IVith the cofnpliments of '^ ' - ■ Mrs, Morris K, Jesup MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Seest thou a man diligent in business, he shall stand before kings MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP A CHARACTER SKETCH BY WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1910 • 5 Copyright, 1910, by WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN TO THOSE WHO LOVE THEIR KIND AND PROVE THEIR LOVE BY SERVICE 923181 PREFACE It was Mrs. Jesup's hope that Dr. Charles Cuthbert Hall, Mr. Jesup's long-time friend and trusted counsellor, would tell the story which these pages record. I have before me a letter written by Dr. Hall in answer to the suggestion that he undertake the work, in which he ex- presses his conviction that the life of Mr. Jesup ought to be written, and with a few rapid but sure touches sketches in outline what he believes such a biography should be. Like all that Dr. Hall did, the subject is generously con- ceived. Of his own relation to Mr. Jesup he writes: " I loved him, admired him, and, I think, in a measure, understood him, for in many matters he opened his heart to me, and, if I were free, it would be my desire to give my whole mind and whatever powers I possess to the ful- filment of this work, with the utmost thoroughness and finish. He was, in my judgment, the ideal American lay- man, and an adequate biography of his splendidly com- plete life would accomplish in the world of affairs what the life of Phillips Brooks did in another sphere." Less than two months after these words were written. Dr. Hall had passed away, and the task which he had so ardently anticipated was left, with many others, to be carried on by different hands. The plan of the pages that follow is a more modest one than that outlined by Dr. Hall. What is offered is not a biography, but, as the title indicates, a character sketch. vii viii PREFACE More than this the materials available do not allow. Mr. Jesup was not a man of words, but of deeds. He never wrote a letter when he could accomplish his end by an interview, and of the letters which he wrote and received, only a handful have been preserved. A brief autobio- graphical fragment in his own handwriting has preserved a few dates and facts concerning the early years. But for the most part the story of his life must be gleaned from the records of the institutions which he served, or woven together from the memories which survive in the hearts of his fellow-workers. If, in spite of these limitations, it has been possible to give any degree of unity to the picture, the explanation must be found in the forcefulness of a character, which stamped itself so deeply upon whatever it touched, that, even after the lapse of years, the impress preserves something of the virility and distinction of the original. To the many friends of Mr. Jesup who have assisted the writer, either by written contributions or personal con- versations, he desires to express his grateful appreciation. So far as possible, acknowledgment has been made of this assistance at the appropriate place in the text, but the most effective help received is of a kind which it is im- possible to estimate in words. Sidelights shed upon a character in the course of a conversation, incidental refer- ences revealing the total impression produced as a re- sult of a life-long association — this is evidence which is none the less valuable because it produces its effect by indirection. CONTENTS I. THE MAN WE KNEW I II. ANCESTRY AND BIRTH 8 III. BOYHOOD AND EDUCATION 17 IV. THE YEARS OF PREPARATION 28 V. WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 42 VI. THE PHILANTHROPIST 60 VII. THE CHURCHMAN 86 VIII. THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 1 13 IX. THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM I36 X. THE FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE . . 1 56 XI. THE DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE . . . 1 88 XII. IN THE HOME CIRCLE 20I XIII. THE LAST DAYS 219 XIV. THE INNER LIFE 23I Index 241 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP CHAPTER I * • THE MAN WE KNEW A T almost any gathering of well-known New Yorkers held during the last dozen years, one might have seen a man well past middle life, whose erect form and com- manding presence attracted immediate attention. More than six feet tall, with broad forehead, firm mouth, promi- nent chin, and quick, penetrating eyes, which seemed to look, not so much at as through the object of their survey, he impressed the observer at once as one accustomed to deal with large affairs. His iron-gray whiskers, worn more full than is the custom to-day, recalled the portraits of an earlier generation, and there was about his whole person a certain air of distinction — an Old-World courtesy and grace that has become all too rare. But the courtesy served only to emphasize a forcefulness and decision of character which manifested itself in every motion and was no less evident in repose. It did not need the defer- ence with which he was treated by those whom he ad- dressed, nor the familiarity which he showed with the subjects under discussion in the different groups through 2 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP which he moved, to make the bystander realize that this was a man who filled a large place in the life of the com- munity. This first impression would have been confirmed by closer contact. The inquirer would have discovered that Mr. Jesup — for it is of course he of whom we are speak- ing — held a number of official positions unusual even in these days of wide interests and large responsibilities. He v/^s l^iesident of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, a position to which he was elected in 1899 and which he held until a few months before his death. For more than a quarter of a century he was Pres- ident of the American Museum of Natural History, of which he had been one of the founders. He was one of the founders of the Young Men's Christian Association, its President from 1872 to 1875, ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^"^^ ^f his death Chairman of its Board of Trustees. For twenty- two years he was President of the New York City Mission and Tract Society, a position which he retained until within five years of his death, when he became Honorary President. For more than thirty-five years he was Presi- dent of the Five Points House of Industry. He was President of the American Sunday-school Union, of the Peary Arctic Club, of the Sailors' Snug Harbor, of the Audubon Society of the State of New York, of the New England Society, and of the Syrian Protestant College at Beirut. He was first Vice-President of the New York In- stitution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, and Vice-President of the Union Theological Seminary, of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and of the Pilgrims. He was one of the founders and for many years the Vice-President of the Society for the THE MAN WE KNEW 3 Suppression of Vice. He was Treasurer of the John F. Slater Fund for the Education of Freedmen, and a mem- ber both of the Peabody and of the General Education Boards. He was a member of the Rapid Transit Com- mission, which built the first subway in the City of New York. He was one of the founders, and for seven years a trustee, of the Presbyterian Hospital. He was a trus- tee of the Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association, of the Society for the Relief of Half Orphan and Destitute Children, and of the Brick Presbyterian Church, and a mem.ber of many other scientific, educational, and philan- thropic institutions, in which he held no official position, but in the work of which he was actively interested. The list is significant for the breadth as well as the number of the interests which it includes. Science, edu- cation, philanthropy, and religion are all represented. One who followed Mr. Jesup through the duties and en- gagements which filled his days and weeks would have found that he had touched most of the streams which fed the higher life of the community. To a remarkable degree it is true that the story of his later years is the history of philanthropy in New York. In all the organizations with which he was connected Mr. Jesup was an active participant. He never lent his name to any enterprise in which he did not believe, and when he gave himself he gave without reserve. It is not often permitted to a single man to exercise a decisive in- fluence in so many diflFerent spheres of activity, and when it is remembered that Mr. Jesup's training was that of the business man rather than of the student or the artist, this becomes the more striking. One who had excep- tional opportunities to judge his career has truly said of 4 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP him that "it is doubtful if there ever Hved in America or any other country a man trained originally for business who developed more universal sympathies and interests."^ This sympathy for whatever enlarges and enriches human life gave distinction to Mr. Jesup's career. Into each of his multifarious activities there entered two ele- ments inseparable from the man, romance and common- sense. He was at once an idealist and a man of affairs. He had the vision of the future which kindles enthusiasm, combined with a shrewd practical knowledge of what can safely be attempted in the present. In this, as in so much else, he was a typical American. Mr. Jesup was typical, in the first place, in the large- ness of his conceptions. Something of the breadth of the land of his birth attached to all he did and planned. He was never content with what had already been achieved. He was always seeing something greater still to be done. It was this quality which attracted him to Peary and led him to support the explorer in his efforts to reach the North Pole. The enterprise appealed to Mr. Jesup be- cause it pushed discovery to its furthest limit and measured the sum of possible human achievement in exploration. This breadth of view is strikingly illustrated in con- nection with the chief interest of his life, his presidency of the Natural History Museum. He wished to make the Museum the best institution of its kind in the world in all the different respects by which success in such an en- terprise can be measured. He wished to make it first in its contribution to research. He beheved it ought to be a place to which scholars should look for the last word of * President H. F. Osborn, in Science, February 7, 1908. THE MAN WE KNEW 5 science in the departments with which it was concerned, and to this end he encouraged the expenditure of large sums for expeditions which were designed to add to the sum of human knowledge and for the publications which made these results accessible when they had been attained. He wished to make it first in its facilities for effective ex- hibition, and thought no cost of time or money too great which would secure the introduction of some new and attractive method of display. The wonderful reproduc- tions of bird and animal life which delight visitors to the Museum are illustrations in point. He wished finally to make it first as an agency of popular instruction, and nothing delighted him more than to see its rooms thronged with working men and children from the tenements study- ing the labels which set forth in simple language the nature of the objects which the cases contained. As President of the Chamber of Commerce Mr. Jesup was largely instrumental in securing the erection of the splendid and stately structure which is now its perma- nent home. Its beauty and dignity were to him suitable symbols of what he conceived to be the true function of the Chamber, as the spokesman and representative of the higher aspects of the business life of New York. It was the same with all that he undertook. Whether he dealt with the Southern question, as in the Slater Fund, the economic question, as in his work for forest preserva- tion, the religious question, as in the City Mission and Tract Society, or the educational question, as in Union Seminary and the Syrian Protestant College, everywhere we find him striking out new paths and seeking the solu- tion of new problems. He was always a leader, never simply a follower. 6 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Mr. Jesup was typical further in the fact that his suc- cess was so largely the result of his own individual effort. The premature death of his father deprived him of the counsel and support upon which most boys rely for their start in life, and early threw him on his own resources. When he was twelve years old he left school and went into business in order to help his mother, whose fortune had been swept away by the panic of 1837. He began his career as an office boy at a salary of two hundred dollars a year. Before he was twenty-one he was filling a position of responsibility, and at the age of twenty-four he was able to start a successful business for himself. With equal courage and foresight he entered upon a field compara- tively new at the time, the distribution of railroad sup- plies. His industry and thrift, combined with business talents of a rare order, soon gave him a commanding posi- tion in the business world. He was associated at different times with many important enterprises and had business connections with many well-known men. His credit was always of the highest and, though for nearly a quarter of a century before his death he had retired from active business, he left an ample fortune. He was typical, finally, in the use which he made of his wealth. Trained in a New England home in the Puri- tan tradition of responsibility, he began to give away as soon as he had anything to give. As his power enlarged, his benefactions increased correspondingly. He gave, not only his money, but his time, his strength, his sympathy — in a word, himself. With the advancing years the strain of these outside interests increased, until he saw that he could not do justice to them if he continued in active business. Accordingly, in 1884, while still in the prime THE MAN WE KNEW 7 of life and in the full flush of an exceptionally successful business career, he determined, contrary to the advice of many whose opinions he valued highly, to give up business and to devote himself entirely to philanthropy. From this time until his death, a period of nearly a quarter of a century, he threw himself into the task of working for others with as much ardor and continuity of effort as most men devote to earning a livelihood, and when, in 1908, the news flashed across the wire that his restless brain and generous hand were stilled, men freely said that New York had lost her foremost citizen. The story to which these pages are to be given is thus not merely of local or individual interest. It is the story of a representative life, a life whose activities affected the welfare of many men, and whose services have left their permanent record in institutions of far-reaching influence. Such men as Mr. Jesup, private citizens only in name, give tone to our public life and stamp their character upon our civilization. It seems fitting, therefore, that some public record should be made of what he was and did. CHAPTER II ANCESTRY AND BIRTH lyrORRIS KETCHUM JESUP was born at Westport, ■*■'*- Connecticut, on June 21, 1830. He was the son of Charles Jesup and Abigail Sherwood, the latter being the daughter of the Honorable Samuel Burr Sherwood, of Saugatuck, Connecticut. On both sides he was descended from old New England stock, both his father's and his mother's families having been identified with Connecticut for nearly two hundred years before his birth. On his father's side the connection goes back at least as far as 1649, ^^ which date his earhest American an- cestor, Edward Jessup,* was a citizen and land-owner in Stamford, Connecticut (then under the New Haven Colony). Among Mr. Jesup's ancestors on his father's side two figures stand out with special distinctness. The first is Edward, the founder of the line, a man of forceful char- acter and restless activity, meeting us first in Stamford under the New Haven colony, appearing later as one of the pioneer settlers of Long Island under the Dutch, and ending his life as proprietor of a large estate in West- * The first two American Jesups spelt their name with two s's, but with Edward, the third of the line, who died in 1750, the second s drops out. 8 ANCESTRY AND BIRTH 9 Chester County, New York, which he had purchased from the Indians, and which is now known as Hunt's Point. The other is Ebenezer, the fourth in the Hne of descent, Mr. Jesup's great-grandfather, a distinguished surgeon who did yeoman service both in church and state, had his house burned over him by the British troops under Gen- eral Tryon, and ended his days as a deacon of the Congre- gational Church and a Justice of the Peace, esteemed and trusted by all who knew him. But, indeed, all the Jesups were men of character and substance, and each illus- trates in some degree the qualities which reappear in their distinguished descendant. They were thrifty, knowing how to make one dollar yield another, independent, an- ticipating the lines of future development, and quick to take, advantage of each new opportunity as it came, con- scientious, doing thoroughly whatever they undertook. Above all, they were men of public spirit, recognizing their obligations to the community in which they lived, and interesting themselves actively in the work of school, state, and church. When we first hear of Edward, the first of the name, he was, as already mentioned, a citizen and land-owner in Stamford, then (1649) in the eighth year of its existence as an independent community. Three years later he re- moved to Middleborough, Long Island (afterward New- town), as one of a party of pioneers who had received permission from Peter Stuyvesant to establish an English settlement there. The price which he paid for his land, four pounds, the equivalent at the then market rate of eighty acres, shows that he must have been a man of substance, only one other settler paying as much. We hear of him also as owning land at other places, as at Fair- lo MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP field, Connecticut, and Jamaica, Long Island. He quickly assumed a prominent place in the community, being nomi- nated as Magistrate in 1652 and serving in that capacity from 1659 to 1662. When, in 1653, the threatened out- break of hostilities between the Dutch and English alarmed the inhabitants of the new settlement, Edward Jessup was one of the delegation which was sent to Boston to present the cause of the settlers to the Commissioners of the New England Colonies. Two years later, when Stuyvesant, with six vessels and some six or seven hundred men, left home on an expedition against the Swedish settlements in Jersey, the savages, taking advantage of the absence of the garrison, landed at Manhattan Island on the 15th of September and began to plunder and threaten the town. Among those who were present on the night of this at- tack and who aided in the defence was Edward Jessup, and for his activity in this connection he incurred the enmity of the invaders, who threatened to put him to death and to take his scalp. Fortunately, the threat was never executed, for seven years later we find Edward Jessup active in the move- ment of the members of Middleborough to withdraw from the Dutch jurisdiction and to cast in their lot with Connecticut, which claimed authority over Long Island under a new charter obtained from the newly restored king, Charles the Second. We hear of him as leading an expedition to rescue John Christie, a commissioner whom the Dutch had arrested while trying to ascertain the sen- timents of the neighboring towns. In the following year he removed across the Sound and took up his residence in Westchester County at what is now known as West Farms, then under the jurisdiction of Connecticut. Here ANCESTRY AND BIRTH ii he spent the remainder of his days, serving as Magistrate in 1663 and 1664, and transmitting to his descendants at his death, in 1666, a large tract of land which, together with one John Richardson, he had purchased from the Indians, and which received from his son-in-law, John Hunt, who afterward inherited it, its present name of Hunt's Point. The story of Ebenezer Jesup, the fourth of the line, and the first of the name, carries us into the storm and stress of Revolutionary times. Unlike his cousins, the descendants of James Jesup, who were loyalists, and two of whom served as officers in the British army, Ebenezer cast in his lot with the Continental cause. He received his education at Yale College, from which he graduated in 1760. He afterward began the study of law, the first of this branch of Jesups to take up a profession, but, on account of failing health, turned his attention to the study of medicine and achieved distinguished success as a surgeon. In this capacity he served in the Continental army at Cherry Valley, New York. His home, like that of his father, was at Fairfield, Connecticut, and, in common with his neighbors of that locality, he suffered from the raids of the British troops, his house having been destroyed at the time when General Tryon burned Fairfield. He was no less active in religious matters, serving for twenty-four years as deacon of the Congre- gational church at Green's Farms. He was a man of liberal spirit, influential in the community and highly respected, and for many years served as Justice of the Peace. With the second Ebenezer, Mr. Jesup's grandfather, the connection of the Jesups with business began. At 12 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP twenty-two we find him established for himself at Sauga- tuck, on the Connecticut side of the river, within three miles of his father's home. He was, no doubt, influenced in his choice of location by his marriage, for his wife's family, the Wrights, had interests there. He bought the grain which the farmers raised on the neighboring farms, and exported it to the ports of Boston and, later, of New York. His store soon became the principal one in Fair- field. With the growth of his business his interests ex- tended beyond his native town. He became a director and, later, the President of the Bridgeport National Bank. He was also interested in the Fairfield County Bank of Norwalk, and served on its Board of Directors for many years. Like most of his friends and neighbors he lost heavily in the panic of 1837, but his credit was so strong that he weathered it successfully and was able to lend assistance to other members of his family who had been less fortunate. Those who knew Mr. Jesup well spoke of him with great respect as a man of unusual ability, enterprise, and public spirit. He was a liberal supporter of the Congre- gational church, attending first the old church near his home at Green's Farms, and later, when a new building was erected in Fairfield in 1832, contributing generously to its support. He was actively interested in the militia, bearing the commission of Major, and was known by this title to the day of his death. Still more significant for our present purpose was his interest in education. He was a stanch supporter of the local schools and actively inter- ested himself in their improvement. The large storehouse, with its immense timbers and numerous stories, in which Major Jesup used to keep the ANCESTRY AND BIRTH 13 grain which he had purchased, pending the arrangements for its transshipment, was long one of the landmarks of Saugatuck. With the one-storied house, in which its owner lived, it stood upon the ground now owned by his eldest living grandson James R. Jesup, but both have long been torn down and nothing but the old wharf remains to suggest the business which was done there less than three-quarters of a century ago. The more modern house, which was his home for the greater part of his life, descended to his son Francis, who occupied it for some twenty years. In 1885, however, it was purchased by his grandson, Morris K. Jesup, the subject of the present sketch, and presented to the Congregational church of the place for use as a parsonage, a function which it fulfils to-day.^ In 1790 Mr. Jesup married Sarah Wright, daughter of Obadiah Wright, of Saugatuck. They had nine chil- dren, seven sons and two daughters, of whom the third, Charles, born on March loth, 1796, was the father of Morris K. Jesup. As might have been expected from his father's keen in- terest in education, Charles Jesup received the best of schooling and was graduated from Yale in 1 8 14, being then only eighteen years of age. It was his original intention, like his grandfather, to study law, but he was compelled to relinquish this on account of ill health. Re-established in health by ex- ^ It is said that Major Jesup was the first person to introduce a wheeled pleasure vehicle into Saugatuck. This was a square-top chaise, purchased for him in Boston for three hundred dollars by Captain Hezekiah Allen, who commanded one of his vessels, and who brought it home with him on one of his return voyages. So startling an innovation was this in the quiet life of Sauga- tuck that we ar§ told that Major Jesup kept it in his carriage-house for six months before he ventured to use it. 14 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP tended travel, first in the South and later in Europe, he took up business both in New York and in Westport, in the latter of which he resided till his premature death in 1837. In September, 1821, he married Abigail Sher- wood, daughter of the Honorable Samuel Burr Sherwood, of Saugatuck. They had nine children, seven sons and two daughters, of whom Morris Ketchum Jesup was the fifth. The influence of Mr. Jesup's mother upon his charac- ter was so marked, and her own personality so remark- able, that it is proper to give some account of the stock from which she sprang and of the influences which moulded her development. Like her husband she was a member of an old Con- necticut family, the connection of the Sherwoods with the State antedating even that of the Jesups. Thomas Sher- wood, the founder of the American line, sailed from Ipswich, Suff^olk County, England, in the ship Francis in 1632, with Alice, his wife, and four children. He came to Fairfield as early as 1648, the year before we first hear of Edward Jessup at Stamford. Mrs. Jesup's father, Samuel Burr Sherwood, was the fifth in the line of descent. The son of a Congregational clergyman, he was born at Weston, November 26, 1767. Like his father, he went to Yale College, where he gradu- ated in 1786. Four years later he was admitted to the Bar and commenced the practice of his profession in West- port, which he continued until 1831. He became one of the leading members of the Fairfield County bar and had a large practice. He frequently represented the town in the Legislature, and for several years was one of the twelve councillors or upper house of the Legislature, which, ANCESTRY AND BIRTH 15 before the adoption of the Constitution of 18 18, took the place of the Senate. He was a member of the Fifteenth Congress of the United States, and during the years from 1 8 10 to 1815 it is probable that no one in Connecticut exercised greater political influence. He was a man of public spirit, interested and active in all that concerned the welfare of the community, whether town, county, or State. His neighbors remember him as a man of re- markable activity, always cheerful and full of good-humor, with a hearty greeting for his friends. The Reverend Mr. Jesup relates that he can still recall the dignified form of Mr. Sherwood, dressed in smallclothes, a fashion then nearly obsolete, as he sat in his pew in the new Saugatuck Congregational church not long before his death. Mr. Sherwood married Charity Hull, the daughter of Dr. Eliphalet Hull, of Fairfield, by whom he had three children, all girls, of whom the third, Abigail, married Mr. Charles Jesup, and became the mother of Morris K. Jesup, the subject of this sketch. Thus, both on his father's and on his mother's side, Mr. Jesup came of stock illustrating the best traditions of New England. Thrifty, God-fearing people, they did their part in the work of church and state. Ardent patriots, they were not afraid to make sacrifices for the cause of liberty. Lovers of education, they gave their children the best training that the opportunities of the time afforded. Sincere Christians, they practised what they preached. If there be such a thing as a natural aristocracy in a country where distinctions of birth are unknown, Mr. Jesup certainly could claim such descent. He was not unmindful of his inheritance. In his later life he became a member of the patriotic societies, such as i6 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP the Pilgrims and the New England Society, which bring together for friendly intercourse the descendants of the early New England settlers, and, at the time of his death, he was Vice-President of the former and President of the latter. Nor was Mr. Jesup's interest in his ancestry only one of sentiment. Though he left his native town as a boy, he never lost touch with its affairs. His gift of his grand- father's house to the Congregational church for a par- sonage testifies to his interest in the religious life of Westport. And one of the last things which he did before his death was to present to the town a large and well- appointed library building as a memorial of his paternal and maternal ancestors, who for so many generations had been identified with the fortunes of the place. He never lived to see it himself. Delayed in its erec- tion by unforeseen contingencies, it was not ready for occupancy until October, 1907, at which time Mr. Jesup was too ill to attend the dedication. Before it was finally opened to the people of Westport the generous donor had himself joined the company of those honorable citi- zens whose virtues it had been his desire to perpetuate for all time in the tablets which adorned the library walls.* * The building was finally dedicated on April 8, 1908, in the presence of Mrs. Jesup, Mr. John E. Parsons, Mr. Jesup's boyhood companion and life-long friend, delivering the principal address. CHAPTER III BOYHOOD AND EDUCATION ^T^HE home into which Mr. Jesup was born was a typical New England home, with its characteris- tic limitations and excellences. Judged by our present standards, its outlook was narrow. Many of the interests which we count important received scant recognition. There was little or no attempt to train the sense of beauty, either through appeal to eye or to ear. Educa- tion was thought of as discipline rather than as culture, and thoroughness was sought rather than breadth. Re- ligion was given the central place both in thought and practice, and this was conceived after the somewhat rigid fashion prevalent among Congregationalists of the stricter sort during the early part of the last century. There is a tradition in the Jesup family that when Grandfather Sherwood (Mrs. Charles Jesup's father) heard the children repeat the catechism on Sunday after- noons he placed them one after another upon the man- tel-piece with their backs against the wall, in order that their thoughts might not be tempted to wander. Some- thing of this spirit of rigidity lived on in the Jesup home. Sunday, or the Sabbath, as it was then universally called, 17 i8 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP was strictly observed. Saturday afternoon ended at six o'clock, when the children were brought in, bathed, and put to bed. Sunday morning and afternoon found them in their places in church, a practice which in Mr. Jesup's own case began early, as certain marks in the family pew attest. It is on record that the Jesup children made the observation familiar to so many other New England boys and girls, that an unusual proportion of Sunday afternoons were fair. In later years Mr. Jesup often commented on the strictness of his upbringing. **My parents,'' he said, "were strictly orthodox, and, like other good people of their communion, believed in severe restrictions in regard to amusements, especially on the score of their danger to the young. I grew up believing that the rigid Sunday laws which I had seen enforced at home ought to be binding on all, and that such amusements as theatre- going, card-playing, and dancing were wicked. On these points my views have been slowly and somewhat reluc- tantly modified by later experience." But there was something in this particular New Eng- land boy which could not be satisfied in a narrow at- mosphere. Like all "young people," he had a thirst for "something bright, gay, and limitless," and when "the fairy-land of art and natural history and later that of science and exploration " gradually opened itself to him, he took up their enjoyment with all the more zest because of his previous deprivation. "Every normal human being," he used to say, especially if he be a bread-winner, craves something that will take him out of the tedious grind of daily business routine. Kindergarten instructors tell us that for the proper development of a child's taste BOYHOOD AND EDUCATION 19 his knowledge of music and of art must begin with baby- hood. My own case, however, is the exception which proves the rule. As a boy, the opera, the theatre, and card-playing were forbidden me, but as I grew older I learned to enjoy them and they have been a distinct help to me in later years." But Mr. Jesup would have been the first to recognize the positive benefits which he received from his early training. His parents taught him habits of conscientious- ness and of obedience. He learned to put duty before pleasure. He learned, not by precept only but through example, that obligation is not limited to family or neighborhood. The missionary idea of Christianity was familiar to the boy from his earliest youth, and, while he came later to interpret this ideal more broadly, he never lost the sense of its authority. A certain innate purity of thought and feeling too may be traced to these early days. Tolerant as he became in his estimate of others' liberty, there was something of the Puritan still in his later judg- ments. Commenting on the modern theatre, he said once to a friend: "I am constantly shocked by the plots, incidents, and dialogue of the stage, and I think that it exercises to-day in a large number of its performances a most dulling and vicious influence upon the public. What I see often tempts me to revert to my early views. Com- pared with the license of to-day, the stage at the time of my youth was so comparatively clean that the bitter at- tack directed against it by Christian people would make laymen smile." The church to which the young Jesups were taken was organized in 1832 as an offshoot from the Congregational church at Green's Farms, which their parents had pre- 20 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP viously attended. Mr. Charles Jesup, who had been one of the active workers in the old church, was prominent in the new organization, with which he identified him- self from the start. He was especially interested in the Sunday-school, of which he was one of the founders and in which he was an active worker.* He was an ardent supporter of the cause of Home Missions, and especially interested in the work of the American Tract Society, to which he not only contributed generously himself, but for which he was planning further benefactions when his plans were interrupted by the financial crisis of 1837. But it was the boy's mother that contributed most to the formation of his character. A figure of rare dignity and poise, she impressed those who met her with the force of her personality and the serenity of her faith. " She was one of the most charming women whom it has ever been my good fortune to meet," said one who in the course of a long life had come to know intimately many charm- ing women. *'I think that I never met any one who had so saintly an appearance." ^ Forceful and indepen- dent as she was womanly, she impressed her character upon her children, and to the day of his death, Mr. Jesup cherished her memory with a passionate devotion. Morris was the fifth of eight brothers and sisters, of whom only one besides himself, his brother Richard, lived to be more than thirty years old. Most of the others died ^ Mr. Charles Jesup's devotion to the Sunday-school was shown in a very- practical way. During the week he devoted his leisure to procuring scholars, and, while still an attendant upon the church at Green's Farms, used to walk more than two miles every Sunday morning even in the coldest weather in order to build the fire and prepare for the instruction of the various classes. When later business called him to New York, as it often did, he never forgot to bring something home with him for the benefit of the school. 2 Mr. John E. Parsons, in his address at the dedication of the Jesup Memorial Library at Westport. BOYHOOD AND EDUCATION 21 of consumption when they were twenty one or two. The shadow of these early deaths, four of them occurring within a period of two years, cast a gloom over Mr. Jesup's early manhood and made him ever afterward more than usually careful of his own health and of the health of others. But, at the period with which we are now concerned, all this lay in the future. The chil- dren grew up side by side, educating each other as chil- dren do. The hours when they were not at school were spent out-of-doors in the games that children love, and Mr. Jesup when over seventy could still point out with interest the old bridge on which when a boy of seven he used to lie and fish for frost-fish.^ When Christmas came, Grandfather Jesup's hospitable home expanded to its amplest dimensions to take in the company of children and grandchildren for whom it was the common meet- ing-place. Amid such simple, healthful surroundings, the boy's first years were spent. A singularly handsome child, he had every promise of receiving the best education and training which the time could afford. Unfortunately, this early promise was not destined to be fulfilled. When Morris was seven years old the panic of 1837 swept over the country, and in the general finan- cial ruin not only was his father's fortune lost, but also the comfortable portion which his mother had inherited from her father. Judge Sherwood. In the same year Mr. Charles Jesup, then only forty-two years old, died suddenly, leaving his wife with a family of eight children, six boys and two girls, to support as best she could. Mrs. Jesup met this crushing misfortune with high spirit. For a time she was willing to receive assistance * Cf. "Genealogy," p. 129. 22 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP from her husband's father, but the sense of dependence was irksome to her, and she therefore made up her mind to move to New York and estabHsh an indepen- dent home for herself and for her children. When this removal took place Morris was eight years old. Judged by modern standards, New York was a comparatively small place. Instead of its present four million and a half people, it had then less than four hundred thousand. The railroad from Saugatuck had not yet been built, so Mrs. Jesup and her children made the journey by steamboat. They landed at the foot of Catharine Street, whence they went to the new home which had been secured for them at No. 39 Bond Street. Here they lived for ten or twelve years until the change in the neighbor- hood made necessary their removal to Eighth Street. Some years later Mr. Jesup, who, in the meantime, had prospered in business, was able to present his mother with a house of her own, a date to which he always looked back as a red-letter day. For the present, however, things looked dark enough. Morris, like his father and grandfather, had always looked forward to going to college, but under the cir- cumstances this seemed out of the question. His first duty was to his mother, and this made it necessary for him to secure remunerative work as soon as possible. The period of his schooling was therefore cut down to the lowest possible limit, and the record of the four years which could alone be spared is a broken one. In his autobiographical fragment, Mr. Jesup has this to say of his school life in New York. " I first attended school on the east side in Second Avenue, where I made the acquaintance of Mr. William E. Dodge, for over fifty BOYHOOD AND EDUCATION 23 years my warm and steadfast friend. After this I went to the West Side Collegiate School, conducted by Dr. Clark, where I remained a year or two, after which I at- tended the grammar school of New York University. Still later I went to Dr. Hubbard's School for Boys, then in Fourteenth Street, intending to prepare for college, but the condition of my family was such that the means were not forthcoming, and, after studying there for two years, I decided to relinquish my intention and go into business." This early disappointment had a far-reaching effect upon Mr. Jesup's later Hfe. What he could not enjoy himself he was the more anxious to make possible for others. Among his various philanthropic interests edu- cation held a central place, and the leading colleges of the country were repeatedly the recipients of his benefactions. To Yale he presented the Landberg collection of Arabic manuscripts. He was a contributor to the Teachers' Endowment Fund at Harvard; at Williams he erected Jesup Hall; to Princeton he was a repeated and gener- ous giver; to the Union Theological Seminary he pre- sented the recitation hall which bears his name. He was a frequent contributor to Hampton and Tuskegee, and a generous supporter of the policy of industrial educa- tion with which these two institutions are so closely iden- tified. He was the leading spirit in the educational work of the American Museum of Natural History, both on its popular and on its scientific side; and as President of the Syrian Protestant College in Beirut he was the means of planting and maintaining in this centre of Eastern civ- ilization an institution fashioned after the best models of the West and second to none of our American colleges in appointments and efficiency. 24 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP The recognition of these services to education on the part of the colleges was generous. The academic standing which Mr. Jesup had been unable to acquire in the ordi- nary way was accorded to him causa honorts in his later years. Before his death he had received the master's degree from Yale, Columbia, and Williams, and Prince- ton had made him a Doctor of Laws. Thus, instead of being the graduate of a single college, he had the satis- faction of membership in at least four of the leading uni- versities of the country, and his services to the cause of education are recognized wherever scholars meet and scholarship is honored. One other effect of this early disappointment is worthy of more extended notice, and that is the interest which it led him to take in those boys and girls whom the mis- fortune of birth and early childhood had deprived of their chance of a fair start in life. The most striking instance of this interest is his connection with the Five Points House of Industry, of which he was a trustee for forty-one years, and for thirty-seven years the President. The history of the Five Points House of Industry goes back nearly sixty years. Those whose only acquaintance with it is in its present building would find it difficult to reconstruct in imagination the conditions under which its life began and which it has so largely contributed to abolish. At that time the Five Points was shunned by all decent people as the most dangerous place in New York City. Dives and low resorts abounded, and it was literally true that the visitor who entered its precincts after dark took his life in his hand. In this abandoned spot, the resort of thieves, gamblers, and dissolute men and women, a group of Christian people opened in a BOYHOOD AND EDUCATION 25 modest way a home for the destitute children who were drifting in large numbers in these troubled waters. The work of the institution was not essentially different from that carried on by many others whose object it is to save children from a life of vice and crime. Taking the boys and girls who were committed to it at an early age, it housed, fed, and clothed them, subjected them to a rigor- ous discipline in manners and morals, and ended by pro- viding them with good homes in the West.^ Mr. Jesup's own connection with the Five Points House of Industry dates from 1867. In 1871 he became its President, an office which he continued to hold until his death. From the first his interest in the work was active. He followed the details of its management with unre- mitting attention. Between him and the superintendent, Mr. William F. Barnard, a warm friendship grew up, and numerous letters written in Mr. Jesup's own hand show how constantly even during his absence he followed the welfare of the institution. As his interests multiplied and * The story of the Five Points House of Industry reads like a romance. It owes its origin to the Reverend L. M. Pease, a Methodist missionary who, in the year 1850, gave up his home at Lenox, Massachusetts, in order to devote himself to missionary labor. Learning of the conditions at the Five Points, he and his wife established their home in the region, in order to do what they could to better its conditions. They soon found that the conventional methods of preach- ing and tract -giving were not adequate to meet the need. If permanent help was to be given, economic conditions must be changed. Mr. Pease therefore started an industrial work, taking the women and girls whom he could reach into his own home and supplying them with sewing and other useful occupations. Finding that in the opinion of the denomination under which he was working this expansion of his labors beyond the field of religion in the conventional sense was looked upon askance, he severed his connection with the society and, in 1854, the Five Points House of Industry was incorporated under an inde- pendent Board of Trustees, the President of which was Mr. Archibald Russell. The plan at first contemplated work among adults as well as children, but it was soon discovered that the latter were so much more hopeful a field that it was decided to concentrate attention upon this branch of the work, and the present House of Industry is the outcome of this policy. 26 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP his cares increased, he never allowed them to crowd out the House of Industry. When the summer heat was par- ticularly oppressive Mr. Barnard would find a check in his mail with such a line as this: "If there is anything you can do for the children in these hot days to give them an outing or fresh air where the means are not provided, consider this at your disposal." Or again, "I am glad the children had a good time and found so much to interest them. I enclose a check to cover the cost and am obliged to you for taking such an interest." Or, still again, when expressing his regret at his inability to keep a promise which he had made to speak to the children, he would enclose a verse of Scripture as a motto from which he hoped to talk to them some other time. One feature of the work of the Five Points which has grown familiar to many visitors is the Sunday afternoon service of song. At four o'clock the children gathered in their Sunday clothes, marched to the large audience hall, and spent an hour in singing songs and listening to a brief address, either from the superintendent or from some visitor. Mr. Jesup dearly loved this service. He often attended it. Not infrequently he addressed the children, but best of all he loved to sit alone or with some congenial friend whom he had persuaded to accompany him, in the upper gallery reserved for visitors, where he could look down upon the group of children gathered below and give himself up to the emotion which the sight never failed to awaken within him. Whether it was simply the sympathy which every one of advancing years must feel at the sight of the young who have all their possibili- ties and experiences before them, or whether the sight of these boys and girls who had their own way to make BOYHOOD AND EDUCATION 27 recalled the struggles of his own youth, it is certain that no work was dearer to Mr. Jesup than this and from none did he derive greater satisfaction/ But this digression has carried us far into the future. Between the President of the Five Points House of Indus- try and the boy who with heavy heart gave up the edu- cation he coveted in order to help his mother, many years of discipline intervened, and it is to these that we must now turn. * Mr. Jesup further showed his interest in the children of the poor by pre- senting to the Children's Aid Society the Forty-fourth Street Lodging House for Homeless Boys. - , CHAPTER IV THE YEARS OF PREPARATION TV yT ORRIS, as we have seen, was twelve years old '^ when he left school and began to work for his own living. The office which he entered was that of Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, at No. 71 Wall Street. The firm v/ere manufacturers of locomotives and cotton-mill ma- chinery, and their factory was at Paterson, New Jersey. The boy owed his position to Mr. Morris Ketchum, his father's old friend, of whom we have already spoken, who was one of the partners, but his chief dealings were with Mr. Jasper Grosvenor, who was the active manager of the business, and to whom Morris was directly responsi- ble. At the time when his engagement with Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor began his mother was still living at No. 39 Bond Street, and Morris used to walk to and from home to the office each day, besides doing much walking on errands during the day. The boy made himself so useful to his employers that he was rapidly advanced, and soon held a position of large responsibility. In course of time he was given charge of all the purchasing for the business, had the oversight of the shipping of all the manufactures, and the paying of the men. One of his duties was to attend to the loading 28 THE YEARS OF PREPARATION 29 of the parts of locomotives made by the firm upon freight cars for shipment. "Often," he told a friend, "I have w^alked dov^n Broadway even in the depths of winter at four o'clock in the morning to the boat slips and docks, swinging a lantern in my hand, in order to superintend this work. My recollection of the darkness of those mornings and the special spots of blackness around those docks and piers has made the modern lighting by electricity an ever-new marvel to me/'^ Unfortunately for Mr. Jesup, this increase in respon- sibility was accompanied by no corresponding increase of salary. When he had been with Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor for twelve years and had risen from office boy to the highest position in the business, his salary was still only six hundred dollars. He was not unnaturally dis- satisfied. At the same time, he had such confidence in Mr. Grosvenor that he thought the latter would have given him more if he had supposed him worth it. Ac- cordingly, without saying anything to his employer, Mr. Jesup made up his mind that he would look for another position, or start in business for himself, and made his plans accordingly. He had no capital, as it was his habit to give all his surplus earnings to his mother. Soon, however, an opportunity offered. Through his brother Frederick, who was at this time employed as cashier in the banking office of Ketchum, Rogers & Bement, he had made the acquaintance of Mr. Charles Clark, the firm's book-keeper. Mr. Clark and Mr. Jesup made an arrangement to go into partnership under the firm name of Clark & Jesup, the former to furnish the capital and ^ Mrs. Francis P. Kinnicutt is my authority for the above incident, as for many other interesting side-lights upon Mr. Jesup's life. 30 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP to attend to all the office affairs, and the latter to be re- sponsible for the out-door business. This decision was made in the year 1852. When Mr. Jesup's plans were fully made, he informed Mr. Grosvenor. The latter, who had been entirely unaware of the dissatis- faction of his chief clerk, for whom he had the highest re- gard, felt very badly at the thought of his leaving. When he learned the reason, he acknowledged that he had been at fault and urged Mr. Jesup to stay on with him on his own terms, but the decision had been made, and it was too late to draw back. Instead of being offended by this refusal, Mr. Grosve- nor's interest in his former employee was rather increased, and he offered to help him in any way he could in his new enterprise. He gave him a letter in the name of the firm, commending his abiHty in the highest terms. He took him to the Union Bank in Wall Street and introduced him to the President as his boy, asking that a credit of two thousand dollars be opened for him in the bank on his guarantee. Mr. Jesup did open his first account with this bank, but he never had occasion to use the credit. When later the firm of Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor became the Rogers Locomotive Works, Mr. Jesup was offered the vice-presidency of the company and accepted the position, which he held in addition to his own busi- ness. Until his death in 1853 Mr. Grosvenor remained one of Mr. Jesup's best friends. He trusted him in many things, and when he died made him one of the executors of his will. Mr. Jesup used often to recall some counsel given him at their last interview. "Morris," said Mr. Grosvenor, "would you mind if I gave you a httle advice .f"* Mr. Jesup replied, "Nothing would please me more.'* THE YEARS OF PREPARATION 31 Mr. Grosvenor then said, "Never indorse a note except for your business, and begin early to give away your money/' The independence which Mr. Jesup showed in severing his relations with Mr. Grosvenor was frequently illus- trated in his later life. In all the questions which came before him for decision he was accustomed to make up his own mind, and when his decision was once formed he acted without delay. A trifling incident which occurred early in his business life is worth mentioning for the side- light which it sheds upon his character. Like most men, he had been in the habit of carrying a small note-book in which he put down his engagements, notices, and other memoranda to which he had occasion to refer from time to time. One day he realized that he was becoming dependent upon this book and that, as a result, his mem- ory was growing weaker. He determined that if he was not to become a slave to the habit it was time for this dependence to cease. It so happened that at the time he was crossing the ferry to Jersey City. No sooner was his decision made than he took the book from his pocket, threw it into the river, and from that time till the day of his death, never carried in his pocket a memorandum- book for constant record, though, of course, when occa- sion required, he made notes of the necessary data and figures in which accuracy was essential. The office of Clark & Jesup was at No. 139 Pearl Street. The firm dealt in railroad supplies. They did a commission business, purchasing from the manufacturers and selling to the roads, a work for which Mr. Jesup's ex- perience with Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor peculiarly fitted him. The business was a new one, in which the firm was largely a pioneer. The railroads of the country 32 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP were still comparatively young, and the high specialization which now characterizes all branches of the railroad in- dustry had not yet been developed. The total mileage of the country was then less than thirteen thousand miles, as compared with over two hundred and thirty thousand miles to-day, and the opportunity opened to a young man of independence and enterprise was correspondingly great. In the autobiographical fragment, to which reference has been made, Mr. Jesup has left on record the names of some of the men who helped him in his early business career. Prominent among these was Mr. Morris Ketchum, his father's friend, for whom he was named, then a mem- ber of the banking house of Rogers, Ketchum & Be- ment. Others were Jonathan Sturges, of the firm of Arnold, Sturges & Company; Joseph Sheffield, the well- known founder of the Sheffield Scientific School, who, with Mr. Henry Farnam, built the Rock Island Railroad; George Griswold, of the Illinois Central, whose help in connection with the business of that road proved very useful to Mr. Jesup. Still others with whom he had in- timate associations were Mr. R. B. Mason, of Chicago, of the firm of Ferris, Bishop & Company,^ the Schuylers, Robert and George, the former the Treasurer and Trans- fer Agent of what has subsequently become the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad; and Henry Dwight, who was actively interested in the Chicago & Alton, one of the first roads for which Mr. Jesup's firm did business, and for which they acted as fiscal and trans- fer agents. All these men were engaged in large railroad interests, and, in Mr. Jesup's own suggestive words, "I * Ferris, Bishop & Company took the contract for building part of the Illinois Central Railroad, as well as the Dubuque & Pacific Railroad, which after- ward became the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad. THE YEARS OF PREPARATION 33 tried hard to make myself useful to them, and I think I succeeded/' While still a clerk in the employ of Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, Mr. Jesup had formed the acquaintance of a young Scotchman, Mr. John S. Kennedy, who had recently come to this country as the representative of the English firm of William Bird & Company. This firm were agents for a certain kind of locomotive tubing much in use in the railroads of this country, upon which the patent was held in England. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor were large purchasers of this material, and it was in this connection that Mr. Jesup and Mr. Kennedy met. The acquaintance, formed in Wall Street, was re- newed in the rooms of the newly organized Young Men's Christian Association, in the formation of which they had both been active. Acquaintance soon ripened into friend- ship, and when, a few years later, Mr. Jesup felt the need of a change in his business relations, his thoughts turned to Mr. Kennedy. The latter in the meantime had returned to Scotland, to take up the Glasgow agency of William Bird & Com- pany. Here he was visited a year later by Mr. Jesup, who had sailed for England at short notice in order to facilitate the shipment of a large order of iron rails, the delay of which jeopardized a contract in which one of his friends was interested.* His business successfully ^ The friend in question was Henry Dwight, at that time engaged with Governor Mattison, of Illinois, in building the Chicago & Mississippi Railroad. Mr. Jesup later used to recall the excitement which was produced when one Friday morning Mr. Dwight came into the office at No. 139 Pearl Street and said that he wished him without delay to go to Newport and to Cardifif, Wales, in order to expedite the shipping of some ten thousand tons of iron rails for which he had contracted with the firm of Crashay, then the largest rail-makers in the world. In those days there was no steamer sailing from New York; the only regular service was by the Cunard Line from Boston, 34 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP accomplished, Mr. Jesup went to Glasgow to resume his acquaintance with Mr. Kennedy, and while there pro- posed to him that they should join their business fortunes. Mr. Kennedy's residence in this country had convinced him that America offered a better opening for a young man than Great Britain, and he was therefore ready to accept Mr. Jesup's proposition that they should form a partnership. Mr. Jesup returned to New York, where he was followed in the spring of 1857 by Mr. Kennedy,* and in due course a new firm was formed under the name of M. K. Jesup & Company, which had its office at No. 44 Exchange Place. Like Clark & Jesup the new firm dealt in railroad supplies and acted as middlemen between the manufact- urers and the railroads. Insensibly, however, like so many other American firms which began as merchants, they drifted into a banking business. Their acquaintance with railroad men on both sides of the Atlantic gave them an unusual insight into railroad problems, and they early began to deal in the securities of the railroads, as well as in the raw materials which went to build up their sailing once a fortnight and stopping over at Halifax. The next steamer sailed on the following Wednesday, or, in other words, five days from the time when Mr. Dwight approached Mr. Jesup with his request. Judged by the prevail- ing standards, the time for decision and for preparation was so short that Mr. Jesup was tempted to say no — all the more, because he had strong personal reasons for wishing to stay at home. His mother, however, strongly advised him to go, and, in deference to her judgment, he made the trip, taking his brother Arthur with him. The steamer was the Europa, a very small ship. She was two weeks on the passage. Mr. Jesup was "dreadfully sea-sick," but he went directly to his work and succeeded in getting off the rails, for which service he received from Mr. Dwight high praise and a liberal check. * Some idea of the primitive condition of ocean travel at the time may be gained from the fact that on his first passage Mr. Kennedy's ship encountered such severe storms that she was obliged to turn back, and his arrival in the city was accordingly delayed for several weeks. THE YEARS OF PREPARATION 35 physical equipment. Mr. Kennedy brought to the firm technical knowledge, sound judgment, and independence of character. His familiarity with conditions on the other side usefully supplemented Mr. Jesup's experience gained in New York, and the combination which re- sulted was one of unusual strength. It had been originally planned that Mr. Kennedy should reside in Glasgow and look after the interests of the firm on the English side of the Atlantic, but this ar- rangement was never carried out. He preferred life in this country, believing, as has already been said, that it oflFered better opportunities than the old world, a judg- ment which his later experience amply justified. The partnership between Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Jesup continued for ten years. During the winter of 1861-62 Mr. Kennedy was in Chicago, where he organized a branch house under the firm name of Jesup, Kennedy & Adams, the other partner being Mr. John Macgre- gor Adams, who had previously acted as agent for the firm. The headship of this new firm was soon after assumed by Mr. John Crerar, who about this time be- came a partner of M. K. Jesup & Company. Mr. Ken- nedy thereupon returned to New York, where he remained until 1867 when his partnership with Mr. Jesup was dissolved. Mr. Crerar remained a partner of both firms until his death. ^ Mr. Kennedy, after a year of rest ^ Mr. Crerar was an interesting character. Like Mr. Kennedy, a Scotch- man, he began business as a clerk in the employ of Lyman & FuUerton, iron merchants, but soon found his way to this country where he spent most of his life. A man of literary tastes, he was the President of the Mercantile Library Association, and a friend of Thackeray whom he entertained during his Ameri- can trip. His connection with the firm of M. K. Jesup & Company began in 1863-64. In Chicago, where he spent the latter part of his life, he became a well-known figure. At his death he left a million dollars to his adopted city to be used in the establishment of a free library. 36 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP and travel, entered business for himself under the firm name of John S. Kennedy & Company. After the dissolution of his partnership with Mr. Ken- nedy, Mr. Jesup continued in active business for seventeen years. In 1870 Mr. John Paton joined the firm, and the firm name w^as changed to M. K. Jesup, Paton & Com- pany. Later Mr. Jesup's nephev^, Mr. C. C. Cuyler, was taken into the firm. On Mr. Jesup's retirement in 1884 the firm name was changed to John Paton & Company, and still later, after Mr. Paton's death, to Cuyler, Morgan & Company. In both these firms Mr. Jesup remained a special partner. The story of Mr. Jesup's businss life is that of many another American who, starting from small beginnings, by his industry, thrift, and foresight has gradually ac- quired large means and corresponding influence. Here we are interested primarily in the eflFects of his business training upon his later life and the elements which it con- tributed to his usefulness as citizen and philanthropist. One most important effect was to enlarge his horizon. Men who have to do with the transportation problem are obliged by the very necessities of their business to keep in touch with the general conditions which affect commerce the world over. Mr. Jesup was no exception. His railroad interests brought him into touch with all parts of the country^ and familiarized him with condi- ^ Mr. Jesup's nephew, Mr. Thomas de Witt Cuyler, has kindly furnished me with the following statement concerning the railroads with which from time to time Mr, Jesup had business connections: "The first railroad with which Mr. Jesup was connected was the Chicago & Alton. He was identified with this almost from its inception in the fifties until the final sale of the property to other interests some seven or eight years ago. He was also early identified with the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad and with the Cedar Falls & Minnesota Railroad. All these roads might be called pioneer enterprises in the West, and Mr. Jesup not only gave of his time THE YEARS OF PREPARATION 37 tions of which he might otherwise have remained in ignorance. Thus, as we shall see, his interest in Southern education had its origin in a business trip made to Rich- mond in the days before the war when, for the first time, he was brought face to face with the actual conditions of life under a system of slavery. A second effect was to increase his confidence in his own powers. Naturally of a sanguine disposition, Mr. Jesup's business experience taught him that with patience and perseverance it is often possible to bring success out of conditions which seem hopeless. In the course of his and substance to their construction, but also had close business relations with them through his firm for many years. "After these railroads came his interests in the roads of the South. Imme- diately after the war it became necessary to rehabilitate the Southern roads, and Mr. Jesup became a prominent member of what was known as the South- ern Security Company, the object of which was the reconstruction and rehabili- tation of the Southern roads, notably the Southern Railway, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Northeastern Railroad of South Carolina, and the Savannah, Florida & Western. After the dissolution of the Southern Security Company Mr. Jesup retained his interest largely in these roads, especially in the combination made by the amalgamation of many of them, known as the Plant System. It was only a few years ago that he parted with his interest in this system, upon the death of Mr. Plant. "Mr. Jesup also had close relations with the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad Company and the Havana & Rantoul & Eastern Railroad, both Illi- nois corporations which required patience and money to work out. In both instances he was successful, and the properties were sold, one to the Pennsyl- vania Railroad and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the other to the Illinois Central. "Mr. Jesup was also interested, with Mr. Joseph W. Drexel, in the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad of Mississippi. This was a small narrow-gauge road to which Mr. Drexel had made a large loan. Mr. Jesup, who was at that time managing Mr. Drexel's affairs, took the property in hand, widened the gauge, and sold the property to the Illinois Central without loss to Mr. Drexel. His ability was also displayed in his handling of the Keokuk & Western and of the Cleveland & Mariette Railroad of Ohio. The latter was an old and dis- creditable road which had passed through several foreclosures and out of which no one seemed able to produce anything. The firm of Jesup, Paton & Com- pany being largely interested in this security, Mr. Jesup took hold of it, nursed the property for several years, recreated it, and finally sold it to the Pennsyl- vania Company, a subsidiary company of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at a price which brought a handsome return to the shareholders." 38 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP business he had to do not only with sound railroad proper- ties, but also with properties of less established character where there was a considerable risk to be run, and where success depended largely upon the ability with which the enterprise was managed. In every case he was successful in that which he undertook, and this success not unnatu- rally gave him confidence in deahng with the philan- thropic and educational problems to which his later years were given. Mr. Jesup's confidence and resourcefulness were well illustrated in connection with his reorganization of the Keokuk & Western Railroad. This road, which was then known as the Missouri, Iowa & Nebraska Railroad, "was physically almost unsafe to run upon. Its earnings amounted to but little and there was almost no return on the capital invested." It was leased to the Wabash Railroad Company, which guaranteed the bonds. In 1885 the Wabash defaulted on its interest. Mr. Jesup was not only himself the holder of many of the bonds, but he had many friends who were interested. He there- upon determined to see what could be done to save the property. As a first step he moved to have a receiver appointed. " Receiver's certificates were issued with which to pay for relaying the road with steel rails and furnish- ing the cars, locomotives, etc., and putting the road in first-class condition." In 1886 a new company was formed, called the Keokuk & Western Railroad Company, of which Mr. A. C. Goodrich was made manager. The bondholders' committee, "with which Mr. Jesup was con- nected, obtained the deposit of all the bonds but one of the old Missouri, Iowa & Nebraska Railroad, all of which bonds were afterward exchanged for stock to the THE YEARS OF PREPARATION 39 full amount of the mortgage." In order to secure an outlet for the road, which at that time seemed likely to be shut in by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, Mr. Jesup secured control of a narrow-gauge road running from Des Moines, one hundred and ten miles across the Keokuk & Western at Van Wert. The funds for the pur- chase of this road Mr. Jesup provided himself, as well as for widening the gauge and furnishing the road with a complete modern equipment. As a result, the Keokuk & Western became a dividend-payer, yielding four per cent, upon its stock. The wisdom of Mr. Jesup's man- agement was soon seen from the fact that other roads offered to purchase from him a controlling interest in the stock of the Keokuk & Western, but this offer he refused, demanding that all the stockholders should be given the same price. Finally, in 1899, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy purchased the road at a price satisfactory to the owners, and it now forms part of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system.^ In the third place, Mr. Jesup's business experience taught him the great importance of attention to detail. He began at the bottom of the ladder and was content to rise one step at a time, but his face was always turned upward, and as soon as his feet were firmly planted on one round he began to study the footing above. He never lost the habit. He wished to understand whatever he undertook, and thought no detail too trifling to be beneath his notice. One of his friends is my authority for the following incident. One evening as she was on her way to dine with Mr. and Mrs. Jesup, her son, who on the following * My authority for the above statement is Mr. T. de Witt Cuyler. 40 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP day was to begin the momentous enterprise of earning his own living, said to her: "Please tell Mr. Jesup that I am going down to Wall Street to-morrow to begin my business career, and as I am so ignorant that I do not even know where Wall Street is, I should greatly value his advice." Mr. Jesup's answer was as follows: "Tell the boy first to learn how to do his own job, and then to begin directly to learn how to do the work of the man ahead of him. Tell him to follow that course in every direction in the office and not to take his summer holiday at such a season that he will lose the opportunity of study- ing during the absence of his fellow-members on the office staff. In this way he will not only learn many things which he will need to know later, but he will make him- self doubly useful to his employers. Tell him, in the second place, that as soon as he makes any money in life he should begin directly to learn how to give away some of it. This giving away should be made an intelligent habit and not be left to chance impulse after a man finds himself possessed of more than he needs." The advice was eminently characteristic of the giver. He had learned both how to make money and how to spend it, and he regarded the second as an art worthy of as serious study as the first. Finally, Mr. Jesup's business experience taught him the intimate relation between commerce and other sides of human activity. He believed that charity, to be sound, must rest on a firm economic foundation and aim to elim- inate the causes of poverty as well as to correct its conse- quences. Hence his interest in industrial education, in the cause of which he was one of the pioneers. Hence his earnest advocacy of forest preservation and his efforts THE YEARS OF PREPARATION 41 to secure the application of sound business principles in the administration of public affairs. Hence, finally, his interest in those studies which increase our knowledge of the conditions of productive industry and teach us the most effective methods of warfare against the enemies that imperil its success. As the charitable and educa- tional interests which later engrossed his time and thought had their beginning while he was still in active business, so his retirement left him more than ever conscious of his indebtedness to the field of commerce and industry, in which his special training had been won. From first to last he saw life as a unity, and in whatever he undertook, never suffered his devotion to detail to blind him to the larger interests and relations through which alone the highest success is possible. Thus when, in 1884, Mr. Jesup retired from business, it was with a training which fitted him in exceptional de- gree for the work which he was about to undertake. What that work was and how he set about it we have now to consider. CHAPTER V WORK FOR YOUNG MEN IVyTR. JESUP has given the reasons which led him •*■■■■ to resign from active business in the following words: "From the beginning of my business life I made up my mind to engage in such religious and philanthropic matters as would excite my sympathy, so that my business should not entirely engross my mind and make me sim- ply a business machine, although naturally my ambition, pride, and interest were alike enlisted in making my business a success. I can say conscientiously that during the long period of my business life I have carried out this resolution, as the many enterprises, religious, scientific, philanthropic, and artistic, with which I have been con- nected for forty years past will attest. It was the spirit of this resolution that, in 1884, determined my decision to go out of business. I found that both business and charitable work were becoming so absorbing that one or the other must suffer if I continued to do both. So, after careful consideration of the whole matter, I retired from business and have devoted my spare time to work- ing for others and for the public interest. Although at the time some of those I loved best and respected most 42 WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 43 advised me against taking the step, I can truthfully say that I have never regretted the decision." It was, of course, impossible for a man with so many business responsibilities to make the transition instan- taneously. During the period when Mr. Jesup was en- gaged in active business his charitable interests had long divided his time with his business affairs, and in the new relation upon which he now entered he still found busi- ness claiming no small part of his attention. As has al- ready been said, he remained a special partner in the firm of John Paton & Company, as well as later of Cuy- ler, Morgan & Company, its successor, and his partners were always free to come to him for advice in the enter- prises in which they were engaged. The management of his property, already large, brought with it cares of its own, and his action in the case of the Keokuk & West- ern Railroad has shown how actively he continued to interest himself in the welfare of the properties of whose securities he was a large holder. Many of his charitable interests, moreover, involved large financial responsibility. When he accepted the treasurership of the Slater Fund, he assumed the management of a principal fund of a million dollars. The presidency of the Chamber of Com- merce made him ex officio 3. member of the Rapid Transit Commission, and led to his accepting the presidency of the Sailors' Snug Harbor. Thus the new life upon which Mr. Jesup entered, while involving a change of activity, proved no less arduous than that upon which he had turned his back. For convenience, we may divide the activities of Mr. Jesup's later life into four groups: First, religious; sec- ond, philanthropic; third, educational; fourth, civic. 44 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Some of them, such as his work for the New York City Mission and the Syrian Protestant College, were the direct result of his membership in the Christian Church. Others, such as his campaign for clean streets and his service in the cause of Southern education, made their appeal on the ground of common humanity. Into others, such as the presidency of the Museum of Natural History and his support of Peary, he was led through his de- votion to the cause of education and science. While still others, such as his duties as President of the Chamber of Commerce, came to him in his public capacity as a representative citizen. The line between these different groups is of course a fleeting one, and it is not always easy to tell where one interest leaves off^ and another begins. Nevertheless, for our present purpose it will prove a convenient principle of division. Before, however, we consider Mr. Jesup's work along these four lines it will be worth our while to retrace our steps for a few moments and to consider the earlier activities through which he received his first train- ing in charitable and philanthropic work. In order to do this we must go back to the very begin- ning of Mr. Jesup's business career, while he was still a clerk in the office of Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor. It was in the year 1852, two years before he set up in business for himself, and while he was still but twenty-two years old, that a group of young men met in New York City to organize the Young Men's Christian Association of that city. Of this group Mr. Jesup was one. His name appears in the first annual report among the Hst of members of the Association, and it is worthy of note, as showing that even before Mr. Grosvenor gave WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 45 him the advice he so highly valued, he had begun to act upon its principles, that he was one of seventeen who, in addition to the membership fees, made a special contri- bution to current expenses in the first year. The Young Men's Christian Association was the school in which many of those who afterward took a prominent part in the civic and charitable life of New York received their training in philanthropic activity. The list of men who took part in its foundation and its early manage- ment is a remarkable one. It included such names as William E. Dodge, Jr., Cephas Brainerd, J. Pierpont Morgan, John Crosby Brown, Charles Lanier, Elbert B. Monroe, and John S. Kennedy. Nor must we forget the man who, more than any other, determined the policy of the new Association from the first, its efficient and de- voted Secretary, Mr. Robert R. McBurney. What the Association accomplished under his leadership is so famil- iar that it is not necessary to retell it here. Commanding the services of men of no common ability, who gave their time and energy freely to its service, it soon assumed the leadership of the Association work of the country and ex- tended its influence to England and the Continent as well. In all that was done Mr. Jesup took an active part. For fifty-two years he was a member and for more than forty an officer of the Association. He became a member of the Board of Directors in 1866. He was Vice-Presi- dent from 1868 to 1872, and President from 1872 to 1875. He continued as advisbry director and trustee until the close of his life, and for the last five years was Chair- man of the Board of Trustees. The aggregate of his gifts to the Association was over one hundred and thirty thousand dollars, and he influenced the giving of a much 46 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP larger amount by others. To the last, his interest in its work continued active, and during his last sickness he had in his possession for careful examination the plans for its next important building. The years during which Mr. Jesup was Vice-Presi- dent of the Young Men's Christian Association witnessed the erection at a cost of half a million dollars of the first building specially designed to accommodate the Asso- ciation's work for young men in the broader aspects in which it was beginning to conceive it, a work which made provision for physical and intellectual as well as for moral and religious needs. In this building there was seen for the first time in the history of our American Christianity on so large a scale that happy marriage of philanthropy and religion, of Christian consecration and social service, with which we have since become familiar. Here, as so often in Mr. Jesup' s life, the work on which he was engaged was pioneer work, the full significance of which it remained for the future to reveal. He was fortunate in living to see the example set by the New York Association widely followed both in this country and across the sea. When, in 1895, the jubilee of the parent society was held in London it was Mr. Jesup's privilege to head the American delegation and, in the presence of two thousand delegates assembled from all parts of the world, to extend to the venerable founder, Sir George Williams, "the greeting and congratulations of his American children, grown to mature manhood, yet manifesting the vigor of a perpetual youth." Through his connection with the Young Men's Chris- tian Association Mr. Jesup was led to engage in a wide range of activities several of which are sufficiently im- WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 47 portant to deserve special mention. First among these must be placed the work of the Christian Commission, of which he became the treasurer on its organization in 1 86 1, a position which he continued to hold until the dissolution of the Commission in 1880. Another cause in which his services were enlisted was the work among rail- road men, which was inaugurated at Cleveland in 1872. The supervision and extension of it was undertaken by the International Committee in 1877. Mr. Jesup, as a member of this committee, took a leading part both in the supervision and in the support of this department of its work for more than thirty years. Through his efforts on behalf of the dying San Francisco Association he was brought into intimate relations with Mr. Moody, whom he induced to undertake, in the winter of 1880-81, an evangelistic campaign on behalf of the young men of that city which resulted in the permanent re-establishment of the Association. Through the Association, finally, Mr, Jesup met Mr. Anthony Comstock, then actively identi- fied with a branch of the New York Association, and was led to give his support to the brave effort which the lat- ter was making almost single-handed against the manu- facturers of indecent literature. Each of these episodes deserves a word of special notice. Mr. Jesup's connection with the Christian Commission came about in this way. The Association, as we have seen, was founded in 1852. Nine years later the Civil War broke out. It was a severe blow to the new organ- ization, then still in its experimental stage. Its ranks were seriously depleted by the enlistment of its members. All eyes were turned to the front, and it was difficult to sustain interest in the routine work which had hitherto 48 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP engaged the energies of the Association. But the crisis opened a new opportunity, of which its leaders were not slow to take advantage. Within a month after the conflict began, the army committee of the New York City Association was at work among the soldiers in camp. Soon there were in the neighborhood of the City as many as twenty-two camps of soldiers en route for the front and within easy reach of visitation by this com- mittee. In other cities there were similar opportunities, and it was obvious that if they were to be efficiently met, a new and larger organization was necessary. To meet this necessity the United States Christian Commission was organized. It consisted of twelve mem- bers, representing eight leading cities, with strong branch committees in each city. George H. Stuart, of Phila- delphia, was the head of the entire Commission, and the active Chairman of the Executive Committee of the New York branch was the Honorable Nathan Bishop. Created in November, 1861, by a convention of the differ- ent associations meeting in New York City, it became the agent of the associations and of the Christian public in work among the soldiers. It was the medium by which the Christian homes, churches, and communities of the country sent material and spiritual comfort to the hus- bands, sons, and brothers who were at the front. No less than four thousand eight hundred delegates, men and women, clergymen and laymen, nurses and other workers, were employed as agents of the Commission, and kept the men in the field in touch with the home interests which they had left behind. Through these agents the Chris- tian Commission co-operated efficiently with the United States Sanitary Commission in the kindred ministry in WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 49 which It was engaged. During the five years of its ex- istence the Commission raised and expended over two and a half millions in money, and, in addition, secured and distributed donations of stores to the value of three million dollars. A million and a half Bibles, three hun- dred thousand other books, a million and a quarter hymn-books, twenty million papers, magazines, and other literature, and eight million knapsack-books were circu- lated among the troops. Altogether, the Commission proved one of the most beneficent agencies ever devised to alleviate the miseries and the horrors of war. Mr. Jesup was an active member of the Commission from the first. Though but thirty-one years old at the time it was organized, he became its treasurer, a position which he held until 1880, when the books were finally closed. He threw himself into the work heart and soul. An old scrap-book among his papers is filled with news- paper clippings describing in detail the various meetings held on behalf of the committee and the methods which they employed in the prosecution of their work. They carry us back to the days of storm and stress, when the fate of the republic still hung in the balance, and it needed faith and courage to believe that the country which had so successfully resisted attack from without would be able to withstand this more serious challenge from within. Mr. Jesup believed with all his heart in the righteousness of the Northern cause, and never doubted its ultimate success. A Union man through and through, what he had seen in the South of the evils of slavery had convinced him that no country could permanently pros- per which carried such a canker at its heart, and no one rejoiced more than he on that memorable day when 50 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP the pen of Abraham Lincoln set the last American slave free. When the war was over, a small balance still remained in the treasury of the Commission. This was so wisely cared for by Mr. Jesup that after the lapse of fourteen years it amounted to twenty-five thousand dollars. In 1880, with the approval of his associates, he turned it over to the New York City Association under an agreement which provided that it should be invested in funds designed for the erection of one of the Association buildings in New York, and that the Association, in consideration thereof, should continue "the distribution of papers and periodicals from its reading-rooms to the soldiers and sail- ors of the United States, in memory of the work done by the United States Christian Commission during the years 1861-1866." ^ The money was thus twice invested, in each instance to its full value, and during the twenty years fol- lowing over a million pieces of reading matter were grad- ually distributed among United States soldiers and sailors. In 1877 ^^^ International Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association decided to undertake the supervision and extension of special work on behalf of the railroad employees of the country. Mr. Jesup was one of the first to lend his support to the enterprise. The work appealed to him strongly. Through his business he ^ The text of the agreement may still be read on a tablet erected in the prin- cipal building of the Young Men's Christian Association in New York City. It is as follows: "This tablet was erected to commemorate a gift of twenty- five thousand dollars on December 28, 1880, of the New York Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association of the City of New York, that the Associa- tion may keep alive and cherish in the minds of its members their interest in the welfare of the officers and men of our army and navy and carry on in con- sideration of this gift the distribution of papers and periodicals from its reading- rooms to the soldiers and sailors of the United States, in memory of the work done by the United States Christian Commission during the years 1861-1866." WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 51 had been brought into intimate association with rail- road men and railroad problems, and he realized better than most men how much the work was needed. He believed in the co-operative principles on which the work was conducted, the plans providing that the employees should share with the employers both in its management and support. He therefore willingly accepted a position on the International Railroad Committee and served continuously until his death. During the thirty years in which he was identified with the committee his aid and sympathy were constant. His influence and example were a powerful factor in enlisting in the undertaking other men of importance in the railroad world, both older and younger, notably Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, his junior both in railroad and in Association service. His gifts in money amounted to over fifty thousand dollars, half of this taking the form of an endowment perpetuating his annual gifts. He noted with satisfaction the growing interest and approval with which the work was regarded by railroad capitalists and officials, and rejoiced to see the example of the railroad men followed by workers be- longing to other social groups. The soundness of the methods followed is evidenced by the fact that they have been successfully applied not only among railroad men but among miners, lumbermen, cotton-mill hands, fac- tory operatives, government employees on the canal zone and in construction camps, as well as soldiers and sailors in military camps and naval stations. In 1876 Mr. Jesup had occasion to visit the Pacific coast and was greatly impressed with the need of aggres- sive Christian work of the kind which had already been successfully carried on in New York City. The Associa- 52 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP tlon of San Francisco was at this time deeply in debt and in need of a thorough reorganization. It occurred to Mr. Jesup that if Mr. Moody, who was then in the height of his success as an evangelist, could be induced to go to San Francisco, an impulse might be given to the Christian life of that city which would not only arouse an immediate interest in religion, but would put the Association upon its feet and make it the efficient instrument for Christian service which in his conviction it ought to be. Mr. Moody and Mr. Jesup had been friends for some years. During the evangelistic campaign which Mr. Moody had just completed in New York City he had been Mr. Jesup's guest, and the latter had gained an insight into his meth- ods and had formed a high opinion of his judgment. He accordingly proposed to Mr. Moody to inaugurate a campaign in San Francisco similar to that which he had already conducted in New York. Mr. Moody accepted the invitation and, in co-operation with the International Committee, of which Mr. Jesup was at that time a mem- ber, a very satisfactory work was carried on by the evan- gelist, in the fruits of which the people of San Fran- cisco and the Association alike participated. The debt of the Association was wiped out, Mr. Jesup taking the lead in securing a gift of ten thousand dollars from friends in New York. When, thirty years later, San Francisco met with her great calamity, and the building of the Association shared the common fate of its neigh- bors at the hands of earthquake and fire, it was to Mr. Jesup that the Association turned for help in its hour of need. The response was instant and generous. Mr. Jesup consented to become chairman of a committee to raise the half million dollars needed for a new building and WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 53 led the list of donors with his own gift of fifty thousand dollars. The intimate relations which Mr. Jesup sustained with Mr. Moody at this time continued uninterrupted until the latter's death. The evangeUst found in Mr. Jesup an intelligent and sympathetic supporter in the various enterprises in which he was engaged. He was a frequent visitor at Mr. Jesup's home and valued the advice which he received there as much as the money which he carried away. It was a rare January which did not find among Mr. Jesup's early letters one from Mr. Moody. The following, chosen from several which have chanced to survive, is so characteristic both of the writer and of the recipient that I shall be pardoned for quoting it in full: Mount Hermon Boys' School, January 2, 1 89 1. My Dear Mr. Jesup: Excuse me for my boldness, but I know you will give away about so much in 1891, and if I can get my call in early enough I think you will remember me some time in the year. Mount Hermon has added ;^ 180,000 to your ;f5,ooo. The Sem. has about ;? 100,000 and the school at Chicago has property worth about ^150,000 and the ^100,000 as endowment. Now, if my friends will help me a few years longer I think I will then have them all en- dowed and in good working order. The last time I saw you you said you wanted results. I think we can show them to you now and if you call me up here in the Spring I think we can cheer your heart. Thanking you for your help in the past and wishing you A Happy New Year and a joyful eternity, I remain, Your true friend, (Signed) D. L. Moody. 54 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP In March, 1872, the Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association received a note from a young man named Anthony Comstock, requesting his help in the efforts which he was making to suppress the traffic in indecent literature, which at that time was being carried on among young men to an appalling extent. The letter, which was in pencil, was so indistinctly written that he returned it to the writer to be recopied. But before it left his hands he showed it to Mr. Jesup, and the latter was so much impressed by what he read that he determined to visit the writer in person, in order to hear his story for himself. The story which Mr. Jesup heard appealed strongly to his sympathies. Five years before, Comstock had come to New York with five dollars in his pocket to seek his fortune. After a few days he found a position as porter in a dry-goods house, and later became stock clerk in a wholesale notion house in Warren Street. Here he was brought into contact with large numbers of young men and soon discovered that some of them were being demoralized by obscene books and pictures which were systematically circulated among them. Comstock was not a man who waited for others to do things. Learning from one of his fellow-clerks the name of the man who supplied the literature, he had him ar- rested. A similar effort some time later revealed to him the fact that he had to do with an organized business which relied on the protection of the police, and that, unless he could secure the assistance of some one of greater means and influence than his own, his efforts would be fruitless. At this juncture he wrote the letter to the Young Men's Christian Association which led to WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 55 his acquaintance with Mr. Jesup, and ultimately to the formation of the Society for the Suppression of Vice. From the first, Mr. Jesup interested himself in Corn- stock's work, securing from him a full statement of his plans in detail, and submitting them to a meeting of in- fluential men held at his own house to take counsel as to the best method of carrying them out. As a result of this meeting a committee was organized under the aus- pices of the Young Men's Christian Association, of which Mr. Jesup became a member, to supervise the work and to provide the funds necessary for its support. Mr. Jesup contributed largely to the committee, and when emergencies arose when speedy action was necessary to secure results, his personal check was readily forthcom- ing. It was largely due to his influence and to that of Mr. Dodge that in 1873 Comstock succeeded in getting the bill passed by Congress which put into his hands the power necessary to a successful prosecution of his work. More than once when Comstock was publicly attacked, Mr. Jesup came to his support. On one oc- casion when, in the course of a libel suit which he had felt obliged to bring against a certain man who had notoriously misrepresented him, he was subjected to more than usually outrageous abuse, Mr. Jesup, at great per- sonal inconvenience, went to Philadelphia in order to be present at the trial and to testify to his confidence in Comstock, whom he declared he knew well and "would trust with all his possessions." It required no little moral courage for Mr. Jesup and his associates to take this stand. The forces which opposed Comstock were powerful and well organized. His efforts were denounced as fanatical and tyrannical. The legisla- 56 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP tion he had secured was declared to endanger the free- dom of the press and of speech, and, under the lead of the so-called National Liberal League, an organization in which Robert G. IngersoU took a prominent part, millions of signatures were secured to a petition which two years later was presented in Washington in favor of its repeal. Moreover, there was a feeling among many persons who sympathized with Comstock's objects that the matters with which he had to deal were too unpleasant to be touched by persons of sensitive feeling, and that more harm was done by stirring up the pool than by letting it lie. So strong was this feeling and so great the odium which attached to those who supported Comstock, that the committee of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion, under which up to May, 1873, the work had been carried on, considered it no longer expedient to con- tinue its official support. Under the circumstances it was necessary to form a new organization, and, accord- ingly, in May, 1873, a meeting was held in Mr. Jesup's house, at which the Society for the Suppression of Vice, as it is now known, was formally launched on its career. Mr. Samuel Colgate became the President of the new organization. Mr. Jesup was its Vice-President, and a member of the Board of Managers, a position which he held until ten years before his death. Among Mr. Comstock's papers are found many letters from Mr. Jesup, which show the interest with which he followed the details of the Society's work. Dealing, most of them, with matters of routine, they are yet full of little touches which shed interesting side-lights upon the char- acter of the writer. Writing under date of January 14, 1880, to express his regret at being unable to attend the WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 57 annual meeting, he says: "I regret this the more be- cause you need all the encouragement you can get, and I always want, so far as I am concerned, to give you what- ever I can in every way." A year later he writes: **I was very much delighted with the meeting last night, par- ticularly with your report. The only thing that I regret is that the opportunity was not better improved for tak- ing up a collection." Five years later, under date of December 28, 1886: "Do not hesitate to come and see me any time when you feel that any counsel or advice would be of service to you. It is impossible for me to set the time, as I am always busy, but some day when you are passing my office, drop in and we will make arrangements for a talk." Ten years later, referring to an attack which had been made upon Mr. Comstock, he writes: "You will have seen Mr. Colgate to-day and will have learned from what he tells you, how indignant I feel about the treatment you have received. I shall do all I can to have justice done you. God rules and will bring out all things for your good, for you are his child and he will guide and protect you. What has been done will injure those who have done the evil more than you." And again, in an undated letter, referring to a recent illness of his own: "I am out now and shall try to see you in a few days, as you need sympathy now. You have mine, no matter what the vile press says, as long as you do right. God is with you and if he is, what do you care for man?" Another letter, also undated, is in the same strain: "I have been more or less confined to my house for ten weeks with my old enemy, a rheumatic knee. I see you need cheering up. Come and dine with me on Wednesday evening, come here at half past seven, or, if 58 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP you cannot do this, come some morning at ten o'clock. You know I will stand by you." And still again: "I did not intend this week should pass without my seeing you and having a good talk, but what am I to do ? I work every moment trying to do my duty. I cannot do more. So the week has gone. I shall try to see you early in the week." An early letter, referring to some forgotten scandal, well illustrates Mr. Jesup's uncompromising attitude in matters of right and wrong. 197 Madison Avenue, N. Y. October Sth, 1877. My Dear Mr. Comstock: Your letter of the 6th came to hand this morning, and I have given the same my careful thought and attention. I am pained and worried that any officer of the Society which you represent, and which was formed after so much thought and trial, should even think of compromis- ing or compounding with any party or individual who has been caught in dealing, or abetting, in the vile stuff which is causing so much misery and moral stain among our young men and women. I cannot believe that our Society are sincere in proposing any compromise. No, sir, I hope you will stand firm and, by your acts, show to the world that any and every one found guilty of breaking the law and doing business in this "vile stuff" shall be punishedy no matter who it hurts. Yours most truly, (Signed) Morris K. Jesup. Under date of October, 1896, Mr. Jesup writes of his great regret at the retirement of Mr. Samuel Colgate from the Society, made necessary by the condition of his health: "I do not know how this place is to be filled. WORK FOR YOUNG MEN 59 As you know, I have had for a long time a very great desire to retire myself from the Society, and I have re- peatedly explained to you my reason, but my regard for Mr. Colgate and for yourself personally has kept me from doing what I ought to have done and ought to do now/' For two years after this letter Mr. Jesup continued to act as Vice-President, but the increasing pressure of his other duties and the urgent advice of his physician made his retirement at last a necessity, and on January 17, 1898, he sent in his resignation, accompanying it with a letter in which he spoke of his real regret at the neces- sity for his taking this step, and assuring Mr. Comstock that he should ever continue to take a great interest in him and in the Society itseh and do all that he could to promote its welfare. CHAPTER VI THE PHILANTHROPIST "^rO one who followed Mr. Jesup's later life could doubt that the reason which he gave for resigning from the Society for the Suppression of Vice was a legitimate one. It was literally true that he was busy every moment. From the bewildering variety of his philanthropies we may select three as representative. His agitation on be- half of the preservation of the Adirondack forests illus- trates his interest in the conservation of those natural re- sources which are the basal condition of a sound national life. His work as a member of the Committee of Five to secure cleaner streets for the City of New York is typical of his sense of civic responsibility, while his ser- vices to the South in connection with his treasurership of the Slater Fund show the fundamental place which he assigned to industrial education among the agencies for making and training citizens. Through these, illustrating as they do widely different fields of his activity, it will be possible for us to gain an insight into the principles which governed him in all that he did. On December 6, 1883, Mr. Jesup, acting at the request of the Executive Committee, presented in the Chamber 60 THE PHILANTHROPIST 6i of Commerce the following memorial addressed to the Legislature of the State of New York: To THE Honorable the Legislature of the State of New York, in Senate and Assembly convened: May it please your Honorable Body: The Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York is alarmed at the dangers which threaten the water sup- ply of the rivers in the northern part of the State through the destruction of the forests which protect their sources. The Chamber believes that the preservation of these forests is necessary to maintain an abundant and constant flow of water in the Hudson, the Mohawk and other im- portant streams; and that their destruction will seriously injure the internal commerce of the State. As long as this forest region remains in the possession of private individuals, its protection from fire and lumbering oper- ations will be impossible. Believing, then, that this matter is one of very great importance, and that the necessity exists for immediate legislative action, we humbly pray your Honorable Body to adopt such meas- ures as will enable the State to acquire the whole terri- tory popularly known as the Adirondack Wilderness, and hold it forever as a forest preserve. Mr. Jesup was led to take this action through the knowledge which he had gained as President of the Natu- ral History Museum, and especially through his studies in connection with the Jesup collection of the woods of America. These studies had brought him into contact with experts in the art of forest preservation, and he had learned from them the danger to which the country was exposed through the rapid destruction of its forest pre- serve. The knowledge was not as familiar then as it has since become, and public sentiment was still unedu- 62 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP cated. Mr. Jesup, realizing the danger, felt that energetic action was necessary, and the memorial which he pre- sented to the Chamber was the form which this action took. In urging the adoption of this resolution Mr. Jesup called the attention of the Chamber to the irreparable injury which would be done to the great waterway lead- ing to New York City through the threatened destruction of the Adirondack Wilderness. He explained the rela- tion of the forests to the water supply, showing how the forests store up and preserve from evaporation the large precipitation of rain, and particularly the snow which the mountains attract, a service all the more important be- cause the natural water-shed of the rivers which serve New York State, such as the Hudson, the Mohawk, and the Black, is so limited. He illustrated the truth of this assertion by showing the diminution which had already taken place in the Hudson as a result of the destruction of a considerable portion of the forests which once covered its water-shed. He reminded the Chamber that so long as the high mountain ridges where the greatest snowfall occurred were preserved, the most serious danger would be avoided, but declared that unless prompt action were taken it would be too late to prevent even this. He showed how the profit on lumber and forest products all over the country had so advanced that it had be- come profitable to cut and market the comparatively infe- ferior Adirondack lumber. He reminded them, more- over, of the danger of forest fires which would result from carrying railroads through the forest regions to transport the products of the mills which were rapidly multiplying. He concluded in the following words: "A wise and com- THE PHILANTHROPIST 63 prehensive State policy will seize upon the whole forest region, perhaps four million acres in excess of the present State holding, and keep it for all time as a great forest preserve and in this way insure abundant water to the Hudson and the canal. The money that this would cost the State, great as the sum would be, would be returned in improvements and more permanent agriculture." The resolution was adopted by the Chamber, and on Mr. Jesup's motion a committee of seven was appointed, of which he was made the chairman, to seek the co-opera- tion of associations and individuals throughout the State to secure the necessary legislation. The committee took up the matter with energy. They circulated a petition throughout the State which received many signatures. They appeared before a special com- mittee of the Senate at Albany on December 28, in order to urge upon them the purchase by the State of the four million acres of private forest land in the Adirondack region needed for the protection of the sources of the Hudson. At the hearing Mr. Jesup repeated the argu- ments which he had already used before the Chamber. The opposition was strong and well organized. The fa- miliar arguments of paternalism and extravagance were worked for all they were worth. But Mr. Jesup and his friends were not discouraged and, as a result of the vig- orous campaign they organized, the proposed legislation was eventually secured, much to the advantage of the people of the State. Mr. Jesup was not content with securing the original legislation. He watched with jealous eye all later en- croachments upon the forest preserve of the State and more than once addressed the Chamber on the subject. 64 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP In 1888 he urged upon the Chamber their support of the additional legislation recommended by the State Forestry Commission with a view to preventing "railroad com- panies from constructing through or in any way encroach- ing upon the forests owned by the State." Here, as so often, his work was that of a pioneer. To-day forest preservation has become an accepted national policy; but twenty-five years ago this was not the case, and the action taken by the Chamber of Commerce on Mr. Jesup's initiative was an important factor in educating the sentiment which has made the wider movement pos- sible. One of the most interesting episodes in Mr. Jesup's life was the part which he took in securing the establish- ment of an efficient Street Cleaning Department in the City of New York. It is difficult for any one to-day, even chronic complainers, to realize what were the condi- tions in New York City in the early eighties. "The tenement-house districts, the needs of which always re- ceived a large share of Mr. Jesup*s attention, were some- times left for several weeks in the snows of winter without the removal of garbage. Children were allowed to stir and eat out of ash barrels, and even discarded mat- tresses, trunks, etc., were left unmoved in the streets for days." In two words the state of things was "intolera- ble and indescribable." I owe to Mr. Thatcher M. Adams, who was himself an efficient worker in the cause of clean streets, my in- formation as to the part which Mr. Jesup bore in the movement which finally put an end to this state of affairs. The story falls into two chapters, separated by an inter- val of ten years. THE PHILANTHROPIST 65 In 1 88 1 a committee of the New York Municipal So- ciety, of which Mr. Jesup was a member, took up the matter of the condition of the streets, made an exhaust- ive examination of the subject and an extended report which created much excitement. Mr. Jesup was present at the reading of the report and at once enhsted in the cause. An active agitation was at once begun, and through the efforts of Mr. Jesup and his fellow-members the situ- ation was so fully exploited that the real danger became apparent to all. Public indignation reached a climax in the early part of March, 1881, and resulted in a call for a mass-meeting of citizens. So large and notable a list of signers to the call had not been published, nor had any similar popular uprising been seen in New York since the Union Square meeting on the fall of Fort Sum- ter, or the anti-ring demonstration in Cooper Union in 1871. At this meeting a committee of twenty-one repre- sentative citizens was appointed to secure a permanent change for the better in the matter of cleaning the streets. Mr. Jesup was a member of that committee and an active and efficient participant in all its proceedings. He accompanied the committee to Albany and gave nearly three weeks of his valuable time to the efforts then made to secure the needed legislation. These efforts failed for the reason openly stated by the Speaker of the Assembly that the party in power feared the loss of patronage if the committee were given its bill. Mr. Adams recalls "with a smile, but with reminiscent sym- pathy, the indignation of Mr. Jesup with its forcible ex- pression." Six members of the Assembly voting against the committee were from the City of New York. Most of these offered themselves for re-election in the following 66 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP November. They were prudent enough not to announce their candidature until the last moment. The Committee of Twenty-one hastily assembled and prepared a spirited protest, but found it impossible to secure its printing as a poster by any New York house. In conjunction with Mr. Pierpont Morgan, Mr. Jesup thereupon wired the protest to Philadelphia, had it printed in striking capitals, and returned in time to placard the entire city. Every hostile candidate failed of re-election. With the defeat of these candidates the first chapter in Mr. Jesup's connection with the movement for reform in street cleaning concludes. The second begins ten years later. During the intervening decade the cause had made but little progress. The dead wall of political interest interposed itself against every forward stride until the obstacles seemed insurmountable. "The cynical indifference," writes Mr. Adams, "shown by both polit- ical parties to the health and comfort of the citizens of New York, as contrasted with their eagerness to control the appointment and to levy toll upon the wages of the amiable gentlemen who by a polite convention were supposed to clean the streets, would be ludicrous if it were not lamentable. During this long interval Mr. Jesup never relaxed in his determination and struggle to secure an efficient street-cleaning service, and when ten years later an opportunity came, he embraced it with charac- teristic promptness of decision." In November, 1888, Mr. Hugh J. Grant was elected Mayor after a bitter and heated contest with Mr. Hewitt. Mr. Jesup had been one of Mr. Hewitt's most pronounced supporters, but, putting aside all feelings of personal regret at the outcome, he called upon Mr. Grant shortly THE PHILANTHROPIST 67 after his inauguration and urged him to take up the street-cleaning question, assuring him that its successful treatment would be an infinite credit to his administra- tion. As a result of this interview" Mr. Jesup invited four gentlemen to meet the Mayor at luncheon at his house and to discuss the situation. These gentlemen were Professor Chandler, of Columbia University, General Francis V. Greene, Mr. David H. King, Jr., and Mr. Thatcher M. Adams. What followed is thus described by Mr. Adams: The Mayor met us cordially, assured us of his hearty co-operation and invited us to form ourselves into a Com- mittee to examine into, and report to him upon the sub- ject of street cleaning, at the same time placing at our dis- posal a large district in the City upon which we might exercise ourselves for a period of three months, in giving an object lesson as to how proper cleanHness should be enforced. The writer, somewhat distrustful of Greeks who bring gifts, ventured to whisper to his associates that it might be well before accepting such an appointment to append a condition that our recommendations when made should be adopted, but he was over-ruled, and the invitation of the Mayor was accepted unconditionally, Mr. Jesup was made Chairman of the Committee. . . . Its object lesson was a pronounced success and the ex- piration of the three months during which it lasted was mourned with profound regret by every resident of the district. But the new departure of the appointment by the Mayor of this Committee and his setting it to work on a practical exemplification of how to do it, caused an unexampled fluttering in the dovecote of Tammany Hall, the results of which appeared later on. Mr. Jesup, as always, was eager and active in the work of the Commit- tee and gave ungrudgingly of his valuable time and prac- tical knowledge of affairs in its service. At the termina- 68 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP tion of its three months' probation he, at the head of his Committee, presented its conclusions and recommenda- tions to the Mayor at the City Hall. But here unexpected difficulties arose. One of our chief recommendations concerned the employment and wages of labor. This was more than was bargained for. In lieu of thanks for its service the Committee was dis- missed with scant ceremony, and its labor appeared to be in vain. But good seed is never wasted. Though sown in tears it is reaped at last in joy. With the elec- tion of Mayor Strong came an opportunity, and Mr. Jesup was not slow to avail himself of it. I do not know if he suggested the appointment of Colonel Waring as Street Cleaning Commissioner, but I do know that he en- dorsed it heartily and was delighted at its confirmation. And with good reason, for though defects still exist, and political influence is still rife, he lived to see New York a clean city.^ ^ How highly Colonel Waring appreciated Mr. Jesup's influence in the cause appears from the following letter, written under date of May 21, 1895, when he was seeking against strong opposition to carry through his policy of removing the trucks from the streets of New York: "New York, May 21st, 1895. "Dear Mr. Jesup: " I appeal to you, not only as Commissioner but personally, and in the strong- est way, to do everything in your power to secure, at the hearing to be given at the City Hall on Monday, May 27, at 3 p. m., a formidable showing of those persons of all classes who are opposed to the use of the streets as a storage place for vehicles. "His Honor, Mayor Strong, is resolutely determined to do everything in his power for the abatement of the nuisance, and the Governor of the State is, I believe, equally determined. At the same time the organized influence in favor of practically unlimited license is so great (nearly 3,000 truckmen having signed the petition for the Sullivan bill), that it is not fair to these oflScers to expect them to stand up alone against this pressure. "If the Sullivan bill should be signed, all our work would be undone, and the streets would be given over, — probably for a long time to come, — to the old truck-storage use. If the bill is vetoed, there will be practically not one unhar- nessed vehicle left in the streets six weeks hence. " What this means to the City of New York few persons not familiar with the poorer quarters begin to understand. We all see that trucks are an obstacle to the cleaning of the streets, to the circulation of air, and to the free use of the THE PHILANTHROPIST 69 In a recent conversation with the writer a friend of Mr. Jesup recalls the surprise he once felt on passing Mr. Jesup on Wall Street to see him arm in arm with a negro, with whom he was carrying on an animated conver- sation. Who the man was and what Mr. Jesup thought of him may be learned from the following letter, written to his friend Mr. Alexander Orr, like himself, a member of the Slater Board : December seventh, 1900. Dear Mr. Orr: I have read, with great interest, Booker T. Washing- ton's book on "The Future of the American Negro.'* In my judgment, it is the best statement of facts, together with what is to be done hereafter that I have read. It has occurred to me that it would be a good thing to spend some of the income of the Slater Trust in purchas- ing a cheap edition, say, ten thousand numbers, of this book, for jfree distribution among the whites and blacks highway for traffic. We do not see the degree to which standing trucks fill the lives of persons compelled to live in the houses before which they stand, with annoyance, danger and shame. The trucks are used, inside and out, for the vilest purposes. They are skulking places for disorderly and dangerous char- acters, and they subject the helpless population of the tenement-house regions to annoyance and causes of demoralization from which those who are influential in the community are in duty bound to protect them. "Furthermore, since the trucks have been removed from these districts, the development of a playground and exercise place for children and for persons of all ages that has resulted therefrom, has been most marked and most cordially appreciated. In the district east of the Bowery and south of Houston Street, on any pleasant afternoon or evening, the streets present a very different aspect from that of a year ago, and a very much more encouraging aspect. "It is to be hoped that representatives of all the tenement-house regions, especially their women, will add by their presence to the force of what ought to be a universal demand for protection. "I ask you personally to do all that you can to make the attendance at this hearing as large and influential as possible. "Very truly yours, (Signed) "Geo. E. Waring, Jr. "Morris K. Jesup, Esq., "197 Madison Ave., City." 70 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP in the South. If you have not seen the book, I will ask Mr. Strong to send you a copy, and when you have read it, I would like to have your opinion as to the propriety of my suggestions. Yours very truly, (Signed) Morris K. Jesup. Alexander E. Orr, Esq., 105 Produce Exchange Building, New York. This letter may serve to introduce the story of Mr. Jesup's services to the cause of negro education, to which he gave his best energies for more than a quarter of a century. Mr. Jesup's interest in the cause of the negro dates back to 1858 and came about in the following way. Shortly before the war he had occasion to make a busi- ness journey to Richmond, Virginia, in connection with a railroad project undertaken by the Board of Internal Improvement of Virginia. Under the proposed plan the State was authorized to subscribe for three-fifths of the cost of the railroad and to issue State bonds in payment for such subscription. It was proposed to secure the re- maining two-fifths from private capital, either from in- dividuals, cities, towns, or counties, the State to control all construction and manage the property. There were at this time few, if any, miles of railroad in the South, the Virginia Central being almost the only road of any importance in the State. Some idea of the inconveniences of travel at the time may be gained from Mr. Jesup's description of his journey to Richmond. In order to reach it he had to "go by boat to Perth Amboy, then by the Camden & Amboy Railroad to Camden, then across THE PHILANTHROPIST 71 to Philadelphia, then through the city by street car to the railroad station, then to the Havre de Grace ferry." In the course of the journey to Baltimore it was necessary to change from cars to boat twice, then to go across Balti- more by omnibus to the railroad station, then by flat rail to Washington, then on by the Potomac to the Aquia Creek and by strap rail to Richmond. On his arrival at Richmond Mr. Jesup was courteously received by his correspondent, and the details of the proposed business practically completed. In the afternoon his friend invited him to see the sights of Richmond, among which the slave market occupied a prominent place. What fol- lows may be given in Mr. Jesup's own words: "We went to the old tobacco house, not far from the hotel. I was taken into a private room on the floor adjoining the slave block, where men and women were housed and ready to be examined as to their bodies by the dealers who were to bid at the sale. I saw a man and woman stripped and examined, as if they had been animals. I saw a woman, and also a man, placed upon the block and sold. The man was married and, of course, was to be sold away from his family. I left the scene a sad and sober man, and took away with me a vivid idea of the horrors of slavery. I made up my mind that no State or community could prosper that sanctioned or allowed it. I thought the State of Virginia must sooner or later fall into disgrace, be- cause her people could not maintain any idea of honor. I said to myself, *Is it right for me, is it safe for me and my friends to enter into large obligations in this connec- tion?' I decided that I would abandon my business relations at once and return to New York. I went to my hotel, wrote to my friend that I was obliged to return to 72 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP New York and would advise him further from there, which I did, asking him to excuse me from any further business consideration of the matters which had been discussed between us. The decision proved most wise, for it was not long after this that the trouble between the North and the South came on, and Virginia repudiated her obligations." The incident made a profound impression upon Mr. Jesup, who used often to speak of it in after life, declar- ing that the scene which he had witnessed in the slave market at Richmond was "the most awful, the most heart-breaking, the most repulsive sight of his whole life." The emotion which it stirred within him was further intensified by his experiences in connection with the work of the Christian Commission, and from that time until his death the cause of the negro found in him a consistent and devoted supporter. It was not, however, until 1882, two years after his resignation of the treasurer- ship of the Commission that the opportunity came to him to serve the cause in a large way. In this year Mr. John F. Slater, a prominent business man of Norwich, Con- necticut, and an old friend of Mr. Jesup, determined to appropriate the sum of one million dollars for the educa- tion of the negro. He consulted Mr. Jesup as to the best method of accomplishing his purpose, and the re- sult was the formation of a Board of Trustees consisting of a number of gentlemen eminent in church and state, who should hold the money in trust and determine the policy to be pursued under it. The original board con- sisted of ex-President Hayes, Chief- Justice Waite, Mr. William E. Dodge, of New York, Bishop Phillips Brooks, of Massachusetts, President Daniel C. Gilman, of Mary- THE PHILANTHROPIST 73 land, Mr. John A. Stewart, of New York, Mr. Alfred H. Colquitt, of Georgia, the Reverend James P. Boyce, of Kentucky, Mr. William A. Slater, of Connecticut, and Mr. Jesup. Mr. Jesup secured the necessary act of in- corporation from the Legislature, and the first meeting of the new board was held in May, 1883, at his office, at which time all the members were present except Mr. Dodge and Phillips Brooks, who were so far away at the time that it was impossible for them to attend. The Board was duly organized by the election of Chief- Justice Waite as President, President Gilman as Secretary, and Mr. Jesup as Treasurer. The latter was also made a member of the Finance Committee. After the adjournment of the Board Mr. Jesup gave a dinner at his residence in honor of Mr. Slater, who had been present as an invited guest at the first meeting. The dinner was attended, among others, by the Reverend Dr. Dix, the Reverend Dr. Storrs, the Reverend Dr. Taylor, the Reverend Dr. Leonard W. Bacon, the Hon- orable E. D. Morgan, the Honorable Carl Schurz, the Honorable John Welch, the Honorable Samuel E. Bald- win, the Honorable T. Hillhouse, and Mr. William E. Dodge, Jr. A number of notable addresses were made, of which, unfortunately, no record remains. In accordance with his promise, Mr. Slater turned over to the Trustees for the purpose of the Fund five hun- dred Louisville, New Orleans & Chicago six-per-cent. bonds of the Chicago & Indianapolis division, and five hundred thousand dollars in cash. Mr. Jesup, with the advice of his Finance Committee, at once proceeded to invest the balance of the money in good bonds, and from that time until his death, took the greatest pride and the 74 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP greatest pains in the investing of the fund, which, as a result of his management, amounted at the time of his death to one million six hundred and sixty-three thousand dollars, and yielded an income of eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and fifteen dollars, or over five per cent, on the money invested. At no time during the existence of the fund has any of its investments failed to pay in- terest. The principles which governed Mr. Jesup in his in- vestment of this fund show the wise foresight with which he anticipated the future. Realizing that the rate of in- terest to be paid on securities would inevitably decHne, he advised the board not to spend all the annual income of the fund, but to use a portion of it as a sinking-fund, so that as the higher interest-bearing bonds were paid off and they were obliged to substitute in place of them bonds bearing a lower rate of interest they would be able to preserve the original income of the fund, namely, sixty thousand dollars, intact. The wisdom of this policy is shown by its results. At Mr. Jesup's death, instead of being sixty thousand dollars, the income of the fund was nearly ninety thousand dollars. Nor was Mr. Jesup's interest in the fund simply on the financial side. He was an influential factor in deter- mining the policy of the board in matters of expenditure. He was one of a special committee of five which at the out- set was appointed with power to carry out suggestions made by the Secretary, Dr. Oilman, regarding a general policy, and, in order to fit himself to be an intelligent adviser, he made a long tour through the Southern States, an account of which he subsequently gave to the trustees. In 1890 an educational committee of six was provided THE PHILANTHROPIST 75 for, and Mr. Jesup as treasurer became ex officio 3. mem- ber of it and served continuously until his death. Some idea of the fidelity with which he followed the work of the board may be gained from the fact that of the thirty- eight meetings held from its foundation until the time of his death, he was absent from only four. In the course of his study of the negro problem Mr. Jesup became convinced that the chief hope of the South- ern negro at the present time was in industrial education, and the policy which the board later adopted of concen- trating their gifts along this line met with his hearty approval. The reasons which led Mr. Jesup to take this position may be learned from the following letter, written some years later, to his friend Mr. Alexander E. Orr. The latter had appealed to him on behalf of a certain institution for the higher education of the negro which was not at that time receiving help from the Slater Fund. Mr. Jesup answered as follows: Hotel Brighton, March ^ist. Dear Mr. Orr: I have your letter of the 27th and have read with inter- est the letters you enclose. Having been connected with the Slater Trust from the beginning I am, of course, familiar with all its proceedings. It has taken a long time to study the question how to use our income in the way best to promote the cause of the negro race. We began by aiding just such causes as the one you name. Indeed, we gave to this institution for several years. Finally, after a long, careful and painstaking study the trustees decided to withdraw their gifts from such institutions and to take up earnestly the industrial line. I think I may say that our Trust is the father of this side of the work, which I regard as the best side for the future of the negro. It 76 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP is through the large aid which we have extended to Hamp- ton, Tuskegee, Claflin and Spelman Institutes that these are now furnishing such splendid object-lessons to the country. They must be fostered and aided for a few years more until they fairly stand erect without outside support. My idea is to carry out our aims in other localities also. We cannot do this without large gifts to start with, and I do not see how we can keep up what we have under- taken and do much, if anything, for other institutions, however meritorious they may appear to be. I may say that I have carefully studied the whole question. I have been South almost every year for the last thirty years. I have visited the institution you name. I think I know something of it and of others of like nature in other Southern cities. If we help one we will be urged to aid others equally meritorious. Some time when you have leisure, if you will read over the proceedings of the Slater Board and Dr. Currie's reports for years back, you will see the reasons defined for the trustees' present action in confining their aid to industrial lines. However, times change, and it may be that when the fund has reached the mark which, as treasurer, with the approval of the trustees, I have fixed for it so as to make its future stable, and we can afford to be more liberal and go out on new lines, the trustees may decide to take up other work. Excuse this long letter. I may not have the chance to talk with you before the meeting and I thought it was due to you that I should give you some of the reasons why I think that at this time there may be objections to grant- ing what your friends so much desire. Yours faithfully, Morris K. Jesup. Mr. Jesup was consistent in his adherence to the policy thus outlined. He not only influenced the giving of the Boards on which he was a representative, but he THE PHILANTHROPIST 77 gave liberally himself to the cause of industrial education. He was one of the chief donors to the Slater-Armstrong Trade School at Hampton, Virginia, as well as to the similar school opened three years later at Tuskegee. He was influential in the organization of the Southern industrial classes, a movement whose paramount object was "the making of home-makers and wage-earners, equipping the negro woman to lead a respectable and useful life for her own sake and for the sake of her people and of the whole community." The meeting which gave its original impulse to this beneficent work was held at Mr. Jesup's home at Bar Harbor in 1895. On his recom- mendation the Trustees of the Slater Fund commissioned two Northern women of high ability and social standing to visit the Southern field and gather the information which led to this most useful extension of the work of the Board. Like all the friends of the negro race, Mr. Jesup had a high regard for General Armstrong. On April i, 1892, he writes to him enclosing a contribution for the pro- posed endowment at Hampton, and expressing his sin- cere sympathy with him in his "recent mishap and con- tinued ill health. I know how irksome it must be to you, with your energy and love of activity," he goes on, "to be compelled by sickness to be idle and to be restrained thereby from taking your usual active interest in all matters pertaining to Hampton, an object so dear to your heart, and to which for so long a time you have given so much thought and all .your energies. I hope, however, you will soon be restored to health again and be able to resume your old place at the head of the institution." This hope was not destined to be fulfilled. When, four years later, the Slater-Armstrong Trade School was 78 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP opened at Hampton, General Armstrong had been called to higher service. His work, like that of Mr. Slater, was left for other hands to carry on. Mr. Jesup's tribute to the two friends with whom he had so long been associated in the cause of negro education deserves to be given in full. Ladies and Gentlemen, and Students of the Hamp- ton Institute: On my mind at this moment are photographed the faces of two of the greatest friends the negro race has ever had — the faces of General Samuel Chapman Arm- strong and Mr. John F. Slater. Well do I remember General Armstrong, that magnificent man, so full of fire and energy, enthusiasm and magnetism, that it was impossible to come into his presence without being im- pressed by his nobility and greatness. Well do I remem- ber the noble form of John F. Slater, who had the in- terest of the negro so deeply rooted in his heart and mind — how he came to my office and told me he was willing to give a million dollars in order that the negro race might be uplifted into Christian civilization and man- hood. So, with the memories of these two great men in my mind, is it wonderful that I feel interested in your people ? I have known this race and its history for forty years; its condition before the war and up to this hour in all the vicissitudes of its changeful life. I now feel that I can see its hoped-for goal. The opening of these trade-schools puts the top stone on the foundation for its uplifting. To me there have been many sides to the question of the uplifting of the negro. It is a question of sentiment, a question of education, and a question of industrial train- ing. These three factors were combined in the mind and carried out by the effort of General Armstrong, in this magnificent institution, where we see love and sentiment on the one side, education on another side, and work and the dignity of labor on the third side. THE PHILANTHROPIST 79 I wish I could impress all the men and women before me with my sense of the dignity of honest labor. It is the most dignified of all possible occupations. Men and women come here to work for the ennobling of body and mind. When I was in Richmond yesterday I saw one set of negroes lying around on the street corners with nothing to do. I pitied them. But then, I saw a row of houses going up, and another set of negroes were rearing the walls. There was a contrast! I said to myself, work is from God. Get every negro to feel the ^ dignity of honest toil. Not only is this good for the negro but for the white race. If I could only see throughout this country the feeling that the dignity of life consists in hon- est toil of hand, labor of mind, and upward looking, I should feel that its prosperity was sure.^ Mr. Jesup's interest in the educational problem of the South was not confined to the black race. He sympa- thized with the movement inaugurated by Mr. Ogden and other friends of education in the South, which led to the conference on Southern education which has been productive of such beneficent results. On the occasion of the calling of the first conference at Capon Springs, Mr. Jesup proposed to his fellow-trustees of the Slater Trust the following resolution: ** Resolved, that we regard with great favor the pro- posed action having for its object the stimulation of edu- cation among the whites and blacks of the South, the promotion of common schools, and the work connected therewith, that it has our united and most hearty ap- proval, and that this Board, both as trustees and in- * "Nothing irritated him more," said a friend who had travelled with him in the South, "than the sight of a lazy, oratorical negro, and nothing pleased him more or made him laugh more heartily than the gambols and pranks of the pickaninnies." 8o MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP dividuals, will give to this new movement all the support and co-operation possible." On October i, 1902, on the motion of President Gil- man, Mr. Jesup was chosen a trustee of the Peabody Education Fund to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Evarts. Unlike the Slater Board, which dealt with negro education, the Peabody Fund was unham- pered by race restrictions. Mr. Jesup's surviving col- leagues still remember the interest which he brought to this new work during the few years in which it was his privilege to take part in it, and the fidelity with which he served on the various commi^ttees of which he was made a member.* It was only natural, then, that when Mr. John D. Rock- efeller made his great gift to education, which resulted in the formation of the General Education Board, Mr. Jesup should have been one of those to whom he turned for aid in the execution of his trust. The preliminary meeting which resulted in the formation of the Board was held in his library. He was one of the original mem- bers, not only participating in its organization, but be- coming a member of the Finance Committee, in which capacity he rendered services of great value. Up to the time of his last illness he was an active participant in the affairs of the Board and a regular attendant upon its meetings. ^ In 1903 Mr. Jesup was made a member of the Finance Committee of the Peabody Education Fund. In January, 1905, he was one of a special committee to report to the Board in regard to the further distribution of the Fund. Fi- nally, in October, 1905, he served as one of a special committee of three, who received authority from the Board to carry out a certain policy which had been determined upon by them and, to this end, to "select such agent or agents" as may be necessary "and to compensate him or them for services rendered, the work to be carried on under the co-operation of the general agent." THE PHILANTHROPIST 8i I have described Mr. Jesup's services in the cause of Southern education thus fully because they illustrate so well the qualities which he showed in all his charitable activity. While he gave widely he was not an indiscrimi- nate giver. He had regard to the ultimate effect of the gift rather than to its immediate consequences, and he spared no effort in informing himself either of the con- ditions to be met or of the most effective way of meeting them. We have seen that when he became treasurer of the Slater Fund he made a long tour through the Southern States in order to familiarize himself with the conditions, and he frequently repeated the investigation in later years, though on a less extended scale. When he made up his mind as to the best policy to be pursued he followed it consistently, and strong evidence was needed to induce him to modify his opinion. Above all, he was unweary- ing in his devotion to whatever he undertook. He never abandoned an old cause for a new. If, as occasionally happened, he resigned from some office which he had held, it was not to secure added leisure for himself, but that he might be free to give more time to similar work elsewhere, and, above all, because he had assured him- self that the cause would suffer no loss. In his charitable arithmetic the additions which he was constantly making were seldom balanced by corresponding subtractions. Nor was it only in connection with the larger enter- prises in which he was engaged that he showed this con- scientious devotion. Each new claimant upon his sym- pathy received a ready hearing and might be sure that his story would receive a thorough investigation. "I never knew a man more easily approached," said one who knew Mr. Jesup well, "or more readily interested in any sub- 82 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP ject properly presented to him. But, however interested, he always asked time for consideration before giving a definite answer. The one phrase which I remember as more frequently upon his Hps than any other was, *I must think it over carefully.' " Another friend recalls a visit which she paid with Mr. Jesup to a hospital to which he had been asked to contribute only a year or two before his death. Though far from well at the time, he drove to a distant quarter of the city, interviewed the superintendent and nurses, and did not leave until he had traversed the entire build- ing from garret to cellar in order to assure himself that the conditions were in all respects what they had been reported to him to be. On the rare occasions when his sympathy overmas- tered him and he yielded to his charitable impulse to give money on the spot, he took steps to protect himself and others from the consequences of a possible indiscre- tion, having his stenographer take careful notes of the ap- plicant's story, which could be used for future reference in case later experience should prove his judgment mistaken. Mr. Jesup's strong conviction that the wise adminis- tration of charity needed the constant check of personal knowledge and sympathy made him distrust the wisdom of large endowments for growing institutions. In his opinion the function of an endowment was to supple- ment the gifts of living men, not to render them unneces- sary. His view of the subject appears in the following extract from a letter to Mr. Wanamaker, who had writ- ten him in the hope of securing his aid on behalf of a proposed endowment for a certain institution in which they were both interested: THE PHILANTHROPIST 83 "Since I saw you I have had a talk with . I see no way to accomplish anything toward the endowment fund but for a few of Mr. 's old friends to start off with subscriptions. I told I was not so sure of the wisdom of securing an endowment beyond what was sufficient to supplement yearly gifts. I believe in personal continued requests for gifts, thereby keeping the great world in sympathy with the works of love and benevolence. I never yet knew a completely endowed institution or church amount to much in effective work. Charity needs a constant living stream running every day." When Mr. Jesup himself contributed to the perma- nent funds of any institution he was careful to specify in detail the uses to which he wished his contribution to be put. He had been so long in the habit of making his own investigations and coming to his own decisions that it was not easy for him to trust the discretion of others, and he took exceptional pains before committing his gift to the fortunes of the unknown future, to see that every precaution had been taken to prevent its being diverted from the purpose he intended it to serve. Holding these views, it is not strange that Mr. Jesup should have looked with disfavor upon the effort made by the State Board of Charities in 1896 to secure legislation subjecting all the private charities of New York to their authority. The movement, which was animated by the best of motives and designed to remedy real abuses, was ill-advised because of its failure to discriminate between the different kinds of charities involved. It was vehe- mently opposed by a number of gentlemen interested in charitable affairs, and, under the leadership of Mr. 84 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Elbrldge T. Gerry, alternative legislation was proposed which would in effect have exempted private charities altogether from State supervision. Mr. Jesup, who was indignant at what he believed an unwarrantable attempt to interfere with the private initiative which he rated so highly, was active in this movement. In company with Mr. Morgan, Mr. Schiff, and others he prepared a letter to Governor Roosevelt strongly urging his support of the bill they had prepared, and an active correspondence followed which continued for some weeks, in the course of which the whole subject was carefully canvassed from every point of view. As a result of this discussion, Mr. Jesup was led to modify his views and to consent to such revision of the proposed draught as would provide for a reasonable amount of State supervision. Unfortunately, others who were active in the movement were not so open to conviction, and, as a result of their opposition, the compromise plan was ultimately defeated and the State legislation on the subject of charities left, as it remains to-day, in an unsatisfactory condition. Speaking of Mr. Jesup's charities, one who often had occasion to approach him with requests for help said: "I must confess that I never saw a hand held out more cordially and with a sunnier smile in giving than Mr. Jesup's." This generous spirit was not won without self-discipline. To a friend with whom he was speak- ing about the deeper things of life he once said: "It costs people a good deal of effort to give away money, so that self-conquest cannot begin too early." His own experience in the manner of giving he summed up in the following words: ''Regarding Mr. Grosvenor's advice to begin early and give away my money, I will say that I THE PHILANTHROPIST 85 have followed it, and that giving has become a fixed habit of my life. I have tried always to give with under- standing and a fair mind, not as a mechanical matter, but with sympathy, honesty of purpose, and with my gift, as far as possible, myself. Giving wisely and with the heart is a God-blessed gift, bringing with it always a return of joy and peace. I want to say here for the benefit of others, not that they should adopt the principle in a selfish way, that giving does not impoverish but rather adds to one's store. Each year I have found that my property has increased in value and in quantity, notwithstanding the fact that oftentimes my giving has been much larger than my income, after deducting family and personal expenses. If men of property could only realize the return not only of joy and peace, but of love and blessing that the giving of one's means bestows, I feel sure that the world would find itself bettered and ennobled by the lives of many who now seem to live only to add to life's troubles and sorrows. Giving should be a habit with all Christian men and women, as much as praying or eating. With the habit thus formed life can be made happy, dignified, and joyous." CHAPTER VII THE CHURCHMAN "/^IVING should be a habit with all Christian men ^-^ and women as much as praying or eating." In these words Mr. Jesup gives us an insight into the secret spring of his activity. He was too good a Prot- estant to draw any hard and fast line between the re- ligious and the secular, and would have regarded his work for clean streets or good schools as quite as Chris- tian as his contribution to home or foreign missions. Nevertheless, the distinction between the broader philan- thropies, in which men of all creeds and of none can unite, and the special enterprises carried on by the Chris- tian church and under her control, is a useful one, and we shall find it convenient to follow it in the grouping of the present chapter. As a boy Mr. Jesup attended the Congregational church of Westport, of which his parents were members. On his mother's removal to New York the family at- tended the Congregational church in Fifteenth Street, of which Dr. Cheever was pastor, then located on the site formerly occupied by Tiffany's. After his marriage with Miss De Witt Mr. Jesup attended the Marble 86 THE CHURCHMAN 87 Collegiate Church at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street. When Dr. John Hall came to this country to begin his remarkable ministry, Mr. Jesup was one of a large group of cultivated and intelligent people who were attracted by his personality, and he and Mrs. Jesup passed by an easy transition into the Presbyterian Church. He remained a member of Dr. Hall's church for many years, worshipping first at the old site at Nineteenth Street and Fifth Avenue, and after- ward in the new and more spacious edifice on upper Fifth Avenue. Later he transferred his membership to the Brick Church, of which he became a trustee, an office which he continued to hold until his death. Mr. Jesup joined the church under Dr. Cheever's ministry. There is no mention in his autobiography of any sudden crisis in his religious life, so it seems most natural to suppose that, like many other boys who had grown up under the influence of Christian nurture, he had begun to live a religious life from his earliest childhood and that his public confession of Christ was only the open registry of a purpose which he had long cherished. All his life long Mr. Jesup was a firm believer in inr- stitutional religion. While heartily in sympathy with all philanthropic and charitable movements which had for their aim the betterment of society, he did not believe that any other organization could take the place of the church of Christ. He looked with concern upon the growing alienation of the working men from organized Christian- ity, and was grieved at any action on the part of those responsible for ecclesiastical policy which could give color to the reproach that the church was a class institu- tion. He had no sympathy with the disposition mani- SS MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP fested by so many churches to follow the course of wealth and of fashion and leave the lower and less-favored sec- tions of tlie city to be cared for by the revival hall or the mission chapel. When the congregation of Dr. John Hall's church decided to leave their position on Nine- teenth Street and move to their present site on Fifth Avenue, Mr. Jesup was at first opposed to the plan, and one of his friends still remembers the energy with which, when the project was discussed in his hearing, he brought his fist down upon the table and declared that if this action were taken no dollar of his should ever go into the new building. Mr. Jesup afterward modified his views as to the wisdom of this particular removal, and many of his dollars found their way into the new building, but he never wavered in his adherence to the convictions which prompted his first opposition to the plan. The more needy the district, the greater he believed was the need of the church. When the Old First, the Mother Church of New York Presbyterianism, threatened by the changes which were rapidly altering the character of its environment, was obliged to appeal for help, Mr. Jesup subscribed to a working fund designed to maintain it on its present site and to adapt it to the new conditions. When a proposal was made to the Trustees of the Brick Church to sell their land and building, Mr. Jesup op- posed its acceptance, although the sum was very large and the offer a tempting one. Before the meeting of the Board of Trustees, which had been called to decide upon the answer to be given, Mr. Jesup consulted Dr. Richards, the Pastor of the church, as to the tone which he thought the answer ought to take. The latter replied that he thought it would be well for the Trustees to make it evi- THE CHURCHMAN 89 dent that the property was not for sale at any price. Mr. Jesup answered that that was his own opinion; and then went on, "in that tone of suppressed excitement that was common with him in discussing such questions, to say that the people of this city must be made to under- stand that there were more important interests than those of business, and that where any piece of land was really needed for these higher interests of morality and religion, it was out of the question that it should be surrendered for any financial consideration." Mr. Jesup's views of the function of the church in the life of the city found forceful expression in an address which he delivered at the Old First Presbyterian Church, on December 3, 1904, the decennial anniversary of the pastorate of Dr. Howard Duffield. His subject was the importance of the downtown church. After calling at- tention to the fact that the character of New York had changed but little from below Fourteenth Street to the north side of Washington Square, a fact which he attrib- uted largely to the influence of the group of churches, like Grace Church, the University Place Church, the Church of the Ascension, and the Old First, which still remained with their beautiful architecture and dignified appearance to give tone to the neighborhood, he went on as follows: "We hear a great deal about the wicked- ness of the East Side. Do you suppose, my friends, that that wickedness would be what it is to-day if the churches which once stood on Grand Street and Broome Street and East Broadway and Henry Street and all those streets still remained as beacon lights of the gospel of Christ.? No, it is the removal of the downtown church that has brought about in great measure the difficulties from which the city now suffers." He called attention to the fact that 90 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP whereas in the last thirty years the population of New- York below Fourteenth Street had increased from five hundred thousand to six hundred and fifty thousand, in the same period of time there had been removed from the lower part of the city over fifty churches and missions, while no new ones had taken their places. He expressed the hope that the group of churches to which he had al- ready referred would continue to resist the pressure upon them and would remain as long as the city lasted to carry on their beneficent work upon their present sites. He recognized that this could only be possible through an endowment, and thus expressed his views of the relation of the endowed church to the population among whom it was working. "How are these churches to be sus- tained .? If the wealth goes away what is to take its place ? Character is still here, the people are still here, but they have not the means. What is to be done .? Of course the churches must be endowed, but we do not wish them endowed in such a way as to pauperize the people. There is nothing like giving from the living hand. I feel that giving is as important a part of a church service as reading the Scriptures, or preaching, or sing- ing, and I am glad to see that throughout this city there is more decorum and more sacrament in giving than ever before. But, while the people who live here give of their means, they cannot give enough to support a church like this. It must have an endowment sufficient to assure an adequate income to send out from this centre the in- fluence of consecrated men and consecrated women, unselfishly carrying to the homes and the hearts of the people the blessing of Jesus' love." The conviction that the poor as well as the rich needed the best that the church had to give determined Mr. t THE CHURCHMAN 91 Jesup's policy as President of the City Mission and Tract Society, and found substantial expression in his gift to the Society of the De Witt Memorial Church. Mr. Jesup became interested in the New York City Mission through his father-in-law, Dr. De Witt, who at the time of Mr. Jesup's marriage was its president. The history of the Society goes back more than eighty years. On the 19th of February, 1827, ^ g^^^P ^^ laymen formed an organization known as the New York City Tract Society for the purpose of distributing religious literature through the tenements of the city, then the scene of destitution and wretchedness greater than anything we know to-day. The Society was the offshoot of the American Tract Society, which had been founded two years before, and had for its first purpose simply the distribution of tracts. Little by little the work of the Society broadened. Prayer- meetings were held from room to room, space being secured in some cases by taking down the intervening partition wall. When volunteer service proved ineffective, lay missionaries were employed who gave their whole time to the work, and they, in turn, were succeeded, as conversions began to multiply, by ordained evangelists. In 1866 the work was put under the charge of a paid superintendent, and mission halls secured, where regular services were held. Two years later the Second Street Presbyterian Church turned over to the Society its ceme- tery between First and Second Avenues, and upon this site, over the undisturbed graves. Olivet, the first of the City Mission churches, was opened.* In 1870 it was decided to administer the sacraments to the congrega- ^ When, later, the church was rebuilt, the graves were removed. It is a sig- nificant fact that when the removal took place, no claimant was found for any of the bodies. 92 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP tions which the missionaries were beginning to assemble, and to organize them into churches on an undenomina- tional basis. This policy led to the withdrawal of the Baptists and the Episcopalians, who had hitherto sup- ported the work, and the date of this withdrawal, 1870, may be taken as marking the dividing line between the earlier history of the Society, when it was chiefly an organization for distributing tracts, and the later period with which Mr. Jesup was particularly identified, and which is characterized by the effort to provide well- appointed church homes for self-respecting congrega- tions living in the more destitute portions of the city. Mr. Jesup's connection with the Society began in 1865 when he became a trustee. The next year he was chosen treasurer. In 1876 he was elected vice-president, and in 1 88 1, on the death of Mr. A. R. Wetmore, he became president. He served for twenty-two years, resigning in 1903, when he was succeeded by Dr. Schauffler, its super- intendent since 1887, whom he had introduced to the work and with whom he had been intimately associated in it ever since. I owe to Mr. Elsing, for many years the pastor of the De Witt Memorial Church, the following informa- tion as to Mr. Jesup's connection with this phase of the work. For many years he had been interested in the work of Lebanon Chapel in Columbia Street, then under the care of the New York City Mission, and had given freely to it of his time, money, and strength. The neighborhood was thickly settled and the chapel soon proved too small for the growing needs of the work. But the growth of the population did not involve a corre- sponding increase in financial strength. As the small THE CHURCHMAN 93 houses which used to line the streets were torn down large six-story tenements took their place, and the popu- lation, while increasing in numbers, altered in character. The situation was one with which New Yorkers are only too familiar and the problem one which had not yet been solved in an effective way. Mr. Jesup recognized the strategic importance of the locality. He realized that in a few years nearly all the remaining churches would be compelled to leave the lower portion of Manhattan, and he determined that in this one case the usual order should be reversed, and that instead of the church giving place to the chapel, the chapel should be replaced by the church. He accordingly commissioned Dr. James Marshall, then pastor of the Lebanon Chapel, to find a suitable site for the new church which he proposed to erect. After a careful search a row of two-story houses was found on Rivington Street, between Columbia and Cannon Streets, which, being too small to be profitable to the landlords, Mr. Jesup secured at a reasonable price. Plans for the new building were prepared by Mr. Cleveland Cady, which embodied the result of a careful study of every well-appointed chapel and working church in and near New York. The work of construction was pushed rapidly forward, and in May, 1881, the new church was dedi- cated with appropriate ceremonies and received the name De Witt Memorial, in honor of Dr. Thomas De Witt, Mr. Jesup's father-in-law, the former president of the City Mission Society. The new church was in striking contrast to the poorly ventilated dingy chapel in Columbia Street. One of its noticeable features was the separation of the church 94 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP proper from the Sunday-school room. Mr. Jesup, who had a strong sense of reverence, believed that the church auditorium should be used exclusively for worship, and for this reason had provided a special audience-room, which could not only accommodate the Sunday-school, but the various lectures, entertainments, and social gath- erings which are necessary in any effective church for the working people. In the centre of the Sunday-school room was a fountain adorned with aquatic plants and goldfish, which had a wonderful fascination for the children. In the same room there was a large fireplace where a generous fire was always burning during the winter sessions of the school. The church was further provided with an attractive parlor, an infant-class- and Bible class-rooms, and a series of sliding doors between the Sunday-school and the church auditorium made pro- vision for the accommodation of a large congregation on exceptional occasions.^ Mr. Jesup was not only interested in building the church; he took pains to see that it was properly manned. When Dr. Marshall, the first pastor, received a call to the presidency of a Western college, he interested himself in the choice of a successor. He had been favorably impressed with what he had heard of one of his nephew's classmates, W. M. Elsing by name, then a Senior in Princeton Theological Seminary, and invited him to spend ^ Mr. Jesup's benefactions to De Witt did not cease with the gift of the church building. When Mr. Elsing became pastor he bought the property just east of the church and erected a parsonage there. He also built a new building in the rear of the church which was greatly needed for the growing work, and one of his last gifts was of the house at 288 Rivington Street, on the corner of Riving- ton and Cannon Streets, a property which brings in a good yearly rental, which is used to keep the church in repair and to provide for part of the running ex- penses. THE CHURCHMAN 95 Sunday with him in New York and look over the situa- tion. "I shall never forget/' writes Mr. Elsing, "the memorable hours spent with Mr. Jesup going through the crowded tenement section on the East Side. In those days horses were often stabled in cellars or in barns located in the rear of the crowded tenements. The streets were as full of wagons and trucks then as they are of push-carts now. All these things Mr. Jesup pointed out to me and said: *I want you to notice that all the people of this region are self-respecting working people, the very best class among which to build up a large and strong church.' " After careful consideration Mr. Elsing accepted the call, and during the twenty-five years of his pastorate found in Mr. Jesup **a true and loyal friend." The latter was a frequent attendant at the ser- vices, and Mr. Elsing still recalls the deep feeling with which he would often say, as he grasped his hand at parting, "I have received a rich dividend on my invest- ment to-day." The same spirit which led Mr. Jesup to interest him- self in the work of the downtown church made him an active supporter of the missionary work of the church both at home and abroad. Through his father he had been interested in the work of the American Sunday- school Union, an undenominational society which did pioneer work in the unsettled portions of the country, sending its missionaries into districts where the church had not yet penetrated and gathering the children into schools which, in many cases, later developed into self- supporting churches. Mr. Charles Jesup, as we have already seen, had contributed to the support of a mis- sionary in Virginia and was planning more generous 96 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP gifts when his purpose was interrupted by his prema- ture death. The son continued his father's interest. He believed in the Society, as he himself said, because it was at once catholic and evangelical. In 1886 he be- came its Vice-President and ten years later, after careful consideration, accepted election to the presidency, a posi- tion which he held until his death. While his admin- istration was characterized by no change of policy, it is worthy of remark, as illustrating his interest in the more personal aspects of the work, that each Christmas after he was President witnessed the arrival, at the treasury of the Society, of a check for a thousand dollars to be used in Christmas gifts to the missionaries on the field. Mr. Jesup's correspondence shows that his missionary interest was not confined to this country. A letter from Dr. Hepburn, the veteran missionary to Japan, written in 1892, expresses gratitude for a liberal contribution to the building of a Presbyterian church in Yokohama, and encloses a long letter from the pastor and elders giving an account of the dedication ceremony and describing in detail "the excellence and beauty" of the building. In 1908 Dr. Arthur Brown writes to thank Mr. Jesup for a gift of ten thousand dollars to the Union Theological Seminary at Peking, China. But the cause which most deeply interested him, and into which he put most of himself, was the Syrian Protestant College at Beirut, of which he became a trustee in 1884, and president in 1896. The work of the Syrian Protestant College is so well known that it needs no lengthy description here. It is one of the institutions, like Robert College, in Constan- tinople, which have stamped their character upon the THE CHURCHMAN 97 habits of a people and whose influence extends far be- yond the individuals whose lives it has been able to touch at first hand. At first begun as a denominational school under the American Board, it was later incorporated under a separate Board of Trustees and has ever since carried on its work as an undenominational institution. Thoroughly evangelical in character and in hearty sym- pathy with the missionary work of the Boards, it has yet conceived its task in the broader spirit characteristic of the more modern missionary movement, and extends its privileges without discrimination to students of all races and of all religions. Its medical school sends its grad- uates all over the Orient, and patients come from dis- tances as great as Cairo to be operated upon within its walls. Its faculty, constantly recruited by young blood from the United States, compares favorably in ability and attainments with that of the best institutions at home. Possessing a situation of unrivalled beauty, secured through the statesman-like policy of its first president. Dr. Bliss, with its ample campus looking out over the blue Mediterranean and commanding a view of snow- capped Lebanon in the distance, it is a spot which those who have once visited it will never forget. Mr. Jesup was one of the first subscribers to the es- tablishment of this college, and for more than forty years he was its constant supporter. His gifts grew in num- ber and magnitude until they culminated in the erection and endowment of the noble hospitals now included under the Maria De Witt Jesup Foundation. In Jan- uary, 1884, he became a trustee, and twelve years later was elected president, a position which he held until his death. 98 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP " By the very nature of its work," writes Dr. Howard Bliss, the present President, "the college made a pecul- iarly strong appeal to Mr. Jesup. Its founders and earliest supporters, Messrs. W. E. Dodge, Sr., Wm. E. Dodge, Jr., and Rev. D. S. Dodge, D.D., were his warm and devoted friends. One of its foremost professors. Rev. George E. Post, M.D., he had known and loved from boyhood. He thus had confidence in those who stood sponsor for it, and it was characteristic of Mr. Jesup to lend a hand to all enterprises in which his close friends were interested. He learned to love *the Syrian Col- lege,' as he always termed it, for its own sake. It ap- pealed to him because it was founded for the purpose of extending the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the hearts of young men who were destined to become leaders of their people. It appealed to him because the College sought to promote this Kingdom in connection with the advance- ment of learning. And it appealed to him because the institution, while absolutely Christian, was absolutely unsectarian. "He always spoke of it with that rich, affectionate turn of the voice which those who knew him always loved to hear. He never visited Syria. But he clearly saw that the College had an unmatched opportunity to train the leaders of the near East. And this caught his imagi- nation. With his own eyes he seemed to see the noble campus of forty acres rising from the Mediterranean shores in the most conspicuous and picturesque quarter of the city of Beirut. He seemed to know each one of the fourteen substantial stone buildings scattered over the charming grounds in far-away Syria, not because his money had helped to build so many of them, but because THE CHURCHMAN 99 of his characteristic habit of seeking to know thoroughly the details as well as the general features of the enter- prises in which he was interested. He never seemed to tire of hearing of the progress which the College was making, of the success of its graduates, of their loyal devotion to their Alma Mater, of plans for enlargement. He boldly and firmly grasped the meaning of this edu- cational missionary enterprise in its relationship to the progress of the Ottoman Empire and the near East. He had no difficulty in seeing that you cannot gather to- gether eight or nine hundred young men from two hun- dred different cities, towns, and villages of the Empire, representing all the races and all the religions of the near East and subject them to the intellectual, social, and religious influence of sixty professors and instructors for a period of one year, five years, ten years, without profoundly affecting their inward lives, however few announce a change in their sectarian designations. For sectarian designations, indeed, whether in Asia or in America, Mr. Jesup cared very little. He was much more deeply concerned with the progress of the great Church of the Living God than with the prosperity of individual churches. Mr. Jesup was especially interested in the record which the graduates of the College are making as enlightening and uplifting forces in the com- munities and districts in which they are working as physicians, teachers, preachers, lawyers, journalists, or business men. So fully acquainted was he himself with the history and the achievements of this Syrian College and similar missionary institutions that he blazed with indignation when, through ignorance or superficiality, men spoke lightly of their influence. loo MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP '* *It seems strange to me,' he wrote just a month before his death, 'that when people speak of great institutions Hke the Syrian Protestant College, they do not have the highest place in their estimation/ "Mr. Jesup did not believe that it was the function of a college president to raise money for the support of the college. He considered that this work was the business of the trustees, and I well remember how full of indignation he was when some one, in speaking of the merits of a candidate for the presidency of a prominent New England college, asked Mr. Jesup's opinion as to the capacity of the Rev. Dr. as a money-getter. Mr. Jesup regarded the question almost as an insult. His reply, curt and wrathful, was to the effect that the only true standard by which to judge the fitness of a college president was his capacity to inspire his Faculty and his students with high intellectual and spiritual ideals. "While Mr. Jesup was always interested in the growth and development of the College as a whole, it was the medical branch of the work to which he gave his especial care. With characteristic vigor and sagacity he devoted himself to the extension of the clinical facilities of this department. It was doubtless his warm admiration of Dr. George E. Post, Professor of Surgery, that especially stimulated his interest in this direction. In honor of his wife he named his generous gift *The Maria De Witt Jesup Foundation.' Upon an admirable site two beau- tiful buildings have been erected — a Woman's Pavilion, and a Children's Pavilion. Provision has been made for the Training School for Nurses. A Gate House and a Mortuary have also been built and an Endowment Fund has been created. The blessings which flow from THE CHURCHMAN loi this noble gift to students and to patients are inc^lQU^ lable/'^ .. . \i.Ji \>l\ Through his connection with the Syrian College Mr. Jesup was led to interest himself in the wider questions raised by the presence of our missionaries in the East. In common with many other American citizens he was concerned at the unjust discrimination brought against our missionaries by the Porte and sought repeatedly to influence the Government at Washington to a more ag- gressive attitude. During Mr. Cleveland's administration he was one of five gentlemen who, under date of March 9, 1895, addressed a letter to the President, asking for the ap- pointment of Mr. Oscar S. Straus as a special commis- sioner to secure the ratification of the treaty of naturali- zation prepared by the latter when American Minister at the Porte, but never ratified. Acting on behalf of a representative committee, including all the more impor- tant American missionary bodies carrying on work in * On the day after Mr. Jesup's death one of the great New York dailies con- tained the following summary of Mr. Jesup's activity in connection with the Syrian Protestant College. The editorial was entitled "Mr. Jesup in Syria," and is worthy of a permanent place in any estimate of his career. "Nowhere will Morris K. Jesup be more sincerely mourned than on the ex- treme eastern shore of the Mediterranean, under the side of Mount Lebanon, where one of the most interesting institutions in the world owes much of its re- markable development to his energetic financial administration and constant fostering care. We refer to the great modern English-speaking university at Beirut, formally styled the Syrian Protestant College. "This school of civilization surprises every new beholder. Having previously entertained perhaps some vague idea of a college, in which a handful of native youth sit at the feet of the local missionary, and subject themselves with more or less of cynical interest to pious efforts at sectarian proselytism, with incidental secular instruction, the visitor discovers, generally to his immense astonishment, what the Beirut institution really is. He finds a thoroughly organized and per- fectly crystallized university with a faculty of eighty or more accomplished and eminent men, and nearly a thousand students from all parts of the Turkish Em- pire, from the Greek Islands, from Egypt, from the Soudan, from Persia, from ,102 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Turkey, he presented to the President a petition asking the.Governrtifent to take the necessary steps "to secure for the American missions and institutions in Turkey the prompt and full confirmation of their pre-existing rights and a settlement similar to that accorded to missions and institutions belonging to French, Russian, German, and Italian subjects." In presenting this petition Mr. Jesup accompanied it with the following words: Mr. President: We do not ask any special favors. We ask that our Minister at Constantinople be instructed to see the Sul- tan of Turkey in person and ask that the privileges we desire for the prosecution of our educational and relig- ious work in Turkey be granted to us, as has been done to France, Germany, and other European countries and as has been agreed to under the treaties already existing between the United States and the Ottoman Porte. While our country is making such rapid and wonderful progress in all that pertains to industry, trade, and commerce, is it India, from the very heart of Arabia, pursuing both academic and professional studies under physical and intellectual conditions precisely similar to those obtaining in any American college of equivalent importance. Planted promi- nently on a modern New-England-like campus, overlooking the sea, are the extensive stone dormitories, the chapel, the library, the laboratories, the muse- ums of natural history, of archaeology and of art, the technical schools, even the gymnasium and athletic field of our well-understood domestic system. In the dignity and completeness of its physical establishment the Syrian College is on a par with most of the colleges of equal dimensions here at home; its advantages over the American institutions are the unrivalled beauty of its site and the incomparably varied field of its usefulness. . . . "There is at Beiriat absolute control of the natural impulse to make the col- lege an instrument of active and direct propagandism; to attack aggressively the various creeds of its students and to make conversions, or seeming conform- ity of faith, the price of a liberal education. The 'heathen* who goes to Beirut does not become the object of coercive solicitation. Indeed, beyond the formal requirement of attendance at the chapel services, such as was long common to the denominational colleges of America, the student is free and respected in the exercise of his own religious convictions, and the moral influence operating THE CHURCHMAN 103 strange that those Americans who are devoted to the cause of education and religion should be equally anxious that this side of the greatness of this nation should be spread before the eyes of the world and go hand in hand with commerce and trade, in extending to others the blessings we possess. It is not only this unselfish spirit but patriotic pride in country that impels us to appear before you and ask that the influence of this great government, so potent over the world at this time, should be exercised through you, sir, and that the Sultan should be requested to afford to your petitioners the privileges they now seek. When in 1900 the Ecumenical Conference of Foreign Missions met in New York City, Mr. Jesup, who was one of the Honorary Vice-Presidents and an active member of the Committee on Arrangements, was chosen to call the meeting to order and to introduce President Mc- Kinley, who had come from Washington at the invita- tion of the Committee to extend the official welcome of the Conference to the delegates. His words of intro- on him is a thing of atmosphere, of which he is scarcely conscious. The result is that the strictest of Wahabite Mussulmans from Nejd, the most orthodox of Jews, the fastidious Hindu, the usually intolerant Christian of the Oriental churches, the Maronite, the Druse, the Sunnite and the Shiite, are found to- gether in the college library, helping each other in the use of reference books, or on the foot-ball field amicably and even fraternally commingled in the fiercest of rushes, precisely as is the case with the more homogeneous population of Amherst or Princeton or Dartmouth. "Where else on earth can this condition be found to a similar extent, or mani- fested in so striking a fashion ? How can you exaggerate its interest as a fact, or overestimate its significance as a factor in the making of the future history of the near East ? " Thus it happens that at the uttermost end of every camel track leading across the Syrian desert from regions inhabited by the graduates or students of the Beirut College, Mr. Jesup's name has come to be as well known and loved, and the features of his face as familiar, as they are in Central Park West. The Syrian Protestant College, which he helped so much to create and sustain, is a part of the lasting monument to his manifold activities. We have dwelt upon it particularly because it is perhaps less well known to The Sun's readers than some of Mr. Jesup's other great services to humanity and the humanities." 104 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP duction are worthy of record here, not only as illustrating his felicitous method of address, but also as showing how important was the place which he assigned to foreign missions in the world's work. This great assemblage comes together this evening for the purpose of extending a hearty personal welcome to the members of the Ecumenical Council, whose delegates coming from every part of the habitable globe meet for the first time upon this American Continent, and in this city, its chief centre, to report the progress made in missionary enterprise, and to devise measures by which the blessings of Christianity may be diffused more widely throughout the world at large. It is convened at the close of a century, wherein commerce has replaced conquest as the pioneer of civilization, and in which the modes of communication by steam and electricity have reached the uttermost parts of the earth, whereby men and na- tions have been brought into such new and close relations with each other, that the brotherhood of man is no longer an ideal conception, but is becoming day by day more and more a cheering reality. The interest of our people in this great and encouraging work has been immeasura- bly strengthened by recent events, which have imposed upon us larger responsibilities and fill us with new hopes and aspirations. Although the "rude alarms" of war have not ceased with the century, the great nations of the world have by the conclusions of The Hague Conference pledged themselves to arbitration as the best means of preserving peace. Thus the outlook for that comity and co-operation, to which the missionary efforts of all the churches stand committed, was never so promising as it is to-day. The Government of the United States I believe to be in hearty sympathy with every movement which looks to the establishment and maintenance of "peace and good will on earth" proclaimed at the advent of our divine Master nineteen hundred years ago. Hence THE CHURCHMAN 105 the President of the United States, sympathizing as he does with every movement which looks to the amehora- tion of mankind, has for a day left the exacting duties of his high office, and is here to-night to utter the words of welcome which come from him with more grace and force than from the lips of any living man. Thanking the committee for having placed me in a position where I enjoy this high privilege, I beg leave to present to you the President of the United States. Mr. Jesup's interest in the missionary work of the church at home and abroad brought forcibly to his at- tention the need of an adequate and well-trained ministry, and led to his connection with the last of the institutions to which we shall have occasion to refer in this chapter, the Union Theological Seminary, of which he became a director in 1883. The Union Theological Seminary was founded in 1837 by a little group of Presbyterians, clergymen and laymen, who believed that there was room and need in a great city, such as New York then gave promise of becoming, of a school for the training of Christian min- isters, and that such training could more efficiently be secured in an institution independent of ecclesiastical control. Members of the New School body, they were out of sympathy with the spirit of rigid orthodoxy, which had manifested itself in the trial of Albert Barnes for heresy in 1836, and which led to the disruption of the church in the following year. Their interest was practical, and their spirit catholic, and they were ready to work with any Christian, whatever his creed, who was ready to work with them. While themselves members in good and regular standing in the Presbyterian Church, io6 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP the charter which they secured from the Legislature in 1837 provides "that equal privileges of admission and instruction with all the advantages of the institution shall be allowed to students of every denomination of Chris- tians," and the records of the Seminary show that from the first it numbered among its student body not only Presbyterians but representatives of all the leading evangelical denominations. Among his fellow directors at the time when Mr. Jesup became a member of the Board were a number of his personal friends, such as Mr. D. Willis James, Mr. William E. Dodge, Jr.,^ and Mr. John Crosby Brown, laymen who, like himself, had been trained to respect the Christian church and who believed in the importance of making the best possible provision for the education of its ministry. Mr. Jesup shared their exalted opinion of the qualifications needed by the Christian minister. He believed that the best education was none too good for the future leaders of the church. He knew the value of culture for efficiency. Above all, he believed in the principles which had determined the founders in locating the institution in the midst of a great city, where its graduates would have opportunity to come into daily contact with the practical problems presented by human misery in its most acute form. In the controversy which broke out in the church over Dr. Briggs's famous Inaugural, which led to the veto of his appointment as Edward Robinson Professor by the General Assembly and his subsequent trial and condem- nation for heresy, Mr. Jesup stood loyally by the Semi- * Mr. Dodge joined the Board in the same year as Mr, Jesup, as did also Dr. Charles Cuthbert Hall, afterward President of the Seminary. THE CHURCHMAN 107 nary In its support of the accused professor. To him the question cut deeper than mere theological opinion. It was a question of religious liberty, of the fundamental right of earnest men to seek for truth in their own way, and to express with perfect frankness the results which they believed themselves to have attained. As a repre- sentative of this fundamental Protestant principle Dr. Brlggs had his hearty support, and the same is true of Dr. McGifFert in the later controversy which arose in connection with the publication of his "Apostolic Age." Mr. Jesup approved the policy of the Board in resuming the complete independence which with mistaken gener- osity it had surrendered in its compact with the General Assembly of 1870.* And when, on November 15, 1904, after careful and long-continued deliberation, the Sem- inary abolished subscription to the Westminster Confes- sion as a requirement for its professors and directors, Mr. Jesup was one of those who voted in the affirmative. During the quarter century of his connection with the Board Mr. Jesup rendered Union Seminary many valu- ^ In 1870 the Old and New School branches of the Presbyterian Church united, after a separation of thirty-three years. Under the impulse of fraternity in- spired by the occasion, the board of directors of the Union Seminary, in spite of the protests of some of their members, determined to surrender the inde- pendence which they had hitherto enjoyed so far as to grant to the General Assembly of the newly organized church the right of veto in the case of their appointments of professors. It was this provision which was made the excuse by the Saratoga Assembly for its action in the case of Dr. Briggs. The point at issue was a technical one, turning on the difference between an original appointment and a transfer. On the occasion of Dr. Briggs's first appointment as Davenport Professor of Hebrew the Assembly had offered no objection. During the years which followed, however, his advocacy of the principles of the higher criticism had caused him to be looked upon with increasing disfavor by conservative Presbyterians, and when the Directors, at his own request, transferred him to the new Chair of Biblical Theology, which had been founded by Mr. Charles Butler, the President of the Board, his opponents were quick to take advantage of the opportunity thus afforded to enter their protest. io8 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP able services. He was a member of the Finance Com- mittee from 1883, where his advice on matters of invest- ment was most useful. In 1907 he succeeded his friend, Mr. D. Willis James, as Vice-President, a position which he held till his own death in the following year. He was a liberal contributor to the funds of the Seminary, and the spacious recitation hall at 700 Park Avenue, which bore his name, was his gift. Mr. Jesup followed with special interest and approval the work of the Union Settlement, founded in 1895 by a group of Union Seminary alumni, as an expression of the Seminary's interest in social problems, and as a training school for its students in practical work. In 1900 he purchased five houses on East 104th Street, remodelled them into a commodious home for the Settle- ment, and presented them to the Board of Trustees of the Seminary to be held in trust for the Settlement for the purposes of their work. But his most original contribution to the Seminary's work was his foundation in 1905 of the Jesup Graduate Chair of Preaching. The foundation had its origin in Mr. Jesup's desire to spread abroad through the country at large his own exalted idea of the functions and oppor- tunity of the Christian ministry. He had been deeply concerned by the decline of interest in the ministerial call- ing on the part of many Christian parents, and teachers in our colleges. He felt that unless this tendency was checked the prestige of the Christian ministry must suffer serious hurt, and its influence be proportionately dimin- ished. He believed that a propaganda was necessary in order to bring again to the attention of the people the inspiring ideals of the Christian ministry, as it appears THE CHURCHMAN 109 to modern men who realize its possibilities, and it seemed to him that Union Seminary was peculiarly fitted to undertake such a propaganda, if the proper man could be found and the proper conditions established. The result of this conviction was a proposal to the Board of Directors, which led to the establishment of the Jesup Graduate Chair of Preaching, and the call to this country as its first incumbent of the Reverend Hugh Black, formerly minister of Free St. George's in Edinburgh. On being informed of the acceptance of his proposal by the Board of Directors Mr. Jesup addressed to them the following letter: New York, April 22nd , 1905. My Dear Dr. Hall: I think proper at this time to make a distinct state- ment of some of the reasons that have governed my mind in connection with this gift, in order that it may be fully understood by the Board. I feel that the time has come when something must and should be done in the name of the Seminary to in- crease the number of young men of the highest charac- ter and ability coming from the most substantial Christian families of our land, to dedicate themselves to the minis- try of Christ. I am in sympathy with the present scholarly aims of the Seminary. If wisely pursued, I think they must lead the students to honor Holy Scripture as true and inspired. But, in addition to our scholarly work, we need to do, and must do, more on the practical and evangelical side. I want to see the Seminary increase its teaching force by adding thereto a man of power, of profound acquaint- ance with the word of God; of fervent, spiritual life, and no MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP of unusual gifts in the interpretation of Scripture for evangelistic and popular purposes, and, if possible, of uni- versity culture. I have mentioned to you the names of certain men to illustrate in some measure a type of my ideal of the man required. We should be prepared to call such a man, could he be found, to a full professorship. We should ask him to divide the year between teaching work in the Seminary and general preaching in the coun- try at large. In the Seminary he should give such courses as may be determined upon, which shall inspire young men with enthusiasm for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ with simplicity, and in a manner calculated to meet the actual needs of to-day. He should strive to reach young students and preachers already at their work, and to create higher ideals of gospel training and preach- ing, and faithful and efficient use of the Word of God without criticism, as the chosen instrument for the con- version of men to the truth. But his duties should not be confined to the Seminary. He should be free to occupy at least one-half of the year in general work in the country at large, preaching and giving addresses wherever he might be invited, entering into pulpits, colleges, and universities and inspiring the finest men in them with the zeal for the ministry. He should make it his business to come in touch with Chris- tian parents throughout the land, quickening their zeal to dedicate the choicest of their sons to the ministry of the gospel. ... It is with a view to making it possible for the Union Theological Seminary to have this added power that I make this endowment, it being understood that in their acceptance of this endowment, the Board of Direc- tors undertakes to carry out my purpose. . . . I am, Very truly yours, Morris K. Jesup. The Reverend President, Charles Cuthbert Hall, D.D. THE CHURCHMAN in In 1905, with the approval of Mr. Jesup, the Board of Trustees offered the Reverend Hugh Black, of Free St. George's, Edinburgh, the position of lecturer for a year on the Jesup Foundation, and at the expiration of that term he v^as unanimously elected Jesup Graduate Professor, a position which he still holds. One of the things which most attracted Mr. Jesup to Union Seminary was the fact that its doors were freely opened to students of all denominations. He was a firm believer in Christian unity. The subject was one which was much in his thoughts and which had his support in increasing degree. During his own experience as a Christian he had been a member of three different Chris- tian bodies — the Congregational, the Dutch Reformed, and the Presbyterian — and he numbered among the lead- ing clergymen of other Christian bodies many personal friends. He rejoiced in all the influences which brought Christians of different communions into common asso- ciation. He approved of the formation of the Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association as a movement designed to give practical expression to this spirit of co-operation, and consented to become one of its trustees. In his letter accepting the presidency of the American Sunday School Union he assigned as one of the reasons which influenced him, its catholicity. When the Directors of Union Seminary abolished subscription to the West- minster Confession as a condition of the appointment of directors and professors he approved the action, not sim- ply for the relief which it afforded tender consciences, but because it made possible the introduction of mem- bers of other Christian communions into the Faculty and the Board. 112 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Among Mr. Jesup's papers I find the following letter from Bishop Potter, which illustrates so well the catho- lic spirit of Mr. Jesup as to be worthy of transcription. It was called forth by a generous gift which Mr. Jesup had made to the authorities of Grace Church in connec- tion with the effort which they were making to secure the property adjoining the church, formerly occupied by the Vienna Bakery, and so to preserve for all time a suitable environment for that noble public monument. No. 347 W. 89th St., January zSih, 1905. My dear Jesup: Dr. Huntington has told me of your noble gift toward enabling Grace Church to secure the Vienna Bakery property; and I ask the privilege of saying how fine and discriminating I think it. Of course, it is generous — ^you could not but be that — but such a gift has in it the flavor not only of Catholic public spirit, but of very rare discern- ment; and "therein," to quote the Apostle, "I do rejoice; yea, and will rejoice." Our love to Mrs. Jesup. Gratefully yours, (Signed) Henry C. Potter. Morris K. Jesup, Esq. CHAPTER VIII THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN TN 1899 Mr. Jesup was elected President of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. As the official representative of the merchants of the chief commercial city of the Western world the Chamber had for years exercised an important influence upon the commerce and industry of the country, and its presidency was generally regarded as the chief honor in the gift of the mercantile community of New York. Founded in 1768 at a meeting held at Fraunce's Tavern on the comer of Pearl and Broad Streets by a group of twenty repre- sentative merchants under the leadership of John Cruger, afterward its first president, its organization antedates that of the republic by nearly twenty years. Its original articles of incorporation, granted by George III in 1770, set forth that the object of the Chamber is to secure "the numberless inestimable benefits which have accrued to mankind from commerce," and express the belief that the enlargement of trade will vastly increase the general opulence of the colony. From the first, the Chamber became an important factor in the life of the community. Writing in 1856, its historian. Dr. Charles King, former President of Columbia College, records that "from its 113 114 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP origin to the commencement of this century and to a more recent date, the Chamber was called upon ahke by the authorities of the City, of the State and of the nation, for its advice and opinions on questions supposed to be specially within its cognizance, questions of quar- antine, of public health and cleanliness, the laws of trade, of currency, the effect of inspection laws, of high and low duty, and of bankruptcy laws." During its later history it has been no less active. It was an ardent sup- porter of Mr. Lincoln during the strenuous days of the Civil War, and while the events which engaged its at- tention after the restoration of peace were less exciting, Mr. Jesup could say with truth in his speech at the dedica- tion of the new building in 1902 that during the last half century "every great question affecting commerce, finances, and the currency which the country has been called upon to face had been discussed by the Chamber," and that its resolutions and reports had contributed ma- terially to their rightful solution. To name only a few of the more important matters in which it has been active, it will be sufficient to recall the position which it has repeatedly taken in connection with the frequently re- curring financial heresies, its advocacy of important pub- lic works such as the Erie Canal, the Croton Water sys- tem, and the Rapid Transit, its efforts on behalf of the preservation of the natural resources of the country, and its leadership in the relief movements rendered necessary from time to time by the great calamities which have visited different parts of the world. It was, then, no slight honor which his fellow members paid Mr. Jesup when they asked him to assume the presidency of the Chamber. The office had been held in THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 115 the past by such men as James G. King and William E. Dodge, and Mr. Jesup's predecessor, Mr. Alexander Orr, to whom the suggestion of his own nomination was due, had long been a leader in all enterprises making for the public good. At the time of Mr. Jesup's election to the presidency of the Chamber he was sixty-nine years old. Fifteen years had passed since he resigned from active business, years which, as we have seen, had been filled with public service of various kinds. In the Chamber he had long been an active figure. It was to his efforts that was due the energetic action taken by the Chamber in the matter of the preservation of the Adirondack forests. While never having held or sought public ofl&ce,^ he had a wide acquaintance with public men and exercised an impor- tant influence on the formation of public opinion. In the different movements for civic betterment which had taken place from time to time in New York he had been a powerful factor. We are already familiar with his ser- vices in connection with the Committee of Twenty-one, and the campaign for clean streets, which he inaugurated ten years later under Mayor Grant. When Mr. Hewitt made his independent campaign for Mayor in 1888 Mr. Jesup was one of his strongest supporters, and called the meeting to order which ratified his nomination. He was a member of the Committee of Seventy which finally succeeded in beating Tammany Hall and electing the Honorable William L. Strong Mayor. If long and faithful service be any measure of desert Mr. Jesup can fairly be said to have earned his election. * In November, 1887, Mr. Hewitt appointed Mr. Jesup School Commissioner, an appointment which he declined. ii6 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP To him, however, gratifying as the recognition must have been, the new position appealed rather as an oppor- tunity than as a reward. The duties which devolved upon him as President of the Chamber were of two kinds, corresponding to the two different functions which the Chamber filled in the life of the community. On the one hand, as its name implies, the Chamber was the recognized organ of the commercial interests of the State, and it was its duty to deal with the various questions which arose from time to time affecting those interests. On the other hand, through its annual banquet and less formal meetings it fulfilled an important social function in the life of the community and was one of the organs through which the more ideal aspects of the life of commerce found expression. Each aspect of his new duty appealed to Mr. Jesup, and to both he gave his best energies; but for the latter he was peculiarly fitted, both by temperament and training. The eight years of his administration made unusually heavy social demands upon the President. They wit- nessed the visit to this country of Prince Henry of Prussia and Prince Louis of Battenberg, the journey of a repre- sentative committee of the New York Chamber to Lon- don at the invitation of the London Chamber of Com- merce, and the return visit of the London delegation to New York; and finally, the formal opening with appro- priate ceremonies of the new building of the Chamber in Liberty Street, which was completed in 1902. Before, however, we take up these more exceptional features of Mr. Jesup's administration it will be proper to say a few words about his treatment of the routine duties of his office. THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 117 The President of the Chamber Is charged ex officio with certain duties quite apart from his functions as pre- siding officer, which, of themselves, make no small tax upon his time and skill. The most important of these in Mr. Jesup's case were his duties in connection with the Rapid Transit Commission and his presidency of the Sailors' Snug Harbor. It is difficult for us to-day when rapid transit is an ac- complished fact, and the difficulties connected with build- ing a subway in the crowded thoroughfares of a city as densely populated as New York have been successfully overcome, to realize how great were the obstacles which confronted the men who first suggested the building of the present subway, or how much the city owes to the persistent courage and sterling integrity of the gentlemen who constituted the first rapid transit commission. The movement, like so many others which have bene- fited the city, had its inception in the Chamber of Com- merce. The man who gave the movement its first im- pulse was Mr. Abram S. Hewitt, to whom New York is indebted for so many other statesmanhke suggestions. After Mr. Hewitt, the credit for what was accomplished belongs to Mr. Orr, the President of the Chamber at the time the Commission was appointed, and from the first its efficient and untiring chairman. The difficulties which confronted the Commission were of three kinds, physical, financial, and political. No underground railroad whose roadbed was so close to the level of the street as that of the present subway had ever been built, and there were many first-class engineers who doubted whether it could be built. The Commission were confronted with the conflict of expert testimony. ii8 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP and it took no little courage for them to follow the untried course and to adopt the plans drawn by their chief engi- neer, Mr. William Barclay Parsons, to whose recom- mendation the adoption of the present route is due. Moreover, it was almost impossible to secure the needed capital. Incredible as it now seems in the light of later ex- perience, the leading financiers of the city doubted whether the subway could be made to pay a fair return upon the capital invested. Mr. Orr was obliged literally to beg from door to door, and it was largely through his own personal solicitation that Mr. Belmont was at last induced to take the matter up. Finally, the Commission had to face the bete noir of all those who carry on public works in New York City, the ever present pressure of the politi- cians, hungry for patronage and unaccustomed to deal with men who insisted that for every dollar spent a dollar's worth should be received either in work or in material. Under the circumstances it is highly creditable to the Commission that they overcame all these obstacles and succeeded in demonstrating once and for all that rapid transit through subways in the City of New York was at once practicable and profitable. What Mr. Jesup thought of Mr. Orr's services to the cause may be learned from the following extracts. On May 28th he writes to him: "I have noted with at- tention the thought and care you are constantly giving to rapid transit. I really do not know what the men of the city would do without you, and I wish every one interested appreciated as much as I do your unselfish devotion. I wish I could do more to relieve you." And again, on December 4th, in connection with the proposal of Mr. Orr's name for election as honorary member of the Cham- THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 119 ber: "You deserve the honor because of what you have done for the best interests of the Chamber and for what you have done for the greater city of New York. Your devotion and unselfish work in the cause of rapid transit alone is a monument to you, for I do not know how this great work could have been carried to the success now achieved but for your care and attention to its interests." In another letter, when expressing to Mr. Orr his desire to retire from the presidency of the Chamber of Com- merce, he mentions among the reasons for his being willing to remain a little longer if it is required of him, his desire to continue to assist Mr. Orr in rapid transit matters. The principle on which the Commission acted in its handling of the transit situation was, as is well known, that of a partnership between the city and private capital. Mr. Jesup thoroughly approved of this principle. He realized that fifty years, however long it may appear in the life of an individual, is short in the life of a city, and he regarded as wise the policy which the Commission adopted of making arrangements for a liberal compensa- tion to the lessee, who assumed the risk of the first experi- ment, while insisting that the city should be assured of the future increments of value. When Mr. Jesup became President of the Chamber the plans of the Commission were already well organized and its work far on its way to completion. His letters to Mr. Orr show the interest with which he followed the vari- ous matters which came up for decision from time to time. On more than one occasion when an important question was to come before the Commission, such for example as the question of a third rail for the Manhattan Elevated I20 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Railroad, or the application of the New York Connecting Railroad Company for the franchise, he put his views in writing and submitted them to Mr. Orr beforehand. He repeatedly sacrificed his own personal convenience in order to be present at meetings of the Commission. Mr. Jesup's connection with the Sailors' Snug Harbor involved greater responsibility. Begun on May 4, 1899, this continued for eight years. The appointment, hke that to the Rapid Transit Board, came through his official position as President of the Chamber. The his- tory of the trust is an interesting one. In the early days of New York City a certain Captain Randall, an old seafaring man, left in trust a tract of twenty-five acres in a region of the city including what is now the south and east of Washington Square, in the hope that the income might suffice to support thirty old sailors. The trustees to whom he committed the execution of this benevolent purpose were seven in number and consisted of the Mayor of the City, the Chancellor of the State, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, the Rector of Trinity Church, the Minister of the Old First Presby- terian Church, and the President and Vice-President of the Marine Society. The Board elected its own presi- dent, an office to which Mr. Jesup was chosen soon after his entrance upon the Board. The time of Mr. Jesup's incumbency was critical, because the character of the city was changing in such a way as to make the policy which had hitherto been pur- sued in its management no longer profitable. The trus- tees had been accustomed to draw leases for a period of twenty-one years, a term too short to make expensive improvements possible. Under this policy the property THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 121 was rapidly falling into the hands of undesirable tenants. In order to secure the proper improvement of the property Mr. Jesup favored a policy of either taking up the leases and improving the property for rent by the Board, or increasing the length of lease so as to make possible the erection of large business buildings such as Wanamaker's. Under his leadership the transition was successfully ac- complished, and some of the reports written under Mr. Jesup's direction not only shed interesting light upon the management of this particular trust, but give valuable hints of Mr. Jesup's business methods and point of view. During Mr. Jesup's presidency of the Chamber oc- curred two natural calamities of unexampled magnitude. The first was the destruction of St. Pierre in the Island of Martinique by the eruption of Mont Pelee; the second was the terrible combination of earthquake and fire which desolated San Francisco in 1906. In both cases the Chamber of Commerce was foremost in measures of relief, and to all that was done Mr. Jesup gave his personal attention. On his own responsibility, trusting that his action would be confirmed, he purchased in the name of the Chamber several vessels loaded with grain which were on their way to St. Pierre. Learning that the parties to whom these vessels were consigned had all been destroyed in the volcanic eruption, he telegraphed to the American Consul at the nearest port on the island to take possession of the vessels and their cargoes when they should arrive and to use the latter for the relief of the many hungry people on the island. In the case of San Francisco he acted no less vigorously. He not only took prompt measures for raising money, contributing largely of his own means to the generous fund raised by the 122 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Chamber, but he studied with painstaking care the most effective method of rendering the needed help available. Under his leadership Dr. Devine was sent to San Fran- cisco, and an effective bureau of relief established which co-operated with the United States authorities in mitigat- ing the horrors of the situation, which must otherwise have proved intolerable. One of the writer's most vivid mem- ories of Mr. Jesup is in connection with this matter. Calling upon him one day at his house, I noticed how worn and tired he looked and said to him: "Mr. Jesup, why are you staying in the city ? You ought to be at Lenox." He answered: "Yes, I know I ought to go away, but I simply cannot leave the city while this matter of San Francisco still needs my attention. I have fol- lowed all the details personally and I cannot commit the responsibility to any one else." One of the regular duties which devolved upon the President of the Chamber was to preside at the annual banquet. This function Mr. Jesup took with unusual seriousness, and to the details which the preparation for the banquet involved he gave his personal attention. The company which assembled at these gatherings was a notable one, and the speakers, who have included many of the most eminent men in the country, from the President of the United States down, have often made the meeting the occasion for pronouncements of national importance. At the banquets Mr. Jesup presided with grace and dis- tinction, and the little speeches with which he introduced the orators of the occasion were models of their kind. Nor was it only in connection with his regular duties as President that Mr. Jesup was called upon to act as host. When any eminent man visited this country, the THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 123 President of the Chamber was naturally expected to show him hospitality. Mr. Jesup was prompt to recognize this obligation, and either in an official or unofficial ca- pacity entertained most of the distinguished foreigners who were in America during his term of office. He was one of the committee appointed by Mayor Low to meet Prince Henry of Prussia on his visit to this country in 1902 and to be his personal escort during his stay in New York. At the famous Captains of Industry luncheon, in which the royal party met a group of representative men who had attained eminence in the industrial world, Mr. Jesup was one of the hosts and sat on Prince Henry's left. In 1904 he entertained Mr. John Morley at lunch- eon at the Chamber. In the following year it was his privilege as President of the Chamber to welcome to this country H. S. H. Rear Admiral Prince Louis of Batten- berg, when in November he visited this country in com- mand of His Majesty's second cruising squadron. In 1906 he extended similar hospitalities to the Chinese Commissioners who had been sent to America in order to study American educational methods, and at the ban- quet extended to them on the following night by the rep- resentatives of the missionary boards he responded to the toast of Commerce. The preparation for these and similar functions made no small demand upon Mr. Jesup's time. Scrap-books found among his papers give an insight into the infinity of detail required to make the necessary arrangements. When Mr. Morley is to be entertained we find Mr. Jesup corresponding with Mr. Choate as to the points in the career of his distinguished guest most worthy of emphasis. When the dedication of the new building 124 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP of the Chamber brings together the official representa- tives of the different European countries, a long corre- spondence is necessary with Monsieur Cambon and Mr. Hay as to the proper etiquette to be observed in seating them. Last, but not least, was the demand upon time and thought which was made by the various speeches which his duty as presiding officer made necessary. In his memorial address delivered at the Chamber on June 23, 1908, General Horace Porter, than whom no better judge of public address could be found, thus sums up his impression of Mr. Jesup as a speaker: "Every year we saw him who had devoted his early life entirely to mercantile pursuits expressing himself in writing more forcefully and in his addresses more eloquently until he became one of the most agreeable and graceful presiding officers over public bodies whom New York has seen for many years." This honorable position was not won without effort. Mr. Jesup was not naturally a ready speaker. No one who heard his strong and musical voice, noted his care- fully chosen words, and observed his quiet and self-pos- sessed manner would have imagined how much labor it cost him to accomplish what he seemed to do so easily. Yet, Mr. Jesup himself confessed to a friend that the most difficult task which he ever set for himself was that of speaking in public. To the end he always imagined himself unequal to the occasion and felt the nervous strain severely. Among his papers are found rough drafts of his different addresses in various stages of prep- aration, showing that they were studied again and again, polished and repolished, and that he never trusted him- self to appear in public until he had perfected that which THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 125 he wished to say to the fullest extent possible. When it is remembered that the art was one which he began to acquire late in life, and that whatever training he received in public speaking was self-given through repeated self- criticism, the success which he attained is as creditable as it is remarkable. As a single illustration of his method I may give an extract from his response on February 2, 1906, to the toast of Commerce, at the dinner given to the Chinese Commissioners. After remarking that he was proud to couple the name of commerce with religion, since religion was the recognition of God and made better men, and commerce therefore stood on a safer and better basis with religion as its leader, Mr. Jesup continued as follows: "I had the pleasure yesterday as President of the Cham- ber of Commerce of receiving our distinguished guests. You will remember that in the year 187 1-2 during the great famine in China wherein two million of its people lost their lives by starvation, the merchants of this city organized a relief committee and made the Chamber of Commerce the medium of remittances for over sixty thousand dollars to relieve those sorely stricken people. The acknowledgment of this timely relief was made by the Viceroy of Nanking. This distinguished Chinese was at the time one of the most influential men in China. Accompanying his letter was a tablet covered with gold leaf and in large type in black letters were certain inscriptions which had never been translated. On the arrival of our distinguished guests this tablet was brought from the silent resting-place where it had lain for thirty-five years and laid before their Excellencies, the Commissioners, for translation. It was as follows: 126 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP "There may be differences of races, there exists univer- sal brotherhood." This incident Mr. Jesup employed to illustrate the sympathy which had always existed between China and this country, and he concluded with a strong plea that those present should exert pressure upon the Government to support the President in the effort that he was making to carry through "a treaty based upon the principles of a square deal which shall be satisfactory now and which shall stand for all earthly time." The two most notable incidents in connection with Mr. Jesup*s presidency were the visit of a delegation of the Chamber to London, at the invitation of the Chamber of that city, in the summer of 190 1, and the dedication of the new building of the Chamber in November, 1902. The occasion for the former is thus explained in the me- morial volume which commemorates it and which bears the suggestive title, "A Pledge of International Friend- ship." After touching upon the friendly relations which had long existed between the two Chambers, the com- piler recalls the fact that "when the diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and the United States be- came strained because of a difference of opinion in regard to the boundary line of Venezuela, the London Chamber appealed to the New York Chamber to use its good offices in the cause of a peaceful solution of the difficulty." The manner in which the call was responded to made a lasting impression, and it was the desire to mark their deep sense of the service thus rendered that prompted the Council of the London Chamber to invite the New York Chamber to pay a visit to London, which should still further strengthen the bonds of sympathy and of friendship which united the two Chambers. THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 127 The invitation was accepted in the spirit in which it was given, and during the first week of June a representa- tive delegation of American merchants, with Mr. Jesup at their head, enjoyed the hospitahties which had been prepared for them by the extensive and influential com- mittee appointed by the London Chamber. The festivities of the week included a reception by their Majesties at Windsor, a reception by the Ameri- can Ambassador, a reception by Lord Brassey, the Pres- ident of the London Chamber, a reception by the Lord Mayor, a luncheon by the London Chamber, besides private entertainments too numerous to mention. The visit culminated in the banquet given in Grocers' Hall on the evening of June 5th, attended by a large and dis- tinguished company. After the health of His Majesty the King, and of the President of the United States, had been duly drunk and responded to, the Chairman, Lord Bras- sey, in a felicitous speech, proposed "Our friends, the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York." Mr. Jesup, in responding on behalf of the Chamber, thanked the London Chamber for the courtesy of their invitation, reminded them of some facts connected with the history of the New York Chamber, acknowledged the indebted- ness of America to England for "the principles of relig- ion, justice and law, which have grown with our growth and have become a part of our inheritance,'' and con- cluded by inviting all his hearers to be present in New York the following November and to participate in the dedication of the new building of the Chamber of Com- merce, which it was proposed at that time to open. Other speeches by eminent men from both sides of the water followed, and the meeting broke up at a late hour, hav- 128 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP ing left upon the memories of those who attended it the impression of having been one of the most successful meetings of the kind held in many years. The building to whose dedication Mr. Jesup invited the members of the London Chamber, owed its inception to a suggestion made by the former president, Mr. Alex- ander E. Orr. In the original plans of the Chamber it had been proposed that it should have a building of its own, but for some reason this had never been carried out, and the Chamber, although probably the most pow- erful and wealthy group of individuals in America, con- tinued in the days of its maturity and prosperity to meet about from place to place with the same informality, if less simplicity, that had characterized the first meeting of the founders at Fraunce's Tavern. It seemed to Mr. Orr that the time had come when the Chamber could well afford a building of its own. Accordingly, during his presidency he inaugurated the movement for a new build- ing, which was carried to completion during the incum- bency of his successor. Mr. Jesup heartily approved of Mr. Orr's plan, and made it one of the central interests of his administration. He contributed generously to the building fund himself, and it is to his efforts more than to those of any other man that the beautiful building on Liberty Street is due. Mr. Jesup beheved that the new building should be dignified and spacious. He wished no expense spared in creating an edifice which should worthily express the importance of the body it was meant to house. The argument that it was not needed for practical purposes did not influence him. To him it was a symbol express- ing in a way apparent to every one the ideal aspects of THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 129 the life of commerce. Its stately hall with its spacious proportions provided ample space in which the portraits of former members of the Chamber, who had deserved well of the community, could be perpetuated for the remembrance of posterity. Its dignified facade afforded a worthy pedestal for the statues of the great men, like Hamilton, Clinton, and Jay, who, as members of the Chamber, had signally served their country, while the stairway provided ample accommodation for other statues which it might be desired to erect in time to come. Mr. Jesup believed in such commemoration. Years before, in a letter to Mr. Orr, he had suggested that the Chamber present a gold medal to Mr. Hewitt in recognition of his distinguished public services. Here in the new building was provided a place where such recognition could be given in a worthy manner. The building was opened with appropriate cere- monies on November 17, 1902. Addresses were made by Mr. Jesup as President of the Chamber, by ex-Presi- dent Cleveland, by President Roosevelt, and by Mayor Low. In the evening a banquet was given by the Cham- ber, attended by the members of the foreign diplomatic corps and by the representatives of foreign Chambers of Commerce. In the following year the statues of Ham- ilton, Clinton,* and Jay were unveiled with appropriate ceremonies, and Mr. Jesup, who had been the guiding spirit of the whole, was able to announce the building complete. One more occasion on which Mr. Jesup was called * The statue of Clinton was Mr. Jesup*s personal gift to the Chamber. In his will he also left to the Chamber the Gilbert Stuart portrait of Washing- ton, which now hangs in the large hall. 130 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP upon to preside at the dedication of a statue in the new building deserves special mention. In the spring of 1903, only a few months after the completion of the new build- ing, Mr. Hewitt died. At a meeting of the Chamber, held on February 5th, it was resolved to erect a marble statue to his memory, and a committee was appointed, of which Mr. Orr was Chairman, to secure the necessary funds and to select a sculptor. The work was entrusted to Mr. Couper, and months later, the Chamber met to receive the finished work from the hands of the committee. In accepting the statue, which represented the friend who had so often risen '*in his dignity and strength to address and commune with " the members of the Cham- ber, and whose "unique personality continued to touch and to animate their hearts," Mr. Jesup spoke as follows; Mr. Orr: On behalf of this Chamber, I receive this magnificent gift from your committee. You have performed your du- ties in a manner most commendable and praiseworthy. You had a most delicate and sacred trust to fulfil. You were Mr. Hewitt's friends and companions. You knew the man, his character and great ability, and you have thrown your own sentiments and love into your work by permeating the mind and heart of the sculptor with those characteristics which you know were possessed by Mr. Hewitt. Mr. Couper has produced a wonderful work of art. When it is known how little he had to guide him, having never seen Mr. Hewitt or known him, the result is truly remarkable. As we now look on this unique figure in marble, we recall how Mr. Hewitt stood before the members of this Chamber on February seventh, 1901, when he made that wonderful address on the death of Queen Victoria, and again on September sixteenth, 1901, his touching tribute THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 131 to the memory of Mr. McKinley, and still again on Oc- tober third, 1 90 1, when he graciously received from the Chamber the gold medal tendered to him as an ac- knowledgment of what he achieved in making a reality the system of rapid transit. As we now look on that statue, the face, poise and form of him who has gone, and as he appeared to us so often when in the flesh, we are almost satisfied that skill, taste and art have done their best. Mr. Orr and fellow members, we gratefully receive this gift of love and esteem. We shall place it in yonder hall, on the pedestal prepared for its reception; it will be kept forever as our choicest possession; we shall guard it from all accident and defacement. It will last as long as this building of marble and steel exists, and when we are gone and new faces and forms come here to take counsel as to commerce, trade, and finance, the form of Mr. Hewitt will be close by, to remind them, as they remind us, that after all, the only greatness in men that lives for all time, is, in imitating the life of him who drew his inspiration from the Good Master himself, who said : "I came not into the world to be ministered unto, but to minister." I cannot more fitly conclude this chapter which deals with Mr. Jesup's services in a representative capacity, than by giving in full the address which he delivered at the occasion of the London banquet. Mr. Chairman, My Lords and Gentlemen: It is said that kind words are the music of the world. For the gracious and kindly words with which you have made us welcome, and for the generous warmth of our re- ception manifested in every eye and felt in the clasp of every hand, it is my privilege as much as pleasure, representing as I do my Associates here, to tender to you on behalf of 132 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP the New York Chamber of Commerce our profound thanks. It was a happy inspiration that dictated your courteous invitation to this Banquet, and if our coming together at this time serves to bind in closer ties the relations between the two nations, our highest hopes and expectations will be fulfilled, and we shall count it a high honor to have been here. Perhaps it will be in- teresting to you and to this august assembly to know a little about the history of the New York Chamber. The first organization of our Chamber was in the year 1768, and is older by many years than the Republic and the Constitution of the iJnited States. The object of that companionship was to extend the blessings of com- merce, not only on our side of the water, but to cultivate the same relations with you and other portions of the world. In the year 1770 we induced George III., King of England, France and Ireland, the Defender of the Faith, to grant to us a Royal Charter. This Charter not only antedates the birth of our Republic as well as our Constitution, but it antedates the Revolution. Under that Charter it was distinctly stated that it was to perpet- uate the blessings of commerce which had been extended throughout the world at that time, and incidentally the King hoped that our organization would not only be a blessing to ourselves, but that it would be a blessing to Great Britain. In this Charter mention is also made of the amount of real estate the Chamber was to hold, pro- viding that it should not exceed at any time the clear yearly value of ;f 3,000. We were at that time a Colony of the British Empire. The population of the City of New York did not exceed thirty thousand, and the popu- lation of the entire country was about three millions. The value of the commercial relations then existing be- tween our country and yours amounted to the small sum of fourteen million dollars. But learning from you the habit of industry and fair dealing, we have gone on dur- ing these one hundred and thirty years until now, in the THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 133 dawn of the Twentieth Century, we come before you, and with no Httle pride and satisfaction make the state- ment that the value of the commercial relations between your country and ours during last year amounted to nearly one thousand million dollars. We are not unmind- ful, Mr. Chairman, that you are the sharers with us in these great relations. You early instilled into our minds the principles of religion, justice and law, which have grown with our growth and have become a part of our inheritance, and with which we have worked during these past years, and now we come and offer to you our pro- found acknowledgments. Not only have you given us these principles which we have enjoyed, but, in our com- mercial life, when we have been in need, by your capital our great resources have been enlarged, our railroads have been built, our mines have been opened and developed, and our commerce extended. And it is not only these things, Mr. Chairman, that we have received, but how many have been the kindly acts of friendship and loyalty which we have received at your hands ? 'I remember, and I say it with infinite gratitude, that in the year 1837, when our country was passing through a disastrous financial distress, when our banks had suspended specie payments, and when our people were discouraged, one of our loyal and most faithiful citizens, Mr. James Gore King, after- wards the President of our Chamber, visited London, and, by his high character, so impressed your financial men that the Bank of England advanced one million pounds sterling in sovereigns and sent the same by packet to New York under the control of Mr. King, to enable the banks in New York to resume specie payments, and thus restore confidence to our community. That bank did a most kindly and magnanimous thing. No stipulation was made as to the return of that money; neither did they expect or ask for any reward. It was a kindly act, and one that will never be forgotten. But above all this, when our country was in the strife of civil war, and we were under 134 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP the apprehension of a divided country and menaced with war from England, your illustrious, noble, beloved, good Queen — God bless her memory — left the sickbed of her husband in order that by her counsel and advice the hand that was lifted against us might be stayed. Mr. Chairman, we never can forget these things. We are no rivals — no jealous rivals — ^we never can be. We are of the same race, the same blood, we speak the same language, we worship the same God, we read the same Bible. No, sir, we never can be rivals. Our only rivalry exists in seeing how we can emulate each other in doing those things which tend for civic righteousness and truth. Banding ourselves together hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart beat- ing with heart, let us emulate one another, endeavoring to extend to the ends of the earth the blessings of our civil and religious liberty, to tell the world of the holy broth- erhood of man. And now, Mr. Chairman, before I sit down, I want to thank you again for this unbounded hos- pitality, for the opportunity of seeing so many of your dis- tinguished representatives and citizens, and above all, I must utter the feelings of my heart for that opportunity afforded to us last Saturday of taking by the hand your noble King and Queen. That was an event we shall never forget, and its memory will never be effaced as long as we live. Mr. Chairman, as you know, we are building for ourselves a home in the City of New York; its foundation is laid in granite, which means solidity; its structure is of steel, which indicates strength; its walls are of white marble, the emblem of purity. In a year from now we are expecting to consecrate that building to the noble cause of commerce, and with it, sir, we expect to conse- crate ourselves to the cause of civic righteousness and truth. In the language of one of your countrymen, U. S., which stands for the United States, stands also for " Us," for we are one. It gives me pleasure on behalf of the New York Chamber of Commerce, of which I have the honor to be President, to extend to you, Sir, and to your THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN 135 associates, a most cordial invitation to be with us in a year from now, and witness with us the opening of our new building. The address, which was listened to with marked at- tention, produced a profound impression. At its con- clusion Mr. Jesup received many warm congratulations. But among the tributes paid to him, none, I am sure, must have gratified him more than the following letter, written him on the same evening by Mr. Henry White, for many years the Secretary of the American Legation at London. > 4 Whitehall Court, S. W. Dear Mr. Jesup: Just a line to congratulate you most heartily upon the admirable speech which you made this evening. I can- not say how much I appreciated it as a model of elo- quence and good taste. Lord Lansdowne drove me home, and expressed most cordial appreciation of it also. You perhaps cannot appreciate, as well as I do from a good many years' experience, how much good a speech of such a nature, delivered at the proper time and under proper auspices as yours was, does toward the furtherance of that friendship between the two countries which I know so many of our countrymen as well as Britons now have at heart. Yours very sincerely, (Signed) Henry White. CHAPTER IX THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM TTT'HEN Mr. Orr called upon Mr. Jesup to request his consent to his nomination as President of the Chamber of Commerce, he found him engrossed in the study of some building plans which covered his table. " Mr. Jesup," said Mr. Orr, " I have got a piece of in- teresting news to give you." "All right," said Mr. Jesup, "just wait a moment until I show you this plan." "But, my dear Jesup," remonstrated Mr. Orr, "this business of mine is important. I have come to tell you that I wish to nominate you for President of the Chamber of Com- merce." "Indeed," said Mr. Jesup, "I am glad to hear it, but look here, I want to show you what a splendid plan this is." And he turned back again to the papers on the table. It was only after he had relieved his mind to his friend of this paramount interest that he had leisure to appreciate the new honor and responsibility to which his colleagues of the Chamber invited him. The plan which Mr. Orr found Mr. Jesup studying was that of the new wing of the American Museum of Natural History. The place which the Museum held in Mr. Jesup's regard, the long and devoted service which 136 THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 137 he rendered it, and the eminence which it attained under his leadership are well known. For more than a quarter of a century it was his controlling interest, and it remains to-day his most enduring monument. Mr. Jesup was elected President of the American Museum of Natural History on February 14, 1881, to fill the position left vacant by the resignation of Mr. Robert L. Stuart. The situation of the Museum at the time was critical. It had reached the point inevitable in the his- tory of every institution which owes its origin to private initiative and depends for its support upon voluntary con- tributions, when the first enthusiasm had waned and a thorough reorganization seemed necessary if its work was to be successfully continued. Such a reorganization, how- ever, made greater demands than could be met with the resources at the disposal of the trustees. It was necessary that some one with force and enthusiasm should put his shoulder to the wheel if the enterprise was not to come to a standstill altogether. Mr. Robert L. Stuart, who was the president at the time, felt that his other engage- ments did not permit him to give the necessary time and energy to the work. He accordingly called the trustees together at his house and, after stating that in the event of the continuance of the institution, he must resign as president, presented the alternative of winding up its aflTairs, or finding some new man who would take the leadership. Mr. Jesup, who was present, made an earnest plea against discontinuance and, after full dis- cussion, it was finally agreed to follow his advice, pro- vided Mr. Jesup would consent to take Mr. Stuart's place. The responsibility was a heavy one for a man in active business, as Mr. Jesup then was, but he was not one to 138 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP urge upon others what he was unwilling to undertake himself, and he accordingly gave his consent. To understand the problems which confronted Mr. Jesup we must go back for a few years and recall the circumstances under which the Museum had its origin and the purpose which its founders hoped to accomplish. The American Museum of Natural History was or- ganized on February i, 1869, by a group of private citi- zens who were desirous of establishing in the City of New York "a museum and library of natural history, of encouraging and developing the study of natural science, of advancing the general knowledge of kindred subjects, and to that end, of furnishing popular instruction and recreation.'' * As incorporators appear the names of John David Wolfe, the first president, Robert Colgate, Benjamin H. Field, Robert L. Stuart, Adrian Iselin, Benjamin B. Sherman, William A. Haines, Theodore Roosevelt, father of the ex-President, Howard Potter, William T. Blodgett, D. Jackson Steward, A. G. P. Dodge, Charles A. Dana, Joseph H. Choate, Henry Parish, and Mr. Jesup himself. Several different influences had combined to bring about the new movement. Most important among these was the remarkable interest in natural history which had been aroused by the work of Louis Agassiz. Assuming the Chair of Zoology and Geology in Harvard University in 1848, he was not content to bury his talent in an aca- demic napkin. To eminence in research he added rare gifts of popular interpretation. With the skill of a dram- atist he made the story of the past live again. Scientists found in him a stout defender of the rights of science, *The extract is from the charter of April 6, 1869. THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 139 religious men an equally firm believer in the reality of revelation. In Cambridge he planned the Museum of Comparative Zoology, v^hich bears his name, and secured funds for its erection, which took place in i860. The example thus set was followed elsewhere, and, as we shall see, was the direct cause of the movement in New York. Other influences, however, were not wanting. In 1836 the State of New York undertook a survey of the natural history of the State. The work was committed to Pro- fessor James Hall, and under his competent leadership, continued, with various interruptions, for about sixty years, valuable collections were gathered. These were housed in a temporary museum at Albany, and the pub- lications which accompanied and explained them helped to educate the public as to the need and the interest of such study. Still another influence was the opening of Central Park. It was one of the ideas of those who planned this improvement that the new park would afford a site for various buildings of public interest, such as museums and the homes of scientific societies. This possibility was one of the influences which led to the action of the trustees in incorporating the museum. For some time they had been in correspondence with Mr. Andrew H. Green, then Commissioner in charge, and as early as 1868 were assured of his support. All seemed ripe for action, therefore, when the final steps were taken. It was indeed high time that something should be done if New York was not to lag behind the other cities of the country. Already Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, and Chicago had taken steps toward securing permanent 140 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP homes for their collections in natural history.* In New York, however, no concerted action had yet been taken. There were various collections, of greater or less im- portance, some of more popular, some of more scientific character. There were several organizations interesting themselves more or less directly in one branch or another of natural science, but they were unrelated and inde- pendent. The most important among these early enterprises was the New York Academy of Science, the successor of the earlier Lyceum of Natural History. Under its auspices Mr. Silliman had delivered the seven lectures in geology which produced a sensation in their day. In the course of time the society had accumulated collections of considerable value, but its efforts to secure a perma- nent home for its exhibits failed. They finally found a resting-place in the Medical College, which then stood on the present site of Tammany Hall. This was de- stroyed by fire in 1866, and the collections, which were uninsured, perished. The friends of the Lyceum were therefore glad to transfer their interest to the new enter- prise, among the founders of which not a few of them were represented. The moving spirit in the new plan was a young man named Albert S. Bickmore. At Cambridge he had been a pupil of Louis Agassiz, from whom he had imbibed ^The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, organized in 1812, had secured a building for its collections as early as 1840. In Washington the Smithsonian Institution had already been almost twenty-five years in existence. Besides the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, to which refer- ence has already been made, Boston secured a museum in 1864 under the auspices of its Society of Natural History. Two years before, the Chicago Museum, established by Major Robert Kennicutt, and continued under Mr. Simpson, had been seriously damaged by fire. THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 141 his enthusiasm for the study of natural history. After leaving Cambridge he spent some years in travel, visiting the Spice Islands, China, Japan, and Siberia. Before leaving this country he had conceived the idea of a city museum, and had talked it over with Mr. William E. Dodge, v^hose acquaintance he had made in New York, and whose financial assistance made his travels possible. On his way home he stopped in London, where he vis- ited Richard Owen, and saw the splendid plans which the latter had drawn up for the British Museum of Natural History. One of the features of these plans was a great central lecture hall, from which extended in various directions groups of buildings capable of indefi- nite extension, a feature afterward incorporated in the New York Museum. Owen's plan was adopted by the British Government in a modified form for the British Museum of Natural History at South Kensington. The study of these plans revived Mr. Bickmore's enthusiasm for the Museum in New York, and he returned to ad- vocate his scheme with all the energy and enthusiasm of which he was capable. Mr. Dodge, who at the moment was too occupied to assume the leadership of the new movement, referred him to Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, in whom he found a friend and supporter. Others were soon interested in the plan; among them Mr. Benjamin H. Field, Mr. John David Wolfe, Mr. William A. Haines, Mr. Robert L. Stuart, Mr. Joseph H. Choate, Mr. How- ard Potter, and Mr. Jesup. Meetings were held from house to house, at which Mr. Bickmore appeared and explained his plans. A letter was written to Commissioner Green, signed by nineteen gentlemen, in which his co- operation was invited. On January 19, 1869, on motion 142 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP of Mr. Howard Potter, a committee, consisting of Mr. Haines, Mr. Roosevelt, and Mr. Potter, was appointed to draw up a plan of organization, and, at a subsequent meeting, held on February i, 1869, the report was ac- cepted, and the organization effected by the election of Mr. Wolfe as chairman, and Mr. Roosevelt as secretary. Two months later a charter was secured from the Legis- lature, and the new institution was formally launched. One most fortunate circumstance in connection with the organization of the Museum was the provision made for co-operation between the trustees and the city au- thorities. On the initiative of Mr. Choate a clause was inserted in the charter which made possible the erection and maintenance of a building by the city authorities, provided the trustees would furnish the collections. The provisions of this clause were carried into effect by a contract entered into by the Museum and the city in 1877, under which the two have worked harmoniously ever since. The principle thus adopted has had an im- portant effect upon the educational policy of New York. The example set by the Natural History Museum was followed in the case of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1870, and the Zoological Park in 1895. It has stimulated private benevolence, as well as public ex- penditure, and has proved in experience more effective than either of the alternative possibilities, exclusive municipal or state control or the relegation of the support of museums to unassisted private enterprise. In view of the later development it is interesting to recall the ideals of the founders. Their aim was at once popular and scientific. As they themselves tell us, they wished "to encourage and develop the study of natural THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 143 sciences," but at the same time and even more, if we can judge by the early history, " to advance the general knowl- edge of such subjects, and to that end to furnish popular instruction and recreation." They were, most of them, laymen in science, and they had the layman's interest in the practical. A religious motive too influenced some of them. They wished the Museum "to be a means of teaching our youth to appreciate the wonderful works of the Creator." Those were the days when geology and Genesis waged battle royal, and this reassurance as to their motives was not so needless as it now seems. They did not lack good advice. In the archives of the Museum is found an interesting letter from Baron Osten Sacken,* whom they had consulted as to their plans. It gives us such striking anticipation of the future develop- ment that it is worth quoting. The mistake committed in the formation of most of the Cabinets of Natural History is that it is not clearly de- fined, from the very start, whether the foundation is in- tended for the use of scientific men, or for popular instruc- tion and amusement. The two objects are entirely dis- tinct, and require diff^erent means of accomplishment. A scientific collection ought to be as complete as possible; whereas, in a popular collection, completeness is not only unnecessary, but may be often objectionable. If you present too many objects to an unscientific public, the danger is that they will see nothing. If you place before a man, ignorant of natural history, an eagle and a hawk, he will easily observe the structural differences between them. But if you show him one hundred eagles and hawks of different size, shape, and color, collected in all the different countries of the world, your man will glare * The letter, which bears date May, 1869, is directed to Mr. Blodgett. 144 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP at them, but see nothing and remember nothing. And such is the effect produced on the pubHc generally by large collections such as those of the British Museum, of the Ber- lin Museum, etc. Instead of displaying the specimens in the most advantageous light, in the most striking posi- tion, such collections, from the multiplicity of objects and the consequent want of space, are obliged to crowd them as much as possible. Hundreds of specimens are crowded in a comparatively narrow space, without suffi- cient indication of the division in species, genera and families. A walk through a long suite of halls, thus filled, affords more fatigue than amusement or instruction. In forming a collection of Natural History in New York, let it therefore be decided from the very beginning, whether it is intended for the benefit of scientific men, or of the unscientific public. I assume that what is needed now is a collection for the instruction and amusement of the pubHc at large. On such a premise I would propose to form a collec- tion of North American mammals and birds, and to be- gin with the most common ones. Let it be presented to the eye of the public in the most instructive and attractive manner; let the names be distinctly written, the scientific divisions in families and orders clearly indicated; the specimens not too crowded. Let the different species appear, as much as possible, surrounded by the objects connected with their existence; birds, for instance, with their food, their nests, their eggs, etc. Let everything be done to illustrate the share of the animal in the econo- my of nature. Such is my idea of an instructive popular collection. It is worthy of note that Baron Sacken regards the ideal of a scientific and of a popular museum as mutually ex- clusive, and urges his correspondents to make choice between them. This, fortunately, they were not willing to do, and the event has proved them in the right. THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 145 For the present, however, there was more than enough to occupy them with the demands of the immediate present. There were collections to be secured and mounted; there was a place of exhibition to be provided, a staff to be organized, and financial support to be secured. During the first year 1^44,500 was subscribed. Professor Bick- more, who had been indefatigable in his labors, both in securing subscriptions and in arousing interest, was ap- pointed superintendent. Several large collections were purchased, notably the Elliott collection of birds, the Maximilian collection of mammals and birds, and the collections of mammals and birds of the French natural- ists Verreaux and Vedray. A temporary place of exhibi- tion was secured in Cooper Union, and later in the Ar- senal. In 1 87 1 a Committee on Ways and Means was appointed to mature plans for increasing the regular support of the Museum, and in the following year, a Committee on Permanent Site. Mr. Jesup was a member of both of these committees, as well as of the Executive and the Auditing Committees. In 1 87 1 the Committee on Ways and Means reported a plan for putting the finances of the institution on a sound basis. This contemplated raising a permanent fund of fooOjOOO. A system of graded memberships was devised, by which the payment of ;?250 constituted a life member, j^ioo an honorary member, while the pay- ment of ;?io yearly made one an annual member. Under this plan the contributions for 1871 reached over foo,ooo, an increase of ;? 15,000 over the previous year. The task of the Committee on Site, which was ap- pointed in the following year, proved more difficult. The quarters occupied in the Arsenal were inconvenient and 146 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP ill fitted, and the need of a permanent home was im- perative, but it was not easy to decide where this should be. The Park Commissioners were in favor of granting a site in the Park, under the Act passed by the Legisla- ture on April 5, 1871, and several different locations were considered. At one time the Commissioners offered the site in the eastern part of the Park now occupied by the Museum of Art, but later, much to the disappointment of the Museum Committee, they changed their minds and assigned to them instead a region to the west of the Park bounded by Seventy-seventh Street on the south and Eighty-first Street on the north, then known as Manhat- tan Park. It had originally been designed for a Zoo- logical Park, but had been abandoned, as it could not be drained. It is difficult to imagine anything more desolate than the appearance this park presented in 1872. "The region around was an isolated district in transitu to something permanent and homogeneous. It combined in its pictorial aspects several discordant yet picturesque elements. It embraced old farms, ruined landmarks of ancient New York, brand-new stores, and the most sanitary of modern tenements, bewildering masses of hovels clustered together over knobs and rocky ledges, and pretty kitchen gardens lying in its deep depressions." ^ It is not surprising that the trustees were discouraged, and to Mr. Jesup, in particular, who had given much time and thought to the matter, the outcome was a great disappointment. On May 17, 1872, President Wolfe died. He was suc- * The quotation is from Professor Gratacap's unpublished history of the Museum. THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 147 ceeded by Mr. Robert L. Stuart. Before he had been in office for a year, the financial panic of 1873 swept over the country, and the plans of the trustees received an unexpected and most unwelcome setback. Contribu- tions fell off, promises of support, given in good faith, were withdrawn, and instead of the rapid progress which had been hoped for it proved difficult to hold the ground which had been gained. In spite of difficulties, however, the work went steadily forward. The exhibits increased in number and value. Miss Catharine L. Wolfe purchased the Jay conchological library and collection of shells and presented them to the Museum in memory of her father. Mr. Witthaus pre- sented his study collection of Coleoptera. Specimens in paleontology were added, and beginnings made in archae- ology and ethnology. The James Hall collection of fos- sils, the largest in the country, the fruit of the geological survey of the State, was secured by purchase. The difficulty was to know what to do with the collections when they arrived. There were no proper facilities for exhibition, and the staff was inadequate and overworked. Professor Bickmore was indefatigable, but he could not do the impossible. **The time of the curators," writes Professor Gratacap, "was employed in devising room, in anticipating additions, preserving specimens, formulat- ing needs and mechanical appliances, renovating, pack- ing and unpacking. The Museum had no laboratory, no publications and allied itself with no professed body of scientific students or thinkers. Its immediate care was to keep its collections safe." Under these trying circumstances the plans for the new building went forward. They had been entrusted 148 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP to Mr. Calvert Vaux, who entered sympathetically into the ideals of the founders and did his work so well that room has been found for all the later development within the lines which he originally laid down. As planned by Mr. Vaux, the new building was simply one link in a chain of buildings which, when completed, should cover the entire square, an ideal which, when we remember the circumstances in which it was conceived, does equal honor to the faith of the architect who designed and to the courage of the trustees who approved it. The^corner- stone was laid on June 2, 1874, in the presence of a large audience, and addresses were made by the President of the United States, the Governor of the State, and the Mayor. Three years later the building was complete, and most of the collections were removed. In view of the distance of the new site, however, it seemed wise to leave a part of the exhibits in the Arsenal, where they continued' to be visited by large numbers of people. The year 1877 may be taken as the low-water mark in the history of the Museum. Thereafter matters be- gan to improve. In this year the contract was made with the city authorities, by which they agreed to be responsi- ble for the provision and maintenance of the building. In the following year the staff was reorganized, but there was still much to be done, and little to do it with. The Museum was burdened by earlier purchases, notably in connection with the Hall collection, and it was evident that if it was to fulfil its ideal, some radical step must be taken. In 1880 Mr. Jesup, as chairman of the Executive Committee, made an exhaustive report on the condition of the collections. THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 149 To Robert L. Stuart, Esq., President of the American Museum of Natural History. Dear Sir: In response to your letter of April 13th, I re- spectfully beg leave to submit the following statements and recommendations for the consideration of the Trustees. I have carefully examined the collections of the Museum both in the new building and at the Arsenal. In the Geological Department I find that the duplicates of the James Hall collection of fossils have been selected and divided into ten series which are now all catalogued and placed in boxes ready for exchange. The Museum specimens have been arranged in the exhibition cases of the Upper Hall, but are nearly all without labels, and Prof. Whitfield is now engaged in the scientific identification of each specimen and preparing for it a proper label for public exhibition. To facilitate and economize his work which will require several years to complete, I recommend that an assistant for him be employed, and that in one-fourth of the hall wooden backs be placed in the cases and the shelves be so inclined that the specimens may be seen to the best advantage. I also find that our indebtedness to Prof. Hall for his collections has, for the past four years, absorbed nearly all the moneys we have raised, and left the Museum without the means of properly improving and labelling the speci- mens in other departments, and that in our great collec- tion of birds in the Main Hall many of the specimens of the Maximilian Collection remain upon the rude stands on which they were placed when the collection was pur- chased in Germany, and that these perches and stands are a serious blemish upon our otherwise attractive ex- hibition in that Hall. From the many valuable bird skins presented by Mr. D. G. Elliott and others, and received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, Mr. Elliott and Professor Ridgway of the Smithsonian have selected about 600, I50 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP which if mounted would form a very important addition to the specimens in the Main Hall, particularly to the Birds of North America. I therefore recommend that these birds be mounted and placed on exhibition, that those of the Maximilian Collection, which require it, be transferred to suitable stands; that the South American birds be properly la- belled. In regard to the Mammals in the lower Hall I recom- mend that the specimens purchased of Prince Maximilian, that need it, be remounted and provided with suitable stands, and all the specimens, including the skeletons, be supplied with new labels. At my request our Superintendent has made a careful estimate of the cost of making the improvements of the collections in the new building as herein suggested. I regard these recommendations as absolutely necessary for the good repute of the Museum. Any of the Trustees, by visiting the Museum and examining it carefully, will find that we have a grand collection of birds and mammals, but the want of means and the incessant calls upon the Trustees and the Superintendent has heretofore pre- vented these departments of the Museum from being properly improved. For the credit of the Museum and that of the City I hope that the Trustees will respond to the appeal . made for the necessary funds, as herein stated, to place the Museum in a presentable shape. Regarding the Arsenal, I would call the attention of the Board to the deplorable state of the building. It is simply shabby in the extreme. It needs painting and cleaning and overhauling. This being done, I believe it would be well and aptly utilized by a careful and ju- dicious selection of woods, building stones, minerals and other economic products of our country, which could be displayed here with great facility, and thus benefit by its accessibility and attractiveness the common people, who take such a deep interest in the economic arts. THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 151 The present collections in the Arsenal are not to be commended, but there are some things there that should be carefully preserved; and to do this would require some expenditure. If this money can be raised I should consider it a great advantage to the Museum. . . . Unless something can be done to improve the attractiveness of the build- ing and the bettering of the condition of the collections we have in the Arsenal, I see no object at all in maintain- ing it. At the same time, to give the Trustees some idea of the difference in the location I would state that on my visit to the Arsenal there were at least twice as many visitors looking at the remnants of the old collections as there were in the main building on my visit there. Yours truly, (Signed) Morris K. Jesup, Chairman of the Executive Committee, This report brings graphically before us the conditions which confronted Mr. Jesup when in 1881 he succeeded Mr. Stuart as President of the Museum. They were such as might well have daunted a less resolute spirit. The site of the new building was remote from its natural con- stituency; its surroundings were unattractive, and indeed desolate. Its collections were imperfectly mounted and only partially displayed. Its staff was inadequate in num- bers; its financial support was insufficient and uncertain. It was evident that if things were to be altered there was need of an intelligent plan, and energy and perseverance in following it out. These qualities Mr. Jesup supplied. He was singu- larly fitted by his previous training for his new position. For one thing he had accurate knowledge of the situa- tion. His service on the various committees, already 152 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP described, had acquainted him with the history of the Museum in all its details. He understood its finances, he had studied its collections, he was personally acquainted with its staff and with the leading members of its con- stituency. He did not need to depend upon the infor- mation of others for the knowledge on which to base his policy. His business training too stood him in good stead. The problem before the Museum was largely financial. Large sums of money must be raised and wisely and economi- cally expended. No one could hope to deal with the sit- uation who had not learned from personal experience both how to make and how to spend money. Mr. Jesup had learned both. Of a third qualification the present writer would speak with more hesitancy. Mr. Jesup was a man without scientific training. This might seem indeed to be an obstacle rather than a qualification for the presidency of a museum; yet, as a matter of fact, it proved one of the most important elements in Mr. Jesup's success. It helped him to hold a due proportion between the various objects which he sought to attain. It was a bond of union between him and the public whom the Museum was primarily designed to serve. It helped him to keep steadily before his eyes and the eyes of the staff the prac- tical ends to be accomplished. On this point I may be allowed to quote Professor Bumpus, the Director of the Museum, who will not be suspected of being prejudiced against the value of a scientific training: It was a fortunate thing that in 1881 the newly elected President, although in sympathy with science, had re- THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 153 ceived no scientific training. He began his duties, un- trammelled by tradition. He was the advocate of no es- tablished school or method; his desire was merely that the Museum should be financially sound; that established business methods should obtain, and that the institution should actively minister to the people of the city. The impelling motive of his entire administration was the de- sire that the Museum should be instructive. No inter- view with the Museum officers was complete unless it enjoined consideration of the needs of the visiting public. His oft repeated remark, " I am a plain, unscientific busi- ness man; I want the exhibits to be labelled so that I can understand them, and then I shall feel sure that others can understand," summed up his prime desire. Labels with stilted scientific verbiage were to him as out of place in a public exhibition hall as popular treatises on nature study are unfitted for the research laboratory. Mr. Jesup gave to the Museum four things, time, money, thought, and enthusiasm, and to this combina- tion the success of his administration is due. In the first place he gave his time. For many years he followed all the details of administration personally. He was not content to perform the official duties which his presidency required. He spent much time in the rooms watching the visitors and conversing with them. He would ask them what they had learned from this or that exhibit, or whether they had found such and such a lecture profitable. He studied the labels critically, com- menting favorably upon those which he understood, and suggesting changes when they seemed to him pedan- tic or obscure. He often read the proof of matter designed for publication before it appeared. He welcomed the expression of opinions from his friends, or indeed from 154 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP any source which could give him light as to the extent to which the Museum was realizing its opportunities. In short, he brought to the service of the institution a strong personality, with independent convictions, inexhaustible interest, and indefatigable energy. In the second place, he gave money. This was in- deed indispensable in the situation in which he found himself. The contract with the city required that the trustees should furnish the specimens which the city was to house. It was evident, then, that what could be expected from the city would depend upon the liberality of the trustees. During the first twelve years they had subscribed from their own means more than ;^ 100,000 for the purchase of specimens, but it was evident that in the future very much larger sums would be needed. Mr. Jesup set the example of liberahty. It was his custom when proposing to his colleagues any plan which called for expenditure on their part, to put his own name at the head of the subscription list. During the twenty- nine years of his presidency his contributions to the Museum aggregated the sum of ;?450,ooo. More important still, he gave thought. He never let the present need blind him to the future possibility. He was always looking ahead and, as he looked, the lines of the Museum that was to be took shape before his eyes. "It is exceedingly improbable," says Professor Bumpus, "that Mr. Jesup or any of his associates at the beginning conceived of an institution substantially dif- ferent from the natural history museums which they had visited in London, Paris, Washington, or elsewhere. Certainly the early growth of the Museum was imitative rather than inventive. Collections were purchased. THE PRESIDENCY OF THE MUSEUM 155 placed in cases, and people came, looked and passed on." In the nature of the case it could not be otherwise, but about the time of Mr. Jesup's accession to the presi- dency conditions had changed. It was possible to plan more intelligently; indeed, it was necessary to do so. Finally, Mr. Jesup brought to his new position an abounding enthusiasm. He believed that the work to which he had set his hand was worth while, and he was determined to let no obstacle daunt him which stood in the way of its accomplishment. His previous expe- rience had taught him that difficulties were made to be overcome. Difficulties, to be sure, were here in plenty. It was his determination to show that they were not in- superable. How he succeeded must be left to the next chapter to show. CHAPTER X THE FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE npHE broad spirit in which Mr. Jesup approached his •*■ new duties is well shown by the following extract from the report which he made to the trustees in 1884, three years after he assumed the presidency. After call- ing attention to the need of an assured annual income for the Museum from an endowment fund, and the disad- vantages under which it labored in this respect, in com- parison with the great museums on the Continent which are chiefly sustained by public funds, he goes on to say that it is impossible to reckon the value of such work as the Museum is doing, in terms of dollars and cents. There is another factor in science, not so often recog- nized, and that is its "ameliorating power, its educational force, and the scope it affords the higher faculties of man. Commercial values and purely scientific values meet often on common ground. But their essential life belongs to opposite poles. To some it appears necessary to vindicate the employment of large amounts of public money, in such an institution as that which you control, from the charge of extravagance. Their ideas of value appear to be limited to that which is exchangeable in the current coin of the market, but the highest results of 156 FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 157 character and life offer something which cannot be weighed in the balance of the merchant, be he ever so wise in his generation. "The advantage of your Museum to the multitude, shut up within stone walls, is that it aflFords opportunity to become acquainted with the beauty of natural objects and to study them in their usual aspects and conditions, and, out of the great number who look on vaguely and ex- perience only the healthful excitement of a natural curi- osity, one here and there may be found endowed with special aptitude and tastes, perhaps some child of genius whose susceptibilities and faculties, once aroused and quickened, will repay your expenditure a thousandfold." These words are the more significant, coming from one whose business training had taught him the value of dollars and cents. It is worthy of note that the year in which they were spoken, 1884, witnessed Mr. Jesup's own decision to retire from active business, that he might give himself with undivided energy to the pursuit of the values of the spirit. There can be little doubt that his increasing interest in the Museum and his growing sense of its importance was one of the controlling factors which led him to this decision. "The two grandly distinctive features of Mr. Jesup's administration," writes President Osborn, "were, first, the desire to popularize science through the arrange- ment and exhibition of collections in such a simple and attractive manner as to render them intelligible to all visitors; and secondly, his recognition that at the founda- tion of popular science is pure science, and his determi- nation, which increased with advancing years, that the Museum should be as famous for its scientific research 158 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP and explorations as for its popular exhibitions of educa- tional work." It is not my purpose here to tell the story of Mr. Jesup's administration in detail, but only to touch upon the salient points which illustrate his character and ideals. In doing this, it will be convenient to depart from the chronological order and take up in succession the chief problems by which he was confronted. These problems were of two kinds, primary and secondary. The primary problems had to do with the constituent elements in the make-up of the Museum; the secondary, with their proper co-ordination and use. There are four ingredients which go to make up a successful museum: money, men, exhibits, and a place in which to show them. There are four conditions which determine the effective use of these ingredients. The exhibits must be properly mounted and displayed. There must be people to see them. They must be so inter- preted as to make apparent their true place in the sys- tem of human knowledge, and their true contribution to human welfare; and finally, they must be so related to other exhibits of a similar kind as to avoid needless waste and duplication and to secure the maximum of social efficiency. The primary problems, then, are those of finance, personnel, acquisition, and housing. The sec- ondary problems are those of installation, advertising, re- search, and co-operation. Mr. Jesup's administration met all these problems and contributed notably to their so- lution. It will be convenient in what follows to consider them in turn. The first of the primary problems to engage Mr. Jesup's attention was the financial problem. He saw that FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 159 if the Museum was to fulfil its true function in the life of the community it must have an assured income. There must be money enough to buy and install the necessary collections, to mount and catalogue those that were given, and to pay the salaries of a staff cornpetent to do this work in an adequate and satisfactory way. This was far from the case when he assumed the pres- idency. The trustees, who in 1879 had had to put their hands in their pockets to make up a deficit of ;?26,ooo, had passed a resolution "that hereafter no indebtedness of any kind should be incurred for the purchase of any collection or for any other purpose, without first provid- ing the money to pay for the same." The application of this rule seriously embarrassed the administration. It was with the utmost difficulty that funds were secured to meet the necessary expenses. By the contract of 1877 the city had agreed to contribute to the maintenance of the building, but the contribution was small, first amounting to only ^9,000 a year. During the eleven years from 1871 to 1882, about ;?50,ooo was secured from membership dues under the plan of 1871, but there was no permanent endowment fund, and the sum received was wholly inadequate. Mr. Jesup's experience as Chairman of the Finance Committee had convinced him that the only adequate solution of the Museum's problem was the establish- ment of a permanent endowment fund. As early as 1880 this plan had been urged upon the Board by Mr. Con- stable, who proposed that an attempt should be made to create a permanent fund of ;?30o,ooo, of which the interest should be available for running expenses. No action was taken on this proposal at the time. Three years later, i6o MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP however, a bequest of ;?5,ooo from the estate of Mr. William E. Dodge, Sr., made a beginning possible, and a permanent endowment fund was formally established by vote of the trustees. The example set by Mr. Dodge was followed by others. Mr. Jesup himself contributed liberally and, under his fostering care, the fund grew until at the present time it amounts to over ;g2,ooo,ooo. The contributions of the city had grown correspond- ingly. Progress in this direction was at first slow. In 1875 the Museum received ;?i,290; in 1876, ;?i,537. Ten years later the city's contribution was ;? 14,920; in 1891 it was ;?25,ooo. In recent years the growth has been much more rapid. The strides made by the Museum in pubhc favor, the enormous growth of its buildings and its col- lections, have vastly increased the expense of maintenance. In 1900 the city contributed ;? 120,000. The appropriation for last year was ;? 180,000. The liberality of the trustees kept pace with the in- creasing contributions of the city. Apart from the en- dowment fund, already mentioned, and the gifts of in- dividuals for special collections, presently to be described, it is estimated that up to the present time the trustees and other friends have contributed to the expenses of the Museum, exclusive of the collections, ^1,531,257. If the value of the collections given be included, the sum would aggregate a far larger amount. But, important as is money for the success of an insti- tution, men are even more important. Here the progress made under Mr. Jesup's administration is notable. A comparison of the report of 188 1, the year in which he be- came President, with that of 1907, the year prior to his death, shows that whereas in the first year the staff con- FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE i6i sisted of but six persons, in the latter it had risen to twenty-eight. In the former case three departments were represented; in the latter, eleven. Whereas in the former case the superintendent of the Museum, Professor Bick- more, added to his duties as general executive the charge of two departments, those of ethnology and of public in- struction, the Museum now has a director who gives his entire time to the executive management of the work, while some of the individual departments are represented by no less than four men. This increase in numbers was accompanied by a corre- sponding change in the character and functions of the staff. With a larger force, greater differentiation was possible. New departments were added and co-ordi- nated with the existing ones on a scientific principle.* As the value of the collections increased and the variety of fields covered multiplied, it became necessary to secure the services of speciahsts in order to insure the proper use of the materials, and the scientific standing of the staff steadily increased. With the election on Feb. ii, 1901, to the second vice-presidency, of Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn this tendency was powerfully reinforced. As one of the leading naturalists of the country. Professor Os- born not only directed the activities and administered the explorations of what had become easily one of the most important departments of the Museum, but his official position brought him into intimate relations with Mr. Jesup, and in this capacity he exercised a powerful influence upon the policy of the institution. Until the * Professor Bickmore, who had long been doing the work of several men, was relieved of his extra duties, and concentrated his attention more and more upon the work of public instruction, in which from the first his interest had been primarily engaged. i62 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP appointment of Professor Bumpus in 1902 he was not only the logical scientific adviser of the President, but became in a very real sense involved with him in the government of the Museum, to the presidency of which he has since so fitly succeeded. But the growing responsibilities involved in the Mu- seum's administration soon made it apparent that a new executive officer was needed. Professor Osborn's scien- tific duties made constantly increasing demands upon his time, and Mr. Jesup, who had hitherto followed all the details of the Museum's administration personally, found his work increasingly difficult, in view of the many public duties which were crowding upon him. Accord- ingly, on Jan. 17, 1902, at the suggestion of Professor Osborn, the office of Director was created by the Trus- tees, and Professor Hermon Carey Bumpus, who for- merly had been Professor of Zoology in Brown Univer- sity, and who had been during the previous year assistant to the President, was appointed to the position. Professor Bumpus's appointment proved a great relief to Mr. Jesup. He assumed full charge of the details of administration and left Professor Osborn and Mr. Jesup himself free for the important work which properly belonged to the posi- tions they held. But the true progress of the Museum during the period under review can only be measured when we consider the increase of its collections. When it is recalled that in 1 88 1 all the exhibits of the Museum, with the exception of a few specimens left on deposit in the Arsenal, were displayed in a single building one hundred and seventy feet long by sixty wide, and that they now fill more than five times the space, some idea of this progress can be FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 163 obtained. Nor was the growth simply one of quantity. Important new departments have been created, among others, the department of vertebrate paleontology. Great collections have been added by purchase or gift, and existing collections completed and enlarged by the secur- ing of needed specimens. Most important of all, the whole has been co-ordinated on a scientific plan which covers the entire field of natural history, and systematic exploration undertaken by the Museum in order to secure the specimens which are needed to fill the gaps which still remain. This notable progress was possible only through the willing co-operation of many individuals. Mr. J. Pier- pont Morgan gave the collection of gems which bears his name; the Duke of Loubat valuable collections of Mexican antiquities. Others contributed no less gen- erously. To rehearse all these gifts would be to retell the history of the Museum in detail. Here we are con- cerned only with Mr. Jesup's share of this splendid rec- ord of progress. Almost the first step taken by Mr. Jesup upon his accession to the presidency was the creation at his own expense of an economic department having in view a collection of all the woods in the United States which could be devoted to building and manufacturing purposes. In Mr. Jesup's original plan the formation of this collection was but one step in a policy which was ultimately designed to include the mineral kingdom as well.^ But he soon * The plan for the geological section is thus outlined in the Report of 1880. "This department shall exhibit in all their varieties the granites, sandstones, limestones, marbles, slates, clays for brick and tile, and sands for glass, that are known in America. We are in correspondence with Dr. George W. Hawes, who with the aid of a large corps of prominent geologists, is preparing a Report i64 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP found that he had quite enough on his hands with what he had undertaken. There proved to be more woods in the country than Mr. Jesup or any of his advisers had supposed, and not only was the cost of the enterprise much greater than had been originally contemplated, but the demands made upon the Museum for space strained its resources almost to the breaking-point. Under the circumstances it was necessary to postpone the other part of the programme, which, even to this day, remains an ideal for the future. The collection of woods, on the other hand, grew stead- ily until it attained its present splendid proportions. The idea was suggested to Mr. Jesup in connection with the preparation of the tenth census under General Francis A. Walker. Its execution he entrusted to Professor Charles S. Sargent, of Brookline, Massachusetts, who for many years acted as his agent in the collection of the specimens. On their arrival at the Museum they were prepared for exhibition by S. T. Dill, who carefully restored the de- cayed portions. The trunks were, on an average, six feet high and were cut so as to show vertical, horizontal, and oblique sections, both in the natural and in the pol- ished state. Beside every tree was shown an outline map of the United States, giving the geographical distribu- for the Census upon the quarries and ornamental and building stones of our country, and we anticipate securing his active co-operation in gathering and preparing for exhibition the exhaustive series of specimens we desire. These collections will be so amply and scientifically labelled and illustrated that it will be a source of instruction for the artisan and laboring classes of our citizens, and the pupils of our public schools whom it is our special desire to benefit. "It will be supplemented by a gathering of all the maps, plans and photographic views, that have yet been published on these subjects, and such valuable data will be accessible to all desiring detailed information, as builders, architects or persons erecting private dwellings." FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 165 tion of the species to which it was attached, while an- nexed tables recorded the physical structure of the tree in respect to density, gravity, resistance to pressure, and chemical composition. Above each specimen hangs a colored sketch of the leaf, flower and fruit, executed by Mrs. Sargent, so that in the briefest possible compass all possible knowledge is afforded the eye of the spectator. In this notable collection are represented all the great areas of the forest distribution of the United States, those of the Atlantic region embracing the northern pine belt, the Southern maritime pine belt, the deciduous forest of the Mississippi basin, the semi-tropical forest of Florida, and the Mexican forest of southern Texas, as well as the great forests of the Pacific region embracing the Northern forest and the Mexican forest. More than twenty years have been occupied in the making of this collection, which, begun with the opening years of Mr. Jesup's admin- istration, has been practically completed only within the last five years. "The formation of the Jesup Collection of North American Woods,*' writes Mr. Sargent, "was a matter of national importance. The preparation of this col- lection enabled us to study the distribution of the eco- nomic value of many trees which, before Mr. Jesup's undertaking, were largely unknown. I think it can be said that this collection is the finest representation of forest wealth that exists in any country." Through his interest in this collection Mr. Jesup was led to study the larger questions connected with forestry, and his energetic advocacy of the work of forest preserva- tion, to which we have already referred, was the direct outcome of this interest. "Mr. Jesup," continues Mr. i66 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Sargent, "certainly played an important part in the early movement for the better care of the North Ameri- can forests, and by those who love trees he will always be gratefully remembered." An interesting offshoot of the collection of woods was the Jesup Collection of Economic Entomology. This was begun in 1899 and had for its purpose the exhibition of specimens showing the nature and habits of those in- sects which are the natural enemies of forest and shade trees. These specimens are arranged in groups showing the life histories of insects, and are illustrated by wax reproductions of their food plants showing the injury done to the trees by the insects. The collection now amounts to fifty-three groups. The second great contribution of Mr. Jesup to the collections of the Museum was in connection with the department of vertebrate paleontology which had been established in 1891 by the appointment of Professor Osborn as curator. The researches of Marsh and of Cope had aroused the interest of the public in this subject and had revealed the presence in America of a series of ex- tinct creatures ranging through the mesozoic, and es- pecially the cretaceous age, and the tertiary, and present- ing new and luminous evidence for the doctrine of evo- lution, while the perfection in which they were pre- served has made them one of the scientific wonders of the world. Professor Osborn proposed to collect the remains of these extinct animals, to mount them more perfectly than had ever been done before, to study them scientifically, to conduct systematic exploration of the regions in which their fossil remains had been discovered, in the hope of adding new series to those already known. FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 167 and, finally, to exhibit them in the most effective manner possible. Mr. Jesup was greatly interested in this plan and lent it his hearty support. Under Professor Osborn's leadership a series of expeditions was organized, which undertook the systematic investigation of all the strata in which fossil remains were likely to be discovered. An efficient field staff was organized under the direction of Dr. J. L. Wortman. Clever methods of packing and transporting the specimens when found were devised, new mechanical devices were invented for their effective exhibition, and the results gained made known to the world in a series of scholarly productions. In 1895 the famous Cope Collection of North American fossil mammals came into the market. This collection, which was the most complete and valuable of its kind in the world, aggregated nearly ten thousand specimens, and represented four hundred and eighty-three species. Mr. Jesup united with several other trustees and friends of the Museum in the purchase of this collection. Five years later, when the collection of the lower vertebrates of the same great scientist was offered for sale, Mr. Jesup purchased this at his own expense and presented it to the Museum. The entire visible fruits of the life work of one of the most brilliant of American paleontologists were thus secured for the Museum. In the meantime, the work of field exploration was being systematically pushed forward. New specimens of extraordinary interest and value were being added from year to year, and when, in 1896, Mr. Jesup opened the new hall of vertebrate paleontology, he had the satisfaction of knowing that it contained the most complete and best- appointed collection of its kind in the world. i68 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP A third notable contribution of Mr. Jesup was made to the department of anthropology, in connection with the North Pacific expedition which he inaugurated in 1897. The growth of this department was indeed one of the striking features of his administration. Collections of Indian antiquities had been acquired by the Museum before its removal to the new site, and other and valuable gifts soon followed. The department was at first in charge of Professor Bickmore, who was much interested in the subject, but his growing duties in connection with the work of public instruction, together with the increasing value of the collections, rendered the creation of an independent department necessary, and Professor Terry was appointed curator, who, in turn, was suc- ceeded in 1894 by Professor Frederick W. Putnam, Head of the Peabody Museum of Cambridge. Under Professor Putnam's inspiration and leadership the de- partment rapidly expanded. Expeditions were under- taken to Mexico, Central America, Peru, Chili, Bolivia, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, British Columbia, and the regions contiguous to Behring Straits. Valuable collections were acquired by purchase and gift. The Duke of Loubat presented to it a complete replica of the antiquities of Central America and Mexico — a gift which extended over several years. Through this and similar gifts the Museum became very rich in material bearing upon the anthropology of this country, and questions re- lating to the origin and history of its earliest inhabitants engaged the attention and study of its representatives. It was to this interest that the North Pacific expedition owed its origin. In his report to the Board for 1896 Mr. Jesup speaks as follows: "In closing our reference to FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 169 the work of the Department of Anthropology it is proper to add a few words regarding a subject of great interest, not only to the speciahst in this subject, but also to per- sons interested in scientific research in other fields. I refer to the theory that America was originally peopled by migratory tribes from the Asiatic continent. The opportunities for solving this problem are rapidly dis- appearing, and I would be deeply grateful to learn that some friends of the Museum may feel disposed to con- tribute the means for the prosecution of systematic in- vestigation, in the hope of securing the data to demonstrate the truth or falsity of the claim set forth by various promi- nent men of science." In the following year, no one else having volunteered, Mr. Jesup undertook to carry out his own suggestion, and for several years systematic field work was carried on under the auspices of the Mu- seum. In 1897 the work was confined to the coast of British Columbia; in the following year it was under- taken upon a more extended scale. Parties were in the field on the coast of the State of Washington, in the southern interior of British Columbia, and in north- eastern Siberia. Extensive collections were made both of archaeological and ethnological material, which were put on exhibition in the Museum, and added greatly to the value of its collections. Of the scientific value of the results attained this is not the place to speak.* Our interest here is in the light *Dr. Franz Boas, who was in charge of the expedition, thus sums up his impression of the value of the results obtained: "An inquiry of this kind seemed profitable from two different stand-points. First of all, we had reason to hope that we should be making an important contribution to the knowledge of the relations existing between the primitive inhabitants of America and those of the Old World; further, we anticipated that a study of the historical de- velopment of a large territory, inhabited by peoples of simple types of culture, 170 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP which the undertaking sheds upon Mr. Jesup's own character. The question at issue was one of purely scientific character, without any direct practical bearing. Yet it engaged Mr. Jesup's interest no less heartily, and he followed it with no less persistence, than his work for forest preservation or his collection of American woods. An incident which occurred in connection with this expedition illustrates Mr. Jesup's persistence in anything to which he had set his hand. I give the story in his own words. "When I consented to pay the expenses of the expedition to northwest Alaska it became very im- portant that the best scientific men should be engaged to take charge of it. After long negotiations Dr. Laufer, from the St. Petersburg Society, was chosen and instructed by cable to come to this country for instructions. He came in such hot haste that he neglected to obtain his passport, and when he was ready to return to the East on his scientific quest he attempted to secure his pass- port at the Russian embassy and was refused because he was a Jew. The whole expedition was imperilled, as it was impossible to secure any competent substitute. I therefore applied to the Russian Ambassador at Washing- would furnish us with the means of approaching more methodicailly and with greater precision the most troublesome problem of ethnography, the question of independent invention or borrowing. It seems to me that the results of our work have fully justified this method of carefully studying a continuous area with the purpose of clearing up its historical relations. Not only did we find everywhere clear proofs of borrow- ing, but we were also enabled to follow the migrations of ideas and tribes with relative certainty. The tribes of the North Pacific Coast no longer ap- pear to us as stable units, lacking any historical development, but we see their cultures in constant flux, each people influenced by its nearer and more distant neighbors in space and in time. We recognize that from an historical point of view, these tribes are far from primitive, and that their beliefs and their ways of thinking must not be considered those of the human race in its infancy which can be classified unreservedly in an evolutionary series, but that their origin is to be sought in the complicated ethnic relations between the tribes." FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 171 ton for redress. When I found that he was unable to assist me I apphed to the Department of State at Wash- ington. Through them appHcation was made to Berlin and St. Petersburg through the American Ambassador, but all failed. I finally wrote a letter to the President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Science, telling him the story and asking for his help. It happened that Duke Constantine of Russia was a member of the St. Peters- burg Academy and saw my letter, and through him the Emperor was made acquainted with the condition of things, and the first intimation I had of the result of my application was a telegram from the Russian Ambassa- dor at Washington that he had been instructed to sign Mr. Laufer's passport and to send it on to Washington. This special favor was worth all it cost, for it lent the authority of his Imperial Majesty to the expedition." These are only the most important of Mr. Jesup's contributions to the collections of the Museum. For sev- eral years he maintained expeditions for the purpose of collecting important data regarding the vanishing tribes of North American Indians. In 1890 he supported the Lumholtz expedition to northern Mexico. From time to time he contributed large sums for the development of the mineral collections. Among his lesser gifts, too numerous to mention, may be singled out the New Zea- land and the Rio Negro ethnological and zoological col- lections. The rapid growth of the collections rendered additional exhibition space imperative. By 1887 the facilities at the disposal of the trustees had been outgrown, and an addition became necessary. In 1892 the central portion of the present southern facade was completed, and 172 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP further additions followed in 1895, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1905, and 1908. In 1900 the present lecture hall was completed and opened to the public with proper cere- monies. Thus, by the end of Mr. Jesup's administra- tion almost a third of the vast plan approved by the trus- tees as early as 1874 had been actually realized. The enlargement of the building was matched by a corresponding improvement in its exterior surroundings. One of the first steps taken by Mr. Jesup was to secure from Mr. Frederick Olmsted a plan by which access to the Museum was facilitated. A driveway and path connected Manhattan Square and Central Park, and a roadway at Eighty-first Street and Eighth Avenue opened the westerly drive of the Park to Eighth Avenue. The filling up of the excavated places was begun and plans drawn for the continuous embellishment of the grounds. The isolation in which the building had at first stood was overcome, and the numbers of visitors steadily increased. Even greater changes took place in the interior arrange- ments. The conditions described in Mr. Jesup's report of 1880 were remedied as rapidly as possible, and the appearance of the collections became constantly more attractive and instructive. But with this reference we have passed already from the primary to the secondary problems, from those of acquisition to those of use. We may sum up what was accomplished along these lines under the four heads already named, of installation, advertising, research, and co-operation. And first, exhibition. At the time that Mr. Jesup ac- cepted the presidency of the Museum such institutions were generally unattractive, architecturally repellent, dark, dusty, and congested. He promptly insisted upon FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 173 order, cleanliness, and an ample supply of those price- less gifts of nature, light and air. To him, a few specimens well prepared, well labelled, and well placed were of more value than an exhaustive series crowded together in dimness and confusion. Probably no feature of the Mu- seum is more frequently commented upon by visitors from abroad than the feeling of room, light, and cleanli- ness which it produces. This result is not an accident. It represents a condition which was only attained through persistent effort. Mr. Jesup's appreciation of the beautiful led to his inviting to America Mrs. Mogridge, the artist modeller who had been engaged on the preparation of the groups of birds in the British Museum. Probably no single de- tail of the Museum administration has met with more universal popular approval than this innovation, which finally led to the installation of those enticing bits of nat- ure known as the bird groups. Here the different birds are shown under the conditions in which their real life is lived. We see the mother with her young, the nest hidden away among the reeds, the mother bird searching for food, and all the infinite variety of the daily life of these fascinating members of the animal creation. The experiment so successfully tried with the birds was followed with equal success in the case of the mammals, and the buffalo, the moose, and other representative ani- mals of North America, were exhibited on a large scale amid surroundings perfectly modelled after their real habitat. We have already spoken of the artistic skill displayed in the preparation of the collection of woods and of the Jesup collection of economic entomology, of the inter- est which Mr. Jesup took in the labelling of the different 174 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP specimens, and his insistence that the information they contained should be conveyed in a manner intelligible to the casual visitor. Nowhere has this end been more suc- cessfully attained than in the department of vertebrate paleontology, in which the story of the earlier forms of life upon the earth is retold so simply and fully that a layman in science can follow. Mention may be made in this connection of the interesting imaginative recon- structions of these long-vanished denizens of the past by Mr. Knight, who has worked out with artistic skill suggestions made to him by Professor Osborn. Mr. Jesup's interest in the success of the Museum as an agency of popular instruction has been more than once referred to. He was not content to wait for the people to come, he was determined to take every step to bring them. To this end various methods of making the work of the Museum more widely known were employed. As early as 1881 the Museum began the publication of simple bulletins describing its recent acquisitions and recording the growth which had been made since the last issue. These were widely circulated and proved an effec- tive means of stimulating popular interest. But the most efficient agency was undoubtedly the system of popular lectures inaugurated by Professor Bickmore, and since developed on a scale unapproached by any other institu- tion of a similar kind. Through these lectures the Mu- seum attracted within its walls large numbers who would not otherwise have come, and not only stimulated intelli- gent acquaintance with the objects of exhibition, but secured the wide dissemination of information which, in turn, added new visitors to its constantly enlarging constituency. FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 175 Three further steps taken during Mr. Jesup's adminis- tration helped to enlarge the number of visitors to the Museum. The first was the abolition of the rule which reserved Monday and Tuesday of each week for the trustees, the commissioners, and students; the second, the provision for evening opening; and the third and most important, the decision to open the Museum on Sundays. The latter step was not taken without much hesitancy on Mr. Jesup's part. It involved a wide departure from his own earlier attitude. As late as October, 1885, he appeared before the Mayor to protest on behalf of the Trustees of the Museum against the proposal that in return for an annual appropriation by the city the latter should require the Museum to open its doors on Sunday. The arguments which he used are familiar. They repre- sented the views of a considerable number of earnest people who, while abandoning the strictness of the early Puritan observance, still held strongly to the necessity of preserving by law as well as by custom the barriers which divided Sunday from the other six days of the week. Sincere friends of the workingman, they honestly believed that the policy they advocated was for his interest, and some of them, Hke the late Mr. William R. Prime, of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, were wiUing to make no shght sacrifice in support of their conviction. The policy which Mr. Jesup advocated, therefore, was one which could command influential support and which probably represented the opinion, as he says, of nine-tenths of his most intimate friends and associates.* * His speech on this occasion, which was afterward printed, was one of the best arguments in favor of Sunday closing with which the writer is acquainted. After adverting to the additional expense which would be required, expense which would necessarily fall upon the trustees, nine-tenths of whom, in Mr. 176 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP When Mr. Jesup appeared before the Mayor to make his argument against Sunday opening he was fifty-five years old. It is not easy for a man who has reached this time of life to alter his position in a matter on which he has put himself publicly on record. Yet, Mr. Jesup did this with a frankness and unreserve, for which he deserves every credit. Closer observation and study brought to his notice facts which he had overlooked, or, at least, of which he had taken too little account. He came to see that it was necessary to discriminate between harmful and demorahzing amusements and those that were up- lifting and educational. He saw that it was not enough Jesup's opinion, were opposed to Sunday opening, and to the fact that it would involve extra labor, labor which it would be difficult to secure without the permanent employment of an additional force of men trained for the work, Mr. Jesup went on to argue that it was not for the interest of the people, especially for the workingmen, to open the Museum on Sunday. His position he declared to be taken from what he knew "of the workingmen themselves, and of the value to them of Sunday as a day of rest from toil and labor, of the many in- fluences that tend to rob them of it, as well as from what has taken place in the countries of Europe." He declared that it was the popular reverence for the day as a non-secular day which was its main defence as a rest-day. " Break down this popular rev^ence for the day as a holy day, destroy this distinction between it and the week-days, and it will inevitably become a work- ing day. This is especially true in a country like ours, where competition is so severe and exacting." "Open the Museum on Sunday," declared Mr. Jesup, "and it will be impossible to stop there." Other so-called instructive recrea- tions and entertainments will follow. The theatres and the operas, the circuses and the minstrel shows, must also be allowed, and the end will be the Parisian Sunday. Mr. Jesup met the argument that workingmen have no time but Sunday in which to visit the museums by calling attention to the six or eight legal holidays of the year, to the occasional oflF days which occur in every trade, and to the Sat- urday half holiday, with the movement to secure which he was in fullest sym- pathy. "I believe," he said, "that what our workingmen want is more time for rest and intelligent recreation during the week. If merchants and manufact- urers and business men of this city could be induced to give their employees a Saturday half holiday, this would give time for laboring men to visit the muse- ums without opening on Sunday. Open the museums on Sunday and you weak- en the motive for extending the Saturday half holiday, and otherwise shortening the hours of labor." He concluded by calling attention to the experience of England and citing an impressive array of witnesses in favor of Sunday obser- vance from that country. FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 177 to repress; you must provide an outlet for the fund of energy which the Sunday holiday leaves idle. He recog- nized that a policy which allowed the rich to enjoy pictures and works of art in their own homes on Sunday, while it denied the poor the privilege of similar recreation in the public galleries, to the support of which they contribute by taxation, was an intolerable discrimination. Accord- ingly, only two years later we find him withdrawing his opposition and co-operating with the city authorities in carrying out the policy which he had hitherto opposed. Mr. Jesup never regretted this action. Speaking with a friend some years later he said: "For a long time I stoutly opposed opening the city museums on Sundays. That measure was finally carried with my personal vote in the affirmative, and I have learned to be grateful that the step was taken. It has been a satisfaction to me to watch the weekly returns registered in the museums of the Sunday afternoon attend- ance, knowing that it is made up of persons who are too busy to enjoy these pleasures on other days. I frankly acknowledge my opposition to the plan originally to have been caused by ignorance pure and simple. I believe ignorance to be at the bottom of all wrong opposition to right things. There is a deep truth in the saying that 'to understand is to forgive,' and often to approve." But Mr. Jesup' s conception of the function of the Museum was not confined to popular instruction. More than once in the course of this chapter reference has been made to his interest in the scientific work of the Museum. As we have seen, Professor Osborn refers to this as one of the outstanding features of his administration. The function of the Museum, as he saw it, was not simply 178 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP to popularize knowledge, but to add to its sum. He re- garded it as part of the educational system of the country in the widest sense, including under the term pure as well as applied science. He was not content to put its resources at the disposal of scholars; he wished to see the staff themselves contribute to the progress of scholar- ship. He regarded time spent in this kind of work as well spent, and was anxious to put the best possible facilities at the disposal of the workers. This motive led, as we have seen, to the undertaking by the Museum of sys- tematic exploration on its own account, the object being not merely to secure materials for exhibition purposes, but to gather objects of study and to solve problems in the field of ethnology and natural history which had hitherto defied solution. Side by side with the collections for exhibition, ample study collections were added and facilities provided for their use by such scholars as de- sired to avail themselves of them. The library was de- veloped and enlarged until to-day it numbers no less than forty thousand volumes and twenty thousand pamphlets, covering all the fields with which the Museum deals, and putting at the service of its workers the results of the latest work of specialists in all these branches. With increased facilities for research were developed also means for making known to the public the results gained by research. The Bulletin, designed for the popu- lar reader, was succeeded by the Journal, a more schol- arly publication designed to embody the work of the staff in the department of pure science. Valuable monographs on zoology and paleontology appeared from time to time, until to-day the publications of th€ Museum take FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 179 their place with those of the great universities as an es- sential part of the equipment of the modern naturahst and ethnologist. One happy incident in the course of this steady develop- ment deserves special mention. On December 29, 1906, a large and representative audience gathered in the lect- ure room of the Museum to witness the presentation to the Trustees of the series of busts of eminent American naturalists which now adorns the spacious anteroom through which visitors approach the Museum. The idea was Mr. Jesup's, and he provided the funds. The gift fitly symbolizes his conception of the part played by science in the complex circle of interests, of whose joint efforts the Museum is the expression. To a friend who was sitting by his side at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at which the speaker paid a tribute to the pioneers whose work he had helped to commemorate, he said: "I am glad that I was able to do this for the men who have devoted their lives to science." One further feature ^ of Mr. Jesup's administration still remains to be mentioned, and that is the pains which he took to bring about an effective co-operation between the Museum and the other educational institutions of the country. One of the first bodies with which the Mu- seum entered into relations was the New York State Survey. Not only were its collections housed by the Museum, but the Museum's workshops were put at the disposal of its members. For many years cordial sym- pathy and co-operation obtained between the two in- stitutions. Later, connections were made with Columbia University and the University of New York, as well as i8o MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Zoological Park, and the Botanical Garden. The hospitality of the Museum was cordially extended to the New York Acad- emy of Sciences, the Linnaean Society, the New York Botanical Society, and kindred organizations. The offi- cers of the Museum were frequently permitted to devote some of their time to university teaching, and the names of university officers were as frequently found upon the scientific staff of the Museum. The Museum was the birthplace of the Audubon Society. It became the meet- ing place of the Anthropological Society. Here convened in 1873 the International Congress of Humanists; here was held the Ecumenical Congress, and the Seventh In- ternational Congress of Zoology. Most significant of all were the relations that existed between the Museum and the public schools. Lectures designed for teachers and public lectures given in co- operation with the Board of Education had been de- livered for several years, when it occurred to the president that greater integration with the schools might be estab- lished. Accordingly, in 1904 lectures for school-children were begun, and in the following year more than seven- teen thousand pupils came to the Museum, many walk- ing miles that they might profit by Hstening to those who were announced to lecture on various natural history topics germane to the regular public school work. About the same time the president further extended the use- fulness of the Museum by preparing small collections which were sent into all parts of the city to supplement in the school buildings the regular work of the schools, and thus to assist those who were unable to visit the Museum. When it is reaHzed that within thirty weeks a FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE i8i single one of these collections has been studied by nearly five thousand school-children, and that at times there have been more than four hundred collections in circu- lation, one is in a position to estimate at its true value this phase of the Museum's activity. The spirit of co-operation which characterized Mr. Jesup's administration found fitting expression in a speech which he delivered at the twenty-fifth anniversary of the neighboring Museum of Art. "I feel sure, Mr. President," he began, "that it is your kindly interest in the sister museum, over which I have the honor to pre- side, which has led you to select me to say a few words on this occasion. Our respective museums were born about the same time. I well remember the circumstances which surrounded their infancy. There were compara- tively few then who felt any interest in art and natural history and science. It was very difficult to arouse popu- lar interest and enthusiasm in such enterprises as ours. Our beginnings were modest and our support limited. Many of those who bore the burden and anxiety of these early days have passed away. Would that they were here to witness the wonderful growth and prosperity which we, their associates, now behold. Great credit was due to your late President, J. Taylor Johnston, for what he accomplished for the Museum over which you now so worthily preside. Neither should we forget John David Wolfe and Robert L. Stuart, the former Presidents of the American Museum of Natural History, now gone from our sight. These men will ever be gratefully re- membered not only by us, but by the city whose interests they so much loved and helped to serve. It must be a great joy to you, and to us all to witness the present i82 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP position and conditions of these two museums, and to know that they have been such important factors in all that is elevating in the life of this good metropolis, and through it, in the life of the whole country." Mr. Jesup went on to paint a picture of what the future would hold when these museums, "now only in their infancy, shall have attained the age of the present museums of Europe," and to pay a tribute to the authorities of the city for generous and consistent support. In his report of the same year he thus sums up the growth of the Museum during the twenty-five years of his administration: In concluding this my quarter of a century of service as President of the American Museum of Natural History, I cannot refrain from referring to the Report of twenty- five years ago, when the Trustees stated that "they most respectfully appeal to the generous citizens of New York, to aid in the effort to make our Metropolitan City the centre of the highest scientific culture in our land, and to join in adding new collections and new departments to the admirable nucleus which has been already secured." As your President it has been my constant effort to fulfil the desires, as expressed by the Trustees, which were so clearly formulated at the time of my appointment, and when we view the stately building in Manhattan Square, when we wander through the exhibition halls and study the priceless collections therein displayed, when we realize that thousands of the people of our City are assembling here to listen to prominent educators, that school-children are here receiving their first love for nature and their first taste of science, and that the influence of this institution is being felt throughout the civilized world, truly we can say that the appeal of 1881 to the generous citizens of New York has not remained unanswered. FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 183 This great result was, of course, not due to Mr. Jesup alone. Many factors co-operated to produce the magnif- icent success attained. Were it our purpose here to tell the story of the Museum in its fulness, we should have to record the loyal support which Mr. Jesup received from his trustees, and their generous contributions of time and money, the devoted service of the members of the staff whose achievements in science and research have lent distinction to the Museum, and the liberality of the generous citizens of New York which Mr. Jesup himself so appreciatively recognized. But every great cause must have a leader, and Mr. Jesup's fellow-workers in the Museum would be the first to admit that to his wise and far-sighted leadership the great success which their joint efforts attained was primarily due. "I suppose," says Mr. Choate, his fellow founder and trustee, speaking some years later at the Chamber of Commerce, "that I may speak with authority of Mr. Jesup's services to the world in the Museum of Natural History; for it was not merely to that corporation, it was not merely to the citizens of New York who enjoy the benefit of what he has given and done there, but to the world at large, that the benefits of his labors in that direc- tion extended. I say I may speak with authority because I believe that Mr. Morgan and I are the only surviving associates who, with him, assisted in the organization of that institution. I do not think it can be said that Mr. Jesup was the creator of the Museum. I should hardly venture in the presence of Mr. Morgan to claim for him a monopoly of the generosity that endowed that institution from the beginning; nor would I forget the abundant aid of many other generous benefactors; but I i84 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP will say that he was the chief factor, the most powerful and effective agent in bringing it to the great eminence that it enjoys to-day." This great service was fitly signalized by his fellow trustees on February 12, 1906, when in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his presidency, they pre- sented to him a loving cup beautifully designed in gold, with inscriptions and symbols in allusion to those branches of science in which he had taken a special interest. On one face of the cup reference was made to the forestry of North America; on another his interest in vertebrate pale- ontology was indicated, and his gift of the Cope collection of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles was mentioned; on the third face was a design symbolizing the work of the Jesup North Pacific expeditions, the last and greatest of the en- terprises toward which his efforts were directed. To this tribute of the trustees we may add the following extracts from the words of the two men who stood closest to him in the executive work of the Museum, President Osborn and Director Bumpus. "In the death of Morris K. Jesup," writes President Osborn, "science in America has lost one of its wisest supporters and most liberal benefactors. Mr. Jesup's name has been closely associated in our minds with the American Museum of Natural History, and it is true that during his presidency of twenty-seven years his chief interests have been centred there, but his enthusiasm in the cause of education and of science reached far beyond the bounds of the City of New York; in fact, it is doubt- ful if there has ever lived in America or any other country a man trained originally for business who developed more universal sympathies and interests. The most northerly FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 185 promontory of the Arctic bears his name; he was in- strumental in exploration of the extreme south; as presi- dent of the Syrian College at Beirut his influence has been felt through the Orient, and expeditions, made possible through his generosity, have investigated many scientific problems in the west. " It is not possible to review or summarize here all the different directions in which Mr. Jesup was led by his keen sense of the duties of citizenship. He was a man who had a strong civic pride; he believed in American ideas and in American men, and was ever willing to sacri- fice his own interests to those of the community. He was an idealist, an optimist, and keenly patriotic. He was sanguine, determined, forceful, trustful, apprecia- tive and even affectionate toward those closely associated with him." "It is not because of the long period of his service," writes Professor Bumpus, "nor because of his unfailing devotion, nor yet because of his innumerable gifts, that Mr. Jesup's administration of the affairs of the American Museum of Natural History will mark a distinct epoch in the history of this institution. "Scientific and educational institutions frequently have enjoyed the continuous service of administrative offi- cers for much longer periods of time; unfailing devotion has not always resulted in administrative efficiency; and the mere act of giving, even if repeatedly recurrent, has not always benefited the recipient. "It is because he served long and also well; it is be- cause he was devoted and at the same time exercised good judgment; it is because he not only gave but gave wisely, that he finally enjoyed the fruit of his labor, that his i86 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP devotion to the Museum ripened into absorbing affection, and that his example of giving infected those associated with him." Mr. Jesup's interest in the Museum did not cease with his death. In his will he left a million dollars to the Permanent Endowment Fund, accompanying the be- quest with the following words: I give and bequeath to The American Museum of Natural History in the City of New York One million dollars (;S5 1,000,000) to constitute a permanent fund, the principal to be invested and kept invested, and the in- come to be applied and appropriated to the general pur- poses of the Museum, other than alterations, additions, repairs or erection of buildings, the purchase of land or the payment of salaries, or for labor or for services of any kind, ordinarily considered under the item of mainte- nance. I wish to explain that I have bequeathed this sum of One million dollars (;? 1,000,000) to The American Museum of Natural History, and that I have made for it the other bequests and provisions contained in my Will because of the fact that I have been identified with the Museum from its Act of Incorporation to the present time. I have been its President since 1882. Since that time I have devoted a great part of my life, my time, my thoughts and my attention to its interests. I believe it to be to- day one of the most effective agencies which exist in The City of New York for furnishing education, innocent amusement and instruction to the people. It can be immensely increased in its usefulness by increasing its powers. The City of New York, under its contract with the Museum, is to provide buildings and to maintain them, but the buildings must be filled with specimens. This means that for the purpose, the necessary amount must come from individual donors. It is in order that FRIEND OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 187 the means for this purpose may be helped, as the Mu- seum must grow in additional buildings by the City, and in view of its great possibilities for the future, that I make for the Museum the bequests and provisions con- tained in my Will, relying upon the Trustees of the Mu- seum to do their share, by looking after the investment of the funds, the use of its income and by carefully watch- ing over, and wisely planning for the best interests of this great institution. CHAPTER XI THE DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE ^npHE visitor to the Museum who enters the spacious -*- antechamber in which are installed the busts of distinguished scientists, already referred to, notices several large masses of metal weighing several tons each, whose curious shape and appearance at once excite his curiosity. On approaching them and studying the labels he dis- covers that they are meteorites from Greenland, and that they were brought to the Museum by Commander Peary on his return from his expedition to that country in 1897. The story of this expedition and of its sequel introduces us to one of the most interesting episodes in Mr. Jesup's career, namely, the part which he took in the discovery of the North Pole. Mr. Jesup describes his first meeting with Peary in the following words: "Ever since the Kane expedition, which took place under the backing of Henry Grinnell, I had been more or less interested in arctic exploration. Through my presidency of the Museum my attention has been called in many ways to research and investigation in all parts of our country and of the world, so that I have been prepared in thought and mind to receive favorably any one who wished to talk to me on any subject con- 188 DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE 189 nected with science and research. When therefore some nine years ago a card bearing the name Mrs. Robert E. Peary, was presented to me at my office in the Museum, with the request for an interview, it was readily granted. At that time Mr. Peary had been for over a year in the arctic regions, and Mrs. Peary had been there with him, but had returned leaving her husband in Greenland to continue his explorations for another year. Mrs. Peary had promised her husband to see to it that in the follow- ing year an expedition should be sent to relieve him and bring him home, and the time was now approaching when this promise must be fulfilled. It was in the hope of secur- ing assistance in the fulfilment of this promise that Mrs. Peary sought an interview with me. It is unnecessary for me to enter into details. Suffice it to say that I could not resist the appeal of a sweet woman and I agreed to give her the help she desired. She sent the ship, found Mr. Peary where he said he would be and brought him home. The ship also brought valuable specimens for the Museum, which are now on exhibition. Through this little adventure I was brought into close relationship with Mr. Peary and was led to admire his courage, pluck, perseverance, and loyalty." The nature of the meeting to which Mr. Jesup so briefly refers, was so romantic and its consequences so important that the reader will appreciate the fuller ac- count which has been supplied by the other most impor- tant actor, Mrs. Peary herself. "In 1893 I went north with my husband, who had undertaken work upon the delimitation of the boundaries of Greenland. A vessel was to have called for us two years later, but through some mistake instead of coming in 1895, it arrived in 190 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP 1894. Commander Peary, feeling that his work was not yet done, was unwilling to return, and accordingly I came back alone with my little daughter born in the north, leaving him to complete his work in the faith that some way would be found to bring him home. This, however, proved no easy matter to accomplish. All our funds had been exhausted by this trip of the ship, and as I was at that time living in Washington with my baby and an Eskimo nurse on an income of about seventy-five dollars a month, there seemed little prospect of my secur- ing enough for another voyage north. In this emergency Judge Daly, of the Geographic Society of New York, promised one thousand dollars on behalf of the Society, provided I could secure similar co-operation from other societies and learned institutions. He asked me if I knew Mr. Morris K. Jesup, of the American Museum of Natural History, stating that he was a man whose help would be useful to me if his interest could be secured. It was a time when every dollar was precious to me, but necessity knows no law and accordingly I undertook the journey to New York, where an interview with Mr. Jesup had been arranged for me by a friend. I shall never for- get the reluctance with which I undertook my journey. Every mile that the train progressed I wished were a mile in the opposite direction. When I reached the friend's house in New York it was nine o'clock. He was still at breakfast and, as I waited for him to join me, I wished that the meal might never be completed. My interview with him was not entirely reassuring. 'If Mr. Jesup is interested in you,' he said, as we talked on our way to the Museum, *no one could possibly be kinder than he will be, but if he is not interested, you must be prepared DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE 191 to find him very abrupt/ Imagine my feelings then when on reaching the Museum I was ushered into a room filled with gentlemen who, as I afterward learned, belonged to the Board of Directors. I had no idea which of them was Mr. Jesup, but I was reassured to find that I was not the only woman in the room, for Mr. Jesup, fearing that I might be ill at ease under such circumstances, had very considerately asked Mrs. Jesup to come with him, and she was standing by one of the windows during our interview. Mr. Jesup, whom I soon recognized from his commanding presence, broached the subject of my mission at once by saying: *I hear that you are getting up a relief expedition for the farthest north, is that not rather an unusual undertaking for a woman .? Tell me all about it and what your plans are.' In reply I began to tell him under what circumstances my husband had been left on the coast of Greenland, and explained my plan of bringing him back. I remember that while I was still talking, Mrs. Jesup approached and said to her hus- band in an undertone: *What would you think of my inviting her to lunch with us to-morrow?' Mr. Jesup said Yes immediately. I saw my hotel bill mounting in spite of me, but there was nothing to be done but to stay, and never were dollars better expended. As a result of my next day's interview with Mr. Jesup, I received from him the promise of another thousand dollars toward my relief fund, nor was this all. Mr. Jesup gave me en- couragement that was worth more than money. He said to me : 'I believe that you are doing all you can to raise this money, and I don't want you to do any less, but if you do not succeed in raising it all, come back to me again. You must understand that while I am interested 192 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP in the scientific aspects of your expedition, my chief in- terest is that I want you to get your husband back/ '* The story of Mrs. Peary's efforts to secure the seven thousand dollars which still remained; of the tribulations with which she met when one of the scientists who was to have represented a contributing institution, died, and the college withdrew its pledge; of how she plucked up her courage and made up the deficit by giving two public illustrated lectures — this is not the place to tell. Suffice it to say that through Mr. Jesup's assistance the fund was completed at last, and Commander Peary brought home in safety. With Mrs. Peary he called upon Mr. Jesup and, with the meeting, there began a friendship which continued unbroken until Mr. Jesup's death. Mr. Jesup trusted Mr. Peary at once and never withdrew his trust. He used his efforts to secure for Mr. Peary an extension of his leave of absence, in order that he might have the rest which he needed after his over-strain, and among his papers is a letter from Mrs. Peary expressing in feeling terms her appreciation of what this service meant to her and her husband. When in the following year he returned to Greenland, to complete his exploration, Mr. Jesup took an active interest in his work and, in the co-operation thus begun, the seeds were sown which bore fruit in later years in the discovery of the Pole. During Commander Peary's stay in Greenland in 1894 he obtained from the Eskimos the precise location of a so-called "iron mountain," which various expeditions since 18 18 had endeavored unsuccessfully to discover, and, on visiting the place, discovered the famous group of meteorites which now adorn the antechamber of the Museum, one of them the largest in the world . Some of the DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE 193 smaller of them he brought home with him on his return in 1895, but the larger proved too heavy to transport. On his subsequent expedition the attempt was renewed, and this time successfully. The great masses of metal were transported over the intervening snow and ice, safely launched upon the ship, to find their way at last to the Museum which had provided the funds for the enterprise. With them came also a mass of material illustrating the natural history and ethnology of Greenland, and from that time on, the Museum has reaped the fruit of the work of exploration carried on by the successive Peary expeditions. How rich that fruit was and how highly Mr. Jesup rated Commander Peary's services along this line appears from the following characteristic letter which he wrote to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks of the Navy Department in Washington, March 9, 1897. When Commander Peary returned, he was assigned to duty in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, where he was in easy communi- cation with the Museum, and his services in connection with the arrangement of the material which he had brought back proved invaluable. Mr. Jesup learned that it was the intention of the Department to transfer Mr. Peary elsewhere, and accordingly, wrote as follows: March 9, 1897. Chief of Bureau, Yards and Docks, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. My Dear Sir: I beg to preface my letter by stating that I have re- ceived an intimation of the possibility of the assignment of Civil Engineer Robert E. Peary to duty in another city, and I am moved to ask your kind offices for his re- tention at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. 194 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Briefly, permit me to state that I have had an extended association with Mr. Peary, and have been earnestly impressed with his work, a very important part of which, I may add, was carried on under personal relations with myself, and the outcome of which enterprise brought to the institution of which I have the honor to be President, one of the most important and comprehensive collections of Greenland materials. It would not strengthen this statement to endeavor to enumerate the number of the specimens, but I may dismiss it by explaining that the Museum thereby became possessed of material which places it in the front rank of similar collections, and this has been augmented since by large accessions from other portions of Greenland and Hudson Bay during 1896. To have an intimation that Mr. Peary might be de- tailed to a distant city, where it would be impossible to have the benefit of his important advice, has given us serious concern; not only would it detract from the edu- cational value of the collections so far as it relates to the public, but it would result in the loss of many data, valua- ble alike to the scientist and the country. I will cite but one instance of the many in mind. It is proposed to set up a winter and a summer representation of the Eskimo camp, with life-size groups and complete accessories; those groups will possess extreme interest for every visitor to the building. Without the advice and the knowledge of Mr. Peary, we would be very much hampered in its preparation. Beyond this, there is the valuable infor- mation he has acquired, which is needed in the forma- tion of labels for the objects. I feel convinced that you will appreciate the position I take in the matter, without going more into detail, and you will pardon me, I hope, in conclusion, for earnestly urging upon you the wish of my associate trustees (whose names are attached) that if a change is contemplated for Mr. Peary, you will con- sider favorably our appeal to retain him at least for the present in the assignment to duty in Brooklyn. DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE 195 I believe that the Navy Department is deeply inter- ested in everything that pertains to science, or that which will conduce to the public good, and I beg to assure you that your kindly aid and co-operation in our present needs will be gratefully appreciated. I have the honor to remain. Yours very sincerely, (Signed) Morris K. Jesup, President} The interest which Mr. Jesup expresses in Mr. Peary in this letter continued unabated until his death. As time went on, the two men were drawn closer and closer together, and Mr. Jesup, whose connection had been simply that of a friendly adviser in his work of explora- tion, became his foremost advocate and support in the more ambitious scheme to which he soon turned. When, in 1898, he obtained leave from President McKinley to prosecute further exploration in the North, and was ob- liged to address himself to the task of providing ways and means, Mr. Jesup was the first to be called upon. His response was what might have been expected. A meeting of the subscribers to the guarantee fund was held in his office in Pine Street in January, 1899. This was the birth of the Peary Arctic Club, the inception and organization of which was entirely Mr. Jesup's idea, and his alone. Mr. Jesup was unanimously chosen President of the Club, an office which he held until his death. The expedition of 1898, which had been originally planned for three years, extended to a fourth, and dur- ing this whole time Mr. Jesup's interest was continuous, his connection with the details constant, and his counsel ^The application proved unsuccessful, although the Department, at Mr. Jesup's request, granted a brief extension of time. Mr. Jesup's persistence in the mat- ter is shown by the fact that he carried his appeal to the Secretary of the Navy. 196 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP and supervision of affairs unremitting. The cost of the auxiliary Diana and Eric expeditions, the repairs and re- engining of the Club's first steamer Windward, were all practically underwritten by Mr. Jesup, and in further details the Club had the benefit of his resources, both in credit and experience, and in counsel. In connection with the work of this expedition Com- mander Peary had already begun to develop his plans for an attack upon the Pole. When these were explained to Mr. Jesup he heartily responded. From the first he believed in the possibility of the enterprise and had con- fidence in the man who proposed it. When his friends remonstrated with him for wasting his time and his money on a useless quest, he used to respond: "I trust Peary, I believe he will find the Pole.'* This faith found practical expression in connection with the preparations for Commander Peary's next ex- pedition, which took place in 1905. In order to facilitate this the Peary Club was regularly incorporated under the laws of the State, and preparations for active work begun. With Mr. Jesup's sanction, and entirely upon his responsibility, contracts were made for building the Club's steamer, the Roosevelt. Mr. Jesup followed all the details of construction, and himself closed the con- tract with the contractor. The last stop made by the Roosevelt before its voyage for the North was at Bar Harbor, Mr. Jesup's summer home, where he himself visited the ship and bade the intrepid voyager Godspeed. The story of this voyage is well known, and need not here be rehearsed. When Commander Peary returned after his arduous efforts, having attained latitude 87° 6', which was at that time farthest North, and left Mr. DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE 197 Jesup's name upon the northernmost point of land in the world, many of Mr. Jesup's friends believed that he had done all that could wisely be done in this direction, and urged him to turn his energy to other things. Even his old friends in the Peary Arctic Club began to waver, and it may be said with truth that the only two men who still believed in the possibility of a successful com- pletion of the enterprise were Commander Peary and Mr. Jesup himself. He, however, never wavered. By his counsel, and largely through his means, plans for another expedition were formulated, the expedition which, as we all know, was at last crowned with success. For Mr. Jesup himself the triumph came too late. While Mr. Peary was still engaged in his preparations — preparations delayed for a full year through the failure of the contractors to whom the refitting of the Roosevelt had been committed to complete their repairs on time — the news came to him that the tried friend on whose support he had hitherto all along relied had been called on a longer journey. "It was the heaviest calamity," he writes, "which I had encountered in all my arctic work. Without Mr. Jesup's promised help the future expedition seemed impossible. In him I lost not only a man who was financially a tower of strength in the work, but I lost an intimate personal friend in whom I had absolute trust. For a time I felt as if this was the end of everything; that all the time and money put into the project had been wasted. Mr. Jesup's death, coming on top of the delay caused by the default of the contractors, seemed at first an absolutely paralyzing defeat." ^ But the project had gone too far to be allowed to fail. ^ Hampton's Magazine, January, 1910, p. 13. 198 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Mr. Jesup's friends in the Arctic Club, "the old guard who had stood shoulder to shoulder with him from its inception, now stood firm to keep the organization of the Club intact. General Hubbard accepted the presi- dency and added a second large check to his already generous contribution. Other men came forward and the crisis was passed." The preparations went on as had been originally planned, and on July 6, 1908, the Roosevelt steamed slowly away from her berth beside the recreation pier at the foot of East Twenty-fourth Street, on the expedition which was at last to be crowned with success. From the guests who gathered on board the Roosevelt to wish its crew Godspeed, one face was missing. When after herculean efforts the coveted goal was reached at last, the one thought that robbed the triumph of its com- plete satisfaction was the knowledge that Mr. Jesup was no longer living to share it. The little snow camp which sheltered the weary travellers during the few hours which they were able to spend at the Pole, was named Camp Jesup as the expression of a grateful appreciation, possible in no other way; and when communication was established on the return journey the same wire which bore the first news of the discovery of the Pole carried a message to Mrs. Jesup expressing Mr. Peary's grief that Mr. Jesup would not be there to welcome him on his home-coming and to share the joy of the achievement. What Mr. Peary thought of Mr. Jesup's services to arctic exploration may be learned from the closing words of the article in which he gave the public the first account of the expedition which reached the Pole : "All the dearly bought years of experience, the mag- DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE 199 nificent strength of the Roosevelt, the splendid energy and enthusiasm of my party, the loyal faithfulness of my Eskimos, would have gone for naught, but for the neces- saries of war furnished so loyally by the members of the Peary Arctic Club ; and it is no detraction from the living to say that to no single individual has this result been more signally due than to my friend, the late Morris K. Jesup, the first President of the Club/' On Wednesday, February 9, 19 10, a distinguished company met in the Museum to witness the unveiling of a statue of Mr. Jesup by Mr. Couper. In the course of Mr. Choate's tribute to his old friend and fellow trustee, he read the following letter from Commander Peary. February 9, 19 10. Dear Sir: It is with the deepest regret that I am obliged to say that an engagement in another city which cannot be post- poned, will make it impossible for me to be present this afternoon on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of my friend, Morris K. Jesup. His breadth of mind and character is perhaps in no way indicated more clearly than by the wide range of his interests, as shown by the two projects in which his heart was most deeply centred, the future of the American Museum of Natural History, and the discovery of the North Pole. The fact that such a big, broad, practical mind as his should take up with such deep and steadfast interest the question of North Pole efforts, proved to me conclusively that my own conviction of the value of those efforts was correct. To Morris K. Jesup, more than to any other one man, is due the fact that the North Pole is to-day a trophy of this country. 200 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP His faith and support carried me past many a dead centre of discouragement amounting almost to despair. Friend of unswerving faith, adviser of keen, long- headed ability, backer of princely generosity, he was first in my thoughts when I reached that goal of the centuries, first in my thoughts on my return, and my ever present regret is and has been that he could not have stayed with us a little longer to see the realization of his faith. Faithfully, (Signed) R. E. Peary, U. S. N. President Henry Fairfield Osborn, American Museum of Natural History, CHAPTER XII IN THE HOME CIRCLE 'IXT'ITH the account of Mr. Jesup's presidency of the Museum we have finished the story of his public service, but there was another side to his life which it is necessary to add in order to complete the picture of the man, and that is the side which was revealed in his home. The more intimate features of this picture it would, of course, be out of place for us to attempt to reproduce here, but so much of himself as he showed to those friends who enjoyed his confidence and shared his hospitality may properly form a part of our record. Mr. Jesup was married on April 26, 1854, to Maria Van Antwerp De Witt, second daughter of the Reverend Dr. Thomas De Witt, at that time Minister of the Colle- giate Church of New York. The acquaintance of the families had begun some years before when Dr. De Witt had been called in to conduct the funeral service of one of Mr. Jesup's sisters. A member of an old Dutch family, he occupied a prominent place in the ministerial life of New York. Among many other good works, he was President of the City Mission Society, into which he introduced his future son-in-law. The relation between the two men became an intimate one, and the esteem and 202 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP reverence in which Mr. Jesup held his father-in-law was fitly expressed in his gift of the De Witt Memorial Church, already described in a preceding chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Jesup became engaged in the fall of 1853. They spent the first year of their married life with Mrs. Jesup's father, and then took a house in Nineteenth Street, where they lived for ten years. Later they re- moved to their present home at No. 197 Madison Avenue. When his expanding interests rendered more room necessary Mr. Jesup bought the adjoining house. No. 195, and united the two. Here as time went on he gath- ered about him a store of interesting and beautiful objects which will always be associated with him in the thoughts of those whose privilege it was to enter its walls. Here he welcomed his friends, as the years went on, and from this centre in an increasing degree radiated a stream of beneficent influences which touched all parts of the country and extended across the sea. The sharp division which some men draw between home and business did not exist for Mr. Jesup. He carried his work home with him and welcomed to his intimacy those who were associated with him in it. It would be interesting to recall the important enterprises which had their inception under his roof. Here, as we have seen, was held the meeting which led to the formation of the Society for the Prevention of Vice. Here was given the dinner which inaugurated the formation of the Slater Fund. Here met the Committee of Five, which marks the beginning of the movement for clean streets in the City of New York. Here was held one of the first meetings which led to the formation of the American Museum of Natural History. Here Mrs. Peary explained her plan for the IN THE HOME CIRCLE 203 expedition which was to bring her husband back from the north. Here too were welcomed from time to time men prominent in public life and in charitable and phil- anthropic work. When Baron Kaneko came here on his momentous mission Mr. Jesup's was one of the homes in which he received a friendly welcome. When Sir Purdon Clarke came from South Kensington to assume the directorship of the Metropolitan Museum one of the first to extend him welcome was Mr. Jesup. The list of those who from first to last shared his hospitality- would include a surprisingly large proportion of those best worth knowing both in this country and across the sea during the last fifty years. Those whose privilege it was to enjoy this hospitality carried away a very vivid picture of the man who was their host. Every true home is the expression of person- ality, and Mr. Jesup's was no exception. The pictures on the walls had their own story to tell, and the books on the shelves their own contribution to make. One of these pictures deserves more than a passing mention. It was called "A Summer Afternoon," and represented a broad expanse of woodland and meadow lying mellow and golden under the rays of the declining sun. When Mr. Jesup was a young man he used to walk from his home to his office, and his path took him past a picture-dealer's store, in the window of which this picture was hanging. To the country boy, longing for the freedom of woods and fields, in the midst of which he had been brought up, it appealed with an irresistible fascination, and many a time as he stopped in his walk to look at it he used to think how happy he would be if he could ever own it. Years afterward when his circum- 204 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP stances had improved and he was established in business for himself he came across the picture again and, though the price was high and there were other uses to which he had intended to put his money, the desire to possess it proved too strong and, before he realized it, the transac- tion was completed and the coveted prize on its way to his own home. The picture had many successors, but each was chosen with the same care. Great names were represented in the collection, from Rembrandt down, but they were not chosen for the sake of the name, but because the subject ap- pealed to Mr. Jesup for its own sake. Nothing delighted him more than to point out to his friends the qualities which had attracted him in some of his favorites and to make them sharers in his own enjoyment. Mr. Jesup was not a great reader. He preferred to gain his information through contact with men. But when he read, it was almost always on subjects that were worth while. He did not care for novels, but in books of travel and description he took delight. His work at the Museum had brought him into intimate contact with the ends of the earth, and any book that would bring him fresh information as to some new feat in exploration, or some new object of natural interest, was a welcome visitor. Curiously enough, he was not himself fond of travel. From time to time he visited Europe, and his business took him to various parts of this country, but he did not like to separate himself for any long period of time from his home ties. He preferred to do his travelling vicariously, and, as he grew older, became increasingly content to see other lands through the eyes of other men. He had a rare faculty for visualizing distant scenes. He never IN THE HOME CIRCLE 205 visited the college at Beirut, yet he used to say, and with truth, that he could see the grounds and the buildings upon them as vividly as if they were physically present before his eyes. Mr. Jesup's first country home was at Irvington, where he bought a house in 1857. Here Mrs. Jesup and he spent their summers until 1867. In 1885 he built a cottage at Bar Harbor which he occupied in the follow- ing year. Mr. Jesup entered heartily into the life of Bar Harbor. He interested himself in the Village Improvement Society. He took an active part in the work of the Young Men's Christian Association and helped to erect its building. When a gambling resort was opened, which threatened the young men of the village, he was active in breaking it up. When the automobile threatened to invade the quiet of Mount Desert he was foremost in organizing a movement in opposition. Even when on the water he did not leave his responsibilities behind him. Mr. Delafield recalls that on one occasion when an important question had to be decided affecting the welfare of the college at Beirut, Mr. Jesup gathered the gentlemen whose coun- sel was essential on his boat, ran out over the quiet waters of Frenchman's Bay, and, in the seclusion of the cabin, threshed out the question to its right solution. Only when this was done had he leisure for the beauties of the marvellous panorama through the midst of which they were sailing. But it was at Lenox that Mr. Jesup's enjoyment of nature found its chief satisfaction. Coming to the place first as a visitor, he found it so attractive that from 1892 on he made it his permanent home. After 2o6 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP careful study he selected the site on the hill immediately below the ledge of woods which commands what, in the opinion of many visitors, is the most beautiful of all the beautiful views of that most favored bit of pict- uresque America. The place was in a peculiar sense Mr. Jesup's own creation. He selected the site, he located the house, he planned the place, he laid out the roads, he chose for his own study the spot which commanded his favorite view, where he would sit hour after hour feast- ing his eyes on the glory of the opposite hills in the gor- geous pageantry of their autumn coloring; or, in the morning, sallying forth, hatchet in hand, he would wan- der through the woods at the edge of his place, trimming the stray branches which had wandered too far across the path, filling his soul with the beauty which he loved so well, yet always showing to those who were privileged to be his companions in these morning walks that his thoughts were busy with those far away in the great cities, into whose lives no such beauty ever entered. Mr. Jesup was a great lover of animals. He loved a good dog and always had one for a companion on his walks. He loved a good horse and delighted in the long drives which Lenox provides in such ceaseless variety. When he first bought his house in New York it was con- sidered quite out of town, and he used to ride from his house to his office every day, keeping his horse in a stable near by and riding home again in the afternoon. He had a saddle-horse, of which he was particularly fond, which he rode for many years. During the time when Central Park was being laid out, it was his habit to ride over the ground and watch the progress of the work, in which he was deeply interested. He was a fearless rider t^/iy ./:tat^yA^J ^yo/^^- t^cj^-f^^^e^ IN THE HOME CIRCLE 207 and driver, if anything a little inclined to be reckless, though he always liked to have a safe horse, so that he could enjoy the scenery as he drove. He loved every kind of living creature and sympathized with the efforts which were made to protect them. His love for birds led to his accepting the presidency of the Audubon So- ciety, and his desire to see justice done to the four-footed creation, to his acceptance of the vice-presidency of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Of his love for trees we have spoken more than once. One little incident illustrates this in so striking a manner as to deserve mention here. On one of his drives Mr. Jesup happened upon a man who was just about to cut down a very handsome elm tree, which was one of the landmarks of that part of the country. He stopped and asked the owner if he realized what he was doing, and how long it had taken the tree to grow. The man re- plied that he was doing it because he needed the money which he could get for selling the wood. Mr. Jesup thereupon asked him what he would sell the tree for and, on his naming the price, concluded the bargain on the spot. A deed was duly drawn and executed and to the end of its natural life that tree will remain a silent witness of Mr. Jesup's love of the forest monarchs, for whose pre- servation he has done so much. Mr. Jesup was fortunate in his friends. He was not a club man, in the conventional sense of the term. While he was a member of a number of important clubs, such as the Metropolitan and the Century of New York, the Rittenhouse at Philadelphia, the Metropolitan at Wash- ington, and the Jekyl Island Club, he preferred to enter- tain his friends at home, or to see them in their own homes. 2o8 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP Of these friends we have already more than once had occasion to speak. They included most of the people best worth knowing in his own community and time. The different interests with which he was associated had brought him into close touch with the men who were doing the world's work and contributing to its progress. Many of these we have already had occasion to name: men like Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Loring Brace, Mr. William E. Dodge, Mr. D. Willis James, Mr. John Stewart Ken- nedy, Mr. John Crosby Brown, to mention only those who have passed away. In the interchange of opinion with such men as these, his associates in work as well as in play, he loved to pass the hours of his leisure. He had little interest in meeting people who had no serious purpose in life and from whom there was nothing to be learned. "Nothing used to impress me more about Mr. Jesup," said one who knew him well, "than the character of the men whom he made his friends. You could always be sure that at his table you would meet people from whom there was something to be learned.'* One of the members of his own family connection,* who had known him intimately from childhood, writes me of his "striking purity of mind, his strong dislike of any- thing common or coarse. He had a contempt for idle gossip, which grew more pronounced, as did his tolerance for all whose views did not accord with his ovm. I have seen him start forward impulsively with a frown when some idle judgment was given, and then with a quiet smile, change the subject, or ask for substantiating rea- sons, for he never willingly did injustice. During one of my visits to Lenox he and I and his faithful dog Wil- * Mrs. T. C. Patterson. IN THE HOME CIRCLE 209 fred, a magnificent smooth-coated St. Bernard, used to go every morning to the woods above the house and there, with hatchet and saw, we went amongst the trees, prun- ing and clearing and opening vistas. Then we would rest upon some rustic bench, and he would seem to drink in and absorb the lovely view, or he would talk of some one of the many interests which were close to his heart. 'So much to do, and so little time in which to do it,' were words constantly upon his lips. As is the case with all great men, he had much simpHcity of character and was always eager to learn from any one who could really instruct him. At his table one met constantly people of interest, and no self-consciousness ever kept Mr. Jesup from asking questions, however elemental, in order to gain information. I do not believe he ever con- tributed to any object about which he had not fully in- formed himself, no matter at what inconvenience to him- self." A similar judgment is expressed by his lifelong friend, Mr. Thatcher M. Adams: "If I am asked to say what in my judgment was the one controlling maxim on which he framed his life I should quote the proverb familiar to our boyhood, 'Be sure you're right, then go ahead.' Mr. Jesup was by nature and instinct impulsive, his im- pulses were large and generous, easily responsive to out- side impression but kept under full control. I never knew a man more easily approached and more readily interested in any subject properly presented to him, but however interested he always asked time for consideration before giving a definite answer. The one phrase which I remember as more frequently upon his lips than any other was, 'I must think it over carefully.' This habit 2IO MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP of careful deliberation was with him a ruling principle. Whatever the subject, whatever the cause, he weighed and turned it in his mind until he reached a definite conclusion. It was so with religion, with philanthropy, with civic duty, with social observance, with his multi- farious business affairs. The conclusion once reached, there was no hesitation, no varying even for an instant from the course which he had decided upon. And in following that course he spared neither himself, his time, nor his purse. This inflexibility of purpose some- times and in certain quarters was called obstinacy, but the results almost invariably justified his constancy. I remember one trifling instance. In laying out the grounds of his beautiful estate at Lenox there was a question as to the proper location of the upper approach or driveway. Mr. Jesup, after careful thought, mapped out a certain line for the driveway and submitted it successively to two of the most eminent landscape gardeners of the country, one of whom was then engaged as his landscape architect. Both turned it down as impracticable and unsightly, the gentleman then in his employ stating that if Mr. Jesup's plan was insisted on he should feel compelled to resign his engagement. Mr. Jesup's plan was insisted on and carried out, and no one traverses that driveway to-day without expressions of admiration at its beauty and practi- cability. As in minor, so in greater matters this adherence to settled conviction as the result of thoughtful and ex- haustive examination produced substantial effects." "In the best sense of the word," writes President Howard Bliss, of the Syrian Protestant College at Beirut, "Mr. Jesup was a 'man of the world.' But he never IN THE HOME CIRCLE 211 forgot that it was God's world. He loved flowers and trees and dogs and people with his great heart because he believed that back of all this wonderful world of things and persons was God. "*Back of the loaf is the snowy flour. And back of the flour the mill; And back of the mill is the wheat and the shower, And the sun, and the Father's will/ "I remember how he made me repeat several times Tennyson's 'Flower in the crannied wall,' as we were walking one day through his beloved woods at Lenox. He had never happened to hear that little poem, and it touched him deeply." "The first time that I saw Mr. Jesup," writes the Reverend William R. Richards, D.D., "was at his own dinner table, on Monday, the 12th of May, 1902. He had just come from downtown, and was evidently in a state of great excitement, as of a man who had just suc- ceeded in accomplishing something which gave him the greatest satisfaction. We soon learned that he had been busy through the day over questions arising out of the dreadful volcanic eruption on the Island of Martinique. And first he told us how he had succeeded in purchas- ing, in the name of the Chamber of Commerce, trusting that they would subsequently ratify his action, two or three vessels loaded with grain which were on their way to St. Pierre. The parties to whom these vessels were consigned had all been destroyed in the volcanic erup- tion, and he had telegraphed to the American Consul at the nearest port on the Island to take possession of the 212 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP vessels and their cargoes when they should arrive, and use the latter for the relief of the many hungry people on the Island. "The other thing was that he had secured passage on the first ship leaving New York for the scene of the dis- aster, for a scientist who was to go on behalf of the Museum of Natural History, to make the earliest pos- sible investigations as to the phenomena of the eruption itself. " I was very deeply impressed at this, my first interview with Mr. Jesup, with the fact that this man was quite as keenly interested in these matters of public interest — ^the relief of the victims of a great disaster, and the extension of the scientific knowledge of the world — as most men would have been in something that contributed greatly to the increase of their own private fortunes. "At another time he and I were both guests at a dinner given at the University Club by one of the ministers of this city to another who had recently been called to one of the churches here. A number of pastors were invited to the dinner, and also a few prominent Presbyterian lay- men. The giver of the dinner desired to improve the opportunity of this gathering to arouse increased interest in the cause of Church Extension in New York. He called upon various speakers, including many of the minis- ters, who responded in more or less serious tone, but somewhat in the manner of men who are speaking after dinner; but at last called upon Mr Jesup. Mr. Jesup was so completely possessed by this question of public interest — the evangelization of this great city — that he spoke in a tone of impassioned earnestness for some five or ten minutes, and left so profound an impression on all IN THE HOME CIRCLE 213 who were present that we all approved the wisdom of our host when he rose at the close of Mr. Jesup's re- marks and said: *We do not wish to hear anything after that; we wish to separate with the impression of those words still in our hearts/ " ''From the time that I first knew Mr. Jesup," writes Bishop Lawrence, "it must be now twenty to twenty-five years ago, until his last summer, I was impressed each time that we met with his rapid and steady development in wisdom and character. Some men seem to reach the climax of their development at forty; others, at sixty; and a few continue to the very end of life. To this last group Mr. Jesup belonged. He was a man not only of deep, but of very strong and tenacious convictions. As he grew older these convictions were no less strong and deep; but it seemed to me that he held them with a fuller appreciation of the convictions of other men who did not agree with him, and he was much more open to adjustment of his opinions. He never felt himself too old or too wise to learn from others. His wisdom became greater each year through many experiences, and his contact with a large variety of men in all walks of life. "This growth in largeness of outlook, while he retained his depth of conviction, could be seen in every interest of his life. His theology was surely very different when he was seventy from what it was at the age of forty. The fundamental truths were there all the time; but there was a breadth of vision and a recognition of the convic- tions of others and the beauties of the faiths of others. I believe that this was true also in connection with his com- mercial and political interests. One could not, therefore. 214 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP talk with Mr. Jesup in his later years without being im- pressed with the fact that he was in the presence of a really large man, tenacious of his convictions, to be sure, but wise, strong, and sympathetic. "Another characteristic of Mr. Jesup, recognized by all, was his public spirit. The temper of Mr. Jesup's public spirit always seemed to me to be somewhat unique in this respect. Many young men throw themselves into public duties; but as they get to be fifty or sixty years of age, and larger responsibilities come to them, they somewhat justly feel that they can graduate from the smaller interests and leave them to the next generation. Few citizens have had thrown upon them greater public interests than he in the last twenty-five years of his life; and the real glory of his public spirit was in the way in which he rfefused to be graduated from the smallest public interests. Wherever he lived he had the social and moral welfare of the community at heart. In the villages of Lenox or Bar Harbor he was as much the leader of civic righteousness and of all that was for the welfare of the humblest, as in the great city of New York. Coming to these communities for his holiday and for rest after his heavy public work in New York, he was almost immedi- ately drawn into the local problems. If in one of the vil- lages, a plague-spot was called to his notice by the people, Mr. Jesup would take the lead in rooting it out of the town. Whether a demoralizing public influence affected ten people, or a hundred, or a hundred thousand, it made but little difference to him. His sympathies were moved, his spirit of chivalry was touched, and he would give himself and his best hours to the eradication of the evil. And the very fact that he was a man of such large inter- IN THE HOME CIRCLE 215 ests and great responsibilities gave to every smallest word and deed added weight. "What was true of his public interests was, I am sure, true of his private charities. And the tenderness, grace, and delicacy with which he helped one woman or child revealed the character of the man who made great gifts for the education of the young. "Another feature which touched me was his friend- liness. Our meetings were usually months apart. I al- ways looked forward to them; and he gave me such a greeting as led to the impression that he had also looked forward to the meeting. He was hospitable, of course, a well-known host. There was, however, a considerate- ness and a grace to his hospitality which gave charm to every hour in his home." Even more intimate is the picture given by Bishop Doane. My relations with Mr. Jesup began when he and I were both well on in life, and I am thankful to feel that they increased in intimacy and affection from year to year. It is difficult to say which one of his many magnetic at- tractions drew me and held me to him, because what I loved in him was simply his personality — ^just his self. One always felt in him the presence and the power of a deep and devout religiousness, the consecration of thought and aim and love to his Master. I can see now the kin- dling of his face, and hear the deep tenderness of his voice, as we were going from one room into another in his house, at the most beautiful and touching gathering of friends to rejoice with him on his golden wedding day. Just as we passed under the arch between the two rooms, he stopped and asked me to give them, as they stood there together. 2i6 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP the benediction from our marriage service. It was an in- stinct, an impulse that came out of the deep devoutness of his religious nature, always stored in his soul, and quick to be stirred to the utterance of prayer and thanks- giving. We had many hours and days of pleasant and earnest talk in his little office in the Madison Avenue house, in his beautiful Lenox home, and still more in the Bar Harbor summer days, at his own house or in the launch cruising about the bay and along the shores of Mount Desert Island, and, as his guest more than once at Jekyl Island. In his public and official relations I was proud and thankful to be now and then associated with him, and to recognize the weight and value, the ability and cleverness of his character: at the Chamber of Commerce dinner at which he had asked me to speak; and again when he brought Prince Henry to the breakfast and reception given by the Chamber of Commerce in his honor; and once again when he was the chief guest and speaker at a dinner given by Mr. Whitney to the Trustees of the Museum of Natural History. And as I recall him on each one of these public occasions I feel anew the quiet dignity and simplicity of the man who, by no one great achievement and no one great dominant character- istic, had won the very highest honor that could come to a private citizen, just because of his splendid citizenship. Living in a city, and in a century marked by the presence of so many men prominent in affairs, munificent as giv- ers, successful in public and private administration, he cer- tainly stands conspicuous among them all, in honor and affection and esteem. Freed from any burden about his own business affairs — except the oversight of their ad- ministration and their use — since ever I knew him, he took upon his shoulders burdens of service and responsi- bility in various directions until he was an overworked, incessantly occupied man. He never laid down one load when he took up another: the Five Points House of In- IN THE HOME CIRCLE 217 dustry, the College in Beirut, the Union Theological Seminary, all these he carried in his heart and upheld with his time and his gifts; besides his careful attention to the duties of the presidency of the Chamber of Com- merce, and of the Museum of Natural History; and among all these, he had the time and the will to organize the two expeditions, one to solve the question of Siberian migration, and the other to find the North Pole. And with all this preoccupation he found, or made, leisure to enjoy his friends, to appreciate everything beautiful in nature and in art, to delight in the quiet repose of his ideal home life, and to be given to most gracious and beautiful hospitality. His virtual creation of the Museum of Natural History was the outcome and expression of one of the chief loves of his life. His pride in the superb collection of woods gathered in it was only a phase of his intense feeling about, and his thorough knowledge of, the trees which glorify his Lenox estate and his separate and personal acquaintance with the live oaks, clothed in their great wreaths of moss, at Jekyl Island. I think it was the broadening of his whole nature, as it matured and ripened year by year, which broadened his back to bear the added duties and interests that multiplied so largely in his later life. It is impossible to associate any narrowness of thought or feeling with his wide-open mind and his large heart. And all his nature was fitly set and fully shown in his outward semblance, which combined, in face and figure, courage and courtesy, tenderness and decision, strength and sweetness, to an unusual degree. I wonder sometimes, as I recall our friendship, just how and why he let me come into such close relations, because his career in life and mine, in all their details, lay along different paths; and it is no little comfort to me to feel that he found in me what I felt in him — the recognition of the real and radical unity between men who, differing in their ecclesiastical associations, pursuing each his own ends and aims in life, and separated from each other in their 2i8 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP place of residence, have the common bond of service to the one Master, agreement in the fundamental truths of the Christian faith, and are at one, therefore, in the higher and deeper parts of their nature, and in the most profound interests of life. CHAPTER XIII THE LAST DAYS /^N May 2, 1907, Mr. Jesup retired from the presidency ^^ of the Chamber of Commerce, which he had held for eight years. Two years before, he had desired to take this step, but had altered his purpose in deference to the wishes of his friends and associates in the Chamber/ 1 New York, March 2^h, 1905. Morris K. Jesup, Esq., 197 Madison Avenue, New York. Dear Sir: We have heard with deep regret that you had decided to retire from the presidency of the New York Chamber of Commerce on the expiration of your present term of ofl&ce, and not allow your name to be again placed in nomina- tion for another term. We feel that the eminent services you have rendered during the six years you have filled the distinguished position of President with so much credit to yourself, and such manifest advantage to the Chamber, entitle you to be honored by the tender of the office for another term, and from intimations we have had in many quarters, we have every assurance that your services are most highly appreciated, and that the members, as a whole, anxiously desire to mark that appreciation by re-electing you to the Presidential Chair for at least another term. Were it known that you would consent once more to accept the honor, we feel assured you will be elected by acclamation. Begging you to reconsider your decision to retire, and that you will permit us to present your name to the Nominating Committee of the Chamber when appointed, we remain, with much respect and esteem. Yours very truly, (Signed.) J. Edward Simmons, A. A. Raven, A. B. Hepburn, Cornelius N. Bliss, Cyrus J. Lawrence, Jacob H. Scheff, John A. Stewart, Lyman J. Gage, Jas. Stillman, W. Bayard Cutting, Henry Hentz, Geo. F. Seward, Geo. F. Baker, A. E. Orr, Isaac N. Seligman, August Belmont, John S. Kennedy, W, Butler Duncan, Jas. T. Woodward, Geo. Fred. Vietor, James G. Cannon, Seth Low, Andrew Carnegie, John L. Riker, Jno. T. Terry. 219 220 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP But the time had now come when the advice of his physi- cian and of his friends warned him that the step could no longer be postponed. Before the ballot was taken which resulted in the election of the new president, Mr. Jesup addressed the Chamber as follows: Gentlemen: Before a ballot is taken on nominations, I think that it is right, and that you may expect, that I should say a few words. This is our annual meeting. The Chamber of Com- merce is one hundred and thirty-nine years old to-day. You know what its history has been; and we hope that in the years to come the history of this Chamber will be as illustrious as it has been in the years that have gone. I have served you as President for eight years. It has been a pleasure to me, and I have tried to do the best I could, although I have made, perhaps, some mistakes. What I value more than anything else on retiring from this responsible and honorable position is your friendship. I am not aware that in the eight years that I have served this Chamber there has been one unkind word said by any member to me, and I have not heard of any criticism made to others. This is a great blessing to me, and will always be remembered during the remainder of my life with intense pleasure. I do not retire with the feeling that there is any credit due to me especially for anything that has been done during the few years past, and while I am still your President I want to say a word with ref- erence to him who is sitting before me, and who has served this Chamber for forty-nine years — a very long period — to whose faithful service, constant attendance, and self-consecration to the interests of this great institu- tion you are indebted, I believe, more than to any other source for the present state of prosperity and standing of this Chamber, and before I retire from this position I want to have the pleasure of putting to this Chamber a THE LAST DAYS 221 resolution, a vote of confidence, a vote of affection on the part of these members to our charming Secretary Mr. George Wilson. Is it your pleasure that that resolu- tion be carried and placed upon our minutes ? Those who are in favor will say aye: contrary, no. It is unani- mously carried. And now, gentlemen, there is another resolution that I, as your President, want to have the pleasure of offering, if you would like me to do so. We miss here to-day the presence of our valued friend, Mr. Alexander E. Orr. He it was that eight years ago gave me his hand as he retired and I assumed the Presidency of this Chamber. I received from him a benediction. He is a man that I love and that we all love and respect, and if you will permit me I want to offer this resolution: Resolved, That we, the members of the Chamber of Commerce, extend our sympathy to Mr. Alexander E. Orr, in his long-continued illness, and express the hope that he will speedily recover his health and strength. We remember with pleasure the long and faithful services given by Mr. Orr to the interests of this Chamber as our Presi- dent for five years, and his long services as a member. Now, gentlemen, as your President, I wish you all great happiness and success in your various undertakings. My retiring from the Presidency of this Chamber does not take away one iota of the interest that I feel in its success, and to Mr. Simmons I shall give all the aid I can to make his administration successful. Referring to this address a few months later, the Hon- orable George F. Seward thus described the impression which it produced upon those who heard it: "It is only a few months since Mr. Jesup laid aside his work here. We of the Chamber knew then that the life that had lasted so long was nearing its end. We knew, as he spoke, that he was conscious that in so much of life as 222 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP might be left for him, he could never hope to mingle again with the men whom he loved and who loved him. There were eyes that day that were dim with moist- ure, there are eyes to-day that are dim with moisture, for there is such a thing among men as affection, and Mr. Jesup gave and received affection in large measure." It was indeed high time that Mr. Jesup should free himself from the responsibilities which he had so long carried. For more than a year he had been a sick man, yet, in spite of the protest of his friends, he had refused to lay down the burdens which he was carrying. It was not easy for him to face the thought of idleness, even when the call was the imperative call of sick- ness. His heart was in the things that he had been do- ing, and in the men and women for whom he had been doing them. Harder for him than for most men it was to learn the lesson that "they also serve who only stand and wait." The first sign of Mr. Jesup's serious ill health came in the autumn of 1906, when the frequent trips to New York, necessitated by the final work in connection with the San Francisco Relief Fund of the Chamber of Com- merce, seemed to cause him more than usual fatigue. He was troubled by dizziness and looked pale and worn at times. It was then discovered that he was suffering from a valvular affection of the heart. At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in May, when he resigned the presidency, he was suffering greatly, and those who knew of his condition were in doubt whether he would be able to complete the task which he had set for himself. For some time after this he was again very ill, but rallied once more and, though a semi-invalid, was able to enjoy THE LAST DAYS 223 the beauties of the spring at Lenox and the summer at Bar Harbor. In the autumn, however, the distressing symptoms of his illness became more persistent and the air of his beloved Berkshire Hills being thought too strong for him, he returned to his New York home. Here he still was able to direct the affairs of the interests with which he was connected and to attend the meetings at the Museum of Natural History. He was present at the November meeting of the Board of Directors of the Union Theological Seminary. His mind, through all the suffer- ing and distress of his illness, remained wonderfully clear and his judgment unimpaired. On Christmas Eve of 1907, however, the illness again became acute and from that time until his death, it was seen by the loving watch- ers at his bedside that there could be no hope of his recovery. He died in the early morning hours of January 22, 1908. Though acutely sensitive to physical suffering, the patience and fortitude he displayed all through his ill- ness was a benediction and a lesson to those about him. His mind turned more and more to spiritual things as his illness increased, and his main comfort and support was in his religion. The frequent little services of prayer seemed wonderfully helpful to him, and through one long day of particular distress he repeated for hours the hymns which were dearest to him and which seemed to bring him peace and rest. The funeral service was held at 10 A. M., January 25, 1908, at the Brick Presbyterian Church, in the pres- ence of a large gathering of friends and representatives of the various interests with which Mr. Jesup was connected. 224 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP The service, which was simple and marked by the absence of all eulogy, was read by the Reverend William R. Richards, D.D., Pastor of the church; the Reverend Henry van Dyke, D.D., of Princeton, a former pastor, made the prayer, and the scripture reading was by the Reverend Hugh Black, the incumbent of the Graduate Chair of Preaching at the Union Theological Seminary, which Mr. Jesup had endowed two years before. The honorary pallbearers were J. Pierpont Morgan, John E. Parsons, Joseph H. Choate, Cornelius N. Bliss, Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn, Cleveland H. Dodge, General Horace Porter, John T. Terry, Charles Lanier, and Thatcher M. Adams. From the many testimonials which witness to the deep sense of loss with which Mr. Jesup's death was regarded by the community in which he had lived so long, and for which he had done so much, we may select two which, because of their intimate character, are worthy a place in this record. The first is the tribute paid to Mr. Jesup's memory by his old friend. General Horace Porter, at a memorial meeting held at the Chamber of Com- merce on January 23, 1908; the other the sketch read by Professor William M. Sloane at the annual meeting of the Century Association on January 9, 1909. The meeting of the Chamber was called to ordbr by President Simmons and, after resolutions had been pro- posed by Mr. Seward, and seconded by Mr. Choate, General Porter spoke as follows: Mr. President: In rising to second these very appro- priately expressed resolutions, I can safely say that this is the saddest occasion on which I was ever called upon THE LAST DAYS 225 to meet my fellow-members of the Chamber of Commerce. It is a moment when it would seem that the lips should be silent and the heart alone should speak. Morris K. Jesup is no more. The sad news filled each heart here with a sense of grief akin to the sorrow of a personal be- reavement. The familiar, genial face that we were always so glad to look upon in social life, in business affairs, in public matters, we shall see no more forever. He has been called from the living here to join those other living, com- monly called, the dead. But yesterday the silver cord was loosed, the golden bowl was broken, and one of the noblest spirits that ever wore the mantle of mortality has winged its flight back to the God who gave it. One of the most precious memories of my entire life will always be the fact that it was my privilege to know Morris Jesup closely, intimately for a period of over forty years. He came here from a neighboring State to enter the lists of compe- tition with other young men who had determined to win their fortunes and their fame in the great metropolis. I can almost see him now as he appeared then in the full vigor of young manhood; his deep, piercing eyes, his jet-black hair and beard, his brisk step, his cordial manner. There was something in the manliness and frankness of his look that inspired confidence in all who came into relation with him. Morris Jesup, it seems to me, was unique in one partic- ular. He was a man who steadily, gradually, and surely advanced. There are many men in life who make a spurt and then stop. Many go no further; some even retrograde. Morris Jesup was continually advancing in his career. I do not think there was a single year in which he had not reached a point somewhat in advance of the point that he occupied the year before. He was constantly learning something. It used to astonish us all to see the progress he made in so many different and useful directions. I will not pause to recount the many monuments he builded, they have been described to you just now so fully and so 226 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP eloquently by my predecessors. I can say from personal knowledge, however, having visited all similar institutions of note, that he lived to see in the Museum of Natural History a creation which far surpasses any institution of its kind in the world to-day. He began late in life to study art and science, when he became a patron of those branches. In connection with the Museum of Natural History and other institutions he studied science, not in a technical way, but with that broad view which was easy to grasp, with his quick perceptions. Then he studied the world's geography when he was contemplat- ing how to assist a great explorer in reaching the coveted possession of the Pole; and as has been said, he lived to see his name attached to a point of land nearest to that much-sought object. We know within the walls of this building more about his charity and his benevolence than is known elsewhere, for no man was more modest in that respect, no one took greater pains to disguise the amount of his charities, dis- pensed with his spirit of broad philanthropy. We all know that wherever a calamity was heard of, in this country or any other country, whether it arose from fire, or flood or famine, or earthquake, with his great powers of administration and his sympathetic heart, he was first in the field with ready, prompt, and practical means of relief. As a banker he was well known to this City. Through his connection with powerful organizations and corporations he was well known throughout the country. His practical philanthropy, far-reaching views, corre- spondence and dealings made him known to all countries. Foreign nations decorated him, and the Sovereign of a distant power knighted him. But what he loved and ap- preciated much more than all such honors was the posses- sion of the profound respect and absolute affection of his fellow-citizens. He reached a ripe age. He died with his harness on. He had completed all his life's work. He died at peace with his fellowmen and at peace with THE LAST DAYS 227 his God. He passed away surrounded by his affectionate and devoted wife, who had been his true partner in all his labors, his triumphs and his joys, and by other rela- tions whom he loved. It will not be our duty to lay him in the tomb, shut out from the light of summer suns, there to await the requiem of winter's storms, but his true sepulchre will be the hearts of his fellow-citizens. He was a lesson to his contemporaries; he will be an in- spiration to his successors. He gained title deeds to honors of which he can never be dispossessed. He made his name honorable in this age and venerable to poster- ity. The many monuments he created will always speak in their mute eloquence of his worth. We can now only gather together and recount his virtues, commend his example to others, breathe a peace to his ashes, and say with Shakespeare's character: "Good-night, sweet Prince." It is the custom of the members of the Century Asso- ciation, at their annual meeting in January, to hear a brief record of the lives of those of their friends and asso- ciates who have passed away during the year. The company which gathers on such an occasion represents in singular degree all the interests, commercial, educa- tional, scientific, artistic, and religious, to which Mr. Jesup had devoted his life. Before this company of kin- dred spirits, lovers of the ideal, and comrades in the effort to make this world a home of beauty, of friendship, and of truth, Professor Sloane paid this just tribute to the memory of a fellow member who had gone before : Morris Ketchum Jesup was born to the affluence of noble aspirations, but orphaned at twelve, he inherited little else. With a sound school training and scarcely more than an introduction to college, he entered the stern 228 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP conflict of business life when a mere boy. Such was the sterling metal of his character that at twenty-four he es- tablished an independent firm in New York. His inborn sympathy for spiritual pursuits and his rich endowment of companionable qualities, made him a member of the Century at twenty-seven. For fifty-one years he was part of the living organism which keeps us ever young, ever creative, ever sensitive to our responsibilities. In the end, his education was thorough, comprehensive, vitalizing; and, as he was prospered beyond his visions, he showered on the community, with bewildering gener- osity, the benefits he had received, giving himself, with his wealth, to enterprises which have gone far to regenerate the life of New York, to place science on a new founda- tion, and to spread in all lands the Gospel of Jesus Christ, whose humble servant he considered himself in every activity of his life. He was a banker, a director of enormous corporations in the Interests of their stockholders, prominent in the Chamber of Commerce, and Its President for many years. The business honor of his adopted city was closer to his heart than any other secular interest: under all circumstances he pleaded for It, safeguarded It, and was continually selected to represent It. Though he retired from active business at fifty-four and thereafter for a quarter of a century devoted his splendid powers chiefly to other service, yet he maintained a commanding posi- tion in the industrial and commercial world to the very end. Mr. Jesup was a devoted churchman In the denomina- tion to which he belonged, being firmly convinced that philanthropy without faith was like a tree with no tap- root. He was a church member who found his highest duty in the most generous support of church enterprises for the spread of its domestic and foreign Influence, and In close connection with the organic life of the congregation with which he worshipped. But these intimate relations THE LAST DAYS 229 were only a starting-point and a foundation for his wider activities. He was a founder of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association, he gave to the Children's Aid Society an important building, was President of the Five Points House of Industry, of the American Sunday School Union, of the New York City Mission and Tract Society, an officer of the United States Christian Association during the Civil War, of the Union Theological Seminary, and of the Syr- ian Protestant College at Beirut — that wonderful English- speaking University which, with Robert College, has contributed so mightily to the regeneration of the hither East. He was a princely benefactor of all these; to them, singly and collectively, he gave unceasing, loving care, more energy and thought probably than to his business enterprises. As in the Christian, so in the secular world, education was his chiefest care. He gave liberally to Williams, to Yale, and to Princeton. He exerted himself powerfully in the cause of Forest Preservation and in the husbanding of all our national resources; expeditions which were supported by him carried his name to both ends of this con- tinent, almost from pole to pole, and in Geology, Paleon- tology, Biology, and Ethnology, enriched our scientific apparatus to the admiration and envy of distant and older lands. The Czar of Russia made him a companion of the highest Russian order for scientific service to that country, King Edward received him with respect as head of a commission laboring in the interests of humanity and peace. He was a discriminating collector of books and pictures, a member of our three most important art societies. But, while toiling ceaselessly in all these interests, he knew how to concentrate his highest powers in one. For his work, first as an organizer of the Natural History Mu- seum, and later as its President, four universities gave him academic recognition, one of them its highest hono- rary degree. To this great educational enterprise in the 230 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP City of New York no other is second, for it stands in the front rank: first for popular education, second for its scientific collections, and thirdly as a hearthstone of origi- nal research. The spacious buildings erected by the community are filled to overflowing with collections of prime importance, its staflF of workers are men of the high- est standing in the scientific world, and its publications are standard authorities. Others have contributed lavishly to this triumph of private enterprise, but no one to the same degree as Mr. Jesup. His benefactions have been far the largest, his energies have been the most devoted, his organizing powers have been, with no detraction from the merits of others, the most efl&cient, and his bequests have enabled it to take another great step forward. With its grandeur his name is inseparably Hnked. Not one of us has forgotten the presence of the man: his fine form, his stately bearing, his serene and earnest countenance. He was often with us, and his discourse was generally of high things, though he could at times unbend and lend himself to mirthful talk. Yet, in the main, there was in him a sense of high calling. He was a convinced and tenacious optimist, sure that the Kingdom was coming, even on earth : and that it was a man's work to help it forward. He lived long and noted the steady uplift of New York life. He was never confused by the lapses, which so engage the attention of less constructive minds. I have heard thoughtless and contemptuous abuse of this city met with scathing rebuke at his hands. Expansion was the experience of his personal life, it was his creed for religion and education and patriotism. Of a stock that had been American for the greater part of three centuries, he saw the perspective of centuries yet to come in the light of hope and faith. CHAPTER XIV THE INNER LIFE TT /"E have reached the end of our journey. But before ^ ^ we close the page we may turn back for a moment in order to gather into a single picture the different glimpses which have come to us as we have looked at Mr. Jesup's life from its different angles, and learned the impression which he made upon those with whom he was brought in contact. A man's true nature is revealed not only by the thing that he does, but in his manner of doing it. Through a chance word, a grasp of the hand, or it may be simply an expression of the eye, we often gain an insight impossible of attainment in any other way. It was so with Mr. Jesup. His personality gave a certain distinctive quality and coloring to his work. No one could live with him long without discovering what manner of man he was. His character was transparent, and his acts, to a far greater degree than is the case with most men, self-revelations. He was impulsive and, like all impulsive men, was sometimes led into apparent in- consistencies, but the inconsistency was only on the surface, and, as one came to know him better, one dis- covered the fact. All that he did was of a piece. The different strands in his character wove themselves into a consistent whole, and it is not easy to unravel them. 231 232 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP First of all, one is impressed by his conscientiousness. The words which he wrote many years ago are literally true: ** I work all the time trying to do my duty.*' When once he had set his hand to any task he carried it through to its conclusion, no matter what the cost, and this was the standard by which he judged all life, both in himself and in others. "Gentlemen," he once said when introduc- ing Dr. Alderman at one of the dinners of the Chamber of Commerce, "there is something in these days worth knowing besides the every-day work in our offices and places of business; there is deep down in our hearts a desire to know what best to do with our lives and how to make them of use and value to our fellowmen and our country. We can only do this by steadily acquainting our- selves with the needs and wants of others and stimulating the minds of our companions to think on those things which are just, honest, and of good report." It surprised him that he found so few people who shared his own high standard. "I sometimes think," he writes to Mr. Bar- nard, "that we expect too much. The longer we live, the more we must learn to take the world as we find it. I wish there were more who were conscientious and self- sacrificing and who were willing to consecrate themselves to the work of helping others. These characters have always been rare and I fear, until the spirit of Christ comes more and more to become our life, this conse- cration will not increase." This conscientiousness showed itself, for one thing, in the thoroughness with which Mr. Jesup prepared for what- ever he had undertaken to do. Whether it was writing a letter or planning for the future of the Museum, he wished to be master of the facts before he acted. It was THE INNER LIFE 233 his habit to let a night pass before he answered an im- portant letter. How much care he gave to the prepara- tion of his speeches we have already seen. His summers were the seed-time, in which he planned the winter's work. Writing to a friend from Bar Harbor he says: "I am having a quiet, restful, thoughtful time," with the word thoughtful underlined. And again, speaking of his plan to remain in Bar Harbor until September, in order to be free from calls and cares and have the rest he needs, he writes: "I have some hard work before me in New York in October and November, work of the head and brain, in preparation for important events that are to come in connection with the Chamber of Commerce and the American Museum of Natural History." Like all strong characters, Mr. Jesup was a man of great independence. He liked to do things in his own way, and he was so conscious of the excellence of that way that it was not always easy for him to recognize that other ways might be as good. He was sometimes restive in double harness. To one of his younger colleagues, who had remonstrated with him upon a certain policy, he laid his hand affectionately upon his shoulder and said: "My boy, you will have your turn bye and bye. This is my turn, and you must have patience and let me do things my own way." This quality sometimes brought him into opposition with men whom he respected, and led to temporary misunderstandings which it took time to clear up. But, on the other hand, it was the secret of Mr. Jesup's strength and the explanation of the greatness of his achievement. He was not afraid to take responsibility. When no one else would go with him he was willing to go on alone. If Mr. Jesup had been 234 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP a different man, Commander Peary, with all his resolu- tion, would never have been able to make his way to the Pole. This independence often showed itself amusingly in little things. I found among Mr. Jesup's papers a letter of Dr. Morgan Dix, expressing his regret at his inability to accept an invitation which Mr. Jesup had extended to him to be present at the opening of the new building of the Chamber of Commerce, on account of a conflicting engagement. The letter is endorsed in Mr. Jesup's own hand with the following comment: "I have written Dr. Dix that a representative of the committee will call on him in a carriage at his house at a quarter before eleven o'clock and bring him to the new building." Yet, side by side with this forcefulness of character there was in Mr. Jesup an open-mindedness which made him willing to learn from those with whom he diflFered, and, what is still rarer and more notable, to confess him- self in the wrong when once his reason had been convinced. One of his friends has told me of an incident which occurred at a meeting of a Board, at which both were present, in which Mr. Jesup with some heat had opposed a resolution proposed by my informant. Somewhat dis- appointed and disheartened, the latter had returned to his office, where, a few moments later, he was surprised to see Mr. Jesup appear. "I have been walking around the block," said the latter, "thinking over what you said, and I have made up my mind that you were right and I was wrong, and I have come here to tell you so." We have spoken more than once of the artistic element in Mr. Jesup's nature. This was the explanation of cer- tain qualities in him which sometimes puzzled his friends. THE INNER LIFE 235 He reached his conclusions by intuition rather than by reason. He often saw the end more quickly than the means by which it was to be reached. He not only saw the end, he felt it, and this feeling lent warmth and fire to his convictions. The conviction once gained, he was willing to take infinite pains to find out the best means of reaching the goal, but the fact that at the time he did not see how the end was to be gained never for a moment shook his faith that there was a way and that he would find it. His love for beauty colored all that he did. We have seen how it expressed itself in his management of the Museum. It lent individuality and distinctiveness to his charities. He was continually finding graceful and thoughtful things to do, things of which no one else had thought. On one occasion, after a visit to one of our New England colleges, where he had been most hospitably entertained, he discovered through a casual conversation that no provision was made by the authorities for such hospitality, but that whatever was done must be provided for within the narrow limits of a college president's sal- ary. Soon after, the treasurer of the college received a letter from Mr. Jesup asking whether the institution would be willing to accept the gift of a sum of money, the income of which should be put at the disposal of the president and his successors for the purposes of enter- taining college guests. It grieved him that men of cult- ure and refinement should not be able to gratify the tastes of cultivated people. More than once I have heard him speak with indignation of the low salaries and of the slight honor, according to this world's standards, accorded to our ministers and professors. "It is a 236 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP shame," he would say, "that men who have given their lives to the highest cause should not receive from us the highest honor." In the course of his life Mr. Jesup himself received many honors. Four of our leading colleges gave him their honorary degrees. The Emperor of Japan con- ferred upon him the decoration of the Second Class of the distinguished Order of Sacred Treasure; and the Emperor of Russia made him a member of the Order of St. Stanislaus of the First Class. He counted among his friends men of prominence in all parts of the world. The Gaekwar of Baroda, an Indian Prince of large wealth, entrusted to him the management of his fortune and con- sulted him about the education of his child. These things were, of course, pleasing to Mr. Jesup. He was gratified, as who would not be, with the recognition that came to him in such abundant measure during the latter years of his life, but he never allowed himself to appear conscious of it outside the intimacy of his own home. "He fre- quently told me," writes one of his friends, "how much afraid he was of wishing to have his name associated with his own gifts." To this, however, there was one exception. "He said to me on one occasion," writes the same informant, " *I confess that once I did wish very much that my name might be on the bow of a ship, and that was when Captain Peary started for the Pole. My imagination pictured to me with the keenest delight that ship going toward the arctic regions with my name upon it. It would have made me feel that I was guiding her there myself.' " The temptation was, however, resisted, and the ship named Roosevelt. THE INNER LIFE 237 He had no patience with aflPectation in any form. He loved speech that was simple, direct, and sincere. In a letter of his, returning the report of a certain society, of which he was president, I find the following character- istic comment apropos of a reference to a letter of his own: **I notice that you use the word, beautiful, in re- ferring to my letter. Please substitute some other word, such as manly, honest, or anything else you think fit." Mr. Jesup was an intense lover. Of his affection for his mother we have more than once spoken. "My love for my mother," he once wrote in a place designed for no eyes but his own, "is a spring of pure water in my heart all the time." Incidental references in his letters show how deeply he was stirred by the loss of those friends, like Mr. Dodge and Mr. Brace, with whom his work had brought him into intimate fellowship. For so forceful a character, he was singularly tender-hearted. His sympathy was world-wide. He could not bear the thought of needless suffering. " I am obliged," he writes to one of his friends in a panic year, "for your kind letter and your interest. I did not intend to convey the idea to you that I was unwell. I only intended to convey the idea that I could not be happy and content when so much trouble and suffering was taking place around me. I am always thinking of those whose lot is not cast in pleasant places. I have so many friends in trouble, I am sorry for you in the hot city with so much suffering con- stantly before you." These words were more than the expression of a casual mood. They reproduce the pre- vailing temper of Mr. Jesup's life. Often, his family would see him on some cold winter evening standing silently by the window and looking out earnestly into the 238 MORRIS KETCHUM JESUP night, and when they asked of what he was thinking, the answer would come back: "I am thinking of the poor people who are out in the cold to-night with no shelter." Said one to me who had had occasion to know by ex- perience the sterner side of his character, "Mr. Jesup had a great heart." The spring of all lay in his faith in God. It is not for us here to try to penetrate into the deeper sanctities of his nature. It is enough to say that from first to last religion was the most real thing in his life. He believed in the presence and control of God as a fact of daily ex- perience. Brought up in the simple evangelicalism of an older day, his faith remained in its essentials unaffected by the changes in modern thought. Speaking once to a friend, of the cross of Christ, he said, "That is the religion that you and I need." His belief in immortality was unwavering, his reverence for the Bible sincere, his conviction that religion was the only solvent for human ills unshaken. These were not things of which he often talked, for he did not carry his heart upon his lips, but those who came into intimate contact with him knew where he stood. He had a wide acquaintance with men of all churches, and numbered many clergymen among his intimate friends. They felt in him a kindred spirit and could open to him the secrets of their hearts, sure of being understood. "What we need," he once said to President Hall, speaking of the training of men for the ministry, "is more of the spirit of Christ." His life brought him into contact with many men who held high positions in the world's eye, but he judged them not by their outward position, but by the standard which he had learned in the school of Christ, and among his true friends were THE INNER LIFE 239 many of whom the world knew nothing, but in whom he had found that spirit of consecration which was to him the true test of greatness. Such, then, are some of the main features of the pict- ure which we catch as we look back through the lights and shadows of the years, and ask what manner of man it is who has been our companion on the journey. To him, as to all men, the years brought their changes. More than once we have had occasion to refer in these pages to a certain mellowing and ripening which his friends detected in Mr. Jesup with advancing years. It was not that his convictions changed, but that his per- spective broadened, that he came to see aspects of truth which he had not hitherto perceived, and to make room in his heart for men from whose views he had formerly differed. We have seen this in his attitude to the Sunday question; we have seen it in his attitude to Union Semi- nary in connection with the controversy over Dr. Briggs. He was always open-minded, he was always learning, he was always growing. He never stopped, one felt he never would stop. He was himself in the never-ceasing develop- ment of his own character a powerful argument for that immortality in which he so unquestioningly believed. As we call to memory his stately and gracious presence, his great heart, his sense of his high calling, the words of the friend, already recorded, rise unbidden to our lips: *'He has made his name honorable to his age and vener- able to posterity; we recount his virtues, we commend his example to others, breathe peace to his ashes, and say with Shakespeare's character, * Farewell, sweet Prince.' " INDEX Adams, John Macgregor, 35. Adams, Thatcher M., 64; description of a conference with Mayor Grant on the cleaning of the city streets, 67-69; an appreciation of Mr. Jesup by, 209, 210, 224. Agassiz, Louis, 138, 140. American Museum of Natural His- tory, 2, 4, 23, 44; plan for new wing, 136; account of its ori- gin and purpose, 13 7-1 41; its in- corporators, 138; letter in regard to its object from Baron Osten Sacken, 143; development, 145- 155; Elliott collection of birds, 145; Maximilian collection of birds and mammals, 145; Verreaux and Ve- dray collection, 145; Jay collection of shells, 147; Witthaus collection of coleoptera, 147; Hall collection of fossils, 147; Morgan collection of gems, 163; Loubat collection of Mexican antiquities, 163, 168; Jesup collection of North American woods, 165; Jesup collection of eco- nomic entomology, 166; Cope collec- tion of fossil mammals, 167; New Zealand and Rio Negro ethnological and zoological collections, 171, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 2. American Sunday School Union, 2, 96. Armstrong, Gen. Samuel Chapman, 78. Audubon Society, 2, 180, 207. Barnard, William F., 25. Beirut, Syrian Protestant college at, 96-101. Bickmore, Albert S., his connection with the Museum of Natural His- tory, 140, 141, 145, 147, 161. Bishop, Hon. Nathan, 48. Black, Rev. Hugh, 109, iii, 224. Bliss, Cornelius N., 224. Bliss, Howard, president of Syrian Protestant College, 98; his testi- mony to Mr. Jesup, 210, 211. Blodgett, William T., 138. Boyce, Rev. James P., 73. Brainerd, Cephas, 45. Brick Presbyterian Church, 3, 88. Briggs, Dr. Charles A., 106, 107. Brooks, Bishop Phillips, 72. Brown, Dr. Arthur, 96. Brown, John Crosby, 45; director of the Union Theological Seminary, 106; Mr. Jesup's intimate friend,2o8. Bumpus, Professor Hermon Carey, Director of the Museum of Natural History, 152, 154, 162; quoted, 185, 186. Chamber of Commerce (New York), 5, 43; founded in 1768, 113; scope of, 113, 114; action to relieve suf- ferers in the Martinique and San Francisco calamities, 121; sends delegation to visit the London Chamber of Commerce, 127, 128; its new building, 128; opening cere- monies of the new building, 129; last address of Mr. Jesup to, 220- 223. Chamber of Commerce (London), 126; entertains visitors from the New York Chamber of Commerce, 126, 127; the London banquet, 131-135. 241 242 INDEX Chandler, Professor, 67. Cheever, Dr., 87. Childrens' Aid Society, 27. Chinese comn)issioners, 125. Choate, Joseph H., 138, 141; quoted, 183, 184, 224. Civil War, references to, 47, 114. Claflin Institute, 76. Clark, Charles, 29. Clark & Jesup, 29; dealt in railroad supplies, 31. Cleveland, Grover, 129. Colgate, Robert, 138. Colgate, Samuel, 56, 59. Colquitt, Alfred H., 73. Committee of Five, 60, 202. Committee of Seventy, 115. Committee of Twenty-one, 66, 115. Comstock, Anthony, 47; his work in suppressing obscene literature, 54; Mr. Jesup's interest and aid, 55-59. Crerar, John {see note), 35. Cuyler, C. C, 36. Cuyler, Thomas de Witt, 36. Cuyler, Morgan & Company, 36, 43. Dana, Charles A., 138. Degrees and honors conferred on Mr. Jesup, 24, 236. Devine, Dr., 122. De Witt, Maria Van Antwerp, 86, 201. De Witt Memorial Church, 91, 93, 94, 202. De Witt, Dr. Thomas, 91, 93. Dix, Rev. Morgan, 234. Doane, Bishop William C, intimate picture of his relations with Mr. Jesup, 215-218. Dodge, A. G. P., 138. Dodge, Cleveland H., 224. Dodge, Rev. D. S., 98. Dodge, Jr., William E., 22, 45, 55; a founder of Syrian Protestant Col- lege, 98; director of the Union Theological Seminary, 106, 141; life-long friend of Mr. Jesup, 208. Dodge, Sr., William E., trustee of Slater Fund, 72, 98; his gift to the Museum of Natural History, 160; D wight, Henry, 32, 33-34. Elsing, Rev. W. M., 92, 94, 95. Farnam, Henry, 32. Field, Benjamin H., 138, 141. Five Points House of Industry, 2, 24- 27. Forest preservation, 5, 40, 60; me- morial addressed to the New York Legislature, 61; action of Chamber of Commerce in regard to, 115, 165. General Education Board, 3, 80. Gerry, Elbridge T., 84. Gilman, Daniel C, 72, 74, 80. Green, Andrew H., 139, 141. Green's Farms, 12, 19. Greene, Gen. Francis V., 67. Griswold, George, 32. Grosvenor, Jasper, 28, 30. Haines, William A., 138, 141. Hall, Charles Cuthbert, no. Hall, Professor James, 139. Hall, Dr. John, 87. Hampton Institute, 23, 76, 77, 78. Hayes, ex-President, 72. Hepburn, Dr., 96. Hewitt, Abram S., 115, 117; statue of, presented to the Chamber of Commerce, 130. Home Missions, 20. Hospital Saturday and Sunday Asso- ciation, 3. Hull, Charity, 15. Hunt's Point, 11. IngersoU, Robert G., 56. Iselin, Adrian, 138. James, D. Willis, 106; friendship for Mr. Jesup, 208. Jesup, Charles, 8; graduate of Yale, 13; took up business, 14; marriage, 14; death, 14; religious activities, 20. INDEX 243 Jessup, Edward, pioneer settler of Long Island, 8; magistrate in Westchester County, 11. Jesup, Mrs. Charles (Abigail Sher- wood), 8; her influence, 14; force of character, 20, 21; her son pre- sented her with a house, 22; her son's afifection for, 237. Jesup, Ebenezer, surgeon in Conti- nental army, 9, 11. Jesup, Ebenezer (Major), business ability, II, 13; public spirit, 12. Jesup, Morris Ketchum — Official positions held by: President of the Chamber of Commerce, 2, 113; American Museum of Natural History, 2, 151; Young Men's Christian Association, 2, 45; New York City Mission and Tract Society, 2, 92; Five Points House of In- dustry, 2, 25; American Sunday School Union, 2, 96; Peary Arc- tic Club, 2, 195; Sailors' Snug Harbor, 2, 43, 120; Audubon Society, 2; New England So- ciety, 2; Syrian Protestant Col- lege at Beiriit, 2, 96. Vice-President of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 2; Union Theological Seminary, 2, 108; American So- ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 2; Pilgrims* Society, 2; Society for the Sup- pression of Vice, 3, 56. Treasurer of the John F. Slater Fund for the Education of Freedmen, 3, 43, 72-77. Member of the Peabody Board, 3, 80; of the General Educa- tion Board, 3, 80; Rapid Tran- sit Commission, 3, 43, 119. Trustee of the Presbyterian Hos- pital, 3; Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association, 3; Society for the Relief of Half-Orphan and Destitute Children, 3; Brick Presbyterian Church, 3. Addresses made by, at the Legislature of the State of New York, 61; Hampton Institute, 78, 79; Old First Presbyterian Church, 89; Ecumenical Con- ference, New York City, 104, 105; dinner to the Chinese commissioners, 125; opening ceremonies of the Chamber of Commerce, 131-135; banquet of the London Chamber of Commerce, 131-135; Museum of Art, 181, 182; Chamber of Commerce, on retiring from the presidency, 220-221. Letters of, to Anthony Comstock, 57, 58, 59; Alexander E. Orr, 70, 75, 76, 118; Mr. Wanamaker, 83; Dr. Charles Cuthbert Hall, D. D., 109, no; Chief of Bureau, Yards and Docks, 193-195. Letters to, from D wight L. Moody, 53; Colonel George E. Waring, 68, 69; Bishop Henry C. Potter, 112; Henry White, Secretary Ameri- can Legation, 135; Chamber of Commerce, his friends and associates in, 219. Jesup, Morris Ketchum, appearance, I, 2; birth and parentage, 8; ances- tors, 8-16; donated library building to Westport, 16; early home train- ing, 17-20; his father's loss of fort- une and death, 21; removal to New York, 22; attendance at New York schools, 22, 23; his later interest in education, 23, 24; gifts to colleges, 23; degrees conferred by leading colleges, 24, 236; connection with Five Points Mission, 24-27; gift to Children's Aid Society, 27; when twelve years old began work in office, 28; rose to responsible posi- tion, 29; formed partnership with Charles Clark, 29-32; early busi- ness friends, 32; business trip to Wales, 33-34; association with John 244 INDEX S. Kennedy and formation of new firm, 34-35; later partners were John Crerar, John Paton, and C. C. Cuyler, 35-36; firm name changed several times, 36; railroad interests, 36-39; his business training made a basis for sound philanthropic views, 36, 40-41 ; his reasons for re- tiring from business, 42-43; relig- ious, philanthropic, educational, and civic activities, 43-44; member and officer of the Y. M. C. A., 45-48; treasurer of Christian Commission, 48-50; member of the International Railroad Committee of Y. M. C. A., 51-53; his aid to the San Francisco Y. M. C. A, 52, 53; Dwight L. Moody his intimate friend, 52, 53; sympathy with crusade started by Anthony Comstock, 54-59; action in regard to the preservation of the Adirondack forests, 61-63; his work in establishing an efficient Street Cleaning Department, 64-68; his opinion of Booker T. Washington's book, 69; his opposition to slavery, 49; deep impression created by visiting a Richmond slave market, 7 1 ; belief in industrial education for the negro, 70-80; interest in gen- eral education, 79-80; became mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church, 87; his work as trustee and president of the City Mission and Tract Society, 91-95; for Foreign Missions, 96; the Syrian Protestant College at Beiriit his special charge, 96-101; extract from Sun: "Mr. Jesup in Syria," 101-103; his efforts in be- half of missionaries in Turkey, loi; serves on committee to open the Ecumenical Conference in New York City, 103-105; connection with the Union Theological Semi- nary, 106-112; foundation of the Jesup Graduate Chair of Preaching, 108; presentation of home for the Union Settlement, 108; duties as president of the Chamber of Com- merce, 1 1 5-1 20; co-operation with Alexander Orr in public service, 69, 75, 1 1 5-1 20; personal attention in relieving the survivors of the Martinique and San Francisco ca- lamities, 121-122; courtesies shown to eminent foreigners, 123-124; a delegate to the London Chamber of Commerce, 126-128; contributes generously to the building for the New York Chamber of Commerce, 128; opening ceremonies of the same, 129, 130; the American Museum of Natural History, his connection with, as founder, 138; fitness as president of, 1 51-153; successful administration of, 153- 155; generous contributions to, 154, 165-168, 171; endowment of, 186; high tributes to his valuable services by Mr. Choate, President Osborn, and Director Bumpus, 183-186; Peary, how his attention was directed to, 188-191; first meeting with, 192; his interest and faith in, 193-197; formation of the Peary Arctic Club, 195; Mr. Jesup's mar- riage, 201; his home in New York, 202; some distinguished guests, 203, 204; his pictures, 203, 204; books of travel his delight, 204; his home at Irvington, 205; his cottage at Bar Harbor, 205; fondness for his home at Lenox, 206; his love for animals, 206; for trees, 207; clubs of which he was a member, 207; sterling qualities of his friends, 208; tributes to his character from President Bliss, Mrs. Patterson, Thatcher Adams, Rev. Dr. Rich- ards, Bishop Lawrence, and Bishop Doane, 208-218; from Professor Sloane, 224-227; from General Porter, 224-227; his retirement from the Chamber of Commerce, 219; last address to that body, 220, 221; his ill health, 222; his death at his New York home, 223; funeral service, 223-224; his inner life, INDEX 245 231-239; honors conferred on him, 236. Jesup, Kennedy & Adams, 35. Jesup & Company, M. K., 34-36. Jesup, Paton & Company, 36. Jesup collection of economic entomol- ogy, 166. Jesup collection of North American woods, 163-166. Jesup Graduate Chair of Preaching, Union Theological Seminary, 128. Jesup Hall, Williams College, 23. Jesup Memorial Library, Westport 16, 20. Kennedy, John S., partner in M. K. Jesup & Company, 34-35; later established the firm of John S. Kennedy & Company, 36; friendly relations with Mr. Jesup, 208. Ketchum, Morris, 28, 32. King, Jr., David H., 67. King, James G., 115. Kinnicutt, Mrs. Francis P., 29. Landberg collection of Arabic manu- scripts, 23. Lanier, Charles, 45, 224. Lawrence, Bishop, his appreciation of Mr. Jesup, 213-215. Lebanon Chapel, 92-95. Low, Mayor, 129. McBurney, Robert R., 45. Marble Collegiate Church, 87. Maria De Witt Jesup Foundation, 97, 100. Marshall, Dr. James, 93, 94. Mason, R. B., 32. Monroe, Elbert B., 45. Moody, D wight L., 47; campaign in San Francisco, S2»53. Morgan, J. Pierpont, 45, 66, 84, 183, 224. Morley, John, 123. National Liberal League, 56. New England Society, 2, 16. New York City Mission and Tract Society, 2, 5, 20; Mr. Jesup's con- nection with, 92-95. New York Institution for the Instruc- tion of the Deaf and Dumb, 2. New York Municipal Society, 65. Olivet, first City Mission church, 91. Olmsted, Frederick, 172. Orr, Alexander, 69, 75, 76, 115, 119; president of the Chamber of Com- merce, 117; proposed a special building for the Chamber of Com- merce, 128; sympathy extended to, in illness, 221. Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 4, 157, 161, 162; quoted, 184, 185; Peary's letter to, 199, 200, 224. Parish, Henry, 138. Parsons, John E., 16, 20, 224. Parsons, William B., chief engineer on the subway, 118. Paton & Company, John, 36, 43. Peabody Education Fund, 3, 80. Peary Arctic Club, 2, formation of, 195, 196. Peary, Robert E., 4, 44, his meeting with Mr. Jesup, 188-192; discovery of meteorites now in the Museum of Natural History, 193; polar expedi- ditions of, 195-200; birth of the Peary Arctic Club, 195; financial aid from Mr. Jesup, 196; the Roose- velt, 196, 199; his tribute to Mr. Jesup, 199-200. Peary, Mrs. Robert, her plans for sending relief to her husband, 190; interview with Mr. Jesup, 191, 202. Pease, Rev. L. M., 25. Pilgrims' Society, 2, 16. Porter, General Horace, his tribute to Morris K. Jesup, 224-227. Post, M. D., Rev. George, 98, 100. Potter, Bishop, 112. Potter, Howard, 138, 141. Presbyterian Hospital, 3. Prince Henry of Prussia, visit of, 116, 123. 246 INDEX Prince Louis of Battenberg, visit of, 116, 123. Putnam, Professor Frederick W., cu- rator of the department of anthro- pology, 168. Railroads: Rock Island, 32; Illinois Central, 32; New York, New Haven & Hartford, 32; Chicago & Alton, 36; Dubuque & Sioux City, 36; Cedar Falls & Minnesota, 36; Southern Railway, 37; Atlantic Coast Line, 37; Northeastern Rail- road of South Carolina, 37; Savan- nah, Florida & Western, 37; To- ledo, Peoria & Western, 37; Pennsyl- vania, 37; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 37-39; Natchez, Jackson & Columbus, 37; Keokuk & Western, 37-39, 43; Missouri, Iowa & Nebraska, 38; Havana & Ran- toul & Eastern, 37. Rapid Transit Commission, 3; de- velopment of subways, 117, 118. Richards, Dr., 88; impression made on first meeting with Mr. Jesup, 211-213, 224. Rockefeller, John D., his gift to the cause of education, 80, Rogers, Ketchum & Bement, 29, 32- Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, 28, 44. Rogers Locomotive Works, 30. Roosevelt, Theodore, 84, 129. Roosevelt, Theodore, father of the ex-President, 138, 141. Sailors' Snug Harbor, 2, 43; founda- tion of, 120; trustees of, 120; Mr. Jesup's financial policy for, 121. Sanitary Commission, United States, 48. Sargent, Professor Charles S., 164; quoted, 166. Schauffler, Dr., superintendent of City Mission and Tract Society, 92. Schuyler, George, 32; Schuyler, Robert, 32. Shefiield, Joseph, 32. Sherman, Benjamin B., 138. Sherwood, Abigail, 8, 14, 20. Sherwood, Hon. Samuel Burr, 8, 14-15- Slater, John F., 78. Slater, William A., 73. Slater Fund for the Education of Freedmen, 3, 5, 43, 60; donation and management of, 72-77; 81, 202. Slater - Armstrong Trade School, 77- Sloane, Professor William E., his trib- ute to the memory of Mr. Jesup before the members of the Century Association, 227-230. Society for the Relief of Half-Orphan and Destitute Children, 3. Society for the Suppression of Vice, 3, founding of, 56, 202. Steward, D. Jackson, 138. Stewart, John A., 73. Spelman Institute, 76. Straus, Oscar S., loi. Strong, Hon. William, L., 68, 115. Stuart, George H., 48. Stuart, Robert L., 137; president of the Museum of Natural History, 138, 141, 147. Sturges, Jonathan, 32. Syrian Protestant College at Beirtit, 2, 5, 23, 44, 96-101; Mr. Jesup's in- terest in and support of, 101-103. Teachers' Endowment Fund, Harvard, 23- Terry, John H., 224. Tuskegee Institute, 23. Union Theological Seminary, 2; found- ed in 1837, 105- Union Theological Seminary at Pe- king, 96. Union Settlement, 108. United States Christian Commission, 47-50- Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 51. INDEX 247 Van Dyke, Rev. Henry, 224. Vaux, Calvert, 148. Waite, Chief -Justice, 72. Waring, Col. George E., 68, 69. Washington, Booker T., 69. Westport, 8, 16. Wetmore, A. R., 92. Williams, Sir George, founder of Y. M. C. A. movement, 46. Wolfe, Catharine L., contributor to the American Museum of Natural History, 147. Wolfe, John David, president of the Museum of Natural History, 138, 141, 146, 181. Wortman, Dr. J. L., 167. Wright, Sarah, 13. Yale College, 23, 24. Young Men's Christian Association, 2, 33; organized, 44; founders, 45. 14 DAY USE RETUKN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. iKXi 1^ LuAJ (V . .: i:iV: Po8 end of FALL (Juarrep ^^^^ g ,jg 7 ij SENT ON ILL DEC 1 1 2002 MUSiicLLi l\i- i < U. C. BEOKELEY 'm AHC JAN 17 1986 ^ECClR|V P R25\90! i LD 21A-60m-3,'65 (F2336sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY I BD0D7Sai77 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY