has been taken with an " aplanat " made by a renowned firm. The objective had a focal distance of 14 cm. and a relative aperture of F/6, and was stopped down to F/12'5. Image and object are in the ratio of 75 to 1000, and the angle subtended by the object is about 67. The centre of the screen is sharply focussed. In this part the delineation is extremely good, a sufficient proof that the objective, per se, was a good specimen of its kind. As the margin is approached, A NASTIGMA TS. 113 the definition, however, loses more and more in distinctness, and astigmatic distortion increases more and more. While the tangential lines are fairly sharp up to the edge, the radial lines rapidly decrease in definition past the third part of the field. In the diagonal squares, the bounding lines of which are at right angles and parallel respec- tively to the radius, it is noticed that the tangential lines are mark- edly sharper than the radial lines, the latter being almost invisible, and in the squares, whose sides are inclined at 45 to the radial direc- tion, the distortion at the margin of the tangential lines may readily be observed. The squares appear, in fact, as hexagons. Plate IV was taken with a, Zeiss anastigmat, viz., anastigmat F/6*3 of 14 cm. focus, all other conditions being the same as those existing in the former case. There, too, the centre was accurately focussed, but barely any traces of those details which point to astigmatic imperfections of the margin of the image will be noticed. Plates II and III were taken with the same "aplanat" as that used for Plate I. In the first case the tangential marginal lines were focussed ; in the second case the marginal radial lines formed the critical part of the object. While in the former case the centre appeared to be fairly sharp, in the latter case it was totally worth- less. The characteristics of astigmatism, as above explained, become apparent in both plates. The older types of lenses (aplanatic, antiplanats, portrait lenses, single lenses, &c.) admitted of astigmatic correction, but they could not at the same time be corrected for flatness of field. The Zeiss " anastigmat " was the first lens in which, as we pointed out, anastig- rnatic aplanatism was combined with the realization of other requisites of a good photographic lens. A lens having anastigmatic curvature yields sharply defined points from centre to margin. These cannot, however, simultaneously be fixed upon the plane negative plate of the photographic apparatus when the points constituting the object are nearly in one plane at right angles to the axis, or when they are at a relatively great dis- tance from the objective. If it were desired to simultaneously fix these sharp points upon the plate, it would be necessary to use a curved sensitive surface corresponding to the curvature of the image. Clearly the use of such curved sensitive strata is impossible, for it must not be forgotten that for each lens type, each focal length, and even each degree of magnification -or reduction, there is a distinct corresponding curvature, to say nothing of the practical inconveni- ence attached to curved photographic plates. At present we are, at any rate, limited to flat negative plates. From an optical point of view this is an undesirable limitation, which seriously affects definition and depth of the curved image, 8 R 114 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. The flat plate cannot be covered uniformly and sharply from centre to edge, unless the objects are grouped on a curved surface correspond- ing to the curvature of the image. With portrait groups, photo- graphers have a means of compensating the anomaly by arranging the persons in a semicircle, in the centre of which the objective is placed. With landscape and instantaneous photographs, however, such an expedient is only rarely, if at all, applicable. In order to obtain tolerable distinctness in the image from centre to edge it would be necessary to work with narrow angles or to stop the lenses down considerably. In working in this manner it must be* borne in mind that both in the centre and at the edge, near and far objects are to be depicted simultaneously ; the objective, yielding a curved image, causes, how- ever, distinct objects on the photographic plate to appear indistinct, and sufficiently near objects sharp at the edge when the focussing is sharp for the centre. On tin oblong flat negative plate ABCD (Fig. 166) let near objects be depicted at A, distant objects at CD; then, if the centre, M t be accurately focussed, the points of sharp delineation are situated upon a curve, and are represented by E, which intersects AB in two points, and is symmetrical with respect to AB. By stopping the lens down we obtain, as is well known, greater depth for distant objects when focussing for near objects. In the present case the depth necessarily diminishes from the centre to the margin. The limits may be graphically represented by curves T l and T 2 , which, being symmetrical with respect to E, have their greatest distance apart at M. The depth of focus is represented by the area contained between T l and T%. By this area the imperfections of the marginal image may readily be ascertained. When it is important to improve the distinctness at the edge it is necessary to sharply focus a point situated at a distance from the centre and to sacrifice the distinctness at the centre. The deficient depth of focus of a lens yielding a curved image does not, under certain conditions, become apparent in street scenes. In such cases it may happen that the position of the camera is such that the rows of houses are delineated simultaneously on both sides of the street, the distant houses being thus shown in the centre, the near ones at the edges of the plate. In such a case the curvature of the Fig" 166 ANASTIGMATS. 115 image may even become the very cause of greater marginal distinct- ness than is obtainable with the flat field. But distant objects have nearly always to be shown simultaneously at centre and edge, and in such cases it is absolutely necessary to have a flat field. It is possible to partly flatten the field of the aplanat. This is most conveniently done with those points of the image which are due to the meridional rays, i. e., for the tangential directions in the image. Under these circumstances, one would, however, have to abandon the anastigmatic correction of the image, and to rest content with partial distinctness. Those points of the image, which are due to rays contained in a sagittal section, yield another image surface (image points of radial directions), which touches the former surface in the axis of the objec- tive, and deviates from it with continuous curvature towards the edge, as already explained. With angles of 50, this deviation amounts to one-fifteenth ; with 70, to one-sixth; and with 90, nearly to one- third of the focal length of the lens. The section of these image surfaces by a plane passing through the axis of the lens would present the appearance shown in Fig. 167. Curve a appertains to the image points in the meridional section (tangential distortion), b to those of the sagittal section (radial distortion). H . represents the axis of the lens, H n a secondary axis. This result may be obtained with aplanatic lenses if their halves be sufficiently widely separated. The marginal distinctness is then very defective, and the stopping down has to be carried very far if it is at all desired to obtain sharp definition at the edge or fair definition ex- tending over a considerable field, n c An objective having an anastig- matically flat field, such as the " anastigmat," produces, however, a sharp image upon the flat plate, which, as Fig. 168 shows, is bounded by lines T l T 2 parallel to the focussing line E. This objective delineates near and distant objects with the desired uniform sharpness at centre and Fig-. 168 The Zeiss anastigmats yield, therefore, a uniform depth of focus from centre to margin without 116 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. necessitating the same amount of stopping down that is imperative with the " aplanats." The anastigmats have in proportion to their covering power a considerable relative rapidity. Owing to the better concentration of light in the anastigmatic flat image, ns compared with the anastigmatic curved or astigmatic flat images with an objective of the former type, the intensity necessarily diminishes I s > from centre to edge than with a lens belonging to either of the last named types. This advantage of the Zeiss anastig- mats cannot be overrated, as the oblique incidence of rays at the edge of the image is, in itself, productive of a continuous diminution of intensity towards the edge. The anastigmats yield a negative which is uniformly exposed from centre to margin. The advantages resulting from the anastigmatic flatness of field greatly extend the range of the applicability of these lenses. The advantage of being able to use a large stop when a certain size of plate is prescribed, and the advantage of the uniformly bright field assist in the solution of the problem of using short focus lenses for relatively large plates. With a given rapidity of the objective, essen- tially shorter foci may be used in the case of anastigmatic lenses than is admissible with other types. For instance, anastigmat F/6'3 (Series II) of a focus of 105 to 120 mm. is quite sufficient for sharply cover- ing a plate 9x12 cm. (3J x 5 inches) at F/9 ; with the older types the focus would have to be 190 mm. (7J inches) at least. In order to cover 13x18 cm. (5x7 inches) at F/9, it was necessary to employ a lens of, say, 350 min. (14 inches) focus, whereas, with the anastig- mats this result can be obtained with a focus of 210 mm. (8J inches), and even with 170 mm. (7 inches). Short foci give, however, at equal distances of the object, a better depth than long foci ; they yield a sharper image of objects situated at different distances from the apparatus. The anastigmatic lenses have, therefore, in another sense, greater depth of focus than the older lenses. These advantages become particularly apparent in instantaneous and wide-angle lenses, and in the photography of architecture and interiors and in copying. Detective cameras may be made of smaller dimensions, as they may be fitted with short-focus lenses. Photographs of archi- tecture and interiors, and reproductions of maps and paintings, may be taken by means of rapid lenses, i.e., at short exposures. In conclusion, the other advantages which the Zeiss anastigmats com- bine with the anastigmatic flatness may be shortly enumerated. They are as follows : 1. The reflection images have a most favourable position. 2. They admit of the most colourless glasses being used ; and 3. The two parts of the doublet are in close proximity. ANASTIGMATS. 117 The images formed by reflection at the boundary surfaces between glass and air are all at a considerable distance from the plane of the image. By this means the appearance of fogged images, which gener- ally increases with the number of isolated lenses, is reduced to a mini- mum, and thereby the. image rendered exceedingly brilliant. The existence of this property is amply proved by photographs taken with the an astigmatic lenses. None of the anastigmatic lenses can be shown to have a flare-spot, even when dazzling light enters the objective. The use of colourless glasses is an advantage which cannot be over- rated. Apart from sensitive plates, this is the only means of satisfy- ing the universal postulate, depth of definition with short exposures. With objectives of the same type, a certain desired amount of depth can, with a given focal length, only be obtained by corresponding stopping down of the lens. The further, however, this stopping down is carried, the less becomes the light which can pass through the lens. If, in addition to this, the scanty light thus admitted is further impaired by detrimental colouring in the glasses, as war, the case with the glasses formerly used in the construction of aplanats, it becomes naturally impossible to work at short exposures. The anastigmats, when applied to outdoor photography at F/18, give fully exposed negatives, the usual commercial instantaneous dry plates being used. Before the application of the Schott baryta glasses to the construction of photographic lenses, this belonged to the province of impossibilities. Even with stops F/25 and F/36 instantaneous photographs are still obtainable. The short structure of the anastigmats restrains the diminution of the rapidity with which the intensity decreases from centre to edge. It diminishes that part of the decrease of the intensity which is caused by partial stopping of the pencils by the edges of the lenses. Let L and L 2 (Fig. 169) be the lenses forming a doublet of a . 169 diameter 2Z>, let B be the plane of the diaphragm, and let the dia- 118 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. phragm be situated midway between L r and L 2 . Let a be the dis" tance of the diaphragm from the apex of the anterior surface, and let 2d be the diameter of the aperture of the diaphragm. If, for the sake of simplification, the collective effect of the parts of the doublet be neglected, i. e., if it be assumed that the diameter of the pencil passing through the diaphragm 2d is also 2d previous to the passage through the lens, and also if we disregard the curvature of the external surfaces and the thickness of the lenses, then the oblique pencil passing through 2d is stopped at that particular moment when the principal ray, II, is of that degree of obliquity which is represented by a straight line contained in a plane passing through the axis of the objective, and connecting the edge of the lens with the edge of the dia- phragm on the same side of the axis. Let the angle between this principal ray, ZT, and the axis be a, then it will easily be seen that D d tan. a = a This limit is increased in a measure as the difference D d increases, i. e., in a measure as the aperture of the diaphragm d becomes less. When D d is constant, then a increases in a measure as a de- creases. From this we infer : the shorter the distance of the diaphragm from the extreme apices of the lenses, the later is the moment of the stoppage of oblique pencils by the edge of the lenses. 107. SURVEYING CAMERAS. The number of instruments devised or proposed for photographic surveying is considerable. They are divided into three classes : 1st. Ordinary cameras. 2nd. Surveying cameras or " photogrammeters." 3rd. Photo-theodolites. The first and second ones require an auxiliary instrument for meas- uring angles ; photo-theodolites are intended to be employed alone. Ordinary cameras must be provided with a level ; the relative posi- tions of the plate and lens must be invariable, and when adjusted, the plate must be exactly vertical. The horizon line is determined by two zenith distances of well-defined objects as far apart as possible. The principal point is ascertained from the azimuths of at least three points. It is expedient to make these determinations for every photograph. The employment of ordinary cameras for surveying cannot be re- commended ; satisfactory results cannot be expected from imperfect instruments. SURVEYING CAMERAS. 119 There are many patterns of surveying cameras or photogrammeters. One of the earliest is Meydenbauer's. It is a camera with tapering bellows set on a horizontal circle ; it moves on a vertical axis. A clamp and tangent screw serve to bring the optical axis in any desired azimuth Two metal rods connect rigidly the object glass and the frame bearing* the plate. The levelling screws are part of the head of the tripod, the horizontal circle resting on the top of the screws. This arrangement dispenses with the usual triangular base of instruments and reduces the height considerably. Finsterwalder's photogrammeter is, in external appearance, some- what like Meydenbauer's, but the horizontal circle is set on the ordinary triangular base with the three levelling screws. Meydenbauer has devised also a small camera which is made in two sizes, 6x8 and 9x12 centimetres. It is a magazine camera ; the plates are changed through a bag placed underneath. The camera is supported in a peculiar manner ; it is placed on the top of a vertical rod, which is jointed to the head of a tripod. The free ends of the tripod and the upper end of the vertical rod are connected by wires to which tension is given by ratchet wheels and pawls. R. Lechner, of Vienna, Austria, makes the three following patterns. W e r n e r's (Fig. 170), is an ordinary folding camera set on a triangular base with 1 e v e 1 1 i n'g screws. Fig. 170. 120 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. Pollack's photogrammeter (Fig. 171) is a rectangular metal camera mounted on a graduated circle with levelling screws. The rising front is moved by a rack and pinion, the displace- ment being read on a scale by a microscope and ver- nier. The object glass is an anastigmat y/18. In front of the ground glass is a metal frame gradu- ated in centimetres. There is a special con- trivance for pressing the plate in the dark slide against this frame, so that the centimetre scale is impressed on the photo- graph. This serves, firstly, to determine the vertical and horizontal lines, secondly, to eliminate any error in the registra- tion of the plate holder, and, thirdly, to mark any distortion of the paper. In the middle of the focussing screen is an eye piece with cross threads exactly opposite the object glass, with which it forms a telescope. It is so adjusted that the intersection of the threads coincides with the princi- pal point of the perspec- tive. Adjusting screws are provided for tilting the camera until the plate is vertical, and for adjust- ing the frame in front of the photographic plate so as to bring the horizon and principal lines in Fig. 171. correct position. SURVEYING CAMERAS. 121 Huebl's " Plane table photogrammeter," by the same maker (Fig. 172), is a compact and very well conceived instrument. It has a camera base or carrier, on which are the levelling screws. It is put on the tripod and the camera is connected with it by a central screw with spiral spring. The tops of the le veiling-screws tit into slits at the bottom of the camera. K Fig. 172. The back frame is, like Pollack's, graduated in centimetres, and the plate is brought in contact with it by a forward motion of the slide carrying the plate holder. The peculiarity of the instrument is the top, which is disposed for use as a plane table. A sheet of drawing paper is fixed to it, and the directions of important points are drawn by means of an alidade with telescope and vertical circle. When the alidade is employed, no additional instrument is needed, the azimuths being registered on the plane tableland the zenith distances read off the vertical circle and noted. 122 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. Passing to photo-theodolites, we find among them the first instru- ment specially constructed for surveying purposes, Col. Laussedat's photo-theodolite, made by Brunner in 1858-59. Fig. 173 shows this instrument as now constructed by E. Ducretet and L. Lejeune. The base of the camera is the lower part of a theodolite, with levelling screws, graduated hoi izontal circle and vernier. The camera proper is a wooden rectangular box ; the sliding front board carrying the object glass is moved up or down by a rack and pinion. A telescope with striding level and vertical arc is fixed to one side ; on the other is a sight for rapidly bringing the optical axis in any given direction. The instrument is levelled by means of the strid- ing level in the same way as any other theodolite ; vertical and hori- zontal angles are measured also in the same manner. When the line of Fig. 173. collirnation of the telescope is horizontal, it must be directed on the principal point of the perspective. The registering marks of the horizon and principal lines are checked by bringing, with the striding level, the telescope to this position. Tt may occasionally be desired to use the instrument for measuring angles only without taking photographs, as, for instance, in making a subsidiary triangulation. It would be in- convenient to carry the camera when it is not needed. In this case, it is detached and the telescope set up as in Fig. 174 ; reduced to this form, it is an ordinary surveying transit. S UR VE YING CA MERA S. 123 Inversely, the telescope and vertical arc may be detached ; it then becomes a surveying camera. Fig. 174. The metal parts of the instrument are made of aluminium ; it is com- pact, light and well executed. It answers well the purpose intended, which is to make detailed topographical surveys without having recourse Fig. 175. to auxiliary instruments, and it has the great merit of simplicity in its construction. 124 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. R. Lechner makes Pollack's photo- theodolite (Figs. 175, 176 and 177). The camera is the same as in the photogrammeter, and there is Fig. 176. adied a vertical circle, telescope and striding level. Without the camera, the instrument is an ordinary theodolite. Fig. 177. SURVEYING CAMERAS. 125 The photo-theodolite of the Geographical Military Institute of Italy is shown in Figs. 178 and 179. The camera is a pyramidal metal box moving on a horizontal axis, so that it may be inclined to the horizon when the angle of view in the vertical position is not sufficient to take in all the points of the landscape. This arrangement exists also in Koppe's theodolite, and may be useful in a very broken country. Generally a vertical field of 45 is quit 126 FIELD IN STB UMENTS. sufficient, and most of the instruments are made for vertical views only, Fig-. 179 The levelling screws are part of the tripod head, as in Meydenbauer's photogrammeter, and they support the horizontal circle. The vertical circle, telescope and level are on an upright at the side. The pbject glass moves in its tube so that it can be adjusted to the focus 128 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. of near objects. The displacement is read on a scale with a vernier. The camera can be detached and the instrument used for measuring angles only, as an ordinary theodolite. It is packed in three boxes of convenient shape for transport ; one contains the camera proper, another one the two circles, tripod head and telescope, and the last one, the plate holders. Fig. 181. The tripod is formed of the alpenstocks of the three men carrying the cases ; they are fixed with thumb-screws to the tripod head. This instrument was constructed for use in the Alps, where men must have alpenstocks and where the tripod is the most awkward part of the engineer's equipment. The alpenstocks being very strong make a firm SURVEYING CAMERAS. 129 stand- for the theodolite, and the transportation of an ordinary tripod is dispensed with. Koppe's photo-theodolite (Figs. 180, 181 and 182) is an ordinary theodolite with telescope on one side and vertical circle on the other. In the middle of the horizontal axis, and fixed to it, is the camera. The Fig. 182 difference in the Italian instrument is that the telescope moves with the camera, their axes remaining parallel. There are no dark slides ; the plates are changed in the packing case, where they are stored in two boxes K K z , Fig. 180. In the lids are two circular holes A A, to which are attached sleeves of flexible material impervious to light. For the purpose of changing a plate, the case is closed after placing the camera in it ; the hands are inserted through the sleeves, the exposed plate is taken out and pushed into box K l ; a new plate is then taken from box K^ put in position, and the camera closed. It is evident from the descriptions given that some instruments are intended only for surveys plotted by geometrical constructions, while others are designed to furnish results of the utmost precision, the measurements on the photographs being made with special appliances and submitted to calculation. The photo-theodolite of 9 R 130 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. Starke & Kammerer, of Vienna, is an instrument representative of the latter class, and will be described with a little more detail ; the remarks apply to other instruments of the same kind.* The general principle of these instruments is to have a telescope moving in a plane parallel to the principal plane of the perspective ; in this one, the object glass of the camera takes the place of the object glass of the telescope, and for that purpose is combined with an eye piece in the middle of the ground glass. With this telescope, not only can the horizontal angles required by the survey be measured, but also vertical angles The object, however, is not to make extensive series of angular measure- ments, but only to take readings on the points of the triangulation. The three levelling screws of the base rest in slits on the head of the tripod to which the base is fastened by a central screw and spiral spring. In Fig. 183, the levelling screws appear in A, A, A. The base Fig. 183 carries the vertical axis and horizontal circle ; the latter is graduated to 20' on its vertical face, and is read to 1' by means of a vernier N and microscope L. The end of the vertical axis carries three arms, .Z? t , -B 2 ^3' t which the vernier is screwed. The vertical axis is adjusted by means of the three levelling screws and of the two levels Zj, 1 2 . The plate, on which are the levels, is screwed to the arm 2 . A clamp E and tangent screw M complete the base. *This description is from a paper by G. Starke in the "Zeitschrift de Oester- reischischen Ingenieur und Architekten Vereines, " No. 5 of 1894. SURVEYING CAMERAS. 131 In the slits r 1 r 2 r 3 of the arms B l B 2 . 3 rest the three levelling screws F^ F. 2 F. } of the camera (Fig. 184) ; the camera is screwed from Fig. 184. the inside to the lower part. A handle, Q, is on top for convenience in lifting it. The camera has, as well as the lower part, two cross levels 1 3 / 4 (Fig. 185), for adjustment with the foot screws F 1 F 2 F 3 . Fig. 184 shows the camera from the lens side, and Fig. 185 from above. Fig. 186 is the frame securely bound to the camera which fixes the position of the focal plane ; the ground glass and the dry plates are brought in contact with it. It consists of four scales at right angles with notches at every centimetre. Those in a ^a 2 and 6j6 2 are the middle marks; when joined, the intersection is the middle of the picture. The size of the picture is 17-8x22-8 centimetres. By construction, the notches are so placed that a^a 2 is exactly per- pendicular to 6,5 2 ; thus when a ^a 2 is horizontal, b^ 2 is in the vertical plane perpendicular to a.a 2 . 132 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. The lens is a Zeiss anastigmat, f/l 8 of about 212 millimetres focus. It is screwed on the plate S, Figs. 184 and 185, which has a sliding vertical motion, and it is at such a distance that parallel rays falling on it converge after refraction to points in the plane of the frame RR, in which plane also are the face of the dry plate, the dull side of the ground glass and the threads of the diaphragm in front of the eye piece. The distance of objects photographed for surveying is generally so great that a fixed focus has no disadvantage, and the same Fig. 185. focal length may be employed throughout. For distances of 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 metres and with a lens of 212 millimetres focus, the displacement of the focal plane should only be 0'09, 0*11, 0'15, 0-22 and 045 millimetres respectively. For shorter distances, the lens has a motion in the direction of the axis to the extent of two millimetres. This brings in focus objects situated at 23 metres from the instrument. lii the helicoidal slit cut in the outer tube of the lens is a small block t screwed to the inner tube. Both tubes are clamped together by the screw shown at the end of the slit. Unscrewing it and turning the inner tube from right to left brings the lens out. The nclination of the slit to the axis is such, as to correspond to a motion SURVEYING CAMERAS. 133 of two millimetres in the direction of the axis when the block t travels from one end of the slit to the other. These two extreme positions are indicated by the graduations and 2 on the outer tube opposite the index mark on t. The interval is divided into twenty parts, so that the displacement of the lens is read directly to O'l millimetre. This graduation is, however, seldom used ; in the generality of cases the index is set at zero and the lens clamped in that position. Fig. 186. A vertical motion is given to the lens by the rack and pinions K l K% Figs. 184 and 185 ; the latter, 7T 2 , is for slow motion, H is the clamp. The displacement is measured on a scale m divided to millimetres with the vernier n reading to O05 millimetre. This scale is 140 millimetres long ; from to 70 the optical axis is directed below the horizon, and from 70 to 140 is directed above. At 70 it should be exactly on the horizon. Two frames T and II (Figs. 187 and 188), serve to make a light, tight connection between the single plate holders or ground glass and the camera. They are connected by the bellows W ; I is fixed to the camera, but II can move as far as the bellows extend. Each frame carries two hooks ; the frame I has the upper right one, h lt and an exactly similar Fig. 187. 134 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. one, lower left. The frame II has the upper left hook h 2 and a lower right one. 'These hooks fasten the ground glass and plate-holders to the camera. The ground glass is shown in Fig. 189 ; in Fig. 187, it is represented in section attached to the camera. The outer wooden frame carries two metal diagonals connected to a central ring. In the middle of the ring is the eye piece movable on the axis x l x 2) but which may be fastened by the two flaps p^p^ in its normal position with the optical axis perpendicular to the ground glass. Opposite the notches a^a* 6 t 6 2 of the back f came are four circular openings in the ground glass, through which the notches may be examined for adjusting the instrument. The ground glass is attached as follows : . The movable frame II, which does not come into operation in this case, is fastened to I by the upper left hook k. 2 and the lower right one. The ground glass is supported by the screws Z^Z (Figs. 187 and 189), the p6ints of which rest on the plates ~ -' of the fixed frame I (Figs. 185 and 187). The face of the glass is then brought in contact with the back frame through the upper right and lower left hooks. The position of the eye piece is adjusted by the screws Z^Z until the line of collimation is horizontal when the object glass is in its nor- mal position at 70 of the vertical scale. In this position, or not far from it, points can be sighted through the eye piece of the ground glass, but when the lens is further away from the normal position, the use of the eye piece with its axis perpendicular to the ground glass becomes inconvenient or impossible. In such cases the flaps p j) 2 are unfastened, and the eye piece is rotated on the axis x^x. 2 until its optical axis is in the direction of the object glass. No great precision is required ; a few trials are sufficient to find the inclination for which the best image is seen. The plate holder A", shown in secflon, Fig. 188, contains the dry plate G which is pressed by springs at the four corners. The hard rubber shutter t is completely withdrawn during exposure. The adjustment of the plate holder to the camera takes place as follows : Frame II is set free from I, and the holder hung on frame II by the bent plate I : the projecting edge of the holder engages in the rebate of frame II and makes a light, tight joint. It is then fastened to frame II by the pair of hooks upper left and lower right. Fig. 188 Fig. 188. S 67? VK YING CA HER A S. 135 shows this position of the holder. Having made sure that the cap is on the lens, the shutter can now be withdrawn, after which the pair of hooks upper right and lower left are brought into play and draw the holder forward until the dry plate is brought in contact with the back frame R R of the earner.:. The exposure is then given by un- capping the lens and the holder withdrawn by repeating the same operations in inverse order, first unfastening the pair of hooks upper right and lower left, inserting the shutter and drawing back the two last hooks, upper left and lower right. Fisr. 189. If the stations are points of the triangulation or have previously been determined, the only angles to be measured are those required for the orientation of the views : a vertical arc or circle is unnecessary. But it may happen that the station has not been fixed or could not be seen from the summits of the triangulation ; in such cases, vertica^ angles must be measured to obtain the altitude of the photographic 136 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. station. Let 0, Fig. 190, be the second nodal point of the lens, C the intersection of the diaphragm threads ; the instrument being adjusted, CO is horizontal when the lens is at 70 of the vertical scale. Let M be a known point from which the position of the photographic station must be ascertained ; HM is the altitude to be found. The eye piece is turned in the direction CM, and the object glass raised until the image of M is seen at the intersection of the threads of the diaphragm ; the object glass plate is clamped and its height read on the vertical scale. Let V be the intersection of the vertical axis of the instrument with the horizontal axis of the camera. In the triangles MHC, Fig-. 190 O'OC, the distance D must have been previously ascertained, 00' = h has been measured on the vertical scale, OC =p is the focal length, and d is a constant of the instrument which can be scaled on it. These two similar triangles give the proportion H H being the difference of altitude HM. Therefore h p p p For this instrument d = 100, p = 212 mm. and the maximum value of h is 70 mm. Then - d cannot exceed 0.33 mm., a quantity which can always be neglected, the expression of H taking the simpler form of SURVEYING CAMERAS. 137 Let A H be the error of H due to an error of A h in the reading of A: 7t is read on the scale to 0*05 mm., so A#= 0-0001 18 D. This gives 120 mm. for D = 1000 metres. The instrument is adjusted by means of the four levels so as to fulfil the following requirements : 1. The axis of the instrument must be vertical. 2. The line joining the notches a 1 a 2 of the back frame must be horizontal : consequently, b-J) z is vertical when the next condition is fulfilled. 3. The plane of the back frame must be vertical. The object glass being at 70 of the vertical scale and the ground glass in contact with the back frame, it is necessary : 4. That the horizontal and vertical threads of the diaphragm coincide with the lines a^a^ 6 1 6 2) of the back frame. 5. That the line of collimation be horizontal. 6. That the threads of the diaphragm lie in the plane of the dull side of the ground glass. 7. That the horizontal thread of the diaphragm coincides with the axis of rotation x^x 2 of the eye piece. 8. That the vertical motion of the object glass shall be on a line parallel to the line b^ 2 of the back frame. Some of these adjustments must have been made by the instrument maker, and if incorrect can only be rectified by him. Those which follow are made by the engineer. 1. The cross levels of the base are adjusted as in any other theodolite 2 and 3 Cross levels of the camera. Find a distant point of which the image comes in the apex of the notch a 15 and verify the coincidence with a magnifying glass through the circular hole in the ground glass. Then revolve the instrument on its vertical axis until the image comes into the notch 2 . Should it coincide exactly with the apex, then the line a 1 2 is horizontal ; if not, it must be adjusted by the levelling screw under a. A few trials will soon bring it to the 138 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. right position ; the level parallel to a 1 2 can now be adjusted and the bubble brought between its marks. The verticality of the plane of the back frame is checked by a light plumb bob suspended from one of the hooks. It is adjusted by means of the foot screw F 3 under the object glass. When exactly vertical, the level Z 4 is adjusted until the bubble comes within the marks. It is clear now that a a 2 will be horizontal and 6 1 6 2 vertical whenever the camera is levelled, so long a? the adjustment of the cross levels does not change. 4. Selecting a distant point very close to the horizon, its image is brought into the apex of one of the notches a^ or a 2 and brought to exact coincidence by a vertical motion of the object glass. The instrument is then revolved on its vertical axis until the image is seen in the eye piece. Should it coincide with the horizontal thread of the diaphragm, then the latter is in proper adjustment ; if not, it must be brought to coincide by raising or lowering the ground glass by means of the screws Z^Z^ half of the error being corrected by one screw and half by the other. They must both be screwed or unscrewed the same number of turns. The vertical thread of the diaphragm must coincide with the line 6 1 & 2 . To verify this, select a distant point and bring its image, by a slow motion of the horizontal circle, into exact coincidence with the edge of the back frame above or below the notch a 1 and read the angle on the horizontal circle. Revolve the instrument, and bring in the same way, the image of the point in contact with the edge of the frame above or below the notch & 2 ; read again the angle on the horizontal circle. Set the vernier in the middle of the measured angle and the image must coincide with the vertical thread of the diaphragm. The error, if any, is corrected by again using the screws Z^Z^. Should for instance, the thread be on the left of the image, Z- is unscrewed till half of 'the error is corrected and Z ' 2 screwed in to correct the other half. In- versely, Z^ must be screwed in and Z^ unscrewed when the thread is on the right of the image. It is clear that this correction will somewhat disturb the preceding one and that both will have to be repeated several times. 5. The line of collimation is adjusted to honzontality by the usual methods of the level instrument. The object glass may then not be exactly at 70 of the vertical scale. The index error may be employed to correct all the readings, or it may be eliminated by loosening the two screws of the vernier and moving it vertically until the reading is exactly 70. The vertical motion of the object glass is verified by setting it at about 130, selecting a distant point and bringing its image into exact coincidence with the apex of the notch b ly then lowering the object Fig. 191-TRANSIT THEODOLITE. I Fig. 192- CAMERA of the Canadian Surveys (horizontal position). IP Fig. 193- GAMER A of the Canadian Surveys (vertical position). SURVEYING CAMERAS. 139 glass till the image comes into the notch 6 2 , where it must coincide with the apex. The image must also be seen on the vertical thread of the diaphragm when the object glass is at the proper height. These conditions being fulfilled, the displacement of the object glass is on a line parallel to 6 1 6 2 and therefore vertical, and the vertical thread coincides with the line b^b^. 108. CANADIAN EQUIPMENT. The equipment of a party on the Canadian Surveys consists of a transit theodolite and two cameras. The transit theodolite and its tripod are carried by the surveyor, and a camera without the tripod by one of the men who always accom- panies the surveyor. The assistant has his own camera with a tripod. The transit is one of the ordinary patterns used by surveyors and is shown in Fig. 191. It has three inch circles and reads to minutes. The tripod is a short one, specially designed for mountain work. It is three feet four inches long arid has sliding legs, the joint being perfectly stiff. The surveyor observes either in a sitting or kneeling position. For the purpose of packing, the head of the tripod is taken off and put in the transit box ; when folded, the legs are twenty inches long and are placed under the box of the transit as shown in frontis- piece. The heavy parts of the instrument are made of aluminium ; the whole, including tripod and case, and also the camera base, weighs fourteen pounds and eight ounces. The camera is shown in Figs. 192 and 193; Fig. 194 represents sections of the instrument. The camera proper is a rectangular metal box AJ3, open at one end. It carries the lens L and two sets of cross levels (7(7, which are read through openings in the outer mahogany box. The metal box is supported by wooden blocks and by a frame FF held in position by two bolts DD. The plate holder is made for single plates ; it is inserted in a carrier EE, which can be moved forwards and backwards by means of the screw G. A folding shade HH hooked in front of the camera, and diaphragms KK inside of the metal box, intercept all light which does not contribute to the forma- tion of the image on the photographic plate. The camera rests on a triangular base with foot screws, identical with the base of the transit, so that both may fit on the same tripod. It may be set up with the longer side either horizontal or vertical. The lens is a Zeiss anastigmat, No. 3 of series V, 141 millimetres focus, with a deep orange screen in front. Having set up the camera on the tripod, the plate holder carrier E is moved back as far as it will go by turning the screw G ; the plate holder is inserted through the opening J/, the slide is withdrawn, and the carrier moved forward by the screw G until the plate is in contact 140 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. with the back of the metal box. In order to secure perfect contact, the carrier has a certain amount of free motion. The camera must p Fig-. 194 now be turned in the proper direction ; the field embraced by the plate is indicated by lines drawn on the outside of the mahogany box. The SURVEYING CAMERAS. 141 camera is then carefully levelled, the exposure given, and the plate holder withdrawn by repeating the same operations in inverse order. The levels are rigidly fixed to the camera without any means of adjustment. They are, however, very nearly adjusted by the maker. For this purpose, he takes out the metal box and places it on a piece of plate glass which has been levelled like an artificial horizon. By filing one end or the other of the levels' outer case, he brings each bubble very nearly in the middle of its tube. These tubes bear con- tinuous graduations as illustrated in Fig. 195. 4 12 Accompanying the camera is a piece I I I I | | i of plate glass, ^ in. thick and 11 in. long, which can be inserted in the carrier instead of the plate holder. The end of the glass, which projects Fig*. 195 outside of the camera, is coated on the back with a varnish of gum guaiacum dissolved in alcohol to which some lamp black has been added. This varnish has very nearly the same refractive index as glass, and stops all reflections from the back of the plate glass. The first thing to be done when the camera is received from the maker is to ascertain the exact readings of the levels when the back of the metal box, on which the photographic plate is pressed, is vertical. To do this, the bolts P (Fig. 194), next to the opening M, are unscrewed and removed : Q may then slide backwards and be taken out. The piece of plate glass is now inserted in the carrier U, and pressed in contact with the metal box. The camera is placed on its tripod and levelled. Immediately in front and at the same height, a transit T, Fig. 196, is set up, and after carefully adjusting it, a $ . distant point P is selected on the same level as the transit and camera. The intersection of the threads of the telescope is brought to coincide with P, and the telescope is clamped to the Fig-. 196 vertical circle. Turning it around the vertical axis, the image of P reflected by the plate glass should appear upon the intersection of the telescope's threads. If it does, the face of the plate glass is vertical and the position of the bubble in the level tube is the correct one for adjusting the instru- ment. If it does not, the camera must be inclined forward or backward by means of the foot screws until coincidence is established. The bubble of the level may or may not be now in the middle of the 142 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. tube, but its position, whatever it is, is the correct one for adjusting the camera. The divisions of the graduation between which the bubble is comprised are therefore noted, and whenever the camera is to be levelled, it must be remembered that the bubble is to be brought between these two same divisions. This determination is made for the two positions of the camera, horizontal and vertical. The next step is to fix the place of the principal point on the photo- graphic plate, and to measure the distance line or focal length. Select a station so that a number of distinct and well defined distant points may be found on the horizon line. The view may be, for instance, the distant shore of a lake, or a large building, or rows of buildings. Set up the tri- pod and adjust the transit. Find two points E and F on the horizon line, or with a zenith distance of 90, ~2) so that they both come within the field of the camera, when set hori- zoiital, and near the edges of the plate. Measure the angle w between them. Find two other points G and If, also on the horizon line, and such a distance apart that they both come within the field of the camera when set vertical. Now, replace the transit by the camera in the horizontal position, turn it so that it tal^es in E and F, level carefully and ex- pose a plate. Set the camera in the vertical position, turn it so that it takes in G and H y level carefully and expose another plate. The .first plate after development, shows the two points E and F, on a line very nearly parallel to the edges AB and CD, Fig. 197, of the metal box. The principal point is of course on this line. Cut the line through the film with a fine needle point. The second plate, exposed in the vertical position, gives another horizon line GH which may be transferred to the first plate by means of the distances AK, CL to the corners of the metal box. This line is also cut through the film with a fine needle : the principal point P is at the intersection of both horizon lines. SURVEYING CAMERAS. 143 The distance line is calculated from the angle w between E and F and from the distances EP and PF. Let fl,'Fig. 198 > be tne second nodal point of the lens ; a and b the distances EP and P^ 7 , a and ft the angles between E and P, and between P and ^. Fig-. 198 a and 6 are measured on the plate. Designating by f the focal length PS, we have tan. a / tan. = -r tan. a tan. p = -^ Hence : tan. (a + ) = tan. w = 1+1 ab or tan. and /=? 2 tan. + ab Having now found the focal length and principal point, reference marks have to be made on the edges of the metal box to indicate the horizon and principal lines and the focal length on the prints or enlargements from the negatives. Measure the distance m (Fig. 197), from P to AC. From the cor- responding corners A and C (Fig. 199), of the metal box, lay out m in AR and CT. With a very fine and sharp file, held in the direction 144 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. of the lens, cut in the edge of the metal a clean and sharp notch at T and another one at R. 3*, r-~ Repeat the same operation at the cor- ners A and B with the distance n from P to AB. The lines OQ and .S^Z 7 will be the horizon and principal lines of the photographs when the camera is properly levelled. J /> From R and T, mea- Fig*.l99 sure * ne distances Rr, Rr, Tt, Tt', equal to one half o? the focal length. From and Q measure Oo, Oo, Qq, Qq, equal to one quarter of the focal length, and at each one of these points make another notch with the file held in the direction of the lens. Every photograph will now show, like those which accompany the specimen plan, twelve triangular projections into the black border of the photograph. Four of these projections serve to fix the horizon and principal lines ; the remaining eight give the focal length. It is now necessary to find the correct readings of the transverse levels, when the horizon and principal lines pass exactly through the notches of the metal box. Set up the camera again in front of the same distant view as before, but in adjusting it, bring the bubble of the trans- verse level near one end of the tube ; note the read- ing of the graduation and expose a plate. When developed, it will give an horizon line EF (Fig. 200), cutting the border of the negative in A and B, at some distance from the notches and Q. Fig-. 200 Now change the adjust- B SURVEYING CAMERAS. 145 ment of the camera by bringing the bubble of the transverse level to the otherendof tho tube, note the reading of the level and expose another plate. This one gives another horizon line E'F', cutting the border of the negative in C and D. After measuring CO and OA or BQ and QD, a simple proportion gives the reading of the level which shall bring the horizon line through the two notches and Q. The correct reading of the other transverse level is found by the same method, with the camera in the vertical position. All these operations must be executed with great care and precision, and with the help of a microscope of moderate power. It has been assumed that the levels were placed very nearly in correct adjustment by the maker. If found too much out, they must, of course, first be approximately adjusted by setting the metal box on a well levelled plane. For this purpose, the plate glass supplied is set on the camera base and levelled like an artificial horizon. 109. USE OF INSTRUMENTS. The instruments and tripod being very light, steadiness is secured by a net between the tripod legs in which a heavy stone is placed. With this device, better photographs and observations are obtained, and there is no risk of the instrument being blown away during one of the wind blasts so frequent in the mountains. After coming to a triangulation station, the surveyor adjusts his transit, and measures the azimuths and zenith distances of the triangulation points and of the camera stations. If accompanied by his assistant, each reads one vernier and enters the reading in his book. After completing the observations, they compare notes : any error is corrected on the spot. The camera is carried in a leather case containing also twelve plate holders ; when more holders are wanted, they are carried separately. Tak- ing the camera out of the case, the levelling base is screwed to it and put on the tripod ; the shade is unfolded and attached to the front. A plate holder is inserted in the carrier, and its number noted as well as the approximate direction of the view. Having made sure that the cap is on the lens, the surveyor draws the slide and screws the plate in contact with the metal box. He now turns the camera around until the lines on the upper face show that it is properly directed. He looks along the lines of the side face to see whether the view reaches high or low enough ; if it does not, he puts the longer dimension of 10 146 FIELD INSTRUMENTS. the camera upright, unless already in that position. He levels care- fully and exposes the plate. When the sun shines inside of the front hood, it should be shaded off by holding something above the hood. On no account must the sun be allowed to shine upon the lens. The most important camera stations are occupied by the surveyor ; the other stations by the assistant with his own camera. All views are taken with the same stop, F/36. DENSITY, OPACITY, TRANSPARENCY. 147 CHAPTER V. HURTER & DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. 110. GENERAL REMARKS. The laws which govern the behaviour of photographic plates under the nction of light and developers were not cleared up until the publication, a few years ago, of Messrs Hurter & Dri {field's photo-chemical investigations. A knowledge of their remarkable researches is so essential to a proper understanding of photo- graphy that an abstract of their papers is given here.* 111. DENSITY, OPACITY, TRANSPARENCY. They commence by asking, " What is a perfect negative 1 " Their answer is, that a negative is theoretically perfect when the amount of light transmitted through its various gradations is in inverse ratio to that which the corresponding parts of the original subject sent out. The negative is mathematically the true inverse of the original when the opacities of its gradations are proportional to the light reflected by those parts of the original which they represent. In order that this definition may be understood, they explain the laws of absorption of light by black substances and define clearly the meaning which they attach to the terms opacity, transparency and density of a negative. The whole of their investigations depends upon these laws. For substances, which do not reflect much light, such as black opaque bodies, or transparent coloured bodies, the relation between the light absorbed and the quantity of the substance present is very simple. If, between the eye and a source of light, we place a thin *Photo-Chemical Investigations and a new method of the determination of the sensitiveness of photographic plates, by Ferdinand Hurter, Ph.D., and V.C. Driffield. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 31st May, 1890. The Action of light on the Sensitive Film. Photography, 19th and 29th. Feb., 1891. Relations between photographic negatives and their positives. Journal of the Society of Chemical industry, 28th Feb., 1891. Latitude in exposure and speed of plates. British Journal of Photography, 21st July, 1893. The principles involved in enlarging, by V. C. Driffield. British Journal of Photography, 9th and 16th Nov., 1894. )liy Oi 148 HURTER & DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. layer of dilute Indian ink, that layer absorbs light and thereby reduces the intensity of the light transmitted. Assume that such a layer absorbs one-half of the light, then one-half of the light will be transmitted. Whatever may be the intensity of the original light, the intensity after passing this layer of ink will be one-half of what it was. The inter-position of two such layers will reduce the light to one-quarter of the original intensity, three such layers will reduce it to one-eighth and so on, each layer reducing the intensity to one-half of what it receives. Had the first layer allowed J- of the light to pass through, then two such layers would reduce the intensity to ^, three layers to ^, etc. In general, any number of layers would reduce the intensity of the light to a fraction, which is equal to the fraction the first layer allows to pass, but raised to a power the index of which is the number of layers employed. If n equals layers employed and the first one reduced the intensity of the light to a fraction the n layers would m reduce it to If, instead of using so many layers, the first layer were made to contain as much Indian ink as the n successive layers contain altogether, we should find that the one layer now reduces the intensity of light by exactly the same amount as the n layers did. The reduction of the intensity is of course due to the black particles, and depends simply upon the number of them which are interposed per unit area. We can thus replace the number of layers by the number of particles and the law takes this form : The intensity I x of light after passing A molecules of a substance is a fraction of the original intensity /, such that: For mathematical reasons, they express as a negative power of the G base of the hyperbolic logarithms by making : 1 C ~ and they write : where k is the coefficient of absorption. The fraction 1 represents and DENSITY, OPACITY, TRANSPARENCY. 149 measures the transparency of the substance. The inverse of that frac- tion, or = s** measures the opacity of the substance. It indicates *a what intensity of light must fall on one side of the substance in order that unit intensity may be transmitted. T being the transparency and the opacity : OxT=l Density is quite distinct from opacity. By density, they mean the number of particles of a substance spread over unit area multiplied by the coefficient of absorption ; kA is what they term density and mark by the letter D. In its application to negatives, the density is directly proportional to the amount of silver deposited per unit area, and may be used as a measure of that amount. The relations between the three terms, transparency, opacity, . and density, are the following : T=e~ D = D D = logeO = -logeT The density is the logarithm of the opacity or the negative logarithm of the transparency. These relations hold good for some substances with regard to ordinary white light, for others only with regard to monochromatic light, and for others they do not hold good at all. Messrs Hurter and Prim* eld have satisfied themselves that they do hold good for the silver deposited as a black substance in negatives, so long as the silver does not assume a metallic lustre and reflects but a very small amount of light. By means of these definitions we are now in a position to trace the connection between the densities of a theoretically perfect negative and the light intensities which produced them. Since the- density is the logarithm of the opacity, and since in a theoretically perfect negative the opacities are directly proportional to the intensities of the light which produced them, it follows that each density must be proportional to the logarithm of the light intensity which produced it. The result is this : in a theoretically perfect negative, the amounts of silver deposited in the various parts are proportional to the logarithms of the intensities of light proceeding from the corresponding parts of the object. The question arises, can such a negative be produced in practice I 150 HURTER & DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. In order to answer this question, it was necessary first to find a simple method of measuring the density of the silver deposited in negatives and then to study the influence of the developers upon the density of the deposits. The action of the light itself could then be investigated. 112. PHOTOMETER. The instrument for measuring the density of the deposit is based on the relation existing between density and opacity. The opacity of the plate is measured, and in order to avoid calculations and references to tables of logarithms, the scale of the instrument is so arranged as to read the logarithm of the opacity, which is the density. The reason it is preferable to have the results expressed as density is because the density is a measure of the amount of silven deposited or of the chemical work done by the light. The instrument devised by Messrs Hurter and Driffield is repre- sented iix Figs. 201, 202 and 203. It consists essentially of a small Fig-. 201 Bunsen photometer, similar to those used for testing the illuminating power of gas, etc. The screen shown in section in Fig. 204 and PHOTOMETER. 151 marked by a heavy black line, is a piece of paper with a grease spot in the centre about one millimetre in diameter ; it is placed in a small cubical box or chamber. The chamber carries an eye piece, through which an image of each side of the disc can be viewed in two small Fig-. 202 mirrors, and so compared. The chamber can be made to slide in a straight line on a support by a rack and pinion. This arrangement is placed within a larger box, the ends of which have apertures through which light is admitted trom two powerful petroleum lamps. Corres- ponding exactly with these apertures similar apertures are bored into the sides of the small chamber, which admit the light to either side of the Bunsen disc. The dimensions adopted for the larger box are 12 inches long, 6 in. high and 4 in. deep. The small chamber is a cube measuring 2 inches inside. Except the scales, everything inside of the box is blackened, and it is important to exclude all extraneous light by means of a screen. The heat of the lamps very soon injures the woodwork unless it is covered with asbestos cardboard and sheet metal. 152 HURTER , Fig. 210, in which are cut sectors proportional to the exposures to be given. After inserting the plate in the dark slide, the latter is placed in its position behind the disc. The distance from the candle to the plate is carefully adjusted, and the candle is lighted and GRADATION. 161 trimmed. . When the flame has reached the requisite height, the ex- posure may commence. The disc is caused to revolve, and, at a given moment, the slide protecting the plate is drawn, and the exposure con- Fig". 210 tinued for the requisite length of time. The candle may be brought nearer or placed farther away from the plate so as to curtail or increase the exposure ; at a distance of O707 metre, the light of the candle is equal to 2 candle meters, and at a distance of two metres it is equal to J candle metre. The unit of exposure adopted is the candle metre second, which is the exposure to the light of a standard candle at one metre distance during one second. The time may be measured with a watch or metro- nome. Within such limits as the experiments embrace, it has been ascertained that it is immaterial whether an exposure be made with a light of J candlemetre for 40 seconds, or a light of one candlemetre for 10 seconds. It has also been proved by experiment, that as far as the ratios of densities are concerned, 'they remain constant whether the exposure be made with a candle, with a petroleum lamp or with daylight, so long as the product of intensity of light and time of ex- posure be the same. 11 162 HURTER & DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. Several experiments were made to show that the length of time of development does not affect the ratio of densities among themselves, but increases every density by proportional amounts. The results clearly showed that the ratio of densities was given by the light alone, and was not affected by the time of development nor by modifications in the developer. Experiments with ferrous oxalate, pyrogallol, hydro- quinone and eikonogen did not give any material difference in the ratio of the various densities obtained. These experiments confirmed Messrs. Hurter and Driffield's belief that the gradations of a negative were independent of the time of development, and could not be affected by alterations in the composition of the developer, and they concluded that the photographer had no control over the gradations of the negative, the ratios of the amount of silver deposited on the film being solely dependent upon the ex- posure.* 115. ACTION OP LIGHT ON THE SENSITIVE FILM. These investiga- tions have not only revealed the fact that one single density taken by itself is not characteristic of the exposure which the sensitive film received, since the density may be partially du^ to " fog,' : or may not be developed to its extreme limit, but the experiments have also clearly shown that with the usual developers, the ratio of two densities exclusive of fog, is a function of the action of the light oil the plate. In all the experiments, the exposures given varied between 10 and 80 c.m.s. In tabulacing the ratios found between the two exposures, it was discovered that the ratio, though constant for one particular plate, is very different for different plates. The ratio i, for the same ex- posures, smaller for rapid than for slow plates, but even with the same plate, the ratio between two densities varies for exposures which bear the same ratio to each other, but are different in absolute value. It is certain, therefore, that the ratio between two densities depends not only on the ratio of the exposures, but also 011 the sensitiveness of the plate and the absolute value of the exposures. To discover the connection between expo ure, sensitiveness and density produced, numerous experiments were made. The fir.>t investi- gation was as to the general effect of prolonged exposure on the density. A plate received exposures commencing with 0'625 c.m.s., then doubling every time until 5120 c.m.s. The plate was developed with ferrous oxalate and measured. The results are represented in Fig. 211 ; the exposures being chosen as abscissae, the densities as ordinates. It will be seen that every time the exposure is doubled, the density increases, at first slowly, then considerably, and from 40 c.m.s. up to 1280 c.m.s., *As already observed, it is contended by many photographers that this law no longer holds good with some of the plates of recent manufacture E.D. ACTION OF LIGHT ON THE SENSITIVE FILM. 163 every time the exposure is doubled, nearly an equal addition to density is the result, the addition to density being on an average 0*266, but after an exposure of 1280 c.m.s. further doubling produces less and less increase in density. The first few densities are too small to admit of accurate measuring. From the figure it will be seen at once how rapidly densities grow at first as exposure is increased, and how slowly at last, densities tend towards a limit. i | i i i i | i i i i i i i i i | 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 17 100O 2000 300O -KJOO EXPOSURE . CANDLE-METRE -SECONDS Fig-. 211 If, in any part of the curve, the densities were proportional to the logarithms of the exposures, that portion of the curve should be dis- covered, if, instead of choosing the exposures a* abscissae, the logarithms of the exposures were used. This is easily done when the exposures progress, as they do in these experiments, in a geometric series. Each new exposure has only to be marked equidistant from the previous one as abscissa. In this manner the results of another experiment with exposures from 1 to 524288 c.m.s. are plotted in Fig. 212. It will be perceived that the curve now consists of four distinct branches. It proceeds from exposure 1 in almost a horizontal direction, ascends slowly to exposure 16, from thence it proceeds almost in a straight line to exposure 2048, when the growth of densities becomes slow. The densities reach their maximum at exposure 16384 and from thence the curve returns, the densities diminishing slowly with increased exposures. "i 164 HURTER & DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. Four different periods are accordingly distinguished. The first period is termed the period of "under exposure ; " it is comprised in the first curved portion. The second period, that during which the curve is 3C / ^ ^ x \ Y / \ 1 1-0 1 1 f'l j m 7* e n M /// --// Y ^ r//' ftCC' 1 / / x / / ~ w < * 2 n i si : \ \ \ I . Q. 1-1 i J ^ 5D C ^S'g I ? 5 f ft } i 9 1 EXPOSURE. CANDLE-METRE -SECONDS Fig-. 212 almost a straight line, is the period of "correct representation. " The third period is that during which the curve is again strongly bent as far as its maximum, this is the period of "over exposure "; and the last portion of the curve is the period of " reversal. " Period of Under Exposure. During this period, the ratio between two densities is at first accurately equal to the ratio of the correspond- ing exposures. Of course, there is no defining point which marks the find of this period and the beginning of the next, but we learn from it that, for short exposures, the amount of silver reduced is directly pro- portional to the exposure. Period of Correct Representation. The second period of exposures has thus been named because, during this period, a plate is capable of giving a negative differing as little as possible from that which, at the beginning, was defined as theoretically perfect. That defini- tion required that the densities of the negative should be pro- ACTION OF LIGHT ON THE SENSITIVE FILM. 165 portional to the logarithms of the exposures which produced them. It is characteristic of this period, that the densities are proportional to the logarithms of the exposures. This is shown in Fig. 212, where the densities are the ordinates, the logarithms of exposures are abscissae, and the period of correct representation a straight line. Dozens of plates were measured, and the densities falling within this period were found to conform to the very simple linear equation : D = r [Log It C] D being the density, f a constant depending on time of development, It the product of intensity of light and time, i.e., the " exposure," and C a constant depending upon the speed of the plate. An answer can now be given to the question : " Can negatives be produced such as were defined to be theoretically perfect 1 " And the answer is, they can be produced, but only by so carefully adjusting the time to the intensity of the light that the exposures may fall within the period of correct representation. Period of Over Exposure. Little need be said about this period. As the curve tends to become parallel to the axis of abscissae, it is clear that when exposures fall within this period, shadows and high lights will all be represented by densities which are almost equal. There will be no contrasts. In the first period, that of under exposure, the contrasts are too great ; in the period of over exposure, they are too small. Period of Reversal. Within this period happens that peculiar phenomenon, the transformation of the negative into the positive, the " so arization," " reversal," etc. It is easy to understand how the nega ive becomes a positive. While the deep shadows still act upon the plate increasing the density, the high lights have passed their maximum, and their densities grow less and less. The more the exposure is prolonged, the less dense the high lights become, the shadows exceeding them in density. The period of reversal, although very interesting, requires such enormous exposures that it need not be considered from a practical point of view. The three first periods, that of under exposure, that of correct representation and that of over exposure, are the only practically interesting portions of the curve. From a clever and well-reasoned mathematical investigation, based on the idea that a certain definite amount of energy is needed to bring a particle of silver bromide into the condition in which it can after- wards be developed, and that it is only to the light absorbed by unaltered silver bromide that increase of density consequent on 166 HURTER (0 1)^4- in which is the opacity of the unexposed plate, / the intensity of light ; t the time of exposure, /? a 1 ractioii the hyperbolic logarithm of which is - -y, i a constant which is a measure of the slowness of silver bromide, and which they call the inertia of the plate, Y a co ~ efficient depending upon the time of development, which 'hey call the " development factor" and log^ the hyperbolic logarithm of the expression between brackets. To illustrate the close accordance between their theory and experiments, the calculated curve is shown by a black line in Pig. 212, while the measured densities are indicated by dot-. For this purpose, the opacity of the unexposed plate was measured for the rays of the spectrum from F to H and found to be 3.32. An inspection of Fig. 212 leaves little doubt that the action of light on the sensitive film is fairly represented by the formula, and consequently, it may be assumed as proved that the action of light at any moment is proportional to the amount of light absorbed by unaltered silver bromide. To further elucidate this question, plates were prepared of different opacities, by spreading on equal areas different amounts of silver bromide. These plates were measured to ascertain their opacity to blue light, and the curves calculated which are represented in Fig. 213. The plates were then exposed and measured, the results being shown by dots. It will at once be perceived that the more thinly the plates are coated, the shorter is that portion of the curve which is a straight line. This means that the period of correct representation is very short and great contrasts cannot be truly rendered by a thinly coated plate. It will also be found on closer inspection that the centre of the straight portion is in each curve in a different place, and that the thinner the plate, the shorter is the exposure necessary to reach the centre portion. This means that a thinly coated plate is somewhat faster than a thickly coated me, though they are made of the same emulsion. A thinly covered plate, however, appears very much faster than it is in reality. It is incapable of rendering wide contrasts, hence the negative always looks flat, and thereby gives to the eye the impression of over exposure. Thickly coated plates give also very much greater latitude in exposure. The plate illustrated by Fig. 212 would have given good pictures of subjects with contrasts varying from 1 to 20, though the SPEED OF PLATES. 167 exposures had varied from 1 to 8, so that an exposure of 10 seconds, or one of 80 seconds, would have resulted in but little difference in the prints, but one of the negatives would have been much slower in 30 240 CANDLE-METRE - SECONDS Fig-. 213 printing because generally denser. Thinly coated plates, on the other hand, need very accurately timed exposures. 116. SPEED OF PLATES. In the formula : -I may be replaced by when that represents a large numb* 11 ' that is when the plate is richly coated and as log /5 is - -^-, the equation can be transformed into another, viz. : 168 HURTER & DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. which equation holds good only when the numerical value of -=-r- is greater than 1 and less than the opacity 0. Tt is between these two limits only that this equation gives tolerably correct results. Suppose two richly coated plates, with different inertias i and i it on which the same density is to be impressed by a given intensity of light /; they would require different exposures, which would have to be such, that : It It or the times would have to be chosen so that : .*L *i This means that the values of i being known for different plates, the exposures required to obtain the same results are also known for those plates, if the exposure for any one of them has previously been ascer- tained. The determination of the numerical value of the symbol i is there- fore an important problem. Since the density of the image is an abstract number, it follows that ^- is also an abstract number, and that i is therefore an exposure. It ^ was calle I the inertia, and it really measures that exposure which will suffice to change a particle of silver bromide into the developable con- dition. But for its practical application, it has another meaning. It measures the least exposure which will just mark the beginning of the period of correct representation. The speed of the plate is the inverse value ; the longer the exposure needed to bring the plate just to the beginning of the period of correct representation, the slower is the plate. Therefore, the speed of the plate is measured by the value ^ The method adopted for measuring the value of i is as follows. The plate is given a series of exposures falling within the period of correct representation and then developed and measured, fog being deducted. The values of D and of the exposures It, permit of j and i in the formula expressing the density being calculated. It is preferable, however, to obtain the result by a graphic method, by means of which all calculations and references to tables of logarithms 8PEED OF PL A TES. 169 are avoided. Printed diagrams are used similar to Fig. 212. The horizontal border is, like the scale x>f an ordinary slide rule, a logarith- mic graduation for the exposures, but it is repeated four times instead of twice, as in the case of the slide rule. Vertical lines are drawn at the points 0-156, 0-312, 0-625, 1-25, 2-5, 5, etc., and they aie divided into 25 equal parts, making the highest density 2-5 and the lowest 0. Having measured the densities and deducted from each the density of the "fog strip/' which is that due to the incipient fog of the plate and to the glass and film, they are plotted on the vertical or exposure lines. A piece of black thread is then stretched alon;4 that part of the curve which practically forms a straight line, and which indicates the position and extent of the correct period. In this way, the position of the straight line may be ascertained before being actually drawn on the diagram. After drawing it, it is continued till it intersects the hori- zontal scale at the bottom of the diagram. The point at which the intersection takes place gives the inertia. The remaining points may now be connected by curves to the ends of the coriect period line. The curve at the upper end represents the period of over exposure and that at the lower end the period of under exposure, the whole representing M 30 o EXPOSURE 3O -625 1-25 ,' 2-S 5 1O 20 4O 8O 160 320 640 S S 4 S DEVELOPMENT FACTO* ^- ' / X / /1 / X ^ / / / 1 -2 -3 -5 -7 1 23571 INER D 20 30 50 70 WO 200 300 50O 70O V. TIA Fig-. 214 the most characteristic features of the plate. The details just described will be better understood by a reference to Fig. 214, which shows the curve of an Edward's " isochromatic medium " plate.* The develop- * This is not one of the diagrams of Messrs Hurter and Driffield's paper, but is introduced here as an illustration of the plate used on the Canadian Surveys. 170 HURTER cfc DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. ment factor is obtained by drawing through the point 100 of the exposure scale, a line parallel to the straight part of the characteristic curve, noting its point of intersection with the density scale. This gives the value of the tangent of the angle of inclination, which is the development factor. In the example given, the inertia is 0*85 and development factor - 98. When the inertia of the plate is known, it is possible to time the exposures in the camera so that the densities of the gradations are almost exactly proportional to the logarithms of the light intensities which produced them, and negatives can be produced which satisfy very nearly the definition given ot a theoretically perfect negative. It must be borne in mind, however, that such a negative is not neces- sarily true to nature. If the negative is to be true to nature, a plate must be used which is richly coated, the exposure must be carefully timed, and the development must be carried only so far that the value of the development factor is numerically equal to one. On the other hand, such a negative would not itself generally give a print true to nature; but that subject will be treated later on. The exposure to be given in the camera can, when the inertia is known, be found by means of the actinograph, an ingenious instru- ment devised by Messrs. Hurter and Driffield. For isochromatic plates, the inertia must be multiplied by a constant coefficient before using it on the actinograph for daylight exposures. The "actinograph speed" of a plate is obtained by dividing 34 by the inertia. Before proceeding further, it may be well to give Messrs. Hurter and Driffield's recommendations on development, although they have met with considerable opposition. They assert that, for all ordinary photographic work, there is no developer superior to ferrous oxalate. It- is preierable, because of the uniformity of the colour of the silver deposited by it, a point of very great importance for printing and enlarging by developing processes, in which the exposure is arrived at by calculation ; it is preferable, because they have not yet found one plate with which it disagreed, and this is more than can be said of other developers. It will also develop an old plate which may have been carelessly laid by for years ; while, with another developer, it would be hopeless to obtain a passable result. It is preferable, be- cause, of all developers, it is least liable to attack silver salts which have not been acted upon by the light, and because it will not lend itself to the production of foggy messes. It is not implied that other developers may not have their special uses ; for instance, rodinal is of the greatest value in the case of certain plates when dealing with extremely short shutter exposures. NEGA 11 VES AND POSITIVES. 171 Proceeding with the operation of development, it is advisable that it be conducted at a fixed temperature, 65 Fahr. for instance. The developer itself should be brought to this temperature, and maintained at it by placing the developing dish in a water bath of the same tem- perature. The cons.ituents of the developer are intimately mixed by stirring, and, at the moment of pouring on to the plate, the time is noted. The dish should only be rocked for a few moments, in order to expel any air bubbles from the surface of the plate, and should then be covered, so as to expose the plate no more to the red light than is absolutely necessary. Examination of the plate during development should be avoided as far as possible, as no red light whatever is safe in the case of even a fairly sensitive plate. It is important to know beforehand what development factor corresponds to a given time of development. This is found, once for all, by de- veloping gradated exposures for different lengths of time and measur- ing the development factor in each case. For other times the factor is obtained by interpolation. Having decided on the density to b : obtained and knowing the exposure, the density is plotted on the diagram on the proper exposure line, and the point obtained joined to the division of the horizontal scale representing the inertia of the plate. A parallel to this line through the point 100 of the bottom scale gives the development factor, from, which the time of develop- ment is deduced. After development, the plate is fixed in clean hyposulphite of soda and washed in the ordinary way. After washing, it is well to wipe the surface of the film gently with a plug of wet cotton wool. When the plate is dry, the back of it should be thoroughly cleaned and the film wipnd with a silk handkerchief. 117. NEGATIVES AND POSITIVES. Let a sensitive plate behind a negative be illuminated by a light of known intensity, and for simpli- city's sake, let the negative have only two or three different opaci- ties. Let the op i cities of the negative be 40, 20 and 10; then we should expect the plate to be illuminated behind the negative with > and Yf\ f th e original intensity of the light. Experiment reveals, however, that this is not so, but that the results of exposures to the light behind the negative are greater than those which would be produced by - 5 - and y^ of the original light intensity. The reason f >r this is not far to seek. When the light shines on the plate directly, s >y a '-out 70 to 80 per cent of the light is reflected by the plate into space. When a negative is placed in front of the plate, the light is similarly reflected by the sensitive surface, but a considerable 172 HURTER cfc DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. portion of it is at once reflected back again by the two reflecting sur- faces of the negative, so that behind a negative, less of the light trans- mitted by it is lost by reflection from the sensitive film, and conse- quently, more work is done on the film than would be the case if the same intensity of the light were to act upon a film free to reflect. The amount of light reflected by the sensitive film and back again by the negative depends upon the co-efficients of reflection of both the film and the negative ; it may be foreseen that the same negative will give different results upon different printing surfaces, according to the amount of light which these surfaces reflect. There is still another point to be considered. The opacity found with the photometer, is measured chiefly to the yellow rays of the lamp, whilst those rays are least active upon the plate. The opacity of the negative to the blue rays is, in all cases tested, greater than the opacity to the yellow rays. These considerations explain why, when a negative is used for con- tact printing, its opacity must be considered as less than that indicated by the photometer ; and when it is used for enlargement, the opacity must be considered as greater than that measured with the photometer, because, in the one case, the sensitive surface cannot reflect freely, whilst, in the other, it does so. The exact amount by which the value of the opacity of the negative is to be increased or decreased depends, therefore, upon the reflection of the film, upon its sensitiveness to the different portions of the spectrum and upon the colour of the negative. If it were not for these corrections, the relation between a negative and a positive could be at once deduced from the formula In this formula, the intensity of the light, I, is reduced by the negative and must be divided by the opacity ; which, in logarithmic calculation, means deducting the logarithm of the opacity from the logarithm of the intensity of the light. But, the logarithm of the opacity is the density measured by the photometer, which density is simply subtracted. In order to prevent confusion, the densities of negatives, including fog, are denoted by JV 7 ", and the densities of posi- tives by P. The equation which results, after introducing the correc- tion a of the negative density for the reasons just explained, stands thus : NEGATIVES AND POSITIVES. 173 and this equation represents the general relation between a negative and its positive. P is the density of the positive produced behind the negative of density N upon a plate of inertia i by means of the light intensity / in the time t. The coefficient , which converts the density as measured into the printing density, is, for negatives developed by ferrous oxalate, usually a fraction ; for pyro-developed negatives, it is generally nearly 1, if the negative be used for contact printing; but, when the negative is used for enlarging, this factor M, which changes the usual density of the negative into the enlarging density, is always greater than 1, even for negatives developed with ferrous oxalate. The method for finding the printing factor a is illustrated by Fig. 215. Assuming that a speed determination has already been made of 31 2 -6'. 55 1- 25 2- 5 s >/ , u TSWff ) 2 > 4< > 8 It 3' 20 6 to 2-5 / O.Q / i / / R i i / ^ O5 - 1 0*5 o 1 I i i 1 1 f 1 I 2 -3 5 2 3 : i i t> 2 3O SO 7O 100 200 30 5001 00 K ioo INERTIA Fig-. 215 the plate of which the printing factor is required, and that the extent and position of the line of correct representation are known, two more exposures are made, which, so long as they fall within the correct period, should lie as widely apart as possible. In the example, the exposures given are 5 and 40 c.m.s. Tak'ing a negative of a uniform density of, say, about 1 -0, the object now is to produce, through this negative, upon the plate under examination, a density which shall lie somewhere between the densities which will result from the two direct exposures already given. The geometrical mean of 5 and 40 is, roughly, 15 ; the intention is, therefore, to produce a density behind 174 HURTER & DRIFFIELD'S INVESTIGATIONS. the negative (the total density of which is, in the example, 985) equivalent to a direct exposure of 15 c.m.s. The necessary exposure is calculated thus : Log T=log 15 + 0-985. 2V 145. This exposure of 145 c.m.s. is given through the negative and the plate developed together with that produced by the direct exposures of 5 and 40 c.m.s. Having measured the resulting densities and de- ducted fog, those densities which result from the two direct exposures, in the example 1-010 and 1-965, are marked upon the exposure lines 5 and 40 of a diagram. Through these two densities, a straight line is drawn which coincides with the correct period of the plate. In the example, the density produced through the negative is 1*730, exclusive of fog ; this is marked on the density scale, and a horizontal line drawn through it intersecting the straight line previously drawn. Through this point of intersection a perpendicular is drawn to the inertia scale and the point of intersection marked. This point of intersection gives the direct exposure to which an exposure of 145 c.m.s. through the negative is equivalent, in the example 24 c.m.s. The printing factor is obtained by deducting log 24 from log 145, and dividing the result by the density of the negative used : Log 145 -log 24 ~985 To produce with certainty a good positive transparency on a given plate, the exposure behind the highest density must be just sufficient to slightly affect the plate, and, therefore, must be equal to the inertia. The necessary exposure would be log T=log i + aN N being the highest negative density. But, the calculation need not be made at all. The printing density of the negative, measured on the density scale, is taken with a pair of compasses and the same distance to the right on the exposure scale measured from the inertia of the plate. The necessary exposure is read off at once. It is undoubtedly a difficulty that with one and the same negative, its densities as measured photometrically have to be multiplied with different factors according to the plates used with it. For contact printing with negatives developed by ferrous oxalate, the factor varies from about 0-6 to 1*0. It is, however, sufficient for practical purposes CONTACT PRINTING AND ENLARGING. 175 to use the factor O'S, but, of course, it is always better to ascertain the correct factor by experiment. It can be shown that one and the same negative is not equally suit- able for all printing processes, and that a negative yielding a good ordinary silver print is generally incapable of giving a first-class enlarge- ment on bromide paper. By variations in the time of development, it is possible to produce secondary negatives in which the scale of tones is either contracted or extended, and this function of development is of the utmost value in the production of special negatives for special printing processes. 118. CONTACT PRINTING AND ENLARGING. The principles involved in cont ict printing and enlarging on paper are practically the same. In both cases, it is necessary that the negative shall have that range of gradations which the paper is capable of registering. The subject of contact printing has been treated separately in an able paper by Mr. V. C. Driffield*. It will be sufficient for our purposes to give his remarks on enlarging : with some slight and evident modifications, they may be applied to contact printing. There is a prejudice against enlargements on bromide paper, many persons maintaining that satisfactory results cannot be produced on this material. It must be admitted, that the best possible results are probably obtained by a contact print in platinum or carbon from an enlarged negative ; but at the same time, very much better bromide enlargements can be produced than one very often sees, if only, the conditions necessary for their production be observed. The failure, to produce satisfactory enlargements on bromide paper, is probably chiefly due to the fact that it is utterly impossible to produce a good enlarge- ment from a negative which will yield a good contact print, and yet one negative is generally expected to serve both purposes. There is also a general impression that the production of a good enlargement involves the use of a light of high intensity, preferably daylight, or, at any rate, such an illuminant as lime light. This im- pression is altogether a fallacy,; on the contrary, given a suitable negative and a correct exposure, a perfectly satisfactory result can be obtained with artificial light of extremely feeble intensity. The mistake has arisen from attempting to produce enlargements from negatives of ordinary density with light of low intensity. The pro- longed exposure necessary in such cases has not been realized, and under exposure has resulted ; while, with daylight, it has been easy to secure a more adequate exposure and the better result has been *The principles involved in the calculation of exposures for contact prints on bromide paper British Journal of Photography of 22nd September, 1893. 176 HURTER , one of the strips of the slide L is drawn under the hole ff, so as to form with the negative a density greater than D. The diaphragm is again closed until the two halves of the field are equally illuminated. Let a be the corresponding division of the diaphragm's scale, and d the density of the slide's strip ; the total density measured is A + d, and we have : or: We mark on the slide the value of D-d for each of the five strips, and the instrument is ready for measuring any 'negative. The diaphragm is first fully opened, and the negative placed over the hole H. Looking through the eyepiece, the slide is drawn until the negative appears darker than the prism, and the diaphragm is closed until equality of illumination is obtained. The density is the sum of the numbers read on the slide and on the diaphragm's scale. Generally, there is a difference in the colour of the two halves of the field ; to adjust accurately the illumination, it is necessary to place on the eyepiece a glass of the complementary colour. The values of D - d to be inscribed on the slide, may be ascertained by using a negative of which the various densities have previously been measured in a Hurter and Driffield's photometer. They may also be found by measuring the densities of the slide, as follows : Take a negative of density slightly greater than Z>, and place it over the hole H ; push in the slide, and close the diaphragm until the illumination of the field is uniform. Let a be the reading of the diaphragm's scale. Then draw under the negative the first or lightest strip of the slide and let B be the reading of the diaphragm's scale. The density of the first strip is d = .B-a The difference between this strip and the next one is found in the same way, and the operation is repeated until the density d' of the last strip ENLARGEMENT. 197 is obtained. Let y be the reading of the diaphragm's scale when equality of illumination is produced with the last strip d', then : from which D is readily obtained. d' must be equal to or greater than D if greater, the number cor- responding to it, to be marked on the slide, is negative. For very great densities, a screen reducing the light is inserted in front of the iris diaphragm ; this, however, is seldom necessary. In measuring a landscape negative, it is advisable to cover it with a sheet of black paper in which a small hole has been made. The nega- tive is shifted on the platform until the spot to be measured is bisected by the edge of the prism ; the black paper is then adjusted over the negative so as to cover everything except this spot. A little discrimination has to be exercised in selecting the spot of highest density in a negative. We must bear in mind that all lesser densities will be represented in the print by a deposit. It may occur that one particular spot has a density much in excess of the other parts of the negative, in which case it is not correct to regulate the exposure by it. The density to be measured is the most transparent spot of the negative which it is desired to have represented by pure white in the print. The measurement of densities, with the photometer just described, is a very rapid operation. Before developing the plates, it is necessary to ascertain the range of gradation or the highest density required for enlargement. Messrs. Hurter and Driffield have shown how this is done for enlargements on transparency plates or bromide paper ; their instructions should be carefully adhered to. But some simplifications may be introduced in the details of the operations ; they are illustrated by a description of the method followed here for enlarging on bromide paper. The range of the paper is ascertained, as recommended by Mr. Driffield, by a series of exposures progressing in geometrical ratio. If the revolving disc is not available, the gradated exposures may be given by covering successively different portions of the paper. The series may be commenced, for instance, by exposing for three seconds the whole of the paper strip, except a margin on which the white of the paper is to be preserved. Then, a small portion of the strip is covered and a further exposure of one second given ; a little more of the strip is covered and another exposure of two seconds given, and so on. The 198 PHO TOGRA PHIO OPERA TIONS. first portion has received an exposure of three seconds, the second portion four seconds and the third portion six seconds. The separate exposure may be : 3*_1_.2 3 4 6 9 14 21 31 47 70, the total corresponding exposures are : 3*_4_ 6 9 13 19 28 42 63 94 141 211. That is very nearly a geometrical progression. The exposures need not be made to the light of a candle ; indeed, it is preferable to use a lamp which has been burning for some time, the light being more steady. The distance of the lamp is adjusted so that the first exposures shall not produce any appreciable deposit on development. A strip of bromide paper was exposed as described above : after full development, it was found that the first well-marked change in the whiteness of the paper corresponded to the exposure of 4 seconds, while after the exposure of 141 seconds, there was no per- ceptible increase in .the intensity of the black. The range of the 141 paper was, therefore, - or 35. If the enlarging factor of the 4 negatives were 1 4, their highest density, exclusive of fog, should be : 1-4 To find the exact value of this highest density, a plate is given four or five exposures calculated to give densities, exclusive of fog, little different from the highest density 1 10, already found. In the example given, the densities may be 1 06, 1 08, 1 10, 1 12, 1 14. A few trials may have to be made before the correct densities are obtained. This plate, which we will call the standard tint plate, is inserted in the slide of the enlarging lantern, the image is projected on a piece of bromide paper and a series of exposures is given by covering succes- sively the paper across the images of the density strips. The mean exposure must be timed to just produce a faint deposit on the developed paper for the image of the middle density strip. Assuming this mean exposure to be 45 seconds, the series should be : 39 s , 42 s , 45 s , 48 s , 52 s . ENLARGEMENT. 199 The resulting image on the paper consists of rectangular figures of different tints, as shown by Fig. 223. The darkest tints are DMS/T/ES corresponding to the 0-00 1-00 1-08 :;; ""I 1 HO 1-12 1-14 glass and standard those clear gelatine in the plate ; if the ex- posures have been properly timed, one at least of the tints in this strip must be the darkest black of the paper. In the figure, this tint has been produced by the ex- posures of 48 and 52 seconds; 48 seconds is, therefore, the exposure for which the first appreciable tint should be produced through the highest density of the negative. An examination of the strip which has received the exposure of Fig". 223 4 s ec onds shows, that this first tint was produced through the density 1 -08 ; we must, therefore, endeavour to so develop our negatives that the highest density of each, exclusive of fog, shall be as nearly as possible 1 '08, because they will then correspond precisely to the range of the paper, an exposure of 48 seconds just producing black for the darkest shadows and the lightest tint of the paper for the high lights. To find the exposures for negatives of different densities, take a logarith- mic slide and glue a piece of paper over the upper scale M (Fig. 224). On the edge of the paper, measure a . distance AB equal to the logarithm of the range of the bromide paper, 35 in the example : this distance AB represents the density found by the experiment with the standard tint plate, 1 '08 in our case, and is to be divided into equal parts, ttye point B being at 1 *08 of the scale. Slide this scale until B coincides with number 48 of the logarithmic scale, which number is the exposure found with the standard tint plate ; the slide is now set to indicate the exposure for a negative of any density, this exposure being the number of the logarithmic scale which coincides with the density of the negative on the upper scale. For instance, a negative of density 0'90 requires an exposure of 27 seconds, and one of density 1-20 requires 71 seconds. The explanation is as follows : Let E and D be the exposure and density found with the standard tint plate, and r the range of the All! > 1 i i i I , O BJI . "1 ! 1 1 J i II 1 1 I 1 I I ii 10 50 1< 200 PHOTOGRAPHIC OPERATIONS. bromide paper; since the exposure E has produced through the density D the same effect on the bromide paper as an exposure r times less through the clear glass and gelatine, the enlarging opacity is r and the enlarging value of the density D is log r. Denoting by a the enlarging factor, aD = log r. By construction, the density scale of the logarithmic slide is a scale of the values of o.D. The exposure e necessary to produce on the bromide paper the lightest tint is , hence : r log e log E - log r e is the number of the lower scale of the logarithmic slide which coin- cides with zero of the density scale. In order that another exposure E' through a density D' shall pro- duce the same tint on the bromide paper, we must have : log E' = log e + aD'. This value of E' is, it will readily be seen, given by the lower scale of the logarithmic slide opposite the division D' of the upper scale. \ The standard tint plate is made on a plate of the same batch of emulsion as those used on the survey, and is developed in the same manner. has been assumed that the fog densities of this plate and of all the negatives were equal. With plates of one emulsion, exposed and treated as they are here, this assumption is practically correct ; with our plates the fog density never differs much from O15. As a matter of fact, this fog is never measured, all densities employed including fog : the only change which this necessitates, in the method outlined above, is a shifting of the zero of the density scale of the logarithmic slide. (Fig. 224.) The division formerly marked zero is now marked 0-15, the fog density, and the division 1*08 is marked 1*23 ; or, more simply, the density scale is moved O15 to the left. In deciding which is the lightest tint indicating the commence- ment of the range of bromide paper, it is well to remember Mr. Driffield's advice and to disregard the faintest deposits. The change in the tints is so slow in this portion of the paper range that, if it were used, the different shades of the high lights in the negative would not bs adequately rendered. ENLARGEMENT. 201 Although these operations may appear complicated, they are in reality very simple. Once the standard tint plate and the logarithmic slide have been prepared, they serve for the whole of one season's work. The only thing that remains to be done is to adjust the logarithmic slide whenever enlargements are to be made. For that purpose, a series of exposures is made with the standard tint plate, as already explained, but this time, the only portion of the print examined is the strip cor- responding to the exposure through the clear glass and gelatine. The density scale M (Fig. 224) of the logarithmic slide is then shifted, until the point B coincides with the number of the other scale expressing the exposure which has first produced black on the print. The paper does not require to be fixed, and the whole operation is complete in three or four minutes. The enlargements can then be proceeded with. In making this experiment, it will be observed that while the light tints produced through the density strips merge imperceptibly into the white of the paper, the gradations cease abruptly when black is attained; this method of setting the logarithmic scale is therefore very precise. From this peculiarity of bromide paper, two conclusions may be drawn : firstly, that it may be accurately timed, and secondly, that it must be accurately timed. Unlike dry plates, there is no latitude of exposure; the negative and the exposure must both be adapted to the paper. If, for some reason, the instructions given above cannot be followed, enlargements on bromide paper should not be attempted ; they would result in failure. In such a case, transparency plates should be resorted to, because some use may be made of an imperfect trans- parency, while an imperfect bromide print is useless.* The prints are developed with iron oxalate, washed in acidulated water and fixed. After a thorough washing, they are dried flat and in such a way that the expansion or contraction of the paper is equal in all directions. For this purpose, the prints may be soaked in alcohol before drying, or the edges of the paper may be held by pins or weights, where the contraction is too great. Enlarging may be done either by daylight or by artificial light. Considering that the enlargements are all of the same size, the day- light apparatus may be extremely simple, but, it is essential that it should be made with precision : otherwise, the prints will be distorted. The plane of the negative and the plane of the paper must be parallel; the lens must be rectilinear. The apparatus should be inclined at an angle of 30 or 35, and point to the northern part of the sky. The *We are now using a kind of bromide paper recently introduced, and called " Platino Bromide." It has a much longer range than ordinary bromide paper (about 150), and requires a density of 1'80 in the negatives. The black tones are matt, and giv<- to the prints a more artistic appearance. A special kind made on paper of the thickness of a thin visiting card, is well adapted to survey photographs. 202 PHO TOGRA PHIC OPERA TIONS. disadvantage of daylight is its inconstancy ; when employed, its use should be restricted to days when the sky is quite clear, and then only to the middle of the day, when .there is little change in the intensity of light. Artificial illumination is more convenient and always available, but requires more elaborate apparatus. For enlargements of moderate amplitude, like those needed for surveying, the best source of light is probably a spiral electric lamp,* provided the pressure on the mains is uniform. While in use, other lights which may happen to be on the same circuit should not be turned off or on. It is important to so adjust the lamp, that the image of the spiral formed by the condenser shall be exactly in the centre of the diaphragm of the enlarging lens. The condenser not being achromatized, the image is strongly coloured on the edges. If focussed for the actinic rays, the fringe of colour must be red ; when it is blue, the lamp is too far from the condenser. The insertion of diaphragms does not reduce the illumination, so long as the aperture is larger than the image of the source of light ; a lens of moderate aperture may therefore be employed with a spiral electric lamp. With other sources of light, the useful portion is that of which the image is inside of the aperture of the diaphragm ; the other parts might as well be covered and, in fact, should be covered on the general principle of photography that any light which is not use- ful is prejudicial. Slight distortions are caused by the play of the negative carrier in the lantern and by the bromide paper not lying quite flat on the copy- ing board. To minimize this cause of error, it is essential to employ a lens of long focus. There does not appear to be any special advantage to enlarge to one size rather than another. The proportion adopted here (about 2-1) was simply calculated to fill in the width of the bromide paper. Once fixed, however, the proportion should not be changed. *This lamp is made by the Edison and Swan United Electric Light Co., Ltd. They call it "Focus Lamp." TRIANGULATION. CHAPTER VII. FIELD WORK. 123. TRIANGULATION. The triangulation may be executed at the same time as the topographical survey, but it is preferable to have some of the principal points located in advance by a primary triangulation. The subject is fully treated in the standard works on surveying ; very little requires to be added here. There exists, however, some misconception as to the order to be followed in the operations : a few words of explanation may prove useful. A survey must be considered as consisting of two distinct opera- tions ; one has for its object the representation of the shape or form of the ground, the other the determination of its absolute dimensions. A perfect plan or triangulation can be made without the measure of any base or length ; the plan will exhibit the various features of the ground in their exact proportions, but no absolute dimension can be measured on it until the scale of the plan has been determined. This is done by measuring on the ground one of the dimensions represented on the plan : so, the object of the measure of a base is to fix the scale of the survey and nothing more. To execute a triangulation, the surveyor is recommended to com- mence by measuring a base and making it the side of a triangle, on which he is to build other triangles of increasing dimensions. There is a certain logical sequence in the order followed, but in strict theory, the order is immaterial, the triangulation may be executed first and when completed, connected with a base by triangles decreasing in size as they come near the base. In practice, the ca^e is different : there are several advantages in executing the triangulation first. The selection of a base is governed by various considerations : the ground must be tolerably level and free of obstacles, and the direction, length, and position of the base must be such as to permit a good con- nection, by triangles of proper shape, with the main triangulation. The surveyor can make a better choice after he has been over the 204 FIELD WORK. whole ground, than on his arrival when he has seen little of it. Having established the main triangles, he also knows best how to connect them with a base. In a mountainous country, the principal summits of the triangulation are fixed by nature and cannot be changed, while the position or direction of the base may generally be modified to some extent. Were the base measured first, it might be found not to connect properly with the main triangles. The secondary triangulation is the work of the topographer, and the construction of signals on the secondary points should be his first act upon arriving on the ground. Should the time at his disposal allow, he will not commence the survey proper until all signals have been established, otherwise he may have to measure angles between points not very well defined. When he does so, the closing error of a triangle is assumed to be due to the want of definition of the points. Let A, B and C represent the angles of a triangle whose summits have been occupied in the order given. At A, the surveyor observes the angle between B and (7, where there are no signals. t He puts up a signal at A and moves to B. In measuring the angle between A and (7, he has a signal at A and none at (7. Placing a signal at J3, he measures the third angle C between two signals. Call a the closing error of the triangle and e the probable error of a sight on a point without signal. The probable errors of the angles are: For A, ej/2~ " C, 0. The corrections to the angles must be proportional to the probable error of each ; they are : For B, 1 + 1/2 " <7, 0. The closing error must not exceed a certain limit fixed by the degree of precision of the survey : when the limit is exceeded, the stations must be re-occupied, commencing at the most doubtful one. CAMERA STATIONS. 205 The stations of the primary triangulation are the last ones to be occupied when they have been established by a previous survey. To have a correct idea of the work he is doing, the surveyor must make in the field a rough plot of his triangulation, on which he marks all the stations occupied. It shows him the weak points of the survey and enables him to plan his operations with more assurance. The object of the secondary triangulation is to fix the camera sta- tions : its summits are selected for that purpose only. All the topo- graphical details of the plan are drawn from the camera stations. 124. CAMERA STATIONS. A camera station is fixed either by angles taken from the station on the triangulation points, or by angles taken from the latter, or by both. It is easier and more accurate to plot a station by means of angles taken from the triangulation points than by the angles measured at the station ; therefore, the camera stations should, if possible, be occupied before the triangulation summits. There are, however, other considerations which may interfere. Camera stations must be chosen in view of the construction of the plan by the method of intersections : other methods are to be employed only, when this one fails or when the data collected on the ground are not sufficient to furnish enough intersections. A conspicuous mark or signal of some kind should be left at each station ; it does not require to be very elaborate, a pole or a few stones would be sufficient. Angles on this signal are measured from the tri- angulation points, in order to place the station on the plan. It seldom occurs that the camera is set up precisely at a triangula- tion point. Generally, it is advisable to move a few feet in one direc- tion or another, to include in the view a certain part of the land- scape. Whenever there is any advantage in displacing the camera, the surveyor should not hesitate to do so. The distance from the triangu- lation point measured with a light tape and an angle read on the instrument, locate the camera station. For the same reason, it is not necessary that several views be taken from each station : every view should be taken from the point where it is best for the construction of the plan. The greater number of stations gives very little extra work, either in taking the angles for fixing their positions, or in plotting them. In general, views taken from a great altitude and overlooking the country are desirable, but there are numerous exceptions. Those taken from low altitudes are of great assistance in drawing the contour lines of the valleys. 206 FIELD WORK. Sometimes difficulties may exist in obtaining two views which will furnish intersections over a certain part of the ground. In such a case, the method of vertical intersections may be employed, views being taken from different altitudes. Provided the difference of altitude is large enough and the points to be determined not too far, the precision is the same as with horizontal intersections. It would be desirable to have the views of the same part of the ground taken at the same time of day ; the shadows cast being identical, it is more easy to recognize the different points. It would be well, also, to avoid views taken looking towards the sun ; they are flat and lack detail. But, the surveyor has other considerations to take into account ; he is seldom able to choose his own time for occupying a sta- tion or taking a photograph. He has often to take views against the sun or dispense with them altogether. With care in cutting off the sky, he may still obtain results remarkably good under the circum- stances. The identification of points, even under different lighting, does not offer any serious difficulties. The number of photographs must be sufficiently large to cover the ground completely : an additional view causes very little extra work, either in printing or plotting, and may save much trouble. The surveyor should not hesitate to take one whenever he finds a place where it may be useful. Two or three points in each view are observed with the altazimuth, the altitudes and horizontal angles between them being noted. The altitudes serve to check the horizon line on the photograph, in case the camera should be slightly out of level, and the horizontal angles are for the orientation of the view. The notes of observations are kept in the usual manner for such work, the points observed upon being shown on sketches made on the spot. The sketches serve to identify points with more certainty than a mere designation by a letter or figure. SCALE. 207 CHAPTER VIII. PLOTTING THE SURVEY. 125. SCALE OF PLAN. The minutes of the Canadian Surveys are plotted on a scale of ^-^J^y > they are afterwards reduced for publication The equidistance is ] 00 feet. The convention already adopted in perspective ( 54) must be recalled here ; the angles measured and the photographs taken are conceived to have been measured and taken on a model of the ground already reduced to scale. That the perspectives obtained from any point of such a model are identical with those taken from the similar point of the ground has already been shown ( 54) ; the same rule applies to photographs, in theory at least. The angles measured are also equal to those of the ground, for any triangle ABC (Fig. 225), of the ground is represented on the model by a similar triangle abc. The altazimuth set in a gives between b and c the same angle as it would between B and (7, if set at A. Thus, if the plan be required on a scale of 2rnj(nr> tne model is assumed to have been reduced to that scale, and the problem consists in making a plan full size by means of angles and photographs obtained on the model. No change being made to the camera, the focal length preserves the same value ; if one foot, it covers Fig".) 225 on the model a distance corresponding to twenty thousand feet on the ground. The plan and the model being both re Juced to the scale of 20 ^ 00 , it is clear that, if this scale be uued to measure an actual dimension on either, the result is the number expressing the corresponding actual dimension on the ground. If a division of the scale be called a " scale foot," a dimension of the ground is expressed in real feet by the same number which expresses in " scale feet " the corresponding dimension 208 PLOTTING THE SURVEY. of the model or plan. A distance of a mile contains 5280 real feet on the ground, and is represented on the model by 5280 " scale feei." The focal length of one foot mentioned above would be a focal length of 20,000 " scale feet." It follows that, although the problem consists in representing a model full size, the scale may be employed to measure the actual dimensions, the value of one division being considered as an arbitrary unit. In other words,aLiliputian surveyor must be imagined to be operating in a Liliputian country of which he wants to make a plan full size. His camera is of enormous dimensions, bearing to him the same proportion as a camera several miles long would to an ordinary man. Of course, all the constructions used in plotting the plan can be demonstrated without such an hypothesis, but the explanations would not be so simple, and it would not be so easy to grasp the whole subject. 126. PLOTTING THE TRIANGULATION. The primary triangulation is assumed to have been previously calculated ; the primary stations can therefore be plotted at once by their co-ordinates. The angles of the secondary triangles are now calculated, and the corrections indicated by the closing errors applied. Some of these triangles have common sides with the primary triangulation : they are calculated first. With the values found for their sides, the adjoin- ing triangles are calculated, and so on, until the lengths of all sides have been obtained. With these values, the differences of latitude and departure from every summit of the secondary triangulation to the nearest primary station are calculated. Unless the primary triangles be very large, the secondary stations can be plotted on the plan by their latitudes and departures without any appreciable error. The camera stations are next placed by the angles observed upon them from the triangulation points. These angles are plotted with a vernier protractor, or by means of a table of chords ; either method is accurate enough for the purpose. As long as a sufficient number of readings have been taken on a camera station from triangulation points, no difficulty is experienced in placing the station ; it is not so when only a limited number of readings, or none at all, are available. There are two cases to consider. CHECKING THE PHOTOGRAPHS. 209 Case I. The camera station has been observed from one or more triangulation points. The camera station M (Fig. 226) having been observed from the triangulation point A t triangles may be formed with M, A and >j/ other triangulation points observed both from A and M, such as B. In the triangle MAB the angles at M and A have been observed, and Similar calculations being made for other triangu- lation points give the directions of the station as seen from these points ; the plotting is done as if the station had been observed from every such point. Case II. The camera station has not been observed from any tri- angulation point. In this case the station must be placed by the angles which have been observed from it. This can be done either by describing, through the points observed, circles containing the angles between them, or by the use of a station pointer. The first method requires complicated constructions and is not very accurate, and the station pointer can serve only for three points at a time. The following process will be found rapid and accurate when many points have been observed from the station : On a piece of tracing paper, take a point to represent the camera station, and draw the directions of all the points observed. Put the tracing paper upon the plan and try to bring every one of the direc- tions drawn to pass through the corresponding point of the plan. The camera station is then in its place. From the foregoing it is evident that the surveyor should endeavour to obtain at least one direction from a triangulation point on every camera station: the plotting is less laborious and the result more accurate. The use of photographs for placing camera stations must be avoided; the precision is not sufficient. 127. CHECKING THE PHOTOGRAPHS. Before making any use of the photographs, it must be ascertained that they have not been distorted in the operation of enlarging. Join the middle notches HH\ PP', Fig. 227, and with a set square test these two lines for perpendicularity. Take with a pair of compasses the distance of the two notches A and , which is one-half of the enlarged focal length, and see whether it is equal to the distance of the two notches C and D. Then apply one of the points of the compasses in P ; the other point must come in 14 210 PLOTTING THE SURVEY. E and F. Transfer the point to F and check FG and FJ. If the photograph stands all these tests, it may be depended upon as accurate ; D< fj ^ A A \ A C< V V, V 6 P J Fig-. 227 if it does not, it is returned to the photographer with a request for a better one. 128. PLOTTING THE TRACES OF THE PICTURE AND PRINCIPAL PLANES. The traces of the picture and principal planes are now drawn on the plan. Every photograph contains at least one and generally several of the points marked on the plan. Find the distance Sa, Fig. 228, from the station to the pro- jection of such a point a of the photograph on the horizon line ; PS is taken on the principal line equal to the focal length and Pa equal to ad. The whole of this con- struction is made on the " photograph board " which will be mentioned further on. On the line S 1 A of the Fig-. 228 . plan representing the direc- tion of a, take from the station S l the distance S 1 a 1 equal to Sa ; from a x as centre with aa' as radius, describe an arc of circle and draw S-^p tangent to it : it is the trace of the principal plane. The trace of the picture plane is the perpendicular to S^ passing through a^. IDENTIFICATION OF POINTS. 211 Instead of making the construction on the photograph board, it can be made on the plan. On S^A take S^B (Fig. 229), equal to the focal length, erect EG perpendicular to S^A and equal to aa (Fig. 228). Join S 1 C and take S^ equal to the focal length : at p erect a perpendicular to $! C ; it is the trace of the picture plane, and S l C is the trace of the principal plane. The first method is preferable, because it does not require so many construction lines on the plan. O Q The trace of the principal plane is marked only r ig". Z-M where it intersects the picture trace so as not to con- fuse the plan. 129. IDENTIFICATION OF POINTS. The survey being plotted mainly by intersections, it is necessary, after selecting the points on one pho- tograph, to identify these same points on another photograph covering the same ground. The points are chosen on those lines which best define the surface, such as ridges, ravines, streams, crests, changes of slope, etc. Each point is marked on the photographs by a dot and a number in red ink. Ability to identify points is acquired by practice ; it is surprising to see with what rapidity and certainty a surveyor familiar with the work can not only pick out the points on several photographs, but also find as many as he wants. Beginners may, in case of difficulty, resort to Prof. Hauck's construction ( 86). The two photographs are pinned, side by side, on a drawing board. The images of the stations, if they appear on the photographs, are the kern points ; if outside of the pictures, they are plotted from the plan on the drawing board. The parallels to the principal lines, on which the scales are to be placed, are drawn as explained in 86, and the scales fixed in position. A fine needle is fixed at each of tho_kern points ; to it is tied a fine silk thread, the other end of which is/ fastened to a light paper weight by a fine rubber band. A well defined point is identified on the two photographs ; its image must be far enough from the kern points. Taking one of the paper weights in one hand, the silk thread is given enough tension to keep it straight ; it is displaced to pass through the point which has just been identified and the weight is deposited on the drawing board, still keeping the tension. This operation is repeated with the other silk thread and the other photo- graph. The two threads should intersect the scales at the same division ; if they do not, one of the scales is moved until the divis- ions intersected are identical. The identification of points may now be proceeded with. Having selected a point on one of the photo- graphs, the silk thread is displaced to pass through the point and the 14 212 PLOTTING THE SURVEY. intersection of the scale by the thread is noted. The other thread is now moved to intersect the same division on the other scale; the point looked for is under the thread. 130. PLOTTING THE INTERSECTIONS. The surveyor marks on theedga of a band of paper the distance from each point of one of the photo- graphs to the principal line, and adju>ts the paper on the trace of the picture plane previously drawn on the plan, holding it by paper weights : he repeats the same operation for the other photograph. Inserting a fine needle at each station, he fastens to it a black silk thread con- nected at the other end by a fine rubber band to a small paper weight. Holding the weight in one hand, he moves the thread until it coincides with one of the marks on the edge of the band of paper and he deposits the weight on the plan, giving sufficient tension to the rubber to keep the thread taut. Doing the same thing at the other station, the inter- section of the two threads indicates the position on the plan of the point of the photographs. When the bands of paper overlap, as in Fig. 230, the portion CD of the picture trace PQ is marked on the band MN which is under ; the band PQ is placed in proper position and the marks on its edge transferred to the line CD. The band PQ is now placed under MN, the marks on the latter along CD serving the same purpose as those of PQ. The station may be too close to the edge of the plan to plot the trace of the picture plane, as in A, Fig. 231, the picture trace falling in QR, out- side of the plan. M In this case the trace AC of the principal plane is produced to , a distance equal to the \ focal length, and MN is drawn perpendicular \_p to EC or parallel to QR. The line MN occu- \ pies with reference to QjR, the same position "^ as the focal plane of the camera does to the \ picture plane of the perspective. The direc- tion of a point of the photograph projected in Q on the picture trace, is found by joining NA and producing to the opposite side of A. Pig-. 231 The first two intersections should be checked either by a third one or otherwise. They may, for instance, be checked by determining the height of the point from the two photographs : unless correctly plotted, the two heights obtained will not agree. This check, however, does not indicate slight errors. . 230 Q\~ <* PLOTTING WITH THE PERSPECTOGRAPH. 213 The check may also be a line drawn by means of the perspectograph or perspectometer and on which the point is situated, such as the shore of a lake or of a river, but the best check is a third intersection. The number of every point is inscribed in pencil on the plan. 131. PLOTTING WITH THE PERSPECTOGRAPH. To draw with the per- spectograph the plan of a figure which appears on a photograph, the figure must be beyond the picture plane (102) or above the ground line on the photograph. Thus the lake AB (Fig. 232), being f ff' below the ground line XY of the photo- Y graph, cannot be drawn without such a change of ground plane, as will bring the new ground line X'Y' below the lake AB. It has been explained that this is done by doubling the height of the station until the ground line is brought into cor- Fig*. 232 rect position (102). The slide XY of the perspectograph, Fig. 233, is, by means of the scales drawn in X and Y on the drawing board, adjusted to a distance from RT equal to the focal length. After adjusting S, the pencil is brought over a point M of the trace GJ of the principal plane at a distance sM from s equal to twice the focal length. The photograph is pinned under the tracer, the horizon line HH' over the correspond- ing line AB of the board and the principal line over EF ': the iron rod connecting V and Z is then adjusted so as to bring the tracer p. midway between the horizon and ground lines. Fig". 233 The cross section paper is pinned to the board, one of its lines coinciding with the trace of the principal plane GJ, and other lines with the front lines AB and CD, drawn at known distances from the foot of the station s. c*-- Tt A9J) B \ 214 PLOTTING THE SURVEY. There will be no difficulty in tracing with the point // the part of the photograph which, on the figure, is on the right of the principal line, but it may happen that in moving >j. to the left, the obliquity of the arm MS would prevent the free play of the instrument. It should then be reversed, the slide XY being changed end for end, the photograph transferred from EF to KL, the cross section paper moved so as to bring, on the trace NQ of the principal plane, the line of the paper which was formerly over GJ, and the point S placed to the left of s ; p. being now between the two slides RT and JCF, the tracer has to be changed to the opposite arm. The perspectograph can be so adjusted that the trace of the principal plane is the same in both positions of the instrument, it being sufficient not to move s, when inverting the arms and slide XY : the cross section paper then does not require to be displaced. Having obtained the plan of the figure shown on the photograph, the reduction to the proper scale is made at sight on the cross section paper, and transferred to the general plan. The transfer should be checked by points previously established by intersections. The use of the instrument is possible every time the plane of the figure can be determined, as for instance a lake, a river, a contour line, or the foot of a mountain. Slight differences of level do not affect the rosult when the height of the station h great. The instrument can also be used for figures in inclined planes, such as a river with a rapid slope, the outline of a stratification plane which has not been distorted, a road, or a railway. 132. HEIGHTS. The heights of the points fixed by intersections are found as explained in 85. The distance from the point to the horizon line is taken with a pair of compasses on the photograph ; one of the points of the compasses is placed on the division A of the sector (Fig. 234), OA being equal to the focal length. The sector is then opened until the other point of the compasses coincides with the corresponding division B of the other arm. The distance on the plan from the point to the picture line is taken with the compasses, then one leg being placed in A on the sector, the other will come somewhere in (7, the compasses are then turned around on C and brought on the division D of the other arm corresponding to C. The line CD is the height of the point above or below the horizon plane, which means the height Fig". 234 above or below the station. HEIGHTS. 215 Another method consists in making use of the angular scale shown in Fig. 235. Take SP equal to the focal length ; erect the perpendicular PA to SP and divide both into equal parts. Join to S the points of division of PA and through those of SP draw parallels to PA. Now, with a pair of compasses, take on the photograph the distance from the point of the perspective to the horizon line : transfer it to P/J. and suppose that it is found to correspond to the line S/J. passing through the Pig-. 235 point 9 of the graduation of PA. Take with the compasses the distance on the plan from the horizontal projection of the point to the picture line, and transfer it to the right or left of P according as the point of the plan is beyond or within the picture line. Then take with the compasses the distance on a parallel inB to PA, between m and, the point M where the line mB is intersected by />-, corresponding to 9 of the graduation. This distance mM is the height of the point above or below the station. A scale is now pinned somewhere, perpendicularly to a line AB (Fig. 236), the division C of the scale corresponding to AB being the height of the station. The compasses are taken off the sector, and one of the legs being set 5 in (7, the other leg coincides with a division D of the scale, above or jDelow (7, which is the height of the point above the datum plane. This height is entered in pencil on the plan, enclosed in a circle, to distin- guish it from the number of the station. It is checked by a second photograph, and, when the discrepancy between the two heights is within the limits of error admissible, the mean is entered in red ink on the plan and the pencil figures erased. Fig-. 230 A difference in the heights obtained from the two photographs indicates that the two points identified do not represent the same point of the ground, or that an error has been made either in plotting it, or in finding its height. A third intersection disposes of the first two alternatives, and a new measurement of the height shows whether any error has been made. 216 PLOTTING THE S UR VE Y. 133. VERTICAL INTERSECTIONS. In the method of horizontal inter- sections the base line is projected on the horizontal plane; in this method it is projected on a vertical plane. The difference of altitude of the two stations must therefore be considerable. The principal plane of one of the photographs is taken as vertical plane of projection ; the ground plane is the horizontal plane contain- ing one of the stations. In Fig. 237, the ground line is the trace of the principal plane of the photograph taken from the station A ; the ground plane is the horizontal plane of the sta- -Y tion B. On the ground plan, a and B are the two stations, CD and EF their picture traces. The station A on the vertical plane is on the perpendicular a A to XY equal to the height of A above B. A point such as p plotted by the method of Mg*. 267. horizontal intersections, would not be accurately fixed because the angle of the directions aD and BF is too small. Project the visual rays from A and B on the vertical plane : the visual ray from A is a line AQ passing through the projection Q of the point's image on the principal line. It is drawn by taking CQ equal to the height of the point on the photograph above the ground line, and joining AQ. The vertical projection of the visual ray from B is a line b'R pass- ing through the vertical projections of the station b' and of the point's image R, on the second photograph. To find R, let fall FG perpen- dicular to XY and produce to R, GR being equal to the height, on the photograph, of the point's image above the horizon line. The intersection of AQ and b'R is the vertical projection^' of the point. Letting fall the perpendicular p'o to XY and producing, deter- mines the position p of the point on the ground plan. The construction gives not only the point on the ground plan but also its height op. This process is the best one for plotting a narrow valley between two high walls : it has, however, the disadvantage of requiring a complicated construction. 134. PHOTOGRAPH BOARD. So many construction lines are employed on the photographs that it is advisable to have a photograph board on which part of the lines are drawn beforehand, once for all. PHOTOGRAPH BOARD. 217 It consists of an ordinary drawing board, covered with strong draw- ing paper. Two lines at right angles, DD' and&S', Fig. 238, represent the horizon and principal lines ; PD, PD' PS and PS' are each equal to the focal length, so that D, D,' S and S' are the left, right, lower and upper distance points respectively. Fig-. 238 The photograph is pinned in the centre of the board, the principal line coinciding with SS' and the horizon line with DD'. Four scales, forming the sides of a square OTYZ, are drawn in the centre, the side of the square being a little larger than the length of a photograph. They answer various purposes as, for instance, drawing parallels to the horizon or principal lines by laying a straight edge on the corre- sponding divisions of the scales or marking the ground line by joining the divisions of the vertical scales representing the height of the station. At a suitable distance from the distance point D' a perpendicular QR is drawn on which are marked, by means of a table of tangents, the angles formed with DQ by lines drawn from D. This scale is employed for measuring the altitudes or azimuthal angles of points of the photo- graph, as will be explained later on (137). From S as a centre with SP as radius, an arc of circle PL is described and divided into equal parts. Through the points of division, and between PL and PD', lines are drawn converging to S. Parallels MNto the principal line are also drawn sufficiently close together. All these lines are used in con- nection with the scale of degrees and minutes QR. R 218 PLOTTING THE SURVEY. The studs of the centrolineads are fixed in A, , C and E ; the lines AB and CE, joining their centres, and those required for adjusting the centrolineads, are drawn and used as explained in 97. A square FGKH is constructed on the four distance points. 135. CONSTRUCTION OF THE TRACES OF A FIGURE'S PLANE. When a figure is in an inclined plane, it is necessary to have the traces of the plane on the principal and picture planes for using a perspective instru- ment on the photograph. Two cases are met with in practice : the plane is given by the line of greatest slope, or by three points. Case /. The line of greatest slope may be an inclined road, or the middle of a straight valley in which a river flows with a rapid current. On the plan, this line is represented by a lino ab, Fig. 239, the altitude of a being known. Pin the photograph to the board and take for ground plane the plane of a : draw the ground line XY. On the plan draw aO perpendicular to ab and produce it until it inter- sects the principal line S 1 p 1 and picture trace JT i Y^ . On the photograph take pE equal to p^b ; at E erect a perpendicular to XY and produce it to the inter- section /? with the perspective of the line of greatest slope. Take pN equal to p^O and join N$ : it is the trace of the required plane on the picture plane. Take pQ equal to p^L and join MQ ; it is the trace of the required plane on the principal plane, sup- posed to be revolved around SS' on the picture plane, the station falling in D. Produce MQ to R : DR is the vertical distance of the station above the plane RMft. The new horizon and ground lines are now drawn as in 82' Fig-. 239 CONTOUR LINES. 219 o - YK Case II. Take for ground plane the plane containing one of the points, a (Fig. 240), and draw the ground line XY on the photograph. Join a on the plan to the two remain- ing points and produce to the inter- sections E 'and F with the picture trace. Take on the photograph p^K equal to pE and draw KL perpendicular to XY ; join the perspectives and ft of the points shown in a and b on the plan and produce to the inter- section with KL. Take p T T equal to pF, draw TN perpendicular to XY and produce to the intersection N with the line joining the perspec- tives and f. Join NL : it is the trace of the required plane on the picture plane. Produce LN to and take pG equal to p^O ; join aG and take p^Q equal to pH. The line MQ is the trace of the required plane on the principal plane supposed to be re- volved around SS' 011 the picture plane, the station being in D. Here also, DR is the vertical height of the station above the plane of the three given points. The new horizon and ground lines are constructed as previously explained. 136. CONTOUR LINES. A sufficient number of heights having been determined, the contour lines are drawn by estimation between the points established. In a rolling country, a limi' ed number of points is sufficient to draw the contour lines with precision, but in a rocky region the inflections of the surface are so abrupt and frequent that it is utterly Impossible to plot enough points to represent the surface accurately. The photographs are of great assistance to the draughts- man ; having them under his eye, he is able to modify his curves so as to represent the least inequalities of the ground. Instead of drawing the contour lines at once on the plan, the draughts- man may commence by sketching them on the photograph in the s.nne way as he would on the plan. Every point plotted has been marked on the photograph, and the altitudes may be taken from the plan. By adopting this course, he is able to follow very closely the inequalities 240 PLOTTING THE SURVEY. of the surface. The curves serve to guide the draughtsman in drawing those of the plan, or they may be transferred by the perspectograph or the perspectometer. As long as a sufficient number of points is obtained by intersections, there is no difficulty in drawing the contour lines, but it may happen in a rapid survey, that the points are too few and too far apart for denning the surface. It is then necessary to resort to less accurate methods. / A mountain ridge, which appears in a p on a photograph (Fig. 241), can be divided by the contour planes, by assuming that it is contained in a vertical plane. The construc- tion, which has been explaned in 62, is carried out as follows: On the plan produce the pro- jection ab of the ridge, to the in- tersection F with the picture trace and draw through the station S^ C parallel to ab. Having pinned the photograph to the photograph board, take from the principal point on the horizon line P V equal to p 1 C and PG equal to p^F. At G, place the scale of equidistances perpendicular to the horizon line, the division G cor- responding to the -height of the station, and join the marks of the scale to the vanishing point V. Having now the points of inter- section of the ridge by the contour planes, their distances from the principal line are marked on the edge of a band of paper and their These directions produced to ab Fig-. 24 1 directions plotted in the usual way. give the intersections of the contour lines. When the mountain has rounded forms and no well-defined ridge, the visible outline must be assumed to be contained in a vertical plane perpendicular to the direction of the middle of the ridge. The construction is made by drawing, on the photograph board, SV perpendicular to the direction SM of the middle of the outline. (Fig. 242.) On the plan, p^M^ is taken equal to PM, and from the projec- tion a of the summit of the mountain a perpendicular ab is let fall on S 1 M 1 which represents the projection of the visible outline; it is PHOTOGRAPH PROTRACTOR. 221 produced to the intersection N with the picture trace, PQ is taken equal to piN, and the scale of equidis- tance placed at Q perpendicular to the horizon line. The points of division are joined to F, produced to /3, and the plotting done as in the preceding case; or the direc- tions of the intersections of /3 by the contour planes may simply be plotted and the contour lines drawn tangent to these directions. The horizon line contains the pers- pectives of all the points at the height of the station ; it is the pers- pective of a contour line when the height is that of a contour plane. Full details on the plotting of contour lines being given in the text books on surveying, it is not necess- ary to repeat them here. The main Fig". 242 point is to understand thoroughly the mode of formation of the sur- face and its variations under different circumstances ; the surveyor should pay particular attention to the subject, making a special study of it. Without this knowledge, the proper representation of the ground would require the plotting of a very large number of points. 137. PHOTOGRAPH PROTRACTOR. The angle between the point of a photograph and the principal and horizon lines, that is, the altitude r or azimuthal angle, is sometimes wanted. The azimuthal angle is obtained at once on the photograph board by join- ing the station S (Fig. 243) to the pro- jection a of the point on the horizon line. If required in degrees and minu- tes, the distance Pti is transferred to the principal line in PG ; D is joined to G and produced to the scale of de- grees and minutes J3C, where the gra- duation K indicates the value of the azimuthal angle. Were many such angles to be meas- ured, the horizontal scales TY and OZ *" * .* 7. *---*. i : P ~~~- : r=*- _ 1 <*\ F Fig-. 243 PLOTTING THE SURVEY. (Fig. 238) might be divided into degrees and minutes by means of a table of tangents, using as radius the focal length SM. A straight edge being placed on a point of the photograph, and directed to pass through identical divisions of TY and OZ, would at once give the azimuthal angle of the point. The altitude is the angle S (Fig. 243) of the right angle triangle having for sides Sa and aa. To construct it, take DF equal to >Sa, draw FE parallel and equal to a, join DE and produce to the scale of degrees and minutes jBC. This construction is facilitated by the lines previously drawn on the board. With a pair of compasses, take the distance from a to the principal line, carry it from P (Fig. 238) in the direction PD', and from the point so obtained take the distance to the arc ML, measuring it in the direction of the radii marked on the board : this is the distance PF (Fig. 243). Then with the com- passes, carry aa to FE, which is done by means of the parallel lines MN of Fig. 238. The construction is now completed as already explained. A protractor may be constructed to measure these angles. It con- sists of a plate of transparent material on which are lines parallel to the principal line, containing the points of same azimuth, and curves of the points of same altitude. The azimuthal lines are constructed by plotting the angles in S and drawing parallels to the principal line through the points of intersec- tion with the horizon line. Denoting by h the altitude of a point a and taking the horizon and principal lines as axes of co-ordinates, the equation of the curve of altitude h is : 2, = tan. 2 A. This is an hyperbola of which the principal and horizon lines are the transverse and conjugate axes and the centre is the principal point. One of the branches contains the points above the horizon and the other branch the points of same altitude below the horizon. The asymptotes are lines inter- secting at the principal point and making angles equal to h with the horizon line. This hyperbola is the intersection by the picture plane of the cone of visual rays form- ing the angle h with the horizon. The curves of equal altitude may be calcul- ated by the formula of the hyperbola or they Fig-. 244 PRECISION OF THE SURVEY. 223 may be plotted by points, reversing the construction given above for finding the altitude of a (Fig. 243). The complete protractor is shown in Fig. 244 : the angular distance between the lines depends on the degree of precision required. The instrument may be made, like the perspectometer, by drawing it on paper on a large scale, photographing and making a transparency which is bleached in bichloride of mercury. 138. PRECISION OF THE METHOD OP PHOTOGRAPHIC SURVEYING. The precision of a survey executed by the methods exposed, when all the points are established by intersections, is the same as that of a plan plotted with a very good protractor or made with the plane table. There is, however, this difference : the number of points plotted by photography is greater than by the other methods. Points plotted by means of their altitude below the station are far less accurate, their positions being given by the intersection of the visual ray with the ground plane, the angle of intersection being equal to the angle with the horizon plane or to the angle of depression of the point. With the camera employed, embracing 60, this angle is always less than 30 ; even that is seldom obtained in practice, a declivity of 30 being almost a precipice. Therefore, the intersection is always a poor one and the uncertainty becomes considerable with points near the horizon. With perspective instruments, doing mechanically the same con- struction, the results are still less precise, being affected by the instrumental errors. On the other hand, it must not be forgotten that when these methods are employed, the ordinary topographer would fall back on sketching ; the results furnished by photography are therefore infinitely more precise. The plan given at the end of this book and the photographs which accompany it, are specimens of actual work on the Topographical Survey. 224 PHOTOGRAPHS ON INCLINED PLATES. CHAPTER IX. PHOTOGRAPHS ON INCLINED PLATES. 139. GENERAL REMARKS. Hitherto it has been assumed that the photographs used for the survey were taken on plates perfectly vertical. There are several cases in which this condition cannot be fulfilled : the camera may be an ordinary one, without any means of adjusting the plate, or the photographs may have been taken merely as illustrations, their employment for the construction of the plan being decided upon afterwards. There are two classes of surveys in which the plates are always inclined. The first are secret surveys, the views being taken with a camera concealed about the person or otherwise. The scope of these surveys is very limited ; the photographs, being instantaneous, lack detail in the distance, and, unless objects present great contrasts of light and shade, their images are somewhat indistinct as soon as the distance attains a few hundred yards. Another cause of trouble is the small size of the camera and plates : the views, being instantane- ous, stand very little enlargement and the measurements are in consequence not very accurate. The other class of surveys comprises those made from balloons. It is very doubtful whether the method will ever be found practical and prove of more than theoretical interest. It requires the consideration of an entirely new system of survey by means of photographs taken on plates placed horizontally or nearly so. 140. PLOTTING THE DIRECTIONS OF POINTS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS. When the photographic plate is not vertical, the picture plane of the perspective, which is parallel to the plate, is pierced by the vertical of the station. This trace is the vanishing point of all the vertical lines, which, having ceased to be front lines, are no longer represented by parallels to themselves. Let ABCD (Fig. 245), be a photograph on an inclined plate, P being the principal point and HH' the horizon line. The perpendicular V~ drawn through the principal point to the horizon line, is the principal line. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS. 225 Revolve the principal plane on the picture plane around the prin- cipal line as an axis : the station falls in S^ on a perpendicular PS to VP t PS being equal to the focal length. Join xS'jTT and S 1 V \ the first line is the revolved horizontal line from the station to the picture plane; /$! F is the revolved vertical of the station, and V the vanishing point of vertical lines. Now revolve the horizon plane on the picture plane around the horizon line. The station comes in S t on the principal line produced, at a distance xS equal to nS^ . To find the horizontal direction of a point /JL of the photograph, draw the perspective of its vertical line \ ,' /' by joining /JL to V. The intersection \ / y' n with the horizon line is the per- ,*''' spective of the trace in the horizon plane of the vertical of the point and Sn is its direction. Fig". 245 Comparing this construction with the one for vertical plates, we see that the same methods may be employed provided - be used as principal point, 7tS L as focal length, and that every point of the photograph be first projected on the horizon line by joining it to V, before measuring its distance from the principal line. The points such as n can be marked on a band of paper and used as wa,s done for vertical plates With a plate nearly vertical, V is at a great distance from P, and the perspectives of the vertical lines have to be drawn with the centro- linead. 141. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS. Let m, Fig. 245 be, on the ground plan, the point seen at /JL on the photograph. Project on the principal plane the triangle formed by the visual ray, its projection on the horizon and the line n/JL. On the revolved principal plane, the pro- jection of the visual ray is S^ri, p.ri being perpendicular to F. The projection of m is F; it is revolved to G and the perpendicular GK to Si* is the projection of the vertical of the point or its height above the horizon plane. 15 226 PHOTOGRAPHS ON INCLINED PLATES. Various devices may be imagined for constructing expeditiously the heights of a number of points. 142. DETERMINATION OF THE HORIZON LINE AND VANISHING POINT OF VERTICALS. In order to make use of a photograph for plotting the plan, the horizon and principal lines and the vanishing point of verticals must be marked on the photograph. It is assumed that the camera is available, either before or after the sur- vey, for experimenting upon and that the focal V> length and principal point may be determined by the usual methods, with the plate vertical. If the zenith distances of several points of the / photograph hctve been observed with a survey- ing instrument, the determination of the hori- zon line presents no difficulty. Assume a vanishing point of vertical lines V, Fig. 246, ^ ,p and join it to a point p. of the photograph of which the zenith distance is known. Through ___^ L , the principal point P, draw PE perpendicular ~~ a ' to V.'t, and PS perpendicular to PE and equal \\; / to the focal length. Draw EG perpendicular 1' to ES t take EF equal to Ey., join SF and make the angle FSG equal to the altitude of ft ; FG is the distance measured on Vp- from Fig". 246 P- to the horizon line. Making p.n equal to FG fixes one point n of the horizon line. A similar construction repeated on another point of the photograph furnishes a second point of the horizon line. The first result will generally be inaccurate, because the position of the vanishing point V is only approximate. A. new vanishing point must, therefore, be fixed by means of the horizon line just obtained, and the construction explained above is repeated. The second horizon line found will likely be sufficiently precise ; if not, the construction must be made a third time. In secret surveys, measured angles are seldom available, but it is easy to devise an attachment like a hand level, to mark the horizon line on the plate when the . g photograph is taken. Failing this, the horizon line must be furnished by the subject. "When the view Fig*. 247 includes buildings, the vanishing point of TRANSFER TO A VERTICAL PLANE. 227 verticals is given by producing to their intersection the vertical lines of the buildings. This point F, Fig. 247, -is joined to the principal point, P, and PS is made perpendicular to VP and equal to the focal length. Drawing S~ perpendicular to SV, the perpendicular HH to V~ is the horizon line. Horizontal lines vanish on the horizon line ; therefore, if the hori- zontal lines of two faces of a building be produced to their intersection, the line joining the two vanishing points is the horizon line. If two intersecting horizontal lines appear on the photograph as a straight line, the latter is the horizon line. Although angles cannot be measured, it may be possible to ascertain the points of the view which are at the same altitude as the observer; these joined together give the horizon line. 143. TRANSFERRING THE PERSPECTIVE TO A VERTICAL PLANE. In- stead of using exact copies of the negatives for plotting the plan, the copies or enlargements can be made in such a way that the perspective is restored to a vertical plane. Have a copying, or enlarging camera, OCD (Fig. 248J, movable on a horizontal axis passing through the first nodal point and parallel to the negative. Make an experimental negative with the field camera, the plate be- ing vertical ; draw on it the horizon and principal lines, place it in the holder of the copying camera, and mark the points of the holder corresponding r to the horizon and principal lines. \ n After inserting the holder, the camera is moved until the plate CD is vertical, and fixed in that position. The screen '", AB is now adjusted at the proper dis- tance, parallel to the plate, and the projected images of the horizon and principal lines are marked 011 it, in such a manner, that the marks will appear on the prints. Fig-. 248 To copy a negative taken in an inclined position, the horizon and principal lines are drawn on it, also a parallel to the horizon through the principal point. The negative is placed in the holder with the principal line on the proper marks, and the horizontal line of the principal point on the marks corresponding to the horizon line of the experimental plate. The camera is moved, up or down, until the image of the negative's horizon line TT coincides with the horizon line Q previously marked on the screen ; in this position PHOTOGRAPHS ON INCLINED PLATES. the image on the screen is the perspective restored to a vertical picture plane, because the inclination of the camera being the same as when the negative was taken, any point N' of the latter would have photographed in N on a vertical plate and given the same image M on the screen. With a lens of sufficiently long focus and photographs taken nearly vertical, as is generally the case, the displacement of the camera is too small to affect the definition on the screen. The holder must be provided with means for adjusting the negative; the principal point must always occupy the same position, the plate turning around it as a pivot. The horizon and principal lines are indicated on the print by the marks fixed to the screen : the principal point has been displaced in copying and is now on the horizon line. The change of picture plane can also be effected with the perspec- tograph, but the use of the instrument is not to be recommended when the change can be made so simply by photographic process. 144. PHOTOGRAPHS ON HORIZONTAL PLATES. Photographs on hori- zontal plates might be obtained by an ar- rangement similar to the one described in 100, with a pin-hole stop in the lens; they may be taken from a balloon with an ordinary camera, but the plates are only approximately horizontal. The picture and ground planes being parallel, the figures of one are similar to those of the other ; thus the photograph a /? (Fig. 249) of a lake AB is also its plan, and only requires to be reduced to the proper scale. The reduction is given by the proportion between the distances Ss and SF from the station to the ground Fig-. 249 Fig-. 250 and picture planes. When the height of the station and the focal length are equal, the photograph is a full size plan. To plot the directions of the various points, the prin- cipal point P of the photograph is placed on the foot of the station , and a line of known direction, such as Pa, on the corresponding line of the plan sA. To find the direction of any other point B, its perspective ft is joined to the principal point P : this line coincides with sB on the plan. The height of a point is found by taking SP t Fig. 250, equal to the focal length and Ss equal to the height of HORIZONTAL PLATES. 229 the station, drawing Pa and sa perpendicular to SP, Pa being equal to the distance of the point's perspective from the principal point, and sa equal to the distance on the plan from the station to the point. Join Sa the parallel a A to SP is the height of the point above the ground plane. A photograph taken from a balloon cannot be perfectly horizontal ; to make use of it for plotting the plan, the trace *, Fig. 251, of the vertical of the station on the picture plane must be known. The directions of the principal line sP and of the perpendicular to it, AJB, are the same on the plan and on the photograph; they are different for all other lines. To find the direction on the ground plan of a point p. of the perspective, draw B PS perpendicular to the principal line and equal to the focal length, join Ss and take SC equal to the distance p. A from p. to AB. Draw p. A and CD parallel to Ps . - and take Ap! equal to SD ; sp! is the direc- tion of the point on the ground plan. For Ap. forms with its horizontal projection a right angle triangle in which the angle at A is the inclination of the plate to the horizon ; this triangle is constructed in SCD. the angle JS being the inclination of the plate. Therefore A /if, which is made equal to SD, is the horizontal projection of Ap., p! is the trace, on the ground plane, of the vertical of p., hence the vertical plane passing through s and the point .// of the photograph cuts the ground plane along sp' . A much better way to employ these photographs would be to restore them to a horizontal picture plane in printing, by the process of 1 43, using Ps and A B in the same manner as the principal and horizon lines of the vertical photograph. The great difficulty in balloon surveying is the determination of the trace of the vertical of the station on the picture plane, or of the foot of the station on the ground plan. The oscillations of the balloon prevent the use of any kind of level inside of the camera, and instrumental measurements of angles are open to the same objection. The angles might, however, be measured by two observers located on the ground. In a view containing vertical lines, their vanishing point gives the trace of the vertical of the station ; for a photograph taken from a short distance above buildings, this mode of determining the trace would be very convenient. Balloon surveying appears adapted to military purposes only, although the advocates of the process are confident that it will eventually take the place of all other surveying methods. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. LAUSSEDAT'S NEW PHOTO-THEODOLITE. Col. Laussedat has recently devised a light photo-theodolite shown in Figs. 252, 253 and 254 : the following description is given by the makers, Messrs. E. Ducretet & L. Lejeune, of Paris. It consists of an ordinary sur- veying transit theodolite with a small camera on top. Fig. 252 is the complete instru- ment on its stand, to which it is fixed by a central screw acting on the base S with foot screws. C is the camera, of very small size, with changing box for 15 plates 6Jx9 centimetres. With this box, plates are changed with- out removing the camera C from the instrument. The changing box can be re- placed by another one in full day light ; the surveyor can carry with him several loaded boxes. Plates are subsequently enlarged to 18x24 centimetres or under. The wide angle rectilinear lens has a focal length of 75 milli- metres ; the angle between the horizontal points marked on the photographs is set at 60. The lens is provided with an iris diaphragm and can be used with coloured screens, for obtaining Fig. 252. better photographs of distances LAUSSEDATS NEW PHOTO-THEODOLITE. 231 OC and clouds. Focussing is rapidly effected by a special arrangement, with a graduation in metres on the plate H : the camera can thus be used for infinity, as in surveying, or for short distances as in photo- graphing groups or other subjects. The plate H carrying the objective, has a vertical motion : the camera must always be perfectly horizontal. The finder V, with adjustment for focussing, shows the extent of the view covered by the sensitive plate. It is very bright and has a large aperture. A shutter E covers the objecb glass of this finder when OMl'u- i L & tafe'i not required. The telescope L, Oc, of the transit theodolite is provided with stadia wires. It is fixed to a vertical circle Ce, with vernier, clamp and slow motion screw, divided into half degrees : this graduation is made in / grades when so ordered. The telescope L makes a complete revolution. It is placed midway between the uprights M in the vertical plane of the photo- graphic objective 0. This disposition secures the stability of the instru- ment, which is not realized when the telescope is at the side. N is the adjustable level. A is the horizontal circle with vernier divided into half degrees or grades. It is fixed by the clamp and slow motion screw P'. D is a long compass with clamp ^ and slow motion screw P, for read- ing, on circle A, the direction of the magnetic meridian. S is the base with foot screws fitting in the slits Fig. 253. of the stand Pi. Fig. 253 represents the same combination, the changing box C being removed and replaced by the ground glass. Fig. 254 shows the camera C removed from the geodetic apparatus and set alone on the stand Pi by means of the additional spindle S'. S UPPLEMENTA RY NO TE. In this case, the whole camera and the geodetic apparatus are discon- nected and can be employed separ- ately. A carrying case, with shoulder straps, contains the whole instru- ment, including two changing boxes, each with 15 plates 6Jx9 centi- metres. The weight of the case, instrument complete, and one changing box is 8 kil. 100. The stand Pi is carried separately. There is room in the case for three changing boxes, one artificial horizon, note books and reading glasses. The external dimensions are : length, 39 centimetres ; width, 17 centimetres ; height, 28 centi- metres. Fig. 254. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. DD6, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 s YCI075I ! / 7/L GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY I 6000^5^03