UC-NRLF B ^ 252 73b 731 1885 La "mPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF EDUCATION. I STATISTICS OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES XJISriTED STATES. FROM THE REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION FOR THE YEAR 1884-85. WITH ADDITIONS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PEINTING OFFICEt X886, jAl--^^^^ / s Z73/ iSL Department of the Interior, Bureau op Education, Washington, D. C, December 21, 1886. The Honorable The Secretary op the Interior : Sir : In 1876 there was published by this Office a report entitled "Public Libraries in the United States." This work contained a table of public libraries numbering 300 volumes and upwards. There were 3,647 libraries mentioned in that liat. By the publication of that report a great stimulus was given to the subject of public libraries, and numerous additions have been made to the list from year to year. My predeces- sor, realizing that many changes had occurred in ten years, had prepared for his last Annual Report an entirely new table, containing the latest and briefest information. He obtained returns from 5,338 libraries, showing an increase of 1,691 public libraries in this country in ten years. Eetums were not received from a number, and the in- crease will probably be over 1,700. A constant demand is made on this Office for the list of public libraries in the United States. To avoid sending copies of the Annual Report containing this list, and in order that I may be able to supply such requests, I have deemed it best to ask your permission to have printed, in a separate pamphlet, those pages of the Annual Report which refer to this subject. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. H. R. DAWSON, Commisaioner. Pablication approved. L. Q, C. T.. AMATt, Secretary. STATISTICS OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES. CCXXIX Table XVI. — Summary of statistics of public libraries for 1884-'85. States and Tenitoriea Number of 1 Ubiarlee. | Number of volomes. AJabama - - 41 4 16 188 80 179 18 18 66 14 66 6 317 170 10 120 82 99 42 136 89 569 339 82 37 146 6 48 7 129 126 6 780 57 290 21 433 40 72 42 14 75 76 18 19 114 4 95, 303 8,656 48,143 786,052 63,728 707, 159 Arizona — • ArlrATiR&j| ,..^... ........ .^..r>u...^ ................... California -, — Colorado Connecticut....................... Dakota 16,550 Delaware 64, 320 District of Colombia .- . 1, 203. 156 Florida 26,660 Georgia 230, 714 Idaho 8,800 929, 391 Indiana. . . 414, 328 Indian Territory . 7,801 Iowa . .... 317, 330 174, Q52 280, 510 T.oni.siftna, . .. .-- 139, 759 Maine 388,611 Maryland ' . ... ............... 615,494 Massachusetts . . 3. 569, 085 Michigan .. 587,150 178, 941 Mississippi _ 9C, 072 Missouri _ 417,906 Montana ... 14, 400 Nebraska , 96,344 Xevada 26,827 New HampshirA . , 354,443 Xew Jei-sev 463,662 Xew Mexico 14, 370 3, 168, 508 Xorth n»rnnTiA . , 158,050 Ohio 1,070,259 Oregon 49,840 1, 965, 093 Rhode Island 395, 030 South Carolina 176,563 Tennessee 195,186 Texas 67,742 Utah 27,534 Vermont 222,437 Virgixiia 321,842 Washington . 18,562 West Virginia 36. 138 Wisconsin ., 390,783 Wyoming 11,892 5,338 20, 622, 076 CCXXX REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. [For special assistance in collecting Jibrary statistics, this OflSce is much indebted to F. B. Perkins, librarian of the San Francisco Free Public Library; to William F. Poole, of the Chicago Public Library; to Miss Edith Wallbridge (now Mrs. H. J. Carr), formerly secretary of the Western Library Association and assistant librarian in the Illinois State Library; to H. J. Carr, of the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Public School Library; to Mrs. Harriet A. Tenney, State librarian of Michigan; to John N. Dyer, of the Mercantile Library, Saint Louis, Mo. ; to Guy A. Brown, of the Nebraska State Library; to George H. Paul, postmaster of Milwaukee, Wis.; to Hon. Theodore N^son, State superintendent of public instruction in Michigan; to Hon. W. N. N. Jones, State superintendent of public instruction in Nebraska; to Hon. A. S. Draper, State superintendent of public instruction in New York; to J. Fletcher Williams, of the Minnesota Historical Society; to Mrs. S. B. Maxwell. State librarian of Iowa; to R. B. Poole, of the Young Men's Christian Association iii New York City; to Chester Merrill, of the Cincinnati Public Library; to Melvil Dewey, librarian of Columbia College, New York City ; and to many others. STATISTICAL TABLES. 691 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes and upwards for 1884-85. Note.— Explanation of abbreviations : Sch., School; Col., College Soc'l, Social ; Med., Medical; The'l, Theological; Hist'l, Historical ; Sc Soc'j, College society libraries ; !i., Scientific ; San., Sanitary Mer., Mercantile; T. M. C. A., Young Men's Christian Association; Gov't, Government; Ter , Ter- ritorial; Gar., Garrison ; A. ife K., Asylum and reformatory; Gren., General ; signifies no ornone ; signifies no answer. Place. Name of library. Auburn, Ala. Aubnm, Ala Eufaula, Ala Florence, Ala Gainesville, Ala Greensborough, Ala Huntsville, Ala Huntsville, Ala . . Huntsville, Ala . . Huntsville, Ala. . Maiion, Ala Marion, Ala Marion, Ala Marion. Ala Marion, Ala Marion, Ala Mobile, Ala Mobile, Ala Mobi'e. Ala Near Mobile, Ala 21 j Near Mobile, Ala Montgomery, Ala . Montgomery, Ala. Opeiika, Ala Selma, Ala 27 Selma, Ala Selma, Ala Summerville, Ala Talladega, Ala..-. Talladega, Ala.. Talladega, Ala . Talladega, Ala.. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. 37 Tuscaloosa, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala... Taskegee, Ala University, Ala. . . University, Ala. . . Prescott, Ariz Tombstone, Ariz. . Tucson, Ariz Yuma, Ariz Batesville, Ark . . . Booneville, Ark . . . Clinton, Ark Fayetteville. Ark. Pine Bluff; Ark... Helena, A rk 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 65 Little Rock, Ark Little Rock, Ark Little Rock, Ark Little Rock, Ark Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege. Society Libraries (2) Union Female College Ladies' Library Gainesville Book Club* Southern Universit j~ Belles-Lettres Library of the Hunts- ville Female College. Huntsville Female Seminary State NoTTnal and Industrial School Young Men's Christian Association Howard College Society Libraries (2) Judson Female Institute Marion Female Seminary State Normal School and'University for the Colored Race. Young Men's Christian Association Medical College of Alabama Mobile Bar Library Mobile Library ." Spring Hill College Reading Room Association . . State and Supreme Court Library.. State Board of Health Library Association Alabama Baptist Normal and Theo- logical School. Dallas Bar Library Young Men's Christian Association Young Ladies' Academy of the Visitation.* Institution for the Deaf and Dumb j and the Blind. Synodical Female Institute j Talladega College ' Theological Department | Alabama Central Female College . . | Alabama Historical Society* Bookclub Institute for Training Colored Min- isters. Pierson Library (Alabama Insane Hospital). Tuscaloosa Female College Tuskegee Normal School University of Alabama Society Libraries Territorial Library ' Public. Library j Public Librarj- i Prison Library I Arkansas College Fort Smith District High School . Clinton Male and Female Academy Arkansas Industrial University . . Branch Normal College Southland College and Normal In- stitute.* Arkansas Female College Arkansas School for the Blind Arkansas State Library Little Rock Commercial College. . . * From a return for 1884. 1873 Col 1885 1870 1859 1853 1829 1885 1841 1836 1835 1885 1860 1872 1879 1829 1828 1884 1877 Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Soc'y Col.. i Soc'l. Soc'l. i Col.. i Col... Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free . Free. Free. Sub.. 1865 Sub.. .... Free. 1860 j Free. 1852 ! Free. 1875 1850 1876 1860 1850 1881 1831 Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. 1864 i Free. 1884 ■ Sub.. 1881 Both. 1884 Free- 1873 Free. 1872 ; Free, isei" 'Free! 1859 i Free. 1840 I Free. Sch Sch Y. M. C. A, Col Soc'y Sch Sch Sch Y. M.C. A Med Law Gen Col Soc'v State San. sci . . . G^en Sch Law Y. M.C. A, Sch A.&R. Sch... Col... The'l . Col... Hist'l. Soc'l.. The'l . A.&R. Col.... Sch... Col.... Soc'y . . Law . . . Gen ... Gen ... A.&R. Col..-. Sch.... Sch.... Col.... Sch..-. Sch.... 1,500 1,500 350 350 820 *1, 470 *800 500 5,000 1,000 3,000 »1 000 400 *500 4,000 5, 500 12,00^ 1,000 17,626 3,000 700 1,000 3,000 500 400 3,500 1,000 400 500 400 1,200 1,500 000 000 600 5,000 400 800 2,456 700 650 600 6,000 1,000 2,500 Col ! 300 Sch 983 State 20,000 Sch 310 692 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistios of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c— Continued. K«me of library. 92 Little Rock, Ark . Little Eock, Ark . Little Rock, Ark . Little Rock, Ark . Little Rock, Ark . Searcy, Ark Alameda, Cal Alamo, Cal Anaheim, Cal Areata, Cal Areata. Cal Auburn, Cal Auburn, Cal Benicia, Cal . . Benicia, Cal , Benicia, Cal. . Benicia, Cal.. Benicia, Cal.. Berkeley, Cal Berkeley, C»l Berkeley, Cal Berkeley. Cal Mt. Hamiiton, Cal Bloeksburoj, Cal Brentwood, Cal Byron, Cal Central Point, Cal Chico, Cal Chico, Cal Clayton, Cal Cloverdale, Cal Coulterville, Cal Eureka. Cal Evergreen, Cal Folsom, Cal Fort Mason, Cal. (P. O. San Francisco). Gait, Cal Gilroy.Cal Healdsburg, Cal HoUister, Cal 96 Homitos, Cal 97 Hueneme, Cal 98 Irvine:, Cal 99 1 Khiffht's Ferry, Cal. 100 K-La Grange, Cal 101 ! Lakeport, Cal 102 Livermore, Cal 103 Livermore, Cal 104 Lodi, Cal 105 Los Angeles, Cal . . . 106 Los Angeles, Cal . .. 107 Los Angoles, Cal . .. 108 Los Angeles, Cal . .. 109 Martinez, Cal 110 Marysville, Cal 11 1 Marysville, Cal 112 Merced, Cal. 113 Merced, Cal 114 Mills Seminary, Cal. 115 Modesto, Cal 116 Modesto, Cal 117 Napa,Cal 118 1 Napa, Cal 119 Napa, Cal 120 Nevada City, Cal .. 121 I NewAlmaden,Cal.. Little Rock University Masonic Library ^ Marquand Library Philander Smith College Supreme Court Library Searcv Male a^iid. Female College. . . Free Library and Reading Room . . . Alamo District Schocd Library Public School Library Jane's School District Library. ; . . . Union School District Library Public School Library Sierra Normal College and Busi- ness Institute. Missionary College of St. Augustine Society Library '. St. Catherine's Academy St. Mary's Hall* Young Ladies' Seminary Harmon Seminary* Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Odd Fellows' Library University of California Lick Observatory Larribee School District Library. . . Liberty District School Library . . . Excelsior District School Library. . Los Bancs School District Library. Free Library School Library Mt. Diablo District School Library Library Association School Library Eureka Public School Library Evergreen Library Granite District School Library . . . Battery M, First Artillery Gait Public School Library Gilroy School District Library Public School Library ' Woman's Christian Temperance Union Circulating Library. Homitos Public School Library Public Library "Wa^ihington College Public Library Branch School District Library Lakeport Academy .' Public Librai y Public School Library Free Library and Reading Room . . Historical Society ot Southern Cali- fornia. Public Library St Vincent's College University of Southern California, Martinez District School Library.. City Library College of Notre Dame Bear Creek Distnct Library Merced School District Library Sage Library . Adamsville School District Library Modesto School District Library. . . Free Public Library .• . ." Nai)a College Oak Mound Library I. O. O. F. Library Hacienda School Library 1836 i876' Free. Sub.. Free. 1876 1859 1865 1870 1874 1852 1881 1869 1876 1872 1879 1878 1860 1868 1859 1860 1874 i884' 1858 1883 1862 1878 1872 1885 1883 1872 Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub . Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Both. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Free . Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub . Free . Free. Free. 1872 1873 1884 1862 1871 1885 1870 1874 1868 Free. Free. Free. Free . Free. Free . Free . Free . Both Free. Col Masonic Gen .... Col Law Col..... Gen .... Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Col.. Soc'y Sch.. Sch.. Sch.. Sch.. Sch.. LO.O.F. Col Sci Sch Sch Sch Sch Gen Sch Sch Gen Sch Sch Sch Sch Gar Sch.. Sch.. Sch.. Soc'l . Sch.. Gen . Sch.. Gen . Sch.. Sch.. Gen . Sch.. Gen . Hist'l (Jon Col Col Sch Gen Sch Sch Sch Col Sch Sch Gen Col Sch. .. . LO.O.F. Sch * From a retam for 1884. a Books and pamphlets. STATISTICAL TABLES. S^P Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c. — Continued. PlM«. Name of library. I 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 338 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 162 163 164 165 1G6 167 168 169 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 'New Almaden, Cal. Nortonville, Cal . . . Oakdale.Cal Oakland, Cal Oakland, Cal Oakland, Cal Oakland, Cal Oakland, Cal Oakland, Cal Oakland, Cal Oakland. Cal Orange, Cal Oroville,Cal Oroville, Cal I Pacheco, Cal I Pasadena, Cal Petaluraa. Cal j Pioneer, Cal Plaeerrille, Cal Pleasanton, Cal Red£lntf.Cal I RedBlnff, Cal I Riverside, Cal.. I Rohnei-ville, Cal I Sacramento, Cal I Sa*:ramento, Cal : Sacramento, Cal Sacramento, Cal Sacramento, Cal St. Helena, Cal San Bernardino, Cal . . . San Bnenaventura, Cal San Diego, Cal San Diego, Cal San Diego, Cal San Felipe, Cal ... . San Francisco, Cal . San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal . San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal . San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal . San Francisco, Cal . San Francisco, Cal . ^an Francisco, Cal San Francisco, Cal. (1036 Valencia St.). San Francisco, Cal San Fi-ancisco, Cal San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Hill School District Carbondale School Library School District Library ". Convent of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Free Public Library Hopkins Academy Oakland High School Odd Fellows' Library '. Pacific Theological Seminary Perry Seminary St. Joseph's Academy Public Library Association Ladies' Library Association School Library Pacheco District School Library . . . Pasadena Library Public Library Pioneer School District Library — Neptune Library Tassajara District School Library . . Odd Fellows' Library Public School Library Library Association Rohnefville School District Library Califoi-nia State Library Free Public Library Sacramento Business College Sacramento Institute St. Joseph's Academy St. Helena School District Library. Library Association , Ventura Public Library Library of City School "System Public Library San Diego Society of iN'atural His- tory. Pacheco School Library Bancroft Pacific Library Barnard's Business College Biblioteca Espaiiola 6 Hispano- Americana do San Francisco. Bibliothdque de la Ligne Rationale Fran^aise. Bohemian Club (Pine street) Boys and Girls' Aid Society Calif or-nia Academy of Sciences - . . Chamber of Commerce City and County Alms House College of Notre Dame of San Francisco.* Geographical Society of the Pacific. Grand Lodge, F. and A. M., of the State of California. Hahnemann Medical College of San Francisco. Heald's Business College Irving Institute 1865 1865 1872 al868 Free. Free. Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch. 1867 Free. Free. 1885 1860 1864 Sub Sub 1884 1867 1856 Sub . Free- Free. Sub . 1879 Free. Free. Sub . 1850 1879 1873 Free. Free. Free. 1874 1881 1874 1878 1874 1871 Both Free. Sub . Free. Gen Sch Sch LO.O.F. The'l . . - . Sch Sch Gen Soc'l Sch Sch Gen Gen Sch Gen Sch LO.O.F. Sch Gen Sch State . . . . Gen Sch Sch Sch Sch Gen Gen Sch Gen Sci 1882 1875 1872 1874 1853 1850 1870 1866 1881 1850 1881 1877 1884 San Francisco, Cal i San Fi-ancisco. Cal I I San Francisco, Cal ,.| * From a return of 1884. Knights ot Pythias Library La Salle Library (Sacred Heart College). Law Library of the Bar Associa- tion of San Francisco. Law Library Southern Pacific Com- pany. :Mariner8' Free Reading Room Li- ! 1876 brary. Mechanics' Institute | 1855 Mercantile Library As.sociation ' 1853 Microscopical Society Library ! 1872 Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free. Free Free Free Sch Sci.-... Sch Gen .... Gen Soc'l A.&R... Sci Mer A. &R... Sch Free Free Sci Masonic Med Free. Free. Sub.. Sch Sch. Soc'l . Col.. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Law , Law Soc'l. Soc'l . Mer . Sfci... 510 789 300 10, 738 300 500 4, 263 3,750 300 5,500 800 2,150 300 548 1,500 3,500 300 4,000 300 464 450 1,050 330 61, 612 11, 778 800 1.000 3,000 512 450 2,500 450 1,600 458 322 45, 000 350 13,000 2,000 800 10, 000 1,025 600 1,250 300 1,700 300 1,000 500 4,201 3,000 3,724 8,500 1,000 40, 000 55, 000 500 a As a subscription library; as a free library in 1877. c,u HEPORT OF mV. COMMISSIONEH OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numberiuf/ 'M)0 volumes, brary Association. J Georgia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Public Library Georgia Methodist Female College. Dalton Female College South Gooigia Male and Female College, Alpha Library. South Georgia Male and Female College, Euteri)ean Library. *Frora a return for 1884. 1845 1852 1800 1883 1865 1852 1791 Free.. Sub... Free.. Free . . 1884 1884 1874 1880 1875 Free.. Sub... Sub Free.. 1881 Free. 1872 I Free-. i Free.. 1845 1878 1878 1868 1859 1800 1801 1820 1831 1873 1875 1880 1870 1825 1867 1848 1873 1858 1881 1878 1879 1879 Free, Free Sub.. Sub. Sub-. Sub-. Free. Sub.- Free. Free. . Free.. Sub.. Sub.. Free.. Free.. Free.. Free.. Sub... Sub... Free.. Sub... Free.. Freef Free . . Sub... Free.. Free.. Gov't Gov't Gov't Soc'l Sch Y.M.C.A. Col.... A.&R Gen ... Sch.... Sch.... Gen ... Sch.... Free..! Sch. Free.- Gen Gen Y.M.C.A, Gen Gar- Gar. State Law . Col.. Gen . Gen . Gen . Sch.- Col.. Col.. Soc'y SocV Med. Col.. Soc'y Col.. Soc'l. Soc'y Sch.. Col.. The'l Col .. Law Gen Gen Sch. Gen Col. Soc'y T.M.C.A, Oen A.4(.B.... Oen . Col .. Col.. Soc'y Soo'y STATISTICAL TABLES. 701 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numhering 300 volumes, ^c. — Continned. FlAoe. Name of library. 607 610 i 611 i 612 613 i 614 ! 615 ! 616 617 618 , 619 i 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 629 e30 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 044 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 •;6n 670 Gainesville, Ga Griffin, Ga Hawkinsville, Ga Hinesville, Ga. (P. O., Walthourville). Holton, Ga La Grause, Ga La Graucre, Ga Macon, Ga Macon, Ga Macon, Ga Macon, Ga Macon, Ga Macon, Ga Macon, Ga , Macon, Ga . Methodist College Griffin Female College Library and Literary Association* . Bradw'ell Institute Library 1881 1857 1879 Free. Col. Col . Gen Sch. Macon, Ga Marietta; Ga . . . . Mill edge ville, Ga Newnan, Ga Newnan, Ga Xorcross, Ga — . Oxford, Ga Oxford, Ga Oxford, Ga Pope's Ferry, Ga. . Home, Ga . .' Savannah, Ga Savannah, Ga Savannah, Ga Savannah, Ga Talbotton.Ga Thoiuasville. Ga . Washington, Ga . . West Point, Ga . . . Bois6 Citv, Idaho. Bois6 City, Idaho. Boise City. Idaho. Ketchum, Idaho .. Le wist on. Idaho .. Moscow, Idaho . . . Abingdon, 111 Addison, ill Albany, 111 Albion, HI . Al«do,Ill.. Altfm.Ill.. Alton, 111 .. Alton, 111. .. Amboy, ni. Anna, 111 . . Atlanta, HI Aurora, 111 Aurora, HI Aurora, HI Austin, III Barry, HI Bataria, HI Belleville, HI Belleville, 111 Belvidere, HI Bement, 111 Bloomington, HI Bloom ington, 111 Bloomington, 111 . . . Holton Farmers' Club La Giange Female College Southern Female College Georgia Academy for the Blind. . . Lewte Public Li brary Mercer University Ciceronian Society* Phi Delta Society* Orphans' Home of the South Geor gia Conference. Pio Nono College Public Library and Historical So ciety. Wesleyan Female College . . . , — Library Association State Lunatic Asylum College Temple Library Association Georgia School of Language, Sci ence, and Art. Emory College Few Library ... . Phi Gamma Society •Taylor Grange No. 13 Koine Female College Beach Institute Georgia Historical Society Georgia Military Academy Savannah Medical College CoUinsworth Institute . ' Librarv Association Saint Joseph's Academy Young Men's Library Association Circulating Lilirary .'. Public Scliool Library Territorial Law Library Public Library Lewis Collegiate Institute Public Library ..-. Hedding College Evangelical Lutheran Teachers' Seminary.* Library Association Library Association Mercer Library Association Alton Turnverein , Public Library Hrsuline Convent of the Holy Family. High School Libr^ Hlinois Southern Hospital for the Insane. j City Library and Beading Room. ..I Free Public Library i Jennings Seminary Young Men's Christian Association Public School Library Public Libiary Public Library Public Library Public SchoolLibrary Ida Public Library . '. Library Association Illinois Wesleyan University , Library Association ; Young Mens Christian As.sociation * From a return for 1884. 1868 Sub I Free. 1852 Free. 1879 I Free. 1840 i 1 Sub . i Free. 1873 Soc'l Col Col Sch Gen Col Soc'y . . . . Soc'y . - . . A. 7, 284 600 2, 270 450 700 11,000 4, GOO 500 0, (i()0 ;jGo 2, OiHi .'i(H) 3,500 1, 524 COO 5, CO' 5;)0 J , 000 Sub. . Free. Sub. Free. Free Sub.. Free . Free . Free. Sub.. Sub . Free . Sub.. Sub.. Free . . Free.. Sub... Free.. Free.. Free . . Sub... Sch 420 Sch 350 Soc'l :i0o Col H, (Kill So(-v ... 1 . 200 Soc'v . - . 1,01)0 Soc'v . . soo Geu •-'. L'h-^ Col :;. con Gen 1,. "..".,-) Sell 4 v.") Soc'l ■■.i)l Gen 2, O.'ilt Sch l,(!M) Soc'l :.5o Soc'l Gen vSch. Gen Gen Soc'l Gen Col. Gen . Gen The'l Sch. Gen l.'-'OO 4:i8 •-'. .'.(i8 477 .^)70 C, 241 0.000 11, lt)(J 25, 000 4(10 1,000 fire in 1883, and re-established in sar. fire in March, 1885; re-established 1885. STATISTICAL TABLES. 101 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c. — Continued. Place. Nftme of library. 851 852 853 854 855 Morris, HI Morrison, 111 Mount Carroll, 111 Mount Carroll, HI Mount Morris, 111. 856 ' Mount Vernon, 111 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 870 ! 871 : 872 f Naperville, HI . . . Xew Athens, 111 . Xormal, 111 Xormal, 111 Xormal Park, HI Oak Park, HI.... Oblonjr. Ill Odin, HI Olney.Hl Onarga, 111 Onarga, 111 . . Oquawka, 111 OttaTva, III . . Ottawa, 111 . . Ottawa, HI Ottawa, HI 3 Ottawa, HI 874 i Pana,Ill.-. 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 893 894 895 896 897 900 901 902 903 904 905 900 907 909 910 911 Paris, HI Paris, HI Pekin, 111.. Pekin, HI. . Peoria, HI . Peoria, 111. Peoria, 111 . Peoria, 111 . Peru, HI Peru. Ill Pittsfleld, HI Polo, 111 Polo, HI Pontiac, 111 Pontiac, HI Prairie du flocher, 111 Princeton, 111 Pullman, JU Quincy, HI Quincj-, 111 Qnincy, HI Quincy, HI Quincy, 111 Quincy, HI . Quincy, HI Rantoul, HI Ilavenswood, HI Renault, 111 KiTor Forest, HI Rochelle. HI Rockford, HI Rockford, III Kockford, lU Rock Island, 111 Rock Island. Til Rock Island, HI Rock Island, 111 From a return for 1884. •i5 E Sub... Free.. Free.. Snb... '1861 1870 1869 1857 1868 1882 1883 1885 1872 1863 1873 1874 1878 1865 1885 1849 Free.. Free.. Free. Free.. Sub... Free . . Free-. Free.. Free.. Sub... Free.. Free . . Free.. Free.. 1881 ; Free.. 1885 i Free.. T.M.C.A. Sub... Sub... Sub... Normal and Scientific Library 1878 Literary and Scientific Association . 1878 Library Association 1 870 Mount Carroll Seminary 1853 Cassel Library of Mount Morris College. Supreme Court, Southern Grand Division. Northw«?stem College Verein Vorwaerts Soldiers' Orphans' Home State Xormal University Cook County Xormal School Library Association Public" Library Lyceum and Library Public Library '. Grand Prairie Seminary and Com- mercial College.* Public Library Library Association City and Township High School. . . Odd Fellows' Librarv (Ottawa Lodge X^o. 41, 1. 0. O.'F.). Reddick Library Supreme Court, Northern Grand Division. Toung Ladies' Temperance Union Library Association. Toung Men's Christian Associa- tion. Edgar CoUe^ate Institute Toung Men's Christian Associa- tion. Ladies' Library Association Pekin Tumverein High School Library Law Library Association Public Library Toung Men's Christian Associa- tion. Peru Tumverein Public School Library Public Library Library Association School Library Library Association State Reform School Library and Literary Association. . High School Library Pullman Public Library Chaddocl College Friends in Council Hi^h School Library Quincy Library *. Quincy Tumverein St. Francis Solanus College St. Mary's Institute* Literary Societ^v Eavenswood Historical Society Library and Literary Association . . River Forest Institute I High School Library 1883 Business College I 1881 Public Library i 1872 j Rockford Seminary' , 1851 ' Augustana College and Theologi- | 1861 cal Seminary. i Fairview Academy ' Post Librarj^ Rock Island Arsenal i 1870 I Free . . Public Library ; 1872 | Free . . a No books yet purrhased, owing to Sch. Soc'l Gen Sch. 500 2,500 1, 000 5,000 Col I 12, 00(t Free . . | Law . Gen Gen Sch Lo.o.r.- Gen Law Sool. 1874 1870 1879 Sub... Free . . Free.. 1878 1871 1870 1884 1867 1883 1884 1875 1865 1841 1859 1874 1882 1875 Free . . Free.. Sub... Free . . Sub... Free . . Free.. Free.. Free . . Free . . Free . . Free . . Sub... Free. Free.. Free.. Sch T.M.C.A Soc'l Soc'l Sch Law , Gen T.M.C. A. Soc'l Sch Gen Gen 8ch Gen A.&II... Gen Sch Gen Col Soc'l Sch Gen Soc'l Col Sch Soc'l Hist 'I Gen Sch Sch Col Gen Sch The'l i Sch. 1 Gar. Gen- 7,000 Col ... Soc'l . . . A.&R. Col.... Sch.--- Gen I 1,316 Gen ...... 300 Gen 400 Gen i 2,500 Sch i,6;J0 1,200 350 2,410 2,000 4,500- 2,190 500 1,100 1,450 (a) 6,000 425 2,080 680 1,225 4,000 25,350 600 500 1,200 1,600 300 794 1,200 400 1,000 6,000 500 525 365 6,400 800 *1, 568 300 800 1,000 300 2,500 600 300 13, 100 4,000 7,310 400 8,057 legal difficulties. 706 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OP EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries nunibering 300 volumes, ^c— Continued. Place. Eoodhoase, HI. Eushville, 111 Rushville, lU St. Anne, HI St. Charles, 111. (No. 14, I.O.O.F.). St. Charles, 111 Name of library. Sandwich, HI Shannon, 111 , Shelby ville, 111 Sheldon, 111 Smithton, 111 South Chicago, 111 South Evanston, 111 Sparta, 111 Sparta, 111 Sparta, III _. Springfield, HI Springfield, HI Springfield, 111 Springfield, III Springfield, HI Springfield, 111 Springfield, HI Springfield, HI Sterling, 111 Streator, HI Sugar Grove, 111 Teutopolis. Ill Tiskilwa, HI Toulon, HI Turner, 111 Upper Alton, 111 : . . Upper Alton, 111. .' Upper Alton, 111 Upper Alton, 111 Urbana, 111 , Urbana,Hl.(P. O., Cham- paign). Virginia, 111 Walsh ville. HI Warsaw, III , Waterloo, 111 Waukegan. Ill Westfield, 111 Wheaton, HI , White Hall, 111 Wilmington, 111 Winchester. Ill Winnetka. Ill Woodstock, 111 Woodstock, 111 Yates City. Ill Yorkville;Hl Acton, Ind Anderson, Ind Angola, Ind Angola, Ind Railroad Young Men's Christian Association. High School Library .* Library Associatioia St. Anne's Library , Odd Fellows' Library, St. Charles Lodge. Wittnan's Christian Temperance Union. Sandwich Library School and Public Library Public School Library Literary and Library Association . Smithton Leseverein Public School Library Industrial School for Girls Addisonian Library Association*.. High School Library Sparta Circulating Library Bettie Stuart Institute * .I Concordia Semin ary Geological Survey of Illinois High School Library 1 , Public Library State Library* Supreme Coui-t, Central Grand Di- vision. Ursuline Academy of St. Joseph . . . Public Library Ladies' Library A ssociation School Library St. Joseph's Diocesan College Library Association , Toulon High School Library School Library Shurtleff College Alpha Zeta Society Sigma Phi Society Theological department Free Library University of Illinois Angola. Ind Anrora, Ind Bpdford.Ind liloomingdale, Ind Bloomington, Ind..^.. Bloornington, Ind Bluffton. Ind Boonville, Ind Brazil, Ind Central Illinois Science Society Farmers' Library Free Public Library Monroe Advance Society High School Library , Westfield College Wheaton College , Library Association Wilmington School Library ...*... Public School Library Public Library .' Literary Association Todd Seminary for Boys * School and Public Library Union Library Franklin Township Library Library Association Madure Workingraen's Library. . Philo and Crescent Litcritry Socie- ties (Tri-State Normal School). Pleasant Township Library , Public Libraiy Association Lawrence County Library* Bloomingdale Academy Indiana University Monroe Count.\- Library Wells County Library Boon Township Library , Public Library Association * From a return for 1884. 1881 1870 1878 1859 1860 1885 1865 1880 1883 1881 1860 1873 1877 1873 1878 1874 1875 1858 Sub. Free . Sub.. Free . Free. Sub.. Y.M.C.A, Sch Gen Gen LO O.F. Sub.-.j Free . . ^ Free . . i Sub-.-i Sub...! Free Free Sub . Free. 1818 1837 1878 1877 1875 1861 1875 Free. Free. 1875 1835 1847 1859 1866 1874 1872 1877 1872 1870 1876 1865 1858 1876 Free. Sub . Free. Free. Sub . Free. Free. Free. 1881 1885 1875 1870 1878 1872 1879 1884 1882 1833 1846 1820 1821 18:{2 1879 Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub Free. Free. Sub . Sub . Free. Free. Sub . Free . Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free . Free Sub.. Sub . Free. Free. Free. Soc'l . Gen . Gen . Sch.. Gen . Soc'l. Sch.. Sch- . Soc'l. Sch.. Soc'l Sch.. The'l Sci . . Sch.. Gen . State Law . Sch . Gen . Soc'l. Sch.. Col .. Gen . Sch.. Sch.. Col .. Soc'y Soc'y The'l Gen . G«n Gen Gen Sch. Col. Gen Gen Gen I Gen Col 15,539 Sci . . Soc'l. Gen . Soc'l . Sch.. Col.. Col.. Gen . Sch.. Sch.. Gen . Soc'l. Sch.. Gen . Gen . Gen.. Gen . Soc'l. Soc'y fetAtiSTicAL TABLES. 101 TaSle XVi.— statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c— Continued. 977 978 979 1180 981 982 98:5 981 985 98(5 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 S94 995 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 lOOC 1007 1008 1000 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 lOlG 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1021 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 Place. Broad Kipple, Ind . . j5rookville, Inrt Brookville. Ind Bntlir, Ind Ch.iilestown, Ind... CltruiDUt, Ind Colnnibns. Ind Conneiavillo, Ind ... Couuersvillp, Ind . . . CoviusTtou, lud Ciawfordsville, Ind. ('rinvfords%'ille, Ind. Crawlordsville,' Ind . Crown Point, Ind... Crown Point, Ind. .. Danville, Ind Delphi, Ind Elkhart, Ind Name of library. ■Washington Township Library. Brookville Township Library, . . Society of Natural History Public School Library Charlestown Township Library Wayne Township Library Bartholomew County Library . . City School Library Township Libraries City School Library Wabash College Calliopean Literary Society. Lyceum Literary Society... Maclure Library Public School Library Central Normal College Public School Library Public School Library 1852 ! 1881 ; 1884 Evansville, Ind. Evansville, Ind. Evansville, Ind. Eviinsville, Ind. Evansville, Ind. Evansville, Ind . Fort Wayne, Ind Fort Wayne, Ind Fort Wayne, Ind . Fort Wayne, Ind , Fort Waj ne, Ind Fort "Wayne, Ind Fort Wayne, Ind Frankfort, Ind , Frankfort, Ind Franklin, Ind Franklin, Ind Goshen, Ind Goshen, Ind Gosport. Ind Gi eencastlo, Ind Greenca.stlc, Ind .- ... Greensborongh, Ind .. \ Hanover, Ind Hanover, Ind Hanover, Ind : Harlsville. Ind 1 Huntingburjr. Ind ■ Huntiujilon. Ind , Indianapolis. Ind I Indianapolis, Ind Indianapolis. Ind . Indianapolis, Ind . Indianapolis, Ind Indianapolis, Ind Indianapolis, lud . Indianapoli.s, Ind . Indianapolis, Ind . Indianapolis, lud Indianapolis, Ind j Indianapolis, Ind 1 Indianapolis, Ind ; Indianapolis, Ind I Indianapolis, Ind From a return for 1884. Knight Township Library Perry Township Library Pigeon Township Library Vanderburgh County Library "Willard Libiary Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Catholic Library Association Concordia College Foi t Wayne College* Public School Library Bailroad Department of Young Men's Christian Association. Wayne Township Library Westminster Seminary for Young LadieSi High School Library Public Library Franklin College High School Library Elkhart Township Library Goshen City School Library High School Library DePauw University Theological School Township Library Hanover College .". McLean Faculty Library Society Libi-aries (3) Hartsvillo College Patoka Township Library Public School Library Bar A ssociation T Bobb's Medical Library (Medical College of Indiana). Bureau of Statistics of Indiana — Center Township Library Central College of Physicians and Surgeons. Indiana Historical Society Indiana Hospital for Insane Indianapolis Railroad Christian Association. Indianapoli.o Seminary Institution for the Education of the Blind. Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. Marion County Library Publie Library St. John's Academj- Social Turnverein* 1855 1865 Free.. Free . . Free.. Free . . Free . . Free . . Sub... Free.. 1833 1855 1855 1864 1884 1876 1868 1884 1850 1850 1850 1850 1885 1881 1871 1850 1851 1869 1884 Gen Gen Sci . Sch. Gen Gen Sch.. Gen . Sch.. Col.. Soc'y Soc'y 1877 1877 1844 1870 1885 1884 1837 1827 1872 1859 1874 1878 1879 1831 1875 1878 1850 1853 1844 1872 1850 Free Free Free Free Free . . i Free . . ! Free & sub. I Free . . ! Free . . Free.. I Free..] Free.. I Free.. I Y.M.C.A. Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch. Gen Gen Gen Gen Sub-.-i Soc'l Free.. I Col Col Free.. Sch Free.. Y-M.C.A Free Free . . Free . . Free.. Free . . Free.. Free . Free.. Sub.. Free. Free. Sab. Free. Free.. Free . . Free.. Free. Free.. Gen Sch. Sch... Gen ... Col.... Sch.... Gen ... Sch.... Sch... Col.... The'I . . Gen ... Col-... Special Soc'y . . Col .... Gen ... Sch.... Law ... Med... Gen Med Hist! A.&R... Soc'l Sch Sch Sch Gen . Gen. Sch.. Soc'l 356 1, sod 2,000 300 400 800 456 350 3,120 500 22,053 2,000 2.000 500 500 1,300 500 2,500 400 430 700 3,000 10,000 575 4.700 2,000 650 5,500 700 650 600 3,000 1,200 4,637 300 400 1,125 3,000 al5,450 1,700 335 6,000 1,000 2,000 1,070 634 5,000 2,000 2,000 750 3,600 500 1,200 1,500 300 500 1,000 3,800 4. 500 39,590 600 750 a Including Simison, Latin, and Biddle Mathematical Libraries. 708 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of puhlic libraries numhering 300 volumes, ^'C. — Continued. 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1039 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 lt.'69 1070 1071 1072 1073 1(»74 107."> 1076 1077 1078 1079 lo^g 1081 l(ii*2 1083 1084 1085 1080 1087 108-< 1080 Place. Name of library. Indianapolis, Ind State Board of Agriculture Indianapolis, Ind State Board of Health Indianapolis, Ind State Law Library Indianapolis, Ind i State Library . ...\ Indianapolis, Ind ; State Medical Society I Indianapolis, Ind ' The William Hacker Library i ■\ (Masonic). 1 Indianapolis, Ind : Young Men's Christian Associa- tion.* Inglefield, Ind Scott Township Library Irviiigton, Ind ' Butler Uuiveisity Irvington, Ind ! Society Libraries (5) Jeflfersonviilw, Ind State Prison (South) j Jetfersooville, Ind Township Library i Kentland, Ind Newton County Library Kuightstown, Ind Indiana Soldiers' Orphans' Home and Asylum lor Feeble-minded Children. Kokomo, Ind J. M. Scotton's Circulating Library j Ladoga, Ind Central Indiana Normal bchdol. .. I La Fayette, Ind Public Library I La Fayette, Ind . Purdue University j La Poite, Ind Odd Fellows' Library Association ! Lawrence, lud Lawrence Township Library I Lawrence, Ind Warren Township Library j Lawrenceburg, Ind Law renceburg Township Library I Lebanon, Ind Center Township Library , I Leopold, Ind Leopold Township Library I Logansport, Ind American Js ormal College I Logansport, Ind Eel Township Library I Logansport, Ind Noble Township Library I Logansport, Ind \ Public School Library . '. I Logansport, Ind Washington Township Library... I Madison, Ind Matiison Library I Madison. Ind Madison Township Library [ Mallott Park, Ind Millersville Free Library Aasocia- i tion. ; Martinsville, Ind Eclectic Library I Martinsville, Iiul Washington Township Library .. I i MtMom, Ind Uniou (Jhristian College I j Michigan City, lud . ... Northern Indiana Prison Library.' j Milllown, Ind Whiskey llun Township Library I Mishawaka, Init Public School Library Mitcht-11. ind •. . . Southern Indiana Normal College Nfnnticello. Ind. I'ublic School Library Moore « Hill, Iml .Moore's Hill College Mooresville, Ind Brown Township Library Moore.sville, Inn High School Library Mt. Veiiiou, Inil Connty and Mechanics' Library . . Miuicie. Ind Public Lil)rary New Albany, Ind DePauw College for Young Wom- en. New Albany. Ind New Albany Township Library .. New Albany. 1 nd Public Library . New Au.Mista, Itnl Pike Township Library. New Hirnmuy, Ind Workingmeu's Institute Noti e Danii'. Ind Lcmonnier Librarj' (L^niversity of Notre Dame). lOfJO ^ Notr.. I);uii. . Ind St. Mary's Library (St. Mary's ' Academy). ysvill»>,«Ind Highland Township Library 1852 1884 1867 1825 1880 1884 1870 1850 1858 1855 1868 1885 1875 1876 1882 1875 1873 1853 1872 1852 1859 1854 1855 1882 1880 1858 1885 1091 109J J«t93 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 I Peru. Ind Hi;:h School Library Plymouth, Ind Marshall County Library. Princeton, Ind Public Library ' ! ... Reussj'laer, Ind. . Ii'oquois Library Kiidiiiiond, Ind... Richmond, Iml. .. Richmond, Ind . . . Richmond, Ind... Richmond, Ind... Eai lUum College Ionian Library PhtcnJx Library Morrison Library Wayne County Law Library As- Hociation. * From a retam for 1884. 1880 1876 1854 1859 1875 1850 1874 1846 1851 1858 1843 1870 1867 1881 1857 1847 1857 1856 1864 1874 Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Both. Free. Jree. Free. Free . Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sci Med Law State Med Masonic . . T.M.C.A Gen Col Soc'y A. &K... Gen Gen A.&R... Soc'l Sch Gen Col LO.O.F.. Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Sch Gen Gen Sch Gen Gen Gen Gen Sch.... Gen ... Col .... A.&R Gen ... Sch.... Sch.... Sch.... Col... Geu . . . Sch ... Gen ... Gen ... Col .... Gen . Gen . Gen . Soc'l . Col .. Sch. Gen . Sch.. Gen . Gen . Gen . Col.. Soc'y Soc'y Gen . Law . STATISTICAL TABLES. 709 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^-c. — Continued. Place. Name of library. 1101 1162 1103 1104 1105 1106 Ho- lies 1109 1110 nil 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 Richmond, Ind... Rising Sun, Ind . Rising San. Ind . Rockport, Ind . - . Rome, Ind St Joseph, Ind... St. Meinrad. Ind . St. Meinrad, Ind. South Bend, Ind. South Bend, Ind . Southport, Ind... Splceland, Ind... Terre Haute, Ind. . Terre Haute, Ind . . Terre Haute, Ind . Terre Haute, Ind'- Tipton, Ind Troy. Ind Union City, Ind Valparaiso, Ind Veva3-, Ind Vincennes, Ind Vinceuues, Ind Vincennea. Ind Vincennes, Ind "Wabash, Ind AVabash, Ind : Warsaw, Ind Warsaw, Ind West Xewton, Ind . I Winchester, Ind ... Winchester, Ind . . . Yonng America, Ind . . . Atoka, Ind. Ter Camp Supply, Ind. Ter. Fort Sill, Ind. Ter Muscogee, Ind. Ter . . .'. Xelson, Ind. Ter Oak Lodge, Ind. Ter . . . Tahlequab, Ind. Ter . . . Tahlequah, Ind. Ter . Tahlequah, Ind. Ter . Wheelock, Ind- Ter . . Albia, Iowa Albion, Iowa ; Ames, Iowa , Anamosa, Iowa Bloomfield, Iowa Boone, Iowa Boone, Iowa Burlington, Iowa Burlington, Iowa Burlington, Iowa Burlington, Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Clinton, Iowa College Springs, Iowa. . Columbus Junction, Iowa. Council Bluffs, Iowa . . Coancil Bluffs, Iowa . . Young Men's Christian Association Natural History Club j Randolph Township Library i Ohio Township Library . . .'. ' Tobin Township Library German Township Library ; St. Meinrad's College i . St. Meinrad's Abbey Poi-tage Township Library Young Men's Christian Association Perry Township Library | Spiceland Academy Library As- ! sociation. i Public Library Rose Polytechnic Institute i State Noi mal School ! Terre Haute Commercial College, j High School Library Troy Township Library | Public School Library Northern Indiana Normal School Workingmen's Library Cathedral Library Public School Library Vincennes Township Library Vincennes University '. Maclure Workingmen's Institute Noble Township Library Public Libi ary I Public School Library Decatur Township Library High School Library Randolph County Law Library Association. Deer Creek Township Library. . . Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M Post Library Post Library Indian University Spencer Academy New Hope Female Seminary* . . . Cherokee National Female'Semi- nary. Cherokee National Male Seminary National Council Library* Wheelock Seminary Albia Lyceum* Albion Seminary Iowa Agricultural College Penitentiary Library Bloomfield and Normal School Li- brary. Public Library Public School'Library Burlin;:;ton University First German Evangelical School Free Public Library Young Men's Christian 'Associa* tion. Public Library State Normal School Cedar Rapids Library Coe College , Iowa Masonic Library Public School Library Amity College - Eastern Iowa Normal School 1884 Free . I Free. 1855 ! Free. 1852 { Free. 1850 Free. 1860 I Free. 1854 i Free. 1855 ! Free. Free. Free. 1867 1882 1883 1870 1867 Y.M.C.A Sci Gen Gen Gen Gen Col The'l Gen Y.M.C.A Gen Soc'l Free. Free. Free. Free! Free. Free 1880 j Free 1883 ! Sub. 1859 i Free. 1880 ! Free. 1869 I Free. 1868 i Free. 1850 1870 1872 1868 1872 1876 Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. 1885 i Free 1879 Free 1852 1873 1885 1879 1878 1879 1881 1844 1882 From a return for 1884. Free Public Library : Iowa Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. ! a Books and pamphlets. b Bought by school district in 1882, Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Gen . Sci .. Sch.. Sch.. Sch.. Gen . Sch.. Sch.. Soc'l. Soc'l Sch.. Gen . Col . Soc'l. Gen . Gen . Sch. Gen . Sch.. Law . Gen .... Masonic Gar Gar Col Sch Sch Sch Sch... Ter... Sch... Soc'l... Sch.... Col.... A.&R. Sch.... Gten Sch Col Sch Gen Y. M. C. A. Gen Sch Gen .... Col Masonic . Sch Col Sch Gen Sch. 40U 429 531 1,050 400 550 1,008 11,500. 542 1,000 700 1,200 5, 343 4, 212 3,000 500 300 300 300 5,000 1,855 1,500 756 500 4,000 300 650 790 350 300 525 2 3ft.q 1,166 500 500 300 1,000 2,100 700 l.iOO 500 800 1,800 400 1,000 3,500 300 7, COO 450 2,600 2,250 2,500 1,462 10,000 2,800 800 600 5,300 575 710 EEPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public lihrariea numbering 390 volvmedf ^o. — Continued. Place. Kame of library. Davenport, Iowa. Davenport, Iowa. Davenport, Iowa . Davenport, Iowa. Davenport, Iowa. Davenport, Iowa Davenpoit, Iowa. Davenport, Iowa. Decorah, Iowa Decorah, Iowa Denison, Iowa Denmark, Iowa . . . Des Moines, Iowa. Des Moines, Iowa. Des Moines, lowa- Des Moines, Iowa. Dexter, Iowa Dubuque, Iowa . . . Dubuque, Iowa . . . Dubuque, Iowa . . . Dubuque, Iowa ... Dubuque, Iowa ... Eldora, Iowa Eldora, Iowa Epwortb, Iowa . . . Estberville, Iowa . Fairfield, Iowa Fairfield, Iowa Farmington, Iowa Vayette, Iowa Fayette, Iowa Fort Dodge, Iowa. . . Fort Madison, Iowa Fort Madison, Iowa Grinnell, Iowa Grinnell. Iowa Hopkinton, Iowa Independence, Iowa . Independence, Iowa . Indianola, 1 owa Tu'lianola, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Iivinpton, Iowa Jeff"er8on, Iowa Keoktjk, Iowa Keokuli, Iowa Keosauqua, Io\va . ... Le (Jlaii e, Iowa Le Mars, Iowa Little Rock, Iowa Lyons, Iowa Lyons, Iowa M (Gre^ror, Iowa Mautliester, Iowa . . . Manclx'Bter, Iowa ... Maquokcta, Iowa Mari'Uiio, Iowa Marsballtown, Iowa . Mason City, Iowa ... Monticclld, Iowa Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. . . lit Pleasant, Iowa . . . Academy of Natural Sciences — Academy of tbe Immaculate Con- ception. Davenport Business College* Grant's Law Library Griswold College .* Library Association Orphan's Home Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Norwegian Lutber College Mimer Library School Library Denmark Academy Drake University Public Library State Library Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Dexter Normal School Bayless College Library German Presbyterian Theological School of the Northwest. Iowa Institute of Science and Art. St. Joseph's College Young Men's Library Association . Iowa Industrial School Libi ary and Free Eeading Eoom. . Seminary Library Library Association Jeflerson County Library Asso- ciation. Parsons College Library Association Upper'lowa University Merrill Library of Philomathean Society. Library A ssociation Iowa Peni t entiary " White Ribbon" Circulating Li- brary. Iowa College Chrestomathian Library Lenox College Free Public Library Hospital Library for the Insane . . Public Library ....• Simpson College State Historical Society State University of Iowa Law Department Irvington District Library Public School Library Bar Library Library Association Odd Fellows' Library , Public Library Public Library Grant Township Farmers' Club . . German Socit.-ty Library Young Mens' Association High School Library Free Puldic Library Mauchtster Reading Room , Bortdman Libiary Institute Public School Library Public School Library <. . Library A ssociation Ladies Library , German College Iowa Hospital for the Insane *Froni ft retarn for 1884. 18G7 1859 1840 18C0 1865 1876 1880 1854 1881 1866 1838 1872 1885 1858 1856 1881 1878 1875 1879 1853 1875 1876 1860 1857 1874 18.56 1848 1852 1871 1873 1873 1884 1867 1857 1860 1868 1884 1880 1882 1863 1848 1876 1876 1874 1859 1863 1867 1884 1883 "1870' 1880 1871 1875 1875 1861 Free. Sub.. Free. Sub. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free . Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub. Sub. Sub.. Free . Sub.. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free . Sub.. Free . Fr . Free. Free. Free. Sub . Free. Free. Free . Free. Free. Sub.. Both. Free . Free . Sub . Free . Free . Sub.. Free. Free . Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free. Sci.&Hist'l Sch.... Sch Law , Col G.n : A. &R.. Y.M.C.A. Col Soc'y Sch Sch Col Gen State Y.M.C.A. Sch. Sch. The': Sci Col Soe'l .. A. &K Soc'l.... Sch Soc'l.... Gen ...; Col.. Soc'l . Col .. Soc'y Soc'l . . - A. &R Soc'l .. Col Soc'y . - . . Col Gen A. & R - . Gen Col Hist'l... Col Law Sch..-. Law . . . Soc'l... I. 0. 0. 1 Gen... Gen ... Soc'l . . . Soc'l... Soc'l... Sch.... Gen ... Soc'l... Soc'l... Sch.... Sch.... Soc'l... Soc'l... Col.... A.&B {STATISTICAL TABLES. 711 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c.*— Continued. Place. Name of library. i. M 1229 12:w 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Mt. VtTuoii, Iowa.. Mt. Vera on. Iowa. . Mt. Vernon, Iowa. . Muscatine, Iowa... Xewton, Iowa Onawa, Iowa O-sage, Iowa O-sajic, Iowa Oskaloosa, Iowa . . Uskaloosa, Iowa . . Oskaloosa, Iowa .. Ottuuiwa, Iowa . . . Oitumwa.Iowa... Pclla, Iowa Sabula, Iowa Salem, Iowa Sbenaudoab, Iowa 1249 I Sigourney, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa. Sutherland, Iowa Tabor, Iowa Toledo, Iowa Trenton, Iowa . . . 1250 1*51 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 12.58 1259 1260 1261 1262 Vinton, Iowa . . Vinton. Iowa . . Vinton, Iowa . . Waterloo, Iowa Waukon, Iowa. Waverlv, Iowa Wrtverly, Iowa "Wilton," Iowa .. 1263 Winterset, Iowa 1264 1265 1266 1267 126*; 1269 1270 1271 Abilene, Bjins... Argentine, Kans Atchison, Kans. Atchison, Kans. Atchison, Kans. Atchison, Kans Baldwin, Kans.. Beloit, Kans 1:^72 Beloit, Kans . 1273 Blue Eapids, Kans 1274 r?urlinframe, Kans , 127.5 Bnrlinfiton, Kans ; 1276 Burlinpton. Kans 1 1277 Burr Oak. Kans \ 1278 Cawker City, Kans j 1279 Chanule, Kans 1280 Cbetopa, Kans I 1281 Clay Centre, Kans 1282 Concordia, Kans i 1283 Dunl.ip.Kans | 1284 Emporia, Kans i 1285 Emporia, Kans ^ 1286 Emporia, Kans 1287 I Port Leavenworth, Kans * From a return for 1884. Iowa "Wesleyan University 1855 Hamline Literary Societv 1855 Public Librarv ' 1876 Cornell ColUge 1857 Adelphian Society 1859 Normal Library . Muscatine Academy of Science ..j 1880 Womens' Christian Temperance 1878 Union. ] Franklin Library ! 1867 Cetlar Valley Seminary I 1870 Sage Library 1875 Oskaloo.sa College 1860 Peun College 1873 Public Library (under auspices of I 1884 Masonic Fraternity). j High School L^ibrary \ 1876 Public Library i 1872 Central University of Iowa j 1671 Library Association ; 1880 Whittier College ! 1867 Western Normal College and S hen- andoah Commercial Institute. Keokuk County Educational Li- brary. Northwestern Business College. .. General N. B. Baker Librarv 1876 Tabor College 1870 Western College a 1881 Henry County Insiitnte of Sci- 1870 ence. H. N. Palmer's Circulating Library Iowa College for the Blind Tilford Collegiate Academy Library Assbciation Young' Men's Temperance Asso- ciation. Lecture and Library Association. Wartburg College i - . Norton Normal and Scientific Academy. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. High School Library J884 Atchison. Topika and Santa F6 1884 Eailroad Keading Room. Firth Library, L O. O. F 1872 Public Librarv 1880 St. Benedict's College 1859 Students' Library Baker University. ..* 1872 Keading Koom and Library Asso- : 1879 elation. j Young Men's Christian Associa- j tiou. \ Ladies' Library i 1874 School Library | 1870 Kansas College ' Library Association I 1884 School Library | 1884 Hesperian Library i 1874 Free-. Sub... Free-. Free.. 1872 1858 1871 1865 1861 Free . . Free.. Free . . Free.. Free . . Free . . Free . . Sub... Free . . Sub... Free.. Sub... Sub... Free . . Free . . Sab... Sub... Free.. Free . . Snb... Sub .- 1868 I Sub.. 1868 I Free. 1881 I Free. 1884 I Both. Free. Free. Free . Sub.. Free. 1880 1875 1884 Library Association City Library High School Library Select Library Freedmen's Academy Citv Library College of Emporia State NoiTOal School Medical Director's OflBce of the Department of Missouri. a At Toledo; originally in 1856, 1881 1884 1884 Free. Sub... Sab.. Free . Sub. Free. Sub.. Sub-. Snb.. Free. Snb.. Free. Free Free. Free. Col Soc'y I Gen j Col ' Soc'y i Special . . . | Sci Soc'l.-... Sch Col. Col - Gen Sch.-. Gen.- Col ... Soc'l.. Col... Sch.v. Swj'l.. Sch Col Col Sci. Soc'l. Sch. Sch . Soc'l. Soc'l. Soc'l Col.. Y.M. C.A.I Sch. Soc'l LO.O.F..! Gen Col Soc'y Col i Gen Y.M. C.A.I Soc'l. Sch.. Col .. Gen . Sch.. Gen. Gen. Sch Soc'l Sch.. Gen. Col., Sch.. Med 2,000 900 4,030 6,522 1,150 500 700 850 1,000 650 2,000 2,000 2,050 1,600 700 4,400 1,500 550 1,000 *3, 000 765 2,500 500 5,411 3,000 1,500 3,000 1,300 300 1,500 600 950 658 1,200 350 650 321 1,800 2,894 4,600 1,100 1,600 900 500 1,917 825 800 947 400 814 520 407 350 700 650 2,500 1,000 2,738 712 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — StatMles of pnbliG libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^•c.—Coiitinnod. 1288 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 ' 1302 i 1303 I 1304 1305 I 1306 I 1307 I 1308 I 1309 I 1310 1311 : 1312 j 1313 i 1314 ' 1315 i 1316 j 1317 1318 I 1319 I 1320 I 1321 I 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1388 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 Place. Fort Leavenworlli, Kansi Fort Leavenworth, Kausj Fort Scott, Kans. Name of library. Frankfort. Kans Garnett, Kans . Girard, Kans . . . Harfan, Kans Harf)er, Kans Highland. Kans nolton, Kans Eolton, Kans Independence, Kans lola, Kans Junction City, Kans Junction City, Kans Junction City, Kans Junction City, Kans Lansing, Kans Lawrence, Kans Lawrence, Kans . . . . Leavenworth, Kans. Lindsborjj, Kans Manhattan, Kans . . . Manhattan, Kans . . . Marion, Kans Marysville, Kans . Mound City, Kans Newton. Kans Olathe.Kans Oswepco, Kans Ottawa, Kans Ottawa, Kans Paola, Kans Paola, Kans Parsons, Kans Peabody, Kans Sabetha, Kans St. Mary's, Kans... St. Mary's, Kans . . St. Mary's, Kans . Salina, Kans Severance, Kans Sterling, Kans.. Sterling, Kans ... Topeka, Kans . Topeka, Kans . Topeka, Kans Topeka, Kans . Topeka, Kans. Topeka, Kaus. Topeka, Kans Topeka, Kans Troy. Kan < Weilington, Kans. . White Clond, Kans Wichita, Kans Wyiindofte, Kans . Wyandotte, Kans. . Anchorage, Ky Post Library United States Infantry and Cav- alry Scliool. Normal College and Business In- stitute. Public School Library Library Association Literary Institute and Library Association. Gould College ' Harper City Free Library Highland University ...'. Campbell University Public School Library Ladies' Library Association Library Association Ladies' Reading Club Public School Library Trott's Select Library Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. State Penitentiary City Library University of Kansas Home for Friendless Women Bethany Normal Institute Manhattan Institute * State Agricultural College , Marion Center Library Associa- tion. Public School Library Mary Somerville liib'rary Society Public Library Library Association Libiary Association City Library Ottawa University City Library ' Normal School Memorial and Historical Library . Library Association Library Association St. Mary's College Reading-Koom Association . . . Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Salina Normal University Public Library Sterling Circulating Library Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. College of the Sisters of Bethany. Kansas State Historical Society . . Kansas State Library '. . . . Library Association State Board of Agriculture State Insane A.sylum (Patiouts' Library). Topeka Press Club Washburn College S.L.ILClub..-.. Public School Library Bailey Library '. City Library Grand Lodge of Kansas Institution for the Blind' Bcllewood Seminary and Ken- tucky Presbyterian Normal School.* * From a return for 1884. 1833 1881 1883 1884 1870 Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. 1883 Free . 1857 1882 1882 1882 1884 Sub. 1876 I Sub. 1875 I Free. 1872 I Sub... 1884 j Free.. I 1870 I Free. . i 1865 Sub... I 1866 Free.. 1874 I Sub.. 1860 i Free. 1881 j Sub.. 1882 j Free. 1876 ! 1885 i Sub.. 1874 I Sub.. 1877 Free. 1872 Sub.. 1875 Free. 1880 I Free. 1879 1875 Free. 1879 Sub . 1869 1880 1872 1875 1857 1871 1870 1880 1884 1865 1877 18S2 1882 1880 1858 Sub.. Sub.. Free. Both. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Gar. Sch. Sch Sch.... Gen . . . Gen . . . Col Gon Col Col Sch Soc'l Gen Soc'l Sch Soc'l...... Y.M.,C.A. A.&R... Gen Col- A.&R... Sch Col.. Soc'l , Sch... Soc'l.. Gen.. Gen. . Gen .. Gen .. Col... Gen .. Sch... Hist'l. Gen .. Gen .. Col ... Soc'y . Soc'y . Sch Gen Soc'l T. M. C. A Col Hist'l.... State Gen Soi A. & R. . . Soc'l . Col., Soc'l . Sch.. Gen Masonic Sch , Sch , 2,709 l.H.'Vt 550 4r)5 600 350 800 5,000 780 1, 237 603 600 674 800 1,200 500 4,665 4,000 7,700 350 2,000 . 300 5,559 436 1,060 426 751 1,200 1,100 2, .500 1,000 3,100 2,500 4,780 1,882 700 8,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 500 400 1,028 24, 121 23,988 5,800 1,000 321 300 5,000 718 300 600 2,500 550 600 600 STATISTICAL TABLES. 713 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes^ ^c. — Continued. 1347 Near Bardsto wn, Ky . . . 1348 ■:349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 13C0 laei 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 ' 1387 ! 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 139J 1394 i 1395 I 1396 i 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 14(t4 1405 Bardstown, Ky Bai dstown, Ky Berea, Ky Bowling iSreen, Ky Bowling Green, Ky Bowling Green, Ky Burkesville, Ky. Calvary, Ky Cecilian, Ky Clinton, Ky Clinton, Ky Covinctoni^Ky .. Cyntluana.Ky .- Danville, Ky.'... Danville, Kv Danville. Ky.-.. Name of library. Danville, Ky Danville, Ky Danville. Ky Ecuincuce, Ky ... Farmdale, Ky Farm dale. Ky Frankfort, Ky . . . Frankfort, Ky . . . Frankfort, Kv . . - Frankfort. Ky . . . Garnettsville, Ky Georgetown, Ky. Georgetown, Ky . Georgetown, Ky . Georgetown, Ky. Gethsemaxii, Ky . Glasgow, Ky .. Glasgow, Ky. Greenville. Ky... Harrodsburg, 'Ky Henderson. Ky '. . Hopkinsville, "Ky Hopkin.'^ville, Ky Jackson, Ky Lancaster, Ky — Lexington, Ky — Lexington, Ky — Lexington, Ky — Lexington, Ky Lexington, Ky Lexington, Ky . Lexington, Ky . Louisville, Ky . Louisville, Ky Louisville, Ky . Louisville, Ky . Louisville, Ky . LouisviUe, Ky . Louisville, Ky Loni.sville, Ky . Louisville, Ky . Louibville, Ky . 1406 Louisville, Ky Nazareth Literary and Benevo- lent Institution. St. Joseph's College St. Joseph's Library Berea College. . .". . ."^ Ogden College Southern Xornial Schooland Busi- ness College. State Board of Health of Ken- tucky. Alexander CoUesre Calvary Academy''- Cecilian College Clinton College Reference Library Book Class Library High School Library Library and Reading Room Caldwell Female College Centj-e College Chamberlain Philosophical and Literary Society. Union Deinologian Literary Society. DanviUe Theological Seminary Institute for Deaf-Mutes . Eminence College* Kentucky Military iustitute Philomathean Society*. . Kentucky Geological Survey Kentucky Historical Society Kentucky State Library State Prison Salem College Georgetown College Ciceronian Society' Tau-Theta-Kappa Society Georgetown Female Seminary . . . Select and Preparatory School of Gethsemani. Glasgow Normal School Liberty Female College GreenvUle Female College Daughters Collejze Knights of Pythias | Bethel Female College, Lotus Lite- | rary Society. ; Public School Library Jack.son Academy Library Garrard Female College. . ' Hamilton Female College Kentucky University Cecropian Society Periclean Literary Society. . . Philothean Society of the Col- lege of the Bible. Lexington Library St. Catharine's Female Academy Baptist Orphans' Home Board of Trade . Grand Lodge of Kentucky Hampton College Institution for the Education of the Blind. Law Library Library Association Louisville Female College Louisville Female High School .-.. Louisville Industrial School of Reform. Louisville Tumgemeiude . . * From a leturn for lfco4. ^ 53 P* ^ •E «2 1 s o S ^ i 1825 1824 YTee..\ 1826 Free..; 1865 Free.. 1877 Free.. 1884 Free..l Sch 4,000 Col .. I Soc'y I Col . . Col.. Sch.. San. scf. 1871 ; Free 1870 i Sub. 1874 I Free 1885 I Sub . 1860 1885 I Sub. 1859 1824 i Free 1824 ; Sub. . 4,000 2,000 3. 800 1,000 3,500 500 000 400 ^,000 522 500 2,000 2,255 500 .5,048 1,700 500 714 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, Sfc. — Continued, Place. Name of library. 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 Louisville, Ky Louisville, Ky Louisville, Ky Louisville, Ky Lodisville, Ky LouiMrille, Ky . Louisville, Ky Louisville, Ky 1415 I Maysville,Ky 1416 Mavsville. Ky 1417 Midwav, Ky 1418 Millersburg, Ky 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 Millersburg, Ky . . . Millersburg, Ky . . . Millersburg, Ky... Mt. Sterling, Ky... Newport, Ky Owensborough, Ky Paducab, Ky 1426 1 Paducab, Ky. I 1427 Paducab, Ky. 1428 I Pari8,Kv 1429 I Pewee Valley, Ky 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 J441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 Pewee Valley, Ky Princeton, Ky Richmond, K!y Richmond, Ky Russellville, Ky . Russellville, Ky . Russellville, Ky . Russellville, ^K^ . Saint Mary's, Ky Sharpsburg, Ky . . Sbelbyville, Ky t South' Carrolltbn, Ky . . South Union, Ky. Springfield, Ky . . Winchester, Ky Baldwin, La Baton Rouge, La. Baton Rouge, La. Baton Rouge, La. Baton Rouge, La Clinton, La Grand Coteau, La. Grand Coteau, La. Jackson, La Jackson, La Jackson, La Mansfield, La Mlnden, La Medical Department, University of Louisville. Polytechnic Society of Kentucky. Preston Park Theological Semi- nary. Southern Bapl^ist Theological Seminary. State University Theological Seminary of the P. E. Church. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. German Branch. The Maysville and Mason County Library, Historical, and Scien- tific Association. Odd Fellows' Library Kentucky JFemale Orphan School . Kentucky Wesleyan College, Daiby-KavanaugU Library. Eucleian Society Philomathean Society Millersburg Female College AtbenjBum Library Odd Fellows' Library Association . Public School Librai-y University of Paducab*. Wes.,ern Kentucky Normal Uni- versity and Business College.* Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Paris City School Kentucky College for Young Ladies!* Lyrian Literary League Collegiate Institute Central University Epiphyllidian and Philale- thea'n Societies' Library. Bethel College Neotropbian Society Philomathean Society Logan Female College St. Mary's College - - - Sharpsburg Male and Female Col- lege. Science Hill School West Kentucky Classical and Normal College. South Union Library .1 Academy of St. Catherine of Sienna.* Winchester Male and Female High School. Gilbert Seminary Institution for Education of the I Blind. I Institution for the Deaf and Dumb I Readvilla Seminary I State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. Sillimun Female Collegiate Insti- tute. St. Charles College ' Society Library ! Centenary College of Louisiana. . . j Frauklin'lnstitute j Union Literary Society j Mansfield Female College ! Minden Female College * Frpm a returp for X884. 1837 Free. 1876 Sub.. Med 1859 1831 1875 1873 1875 1850 i875 1870 1870 1851 1876 1868 1883 Soc'l . The'l Free..! The'l Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. 1870 1874 1881 1874 1885 1856 1870 1856 1825 1840 1822 1859 1850 1861 1851 1836 1837 1825 Free Sub. Free. Free Free. Free. Free. Sub.. 1840 1855 Free Free. Free, Sch-. The'l Y.M.C.A Y.M.C.A.j Hist:i & I Sci I LO.O.F..I Sch 1 Col.... Soc'y . . . Soc'y . . . Col LO.O. F. Sch Col ....... Sch Y.M.C.A. Sch Col . Soc'y Sch.. Col .. Soc'y Col.. Soc'y Soc'y Col.. Col .. Sch.. Sch. Sch. Gen- Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch. Col. Col. Col... Soc'y Col . Soc'y Soc'y, Col.. qoi.. STATISTICAL TABLES. ' T15» Table XVI. — Statiatioa of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, 4^c, — Continueii PlaoA. Name of library. 1 1 1 . 1 i 1458 1459 Monrop, La Mt. Lebanon, La New Orleans, La Xew Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Oileans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La . . New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans La Toons Catholic Friends' Society. . 1858 Free.. s5c'i Sch Sci Sci Mer Med...... Masonic . . A. &»...• Sch Col .: Sch Law Col Sch Gen Sch....... Sch Sch Sch Sch State Col A.&R... Col Art.'.'.'.'.'.". Y.M.C.A Ool 700 400 1460 Acadeniv of Sciences* ....... 1853 Free.. 4,000 1461 Pioard of Health of the State of Louisiana. 367 1462 1836 1879 1853 1875 Fi ee . . Free . . Free . . Free.. 300 14P3 1464 1465 1466 Charity Hospital Medical Library. Grand Lodge of Louisiana, F. & A. At. Home Library, Jewish Widows and Orphans' Home. Jefifeisou Academy (No. 95 Conti st^et). 2,375 2,000 1,500 600 1467 1870 1884 1855 1873 1871 1844 Free . . Free.. Sub... Sub... Both.. 1,000 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 McDonogh Public School, No. 2 (Third District). New Orleans Law Association. . . New Oileaus University and Gil- bert Haven School of 'Theology. Peabody Normal Seminary Li- brary" (in charge Superintendent City Schools). Public School and Lyceum Li- biary. St Isidore's Collec^e 363 10,000 4,500 750 17,000 1,500 1474 St. James' Academy and Indus- trial Seminary.* St. Mary's College 400 1475 1,000 147G Soul6 College Library 1856 Free.. 1,964 1477 New Orleans. La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La Is' ew Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La 300 1478 1479 State Library of Louisiana Strai«^ht UniVersity 1838 1869 1881 1^84 18.53 1882 1852 1865 Free.. Free . . Free . . Free . . Free.. Free . . Free.. 21, 000 600 1480 321 1481 1482 Tulane Univeisity, Tulane Li- brary. Fisk Free Library 13,400 8.000 1483 3,500 1,830 2,000 H84 US5 New Orleans! La St. James Parish (Con- vent P. 0.), La. Young Mens Christian Associa- tion. Jefferson College (St. Mary's) ... 14-7 1488 14^9 um 1191 149J 1494 1495 149(5 1497 1498 1499 1.500 1501 1502 1G03 1501 1505 l.'jOfi 1.-.07 St. James Parisli (Con- j vent P. O.), La. I Allred, Me Alfred Me \ Auburn, Mc Aubmn. Me Auburn, Me Auburn, Me Augusta, Me ' Augusta, Me ] Augusta, Me i Augusta, Me j Bangor, Me j i>ani;or, Me j Bangor, Me i Bauyor, Me Bangor, Me Bangor, Me ! Bangor, Me I Bar H.ir bor. Me ! Batii, Me I Bath, Me ...| Bath, Me I Bath, Me i Bethel, Me i Society Libraries Reading Club York Cnuuty Bar Library * Androscoggin County Law Li- brary. Edwai'd Little High School Haskell and Reynolds Library ... Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Kennebec Law Library Lithgow Library Maine Insane Hospital, CoL Bloch Library. Maine State Library Arlington Township Library Bangor Historical Society Bangor Theological Seminary . . . Children's Homo ..* Penobscot Bar Library Public Library Y'oong Men's ChristiaTi Associa- tion. Bar Harbor Library Orphans' Home Patten Library Association Phi Rho Library (Bath High School). Sagadahoc County Law Library . . Bethel Library * From a return for 1884. 1877 Sub. -i 1815 Pre^.. 1855 Free..! 1869 1871 Sub... 1857 Sub .. 1800 'Snb... 1882 Sub... 1856 Free.. 1832 1867 Free.. 1864 Free.. 1820 Free.. 1869 Free.. 1849 Free . . 1828 Both.. 1882 Free.. 1875 Sub .. 1873 Free.. 1847 Sub... 1867 Free.. 1854 Free.. 1879 Sub .. Soc y 1, 200 Soc'l : 614 Law ! 1,200 Law i 1,288 Sch.. Socl Y.M.C.A. Law Gen A. &R... 1,400 600 2,200 1,200 5,000 2,000 State . . Gen ... Hist'l.. The'l . . A. &R Law ! 1,916 Gen 23, 255 T.M.C.A.i 550 41,000 481 400 17, 000 650 Gen .... A. & R. Gen — Sch Law G?i? 3.400 1,500 5,000 600 778 716 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XYL— Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^^c. — Continued. PlAoe. Name of library. 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1508 150« Bethel, Me Gould's Academy . Biddeford, Me Bibliothdque de I'lnstitut Cana- dien Frangais de Biddeford, Me. Biddeford, Me Public Library Blue HiU, Me Ladies' Social Library Bolster's Mills, Me Village Library Brown ville, Me Library Corporation Bninswick, Me Bowdoin College Bjjanswick, Me Medical School of Maine Brunswick, Me Public Library Association Bucksport, Me East Maine Conference Seminary. Bucksport, Me Social Library .... , Buxto^, Me Bar Mills Library . Calais, Me HiU Circulating Library Calais, Me St. Croix Library. Camden, Me j Ladies' Library Association Canaan, Me 1 Wilshire Library Association — Castine, Me Eastern State formal School Castine, Me i Town Library Cherryfield, Me ' Public Library Corinna, Me Corinna Union Academy Cornish, Me I Library Association Cumberland Center, Me . j Greely Institute* CumberlandMills, Me.. Mill Library Deering (P. O., Wood- ! Deering Public Librarj' ford's). Me. i Deering, Me i Westbrook Seminary and Fe- i male College. Dexter, Me Town Library Dover, Me ! Circulating Library Dover, Me j Piscataquis Law Library East Machias, Me Public Library Association Eastport. Me ' Public Library Ellsworth, Me | City Library Earmington, Me j Abbott Family School Farmington, Me : Franklin County Law Library 1843 1862 1868 1859 1884 1802 1820 1883 1851 1806 1876 1878 1868 1853 1878 1868 1801 1837 1851 1867 Free. Free . Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Sch. Sub... Free . . Sub... Sub... Sub... Sub... Sub... Sub... Free . . Free . . Sub... Free . . Sub... 1856 1870 1831 1874 1879 1856 Free . . Sub... Free . . Free.. Sub... Free . . Sub... Free.. Sub .- Farmington, Me . Fort Kent, Me... Fort Preble (P.O. land), Me. Foxcroft, Me Foxcroffc, Me Por^ Association. State I^ormal School Madawaska Training School* Post Library Foxcroft Academy* Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Fryeburg Academy Public Library Public Library State Normal and Training School Industrial School for Girls ..... Social Library Village Library As.sociation Hamlin Library of Hebron Acad- emy. Aroost()ok Law Library Houlton Academy First Congregational Parish Li- brary. I Kennebunk, Me i Kennebimk Library I Kent's Hill, Me ; Maine Wceloyan Seminary and ] Female College.* ! Kittery, Me i Rice Public Library Lewiston, Me Bates College j Lewiston, Me . . Eurosophian Society Lewiaton, Me Polymnian Society I Lewiston, Me Theological School I LewiKton.Me... Chandler and Estes Circulating Fryebnrg, Me Gardiner. Me Gorham, Me .. Gorham, Mo ... Hallowell, Me Hallowell, Me Harrison, Me . Hebron, Me .. Houlton, Me Houlton, Me — Kennebunk, Mo . 1864 Free. Free Free. Gen . Soc'l . Gen Gen . Col.. Med. Gen . Sch.. Gen Soc'l . Soc'l . Gen . Gen . Gen . Sch.. Gen , Gen . Sch.. Gen Sch.. Soc'l , Gen . Sch.. Gen S9c'l Law Gen Gen Gen Sch. Law Sch. Sch. Gar.. 1885 Free Sch Y. M. C. A, 1840 1882 1879 1875 1846 1871 Sub... Sub... Free . . Free.. Sub... Both.- Sch... Gen .. Gen .. Sch . . . A. & 11 Gen .. Gen .. Sch . . . 1881 1874 1859 1856 1864 1870 1850 Sub. Free . . Sub .. Free.. Free.. Free . . Sub .. Sub. Sub Soc'l. Soc'l i Library. Lewiston, Me. Estes Circulating Library Lewiston, Me. Manufacturers' and Mechanir-- !^tii Library Association. LiiMuln, Me Burton llibrary ' 1878 * From a return for 18M4. aAa Dexter Town Library { sucoeeded the Mercancile Libi-ary, founded in 1867. Sub. Law Sch.. Soc'l. Gen . Col .. Gen . Col.. Soc'y Soc'y TbeU Soc'l. STATISTICAL TABLES. 717 Table XVt.—Staii8tics of puhlic libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c.—Continued. Place. Name of library. Machias, Me , Social Library Macbias, Me ! "Waabinirtou County Bar Library. Mercer, Me . i Shuw Libn Me. New Gloucester New port, Me ...... New Sharon, Me .. Norridgewock, Me Norridgewock, Me Norway, Me^ Norway, Me Orono, Me Pittsfield, Me Portland, Me . Portland, Me . Portland. Me . Portland, Me . Portland, Me . 1875 1820 18b3 1853 1875 1860 Circulating Library Circuiting Library Town Library Noni(lg«-wock English and Clas sical Institute. Norridgewoik Useful Library 1848 Circulating Library ]f*76 Public Libi-ary i 1885 Maine State Collese of Agricult- { 1869 ure and Mechanic Arts. Maine Central Institute | 1866 Board of Trade | 1*^54 Circuit Court Law Library Asso- j 1879 ciation. I Clark's Circulating Library 1879 Greenleaf Law Library ! 1867 High School Librai y I 1872 I Sub...j Gen .. Free . . Law . . Free.. Gen .. Sub .. Gen .. Sfub... Gen .. Free.. Gen .. I Sch... Sub...! Gen Sub . . 1 Soc'l Sub. -.; Gen Free . ' Col Portland, Me i Maine Historical Society Portland, Me Portland, Me Portland. Me Poitland, Me Portland, Me Portland, Me Portland, Me PortUind, Me Presquelsle, Me Richmond, Me... Rockland, Me ... Rockland, Me ... Rockland, Me ... Saccarappa, M©.. Saco, Me • Saco, Me . 1822 Maine Medical Association ' 18.'.2 1821 Masonic Gr.ind Lodge Mechanits' Library Portland Masonic Library Portland Society of Natural His- tory. Public Library State Reform School Boys' Library Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Presque Isle Library Library Association Bumham's Circulating Library. Commercial Colle^'e * Knox County Law Library Westbrook Social Library Dver Library York Institute Searsport, Me | Sears' Public Library SkowUegan, Me ' Library A.ssociation Skowhegan. Me { Somerset Law Library South Berwi«k, Me Berwick Academy Thomiiston. Me ' Ladies' Library Thomaston, Me ' State Prison Togus, Me Naiionjil Soldiers' Home, Eastern Branch. Topshnm, Me Franklin School Library Vaasalborough, Me Oak Grove Seminary Warr< n. Me Ladies' Independent Library Washburn. Me Wa.shbnTn Library Waterville, Me i Colby Uuiyersity Waterville, Me ' " ' * ' West Lebanon, Me.. WiiiterjJort, Me Winthrop, Me Wiulhrop, Me Libi ai-y Association West Lebanon Academy Ladies' Circle Library Reynolds' Circulating: Library .. Young Men's Chiistiau Associa- tion. Social Library York Harbor' Library Mercer Literary Society, Maryland Agricultural Coll- ge. Maryl nd St: te Library St.John'sColIefre A unapolis. M d Unii . d State.'^ Naval Academy . - Ba'tiraoie.Md Archiepiscopal Lilirary . Baltimore, Md. (Mt. i Baltimore and Ohio 'Employ 68' Clare). I Free Circulating Library. Baltimore,Md Baltimore City Board of Health Baltimore, Md I Baltimore Com acd Floor Ex- I change. * From a return for 1884. Wiscasset, Me York, Me Agiidiltural College Md. Annapolis, Md , Annapolis, Md 1820 18G9 1843 1853 1853 1865 1868 1882 i866' 18(12 1881 1866 1872 1867 1810 1835 1851 1828 Free . . Free . . Free . . Sub... Snb... Free . . Free . . Free . . Free . . Free.. Free . Free . . Both.. Free . . Sub. Sub... Sub... Sub... Sub.'.'.' Sub . . Free . Free . Free.. Sub . Free.. Free . . Sub .. Free.. Free.. 1856 1864 1820 1865 1872 1801 18M 1859 1826 1789 1845 Sub.. Fi ee . Sub.. Sub . Sub"; Sub.. Sub . Sub . Free. 1873 Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free Free. Sch. Mer . Law Soc'l Law Sch HistL... Med Masonic Soc'l.--- Masonic Sci Gen A.&R.... Y.M.C.A. Gen ... Gen ... Socl... Sch.... Law ... Soc'l... Gen ... Gen ... Gen ... Gen ... Law . . . Sch ... Socl... A.&R. Gov't.. Sch Sch Soc'l Gen Col Gen Sch Soc'l Soc'l Y.M.C.A Gen .. Gen .. Soc'y . State . C..1 ... Gov't. The'l . Soc'l . . San. sci . . Mer 1,420 800 844 434 500 1,400 500 700 1,200 6,500 600 330 530 3,500 2,802 1,300 10, 000 360 550 5,000 581 1,300 31, 000 1,635 1,000 3,400 500 425 500 1,200 a7,766 1,100 1,800 4,500 640 400 2,600 1,188 6,209 450 300 828 350 19, 370 1,160 300 1,100 650 720 1,422 500 2.000 75,000 6,000 26, 898 15,000 5,000 400 351 aBooka and pamphlets. 718 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, tjfc. — Coutinued, 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 Place. Name of library. Baltimore, Md Baltimore. Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md. (corner Calvert and Pleasant streets). Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltijnore Female College* i Ealtiiuoi o Normal School for Col- ored Teachers. j Baltimore Tumgemeinde 1852 Board of Trade \ 1850 Centenary Biblical Institute ■ Boys' Home ! 1871 1643 I Baltimore, Md 1644 1645 1646 j 1647 I 1648 j 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1C60 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 16G9 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md , Baltimore, Md , i3altimore, Md , Baltimore, Md , Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md . Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md , Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Baltimore, Md Carroll, Md Carrollton, Md. (P. O., Carroll). Carrollton, Md. (P. O., Carroll). Carrollton, Md. (P. O., Carroll). Catonsvjlle, Md Near CatonBrillo, Md . Charlotte Hall, Md . . . Near CbeHtertown, Md Boys' School of St. Paul's Parish . ; City Libi-ary ' College of Physicians and Sur- | geons. ! Concordia Library Convent of the Visitation The Enoch Pratt Free Library of I Baltimore City. | Friends' Elementary and High School. House of Befuge Institution for Instruction of the Blind. Johns Hoptins University i Knights of Pythias .1 Library Company of the Balti- \ more Bar. i Loyola College j Maryland Academy of Sciences*.. | Maryland Historical Society i Maryland Institute for the Pro- | motion of Mechanic Aria. Maryland Penitentiary Masonic Library Association Medical and Cliirurgical Faculty of Maryland. Mercantile Library Association . Odd Fellows' Library Peabody Institute .'. Public School Library* Red Men's Library (Improved Order). St James' Home for Boys St. Joseph's Academy St. Mary's Theological Seminary of StSulpice. St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asy- lum. South Baltimore Mechanics' Li- j brary. Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. 0.0. F. State Normal School University of Maryland, School of Law. Toung Men's Christian Associa- tion. Toun^ Women's Christian Asso- ciation. Zion School St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys. Mt St. Joseph's College, Teach- ers' Library. Students' Library St. Agnes Hospital Free. 1865 1838 (a) 1855 Free 1839 1840 1857 1878 1858 1851 Library Association . . Mt. do Sales Academy* Charlotte Hall School Library ... Washington CoUej;e 1879 1774 1783 Free. Free. Snb.. Free. * From a return for 1884. a Opened to the public after tin (lute of the closing of this table, Avith 40,888 volumes. STATISTICAL TABLES. 719 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, 4'c. — Continued. Place. Name of library. •i 1680 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 I6S9 College of St Jame8,Md . Cumberland, Md Cnmberland, Md Denton, Md EUicott Citv, Md EUicott City, Md Embla.Mdr Near Eminitsburg, Md. Eoimitsburg. Md Frederick, Md Frederick, Md Frederick, Md 1692 j Frederick, Md 1697 ]698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 17IG 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 I 1725 ! 1726 1727 172H . 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 ' 1734 1735 1736 1737 1 1738 I 1739 1740 Glenwood, Md Hagerstown, Md Havre de Grace, Md Dcbester, Md Lonaconing, Md Lonationing. Md Lnthei-ville, Md McDonogh.Md Xe w Windsor, Md Oakland, Md Oxford.Md St. George's, Md . . Salisbury. Md Towson,*Md Westminster, Md . Westminster, Md . Westminster, Md . Williamsport, Md. Woodstock, Md-. Abington. Mass . Adams. Mass Amesbury, Mass AmesburV, Mass Amherst, Mass . Amherst, Mass . Amherst, Mass . Amherst, Mass . Andover, Mass . Andover, Mass . Andover, Mass . Andover, Mass . Andover, Mass . Arlington, Mass . Ashburaham, Ashburnham, Mass . Asbby, Mass Ashland. Mass Athol, Mass , Attleborough, Mass . Auburn. Mass Aubnrndale, Mass.. Auburndale, Mass. . . Ayer, Mass Ballard Vale, Mass Barnstable, Mass . . Barre, Mass Bedford, Mass Belmont. Mass College of St. James Grammar School.* Bar Association of Alleghany County. St Edward's Academy Circulating Librarv .' Eock Hill College '^. St Charles's College Notre Dame of Maryland * Mt St Mary's College Library Students' Library ' Frederick College Frederick Female Seminary Maryland School for the Deaf and Dumb. Toung Men's Christian Associa- tion. Glenwood Institute* Library of "Thursday Club " Masonic Libraiy Mt. St Clement College Odd Fellows' Library (No. 85) St Mary's Library . . Lutherville Female Seminary McDonogh School ." Xew Windsor College Garrett Literary Society Maryland Military ani\ Xaval Academy. St. George's Library Circulating Library High School Library Western Mai'yland College Irving Litei ary Society Webster Literary Society Madeiry Lodge, No. 140, A. F. and A.M. Woodstock College Public Library Free Library Johnson's Circulating Library — Public Library of Amesbury 'and Salisbury'- Amherst College Observatory Library I Massachusetts Agricultural Col- | lege. I Public Library ; Abbot Academy Andover Theological Seminary... Memorial Hall Library . Phillips Academy, Taylor Memo- rial Library. Associate Library Public Library . ". Gushing Academy Public Library Town Library Public Library Free Pablic Library Free Public Library Free Public Library Lasell Seminary ..S. Eiverside Home and Day School for Girls. Public Library Bradlee Library Sturgia Library Town Library Free Public Library Public Library * From a return for 1884. Scb 1878 Sub. Law 1877 Sub... 1840 1845 1871 Free. Free. Free. Sch.. Soc'l.. Col.. Col.. Sch.. Col.. Soc'y Col... Sch.. Sch... T.M.C.A ! 1878 Sub. 1868 1871 1874 1874 I 1874 i 1876 I 1870 1873 1867 1870 1878 1882 1877 1856 1821 1881 1867 1874 1828 1807 1873 1778 1872 1875 1883 1874 1881 1882 1885 1872 1851 1871 1878 1863 1857 1876 1867 Sch Soc'l Mationic . ; Thel.... Free.- LO.O.F. Sob...i I Sch Free..! Sch Free..! Col Free.. Free. Both. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free. Sub.. Free Free Free. Free. Free. Free Free. Free. Sub.. Free, Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Soe'l. Sch.. Scb Soc'l.-.. Sch Col .... Soc'y... Soc'y . . . Masonic The'l Gen . Gen . Soc'l.. €^en . Col. Sci . Col. Gen . Sch.. The'l Gen . Sch-. Soc'y Gen . Sch.., Gen ., Gen .. Gen . Gen . I Gen . 1 Gen . i Sch.. Sch... Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen ,000 865 400 9,000 2,000 8,000 800 3,000 2,500 2,200 425 1,500 2,963 1,000 10,600 800 500 1,550 2,325 2,000 600 2,800 500 1,090 400 4,0C0 67,000 4,040 3,434 2,696 '5,000 45,186 1,000 4,400 3,760 2,660 42,938 9,185 3,000 9,298 1,800 1,100 1,353 2,250 3,000 2,400 1,450 1,200 500 2,216 1,500 9,910 3,034 1,823 5.019 720 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCAT10!s^ Table XVI. — Statisiim of puhlic libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^-c. — Contintied. Place. Name of library. % S i 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 Beverly, Mass . Beverly, Mass Billerica, Mass Blackiiitoi>> Mass. Blackstone, Mass. Bolton, Mass . Bostou, Mass . Boston, Mass . Boston, Mass . Boston, Mass , Boston, Mass . Boston, Mass . Boston, Mass . Bostou, Mass . Boston, Mass . Boston, Mass - Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass. (18 Boyls- ton place). Boston, Mass. (419 VVash- ington street). • Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Bostou, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass. (171 Bunk- er Hill street). Boston, Mass. (20 Bea- con street) . Boston. Mass Boston, Mass. (697 Tre- mont street). Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston, Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Public Library Wilson's Circulatina; Librar\* Bennett Public Library Associa- tion. Blackinton Library Atheiueura and Library Associa- tion. Tovm Library American Academy of Arts and Sciences. American Baptist Missionary Union. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Appalachian Mountain Club Baldwin Place Home for Little Wanderers. Bar Association of the City of Boston. Berwick Library Boffin's Bower Boston Athenajum Bostou City Hospital Medical Li- brary. Training School for Nurses Boston College Bostonian Society Boi^ton Latin Scliool Association . Boston Library Society Boston Scientific Society Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Boston Society of Natural History Boston University, School of Law School of Medicine School of Theology Brooks Library ."^ Bunker Hill Circulating Library. Bureau of Statistics of Labor . . . Carter's Select Circulating brary. Central Library Li- Boston, Mass . Boston, Mass . Boston, Mass . Boston, Mass . Bostcfn, Mass . Boston, Mass . BoDtoD, Mass . * From a retnrn for 1884. Chauncy Hall School City Engineer's Department Li- brary, Congregational Library (Ameri- can Congregational Association). Directory Ofiice Library Farm School Library Franklin Typograj/hical Society.. Gannett Institute General Theological Library Girls' Latin Sc^hool Grand Lodge of Massachusetts... Handel and Haydn Society House of Correction, Prison Li- brary. House of Industry (Deer Island).. Loring'rt Select Library Ivuiiatic IIo.spital (South Boston)..! Mas.sachu8etts College of Pbar- I macy. ! Massaclinsetts General Hospital, Treaclwell Library. Massachusetts Historical Society. Massach sett s Homoeopathic Hos- pital, i a Library consists solely of books 1855 1872 1880 1859 1856 1859 1780 1814 1810 1876 1865 1885 1875 1870 1807 1865 1885 1864 1881 1840 1792 1877 1851 1831 1872 1873 1847 1868 1881 1874 1870 1875 1874 1853 Free . Sub-. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Free . Free. Free. Free. Gen . Soc'i . Gen . Gen . Gen . Gen . Sci . . Sub... Sub.. Free. Sub., Free. Free. Free. Ft-ee. Sub.. Free. Free Free . Free. Free . Sub.. Sub.. Sub. Sub. Both.. Free . . Free . . Free . . Free.. Free . . 1846 1833 1824 1854 1860 1878 1864 1815 1850 1 Free.. Sub... Sub .. Free . . 1849 i Free.. 1859 1 Sub .. li^Pi Free . . 1823 1857 1791 Free.. Sub... Free.. I Free . . Soc'l. A. and K.. Law 10,211 1, 000 2,500 1,600 3,000 2,016 18, 000 1,500 7,273 500 600 2,000 I 550 A. and R.. I 700 Gen I 150,261 Med \ *800 Med., Col . - . Hist'l . Sch... Soc'l.. Sci Sci .. Sci . . Law . Med . The'l Soc'l. Soc'l. Soc'l. Sch Sci. 484 12, 000 800 3,039 26, 000 500 825 30, 000 4,000 2,500 5,500 2,847 400 4,500 4,500 1,500 750 Soc'l ! 25,450 Gen . . . A. & i: Sch The'l . . . Sch Masonic Soc'l ... A.&R.. A.&R. Soc'l . . . A.&R. Med ... Med Hist'l . 7,000 800 2,800 3,900 15, 000 700 3,000 (a) 1,000 1,500 8,000 1,400 3,500 7,000 31. 000 500 of masic; number not reported. STATISTICAL TABLES. 721 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^-c. — Continued. Place. Name of library. 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 182] 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 I 1835 ' 1836 i 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1»45 Boston, Mass. (Tremont street). Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Massachusetts Horticultnral So- ciety. Massachusetts Institute of Tech- noioiry.* Massachusetts New Church Un- ion Library. 1829 1866 Massachusetts State Prison ; 1840 Boston, Mass Boston. Mass. (36 Brom- fiehl street). Boston, Mass. (North Bennet street). Bost'U, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Bo.ston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass. (41 Marl- borough street). Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass. (29 Mid- dlesex street). Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass (987 Wash- ington street). Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass. Boxford, Mass Boylston Centre, Mass . Bradford, Mass Bradford. Mass Braintree. Mass. (P. O. South Braintree). Brewster, Mass Bridgewater. Mass ' Bridgewater, Mass ' Bridgewater, Mass j Bridgewater, Mass Brinjfield, Mass ! Brinifield, Mass | Biinifield, Mass ! Brockton. Mass ! Brookfield, Mass ' Brookline, Mass ! Brookline, M ass j Burlington, Mass j Canabridge, Mass j Cam brid ge. Mass j Cambridge, Mass C&mbridue, Mass i Cambridge, Mass Boston Merrill's Library Mudio Library Museum of Fine Arts Naval Library and Institute (United States). New England Historic-Genealog- ical Society. New England Methodist Histor- ical Society. North Bennet Street Industrial School. Numismatic Society Odd Fellows' Library Osgood's Circulating Library Perkins Institution for the Blind . Post Library, Fort Warren Public Library Sage's Circulating Library Shawm ut Congregational Society . Social Law Library Society to encourage Studies at Home, Lending Library. State Board of Health . /. State Libi ary Turner Library United States Marine Hospital Seryico. Washingtonian Home Library Wells Memorial Workingmen's Institute. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion.* Young Men's Christian Union Young Women's Christian Asso- ciation.* Public Library Boylston Public Library . Bradford Academy. High School Thayer Public Library. Ladies' Library High School Public Library State Normal School . State Workhouse Hitchcock Free High School Pastor's Library (Congregational) . ! Public Library , Public Library ilerrick Public Library ' Circulating Library Public Library ; Town Libmry ' Cambridge High School , Canibridiie Circulating Library... Entomological Club Episcopal Theological School , HaryuidCoUege Boston. Mass. (P. O. Charlestown station) Boston. Mass. (19 Boyla- I Medical Library Association of [ 1875 ton pla^e). Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass 1872 1883 1879 1842 1845 1854 1874 1833 1850 1852 1874 1804 Free. Free. Free., State Sub... Sub... Sab... Free . . Sub... Free . . Free.. Free.. Free.. Free . . Sub... Sci. Sci The! - . A.«feR. 5,000 4,117 1,949 4,445 Med ' 15,000 ; Soc'l 5,000 4,000 Sci ! a2,233 I Gov't j 2,390 Free- Free . Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. 1826 1849 1858 1879 Free. Free. San. sci . State 3,000 60,000 3,000 1878 1840 , 1860 1865 ! 1859 i 1878 i 1867 ! 1805 I 18.57 I 18.-.7 lS4t; , 1857 : 1874 \ 1867 I 1638 i Hist'I Hist'l. Sch 20, 778 1,200 Sci I. O. O. F . Soc'l Sch Gar Gen ! 434,837 Soc'l. { 2,500 Soc'l ' 300 Law I 19,500 Soc'l 1,755 300 3,500 1,000 6,695 1,500 Free. Free. Free. Frfe . Free. Free . Sob.. Free! Free . 000 300+ 6,100 4,000 375 1 Sch ; 1,604 The'l , 610 Gen ; 1,978 Gen I 10,341 Gen Soc'l Gen Gen . Sch.. Soc'l Sci .. The'l 8,800 500 30, 842 1,C25 3,100 3,000 1,355 3,000 Col 232,800 From a return for 1884. a Books and pamphlets. 46 E 722 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, cf-c. — Contiuued. Place. Name of library. Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass , Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass . Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass Cambridge, Mass . . .f . Cambridgeport, Mass . Cambridgeport (575 Main street) Campello, Mass-.. Canton, Mass Carlisle, Mass Charlemont, Mass Cbarlton, Mass . . . Chelmsford, Mass. Chelsea, Mass Chelsea, Mass Chelsea, Mass Chelsea, Mass Chelsea, Mass Cheshire, Mass Chicopee, Mass Chicopee Falls, Mass Cliftondale, Mass Clinton, Mass Cohasset. Mass College Hill, Mass College Hill, Mass Concord, Mass , Concord, Mass. (P. O., Warnerville).. Conway, Mass Cottage City, Mass Cummington, Mass Dalton, Mass Dalton, Mass Danvers, Mass , Danvers, Mass Dedham, Mass Dedham, Mass Dedham, Mass Deerfield, Mass. (high school bailding). Deerfield, Mass Dennis, Mass Dudley, Mass Dunstable, Mass Dux bury, Mass East liostdu. Mass East Bridgewater, Mass. East Bridgewater, Maaa. East Cambridge, Mass . . Botanic Garden (Herbarium Li- brary). Bussey Institution at Jamaica Plain. Divinity School Institute of 1770 (Old "Hasty Pudding" Building). Lawrence Scientific School Law School Medical School at Boston Museum of Comparative Zoology. Natural History Society Pcabody Museum Phillips Library (Astronomical Observatory). Porcellian Club Public Library Society for the Collegiate Instruc- tion of Women. Truant School Abbott Parker's Circulating Li- brary. E. F. Hunt & Co.'s Circulating Library. Thayer Brothers' Circulating Li- brary. Public Library Free Public Library Library A ssociation Public Library Social Library Boyden's Circulating Library Orcutt's Circulating Library Williams & Hiford's Circulating Libiary. Public Library U. S. Marine Hospital Library Association Town Library Wm. P. McFarland's Circulating Library. Public Library Bigelow Free Public Library , Free Public Library Tuft's College Universalist Historical Society*-. Free Public Library Massachusetts Reformatory Town Library Library Association Bryant Free Library Crane Library Public Librarj7 Lunatic Hospital Peabody Institute Library... Dedham Historical Society . . Norfolk County Law Library* Public Library Dickinson Library 1864 1871 1825 1770 1847 1817 1782 1858 1837 1866 1847 1803 1856 1879 Free. Sub!; Free. Free. Free . Free. Pocomtuck Valley Memorial As- sociation. Dennis Library Nichols Academy (Conant Library) Free Libiary Partridge Academy Marno's Circulating Library High School Public Library Circulating Library • From a retuni for 1884. 1878 1833 1881 1875 1872 1879 1786 1868 1849 1870 1821 1866 1846 1880 1885 1873 1880 1854 1834 1851 1884 1878 1883 1872 1882 1885 1878 1857 1859 1815 1871 1878 1876 1873 Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free. Sub.- Free . Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Fiee. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Free . Free. Free. Sub.. 1878 1845 1881 Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Sal).. Sci. Sci. The'l Soc'y Sci... Law . Med. Sci... Soc'y Sci... Sci... Soc'y 10, 000 Gen 18,000 1,085 A.&R.. Soc'l.... Soc'l . Soc'l . Gen.. Gen.. Soc'l . Gen.. Soc'l. Soc'l. Soc'l . Soc'l. Gen .. Gov't . Gen . Soc'l . Gen Gen Gen Col Hist'l... Gen A. «fc R . . Gen ... Soc'l... Gen ... Soc'l... Gen ... A.&E. Gen ... Hist'l.. Law . . . Gen ... Soc'l . Gen . Gen Sch.. Soc'l Sch. Geu Soc'l STATISTICAL TABLES. 723 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbenng 300 volumes, ^c— Continued. Place. Name of library 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 East Cambridge, Mass . . East Cambridjie, Mass . . East Denuis, Mass East Douglas, Mass Eastham, Mass Easthampton, Mass EasthamptoD, Mass East Orleans, Mass East Saupus, Mass Enfield, Mass Erving, Mass Everett, Mass Fairhaven, Mass Fall River, Mass Fall River, Mass Fall River, Mass Fall River, Mass Falmouth, Mass Falmouth, Mass 1923 ! Fells, Mass 1924 I Fitchburg, Mass . 1925 j Fitchburg, Mass . 1926 ] Fitchburg, Mass . 1927 i Fitchburg. Mass . 1928 1929 1930 1831 1932 lfl33 1934 1935 1936 1937 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 19i7 Foxborough, Mass ., Framingham, Mass Framingham, Mass Franklin, Mass Franklin, Mass Franklin, Mass Freetown, Mass Gardner, Mass , Gardner, Mass Gilbertville, Mass. . Gill, Mass Gloucester, Mass Gloucester, Mass Gloucester, Mass Gloucester, Mass Grafton, Mass Great Barrington, Mass. Great Banington, Mass. Greenfield, Mass Greenfield, Mass 1948 I Greenfield. Mass 1949 Greenfield, Mass 1950 Groton.Mass 1951 Groton.Mass 1952 Groton.Mass 1953 Hadlev, Mass 1954 ; HadleV.Mass 1955 Halifax, Mass , 1956 Hanson, Mass 1957 Hardwick. Mass 1958 Harvard Mass 1959 Harvard, Masa 1960 I Harvard, Mass , 1961 I Har^vich Port, Mass . 1962 i Hatfield. Mass 1963 I Haverhill, Mass 1964 HaverhiU. Mass 1965 ! Hay denville. Mass * From a return for 1884. a Present number of yolumes fire. Middlesex Law Libi-ary St. John's Literary Institute Association Library . — 1 . . . Douglas Free Public Library Town Library Public Library A ssociation Williston Seminary Orleans Library Association East Saugus Circulating Library Public Library 1. Erving-Library * Public Library Library Association Adams' Circulating Library Earl's Circulating Library High School Library Public Library Falmouth Circulating Library. . . First Congregational Church Li brary. Boston Rubber Shoe Company. . . House of Correction and Jail Law Library Public Library | "Worcester North District Medi- ! cal Library. ! Boyden Library ! State Normal School \ Town Library j Dean Academy Library Association . . . Pawtucket Library Freetown Law Librarj' Gardner Free Library Mt. Gardner Seminary Gilbertville Library of the Geo. H. Gilbert M'f'g. Co. Gill Library i Cape Ann Scientific and Literary Association. Procter Circulating Library Sawyer Free Library Young Men's Christian Associa tion. Free Public Library Free Library .'. Sedgwick Institute Frc e Library Law Library Association for Franklin Co. Library Association Moody's Circulating Library Groton School Library Lawrence Academy Public Library Conant's Library Young Men's Library Association. Holmes Public Library Library Association Ladies Free Library Association Brorafield School Public Library Union Library Sea View Library Public Library Morse & Son'sCirculatingLibraiy Public Library Library Association is uot known; tlie library uumbere4 30,000 yolwnes before \he recent 721 EEPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^-c. — Continued. Place. Name of library. 1966 19U7 1908 19«;9 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 197cJ 1977 1978 1979 1980 19H1 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 ]9^7 1988 1989 3990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.-22 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Hinsrham, Ma«8.. HiD}.'hain, Mass.. flinsthile, Mass .. Uollnook, Mass.. Hcddtn, Mass Hollision. Mass. . Ho'yoke, Mass... Holvnke, Mass .. Hopkinton, Mass Honsatonic, Mass Hubbardaton, Mass. . Hudson. Mass Hjde Park, Mass Ipswich, Mass KingHtoi), Mass Lincawter, Mass Lancaster, Mass Laiit sboroujih, Mass Lanesboroiigh, Mass Lawreuce, Mass Lawi ence, Mass Lawr> n«'e, Maas Lawience, Mass Lee, Mass L' icester, Mass Leicestei', Mass Lenox, Mass . ... Leominster, Mass Lt'X myton, M ass Lincoln, Mass Limien, Muss Lowell, Mass Lowell. Mass L( (Well, Mass '. .. Lowell, Mass Lowell, Mass Lowell, Mass Lowell, Mass Lowell, Mass Lowell, Mass Lowell, Mass Lowell, Mass Lunenl'urg, Mass L\nn, MaSvS L.\nn, Mass Lynn, Mass Maiden, Mass Maiden, Mass . Maiden, Mass Maiden. Mass Manchester, Mass Maiisfii Id. Mass .. Marb'.ehead, Mass Manon. Mass Marlboiouyh, Mass ! Fiee Public Library Marlboroiijrh, Ma.ss. Medfield, Mass Mo'foMJ, Ma.ss Medwjix, Mass Med way. Muss Melio.Ho, M.U.18 Melrose. Ma.ss I Melrose, Mass Public Library Second .Social Library Public Library Association Public Library Lil>rary A s.soi'iation Public Li braiy Public Library Teachers' Professional Library . . Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. The Cone Library Public Li brary Public Library Public Library Free Public Library Librai y Association State tndustiial School for Girls. Town Li brary . .* Elmwuod Institute* Town Lib' ary Fiee Public Library Hou.'^e of Conection Industrhil Scho(d Pacific Mills Library Public Library Academy Library I'ublic Library . .". Library A ssc'ciatiou Free Public Library Gary Library Public Library Circulati? g Library Citv Library - . ' CoggeshairaCirculatins Library* Middlesex < 'o. Law Library Middli s»x Mt'chanics' Association Old Ladies' Home Rector's Library (St. Anne's Church), Reform .School* St. Patiick's Female Academy*. . Wentworth Library (Lowell Bar A8S(»ciation). Young Men's Catholic Library Association. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Public Library Cotton's I "irctilating Library. . . Fr< e Public Lii>rajy Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Bazar Circulatins Library Ladies' Exchange Circulating Li- brary. High School Public Library Public Library Public Library Abbot Public Library Tabor Library Unitarian Parish Library Public Li brary Public Library Dean Library Lawrence's (;irrulating Library Boston Rubber Sh5 1871 1847 1873 18.56 l.%0 1880 187:( 1870 1871 Sub. Free . . Free . . Free . Free . , Free . J'ree . Free . Free . Free . Sub... Hub . Free . Sub . Free . Soc'l Y.M.C.A. Gen , Soc'l Gen , Y.M.C.A Soc'l. Soc'l. Sch. Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen . Soc'l. Gen . Gen . soc'i ; Soc'l . Soc'l . Gen . STATISTICAL TABLES 725 Table XTI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^«. — Continued. Place. Name of library. Mendon, Mass Merrimac, Mass Methueu, Mass Methacn, Mass Mi(klli>l)oroujrh, Mass. Middlolield Mass Middletou. Mass Milford, Mass Milford, Mass Millbuvy, Mass MillJs. Mass Milton, Mass Monsou, Mass Monson, Mass — Montasue, Mass . Montague, Mass., Xaliant, Mass Nantucket. Mass antucket, Mass antucket, Mass atick. Mass cdhani. Mass . cw Bedford ew Bedford, Mass ew Bedford, Mass ow Bedford, Mass ew Bedford, Mass ew Bedford, Mass ew Beilford, Mass ew Bedford, Mass Newburyport, Mass Newburyport, Mass New Salem , Mass Newton, Mass Newton, Mass Newton, Mass Newton. Mass Newton, Mass Newton Center, Mass.. Norfolk, Mass ... North Abington, Mass. North Adams, Mass North Amherst, Masa.. Northampton, Mass Northampton, Mass Northampton, Mass Northampton, Mass Northampton, Mass North Andover, Mass . . North Attleborough, North Attleborough, Nori h Billerica, Mass . . \ Northboroujih, Mass . ..] North borough. Mass ..: North Brooktield, Mass North Brookfleld, Mass. North Chelmsford, Mass North Easton, Mass Northfield, Mass Northfleld, Mass Taft Public Library Public Library Nevins Memorial Library Public Library Public Library Public Library Flint Public Library Thurber Medical Library Town Library Town Library Free Public Library Public Library Flynt and Packard Library of Monson Academy. Fi-eo Library and Reading Koom Association. Public Library Turner's Falls Library Associa- tion. Public Library Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin's Lan- casterian School * Nantucket Athenaeum Town Library Morse Institute Needham Library Dews Circulating Library Free Public Library Friends' A cademy Hutchinson's Circulating Library. Lawton's Circrlating Library Swain Fren School Union for Good Works Young Men's Christian Associa- tion Public Library Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. New Salem Academy Bazar Circulating Library Free Library Newton Athenaeum Peck's Circulating Library Pomroy Homo for Orphan" Girls .. Newton Theological Institution. . . Town Library Public Library (branch of Abing- ton Public Library) . Public Library Public [library Clarke Institution for Deaf Mutes. Free Public Libi ary Hampshire County Law Library. . Northampton Lunatic Hospital. .. Smith College Reference Library. jNorth Andover Library Circuliiting Library of"B. A. Ra- zee 99 Ann Arbor, Mich, (high schO' 1 huilding). Ann Arbor, Mich Ann Arbor, Mich Ann Arbor, Mich Ann Arbor, Mich Ann Arbor, Mich Ann Arbor, Mic^h Ann Arbor, Mich Ann Arbor, Mich Ann Arbor, Mich Ashland Mich Ann Arbor School District Library Ladies' Library 2, 229 3,000 2300 47,000 2301 2302 2303 Adelphi Literary Society Alpha Nu Literary Society . . . Dental Department 1865 1 Free.. 1843 1 Free.. 1876 Freft . . 500 1.112 404 2304 Law Department 1858 1850 Free.. Free.. Free . . Free.. Free". Sub... Free.. Free . . Free.. Free.. Free.. Free . . Free.'. Free.. Free . . Free.. Free.. Free.. Free.. PVee.'.' Free . . Free.. Free.. Free . . Free.. Free.. Free.. 10 1)00 2>05 3,000 5 Penn Mich 350 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 Pent "Water, Mich PerrinsvUle, Mich Petoskey, Mich Petoskey, Mich Pent Water Township Library*.. District School Library No. 2 of Nankin Township. Bear Creek Township Library. . . . Ladies' Library Association Clifton Township Library 1867' 1881 1883 1,000 500 400 335 350 2531 Phoenix. Mich . . 1876 'iP68 1849 1878 1882 1873 1882 1878 451 253'' Pho?nix Mich Phceni.^ Library Ladies' Library Association TJnion School Library (District No. 1). Eastern Michigan Asylum for the Insane. Ladies' Library Association Pontiac School District Library .. Portage Township Library School Library District No. 1 1,002 2533 2531 2535 J>lainwell. Mich Ply mout h, Mich Pontiac, Mich 1.205 1,100 1,400 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 Pontiac, Mich Pontiac, Mich Portage, Mich Port Austin. Mich Port Hope, Mich Port Huron, Mich Port Huron, Mich Portsmouth , Mich Ravenna. Mich Retford Mich 925 1,087 500 300 400 2541 2542 Ladies' Library Association 1866 1868 1876 1883 3,000 1,275 2543 2544 2545 Plymouth Town.ship Library Ravenna Township Library School Library District No. 10 400 328 384 2546 2547 Reed City, Mich Repuhlic, Mich Ridfreway, Mich Ripa, Mich Rockland, Mich Richmond Towns uip Library Republic Library ... 1876 300 588 2548 2549 Ridgeway Township Library Riga Township Library . . . .' 1845 1847 1875 1S68 'im 1880 2,023 1,250 2550 2551 Rockland District Library Public School Library 800 300 2552 Romeo Fire Company Library... Erin Township Library Grant Township Library 400 2553 2554 2555 Roseville, Mich Rothburv. Mich RovalOak, Mich 379 311 756 2556 Public and Union School liibrary. Thomastown Township Library'.. St. Clair Township Library Somervillo School Librarv Moran Township Library St. Ignace Township Library 1853 'i853 1881 1870 4,000 2557 2558 Sacinaw, Mich St. Clair Mich 445 400 2559 St Clair Mich 400 2560 2561 St. Ignace (Gro8 Cap.), Mich. St. Ignace. Mich St. John's, Mich St. Joseph, Mich Saline Mich 346 301 2562 2563 2564 Ladios' Library As.sociation St. Joseph I'ownship Library Union School Library School District No. i of Franken- lust Township. Bedford Township Library 1871 'i875' 1864 1.764 520 300 '>5G5 Salzburf Mich 791 o5(jg Samaria, Mich Sand Beach, Mich Sault de Stc. Marie, Mich. (Foit Brady). Sebewaing. Mich Seneca ilich ......... 428 2567 Sand Beach Township Library 308 2568 2569 2570 Post Library 631 Sebewaing Township Library School District Library No. 6 Grant Township Library Literary and Library Association . South Haven Town.'ihip Library.. Spalding Township Library '. . . Spring Arbor Seminary Spring Lake Town.ship Library .. Cambridge Township Library Stnrgis Township Public Library. School District Librarv 1858 1871 1878 1876' 1883 1862 '1883' 1861 1883 483 500 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 25"8 Siddon.s. Mich South Haven, Mich . . . South Haven, Mich Spalding. Mich Spring Arbor. Mich ... Sprin g Lake, Mich SpringvilU-, Mich Sturgi"* Mich . 500 325 690 711 400 800 480 3,000 380 ''579 Taylor Center, Mich.... Tecnmseh, Mich Tecnmsch.Mich Tekonsha. Mich Temperance. Mich Thomastown, Mich Three Oaka. Mich Three River.s, Mich Three Rivers, Mich 2580 2581 Library Association ..' Union School Libraiv 750 720 2582 Tekonsha Township Library 328 05^3 1850 , 1856 447 2584 2585 ^586 Thomastown Librarv Thiee Oaks Township Library . .. Lockport Township Library . .. 484 425 1 000 2587 Union School Library 1875 1 400 From a return for 1884. 734 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION, Table XVI. — Statistics of public Ubrarir.s nuinhfr'nHf'M^O rolione.s. ^c. — Continued. Place. 2588 2.T89 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2G0O 2G01 2G02 2GU3 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 26i0 2621 2622 2623 2624 Traverse City, Mich... Traverse City, Mich... Union City, M ich TJtica, Midi TJtica, Mich TJtica, Mich Vandalia, Mich Vauderbilt, Mich Vassar, Mich Vassar, Mich Vicksburgh, Mich Vicksburyh, A)i< li Victor, Mich. ( Laiisiug- burgP.O.) "Wayne, Mich "West Bay Citv, Mich.. West 15ay City, Mich . . West Bay City, Mich . . West Bay City, Mich . . West Bay City, Mich . . Weston, Mich. West Sumpter, Mich . . Whitehall. Mich White Pigeon, Mich . . . White Pigeon, .Mich . .. Wisner, Mich Wyandotte, Mich Wyandotte, Mich York, Mich Ypailauti, Mich... Tpsilanti, Mich. .. Ypsiiauti, Mich .. Zilwaukee, Mich. Albert Lea, Minn. Alexandria, Minn. Austin, Minn Blue Earth City, Minn. Brainerd, Minn 2625 Chatfield, Minn. Name of library. 2026 2627 2628 2629 26:50 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2630 2637 2638 2039 CoUegeville, Minn .. Ciiriie, Minn Duluth, Miun Diiluth, Minn JJuluth, Minn Fairmont, Al inn .... . Faribault, Minn Faribault, Minn . . . . Faribault, Minn Faribault, Minn Faiibault, Minn Faribault, Minn Faribault, Minn Fort Snelling, Minn . 2640 2frU 2642 2643 2644 2(M5 2640 2647 26 18 (rranite Falls, Minn. Hamline, Minn Hastings, Minn Lake City, Minn Laiicshoio', Minn .. Mankato, Minn Mankato, Minn Marshall, Minn Minneapolis, Minn'.. Ladies' Library Association ... Traverse Township Library... Union Township Library Shelby District No. 1 . . .' Sterling Township Library Union School Library School District Library No. 4. . Corinth Township Library Union School Library "V illage Library Ladies' Library Association . . . Schoolcraft Township Library. Victor Township Library 1869 1878 1878 1860 1856 1875 1880 1880 1879 1850' Public School Library Fifth Ward Public Librarv First Ward School Library Monitor Township Library Sage Public Library School District Library No. 2 , Fairtield Townsliip Lii)rary I School District Libiarj' No. 3 of [ Sumpter Township. | Whitehall TowAship Library ; High School Library | White Pigeon Township Library . Wisner Township Library Public Library School District Library No. 3 of Taylor Township. School Library No. 7 of York Ladies' Library Association ■Public School Library State Normal School '. Zilwaukee Township Library Free City Library ". Public Library Austin Circulating Library (in charge of Floral Club). Blue Earth City Library Northern Pacific Library Asso- ciation. Library Association (in charge of Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation). St. John's University * Currie Catholic Library High School Library Kitchi Gammi Club Ladles' Library Association Public Library , High School Library Library Association Minnesota School for the Deaf . . . St. Mary '« Hall * St, Kose Library ... , Seabury Divinity School Sbattuck School Medical Directors' Library of Headquarters, Department of Dakota. Granite Falls Library Hamline University Hastings Library Public School Library Library A ssociation High School Library State Normal School Free Public Library Athenic'um Library * From a return for 1884. 1876 1885 1884 Free . Free. Free. Free . Free. Free. Free. Free. Free . Sub.. Sub.. Free . Free. Free. Free. Free. Free . Free . Free. 1885 1880 1860 1870 1866 F'ree . 1878 1878 1853 1871 1880 1881 1870 1885 Free. Free. Free. Free . Free. Sub-. Free . Free. Free. Free . Free . Sub- . Sub.. Free. Soc'l Gen Gen Sch Gen Sch Sch Gen Sch Gen Soc'l Gen Gen Sch. Sch. Sch. Gen Gen Sch. Gen Sch. Gen Sch. Gen Gen Gen fcch . Sch-. Soc'l. Sch.. Sch . . Gen . Gen . Gen . Soc'l . Gen . Soc'l . Gen . 1870 1885 1883 1885 1883 1880 1885 Sub . Free . Free . Sub.. Free. Free . 1875 I Free. Free . Free. Free . F'ree . 1862 1860 1867 1878 1879 1872 1870 1872 1878 1859 Free . Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Free . Free. Col .. Soc'l Sch-. Soc'l . Soc'l . Gen . Sch.. Gen . Sch . . Sch.. The'l Sch.. Med. Gen Col Gen Sch Gen Sch Sch Gen Gen STATISTICAL TABLES. (.).') Table XVI. — Statialics ofjutbiic libraries numbering 300 vohimr9. 4'c. — C.'ont iiiiic!ii :i lit urn for 1884 1882 1 Sub.. 1876 Free . 1881 1869 18^0 1871 1848 1870 1838 Both. Free. Free . Sub.. Free. lH6.i J 884 1848 1852 1840 1874 1873 1870 1877 1877 1H81 1883 1875 1879 1882 1859 1884 1871 1885 1865 1873 1844 1876 1879 18H2 1883 ..I 1870 Free Sub., Free . Free Free . Sub... Free.. Free . . Sub .. Free . . Free . . Sub... Free . . Free . . Free . . Free. Sub.. Sub. Soc'y Col. Soc'y Soc'y Gen". Sch.. Soc'y Sch.. Gen . »oc'y Gen . Col.. Sch . Sch.. Sch:. Sch.. Sch A.andR. State Col A.andR. Gen Col Col Sch Sch Soc'L. Sch... Soc'y . Col . . . Law . . Gen .. Col ... Hist'l. Sch... Sub.. Free . Free . . Free.. Sub... Free.. Free . . Sub... Free . . Free . . Col . Soc 1 , Sch . Sch. Soc'l Soc'l Sch. Gen Sch . Sch . , Sch. I. O. O. Soc'y . . Sch Col ... Gen .. Sch... Sch... Sch... Gen'l . Sch... Col ... Col ... Free . . I Soc'y . STATISTICAL TABLES. 737 Table XVL — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300volumes, ^c. — CoDtinued. 2767 27tt8 Place. Columbia, Mo Columbia, Mo. 2769 Columbia, Mo. 2770 I Colimibia, Mo. 2771 1 Columbia, Mo. 2772 I Kolla, Mo 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 i 2788 I 2789 i 2790 I 2791 I 2792 2793 I 2794 I 2795 I 2796 I 2797 Columbia, Mo... Couiuierce, Mo.. Edinburgh, Mo . Fanninjitoii, Mo P'armington, Mo Fayette, Mo Fayette. Mo Florissant, Mo... Fulton, Mo Name of library Fulton, Mo Fulton, Mo Ixlasgow, Mo Glasjrow, Mo Glaajrow, Mo , Greeniield, Mo Uouston, Mo ludep'-ndence. Mo , Independence, Mo Independence, Mo Jefferson Barracks, Mo Jefferson City, Mo Jefferson City, Mo Kansas City, Mo Kansas City, Mo Kansas City, Mo. 2798 Kansas Citv, Mo. 2799 Kidder. Mo" 2800 I Kirksville, Mo 2801 i Kirksville, Mo 2802 2803 28U4 2805 2800 2807 2808 2809 '^8lU 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 28I8 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 La Grange, Mo . . Lamar, .Mo Lexington, M<>... Lexington, Mo... Lexington, Mo .. Liberal, Mo Liberty, Mo Louisiana, Mo ... Louisiana. Mo ... Mariouville. Mo . Marshall. Mo .... Mar.sbfield. Mo.. Marj'ville. Mo ... Maryville, Mo ... Memphis, Mo Mexico, Mo Mexico, Mo Mobeilv. Mo Moberly. Mo Mornsville, Mo.. j Neosho, Mo. ' Nevadii, Mo 2824 i Normandy. Mo : ■^'25 Noveltv, Mo ' --'6 ' Oie-oii, M.. I --'7 Pal.iiyr.i. Mo | ' Fri.Mi a rttiuM lor 1S84. a Tliero ail- l«>.ir imblic school ing 3li0 volumes each, or ovei»; the board of education. "University of Missouri Agricultural and Mechanical College. Athena^an Society Columbia Library Law Library ... Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. Union Lit-'iiiry Society Scott County Library Association Grand Kiver College Carleton Institute . Farmingtoii Literary Organization Central College Howard Female College St. Stanislaus Seminary Missouri Institution for the Deaf . «nd Dumb. Stati! Lunatic Asylum, No. 1. Westminster College Lewis Library Morrison Observatory Pritchett School Institute Ozark College Hdustou Institute Library Association Public School Library Woodland College Depot Library .... Lincoln Institute* Stato Library The Fetterrnan Circulating Li- brary. Kansas City Public Library Law Library of the Court of Ap- peals. Public School Libraries (4) a Kidder Inst itute Journal Library Missouri State Normal School (first district). La Grange College Attwood's Circulating Library. . . Baptist Female College Central Female < ^olletce Elizabeth Anil Female Seminary . Liberal Normal School' . William Jewell College McCune College 1 'ublic School Library Mariouville Collegiate Institute Public School Librai y Public Library Institute of Sacred Heart Library and Lecture Association* Public and School Library Blanton Library (Public High School). Hardin Female College Public School Library Railroad Literary Club Morris ville College Neosho Lil)raiy Public School Library Evangelical Theological Seminary Oaklawn College Woman's Union Library St. Paul's College 188.-) Sub... lf^84 Sub .. 1880 Both.. 1879 Sub... 1884 Free . . 1868' Free . . 1852 Sub.. Col Sch ... Soc*: Col Gen Sch Theo'l Sch . . . Soc'l.. Sch .. libraries managed bj- the principals of the respei tive schools, contain- there is also tl»«" Kansas City Public Library, under direct control of 47 U 738 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Stafiatics of puhlic libraries numhsring 300 volumes, <^-c. — Continued. 2828 282S) 2^;J() 28:il 28:!2 2833 283t 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 28-11 2842 2843 2844 2845 284U 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 285(i 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 28H0 2881 2882 2883 2884 288 5 2880 2887 Place. Name of libiaiv. Parkvillo, Mo ... Paikville, Mo ... Parkvillo. Mo . . . Paynes%'ille, Mo. Peirce City, Mo . Peirce City, Mo . Pilot Grove, Mo .. Plattsbuigh. Mo . Pleasant Hill, Mo. St. Cliaiies, Mo... St. Charles, Mo St. Charles, Mo St. Charles; Mo St. Jose[)h, Mo St. Joseph, Mo St. Joseph, Mo St Joseph, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo. (16th and Pine sts.) St, Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo Park College Cheever Library Park Literaiy Society Paynesville School lustitute Peiice ('ity Baptist College Young Mfu's Chrisliau Associa- tion (circulating library). Pilot Grove Collegiate Institute.. Plattsburgh College Brannock Collegiate Institute Lindenwood College for Young Ladies. Public School Library Sacred Heart Library St. Charles Catholic Library. . . .' . Missouri Lunatic Asylum No 2... St. Joseph Commercial College Theo. Altona's Library YoungMen's Christian Association Academy of Science Central Turnveieiu College for Medical Practitioners Concordia "Curnverein Educational Institute Foster Academy 1875 1880 1881 1883 1870 1828 1859 1868 1866 1884 1856 St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo , St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo . St. Louis, Mo Salem, Mo Sedalia, Mo StMlaiia. Mo Shelbina. Mo Springfield. Mo — Stanberry. Mo Stfwartsvillo, Mo Trenton, Mo Troy, Mo Warrensburg, Mo ■Warrensburg. Mo "WarrontdTi, Mo Fell Sliavv. Mont . ll.-lrui. Mont .... IM. Ml, Mont Helena, ilont 2889 I Helena, Mont i Territorial German Evangelical Lutheran Concordia College. House of Kef uge* Law Library Association of St. Louis. Masonic Library Missouri Botanical Gardens Missouri Historical Society Nonual School North St. Louis Turnverein Odd Fellows' Library Public Library St. Louis Jail St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Mercantile Library St. Louis University St. Louis Students' Library Washington University (Refer- ence Library of Undergraduate Department). Mary Institute St. Louis Law School West St. Louis Turnverein YoungMen's Christian Association YoungMen's Christian Association (German). Young Men's Sodality Salem High SchodI Natural History Society Youn^ Men's Cliristian Association Shelbina ('ollegiate Institute ..'... Diurv College Northwestern Xoimal Stliool Slewartsvilli^ CnlU-go Public Scliool Liiirarv S(.cial Library ' Enoch (Mark Library State Normal Si;hool (2d district) Ontral Wesleyan College P .St Library ' ( ; : .mil I/'ilL-^n Liiirarv of Montana. lIi-.iori(ai Suijct \ nf Mull tana .... i'ublic School Library law division 1880 1854 1838 1856 1860 1865 1857 1868 1865 1873 1840 1846 1829 1868 1853 1859 1872 1879 1855 1884 1885 luiscoUam'oaHdi 1873 1881 1879 i82i' 1876 1871 1876 1867 1866 1806 lc8l Both . Free. Free. Both. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free . Sub.. Free . Sub.. Col. .. Soc'y . - Soc'v . . SchT... Sch... Y. M.C. Scb. Sch. Sch. Col. Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Sub.. Free Free. Both Free . Free . Sub.. Sii'b'! Free . Free Free Sub.. Free . Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free . Free . Free . Free. Sub.. Free . Sub.. Sub.. Free. Sub . Free . Free . Free . Imco Sch i Sch i Soc'l i A.&R ... I Sch I Soc'l...... I Y. MCA. Sci ! Soc'l Med Soc'l. Sch Sch The'l A. &R.. Law Masonic Sci Hist'l... Sch Socl L O. O. F Gen A. 9 1855 1872 1822 1855 1856 1882 1874 1818 1868 1871 1880 1860 1880 1883 1824 1883 1881 1878 1883 1871 1885 1882 1781 1809 1853 1878 1871 Free Free 1852 1864 1871 1875 1880 1881 1840 1872 1867 1846 1860 1770 1854 1862 1877 1877 1867 1879 1799 1871 1880 1876 1875 1878 1884 1K69 1865 1871 Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free . Free. Free- Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free . Sub. . Free . Free. Sub.. Sub . Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Free Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Both. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. B'ree. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Sab.. Soc'l... Sch.... Gen ... Sch.... Sch ... A. &R. SCI ... Hist'l. Gen .... Sch San. sci . State Y.M.C.A. Gen. Gen. Sch. Gen.. Soc'l . Gen . Soc'l. Gen ... Gen ... Gen ... Gen ... Sch.... Sch ... Gen ... Sch.... Gen ... Sch.... Gen ... Gen ... A.&R. Sch.... Soc'l... Sch.. Soc'l . Gen . Soc'l . Gen Soc'l. Col.. Sci .. Sci .. Gen . Gen . Gen . Sch . Soc'l. Gen . Gen . Sch-. Gen . Gen . Soc'l Gen . Soc'l. Gen . Gen . Soc'l. *FTqm a return for I884. STATISTICAL TABLES. 741 Tabije XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, t/'C— Continued. 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 8031 3032 3033 3034 3035 8036 3037 3038 3039 3040 8041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3057 3058 3059 Place. Lyme. X. H Lyiuleboroiigh, X. H — Manchester, X. H Mnnchester, X. H Manchester, X. H Manchester, X. H Manchester, X. H Xame of library. Marlborough. X. H . . . Marlow,X. H Meriden X. H Mfiiden. X. H Milfoi-d.X.H Mount Vernon, X. H. Mount Vernon, X''. 11. Xnshua, N. H.. Xelsoii. X. H- Xew Hampton, X. H. Xew Hampton. X. H. Xew London, X. H . . . Xew Mark et.X.H... Xewport. X. H Xewport, X. H Newton, X.H Xorthwood, X. H Xorthwood Eidge, X. H. Pem broke, X. H Penavook. X. H Peterboronch. X.H Plymouth, X.H Plymouth, X.H Portsmouth, X. H Portsmouth, X. H Poitsmonlh, X. H. . . Reed's FeriT Roche-*ter, X. H Rochester, X. H Shaker Village, X. H Suncook, N.H Surry, X.H S«anzev, X.H ... Tilton, X. H 3061 Union. X. H 3062 Wakefield, X. H . 3063 I Walpole, X.H 3064 ' Warner. X.H 306.> ! Warren, X.H 3066 i Washington, X. H 3067 ' Went worth. X.H. 3068 ! West Lebanon, X. H 3069 i We.st Lehannn, X. H "1070 , West Swanzey, X. H :;Oil Winchester. N.H... ;o72 Win(Jham, X. H . . :ju73 Woifeborouch, X. H 3074 i Woheboro'Junc.N. H 3075 I Allentown, X. J... 3076 j Anoora, X.J 3077 j Atlantic City, X.J 3078 1 Beverlv, X. J 3079 : Blairstown, X. J . . Turner Social Library Franklin Library Association ... Art Association City Library Governor Smitho Library State Industrial School Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Frost Free Library Town Library Kimball Union Academy Philadelphian Society Free Library Appleton Library McCollom Institute Public Lib'aiy Free Library '. Xew Hampton Lfterary Institu- tion, Literary Adelpbi Library. Social Fr:>termty Library Colby Academy.PhilalethJan Lit- erary Association. ♦ Public Library Converse Library Social Library Pressey and Heath's Circulating Library. Coe's Academy * Xorthwood Seminary * Pembroke Academy Library Association Town Library State Xormal School* Young Ladies' Library Associa- tion F> ee Public Library . - Miss Morgan's English, French, and German School for Young La^lies. Portsmouth Athenaeum McGaw Xormal Institute Social Library Worcester and Greenfield's Li- brary. Shaker Community Pentagon Circulating Library Reed Free Library..'.. '. , Mt. Caesar Union'Library . . . : Xew Hampshire Conference Sera- ' inary. Village Library Association t Public Library 9 j Town Library . . } Simonds Free High School I Ladies' Library Association | Shedd Free Library ' Library Association j Library Association Tilden Ladies' Seminary Stratton Free Library Public Library Xesmith Library Pnbl ic Library A ssociation Wolfeboro' Junction Library Library \ ssociation Home School High School Librarv Trinity Hall Blair Presbyterial Academy (Scribner Librarx"). • From a return for 1884. 1850 1851 1871 1854 1834 1857 Sub . Sub.. Free. Free. Free* Free. 1866 1877 ! Free. : Free. 18GR 1850 I Free. i Free. I Free. 1868 1881 1827 1880 1803 1878 Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Snb . Sub.. Sub.. 1817 1792 1877 1»54 1875 1881 1879 1845 1854 1880 Sub . Free. Sub.. Sub-. Sub.. Free. Snb . Free. Sub-. Free. Fiee. Soc'l. Soc'l. Gen . Sch Y. M. C. A, Gen . Gen - Sch . . Soc'y Gen . Sch.. Gen . Gen .. Soc'y Soc'y Soc'y Gen . Soc'l. Soc'l. Soc'l., Sch.. Sch.. Sch . Gen Gen . Sch . Soc'l Gen . Sch.. 5,000 480 480 28,660 300 500 3,630 425 2,500 1.000 3,841 951 1,(00 8,560 .347 1,278 1,500 1,300 1, 615 800 350 304 500 500 500 1,400 5,100 450 l.e85 Gen . Sch.. Soc'l . Soc'l. Soc'l. S.c'l. i Gen.. Sch I8r)3 1869 1874 18(39 1854 1885 1876 1871 1867 1883 1876 1875 1883* Sub.. Free. Sul».. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub . Sub.. Gen.. Gen- den. . Sch.. Soc'l Gen . Gen.. Soc'l . Sch. Gen. Gen.. Gon.. Gen.. Free Free. Gen.. Sch.. Soh.. Sch.. Sch.. 7,245 1,000 15,133 500 2, 200 653 2,000 800 1,268 600 500 ()00 500 3,185 300 420 1,768 600 800 1,400 2,418 3.000 2,545 900 300 750 1,100 1.000 742 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, <$-€. — Continued. 3081 30S2 .S085 3086 3087 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 :i!02 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3U1 Place. Bloomfield.KJ- Bloomfield, N. J. . . Borden town, N. J. lioidentown, N. J . Bridjreton, N. J . . . Biidgeton, N. J . . . Bridgeton, N. J Burlington, N. J . . Camden, N. J Camden, N. J Camden, N.J Chatham, N..T Cranford.K J... Cream Ridge, N. J Elizabeth, N. J.... Elizabeth, N. J Elizabeth, N. J .... Elizabeth, N.J..., Elizabeth, N. J Fort Lee, IS". J Freehold, N.J Freehold, N.J Hackettstown, N. J Hackettstown, N. J Hightstown, N. J Hightsto wn, N.J Hoboken, li . J Hoboken, N.J Ploboken, N.J Hoboken, N.J Hoboken, N.J Hoboken, N. J... Hoboken, N. J Hopewell, N. J Jamesburg, N.J Jersey City, N. .J Jersey City, N. J Keyport, N.J Lakewood, N. J Lambertville, N . J Lawrenceville, N. J Name of liljrary. German Theological School of Newark, N. J. Public School Library Female College Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Ivy Hall Seminary South Jersey Institute ToungMen'sChristian Association Library Company of Baiiington. . Camden County Bar Association Felton's Circulating Library Microscopical Society of Camden . Free Library Library Association Circulating Library Business College Elizabeth Institute * Public Library and Keadiug Eoom. Public School Libraries (2) 1877 1851 1882 1861 1871 1859 1758 1881 1870 1882 1872 1871 1872 Putnam Circulating Library Institute of the Hofy Angels * Freehold Institute _ Lyceum Library Centenary Collegiate Institute. .. Lyceum and Free Heading Room. . The Home Seminary * Peddle Institute Academy of the Sacred Heart *.. Franklin Lyceum * Hoboken Academy St. Mary's Hospital St. Mary's Parochial Library Stevens Institute of Technology . . Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Hopewell Seminary State Reform School Law Library Association | Public School Free Library 1 High School Library I Public Library ". ' Stryker Li brary j Lawrenceville School on J. C. ! Green Foundation. ■ Linden, N. J | Public School (No. 1) Library Long Branch, N. J Free Reading Room and Library . . Ma •1882S 1875 1845 1874 1884 1875 1867 1871 1872 1873 1881 1869 Free.. Sub.. Free. Free . Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub . Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. The'l Sch.. Col... Soc'l., Sub... Sub".\ Free. Free. Free. Sch Sch Y.M.C.A Gen Law Soc'l Sci Gen Gen Soc'l Sch Sch Gen Sch Soc'l Sch. Sch.. Soc'l Sch.. Gen , Sch.. Sch., Sch.. Soc'l . Sch.. Soc'l Sci . .. Y.M. C. A. Sub . Free. Free. Sub.. 1882 Sub. Moorestown Academy Library Association of Friends.. Library and Lyceum Morristown Seminary Young Men'sChristian A.8.Hociation Burlingt(»n County Lyceum of History and Natural Science. Mount Holly. N. J ; Rhees Circulating Library Newark, N. J , Board of Trade ' Newark, N. J Beacon Street German- American I School. Newark, N. J Essex Law Library Newark, N. J | Green Street School Library Newark, N. J Library Association ]87fe Sub. i873' Sub.' 1860 i Sub.. 1860 ! Sub.. 1868 I Free. 1870 Free. ; Sub.. 1878 i Sub.. Sch A.& R... Law Sch Sch Gen Gen Sch j Sch ' Gen 1 The'l Y. M. C.A. ! 1880 I Free. 1859 1849 1879 1871 1847 Both. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sch Soc'l Gen Gen Sch....... Sch Soc'l Soc'l Sch Y.M.C.A. Sci Soc'l Mer . Sch.. Law I 3,000 Sch 500 Gen 1 27,523 * From a return for 1884. STATISTICAL TABLES. 743 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c. — Coutinued. 3142 Newark, N. J 3143 3144 Newark, N. J Newark, N. J 3145 Newark, N. J 3146 Newark, N. J 3147 3148 Newark, N. J Newark, N. J Lyceum Library of New Jersey Business CoUejje. i New Jersey Historical Society 1 New Jersey Home for Disabled ! Soldiers. | Orphau Asylum \ 1876 ! Free 1845 Sub-. 1872 I Free Soh. Hiat'l. Free 1851- 1883 1870 : Free. 1855 Free. A.&R ScU.... Col..-. Soc'l... 3149 Newark. N. J 31.')0 Now Brunswick. N.J 3151 New Brunswick, N.J 3152 New Brunswick, N.J 3ir)3 New Brunswick, N.J ... :'!54 New Providence, N. J . . . ;155 Newton, N. J 3156 Ocean Grove, N. J 3157 Orange, N. J 3158 Orange, N. J 3159 Paterson,N. J 3160 Pater.son, N. J 3161 Paterson, N. J 3162 Paterson, N. J 3163 Paterson.N. J 3164 Paterson, N. «> 3165 Paterson. N.J 316(3 Pennington, N.J 3167 PenniuL'ton, N.J 3168 Plainfield. X. J 3169 Plaintiel.l, N. J 3170 Princeton. N. J 3171 Princeton, N.J 3172 Princeton. N. J ' 3173 Princeton. N.J 3174 Princeton. N. J 3175 Princeton, N. J 3176 Rabwav. N.J 3177 KedBank. N. J 3178 RelBank. N.J. 3179 Rutherford, N.J 3180 Salem, N.J 3181 Shre w.sburv, N. J 3182 Smith's Landing, N. J . . 3183 Somerville, N. J 3184 South Ambov, N. J 3185 South Orange, Ns J 3186 Summit. N.J 3187 Trenton, N.J 3188 Trenton, N J 3189 Trenton, N.J 3190 Trenton, N.J 3191 Trenton, N. J 3192 Trenton, N.J 3193 Trenton. N.J 3194 Trenton, N.J 3195 Vi neland, N. J 3196 Williamstown, N.J 1882 Free . 1770 Free . 1828 Sub.. 1872 Free 1868 Free Public School Libraries (6) St. Benedict's College Young Men's Catholic Associa- tion. Young Men's Christian Association Rutgers College Pliiloclt au Society Theological Seminary of the Re- fonned Church in America, Gardner A. Sage Library. YoTingMeu's Christian A8.sociation Public School (No. 18) Library.... Dennis Library (Newton Library Association. Lyceum Library , Free Library , New England Society of Orange Board of Trade Free Public Library Orphan Asylum Library Passaic Coi'inty Historical Society Pa?saic Rolliug Mill Literary As- sociation. Paterson Seminary Public School Libraries (3) Pennington Institute Pennington Seminary Public School Library Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Collejre of New Jersey '. . American "Whig Societj' Ciciosophic Society . - -" Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Ivy Hall Library Theological Seminary of the Pres- b.\-terian Church. Rahwav Library Mutual Library Association Public School Library School District No. 40, Bergen County. Library Company ^ Library Association School Library People's Reading Room and Li- i brary Association. i Raritan Public Library , Library Association Library Association Grand'Lodge, L O. O. F Skelton Library* South Trenton Lodge 36, L O. O. F State Library State Lunatic Asylum State Normal School State Prison Union Library ( W. C. T. U.) Public Library Free Rea u, . S\ Y 3308 Brooklyn, ] N". Y 3309 Brooklj n, N. Y. (502 Fulton St.). 3310 Buffalo, aN. Y 3311 Buffalo, Buffalo, Buftalo, Buffalo, Buffalo, Buftalo, Buffalo, Buffalo. N. N. N. N. N. N. Y 3312 Y 3313 Y 3314 Y 3315 Y . . 3316 Y 3317 Y 3318 Y 3319 Buffalo, X. Y 3320 Buffalo, N. Y 3321 Buffalo, N.Y.(620Wa8h- iutfton street). 3322 Buffalo, N. Y 3323 Buftalo, N. Y. (320 Por- ter avenue). 3324 Buftalo, i^. Y 3325 Buftalo, K. Y. (125 Ed- ward street). 3326 Buftalo, Buffalo, N. Y 33?7 Y 3328 Buffalo, N. Y 3329 Buffalo, Buffalo, N. N. Y 3330 Y 3331 Buffalo, ■NT. Y 3332 Buffalo, N. Y 3333 Buffalo, X. Y 3334 Buffalo, Buffalo, Buftalo, Buftalo, Buffalo, N. N. N. N. N. Y 33 55 Y 333t) Y 3337 Y . ... 3338 Y. 3339 Buffalo, N. Y 3340 Caiubridjie N. Y 3 541 Canajoharie, N. Y . . . . 3342 Cauandaigua, N. Y 3343 Caiiandaijjua, N. Y 3344 Canandaigua, N. Y 3345 Canandaigua, N. Y 3346 Canandaig ja, N. Y 3.{47 Cauastota, N. Y 3348 Candor, N Canisteo, > Y 3349 r. Y 3350 Canton N Y 3351 Canton Canton, N N Y 3352 Y 3353 Carmel N. Y 3354 Carrael N. Y School Library District No. 5 (Newtown). Union for Christian Work, Free Lending Library. Youths' Free Library, Brooklyn Institute. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Buffalo Catholic Institute Buftalo, Female Academy Buftalo Historical Society Buftalo Library " Buffalo Medical Library Associa- tion. Canisius College Erie County Medical Society Erie Eailway Library Association Evangelical Lutheran St. Johu's Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation. German Young Men's Association. Grosvenor Public Library Guard of Honor Library 1840 ! 1882 I Free. 1823 Both. 1854 I Sub.. 1870 i Sub.. 1851 I Free. 1862 Free. 1836 I Both. 1876 I Both. 1832 I Sub.. 500 586 9,000 1,200 7,854 4,000 1, 2.^)0 8, 237 53, 000 3,000 j i .1 Col i 14,500 Sch Soc'l Soc'l Y. M.C. A. I Soc'l... ■ I Sch.... .j Hist'l.. I Gen . . Med.. 1867 \ Free. 1841 Sub.. 1859 ; Free . Med Soc'l Y. M.C. A. High School Library Holy Angels' Academy, Alumnaj Association. Law Library Eighth Judicial Dis- trict. Le Couteulx, St. Mary's Institute for Deaf-Mutes. Malleable Iron "Works Library Association. Martin Luther College and Semi- nary. Mechanics' Institute Medical Department University of Buffalo. Merchants' Exchange North Buftalo Catholic Institute.. Eailroad Young Men's Christian Association. St. Johu's Orphan Home Society of Natural Sciences State Asylum Turnverein Library Women's Educational Industrial Uuion. Young Men's Catholic Association. Young Mens Christian Association Cambridge Academy Union School, District No. 8 Canandaigua Academy Fort Hill School Graugt r Place School School Library, District No. 11. . . School Library, District No. 13 . . Union School "and Academy, Dis- trict No. 9. Candor Free Academy* Canisteo Acaf.Y. 3416 i Fairfield, N.Y.... 3417 I Fayetteville, X. Y rislikill,:N".Y.... Fhitbush.N.Y... FJatbusli.N. Y... Flatlauds, N. Y.. Flatlands, N.Y-. Florida, N. Y ... Flashing, N. Y... Flushing, N. Y... Flu.shing, N. Y... Flushing. N. Y... Forestville, N. Y 3418 3419 3120 34 J I 34J2 3423 3424 3125 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 343G Fort Covington, N. Y .. Fort Covington, N. Y. . . Fort Edward, N. Y" Foi-t Edward, N. Y. (Union School build'g). Fort Hamilton, N. Y.... Fort Hamilton, N.Y.... Fort Plain, N. Y. Fore Plain, N. Y. 3437 I Frankfort, N.Y.. 3438 1 Franklin, N.Y... 3439 i Franklinville, N. .'5440 ' P'redonia, N. Y . . 3441 Fredonia, N. Y 3442 Fredonia, N. Y . . . . 3443 Friendship, N.Y... 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3160 3161 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 34 '8 3460 3470 3171 3172 8473 3474 3475 Fulton. N. Y Garden City, N Y . Garden City, N. Y . i Garden City, X. Y . j Geneva, N.'Y i Geneseo, N. Y i Geneseo. N. Y I Geneva, N. Y I Gilbertsville.X. Y. Glen, N. Y Glen Cove, N.Y... Glens Falls, N. Y . . Gl.-nH Falls, N. Y . . Glenham, N. Y Glen Head, N.Y... Gloversville, N. Y. Glovers ville, N. Y. Goshen, N.Y Goshen, N.Y Gonvernenr, N. Y . . Gowanda, N.Y Gravesend, N.Y Great Neck, N.Y... (ireenbush, N. Y Greene. N. Y Green Island, N. Y . Green port. N. Y Greenville, N.Y... . Greenwich, N.Y Groten. N.Y Hamburg, N.Y HamUton. N.Y Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Fairfield Seminary* Union Scliool. IJistrict No. 11 (Manlins). School Library, District No. 3 Ertisraus HairAcaiiemy School LiUrarj', District No. 1 School Library, District No. 1... School Library, District No. 2... Seward Institute Flushiii g Institute High School* Sanford Hall Asylum Union School, District No. 5 Forestville Free Academy and Union School.* Fort Covington Academy School Library, I »istrict No. 1 Fort Edward Collegiate Institute Union School Library 1858 Sub. Y.M.C.A. Post Library School Library, District No. 4 (New Utrecht). Clinton Liberal Institute* , Scliool Library, District No. 7 (Miuden). School Library, District No. 9 .... Delaware Literary Institute Ten-Broeck Free Academy Dai'um K. Barker Library School Library, District No. 8 (Pom fret). State Normal and Training Scliool. Friendship Acadttm J- Union School and Academy Cathedral Library of the Incarna- tion. St. Mary's (Cathedral) School .... St. Paul's (Cathedral) School Free School Library* School Library, District No. 5 "Wadsworth Library Hobart College Gilbertsville A caderay Union School, District No. 4. School Library, Distiict No. 5 Library Association Union School, District No. 1 Union Free School School Library, District No. 2 (Oyster Bay). Levi' Parsons Library Union School, District No. 16 (Johnstown). School Library, Distrii* No. 8 Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Gonvernenr "Wesleyan Seminary . Union School Library '. . . School Library, Distiict No. 1 School Library, District No. 7 School Library, District No. 1 Union School Librarv School Library, District No. 23 (Watervliet). Union School Library Greenville Academy Circulating Library Union School, District No. 8 Union School liibrary * Colgate Academy * From a return for 1884. Free Sch Sch 1787 1840 : Sch Free.. Sch. Free . Sch . Sch. Free . . 1849 I Free . Free , 1848 18.54 1849 1835 1867 1883 1847 1867 1849 1836 1878 1839 1843 1824 1810 1838 1841 18H1 1880 1854 1865 1 1857 i 1850 1860 185'J 1816 1877 1837 1869 1873 Sch.... Sch.... S.h.... Sch-.-. A. &R. Sch.... Sch-... Free. Sch. Sch . Sch. Free . . Sch . Free . Free Gar. Sch. Sch. Sch. Free Free Sub.. i Sch. Sch. Sch. Free. Free . Free . Free . Free. Free. Free. Free . Free. Free . Sub. Free . Free . Sub.. Free. Sub Free. Free. Free Free. Free, Free, Sub . Free Free Free Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch. Gen Col . Sch. Sch. Sch. Gcu Sch. Sch Sch. Gen Sch. Sch Y.M.C.A. Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch. Sch., Soc'I Sch . Sch. Sch.. STATISTICAL TABLES. 749 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 voluvies, }rtonave.and66tli&t.). New York, N. Y New York. N. T. (12 West 31 St St.). New York, N. Y. (64 Madison ave.). New York, N. Y. (170 Second ave.). New York, N.Y. (8W. 16th St.). New York. N. Y, (34th St., and Ninth ave.). New York. N. Y. (176th St., and Tenth ave.). New York, N. Y New York, N. Y New York. N. Y. (07 University place.). New York, N. Y. (426 E. 2fith St.). New York, N. Y. (66 and 68 E. 4th st.). Now York, N. Y New York, N. Y. (63 Second st.). New York, N. Y. (201 E. 23d St.). New York.N. Y Ix New York.N. Y.., New York, N. Y. (805 Broadway). New York, N. Y. (23 Center at.). New York, N. T. (65 Bible House.). New York, N. T. (66 Third ave.). New York, N. Y New York, N. Y. (Blackwell's Island). New York, N. Y New York, N. Y. (308 Mulberry st.). New York, N. Y New York, N. Y. (605- 613 5th St.). New York.N. Y New York. N. Y. (288 E. 10th St.). New York.N. Y New York. N. Y. (504 W. l-jythstre^-t). New York. N. Y 3716 I New York. N. Y. (135 1 E. 42d street). Manhattan Academy. Manhattan College Maritime Exchange Medico- Legal Society of New York. Mercantile Library Association.. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Military Service Institution Mt. Sinai Hospital, Medical Library. National Board of Fire Under- writers. New York Academy of Medicine. 1K73 1873 1820 1872 1879 Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. New York Genealogical and Bio- grapliical Society. New xork Historical Society New York Hospital Free. Free. Free. Free. 1804 Sub.. 1855 1872 1847 New York Institution for the Blind. New York Juvenile Asylum New York Press Club New York Produce Exchange. New York Society Library New York Training School for Nurses. Bellevue Hospital. New York TurnvereinBibliothek Normal College Olivet Church Library. 1796 1831 1852 1873 1874 1754 Free. Opthalmic Hospital of New York. Orphan Asylum Society of the City of New York. Orphans' Home and Asylum of theProtestant Episcopal Church. Packard's Business College 1853 1883 1871 Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Prison Association of New York . Public Charities and Correction, City Prison. I'enitentiary Workhouse 1858 1831 1840 Rutgers Female College St. Barnabas' Free Library St. Biidget's Academy St. Francis' Horpital .. 1876 St. Jo.seph's Sodality St. Mark's Chapel Library . St. Vincent's Industrial School Sheltering Arms Society for Medico-Scientific In- vestigation. Society for the llelief of Ruptured and Crippled. *From a return for 1884. 18«4 i876' 1883 1863 Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sch Col Mer Med Mer Sci Gar Med Soc'l Med Hist'l Hist'l Med Sch A.&R.... Soc'l Mer Soc'l Sch Soc'l Col Soc'l Med A. &R.... A. *oi;iatioii School Library, District No. I School Library, District No. 3 . . . School Libiaiy. District No. 25 (Lenox). Union School, District No. 5 Onondaga Academy City Library City School Librury State Normal and 'i^ raining School. 1880 1846 1871 1859 1852 1884 1875 1874 1885 1871 1838 1883 1876 1850 1875 Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Both. Free. Free. Free . Free. Sub. Both. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Soc'l . The'l Soc'l SocT. Col .. Law Sch Soc'l I Soc'l Soc'l Soc'l Soc'l Y. M. C. A. Y. M. C. A. Y. M. C. A. Soc'l Soc'l Soc'l Free. Both. Sub.. Fiee. Sub.. Sch Sch Sch Sch....... Y. M. C. A Sch 1873 1839 1839 Free..' Sch Sch- Soc'l I Sch . : Gfii. I Sch. Sch. 1860 ' Free. ; Free. 1865 '■ Free. 1871 Sub . I Free. Sch Sch 1884 Gen. Sch. Sch. Sch. 1847 Free. 1813 i Free. 1854 Free. I Free. Free. , Sch., Sch- Gen., Sch . . Sch.. From a return for 1884. STATISTICAL TABLES. 755 Table XVI. — Statistics of public Ubraiies numbering 300 volumes, t^-c. — Continued. Place. Name of library. 3763 3764 ' 3765 i 3766 3767 i 3768 ' 3769 : 3770 3.T,I 3772 3773 3774 I 3775 3776 , 3777 3778 ' "9 3782 .3783 3784 3755 3786 3787 I 3788 I 3789 i ;j7yo : i 3791 I 3792 i 3793 ] 3794 I 3795 ; 3796 3797 : 3798 1 3799 I 3800 .^80 1 Otego, X. Y.... Ovid, X. Y Owego, N. Y . . . Oxford, X.Y.... Oxford, N.Y.... Oxford, N.Y.... I'alatiue Bridjre, Palisades, X. Y . Palmyra, N. Y . Patchogue, X. Y PeekskUI, X. Y . Peekskill.X. Y. Peekakill.X. Y. Peekskill, X. Y . Peekskill, X. Y . Penn Yan.X. Y. N.Y Perry. X.Y. Phelps, X.Y Phoenix, X.Y. Picrmont, X. Y.. Pike. X.Y... Pine Plains, N. Y. Plattsburg, N. Y. Platlsbiirg, X. Y Pleasant ville, X. Y Ponipev, X.Y. ... Port Byron, X. Y . . Port Byron, X. Y . , Port Chester, X.Y. PortChester, X. Y. Port Jervis, X. Y.. Port Richmond, N. Y Port Washington, X. Y . Port Washington, X. Y. Poujzhkeepsie, X. Y Poughkeepsie, X. Y . . Poiighkeepsie, X. Y Poughkeepsie, X. Y . . Poughkeepsie, X. Y Ponghkeepsie, X. Y . P.fuglikeepsie, X. Y . . Pratisburg, N. Y . i82J Pulaski, X.Y... Pulaski, X.Y... Randolph. X.Y .. Red Creek. N.Y. . Red Hook, X.Y... RensselaervlUe, X. Y Rhinebeck, X. Y Rhinebeck.N Y Riverbead, X. Y Rochester, X. Y. Rochester, N. Y . Rocliester, N. Y . Rocliestor, X. Y . Rocliestcr, N. Y . Rochester, X.Y . Ro«h«»8ter. N. Y . Koihester, X. Y . Rochester, X. Y . School Library, District Xo. 1 . .. Union School Library Free Library Oxford Academy School Library, "District Ko. 1 ... School Library, District Xo. 2 ... Union School, District No. 2 School Library, District Xo. 1 (Orangetown). Classical Union School* Union School. District Xo. 24 (Brookhaven). Military Academy Mohegan Lake School St. Gabriel's School School Library, District Xo. 7 1 (Cortlandt). . Union Free School, District Xo. 8 (Cortlandt). , . Penn Yan Acaaemy, School Dis- ' trict Xo. 1. i Union School Union School Library* Academy and Union iScbool Library Association Pike Seminary Seymour Smith Academy D" Yonyille Conyent* Library and Lj'ceura Association School Library, District Xo. 9 (Mt. Pleasant). Pompey Academy* Free School and Academy School Library, District Xo. 1 (Mentz). Library and Rending Room* School District Library Free Library ' Union School, District Xo. 6 (Xoithlield). School Library, District Xo. 4 . . . School Library, District Xo. 5 . i City Librarj' .' Lyndon Uall School . I Military Institute St. Alary's School* ; Vassar Brothers' Institute* , Vassar College j i Young Men's Christian Association Franklin Academy and Union : 1 School. .' Pulaski Academy (Richland) | Union Free School, District Xo. 8 j (Cortlandt). I Chamberlain Institute j U uion Seminary ■ District .SclioorLibrary* | Reusselaerville Academ}' ! Starr Institute ; Union School Library "Village Library Association Academy of the Sacred Heart . . . City Hospital Library Court of Appeals Public School Central Library. . . Reynolds Libi-ary ' Rochester Orphan Asyhim Rochester Theological Seminary. Swifts Wainer Oiisei vatory Uniyersity of Rochester * From a return for 1884. 1847 Free. Free . 1840 1857 1839 I Free. Free. Sch. Scb. Gen. Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch. 1859 ! Free ..'■ Sch 1852 1865 1861 1878 1855 j Free. I Free. ! Free. 1860 1865 Free, Sub. i Sch. I Sch. i Sch- Gen. Sch- ! Sch- I Sch. I Soc'l \ Sch. 1876 1882 1860 1840 1863 1881 1865 1866 1823 1855 1862 1842 1874 18-19 188:{ 1849 1863 1884 1851 i8:,o Free. Free. Free . Free. Sch. Sch. Sch. Gen. ; Sch. i Gen. Sch. Free . Free . Free . Free . Froi-. Free. Sch Sch Gen Sch Sch Sch Sri Col Y.M.C. A. Sch Sch Sch Free. Free Sub.. Free Sub. Free Free Free Free Free Free. H'ree . Free Free. Gen ... Sch.... Sch.... Sch.... Sch .... Sch.... Gen.... Sch .... Soc'l... Law ... Sch.... Gen ... A.&R The'l . Sci Col .... 400 1,113 5,000 1,500 400 416 980 570 1,913 500 1,000 400 500 815 931 690 450 2,000 300 315 565 630 394 490 852 890 3, 346 1,800 2,500 600 500 400 14, 240 300 500 800 461 15, 000 1, 5«0 1,391 456 800 1,350 324 150 425 3,778 522 650 1. 270 2,045 12. 000 14.249 14. 000 1,200 20,590 600 21,700 756 REPORT OF THE COMMtSSIOXER OF EDUCATION. Table XVi. — St itisiics of public libraries numbering 300 vo?Mme«,^c.— Continued. Place. 3823 3824 3?<25 382« 3828 3829 3830 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3jr. 4.-27 4'J'28 4-jjn 4230 4231 4232 42.J3 4234 423:> 423G 4237 4238 423!) 4240 4241 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 425!) 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 ■•269 .270 ..'71 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 42H0 4281 4282 42c3 Place. Marietta, Ohio Mariftta, Ohio Maiittta, Ohio Maiittta. Ohio Marliu's Ferry, Ohio Mar.vsville, Ohio. Marysville. Ohio Massilou, Ohio... Kame of library. Massilon, Ohio . Mt'ilina, Oliio .. Aliiister, Ohio.. Morrow, Ohio Mount Union, Ohio JViiiiiiit Union, Ohio Mount Union, Ohio .Mount Union, Ohio Mount Union, Ohio Newark, Ohio Newark, Ohio 4242 ' Newark, Ohio. 4243 New Athens, Ohio New Concord, Ohio . . . New Concord, Ohio . . . New Concord, Ohio . . . New Lexington, Ohio. New London, Ohio New Vienna, Ohio Norwalk, Ohio Norwalk, Ohio Oherlin, Ohio Olterliu, Oliio Oberlin, Ohio Oxford, Ohio. Oxford, Ohio. O.Kford.Ohio Oxford, Ohio .... Paiuesville, Ohio Painesville, Ohio. Perrysbnrg, Ohio PiMTvsvi'.lu, Ohio Perrysville, Ohio. Perrysville, Ohio Piqua, Ohio Ph-asant Kidjre. Ohio .. Pleasant ville, Ohio Plymouth, Ohio Poland. Ohio Port Clinton, Ohio Portsmouth, Ohio Kich Held. Ohio Ilio Grande, Ohio Kipley, Ohio Savannah, Ohio Scio, Ohio Scio. Ohio Sidney, Ohio Sidney, Ohio Stnithville, Ohio .. . — Smitliville. Ohio Smithvill-,Ohio. ...:..., South Now Lyme, Ohio Marietta, College Alpha Kappa Society Psi (ramma Society Marietta Library \ Martin's Ferry 'Library Associa tton. Marysville Library Odd Fellows' Library j Skinner Brothers' Circulating Li- i brary.* | Union' School Library Medina Circulating Library St. Mary's Institute, Boarding School of the Visitation. Public Library of Salem Township Fairmont Children's Home Mt. Union College* Cosmian Society j Linuaean Society j Kepublican Society j Ladies' Circulating Library Licking County Pioneer Historical ' and Antiquarian Society. i Young Men's Christian Associa- I tion. Franklin College, Jeflferson Liter- ary Society. Muskingium College Erouelphian Society* Union Literary Society High School Library Paddy's Run Free Library Library Association . . Public"^School Library Youne Men's Library and Read- ing Koom Association. Oberlin Cidlege Uuiim Library Association . . Theological Seminary Miami University Oxfoid Female College Alumnae Library. Public School Library Western Female Seminary Lake Erie Seminary Temperance Society and Young Men's Christian As.sociation. Way Library Gieentown Academy Library . . . Excelsior Literary Society Li- brary. Public Library Association High School Library Li brary A ssociation Pleasantville Collegiate Institute Public School Library Poland Union Seminary School and Public Libiary Public Library - - Central High School Library Kio Grande College ^ Union School I>ibrary Savannah Academy* Scio College Libraries Scio Commenial College Monumental Library Sidue> Libiary Association Smithville Normal School ! Ladies' Hall Philo So<;iety ' New Lyme Institute ( * From a ^et^^^ for 1884. 1835 1^39 1839 1829 1876 1874 .2 a ! J? Sub. Sub. Sub. Col I 20,130 I Gen. I Gen. 1866 i Sub! 1827 Free 1877 I Sub.. Soc'l I. O. O. F . Soc'l Sch ., Soc'l Sch. 1885 1 Free 1876 I Free ]846 : 1876 i Sub 1832 i Sub. 1854 ! Sub. 1872 ' Sub.. 1867 Free Gen A.&R... Col ; Soc'y } Soc'y I Soc'y i Soc'l Hist'l ! 1876 Free... Y.M.C.A. 1829 Both..' Soc'y 1837 ' 1854 I Free 1840 1880 1852 Free Free Free 1878 Sub... 1840 Free.. 1866 Sub... 1834 Sub... 1857 Sub... 1835 Free.. 1824 ; 1884 ! Sub... Free. 18.54 Free . 18.59 Free. 1877> 1867^ 1881 1870 1868 Sub.. Free. 1880 i 1860 ! 1879 Sub. . . . ! Free . 1862 ' 1870 j Free . 1879 Free. 1873 ' Free . 1876 Free. 1857 ; Free. 1858 1 Free. 1866 Free . Col .. Soc'y Soc'y Sch.- Gen.. Gen.. Sch .- Soc'l . Col .. Soc'v The'! Col.. Col.- ms I Free 1869 . Free Sch.. Sch.. Sch.. Soc'l. Gen.. Sch.. Soc'y Gen.. Sch.. Gen.. Col .. Sch.. Sch.. 1 Gen.. Gen.. 1 Sch.. ' Col .. I Sch.. ! Sch . . Col.. Col.. I Gen . ! Gen . I Sch.. 1866 i Free 1870 Free 1882 • 1 Sch. 2,800 597 900 400 500 850 500 364 450 6,000 1,000 960 800 1,548 480 731 500 350 410 614 500 5,000 13,819 6,471 2,000 7,000 2,000 300 3,908 2,500 2,000 2,100 350 1,600 350 600 858 2,000 450 1,000 450 7, 180 350 570 800 300 1.000 1, 500 2,000 788 800 400 400 55U 764 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of puhlio libraries numbering WO volumes, c^-c. — Continued. Place. Name of library. 4284 4-'85 4286 4287 4288 4289 4-.'90 4291 4292 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 43U0 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 43 -'2 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4341 4345 South New Lyme, Ohio South Xew Lyme, Ohio South Salem, Ohio Spiingtield, Ohio... Spiiugtield, Ohio Springfield, Ohio Springtield, Ohio Steubenville, Ohio , Steuben ville, Ohio Tiffin, Ohio Tiffin, Ohio Tiffin, Ohio Tiffin, Uhio Tiifin, Ohio 'iiffin.Ohio Tiffin, Ohio Toledo. Ohio Troy, Ohio Troy, Ohio Twinsburg, Ohio. Urbana, Ohio Urbana, Ohio Urbana, Ohio Wapakoneta, Ohio. Wauseon, Ohio "Wellington, Ohio . . Wellsville, Ohio . . . Westerville, Ohio. "Westerville, Ohio Westerville, Ohio "West Farraington, Ohio "West Farmington, Ohio. West Salem, Ohio "Wilberforce. Ohio. "Wilberforce, Ohio. "Wilmington, Ohio. Wilmington, Ohio. Wilmington, Ohio. Windham, Ohio. . . Woodsto. k. Ohio.. Wooster, Ohio Wooster, Ohio Wyoming, Ohio , . . Xenia, Ohio Xenia, Ohio Tellow Springs, Ohio Yfllow Springs, Ohio Youngstown. Ohio... Zauesville, Ohio Zauesville, Ohio Albany, Oreg . . Albany, Oreg .. Corvailis, Oreg Cove.Orej? East Portland. Greg Kusfeno City, Oreg. . Eugene City, Oreg. . Forest Grove, Oreg . Fort Klamath, Oreg. MeMinnville, Oreg.. IMiilomath. Oreg Portland, Oreg Ennomian Literary Society . ? Ladies' Literary Society ) Salem Academy Public Library Wittenberg College Excelsior Library Philosophian Society L O. 0. F. Library ' Steubenville Public School Li- brary. College of IJrsuline Sisters Heidelberg College Excelsior Literary Society Heidelberg Literary Society.. Theological Seminary . '. Tiffin Public Li brary Tiffin Public School Library Public Libraiy " Kelly's Circulating Library* Union School Library .' Twinsburg Library Central Ohio Scientific Associa- tion. Library Association Urbana University Union School Library Public Library Library As-sociation* Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rail- road Reading Room Association. Otterbeiu University Philomath -an Literary Soci- ety. Philophronean Society Western Reserve Seminary Adelphian Society Urith Leatherman Library Asso- ciation of the M. E. C. Wilberforce Library Wilberforce University High School Library Wilmington College Wilmington Library Library Association Woodstock Library Association. People's Library UuiversitN of Wooster Wyoming "Village Library Public Library United Presbyterian Theological Seminary Antioch College Union Literary Society Toumrstown Library Association. Athenaeum Buckingham Library of Putnam Seminary. Albany Collegiate Institute Odd Fellows' Library Corvailis College, Adelphian Lit- erary Society. Ascension School Public Scho(d Library University of On-gori Laurean and Eutaxian Societies Pacific University ami Tualatin Aeadeniy. Post Library M«-. MinnvillH TtaptiHt (/'(dlego Philomath Collegia Bishop Scott Grammar School 1882 1872 1847 1845 1847 1880 1881 Free Sub. Free Sub! Free Soc'y . Sch... Gen .. Col... Soc'y . Soc'v - I. 0.0. Sch... Free Free . Free . Free . Sub.. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub . . Free. Sub . . Free. Free . Sub.. Sub . . Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free . Sub . . Sub.. 1870 1879 1852 1874 1883 1870 1882 1794 Free. Free . Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Free. 1854 i Free.. 18.58 1828 1845 Free. Hoth. Both. 1877 Free. 1876 1878 1853 1852 1868 Free. Siib.'! Sub.. Free. Free . Fi ee . Col .. Col . . Soc'y Soc'v The'l Gen . Sch.. Gen . Soc'l . Sch.. Gen . Sci.. Soc'l . Col . . Sch.. Gen . Gen .. Soc'l . Col... Soc'y Soc'y Sch.. Soc'y Soc'i. Gen .... Col Sch Col Gen .... Gen .... Gen .... Gen .... Col Soc'l.... Gen .... The'l... Col.. Soc'y Gen . Gen . Gen . Sch I. O. O. F. Soc'y .... Sch . Sch.. Col.. Soc'y Col... Gar. Col Col. Sch. From a return for 1884. t Destroyed by fire aud ro-establishod in 1870. STATISTICAL TABLES. 765 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c. — Coutinned. 4346 4347 4348 434!) 43r>0 4351 ^■1 Place. Name of library. Portland. Orcg ; Catholic Library Association. Poi tlaiul, Oreij i Library Association PoJtlaiui, Orejf Public School Library Portland. Ore^' St. Helen's Hall ' Poitlaud, Greg 1 State Medical Society Salem, Oreg ! Academy of the Sacred. Heart* Salem, Orejr State Library Salem, Oreg Willamette University The Dane.s,Oree..-. " - - . Alleyheuy, Pa Alle;;heuy, Pa Allej^heny, Pa 4358 I Allegheny, Pa . Allegheny, Pa. Allegheny, Pa . 4359 4360 4361 43C2 43C3 43G4 4305 4366 4367 4368 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 Allegheny, Pa . Allentown, Pa . Allentown, Pa . Allentown, Pa . Allentt>wn, Pa . Allentown, Pa . Altoona, Pa Altoona, Pa. Altoona, Pa. Annville, Pa Aunville, Pa Annville, Pa Ashland, Pa Avondale, Pa Beatty. Pa Beatty, Pa Beaver, Pa Beaver Falls, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa ... Bellefonte, Pa ... Berwick, Pa Bethlehem, Pa... ; Bethlehem, Pa... I Bethlehem, Pa... , Bethlehem, Pa. . . Bethlehem, Pa... ; Bethlehem, Pa... I Birminirham, Pa , Blairsville, Pa... I Blairsville, Pa... Blairsville, Pa... Bloomsbarg, Pa. Bloomsburg, Pa. Blossburg, Pa ,. Bra9 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumeSf ^-c. — Continued. PlAoe. j- 4576 I ♦577 i 4.-)78 4.379 i 4580 4561 I 4582 i Kame of library. s o o, 1 1 9 9 t* Q o .a i ^ ^ 1 Ogontr.Pa Olev, Pa Orwell. Pa Ovierbrook, Pa . . . Oxford. Pa Philai'.elphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa. 4583 Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia. Pa Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 459'2 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 461-2 4613 4614 4615 4G16 4617 4018 4619 4G20 •■■■:\ 4020 Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia. Pa Philadtlphia, Pa Philadeli.hia, Pa I'hiladelphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa. (322 Chestuut St.). Philadelphia, Pa Pliiladelphia, Pa Fkiladel|)his*, Pa. (914 North iiroad St.). Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa School for Young Ladies Oley Academy Orwell Library Association St'miuarv St.Chailes, of Borromeo. O.vford Library Academy of Natural Sciences. American Baptist Historical So- ciety. American Baptist Publication So- ciety. American Entomological Society. American Philo.sophical So»-,iety. . American Sunday School Union, Editorial Library.* Apprentices' Library Athenaeum Library* Board of Trade Broad Street Academy Burd Orphan A sylum' By berry Library" Carpenters' Company 1876 Sub 18:J3 Freo 1794 1812 I Free 1853 Free , 1840 ' , 1859 Free . 1743 ! 1824 Catholic Philopatrian Society. . Charter Oak Li brary , Children's Homcepathic Hospital | 1820 1814 1833 1863 1862 1793 1736 1850 1855 1879 Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa. (Ta- conv.). Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa Phila 4(;.s7 4G88 4C89 4nno 4()»1 4G9:{ 4(594 4G9.') 4G9(J 4G^^7 4';98 4G99 4700 4701 4702 4703 47.14 47o5 470G 47o7 47u8 4709 4710 4711 471-2 4715 . 4710 4717 471S ; 4719 4720 ; 4721 ' i 4700 ; 4723 : 4724 ' 4725 i 4726 I 4727 ! 4728 ' 4729 1 4730 ! Philadelphia, Pa Phila(U-lphia,Pa Philadelphia. Pa. (1117 Arch street). Pmladelpbia, Pa I'liiliidclphia, Pa Pliilipshmj:. Pa IMueuixville, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pittshuri:, Pa Pit t.shiirg, Pa Pitt.sburjr, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pittaburjr, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa IMttsburg, Pa PittstoQ, Pa Pk'.isaut Mount, Pa Pottatowu, Pa Pot tstowu. Pa Pottsville, Pa Pnttsville, Pa Pottsville, Pa. (Center street). Pottsville, Pa Quakertown, Pa lieadiiig, Pa Readiug. Pa Heading, Pa Heading, Pa Reidsburg Rimersburg, Pa Sr. Mary's. Pa Scranton, Pa Scran ton,' Pa Scranton, Pa Selin's Grove, Pa Selin's Grove, Pa Sewickley, Pa Sharon, Pa Sbarpsburg, Pa Shenandoah, Pa Shippensburg, Pa Shoemakertown, Pa Somerset, Pa South Bethlehem, Pa ... South Bethlehem, Pa . .. South Uenuitage, Pa . . . Starrncca, Pa Stat«> College, Pa. (P.O.) State College. Pa. (P.O.). State College, Pa. (P. O.) William Penn Charter School... Woman's Hospital Women's Christian Association. Toun g Men 'a C hr istian A ssociation Zoological Society Library Association* I Young Mens Literary Union Allegheny Coiiuty Law Library .. I Bishop Bowmau Institute Catholic College ofthe Holy Ghost Catholic Library Central Turn Association Chamber of Commerce Curry Institute and Union Busi- ness College.* Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania. High School Li brary Homoeopathic MediVal and Surgi- cal Hospital and Dispensary. Library A ssociation St. Ursula's Academy : Teacher's Library [ Young Meu'sChristianAssociationi Library Association | Academy Library Association | Public School Library . . YoungMen'sChristia'n Association Gowen Post No. 23, Grand Army Republic. Pottsville Athenaeum Public School Library* 186:5 1875 1854 Free. Free. Sub. 1870 18;.7 1867 1878 1868 1871 1876 1855 Schuylkill County Law Library .. Richland Library Company Berks Countv Law Library High Sch<)(d Library Reading Library* Spencer F. Baird Naturalist's As- sociation. Reid In.stitute Clarion Collegiate Institute St. Marys Benedictine Priory* ... Welsh Philusophical Society and Free Library. School of the Lackawana Young Men's Christian Associa- tion, Railroad Department. Mi88i<»nary Institute (Jlionion Literary Society Public Library Public School Library Public Library of Young Men's Christian Association. School District Library Stat© Normal School, Philoma- thean Society. Cheltenham Academy Somerset County Law Libray *- . Lechanweki Club Lehigh University Pequea Presbyterian Church Li- brary. Starrjicca Library Pennsylvania State College Cressen Literary Society * Washington Literary Society* • From a return for 1884. 1851 1871 1873 1876 1878 1874 1F77 1850 1795 1843 1879 1808 1882 J 867 1884 1854 1863 1873 1881 1858 1866 1873 1877 1881 1881 1876 1865 1885 1878 1871 1879 Sub . Sub.. Free. Sub.'; Sub.. Free. Free . Free Free. Free Sub.. Sub!; Free Free. Free Free. Free. Sub.. Free . Free. Sub.. Free. Free . Sub.. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Both. Free. Sub.- Free. Free. Both. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sch 400 Med.&Gen: 2, OdO Soc'l 1,946 Y. M.C.A. Sci Gen Soc'l , Law Sch Col , Soc'l Soc'l Mer Col Sci. I Sch. Med Free Free Free Free Sub . Free. Free. Gen Sch Soc'l ... Y M.C.A. Gen Sch Sch Y. M.C.A. Soc'l Gen Sch. Law Gen Law Sch. Gen Sci.. Sch . . Sch.. The'l Gen . Sch Y. M.C.A The'l . . Soc'y .. Gen ... Sch.... Y. M.C. Sch . Soc'y Sch.. Law . Soc'l . Col.. Soc'l. Gen ... Col .... Soc'y . . Soc'y .. 5,600 300 800 2,300 15, 000 15. 000 3,000 2, .500 400 550 1,150 2,000 400 19,000 2.000 2,500 1,500 500 400 1,600 3,500 1,200 2,702 2,400 3,500 800 7, 000 341 500 425 1,000 2,000 900 2,500 600 2,500 867 450 1,196 325 300 560 900 61,000 1,200 .?,500 ],2P0 1.260 772 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^-c— Continued. Place. Name of library. 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 474s) 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 475G 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4760 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 47f« 4787 Strasbur^, Pa Stroudsburg, Pa . Strondsburp, Pa . Sugar Grove, Pa . Susquehanna, Pa Swarthmore, Pa . Swarthmore, Pa . Swarthmore, Pa . Tarentum, Pa Tidioute, Pa Tidioute, Pa Titusville, Pa.. Titusville, Pa.. Torresdale, Pa. Tow an da, Pa . . Towanda, Pa . . Ti appe, Pa Troy, Pa Uniontown, Pa TJniontown, P.i Upland, Pa ... . Villanova, Pa Warren, Pa "Washington, Pa . "Washington, Pa . "Washington, Pa . Washington, Pa . Washington, Pa . Washington, Pa . Waterford, Pa... Waynesbnrg, Pa. Weatherbj, Pa.. West Chester, Pa. West Chester, Pa. West Chester, Pa. Westchester, Pa. Westchester, Pa. West Grove, Pa . . Westtown, Pa Whito Haven, Pa. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Wilkes Barre, Pa. AVilkes Barre, Pa. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Wilkinsburg, Pa . Williarasport, Pa . Williatnsport, Pa . Williamsport, Pa . AVilliiinisj)ort, Pa . Womelsdorf, Pa . . York, Pa York, Pa . York, Pa York, Pa York. Pa Public School Library * Brown's Circulating Library Library Association Hopkin's Library of Sugar Grove Seminary. Library Association of Susque- hanna Depot. Swarthmore College Delphic Literary Society Ennomian Literary Society . . Odd Fellows' Library Eden Lodge Library" I. O. O. F . . . Union and Normal .High School Library. * Clark's Commercial College * Titus ville Library * Institute of the Sacred Heart Susquehanna Collegiate Institute Towanda Li bi-ary Wa.shington Hall Collegiate Insti- tute. Phi Kappa Tau Society. Graded and High School ". . . Bookclub* Public School Libraiy Bucknell Library of Crozer Theo- logical Seminary. Yillanova Library Library Association Citizens' Library Trinity Hall ..". Washington County Law Library Washington Female Seminary. .'. Washington and Jeflferson College Reatling-Room Library WaterJbrd Academy Waynesbnrg College Presbyterian Congregational Li- brary. Birmingham Friends' Meeting Li- brary. Chester County Law and Miscel- laneous Library. Friends' Library Association Library Association State Normal School Free Library , Westtown Boarding School Public School Library Hospital Library ; Law and Library Association j Saint Nicholas Library | Wyoming Atheiueum ' Wyoming Historical and Geolog- } ical Society. Young Men's Christian Association' Saint Stephen's Parish Library...' Dickinson Seminary' I Lycoming Ccmnty Law Associa> *tion. I School District Library ! YoiiniiM en's Ciiristi an Association Bethany Orphans" Home Cassat, Library, York Collegiate Institute. Franklin Institate United Libnirv Association York County Law Library* Young Men's (Jhristian Association *From » return for 1884. 1874 1866 1832 1884 1861 1881 1873 1874 1870 1875 1872 Free. Sub.. Sub . Free. Sch.. Soc'l . Gen . Sch-. Sub . . . i Gen Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Free. 1877 Sub. 1854 •1878 1856 1879 1868 1842 1871 1870 Sub.. Sub. Col Soc'y .... Soc'y . . . . L O. O. F. LO.O.F. Sch 1871 1836 1802 1885 1856 1885 Free. Sub.. Free . Free. Sub.. Sub.- Both. Free. Free. Free, Free Free Free Free 1862 Sub. 1873 1871 1873 1799 1883 1881 Sub.. Sub., Free Free. Free Free, 1875 i858* 1871 1884 1870 1883 1866 1863 1779 1873 1867 S::b., Sub. Sub., Free Free Free Free. Both. Free. Free. Sch.. Gen . Sch.. Sch.. Gen . Soc'y Sch . Soc'l . Sch.. The'l Gen.. Gen.. Sch.. Law .. Sch.. Col . . Soc'y Sch.. Col .. Soc'l . Soc'l... Law & Gen Soc'l , Gen. Sch., Gen.. Sch.. Sch.. Gen & Law Soc'l Hist'l&Sci Y.M.C.A, Soc'l Soh Law Sch Y.M.C.A, A.&R... Sch Gen (ren Law Y.M.O.A. STATISTICAL TABLES. 773 Table XVI. — Statiatica of public librariea numbering 300 noliimes, ^c— Continned. Place. Name of library. a I- 4788 4789 4790 4791 , 4792 I 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 48<)1 4802 I 4803 4804 4805 4806 ' 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 : 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 ! 4832 i 4833 1 4834 4835 4836 48:i7 483X 4K39 4810 4>'4l 4842 48« 4814 Anthony, R. I Anthony, R. I... Appon.^ug. R. I -. Ashawav, R.I A»bton,R.I Barrinjrton, R. I Bristol, R. I Bristol, K.I Bristol. R. I BurreUville,RI Carolina, R.I Central Falls, R. I Centredale, R I Chepachet. R. I C.-^nston, R. L, (P. O Howard.) East Greenwich, R. I . . . East Greenwich, R I . . . East Providence Cen- tre, R. I. Exeter,R.I Fort Adams, R, I Foster Centre, R. I Greenville. R.I Jamestown, R. I Kingston, R. I Little Compton, R. I . . . Lonsdale, K. I Anthony Lyceum Library Free Library Free Library Ashaway Library Ashton Library Public Li brary Rogers Free Library St. Mary's Total Abstinence So cietj-. Toung Men's Christian Association Library Association i PublicLibrarv Free Public Library Union Free Library j Manton Library ..". j Rhode Liland State Prison 1840 1872 1880 1877 1872 1847 Eaft Greenwich Academy* 1802 Free Librarj- ' 1869 East Providence Free Library ... 1819 (P. Manville.RI Middletown, RL O., Newport). Newport, RI Newport, R I Newport, RI Newport^ RI Newport, R I New Shoreham, £. I. (Block Island). North Smithfield, R I. (P. 0.,Woon socket). Olneyville, R I Pascbag, RI Manton Free Library Post Library *. Foster Manton Library Public Library " Jamestown Philomeniau Library. Free Library Free Public" Library Library and Reading Room Aaso* elation. ManviUe Library Free Library, District No. 1 1881 1806 1882 1K42 I 1875 ! 1878 1849 1873 1876 Newport Historical Society 1853 People's Library 1870 Redwooil Library and Athenaeum 1730 Ro-rers High School Library 1873 "Ward's Circulating Library 1874 Island Free Library 1876 Pawtucket,RI Pawtucket, R I Pawtucket, R I Peacedale, RI Phenix. RI Pontiac, RI Providence, R. I Providence, R. I Providence, K. I Providence, R I Providence, R I Providence, R I Providence, R I Providence, R I Providence, R I Providence, R I Providence, R. I Providence. R I. (235 Benefit St.). Providence, R I Providence, R I 4845 Proyldence, B. I Slatersvillo Reading Room and Library. Free Library Assof^iation Ladies' Pascoag Library Associa- tion. Enterprise Lodge No. 22, L O. O. F Free Public Library High School Library Narragansett Library Association Pawtuset Valley Free Library . . Free Library - Arnold's Circulating Library Broadway Circulating Library . . . Brownson Lyceum Brown University Butler Ho.spital tor the Insane*. . . Davis' Circulating Library English and Cla.ssical School Franklin Lyceum* Friends' School Globe Circulating Library Gregory's Circulating Library Miss Gardner's School for Young People. Providence Athenaeum Public Library Public School Libraries (3) Free. Free. Free . Free. Sub.- Free. Free. Free- Sub . Sub.- Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Free . Free . Free- Sub.. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub"! Free. 8oc'l. Gen . Gen . Gen . Gen . Gen Gen Soc'l T.M. C. A Gen Gen Gen Gen A.&R... Sch. Gen Gen Gen Gar .! Gen Gen . Gen I Gen ! Gen Gen Gen I 1848 Sub. . 1 1875 Free. i 1876 Sub. . 1885 I 1876 1865 1855 1884 1884 1853 1876 18.58 1768 1847 1849 1864 1831 1819 1881 Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub-. Free- Free. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub . Sub.. 1836 Sub.. 1878 ' Free. Jl880~;r^®*- Hist'l. Gen .. Gen .. Sch... Soc'l-. Gen .. Gkn Gen., Soc'l L 0. O. F Geu Sch Gen , Gen Gen Soc'l Soc'l Soc'l Col A.&R.. Soc'l Sch Soc'l Sch Soc'l Soc'l Sch Gen Gen.... Sch.... 1.741 2,000 819 2,370 6>-3 3.451 8,432 435 2,600 506 1.015 1,.'.00 1,883 1,«K0 1,500 2. .-00 3.410 1,0.6 1.151 1,150 1,250 1,760 1,775 .'•,800 1.050 3,500 1,606 1,156 3,500 25,650 31, 700 *700 1,600 1,820 1.600 1.425 1,100 9.:(13 400 .^,320 2,700 940 4,422 625 1.000 62.800 2,500 6.000 1,?00 9,000 6,300 860 3,500 500 44, 582 33,047 2,200 •From a return for 1884. 774 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of puhlic libraries numbering 300 volumes, <^~e. — Continued. 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4861 4865 4866 Place. Name of library. Providence, E. I Rhode Island Historical Society . . Providence, R.I Rhode Island Hospital Providence, R. I Rhode Island Medical Society Providence, R. I Rhode Island School lor the Deaf Providence, R. I i Rhode Island State Normal School ProvMence, R. I I State Board of Health Providence, R. I State Law Library Providence, R. I ! Union for Christian Work Providence, R. I \ Woonasquatucket Library Providence, R. I Riverside, R.I Tiverton, R. I Valley Falls, R. I. Warren, R. I Warren, R. I Warwick, R.I... . Warwick, R.I... . Westerly, R. I.... Wickford, R. I.... Woonsocket. R.I. Bluffton, S. C 4867 Cedar Springs, S. C . . . 48G8 4869 4870 4871 4872 487:5 4874 4875 4870 4877 4878 487i) 4880 4881 488:! 4883 4^84 4885 4880 4887 4H88 4H89 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4r99 4!)0() 4'."0l 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4900 Charleston, S. C Charleston, S. C Charleston, S. C Charleston, S. C Charleston, S. C Charleston, S. C Charleston, S. C Charleston, S. C Charleston, S. C Cheraw, S. C ... Clinton, S. C... Columbia, S. C . "Columbia, S. C . Columbia, S. C .. Columbia, S. C . , Columbia, S. C Columbia. S. C Columbia, S. C Due West. S. C Due West, S. C Due West, S. C Due West, S. C Florence, S.C Frotimore, S. C Georgetown, S. C Greenville, S. C Grot-nville, S. C Greenville, S. C Newberry, S. C NewboJTy. S. C OrangcburK, S. C Reidville, S. C Spartanburjr, C. H., S. C . Spartanburc, C. H., S. C . Sumter, S. C Walhalla. S.C WilliHt«m,S. C Yorkville.S C Athens, Tenn Athens, Tenn BriBtol, Tenn Brihtul, Tenn Younj; Men's Chiristian Associa tion. Free Public Library Whitridgo Hall Free Library Free Public Library George Hail Free Library Ware's (Paul) Circulating Library Cronipton Free Librarj- Old Warwick Library M. Pawcatuck Library Wickford Library Harris Institute Library Polytechnic and Industrial Insti- tute.* South Carolina Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. Chamber of Commerce . . . .^ Charleston Female Seminary* Charleston Library Society Charleston Orphan House! College of Charleston Medical Society of South Carolina. Protestant Episcopal Society for Advancement of "Christianity. Wallingford Academy Young Men's Christiaxi Association Cheraw Lyceum Thorn well Orphanage , Benedict Institute , Columbia Female College Graded School Library Presbyterian Theological Semi nary. StateLibrary South Carolina College Supreme Court Law Library Due West Female College Erskine College Euphemian Society Philomathean Society Library Association " Edward L. Pier.!t> Library Winyaw Indigo Society Feltou's Circulating Library..... Female ('ollege Furman University Newberry College Society Libraries (2) Claflin University Reidville Female College Kennedy Library Wofford College Library A ssociation Walhalla Female College Johntown Academy King's Mountain Military Institute Grant Memorial University Society Libraries ^4) ... King College society Libraries 1822 1868 1879 Free.. Free.. Free.. 1871 1878 1868 1868 1875 1853 1881 1875 1880 1871 18.57 1872 'i847" 1872 al784 1748 1789 1810 1854 1857 1875 1872 1865 1839 1839 1841 1878 1882 1755 1856 1850 1840 1859 1870 Free . . Free.. Free . . Free.. Free.- Sub... Free . . Free . . Fiee . . Free . . Sub .. Free . . Free . . Sub... Sub.*.. Free Hist'l.... Med Med Sch Sch San. Sci . . Law Soc'l Y.M.C.A Gen . Gen . Gen . Gen . Soc'l. Gen . Gen . Sub.. Sub. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Free. Free. Both . . Free.. Free.. Free.. Free . . 1883 1885 Free . . Sub... Sub... Sub... Both.. Free . . Sub... Free.. Free . . Free . . Free.. Free.. Both.. Sub. Sab.. Gen Gen Sch. Sch. Mer ... Sch.... Gen ... A. &R. Col.... Med... The'l . . Sch Y. M. C. A Soc'l A. &R ... Sch Col Sch....... The'l State Col .. Law . Col.. Col .. Soc'y Soc'y Gen . Gen . Sool.. Soc'l., Col.. Col.. Col . . Soc'y Col... Sch.., Gen .. Col... Gen .. Col... Sch... Sch... Col... Soc'y. Col... Soc'y. * From a return for 1884. a Reorganized in 1866. STATISTICAL TABLES. 775 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^-c. — Continued. Place. Name of library. 4910 4911 4912 Bristol, Tenn Bristol, Tenn Chattanooga, Tenn. 4913 Clark ville, Tenn. 4914 4915 491C 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4025 4!)2C 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 49'f9 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 49.V2 4953 49 H 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 ! 4960 i 4961 4962 4963 4964 ' 4965 4966 4967 Clarkville, Tenn... ClaikviJle, Teun... CoUierville. Tenn. . Columbia, Tenn ... Culleoka, Tenn ... Frjuikliu, Tenn Frieudsville, Tenn. Fullens, Tenn Gallatin. Tenn Henderson, Tenn.. Hiwassoe College, Tenn. Humboldt, Tenn Jackson. Tenn. Jackson, Tenn. Jackson, Tenn... J ackson, Tenn . . . Knox ville. Tenu. Kno.Kville, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn Lebanon, Tenn Lewisburg, Tenn... Lexington, Tenn Loudon, Tenu McKenzie, Tenn ... McKenzie, Tenn ... Mc.Minuville, Tenn. McMinnville, Tenn. Mary ville, Tenn Maiy ville, Tenn Memphis, Tenn Mempliis, Tenn M«nij)hi3, Tenn Memphi.H, Tenn ^lemphis, 'J'enn Memphis, Tenn Memphis, Tenn Memphis, Tenn Mossy Creek, Tenn. flossy Creek, Tenn. Mossy Creek. Tenn. NashVille, Tenn Xash ville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn Na.shvi!le, Tenn Nashville. Tenn Nashville, Tenn Nashville. Tenn Nashville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn . Nashville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn SuUins College Mountain View Society I Young Men's Christian Asaocia- i tion. ^ I Southwestern Presbyterian Uni- j versity. I Stewart Society ' Washington Irving Society . . Bellovue Female College * . Columbia Atheuueum ; Reading Club '. Tennessee Female College Friendsville Academy , "Warren College ., Howard Female College Hender.son Masonic Male and Fe- male lustitnte.* ' Hiwassee College , Odd Fellows' Male and Female i College. 1 Free Library Memphis Conference Female In- stitute. Public School Library Southwestern Baptist University Knoxville College Public Library of Knoxville a. .. Tennessee School for the Deaf and Dumb. University of Tennessee . ; Cumberland University -i Lewisburg Institute I Lexington Academy . Loudon High School , .: Bethel College i . McTyeire Institute j . Cumberland Female College ; . Library A ssociation ■ . Freedmons Normal Institute* ; . Mary ville ('ollege ; . ; Christian Brothers' College . > Maurelian Literary Club ! . Leddin's Business College , . Le Moyno Normal Institute . Le Moyne Public Library , j Bar and Law Library Association j . Odd Fellows' Library .. . I ToungMen's Christian Association! I Carson College* j Columbian Society | . j Philoinathean Society . Central Tennrssee College I Meharry Medical College \ . \ Fisk University j • i Masonic Library Association . j Montgomery Bell Academy j .1 Koger Williams University.. j . j State Librarv . I Tennessee School for the Blind ... .( University of Nashville, State ! Normal College. ] Agatheridaii Literary Society. Erosophian" Literary" Society. . I Vanderbilt University : AVard's (W. E.) .Seminary for Young Ladies. 1882 Sub. Sub. 1852 1870 Free. Sub.. 1855 Free. 1856* Free" 1849 1854 1884 1874 1876 Sub. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. 1807 1842 1884 1881 1855 1876 Free. Free. Sub., Sub . Free . Sub.. 1819 i Free . 1872 Free 1874 Free . 1865 I Free . 1875 1874 1878 1884 Free Sub.. Free Sub.. 1860 i Free 1853 Free 1870 j Sub.. 1880 Free , 1870 18J»1 1854 1881 Free Sub.. Free. Col Soc'y Y.M.C.A. Col Soc'y Col.. Col ... Soc'l.. Col.. Sch.. Sch.. Sch.. Sch.. Col . Sch. Gen. Col. Sch. Col . Col. Gen Sch. Col Col Gen .... Sch Sch Col Sch Col Soc'l.... Sch Col Col Soc'y . . . Sch Sch Gen .... Law I. O. O. F T. M. C.i Col I Soc'y I Soc'y I Col." Med. Col Masonic . . '. Sch 1 Col ' State Sch Col Soc'y Soc'y Col... Sch... 400 400 1.000 3,500 1,500 500 5, 000 1, 500 500 600 1,300 400 300 2,300 *600 1,100 4,000 350 3,000 ],2tiU 3, 729 600 7,000 10, 000 1,000 1,000 350 700 472 2,000 1,600 1.250 6,000 3,500 6,253 784 1,314 1, .520 6,630 2, 500 700 350 2,150 300 3, 125 1,885 360 3,000 30, 000 500 500 2,000 5,000 10,000 2.000 * From a return for 1884. a To be merged in the Lawson McGhee Library. 776 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries nurnbering 300 volumes^ ifc. — Continued. 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 49S4 4983 4986 4987 4989 4991 4992 4.'93 4994 4995 4!)9«> 4997 4998 4999 5000 f-OOl 5002 5003 5004 5005 5000 5007 500K 5009 6010 5<»11 5012 5013 .'014 5015 5010 5017 5018 5019 5020 6021 5022 r.023 5024 5025 5026 6027 Place. Nashvilie, Tenn. (261 Church street). Pulaski. Tenn Rufihy, Tenn Sewaiiee, Tenn Shelbvvillo. Tenn. Sniithville, Tenn.. Spencer, Tenn TuHculum, Tenn .. Tuscnluni, Tenn . . Winchester, Tenn. Austin, Te.v Austin, Tex Austin, Tex Austin, Tex Austin, Tex Name of library. Austin, Tex Austin, Tex Brownsville, Tex Biownsville, Tex College Station, Tex Comanche, Tex Dallas, Tex. (808 Main street). Dallas, Tex I Fort Clark, Tex. (P. O., { Brack ettville). ' Fort Concho, Tex Fort Davis, Tex I Fort Worth. Tex j Galveston, Tex Galveston, Tex ! Georgetown, Tex I Georgetown, Tex j Georgetown. Tex Honey Grove, Tex ! Honey Grove, Tex Houston. Tex Huntsville, Tex Huntsville, Tex Independence, Tex Marshall, Tex Marshall, Tex Prairie Lea, Tex Kio Grande, Tex San Antimio, Tex San Antonio, Tex. San Antonio. Tex SheiTuaii, Tex Sulphur Springs, Tex . Tehuacana, Tex Tehua(;ana. Tex Tehuacana, Tex Tehnacana, Tex Young Men's Christian Association Young Men's Christian Association Hughts Free Public Library University of the South, Hodgson Library. Eakin Library Pure Fountain College Burritt College Greeneville and Tuscnlum College Society Libraries (3) Mary Sharp College Deaf and Dumb Institution State Lunatic Asylum Stuart Female Seminary Supreme Court Texas German and English Acad- emy. Tillotson Institute University of Texas Church Library Public School Library Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege of T«xas. Comanche College Public Library Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Post Library 1870 1880 1880 Sub-. Free. Free. 1868 Free 1881 Sub.. 1865 Free . , Sub . 1881 Free. 1861 Free Free. 1881 Free. 1884 Free. 1853 1884 1880 Free Free 1880 Free . . 1885 Waxahachie, Tex . Fort Douglas. Utah (P. 1 O.. Salt Lake City). | OgdenCity. Utah Provo City, Utah Logan. Utah Salt Lake rity, Utah.... Salt Lake City, Utah Salt Lake City, Utah.... Salt Lake City, UUh.... Salt Lake City, Uteh.... Post Library * Post Library Texas Wesleyan College Public Library St. Mary's University* Southwestern University Alamo Society San Jacinto Society High School Library Walcott Institute Houston Lyceum* Sam Houston Normal Institute State Prison Baylor University Bishop College Wiley University Grange Library ' Post Library, itinggold Barracks* Literary anil Scientific Association St. Mary's College Ursuline Convent * Austin College Central College Trinity University* Philosophronian Society* Kateo Genie Society * Timothean Theological Soci- ety.* Marvin College Post Library City Library Brigham Young Academy. Cache Valley Seminary. ... City Library Desei et M useum Firemau's Library Masonic (rublic) Library . Odd Fellows Library 1873 1867 Free Free. Free Free 1871 1873 1883 Free Free, Free. Free. 1881 1854 Free Sub.. Free. 1875 Free. 1882 Sub.. 1842 1 Free. 1884 : Sub.. 1860 ' Free. 1850 I Free. iSTo'lFree." 1871 1876 1850 1870 1871 1877 1878 Free. Free. Free. Free. Both. Free. Y.M.C.A.I Y. M. C. A. Gen Col Sch . . . . Col...- Col.... Soc'y . . Col'.... Sch.... A. , Utah. Salt Luke City, Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt LakeCitj-, Utah. Barnet. Vt Bane, Vt Bellows Falls. Vt.... Beniiingtou, Vt Bradford, Vt Bradford, Vt Brandon, Vt Brattleborough, Vt . . Brattleborough, Vt . . Burlington, Vt Burlington, Vt Burlington, Vt... Burlington, Vt Calais, Vt Cavendish, Vt Chelsea, Vt Chelsea, Vt Cornwall, Vt Danville. Vt Name of library. Derby, Vt Dorset, Vt East Calais, Vt East Dorset, Vt Fairfax. Vt Felchville. Vt Grafton. Vt Hartford, Vt Hyde Park. Vt Irasburg, Vt Johnson, Vt Lowell, Vt Ludlow. Vt Lunenburg, Vt Lyndon Centre, Vt. Manchester, Vt Manchester, Vt Middlebury, Vt ifcddlebury. Vt Middlebury, Vt Middletown Springs, Vt Montpelier, Vt Montpelier, Vt 5076 Montpelier, Vt. 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 6082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5090 5091 Newbury, Vt Newburj', Vt Newfane, Vt New Haven, Vt Newport, Vt. Northfield.Vt Norwich, Vt Peachani. Vt Post Mills Village, Vt. Poultney, Vt Proctorsville, Vt Proctoraville, Vt Quechee. Vt Randolph, Vt Rochester, Vt Rowland Hall Salt Lake Academy Spencer Smith Library, St. Mark's School. University of Deseret Utah Library Ladies' Library Associatioii Goddard Seminary St. Agnes' Hall...' Free Library Merrill Library Public Library Ladies' Book Club Free Library Vermont Asylum for the Insane*. Fletcher Free Library Parish Library, First Unitarian Church. University of Vermont Vermont Episcopal Institute . Calais Circulating Library Fletcher Town Library Chelsea Ladies' Library * Library Association ' Lane Library Association Young Ladies' Library Associa- tion. Public Library * Public Library East Calais Circulating Library. . . Library Association New Hampton Institution Library Association of Reading. . . Public Library Library Association ." Lamoille Central Academy Library Association State Normal School Library Association Village Library Cutting's Library Lyndon Institute . . Burton's Pastoral Library Philomathic Library, Burr & Bur- ton Seminary. Ladies' Library A.ssociation Middlebury College Sheldon Art Museum Ladiea' Library Association State Library Vermont Methodist Seminary and Female College, Alumni Library. Waahington County Grammar School. Newbuiy Seminary Village Ajibrary Fayeiteville Library Association . Lampson Library Library A ssociation Norwich University Library Association Juvenile Libiary Society Peabody Li brary Troy Conference Academy Fletcher Town Library Library Society Quechee Association Library . . .. State Normal School Lecture and Library Association * From a return for 1884. 1879 1870 1874 1852 1872 1871 Free . Free. Free. Free . Sub. . Free . 1865 1 Free. 1848 I Free. 1875 I Sub.. 1869 I Sub.. 1882 ! Free. 1834 ' Free. 1874 1823 Free. Free. 1800 1857 Free. ]P.36 ' Sub. . I8r.8 , Free. 18(14 Sub. . 1840 , Sub. . 1^60 Free. 1879 < Free. I 1884 Sub.. 1871 Sub.. 1864 i Sub.. 1870 ; Free. Free. 1865 1858 1875 Free. Sub.. 1867 1 Sub.. 1867 i Free. 1865 Sub.. i Sub.. 18,54 Free. 1870 I Free. 1853 I 1866 Sub. 1881 : Free. 1875 Sub.. 1825 1883 , Free. , , Free. 1834 1872 1870 1869 1884 1834 Free. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. 1810 Sub.. 1866 Free . 1870 Free . 1858 Sub . 1884 Sub.. 1850 ! Free. 1875 Sch Sch Sch Col Ter Soc'l Sch Sch Gen , Gen Gen Soc'l Gen A.&R... Gen...:... Soc'l...... Col Gen.&The Soc'l Gen , Soc'l Soc'l Gen SSoc'l Gen Gen Soc'l Gen Sch Gen Gen Gen Sch Gen Sch Gen Gen Gen Sch Soc'l Soo'y Soc'l Col Soc'l Soc'l .... State .... Col Sch Sch Gen Gen Gen G«n .... Col Gen Soc'l Gfn Sch Gen Gen Gen Sch Gen 700 500 1,446 3,621 4,000 600 1,400 600 4,050 1,700 IjSlO 1,050 4,700 1,121 18,600 1,350 35,000 4,000 700 4,235 460 550 1,200 650 436 38!l f.8<> 6(0 3,000 5">U J, 00 GOU 300 :!oo 900 393 500 14, 000 608 575 1,000 2,500 1.600 2,0 500 18,600 1,200 2,950 1,200 850 494 815 600 000 000 100 000 100 000 1,478 430 1,000 487 778 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION.- Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, ^c. — Continued. Ifame of library. 5092 5093 5094 50U5 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5118 5114 5115 5116 5117 5144 5145 5116 6147 St. Albans, Vt Saxton's Eiver,Vt St. Jolmsbury, Yt South Woodstock, Yt Sprinfffield, Yt Straaoni.Yt ThPtfotd, Yt VerspnneH, Yt Yergeniies, Vt Waitsfieia, Yt ■WatPiburv Center, Yt. West Randolpb, Yt "Weatniinster, Vt Williainstown, Vt Windsor, Yt Windsor, Vt Woodstock, Yt .- Abingdon, Ya Abingdon, Ya Alexandria, Va Alexandria, Ya (near) A lexand ria, Ya Ashland, Va Aylett's, Va Bellevue, Va Bethel Academy, Va. 5118 j Blacksburg.Va. 5119 Brentsville, Va 5120 Charlottosville, Ya 5121 Charlottesvile, Va 5122 Chase City. Ya. 5ri3 Christiansburg, Va 5124 ' CroKet,Va 5125 I Dayton, Va 5126 j Emory, Va 5127 [ Emory, Va 5128 ! Emorv.Va 5129 ^ Fort Monroe, Ya 5130 Fort Monroe. Ya 5131 Hanipflen Sidney, Va... 5132 Hampden Sidney, Va... 5133 Hampden Sidney, Va... 5134 Hampden Sidney, Va. .. 5135 Hampton. Ya...^ .5136 H(dlinH. Ya 5137 Lexington, Va 5138 Lexington, Va 5139 Lexington, Va 5140 Lynchburg. Va 5141 Mitchell Station. Va. . .. 5142 N at ional Soldiers' Home, 6143 i New Market, Va Norfolk. Va. Norfolk, Va i Norfolk Library Vermont Central Library Asso- ciation. Vermont Academy St. Jobnsbury Athenajum Green MountaiuPerkins Academy, Philoniathean Library. Town Library Harris Library Latham Memorial Library Vergennes Library Vermont Eeform Sehool Library Association Green Mountain Seminary Ladies' Circulating Library Young Ladies' Aid Society Social Library Library Association State Prison Norman Williams Public Library. Jackson Institute Library* Martha Washington College. Eu- terpean Society Library. Alexandria Library a Clarens Home School* St. John's Academy Randolph Macon College and So- ciety Libraries. Mt. Pisgah Alumni Library Bellevue High School Lee Literary Society, Bethel Academy. Virginia Agricultural and Me- chanical College. Brentsville Seminary Pantops Academy* YoungMen'sChristain Association Thyne Institute I Montgomery Female College Miller Manual Labor School Shenandoah Institute Emory and Henry College Calliopean Society Herme.sian Society Artillery School, U. S'. Army ..... Post Library Hampden Sidney College Philanthropic Society Union Society Union Theological Seminary . Normal and Agricultural Institute Hollins Institute Franklin Society and Library Company. State Library, Virgina Military Institute. Washington and Lee University. . YoungMen'sChristian Association Mt. Welcome High School National Home for Disabled Vol- u n t e e r Soldiei-s (Southern Branch). Lee Literary Society, Polytechnic Institute. Law Library Association 1856 1870 1848 1871 1856 1875 1876 1865 1866 1868 1803 1882 1885 1870' 1794 1849 1834 1875 i872' 1872 1882 1837 1839 1824 1824 1783 1807 1789 1825 1870 Sub. Gen Free . Free Free. Free Free. Sub.. Free . Sub.. Free. Free Free Free Free Sub., Free Sch.. Gen . Soc'y Gen Gen Gen Gen A. &II. Gen Sch Soc'l Soc'l Soc'l Soc'l A. & R . . Gen Sch Soc'y . . . . Sub.. Free Free Gen Sch Sch Col., Soc'y Soc'y Sch.- Soc'y Sci .., Free 1816 1796 1882 Free Free Free Free Free Free, Free, Free Sub.. Free, Both. Free. 1871 Free , Norfolk. Va. Norfolk. Va. 6148 I Petorftburg, Vft United States l^aval Hospital ... Webster Soientific and Literary Institate. Petersburg Benevolent Mechanic Association. 1870 1880 1870 Free Snb... Sub... Free Sch Sch Y. M. C. A, Sch Col Sch Sch Col Soc'y Soc'y Sci Gar Col Soc'y . . . ; . Soc'y The'l Sch Sch Gen Col Col Y. M. C.A, Sch Soc'l Soc'y Law Gen Med., Gen. Sch Soc'l , .* From A return for 1884, a Not in active operation. STATISTICAL TABLES. * 779 Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, cj-c. — Continued. Place. Name of library. 5149 5150 5151 6152 5153 6154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5101 51(52 5103 51 C4 5165 5)66 6167 5168 5109 5170 5171 Petersburjr, Va . PetersbuF};, Va Petersburg, Va Ricbraond, Va .. Richmond, Va ., Richmond, Va . Richmond, Va .. Richmond, Va .. Richmond, Va .. Richmond, Va . Richmond, Va .. Richmond, Va . Richmond, Va ., IJichmond, Va ., Richmond, Va . . Rnral Retreat, Va Salem, Va Salem, Va Staunton, Va Staunton, Va Staunton, Va Staunton, Va Staunton, Va 5172 ; Staunton, Va 5173 5174 5175 5176 6177 5178 5179 5180 5181 5is-i 518;* ! 5184 I 5185 I 5186 : .5187 ,'>188 51)^9 5190 51 '.il Suffolk, Va Taylorsville, Va Theological Seminary, Va. TJnivereitv of Virginia, Va. University of Virginia, Va. "Williamsburg, Va "Williamsburg, Va Woodstock, Va "Wytheville, Va "WvtutviUe, Va "Wythevillt", Va ( ' heney. "Wash Davton, Wash Fort Canley, "Wash. (P. O.. Astoria, Oreg.). Olvmpia, Wash Olvriipi:!, Wash T*oitO:nnl»!e. Wa.Hh Port To" iisend, "Wash .. Seattle. Wash Sonttle, "Wash Scatllf, "Wash 51!)9 5200 5201 Spokane Falls, "Wash Steilacoom. Wash Taconia, Wa-^h Tacoma, "Wash Vancouver, Wash ... Vancouver, Wash ... Walla "SVal la "^'ash.. Walla Walla, Wash.. 1875 Southern Female College Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Academy of the Visitation*" Coloreil iiijih and Normal School. H igh School Library Masonic Library . -' McGill Catholic" Union Old Dominion Business College Richmond College Richmond Institute State Lilirary State Law Library Virginia Historical Society Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Rural Male and Female Seminary' Roanoke College Demostbenean Library Augusta County Law Library As- sociation. Aujrusta Female Seminary* Staunton Female Seminary (Zeno- bian Literary Society). Virginia Female Institute Virjiinia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Suffolk Collesriate Institute* Hanover Academy Theological Seminary of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church. University of Virginia LeanderMcCormickObserva- I 1882 torv. College of William and Mary ! 1693 Gait Library, Eastern Lunatic Asylum. 1867 I 1853 1850 1852 Y.M.C.A. Free. Free. Free. Free. Sub.. Sub.. Sub.. Free. Sub.. Free. Free . Fi ee . Sub. Free . Free . Both. Free. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Law Library 1876 ! Free Library A.ssociation 1881 ; Sub. Trinity Hall Female College.. Cheney Academy | ■ Library Association i 1882 : Sub.. Post Library | 1864 ; Free. 1 Both, i Free, i Sub.. i Sub.. ; Sub.. 1 Snb.. Free. Sub.. I Free'! Sub.. 1876 Both.. Y.M.C.A Scb Soc'y Sch Sch Y.M.C.A. Col... A. «fcR. 1854 1878 1884 1872 1883 Tacoma Library Territorial Library Circulating Library Port Town.send Library University of Washington Terri- tory. Washington Territorial Library.. Young Men's Christian Associa- tian. Library Association Xorma'l Academy Annin Wriirht Soluina^^' 1884 Mercantile Library ....'. 1885 Holy Antrel's College St. James' Circulating Library 1870 i Sub. St. Pauls Church ". 1875 Free. Whit.Tian College 1882 | Both. ♦From a return for 1884, Ter Y.M.C.A Gen Scb Sch Mer Soc'l . Sch . . Col.. 1,100 625 2,000 1,567 400 300 1,700 500 500 8,000 3, 200 45, 000 9,429 13, 883 3,300 500 10, 000 700 1,600 2,000 500 340 600 1,426 300 1,800 12,000 47,000 7,000 635 700 000 455 300 7t'0 412 1,500 1,200 6n0 3.50 2,260 3,000 352 556 800 600 60J 1,000 850 "1, .500 1,976 780 REPORT OF* THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. Table XVI. — Statistics of public libraries numbering 300 volumes, tjc. — Contiuued. r)202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 Place. Bethany, W. Va Chaileston.W. Va Fairmont, W. Va Fairmont. "W. Va . . . . . Harper's Ferry, W. Va. Huntinston, VT. Va .... 5209 Morjrantown, W. Va , 5210 Mor-autowu, W. Va , .')21l i Morgantown, W. Va 5212 i Monmlsville, W.Va.. 5213 ! Komuev, W. Va Name of libraiy. 5214 ! 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 52J3 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 6234 5235 5-.'36 5237 5238 5J39 5240 f24l 5242 6243 5244 5243 624 U 5247 5248 5249 5250 6251 6252 6263 6254 6255 5266 6267 Romney, "W. Va She])ber(i8town. W. Va. West Libel tv, W. Va .. Weston, W.Va Wheeling, W.Va... Wheeling, W.Va... Wheeling, W.Va... Appleton, Wis Appleton, Wis. Appleton, Wis Baraboo. Wis . . Beaver Dam, Wis. Beaver Dam, Wis . Beloit, Wis Beloit, Wis Beloit, Wis Berlin, Wis Black River Falls, Wis. liloomineton, Wis Boacobeli Wis Burlington, \V is Delavan, Wis DePere, Wis Eau Claire, Wis Edgerton, Wis Evansville, Wis . . . Fond du Lac, Wis .. Fond du Lac, Wis . . Fort Atkinson, Wis Fox Lake, Wis Franklin, Wis Galesville. Wis Oeneva, Wis Hudson, Wis Janesville, Wis Janesville, Wis Janesville, Wis Kewannee, Wis La Crosse, Wis La Crosse, Wis Lake Geneva, Wis.. Lake Geneva, Wis.. Lake Geneva, "Wis . Lake Geneva, Wis. LancMter, Wis . . . . Bethany College State Library High School Library State Normal School . Stoier College, Roger William's Library. Marshall College Youiig Men's Christian Associa- \ tioii, Railroad Deparlment. i Morgantown Seminary . ...... I West Virginia Historical Society West Virginia University West Virginia P(>nitentiary Institution for tho Deaf and Dumb, and ttio Blind. Literary Society of Romney Shepherd College " Sfat«i Normal School . . West Virginia Hospital for the Insane. Public Library Wheeling Female College Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Appleton Library of Lawrence University. Fourtli Waid School Library Ryan High School Ivibrary Yrarv Luther Seminary Library State Historical Society State Library University of Wisconsin, General Library. Woodman Astronomical Library Jones Library ■ St. Lawrence College State Hospital for the Insane Milton College, Daniel Babcock Library. Orophilian Lyceum........... Concordia Collejie • Franklin S