m A=: ^^Si r- A- CO — = =^ 33 — 30 O 4 ^^ ^^ ^ 9 — ^^^ f — 3 5 9 4 Pav; :-ii. ■^ \% i p. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS OK RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN ChieT BiTolioBrapUer WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 > •. -■' - ■&^'"^^... .3rn SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS ON RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLKTON PKKNTISS C\A\{\{ CKIFFIN Chief H i 15 1 i o 45 1- a i> )i e r 11284^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINT! N(; OFFICE 1 !H»7 L. C. card, 7-35004. ft • • * .•••. : :• :.•.♦. • •• « « • • •• • • . • • • • • V • • • •• "2. PREFATORY NOTE This List has been prepared in response to requests received from time to time. It has hitherto been distributed in typewritten form, but to meet demands it is now reduced to })rint. It is in no sense ex- haustive, even of the resources of the Library, but is intended to serve as a readv-to-hand oruide to accessible material. Recent discussions take up a large part of the List, although funda- mental material to a certain extent has been included. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bibliographer * Herbert Putxam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, Marrh 19.. 1907 (3) SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES OX RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA Current statistics of American foreign trade in tabulated form are printed annually in the Statistical Abstract of the United States. More detailed statistics are given in the annual report on Foreign Commerce' and Navigation of the United States, and similar statis- tics in monthly form appear in the INIonthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the United States. These are all published by the Bureau of Statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The consular reports of the United States and of Great Britain con- tain reports on specific subjects of commerce. The Board of Trade Journal, London, published monthly, has a section devoted to tariff changes throughout the world. Official Canadian publications to be noted are the Tables of the Trade and Navigation of the Dominion of Canada, and the Unrevised Monthly Statements of Lnports Entered for Consumption and Ex- ports of the Dominion of Canada, both published by the Department of Customs; the Annual Report of the Department of Trade and Connnerce, the Monthly Report of the same department, and the Statistical Yearbook of Canada, issued by the Department of Agri- culture. Xonofficial publications containing material on trade rela- tions of Canada are: The Canadian Annual Review, Toronto: The Canadian ^lanufacturer, semimontlily, Toronto; The Canadian Gazette, weekly, London: and Canada, weekly, Montreal. Brief reports of the sessions of the Canadian Tarifl' Connnission are printed in the Canadian Gazette and in the Canadian JNlanufacturer for lOOoand IDOO. A Jl-page analysis of the new Canadian tariff has been issued by the Chamberlain Tariff Commission. Adam, Graeme Mercer, ed. TTandbook of commercial union: a col- lection of papers read before the Connnercial Union Club, Toronto, witli sjx'eclies, letters, and other documents in favour of unrestricted recij)r()city with the United States. Preceded bv an introduction by Mr. (Joldwin Smitli. Toronto: II>in1( i\ li'osr <(• comjiciny, 1888. xxxvi^ 29Jf.^ {2) pj). Colored map. 10°. Contents. — Reciprocity with llic t'liited States, speech liy the IIku. Sir IJiclijinl ( '!irt\vrii;iit. di'Iivcrcd in llic House of (5) 6 LIBRARY OF CC^NGRESS. Corunioiis, Ottawa, 14th March, 1888; A Farmer's view of coiuniercial union, by Thomas Shaw ; Commercial union and the mining interests of Canada, by T. D. Ledyard; How unrestricted reciprocity with the United States would affect the prosperity of Toronto, by S. H. Jeans: The effect of commercial union on our relations with Great Britain, by W. H. Lockhart Gordon; Current objections to commercial union considered, by the Hon. J. W. Longley ; Addi'ess on couuuercial union, by James Pearson ; Address to the farmers of Haldimand, by John Charlton ; How com- mercial miion would affect the labor market, by Alfred F. Jury ; Address before the West Peterboro' Farmers' insti- tute, by ^Ym. Cluxton ; Reciprocity in the North- West, by F. C. Wade ; The Ontario farmers' institutes and commer- cial union : Speech on commercial union at the Toronto board of trade, by Henry W. Darling ; The ^Nlanuf acturing interests in relation to commercial union (A reply to the Hon. James Young), with an article contributed to the press on a policy that would benefit Canada, by J. Dryden ; A series of letters addressed by Mr. Goldwin Smith to the Toronto Mail, on the subject of commercial union, dealing with the discussion in its various phases, and meeting the arguments successively advanced against the measure ; A Letter addressed from Washington by Mr. Goldwin Smith to the Secretary of the Commercial Union Club, Toronto, on the progress of the movement in the United States ; A Letter addressed by ^Ir. Goldwin Smith to the Toronto Mail on Imperial Federation as an alternative to Commer- cial Union ; A Letter addressed by Mr. Goldwin Smith to the New York " Independent " on Commercial Union, and treating the subject in its relation to the Americans ; A Let- ter addressed to Mr. Goldwin Smith to the New York Cham- ber of Commerce, from the New York " Times ; " Speech in the House of Commons, Ottawa, on the reciprocity de- bate, by Wm. Mulock ; The effect of reciprocity with the United States on the lumber trade, by A. H. Campbell ; A series of articles on commercial union from the Toronto "Mail" by Edward Farrer; Constitution (with list of executive officers) of the Commercial Union Club, Toronto. Andrews, Israel D. Report on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies and upon the trade of the great lakes and rivers. Washington: Beverley Tucher^ Senate pi^inter, 185 Jf. riii, 851 yy. Maps. 8°. Reprint of Senate document no. 112, 32d Congress, 1st session; House document no. 136, .32d Congress, 2d session. The reciprocity and fishery treaty: history of negotiation and statements of commercial results; addressed to Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. Washington: Printed hy L. Towers & co., 1862. {2), v, (i), [3], 272 pp. 8°. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA. 7 Austin, O. P. Reciprocity treaties and agreements between the United States and foreign conntries since 1850. (/w United States. Treasury department. Bureau of statistics. Summary of commerce and finance for September, 1901, pp. 930-968. Washington, 1901. 4°.) Blaine, James G. Twenty years of Congress from Lincoln to Gar- field. With a review of the events which led to the politi- cal revolution of 1860. Norwich^ Conn. Henry Bill puhlinhing company. 1884-1SS6. 2 vols. Plates {poi'traits) . S°. Reciprocity treaties of 1782, 1818. 18.54. vol. 2. pp. 015-037. Blackwell, Henry B. Reciprocity, a Republican issue. Reciproc- ity with Canada and Newfoundland. 1. Is it desirable? -2. Is it practicable? 3. Is it timely? -1. Is it Repub- lican I Addresses upon this topic by Henry B. Black- well and Eugene X. Foss before the Massachusetts club, Boston, June 11, 1904. Boston: Issued hy the New England recipyrocity league., [imF]. 16 pp. 8°. Bourinot, Sir John George. Canada under British rule, 17()0-1000. Cambridge: University press, 1900. xi, {1)., 3^6 pp. Maps. 12°. {Camhridge Jnstorical senes.) Rililiofinipliioal note: pp. .327-.3.'W. Kt-(il»ro.ity, pp. 209, 304-31(t, 370. Lord Elgin. Ed. de luxe. Toronto: G. X. Morang and coin pang , litnited, 1903. (12), 276 jip. Frontispiece {portrait). S°. (The makers of Canada.) Bibliographical note: iip. 209-270. Reciprocity treaty witii the I'nited States arguod by Lord Elgin, p. 82; treaty ratiti«'d. ji. 142; signed, p. 19S ; its provisions, pjt. 19.S-200; bcncticial results, p. 2itl. repealed by the United States, p. 201 ; result of the reiu'.il. |.. 202. Butterworth, 1>. Commercial union belwi-en Canada antl the Cnited States. (/// r:m;i(li;iii Ic-ives. pp. 17.". 211",. Nrw VorU, 1.S87. S".) Canada; an ilhi>t rated weekly joninal t'tu- all interested in the Dominion. Montrnd. L,n,p. 8°. Hatch, Israel T. Recijjrocity. Speech in the convention at Detroit, July 14, 18G5. Buffalo: Matthews c6 Wai-t^en, 1865. 8°. Same. {In Hayes. J. D. "The Nicaragua ship canal," pp. 47-5S. Buflfalo, 1SG5. 8°.) Report upon the connnercial relations of the United States with the dominion of Canada. Jan. 12. 1869. 29 pp. 8°. {United States. J^Otli Congress, 3d session. House execu- tive document no. 36.) A report upon our couiniercial relations with British prov- inces, and \\\)o\\ the comparative importance of American and Canadian commercial channels of transportation of property from the west to the seaboard. Feb. T, 1867. 41 pj). 8°. {United States. 39th Congress, 2d session. House executive docvinent no. 78.) Hay, Eugene Gano. Reciprocity with Canada ; report of Eugene G. Hay, to the advisory board of the Minnesota branch of the National reciprocity league, upon the present attitude of the United States and Canada and the prospects for reciprocity between the two countries, Minneapolis, Minn.: The Minnesota hrancJi of the Xational reciprocity league, [1903]. 20 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Haynes, Frederick E. The reciprocity treaty with Canada of 1854. {Baltimore: Guggenheinier, Weil .) Hodgins, Thoinas. liriti-h ami American (li|>h)macy alVecting Canaihi, 1782-1S99. A chai)ter of Canadian history. Toronto: The Publishers' syndicate, 1900. 102, {2) pp. Maps. 8' {O 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Jeans, James 'Stephen. Canada's reso\irces and i^ossibilities. With special reference to the iron and allied industries, and the increase of trade with the mother country. London: O-fjices of the British iron trade association^ 190Jf. XV, 298 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Maps, 4°. " The reciprocity movement," pj). 4o-47. liRUghlin, James Laurence, and H. Parker Willis. Reciprocity. Xew York: The Baker c6 Taylor co., 11903^. xi, 583 pp. Charts. 8°. Bibliography : pp. 439-471. Reciprocity with Canada, pp. 30-69. McPherson, John Bruce. Reciprocity with Canada as suggested by the Boston committee of one hundred. (/»i National association of wool manufacturers. Bulletin, vol. 34, Sept., 1904, pp. 227-251. Boston, 1904. 8°.) Montagu, Edwin S. and Bron Herbert. Canada and the Empire: an examination of trade preferences. With a preface by Rt. Hon. the Earl of Roseberv. London: P. S. Ixing di son, 1901^. xviii, 198 pp. Diagrams. 12°. Contents : 1. Canadian conditions. 2. Canada and the United States. 3. Canadian view of English politics. 4. The results of the policy. 5. What Britain might do. 6. Conclusion. National reciprocity. A magazine devoted to reciprocity and its value to our trade with other nations. Published monthly by the National recijorocity league (non-partisan). Chicago: Sept.,1902-June,\903. 10 nos. in 2 vols. 8°. New Eng-land free trade league. Reciprocity with Canada a mu- tual benefit as shown from both American and Canadian standpoints at a dinner given by the Xew England Free Trade League, . . . March 16, 1901. 37 pp. (In Xew England free trade league. Tariff-trust articles, 1900-1901. Boston. 1901. S°.) Contains addresses by H. W. Lamb, president of the Free Ti'ade League, Hon. John Charlton, M. P., of Ontario, Can- ada, member of the .Joint High Commission, Hon. John R. Thayer, M. C, of Worcester, Mass., E. G. Preston of Boston, and others, and letters on the subject of reciprocity with Canada. Pierce, Henry L. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives August 9, 1876. (In Congressional record. 44th Congress, 1st session, vol. 4, pt. 6. Appendix, pp. 234-2.35.) RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA. 11 Robinson, Chalfant. A histoiy of tAvo reciprocit}^ treaties; the treaty with Canada in 1854, the treaty with the Hawaiian Ishmds in 1876. with a chapter on the treaty-making power of the House of representatives. Nexo Haven: The T utile, Morehouse & Taylor press, 1901^. 220 pp. Folded map. Folded tahles. Diagrams. 8°. Smith, (xerrit. Letter to Senator Hamlin on the reciprocity treaty. July 17, 1854. (In 7i(.s Speeches, pp. 31.5-334. New York. 185.5. 12°.) , Smith, (iroldwin. Canada and the Canadian ciuestion. London and Xew York: Macmillun and co., 1891. 325 pp. 8°. Reciprocity, pp. 281-301. Stanwood, Edward. Some aspects of the trade with Canada. (Ill National association of wool manufacturers. Bulletin, vol. :!4. June, HK)4. pp. 109-11.5. Boston. 14 and May 20, 18*34, May 18, 1870, and Feb. 1, 1877, pp. 59-99, 124-182. Watkin, «S//' Edward W. Canada and the States. Recollections 1851 to 188G . . . Ward., Lock and co., London, New York, \1887'\. xvi, 02J4. pp. Portrait. Folded map. 12°. The reciprocity treaty with the United States, pp. 374-i.30. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA— ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1903. The growth of reciprocity sentiment. John Cliarlton. Outlook, vol. 73 {Feh. 28, 1903) : It83-i88. National reciprocity , rol. 1 [Mar., 1903) : 9-15. 1903. The Future of Canada and reciprocity with the United States. Eugene G. Hay. American monthly revieio of reviews, vol. 28 {Oct., 1903) : Jf62-466. 1904. The Canadian reciprocity question: and incidentally the future of Canada. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Jan., 190 J^) : 1174-1176. 1904. The tariff as an issue: Secretary Shaw opposes reciprocity with Canada in competitive jaroducts. American economist, vol. 33 {Feb. 26, 1901^) : 98-99. 1904. In natural products: how that kind of reciprocity with Canada would affect our farmers. A. J. Volstead. American economist, vol. 33 {Feh. 26, 1904) '■ 104-106. 1904. Canada and reciprocity. John Charlton. North American review, vol. 178 {Feb., 1904) ' 205-215. 1904. Canadian reciprocity. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Feb., 1904) ' 1217-1223. 1904. Republican reciprocity defined from the speech of John Dal- zell, Feb. 29, 1904. ^ American economist, vol. 33 {Mar. 11, 1904) ' i21, 128-132. 1904. Commercial reciprocitj- with Canada. Charles A. Moore. American economist, vol. 33 {Apr. 29, 1904) ' 212-213. 1904. Reciprocity in Canada. Joseph Howe Dickson. National magazine {Boston), vol. 20 {Apr., 1904) : 4^-51' 1904. Reciprocity, enlarging the home market. Henry Fairbanks. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Apr., 1904) ' 1354-1356. 1 904. The reciprocity question in Congress : extracts from speeches. John F. Lacey, A. J. Volstead and John Dalzell. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Apr., 1904) '■ 1367-1374. (12) RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA. 13 1904. Trading- \vith Canada. Xation, vol. 78 {May o, 190 J^) : 345-346. 1904. It is not needed. How our trade with Canada has increased without the aid of reciprocity. "Waker J. Balhird. American economist , vol. 34 {July i, 1904) '- 11-12. 1904. Massachusetts and Canadian reciprocity. American economist^ vol. 34 {-^"f/. 26. 1904) : 101-102. 1904. Reciprocity with Canada: its impossibility demonstrated by past experiences and also by ('xistinjx conditions. John Bruce M'Pherson. Amxrican economiHt, vol. 34 {Aug. 26^ 1904) '- 104-108, III. 1904. Reciprocity with the United States: A symposium. Camp- bell Shaw, Theo. M. Knappen. Xathaniel French, E. X. Foss, Solomon Bulkley Griffin, Eugene X. Hay. Canadian magazine, vol. 23 {Sept., 1904) : 407-41o. 1904. United States ideas of reciprocity Avith references to the recently adopted platforms of the two parties. Charles H. Mcintyre. Canadian magazine, vol. 23 {Sept., 1904) : 4^6-421. 1904. Reciprocity with Canada. [Editorial. 1 Independent, vol. 67 {Dec. 1, 1904) ■ 1278-1282. " Neither the eommerfial nor the political relations of the two <-ountries cau ever be too intimate for the good of both." 1904. Canadian reciprocity. Outlook, vol. 78 {Dec. 31, 1904) ' IO60-IO6O. 1905. Canada and the United Stales: atlvantages of reciprt)cily. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 31 {Feb., 190o) : 134-136. 1905. Connnercial union with Canada. I'r-'f'.finiuA, rol. 17 {May, 1905) : l-(j. 1905. iJecij)rocity with Canada is a dead (luestion and docs not now iiiteiot (lie Canadian people. A. T. Fi'eed. American ccononust, vol. 30 {(><1. 0. 1!K)'>): 164-165, 1906. Canadian rccij)rocity. James J. Ilill. Inter-natioit. n. s. „t>. I {.Ipv., 1906) : 39-40. 1906. Canada'- tanH' mood fowarvl- llic rniteij State<. Fdward I'orritt. Xorth .imeriran rrricir. ml. JS2 [Apr., 1900): 565-678. 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1906. The now Canatliaii taritt'. Canadian gazette, vol. IfS {Dec. 20, 1906) : 273. 1907. The new Canadian tariff. Analysis by the Chamberlain Coniniission. Canadian gazette, rol. ^S (Jan. 24. 1907): 397-399. 1907. The new Canadian tariff'. Textile world record. r,d. 32 {Jan., 1907) : 71-72. 1907. Canada's relations with the United States. Iron age, vol. 79 {Jan. 2^, 1907) : 277. 1907. Ministers nnder the question. Saturday review, rol. 103 {Mar. 30, 1907) : 386-387. \Yitb regard to the Canadian general tariff, intermediate tariff, and preferential tariff and most-favored-natiou treatment. o SOUTHERN BRANChi, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 493 594 6 This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JUL 1^ v^ NIAR 2 4 195^ 1959 6 1960 Form L-9-35»i-8,'28 ^j^-