$B b^-l 430 ^^^i:iP^sN^^^^^^ 1^ v\<%* ■■> * <; ■ i pk ol^ a fl&iip^i iJlaMl, \i^^M^-*S^ ^ K» » ei\ ai / )) au j> ie )» a jj { the corresponding diphthongs in German, German au ; or as ow, in the English cow,, how. piece, field, as u in run, fun. The aspirate is indicated by an apostrophe, as p'ten, pronounced p-hien, the p retaining its sound, followed by a breathing, like ^jA in up-hill ; cKang, pronounced ch-liang, like ch-h in church-hill. R indicates in the Mandarin dialect a peculiar sound, sometimes transcribed orl, ulh ; in Cantonese it is pronounced ngi, or i. The apostrophe in sz\ tsz' denotes a suppressed or modified sound of i. J is pronounced as in French, The tones are indicated thus : — 1. The ascending tone by an accent to the right, thus, shhu. 2 The descending tone by an accent to the left, thus, fdu. 3. The abrupt tone by the letter h at the end of the word, thus, fah. The even tone has no distinguishing mark. Of the two numbers placed on the left of each character the a[)per indicates the position ot the latter in the order of the text from 1 to 1000. The lower is the number of the Radical, under which the character is to be found in the Chinese Lexicon. There are 214 of these Radicals or Key- characters in the Imperial Dictionary of Khang Hi, and the arrangement of this standard authority is genorally ttdopted. \)i}: ly m chi) [ Csu clie signifies "Jtelpor" ] uuxiiiaa'itfs : — 83 Un £ Tkese are "used 91^8 J:!*, tsai 30 eyuen ^i> •»d the returu of the time, 960 aa ohjau •8 cAyii vken ska aliiaea admins ¥§ 9$ sin £ sjufJQ ti u or.e j:hrms». } "' j;i *' Vi6 ifc» •ftcf the anuillurj aphsrc. 961 its ch\ oh\ referring to 962 140 «M» ^ gajfinff mhoui firO'irood, 955 jp^', ^;y«en 61 •aspended 6« ««# «n(i rcTolTiD|[, tkoto* 963 «yu 9(7 rtf^ htoul «CH i/ on« cuUiratt moralitj, 111 M Ai# happlBeii 71 >i tb« oltcuration 194 ^«A 10 d47 m9i Ul kUng ttJ they practifltd f{j'«i m ur^eitfc haste; %v '^ 181 p'un 94 «J hi S-^3 Jqh ^fc« tf 72 CO wi^^ thp 8un-3hm« 950 m ..ivui 72 f^i iff tfj r efPul" ;encD, y5i m nny fi lung brightly 052 Hi i,,tH 72 yi •tiinino; ; 88 ten 40 as io fascLbato 94 + m Si/ ail US 9gn io.77i ZAe.;- 1:1 urh; 94 f f;/ttt 61 tit en the jearr .sjpe; d on C4:; ^ .rJ-l 111 ck) Vic :. rro'.rs. TO 1»55 /jK kya # cxoelleub an» 120 Jkm the confusion, 931 ;t!' h U U and amflioiatuig 117 ping thttt eifilt together 934 ^ *y« 106 'X-n Tt 32? //X li lun 917 rf^V; *•' m 924 li^ Chi 120 ehl for paper- wa{:/n^. 92& 1^ kyUn 167 Kjtttt Jc0un 926 15 Vifd ^ 48 hai^ «t t » mecbanio. 927 ii ftn ytim Jin 92^ m il'ai 18T ya «* aa angler j 16 k'ai 018 ^.H k'in 96 Ar'ftm for lule-^pluj/,9ijfft 919 170 Yuen in f.'^A m .^ffti 80 *j^tt for £. uU-_^.Vyiw^, .., JS ;•'>» 61 r/w Tien 022 ^ pin 118 fUt for ' p?E-.':7 alcina. 77 89 j>u» rebeh. 912 l_* wnng 6 f»0}f^ an(^ abicouders/ 60 9^' Pu v>a5 famous 9i4) A4. ff^»V for wclierj, 915 ^At Uw £05 ^>4i «A« 162 lym I/yaTi 916 ^f /io • fn for iottwg baHi^ 14U cviil iPtf punish, 906 ^p cA«» 6^ cAaM iy l.uttirg to death, 9C7 P!,^ Uih iS4 /^'aiir »C8 c;^ /«» 108 iaH gad robbers i 909 i|f^ p4 m 64 ^ vg fcfr» 910 ^^ Awo4 94 «M» •nrf oppretwid 6Ji> m luA # aW biiilooks. •93 ^ cAfA 32 cAt(/> «;£«» W9 graip 894 .^t^ ye* Stf *e< or j/AjV^ aH^thing hot, i^Oi ft":^ Ai^«» tn^e^i 8iirtlcd, U02 0m yoh 157 /t:^ jump, 835. p^ ,va«»i» 181 «ii 0- (fin ice \nsh for 16 ^Jl«M^ coolness ; 903 rfcTJ c/i'att 897 Ig^ ft? 15* oVyw l«ap, 30 i ff^ 5yff»7 187 si/nng 187 /•« 187 /o H i>) skum jjd^e ca>'efiiUv as to bb8 J'*^ tjjang the detaib of you- st ttcmenti ; £J«9 ^rf.-lj Aval l8S Aai tp.%f» tho limbs 890 X'^ *cid ar§ dirty, 81 tywig 83? ,Jg; e/tfl to bat!ie iUm / 8?i jj^Ju ^*'<^» 91 ^«t*n tw \Yiitteii ccii.niLrrcations t^82 UJ!^; ^tei 91 e'ep a;jci conc?ponc!erce, «3?. fH?»T if*/^'* conc'ensft the esscntitri ideat^t fS' M 181 M 8r. A^^ Uh PV tl8 lirp 74 'S^S rft" isai # id tsoi and rapeatedlj 876 -^^ pai ^4 pa{ prostrating themselves 877 sung 61 sUng with agitation, 878 ,]ig kA^ 61 Jfc/i' 879 :t;t *'^"^ 61 Ariin^ or lih\3 880 Ji]^ ^7t7aM_7 61 vfong and trembling j 880 ^j> Ui >1^ lis Ue{ offer sro ^^ «.' 118 ttz*^ sacrifices to their ancestot'S, 871 rtn:^ rAtM.7 140 ching both the Ching 872 r^* c^an^ 30 shgung and Chang sacrifices^ 873 r^ Fi 1« 116 ¥ai knocking 181 shn<3 the forehead o» ih-.' orovnrf^ 7i •63 CI Wjf^ I «%*» and 864 rj? ^ang 68 hcng IS e«;b tlie principal \rife*» 866 '^-^f Aaii <0 hau descondouts, 867 g>::t tfs*' 10 Uif' 130 e«iSift «uec6»ion, 857 /ri;^ 7ij/ak 111 kt/it pUdgivg ili^ guests hy -waring 858 T^. shaii d s'kah 8i;9 jTr^ ^rf» 181 «^ *5an^ 148 sliyung the goblet ; 847 y^ isyang 152 tsyuvg •nd ivory 84fi |l_p cn'wanff 63 o4'on^ couchea ; 849 A?Vn ,120 Ae0» amid music 850^ *o 76 ko and pinging, 71 83y X-fT. wei m 6(J W»\ brilliant ^*0 \t^ kwang n 8e> wong and luminous ; 833 <.J ISO *n Kiih ilclr eillen R34 t3 iliin m 63 ahien fona, 84.1 cfiau 835 jfuen 72 c^a« in the day-time .42 Ug »■•. 109 ropoBiag, mm roimd 836 >*7T kieh 86 A:^e^ and ucat, 848 <«iA 83 ^'^ 1**/ 120 fb:ig mnd rearing; 829 /Ji sh{ 9 Ai they attend ta •30 lU *^ 50 /&»» the family garments, 831 %% 60 ioe» In ^^ shiK 99 tr? AM7a» 162 ff^ti: merely/ satisfy 808 p .<.. 80 Aai^ the appetite 793 |g 32 tt» ^o partitions S2 U*t-orsg and walls ; 807 -zi^: cVAng ^ 801 pl iS-* 10 cA*4ii^ ami fill 803 n^. e^'a??^ 130 ch'yung tbe stomach ; .a 12 kfi' in the ccsc of prrrared 802 JJ^ sUn ]S0 sUSn food. G9 f 1 5 ilifSf Isnu 'a 119 tsau 0Ven dregs in hong and liualcs % £09 ^'jt i^ff* 184 jpai if sui'feited 810 ^ «' one will loath© ^if? ijg ^5'«» 147 ^*'«» heoio^ea relatives 81 S i-T*- /«'/A 6« . fo*i* coanMtiona, 811 -j^ funs Hie tce'l Lcckvd. Jlcsh F'2 ih»^ tiol 40 «w) 8!9 :f.A^ A..J i6 M [ kii kyu fcjuf^ur si^vift/ old] 320 Tidfc? l-',' in kad •ud e\^ friends. 184 ki hid if famished, n- 1^ ,.» 87 f^ /i« UiU he e.z.\1Z.cl tcilJ* 803 /^^ is an l«i Wan ■when I eating 804 184 >'« a meal, 805 M ""■* 162 sUk merely satisfy 808 n '"' 80 Aai^ the appetite 807 -gx cK^ng % 10 cK'Ukng and fill 803 Jl^, c^'oEjJ^ 130 cVyung tbe stomacli j for one r.ioy "PP-'y 728 -g^ V^ 128 « or tijf\ the ear 799 tp? hwan 32 «n fo partitions "0 !-:>r. ts'vang S2 U*yovg and walls ; 801 pt >?-*' 12 Arft' 802 n^ 5S^» 130 sUin food, 07 U I Jgtj. Ma»y 780 T^-* ia» 1 i<> nong was kis book'hsbg fi 1 18 'yung and hook-\iors. ; 72 i (;ve» t?» simple 794 ±t> yu 159 yau ani- trivial temarks, 795 A/^ y« ^ (}6 yau /^r^ t« that which 796 \fi wei 102 wH U to he feared ; Sfc 128 . tarn they indulyed their pas^icrate fondness 786 ^ttA 149 ink for re :a:ling, like 7t7 2Btr. wa» 124 un Wang CUuug, toko studied 788 -*- sU ^ 50 sh\ at the niurket hcol-atalU^ 789 ^ y« 40 a or w^ft fo Zor."Cfr a metaphor, 790 rrj «i«A Ay* oj« Tld xu^ tuh 773 loh )i^ t4k m itg lonolj 780 :^ y« 168 mtm wandering* i litiff Ung 781 U ■oanng, 7»2 r^; ma m 94 78S ^^ kydn§ 120 ^(^n^ the dark red 784 J^& syau 171 «ytt firmaiiMnt ; 140 (oAr and if* falliag 774 i|^ y#* lanT 776 M^ i?*ya« 182 J7V« »< born* flutt«xiiig 776 ^m yau and £lo»iicg i» the wiiad, 162 yott io vfhtre the rambling 778 B 6 *w»» 196 wooj-oook. 66 7«7 ^ isaH 761 tLt- >'» 72 •arly food 738 m '■^''« 5W ti/an fade* away ; 769 m c/ii» 170 oh'un and Us old T70 m hum 75 r*«*U kmn 77J a we} 88 «o«l mrs febrown away 772 E^ i 124 76 !>*• the comb- 762 Un p'a 75 y« 7.;.T Tt^^ u^an 72 fjia/i M lata 764 "^t.^ <«,«i 2^ 12* f»*«J »» hecoming green (iejay ; ■" ti « 75 '«.li:ig a53«^. ^•45 l£^ *'■" 7^ ;^U» and by merry 7*r(l ^ ^'-^ 37 ^Oli 737 -1^ Ay« 86 Vam inquiring into Bonga, 30 M ih6 records of I lie ancicntB, 759 rr^ fs'in 41 U*tim and iuvestigating 740 J:.A^ liin m 1 49 Mm their discoursei. 747 r^Fi ;^i rf4 ISO 2«) eauiinp embarrassing ihovjhtt 7 « ^tK rtii» 162 kiin 'o 6e expelled; 741 d*^ ,fl'n f6 »4n ih^i'S Siptipafcing T'J'J F^ ^' is. 61 !fl ' anxiou' T rucVta ; «s 731 m 7iien 169 han enjot/ed ihe leisare 732 t^ ch'H 72: m kyai 141 eh'U of the place, 733 •'^ cVin 8S ch'um sank t03 mak in meditation : „. i^ -» 40 t*ik in qtii«k 40 2ytf «Mi soUtad»» 1 48 A:a) diTe&led fliemselvet 72G /r? i*o 120 Ub of iUb ofilcial badges, 140 thmi who 728 Ci3 pih 162 ^Jife compelled th»m t 729 ^ mA 120 M» awff, ?n ft retired 7rO i::A i^a 44 JSr^ re?» m ttio motircs of mtn. 76 ^tfl ttf^et? ^oit are tear t« 7.4 ^g i«A 161 y4.h shame 162 iht* •ttci apprcacliir.g 71fi T^jr c^'l 61 «fcU 7S ^frm the vood» 78 t^ ^c»» 00 7-7 ^m. ki 1 -iU ki reproring 708 J-Ji ki^a{ 149 kai and admonishing ; 7u9 ^t* ch'iing m 40 cVikng lest *«(/'-est«em 710 J^ isung S2 isung increase too much, 711 4-»* Ar'any 64 k'oug reiist »^ ^o tlia utmost; 701 ^ m.^. l9 mi^n ancf exert yourself 702 -e- *'» in th«ir 708 rj2{j: oA» M 113 cA» reverential oJ*erzjanc#, 704, 4,-* chili 7S cAiJIr so will you stand erect 705 ^Jq sing 109 tiny examine 70G j&-f >t4«y 158 k4ng 695 m pidm 160 piSn and HiHoriminated 6^6 s tih 139 Mhik it* COIOUTC ' » 697 1^ » U4 1 i tranan lib to posterity <9S M £yt(«A 17 ih«ir kit C99 m ki,. 689 TfA ^«»V 1^ exe0ll*nt 700 g|i f- •4 JfM 128 (ifv ^A ^ t "^^ historian ..••■ ^V... V,>,> 684. r-H^ m yi* 63 yuAg of ordinary practi 885 »)>»;< lau 19 diligantly 686 M Men 149 hiem •Hi humblj 687 m 7c\n 149 kun ?«;5' maintained ►80 ^^ cAiV* 100 e^tZ; honesty; 681 rf-Tt *M r^; 63 »M il>.e^ all Lut reached 82 ki IT 871 n?jT| chuh il 20 i chui degradiug <»72 rtifc. c/ilA or promoti.ig trmm; 115 *hmi that my r3: fc i.-zay i« ^^^ 6s o j^i| anuh 86 «MA; m r pe grain. 673 -j^ i«c>»^ 1 OS ;Aan^ Meng «71 -^^rf .^-*o 667 KuAg 159 ir-v or *o 154 Mng and my t*xe» in naw corf? ,- 675 vjtA «» I4» f»a# fincwe 676 s% 120 atvJ simple ; 6o9 i^jj «V*f'» 19 h.un' I urge on ma mtftC 670 r^* «Aa«^ 1S4 *A.y"^7 H m a nam on the Eoixth-ward slojping 660 -^ih »'^^ 102 668 19 m4 I derota myflf to 864 -*4^ **«' d6 ,ii and dar] viung 80 chi 6u0 -Ir;*' ^J^n * 75 jpti» ^*(i-v »/j root a? ' 1k y 70 « ia Iiusbandr/ / 72 /o'fw extftad 642 ^-^ ytt«n 162 an far otoa^ 643 0^ mUn 120 mi«» continously 162 wyli or mok into remote spptctt 645 fef^ ^im 46 n^om ioh9r« art Tarines, 46 rati cr.Tcrra, 64 635 k*Uh 629 112 k'i»t the K'ieh 036 -jr^ shih IJ2 $hik Kock Mountain, 637 />c: ^tt 167 ;h» thd Eu 638 ^ .V 1^6 ye or yg-a To {Jjir; Desert) Swamp, 639 >|^ t4ng t5 ^4/1^ the Tung 640 t^ i'iny 178 ii;«i t}i« ICi 630 m <*««» m 103 tf'iffi T'iea (FowW FieldJ 'Poat-howe, 631 ^dt. cA'iA 156 0h'ik tho Ch'ih 682 jt^ chinj/ 32 irAin^ Cliing CEed CitadelJ, t 633 ^ hviwi M 73 kmui tho K-wun 63 J ' ii eVi 86 Pool, ch*i 623 ■— \ yu ;2^ 7 loun is Yun G24. -A* i'insf 8 <'«ny T'ing (^rocai PotcAJ «17 M5». «oo* i6 f^ol; o/ sacred xnouDtams, 61i f^ UUng 40 tvi^ the honour q/" altitude 623 17^ 7/e» 196 »^a» the Yen 626 BQ m^n 1S9 619 ^^ ^a< ktioK^s to T'oi 620 /f-V- ^«^ ^1 46 /o»' Mun P(U», Tai 627 dtb U»'' the Purpl* 82 Barrier WaU^ 111 »A«»» o^ sacred localitioa, rs2 -J- c/** I chit ii
    JJ3>g Tl I'S "" s ^*i.4 157 tnk footpnutj ; r -0 jJth 106 J pak «>i7/* tho hundred ^'VB15 kj/Hn 163 kwun districts 615 3^ Uin «7 WU Tain was 0. ^^ pinj 1 plnff M allianw ; eh*i i87 eVi and galloped GOG J^ yu' »=» Uf #^ their renown 07 nt. tan C07 ^, oi«r tte red 17* l*'ing and tLc lic.c ( r. r. Hztory) P09 J| *"jrt^ '":^ 5 Xro* crer tV.e nine nir^ ,»f .;j^« 47 rAau re<>ioi.i. > * c. I?:^ Fmpire) SI 599 eg. tsui rs - uu{ were rerj COO fif tsimg lid U^g ex part ; 601 ■M. ny^LH 40 »Un thsjf extended 602 ^ wei 38 w^ iheir authoritj fi08 ^ $\a 85 9ha 990r the ShA- 604 \% moh SB fMk -moh dssrri. m ^ « 156 h\ Hi, 594 -gfr Ui^ 124 tti^ / Tttwi, .05 1^ ,.. l»l !»•• P'o, e96 ^ mu.^ 93 «M^ Mah. D97 R3 ^tt»y m toi y<»if in usln^ 59S i=^ M»» 159 so 587 Ah yoh I -a tsiM 120 corenauts n^'^I/lrxy. ii i ^^^K ^•«» */..- '-o;; "**, o^ Tsien 588 ,:±, fah ^^- 0/>. '^,A- *'^ 85 fat $2 fH and laws ; Tu 589 gg han 178 A<,» Han 690 fhrfr pt' 683 55 p«l ruined iha *tate hwui 73 u{ they assembled together 584 prt T^nng 108 m(»ny jTor conspiracy ; 691 m /«»• 86 jfan ft^ reiatious 18 ^tfit^ pooisliineiits ; 685 ^pj Ao 9 ho Ho 686 C^ tsin 163 Mn oonforn\ed <4> 49 675 npj kw'un 31 kt9'un thert ensued miierj fi76 J-j^ hung m 76 foona and lawleflsmest ; 56i) ur*, t*in 7a ^pf J^"'' 40 shui secured real 40 Ki«^ peace ; 559 ^A wtt 77 mf{ Wu 560 — 1^ trr(/ 1 ^t«^ Ting in a dream 9 tsUn talented men 5r5 ^J { ^ 4- ngai rr rlnled 47 651 ^ fu 645 4^ Awa« 64 fu 76 Hn and upheld Hwan, 552 j^ k'ins 540 y^ kUn^ 9 k^in^ 12 Xri% the falling ; the Duke, "^ II ^ 547 g *«ea^ 120 i 22 honsf Ki rectified 554 ^ A«n« 548 A. AoA £4 «t so ^JB brought back anii united the state* s. >^ s^ 549 J^ ^^ 86 A