( . SOUTHERN WEALTH atorthern profits, AS EXHIBITED IIT • ,'. ; ] [ ' .\ ' '. >. ' STATISTICAL FACTS AND OFFICIAL FIGURES: SHOWING THE NECESSITY OF UNION TO THE FUTURE PROSPERITY AND WELFARE OF THE REPUBLIC. EY THOMAS PRENTICE KETTELL, LATE EDITOR OF TQE DEMOCRATIC RKVIEV. NEW YORK: GEORGE W. & JOHN A. WOOD, LAW BUILDING, 82 NASSAU-STEEET. 1860. ^i K' Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S60, By GEO. W. & JOHN A. "WOOD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. RENNIE, SHEA & LINDSAY. StKREOtVPEES AND ElECTBOTTPKES, 81, 83, ftnd 85 Centre-street, Kew Yor.E. PREFACE. Thk Emperor of the French has said, that "France is the only nation tlmt goes to war for an idea." With more truth may it be said, tliat " the United States is the only nation that goes to destruction for an idea." This appears, however, to be the settled policy of a party at the North. The United States, at the age of seventy years, have exhibited a degree of success in working out the " experiment" of self-government, that has baffled the sagacity, while it has ex- cited the admiration, of the most far-seeing statesmen of the Old Woild. This great success manifests itself in the international peace that the country enjoys, its rapid increase in numbers, the general wealth of the people, and the vast aggregate which that wealth presents. At the close of the War of Independence, the country was composed of ex- hausted Colonies, having a population of 3,172,4G4 whites. The government was heavily in debt and without credit, the channels of trade flooded with irredeem- able and depreciated paper that had driven away specie, national bankruptcy and individual insolvency were the rule. Tlie people were destitute of capital and manufactures ; the employment of the shipping apparently destroyed, and the future presenting but little hope. There were 751,363 black slaves, who were without employment that would earn their own support, and their fate and that of their masters gave ample cause of uneasiness, as well to statesmen as to owners. To abandon the blacks to their fate, under the plea of philan- thropy, suggested itself to many. The employment of Northern ships was mostly the slave-trade, while the South, having daily less employment for the blacks, was determined to stop their arrival, — a measure which tlie North re- garded as depriving it of its legitimate business. Thus growing jealousy was added to other evils. The lapse of seventy years has changed all that. The North has come to rival the mother country in manufactures — her shipping is the first in the world— capital of every description has become redundant— the Federal debt is nominal, and local wealth superior in Mas.sachusetts to that of any community of like numbers in the world. The condition of the South has changed to one of the most brilliant promise. From a desponding jjosition, in the possession of 600,000 idle blacks, she hii.s 4,000,000, whose labor is inade- quate to the production of that staple which the civilized world demands from her fertile soil. The blacks themselves have been gradually elevated in material comforts and religious sentiment — not only far above tliosc of any other country, but greatly and progressively above their own former condition. And tliis is comprehended in the material fact, tliat their value, which was $200 by a.}^4 A^. injich as he produces, and it is only when men are compelled to work much, and enjoy comparatively but little of the proceeds of their labor, that the task-master of many accumulates wealth in proportion to the skill with which he directs their services. The possessor of many slaves must have a lucrative mode of employing them, or he will be ruined by the expense of maintaining them. Tlie ancient world was main- tained by slaves and enjoyed by patricians. In modem Europe, serf-labor, imder the feudal system, was universal, and if the nobles have now ceased to have an ownership in the man, they do not the less surely exact from him his earnings through the credit system which has replaced feudality. The soil of Europe and of England was, however, unfitted to slave-labor. K it was every^vhere owned by the nobles, it yielded but little under the unintelligent cultivation of the serfs, and capital was of very slow growth, notwithstanding that the condition of the mass of people was miserable in the extreme. It was soon discovered, in the progress of civilization, that intelligent white men would produce more in a state of free- dom than as serfs ; that the rewards of industry were a suffi- cient stimulus to them to labor ; while tithes, taxes, and rents were the ready means of exacting more of the proceeds of labor from the freeman than could be obtained from the serfs. The restraints upon individuals were then gradually relaxed, while the most severe means were taken to compel idlers to work. " Sturdy beggars" were not only visited with the severe penal- ties of the law, but those who harbored and relieved them were punished ; while " work-houses" were the recipients of those ai'- rested and those who required alms. Tlie slave system gradually faded out, — the sovereigns, as they wanted money from time to time, selling freedom to the slaves. The last record of transactions of this nature was in 1574, by Queen Elizabeth. Sixty years previously, " BlulF King Hal," being short of funds, had " made a raise" on the Southern Wealth and jVot'thern Profits. 11 freedom of some of liis slaves. As this is a curious fact, but little known, we transcribe the law. A manumission granted by Henry VIII., to two persons, ran as follows : " Whereas, originally, God created all men free ; but after- ward the laws and customs of nations subjected some under tlie yoke of servitude, we think it pious and meritorious with God, to make certain persons absolutely free from servitude who are at present under villenage to us ; Avhcrefore we do now accordinijly manumit and free from yoke of servitude Henry Knight, a tailor, and John Erie, a husbandman, our slaves, as being "born in our manor of Stoke Clymmy Slande, in our count}' of "Cornwall, to- gether with all their issue born or hereafter to be born, so as the said two persons, with their issue, shall henceforth be deemed by us and our heirs free and of free condition." — nea oy leva, v., Fmdera, V., xiii., p. 470. This wonderfully pious prince became suddenly "republi- can," it appears, when he found that Henry Knight would pay for such an exercise of piety. It is a pity that this devout mood should not have lasted 20 years later, to save the head of Anne Boleyn from forfeiture for too much alleged freedom. Sixty years later, the " Good Queen Bess," being sorely impe- cunious, bethought her of the profitable piety of old Hal, and directed a commission to her Lord Treasurer Burghley and Sir Walter Mildmay, Chancellor of her Exchequer, for inquiring into the condition of all her bondmen and bondwomen in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Gloucester, or such as were by " birth of slavish condition," by being born in any of her manors ; and to compound with such bondmen and bondwomen in those counties for their manumissioii, and to enjoy their chattels, &c., as freemen. By this exhibition of republicanism the respectable old spinster raised a consideraldc sum of money for her own enjoyment. Those bondmen, how- ever, fared worse than " black brothers" 260 years later, since they had to pay for their freedom, and the " darkies" were dis- charged and " hired over again at better wages." It is a little remarkable- that the preamble of the law of Henry VIII. begins with almost the identical phrase that heads the Declaration of American Independence. It is to be sup- posed that Mr. Jefferson had diligently followed the slow course of human emancipation in England, and was duly impressed with the fact announced by the king in respect of men; but 12 Southern Wealth ai\d Northern Profits. the idea does not seem to have occurred to either tliat before the emancipation of " men" should have become perfected, zealots would have descended a grade in the scale of creation to embrace an inferior race in a common right of freedom. As " Revolutions never go backward," race after race of animals may expect their turn of emancipation, since the same argu- ment, that all are born free, applies to all. Naturally, all were born free ; but it was to serve the common end of creation that tliey are made useful to man by domestication. In his free state, amid the wilds of Africa, tlie negro, to this day, is no more useful to man than the gorilla, the gorilla than the orang- outang, the latter than the chimpanzee, and so down to the little ape, which obeys the law of creation in being domesti- cated to the service of the Savoyard organists. The discovery of the usefulness of the negro was made at about the date in which the respectable Elizabeth sold freedom to her white slaves. Tlie use which England made of that discovery was to prosecute it during 274 years, in the course of which 5,000,000 negroes were caught and put to labor. ]S"early all the com- V tnercial wealth of England at this day is due to those negroes. But that was not the only cause of the rapid increase of British wealth in the last century. During countless ages there had existed 200,000,000 laborious and frugal slaves to local despots in India, Avhen Clive, with the vanguard of the English, burst in upon them, in 1756. Tliose people had accumulated fabu- lous wealth ; and the instant the English took possession, the transfer of that wealth to England commenced. Numberless individuals were sent thither to be enriched, and they returned to England in great numbers, with vast fortunes. Tlie prop- erty so transferred has been estimated, on data afforded by the India trade, at 2000 millions of dollars, from the battle of Plassy, 1757, to 1830. Tlie mere operations of the India Com- pany were as nothing compared with the wealth acquired by England in this transfer of private fortunes. Tliis process was simultaneous with the vigorous prosecution of the slave-trade, which gave such vast capital to the British Islands. In the year 1561, Sir John Hawkins fitted out three vessels, of 40, 60, and 120 tons, with English goods, for Guinea, where he exchanged' the goods for negroes, sold the latter in His- paniola, and brought home hides, sugar, and ginger. Tliis was the origin of that immense trade which England prosecuted with such success during 274 years. The profits in 16S9 were Southern Wealt/i and JV^ori/icni Profits. 13 already so large, and the trade had so extended the English marine, that a convention was lield in London, by wliich Eng- land nndertook to supply the Spanish West Indies Avith slaves. From that time the trade took large dimensions. In ITlS'the South Sea Company contracted to supply 4800 negroes per annum, f(»r 30 years. The enormous development of the trade may he estimated from an ofHcial letter of General O'llara, Governtn- of Senegambia, in 1760. It states that for 50 years past there had been shipped from the country " 70,000 negroes per annum of its prime inhabitants," whence he concludes the great population of the continent. In the year 1768, a British report gives the number shipped for that year, from the west coast of Africa, between Cape Blanco and Rio Congo, at 97,100, of which 53,100 were by British, and 6,700 by American vessels. Under the convention with Spain the Island of Jamaica be- came a great depot, and the island progressed as follows : Neoroks. Populatiox. Imported. Exported. White. Bhd-. no2 7,644 to 1752 i52,323 " 1762 229,443 45,705 i5,ooo 146,464 " 1774 497.736 137, 1 14 16,000 220,000 " 1787 609.241 166,076 23,000 256,000 " 1791 708.318 " 1807 1,128,400 37,i52 373,405 These figures are from various British official reports. In 1719 a duty of 5^, per head was laid on the import into Ja- maica; in 1720 it was raised to IO5., and 206'. on exportation. In 1774 the number of blacks in the island had become alarm- ingly large, and there was imposed a duty of £2 10^?., and raised to £5 before the close of the year. This excited the o|> position of the English slave-traders, and on their appeal to Parliament the duty was abrogated. That movement, how- ever, caused an inquiry by Parliament into the slave-trade, and the movement, gathering force and strength by the example of the United States, in prohilnting the slave-trade after ISdS, finally resulted in its prohibition by Parliament, in 1807. Tims ended the traffic that had been begun by the British in 15G1. Tlie results of this traffic upon British wealth arc easily esti- mated. As seen above, there were imported into Jamaica, in the 18th century, 1,128,400 blacks, selling at an average, by official tables, of £30 each. The number imported in the 140 years up to the 18th century is put at 600,000, and into all other 14 Southern Wealth and Northei^ Profits. colonies at 1,000,000; making, together, 2,728,400 negroes; which, at £30 each, realized £81,852,000, or $450,000,000: but if each black produced, during his life, but 8 times his own cost, the amount of wealth sent to England was 3600 millions of dollars, or a sum exceeding the present national debt. In estimating the value of the island in 1788, the commercial ex- port value was put down at £5,400,000 ; and 12 years' purchase gave £64,600,000 as the value of the island. That rate, for 100 years, gives £540,000,000, and at half the rate for the pre- vious 170 years, the aggregate would be £810,000,000, or 4000 millions dollars. We have, then, the following results of the India and slave operations of the 18th century : Realized from India §2,000,000,000 " " slaves and islands 3, 600,000, 000 Total capital $5,6oo,ooo,ooo This vast capital poured into the lap of England Avas the source of its greatness and of the sudden development of power and wealth which took date from the middle of the 18th century. Tlie effects of this capital become surprising when we turn to the British population tables. Population of England and Wales. Tear. Population. Year. Popxdaiwn. jo86 1,000,000 I 1770 7,227,586 1670 6,000,000 1790 8,540,738 1695 8,000,000 I 1800 8,894,536 1700 5,i34,5i6 I j85o 17,907,409 1750 6,039,684 I Tlie population, for 1086, is that of Doomsday book ; that of 1695 is by d'Avenant. Tlie figures for the 18th century are in " Porter's Progress," vol. i., page 14. The result is, that up to the close of the 18th century, the population of England and Wales was stationary. It • required 700 years to rise from one to five millions, showing the severe struggles for life the people had, until the wealth we have pointed out flowed in upon them. That wealth stimulated industry of all kinds, and, aided by inventions, has so improved the condition of the people, that the population gained more in the first 50 years of the present century, 15 of them of war, than in the previous 800 years. Although England discontinued the slave-trade in 1807, it was not until 30 years later that slavery was abolished. The islands had become stocked with laborers, and the false princi- Southei'ni Wealth and Korthem Profits. 15 pie was assumed, that, as the whites had become more indus- trioiis and productive in a state of freedom than in a state of slavery, the blacks would do so also, and thus develop a large market for goods. This idea, in connection with the fact that the British system of slavery was enormously expensive for the suppression of insurrection, brought about emancipation. After enslaving negroes for 274 years, they discovered that the black was a " man and a brother." They freed him, petted him, en- couraged him ; the papers and preachers lied for him. They said, if he did not work, it was only the natural rest that one generation wanted, after the fatigues of their progenitors. A singularly long rest, certainly, and a new generation has sho^vn a disposition to prolong the rest, while ruin stares them in the face. At last, after 25 years' experience, the London Times, which worked so hard to bring about abolition, finally breaks down as follows : " There is no blinking the truth. Years of bitter experience; years of hope deferred ; of self-devotion unrequited ; of pov- erty ; of humiliation ; of prayers unanswered ; of sufferings derided ; of insults unresented ; of contumely patiently en- dured, have convinced us of the truth. It must be spoken out loudly and energetically, despite the wild mockings of ' howl- ing cant.' The freed West India slave will not till the soil for Avages ; the free son of the ex-slave is as obstinate as his sire. He will not cultivate lands which he has not bought fur his own. Yams, mangoes, and plantains — those satisfy his wants; he cares not for yours. Cotton, sugar, cofiee, and tobacco, he cares but little for. And what matters it to him that the Englishman has sunk his thousands and tens of thousands on mills, machinery, and plants, whicli now totter on the languish- ing estate that for 3'ears has only returned beggary and debt. He eats his yams, and sniggers at ' Buckra.' " We know not why this" should be, but it is so. The negro has been bought with a price — the price of English taxation and English toil. He has been redeemed from bondage l)y the sweat and travail of some millions of hard-working Englishmen. Twenty millions of pounds sterling — one hundred millions of dollars — have been distilled from the brains and muscles (»f the free English laborer, of every degree, to fashion the AVrst In- dia negro into a 'free, independent laborer.' ' Erce and inde- pendent' enough he has become, God knows, but lal>ori>r he is not ; and, so far as we can see, never will be. He will sing hymns and quote texts, but honest, steady industry he not only detests, but despises. AVe wish to Heaven that some jjeople in England — neither government people, nor parsons, nor clergy- 16 ■- Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. men, but some jiist-minded, lionest-liearted, and clear-sighted men — would go out to some of the islands (say Jamaica, Do- minica, or Antigua), — not for a month, or three months, hut for a year, would watch the precious protege of English philanthro- py, the freed negro, in his daily habits ; would watch him as he lazily plants his little squatting ; would see him as he proudly rejects agricultural or domestic services, or accepts it only at wages ludicrously disproportionate to the value of his Avork. We wish, too, they would watch him, while, with a hide thicker than a hippopotamus, and a body to which fervid heat is a comfort rather than an annoyance, he droningly lounges over the prescribed task, over which the intrepid Eng- lishman, uninured to the burning sun, consumes his impatient energy, and too often sacrifices his life. We wish they would go out and view the negro in all the blazonry of his idleness, his pride, his ingratitude, contemptuously sneering at the in- dustry of that race which made him free, and then come home and teach the memorable lesson of their experience to the fanatics who have perverted him into what he is." Tlie great wealth acquired by England from slavery and India enabled her to carry through the wars with I^apoleon, and to put in motion the vast machinery which now manufactures clothing for the world. It will be observed that simultaneously with the receipts of the slave and India money began the credit system. Tlie fortunes so derived were loaned to the govern- ment, and William began the national debt. Tliat debt was for the most part spent in England, employing labor, but cre- ating a moneyed aristocracy which draws ^150,000,000 yearly from the people. The supplies of Blacks in the colonies were large, at a time when there was no work like that of the cotton culture to give unlimited expansion to their labor, and they were becoming a burden. The cessation of the slave-trade caused a reaction, and the demand for more labor has since increased to a positive in- convenience. When British philanthropy, taking a lesson from " old Hal" and " Bess," adopted the idea of investing in negro freedom, it simultaneously set to work to operate upon the north- ern classes, in New England, and that in the true Jesuit style. That sagacious body of men always educated youth in the principles they meant to spread. The Exeter Hall Jesuits did not neglect that mode. The religious sentiment of New Eng- land caused Sunday-schools to become very popular in that section, and through those Exeter Hall operated. Teachers Soi(the7'ii Wealth a7id jVort/ie?'^} Projits. 17 were found, wlio, by tracts, precepts, lectures, readings, and in- culcations of all sorts, impressed the youthful mind of the Nortli with those sentiments, which they foresaw would, at no distant day, produce fruits. The leaders of British aristocracy arc foremost in recognizing the first budding of that stem, which, if it produces only an apple of discord in this detested Ropul)- lic, will have repaid the care in planting. Until party jiolitics discovered the use which could be made of the sentiment tlius long and laboriously sown and nurtured, it was hannless. Sin- gularly enough, however, that Providence which formed the black slave and his white master, and which so strangely inter- poses at times for the salvation of the Union, has caused to be demonstrated the slave nature of the black, through the ex- periment of England, at the very moment their machinations have brought the Union into danger. ^ We have seen how rapidly the papulation and wealth of Eng- land, after slumbering for TOO years, began to develop itself under the influence of slave-accpiired capital. The American Union presents a similar marvel, and from a similar cause. Tlie bands of pilgrims who made settlements in different parts of the country, early in the 17th century, had slowly multi- plied their numbers up to ^the era of Independence. In 170 years, up to 1790, the Pilgrims of New England had increased to 1,000,823 souls ; and in the same period — that is, from the settlement of the colonies to the settlement of the federal compact — the number in all the colonies had reached only to 3,331,730 white souls, and the blacks, under the active supply kept up by the British merchants, had only reached 017,817. Tlie capital of the country had hardly increased even in the slow ratio of the population ; on the other hand, the colonies came out of the war exhausted. Tlie moment the separati(»n took place, however, Xew England became, to the South and slave-labor, what Britain had been. The population and wealth of the country have since advanced in a ratio which, in 50 years, has made the former equal to that of England, while, if the wealth is not so great in the aggregate, it is better dis- tributed, because a greater number of manufacturers partici- pate in the profits of slave-labor. Tlie Xortli American colonics were su])plied with slaves by England, who drew thence the produce of their labor. AVliilo 600,000 slaves were at work raising produce to send to Eng- land, she did not permit manufactories, and the colonies, after IS Southei'n Wealth and Iforthern Profits. 200 years of servitude, presented the same aspect as the "West Indies. An enormons wealth had been produced here, but it was conveyed to England, leaving the place of production as poor as ever. It is urged, sometimes, that emancipation did not injure Jamaica, since it was ruined before that event. Tliat is no doubt true. It had been used only as an instru- ment, and, after 200 years' labor, it still retained only worn-out land and negroes. The ISTorth American colonies were in the same position. Tlie wealth they had produced, ornaments London and gilds St. James's. The dilapidated towns of Ja- maica shelter idle negroes, who live on the spontaneous prod- ucts of the earth, Ts^hile they relapse into barbarism. The American colonies were equally exhausted after SOO years of industry, but the 600,000 blacks have since been made steadily to produce an increasing ratio of wealth, even as their numbers have swollen to 4,000,000 ; and, instead of ruin, they vie with the mother country in prosperity. The American colonies had insisted upon a ce^^ation of the slave-trade, because they were overrun with blacks for whom they had no adequate employ- ment. The crown refused. The separation took place, and from that moment the New England States assumed the po- sition, in regard to slavery, which Great Britain had previously occupied. Tlie IS'ew England States owned the shipping, and enjoyed the slave-trade. They accumulated capital in both ; and when the convention met to frame the Constitution, it was as a concession to New England interests that the trade was continued to 1808. The Duke de Rochefoucault Liancourt, travelling in the United States in 1T95, remarks : " Nearly 20 vessels from the harl)ors of the -^orthern States are employed in the importation of negroes to Georgia and the West India isles. The merchants of Ehode Island are the con- ductors of this accursed traffic, which they are determined to persevere in until the year 1808, the period fixed for its linal termination. Tlicy ship one negro for every ton burden." Tlie fisheries, the export of lumber and fish to tlie West Indies in exchange for sugar and molasses, the carrying of tobacco, indigo, &c., from the South to England, thence to Africa, and home with a cargo of slaves, were the chief means of emplo3dng the shipping of the New England and the Middle States, which were owners of nearly all the shipping of the Union. If the French wars^ by throwing the carrying trade Southern Wealth and Northern Profts. 19 into tlie hands of neutrals, were a great benefit to tlie sliip-owners as well as to the farmers of the middle States, the difficulties that led to the embargo of 1809, and subsecjuently the war f>f 1812, were felt only the more severely by that interest, since both the slave-trade and the carrying trade were lost together, and the war was denounced as the cause of all the difficulties that resulted. It followed that the large capital that had been accumulated in that trade, thus forcibly driven from com- merce, betook itself to manufacturing, and the " free traders" of New England became clamorous for " protection." Since then the capital earned in commerce and in the slave-trade has enjoyed a monopoly of navigating, importing, and manuf;ic- turing for the South, getting large pay, swollen by protective duties, in the proceeds of slave-labor. In the mean time, if the South had ceased to employ northern shipping for the impor- tation of negroes, it began to furnish a much more extensive employment for it in the exportation of cotton. CHAPTER II. COTTON CULTURE AND MANUFACTUKE "We have seen that England, in the course of her colonial system, had, by furnishing goods and slaves, and enjoying the carrying trade of her dependencies, acquired a vast capital, while the colonies that produced that wealth had accumulated nothing — they had, in fact, become poorer. Tlie operation was the same as if an individual, owning a town-house and a farm of perhaps 200 acres, should employ persons to work the hitter, and draw from it all its proceeds for the use of his town-lious". If the farm sliould give §(500 per annum, in ten years he would have added §0000 to the value of his city mansion ; but at tlie end of that time the fann would sini])ly be exhausted, its land and implements worn out. It was thus with Jamaica and the AYest Indies at the date of emancipation, and with tlie North American colonies at the date of the sei)aration. At tliat date, however, three events occurred which were to change the face of the world. These were the inventions of the steam-engine, the cotton-jenny, and the cotton-gin. The two former gave employment to the vast capital of England in manntactures ; 20 Southern Wealth and Northei^n Profits. and the latter, while it supplied the material of that manufac- ture, opened a new future to the United States, and laid out for the blacks work Avhich has ever since increased before them, Tlie blacks, numerous as they were at the South, had no em- ployment that paid theii' support; cotton was indeed gi'own, but the difficulty of cleaning it from the seed was so great that a man could prepare but one pound per day for market. lu 1793, Eli Whitney invented a cotton-gin which would clean 350 lbs. per day. From that moment the cotton culture was established, and work was laid out for not only the 600,000 ne- groes then on hand, but for more than all the increase since in their number ; at the same moment, nearly, a demand for the cotton was created by the inventions of Watt, Arkwright, and Hargraves, which furnished employment for the capital of Eng- land, and a large portion of her population, in manufacturing clothing for the world, and in employing her shipping in ex- changing that clothing for the products of all nations. The state of affairs that existed at the South at the moment of those inventions, is well described by Judge Johnson, in his charge in a suit brought by Whitney in Savannah, in 1807, to make good his patent. "The whole of the interior," said Judge- Johnson, "was lan- guishing, and its inhabitants were emigrating, for want of some object to engage their attention and employ their industry, when the invention of this machine at once opened views to them which set the whole country in active motion. From childhood to age, it has jjresented to us a lucrative employ- ment. Individuals who were dej^ressed with poverty and sunk in idleness, have suddenly risen to wealth and respectability. Our debts have been paid off, our capitals have increased, and our lands trebled in value. We cannot express the weight of obligation which the country owes to this invention. Tli(! ex- tent of it cannot now be seen." » This clearly indicates the exhausted state in which 200 years of colonial dependence had left the colonies, and also foresliad- ows a future which, as we shall see, has been more than justi- jied in the event. It was the gloomy state of affairs then existing which caused the fathers of the Revolution to take so desponding a view of the future of slavery. They did not foresee the brilliant future whicli cotton was to draw from that service. AYitli the opera- tion of the cotton-gin the culture began to extend, but witii it:s Sodfhcim Wealth and I^^orthevn Projiis. 21 extension tlie price suftered a decline, for the rea.son that (L»v.-n to v.ithin ten years the supply rather exceeded the demand. X^ vertheless, the increase in value lias been enormous. The value of cotton has always been much influenced liy the state of the crops in Europe. When food is dear, as a p:eneral thing, in a manufacturing country dependent \\\Mm foreign supplies of bread, a short harvest causes such a rise in it.s price as to absorb the earnings of the mass of people for its purchase. It results from this that the purchases of clothing are much lessened, the raw material is less in demand, and its price falls. Naturally this decline acts upon wages, and there is less employment, at lower rates. Thus the end of dear food is the cause of less means to buy it ; a double distress is thus produced, which tells powerfully upon the price of cottoji, Jis well as of other raw materials. .Tlie column of prices follows this rule. In 1845, the first famine year, the rate was 5.9 cents, and, as the price of bread fell, it rose to 12.1 in 1851, and again fell as food rose during the Crimean war, and has since well maintained its rate. Tlie following table shows the crops, distinguishing the At- lantic from the Gulf States, the exported quantity and value, the price per pound, and the number of blacks at each census. Product and Export of Cotton. rwr. AtlanUc. CROP-B.A.LES- GtUf. Total. Export. lbs. Export. Valne. Price. U. StaUt. i8oo.. 35,000 19.000.000 5,726,000 1824.. '. 3 33 ,'2 53 i 75,905 509, 1 58 142,369,663 2i,9.'i7,4oi 29,674,883 Ha i83o.. . 522.062 348,353 870,415 298.459,102 ,'J i835.. . 493.405 760.923 1,535,054 1,254.328 387,35«.992 64,961,302 1.840.. . 642,287 2,177,532 743.941.061 872.905,996 635,381, O04 63,870,307 51,739,643 8.5 1845.. . 769.948 1. 635.0 1 5 2.394,503 5..,2 iS5o.. . 751,271 1,345,435 2,796,706 71,984,616 Ii2,ii5,3i7 Hi i85i.. . 742. S46 1.612,411 2,333,257 927.237,089 12.11 i85?.. . 839.625 2.175,404 3,015,029 1.093.230,639 87,965,732 8.o5 i853.. . 871,712 2.391,170 3,262,882 1,111,570,370 987,833,106 iOQ,456,4o4 o3, 396,220 88,143,844 9.«5 1854.. . 7^«.649 2,131.378 2.930,027 9-i7 1855. . . 942,-766 1,904,373 2.847,339 1,008,424,601 8.74 1 856.. .. 910,192 2,617,653 3.527.841 1, 35i. 431,701 128,382,351 949 12. .5 i.'<57. . .. 775.116 2,164.403 2939,519 3,113,962 1,048.282.475 131,575,859 I83.S.. . . 746,562 2,367.900 1,118,624,012 1 3 1,386,601 11.70 1809.. ..1,111,954 2,739,427 3,85i,48i 1,386.468,542 161,434,92} II. .0 i860.. ..1,480,000 2,920,000 4,3oo,ooo 1,165,600,000 184,400,000 11.5 The value here given is the export value, according to the offlcial returns of the Ti-easury department; the value ol" the whole crop runs much higher, ITiat of this 3'ear, ISfjo, will reach 4,300,000 bales— 8,200,000 having already been received, and sold at a value of $54 \)(iv bale. At the same valuation, the whole will l)e worth $232,000,000, or $G0 for every black 22 Souih&ni Wealth and I^orthem Projits. liancL/^liis value has grown up, as we sliall see, in addition to ail omer agricultural produce, and in face of the constant de- • cline in price. The war of 1812 affected prices much, produ- cing a great difference in value between Liverpool and the United States. That "perturbation" was the source of some immense northern fortunes, by enabling those with means to buy and hold for the peace, with the return of which the cul- ture resumed its course, and the quantity, which had reached 509,158 bales in 1824, was doubled in 1831. In the ten years ending with 1840 it had again doubled in quantity, involving a very great decline in price. The discovery in those years that the bottom lands of the valley of the Mississippi could raise cotton much cheaper than the Atlantic States, caused a great speculative excitement, which was fostered by the strug- gle that took place between the late National Bank and tlie federal government. The planters, many of them young, with gangs of hands from the paternal estates, migrated to the new lands and entered upon the culture, through bank aid. The lands and the hands being mortgaged, these mortgages vrere constituted bank capital under State charters, and State loans were issued in aid of them. The loans were to a considerable extent negotiated through the United States Eank, and it is somewhat curious that the bank-charter mortgages upon ne- groes by name found ready negotiation in London " at a price," notwithstanding the anti-slavery furor which was then there in its zenith. Loans upon American slaves were " as easy" as the loan to free the West India blacks. The money thus borrowed was loaned out to the planters, whose cotton was pledged to the lenders. The extent of this operation may be estimated by the figures furnished by the census and Treasury returns. The following table gives the number of blacks and whites in the cotton States, the crops of cotton, distinguishing the Gulf from the Atlantic States, and the bank capital of the Gulf States. In the table, the population of the four Atlantic States in- creased regularly up to 1830, as did also that of the six western States. Florida gave a return first in 1830, and Texas not un- til 185(\ although before its admission into the Union that State was a large recipient of blacks and whites, following the re- vulsion of 1839. From 1830 to 1840, the four Atlantic States scarcely increased at all, either in blacks or whites. In the corresponding period, the western States increased TO j)er cent, in slaves, and 40 per cent, in whites. Sout/ieni Wraith and Northeni Profits. 23 Tlio speculation subsided in 1S40, leaving a very liealtliy state of affairs ; but it Avill be observed that the production did not increase very rapidly in the ten years to 1850, altlioULrli tlie value gradually improved. In the last ten years, however, an immense progress has been made in the production and vahie of cotton. Not only has the increased number of hands ad(k-d to tlic production, but the number of bales per hand that ca;i be raised has risen from 4 and 5, to 8 and 10 per hand in some localities — while, as a whole, the South has been free fr()m speculation, but has accumulated a large capital. Population, Bank Loans, and Crop of (he Cotton States. . 1S20. , 1S30 . White. Black. White. Black, Virfrinin 603,074 423,1 53 694,300 469,767 Xortli Carolina 419,200 -205,017 472,843 243,6oi South Caroliiiii 237,440 258,475 257,863 3i5,4oi Georgia 189,566 149,636 296,806 217, 53i 1,449,280 i,o38.3oi 1,721,812 1,248,290 Florida i8,335 i5,5oi Ahibaina 96,245 47,439 190,406 117,549 Mississippi 42.176 32,8i4 70,443 63,669 Loiu6i.anu » 73.383 69,064 09,441 109,688 Arkans,a.s 12,679 ^Ml 23,671 4,676 Tennessee 339.927 80.107 535,746 i4i,6o3 Kentucky 434,644 126.732 617,787 i65,ai3 998,964 337,773 1,447,879 619,689 IS 10 , . 1S50. . White. Black. White. Black. Virginia 740,968 448,987 .894,800 472,628 North Carolina 484,870 246,817 .■533,028 288,648 South Carolina 269,084 327,o38 274,563 384,o84 Georgia '. 407,693 280,944 621,672 38i,682 1,892,617 1,302,786 2,243,963 1,627,742 Florida 27.943 26.717 47.2o3 39,3io Alabama 336,i85 253,632 426,614 342,844 Mississippi 179,070 196,211 296,711 309,878 Louisiana i58,457 168,462 266,491 244,809 Texas 164,034 63.i6i Arkansas 77, '74 19-935 162,189 47,100 Tennessee 640,627 183,069 766,836 239,439 Kentucky 690,263 182,268 76i,4i3 210,981 2,008,709 1,028,164 2,869,391 i,.<92,54J INrtO. 1N40. 1S30. Bank capital J3, 736.6^3 $13, 214,023 $28,707,341 Gulf cotton crop 348,353 1,536,654 i,343.43i Total 870,415 2,i77,83i 2,096,206 AVhen tlie cotton-gin of AVliitncy laid out the future work of the blacks, the steam-engine of Watt, and the jenny of Ilar- graves, with the improvements of Arkwright and Crompton, laid out the future manufacturing industry of England and tlie mode of employing her capital. The old mode of preparing the cleaned cotton for spinning 24 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. was by carding it between two flat cards in tbe bands of an individual, in order to straigbten ont tbe fibres as mncli as possible. Tbe material so carded was spun by a wbeel worked witb one band to give velocity to a single spindle tbat spun a tbread from tbe cotton beld upon a distaff in tbe left band of tbe operator. Tlie tbread tbus produced was irregular, and served only as a woof for linen warp. By a new invention tbe cards were placed upon a revolving drum, wbicb operated against several rollers also covered witb cards. Tbe action of tbese rollers distributed tbe cotton in a fleecy web upon tbe surface. Tbis was removed from tbe last roller by an instru- ment wbicb caused tbe cotton to come off in long rolls ready for spinning. Arkwrigbt added rollers tbat were to " draw " tbese rolls as tbey were carded, so as, by making tbe fibres of cotton more parallel to eacb otber, to increase tbe flneness and regularity of tbe tbread. Tbe invention of Hargraves, in 1764:, was to put 8 spindles in a frame, and draw tbe ends in a clasp beld by tbe operator. Tbe number was soon raised to 80 spindles. Samuel Crompton, in 17T9, added the " mule spinner." Tbe effect of all tbese inventions was, tbat, wbcreas one man could clean 1 lb. of cotton, anotber card it, and anotber work one spindle, one man miglit now clean 360 lbs., anotber card it, and tbe tbird work 2200 spindles instead of one. Tliese English inventions were previous to tbe American in- vention of tbe gin, and their utility depended altogether upon the latter. Tlie anxiety then took possession of the mind of the English manufacturer in relation to a supply of material, wbicb now, after TO years, is as active as ever. Hitherto the demand lias, as we have seen, developed black industry. From that moment, the accumulated capital of England, New and Old, became engaged in the gigantic operation of clothing the world with cotton. Hand-loom goods were every- where to be supplanted by those formed on tbe new principle. When Watt started bis engine, mechanical genius seemed to have sprung suddenly into life, and each subsequent year wit- nessed some impjovement in machinery, by which the texture of cloth has been improved, and its cost diminished. Chem- istry has as rapidly multiplied the number and richness of colors. Tlie art of apj)lying them, by steel dies and copper cylinders, has improved, until 16 colors are imparted at one impression, more perfectly than was one 40 years ago ; and the perfection of the designs is equalled only by the excellence of Southern Wealth and Xorthcrn Projits. 25 tlie execution. With each improvement in texture and de.si^u and colors, the fabric is produced at less cost, because a class of persons wlio formerly did not produce at all, are now the chief manufacturers. Steam-engines and young females clothe the world. The export of cotton goods from Great Britain, in 1800, was valued at £3,602,4:88, official value. Since 1814, the accounts have been kept in "declared" or real value, as well as in the otiicial value, •which was fixed a century or more since. The official value expresses more quantity than value, and a com- parison of the official with the declared shows the decline in prices. Tlie progress of the trade has been as follows : Liveypnpl price qf Official. Declared. Upland cotton, i8i4 £17,655,378 £20,i33,i32 3od. 1820 22,531,079 16,516,738 ll'/n i83o 41,050.969 19,335.971 6'/e 1840 73,124,730 24,668,618 6 i85o 113,718,401 28,257,401 qUi i856 163,887,196 38,232,741 6 i858 169,201,107 42,797,000 7'/s In 1814 the real was in excess of the official value. In 1850 the latter had increased nearly tenfold, while the real was only 24 per cent, of it. This indicates a progressive decline of 7G per cent, in the price of the goods. Tlie mode in which the manufacturers progress was thus stated in a paper read recently by Mr. David Chadwick, l)efore the Loudon Statistical Society : " In 1859 the average rate of wages of a spinner on a ])air of unimproved mules, of 400 spindles each, in producing No. TO's yarn, are 5*. Id. per 20 lbs. ; his gross weekly earnings, 41.eriod a considerable number of new mills have been erected, and extensive additions have been made to the spinning a7id weav- ing machinery of those previously in existence. "The amount of actual capital invested in the cotton trade of this kingdom is estimated to be between £00,000,000 and £70,000,000 sterling. "Tlie quantity of cotton inqmrted into tliis country in l'^r»9 was 1,181^ million pounds' weight, the value of which at i)d. per lb. is equal to £30,000.000 sterling. Out of 2,s-J9,110 bales of cotton imported into Great Britain, America has sup- 3 ) 1 34 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. plied lis with 2,086,341 — that is, 5-7 ths of the whole. In other ■words, out of every 7 lbs. imported from all countries into Great Britain, America has supplied 5 lbs., India has sent us about 500,000 bales, Egypt about 100,000, South America, 124,000, and other countries between 8,000 and 9,000 bales. In 1859 the total value of the exports from Great Britain amounted to £130,513,185, of which £47,020,920 consisted of cotton goods and yarns. Thus, more than one-third, or £1 out of every £3 of our entire exports, consists of cotton. Add to this the propor- tion of cotton which forms part of £12,000,000 more exported in the shape of mixed woollens, haberdashery, millinery, silks, apparel, and slops. Great Britain alone consumes annually £24,000,000 worth of cotton goods. Two conclusions, there- fore, may safely be drawn from the facts and iigures now cited : first, that the interests of every cotton-worker are bound up with a gigantic trade which keeps in motion an enormous mass of capital, and this capital, machinery, and labor depend for five-sevenths of its employment upon the slave States of Amer- ica for prosperity and continuance ; secondly, that if a war should at any time break out between England and America, a general insurrection take place among the slaves, disease sweep oii' those slaves by death, or the cotton crop fall short in quantity, whether from severe frosts, disease of the plant, or other possible causes, our mills would be stopped for want of cotton, employers would be ruined, and famine would stalk abroad among the hundreds and thousands of work-people who are at present fortunately well employed. " Calculate the consequences for yourself. Imagine a dearth of cotton, and you may picture the horrors of such a calamity from the scenes you may possibly have witnessed when the mills have only run on " short time." Count up all the trades that are kept going out of the wages of the working classes, independent of builders, mechanics, engineers, colliers, &c., employed by the mill-owners. Railways would cease to j^ay, and our ships would lie rotting in their ports, should a scarcity of the raw material for manufacture overtake us." Tlie Manchester Chamber of Commerce, at about the same date, discussed the same question, and the chairman, in ad- dressing the meeting, drew the attention of the members to the state of the cotton trade itself; to the amazing increase in the trade during the last year ; and to the necessity there was for forethought for seeing where they stood. "He had made, at Sout/icrn Wealth and Nmihcrn Projix some trouble, a calculation of the probable cxporlj^ij^r* .thp present year. Tliese would very nearly amount to £40,000'; which would be nearly an increase of £3,000,000 on last year, and of £5,000,000 upon the year previous. Tliat was a start- linii; increase ; but on coming to look whence it arose, it would be seen that it was due solely to one portion of the world — India and China. Looking at the whole state of the cotton trade, we had not yet recovered from the dejpixciation before 1857. If it had not been for the increase of the exports to In- dia, the cotton trade would not have stood in as good a position as it was previous to the crisis. The cause of the great increase in the demand for goods for India arose in the amazing increase in the capital sent out to that country, which, during the last three years, would not amount to less than £60,000,000. AVe must not consider the present state of the cotton trade as the normal one, for unless these loans were continued wo should not find the incz'ease of exports continue to the East. If so, the state of our cotton trade would be much changed in twelve months. Tlie export to India this year would amount to up- wards of £17,000,000, and from this it would be seen that tlie proportion of our cotton exports to the East was £17,000,000 out of £46,000,000. If our cotton trade was to be increascec- ulations to promote the trade in any article, but with regard to the growth of cotton, the British government liad rendered great assistance in another way — namely, by making the high- ways of the great continent of Africa — the rivers — accessible to Kuglish merchants, so that cotton might be cultivated on each side of them, and the traders have a safe passage up and dcnvu. Tlic difticulty whicli was experienced in other countries, of ob- taining free labor to produce cotton, did not exist in AlVica, where there was an abundant native population, whose c\dti ra- tion of cotton would be attended with the additional advantage of introducing a wholesome and la^\i:ul commerce, which would absolutely destroy the slave-trade ; for the only way by Avhich that trade could be ultimately destroyed was by teaching tlie African chuffs that the ein]ploymcnt of their dejpendent people in the production of the raw raater'ml of cotton., woxdd he more ad- vantageous than the selling them, into slavenjfor tranqyortation to other p>arts of the icorld. He therefore earnestly trusted that the attention of the ^overmnent would be directed to the main- tenance and even to the increase of efforts for opening the great rivers in Africa, especially the Zambesi, the opening of which he believed the government was about to aid, and the Niger, which for years the government had assisted in opening. (Hear, hear.) " Lord Overstone believed that a question of more importance than that relating to the extension of the som-ce for the supply of the raw material of cotton could not be brought under the consideration <^f the Legislature. (Hear, hear.) He had there- fore heard Nfith satisfaction the statement of the noble duke, that the attention of the government was directed to this sul)- ject, and that every encouragement consistent with sound prin- ciples would be afforded to extend the su])ply of cotton. ( IJeur, hear.) Tlic noble and learned lord had stated that within a short period the importation of cotton had multijdied thirty-1 wr^ fold in this country, and when their lordshi]>s considered li"W extensive was the demand for cotton goods throughout the world, they would at once perceive that it was a serious matter to have for the supply of the raw material only a single source, liable to be affected by the uncertainties of climate, to sny nothing of the obstacles which any unfortunate state of politi- 88 Smdhern Wealth and Hoiihern Profits. cal relations might raise up in the way of onr merchants apply- ing to that source. (Hear, hear.) He trusted that no efforts would be omitted by the people of this country to promote every rational enterprise for the supply of cotton in every quarter where it could be obtained, and that all the encourage- ment which the government could legitimately give would be afforded. (Hear, hear.)" The coolness with which the Bishop of Oxford states that cotton could be made by " free labor" if the " African chiefs would employ their dependent jpeeyple^'^ instead of " selling them into slavery," is amusing. If, instead of selling the man, or eating him, he compelled him to grow cotton, the bishop, it appears, would be satisfied with the progress of freedom. The discussion was narrowed dowm to hopes that Africa might grow cotton. If we reflect that the supply of other materials for clothing increases much less than cotton, the importance of the question will appear to be gi'eater. The five chief materials for human clothing are hemp, flax, silk, wool, and cotton. Tliese have been imported into Eng- land as follows : Imports of Raw Materials for Textile Fabrics into Great Britain. Total Jlemp. Flax. Silk. Wool. four articles. Cotiim. i835.^fe. 72,352,200 81,916,100 4,027,649 4i,7i8,5i4 160,014,468 826,407,692 1840... 82,971,700 189,801,600 3,860,980 50,002.976 276,187,236 531,197,817 1845... io3, 416,400 i59,562,3oo 4,866,528 76,818,855 344,258,785 731,979.953 i85o... 119,462,100 204,928,900 5,411,984 74.826,778 404,187,912 714,502.600 i855... 186,270,912 145,511,487 7,548,659 99,800.446 888,681,454 891,751,962 i856... 142,618,525 189,792,112 8,28fe;685 116,211,892 456,868,714 1,028,886,804 1857... 169,004,562 209,953,125 12,718,867 129,749,898 521,426,452 969,318,896 i858... 184,816,000 144,489,332 6,635,845 127,216,978 462,6o8,i5o 1,076,519,800 Price of Upland Cotton in Liverpool.— \\\ i835, loVid.; 1840, 6d.; i845, 4'Ad-; i85o, 4V4d.; i855, SVid.; i856, 6d.; 1857, 7V4CI.; i858, 7V4CI. This table gives in pounds weight the quantities of raw ma- terial imported into Great Britain from all coimtries in each yiear. It does not include the avooI used of home growth, or the increasing supply of Irish flax, but it indicates the demand that England has annually made upon the countries that pro- duce raw materials for the means of supplying the large de- mands made upon her factories for goods. The stimulus every- where given to the production of exchangeable values, and the diminished cost of transportation, as well as the more liberal policy of governments, has left to the producer a larger share of the products of his own industry, and this has shown itself in a demand for clothing. It is to be observed in the table, Sout/iern Wealth and Xoii/u:m Profits. 39 that lip to 1S50 tlie ])roportion of the tour other articles in- creased faster than cotton. Since that date the cotton demand has again become larger, and the value of all raw materials has risen in an important degree. The future increase of supply in human clothing must come altogether from cotton, and every effort to increase the supply of that article ends only in a despairing appeal to the United States. Tlie discussion of the cpiestion draws that fact, and practical English sense shows itself strongly in the follow- ing rebuke, contained in the London Times, to Lord Brougham and his confreres : "The importation of cotton into this country has, since the import duty was abolished, increased sixteen-fold. 1 Living f- been 63,000,000 pounds, it is now 1,000,000,000 pounds. This is one of those giant facts which stand head and shoulders higher than the crowd — so high and so broad that we can neither overlook it nor aifect not to see it. It proves the existence of a thousand smaller facts that must stand under its shadow. It tells of sixteen times as many mills, sixteen times as many English families living by working those mills, sixteen times as much profit derived from sixteen times as much capital en- gaged in this manufacture. It carries after it serpiences of in- creased quantity of freights and insurances, and necessities for sixteen times the amount of customers to consume, to our profit, the immense amount of produce we are turning out. There are not many such facts as these, arising in the quiet routine of in- dustrial history. It is so large and so steady that we can steer our national policy by it; it is so important to us, that we should be reduced to embarrassment if it were suddenly to dis- appear. It teaches us to persevere in a policy which has pro- duced so wonderful a result ; its beneficent operation makes it essential to us to deal carefully with it now we have got it. Some years ago an island arose in the Mediterranean, and we were all discussing it, and quarrelling about it, and keei)ing up a brisk fire of diplomatic notes over it, when one fine morn- ing the disgusted island suddenly went down again, and ships sent out to survey it sailed over the site it had occui)ied. Wo must not do any thing to disgust this huge lump of proiitable W(»rk which has suddenly arisen among us. We are inclined to look at it with a respectful and superstitious tenderness, rather as a gambler does upon a run of luck at cards, hoping it may last forever. 40 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. " Lord Brougham and the veterans of the old Anti-Slavery Society do not, we fear, share our delight at this great increase in the employment of our home population. Their minds are still seared by those horrible stories which were burnt in upon them in their youth when England was not only a slave-own- ing, but even a slave- trading state. Their remorse is so great, tliat the ghost of a black man is always before them. They are benevolent and excellent people ; but if a black man happened to have broken his shin, and a white man were in danger of drowning, we much fear that a real anti-slavery zealot would bind up the black man's leg before he would draw the Avhite man out of the water. It is not an inconsistency, therefore, that while we see only cause of congratulation in this wonder- ful increase of trade, Lord Brougham sees in it the exao^crera- tion of an evil he never ceases to deplore. We, and such as we, who are content to look upon society as Providence allows it to exist — to mend it when we can, but not to distress our- selves immoderately for evils which are not of our creation — we see only the free and intelligent English families who thrive upon the wages which these cotton bales produce. Lord Brougham sees only the black laborers who, on the other side of the Atlantic, pick the cotton pods in slavery. Lord Brougham deplores that in this tremendous importation of a thousand millions of pounds of cotton the lion's share of the profit goes to the United States, and has been produced by slave-labor. Instead of twenty- three millions, the United States now send us eight hundred and thirty millions, and this is all cultivated by slaves. It is very sad that this should be so, but we do not see our way to a remedy. There seems to be rather a chance of its becoming worse. If France, who is already moving onwards in a restless, purblind state, should open her eyes wide, should give herself fair play by accepting our coals, ii-on, and machinery, and, under the stimulus of a Avholesome competition, should take to manufacturing upon a large scale, then these three millions will not be enough. France will be competing with us in the foreign cotton markets, stimulating still further the produce of Georgia and South Carolina. The jump which the consumj)tion of cotton in England has just made is but a single leap, which may be repeated indefinitely. There are a thousand millions of mankind upon the globe, all of whom can be most comfortably clad in cotton. Every year new tribes and new nations are added to the category of cotton Soufhei-^n Wealth and Northern I^rojit.s: 4 1 ■wearers. There is every reason to believe that the sujiplv of this universal necessity will for many years yet to come fail to keep pace with the demand, and, in the interest of that lar^e class of our countrymen to whom cotton is bread, we must con- tinue to hope that tlie United States will be able to supply us in years to come with twice as much as we boui^ht of them in years past. '• ^ Let us raise up another market,' says the anti-slavery people. So say we all. We know very well that the possi- bility of growing cotton is not confined to the New Woi-ld. The plains of Bengal grew cotton before Columbus was l)orn, and we, with our mechanical advantages, can actually atford to take the Bengal cotton from the growers and send it back to them in yarns and pieces cheaper than they can make it up. So, also, thousands of square miles in China are covered by the cotton plant; and some day we may perhaps repeat the same process there. Africa, too, promises us cotton. Dr. Living- stone found a country in which the growth was indigenous, and where the chiefs were very anxious to be taught how to culti- vate it for a European market. Tliere is no lack of lands and climate where cotton could be produced. It is said of gold that no substance in nature is more widely diffused and more om- nipresent 5 but, unfortunately, it is difiused under conditions which make it seldom possible to win it with a profit. So it is ]/\^ of cotton. The conditions under which it becomes available for our markets are not often present in the wild cotton which our travellers discover ; nor are they to be immediately sup- plied. Kemember the efforts which the French have made to produce cotton in Algeria, the enormous prizes they ofiercd, the prices at which they bought up all the produce, the care with which fabrics were prepared from these cottons at lloueu and exhibited at the Paris Exhibition, and then note the miser- able result after so many years of artificial protection. It will come eventually ; as the cotton wants of the world ])ress heavily and more heavily, it must come. We shall have cotton from India, from China, and from Africa; we would advocate every means within reasonable limits to quicken the develop- ment. We would not even ask whether to introduce cotton culture upon a large scale into Africa, would be to secure that African cotton would not be raised by slave-labor. But even Lord Brougham would not ask us to believe that there is any proximate hope that the free cotton raised in Africa will, within 42 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. any reasonable time, drive out of culture the slave-grown cot- ton of America. If this be so, of what use can it be to make irritating speeches in the House of Lords against a state of things by which we are content to profit ? Lord Brougham and Lord Grey are not men of such illogical minds as to be in- capable of understanding that it is the demand of the English manufacturers which stimulates the produce of slave-grown American cotton. They are neither of them, we apprehend, so reckless or so wicked as to wish to close our factories and throAV some two millions of our manufacturing population out of bread. Why, then, these inconsequent and these irritating denunciations ? Let us create new fields of produce if we can ; but, meanwhile, it is neither just nor dignified to buy this raw material from the Americans, and to revile them for pro- ducing it." CHAPTER HL GENERAL AGKICULTUKE. J The New England States, from the first, were mostly en- gaged in navigation and manufactures. It was there that capital first accumulated from application to those employ- ments. Agriculture spread in two directions, viz., across the mountains to the west, and southwest from the south Atlantic States. These two agricultural branches divided naturally into free and slave labor, and both sections held the same position to ]^ew England as all the colonies had before held to the mother country. Tlie manufacturing and navigating States, as a matter of course, accumulated the wealth which the other sections produced, eacli in proportion to its productions. To estimate correctly the effects of slave-labor, therefore, it is not to be compared to a manufacturing section, but to a free agri- cultural section ; it is in the same employment that the rela- tive results of free and slave labor are to be justly compared. "We shall find that the latter has largely the advantage over the former — that the productions of the individual free man is not greater than that of the slave ; but his wants and necessities are greater. He consumes more, while his labor lacks that concentration of co-operation that marks slave-labor. Tliis re- sult is very much opposed to the common idea, which supposes Sout/urn Wealth and Xorthern Profits. 43 the South to produce cotttni only. Tlic i^reat prominence of that article in a manner overshadows other products, which come in a degree to be overlooked. Tims the following re- marks, and similar ones, are frequently encomitered in the daily press : " Such is the mutual dependence of the South and the Xortli, that, were it not that the latter supjdies to the former its ]m-(>- risions, clothing, and agricultural implements, the South would not be able to supply any cotton for export, but could scarcely supply the home demand." The fallacy of this idea may be at once demonstrated l)y an inspection of the census returns, which show a larger quantity of food per head produced in the South than elsewhere, and ■from its abundance it furnishes food to the North. To tV)rm a just comparison between the three sections, a table is formed from the national census returns of 1850, in which the (puuiti- ties produced in each section are given in separate columns, ■with the area and population of each section. The " North'- is composed of N'ew England^ New Yorl\ Nev} Jersey^ Pennstjl- vania. The "West" of Ohio^ Michigan^ Illinois^ Indiana^ Wisconsin, loica, California, Minnesota, and the Territories. Tlie "' South," of Maryland, Delaware, District of Coliimhia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alahama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, Missouri, Mississijjjn, Kentucky, Tennessee, and ArkoMsas, making, together, all the States and Territories. To the quantities, transcribed from the national census, in aggregates for each section, we have appended the values, as given by Professor Tucker in his " Progress of the Nation," as exhibited in the national census, from 1790 to 1850. Tlie value is useful in arriving at the aggregate relative value i>ro- duced, but the quantity of food per head is an imi)ortant i)oint. Area, Pojyulation, and Livestock of the Union. South. Wkmt. .NOutii. Area— Acres 871, /,53 1,417,991 '^,747 Population 9,664,656 4,900,369 8,626,85a Horses 2,044,377 i,2ao,7o3 i,073,63o Asses and mules 517,224 34,454 7,653 Milch cows 2,9^>3,237 1,363,253 2,o5H,6o4 Oxen 2,«35.358 341,883 .;.);. a8o Othercattle 5,632,717 2,236.o56 i.''!i.397 Sheep 6,821,871 7,396,331 7.)o').oi8 Swine 20,008,964 6,874,70 3, '168,469 Total licad of stock 40,823,748 19,967,176 i6,44i,958 Valneofstoek $251, 793,330 $ii2,563,85i 1173,812,690 44 Southetm Wealth and Nortliern Pr Agricultural Productions of the United States., per official Census o/1850, distinguishing the South, North, and West. Wheat.. SiwA. Oats .^ Corn I'otatoes Kye Barley Buckwheat . . Quantities. Value. 27,878,815 25,090,933 49,882.979 17,459,035 349,057,501 ?i9,534,5oo 44,878,403 17,951,371 1,608,200 1,608,200 161,907 145,716 405,357 202,678 ^ WE.ST. -. Quantities. Value. 41,394,545 37.255,088 37.122,774 12,992,971 186,384,139 111,830,483 14,416,390 5,766,556 774,5d5 774,555 842,402 754,161 1,578,578 789,289 . North. ^ Qvar^titie.s. Value. 30,761,941 27,685,746 59,477,597 20,817,175 56,234,511 33,740,706 44.616.780 17,846,712 11,800,068 11,800,068 4,166,611 3.747,65o b,c)ji,bbi 3,485,833 Beans and | peas. ) 7,637,227 i3, 365,147 313,278 548,237 1,229,017 2,i5o,778 Clover, &c., { «eed. ) 123,517 370,551 142,764 428,292 619,501 i,858,5o3 Flaxseed .... Value garden " orchard Rice lbs. 203,484 254.355 1,377,260 1,355,827 8,612,539 307,328,112 240,2IQ 664,3o3 1,640,028 300,273 664.3o3 1,640,028 118,704 148,374 3,o5o,3o2 5.692,886 2i"5,3V3',497 173,744,236 132,024,727 Tobacco.. ZA«. Wool 85,023,906 12,797,829 18.505,390 3,839,348 12,358,879 17,675,129 1,236,888 5,302,538 2,383,208 21,972,082 238,320 6,591,624 Oieese ) 68,634,224 6,863,422 98,266,884 9,826,688 251,593,899 25.109,389 Hay tons. Hops lbs. Heiiip...fc?!s. Fla.x lbs. Cocoons Maple sugar. 1,137,784 33.780 34,673 4,768,198 5,374 2,088,687 11,377,846 5,067 3,883,376 476,619 53,740 104,434 3,227.253 194,961 i5o 1,330,859 2,340 10,889,722 32,272,530 29,244 7 i33,o85 23,400 544,486 9,473,605 3, 268.215 443.370 1,717.419 3,129 21,272,077 94,736,o5o 490,232 22.178 171,742 31,290 i,o6i,6o3 Honey and 1 wax. j 7,964,760 1,194,714 3,401,078 5io,i4o 3,487.290 523,093 Value slaughtered 1 animals. f |46,3o3,95o 54,398,015 549,879,006 22,473,786 e 129,025,521 34.5i6,45i $4o8,o3o,077 $246,097,028 $295,566,699 Per head of iiopulation. . . ... $42 $5o.25 $34.26 From this table we learn that of those grains' which consti- tute food, and are common to all sections, the South raised in value equal to about $30 per head of its whole population, in- cluding the slaves. Tlie value raised in the northern section was equal only to $15 per head, a quantity unequal to the support of life, but the large manufacturing interests of that section enable it to command food from the West and South in exchange for merchandise. The product of food at the West is equal to $35^ per head. If we were to include the whites only, the quantity per head at the South would reach $48 per head, a quantity in excess of their wants, and of which they indeed export largely. The quantity of corn alone raised per head is 37 bushels, or the same as at the West. The wheat product at the South gives 4|- bushels per head of the white population, a quantity more than sufficient for its service, and Sout/iern Wealth caid Xortherii I'rojiis. 45 it exports of the surplus largely to the New EugluiKl States. Tlie aggregate of agricultural productions, it ai)pears, is $42 at the South, embracing the same articles which at the AVest give $50.25 per head, and at the North $34.2G per head. Tlie South, however, produced in addition, in the year 1849, 978,311,690 lbs. of cotton, which was sold in 1850 at 11 cents per lb., according to the United States Treasury reports, mak- ing 8101,834,616. It also produced 237,133,000 lbs. of sugnr, valued at $16,599,310; and, in addition, naval stores to the value of 82,107,100. The aggregate results are as follows : SotTii. West., North. Total. Slaughtered animals.... §54,398,013 $22,473,786 $34,5i6,45i $111, 383,252 Grains 307,328,112 173,744,236 132,026,727 613,099,075 Other 46,3o3,g5o 49,879,006 i2g,025,52i 225,208,477 Cotton, 978,31 1,600 ^J.*... 101,834,616 Sugar, 237,133,000 " .. i6, 599,310 Kaval stores 2,107,100 Total $528,571,103 $246,097,028 $295,568,699 $1,070,236,830 Per head $54 $5o $34 Value of live stock $253,795,33o $ii2,563,85i $173,812,690 $538,171,871 If now — supposing that the black laborers raise the cotton, sugar, rice, and naval stores — we compare the aggregate agri- cultural products in the above table with the number of Mhite persons employed in agriculture, according to the same census, we have the relative production as follows : North South A'b. employed in agriculture. 823,171 840,285 Value produced. $295,568,699 409030,07-7 246,097,028 ?q5o,695,8o4 P«y hand. $359 481 West Total 728,127 2,400,583 335 This gives the absolute fact that the AVest, a peculiarly agri cultural section, with very prolific soil, produces a value per ^ hand employed, less than even the comparatively sterile soil of the North and East. Tliis strongly illustrates the fact to which we have previously alluded, viz., that free-labor, even with the fruitful soil of the West, unaided by machinery, can pro- duce no surplus. These iigures unexi)hiined, however, em- brace a fallacy, and one which has attracted much attention of late. It is, that the Northern and Eastern section has in- scluded in its aggregate $94,736,000 worth of hay, which article, if deducted from all the accounts, would leave tlie Eastern ])ro- duction less per hand than any other section. This crop uf iiay ^ 46 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. has, liowever, been vaunted as a crop of great value, even as " rivalling cotton" in magnitude, and offsetting that crop in its Importance as a national product. Tliis view of the subject is more specious than real, liowever. Tlie object of making hay is to cure the grass so that it can be transported to cover, and feed cattle through those rigorous Northern winters, which prevent the cattle from seeking their own food in its natural state. Where those winters do not exist, that necessity does not arise, but the cattle have not the less food. The making of hay is, then, not a valuable labor, but an expense in the keeping of cattle, imposed by climate. Accordingly we find, as we proceed South, the winters being shorter, less hay is made in proportion to the number of cattle kept. In Maine, 755,889 tons of hay were made, and there were 385,115 head of cattle and horses to feed. This is a ratio of nearly two tons per head. In Illinois, 601,952 tons of hay were- made, but 1,190,264: head of cattle were kept, or rather more than half a ton per head. In Alabama, 32,685 tons of hay were made, and 915,911 head of cattle kept, or about one ton to 30 head of cattle. In the aggregate, the hay-crop of the country, and the number of cattle kept, was as follows : No.ofcatUe. Tons hay c%it. lbs. per head. North 5,460,820 9,473,605 ,3,460 West 5,161,895 3,227,253 1,260 South. 13,475,689 1,137,784 170 Total 24,098,404 13.838,642 Tliis crop of hay, therefore, is a tax upon the labor of the Northern farmer, proportioned to the number of cattle he seeks to winter, and the rigor of the winter he has to provide for. To count this expense among the advantages of free-labor, is certainly a very fallacious mode of convincing the laborer of its blessings, and would leave the inference that free-labor in, Maine is much more profitable than in other free States. The advantages of the Southern climate are, that not only is natu- ral fodder more abundant, enabling the same land to support more cattle, but the labor which at the Korth is applied to making that fodder available, is at the South applied to other productions. The labor which at the North will give 100 mil- lions of hay, will at the South, not being needed for that pur- pose, give 100 millions of cotton, while the cattle are feeding themselves. It is for this, among other reasons, that the ag- gregate productions of the South are so much more per hand Southern Wealth and Xorthern Projits. 47 tliau ut the North and AVest. Tlic chief reason is, howi-viT, tliat the habor at the Sonth is collective, while the free-lahor at the "West depends upon its own resources, and is not able to hire the needful help in sowing and harvest seasons. Improve- ments in machinery have been a great help in that respect, enabling the farmer to get more into, and more off the ground, than his unassisted labor could effect. As an example of the productions of hands em[»loyed in tlie South, we take the sugar product and number of slaves in each sugar county of Louisiana : Louisiana Production of Sugar, Corn, and Rice. Corn, J!ic«. ?ihds. Slaves. bush. lit. Rapides I7,i33 ii,34o Avoyelles 6,4 1 3 5,i6i West Felieiaiia 6,471 10,666 Pointe Coupee i8,2i3 7. 811 East Feliciana 1,370 9,5i4 West Baton Rouge 2i,683 4,35o Ea.st Baton Rouge 1 2,255 6,35i Iberville 38,87() 8,606 Ascension 28,444 7,266 St. James 27,302 7,75i St. John the Baptist 11.271 4,54o St. Charles 9,146 4,i32 Jefferson 3.143 6,196 Orleans and St. Bernard. ...~ 6,566 20,391 Plaquemines 12,433 4.779 Assumption, Bavou Lafourche 32,725 5,34 1 L.ifourchc Interior 8,866 4,368 Terrebonne 22,8i5 4.328 St. Mary, Attakapas 44.634 9.85o St. Martin, Attakapiis i3,548 6,489 Vermillion, Lafayette 862 1 ,067 Lafayette 1,286 3,170 St. Landry, Opelousius 7.388 10,871 Cistern bottoms 9,252 357,480 4.500 310,985 360,385 291,350 8,000 5» 16,840 42,670 226,942 fyOO i5i,75o 4,009 371,065 368,500 35,5oo 334.480 68,5oo 188,390 178.0S0 197,849 32,180 314.200 619,000 122,000 40.000 149,090 1,536.740 564,303 99.770 227,Ol5 187,420 305,290 466,900 140 517,401 3,700 46.061 \.(M 288,358 a,i68 372,180 6,144 Total 362,296 162,018 6,327,88a 4,911,680 Value of supar 924,998,424 Value of molasses 6,470.817 Total $31,399,241 Tlie result is $200, in average value of sugar, for each hand. In some sections the product is immense. In St. Mary, the sugar was worth $3,000,000, without counting molasses, or over $300 to each hand, llie labor of the slave in this em- ployment is greatly aided b}- machinery. Tlie nund)er of slaves is the total fcvr the counties, which, however, ])rodnce a great agricultural wealth in addition to their sugar. Tlius their slaves j)roduce 40 bushels com per head, and 30 ll)s. rico per head. Tlie cash value (»f these two cro]>s was $5,000,000. It follows, from these facts, that the South lias a far larger 48 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. surplus to export than any otlier section, and that the value of that surplus per hand annually increases. It supplies the wants of the ISTorth in naval stores, rice, tobacco, sugar, hides, wool, cotton, and annually swells the aggregate exports of the Union to foreign countries. The surplus which has thus poured out of the country manifests itself in the following table, which is compiled from the annual reports of the Secretary of the Treasury : Southern UxjJorts from the United States, Numher of Slaves, and Value per Hand. 1800.. 1810.. 1820.. i83o.. 1840.. i85o.. i85i.. 1859.. Naval Stores. 460,000 2,435,000 6,220,000 47.3,000 2,626,000 5,048,000 292,000:1,714.9231 8,118,188 Sugar, i,5oo,ooo 3,000,000 5,200,000 321,01911,986,824! 8,833, 602,520! 1,942,0761 9,883,957 1, 1 42^7 1 3 2, 63 1, 557 9,95i,023 i4,7p6,i5o 11,063,842 2,170,927! 9,219,351 i5,3a5,i85 '3,695,474 2,207,148 2i,o74,o38 31,455,241 III slaves. Prod. per hand. 5,25o,ooo 14,385,000 893,041 16. i_ i5, 108,000 23,255,000 i,i9i,364Ji9.5o 26,309,000 37,934,111 i,543,688|24.63 44,058,025 48,225,838 2,009,053' 29. 11 74,640,307 92,292,260 2,487,355137.11 101,834,616 i3o,5o6,o5o' 3, 179, 509143.51 1 37,3 1 5, 3 1 7,1 65, o34,5 17 3, 200,000! 51.90 204, 1 28,493 262, 560,394 '4, 000, 000 65 . 64 I i I These figures for naval stores, tobacco, and rice, are the offi- cial export values. The figures for cotton are the crop valued at the export rate in official returns. Those for sugar and molasses are those of the New Orleans prices current. As all these products are the results of slave-labor, in addition to what supplies food for consumption, they are very nearly the ex- changeable values produced per hand, and the increase has been in regular progression. The exportable value per hand that was $16.10 in 1800, has risen to $65.6i in 1859, and was $43.51 per hand in 1850, the date of the census, when, as seen in the above table, the food production in that section equalled th.at of the West, which had no other production. This large value, amounting to $262,560,374, is remitted to the North, either in the shape of sterling bills drawn against that portion sent di- rectly in Northern ships to Europe, or in produce sent to the North. The value of the raw cotton taken by Northern spin- ners in 1859, was 760,000 bales, worth $40,000,000. Tliere are, unfortunately, no statistics for all the produce sent north from the South, but much may be gathered from the statistics of the several cities. Thus, Louisiana sent north in 1859, 280,000 hhds. sugar, valued at $19,000,000. The city of Kichmond sent north $4,000,000 worth of tobacco. Soufheni Wraith and Korthcrii Profits. 49 value in lumber, Scq. Tlic Boston Post reiiiiirks in volution to the Southern trade of that city — " "What does Xew Eiigland huy of the South to lnch a demand should it by any untoward event be cut off. In the nature of things, manufacturing must grow rapidly at the South, for the reason that the mere expense of transi)ortation'» will, of itself, be an inducement, when the capital shall have been acquired, to prosecute these undertakings. The unfortu- nate difficulties that have recently sprung up have given a great spur to the attempts of manufacturers at the South. The progress of these, with the oi)eration of the raih-oads in | employing thousands of hands, is the first step towards accu- mulating capital at the South, where so much is produced. 52 Sonthern Wealth and Northern Profits. CHAPTER IV. JIANUFACTHRES. The Nortlieni or ]^ew England States are endowed by na- ture with a mountainous and sterile soil, which but poorly re- wards the labor of the husbandman. However, its wooded slopes, and tumbling streams, which fall into commodious har- bors, early pointed out to the restless energy of the first settlers the direction in which their industry was to be employed. Ship-building and navigation at once became the leading in- dustry, bringing with it more or less wealth. The harsh rule of the mother country forbade a manufacturing development, and that branch of industry had never got a footing in the col- onies. The act of independence which opened up that Held of employment, also provided, by freedom of intercourse, a large market for the sale of manufactures to the agricultural labor- ers of the more fertile fields of the Middle and Southern States. The genius of Northern industry was not slow in applying the capital earned in commerce to the prosecution of this branch of labor, and with every increase in numbers, and every extension of national territory, the New England States have had only a larger market for their wares, while the foreign competing supply has been restricted by high duties on imports. The mountain torrents of New England have become motors, by which annually improving machinery has been driven. These machines require only the attendance of females, but a few years since a non-producing class, to turn out immense quanti- ties of textile fabrics. In the hands of the male population, other branches of industry have multiplied, in a manner which shows the stimulant of an ever-increasing effective demand. At aboHt the time that New Englaad became free to manu- facture, the discoveries in navigation wrought that singular change in commerce by which Charleston, S. C, was no longer regarded as the nearest port to Europe, and New York assumed its proper position, as the central marine point. Tlie commerce of the Middle States rapidly increased, and witli that increase a larger demand for the manufactures of New England was cre- ated. "When population spread west of the AUeghanies, and the annexation of Louisiana opened the Mississippi river to a mar- Southern Wealth and Northern Pi'ojlts. 53 ket for AVestcrn produce, thus putting an end to that Western discontent, wliich liad made separation from the East, and con- solidation with the hnvcr countries of the Mississippi for tlie sake of an outlet, imminent, a new demand for New England manufactures was felt, and this was further enhanced hy the opening of the Eric canal. In later years, the vast foreign im- migration, pouring over new lands opened up by railroads, has given a further stimulus to consumpti(»n ; more, however, through the enormous sums of money sent in that direction to build railroads, than by any legitimate development of West- ern wealth. The South, in the mean time, has progressed regu- larly and solidly, not by help of borrowed capital, but by means of the actual sale of its swelling crops, at still rising prices. It is to be supposed, that although New England was the original source of manufactures, yet, with the progress of the national wealth, those manufactures would gradually spread towards the markets of consumption, and this in proportion to the wealth and enterprise in localities. The extraordinary hallucinations that exist in relation to the Southern population, and theself-gloriiication with which North- ern writers dwell upon Northern industry, are somewhat sur- prising. Tlius the Tribune of Feb. 13 bestowed two columns upon its readers ; and the basis of the homily were the follow- ing assertions : "We were apprised, by the official returns of 1850, that the lands of the South were lield by a small number of proprietors, and the residue of the white citizens were without property, and therefore were in a serfdom, or, I might say, more than that, for the serfs in European countries are at least the culti- vators of the soil, and have certain inherent privileges attached thereto; in other words, they are ^adHcripti (jkha-' — the ten- ants of the soil; but the white population of the South, other than the great land proprietors, have no interest in the soil, nor does it appear what proprietary interest they have in any sort of property. Manufactories scarcely exist at the South; mechanical industry, distinct from agriculture, has hardly any existence." Tliis is the sort of declamation witli which, for ]»oliti<'al pur- poses, the Northern ear is dinned. It is probable that the writer never saw the census returns; but, like candidates for the most responsible offices of tlie government, when confronted with their signatures affixed to treasonable documents, excuse themselves by saying they " signed without reading," because 54 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. some "power beliind the throne" required them to do so. We find, on examining the census for ourselves, that all such state- ments are without foundation in truth. In illustration of the progress of manufactures in the whole Union, we take aggregates from ofiicial returns. In March, 1855, the Honorable James Guthrie, Secretary of the Treasury, .appointed Messrs. R. C. Morgan and W. A. Shannon to report ti.e manufactures of each State from 1790 to 1850. From page 87 of that report to the Secretary of the Treasury, June 30, 1855, we extract the following table of the cotton manufactures of each section at four periods, and the aggregate of all manu- |actures for 1840. 1 1S30. '. "l5l',2b(> 101,232 197,925 274,03 I 17,222 4,666 125,266 14,000 . 5;885,6o8 4,502,224 243,268 35,750 735,512 154,547 555,673 988,157 49,S82 $3,991,834 4,359,553 5,400 "$567715 772,819 Coi 1S30. Total mamifac's. 1840. 1S40. 1S50. i7,§47 382,260 16,637 100,000 538,439 49.920 2,i35o44 273,439 4.236,000 Arkansas . 1,473.715 Columbia, D. C... Delaware Florida 3io,ooo 332,272 2.563, 218 587.167 4.63i,i9i 12.182,786 Georgia 304.342 329.380 18.900 i,i5o.58o 1,744 Kentucky Louisiana 8.641.439 i2,43o,866 2,120,504 3o,5oo 142,900 831.342 748,338 510.624 1,486,384 $9,367,331 9,664,656 4,257.522 2,596,356 19,712,461 8.83o,6i9 1,109.524 3,591,989 5,322.262 6,447,120 196,100 Mississippi 2,386,857 4.5o5,i86 North Carolina 438,900 359,000 325,719 446,063 $3,724,447 7,334,434 2,7i5,q64 970.397 16,553,423 4,i42,3o4 2,086,104 3,640,237 5,013,007 7,116,792 113,000 6 824,3o3 4.111,247 8.089,992 19,317.214 §93,362,202 Tennessee Virginia Total Population Connecticut 5,848,3o3 1,853,296 612.636 7,754,803 2,447.634 1,879,180 2,706,920 2,099,715 2,645,081 225,550 19,971,228 Massachusetts Kew Hampshire . . New Jersey New York 71,010,703 10,052,598 18,479,444 88,574 35o Pennsylvania Ehode Island Vermont 59,140.480 13.428,287 6,579.086 Total goods. . . Total population.. Illinois S22,224,8l5 5,442,381 $42,35i,23o 6,761,082 §52,062,953 8,626,852 $301,028,326 5,956,327 8.138.274 135,400 44,200 Iowa 347,713 3,327,671 Ohio 139,378 394,700 27,681,570 1,468,723 Utah $274,778 2,953,737 Total ?438.900 4,903,368 $46,920,286 Total population . . 1,575,3.36 Sout/iem. Wealth and X&rthcryi Profits. 55 It is to 1)0 reiuarked; in relation to this cotton manufacture, that in the early part of the century nearly all clothini; ^vas home-spun, or made in families. As the art of manufacturins; progressed, and cotton became abundant, the quantities of all kinds of clothing made in families gradually diminished, being supplanted by the machine or power-loom goods, until the quantity so made in 1850 had become unimportant. The cot- ton manufactures of the West did not prosper up to 1850, when the population of that section was equal to that of the South in 1820. On the other hand, the cotton manui'acture in the South had taken a long stride in the ten years ending with 1850. The product was about $1 per head of the ])o])u- lation: a larger ratio than that of the North in 1820. Tliere are no official returns of the progress of the cotton manufacture since then ; but it is shown that in 1859 the spinners of that section took 98,000 bales of cotton, or an increase of 50 per cent, over the quantity used in 1850. At the same rate of valuation for cloth, the manufacture in 1859 would be valued at $14,000,000. Tlie rate of progression was far greater than in the North and East, where the increase was 25 per cent, only, from 1840 to 1850. The manufacture thus shows a strong affinity for. the neighborhood of the raw material and the mar- ket fur the goods. " Producers and consumers"' attract each other. According to the census returns, the quantity of cotton pur- chased by the Northern spinners in 1840 was 82,077,200 pounds; again, in 1850, it was 518,039 bales, of 400 pounds each. Tlie quantity was therefore 207,215,600 pounds ; and the price of the year averaged 6^ cents, according to the treas- ury returns of exports, making a value of $13,469,000. Tliis year the quantity taken by the same interest was 760,218 bales, which, at 460 pounds to the bale, gives 349,701,280 pounds, which, at 11 cents average, makes $38,467,140. If we take the cloth produced at 4 yards to the pound, at the average of 10 cents per yard, the results are as follows : Lbs. used. Value. Goodn produced. ofyoodK. 1840 82,077.700 6,()-ib,5b2 4o,3')o,453 3o,3i3,89i i35o 207,215.600 13,469,000 58,369,185 38,467.434 ib39 349,701,280 38,467,140 140,000,000 ioi,53j,86o Tims the profits actually fell in this ].eriod (1840 to 1850), but since then there has been a general ini}»rovemcnt. In re- 56 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. lation to tlie latter circumstance the above official returns give the following facts : Value of Goods Produced in certain States. Delaware Geor , Wkmt. , Pnpidation. Value. Population. Value. Population. Value. 1840 7,334.434 193,362.202 6,761,082 |3oi,o28,326 2,953,737 $46,920,286 i85o.... 9,664,656 164,379,937 8,626,852 715,846,142 4,9O0,368 138,780,537 18-IO. 1850. Total population 17,069,453 23,191,876 Total value $23,191,876 $1,019,106,616 Tlie South, it appears, is not so entirely destitute of manu- factures as the popular mirul has been led to believe. 58 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. Manvfactures of the United States. Estahlish- Cost ofrnw M(\U Female Cost Value SouVi. States. ments. Capital. materials, hands, hands. of labor. of product. Alabama 1,026 $3,45o.6o6 ?2, 224.960 4,397 589 $i,io5,834 $4,328,876 Arkansas 261 3o5,oi5 213,789 812 3o 138,676 537.908 Maryland.... 3,726 i4,764.45o 17.394.436 22,678 7,483 7,385,832 82.591.802 Delaware 53i 2,978.943 2,864,607 8,287 65i 986,684 4,649,296 D. ot'Colum.. 4o3 1,001,373 1.405,871 2,086 534 737.584 2,690.268 Florida io3 647.060 220.611 876 ii5 199,462 668.385 Georgia 1.622 6,466,482 8,404.917 6,65o 1,718 1,709,664 7,082.076 Kentucky 3,6oq 11,810,462 12,165,076 19,676 1,900 5,106,048 21,710.212 Louisiana 1,008 5,082,424 2.459,608 6,468 769 2,088,928 6,779.418 Mississippi .. 947 1,816,820 1.276,771 8,046 108 771,328 2,912.068 Missouri 2,928 8,676,607 12,798,861 14,880 928 4,692.648 24824.418 N. Carolina.. 2,687 7,221,746 4, 602, 601 10,680 1,704 1,784,604 8,861,026 S.Carolina... 1,429 6,o53,265 2,787,584 6,992 1,074 1,127,712 7,046,477 Tennessee... 2,887 6,627,729 6,116,886 11,080 964 2,247,492 9,726.608 Texas '809 689,290 894,642 1,042 24 822.868 i,i65.538 Virginia 4, 740 18,109,148 18,101,181 26,790 8,820 6,484,476 29,602,607 Total 27,087 94,996,674 87,779,090 129,672 22,272 86,692,812 164,679.937 Western States. Illinois 3,162 $6,217,766 $8,969,827 10,066 498 $3,182,886 §16.534,272 Indiana 4,892 7,760,402 10,869,700 18,748 692 8,728,844 18,726,428 Iowa 622 1,292,876 2.366, 681 1,687 20 478,016 8,661,788 Ohio 10,622 29,019,688 84,678,019 47,064 4,437 18,467,166 62.691,270 California 1,008 1,006,197 1,201,164 3,964 8,717,180 12,862^622 Michigan 2,028 6, 563, 660 6,186,828 8,990 864 2,716,124 11,169,002 Wisconsin... 1,262 8,882.148 6,414,981 6,798 291 1,912,490 9,298.068 Minnesota 5 ' 94,000 24,800 68 18,640 58, 800 N.Mexico... 28 68,3oo 110.220 81 20,772 249,010 Oregon 62 848,600 809,660 286 .... 3S8,62o 2,286.640 Utah 14 44,400 887,381 5i 9,984 291,220 Total 24,096 166,888,945 69,997,168 116,067 6,297 80,164,078 188,780,687 Eastern States. Maine 8.974 $14,699,162 $18, 553, 144 21,868 6,167 $7,486,688 $24,661,067 Massachusetts 8,269 88,867,642 86,866,771 96,261 69,677 89,784.116 161,187.146 N.Hampshire 3, 211 18,242,114 12,746,466 14,108 12.9S9 6.128,876 28,164.603 New Jersey.. 4,106 22,188,680 21.990,286 28,647 8,762 9,202,680 89.711,206 New York ... 28,553 99,904,408 184,656,674 147.787 61,712 49.181,000287.697,249 Pennsylvania. 21,606 94.478,810 87,206,877 124,688 22,078 37,168.822 166,044.910 E. Island ... . 863 12,928,176 18,188.909 12,887 8,o44 5,oo8,666 22.098,268 Vermont 1,849 6,001,877 4.172,662 6.894 i,55i 2,202,468 8.670.920 Connecticut.. 8,482 23,890,848 28,689,397 81,287 16,488 11,696,286 46,110,102 Total.... 71,842 882,866,782 897,847,669 487,898 197,363 170,908,674 716,846.142 Grand Total... 123,025 £33,245,851 555,123,822 731,107 225,922 2-36,755,464 1,019,1(.G,G1C In tlie table of manufactures the largest item is flour and grist mills, reacliing $136,056,736. This manufacture is com- mon to all sections, and Virginia ranks the fourth State in that respect. If we draw^ off from the official report the proportion of leading manufactures in each section, the results are as fol- lows: Sout/ie?'n Wealth and J^orthem Projits. 59 East. Wkst. Sol-tii. Total. Boots and shoes $45,250,305 $2,179,086 16,529.017 $53,967,408 Hats and caps 13,043.495 449,556 826,813 14,319,864 Clothiers 33.837,691 4,037.900 io,436,ii8 48.311,709 Ciitleiy and tools 3,382.320 251,370 i79,35i 3,8i3,520 Distilleries 8,420,747 5.36i,3o4 1,987,189 15,770,240 lron-tbr<;es 6,429,160 831,692 1,741,843 9,002,703 Iron foundries 13.969980 3,3i3,i52 2,828,'385 20,1 11, '117 Iron furniiccs 8,380,674 1,714,902 3,196,322 13.491,898 Hardware 6,725.720 164,010 78,040 232, 030 Nails 6,796,335 68,254 797,555 7,662,144 Iron railing 5.340,570 197,500 1.593.011 6,936,081 Liunbcr 31.897.614 14,243.265 12,379,083 38,520,966 Cabinet ware 9,376,371 3,023,423 5.261,260 i7,663,o54 Carpenters and InuKkrs 11,080.491 931.882 4,874,446 16,886,819 Taniurs and cm-riers 27,136.467 3.808.637 6.757,209 37.702,333 Woollens 35,9)0.609 2.3i8.io2 1,379.846 39.848,557 Cottons 52,062.953 438,900 9,367,331 61,867,884 Total ^319,430.632 §43,334.955 §62,212,821 $455,226,769 Flour mills $67,329,922 $25,4i5,o48 $43,111,766 $i36,o56,736 If we deduct tlie flour product from the ag<2^reg{ite of luanu- factures, the remainder is $883,050,880; and tlie 17 heads of manufactures here enumerated, it appears, are rather more than one-lialf of that amount. Of the aggregates of these 17 leading articles the South manufactures 50 per cent, nmrc than the "West. In clothing of all kinds the South exceeds the West in tlie manufacture. But in the article of rum the AVest seems to have the advantage: whether that manufacture, like that of hay, is to be taken as an indication of superior thrift, or moral- ity, or philanthropy, in the free-labor section over the slave- labor region, may be determined by the disposition of those wdio have the matter under consideration. If now we compare the white population of.each section with the number employed in manutactures, and give the product per liead of the whole j)opu]ation, the results are as follows : WhiU Ilnnda pnpnliition. employed. Product. P«r head. South 6.222,4i8 i5i,944 $164,579,937 $26. 5o West 4.900,:'.68 122,354 138,780,537 38.00 North 8,620,852 684,761 725,846,142 83. 00 Total 19,749,633 959,069 $1,019,106,616 $5i.6o If it is assumed that the quantity produced in this country is equal to its consumption of domestic manufactures, then the average consumption is, it appears, $51. GO i)cr head, of the whites; but it is probable that the North and Ea.st consume more per head than the other sections, and that the South, by reason of the negroes, consumes more than the West. If we take Northern consumption at $G0 per head, the Soutlicrn at $50. and the AVest at §40, the results will be as follows : 60 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. Comumed. Made. Surplus. Deficit. North §517,601,120 $715,846,142 $198,145,022 South 311.120,900 164,579,937 146.520,163 West 196,014,720 138,780,537 57,234,183 Total §1,024,736,740 §1,019,206,616 §198,145,022 §203,754,346 Tims tlie balance of Soutliern purchases from tlie jSTorth, in manufactures, would be $146,520,163 per annum, and of West- ern $57,23-1,183. This balance is composed of dry-goods, shoes, hats, hardware, &c., as their chief items. The Boston Post contains a long and able article, showing the extent of the trade between New England alone and the South, from which we make the following extract : " The aggregate value of the merchandise sold to the South annually we estimate at some $60,000,000. The basis of the estimate is, first, the estimated amount of boots and shoes sold, which intelligent merchants place at from $20,000,000 to $30,000,000, including a limited amount that are manufactured •with us and sold in New York. In the next place, we know from merchants in the trade, that the amount of dry -goods sold South yearly is many millions of dollars, and that the amount is second only to that of the sales of boots and shoes. In the third place, we learn from careful inquiry, and from the best sources, that the fish of various kinds sold realize $3,000,000, or in that neighborhood. Upwards of $1,000,000 is received for furniture sold in the South each year. Tlie Southern States ai'e a much better market than the AVestern for this article. It is true, since the establishment of branch houses in New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, many of the goods manufactured in New England have reached the South through those houses ; but still the commerce of New England with tlie South, and this particular section of the country receives the main advan- tage of that commerce. And what shall we say of New Eng- land ship-building, that is so greatly sustained bj' Southern wants? What shall we say of tliat large ocean fleet that, by being the common carriers of tlie South, has brought so large an amount of money into the pockets of our merchants? We will not undertake to estimate the value of these interests, sup- ported directly by the Soutli. If many persons have not be- come very ricli by them, a very large number have either found themselves well to do, or else have gained a living." This estimate of the Post for New England alone, is about half the aggregate that the census indicates as the sales of Northern manufactures to the South. Southern Wealth and Northeni Projits. Gl The South manufactures nearly as niucli per licad, of tlie white population, as does the "West. Both these sections hold, however, a provincial position in relation to the East. As we have seen, heretofore, the first accumulations of capital in the country were at the East, from the earnings of navigation and the slave-trade. These were invested in manufaciures, " ])rotected" by the tai-ifFs imposed by the federal government. The opera- tion of these tariffs was to tax the consumers in the South and West, J9W rate, upon what manufactures they purchased of the East, and, by so doing, to increase Eastern capital at the ex- pense of those other sections. The articles mostly protected, and of which the cost is enhanced to the consumers, in prop. Mass 83,357,642 165,948 i5i.i37.i45 120.693,258 243,908 293,820,682 New York.. 99,904,403 199,449 237,397,249 106,349.977 214,899 3i7,428,33i Total.... 183,262,045 365,397 388,734,394 227,o4",235 460.S07 613,249.014 Increa.se 43,781,190 95,410 224,514,020 This rate of increase has been immense. Those two States, according to the national census (»f 1850, produced more than half the whole amount of Northern manufactures. If they hold the same proportion uow, the Northern manufactures will reach 81,230,000,000, and of these the sales to the South will reach 8300,000,000. On the other hand, the Southern manu- factures will have increased in as rapid a ratio — the demand for goods being in the double proportion of increasing numbers, \ and of greater wealth per head. We have seen that the agricul- \ tural wealth of the South swells annually in volume. A late number of the Ncio York IL:rald contains, from a corre- spondent, the following ligures in relation to mills near Co- lumbus, Georgia: "The Eagle mills, established since 1850, use 300,000 lbs. wool, and 736,000 lbs. of cotton. It has 130 looms, employs 70 girls, who earn 50 cents to %\ per day. It employs 225 hands, and pays 10 per cent, dividends. Other mills are as f<.)llows : Spindle*. Looths. Hands. Good*. Y.:vj]o i36 225 Cotton and woollen. Howard 5,ooo ... 200 Cotton. (Jnint ... 100 " i.'oluiiibus ... JOO " Ovrvetta 2,700 ... 75 " Macon ... 180 " I'lanter-s 3, 200 ... 75 " MiUodscville 3,i36 ... I2e " .Meelwater 6,000 80 200 '' Rover.-* ... 5o " Athens 2,5oo ... 5o " I'rinccton 2.424 ... 70 Cotton and woollcD. Mars Hill 35o 12 ... Cotton. Whites 1,740 20 ... " Schlevs Rowe\l 10,000 . . . 35o " Aiiwiista 10,000 200 400 " ^ 64 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. Broad River Spindles. . . 5 000 Looms. '36 40 '26 26 Bands. 100 70 65 ■50 40 3o 5o Goods. Cotton Eaton Richmond Troup Franklin Wavnians Flint River 1,836 i,5oo i,6oo 1,320 1,664 i,56o U Thomaston .. I 260 ,{ Rock Mills 600 u Brothers .... ... I 000 n Joy " " Th e operatives in all these factories are whifp. ppop lp^ chie5[j"girlsjind bojs from twelve t o twenty ,years of a ^e. On ail average they are better paid, and worked easier than is usually the case in the North. Country girls from tlie pine forests, as green and awkward as it is possible to find them, soon become skilful operatives, and ere they have been in the mills a year they are able to earn from four to six dollars a week. They are only requii'ed to woi^k ten hours a day. Par- ticular attention is paid to the character of the operatives, and in some mills none are received but those having testimonials of good moral character and industrious habits. Churches and Sunday-schools are also attached to several of the manufacto- ries, so that the religious training of the operatives may be \ properly attended to." The movement of population is to be taken into the account, in connection with this subject of the manufactures and sec- tional industry. We have already stated that the New Eng- land female labor is largely foreign. TVe may now turn to the official statistics, and take therefrom the number of aliens who arrived in the country in 20 years, ending with 1850, and we find it is 2,466,200 souls. Of these, very few went South. The number, according to the census, living at the South, of foreign origin, was 316,670. Of these, a considerable number were annexed by the purchase of Louisiana and Florida. The number living at the North, of foreign origin, was 1,923,865. Of these, 601,928 dwelt at the West. The greater proportion of these emigrants at the North were mechanics of various de- scriptions, and very many of them brought their own capital into the country. The estimate of what each brought has not been less than $100, which would give $60,192,800 carried into the West, and $132,183,700 located North and East, or very nearly two hundred millions of the capital of the North Sout/wrn Wealth and XoHherii Profits. C5 and West was brought in by iinniigrants, who prosecuted witli it those small trades, the products of which found euch ready market from Southern buyers. German liatters, cabinet-ma- kers, tailors, etc., swarm in the Northern cities, A " turn-out" of 3000 German tailors alone took place on one occasion in Ifew York ciXj. Although these persons arc located at tlic North, their employment comes almost altogether from tin; South. Indeed, without the growing capacity of the South to absorb larger amounts of goods annually, the North would be utterly unable to keep einployed the crowds of foreign artisans which arrive each week. While the South gives them the employment, their arrival is a blessing to the whole country. In the North, the female portion of the community have, as we have seen, also become producers. Tliis immigrant move- ment has added an element to Northern and Western progress which the South has not received, but it has nevertheless well maintained its relative position. Tlie sales of Northern manufactures to the South, as part of the oifset to the large receipts of Southern produce, may he placed at 8150,000,000, and from the West at possibly 830,000,000 ; making $180,000,000 worth of domestic mer- chandise purchased by the South, in addition to the imported goods. The efforts which are being now made at the South to foster the production of goods there to the exclusion of Northern wares, are very similar to those which were made by the New England colonies, when dissatisfaction began to run high against the mother country. In the year 1761, there had been imposed restrictions upon trade which gave great offence. Tlie colonies, therefore, determined to wear no more Englisli cloth, but to manufacture for themselves, and liome-spun be- came the fashion. " Associations were entered into to retrcncli all superfluous expenses (and particularly funeral mournings), and to encourage every species of manufacture ; and they uc- tnully set about it with so mucli ardor, that they soon pro- duced such specimens as caused them to think they could do without the foreign trade." — McPhcrson. In the year 17C7, General riiineas Lyman api)licd for a grant to settle the Oliio country as a military colony, and his metiiorial states : " The time will doubtless come when North America will no longer acknowledge a de])endencc on any part of Europe. P.ut that i)eri(Kl seems to be so remote, as 5 66 Southern ^Yealth and NortTiern Profits. not to be at present an object of rational policy or human pre- vention ; and it will be made still more remote by opening new scenes of agriculture, and widening the space which the colo- nists must first completely occupy." Twelv^e years after the rude "specimens" of manufacture were produced ; and nine years after General Lyman''s remarkable letter, the separation, which all treated as chimerical, took place, and the facts are a lesson to the existing times. That North Avhich, ^6 years since, was derided by the English for adopting home-spun in self-defence, is now deriding the South for a similar determination. The North derides Southern sepa- ration, and, in the lead of purblind politicians, is pushing dis- satisfaction to an extent as great as did the absurd ministers of George III,, but for far more futile reasons. England sought revenue. The North, now in the enjoyment of evei-y possible advantage, seeks, in the mere wantonness of prosper- ity, to enforce abstractions upon the South, that must prove as fatal to that section as to the whole Union. The South is not now in the destitute condition that the colonies were. They have, as we have seen, a large manufacturing industry, and they have already begun to apply to it that spur which was so effective with the colonies. Our ancestors smiled when a swaggering Colonel in Parliament assured ministers that " with a single regiment lie could march through the colonies, from one end to the other, with fire and sword." In our day, a swaggering Congressman asserts that the "eigh- teen millions of people at the North will not permit separa- tion." The fatuity of our day is expressed in the same lan- Sfuaee as was that of Lord North. Gov. Pettus has recom- mended to the Legislature of Mississippi the imposition of five or ten per cent, taxes on all wares offered for sale in that State, which are not made in it. The Governor of Yirginia has made a similar proposition. In Louisiana the following language is held : "Better rely upon encouragement than repression. Of- fer five, or some other per cent., upon every thing made in the State, and manufactories would soon spring up which would gradually shove the manufactures of other communities out of the market. At the same time it would lead to no litigation, cause no bad blood, produce no sectional reaction elsewhere, and oppress no portion of the people of tlie State. It would have a tendency to create home manufactures, and thus make the State independent. Sout/uni Wealth and Northcni P i'ojiti>.^^^Z][pr)'n^''\ ■^* " Let the Legislature of Louisiana adopt the encouragiiig s\-stoui, rather thau the system of repression. Tlic latter is ex- ceedingly difficult to enforce, and generally fails of its objects at Last." ^ All the States are active in this direction, and great results will follow. If there is no more serious consequences fru!n tlieir movement*, a large increase of manutactures will supply the local demand, and a struggle take place between the North- ern and the local manufacturers. In the long run the latter must trini\iph, even if the Northern States should adopt the French system, and give a drawback upon exports from the States. It certain!}' is one of the most extraordinary spectacles of the age to see a great, intelligent, and manufacturing people voluntarily permitting a few political aspirants to attack their best customer, and seek to destroy his means of purchase, and merely for a chimera. The French Emperor has proclaimed that France alone " goes to war for an idea." But America presents the spectacle of a people who go to destruction for an " idea." That political party which threatens with fire and sword every Southern hearth, with violent death every South- ern man, and with dishonor every Southern female, amid a saturnalia of blood, receives countenance from merchants whose trade depends upon the good-will of their threatened neighbors, and yet vainly hope that they will continue to buy Northern wares, and make no effort to prepare for that hour which the tendency of that party, for the last 30 years, makes inevitable. CIlAPTEPv Y. rMI'ORTS AND EXI'OUTS. In the preceding chapters we have observed the extraordi- nary progress which the Union as a whole has made, since the formation of the government, in material well-being. In (50 years its w^hole agricultural ]n-<>duction has risen from an unim- portant sum to $1,070,000,000, and its manufactures from nothing to $1,019,000,000. All sections have contributed more or less to this progress, which has met those popular wants tiiat 68 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. have increased in the double ratio of greater numbers and affluence. It follows from this immense increase in the prod- ucts of industry, that a considerable surplus of many articles above the wants of the people remained for exchange with tlie products of foreign nations. We hnd accordingly year by year as the production went on, that external commerce extended itself. In 40 years last past the imports and exports from an aggregate of $39,500,000, rose to $681,000,000. The surplus of the country flowed off in exchange for such articles of foreign origin, as were wanted to supply necessaries or pamper increasing luxury. The nature of international trade is for two countries to ex- change such products as each by peculiarity of climate or nat- ural facilities can pi-oduce to the best advantage. "Where two countries having nearly the same soil and climate occupy them- selves with the same pursuits, an extensive trade between them is not possible. Each produces for itself a sufficiency of what the industry of the other tunis out. This was very early recog- nized in the case of the Kew England colonies and was the leading motive for prohibiting them from manufacturing. They were confined to catching fish, and selling it, with lumber, ifec, to the West Indies, for tropical products, to send to England, in payment of the manufactures she furnished them. The trade of the liorth American colonies with England up to the time it was interrupted by the growing diflBculties with the mother country, may be seen in the figures for the year 1Y64 : Imported from Erporied to England. Mngland. IS'cw England 459,765 88,137 New York 5i3,4i6 53, 697 Pennsylvania 435,191 36,258 Total £1,410,372 £168,112 Virginia and Maryland 5i5,i92 559, 4o3 Carolina 3o5,8o8 341,727 Georgia i8,388 3i,325 Total £839,388 £932,460 Grand total £2,249,760 £1 , 100,572 It is here observed that the " balance" against the I^orthern colonies was very large, M'hile there was a balance due the South. The Northern colonies at that time, as ever since, had nothing fitted to the English market, and yet they purchased largely of England, and paid well. They managed to do this Scrutheni Wealth and Norihern ProfU. GO b}" sending; small, clieapl_y-bnilt vessels to the \V"c^;t India islands, laden with the inferior sort of fish, caught by rlieir fisliei-s, beef, pork, butter, horses, i)Oultry, corn, flour, cidor, apples, cabbages, onions, &c.. and these were sold mostly fur coin, which was remitted to England. They also sold the host fish to the Catholic countries of Europe, and remitted to Lon- don the bills drawn against it. This was the sim])lc business of New England. The trade of the Northern colonics with Euroi>e and the West Indies stood thus : ErporUdlo Imports from New England 407.3 1 4 340.339 New York ii8,524 ii3,o46 New .Jersey 2.33i 1090 Pennsylvania 382,64i 194,841 Total §9ij,oi3 $65o,2i6 The exports of the South paid for all they imported, and trade being then far more direct than it has since become, the real state of their balances could easily be distinguished. The New England vessels returning from Europe made the Alricari coast for slaves, which tlie3^ sold in the Southern ports, and by so doing, absorbed the balance due those colonies from England. When the American Union was formed, and the North em- barked so eagerly in manufacturing, that circumstance of itself would soon have brought all trade between New and old luig- land to an end, if the former could not have commanded produce to send thither. Accordingly, we find that the growtli of the trade has been almost altogether in Southern produce, swollen from time to time with some AVestern grain, when famine abroad caused an e.xtra demand for food, and latterly California gold has increiised the exports. The growers of the Southern prod- uce ai-e they who hav^e required the imports. As the Colonies had obtained Southern produce for slaves, so the States ex- tracted it in exchange for numufactures. The aggregate im- ports and exports have been as follows, since the accounts began to he regularly kept : United States ImjxirU and Brjwrfs. Import*. pomrntic erportn. 1821 $23,iHo.862 ^16,339,1.19 i83i 4i.854,3j3 28.841,43^ 1841 45.i3o.oo7 44,184,357 i85i 90,612,23s io5, 121,021 1837 360.890.141 348,043,615 1859 338,768,i3o 342,279-^' The general trade of the country is governed by the amoimt 70 Southern Wealth and Nortliern Profits. of domestic j)rodnctioiis to be sold. Thns a certain amount of cotton, tobacco, rice, wheat, corn, &c., is reqnired for the con- snmption of the people. The quantity produced beyond what is reqnired for those wants, or beyond what the people can pay for, is exported to meet the wants of other nations, and it goes, through the unerring skill of the merchants, to those coinitries that want it most. Of cotton and tobacco there is not enongli raised to meet the demand, and those countries get it whicli pay the best for it. In some years this is the case with food. In 1846, 'T, and 1854, '5, there was not enough, and all countries bid against each other for it. The United States sold largely, except in 1855, when there was no surplus here beyond the wants of the people, and none was sold. In usual years a good deal of grain can be spared. These raw products, nearly all furnished by the South, compose two-thirds of the domestic merchandise exported. The proceeds of all return into the country mostly in the shape of manufactures. The amount is increased by the earnings of American ships abroad, and also by the sums sent to this country for investment. From this aggre- gate is to be taken the interest due abroad, and the expenses of American travellers there, or nearly as follows, for the last year. Exports — domestic produce §1278, 392,080 Surplus California gold product 42,000,000 ■ Freight earnings — estimate 3o, 000,000 Total to credit _. |35o,392,o8o Interest due abroad ^30,000,000 Expenses of travellers 20,000,000 — '■ 35,000,000 $315,392,080 Actual net imports, 1859 316,823,370 This gives the amount of goods that are received in exchange for produce sold. It is obvious that unless the ]3roduce is giveji away, something must be taken in payment. As we produce gold in sums larger than we require, that cannot be imported to advantage. We have food and raw material in excess, and can therefore, if we trade at all, take only such foreign wares as those Avho buy of us can supply to the best advantage. The food, the gold, and the cotton which we sell, Europe must have, and sales of these regulate the quantities of goods, pretty nearly, tliat come back. The kinds of goods so received depend, in some degree, upon their ability to compete with tlie Northern manufactures, which have the preference. If a Massachusetts factory can make a certain style of cotton goods as cheap as the Sout/itni Wealth and Xorihcrn Projit'^. 71 English, it has a duty of 20 per cent., unci lo per cent, charges, or 30 per cent, preference over the English, which insures it the market at a large profit. The account is sometimes dis- turbed by credit. As in the case of the recent railroad specu- lation, large sums are sent from England here for investment. If these in one year reach, say, §30,000,000, goods to that amount ma}^ be, and are, imported, in addition. It also hap- pens, at such seasons, that sellers supply goods on credit to other than regular merchants. Those dealers sustain them- selves by bank operations until explosion takes place. The trade then settles back to the real staple exports of the coun- try ; and these, as we have said, are of Southern origin. The leading exports from the country, from time to time, have been as follows : United States Exiwrts. Flour and Year. Cottoti. Tobacco. provision-!). Rice. Jfanu/aciuret. ToUiL 1790.. i8o3.. 42,285 4,349,567 6.20Q.000 5,991,171 I3,o5o,ooo 1,753,796 2.453.000 i9,6f36,ioi . 7.920.000 2,0O0,00« 42.205,961 1807.. . l4.232.O00 5.476,000 15,706,000 2,307.000 2,309,000 48,699,392 64,781.896 1816.. . 24,106,000 12,809,000 20.587,376 2,378,880 2.33i,ooo 1821.. . 20,137,484 5,648,962 12,341.360 1,494,387 2,752,631 43,671.894 59.218,583 i83i.. . 31,724.682 4,8^2,388 12.424,701 2,016,267 5.086,890 i836.. . 71.284^925 10,038,640 0,588,359 16.902,876 2,548,730 6,107,528 106.916.680 1842.. . 47,593,464 9,540,733 1,907,387 7.102,101 91,799.242 150.374,844 1847.. . 53.4 1 5.848 7,242,086 68,701.921 3,605,896 10,351,364 i85i.. .Ii2,3i5,3i7 9.219,251 21,94.8,631 2,170,997 2,207,148 20,136,967 178.620,138 1809.. .161,434,923 21,074,038 37,987,395 82,471,927 278,392,080 These figures are from the Treasury tables. In 1790 the same genei-al state of trade existed as before the war. The tempo- rary free trade with France had given some little impulse to business, but the Northern ships no longer enj(»ycd the same privileges in the English ports, and the slave-trade was injured by the want of coast goods, and by the great depres-sion in tite value of blacks in the South. AVith the French wars, however, the carrying trade became active, and a large market for pro- visions was opened up on the continent. The Middle States and New England then supplied considerable quantities, and in 1.S03 business was flourishing. In 1.S07 the trade was large. The em- bargo was to take i>lace in the following year, and produce was hurried forward, and cotton, tobacco, and rice were one-iialf the whole. The embai-go and the war luid a serious eflect upon Southern staples; but the events of those years conferred fortune on many aXortheru merchant. New York has just imried one of her oldest merchants, whose princely t'ovtmu'. was l>egun l»y the large profits on cotton. The princely Girard *)wed his fortune to 72 Soicthern Wealth and Nortliern Profits. the slave accumulation of St. Domingo ; and there are few " old families" JSTorth whose fortunes are not dated from slave con- nections. With the return of peace, in 1816, the exports were largely developed; the produce accumulated during the war went forward in great affluence. The ISTew England States had, however, then embarked in manufactures, and the popu- lation of the ISTorth, soon absorbed in those employments, con- sumed all their own provisions and breadstuffs, and there was little to export beyond that sent from the South to the South American States. "With the great development of manufac- tures in England and Western Europe, the same circumstances occurred, and an outside supply of provisions became yearly more necessary. The West nearly reached a condition to sup- ply this demand when the "free trade" policy was adopted by England, in 1842. The famine of 1846 carried the export of breadstuifs and provisions from the TJ. States to its highest point ; and it has since subsided because in some cases the sur- plus growth of the West did not suffice to feed the Eastern States, even with the aid of the South, and leave any thing for export. The manufacturers of the north have not afforded much sur- )/' plus for export. They were bred up under the protective sys- tem, avowedly because they could not compete with the English manufacturer in this market, and it was not to be ex- pected that they could, under such circumstances, do so in a third njarket. The greatest increase that has taken place in *■ manufactures has been in cotton goods, and these have in- creased in the proportion in which, as we- have seen in a former chapter, the progress of manufactures at the South has occu- pied the home market. The South atfords the material for that manufacture. The exports of breadstuffs and provisions are also due to the South, since but for the quantities of these which are sent ISTorth to feed the Eastern States, little or no Western produce could be spared for Europe, even at high prices. In this respect the West is situated like the English AVest Indies. There is prolifrc land enough to raise abundance for export, but no labor. The introduction and use of labor- saving machines alone enables the West to export at all. The use of these requires more capital than the agTiculturalists generally possess ; but with time, no doubt, they will increase. The West enjoys within its bosom almost limitless supplies of raw material for every description of manufacture except Soidhcrn Wealth and Xorthevii Projiti't. 73 cotton. Its metals, coal, lumber, building nuitorials, raw ma- terials, every thing exists in abundance; requiring only capital to develop them rapidly. In this it contrasts strongly with the barren hills of New England, which are as destitute of metals as of fertility. They afford no materials for the employment of her busy people, not even a sufficiency of wool. Tiiey have hitherto had their food and materials brought to them, and have sent back goods in return, manufiictured under cover of those protective tariffs which all consumers have submitted to for their benefit and the convenience of the Federal Union. That state of things cannot last; the West will acquire ca})ital and numufacture for itself. The South is making long strides in the same direction, and all the sooner that the North insists upon manufacturing morality as well as woollens, and fitting the South with new principles as well as new shoes. If we analyze the export trade of the country in respect of the origin of the exports, we shall find that more than one-half the Avhole is exclusively of Southern origin ; that of those arti- cles that are common to all sections, one-half goes directly from the South ; and that of the Northern nninufactures that are exported, much of the raw material is also of Southern origin. Tiie following exports for the years 1857 and 1859 distin- guish the origin : United Slates Exports for 1857 and 1859. Of Southern or-igin. ISSr. 1S59. Cotton $i3i,575,85g $i6i,43.',.923 Tobacco 21,707.799 21,074,038 Rice 2.290.400 2,207,148 Naval stores 2.494.53o 3,695,474 Snjrar 190.012 196,735 Molasses io8,oo3 75;699 Hemp 33,687 9i227 Total ?;i57,402,29O $188,693.49^ Other from South 24.308,967 8,io8,63j Cotton inanufactures 3.669,106 4,989,733 Total from South f i85,47o,263 $198,389,351 From the Nortli 93^i6,35o 78,217,202 j Totalmerchandi.se $278,886,613 $278,393,080 ~ Specie 60,078,352 57,5o2,3o5 The cotton manufactures ex})orted in 1S57 amounted to $0,115,177. The raw material was valued at GO per cent., or $3,609,100 as the interest of the South in that export. The " other exports" were con)posed of breadstuifs, c^'c. Thus the 7-i Southern Wealth and JVortJiern Profits. wheat and corn exportation in that year reached the following figures : Wheat. Flour. Corn. Total. From South $4,143,787 §7,888,167 $1,225,098 $i3,259,o52 " North 18,094,070 17,994,149 3,939,567 40,047,786 Total $22,240,357 $23,882,816 $5,184,665 $53,3o6,S3S The quantity of these articles (40,047,786) which went direct from the ^Northern States did not exceed the quantities which that section received from the South and from Canada. The fact was, therefore, that with the exception of manufactures, the South furnished nearly the whole, or substitutes for the whole exportations of the country. On the other hand, if the larger portion of the importations were made at the North, for the reason that capital, shipj)ing, and geographical advantages are there concentrated, the desti- nation of those goods has been largely in the direction of the sources of the exports of the country. The goods swelling the current of manufacture, that sets South through ]^ew Yorl'^ and Philadelphia by means of coasting tonnage and railroads, helps to cancel the large debt which the North annuall}^ contracts. ^The annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury for the year 1856, page 101, gives the amount of imported goods consumed in the United States in 1850 at $163,186,510, or $7.02 per head of the whole p)opulation. The distribution of that amount was to L,the South, $43,000,000 ; West, 35,000,000 ; North, $85,180,000. In the past year these importations have risen to $317,882,050, or a consumption of $10.59 per head, which would give, in tlie same proportion, for Southern consumption, $106,000,000 ; for Western, $63,000,000; and for the North and East, $149,000,000. If, then, the sales of domestic manufactures to the South were, in 1850, $146,000,000, according to the data furnished by the census, and as we have seen on other data, tlic manufacture at the North has since increased 50 per cent., while tlie means of the South to pay have increased in even a greater ratio, the trade of 1859 would give Northern manufactures sold to the South $240,(100,000 ; imported goods sold to the South $106,000,000 ; brokerage, interest, freight, commissions, insurance, &c, on Southern produce and funds 15 per cent., or $63,000,000. The number of whites at the South over 20 .| years of age is about 3,000,000. It is estimated that if 50,000 come North every year, their expenditure, at $1000 each, \ would amount to $50,000,000, disbursed for Northern board, i Sout/ieni Wealth and Northern Profits. 75 goods, fares, etc. If we then recur to tlie Suutliern credits given in a preceding chapter, the account ^vill stand thus : Sent North. Sent South. Bills and raw materials $262,560,394 Other produce 200,000,000 $462,560,394 Domestic goods $240,000,000 Imported " io^),ooo,ooo Interest, brokerage, &c . . . 63, 200,000 Soutluyir travellers 53,36o,394 Total $462,560,394 This is the vast trade which approximates the sum of tlie dealings between the Xorth and the South. These transactions influence the earnings, more or less direct, of every Northern man. A portion of every artisan's work is paid for by S<^uth- ern means. Every carman draws pay, more or less, from the trade of that section. The agents who sell manufactures, the merchants who sell imported goods, the ships that carry them, the builders of the ships, the lumbermen who furnisli the ma- terial, aud all those who supply means of support to them and their families. The brokers, the dealers in Soutliern produce, the exchange dealers, the bankers, the insurance companies, and all those who are actively employed in receiving and dis- tributing Southern produce, with the long train of persons who furnish them with houses, clothing, supplies, education, re- ligion, amusement, transportation, &c., are dependent upon this active interchange, by which at least one thousand mil- lions of dollars come and go Ijetween the North and South in a year. The mind can with difficulty contemplate the havoc and misery that would be caused on both sides by the breaking up and sundering of such ties, if indeed it were jjossible. If we were to penetrate beyond a rupture, and imagine a peace- able separation, by which the North and South sho\dd be sun- dered without hostilities, we miglit contemplate the condition and prospects of each. From what has been detailed above, as revealed to us from the returns of the census, it is (piite aj)- parent that the North, as distinguished fnjm the South and AVest, would be alone permanently injured. Its fortune de- pends upon manufacturing and shij>ping; but, as has been seen, it neither raises its own food nor its own raw nuiterial, nor does it furnish freights for its own shipping. The South, on the other hand, raises a surplus of food, and supplies the world witli raw materials. Lumber, hides, cotton, wo(j1, in- digo — all that the manufacturer requires — is within it.s own circle. The requisite capital to put them in action is rapidly \y 76 /Southern Wealth and JS^orthern Profits. Taccnmiilating, and in the long run it would lose — after recov- ering from first disasters — nothing by separation. The North, on the other hand, will have food and raw materials to buy in order to employ its labor; but who will then buy its goods? It cannot supply England ; she makes the same things cheaper. The West will soon be able to supply itself. The South, while having the world as an eager customer for its raw prod- uce, will not want Northern goods; but she will supply with liQi* surplus manufactures the Central and South American countries, as now with her flour. As the world progresses, manufacturing nations will deal less with each other, because they make the same things. Their customers must be tropical and agricultural communities. But if they quarrel with the manners and customs of those countries to the extent of at- tempting to force upon them a new system of morality, their piety will be its own reward, and the crown of commercial martyrdom may be mistaken for a zany's cap. There is probably no wish on any side to separate. Each section is steadily growing in wealth and strength, and each develops its natural resources in the same ratio that its popu- lation and capital increase. Tliere is this difference : both the South and West have vast natural resources to be develoj)ed, and the time for that development is only retarded by the pres- ent profits that the North derives from supplying each with those things that they will soon cease to want. Tlie North has no future natural resources. In minerals, both the other sec- tions surpass it. In metals, it is comparatively destitute ; of raw materials, it has none. Its ability to feed itself is question- able. Its commerce is to the whole country what that of Hol- land once was to the world, viz., living on the trade of other people. Its manufactures occupy the same position, awaiting only the time when the other sections will do their own work. When that moment arrives, Massachusetts, which now occupies the proudest rank in the Union, will fall back upon her own resources, and still claim to be an agricultural state, since her summer crop is granite and her winter crop is ice. This period the North supinely permits a few iinscrupulous politicians, clerical agitators, and reprobate parsons to hasten by the mo^t wanton attacks upon the institutions of their best customers. They are forcing the Northern Slave States to assume to the South the same position that New England held to the South on the formation of the Union. They are holding out to them Sout/ieni Wealth and ^'cw'^/uvvi Profits. 77 the bright prize of becoming the iiuuuufivcturcrs, importers, and carriers for the South, as the North h\s been. They oifor them this brilliant premium to cut their eoAiection with the Nortli, in order to enjoy those branches of indaistry in relation to the South which have conferred such wealth and prosperity upon Kew England and the Middle States. / England became rich by the colonies — repelled them. Ilei} mantle fell on New England; she has become rich, and in her turn repels the South in favor of the Northern Slave ^jtates. These latter sec the prize falling to them, and may bi\come eager to grasp it before the North shall have awakened to its danger. CHAPTER YI. TONNAGE AND KAILROADS. The early occupation of the Northern States being naviga- tion, they have pursued the art of ship-building until they have become models of the world. In doing so they have aco Florida 4 10,200 40 16,476 17,700 Georjria 2 5,5oo i ,697 1 1 4,776 8.000 Kentucky 7 25.5oo 8«,4oo 122 63.36o 182.900 Louisiana 7 167,500 107,361 129 100,620 231,701 Maryland 68 210,820 344,583 920 4i3,i6o 1,061. 23o Missouri 4 i26,i5o 42,625 68 61, 344 i8i.7:'>o North Carolina 8 77,95o 43,qoo i44 87,140 9^,000 Tennessee i 5oo 2,«oo 9 4.32o 3,400 Texas 3 3,ooo 2.720 8 4,320 14. ''oo Virginia 32 102,700 59,286 289 72,192 132,020 South i45 808,660 740,857 1,867 843,o44 1,924,371 Total 892 5,182,309 7,286,401 12,623 5,922,576 16,595,683 The Bliip-building interest of the South far exceeds that at the West, according to this return, which corresponds pretty nearly with the return of tons built in the above table from the annual navigation returns of the Treasurer's department. There arc at the North, it appears, 10,300 hands cinph)yed directly in ship-building; and as a curious incident of the grow- ing availability of female labor, Vermont returns four fenuiles engaged in ship-building, and Virginia reports two so employed. The 10,300 hands of the North receive nearly 5 millions per annum wages, or an average of $500 each. The material c<»sts $6,413,()99, and is purchased of the 27,000 persons who, at the Nortii, are engaged in getting out §31,897,000 worth of lumber per annum. That is, the ship-builders take one-tifth of their product in order to build ships to carry cotton. The South has become ambitious of carrying its own produce, and, as seen in the returns, it has 145 establishments f«»r ship construction. These turned out 43,000 tons, at a value of $2,000,000 ; and the lumber resources of Florida and Georgia 86 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. are at hand to give tlie business an immense developiTient, under the action of the growing capital of the Sonth. Tlie growth of steam tonnage on the Western and Southern rivers has been large; but this, as well as the sail tonnage, has been much affected by the influence of railroads, which has directed much produce from the water-carriage, changing the direction, in many cases, from down stream to across the countr}', thus influencing the jN'orthern roads in favor of the Southern exports. The sugar, cotton, and tobacco of the South finds its way, to a considerable extent, across the country into the Western States ; and these roads have been built in the western section, to a very large extent, with borrowed money. They have consequently been expensively built — ^far more so than those which have been built at the South. The aggregate length and cost of railroads lias been, at two periods, as follows : , 1S53. . . 1S60 . Length. Cost. Length. CoKt. Per mile. North 7,222 $287,691,587 9,665 §481,874,434 §5o,ooo West 5,535 110,389,337 9,191 365,109,701 40.06O Soutli 4,663 91,522,204 9,o53 221,857, 5o3 24,100 Total 17,420 ^489,603,120 27,909 §1,068,84 1, 63S These returns, for 1854, are from the census returns, and those for 1860 are from the Boston Bailway Times, compiled by an eminent engineer. We have then the fact that the Soutli has as many miles of railroad as either of the other sections, and that they cost per mile less than half the cost of the ]S"oi'th- ern roads, and two-thirds the expense of the Western roads, a fact which shows the economy with which the Southern roads were built. We now take from Stow^s Baihoay An- nual the railroads delinquent on the interest of the bonds : Amount. South 3 companies. §2,023,000 North 9 " 39,000,000 West 21 " 68, 1 20,000 Total 33 companies. §109,215,000 The business of the South has, it appears, paid the cost of 9,053 miles of railroad, where the ISTorth has been unable to do so, and the West has shown still less ability to sustain that length of road. The capital supplied to the latter section for construction of the roads came from England and the East, and was expended in a lavish manner, stimulating business and speculation, which has fallen through, leaving a disastrous condition of affairs in all that region. The railroads themselves show, in the'declining revenues, the fact that they owed their Southern Wealth and Xortheni Profits. 87 former prosperity less to the cliects of free labor than to tlio factitious activity caused by a passini; speculation. The crops of that region are not, like those of the South, in constant and active demand, pressing always by the shortest road to nnirket, Tliey depend for realization npon short crops abroad. In ordi- nary seasons the price will not pay for transportation by rail, while the Sonth becomes an active competitor with the "West for the supply of the Northern and Eastern States by water. In illustration of the great progress which the South has made in the means of transportation afforded by railroads, we take the following from the most accurate sources: Kailkoads of tue United STATts. — Southe Length. 2rt 3Sr 30 Annapolis and Elkridgc Baltimore and Ohio Baltimore and Pliila. Central.. Ctiainbersburg and Uagers- Ciimberland Coal and Iron, Eckhardt 11 Cumberland ami Pennsylvania 23 Georijc's Creek Coal and Iron . 21 Nortliern Centr.il 142 Philadeln'iia, Wilmington, and Baltinior.- 102 Western Maryland U Sundry coa! railroiuls 40 Coit. $462,000 24,S0i.C4o 1,650,000 395,000 500,000 S00,000 600,000 7,238,541 6,r)6S,36a 300,0(10 600,000 Ltvgth. 2-2 Toul Maryland 7S9 |46,1 1 6,555 Alcxnnd , Loudim. and Ilamp- sliire Clover Hill, coal Xlana^i.'ias Can •. Norfolk and Pel.Msbnrg Nortbwe-stern Vir^'iniii Oranse and Alexandria Fredericksburg and Gordons- villa Petersburg and Lyncliburg . . Petersburg and Koanoko Biclimcmd and Danville Eiohmond, Fredericksb'g. and IVitomac Ricbiiion.l and IVtersliirjr Kiclimorid and York Uivcr .. Seaboard and lioannkc Virginia Central Virginia and Tcniie&'ee Winchester and I'oloniac Washini.'ton and Ab-Xandria.. Bundry coal raiiroa'43,4()3 5,!»2S,754 3,010,399 231,573 8,78G,3S7 1,204,115 3,487,584 1,817.179 1,20.5,41 1 393.272 1.46.',SiM) 7..M7,7CS 6.765.155 57.\4S5 150,iM 3011,000 King's Mountain Laurens Norllieaslern 102 South Carolina 242 Spartanburg and Union 25 ToUl South Carolina .... 77S Atlanta and La Grange S6 AuL-usla and Savannah 53 Barnesviile and Tiiomaston .. 16 Brun.swick and Florida 31 Central of Georgia 191 Etowah 9 Georgia 232 Macon and Western lo2 Main Trunk (Atlantic and Gulf) 4 Milleilsrevilie and Gonlon 17 Milledgeville and Eatonton .. 22 Muscogee 50 l;oo.noo 450,000 Florida 104 Florida anroducc is ready but once in the year, whereas they buy supplies the year round, of stores, and when the crop is ready it is turned into the stores or factories, or sold to dealers. Tlie produce itself, after suj)- plying the local wants, leaves a surplus, which seeks a distant market, and becomes the mediimi by which alone all the goods imported into the country or section can be i>aid for. Tho storekeeper of every town has purchased goods, generall}- on 90 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. credit, and lias sold them to those who raise the produce ; when the latter is ready it mnst go forward to cancel the debt. To effect this exchange money is required. Usually the dealer in produce — possibly flour — will make a draft on New York at 60 to 90 days. For this the local bank gives him bank-notes : with these the grain is purchased, floured, sent to New York, sold, and the proceeds lodged in a New York bank to meet the draft coming on for payment. In the mean time, the farmer who received the notes for grain paid them to the store in set- tlement of his bill for supplies. The storekeeper having his payments maturing for the goods, buys of the local bank the draft on New York at 60 to 90 days, forwards it to his creditor in discharge of his account. In all this operation the produce flnds a market, and the goods consumed by the growers have been paid for, and all the paper created to efiect the exchange has been cancelled. This operation is, at times, disturbed by speculation, as in 1856, '57. Some of the Western merchants, / when they received money, spent it for wild lands, and asked the New York creditor to wait. Formerly the New York mer- chants would take notes for goods, payable at the local banks, because they thought the country dealer would pay promptly to keep his credit good at home. . It was found, however, that when the note fell due the payer would meet it by an accom- modation note discount, which, although it made the payment good for the New Y'ork merchant, still left due from the coun- try bank to the city bank a balance, which was not always paid. The rule was then notes payable in the city — the result of this is to force all financial currents towards the general centre. All the paper, foreign and domestic, growing out of the crops, to the value of a1 least $1,000,000,000 per annum, draws directly or indirectly upon New York, and, as a consequence, funds tend in the same direction to meet the paper. The cotton crop alone is the basis of at least $500,000,000, foreign and domes- tic bills, operated upon in New Y^ork. A very large portion of the cotton is shipped from the South, but it is sold in New York, in tj'ansitu, and the bills are negotiated in New Y'ork, for the reason that the larger proportion of goods are there im- ported, and under the p;-esent exchange system the demand is there for bills. In 1859 the whole importation of goods into the country was $338,768,130 ; of this $229,181,349 was at the port of New Y^ork. That is to say, of the $350,000,000 worth of foreign bill^ drawn against produce shipped, a demand for y Souf/urn Wialf/i ami J^\»'t/u'rfi Profits. 01 $220,000,000 existed from the Xew York importerH. The market for bills grows out of that fact. The whole banking system of the country is based prinuirily y on this bill movement against produce. As the railways all ^ tend towards Kew York, so do all financial transactions iblhiw the same direction. The concentration of capital at New York promotes its own development, or " makes the meat it feeds on." The manufac- turers of Europe, and of the East, and the agriculturists of the West and the South, all send their capital to New York on credit, and, singularly enough, to obtain credit. All Europe contributes to her apparent capital, and swells the deposits in her banks. The process is a ver}' simple one. The European manufacturer ships to a New York factor dry -goods, consisting of silks, laces, &c. He is apprised that long credits must be given to insure a sale of these goods, say 8 to 12 months from day of sale. Tlie factor disposes of these goods to the jobber, taking his paper in settlement. This paper is generally at once , placed on the market, and sold at nuirket rates for money. Thus the factor is at once supplied with money, belonging, in fact, to his European correspondent, which he can use in any way he thinks proper, only taking care to be able to transmit money to Europe at the time that the notes taken for the goods fall due. The wholesale jobber re})eats the same oj)cration ia^ his sale in like manner to the wholesale and retail merchant. Their paper is at once turned into cash, giving to the jobber great appearance of strength at his bank, and also a large cash capital, to be invested in stocks, or shaving pai)er, or any other manner fancy or judgment may dictate. The wholesale mer- chant sells in like maimer to country merchants, whose pa})er is also thrown on the market, where it is salable. Thus, the same article, sold successively on time, furnishes the appear- ance of real capital to several different merchants. The same operation is repeated in the sale of the various other articles imported from Europe to this country. In like manner the manufacturers of New England furnish capital to New York. '*' They, consign their manufactures to a New York agent, and have a time draft on him discounted at their home banks. If the agent succeeds in selling the goods promptly, he has the use of the money till the maturity of the draft. Again, the money to buy this paper is not by any means contributed ah>ne by New York capitalists. Some of the'banks of South Carolina 92 Southern Wealth and Xorthern Profits. are charged with buying up the paper of Soiitheru men through their agents in ISTew York. Large amounts of capital are known to be sent on from Virginia, and other parts of the South, for the same purpose. With the Southern banks a preference is given to a four- months' draft upon New York to a four-months' note on per- sonal security. The manufacturers of tobacco are compelled, in order to raise money to carry on their business in Virginia, L- to have a Northern correspondent, upon whom they draw these bills, and to whom their tobacco must be consigned. As the bills are drawn on the consignment of tobacco, that iiiust go forward, no matter what is the state of the market in New York, and no matter how much depressed the article may be by reason of want of demand or a glut in the market. When the tobacco arrives in New York, the agent there sells the tobacco as soon as he thinks proper, generally for an eight- months' note. He immediately takes the note, places it in the hands of a broker, who sells it at the current rates for similar . paper. The proceeds, less the commission and a shave, are re-"^ turned to the agent, who uses it in paying other acceptances falling due, it may be to other parties, or he applies the nionej to purposes of private speculation, thus being supplied with capital by the Virginia banks. The value of the manufactured "" tobacco is estimated at $15,000,000. A planter in the South cannot; borrow money from the bank • upon a pledge of his laud and negroes, or on good personal se- \l curity, or even upon a promise to turn over to the bank the proceeds of his crop when sold. (He can, however, borrow by drawing on his factor, who sells his cotton. ^ These drafts, from the nature of the case, fall clue during the early part of the crop year. In like manner, the shipper of cotton to England cannot obtain money except by drawing a sterling bill, which is a bill payable sixty days after sight. Formerly, an advance to a planter really m^eant M'hat it purports to be. Now, an advance consists in the acceptance of a draft ; and if the planter's cot- ton is not in time to protect it, long and loud are the complaints against the dishonesty of planters in withholding their crops to meet their just debts. It is easy to see how this mode of bank- ing aft'ects the price of cotton, and depresses it beyond its true value. No one expects to obtain any thing like full value from a sale by a pawnbroker of a watch pledged for a debt, even in prosperous times. Of course, when times are bad, the sacrifice Sout/i('ni ^Yealth and Xorthirn Profits. 0.3 j,reater. J\\\t the Soiitlioni people luivo made the / movement of the sale of cottttii depeiuleiit, in a i^reat dej^rec ' upon the condition of aftairs in New York. If there is no de- mand for sterling bills in Xew York, caused either by their want of ability or willingness to pay their debts to p]un»pe, then our Southern banks cannot buy sterling bills, and the shipper cannot buy cotton. Even when cotton is bought and shipped, either to Xew York or Europe, it becomes completely in the*^ power of the buyers to control the price of cotton. The banks, refusing to give the acceptor of the bills any accommodation, necessitates the sale of the article pledged on arrival to meet the bill at maturity. However honest he ma}' be, and anxious to promote the interest of the consignor, necessity having no law, he is compelled to sell at prices dictated l)y the buyer. The capital of all sections, in all shapes, is thus poured into New York, through the hands of the bankers, and becomes the means of floating a large amount of securities, of all descrip- / tions. -The Southern produce which comes here pays a large protit to agents of all kinds, through whose hands it passes, and the goods which come here are, to a large aniount, sold to the South on credit, on which Southern money lying in New York is advanced, to be used in such purposes of speculation as fre-^^ quently bring on a panic, and depress the price of both bills and cotton. The summer is the season when the largest sup])ly of Southern funds becomes apparent, and it is then the banks are most anxious to make it draw interest. They lend it upon stocks, and cause an inflation by speculators, who bid high fir money. In the fall, when those funds are again wanted for their legitimate purposes, they cannot be recalled from specu- lation so readily, and the notes of the mercantile people arc thrown out rather than that the paying loans to the speculatoi-s should be disturbed. The pretence is that specie is going abroad, and that it is the importers who send it. Their pajHr is consequently thrown out, preventing them from buying lulls. By the same operation the price of cotton is depressed. Tiius at the same time the value of bills drawn against cotton is de- pressed at the same moment that the price of the article itself falls. Tlie financial system of advances is one, no doubt, by which the shippers of produce on advances are yearly victimized, llie complaints were fui-merly loud and long against the " slaughter- ing" of American tobacco and cotton in the foreign cities to 94 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. which tliey were consigned on advances. Tlie merchandise was gener ally sold at the most nnfavorable moment and adverse cir-' cnmstances, and not nnfreqnently bought in at the low figure thns j^roduced by the acceptor, to hold for his own advantage. / This is one of the evils of a want of capital in producing coun- tries. They are the victims of the lenders ; and it is one of the means by which the large capital of England has been increas- ed at the expense of her colonies, and of the tropical countries with which she deals. She buys for cash and sells on long credits, and a large margin exists between the two prices. Tlie operation of capital is not different in America from what it is elsewhere ; and it is against this operation that the South is required to contend. In the vast circle of the States the 1500 corporate banks, with a capital of 8^01,000,000 ; and the 800 private banks, with a capital of $150,000,000, all base their operations upon New York exchange, and the combined 2300 banking concerns, op- erating on the circle, make ]S"ew York the focus of their bills. To this point comes all paper, sooner or later, for negotiation, and as a consequence, all surplus funds come here for employ- ment. The banks and bankers of New York encourage this tendency, as a matter of course, and their united strength is as follows : Xo. Capital. New York corporate banks 55 §69.333.632 " private " 80 60,000,000 Total i35 $129,333,632 The Secretary of the Treasury, in his report for 1856, page 141, gave the capital of tlie private banks in New York City at $41,500,000. By addition of firms the amount has since risen to the figure stated. The course of business usually requires the use of money to purchase the crops in the autumn, and for y that purpose the distant banks discount or buy bills on New ^ York at 60 to 90 days, by which time the produce will have been realized, and the amount applied to the liquidation of the bill. It follows that before much produce has been sold, the demand for money is large." On the otlier hand, when the bulk of the produce has been sold, the realization is greater than the / demand, and money becomes plenty. In this operation the Southern products— cotton, rice, and tobacco— play the chief part ; and the proceeds of these crops accumulate in New York, as the season advances, in the shape of " balances due banks." Southern Wealth and JV^ortno-n Profits. 05 Tlie j^uarterly returns of the Xew York banks Avill show the course of this movement. JVew Vork Banks. Loans. Specie. Deposits. Due Bank* 1857, July §io3,q54,777 §i4,370,434 ?io4,35o.420 $27,310,817 " December... 162,807,376 29,3i3,42i 83,o43,357 21,268,562 1 858, March 170,436,240 31,071,074 93,738,878 28,710,077 " June 187,468,510 33,597,211 100,762,909 34,290,766 " September.. 194,734,996 29,905,291 103,481,741 33, 610,448 " December... 200,577,108 28,335,984 110,461,798 35,i34,o49 1859, June 185,027,449 22,107.782 99,597,772 30,175,320 " September.. 182,420,134 22.026,137 io3, 106,666 23,992,110 " December... 191,596,617 20,921,141 102,109,393 28,807,249 The cotton crop begins to come forward in September, and causes a demand for money until about GO days have ehij)sed. When the fii-st purchases begin to be reahz;ed, the sales fif sterling bills on Southern bank account cause the balances in the New York City banks to rise, as seen, December, 1857, iu the table of corporate banks, when they were $21,208,562, and continue to rise to $31r,290,TGr) in June, 1858. In that mouth the crop is nearly all realized, and the bills sold. The idle bal- ances are then large. The New York City banks, in order to increase these balances, allow an interest of 4 per cent, on them ; and they use them, not in legitimate banking, but in ''loans' on call," on stocks, and other securities, in competition ■with the private bankers, who at that season begin to su}»ply the market with exchange at high rates, the supply against cotton having run out. The proceeds of these bills tliey also lend, and the competing lenders foster speculation, to be nipped when the renewed demand for money to move the crops takes place. The accumulation of funds in New York, and the fa- cility witli which they are loaned, favors the negotiation of paper, and state, city, and county bonds reach that point for sale, and are made payable there for the same object. It is ^ obvious that the amount of " balances'' in New York to the w credit of the South depends upon two circumstances relatively : first, the amount of crojjs to be sold; second, the quantity of goods purchased. In 1858 the sales of cro[>s were large. The cotton crop alone realized $100,000,000, and at the same time the goods purchased were less than usual, it resulted that the balances, after having reached an unusual sum in June, went South in specie. In the past year the imports of goods have been much larger, but the sales of produce still greater. The cotton crop has realized $200,000,000, and the f^liipments of / 96 Southern Wealth and NortTiern Profits. coin to the South were active. The specie held by all the banks of the Union, and by the Southern banks, has been as follows : 1857. 1858. 1859. 1S60. North $22,853,924 ^26,o65,5o3 S42,o38,635 $40,618,624 South 35,495,914 48,347,329 62,497,783 48,359,072 Totfal $58,34g~838 $74,412,832 $io4,5"37,878 $88,97^60 The South never held so large a proj^ortion of the aggregate specie before, and in this respect it is exercising the power which proceeds from its large crop production. The continued large exports from the South, which will be larger this year than ever before, exercise a" controlling power upon IN^orthern funds ; and only a small decline in the pur- chase of goods, or the amount of expenditure at the North, would produce a great derangement of the present system. The city of E"ew Orleans is the great centre of exports, and iNTew York of imports. If we compare the imports of the one and the exports of the other, we have results as follows : Noxo York IT. Orleans Jieceipts from Year, imports. Population. exportH. the interior. Population. 1804 10,739,250 60,489 1,392,093 8,o56 1810 14,198,204 96,373 1,753,974 17,242 1820 23,629,246 123,706 7,242,4i5 27,176 i83o 35,624,070 202,589 i3, 042, 740 46,3io 1840 60,440,750 312,710 30,077,534 43,716,045 102,193 i85o 111,123,524 5i5,547 38,io5,35o 96,897,873 116,373 1859 245,i65,5i6 900,000 100,734,952 172,952,664 175,000 v/ These foreign exports from the port of ITew Orleans swell with great rapidity, and they furnish the sterling bills against 40 per cent, of the imports into ISTew York, while the other Southern ports give as large a quota. Against those bills, as we have seen, run the large supply of inland bills. It is now obvious that if the South is disposed to carry out its determi- nation of reviving the old colonial non-intercourse as a means /'of redress, that an immense financial balance would be thrown against the North. It is true that the sterling bills then would have but a limited market in New York, but what would fol- low ? Precisely what followed when the panic produced the result, that is exhibited in the following table : i855. 1 856. 1857. i858. i85q. Raten of Sterling ■llH in New Orleans. Bills on Amount Xeic York. Imports of specie in Panks of Lowest. Highest. Discount. at K. Orleans. N. Orleans. 107 lio'/a I a 23/, 3,746,037 8,570,568 lo63/, 109V4 I'/i « 21/2 4,913,540 6 5oo.oi5 8,191,625 107 no I'A a 2V3 16,811,162 91'Ai 109 I'/j a 6 i3, 268,013 10,370,701 107V4 no iVs « 2 'A 15,627,016 16,218,027 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. 97 The decline in the imports of 1858, followini^ the panic, had an iniraonse effect npon sterling bills, wliich fell to 20 i)er cent, below the actual par, and hills on New York to six ]»er cent, discount, and became unsalahle at any price. The current of specie went southward, broad and deep. That M-as ])roduccd by " non-intercourse" through " panic," and diminished inter- course from any other cause develops the same power of the Southern crops over Northern finances. The table also dis- plays the growing power of the Southern banks ; from an amount of $1,845,808 in 1848, of specie lield by the banks, the amount has risen to a sum larger than it was the custom of tiie New York banks to hold before the panic ; and the New Or- leans banks have shown great prosperity while carrying so large an amount of specie. The exchange system of the country favors this process of centralization in New York. The whole external trade of the country is based upon buying bills for remittance abroad, while there hardly e;iists a market, in the countries with which we deal, for bills on America. The produce of the country is shipped and drawn against sup])lying, in round numbers, 350 millions of exchange. Nearly the whole of this amount is sold to banks and bankers, who hold it as a sort of mono])<)ly, awaiting the demand of merchants who, having iinj^orted $330,000,000 worth of goods, nnist pay for them. There is also 8^0,000,000 to be remitted for interest on debts, ])ublic and corporate, and probably $30,000,000 more as the expenses of Americans travelling abroad. Now the only mode for making these remittances is to buy bills, and the remitters must pay the price asked. In all the cities of Europe there is a variety of counter-exchanges, by which the merchant may arbitrate his remittances as he pleases. If in Paris he wants to remit to London, he may buy a bill on London, or may order his creditors in London to draw on him ; or he nuiy l)uy a bill on any other city, to remit or order a draft on any other city, to be sold. Tweni^y combinati.oiis may be calculated, and the cheapest acted upon. The Anieiica!i merchant has but one choice. He may give the banker his price for a bill, or remit the coin himself. The effect of this monopoly of the ex- change market by the bankers, aids tiic concentration of money . in New York, and in a similar manner the internal exchanges are more or less controlled. Tlie rate is always at a premiura in New York, and that frequently when New York is in debt, 7 \y 98 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. the real rate of exchange being disguised in depreciation of local currency. The Southern banks, having large deposits in New York drawing interest, do not sell exchange against those funds, but in some cases buy commercial exchange lor depreciated notes, and then supply the market only as it will bear a premium. If their funds did not draw mtei-est at the North, and their own paper was payable on demand, actually as well as nominally, the exchange rate would be as often be- low as above par. At bottom, the same system exists as with the external exchange, viz., always to draw and never to be drawn upon. As we have seen in a former chapter the South sends north per annum $522,000,000 in value, which becomes the basis of at least 1000 millions of exchange, which the banks monopohze ; and the proceeds are the basis of large moneyed operations at the North. It is not a matter of surprise, under all these circumstances, / that notwithstanding the large production of wealth at the South, capital accumulates there so slowly. All the prohtable branches of freighting, brokering, selling, banking, insurance, &c., that grow out of the Southern products, are enjoyed m New York; and crowds of Southerners come north in tlie summer to enjoy and spend their share of the profits. Ihe profits that importers, manufacturers, bankers, factors, jobbers, warehousemen, carmen, and every branch of industry con- nected with merchandising, realize from the mass of goods that pass through the Northern cities, are paid by Sonthern consumers. There can then be no matter of wonder tlia^ the North accumulates, or that the South does so slowly. _ AVhen, however, people at the North reproach the South with these advantages, derived from them as some of the "blessings of free labor," the depth of ignorance and the sublimity of impu- ■dence seem to have combined. Nevertheless capital does ac- / cumulate at the South. As we have seen, her net-work of ' railroads has been built well, and more economically than m any other section, and with less foreign aid. Tlie bonds and stocks are not only better paid, but lield at home ; and there is no more efiicient means of building up local capital than by the operation of 9000 miles of railroad, with its employees, and $200 000 000 of certificates of cost, all paid from their tratbc. The Growth of manufactures is another efficient aid to accumu- lation If the South has a smaller leak than in the West m the matter of interest and dividends, it has a larger one m the | Southern Wealth and JVort/iern Profits. 99 shape of " absenteeism," since a considerable portion of the annual profits are spent North and in Europe. Tlio sums so expended wouki, in ten years, give her more manufacturing capital than exists at the Xorth, and multi})ly itself tliereafter with great rapidity. That time is approaching, and the faster by reason of the ill blood so wantonly stirred up by unprin- cipled party-leaders and their abolition coadjutDrs. CHAPTER VIII. POPULATION. In estimating the relative growth of the three sections, population and its movement have a very important influence upon the result. The South has depended only on its own natural increase of whites and. blacks; while the North and West have had immense accessions of men and capital from abroad to stimulate their industry. The census returns of the total white population, indicate the fact that, including the blacks, the South has multiplied in number faster than the North, notwithstanding that the latter has had the whole benefit of immigration, with all the wealth it has brought with it. During the speculative years that ended, in 1840, with the repudiation of many of the States, the South received much money, from the North and from Europe, for the establishment of banks, which failed, and the money was lost. The numbers of Southern population were not increased by the movement. The large immigration from Europe, on the other hand, not only increased the numbers of the Northern and Western population, but largely increased the wealth of those section.^, by means of the capital brought in by tlie immigrants. Of these latter, great numbers were mechanics and artisans, who, remaining in the Northern cities, added greatly t(j the manu- facturing productions. The following table comprises the aggregate census returns from the formation of the government, with the area of each State : 100 Southern Wealth and Neyrthern Profits. ZTnited States Census. North. Area in sq.mUes. 1790. 1800. ISIO. 183©. 1S30. 1840. 1850. 3i,755 Q.280 228,705 298,335 399,455 269,328 501,793 284,574 533,169 317,976 NewIIaiupsliirc i4i.8qq' iH3.7.'.2 2U,36o 244,161 Vermont 10,212 85,4i(>ji.)4,4(.5 217,713 235,764 280,652 291.948 3 14, 1 20 Massachusetts. . 7.H00 378,7.7 423.2 ',5 472 040 523,287 610,408 737,699 io8,83o 994, 5i4 Ehodc Ishmd . . i,3o6 69,110 69,122 77.03. 83,059 97, '99 147,545 Connecticut 4,674 238, 141, 2 5 1. 002 262,042 275,202 297,673 309,978 370,792 3,097,394 New York 47.000 340. 1 20I 586,756 959,049 1,372,812 1,918,608 320,823 2,428,921 New Jersey 8,320 184,139! 211,949 245,555 277,573 373,306 489,555 Pennsylvania . . 46,000 434.373 602,365 2,(134,385 810,091 1,049,458 1,348,233 1,724,033 2,311,786 Total North.. 1G0,T47 1,908,455 .■l,4S'i,49C 4,839,063 5,582,383 6,761,082 8,620,851 Soutli. Delaware 2,120 59,096 64,273 72,674 4J?;]g 76,748 78,085 91,532 Maryland 11,124 319,728 34 1, ')48| 380.546 447,040 470,019 583,034 Dist. ofColunih. 60 14,0931 24.023 33,039 39.834 43,7.2 51,687 Viri,nnia 61,352 748,308 38o,2oo 974,622 1,065,379 1,21 1, 4o5 1,239,797 1. 421, 66 1 North Carolina. 5o,7o4 393,751 478,103 555,300 638,829 737-987 753,4.9 869.039 South Carolina, 29,385 58 000 249,o7>3 345,591 4i5,ii5 502.741 58i,i85 594,398 668,507 82 548 252 433 340,987 5i6 823 691,392 54,477 590,756 906,185 87,443 771,623 Florida . . 59^268 50,722 ' 34^730 309,527 Alabama 144.317 Mississippi 47,i56 8,85o 40,352 75,448 153,407 i36;62i 375,651 606,526 Louisiana 41,255 76,556 215,739 352,411 517,762 Texas . 2J7,5o4 52,198 212,392 200,807 Arkansas 14,273 3o,388 97,574 Tennessee 45,600 35,701 io5,6o2 261,727 422, 8i3 681,904! 829.2101,002,717 Missouri 67,380 20,845 66.586 i4o,455] 383,702! 682,044 687,917 779.828 982,405 Kentucky 37,680 73,077 220,955 4o6,5ii 564,317 Total South.. 871,458 1,961,372 2,C21,30U 3,480,994 4,522,224 5,803,019 8,340,531 9,664,050 West. 1 Ohio . . 39,964 33,800 45,365 4,875 230,760 24,520 58 1 434 937,903 343,o3i 1,519,4671,980,329 685,866' 988,416 476,183: 85i,470 212,267] 397,654 Indiana 147,178 Illinois 55,4o5 12,282 55,211 157,445 Michiijan 56,243 4,762 8,896 3 1, 639 'Wisconsin 53,024 30.945I 305,391 Iowa 5o,oi4 43,112 192,214 California 155,980 92,397 Minnesota 166,025 6,077 New Mexico . . . 507,007 61,547 Orejvon Utah i85,63o 269,170 114,798 13,294 ii,38o Kansas Nebraska 335,882 Washington 123,022! Total West. . . 1,417,991 50,240 272,324 792,719 1,470,013. 2,967,840 4,900,869 Grand Total.. 2,4T0,19G 3,929,8i'T 5,3no,S25 7,239,814 9,G54,506 12,SGG,020 17,069,453 23,191,876 The progress of the white pojjulation in the three sections, with the immigration decennialy, ran as follows : While Population and Immigration. South. 1790 1,271,692 1800 1,702,9^0 1810 2,208,785 1820 2,842,340 i83o 3,660,758 1840 4,632,640 i85o 6,221,868 i860 (est.) 8,097,000 Inunigration Nor.TH. West. m lu years. 1,902,475 2,55i,585 49.740 3,383,259 268,870 4,225,692 783,679 i5o,ooo 5,407,170 1,434.127 128,502 6,616,761 2,738,317 538,38i 8,476,709 4,834,317 1,427,337 11,190,000 7,867,000 2,5i8,o54 Southivn Wealth and Northcm Profits. 101 The estimate of the population for ISGO is based on tlie known progress of the population in the previous returns, and tlie known number of immigrants. The number of persons who arrived in the country up to tlie cerisus^'df 1850, wtl:^ given officially at 2,241.220, and the censijs reported 2,210,831) as residing in the country, a number whioli vjfy 'iieaf^y/ac^j-t'c.^-, but a large number of those who had arrived were, of course, dead, and many had left the country. There were, also, num- bers in the annexed territories who were born abroad, but who were not reported as arrivals. The latter were mostly at the South, and the census shows that of 2,210,839 persons living in the U. States, and born abroad, there were 310,070 only at the South. Tlie census of 1850 gave the nativities of the population of the three sections ; these we condense as follows : United States White Population — 1850. Living Liting Liring SoHt/i. Xortk. Went. Total. Bora South 5,510,687 69.501 660.142 6,24o,33o " North 337.765 6,9/11, 5io 1.090,814 8.370,089 " West 57,296 19.696 3,060,177 3,137,169 " Abroad 316,670 1,292,241 601.928 ■ 2,310,839 Total 6,222,418 8,342,933 5,413,0.59 19,958,427 These numbers include only the white population, and it is matter of much regret that the same detail was not preserved in respect of the black population, since the origin of the free black.-j, particularly those living in the West, is matter of nnicb interest. The — in round numbers — two millions of foreigners living at the North and West, at the date of the census, accord- ing to the estimates of the Emigrant Commissioners, brought in;o the country $200,000,000 in capital, which was applied br them in prosecuting that productive industry which, in its re- sults, so largely swells the sum total of Northern prosperity. This is an element in which the South has not participated. It is sometimes alleged that the reason the Soutli df the 104 Southern Wealth and NoHhern Profits. sunny South. The numbers who have left the Northern sec- tion have been replaced, it appears, by the immigrants ; for these there has been less attraction at the West; the results are as follows : Born abroad 2,210,839 Living North 1,292,241 " South 316,670 " West 601,928 2,210,839 The north has received 136,138 less from abroad tlian she has lost of her native population. The latter were agricultur- ists, and the former were domestic servants, factory hands, and artisans, who remain in the cities, and find employment in furnishing goods to meet the demand from the South. That they live at the North, is the case; but they are not the less supported by Southern patronage. All those concerned in the trades, would not the less promptly feel the effects of a non- intercourse, because the proceeds of their labor find a market through third hands. The state of the shoe trade is indicative of what must result from a continuance of a restricted Southern trade. A Boston paper describes this interest as follows : " Commission houses, agencies, manufacturing firms, have mcreased, and there are to-day over two hundred wholesale and jobbing boot, shoe, and leather dealers, and over one hun- dred hide and leather dealers in Boston, transacting a business amounting to the enormous aggregate of about sixty millions of dollars am^nually. The manufactures of one single city, within seven miles of Boston, are in value between four and five millions of dollars annually, more than the entire produce of the State twenty-five or thirty years ago ; and that city, with others like it, is pouring its wealth of home manufactures into Boston for a market. Eighty thousand people in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts are occupied in the manufacture of hoots, shoes, and leather, of every conceivable and desirable variety, style, and material; and from their workshops and their factories there is an incessant transit to the metropolis of hundreds of thousands of boxes and cases of boots and shoes." The exports of shoes from Boston were as follows, during the year 1859 : Southern WeaJih and NortJu-rn Profits. 105 Cases of Shoes Exported from lioslnn, 1859. First Sfcond Third Fourth Total quarter. quarti'r. quarter. qiinrt^r. ;/«//■. To Baltimore i4,238 g,585 24,767 i3,o24 ^2.461 " Charleston 4,233 1.484 9.379 i,5Hi 17.177 " Louisville 7,870 1,373 8,872 2,004 21. no " Loxinizton 768 239 958 160 2,1 58 " Meinpliis i,5i5 552 1,011 220 3,338 " Mobile 807 279 618 1,261 2,9Jo " Nashville 4,3o2 921 7,267 1,291 '^.781 " Natchez 2 9 41 45 97 " Padiieah 184 96 689 177 1.146 " retcrsburs:h 23 72 33i 101 529 " Pine Bluft"; Ark 358 77 199 41 r>S3 " Richmond 681 219 522 1.432 " San Antonio 157 186 434 23 75o " Savannah, Geo 610 458 i,323 i35 3,526 " St. Louis 24,246 4,347 28,956 8,21 5 35.774 " Vicksburg, Miss 75 82 227 87 371 " New Orleans 9,490 6,290 12,470 9,436 37,686 Total 69,559 27,070 97)756 89,182 233,567 " Other Southern towns. '7.79' Total direct South. 25 1, 358 " Philadelphia 17,242 9,688 23,635 4,604 36.119 *' New York 29.288 43,469 55,2o8 22,287 183.207 " All others 228. J07 Total cases 2i5,886 186,612 260,829 105,714 7'7>99' The decline in the quantities shipped in the fourtli quarter is very marked. The total value sent South directly in the year is about $12,000,000 ; hut a large portion of those cases that were sent to New York and Philadelphia were to su])])ly the Southern market ; at least half the whole quantity was taken South, and the returns of the last quarter of the year shows a decline of 154,615 cases ; and the depression in the shoe trade, leading to the great strike, results from the diniini.rompt- ness in arrests, more iacility of conviction, in one |)lHce than another, and various causes may interpose to ])revcnt tlu; actual number punished from being a true test of the prevalence of 108 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. 'crime. I^evertlieless we liave given, in tlie chapter upon black population, the numbers in jail, showing that the South has no cause of shame on that score. CHAPTEE IX. THE BLACK RACE AT THE NORTH. The principle has been well recognized, that it is the duty, not only of communities, but of individuals, to contribute each its share towards the general well-being. The source of all wealth being originally land and labor, no set of people have si right to seize and witliliold from the service of humanity at large any portion of the earth's surface. This is the question that underlies land reform, and it is also that which underlies servitude, as no race of men have a right either to monopolize the gifts of Providence, or the right to live without labor. Tlie exigencies of society require that all should, in a greater or less degree, be producers, and in the early stages of society slavery was universal, and ordered by the divine command, for the reason that the masses of men had not learned to appre- ciate industry. This coercion of labor prevailed very generally down to very recent dates. It is only in modern times that human intelligence, even of the white race, has induced men to labor for the rewards it confers. The desire to possess prop- erty was found to be a sufficient stimulus for the majority of the white race to labor in a free state ; accordingly, servitude ceased to be necessary. Indeed, it became detrimental to the general interests, for the reason that the free worker produced more than the servile laborer. This was not universally the case^ however, but pauperism and crime were resorted to by those who had a distaste for labor. The law of servitude held good for these exceptions, and the workhouses and prisons of most civilized countries are illustrative of its application. The liistory of the poor-laws of England is fraught with instruction upon this head. In the reign of Henry VIII., when servitude was dying out, the laws against paupers were very severe ; not only were " sturdy beggars" subjected to severe punishment, but those who relieved or harbored them were also visited se- verely by the law. With the progress of civilization, some Souf/uni Wealth an,/ \(>rtli,'rn I'roffs. lOf) amelioration of these laws took place ; but, alas for human na- ture, it was found that pauperism increased as relief was ex- tended. Numbers of persons were content with idkMiess and tlie sustenance afforded by law, and wrun*^ from the earnings of the industrious. It was also sliowu in the Parliatnentary reports that thrift and a disi)osition to save were checked by the knowledge that, in the event of distress, tlie parish must support the pauper. | Nevertheless, as a general tiling, the white race will work eagerly for the reward of lal)or. In this fact exists the broad distinction between the white and the black race. The latter, it is sufficiently proved by the world's experience, will not work at all if he can help it. Idleness is his chief good, and pauperism and theft are for the race not an imwelcome means of attaining their object. \ The vis inertia of the black blood is so great, that even a large mixture of white blood will overcome it only so far as to induce the individual to perform menial offices, clinging to the skirts of white society. It never suffices to impart energy or enterprise to the black descendant. The fact of the inertness of the black is singularly corrobo- rated by a correspondent of the New YorJ: He raid of February 6th, who sought to apologize for the condition of the refugee blacks in Canada. '• It is not generally known to the world, that full one-half of the arrivals from the South are children of wiiite fathers. Startling as this declaration nuiy be, it is nevertheless true. And some of them are men known and distinguished in our national councils. Is it not a slander u])on these ilhistrioua sires, to say they have begotten a race that cannot take care of themselves? " I have known whole families to arrive in Canada from the South with scarcely a particle of African blood visible in thi-ir faces. The i)hilosophy of the case is, therefore, clearly <»n the side of the runaways." Tliose only who have a good deal of white blood have sulli- cient energy to migrate ; the true black, never. Enough oi the black nature remains in the runaway, however, to unfit him for any useful purpose. This fact is within the knowledge of every citizen of the United States. In all the N<»rthern States, there are hanging on the outskirts of towns and villages pauper blacks, the miserable remnant of former well-fed slaves. These are always a nuisance, and so well known is it that,, even 110 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. Ohio — wliicli was settled on the territory given hy Virginia, and devoted to freedom forever by Nathan Dane's resohition in Convention — among its first laws, enacted one excluding blacks from the State on any pretence. The white person who brought in a free negro must give security in $500 for the be- havior of that black, and that he should not come upon the town. Illinois, and other States, enacted the same law, and very justly. The free black, without referring to the fact that he is here through no fault of his own, will not contribute his share to the exigencies of society, and it is too much to impose liis support upon the labor of industrious whites. He claims to be free, but lives only to prey upon society. Why should he be exempt from the rules that apply to similar white per- sons ? Although the grown white man will work for support and property, youth are, as a general thing, disinclined to do so, because they have still a sense of dependence. The law, consequently, provides for their coercion — every white male may be bound by his parents or guardians, or overseers of the poor, to a trade, and compelled to work for his master until 21, his earnings belonging to his parents. If he escapes from service, he may be arrested and sent back. The police reports of the city contain many such arrests. The provision of the United States Constitution which provides for the surrendering of persons escaped from service, applies as well to these as to blacks, and is always executed without any clamor from " un- derground railroad" agents, or demand for trial by a jury of runaway apprentices or confederate idlers. Again, for ma- ture white persons who are atflicted with poverty, the la"v^ makes provision for their support, and also to compel them tc labor where they are capable of it. Perhaps the most barbar- ous laws in this respect exist in some parts of I^ew England— especially Connecticut. Tlie rule is to sell the paupers annually at so much^Der head, usually from $15 to $20. The "lot" is put up at auction, and the man who bids the lowest sum to keep these poor persons a year takes the lot. He then provides as cheaply as he can for them, intending of course to make money by the operation, and they are required to work for him. Tlius, in the fishing section, they must clean fish and feed on the ofi'al ; if they die in the course of this treatment, so much the better for the contracror, whose interest under the system is directly that they may perish before his year is out, and there are none to make inquiries. Southeim Wealth and North, rn Profits. Ill In reply to inquiries respecting tlie ])anper laws of Connec- ticut, we received the following from high authority : "It is the custom in many towns in Coiniecticut to set \\\t the paupers at auction every year, and knock them off to the lowest bidder; that is, to the man who will take them for the year at the lowest price. This was the case, to my knowledge, in sev- eral counties. I have always understood it to be a genei-al thing in Connecticut. When we were in H. they were sold, to the number of sixty, for the year, to our next-door neighbor, for 815 a head;' and he got all the work out of them that he could, though most of tliem were infirm, and not able to do nmch. They hoed his corn, and sawed Ins wood, and weeded his garden ; and being an extensive fisherman, they assisted in dressing his fish, and "did chores'" generally. They are nnide to work all that they are able. In H. the contractor, as I said, was a fisherman, and during the fishing season a principal article of food for the paupers was tlie heads and tails of shad, which were cut off when dressed for saltiiig. They were all lodged in a little one-story house, with an attic not to exceed 25 by 30 feet ; were all stored in together, male and female, with, as appeared to me, very little regard to decency. In case of the death of any of them, the contractor got a specified >um for their burial, and also, I think, secured the whr»le amoiint contracted for for the year ; indeed, I believe the })robable death of some of them was a contingency calcuhited _»n in making the bid, so that the contractor had a direct inter- est in starving them to death, or in neglecting them when sick." This may be philanthropy, but the manner in which it works is certainly food for philosophy. The person who officially superintended the sale of the above-mentioned sixty white pau- t'crs was some time after appealed to on behalf of a runaway r>hive. His "phelinks" were so wonderfully stirred by the eople at home that we are very poor,' say the planters. 'They don't believe us, and send out somebody to see. For this somebody we kill the fatted calf and bring out a bottle or two of our best. He goes home and reports that these Jamaica planters are princes who swim in claret and champagne.' The planter ac- cordingly makes the complaint, 'This is rather hard, seeing that our common fare is salt fish and rum and water.' Mr. Trollope advised the planters to produce their ordinary fare on such occasions, but the reply was, ' Yes, and then we should get it on the other cheek. We should be abused for our stingi- ness. No Jamaica man could stand that.' " The idea of working for pay never entered into black nature. Mungo Park, in his da3% said : " Hired servants, by which I mean persons of free condition, voluntarily working for pay, are unknown in 4fn^a^'' — and no subsequent travellei-, down to Dr. Livingstone, has reversed that judgment. In " Lewis's West Indies," written 17 years before emancipa- tion, it is remarked : "As to the free blacks they are almost uniformly lazy and improvident ; most of them half-starved, and only anxious to live from hand to mouth. Some lounge about the highways with pedler-boxes stocked with various worthless baubles; others keep miserable stalls, provided with rancid butter, dam- aged salt-pork, and other such articles ; and these they are always willing to exchange for stolen rum and sugar, which they secretly tempt the negroes to pilfer from their projjrietoi-s; but few of them ever endeavor to earn their livelihood credit- ably. Even those who profess to be tailors, carpenters, or coopers, are, for the most part, careless, drunken, and dissi- pated, and never take pains sufficient to attain any dexterity in their trade. As to a free negro hiring hhmclf out for pUn- tation labor, no instance of such a thing was ever I'nown rn Ja- 116 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. maica / and probably no price, however great, would be con- sidered by tliem as a sufficient temptation." Captain Hamilton, on bis examination as a witness before a select committee of Parliament, stated that Jamaica had be- come " a desert^'' and being asked if he thouglit the term " deserf was quite applicable to the state of things there, re- plied : "I should saj, peculiarly applicable, without any ex-ag- geraitonP In a memorial, addressed by the council and assembly of Jamaica, to her majesty, the Queen, dated February 19, 1852, after alluding to the distressed condition of the island, and. the probable complete abandonment of sugar culture throughout the British Antilles, unless a remedy were provided, the moral deterioration of the island is thus noticed : " In conclusion, we would humbly entreat the consideration of your majesty, to the moral eifects which must be produced ,on the lower classes of the population of this island by the gen- eral abandonment of property and withdrawal of capital, now unhappily in progress. Convinced that in granting freedom to the British slave, it never was intended to allow him to sink into a state of barbarism and uncivilization, we still feel it our humble duty to assure your majesty, that the downward prog- ress of the agricultural resources of the colony has heen already accompanied hy a retrogression in moral conduct on the part of the lower classes, and we are assured that this retrogression must and will, for obvious reasons, keep pace with the destruc- tion of property, and the consequent expulsion from the colony of all whom necessity may not compel to residence, events that must speedily occur, unless your majesty shall be pleased gra- ciously to receive our petition, and we obtain from the Imperial Parliament efficient aid, ere ruin and desolation shall have taken the place of prosperity and cultivation, and religion and morality shall have been superseded by barbarism and superstition." There were liberated 633.000 blacks in the West Indies — a^ ■number equal to what these United States contained at the for- mation of the Union, Yet the products of the West Indies have nearly ceased, except what arises from coolie labor. During the nine years between 1847 and 1856, 47,739 labor- ers were introduced into the West India islands and British Guiana.* These are just 47,739 protests against the abomina- * Par. Kep., 18^, cited by Mr. Cave.— Kma, Z>ec. 28, 1857. Southern Wealth and Northern Profts. 117 ble laziness of the negro. The ^vorld has been scraj)ed and raked to bring laborers to the West Indies, to eat the bread and hoard the wealth ofteied to the black man ; laborers iVom China, coolies from India, Portnguese from Modiiia, Africans from Sierra Leone and from captured slave-ships, have all been brought distances of from 5,000 to 15,000 miles to shamo this degraded race ! — and still we arc told there is no induce- ment for them to work, and that sntticient pay is not offered to them. Is it a reasonable statement to make, to say that the planters can fit out ships and send them to the antipodes for laborers, under a contract to return them to their homes within a given period, and pay them wages during all that period, and yet that they would not rather pay the same money to a laborer on the spot, and one, moreover, both stronger and better ac- quainted with his duties than the other? The truth is, the blacks will not work without coercion, and this is the cause of West India distress and negro retrogression. In endeavoring to hide the truth from our eyes, we are continuallj^ hunting up causes, when the real cause is patent before us ; the sugar-du- ties bill of 1846 is especially saddled with the burden of West. Indian miseries ; but we do not know how this charge can be better answered, or a higher authority cited in proof of the idleness of the blacks, than by quoting the remarks of Ivirl Grey, niade in the House of Lords on the 10th of June, 1852. He stated, " that it was established, by statistical facts, that before the measure of 1846 came into operation, all those evils which were now complained of were in actual existence ; that the negroes were becoming idle, and falling back in civll- ization, and the like, and to what principal cause had that been attributed ? It was attributed by every man who had looked into the state of the colonies to this simple reason, that the negroes had been relieved from the coercion to which they were formerly subjected, and that they were living in a coun- try where there was an almost unlimited extent of fertile land open to them, where the climate did not render fuel or chithiiig absolutely necessary to life ; that waJit.'<. 1 l> I This table comprises many singular facts not generally Ixtriic in mind. The legal abolition of slavery at the North, it ap- pears, did not extinguish the slaves. It also appears that the free blacks gain rapidly on the slave population, even at the South. Nor could all the black laws of the Nortlnvcst terri- tory keep blacks out of Ohio and Illinois. The old, worthless, and thieving blacks will penetrate across the borders, to prey upon the white settlers. The reniai-kable fact in the abo\c table is the increase of free blacks at the South, where they choose to remain, notwith- standing all the blandishments of the North. The increase of that class in Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia, is worthy of observation. In Delaware the black population may be said to be all free. In Maryland they were 8 per cent, of the slaves in 1790, and have since gained at each census, until they are 80 per cent, in 1850. They do not migrate, and this fact is char- acteristi.c of the race. Being without energy they dislike any exertion, even the requisite daily employtnent, far more so mi- gration to better their condition. If we compare the aggre- gate progress of the blacks in the three sections, the result is as follows : Blacks in the United States. , South > NouTii. Wkst. Free. SLive. ngo 66.080 32,635 637,047 1800 82.800 500 61.241 837. 0Q3 1810 103.237 3.454 108.265 1,163,854 1820 1 13.961 8,040 i35,3o4 1, 524.580 i83o I25,2i3 i5.8gi 182.078 2,oo5,475 ,840 144,321 2g.523 2i5.568 2.486,22£ i85o i5o,i42 46,852 238,737 3,2o4.o5i The Northern black population progresses at a very slow pace, notwithstanding the aid it acquires by migration. The free blacks at the South, on the other hand, increase rapidly, notwithstanding some loss by migration. Nevertheless, the aggregate increase at the North is fiir less than the natural in- crease of the whites. If the black race have been petted any- where on the face of the earth, it has been in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Yet the fact shows that in 1820 t^re were in those States 18,559 blacks. 30 years after, in 1850, there were 20,427, an increase of less than 10 per cent, in 30 years. In Massachusetts alone there w'ere, in 1800, 0,452 blacks ; in 1850 these had increased to 9,060— of tliese only 5,699 were born in the State, 3,361 having come iVom oilier 122 SoutJiern Wealth and Nm'thern Profits. States, and thus the native blacks in 50 years declined 752 in actual numbers. It is no doubt the fact that the Is'orthern climate is too rigor- ous for the black nature, and that they do not increase for that among other reasons, but the great fact is, that no matter how high negro worship may run at the E"orth, and how much so- ever the people of Massachusetts are disposed to educate, patron- ize, equalize, and evangelize the black race, they still inexoi-a- bly require industry from him as one of the virtues. Tluit, however, in the view of the black, counteracts all else that can be done for him. To live in Massachusetts not only is industry required, but a good deal of it, added to foresight and pru- dence, three qualities entirely foreign to the black nature. After all they have done for the black race, the New England philanthropy can get only a very scant supply of house-servants out of it. The fact of the small increase of blacks in a region where so many advantages are held out to him, pontrasts strongly with his rapid increase in sectir)ns where his white friends allege he suffers great hardships. The census of 1840 gave some very interesting facts in rela- tion to the afflictions of the white and black race in respect of being deaf and dumb, blind and insane. The following are the jBgures taken from the census, arranged in parallels of latitude, as nearly as may be : Blacks. — Deaf and Diwib, Blind, and Insane. Ratio of Ko. Deaf & Dumb. Blind. Insane. In.-i,o36,3i9,5i3 Si,835,o63,6i3 South 197,705,574 533.990,496 1,445,008,447 West 6i,347,2i5 619,154,287 Total S;6i9,977,247 . §i,63i,657,224 §3,899,226,347 Such has been the progress of valuation in each section. At the North, the same extent of land has received a value of 1400 millions additional. At the South and West, the area has extended as it has increased in value. If we turn to the census we find the valuation of farms and farm implements in each section to have been as follows: Southern Wealth and Northern Pr<>Jit.-<. \:\\ Acres of Land Inqyrovcd. — Value of Farms and Farm Implements. Acre>i Viilueof Value <(f Arm. tmprored. farms. farmimpru. Maine 2o,33o.24o 2,039,606 ^54,861,748 1:2,284,557 New Hampshire 5,939.200 2,25i,488 55,245.997 2,3i4,'i25 Vermont 6,535, 58o 2,601,400 63,367,227 2,739',282 MassiK'hnsitts 4.992,000 2,i33,436 109.076.347 3,209*584 Rhode I.-^laiid 825.840 356,487 17.070,802 497,201 Connecticut 2,991,360 1,768,178 72,726,422 1,892,541 New York 3o,o8o,ooo 12,408,964 554,546,642 22,084,926 New Jersey 5,324, 800 1,767,991 120,237,511 4,425,'no3 Pennsylvania 29,440,000 8,628,619 407,876,099 14,722,541 TotalNorth 106,459,020 33,956,i58 |;i, 455,008,796 $64,170,160 Ohio 26,676,960 9.861,493 368,768,603 12.760,685 Indiana 21,637,760 6,046.643 i36,385,i73 6,704,444 Illinois 35,359,200 5,039,545 06,133,290 6,4o5,6()i Michigan 36,595,620 1.92^,110 61,872,446 2,891,371 Wisconsin 34,Dii,86o j, 040,499 28,528.663 1,641,668 Iowa 32,684,960 824.682 £6,667,667 1,172,869 California 99,827,200 32,464 3,874,041 103,483 Territories 631,021,740 320.416 4,976,839 36i,662 TotalWest 917,616,260 24,089,742 $697,186,522. |i32,o3i,533 Delaware i,366,8oo 680,862 i8,88o,o3i 610,279 Maryland 7,119,360 2,797.906 87,178,546 2,463,44J District of Columbia 16,267 1,730,460 40.220 Virfrinia 39,166,280 io,36o,i35 216,401, 543 7,021,772 North Carolina 32. 460.660 5,463,976 67,891,766 3,93i,532 South Carolina 18,806.400 4,072.661 82,43i,684 4,i36,364 Gcorjiia 37,120,000 6,378,479 96,763.446 6,894, i5o Florida 37,931,600 349.049 6,323,109 668,795 Alabama 32,027,490 4. 435, 614 64,323.224 5.i25,6(j3 Mississippi 30,179,840 3,444,358 64.738.634 6,762,927 Loui-siana 26,403,200 1,690.026 76,814,398 11,676,918 Texas £62,002,600 643,976 i6,56o,oo8 2,161,704 Arkansas 33,406,720 781,530 16,266,245 1.601,296 Tennessee 29.184.000 6, 176, £73 97,861,212 5,36o,2io Kentucky..., 24,116,200 6,968,270 £36.021,262 5,169,037 Missouri 43,i23,2oo 2,938,426 63,225,543 3,98£,525 Total South 544,926,720 54,986,7£4 $i,f 19,380,109 $75,385,945 Toul 1,568,901,000 ii3,o32,6i4 $3,271,676,426 $i5i,587,638 These figures are from the census, and they show us tliiit farm lands at the South are not much hehiiid the West, but tlioy give an inordinate vahie to the farms of the Xorth. Seem- ingly the lands are valued higher in proportion to tiieir sterility. The average value of the farm lands of the North is $42 per acre, at the West $29, and at the South $20 for improved lands. The value of farm implements is as great at the South, nearly, as in b)th the other sections. In Louisiana they nearly reach the value of those in Ohio. Comparing the agricultural West with the agricultural South, we have results as fdllows : Improved VaUut/arm Valu* area. landn. JmpUmenU. West 24,089,742 $697,186,622 $32,o3i,53? South 54,986,714 £,£ 19,380,109 76,386,945 In favor of the South .. . 30,897,972 $422,£93,587 $43,354,412 132 Southern Wealth and Nwthern Profits, The West, as we liave seen, has received 600,000 foreign im- migrants, and a great number of Eastern immigrants, together with hundreds of millions of dollars poured over her lands, while the South has depended only on itself, and yet it has 100 per cent, more land under the plough, 130 per cent, more value in farm implements, and 60 per cent, more value to its lands. This is free and slave labor in the same business. These are the means of production. It is the Northeast which retains the accumulation. "With a far less area the value of lands is much greater, but this includes the numei-ous cities and manu- facturing localities, which are made valuable by Southern traffic. "Tlie city of New York has a value of $551,928,122, or equal to the whole State of Pennsylvania, exceeding that of any Western State except Ohio, and of the Southern States ex- cept Virginia. The trade and valuation of New Orleans, and New York and Boston compare as follows : ImporU and exports. Heal estate. Pergonal eitate. Total. Popu- lation. Boston New York. . . . New Orleans. ^65.774,797 382,86i,7o3 117,413,044 $i53,5o5.3oo 378,9')4,93o 76,485,970 $101,208,800 172.961.192 28,370,942 $254,174,100 551.923.122 104,856,912 162,748 629.904 124,385 The business of New Orleans embraces the large river re- ceipts of produce, which go to swell its exports, and its exter- nal business is larger than that of Boston ; yet its personal property is very small, and the value of its real estate nothing in proportion to its business. The real estate of New York is enhanced in value by the crowd of buyers from the South, to catch whose business high rents are paid for desirable sites, and the holders of the old Knickerbocker farms have grown im- mensely wealthy by the confluence in Broadway of the Yankee dealers and Southern buyers. The Western cities present no such rise in value. Cincinnati, with a population of 155,000, has its real estate valued at $55,595,825, or less than New Or- leans. The tendency at the North is to increase the wealth and pop- ulation of the cities that enjoy the Southern ti;ade, while the agricultural population diminishes by migration West. This has produced a declining value of farm lands. The census gave for New York the value of farm lands at $551,546,642, while the real estate in New York city alone is $378,954,030, or nearly three-fourths. The real estate in Boston exceeds the value of farm lands in Massachusetts by 44 millions. The sterile nature of the soil, as compared with that of the West, Southern Wealth and JVorthern Projlis. 103 while its valuation is so much greater, prompts migration. Farm lands in Massachusetts are valued at $50 per acre, and much better are had at the AVcst for $10. New York lands are valued at §45 per acre, and produce far less than Western lands at $5 per acre. The valuations of land are, however, little to be depended upon, a fact which the revulsion in the ]S[orthwest brings home to the experience of vast numbers of individuals at the present moment. At the North everywhere, farm lands are greatly overvalued. It is true that nothing is more difficult than to affix values to landed property, and the value of such pi-operty varies rapidly. Thus, a farm of — say 100 acres — under fair management, may give the owner his living in exchange for his labor, and $600 per annum clear money. This would be the interest on $10,000, and he might, under such circum- stances, estimate his land as worth $100 per acre. This, how- ever, is not the case ; very few farriis will, at the North, give any thing beyond a meagre support of a family in return for hard labor and care. Nevertheless, the universal valuation is $100 per acre' for farms. Every owner feels that if he coidd sell at that price, and place the money at seven per cent, interest, he sliould be rich without working at all, compared with his farm life. Hence it is that throughout the length and breadth of the North and West, every farm is for sale. In EngUind and Europe land is tenaciously held ; in this country no kind of property is more readily parted with. This fact grows out of tlie over valuation. In years of large exports of food, farm profits, as a matter of course, rise, and the holder is enabled to meet his mortgages readily ; for nearly all the farms ai-e mortgaged. In a time of low prices, like the past year, the mortgages are paid with difficulty, and when the land comes to market $40 or $50 per acre is found to be nearer the realiz- able value. The holders of mortgages are they who reap the true value of the farm lands. The grasp which the money- lenders and speculators have upon the free labor of the North is universal and tenacious, and "financial talent" is always on the lookout to mortgage other peoples' labor for their i>\\n benefit. This was singularly the case with the Holland Land Company in the State of New York. That company hehl a large tract where the Western terminus of the Erie Raihvnid now is. Tlie land was settled l>y numbers of industrious set- tlers, wlio luid taken the lands of tlie conipany to inijirove 134: Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. them, and to pay as they could. When they paid np, they were to have deeds. These settlements were in a state of prog- ress, when, in an evil hour, financial talent, in the shape of William H. Seward, Esq., and his coadjutors, turned their at- tention to the "free labor" of that region, and concluded to make it available by " bonds." They agreed to buy out tlie Holland Land Co. ; but in order to do it, they must enchain the free laborers. They persuaded these simple-minded men, who were paying up the principal on their lands as best they could, to take deeds, and give mortgages with " bonds," bear- ing interest inexorably twice a year. These mortgages the financiers pledged with the American Life and Trust Co., for loans with which to buy out the Land Co. The free laborers soon found that they were in the hands of the spoiler, and when they could no longer wring from the earth the inevitable semi-annual interest, they were cleared, as the negro-loving Duchess of Sutherland cleared her estates of pauper residents, they being driven forth to new homes in the West. Tlieir departure left the lands in the hands of those who knew how to profit largely by the construction of the Erie Kailroad over them. Thus it is that free labor is made useful to those who understand the "higher law" of finance. The mortgage holders generally are they who reap the profit of free farming labor. E. D. Mansfield, Esq., the able Commissioner of Statis- tics for the State of Ohio, gives the mortgages upon the lands of that State at $50,000,000. If we take from the State returns of last year the valuation of such States as have been oflicially given, we get returns as follows : State Returns of Taxable Acres, Valuation., Slave Value., Other Personaly and Total Valuation., 1858. Acre.s Valur. of Slave Other Tidal taxed. land. value. personal. valuation. Virginia 87,000,000 $374,989,888 §3i3, 148,275 §355,827,763 §1,043,965,928 Georgia 33,739,233 181,677,194 271,620,405 156,292,277 609,589,876 riorida 2,265,5o3 13,910,981 27,25o,53i 8,299,932 49,461,466 Texas 47,937,537 86,539,3o6 71,912,496 33,935,573 192,387,377 Arkansas... 7,989.676 42,385,704 34,794,704 10,869.007 88,049,415 Tennessee... 25,362,726 166,417.907 82,319,723 11,381,981 260,319,611 Kentucky. .. 21,568,383 270,960.818 95,588,479 53,809,903 420,359,180 Missouri 26,325,338 235,892,792 45,090,028 89,072,373 820,055,193 Total ... 202,899,296 §1,872,774,597 §941,724,661 §669,688,811 §2,984,188,046 These are the figures for eight Southern States. The value of the lands given in the above table from the census in these same States was $629,000,000, an increase of $743,000,000 ! in Sonthern Wealth and N'orthcm Profits. 135 eight years following the rise in the vahie of tlie cotton crop. It will be observed that the other seven Southern States, of which we have uo official State returns, gave a value ot $490,000,000 in the above census table. If these have in- creased in the same ratio as those for which Ave liave returns, and there is no reason to doubt it, then the wliole increased value in the Southern States is $1,333,000,000!! There was no speculation in these States ; but they were, to some extent, acted upon adversely by the land speculation of the North- west, which attracted capital thither even from the South. If we turn now to the State returns of seven Free States, the results are as follows : Pergonal Acres. Value. vcilite. Total. California 5, 087, 557 56,o6o,35i 48,919,728 i3i, 306,269 Indiana 21,918,659 176,894,881 i4i,3io,o23 318,204,964 Illinois 42,100,000 395,663,459 111,813,908 407,477.367 Iowa io,445,oo3 98,101,200 4i, 943, 333 140, 044, 533 Ohio 19,800,000 590.285,947 25o, 314.084 84o,8oo,o3i Michiiran 7,917,322 88,101,204 32.261,670 120,362,474 Wiseon.siu.. 17,411,319 i55,oi2,33o 13,607,893 152,537,700 Total 124,629,860 $1,560,119,372 §610,370,199 $2,111,233,345 The valuation of these same States in the table, page 131, was $692,209,000, showing an increase of $807,910,000 as the result of the vast migration from abroad and the East, with the expenditure of many hundred millions in addition to the railroad expenditure. The territories may have increased so as to bring up the value to $1,000,000,000. This increase is flattering, but what are the results ? The West is bankrupt in face of that valuation ; capital flows back from it as fast as it can be realized. Tlie money sent there is sunk; the railroads do not earn expenses; and the lands, with their high valuation, do not give back an interest u])on mort- gages. The South, on the other hand, has attained that valua- tion on a basis of the actual rise in value and sale of the jirodiicc of the land. The annual produce not only amply pays the in- terest, but it gives a higher value to the price of slaves, wliich have risen to $1500 to $2000 for a good flcld-hand. There is no "back set" in the values thus attained, while those of the West are a wreck. In these figures for the SoiUhern States we have also the fact, that there is personal property in those States, over and above the value of slaves, more than equal to the amount of personal in the Western States. The fact is a com- plete refutation of that assertion which has been freely circu- lated, to the effect that the South has no personal property be- 136 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. sides its blacks. Tlie taxable valuation of the Eastern States compare as follows : Census, 1850. State, 1S59. Maine 96,799,553 162,472.914 Massachusetts 55i,io6,824 597,9.36,995 New Hampshire 95.251,596 io3,8o4,326 Vermont 72.980483 86,775,218 Connecticut 119,088.672 211,187,683 lihode Island 77,758,974 111,175,174 New York 715,369.028 1,404.907.679 New Jersey i53,25i 619 179.150.000 Pennsylvania 5oo, 275.831 568,770,234 Total 82,381,782,690 $3,426,180,218 Increase 1,044,398,61 This increase has been mostly in city values. Thus, Yer- mont gives the official value of lands in 1859 at $69,274,600, and in the above census table, it was given at $63,367,227, showing that six millions only out of an aggregate increase of 16 millions is due to lands. As a result, the nine Northern States give an increase of 1000 millions in city and personal property. This increase has been in the face of the vast sums that have been sent "West for investment, and the migration of capital with settlers to that region. The South has supplied the capital which has accumulated at the North, and which has endowed the "West with such factitious prosperity. It is to be borne in mind that very much of the personal property of the North escapes taxation. It is not alone in the valuations that the increased capital at the North manifests itself, but in banks, ships, manufacturing, corporate companies of all descriptions, of which the figures can be realized. If we compare the bank returns for the pres- ent year with 1850, we find the increase in capital as follows : Bank Capital of the United States. 1S50. 1859. No. Capital. 2i'o. Capital corporate. Private. North 5i6 §121,909,000 934 $26i,773,83o $94,545,000 South 182 77,632,000 899 104,080,994 10,276,369 West 65 8,675,000 243 23,171,418 13,204,711 Total 753 $208,216,000 1,576 $388,976,242 Sii8,o36,o8o The bank capital of the Union began to take a start in 1848, having then recovered from the breakdown of the old revul- sion. The increase of the capital was mostly North and East, following the concentration of general business. The increase at the "West was on a basis of Eastern capital, sent out with a view to control business. The private banking capital is that as given in the report of the Secretary of the Treasury for 1856, /Southern ^^caUh and Xorthirn Profits, ^^o iTOn p -^^l '. page 1-il. That capital liad mostly grown up within a few years. The increase of corporate capital at the Nortli was, in round numbers, 140 millions, and 90 millions of private, making together 230 millions employed in a business which ])ays 10 per cent, net upon mostly Southern connections. The increase of tonnage at the North has been as follows : JS^onTij. South. "West. Total. i85o 2,653.975 760,841 140.678 3,535,454 1859 3,669,115 i,oo5.852 374.841 5,049.808 Increase 1,01 5, 140 245, 011 234, i63 i,5i4,354 The Avhole tonnage has iucre;ised, it appears, 1,514,35^ tons; of this two-thirds, or 1,015, 1-tO, has been North and East, rep- resenting a value of $45,000,000. The railroads have increased North and West $700,000,000, of which nearly the whole was owned in the Eastern States. That a good portion of it was lost does not take from the fact that it was there to invest. Manufacturing capital has increased in a very rapid ratio. Thus, the census report gave the capital in New York and Massachusetts, invested in manufactures in 1850 at $188,184,097. The state census of the two States give it at $227,042,000 in 1855, an increase of 20 per cent, in five years. The same ratio would give an increase to 1859 of $142,000,000. These items give a Northern increase of capital as follows : Banking §232.ooo,oo9 Tonnage 43,ooo,ooo Kailroacls 5oo.ooo,ooo Manufacturing 142,000.000 Corporate companies 100,000,000 Total 81,019,000,000 This gives a ronnd amount of capital derived from Southern business mostly, and employed in enterprises which derive a profit from the same source. This cai)ital should i)ay 10 per cent., which would give 100 millions per annum. That j.ortion of it invested in "Western railroads will fall short of that in- come for the reason that the Western resources will not pay the investment. The results of these figures ].]ainly show that whiK" the -y^ -^ South produced vast wealth, the Northern profits have abs(.rl)ed most of it. They also show that the South begins to accumu- late itself. Its personal property begins to show a high figure. Its railroads and manufactures begin not only to reimbui-se capital but employ labor. In short, the South has commenced 138 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. to make capital work at home, and, by so doing, not only to propagate itself but to attract. In addition to its strength of position and natural resources, it is rapidly gaining wealth, and by so doing, creating a defence to the operation of ISTorthern capital. To this growing strength the folly of the North has" added desii-e. In an early chapter of this book we gave from Judge Johnson's charge a description of the South in 1807. Contrast that with the picture we have presented in these pages, and it will appear that the South does not occupy a position to be trifled with. CHAPTER XI. APPORTIONMENT. At the time of the adoption of the federal constitution the condition of slaves was very different at the South from what it has since become. At that time there was, as we have shown in a previous chapter, no large branch of industry to en- gage the blacks, and their future fate was matter of anxiety. The progress of the cotton culture has changed that, and the interests of million^ of whites now depend upon the blacks. The opinions of statesmen of that day were formed upon exist- ing facts ; could they have seen 50 years into the future their views upon black employment would have undergone an entire change. "]S>Tlie blacks were then prospectively a burden ; they are now an absolute necessity. They then threatened Ameri- can civilization; they are now its support. With multiplying numbers they have added to the national wealth. They have become the instruments of political agitation, while they have conferred wealth upon the masses. i|<; From the moment of the formation of the Fedei-al Union there commenced a struggle for political power which has not ceased to be directed against the Slave States. The instrnment of union, while it provided for the extinction of the slave-trade, which then formed so large a portion of Northern traffic, con- tained also a provision for black representation in the Southern States, stipulating that that representation should not be changed until 1808, and thereafter only by a vote of three- fourths of all the States. That provision has been the ground- work of that constant jSTorthern aggression upon Southern in- terests which has so successfully gained on the federal power Souther7i Wealth and Northern Projits. ir?!) until now it imagines the desired tliree-fourtlis is within its reach, when the South, with its interests, will be at the feet of the abolitionists. The South has stood steadily on its defence, but while the circle has narrowed in upon it, the North has not ceased to clamor against Southern aggression ! Like Jemmy Twitoher, in the farce, who, having robbed a passenger, loses the plunder, and exclaims, " there must be some dishonest per- son in the neighborhood !" The following are passages that occur in the Constitution : Akt. I., Clause id. " Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among tlio several States, wliich may be included within this Union, according to their respec- tive numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and ex- cluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons." AuT. I., Section 9, 1st Clause. " The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit shall not be prohibited by tiie Congress prior to 1808 ; but a tax or duty may be imposed on sucli importation, not exceediug $10 for each person." Art. V. "The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it neces- sary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution ; or, on tlie application of tlie Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a conven- tion for proposing amendments, which, in either case, sliall be valid to all in- tents and purposes as part of this Constitution, when rati tied by the Legis- latures of tliree-fourths of the several Stjxtes, " Provided, that no amendment which may be made prior to the year 1808 shall in any manner affect the first and fourtli clauses in the nintli sec- tion of the first article." The original 13 States that ado])ted this Constitution were all Slave States with the exception of Massachusetts, which, although it then held no slaves had an interest in continuing the slave-^ trade, in opposition to the wishes of the Slave States. The struggle in the Convention in relation to the discontinuance of the slave-trade, M-as between the New England States, that de- sired the traffic, and Virginia and Delaware that wisher the produce 140 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. of the \Yest, but, notwithstanding the great advantage which tlie annexation was to confer upon Massachusetts, she opposed it to the point of threatening to dissolve the Union if it was car- ried out. That, after the great rebellion of Shay within her borders, was the first disunion threat, and the motive was fear of the political increase of Southern strength. Those fears were like all party pretences, short-sighted, since that territory has given more Free than Slave States to the Union. This threat of disunion was made while yet Massachusetts was engaged in the slave-trade, that the State had voted to prolong to ISOS. The same cry was renewed in respect of Florida, and again, with greater violence, in the case of Missouri ; to be again re- vived in respect of Texas ; and once more, Avitli circumstances of greater atrocity in the case of Kansas. V It is remarkable that while Free States come in without any great struggle on the part of the South, the safety of which is threatened by each such accession, the admission of Slave States is the signal of so much strife, and this resistance to a manifest right of the South is denounced as " Southern aggression." The gradual abolition of slavery in the old JSTorthern States, and the rapidity with which Eastern capital, following migration, ha.s settled the Western States, has given a large preponderance to the free interest in the national councils. Of the 26 senators that sat in the first Congress, all represented a slave intei-est, more or less : with the States and territories now knocking for admission, there are 72 senators, of whoin 32 only represent the slave interest. That interest, from being '" a unit" in the Sen- ate, has sunk to a minority of four, and yet the majority do not cease to complain of Southern "aggression." With this rapid decline in the Southern vote in the great " conservative bodj"^" of the Senate, the representation in the lower house has fallen to one-third. How long will it be before the desired three- fourths vote, for which a large party pant, will have been ob- tained, and, when obtained, what will have become of those Southern rights which are even now denied by party leaders to be any rights at all. In the last 30 years 11 Free States have been prepared for the Union ; a similar progress in the next 30 years and the South will have fallen into that constitutional mi- nority which may deprive it of all reserved rights. This circle is closing rapidly in upon it, amid a continually rising cry of aboli- tion, ])ointed by bloody inroads of armed men. This is called Soutliern "aggression." The apportionments have been as follows: Southern Wealth and Xorthern Profits. 141 Representation under each Census Apportionment. Before cenms. 1790. 1800. 1810. ISaO. 1830. 1840. 1850. instates. 16 States, n Stcites. WSlaten. USlalea. XHtrttu. 26Slalai. SlSlaltt. Maine .. .. .. 7 8 7 6 Massachusetts... 8 14 17 20 i3 12 10 11 New Hampshire.. 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 Vermont 2 4 6 5 5 4 3 Ehode Island i 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Connecticut 57776644 New York 6 10 17 27 34 40 34 33 New Jersey 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 Pennsylvania 8 i3 18 23 26 28 24 25 NoETH 35 57 76 97 io5 112 94 92 Delaware i i i 2 i i i i Maryland 68999866 Virginia 10 19 22 23 22 21 i5 i3 North Carolina. . . 5 10 12 i3 i3 i3 98 South Carolina. ..5 6 8 9 9 9 7 6 Georgia 3 2 4 6 7 9 8 8 Florida . . ' . . . . . . . . . . i Louisiana .. .. i 3 3 4 4 Te.xas . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Alabama .. .. .. 3 5 7 7 Mississippi .. .. .. i 2 4 5 Arkansas .. .. .. .. i i 2 Tennessee i 3,6 9 i3 11 10 Kentucky 2 6/ 10 12 i3 10 10 Missouri .. .^ . . i 2 5 7 South 3o 53 ^5 79 90 90 Ohio .. / I 6 14 19 21 21 Indiana .. I .. i 3 7 10 11 Illinois ...>.. .. 1 2 7 9 ilichigan ../ .. ,. .. i 3 4 Wisconsin . . / . . . . . . . . . . 3 Iowa .j .. .. .. .. .. 2 California .^. .. .. .. .. .. 2 West /. . i 7 28 29 \\ 52 Total 65 kiQ 142 i83 2i3 242 223 234 There are now iieArly ready to come in — Kansas, Minnesota, Oregon, Washingtoa, Nebraska, Utah, New Mexico ; wliile tlie vast imniigration of the hist ten years, reacliirig over 3,500,000 souls, will have ad(|ed to the Western nnnihers, inider the sup- position that the estimate of population given for each section in another chaptei\ on population of this book is correct, and that nearly the salne number of representation is returned, the representation will be: South, 81 ; North, -88; West, Uii ; giving the South less than one-third. With this future before it, and these manifestly hostile in- tentions encouraged by party votes in favor of the leaders that avow them, it certa,'inly is wise on the part of the South to seek safety in prompt remedies. It is in vain that unscrupirfous party leaders deny any design ulterior to the exelu>ion of 142 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. slavery from new territories. That pretence ever was fraudu- lent, since it is nature that decides the question, and has so de- cided it against slavery in nine original ISTorthern slaveholding States, and will always so decide it JN^orth. Public indignation aroused by the evident dangers evoked by this partisan object, compels a denial of abolition intentions ; but this denial is too evidently a mask to deceive the mass of the people. The immigration from Europe in the past few years has inured almost entirely to the benefit of the North. The census of 1850 gave the nativities of the white population ; the figures are contained in a chapter upon that subject. The immigrants and their descendants number 5,000,000 souls, or one-fifth of the entire white population, and these have swollen the Free State representation ; while the population of the South, as well black as white, has progressed only by natural means. It is to be borne in mind, also, that the very prosperity of the South, growing out of large crops, and higher prices for it, operates against the political extension of the section, since it tends powerfully to concentrate the population. We have shown, under the head of cotton-culture, the remarkable ex- tension which took place during the speculative excitement, from 1830 to 1840, in the black population. The fertile lands of the great valley were then discovered to bear more cotton at less price than the Atlantic States, and that migration of blacks took place which produced sp manifest a change in the slave population in the several States by the census of 1850. In the table of black population^ given in the preced- ing chapter, of the blacks who left the Atlantic for the new States, a considerable number, when the disasters came on, were run to Texas ; when that State was reannexed, these slaves again appeared in the enumeration of 1850. The effects of hat migration are very remarkable. In Delaware and Mary- and the slave population fell from 106,286 in 1830, to 92,342 in 1840, a decline of 13,944 in addition to the natural increase. The free blacks in the same time increased. 10,204. The census of 1850 gave a slight increase of slaves in 1850. In the State of Virginia the slaves declined over 20,000 up to 1840, but recovered 23,000 up to 1850. In the nine j-ears that have elapsed since the census, an immense addition has been made to the cotton crop, and also to its value. Although the crop doubled from 1830 to 1840, under the spur of the speculation of those years, it remained nearly stationary in the ten years Southern Wealth and N'orthern Promts. U3 up to 1850, since then it lias again doubled ; that is to say, the cotton raised in the five years ending with 1860 is 17,T3l\:1()7 bales, and in the five years ending with 1850 there wei-e raist-d 8,951,587, or 85,434 bales less tlum half; at the same time the price per lb. at one time, in 1857, ranged 18 cents. Under such circumstances, the value of cotton hands reached $2,000; while they were nearl}^ as valuable for sugar culture. It is obvious that, under such circumstances, no one can spare blacks for the settlement of new States. On the other hand, they are concentrated on the cotton lands of the old States with great rapidity, and the census of the next year will sIidw; the eflects of those influences upon the local populations. The same causes that are operating to make black servitude annu- ally more important to the world at large, are also operating against the expansion of political power in the South. It need hardly be said that concentration of population aids power- fully in the development of wealth, giving a greater impulse to manufacturing industry. By so doing, it becomes the more important for ]^orthern and confederate States to avoid all political aggression. The concentration of hands in the cotton States must dimin- ish the direct interest in the Northern Slave States ; but it in- creases their interest in slave-labor, since they possess the elements of supplanting the Northern Free States in the supply of manufactured goods to the South. Under these circumstances, the apportionment to take place under the eighth census, to be taken this year, will indicate a concentration of blacks; but in the last decade the arrivals of emigrants from abroad have been over 3,000,000, a large portion of whom have gone West, in company with consider- able numbers from the Eastern and Middle States, drawn thither by the railroad speculation, and the AVest will receive a vast accession of power in the lower branch of the national government. The interest of that section is less in common with the South than is the East, since the South— if it affords an outlet by the great river for Western produce — is not of it- self a large customer for it. And the Northern railroads have diminished much of the importance of the Southern waiter- courses. The Atlantic States have sought to buihl up a Western interest by large railroad expenditure, and it may draw its food thence in exchange for mannfactures for a season or until the West manuf-it:ture for itself. The West cannot 144 Southern Wealth and Novtliern Profits. afford it commerce, or raw materials, or an extended market. The East is, therefore, the " natural ally" of the South, and the two united would without difficulty hold their own against the West. It is to be borne in mind that the causes which, since the famine of 1846, have given so great an impulse to immigration, have now measurably ceased to operate. The condition of Ire- land is reversed, and great numbers return thither every year, while the prospect of peace and renewed prosperity in Europe have operated in the past few years to check the disposition to •migrate to America, and the cutting off those supplies of pop- ulation will greatly affect the North. It results that if the mere politician sees in the course of events the chance of i-eaching power by riding the anti-slavery hobby, he does it at the risk of concentrating Southern wealth into fl powerful nation, that will be compelled to seek the safety of its present institutions in independence. The kind of argument which is used in support of this ag- gressive policy, based upon violence, is beneath contempt. The French Emperor exclaimed, " The Empire is peace ;" with how much greater force is it asserted that " the Union is peace,'' and also the converse, that " disunion is war?" When a mem- ber of the national councils, probably after dinner, exclaims that the I^orth is too strong to permit disunion,: — in other words, that it will " compel" union, no matter how hard the condi- tions, he gives an example of the " meeting of extremes," — his zeal against slavery leads him to threaten the enslavement of a* whole people. The North has but one interest, — it is to side earnestly with the Union, and extinguish every public man Avho dares to excite sectional prejudices in order to obtain votes for his own aggrandizement. CHAPTEK XII. CONCLUSION. In the preceding pages we have traced briefly, in several branches, the surprising progress wliich the U. States have made in population and wealth during the first 60 years of their ex- istence. We have seen that the original States have increased Southeiii Wealth and Xortheni Profits. 115 from a valuation of $619,977,247 in 179S, to $3,899,226,347 in 1850, or thus : 1T9S. 1S50. Valuation $619,977,247 ?3,899,226,347 ropulation 5,3o5,925 23,191,879 Value per head -. $117 $168 The real estate has improved 45 per cent, in value per Iiead of a population that has quadrupled. The personal estate in the sameperiod rose to $3,834,143,378, or about the same as the real estate, making an aggregate of about $336 per liead of the population. Such a rate of progression cannot indicate a wrong system. The increase of Avealth has been prodigious, and it has been well distributed through the jSTorthern States. AVe find, however, this fact, that while the population of the IS'orth has increased less rapidly than that of either of the other sections, its ^\^ealth has increased more rapidly. The following table presents a summary of the leading facts set forth in the preceding chapters in relation to the production and valuation of each section, with the population and area : NouTH. West. South. Total. White population 8,626,852 4,900,368 6,222,418 19,749,633 Prodxiction. White hands in agri- culture 823,171 728,127 849,285 2,400,583 Area, acres " 102.878,080 917,313,240 538,533,120 1,558,926.440 Product agriculture.. $295,568,699 §246,097,028 $528,571,103 $1,070,236,830 Hands in manufacture 684,761 122,354 i5i,944 959,069 Cotton inanufucturc. ?52,o62,953 $438,goo $9,367,33i $61,869,184 Total " .. 715,846,142 133,780,537 164,579,937 1,019,106,616 K.xports $78,217,202 $198,389,451 $278,392,080 Tonnajje 3, 481, 436 373,661 918,092 4,773,189 Kailroads, miles 8,685 10,706 '8,171 27,562 Propcrt]/. Value of animals $173,812,690 $ii2,563.85i $253,795,33o $538,171,871 Capital in manufacture 382,366,732 i55, 883^045 94,995,674 533.245,822 Value of tonnage 17,407,180 i,868,3o5 4,290,460 23,865,9.',) " ■' ' ..- . . -.' . . 72.6.i/,,.% railroads 45i, 940,410 298,837,647 221, 8,07, 5o3 072 " Dank capital.. 186,668,462 16,978,130 97,730,5-79 3oi,J70,o7i " private " .. 94,545,000 13,204,711 10,286,369 ii8.o36,oHo Kcal C8tat,e i,835,o63,6i3 619,154.287 1,445,008,447 3,899;226,347 Personal estate 544,718,966 193,054,073 1,385,727,523 2,i23,44o,562 Total $3,638,532,053 $i,4i3,544,o49 $3,5i4,074,i85 $8,616,150,287 The Southern valuation includes tlic slaves. The Nortliern agricultural productions include hay, which is ratlicr an ex- pense than a product. Tlie valuations of real and personal es- tate are tliose of the census returns, to which the commission- ers affixed a corrected value, at $7,066,562,966. Of this the Northern proportion was $380 per head ; the Southern $304; 10 146 Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. and the Western $200. That part of the country whicli had tlie least natural resources accumulated the most wealth. This has resulted from the workings of capital in aid of manufactur- ing and commercial industry, favored by the laws of the federal Uiiion. The bounties paid to fisheries, the protective tariffs, giving to the Nortliei'ii factories a monopoly of supplying the South and "West with goods ; the monopoly of the carrying trade, and the expenditure of the government revenue mostly at the !North, — these have all resulted from the operation of the fed- eral laws, and the laws'of finance governing accumulated cap- ital, have put the whole country under contribution to that capital. The laws of trade have, by concentrating the markets at the ISTorth, required a periodical Northern pilgrimage, which has enriched the cities of the East, as Mecca is supj^orted by the i:)ilgrimages of the faithful. The whole surplus production v' of tlie' country has, therefore, centred at the Korth, making the rich richer, and making " capital" the sole strength of the North, as opposed to the "labor" of the South and West, While this has been the case, a very curious change has been going on in the populat'ion of the N"orthern States, as disclosed by the census. The poor classes of native, mostly agricultural, population, have emigrated in hundreds of thousands to the West and South, and as many poor foreigners have filled the space thus vacated to carry on small trades, and perform do- mestic service. This change is apparent in the census returns. Population of the North in 1790 1,968,455 " " ", i85o 8,626,85i Increase 6,658,896 Native Northern emigration i ,428,579 Foreigners domiciled. 1,292,241 Excess native emigration i36,33S These foreigners are mostly domestic servants and artisans. If tliese were deducted from the I^orthern aggregate popula- tion, the value of property per head Avould be so much the greater. Thus the North has been dividing into a poor foreign population and a Avealthy native population. The revenues and profits of the latter are derived from the large productions of the South and West, both of which contribute in a different degree to the Northern profits. The South has, however, been by far the most productive. As we have seen, its lands and slaves have risen annually in value, step by step with the rising Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. 147 value of their productions, and the resulting wealth is reflected in the magnificence of the North. The North has been concentrating wealth and cheap lahnr, thus strengthening its position as manufacturer for the Union, and paving the Avay for the export of a large surplus of manu- factures, when the South and West shall have made furtlicr progress in supplj'ing themselves. It has enjoyed the entire markets of the Union as a means, so to speak, of learning its trade. It has retained the whole carrying trade of the country for its shipping. It has received a bounty in higli tariffs dni-ing its weakness, to defend it from importation, and it has g-adu- alh' acquired strength in experience, capital, and skill. It had before it a most brilliant future, but it has wantonly disturbed that future by encouraging the growth of a political party based wholly upon sectional aggression, — a party which proposes no issues of statesmanship for the benefit of the whole country ; it" advances nothing of a domestic or foreign policy tending to national profit or protection, or to promote the general welfare in any way. It simply denounces the system of labor which has conferred such prosperity upon the North, as a " moral ■wrong." While it disavows any intention of interfering with servitude at the South, it encoui-ages, in every possible way, ail . that tends to undermine it. It enters the connnon national^ dwelling, and scatters firebrands amid the most solemn protes- tations of harmless intentions. It claims the right to explode mines, without being answerable for the mischief that may re- sult. If questioned as to the object of such conduct, it replies, that it is one of its " inalienable rights" so to act, and tliat cer- tain pei-sons who have combustible materials have had the ef- frontery to express feare of the consequences, and therefore it is tlie more bound to persist. It is for such reasoning as this tliat the North has for more than ten years constantly allowed itself to be irritated by incendiary speakers and writers, whose sole stock in trade is the unreasoning hate against the South tliat may be engendered by long-continued irritating misrepresenta- tion. From time to time in the liistory of the country tlie attempt has been made to acquire party strength by stirring up slum- bering passions, and these attempts have always been made imder the cloak of philanthropy. These attempts have gener- ally failed, but their repetition, with greater violence, from time to time, has warped the truth in relation to the real posi- 148 Southern Wealth and JVorthern Profits. the monstrous doctrine has acquired strength, that one species of property, recognized by the Federal Constitution, is without protection on Federal soil ! Thus, the speech of William H. Seward, Esq., in the national Senate, on the 29th of February, laying down the platform of the party of which he is the chief, remarked : J " The fathers authorized Congress to make all needful rules and regulations concerning the management and disposition of the public lauds, and to admit new States. So the Constitu- tion, while it does not disturb or affect the system of capital in slaves, existing in any State imder its own laws, does, at the same time, recognize evern/ human heing, when within any ex- cktsive sphere of Federal jurisdiction^ not as cajpital^ hut as a \person. "What was the action of the fathers in Congress? They admitted the new States of the Southwest as capital States, because it w^as practically impossible to do otherwise, and by the ordinance of 1787, confirmed in 1789, they provided for the organization and admission of only labor States in the Northwest. They directed fugitives from service to be re- stored, not as chattels, but as persons. They awarded natural- ization to immigrant free laborers, and they prohibited the trade in African labor. This disposition of the whole subject was in harmony with the condition of society, and, in the main, with the spirit of the age. The seven ISTorthern States content- edly became labor States by their own acts. The six Southern States with equal tranquillity, and by their own determination, remained capital States." We have italicized the lines which contain the erroneous assumption to which we have alluded. The spirit of the assertion therein contained is contradicted in the succeeding lines, which claims that Congress conferred slavery upon six States, and prohibited it in seven — ^in a part of which it had existed before the territory became the property of the Union. Since the only powers possessed by the Constitution are those especially delegated to it, the exercise of the power on the part of Congress to "confer" involves that of "exclusion," If it has power over any subject at all, it has the affirnuitive as well as the negative. It is, however, with the iirst assertion that we have now to deal, viz., that the Constitution recognizes blacks only as " persons." This assertion is contrary to both Soxithern Wealth and Northern. Profits. 140 the law and the fact. At the time of the formation of the Federal Constitution, the Law of nations recognized hiwi'ul property in African shives tln-ongiiont the civilized worhl. In tliis country, they had been so held in every part of it from its earHest settlement. No colony was without ownei-s of lilack property, and none doubted the legality of the liold- ing. It M-as about that date tluit the agitators in England began to question tjie humanity of the negro, and to seek to raise him to the level of the white. With this experimental idea, necessarily was born the doubt of the right to hold him as property. England was then beginning that experiment in humanizing blacks that has ended so disastrously, and which so clearly demonstrates the fallacy of the theory of black equality. It was not surprising that the generous-hearted of our own statesmen should have adopted the seductive, but untried theory, and hesitate about the rightfulness of " holding prop- erty in man." ^Nevertheless, the fact of the property in negroes existed, and the Constitution was framed in the recognition of it. It has since been attempted to dispute whether the Con- stitution recognized the blacks as property, or as persons on!}/. The generally received opinion, when the Cpnstitution was adopted, was that it recognized blacks as "proj^erty" only. The ultra men of that day contended that the Constitution regarded them as something more than property, raising them to the level of " moral persons." Gradually ultra men denied that they are property at all under the Constitution. Mr. Seward and his party are of those who contend for the latter, thus reversing the judgment which was held by the inen who n'lade the Constitution. If we go back to the highest contein- porancous-.authority, we find Mr. Jay, in the Federalist^ states it as follows: " We must deny the fact that slaves are considered merel}' as property, and in no respect whatever as persons. The true state of the case is, that they partake of both these qualities, being considered by our laws in some respects as persons, and in other respects as property. In being compelled to hilx-r, not for himself, but for a master; in being vendible by one master to another master; and in being subject at all times to be restrained in his liberty and chastised in his body, by the capricious will of his owner; the slave may appear to be de- graded from the human rank, and classed with tlmsc irrational 150 Southern Wealth and Nortlienm Profits. animals -which fall imder the legal denomination of property. h\ being protected, on the other hand, in his life and in his limbs, against the violence of all others, even the master of his labor and his liberty ; and in being punishable himself for ail violence committed against others ; the slave is no less evi- dently regarded by the law as a member of the society, not as a part of the irrational creation ; as a moral person, not as a mere article of property. The Federal Constitution, there- fore, decides M'ith great propriety on the case of our slaves, when it views them in the mixed character of persons and prop- erty. This is, in fact, their true character ; it is the character bestowed on them by the laws under which they live, and it will not be disputed that tliese are the proper criterion." This was the view of Mr. Jay in opposition to those who at that day contended that slaves were property merely. There is a long stride from that position to the present assertion of the "Black Republicans," that slaves are "persons merely.^'' The progress of this aggression upon tlie South and Southern rights in property is thus verj^ clear. The Constitutional "prop- erty" view of the black position was not left to be a barren idea ; but undSr this view of " property" in blacks. Congress proceeded to act. A law was passed March 2, 1807, of which the 9th and 10th sections j^rovide in substance as follows : " That the captain of any vessel of more than forty tons bur- den, sailing coastwise from one port of the United States to another, having on board persons of color, to be transported in order to be sold or disposed of as slaves, shall make out and subscribe duplicate manifests, describing those slaves, and shall, with the owner or master, swear that they are not held to service or labor contrary to any law of the United States, or of the State." The 9th section goes on to jDrovide that the Collector shall thereupon grant a permit to the master, authorizing liim to transport these slaves to the port where they are to be unladen, and forfeits any vessel departing without the manifest. Section 10th provides — "Tliat the master of every vessel having on board j^ersons of color, to sell or dispose of as slaves, shall, upon arriving at his port of destination, before 'unlading these persons, exhibit a copy of the manifest to the Collector." And the penalty for a refusal by the master of a Sou//tt'ni Wraith and Northern Profits. 151 •fcssol, laden as aforesaid, to deliver the inanitest to the Collec- tor, is fixed at ten thousand dollars. The laws of the United States have thus lawfully placed the Blave on board a vessel of the United States, — have provided \n what manner he shall be lawfully embarked, — in what man- \ier he shall be landed at the port of destination, — rei,nilatin_